Grand Traverse Herald, January 11, 1900

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 11, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grind Traverse Herald
' «A*TUM«mr.




Bar BaarVa Oaalr*.
••MmOHm' hetald. a
-Be abaU'cm Iber iby baar
— ibatdw'r"
“<r. PBaa. I will bO r
TM eboir at kbc IltUc eeaaUr.-faareb
' “I aball abnat aab alara ibe Bficbd sol the beBBUtai aora* fafj
•d CkrtMwa. aaB tk. . wt borkoid ibra urea I apoliMSaa"
rell. Tbe eoMaae'. foiee waa asaik••Wrj welL Hr l>»Be. do ao; H fPa
plaaw "
bar dipewd ber PM IB tba lab and be- aaV
a trrkb na.-e.
pBU'ed and diarwStrd. and watrb*d .
iroudO.iii tbie 4«iet
■ be Ub# a-bfdejnaad
. of'^ae
mod lae promikf coeuiaed
e tirarw
hrar of naoy
bea b uched Ibe
••Wait pkitcbllj opoa Ihi ' -cahail r.ff .bee Ibi bran
afUci I dice'. kiHi. I
I -'Tbreieebbi
rpeaWd tbe eb,..r
••! beard n •
reltir“'^i ••lahooldl-k.
Tbr wore, werr-bat apokra. bal ibe.v
'rer.b t-r tWabt aad beaK "f oo.
k.. Wlod W uw
'•ff "
-.mcM .w, ^C-..

Dr.J.A. Snyder, ?.si’A'^vssa. o. P. Carver i
DENTIST Real Estate
rv Ks* IS fltrr om^tLu. UAc

- iKtoMT.
•ria •••»


mill 11»j T




MBti U t L t. mUH, mmt 1.11. bml

travrbsk city.

rramIrea.k. r.ii *ar,n c,..u

Merchant Tailor ONLY

OAHIiTl »l«HM*UO •


and Me the elefrmat new Itoe of
Hpriaf bt;lw of Woolcu dow
os sale, wbkeb wlU be made mp
Is Uie LaUal Utiles. a>d at
aseb Low Plies aa wUI asrpriM

AUorsri^ at L««.


Ukr c'rlao.
atbiDfet ra.U

FUM OUu. BUWJ. Boiler uiil Accido.t In.aruico-

jtMtke t.-nt-mered »

Honey to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Jobnaon Block. Pbone 7H

Trsverss City. Midi,


Busme^ Cards.


M«i»oa.»Bwwltba eawBlew aaImtk. Brae
lUcmloM akktmeaUter.



d i

looUvOf went 'iCOt.
iwatcadai.iaeDUy a^


caNI>B*U.-r<r o

Wuhiny Dish Cloths

414.VK a aiBixALi. s#.i ■



.. rjTMciaa aai BusM.

i:« L. asitron, d, D. s need
, Ci. BM«WB>UilM-

We want a few reliiltle men to
reprusot tbe struiu(t«l and beat
An-ideat and SirktiVM Inaurauce
Comissy in tbe world. Claii

KucteXcMX. wui .Iruvnw iMvoXve Jaiii.


"~Col4 Dut Wuhisg Powder

rxNIK B.saNTU.Uea*ral Iw.
•i Part Blaea.Tr*.<m^iir, II



« i. LiuiEaa,»iLaa

Trav*«e City.

IpMBMi, CM Hhum iM tM IR
*ssr*s»m3^'^n». "srSiS^* I ?s*i

I ..

Tnierit Citj Scliool ol'lflisic!
Iini« 1^,11. BaCliliKt

OlfYETCOtLEM^ Traverse
kblikbci) ia tAu. Well quipped U«
ai work lo LaORUk(ei >rieorr. Uiuic
Ktpert icaebiaK b, tpecialitii is t>»h
i'.dlnfr awl PreparMo > Coerw Grado
am ,p( the CoUffc. lakins Pcdk|ocf. ff
irifcSiaieTeacher tCetifc.atr AcbktWiBc.beklih(unucaii<f>. Wdaiteboib *an
If you wnb lo woires^t.Anall
II etpraw
0 Col1c«r. (

CwMt mat kM Caw SU.
MkwBsMr.Wkiif. BncJcwfa B. WUMta.
_____ I^C.K.lWtM.____


City Wagon Works!

A. J. PETERTYL. Proprietor.
Mbnufai tarr Bugglea, Watruns bml .Slelgha of all kinda.
Kepbir Work. Kvp«iuljiig,.VarnUhingAnJ Lphutotering promptly
Haraeahodiag a Specialty. ••Billy" AblioU has cbarifw of ll
department, ami hi* reputation for knowing how to do a goml job
too well known to ne«d comment.
Work in tbe city will be called for and delitered. Telephone

•l*Si__ Money'io Loan


Carpet Gleaning'Works

Travwrae City. MlehlOAB.


K. B.CtUtHK.Prop.
SI WSkiafuc atn»v

ooicTXLaxrroM FOK

' Sunreyorand Civil Engioeei
aiaan •! aU ktaic. was aart.'eaacalwUcM

Work Deaf As.vwkm la tkeJhud, Tnverw Sfgiea.

Plain and Artistic





Thii i* tbe time of the year U> omaider heating
For •t>-n yean 1 hai e liaudled

Pttal Bdin Civ«d Tbem.



with every furnace act by

^ w. J,

Front StroeL


TraverM City. Mich.



Hack, Busandiaggage Transferline

For Choice Family Groceries.
Pnra Ten, CoHm nad S^cw, call on

'^rln^ud.BxenUMion nf Qoality nnd Benaonablo PricM
this OBS of the best plscss-to tnd* in tbs cl^.

Best Livery in Northern Michigan.
Paad B«< aalaatabU lA OoAMMPb.



BroBoh Block,

'''»»»• “ »>e tarped lb- papert o»er
If wkhe a I, ’brap^k k
By iBe wki


o. ti’iii:; ii',

Aaat S

all of Sbk .
owe wluaa- •

tborily 10 accept tbe waey
ey aboeld aeSo. to allay
iMdrd to be wurkinc re^ Bard/M
Iwayxremaln.--------------------------- .
She wax afraid to Icare tbe bundle
■rk U-a Spiener. abd sot haowiag
le gutrd xbr’toeagbt it beat not to
•uxtbim Wllb her erceet
abe tb .ugbt uf r»D* out aad earryC the liuodleof moeej w tb b. 1 tbaa

dour again. In an elTur

There were eoaeated, poU.bert aod
> b-illikul mitiiaiera io twauiiful eliy
ct.uri-'-» • h . p-.-kched « no I-u •!»,■ pie kbd leader Ueaaly Ibaa that old
elder p—k<-aed tlial ai •reiDg kouut tie
’ <\» of prauiude and pra-kepit.B* f™
' me tleuBr* uf ilwi. but Manraret
iiud.-i'i ua. Dill i'ioi-.bed by, the word.
• Her fktil, l ad loa*. lU
and ber

t«e»-.d.y her.
iMra'etr. k»*oee
td ao idea of b>rkkiiiuir hi. c
Ue Widow ClttbkOB't and tell, ‘
be tbere lb baif ab boar, ; ^
youDp lady kb
Id eapeci costldrn ilj —di
Aud tl
1-Wtiro Ue gifrw Ol- lay heart', deuSdcbtiy to r. e.-:re tbki
week hedrdpp-d loon tbem UMIb bo .ir.," are ttubteirn'ie. -’Wnen l|,
- eUe I kbkil (m
ifob ided w
^ , particslarerraud lu.e'fra. an exru.r .-M> rnybur. u-r .< m, hui-u lum'.i
Yob oDt

a .dieurbed bar.
u w real, and aooa dropped to
leoigbtahe awoka. bearing
be ball. She wae teigetea>t wh<we xhc I
biddea the^moaej.
:log It between twodeeke. Tbea
hr aealed beraelf on >t. delermlaed to
ay there till Gra. Spiaaer. wbo slept
iD^ibr buHning. ab'ouldarrier ^ '

xu^ci.K'kia the murning, wbea xhe
- ' N-xt m latta. d.ariet
Ho uul .el u. ] .-an'', trurt fluii Sny more Oatil He
trd a xjfi foil fail lo the ball, and
ilxtoaiag. an- thought abe reeagaiird
, ••^c'JdooTaikad tbere kUriag I
Stir did r>-< tarrr al IIieVlMeof Ibr
• xirp of lieu Soiuney
le B irembma idioL' kuaried gr [i.-kbr. lOkk 1*1 "I bare BU Kitbek hutwyuure. Matden buiklof irrilat oo. atrd Jeokioa <
‘ i -U'al y, Hik. OUte MelW. m hear
Ul'‘.u.V!*u‘l al'..i!e“a«d*h^r
iee hpiuorr wax Jiauwa ax the
apoored atbul
I Ibkl oxek tone uoe w«Bl« ruppake leu „mI toward. L-r luorlv home. Iha'l-h dugt.r the lrraxory.~a name
Juki ba.f kobuur atieraard Uattli
• •
rer ItieWrd me uubrreaod
he bad a
llekDL- brukbrd Uir btoko bair j
7-d oeer oiraak j<
!• tof waoderiog ihr.->ugb the Mild.priokied with gray (r. lu bw iqa.
ive bjrfl
jr»l iBlu.k
iplu a merry,
laugh '
If II,'a hiar
: at ail buuia uf the night fi an that
5 orayer aad »«ar
^IBUI ddkiDiUy brirw.
'Yuudiar old M.itliek. I g>we yiu J.m tew-k t» me n uuldn'i be ao. .hi
-rythiog wa.allrigBL I a the ailenea

-.afoitg beforehat-d Ibki I mraii In
__ i darkuex. ol Ih-- oigbL tbU low.
itotbecblly -interkir.fJ.lj dri
' hare my
irrmb.ihg to ce ol a woman frigbUead
iiaed. Sd*'kt'riy. 10 abdii.ilate
-,you wikh
m yuur aarpaii,
a., general, aitboogb be wax net an
efaol lOK Widow ClarktuD
I It U sol,too late
rkuowhdged believer m gbtaia /
.rfiL lTitfe red brick I“"•'“'V',?;'
dida''; he bad
ada^ b.-twecB h.-'r t.i
Ua diae-vering Aaethopble eedgad
I'U mU ku kbeweui
< klpwle alone
10 between Vi deekt bix fright waa
'•■”'"-1. tberbriynt aun
ciacaptdby circametaac* bkdarlt-ed
relief fro n tb'reepoeelbUity aleeaikrr d«v i-i
down to a .lory abd a ball, bui the '
unnerved Aoui H paivned alia babrowo :ratr
wlid>*» .booeiikeHrar .lan pebb:e».,
gauUicryV Saecuuld out eieleia Ike
aodAhi- dooralepk were wore by mueb
Lkplkud Rye’'i.
- xUon. oBly mormurlng. -Oh. (xaa. ,
.S'--nber of tbew circuoi
f.., .kV-i t>..-k .t fm n ■■ ■ii.ianer, .my. i
iner, doa'i gb. doa'l gu."
►wy -.f'V.kB
aam. bowteer. d,d Hr Hcpor re'Coicl.lfe llybe ib -Tbraadi. Acte
•loaliy. wi,-o .............. ..
'--------had ,-m
quieted aadcvu d
e etory.ana
i.vatiretlon p> .vc
---------- .1 parlor.
rer gut pa>l m
lie in Lb dawned epon the gaeeral.
, kiH-w ;«t why J
There wa. a tdikll
-».*ry kaall, lee.b—and la raoih ii ■r »>MUI me t..'away fnmi
-ar kod
bimrd-.r.-.cmerkC tbliw, :d I bare cvm ahr h
-ue at ercryiaing In. about aad near
•4 from
hoarded lb the .lore, aadata table. avTO,t- ►.___
faiai '
in# imp..meow Irf-re ber. breal of A-cfi.*C It uBiil^he bad relieved hlmeelf ia ,
,g Imly whom Mr *''kue at
f'lr erner.I'xmaeeer for nearly aa honV did be
we.t,-k'Ml »br wa,t-.-ip-., I
•trd a. Mr.
Mrk vii
vikrkwa .' Tbe gram t.
-Sipble-taeo heme.

Mim Oli.e M-lleo bbe
ue up k*
There hajl.tie-ti rague k'
lOoey wax Soaiiy luck-d ee In bti pri•ecable to look up->t. though you'
•mit w
tie xafr. tu await tbe avxl day'xlaed rutt.o*. ' ibai k. ' hai
•g«l >Bl
lougbiof camiog ,-no,^ u,,.,. n^l
X tgatioD
Mveral dayx later Aant
Wuuh.e.^^ I.u^pronf of tin.
ber among tbe neaatie*.
........................ ‘■•Ding
butk-. the b-an. me larg-r pan
buphlc waeaeet fur and eomplemw*lad
black hair. blue, long latpeo ey<
' Ibe .ulk aau a labr PFrceetdg- uf t
In .peak of J m to Margarel Hudanii for ber rallhtnlneae. and ae a lokea of
fery pretty Dxnibb.d sg mel '••••
LBd'wmr veoallteappetatmani.
m.-xi. It i. not gruudd; ll
-I'liifuoo /•em-ev’iit
*MlbrM*eUeo iwwitha^^i n^. and l.rae than aRyth^Dg e
gnmly reciprocated by
dayxamnir xeldom. and a I
'®P'T, Twenty ream of uatn.w.rrd prayer



The place, tbe new brick faotory at ci . Union and 8ute etreeU I>easc.

Oa Iwanrai larw awl Wlu |pn>rf»r.
PATflBUI * oaOTBn. AUona


the eeeaing 11 waa bM mM)_______
re Spmner. brliefioc ail lo be eeirc, baa Inked me xafe aad gooe oal

aoowiai ber. mirbl eammibc tb» paekue rtad.adiM eaiakbiecaaul: kud her riekrtel-d
ifaer k U ber abd eaeape wllb
bkPPV-Mr tn, *
ktiipic. f.-r»eot .prayer
Ae wealth, or kutp-ct ber of theft
ilab Bir uo- .V ,rt.
There •eraed Pat one Iklar for bar
rertean^j-'kod uafem biPe.
► He Wkk kkylat-rto di.tu >uy kot.akarf Ibe ter.y to tfrfki
ti..t hn-w-w whkt- rilrenietiM
•iUrea t I twei
ipe wi h ber life. It a-iawa-y '
-i weal
n b.T porerty
...wdrDOrowy b-kd kud ay kneea i«
Aboui • u'clorkI uo.uf
uo«uI Ibegaarda
IbeKaardn «e•rrd tbe room abd
kbd 00
or dadiBg Aaat
phiver for yekik kbd. year*—lo ODi
p-myrr for .>oe thiar. !ik my. bekrt'- Sophie
.t-» rr. abd hk« r 'eep g-aoied t.> ar •
rb bit
t •vipbie b(^o to awerp with all
It BUL' • I l-afe 'Wkiied pktiebtly
. .. lora Ik.
uu Ibe I. .rd' ki.j He bkk ao'. Vireo do
might aad ma.b
•Vra.” ebe
re-1, •'batril mon be Ibroagb."
I doB't brJ.efe
iru Ibe made xneb a dual that the
'Bey. Hrman waa only tu glad to eecape.
hejp li
liked iat
ewepi tbrduxt aad dirt latoa


K,rv. Mice

I“Housework is had woA without Gold Dust’|

er«-H.i«U bidUiar


it.uaa bappepi
I 11 ro there a
get tbe tnooey.
■ kttbew (leabe wkk
two banior tbu raw t>
laeEferytbtmt bad
btorki Bad faliee wbes
bare rteen, bit c.erk
tbe lakaiabd on bU
liar heap of paper.
'icfuaed to buru I


BUWrtDfacBun Ic aea laeawd

A am. nr^lua.rM^^



Once Womp accuetonnei-to tbeir nae'and you art* loat
without one.. We bavr' them for teuiperatorr, for ilatry nne, for slwr.
ng porpoBea. aud for tbemionirterd
Bring Prescriptiona and Family Reviptw lu ua. Wi< fill them
right, with dniga that atv right, at prii-idi that ate right.

■ ■ Bb.->,Tr.»rr.. Ol.SIfa

"Kat 1 ■
.•Arete____________ od pee ber'^klS
• Aod I'n bol (olac to etand tbia abrt .Siitber. Iiu • '■abfl. bre'.lien kna e-l^ei
loft-inrabT loader ' aad ite e,i • Li of ber lofraaa car.-, i
Tb. 4a»lb-a«fui beau
Uutr prnroklaa.f . qofieha'aot khe ■
thJT rni
•naBka.- .in* takraiar aud i
wat, Mr Itekse eyed tbe pocket ul tbe .p.riiu.; » a, .pherc „l toe cberca
Wfmy«rrurfr><li:ya»a walked opaod ,)eiie'ai ed u. appeal tomd Harfi
dp-o.tee rt>-tn petti t.'.y
, Mudeoa
Nerer fe'.t in a a
• I bkfa ap-VpiMiD'afOt at 1
reael* lou. muud
It woald
-'Iode.d' West apiiy yObWiU be en aad palced Ibe wbile nair.
able to be p it •
to tbe bad he J
err V"" ba-'tbrr tu'O aerraa Ibe tn»a*bta triit were apseri
roo^ UIiTeLoked op with a kOii'e.
.oiica ef tbr aaiki: dark
ire y.i.i to prw'*. ''
: tue ol.l w .min' i
il.Wn' Wbbl elaeeab 1 dc " |u-ie liFriant lo.a wbea'l

Uoe attaraooa In Ap-il ^timl
ant Sophie wax ha<S M work
•weealog and acrabbiag tbe -flMce
wbeneaeeame acme, a large bMdla.
which ehe eape
io< act 1
id w
XX la toe
urowlat Ula
e batkel to be ban d whew ebe de­
duo t • MiirxiigaW
lidbadalmoxt frid
ed oet ,1 ber wn
' dlxcoetw V
ditaa raUxof fl.

H ire d
rrth eofifoed erea

at aig Front Street.



la IMSupMetlolM waaampkpM
•7 Oea dplaaae. tbe trmaiwr ol tbe
Laltad dibtaa, Mat
t temporary eiap-

Nearly Kiilwd by Her Oemb.

are youreinni Mue''*.'int' dough


out Into dirk, a iSd
m 'aiiVmX”w«*r^^^^^
om a.eelgnm.
Margaret Hudam-. rrtan aveaec. met wiib a peCeliar acci­
dent the other dny
Hre Urown waa
Jbean mm fhaok-criog mnrniog
wailing oo her bnxbaad, wbo wae In
prefer dealinf^wiih you my .I^rS-.J.Vthe'Vk;;' me n.kSd tb.y ar^ f

.loop down la
Mr. Oeaae aurted-HtbF cool aud^ily |
d aeehadidev
of tbi* dkOwel la rray. wiia'aMrlel rib
kortes. air tmi
In bar balre*ptoded V
foroe to thro*
______ Aem„e,ei.retm^''Stable eakm lice korl .a like 1 nd.k\.,„„.„,j
/ „ „„ „f\„,
Hellcb "

hut axj am a'
raaenv I ee

. --



•Tben. MiU O.I.e. paroco me. I miat
.yeah plaisly *I abaL aeud as ■ A-et
bere tb» aftera-mc to
OD 'he fareitore. aad—'
"Y..e will do aoibis,
noiBiag of the kind.

. e role, ge’ od ,;u.te weii iff?l"
It W-*. d..or cat. uoiaaal^'

>t of Mr* Rrown'a balr wne burn­
ed off. bar eyebrowa and laabet ware
ecarened end abe wax aeveraly baraed
abivt the face abd once CobBiderabie
nuxiredto peeveat the carolber furnixbtBge from ealcb► mil' on her brown and
ax it waxfoead impwaloleto
me -fen xhe r-ae o her
or ber hnmewxrd why. uungaixb tbe blvilag comb aflar It
■el-inn bid fled from ber bxJ mae poilodI from ber hair.
nied by a n
expl talon
rye. abooc Ibrongb

,0 w-ck'd n

w oerfrc'


the vyx -m <- ole
■eddened and 4>.
o'i'; but .Itil,
Mr l'Cxae.,h,,
ned tuwiri tl
far tbix pxepcae v
,w what xhe
revenuax , -eeLe*'
fare. Bnl
Ued uuielly acroe
tuo. loek.d
There i» no
.imilar to that of a blank cartridg* dla** m >t of ITL. .
door aad taken c
key-men,,n„ of ae empty tv
le po.hed open the rale before her cm»d ID a pl««V and wxx tmard hy
mern-d nrraeat
browo h<iite and when old Hero, ►JR7m pooole -n.wt«wdO I'ummevriaf
What dooilbla meae' - r^aenlate
ling forward with
lb ^0*^"
.,A Utrpaicdt I
the aaUiniabro "prixoai r of war •
atlvd him kindly
-It meant, xir. that yon will now fe
• ruiptao Duaurtarx.
obliged lo rreotyider the Lfueaiico.
n recordi.m^-*d.t-|*“.^^"d d,, ,.,ad to aee mr
aaid Olive "
hn ai
arrived h'reao|,„„'^.‘’.'’„ ,7
!ci tb a reoUemxn who
!!^1 a war'eim^n^bUbnrto
H.rode abeyeie. I s,,, 1^*,., ,p vi we'a tal^Vbroad
I «e xayx that t OOn of tbe Fiit- .
land bix di.pauhuinaargMia
nearAagelva triad >0
tbe window, and there other
rowD pap-r pa-c
Ffl their gebwrnl aad some iato l> ■
method of rgr>xa nnieex yoa cbooae to
an mat .t ne eaw ,i,n out.tretebed
out.iretehud axmx
and IIwlnklingjAi ericas ’’bva They were paraaad by
___geoer. 1 .ad kta foreex aad man* s(
■|f yM-.cnrv’f'dl •
them fell nefore tbe eoilcyx deed latu
he aaid.
tlaa man of tbe .niaet ■Ofi centur
me r rnnka
At laxt. bowerer. they
latend toaei: a pOCT v
aad charged tbetr amwhUa
0 p»y yoer
nuM an
tnder. peUteg -bim nUnrly lo
jt- Llel
, wbo had*b-;
men they came 10lo tba A nertct Kadxoa wenl.^tl
rt cbar’tah 1
and tarcad tbeir gnsa ■ vvr.—
-nom aetljn'r bn teble
le for'di’onrr and /^j^Adv
■Dgiog aofiir.
Wai-. pat'ea-lT ooW
be Lord t
X 1 g ve tucty
r-. Xxtriekra dumb
band. .11b h.i
maatrotlBf me
-Yon ate-bat
the world chile • ridh j’*‘TbV^„ . n,,,, ,
It tbe^.""'
le-icou recartiogtheCr j
credited to Ian Mxeiarae

ter put bia bund Isto a a
know* wDx 7
r opyrng'.
other dj^a'wbo
**!-Aoy'^oe bevu for Dvae' Cteaga
mtnaetnrtoflaw.mrlfc^n'onghl out two hard hoilnl egga. «•'
pxtralling aai
ihexoffre-- »wn h. ■ fferod them. They refgxM.
“ foe Dual : A-y ose tor Dooef
.Voooe m->v.d.asdlaafewBlaBtaa
I b-.l ^o- up/,heo he prodpced hix brnwn paper j “'•**'
. .
tbe traia wax eoeadlag along, not M
atna agala fo> nearly aa boar.
beane. y'u aave a grvat
Then as old Seouwamaa is:
qnallUce. aad I liknyou f.i
- uoa opeatlpr the Indy alt'Isg osar her ard etdd;
eawMdan In-taeta-'-l lx
b-ridae e>ni to ear.
• I'm for flvau. bnt I’d aa HU tbnt
aad gravely a; Mr.
maa uo.--f’x«
to hli cheektwo estel lent 4x1! ilex; aad
to be told by a 1
abe liked bim ‘11



Sir. will you tril m




r;*,','r-' »?• I ut,

,—■ f--.


' ‘'KT "

-Bplax it U-I aba:; oelykerBiosa
Prvtecuoa Agataat Ttre.
prMooarbrre nn- I you bare Oeh.ved
and glvss me yonr word no' loaseew
ay asst
eiaBt again for re^asii
rent anti a ai
ei a
nUn yoor fenra masc a xmall p'a'fo-m
tu pay yoo Tbea. and sol uutu tucu. , el,*, o‘l bsrreU « them; in etch b.rwlllyooreeriv* your money. D.iyos'relpat abostapeckof ealt. flllwi-h
Btomlirf ^vBorni?''
, water, t-c va't will keep the water
-I eertaioly xhcil agrv« tone Bseh i frMb aad aid is pstung out fire. To a
terma.'iaid Hr. D ase. larUy.
liwe tis bsrkn* uoxide dowses n'aV
-Very well. tit. 1 caa walL”
ijorm sw Mml. and hold la plae* by
MteeMcIlen depvalwd the key ia Ibe email aalU b-nt over handle Kow
of ber l
irav drean asd eat dowa ,____________
' have a ladder
for carb
_________- >lde of
- • ehe
• •baa#h
“ mas. |iadd«
| laddera having a ■Ixmk
■ os Ibr end tbnt
Hr D mne wou’d probably bare haaeb I they may b> allsned along the enmb of
ad bar down; aeU waa. aa* wove as U tbe rool. A wewa or ebiU la
rislbls armor n( power In 1 b* eery tool ammfavey eMMesUagnkb many «•

*48 ProntStrmLtSTS.'a'"^


Is 8»li»-elaad a mllbma*<l gvtx
. -L inently. beeidea alarviag •agroif gtf’ad wiu,
agood uaiotSmbaeraln. and 11 ix not right auue it kai basa dMsovared
that a now
additional pnuehm,
itmest aboaid b- ud e
'"'••^‘lirosid beaecry goodldcafvtbemUfro,,
iUaeaBttyloesUciH ibolr


whieb. ax • rule, they a

t view af mekiag tl

la tbe pnat.-£rHMa«c


2: .7;
net. tbe ^mg art tbe brave.' tbe Bast
» Sts* wltb asr s


I MH tba atbar^^ n Mgw

M Hdg tba. midm a< lha glifa^’

mUM. fAWilf ti tiM.
Ovfer<Mork Weakens
Your KMneya:

UKAigab ntopa*
Tb« Ibllc-tog I err paooa baeeWm !
ddad (a lb* ■aebug* at (he Mk*%M '

AB the Meed hi yew body mw
ywakto-y. —

: m—Oeideaiaa Brrwtag O. . < Ea
IIT-K. of I- ludf. room*.*

-------- *-‘-»<rI>-B*l-** Jv,a.a,apl»rooat.
‘■‘“^“-“'^•‘ Br't neH.aee
. « u T ■ sraat.
Beta Jaaaary IV (ba aaaB vrMi.h;
hmel IVarana U(j fast. »i »71. ■**^
K. u. T. M . will atakr a pfmad haaUe
'**' *>
(aaaaUtha BaaberiMp of (ha laaL
Already rapid profraaa ba. boea aa^a

garrtad 5fa[ Ywn


rf Df fvrwl «•>»«•

haabtaa praatad
Ihera fora reduoad
aad lociBltfip (ba' «r a w.U'r
aethatiar aaplraa •'‘'i-i'i
Tra.arar City Teal «JI haoBao
larpMUe Htoblyaa la order to a
a Ilealy tetaraal la taa wiak i.f pattlap j
m orabarm .Idea bter bMO t
•aerlba a>eaibara of (ba tael
Alri arulB.rl^t
Birdull baiap captala el oa<
dJ. W. Plcball captaia ef tba oilier Watlar.v,
«■ A. .•
Oa the M b of Jaaaary a rtaad i»<s.a«r.>
letalloe •III ba brid After (ba laittotory A'»r< u.b'ok-r'
aa atoborate baiqeat .

J llrl.l.-a


Tba •ririul Wll dU soi npvlr
W(s»ro«Bd kad tb* Midton
H. TbliV-loartk HIcU-

CM volutom, <7 Uto elv, fot BO r*
itodwkdtoMr. sot bkrtac BItod Uwlr
•tola* bafaratb* taad mat wb»«*tod
■e« lb«7 wUI hBT« a «b»o« M f*t »
perUM of tMr etola* al toMV
na Mil }aM paaidd aporopriatn •««,
•M aad aU alaliM .«t ha Ja (ha aaaM
ad thaaadHer casMal hy Jaa. (l. IMO.
UlaaMiDMOa whathar thia aBoaat
toUlparUaatolM la
■a.aialaa irlU ha allows aaUl (ha
UMUBl(asalraa.aad thaa (haf will
ha yMd pea tala. AU aoldton barlar
alaim ahMld tto (has oith the aadit
lac heard ai Ua aeaalp alarkhofflea
aa aarir at poaalhla ao (hat (hay may
ha aaat lo Uaaalac at oooe.
A caad May Trarana uty aaldtora
ariU aadar (Ua aei
tadatraytha aatra

A Tuaaly uUpptas-


lha «eUawli« la a Uaaiy allpalay
boa a Ohtoaca trada papar:
- -*A aor-aapeadaat aaya (ha dark
hrawaad paddton are wUh aa afaia
Tea. Aha haaMa paddlar la bare aad
(ha aaU la tall at eatalaraaa treat (ha
C-aapply heaaaa. aad '
' '
aaUiaC*(halae(ef aa iBMoa baakrayaataak ed aU(*«ara at l( eaa
(ha dollar- are all beta, and afur
hMataltheatoapoBadr aua frea (ha
vhotonla rotBy hoBM wUI ba taklay
ordvabaBlhe teraten. Oar oplBloa
dttha whala oatBt to aoaind la (ha
taUotrlv r«aark vUeb an ellp troa

Ami. Pla. bee.—Hr* Prrd Canto.
Traaeanr—Mn. W. Poaad
Ubrarlaa-Hie. W. B Tbaekar. '
Ami. Llbnrlaa-lln. Will AtbloB.
Baaeetlre Beard—Mn. A. X- Hatilead. Mrv C. J.'Keretoad. Nee U K
(torrer. Hra. W. Fouad.
Heaben cx-efflelo. eleeud—Mn. M.
E. C. Bttee. Hre M. U. TbI
rhlrtby, I
L 8eBla.Mre. M K B
, Htoeba
Lae. Mre. E. b Frau.
It wie requnied (bat (he reptn ef
theiaeretaiT ba prlaled ll
or^TuaAiueR iATiua: le the year wbleb
ha* ian paaaod tb* work of Ik
Uoa bar aatoly baoa of tbeeleody
Mb* klbd. with Dotblog to iepeetolly
aariiltbehelBg dlfferoil from eU
aaeraBtlal yeaea. That* bar* be
foar (jsartarly aeeilBg* at •bleb i
per(*ofr«an bar* bees board, a
ly' a bit at aetloa .tabee '

■aeda.aakhlB U ha wUl taka yo
halter, a««a aad other fara proda
aak Ua U. whoa year aalchbon pel
ready to baUd a road bridge orer the
alaech. ba •eald •lUlaply deaale
tawdallaiewbalpUaleap. Tall him
There bare beea (•elee regelar
(hard to a peer taatly deaa the road
ibge ef the oxeeetlre board, aoo
.weald be Ibaaktal if be d detele,
leer .pedal urMlage. At iheer nx
preetodoaa; aak bla It be weald
•age (be good of tae or/or bu beoa
, tHbaleloaaeeUrprtoeJattatanad. If eahleotaaderdtoobaloe Tboballdirg
roB-bepilB rrpalr.ali bUUlarge
a dea-t pauoaUe
ull proapUy paid, aod donay
..halfof ibryar ooeeldtrable
(bOBgatpalepoB lo.alag tie aao^toTbaabeeetoaau
Uoa'e Boaey to good adraotege. Tbto
bM baoa fleally »aU aocoapileb
e Bo«. at lb* beglBleg of I
wHapptartsbtoloaalpaaar tar It port oereolea oat of debt, wlib o good
aid bate Maeataat.’
propony abtob •* bold at »t ooo, with
Kit of a rto*. aad'
(00 oat at toleratat r per aat. oa good
taeortly. Thera •in­
tag aaallv of Iha.Wn^ah Qah e
to la toe way of rt
haU PHday ariaeaaaa aadar i
laadanUp of Ma H. K. Baak.
The fttal Buber at the pregraa mat
apiaaMogplaaa daai by ,(b* Mtoaa
Lalah aad Mynto HUtor.
A ta* aaftr mat gleaa by tia E E
TboUbnry bow oeetato* tuierelPlato, ba Mbiat balag •■Tbaladaetrlal
aaa. oil to good MOdlttoa. W* hare
OaadlUaaaaf the Uolled Uala **
kept well ap to (b* deaaad of lb* teadPartalhlag to> Waaaa." Abe r-------(he bread Md af «* eabjeat
abia aaaaar. glrlsg b bbbU. u.____ ___ ______
w* taall haatiieiodobn
ealaabtoatBltoUaabowlag tb* enga f~X^e
we (raet lo topaldlowca**la(b.f.«lortoabolhl.
. aadwoolh.i.M
Tbaeaew Oily bad otbar plaea 1* to*
(a pledge oaaleaiahere oar pretibi
Oallad tnaia Aa laiacaUaf dtoaotdre^*

oeeo huealaa faUoKod ibto paper.
•■Weaa la BmIb*m-wm th**abtoe(
aball wa Bot do uf
edaaaaaUaat eopar by Hn. E J.
. Oer aatoeialloa wat well reprowaiod
. Eb* (Old ef tboir p
at the aoaaal aatlog of Ue Niato
jgll with (bolr
Pedarattoa of WoKaa*- Clabe. bold at
padtoaa to yaac* geaa by. aad aknetog
Jaekaoa to Koeaabar. aad raakaaaeag
how (hair aateaaM toto tb* batoaa
the bat ef ih«- federalad eletB.eerwarU bad aa oaly kmeiliii'il (hair
latoly eatTMktog all otberela poiat of
ilea bal the world to gaaaral.
TWobaaboea ao eaaaela^Ml*
by dalb dartag ' toe year, tboagb era
I.— I---------------- ------------------------ -----

■ba. E rail* giea aa able papa oa
to PoUUa." tbewtogsbapoaltfaabaldbylh*mto(hto«aldat(bf
^"■■t «■*. bad aBrmlag thM to.

W E Moure. Ur. E B Uioor. W. W. *'
PairebUA Jat. O. BirdalL
!.w» .....t,,
Farede—b. Beeda. W. W. PUnhild. j »u
B-rt Miller. Wa. Baake.

M«(|eet-Wa. bhear. Ed


ss.'S.f'iiff c- 2,h“".s:3




• (

• '•■..xiMarie

to elated (bet toe b.ll tar tbe
-'little peraoaal preoeat" wfaieh ber
B.jKiydiepetehedto toe Cepe <w her
eoidiara aad allera at the frool will
epproaeb A'4 oon. and toe wcigoi wben
poebed fa ablpmaai mat :• toa.
teeaote weal* •


a me.

M .mb

X,»bB Urol'. ».ail ww fneiared aed
T irjorrd .n a

Borald Ceeiury Cook Kwk Preonu

“Ghron Up

That Heavy Team Harness



Aficr eerviag lb* Urlglea gorero
meat fOT eeeeral yean u eto* ooeaul
ID Fitubarg Araold Aebaeider u aow
coellDOdto as ayiiim lor tbe bliod,
batlag lai bt* eight eaUre.y
He it a
MUeeef awlltload. bat wu ebooea
by Belglam to look after that coontry'e
totaraulD toieeiiy OD aeoaet of bit
earaaEllty la eooaalM aP.lra.

!>...« «u,vOpr

dUceee of Chlagu *
bold rndoy le Lkolral Hoc bell Iw
arpoee of raiaiog a
aa amtHitoac,

al jjaiH..

The Ural Waiera Uoe
Ibexauaek oa hlaek Hoe
toad of liuerntey. Friday

lo dif several (im.-s. jet f im spired
lo toll ho»- J aos siVAl." writei Mis.
A. A. Slo-A-e, 2ir N. dih Sl„
"1 luJ vjlvuUr hcirt
bfvcie. iliAi ] a-js.pronounorJ y^rie- Uu Jirterent limes.
The t lives 01 m>- lu-.irt filled to
. siimsi-s. ................

■a. erarS^.onn briogTaleed.

Ooaer'u Mew*.
At Uiou>n-e Fnod.wlght
C . wblle ermi. I (be Ue
tb>*a boy. were drowaed.



Lie. aad


l>r. Mi'lef-’?^

-Th.-re is

■■ TdSiJS

resuti I consider nnriailous.

Heart cure

at Uallae—tbeSretlattoDoeof tbekied
Id Teiu
The tituburg aad New Keulaplon
llaplat* plaoto. wnleb wererlaed doi^
0/ tb* Aae/iae -Tioplale C«i rauaed
opera Uoa. OB Hoao.y la.t. Tberaunr.
Uop will glee OBployiueDt Ao 1,I-U0

At theCIly of Mrileo a ao* A
ao baaklBgoopcero oproed up Hoadey
r baiiaa*. u-dM toe Ulle of tor t'o
dbtota Bauklag Co., with |ioi>.
paldtoaplUl UeargeJ Bam Urn
The growth of the Aaenaa boekleg
lUbltobmeat to oee of to* Brntoigaif
toaet algu of toe ilma la Mexico e. u

Sre~l Ally.

El Kril.

Tb* duebea of Marlborongb. toe
nelea of Emcx. I.ady ileo^iaoaCar.
>e. Mae. Voo Aedm. aaa leediag
lemben of (be Imperial yaaaary ba
MtU foBd. appeU to toe people of tor
I'elled dtoiMaadCeoada lo bebaif
toelr eSortoio r.|elp aad aalotoii
boatdlal. wito a baM al Ctope Town.

ThtP ip the pworn autemeul of
A tnan who »a* ruml.

lowrr lirnle aeemed

to be

dring-Iaii.K-ell aeae of outw.rd
frrtiog. Tlir nuu ractanAling }>tla
mode me ala).>K wild wiih miwry and
I coaid oot «.nd .luoe. llnrU rlrc
tridty wnb no

Scnml plnoi-

ctooxgxn me trr.tmeat wbivb wa. aot
effeeUrr. One day I rad oreaua »ho
bM Locnotour aad n. cured
by the UM of !*r- William*’ Fink Fill*
lor rJe Feoi.!r, I prucared . half
duua l■ozr«. and took tbera Iwfurc I
wa coofincedo < urr we. pnaible. aod
LD.Ilr Boedoar la-, a week. My juua
fradally dtoappeand, eoto e^ beck
te my aetb. 1 eoald walk, na aod
;amp. aod enaany diq>eii*ed with e

•MM. MrvM. hmWta. Uw
U enppr. IwIpLUi-M ^ <br kmrt. pU. aad
wjWj^j.k.K^.^jJI •--------- - —- -n





kteoaUnead lacreeMof Amrricaa to

Alim Iruh


Your Cutter
IS .u-iTI’TlN«J

1‘l.KSSi; C.M.Ii

.\M' HKT THl'iM

The Carriage and Harness Emporiiini,

I 27 State Street.


A wonaa depoty I ailed BtolM aarebal ba* jut boeeeeora letu aerrice

Kail Calee ba* lakea aparav
loneaed wIPepeod tb. wiaier
gatbertog material for a aew *icr.

isu.xxuiXn ovTHK i4:ti h<)i: Yi*r

Mid the
1 am

Tbebat..M.toa..tord e.itT .ei “‘““'^'tsitedniyiito.Taer* are aow balag balliibt largeat
auuoeary eiaa ttrbioa la iba world mitebaafler .iruek and
far a moBlelpal Ugbllag .plant at
KlberfeJd, Uraaey. Tbey are l.tcxi
Alloa board bebarw) wllb tb*
‘"”i'' *'i
bore* power eoeb.
graleet eoerag* Tbe loea left Wey .
Faetto Bicau will Med a dhlegaUon
moeto tor llaereay Tonraday eight
^ Or- Ull^
to loBby IB eoogreu lor free (fade be.
a toe lelaadi aad (be dtata. wad
for oo aeproprlauoo of llv.o»i ikxi a* a
loan tt be need la pnuiag Uie wlaud
HaaacM oa their tart

. WJ aillml
PwWKmt. •
Jm LmpI-.
Ur. an..i4.hy

»ir w X\T1,1XAI. FU*CVIT rojtrAWT.

TH (T YOr W.tXT t'OK

Already (be teat ba* le tU aowbor


fa the motomn proof W.
I yoQt grocer fnr a )wckxgc tevda*.


tioaal pork, oad will aator late aegetl
(lou wIto toe Cbippewe* for traaler
of to* property.

B.Ba.r.vmar< t.orr ara l,fr .i>d rtrbofw

l<4a^ IbOBfbt. wida rtaaareb. oar aatevaa. toow from totooibad.
. palat fall af promto*

A U Co

c.'J-rp-to-d»lr r—lamraot,, ?

Fbllia n Armoor aid toe otoer da. !
toUb. very rorely took a eaaUoo
Be aeew aw a parade la Cbkagigaa. .1'
bat eity-a Orwey day.
-I wu alwa)* I''

Ur VilU.m.- Ibak r<lU

I '

J»« .od»-e

. k bonk’ b.v • me
free, atoepampbki lelltrtyri. I
Oki II you h»ve ludner ci Halier tre
Memieo da. paper vben Dr. Ki
k Co.. Btogbunuci. N, Y.
r -

<-a>r.| •!.»

a E COK. L-oetay Otrk.

aa frmw
•troagar tbaa eeor brteea
TakMall taall. 11 baa iMag^

Uibx,. realdecer. J» W,

C;'*^'»n.''a‘--e. H.


-toimi ] . F.-ner. rraldroev greet
by all«roggut»inMiy-|


Um sitorar. Tea ttorker, Ed. Uada. Ed 'j.iibiiuu.ii..
, ,T..Ot...r


n *'* * ‘
Har.laaE ratdeaee.
B..pbee. raidrta. J

^l-Aattoa. midroa. =1.. «tol,

aepiioD-T.T. Bata. Hoa. J.-W

aaal OMeUap of the tadto.' Ubrary
baidat the library
Moaday afleraeoa.
were read aad (he folloviap oBIcen
etodlad fv (he eaaalap yar:
Praaldeat-Mr. A L. flaeUaaA
Pint rtoa piea.—lire. H. K. Keek.
Baeoad tin praa-Hn /. C. Pblraaki.
Third Uoe atm.~Mfa. T. D. WeHaDae
«leer«ary-Mra. C. J Keeelaad.
Ploaaetol ecereiary-llre u. K (hr-

U ujed le be csno&red ib.; erjr orr.arr ' .
troublawereto be tneoj le -he'kiS.-Mrl
bo. aew modem wien* peeve. ,ha, .„V.-y ;
allccncauUoeal daaa.bare Oar begin-

Md iU^aordmi^“eflw^Dr,'^HS^5

Fon Haroa. will be ambap the die- ac Uol'.n
Uapatobed paeeu pmeat aad other HWri-ii-r*
great eaap 101 tart will be bare. It
be a rad Muereerat lor ttato teal
leeliallaoe will be aaet to the laau li
capaeted am •
of (ba asloe eatenalead thUr faalltra ihalTraeeree City oa that dale <
aad all that eoild make (ha oeeaaloe
bare wore HaoMbaa •ithla bar patei,
plMaaai eaa, (ha ftattoBae (eok paiaa
eeer bare before. Then 1 w. c^mM'
wUlbeoblpporadolatbeoorly eeea <-r..i>>n
Attar (ha laatallatieo of eSeara.
lap. lb. laltaloiy werb (a fo'low.
aoalBl aaaatoa «aa >adalc<d la. atwr
Brery preporaUoo bo. baao aade
•rhtoh a daltotoM haeqari
for b big tlae aaa aoDBlttoee to look
by (ba (rattoaaa. Ahoet
ofier the detaiia bare beee appolatad M»t.< a.
'kaa.-E li bprapee. Uoa. Praek ) pr^it Kroil n.i
Haa'iioe. A. V. Prtodrtoh. M. 8 Mol I Pnrr.bru>.i
toe. J. R RiBg. W. «. Bdaacda. Ur.!

fl'Jf'S’’*1!“ “*^“1

*^fveue«*irk°j-ou wmake nc mutti* 1*”—?• “

Prltou an a
diom rquala

um btbn I>a.
«lMtt nilti mat eStrad to Ua aoldtev
kMkMS ra^taMd br tk« :


---------------------------aapiiWtef OMKady C^
bean tau. ano make., one feel at ihosch
they had heariioublebeeawe the bea-T*a,_
















We have placed on our center tables a line of -Outer
Garments which represent the greatest bargains in
the market, and nearly everybody takes one.

Jackets valued at $3.00 to 3.50, reduced to .
Jackets valued at 5.00 to 6.00, reduced to $300
Jackets valued at 6.60 to 9.00, reduced to
$6 00
Jackets valued at 12.60 to 15.00, i-educed to
Capes reduced in same proportion.
Children's long garments at two thirds Vtjlue.
One case 5c Outing Flannel at
Odd pieces ofOress Goods on front table at one-half price.
Remnants at remnant prices.
Big assortment of Men's Suits, one or two of a kind only,
at two-thirds vetlue
One case Boys’ Fleece Lined Ribbed Underwear.
• 2be^ kind, at
- 18c
Special reductions on our Overcoats and Ulsters.
Many other good tbinga worth looking up, at

South Side.

Brick Block.





Oor. Union and Eighth.









■tw. .mill

liiitJtiiirgiBtjl. IMP,
MbtaamlMd at abMt tMOJOO. Ba, tVuUato taMaL a Utmm Wlmi
wiUad •!.«)• to Ua rbbdaea. r>«d C baailar ador dalal NattbMY. S. C..I
H«n1W»r •ttuncm ••«
lb* (MMMt
will ct«> H
I«toaa.atoo(bla daeaatod datod**. Ix-MMially abotaad kUtod Mt oa'y
of Ihitr popBlv It Ml MPPI
aad willed toa n—ladar d Ota anal>l'a.aboy.*yaMaUL
tell. lb« IwM Ip to Wlow*4 rqaaUy bMav bto aoa. daaaal Sa*
At New Torb Hba Jobaaaa Laach
Uto, ato blada^lto. Hn. Allla Oltp- wto toraad to daalb la a •re whkb d< •
. AMiM.
Tr»w«aiQr. hM
aatl. It waa aaaar bauwa wby Bai
atreyed toa born of tor bratHw fa-Uw
MmwMMlw Tm^7 rnmlag 90* prapwtact Aaauppwlt irbUk tolek btla aal oB bla praadaoa witf oa:
wltowboB aba Head. Hba bad gotiaB
•ImM tt« foUowUf'ieMn
.. pta ud ottor
»>4ad. .U •l.ddb. A atraapa afqarl to toa caae
oaiwltb bar synrPId a«kaB. bto.
H-B J. I
itot la MitUap ap toa taiau tto aoa retaraad tblaklagbar aiabar-a babyia
ViM ftotldui-B J CMp«aaddaapbur of tbalr owe trw wUI Iba boear aad p. riabad.
rtmripl tomlprf-B 0. Blaha.
aad aerord ton aolaaiarUr plaao oaar
C. if. Krbir. of B
IVfd Lraaa om Uitrd of tba aitou.
Bwordkac toerMvf-^B BpUpr.
aad tola alll aaoal aa; praaiaaa av
aaiabod two e oatoi Ago aad baa )ut
toay toeapbt toal ba waa aaUUad
. Tto toad la alartlaf a
Twmw -I toblto*!
baaa leead bar.ed la bb owe tarawito ahWb to paratoaa a* aa« aal ol
riMSM Ooaalu
»rdi of poplar aad yard TbaodaraNMaae. Btoa. adBl'
m. Bn>n, B J- Ooofi. it ■•tUr.
ibar aoli weoda are bolap apt by tba lad hUhag bla fatoar wito a plicbferh
B. Htrakl*^
aratanaaar Hiaadlab (or pa pwood
Coat of Bstra Saaitoa
U—rd-y. toFointfW.
or aapar.
Uaalar. Ju- •. -Taa par dlaaa aad
BarepaaD oOeara are eoea-aity
IMtoi* pboai a Uat>asatollaan paid tooBton aad a«pto/a« ol
Brie Aadaowta ol Itoyla towaabip. olatog toa Hoar form
Ttotoaior Lynaa Bald a aaallBc toa ladatataraaaaaeoaBt of toaat
TbaCbtcago Aatl Urael y aoc>r-r tot
Taadap altar acriMai aad eoMidarad
a law daya ape by baaplap blmtelf oe leautoleda a.uicB>Biio bate all toa
aattara aoaaaralas a ralara datola tlatloaary. tolapratta aad othar la■eon dear aaallold la toe wooda BiTtage boraaa IB tbai cily abuo «. u
toJap tto -eapaadltoraa
bUboBaapoo wbleb blabrottor nbber abura lo prrerai toes Iroa
ap to *17 «ki n. To tbia Buit ba added
allpplBg Use borae waa aUited ia a
allaeatltoofortoapoWiratioaol tba Iwo yaata ppo.
braa-aew wet kt ra brr Souia da lep
toatouto toa f raaklla Uat> toal Ue dally jtareal aad oOaial pabllaalloa*.
At Htaa Bertto Mloldt. a doantte tbe raoret aaow aiorai. aad poi altug
Ipwaa •aaatod laadralaloa of tto di' wbleb aawapanat paWItoara
clap at tba boaa ol Ur, aad Hr*. towelMbatolberaaraio torq.lppto
touwtodaadadoo toa toiaa polait.
will rtoaiaa lor pabllabiBf tto n>anl Cbarln'crai^bioo la Tbna Bleara. wat In Ilka Baaaer.
artmaaal. aoaipMitloa an! dallaara.
t”^toriap tto doer froB tba back atoop
A Morpaa c •unty,
yoBop B
nala toaoolp p>lat toal toa too
Aa aaeiaaVaneUloe of tba aeeailio- a eoapla ol yoaap lada playiap wiib aa bat built Bp a large
aoatoOaatoaa BolaC'< ad
Itoa pfOf dae ibat aacb pubiiabar atoll i .1, , B • abol at bar. tor bailrt atfialap
qiiail, wbIcB ba eiaima are more eaaiiy
PraakllaCiub did aot a
tba ripbl laapla aad eeitiap
potato aouidarad iatoa'
I total will toareftwa be felly : a deep paeb aloap tbe npbl tide ol bar
pruetabla. aelliag tor *4 p<
toa Lpwan t raprMaoiaUaa. Cbarlia
Mba will rccarrr Tbeboyaeer
. or at at per pair ai
Noaak. aaai to WaDOtaa Uat waak to
tbay dlda’t Beat to bit ber. ’
loai Uaai
•tug Ol ramar-a Maiaal
cppa ba rb well, altber UB
•taka toa arraapoBaota. uikarpolaU
ta....L1 aaaiinp of Ibc Paraen'
A', s-rre'acb, a aabarb uf Haolelee.
allJ to toa aamaaa tht om bald la tola
Kiward traloopowaki waa Badly bart
ally a abort tlnr apn.
A'alria ooaelbi wbil'BO utdiap loca froa a ear Hoe.
waabald Taraday attoraooe ai Uraat a dayfarroooB Tbroe lope rolled <a
A Maw Ya.r a Wood
aaaaloa waa a abort oa
b>a eraiblap bla akall aad rtpbt era..
A any plaaaaei aoelal aaaet la But
bii toer f.e^tbr rrllet ut il
He ^bably will aot aorelee
of toa baalaraa bateg dlapaaed
Hay tovwblp waa tto waddiap ol K
b>'k lltUa oaar at boWr. Tba )
' Itoatlaa. o>daal tan ot C L Uimlai
Ttoabaeaee ol anew lu tto loaber al drriu.

—ihi oMto btyt ol ito feM4 It

atoHiat Vh>U Mapdar.oa Ma-Taar%
^ W, K Wfip/u al^wbieh a^
alatMtoU dlnaar waa aaraad at toe
koaaa ol toa 'trtda'a paraala
la tbe
oaaalap aatoiy a baadrad friaeda aaara
aalartalaad at Iba boat of Hr aad
Hra C L ItwalBa. aad daoclap waa
Itodnwa. laaelop a aat paio la
toje/ad aatll a laU boar,a aa iiaa faa
ton tolap a ’-Dtalaa ^aadrilla." benbip cl tto. aad tot total lari
dawd by tba foaraooaol Hr. Ooalaa. abtpatpreaaai i etz. Tbe aBoe
toraa ul tbaai aoeaspaalad by tbalr rUhPeairiadlt »f.*0t.aiT. aad tto total
raealpMfortoayaar.W.Mt.u. of wbleb
wlaaaaad toa loartb by btaSuaa.
. U D«lea. wboiakaowaat toa-'Bard •l.ltowatfron loaaa. Tba total die
for toa ynr aaoaatod u
adK>>iUay.’ waaaalird uooa for a:
•6..U«. 1 a^mb lo
toto.diu.ts. id the tot
total paid. li.Ul.
10, pan ol
la aoHUBt balag from
Tba total BBoaeteelIt^a day we ahall well naemtor,
lactod aanop tto year wai *1.117 «
Tto Br-t wb lb tbe alaeuaatb eaatory
oftbrnnllU oa tto
will eater
oapllaj atoak waa eetod. Thia will
•esc Bay thlop ibry an dolap wroap. aBOaat to abiat Hi.auu
. Bat to -Ir loea lor eMk olbar la atroep
auttto el alreiloB pr'apiaarid
Wa wiab toeaeuiaat Beat aad btoltli
wltboqlaay ooaaldanble eoami atJa preieraoce lodiaeoMaad weali
aaptlorlbaoCeaofaaerelary Por thU
Wt b ‘ne Id Ibe battle of llte
ly will akt o
one aaoiber la tba atrile.
•eld. (leorga W HcWatby waa aleelad
•a toay-are old and pray
rapral toe.r waddiap
toa drat ballot, toe role belap ai
Whole Nr. rfeotoaoMt......................... a7
Prnldariiartia Dead lUoardad
Naoeaaary for ebolae..........................
To< oday afteroooD tba deed ol
W; HeWatby................ ‘'.;, . «i
draaa'ar of tba Chieapn A Waal UlebI
ludd..:.................................................. ifi
gas Ballway to taa aew eaaaollKdwariHeHaUaa
dbtad Para HaiHuattaryalCB. waa raCbaa Ctowitaa
aerdad ta tbCrUwof Haplalrrol Uaada
f B Ony...........
Moffett la Ibiaodttaty Tbt dead aoa
eo W.-«lapp
aaya all tbe ripblaDd title to toa prop
L llmlaa...
arty of toa C. A W. H. to toe Parr
D B Wyako«;,
Harq nlta Oa Tba laatraBaal wee steptoa Laataar
aad WlUiaBOonof
•lad by C H Tati, eprelal apeat of tbr
Id Is raca
aytleai. la paraao. at t o'cloek. Hr
■aleaaae toa baudI of dlracten
Tbflbaitoaorlg'Bal dead aad aa aa
SwBBaad a. W. Blawan ot A0‘
aat copy
wae Bled. Tbe raraaa*
irtB. bold oaaV, aa Ibak torB of oSiy
alBBoa apea tto dead aBoaatad to *«.
baBoot yatexpIrad. Tto tom ot Pm
«M, Iba dtoOBloatloao balag, aipbi
Meat Hoaroa wUl not aapira Ijr an
•l.dOuatoBta. foarot *loo aub. oae otoaryear.
ad Std aad alfb^ef tl 00.
Hr Taft atttad toal the propany of
BuiaNawa Iubo.
toa C d W. H. U located la it^ouoilaa
A faabyiboy waipbiap bat 14 o
la HlebigaB fronEaimatooaBtyaoail-.
raa bwn to Hr aed Hn. Aba Ii -away
•M OM eooBty, Lal’orta. la ladlaai.
t Kalaaaaxoo. Tba child U torlelag.
Ha baa ban boay aloea the tnt of tbr
A Boato Lyoa Ban baa baaa ill toe
/ year aUag tba daadt aad alWadlaf u
toadalallaol tto baaiana laddeatal *orly dayi aad toa alapaUr Mri al It
Be autaa that It will rrqalre B that la al] (hat time ba baa taken ao
•hBaat excapi pold nur.
tom waeka to eouplele tbe

wooda aad tto ooaerqaaet leabiliiy h>
got tlBber to Iba nllroada baa affaelcd
•blpballdiag epantlaai at Waet Bay
A dumbar of i
Oapt. Ilaridaoa UlModa to bal’d
>y to tutka
Bar darleg tba wlatar If auttciaat. lyatoaal.c aaareb
r cat be aaeared. but
Spauiab inaaart aa
to Mre baaa
toe oatlook la doabtfol.
boriod u toolbarn
eeatory ago by % Chlncao
daaday Boroiap i
u> boBootbar Cmb Lrt Sary. Per orer
fatoar. Dear Tawai
tor Ptlipieoa Mra
. by placlog
fan aodar tor ebi
id blowlop tbe
f. Saceally a PhllilopotbarbaM od
ino woman pickad np Urea dpanlah
Babt la loea aad poor boalto
jlna, oatad l7Sr, near toe apot wbare
Hn. Adolla Barlow of bwaru Orork.
>e BBudarin la toppeaad to bare
It aaxloaa lo get lidlege ot bar in year
iiriad hagold. A aaldlar boapbl tba
doe aad Me rraoii ot bw lemtlpa.
old aoa ilaorge. wbo left borne Dec
ooa thapraaaalanreh la to ba Bade
Ho la daacribad wa boy of light
plrxloa. dark cyaa aa
irk curly bl
At Oarlyla. III.. Hn O il bincialr.
high abaakboaaaaad
u a dark b
aa aarioaaly bnraed to ma ana
cap aad fall biou with sew ruber
manner. Sbe waa alttiag near

A TnuBipb at Uciaima.
ilttoe Walter I),Hue.
An -Irciro t-brmical ria«. lit br worn
old lad wbo waa ban aboni
on tbe Brprr. la a puitiracore fo'ar
apo. died toaday otgbL Tbr boy wat ary (oral uf rhraiutltam It bat bran
alidlap dowp bill wban toa aled co'lld
rrfuD >r J la i>drrrd w all augrrrn
rd with a tuke Tba alad waa tbil
t>rad apd tbe •pllntm peortntod tbr
aUfaiaaa of tba lad
11 waa aot uoaI of rhaaBatiaB.
BMiory. otaacular.
aldvred a aerlooa Injory at tor mor
c, o^uni,
ofuraipiB, artbuia. iBXbMfO,
Praak CaBBlapp. agad 17. died al
r kipa uf cramp
I' ring
iramp Ibe
Baatoa Uarbw BBdar pocallar clreuBef one acid Id tba
Id and cdi
dlaaaea* A band
«taocM Ha waa takea alto oanral
r bookie
aaplanailona and
daya ago aad phypielaaa wara ann.irtol rurra will ba
Wboaatd toa boy >aa -playlpp
free lb all by toa Swlaa Ac
or and waa aot akk. doBday olpbt cab R DP C). ( lletroit tlpara H
woraa. A phyalcun waa Bloch. Drlroil. Mich.
called wbo aaidtoalad waanoldanb.r to furoaoa as accident,
raaooaly 111
Ba paaaad awae Honda)
laaiblr to M.prepared 1
I loflaBBaUoa of tbe Innpa.
ua' Nclectric Ull.
Tba pold watch and enalo and er.ili
Haaooie ebarm atolrn from 11 praaao
latiaa Cbawberlaln'B ream at tbe Uolei
Oewaayonanlpbt Ibat weak. I
a tblal waa a bellbot
wbo bad baaa dlacharpail.bat ternad
ap with the plunder In bU pmMiior

To Curo • Coti bl Om Day.
T.Vc\V..r,....... ..
T.II sirvi
tin .-.rn-li T.-DK-.IV .m vortb. 7'i uo

la Caba ia aa lerltailoe
>f »W,ooo
to eroded to awinp Cuba Iato Ha

of toa atau aad la aalpbbprlag aUtaa. ' I. a B« Saplda Jaknlry al
Mt toa oaBpaay wHl go iato fotaipB ’ that ba sight gat alaaiy daya U iaU
•oaalrtoa for toa right elan of aettlara. wbleb woaid nlian bis of all toa
latlaa tbatlaelado laM iMi { uSablaot baatllag for board aad ledr
, ad IBaa far aatUaBaai ar« lapi. daring tba wtalar. Uia gam
Jfawaygo. Haaoata. urnna. Hanlstoe. ‘
MMladd. Oaabella.
aad pottra a
Onai Tnnna. Tbeaa laada npnaaat TMjadi
a harglary
■■■•nn Aaa larBlag ciaatry. ibat
» two^ftou latocriau
•ill aompan taronbly with any la toa
Mata. Pw aaranl aropt toa aoU ia ax.,
aallaat. aad aapadatiy far potatoaa It a <
01 Adriaa for i
—oaBpaay will ».-■!
eearaga toa grow iMapadally of wheat,
—-jBoraiec aa aram at 4 aad wmit
aprnaad potaton
down atarra Not rainralag ateieh
w toal tbe railroad
<*w-;waamadaaaddlaplaeaBaAtof tkaola1 axuad to tM isatlpraala
rr flaaliy led to bit c
wbotahi a
’ Ba bad bywa la poor baalih m

: Labai mall adeicoa traa ladla arcr
I battooaltMtloatoor. gnw. d«h«
• •■ry work. Three mlllMB art woniap
,OB porarnBrat ralief work, (tote of
jebildrauby aiarriap pannla are br
ooBlng commoe
Pmate arc brrah-

a-r fauod wito fnqaraey
.. »
ia,ofwatoraa well aa food. Ctoule
an dytop o**y tooaaaada aad ao (•■
w rxPKicd antil Jane.
■rw.n «r Oiata


I .Caiarm'tfr. b. .aw

A. C


baabar. ,

MV^iimii tlin iKlile and ui-tla, brxikoo iota sad rrmMDt*

mainiuolli trair.

^rat iv|>c.<rd liri.-r*. inaiiy Wuw itwl.
lia«-n Airmail
Mill MB-ail ynu.

All an; goias at
.Si-ofra ot peoplp

a<ivauia.;n of tliro liul many Uin bargain*

A Red Hot Overcoat and
Ulster Sale This Week.

u w-il

Thi-y .rwall -h^taloff.-itod

>1 k—{ .r--r ,if ealf.uinn ruH li.n buotliBif ‘Ui ttk" can*
of lilt- iwwile.

Till-. .4ir»i»r> iaar. lalaiw biHl Ui«- tl rp cal

lu i. ut^.^lLr.-aue.-..f 11


• •

\\V iiihVc uo ptuSl

will receive oromotattertior


U illi rlnir Jiu-Lctat

Another Happy Patient!


uak- if AO pxVra.iinlui->-mi-iil uv I
Hllll MinH-.-t^tt Iklow

; To Close Out Every Jacket,
Regardless of Cost, is Our Aim. ’
tKv. l !.-l t»ii. ..(Ul l.limit) |«« (| j-iniarn io neeklof aiich

Yoxif IMorvoy- Scb'v-e£«,

.-.Sl'INAl. yilUT-AIKlN
1.1 -JUlpt.
■■•ilii; fi lii-x mill .-auruj li
■>l lilt- r|lllllll in
1. Irir .-.•Iil.-r.. He !ih»espet-ie
||||l•ll•■il ilia eX|H'I

I Hr
a«> taaie a wonderfu! ebaape in mi
beaJtn *“h
T poor Bralib.lar ibrea <rar>
Hy food would a«>
dipaal aod eamr awar ;
at I badratTB it. Tlirre waa baicbiop ot pat foi
' likra rtoqp. wlin bad > muatipa'i
uould aal bardiy a^tbiop. aed rr.ryibiup
•PPtre nir .prral dwiVrt.
tbamped and beat at limr, rrry tan Hy i«cb waa rrry I
pood deal of ptiatorre. My Inaba would j-rk ami twiu-h
aed no faaiiop much la ibrm by apeli,
Hy on•rera were rery bad nnd I could
aolaitatill uralero and CMU.d nut read
wril But tbit iaallcbBnpedn--w
I cannoi pet eoouyb lo i-ai. hare painr I I:: poundt lo a u.obth
I eal aeery
ihiof bow aod ii pi.ra nir uo Oi-tueu
My bark la all n.
neaaor IKiirhiBp
I (erl Inti
kranr* mtuAj.Barr treab-i wiib a pood
do ton bui tbry d:d oo puctrl
I'-wat a preaiMqv wbrn 1 aellrd uiv Hr
He helped II
- "
1 aDriM-rrri^^e abo ueadi a ducMr
J - Il i> tor beat lOK-alairat
•Ijirol 1 rrrr Uiodr
fin i-J. Br.ut
...|l.1tC .if all i.Iir..r.l.. ,1^...._ ' .1.^...............
SiiuB' uiHkch a.H|i.'i'i-i!ty
........... ye. i-nt. nnm- iiiia Hir->Bl.
H(ivaliiii; i-Hin-yr. aatlniia aii-t <-i>ii,utii|iliuii'

CDDsnllatlon Free.

up •«• j{i\c jHO fm of

■kar-^b i-li.iicr of any Jm! iii .nir niiiliinny dp)Brtmrat,

_ a
Our Stock Mu|t and Will Be Reduced
r Before Taking inventory.

|Biro<l fuiK'tiwii
fd Hr. Sillier b

ifa all yuur

For the Ladies
and Misses.

Orders tor Job Printing ieft st the

The Boston Store.
Pine Artistic

tlob Printing

Teeth Eilractef Fot 25c
Cam Str«et EntrsDce



V ^


' ' k SelOlea, UaMga. 6mtL lalMtoilir). MBicaim.



I'rjiiii- li|-ratnr‘v T'j|"

-Ij:ii|- )r .11. »I,J|. i.-r cau.-u -I u--tal-..'«l.nUll.-SWlS<l-l:l

• bat.- tlK-ii-

r- - -

I vill have a car
of Horaes at my barn.

The Old CutlerBarn,Union Street

- : b'- 'M-.k-l’pUilbilid Uie

_jirln eyerr.-s-.

e l7 Ifryital ftidlUnti r>f
:i.- •• :inf lli-lfINO 1-ltnIt u.c-k- i-.u..i;ir’l- ;u 'i.lur.hiuny. i.iiuiiiiig lu^iy


«reof ta,,,..,,li. c.-nai,,. «na

• • .-.i,.,.., ■„ ide. K-i.t
Utot JuM

KTMPrto^A OP»-|C>:i-iaHac
Cimiia «Acc;



Come to The HERALD Office for Job Prioting

The Herald Job Office


Big Values for You,
iittle Value for Us!


OfflM in HsmUton * MilHken Block.

Om of tba flni raaalB of Uor. Wood a


I am a%aSbrar far rlgte rrare from that amu dKirAiiep ..r all dlmna.
Itrtodaocaaof UiehF«i|ATaklau->othe.-r.uiiirt.toi ilw.tdUaw
k po.,1. Tl.- ittiiB. of <m toa-l* wer* iw.
a.aud «.
l.tlnerr Bl «rw bibiM •fiwer. ilieti ttoy auaU
iwel oir. leatiBK B r-l. •<ih»il. rurfatw «hMi
Would I'um like<l iirh; wHI. Ihtae It Bo
DBD>ef..rk. <>r.ibrlD«kle.>fitoup|«rpBrtot
lioili toi- Ihalx.p-rewt red UWbre. p« aallbe
lilves aoitl.l B|qw. aad •• —.n b« I brntoe
n artii. tbr tortiiui: aod ll.'liii.c would-t-rplo.
XIplU •flrrulplo 1 w.e.W .,11 uiplil i>n.j
wnii.-li 'awl bIbho( y..
k l-ix of
I'l til l at •■iuiinent. a ’•..itl.' ..f iVTVlna
Kl>'l v>-\t, aiid parr tbrm a tlmro^h trial,
auil ofirr a few a|.|4k-alaui. I uotaTai the rdltir*< ulel liiAahiniaiiou do'iqimr; U forr I Kid
a •ljn..f K.-rniie'Mi. t . ,u Irwililua. a.arrt


Bliiah Eltwonb. no aped TarBor In
ig Borto of ParrlnptoD. baa ordered
paapla wen injarad An milaa
toeoBaot ol ABarieaa gnalte, ooai
Ig *1.71)0, The praullar faatart of tbe
by ear So. 7 of tba Sapid tbllaray. of
oftka Dalrall A Hu Clrmaat Iiaa. tub- order ta toal toa liaapa of tba old gei •
to be aoma 10 fret bipb. la lo
alag Into an open iwlieb.
tba top of tba BOB
Aiau baa beea aoSariag from a
taBiaatto 'pqal weak aad tto i
factory waa^espalled to'eloaa doin' Ilfa Uka aa penible aad by toe' aealp
broapbi Uto lu boat play,
joaaeraaat of iaabillty Uaeean tjtla plaea ot torordlaary elotbipp toe 6g
ore will be aorerod with locaadraparlta
catla tba alooe. Id oaaara tba dpuia
Htglaaw partlea
will elaap atom of wfeaai. Hr. KU-,
Uoaatoouaby wbleb tlUprapgnl to' i tba taatera The
taewn wUl aaa
r 71 yean of ape and
_^toaoUlanapaBar>anl aUlloa-------* JaekplM. wbleb baa alwaK or ratbar
"t^faad adjianal to tae diffs
il -arry Uuly, '
•(toanllroad. Ttow laade
TMn waa gnat excitamaat <
••ml by ladieldaale aad oe
ImpaoB H. B abarcb at Kalan
wto ton ukoB Boat of toa Ui iMr^B ' *>*>•«‘-‘“^fy.bProeraBlre I
bout d 3U Suaday araaiap Joat aa
'' rr of HaUBora. naa eoacalrad tba
, padwtobarlnc aotoiag tartoer that
See. C. l>. 1-boaaa, paatorottoe ebineb
.tml what a prominau In.Wmanut.
btoy ean to do with tto lead tbia- of aUBpiap all toe e^ which bla baaa «eiab.d bia aermon. ae aaok t<
aalraa. an aniioai to aril aad bare tto lay with tto- datooo which they
floor of toe paLpitwllb tba worda "Ut
lalA IhataBabllnrttnrcbaaara Mb)
taadoattlad.^dao willaall fora aery
ot pny ' oe bla lipa A pbyairiaa
witooat braatoiap toa aballa. wbptoar
•■all eoealdarauoa.
onad aad M proeeuead It a
: tbay an bpyiap agp or cblckoBa
The UfMd Rapida Hanid
ofapopLiy. Hr. Tbomat |a abo>
Tba raplalor of daada of AntrlB oona- yean old. aed wai repardad aa oar of
gard to tba aaw aebrua. wbleb an tyhaanfuaod to toeopaUt twatata
load lap dlrtan of too ally
lax coBBlaaioe.
Attorway Oaaanl
briefly aafolloaa:
H. B Howa haa>aaB
appoltoed OrrewUlmato It g teat eaaa aad atOaaaral Mowa
•goat far all toia
a lead tbtt It to M iCBpi to Mae blB nsored iroai oOaa
for bla ratBaal to obex toa Uw a
totolad by tba aaw oomoll^atio
o( plapae'bayp drTrlopml aiasc li
wbleb tor ooMiMioa Vaa appoii
baa fonaarly baaa with the C, A
adrlm. Bahlng li caMt aH told
road la thta work, whiah he carried oa
n«7 MaceatlBlIy. Nawbbaemutto
riebaaj gold diaeo«CTi«B dart
alBIlar paaltloo with toa totoolldafaal year ban jatt been made oa t
ladlaa KlTcr. near Dawooo
llU toa latoalloo of tto


One of Pittsburg’s Most Estimable Business
Men Certifies to the Wonderful
Efficacj- of Cullcura.

la bor hair aM
Or. Ouar Lw Dean of Detroit,
prrfaatod a aaw deeioa for prodaclop a aallaloid comb, which ana Ipaltad by
aaanlbeala aad bean allBBlaUo
of tbe' atote. Hra. dinclalr'a
Mr Kfr-.l Bcliiiir, <if Hiii.HiHm. Mh-Ii
eoMlitotaa ampgaBent bywi
ta enreloped by toa Saart. oulTi-ilui*. aiih im In-Ip (rt'jii
Bittarc ol aloobolie and oxygen gnaea
be amulbarei
> a taeary
I Ilia.-H-w. .-..IlKllltcil
to added to tor faBeo ol cbloro- qoilt. The comb bi
n Tbaaftortflretaof cbloroforoi
ler aca1p.
»a era eery na
and tbe hair area aluiialenliraly liprn
tluaafaul. The »
ad off

Tbara an aeay imporiaBt 4alalU of
toatraaitarofltoC A W. H aad a
a. B A W wbleb eaaa
bbUI all toe deada are B'ad.
•■Biiit of raeraaa aUBpa raqi
toroufbtMtnaafaroftoaC A W
U. B. A W. aad P. A P H wUI ag<
tmtU aboai asQ.iaw.

too oabOBa lo path tba auitor al'tolwith aaara rigor 4aa
It la tkoapbltMt la a rary few yaora a
ffrmahaoga will M Bide la ibe aa
paetof BMcoustfy N >t ealy will toa
lulgnau be dnwa troB toa larBar.
•boararaaUog ia tM aoatben iBrt


CA-niiXES -T-TTm

Friday, Jan. 12th, 1900
DoNfllBnyDiililM See Tto Mses.

Flue does for All Purposes!
I wi^ glTe you the most /hvorsblt
tenos and the prieea will be right

argcBi, line ruled
nuea and
ana unruled
unruiea flat.
nat,^ ______ i
ii yr
Linen, Bond and Parchment pa-VOTITC aiKi 066 MG.
per; Efuvelopes of all kinds, and —==—=.---Card board of every doBciiptioa JjAS. O. JEHTSOKT.

SBAiffi ninuM Mdia. yawabt ii. iteo.
Tbaaaaaaltatattbtattbd Tranna
M9 State Baah »« bald ~
4tp of Mib. U. B. Utbrep at Bdpa- — I ■■ ■■» rTwars«at tobastasw
aad tba taltawtot oMam aU
effrtaadaoa tba leap dtataaea ptaa.
tadataOBtpltatailaitiiiaaHfal Ba aaa ).at retaraed bo. Okto.
'taapartrtrUta took piMO la tba
attorBOBd dbeat ihirtp ladteawara
at. amvlap aboat tbrao o'doeb the Oral Hoed Dtab Oo.
e afieraoOB aad taklap Mia. UtbBe baa a larpa proMphe
toaplolalp bp taipitaa
dttor aipbiba ealltd ap tbe t
■ UM fmr.

Mr. Pd>

B aad beard tb<
I Ukea bY Ml la I
r«Ma at aataral
Baddea Death
tad oa tbta aoairon
(HM»j M« waU dlraale4 rffort.
Tba MMdt or Jatatt HeK
Hra.BaUa. la behalf of the a
vhalmr U> kaa
tbt petals btTtr she hat beta btra lor
kk«*mlaha*» to«aduda.»>d Mku aattral atttag peat, with tba Kt>
York tad Has Jaraar Prodaaa Ce.
t7 ai«r tbat hM da*oM tbeekad
is taar*
Hi* eeBTMlBM wa ^■ daa death la Nav Yerk- Ba left hare
aadaeiopad. Tba partp broke ep
I hataatoU**
^ a tbtrt Uoa ape. apparaatp la Bartaet Un earip ereplap. bat Irta btbtod oafeta wInU aaka-aa. at b
Dotabaad pood •tabaa tor the proapwfttallf in Ktw Yerk. daborttltatbaItp aad baeplaaaa of boaolital Edpolera ba «at laadr M ratare te tbit aitp
eod aad lU praeloot totatrM.
ha dropeed dead frott
droic of tbaoktmatMdx
Ma it aa
aad tka a
Mr. MeKtaaa wet a raf7 p^lar
Horpao for bit kladaata la faralab«a aad had a larpa elralt et trtaedt iDp ripi free to alt abo daalrad to
*My M Ut aUUv U tUi aincUoa. la thtaeitjsbo i^lbapteaUf
a birtbdap partp.
a«Br«lMi «f reiltica* Mr. Powan to bear el bit taddaa dtalh.
•aala Mka aa MpadaUj dMitabit
paanet a«a
Kb pbtaof Ppibiat iBstallatlaa.
. aaadMatatethairbcila paapla ter tbit aadwtaaaatirr of Irclaad. Ht ftiat
Oraat preptratloa* are beiop ■
bribe iMtalUttoa of cfieete aad
la Haw York, batter ailradiapeereaoBiMcf tbe Ealpbleof
attaa titat baterahta dtath be lapra- pptbtae
da elaba It ataw-rrlda, at It bit ttaled tbt New Yerk d KrsJc
el taoaU aad roadlapa
yntaltilty. Bata a taelbla talker and Pradaoa Ce. la thit-eltj.
bu boea prepared, aad Utoapb It ta ioiIble to plra Ula fall at tba
Bae AocidsBt
d 'terriblrttccldeat oaearrad
obulatd frea tbe toltowtap partial
Setardtj atureeea at I
e'eloak ttel rtpaltad U tbe earp aerie
lajaip of Mri. ddolph BeherU- S:
at irork itllb bar haabaad la tl
weedt, fellioc rimber. •rbea a tree t<
Vooal Ooel-irr aod Mra. J. T. Baa
abevae pbuwd
tba KToaad wltb Ua
Mlap-Dr. d.H Bollldap
aas tbatabawaa
^'lollnUoIe—Hm Haad Cota|
bat ba eaeld not BMtat:
Voeal Bolo-Hita Datap Bolaad. altb
loo larpa Ut
plaae aecoBpaaiiBaat bp Mra. Bolltopo tbretBPartan of
dap aod rlolle eblipato bp Hr. StlapWhae bt >etorBad
Tbt Baaai.e haartllj aad eadtallr tbt tr* bad to btwi
vieiln l>aet-Mr. aad Mra. Bobart
plaaat belore tba setata ooald be
Vocal 8elrcUoe-K of P goartet.
tatakaatotaalr b
Pajae vat aBaaoBad.
tataODad. It waa f
V.eUa-Maadolla Di t - Heearrr.
Utapeoa aad Boward.
itoraal ujartoa that awp
Daet-Heeare Sopder aad
to«ra rarp ttrioaa.
Mra.. Bebarla ta tbe BWtbar
w of alt
Voeal Salaetteo-K. of I-. g lartot.
OalMd StaMB aboaU ratala tba talaadi
Ball AUdraa, tba
>et eipbl
to tboib staote oamea
aad la hta tddrttt voietd the ttetiIb^ pooppeal.l
are pitau. other lalaet will be oa tba
bMBta at a larfa taajorltf of tbt Aaaoprota aad a taoei eeiopable tine
artaaa paoala. Tbt mbC aaBaier
tbtafllar vltb tba toadlUaM la t
Tvaaip-ruib WedoiapA
kta aaarrtat art fraaly firaa te bit
•artr<i waUara. Ba ta a Bapabllm
knatMt be baUerat ha tarlfbt laaapBorUar that par^.
Bta work «■ the State BaaMef Bdeaatlea bat auraatad attaetlee and
itlaaU tartaof tbt
atatate furalblfaed trathtall; a|na
Mr. PDwan* «erk aad wor(b aad abU>Mthat tbaadUarlal riTwtati toaad
dadanaataat of Ut eaadidaer bj that
Mar ta (traa la -tall ataavhara la

Oa (tatardap araalop Hr. aad Hn.
Mm ea tbt praead. aad ao AuariotB Mode BtaTobaerrad tbeir teealp Pftta
ta battat <iBalUtd to Ulaatcaie tba
ip aod a larpa
.aatatalaltMilaetbaaba. TbaBraelap peer of ^ak tHnida audeTt^ oePNtaadO>BBdBaplda.aaBMaptba ad- Mtloo of a ^aaaaat aarprtae.
dNta aad lit taportai foltam:
Hr atefa Wat la Ctadlilae doHap tba
. ‘-Itaatotaao deabt wbaiaaar^t dapaad la a eoeapaa; qf brolbar Elka
tr BoTtrldpa la bta tpooeh pi
ba aoBOaaeed tbal ba irat la a barrp
• - •
1 pdii
to help bit arila ealataato
----- " .Uftod for
tba depot aoeaafwnrarda. de be
abeat to .board tba uala for lYa^tae
Mdarabla tatlarltp of tba peopla- Tbal Clip be *ae •apUW bp e delepatioa of
ba aeteod tbo Idaaa of bit partp c
Elba wbo praaaatad blai «iib aa alebadeabtad.boeaMatbatala Ita
paat tbrae-pleer ael 6f alirarsara.
a of tba Be rraa ao tak.« bp torprae tbal be
addtatt that ba bad bMa aalraaUd
wUb Ibai datp, aad tbop
taas^atlaatttbapasatal porportot
At tbe TYaranaaip depot hafoead
htatatMTka. That ba retard itat laaU Mra. Rich aad tabaa tbep reaebed
■tattaeda aalaritp of tba paa^a ta tbop toood tbalr boa.. IIO Niatb
•atiaal Beta tba pdBifd wa4 of tba
.ailed with friaadt.. The <
at a ^ppp oas asd tba frtaada
laap rainatae^ae. otallrarta
of the aaalTenarp.
tbiab aboot tt dUpaailocatalp aad Jodtatallp, to aoMldar tba aartavp cd
■Ifiaii aad mllaiata to tabtab tba
Haaacar Harbart Hontafar. of the
lareaaUlA Oo.. who hat boea ai
aypaalt. HatloMl prida. raliptopa *aai lar tba taraltare axblbil la Uraad
Oaaaad ofa feralpa taarkat for-taia
pnSaoModaarlabv. faith la tbad^ dpoB tbe taagaitoA of tbe dtaplaY.
Mapofear raaa, alUtarp aad earal wktab la eateat. eiYle aad earlelp ea• aap ererloaa pear. Ba ttatae
■ttatapp, baUaf la tba dMaa ataa
that wblle there bM beta aa ad.ay
ta pries apaa tdtae^rrbdw It ta aot^
mstai Boat Mike bepen eapeetod
aad ta eoae' yttai tbe prion i
teeed bdtdlgktlp. _ Mr. MoBUrae pad ’ Ueorre Blae
boatkt aone Oaa Ua« tor tbe Baaaeb
d Ley Hercaatlie Go Both ware ta
tbe Hortoe Boaie tbe other Boralat
waa Beta dtaapptaataaaav aoaeidarad wfaea tbe hotel eaorbl are, aad were
foreed bp tba upoka to oska a haatp
■a aa aratori.1 aSort; aad Ita tall
eatt. dratatag oa the wta(.
la oryataltalaf partp FoUrY «1

1. C

Mtaa Pearl Lsoaard baa ratareed tr
bertaioelaSt IpBoto, aftor .
with trirata 1b Uta ettp.

F- w- PeaBlaptoe wiat to Mi

Toap Noretop reuraed laai al^i
■omaa rateaded rlalt to Oopcatab
aad other placra
dbdlB Slmpeoa teft laet aipbt for
Cbarierolx aad Norwood, to aecare
W.ioeea. ta tOe Clarke eaae that ta to
be tried la tbe eireoll eoort at
aieo Ible looatta.

Real Eetate Tranalere

--regoire no rabbera—reiy
atyltah—Get tboa of


The Old Reliable .


j at this store is tne place for you to buy such a -arnwot. for our stock i

J styles up-to-date, and materials are destrabla r

Frank Friedrich

I Prices That’ll Save Yoo Money
10 per cent. Off i

I Aada ta ta tbe dtp ta tb
I of bta potato boetaM
B. R Prau retaraed pceierdap


Mra M. d Weetgatew

~S4 00 to $22 60

•low. See. 10. Tsr



. there .ra. iB t
ft>Bk. \ .. 1 aod .Vn.
Weowo totwee, tbe age. of ■ Ir aad *
• n?»a.,-eblr reeipe*.
irg irngm, hasdaoojr.j
<lerka iteaegTai
.. .. . to m«ai. Uatee baa oeea prrxtar.•.agthi.BC» erwk
fectorp emplOTB. are eligible
S ttr S'
berahlr. which wi l le glad p hallM hi bjok fjrarrnra. niwnibt.
■aaer of tbal elee. of ptopx that idre i-.ipiea wil tw a.irhril frOB^thr^priT*
lofore hare baea oeable to getpr^ Itiia week 'E.ervMeW
tloe from accMeal aod .iekoBa- >o aap , j•.Tiber of the H.-ra’S »ii:
vppp of Ihta baoiraoiu'. -Bouk a> a prrfree, upiD iiorliiijB that He
...w .... . .
Ihlacilp repreeeetedbp J K B.akea
lec. who, bp bard aod pentaieai wurV.
hea bailt np a large oieiaberahlp. and lubiagtbit prrm 010 bak
acdtlir ualv i-ui’diiim,
maap faBiUea ha>> bleaawl the e
cab tw furp.'.hH Mikai
•ibera tbe'wubacriptiuli U pa'd 'B full 1
Jaouarp 1. U-l.
Thr Cook
uok it »k pr
rSagipaw com
compaap baa paid
bw M-ai free be mail
brsetared b> calliBg at the U
• fli-e Tbi»i.toe II-ea: and a.o


"£-y “'-,v Keal Estate, Loaius. Insurance and

of ccat
> UtCAl
TraeerM liir. Ulcb.

>r bbL«

!r£=;;= ,;i


AT*';-. *■R^^w^■



Masonic Block,

wbtahu PARM

died bp ao oouido oeooerB whoto
Fiiat Hraebpter ao Choirh
to B aora
propertp ta loeated ta lereral
»B»a. a part lot
Traraiae Cup
Ibolag lapbta eoaatp. Uta ta
iBare aactaiaty to Slo Bortgagee
Bdwta Bla^l
Lap d
lb aaeb eoaatp. With tbta anoaot oat
Co'a 7th Ald-I
lietbardl. Ado
Lautoer, parcel la aee'«'
For daOlur Oaacral.
R 1* W. aad othera—fSlto
FTM tee uraar BaeM« HeraU.
Siepbea Lauuer aad wife laEdwe,
Tbe aeUee eaadkta^ of tbe Ben. ItaolMr. oarrcl ta oa coc Sec «. T 77 I
Pertp F. Powere of Cbdlllar.tor tbe Ropoblieao aosioatioo tor the oOise
eadiurgoaeralta rtedeed wltb tape
etal teeor bp RtosblicaBt geadallp
to Wb Ita
-------- rboet tbe etalc apoo Ita real mtr
b. Ilia ayd wife to Artbar D
• ta a Beat

and city

Ti^Verse City, Mich.



gome to The HEEALD Office for Job Printinr

Tho Horold Job Offico

Largest line ruled and unruled flat.
liinen, Bond and Parchment pa­
per; Envelopes of all kinds, and
Card board of every description







'W. F.




lens.—I7!raeetde<): Cltp. !*». $iOi
It,08 OmoWT. ST4. DU.tN.M. To­
------ I. Browaaod wife to Chi
la). smaeau.
WalkiB-. B JO ft. lot I blk 1. Uak
18M.—M« roeerdod; dtp. ttt. OtU.- ddd~»l(W
I>M CooBtrp. Sll . SUl.Sit.M. To­
AodrcB Starr to Newell aod Sarah
tal. SMT.878 U.
A.^Htai^ e , ef .oeb . Sec. to. T '
Tbe bet Bitaed asoaal ta the own
■ge litt ta largelp taeroaoed owlag to
SaiabJ.'MUler to Alfred D. Miller,
a ttagle Boctgtga of SIM.OOD wbleb e^ of ae . Sec >1. r 17 N. R 1« B‘-%

' '

ta e ercU keoa
Colud Stotoe Beaet
Sagtaaw ta aa oe •
el wapi brat 1a

TraeaiaaOitp MAkat.
fcelow ia a Uat of toe boptag aad eeU.!
Ubioo to Joha W rtatohla.
mg prie. ef peeterdap lor grooBtaa. I
uaad fara prodaM 1a Tbae :
."sre n

«■« give you a divciMint of

fe.Jis. rti.-h pul- I.riois fur Mow what ..thur Hor.-i <

H. Lpos aod wife to Hires
' - pared cootaioioce
r UadJa^oor d B« I. . f■doe.
See. Jl.T

Optopaeurtep ^orwiaf Ms bapara
ware ta tbe dip aad otoro egntar. Hr.
Moatagae upa that Chtaago ta'oaktag
dtaperate rSorta to wreet tbe praetigr
of tbe leadtag foraitare eeetor ta gw
Iltp treo Uraad Raptda. bat with
raeeita. Flltp bapara ta Chicago
wired Uraad EapUeTaoedap eight tbal
JollaaCtaBpbetlaBdJ wife
te Wb L

tbrp eoald Bot get what tbep waatad
'*'”**'*• cup—
tbpraaad wora costag to MI
MleblgM'B aadaeUre Repablleaii* ta Htablgaa.
'Wm- L. Brows asd wife f> Air* V.
HetaaBaaet poaltlve abllitpaad
A that tbe foraitare eoatra to gtl aolMd.
in>el. ir 40 ft blk S3. Trarerar
Mgritp aad ta ceerp wap qaaliSad
tataadaeMar oar eata epportai
that high effiie. Horaorar. bta pablle
aaaaio a tata. of eota^gretaTaad
• partp etontaB eepeeiallp aatitle
Mia. Setab Cola, wife of Hlran Cole,
oparattaM ta the far PaeiSe. aad if tba
------of lotto, all
JI SI. hlk
te raaogallioe aad taeor. Ferbap. Haoaah. Lap A Uo'a lai add—I
apportaaltp ta aos loot It wUl ba goea rr.. efSaltoat Sep. died .at the old
of toe pooagerBepoUieaaa of toe
J W Cobb rt al. to w. Hi-rdoe,
itaarta. aU tbta wat rlddlY preeeated. bOBO pf bor traDd-pareata. Mr and
awV Of Dw',. srcsi, T
' —
aattalatataed with tbt epeakerV pv- tba age Of alale hare eeread toclr partp with 1100.
aMBl ObBereatlaae ta tbe talaadi tbaa tlpetaa Sbaleaeata hatbaad aod greatarabUltpaadadeliipar are bet.
twotoidlcblldrea. She wm a daagb- tpr kBOwa ta ceerp portico of Hichlaataaa. • • • • With tbta
' A Y«Buue'T<BUea>aa
Bta ecreicae bate baea of each a
bp dtaator Boearidga at a ttarttag Ur of Hr. aad Mra. MelelUe Palser
with Jaeob
r aarlp aad Tba faaetal wae held at II o-elock higb'eharaetor aad bta
UtL ^ Brodrlc^ toe SwedM
D dtatieetjp a cat atat. haa a aew plap called
daaatoaaodoaatlbepart of tto Be- Soedap at .the aew Ck
YeealM Yrsi’emae. " which like
rmlber thaa aeectloaal
PbMImis ta aeogran. aad torsal aa- ebareb at Satuae Itap.
dlreetlB of W. S. AodoraoB.
BBaattaa nap be aoea BBpe
ed ietoaatilog pgpoIaHtp. Hr. Head
pcoBtaeat eanpalga speaker ricki'poaiUoo aa eoc of toeelaremt'
Mra Letlia HorTtaos. wifeef Artoi
Ibreogbeet toe oallrc elate, aad for lialeel character ceeeediau oe toe
latbrgrMitattal eanpal
icrrtaoo aad oldm daagbierof Mr.
two peara eareed wlto dlattactiso ea
ad Mra i^aak Boaoett of Boadolpb
prealdeaiet tbe State Lsegaa of Ra- ioeoltoo. Be baa ee'aViiabed^biiMl
lip aa *
a itraag
auoag popaler
popalar Ilatorj
----------I Hoedapcreotagatto-cleek
pebllcaa claba. Be lea taBillar agare
BacB better pUp ibea Yjo
>d ta eoud tor egeeUee «erk la i^Bloa a Ba<
Etawltap.toedaagburot Hr. aad
ta«d(ibe BasierMata tact aenila
logical aod
Mra. Benrr Dap. of Webotor etroet.
dttortaBool to BiX .ere anaag
« ta tagard to es
died HoBdoY of poeoaBBta. at
ball' The Ont eei slat te Hpict eoae rerp
tbeaght. eeoroge sod prladBle ef . bta boBorooi pbeara of eBigrast life oe e
sBeeliagasd tbe eta. age of atae ptaia. Tbe faaval
------ -,-AUeatlc----------• •

partp, to abort laapiploe or rsproach toellbrreli'p (
daMdaS to glee at leaet tear parte, to eareed pnlerdap at le o'clock.
IkBMrrr Artoar
MSB the addtss. Prof CT.
dtatoo.aaee t
Mra Harp Eoeh died eeip eoddealp
bBM obena far apaab. aad wUi be to-1 Raadap oigai at toe hono
caTetoltp ela^
dtot by tbe da. to glee the addrM. daagbur. Mra Jacob Bllv. i
radoorcred to aroid carlealarr. Tb*
Tba etbar parte, whtab wUl be gieet.' Froot etreel. She had baea .
«er iBcidrma of^Abc.^ atarv
by sesbtat of tbe elaea. are ealedle- btalto doriag toe dap. bat jait aa abe
e toe Coear 4 Mn* todaup.
tarp. BlatototY. propbeip. oratloa
ioiag dtatrlK where ogcar
readp to ro^atae wae eirlckea el too Hiebigae Flair Pra. ttarwIeTlra IdabaaBloiag
•■no* tlrilid of ms. aad. 1#
aad toOtoMY a elan WUl wlU be gieae with parmJpeta aad lirad bat
aad weaU ircelre toe beartp aad aa- red toe aeriiw
fact, tola
tab pal
ta ta all.
oe. She waa » peara old.
.jdo with juat thattlBr.
baa todo
thatUar. Vgdef.
Ttaaealppart that
eUp ta sol a Ubor prefaetral waa bold tnm toe beoa.
tartoYMtalto oralieaaad the eta. tordap afierBooB at |;M.
bae ataap anaoaal Menli la dactaoe. bet tola panieoisr tawtorie
tare UoalrtaeUeatal aad aorel la
bate tobod BaparUtaadaat Bora to ra’Ocaad Zapiia. wbo are ,wat:kta|
ittof ttoe etor*.
Baraeet J. Ddwaer dtai Hoedapai gaadidacp with tatomt.'
BPtot tbe BIgb eebeol taadtat. to
are three
tfai----------or f —
’— ............ __
aMBBtasatatoref the clan to wrlM ale beaa ta WlUiaBabarg. at toe age
lioriag to toe
Hra. Harioe Btaek left poelBdap far wboteateoe. which cattiiB aaer
aaidaUear U. TM da. Will ta tao '•rao peara Ha waea loBbema.
•tloe aaap Id
aad -eaeitiag.
•BlY PBBbB that Unra ta BoUlag aara
Hn JoBB Laaasa «f Clarolaad. H
abaakbatitwOl appear ta tbe
I Stagalap. aad tta
tbBtre go era ante be
•Itlac bar aiMB. Hra. HoboI***1 eh.
rWtfeoB Hr B«bI
with praat aUlL
Met that tbe Odaat preaaat
of (Taatea^daraleptaMA iMt dha aal
the oartb are alrlrtaf with aaeb ether
Maaptara tba trade of Chlaa. that
MaaOaltataltaeatdliMtlpiatb# path
afeataata aalllac fro.
port* to

^ —the vfc-athcr emphasizes this verr emphalicallv.
. The pn.U'Ction of your health demands that
I you Ik-wartnly clad.


Tbe foliobIqp are tardeeat raeordee prMsto tbe pree^tp of tbe order
fretaJaa. :ed to Jee
loeiulre. me
plme. to lake eSeci
eBeci Jeaoa-p
Jeaoa- Ut. wberefentabed bp u C. proprietor
bperery mewher. regardicM of ocea-.
of Grmad Trarerae Coaetp Ataitract

un Lrderlr to
•• rt-»l
Falre 11 Uoodwia to dllee Jobtooo. a
para erf.a ■. of je ..Sce. ». r?T K, R.
Tbe tf^lera of deede bae lar»elp
-irJoloereaard.abowlBf that real a
k'airadd lined wla w oaiao aongaoe.
baea qelle aetiee la ebaoriar
apm^of »a‘, i^ee ..See 5. Tr N. R

»7». *0. Cae8tr7.CM.tl01.p»B.>'


•taler froB Beet Jordaa.
Jobe OeLrerp Uw aeerptod
Elgtalowtabee migaed
Vioa w.ib the Nortbero “
tioD ta the groeerp etere of W
Hrt d. L Welle of Lake Aaa
lar Hebatbeeo ta tbeeaplop ot Hr.
He dtp peeterdap
MUler for tbe poet Sre
W. Slater weat to ElkSap‘dep«lerdap to rUit Bl> brother. J D blator

eooaip for three prare.
gaobar aad- aaoaaia of e
apaa abos a allpht iatraata. thia it dot

deedo lacT. aip. IM. PPR.PM.U C ms.*tot.6»,»». Tbtal.a»:i.t»!,»T
tltreoorded: dtp. Ibd *IOU.


You Need An

them-rMada for tret waather

HarWSiaberofSBttoaa Hep. dcore
Mra Cbria Uaroett left paawtdap tdF
Oeada to ritli frtaada

Hi.B S ^Leraari to Ww Z Barkar
.jrid parrel ooaiaioii
•; avre* .■!_
^ »r rnr. o<aw >, 8i
HeSatt bae ri.Tj:

1«U7—HTtraeordediatp, llt.lIfAliT:
at. Oooatrp. M». »S18.T7t.W.,Totol.ailM.

Every lady

P. WblleedHapU Chp. wae
a Trararae Cltp rtaltsr paatardap .
DariiSrlberogr of deuoee
Bap. waa ta
tbe dtp p«
■lia of Blepba.. wat ta
Blip peatardey

Stoee of Klapalrp. waa la tbr
dtp pmterdap to aitene tbeaaaaal
seetlap of tbe Fanoera' Molaal laear
aaecOe He-waa aceoapaaiad bp bta
btotbar from Paonaplraata. wbo
itlep him.


Box Calf

c^'t do this unless you have the
You1 cah't
Eight Kind of Footwear

Ever wear a pair of those •



Lo* Book*. Scaltr Books. Weith 5CdiF 'ilooks.
Receipcs. Notes. Drafts. Orders,

A new Stock of Blank Houks in all s
bindings and rulinE^. .

t. styles.


They are the real thing,

$2.25, $2.50 and $2.75;
Lumbermen s Socks,

50c, 75e; $I,$1^,$I50



We are just
n our lux) Pattern* direct [
from tbe f;
^ -ropin from dime to time
and look over our new stuff. W« have alwat's
t^en-Jhe lead on Wall Paper
.per and
an expect to
Have the largest and best selected
fleeted stock
stoci this'
year of any in our history,
VE.^k S P.A'.TJERXS will
be closed out at.a DISCOL-NT.


T ,

O'. 3

Meh's Warm Shoes $2 and $250, '
Ladies' Warm Shoes $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75.
Full OMortment of Lumbermen's
Pacs and FeU Boots.


: ■ S'


OamBLimai Hl&AtJ. iASntAXi U. IMO.
MUtoSAl Sau BtotoHa.
oatoa Itot ecauary to tba reperte
Tba aaeaal Beetiay ef too Fmt
that oeetloa the potato tooy
ietuaal Bias wa* bald TStolay aad
oeltlalBHIeUtaa. A tod fa«t»
abowa to
to the fall afieeud a yoed Baoy of to firet ela** saadltloa.
Tb* bari
aad tboM to the ealtott baeald
to be totttoy ee raytdly that ito tarm- eattofaetory aad to eobUaaally laepRi*r diepealayat tboB aa qatofcJy
toy., Tbe oHretB were eloetod M lolpwjto.
PrlPB tbve darUty tba toe. tow.': .
bare baea W ante a baabal
s. Boll.
potato dealeta aay ttol (or thk tiae al
tbe year theraare lew petotoea naale-

At ■ BMMiBC of T4*»rM C»7 OeniMdcry. Me. «l. EdI«^» Teapltr
Uaiatffbttbeniwtrlae* Order of tb*
£<dCnM«aecalemd mbOB ¥. B.
>u. Jedr* J B. Ceapbell ud tL W.
UrelUeb. After tbe tettletorr «n«ibere eat does toeSM;

The toU day owaad by Ntyblwaiehlaa OtayaiB. ie dead. Be wae Bablaytbaroaade atlth bta Mei« Sae
day Blybt. wbaa he wae eaddealy

I S flail. Jeba T
■*edle,-H. J Heryaa. Ftaak HamUtoi.
H. B Ooreiuc A flaataead. Fraak
lis TU* lerad Eim

Hy wife'* yooc aarlee torrd my life,
wntea F. H Bees of Wiafieij. traa .
fgr 1 bad aach a bad cooyh 1 eou d
hardly brealbe I steadily yrew wcr*e
Bader doeww's treatmrel. bat my wife
eryed me to use Dr B ee'*' New U<
OeLsempUuo. a
-ed se' Coayb
to. La lirippe. Parumbtis
Bay Freer aed all aialacirt of
____. broetaad Loay*are poaiiirrlj
cared by tbto marreloh* m<dictB* .'.u.'
aad •!
Kerry bolllr yurraoieed
with Street Ooe
Trial Bottle* 111 cu. at Ja* J J.>ea*oo'r
keep to yebd cosdltioa that portlM of
L S Wait'* dray itore*
between E^ertatb etreet
bare, aad diad eoeo after ao daatc
wae endcatly dae to poieoa.
SeraiaJ d<vt hare baea etieaoad tbe
poet two waekt. aad eoBebody la heaplay ep titoble for hlMolt If to a

Tbe Cbtearo Tribuw
esatAlM »e eaeoaet ot a briliiaat W«ldLB( vblefa oeenrred
Tbe priMlpeU. were Ulee
Belea dbeperd ead Hr. Dtxwr Fairbaaka ‘■’heaeaple «U1 sake a Uer
of tbe eoatta aed to at
Tbe } year old child of Uenbt Vi**er
and Ferawend. Tbto pan of lb* sweet
RtpWle after Hareb let
dlaelycar •« lb* place otUraod K*pld*. while ptoyiay la tbe
elipaitai aaeW party atae rNre
wxBld be psrBitud lol family kllcbe*. tell lalea tab ofboilH(b -ay erealeif at tb* b Wof Hr bLd
aal* asd tbto year toe | lay water aed wo* aead ween labeo
Hr» li H. LaUrop at EIccwood
keep tbe *Wi
hoBorof Hi« Pmrl Leoaard et
Brat elaaa eoadiUoa.
Iraaee Atoet tt were preaent.
Sad* Teaac AkbIsffbee tlelyhlay la yood a
Medloy Bey be witaoBad.oe
yfalfor ti*^wri'k* ba* pot me
ity caa boaet of moay faet trotien
ayaio." wntm 11 II
aad pacer*. •
of Ileopeeytorc. 1‘a. TLey’rr
tbe beett Is tbe world for Lirer. Suim
Hart ui tbe Wood*•ed Kowrto
Parel; reyetable
W. Slater le vylaf to aabe
Hc« Wb. A. BayouadefPtftbetrpei
ryripe Holy'.'^o »t J«* li J.toBbarralD with A. V. Frcldrteb tobaild aa
aadS E Walt* dray rtorr..
aa caJlrd to Sattoa* Bay Tacaday
addJUoB baek ot tbe etore be aow oe> cate for bar eoa Lee. wbo wae ee
espiea. three etorted blfb. the width of eerely irjared la the woodt Bear tbat
lote aad rea back to the alley. Hr. place.
Slater aow bae fear flecra. t<tiloo feet,
Hr. Bayautod tolepboaed tbe aaiaa.
aed tUll bea aot leoa aeoafb te ebew bctyare erry little delaU. Lee araa at
more ^baa taro ot
work IB tbe woode, wbeaalarye liBb
I yeaterday by B«. Pr. Bauer atthe patA eery dattortay aotlec la ceBUiaed
tore reaideato.: Tbey left at aoeo tor
^ tjaflBaw -pMBty. tbe bene of tbe latba lalaat copy of the Hleblfan
TtodreBae. la racard to Ira F. Uordoa.
«Tdea. wbere tbejt wUi reelda.
>ae for the Potato lapleaeotCe,
Two sew awtieb beard* Jren tbe oftble'dty. X brief bloyrapby. tolltroBbari-CaHaaa Oa. of Cb^lve. bkee
’ with a dneHpttoa ot tbe beatbeaa reesleed by tb* NortberB Tele- aeaeBetbodeot tble popalar rcaidat
pbooeOo. 'Tbey wlU to ioatallad at eftbeelty it t>ree. tocelher
• eMa-aadwillbsabl* tbe eOBipaBytc fioa half toae oortralv
I bettor aerelee thaa la lb«
A borae tolaarlof to tbe -Slaryrc-.
ery made a allr yeaterday. ruaeioy at
L«bIb LrBot. a well keowa Freaeb
feet pace from tbr H A N. B. depot
f Itotrali. aad a aaaeUi of
Boalb I’sioa etreel bridye, wbere be
■ CL. Doalae of Btot Bay. dropped
, dead.laat WedseedaT
Hr. l/eBoi waa .tea atopprd witboet dolay aay dama aad Odd Fellow, aad a Ptooi- aye. Chief of Police Bceeleattoatpied
tbe riy, aad tbe reblele elewed
seaber et tbe Detroit Tacbt
aroaad etrlkioy Hr. Beppi* os tbe
ebocider. caueliyapaletBl breiw'The drat of daedley aad WeodAt tbequarterly Beellay Of tbr Kerpwenfa bat csdo P*t of batlaeae. Hr.
■cod Chapel Aatodatloa arid Hooday
tbMBeelfhtelerk ai the
Bl^ aad lb. Baedlej baa eeenloy. belay tbe first BeetUty aloce
eaealatloa ot the oryaa by tbe
apUd a BoelUoa aa laabor aealer. ee
tterc wee ao eae to carry ^tbe batlfor tbelr yeearaeily.
tbey are aeeared that tbe ytft I aceepted Is tbe
earn# apirit ta which twarylrcB.
A yooay eosple wbe arc eery pepalar
to tbto city yrere aarried yeetorday.
Tbey are Hr. Walter Lyoa of tbto cliy.
Hlie Htoal* Tyler of Hantw.
Tbey were married at Aba home of
toy tbh eeeetoy ito -Life ot CbrUi" tbe brtde-a pareeta. Hr. aod Hra Sotos
oy Ker Jeha Wauaa, llaa UrLareei R. Tyler, ot Haaios. to tbe preaesee of
' at itoppeai* IB HeOBre-d Hayitlaa.
* wmtotakfBBp. All ara toeltod to
’ brlay tbe DreoBber sBBber of tb*
■ Praek V coder reenred word
* Saiarday tbat bar (alber. O D. Beeler.
^ dtod to Ctaieayo Friday aMraiay.
______________ ^
Dreeaiitd itoa to yearBot ay*. Be fet>
ApaaladdiUea to bolay toiltadja- Btriyrtoldad to tbto elty aad a yreat
aeal to tb* OalBPB balldleyoe Froct atasy frtoetto her* wUI reyreiwleara
pire*t.wtoBacd by CU.ioMaaa.ofbtodoatb.


fell oe faim, airiklay him ea tbe bead,
a* lea eery bad eoadlliaa for
time, betwaetakee to tba bowl
la tbe towB Bsd waa leeltoy SBcb .
aad ws* eeBaetepe wbee tbe



ItM) Pvnlt B


u r«i fU ffl| itT csw

cry at niAbt, a kudilfii

Hra C. J

Ktofir-ba* -c.ied to Poa

The todl« of TfaeatB* Bey Ble* aed
BBBben cf Tracers* Bv Teat. Nalte,
W>liia>paj*lat ^Bblle toetallail


For juut eiit-b'rtne'Keiiri-a :
Be abould be prot iOtid *.th . •

B ti^ of
o tbe commoD remediee. uueb
SpiriU C'empbor. pHrecjrir.' Ex-


Irai't of " iti-b Hd'.-l. K<«m-e Popperuiint,

deal of the Poor Addtem
of Kawayfo eoaaty.bat beea la ibe ciiy
tlaie eadcaroriBy to todaee
the eoaely to ukr oa a eoeaty ebarye
Joha Oaaa. who wae aeat to Nawayye
Uat-Aeyaat on tbe proBiM of bto
eoa-lB-law io ubc care of bia
U-I*w BOW refoeee todeaad
IbapeblMaUoaoftbeltolofealtoqiesM-ia tbe city, belay pearly .. ,_______
alpaar Addtoea eeekt to rrlais
tasto ter Urasd-Tiaratae eoaaly. Br-l*ye.' B« wae cblorofaraod aadao/apeey owser of real eeiale to tb* eeaety . preprlato faoeral held.
' 7
i Hra AdolpirEeberleotSatWto B*y.
Dr. J. B. HariB Be* re< iredih* *p-:,ho wae'is
to)arpd while
eererely ie)ared
b« lb* ecbwl bxaid at lie.
petotaaateedirwloB aai
woods last Bbtarday
iay. tbr commlitoe oe eehoial* apd
e. B. A t. By. Oa. lie w
cb worse, aad yrer*
’• "** to rroort
toaebere to oooj teetloo wits the tepereetopeey a* pbyaietoe aad earytoa'se
feaieetecxsreeaeeafw bat ebaacea
iBWadesi bar* filled the switlea
tba Trarets* City braaeb of tbe lie*.
goat Id tbe tacally ef the blyb eeboel
Tbeaaaaal raealoe. ef tb* Lardir hire proeaa eery eertoea
bylbereeiraaUoe of Hto* Glei
family wae held al tbe baa* ot Hr. . Tb* bIH of Jobe F. O.i A Co started Deaa
Hto* Beoiah 8 Week* of Deaad Hra Ueeeye W. LardleatOld Hto Ipp HoadarPfter aeereral week* abat
. Htob. be* k
atoaKsw Vear'eday. There were «d dewa Seeeral' iaproo
UerloyHt* I>- Hiaor. who b»* bees
dOldree aad ptasifebiMreB preaeav
, two atpdessd sow tba
filltoy tb* poritloB tetepatsrily.
Week* to a yradaato of lb* I'alreialty
ef Hlehtyaa. el»*«<>M«9«

Vbw Oelf Clabhewe pear Cbleafo. : HareeyHarlla wbelleaioetfeeaa
wharp be era* employed a» aeaeayer.
| tb* elty. was eererely ialered Ihi
TtaHleblyapStar^ciry**tofd*T ^”**“‘^“*^®'^ Oiab factory,
parebaetotoefiratlotof -bmi to W Hh — **-®^** top of a load of
aaad to .tatcb SBktoy to tbe factory '^


bora. Tb.P.rrlJro««tot.dor^>^*«'»»*^’>“‘^"*‘~k'' '
eadeproce^ at K#waBce,‘W
Tb* oaw aUl of Wa. Bettaer atoned ' aa to tear tb* IlyaBcato aod raptwe
Taeaday mersiay after aa exwaded Mead reeeal to the aakl* The tojaiy
obstdmferrapaln a-d aeedad toi- lea aach morcaerlod* boa Ibaa tb*
Tbe mSl wUI set rap almpto toepktoy ei

Dr. Beery Balat of (Iraad Etpld*.
bmcpst preqacet to
tor* aaeay tb* Baoie to be carolisdp*aBrdCra*«*aryeoa. Hi* father
to law. Sir Jeba Stokeipe of Uraad
B%p<da.tooa* et tb* ptoBlOMil Hellaadeis of Hkblyao. aad oa* of tb*
fewtotb* t'aitrd Stats* who bar*
«r*r reeeired a title trea the swtber
Dr BaUl wm tor aoB*
Ua* a phyalelaa I
Htohtymaaeylaaitotbtoeny. aad ba*

Sttme Hip Pad Uusllis.
and 7.^#: %r............................................... &9c
............................................4lC 46c
Blankets. jH-r pair, up Ahiraclian Cluth. lerv deeiraUle fo/ Ladies’ Capes Children's
0>ats and
small ends left: will close
the 1.75 gratle for.................. ....... ........................... a .. $1.19
The 2 i' grade for .... . -j, . ..
......................f .. .$1.69
All wool Ktr.-iev f*5c yd. Very heavy: will not wet ih'rongta:
just the thing for -mov'T w^hcri lirst class also for milten facings...................................

you win find manv money saving opjMirtnni'
n^ist llicm art' loo iimii.d in quantity to advertise

j: w. mil.likrn.


--f •lii-iiii''" (» i'-

All tlies.- iu tbe m.Mii r, lULl.- form .


'Wa,±-b’s IDx-u.g S-fcox-e.

rt Uray of Aaikodi^. yaelcr I by a baequeV
aaaotptloa ai W boter la ' tas.Ileaiaretorltcd
baee a-aafiefer forj _ '
Tbaisday “Haler.'' the Seotob abep■o llule ^ildrea died
I doy owaed by Wallto Ctoapltoll.
rrllere^ from tba atoery of old
J eye. Re wae eUd to be lb


ir..-2il. l*; and '_>■.>

lanuary Sale of Lace Curtains!

•■dy and tbe iliffii-nliy of tirttini: a i


OB ill


OnOofthe finest opportunities ever offered to buy Lace
Curtains at prices never before made. Don't overlook this splen­
did cbance.
Tbis ealie includes Nottinjcham Curtains from 60c to $4.00
the pair. Irish Point from $3 tO to $7 CO. Brussels Net from $4 00
to S10.CO. On all these regular prices we are now mak'ng

* A Straight 25 Per Cent. Discount.
Perhaps you may need only a single pair of curtains or Just
one - that’s where you get still better prices. We have few of
such, and on these the price has.been cut exactly in half We
start the New Century as the greatest Want Fillers ol this North­
ern Region.

pair of thoto
and $I.'2*>
ffariu Line.1 Shoes Ve nr.•elliiia »■>» for only

tortotopd Headay eraetoy



fnrUie la^-k of tlie appropriate retn- j'

I* aed mlieloaary pledyee for tbe
year esdlay Jaee 1. bare already bees
paid ByrBooypreraiU to the pariah
aad the preepeet tor tb* eomtoy r

IbbUI taurasdU baa bees daelded
I ylr* tb* precna tcBorrow afteraees.
iyi„;Tbe*BM*elwil] be "ItopreaaiOB" aad
by Hto*

Si/.-, ;

jiain. tbe liuoachnli] alarmikl. and all [

fortbeeaiablitbBeatof a.V. H.C A. «er, a >{ K«I Liniment, elr.
to tbto city Tbat taeb as oryaalte lx- bad at
tIoB. properly earried oa. would be of
yreat bearfil to tbe elty there cas be
soiiBeetion Bsl It rrcjalree
tactaed moaey to make each as
1‘ittloaaaaeeeae Wtaetbertbeae

Badley, emyloyed at' tbe
ira* aalled to Hear Lake
H^ay by the dtoth of bto motber.
Tbto to-tb* third bereaeeBeet that baa
biB deriof tbe poet
Leal Jaly kto little eoa died.
Oa* alykt to Aaynt, be retaraed t
hto borne to Bed hto wife dead to bed
aad aow cobc* tb# sewe of tbe 4«*tl
r. Be ba« the eympaih]
ef a larye circle of treada

On Half Wool Tennis Flannel. We make a l7o price for .‘>c
Some l."0 and 1.25 Corsets at...............



sc»« ttmelcayer.___________


OurSavlncs Departmeot


Wpeeibearrieal lateecityof J. S.

Js what !»unts in the «lrv ^foods bosiaess.
He «ho'a!.-4uirL-h the an of keeping slow
selling potxls a moving is the past master of
the business. We know that it is sometimes
eeCessarr to make a price that is a price to
pell the stayers.'

' W 111 Sail Their Oas*.
Ob Saturday afteraooB. at I o'elocb.
HePberroo Puet, He. I*, (i. A. B.. will
eell at aeciloa tbe old Baakeu wbleb
re«l*r« CrpcMU «l Bbl aei! vp«*rCr ***
they bad lor aerer*) yaan The poet
red tbe pleeee aiaay yeare aad
for three yeare pact tbe Basaab Riflr*
hate bad tbe oee of them
Tb* ptwt
1 lertber oar for lb* yBBe. to
BtCVKirr rstic£i.LMD
the* hare decidad to dspeec of ibeB
alayly or is qaaetlly to tba biybnt
rv TbaaartioB will toke place
a.ebal.. Preriaral: Jre. T Brack B J
1 coreer of Frobt aad (toa alreeu
Morsrr. Tlrr rrroCreu; rreck a'rlice
Saturday afterDoop al I o'clock If ibe
lH**crr*a-a *.Ba:i. las T SrMle. B J
ler I* pleaaaal. oibcrwlae la
Uranye ball.

>»tob a

Bpamef tb* Cbarch ef Cbriet. la*
Hr*. J. B. Hartto'e day a
- Mpof tb* ebarto baa beep .



January Sale of Carpets!





Shoes It
85c and
Several kindA t<i ok-lect fromTliey'll aave yuti many
' an Kcbk And paia.


Just another example of how we are getting to the i>eople.
These are the best All Wool; Ingrain Carpets and are selling
regularly at 66c and 76c the yard. Ws find we have some very
fine pAtterns that have from ? to420 yards in tbe roll, and these
we II sell you at 45 and 60c the yard.
' ’
Our special r ffer of Tapestry Brussefs selling at 76c tbe
yard is included in our January sale at 49c the yard.
Don't wait for some pne else to snap up these splendid of­
fers. but be the fortunate one yourself.



$1.64 «w

Hand miUe of woven eirijrr of
cloth, bravily lined with nalura!
wool Aeeov. noiseletto rueevt Iralb'eaolds or with aole IdAther A-1. 4 aod
Nothing nirwr


For Grandma
. •l.<10U>«1.70«|»lr.


It Alw&ys Payt to Tr&de Hera and Most
Foople Have Pound it Out

Going to paper tbat room now, tbat you've been thinking
about? Here's the chanca
We're selling paper with two band border for 19c
dpuble roll that originally sold at aOc. a I6c paper for 10c. the
10c grades for 7c, the border to match at 1 l-2c And 9c the yard*
One band I6c papers for Ipc, and several cases for 8c the double
roll, the borders to match for 3c to 6c the yard.
We have some small remnants that formerly sold from 16
to 60c the double roll and are now selling at 4 to 10c the ffouble
roll, and borders from b alf a cent a yard to 5c.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

nm mniM mmi, imm a. im
oblfe tobooi opaoad Hoodaf «lkb

I" Griuid Traverse Beglon.

Mta 0*10*7. Moebar If kba UoS*^

. .. DO you NEED ANY ...

7.-U Ttolh kp Bar. i. W. HDlB.


I iFTJDRnsriTmtE ?

Waptat- BanaSlnttan.
rbor* *b* ho* baas rtolUoc dartat bar
r. aa.*mT. i
KolbailoaVaU* lafl SokoiSar «oroUMraAOm:
BOMb*r dsktoaw (aoebarlaooibeel
far Hr.
HanV Cbioo. obe bo* b**o Motot
Hr. mod Hro Cbak Btabblo* ood kbalr
lot* for Hr. Pot>o*eo, bo* qott ood ■okhv. His. ABalto dkrbUo*. rataro*
I Istardor orraioo frOB a rtoll of
a V. BotB.
anietBiatl* teblaoli
k«Mi M Wyl
Utot P*orl Hloo* ba* fom»
.rarol waala Is BeSalo. S. Y.
pnrort^M «M> M poiithU.
to bklaed aebool ok khot pUsa.
0»lpb Oaroeo. otoi baa baao *■•
lite HMtcaoBb
Mr. m4 Mi*. B»Uv b«*«
I. Arnold ba* bod prot^taoS *a*Ma plofod a* iiU«o oo kb* ataoBor Co
booUat rohUw lololr.
^Ha kfcto saaaoo. rokanad boM itok- ^liskl^ o'f iootealr^- Propers'
■a oooSartBar torr* koS* of lof*
r; ■w'kat
UMa* U* Tro'lap
baas lokao eokof ko* aooBp aaor
r Wraloa wo* a Tiarofo* Oikp
Oo." WUUiaa
torbar disoorto) looevr tdioo.
booUdarlOfkha Mou of kba rood*
rlk for Ubarkp is Uarmasp.'
Beloo TyUr wo* kb* rooH of O. V.
1 (be oaboodr
ABBB>^ot (ba friaodtof kbab
SolBta U*t waok.
l«*d ka *>orb ko .
r* sal Taradap
Tarodar rtaalap
rtaolaf a
ok kb* b
Prod t^ordl* boorhk • oor >ood of poItto Urw* of CMor la drirtof a kaoa
of Vapmet E'.ratricllp," H 8 Wpo i
Hr. aad Hr* A. Volos
>kot**t Bo1b«- *>dlM l*»k —■
koop; "Wlaler Bird* la a Clip Park.",
ter Ur. ttootbaf.
_________ b^-1
waatrisiatip U
orsrliee. eos^ak^ -Slap Rattler and tb* Saahr," - BH«Mr*. LmiBM. SolooBsMd
a ZZ ~ZZ'-ZiZZi
. -oarbabte Vein..........................................
IdcohortolKjalkirorhMto* I. Hloeto
iiknUklar •draatanaf
Hr*. Bbb* ihBpooa of SUre
aod l<
(UM«* M teflae MS
that followed laker le
oarslkiof a asolar.
or«. who hod ns* to Woll
Fr*pB*au of
m. acT.irufall V
rarp pleaaaat Use w*
. ,
rnS fork of
wtBtor oil
aad IstrraaUap.M
Uao. A. Cfsker Md wife of mtaa
i. UrtM «( Tr»nn* Ollr I
_iokb*r. Ur*. B K Boon*, os*
Bseatafew boor* lo Morkbpei Hoa.
bo«Hoed*rb7 0«*S oeeidsai
LoBbar Oe. leak a ralBaU* bora*
Tb* Norlb ABartona Biriaw to r«Dr |
•oo Arkhor B* oo* ebopolsc >> ^
elallpralaableaaa jedpaad rrooidrr i ^
Fr*ok Siafford cam* prrr fros
Hr. WWto ■■ trsTMiai tb« -tUUk*. •rood* wb*o khe M akrlklDf • lIBk a t»w daT* afo.
A ; •>
MUar otSwi lor Ih* Mvaaaatr »Um. sboT* bto bawl Md ciSBetoroff *or*ad ^Bofae* FiabBV lIkU* boj ton tb* Pier ttotardap rraoinp ke bUeod kba of lbs DOiablr Africaa atrappl*
tnalalUklob ef cIBoer* m tb* I. O O. F. •pmsoaloBi of •Tbe war (or aa Em (te
J. Blfhtaadol TtofotM CUr pMooS
plra.'ls wbteb C Urtooa Gear. 1) .: ^
W. J Upd*. Tba Bt. Her F.*rl Urrp. . •}
ooond ood Arkhor to o*
Oao. W. llBjamis of Ulaad waa
Haok Dribr
>wa HoBcap acd Taesdap
(IBC. aa kb*7 *10*7* do ibor*.
I aod Prior
sakp tak<
r. Sarpoa*. wbo koidi a load of
pan. Itad* thtoaiotb
la ko P.f*
• Uka Llaal weak for Hr.
other ralaabiranteira tnaoi^ writer
Hi*. Hlbor FarrMl bod daarbwr
a k
kl* bor*B wub
Tbe UUae* Jeeak U.UUl. AUeaH. dll kba Bcatb'B
1, srora
Jaaalaaisapaadtaroaa waab atolUo«
do7. tfl7-oi
Gill. Uprta U »le < id KatberlnaVolea
( kOB*10 0<

Tho oorr to laoTlv ■■ MS IS* rood* bar Botbar.
were tbe paaato of T r. sad Ura. Baarp
Id lu Aral oeabar for l.
•roAorSI; Si for irMlmr or tUlcb
apoodlafo faadap*
Hr. aad Hi*. 0. Klopof iapire rto- 8eoU Wadaeadap.
Heokloptr WpoBlep."!*
a* Eilib Kcoit retrttaiaad kb* able aad Soalp Ulatkratrdi
11^ kbalr aaele Md aoBl. H aad Hi*
raUIbbp UaataP Md VaalaTbOBat
E FUbar lodap
Hr*. Jaaole Praata to apaodlac a leo
le a Udp oo tbr Carr ..t tor *tek." (•
aad Satordap.
troa Ohorta ftowoll of Kiotoi Clt; dap* la Ulaa Barao.
b* el prnat pracllenl ear
Fosr i aik
oSthoSiMhof kto«if*oo*w**k oro.
atoriaa. “Uotor Uu Caeld " !
Slalla tiraek 1* oe kbaaleb Ilal.
TtoiVaorad froa CoSor Soe le '
“D t*T Dart." • Tbr Lvdrot tbe Snip.' : ^
I* 10 taka eboif* of a ataoB Bw Ihe Co^irpstiODal
a U. Ukf drora aaroB kb* lea on
pUdo tkra* «*ok* ofo looMrrow.
ramp. Jao /. b
bp •g." nod Paibnck'i Proiy.- bpl^
Olaa Loka oib 0*7 laak weak.'
..:bea. oolp aoB of SaoB** UaeUaBBt. will dellpot aluV*
!rr 0.oar Kiiebri
ia iba paar aad a ball that ibap ilrad oonele
Hloor 'Vbnoak araok to Bsiplr* ptalubea. sad V - loren ef peon tierir*.
Md »* are aorrp B bars tbaa Ur <
. (*
t*rda7ibbp liapoon. tidm daaptatarof I
■Mr on. kol baS 0 fooS ■*oUb(.
id Mr* Ua> Gapooo. all of ibto rto
Hrs. Jaaol* Praoa* wMk le DaOto*.
L P. loot obS tomn* froB Areht*
Jobs Waacou, wbo bM btea
oWtoS toto fotbw. ItM tal. IroB Pri- rlUo Ta«da7. __________
(alia Blek wlkb Ihraat treoble. to Tbeceremoop war pe.firoied bp Ear
J. C Sbersao, tbr Telareo editor of
Ur and Urt Rikcbae l *'
be VatBoeiTille tUleb ) Erbr. baa,*;
Uoadap Boralbp for Cadillac to rtol
Ftobar aod hi* Bother. Hr* ttoter of tbe proos. alter wbicb kt
' tb* rraarkablr arcrrtoljF^
xbar. aad Hr Md Hr*. Lklrd
1 K-har.
Hr*. A. H. Ssikb dror* ko Ttaroraa
retara lu sake tbeir home
Id last
laak •weak ko
. rtoll Hr*.
laskPridapiport- where tber bare at
B. J. Bojt bad W. C BawlU waak ka
Hta. Ada Btrtoa rialkod bar rslakirn UrjMl. eoBlap has* lodap
friaada wbo wtota tbrs a loop, prasp
•Upatiee Md
bp I
Btotak* laal waak of aerer. 00* Sbd bapppdife
aad otban aim Cbrtatsa* BIretric BltU
___________ a Bllatlsplriap ihedtol
B-r. and Ur*. K. E kVhIkBFO re
- bapratoadtoo
Id read turaed .Satordap
U»e*led bp Ur. T->1«»0 It ahoald
lap froB
froa H
H«nr Uke.wbe
kbr *1
It lealaad of.i sir.
I >
kbrp hare bees
10 rtoUiap
rtolliap for a ooapla
aeb.ald* dlpratloe. aed plrraatplrD■at of
ba baa dob* a larp* .
didaoprtjta. It ba* worked woodrr*
op khe
trsdlep ter diflarent faSKlat sloop
Tbr Brbrkah lodpr t
•r Bp wife and tee It* a a
treat coaeaolaaet to
9 warreaim
iBtrdap rreelsp
a aklddlM lor*
wtakeira took Tkoi
lallotloo of aHotrs
.... dp for nld PM
complalnu "
Itlsp a dtotaaoe
coocIbOod rrfrMbBrota------- Oolp Vic at Jat. G. J
Mkiaa apo.
on'* aed 8. E
7 obllplsp and bto ebarpaa
aerrrd aod a aee al luer (allowed.
Wail's drop ata
Aaotbar boo** ai Yoba. Tbto
la obarrraec* of Ihr week el prnprr
Fred Nan
ik I* Joaapb Hark
Rbaep kilileg dap m rralaiag k
II oaeBp7 Ik.
aerjterwwlll^ *** 1^*'Cea'*l^ ^*d*lS* &
legflrld k
terser loairi
Thr repwlar aertlep of tbe Ladle*'
Aowkaret khoTraraia* Okf Blfb
HIM PraooB Hifrloa of Trararoa Golllaaot Bsplr* ware pieaBeloaller*
Brarat aoctety will be held Taradap
aabael aabolats atolkad Hr. Tripp at Olt7 rialiad at A. H. dBikb-* look waak laal Tbarsnap.
aflrrnoon at kbr boar of Hr* 8 Siccle.
Buklts't Anita Salrt.
-rh* W. B. U 8 will Beat wlkb Urt
Trasaa Arer? baa a aide bora*
linn* trip
Abo* lUMie
Hr. Brtotol of Traaoro
Anna Fubar tbto weak Tbarsdap bll
lairto &lple7 alao baa one.
o Lrteed Fna J
foOBbiHokal Brsokt o
P B WIUIaBabedaoe of Bib Bap dapiplealedh
the baarfliaoclrtp will
Tbr ladir..
TbeY.I*. 8
Id* «*I« dolav bBiaoM al Veba oaa
toturdap at tba
lap ofieer* at
A ooidlal iarila
Ulara^aooiaQ waa orfsniaad
UoD 1* ckiaodrd U all
"ff**.-goh|i ClaP
II Seott.
kbr *0011*1 sratlep of kbr Lea... 9 Tawo*hlp F»rtnet'» Clab held
-Ur* " F
' Ura
-Joba Aeotkat N •ribpoTi SkturdcP aftareoMi. .iM.
Tb* OoaprwaUoeal 8andap aebool fi b. ibr followlop oSieri* warr-alecwd
Kate Lardle ba* Borad to Tra?.
Frwealdret—8. C. ttertbr.
fliaert tor kba maalap pear are;
Srerr arj—I'ba*. A K*iiBber{er.
8apt —John 8ootk
tdlar kb*
-HtB Baaa -llaldlbc to apaedi
Trrc.jrrr—Hjron Wo.;s-p
Htoa Oats Seotald, who baa bara weak olkb Hit* Add* Lardto.
Hoard of D.rrcter*—H. B Sc-Hl. One
iMSlof th* beUdoT* ak S. Saodaira.
.SrlMO. two pe«r»;
Hr. BoffsM ba* dallrmd the wood
boa rotoroad kobar boB* >a Trarana
Hall. tbrrr pi-ar*: Jjho 8rou. lum
atXb* aabool boaa* for kba aa--------peart. II Puieaia. Are prdr*
lU *>ac su..-ki,
Be* HoWBOra. kaaeho
aauibrra *i»*y of thr
BroBt I>eUra«, «be alarkad
B. II. BlaeloD of Ttaa<-*rrt<llr. Tr^.
aod Trad Mokawar* of_________....
Icadiop tararr* abrvui .Sor'hport. aod
lae. U. arrlrrd lo SaatUa. Waal
^MtkhobolMaTabBoariU kbalr pareew amber* are brleg addee at rtrrp
Mao Vrorb d07.
P. B BrooB la In Orsnd Bkpld* M
Df. Fra-lek aad wife atiradad the
ArlirlMOf ierorparslioc bate brre
Ow Uaaban, B__________
.aabMB wbteb anp datnla hiB aanral ipei* laal Wadaeadap erenlnp la Trarbe cured il will
rawn as sod apsrotrd. wllb a eapi
Triplatk. bora rotarMd froa
il *loek o! flu.lK (I, dir drd into thare* lee's Arstee 8alte
;k cu
Hta Lnlo JohMon rakoread to Trn*
Ed. Ueyaeer waa <,olta badip bork offliieacb. A nr* dock wll. be bailt for Flies
Joboeob aad > E
aneOkp laal 8al*rd*7 kn rBOse bar laal Frldap whUe loaoinr li<a.
WOl Babbal awl HU*b Oor* Babbal
daeklap ebale eaapbt bis bad tbr. w a tbrilip aod pdrin*B< tit orr*olz*tioe.
OBdatlkb Bbaarwof Hlltoo >ara ria- aebool verb.
Ill* tbr intreklon of t. 9C.B9 to am
Tb* Bonp friabda of Hr*. F. U Jobe hla aOBe dtolMea.
Uera at kba paiaoMca oo Hoadap.
rrrrp two wtek* on Satordtp al*r. oere* tbe pale.
Hob Babbal wUI roBoU dartac kba K)^Br., will
Seliool eoBsaaced apain Uto aoni.
0000 dnrleg tbe -lotrr for thr purp^ Gil. tb* boaaeba
lap aflar a two week*' ranatioa.
of diacnkiisp kut'j *91* uf laporksi^ ku
Haaal Tompkloa. nred it. of Umnd
koook i- OeoBB. arbe bad 1
r T. Fraliek efCopaBlata rtoll tbr Uroirr* aod lo di*cb*rgr asp'liaalBapldt. hi
•Bktat M Bitoarorkb for aoBi i
■r Grar'a
le doctor'* iMt week Taradap
• - re tbr deb
wiib Hr.s
■MMWwroad bouoe ObriakBaa
{■fictroBMaeaka fora of Brl|
StoSh Hadto*) aid «r*a aoBBi------tef kbo Nortbpert aebool* tor
D at
aeS aU thak poaalbl7 ooaM bt dou WBB
Boots cediog D-c. Skrd
«M0 for bto r^f. bat wUboal arsU
d»p».i*aghl. I
LltGeOrpht Fraliek*
HaooaaoBbad lo tb* dtoaaaa. pwrisf
Tbe follow4ag te tee
bar prMd aairoBis for a




We Are crowded ao we bsve not room noo^b to take oor iorentorj.
You need Aomc goods and we oe^ the room, »o 1 will make it an objev*l
for you to gel them BOW. 1 will tjuole you Bome inlereAling prices on


acwta bMU* ■



tt.' iSs

ird for sn .'o. flSTlr 8idrl>u*r.l for »!3 7:>.

BnWUoirtl for IIS 7^. titV, 8id-board for >h< 7.’>.
Cil -.*. SadelMnrd fer

|4.'.7.-. Siarlwirf forS:tl*7i

1 batv 3ti •liffriviit alrlrK ami will irire you thr auni- pniponmn tli*(..>iiui

II auy of tliem .

{ atlvrrliaed lliat I bl4 too lac|^ a Mn k nml mual morr aowr (g it at

lUiv. ami it is movim;.

U you will pufiiv oor back kloor puu will'brr a ati sly atmin

all tb.' liinr. ihr )>ri>p« 1 am maiiai;. makra thrm (pi.

Brra arc a few |uicp« oo

tkn><^ u««iu>o tonwMh.v

# ' 7.'. i-nw* for t f. 7T,


JlG.'iO.-asr f..r f



ttaM«C ^ nSK* rrM»r.

SW.7--. vaw* for $3<;.7.-.
anti.iu. ..ak. c-!.l-n .tek. and maha.n
f^.n, $'-..7.-) 1.. SMT.'.at llir pri.vr I
aa llitw ]iri>-n> y»nm>l br ilupii<-nl>tl

I hav.-

x-ntf for $11 lb'
$i3 7r>onar for $|l>7.'r

rew u>r *V\.V>

hirty <Uf
<Utf>-rrot wty te*,in

and Ihry miicr #U-.ui $l
>I Ibi
Ibl did
ditTrrrwxv in prii'...
Ill makini: now

l)n i >1 wait nnlil it i« t <.> Intr. -


— If mi. 1 will •)Qotc- y.iii •.«)* prh-.-e that will mnlr it
It obj^ for ymi to liny nii oin*.

I have twriilk i»t. n

dilffivlil atyW on tuy ll'a.r and l-n diffm-iil alylrr at
iin WBfr house ihal I heri-n'l r.<OTn for ill ihr floor:
I’l 7.'i tnidr. rolid i^ildra oek. for

^.oil table for $7.'i'>. $•.■ '«i laKV fcr4> f.'i. $I'J .'■(>

f..r/Iii$31 .V'talil.. f.irfll'T-V
that liNv«. till-

$li T.'i libl.- f..r Sil.'i.

I have a'full lioe of ihriii

lawl of hV.; uhltw

t i^Ht 111 Iheiti -no bnielle of leave* lyiut; an mud in your nay They

hav.. a Milei ivuti r - a eliild can riteod it vithom takiin: voter or diali--r oft

I will

r- ll them iiow from y.i7."> to $2l.7.'i.








^ £2Kb.”^'^SS.,‘C"a

Horse Blankets I
From 59c to $6 00

Pucj-PissUoIies $1.00 to $S.OO
itafldsoBe Fir Bibj R»Us $t.50 to $6.»0.
la«B ksortiDfot Fir Bot<s.$3.00 \g $» 00.:

Uto rolal«.

i. The lort.'tr inyriMw

if our niAk- of Harnei
1 Jjfl.4- 1. l.iorM

j Bargains ia Baggy Whips: 8 cenls !o^2.0D, |





Traverse Cily. I


Before Bu\ in^



C. T.
■m bto loa*. Tba foaatsl aarrloe*
Bbald At kba H. B-abarobak Ip
- ■

Id bptbapaa.

Sot tlw «o ask BBdi^alaoi
hBrinadaboaaad bnnoB
tontootnUof boalnaa*. ,

Hi*, laaae SiarbsA to on tb* atok
baaiolsroed taOB*


a. HaloM Howard aad Hr* Haadr
Batep of Honroa Ceakar are rtolUaB
ibelrnaranta. Hr.asd Hrs.U.B.AId.
rlnb, of kbto plaa*.
0CharW Hearoa of Hoero* OasBr to
‘^we bB.rln«lon for Wb. Bnliaar.
Iba HUrnr Broa dpedaltp Oo.
rlr* a show and oaoeert bat* kbto a
lop. .
’ HiB Blia esernarp. wbe I* taaMhlnp
at Baltnir-a apeak Bbkordap aad Sondap with Hr. anf HiA BripboB.
I hlap ebpia* ba* arrired
rk Baron for Harrp D*wd
of UoBSU Canker.
WUltoa HcKellar. wbo bat .....
irsa .weakr'riatk to Caaada. lakaread

The ***ty ablB* whtokl* to^orkbp of

V. will Beat with Ur*
. IV
. .saBore Fridap. Jaa. leib, tor
a Uotbar_________
tbar*' Baetlap.
Ut crap aethw
laae Md
aad bear the opio
opiaioa* of to
iir beat writer* oa tbe
Ura. Crse.
Om* expaeta to
waak with ihaB
J J FlneUaref UBnd BapIStnod
W E Coats* ef Ullw*alcea dld.boal
D*B with 8taal*p A Yssap leak Tbor*.

Prisarp. . ■
Gransar . ...........................41
Blgb Scbool.................................. 4*
Tbr four^tigb«ak to reebgredr



hto^^^brtlt^WpS X^eNr^





i: neat
ihlng p
borrible plago*.
Daeo'. OmUeeoi
earwa Kcterfaila. At app dreg .lore.

C—W—Cure — Warwtnr'a

WMto Wfan «! Tar HrFUfa ^
hot coegfa rrmcly
,-»rth rur»» ■ cold
inuaedayift'G.eautmx. d^aadMi^u1 Rasa* tb* Fast w
4*k (er auta'< rwa l*«r. * a..wCrr . 1/
nrMCaUhUlB..e**iML. a*.atlM aer*. Sr*

iScSt' SS.,te*^Ji‘k‘'V??ri.*Vii^7





during .lanuary at gn-'iit rc3u< lions,

: Sssr ‘


Surh as Violina, ^

tiuitars. Banjos." Mandolins, cic.



112 W«wt Froot BItmI. :


.Jeadle’s Winter Qfferings.. I



A I’lAN*) ..r OKi;,.lX do nol faiL to
SKKl'S, if

We arc •«elliifig out iiur Smalt Musical

= OrAceM. CuDbingham. I'niji.


prjMd Frldap erenlnp bpabooltk
bar frieeda, wbo pisaaotad B bar aa
Btalldbebalr. It wa* '
lehl Bro*.
erealalad '
TB ernl^r^ atop^U, S?.
. oerant dap*
WaoBIInd kobanrfood wewda for
'•* .•*“ saaalc,*o^ eonraaatlon bnala^at
that ploee.
> ok Ibot
BigblO G
.tb* pBler. Bar. F. J.B^. Baton
Sartbe. Lak M aarlp JToar. ftsliap asplp repaid
NIoth liiade—
e—Hell* Laekte. Lil>l
for kbel' liosble aad iBpraaaed kbat ik ospoelod bp kb* UIttB Brook*
le rriaeaa. Aloert Jebb.
*< aarBCB* mpoo ka* Lord* Ptspar. ko to bokb blMed'ajplr* aad raealre.
Teeth <
r-Ve*u Thrrsa*. Frae
Uapbell 01 kb* Woakatoo
itkl* UIddtewe, JoUs
eto Woolsrp. Lottie
UrOManodkba aarBOOt wUI ba i-----Dr W. U. Papoe erore troB Satie
Twelfth Umde—LokUe Nrleoe. LWi*
Hr* A Korriatoapandlrra fawoi
Banger. Rnfei Eeoi
wltb bardeapblar at Haplr CUp,
la tb* I. 0. O F. lodfa la kbit plaea
d. T -SkiMikk. FriBc'pel.
Allee bacdBB. wbo ho* baao aerriop
0* erst 09010 of tbe tlrsBar Jawett.
Bar. B«ant HaBBoa'd. paalorai Iba whkb root batwaea Chleapo sad BalBiuiaap ScBool CoepctMa
Frtaad* ebareb. prosebaa al (be ebapal Iblo. maread to Nerthpon Tsaadi
Prevram of tb* kwankiaU OBarkerlp
ararp two weeks la (be rraalnr. .
S kba wlatrr.
aaeUepof the Great aed Green lAke
Morrto Broa-barc beapbt b«orlar%Ba
Ion of _c«.*mU
c«.*m l_ tbe E Soodap aebool aaaoc aklee. to ba
ehlarrpaadan eiUapnpMd r«r '
ak Uoaro* Creirc Jao. ifA IMO;
be bald 8a*aiSap
boBk Dowoar la rarr lowak U'k lap tbalr anw mill for tb* taatoob
i»r'Jta. llib
vrlUackrikb aninab bopaof raaor
ir baip to a bot.r plaeo tbto winker,
.tot Ue* Voter drora to Trarerae
bar* to moro lamBrlap pBap oa -..j UoaSop lor a short rtolt wlkh
Uf. naS His. Olaodaut^ warswll
I erar before.
Lopa are eaalap la Mn^at kbak plaoa. rskaralap r

Cltj bp kb* dantb of
Ilralp raB.
Hr*. Gsa Batbwap. wbo opaot
Fisak HaBllibe. sapor el Trararso
A,SPiybaafnBa*oAldaoooboa«- CbrtokBatst boroU boBota lUineto. Cup. wa* a baalasB rtoltor ia Kertb10:00 Slapiog .
ort Frldap aad SakarSop.
10;JU Paper bp Ur*. B. S. GUbstHr* A. C. Wpahoep apost ftoriakBa*
HlB Kaaebt Ararp to <■ lb* (Sin.
Ur. BM rcto^ Frid^ froB
DMoasioa ted bp H Saekeu sad
with ralaUtB and friaada amt Orsod Pale. Hleh.. wher* be apeak t
Ura IwBoa.
His. Hpor* ha* rskamad boB* froa
Htoi Hand BraoB^ taa I
Hr. aod Ur*. Ulaa Parki are anv
Sraptog op roograpai ,
Ohio, wbare aba hat beta rialtlap rel*. Iniaiap Ur*. Farrsal of Uiae Barae.
toaBanl to Ttsrarsa Cltr.
Utaasr Md social btmr.
ad friend*..
The taaarol of Jaha Aadanoa. w
Anzaxtarx *9i*M<»
«. j. ArpakooTl* aolllap oai hk died 8sodap. Dec. tlak. al lb* ape
bp J.
Bakalbaof Btartiap apapala 4J panr*. w»* bald Tliaradap afkarnooa
l;M Uerotional serPiee. 1
la kb* aprlap. whtob we bop* b* will. at f o'clock froB kb* H. E. ebareb.
A.t.Fra7'aad WUlto
*:00 Fapet bp Rer Babeock. "Tb*
*f ba *B alwap* kaat a taU ef panarsl
8laolrp WltoOB. who ba* haan *nk_
aeoap tebool a* bo 9 a liiervp and
baadlB Md woeld b* prsaUp
^_jd. sltboapb we bar* two oibar aaraf tb. ato^
mad boBs TbartSap------lapkoaoaadU
tb* wUkB with bto t
8,actor op Gra re Soadap aebool.
Tb* aad aawt easa th* ether dap ef at tbto plaea.
f.kO "RraioraoeDee aed lai*4e*V or
' It tort. C F. Powell.
b Warner .
tparteneeaesd cetteipetten* te Sealaw dap* spot
*|B fw ~
__ _ arrirad ______, _______.___
dap aebool work." bp Ur*. UeWctbp,
>ba* baao told spwlkb
it of saraisl waahs wlkb kbalr rato C H fate*. Hit Bpera Mr* Rngfa
toabl* kofota work
*M^*SocUpsA*rIlia* anirad
re aad snaT friaada la HortbpvL
_____ ___ Seckou.
ailM plana. Alkboapb aba
a:N eii-rir-r.
0 U. DOB* ten 8a4ardap tor T>a»t tlB*.*bs Md*
Wm. PBT.. Bho bn baa atoUiar —..............
11 bapriarsd Bla


No TvtD"dv i-rjualr W'ARrfm'ti Wiim;
Wise oe "fAB svKii' (■*• iiiu u mbtesod fatal iliree-.-. U totem llx.r• lUiilily and ui liiO''- B * ill '''U'' “ 'w
ln34b.Mir».hnd (.wklif«>.wh<!hal (idl.w» LBkJrilHW it m-ver toil« t.
-vli.'f. Prii'T-. ’.?«• and oUc.

Cle*t I -Willi* Ujckocro. Elsie Bowell, C! fford HowrlL Eerl Talcb.
Cl*a* II -V.Tiao name, Ealpta Nel
>0. Freddie U*lle. Aon* Ltraon
Cla** III -Ann* GarUe. Pao Boekrco, Cana Eehl..UMHel WrUiap.
Tb* tollowiop are the paaau repta‘ -^ h. ksl for kba pnit week: Gladps Dkiae. Ncllic Voice. Elrlra Nel
r. Wa Boollhan. Jobe B
:«hl. DelU
1. Uorrap. Trarrrae Clip;
.-ita Nr
Ppaa Md wife. Glee Arbor; Jobe
Holliaper, W F Rartb. One Barth.
wap F._.
_ .
OBMaa; Frank Vanlle*. Freak Jobbfeellp harslete;/ paaitlre <
aan. Haototo*. W. B Coate, Wllw*aaoegba. eelda. bresefaitla. satbaa
ker; Ura. V Oollln. A F Baatiof. Bbmrth tirade—Poi:
plre; J J. Fiaeklar aod dnrer, Oraad
M Baeger. Wetlep
.'e»lep «iai..Addle Nel.
ho^i. Ulllla Suffaot. Sa'Ue 8>*f.
feet. Oan Bleff«aa. Hearr Kabr*. U “rifrt Grade—Uertrado Bpartotaa.
load; B - J
Wabb. Bop Johnaoa. Oo-s BarUeU. Belle tikgean. Harp Ltloede
8j;tb iSra-lr—Laora Gsrtbe. Bditb
1 OaponBOBt
Soetk. Aoea Oieaoo. Edward Raeaaa-



TflCin U Srtpp«iR'24 Rmta.


B lb* Whole spatoB
O* Taaadap. Jaaeaip Urd. a seacial
eeaUbaJad trate ef Pallsan Valaea
drnwteg rt>
abrnrp..teb»reaktoe aad dleteg o
"'stork froa Cbtenge ter tb* Clij
HaateOMd otbar prosinaat *;U*^
ciUa* of
Iba Banabllc. ratornibg ria N-wOrUna*. BskiM tb* konr of bU "
'Tb* pnnp will b*..
liailad sad nbnolalalp AraMlaaa

irwlU-banndarib* pefneeal
' «ef Ur. RaasOsBO'
kfarof tbaABS

£ Genllenien’s Fur Coats,
Gentlemen^s Fur Gloves and Minens,
Wool, Fur and Plush Robes,;
. Ladies’and Gents’Trunks and Satchels.
I have a £ne line of FUT CoatS and invite your inspection. Material, ;
^ workman8bi$> aod durability guaranteed for these garments.
Remember my line of Horae Blankets IB the largest in the city, ^d ;
^ prices the very lOWSSt.
Tbe best Trunks offered for $2.iX), |2,75 and $3.S0.
Winter Oloves and Kittens at all prices.

Whips 10c, l6c, 20c and 25c.

~ Front street,

TraTene Oltp Micb. ;

aniB bosta of tht oonr. itekaia
at*.. snU on npnteod tb* Cbiaafo A
WBk MtefcMna lyl« write ko kba Pan■al Pm^bt A«m» M OBOd Rsgffa.


and Traverse Herald
I • BritM i«tnM In

■aard acaiaat
Onna Bapvor •lih dtopntcknn «diimmd to Un qMtn rtMrdiM Ut Dateb atraMBP. aad bla pmtlce la
aoo ^awb<> e'oaied

aUarooftknOnrMTotMlntor '
»ny hr tfcn BritU. TMntoaB
mtl pro«o»llttr bnixM mU««
lU'n Mi eitnn h«rli
tborttrarnMr^lMdnllfein eoamt hr;
thnSneattn ••►•«>•• Tb»an.

Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.


kera peiaooae bp aatlac ebeaaa.
While loadla« bap. t«A» «. J
afeddS raaia. of'

•r bad Stood Pel.
•OB aaa D0( kDO* vbat a d(

toBBUpafon^rtemae ted «t*<B ibn w
teenoeoedwed toonte • r'eaen. !> t .j<r<


«takre plaea than Iba laat w

ttn w .KtlniM l..

biBar'f froB (be forau aad
toiat opoB oeaattoaa imiooatit oBoa.
1 Ooptabtcaa atatn tbi
tarloc ■ Tbrr.-to *S la Itlor Br to fO
Orenarb baadi
aa dacidnl lo aoaeet (ba n
aaddnkebar (cbocl. aod. joe kaoe.
far of ABarlaa of I
I Bj Wife -aar «te dan' '
Uulab Wnt lodita Wbilta.
(ooT jnrt a(« LiBbert Poo
o«or baabna Bate bp tbto eo
(bea el M earor. braid a report (bat a •
(ha Ilaaleb Wcet (adlta.aB ear
brother Victor nad beea dreword.
tfoebedBkBe Urn* a
•rrlMnrni bf (he Kriitnh •( Aden hat
■omtiyatloo (rentd to pron tbr tnlb
rrodaiwl MHolonlM >idndB«1nr aor*a
..f ibr inBur. Tbr report (
olM ia(Mil’r tvn-. liwMidbedrSl
S(e» brro • derai-j rzappermlrd. 'a»
MMBI. breodtioeatnerau.
liark TwaiB (a>d Is regard lo ( oBilar
(bat DaBBarh weald Baka ap offen ' S^’uZrdin,^
_ [ eetort aboat biBWlt. foe last week
IO other aatioateaUliba Bauer eoo-i
be (abBltted M Oeefreta
I < and (he eiolnot
euiaa wedr br It. to trTa>!ri'> ramte. «• abd to i
Oe (bp otbar bead, it waa .arldeat
(•eh(«( twprtaael nablle. wto nfe Ih. UflIladBlataanlate’l Iba ItUodt (Dt no bouln. asd I Mt a..oFnole rrrm ta
AiAlbiooToc local Mnsaic :
nhwriM tbeoi leuti UBimr- ' '
aeriic of UBoeou loii
Oranark w.nld
(b.B *o
power aad H ‘hr par I C^njr^ r—dr ohM. njrhj on u .. .0 pr.'O worn at a Becuop
•riaeil bMrec^Wed mt ez
tirork-e WMbiarloa pre*
r lakt tbc
rr fy>naan"ntioa Iron UeenThe omb.O htiM see U»t il

■ aswisssis'ss^'aa



JI that Deanark kaa nUBad (be

Waatla, Jab. a—Daelaln aetlea baa
beea (ahaa lo the eanpalpD la teothLazoB Ofalett the laaarveatt wbo
aan beea patberlait then ia (orea (or
UOM (or the porpoae of Bakiar a
dctwrBlbte ataad apa>Bat.tba I'alted
Statai toner.
tvalBalB baa opaoed tbeeani'
palpa with Tlcar aod (be flnt Wow baa
aeann oae u> (be iBaarpaBU.
wbo nffatod beaep loB.

woaadte. The aaemp'a loae me aereatr fear killed.
ileoeral tehwaab oolaoia left Mao
WBB reoaieed froB the BO'waoraad (be
ilBpa telprdap BoraliA. The Mac
hUl paaaed be& boatn.
ThebuiDalBof (be .epaelal aeaaloe abebnaodaont of (ba Elanaib ct*(rat praaUeallr coapleled tOMr and alrp acMia atnck tbe eaeap tiro azllea
ri nape Brine followed la
near BaBban Ml tor (hair honn to
•ettoot. Oec of oar. nbo
BlBh( The Seal wlad-ep of deuUt
arlUbaBada (pBonMw Borplar aed
bett bow irUI adjnrp (or leod.
it baa beoaaUtad(faz(tbe fonraor aralB net (be eBetop at Blaao; ard
(ritta a »Ud ebw. roaba| the cartbikiUW aad
UBtbatMthlntaaataa done to pa.
ttenaaeana ba rwonaeada aad ■
e(bar laMloa irai b« called.
dUaac. wbarc (leaaral dekma to (ollowlac (bra ap. CapL Gl H. IVher
> a VtetorrofGatiiap pna fama eaptand Blaaa
((boreporta whieb u'a OarBoaa throe dapa a^. bat bla
€»mt troB teeth Alriaa lodaj an
wlUtdrawB. aaklap Uto
■rand OnalBeitaia *111 ban n
•ecoad B^l a»cn|ary.
hp tejoica aad the «holc eap'in (r(U be
LleateOBor O laon of tbe enUer
nUaead of a fnal aazlatj.
Vorktom .wbo wae eaptand bp tiie
Uiraa nponel ibia afleraooa (hat a
•anan bad eena (ran Ueparal White aco. baa arrived hen bp boat fren VI.
M Ladranltb oader data of Boadar at paa. and at once rniB> aaborr to vtolt
ammi, (hat t»a Bjeta bad Bade ( bla atoter wbo hat beea la Mtaila for
aaoBftad alleek epos the eitr aad bad
e tlBO^oHap Boal of tba UbI
baao npated wllb baaer loaa.
•ttlatte bandt of tbenbeuW
r«Mr la alao eaareot (bat Uaoeni
trrMod errp Innhle aad WeYatbin
tar baa emaad (ba Tapela aad la an
wnk. Sa eer? Boleatlp lellt a
, naU lo Ladranltb. after daftaUac a tbrilliap Btorp.of bit aderoiarea.
tenabBcat of Been and eap^rlafys tan (bat ba aad bit eoBoaBlbBa



AtLWIhefraroaeenUandtbeeztnaa (aaaloa of (ba waiUar erooda br
poathHt (ba foUowlaf dnpateh from
Chlaaaa Were Viotoneat
Taeoaa. Watb . Jaa. 8 -Orieotal ad
-Ladraaal&. Jaa. c. t p. b -Aa av
ieeaatau that, lad hp Pleld-Harahal
«adr baa baao Bate oa np poaitiaB.bat da. (he Cfaleate traoaa ban (wh
ohMp acalMl Ca-tarh easp aad (rated (be Preah oe tbeToakla bo
Wacoa biu. vTba aoeap *aa la «nal
. aaraapthaadwwhad Ua attaek iritb er tbelrczeeaain deaaada for -laaa
(errilory -at Roaaehoawaa bap.
Wapoa Bill wen three unet
in. near Keaoehuawro. tbe Chi
ip aad niabee bp oa ae roeiad the Pneeb aad panned (ben
The attaek
ted ootil 7-tii p a.
one dtotance. The Pnaeh lota
OBt point la oil poelUOB wae useapied waa tbinp kOled. rfae ChlaA I
bp Ite eaoap dorioc^ite whole dap. areaolaiatad.
b«l at daak ia a eerp baaep.wala aura.hnriepof (be eiyirthe Vieerop
thap toontaraal oat of tbla peWUcB dtopnehrd (hne paoboata with
at tba pdiat of tbe btpoeet la a
aoldlart to raatore order. The Vk
pallaal Baaaer bp (be Dxeota. lad bp BtoowIndtbeTaaap lI Yeaea iCb
OatoBel Park. Ool. laa Haoiil^ eoto- (oreipe ofio; eaklap wbatalepaa
■aadad «e Wapoa Bill aed raadered ba taken to carrp oettbe delialtaUoa
aalaabU aeretor. Tbe Iroopa btd t
to (ba latiafietioa of Ue Pnaeh
eorp topiBc Una aod babae^.az
A aecoad Chlaeac eletarp wee at
fttp arc elaioB at £ba -Patel wBenataWbi tbep e»|^and a
aatolaa (bep ban raadered toe
nBbli^^booae filled with Pnaeh aolwith nrp haaep laaa, proatlp ezeaed
tap lhatoa.Bp tide. wbM w.|l be r*
portBl aa aooa a. lUu an eonpletad PnB the eaatni Btid eoBB the new t
(bat Oawarai Fimeb bat
adthaSaffolk nplBeetla a alpbi atadthaSaffoll
I. (railatroB
iraile (roB Uia weam froottor
to raaalead (Miapt ol tbe aamadar of
the tom «( Karosaa. Jaa. 1. atlw
toBpalape. Iba Boan taklap-ito pr1
TalecTiBa froB Saaabvp np that
dBeaealoCjaraaad (blrtp naa of (he
aaffelka wen killed aod aboet Cf(p
. aapland. Oeaeral rnoeb'a




. . Thlrkie.d, Heai'b Inepectorof
Ckictpo. tayt. -Kodol G.npeptia Cure
enpiee the Booep earoed doriap
be recotemeoded too
tiBe (o tbe widow, the nro kerpiap
.. lipetu what yoo eat and cunaiadiripbt on at work, beadlap a driepatioe preiloo.branbero aed all forBt of dpato (ho faoeral Uae eompaap pnmit** peptia K C ThompaoB ,
to doBale a dollar lor eeerr oae ratted
J. I. Ber-y, I..raBtoD. Ito , wrliet.
bp (be Blaen.
“laiBwilllap to take my oath 'Ua( I
Tbe lataet addiUoa to’lhe onlnraitp
ind of porumoDia eatirelT hr
laaeam to a child Bantap tteia ArtofOor Minute Conpb Cereafaaa which beloopad (o tbe Cliff liwel( wboop'op eonpb.
n. aad was aeol here bp llr. J. C.
sophe eflldt. croup pnpoe ai
Leonard, who baa Bade Btop ac<iutoiChlldre
ad luBp ti
to the BBteon Tbe face and
Imhen c-d
bead of tbe child are the oolp pvu uo
eoeered. aad iractaof the oalr aadepe



tinv.-'-T'-m> •


lev, JeM.IT iatb. IPOI>,

........ ^Jitowe.

e«M. t


' m QiV;

emi K«(.. •irre^i.e. (.«•

.to- to!>... L. ..kin j;

Job Printing

fAtWBAIV txuiut .fATZ c.r aiCPM.A<^


CoisultatiOD anil Eiapinaliao Fiee aoO Sincll) Coajiilentlal'

DRS. B; S. tS: CO.

-e_. -. ;


Tlx rc-ceraicA sprclelKie. |.<»fpcrl( o» '*» t .wt .an. 'cf»» of the

kmiim Kedicai and Sorgical Institnie of tGsbegoo, lid

te AT .

So^oi 'WJa.i.ti^ia.g, Xra.'trer'so City,



'^XFeb 1. 1900

Office Haute fro.m


A cheep rrardp for eoupot ead cuioa
all rtpbt, but you waet aoeurtbiop
at will aad cure the more
..nn aod daarerooe rreniK of ibn«t
aad latip iroablea. Want (hell you do?
ttotoawarBer aod Bore repultrcli? Yee. if poaubir: if ant poetihle
oo. Urn lo either cn Itke the
remedy Uat ba. beea latroducrd
la ell cirll't'd eoODtoln wub >o- ete
la teerre throat aad loop troublea.
-Boecbee'i '
- -It
oltKt (be ti>
oaly beato
> deetroy
pero diteeer. bat alleit





TimUt UwSOLbdAyotjABaAlT, (too.

I a poud oicbl'emt mad curia
It Try liM bottle
Bn-onlar? year, by ell droppi-U ie
. Sample boltln at Jtt G
. Trmnne City, aod K K.
Kolej-A Cadar.


L T-Trat.t. Apeai SooUera B B .
Selina. Ga. wrlle*. -1 eea ootaar too
aaeb ie pntoe of Oae MinaleCouph.
Ie my caae it worked t he a
Uaroi.' The ooly harmlna remedy
Ibat pirn iBBediate reiuUs
soupba. cQldi.«roap. broochitto. Bad all
ibroat aad leap (roubict P. C. Tbomp

ail, I. X. —eiriia. w. i.xtoi

and moateffeetli
>B mad all liter (i
—Uefamoot mUe pllltkaowt az I>eWlu't I.ItUe Early Btoen.

I aM(n.,aowu"i’Acp.'

'I am IcdeMed (e Oar Mioate Coapb
%, ■ CAL .11.1 •!' Wiu w



I Tba «uai Boccaanfal aad tetecvac Tnatmeet of All Zltana^a
of Haokmd PoeaiMe u Obuia.'

Uepnapt actloB Of tbit aeeer (ai
It caret eonpbt. caldt. e* .
tocPDCblito. pecaannia. priope aod.i^—
Uroal aed loop (rnnblea Ita early a*e
ptenau enoaeaiptioe.
ll to tbr onlr X'dT.'
harmlea remedT ibai pleet lmmrdi>t'
rtwBita F. C Tbomptoe


KVA?‘i '«Tri.i!riS(55rr;sr:s
V;r,’cj!r. 're-stj.TssjttS'srrcs;

I Hzos;.-. sKi:V'n-s..zr( .ck a-.>s-> ,i-~

ir-wanAttew.' ,

UtPOBTAJt' TO LADW-D" .rmiAa .-wt



kATWlrM trd rt. .. tzk'.:..: OoaealtatloB Prte aaC Btiictle Oraai
OBBOJflOhOtoff XYBB Ml ,

A. TO -fooeo ».D aiDDLi
m n> ..-rxi.:,

At Ht. Horria Onea Browa. a pooap
larried (traer. ww tbnwa oat of bto
apppaadaerlaoeip If ool fctallp laJond.








StataMewt Uaaa

At Grand BapUa (ha Uana Foldiap
Preeeb-a a
ted Co •aatalDoda kaa of Aio.ooebyl
m Friday
V—A.b alpht

WtUtoeiehd hiB teeUaa haer’prorldcd O
eBeaaBUaealaaopoodaaobirei laa- ctieBy to Ue dry kiln, wbon It ator •
Meftha Beaearia whiah aha nawhite BBO Bllte wtUealaWfe o


I ftamse Cit|.


(tnner of Sebe
to aUeadrelip- atwell daarlap •
H ebureb ball a
He wae (on
Bzop Bcretaaoiz bp lelliap ibea
onidiotert ttcjrad. betweea Ue|
nrloat auaben on Ue p opnB Tae |
laeenb'y wat (o ben brea held;
Alez McHele ol Hntkepoa. «^bo wat
a BCBber of to. C. :<lib MIchIpaa *o1- Tbandap Pipbl. I
QOtaert. bee been pnnled a oedal of
booor br tbe war departseat for pm!
laattcrricee readered at tbr battle of
Lew . Uraato. telei
tlpotUplTBola eoort boaee.
Veteraa : dol Iipnpepta Cai
Hell ale waa color aerpeaat aed eapter ioMi thao aapUiaip I ever Violi
pnu arbet you eat aod uapool help but;
nte Bap oa tbe occatioa.
^.penit and ti
brew oeer Ue worke aod
Urn ooallaaed in Ur charpe apmiott
vrbet MehlBC Owed Bbaee Heaae.
fbr Kuol end oboe bepordep OjmAiUbpeBlnp. it ie the cotton (or
B> . redlt J H Lrwit Co . Baken of
l'«ar.BMtlrn."wiib Uippiap sore
Blaen to eeaae work (or two dapt ai a
aa to etteod tbe tooeral of Ue pnodt direct (o reiallen (baa may other
Hoeton oiaoufacturer Gel a pair at
ad accident la Ue aiae. Tbit
etlm^f ai

Size dneto't ladletu qoaiity. B*ware
«( eouBirrfri-.waed wnrUlectalrr of
fered (or OeWiuto Witch Hazel telee.
.iaded aena etbon. mod eecL^.. tIeWItt't I. Ue eel]
Nnldap thep taraed tbe fltak of iba
care for ail<___
Frrocb c->1aBB aadoont It Brlap back­
F. C. TboBptoa.
ward. TbePratehare awaiUnr rieo(oneaeau -baton atteapiiap la pin
tile ia force.

Hn. Balaa Hav. aped M peara. a
patltel at tbe KatoBet <e arpie*
■aBItbatltoeBBei rtpianat bad beea Gro^ SapldteUMW IfV.. died Pridap
fro® barat reeeieed Wedaetdap to
. AttonplaeatbeteSklhato
t« (0 the launt- trleada (bar tbe hat
e< eaeaeUttaa. a> tba calp lafenaoa dedaatoatofroB tblatoet to that tbe dal It A Hbrb nllna^ by Ue Pen Harqoeue. laelodaa Ue Htyport bou
SapbptetUBC aad iaael^
.aa0Mrrn.>n praaadt aadtbeatoee
(heir aen elaaeb eenradae
offid Haildlap la Pert Heroa. '

Sntena tou*-


orp W. Eopert. a
twettalp. alarted
larrieet at Ue
Bito froa biz boBe.

browa eaa be aaea.

SDCcessDfs 10
Tiaierse Cli) lomlin Co.


q mioH u> the lad«e bp Jinao Whi
« ' nia ta i-.< into wboae potMuioo

pd. b«!
bat the aeoata refated to nllfp It. I ^_______ewt»e*ara (nd (• the mie
«>(«■« Canm, a well keowo pieaf
The pi
oairreaaa propoalUoa to appropriate WHVUil. potaui. or other mlBBtal.
i tar Aoeuite fl.arisp a.111
VWoi^ book, i^tod faw bp Brttt : for (be perebaw of (be torae
Hearp Marrla. we
weiked oei of
CBatoh IdabdaaBd laova (be raapoa^*
ni.-eaaa iaio ibe bUI
He baa
Ull(r «l(h (bat bodr
Denaark firra
Ltaiiaf. Hleb.. Jaa. (-Tbdar «te
thia eOBBUr (ba Beal ebaaea. If It raHeorp Keppler of L( telle towotbip. I toeec nai
(he lazi dtr of (be tpaelal tewiot
(aaa to uke the lalaada a( laaa (baa
tel with a fetal arddeat while oo hit I tearebtd.
(htlecitltMrecailad «e Uoveraor f
half OTbat II oCerad raan a«o oibar
■ap to Moaroe with a load of ttraw • of tbr ci
^Cret (or oetloa epos eqoal (asaUoo
aaUoM wUI baappaajad (o.aa Dee^rk Kepplar whipped bU tplnted teoB la Cbercb't
t BtaMiroa TbeMMkM) btt baeapro
aaaalcet rid of terrltorr ob<beaata order to peee other heerp loedt
Not oae pereoo eaw biB after be eoierdMUeeofitUle. aoihiBCln fact apoe
ed tbe ail'
Ue wae of pood bablu.
r to reeara erei» rear- ^
i. He panted two tucoreafiiUp b
UtTeeoaaaodtUootof iberoeorBor
aarried aod bad ao lamllp troebla
ladapanaaot oBlelaU tabd'an bto load eapalzed while be wae alteai
1W aMtaarto of (ha Bororoor dIroeUar
Tbc' boiioeet men >4 Aaa Arbor ware
ItcMaUsa allootUK Iht people of BOfpartieiilarIr aazloai to bap (ha io- lap to paai a third. Be wae bericd
(hoatatato east apoa (htreeiaioo of laada aap (^o eoaoirr naat aitbpr ba/ elolentlp epelast a (alepboae pole.frac worked bp e tsooU ladirtdoeJ eampp
the eoatMtoUea prorldlar (or asaal than) Itaelf or pereall Daeaark (o' aell (oribp bit -tkell and breaklap bit
aabadj. It la bollarad the OopeatenUoaorrallroadt and (he btf «>r•BoamUoat. have otieHr (tiled la eVee(
i.Tha (uoae baa irurk.d aeerreUoa>lr
la (be lB(araala of ravialoo of (fat eoh•tUaiioD la (bto rarard bat (bottot(e
hataubboralr Moakadall larltlatioa
la (bit dIraoUoa.
Aa auodpi irat made (o paaa a rmalBUon terorlBB parnaa( hj (hatla(a
of (be eapaata of (ba (raad jarr. bat a
■fIK frOB (ba forarpor aida (raekad(be
MOodlon (bat (be natter fo ever boUI
(ha aezl laplaUMre. aa (bea tbc acioal
azpeotr ooald be koowa. trblcb la iiapoaaiMatotellattUaUne. Lrrlaletlao
to ban tbaaiaie par the rzpaoaa of
(ha IhnaUfatioat troeld rlra lacban
oeoair too npcb laUiade lo drawiac
oa (hr Mata (raatarf.
Ooaaldorabla (lie wae gino la both
beM(otbadianuitoaofaMUto re
plaaleb (ba aoldim' raUaf teed tor (he
aotdIenefUa BpaoUb Anenaao war
A Boatura taroriar the .propoaitwo



r.r,..Tzr,“r.:r“. S.S.&^Blood

In net <sm«. o« >S:in1 c>b
«f aorthlBd elM n» nlt(ed
to tooth (he Irrtutr» hu b.
<Mk hat'BC haaa clalnad bp iba (ba nae^olotbemiDrdiea
MetawhUe. «kt( iof n-rottlon it (
Praeeb. altboort (be (Ula la bow la | ^ ^ AC... «n*
teltoble noiBM U (He roreroor^ tob
UoolotwaKtlit iao. of dlploatlie
■BehoarM.oalro'l'MrlacdnBlr to
laratUoot) lav. atd eetstatllr latj
!■( (bt( UtMt R'lWlB ci't «or U '<

iHoiher’s friend



-b-r «.


aew tte u: drIWaw u. erwMTXer
eiiawM. t—o»lj rewC. at
.. ftnc
MAI-----------------‘to < M
aKBiCd Bpa a.
■_.! ------- .... _naxrz; <»'
«•'- tayviiir (••»»«, nytieai

for Tatoatz pad ChiUm.

* VnuV
■Aly ler


w»-. t«erjri»a.»fia»r

, "«E OTABtVrU TO C(kE

Zr-TSTS r-STu-s:::-- z'a.'rssft
r..' r-ri::r¥i!: ^ryt .•'-arrs

^ CATARBBOrTBr (U.A. inaikfiu ■

----Pulpit Echoes

adoi«** au. mia^.

<tewto. rtte»w«P.i.!i I to WMee (i.r.;r
Ml MrWMMtijr^^ to tto :.>tot
Bur caw. 'tral ii -ma iwat
meCBABai.aO kAXSeamia to
W'toW tew ru ttoX.-to to .nar <taa>
11 rteetw • ra-r‘i; rkral—: laA nirrator ylr.- rtaaita



w. 1.1. (n. mm m ih. uuim. iicf.

---- I




1 bbthMet^M MBOadclead

BMl* la'w—lb* k7«Mj'

*-**£{Sf «£■ my-hklnd kre(k«r'


tke -Mt M olyM «n»

Ttar MM M «iaf taatar. of k

Bo«ibeteUe7«entersod toward
iioeUi AfrtM utry teoUre of ttet lead
a of lelansL We are woot to tblab
■ • world 00)7 ae tb*
of that ae
M well a lead ol
la TiMr of U^apreaire Table Me
ala. lie preu; eaaarbe. which an

a»ar7 .
Aa<Iwut to hmi toolr MMietrea dorilaraea reertou
Bt to
M aMdod Ma(iB-beaks lo th«a
_______________________________ Toaetor
doar eld byaae book tbroach^
WadUat banao trospau the

WaSg^tiS^rilfwdAa’aa, I Iw toeold hjrsBa. aadwbea
■Marathe Urkt bM^taaa.aad nj

fliUt'i Ctklc.
The Ber. Dawin O ThlaMca m
tUa-tbe waarr. triad


-•feia. there la the trial of 1
Nlaa haadrad aad alaal;.
■liibriiiV Iff------------- - the thaaiaBri

A pooac woaaa aboet
WMh of IT.
oMar the autrlad stale said to her
‘Bow loaf does the boerp
mtu IsBtr
The aiothar aatwared:
. -Uam poo ask joer hoaboad far
V-' Bow aoMBaadodelaoBli
to their wine: -Bow aeeb do pea
-A dallar.'
'Yoa are alwtp.
eraatlw a dollar. Oaa’t poe do wlti
asaaaur if the haabaad baa aot tor
MMT. tot Us plalUp
tea II. tot his sake abatrfal res
Ntoashartar that hs wUa baa ae
richtioUas bahaa
Haw Uh
aMsUl The wotoCB letha baaker of
toebGtoibtlil. the la the pnsldaBi
• arahtor. theuitor. toe dlseooat elark
•ad Ihne la a paaSe arorp taw waeke!
TUa thlr^ paaia'' war acUast hl(ir
ptias. tUaparpataalatodpofaa
lU lUs Ufa-toBcaUasptle keep to.
aatoeas ton tbaa tbe iaeoBr. eabanb
stotor, toll lea |art of the dlrtaa dsel
enaldteratedoweald katoopaetor
beat arladowa aad toe raraaa eroaU
tf la with food; aad after poe aad
baked Utp tlmn tros toe barra! to tb^
partT.tba barral.iaieih>>B!elZaraptato. weald ba taU; aM tbe abon '
thaebUdtea weald laatn ksf n t
ehen el tbe teraellM to toe wild,
aato^eetp pma Beaton toal. tba
■etof to sake baaraa toe more aura...
toa to tba aoelcBat. Ihcp aacA kaljht
- Ibna. aM aomnqaaetlp toera wlU be

btatilfT^toibr •*** **uLMi£»bw

rirhi aad toft, aad toee toatal
' • n eeek for ■lAW aneato
lera la aet maeh work to a trapioanhelil, ao eteSed toreitare or
_____ te. BO ton or oner ktod of ear-

Bet dSn the lore ttot will mtel; hold ea oae twr. toe farallare la rata
■Mb ireeUsr bMnet tbh outb'j hdd oamboe. aad Urn Utobee alenlli n
TUI tbe gnu AU.Fmmt leode m

MM • wMal V> ^
loM «' SMie la V
4MT, aa«M liyu* «l cU.
WUk *Wea> te..................

_____ laBreeUpawesaatohari

Iblr 'hoe uat toe
dprla are aloM

foaadaapwbera Tba tr
oea lou
aa eanaitoflp
p'p^ _____
inUon article
a of food
U~ at
liwta cost
of the lalaads are tbe 1air
Other trelu of
(the etoaamea pieeapple of toe Freaeh
toe ptoeepplr. toe Umansd. the 1m
OD. the oraeca. toe jwk. toe iejabe.tbr
the lllehl <-hc klap of fraita. aecerdlap
to toe Cbieeeei, toe alaa. toe chieomam-r. the bread frallaed the papaw.
na to.t trait a ealaa like a leama.
aadu etidio aetnaa efimeiou dr
■ aiee a toe etaple ol toe
dlaippaeadeet rlnatlnat
a a tbc food a eereaat aake fo
polatoea. a klod of pam. Uc-------out aad coerde are pwUp fMcrmllp
prowB. n well M oeneioaallp p
mod 10 toe bipber refioi
____ Bmidn Mccbltirauon .


UuUSauUaaptrt.larl Mein writes ftem Hlpk FWaV
Motto OsraUra. Voa trill be UtnniM U bU UUM. we an 1
like to be
Us Okb.
We Urad U
Traram dtp aad nmc aoatb aboet
mtoa spa We llted at Ormtt.
The KlDd VoB Hat« Alwapa Boopht. and wWch haa beem
> We are bappp all toe da.r.
amatp, before we came.bora.
That U whp we're alepiap.
orar toe OpbMd
■ Ererp beer briapa treab dellphL
a aUk two moatoa.
Of work era Bcrar wcarr:
laabaaatifal pUea. W
Meratap. alteraooa Bad alpbt
We re s.Bpiep brlpht aso cheerp.
HaU atmt aboet b half 0
Moibar's cam bare lyburprowa.
icbooL tamU the aaeead
anrte bsra loe‘. tocir eadaeoa.
woBldbaee panes laio toa
lutaats iumI Chlldrs-a—Et|i
Utue kaaee ban learaad to help.
X-A txxA XX __ _irk ^IsAsMa.'Christmas if I Uid sot pot toe ferar.
Tbe eao ebUn oot so alee aad
lodap. Tbe roae baebn ora f
Jaaoarp dlb. 1««0.
teen aad wUl bl<
CaMortu 1. a
ft" C-astor Ol
‘areporlr. llrofU
A Saoeblae preetiop to poa aU tolt
bare oae iltUe brother, bis
oihI s>K>(hiMp stnip.. It Is HBnnl<~>
mrainp. mp ebUdroB' 1 hope It t
u>t lira
BarolA Be wee afraM of toe ealorad
rtialaiiis ucllticr
Murt>blii<‘ i>ur other Nareotie
sea B baepp week to' poa aian .
peopUwbea we Afai came bma. bai
destrops \V»mis
aaldpood motaUp last awap back
likn them oow. We bad a colored;
Idvv: Uo't iiodd to write IMO? Aod
aud albivs FfVerisbtiesiK. It tram. IPiurrlici-a uitd Wlod
Culir. II rvUetea Teelblnv TnnibU-e.eiir.-s roDsllpatlon
bow oor pen do e.lp aad bia
Sbe tried to pet Harold to kiss ber !
recuUles tba
It aad iotitt oa petuap at •
alwapeicU ber te wash the
Hiniiuu'b aud Uow.-ls. uitiiiir liealthp and ttolanU alceia
black off her face, toee be would oi,
Tbe CUUdrea'a Faiuu-t-m-Tlie Molbcr‘x FricotL
sbewoBld laupb: 1 bad a little I
Aad Ulkiap of blaadeta. did poe ece
eieler Harp, bet abe died eiaee mt\
tbe wap ptrar prcaldcBt add^ op toe
came here. Sbe was fourteca mialhs
orpaa feed Itet weekr
ri weeaa bardip ,
It snob a leap, loop lime eiaee sbe
pice her op
Bet I expect to err brrj
wcat to school: Well. >! it a sdded op
time. I bare two eoeslai ret'
rip bl this time. Whiea m’t St all eertoat beloar 10 poorjclob. Maodie I
uio. last week s amoaat sboald bara
Corbett aod AlUe.
_Mp Aeai
Aeal Maada'
b CO >1 -u iestesd of fl: U. lesrlop a
balaaeeot fl:i».daa
Tbis week we
woald eccm awtal to go back •
— w
report coatrieatioae of « ceau from


Obt Saaekiae OirU.
“We an lltsU boaaekeapna, '
Oaplp aew we re npiep.
For we dearlj lura oar wnb:
It'e made to seem like pUplap.
8n oar faera bripbt aod pap.

It baa a loBc polated leaf of (Isaa;
toxtarc that loi^a like fra/ eatla.
fbe aaberbae boaeaa aad sarthOM are
(osarallj lacloaed bf badm Whee
tone are a>t of lae tall Amerleaa
aloaa. with Uelr eweel eereted blooaia.
tooT are anrly eaie to ec fomed of
btaaibato. Ae Carllah iraraler elatee
that thoae who bare 00I7 eeee thle delilae flower Krowtat ae a lldht
aerer ret tired waichiartoee'
______ la oooeerra'orln - - -----------prtmiurc mrtbote of V lial
>dn<f tbeloaanoae thle.
ace aad tilnaenm to whleh it attalae lo nrrIedoB before toe epn ol all c
Ite Bblire Uad. dooetlBtoe the aed^e : Tbe mea ttaemnlrn do toe larpnt
tbe Sammlt Citp beosbiee Clab. tea
ie of poD^ranatr. eoBclIcaea of pae- ol tbe bard -ork. while toe wo
.ceau fram LtlUa sad .Siaa Seelrp. and
aloa flowera. Witbla the better claae percb 00 the ladder like eupe that lead
Borlleb reiretable aad roeet loto toeir taroen aad look 00- Al< toe tea oeea from Ethel Bell, fortp-Sra
___.—etailp ealilealed Tbc area)
cooBlap a doae oat of dowe aad aeasl­ eeaU all tolJ. leaelafs balaoce o
III* pro we there too. bat It la kaowa ip oa tbeproaad
Their l.Uleelores
ill due.
b/tbe aaroaiaolle aaoie of plf lllr.
of red clip era bsrdip ai larpeas <boat of tbc CoodBCec that plf* - - iruo prte we bare at borne.
Ooe side
We bare from Ciareix e Sc cfl
to abow for It. The blocoa of the Ubeat dowa like a pnmilire bnrlBa IU7 mla^od with fere froada arc aed toe Are is kept palac bp loop tabes
iiae io tbe shape of a pear's oni
---------- ieelp
'or ehoTth
dooora-dooora- wbieb toe mee blow ibroepta lanaad
for ebervh
at pcsr, we ihlak. of tbe VontL'e
IM bai
blaurie blar of aslop beUowe
Jeet. H ara^aleo toe
Oo Ibis faoop little Compaoioo.
Who would 1^ ^ ^
water lUln. toe aaered lotoi.
apolopp lor a store Uibp eook their r‘ee
iply cort^ or eboeoUle. etirrtap toe Utter wlib
Tbeopea eoaatrp a simp..
wHh Sowere: the aealblum. e k
i-rrd etickv which ttep twirl be- bnlaod most loiemuop readlnp io
izla. aloee c>ne ererp rarletp of •
pslm. t-i ke <9 toe bererape
(ram roee 10 erlmtoa aad cream '
op. Ofiwo taep do 001 air
lo oraafei a relrel lestored ecarlet
■ -e rlphl
St all. bet
tralh a oaid to meke the earth litoh OD the proaed. bell
oa Are wbea the eaaaBiae fUle tall ao- orar whleh ibep tel
Aloiof-Saasblae io toe wap Of pa
la it. Tba blae lobelia is s wlldior • rli la which Ibep <------■are, aad makn pale or alirama/lae
Weeo the mea chop kUdliop Ibep pen aad readiap aiaUcr «on thto week
aloe sirelehea. rarled bp paubn
sit dowa ee toe-r beels jnl se toe Jap- to Bato Trebiaiae of Maple Citp. wbo
arUUaal oraope created bp toe si
aorer do. sad. la fact, enrip
kabwe where it will be weleoiaed.
.bsped pasaois. Hera. loo. is tbe bo
—>rli( U doae ia tbl« nme
aftocplsdioU. Tbe taupe oloetaie of M'oeo toa'Ir aimple ealiaarp
toe pieh KtUI UUn rise taere aad SeisBad tocp patoer aroosd
Miss Head 1‘olrer. oar ls‘tofal Sam
toera, pertamlop toe air far aroaad of rice. aad. cippiBC U their elaader
flawer. a pra-.n, browa flapen. help ibemtelret wilbeoi mil Citp helper, wrine a pleanel little
prows near Walmar wbieb iscBrnmoolp tbc formslllp of kUm. forks, spoon leltor. ecadlap la eome new oamn
rnilad toe 'UpboleUrp fliwer."
•ika llioasr
She save:
seels of red or me.
sbn are waseed la tbi
-We oow bare
memflrre oa roll.
..X damssk like paltora
Farther lo the eoaatrp Is toBBi
lb aod dishlowel belopall made Ltd sitardap was oor BrtlaBOirer
Karroo plaal.
pleat. wbieb
iVe were to here a panp. but U
>. tbe bark of, asp-1-.of tine ea^.
msap miln
forma toe
.r ic toe Ulaods.”—-Vnr r-irt
TboQpb. ou.____ ___________
clue, eo toe ch'ldrra ruled lo here toe
•Iph. It Is prsatip ralaed bp fsrioeia.
s’lp eexi meetiap '
sad has btofbl paid flowera Oae of
Care ol toe Bawiap Maekiae
toa terallnt of toe bloaeoma of toe
Ha. 1‘ pramisn toal we ehaU
Karroo la SToeeacsrlet mloistera tapebear from toe eccreurp sooo. mod w,
eiBlb ol ralretp tesMra Tbe mlmoea aeem to expect ^t to be aiwaps, rndp
wc sbaU
We are alwape
it a bMlIcblop olaat. with tiap. fleffr
r breucb
pellew ballA. wbiob daaee lo toe wiod
pled to torar from
a^ il"TusHi to coow up to ex^u
•beklap eel eoeau aad antMriap
tloes the fault U AUriboled to tbe ms
roldca dome aaoe the proaad bran,
ehlae without hnluUoo. When fouod
-hem tio profoseUtbe bloaeoatoi-. with dreasiaakers aod Ullure we beHrrsi-leot Winoir Biel of tor Bappp
be trees Ijdk made of pold But tbis llere toceewlopmschiae receirn <
anrlClnb wrltnepood little Irttei
erBoateaas ceoeladn the nulo^cr altooUoaaad be;tercare. tboupb
part of wbieb is for ibcorMldeotalooi
of flowera lb .that eoaatrp. There ie it Is aot alwape plreo^propor nrc.
toe lr« Irarrd fflrselom toat eraepe
toea pen 00 W asp: "So- 1 "'ll »*
apoB toa roeka, aa^ toe ordioarp para bat oea maehiac aad amptdplop two
pou wbat 1 pal at toe Klagilrp tree
aloms. wbieb otua maoeere els feet Ie pirls as soskiuals, ollt ber machine bat
storp bock; the osme of ill
tUmeier. TBIs lead ie also tbe borne eaee s week aad barer eabaod* ti.
>f toe Uipe wbiu sod pellowlmmor- iiaeedlen loadd that a aew aei ... ■■Ahn'e Adraoiuree ia WoDdrrLaad.
ullsa. dd maldeabalr fan Irlapn
maebUe 10 her handa la wore oat Ie a ____ 1 pot sublet and a lead peoeil. s
.Idn of the beds of the moaoi
a rerp abort lime.
lliilr paper cradle foil of rtodp. aad a
•troamt. Ueetloa sboald be mad'
Dlrec-doai -for use aad esra ae
haadkrrebief with W saw.d io ooe .-or
toe priekip pear, so refreablop wl
imap each msebUe porcoaaad.
pniparlp prepared —Srlirtal.
‘'■hml is all I pot at toe
there are a tew paaersl direclioot oer of it
which map a^lp lo aop aad all ms- Kiopelep tree. Teen we bed e ChrUlBlpgUp ^
mattrrcao stourrebnol bnase. Tbe
ere it a pern
penelu tmprenlob tost it *^F“eraTp tee boon' ate toe aewlap preseau I pot at toe school housr were
a ao esep aooaph metier
ostler to rip op a
a lllUr elorp book aod a U;;k ot aets
<ara>eab Almost aopbodp na do it. aod all eurploe oil earalellp ele
awap. The machioc. wbea aet la___ aad caodp. aod ao iakeuod aad s doll,
ted llUae anderuklap that recoil
sboald be anbaadrd aad tbe foot lifted fbis U tbe flat letter I aare writue la
to apeelisi ekiU or csre. Aeiiap oe tl
dea. dotbiop Is polled, tore. Qot with from tbe feed. It eboald be rai
looo. eo It will be to poo.
I bsra just
kalres, aUpped with eeistors. aad Ip. aerer eurwd or stopped
read lb toe paper about Ktolpa peiiiop
flaailp lAsa to aletn after tbUoa jerk.
Cara sboald be ased Ie record lo tbe
aew orpea for e Chrlsuaes preaeoi.
mfluUe taahloo. aad tbe operator
oomnaad deeUrce tost eterptolap U braakiep of Bcedin. Oae dealer eUime
aot that alcr ’"
raadp. A dper who bsodin a larpe toataotoUp coolribamae readUp v
■me Urn* before Chrlsi m si two
qeaatitpoftoUek poods saps that be' toraw s mscBlae oat of order a* tola
e le.ters came tram Lariaa
AaptolDA that msp pl*e
maefalae 1
mold poo Nettie Lowrirof Biopbam. aod with
______ . Joae. tooek eboald be arokUd.- ui.d
It become
libra rtpped.^tbepara fall
two bit. of Snasbiae. fall
pameted la eooeciiieoce. a thnroufb
If totaa^
We w^Jl let Lc
olliap wlto keroaeue oecaeloaallp. sod lorUp thoapbt
eommoa: toeTroaUof them are ttoek afterwards wiped cleaa aod oilM wii*- toll toe storp:
ibe beat of sperm oil. will be fooa
■t wiU seed a box of eoasbUe to
(aU of piat of earloae sbrts, aod
rerr rffectlra aad cape maap dolleia.
ape. faeiaps. braidi aad t
aesbatlB. It cMSitU ot eomr mm
mala. U whole or U picora.
era. some UapOiwer Irares aad oh.
map leara to clna toe work 1
Iieldssl'wbo bad eharpeol
msap tblapr-1 eaaoot Ull all ol
aewlap mechiae: aad keep it ie
is pood
ruBBlep order
Sbe eboald Irero it
The bJttom ln-jrared with ■
lapblp aad aaderauad the oae of. ^itp weal sod some moss aad toe
To rip apaiarmeet properlp there
tboUd be BODOillap, teariapordrarmt U 00 top.
liwill krepprecB all
flap apart- If ooe eao aot take tbe
a and BpbUe the laaiioD. both wloler aad wbea pou lOok at it h will
d'of' tbe thro.,
id point oot
.. read Itwer.adjtit tbe feed aad make poa tbiek of tbc alee |
itebn eboald tu
preoeer foot, aad ererp other pan of toiepe ooder tbe saow.- We bare juit
................... faw p.
Boetaier tost will rrnoire s-----— _______ witooet doiap (t
otpaalfd a Uurarp -aoeteip aad.
pent barm; ladeed. mtnp And It ImleacbeisarapotBp to help us.
posaihle local sUicbn wito'aej
witooat maklep boles that
at reader toe
poiop lo bare aa cotenaiameat t
' tsortbleee
■s for toe oae
Fridsp Wc waat a aame for oar eo
Wbea It it is repeeUllp adapted to larallds. poGap
ip bet caa aot flad a aiqe oae
If poo
---------------- ---------------- 0 rsppM lhath
— — -'^implc.jwbe reqairea
bai^ to tolak ol a oicc ooe wbp jest
maeta smaller pattera mast be ated. a lipbteapDcr U order
la pnpsriap poods rof toe dper. or to
'* OS. please
Fops is oooklap la s
ae «sa4e orer. ererp etltcta should be
aad I a* afrsio be csaaol br
ukeooBL browa joel at^pou would^eoff
borne to epead Cbris’.mss. I faeip mam­
to np tost
nap trrqaeotlp 10 prareel asoreblep
i esa' pet tbi bap.
sad epn mutt be remoeed. bat this U It will take some little time to do this, ma do toe cborea.
lUpermuee. U rlew of tbe eoadlUoa is but It esD beaiuaded to wbUe etoer bed tbe faorscraod cow^ pomp wau-r.
wbieb psrmeau come to toe drenm
poiapoD. aad tora pat ia plan lead tbe borers u water aad milk tor
er aod tke dper.
li< ended. It eboald be . poldTbe title ot mp pUe-1 1
sad jiekeia .ara perfeetlp wean
ro Wbea reaap for an. Pot oa
sfur aeiap nralollp ripped, bmb
a smsll kettle with a litUe emit sad ■peak for Cbristmae is ;A rUa fram
-raoared laad preaeed It a a woe
jest water eaoaph to barelp eorer
Nlcboias "
1 took -exaoiiaath
tost some oae don aot set ap aa ni
Cook raeldip for flflceo mloalce. ebak blstorp pnicrdap Aod stood v;<. I hope
iwamaotfor rippiac clolbn aad 1
\ag oftea to preraal sllcklop. Wbec
tiBp them' la order for tbe dtaaams)
doae ecrac hot with milk or emm. spr poe will prt-u alee Cbrlstnas prrerai
TM^owbct oJ^thrm Creqa*atlp hsetw bporqolte el tat. maap praferriep it
■Itr anum-wr of mr Tnrods m't at
witoODiaap addliioD.
Broward rior
nr hoosr oar aiptt int -rak aad
earalenaad aaderMn^^m little toe it alto racelieot eemd at s rrpeubie.
sd a p -od »tmr pispiap peaiiw."
repalrameau of Urem to do It bad tbe with eh ekro. ml nr um» —S^rruJ
Nettie caps: “Wearap-oiap lob
all tse lime la tWworli' Some >rm'.
lavaiid ia ererp eommaaitT mipbt pel
. Ctaristmes ralrruiamret at 1
a tolerable -llrlap. or at lent add to s
ibo-1 boaeeoo FHdap Bipbt We.aiv
Hard soaa it tba boatehaepar t frired
llml^uaome. bp prcMrlap pariaea<
Id msep wspa
If tbc piaeo pedal polop to bsrr a Cbrinmss tree toa t
•qaeaks. atap will nop iv If poa bare bare pot a piece to epeek. ead eo tan
a bed epriop toat •qoeaka. rab u with
commoe bard soap, sad it w.ll act LorUe. For pels 1 hire * eat. a
scow, tier leacbera' aame
mspieupoalt If poo bsra a eora that
cncs oat tor raliet. biad a elew of r mp
Beoeei aod Uin Brbwa
I like
apoeH. Kadoor binps proanterarp
o rarp macb
H.t tladin an
time poa swiap toe door opea. pire It a
Uapuspe. aritoatetlc. peopn
IB bara forwettea 1 o ladone it
hard aoap tmtmeat
It li ofice the
I■apaaealtaa llttit er
Tba kitebea aoapdisb is r
iap to be at borne tote wUtcr
I write poor ss- amptp: see that It is kaei claaa
toe pears old."
drr. aad 00 to it for help la as
lAeabow that poe wi
Bato Tramame of Hap'e Citp. wbo ie
toeae emereeaeUe; U will aot fail
rapap toa baak U ease toe tosaer 1
—Errt.ispr .
lee pears eld. wrote a aiee
toU check aboeU fall to aeewer at
wiebed as all rn'McrTp Cbnstmse aad a
A Fraacb Mem.
-ObT-sba aaid. aeoepUap tbe pro
Bappp New Ynr. Tbea ebe aald;
Wbae toe taller looked at toa chec
At a boon waera I wnriaitiap tbe ampoiaptoactancl oow. HptcacBo'e
apala toh Is what be read
etoer dap toa bnten wae bemmiap
u Mm Nellw sSffcas.
fTba------ baak-bn a'
aootr aapklae wblrh bad bna pirea
aad poa
Sbe makn toe hope
her at Chriatmas. Tbc beme looked
_____ .oral lade______________ deUtp after ibep erera flelsbed toa
aad pirli miad praitp welL I wn
toak aoun of bar maaaar of dol.
toe CbrUtmae tree Frioap akrht Ipot
term - It wn wbat la saUed a From.,
Slrarrasr Brrald.
hem. which I. laid n aeaal. bpfaefrre a peettp little boMi from mp SaaCsp
reboot tcaeber aod some aiee baadberebiets tor a Cbriiima. preeeal 1 will
dnoa bpaaoraraad orrratllch Tbeo
for the Su*
■ f(W naatlap' ebpeU oot he with toe elltehae ILrbUp takes, aelap sbiee Clab.
1 para seme CbrUtUa
----------- .bei tooald be wiped wlto a
BeraUe to.Hr Cork wbea be wee sUk.
damp cloth.
aad I fire some Cftriatiaa Bermlae aad
Fare better, eatea
Tiamn Haasira to Mr. Whit
will foraitb
toa Mil
MU n«alrad.feplha
b toe


fAMgll? H. iiM.


' Besirs the SigOAtorfl of

raatottpip: ererp mas owes bl
' beaaa.aadh.ma8Bieaat tbav it will
aot ba BO fieat a chaafa for poe to
bara a ebarlet la baarsa If poe bara
ban to tba habit of rUtop to
world.' ItertUBOlbaaofraataebaate
for pea to all dewa OB toa baaka of toe
rWerefUte.U totUe world poe had
aoMtrpnat; bat If ^e bara walked
irito tired feu to thle world, wheta
flofleea ekaaf* to meoat nl
e^alotat Aad If pear Ufa oa
erae deneUk maripidem. dh. toe >op
of aa etatalip to wUto poe shall hare
aUblnC to do essspt what pee eboeae
to da! Hartka baa bad ao dradferp
far alfbtssB eeatarlnl I <taarralwtto
toe tbeeletlen who wast todtatribatc

, kept far ehrleUaa beneknprn Ob.
tfos toe Uma wbea thep pal dowa toe
teiUac Ida to wbra toap take ap tba
• It Ohaswwto Park aad the
VaMifbUt maeeloa wore to be uriad
aad ploriflad Lasam weald bt;
od te baaaoB poiap la aad eatef Utow

Amflaateflad rad. aad a aUma
TWt toe pnat AU-Fatbar takes deUpbt
U aaatop hla.eddlArea raat aerbUet

tapean aeUa aad lateaaap
Blnto FOM Upe n ^ pan al
■Or Splarin of baarae aaas la
A^tbe praat AU-Fatoer eblfta toa

•atSllealBp oft Udn a pala,
Aa Urn aaa eft ah Ian la rammer ralai
MM Mw craat AU.ffatlM Mos U ML

: r L I UKS--> >1' >; r e T s


-irasa BerUs

. - .
Tbe Pere Marqutte RaiM
'rm—TF' aiseuw


m aod bripat
>f blue ia wet
to lu brilUao


Tbe fastnt flowiap rirer la the world
I tbe flutlrj in Bniiib India, with a
leeceat of 12 OOO feet io IsO milet
There is a ooleksllrar mloe la Fere
TO tslboms 10 elreamferaace aed tsu
eet d-wp lotbie protoaod shpiwsre.
ireeu. iqoam. aad a ebspei wbrra
alipiooi worehip It held

If toe resdrr look tor time aad
lioeblc to.ask bis lellow re.-deals
tbe ooe saswer.
If be would rrsu
Ibe sUtemcB-.s bow ts inp publmbed ia Trareree Clip, mh.-iu refer l lo oot* tost Ibep i-oBioersa meop
As-tasop morreuold br. sud uisp
br. pobiisbed. bu; la toe aieaatinie
S'k toe liret peraoa pou ueotwael
cum baekaeba Tae aoiwer wil
be Doao's Kidoep mils
Here a a
cnixrii wboeadonsourclaim;

T«tAtf«am w»A«-f-a«j,X

'''' ^ Sr 'MM
I [!* t *"







IE WAR b‘o> -TitflhTATl'i^S

) cir* lo sap Isdp esi:‘^11
ifap ae-m me
ooslir. not out of Idle
insitp bot
w if she rrailp sofTers fi-oo.
kidorpeaod wishes to kouw wbst
--to emplep UiobUio relief." .


Kld_oep FilUMs
alldnlers. Prioeiooeou.
Pspicr-Hilbure Co . Buflalo.
areeu for tbc Hailed liiaws.
Bcmeaber toe aaorn. Deaa's.
take BO subelllete.

■ SFARS. ROEetlck'k cd.-'lhc.i Chicago, lit.

Brosch’s Me,ai Market

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Ments, Sausages Ftc.
Telephnne 4

PlMbABt, OwOAM; Sofl.
DAW. Bay City. DatK>lL.B[ov«
ell, Ann Arbor, Tolodo uid
pointA BMt And Soo^. CIOOR
oonnoction* BtCopMoUbwltli
H.ft V E.By.

SuffilDitloii «I taclm.


—.isf U-ir'-.".b>ersli
fwuwbpiss:;; TnslSjc.iarrr’sbf “*•ELY BBOTSeBo.M U srtn. 8ir*rt.Nrw York.

t,m> tiutsrm.

T»i» >*■»»»> i~.»w. tar B»m>R*R
auRrirr tx. t;wr
eiwRR iralie m tkw

Mrs a. D Campbell, of Il‘.> Fark
-itreet ups:
“I God Ujsd's Kida.p
I'ilUarcao exeelleat remedp for wrsk
rellerriue psio
-.a'bsck aad are rerp streiifint-a’op.
sere beea irasted bp phpsk-isD». Us
ewd other k-dorp rriardir-. so-l ue
-esorl to K-doep
short lime, loro diwialH-ui
whet, toep bsre brouxbl sboul toe dr


^\msm UD tOBTHElSTRa Lt.

«. Pis»<a.,e.stu.. tHICACO. ILL



- :•*




•d tbe air to toat bUi^oeeatip

I O'c w ss.
---M>r asps’. SM TS.M-S ss. wrro

Use FoPbver 30 Years.

oapere wrapped sf^ail ke lel.l'
eraeeat It from melUcp Uo rapid.r L
Ifcaltpeu moist aad relasee to be
sbakeo. add a plaeli of baklap powdrr
T»uph mnt is alwaps imprerad bp
oakliut for a few boars io rlacpar aad'


•* rbsl,

. u «is--.u’lri^S Bs|kWs^Bd isvr 4-v tirsqU ,
k.i k.t..

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Hp little brother
I to be a little Seesbiarr
1 wrote this for both of us ''

A lisp b
tan load


*rv<- « i »
s.. CMS.' rxi t. Uteea ..-s’ sw-jssr eur sM -west tiran

Tif reriRR al Mt-IK axewieeueea of tor
u»e»er» A' (frees Traran* eeratr. fer tor

... I'.lSI
Herr. e. a .......
uuArall'r«‘*'r‘'»‘rt creS. —rtlScetr. naet
eee»e»etleterterT»»eti’eeilet’ii rrrcreehf••eA’er.-wraeeraie eftterreeer-xfewwai,
er'itwftif t' a tiMerj torerr eeS erl e>
uertlrr. ri.ll srrarawrsl torrinnf e.S,

F: BS080H ft 0OXT8.

Blpbt’e ml. u ta

EorekslUrnm Olll. tbriwsi I
errservelire or err lw.ii.rf I

tile'.!;' i’.'si&’.V-L'
ensai) pratms. t'se

Eureka ,
Harness Oil



e .ReAAiAf Rxerra-ec. et ee* peer, eeS ee er*
..ejRMeeSier Rim e*r mi.ette tell baiew .
w. will b* Sfeetes el ell torexemlee-



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

THOB. •. •■■AOUK * •OH,



Oaanp Baak 8id(.. DBTBQIX

Horsffiioeing and General Rep|iring Dwie
HjlKES. esc. SLbSjKHii


Be-Paintmg and Upholstering.
Sate St., aw UrIoil





W'- h:iw*r-w

otmifttimti 'iimp. liWitt ii. iM>g^

$5.50, $6.00, $7.50 Evei^



£’i:s tm-i I




II lit

We.::: *

s 5 '■ ;s !S

lilii ii;

or Teamster
should see

Some very good values in Men's Ulsters
at above prices.

iS=: ■ii mi ii

s iis ii


our immense


: S S S jS


vojjtor OP VAUOH.




vttMos or

W&- I His is

mB 1 rill II


!!!'S. SiS
PUT or ou> WWIOM i^AVaoji
(uemmiP or rmnniL-u.


i IJil it


Cold Weather

*S 5 -

rMulif^ ti

e >IICl>t (Tick II

M- In -ryrkQo
f |L.‘ uhmIitb
tl..' .Uy. of
■t iiuJ an> at

Gloves and

I $7.60 for Black Frieze or Melton Goods.


,.nvh-«, 1.^ u,.
r atiifca yoo.* aakrd tbr t ^rdly

w,ur b*rb«T. -1K>« ewy It wonW b» i
_ Wla, ,
Orpwh «>on. wLara iliai bi
(or tba man tbat abaTOi Toi, lo kin i
'*,‘**"„* ,“1
fa-t*"’" «' P«i«fii>* »■> Hurllmual WII
of fafr
farr t®'
for (TU«»«»
(rurrta «~B<I
•«• “'.<••• ar..........................
eriHalJ.- I^uinrn* OAB la tte Pbatr aat op <)ntrfclj
Umr faiiiI«o. wlioM'advl... mar lir
a^ iookrd earefully ai tbr bsrlMf,
la.| Lawk troth ohr ItrM.
forUM.I a wl>..k- kmrra- i
who wna (trilitt Ue •.!(«• of tbr
j0Dr.-tVl>a< vx'n-tkrlMy.aHUnCb- uonofcLinule>»««ni<n.o.-4tu|>ii.!»nartth ooa #a*rr. TLt LarisiT ami J

litli bleb storm collar HaCe tame as
u ulster ticepl to length.........

Best Goods



rbTTPV Pn A TQ "Wool, Rubber or Sheepskin lining, $1.50/to $4.60, extra JJUt/JV VfUiilp length, and high, storm collars.

Bm.vo-.»inifb «« off our of bit ul.hw. Jurt #. .vrtain Ul.-ri.a ..f «.►



i and llirfaiurv; with rlBbt. tlw unr are.. ;
BToarB-ltwa.ooma.-foluBib«a(OJ .fh-ncr. tovratlou; » Ii aU. |..llii.a or I
r. aeDlliucui. ro- I
pfalloaophy: .
baiter as be m iridrd Ida razor to maks ,
Joattalmantle adves
aaa atreop irllb It and aerer the Jupi-,'
lar vela, and you vrould be dead Blaoal^ RAId K RACE WITH DEATH.
eaWlssiasL Bnppoae. foMn.(aoe*.
Chat (be barter sbcxrid f> Inmiie. Wmv >ars» br «bieb a Man #• «
Ttcra would be outtilas U> pteivol ^
Rallwar beodBe Wo.,
bli dolBC BUrt a llilof. and you would
A bub imlle bridge (uore IbaD a
tar* wo warolnc aor any opponuslty ; ^uaner td a tulle l.iug. .um.^lac tba
to me* yoaraeir.
alngle track -f >b,- Nl.-«el 1%U mlb
•nwa la always a ebance of a aert-' tuad.
tlu-vrlli y uf <>i
"m. hour a traveler Is It. .larilug vrciwanl
«to anrhtost happeulua to the mao in aaat of I'ain--.vill... o The bhdee U fpoui l.oud<>o at a .iev-1 id •»m miles
tbe ebalr. I bate aeeo a Dumber of .Ulde w.der tluii tlo- di.tauc,- betweeo
lur. wuiitd arreat (be jirxigma of
•act acoldeou aad bate a bonxw of the rail*, and tbc tic. atr j.meed eUM
If be atarlcd at Id a: ni. It
aws otcfclBf tbr man I am abarlbg. or ten Iscbe. a|an, ibe .nn<V beiwett
I always Iw to him lu a. m.
to tocL aocb an .oceurreoce make, tor . betog o|ieo (* tin- river lielow.
Hbnuld be God bU uucudlog day mu
toal Ml of aorta for the real of tl.e ; A yoiiiu mkn » bo , n«ed recently
ouit. be ruuM rev<f>c hi. dlrce4ay. It wwa cwly a few day. ago tbat bad a dirlllliu exiwnenre on the
and gel a •jnlvk
I alaeu bad an aeeldeDi ibal gate VIdee. He had Just iwaae.) the ecnter
day. aud uUbl. <d
me a great frtgbl and cvinpirtrly an- wbcu a faai tmln ruuuded Ibe curve boun' dnmlluo. hut he nml
Mrrad me. I waa abating a yooog behind bim
.\>-tbe engine whittled
lengUi by ihe>|-v.1 e
MO. a^ lb tmaatw from one aide o( Ar <gaicken<sl hi. parv. tVIUi every chine. l*ui> be imvek.l
the ebab- to the other a btrttoa of tar alefi Ibe train wa. ruablog ueam. aud



IP le pmmru

_,--------------------- —
•■ .u i.ri.Q. .fi>f rKUlhfrtnn om- »Klf of
eft» rm:^— A«»>la«> Of-«-pr— | bU ro.iotti.T'. farr. -Tbaiv •> no o.'^
PVM n«rMa atahw»-k i of bl. ala.Ulii* a mau
r 1?"nixMlJ
b.'M a mih- li(sl,.T Umn
lnj«r1.» thai will ...aLr LI. Ti.llm .In^ ^

Uaromtomrr and naM;
a tiufwr
oo,., quwtloo.
,4-™.—. . w-M-r.)

Heavy and well made
and lined, at.

• trifle, aad b
tbc blade
aactned a
1. bul qolrkly re.
dtaly yns a# I went to pot ibe
to Ua face. I came wlibln an are r gained bh> baUucr and.burrled os Af
i. and OBly a qolfk Jump be reaibed the pU«e f..r n*lcb be bad
bock totad bIm. Tbe pertplrailoa ntoned tba train wa. Hnee behind, and
atood •vt on me. aad I bad %• call eno be bad just time to swiuc bimwlf orer
€t tb* otbar atn to flalab abaring my tbe aide of tbc bridge a. ibe lucomotlre
jUion.lcred by
Tlw vide.of ibe itaa
-eat' tba worn aeddnl 1 erer aaw^wetv allppcry witb grtoie from dripto a borbar abop oevorred wbUe 1 waa ping
|e Uixr^.«od Ai. foot alipped
voebtto la a amoO tows to the wml ,srhle as ke. ltft thc^iark. Ilia rtgbrt
.-One af tbe patrooa of the pUce was | baad. etnacbed blindly out befora him.
a bamlaeaB aiae wboae »ytor.old tOoelied a round Iron l«r. luaclog two
daagbtar waa lying wb
parts of ibe bridge .ml with a grip
4«tb. Ber fatbir put lo mud of bU, Uke that of « dmwatng uiau. bla Bettw at bcf bedaldr. Oar aftemoOB grra antund tl Fdr a moment
wbto aba was asleep be came lu ber^ be awong in eoii'iy air In another Ua
to gal abarto. Be was ao rKbaimed! left hand had fouud a {dmv l■rUde bis
tbroogb tack of sleep <hal be leuldgbi. and bl. ft-ci toneld ibe welaadiap Immediately after he bad ukeal eomr edge of a brae ' l>eb'w
bM aaal to tbe ebalr eeii to tbe oaerbWOlDg fljiccr. MiiicUlng ibc slender
btolni wbteb I waa at work.
3 troa bar tbai rii.rsii.l eiibdy from Me
-He dreamed tbat aour one'bad j to aide. nH>uiciii. ik.-ui..I faoura
tout tbe place to tell him tbalj At la.t the inin |a~M4. and tbe
MBmU bad died.
WHb a cry of 1 ypoag man wa. aide t.. nimh M»wly to
•tom be Stoned up Jnat a. Oie bariwi-l tbe ire. k au.ic l ni- rv..l by ibeiry> tng eX|.'ricn(v„br layr T<lr
fdr a moment
too fltab R aask.
He wa. no. yel •tmebed
tail* aad. llw«
l<lan<-be<1 face
tbarwogbly awake, aad a. be Imagined 1
bla feet
tbat aumo vB. waa boUllag him buck . asd BD.i.«dy llmt-. made Ui. way 1
from toa-ctmu be ibrcw 001 bla hand
Irm gfouod-~^frctatid L>wiler.
to tne hhuarU. aad Ua flagera closed
•*« tba Idadt of (be rstor. Su •laacd
wwa be tbat be coaM not iwaliar what
had bsppeaedL, but hi tbeie lo Ibe Ecwsemtewl Way •( »alwa.aa.<Bm
ebtof. wltb tbe .Mood .atreamiug from
r M.t.'uniilek of
Of C
t in- 11
bto tbroai and ttogen'
company u-IU a dellrlou. eloty of
MB who had dene Ibe cUtUng
waa tbe Bru 10 act alHHUgb half paper maklug to Cona<^b*it. wbleb
OBHd. Be bnmed,^ror a durlwr wb»e abow* that operating a mill t> not sorb
we atanebed tlw fl»w^ bh»d (be beV a serlon. matter a. ibeM- tug pruptlewa ktow bew. Brea we-Mw dortor tor. wnold bate n. bellevr. dtroUiag
WM at wot* nrwing tip the wouml. •long tbe coiiDtry.idr to hayaiaklng
a toeaaMger noir tu my il>at (little time. -Mr. klie'ormkk taa|.u.«e.l M a
gW bad died awddealy lo ibe greaUH UttJe laii.-r inlU w hlcb boded merrily
agav. ralUag fur ber talbrr Jua be- to a dell, wiib ^v^iblng cleaa
ton (be died. Ue *M nnder Ibe Ta- and .wgri atvoml IL Ylook la tbe
•asMe of ciber at Aie time aad did ottrodibew.vl iiu etie tberv, and the Tto
wot know, bul kftrrwanl. abeo be Karlen wvmleud ot<w ilie mill, bopbHfd of tbe clrrum<tmiKv. auendlog tog t:o Gndwomc .me to wliuui he could
tor death, br toal>ie<l Ihal be bad: talk l>aatoe« The marliloe wa. how
toaii) tor eaU as be lay tUPia asleep' mlag Bk*Bg. aad a aeem..l ImpuMlIde
to (to ebalr awd (bat It wae her cry that (Imvf abeul.l be wo one to aiirDtl
aaee. Hut even .honilng tolled lubriag
fartb .Ign. k.f life, ami Mr. M.o-oraiirk
-For yaua afin^ tbe arrldeoi to coa- wae 'about to leave a bew ^e .pled
aonw meo to a Myflrbl aoute diatasre
away .
“I any.- be .wnid mil to Ibe ora
one when b* got wRbta brariag. “
tbiuat tbe flagrr* of tale right bead'
n do.- wa. Ibe reptywee* all dnwa op and uaeirwe.
-Well. who a the oarnerr
-Bnddeo moeemeet. wbUe to tbe bu>
•■»-hy. I atii. to
dy tbat Ibe mill
•Do you nwao
bar's cbalrarealwayaapitetoaitewd«fl with sariona naulU. aad i couH re- nua Mwlfr.
«sH deaena of Insuncea where It baa
-Cert. We Mart her' np ai
bcea only tbe meteai chance (bat ^ mnrwinc. ami >be rwo> lUI
prrreoud serloot if not fatal mlabapa. rVf*)lhg.
Tht. tolira been
NIto (Idas not of IM wberr l£r ywraM Mthag-r: elo- .Vwl weed
gatllig aba red receive, a olek and lay* While t iB g<-iiiiis la toy .be |>aii half
tbe Name «• tbr bartor br aboold a toa of |w|.er oa tto roll -1
ttoak die wieBtr or the raaor that It Bemr-ilper Trade JonniaL
rae. Tbe prubalrlUilea are
quick acilua by tbe barber
.“Oo you know a
that perTcoled a bad cat- A ellgtat
-?»ol a great
BtokwriM would hare been a ewee for
tbe toctor or ronwer were It not far Bnfabod -Rot I’
(be watcbfulBwa of (to barber. Here ,
yaatarday I happened to draw blood I theater at tbe eow of

fellow's tore arto bl.:*" •»d H aooieliody
a a grMl fnaa aboin lu .thing to aa adjaeeto 1
bim tbat It wa. only fit oat 00 a piano. If. sj
btoawal ft (to ^jrmgwtllagoa.-’-Waa

Traverse City, Mich.

t 206 Front Street


dug tbe >11
l( bad set a abon iIuk- ■■efore.

%nies oM bariielon kbu bablea. tbe
baHea duu'i like It any 1^11. ^ than do
tba oW Bartielora-Chle.go (teconl.



I- woiil.l rather 1

wuuiau. llKiiisb .be tan nmer
camlidaie at a li-auty «bo». U,
lire* ber. Iiotvever. and. a« be I,
.e to he pleawtl. ber lack of b
nt. I> a .mall matter. One day he
a. talking with some (ricoda a
I. •U*)u.llam.
ndidly. -yon tarrly
"Xo." said be.
........... ... I (i|i, u.>nou> aad I
w the aa4e« p- iwob lo tbe <
Id to iibai
your wife a
f)ne gtooe
r ........... trlio I. the


to Um

a naggetl <


6t\t S.o\ b^'Vl.tticnueaT

iliai any. and ibat man woub
have given «l<> dooo for a bob
grwoad Just alaut that time.'

for i hililrcn iimicr,* years, value* t; am! 15c.

•Sot 5 CeivTs

w erheine of adveni.iiig wa. IW- ,
Sniijn a
int-. liy to tl
V of Uw nr
yuobc pannor
out a warrant fur rbr am*d t>r the
lor )■3•ll>rr nb (Ih- groiuid Ihai he
wiling good, leh.w.riwt agd.thal th.
drtu wa. fon.tautly luMg mem-j
The ,aw cniue up lU court, a
coniiuO |U>' aeoktr panner
Jtnlge granted ifae n*iiier.i.
■ ltd and Ibe eeubrr metid-er releajw.1,
br left tbe canrtruotE tbe ]i
andesKalmed. “Ir____
NtertOve will go oa:“
new. .pnrad and tbe drm did a
pence ba.luedWto* tbr cato w*. scale called ..
pUlatlir sitpeared and tbr ebarg* waa
dlMDbtod. Tbr flnu bad saeveedrd to
tbr object they were after—advcritow
-Why so penajve. OeraldineT'
-I waa Jn.1 tblBking a(»at What the
pteaeber did Hotklay morwii
tbepr I. to Iw w.> marrying no
to toarrUge to heaven, wiial WlU the
young meo wbo are alway. acting as
to latt about or keep

rfllage of SUM. k'e.. there, are 1
ale era twtwona eight of iimiu
wbo are orer an yean, of age. Ibe olatebHBgUa. Xewriy all eg tbeiD
torn (tore, aad errml of tbetn


"VlDe xoavili \o a Var^t busvxvess A.uvv.T\q Wvt tivotv.Wv
/ JjaTvviaT^.e AlOt reakvie \.\va\ t(vo&\ ipeovkt \\a,\)e svi'vi’pVwii
xuaiAs. 'SWe's a Wqe coxbUiv. qctvY \b\\o vb'vW
iiunivq Wivs motvWv,
\.\ve^ oa'AV
ewtptd lot o^^tTesk maiVQ
ToargalTvs uo\ vosavloVt
'vTv \\vt
va.T\ \\ve seasou. "VDc ca.Tv Aa.Ve mosV
eTbcev\cTv\ caiTe 0^ tjovlT mTvte aiTvii sviv\
'vtv Tcqatii
- ^ \o'9nee&.

0 who gel. cbealed!"
ibc other frtlow wuadcrfu|ly .man.
(be elderly peraus wbu guca i
agalnot R adiiilu.himself lo be a f«oL"


^ <5(ve £.(ft AVWDwiTiaAenBe&T,
Niithitig better,
broken, for cliilJren Irtmi
I j to i4.»'eai>old. vahies r*c. not.

SAU wou)

49 £ttv\s

S.aiWVJdtiBTOtaT-'PTrtTq qwA sTvft at T5t
$<HM w«Uh. he . kl.4 «U,;. dl
*1 .Mfly for 3Ac, small si*es. Cocnbmjition bu:is for 25c.

bet'\DooV 3aw\tvatoTS,

a1wa>-s handy, to doge out '

•iW SsAt, C9c, 49c, 99c.

»i\ve £.a,T^es\
eVoak 'De\iaT\meiv\
In Northerii Mirhijf.'in offer- for your consideration
unairproaihable valuf*

6ac Tot 55.00 5acVc\STc4acc4 \o - - 52.96
&ac Tct 5T0.00 jackets rciacci To - 56.46
■Pac Tot 5\5, S\6.50 aaA522.50 backrta reduced To - - - - , - 5T'-46
ie^j^ments and odd lots at prices that will make
your dolars very valuable.

SmaTTTTtoorTmcoT oT TBKvTc
ranging in price from »ic, to 40c. will be sold ip dose at

^Tom S \o to CeivU.

Former price 49c. Ssc, 511.75.

JT. W . ~TVT I T .T ,T




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