Grand Traverse Herald, September 29, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 29, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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I am Independent aad nseful. and rea­ virgin toresu «< Ikai secUoa of Pe«a- vealed tbe ratbre plump Agare of aa
a dollar n
dow and raised the neb a little btgb- withdrew bar Angera be found a allre' oronsly. "1
sonably happy. And then 1 have some- aylvuta Into prodocUve farm laad. aged woman making bee way tbroogh
er. Thee ebe toned aod rae toa'cor- dollar la bla palm. He looked ai H more nnUl 1 pay that."
Beralaiaat tops at
aavlngi of t
oae to eonaldef beside myaelf. If I Tbe ludustry and
The gtrl laughed.
after be readied the hallway, and a
waparenu were apparmity transmitted 1
brought tbe v
B« MmKo to tk« BM
"1 hope yuull require ao more after married I wonld have to give ap
When abe retorned bU bead bad
of folka:
by heredity to the son and daughters. I «»* ««
___atlU bolditg It when the dcvalo.Bo kins* ud U «bl>U« about the dropped back. He bad fainted.
wbo toiled’for years early and late la material reaembitag bariap. and ber
“Of conrae." he cried.
They were getting cm good terms
upper regiona of ibc
Wbea be came back to coBadoos- look him to
tbe sowing. csHIvatlon and reaplag of feet were aocaaed in a pair of mot's
“And are you In a poalUoo to i
now. and the more she saw of the
tba object of
r koovB hln to
Ttat Mbodp taai
tbetr crops, but wbo' failed ihroagh
Mlaa Nellie Blanchard waa alone In stranger the better she liked him. He for both my mother aad myaeltr'
brow and two eympaUietlc erea were
Sbe' asked ibc qoeatkm with a gen- neglect or IndlSerence to realise tbe the writer's vlilt. abe prompUy Inthe offlec of Uimken A Co., manufar- didn't Bcem to presume on hla ae
fonned him to tbe P«aBsylvaBla4)ateb
A»d bo taakee fwx clOah. wiU bU lookiBir down Into bl*. He let bia own
commercial value of their Ubor.
defereaeyea fall abnl aealn and took a Iodc loren* agenta. the next morning when
hUlbe cood cheer.
No outside help waa ever hired at vernacular that no one was peemJued
abc became oonactoua of a form In Ih- Ual manner, never forgetting that be upon him.
Of the merrr btaekMrda whaa epiiac broalb of aalisfactlon.
He slightly Anabed at he met ber the farm, the arduous work of aowirg to uke pictures on the ground^ and
doorway.-'She looked up with a little was a pemliman. And aa they became
••Are yon better nowr‘
by the requested him to leave at ooco.
U waa a dellybUul toIm.
Since the deotb of tbeir brotber tba
"And will you marry me when I odd trio; for tbe two atatera Joined
before. He acemed brighter and lie: ber own sirnggles. How her father's
to hta wKb a doleful tale
"Moeb belter, thank you."
been canytog WM
on ibe
every sisters have
death bad left ber mother and herself
(anlu, they alwaye
Ho opened hli eyes asaln. Bbe bad
oaly ooe
form of labor fo tbe Adds. The broth­ usual farmI work. Tttavtave
Bbe besliaied but a moanem.
"Good morning," be aald: •may 1 pennlhiM. and how It waa necessary
drawn back and ber band no loneer
withb whlMf
tbby^^^ ^ «r
er and Blsicra allowed but MiUc sun­
"Yes." she anawered. "1 will."
for ber to And employment. Sbe told
>me in a moment ?"
e to wbat tber tell. retted on bla
He Uughed boyishly. He looked 10 shine to brighun their lives. They tbeir work.
him how sbe had hunted for woric an.!
She pleaaanUy nodded.
At eodi a tlae be eaat bear trery
'Here la a gtaaa of water.*'
tba anmavous
rarely visited any of tbetr nd^boN.
Anally found li. And wbat a struggle y ears younger.
"You look much boiler."
He tipped a lilUe.
“CH>, ni promise you It won't be and were seldom seen at any public stacks of grain showed that Ibe oeca
"I an bettor. I'm taking your ad­ II was at Aral And how after a lime
Bat ir tbey iwalae op a oeigbbor-ihen
**Thaok you." bo aald again. "£
valuable prodoet U wtwttaleaa ettbar aa
The only cbani
vice. and treating myat-ir with moiv she had won her way and was in re­ long," he cried. “It won't b^ kmg.“
He eaa hear aa well aa the beat of aorry to bare ironblod you."
even tenor of tbeir simple lives was food or bedding tor tba Block. The
conaideraOon. 1—1 enjoyed a good ceipt of a fair salary, and could anp- And be fell to wblsiUog a menr tune.
**Tbe troobie li nothing. Ton ai
when the brotber brought a wife lo
breakfaat ihU morning and I've kept port hir.-elf and mother In comfor!- •Xlb, 1 forgot It was Sunday." be aald
aun you are gctilng atrongcr?"
with a comical grimace. "And ihere't the old homestead, aud tbe prattle uf
able clreiimsunces.
He always Isdoraea the good Iblnsa
ont of the aun."
"Tee. I would like to real here for
ar. Come, jet's ton. dcareai." and a cblM later lent a new and strange grain stored In the bouse, and wblA to
And the stranger bad listened arlib
•Tbai'igood. Wont you lit down? '
few nlnntoa if you don't object. 1 will
aunnspherv lo their cheerless borne,
By ui frionda of tbe tiring na well aa go Juel aa toon ai my airengtb cornea
Thank yon. I wtU for Jn»t a nu>- much Iniervirf and had said some picas he caught her hand as they sped along.
■nie family lived almaoi exeluatvely would, it Is aald. be aaOcleal tor tbo
There Is no doubt Kellie Blanchard
things about her peraovermnee and
the dead.
ment. I vmi passing by and saw that
base of one of ibe Urgari tonus
on the products oT the farm, and were
If hc‘a Mkod
ho tUnha of a
! alone.' He paused and Ibest borenergy. But he bad said very little aa somewhat dlaappotnied who
"You arc welcome to atay aa long
aeldom se<-n making any purebaaas a'
•oae wroBC.
suddenly added. "But I haven t about himself. He deserved no crodll Sunday guest failed to appear li
aa yon like.'
for anything he had done be claimed. olBcc of HlMIkou A Co. tbe next roorn- the connlry atort's. Aa years passed,
He’ll paoae. perhapa. U hU cheoifnt
•Thank you once more. II waa fool- bioaght that dollar bark."
Bhe bad expected him and he the Urothw and sisters were reputed
o meant to do something In time.
"Never mtnd that." and the girl
TaacMng tin Horea.
Ub for me 10 collapae In that weak
not come. And as the moments to have accumulated coustdcrable
So his brief rails continued, and tb*>
And nay: Tbi aorry, b«l Ihcc* n
laughed. Hla tone was so serious.
Jhtpert honemeo bolleve tbat
faablon. Bat I bare been iU."
along with no ildlugt from him wealth, inii continued tbetr bard toil horse can be Uugbt to do aartMag
"I'm glad you bad a p»d brcaktaai. progrraa he n-|K>ried was of a very en­
"Tea. I ace you have.
couraging sort. His healih was great­ fhe began to realise how much bU
1 to hie credit.- It aeeiaa to
tbat U is possible for aa aalaml ao
"It waa a feror aad I am not myaelf And how about the chances for «anstead" of dispoalng of their crops as
•anlonslilp meant to ber.
ly Imprtmrt. too. and one monitng he
formed, and to be nltarly tcartaaa.
The ann aSceta mo ao tinickly. ploymentr'
Rut Ibe busy Mllllken hadn't l>e«u formerly, they ba^ atacklua tbetr Thus we know of horse* ruabtag lato *
In wtarlng a new suli of clothe.*,
•They are brighlonlDg."
But I am drawing you from your
grain at dlfferenf polnu on tbe farm,
"I haTea*! Ume to keep tradi.’' aaya
"How U ibair
battle with a
IS she shook her Anger at him. minutes ibai afternoon when the mlaa"I've got an opportunity to do somenlAcenl. altboogb to tbe beglbstog of
"No. I want to know that you
to the elemeuu. Visitora
•TX the mad thinga and bad thlnia that
appean-d. He came In quick­
"they'll Ik- taking yau f.w the Rhodes
thing In the real estate Hue,'
tbeir lives tbey may have been tootall right again before 1 go back lo
ly. and the idri nwleed that bis far.? to tbe premises will And about sevea- isbly timid, staying at <
I might aee
"Do you wlib m*e lo mil aaybodyr
U I WH to look for them: oo I try
was Aushed and bts eyes bright lu- ty-Avc of these stacks scattered ail usual that happened in be eeeo la tbeir

"Too many In that business
"No, no. All t want la a Uitle
" To abot my eyea aa.4 pua them by.
she aald wUb a mile figh. 'That was- They icM UH- he's not a roan to be en­
and the Irmh air."
And eee only good Ulaga along tbu
“A llllte late.” ho said, "but there twenty being located near tbe bouse.
In order to teach a bone feartoss*
my fatbera buslnesH. He was enoid'I' vied In spite of bis wealth."
She looked at him keenly,
ere so many di-iaiit. it'i all right Tbe toss from Ibis sonn^ aggregates, neaa be muil be accoslomed to sU
"1 don't know anyboily who has
cred a Buccessful operator. But be
elothea arorc rcry plain aad they <
tbousands of dotlars. Of late tbe broth­
And I And a lot of thorn oreiy day.
aorta of sights and a
went In too deep at a time when b<; seen him.” aald the girl. "Tbey say
not new.
report oo progress."

know tbat becanae aometblag
shotild have been alow nnd careful. A hc'a a misanthmiK-. and old before hU
"Hare you bad any
thresbing and cleaning only enongb of
"Your last repon?" she erbood.
that be aeea or beora U nauaual. It
"Very lUUe," bo anawerod.
evrlaln allotment awamped him flnan- lime. 1 don't envy him. I'm only
I keep Aiit of inmbleAad misebief. too.
"Oh. 1 don't mean to stop progreas- tbeir crops for Immediate wants, stor­ does not follow that It to barmfoL ffijr
"Perbapa that la one rcaaon why dally. It broke hla heart, ton, and n*.
1 atkk to my boataeu. aa beat aa I
ing tbe surplus of grain each year in
"I'm not oxaeiiy sorry for him." sa<d
It la tbe unnsual tbtoga tbat frlgbtaa
doubt hastened bia death. I bavc 111
you grew Utni. Baeuae me for a
different rooms of their bonae. Tbe
him. Tbe borse to an aaUaal of uou
tie canae to think well of real estate." the man. ''I’erhaps he only needs am going to slop coming here."
And kewp on good terma wKb my fel- icntY
bouse DOW conutm great quantities
"1 demt understand." she said.
.Idea at a Ume. aad to not able to dto“Evidently not." aald the alranger. aomelbtng to wake him tip—t
He followed bar with wondering
of grain, eapcelally tbe lower atory,
He faintly.
so say the men wbo hm
And tbe better 1 trett him, ft aoema lo eyea «a abc went. U*bcn abe relumed
•Things are lotdttng ao bright." be where its groat weight baa cauaed aag- made a study of the horaa. Whil# ha
Whereat the girl suddenly llushel.
Bbo bad BomciUng wrapped In Uaaue one easy tbinjr for me to get fato."
glng of the floor, and tbe valuable
"Well." aald the girl. "I wish yon altboogb tbere seemed no occasion for explalnod. "tbat I have actually come product Ands its way tbrougb crncka will travel along qnlaUy eioae by tha
Tbe better my fellow man treaU mo." paper. It wac a tootbaomc-looklng
in to settle Ibe little indebteitoesi that
Bueecaa In It."
tbe cellar beneath. Tbe storing of roar of a train of eara, ha ma|r trwMa
bothered m« ao long."
"And may I report pn»ress fo you
at tbe Auiter of a ptaw «T MM paper
And then one morning he had come thas
A «oeer oM fellow, thia Soinmon Oaka.
"Bat that."
...'Whai Indelueilness? "
tbla grain baa proved a rich treat to
Aytng In tbe wta9. It to ooi tba frthbt*
in and invli.-d ber to take a slr«H-l car
With Wa piuTy taagh aad hti pieaaant need not be afraid of being obaerveJ. aeeuHmalirT"Why. (he dollar you lo^ed me, of eoBntleaa hordes of rata and mice, Bilneas of tbe ohjaet that leomi to
The girt bealUted.
ride with him the following Sunday.
The deak hldea you from the doorway,
“I don't think then.' ran be any And she had agrt'-td on comlltiou that courae."
alarm blm. but tbe antoaltlartiy ot It.
And hla tilth In hli taUowa. aald
and Hr. HilUken will ool be bark beporch atands a graJo-ton, used In
She shook her bead at him.
barm lu that" she said. "Of cOur-.c hr would lake dinner ulili her motht
Horae trainer* say that the mtotaba
fere noon."
clcaalog the grain.
Be-a a how of fHMda among oU nnd
made to^bruajUng" aod tratotog a
and herself.
: even smlle<l"But I am rabblng yon of yo-tr tt muil be progress.'
Tbe same Indifference and negloc!
"li'« hardly worth making all this
coll to tbaiTn* too ofin dofw lb tbe
"Of conrac."
So the little program was carried I
manifested to tbe economical disposal
Be mokee them and keepa them by
-Very well."
teclDsian Of some oounttr road, la*
mil. The g«»»i foiAid the dinner in tbe
sure you need It more than
"Ob. yes It U." he cried, aad drew
' "One Ihliig more. You mustn't think modest home a .Ic lightful one and Mrs.,
stead of amid the algbU Bad aotmds
amlle nnd eong.
do. Eat It. please."
from an inner pocket a long envelope. idated condition of tbetr buildings.
And the wort that bpipa na when
Klanrbard a charming lady. And after
She apoke as U be were aa obaUbate I'm going to forget that dollar."
Tbe house, once a substanUally built tbat the I
doeo"1 -don't expect yon to pay H before ■ be dinner he and Nellie look a street
thkaga go vroBg.
come familiar with lator.
child. And he obeyed ber.
raent sod Uid it on the table befotc two-aiory frnme structure, la rapidly
As soon as the bor*a iMCObWa tamtl*
Bbe srairbed him for a brief mo- you Twelve the means." said the gir! car rldegoing to decay, and preaenU a cbeerher. -For value reeelv«sl." he said.
a weU to meat. Iben tamed back to ber type­ wttb another little laugb.
Kla life bnUa a Inaaoa *t
"Of course." he said vrith a llltle
tor with amrthtog aoA baa laaraed to
Irsa. weather-beaien and neglected ap^
"For me?" she asked.
Thank you." be said. "And pcrhap« la iph. "I must plan ray eictirsions ar
believe that It will not bnrt Mb, be
writing. When abe came back a IHilr
pearance. The Interior of the bouse,
I ghat yonr «yw to Um bad: an the later every crumb bad vanished.
I'd better toll you my name. It acems ctirdluB to ray turomr. Borne day I j He eagerly podded.
will stand quietly or trot akmtf paooeor such portions of It as are not used
-Read It." he cried.
good dtoeeia;
.ore buitneas-llkc. It's Rhodes."
hope to reach the luxury of a steam
ably, even thbnito all aorta d( ootoes
"It-waa awfully good," he said. “But
She glanced rapidly through tba pa- for tbe storing of grain, la
Xmp baay; be cheerfW: and aim to that gom wltbnut saying. Yoa see I
The girl amlled.
and queer slgbu are abput hlB. Thus
yacht and an automobile."
furnished, and not a yard of carpet can
"1 Bban'l forgd lu Mr. Rhodes,
And Nellie professed to like street |H-r and ber eyes dllat«sl aa she read.
the arUllery hone will Maod OBJd tha
haven't left even a cniipb for a aouThe consideratlim is 91, aa you be seen anywhere. Tbo Aoor apace of
Tbla oM vaHd iMtUr for lore-a aweet venlr."
will be amty to remember, li'a the
rides tbe b«S8l. beeausc they wciv
roar of cannons, belag aaad to tbe
the kitchen, or general living rom.
(d the owner of this very »ky- sater and entailed no responaihlllty. .
Doiae, and ool knowing that tha BOOBd
She looked at falm keenly again.
QMer? thdl. It amy be; bat tbU
This line." she suddenly aald.
prcdicu angulsta and daath. tt U weir
"I'm afraid," abe aald, "that .you arc
tends through a doorway from a great
aake. .
“You inustn'i get us mlxid," said "takes us right to the atlotmeoi <-f. :remh!«s] as abe spoke.
to accuatom a borse to bovaabl aoBad*
net aa good to yourself u yon ahouH
pile in an adjutolog
More of Birt aaemaeaa vc aeed tu> be. Why don't you eat when yon ne^ the airanger with a sudden tough.
possible sRar ba lA tralaad
which 1 have told you-lhe last
The so^allcd barns, wbero between ■ aooo as posi
Tb'c Mri looked the man over to ber that my father planned. Would >m.
m riding or drivtof. !t ras^ blm
tbe food, and why do yon sralk In the
ow my father promlaed thirty and forty bead of cattle are
—N.T. Tribune.
street when tbe sun aSects you? Bui quick way.
like to look It overT
r aod dodle, aven thoogb M be a
boused, are built prlOctpally of rails aafe a-------------- -.-------------------- -------"m promlac not lo do that,'
spirited animal. A^^Mtato tfbtoer of
there." abe hastily added. "It Is no af­
He said he would, and so they wan.. w
..... ..
gar Valwe INoelred.
"Thai s the <l<-jsi. he said, and Us and afford the poorest sort of abetter
boracs said that aa Meal aebool for
AotiM the kmg ball, wttb Ua tiled fair of mine."
for Ibe stock.* Tbe bai
Tbe dtrmnger arose.
botses would contalB IbrMblBB ma­
"1 am gUd to have yonr aympathy."
sbacklo one-atory stniciurea of prim
ABN- aad Ua marWe
klnd-1 hope ni have aometblog doAoli.! streets. And i>re» nUy abc alop|M.-d
chines. pile drivers, ataam drills, etoeUgtat from in opm doorway Ml. Tbe be aald. "II la a novelty to have any­
Hive appearance, and were built by the
to report very aaon." he aald.
irtc.' steam and elcratad COra, a bud
a cnrniT aud looked lutck.
maa who had Jnat alighted from the one show a kindly Interest In my adirlo many ytars ago. The
"I hope you will."
This row of houses waa to have, I liken & Co-, and then name the happyof martial muatc. ud ff gaag of qnar*
uleralor Bad was slowly aimirlag fare."
ihroiigboui present a sadly neglected
“Oood by. Miss Blanchapd."
rymen MasUng rocks. A' borae that
Iwn mine," she said with a gentl.'
-Have yon a home?"
aloag. pAuiA by tbta doorway aud
appearance, and an air of desolation I*
"Oood-by. Mr. Rhoilca."
was rirllicd amid aoeb A bedlam as
looked la. It waa not aloac cnrioalty
apparent on all side*.
And It was not until fac lud gom
this would Indeed prtive Immeae to
"No TtUtlvm?"
that balA Mm tberei a anddan alight
The brother's wife died
that sbe wondered bow be had Icarneil 'That's where >«ur pin money 1» t„> .
airaage nobMa. The B«Mto tomlly
tniauwm Ui attaebod btm aad he
o again." ffltmibs ago. leaving oni- daugbic'.

borwe. pcitod by man abd eblM. to oot
Bbe paused.
sraa glad of tbe aoppoR of the door
DOW the wife Ilf a merchant at Rclr,- always iralaed to all tUa. yet be ofiea
"Are you looking for work?"
frame. Ha elatdwd at this ai hU eyea
again appeared. He Iratked still bit wlih The taeome U will =K« you.'Poor: '
as a useful ud taltbfBl aalmbl.
Tea." be answered.
aearchod tto toterfor of ibe room,
a a raor.- comfortable home with
irr. There was ft apriiceo(« about his pa|«. '•e alwavt was >u opilmUllr.' lausbed. "and y. u took my dollar, and
1 by bto owner aad evldeaUy mok"But you are not well esoogb.'
was an oMc* of snae sort, wlth i
i fairy prince. his daughter, with whom he restdcl
autre that appealed t» the girl's cril
K>me return of affection.
"I mtist worit."
oral dmka aad aammwos chain, bat
unUI bis death. He was sirickeo with
Tbe kmk'of sympathy In her clear
Ha miy oompaat was a giri at a tjveft
Signa of Math.
In-manliness, loo.
hoiiM-s over carelully.
Vritm table amr Um obater of
who own* thb skyscraper. "
the fann. In which be retained hla on-Tbe l.anr«t. dlecoMtaff tbe ubjoet
“Congratulate me. Hiss Blanchard."
"Who owns them now ? " he aske.1
"And bare you bad any
Hi- laughe<l merrily.
thlri toteresl. and where he marie
-Remarkable ReauacilaUoaa." loy*
he aald: “I have a shiiaiion at last."
"The Columbia Trust Co." sh«: a
Tbe man to ibe doorway lookod bard your aaareta?"
ef tbe slgaa at
awerod. "They were Mx-urlly for
at tuts gtrl-oba was quHe uDOoaacteut
1 IXwler
In tbeir work.
death must be aeknowle||ed. bat m»l-And 1 hope you will keep U."
She frowned a little.
A bU prtaenoe-and be liked tbe poise
Tbe wrlKT vtsllod the premise* with lacl literature eontatoa ofly one or two
The afternoon wa* wearing away --------------------"Oh. you most have conAdmee In
"How doM It happen," star aakcl.
« ber bead abd Um amy ber balr was
the InieniloD of securing some Infor autfamillcaied eases (ff a Avteg penon
when Ibey turn**! Iierneward.
A Strange Fai
Tou know yon
. dressed. Abd tba ;datoty collar ^>eut "ibft you arc In ibear -tigplimaan'
faaviog been actually buried." aad re­
"l.rt os walk lurl way." said
'nie «leaih n«i l■■nc ago of Isaac mailon concerning the peculiar
- bs rwbli* ibikaL And tbere was sirallB? You look tike a gentleman. KMk for II. and you musi 't ckHHl my
Kbodes. and They fl'iwly slmlUsI dowu Stwelgcri. an aged rvetdeni of iMnra* ncr of living by mrao* of a perwonal fers to Brouardei's yfc oa 'Death non
t Ibe play You apoke like an educated person. grailtcnUon."
Interview with the sl*t‘T». Before ar­ Sudden Death." wMbb. wtaUe admit-''
"1 don't mean to d« »o.“ said tho the thoroughfarv ifaal led toward the i,t cminiy. Pt-nnsyivaqU. brougbt to
of ber white Angara above the keya. R^y are you ao
Illanctiard cvxioge.
; light one of the rarwi remarkabl-.- riving there a fortuiiate meeting with ting that prematurial burial caaoot b«
perbapa," bo an* girt "la U a good place? "
Aad then all at onee tbe white Aagera
Pcr-xnily ih' mnn sp-d:'.-. and lii‘|case*ol unnocossary ttriri abd sarins a farmer of the netgbtx>rboori brought ibacdDtely denied. <
"H wtl krep the arolf from tlM' duor.
aeemed to btond logatber and be found srered: "tack of amblibm. BMybc."
forth tb>- fact tbat the aged sister* It must be extremuM rara. la a«pon rec«*rd.
he anawered rtieertly. Thau a grmd voice wa.- low an-J earnt-rt
Sbe frowned again.
Ms clnlcb on tbe door frame growing
Id see
*ec no
nt ooe. espoctoUy strangers. port of this conteoUbu be toatoacea
• Mifs Blanchird—Ncllb .' he saM.. Isaac Swelgeri. with hi* two sisters, would
“Von must have bad sew cxiuwl- deal lo me Just now. you know. PUcctighter.
that ton
the morioary eba
veiT aearee, and the pay U on:} "it Is nearly a m->nih now mdcc I meijbad tor hall a century or more been
Perbapa Ue girl beard bim aa tar nee. Von arc not a vety young
y«»n. aad It has t<-en 'a very hsppy i engaged in raising large and proAUUIe biblifri. ArrtvlBg upon the premiacs. Oermany ud ctoeorbera. to vrbteta
gupvn to bold bimaou up . Anyway.
month for me. 1 can't tell yon of ib "|^nips fmm the fertile sixty acre* be found no lodleatlcBi of uy livtug dead bodies are ptoeed. • bell rape
"Put it's a place.*
Bbe atiddaoly brnbad around and aaw
betog attaebod to tbe baad of oocb.
puid yo'Jr friendship has done f«.r mv : which they Jointly posseaacd. t
“It's a place."
blm. In a mUBtai abe bad riaea ani! are ap^ally Aitcd forr
aupber* of chickens, which seemed to He aaya. "that from tbe tlfba tbat wof
"And It metni dally
and osrMul I am a man with new purposes snd I strange to say. none, or very fbw.
He shook hla bead.
,. pushed bob chair back and wma cornhare free access to all paria Of tbo tnan- chamber* were laatHntad ud
“I'm aNwId noi " And be aigbel. dlBClpltoe, and manly todepeodi-ncv." new bop«-.-i. I N'ellle—I f<-ti!<be farm's products were ever told. It
lag iowoitl him.
place, ud he embruod tbe oppor- that St Welrmar dates from l7t>—
"1 be« pardoa." abe rapidly aaU. Then he come and toced bar. "I wUi
i after ritopostag of os much of a sea lunliy to obialD several valuable neg- aeltber at Wehmar bar it Muicb.
Tbe gIri loohH at him nitb a -liule be my wUeT'
not bother yon aay longre." be uld.
"but you ore HI."
There was a llt'cc fllencc. His fare-s«e's cqpp as would bring them la the aUves. Secure to' tbe posaetaloo. he nor uywbere else. I baHua. baa uv- ■
He tried to mnmble aomeUHng to re- "You bare beea rerj kind-1 am gra'eapproached the bouse, aod knocked on body ever rung that bell."
was eagerly turned to bers. but •!« oeetotary money to buy tbeir
-Good.* abe said. "Ton are m
ton. but tba words ratased to Uba fu] for yonr aympaiby. and I am very
] st^s and clothing, the rest of the her tfcc door of tbe living room, or klutaec
glad you conaMw me a gsaiUeman. aebolar. 1 think I'm gotog to be pron-1 did not look at blm.
in a bog oa tbe tolaad d( Zeelaad,
"I like you very mueb." she present- vest would be' laid aside as ctrefnllt A hasty step oe the toalde. the rapid
of you." A soft fluab stole Into ber
> tta wladow.'' abe said. Oood moratog." and he turned sway.
tUpplag of a door-boli: followed by rw- Denmark, a vmlra braate ebarjM bu
“One moment." sbe sold. "Take con cbe^ "If yon are to ne^ of a lUtl>' ly said to her quiet way: "beuer than | os a miser puu by his board of gold,
U rrm aore tm «aad alr.~
any tober man I have ever met. But| The family to descended from UtriTy treating footsteps, conviaced the writ bees tooad wttb Ibe imags Of s boru ^
‘ 8ha look bia arm BOd baH lad. half of yourself. I wUh you good luck." ssooey before yonr aalary 1* due.
marriage Is a very serious problem.’^German sioek. Isaac Swelgert'a par- er tbat bis preoeace waa not deslrod. tea locbes high to tnot aoA wHb an V
tbtok 1 could help you."
Aad she put out her sltan haod.
I bim across tbe
A quick glance throogb the wtodow re­ talald gtdd au <m OM sUt.
-Np. »o." and he shook bto bead vlg- W«- mnsi kpk at It In a practical way- i eot* were among the Brat wbo turne-.l
He took her band, aad when she
IppOl him to an tjur chair by the win-

tZL “T n?


mtyfm’d Frpm C«ta.
The foOowlM fnn tk« MieUan

fbmilo B. L*»to. fono«rt7 m*i»fcr
fif lAc Bk SAtfto Item emputr, b«t
ter tke pMt r**r enaced In esptou.
IBV n B** inmkm-.
> is Cebe. h«i
ntma* to tkle amir ad forved
w alltoae* «Nk Wm. H. White * Co..;
theBarwCtViMhwaien. Mr.Levl*;
«U Mke BwM CUj bti beedotierten.
Wl «m flOBttoiie to rwUe U Y|«i
luiL wb«e kle tu&Or «u loeeirl!
vhUe he viejtbMBt U Cab*.
ft. C. ft. Clediwb
The Or«er «< Buun ttw hdd the
■UBd olaedeB tmt wMk. the folknr
toe btont choM*.
Worthy lUtroB ■ Mft. Annn Utney.
i-Cayt. J. V. MclftWorth AMoeUtte Matnm-lin. Bb-

Lotde KorUud.
il Coadnetor—Mn. Loti CorMWkUJoB vUI tnk« yUee el >
to bo held sett SetorrtiBWBMttogto
The oheptor Ifl la e Twy
ecadtUoa, herlBf e metoo( J40.


Tho Miller Beye.
leotyd?* yew o«dI.. Arehlbeld A.
I Oderge W. MlUer^f Miller Broo.'
More. Irt metIt yroBt »ue«.
the droccln at
*4 M«wd B. Miner, tl
m rmt otnet, were UUle obaren
hearty opot at the «eet hay etaoN.
Ber. Peter Doasherty w the
•Hpaat dUhor" «( the Bleetoo at that
tlto*. heiM the laAlaa »%etaeary eeai
art by the Piwbrtrtlaa chonh. «Uh
beoid«M^ at the foot it Shav^wBoa polat ae the petal woe ibea
While he had aa I
ot Blae Itria oaly c

borrowed ‘'topi'' Iw etood for hU pieMr. MUIer sayi^ too. that they were
aa expert wtih the bow aad arrow ai
any noBber at the rod oad gm club
with bio owB pet flreann, hie brother
■dward brlaatas down u eapio with
an arrow abet tbrooMh the head. Forty
or any at the agency Indian boyi. the
mue MUIcn Included, often Ailed
wbleb they wore
aniand their waila. vlth dangling
bodlee et ehlpmu^ ud red aonhrele
wbbA they fycleoiaUeaUr btmted ai
a portioa ot their table (are. Thelf
neat alwaya came (rain game, plgega^.
partrtdgw, rabblta. to any nothing trf
the great Tarlety of large gane that
ananally cane Into the ageaey from
the rctaralng Indian trappen.

Hare foiibd a deli^tful nbaUtute tor
the wire btw> fom. by allowing nalu--e
to apply tbe place of the ariMclal.
Mra. B. U Banner Impgrrea Bpea the
aaural fom by toaetoglag with a
Beth and boat food, aad aaiitre wiU
galekly respond to its nae. FaelaJ
massage la as stwceertol aoT IbeJr
cheeka can he nadctoorejilnmp by lu

Tire Insurance! ^


A T. HANNAH, FiwaWewt.

Flat* Claas, Staam BoU«r and Act

E. GARLAND. Caabier.

Money to Loan on ImproYcd Real Estate Only,

Cbc Slert Cbat Fills tbe most Preseriptiens

Wom^ Saved
Tor You
On Chest Protectors and Chamois X'ests. so watch this
space next week. Remember ihc store.

2/9 east Traat Stntt

American Drug Company
Traveoe City, Mich.

Auert E. Giobknskv, Mantger

CAPITAL. S200.000
SURPLUS. $25,000
atanomPa. N.

Traverse City.

Room 310 New State Bank Bulidins-

Tbe emteent exponent of (be coohing
nrt, aaya tbrt tbe ebeaper cuU od
make the moat paUtaUe disbea. Hor
deHetons brown atev* are made from
aU neau that are too arm Bbered to
roait, broil or fry. Broach Bros, hare
a large line of these atewtng neait in
beef. Teal, lamb or perk aad no Bner
Building Fer Boye.
dUb ea be fonad tbaa that made
Owing to tho nnnerona Impcore- from tbent.
nerta In the Herald ad Record oOec
the carrier boya were crowded out rt
the bonding becaaee there wat not
•nffleleat toon for them. Tbe dlOenl- For wimaU aad higher plaaU to ealat
ty haa been remedied by the erection tor any length^ time wltbont water.
equally Impoaalble (or the
ot a aeparaie bonding directly la the
rear of tbe oMce bnlldtag. The atroc- woma of today to exUt without
ture U lirtC feet in dlmenalona. well dainty loangiag robw or bonae aaeka
lighted, heated by steam: proridea tkl» coo! fall weather. J. W. MUlHien
with rtectilc llrtita. table ud «halra has a new and beanUfnI asaortineai
aad madlBg matter tuppUed for the rt flaanelettee. ranging in price from
atartaiament of the boy% Tbe holld- 10 cenU to 18 cents. In all tbe eolora
and an eaIng aleo doee duty aa Ibe oBce of Clr-. wd
ealator 8ke^. and It will hereafter pedal now fabric la seeded eilk effect
glee Hr. Skelcher and tbe aewaboyi a In pbln wolore. New depertment <d
pUoe of oomtort and eoorenleace. In store, bright light to eumlne them in.
stormy weather the
will hare a
pleaoat place to sUy and the eomA WtbE OLD EAW
pay will endeavor to make tbe new
Sera that the wbe mu begtos life
gaarten pleasat enough to induce
by bnrtng a good tunbrella. Bettor
tbe boys to spend their spare time
have him l^m by buying a comb, osthere.
peeUlly whim soch u endless variety ,
In price ud color cu be had at BugUnion Is Awake.
for uy purpose, even to make '
The campaign was rormally openM
by the r^Ulcana of Unkm township straight hair grow enriy. What do you
S^. a. when they*'met at tbe-reil- Ihlak of that? Thia especial comb,
of Supervisor J. M. SaSord ud tbe ‘‘BenatSauce,'' U hardy looking,
with strong. kliGiy teeth, that regular-!
ly uted on dampen^* hair will cauae
After the II to kink also. Price 88*. Prices tm
polo bad hem rabed the hospitable bonu alnmiatiB. celluloid ud rubber
from C oenu to one dollar.
wifa of the genial eupervbor tavlted

Traverse Qty Stite BM


A Geacrtl BanMnf EBSiECSS Dmb


3 per Cell aDswea «k nSK DepaMU.


rtloSSMy ‘

Vrrr iK-»i of denial nerrlce
only. Tenth year of practice.
Tour patmnaR soIWled. In
New Munson'building, underK.
of !■ hnll, on Boor with Docke^
ay s ll.islncss CoUege and orer
SlBptT oOfX'.


P o. ox.
iCbamwey eiwpialaiua.
— and rnibwuoii. ItMsa
KaiUinc. Traww ettr.

George H. Jarols
one SWa-rtrt«


.>«ANK ^


-’■..SVi' PBBtimtVT. Prwkbwt Orsl Wort

® FTKPHSM IJil.TXKR. farta-v.

WM. ix>rixiK. a i.lamdaa and Pm. RiwnliaaB liii-rr Otw. L,. A r. Cu.
r <-. l>F.dNoKI>. enwhlMii Iks
■snnoikl rhnalraltVL
HgHJ. Tiuauiv. u( Trarm

cU tUnwnOWt'o. Moca. Data >koMa. «4




J W. r>A-rCt-IIN

m pot raiBsrtawcsw


Interest PaM on Deposits. All Deposits Payable on Demand.

Citizcftt pbenc IDS. Offic* 40S.
New Wilhelm Bloek.
Traverwe C.ty.

On Real Eatatc.
New Wilhelm Black. Travtrwe City.


Saving and


On ika Conw of Fraai aoff Bartam Siraata.
After I haO received the agency for wool last fall for one of the
targesi fUsiem wooLmuufacturen, the contract was made to build
a large bride warehotoe at the above location.


ancdollydoaisiuxl to o.^vc 1-jc

the new dt{i|iings of wool on ibe new syKem pUn—that h to pay to
every wool seller in this locality- the highest nauiacturcr's cash price.



(dado ol Blur r;.vnlrnm S’rrl
which will not I i.f.. Chip, pc.-l. of
•.urn white.
Call onO stHS thorn.



Comar Front worf Bartow Stroota.

Trarorta dtj,'Brok.

rcf Salt t>

F-RANK TRUDE:, 146 ProntSIrcet.

BE, 11;
BsBrr. had addnd hla brnneh to the
Mlly troa and as a pan of the wonky
a'dar^ pay was always taken in mis'ahmnfr hoiaa of cast off dothlng cant
Into tba parisbtoarera of the Baatem
ffMThaa. tha otoonmaat did not nl•ay corra^aad to tha -vmrtoa
p off the lurily. haca tbe atorr of
of>n old fkshloiMd
r la the poasei
CUhar aad ttva UtUe lou. Henry
larifd B. ArcMbald A. George
wnoo. the baby. ag«d 13. IL 9.
3 years, ware living at tbe
r. Mr. Minor being engaged
trade with the Indiana, aad hU
family nmalag wild with their
aa^ktag that sroald cover them ud
vairlag aoeeaslu like the aatlvea.
A tiBvellag anirt came along ud
ba^ hla happy family taken la
graapk brt there sraa notblng svallable

Archibald A, a: Oaorga W.. 7.

all to partake of lemonade and a nice
lonck. when the crowd dtsperued after
three nmalag cheera for Roose­
velt ud PaJrbaahk.
On Satnrdny last W. T. Reid aad C
. Deu each raised a Bfty^oot polo
ud there are now seven streamers
Boating in Vakw. (It's -seven up- In
Dnloa now. no Joe Meyers, (be couoiy
Tbe foltouriBg- Satnrday three poles
win ba rataed aad the foltortng wertt
will see six more repabHcu atreamen doatlag to tbe breeae.

To know that this new line of 8:.:o
shoes for women, srtth the doll mat
kid top M popular in better grade
shoes is the best thing yet offered.
Also thst we have uotber new assort­
ment of 12.00 shoes for women ud au
uiKodatc 31.80 shoe which It the beat
thfngerer shown for that price. Rosrlud W. Doogtaas.

An auction but • genuine reduction
ale (Y a complete up-todaic Jeweler's
stock. All goods from one^uarter to
one-bair off to make room (or the hoH
This aavlBg opportunlly yon have only day stock eoon ramlng In. An cwpecls)
to go on the eecoad Boor of
offer is made In stcrUng spoons
Aadereoo'a large
331-3 per cent discount, as well aa a
•oe tha large variety of up togglev. 40 per cent discount on all rings,
aad road wagons, diamonds Included. Raatail's.
all of wbleb. owtng to the lateaess ot
the season be will make a good redsrEDWARD LAUTNER.
olote out for the coming
I have JuM received a shlpmcm of
winter stock of olelghs ud cutters.
the cetehrated line of Utx A Dunn
ladies', misses' ud children's shoes
CouU have a stirer nafeguar d against You will make no mistake In buying a
adversities of the future tbu a saag. a pair as they are noted for their
Interest-earning account tn the Peo­ aiyle. Bi ud wearing quality. 119
ple's Savings buk. It It abaolutely I'nkm street.

ArcUbald A. says they were sent
part harta to the miaskmair
■rirtilhlai la thr -box rtotblag" ud
tha oMee devotvad npoa each UUle
ynanani to make hla own aeiecUtm.
safe ud ou be drawn uy day wUhThe Baal draaa rUearaal as revealed
oni notice. Tbe bank has many lady
la tha ragrlnt shows the Individual depoaitars. turntsbes them every con­
taste. Henry U. the eddeat. 13 yean
venience ud compounds Interest
old. Ud who died dbort a year
twice a year.
tapale at hla couprrterriag a mlnlttartol Prince Altm. and George W..
tha yaaagaat tn (he group, snenring a Healing to you. The tneenss wbkb
taBmu'i belt aad
haadkevehM. we have In Installing (umaces Is due
whteh he aufiy. plwed u hit right to the peronal aupervUion which sre
MMl Mward B.. wbo U now Ute drng- five to all our wortt. Ptociag a fnr■M, brt who wu then only n yean aace la a house i» nqj all. the arrange­
«U aad stood aest to tbe eldest, tlg- ment and etevrtlon of tbe pipes as
iiitM his foppish taate by teleetiag
wrtl as the location of the registers,
trim, etoaaly hottooed salt aad Jauntily wbleb win Inare u even servic«
gtask a genUeauY hnadkerehlef (a Ujrongboni the bouse Is a sd«u«p
hta apper coat pocket and soioothcH] study. X>nr yrwm ot experience 1cfels'srhile ahlrt collar well out <m the'. „
periect Installation of beaUng
MlMi af hU oort. Archibald A.. ho*.|
Arm. A Cole,
•vqr, draw the graad prise, a womaa'a •

IbcDm with afuey (n»L and be atlllj John Pntserhrn. aged > 8S.' hving
•sab tha afterglow of the Joy that ptM- near Port Hunm. dropped dead of
aeasafl him when dressed In tboM) heart failure when entering bam.

Hero ud take your time to look over
the beautiful slock of fall ud winter
mimnery that Hiss Heck haa on dis­
play at ber millinery parion. A comrlctc line of aireei bsu as well aa tb-°
laieet^ dress hats Satunlay a aew box of children's tarn o'
shuttr (ore i^eee caps placed on sale.
Colors, blao. red ud white, ud prices
from 25c to |i:m.
Aad pure are ail the boiM made can-,
dies of the La Gretu Cudy cvmpuy.
whose stoic U strictly eonfectloner/.
no mixing In rt fnitts. cigars, ionches
or uy-sMe Issues. 'All candles are
freshly made, aad goaruteed fni!
weIgbL not Bfteen onnees to tbe
poaad. Aa cndlesa variety la.choco­
late coiafeettoDa.

^omq to Build?


CniMfis 32. Ball 1M.

•nth St and Lake Ava.

If SO. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Ciivc us
a chance to ligure on your wants.

South Side Cumber 0oCravtrst eity> niicb.


Traverse City Manufacturing Co.

BROWN, NiMinaeof.

Wc have Clothes WrinRcrs, Washing Ma­
chines, Wash Hoards. Tubs. Pails. Moji
Sticks. Mcasur<;s. Baskets.
Wc Rfuarantce our wriniters from two to five
years, and Washinj: Machines arc sold on trial,
so you don’t run any risk..

Wash Boards wc

have tn zinc, brass and glass, single and double
face, from 20c to Ji5c each.

lUdDdtlS 60regularsiseain stock.SpecaalwagaBS and slc^
WayVII9 niaJe to oVikT, promptly. Only the-vetybat maRllftftif^c

Mop Sticks four

feet long, painted red. only Kk.

tcrixl (Bed, aad ftiUygtiaruieol in every n
That an; made to tue as well ai seU. They are

**« *»*^ <’<’S'*'*® • ®*diy
finish to catch tbe eje; be: are ilnrable, coafortable, and ae^ The cheapest on tbe market, qaaiity cotaidacd.
Once oaedhBd yo*j will bay do other make

126 stale strert. » Uicfor Pefcrfyl.


fourth and half bushel Measures. Butter Bowls
and Ladles'.

If you are interested in the above

Have )ou ever tried the

9ox*i Tlear T^mm and CofYaafl

• goodi, call at cor. l-'ront and Cass.

CBK. Btoirr
tsd CASS Sts


V cw ac



Thev are tbe besL




Canard Cora
and SaUnca

Sold only Uy



^ror>« SCrwoA.



: V


nm •


teamoa ter ton Cara paat. left ter home
bine with rase vbea be was
llceate to marry another
prom Thar»dmy-» Bword.
J. W. Slater aaakaa a qwetettr a
Mr.'and Mra. R C. HoCmacter took
Btensll.- He ahonld have
N. D. Bildol* U)d (wo daagktcrs.
KharfcoC provtace at Baa-'
Mra. Pmii D. Brown of Grooafleld. ted.
of aar -Ue to order. Pali line
•Bd KlM MoOte BoMwte of WonfteM. t^w^ where ther wtll rUlt J. Hel-|
of common “readr to aae" window aold their wires i ■ from SW to m\
icUTMd teiitertoter from • too dv<’
Eight cents a 'poundj r is
Tteit w1il(-«Mr:.«ui^ijt«r Wd ■teter.
ahadea ia racalatloa oee-rard width each, barteg new oaee ei eergaui ,
cheater, ted., who have viiiied Mr. and that caa alto be cot to St. Theae are raiee. The enttom of iradtag wine. *hat a JOUng woman paid fOT
U alad te vecae tb«« and the baring; twelvc pOUnds of flesh.
Mn. M. d. 8ua«r ond m OUa. who
; tram U eeata ap.
-IB. - .po™, u
and w<=J: and
teve bom tMUbc m Mn. A- W. Adill for tea dar*. left for home to­
ed br tew.
Ml ter MUKie, ted.. tkU dar.
la Loedoa. Eng., arc dotcni of ipta- paid one ddlar for a bottle iA
Mn. J. M. Klafekcr and Mra. J. L. . from People'a Sartnsi bank meeu no
Tub are .likely to need a lop mat
„ tbe coqld not
Mn. Wb. Armuroni left tbt* moi«- ^um of Wlncbcater, thd, retnrneJ ^
. Scolls Emulsion, and by takacy moment at this acasoa ot the year.
ordrirtCBed weerr of waodcring down life'i path
todar aft^a ten dart' vtait with ^
tec ter Orten. wbore ihd wUl atteod borne
maiden medltatioa ----fancy
Tou*f% certainly missing a heap of
tbe teMni of Mb. Btu Benion. beU Mra. W. B. Smiteu
by tbs depoilior and be coaid draw war
— “in
-_l.l r
Mia. Kale Jobei of
erea though bU book bad beta tost'
Canadlaaj twclvc poundsinwcight bctorc
comfort right now if you harcnY oea.
Miit. Canrle Backer 6t Pbitedelphia. returoed home today after a ten days’ _
or riole.. Deposiu wiib the -Pe^j“rJ**“
TtltC bottle W^aS finished,
Can't Uame us in the Jcasl If you
havtec been tbe cneat of her brotber
safe aad can be drawn aay
1 London so-!
Eight ccnts
Baiketi Pteree for ibroe mootbi re- ”
tey requiwd. Savings deposits draw
catch cold.
;cietyoffer*.toafe«of»5o. to»cnda.j.j,j^p for such Valuable matentod toder to her borne.
Mr. ud Mrm. P. J. Cbajmile of AUe« Sharp of POuntaJa City returned "----We‘re reiAy nay. day b
j tcriaL Some pay more, some i
are tetowo lodar. Mrr Cbapelle beteg today after apeodteg tea daya here
from freaky weather.
with rrteada.
of character and pay the lady’s war [ less, SOme gCt notlung for
tee wadertaker of hli borne towa.
Mr. aad Sira. T. H. Menahaw a«i
un». Ih. dm y«.
1inoncv. You get your
We have the riwrt coat and the mo.
' Tbmaai emarthwalte left fora three
picture. Tbe N^w York tea store giv
Tite countess of Yarmouth, who was [
' <

Cara' boateeai trip to Maotetee thii ton Archie aad wUe vlal(ed Mr. Hen- a framed pastel psocl picture of six
dium length.
Mis. Alice Thaw of Pittsburg. U now money S WOrth whcn >*OU buv
thaws' two sons. Fraak aad Ollle, for
cboices. all pretty Jap t. rir. with Id tbe family bomestead to the mono- ScOtt's EmuUion.
T. WOra of Harbor Springs paued
every pound of Afty-ceot tea sold. tain, mmr Cresson. Pa., where «, to^
tIuMsh towa todar ea mte for Man- day.
Any ebuke of tea. and also of picinre. tcresiing event is expected to occur,
Mra. L. Hdm and IL D. Mliier of
totae oo Mteteeaa.
Come before the choice i* limited.
next month. The earl U slated ii> ar-i free,
K. Pteak la oat oa a baalaeat trip
to Robot aad Bmpire, retnnila* Sat- daya in tbe city with reteUvei. -eO. K.
ibc Thaw family are espeelaliy anx ! SCOIT & BOW'.S'E, CnEMtsrc.
tumed home thla moniteg.
BTdarIs then
and Covert* in
oa«d form of expression In tous that the hoped-for boy shall be • ^
Mlaa Catbertee NeUi left ihla mcr
Is used born lu the United SUtos. The earl '
black. Uxfiirils and all |iu|>ular cukn-.tec tor MaaUtoe to rliU a few dart.
ofUQM te conversation thaa any oth­ and countess will remain ia this coua-i
Or. aad Mrm. B. H. Uaderwood. who
er pnrely arbitrary expression in the try until the middle of December, re-!-----baya bsaa at tbe Lothrop couace.
Richard Bbrap aad Carl Gaedke uf EngUab language. When we say that
1« time I.r CbH.1-:
B^emood. teU aammer retoraed to Chicago are Tialtlag friends lo Mkbl- our laundry work is O. K. we cover
mas festivities.
tbeir borne te Cblcaco totter
' ahd carpets from Persia. Ue has m-ut
gan. atopptag at tbe Whiting hotel and whole vrorid of expresslveBess, and oi
Mrs. B. P. Holcomb it la Uke Aaa leaving ter Northport Friday to spend
many buyers to Peraia with K-Uer* tu
moaning it so ample and complete that
todar oa botteeaa.
| the Persian authoriites.
Some silk Un<-4.
»rnu-nl*—cv.-ry rrat of ibetB.
the re« of tbeir vacatiim.
it deDes misunderetandiiig. To
3. R. milett of Bnrdickvllli!. wbo our assertion, send }-our work to The Or at least a pan of one. is to know! Tbe Onionagim A S*)uthw«tem railMrt. UlUe Martla o< imactoa. lad..
Just where to go to the best reaul'v- way *ti>ckliolder» have elected officeis
. who hat Tlaltad Mrm. BOe Jobaan tor reprceeats the J. O. Neston lumber Star Laundry. Park Sc.
tea dtji. retoraed home todar. hare a complete Uqe ot Iron bed«. build a road from Omunagun iweniy^Mr. and Mra. A. H. MUUkaa _ thiougb towa for PetUton to look after
springs and mattresses that are first! «tc mlli-s or more luio the iaierior
morthpoK aateTtalned ihdr parean, the laige milling teiereats there.
For cold weather that’s what tbe
Richard Thomat of tbe Om«wa ten Acme euahtoe lily doogola kid clast in every respect. Mattresses lap lb.- V t forests V tbo locallt}-.
W. M. MUllfcea of Ft. Wane,
^^aafc, Mra. Mllilkea ascompaartas term was in towa today. He reporu a to. aold by Bd lAuiaer. Tbe insole i- from 83 to 114. A perfect cotton felt
$13.00 or the gold medal for $4.
(Mm at tar at Watioa m their retnra very poor apple crop, not more thaa wool Instead of cork and snugly cov­
one hundred barrela being harvested ered with a perfect fitting llninc Springs, all ktod*. from $I.7S to $•:.
Is needed In tbe bouse, now the fall
Beds. $3.60 up.
cbUlioes* begins creeping on. What
makes a saaltary, warm shoe that has
^Mra. HearieUa Shaw, two children from tbe large 4.000-tree orchard.

lo give hot air than
every ear mark of comfort. He also
aad Boae. were paaaencera on the lUlTHAT OCEAN BIVALVE.
heater, or the bm bl.vt
boead from Old Mia- weal to Kalkaska this moreteg to take carries a full line of -comfort shoes,"
sota thla monlag boeat
Most delicious of all rail wauriwodU- b»A \t lYank
Bbaw*. borne, charge of the engine for Lewis Bands’ low. broad heels, for 12 in lace or concan be bad now at J. W. Jack- Daub's store on Essi Front sireet. To!
gross atyles.
a few week* at inllL
aou’s. aerved in any way you desire
__ _
_ ___
Rev. R Vodker aad wDe of Reo.1
are seemd
band, but
^T. L«ror WarF«. a.i„r lancb. i, u w«r mi-j
City, wbo have been atteadteg tbe an­
„„ o.a„i„c„. cl,
nual convenUon of the Grand Rapids Bottle Just to—fresh from tbe be-.t wWtb. or It ... like, oraer . bo,
M9- Mary Moyer aad Uttlc dangkter
« pr.10 ra. o,.r. ,.

dUMct of the BvaageUtal church makers. Fresh rubber meant wear, oh.b frr. or
da^trat jt Wteebeater. ted., who
whhte mot at Keswick, rudarned home service. satlafaeUon. Yon simply can are good enougb fur an epicure.
been caeau of William CotterUtls morning.
aSord to buy any other kind. Plenty
. man of Monroe Oeater tor lea day*
James R Furman and wife and of old. brittle hot water bottle* In
ppiL left tor borne ibla morning.
-r town looking
That's whst these are. and no n
party, eoniistlug of Mr. and Mrs. Stud- town, but a« here. Our "Hold FasL"
these chilly mornlos*.’|
peorge Bmat «f Meadtm. who U
dienan has any c
ley and tao ebUdrea. Mrs. A. S. Rich­ with an unlooable stopper. 3-qi.. at
apeading tbe anaimer north to evade ards. Sir. and Mn. McWllliami and
the low price of the following: Foor;J“*( »<«P
tee phone and call up']
hap tarw. apeat two jlara here thU Mra. Nay Smith paaed through town it Blade o( new rubber, all tbe life In i: house* «a East Tenth, near Lake ave ' Star lanndn. coat you noihlng sad the ;
This Is really wonh a doUtr. aue: two on Railroad avenue. U-tween j
week aa (he caaat of Dr. J. B. Martla. en route to tbeir homo in Grand Rap­
1“ charge of a member of the !
bMVtel todar ter Northport. where he id. after a pleasant two weeks spent JobimoD Drug Co.
Wasblngton and Sute; one on Easr'*™
“‘i* your" family washing;
wS^nmalB for a weite toager.
at N»«h-u-waata.
Mia. Carrie Bard ot Btegfaam Mieal
Hr. aad Mrs. William H. Reitnoar. SbauM tell you-that fried foods arc
the ter te town,
Ella Reitaour of Ridgevllle. lad, and “Just as good" as ’brollod. step into the also, on «sy terms. E. McNamara. 1 aocnilon to both the delivery and in-'
' jide work, so there can be nothing but]
f Jfaba Phriaefa U aafe hom agaio Mra. Blzabctb Foaby of Saimtoga. .LItlie Tavern and order ahytbing Ip
Mr. and Mr*. Jerome Hunsinger •>( , the best n-n lec Indoora and oM.
after vtatUng SL LooU and takteg
lad, wbo have been visiting Mr. ReU- the line of steaks, flsb or oysters,
Mountain Grove. Pa., m-ri- Disrrli-d a ■
all the algbte along tbe pOu.
nour'a daughter, Mra. Arthur North, broiled on that ncs- chamial broiler
few da.vs ago after a ru-jr:ship of over!
Mlta Oraee Bldred oirlTed from returned home today. '
Just Installed aad you will fur
bsir a century. The Broom is
Bakttega Ibday to vlMt ber mother.
Mr*. Bert Wilhelm left ter SUatoo more taboo fried meaU and flsb. That
bl3 bride 71. They haw started «>a
Met. M. D. ndred. after which abe thla moralng to spend Snaday 'wKii
flaver from broil­
their boDeyinoon trip. Intending to svc'
will BO toMealtle for tbe wtnter.
Sir Wilhelm.
ing over cools it always suggestive of
tbo St. Louis fair. The pair have been '
Beaa Lotoa. left for Bapid City to­
Mn. WlUlam Helm of Bentonia wai
lovers since childhood.
day oa a tea daya' vlalt with friend..
te town a tew days thla week oa busGeneral Newa
A. A. Ruiis. manager of tbe tereiga
7%e Miaaea Bertha Lymaa and Ma- tecaa.
1a Hattoon, HI., reccoiy i farmer department of the Iron City Trust Co.
lAda Both, who have been gneaU lo
of Pittsburg, has reeelved notice from
»d .i„M
town ter two weeka,'retnrned to ibelr
; daughter's name to It. as a Joke oa the tbe Paraian govi-rnment that the shab
. bemoa te Sntton* Bay today.
Mra. Lucy Cnrtla will spend
daoghter. The egg fell into tbe hands has bestowed Aipon him the order ..f
Mra. B. Prieat left for Williamsburg weaka te ML Pleasant and other
ot a man in Providence. R 1.. and now the Comradesbip of tbe Lion aad lo vlalt ber father. Oacar Maran, Bouthera Mlehlgaa poteU the guest .>f
the joke it on papa, wbo must provide Sun. said to be one uf Persia's higbrsGET XT PROM TOtm DMUGOIST.
relatives and frieada.
a wedding outfit.
orders. Hr. Kutit has been Invirri
Tbe Hteaca Once aad BUa Patrick
Elta Hlnahaw and two daughters.
Near Marlon, lad., a woman eloped
will vlalt friends la Bellalre ter three Miss Dome aad Mn. Premont Marini
with ber husband’s bosom frieml.
of Cambridge City, ted, who have
a few daj-s tbe concluded that
^ A-a.teoa returned troB been visicteg his daughter. Mrs. After
she really loved her deserted butbanri
Brand Bapida tbU ■
Samnd.Bond. returned home today.
better, so sbe returned to Urn and
‘"Mka. Sarah Cnrtte and daoghter.
Hiss Olive EtUeoit of Battle Creek, was received with open arms. MesiiMra. C. C. Ooodwln, left tor a abort who has been vlslUag ber aUier, Mrs. whlle the wife or tbe mao wUb wbom'
vialt to thalr aoa and hrothor. Charle* P. Wheeloek for two weeks, returned she had eloped had committed suicide.
(tebrioa. abariS of Aatrlm eonaly. home thU morning.
Under an order signed by the posi‘tftar which they wUl go on to Blmira.
Hr. A. F. Jenne of the Soo. wbo has mailer general identical pieces ul mall
*|ba. Cants to remain through the been vislling her brother, T. F. Whin matter of the third and fourth class
i^ter there.
aery of COT North Blmerood avenue may be mailed faereafier without posiMr. aA Mra. C. B. RtegoU left tor
few daye, left this arornlng to age stamps affixed thereto.
' teetr boaM la Harbor S^ags today, Maple aty to sec her tether. S. WhteQoorge Faulkeraon. WUUam An­
after a few^hya' vlalt with Mr. and aery. wbo to
drews and a man named Lee of Mil­
'Mtaar^ Old Mlaaloo.
Mite Ida Olney left this moralug tn waukee hare given up 168 square inehp.*—y.
Her. T, P.'OBoto left brer the Pere spend Soaday at ber homo In Maple es of cuticle at Mount Sinai hospital
Marquette-today''ter a monte'a vaca- City.
‘Foryesn I bxd owksebc. •
save the life of Florence Stearns. 3
Boa that irfll be apeat with jhls
Mra. n. Reynoldt went to Honor to­ years old. who was terribly burnt-i
dbotbar aad ateteri at AntlodL Ohio. day on buslneea.
The operation was successful, aad ibo
ftlaVeteg hit cm vlalt borne in three
U. F. Nelson left this morning for child has a chance of recovery.
iTurtl.t. snr..ll.’ Abit f'brrOv* R..k-Pr*e
yaara. 'Ptom there he will attend the Lake Ann. whm he will visit bis
Over In Stroudsburg. Pa., tbe othv-r
eatveatloB had te 8L iMiia, held Oct.' daughter. Mrs. \noU Lake, for a weekWE SELL THE
Mist Grace Morgan has returned
the Boaton: from her suiamri-'s trip abroad.
sale as "ODc farming uteiull." Tbca
■toe reteraed thla mot
Mra. Llbbie Knowles aad two chil­
buitetto trip to DetioU.
dren left today tor a few days’ visit
• Mra. Cbariea Haradea, whoae hut- with her pareats at Rugg.
haad hat been
W. 8. Godfrew. who reprercnl* tbe
ii Ionia to thla city, left Star Clothing company of Qraad Rap- i
tor their former home today to abip ids has accepted a position with the
their hooaehold «ooda. the flrst of the Boston store aad will begin hU duties
week preparatory to their petma
Monday. He winI have charge of ibe
retaoval here.
gents’ ft
Has DO superior ia preparing for business. '
Mia. I. V. Haney left for Qraad RapMr. aad Mra. 8. J. Dwyer of Mnncir.
kts today, where she will be )oteed by who have been rtamog Mra. Matilda
Mra. Fred Joees aad both wDl tbea go Bums and family for a wc«li. retamed
o« to SL U»it <m a Sfteen days' trip. home today.
Read what our students aad their employers say of us:
Mtea Mary Obreabarger left ter a
vtaU to ber tenoer borne ia White
Traverse City. Mich., August *. 1S04.
Cloed today.
Prof. C. R. Dockeray. City:
Mr. aad Mrm J. W. Cntse and Mist Meet and sptak of Mra. Smith's bat.
L. Booaaar of Hoaor. retoraed home
thinking U beautirul and the other
Dear Sir—We with to exprea* our apprcciailon of the work you
tbU amteg after a tew days- vtoli calling It hldeoua. They qnarrel anJ
arc doing in your college. We have bad fevoral fit your studesu In
wRh Mr*. Jao. Lewis of Fioat itreet. qaarTWl on this and other auLjects
our office and now have three. They are all perfectly satisfactory, 'a
Mrt. Bd PAUa« of Grand Baplds. tmtll they apeak of tbe time e( day.
tact we art never able to get one direct from scbtml that wax able to
who has been riaittag tbe Miasm when presto change! Tbeir ciocKt
lake up our work aa readily aa your tiudenu.
Ghapla of U2 Washteftoa street for e. both keop perfect time the whole year*
We took a young lady from your college last spring and sbe Is
’ wete. left for ptaaktert this moralag round and as they both purchnso.t
now able to handle tbe work as well as the older employe*.
oa the iihboU and wiU vMt th«e be­ from Baraum A Bari's the quartetWe always feel confident of getting Jnst what we want when we
fore mumlng to Qraad Rapids.
•ome women are ngnte^ united.
apply to you to kelp
Yoan truly.
Mr. aad MnL'-L. W. Keen aad IHtlq only these clocks bat an Imnentc asKelly Lumber and Shingle Co,
daaebter Paultee of WlncbestM'. ted, sonaeoi from SI to ltd are sUU an
By W. U DeWm. V. P.
Who have been vtsllieg tbeir brother | hand to tide. lock, an oven regntator
mA sisttw RolUn Cole aad Mra. Win-j for all wbo purchase.


Hamilton Clothing Co.


Use Herald Want Ads


SaltandSmokedMeats. Sausages. Etc.



< liieasaiit, iioteBt. < >4 sen

t hvigentor for WOMEN.






The Traverse Gity Business Gollege

Studebakcr, Ferris
and Smitb



8» rnaelMO. »«f>L
lows «»d 81««n fl(
SMlMr of 11^ PM>P>« MRbH is
tk« pusde later. That* wan Uton
«lTttkM Is Ote Mm. U eoBtslMd
fspr»iw>mtTM rrooi eosrlr twy
Ast* Mtf umiter ts tkc uoiM
SIMM bteiteo aur froa Mmiss
H»*»- NoTor 4M tbe folloven erf
ttirte Usks proMBt» more aaco'Dcnt
•rw. Is lb* sfunMoo s mmIob of]
tb« sorsnigii lode* «u b«M.
•lufTxr 0*n*rs txo
fU report os tbe OcBersnSloeaa dUasta a ^Icb M» pmoiu hat tb*lr
JITO*. Mach coaaMt U Mpoetsa beosase tbe board exooertie* tbe owner*
at tbe otasanblp sad blsao* tbe crew
vbiob iber ear vss tadrilM. tgsorSBt ssd tecoapoWM.
Tb« report nrt tbo Ilf* preserrer*



luoftf CODIUOlplIOB, ttke

Ayer's Cherry Pectorsl.

Aivsys keep s bottle of h In

tbe bouse. We have been
tt^QC Ibis for 60 yetn, tod
so bsve the doctors.

was first opened, but before It was

f eokte

tbe llonaM of


CapUln Van

■ehalefc, Bdword Tas Wart, pilot, and

Oraad Bapite. Hlcb„ Bept. M.-Bs

aratea was opposed to cood aoralt.
DeiraTOBiioD of (be eonaUiutlon
and ta rMatfam of i
Tbe'obJeeUoaa wbleb arc now urged
agaisrt it are oolj

vllb tbe water teal seaadal. was I
tM tbU aMTstBS.
ret to be aeaiaaead.
■Bd be Asad

bCKr Clark

Be a oe a abate

raste fiaaselallr brake. b« Irrlte to
falae tbe




for Aaeriaa'a perataalaa for the re­
patrlatkaa ar the taodlen of Adalral
Oewa'a a

A public aubaorip-

tka win be epeaed for funda tiib
which to brbic tbe eorteea to Spala

It aralrci tbe prtoriple of protaetloo
aad not aiaplf Ibe measure of tbe
dutlee to be laid.

ttaai tbe pBblle Interest demanda tbeir
atteraika. and tber aboaM be ao reTlaed m to preserve aad not destrar

alcea coablaatioaB


of oaplial


labor as tbe oatgrowtb of our eeoaad as entitled (o
u of tbe taw.

Petoak^. MIeb.. Sept 24.—Harold,

Tbo convention

rerj properir de­

laUad clared It "to be t^e duly of tbe re­
publican partr to npboid tbe sold
aaate ateaaA«. was cot in (wo by
fraltet oBclae rwterdnrThe oe- standard." There U no aore Impor­
alteot occarred at tbe busr ooaalnc tant duty than to nuklntaln (be stabllL. HaaRI.

proprietor of tbe

Tbe uanrter -a. made, but Sm.r.le,
did not wish to pay cash.


Tlior told! ^y body, snd made me feel as spry and
and dll '; actireasayouoggtrt Mrs. Hnktom'a

Smillles then paid bim Htn

tbe people.

•oath sad tbe frolcbt engtne was bate-

aboBid bo effected In n currency as

tac KVtb.

free from blemlah as tbe national in-

Tbe croasinc Is protected
white telled to

wodt aatetbe telld and bla aotber
were caaebt between tbe two trmtna

Tbeir manifold esehanget

tofriir. Tbe republican partr baa been
lUallr tbe cnardlan of the flnnttelal credit of

bor llred aboat an boar.

Letlar Prem Polrtoanka.

elaa preaUtecy. was made pnbtic last

Tbr president's course In


aeriu (to most ^Inerods approval.
He dealt with a delicate, aad dlBcult
sttnatloB clearly within oar naUonal
rtgbu In eute a way as to make possi­
ble (be early completion of an tstbalaa canal wbleb tau long been edaanded In the Interest of our com­

eompilataed Is pot shown.

The lnr<4» PotA of tbe adalnlsba^a SaaerraUTe,


and Bra. wd bu made for tbe adfoaosteaUAC podte. %aa aad eetet*
: bate flteMB a targer place In Inter~***~ltf asalr^^rtaUe we bare anlanadfbt CoraAoaa^oc. we bare
taarateMi^prestlge abn^.


wftdkbe^||R% bat with the paacaful


adalobtratloB in

tbe Rilllp-

plnea baa been dlcUted by a broad
! of duty,

it baa not been snbver-

Ate Of oar national Idaala. bat has
been la conformity with tbe beat trn-

brought null In aunmpait lo recover

PreaMent Rooaevelt baa eoatlnoeJ
tbe work In tbe same luai and generwhite Inspired


mrtfdteiaUea bar

» are Inspired with one bigb purpoae. and that U. under divine goid!, to promote peace and good order,
virtue and knowledge, joatice. patriot-


are tbe 1

Isa and pnwperity among our counlryand to Increase to tbe utmost the

tbe oowatiwedoa of oa IstbaUn
- easof: tba Paaaaa oanal treaty, tbe
Maaban boat

A fta ookte

wlaaiy daeterad la

Kriaa,"aad tbatnbe
atesarr of protoeUan aboatd always
at Jaest equal tbe dUtaawace tn tbe





This prtaetae was embodied U tbe

qupsi. but such a proceeding was nut

(u fanilitarin- h.r pupils wllb fpwd fo i

asked by Mr. Werner wbu was please.l

eraiur.-by rpqnesttng ih.-m to reepondj


got together

a settlement.

and agrceil




of tbe cardinal

ing the tarty-four raam white
otapeed Anee thee.


It bus beooae tn-

tetporaled Into Ibe public Uw and has
baeesne the foundation of our Industrial sratesn.

It has been regarded by

- aad appraprfaie eaaclee of tbe leglsMltre

power wbea Imposing duties

- apea laporu to Idlaertalaate In favor
of American ladnatries.

ThU prlncl-

' Tie la dlcuied by a dae regard for our
eatarprise aad induaUr. and U found­
ed apon the hlgbeat eutideratioas
aatfonal laiereat.



aaseabled at


8u LoaU

aoMced •TTotecUon as a robbery of
tbe aany to aorite (be few." aad fa­

Your Heart.
When Your Heart
. Fails to Pump Your
Blood, Trouble
U m ton psta ta year left sMs. la
(toet. Imdc or sheUdrr. If yos auSw
from ecu rstremitim. psto face. Mm
Ups. dry co>«b. awoUra anUm.
If you ton Uia'Jns apdls. brmst
pang, palpltstloB. rednem of tto faeo.
dlseomtort la rttrplag on oao site.
Tto only oeimUfio ttuatorat tor this
whoh ttalB «f ttoahlm U Dr. MDoi'
KrW Rmrt Curs.
Dr. kfOao- New Hmrt Cura to tho
pmcrlplioQ <rf a famous apwlsllat.
wtooe great auoccss la Ueatlag ototlnalo om-Otts bmrt disease toa node his
asm* pre-eminent la tto taodtial and
■eleatifle wurtd.
Tto medteioe wm cure yoa. We know
It- We warn you to pron IL If first
bottle den not befirtK. ycnir druggist


vored a "revlslao aad gradual reductry a

la by ao OMom a new one. tor while

the republican




teat a iu oppoottloa.

It baa held

.the doetrtae of a tevenue tartS. aad
Sortag all tbe yeara of tbe eootest
aalatalnad that tbe lootacUro

i-a-i-Td sisrts.i





roll call with quotatlonf from book- wub'tbT
to n-cogntce the iravi-Iittg fraternity j
>(C<i.<aiUit^'-an mrt f!-;.}*"'
lur Ui.-'ml,-J-.',."*
the trial came to an abrupt ending. of Michigan, of which he himself taal' «rf mertl and general Iniertol. Tbe flr-i
>t«r lai«l.|o ito Klal.-i>“1
-tt isaitareui.
Tbe t«o atteotes are stlU In tbe «u- formerty been a member, in busthug roil call was passing oil
tody of Smlrile*.

groand and aclling (bf pruduet of bis

the putdls n-KpuiullnE promptl}

cheew- factory.

uuuialiiins from well-known buuki. and

wlih ,

the li-arlier was Kingratulaling hers-df. ;;'j'-’',;nii''iT7ii'ri7srtn TTiinTiTtilF N>. rfs,
ot Ibc traveling men from this city ^ U|»n Hie MimiBkrf th.- plan. whet, nlie '
limlMT <« •tunr tton for sgTlralllUnl purgaM
JackaoB. Mlcb..- Sept- 23—V>cd
who at firai favored Mr. Kerrts\j for was ihiimh-rstnick by the nwponse <if| sndtoMUUMItoi-tsliB U, taUd UiuJ
Warner Is now getting the support erf govt-roor now are busllinc for WaVnor the nest Ih>v <-a1U-<I upon, who said)
quietly. "Yuu scarrh iu< !"
The Ini
the great majority of MleblgBn trav­ As one ralesmaii remarked;
.This Is tbe reason wbv a

Traveling Men For Warner.


asioiilKhod ami
Ibe teacher rhssiipetl him for bis Impudcnc<‘.

The juki- was on the (eatec-r
the nest morning, however, when tbe tbnreUln» tn thtaomesanorlufaniiisld mi>
TBOMaSgl'ADDgK. ibwtater.

tad .................................. I and walking up *o

the U-aelier's
desk With
a CUp}' u-f
ing tu put folding l>eds back In
-.Mrs. tViggs ot the Cabbage Patch" in
rw, however, that Hr. Warner bn:' capliol. BU I tumbled and .ramembcrcl
Michigan that Warner bad tavowd us tn aeventl, his band lie ulleutly pointed to tto


been a member trf Post C-.

identical quotation be bod given tbej

Knigbta of tbe Grip, for the past right

day before.

yteia. and baa favored the boys on
the road In many instances.

He earn­

ed the Ilfe-lons craUinde of foe older
travrilng men in IMl. wtacn be made i
piste to the office of aeeteury of sUtc
bas since been an

employe of


Farmers in the vicinity of Escaaaba
bera this year.

Upwards of T.oon bnsh-

aba pickling sutlon.


Wage.* in (be woods this fall arc

Mra. Fielte was the widow of Burt
Ftcidf of Lansing, one




known traveling men of Michigan, wlio
house, and was one



the old-tim*

clothing aalesmen of Ihli state. wh-Mi
transportation and hotels



eUUu to told ProtoU Oourl.______ _____
tote omcK. In (to City trf Trnivrto City.
' fur visiulnslltoi and mtanrsBcv. on <w
p foe snh day trf Odtonbrr, A D. 1*M.
tot snoh rlaltu niU to btori tofurotold
I tm WidtMiUy. foeSMfa day irf (k-lober,
UUI. and ciatetoday. tto rih day <rf
ntii-r A. U. lau. at nn u'rhjrS In for
oono(<neb«rf tbutodaya

are making big money raising cncuinels have been dellvoruiLal an Escs;:-

about foe aame ak last year, from *:;•>
to fd:.

Tbrr<- is a good deinand lur

men, as must of (be lumber companies
are now preparing to stari their log­
ging operaUons.
The Cadillac News is a-ufoorlty for
tbe Rtaiemeni that a fellow came (u

(hat city not long aince and wanted
what they are now.
Like many other irarellng men. Bart i get married, but bad no muaey wUh


ill's Criaa Bala

foe fornneaa, to wtorod fer the toortat *t
told pemkm. and that tto htais to tow trf
told dmased aad all ottor ptosoM tatirteto
la told amite sto nqnind ie (■P—S to a meBOB <rf told (taan. then lo to toMm M tto

<!iv,- Heilid nt oBr».
»Msbnu)>- ll pnfm

ssr." ^ S'lt.
!S.3'''iu';.';C0LD''.HEAD .Inirklr.

I< r

Friends of bis in-, preacher.

terested tbemselvea in


finally found a frieo'

Rural , bM, a.

welfare, and n deputation of traveling; who would lend him »3.
of al parly affiliatlODs made a 'c-' riage ceremony was


here U Is a safe t>ot ihsi ihc poor girl
Is working to support jhe poor



though (he story In (be paper ende i


................hta^l^ nlniToirtrsttorraaroQnt wmI hta peUtton prsyins for tto altawniMe foeeecrf aqd tue
itoaedKDiDent aoddiMribalbiD trf fo<’twddue

He had tbe girl witb bim.

widow v| however, and

tote Omor.lD foe eU» at TrnTWto aii. tn
totd eonnty. on tto tSlb day at topletiiW.

Pri4»«-t»ibr Mreippani-. R>-ii.n>. tb>- Sriiii-* *'(tei^ Hon. John A- larnnanr. Jodae of
'Tiate and bin»ll. ‘ uli t e-SOr. st iMnyrir- pn^ta.
l<T mall: Tnal 8.i<- I > bv ro-II
SOTHgIPl.tOWamtaS'mI.Nm Ttok.

Fields did not leave an abundance ofj which to pay for either ihc llcenxc oi
tbe world's goods.

It At BEST BU CIV efleroi ter te RMti.


u-t u.ed., m

U. 1»M. at loD o'clork IB tto .—



f ^r‘fow



of a husband.



Wnyns Craaty Baak Bldg., DCTBOIt


Bring Us
Your Heating


and wc will
solvi: them
the greit

___ TO____
CHICAGO...................RATE $6.00
'• $5.00
DETROIT.................... " $5.00
LA CROSSE.............. “ $5.00
" ,$4.00



n totora lor tovrrnl yr«n-,
..................• heart

adbared la tbe poUey of proteetlon.
Ue dcteocrat party has tote oonali

** ‘^ siTtrBTSTC. !.»■.. orr«. a.


tloa of tbe tariS."
Tb# Isaoe la Uns dIatlacUy aui

A foldwai. r school u-acln r ihougr' :

Approvod by
8«iit e n raenlnt of *1.
toor oaaio trabol

aMBloaied Abraham Ltacoia. aad U
has caulnaed to to

At a Mi^an
l*r<,l>MT'OD<irt for tto
Oiuintyur UrnadTraTwas, hnfotnalUtaPrw
totstiOrrIn Ui« (Mi U Tiaiwas tSty. an
W'elanday.tto Tthday ufltawtwnbw. & tto
> mr unr ib-wmui nliM hntatnd and funr.

Tiaor nil but the borrowed money and

quest In behalf of Michigan traveling!
strength aad honor of tbe great repub- men generally to Mr. Warner for ai
Very reapectfnlly yours,
place for Mrs. Fields. The dte«atlonj
Charles W. Palrbanki.
offered to have foe state esecutlve|

flatfOra at the eoatentkm white Bni

doetrlMa A Ibw repabllcan party dar­


>. AIT JL’s'g a. ues-Kiri--

lioard of Ibe K. of G. approve the rc--




It ta efdmd, ttoi (to wiaatk day
at Or^^mr. A. ti tM e-staaB In «to
iMwiuuo. at mU PnAnirctem, tonnd ta bwv

After tbe suit bad been in

progreaa for nn hour, the plrinUff and

tor 20 years represented a

diUooB of the republic.



Tiaor tbenl mar 1

for Mn. A. O. FleMs of Lansing, who

merce and tbe nalloeal defense.



poalt. though Just bow this was ac-

traveling men

IM tbe TtetelHaa wfltetiBB for tbe

*f.?*~* ****"’

For a while, after Mr. Fer• I was saying a good word foi F«!red, a few of the young­
rls aiong my territory until one day
er members of the craft who bad met one of my customers reminded me
Fwrla oa tbe road were entbuslaatie that there were an awtnl lot ot office1n promoting bla candidacy. Tbe old- hungry Democrats in Mlcblgsii wait­

aad Mra. HaaUl barel/ eaeapod. Tbe

•oMtor Ckariea W. f


Mow than a . miUlOD
mlUio women have w
Tbe money was not returned, H l> | gained health by the use of Lydia E.
that PlBkli*m‘8y«|------------------------------------"
Smirilea. learning Ibsc
If UlealiElitcat trouble
Ttaor bad deposited tbe entire anm ol which you do nut uoders
•420 in a local bank togna proceed- write
*' to
Hra. PtnUuun. nt Lynn,
...™ ended
her advfc.-e.nnd n few ;
ings. which. It is slated,
In bU
aewd. and

eling men.

tbe country, and

Tbe eblld. Jnaplac abead. was atraek

»t.'d-^Tbe tetter of

s«7 East Ohio St, Chicago, lit—g«oo

with tbe understanding that the
outd be wturoed at aeeriain date.

Itr nod tbe ctaameter of tbe Btoner of
Wolloaa sarburban was iearlnc for tbe

It katoaaltc c«»*«

For Over
Thirty Years


eamc to urmi. It being agrtod that > ^-o oiw can describe tbe good it did me.
UM was to be paid fro foe brothers.
; I b»k forw bottles frithfnlly. «d


plnUonn approprialelr

and Bubjecl to tbe

of Ooaaodor

Tlior met a few days later and soon ]

Ibe proteetlre prAciple.

with dae aotaaaltr.


PufUBSw:—I s
each of wbomds of tender years. Some “X^iMaa
1 years with general weaimeaa
Boafoa ago he was In need of cash, aod bearing-dowu pries, caused by
be stated, and hearing that Bmlrliet womb trouble, kly smtiu wu poor,
awake for benrs, and
was paying money for young Greeks
not akvp- «»(*• > Mcmed mera
to to used In bin shoe shining partors I could
weary In tbe nwraiog than when 1 re>
be let it be known thatt hit
hit two step-1 Ured. After wading one of your sdrersons -ew
were lo
In toe
(be mnmm.
martlet Bmlrliet and j

tbe partlea U radical aad fondaaenul.

»lr when coodidoes bare ao chanced

Madrid, eep*. U^-Tht Bpatete
taa boa aatbortaad a vote* of tbaaka

Bears the


Ibe dISerenee betweeo

A rertalon of duties aboold be aade

to be haeted to tbe AaMtean aialaier

tbe ij-rear-old

i I repeUtlOB

tboae white bare toniul utterance for

Maap aore

The Kind You Have
Always Bon^t

ber bedtfe to the ne Of Lydit E.
oM». u,.. IPW*-.’. V«rl»bte CoqnnL

TlBor's t

****ltes. J. a. noaeoa. Wslthsa. Mas.

ttet^ .. for ...

board ra-

_0 BealaalB r. OteUa. cbM endBear.


talk about the aubfoet when tbe caMigp^oge letter foUOWS, IS aSOtbcr

•taud whan tbe
that tber watt rotwn.


•era SM in tewte RaptOa.
Grand Rapida. Xkb.. SepL gS.-Tbat
traSfo la haman Saab A«vana It
Grand Bapids was devalteed yastarday morning In Justice oonrt wbea the
tete of JobB tiBor te. Pour Salrllet.
proprietor of several teoe ablalng par-,
Ion In foe city, was trfod. Tiaor aad
Balrlles both ndalUad on tbe witness,
stand that they bad been parties to
what was pneticaliy tto sale of the
tormer't two atepeoaa. Saiiiles eald'
be needed them In his bostaeos and,
that be paid SSM la cash for them.
Tbo lUrUfag adalmion cf the two
aen. both of whoa are Greeks, was
forced from they by foe oneslkmi trf
Justice Grangar. They bad i«fused >o'f Mfl. Hu^BOB, Of GUClfO,

Ticket* good to return until October 14th. In­
clusive. See bills or ask agents.


Round Oak

It it Ibc morf VJiriatl/ nude sni (.lU-l iuraaev in tto world.
It will bum lurd or s:>i( coJ. cokr or wi»d an b «.->w.iv
and succcto, ani A.^'d Ikr ja:t tike Ibc fameui AonnJ
CjA Jitev. ll
i Uronc- r"wa '
We liroc wbra c.-rrcvtly i.jlilkt
ic2 pljM lor U.T cv:»ia)Ci trer of cxpeaie and 2
WXV wc can 10 imort a ptttcd ifo. C.a eo
Oik Furnace ifroi, tc< tbe lurtuic itid g.t
hx>k “Tiraj'.li
raep c. Lge, Hsnaa
(awnginc, M.eii.
merc.4 eeto.tolr. .

Hanaah 4 Lay Mereantlle
aty, Mich.



Trains aTOto to xra«s*to Oty a

r. a. JUTCBMA.. O- P. a.
A 6 BA km, aasto.

la nreel Haaday. top*, to. ML


6:l#a ■. fllMam.

m.’»?nrr fm - NerttporV to tSIDi

L. uiacwoat. a r. . ».





Thte It an X can think of tor tbic tine.



inch eaay aadaluu of her
was a wi^ad Uan ta bearea, da
.s-t"Why, EalMr. yon aee haarea -la
away up lifgtaii the sky. A Uen hay
ao wingc. and eoaldn't fly np."

Little iShrlr* went to vMt i
aunt's, nnd the coontry waa a reveta
to the Chiu. Amoeg other things
that extiied~her wander wax a lamb
that came bleating at th* door the
evening of ber arrival. "Oh. Aui
HatUe." shr cried, running doaa.
nfaera’s a sheep here that can talk as
aa anything: do come onl and
toinr li m.* 'Ms.' ~ '

to tta Snnahlam. I ranala. aa eref,
now. Onr achool began Sepc
Yoor SanaUM boy,
Onr'tMCher'a nane to Mtoa Barth. We
Aac IX.
HaroU R. KattJe.
Hke her very well. My atndica era wiaged Ikn. aad he ahoaJd fly' ap nad
get In, d«a whatr
btotnry. nrlthmetle. Miyatoiogy. gr»nDmt ntaad—I MC gotag to wrtta mgr. geography and apHlIag. Papal "It to ao far to beam that if a lion “V you want j-our bailer both nta.’
and sweet.
ns a fear Uoaa today. I go to acteot haa bean aiek all nnner with the sbonM begin to fly then be would
Don't (urn wlib a oemris farklng.l
aa far aa t can.
drop dead before be er* got ibere;
V Soaday aebool. too. I Itke to go rkannaticn. He to not able
Bui mr the dasher slowly nnd neni—
t witi try *• ba t^rtag. haipf»l
to acbeoi. I kata wx arrluao for a' yet f fMnd aome nrawbeny bloa-i yon te«~—it bad suddenly occurreil
Ton litanllr know that you’re workana fctna ta aaarybea}- and ta
kmg tlBie. Papa areoi to Klagitay to­
Sept. 18. I ibank yoa erer ao Paallae to apply
tvary IhrHit tMUf.
day aad atawma, too. Hy aiater I- nacb for my card aad bottoa. I will rifle method in a new tom—"be
fl I tvar fall In trying ta da
keep on flying and lying nnd flying." Ajpd'Whea the butter baa c
going to vrlte to yo« too. Wa bava bar* to cloae for thia tiate.
ttwaa «Mn^ I win "Try. try
and Paulitte coathtned thia repeUira
kNa or foa at cobool. Tba mlnlatar'i
Ye*, surely, ihte to the better way.—
in a nonottneoa tone for
boaao bayaad dotrn taat Ottarday.
Ghora Btawty!"
neeta until aba felt Bsiber'a graap
an ia tba third grade at achool. Well.
Bardli^lUc. Hleb.. Sept. 18. 18M.
ber band gradually relax.
I east vrtte mo«h today, ao t vtll
Dear Aaotle Bates—I thougbt that
A little'three-yearolcl was wairhlnc
"—flying and flying and flylag—"
cloae with tore to all of the SuuhloWDOld write and Iota tbe
Tbe soft baby flngen kntenad tbel' his mother putting on hi* sloektna.
club and bare ytw sead ne n card and bold altogether, and the little hand fell and. entehing sight of some wrinkles
Bemle Morgan.
button, i an in the third grada
upon tbe bed. This morenent caused wbera tbe sioehing did not fli closel.v |
MayfleM. Sept 17. 1»A4.
nuat dose for this tine.
bis leg. said. "O mamma, look at i
tbe Bleeper to start iligbily. but her
Dntr Mn. Batee—I tbooght I would
Toora truly.
breathing wmi soon deep and regular, all the frowns ta ray slocking."
writ* to yon. I wonid like to ioln the
Forest Blncr.
lying and flying aad flying, until
Snahliie ciBb. Ptenao aend ne aenrd
A brovy wind storm came up wiih
last be would drop baek upon the
Biadickrille. Mieb.. Sept 19. 1904.
and bntton. Mnaunn waa at Kingalay
such dark clouds that the afienuxin
Daar Aantle Bates—I will write aad j eartb—dead!"
yeatarday. I an going to aeboM no*.
grew dark. Foury-ea^old WlUle ran
PraaldaM. Mra. ■. I. C. Bataa.
We hare two nilea aad n half to walk. let you know how we are. I wai sorry I PanHne brought out tbe last word
cgetolming. "Moiher. the wind’s
with a silent show of emphasis, but
I gveai I wlU cloae for this tine, ao to bear that you was sick aad h^
hlowed the sun out. ”
are weH. Papa has been aide alt Ibis was merely to ea-lsfy her own nngtMd^A
Dcr with ibe rheoantton. Onr UoB of an artisUc cloee to ber llir*
Alice Morgan.
tragedy. Then she tiptoed away.
R. P. D. No. S. Trarerae City. Sept. 1C.
• Here to your book. PanUnc." »aH
Daar Mr*. Batee—Aa 1 have aotblog like ber very well. I am in the fourth David, rising and offering ber Thei DETROIT. flflOO
to do 1 will Uke the pleaaare of writ- and flfth gradae. I tarn my totten last Osasmate. open at the very ptoc*
TOLEDO. »5.«0
where she had left off reading.
An idle hreece atraygd op aod down
winter aad tny sister Msry found
"DM you try my plan?" asked gracdGRAND RAPIDS. $403
The ruiy SeMa a*4 wiaadowa brown, flrst Monday of Septenber. On tbe thif spring, but It was rusted so I will
fliat. day of scbool there were only send a stamp tor another oee.
father;'with interest.
Blghiag a grtevwa etgk. >Ab, na!
fOMteen achoUra, but now we have have a little kitten that to while and
"Yet. grandpa, only I changed tlie
Wba« can tba anauner bloaaoa
Its tall is gray. As ny letter li gci- sheep to a tioo. and I had him flylns
-A.SDthis year. My stndtos are reading, Ung tang 1 wiU cloee for this time. to heaven inticed of fiunplng or*r a
Wbon enddealy a gtorlotia taea
nritbnetle, writlag. grammar, drawing, With love to all.
M.. $5. T09$dcf. Oct. 11.
fence—00 Bciher wouldn’t know It was
•bone DO bin fron a weedy apaee.
teegnphy and spelling. 1 started amt', And with an airy, pinny nod. .
Ttakel* good for lO days. See any
lag n letter In achool the other day.
“Good afumoonr aaM QoUa
Ago 11.
Katie BlnUey.
n. R. A I. agent for full Information or
not finish it. There are three SanA hone will leave musty hay uo. C. L. LOCkWOOD.
Putting the Baby to Bleep.
beams who come to the seboo) I go u.
(ouehed in his bln. however hungry.
!Aa braate ««eelTad.t».eoartaay
Oeu'l. Passenger Agt.,
"la baby erying. Paaltaer aaid He will not drink of water objeettaaAad UMh tmm berrying bone to me. Bertha Ranaem. May Brown aad BeyrI
Grand Rapids. Utah.
Parker. I have get two ducks and one atother. "I thought I beard bw.'
able to hU qaeatloalng sniff, or from
ABd eagaety ttala atory taid: Uttle Bcther. althoagfa three years a bucket which some odor makes of­
hen.. I hkre not done much to
.“1‘va aoaa Alady dreaaad la goM.
pouluy business this year. 1 hare tbe oM. was still called “Baby" by the fensive. however thirsty. His tatcIUBoAbialag ihtf'lha very light
prettiest llUle kitten. It to a Malioae
of tbe lanlly.
gent nostril will widen, quiver and
That irnwhaa bar la doabiy bright—
-I ildnt bear her," repitad Pauline, query over the dainUcst bit ogered by
Jaitea. My giaadma has been sick,
• 8b* aoddad. too, a twynl nod."
‘’Why. that,” I aaid. “ii Oolden but nbe 1s Ms better now. I wilt hare wliboot looking up fron Tbe Oass- fbe fairest of hands, eiih coaxings
mate wbicb abe was reading.
Rod."to close now, for It is getting-lalc.
that would make a mortal *hut bis
eye* and swallow a mouthfql at a gulp.
! bsr where she
is never satisfied by either
IDit Mlci
sight or whinny that her colt It really
1 have arrived in Traverse City with a car load of
0M OB bar bead aad ta Bar hnnda.’
ber osrn until she has a certified aaul
He (Tied: and 'l ariihaat delay
proof of the fact. A blind horse, now Toasrv Servlii DotlBrd ibsl thrrv will b*
Indiana Horses.
See them at Broadhageo'^ham.
ri>i>- is «oar itaaiVBi
Waat after where he tad the way.
llring. will not allow tbe approach nf •abwaudtvpuisitor
Iba evDersl rfrrtKKi Ui U brld to lbl> eiat,- on
Aad there the stood, an tight, all
any stranger without showing sign* <>f Tsawlsy. Uic asbik day «r Xoml-rr. aia«graee,
anger not safely to be disregarded • • cTIL
|•l>rn»' <d BStlDSS
flhuatetag that weedy ptaos.
Tbe dtoUncUon to evidently mad* by
Aad to«s both..with, abg aod.
Isrtbm noUM Ibst tlww*
his sense of smell, and at a consider­ Ynnsrv
will tiv nBlxiiml i„ i«nator vote ta jour
- "Good wftantmn!’ odd 0<
able dtotanee. Blind horses, as a rule, aauBts*tM«latVMVsl,-l,^ni..i>.*> rniolrrdbr
' K*S(4oiti>B N'o. 2..f rati. Ih.- ciu.Tltun.f
win gallop wildly alinut a pssiuro
—Clara Doty Bate*.
wltboui striking the surroundlnR AnlH.'Fuorndb.-r^.'iiiuii'U «t
fence. Tbe sens* of smell informs
lbto> of Ita close proximity. Others
Friday. September a.
will, when looMiicd from the stable,
t wnadeia U the rea.
go direct to the gale or bars opened
^ there baa baea a» jaaab brtgbl
dTrsvmvt^Bly. HtrbUnn
to their accustomed Xeeding grounds,
^mnubiac this sradt ta baoause tbera
and when desiring to morn, after
haa bean so auch awablne tatbeeorhours
dlsAjie It yearn.
Oertrude Grant.
"She has been very nervous aad ex­
acr by ber tdgdeak.
citable ever since she listened to Un­ tlngutofa one outlet, and pailently
' it cane flm In an letereettag tatter
Bnrdiekrille, Mich., flepi. 19. I9M.
its opentag — Agriculinral
from onr .Oaatgla Snaafatas boy. Har­
Dear Anntie Bates—Pleaae send’ me cle Joe's tiger story, -and I M<> tori i Woild.
work getting her to sleep tonight.
old. tnm whom we are always glad to
tottia and card.
haar. aad in letters from three Bun- Mb the Banahtae dob. I am gotag lo Hark! Yaa. the must have bad a bad
fleftening the Eggs,
aUae girto.
Miss Uly Barib Is our teach­ dream. W|n you go npwuirs. Pauline, i A Virginia planter wanted hit egg*
er. I am It years old aad ta the third aad aee If you eaut quiet herr*
; boiled soft. One moratag the store
Pauline arose, aad keeping her eyes
tea caseA regular saabsM of lot- giade- We live two miles from school.
the egn hard. The enraged
^ tat* tram Mias Barth's aebool at 6ar> Par pets I have a little atoter 19 upon the pege she was reading sraiked planter shouted. "Too raaeaU didn't
:4takrilta. Rtawfilbegtadtowataome
to Frances Eva slowly toward the door.
tell you to cook them eofir Th* slave
aew member*, will we aotT
Baatx. I bate a eat. a pig and three
replied, “Yet. maesa. an' I got up
.Arc now rcatly for your inspection. Here you
I had two dolls tot my 'sto- Panitae." said David.
two o'clock dit raornin’ an' Idled 'em
Pauline surrendered the paper to
can see tlic artistic productions of the world's
tess broke them. I wish to see my
Last, tot by BO neaas least, was
Are hours, an' It seems to me as If
her brother, hot did not wllboui a vebest
makere of ClothioK. Haberdashery and
bCMtltal boBfBM of wild aatera from tatter In the Herald. Obod-hye.
•ever kin git dete ycre eggs soficr."
oe. for she was afraid be
BOc May Baaii
Maigam Etaersoa at Mat Bay.
1 lats in a wide assortment of styles and prices.
would not think of returning It to ber | Whea I grow up.” said Ethel, with
BardIckvUle. Mich.. Bept. 19. I9M.
is spic-antl-span new. fresh from
when she came back.
a droamy, Imagtaatire taofc, "I'm going
0 wen. the torety wild
Dear Mrs. Bate*—I would Hke i
"Try the story of the sheep Jump­ to be a school teacher."
the hands of the makers and bound to grcatljl
nan beM thing.
fata ^ flonshlne ctab. 1K«11 you ing over th* rail fence, one by one."
"Well. I’m going to be a »«"»->« and
interest every man and younjf man who wants
pleaw aend me a card and touon aaid grandfather. "The monotmiy has
have Blk chlidian." said Edna.
to dress stylishly at moderate cost.
Vloe President Mabel Baiea It atlU
Rvar y«wr IKtle niiiit»eani.
a most soporific effect.'
“WelU whea they come to school to
talking to roe. aad tbs (binks U to Jnst
Age )«.
Martha Lewis.
We specially invite your examination of the
Paultae knew what "soporific" me I'm going to whip ’em. whip 'em.
the aleesi thiag ttaQ baa happeeed d
meant, for H waa one of grandfather’s whip ’em!" (with crescendo tatonanew Autumn styles in the famous
her In a tang time. Bat in aaothrr
Dear Mrs. Bates—I waa very mock pet words. But Bather bad dcclarej Uonl.
will probably be
open rebeUkw agatast the nlebily pro"You mean thing; ” exclaimed Sdaa.
ftvBi your daar prtaideat. who btoe* pleated with my card and button,
ceastaa-of sheep.
a* the tears came Into her eyes, "what
hy that tine to be ferilag nnob bet- go to ntoooi BOW. My uaeher't name
mu shr shr hrdlni I,have my poor childm ever doae i
taf aad who says she has all ktada of to Mies Uly Barth. I tike bef very
you*’—Ell Perklaa.
good things pUnasd.for tbe coming well. I am ta the third grade.
aaked Pmullne, as she entered the dark
From your Sunbeam.
Winter da>a arftb her Soasbli
Little Ethel hai never seen a tnsd
Age 9.
"1 wa* Just flaking." came the reply. l>*fore. and having by chance dtacovBurdlckvlllc. Mleh,. Bepl. 19. 1901.
Fbgnrtyrine. Ftortda. Stot- If.
In trorfnl baby aeccbts. "supposing a ered one In ber flower gardcr. *hc
Dear Mrs. Bates—I would like i
Dear Mr*. Bales—I thoagkl I a
lion should be here."
jeame running to the bouse, ber factwrite you a letter. 1 an waii aad bape fata th* euashiBc eiuh. l with you
•But Ibere la no llqo here, ao ywijflushed with cxcitemcm. crylns.
ynaaro better now. t bare bean work- would send me a card aad a button. can go to sleep."
for which wc arc sole agents here. This cloth­
; "Mamma, mamma' CkMnc quick.'
lag OB a sail boat It to a twtMaaater My studies arc grammar, history,
"Ypu tan't tbmfort me like dal; yoo.There's
ing is especially designed tto meet the exact­
and roas betwacw this plaee and spelling, phytlology. orthography, civil must say someflng to get my foughUcOnt there with four legs on li.“
ing demands of the most critical men aod nev­
Tampa carrylag freight. I got borne government.
off the suJJecL" Hsped the baby truant'
fails to give satisfaction in cvciy detail.
Yours truly,
Th* slx-r*ar<rid daughter of s
Batarday aftesMoa aad Mteoi atarced
'today, ao that ttopa my aailtag tor thia
Hans Jciu,
Pauline was familiar wHb this m«-i***“
1 carried mlta -far tbe dairy
ternal Jrrinclple. so wbimsksUy *p. 'tolcrous the other day. The child
BnrdIckTille. Mich. Sept. I9. 19«M.
morBlags for most two nontha. Orpealed to by little Esther. ,
*•» rowing, when her older sister
price range
of SIO.OO to $25.00—
Dear Mr*. Bales—I thought I would
will be ftps Is two nootba a
"Let me see. then. Think about,
something to suit all purses. Unusua’Iy
writa a few Haas lo you. I go to school
guaroes are aaarty
heaven. In heave* thoto are *» llooa 'i
you oac a pattern r’
i.i,.. fabrics, iia
in single altitl
and \iuuuic-ui
Lily Banh is my teacher. I like
I Uke my teacAer very well. Her
Mcks.-lrtautifullv tailored and fully worth
her very well. I am in the sixth grade
to Mtos Mlnal* Bertu. I an In
an- to be found in our large '^1 R
My stud lea are history, ailibmcUc. Esther. Who feared that her n*seeai*'*>^
-the flfth grade. I an making me a toy
comforter wo«M slip away surrepO-!
• pattern. I sew by
collection of Sack Suits, at............. wXt/
aallboat. I haw It dtm* excegi puttously. •'Tome over here by the bed."
ng. I wpuM Ilk* to fain-the SubCtgbt Weight Omsats arc here at a price range of SIO to $'i5. in every style from
ttagibesaito'oa. Wc. papa, mamma.
And when her seas* of loach as-;
----- --——-------shine clnb. Ptaaae tMod m* a card gad
WlUe. Mrs. Hottoa aad Dora. Mr. and
••Cravcncuc" Rain Coat. A wide scbutton. At my letter to gening quite
■Jte Bnith aad two ohUdran aad Mts*
tang 1 wilt have to cloae for this time.
l^htato went to the OalL
ware gone
From your little friewd.
days picking up shelto. bathlnc
Age 9.
Otto Jem.
And I caught ope.
flshtng. We hafl a flat time, at*
There couMn’t be a lion ta heaven.
atapi on board the boat. My paua
Bunllckvine. Mleh, Sept. 19. 190L
became nothing had ever gots tato ^
fl»h you ever saw
in a great vanety and at prices that will surely tempt you to buy, if correct styles aod
gaatoag ea the baat. ItistheCe.
Itaar AmtUe Bates—I thought
heaven.1 About so------------ Jong!
the best quality appeal to you. Come and sec the new things.
My manma Is going
ould Write to the Uttle Sunbeams for
"But suppurtag. Just
wouldn’t sposc ahoy like me
Oaorgia to aee my ttoier Mahal. She the first Ume. My grandma takes the
Itao ahoMd get to. den whatr
«fll be tmt < or t watoa. I beme' Hmald. I am n yoars old. I have a
-Why. of couraa. it theta was a lion i May ba It waa stared of me—
mkat will come bai^ srUk ber. Welt, unie stater. Her name to France*. For
in.b«avoa.hewoaidbeagnoriIianaodJ I cant say—
[■-i-ito** my toner it hng euagb. *e 1; peia 1 have a pet kitten and a dog.
wosldnt do any harm."
j But after it had taoked at me.
tome Witt tare and beat wtobes neaae aend me a card and bntnn:
But Esther was net to be saUsfleJ
it get away.

Mirntt r*M /Mb /waiM*

I wMi try Mv*r *e warty •r
frtt aMC aoytlilw»
1 wW tryte k«aa tmpf •» I



G. R.& L i^nl Eicurslonsl




1^|y a Herald Want M

Jim Jlutumn Sf^es in
Clothing, d^herdasher^andty^ts

C. :Hdkr Bros & Co. and

Tine Clothing

mtti’s Jiatumn Snek Suits are here at a

Smart Babtrdasbtrf and Bats


Ctr. TnMUBdatlnSIs.

Crmm City. micb.




Mixed Ketehopb
(hat dean. Farmers oeAt to have the taken from' the ores. A deep brown
Take equal qeaaUties <d grees tosrapurest, sweetest boaras of anybody to emst oe the bottom detraeU tram the
itelBty appeernDce of teyer cuke srben toes, whit* oaloBs and cabbagA: grtad
(he stotM.
So-let us eleu m>. Air thing* out! sUeed. Pat the Ameriran Bceao into a sausvv b>U- Spriakle wtth satt.
Let la the pure breeaea of heaven and <mkCB together wtth widte telag aad tare Into a beg aad hang ap to drain
;She Suffered for Years and
the sunahiae to drive oni the germ* apply a thick, smooth coat of srkUe'all nlghi. PM to a Jar wtth ooeouara,
Fg|t Hcf CaSC WaS Hopeof disease, aad (bca laugh at the doc icing over the top aad aMca. fcibosi 1 each of while mestard seed, powder.41
witb pink icing.
I »*». ground cloves aad allsploe: chop i
jcSS—Cufed bv
ThU U the tecst new cake t have . two pods of red pepper and add. Cover.
More folk* die from being tmitthiF'Mwiw^Wn.
s Biri css hs»e thss to be s food erod In stnCy roosns than from beiag seen stoce Angel Food came oUL l> with smwg. eoM vtoegar.
1 tUak Uc KCBlic MQl or bin
froten to demh. ten Ume* over.
-Wft.«l..\NNA n.rL>:HARTT.rmret
■ pastry cook of twenty years' esperi
Ooe* aaftlr Is aome esrtfn ^sce.
Hpw Baay girts marry wtlhout the
Braeeleu sre once more comtog In­ irl Nupcrtolcodcut of llwW.C.T.V.
eacc. Note bow the fruit cotortog It
With the old •Bile that Use Bisy doI least Ides of these! Many laotbert
brsdquar«T>. at ti*lr»hors, IH- »»•
Medlciaal Betha.
> mixed. It i* a* light as a fseiher.- to vogue, a tact probably due to the
asy. "I do not want By daughter to
■ ago. I learned of t
return of the elbow sleeve for hooM
I, when llviug, w
Upon his tee*.
soothing, reetfut properties eoniali
gowns of all *orts A ehann brerelet' er», j»*nt of the N.-\tr*»k*
lasianeet pBy ke such that they
He «bo was ioeer of :he Sprlac.
In a certain medicinal Ulh. toW to me
U ita; Ulest Cad. and It U boag with, Iryan I'oivrtsltr. al Lmroln. Nrh.
TNe Modem OlrTs Weeper*.
will bare to work harder than yoe
With lore tbst never hslte torsoU,
by the physlcton who had labored

from tei Sixty
The presepl-day girt carries about
did. slBply because they do not
...........................teithfuHy for many week* to bfing me
stataary. animals, tnsccu to precloo*! *rv«-n«h stm-i, W,
<’hlc*s*«. Ill-Wr«.
at ioaii
keow how.
Fkkxrty ssvs the futloving in tecard
Aod Ttotets. .
> a better slate of healib.
weapons In the form of the newest hs:' stooc*. and mommies,
Pe«>le say. “Ob» girts will lean
To be sore. I had Improved in many pin*. The breadth of the crown of the! brtngen of good luck,
when they bare homes of their owa."
How Ihst il# day of ton ta lhro*A
“lUvins livrd a wry artlie life ». j
way*, but nervously worn out from ap-to^tc hat has made It ncce**ar> |
Tcs. but the young baabaad will bare
I lore to iklsk be sits st ess*.
Slid wurkmg parloer of a l«>.v ;
tong neglect of self, there bad come a
the length
length of
of ihc,
* Oiainteetan
add two ipchra 10 the
; m.nWe,. ,„v health fa.K-d ....r .a .......,
the sympathy of the whole aelgfaborfew.'
With SOM oM rolurne that be ksew
day of reekoBlng. and. a* many
, _____ : xlready auBclenily dangerous b*t plr,' Haw onions sliced and placed to i
i„v hu.laiiatliout the,,
Upoo Ua knees:
man can tratlfy. a .haltered
u astooNhIng. The old- room where there U diphtheria will ab-1
and srodu.llr
Rradusllv 1I Mv-med
►eemrd ...
Few fathers and mothers would con­
I. with qnlel eyes

sent to their daughter fnarrylDg s mss
There era Ions months oi ^
h of ao use tain r«eOI (he spread of thAdl**«.’-J g renrirmcd lavslicl. and wv U.lh felt
The white ekNda drtrttss arcow.
If be knew nocking of how to take care
Reeling coMlnually tired,
In securing ihl* summer'- They should be coveerd with a disln-; preai nmd.d tn inx ;purai.>r.
Or twl««bl opealBi llower-wtoe
of her. But girls arc brought up with
“One ot ntf neighbors »d*tsed
sleepless nights and that dread fore- ^
measures tea Inch- feciani and burled eeeb day. and be |
Ob land and sen.
the Idea ef mrrylng without the least boding of something dreadful w come.| ^
replaced with fresh ones.
; me fo try Perunn. A bottle n-«s
Idea of preparailoB for her part of the
He who *0 iored eonpanlonihlp
----------------------; Immeditely secured Mad m great
though everrlhlng may seem at
tm-ial to pierce the heavy
I my not think walks q«Ue alonn. traasacUon.
Cetory Cstaup.
j chmngetookplMcelnmydMugbter's
about her. rtfervea! Ah. me. 'What ^^^ Pi.m goW head*, cither round
Things eomc more easily than In the
nouiw aome friendly hand to slip
lo, ova, ,n term, arv aeon on many .rf. Separate aad wash four brads ot ’ ms n ell Msin myowa hemhh. Our
pioneer days, when It was a disgraes wore they ever made for?
red very gremily.
Within hU own.
The fonowtogaimple medicinal bath.:
allhougb some
son of the'
If a boy or gin did not know bow to (hat rame like a flash to the mind of: ^
' the cei«y vco flae. Boll
until tender; the digestionai<—>.
seemed much
n«*c whoa he iored aforcUine. still do all kinds of work.
_ ,! more
“>®re cxneeslve
expensive oesiiraa
design* are set wun
quail of water; thee add a qasrt and resr/«/ sleep soon -improved
good doctor one day. U not a cure.j
But In these days of rvsh and hurry
of . good elder viamtar. aalt and cay­ us, so that we seemed like new
wa*. at lease a great relief to me.
________ '
I think that laughter yet may I
few people can be a success la life
‘'Please write while 1 dictate,'’ laU
Chutney Pickles.
, enne to taste and a pinch of mace an. Where be may be.
unless (bey work. And it Is tbe kind
“I would not be without Peruna
Dr. H------. And I wrote.
Twelve green sour apples, two green ; cloves Lei boll a few minutes, then
spoiled with an eaplial letters.
Take of aca salt, tear ounce*; spirt'* peppers, six green tomatoes, four small I strain (hrangb a colander and bottle
A thodght. a faaey-irbo my toll?
Tbe more eiperlencc I bare wUb of ammonia, two.ounces; spirit* of
B. Fleharty.
Mrs. Kxher M. Ullner. DrCrafl.Ohta,
Tot I who eror pray It so
onions, one ru|i of raisin*, one quan for future use. Tbto I* alee »ertcd
tVhal oo-d I'l l■ee»Ile«l femaledl.^
people tbe more the fact Is impressed
fbel through m tear* that all U wcU.
caapbor. two ounces, and
pure al­ of vtoegsr. t»o ublespoonfuls of mua- wUh boiled meats, beefsteak, e
by the m-'-liral prof—xm 1- Cuw •-alb-.I - 1 «s« a lerrlW^*a|hacr.fri4e(r«ule
iim me, that children . should be
cohol. eight ounce*, and sumclett hot, urd seed, two of *»li. one of powdered
And this I know.
I. It
.------------pelrl.- eaiarrh.
uught. aad the habit to work farmed
To Clean Decanters.
•oft water to make a full quart of the sugar, and two cup* of brown sugar.
exyri. tir-e th»tejtxrTb»l dlsess^ of I hr: n»D>ly. t w** Oi-t aide in iln iDr1<nei
That Ood It gmUe to Hit gneat.
while they are young.
Nse old pieces of iilottin<: palwvrkf<rm.\»elf arid hoebsad. Imt.
the aecds from the ralalns
I hare seen girls spend more time
e will I gladly a*y.
snd lb serU-cJ m>- n-ndilb^i mi ne*r
and Uppers; add the tometocs and on per and soap them well, roll the biu
Di»K>Ivc the sea salt to the hot
*SBT^y the thlagi be lorod the best and real energy in pisoAteS >>ow to
among the first of' a* pt.»»iMr. You rmuntnettdi-i IS rena.
teas and chop all fine. Put the vlne-i up small and put about twenty Hitle
ter, and let Hand until coot.
get out of work than they would
-sieianotM mak'-tlilf; 1 P-A four IxMle* •nd was mmidHrlj
Am his today.*gar sugar and spleei an to boll; ad-li pl«»s Into ihc Urtilc to be rtranrl.
yrar-hi-ims bren i card, I llnuk IS-rvna a wuuWfat
go about it and do It properly.
the' chopped mixture and let simmer | then half All Ihc d<-canter with w,
itlar t'>v><>m--n,g9d :; *
msdli-tiM-.'’—Mrs. Kslher M. Milner.
tr.-atlnsdl»e*»<-» |■r^ullar
If a child dreads a piece of fork, ammonia wd camphor, and mix them
one ho'Jr. Tbra add the apples, pared , water. Let It stand flve minutes and ( lon-ag.>ncr.-*'-lu-.llhee.wrlo.»imftiat C..B;:rr«»m»n Thad. M. Mabun. ef
don't let them fuss aad worry over It. well by a tblrough shaking. Add. then,
and cored; cot* slowly unUI soft, then shake well for another live min- a v-.-man enlir.d.v free fr-m catarrhal rhauilwr.Uir;:. l>a.,wnia(:
but show tbea that to go about It with the satt water, and again shake well,
Rinse with-cold water and **-t
<.f tbe--..rg*n. waiid m-t 1*, “I take pleasure In eomaiemdh^'
• And atiWMOf. and night.—fhre- ‘ a will, and do It quickly and nicely, the
to drain: when dry tt wUI be besutUu'-; •nh>-rt tn (rma!-diM-a»e. lie llx-rt-r.uv y^/. pervna as a Mubmaatlal toalC
hattie is more than baU won, and It
clear and br.gbt.
: U-=an u.:ng Tcruna f-r th-re e*«v and ^
catarrh remedy
Keep to the aleeplng room, or some­
foandli *•■ *dtn.raM.v*ila|.W to•> their
Ih.-lr ,
• The mpty s^ repaaU ItaatL No ‘ will be much easier to do It nest time.
.Beside* making an excollonl sweet j
Don’t let children think they must where nrar at hand, a soft sponge, a
Sit <-uiv
.-ujv that I’, run*
run; has x- - T. M. Mabon.
, , , breoniu tbe niorl fajn<>u« remrd.v for! If vi>u do n-H ft........,,
-------------do work Just because you say they bottle ot the liquid aad a saucer, and. pidcle. e-jcumber* can be converted in- J
• Tea. that It Ufe: Make this toreAfter tbe ripe lomatoei are
Kverv- f*-t.>ryv<-«.ii. from the o- of IVrtma,
of ibe richert of preserves
lust, aad because you hare the ^wer
• . BOM nbllm*.
Sliced lemon* spices and plenty of'aali and put them through the eolan-uri:,i-ii and i-rat..-write *(..««• t« I>r. Ilsrunau. giving a
to make them. Esplaln to them why be tmnptod to ocgicet thU bath, but
• This aReraooa a pealn. this alAt
he wltt
aid to the (
they iboold do It: lei them feel that make an extra efiort needed to wet augar

, A fearer,
........... which have gone t" "nn eq;ml amount e sour a|>p1C saure.jply; it enr.v byrtm.ivlng the raosc of !>* pleared b. give jv* hb vatoabie edcucumbers
the whole body with tbe fluid, yellow
they hare an Intemst la the wortt of
arc best Peel and ecrape careful- well OMiked: add It to the tomatoes.'female dlM^a«-.
• And TlBK U eoaqnered. sad tty
the boose and home.
In arter yean 1 am sure they will wtth a soft crash or Turkish towel.
| other living phjvician. ft.-make. Ihtvc : Ohio.
Bub until the skin glows with t red­ pare the syrup according to any of the the mixture
thank j-on for it. and as they should,
Md-tashioned "pound for piraad" reel-: careful Hiat tt doe* not burn,
"rise up and call you bloused."—Nellie dish tone; slip Sickly Into a
This!dean gown, and thea Just try to Itt pc*. Put cucumber, and lemon, to to- «• iher I .tollv glasao. or can*,
Mayo. In Ulcbigan Pairao.
A Nov*l pickle.
I esaiunal iiae of aindrol I* rocommeadawake. Von cannot dolt. I'll srafrant. gether and use a »pl« bag. a* directed j «* ••<-(/ h«>d >erved wtth meaiv.
I The eomhioailoB of sweet curn and 'ed. but for frequcni srashtog damp
to former ra*o». Pot away with waxed i
Taaetiing OhlUfwn to Wertc.
At least I never can.
! cabbage 1* a ple**tog novelty to Ui* . oe«»ioip.-r with a polUbiag win ebaThe Cellaft
Her Grestett Mistake*.
Some month* ago, through the col- papers when quite eool. uslag cltb-T ^
Not hmg ago a beaaUfal old ladyJ
ni'iU akin mill h«-p mirrors an<'. table
The lorsni of ibe household was
Tbe'farmer'i cellar is hU down- na* of a |>*|>cr. made known tbi* large or small g1a*f Jar*.
who had teen her eight ehllurou grow
It* cradle The head of the bouse was j Take <me dox.-n oar^f corn and tmt gtoasware rU-an and sbtotog.
s'Aln parlOT. Not an appreciate thU tevorite hath of mine, and, *honly
ap to Ir: boaeet. honorable Ben and
at home, peevish and teullflndlag. .\t'
»‘ted cahluwe. Cook the corn and ^
tea but look upon tt as being a eorl of after, there came to me a Inner from
Potato Cake
WQCM^ hlUag their placet In the
Tha Paintera- Bnaah for DuaUag.
tons cake U partttuUilj length he iKcame unbearable taolnnn j
«-par*«ely to aalted water im
ceKdt-all ter everything that can noi
Thl* <
womta. saying: "My huibaad has
world as soeb. read Be a letter froB
There ft no better way of -dnsttag
tender. Cot corn from the tab, aan
be stored anywhere else, and Indden)- been to delleate health for year*. aaJ floe to hot weather, a* It will remain , length he became unendurable.
oae or her daughters In wbldi she told
than wtth a palatmoist for some time Two cups brown
"You've done nothing but make mii>- i «>i»Prabbxge. not too floe. Aeald
ally ter the keeidng of apples and potimes
be«■•* brush. This wl! ptmeiraie all ihber Bother of the flne pmaotion* to
such as you
Uloes and the pork barrel.
aa« of aleep!esene*t night after sugar, oae cap butter, one-batf cup'uke. tonight." he growled.
poaltloM of trust and respoaslUllly
chocolate. onc-b*!f cop B*e« milk, one 1 "Ye*." *he answered mc.-kly; "1 be-1
W or poarb plekk*. llUle errannle* whit* could not lq‘
If the doctors could take a peep lato night. I prepared that bath for him.-------------her two eons had reeelred.
toaeM by an ordinary duster .or
n for winter n
many term ceilars. they,would know aTd every night I bathe and rob Mm lla-Tte cup BtJt*. yolks of flve and white* I gan by putting Ibe wrong baby to|
The letter raa thus: “And iraly.
that they would some day have a big well, and he sleep* bow like a tired i of ibrec egg*, two cups flour, two lea-: bod."
Table Maiuvera.
aKither. 1 beltere my boys' success In
bin against the folks who live above
IspoonftiU baking powder, nutmeg,;
-------------------Tearh the little one Ulde nianm-r. • ft beking «xto is shaken tWritlF
life Is due to tbe teaching yta aa^^tefor they do not look much Ilk*
Hcmtog that this bath of nerve-! cloves. alUpire acd cinnamon. «ncj
The Eye*.
* snnn as h>- !v old enough to hold a < over a burn ax iwroti as ptMSlbie. tt w(II
ther gare as when we were childf^n.
__...J Ma
—r' .l.rin.'^d-ci.Up-orf.l
.1i™.. ... r„lU.j A n.cAh-.l
Noibtog form* such a enm. «**« {wto and prevent Uistering. II
"Ycni uught ns to work, ana what
ud nrnim lo n»», UOU.T
0«. c.p pot.i... m.b«l ..d |
.d u.vm, ih.
fr.m He el
But then, not everybody makes
task w* wem glrea to do we were
PMC aad
sbouM be made into
! to srwtog. i'


K"— '!»«
" «' aprrad thickly over the tojtiry.
UB^t how to do U properly.and la
tro.!!., tbAt 1
be dol., 1.I0 o.b-1 ThU will ...o
C„ be
eo.pai, 1. .0, merohofUaw. Uweecold parlor, and so can not be expected
------------ -- IM uut Olber. Haild do^ cl.ber I0.I or U,er. I .e .b«, .t looW., .. Irom
.to .. .bo^-.

do It as tt ahoeld be In half an hour, keep the cellar neat and clean. Did yon ora a* I V
ly eliahx-'d. ao that they do trot beroMC
; tervwls and glancing about the room,
chocolate fliltog If to Ityere.
we had to do It. and not be aa bOnr ever go Into one of these parlors'
sort a feitival. aad ahould be maeh *olK-d. thna preventing the nej Thl* practiced every ten or fifioen
ahdbt IL
ct**liy «»r nibbing lh<-m lo remove
'-.minute*, relieves the muscular tec- ab regardvvl.—Religious THeseois.'
Apple' Plekle*.
■*1 osed to think you wore pretty wife wants to keep the Boa out; air
Mill and Ktain*. Thl* rule hiilds good
Hmeriean Beauty Cake.
*»ooth apple* below mollum ■ slon. rt-ru the cyi-s. and make* the,
hard OB na, but as I grww to woBaa- damp and moldy the moment you
with all flne liat^a.
This cake U a clrar, light pink ill
,„ve them uniform, rod' blood supply much botu-r.
Ihdl a h«'ad of rsuliflbwer, throw to
boDd and bad children of my own. I (cr tbe door: things ranged siiffly
the way through. It make* lovely loaf!
leave the /item* <
- A good way of pulttox whlie aprcad*
about the room, and yet tbe light Is
cold v>at<T until wasted, tb'.-n
saw the wledom of your ways.
quart* of vlnogar. four poumlv
Batter Cake*,
utit to (iry after washing, to to hang
poor that a man who dW not venture cake. Iced with white Icing and deev-;
~t bellerc that thU great blessing
browa sugar, one ouace e*eb ’ A cupful of rice left from dinner, it |
la there ver.v often would bo In dan­ rated with American Brauiy rosei.j^
oalad IMW). |s>::r. over a trarupfitl <•■ ih'*i Ufiwiten two Ita'S. lamcad
that has coae to m In seelag By
ger of upsetting a chair or two,
muyonnaive; garalsh with Kvinr- over one; thus the creaac of tbe !t»e
oeeupylag the positions they do. Is the
.|,tio ehec»«lolh bag* and , will make them both tender and g
arras* tbe spread is aroMed. Haag
knock bU brains out on the big lamp through the rose tube of a paslry bag. I
reault of your tralalng os at hoac. sad
elonamon. When' easily digested. It may *l»o U-added
ihrm wroag side up. a* ibl* artli pro- '
hanging from the eeiltng. Aticnn^ther Baked, In toyers and pui together with
priadpally your teaching us to work.'
hoi pm in pno.igh applw ic to waffles. Stale bn-art, If noaked fo._____ '________
le-i the right -idr from ia*{;tt*. or aaysu^ a parlor Is a pretty pokert.h' while leing. when sliced, this cake it
when tbe child Is small. When
iblns which might fall on them while
Te Keep Ui* Mirror Brilliant.
place. No a-ondcr the children
a child can walk and talk they should
drying After drytsK take pataS n(K lu
Four cupful* of flour. aUted twice, | ...oreod with a broom strew skin ojlil-aii-f. will prove a tileaxant chancafraid to poop la there by day
F’: -'ll,'II' «a-!.il.S «J':. -‘'ip "
leam to pl^ up and pat away their
■-i-av'-. and m> pr,-»lng is required.
Bight; It makm a man tbiok of all and then mraeured: two level lea-'in * sttmt-Jar and re->k tiu other ai*; fn,-m the plalti cuke*, and will aid io
ptaytliings. Teach them to be mile
spoonfuls of baking powder, mixed to j pic*. Pour the hot vinegar over the' dl»po»lng <d <!r> br>-*d.
sorts of gboats and
mea aad women. Trtl them bow much
But tbe (act Is. the cellar (■ Just as the flour, which must then be stft< -I | plekle*. lure an Inverted plate or ran .
they are helping mother, and nee ho*
much a pan ot the bouse as any room the third time; two and a half cup ; rer over the jsr aud tie up securely
tjaV^ly they wUl respond. Show them
! I^-nv-o julc- and sugar 11. It ought to be treated wtth x* fuU of sugar, one level cupful of but-'«-iih white mufiinbow to pick them up and put tbea
I (cr. six drops of rvd fruit coloring, Uie------------------------------------------ nitX'-d will r.-nv.n- h'mneBC** and
much conaideretlaii.
' away ntatly. Teach them .Uey must
Old Virglni* KeteKup.
cun- *<.r. tbnat,
Ix-mon* may b<
Here Is a picture of one farmer’s cel­ I white* of eight egg*, one teaspoonfui;
do 11 erery Ume.
Mirh- Dettv*,. June ». Wt.
of vanilla extract. Cream the butter' Take <nie peek of gn-en tomaioo-. k<-|H In *h for wrek* by covrrinc ib<ni
Boyi, as soon as etfong enough. lar 1 know of. The celllag It at least
, -tl- CRI.S'N'KU./lnBPelf Bfu*. Dcirvdt.
and augar together ualil a* light and half a peek of while ..nlons, ihr*-e dally with fresh water. A littt.- |. mBhoold know that (hey must bring In seven foot from the bottom: plenty of
cnsraiulatorj in' j r,i-f)tl--m«n.wbh to eoMgrat'iJa'P
I foamy as whipped cream: drop thejo-jnee* of white mustard bet-,1 .m>- on J-ilee In a spoon, then a d-*,--rf ra*- im-.Tt!Ki;s
the wood for Bother. Stl the water
.M.-A^Tb tifir.ii.-U Brw. he d*- yi«l on tbe tllUKKELU 0BO8. l*fAN«>1 litti.
apple* down on the sbouldDr without fruit coloring, one dro|* at a Ume, an.11 ounce each of allsplcv and elov,-*. bntt
pans, brlag the vegetaMoa froa the
„ lie ,>nv rrf the fiti'.-.t Jlaaos 1 ft 1* one of (he flnoA toutteto—to I
oadar, etc. OIre thea same work to biaaptag anywhere. The floor it re- beat tt through aad through tbe l.-Jt ! a ,,ini of mixed mustanl. an ironee ,f
mealed. The wall* were laid up to' Icr and sugar: troih the whites until; black pepper and re-lt-ry b.-<-rt t-ach. • able
do and that they must do It every day
mortar and are kept plasierod ani I they will not slide from the dish when > and Me pound of brnw-n sugar. Chop
without hetog toM. before going to
al work. Thi action Is pertert. 1
Jam gandwlchea.
s^ool or play. Teach them to uk> awept down free from cobweb*. The! tovened: alft the flour Into a mixing | the tomatoes and onion*, spnnk'c
stoging qnaltiv Mip>-rh, and (be pitrl'y
with salt and 1« sund throe htvar,;
fo»er a cn-**.-l tokitie *h-.-i
prtde la whatever they do. Not simply Mas are arranged to an orderly man- bowl and make the usual -well.'
and cl'an>-*f «.t tone I regard a* uayoD could go down there without opening In the center. Pirst work in' drain tbe water off. pm to a preserve thin pastry fpe-ad i' with Jam. <•
that It he doae Just "weU enough." bn:
idle at night and not stumble over the erramed butter and togar and va-' ketib- with tbe other tocredlents Cov'- , *»h anoih.-r 'bio layer «.f jm*ie. *>'
so vep ttat no tme could do it better.
!■ tn.ift U- a matter of greal saUs
nllla. working the flonr down from thej
with vinegar nnd sei on th< Ore to ! tM- edge* and pr»-s» tightly flak, I
Ler the girts 'wipe dishes aad wash
fan 1-3 A- .v'xi to have jirodured cs.-.b
sides, adding the milk.m mile at a!boii slowly for one hoar.
* sharp oven and Uien rut to-.
them AS soon as they arc old enough. ’There sre windows for venUlation. A
a Aup'-n./r li i tmtofTlI
r*U mixed to_____________

.Mere-* to r,-*,-mbk- sandwirb,-*
Make a ehaage In the work, uo they broad stone hatchway leads dow-n from i time, until all the flour'u
y.rarA v«n truly.
Charnels ter Oeaning Wirtoews.
win •« heemne so sick of tt that it ts tbe outside: this to covered with a; lightly. ’Then cut tbe whites ta. wtth,
in washing windows. 1 alvrays
a perfhet bug-bear to them. Take toms door to winter. This cellar docs not, the side of the spoon, through and
A Oced t
with them. Most girls detest to wash
mu.Tlito Kpit-nil.ri tribnU- from a man <-f
!' French ch,'f» *lway>
dishes simply because tt to^tometUDg drains are good: water never stands In from the bottom sidewise. This folds! i,my ragt Csc luk,-warm -swter.
Jr tVsrri-a * -BuMtwl auainmetiis
an;the whiles to the batter. Mix very, which a tablcsponnful of amnrrnla biv
they eaa do, aad hare to do It without the cellar.
Vlorit-s (sMaceof tbe superiorU-«.k the vrlnAnm* w.-'l ;
Seems to me a cellar, like this I*
reipdte- Make a ehaage so they mar
1- ukiknox brds piano.
worth working for: mooey put Into U» 8*^' <» •
P*»- ■»"“* «
be Immlag a» kinds of
I 'trib'T wcU known p*»»ple who buro
TeaiA them how Important tt U that ccastructloB would be well
i t-xpre***j4 theeiseim in vimltor terms
^ kind of water: soda would turn them
. and when the cake takes' wipe. Your window glass will Ikthey .know Mnr to do It. and do tt We all know that filthy eelUrs Invite'
jar*; Prof. W. N. h’erri. 'Dem. ■«»■ Mack, iben-fore they use bntti-r.
a golden Ungc. toy a thick paper bright and sbtotog with
quickly and properb'. Some day the/ sitAaras—nobody- knows how mn^ ofi
inve for Gor.t, Pnd- A. W «*»«- Mr.
' bit of esvKt dripping it equally good.
The smell of detmyiug fruit
**>•' fort.
may have home* of their own
HarwM darrts. Mr. O. Arthur Dej»ew.
age. Tmeh them the wisdom and vegetables eoniualy--------„ ----------T
: The key* of a piano may be cleaned
i Alberto dona*. Maorire de Vrie*. PrM.
“* «“»>
TbU to de
OM M«al Drapa.
ai„pnd to alemmamy of Ume and strength la good not help bring disease.
■ A C. Meorer. (be re=fwni?d Madam
Oni-haH cup each of butter and lard
TkU Is the time of year when our| cK^'r
b“« »»»- The old plan of
If they do pot like U> do
ju’lton Nordka. ned 'ttbers. it to a
• batter or cottolene; two exxv: one
the work themselvoa. It Is absolutelr ocllara should reertre tbe moat careful i naming a straw Into tbe cake to see
: fact that the Bxait toieiUceot aad bout
ro-mdtog teaspoon
attention; every’ Uttle while potatoes i •' «»“*• ®“‘ *ree of butt. •r involves; eup SBgsr: ■
nceesaarr they know how to do tt.
Iipeo oecaslonally to preveai p^p-^r ex-caD-Hdate for soveraw «if informnl |•er.!•ie to MtoMoa are b«»they will know when they are beiag aad other perishable articles tbonldl *h»1ag the cake to the air. but a „>da: eee teaspoon each of ctonamon the key* from lurnlng yellow.
M,cblB*n on the repubUran ticket;,
be looked over, aad all that have be-' *«*
‘heoven will show when ih-*. and cloves: three cups floor: three
srel! served.
noted musician and *»e****fiil ba*»-' preferewce to all htbera. This U tbo
hat slightly peeled away from cups rolled oau; drop la small ubvad old remedy for bleeo-jghs Is t.-There are few pMple la this world gun-to dMay. removed.
nem man.
; be«i arjusliAe proto of the high ebarar-.
It to all right to sweep the upwtalf»l»*'e *“^<* **^ *>“
: spoonfuls on buttered tltis’and bake press firmly on the pulse aad brentho
win do sot have to work. If sot la
1ST aad 'eader/Mp to ltd* remarkable
parlor. b«( do trot forsffi the oae be-^ Baked to layer tins. thU cake should‘ until light Vrerwu to a qilM orra.-- regularly wtth tbe aromh ticbily
<me way. they do In aaother.
Mr. Warrio say*:
- ' toitnrm.-oi.
tow. Save dollar* and lUe by keepuig be watched, and as rot* as done.' Charlotte Tribune.
ctosed. Try this if troubled.
There Is BO greeter aceom



JTiwWAt EiiHr’Mttth

HOMER Warren




races 7t( 14


la tlM imMnc« of :
1 tbe rMMiDK
Ct the Hob. ,W. B. Fbotcr were i
■md fron Uielr reMiaK ptaee la
sraec ta tbe ceneterr aad plaoed in
ooe of tbe oaUeoiab* of a new manmotat81 arcctatf t>r bla wife.
Tbe vaoU eoatalu lU eaUcoMba
. bad wH ereded
coatraetor A. V.
Mekerd. It li of gray Ohio aaad atooc
with aa expoaed (root aad Is of a strls
gaaera]))- la ase through tbe aootberm
gart of the state aad tbe BasL It U
sneted oa the Caallr totI
RHigtIew Far Pastor,
a deliKblfu] mepiioa
was teodered Her. aad Mrs. Hogb
Keaaedj la tbe ebnrrh paHors apon
Owlr rwnra fro* the Mlcblgaa eoofemirw. Mr. Keaoad)- rciuras as pastn- of the Asburr ebareb for his alsih
j«aa. aad tbe fact that (be nenbers
of the Miareh aad
pleased at bis retnra was erldtsicad bj
the lance crowd ihat gathered to wel­
come ibeai home.
• « The parlorB and audltorlas
beaatifBlIr decorated with tntumn
learns and aaUra, and In tbe parlors
smaU tabiM were dainUIr
a»d Ice ereaa,aad cake aerred daring
tbe ernlng. W. H. Soott la a few
L w«l! chawa words welcomed Rer.
Xnanedy faaA as pastor for anoiber
pear, to wtriob Rer. Kennedy rospoaded in bis tmtal wUtr oubaer. A Sae
program cenaisUag of mmical
here and recluUohs waa then rea-


a-door teadlag oolaide. The aafe. U
order that eur aeeesa might
tor ebaaca. was tcfi opca said tbe
doDTS of (he shop were also nahi^'l
as baa alwvs been the castom.
Dnrtag the af(enioaB. ahoat 4:».
Waller Btagbam ubk the sapper must
order across tbe street to (be Whltteg
bolet. belag gnoe jirotiabir fire mlaBiei at tbe ioagest. Tbe shop was left
akme aad It was prababU at tbU llmt
that tbe rohberr oecorred unite It
took place while the proprletofs were
busy wlib customcra.
Tbe cash drawer coatalned quarters
and half dollara and may be
dollars, while the money In the pocket
book was all la ten aad
bills There Is abaoInlMy no chrw to
the thief but ibe oplatcm Is npreasss:
that It most have been someoac very
familiar wlib tbe place.

Tbe ftnr Mtlldren of Farm C. GUtet
vrere taken suddenly III whUe aneadlag the services at the Friends cbsrch
Sunday laoralag. Tbe UUle
had every syrnfMom of. pto
poisoning aad It required several
hours work oa Ibc parf of tbe attraddanger.
The cause of tbe cbHdreaY UlacM U
pnknosra, the only reanon adraneed
being that they mast have eaten aome
cream that stood on the tabic ov<t
Bight How.evqr. the cream appeared
lo be all rlgbi as It was aoi sour.

srrapped ta aa orercoat The salev
rvpotUd tfie matter to tbe oBIre
aad be STBS tastrweted ta go to tbe
shop, wfaleb was foaBd locked. As of­
ficer was then seat aad be returned
with three eoais and oa lavestigaihai
three eitlu were found mlaslag.
Gordon had previously bees la. trying
on the miaalag suits a war^t was Ueued aad a soarrb made at the prem­
ises. His trank was found missing aaiy
this Boraiag it was again found to tbe
nsual plaa-. Mr. Gordon, when the
soarefa discioecd tbe coats in bU poascssiun offered the expiaastloe that
UeoTEc Smith, the salesman, bad some
days previously told him that there

Hui} in CollIsJon.
BO goods for aUeiaA collMoa occurred SnaUay algbt :
Carter's creek crossing, west of kiwii. tion li-ave the store wllbout a sniuen
la which Wllligffl Moultuo susialoc.l order from the office tbe rxplaaatlao
lalcmal Injuries that place him In l>od I did ao( rover the rase.
J. W. PatchIn I'cprcasata tbe de­
and bMb rigs were badly smashed.
MUs Halverson, eldest daughter (f fendant while ProseeutUig Attorney
Tbe pole team of A. C. BabUU in Louis Halversoa. aad bis aepbew. Mr. Cross Is baadling tbe ease for t^ peoturning
apa mad ran up State street from Peters
l.yan Van Keorco, a clerii lesUficj
tyU bladumitb abcqi on Monday proaebiag rig to pans did not clear ibi
about 10 o'ehiek. toppled over Rev. A. ruad-aad the two rigs lacked whecU. that the coals are worth between ta
J. Bdred's rig sUadtog near C. W. throwing Mr. Moulton, the oreupaat M and lie each. The case Is still nsi.
Asbtoo's residence and ended to
geaeral smasb np ta Froat of the Park board on to tbe ground. His horse.j Fn.m Saiurday's Record,
breaking loose from the thills, ran to
The events wBlcb followed
Place annex.
Mr. Babbitt lives at WilllsmalMrg his stable at 117 N. Blmwood avenue. day afteraon la ibc case of the people
and drove la at aa early hour this cauBlag great frl^t to Mr. Moultua's va. jaeob Oordua. charged with taking
three cuaU from the Bostoa store,
morning wltb his daaghier. wbo at­
Mr. Anderson, In the former rig. vras were of the sensational order.
tends acbool and left bis
The testimony of Gordon, rouplod
bUMied la front of Petertyl's wagon also dragged over tbe dash board, but
ahop while be stepped la on some bus- plucklly held on to tbe horse and they wltb the suspicious acOoos cf
Smith's mother, who has rooms ^
lacsa. They become frlghteaed aad; escaped say persona] Injury.
A party of young men driving in ^ Wyacoop block and which led
befere nayoae could reach them
premises at :;80 p.
ruBbed up State street, eomdiog wltb from Carp' lake took Mr. Moulton j searehlag of the premlaes
^ by
i,y Sheriff Cbaadler
Chandler and CooA Soe 'Bradbarp p
RevA. J. Eldred’t carriage and dam­ home.-andVero Wood, who lives near m.
the Haanab ft Ur Mercaallle
aged tbe boggy badly but not doing ard wbo bad atso gone out to help. stable Ashton, were all of sucli
a damaging nature that a wai-* '
. panr added macb to the colormeot of any tartber lajury unUl they raaiebi
a borne ta bis carriage
tbe sand pUe and scieea la front of tbo
was served on Smith at C:40 p. in.
-the program..
and be was remaeded to jail after sapPark Place annex when they
Farewell Fw Pastor.
grief ttaemaeivea. The carriage was
pt-r in care of Coostable Ashton, and
SaccMs of HMilpaa OM. .
lielng unable to secure ball spent tbe
The Batnrdar IMM of tbe'Ora&d Upped over and ataadst destroyed, by
of the Friends ehureh gath­ night there, appearing in oourt lhi-<
SiapMi Brnlof Press eoaulnt 'an la- ooilUlon whb tbe obitnictlon aad the
eaoght by one of tbe work­ ered at tbe church Monday cvenlcg
muralag at 9 o'clock,
X- dnresUng write up cf tbrOe promineai
htmiaess woasea at Wasblagbm. D. Ch men before tt was able to regain boacr of tbelr pastor. Rev. Hoary Me- bis mother. He demanded a bearing
Xlaloy. wbo has cloaed his two yean and secured Harm C. Gilbert, who,
Vitb muslraUooa. Miss Clsre Oreacen enough headway to conUnue.
Mr. Babbitt kladly put another car- of succHsful work here and left today with' his client, made a futile effort to
ie whom ooaslderable space Is deage at tae dtspoeal of Mrs. Eldred for Amboy, lad., where he bas accept­ feeure tbe (600 ball the court placed
who had driven lo to the early train ed (bepastorate of tbe'Friends ebureb OB his freedom. Mr. Gilbert, baring
witb ber daughter Qrser, wbo left for of that place.
to attend tlfe fnacral of a sister, bad
Tbe ebnreb was made very cozy tbe case |At off till bis return Tuesday
B Mk^lgu. Ihe Brealag Press ^cattle, hit own team In tbe mcaaUmc
being placed ta Morgan's llrcrr bam» wltb rocking ebalra. pillows, potted moralng. ‘
for personal aneaUem.
plants aad quantities of asters. After
At 6:30 ycaterday tbe
tbe program, which follows, all gaita- Jaeob OordoB. lorit tbo stand aad In
•ea la the gDrenineat serrtce Is MUs
Ctair Qiintiiit. arprettr Michigan girl.
ered la tbe bright Christian Endeavor bis own behalf (old a story, which if
her as
B. L. FMTto. wbo. wltb hU wife ami room Where delirious Ice cream and true, labels him as a tool of the saK-Han eicepUon eren where cleeer
daughter recently enjoyed a western cake were served. The program was: maa George Smith and stu>ws a loose.
Remarks. Bert joboron.
men abouad. She cable here from trip to British Columbia, by way of St.
coBilouuuB and systeniaiie steal golag
Michigan In ber teeaa, and trpewritlag Paul and Victoria, describes a pack
Song. "Bleat Be the Tie."
on from the hark door vto tbe bascRrcltatloii, "Bntct'alalog Her Dig meol aad private wa>s of the Boston
■ad stenograpbr established ber la a trip of 176 miles np tbe North Thonpplace la the treasiwT department. Aa
store that would pur the mere Uklpg
river. which occupied four week* Sister's Beau." Ulllaa Bridlag.
a steaograpber ^e aebteredia reputa- of bis Uate, altboogb (be actosl i
RediaUcm. "No More Spaoking." of three coats in the shade.
thm of belBg tbe taoet mipert cf them. only oocapied but nine days, the
Bert Tromm.
Hls story on the stand was to the
aaccTtlng aalr bait 4 dotaa amt. Sbe malnlag time being ullllxed ta pros­
RedUtloB, “Our Hired Girl,” Nettle- effect that Smith hid U-ea In tbe habit
took .up the atadr cf law, and when pecting through the vast wild wlldcr- Hartley.
of hrlngljig clothing from Rosenthal's
abe was admtUed to tbe bar sbe stood
nedUtloa, "The Story of a Pietorc." store to his Ullor-sbop without tickets
whleh be entered with a party of
eaeoad ta ber daas. Sbe bad beeo a»- elx aad Are pack horses.
Eva BUllwelL
aad then rriuraing and carrying them
eodated wlU tbe la* dork of the
Song. “God Be Wltb You Tilt We away, often bringing eknhing upon
Altbosgb Itacy passed chrongh
■ «f tbe trcaaoTr. Wboa a game country. Mr. Ferris says their Meet Agala."
which no repairs or alieratloBs w.-re
r was laade tbe law cierit's work noisy march through the unbrMtea torRccltaUoa, Carrie Cox.
l<> Ik- made, aad railing for them aa
to Ibis strip of a girl.
far went home for the night.
tbo sight of any liv.<
to whose abimr aad jndgment
He said Smith often came through
thing, but cridraccs of reeent fourthen eecretdry of the trcaaarr. Oage.
The contract for the eonslruetlon of by tray of tbe back basement stairway
footed lababKanu were on every hand,
had the 8MSt implicit coaBdence. Her as the flush tracks of boar. deer, and the new Aatrira county court house of the hotel. He eame aad left things
Mlarr now to 11000 per aaaam and
sad wcNJid wrap them la Gor­
the valued cariboo., wens met
ber work to of priam Importance. daily. Hear trweks were very plealy. Waterman. eoBirarton of East Jnr- don's paper and lake them away alter
When tbe maaptroller has a case lo
Thc bid was ISS.SOO. The eoc- tearing off the liekits.
and be did s^ oar black bear.
decide bell talk it over with Mias
tor the mamnry was anh-let «>
On Monday, the Jewish bnllday.
The woalber maalaed pleasant th-^
Qreaeea. tbM sbe writes tbe optohn,
entire time aad tbo route lay for flfiy C. H. PcterMin of this city for lir-.CM-Mi. Gordon said be did not work and
to which be attaebes bis signature. A
II will be rotnemiMwl that thero alioui C n'cloek at algbt be met Smith
or sixty miles, where oeraskmalty
east Aaocal of reessMh I? recnlred
orwho (otii him to go la the store and
ranch could be seen, but the baadred
ta Mag bee work tatSactordr.
illes at the end was ibnmgb a wlH .ctudon fur this }»>• but all tbe esti- take Ihne ouUs Ihal lay oo lop of a
abe baa the patlenceaas w^ ai the
forest of cedar, spruce and firs, all of msles cxree<l<-(l the B|>pru|irlaik>'i, pile and go to tbe ahop with them,
leantlng, aad It's a kaotir problem In­
which Gordon did. ShtwUy after an
imnih prD|)onloaB.tbr redan
deed that abe can't solve.
offleer rami' and asked for Ibent, tak­
ing from Ihtec In seviw only bidden* ibe seroad lime.
monly s
Wbatever rt» do.' she said
The contract for the mason work ing them away. Mr. Gurdon then tosferi la dlamrler. While they are InIn the oorreapoadeat. 'don't make
includes the eoncreie f<>uDilailniu<. rut tided: "I fidliisiHl and asked why he
dlgeoous to motot sod. they arc
oat a typical bluostocklag. A glri can
like the swamp cedars of Michigan, stone work, brick and steel *v>rk. It had come for the eoaU as I Md bad
he a towrw aad *T«e dry aad dusty
aad do not form dense swamps, but will rcquln- right rarloatK of cut them from Mr. Smith. Some »ne said
Oplaloiis aad yet have real ted blood
with Ibelr companioBs la solitude. stone, l.dOh i«rtvls of cement an-l throe aulu were missing also and
ta her.'
grow tall. dIgnIBed aad straight, rath- thirty tons of steel. The omtraet rails then Mr. Smith was called up hy
"She bas that. She looka anything
iplotloe of tbe iHiildlng In one phontL He came down and wald be
far apart, aad are pal upon the
bat the (Vleatare of tbe typical Bo*iiail toH m<- to take seme clothes, aad
market la ablagles and a Bee flalahlDg year.
taa womaa. She* pretty aad popular,
Arr^ltect Jeas C. Peterm of this he Whlsperc! tu me ibti he had Just
lumber at a fancy price la
clever aad young aad a lover of th*
city, whose placs and apeciflcatlens go! my trunk <iut of the shop belorc
good thiegt of life. Dai she's
Tbe same night I
Mr. Ferris said -aomc days they wore adopted, went tu Bctlalre Mon | gnyonc saw li
per. aad Hade Bam thlaks enough of
ling Ip lay out tbe ground aa l | weat (o hls house and tuM him be had
made only about nine mlk». owing
her work lo pay her tt.oOO a year for
the work win be commeaenl at obc«. jpm m... m « bud |K>slilun- He tbea
the bridges to be ballt where slreai
could not be forded, but bis dcscrlp- A tentpprary shed will be creciwl oa ; gald bo aould »*e down at r. ocl.wt
the Site aad the stone will be cut on Came at 5:30 and aski-d the nlnlit
tlua of bridge bulMlag would
Bata Waa RabhcG
elerti to help him down with my fTink,
balr of a sedate Mtcblgaa horse gray, tbe pmatocs.
- When A. R. Blaiham went to lock to say nothing of tbe driver. TbHr
This court house will be a fine build­ which he'refuse-d. One coat aad two
■p the aafe at Btagbam Bros.'a
ing when completed and an oraamea’ pairs ol pints were in my room snd
bridge hulMIng being aothlag more
aarkd ai 7 o'dota Monday evenlag. lem than the fclllag of three treei. tu Bellalre as well as a crodtt U> the he wrapped them up aad went away.
he made a eiaitUag dlscorerr. aome- two large ones at a parallel to accom oouatj-.
Tuesday morning he said be had
- oae bad not oaly abstracted tbe cash modatc the pack wheels, and a small­
some words with the
drawer with all of lu eoatealt. aboui er OBc being felled between for lb.Charged With EnibasxlemeAt
bad left- I went to hls house twice
BIO, bnl had aleo Uken a pecketbook horse to walk ovm!
From Friday's Record.
and got excited over it and
la the safe wbM coatalaed about
The preHmicary examination of wli- mother said they m>uld kill me If
He says the western borae expects
tiio. The tout hm. as nwr as can BO brilM’ fool path, aad If one of the
M In Ibc case of the People
did net keep still. ( also asked hi
be esUmated. was about IIM.
home trotun attempted any such feat James Gordon, which was begun la lor my quilt, as be had taken li from
, Moaday to •wtltag np dar-'tor
they would break their own necks aad Justice Verley's conn yesierdsy after. my cot to srrap Ibe elothlBg be
hatcher. All Of the eorreat MUs are tbelr riders', too. la their first attumpt.
to atilt pa, three wKaesscs. Will­ away with."
* ‘
eetlled OB that day aad tar that n
On eroas examlnatloa Gordon bore
HU gnide aad belpers were taken iam H. RalM. bookke.-per. George
sea aa estra targe aBDoac at cash
tu story and no amount of ques
from tbe Indiana, tbe "Slwaah" tribe, Smith, salesman, aad Lynn Van Kcur
ftep( OB hand. Btagbam Bros, pay in wbo live on CaaaBlaa reservations uohariag occupied tbe whaeas atasd \ tioelag could break bU story,
caab and not with cbedcs and for tbU der about tbe saata oondiUoas that the at tbe three aesslona of court,
| SmUb's story on the stand did not
porptne bad aomethlag over $»00 la reservatloa copper-sktaa of tbe west
Tbe cate has grown out of tbe al-. corroborate wfib Gordon's and be dethe safe Monday. During the «
taking by James Gordon, tbci nied la toto taking Oordoa's trunk ontera plains do.
of Ue day coasldorable money
Ullor. of tbree coau which were foand | He testified that some one had aa^
paid out. jail how m«ta, however, aoThe frost has played bavoc srUb po- In hit tailor shop.
! that Gordon's tniak bad been tal^
tatoM acd «9rn ta the TMalty of
. hdag kaowa.
Moaday eveclag. about dt'o o' to the direct quettlou be rolled
, Tbe eafe BMs cn tbe weal tide of tbe Brightna and Utnae crops srill have to Gordon was noticed by oar of the i -I aever saw hls trunk. I have no
;*hop and a little wars tmek of tbe br harvested right avray or they nil! salesmeu In the Bostoa store to be | M-en la his shop sluee last Monday,
A^oaaier. A short distance beyond 1« be srortfaless.
rarrring nome'falng out at the sinrcl never saw Gordon Tuesday night a

mj beme.*' He also testified ibat be
did not see Gordon before be wo
ahm. They all tarilfied to lb* effect
tbe stM Taesday aMralag.
that ooe o( tbe boraes was balky and
would He down and Ibe other bad tbe
From Tuesday's Record.
braves so badly that no work coald be
Ororge Smith, wbo has been in' jail done on bravy laad.
sereral days awaiting a beartag
The case e( tbe People rs the Musebargv at larreay. was brought before ariama Grocer company waa the first
Justice Vcriy this aftenioaa at 3 flaUed ihU mornlas. J. W. Patcbla,
o'cloek to answer. He was accom­ attucaey for the firm, pleaded guilty
panied by bis altorney, P. C. Gilbert. tbe charge at vtotatlag tbe pore food
Before tbe case was Uken up Prose- law. Mr. Brvxtka. tbe manager of tbe
raUag Attoruey Geo. H- Crass
owjmay. waa prraeai'aad la del
to dismiss tbe lareeay ease and Imme­ of tbe poslllea of tbe compaay staled
diately Sheriff Chandler served a
Ihat the goods had been wltbdrawa
warraat uptm Smith caeialBing
charge of embezsk-meat coupled with were not lo.accordance with the taw,
(hat of larceuy. Tbe c
Twcwly-tbree rases In all were lakes
made by Charles RosentbaU ptoprl> In and all orders from agenu after
inr of tbe Boston store, aad tbe allegi- (bat w<-rv not filled. The books at tbe
tloas are said to more nearly c
enmptay sbowlag tbe entries made 'a
spond to the alleged facts la Ibe
regard (■• (hr matter were lairnduced
la which Smith and young Gordon are
Proaecullng Attorney George il.
declared tu have been Implicaiod.
Cross It busy on a criminal rase and
Tbe specific charge staien that tbe Huxselmaa cate U being bamtW
Smith did traudiileotly embeuk- an.l by Aaslstaat Attorwer Geaeral MeGtII
steal, on or ab»m tbe 15th
lit: at August, wbo naked G. H. Dame, deputy state
five pairs at pants vqlued at 616. thi
sniu of clotbera valued at S3«. <
meat. Mr. Oame said that he bad per
overcoat valued at 615. three suits of ■Daally notified the Grand Rapids
rlotbes valued at -645. one suit of the qaar twice aad had also notified the
ralac of 615 and oor suit of the value local cumpaay. Mr. Brooks bad said
of 118.
Ibat the goodt were withdrawn March
Tbe evidence Justlfiid ihe
14 Imi Mr. Dame stated (bat he fouad
boldiag (be re^KuuIcnt. George Smith. them on the market In April and even
tbe preneat term of tbe Circuit
late as June. Mr. Brooks ezplalaed
coart. leiang tbe Gordon case rest, be this by saylag that tbe shipping clerk
In JM- perauaally respouslUc to the bad made an error and set out the
coun for his appearance whenever hls wrong ennslgomeat. having aklpped
case, was taken up. Smith to stlli
Tbe fine will be Imposed as soou as
Jadge Mayne ooaaalU
Openina of CampaloA.
Attorney McGill.
Tbe republican eouaty comadtlec
At last evening's
Us been dlHgcnily ai work witb tbe of Blva M. Mutebtar va. Frank A.
speakers' bureau of tbe sute ceairxl Clark, trospass oB^tbe case, was put
committee and aatoranres have been
ffioiloD of tbe derendant, wltb
given that there will be aeveral well- tbe cootiauanee fee added.
known men and distinguished orators
The case of Judaoa Kitchen vs.
here to discuss state and aatloaal Ralph K. JamesoD. trespass on the
Issues. Tbe host prominent thus (ar case: a motion was made to quash
Vnited States Seaatur proceedings.
JuUna Oesar Burrows, who will ap­
The divorce pelliion of ttla W<
pear la this city oa Oct. 35. An effort vs. Frank Weese was granted. Lorril
Is being made
H. Gage was tbe attorney.
GUtlam Alden Smith. Congressman
The ease at tbe People vs. Lyman
Hamiltoa also aad should tbe rice
raw. charged with taking tndeesat
presidential caadtilatc. Seaalor Fatr- liberties with a female efalld was cob
fanaks lour Mlcblgaa It 1* poaalble that tlaned on motion of Ue defease.
be mpy be bronght this way. but that
The ease of Arbard Rtrobm v>.
not yet decided.,
TWtaitc W. lArdk- waa settled out of
Several other pn>minent speakers.
)urt without costs to either party.
however, have Ikvo secured for sevThe case of Emma Cross vs. Win
aral towns In this eouaty. Hon. Phil. lam Cross for speelfie performaace of
T. Colgrovc will appear at Kingsley contract was settled out of conn.
Oct. 19. Hon. Oraai Felh»wt will a-lThe case «f May Rackard. adminis­
tratrix. vs. tbe Pere Marquette railway
rion. 1. G. Palmer will r-peak at
as actum out of court.
Kingsley «IB OC. 6 and Hub. Rllltatt
Th* ease of the.People va Lyman
Norion win deliver addressc* at Will­ McNeal was put over (III next term.
iamsburg Nov. I ar.d at Grawn Nov. {. McNeal to be on probation nntll that
Tbese are alt nrlI kDown speakers
and to be arrcsim If seen In a
anif rocognlstvl f«ir Ihclr eloqaeaee mioon or In an latoxleated coodiUon.
and ability m liandic such Importaat makers will be held at tbe borne uf
quesiton as th-- voters arc called upon krs.
PfannenMhmldi. 316
I d«*lde this fall.
BIghib rtrooi, Monday evealag at 7:»
Negotiations arc In progress (Or si- o'clock.
Mrs. PfancBBChmldt
corlng several caber
just received from tbe An de ta Mode
ere and a Mg rally Is plannee] for tbto Publishing compay of New York
rity early next month.
large box of new nrodcis aad aampke«pl<-s. which to sent wltb tbelr compllBU'ots to (be dressmakers of tbK
Circuit Court.
From Monday's Record.
cliy. for use in Ihclr mecHnga ud
Tbe Scpiember term of the Circuit Mrs. Wbitney. who wu one of tbe
>art <ip<-ncd (<Klay at t:3U p. m.. chief speakers at the Chicago conveoJudge Msynr of Charlevoix prosidlag. tkin. baa seal explsuatkma with them.
The i»'o saloon cases, the People vf
Fred Bechtel, and the People vs. Ai
Death Roll.
James I, Gr>-<-n. an old soldier and
liert Novotwy N-ing continued over lo
atP'ther I'-rm on m-alon of the defend­ tatber4n law of Thomas W. gtanton of
ant's aMoraey. Fred Pratt, owing lo tin Bay sir.-ei. psssed away Sep' J"
illness, and the third saloon case, the ai bla home in Gleu Arbor,
Johii KraiiK-hvil. plearte-l years. U D Ciinis of tbto city bad
ebarge of th<- arrangements and,
guilty: atiorueys Prart ft Daria.
The fourth rase on call, the People funeral was h.-id at Glen Arbor
vs. Lyman rram. under indictment fot Friday.
lakiag Indecent liberties with a fcile child, was also continued over
Mias Ella Benson. «ed IS year,
another term on motion of tbe at daughter of Mr. and Mra ' AdcH»-ri
toraeys for defense, Pratt ft Bavlt.
Brason of Oviait. passed away Sept
Tbe divorce ease uf Ella Weeae rs. (1st at : o'clock of tubercuktoti
Frank Weese is ts-ing heard
of the iKiwclt. Besides a father and
The jurors «. r.- drawn at 5:3t> p m mother she haves two alsrera aoi
and tbe case of Elmer Sti-elc, under tkn'e hrvtbf-rs to mourn ber loss Tbe
Indictmnit for indecent expewnre nf fuiwraJ' wa held Friday afierno>in
no was taken up J. W. IWtAMi. at : o'chick from the Ovlatt church
rouBCil for defense.
Rev Charles Williams oflleiaUng.
Undertaker Anderson had charge of
From Tuesday's Recool.
tbe funeral arrugements ud tbv
A peculiar case was begun In Clr- burial was at Ovlatt.
lit eotin this morning. Tbe case Is
SMumpsK. August Gersb vs. Henna
Mrs. Jeaette Mrad. vrife of Oruge
lan. The first peculiarUy of the Mead of 603 North Elmwood avmioc.
case wu that both aide* agreed oa a died on Saturday ai 7:I5 o'clorit from
Jury, the first twelve B»en drawn being orgale disease of tbe heart. Besldee
satisfactory to both attorneja. The ber husband Mr* Mead leaves four
suit is for 635<> damages ad to the re­ children. Mrs. Byron Belkap ud Hr«.
sult or trading boraes It seems that Robert Lowrie of this city ud Mra.
tbe plalnilS and defendai have been John Vuder Vort of Mayfield uJ
trading bones for somv time and each Mrs. G«o.^wrle. Mrs. Mead «
Ume tbe defendai wonld obuta
kind Chititian cbaracter ud ber
until he became potsessud of ImS In bands weer always ready to n
notes ad mor-.gwes against the plalb- aerrice to tkooe In need.
tiff. Now tbe plait t:R ouu damages
Mrs. HeU wu put her acveeiylo Ibe extent of I:-u. this belag the seroad year and she ud ber husband
fall value of tbe iasl team traded, and were old settJen here.
la addition 66u for tbe expense of the
Farm C. Gilbert left oo Saturday
keep of tbe team which be elalma
fur Poomu to attend tbe funeral of
waul os repiTsated.
The plaintiff introduced a line of bto sister. Mra. George Stull wbo
witneues (hat occupied Ibe attatloa died in Wisconsin ud whose body

wu faroiwht to ber tormar boma ta
Pnmrmi Satarfiay. The tomsnl wu
beM Sunday morally at U o'riack.
Mra. Marie Mink of tbe nsytam fttod
Meadny. aged tl yian. ber body betas
ped ea TtMaday lo Grand Uavu
by UndertUer t
Mra. Anu Kriaoa. aged ta y«arv
died Sunday aHralag at 6 oKfieefc at
tbe aaylam and tbe body wu sblgpad
ber former toaoe ta Mm
where tbe bartal takes ptaee.
Biseu aUnski. tbe I
babe of MkftMl XUtaaki M m Oak
street died Radar, tbe mniber hutag died oaly flva weeks no- Tbe
funeral wu beta from St. Francis
chureb Toeeday muralag at » o-btack.
L. D Curtta bavtag tbe taawal' «c
ta ebanm. and tbe btartal
s made at tba QMbqilc cetastanr.

The Uetndl Bvenlag Hews of ruIlMt •
dale bas aa lUastrated article ragaad
Ing Ibe fine record at Bdwta DoaMta#
of that cliy. Mr. Domtale to a brotbv
of Charles Domtae uf Baal Bay. The
News says;
Edwta Domlae. a v«w*«a Mt sMe
pairolmaa. carried off boaora ta eoaaecUea with tbe albteUe games of tbe
poHce departmem. Batarday. by aeOlag nearly 6*0 UckeU. ibc targml aamber dirooaed of by one maa.
Domlae bas been oa tbe tarn 16
years, serving under Capt. Kola at the Elmwood aveau* auttaa. Hto
I 211 Mt. BIllMi aveane.. ,
bora U Detroit ta IfiM. and
comes of a family of pioMoea. of
whom four geat
the United Stales army. Mdwta Domloe bring U»e fourtb. He tarved 16
years ad vru disebargsd wHb a eartlflcate of ueriim cbaracter. He
ed In Ue west daring ibe India
I. ud along Ue Caaadtoa border.
Tbe eptoods ta bto military caresr-of
which be to U« most proad of Is ite
be wu railed upon to perform
at Ue Ume of Ue deaU of Osa. U. ft.
"I bad tbe dlstlncllM of botag use
e( Ue w men ctaoaea from Ue amy In
net u escort to Ue romataa," be aays.
ri dM guard duty at tatotat fiftsataftm
cottage, at Ue aUM ta^ftJdTZMta.
id In Ue city ball, ttbtr Tort,**
Dumine u oae of tbe beta jBowk
ud best liked oSeers oa tbe ttatroR
poUee force. CbIMtca abMafi,ib tbat
section of Ibe dtp. najl tbey Mll| no
more faithful gtiardiu (bn
f Somtea ab
Ine's beat Fbr Uat iijaaaa. ea Ml u
for falx all around efldeaM M s Mteb(Dl police oBcer. this veUftb
enjoys a standing Umi to anlquc.

A number of people la Tfftarae Oty
Just at preuat are moofataff tbs loss
of prised pbotocrapbs u weft as a
dollar and a half per. They tlateaed to
the eoienainlng talk dltatraagen. de­
posited Ibelr money (or b hand patated
alarged (Uoiograidi and tbm Ue
strangers dUai>eered. DMto rash,
ditto pbotograph.
Several weeks ago a wet] ffreaeed
yooBg womu wiu a *err eagaglag
way. made a caraas of Ue Ctty. fhe
-explained that she wu Uktaf ordsn
for an roUrged band painted pictara
l a ‘remarkably low price. Sbe bad
number of envelopee ud If tbe praapectJvo purchaaer drew one eoeaatalag a ticket, be or sbe ccoU bir one
of Ue pictures but If Uey didn't they
were barred for ever more,. It •*■ asbow may Inefcy oota tb«re
BoUer aad daagbboth drew Ibe tlekeu,
DU refused to take over om Older
from a bouse aad Ibe datt^tar prftved
be Ue "Inckr one."
A abort time later a ■
with a buneb of samplea tbey vero
nice samples, very bandaomt tadeei
ud all tbe purebaser had to do Wta U
furntob a pbouwrapb and Uft-tostgniflraot som dT IlftO Ud Uey wouK
become the possessor of a thaOdr one.
No. Uere wu no frame to bay. R wu
not like Ue old picture
amtprompt deitveriea would be made, peelalnly, be roeogntxed Uai (bti pbotoof It,
certainty. Tbuk you. lady." bad Ue
corns made a merry jlngta w they tlM.
down bto trousers pocket.
That wu several weeks affrt By
and by. Ue possessors of tbe targalu
begu to wonder why tbelr ftaum
didDt show up. Aa iBveeUffaftoa wa
made ud It wu (Mad tbat the mu
ud tbe 1
stood not M tbe order of tbsir gotag.
They bad Mi quite a mnber iff |fi*urea bebtad but some were fiftastag
aad cf ejazM Ue mtulag eau bad '.o
ba pictvta of dud retattau ad
friends. Many of Ue umifttaw'i r*
covered tbsdr fdetara bta tat tbelr
deitar aadaaaltaadtbeeM(rufUe
agut ta this city aeew to Mfrc t

. ^

.Jmpi-wyn' J- '..l«’^--^sr^yv^,-*mr'-.^---.^TORANO TRAVCME HCfULO. THURtPAV. »E»TEMKR B. WO*.

Grand Tra?crsc floaid
A wwx EhsiWif W

Oi^ » Urt* TOU. mickt mtrol tb* i
iMUOa of k OOBDtr.



ON. A ». HBBUV.ef IMm

thAn p.«idaiab.e«a

br opposliiOD papers to create a dtftSAO to Dstndt aad Tolc^. *AOO .
aad to
as of Ckkago. tl-Oe to Orwad Ra|4ds on OR. A I. annul exnirsloa. October 4ib.
tahiBg a backward step.
*SPd to Richmond. October lUh.
Tbe dfiMd BOW. aad Ue porpose My G. R. A I. agent abowt It. p
80«. Bad tbe ocrialotr of the
Is for
"a eafe. eaatUble asd eCecUre pri­
mary ^eetkm law by wbteb tbe ooal
aatJoa of alt eaadldates tor offlee win
be ao Abwctly ooatrolled by tbe peoto Mcare abeolate parity la knaut Lew fUtc EseuraiMi to Ohio
Reinta. Wednesday, Oct. Sth.
polltlee- (Detndt pUUorm of Jom
Rett to TeleU. gAflO.
Wftl): ‘a ceaeral primary eteelkm
Add osc (are from Toledo to tbe czlaw for tbe emlre state of Ulcbliaa.'' ;imon fare to Toledo tor tbe roitad
tDetnXt pUtfonn of March C. IWO)
Irty day*.
"a peaerml primary tiectloa law that
tdiDK date of sale,
aad pole blits or ask agmi I for pnrtlriItcieal district In Ue stale to decide
H. F. Moeller, O. P. A.
tor Itutr Ue BieUod by wbMb It sbatl
ilaate tu candidates for-pnblic o(- •ettlere* Fares to theReoU aad SouthSce aad delegates to U# state eonrenthat'’ (Ormad Rapids platform of May
1«. 1>0*I: “Uat Ue election of caadt
dates for public olDcc sbonld be pro­
tected from Improper control aad taint
World’s Fair. St. Louie.
of comiptlon and should be so con­
Rouad trip tlckeu at low rates, on
ducted as
Judgment Md will of the
peopto in Uelr respecUre ~en.le*. S*r:leS\SuVu*U^M7fcir;;j:
and election districts may demand Md < tlcttlais.
dliwct;------la faror of primary reform I
-----------------------where changes from Ue exhUng cau-{ <>' ^ A.I- mdus) rzennion to De-

N« otMipkOt ft' Otwijr.
SoM et tbe «ut« pkpcn woold have
WPWr tk«t tbe «iwi7M «r the
two MMhodlM ooolwwew bHd U»t
*Mk Uii«r U»or FOcTto. b« the l»MIlgmM ol (be dercr proovu Ibea
to look before they twp uul «& loddest of (be Oread lUpMe eonfmsce
•bovf (bat aoaM of (bos at least hare
stadled the prlatair refom ^oesUoa
and that tber are vIUIbs to be nUed
hr ibeJr better btdpDeai rather (baa
bodice. Here U as extract from
Ibe report of (ha Oread Rapids coafereaee which abows bow the ooestioo
was riewed there:
"A sbaip Olt oa the qneation of prlBiary reform was
a at the
dose of tbe moralap eeaMoa la tbe
port oa tbe state of tbe cbarcb. The
matter of priatary reform was propoaed as a at^ tosrard bolter dric
eODdltloos. Wbea Uls report was read
Dr. Tea Bebor^ of Coldwater called
attaatloa to tbe remdotloa U tbe
port ladoralns primary reform i
mored that tbe raeoIuUoa be strtck<
from Ita report. Dr. Vaa Sebordt said
ed (Delroll platfunn. June „0, October U. Sep G-R. A I. axeni fen^
that he had been bearUly In faror of
primary reform naUI last winter. whU<
ependlnf sU weeks ta
Don't Break Your Back
purpoee. Md It is presented as In
rerlnJ werii, be beard so much cod- crary feature preferable to Uat ofoaralng crtls that bad “crowB out of fved in oompeUtlon tor the faror c.f
tbs Crawford eoanty lyetem of pri­ Ue people of tbU state. It le more
mary reform that be was aow satlsfled republican, more dcmocrwUc (In the
that ft was not reform at aU." It bad broad Md boaocnble sense of Uat
DBcb oorroptioB that term'): non la harmony wiu
tbe cats lies of ImekawaBaa aad La- spirit Md genins of our free populsr
FJ^dnui. tolls ronnb Arc. Sosi^
d It aad retaraed InsUtutloBs. It is genuine primary nto tbe old eystam.
of Ibe prlmarioA,
He aleo wrote to meads la Iowa where eomptloo and abuae have Ueir
where primary reform had been tried source, but* Imposing no unwelcome
MICHlfor aerec years aad was credibly la- rustrlcUon or coercion upon the people
totmed that instead of leBeenlnp oor- In the exiectoe of Uelr right or the
rapUaa In politics ft bed Increaaed It ; enji^ent of Uelr privileges as free
aad Its worse featore la that tbe re­
ahaping their own Inslituilons
form. ao caUed. cave tbe people <d- aad eobirolllng Uelr own aSalrs. 3i tossld ooeasr. iliriaato. aad that all
flclals who were tbe most nawortby U offered wlUoot hesliatloo or rese-t as a rale. Ue bad: va’Jon. Md without fear that It may
also reoelTed word ot its woiklacs In not be aecepuble to Ue large major­
MlnneeoU aad tbe complaint fr^m ity of Michigan volera. as republican
that atote was that tbe farmers were measuree tor liny years of iholr his­
rirtaally knocked out of oSee hold- tory have been.
inci. tbe rillaaee and cities fetilns ail
moaa. He said be was the furet
Rlrthday Party.
of Jodpe Orore, who, wMIe a beUerer
Saturday, Sept. 24. was Ue occasion \
In primary reform, eald in bU t^lnlon, of a very pleasant gaUering at Ue
tbe farmers In tbe lecialatnre. who are borne of Mr. Md Mrs. Ptoderick Hrtmlarc«l7 In tbe majority In Out body, fortb of Elmwood, it being Uc
would repeal tbe preeeat primary Uv eightieth birthday of Mr. Heimfortli.
la Kent oonnly next whiter. As tbe AU of Ue children Md grendcbildren
•yttem ctree tbe (annen tbe marble residing In Uto rielnity.
heart they wlU defeat It In Ue legis­ thlrly-eliUt in all, were tbere to eon
lature nnless a leas enmberaome. less
him. Mr. HeimtorU's chilexpenalre aad leas comptlag ysiem
blm wtu a bandiiQiiK'
eaa be derleed.
chair as a birthday gift.
Van Bebwck's motion
In (be afternoon tbe retire compMy
adopted by a large malortly la a rtring gathered on Ue lawn aad WIU Ashvote aad tbe ramrivUtm was stricken Um took a picture of Ue group.
Mr. Hetotforib is oae of Ue flrat
ploaoers of Uto region.
In Hto Own CRy.

G. R A 1. MBual cxranbm tn UUoft. Toledo. CbieaCD Md Gread Rai:
ids. Tuesday, Oeiober 1. To lUchmoo.:.
See O. R A 1. agc&i fur
Whil* the role LWo there Is Hope.

Pere Marquette

lwasafilFl«dvttb<elsrrh; ensM Mihrr

"Ob tbo Wngs of th.: M.Ktitnc"
most ibrllltn* smry <-i,j
written, will begin In The Ih:r-iu
Juarnal QD Tuesday. Ort, 4ih.
volve* a shipsrwk In •• siomh S.-S-,
cfaarmiBi: maid.
Aniwisl G. R. A I. Cscursiena.
The G. R. A I. will give its
e*cur«lun« tiu Tuiieday. October t. ■>
Di-trolt H.iui. Toledo li.'x'. flue*. ;
tirmnd lUplds J4-«<>. Tb»
cxcuratua sill 1^ to Klchmond. In.
Tuesday. October II. Far,- |:.u'
Tlckels gww) io return fur l” iis>G. R. A 1. agents for full itiriicn
or adtln-M C.
l*H'ksotKi i; iA.. Grand lupld*. Mich.

m ▼. MsALTAT. sr MaaMss.

v^MMb* ef OameMa lUb BMM

amAld «. tumoa. sc m. Li





r*«.auel«anal. I.lenn
Dr (raiBa aiaw. coil
a aiiada; larw wrli
ig loraik tn Ironn-f

The CWto Oeald CantreL
Ibara Is oae fMare of a aweapiBg
primary aieetkm law Uat Up Hmald
has aet ypt hmiS Mr. FUtIs aad, bis
.Wn example we
vU take Graad Trarbrae ooiinty. ..
ts inU known Uat Ttarerse City polu
asarty oae-balf Ue entire rote of the
pouty. Dader a prlmaiy taw where
a are to be pomiMied by di­
rect rou «f Ue people. It will at
he aena that TraracM aty oonld read­
ily eentrol tbe aomlnbUons for aU

Probably ao tsM-ln Ue state of
MlebigM has aaJd more aakiad words
about hto borne town and lu people
Um has eMdldate rerrls at Ue morelag pieretoee at hto laetltote during
Ue past twenty years, and yet Ue
demoerate Ulak Uat erery voter In
Big Rapida aboiild support him out of
••kwal prtda.- But It wont work; bp
where U Ue etste
more tolly undermred Um Mr. Ferris
would BOt vote for oae of Uem If they
wrne re aay but Ue deaMcraUc tlekei.
Um ta bit home town.—Big Rapids

Did the Cat Caitee Itr
Is Itbad lock to kill a cat? Ayoimg
aa of Traverue City didal believe it
was bal now he has changed bis mlad.
In company with a friend be was out
rabbit hnnUag Md U Ue courue of
Uelr travels Uey passed a (arm I
bouse. The lady of tbe bouse, when {
she saw tbe men, rushed out and told
Uem Uat her cat was having a 3i:
Md It sbo^ be killed. One of Ue!
buBten rtfum. saying be was auper-,
•Uttous. Thetother aald he wasn’t, sot
he got a club Md pat the Mimal out |
of lu mUery.
Tbea came Uc seouel. Tbe man!
that refused to kill Ue cat shot at a |
rabbit, la some manner the shot seal-:
tered and one of Uem caught Oh- non-'
auperyitlouB maa In the right cheek'
Md passed through, making a painful'
but not dangerous wound. He w<»l
kill My more cats

The Imoss DeSned.
MMcratle platform propcaes
the Bomlaatkai of aU cMdidatea by
It mar be as- direct vote, cfaooelng the nomli
nmad Uat the |
■Mtase of rotoe; sUte oBeere by buIloUng la Ue sUic
polled at each
I would be at large. wlU aU Ue evils of mlaorlty
hHrier, ta a deuMy ppopied territory
wlU ail Ue opportnnlty
ake mrwTM city, Um In Ue more for misluadlag Ue voters who for Ue
spaiauly emtled towMklpe of
part have no aeqaainuaee with
Etoy Joesare. Menominee. «
snaty. No anameat to aeodod
Ue caadidatee. Md uiU aU Ue poasl»i«ra Uto. It to a selfprldeal fact blUliee of anfatr dictatloa of aomlna- lag on train, bad foot cut off
blnhday Mnlveraary.
- tUi belBg tree u eM readUy be
Ums by Ue Urge clUet, U which corWilltomnon farmer died in appear
hbw naty U woaM be to oeotar aU rnptlon U our polltlea cAleSy origlBSWtMriimi ter couty oOclato la alM Md flourishee. The republican la cIrenU court became he didn’t pro­
vide for aged father.
fterarM Otty. This would be m aato for tbe
tSr aSraatase tor Tnrerae Cbty re- local CMdidatea by direct voUng—m
iMMMSha or demomau to take, but It alcipal. couaty. l««totoGve—u Jurisis a pamOORr JB
dlcUoBS Bol ao Urge Ual Ue cMdl-'
naroatloe ayitem. while datee aball be atreageru to Ue mass
Mtase «t deltmalM may be cf voters, nor so complex Md Ucon•. betwMU the lowaaklpa aad graout Uat the deue population cf
the city, as Us roUs would be under one part ebouM orerride Ue choice of
Ike dtnet prtmaey
wider regions; Md that the same prl«pa. yet whre U«ae detogatee get to- marlea shall elect delegates to aoml•tUer they talk
for eute oOloerg.
Dto aitamioa tony aad agree to Ue
Tbe democrats deomad Uat tbe law
Time ie at hand Ate you in
*Mom of a dtotribuUoa of Ue i
proposed by them' aball be ataadaioiT.
, ne^ of
It the county. Tbit aad Ue primary method of votUg for
•ia genarelly worked
•hall be compulsory
9hto ywar Ue
ipoo.all preelhcts aad all coontlea.
•hows that Ue aomlasUoas for lodge gardlem of lorel preferreee. The rem probata, for clerk, tor regtoter of PUbUcBBS
IUMb. tor truMiher. tour of Ue best chufee of tbo people, aad bold Uc
Kemember the No. 'i.
lyillillliui aad Ue tear beat paying wlihee of Ue votera of one town or
sAeaa.aregl«patcUe tpwaabUa. Tbe
ity aa eaered aa of aay oUor; j
fSRh might have beea tbe tame
to give to aay town or elty or eounty i
4ftr Ue dlraet primary *<«lng aystam. or dtotriel where Ue majority ehali «o j
in Ue tact remalae Uat In all eoun- declare. Ue rl^t to'aomlMte Ueir;
^ Ilka Oraad Trarena, whmu Ue caadidatee by a prlmatr riecltot. andj
«ity rote emmla. or aeartr ppoato. the to aay thu may prefer the eoavenikm {:
tswabhlp rota. Ump to a powtbUHy of
Ibe right to employ that:
tke dty vote taklag ereryUlag In methodThe toaue to cIum cut aad clearly do-1 ^
The direct reUag pbw to rery al- tned. Tbe repubUeaa prepoeltlon toj:
tAoitre at tret aigkL aad It appmls dOttke aad poalttoe. It to deetorodi
^ 4HU iBungty to tke maa who llkea to
wtu ao apologvt.j
SMl that be ta geuiag right down le attitude. It to to harmony wiu all |:
dlaae to the Bomlaallon of a CMdIdate. Uat Ue pariy baa eald aa Ue eubjretj:
HR. It tea rwadUy be teen, npoa a care- heretofore, though Ue effort to made I;


Corn Cutting


’-fSi--"-: 25c
Cold Blast

Elgin G. Lewis,

Now is tin- lime to buy your
^•inlrr supply of }iht>es. Never liefore
have we l>cen able to give the jicoplc
such bargains as wc arc cfTcring this
I'all. It will pay you to come many
miles to buy your winter supply of us.



►hnnM IN-* .\r- in. >

rn pm|wTl> ' l>>
► OliFh?

BHSpcairuiiini't. Usuiival UitaidBrr


Winlid Fanis ta Sill


U*». Alt lertii- hanne farm* |<. .rll call li
or irrit* uid
<rhai I hat--1.. offer.
<1 fUUIdiBc.
-m-CTiy. Mi.-h,


Pi/iv, fi ill a


I- 4.





»**»•»» «««>- K.-J. MuTtfan, Tr«TMS«.i1ir-

Cl..- ..J ID- .1.-. :


slric T.-d when
W<- K'larai.«Hir yb<i. « !i. t,.



S<.tl and .-a-5 a> ,




ir.H. lalu.-, UDi,

w.-ar likf- ir<ifi

»i.5o. gs.oa



Proclaims the opening uf
the fall term of school.
You doubtless know
that this store carries all
the kinds of Text Books.
Slates. Tablets, Pencils.
Pencil Boxes. Pens, am!
the like that arc; required.
We always want >oiir
trade. School districts
are requested to make
this their trading place
for Supplies, as we make
it a special object and to their advantage to buy here.
We give cash or liberal exchange for any Second I land
Text Books, used in this vicinity.

Ole 0an Give Vou
The best for the^irice in

Feed, meal, Bran, middiinfis,
eorn and Oats
We buy nothing but the best grain am! you get ihe
pure article.


Mail Orders Carefully I'illed.

£i(y Book Store
e«„ Pnps.

tnotrsi Cllf, mitb.


Dew Fall Styles

Not the old shoiMy. but fresh from

JImerican Birl


They will wear with any $:{ shoe soM,
they have lots of style, they carry the new
heels, they are very swell lasti. lace and
button, in several kind? ©f leather. B, C.

n and E. '



makc ,y-.\


They .ire strong and fh.,i|,-


J1 Cwo Tifty Shoe



InUgUlw. U •- d 1 U PI
and h’wry r..!.* Just tb<- ahiN-N for
t «i<ailuT »<-*r.
«2W. $2.50.

sauROFcaao snots




sii.iv* Uau auv <,(D•T more In Uto aatoSSi^lb Urp-baler hexM-.Ud SuiTlreo.!,





I-/T Wixj! W’r.flc ar. ’ E
iuit betxncc n.artcil
or worn, when
J-..i an,l Lcjuiifiol. E'ofsriccr:' Ur. . ..n, Hlack J*i, y,ro!ofig» the
hrc„.w.rcciom.a-,;o.,T..:..;..r»U4c-!^the fr.,n« n.a’vc*
ihemkx.kas r-! is '-c*-, uso excellent k- l.n^jhicti up
Wickcf-Fumu-tu-. Rcfr -rraturx. bmofewt. 0*1 Ckrtli* and

Bogddfs Prepand Paints
For mS ouUdIc or inside paintmg.

$. E. Olait 1^ Sons



V. W. tolik. nuucrr or tbe BurBill A tAT Co. Hour bHI. Moador
pnnAlowt 6.0*0 bMbel* of «b«w. tU*
Bwkisf U.OM
poKiiMOd with­
in • niton Uate.

men U Pirtinr of thin dv nud
KlM Mnnhn Kitner wore marr*
Tnondnr ni Uto Anborr pnraonagc br
mUfciOM-si. Ttmt Ur. h. c uh*. ROT. Htifh KoBBcdr nod immed
left on n two woefet trip to AIta. St
Uinlf. Grand R^n. Loniitts and De­
troit. ftoa which place thej- will take
the boat to Alpena, and on tbeir retOT« will take np their reddcsee
the {Unwtn farm.

3 pertal dmc< •I'OKBtlMtt.

The tninlntoilal conrentlon at .the
Grand Sapidi dUtriet llldilcan
(erenee of the Erangelicd ansocii
which wan held In the Konwlek ebareb.
cioaed ‘Hiuradar after a Terr '
ceadnl four darn' aeulon. Tbe
tion will ooaUntie aa a rerlrnl
ibla week with Prealdloc Elder C. F.
Benrer of TraTorae City la dtarce.
The neat aeecloo wUl he held In TraTerae CItr-

winter with) her uaele. George E.
Thomas B. Bennett of Bradfwd. On
XaAo. aad who has been iuUag the pulpU of U>e OongreoUoBaJ iPiurcfa ml
Omeaa. for two Buaday. left this monlag for the Canadhia Soo.
Nra. John Lysle. who has been rlalting Mrs. Partneter of Btngbam. retnonied to her home at Fife LAke toduyMrs. Saelder, who waa tV gueat of
her brotber4a4aw, Peter Sneider. oror
Sunday rrtoraed to Vr borne bt Soetb


MorteKmrn MioHiKten**

fro. BdmM CebJlI of lAnclag upeat
Bpday with her nieoe- Mrs. Alice
Crawford-Petk on her way borne from

Miss Carrie York returned home
Rla^ley tbit raoniing after a ab<
risk with Mn. Jamec Burden.
Mr. sod Hra. I. Borwitx went to Cadlac this moratec, belag called there oa banks and t-mndeoa niri.H T;i..m;i:
Id Hhiladel|il.,a. Ha.
aecoonl of bit brother Darld’a mn<
Mr». Jennie Waldio acd >^OD. .Mj.i- r
Prank R. Adeaeau left for Sidney.
Ohio, this mornlag to tpead tbe wln- Ham. left .today tor a ik„ u,.,..
rlslt with her daughtor.-UUs
Mrs. E Roeeen of Chicago, who has THIsN.»r-of Hooor.
Meaara. Will Oarrow of thia dir and
Joae^di Bordeau of .\anh|>orl i- ,i
bean tbe guest of Mall Nelaoa. re
Ed GIbbona aad T. B. Mania of RichTrariTse Oly vurior today.
toned booie today.
Boad, lad., were oat trolllap WodaeaHhe JenniDKs. niulher t.l H IJ
MUs Grace StaSord. who has beon
dar on the bar aad eauikt thlrtr-flre
Halting Mloa Once Nelaon of 2*4 Mad-J Jonoings, Irfi'thiii oiunlni; tor klai.i:.
fine Maeklaac tront. tbeir eoiablB>!d
Iboo itreei for a week, loft thia aton­ ll()ue to »isll anutber
weli^t belas <60 pooada, the larpeai
Mrs. Wmiarn Ciil
ing for Mt. Pleaaant. where she will
Upping the ncaloa at aixtoen pooada.
passrd through
Iter the Central State Normal
A pan of theae. bowerer. were taken,
Mrs. Marie Notdnm-Amand of with her daughter. Mri^ tieorge liui
br wire line t^oegtag ta 160 feet of Oraad Rapids, who haa been In towa ler, whom sbe will si>*id tlie viai'-r
water, bat tbe catch la a good atarter
a week ritltlng her bnabaad. left tbU with ai Jaaesvlllr. WU.
for tbe aeaaoa.
monlng tor LnaalDg. where abe esMrr. Prank FrohnsM*-! and MI-^k
Edgar Deihrahlre of Maatoa panted peris to take up ekicutlhnan' claai Rose Oriealiiger of CAmbrldp- niy
Ind_ who hate l«-< n here
tbiwagh town Tuoadar for Long Lake, work la the butiaess unlvenlty.
Miss Rebectt L. Richmond, who has rt-iunied boaii' this nioniing.
where be will attend tbe wedding of
Rer. Oerraa Ckrer. formerly of Mati been sp^l^ the aammer at her
A Bey's WiW Ride For Ufe. ton. aad Miat Amy Oltcbel. wbkh plenaant Omeaa cottage it la tbe cUy
With fsmily srouml expoctitii; him
took place Wedaeaday moraiag at II today on her way to her borne la
o'clock at the borne of tbe bride-a ala Grand Rapids. Sbe will leure aoon I die. sad a son rtcliDB tor Uto. Jg
lies, lo gel Hr. Klng'a New Dlecovlira. Jena Sbeaia. Mr. Carey, for Alikin. Oa. where sbe «pecU to ery tor Consumptloa. Coughs and
imslB daring the winter.
wboee charge li the Prtanda church at
Colds. W. H. Brown, irf Leesrille. Ind..
Mist Grace Jobaaon. who haa been endured death's agonies from asthma,
Oaway. leaTea at once for bU work.
Mlaa Alma Ktbbe. alao of Maatoa. W4ll tbe gueat of Mrs. J. R. Saato at Omeaa j hot this wonderful medicine gave InI stam rellrf and soon cured him. II.U W. Tlnkhaa haa atAitod hla new aUtnd the wedding.
for the past week, has retuned
I writes: "I now sleep fcoundly ererr
Grand Rapids.
Imiat m the oomer ot Waahingtoa
night." Uke marvelous euroii of cob■ «Bd rvanktia ntreeu.
During tbe beariak of the Bmltb
aad Bisters the Missus Mary:coughs, colds and grip prove Us match-!
eaxteauat eaae Tuenday u UtUe raDr. Win WtBielBi haa been rut») rlety waa added by Constable Aabtoa
Jessie LaidUw and Woth-.r >«" »«*t tor all ihruat and lung!
a pMdcai'wt
for noath with appearing with Peter Ryan, who has Tbomss, left tor tbeir borne at Carp troubles. Cusranteed bottles Sfle and :
I1.W. Trial bottles lOc. at Johnson's i
twa raan back par.
been ttscb wanted tor some ttme pact, lake this montag. Miss Jessie retun- Drug Store. S. E. Walt t Sons and T.
teg toni^L
H. Meads.
Ihe work of larlag the watar aalu belag charged by Jefteraoo K. LaagN. Aadtnosi of liualstee left tor
well. July It. with taking a saddle,
on Ban rtoM oOwai Don Park auwot
Jessie Oamun of Le-joldas picked a
»me tela monteg alter a sbort busi­
to OuSetd araane. bapaa Thamdar halter, bridle, buggy boM-bnek alrupt ness trip ben.
dyasmlie canridpe primer to pkt-e*;
Bad a grate sack, in ralue about $7.
with s pin. so tjiht some one wouldn't!
Rev. H. D. Carrel
He pleaded not guilty uad la default
a mistake aad he h'irt. Th,-;
this atoning on church busim
8aiitora*-F»Der of Trawae Oly of tbe tlOO bond repaired by oourt
Mta Irene Pomeroy Shields aad bar. result was two fingers aa<l ..ue tbumbj
took osi tbe Im dher dbeaae SatM- wilt laapulrii la tell UII 9 o-ctock Sat­
other. Mra Irene Batey of Monroe blown off.
day and atand raadr to pet la the
Center were la the city Saturday on
What ia LifeT
taken up.
pame Not. l.
tVlr way to Bay City and Kslamasoo
In tbe teat anslytls nobody knows.
It we do kuow that It Is under strict
fora rtslL
Mn. Hsyweed OuaP.
A ganeral taU orerhaullng la going
Abuse that law even sllsbtly.
Mrs. W. A. M. Johnstone retuned
Mrs. ANcu M. Harwood. wNe,^
on in the eopati:, bnUjlpc. tbe aoaalc
Irregular Uvlng means
Aoartag belag rwpalrwd and tbe brick Ouorge W. Haywood, died at« o'eloek today from a sbort Tteit to Mayfield.
the organs, resulting
Toesdsy momiag at tbelr home
............... ....................................... ............ headache or Ilvt-c
New Uto PliU
Long Lake of coaaampUon, aged Ji Myrtle and Pearl of Leeuvllle. me-i‘ron*''''- Dryuara.
companled by Robert Hnral. «rrtved;
'It'* gcail». yet
Praak Conor ha
... JotiBson'g
- E Wall A Soc* and F.
Cbarlea Oimaer tbe r
Besides her hosbuad and one brother today for a rtslt with Mrs. E E Hen- Drug
aad three sisters sbe tearet four <±fl- drteki.
H. Mead*.
aa Wkwbteptoo atiw
dna. Chius boys and one glH. to
Mta E a. Dorr, mother of George
to Detroit and Toledo. $6.fw -o
mom the lots cf a Uad aad lorlng and Cbaries Reed of thia city left on
mother. Her fuasral will te held tee Per* MaroneUe this morning for I Chicago. »t.W> to Onnd Rai>Wa on 0..
Wbne working at tbe Oral Wood Thimday moraiag at 16 o'eloek te tbe Br««ya-tor tee -inter. ^
Dlah Cnetary Tburaday. Uoyd, aoe ta Friends risurob at Long Lake under
Jamea Dteoa of Log AagricA Csl-.!,ny o. r. * i.
,U)ut li.
Nelaoa Sattb. bad one of tbe boaea la tbe dlruriioa of Gadertaker Aadsrwm. Is TlslUag relstlres and friends hero •
bU Ml wTtet broken. The aceMeoi
and at Wexford.
Strange Thinga la Aa Attic.
waa paiaral bat not aertooa.
Homer E Knapp has been granted a
R*beQ he died in Texas nul<oiiv
Prom fiatorda^ Record.
peusloB of 1C a monte, beglnnlog IboughI or (bat oirl policy in the M.i .The LMlasaa eaaaty fair wiu be
E E HlMard ships 600 boiheds of Bept: n. l»i.
tachusntls Mutual Llto iDaiiranr.
Md at Dru^ park groondi at B«- itatoca to Chicago via tbe nilaois to­
Ed Dowuteg aad Harold Deveadorf Company, on which ho had pa;.I t,u:
proslaiB*. aufft-ring tet- ram-- :o
tiaa My Oct. 4.6 aad S tbU year. New morrow.
left ten nlgbt oo tee lllloote for Wssb- two
Ispsv ihrt-e .v«-mr* biforv. Thri-< >i-ars
bnUdM*i bare- beon added to Gie
Mr. and Mru. A. J. Wolcott returned Ingion on a proeptcUag tour.
after hi- rUod-tsiHl six year* atur th*'
•Monda, tbe proBlnma ate liberal and to Resd City today from a three
policy had lapeed) Cha*- W. H,ck<-li i
titare wUl be aporu aad raeea.
weeks' rlslt here.
Brt>, tnanap-r* a< IX-troli. Mich.,
heard of It. *i*ni on proofs of .i. aU:,
George Ctespmaa will go to Reed From Tueaday'B Record.
J p*.!icy ill t
Claytoe Lordte patchaaed ' & J. aty toasorrow to TisU friends.
Dr. Cbas. A. Burbrtdge spent Sun»l<low found
BHnkmaa-a crop of Alexaader appler
Mrs. J. A. Clerk of Harbor Spriag* day la Grapd Rapldt at the borne of
Saturday. There were UD barreta id Mwot the day la Iowa.
his parents.
tNm and tbe price being paid tl-70.
J. H. Tobla at Chicago arrtred In Ju*t like "ffnatne money'’- it is noV'o
They were chipped to Mynbl. dobi
the city last evening to attend me 1 1*6 telnc to have an aiUc with Mich a
FTCm MoadayY Record.
* BigBi. Oknpo. on tbe IlUaoia SuaMise Mary Welsler of Flint arrived
b™.*.,. n F. crk.^
' Pay memlag.
tor a two weeks' Tisit to her brother^ MU* Marie Bristol. Wednesday more-, jhi* aplecdid company a hoi.r.-i:„;.i
Paul today.
teg at 9:30 at tee family retidence.
| word In Mkbigaa.
Tbe Bral repohllcaa rally to be held
Mra. Will Dill and danghten Cedi
Itenl Stelabreriirr. a prominmt Uwla thia ooonty for tbU earapalga wUI ■ad Dorothy retuned today tram
yer of Chicago, arrived this
. take pMse Friday ereelag la Uie Long
oath's visit te FteesBoaU
tor aa extended visit with the MU*e*
Lake town balL Ike meeting will be
Mru. JuUut Sietsberg left thU after Aadereoa. Union street.
ppereaaed by Hem. J. W. MiUlkcn and
m for a short rlsU with her daugh­
Mr. and Hr*. Dan ClaviHie and cbll
F. C. Gilbert who wlU dlicnaa atate ter. Mrs. Motce Rosenthal of Petosdren. Cyril aad Gladys, of MapW City
and aaUoMl lanea.~
A Blue Saving Hjok with a
passed through town after a ten day s'
dc|Kxit of $1.UU or norr, add
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Alcolt of Beltair<> visit with Meads in Ludington.
TV SalTgttoa Anay la making prepsomething each birthday. The
Mia Albert Joaes sad little dsugharatUiaj for tbe ootalag wlaier. Giru passed through towa today eo route
i; componnded twice a
rst is
f Olive of Ravonns arrived today
-at oM Uotba. moaey and other neeea- for as easten trip. Mra. Ak»U riaUyear and rou have a neat sum
lag in Eastern Ohio while Mr. AUcott
I a rUH to Mr* E Simmon* of *63
uRIaa of Ufe are aakad for. The army
when the child is <a tea. Moo.
goes on fram BuRalo Into Western Eaan TYnth stn*et.
morea Meatly but It Peon u grunt, work
ey depotned in this Bank «
New York.
Mias Harrteite Burnett of Central
not tmiy ie the great dtiea bat erea
payable on demsad and is here
Mra. W. E Mast of WUItemiborg Lake arrived today for a abort risit
;fc citiea the tlie of TruTorua.
yon want tu
spout Buaday in town, the guest of her with Meads before leaving for Kaisaxoo. where she will be employed
maldag im- daughter. Mrs. A. E Bingham.
' AithW RoaeaibBl
Coostable Will Ashton left oo a bus­
tbe asylum.
prOTumoau ta the Globe alore wkleb
Mrs. WUdrr H. Grave* of Jose. Now
will almoot Peuble tbe room In tbe iness trip lo Graad Rapids today.
Mrs. Q. E Baker retuned today Mexico, arrived today to Join her husUoiUag and cloak depwo
baad who preceded her aad they win
•Uraalre eterated oSce________ from the Central Lake street fair.
Mlm Alice Crie. who has been go OB to OmeuA Mrs. Graves' former
bnllt la the aombeant eomer ot tbe
Trfiverse City Markots.
Blore and each canilen hare be«n add- speodlag some time here wiU her sU- home.
This raport IsmaMuoen Weetnesof each week. Tbe Hersio is not
Hr. aad Mia G. J. Bramaa of Lor Oay
ad. tagutber with other Impraw^pta. ter. Mru- W. D. Tuner, was uoespedresponstblo for changes in orIceA
edly called home Sunday oumlug to ill- raise. <Nilo. who have been guests of
soLLiue r
Oounw Clerk Walters taeritad 100 ess la the taaiily.
Hr. and Mia Sidaer Keyes of "Tbe Oni
dew Beeaaaa tan week from tbe aecMra. Belle Paige of Kalkaska was
iDverA" retunied home today.
.Bhanesieers ........................
re&iy of utnie. for the local caalla- tee guest of Mr. mad Mn. C. O. feuoag
gancy. While theae are blank, entbu- at Galoa streeet yoeterday.
Bettle of Clevelaad. vetaraed h<
aiaatle huattman might tag their deer
"Bebe~ Wlaale left last night for day after a summer spent at Edgea* aa ta be ta raadlaeaa for the open Olivet college where he figures ur a wood.
•uuaoa. which boglnc Nor s. elecitaa wroag reatare la tbe college foot bell
C. E Harvey of Spiceiaad. lad., who
has been here six weeks, retoraed
Parv C. Onbert retnned this mon- borne lodAv.
J, C. H. Kahn «f Latead, who has beet i me_______
(he ftmeral of bis
RoioBd Jemp of Ma^ City west
.-aa aa eitawio4 Tistt to hli daughter, i si,tsr. Mn Bird fituU. who was barted to Sokn today.
^ -Bln. M. SptnnUea. cowfiaed 1a Ana • ytestetday at Pomaoa.
Mra. E Wootf of CcwCmisb
eeii«e asTUB ee «
Alter University bo«ttaL tetuned| A. Reiter aad daughter of C9»ela- town on baslauss today.
Thunday. Mn Sptealfcen. whose ;aati. who bare been enjoying a sis
E H- McQueer of Cedar City,
»oese M also at Lelaad. who oader-; weeks trip nottb. left tor tbeir bmae has been la town os hosteesA
went a berieos opentloo throe moaibs \ this "««»»■ ii.,
tuned btiue today.
.kgo.UeoanleoetegeloTriyaadwinbej Miss Once Eldred leR teb temlag
Mia E X. Fatrhaaks left yesterday!
^ to hoT* ta a few weekA
1 for 8e«Ue. where sbe will spend tbe fora vUii with her son. George


ClimlMion this WMk 2,900


most cordially invite
you to attend the
Formal Opening of our En­
larged Store, on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, Octo.
her Sixth, Seventh and
Eighth, 1904. Thursday and
Friday from.eight o’clock in
the morning until six in the
afternoon. Saturday until
nine in the evening.
Women’s,JUsscs’ and ChiHren’s Rcady-lo-Wcar Garments, w'
Pure w Dress Goods, Both Foreign and Domcstle is Silksja
Velvets w Hosiery and Underwear w Linens and Bomestles w
Knit Goods w Under Mnslins w Corsets w Carpels, Cnrlains
aod Draperies w Blankets and'Comfortablcs.
Spedsl OfferiifTS in Various Uses vm be shown.
Speciai Fnr Oneninr on Monday and Tuesday, OcL 3rd and 4tb. Morton Annls or Detroit wm show a comitlete'iine on above dates.

Orelieslra Friday Afternoon, Saturday Afternoon and Evening.


A Birthday Gift

twerst dtp SMe

::;r: if


"m- 11- 4


Our Drug Department
n we get in our new store, but in the r

e K

all the medicines that

Prescriptions our Specialty
We give the most careful attention to that branch of the work. An expert r
Stant attchdance. Bring your presenptien. and have them promptly (Hiod.

Ttiat Cough
d etnectally st this season, so see to h test you |i^ the best cM#i ^npa w

Some Fiands Chap
In any kind of weather, but your* wouldn't if
made. Be sure and ask for it.

d Antiseptic TeUet Creaau.. The. bekt that «sae <

Of an kindA The finert.thal are made. You can buy them by tee ounce Or the pound bOttlOA We earry
the handaomest cut glass bottle* filled with tbe choicest perfume. Make a moat acceptable gift. We have
an ktoda of loilet waterA

Pearly Teeth
vg them so. Rubifeam. fiezedoM.

Oentifnee—and all

kind* cf

Toilet Soap
Twenty-five different k.nd* to select from. Cashmere Bouquot. ColgaU's Castile. Mouad Violet, Resadera.
Cut,<ura. Bay Rum. Resmel, Palm Ol've are tne most popular.

If you have a “Stitch”
u out. We earry all ‘etnds a

! windowA all pwrpousA big and



eitANp TluvBise ¥

1 J. F. THsoa has pme to BX Rapid<
IOC's baU Friday eroilss «t wblcta!.
• to Tirit hU aiater. Mrs. Ftnak Hardy,
abotn so yoeas pco^ wt.v
i-jche Aewrj spvWt Sandart J. J. Cook, who has been rWltoc
Geu. Frink has luinbaitil a Ba«
Aaron Box has placed brick on hi* i
jivlai«ei la Grant, has rrtxmed w hi> driTinx team.
lot preparatory
city San------r. and Mr!
Mr* Cna*.
t'cas. Baltoo
tmtoo attended,
atienaesi borne la Kslaaanou.
i Mr.
Dewnto Deaa Saaday^ M TtaTCtnc'
tne bt-rv ts town.
ihe*. (knrsr and Will Hetma
Mb jw
at Wll’
.laoijbars Saaday.
]^ <ttart« Ccawfort.
_ ____ who has been ea
C. Tripp called In Fife Lake t> ehorch
The P- M. R. R. Co. If rabinx the; ill. Is sMtl no bett.-r
^^iea Daris of Indtaaa to vtoUMs
a rtS^' heTmother at Cedar‘ctty. | day.
lorsce iwaso
ruake ano
and ane
wile os
of Tacoma.!
bctc this we^^-k stnd improriar) Born, w Mr. and Mrs. narry McFbU WHh Mr. aad Mrs. Labme.
an IOC cream socmj was ow ai isi- f-toibtae Toesslav.
. Ilorsce
isrws,. tracx

.a xirl.
r Mr. Farnbam U co -.he sick Bat
west Almira ncbool hoose last Friday
McKehicv 'of K.-m City Is ylsll-[ Wash- and Mr». Perkins of Stanceonji:he road t-i «e*eta''r.
John Bls»iT's f-Uks hare-m«n:.*d ,n. ' Joha CampheU started Mswday l«w
sncnlac for the beaeat of Rer. Alnellc!,„ ,bcr daw^w. Mr*. Maute Frec-i Bay were eoests at the b.
home <d Wm.- Mr!, r. K. Pray to toardiox raCitnd
'last week. Mr*, anrx ^bo are worklag on the track tiakr> mill to coBKvorv bis wfnier's Cliatus. tad. where be will remmac hU
of Lake Ann. They all had a good!B. SclnG and
: work as drcmin oa a raUraad eadaw
time aad raised «UA$
fbr htm.
«d Mr*. Wi^Sdsnhamnwr
and 1Mr... Perkins are Mr.
! Tbe Mlise* Clara aad Mae Pytoa -M
Dan Frau and Hank Bates hare ,e^o^cd to their ht«ir at Bayonne. N.
hI*.- c w
*^ Chase and wife reisror-'
Trarerse CMy
CMt Tbur*^.
. hto boste ua bl» fare Tfeey eapuc-jiCharlercdx Seadayed with Mr. aad
rcicnic-' 'Trarerse
started ibelr martslae apaln after wall j
a star with reUllve. here,
Omni Cftr-.e*
M. B. roafeeraen
RapMs apeat
apeat ■ to more as *003 as ibey xet U to t Mr*. Campbell.
lax for the fanners to gn tbclr hock. [
„irioK«« of from the M.'
j Breatna Imkme retained
wheat ready.
Ihunbix Us limb oaliv badly Sunday Ratilds Tc-^wlav and are riattlnx rfls-‘« few days la the neixkhorhood to hbed. tires and frieuds bera.
week.‘ Wrifmi] ebureh pare a teeewloc! orday from rURIac friends la tte?.
Nick Nelson of Trarerac City Js able
j^c ijdck va.*.|.
John FewUss and
wife wbo
bate Mr. Tro.*i*ie“ of Tmterwo City was for Knler Itairrs last Saturday ervi- , teas
to be oat aealn. He to rtolilnf with
W;il Helms' ehlMren
• fo.-a»e's
parent*, r- tocklnxi Bp fs: cattle here tort week, inx which ua; larxel;. attended. San.;
hi* daoxhter. Mrs. William lAke.
l^^ve ali been qalie nick, bta are bet! Eva Broumhrad was home; wirt-» end cuSi-*
« at Mam
"P«^*«^'lcr at thU writlnxant
mother Saturday from Frankfort
Mr. and Mr*. LoreJoy |m«« move!; day. nccumpasied by
fpend a few weeks.
Om Mr. Whcr-lock's
Whcelock's wer
over M Bciinec.
Ja«.* Fewtors to Bahttne,
, from
Rufus Bates'^umb
U U'ti^.
U-tier. I Hr.
-------------------imb It
Urn. Robbins rtotted
1 the *ehcol for the
and duiiio
There arc 3* on the roll at school ■ pj.j,^ Helmfo.-Ji s Iasi Sunday.
.taron Kr* U cot quite so! $C. <> fur 1Flhii Tuesday.
Miss Mv Mytra of Cedar Rv was
* -pteavai lurprtoo was te
t*>l* vihek
1 Th.- m-o
borne Sunday to see her parenu.
MiiOM-s laabel ' llupklas aad Adah
Mr*. Harvey of Cedar Run and Mr.
TLayt-r called on friend* at Summit; iaic-* Watsoc *bippeJ i
j appl.'e last wee-k.
and Mrs. Frank Harvey were tlwMtoe Mtxsie HeCary ha* be« em­ Ctty Friday.
alifer from Ct: • «il hU ap'-im;____ __ .
Koests of Mr. and Mra. Bam Myers ployed a* l<S(ber ut tbv Bellocr
Mr. and Mrr. J. S. Browc.i
Only Rs-«che*a the
Sept. ^
u-hoot for the culUinc .war.
Mr*. Konr;.- 1
Mrs. Haxar U tva-biag at Inter• K^.sd «.-nt 10 ('• niml Lake and 1
ton .\!Ien at Frankfort.'
locbes IM* wir.Lcr.
Mr*. Cnderw.wd Is vtoltlne friend*
at Grawn 4tod Silver Daka.
-*r I'ity y>Way where .be; her*'.
me Thi* Ota readiy be d.««. (ur the
Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Simpson of;
i-i!.ns retotive* lor n' LSti:.- Il ttb
-Isrd. yetesest
e>EtU-fflBB whose lUtemml to paU
Henry Warner
“ nd fanrif^p^l
Sliver Lake called un J. M. Robbin*';
v yeac*.
i .rf Mr. ad Mt>. Gtoixe tlolar-l. wl-o U*b.-d...........................................................
bed taekm will only be too p
Mor.da.. at Trav«‘i
family Moods.-.'
I danxvrvjwdy ;
work ___________
Mrs. Bdgeomb ot Garfield rlslied
nrday. Oci. 1st. All Udte Inieresti-i
Mr*. Millar la>'. week.
arc Invited to aUend.
• which I
The hall Came played here between
Blljab TODor has sold bto boicl prop­ Ihe
wh-^e te TceenUy psrchaitxl a farm.;
ways att'-cd inactive gr weakened Ud*
Ke.vvttme ho.v*
erty here to Mrs. Heal ot Hoaor to torxely aliended, Ihe Acme team scor-i Wvdnetatoy murcinc for tbrir home at
.has tmprured hi*'
which place Mr. Tonor expecu to tax 1; tml
: Chieaxo.
move hto family soon.
.... visit
Mtote* c.vta and Hattie Paula* rtMr*. Enxen* Packard will
Quite a number from ibto place
Nest Jsmr«oc
Jmpnn-.-' hi-.* 1. nmnlnj '
1 lorenU a few days, Shf iben ex-i t“raril Wednesday from a short vh-ii
pect to take advantace of the blp
;pr«»veaLe;:l* In the *-ay of a cellar'j-Iare b. *;yia* and paiuilcx hi> tu.uA-. “Tiav.
f pi>;u to join her bu*
cnrslon Oct. hth. Amoax those to
Cbi-^; ii' O. bos :«7.
2«7. and i1 wfl]
wfll •nnswM- nay
tar. under t(T* t.<ij»e and aiw. havlnx It, Mr*. Mattie Htihb* Smith of Cbi
ibe-jare Mr. aad Mra. Jas. White and
jpltitereil at. I Shtobed Isi-ide,
- cajjo. wh-> >> rpendinx sotne time at - letter sent to me by one who ranlly
daufifater. who will visit In Detroit ani
. G. >Btr: =nki 1« dowp from Trar- it. born, o’ tr-r-pari-atii. Mr. sod Mr*.'wtohes
................ .......... .a Ann Ar-^
knuw ft Dnna's KMner FUto
Clercland and other southern point*:
r this w.tck where he wU resume:
! City thus w.,ek.
Hubi». i* m;>tb*r i« a *:iu, bnyit' van to- depended apoa.t«vMB« kHncy
also Mr*. Strickland and family will
Mr*. Ma^Ua S-t-l* who ha* toHvi! kjiiu«j,.. s..,n. Ittb.
i fal; Fiudiev at the V- of M.
.cumpalat. This I» my etpfertonfC;. F
xo to Toledo.
Xepl N
batv W-v'D mllruadtnx fur tsibBty
The masquerade ball at Parker's
J. Acspach returned Tue.vday from a ib*-ir bom*
}V'Sr» and always
vwjoye-l the towt of
e we*-kf with lnflantmaii;i
hall Satui
urday nliht w-a* well aUend- trip
i^cfa. t<
i fmpiminx.
tietnx now abl-* favvalth oaiil abv>nt two yv>ar* axo wbea
d and all rep
Ml up a mile..
Mr. Hopkii
illy expect to fall mwal*.

! the sisto fair. *”
jvisHi.-jp <b. ir erpudi
. U-mr Jamr* viMted Id Grand Rai>l-1* t
mure to} Boyne
Boyi City soon.
'• this week
. IcPhsIl and -Ifr of Northp..r; i My.rtha S« >

arhln* U the small of ay hack to sack
MU* Cloos was in Trarerse City
Mr. JohnaOB of Orawn was a caller Tuesday evenlnx.
j spent a lev- days in town.
Mr*. Addle \ (libit* I-. eau-rtalBia: an evu-ni that 1 was quMe laam. A
John MeCanhy rtoiied fcl» parents! Archie IienK-rly.- wbo has h<vn <-m- .'tcHed ■ j)’-.;;..
fti.'ad. Mr; J<.iid*:>«e. ami her lit ' railruad <-sgloerr wbo bad umM Ilona’s
Mr. pMolnetmi will give a masquer­ last-week.
| ployci at tiv cannluK faeutry. 1-ft W,-‘ C E. Proy. ■*!• • had n J..t. of-kiadlr; He dsiiiihur.
Brautxrd. Mini!.
-, Kidney Ihlls advised tee to try them.
ade ball at the red bam Oct. 1st.
isbe-J Satue
The new street mnnlep east of 1 day for l::< k-mie at Frankfort.
l.-lrr.l i.yl..- ramp, fiaisl
:<rt>- Hi"
UiS' !i-nttra'
1' Tee tixnim
It reUeved eme- I stepped
Ilris?- f'.'CRtr!)Ererrhody Invited.
DuM's mill ba* been-opened and will' Mrs. B-rt Bn-wt* r.tirapvl Si'uMaj-i 'la.-'
f taraud (,-meMtoa Mac Richardson came here be known as Elm stroei.
! a vhr.t at Ks-t Jordan.
from Platte river Saturday night to
Daring the brief . Illnpg* of the- Jubn
I r:or of East u-toed to on th.
,0 r.
' " ' " ; ‘ ■'Mrf’Sy'.wlv. is jutferingt with'
anoTte/reiW Wlowed! when tosBy
stay over Bonday.
-hello" girl at the Cltliens telephone stop, list
fit: ma,.,..
b.i.m-. ............’
Mrs. Chris Miller, to quite sick at Fife l.ake.
..ur. who-c she has been
Travorec- Cily Ia=r Friday
1.,... r:-,„ ^ .1 • r
save ,tVl R-v. E. W.
of KingsU-y wa;i For sale by ali dealers. Friee H
this wrilittg.
Inx r -toiiv. .
Mr. Lafew*. Mr*. Hvmtinctoo an!
* par.,,
Nilicholas Adams of Hfe Lake v-toltMr. Haotinxiou relumed to their
.after spending a pi.-asani .lay HI lh ,
lloi^rt Cca-v :> hbmc vtoiling hlsf tie .iroK.-a l. »
ag:.. to impm.Itemetnlwr lbs-name. Duan's, and lake
;n«uibef, ^
home In Indiana Frids)-. after a te.v

Grand Traverse Region.
Mr». »ai>k Biuaa. U«t weriu
iMT fai« «1MM. Mn. W. J. Cictud.
bu>iM4Ki)4 Kood« «n1r(>d b«re ftan
Kalaauuoo. He «1lt make .hit
^ot hoK at Fife lAke.
tjerot J^jrejlbe arrlrcd hwe Friday
from a Tiali to taU old boote In New
L«eila- aa^ Ruth Forarthe ritUed
Wends hvre Saturday and Bonday.
lirt. John Allen rcinntod to her
hcn>eat Trarerse City Bondar, aeconpaaM by her inotber.
Utile.-'WlIHe Saxun baa been «aUe
•tck the past veel:.

Fmt Ust week ripened an (bU ap
.^ea araobd here.
Ut. a*d Mrs. Fred Hosilc'a babe
a last Friday.
______ or Rer. W. T. Hffl are itlad
to welectoe blin back for another year.
Dt» anr-BUtt <8WhR-a( Soiith
Prankfon TiaKed their alcier. Mrs. M.
E. Baird, last week. A suinber of the
of Monroe Center and
rooap people............................
Omwn called Thureday erenlns and
speoi a rery pleasant eTealnp. Ice
- cream was aerred.
Robert Contes of Washiactoe U riew and at Wexford.


last Tho^ay and vaa there met by
Mias Oertlc Sehrlsbt of Altepan. They
were married and srent to the home
of tbe-bride and then came here Satniday ereslnx. All wish them a happy
s Hfe.
G. A. Brifbam hat been apendlng
saeh of bis tlBC the past two weefca
at the new town of Wexford. He ex.
peels to build a pouto warebense
iberr this fall and has Itrested In conaiderable other property, besides owntv Id ecrea which be w^ll ptet In the
. near ftrttire. He thinks It will be QOlte
a city is nro ytors from now.

pouto dlCTtnff is the order of the
day in ont rlelnliy.
Mrs. Hank RaiM and children were
the sueeta of Mrs. R. K Bate* Banday.
Mr. and Mra. Tom MlmuaKfa of
Narth Branch drore orer to aae Mr.
and Mra. n.'Potsome Snnday.
Tfap aprprise party at Willie Oraham's

• BBtnrBay
wtMtit tor
tot Joe Jones
on his ftih birthday was a srand s

r. tCPTetBCR^L MM-

dan* risU with Mr. and Mn. I



_____ .


WE HAVE THIS SEASON nosi((ntnm.owiHiiitsn)(!i


Ever shown in this city. For an inducement for early buying and to get everybody to come in and inspect our fine, large assortrnent we will give, for the next
ten days, ^me extra big values on every article jn our store. Our long experience in the Home Furnishing business and handling the immense quantities we
do enables us to give you values that others cannot. We have made up some sample sets in furniture that we will offer you at prices that will be a constant
reminder that we can and will save you a lot of money.
KttdKii Outfit
A good Cook Stove, guaranteed in evetj wtj, (wot^
$ia78) for............ $7.76


Tor V«ur Parlor

A beanliTut Overrtuffed, 5-piece, sample Parlor Snilc, (worth
36.00), %.................................... .............................................. $27.75

as pteeexof kitchen oteosik.
(worth 7.00) for... $5.S6
A hand; kitchen catnnet,
with laige flots and meal
tuns, large drawer ■
kneading board, large top
anawen te kitchen table, (worth 6.60) for...................... $6.'
A beautilnl oak enpboard, glae '\oon (worth 10.75) for $9.50
8 khchen Q»iri,,(warth 1.60, tor............................................$1.44
1 Klid oak. cane teat, ladiet' aodeer. (worth L60) for..
1 100-piece, preltilr decorated Dinner Set, (worth 18.00)

Total for whole outfit......................... '................... $88.89

Our Dinhia Room Outm

for..................................... .

If you do not want any of these sets
oomplete, yoa can have any article at
the same redneed prices.


beanlilu! Parlor Table,
(worth C.Wi. for.. $4,25

FI-FTKKS different priced Air Tight Heaten, from a good,
well made stove, heavy sted, all cast legs, large catt acrew
dfifi, nice nickle urn. for only...'..................................... $1R5
They range eight along op from that to............................. .$1100

A beautiful, fanc}-, polished
oak, saddle teat, arm Rock­
er, (worth 0.00) ia. $3.75
A beautiful polished mahogany
'->- finish, saddle seat am
Rocker, pearl inlgtd back,
(worth 0.75), fot.. $4-25
Some best leaiher apholsterevi
spring seat, ana Rocker*.
■ 161,


Total...................................... ..$84.25

Spaet onn R«t Ptrmtt
IS to dcscrilx- onr line of Stoves and Ranges, bat can xa; that
there is nothing in the shape of a stove that yon wotild aranl.
but wUa: we ejm ahow yoo.

4 1-2 vjtcofl'ec boiler, only.............. ..........................................


A prett; Sideboartl, nice!; carved, two
vwell top drawers, 1 large drawer, two
I KXCFPTlOXAI.LYbigvaldoon, Si4xl4 bevel plate mimw, worth
* Rocker, }uu like
cot, wide, heavv 1-4 sawed
16.00 for................. ................ ...$13.60 L
AU p-ji together with bolts,
A nice 6 ft. menmon table, heavy rim,
48 in. squre top, (wvlh 6.00.)
Yoor dtoice cf fire or six different stylet
af8.00l5imngChaut, for.... $6.00

some Eaceptienall^
Big values in granitewarc. .AH three coated «-arc, in giecn and
white mouletL Tea and Coffee l’ot», only..........................

Be4room Outfit

KxUa large vi-iih

Cuspidors only................................
Cl:ambcrs will not break, only


lifeiimc, only .
l-J <lt. stew <
.tl.l. KIXJ>S of otmsiU in this ‘
«aie at sime proportional prices.

Olasb Room noctssitUs
Full line ol Tub Wnr.,;eTS
.\ gou.i Tub Wringer for $1 7-'.

A nice wdl mailc, nicely finished, 3.)>iece Bexlroom suite; <
dresser commode and bed, worth 16.75, for.............$12

Bench Wfir .;cr. ho!.’s
Tub;, just like rut,

l.-r.................................... $1'.T5

tliQleiiBs, OOriotb, Carpets, Rors, HatUics: Larra
AssortiDeBt, All Prices.

TWKNTV-FOUR different priced
Oak Stoves, from a nice locnd
Stove, just like ent, nicely nicAled,
shaker grate, ad) pan. screw draft
in ash pan door sod feed doer, wi&
burn either wood or coal, only $6.60

"heflized Wash Tuh... 5Se

Right along npany pike to..$83.00


NIS'K different priced Soft Coal
Heaters, tanging r^ht along from
10.60 op to the vety nicest and
L-esi soft coal heater made.
FIVE different priced Haiff Coal
Heuers from.......................... $27 00
to $56.00.

THE celebrated Moore Hard Coal
licaici has nine pobu of radiation where others have only
I0-J-, Consc'jucnily it will Mve the price of itself, in a Aort
litr.e, ’.n coal.

Cbt most esmpuu tint


of Su-el Ranges ever
shown here, and - aB
bought direct from rriiable iiianufactnrers.

SUtinfl Room Outfit

One Ugh bacA, a^ oak, cefokkr seat aim Rodter, (worth
*“ ■
. $1.90
One large, high ba^, veneer seat, arm Rodter, extra sttc
anffcosttlccuble, worth 6.00. like cot for.


Rodeer, (worth8.50) lor.. $2.76

* p;raT“"'

A set of “Dover asbestos Sad iron
wii! outlast 111 sets ci other
iron*, just like cut.....................

One ktge, solid oak center
Table, (worth $4.00),

Only $16.15 for this wbble ’ Scad for catalog that tells all about tiicm.
ontfiL COc less than the
bedroom soiie is worth.

One beantifttl eombinatkm
Book Case and Writing Desk
(worth 16.60) tor .... $12.75

RKMKMBl K aQ these
outfits are good goodsnot the cheapest good.'.

All kinds of fioor coverings.
Large raortmat. ali |irices.

We have lou of goods that
we could make up these
seu right through for .a
great deal leas money.


Tncy range along in price
from a good sted range
with high shelf and res­
ervoir. like cal, $25.75
27,7.-:, 29.75, and right
along c[> to the I,|ITCR
MKAI., the best steel
Range made, ooly 45 <IU
M e have sold the i^ukk
Meal range for .nine
years and have never
beard of a casting burning ouL Tnat a ihe
only way you eto leP,
is by expeticetf/

Cbt most Beaulilul Rssorimtnf

of Carjrrts, Rugs 1-in^enms you ever saw. We are miki.ig a
siveciat lesuler of this dc|iartment. so if yvu need anything in
ffoor coverings do not miss loukirg over our line and getiirg
our pr.ces.

J. w.



Prices Styles aid QRal'iy.


S-Orci’ nt Travorso City. Elk Rr»p“is and Thompsor.vilie. Mich.

JAY. «errEMKii n. iwi


■e catmete to
oomrillace la the near foBaH Prtu spaai Stndajr la Tnv-

HIM ArvllU Cbordi vlrltcd vUh
BMale CrilB Ibe put «e«k.
Un. Run Bemn«n of Maple Qty
tWM faer mother. Mn. Norrli. I»*t
mends In our rUlag*.
Watfa—«Uy and Thandar. Her moth­
Mina Clara Snuter of Tiarmee
er Iheo aceompaaM her borne.
jU ipeodla* a few weeks with

Mr. Wrakocq>
Vnb<M< aad
..a Mrt.
Mr. Norrto
Unm <n
; broibcr aad-tai
d-tamlly of this place.
callen at Trarene CItr Un weak.
The ChrlatUa NatlOB SeaaselUtle
•aaoeUtloa rill hold thdr «3an«rtr.
alao rtvlr. eoaarea* at Codar Bna
Mn. Walter Harris U on the tick
ehapel oa Oct. lit aad had. All are
eordlallr luflted to attend.
Mr. and Mrt. Aaron NoEilBBrn of
Ohio rutted Rtth Mr. Sklrerta laat Gnad Rapl^



Mr. and Mr*. Wjmkoop
drore, to
rraakfart taai Snadar.
Ttmere la tbli rlclnlty
OHtUna cor* rtnee the froet.

Mrs. uru« Horton aad Miss UUle
Horton drore to Trarerae Cttx Batnrday. retomlB* yeaierday.
Mr. Mltcbelt baa the -foandatloa
In. W. i. Kent of Bvercdi. Wash
and Mrs. OtUncer rUiled their aUter.
Mra. C. B. Oabom, of Wexford, orer
R«r. JaiDi-* Lelieb of Lererlas It
callinc un Mends here and care a floe

Wn. HarrU retmtied (Tom Ann
It Carpenter U oa the alck

the Aid aoclety fit

Wm. Barton Is bnlldtnc a new bo
on his lot In town.
Walter Harris balH an addlthm
hit boDse last week.
spent Sunday here wli
Maud HcLeilaa of Honor spent Sun­
day with frteods here.

.Mn. Ben Hammond and children n(
Prankfon rlaMed friends
here over
Quite a number of oar people are at. Stafford of Norwood vlailej lendlax court at Prankfort this week.
R. W. Devereaux went to Boon Sat­
urday to attead the coualy Sunday
school convenUoa.
ta^ed ehareb here last erenlac.
Mn. Todd aad Mn. Teboe were In
Prankfurt Monday.
MIm Pearl Deveraaux. wbo has been
tIbUIux here for the past two weekn.
returned to Tnvene City Thursday.
The memben and adherents of the
M. B. church are pleased to welcome
.. as ret will occupy ibc tter. Herbert, wbo was reinrned
this chance for another year.
Wama Dickenaaa of Strioa apes:
Oeorxe Haamer and MUs Uly Jones
Saoday at the home of hU nacle aad of iBland were united in marrlsce at
aant. Mr. aad Mrs. Ooiden. aad called the ODncTSBaUooal
panonaice. Mon­
apon Pnak Smith.
day. Sept. n. Ber. A..Bealal1 otBclaiI McClutky took la the

to os as pastor for another .
are clad to welcome them back.
Mn. A. Thaj>er rlitted at Traverse

ad with
Mb* Oertrude Coaiht of Trarene
City spent flauday with Mrt. Oeonre
Mn. John Smith and Mn. Ooldcn
It the weoh at the fair. Mn. Smith
look a
mey. both slralaml
and U
aamber . ____________
- Mr. and Mn. Charley Monltoa aad
~IUa Gmee-Manrao
______ __________ ____
of Trarene
jBui^ay at the borne of Mr. and
MooBllcbt. If there was any.
the from has iUled everythine from Traverse City to Oraad
Bapldt, the Pea)a*n)a has mb becu
vialled by
c potaloea dm «s fraen as



Oraaa ealUted aa « private la the
Sih ladUaa Istantry aad raeelved his
praiDOtUa for aeu at hravary. He was
twice wonoded. hie 1^ broken once
by a auk shot and once by being struck
a gun carrtw during
a he Itved. The family have our
sympatlG- One by one the brave defend<m^< our oonatry are fast pass-

r fraata hare vlsHsd oor
Dr. AnUok aad family SRended ,
ridUg' al Oopemlsh last week.
Miss Alice Pamat of Olaa Havaa
through our village yeatsrday
Mn. Bra BUby has gone to Tnvecae CRy where she srlH spend the
Mrs. John Kennedy was In'^iowe
Perry Pisher and aUtar Dnnithy vUM«d their uBcU. Oeorpa Maha aad
family, of Sthtmthetra Croaalac. rcu^
A aamber from here attended Ue
pampfcla pU eeclel et Cedar Friday
Ben Stowe and wife of Carp lake
' efslted at the home of Prank Tottea
A Bumher. «c the yoang pMpto aaluped a plenaant imr|r at Mr. Bmaer's
last Wedneedaj orenlng.
A. K Beltinger aad family started
to- St. UmU last Tnesday.
Mrs. Mdlmugblin. wbo has bees 111
to BO ^ U Bot so wen at ibU writMr. Nye dM bimlaeas la town one
day Uat we<.
Bert MeUaebna. .aad wife hare
moved into Mrs. Joha WhJieY honae.
R. B. nePraneewpeut Sunday at Mr.
/ Bow^.

Oarif Ch
m |irrsem.,i. -

_■ and family of Solon aUend

V -• 'Mra'?^^uU«**^e^rtripY

one day last week.

of last

t her heme ta this ril

Neil Walter Helm of Chkago. who
has bora speodlag
a week at this
place with bU pareau. Mr. and Mra.
J. Helm, retnrned to Chkago on Tues­
MUs Rena Harvey and father re­
turned from Maple City last w
where they had bee* visiting.
Dur teacher, MUs Margaret HUton.
leaves Saturday morning to Sauona
Bay. where she xrtU auend the la-

Ber. Deets returned from coafereace on Tncaday.
A Domber of yoaac peo^ .were enu-riaiotsl at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. church on 8-jnday.
MUs Gladys aad Tida Cotllas vlflted
Matthews on Thursday crealac.
Joao^ CasaoB b home tinea Fox Marimret Dana last week..
MUs Ksihon SoDlvaa vUlied het
CM. R. P. Bishop was In town Tues­ aunu Mn. James Dtma. oa Sunday-.
MUs Wlnnlfred SnlUvaa
The Ladles' Benefit soeleiy of Soi- throngh Burdtckvllle Saturday cm ber
way Co Purest Hill, where she teaclhw
The party
Fred Sheridae of Glen Arbor was in
Oe Walke
tlker. Hevi. Dunean.
Stanley. town Monday evening.
Andenoa. Bahle. Payne. DeeU. Uen- •
Lome Campbell drove to Cedar on
and■ Peck.


SMtAay School Conveatien.
Quaru-riy nnivtniiiuii of the Crwci
and Grera Lake Snndav School asauelatioa will be held at Grawn M. E.
charch, Saturday. OcL 8. <904
MevTilac SMkit—AtW O'clock.
Theme. The Booh of BatSm. Oar
Test Book.
Prayn- aeniee. Ur Barnard.

There was no preocblag at (be U. a
ohuinh last 8
nee of Rev. Bodlaa.- who It spending
few days with Ms mother in Fort

For sale by all first data druggMa

Ibe BlUr in lb<
home."' Rt->. George- uf Wexfurd.
Open Parllamt-uk—"By whsL meanhave I been.most helped to a bettei
ondervunding of the Rcrk>:jre»r

Prices. Hat Springs T^eU. *1.
Het Spring Quick Rebel (liaiiwciil)
Het Springs catarrh curs, SO cMta.


James Stevens was pleasantly sur­ nti lut IS. block 0. R. L. A Cu.’s Sod
prised on Monday evening by a party
add: *311.53.
of (rlenda
Godfrey U. lUmmund lo Muses U.
Mrs. Seseioni of Snttoos Bay spent
a fea- days of thU week la (own the Beieneite. ael« of neW. sec. 1.
last of Mrs. Frank DavU.
27. range •: *450.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Porter left Sat­
Jacob A. Frye to Thomas
Hanxurday for a trip to the Soo.
bergrr. parcels, sec. S. town 2C. range

whicb van hardly \m>

The Detroit Free Press

Farm amtlive Stock Journal
Mic;hJ?an’s Greatest Farm Weekly,

from Ihli yW* pnidiKt. He now glveujt bU method of preservation, wbic-i
U very armple. a> hi- merely »<-U'e'well developed fruit with gix^stem:
picks It rarefuly an.-l n-ars im- end
the stem with a lixhied match.




he wlp4-s the fruit perfivtly dry. ptac.-

10; *140.
K. Clark Oawley to CjTenui M. Pui
Mrs. Sliver weal to Imlay City last
ler. parcelH. sec. 14.* town 27, ran>:>Fildaj- to v1^ Mends and reUUves.
Oewge ' bite retornei borne last II; *L0««>.
Monday (i
Ellen R. Wade to Judson B. Cam
working on hU ancle
be has been
eron. ncli of eeti. except 10 acre* ser
ranch this summer.
24.iuwn 2C. range 12: *500.
B. R. Gain and Ben SUoey went i
H. S. Leonard and wife to W. T. and
St. Louis Us: Saturday.
Bmmet BcofieM of Grand Hplds
Jennie V. Waugh, nelk of ne\i, »i-.

It In a piece of do

wrapping pap-r

anil Uy* It away In a moderately dry
aud coi4 cellar.

ETCI7 NniiBer of ibc Fimilj wUl Fii4 SamctfelBC to Uterchl TEen
lo Tltis Grat Home Piper.


C. town ST. range 9: *S0«.
d to bis house, which Im-


■M. S-l-K-uH-r ITiti. A U IWH


Ralph E Crimes to W. W. Carpeii
of seli.

13. toam :c.

range 10; »«00.
Ust Toeeday and returned Saturday.
Mr. and Mn. R. U. WI
White and a
attended the fair at Grand
md Rapida li

Fanfleld Guudwin and wife to M. F,
Cox and Alice Johnson. Und conlrarl.

Clothing for Little Men

iUnnah A Lay Co to F. M. Gardnei

H. L. N<
I has a maa packing ap-'
M for hi
-_____ Poo Oarida this week.
A. DarwU U sUll cm the
Joe Tremala*
wlU boM a meet­
ing In the Fort Oneida school bouse
Bcxl Bundar.
little Walter, aoa of Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Basch. U on the sUk lUt.
Geo. Danner of Traverse City spent
a few days In Port Oneida last week
and returned home last Saturday.
MUs Anna Klrt went to Chtcago last
week to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mra. Fred A. Dago returned

thOe Tiwvcroe Oty tMtimenUU.

They euro to stay cured all chronic


parcel, rec. 6, town 27. range 11.
The heavy frost last week did
pest deal of d
e In this nelgbbor-

Caros all Chr««r« Oicaaaas.

krtemen SMion.
Hot spr.ngt Soap. 10 cento.
Praise service. U. Sacked.
Het Springe Healing Salve. 25 centa.
“How niav | hgv«- mare time fi r
Het Springs Cern Cure, 10 canto.
Bible stody^' M. E Ualrd“Bent-flis derived from memuriring
the Scripfiiv-s by the juung. " Mra. <'
U Dye.
“Tbr Bible la tbe
ibe p
|> lipile
li-ile «riiiK>L
Real Eatata Trarafarm
Fcr ule at S. e. Wait A Sena. American Drug Star*. J<
« or no?'" Mrv. W T Hill
Prtdp afternoon,
R F. Saykr to Klagsley Cheese Co'
Repuria uf schools and culloctkm.
Drug Co. Kaanah A Lay MercantiU Co, dUtrihutlng agento.
G. M. Dame spent Sunday with bis
parcel, tec. 8. lows S6. range 1«: It.
Quesllun box. C. H. Eat
Evwning ScasUn.
A new pn club was organised in
CUrenee Burns to Praak Vttruba.
Devoiloual. Rev. W. T. Hiil.
lot *6. block 2. H, U A Co.'s Htb add.
Aildn-M—'The Pua.-r <4 the Wor.1
Damr. M. L. Gagnon. F. W.
of G«>d. ' Rev. J. W. Mlli.-r.
Wuraburg. C. H. Weston J. Stmngle.
M. II UIds hi.< pnrebam-d the N«l-:
Ur. and Ur*. Natbaniel Hart, of
Cbaries H. Ree^ to Cora L. Carter
J. N KenneUy.
Leander Peek. W. H. Steele. H. '
son A Clark mill at Cheboj itan. and Gop rv Ule. recenily m-li-btated -Ihetr
Mrs. IL S. Otiinger. Sec. H. Davis.
Gill. Ludwig Seeltg. (
swl4 of awtk. Mc. a. toan ST, raage.
will take possrrsluo UcIoUt 1.
Mr. gnlib-u wedding.
Nearly a hundred
tpbell. A. C
McClnsky. W. E Campt
lO: tt«0.
and Dra. Flood and McPball.
UIdi has a Urge tract of Umber in tbej m-w-endanto were present to help (b«
Fearful Odds Againat Him.
Dan E. Carter to Alice Monroe, par.
Mr. Needham and family left Thurs­
Bedridden, alone
desiiiute. vlclBlty. which Is snOcleBt (o keep tbe roupU- observe Ibe daj.
ceU. P. H.'s 1st add: *700.
day on the llllnoU for their
Such, in brief was tbu conJltlon of an mill ninalng fur several years.
i .
■ -.i
Early. Iowa.
Hlrnnd Thorn to Owen A. Morrill, old soldier by nsaio uf J J. Ilavens,
Marshall U nexi la line for cn opera' AiiMiyiFTKATOKW^BiM
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Scott
parcels, aec. 31. toa-n S8. range lo; *1. Versalllos. O. For v<-arx be was
Friday, Sept. Idth. a daughter.
Iroubh-vi .with kklnc.r dU.mse ami house. The town baa never pusaes*B.
Mr. and Mra. Peter Wurxburg spent
neither docUir* nor medlelne* gave sneh a building, and public
a few days of thU week In Grand Rap­ Hopkins, lot 8. block G, H.. L. A Co.'<- him relti-f. At length ho tried Electric
cliliens ar> l>eglnnlng to rUmur
ids. returning home Saturday.
•ml b< vino. uT •* -irder rraotaS lo tbo oaTlh add: »1S0.
It pirt him on
ihU Lind of amusement, ntiw ihui
MUs Myrtle John ba* Iteen
Anihuny J. Wilhelm to Gira L. Car­ short order and now he te.difle*. “I'm
fined to ber home this week osi *chaM-l-all M-afun it nearly
on the road tn ompb-te refovery
conni of illness.
Best on earth for liver and kndney
The steamer CoIuubU made ber add: *800.
iruublex and all form* of siui urh and
Edwin 8. PraU and wife to A«U V
Only Sir. r.naranUMFVtSxk Onrs (or S8* tXfoaty n( Urasd IB >*)<l 041*1}
to Neahtat«-<-d by Johnson's Drug Sioro. S. R. Trawww.tusA'onsbsIhli <U) «( a>pt.
Miller, parcel: tS.OOO.
MM, (ucr iB.siih»frooi th»< ttote ww* • .*-»■' Prioar. tnn 2«th stay of Ootobor,
Mary Murphy lo John Fisher, par Wail A Sons and F. II. Ur-ads. Iirug- hirrmliOT* •«, p»''" ■!» tbair rUlsM-•
L. A. Barnes went to Traverse City
A.O. l«OA.
Sbo osst. cS Ev-ne T J >
! m |.a
Wk is the tonMiWfU sWd Asv.sA
this week to purchase windows iand
I/. Ibvtwl. sad 1^1 all rrtidlKin oT (aid ‘ IB* ncfal. Iitb-aail lalMVM at roH.tAWSisaa
doors (or ibi- new plnmblng shop h>JiilU A. Brownell to Alfred DavU,
John Ward. I'ert llurna. waiil;- r
U bulldtn
idtng oa Waukasoo street,
la mul-niteirtSul.M £TlY<*-tou^>£e.'tB
*^WSw£**t» Uw
t^ntr-TTrsvm-C :y.lurexamlBatnaaaa •.nrrthlnaT Oi»(n.e>na>y ri UfwadTvavaero.
Mrs. A. McPhalt
speut a-lOO a.-res of aeli. aeo. ST, town Si. tody vf
range IS; *S.OOO.
Thursday In LeUnd.
mother iakvs~cliild in saluoas.

T. noH
of hie return -lo Bates for anothe’year.


Addrvaa — "Ariho.*i:y t-i the SMpftew Hugh Kennedy.
*-Hos cotnplele a knowledge of tb-

E J. Gray has rented a photograph
BlUabeth B'olf to Janie Smith, par
ilUIre and » lll move there eel. sec. 3S. town S5. range Iti: *S0v.
... near future.
Buckicn'a Arnica Salve.
BlUabeth Wolf to EstelU ITmtUe-:.
George Kolb has added aa addition
Has world-wide faiue for marvi.-Ious
We had a frost Wednesday aud
parcel, see. 32. town S5. range iti; cures. It snrpaiuies any other xalve,
I hU rRsidence.
Thoisday nl^lt of last week, but not
Mr. amt Mn. Fred Dagn spent .Suti- *SOO.
olntcimt, or balm fur cuts,
BO serere as to do much damage " day In town, the pt«u of Mrs. Dngu's
Adallne L. lUvltand to Welby O. corns, burns, IxilU. sore*, felon*, ul­
cers. tetter, sail rhoutn. fever wire.*,
Her. Rltley of the M.- X. church
Bay. IO-.S S8, » aad 30. liaviUQd't
hands, skin erupihm*: Inlalli
preached his first eermoa here for
add; SC7S.
e the geesu_______
Ue for pile*.
tbU year last Sunday to a full house.
a. Gilll^on Thuradny and JMday of
lAura T. HavUand- to Adalioe U SSc, at JuUaxoiri. lirut Suire. 8. K
We think be will be well liked.
and F. II. Meyd*. Hrur
htriiway ^mlMloner. a F,
Mbs. S. Vannatter spent Monday
Btltes. has completed the eulrert
Addle A. Gibbs
to Jacob Krlscr.
and Tuesday In town.
the creek cast of here and It looks
Bev. J. D. Deets preaehed hU first dH of eelk. aec. IS. town S«. range
If it was a good Job. It U a great Im­
sermon of the conferwece year on Sun­ 11; *260.
F. W, Rmiihing. id Unt»uagon. nprovement over the wooden bridge.
day morning.
J. J. McLaughlin of BIk Bapids i
B. J. Morgan to Jacob L. Krisor. cCTitly Ulitvl a g’Hid sizod rare-mn Hfiai
tended church here last Sunday. Also
s% of ael4. sec. 15. town 20. range 11; that vltxcc. While spaadlng the dav
Oraudma Dew of Bk Lake.
lu the liicsilty he ran tniu a-Whule ncii
. afternoon. Oec 6th.
The l.«eUnau eoanlv fair will be
wniU Q. Thomas to Joseph Zdenek. uf the auimaU. It Is'seliium they ar.
cld the Srd. 4th and 6th of October.
'found I’.i far north.
Misa BUacbe Dean and her sister.
be Junior
>T C. E. held a business sH of teli. sec. 1*. town 20. range 12;
Mrs. John Dow, wiU go to Lafayette. meeting at the home of Miss Pear]
A fanner near Union City atnare
lnd„ on the Oct 4th cgrcorsltm
itm to rlilt
Dame, chali
I of the Junior comHoward WhlUfig and wUe to Arthur bU neighbor* by keeping |H-ar*. ap
, J. D*
J. Seoii.
lot 34. block K. H.. U A liler, |Mirho>. grape*, etc., in Uu-ir na>and brothers Bd and S
A. M. Leslie returned borne Wednes­
ural slat* fur «-v«ral yewr*. He u<>«
day from a business trip to Petoskey Co.'s Tlh add; TI.fHi.
and Harbor Springs.
David G. Chandler to Alice Woim1, bar apples and gran-** grown in l!*i>'

everythtuE it could.
Miss Olive Bowen, who has been
here viattlux her falhar aad brother
fur the last thne srneks. retaraad thU
Born to Mr. aad Mrt. Boyd Fox.
moraine to hm .boate la lalerloehaa SepL 24ih.
Pbher and Prank Skeridan
D. and Helen Whitson left last Sat­
ataam lauaeh. the Brie. urday (or Bran where they expM
_ . hara put tm OUa lake.
attend school the i
r of the
The trie was out yesterday wtth a
< 41for*.........................
for a fine ride. They
D. Whitson. Pay
Beck and Martin Green retnrned last
Woddesday from a tri|f to the Su
ktadsMB aad aaothm ride pUaaed. LouU fair.
They report a pleasant
The b^ eaa easily terry flfiy nriih trip.
MUs Addle Crisp has gone to Trav­
A party from Empire with the Harry erse City to accept a poaUloo at type•
WhseMr came down ihroush the Pish- wjllec.
We are sorry to bear that Grandpa
UenU-Jamea L. Green, after aa ill- Lee. wbo has been on the sirii lUi for
saaa of three sroeks. passed away on aeverul weeks, U UlUng auite rapidthe I.....................................
SUB beautifully draped with flowan.
HM remains were laid la the Ole
her oemetevy.
He Uaeea four
d uea daaShter. chiMraa by hU _ .
ft. HU •ecend wife, with Yhem he

pauy to Duke thU (be Itest family
weekly paper la Mlcbisaa aod the
^ance eaaaot tall l« mMt the ap­
proval of the Herald raadera.
Mr. and Mn. P. Wonbnrc apeat
Hoadar in Letaad.
Henry Barnes apeat a few days of
thU week In Oraad RapMs.
Ubi Ida Petenon of Cbleaco U rtslac relailvea and Mends In town.
MUs Roslyn Smith spent a few days

and wife, lots 84. block 18. H.. L. A

ro.'s Cib add: *700.
Wm. Houlihan and wife to A. W.
Bartak. eH of b*k. of ne^. sec



nrday and Sunday. Rev. Ell Rath of
iwn ST. range 11: tl.iNlo.
Riverton, formerly pastor .here, was
James Hoollhan to Chas. Wilhelm
present to fli Ibe place of Presiding
Id A. W. Bartok. wH of nw% of nch.
Elder Berger, The people Were glad
and part eVi nwU of nc\«. »*•:•. 5, town
to see his gcnUl 1
with Brother Rat
S7. range II: (I.euO.
audience was present Sunday mornFrank Kiibeck and wife to Cha-.
M,r. and Mra. W, M. Bright attended Wilhelm and A. W. Baruk. lot* 41-42
block S. P. H.'s Srd add: *4S5.
church ut SoIod Sunday aflernooB.
Mrs. J. Rvugsegger U mteruinins
Wm. U Brown, et al. to A E. Bid.'
and wife, parrel. H.. L. A G>.'r Ut

W. tl






with mlmlraiton If ,h,- will bring
(he liitle (,-ltc.w here, and bate him

The SaDatm,kntiseptic,Clems.
---- - ■ and Beauti^nePnipertiesof

try on SOM-

.If .lur new fall and

winter slriu.
Wc have the pn-liii it Mias In

add: *3.00u.

vuil with relplves i^d friends la Chl... Bright of
was up to ae^
Mra Jidin Burflesd and children re- hU father Sunday.
lurncd home last Monday from a rUli
Born, to Mr. and
J. J. Shorter.
la Travetse City.
SepL 11. a danghter.
Mr. and Mra Jesse '
Cedar, leturned recently from New. have been tiring
been visiting her pat
nearly a year. The climate there did
M agree with Mra Rom and Jbey
Mr. and Mra. P. C. Dago and Utile
t back to live here. They
son Franktyn tocU the boat at Gleu
- 1»or last Friday for their hoate In
Icngo. They were accompanied b»
tended quarterly mceUng.
Miss Olive Dago, who will piend
Jennie Bright entertained
tchool la Chicago thU wlater.
petmU from (
_ party
,-rty of
dar Rnn Saturday evening.
Adalbert Lewis has been gnlie busy
recently bnying and selling bonea At
Many new Improvemenu have been
indsome draft team
made tkU sammer la the machaalcal
iepartment of the Herald and Record.
tonadmofthls Baper «vl.
imra^>bwIssafaMIMr dnadnl
enjoyed for oaay yvara li changed
tnd the paper was sail om this week eMM aM thU^'i^^'’ Slu'>‘”vtMaria
■a an enlarged form. This has proven Mw madjoil^S^ryT*
* very plnuing chanp and Is a gresi
Improvement. We can now enjoy the
■IghI cotumn pap as beforv. larger
md better arranged
______ _ .J
instead ot
pages tbe paper wUl bow
Ibg 10 twelve paps. At
I family paper no other paper is mi
'Uhly eujoved or meets with greaier
-pproval than
the Grand Traverai
.leratd, and it U the plan < the com

ChUdren'x rhithing
Birch Rub resldetit stoned by boys
la Baglaaw

A farmer living near

Vasaar the
If yon hat.' a liiil.- man to H«"ie for (all and winlef

corn In the field wbt-rv he pastured hi*
cattle, and u|»n examinaiiun it
found that the ears had bi-«-n dip;i<--i
Id Paris green.

S'jmeone had evldvii^

ly tried lo poison hi* cattle,
nat cioverseed U a good crop t<
rise U believed by Robert Atiridg.-.
farmer living near Marlettc.


week be brought to Marleite the crui
from nine acres, and It weighed a lit­
tle over (ortyAve fiusbeU. (or whlco
he received *C.50 per bushel: a ylel
of more (ban t2S.6« >>er a^.
Now comes an anabuncement from
electric road, which will coaneci
Dowaglac with Three RlTera.


alt the electric road* that are being

AssUd by CUnCURA OfaitmenV tbe Brest Sira Oire, are oi
priedea vdoe. ror preaerring,
UMUuiyuig the
porifrmf* «uu
and bcAutByicr
•L.1. a...
skin, tor cleanrae .V.
tbe *...1.
tcalp of
crust*, scale*, ano
and uoorvn,
dandniH, aiu
tbe stoppisE of falUn; bair, for
wfteninc, wbitenine, aad sootbinf red, roogib, and tote hands,
fo^ faabf raihe* and chafing*, m
the form of hath* for aaoortog
briUtiOM,ulceratioot,andinTlammatioas of uraoEKiv And mant taoathre, aatbepde piHpoae* wfakb
tcadiir *t»ncit tbeaBelvcx,as veil
as for all purpowi of the todet,

bath, aad mtasT, OmeURA

Soap aad CUTIGURA Oiatmeat

talked of (hixMisboat the state become
realities, there woalde't be room (oi

r..'- V.


because he wonldat give boys fnilt.

other day fo-jDd several ear* of swe-'t

Marrellui that that village U to haw


that we

ever bad the idearur.- of ihowlag.

wbUe deUvering spple*.






But it’s Miy talk, yon know.




IMWU LMta. S Cton..Lw a*. raxw. t ta * k Pw. a ■
...... In

Two aad Tbr--.-!»>.«. Ball*. Norfolk
Suiix, etc. eir.


Bv.-ryiLing ibvi'x n.-w.




PtI-h-.. nuMiTSie aod aad*


Hoth^. Id Justice to y,jiir(*-ir. w«- a-'J: yon lo come and res iba aew
children's clotbiBg.


Bi. PMmbmv. Si»t. £S.—A dtipAick
rtC«lT«d Ifclt BflCRtOOB Mr* tAe Jlf*B«se hire cvtM OkUbc p*u bj •*MBit afUr a AarMUtioK tn tma all
ana*. The JUailaiu knt S80
0«n«ral KiuoMlklB report* that the
Jape bare aaaaBed tht nBtutiwe

Bftemoaa. to &!1 the eaeaaer «r tW
UekK caaaed br the
Cbarie* A. Blair fer Jadge c« tba Btr
praa* eoart. There ware a few vote*
for Jadge MUla «< *fbat the
najortiy fw Bird wa* bMTT. ..
Jeeae R. Cropier of
. wbo wa* cboacB
as a republican easdldale fer p

and the eoainiUee aaa»ed tor elector
la kl* place Freak B. Knappen c( Kal-

Captured Jap Traneport.
, Cbee Ptao, Sepc M.—It li leporteJ tldered that hi* aomWIoa lot attorUtat U»
aer general makcejt' aeeeaearr for
laf a pen of the RauiaB VlaBivoatok bln to resign from the commiuee.
fl*M ha** captured a Jap traatport.
CimdsMed Tslagrams.
Loadoa, Sept.
Tbe coBdltlon'or
Tokto. Bept. £S-A dUpateh reeelred
at oBolal beadflaarteri todar report* Lady Corsoa, wife of tbe viceroy of
India, wbo was Mias Maif Lrelier of
mou eriUcnl
The diepatcb t
advaaead tbroeeb HMlachang on tbrougbout tbe night, canslng tbe most
Baph Be aad attacked the earair a' anxiety. At noon today abe U etlll In
critical ooodltkm. Her physician*
nellac. The Boartaa* were Mtrn
hack 14 the aorthward, laa*iag'alM- ware In constant attendance upon her.
teae deed beblad tbeca. Onr kmei
Mleb.. Bept. 27.-The horri­
war* aUchL**
bly aangled reotalas of aa nakaown
man wen found at 7 o'doek this aoralag on the Mleblgna Ostrai track
porta that Field Manbell Oymme'i west ot Llvertiols nvecee. Tbe body
d In taming both 1* erldenUy that of a working bm
' of Oeaeral Knropaiklo's llnnka Tbe who met dena possibly wbUe Irylag
Japan*** cavalry patroU, the oorro to staal a ride on tbe trate.
•pondant Mys, have reached tb« vl
Banlt Ste. Marie. Mleb- BepL 27.—
claity. eC Tie paa*. Tb* Makden ear
Mpondm ot tbe paper cimflrina tbe Deasl* Duty, a well-kaown borinesv
tepert. H* says Knropatkin can make Ban. died snddenly today, taking
no serloa* attempt to bold Mukden. strych^ by alatakc ainktag It was
The Boaklu-am/ it coeewtrallag
a to bombar:
port Arthur fnrlooaiy from land and
net. A Snaelan nine exploded reccni
ly and pnalbllated a' whole Japanesi
regiment. Tbe Japaneee bare, de­
manded again that tbe Rneelaat e
• render the fort.
anneret Orleff Dl*tniM*&
at Petersburg. Bept S4.—MaRuOenetU Orloir. wbo baa been held reMontlMa for tbe retreat ot tbe Rotnlan ferae* from Liao Tang, ba* been
dUmiaeed from the tmy. The nedon
s taken in aooordanM with n deci­
sion of Oen. Karopatkia.

London. BepL 27.—Lady Cnrion
pBsncd a fair algbt with a littie nat^
sleep. Her eoadiUoa to still eriUeaL
WasblngtM. SepL 27.—Tbe slate
department has asked Qorentor Bat<
of ManaebnseUs to secure prompt re­
dress and ample reparation
apology to llDgh Ooraer. secretary c<r
tbe Brittob embassy at Wi
wbo was fined te the Lee PoUce
Mon^ for automobile scoitdilng. Tbe
aetlco of Judge PbilUps Is ntatad
be a clear vtoltUoo of the law* of
Hons at well as stalntary aad makes
hi* bonur liable to a sUt fine and Im-

t. Idek. Bept- n.-Oae
of tbe coetsty ereau of tbe naaon
was tbs wnddlag eC Mis* Carrie Zo»
lak, only darter «f Mr. and Peter
Zpdiek. to Veaefl Kaner. cf Tra'
aty. VadBeaday. Bepc 21. at SL Praacl* ^ureb a Travnne Cliy. After
the osreaiwy those te
lunwd to ae »cae of tee bride where
dtener wn* aeiTed to forty guesa. >v!attre* of a* bride and groom.
Tbe bride was beauUfully gowno-l
te pale bine trimmed te white and
wore a -bridal veil aad carried white
Tbe bridesmaid wa* MHt
Anas Kaner. a comIb «d tbe groea:
She wofWTUae silk trimmed with lace.
Tbe beat man was Vencil Sladky of
Traverse City.
Tb9 were received ei (heir borne
with showers of rice and tee ringteg
of belis.' Tbeir borne wlO be wia her
pareats. wbo are old and seed
daugbier's care.
Tbeir mray frieads wUb them happtees* Ibrangb lUe.

Many SBgllata uueees have cboaea
ik trees te Windsor forest wbereoa
tbetr naaM*. with tbe date* of tfarir
choice, have been commemorated
of brass plates. In dlSereut
parte of the forest with scats arnui
(bem. are oaks bearing tbe name* of
Qneea BUxabeib, Queen Carollnv.
Queen Chariotte and Qoeen Victoria
It bat been a tradition since the
Ume of Nicholas I to name tbe exar wltebea altenaiely Alexander
Kicbolaa. Bat tbe murder of Alexande.n caused bU name to be ecmslderc.t
unliuhy, no there will be no
Alexanders on (be Russian throne. *s
there will be no more Pnnls or Peterv.
The exarewiteb was tben-foro nam««l
Atexl*. after tbe faiber of Peter lb'*
Qrcai. •
A boy of n wbo live* at Hamlllos.
OuL, wrote to tbe eiar. asking for
some Russian postage ttaoipt. Reecntly be reeelred from tbe exar a
complete coUectloB of Russlaa postil.
and local aUmpt In
magnlfiesstty bound album. The cotleetioa I* said to be worth several
ibousaad dollar*.
Emperor Fraacto Jos^b to 74.
bat now reigned for fifty-six years and
has been called on to stand up ngaln<t
heavier aisfortune* than any monarch
ot hi* Ume. Defeated te every bai'lo
be ha* fought, driven first out of luiy
and tees out of Germany, wllb hi heir
•uicld* and bto eapro** tbe victim
of an aaaaaste. he to *tin a great
arch, the universal ^eree of
^ piinclpallUr..
with more soldiers. Inore revenue and
mot* subjects than when be begau

Rome. Sept.
Woroeater. Mass- Sept 27.-4enaCboe Pbo states that tbe Japaneae are tor Hoar te act any better today.
I Port Artbnr to­
I* BtUI unoaotcloaa aad has taken
day. The kwsea of tbe a
neither nonrUbmenl aor medldnc.
being unable to *
Bed as Uielr poaitioM.
Olllmaa suted tbatlhe senator cai-;
sex last long.
ietniAS Main Army.
; Sept. 2C.—The Jep. Ky, SepL 24.aneei are maktag as axteulve
Coever aad bin wife, wbo live te tbe
tag aorement to tke east cT Hekdea. country, went to church last algbt aad
A large forae Is advancing aerao* tbe isft tbeir ebiidrra at bums Tbe bouse
Five yean ago Ole tjostron dtoaiv
Tallee river aad marching aortb
caught Ere and four of tbe cblldi
psared Dom BaranoC StaUon. Nobody
Join the mnln may. Sklraiibee have
lag la age troa 4 to 7 yean, w
knew wbat became of blm. and finally
occurred a the valley et Hon river buraed to death.
people ceased to wonder. On an Ul
aad at laps. ThMc were
and te Behring tea n few week* ago
ties .at laps.
Bay Cliy. MIcb., SeiX. 27.--ih< the body wa* found Imbedded te the
Oeaeral BakharaS telegraph* that a Macdtlnac exprem on tbe Mkbii^ Ice nnd *o tborongfaly preserved tba-.
fate dt Japaaeee recently tried a ott- Central, nianlng at tbe rate of *lx^
evra tee slightest tedlcatlon ut
capy Eaouton pane but.were repttl*e>l. miles as boar, slnidc some cow* lying change bad *et te. Tlte barfcenilae aiy
oa a croaiing asar Ltewnod aad
W Pepeete. wbicb arrived at San Fran
Mey Be Exaggerated.
wrecked, bteteeer Thomas Rae
cto^ojtrom Baranuir * few days ag».
Sl Pteenborg. SepL 27.—An nncoe- fataOy injured. Fireman Horace Shaw brought *ibe aews.
Sraed report received today plaee* eUghUy injured and MaU Clerk Miller
Why doe* tec barber, bariog trim
the Raeaian loeae* at Port Arther be­ had several rib* tetXcea. Tbe track
med your beard or hair and lltter-Hi
tween BepL IS nnd ^pt. S2 at «.6M wa* torn up for a thousand feet. The
your Jace wlte tbe mowing*, alwaj i
killed aad wounded. TbU Is believed engine, baggage and poatal car* <
brush off bto ja^ wltb tbe uolverac!
a be
mop before
re' flflirting It acruas your of-

New York Presr.
DelmooL Oeraany. SepL 27.—Oonn(
Dr. C. H. Fisher. In charge of ilii'
Leopol of Upple. Blesterlleld. ba* assaaed tbe regraey of Upple made v*- medical and surgical service of the
by (be deatb of bis father. Conut Wahsob Railway bospiial at Uit:<
ofoMMlte Cumberlaad. Mil..
Ernest, yesterdaj.
performed an unusital feat <>f <>t>era
teg opOD himself fur blood polsuiiir.g
Ihe other day. Fbr nearly e week Dr.
Oaosno. M>rb.. Sopl. W-Wlibln a FUber ba* been anSerlDg a violent irfew dan a Boosevelt club ot fectlon ot the left foot, and finally H
will have been otgnnixed in became alarming. He Immediately sr
no uwUu'- In Curunna, wKL ranged to go to Wasbtaron fur sur­
half that msmbentalp. llcaderaon and gical aUenllon. but was preventud by
I'Bcmfl already Lave g-io<] sued an accldcvt to one of tbo V.’abasb mor.
R.u--ldlcan '-ub*
Seeing that delay was becoming dah
AU ladicstl.-as are that ci is larsr gerous and that be was te a fair way
n te Be Rslimd
idbl) the rase Id 8b'aws<:«.». tbo ciur
tone bU loot aad perhaps bto life,
St. Petanburg. Sept. r.-The detlr t) will go Btrongtv Reptiyicnn this (he tefectloB extending rapidly as far
nnikm of Onad DiAe NIebota*. in- Call. Normally the county has about as (be knee, be operated uikmi falmself
■paetor generti of the cavalry aa 1
Republican aijority. The l>cm wllb (be assistance of tils boxplial
Bander In chief of tbe Rnselna iraop* u.'ratt are confident that ihry xlll c»(
te tbe operating room, th'
In ae Said. U-practically nettled, h
di wn this large BM.(.rl;v l^y nvcral plutey surgeon cut (nan tbe Instep i<>
will suporMde General Kcrapatkia.
uundred, and that te onr or tuo lu- tee toes down to tee tendon* and bOR"
rtsnees they will elect county candi­ without an anesthetic, acraplng nc.t
Loadoa. Bept. 28,—A dUimteb fnaa date*. They even laagtue lba< Ferris
Ing. nmong tbe diseased tliane-.
Btonl this afieraooB atatea that tlA! will get a larger vote te Fhlaws.jw'e suffering agony for nearly a half hour
Japaneae bare begun tbe mareb lui i>an Warner, but unlcu tbe profv«or of tbb work. (Ill-be fell back exhaiu:
VladlKMtok. Sixteen hundred Japnu- makes a more favorable imimsioL
ed. tic to BOW In a fair way to r.-c.i
nse troops bsve arrived nt Hamyense. bto future speeches te this county tbau
The adraaee gnard was attacked by he made te Owoso last week, be will
e M. Lewto. wii!
tbe Ccesarics aad tea atea srare killed be warns (ban a teaer. As a pollUcal Lawyer ThoaM F. Wekb, visited
aad eeveateen wosaded. The Japan­ apeaber be vras
era] or tee Shuttle Meadow peach or
eee retreated A> await tbe arrival ct as an entertateing speaker and vande- chardt at Southington. Conn., a few
tbe mate body.
vOle artist he wa* regarded at a
day* ago. While driring by tbe Can y
Oeaeral Kurotatktn report* at St.
place, te the eastern part of tbo town,
Petersburg that the Ural Cossteks du^
It seem* to be tee general Impresion tear atientloo was aitracted
lag last night attacked the Japaaese now that the full RepubUean tickc*. spreared to be a piece of
camp. The Japaarae were thrown Into with tbe possiblr exeepHon of tbertff. ing from a free delivery mail to:x Mr
a stats ot psnic. Tbe Cossack* ateo vrill be alerted. Two and four year* ’.cel* bad tbe reins and sioriwsl ihv
ambushed half 1 aquadron of Japaa- ago the RepnbUcaas elected ever/. 1
borne, which at once became restlo'.
telag but thrir nominee for abcriO.i This caaand Mr. UiwU to give a eloeer
Tbe Japanese have not altered the po- D. J. Oerow. tee D
viev. and be saw that wbat appearci
ritloaa east ot tbe railroad and con- In (bote years, not raly
to be crepe waa a anake. Calttag to
o outpori ntueks to
I majority, but sms a man te a field near by. Mr. Lewi*
tbe north of Mnkden.
eleeied by a majority of ov«r l.lM.
told him to get a clab and to approach
It to an odd csilacldence teat te per- tee naake from the oteer aide. Tter
BM for Atarney OraeruL
nonal appearance, ndaeattoa. expor-: tee man did. nad after a flight of abouc
Dtoatt. MIclu SetX. 2i.-4oha E
L. etc.. Sheriff Oerow two mteutes the snake, which ba:
Bird <X Adrian wn* aosolaated for st- and warren Jarrad. Damocratle noml- been knocked from H* resting planternsy general by tbe republican state nee as bto tseeraaor. are pracUcally by the first blow from tbe cinb. w*s
at iu sMMteg 'Faraday j eouteepart.
killad. It sms a bUeksnake and m.'a ■
Bept. n.-The geacral eat has reeelvad tbe fotlowlng
dlepaUb from Oeaeral Bakbaroll:
Tbe eaeay’s vangnard ba* aaanaed
lb* odfenelve protiebly for reeonaolv
aaace a tbe dlstiicl between a* Man
darin road aad tbe helgtaU ot tbe vil­
lage of Tonaytaa. Tbe adraaee was
sapped by onr troop*. Tbe eneay
treated aloag tbe wbote llaa pursued
by onr cavalry. Tbe enemy ba* not
yet advanced north of Dnvas on Ue
left bank of the Uao river bnt an Incraaied force ba* been observed In lfa.»
noIgbbertMad eg Blaaeban.'*


sred oTSr tlx fart.—Hertford Ooorat.L
Robert O. Dormer, a prteUr cf tbe nan Oochcryb sixth rencoe from Cbe j la aaklag np a verdiec Therray the
A bnt made of straws, every one <S
sebooL esfobratsd kta eighty Stw river this year.
osgra wbBd be fought better cHfasowhich bad been touched by royml lips,
;bday la Rlrhasoad. lad- ca Wed
Rev. A. PaUaaaa of Berea. O- wa* a ship. Bis boaor refenwd to tec tagwms went by an
at Boswlte the eon- dali^U to a eaafsrraec of Us shxreh
r darn aad
logM. Tbs man vrbo wore It bad fol­ tom be has ofosrrsd
am tong ago in Oevelnad and tntenJWashlagtOB.
lowed tbe king when be was prince o. spent a pan cf tec day 0
g type te sd to take tbe (rate at a aafobbortac4) Some weeks ago a Outored 1
WalM for a cotplo of yean mdiseiiag a newspaper oSea. Mr.
town. He waa delayad te
me way.jlyatead
aad terra wbUs
the ctrawn throuah nfalcb be abwrWd case*" on the Indteaaps)
nad therefore tekaTnpbM
tee sta-'
a charge
lord drinks, and when be had secured IMI.
tlon maater: -HoU OevelaBd traia for. of iakU« part with the sfob. Tfowa
enough be bad ibea mads Into tbe bai
Mm. II. H. Lteeb It corriar «a tbe
TbestnUon maaterlaea have nlaee bora la'Jall.jl
. ii.A^
of which he wu tensMSly prond.
rural mall rosu between Blma na-1 did aot BoUce tbe ratra fo- te tee; Fanridge rafnsteg to retone tbefoba
^rs. Bernard K. MUIer ant Woodslows. N. J. Several b
■ name algsed to the dtopateb. and. for I any aon of bond. Special reference
tamlly, cotagt-rs hi Westminsi-' ibe road wta* waabed away by a n- getting teat George M. Pullman died
thto ease te tbr Charge,
place, at Atlasilc City. N. J.. were dl ceat storm, making tbe twiir Impatu- yrars ago. be hcM (be train as dlreci-1
poteted were the reference*
St supper the otbvV night by
bic by WBCOB. Mit. uiich to a woman ed. ODkarBiacoftbeadsunderstaad libat t
rilirt-nB df teat part of ilw
CRoklnx noise beeoatb them. A few of door-dk dltpoeliioB. to afee slung teg he used name vlgoroas langiusejcoanuT are mueb
tnteme* Uler the fioor of tee diului; (be mkil bag over ber sbouMi^ and after recovering bto breath
fril to tbe ground, n fitotanco
made tbe trip by bicycle, and thus will
William Martabce. Aaterica'e oldest
Aeraaaui at Craad Rapid* alMMptabout two fert. The fatally wry 1
costlDUt bet daily trips uotil tee nsval veteran aad an Inmate of (he|ed "raaiwm dn>p." but apimrntB re­
coacereedly flntohed tbi- men) T
bridges have been repaired
tailors' borne near Philadetpbla. has; fused t<> work aud baitoou draevaXed
floor dropped so clean IbU the dirlips
Mayor Hays of
been ndebratteg bto one hundred and rapidly, uarrowiy mUslng bniMlag..
the table ri'malned unBum-d ar-l
-i------------------horse buyer for the city, purchasing mil first birthday Tbe old man. wbo wa. ^
notbing wa* spilled.
animals for the pullet- and ftrv depart­ l>urti te BaUlmore SepL 22. 1*03. -n^ Wbco dociijtw (ail. try Rurdoek
A peculiar orentd, aam<vl Uiv Au! Bloud Bltltv
ments. a* Well as those naed In ibe
galoa clamusti. or tbo ciadiv of VeaiK.
oonrtracilon of puldk work*. HI* hon­
sho»-n at the cxbibftkm of How.
or nurads to tee dtitu-* uf this pori for aunlverwarie* te recewt year* have '
era in Hurtieeltoral fanll. Dorian, nthw without any astlstance. becnntc been numorable events. Last yenrj Mrs. HertM-rt itenniug. ucwr .Rarrun
centiy. Ii is abaped like nu old-faibtbere to Dolblng be like* belter than
Aiiornry Oeneral Moody, then serre-lLake. dropped i>urkeit>.K>k ctmuining
toned cradk. with tbe old style cover,
hone. He U a familiar figure around; tary of tbe navy, was In Phlladripbla. money nad walcb Into ri.nv Total
lag at the bend and (be boai-sbapeJ
sales staMes. not ooly te the two cities,. and made it a spectel point to con ' hw*.
body. Instead of a baby Inside tbe
but alto te (be towns for many t
graittlate (bo old man "Billy" ••till!
-----------------------Ibraat of (be orchid
around FUtsborg.
nimble on his frat. aud on bU uirtb ! Takes the bum ooi: hcait (be
of a little bird, some gulug *0 far
Mitv Anne Dy.-r. dauRhter of a New day danced a couple uf step* of (b.-‘ *uund^ rntra Ibe pain. Dr. Tbomai’
a* to ray It was that uf a roblii.
tee bonarbok) remedy
bird and (be cradle are bote o! a pak Orleans Kbuol prlnriital. to betlrvcd
deUgbl of bis aged Wlow Inmalrn.
'T"':-----^------------ be the only American woman wbo h
yellow. Tbe eyes of the bird are
Police «
dark brown.—Huston Journal.
. boidlng I
only English newspaper in Japan—«
in N... vom -.—■T!':.,,.
Tboniaa Quinn, 3 Leather place, re
of 221 Arch street, Philadelphia, it (be Daily Advertin-r of Yokohama. Mis* that many new fakers have sprung u Church.
Dyer went to Japan to visit frlendt. In this field. Lately they have taken |
I possessor of mi
cnt. srhlcb for «
One of nature's remt^lM: esoaXt
1; weakest cousttiutioa; never
trm iluclde tendencies, he ibtekH, to justb for the Advvnto. r. These were ao aur- woman's magaxlnra a* would accept! harm
*o cure xumuM-r cumplaints sr '
dcevrvlog Of a Carncglo medal or a cverful that she was Induced to nrcepi ihetr matter, aad a golden harvest ban:
position on the paper. She rapidly
Roosevelt pens Uni. Tbe tabhy the oth
day gave hlrib to 21 kiticn*. each
of credulity was-l
about the size of a field mouse, lu diarge.
Fnirolman James Dockery of the S' developed by Ihe arrvan ->f a fortune j
tblf eapBCItj- Mr. Quion bHIeves that
sold loafi aBMMiDiIng to fo.uOS.
be has a prise winner—Fhlladeipbla I.ouft police force tbe other day res teller. A widow uf means i«id .n-rt-j
rue,l Mrs. Walter Able from the Mter- 81.0m to this cbarlatnn. who promlM^! Man tessllod (faree women at Pnr?
rend the veil of ber fo-urc. He
Sir B’liliam McDonald, educaiioasl ittippi river. He was standing on the
Huron. One struck fellow over bead
into her nelgbbortiaol <unl with pall, oauiteg him to take to bto
r when be saw the woman jump
phl’antbroplsl. of Uontresd. smd James
Ttirowing off coat and revolver, got a Ilne.OQ ber acquatetancs.-*. Then biH-ls.
Robertson of Ottawa. Canada's
told ber many things about heraell
of agrieuliurv, are tmtk- lu- plunged In afun ber. The current
were. clone aeeretx.
Ing a tour of the northern stales with
li-K folly to saffer from that horrible
r. wbo dragged ber to abo.-o
Judge Daniel Partridge, In cpcnlnc. plague of tbe BigbL llriilng pile*,
n vien- to adding Imj^ruvements to te"
grent system of rural eduariton in by ber hair. Mr*. Able has lately been
)urt in Se!:^ Ala., testruciod tee ffloan's Ointment cures, quickly nnd
sued for divorce. TbU makes Patrol- jury not to consider color or cundiiton pemanenily. At aay drug store. S«



We are ofTering unapproachable values in strictly high-grade,
hand tailored, perfect fitting custom Clothes, for men and young

$10, $12, $15, $18, $20 and $22.50
Beauiifur, exclusive and interesting styles, from the most recog­
nized authorities.
Our line of popular priced clothing can’t be equalled elsewhere
for values. Prices range from $4.50 to $10.
The assortment it the finest we
have ever had, and we are having ao
immense hat business.
We handle THK ‘McKIBBIN"
HATS, the best hats made. We
have them in all the newest and
most sought for shapes, so we can (it
and please any face.

Prices Are $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3.00
Try one of
$5.0<i habit.

$:; i>(i hats and you'll drop the

Our Bo)s’ CloUics FxccI in Every Fanicular
We show a brand new line for boys and little
fellows—as pretty suits, as strong and durable as
any one could wish for. at prices that positive^ can't
be equalled by other stores.
.^sk to see the suits wc are showiny at

JI.8<, $2 50, $3. $3.50, $4, $4.50 afid $5
They'll not only please you,5but will save you
money as well.

School Stockiocs

Sean, H*lf Price

^^Hc a pair, or 2 pairs for


Compare this item with similar ones advertbed byother stores.

sizes for men, young men and little
chaps. The best values ever shown any*
Sweaters „-herc a» 5yc, 75c and $1. etc., up to $4.50.



Never before in the history of our business career have we been in such position as weare now to place before the public of Grand Traverse County such
marvelous bargains. After spending three weeks in the Eastern markets shopping very advantageously, we secured most of our goods way below market val­
ue. A single visit to thisstore will convince you of theactual economy, and will appeal to you as the place where you should make your fall purchases, with
the assurance that you will be dealt with fairly and lib'eraliy. Our constantly offering the lowest prices on honest merchandise has made this store famous and
the acknowledged leader of low prices in this region. Our sales have always aroused enthusiasm and we confidently say that this Fall Opening Sale will put
us in the lead.

Woaeii'* felt Imce fihocai. Itoed


ClosRs, Skirlis sndi F^ur



0«lsr out of tW pattm bt&4MM—lAOOO ^ f«II CoonoiDveA-Vy psi'cni

: Sc',



auwv kii «'

nadervear for
tho worid orcT fat
fall (ijnolac sale


Di^pife Ibe Tact


That materials are scarce and ................................. “"'’A98
the price steadily advancing, we se­
.\.:s-0rtmc r: N«. 7 -IJlaCk rDcrr<'rl7,.J'jm-iH j
cured several hundred of this seaton's best styles in Cloaks and Skirts
ulc price .................. ^.................... I sWO j
for Ladies, Misses and Children at a
remarkable price concession, from
ll.PT. *:.17 mn^l ...
the well known firm of
.Wonraont No. !• -U!a-k S-arf with 0 mil-

Sampliher Cloak £9.


W-73 Lrttjjt., glevchnA O. „

tine of ^>d>'* BwlCT
BBd toihlf braaiod
to^.OO, for

Mm's wnol sodis. pnd vtdRhl.;
. tfonblc soles ^d keels, open-'

to Mle price ,



emtahia —


KaaoK l-torra *ra»lls m


62 Im-h holt ov.-rcut.
mailcof fanc.v Meliuii. s
very dressy parmeni
and w..[| worth 3Sh<'i.
fall ..|H-nlcp fall- pri.-e

M.-n'r K.-rji-y iwilis,
lined with Hark t-'ans-.r
.•at in. a Sttn.!
alile Mill, wtirih 3h.50.
sah iiric-e

kl.-n’r fancy pehhle
clv-uet *n,t*. very *, rvie.-al-I.-. felly *..rih
|s.r.o. lull »i>-ninc






Men's an wool hi-avy
kcTM.v |«nts. well made
—worth 32.TO. opcBlns
talc price

BeantifuMlnc of Udies’ ne«kww.
ter Brown colla


3t>: anil f'.’" ni.-ir«
!<nit^.. made hy ih.-moJ
skt'llul tailor*, nil Ihl9
fall* *i>lcs. op.-u.ns
sale price




Men’s black blni's<-vc-.
all wool worste.1 suit*,
worth 3lf 00. fall ..pen
Ing sale price

M.-D's imported Tweed
wciKht. near .lark palt.-rns. worth 3!:Wi.faIl
openins sale price

Men's sull8. equal to
tailor mail.-. nnti<- Iw-ttiw
soM-for 31*. IliKvJ wllh
all wiwl serpe, fall
openins salt prlee




Brat anallu- priaU for coaiforterw.
In abort Iractba, preaent narkei
price 6c. aale
price .............................. L.. OaC
Full width white Shaker flamtel.
hratll) fleeced, worth 7c, ^
fait openins aale price.

H.-n's winter weli:bl.
pants, made at neat caxsiraen-, »p>oil wear, well
wnnh 31.50. fall openIhc rale price

Mens A'lral.htn tixir/
cn".-. full k-iicth. ht^
*h,..,h!er . ffe;-|. wi'.I hy
.or* for $|S.M.
Iris sal.- |.r:cf


Ladles' drcMinr *
d«Mr clotA,
ami libboB, Mle prior...

ea Jariieta.
------- ---------- J wllh rlbta». bMlou and trass, worth up
i"'inon, sale price



10 bale* of flm> hmno-tnadr rtimferts. tlcl with )-ara. sllkolinr
covertns. Itlird vitb pure whllo

Ul wool flanaelt for efalUrena
echoed dreaaea and ablrl waists.

Rarioshro shin waist paiieras In
tBRc) Tclrcts. thla fall's latest

|.ia»uMlon -



i calf^
and sraua


:al. prie..
IMani* vi.i ki.l la.-.- -110.-S.

>. n-j'lc


$6.98 and $7.98

The Cndot elylo Suit.'. l..r littl. fell..*
and nobtiv. rmiv «-.r<l. f.-!.o<i tor..
* double h^a'tert hLu- ch.-woi
Mill.--, worth 31 75. f—......................
lt,.>-, tw.Hd.---e
suit*. >('.-* 7
.-.•VidnK sale

3 Hats and Caps
uh dtizen oienV. I«>>'» and sill'
caps, all this fair* make*, shapes.
Mjl.' and rolor*.


T"' " 23c
:r, .|...-.•n .'a.r:. ti-.-iv) all w.v'
..r-ilv ;:-.r .ftaiii.v................................
r: 15c

-.V ..te
tall upeninp sale• prlre

ro'cn’s* Knu'inr Mill» One laml.*'
(>H nun. 111..... H'U h.-i'e »-*-n in
navins r-.o.* lor. «.ur aale prlre

....... 24c
n«e An«ara tens. red. while and
5ri,JX".‘”:.'r. 85c


Idrti. ;

for 31.'H* and IM,P, fall ttpenire »aJ“ iwire


fanc) albeUae aad mannish
cloth, worth 75c, fall open- ffO*,
irs aalc price ....;.......... ^UC
1« pieces a«vH() wuhlne. Isl.-sl
l.-sl fall
il.ile, fiillj worth Z'm
- - -


P'an.y *ilk- for shirt waist »uli.



sale prir.-...................................99b

Tranks and Valises
I.aibrr'’ s'raio"^’<wn,T'' Tiu V



td-nlBK sal- price .......................... .
1 f-a-o nun'* r.:d ur.d-rwcar, eitra
wo.clu, worn. 3U.'., for ................


r.rsplratl.m. water and spot pn-.f
l.laek taff.*la silk, puarantee
woTofl Into the arlvedm.'. hear.v
welthl. wiwth 3I.S0. fall
»P"c1di; vail- price ..........

nnderw.wr. M>ld the wi.rM oi.-r s'
f.*«r and 60-. tall M|--Mns Og^

r .'•■V qiialii., i


Phnc) atlks for shirt walsl suits,
exclusive pattern. !■ all ibe m-w
K-adiojt tall shaded, well CQn
worth 31. aalc prlre........ 93b

' 19c Underwear and Hosiery

WrlRbl s Rctiutne h'-alth tind<-rw<«r. be“l sanitar. >«, $1.98, $2.98

) Mohair, the fad of ibe
Ibe a
I for shirt waists
S iand
Ut anils, wiirih 75e. .

x.“' '.'K

Of the well knnw-p Amdor Mnvs tuake, i
Kemejrs. Irish Friexc and Miiiure^. taluei
—fall oprolne sale price

ion ladli-i' trlmmoil hats, escliisito;
sipira, K«>od shapes, wcwtli up I0
$5.00. oiHtnini; sale price



Drss Goods and SHks

M.-n s .111 araln mork sh.ww. mitran
le„} ,-Ter> pair solid. gOw.wih 31.::.. sat.- prle.-....duC

Gen-ts’ F"urnisPiings

iS^doaen plain aud fane) wool lain

3 rasM dMblr rolU« hlanVrti.
hnimy Bewerd. ipmd sire.


wtrih 31 r.7. «l..','idn” ,




•n pair*
shw-v. with Nile l.Hih.T eoUDK-r
and in'ole. atwars sold for
31 75. -ale prlre

Jlen's .-slf stin 'li.«es, Idii

)ae oue Bcllpae flaaneleltra. 3fi
Inches wide, all aew fall paUera.;.
sold the -world o»er fw lAISc. oar price .................... lUC


Nt.-n'a IMritan cnlt never rip shoe*,
r strild. w
•nh 3:."f.,

Misses Ki


GO doses men's nodiwwesr. In all ;
wool, cam.-rs hair, naural .
woolB. cashmere, etc. worth !
fl4fl and 31-25. sale price

•re sfaww. pal.HI
«-r Up. all fU.-R 1ft III-, kd. 00*»
tall olK-DlnE sate prle.'___ WUb

ir irtBm...l. iii'l kM fotlnt:.worth 00^

while. «5rui 35crraie

Flaapel valsta. nadc wlOj Utidred
ruffs and oollan. trkmiBcd vKh

A remit pun-haw of rhoes from V.
K. Adams .if Roek loland. III.,
who dlscnnilnued haslneta. enables na lo save )»y 35 per rent.

WnmcD's tilark felt Jullrdra. tor
trlDOi.-d. red flannel lined. CQ.
31.'Mi ialne, f.rr.................. 09b

tot 1-150 LAdloa' nMa. dabor
fahrtes, worth
price Of, «1JI

S» dozen ladle*- sample underwrar, in wnut. merinu. flerv
lined .and plush back
IM. aak- price

33 and 25c


Ladic*’ flannel nlRlit
lenjrth. irimmcd
braid, aalc price ...


2 Og '

ss'i- |irire .

Men's black bearer
overcoats, vetvci collar,
sold cv«.r)where for 35.
our upralnt; aalc piira

Mtrttird Shaker flannel, bear)
fleeced, eolore. tan. prar. in
Btak. lOr raSoca


r!-iMort' and''ornsm““y!'



Men's while bBAdkrfrhiers
^al«-lla W>» SeartK.irinmnlvIih 7 bro»ii
tall* and rl'inlrr*. mdd -the ■«*rl.l g gO
owr l..r IlS.'to, our mIc prir«-.. OiUU

As...rtm.iit N..- H -Wtlor Mink Srarf*.
irimtu.91 Willi 4 l«iN. rlustrrw and 1 ff 0
rhain. worth 31.5... ..,K.alnc 0gg
chain, worth 3Ji«. for
............ 1 iWO
ralr pri.f
ArM.rlm.'iil No. lo-ln-Jia'r.n Kl.-riri.- Si..!-- ,A,!tinmon' No 15—20 doiri•D /Dcttl

lallD, utr prL
A: rorltnrnt No. S—Girls' loas ZilK'lim
fimt*. liimard with c«i>r, lal.s
atid PuMiins .


flannel fnr ktmunas and


1<» d.izen boy'a bear) rlTe:.-.!
.■vrrmlla and jarkels. made
eaira hewr) duilm. Worth 2ie
and '5«c—aale prte . 3!^^

I- o B

.--V. fall ..[--nles *al.-







1 18 Front Street, Wurzburg Block, Traverse City, Mich.

■ .r'

' ■

A miattBr .
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and they accord­
ingly endorse arid recom­
mend it.




Saturday and
ind for the nest week,
wetk. tve cek-braic
celebrate the
llic second anniversary of our opening of the FT’RNITLRK
We wish to
’ • today
• ’
v stand the acknowledge*!
■ hank .you all for the generous patronage that has enabled us tn so short a time to so enlarge our ’business
the public that the
leaderssin our line. This has been made possible only by HONEST ANl3 LIBERAL -METHOD^ We wish to assure
Cil'LE OF FAIR UEALINtj.'for which we have been known in the past,
. will
be our motto
in the future. Wc
W arc impelletl to thank you
in a more
moi substantial manner than by mere word;Is. and with that thought in mind we celebrate by offering the greatest values in llousefamtshings
We cordially invite j’ou to call, whether you are ready to buy or not. and rcmemlicr YOIIR
known in Traverse Cir
that hativc ever been



I Kitclicn, Bedroom, Dining Room a^ Partor.


Choice of any
$6.00 Lamp in
our stock with
every purchase

• NWPU 00.. MW w







, •Ulo Nom.
Three Port Hunan tou, need lire,
walked all mllce lalo oountir. kaokfas
fv (faBdom.
0caaM one »re KaUaiMoo lad polaoeed wblakr. Lad will reeorer.
Um kat*tek lor nan.
Leri tUrm. Beranalaa. e^brated
l««tb fetTtkday analrenair- Smoked
tobaoeo orer 70 rear*ChUdrea ezkibiUqs Oowan In Laaslag acbonli will Ml them to pnrdaasc
>olarei lor achool room*.
Sand Ciwek rnMker (onad Is­
old babr la cleiera. Pulled It out wlib
Me oa wbicb waa ^tened Ball.
Two ploMer realdMU of BaUle
Creek taaad dead In M. Un. Potter,
aged 7«. add yn. Unbtwrd. aged 74.
Mf*. Sank C Brown, aged «1 reara.
of nig Rapid*. Temembera going -berrriag* wlCk Ralph Waldo Stneraon.
Bay Cltr couple married tow tbaa
pear, maa aged U. wife U. atMiig JlToroe. yan elaimi woman married
him for mooer.
CoL K. O. Peehot and Prirate (Mbb<m met at aoldiere' reuolon. Pori
UnroB. Both were ahot on aame da.r
dnrlag dm war, hadn't eocb each
other (or SC pear*.
Tbree mamber* acbool board Vrteaiaad eerrod quarter eenturp.
Jwtk« B«BCdlc(. Port HufOB. garc
wgc beater Ce dapi and tlM Bne.
' Oaaoij^e atore cxpKwloa -ten
bareed two-pear«ld Laaalng girl.
Mlw Anna Deal, Owoaao aehool
Icgcbgr. goea to atato ncnnal Oregon.'
Laoteg wlfo borawbipped btttbaad
eaagbt walking with other woman.
Cbarlotte and HnaUaga hire one
mnnnnl tralnlnp teneber on eooperalire plan.
Jodge Hopido*. emhouD dreult
coon, after entoonlau wtio rloUte
liquor Inw.
la a single iaatnnee nt least the nakmn baa beeu a help to the church.
BronaoB booseaea were ararned bp
wa to oeaso aclllog drink to hla fa­
ther. bat the lauer etmUBoed to beoome tolAgiraled the son went efiet
the aaloon men, who setUod at the renacmable sam of |M. TbU the eon
tnraed toto the OoagrcgaUonal ireaa
arp as a diureh fnad. Thde It
mor that a church aocletp la Slargla la
dealrou e( borroariag the oM mna
Aoeordtag to the report giren our
ni the eeereiatp'a oSec, the Uslvetalt/
of Sflehlgna win hnro ibla pear the
largest aitendanee erer koowB and li
la eatimatod bp Seerotatr Wade that
the number wll tar exceed the 4.000
mark. Last pear there were orer S.OOO
atadenta. The beaep Increase If looked
(or U the engUeerlBg depanmeoL Tbo
new eaglaeniBg bellding. which la
BOV open in all parts for clasae* and
which allows o( tar superior adrantapes la this department than hereto­
fore. U thought to be one of the math
Otar the
Tbe dealal dopnrtmeat la also expect
ed to ahow a alight laeraasc In aumbers as the required coarse was
changed last spring (ram four to three
pears. Ibe Uterarp deMuient t

to this <
among the girt* are preparing t
aelrea'tar tending. During the last
pear the demaiKI tor umeben who
were grsdnatw from Michigan bai
bees far In exoeaa of tbe son>lp.
Rer. WllUam U Lantman of Trarsree CUp urtii preaeb bis first sermon
al Second street tburA Snndap. said
the Grand Rapid* Herald. Hr. Imuftoaa Is one or the most uptodste mlaIsten In tbe eagferenee. He 1* a bora
monep ratoor. pad hi* was Ute banner
report al the eenferenee. He girw
Baadap erenlng congregatiana and U
both aggressive sad earnwi.
Battle Creek people are of the tmtokm that thep are ddng thdr share 'j(
the expon boataess of the Ualted
Bute* la taro Uaw alone—threablng
■nrhlnui aad steaa pnmpe—thep will
thk pear ship a mHUoB doUaie' worth
> foreign
ports. One of the t
fbetortes ships lad eompMe thrrahlae
CBifits to Sovto Atotaa thU fan.

A Branson man has applied lor a di­
vorce OB the grounds that his better
half perslsu In pipping tbe ptono an-l
atbglng from 2 p. m. nntll S a. m. each
There U said to be a Mmage of
miners to the CrpsUI raUs district nf
tbe upper pralnsula, eaased bp
manp going to the woods to work tor
tbe winter.
A kmgsharemen'i nnlen will prob-,
ablp toon be Instltated to Ontonagua.
There was one there before the big
fire, bnt slace then there has bot been
anp vDik to speak of and consequentip tbe orgaaisallon-disbanded. Prow
pcsu tar a revival of the lomber trade
there are bright, and anotbar union
will undoubtedlp mwerisUze.
The other dap a peeultor tocMcm
happened near South Boardman, on
the 0. R. -h L raUraad. A cow trlMl
the bnttingdn proceas. and endeavored
to push the'train (ram the track. Tbe
animal made a dash at the baggage
ctr and caromed back lu tbe first
coach, breaking the car steps and iu
own Boefc.
BCOBBtiig Is to have a street fair
sooa. although rather late In the sepsoa, Tbe buslnew men pispose to
ooBbtoo the chief eloBCBU of boib a
itrwt and eounlp fair, making one of'
the most BoUbte celebrmliaas over
seen in that seetloD. September £7
Ced n are the daps sdeeted, and the
pragtram Includes, besides races of all
kinds, band concert* bp two bands'
ball games, etop ptgraa sboou an dptradw both dura.
The aame of Swaasoo, a llulc vil­
lage oa the WUeoBstn A Hlchlgsp
laHwap. 1* to be changed to Phllaathropp. aereral baadred .acres of toad

onp of toraera who srlll locate there
la the spring. Tbe^^mrehasers agratthat If ibe ptoee ebangoa lu name thep
win locate two phltoaihropic lastiiuHems of worM-wldo Interest there ai
oner, backed bp unlimited oapltol.
The tofiepeadent voters of MarQUCtlc, Negaunee and irbpeming. vltb
few others, will meet September £7.
tor tbe purpose nr placing an Indcpradent eoiintp ticket In ibe field.
For Haron people have tbe tnuih
room erase, and a* carlp a* 3 o'clock
In the moralng segrr-a or people ran
be seea going ont to the acarbp fields
with Itnieras to light tbe va)- in fiadleg tbe earip morning sprouts.
A fine gpmnailum bnildtog Is bHng
jnstruetod oa the campn* of the
llshlgan Oollegc of yinea al lloughm. Tbe funds to erect tbe building
ere contrtboted bp tbe studcala.
u of the facnltp. tbe alumni of
the college, the board of control and
the manp frioidB of tbe Institution.
Numerous aeddenu at Mantstique
ive been recorded d.niing the
mer and toll o( this pew. Besides the
minor accideMs. like the sasring off of
fingers and bands to shingle mills,
men have been killed or crippled fur
life bp trains to everp conceivable
maaner. Several others have been
killed aad maimed bp aavs.
.. PotUh tamtiv In yaalstee has,
been taken charge of temporaiilp bpi
Ibw poUee. The father and moUier
are aloofaol fiends, the rbiidren arc
taught to steal, and the eldest, a girl
«f IS. U tbe matostap of the familp.
steaHag. it Is alleged, eoough to keep
them golag. h U proposed to tend
the two ponngeai Mldren to Coldvai(T and tbe girito the todnstrial school
at Adrian.
Bap Clip Is eoaslderablp atonaed ati
the prospect of losing one of Its sugtr
factortes. A dUpaich received there
from CUaton. love, saps that the tonnera and capitalists of Scott countp
have beea approached with a ptopotltloa to ngtve a sugar factory from Ba?
Cire tb^. The Seott connip people
^are been asked to raise *2&0.000 tor
the ezpenre of transfemog aad rebolldtog. It has beea learned that
ml lesra gesUemen recently visited
the titp to^tog at the factories, and
It U thou^t that one c( the Bap Qty.
yichlgaa. factories I* the one alleded
to. The oaem of tbe eompasp dlsetotot ail kcxrarlNlee of ahy snob deoltog.

A DKSlRABLE PARLOR SUITE, conswuof 6 piece*.wdlconttnictcil and ]>-ettilp modeled, u|>1iolslcic 1 on tempetetl ^ J^ ^0

With Every $175 Purchase.

A Urge. liberal (ko.

Boy y«ur Stove
Djoh pot it olTa <laj
It's woitb a
great deal to you in
hetfth nod comlort to
make home cozy and
warm. All the j*rpaUr make* are hac.
Biae BoRwre.
and up.


and up.



COUCHES—Like rut, wiili wide carved Earne*. cUw feet. 26
indies wide. 5 rows tufi*. guaranteed steel 0^ Cfi
construction. .Aonivereary Price........................ fiP/ atJV

like cut
Has two
U^e top drawers.
Urge mirror. French
pUte. ' bevel edge.
wiU> neatly car\-etl
toilet, solid oak,

oiben $6.7Sasd np.

,Codk Stove*. $C7o
and up
Atr Tights,
and up.




'oak Heater*. $3.tlS
and up.
l.cngth p'pc and <bm^ per l-REl-: wUh every


•(like cui)
.hiring thisrak-


DESIGNS Bedroom Saits


in Parlor and Li­
brary Slan<1*

aud up.

110.75 fild IP
Cbilfjniera $LS0
and up.
Commodes, $3 85
and up.

Exceptional Valnes in



I.moUun,,. JUiliriE .nd I)r, 5«|»;rior -..ivn,
.l.'.cli.l piilttM, b-lutiral coliiriiig.-.n idcl bn,.
Co»l l..e«i. Ciq.«. n»'dc. Ubl^d

Solid bsk
golden &nisb, sjiring
seat and back, vel­
our ui^tolstering


large l«cnt arm Roeker.
like col, high back, fancy
ctnbosscil sUt, heavy iumc-1
spindles, carte scat, rich
g.4.Ien finUi.

Bcintifgl Velvet CariH-is made. Uid and / //)
lined, per yd.................................................... I • i U



A Urge line of Morris Chairs and Rockos to select from.



I Sideboards
; Like


attractive, 'well

I [na.le, and a wonderful value.




Like em.


Extension Tables, like cnt. raasive an 1 midc of best while S
oak, legs neatly hiraed. extends six feet 0/Z ^ C 1
Sale price.................................................... .
O )

I Oui complete line fur fall is
r in.
They r«n from
! $'-i.76up.

Ail Styles and Finishes. $2.95 to $20.00.
A well-mule Kitchen Cabiccl, two
draws, two bint, a fnouMing boar<l

With one row spice cabinet on top

• •

JW piece Decorated
Dinner Set with every purchase of

HapRy Momos,





Emo T^ Shslt R»M AMjr.
Ouc is pms r«i|^ • Ubs
Wbo apM bU iisB«-Has
Of«*«d • mwl* irt« uO wU*.
mteb. If bsM bBfort hU eye*.
0«Te bis owiM«l *t ft sluiee
Pit lor etrerr ehftftge ftftd ebftsce;
Btrieaui words, ftitd ibese ftre tbey:
‘TEvm tUft aliftll pftu •way.*'

Pares 1 tt 6


ttos was always dieerfully pot aside ber clear voloe, and grandma stopped hot forrtead and niled down toto bto
ceoaor. But Ihe ebangt was slow and
Psektog Apple*.
tbat be nlfbt be atteaded to.
stoglng and knltltog InatanUy.
Looking back oref bto Seld of work ermserraUsm wu* a tong time to ac­
Bight before us is the task of pick­
Nerertbelea*. when diaoer wa* «ai
“Anything new. Janer she Inquired. “Forglre ne. John." she said, genily. for a quarter of a eentury, the Mbinoi. cepting oak furnltnre In this country. ing nnd packing nnoiber big crop of
of the way aad baby wa* told down to gently. "Hai anything been done • FOr what, Boih«..rr be aaked. Ic ! maker of middle age recalta
Now the qunrierwawed efferts
apples. In recent yearu I have leaned
bla cradle, fast
about the mortgage taielyr
the lessons In tbe abortslgfatedness of white oak nre acknowledged even- Just how to do it to the best advan­
Lane pat on ber bonnet and shawl
“Nothing, only It It to be foreclosed
"For leiUng yon worry longer than 1 men. He and the ornamental 'wood- where, but even the while onk to dis­ tage. I used to spend twice os much
with ioyfut atocrity. and tUrted <o next week and the place sold from ur.- was necessary. John." sbu replied.
i worker, looking u|na the ruined for- appearing. Indtnns Is said to have effort and labor on this Job (bsq was
make ber efiernuon vUii a) Hr*. der us. that's all." returned Jane, blt"1 do not understand you. mother." jesu of the llnlied States msj dr*' some of the best tracts of this timber required. The great majsrity of applcMiles'.
terlybe said, stovrly. wonderinglyuomc sharp coaelusiuo* lemiing away ■hmg tu river boUpms. R'ben the
rert could save a graoi d«al -d
II waa only a abort dlatanee, and ten
Grudma looked aoberty eoough
"John, what do you m«*nr she'from the old story book Ides of men fssfakm exacted white oak (or <
iroubte nnd expense in apple packing
TrftUia or cuie^ft tbraogh the ftftftd
nlootea, eren at grandtna'e alow gait,
cried, "don't you know that this place I born with an eagle eye to the future. meoul floors, for walnscotings and if they would but learn bow to do It
Bnnisbt bin sent fm 8ftnftrc»B< brooebt her to ibe end of her walk.
“Ho«' muchrls It. Janer- she asked
line, and thui It will in course of
Forty yesn ago mea were buying bouse trimmings, the demands of tbe right. Mom of them Imagine that the
FlMU or sslleya throogb the sc«s
“Here I an. you see.” the tald, quietly, wincing at the sbarp reply In lime bo yours? I bought It today and lands to certain Bectloo* of (he
hardwood trade made funbur Inroad* apple* have to be put to pUee in tbe
Brooxbt him peart* to match with dropplnp wearily Into the bit ebalr Jane's blgheet key.
paid for it. You are all welcome, and west wfaeie. in their visionary judg- upon the while oak preserves.
orchard to "sweat.- No greater miswbieb wu cordially aet out for ber. “I
"Fire hundred dollare! You know more than welcome, here. If 1 mav menu, great clile* would have
Prom white oak the cabin
Uke was ever made to tbto line. Tbto
Bat be nmated aot bU sals
doo't walk enon^ to know bow. bar<*- we're only been able to keep up the only stay with you."
spring np Into the activUJeu of trade has had to turn to tbe once despised plan Involves s Urge addition of toTnanree U Um mla* or mala:
ly. hBd a llilie ways tires ne.”
Interest, with all our extra expenses.
John and Jane looked al Hu- old tody and commercial
ivd osk. -rbe lime wxis when tbe red bor. makes the work more tedioas aa-l
*-Wbat to veattbr the bine wc
minute and cet rested:
'Jane meant the new babies and such In astonishment mixe<l with alarm. center*. Today many of ibeee city oak. ev<-n for firewood, was nc
treeable. nnd at tbe some Um* re­
then band ne your things.
■naiiera by ibe "extra expense*.’
Had the general trouble driven he- site* ure gracing land, while over mil­ sldered by the man who wished
sults ill B positive Injury to (he ap­
-Wttn tbi*
pam ewv"
said Mr*. Mile*. "Got a lot more mil somehow grandma otherwise craiy?"
lions of acres of former forests the tbe best results from his stove* and pearance of the fnill to Ibe barrel.
tens. I aee. Mr. MUei said that the and sighed ai she beam the words.
"How did you got the money, moth­ woodchopper has been doMroylng cn range*. I'nder tbe pinch of nceessliy From an espertenc*. gathered from
to the rwreto of hi* eoort.
wa* anslouB for some more ifae
After that she sang no more. I
er*- Jubu said at length. Just to hu­ loraal fomaes In convening walnut tb« honlwood trimmer has mode red picking n Urge
barrel* of
At the aenhb oT th* apart.
tost time be was to town, so they will pul away ber kBiiliog and helped mor her coneolt and soothe her, as be while ask. poplar, bard maple, pine*; oak on aerepiable subutlUiie for the apple* during the past
Whni tb* palm* oT all bU soeaU
go like bot cake*.
about the dinner and tbe rbildren, and bad always beard that it was best to and ^ar trees Into fence rails atui
> brimani white oak. Pilling com­ know positively tbui the applea wWh
BanMd oitb clopptos at bto Seat*,
Tliere-a ten pair to there, and I looked as uober as eren Jane could do with crazy people.
pounds hnve been mode by which the
- ooi of COM utorage to the brat
He anU bto t»%ad vise
with you'd ten Mr. Mile*
"Knitting miuoks,'' sbe replied
Cried. “Ob. krrlar fttoBda of mlae,
pound* of yam aad the re*
But after diuner she put
quietly, -and now Jton and Jane felt in tbe east Interested In tbe manafaesmoothed, and the stain of the fill­ est afterward, are those that were put
pleoanre comaa. but m< to atay:
aad then you keep it down fartw and things-and took her kniltlug worii bac certain that her mind was gone.
inre of gun stocks, sent men through er* give* to the polish of Ibe red osk directly toto the barreU as picked
Brea tbi* ahaU paaa away.*'
i'll get It a mile at a time, so they and started for Jenny Miles' house.
But Just here Mr. Miles stepped In Ohio purchasing the stumps of glMi
effect scarcely to be dlsltaguisbol
tbe trees. All oar eppto* ore
wont notice it. Jobe and Jane
"Jenny. It's come." she saM. as she and made matter* as clear as day walnut tree* that bad been felled for from the whiter wood. But red oak is barreled up. headed up and naltod
FlBMic OR « twtoR* SeM.
wooldDt think I ought to do so
sank Into ber accustomed seat, "what within a short space of time.
the making of fence rails- Some of inch softer than the while,
within half on boor after they are
Obn a Jar^ pierced bto aUeld.
kalttlag It tbey knew.” she added, IVe been expecting for aix yean.'Yoo
Graadma lell* Mrs. Mile* In confi- these stumps were five feet in diam­
la the days when block walnut was gathered from the tree, aad wuallT
BoMlara. vtto a load lameat.
with a queer little emile.
know Jedin's place was mortgaged for deuce that life Is sot the
eter where the axe bnd felled tbe giant Ihe universal native raaiertal for fur- to cold storage wltbto a day or two
Bon bln bleadUs to bto teat;
Tbat was one of Grandma Lane’s Ire hundred dollars. Its full raloe; nr was' before her Investment In real ea- tree, nnd tbe toot* from the siamp
■e some of the old pieces to parlor after tbey ore barretod. The apriev
a bto tnrtu]Kl aide.
gala days. They came about oocc in
tell It another way. old Solomon lalo.
bedrooms were veneered wrlth
not allowed to loneb the gnand.
"Pala la bard to bear,* be erted.
Apo weeks In the pleasant weather, Shaw let John have five hundred dolNot that sbe was nol happy before, ordinary trees. For some of theae rosewood and mahogany, brought from With a proper rtorttog-uhto siandinc
‘•Bat with pattoBoe. day by day.
when the snow was on the ground the tor* to buy hli bouse and lot with, and but now sbe Is happier because Isdc- ■tumps, dug and carted to the rail­ other lands. To have told the cabinetwithin easy reach from the nearest
Kraa tbi* obali pao* away.”
time between her rlalta was pften
took a mortgage on the pr<N>eriy for pesdenl. not of boneut John, but of- road.' the purchasers paid more t
maker of that day that oak me dsy two or there tree*, one man can fill
month and aomettme* longer. Then eeeurity.
to acres of the cnitiraied farmss wouH would be Died as a veneer would have the barrels and another bead and nail
Towertaa la the pobUc avoara.
the ckwely packed bag. which was sup­
"Well, tbe terns of the mort^e
bad Icarsed have brought la (be market, Wha- caused him to doubt the speaker's :bem about ss fast os ibree or four, or
Tweaty ouUU ta the air.
posed by Jane to bold only the knit- expired a year ago. but John begged that ber motber ln-Iaw Is nol so very the whole tree might have brought sanity. But It has pome to that. Yen
perhaps half a dotea. men can strip
Rose bto atatM earred la atoae:
Ung work upon wblcb she was en­ off and BO Solomon Shaw let things deaf, after all.—Woman's Msgaxtoe.
had It been spared the axe of tbe eered oak furnlt^ Is to be found to them off the tiw* and empty then on
Tbaa tba Usk. dlacntoad. aakaova.
gaged. held sometime* forty pain of He. to give him one more chance: but
woodchopper. is startling In Its poesi- all the houses aad it to by no means
orttog table All this mrans quick
Stood bfdarehto i
nlUena of varton* alios. ThcM.
now be wnnta bl* money, so Jane told
massivebutoees. and nothing to ss liresome
Moatei neakty. "Wbat to teaaeT
we bare seen. Mr. Miles carrted to the
e today
The black walnut furniture of n gen­ looking front doors to residences are and timenaklng for nay one ss tbe Job
Self eonOdence Is self deceit.
Pome to bat a alow deeap—
town, aeseral miles away, and dto
"Yes." retoRied Mr*. Miles. “Mr.
Only the weak bare time to worry. eration ago. in combination with the veneered oak Trom a base of while of picking nnd aorttog tbe fnill from a
Brea tbi* aball paaa away.”
posed of them, for ber. receiving s
li: but
big heap on the ground. In Ue-fatter
HedUatlon to tbe mold of cbarac- Iiallnn marbles of the time, would not pine.
good price per pair and always an or Grandma. 1 don't think I would worry
appeal to the present, perhaps. But in
Straek wttb paliy, aan aM old,
every apple has to be handled
der for more. i.
Two-Headed F*l|Ae.
tbe judgment of the cabinetmaker, the
WaRlag »t tb* gate* oT gedd.
over. With a eortlng ubie. lb* man
Tbe^ogy Is a map and not a
block walnut forests of the past, could
One of nature’s freaks ha* been tending It simply bsndln* the poor opSaid be, vltb bto dylag breato.
mltteni were always in demand fay a
“Oh. I atot worrying.” answered
tbey be relncarnsied. would appeal Toond la Ionia, Mich.—a young kitten ples und (he few with the small
”Ut* to dOM, bat wbat to deiatbr
eertato class of people who had by Grandma, "only 1 don't kaow which to
■officJenily to modern tastes and meth­ with two beads, or at least the facial branches left on. aad leu nil the good
Tbw, to atawar to the bias.
of dreams.
agreeahle experience come to value do. exactly."
Pell a euabean oa bto rias.
A man's stoe doe* not depend on bto ods of finishing as to make walnut features of two beads, having two fruit roll by him luo tbe barrri. ThU
then at their tme xrorth. These cus
“Which of what grandmarone of tbe most valuable woods in tbe noses, two months and four eyes. The style of hoadUng apples also tosnte*
Sbowiag by a baaeeady ny.
“Whether I had better uke up tbe
acridenulty honest sonlag nnd packing. The ap­
"Brea tbto abab paaa away.”
say tbat one pair of Grandma Lane's mortgage to my own name and oan: There never was greatness without
II I* one of tbe auchronismt of In­ kiJlod before tbe discovery of It* ples go Into the bswrri dwst ss they
mittens would ontwear three of those the place myself, or—do It the otb«ri gratitude.
>me. Theer to no rhaac* for filUBg
A light heart makes a light house dustrial history that, at the Jime when donble Idontity was made, but
for sale at the stores
lot of trash in tba brbIsi of lb* berOmn*na Lane'a FurebgM.
tbe forests of walnut, and white oak, resfof tbe litter are llvtag. The moth
in a dark world.
town, and though tbe price waa pretty
“Ah—ba—1 aee. Well. now. Grand­
"Bo you eae.” nJd Mr*. Lane, to the
Benevolence for business only aad beech, and bird's eye maple were er belongs to Georgq Oundrum. n drug­ !i The trash all gM to the grpond.
high It wa* not^ree Ume* a* high.
ma Lmne. tost let me put a flea in your
gist. There la much regret that ibt- to be gathered ap late* tor cMer * tbe
eoorue of a chat with a nMghbor who
So It will be sees that
had dt^pod to, "kow it to with ns.
^e« of the country while pine wa*
Ufe to the fruit of e past and Ibe
well aa quality wa* on grandma's side place youruelf. You've got money
John to a good, ateady mas and mrea
tbe maierisl of the builders, sad the ns sh effort of nature to Introduee
”1 declare." said she. at she pinned enonto: my husband and 1 were look­ seed of the future.
every cent but tberafV been sJeknees
of the "gralner" was at If height. new breed of cat* that would be capa­
Put out the lamp of works and you
ber shawl and made ready for ber ing SI your bank book .mi nigbt. To
Will the arayilag Been Cetnt Bask t*
in tb* tanllF, and baaUee o«tr own we
in the most cosily/Rouses. In­ ble of esiebtog two mice at one Ume.
walk borne, -fre eaten so much gin think that you've earned five hundred
hare JobaV mother to e*rc for.
It is the truths we do and not the side finishings. Ubies. Ibe kitchen cab­
gerbread and drank so mneb tea ibsi doltort In six year*, knitting mittens! "
For a decade or more tbe MIekIgaa
One of Corea's B
tng^QJte a toiRS ftoUy>Hili to allinets and even ibe solid bottom kitch­
oni-s we Indorse that save us.
I dost know's I aball ever get home.
Near the city of Seoule. Ibe capital grayling has b
and 1 taU gM «han th* end of the
en and dining room chairs were paint­
People who are always trying
"Oh. ye* you will." laughed Mrs. tinned in deep thought.
rear oonet there lot moch left
ed and grained In ImliatJoa of the of Cewea. is a bill called Pouk Han. lag. but this sewn and fatal* ose* n
Those words of Jane's—"extra ex- some one else suceged la being noliody
. pny on the nnttgH*- Three of the
betutlful natural woods by which the which was formerly covered wHh new eondlllan to expected, says Wtlbefore the aaow gets eo deep you pen*e*"-^d a good many other* at all .
Bee yean are m* already and all w«
dwellers in the houses were wsgmcd. trees. The legend rnns that so iMg iUm C. Harris to September Outing
can't get here."
bare done *0 tor U to keep np tbe toWalnscotings always were grained in os n tree remains on the bill so kmg They are coming bozk. ORd tbto deBeyorNi Hia Jurisdictien.
"Yes. I'll try to. end eay, Jennie, tell bad placed It In her power to
IlghifDl prospect to based updB (be
tereot. Of oortm. John's mothar bad
Justice Oiegerich. of tbe New York Imliaiion of naiurui woods. Gnarled will Cores matoialn lu lodepeodence.
Mr. Miles to put all but cntwgh to get bear, turned the balance at lengili.
to bare a boto* wbaa tother died .aad
effect* Id grains. quorter-Mwed beau­ and iherefore no x>ae to allowed U> cut great dtolinc to the lumber supply of
the yarn In-^IL Just where be dIJ Tbto. added to tbe advice of Mrs. Supreme Court, who has a fine s
•be bad nothtog Ml wbaa all their
ties and imiutlons of knots were of or touch a ire«>. But the natural con­ Michigan, thus lessening tbe lumberStaten Island.
tbe other, you kaow."
. expenses wen paid, tod that make*
tbo gralncr's on. and the mure close­ sequence of this want of forestry ha* tog on the grayling streams; the logs
“All right. 1 wUL“
“Ill do aa yon say." she said by-aml- very fond of sailing. A few weeks ago,
- one more, aad eo it goea.”
been that the trees have gradually to (he spring of (he year, when these
And then the old tody begun her bye. "It nuy make hard feelings, but says the Bpworth Herald, he invliod a ly be imltsted nature tbe better bl*
fish arc on ibeir spawning hods, e
She ceased, vlU a dolatol alch. and
died off. uqtll now only one U
quaimcailons for hU work.
short Journey, and when it was ended III risk n. 1 really think 1 would like friend, who to s lawyer, to
down with (he early and heavy freubdown the boy. ami the ftin began.
Two things made for Jhese comll On this one iree li to iieheved that
put ber knitting work bag away with It better BO, and I’ve earned it. any­
cu. scraping nnd ucourtnc the bed* lo
ward a qtfM Sgare to a tnrihar corAt tbe start tbe wind was quite tloHK. Mill maebiner)- and the loul tbo fsie of Ihe couniry resta.
bm- bonnet and shawl, aad spent the way."
MT of tbe room kaUttog. her eyes
when li goes Corea a* an indepoadcni (be destruction of th* eggs and (he
evening in
”1 should think yon bad enned U!"
■pawning grounds. For many yonis
B»d on aoaaa obtoet ootaUe tbe wtnIbe little craft tbey were in to adapted to the working of the hard Stole *111 BO wlih it.
want* and wile* of bur thiwe granJ"Now. Jennie, do you think t can ge*
tbe decrease of grayltoff In MiCblgnB
' dow; she waa "ohaV aether.”
Mr. Miles to tend to this business for Uws and roil In a manner that susm woods, sod. to addition, steel had no:
was believed by many to be ceased by
Hr*. Lana read the ttaoogbt of the
A Mountain of Alum.
caused the towyor'* features to iwirt entered so widely os now to the manu.
the Bocalled Injudicious planting of
nrigfabor aritot
One of Ibe recently dlscov<*rcd
fseture of msebioen and Imple­
"Ob. abato daaf aa a pMt We talk lowed for all tbe three years of ber mixed uf In It.'
^ rurlosmos of Cbins to an "alum iruut In graylinc streams by th* MichGtegericfa.
life to ber son's home—kslt. knit. ksii.
“He don't care. He's in It up to hi»
uie istu-T
igsD Biaie
sute umu
oommiMlon. the
before ber }0M aa If abe bad no ear*
mounuiD. ' l »to> feet in belghi. and IMU
friend's plight. laid a soothing hand on dn-d says. Again, wood was the
res already, you know; he might sf
being, n was said, Uie moM pugSbeV a good woana enoagta. motber tend baby and make an
about li-n inIk-F In circumference st
VI universal fuel, and the gauge
vUli at their next neighbor’*—and well see you torougb. But say. Gran.k the lautTK shoulder, and asked. “Mv
■lout and predatory, sought the ten­
to: don't meto to make any trouble;
base. Tbe Cblnese quarry tbe
dear fellow, can I do annhlng for all wood fuel was fixe<l rrum »>-saon
Lane, I dooY believe he guessed
, t tost menttoato her a* making one
slum, or msKiu's contstoing slum, in der-lipped grayling ns IDOd sad were
white oak Hall fenres wen- nec
not say tbat It bad been unhtppily what you were at any more than I
« to th* toaOr. that'* ali."
Urge bluckF. which are healed to graduslly exierminsiing them. Better
"Yes. your honor." replied the law­ sar> everywhere, and for these t
As the caller raee to ga, the old lady
anglers knew that the E&xyer in plalntve tones, “jou wHI great­ easy splltUng qualities of bUck wal­ ovens made for the purpose and after
Onutdma smiled her deep little
law h« knlOtog down and came for
Itob grayling lived In sally with the
ly oblige me by overruling
nut and white oak. together with their srard dissolved In toiling sraier. The
smUe. "Maybe i»t.“ she said.
«nrd. "Ito eototag over to year house
slum then cryslallizes to lay-ers about brown trout and malnUlbud their sov­
tkla afieraoa to alar to tea wItt you. little thtogs, and Jane—well, tbere's
hard work for Grandma to
ereignity. albeit, ft benignsat one. in
them the first choice of the rail spilt half s tool In thIckneM and to cm up
good deal worse women than Jane."
lieep her secTri during tbe next six
Mrs. Kiiua" she aaM beaaatogiy
Into ten poand pieces. Its principal, their mutual bsbiut: also that the
Time pasaed Ull three more years days, when John wenl around with his PresMent’u Beets arc Hsvint I Hard ter. - To the farmer with a Umber
had kaown Mta. Mlle* tooger than she
Montana grayling, a closely silled if
is to Ibe purification of water.
bonesi face douded with sorrow, and
had known her m eon John's wife. bad been ndded to tbe Ih
not on Mentlcal specie* with their
Every nsll and screw In the -soles of
pf It. and the next to clewr the
"mt u good, ru have some of thu Lane bad spent in ber son's bom- Jane eras Ill-natured to even'tb* baby,
Michigan congeners. lived to bomony
tbe boou wblcb President Rooseve!: i tract f<ir rroiw
any cost, turning
anfi gtogertBaad you like so well, when we were first introduced to her. and everything seemed wrong. Bu:
Emigrants from Southern Italy are. with tbe red-throated trout. whiA is
wore when be was a cowboy in Nurihiibe timberiniocordwood
the easlcit
os predatory ss tbe redapoUed
float earty." wa* Ut hearty respcaac
Btby John was no longer called she Insisted that nothing should be
many of them, disfigured by what
nakois. and which are on exhibition | means of converting It into cash,
The* tbe calter took her lave.
i at the eart. From these toeu
baby, because a yellov-balred little done till the very day which had been
at tbe World's Fair, hs* been removed I Looking at the modern barretting known os "black teeth ' Tbe teeth of
"I'm thinking that Mrs. John Lane li girl held that position and he was
for tbe forcciaanre.
they ruosoned that lombertag was the
. by souvenir banters. There Is hardly | machines in their cumpuctness of steel
a UiUe mtotaken about Grandma wearing pasts.
“Who did yod say. bought It. John!")* gpo, on the outside of tbe boots on I mstertsl. It is hard for « young person period of growth by some gaseous eon- cause of the decline of tbe grayUng,
Laaa'a deafnaa," toe tald as the gate
recent reporu of this fish being on
In the faces cf John* aad Jane Lane Inquired Jane.
which someone has not placed bto aorealize bo* bulky were the old self- ttitueai of drinking water, probably
elkted behind bar. "She's deaf. I
"1 didnl
may care Use* could be traced
from Impregnation with volcanic va­ their spawning beds to Increased num­
replled John tograph. A placard near by requi
taking msebines built of wood
kaow. bat not BO daaf as she thinks: which, when we first knew them, wer- moodily. “I didnl Uilnk
notice; visitors to place ibelr names
pors. The defect often gives a stolt- ber* confirmed tbe belief.
yet with scarcely a tithe of the
and I goes* tbat abe know* a good
Idntoly defined, indeed, tbe Miles did th* burincas for her—rt>me register provided for that purpose.
look to un otherwise handsome
done by tbe modern steel binder. Even
many things thay think toe don't change to grandma hersrtf was far
I think. 1 was thinking about os Ibe President’s boots, but the bou the wheel* of the first of these bar- face, but, fominsiely, doe* tux. ii‘
EverlssUng UffM.
haaw. aad ru wafraal abe geu ber less notteeahle. Sbe still sat at her where to go when we leave this: that
i*. affect the strength or durab‘if hnve an attraction tor names not pos-1 vesiers had to be of hardwoods, with
A saoandle power IlgBt whick will
fewtegs bon a great many Umea."
endless knitting and sometime* hum- was Bf meow tBportance to me than to j sessed by the register
minimum of Iron and steel to the ma­ Ity of tbe teeth.
never go o
“Mother. I toouM think you'd get
tbe tune of an old song as an sc know who I* b live here.'"
chine's coQitruction. Plow beams of
so Inventor In London.-..JFbUe eipedtired knlttiag so much, don't you want
EsUng OfM's Beets.
wnlment. Sbe seemed so llght“Here corm
from Mr.»
atl kind* were turned out of white oak.
mentlDg with
to hoM tbe baby * tpwi? MeV waked benrted and care free at time* that
"Rawhide, or even leather. If boiled
Miles, looking a* happy os if
quarter sawed to show tbe best effecu
cato some yean ago Magrady's attenap ervaa, aad Ifa moot dinner u»e.- Jane frit aggravated, feeling at the
owned the roof we are imder and nil
"The man who knows not nnd know«, ibroogh coats of varnish. Everywhere Ibr hours, will make nutrillous soup. "
was aursMed bv a glow In a
Mia. LaM. Joalsr. abrttoed tbi* .*esays
atme Ume ber own burd« press so was ri^t. I do think your mother Is' not he knows nod. be
a fool—shun I to the middle west the timber lands
aaem at
ber mottaerto-law and
to the woods may find to ml
>c most beanless woman. John—"
1 him.
! along the creeks and rivers were ravBtoaiged ths tot baby toto the old
"For mercy's sake." toe. napped
“Oh. don't. Jane: let tbe poor old
"The man who kuowt
snd knows aged of timber for these purposes,
Hogiady enlarged tbe glow
todyv too. aattolptotog hw, ready ae>e day a* graadma sat singing womna be happy If sbe can: it can't ' he knows not. he is simple—leach: tbe woBdermeni of the cabinetmaker gap by bolltog hU boou. whence the
•0 tbe knitting
phrase to express the final extreme- and perfected tbe light by plbeMg it
"Btook«y«d Busan" and clicking b-r change matter*, can Itr •
t of today.
I alr-tlgbt glass. He says there
a a tolttaa. knit doaUc, in a kalitlng needles swtftiy at the eame
Mne came briskly up the j “The man who knows nnd knows I Whatever might be the Judgmeni if
reason why tbe light will not re­
faatdoaed way by carrying Ume. "1 wish I could sing and be ao
was once put to this final resort, and
main brflltost forever If Ue glMs 1*
two thread* (of coatrasttog cotorvi. «ay as you. mother; here's ^Jobn aad I»th and entered the kitchen, where j not he ,kaows. he la asleep—wakvE • the people of the present lime as
her BOO and hU wife were glowertof hist.
[ black walnut for furniture or bouse racorded afterward tbat 'the bole* not brtAen. A company bae been
toeuad cf eae. was toeertoUy told
Ustod the beat.-401 broke up over ibU mortgagn
formed to maBulacture tbe light to
aaWe and baby Job* took Ha place.
•-------and you stogtog aad kniittog
and the two oldest trying
that he kiwws. be
he U 'wise—follow j the question. FW the pur
. . to un-1,thot
ns sinu. A hood fit* ovur tba
Words coaU bot toll bow graadma Just as happy as can be."
It takes over IS.OOO toos of papet
dentand the ritnatton.
: hlm.“-Traii*toied
ibtoetmnker H may be called extinct. aBsaallr to make the tldteu used on light aad kMas It .wbmi the Ught I*
Itoad that baby. Her briored kaltJane shouted this out at the top of. She loM her cool hand on her soR-sIwanL
WbKe oak became Its logical sk- Ihe New York elevated rallrusd.
not needed-—Kew Torfc HaraM.

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