Grand Traverse Herald, August 23, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 23, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Grand Traverse Herald


O. P. Camrfe^
Tailor Real Estate

ktnaad har chahk.
•Batwher, tart* new' *
•riiat prewar to lore hn aa trail



•ad «• tin n<«ut aaw Ifan e<
Bprlacmylee c( Woolen now
OD nto. which wUl he Mde cp
Is the iDtnt Wyln. nd at
each Lew Prien ae wfU nrertae


Will 0 r.m«n wo«

Acoinirsr TO XoO.A:Ni


wpriacipa. roaan of tk

aoa coaid aak.I'w aarr." aald Da^
•Aa tor wife, ahr'r In tor hean. Voa
ft har In tor treat rapw whra 1
_____ Sad yoa In tor kitobn. aad
coakod yoa owe oa parpon to Irt brr
rrt ac.|aainird w|to fatorr SraLMta AUm uartod to brr (on
-Mfe. I am harry hack to atari tor
Sra. If wc areto hare eowpaay
"Sc harry. BOlabitof 1L‘laaphrd

Tk.of .W entn, *1 icr Vum,


ivo BLxrrn ssr^.
at ais Front Street

TriTene Qt| SciMi «r lisicl
taKOD.WUMiB. Pro(.OD.»

AUSTMTI ki L«1>.

TNoa. a. OHiaewc a oes,

Bnsmees Cards.

*«n Chmy Ink Bldp, DXTBOtt


Funeral Director
•ad lYaetlcal SahalBor or 1«


A’sg'uva.'Kia. •

■VU wt »m ibow.jM bo«
«e furoiib Uie wab and
Uwdi fnn free; yoo wort Id ^^knalIty where yon IIto. SetHl lu your
•Mrm end we will eipleln U,e UniDen ruUyi remrulier we ituaruiieeD
chsr pnilU of *3 ter evety daT* ««*•
itailutrly Mire. VrlU-atoooo.



U»SS.'VSSS?J,J!f““--- -

PkiI Bka Cmd hem.

Plate Olaae, Steam Boiler and Aoddeat laearaBee.

Honey to Loan on Improved Real Estdte Only.

Sff.'IK’ -.^jSL;

mrsoMT sraKKT

JAS. O. JOHNSON. city, mich.




Walk to tor


Do act ohanpr acala waUr tor b
A tarmar who anploy. WakaWd
t Siaadincop. BtoriBK aboelaadmk Tresarwily frtn aaaware trow klia by
; lay frow i*j1o u aido ar
an layaalea. naihad Ba wUl ay:
Kifl, ii«ht
* oa.inoa.aa4 '
-Wiamr. do yoa waat to ihork la toa
chart, aad .luniaa cyeo. wai ranninc
- aiwwi: aa-1 om*...
Take tarw u .
todpy- If no
toward Ihrw froa tor boaMi. When in tor air Wbea there I
d. .taad
WiBBt. caoartUy
ihrd tbr eoaplr the apmd widr IntorraJ botwpon t
for ha w Itouirieu and
with thra
: otorr hand a'o.d a arery ware wh.cb
d food o: aoBay
..*• tailitM-. aaJ aoanao.t bn yoon* arm. with the aofi cry _
He hua
bl*lowa. toe rendace o( a
. ' bin
bcpeddluframabaadcan. Tb
lt.ka<aTw.niM1a k
_____ yen1 worry, wolher*



/..dpiT S„Ato.,




marriace.' told I Iwpai
to my romatllo id Jack Ha.
. at toe Sre la my a
ekambere ditoowiBC tor praa aad
of in doable htrncan

k«. arij.i, paia<-

Croaotorrull of too m a. (ar a.* erytolac with toe p>
pcepir lake to* giK
■a toe of tor bret. w^b
witooat aay wute.
in can out
toily^ aad
.Uoaply and areid atloi
IX. You Know?

; ^^Tr't
« .^^ao*:!
■OMiblr. M S
a. to
to arerd
areid “

(‘ratiival Lirer

t)Dce bwYMue accMtomiHl to Ui^ir iw and yon an
wiUiont one. We have tbem for tenpi-raUire, for dairy ow, for eter*
iliuDR pnrpuaea, aud (or tbermotneten.
lirioc PreacriptioiM and Family lL-<-i|)rt to na. We Cl) them
pij;)it, wilb drutre Ibat are riRLL at pricea that ate ritfht

irrlac a cowhoai
rr aad middir o




Traverse City, Mick

lobnaoD Blorli. Phone TM


rare aad dr.-Wtoo arr
1 prao.icrd
btoi ren ewHTOLy br
I «rpl head
praolitol rood. ' Whae rewiac with etom br .ura to
.kr tor coanabip what yiu l"'P»*rekr
BoreihoBld br no »lliy .u»o < "hrntbrrr i. a rwrii on eaaard
makio« in toe btoinoto nl a’.l
i ‘’‘thcr U* U>r paaddlo. of .woaboato
irard al. that tort of Uinr br lorbyrodch wretbrr. care .boniri bo
toidJaok Ijuiclly. pufUnc rinf. . <akrn alway.
ot.aokr'KirBLiUally into tor air ; ’ ' '
____ JIBC crab., ' Tbi. tora
drm'MMW tbr act of toraioc the blade
boa; you orrraad .« yon hy tor tore uf tor .arhuri< lo.toad of tor
Ucaliy worn lifliic ll from tbr w.tor,
It'. Kate, ay boy that’, what 111. '
'Btob.'' told I cootraptaouly wHcbtoBd. u dree tor bat dowa
torvucb ll. praaarr. alw> tor act of
>ard toroucb
whodotoBOl riprel any oooaeiwr A; falltoC baokward
toroucb not tokinc
eater Ir. the attraplto
that kind Wr .ball cradnet our part i bold of.....................................
nerthlp on a bo.inre.llhr ba»I»-I lolP""
'■rlr thr aonry tor to lake tore of
Tira i nrrrcroad a uual
■vre'i try tor.cbancr i
tor .torn to thr biw
Lrflw.ono 1 took down a pbotoyrapb
liion- i. roach walrr
aud rtvardid It Intmtly
Iwayi rrm
. wake, a
toiulblo'. IntolKcrairhl- wl
I ifadc
wtuoabmit b. r at all 1 m
npiy catch hold of
bachelor lit., lib wrolrbadly dull
ilrmpi t» rlimb
Vcr. r ; (fo and too brr tomorrow and
' tof*.' ontii aalM


The U14 ram
AbOBldoi.aod thin, ytay loekn .toad
tbr kltebrn pvob. Ilofow bor. oa l
«tofa*wa.ayouBir wan wbnc .bo-.
dn. were Niralyhi aad broad, and
wboao look, wore aot crey
But bb
eyre were brawn, like to.*
and thr lino of hi.
frow too older frdiiiJill?.
*^wr. mctbrr~i mu.
too old place and yoa
B. only yrairrday I loft —
•OBblural. Ilorc too corn
, r^hlcn-Jott aA 'iwa. whrn
iBa jast (br iam«. and thr
lac likF hnncr Caac alone. tnolhFr.









eiMi.niMi kemimmim







iWj;. •ss


•I'd.—Money to Loon


Carpet Cleaning Works


I|5S1SS 0




ML PlooMt, Owowo, Sa«l■sw.Bsjr Otty; l>otrelt,How.
•U, Asa Avbor. ToloSo sad
potato Boot sad SeatR. CIom

Faiat nil fwt Laml!, ill Unit, ill pim. Sm un Ina _





Farms for Sale





Milter A Saiibaigh.

acuA^ AMO nioMrr


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
aca w.B. aD.^«B.aa.«.aadaa

Best lively ia Noi^fiern iuchigaii.
tad ata tola naua U OonMnlM.

Telephone 78

beferr dutb. poleou wa creMer or
' aa eateat lU awBi'
I>o yoa know that eerey crBally la*
•cud OB aeow poboM to a mowru
Ho yoa kaow t
re UVea (rare tl
- mk of toe
• ^ler
better to^
tooee paraitwfw
that withcat tao Wrrt wa

(in you kaow that a chack-rata whhh
will not peraila korre lo pathMbta
wkerr be waaU to whea folac Bp a
hill le a rrael liwtapr to the honor
Ho yon know that toraaiUaUsaaC
harm, by emtUac Off k«* tail rarepali
ioi lo .uffer tortara (roa dlaa aad ta-

Idinc to taer non'
do and crery kino word ran apuk Wa
•liChl of
l.iml .11 |...
daab animal will make iwt oaly toa
,___ aUoncr,___ __
aalapl bat yonreflf kappier. aad ael
‘..^Mdilunvc ‘‘
ed ihr avpa and waJius! by hi. aido
down brr ryca
aaly make yoa happlar bat alae bottre?
"tkonuLkp I oncht to aur in and
---tfo. I -iNil./l
liikT.! *
aupport iJM.'dinc too aaeh
Bx too dro for .upper. I•a..d Xo« I'.o
IA uol plhoeu up>o II
rolyua liomr acalo I fro. aa
toon .hr looked up
A Doc*. tJ.|,plioauou
cot raltlad whra yoa ob
I'd kindo; llkr to cut a Biea
line tswato yea.
alwaj. tnadr .i
'Line me what
cook. Ila.ld. Arr
* haired uaalrl. whdwt"tl!wa?M
' .hr aaked.
an.' br C-;
1 *r f
fried rblckn, aad.<.-.irn bnad'*''
ylaad arenoe. aad he le a awalaaa*
Toll .laccrred tor . bit. bat 1 told
• ill
"Ami-’ I*,. I iui.a aa tlumch I'd i»r t!iJ.<i wiibout any hreitallos
alar and aauAinc aalaul. aad a. wMa
paa. (ijr nil tor oUirr a .lr '
a. HI. peuiUe lbaialllUad.«uaha.
It. nut a.rrrat amuonl ' .be aaiwd
' Now. hrro'a thr u'd bJard lietwcon
e Ta.tIiunibd.At (?vt
Hie auuree ha. uachl bla aaav
Hill .11.; w>* luipht in.naco oa It with
too tulip poplari. by jlac
l..fa .1 oado.ior
I harrn'L «ory r.pra.l.r
rercr Inure. tholaalMBprpainter. U>ek. He eaa toll yoa what h* dan
horo. Biotoor. anil aaoit thr hay
a.Uw. abd you
... to. hr'D ul many an iMoreatinc when toe puiuwaaa ........ .. playlaf
want U. hoar aL about ynur lifo whl.'r
lalt halul oonr onwr latnonatiac than deal doc aad he cu eMi kla aMms
•bu the Ulephoar hell riafla. aad M
rnliiiu. ih ay way of litiaf. aad ^* thb Itocetoeradellcklfal d«
Na ta
nl whether .1,1* anuid ruo.utno .aok
Ml tone.. <ar day droppod lalo the
■ aa«
een Uocht to bof (re toH«.. bad bli
mj of 111. wMi. wbii wa. alwi ciaiiwd
parU rm.arc. lie
acrap took, for all Ur wartd llhs
yr andnimwif a paJnUe of do
.nd how iboto dEAt *io«oly. day*
hope I am nol n« r.>o:i.b aalhaL
.ton The youBcor nun bad ;«.t u.iad. no nanlacly w ll torn* Ths
•04. 1 can't toy
Uar day bw aleiewa neat tala ap*
iito a .l.rrp piclarr oa which bo
laire to ffrt her .llppara- Ba aam
rd to wopr, loo The hay wa«
.•uorwbatplnard’hlmreir "Ah." told
•4. iho nut pot Into tor wheat,
the lather
that', a clarer tolac dowa mi.ntly with own. aad ahaaaat
that yeai falbrr had to put the broaent to boar apoD arat all, and I Orarrr. it . a pood thiac
back (or tot other, bat i«ala ha
Why. that, • •
lirel ■nortcapr cm tor farm Alony think I may depend apnn yoa not to a pirtorr tu br proad oi
raedwltooaill UewMMthart.
Yoa'yr dear
i < hrt.i-iia.1
— • —- - ------- aubtool toe to any fonlwfa detoomlra* yoor»«lf credit "
diwourayed a. could br. I Just pined
of affectuio''
"I m clad yon ............................
hat wu krepiBc him A hrtey
That', tor ilmr KUle
.rtalaly.’’ I retoreod. ' Von hare
'■ufamcAf liikrli Mal-to—dow'l
-'lartin. parrnu c
I had lallee apoo toa allppreisi
and tor child but rcbord ay aealtarolr I trnyl I yoa think too »hy a a l.'tU* loo low la
taad toboacBiu toe pooruounc Kr.
toot- Uorr. irt sr takoyoar palvtle a tor little doc. ah*r Uyiac U eala W
er'll 1 forypt the fflorniny that lilUe
I yoo will nolreire*. yoar d
' id K . Inc pBlBUand brnah- mere iLutoB bUhlad 1^. with hM
nea runoltic Into my k
IliUapawe raiead la layyllfallna
ly •
Mi.’Allen.'.be Mid. ...
IBC cat tor toy and patUny la liphL mr that be ai^t peraweda toa ntai
.lay here wito yoa
Dob'l lot roi take
He pretax
U.Biood oS and i*reked at It acain. toc^t off toe allppar
n»o Wtor BoofhpuNr~
nariaaadtoathli prayer wwtaSo. that will hardly i6. Voa kae*a-|
■1 atood
.WOd ttork
.lack .lili Ikrrr . lolnaM.
a when hie mtetrpw llflad the
llchl ewonch on tor creoad. rllber.
aacw -M (j.ui. UMe n
Ju.t dab oa boar ioow. Thare. toat'a
r. u bat yuB harr made ihtAr
too bard. You tooold hare pBiBt- IVre t Carry Spare Mooey ta Tav
ladly Tnal way And
•t Cray rooarh. Aad.
1 by tor.lovr. and uy.
rreliy. tbai .beep
J ilaeAB'i
naOAB't add anythiar
r dicBlnc* I' tor diCBiCNi^obara.
e InokiNl at each other_______
a tura.lly i DCaced youttc aan
' In (ael. It ralber
't>rr .nlerferca wi*'
ibicordepoeiilac reoaey wUrt yoc
by ihr hand, and uy.
.PtC'inw ar boy
-jra.. dnppoto .
> nut iaaedlaUly need U to* aaelM
rirhi berr.
an rncacrarni riny. it wa. •;.itop8- paiBliloof Hh" There''ho rirlai,
tak. OP. If yoa at* aot BUT a haah.
ace ' Tbr
- ---------wan that happy. oecaaary, .or uul. and wr aboald to after balf an near of rapid wor
•ke.jaflhancoBto me tbr rent of the want all too aanry wr
In^tbo -'Uow do yen llkr lir'
day. and we Hadn't any more-mar. aatlrr of booto turnabi
line abrnaf^lbit.*
bat liBo Ur p’ctare hod he,
frew brr till ibe went to Kanto. la.i
i sf fact Intrr.t
lOiy ehaoerto Yoaoc IBM
at It rnrfoliy "I topfu, " I
laachaeaaaw, toatlile tony who are
"md yen alto brr morb- anhad drtcri
- . don't ko
Hat all.BMUra ia IllUa Uriaci wbo baaaM
"Then what IB tod... .. ....
■or. of yraat or wartenw
.-Mlw b
are did you paint U (orr' -deeuadfd
thalicn tired
■Itotae ta toe day ad a
(rew. like fatorr aad nir had r«>wB
•ok. ’>br told
■a’ br Muile
r father -f.'r.Lintr
UHW* ' —Auirrre
eld. I rana. you oMldoT UndrraU '
■- pBd pre
whatklBdtftaci'i KiLr crew to i
tare in the
bapaCB to
lemiwrau Linac
Why. .be wa. tor baiiirM. happi*
erenlnc '
child I orertow
We ae.rr had ca>
•oatetomr c
Japaaren an iM W Imn dis*
rf-.r kreptar
ranodwh.cii oprne.1 my
ryn lo t
■d uai a few.......... .... pniiaas w
taiHy w
and l rot to frei rea' atjtc nl thiec* I a.rpritod Va
>.( enjoylac .uq^aad fiowac aa rarUaiahe the aatat WaipMfflt
u' own. aad U went a lone i. thr aSkOf toycorcrexl
toy.or I
by to ll
jTd BLlnr up Ihr cap yon aatoM yoonr-tootht
.1 thi* donr h
r .i
left Hbe prainlwrt tnrnar bac. rear pvlbiib
pvt bilk arm.Tbnad
arm.rbnad hi.
bli nock aad kii
- If a harreahne waoM. haatah
S* If a lire baaptaea. aad tiaci*
You know bow .br «aae to to" ' to h*in wllh a Warmlb and adeclton
M acapal bell iBMBl. Tb«snBrtiad w.U llir hured. I. but
Tell ar tbal." told Hand
had npCrr decreed her capable of. A
"Well, yon know her father'* hrelh* eery demon of . relonay raar witnln ____ jrlured out rf (aal the plaih atare ie aUSrked ws walfhL n Ita
.top'e*. workW up by a kr«a appeliU apna 'toa aaewH bawalac paralyta
purto ao many year. aco»
wairhl drwpa aad. UMktac tlwrtp,
aad a wrend ■toaacB la frrah air. with
Well, hr turn
iroto up and took thr
I fo lowto her Into the room, ta)
alarre. Brery «aa la tta
abindaet anreaiar life bvhlad No
dof a fanry to KUir Hr wildly aad a. idiotically w only .
- - taall}* cat ;o
In lore can. 1 c^iCht Srr band, p
of .Bphrwiialtty
lo but
lacwMld oc M It to my lire, and Implored be
Knl whabrer oar eaa
IB.l It. behind to an. She toMl ar not tp
■ pay.'(or all It aneu asd
make myarff^riaitolou. Her dwda'.n CrlJT^
thr”^?! la.t made up r
Then* New Tart ahapcIrMW ahdrt
.ndecoioapl fat
ccadto a* br■o I waint rmar i
rond brarine I told her life wan a eorepvtearn bfut»faclltoa prodaced — Hr. Kama A Brtlrt htqantoad
ray wb*n ah* bad U [nowliBR wilderwere wipioot her l..r< aot ri.flre uhllcrmuoa. aot ooulnr St.nui ueh. wuraly aeuM tony wres
toarihiac oauido ci . and I adorto thr rrry croand abr wai. bypcmUiraw. oof opiaa aarenew.
Kal-wbrn people altoapt W cet thin
ruoo-aBd that ante.,- .br recipracai
loa ua't tr
bow.lnaMorer wr :,d mi aCoclioa 1 ahonid arrer find SrreroaiioD by pufJof flrey^Urfta
•. aad bow ic. .-.wir wr frel to tod I L^„'oo tbr. .idr of Urt cure, hba
BMBted loSwo.aM.Mdid ta erwa
day So oor bcUiac abnat aad .iny* hforard ar that I waiTalkinc Hkr a Ibr d.ttra: of diup^ataewU Tbrra know toe drat aarereotanua of Itaa
lacaad eblrkiac a. ap all day loa«''-^euoolioy. that tor waa uraly diup I. ao noca.y rxciUmeat period while laeby ewir —Ctaata
tor trry toinc attach.
lee Craaa rrsasara.
-Hot .t l*rx>d to M« yrrei.: u w,, ,u ay I left Tier prrrearr
____________ raews of AaortoM artH*
Oand. aad I only wwb yoo had com*
tor dnto iBtoolios of cot« cither
alactarr arawtd all any tto aartd,
whererar ton. oltoar aalanJ
hwpal.dow.!«^‘““-'^" ' '
1^ did
•cal. to lead. The toa cnaa
a ataato
itdly apoo bi. knar asd
aeither After panac tbr read.
-Wautaar-Ta M- '
'Thpl'. what 1 rr dan.
, , rood hoar aad a half. I uddealy--------aher city or co
'Via'rr rarer tosuy"
Itwi toon be ppriac and yoo trill raiaa a hooiI barenin if yon
•'5^^ aynMf at ay own door MeehaaWaily
laded, wtad
weald ba awri toaa "tiktlf re
odrd CH* I walked
the aUUn and law ay
d up U
•tbnyc • ot my tanna
a. or Buuc. > aacaJlayly aa bare bau readc la aa .AaretoM drtaa*
••rrepfiAprrM ohl ____ ..
am. aod ut down
Tcao pnWaeL A. a Wed It ia awd
Ume I'lr hankered to cose ba
25 acm oa Loac Lake road, }aat>iek of UteaBjlnm; aDTrWrearth, a piclarr of
.toa larfr rxtealiB toe Ualwd atatre
toere Ita H crowisc In laperwaee. ThH
ed. witb a niew orrbard, isioil frame btfbiie, itiri- fiprini; E>rook ntnum: to* old farm, f-rr ured aad laid { bImti Bow ICBC 1 braodad
ialeadiac to coar boac and
hardly ki
M araauil trea year le aaay localities it ia czpaewd
fall loDctb of thi* Cann; tbis is a rery dreiraUe |daew for i;mideiu»; or aaidr.
toe old place oe if fe«t
t a..., re., rr'^.'r'
tor letharry lata which 1 bad tallea I toe corn crop will we what offeat the
re. to atacemeWtyai HreWiill,
hay one wbo
• Whiitn
- a ‘hoof
to feel at borer aaywherc rlre, and ^aalicht.iepcrarelactoe thrrahold i tore la wbul. The adraeau. of eora
nta ad Maw rart.'w^rt oaarre ;ast druaadof itaeM paataru. aad ot ay owa door, aad haforc 1 cMld a. food hare wortod aetirrly la lU be aki. to
of ll aerre of a^atollsK gmm
W Bcrew on ronttly Hno,
that row
waJaul aad toe tsrta tara a pair of amall haad. rtofbt me half la toe ^^aad^i^ ta ta by Ita. a ToriWhto arudto,
w of waJaut
Ntootpno. till it .remal la
•d of 6fty
from bebiad aad uWy Imprwoaed ay
torse den ta eta Ito toara. toatr
ceer wanted lo he happy acala.
toe l-arle eapeeitWa. Jadciaf trare rc- -------- a beta wtoead la (wwa Ita toaw
"The Lord bleu yon. terW. ..ores **^5urt**ratre"
• ntnaraly
. I. deetita to meet wito rer—
90 acre* two miles from town, (meionrtb mile froci Knttoeb_____ u uaa wu hoped far. naiH
Hy heart thsaped like a eWaa aa tac'toc ladiSeraaar wkiab Earaaei
all cleared; amall bouse; Rood aprine <d
Ctae. bwl haforc I coald rather ay hare .WrjtaT ^dl^yrt toward ^
rlto hare bau aau to toUawthw
aeauecad wia aad aanwer I wae r*bcoorkt kome a wife."
afa rearta rtoto^ Wta. to
' Mrey. a wmljac. blnablac.
eaOta o^teopa
to am«B fotir milM WMt of tbe Tilla^-ol Ldtke Ann. 90 ... .
■'A wlfei- Wby harea't I beard at ______ ,_..d Mary, haac orec tocara
beared; mall frame booae; small irante bim; a Rood farm; plnty of toto boforarof ay chair aad aetaally bactwl sre
to to^uN? ^*Ttata' a'ii'mw
-WclL jaet liawa a.relaaU.
I of her own aeeord.
Umber <» Ibe place; ppce «900.
taaboal made ap ay Bind toetart
"riwd.dear Fred, aha eald trlaapk
40 actea two milea north of Lake Atm, 90 acres deazed; amall Cirl. 2?‘juW^^otapU SJJu aatiy.uahaiUaMed. -Tell ret. CM
yoa elin want a pneUeal wUe. imrTftaine booae; log barn; amall orcbaid sood aised tnea; cheafv tSOO*
ko^ reerraitiarallMla lawrt Ton
J dlda-t aad 1 laid ao I caarht toa
walbaHwcireher tirtewratara ay prruy haad. 1. alar ta ^rew to.
TW enta nstoa el Ourcto to W hr
rirl. bat had com,
oachf ularej. toe Sret aae ia i
I IrtBC >a aw4 wae rather hoawldi bar-Y«. we IttoWhaloaatedialaatoy.
aelf Bo wr aatarally aarr anwcaalol. laorhiac.
"We *
80 undJCoar milM vta of
ia Oraot; sathll fnm a^ la aoBiw




i qonUeo. hr ratam aa aarwar writna
Vrty l.ulr adrnr W a
oa a Ml of pwpar
WakatoU wn an
narr calrty it tor oorapanu of iwwfaoau wli: follow It to tor letter Plrat
of all rmrmMw that a rowboat It aot
latralad to br a.^ n a ball ram
hlwj toatat tor brat, there are bat
or two lachaa brtweao yea aad tor

™U^ld dr
T. mn«f ............

Wlahia WakotoU W HUhrtta.




OAPITAL •100,000
SURPLUS *0,000

Krcryaawwrr hnodrodn e(-Alreaarn

■M i™. — M


.{iagbsm; fOserMctayed. freoftoB stoiBpai tasO ordwrd;

wtori4OMm0oadltaW,AOMiMtMBM. Prio^lUOT

-------- ----- -;SLSS

Hew. toaa half toa p<

toa oleaened a WytaHd hta.ta



Tiampk-aad wlma Hr. F
lha wbaalwaa a I
maalaelBrad is thk <dH by H. h.
mdmit. The pelioe are ■ the laob■I ferlha tUat. tat tbnfarwUboat

act. aad the warraat ww set amred.
Owivlebkyeath the Ballar bay ww:
aetarmtadetat it k eald thalbk
tathmteokUmlB baad aadyara him
himww the preprtatka that Itii
Ibeayhl will last him fer a Lmy
<rlB^ ot Bmbm *
aad make him trilllay W Inra the
M%}n^naT.baU*lki OMri<idmaharif Hartla Browacf Ua- rallmmd track aleaa.
a aoaaly. rataraad from Oral
Tbeeempaay ate mseh pisaead that
StaUa-Moaday tarlay Is eaatody
tae mtter bse baa esitlad, tor tbs
yonymaBaamad Parry tMbbs. who
tn Chau.
a rit owsad
* M* M lidte wU h* biflt hr tbi by Leak Obsrila ef Blayfaam. Othta
Bnnhh:L««haffM mill
iUiCiiy. It mill ba lOMibMd tl
the reqaaet ef tta liealeBaii eeaaty
. with a peat ytaee t

nil 1 «un *D uto
«■ tk*0> cteta alUCfUa
MtoMb ^vfkr mp. n* mim h

latetta CaHadStalw e
dktrkl wora yfm
lakUre ta a wit <

WMtolteiti. It «ni hi plM«l i>

Olbts waeUkoD bators JwtMe Oaya
that hw haw the trtalUsaai
Meadsy aftecBoaa aad walriay
boaad oterta the palkyoflha party from the days of
■Settee to the daya of BaehaaaB.
Itte Preeidwt Polk oycrad
BOW tan fotaltaod.
Itataate wlil tataUV
■idmwOaba fromSpak for the ■
seratita. ao Jaatke
It k MiUd ttat tta M laddor It the itmiakllatlmUad.
of 1100,000.000. Ihoayh be bad
IlkalleyadIhalOBtbetad efdar
i ha^ewtainiy
>eqr. ^inklly eloee the tam'hn p.
oet Ulbta eayayad a rly ot Oberlla to
■d ttamoaey
moaey witbost
taked. It k iwetaUe Itot» sew I
ye U Tnroae City after hk elothiay.
aatharity. bad dpaia aeeepted,
taite wfl] be piU>
>■ the »
the oSar wee refi
la liermaiee'e bare tatfllbhahad '
Ayala kmt.
appeared. A wanmat waecwero —
Hon u Deleeuee OroeelBc
ter hk armt oa the «lh. bat be eleded
■ta BlMitah Brewa elTenth eWnt. mptare esta yeatarday
Bk fatber
atawUh 1 eerteoe Meideat taadar' Urn la Byroa Towimblp oear Uraad
wenlvihUtnaliedlsabrokaa l«. Bip^, aad It wa. aear h^fatierje
•hewnTataralagftem the doek ea
aUeyad taat the aeeaeed bee eerred a
her wheel, tarlac baea os the i
MeateCkarleeeix. wbea the bierele
Mtattaeer treebi. whkh at that
Htatea lot -we ehaold be
kkakl^. Bad ehe wta Uuowi t

iastlSed by .erery Uw. bomao mad diriaa. k wmtky It from Spak if we
poeewetbe power."
Tbk eaiec to aothloy. bet k the
■axtadminktratloB Prraldeal Uachaaaaktbiaaof hkaBaael mraw
eoByram. aryad that Oofaa oayhl to be
made by pBrehaee a part of the Uaitad
SUtw AbUlfortbepatobaaeofOataa
wee ktrodaeed derlay BaehaBaa'e
term by Ikaator tUidsU. bat tallad of
MiB. Barrlett BUa Doaybat. wUe ot
U both lha Demooiaue pktforou el
lha late Clataace Doayta, died FM1(00—the Brackwrldye aad the Poeyilay at bar heme la Oar« plBobt tBrorii* I
■hip at the aye of
a two aoaa, William mod
Set BOtOBly did'Drmoeratk prMiOeorye B.. aad a daayfatar. Mrs.
dwte faror the BOBcxatiee ef Cobs.
WaltwUaakB. She waa a ektn of J.
botaaeSon waeaiede by Frealdeat
H. aad L ti Basil of OejSald htwaTFkree to aasex Hawaii, aad a treaty
of aneeratkii ww ear mioU
The foaeca] .wae held faaday
ter to the Hawaiiao Ulaoda. Dark L.
o'ekek from thtf Piiat)Betbtakl
Otw The preeidwt did BOt at
Ber.«I. W. MUIer ^Udated.
ef wme ot the artlelm of the
asektad b( BatrjLA^&oadM,
bewnee they prorked-for tbe iBoaediA tel^Tsm wae r^reS tatorday au iBeorpocatloa ef.the lelaad* aa an
moralBK by W. O. Bddw taaooac- lad^madwtetau of tbe Kaka. Be
day the death of hk father, Jamae A wished to raeeire Ibe^w a Urrltory.
BoUm. of Enl. (Hilr. Hr. Boldw- learky theqaeathm of etataheod
left for that place Sataiday 00 the
Q. K. A 1 teitUBd the fcBerml.
wtaoqawUy taikd, owloy
Oeeeeeed wae « yean of aye. aad tbe death ot the kky of tbe klaada
had haw alllay for aaarly tear moeUe. Fortyfow yean klar Pmideot HeA tew days ayo. hewarar, a letter wae
om Hr. Beldw'e eklar etatpolky kitlaied by Frwideat Fiona
lay that ta wae Bomewtai
that tbs aaaa of the death
ehoek te Hr. Bolda.
The work of remodelky tbe Pint
Baptkt choToh k belay pasbed rapid ly,
the II moatba
aad aU will be completed by the first
ekild ot Hn. Fox 01 EaMProBteuadt,
of October. Wbea fiokhta, there will
died Seadayof oolmalafaalam:..The
aetbee Baer or more eoareoi
faaaral eerrlee wae beldIrmUe
amnyed eborch io tbe dty.
Bar. Bakbety
The work hw all tweo dooe oader
telmmadlakcaporriaka of Edward
UaryB..#Ueof Bdwarf Bead, a
rateraa ot the reheUka. died Saiarday
mmlay at her home Bear Oedar Bae.
ayadse yean. Beddee her boabasd
rtaBByea that are bslmr made
ehe learn toor ehlldrea. Ber taaeral
will make lha ehorcb drtoaUy a
m bald from the diarcb at Loay Lake
baUdky. UtUe k kfl of the orlyiaal
iDder ihe'dlractka of Balph Aaderaea.
atraetare bat tbe fraaie work, Bad
maaydeuaethkkchaayBd. Tta<
eqaare tower Io the ewtar of 1
ehareh tnmt, hw bow replawd by two
yrewlor lte’yraU*K. ot F aad
octayeeal towen at the earaera of the
halldlay. the ooe w the east belay the
Detroit text wota. beylaalay Aayaet
laryce. TbewUre baUdky hw beea
nth..-* eooelpl traiswill karehere
with red brlek. aoi already
with the local
t, ea >beB
Die a haada
L of the r
Slaked wkdowe 1
be aopplkd

Satlcme Bay. eyed
the kam 00a SOB. Walter
|Jr.. aad three daaybtara. Mn.
Baraard of Hommfd aad Mattie aad
Hmota Hartla radned the tree- Kick, who Utc at home. The faaaral
tBfa. Ttaosaaiaffatthapelat <
the aeeldiat oeearrad(k la a rerj
both boaea other left ler iiM ebooe


lataiafT.bathe k thaaktar bk 'atan
ttattadUBoteaffara Cfoater lem.
Be west to bad la hk raea oter intka BrewB'e oBee Satorda; 'aiirti
afeaat mULaicbl. aad whaa be anae
•aadar moralav. ha (eead that bk
feaaaanbadbeaa foae thraarb. oad
hk leU baatlax eaea watch aad aboat
f) ta anbr had baea atolee.

Ur. Wlatae hadWthkdaaraaletasd.aadbe(ataaeaBd elae|«
hadaokaowladfeef wbea the theft

It at the M.
* B. B. dida little drartar Moadar.
tta mall at whleh nrana rery lalartaUaf. Be waat thraoffa
allhke«eaaad teoad ttataplothk
data be bad eold tram the loeal oSee of
taeeempaar janio,«M elarle Uekete
eeaaty, aad t.ltl
•aaadtripUekaU to the eama plaae.
Be Wephnad lo Bolca aad toohd that
«ta acaat at that alaUea tad
. olafUteatkhsuaad T.IUraoadtrtp
•taakbam Solas to Tramae OU7.

glaMs tkhati
a aaU (laa thk city

■■lay whkh will aol be oSwad to
amayMaalmllareppetia^ wUI aot
tafmntedfwa lewUate, The old
ihala at the dam ot the Baaahh d. Lay
Boar ariU k balta ten away W a tom
Koiibaiu, Yesterday the >m«a
wv wnepeaad ay by the karlac
•erayet a portke of thedam,aada
lorfmrt ot water allowed to eaeapeia
heary roiama. Hark Ccaw ecaeeNed
'thaldnihatUwoald be froatfaatd
ataot the skate aad eo aaptmed him■U te ths emrdaroaad the depot
whBswaltiMr <ar the dalayta after
BOOB toaia. Be aeeetdiacly eaeored a
enn aad the attaatalwM made. Be
whn halt way dowa the naoe aanowlyaewd etatUlay. He readied the
btldte wftbMt a drop of water cMUay
tatathecaase. ItaaJohaBaebeewed
ta'dpmtemttaMme teat with a eedarlcr tattaeealda'IlBdthelet.
hparty ot taeortete troei Odeayo
WBfpilatttaParttPlaee Satardayn
thabway taronat Lodca
the Shore otLoaf Lake. The party
llitil of Ckarlea B. nem.
Batwa. V. V. Bakm. 8. B. Jewett sod
Hra. SbaUey. the hot
tandtheBprlaf Beach mart haul.
kMtm«lalay ahoai twaty ladlesapelk ptepk ta a taanalay maaaer.
Baddn the aajoyia»t ef ttaattraeUevattha mart, the raaete take
tape dally to the rartam attraekra
■mmm ranak la ttk aaetiw. Oa
Ybenday the eaUre eamimBy wealto
Omeaa la the pretty apd
laaacb ••Marsatrile,----------hpWcaaalSlsder. ttay wjoyad a daHthttal trip aad had a coed time at
•be resort
Bataiday the cam. party
wmttattaeaantta awamerOhlamWa- Bprtac Beach k aura aitiaeUte
Ibas sear thk acian aad Urn. Sbatlay
haemada It rary pleaaaat for her
L. HiUbel(ar aadJ-tamnyo^J^.
apellB.are teem at %riay Beaeh raBta-On r. Bradley taaratamdlo
the toaert «i Omasa, aftir rday to
OraadBapUe te oeaM lha taaacal
elBataM Lataa. whjfcaa klUad ia

Hr.aad Bra. T. J. B


k Pythlaw who wUl yo to
■00 the whole show.
The last macUay at the Ualferm
Beak to take plaae before the eneampwUlbebeld
aad errry mamher k repoeeted te be
Bereral asw emmbete will
WlsUklad. Ayralet amoyaewawnoberi ta«e taw takes la lat^
wbea Tram^ Qlta Didpke Bo. 1
■irlaee Detroit ft win make ee yood
it Wedawtay akhVe meetiay me
ra WB eware alitte aecMiy Id*

bolldkywUlbe reded aad eedded,
which will add maeb td tte ya
The kkrkrof tbe baUdky will be
.akhedkeak. The artaayamwt k
tsdh that thme k set a fool of waetad
■pace, aad k a mkimam of apaea
sam ewlky espaetty ie prerlded
■ OB the
fdoond fioor, which wa be thrown
klo oaa by reklay the rollky oak

of yreat eoaraalwee. Oiicalar
mwe la the atak room prorlde
for i;t. the eamll room ee
epaeklly deslyaed betlee. btar■ore. IheyelJery eoBtalaa
lay the plctare of Mayer Friedrich
forTOmore.maIriayeewUnt a«eelty
moutadooeBoctrieh. Broi^ Pytblaa
dorerUOk what k Tirtaelly oaa
60m thk dty will wear the emblom
aad It will he edl|UBcUra Iwtare of
Tbe walk of tbe mak
the eaeaeka. . Meyer ^riedrleb hw
beea tralalta sixlaea eetrlcta from the
. Fetberkk. asTrataree Q(y eatrkh (arm (cr the
Fiae steel eeUe*ast aad these wUl te moealad by
to the beaoUfal aptta meat dai^ay e^maetrlaae of the pearmace ef tbe
local dlrkka. Thk array will appear
os uae aide
latbeyrwtD.O. K. K. paradeoatbe
of the pktform. back ot tkr polplk
mb aad U k doabtfol if tbere
Back ot tbe pktform. sad raked thrw
mre orlyiaal okplay k the pande
teetaboTeit.k -the bapvktery, wm
All Uaae.dadrlay farther laforma*
,tky with the mak room by
aa' ops proeare what they desire from
Ola tUSky <sk paaet door.
ThJa room, w well w tbe ebhir eoetka.
esa ta reachad by meow of a stairway
from the bwrmwt. thee eroldiay all
ntnieltyoldktarbkythe msk ai


how bst
tAc the

r. Bayylw ad Ctaayo. ai

dayrrwky. Tbk k a atacaateptaw
teeeaatwa tbwo ef PiwtilMa kba
whera tee PalyhaM aad etean are
eaeamped Tta plaae ww peeMlly
lifted by Jepaaew laaiaras aad Wmtree, aad a rery plaawst lima ww
' tta text (eeaUac ef tee dab
he at tee heme ef Uta :
tab w Sixu sweat. WUl •
wtu an w leader.

Ikmylwe ef Uaaklw
■data MB. ya«e work to tta wUw
Baekleyd Ikeylaea Lamber eempaay
aad desk jwUy with
Hr. aad Mrs. A. M Mrkbek .
aad tta Haataw A Kmth- masdowaathMUmioyebato* tee
taked tea little folks Moaday atiwaaetara railroad aempoay. The:
■try aad
kboaorof tealrtnUdiCs
•e.kvetba-with tta wk te amploymwL
birthday lee eraam aad cake s
latye amosam krolrod, aad the <
Prwkwl HcKlaley bw beta tree
Lead a Bomber of pretty prsai
details aUeyed. make tha
tea tradltkms aad ksUacu Of tee A:
left IO remind LaoUe at a happy
Be bw ewtkaad t
■•Chariw F. Bayylw formerly toHdad
poUey whleh JeSenoa :
k Haaictae. aad k sow a wwllhy o
cnaUnaad. which Sew
t k Chleayo. Backley ww
ardadrsaead, whkh urnat promoted.
set ostlny oa Carp Lake
brother-k-law k 1(74. whw they
mod white day Tbey ehanerad tee sicaw
awodaud k bsikem U that
tea yrowte of tee repsbllc demaadad.
. aad spent tec eaUre day oa tee
policy white aerakhd eotld not lake
Tbe catch ot fUb teat they
etaaye. for HawaU k oart. Porto Bleo
ww ccmclhiny In be proud Of. W
wwdkcbaryef k baakreptey
teeyau of Aala ktars to tee they eocxred tt poaads of baea
federal coorta He had do proportT ot
ykry of America sad for tee rood of
Tbe party eowkted of Mr. aad Mra
aey aatarr. aad Bayylaa. It k stated,
tea wtlTw who find teeltar aad pro
decided to take him kle hk employ.
locUw under tee epotlew (elds ot oei
Backley ykdly cooewlad, aad
flsy. Thk b tee roeetd aad loyal Am
eayemwt ww made whereby Bate- WWW ykry k it. Tta B^blican
party k aot apeetate to tee ■Iriiol
Bayylw' ktarceia. or eertak portlow tee rone, aor
ef k oader dlrocUes el Boyylea.
rcaktiwe march ot litany sad free isper caat kterwt ■UlaUons.
hk kreav
Are tee Amertwae of wdayteede
mwt. aad the balaaee of the pretu
yeaeiau aoas of noble siren? Oar labe dirlded cowUy betwew Bayylw tears carried the flsy from tee AUeaad Backley- There wae ao wrlitae yhaniwlotee'l-sclfie. from Keatoeky stopped at tbe Park Place yeeu
smeol to thk. boworer. tat simply to tee yell, from the Golden Gate to OD teeir way trom tee rasort al Gi
tee (rcten north, sad with erery ad to their home alGbnlm, Gbio
ed obUI 1(I>3. wbtD tbe rerbal tarme raaw tee propbcUol erU predietad tee
Lather F. Hodmaa of Chkayo.
ere embodied k wrilky
bkl ef tee repablic. Bet tec repobllc ia Iron Focast bodye yenlerday.
"le UM it ww deemed adrkable
itaietsl K M
Colchcon paeeed
yrew k Utr. In etrerayte and rirtee:
uke William Doaylem klo the bi
teronyta-teeclly yeeterdsy
rdsy oh
bk way
Ahd teera-k somalbiay more beyoi
Doeylem aad hk wife eonuitat
froD bis horn* in Gn d Jls^ids to tee
Tbere k more freedom to yire, m
loyyiay ootfll worth pna
seboolbeosw to talk, owre trail]
Bqekley A Ooaylew Lomber oompaay
, preach, more oecaai to whiteo w
'irw formed and k Io eperauoe today.
A ll. Xaayysof Chicayo. arespeodky
[o 1« the Haoktee *A Mi
come time at tta WhiUay.
dare, aad all tee pweimiiU r
wB Bailroad compsay ww oryaaieed
A party voosisUny of J h Jeesioys.
by Tammany Hall, tee eolid
Ike built from
anarchy of Cbieayo and tee .sophkwy Jr.. Charles JfOtiiays, Jo
Traretae City, for tbe porpow of 1amof tee Plaue eanodl limit osr yrawtli, too. Chnler U Wsieotl
berlny aad earryky oa the kicrwu ol
parBlyuoareommerce. stop oar (level .•joinleaeamc in from Me-ah-U-nak
the lamber eompaDy. Tbe eapltal stock
<^ent or make os rocreast toosi ycaterdsy on tbe yacht Dork.
ww oryloally tat ww k
- Two Harry Tramps N. They took sop
crewed k U9! to
The Saosw City platform by d< per at Park Piece.
■■TbebUIofcomplakt ka rary aeGolf links aod a teook coart arc be­
BOBDeiay expawkn onder tee name u1
bauUnoae. ooterky k detail the
Imperialkm CBdoreed .tec polk-y ol lay laid out al "Tbr C.orets " Odcos.
ttaaweUone oMhe lamber eompaai
-Ur aod Mrs s Hinkoolmaod child
aeraland. who ferlcid ter ilsg^ ' al
aad the fmllroad eompaay. aad tee bw
It relanied to tec old rco of Crswfordsvillr, lod.. weal te
kew reUtiaa* of
■aori Poi
Poiol rnort yesterday.
UsdiUoM of tee elxUw
. It U ererred that Bo|
10 t
entry srw aryed to let tee eootii yo.
■e in tee
let the Imperial repobllc bi- div.drd, iVeOnnSaj A!l ot them
dsy cjoetiNpst oonc ol term .•
id by -eertdk Initircl, Uionyb one of
eoatrack relatire to aeeoosU they
aloey tee Mtaoa sod D.xoa Ikr.whicb chililrco had hk hands env by
■Id draw eat for penosal
woeld hireealfed foraBtaadiny army breskiayof s window to yet osl of
Bayylw allurw that tbey tare rlotec ar after the weidesi oeesrred.
k tee north and anoterr k ter
laled tholr ayreemeau aad <^wa
aad weald have ureed back Ihv
' Louis Voiyt of anelnaktl. passed
laryo earns of moaey. oror aad abewe
ptoyrwe'aBd tolled the death Aoell teroayu tbe city yealcrday oa hk way
that to which they were wUUed. that
hamao liberty ererywhere. Bat no. to Umc^~11y.w k tee G B. A I.
he hw aot bcoe paid bk mdaey
wrack Wedoestay^ hot escaped wlteliberty
eordky le ayreemeat aad that the
wrered taoaty sniled. it commeoeed
ut Irjory.
teodanU bare sol kept lallh with him.
to yrow. BaUwayn were poshed 10 the
ToeUkacs Kliaa^ Florence Meam
'The ltt\aaooel report of the
SBtabt- dls«ks become ^oors. Uawoll ofClneknali. weraat the Parh Plica
ber eompany showed iu eeeek to be
beyyad (or odoption oad
yestenJej-. on teeir teeir tray to WcAbworth t3,lcs.3«l mod lu debu
io; Ooam joloed tbe .pt
te-srsitta. Toey wer4 oa' the Berth
lot to sue 04-< Tbe caplul tIOCk
PblUppiow. jnit owoke
•and Irak io tee U B A I wreck
oftbefaUroed eompaoy ww Si.ouu,.
jme Amerlwo promke k worth
'udo'rsday. but wrre aot iojursd.
OW. it hariay beea ...
e teas l<] Spankb boade. sen the
piOTod. Mr. Boyylee now wbi fora
of hope rkioy sod lookc for pesc*. rr»i»h.K.rJ»<;vH«-v»e dwolDtloDof all partaenhip Uw, (or
tee appoktmeot of a roeelrer, fv aa
.perit^ sod reccaerstioa uede,r the
F. O, Poprooe. proprietor ot the To­
aeeoanciac, and lor an iDiooctioo to benlyn iafloenec of American sebc}'.*,
peka, Kao . Caplul, made tamoos by
reetrakAeleadaoU from dkpesky ef
be. Acoerkao laws theediUoaotRer. Cbsrlca M. bbeldoo.
tee property or lojarlay hk kterwU.
Ao kjnncUoa ww Iwaed aed United and'Ameri(mo lasUce. If thk be Id- taasrd terouyb .tee city yesterday
BlatwMarebal Wheeler bw * let tec DemoeraU
u b'.k way home to Topdka. from
Hei^tae teaeree tee tapers. ^
d by mwt of It.
Gcoryc Milk Boyers stopped al Park
Crane. Horria A SUren* ef thk city,
I'isceyesterday 00 hk way from bk
auorneyi lor Hr. Bayylw. with A J.
Him Ciatm Bates care ■ pre-oupltal home in Cbicsyc to biseoluyeat For­
Smiley of Chleayo as cooneel.
laebeonk booor. at Him .Ueruude est Lodge.
Mootayne Meod^ afternoon
Hf and Mrs B-W. KsmiahallaBd
Msnifeel yawu wore Hki Belee Boorer ot
suybicr Cists, passed terooyb tee
M City. Him Priwt ol Wwbkg city yesterday 00 their way from
DwUay" ww tec watchword ol Ai
D. C.-MiwBokerefBaflalo. Mta oowos to teeir home In Peoria. 111.
caaproyreee. Expanaioo wwk the air,
rwm of Lowell. Meet..
T C UlUe aod wife ot Chiesyo. are
Horyanand-MkeOraee Moryan. Miss peudiny some time at Park 1'lsee.
d oor Bsmam aad Him Annette Hsrnnm.
Mrs C II bh.-pherd of Chicayo. k a
sd*we Him Moore sad .Mbs Rateerine Moore. yuol St Park i’isce for tbe resiot tee
>p tee flaw Him Harioa Boberia, Uta Poundmlyht w well attempt
>cr. Sbc-peolioMsoiBDer in tee
The boose wss profosedy decorated dty and mode o hosl orfriends who
ot Niayataw to try to atoptee
yrandaeraad miefaty forewof Aiperim be ^ to meet her ayok.
D AwaritaB eeke flows tee mwdeeoraUoo ww of yoldeorta.
Mr. aod Mrs E J. Cornwell of Hoatwfal bkod of
wbkb extendi white ribbow
Ue. ore ie tee dty for some Ume.
Seotte. trkb. Gorman. Freaek aad
A pony of renorlen- from old Mtaioe
SeandiBaelaB. naUan talldett aU—
came In on tec suoiuer ooekamo yet
nyyed w tee beateer-eorerad yn
terday where they were met by tee
pk. Tbe menae were borewboe etape Park Place bases aad takw to tee
;iUiarDey. domi
haad-paktsd k water color, a spray el taoul. where they took dkahr. ’ Tne
land w are teb Bayikh ea tee aw
yoldenrod lylnyacroas tee bcAesbbe party ww composed ot Dr. aad Mrr.
with a lore for aaUrc land w stroay. Bwbmenabadaqooutlon applicable William F llerkey. Mr. aad Mrs E D.
deep and leetky aa tee Gwmaa affee- to tee lady wbow name it bore
IS. Mrr Loce. Mrs Paddock. Mrs.
Uoa tor the Fatherland
Tbe mann wsaw follows:
Weia, V C Vaayhair. Jr., Hkasa BorPMCkevnllsn'SIpp-d Cmw
aol been as hoar from tee
teose a^ Gertrude Lcffiaywell. C
ilrtts u ssrlr JvllJ
niyrlm/stberi landed at Pamoate to
Beach. Mta Anna-Beach.
CrrsaedCsmxstB BiWM Cnw
tee briyht Hay day wbea Dewey hambled tec Bey ef Spak k MasUa bay
AmericBM .bare aot beea tl^
mtaioDarin of liberty.
ho wry' old k soffsii«. She k
ty aad expawlon cm laad: tee war of



-AlUeeloae of tee leaebeoe Mta
Mootayne ww preaenled wite
orlyiaal eeek book coukUny el mu
saeript roelpw from each nest, b^d
■ wsier color pskM eorer. akrrjerdrywfaere. aad the eoaatry k alUl k
_ oat tee borssaboe and yoldenrod
tee meralay ot Itmbkiery.

tee AmettCBB
Idea yare tee Freacb people power
throw elf tee old reyime aad ea
ktotee domklwer iadirkaal set
elynly. It hw made eure than hall
e ot Imtk American Bopabliw
■traay alcay tee Andean
ehak. ermy ime ot them «:
American thomrht aad ot Aomrican
example, and etilh
-of Al
America nerer eonaaltad with oowardinto Iwtkalrr. and wiU
lca.'or tech eoaaeel with tee fearfalor from 173 toseo |
Shc rejelew w a stroay man to ras
--------wUlbe ewMwIU chalrt. aad
will be aeed by the Ssadar eeheol. B raee. aad carw aot bow bard tee U4
ay ta prerldlay lihejwt.
V. P. U. aad for ooekl yathsrkyi
■Qie Bapabllwa pedky which w ke
Adjekie* Itk the parkr.a room IfixIC
idad te.
tee dwtky cef rapaUicaB
with .wash room. etc.
mhwbeee jast ai
Next te thk. aad eom
■y tee door of opper

Caoybi at IL
For a Bomber of laoBtta the Fere
larqaatte wUroad hdi beea aosoyad
byobatnuUoaeplaesd apoB the tnek
Acma. lbs wtrh wae eridaatly
doM with the lataatka of wraeklay
I. thot^hi whu moUra eoald
prompt It the eempaay were aachk to
. Beeeatly aaother wee wi
parted by the eeclke mw. a eloae terlaybawwadyad laby ttaeita ef the
la eaeb a pealtka that It r
eertaialy bare eamad a wreek hi
fly ahd ahlpawll. makky work, a
aot bew dkeorerad by tta aaetka mw
takkywaywaad peyky beoeat
lathe alekof time. Tbey bad hard faM k airs The wUre bsOdlay will aedAmariwaebilltee hlyfaeat w
behwtad by etwm. the boner for
- kyaliioatof the way b
uad«efa«ialBttat was al
Ttewtlie eoetot the worb beUy
cm the teerte wUl be eowethiay
I matter wae pkoed la the basda . ^ P3000. a little mote thaa ww
mb Johamm. e daleeUrr of the
who left thk dty Friday olybt
si tarrke. If tek be li
tbotabl of. aad will make tta teerte
tokafciptbeeawatAamr. Bk
owolthetawlk thkewtkaaf the
maliadlalta aaafesdn ot aa ei

StaK -It it tBc a


ImKatbotBaT. aad tee maatlay

Ovmr m


.**» ^ —«»is.“£u‘ii,”ts£ir3
Bad Fits ta Maataaa.

Mamlltea. Mwl. A^-M-FIra. tea
malt of a draataa row. daauoyad
rwparty ralsod at •so.aao Oaa maa
ww baraad to daate aad—^rT fatal­
ly iaiarwl Kaayaa ata

kmomMmm tkmm
Sm^ wcdMw
wfe* M mmmklK0 md-

pkyoas of tea Hanms Daly stocb term,
reloaaa^asd ratirad to a roam k
tea Uamlltoa BatoL Ttay qaamlwl.
-Ite tec mdaa oaarwraad a 1am*
■km exploded, aouky firs to tta bowbite-ww awtlroly rawamod, Ba(CR tea tie MU ta awtroUad a MB

b Cr PbMhMbb

Dwte 01 Baastor kcalM

blehkos. Kaa . Aay ic - Fstm
■luddtotostaaatorJoha J. loyalk
died at Lw Vi«Bs.aariy this ^ratv
Hr layalk ww as yarn old. Ha ww
n la Uddlaioa. Ham. bad yiadaal
ad from Williams aoilcya k lute. By
Mta (Artie Kkas. Waller Tnmhall.
Ahkcolltcebawwboaossd wite tea
B S Mocse and Stewart Bale
dayrseelL L I> la ISM. Atlw bk
Him Hooaey ol Grand Baptds. xklV
yradadtka he stadtal kw aad wta
ed friends la tee dty yesterday■UtadioteebarlB last. Ia ms
way to tee rsM ol Old Mkslon.
Wm McKay and nephew ot C
Co.. Ohio, ore apeodioyofew days le
spoaa poUUcaJ earwr whkh ■—«~i
teeeity. Ttay oresloppiay with John
aaUl he retired tm tee ssaata k
Campbell ot Lake areooe.
tool, dlsea uw ta ted bam aafayad
Tbelloul I-cdsanuof Omeai
M a iacterar aad josraalM.
hw 75 ya'ettt

omo9—ikmm wHim Mr*#

rislUoy tee family of Uonayerpisirray.

-Ita popslaUaa of Chkayo. w ylvm by tea
twelfth eaaaaa k i.SM.STe Maaibasa
of tee Two Hllllaa Cleh wUI mw ye
Frlday ovaoloit tee -reyslar party al into meerniny aad Meyer (krtor
tee loo ww wall attended oad enjoyed tlarrisoo.will DodeuMraywlar a kkh
at tec eaaau ofise. bet it will do ta
by iboee p'rsaenu
Mta Manlo ysve a eoca rowt 1
beseb wblefa ww a most delicbUal af
fair, obool 100 bdny preseot.

Piacur IO Haniia.
Mo - W. II Meyer. Blwood. loA. Mr.
Wwblayiau. Aay m-Tbe oaord of
end Mrs B W Ksoipsball. HimOsta tee player iu Msalla lor tee two weata
Kempstall. Peoria./' III.: A - M. WalU- eodioy Auy.
rrportod to teomarka
aad wife, ilarUordCIty. lad . Ur and
Mrs W A Itwllan. Udlanapnlk
wm F.llpiaou aateterae Chtasaa- '
Amony tea reeeal amvals 1
(Covers are Mrs A B Baecsad two
eODsofCkicayo. E A. Dawaoa, ycner:
riyht >yeat'of the Peu. Centrsl
E B . Mrs. Dswaoo. Mary. Hersee qad
Edwk tkwmm. LBice. WUIord
CM. Allen Baulc. Eranilofr. III.
er ikiford. ChlllleoUic. Oh-.c, Mrv
Wm./A. Kromaa. HUs tauke Brai
Elyria. Ohio: Mtaes Mary and Eo.te
Ucwlay. CindanaU; Mrs W. O' Flskblne'aad daayhur. Mta Emily Stepp.
Dos Molaas. Iowa. Boekwell (Al
Edward Oolmaa. Ls Croaae, Wk.
aadUrv J. T. Ilcadic of Traverse
City, spend Iwt week al tee Clovrrs.
Dr. Lewk bunton Banudqllef Han
kue. spent Iknday with MluLoata
if. Goeppert and W A. Taaoers
rvtiifscd from CincInnaU yealcrday
>. K. A. Traadtray aad Al
Uroomhall came from Oraad ^Ids


n»c firiL->t -ham ami haum meats

- mil J anU ik-licau; flavor,
|iy the Unii^ States

fk'vtTnmmt --fiy sale by thi
Travvysc Ciiy .k-aJcn-s
Uay.baadottee cipher baraauottec
roreiyB oBee. bw bean appointed Turk
kb minuter to tee United tftatca.k
place ot All Porroab Bsy.wbOrbw
WaablnyioB. Bay. M-Tbe slat
psrtmeal hw no kfoepaattoa as te tee
wlof Sebekhl Bey toaaceeod
h Bey w Tarkkh .mkkter

Jacob Furtsch
Frank Hrosch
John Highland
Swift Aad ConpBiijr
k“tr.. ,
. ‘.rs:
ck.^S. Owes Sc.

W« carry a fine
of canned meaU and fish aod a
large variety oI*table delicacies and relishes, fancy crack­
ers and cakes. Everything neoissary f»r a qnick and de­
licious lunch.
iJ. J*.
Brotaih Block.

84S ftOBt StFMt

Brosch’s Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Came.
djn. fSooaop..

Eresh Salt tnd Smokad Meats, Sausages Etc.

d tee first <f
Friday amky oec
tea aerlw ot We-qawl
atteeekbbotao. Ita oeeeaka wwa
yreat aoeeaaa AboatM eoapUs were
BL aad all ta)oyed a oaliybUsi
time. Fiae mnsie fer tea creeiny ww
farakhta by Prof. SuSea'e ercheatra-

Tta Kleadike Qsb waat to Ewt Bey
Tbaiaday erealayMdtadaaoteai
Ume. WaltarLyoa. Ota'-M tee 1
bew a( tta deb. with bk wife, keaap-

wieaay tsrletai oad tanoitf tata


Uta UotUe Skoe ww rery pisasaot
ly asrpriwd by obont so of ber friends
Frsday evenky, at tee boom ol Mr. and
Mrs. Swan of Sixth aueel. Tbe ertaky ww deliybUoUy spent by al!
St. Dellclow Tclrcabowau a

Friday Blybt a aamber ot bk frlerd<
tiled apee Ollrar Waters, to awisl
btakteaeekbratloaof bk birteday
orsary. It ww ktaeded teat tee.
yatecriny eboald be k ted aatare
ieb. tatUr. Waters spoiled any
sate plaa Tbe erwky ww



Or. PfBro0*m

FiMrlM Ntsfrlpn*

7ISHES TO ANNOUNCE that be is back in hb
VV store, at J17 Front street, ^hich has been re­
paired since the fire, and will be'plensed to
friends, old and new. ,

A Fine Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hniid.
g from'the fire. Lar^
line of Sewing Machines and Machine Suf^Ues.
and look over the stock. -

HUVna OartorhM a
UBWdbg U* Bay View n
W. O. Baldn rilgniil
tfon KnV Okie, whace be b
attnutUefsaara] ofhbbU
Terra Cooper went to Oh
yesterday fee a *bU wHh fria
^cawntto Aldnn-hoMaan

ttm «at4^ WhM MkW Uc
“Oka Mr. Bryaa vlikdiav Ik* Uop**
traatk* PUllfvtM UuMdWaly "'
r*«4widWltoPhlUnlM. Why
>1 Unt b* atorf baekr Thw
MlakMlataMt. Wby (ut tkw
bmiM bM* la boaut-


bbaUaa to tba ebaaof Cbaalaadb bat

Tbara > tba raaeto. Moea daay It
Tba boaka bate baaa aadltad. aad tba
b boowB to all. Wkat do tba
te tba laUad*. er (Mrfaai-be tkkaka
Aankaa eolara waatT A rotora to
-boa**- «hhA BTaairlllaaDd lobriac
tbaWnaew Qormaa tariff bill aad paab
haM U* aoUtan oaa Uk* "alaM*
UMOra ontbaaUoa oftbc Oiag.
lay bUI aad HeKlalay Uiaaa. Year
Halleaal daty aad lataraaltaaal obllntla— bar* ae aUea la lb* chalr■aa'aalaalayUa. drbaa*** I* clrlar
' Ibavertdaae* l*M la dlplcoaty.
Baton IbaaMaur eewlade* bU dalte*
Friaai. baeara.
M ebalrm b* will diHonr Ibal ’
rt. J. C. WnUall aaddaafbtar.
Mbe diOeall ie nln
Mia. L. OaWk ot Watarloo. Iowa, aao
(b. day. II
akdMia.H. H. Wood, of Strawto fart ik Batnat 1* a e dinouoa*
bony Palal, Iowa, are gaaoU e( Ibelr
akiar. MIO.B. Vaa Dyke, awl eooala.
work la Ik* fnaaalnBpam by plodr
Hn. Howard.
iacbtonadMaWlB aaah aa aaqaall
Mn. Mary Harooy. bmUmt of Mia.
tadMBaorlaa-aeaUlapolkr.- .
Ooerta^Ul aad IK U Banard. baa
' >d to rlalt awoDf ralaUro* aad
gaofOood SmA ^h*
*TW imai iroable wltt aMOi af Ike

Baaleaaad Braak KeUey. wbo ba*a
teManortklaeooaUT.aBd I oaapeaa
baoa a1*1Oar la flatrolt bar* ratamd
wltfctb* aalarlly ot fanaar* alaa> Ibair bo‘aa oa SUtaatraat.
«rb*aa,lalballb*r<laBM pay aaoafk
Mr. Ankle Llrlafotaa had faoolly.
■naaUaa to tbelr aaad wbni. A tarhobaTalMMTUtlBy•arearblla Uka Ike naapaloa'lB taroad to tbair hooa fa Moaat Plea*.
krtaday ap bl* nad wbnl a* la kaaadi>W nwla
It tba aaa» wheat la
Mka Cera Watai* ot Pit* Uke. I*
growa y*ar after yaar oa the
aWUv Mb* Maltb Lyoo.
laadlliebeaaatoAaiarlarat* la .
S. U. Pactea b la Cbbago and
Ilyaad baaaoaa Bliad wlU ryo- axi
oelclerd. 1U-, ee baalaeoo,
tbaatb*faraHraD.piata* bom
«. B. OaupbaU of tba Boiplre Uadar
OOP la dlwlalablac yaar altar
wbaaaiaBBkUar of tael, all tb
Oaaid Sbbarof Battaa Bay. waa la
aaodad laaaratel attaatlae talkai
MOtty yaitaday.

■Uad wllk rye that b*
that (anaw w^ be takas bb wbaalto
tbaaiU*'B*ary lanaw wbo (towi wbaat
•boaUaataMdaaaaall SaUia wbteb
tofiewbissssa wbaat

anlOMllybatboald^ a fraab oapplyetiwaortadasad. Tbafanaer—'^AoaatblawUlaBkaiaoBay by l>.
hia wbaat yWd wfUbas third. M
ObaakbaaMbberh wbo don aotebanas than proeaaUeaa*'—CnboBor.

Tb* MIM Aaab aad Pearl Oalaaa
t Praakfort, are rblUay Ikalr BMikar.
Mia Harriet Hawklao rotaraad ycatardayto harboBpat Sb^berd. 8b*
waa .aaaowpaabd by bar abea.MI>
UttaMarrla. ,
Hr. aad Mra Bart Taylor aad llllle
weoear will bare thb eraalag for
thslrbooBolaTwre UaaU, leA. after
abltlBf Mr. aad Hn. P. Uardaer.
8. Aadonoa weal toAllyayaatar.
dayeaprefwaleail boaloooa
Hr. aad Mrs..M. C. Dodge iMareed
ostarday freotaabittoMew York.
IksWiDBbaBd dkBlIyare easplag
wHbi Blrda Boee b «Mtlag frtoad*
It. H. dllya wMto AllyByostarday
illad Ihaie by tba dratb of hb asaV
Mia. Bllaa Patloa. who dbd Wedaeaday at tba bona of her abler. Mrs. H.
B.PfbU. Hr. Aliya anil aeconpaay
Ike resaln to AUImm. Kaa.. fonaer
JobaP. OH baigoao eaot oa bail

eaagalga brlago to tb* troBlaoaM taa.
UeiagetoB*. agal for tbe
Hab BalUag Co. of Pblladelphb. wlU
hlAJrileaad daughter Baby, ate apeadlag the tuaanar at Ue Woodbbe GoiIfU'
A. V. LttUa of tba Bapld City Kama,
'■Plftp-loBr forty or •gbt" a
b b Ua dty aoeeadubd by bb wife.
Halkirk waTat the Bolal.OoInaMa ynlarday.'
Mr. aad Mr*. W Ulbai lln are b the
■any DowoBab late tba Bopoblleaa
city Iran Cedar.
nrty. aad SIlTor Eweblhaoi Uto tbs
Salllaa aad wife wna at Park
yntarday Iron Oedar. '
W. A. WUb of PUe Uke. ws* b
nare Iwfartaat t^ lb* aabbet of
P. B. Moore of BIk BapUs. waa at
^arMbat. man *Ual to tba fatara
tb* WUflagyuaterday.
aratMraetthaaaUoa tbaa nUlb
& a OarUo .was b tte.elty yester­
blbaradbal diSwaaaa batwoaa
day Iren NerUmrt.
Ama great hblorbal gartlw aa tba
P. J.Perurot Ulaad. waea Tiae■arltfsaaatba. It b aol a qaabaa ot
neCIly ebUer ;
■aaad (roa Uadt. Mo party
Hr. aadlHn.'
f 8yd•drwaataaaadBpr
Uy ol
Bay. ni.. are ganU of Ue (anUy
abaalata tiaa'tnde. Tba I
- - Moore, Ue arUltael.
party baa, howaaer. far yean adaaeai
inn Baeltal, aaerelaiy of Ue
^lalb plalloraa the wail daftaad
Bdboa KbetrieUghVA Power Oo.
paHaral-'a larlP far raaaaaa ealy,"
Ue etw to apead
raMBf to raeagaliaba Daoberatb the
hb brother. Pred
wb4eaa. )oatbeerpcaprbly of aSordieehld.
pUbto prolaaibe to Aawrieaa
JaanEsbn aad Urey Hell hare relaborer Aaarlaaa aapltal lataaiad la
traad tram a week's kbit b OelrUl.
Aboriion ladaatrlb.
Jat. e. Jebano bar rtoaread Iron
Tba anwto Bopablbaa pblVAtUa
rallaratod la aatbaal plaUenaa akd
Bnna Haaaab hn rouraed
'bed Iron
aaaaud late bw. a* b erUbaeed by'
UaUlnw Ulaad wh
tba MaElalay aad tba Olaglay tariff
eblUag Mn. BaUbr.
bHb.epaBlyaannthal Ue BapaUl.
-nnlaroraproloetiaattrif Ikal wUI Pm asuray^'feanra.
■ neepafii the btoatnaot of Aaurieaa
C. K. Etobay of Urpy. M. V.. aad
-aapllal U obaataetariag eatarprbaa W. W. Vara of BblaPb.N. V-nenbien

-od "a blr dayb w

n far a fair dayb
a,bate beaa tried

of Ue Om of CM. Keeoey A Oo. b
tbe end bnbne b Ub clly.
HUdrud SUffen of Ulaad. waa
HU dotopblaa PsuM has
to ber bona UcHllwaabn. after a obit
WlU Hr. aad Hn. P.
A B. Orbwall of Jeoabga. U. arri**d,b lb* clly bat casobg to
Ua nnnn wlU hb paieau oa Meatee

to b b Ua dty
r aetar wbo dealm
adiv two wsebt
hbbaUetto laaaaaoe aatbaal
WlU bb wife wbo b rblUag bor r»tpwtty aad panoaal adraaUgr.
Oadartoe opstmUea of IbeWiboa- Bta, Ur. aad Hr*. 3. U Slaaloo.
Oeorgeo: Bain has iWarp^toOhlOnMarareaae tariff, tka laeaae
cago after a short abllb Ubdty.
tkogomBaet waa aot saffiebot
Ue Herald ferer,
fay caireal o^Maaa. Tba tariff lor
will bar* Ub nerabg feraridt
BayQly aad Alpaoa. :
wm. Cbroraataat booda were aeld U
ttatoofpaao* to pay tbedallyobUgv wUlbegoMaweeh.
P. B.' Bayan rotaraad ynterday
a bal^ a dobf-paylagaa- Rnabaalaantripaaav
nwa a dM aaaUag aatba.
doba WUbdn b aaUrlaiBbi
Hllb ahal aito Hn.Ba^ Aenyef HewOrieato.

•f dalln MaBaah.

MtoJasabAadoneoef Bart Mbtfa
ttreat baa gene b <bod Harbor
rieil wUb bar eeieai* sad frbad*.
W. O. HelAn ot ike Perk Plan '
b Eaot Obb. ynlarday. to aueed tbe
Mbs Laey Browa ha* gOM for a ebit
with rebtian b Cbieego.
UP. Fox.amercbaotof Baln.'wn
b tbe city boylag good* yaetnday.
I. Baajaatla. who bat beea b tbe
eily fnr acne Mmt b tbe iatam
Rlnball Pbao Oa . retaraed to (iraad
Bapida ynbrday.
Jeha Tatmaa weat to tediUae yew

Prod 8mlU. wbo hn tooato>««laff
-BUrt tine at Me-ah-ta-wabU. reuraed yraterday.
P. <1. Heanaas weal to Oniral
H. 8. Piau west to Heaor on bw
■en yesterday.
Jann Peratry aad fanilyarenli
abiag Hb* WinnnII of lietrell.
TbeHiasn Uube aad Ora BSeae
reapeedbg a few day* atSe-ab-l


Brre It a etet*r «ory of ttei toate^
Ifuu palltlelaa. the late niuriow
WewA that fa. envllted to Ceknel INck.
be famifl derideffU biwv«os at

Bar fua Ibe bter Ihv UCWT stoimt
Tb-<nsuT. WiU aad Wmk. twCaraf
btii ms ISst her vreae w warm—
F<w ate-la irad at As la poiw.
I IhtaX <d her warer’sr I w.
Aw.^ retod a> ncM fma.
e.. fair. w. c-ssl aad XI^^WT*
aad abw I m baaSs mv nr
1 wuAl r cmer. fur hredrer mXsi
•ad. tr.«U.d wim >w rata .k-UR.
It w-va. as It mr hwriw<mU bnok.
O-d trern btr tls thr Uc* aad U«.
Ti-. w4 (bsrvfi a^i—>aswtn.
Tlist I Bwr haw- lar p. rii<a wOl.
(hd biwa bre, hwp tor .T.em.w>!
_.tod iwlaait M mr a-


tteedy-a rnnhod <ff memva maUi
(Ciflaal. aay* HcOure-i Hagariau
nality hi* •*»» «« oercc mw
they an alwaya ttill la Che mak

I S**Jrllt*^2uiS

Okarl Me* ameed U Was
lagtna adayortwaagehrTrastme
TrtU mqalrips ahoat permaacDC cimi
msa. ptotform. the vtow {nwldewcy ai
BU furrh. Us q.
hr and hU frtonds
It had^ied rtw-jl**Ulag. wicb a Uttlr aaaiatahcv ftom Ue | " '
, taquTU extracts from bunks. tUastoapn-ahh-at:
1 timiN seruia «d all loadK oearly <* ito
Dick, -of
tot-l ot a eonrcnllon 1 tx*'» t*-t'Triag to the sabiu.A Afire
IW W.wd tnuke band , aammolatogU-w. It may be for year*.
fur whl- h ‘n.iirlu.
In U-- at mgr-ouTita .i Inog er.-i.hi* i hu watre through th.- mass, wlerls a
Us. c..iitl-mrn wt» nt up asratvT ot Ue striking poulx. ar|dn* had hreu b-IA and WwyI bad I mage* them aad flsally make* a few

P. C Ollbntaadfsoillyreuranyn'
torday fron Uag Uke. wbtrr they
Hr. aad, Mn.
Ueir wedoiag aaalrcnary at Urp
"anly oo thi. re
SrtwwM That Vat Itorslward By «
lorday. Before rataTsiag to bb work Ukeynto-day.
; rsreiB
m io delivery be
hr feegea*
f(*gr«* aomeininta
s tb- rr^y,
or dis|xMpurtinust.'lT aatplifkw oebrea.
Jn-T* TanAi.
beie, be will rbit Mackiaaw.
1 refocre.
b Ue gant of Mn. B 8. Prau
two «-rni.Ti, ate rrre exatcly the
aamto many n.i
ahlfu to
:a Whltr.rdlloroflhePife Uke
■la oiaWii' up'lhe sUt
Dy this raetbed also—a nianre
lor. retoraad to PIte Uke yeater(oreolien tlie .s.n.iuTPraiasnis MeSlaley Club Pleaie.
day. after eoapleiiag hit work oe the
The I'eabsols HcKbley Cleb picelc. aool and !>sly l.jg.tli. t. Kvaiu uf tb<«e
board of teaeber*' esamioert.
that afters
which ws* held Taeaday at Howert
u.m. <'uri<raaaii.| lUleradiagthaii one
BOT. aad Hr* Howard Moore bare re- Harbor, was b every way so caib.ctwgh sifting tOu obgihia |>unts reilliig ti. bir t'J.mnl VilL
taraed froa a trip to Peloekey
•laaliCed tuecen. aad was tboroagb y
ivelope rvreyiitae Ua
“What has bcanv. _____ __
« had 1».-I1 d<v-.«3l. ■] by Ihocmpcrot
Oeorse Beltbgrr nawd throagh tbe cBjsyrd.BotoBly by Ur Bepabllni:*
lhe>'0*0. li for gallant w-rrle*> tn Ue akmal gtawl. -uf the prriiy black .-/rI trem.Ti . rt.4.di.-<l th.
‘liy yeelerday oa kb way from CharleFwtirh arn.y, Idil ubo afl.ewar.1 I-ond girl wb* use^io wall at Use ubie urer ot.-rii.v d. Hut to. SI
bu in Ur
uu'.'lCoUlgLvl to lire oiui du faann
ndx. where be hat beea rblUog couBly. TbeColuaibbeanird
inird Ia large
t pntty l-lqeb ej-.-d girl?* frigid- *
m.uitls ■
aamber Iron
Uc city,
frieeda. to hb booie ia Maple City
ind the jUeoo. Ibuogb the gnml soheme Is
ItwusiitutytlgblworL, <'»do. aanl. o.asr and pruimneni rii.s.
Ber Sielb Hamnoad of Ueg Ukr. serrral
tho sstn.'. then, to always non-lty tn
el tVilk had lowTiIrv.-, bat tan-dsy htdin A. Loraager. II____
-ir I rvruviab.r>. she bad s littia
weal to Haaba ynlerdty. b soppy
Uo arraugritH-al. fur tb- panirolar *0
I'.obt WsltcT. O C HoffsU
li t iiith a druug.. bit ft
ff p ■»! fortac
Ml .rt a Wide
the place of Bar Howard Moore ie the
. Maoy oUer
He lisrl 1., a
■'> ■lelD'CT. Ko
a walk and w
•Vh. li
IraiB all parb
Prieods ebereb at that pbce. Brr
r.-_ gnahT lutotsk,. cftold U. niad.-lhsnlo
s.imrbwly mam
neat, aad ue
tiuaciuo that Mr. M.nly dues, notwtady
Ckirasu Tribune.
Moore will fill her palpit at Ung Uke ol Ue cooaly were
luiiig down III,dsy was speot
___ __b s
i aioat eajiyabb
' I.« hto sist.i.usv ihi lh.‘ contrary, he is
irmod i.y .% gang td boy* and ni
lobiaing wlU U>- plraa
iiMvl with oirka Tbi. dog, iiainiug
t. Fbh.eagloeeroaUiMl K of
■rcrer. meeb anfastaatlal work
-What a fluse.,uaplrsi-a Mias' p-lime ti. !A th- Iwtefi nt far.-lnpiai,
ul wsnfi-vl. Tan etraigbi lidcawl fol...
• Bepubli
• ■
frosa here to Walbo. atteodod the
wood bi.C
Hwwhwoud to Miss bur-Iing with- fstawe, a|qswrs Uo modWilkau.l balk relngo.UItr.ico his Eurituld.-.
faaeralerbb a<|brw. Willbm P»h. local candldaua. iacladiog ...
nwai i.nuktan to.wrt. and tlu. retaagiT
Darragb. Ucooiabec for coagran-who
d drvmr ikw with ].
- n w. clod v..q Uke'li
eat killsd b the (> K * I wreck
wl... .ojt.rsat aliu.wt oiiy limn of .lay,'
was pmvDl from 81 Louie.
•— 0 Ue boat arrived
"It is u mad di«I Kill hi
len from this city,
A p-ile. mia, in.d" ivuragivwn* than
goeeoo a rblt to Cbsrbrt^ sod was b rtadi
wQl Uvyaiw pui'ular."-l'll:d,regVht>«l-; ' •'I’' ' 'tn!«i>a hltn.. lf
n, .t.-iij.-.! fiuu ar.1 '
Creeeml Hand, which bsd
led by tbe C
(With n-w p-niito be
Pauskey darbg Hr. Hilbr'a ranUoa.
"llaltV rimuiivl thi! knight of tho clr-Tek.^ph.
iasplriag mosie on Ue bosL
’ Uinnigh IlH-.Uy. IDs narrb Ibraa.
egiun vt
"The dog belongs to
Hn. lirllr* w:II leare thb morelag
c™ It oocc to the
.lly l.w. light np.»
ireai: ms mdy tor Uc speaking lu,,^ ft is h-d toad.
for ber bone la Harioe. lad
“What are tbos.- IL.t.-rsV Itoiirtred tbe. t vto, Hilda l.lesa red
ihatai-tuts is tuas.'aad Miaale Wood
■ 1, wskiiig iid-misli
The abed was bcauiifully drape
-Bosits;'', rrti<.aT.d tb.* i
will bare oa the boat today for with flags and boaling. wlU a bip H<
n aim tb.
...... ..
wbu aalnrally ba, l.» p.'culir .
Cbbago. They will be geeeaeUlthe Rbley aod Uooserell banner la froot
lie -aJ.I,
rinw. -Well, toy pr«-mt >i.ii.nT«l.m is ,
t of depbatber. aad wiU patebase and a similar dnign on tbe itreame
ynurs, Ioy.! htni away.
that Uoy are vcnetblw: like th*'.
tore Hreaa I.
arge tioek of^^faJI aad
wioler that floated over It. la company wit!
s<i roi.l.
don.'. I'olcmol Wilk took Cbu^ln tbi.^.untry «D •buudlums.' “ [ *
IlCUl to <i.
Jld Ulory.
liaery at Cbb^ aad Cleeelaad
_____________ ____
"At liultysbui...
Tbe Creaceal Kasd rare a rcry en
>y will relnra W Iblrnlt by rail
joyableeoacert while tbe crowd wn and thou w-vil wiUi tt to'ih.. bolrlKZ'k
llaekurtoC. bartotr.
! tb* hotlret ” »sid i«ii»*al
n buy it some HTafn.d neat. For Si
■r. M. 8. BrowaaoBOf Kngsby wta gaUrrlag. after which Ue meetlug
EW lUad-U-w- irfll' I grt'op tboae |
.Tiltm.w lb.- Loiob.T gai'.' him a fi|io
waa called to order by PmidentP. E.
Lhe city ynterday
trrarr <tinri,m-7
He rocoualrd bri.-fiy the
■t. and .o hir way" bon*'' "'ill; Jsioght Skrtarr
MaeaxiDr Edlt.r-W.-U. Jost
ist aay that I After the list
bderaheriir Msrtio Krowa ol U hbtorj ot the dab frem iu organia- (he

mca hritoi an. imlisi
lisilnc llud-'j guUsat Mildi
ytug ret tbe tbdA lla
lewd, waa at Ur Wtaitlag yeibrday
tioD toUeproePBl Umo. apoke ot lla
1 Kljdlnt VlI that ^ tthe wouieu (was dniig i
le-scrl toe V. areirt a
Jobs Wslur cane b yeaterday from work in Ue put aad exprened Ue
WfUers r.-tuind
t'uiuu iimsi. lib. Wil*
hope and Ue coBTielioD that it would
oiioea Kay.
linliaacpldls Tre
toslmr.'wiih him tho fordo even more good for the Republinn
. u.l.rjl„l tl„. ,„i Iran h.-au.lllK.
WiltbadUbbeler el Uke Abo. was
suse Ub year Uaa b ISW
b Ueclly ynterday oa tmaiaew
The Gral order of batiaen wu Ue
gi-nthsusB of the old
Dick Oaapbsll left for aiicago aad elertloo of Oflieerf. which proeecdirl
fitwaakae last aighl-to parriiase a wiUenlireananlmlly.aU Ur oSioere
irv s hread- ed trtfieiT In our ramp and to luake bin.
belag ebnea by aerlaamllea u fo! 1..W. v.liu-b Wto icvtty
rumf.wtalito 1 somt
l.rtwroe and
clotb rrinre AI1--rr. .bi-<
■lack br eleeUial auppllr* for the bus • lit*.
•• lu. dog.': sV.'I^C .**,r« •<b-nim.‘ rtb.n'h.. w
m..'ttoawJU n flag, if Inn.. toUe
iBenotOampbellUras. .
hi- viiut. mnl lb-.tU.-aiHl* h^cup- Timri norelA
President—F K llrowa.
.. mitootge from tba
Mias Klla Swaa. employrd al tbe
bu.d<e: livtvl upm 11.*. rmciiui-i aduy.
ilore ol Julio* Stebbers*. b daafrrma*
and lie. knigiil .d tlmljdi.nof li-ii-u
llbtrbtKumbcrl-A. W.4UI1
III that night the party mtaroral.
IliatrlrlNuobertandJ-K. I>. Brim .yuM iim*.> ruiC.' ren'irc hiii fricuib lAo
*!>,. you ssv
ly lU.
0 iisyllijg <f tlin dying iinslond
m <
C. K.
R. Huek b toefc (roai a ritit to hb
. yuuug a ifr waa Uu tuorl afTicto
llistiiel Somber 1—A. P .Uray
old bone b Hal^.
ingsmio which I hate <wur wiUusred.
District Somber l-U B IkUraw
•s w..rth ?5(i..ri»."1 w-a. roffipi'Ib.l Iu g.. obareb-yu.
Hn. L. M. ilarria, ef-Wea HereaU
0.1 gracl..a>: How did bo aSTs ll
Uisukt Sumber <—Mortimer Plai. .
Canlinal Meccofaiiti IS.I a memory
but ks f.rt.. 1 l.-ft lln. totn.wlUB enupb. 1
D.-.lri'l Somber
Sam ! Kelley
ireei. aeeoiapaeled by ber daughter,
Jiitlo rlncl of imrarul..c . Dr. Itn- lb
Socretary^P. K Imrdle. .
Uutuuo.' of tbew.'uiulwill lace tloaday moraiag fararbit
Treuurrr-Jobn b. Urdlc.
lUi.-r «an Majre llatl.nv ..f Nuw with 111" gn at.'vt .-s'". -'I*. ]ji
wllhhrrsoB. wboVcaidn In Colondo.
After a lew remark* by 1‘rcaldeol
y.rtk. 1 ofbu Ih.mgbCwd U<. sa.| Inrtirown. Iluu. A. I! Darragb. Ue Re- ganp-i tlioi h.' >qs*,' faitly w. ll i
ml. whirl, uiado upco bw uen- Af Ua
•that I..' 110,1 .Kvasl.Tially. bat ii
“-y!i;7hJ MiU s|.e'prr-f: rs i;. umk she
obllcao nomlDce lor coagre
red vivirt .luptadioiis Uall rendTod
Hr. aad Mrs. WiU Haak of Kast
may I- a >..000 nij-s- sume day."—
"7- II I
qis dblrict. was lalrodneed
BIgbU ttreot. yoioed tbe campiag
»(ioko- tnijT'tfo.lIy
elred wiln great enUnabMn.
■•Shnrtlyitfirrirardaermsinof n.lae
party at Trareno llelle camp last .Sat
rrae ww brief buslnen-llke and dm.-l • ••
arday erenlDgInwemitne and ismalYwrmUu snm*
3 the pobtaad dealt irioarcly wiU
. laino was ktU.d in laflu.
Mln Dorfer rrtnrbed to ber home in
“Jne, f"'
inlorhe baBesoiUeprcsenlcBmpaigB. Ue
ObieagD yesterday, after a Tbit wlU
poke or Ue depmsioB ail over Uv
.:n-m laogi
tskher broUer. P- u. liorfee.
.Iiri>ugui>h.,l giuid'
c>. solid boslncramro
ra Inn much Ulrrvsc In '
Praak Uardaer maraed to Qraad
ed up b the aea of fleaanal
K.-w V..r who liivil.,t iqe t
RerorA All Ub oeprresloa lie ebargBapld* ynterday. after apradiag huaiiu<Th..wa. logit.
day la the riiy.
a l» whom I
CTiolug.. A.iiougthr
><>. s.vll.'ut that hr- wo» taken i.*Harry ftarr aad family are nmpiag
was intmlarvA was,
rtoin Majre
—Ton ouxht to fa«v.> four teil
uvv ..f liviioany. wliiU Ills Kr.n.'hand
Ditfluw. Isupiswrdlfa:
trationbas changed sll Uis. VI V
KsglirbWi-f Dr.'Thulaek
Itk.lf Ibry of thumktiwhreu I ha,I Ml jlying 00
whoeb of iodutry bn m;ag aod ma
' ar.1 him i-oen.Tw. in tJ.rnian. Arabic. weiilrtnVbura as IvBC as
rer- llrltrr*. Ur OiM nt ti.ciyrhorg wlUbli daTotod
Ue war tor Ue Am lean laborer
;..Uiidi. Fbniirb, Ftocli-h. Laliu,' Weh.
wife Urido hire. .
>p bb bead bo. u- bis ban
n, V. Sw,..tirji an.1 l^lrttu:u.— at mil.
" ‘tusire ksiwa Mayor Bulow.
ot IIIh'-tfu.iu> uu.| Yt<"t''ard
his pockelsaid to tuy u.-w ncqaaintaiiau
lllggla*. wbd
„_____ .__ sniDBier wiU I
. " 'I reire' krurtratA-ooBltkocdao.* b*
Ue reriemed brirlly Ue work Of the
Mbs Addle boles, baa
a iretaraed'to ber
I! ■ knew MTeral yf t
boate b Uraad Bapids.
of!to c*blence!^leclarbgthall/had
■"Hut ibu Msjur Uatl.nrlknrw*
id t'laln Uorder.
Mn. J. II Joan mod Mra Hr. Payar. written. wiU sword and .oeo
all ibo diaiurtv uf it:
wbo bare Ima rialtiog Mrs. Heletoab Uechaplen in onr hblory Ua
•'•And the fiWBl flredon whom 1
for the past two weeks, bare reUraed American rlUsev could rrwd wl'
Tnfh. if wHir.-is the wili.i-at of aU
ttuD tils nntaas AatL
Ue bioah of abamr
to Uelr homo la Maobtoc.
■•1 stan-d t .t.ll hiiuU
Ho cvmpllmeoted Ue Pealnaala <':nb
' Ura. M. E. Ellis apeol Soodsy in
good kiory Is s. ldom wwnh rrjmat- Major ilnrlow wl.-m. 1 bad l.'ft dyii«
powvTTof *ol|ihurica.-ul in funuidii,! I.y
Petoskey rbiting her abler. Mm Alleo
OBthofii.l.l at ■..-itrshiirg whrei be 10an acviik'UI which nuchlly ocrartol in og Ie thr same man.
la the past, sod nrged fotore aetirit;
temptod Ill's rxrlaiming:
If a man l^r a gno-l itirmoty b<
placing specbl atrraa upon Uc a(«e
Uv.rh.'iuiral . fa.d<«i.? al Mulb
Mr. and Mn. C. M. LiTingatoB, illy of geuiog people oattolbeper
"'My Ui>k->i.-neral Uerd.m, I bib
Aisacv. All .ipcraliv.'ua-sbluwu op in­ .bl* to f.«.i Jurtielooslyd«aghter Boby. and UUa Buby llncItr n.aij wb.. tarns from rrli n - UbC,ubuI lint yuuvrreukilhdatAnllranl Fellow* of llaHaoe was an
doB, ot Uraad Bapida. who hare been lolrtMUecd aod caatared and held Ue to tiH. oit and f. 11 inlu a lruoi;h tUUvl panbrns d,N-< falniself a goml turn.
tluUui' ‘
obooi Urw- jAt du;p with *u!|diunc
............................ ' WoodWae ColUgc tor
heart* aad mlad* of hia aadlsaec from
"-Ajidl know yon-dirid Bt freCtyw
A saloon n-mlnds mmr men 01 I
left ynterday moralog Ue flnl word uttered to Ue coaelat. aeiA the ivnpiTator.. of whnh
(oaad to »«,•.. 1 .l.-«r.«0. l.u hour
ion ol Ue addrew.
—Chlraan DalJv Kewu
••Hnijml usplanaacma foDowcA' U
lb.' toviiddliL 'I'lic <haU of Ur'
PeaalDgtoa weal to U
Ue spoke ot Ur prosperj-.y Uat bat
aoems stmuge lu tao Uat tU warmreP
AoB ynlenby. to attend ber daugbt
come toUeoooatry daring Ue past
frirexlsbip -d my lit..sbimld imto b.«on
utchoo.* rc-pirutor. aiazal.-,‘Itvu iscfoor year*, aod ^rfly reeoonted Ue
ia thoto awful RSUK. of blood and rarhistory of the past tunr presideollsi
sin batt.cii. au'l pth.T ln>oiobl<. ar ^.ttur I.* tiu r.A -f r. J
nsg.1 al (h'liwburg. Tbn clmpte acrrlca
—paiga*. lie showed the repealed ti.'l<» Ev. tySbinK i lrv- hart ch.-uiically
alMl Huie SI.TSSSI.I sej.bsi re.U tlw « u, ..a' that 1,I that day whuu 1 surd
eeerias ot the Demoerau aa to ysat
Ura. trrbe Wataea. wife of City Ba- . _-t Uc eouatry needed, and U.e way eurabuu^ with tb.i aciA—L-mdmiKugi ito,.i«iet..xKiirwi.iiet>i».u.*iier.»s»si. for llmtdyiiq! .- Idi.T’s wile hto roado
atosn r,
. »..ier toesrrU
laeer WaboB. WiU her ------------------ in which the ditoorery proved * - MaJ.w Barluw nnd Ins wife Uo rteareal
.-■red b Ue City Saaday
dariagUefoBryearaUatUrr t
ftl.Tirt. I haro 00 .wrli, wOwtUstandChicago.
chance to try Ueir bands at the
In^l 'swUe ^y and he tteNaa."
ieba Ebaer of Unyton Pblo*. eraafeel of Ue conatry.
factory. Wiiva
bTbitbg Ue fanlllnol C. J. aad A W I.LX.V
f.w trnU Ih' vrriKw it down al .mcv- It
li. isBixii'* sad
MinJaae Koeebloa of Kalamsoo.
wait, r wh'-lbvr h> i> u a stalely
1*e>-a caenxtol to
arriTtd bat night tor a Tbit wlU her blsudv. buiaqsoatipa ss to wbeUrr
party or in couxtoraliiai at a
or sot Did (Dory b to be lowered Uc

— AddbSoIea.
rnuu yulto to
H* a-ar.WM
placed Ue Dcmocrals la a Terr awk. club III, |iad and pencil arc always ''^r, rre..ij
.-1 ef fb-undur.
P. I. WhUa
■d family ai
ward poaiUoc wbhn he stated
with faiiu an.l the puckri* of’bit cfaUct
tag a week a
elatlTca ai
WlllbmJ. Iiryan atgrd the ra'
are niTct fne Itum slit* of iiapiT eonUoB of tbe treaty that gaet as U
Dick Canabell ha* goae to Cbleagd laadi. asd tre the abtomrat that CTery tsiniog alartlihg puadoxra cbdlavlHi
aad Mllwaakee. to pnrehaae a atocE ol prerion addilitm of lerritory to Ur ai*|i laBBoaei-—Kuw. Vuck World.
alectrieal aappllea tor Uopbell Kroa. t'nIledStaua. wiUoaeeseeplloo. bat
Mr. aad Mn S. C. Ilrapre* are eator- erme ander a Demoermtlc mdmiaJuhnhy—fapb wb.Tedo traaiUg'
Wabg Mra. Joseph Harrisoo aad her
U Uvir Kion.y to maku Euroixau eiju?
la eoBclsaloB he urged Uat al;__
Pn|a—Wbo said Crumps made EatoHr. aad Hn. F. 3 Utib. wbo hoTa publicBBBgelontaad^Totr Ue eaiire
bseaTislUog Mr- and Hia WilUam tlekeu from William HeKiolej dome
to Ue lowest oSeer <m Ue school
1 kaw of.
■« to lyarh 1 ■ Ue^pen a
Hr. Fellow*' addrern was frtqoeoUy tramp «.•»»« that lUftghtUtt
I tl ..
C 8. Vader and Cbarln 8 Vader left blerrapled by boraU of appUuae. and
Saaday for a Tbit to Cblago. Haal. at Ue close of It be roerleed a great diA—Roxbuiy (Masai Uasrne.
towoe aad oUer pobi* oo U* west
shore of Uke Uiebigaa.
Hb* EUrl Thomas aad Min Marion
lad. lie is oae of the men
ran bare gone toapeod a lew days
led in the orgaaisalloii of ... ____ small T.WW.-1 of reaeiJ tab
WiU Ucbmllyof I- C Uilberl. who
ar yearr ago Vie spoke earaeatly
og 08 the tborc of Itoog
Ue baoesofUeeampalgo. and
ll'^^atalfle «M
TciT warmly rrcrlTed.
aftiT. .t i.„, r.'tucarrt aod tho
Tbe mectiog cloeed with three i
who lilrxl It was rcaod for Asmlag cheera lor.William McKinley, t
ploaeen of Pai^be
Tl.r .]u<-*tlan Tamed laret-tr
their two too*, left yesterday for 8aa for Ur speahFT* of Ue oecaaion
Frmoelseo. where Ucy will realde b
iree frjr Ue EepobticaB party.
tqon-<b<- n-potallon - After Ue speaklag. Ue Cna
PmakTYadewnltoBced aty yM- Haad gave aaoUer cooeert. aad __
cempaay adjourned to tbe grevee, Orat wtiucrr.
lerday to aprod hb TaeaUon
He will
..ere plcnie dlnarra were aerred in
JelB hb wife there, wbo b Tbltlag. ber
-now does thr d--f^Di ocoalU
Ue moat appeliring msBarr. SoUiog
had beea
by Ue
-----------Asirnddle. sir."
no." futid thr lawyer. -| mra^
t ustullj^ wAlt- ur trot, ur gab



'^towl^TuL wSSSt tar

-AddtaaaadTealiMa, Bor. i. V.

Baparu ot Ofieon.
Baelew ef Ue yaaria wot*.
lallaUeaiat*. by Altrod bar.
Field 8apL. DetrcrtL
<hl la tb* cOBBlry. by O. ■.
Report from C.

D. Bana. 8. ff. -

r.oo-Prake Sarric*. led by P. M.
— ............ ............. -"^r • " -------- II
D. K.O Udd.<MMMcm.
Of Alfred Day. PWd BupL
tebJrei. 'TbcTWher'a Mamar-

1 s»r«


-'Primary Work - lu Oaln aad
I'rnailsre.' Alfred Ibiy.
■d>rUB*ry Work WlUoata 8*paiaU
Hoorn. " Him AddU tSIbba. Hv
"Hod's Thcssgbt of u* Litua anff- •
(Bl What It ia
(1-. Bow 8ball W* Teaeb U? Hit.
J W. Nilllkee. Trarm. Clly.
Diaramion. led ^ Alfiad Imy. Oa-

.M-D...oilua*l. l*d by B** HAMaty.
. •.lUeiUlloB. C It Rsrna.
Kualarm HoeUag-KlacUoa of Of' fleora
"How far can a uaebre laflMaoa
Ue reartiog of rblldrea la tba
iBtermrdlalr gradr*?- Mn. C J.

' Ideal Jeolor Work-lU FomlbUIuoi,- Mra Narah D. Haraatt.
TcaTerae City.
HhenmUm. led bj- K. U Ladd.
' Junior Work In Ooaaly ilAaola.*'
Mn Uall, K.oisler.
li'iscaaBioB. led by Boben BarMp.
TraTcrae CJiy.





Old HM-

0*0. W. Baff hasgoMto
. a broUer wbon be hn W. Tbkbam:
tuyean. Uewia
UbaKemeUnllehaateae toChari . .
iToIx said Petoakey for a few ny* latge crewd Uat witaeaBc* Peaniagtooaad Imrdie
•it. Sbcwill rWt BayVbw btfore
teryforDld Hisaaec.aiM ____________
Spnial tor Ue Inrlaeiblca The latter
team waa ensiled by Ue abaaaacot

... A" mid lb* wicseaa. npoareatly
srSriAing la IlM- .Irptbs of bU.'IDeoxity
for fa.-l,. -vilHrti he rMc* *'. walkla'
brear. be walks; when Iw ride* a tretUn' burs,', be trnis: and wbro -be rtdc*
a gaUoplo' iuirsr'. Im- gxlb-iR: wbr
Th* law.ref lBtrri>ewd'. "I wat


sh.'U wrigtiinx al«ni aoreaiy tutu a abuwrr of l.Sial

Ilh r-.iighjartof Ibe AlUatira.'eae
. toiu.-.-n it>- r.rtiK'ih airi flftir;'
inrslb'la ..f nerih lalliudr.
Y..UI1U shakes ari' Isrtu wtth fUi'
aart |u.l-,m glnarts In full iwsferiUe
ud an- dsugmsUs .'ven Wfurr Caxtlut
I>ls|ui|.1lr« rrvwn NTS oriiWB* ahout
b.' Vl.iting ymiwls (he. fairt Ibal lb*
lly baa. t-'.-n geitlu .along wllb «• '

Isy.iKu Ibth day oC SeptsiaMr.A.U. Itsuo.



• < 1 ■ .vls.e .B.ytiry . lea,!. l.« UJasri.. Xu.-

rsis-.-sinr- aw.l'i shL-.. .LfsoJi lu ttoaiar
e--ui .a ito.iTtonial and uiufsto das. Us

e.l I...uur^nrta*. and Ito- Walato^
Friday. Novirmbor S. I 900.
. rSrt s «>.. s. vto S-*<b Perel llBsr uf
... .«isi ll.sis.u Trsrsre .Ur.toM ttasrl
,|l. 1^.- toinr^.ls
;A Is^ur^^lto



'7'“.'JAwlto It imuauiTi*.


Here ie where we are ia our right elements. This department
: is our long suit; You are at an advantage in buying your school
: suit of ue. Our stock is by far the largest in the city, In fact
: larger than it ought to be. Styles and fabrics strictly up-to-date.
At $1.38 and $i:50 we show pretty vestee suits from 8 to 8
: years of age. Others at $1.75. $2, $2.60, every one under value. :
We show special lots of medium weights to close $1.70, $2.20,
I $2.70, $3.48, worth their double.
TwQ-pieceeuits, &om4 to 16yearsof age. we start at $1.19 •
: for wool clothing (no shoddy). Better ones $1.26, $1.88, $1.60. \
\ $2.00 and $5.00.
Our three-piece suite trom 9 to 16 years of age are the popnE lar suite for the boys today. We price them at $2.20. $2.79, $8
: and up.
Bring in your boys; we will fit them up at a n^ch lover
I price than you are prepared to pay.


■ MMW AUetWHM, 1»P0.
m odHfwaad
«. baa abaagoa aanto. a*' ‘
day. araotar. CUad u/l
Baaala hto p-abMad bta. ata totadi
to M bta dor Ut owa patoMl tot aad

tatanifMt Brttoi
Mr hMk^ a

k ad ttaTreiM

pltoA-ata^bar-^ MtaergantojSr y^^jir^Sta'ataaetod n
eaptata talta easing ttarnl year.
-ata aUtoth- all enritaototoata

$cbNl Slits,

F. D.l^rto..S^patatod
—etatod treata wana-ehadeakledaatoa-.
hto baaa ap«d to--------oftar for MtEbool year. U a
it'a da-ay drittog h-an That
darwaa-adayaatadv.^ ^------ adttoaMth.
Wayaa U Waten wta ai
alaaowthlaha thatb^^iSWtto
HIga ataool Uhrartoa ter tha yi

IPUCAII *0lfUiA«0»a.

IWa baa alcHidr boto Mb talk to
Md.UkMMrn<wUk <!«■»*»»»
buklraA wllb mUomI honor rlndi- » whalbto Mr. Baoair totaOieott AOx
- MdirlllMntwwMUat •■hv- baaotba tnowoa tbataaal^ T
atata potIUotly that ba wfll aot do.
Ba bat bean argad to lot tba ben
ter at Naatato bat baa potltitoly ro-ad.
TbIawUlapoM tbapitopntota laaa otthoca-aalga of IMO to ba bald ta
Mwaaa Brad Ataoat and Dog
MeKlaUr had htindriM.
Ukdty wtoctaraelarUedbra I
(i.lrbwA>«tcw pdW •« ib« inlW >hkb local Iota— of baata daab
MTiTlnii Of tha taa-wUta
,Oft»e l«hU«MI«BM MtwUh dlM- 9 aaa pallto oC. tow that dlMa
beta parOta wfll dtaa- Uk-a aad
Mr.b.1 lilMTM iho w», open lor. aoB rotaatalad by tba Iwiri-a Trot- byUeprnta— el two dkliagaltaod
itm tead la tbd fvun MUlaMt.
leaden when oplahat aad aigaMU
PiWldMt HeKlalcr dedaad lha AmtItan great waighi wlU tbe lalalam dadaltalj at a Uaa whM
Ugaatrotaa who attewAed tbe gatherA vary laotty waddlag
____ ^ BOranimMita wvr aLaal
Itotonalagatlbabotoa of Bor. fata
tna laaWlitr or laUraaUi»aI )aalTbe-eotlagwwbeldla Bielabcrg-e
. partta btoag thalr Draad Opva H(m aad the apeakerm
daaghur. Ml- Lola H. Baabae ahd aot taly eatanalaed bat iaetraett
tea. Tbe Cktoetotkaad g
Hr. WnUaa H. KateA BoU Of U
Is toTor of nlabllthlBg the Uatao qao
ttafnatof Ueopemboa
yoBagnaoplaanwallkaewB aad
dtd-ort lhao aaythlDg atato aalfy
Ion Ue —erliag aad dkpeaaed tc
liar la tha CMy. Hta Bar
■pcaa powan w to -Ultary
patriotic eolccUoH Into tbe etage.
haring baeo fer aerecal yaan a la
ar la tba paUk aehooto of the aiy. aad
•'Wbao. latto, PntldaBt MeElalay
Hr. Baiae beiag eatata of Ua
ropUed to U Hong Obaag that tba UnitBoth an pro-loaat i
I woold aatar loto to oagotlaTbaMtiacwuopaoedby Scaatar
of Ue rint MoUodkl taarta.
HllUkoB. who can a abort addre—
The narrlage een-eay w
ta Ua eaeatiaa. Ha latrefor—ed Is the pntty parlor, whtch waa
ctaly wbatwaa umiiiryto '
Graat FeltowA wbou
daeoralad wlU larBA pal-a aad eat
Chla-t gorerBMt wbat
eeJ* prenrblal la Mkhlgma.
It waa a bold ttap-one of the floweta Mta
hue kaowledg* of pabik
tba htaory of dlptaaaey.
lied. Hr. (
OUtaHlght tan regarded HMaaal-.
nof Ue C
tl-atam aad -ardarad tha Ugatioot
powan -k^t bare aaparatad atakted by Ue brldeb taUar. Ber. A. ceerktloo eo—aad reapect
.------------- amir
tha Ualtad Uata ba--------------------------------Ua
partyMeltber of tfaeae thtoga
a of it.
Tbe bride wena baaatUBlgo
farred to Ue deprw-ieo prc'k
laa gare way. No pow- while eflk —all. and nrrled a boaqaet alaethn of Pnaidret HcKlaley aad Ue
MA Tba greo- wat attlrad la proatae el Ua Ue-ocretk Inder*
Anna T.BUaaiha KapaUi~«aa- on'to-oparatad with A—ta.
that Ua adopUa of free ellrer would
-NodooUtbe dlOealtlaa yfcr fOffnMT. hM wtll aarsad
lapaaaeeafor all tndulrial ailranio-e by eirUIaatloa an gtaatar
IbaMMtaUfa that baaoaaat
t aad that a gold etaodard rroald
laalbtoo that an babied. It it taaarrod. Ue Ubta belaf at- ------- je Ue ooaotry lato deeper dehla tbi««hert hia Ufallaa ot rattan
pi-i1nn aU creator d—Utot—e. He
rataiwt -d»«r.
Ut. Bita waa poaeiMato fontaU wbat will follow teadad by tba Htapeiated oat bow bin were Ue Deaotaro oa A tara> ia Matr York aad apeat tbaeaeapaMoBofMilB. Matapoaai- EaUtrlae Hoota BdlU Bari. Btbel
eretie propbaata tad pointed to Ue
ttaaarir >~aof Ua boyhood Ulho blt to toy what Oar-aay will alU-ata- Uoaakand B-aaBaabae. Aboa
briUiasl adBiaktniloa of I>mldeBt
:lydo. Betwoab Bataa aad J<
ga—ta wen pnaeaL Tba dialag i
McKlaleyu proof that every pledge
•acadaldata axac iha boo rtaa-ade by Ue Beoablkaa party bed
beaaUfally daeeratod triU ei
■ ofi
hhraiBlboM. Haw.oa«)Ulor
been redeemed la tell, aad how from
B oT Cbloa will beaerltU Ibaataaof iba war. ba*lii( apaat
IdltotoeUe workiag a— had be. Tbaartopartof tha
—aay aad cseap- eo—e preaperoa* and bow —ilk. that
prvra—. tboagb. bat baeo ezMtad tkaally btoaUtal. Iadtalag a band- bad been eWd had beea opened and
a to MtaloB ia'iau.
aaUitabectB tbaatato:
with dUpateb aod tlgaal
toted by the e-- kapt eontloeally la operatloa.
part bat beaD tab- ployn of tbe Beatoa
rUac bard aa

•1B6 VslMSL

bet Itat Uk —aat — directly la
Bertbcra HkUgaa dnalt aad
tellowiBg tbe —aotIV at MaaM^ Batrta tor tto

'“■oSSa SoEni..« CM*-


31c Yd.

Ue ti


t;WCaan. Trot or Pace.

^-Ua. .

Choice of our Best Wrappeis. ft.19.

raitatuT. sai-T. JJ.



This is A snaj» -wonh all the «tzy up to $1.


■oa V. mwaao.


aar ol Ua rodaUrtal oo-radoa darto* aa by tta roitU- Slat—. Tbit It a
rltw of the M wbkb Briloat. offieUI
Ita das, and
aad aeoaeial. tbe naaat the ferUga
aar hr alcbt la tba
U the etroot.
Bawia aartlad .AUe r»»
wltboot i-arrr. The -oral retalU of
-7---------- Ubow. bla total tataae oo
Mawoddlaf dar badag Ua aarlaca ' the war wllb Spalo an io^ldoaoi
•HA Hn. Blta araat with b« bi
...................................... tba Gbioaat
baad U tba aoeda. MalaUag bta by
taiplag a beaidlBf boaaa and hH -pUaral."_____________ ____

doe earpet gina by Mr. Oharin BeanIbai. the proprietor of Ue
Tbe bridal eeapla will lean Uk
ling by boat ter a weeha' trip,
wbkb they wHIapaadtaObiamt of wh
ef frieod. waitotaadu
e^. Ato

Big BarnFtrA
Boolaiy Mote,
Tbe bare of Btepboo Laataar. who
pretty little party waa girto
Hooday aftanoeo la baoor el tha llTtoBlz mil— w—tof tbeelty.togeUer
aaar Aaartaa
wlU Ita eoBitoU aad tbe eatba!
birthday ahUronaty of L—lie. "
ototaUiH bo- tba «Ua
old aoe of Hr. aad Hra-A.M.
a rtaldaaea. bo- berbood
Friday Bight at U o-eloel
toraae WM nrad bat by the
I Kleodike elab
____j aaod ba ao iaar that a
.laglo boBorof tbe parela effertA Tba total low aauiled
gUaad a proad Uaoa la llfa
kMttaatodatto.ooe. wiu to.eoo '
ww«tatoDaBdaSortwlU |l...
he Far—en' Hataal.
dallghtlata to aar boat or «U1 U^Urbald BayTbaaker. At alwaya a
oftbeSn k a -yak
fall, jolly tHaaanatojeyad.
aiV iHaaaandllita that
Mr. aad Mn taaUer were aeleep. i
Ua—ewtuor Saanaa.
rory ^atooi tnial wet gina
Uey wan awmkeaed by the
Wa-qawtoeg ela)(beate Itat eet. glare of tba blaze la tbe window,
log by the B. Y. P. U. Oa—— and
to dad Ua bare la da—ba Itorlog
•rraa hto boas idtoUlad with U
taaan to -re la Melghbon arB the eroolng a T«ry
d oa the eeaao rary teee. aod by
vltbaU daa aotaaaltr dadiaatad Ua
BtMieBort.iBaeaadadlB nrlag
UlB,abdfladtadblt powin to sapatt
boaaa While dgbUag U
a teeead of the avta of aoe!
^aa tba aattoaal lacblatioa of tba
Hr. Laataar teU fro- Ue roof
pna is tbe We-qoe-loa
aHBtrrhoaaawUltakt plaee Friday oreoito. tomnaad badly aptaiaad eto of bk
«haalB tba >Jtr Hct»d OoDgraa
f. Bontb ondtatn will faralth the aakta. Be ata bamod oae Of bk
ha waa an a
lie aad gin a oeoeert ‘ tsraa to
a ad traattadA <
yeeterday to to
^waad htUUaat, ba daolarad that a
ftotarday waa the eighth Uithday
"piatoamii toiU waa eanaaltad In
Tbe bare wto tin larmtaad
ttoodaadfaabb—l la Uiqaitr- <a>~ aaBlntaaryof Matter Warrao Ott aad la all Uk oeetloa of tha etate.
the enot waa eolebiatad by a jelly
to Haa-ar aad tba seat Thdoto
■ala balldlag wm iszlto bat. aad U«
fieaie party whtai waa eaioyed by
Hi ptto^ that orar aarto
Myooagtriaadaettheyoatt. I
Haabr-” Tata proUetloa tar
tHopMadbr tba dint CjoapHa aad OU wu ataated by Mn. W. O. Bol<
w WlU Ue greaar7.bagp<
Waablapoa. Bryaa Mia.da-UarlaadaBd Mn. A. H. I
tool bOBBA carriage beatA ehlekea
toftbHdsatoisd that ba woold Bgbt
Baattay In a bo- aad oathepbon boanaad teed eotaar. bnSdto te-e
IboiwtoatiTi vata- aalaaf aa
oltheUnetoek oa tbe far-. Ol tbe
ahd la
tbe grove they I
Maarthtof to noMdr- Tba i
eoBtatkattbebare that ware
IhabataraHpmaetkB aad traatiada happy ttae. Aaoag tbe gataa
potatoe eeotaat. in which print wan wan » km of hay. aad tbe whtot
trenUoeroa la oddltke I.edObaabby n—Otoe Bari aad Wall
el* of old wheat
latbaereolng the Ire—wi
In tbe tool boon wbkb WM baraod
tri—ed with Japaaen laaterai whi
a pretty lUB-laatioo. A le-plIngtoptta ww aarTBd. eoataUBg

tatiwarbtorn to tba ■
adeeeatlBg tnt aUnr I

ooadA Bad -weladlBg with a -artto .u4eltr.
tPe i—M. dakblag
w mail Wama recatnd —aay .1^
pntty piHauM bo— bit go—tt. When iB-bor for tb<boato,- aad all Uk wa*
tha party naahed tba Onhoati'
tbaMrltta the ga-u gan t
Tba erlgia of the dn k a -yetory.
gnat Wg ehaart ter Matter oa
It k tbeaghl that It —l^thare baaa
taat eeoala^ Mr. aad Mn. J<toU> eaaaad by tre-pA or that it -Ight
Oatato of Beae urwt, gan a lawn
- itahoaerof thalr ga-LHtaUloa. WbM Hr. Laata- dkeorghanntn of Loekport. H, Y. The
It tbe toUn bare wu' abkta.
B wu pretUly deconted with Jap____Mlanterat. Aa totanUalag 1—■ and It wat 1-peealbia te .ttal la what
proBpta progra- of redtaUoto aad part tbe dn erlgiaated.
of tba
plea—Btftotana wat a
Tbe Ota Park Mta atjeytd a pieak


totagiitoattottatefMeBialay- >*■
-y Hto tohta by Hr. McKinley aad
Ua tartan tae ban jtotUad by BBhatpUaatod ad then qaaaUeat baa baaa
tbs atatoto at tba UUtad Statto in tha
OdtatoMbta. ^attaatk-oltha
whotowortd ww^wato ttaUUiad
BtoWdartoetba war with Bpal
tUt tiaaMy.wto than plaead la tba

« Bosauad Sbadek nUread y—*y Btoralag from Htcklaaw.
bu bees Ue past w—k. Mka
n«4ck alto spent Utm weeks la Iteaad slz weeks at YeatlanU lakiag

Extra quality Rag Carpet tor a 1 Q/*
few-da>-s.the 55ckmd.peryd

i. O C. li^iiig aad sob retormd
y—unlay meretogby wtyof Htchi
from a rkit to YpsllaaU. Dstroll and
Aaa Arbor.
Hk* JoBBie tipaiaDe aad gllk Ball
kmeaa Ue ezeatdoo fra— Ubto tor a
rkit with Mre. Walkor. of Fiftb etreet.
I. L. H. C. Ilsll left.yeeterday tor
Haeitogt, alter a rkit wiU bor faroUer. Cbpt Chaee.
A. UaklelUr ol Lake Aaa.
la Ue city yeeterday.
K. Foley ot Cedar, was at Ue
ke bare agreed to
stopall ansrehlsu'meetlagt. and fonr
Wbittog yeeterday.
Mrs. Haybery of Manrelona k rkiteensoppre-ed to Herlto. It k
lag bk akter. .Mra A. K. Boyer of Oar
bat l»« foreign
SeU arenee.
■ujmrelulians. I
pelled fnta Uermsay store the ast—iaatJoaof King UamberA
Hargarel aad Helen
The anltaa has ordered a committee
men and Barry He—kb.
I inn*tHate Ue recent mi



lOB of Ue coat...
wbkb Ue klaad*
beeaase Ue abeolnte property ol Ue
Halted Slatoe. whleb aa loyal AmerlCOB eboold rote to nllaqaisb Tbe
people of aaid. are
malaly of a harbaroa*eharaeter, naeir.
Ukad aad wild. Oar doty k to balld
ap tor ua—Ue great drUkarot—odera U—aA Ue lebool. Teaeb them to
wear clpUeA Uea go onr Uere and
eellUem Ue doUlag Thea o'
Ue FillptoOB get eo Uey can go<
sir— we want tbe klande tc
Uat they aaay enjoy Ue
freedom bow oajoyed by A—erkaaA
1a epcaktog of ezpaasloa Mr. Fel­
lows eWred that aetll tbseelastacqakllk—seTery toot of territory ae-

gBBieals be gan to prove Uc Wlacy
Ue anU-azpanston IdaaotUeDemlatA He want back to Uellau when
_t Dseaomik party was a graad old
party aad aot eoatcnaied by Popnliiu.
aoddwdll at leagU epos Ue differOP—between Ue early history of
addre- WM poBetoatod wlU mpplanae aad totoreparead wiu br—
altareaUdwtU fiktOe lUnetra
which held Ue andta)- IntM-ly toi,iPHi7 to Ue end.
Mr. MUllkea totrodneed Boa- A. B.
Dairagh at Ue eloee of tbe addre— by
Mr. PellewA
Mr. Darregb tmpr

w. K. Pratt, a—klant saperioi
dent of the iDtoreaiioasI Corr—p
deaee Sehsels of Sereatoa. i*a . k sUvptog t— a few dayt at Uc i-ark Place
Mre. T. II. A. Tregea aad Hi— Laara
Tregea hare retareed from an eztoaded visit to Syracuse. Niagara Falls sed
other polnU ol ioler—I
Ber Uegb Keanedy k aaskling at
Ue Hear take charge and
lag for a conple ol day*.
AloB/o Hopkia* ot Ureal relnraed
Taesday from an eztended rkii
former home la Kane. I'*., where he
went for Ue health of bis daagbter
Be nporta her greatly l-prorsd.
Hrs.U.Belt left for Chicago y—terday
Lz. called b
Ml— Lee
Chi—go. who b— b—0 spendlag the
immer with ber, scee—peal
Mre. B CreodsH of Elowo
Urtaialag her sktere. Mn.
aod Mrv F. Morae ot Sagins'
B. H. Allyn has retareed from Aub,
kOB. Kaa—A aad a trip Ibroagb Ue
He reporU tim— prosperoos
aad a growing uaUmenl for McKlaley
and Booaenlt.
HrA Emma Flaggert of Hnski
Vkiting Hit Oeo. £. Amiottc.

n Ue lar|
iagbi to c
Ueerge Bardeea. pr—Ident of
BardecB paper milk at Oleege. ba.
pealud >16.000 to Ua bank at that vll. to a wag— that HcKtoley wUl be
I—ted pr—ideal aad k looklag for
a laker.

Wee Arbor t* beldg attacked by a
jyriad of crieketa Nearly every boo—
peof meltkOBOf to Ucdty koverrna wlU Ue InsecU.
lua aad Ue high—t Vta'
HleUgaa. He k a man ol broad bwi- They are Unogbl to be a part of Ue
■warm that laf—tod Kalamasnoreceot-


■cleeUoaof Uenbiacklbal ba
pareae la Ue eebael. Tbe toa» _


94S Front StioM

Is loaded with ^ood tiling for the
. Summer trade-arc constaotlj increasiujr our asMrtmciit of pretty and use>
(ul articles is onr


BOOK and stationery

Btery Cook Hook
intacriben Who p .
illglveeto al
SD— for U* paper.
« dollar in s
Uld snb—ribi s who pay to fell to Jaa1, will akp reeefn



fner •berm end kaabea die areatea moden. Die groMto Otowahl
aad die billigaUa prels—.
Immer balm BENDA, kaefea —
bfubll sich.
lit Froat SL. Tree— City.

-Itgmff Keen Tzit t DsUir.*-

way trelky wire. Freddie Warrea'aad
brl Lewk became 'eataagUd to Ue
wire aad Matt Ulloatraeb aad hk
hired girl, to attompUag to reaeae
beyawere eeeerely tamed. Hr.
leataaebb hired girl flaally tore Uc
wInlaeMby grabbtag it wiU a mb
bw ciml aad releaaed ^ sagcrcrA
who eoald not ta ga Yoaag Warrea
badbeeataogbtby Uc wire aero-hk
toatop. Which k badly baraod. while
Lewk' bana are ea bk Mbow^ aad Ue
ar— may hi—m atUteaed. Hr. OUeabreU ata tte girt wen bareta abOK

Iswtdlng Shoe Houm of Nortiipnt Mich.
New Shoo SKire






bate to r

gnat po—t of Barope tan
bM watoblag with Islar-ii'tbt eoatw
tattaUUtod Stota la the diBaaltta
to'Ctolta. and tba teltowlBg. fro- A.
too. aadar data of Aagnt.lPih. It
Itowk'BoUlBg to look. Boom will
0—pbatle oad—Htototod tbafa—yM oak yoAlo bay. Oeeae la aad ta a*
miwnUn eeam paraatd by Pnal- tbake band* wlU yaa anyway. Bmda
will be glad to aac yea aad get ae Mr. Hera ozplalaod to Ue beard ttat efUa
'dtHiKtotoy TtataadaadMpi
<ta«aa. PUkb.
bta ^ ootte.MO f-toteraad
tae okhr. Uat It Wtomare iiiiiil
•lAtaO ter Ua —op wbkb
B. EBNOA^^..
aad taeU—ways taa d—kable Uaa
« l« Frmt Bt.

ThaVs the price you will find on a line of
Hisses' and Women's Shoes and Oxfords
that we sold before from $1.26 and up to
i $3.00—We close them out at one dollar.


The H. J. Belar pkhle factory at
Hellaad receieed onr IM wagoa leads
ot escambere SatordOg- The maunt efiiu Satioeal 1
faeiare of elder will begin arzt mooU mo» U. A.
i. b. Tlekele -Id Ang.
' 1 epee Ue —me tbsme tr—tod and Ue maklag of tomato-a-Hoe- to^'lh good to reum aaj|| Am tie*
Fallows, hot from
L. - Me paid
ProsldeBt HcKtoley aad Ue
The Hkhigaa Ston eompaoy ol
BzeellmDetroit. Obleage aad KaffslA makere
Be epobc of Btyaa as a taka pro^l
el uarlaad euv- aad raagea has bna
awarded first ^re at Ue Park ezpesl-.
iddwttribed Ue -l-i
Vorkaafi dcr BENDA vkht Ige
loB to cempetiUoD with the eaUre
•Itoboeca.^ BENDA *00,
d^'fer the free Hirer kato“Be
rid. nestove ladastry of Uc state
Uoa wont after Ue —lUtorkm toatoal»i Freot St. Traeoree City.
ttaiatotareiblyarTalgMdUe Demp- ha* always been oae of its leadtog
featar— to Uewwld's wkev aad Uc
s alreodyia
MkUcaa Stove oe—paark
0 Ue daw
taeoaeaday. Uct.
woold ee-ceb-h to...............................
, ___ ____ nlatiaes for «Md f- Ue aaai
re—Ipt of
ireke toTot k odof mlHtorkm lathe 1
he etae bavtogapbeld Miebigaa'* eneedeaca ledoata —t pototeto Oi
byUe___ _______ That policy be
At Port Barea foar poraoas bad a H * N. B aad A A. B. B
Mom wblta was araeUeod
U. W. Ci vznoBiK.
MB-pIrA aad Ue army
sllto totophme wire Uat
F. A. Mirmcii. U P AgV

arel Idea k kept to -i>A. aad Ua
dVy liol Friday aad boa aot
aer heard of tlaca Ua day
— ttat Ua
Hr. Bnrlaa Wt tbe tows Friday
lereUg.loge to But Jerdaa.r
ta eeMcUea wlU Uk a-tt—.
bk bUer WM lylag ceriooriy U1
wueera Baurdag at Bllawerth. alaeo
wbkb Uae bebto baea aellharaaea la Ue Bigh otae^ which hw
aar beard ol. It k told.
week. Be showed
Tanday tbe father died, and John J.
Brrxlto. hntaer 'of tae -aa wbohu tavereMy wtU aay oU— ta Ue
9 not slavery, ns some
dtappnred.wtot toattokdtbe faaatal -heel, ata Uat
_________ -reld tan voters believe.
of Ucworkeoeendk dkUmUi^ of
Mr. Bareagb's addr—* wn tall ot
laem ehaJArter. Ue oU—-QHe good, practkal Uoogbta which ebowad
Uat be k well p-tod aad able to cope
Of Muk Boye’aad CUldrea-* .a__
wHk Ue gnat tae—bedon Ue eoqeFUl aad Wlaior OleUlag. UeU. Cam.
Oaderwaar. Boz. aionOfIihoa Onr
^^me^Uto closed sriU Urea
lag ebears tor HcKtoley.


L. Treeeiw City.
1:4 FroolSl-.l

My tar Uc datlu wbieh mast tall apoa
Ua etagTMisn treoi Ue BlrreaU
distriel. Hr. Oarragb........................
than WM aotUag etarUlag deer.
An addltke waa -ade to Uo Dfatady MW oBerad by tba High

party la the artolagaad tba araat wat i—bool. Thk will be kaewn a*
rory eajoyablA
•ItoUn eomnA aad will gin the
topewtn aad tohkleadarilka
Bt Bat oittppaand
ttadty fera day*

Do pot^biiy a Shin Waia^until

y Ml— BiUrr Horan,
u Armestoits InUe Soaeai
k two weeks’ oating at of Asistle Tarney. la Ue
View aad
hi* msjerty has relieved Alf
of b—unties
City Clerk A. W. Bkkerd ws
pablkaa partr bad been latlraaeBUl
Cara oi ThsnitA
3 Acme last erealeg by the
labriagiag aboat Uk cmdltloo aad
Wc desire to thsek oar frieads who
UecoQddeace iaeplred iaUead. Ue lllnctoof b'iseon.
Bg Ue lecoai 111Id lacreaae iadutrlal
- Ida Johnsoa will leave Uk
aetlTltoaad briag eoaUauedproei
itog for Chkago to purchase
to Ue laborlD| cla- ae well ae V
liaery sapplta for Ue Famoaa —>111_______ ehlag apon
______ _
aery store of Ue boo. She
pUtform HrFellowa elated that Uen
wu not a ciogle deftaite ataUmeot to a few dayi in Trareree City oa ber way
Uatdeeameat that woald ebew how back.
Mr. aad HrA Jease Wright of Orcen
the DemoerV* woald rake —one;
raathe gommeat wiU If Ua
rillc. are ga-u ot Mr aad Mrs V. K.
Will sic gera dis] bei dcr haed so
iT.-ht n—h deoueber sltto tvhnqlCarl aod Harry Lwabart ol Wasseew,
.me to la leK.
too. oh sir ksefeo Oder alebt. dss
Irer at a ratio et ic to 1. la Ohio, bare arriesd lo the city for a I
coinage of alii
Islgsnr. -sebooppe."
apluof '
» Kleider BaadDir Drotsebe None
weeks' visit wlU Ur family of U
laktoUngUk phaae of Ua eabjeet
he dcelarod Uat wbat tbe people of
Uk ooBotry Ml k a^dolta that
aad aaiat won
oae haatolBL_ ______
lontiy la
drodoeau laaa;
Ue world, jnt
which k BOW to
Ua aataoa.
la oloqaeat words Mr. Fellowa told
of Ue aaioe betweea Ue norU
tbeaoaU. eeatoaled by Ue Ute
WlU Spaia aad from that oa to Ue re;
aalkof tbe war andoar klaad paeaeBeloaA la toacblag apon Ue PhUleptoe qatotloa be deelared Uat Hr.
Bryan hbasel t wae oae of Ue
tar^g tbe U
eneatc to rolee tor an


Big lot of ^aa's l*aats in very good pattenis a»d colon; have beeo #1 QQ
seUwgM*$i.7s.$y.>$s.50.$3. •A*Oa7

S. BBTCA t 00. .
Offer_ aU Sa— Oeods at ’eat
"'i^'sdS Salk go at •»
Mm's 110 Saks go at ta
Men-sHI^uceatKMen's >1 Paau go at PI Tt.
Boys' Salk al TV. •!. gl -M.'
Boys' Paata iSc. :ta <sc
tab Uadarwear. *v. zv ata «Cw
Usta to —11 al toe. tor and TV.
Mto'ngMTV Sbir- attte.
All Bat* and Ck— at ceta


are continually addiag the Neweat
Books, the Iratest- Styles is sUtios*
ery and the prettiest articles to tbe
Souvenir line for Traverse City to be
found aoywhere
Be sure aod call'on ns •rben. Ja
to'wfl. We will,try and make it pleas­
ant fon'you,


Oaacecut el D. A. b beoalaoat
ahagetCeM.AN.X.B.B.Oe.. olU
—II tlekou oe Friday. Aag. iUh. Mapday Aag JTU. apd Toewfsy Ang. vU
Beurell—ItSopL liU. iww. Traiae
1—nTrevarw Ctty.t'tO a
ataeeaB—t wiU St——ar at Maaktoa. reW
(.i.rt Ue roend trip. -—Is iacladta. * a K.a. vCBCsr ” - Oowtor^y hnd yep wUl tana

ETTt r
- ' ■ I WSWPO

zjjB.'W. Crzznoai
O. P. Agl.

Sekwabtoteet or Oermaa Ficste t

p—Hun iitoju^sTPor
uv pn—i- I’.wt c.v—i vMiMi.Me
St to,
r. IS tv «T .Z.TtsnV
<ti;.,Si Ik- cm O.;
Anr^ isl— ywe


,>4e-d ./IWis >' oiDsvt III ivy tiiv wnWi—k

Ua—1 aUmeSleto at
Trela will 1—n Tranre*
aiy6t«'>* A as Uaes Oread BapItaT p.
.^.PVvtoV ttaM IS tv rilr .4 Tisnew Uty.
lIU Aaanal CtoeegUto af Wsthmil
tast— Ckrrl—n' d—ertelliOread

MU. aad arery Urpayar thooU aaatl lit
kla rota In tarar
______ of EalkM__
- Bowlaatlaaol «. D. Tottaa
WiU Uiaaatoaat ot -onay tba watarjba. Kalknabaooaaty. Uat aibl whaa

owtav ts tk« wnrlar »wv ef om
onh»«nrtlii»»iotth«—Atoi A
■mM wOl b* Md*. M ttot tb«
ptMMCMh* ew* M aben

wDoimedy la eealMdlohla

. .
JUtODOTaaUaa adloaraad HT balloa
^ prorid. watar whmo it baa baaa bad baaa uka. wtJTao al*a of
laatocy aM wQl craatly laeilllata tba badly aaadod ter aoM yaoia. Tba iaaUea. Thia ooraiac
tttotll,. ______________
— wa>
wuoa of the eartalo polaa mad<
ot tba daadloek „tU
B«a. W. B. a MlUball to aesAMd te bytbaODapaay. The Baeblae yiraa aoMal aakad will ,0 a W waja
to^^riay tba city aa adagaau [ daally owtbe l»rd ballot. Charlarolab
UiMMamanafu aee
aaplaymaat to two pnraeat.
‘apply ............................. -^^<^jdal^lloaa.adeabraal< froaOoaltar
Ba waa valklar U.
■and Ua
M will to Ton
Ibabeaaalalbe'darkwbaBlM tall la
Fnilt Orowara_____
aaeb a way aa le aiaauh bit baclt’
Motlac of the trait ..... ^or^
Vary Harrow Eaoapa.
-kith wai dear Charlprolr
iy. Uia BM tbaacbt Uat Ibe
raplOB waa bald Hatarday at tba
Baaday Baratac, llykuiac atraek
effort *e noalaata Coalter
UJaiy wIM yreaa aaripaa.
leU raoma. An oryaalaalioo waa
I aad Aaulai waa r<iaatly datarmlarid to
tbaboote otHn. i E OeeUkk. Mdl»<>Aeuli
Tba iaat waatlat of the Ualfora aSeatad to bekaewa at ibe Mraad tbonib nobody WM hart, eraryooa in :•«><« U>e
aalioaof Bardlrk. bat
Baab. KaicbH of Pytklaa bafora tba
Uoealyway to Drank Ue doadloek.
TbalU"**'!and lUobJaelladeeBrd by tbeeoatU.
■Ttal nUMTlatr at DeMl. waa h
- be to Urow Ua DOailaaUmi
tatiOB at "to tbr oiore taandUy ec.opar. • at came la oa Ue teUpboeo JPlre. -------*
Mlar, aad tba «aa1 drUI
to Totlea
ata la Ua ahipplay of all kioda of fmll ■oac. kaoeaed ciT a beard of
Tberiadli of Ub eoareatloe r>en
ad farm and (ardaa prodocu. aad to or. poaaiBf aerow Ua altUay
Kalkaaka Ur eaodUatr for
tba drill waa alMat. ■ebaaya idtaa oa fnilt ealiara.'’
tira. aad also for auta aaa
and Into Ue bodroom aBjalalay.
Articlia ot aaiociatloo prepatrdby The (Uded tramaa on aererml I'alaer haeiai bate
Jadpa Bamdell men maoatad aad ro- picwrea wrre dioeolored by Ua liybua Trarprac Clly
rtaakThraafa waa tte rietlai ot
lay. aa waa alao Ue braaa pieure atborttlBruo
lalatBltBjaiyattbeOral Wood Dla
moBldlac <0 aeeeral raoma ot Uo
Oo-tplaatyaalerday. lU fell ireia
Mm Ueorye 1‘alfrFy aod MItalrab
iBBbwpUaaad atronly Iwpkad aa.
.Palfrey of Cmeoa. were la the ciiyye..
Uroilick’a daaphim Kdaa. u terday.
laawattd Ua laft alda. Dr. Uaraar
mn old, waa aliUac la
hit woaada. aad aaya that no
a BMDberraonelo.
IBamUA a Tnya^.
window of the room wbare Ue Ilybu’
lataraallaiBrlttaraappartDk aad no
nndaratood that U*i otyaala- lay entered, aad waa abockad by tba Timair lalormatiaDyieea Hmileoryr
ties la to Lsalede. sot onir IraHcroW' bolt, to Uat abe waa III all day 8aa- Loay. ol Mew SUaitariUe. Halo, eared
A lar^ eoMMlaeof pi^ Bora aod
bnt Ua raiacr* ol all w>ru of pro- day, bot felt ao alTaeU of Ue ahock two Urea A friyhttu’, eoayh had iom:
faally. Hr. aad Hn. Prank Meada. deee wbo are iotoraated lo mud ahip- yeaurday AaoUor lltUe danybter kept her awake crery nlybt. i$br bad
Uled maar remedlea aad doctora bat
Hia. 8. L. Htada, Hr. and Mra. P. B. play faelllilc..
waa on Ue porch, aad Ue Bald paaami aieadlly yrew worae natll anred to try
Bayaaa. Hr. aad Htt. J. K. Boot ol AaMeUDCwill be btldsratllatar- wlUlnatewfeetof her. bnt abe waa Dr. ElayaNew litaeorery <■-(Mali. Wla., aad J. W. Walloa aad da.rioelaetcnieera of the tMoei
-• 'ly^earbd her. and- abe *
Dot abockfd.
bwUy. apeat Taciday flthlar on
MiaaUoodale waa in tbeelttiayraom, I^oocof aeerereatiackof 1‘DcumoDla
BtC Caurfi ol
and the piece of Ue door frame paaaad Such carea ar® pcMlirr proof of lu
ryoBjayable Uiae.
directly orar ber beod. bat abe waa power to curr ail Uraal. cbual ae.I
oot iajurod. Mn. UralUek wax ap lunK traoblra. Duly Me and f1 Duar
Trial buttira lee at h. K
Hr. aod Hr*. llaaJaBlo aod child, .Mr alaln at the tioie aod went to the inteed
Vait'a aad Jaa li JobnaoBb drey
Un. Fowler of looW Many aod Hn. Wm. CbaisploB and dauKbter, window, to aee wbare Ue bolt atraek.

Ur. aad Mrs. tl. tleer and aoD. Mr. and
Mm. HeCiaakey. Hlaaca Mabel
praand <)«le Krereit and IVa. KterJaaaboralMaorta.aad iaat flat ett. bare been enjoyiDp rare aport ibU
at tone take, aear Meal poatKlybleeo black baat aTerayinjr
ad oae-bkif pooada Iona the
a are le pnNota&aai
LaaiOocbeat #e day record, while
HonIMi and HeojaniB were ratriy aneeaaalal Croai their prlud aeeret "mod
place to Bab." bnt one may depend on
Uearoaento ferret out the amwta,
tor Mndamea MeCluskey, (ierr and
baakot ptaale. bat
retl and Oeell Uoer. after the aecrot
obUlaed.ealleed oiyht Car baaa
aarr. eofn
anr««allac pouada Now Moulton
aadlaaebuoa tba rrpoada.
and Ken}amln. expert anylen. are ao
Baatrated they can do little but caai
Uelr linca aronad their own aod oUier
poritea' necka
Bnt Wai. Champion did the finrat
baa btcaa tba aarray of tba propea^
a harab
of tba lalaad, bat tbay bare
blUano baaa


by Baa W. Latdia.

MM Bthyl Jaaaaea, Hha Habal
BrMMi aad MMa IM Bryaa art apeadtactbaiTTaaaUoaat Baat Bay ca«i

Haily.aada talabow that waMbad

OlbalMDeVatBOf LaoBolaaaa. Tbay
r paofda ot tba Frteada

bBbagtaaalBtha a


Thatarr^ boriai on Bayatreeh
worn, plant.
Tba rlfht of way baa oot yat beao ob
tataad. batUeeompaoy hope that It
will toaeaand la tba aaar taUre.
no now xoail ronu wlU beaUrtod
Ue Bmt of anct mU. wIU K. A.
BaaMoa carrier. BUybl ebanyaa will
appeared Id the Trafemr City pa
Oa IB the roBlea .of eaeh of Ue
pem r^nllay Uc desires of North
present earrien. Ue aew ronU
pally oa the eaat aide ol Ue port beelaeae mea. It his been stated
Ue Hor|bport peopli
rtrer.aadtetlwaenU aide of the dty.
■ ‘ p-efercoce
~ dw reotea wUl be extended
■Men ot th^^mtlyiv parts ot i

r tatara, tor tba

addMMa to tba eaady Haetcry ct biraab
Bm. * Aaletu. Tba baUdiw
awMBbyJ- W. Martthaa.
CMaa HeMleMal baa breaybt ot
Ma Uatar, tba aertbaaal ooraarot
WiMMfloa aad Park atraala. Tba

■r. WUlMaa. who raeaaUy aaa
thladty baa Ealkaaha, wfht
iatb Baraaa btwa Uoat la tba rlrar
}aat abota tba UkaTaaaday araalat.

P. a OUbwt wUl dMtrar tba addn
attMyUeottba Hodtto Wsedn

>klB tba aaearalaa,

MUad tor iMalBC. Aafatl <1
Bpaolalialtaet aaa fare tor
>d trip hare baaa aad^ l« all

y Is toUlay s yood
Bsb awey. He uys that be waa ap Ue
Senday aadeaayht a calsbow
that be jadysd weald maasare
atM Uebsa. and pal blm la his
4. Theealeb <m Uabakkstfi
brakaa. and wblU be was looklay
hIspciUatto yet a etrlay u fasten It.
tba flab Bopptd froai Ue Usket UU
the rlrer.
I of the Oetaaa
ifMey Snadsy.
aasrly M prueat and Ue t
Aeboirfrom Ula
clly aad eae from Klaytley fnreiabed
the mask. Baakats ol yood Ulays
anpplied tbo Innebsen aad eoSee aad
tea wore f^ralsbod by tbo ladies ot
hk trip w the Bearer Ulaads aad
breoybt WlU Ua soaaotUe yraniu
aad limsstoes that he bopsi frill be.
fooodTalaabktar msmdamlilny por-:
•etook part ot the rook

ba la tba city taday aM wUl
wttb tta total Oarpaalan’aalee la tba
A. UMraa bat amad Ua ahoa ahep

teratealrf tba way tar
lytotba ilsamystoUi

1 te tern baaa
fftaaBhyUa BaworU Liayna of Us
> bMe
•r CkaBsk k la Us ally frem

Ayeet H. W. CuBainyhaa eui<
Ue that he bad ber
tborlxMl le slate Uat the into:
esiB of Ue NorUpon people relallrr i
Trareiee City eonneetiops wonld t
carefelly cared for. and tbet ills tl
of the eoapaay to nio two
ualae dally belweoD ibis city st
HorUport aad reurn. when the liar
a operaUoB. lie aUo sUtod that i
spoke WlU aothortty. and Uat
weald be bnt a few weeks beforeaetaal
work on Uc extraiioa woald be beynnTbe M. A N. E. line wll) strike Cedar
ProfemoBt. Umeas aad North.
It Is not yet settled wheuer
loach dnttoni Kay. bnt by Uppiey Ue
rlU lanolay eooatry in Ue ficinily of
Cedar Un eoBpaay clalnii
prodscUre territory
le reoebcd by any other
CsBolaybam laid particalarntrsM opoa
UeoUtemeat that direct trains woald
ran beiweeD Traremr City and Northport on Ue new liar. limed to salt Ue
of tbr baaloess people aad
rcsldeats aloay Ur liac, so as to allow
nffltieat Umo at bMb eods el Ue
rente betwocB Ualai for tbo trensacl-

Tbe Bteamer Oolwabk k laU np for
rapalm aad a'Vekea redder a^t win
'Ule atrip te Hanktee aad a

harlny ao idea that It had baaa playlay
itlea riyht below bar.
Tba City Shoaia fronde Maaaa-.
The Trarene City ,v Laclaaaa rmlN
road project la ayaia ap w Tnreru
City, and it -iepeada apon Ula cliy
wbeUar we are lu bare railroad faelll.
tiea to Nonhport aad iaiera
peieta id the very Bear fatore.
Ktanraa baa atated that when
TrareraeCity profiden eetraoce'Into
■be city Ue road will be ballt. aod he
baa alao aatboriiedr. R Marray
proceed wlU Ue
pemfley action by
Uooytat by acme Uat thia .railroad

TrsferseCIty. Uieh.
That Xbiobbl^ Bsataeki



atvii SratvlUs, 8%c--^e2
Tb\atKKlo\\a.w, A8c.

J his is a l)ig range of patterns in ihis line; u
pieces in the hit have been Ooc. 65c and
vriy special 4SC.

"BWV KloltavT, &&C.
1 his is the regular soc line: there is sevpn dif­
ferent pattfu-ns to pick from in this line.' I'rice
very s|K-tial. ,^St.

^\vU BV4 C>&re^WiD,
and when >fiu .nre ilown town come in ami see the gomls. They are ail
new Romls of this springs piirdiasr-not old and shelf worn, as you will
sr-.- at a glance. W.- guarantee everything wc soil, and yoiir money back
if ymi want it is the guarantee




KtearBs has already ipcDl__
siderablc money in UJs enterprise and
isrtadytosapply Un lands te baild
Un line if Trareme City will d
iharr. This belay Ur condliiooUota
PtMDp ctmui,
sboald be no delay or qalbbllay o
of Ue city u cneoaraye Uc Sirplu .
pre.ieet. DeelaaauconBty Uafalaable
eoaree of bnslams for Trereme Crty
Ibe pe^lr nf Leelanan coasly
Uerailraad. ilwlll be ofyreat
Our SaviDgs Department
to this locality and there eboold mrlrr. Orpout* at t^ltl XM ti7iri,r0i. m
,U,rr«„ All Ore».«. /.par
be no deUy in proridiny Ue moans for
Ue rlybt of way asked by the c3m-

thsndeld each la
ahrlleber welae
breucht yeht ram__
The New Cloyblay e
IM Front SU.Traremo


- 1900

Arc the nearest
ist perfection of any changing plate camera
in t
the market. Each M. I". C.
Magazine Vive
- —----------.-w has a c.apacity
for MfTjane 12 glass plates.
These art registered on the
outsjde of the camera as the exposures are m.ade.
Any ck,-^
posed plates can be taken out and devciopetl without disturb- A
ing the rest. The lenses iisetl are universal fiKus of the most
imi.roved tyixr, having great depth of focus .Tnd delinition. *
Viv.-lenses excel cveiywhery.. Call and'examine the merits <

School Begins

Sept. 3rd.

This is the great headquarters for school books
and school Supplies. We give special attention to
every need of the teacher, the scholar and the district
school. Our schools are the best In Michigan-We’ll
help you keep them so.

School Ms
.All the text books us<xl in the
Nsm’ schools anil .a great many of'
llw^diisirict schools, \\V order on
the shortest notice any book not in ‘
slock. School books are on the
second floor in the crockery .and
carpet department.

Coffljipsition Ms
Thiisc have l»ecome an abso­
lute neatssily in school. \Vecarr>'
.1 great a«ortment of coni|>osition
and note li^ks in both entl and
side fold, \hcysdl at 5c and loc.


A splendid stock of both "Kard
and soft pai>cr ubieis. The covefs are cs|>ecirlly ilesigned for this
season. There are three sizes of
sc tablets and the samcsizcTat
IOC. 1 hese have the l>est lof writi*R paper, maile by a world-fa, mows tablet firm.

Pencils „
Aj^ys tised; It's hard to tell
all the styles, but wchavc them at
IC. 5c. 3C. sc and loc. Those writh
rulers and those without; hard
lead and soft lead, round.’ square
. and hexagon.


That will erase and not leave a
black or shiny surface. Rubber
erasersat IC. ac'and scr Ink and
pencil combined at loc. Steel
erasers 15c and


Fine pens and coarse pens.
The JVobaierstub pen. the No. 048
Falcon for business, the No. 444
twenty-five other kinds

W’ood rulers, foot long, two
foot long. IC. 5c aod lOc. Rubber’
rulers for bookkeeping. 25c, ?sc
and 40c. Straight rubber. hi?d
rubber and flexiWe. •



F'ools cap. legal cap. letter pa- *
per and half sheets, bookkeeping
blanks and all the accessories that
are needed.



Red holders and black hold­
ers. swell and straight, rubirer and
wood at ic, 5c and loc. Can't
help but write with these.


, if the Old Sued.


in strijMjs. dots and small ligures; have always
br-en SI..-5. v.-rj S|>crial SSc.


IT ynir Ann
iloidrr,'^ Kspprn.
llui'lr.elr . re dea ......„ ‘kn
.JD preisds
eandldalo________ _______
Qfrn so kommt /am.
lion for yoferaor. Ho did not recrlTr'
Drr Drelscbe I^drii.
thenomtnaUoo and now that he has
:t Kroni St , Traferse Citymne eat of palitica. so fsr as yuber
naiorlal paasIbUtUas are eoneerned
kea up
loorrwlleb will dkpr!
Ue alarm I t by maay before tbc


fhs OPB HBkw iMtar —U.

■RVaeV Grevotvs

Ofsuirerem bsfr profort their mstch
leu merit for BleL aed Nrrfoos Heedsebes. Tbry make pnrr blood ae.I
build ap yoBP beslUi Only 5; imu '
Money bark If oot enrrd. Hold bye..'
K Wall and Jas. •! Jobnsor. druyylsu. I

laahlBCaftsr Usshanyss la Us wlriay
atUa reUniad enmiays. Uat
MlnNslIkltaiiU sad Mws Akxs
UtUssTTrerems Bslls temp, s^MlasA abnstisyaaay psayls frsm tbs
_ erdsm tar wbleh bn*- bsen
Miy Itswdsy sssalay. A jolly
plaesd. Tbs yoods wtll fas bars very
•Aorily. ______________
A. i- Fkmlay hss
a sseldsel aesornd Tkrsday
MoAsId yroFsrtyat 441 Ksst Treat
Uat for a U— mme »ery arer pnt
■not. wborabs will ssnyea hk homo
t Ua Bsrtbare Tsispboee Oo.b
UnMay ........... Hs k
tchboard oot of a—mitsloa. SoaM
samlM kk«U
oos lofts fsaesl opsa la Us
aboss. aad Us —tar soon Im*sb to
Aa Isa rrssm lottal wU bs haU Frt- Isak Urasyb Ute Ua re— below.
BaywssaiUy. Any. M.atUs kemo of
■Isms Aabimsus ef aUrer (mbs. far
e—Idsrable mkehlsl. It w
Us kwssatst UsKsaamlhsl M
a'slaek bsfsre tba dlSs^lty w
k ssrtklly
nsBsdlsd.Ua watar bsflayfa—re

■e prn^lm will fas l
aaydf tbsoOsadlay p<
AboatlMyeiwthare. ■MIBlat
•»“Ul^A«Mtba OatA .

We place on the bartrain Uble today 40 pieces Mack fancy dieu
go^s coimstinR of Cre,x>ns in a« the different desiens; Mohaiw in crepe
stni^ “t>n«npei. hairline stripesibrocades. polka dots and sniaU fieures.
v% c have arranged them in six lots as follows.

Herald Contur^Cook Bonk
AJimited Duiobrr for sale at nr. cents.

Us tripalOBs. bat
------ ..Abls wbqBBabartdklaaosoal
. 11.
Tl. nui. o...!.,.
•sat to berastkia— aad brooyfal bv
back lu port. A taq—t ter s lay was
—t to Monkport aad Ue boat will yo
to Msnktoe today for repol
Qsmpboll. s d.akr
bsad yunds. has lorelod la Uk city sad
opaosd a aseoad tend stars in Us old
McHaoBi bolt^ OB llalon styost.
Tbs store WM opsead for basin— FslHm

Mm.Oso.WMoa.— and
Dooure Are All Al^t
MkkMd aad LsHsk Bbsoo. Mm. Fstss■MoaffAsri Fatsmas. all otCftkayo. Dr. HllUam BalL oaiof Us oMOibam
wUi out Mm. Hasoab aa—u. Hrlaad <tf Us auu phyalekM- asamhuay
la Ua dty Friday Ba
Mm. A Elishaa. of Narupon. Us last
ri^ap pbyakl— wboare not
dred. or rbo are ra^slared WlUTba os—ska freii OUo so Us Pare
hadlaoad .wolrTryalarit

Black Dress Goods

colored chalk crayons 8c doz­
en. iColopcd led pencils and ml
crayon for map drawing. 5c aad
•IOC the box.




MkUMrBl*kto<tbie«Baolwt V

IPmUs hMal. «MUI« oat tka



iMoCMkalldM BooaawM

tkM bartad a krt^^uS ,m

i Traverse Begion.

_^Wr. WIMa hw

IImIm CM fl( <>***|^-O -to Tb








ta M. a E.




t* ataanar Oaaeb hatWaad tran
rwap with_____
with aawa_________________
that aa aarth- - r B. B. Walt aad ^aa. a. M
qoaka«A^. l« ebook Saacway far


Mr. fwrokk»m«ik«i:




--------------p ^ 'XTtoa *^AeamS
AUJirlfaUoaaaaato la Ariai^ an
aad at toll hen tba aaaaaal Seed of enm to
•rallAa- Saltrtm. Tba rte to werih hSdM
ot tbotoaada ter lirlfatloa to tba dip

SiU“H?SS _ ____

> Uaon. Wto.. dto(. *>—A totaa---------toCtbrcMtU atetooa Mdar.


PlBu. & 0, Abk- ti^ haa*/ tale, ntot btilldM to oeataa el d_______
triad aad hall awtto avapi arar tha Ibn wore toppled oaar. AnlM Iron

Tkara wai a kanj at tka raaldaara
el Alaa Mtaaca WMkr aaaalai

tbarawaa apllTta two


Oao atreaa


•dhaad aad foek far yean
a el dMaa le tba wwat
Gaerta D. WlUla
r.Ulto..topa: "Upw
Obllmaryalpina ter Sra
elkar rabttfwlOftoo
HatUa A. Pklfa «aa kcra la Traaaraa
ire ewto bad atone.
Mn. Dora B«U SMthan wO) fit;
art were left dip.
;Aprt U. IKI. aad diad Uaa to a critical aeadTlkn
____ _ ..tabeUlnefBlaeine Bit­
___ulwation waa ap
d anew tba ten aha totooBdarfaUplnprorad aad
^Ta Um *aieath of iaaa. im. aha w
eaaata of toe Soath _____
.. HatoL
______ able to do bar owB work " Tbto aafUm crt tM Ml
I U Mntofk ta riord P. Paa
' to partoTtaJ
whaoKm Moore, tba eolorad
_____________ toraatoaad to do daadlp «............
MhBfc, A 7M raMaa to ka- baadUof twotaa
_____ ataaaaMaL To thto aatoa IM Tbaaa wUl naka food tba' ahortaca
• kalfo. Bet for tba ____ natoaebeip. kaadaebe. haek---------ib«.apr—w w>g-«y>»
^■lirun baadnd tmtmt o( «ls
wtoo beta tae AUdraa. a kriehl UtSa eaaaad bp tba daBtractloa el tba two
work of half
bar aad ctri. who haaa baaa datolaad haarp naekidaa la toe wreck ot laat
a«tte»mr to balldlac > >•*
Wadaaadap. Tbap will aol take toe aad leread toe kaife Iron bto baad. be Care poaraatoad. Oalp We. So
at a BOliarto aara to abaoat UCaaeT.
bcMca kto {>n.l> vMaf U««M
------ • to b« taallra
tanll/waa plaoa ol toe two eafinaa lanaarlp aaed woald to all f
8 B. Walt aad daa tl Pobaaoa.
tarsad \>j ncfetalBf.
to wUeaad OB tba Bortolaod axpran mod toe
It kto threat Tae ezconlTc beat baa ptota.
______________ __
tlee eat harraat baak. Maai
b>. Bwt oeOTBtod bto poiplt
nether, aetwltbatiadlay aba waa call­ tbioofh trala for toe aonto. bat will
ade Moore la
ttoMbadaad report food ylaU
ed to part with tbanja the rarp nora- lahaMplaea ofetoar u. B d: I eotej. Sltbeacfe »k*
AtSao DItou. Ctol.. W. B. HeCofdp.
aad rpo. bol wboai poor.
toe ol Ilia. Bawatat. while cUll aUa rlaaa whlab are nada to dll to- With acatolaateactoeer ol toe etoatrle Ikfkt
He H. Y. t. eaaaktoa elab M^tk to aeararM wUb thoaa who eared tor
........................................ lop
of toe
plaat waa foead dead to

H^Ptokaratoa oa WedaeadkP of tool bw.abe aijiiil bar raalfaatloo to dtolax car tron toe Mleklpaa
a Deal
Mae. Ha
. a bad rocelred
wbatarar aalrht ha the cAl of bar tototoall of toe eolalde help
aboat T.tou
.toU rolu.
TOlU. A bamed apot oa
a.-B. A t. will reoBlre.
aabeoaar OniaMada Itoaatiha
Baaraelp Father.
bto baad abowad where be bad tooehed
Btoldaa bar Innadtoto taaLlp. aba
plat waillac to be loaded.
toepola. toeaboek torowtof bln orar
laam behtod a father, aa oalp atotor.
JobaSUbbaUaeaae dowa ftaa ^
aootoer naehlaa alaodtof aaar- la
Bbe eapa bto <aana to 0. C. Bl
darudar. saktocaahort atopatthto
bto n'lfht toroafb tbe air be
r appareottoat wbaa ba diaappaaied to
_..i toe prartop .
pUeaaadlp leal tbair Ion.
l.MOOf barnoeap with bin.
a away aad bareed <
tarter II poa'rt
Pamara BoaUf hart thalr rkto aal
Altbeaek aaaor bartor aoBaad
kp toe ciorp to oauea. bat toe
aa- Beleetrte r"
aad the trlda bapta to look bare acaU.
haraalt with aa> eharah orvaaliatl
_________I prinarivttog bar aeareb. aad
wilikM |to«“
to toe boon __________________
Parrp Hatoatt to beoa frea tRartaito
bare apoo atolk aba waa a dare<
aapa be neat relarn too noaep or lalM^TSb&dtekOUdll.
Scrofala, aalt rbean. erpaipelaa
barm. rutt. apralar. aaeidaaUI of ai
Bar lor a lew waaki- raoaUoe.
—■Barlv aeaebt Cbrtol to il btopledrawnarrpbar.
ihar dtotreaalap enpUrr dtot-----“ U UM
hh pM IM
Mn. Barabardt uoh a rida to 4tood
___________aba ranalaJafellewar of
leld <ialck1p bbo penoaBaBtIp to toe
Wmian Bntoatoa ol Albiea, took
Barber aad took oe Batordarbto aatU bar daatA So wklla bar hia- wbat ba aappoaed waa afarfla tor core eleaBclBf. parifpiaf power ot llardoeb
bead laeli tba loaaltoaaa of bn ab- toroal
Hr. Alwrtd aad aoa 3lyda cMa mp ^tcol beeaa. beHda the tana
Ba dtooererad toat he bad Blood HItlen
14 It
aaaea. bar dear llule ehUdraa are left tabaa laaaet eitomlaatof. bat to alite
beai NorUpertaad laada a abort Ttolt
wllheat a OMther. aad their neap aad bto threat la batter.
All'ituAeto. Han.. \
ataer baraad bto rifht
aad. she baaoblatocdaa todaoirkler of a ilbffalo cbi
Cbarlea A Benaer. a deaf aaale. w
beritaaoe wbleb
rbleb to abldlar. Tharefore
£S jMittMff*"»
ahotaDd killed early Hoe
nap tola hope b<
be our eonlort the whllr billed bp a Itore Marrimtto trato o<
.1^ tUDoakU ba* W. Wall'i «•«
AIM iD-ka oana boM Iren Oaed
era wall.
Bar£^lor a rtoU wUb bto paraototM
n Barriel Howard, aped or, of I
___ _________ , ware laid away to Oakbaboeae. Lon bettraaa t».«M
u come waakt apo bonebt cone
wood eanetarp, Tnrana Qtp. w^ttof
, powder. Whllr uitof It abr toi
toe raaaTraettoo neralatrertaaUp aprlahled taenr of it oo ao
B D. Boor.
had a rnoDlBf. itebtoe core oe np
Uaa too baaa Mad aleag beak.
awaat aora to the cob. and. torfettl
8n,PeTrd lortart* Doae'e >>totaboat it. cooked aad ate tor core, t
took away the baretop afid liehBioatk.
■ ■
111 ae<.ta~
Bhaacbal. Aa(. il.-Tha tolarrapk waatakaa rloleetlplll
tof toataoUp and qalekly effected pertbkAldtob
St. Uarp'a boapital where abr
ana. to
-aai Ttaa Tkto haa baaa eat. Tba ponaaeal rare." C. W. Leuhart. BowlBlyaad wUaol Ototaoutpare
HoaAap alfbL
top Mraeo. O.
_____t Marrto. Martha aad Marp
tkn ot toe alltoa to eaeartala. A
Boldae left l»day lor (kkaco.
torte body of Ctatoeoe trewa baa tali
iBtokaaoeot Ihaatof. wmadrowacd to
Reann Noiea
Hr. Albraeblb SaUtdu
tba ftald
Ua waa ntoaed while play
tbeaedtof tbaOatboito
. Botrard Hoora of Haatoa.
■C aad a aaareb rrraalad bto body.
WaatalaftoB. Aaf.-ll—A naanre ..
tad at the Prtaadrcharab at Loaf
Brand Hr.
. AM'
Chaa. Laaeiaf of Toledo, loe
aalrad treat UlaUlcrOeacto Wdapoalp
-t bareVeLaka Saadap onralaeI Spriap lieai
hlnaair Id a reon to toe Hotel 8t. C
ron a pleaaai
V. C. OUbort rataraod to
at Port Boroa, taraad ea tor paa
r. Rap View
IrlMdaat.. .
Up dowB to dir. Ilia dealpaa *
galuasanbar Iroto tbto place IM
thwarted bp a ebanbermaid.
Mn Jamn Baoler aod Mn. WiUI
to tba aoelal at Olae Arbor Satardar LaacLkha
aetM pMer^alltoto^ thieopb
.icfataadproaoaacad ItAaa.
..tarpeoleraod aoB H J Carpeal
Sareral panad threork thtotart oa
Oalp attraela oi toe Coaftr naai
ar« at toe l-ark Place od their c
Mi^uNoatraod to ao^ Terp wall at
A* Dll
from toeir bone to Chlnpo to toe
reranade pabUc Tbare to «aa
dewD Btain i
carl at Old Hinioo.
horfa plaoa.
aaea to toe neaaape aa otade ‘pabllo aod-reealred
TbeHtoaaa Uploa
Ubarln B. Dole ot Chteapo and Ira J.
Ur. aad Ura. Sepnoar ba*a nc
rhieta todleaua Ua toaor ot that wbleb
Wildwood oeltarai
I il. UooB. IWlap aaar IBarrptoo Klin of SpttopOeld. UU. who bare
late Oatid NawM^'a boaaa a
Saadap with tba III
threw a pair of abean at bto wif.
ife 8UB b«eo apeodlof tor eamner al.HiUor-a
taa aappraaid, Tba ntolaUr
inbar of rtoorlon Iron Olaa Bap
dapnlpht. toeicUopaa aflp ai
Bill to Leelanaa county, are at toe
a towB Saadap.
I.. Hardtop and two <
' knife to a ni
----------------Obtoaco who are i
paned Uirouph toe city yeaierdap ob
ant baa baec ba
ef IbaObtoaaatooaptoratos lepatloBB
aorOa* at DaA Lake were ruaU
their wap to toeir bone to Fu Wayne,
_.a. Stott panra toroachtbi
Ur. Balnb Saadap aad Hoadaptba aipbt bafoca they were rellarad. It
lod . from Ibc reaort at Umena
toaadeniood toat toe ntotolara bold the
S. Wilder of BlchtBOBd. lod.. paa
toroopb the clip peaterdap oo bla a
Mn. Whlaaorp aad daatbton ol
k). waa earrpiDP to the Dorlhern reaoriK
bla lor toa attoebaoB the lapatloaa aad
ronCbleace a
liopton. tor tor
OB 1». UM
doea not ballere toaaa ware doe to the bleyo^ >^to,
t 'fnloep apoBi.
A blcaalne alike b
Ha uia Hra. Job. Hmch baa aboch
Boxer rleta. la all hU naaaopaa
Dr. Fowlrr-ta Kitne
tar al Daraaport. Iowa, ttoltad
Nalurr'c ai
rerbaanld thatCktoape troopa
tallp el D. a Tbeoaa liat week.
tarp. diarrU'. taed a
Anapoatoe lapatioen 1» toll
Mr aad Mta-B-OdaU kata yaaa.
toerlrUma 11 are Arne
MaHitotncaaatpteratwowoahs *k
III iBiifT aaat Iron I'akto aa aooa aa be
Suta MowaUaBi
At Maatotoa Loato Aadnm. natoot

Bthoarof Novambar.*.D. leoo,
... tV f.erauoa ,« «J - - ■ -

w. a *. u.. •» «*•






»- pmu<-A»>s--




A Complete Variely

'XrL* an. J. Orlbk. kC^M-T*

Summer Lap Etobee and Dusters.
An entire new line of these p«»dR at very

lowest prices.



J(SS2 ilrSiiSTS.... p~

in all styles, colors and designs. A
good one for 76C.




.,':ra^“sst^aK5ss:i“ ssssyss'jMfaJ?"

'iSO Front Street

Traverse Cit^. Mich.,:K

Ptaaklorl are .tta eaaata ol Hr. aad ka ^
Hra. BaUard ratoread Thi
Hra. Aell Qpda.^
Hra UU Datmm aad eblldroa el hen bar parp plaaaaat trip to

Brss.“j2r-“‘a?sss;.i!is ol!ftortIIi*t^ !rthtoMrbhStSSL ,SKStayisi.stssf.?s
okMhto token bora by ftrtocaeoo'
avl oe ttotardap araatoc. Alt- »tta.
Owtof to Ua aKtranalp baap aaiioc
lltiruna waaepaet la inetlaa. bat ll

toa ntolatan
rbara ba worka
tatorpelp n
loralfB ueopa
Hr. Ltodto baad. ben whleh be leat lortoeauaek
toa Imperial elip.
Oeapn-a dUpateb U adnlttad to be
rraratodletnentottbeenpraat do>
Hr. Oatbowa waa ao bnftona bp
tba beat toat weak that ha waa qalta direct that il waa eonlAred laadr
abla te make than pablle. Tbit n<
to the nlll at Dorat
« haa made toa praaldanl no
Tbe partln Iron Hapla (Sty aad Barilooa to bear tron ilaaaral Chaffer.
Tha toteoaa anxUly aad naraoai ah
rhleb toa ntoUler baa baaa nnder
alto toa tba toat two noatoa II U faarad i

dUkrUU toat

tS-£Sii susssi^

Mn. B. Jabaaos arrtrad hen PraaklortSatordap.
t W. OrasDli to *arp aUb trtUi
Ab-Aadrowi panad toroopb

DaU ralrbaaka to paUtoc •• •
pa bto bto bam

Hatrapte deeatp.



Parker haa neaad hU a
taaek aad will boUd aaaddlatrootHra. inntopa aad aeo raWiaad W
u. A. dohaaeo of Tntocaa Clip ar- toair bene toiitand BapIda toat weak.
Tba aeetol ai tha Waananl erf tba


inAShBtar. .

Om Wbaelar el Port Oaaldi died
M Twtop and waa boriad Wadaaa-


• lapaUow for two nontoa. ne<
jBoat —r**~* attato and fear of


ilp aad pbpaleallp

Maty wl^ ba Ml ^bUl^_ to.
^mS^t toa eabtoet are corprlac
at Oonper waa able to aoad aop r
(tatall InmadUlalp pilar the re
..a. Tbap adnin toe amrapa an
atabUlu el tba ntoUlar aad If bU r
pariUtoModo. taeU anaeepuble i
16 CblMoe altoaUea le noi.
_______toanll baa arar bafore appmni
Waabtoptm. Aop. il'-Ttae eabtoet
today daeldad to re)aet toe totaat ap-

iMt M)opad tba lea eraan.
Balia, boroaaad Ua pw diatarbad
ar riambon toat waak.
Oap. Bon^ lanUprt
Ida ricitad wito tbair bmIc,
OblMca peraranaal with a aiataacnt
of toa (MOM far toU aeliOB. TbeTe«^o.^o..n^ ranla ba- ^elleawUlbabaaadoe toa noo-oom^Umc of toe Cktoaaa porerenaal
wUb apaeiee arorUleoa of tba daelaraUbb ol tba Ualtod Stataa on Aapoal It.
Park. Aap. 11.—A dUpateb to toa
TMpahaa Shavbal nporta toat toa
ampton baa Bad Iron Pakto
ware to the anoant ol Sra
. laala. 8ba haa beu laterroptad and U aarreandad bp J^nMca
Pakto. Aap. U-(nxn.i-Vuanlao.
tout. Hbaapkol Wat. »:IS p. n-^
teoriana dUrcfardad .toa..apraai>


rida Iran Cedar to
n toa Mp Babeeea.
in Pawnora airi »lle~rialtad
paraon and trlaada bora toat
_i.Sdretaraad to tbair bonato
Jaehaea tUa neralaff.
Ur. CTamrail aod aoe-------. ...
Tnrana OW ricUan toat Tbaradap.

toa to..- I



' *

Bar. CraM' aad wUa

Come to a place where they make a business of the fUmiture business—where you can
^t Uie best goods for the least money.

Just Now Making
A Special Drive on Chairs
I ha^sijarcc line of odd chairs one. two. three and four of a style that 1 murt get rid ol |to
make roohtjor a full carload of chairs that I expfc^t every day); there are about twelve palurrns of tine^olden oak that will make beautiful Reception chairs, Some others that will
make gooil kitchen chairs that you can stand on to drive a nail. They will go at bargain
prices for 1 must gel rid of them at once.

If You Need an-Extension Table
I have a large linft^of them from S3.75 up to S21.7S- A nice 42 inch square able, pdiriied,
for So.75.


There is No Reason for Your Sending Outside for a Book Case .


Dain. Hegaan ani wife hare >
r. a. Orearatl aad WIU and Le
to an apaiW toff a lew dapa barn
toTt^mlbaWdeam admaetop
aH. HDawneraatoriad ter Da- acoenpaatod bp Haaaar Bey
«< toward tba wall at tba Tartar atp-Maw« ot tbi
-0 taka mat- Trarana atj. who haa baw aWtIap
a. B. A.
Chtoa aad boa a-aaodawoBada el too
Onadna Twain H atUl allra bat
naadattoa. who are.
Mn. inclat Ealpfctof HodtaokUad aad toWTitle to proto
____ A«. tl-SeoB-fltoetol B
bam Friday.
Arto Olbbi waat to «amraa Cffp Ito mapnna to toa UaaatU atraaaer
lytopatatoaecataaUea el toapoj
SatoidayHin nbal OraadaU «( BUfkH wm
aaod to aatolfartoar
aarllad bp
am maaallpto Atoa. Tbaoorrm-




sr -ts Ji^4.-tata~( ta.ta. ..3rcr"-“£,s“?r £js;

aa-Si£"ta.r^sr: uSriTfto^^UiSrsBl^^.;
Milled - oUto wM Sm


bare nda bln nora biller apalnat

Mn. Beaman aad Hn. Varw of Bnpiramlledea trleeda boraabd at Port
Oneida a tew dapa

aatar trioaaMad bn
waak WhUa t

^ara toUl wertdac



nkTutUa and wile han^
snpnaar Brookb aad nored bn
HOC OlVjr te aaa tha play Ihondap toalrlam.
The peel baU haa ebaapad bi
nd Stodan U >ew too ewMT.


XW ^OTT "W-^35TT-

. “P,^*\«to;

“.‘.“KsmsiiyiV “

J. U Waraar ol Kk BapU>

C—awalBto qf,A-*

waarroeaed -toa ntoUter U caid
ebarpa the whole war oo toa lotelpaen
tartontoUnalad that toe report ot


' 1 have most an>thing you want right here. An open book case. 5 ft. high. 31 inches wide.
5'shelves, for $3.25. A nicc solid oak book case that folds iq) so you
pack it. nice for
summer cottage; it is 53inches high by 26 inches wide, has 4 shelves, for $ Then a
nice polished oak case, adjusuble shdives. for $6.75. They range along up to a very fine
3 section case, 3 glass doors, for $25430

We are in Fine Shape to Fnrnish Cottages or Small Rooms
tion'dreasers and iron beds. A good solid oak coi
I have a Urge line of
dresser, good size glass for $7-SO- A good iron bed any size for $2.75- Mattresdc
-$1.75 up- Springs S1.75 up- Filloips 75c *ach. GoodniuliSizio. Blankets 50c up.


C A. Dink. H. U KCM. Ulaa
____ r; Jaa H. Heed. Haalalec; Bartaa
Min Baiap BlUa toa mtataad to
ColTto. Albert Aadraa. dec. SaUiraa.
Miller. Pnak Walk Arrllto Tnrama City.
ol Waltoa WM bam
laar. laaae Walt. Will Badca. TmrkC. Laoto
atpi B- Bdnaafaea. Bear Lake:
Ha Haamn. Qtoa Bama; M. B
anna aad wifa. Aaekaoa. Hleb.;
ride wlad aad rala Mots atrsA
Mtr toU omatof. Somml baUdlapa

rfabrmbi Clip. Mab.. A«. ll-i

leac, Hapla Qlp. H. k. Btotpk. Alla-

■r.Bfad HmWhtta.wbe ham bant
Hate aa Ito M ftoaa. bam aeaad to

p; Ita.


Hra. AAdla Olbto waa to TMmam
aiy a taw daprlaat woah.
' Hln AUa Oraadall at ttflMa to TWtIwlrta^haaa.

' I can furnish your cottage, 11 n furnish your bouse, or 1 can furnish you odd |Hec^ as dieap
as you can buy in tbe state.

J. W. sun's Eichsin Housi FwiislUt Sion


alUM atMM
tt* «Mln ■!«•. Tha
WhMtity taU hv tb*
JkIMM* Md >»plm ww« to tb«
■MhwkK of tlM Tik Cb<
Th* AMrtMM Md Brittab
IbcMMbM*. At mtthtliU tb*'Jm•MH Mm >p tb« tM «M«:
M lb* IbrMr dtr ud MtMd.

■Mb tekaewB oTOaMeud bt
wUI b* tililiil matL n t
adaM wbatbv ba li ata^l/aa IbbIiraat er a daarenat (aaatle wbo br
Uavwbahaaa.BMoaattbe aaaMla

tra*« that o* WBla »a*tMaaU7 Moppad bWiM Cnaar aod DatWa. tba
WMbad bodlM of Uo. iBMtaaetlac
ilhaetlealbaabaaia- Tbaualaerao
bad to aboral tba paH oat of tha n;
baforaa atari eoaU ba Bade. The
bo^an are ntj U

BswUad W awn; witl the toe..—
tet anrrwwa. bk wU,-, tearful bkSac

Wtei ren I * Met U.S.
Ttsi tsww u mi
tee s now ua reiu tat. iUmMi
Wliai I sM MU aw mt ,

It is rsr dutp.- toe eak -4pik.
In ■ Kewk rear ilw am that “Mad
Awbeop- ws. SrearlBP wrerward wttb
a Cylax bnusd.- iT bmit toui l.hor
<“ toraw ihr nwr caned erf tbr Bill___
Oar dap Be.wlsd. Uoklnc Bure bandtern. Iknn r»rr U a evH sC twrr.-wrd
Etn'i a are area wa> m.
mreial.. redr >r- *4ik hi. rsua
krw 1 ww Iw laa
tbe rhsiOsts. Ilrldad rarer Iter
tel a uwr sar ew waa in.reearerer
j'ol hrndj, lilrUd Sletou.
Iir ktmtr einreb Wbu had brra a
ud 'rf Prediwr’. fatbrr. U'dowrd
awrer tar a WI ksi^ wre;

5kifl Disease

-My eeddurr exrhlresA PradroiT
dreir a. -hr Man-.
Id a mat
mad mUitbcaaletT of
All ant ibe

lib bad oaiarad tba chiana MV br tba
AlUai Oaptan fakia.
a. Aac. n-Tha (oIIowIbb

tdbrtbaBdTMOf Boaifa- _________ . dlalricta a. ire
■lalac dialrieta areaad Rllbaca.



-iir" nnd the- -recliima
re ...uUl Iwcie.Ti i.ia
•tK.siM -.•»-«..}■ w«e ih. iio.T
I. tr .ei bs^ made lloKlaoi) Bur-

ipwisrwlewew inoew was tbe reitr-rt »r all
mskl. .d ludneer -r.
derrl 'let. .41,1 B-T brestp wa»
itrr ihsa that -d-wn; s be,' ladp
Tbttbrr ab, lu’.l iiat
I. b.l>i« IMIX- c4ij.'|l} fl Ini.r Mli .laJ
a c*'*o lu'dret eibni ijrratd llarper &
bad brr U. ibe- Utal ,f tund

aad break daws tbe coosnaisB.
ws sod cartetaea ibc hluud. aael thw lubevcs tbe eekoa of all p~ew..~- eeoutkte

I. Thsi Blcbl I
I re iw nen ud
as ■( all B w dd -rf t* rei

S S S «Seiiusi«ai»..o.i«inenaa-UpM«lp*s«labkaadhanBhs.
"Ibba. AarTrealm a tall......................... ..
dalad Aaf. II. lo p. a., that
■ tiu bin, iiir nu-t dic______________________
____ 1 baeiUp ia
wTH-dcurelt. Write fully aa.Uirrti alreat ixiur caw; rtiur kUen uc beU to tUictS
TL.' loiX.ia .siwuITr lass. '
blui liwasbrwbs
aaptarad Aac ». aad that tha feraics Icrallac the bodiea of neorpe aad |di tl-n I..S ii.a.1. ad.M tb Udxw. an .
wmiea Toacktai and Cbarlia Iritlt. wlmui;l! -ni-iui.rl a he'art lUiI>i-> hssi
UcaUaaaarerete. OaUU «1U loUow
rUad Aaltev" tes-lMl bat (iBr
who were eetoabed Satardap la tbe
WaaklactoB. Av^ >* — Tba fonraUn-re weMl that
boralBC Priarace oollierp. llw 8re k
Ml hM bad aaatbre areas of waitWaablactoB. Aac. i? — Tba aailoc •till baralBC Aareelp aed tbe alec of.rdi skd 1.. aed. ha.l askid b.r 1. -richtilei.- I■4r—u'
lacfaroaalalBaoa rafaidlaf Pablo.
ex“Ifa,tr<T«-lr •• .ul-l tin- iiui
aaerelatr of atola reakre pablie tba foltlecakbtbrflaace
Tba tree dreartmaat baa boorV ret>ri.s) .Hiikl .d fe^MnW
witklns al.-ni: ili-. .trr-i
•s. ar Oram Teaeaew amatp. te the
lowiac talacnre raealred ibla reoralac
Paalaadlraa Baskcmieb. aoai cf
biitiil. pm-i.i 1.1 111- t..tii|.li.
aactad a aanaca froa Qaaarel OhaSaa
. trareree O
Ualtad blataa eoaaal at rell to do Bataiaa pareata. caeaprd
"Tl.i-.»..atb-ry ereiutr. J
tadap. Data tba ireBolla iwaad
hnsfroa Biberlaaad aadr ibalr wap to
swMd weak mvw ibr ripk
wbeire be- lull Ju.l ten t
adtbaABarlrea troofa la Ohlaa raIcrJ
tac. r Boualarr of Siala Oapr Nom^wbere
'Tb- w.'uilerr i« ilii'f-ap at
a It ta walilBtt
ii (earful. Prud.nnw hre*.- her Hid, hair SB neseiy oi .t.. w.t-' tsL.,'n pns. Tbe dhpaaaw adalral
ore r.;thvr...i uiU.-r - .Msd ABlheaep" U-st ■iiEelmail. I
Sew Yo^ Tbe brotbm ,«CSXrlu,.ii KtUi ilrrald.
iplaaaBBdpellelat rapena that tba alllM atlaekad Pebla
“Yc Kill
tolled lo tbe alaea tbm pean. wbee
r-a,sanla. Tax
fdr lha fatan.
Av.U. aadreoM
iiMlre-.l. a abe..k !■
•— • ,...1
tbep killed acoard Ual asaaer ar'
wMa fcoB tbaarealBCthaJi
Japaaare reMrod tha eaoapad lo tbe fortal. After bidlac el CSII-I..I d.-KU lta--»#L
-bie bl, ..Mih.1.
PaUb. trea dlploaoUe aearaea,
r—. as a liurhd I am d..-|repltalwlth tha othar terea. Tbap loppUaeihepetolraakiff and lloatad
and r,.s.4t,xl (•
down a rlrer oaptplac late the I'aelBe.
Itni I lifii.j, t,. ...III,...
tba arepiw doaacw aad
lb# lacattew.
sblop tbe coaat. ibep rowed
d oat marrj; th» fir»l
ibii ihert-.............._
still ai>
aaaabfiB faUo—a bare dad to «recaa Tba iBBlca wan bread reta.
r- bsd l-rsudid b:
tbeoeaaa aad were pick
Ih.u. a Jillrrlp wdll.l
Pa. te tba iBVriaea of Shaaaa. Uktac
a paaaiac whaler 00 iu wap
'sil.. whleisT-rl imkiod (liines nl.
MiTBi.-. ni.e ienailrr amt ii:
•rsra waaeSD.sso sa.- 4. aseiace arejairee
taUbbarlbaoaapnatKireacnM. It IbaCblaatt too.
wi-nli.e j(u|ire-u> 1 ani III.- uui
buiaaae prr eemre
lIhll M.llB"H. O. Pawte.
la aadaretred treat ore report that tba
1.1 Ib.dii.
reau.ii n.akr. it,
alllaa Mob Pakia bp tear. Tbb
Iredaa. Aac- K-“Tba alllaa aetared
:ac Itmcns ea<.- Ie.r linb- imir to
■e ther weat toOape Soar
craiilii. .b-ieiriiTuBi .if my wnrk
■etoatkipatad, aad tba preaidaat la Pakia wIthDBt flchUac- Tba IccaUore
• bed niio.l axsin
II.. )s-ean ai
jLd.1 !ii;hl 'uuds.
aaaiew te Cbatfreb report, bot bo
i<i l.uiM a bnu-. a-ar Ki. liaiid'-.
Ip cedt-'li aWBT Wiili sinb
raUaredaadtba loralcaart llbar•
.s.toeBred Us
rsrr.- «x <n.«lbs bad *.ur hr rr. B-^hiei* • •
nbd VhliAaneaiice
oaaapre tba Japaaret tteort aa ralkblt.
* Saab la tba diapatah rrealred
Oaoof ihi- |.i|mlsr amtwxoaaU of
triiat .till t Cidiic lei di. K fh.' f.
If tha BiUre tegfe tba elV bp aa attaak,
SBU uul BbHil.-d Irffut.' lb- terf'u|.«
tba Oreaaa eooaal ai Bbaacbal Biam U (uh fipliluic. pud as b.«K n<>
iwr-lu €1 i-r..4r>ltatine a «ear> I
U-uu.l br.huere u.n wlw-n—Urf. tlr-llm-al 'TH-tlt.lH alnl Vbrfi.-,'
eeler wars Baa ikeae tkW4
aad abUa tba laparial coretaaca t dad. aad ciree oat bp tba Herlle lareica of- lop bold, a bipb plan- lu f4i|;li>n.L
a« a ctar h«x lo l■I:.rr■IHahrerd. a
wbo ...uM «u siakl awar. ire-i:
Ula nnaiHiMl aiererery te tbaallW are at 1 a-elbek tbla atleraooB nc
Thu two Opbliaii Usli an< ]ilaerd lo a
m^fcjoel f.-tcvctTlliinj;
aud they promd
teeretoriatli la tba ahp. aot 00I7 aoUapM of tba Cblaare rrelaiaare la ea. bnpo boltlu
If. «a UI-.11..1 tlul
rbr HSI bad bn-h's-irlid ihrre' prere
: Uut rntis eeti evliot-U.
plalaad la ditpaldNa from Bbaacbal to tabr iwdi otlicr's remans sboeldtr
n il line. .min. duern tb- r.imd Ire.tius
-r...l lb. t..uir.t (un
eptoiarh Mh.T in M-b^lbnp ftstaire coe-il-' v.n. sn uuViiriea
M. r>utid‘. a reali ueb- m-iued lu
la tha MUare el tbe CblSM Cuerpwbeew.
aad hack uni ro‘b artniofl Oh- "riuc,"
• r caiu;.| .bthlew stl^lh treiBi kls
rni-b iMi-. n|su lb.' no rf brr tend aUl
o aaareb;. It la bMd' areatoAoBd tbeaeoelrp bMowToac
uieii AUMt A .iinaa. Waraek.
tbe anatl tiu‘ rilrailuf) npidlp all the
.•ullp. Mir Cbbl
lad. Ur aTABi>aui>oii.<v.
MOB obllcatlre ibot oa U
eartbwoeba eoaoreiad time, and lorh In;|i hfiB« gairreiup
lird eo n*rH Ut
MtbatdMlrepa or drirre oattba with tba daa at Pal Be were OBBalab- wlIbnsdoiiK ni atidomli. Thiitpuia
Hwi.l) Oowlsreyre -^Wj^^^
tlr- .b-luisl--. be* l-.d»lll ill.lnuertrlHd,
rr.' loouj U'Uilfas of II
laccareraaretahall tarepocartlr ad aad tha aaaal at Taac Obaw waa €o fur Muir niinnt.e, onTtl, as tbu Irnec
id s|..l U...rr'.ea.. Ii.l,. tl eim.T tslhp
tbeir wortbisre ahlrcaoa Ibeii merlu.
wIbaobllratiM of I
faU of water. (aelUlaUoc beat tiaaa- laOrs an- pnm iup Impatlcnit. noc-llKb
. I.'ii.a brtH ii Ihr hr
• .tbm tb- Ksrrb.udki- II kd bur.L
to Uep put tbem in bora aad wrap
■ oadaaarabplB port whs tba alllea arrirad there. Slc- aoddenlp laaki- a dart nnd a Ints.-ai b
b--.'tiile-lltil , tr—bill
n «br bu.p
perm like lisWilfs I-aok nul te thcia
adrimwrpV lul. Ilennilntth thire Is 1
Uapotb. lilt areoaad thol O ~
aak batwen tha aUka aad l«atl
iIh- .-iuiu; eiirti si»<i l.-caii l» islk 111. e-j.-i fir-t y.-ili U|-n lb., lui
'fake only ItrWiti'a Wilcb llsr.Bl balsr.
koltalbai ouril an- nr ab.r drai in.
aad Oeacar arlll aalta with - tba
llcurre oite and all Dlelo dlanas-s
tine. Til.- first M pnsfsiin tliln “I'iciiiinc rar-4i.
bMdlac part of tbe wall at Pebla were
Tfa>. la k tiH ir ildi irei re
C. Thr-mpwai,
BKXtup Is rlobid re bot»» bans aad
•■SiKlk n-.s ..r |..|. v.T allrr
K.IU r
lieTBl.I llneiar.
thro tbe haul.. .. creuuonl uolil oaa
is-a-'.'- lb- .'Uii-hiiii
A. scald b«
Xkwat baa Ctaapad AMa.
Tb. wnirl.-i.-r 1.4-4.1 'b. t-ri.l.'
fiiifa k cfaaxd aruand tlx- Loilk. bp t
in uf nap s<
ar.- was hu dr.+dmi.
oadre. Aac- It - Tbe La
rally es
llui lbl> is usnallp an affur
ir«tr hiui p.d.H.,sl a. tl
rqaaa eemapeadret of Ue liallp ao boa and fnsiuraithT Ihne r
At tap dfUR steirr.
sd.fl.bui It. Sin JVirteK
' wnh-realele Ibnucb Ibi-iTll>cal[>4.Bl.ul-s» ps.t Uwi wia-» ^M •
a ..reteril ib'iib- b-r- aa. I.c cr)-.4r,l
atthalPrrel- Tbu fkh an- n-.
rereabtaadate a rettlcillims will bo .prat la pollil
r. Ill tbt miifi-r
1.U.14II--I l—bnl
.1.g Wed eli'plap
wooiliTfol plork a
drettHapaaertbaOreaca Pm I
tte- can't keep llic oiaipAi
iitb-iny.-al... lu

llmidl l n]lM> ~hr lb fan.l,
The- tail is Un-pan wbicb ithows
i-p It
baltambadkd oa the read while
nl II. Ibr
•isil I.- Aiore Naad Mare Troepa
br s-lrt
k.-|d say away.
, ...........^
- day.
— ............
damaa-e.. alUienish U Is vnp miV
luc s-i. ib-ucb II krenir re-ri- aisl mnrtredna.Aac, ll-0«lv pnAaMp to trTlBCteraadhPrreldaat Krtufcr.
bol a BiKtl criji nil Uw sM- bu is Trdp reidiiil if tU i.d.mi.s •eT,. |.i win lU-h. Tb.' Be..
waapraMoaalp reported re belac U>.
coals whai
tha PaUa artre balac eat, liuia
Th-T ilhplav iins-id.-rBbk n.ul.I •i .i
1... oiniiy 0-4. Ill ilu- lii l.i, fruBi lb «iud.i«. sl.h Ul Uan.
bot tba rerrrepoodret la laforaad that apillfp in iTadiUK (Mr cfipctKOt
1- ihiiik thul I r-uld i.iiui
allbaaoiMUIewb tba Gblate
llui It. bar.] f.T a man I.. Iravr an aiItaUy ererei slomsch iroablou.
F C.!
I- I.Tii. hf.- .n.T uMliir
nootb and also
tal bw aerea Ibroacb tbla rerealac- hadkd trea the aCaek of a a
iwistlnc |s.r.4i:l, 1.1 irr i-i.ilitic hnn-yin.ieMi i.i fare f.rfx.m.i • ay. Iriili ..err ili.- r.,a.| !i
id. Beatatre. howerer. tbatthe
I .ml of (Is laiL lb. -iiuniMii .411411) dnih.
What baa raaahtd Laadre ladlretre
ream- ».
in SO niinnhw •datalla are aoi aatbntlealad.
tilnc aa "aunreer c
that tba alllM an la aaadofiolB
diis4i.lba.l 1.4-n imiefahii-d. ami tba
piaiofr.. and tai«bt aa
0 Dr. Kowt.-r'a Bitrac
Tis-s.. wli.. ti,,-. hlla in Id
JM » u-s'kiTy. ~.iiihIibc bun."
■W'iiu su
eery A kept handy.
p. are teuto rib- kwlj as n'di
prai. Ml h.- was a man ariib a hi.t.
did lumd Ibr din.-f Uiilr.
tore's oa
Si. Hand', bad 1.441 H.rex! a. a i-ta..- mb... h.-art aas dead, llui was .i)
-liil., tVilliaui Clirrtr, Ihi- rret.rf.
captare a kac tlaa. baa
haeine -I..4
ih41 it bis diUyrie. trail the
Al Lnnisrillc. Ky . all
Kiisll-b lilius). ba.| U44I driV.-i. ..ul a. a
bol wralbor la the faisi
KlChV prireoBia wbo eteapad trea
TIu' liurrh was a l-artiuks f..r poai t.. i1-. ns4»r uf K-. ItaeM's In-idsi weather bnoran haer
n iral
rinp lo
an rally train, waa
iiwny Ilf <'-siiui4ilal .eddiir. - A was Ib.. m—Tiptiirfi. -Th. .lu-i
rere report bk atraactb aaaow
... the prreiral boated ten. I brine ttm
Pahia Sataidap te tba Irere^laM dlallRlsl I..
hr UnobT kduni Ibe r.iuiimilii.< cie-ii I.) Quex-s Ann.- aud «'-r srlr. ....... l4„,.le." „.„l-ihis re
loacest ici-ard la fs pears The aer
>«. Boon la tba dlatrkk taroacb
-Wh,.. I'ru.!.
II-rTwr llrs In
Ihi- niiid-.B. bail te-B ni-ddcl
was Uliieboil. Srlistlac, as
carp atulacd thr wi cocm mark em
Wrebi^rea. Aac- M.-TbaCUarea;
- • •
tep Ibimk-lit.
Aucsst I and liu neerr faUed u, eegaal
Bcale aad iboae wbo da aot do to are
• or CD ahe-.o U sliicr ______
B.l..|it,d ....
w b. r'w.4l,l-d ,"
teead 10 )ola tbe raaba Dawofa aac. apn-^nd
erf pars .-r.- rt.And sllll ‘ihmd.m
l:•.••l.lIld lliu-ca-ia r
Kurdock lliuod Klllcta cim •______ ONK OAY ONLY t^ACH MONTH FROM 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M
antaoradlBCtbaHrttkb k eretlaa- and npaoin: a part u....................... hp hi. Kir..
eloarhoad. an actiee'brain. aaUouc, N M -i. . luvatreet .< ie,-4»s>rfU. I‘si>—I. I ...i
te tbniihr’erae.
lacle brli« larcar aeforekoare tbe clatoHd: "TIhti Ih-p po—Iho ealp two
flu., ds)
- rvnfti-d a Ir
ai. i fl.rer
karf Icbtiac tom.
lla>i.-r s
Baall oaaaaadre aaar Jobaaaaar.itd, uad
...mi c hm. In Iin arh."
Tho Baua-ioi'fit of the aoili-uc- red tb
twad.. I'l.ila.l. li.riu.
aadtetalv dadaila temteaaat borrdrorala tbe Britkh oalpetu at
Xrif Suudiiy a
nf tb- preiiKlixhew
they urr ireacbrrnaa TbAl'a w^p 111
Baebawald pretedap. Vlljoaa. with
IhuBiV rbaylalB a
eonetcrfeiti. of fioWiifa Wileh Itair'
ireacUHiL—Uad.a 8patu Uoimau.
rri.l Kitli da.i. hi. l-ft aftnCB-a- banda,IIMBw. kdlraetlpaarlb of b.
Tha appHretka aarea to tba Gb
t-. in.lnler
siaclr Stire «rr ilaacorMs. They into l:k.'
o«i bi. )ad..l borwIleWiifa. bnt iastead of tbeallliraiiui;
Xdaeb Vo. a KaOr chief oa tba
BlaUtr tedar. <t aaproare wlUiar
h. I. a
uoBUln laprreliatk,bocdar. baa aado a raid iato tbe
lil) hlmMdf,
d.-wrei.l -. lelli- ul • I-ecbimt ari4i.| a -t-s- luanrd l.rutali
avWaoadeM tba aacollallfa at
e tbo aleia und
ImaU (rf rr.41
Ttmareaalaa far aa PlUcaabarcaad
aibnilt -uff.'re. i
•a-rtfirea lei. cuom blond For piles, la• C-apiaia V 1 (Iocs l-a ante iH'lcbt
ynriet and -kla diseaaes a»e tl.r onemaah.-sl i.. ihni
ifpaaliil that tbla wOl ba Pakia er
f ,ui allmm:
Uki' u a.,ldii-r m..ki4ii lire, e-i.- h
Inal and eeatuce li-Witt's Wheb Hanoi
Boan are aald te bare baea the accrre•tranm if 1
LUrkCnth. K
. his dare was Oriu. j
F. C. Thompson.^,
hriph,. of
bare aadabcfcrl l
hnai.'in— II
Bust x»l rxsd.TeaMrUd Ut.4te.
laclaaelrnitodBaaBar uid k
|. a Biau wbn w.Hild I
VOB Will lerer And hay otber pi.Is so
h. fortl-ere
QUUM sair wed tsllaat eoUc*.
op hriai;
■r Hiiti re., ball ,.f i
lac bkprkeoen well.
prriBp'. tb
On Ibr "Ih-r hand. Ibr rlriri.
TWappttretlBB doanH aacfaataa;
Mew tbu ship, .tba aalhir and tbaal- world if b.. I
d I.. ai i-mv .iih ,
leltilo Bari; U.k?re
K. C. Tbomi^.
M seirfU to Tlkl :
partiMlar teat aer tab te tba wttbelf. II..
was. iiidi.d. ..f
boman-all dewplu ibeMottbwa.. Tte
v -( tb- Ifo, or lenufni
..’Uii- .lay. uU'ii Ihr chureb wu>
eeteea wire *ntt«o SipA t7. im.-^
Aiaaral of treepe, bot II reqarea that
his p.K-r
Pratoria. Aag- io-Dewat f
rire- m tlN-^daily lit-of
Al Huacir. Ipd. Hicbarl Kerricaa.
tha aacaUaUere ba te Ibo parprea of
we,T aa'i‘ina’..'
In tbr MU' .11
artboftbaPprareid bUkaada
•erd tu. ud .Warp,
• Ha»f——

ps-ti.m npasfd. rerrp
Wwivabaat aaretiMia of breUUloare-.
irdaj ntchl.
snaaa rellre oorthcaat of ben lait
aher lewd. d..woKard, and i
•Vnly a s-ml-h fmui a HrhUh
rtieinatod In •ire thi
alcht. Bak aew balac atreeki
Whs a Third strred niW ramo Into
'r erf whici
fid 111
te tba itiiiii of Baentartn Bap
the honao tbei uthec vccniBK.
Thr fa.
were u( tkr ■loa.
BaBipnIatiae seaicthini;
ictbinB In the kurbs br dlrr a d-s.4> sb-ch. .rf
ei.~-ly writiiTi
the prcvim's
■i-i.-i.' h-a a msn'- -If re> Ahr craln . sn
tatbaOblaare Mtlar. Oare «w ae
•rioui aad ohjalci.
4l tho hall, with s odor which Ste fn.ri l.-u.-atb bis <«
— wh.4> h- e-Brri.4 a rb.
-Hut sunfy )<H1 Kiu hi
M-ntdap reornioc
IOC h'» eonteXt-Tro li-ntojre ha. but CT to
-Btatorla. Aac- Ih-Ckrrtoctoa rate nt aud diink. tearlL-r’
dltiodVwas (
perta that Ite aatap. with wba
**ITc1iiiiic tirsT. lasa~aa hebliae the
weeidiBC party was U
"What tho miatoief la that that naelk *m Iclay.roll waa ooncad. ware repaired Aacmoll of raeiicBSeiit ai
TbiT .rni I.. Ibr littlr rburto. vbiriii
la froa atrooc petUkoi ql Baffelk
was aln-ndy ai..d-fnr Ibi- eresl |wrt'
ItkMBMd at lha wardavan
Both. Oareaoadaal BwarU wi
wilL •..loru Slid Md <n.4>.
I1.TT ami
tbatibaraporta of aeaUoaad dchUoc rarMp woaadtd. Oar lore waa tbm
it, ehUdroB Ilk - ii.
Ibi-t4. «a. a >rnnc idbii ib rerilian'.
to PMda ladkata that the alllal fotere kilkd tad aloe woaaded. PtcM baa
We rote Ul One M b
rloihc.. A reon- ..r Iniirn.l ia llrh’.ii Rbsale.sNl sinrn.iL.n is tlu'Wi-U. 1 came ant,'' b
ban toitad a aiata of oaaichp I
It will qaicBlp runtbi' di-rwaj. Tbrp rlHs-n.l In.ijy vbre iSniiahieT .if a. Xi-w Ye.rt; I»a7-r an.i
oaaidad Wblarral. rtrewreewoaad- sntlp. "Ulhadsim
Ibo -Kirtlilut l-ars-m" ap|.wn4i,
lane irnablea. F C
oltp with ao Mbed of aretroUla.
siellod hko thal. I d Cal
Is a hletaly a.wt.mpllslusl Ti.uncsrerfnni,.
n- lda.-k aewm .rf lb- Mapoopto. OaoorqaaBUr It ire baao tooad
ban it dialefeeted at oe
MIsstliiry i: llall.K'k. III., i.taiilat. is
labsd re-rt.rf ami pr-srally m-unltd tbe
etaia Mawaliarea
B. Aiu. n.'.tii. alibuucii Shu wan hiru
■aatearp te tba treepa te natoraorIt wUl tn^lsc you to etperkace Iba
hkh peiljiil In read Ibr sermon hr had
j Ib lroi. Syria.
Sli" ourtat-l baaedt vbtalM
lalaed bp ntlac
lulte t]
the dalMp
Tbkarootoc tba aokrad paopieof
le ifttlopllli kaoe
Oread Bapida will oaktareta toaioolb
Ills. k.44i
wudrird BruaBd Ihr am-tiiE 111.- (lliakiTs
Bnino psn afo Fredsick DoaclMs rfaurvh. •..itUac (or aa losiaal u|k>b each end all..' has bad ibu sedranise.' -f
Ur Barlp Bitcru
' aaarp of tte blnb of Joha
baereaalrad a dkpateb freretl«Otr>
be-i Uius;...,i li.siraui-ra l-ll. In
addrnucd a coamiis of neenc* la hich (s-w. appari'ully seviaejotii
.reaaaooaalat Obatoe of lodap'adata.
reianirj uml In liitre.).'. In-hHlItiE
Irfutin-illo. lie sId la tbo coorwi nf bk Ibr alBH-si rri4-s. of tbr lialr.«y, wbrre
ate UamttteTiuatnaat of AD Mtot
Vh'nn.i niasl.T of IL- jilanfforb ,
tbr l-rU-ws boy was pr-twriax f.rf a nap.
.yplBstaaU^-lefed. IV.-n
tefkw that tha dewacarmpraaakbaramadta that be did not thli
Aciiea be liHib.d areiUrl. Ibis llmr IrfUerlH tltky ■
Bketric o:i. I'orfecilp mfr
teMamktod PoanlbU la OMato.
Ueredtebatoalda tba pakre at Pakia
euaaUs of tba whito ud black
• amofsi iqaare t
""ill> In Vle-ana ahr was luriird bp toik Atae} dracsiorr.
slowly. Ur lau-nirel lu W reNintlnx Iboi
detiralik’, Ibo pnni ne-cni be inc. i
apanuiK‘.s rer causrf aiuM aw lam etamteem
aadUallbealllre are tail beretaidpopatotloa oM.TM.
til tliiii- iHs.niwiiilLi to l:>:.n th
y-enr eise la e-iriliaas' dn>s. ^noauT
eaaia-iruB.raic KKaveii^
ra acoCo.
^skine bu iTcwIaaaca raotlna>d
Inu-aih him.
m. Patanbarc. Aac- *> - Ooaarel
_______________trp waa r
tlrfdr i-rrrh.
i-CTch. “llDt
I wish.'
l.-nna I!..pal
Hr hurh-l bis ■retaeiB apein Ibe Bone.
OltoC.abkfet ataff of tba Breaka ____ kBd aad awora to. Of tba 84 aea.
laac trannlr
Uae Minute (kacb Ouru

spe^cr. "1 arish wa “Thlnerer br rxedtlmed. “Why don't
ru-i* ininr-rtbic .i»n
k Uie lealp harmlesa rrreedp thai cim
■ freaaalaflblaa.rtperta tba daf&l of reakaadaiuairera^to. tbarearcaUU oewid r
..U op aumu
auinu mat of an alloy Xo> pun P- wilh tbr Aarrirua am)
iatmeeliale reeulu.
Teni will like it.
tAWObkare atura Iretd Ichi. tba MllrtaC.
tbo tii«r<-which wonld inienro a nnso licht Ibr
F. C. Thaaipaor
•pren af Tab Bhl pare, aad tae eaTbrn bi- waliod te a nrly ibat __
eyaUcj^hoiilnic sjiiTtarire."—»ofOteMka of Hadaabal. Aa lapartal
Allb-ak!.I !>rr po.iI.iasH.nn work if
ISPOBTAMT TO LAOIV-oa trmUB. anre raraM erfcmreM.ta. laiiiMw
nut. TV-r- ••• aei sestad aarr tbe- tolrptm
Town, wbo lira at Chubha'’
akaaabaa tnoa kaud paoUMtlac tba
oelp on. .•uLin .*d. Shu ba. a*r»-ai1p
IBC of n Idiil ft. (hr t-urUI cmand.
rtlare y. bat
tet other raoka.bare
p, Verreoal. eontes U. tbe fraet
-fiB not afnM to p.
Thrp eaat V Itli suair .........................
with psDbablp tbe laacaat anbroken
ban rer Tbry eta kill Be If ibop Ukr.
Hare' ysspspie-ial oaroo U> droofto' fbey ran neaks a drurebnd at «p eU
ia the etale - On bk farm
Pkto of ^>g«o <raa
m wriakliw. nr oooTedollona. c» plait-.,
d kaoll. (
Or. Upsita arol'Tlre I
B. I Ulurti-tir. .
toe. €t wbalrrcs i. ibr prupe-r diatui- for bide. Uii tbep'Il pUp beop drum. dram,
Mr Tow. .......... ..
Tba lady
. This yrxr >1;.
Aac- IT — Tba aacnt dv alcbt.
. eorbaerew •tple.clear
tbo luesinalue-s in lli, Iseir aatfwv K^ kwnp, drvta. dram, nil ibr Uriitd Are
atetew te port of ttea ateaesr
-si-rti .an.i p ,
cared .an uf Uw eouDirpr
D cal one eoatiaBoat
' '
ibo which aba badtahaapoa.
Ibo oaleT ear? A wniaaie artist, rttacuiw.'iri.t-nu
tHse. as If renJI
renJttIhe it
tetka asrebkti. HataUa Ma
lb. Wbolo piaao
st h-r a . .rf ik'off lalotte lac a man. diw-hinrd the- ortisfa Damo fnWB be wore, hr l_.
.. . , rrmhac
njnm mAA tbs ,
•ad Mkbatl OoUa. who. aaaardl;
1.' ff ■*
te UWD. 8br aald Uw ms oonld nut bk I'oiitlaentaj imlform.
lateaiUoa reaa U ttk aeaatipwiU ap Maadap.bat aot n
beOiutod "bocauai' bo baa no dnwtocs
' .'blldm
• awed.
eats' er>a: i-bssu
wskl.a aa axbIMt of lOO rmrfatka
—cten il-iwlab.l-atid tbr
d die becanae they ewa' Ika of prenatl
lediN-d whh Ibr •"■idicTs la torreiac
tbe food tbep eat.
Tba taMtaUoa te
»W Artful TOBBC a.
i'itoltac i'an-si.Cure dicmUwbat poe cat. 'i^SkriargLAA
aa itarea^ Wa. A.
inc SabilHd ill. imprnaaprn arnaaa,
—TtH-n- |4 one ihlae m
Backt eftbet'a'
-'skit tbr si^lre lu a hastp rl-we, b*»w. Mr. Hu
tre yem la faeor
. aatBlkHoraareamdllktealOalda to
think t'U be- cwcmalod whoi I'm .load.
koL Tbft aaaooaere that be wj
psid. aud rfdrnip erf ||.“ he et­
c to Wiiinui brr naiml and
■owYorkbpaareataarelre aaa. waa
Mire Fios-Wbp. Mr. Lyttwaytcl
..-re aa atelblt trea trails rakad at
s nelil to Totr. 1
AkaatodbpChlerWUhkof tba baerat ^AfitoaltorM oolkte.aad at tba
Cbollic—Joat fatrsiT. now, a fellaw
will erlB.llnc her
befnf; in tfaolnan te a ysmaoBad
larullnr tyruapT
IboB daft Bp acaia faw aocBe paiyim or as ibrir c
atobkbaatote aamal
dl. ireoeibp. drar.
"V.41 a
1. 'Xh.od Iwrf and
ancdbi*. Doo'i pm are. hla elolb(a
Sjorsr, bitw poo frerf_____It It.
iHer ’oNWr-'- ^
aaiardbp Hra. Preah Joare of loaU would bo all mt Id fakiicai hytbat
r aC
bat I ba rr alwapu bora ia faror
Uuwlaied aas a
.—todianapclk JoaiaaL
Xrt.’‘‘^^r4re aau teirrrehrmc
,0. kalaer tikro preat a doUefat to ■wiib pisi. preetded Petfewre and Creeral
a tel a taw^Btetteeld aad betaic
Wapar adrrr.-br said,
a to spoon hre ekUdrs iB. aoclop rerp Me fare 10 aalfom. XI
l'ra.l.wc4 uuddrd a ^KTowfal aaaem mlUtury f.-reree •
la Ibe bklCel.
I.>rdrr1..k ihr Ite
toaadba tea tabs aa |
-It re ) .sir dclp, l>KUnd.“
' ronalsts of P.TT4 .
I o' 7,21«1 Ketoib Aaatr*.
Tla- -rirttiae nar-«' e.iorbrd tc*
Imcible ok fatber. aard lo tnake b
-Mad ABih.uep." Hr xrbatusl Rowlaad
rietitna eff iiijite. aad
A pmeat tdBUrb41a.scn.9to. hp thr hand. “I was artoid pm were a
peatekr. That aettsed tbe teait«( Uuudp Teerp. sp bop. li I badat heea woMcrn AoatnilU of 4.Sn. maklac tbetotal DlUuiT feet* «■ Ibe AnMrtUte
tr. Td ban atoad Arut”
■--------- Tetta ate mca.
Tba tapci of tba alllei hare aoi bi

biaiiitiN tl twin.




"' W-- J



^-kJr'Bnel!tv;,i:.r:^bs^r ^





'“"r: isiS-HfiSsS:





' 1";-',;,™ ru ,.™


“ C




»"1 EwiiMliw f™ »«Sliitlli Cirtditiil.


Tho Colebnilod Spociahsts. formerly of New York,
now of Cr.and Radids. Mich., will be at the

i'ilS. hr








msEiry^js;i-SL*harsy*ra!^rac'h^3 tsu



■*-- •-'TaktoS


“toblcaa ,


w am. to^ TbrilttereoM

*Tteorerera«*lre |___ tJ

ft-~f-Mrtbkw«b. STS


yssfes»'j«;i!rlenM Office fu Job Priitiic.

r« Ufuto uS CUlUw





iUn Haifa. alBoa aad para ripe la»

-The obiidna win iBn to
aad ealne the flay, aad yaa we aaa
' lor tb feed H will Sa Tat y«a
•near kaow ibe wbola ce»4 It

toShy the ranawlct the aitaed pram
U dewaee tha haaianet the meld. Do

The wrongest, purest, most efficient and
wholesome of teavening agentt. Not lowest
in pricey yet the most economical; indispens­
able to all who appreciate the best and most
healthful food.
Our country is enjoying prosperity almost
unsurpassed in its history.
For every one there is money enough to
buy that to eat which is pore, sound, good,
Why should we use dmp. impure, unhealdifiil articles of food? There is no
economy in them; they endanger the health,
th^ may cost life. Thwe arc reported
almost daily cases of sickness caused by eat­
ing ddte, puddings or biscuit nude with the
dieap, alum baking powders.
In all articles for fbod:buy and use only
the best The good health of the family is
first consideration.

Think III tn-iUmiil
d wHI-kiawn i.liun
powUsi an acnally deofiwihailUieircuucKruotaiiiit.:..

■a aoMCB CO, in viuum ar-.iinr to

Mas. H. S. 0. Bats*. Editor.
I an tIftavU lha altr *Uh nr dueh'
aMiM^MMa itetv noaned oa the

waur troaTwhleh It hriaw. or trim to.
ehanlBr draarht la Iu laadan each
wade, are aaaay. SomeUnaa—o:
ha a aprioff In Itaall wiu <» own fraU.
babbanc np ericinal ebaar, erery
Bat w'kal don tt naUarT
tlaaBlbeeaplIhrloca la aura r»tmhlae thaa Bay thlof <if lU own

Aad'^S^n ttel ST roa apte
*al II ihlli la <ha ftaiaheMa aM
thwaUMa tUa^ that nsMrV her
fwd’to aa. and
-AiUclNBthal&lB aadi

' '

tha waM on ftre to ^
BaaanIwMCt node lor abew. and

what we weald-aad. ladaad.
oar bni. aad area n«Gi. lore and lore
oad yet ocaln low ran-oat tram thU
: Caau Cernar alwaya and to yoa
___________ *___I,_________ ,

thaiahomA thd^adiaaee, hat to aaeh ooa et 70a.—run

vUh tiBfimat eoahi at haj.
Uhaagattn ha aaleun Uni la al-



laaaaaatrM ■aUr% wUdotn. aad

•ad Tea aad ree-Daar. Haarla, who
read aad. na ho|>e. la ntara, lore
BuaaOaBBt too.
naOhtMUa Badaerar World la
naal Iwaa hod Bfeod thlac eUlad
-dDea'tWenrOlah.' Unja^
‘ntnra ana aaa In Bona alihtaaa
ntarin ife.. Wa hara iu eea

a row of perfect halan reandthealda
a^aaaalln.ptoaa in IheaBtor; add
aaothwhynotleUy. OmUaaa aaul
themubaitod than a«t Mb'
wcT tm baCara natoy. Sarw
eaka frith tha >a(ly.

BBU the whole hoaae. rarrytoy dl-




UthahOBB aaltor bbi henaedfor
aU Iheoe Utoya. be Bare toproTfda aoaa
■BB of wnUlaUaa. DobA^m tbs
wtodowB BO they coaaet ha aeaaad •*acTBUddayatlBaL It to Wtor to
Bt aUttieatow to tbs ealtor to heap
lar. HaWlatwebBalay eot faoBt. sad opw the wla^ a........
Ab! thadaane Ittba aad float
______,_______ of batur aadBtotrith ewryday. IfthTehlBasya bra_____
An notawHur tbaa bar faaL
boa Oc ealtor floor, aa opawley tote
dwaytoy. awtoylay.
tha flea et the kllahaa ehiaany Brill act
Hhw ready aenher of israd. atoeail BB BCBlilator.
IftwerabaUdtoyahoBe. aad
» tha cellar f« a aUre-boBB. 1«
iw the klteha eblBaay Blarl
la cWlar dear, aad to ihto obit—.. Tbndcrly the Ibtb ylw abtde.
Aad tbe etomi lore bar raaeb.
IW aa opantoy like a UUto flrenlaw.
Bb then crowd aad tty to tooeb
Baaa or wotot orbem otyowa—
Ua part ol ewryday. Tbto weald
Maid that mlada wlibeat a frown
aueb toward watitottoy the celt...
Tbaobjeet of U* leap totbeopaatoy
flwaytoy. awlaytoy.
to to wars tbe air aad eaaae aa epward
lay eewte a^d^b to twe^Urda . . carreat “ ^
-apfitl of bettor. HU to a aeft doayb. eeltor.
BraaBlay. alaylay.
ara eat aad roll not qalto aa toeb
' itoad <ri baaktoy the wladowB
thtok. CBltoSlthraapaaa.bcnahaaeb
atraw aad Baean fro® tbe barn.
with Bilk aad bake to a noderale
haw woodea
CIorarUooBe. that lore bar Baeb.
OTB. dpllt while hot. bettor piaeUlel
1-ray etaad back aad do am uaeh.
lyaodapraad aeeh ptow wlUi peadua tofllBcryelBBly. ThBc will keep OBt
For ae hour a lOTe-wmteb keep:
eat anall. Sprinkle with aayar. and pat the eoU. permit the wladowt u be
Myelher to two eakn et three toyera opeoed toBlldwtatbot, aad look to—.<rlmrJ.
Bob. the eraat aide of web layer balay fie^y belter thaa baaktoy ap
abderaBUi. tlerw with cold bedUd
eaatord cr a ^tdtar of eraaB.
y. lake thoB oat. I'ae plebty of b^Auyoit
toed llBc to tba I.......................................
do naay plaaaaat tblayi bare baprautiw n-tiiuiicBT.
It barreU
rraU aad
boiin aad oaPara aad qaartn aaSetoat jaiey
1 whea It baa alabed. paned Uto week thU It to hard
which ODC to ulk aboBt first Bat to
paaebB to Bake a plat. Blew yeoUy to awaep it about tbe floor. Tbe
aaa plat of waur tni Uader. add one aad walla aboald be wbitowaaL_______ deed U hat bean a week of briybl eaeplal of aayar aad atlr anUl duelrad lea tbaa twice a year, aad if the blaa ahieeatUe headqaanera ol tbe 1
_Jd Urea UUBpeoafala of eora alareh are alatienary. wbItewBb thea. elao.
aid yosay Poiki daaahlee Ctob.
Bleed with a lltUa eeld water. aUr UII It will dBtray Bold 1......................
Well, bate to the firet of Ue 1
thick aad clear. Tara tolo aolda aad Teat decay of wo^
erw cold wllb eraaB.
abioe bappaoiafi. aad a whole
Keeptny Cbaeae Hour
bant It la. '
raccB itTOUBi/.
A aew braaeh clsb haa beea eryaa' Pill a poddtoy dlab with whole peel
toed at doloe. Leelaaaa eoBaty by Hre.
ad peoeaB, aoer ereraptotof water,
eowraad hakeUlI toe pBcfaBare uaireaa^ai aion or eoyea. Allor a aieoa B. J. UtokerBOD. which la la be calle
der.thea drdaoff the Jateeaad let It of the dealrad alze to eat tran a whole tbe doloo Head of Marty Saeebio
Add to theoald |aiee
ehaaae. or part of a laryc cboBe. eorar Clob. Many of you kaow what a Rea
foar beataa ayya. a plat of Bilk, one
Ue freah-cot aide wiu a piece of while
eapfalef aayar. two toblBpooafalaof wrillny or parabBent paper that baa of Mere/ to. but acme may 001
Bflt^ batter aad oee ecpfcl of dear beea rubbed owr Uorooybly wlU bat- aeelety wbieb her Ihaaaaada of Beato which ia Btoed oaa Uaapooalal ol
tor. the be tiered aide aext tbe eheeae. ben all ftrer the Ualtod dtoUb. Ue ob­
baktoy powder.
Itoat tor a mtoote. ft will adbere aleely. keep the ebewe
pear enr the pBchaa la the diah aad alr-tlybtaad BoUUaad cab eaally be ject of wbicb to to be kind to all aolmale aad birda. aad erery Jirlny Uloy.
hake to a BodaraUi one aatll
palled back to eat aaotber cllee. aad
)oal aa eaally aBootbed dowa to eorer Tbatto wbatoarduaabtoepledyeeayii.
tba Best calttoy
yoe koow. oo the two work loyctber
The pleec Ukeo trea the laryc
Bab 'caoByh ripe, pared peaebB ebecB caa be rrrapped to tbe came bleely. Ahd ao oar doloo club will oot
Uiraayh a atow to OBke a plot of palp Baaaer, aod kept from drylay bp. if ooly "oeauer aaaabloe.'' bat Ueir llac
.ud add to toaa cbc plat of lemaa Uiere la baorc tbao It to dalrwi u of club work will he to tbe way of
place OB the table at oae bcbI. Many klodaaB to anioBla. Tbto to wbat
and eae-baU boa of yelatiae
people rcIraiD froB baytoy cbaeae bc- like, aad we aball watob our do
baaa aoakad to a hall
BBBc "It drlB ap ao." PlBae try
Haod of Mercy cleb with macb loriay
keeploy It wrapped to ba\tored paper,
aienally till the aUtara U qalto Uri?k aad eea If Uare la aay sore ireeble iotereal
thaa add ooe ptot
plat of thk
for aay raaaoBable laa^ of time.
The olUeert elected are aa follow,
I bB beea whipped to a ei
Pleen that arc cat for tbe table aod
Prraldani-Hary E Cete.
Tara tolo a wetted nold. aad
yet dry are alee toaaud.- Place oa a
Vlee Pro,
whea Arm Urn oat aad aarre with loay fork aod bold orer hot coala aolll
whipped erBB brnped aroead It.
decretary—Nellie White.
the plecaa crack open and look creamy,
Ilrpaepcdi-n BUiai- naaoK.
dalielou diah for laeeb, wiu doayb
are to mret ooee to two weeka.
Btoep a dotae peaeb ^U la a plat
onta. plBOr craekera-—Sc'era.lAt tbeir Brat meottoy the; will talk
BlUtfor balfaaWr.
Take oat the
pita, add foar tabInpxBlala of aayar
BboBt Doya No doobi Uere win be
aadbrtoyto UeaealSiv polat.
To Keep the Bouae Cooltome eery totoreaUayatoriea told. Wc
tbree kaaplny tablnpaeafela et eora
Tbe beat way to keep a booae cool la
atareb with a lltUa eeld ailk, add a to that It Bh and azelade the heated bepetbe aecreUr; will alwaya aeod
^aeh of bH. poar ioto Ue toil Bilk air attorthe aterntoy froahnna haa report et tbe mreltoya.
aad atir till thick. Oowr aad eeek for
Thby bBTc ihirty-ibrpe Bcmbete t
toe BtoBtea.addadoaaa rlw paaebB
atari wltb. Twoof them. Leon Hiller
t la blu.
ftrn tolo the early boara ol the day la a deliyht,
______________ aad aet away till cold- bat a blBl from a faraace to tar from of Comatoek. Van Bum eouoty. wbo
Serre with craaae.-7W4r TaU
ayrCBble. To atop from the bornlag toTtoiUoy to .SoloD. and Bdam Metier,
tenparatoread the atrael laUarael. were already membera of tbe dnoibine
eloaed aad darkcoed parlor to a plma- qab. Itolber Perriaaod Fraocto Forant azperleeee. Too maeb faBBtoy, rfa lire at daoli die. Marie. They aie
_jt Obrlataaa there we
BBd too BBeb frettloy. ore alike to be
gnaura tittia plUm al
BToklad to bot wraUer. Hake tbe Tkiltoy to doloe. We -abel! bV
darroaodiara eomfertaWa and theo bear from them aftor they yet bomr.
tone ee eoUraly adaptable to all boBao •BBBon phlloaopby
naeda to the Itoa of eaB aod eoBfort. l-oHIcr’. IFrriclp.
Tbe aezt aoBhloe came from «ur
Itdldaotoeear to Be that theyeoald
be Bade of aaylhtoy bat awaaP dowa,
PloaBBl Ptatoa, Arkniaa elab
Crab-appla Jelly aed HarmaladeaaUl tbe ylwr aet Be to y
remember bow we oent them a flay
nay ware tiled wltta aothtoy
or three weeka'ayo. Ura. KiafKley
tbaa the baaBtlfal dowa or oar
writBB peraoaal letter to tbe preel.
______ add Urea qoart of wai
BOB Bllkwaad aaad.
Tbe aead
___ yathwad lllUe bybUleat pieale Lal them boU alowly (or BBrly
deal to which abe telto the aloiy of
boar, toklay con renew the wa..
It tojao totereatlor we moat
.— ... a naarriaer ___ ae that the WBal ramaloa aa (bU when
ehaaeedtofall abort of bladatyl.aay

.Ti,,' ■


_____________ "SS

prtB with the boada. Allow Ue aame
off with lltUe troabla. and aatUa to —. qaaBtUy of auyoraa office, aad boll
bottom, pad there la yoar dowa fit (or aadakim lor twenty minatoa. Take
tha eoBcb of a klny. Tha aeada will
• Ue eraba. aod prsB them
aaoa bwto to rtpaa. aad I olftr thla
uo„], adrlea to yatbar It UuB wboB and BlrlBi take equal pnru el
nay eoaeara. I rather eapaetod By nndnnba. and cook aotll thoc
aoaaon wlU etonamoo or
dainty piUowa|to beeoaae bard aad
aad the onpar ataaniar hot.
^Ha* hw sSdwoa the table, wm
peeked to deap weather or froB eea
atoatBB. Not BO. They bare alood
thatUv te Mwh lha aaet.
tba.nBtof Bbay Boatto. haw ereo
Btoekbarry Pndduy.
baao'empleyedafew ttouatoaelrll
Haay people-ftbo like the flaror of
■'Chreraltar eq|Ua(. prayer- iced pillow flybt. hare pUlowed Baay
lackbarrln eanaot eat then oa
lal tor emythlac. Ihaakfal tor aayBat of the aeada. Stownqaoit
ah,lhaBMBtate«lt hnaan na. i
natoy a toarapfal
t^.' AaaaelberlMaaU.'tbladoB oator eowr caa aaaily be roBored aod
_ thafca»aadlnanwni day
■e berriB or pat tbUaoearoce pradeaee. ladaatry. ctoaaed or raalaBd by a aew oaa, H
Whaa aaa aaad to dot tha 4aadoa t area* to romore
It eoBlniU with a the eaae may demaad.—:«ri(rtaL
e Jalee back
toto. the
aplritoftrat&lwwa aplrlt at prayer
t UacapfBl of
tea boll, aad
add Atc toWeapoonfato of coralAla Md.-Mn.ud BBdo oonalm or ottaera no coed.
iwtoy Baehlae ^ alalaa eas be ra> aUrrad amoeth with a little cold
Oa the other head, wanay do laSaiU __ j?l^''iuto%!Mb^lt
watar. Aa aaoa b It Ulckeaa.|poar to­
ham. dapirilof edeUaat trai
aewral beaim. Tbaa waah it to aoap te BOlda. aad aarw eold with cream
r. et thaabtaloan, wUI brl^ the aad eeU waUr. ror peach n tar
atalB rab bard, let Itatoad a few boon
aadopoayewlU qdrfu of torpeoUae
aaooehaaaaidthaUlfe bmde naUllbaatatolareBorad. lltbeeoler
BoBabody haa dtoeowrad Uat
ap of hany. darry. wony- Paal la of the fabrte be ebaayed. apoaye It yrato aoeka eat la alz toeh alrlpo.___
tha iaaparlal city ami aador Irylay dr. with Alarofera aad the eolor win be atrlpa folded aad preBcd aad Ue edra
rBlor^. Dae toaoa )atoa aad
nTcled aatll only a atrip aa iaeb wide
taaen heleayad 19 a Dca'i-Wnry waaete Irea mat. leb aad Blidaw
to toft one tbea oewad on a (oaadaUoB,
dab of ona. IU (pu aa lito tha while yooda Whltoa yellow Itoae
' a ray that rBamblB the yoatwet. .
biMlIayhair ae bnr to .
BOBatlBB saad tor that parpoae.
flea fopp. laalU
iltod to eoa yi
‘'UnahalBty that IdUa. ilb 1
Tbae waah to aada. than to ti
CodW^ oat tha thi
that wrradn.aaaeldceutha a
lIUlc blariay.
MUST BELIEVE ITWaareaelteb^aaklOBa. aoal-dia
lid mf ‘laaa hard imh hay- ad. Wa ara to naka ararythli



•ardBlSaraothlap.' cir. aa the Earn­
baa It. "le aotUar U
Tha hy-lawa
lUeaa: “Bat la awrythlaf
aad aapplKMlOD
>C let year R^BinU be Bade



M'S3f:y=l“£w. Mil. IM -M rMi
MIMdMC.1 tohan ,_______ _

Ulb IlM MM. MM cd M-

man t tall W )aal to f(*a na Um

-Ite. Thee da aol Irta.
bat aprsad the haadkarehtof oat . ...--------------------- dUiB
•'» tbara abeald appear la eae
apalar aMcaalan that baa animoo Wewl^le aaUi^y^^^Jiy evealj
ry baokaehe aaflerar.
>0Baa or child wiU
rwuUrea pn>
rOBbto WUI flad peoflt la

<tolyhtefaMkl£r^ yea-wUlfiS

wriu to—." many weald
renew thair IraabUd
a* la a aare earaelchtaea
nwtartn eld. aad nalUtadn of Uatl-

Mr. P. a -OriSa. ol Mlteball etreet.
udUlae. a traiybl brakeBaa oa tbe 0.
R. A 1. E. B-. raaatoy betwew CWIUBtlael torye tematOB of erea die.
adaeoop oat b bboII place to the top

tat na wa tha ana a eraaWw aw

caa bedapaaded apea to
dadttialaear waab% Ul et a

Boar tha Weht evi ham and heUw eat



et Trarnw
oiary Baa.
a^ kidacy
tbe readioy.

Baeret cd a Happy Day •
■t to loam la hu dear taad

SuSauiSlr^**’ .
-Jaat to tot bin taka tha eara.
nadlac aU wa tot litn bear

daaaaddaoBe Inadaraaba,________
•d with a UUIa Bilk or wafar. and Ba- for iwealy yean aad always bod tbe
beat of baalU aatll abcat two years
Wtto WBbe
Aneiber droBtoy la Bade b loUoi..
Chop eeld BBt or fowl e( aay ktod pale aad eehtoy to tba aamli of
w>7 flae. with a aaaall ptoea e( baeoa
ad&d; Try aa ealoa. rboppad fiaa. to a
>ad Dcaa'i Eidaay Pilli hdrtoed me
tablBpaaitBl of battor. awl waea
> try tbaa
Tha treatBaet rcllawd
Bi^ doaaadd tM Beat. aoBabead
aad «U tha UmUB; pbB to a ha^ daypoaelbar ralasaa fallowed, wbaa
^aprlaUabrBdnnham tboB. Anally I doddad to take a thaconyb
•aana. I naad ato betUaa. StoB than.

*^SnaKwMd tha tarthn ahna;

—^tat bat WBthn tha etaahlim


t tbe -only cae hr
Boay ysato. at thk ptoB. aad
woadaad -Bow will lhay hold U
•Who will cllBb tha peU to pot the
flpy on tepr -Be qoile a Uae yettiay
to tha top.- etc., aad they aeaenod
afraid to poll oa the rapB far (bt the
pole TTOBld (all Tba eblidraa ban
atoee they raoai rad year
M like aay eaa to thtok
flad ban to tbe people aad cntoi
' ' do Bot apeak of theB IlyfaUy.
I they arr a nloa people, elerer.
etc., bnt the war left thaa pm
they bare atrnyylcd brarely.
-W# hope aooB to bear tr«B ya
■ TBeaecietary will aoen write. He

Aad tbe third SoBbtoe It laucn.
You Wll rcBCBbcr our PaatoSBla
ttoBahise.beya wbo went laai aprtoy to
lire to tbe atale of Waahiaytqa for
oa tbe l-aclflc eoaat. We
leturacOBc fraa twoof tboB today,
which are ylrea here.
Sllraaa. Hath . Aay. ath. IBou.
1 tboaybt 1 would wriU to tl
BkK.M.uayato. I wiu tell yon what
wndid tbe Fourth We weal h
toyton aad 1 bw tpcB play ball
Uaela Lon waa pitcher aad
Uceryeaiebar. aad they bBt Tbe
waa-.i to llto farorof Arlii
They bad home racra. ano foot
ou cf other kiniU. We'atoycd
anUI the aexl day aaa bw tbe Arc
a WcMW hyUe U>.iuu> that
they bad Uy UBBcaal to Tnrerte
City Wcarebarlay;rily Lbb here,
aad the weatherla lorely. U will
be tohool time. The'aamn of'xbeir
booka are l-oltord-n Syatbetle. l^aarer
BW aay booka like them before.' '
,We here acme Tory pretty blae jaraThey are all bloc csoaptloy a bly block
top knot. .They ora rary^ pretty
1 mnti toll JOB of the accideai Pby
had A week aad a ball before
Foartli wc were playiay ’tombertoy
like my uDclca, aod we took a bi(
cut aaw to cat down a little tree. dropped hie end of the bw oa
bitfoto^dK ueorly cut two otbia
toeauS.^^llfaa(to'lbeeB for tbe cola
of bleabop aboToald hare loet two loro.
■Mamma. 1 didn't aoe tl)e enc
jenM tiioaybll conldtecetort
Ue could an walk lor three weeka
and he hae to wear a robber <
tome loot yctr He conid no
around Ue FpurU hke Looic aad 1.
Hehaa to'Sit In Ibpyraad aiaad with
MamoB. In my out letter 1 wl
in Wberc wc yo to aehool. I will
ad yoB a aprar of' bay that ia Ua
erayefaciybt. 'TherewereeoB
rrc orcr acren feel ^h.. The wild
bcrrkcareoot aa awcH aa Uey ■
back eaat. but Uey ora reiy nloc.
im.t cloae. From year little triead.
Kaic o UaJii-nv
Phy will write 10 two week.. ,
Aadylad wc will be u> bBC fn


Ctrrla^ Cutlets, StoiglABii

eomsboeliii ul GtDenl RiptMil Dom.

Be-Paintiny and Upholstering.
SUte SL. Dear UBioH.




bul HfUl I lidlui If




r.rrj «,
• Saw


' if;!;!:ft:
Mratk r <rrr Car rwr*i aaacar



sesfi E
r w tra.cra. Ou, «

>eto«rM.I M,

p w- ItcHAln. Rrrw, arart^.HM.

Pere Marquette

■B. Weareelieofrybebertbkfoet
ao bad. and are eery ytod be did aot
qolte low bla toB. That woeU hare
Ewn a aad eatoBity;
Now eoBca Lonle-a letter prlstod
elBr aod plain. We rriob yon eon
M bow aiee it looked.
illlrana, Anyoal a. jaOQ.
t tbonybl I would write ayato. \
hare Ioto of fan. Didn’t bare u) pick
tVkhad I eonld
ome to eat I bad a floe tiae Un
>b'. bewyratofBl 1 feeltoyeaall FoarU. We atoyed aad aaw the fli^
....i:aa|iii tb>«<
Orwell ............. I w lA II 11,, u
"Old Ulory."-the dear old
.1 » r) > e>K a> 1 9
worka. They were lorely. We bare Ar UrC bote,
Lr <lrC Baolto
t >i 7 to'li •. I to
aad alrtpB which now at UM m
rrry Innoy rata here. TEcy ara
TmrrrwOr. • ’10 • i I >- 1 u. < a>
Ar Prurcrr
« m r9 •m
oat framapoleto troet bf the oebool wbite. and acme are appttod. aad
OBie. to l-leaaaat Plaiaa.
all Cray like back aaai. I
"Tbn hlybt 1 yot It 1 fall t
mlaa mj aleiyb ridea. We will alwaya
iBld.not aleep beradae of yladokB. lire here to the weal for we like i
bad tbe.boya (what eaa be done
we keep well
Wc will yo
•Uy here wlUont their aid.
ere oest aoBBer 00 a ekit.
clally M7 PlaaSaet Pialna boi'
Wert. /.acb. Edward; Ferdiaaad
ae ep tbe rirer from Ue aonu.
aad Praok -I knew it tbe next tleyaa
Now we wini bare fine aport Gahloy.
aa Frank bw them, aod we'deridwiita Mr. Hank waa ben to yo.
bat aa the ctob enlertatoatont
lormtoflah. Jim Kilmarray weel back
waaAoy. 11 tbe pole aboald befktord
emt aiek.
Bope be will yet better ao
rtornooe of ik>u day.
9 come back.
Wemka bim TCry


Round Corner Cards
of alt sizes and colors at
the Herald Job Office.


uim ID mnumii LI
attBe-cUak aw

ro look ad Uem aad Uto
ratoy we pot Ues. aod b
ir nranJdeat yood bye. 'Mbi cloar.
and neSnaary arilclea for boialtoy tbe.
WiU lore to all.
' y.
Erer yonr llute (Head.
-Qab net at !:Mp. m.. berriitily
Loiie HaynO!i.
nt tbraoyh the order of boa
and torn tbe pole Ttaa ralaed. tbe flay
hear Hn. Baton—Wc Urae llUUe
floated, the boya cheered, aod a abort
boya Hill aeod yoAaomr of oar floweram followed: A rrcItaUoD.
lay praYaad oar paaalaa.-the rolora
Play, by Wert Wtab: adletoyne, (tor
loce. Hope Uey won’t fade onv
Floy, by fonr ylrla. aod tbe ctob
From yonr Uree loriay little SaeUlM
a motion noay. Unr Flay. Tbe yo^
boye. Lonic. Pby aad Balpb flartaen.
people eaay Colombia the Uem of
Oeeaa. dtar dpaoyl^ Baaoer. aad
No, tbay did aot fade oat bat ttw
of a Tboonaad Yean cloned
frBh and br^t aa wbea Uoy yrew oa
toBot tbe day. About too
Ue far Paeifle ^t. Tboab onr dear
fl tbn pole ratotoy We did
Wanahlne boyi for tbea.
w poUera, or Boay mere wc
hare come. Al alybt tbe elnb yare oa
irwe ckll Itaanaabtoy
ealertatomeat aad tbe room area
Now Ue way to ataka Best
week anakbinyk to Bead naaoBA WUl
t ralaed.

Tbe boaior




•bbI^ BceuMa TniM « B-B V. r

Ow wuZ^oaTAHr Wk So?kwr
^B*d*LklBy^jB»abtne. bow mat
Uarowtokeac i*kk.Bp>.M. Hia AMMiaaM
ton. I»u> Tmierirerrrionrw CHr »m« w .
WTlrr A4 keewirr II Ao. w.I irerr MBlWri
-HBayamBBlayai well aa patbetle Itoybaa SBaablaa boy wbp k lytoy i
bad wiU a brekon toyr
If yon hara
BBThn hare beea Bade atoee tbe flay aet alrrady. arrite bla a Wltor. HaannMw aa al
Be. Oaee 1 araa aboariay tbe fl
libtoe boya aad ylrla.
wa ladiaa. aad one. ae totolllyent
■aae. aehed. -What will yon do wltb
DOB'I yon lore to Ua and lirtse.
that aftor the doiaya ara orer. pot it to
a quUtr abowtoy that ohd had aerer
WIU iu little pattB. patter.
IbOB^t aad did not know .what It
Aad Ite tiny elaUer. clatter.
And Ua ailrary anaiur. npattec.
a for a eonnlcy to haeeaflay.
Oa the roof Bad na Ue paaaT
(toptewhet Sica. A.Jl^iaOO^ 10 oMaefe
Tbay all ara well pleawfl wlU tbe
qaallly. .aad Tolae that Tory maeh.
T«. More to He andlkton.
Lktoa to Ue cato.
anderotaad the diflenat qaallUBtoetolb. Tbe ehildm an I
of tbe pole aad flay, and It arill ' be
UyUyprtoad by all tha elab. PardlOa tba roof and on uH^
bu ehaiya of It. ter be IlcBa
Tbatk ay dTBB the wblle 11MB
fewroBtroB tba pole, aad whea wa
Lkte totba rato.
CM to Bnaday aAdol It d^-Bake (BOM
bBri ewaU to took oa Uyh and OB the




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