Grand Traverse Herald, May 19, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 19, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




©ratirm EjeiralJi,




Tire Insurance! ^



Tmt a>Mt el 4«eui acnK*
Mir. Tnife r*v of prartlee.


rMr (Mlnaac* MlteU«d !■
N«^ MiiiitM bolMUtx, OB4«r K.
el P. tan. ee toot with TteekorBuiften Orilecr tad met

Money to Loan on ImproTCd Real Estate Only.



1 lataodnd parchMP aad look ta-

and Ua ehokw nf a book gtoved. I
the aarprlae ed hte ^ak^. ^

A VwtliB ol Ctever Bursvy.


Ua s

Aa^he a


SURPLUO. 0004)00




The tanner who keep* « good tewo hHe
Bonlh «fter inoath when it ini^l be ewning
good iDooey in n« eooiidere.1 wine.


Travwrse Clly, Mich.


BROSCH’S meat market



p-owu IN SKA«ON.

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

stantsd eor came Ibe reply:
"There la a ailsukr; we bwried Mr
I.oimer amwe weeks agn'
ie you Ulklac ufr'
or the burial U Joba Loim
w uf the Uetbo
ard areaur." was Ibe reply.
a-bere was be snppoaed to hate
r asked l.aiaermrd. whh grow.
lB« snsptetoa.
- At 81. Lake's hosplul InUB tajarlea
IBBM-Ittd b) a dnnkea ranch." was an








or hope to pos
*cely there is a
him a nmrdenm* blow wllb a,|^:
I la the eealrr
Ibaa an Mbnettnently nbown «e
they tould riOr bU pociH* p po- i ..."
Itoemaa ■
wbo bad t
i^oTTlilalas fraiB ib^ pre,.,
the preseaiattnn of
bill, ran
and. seelna ibe a
fus.-dly blurted oui.
had (Wiled aa ami
- llareo't you raaslderable mesasT
emreyed u> the aeareet bosplial
"NolbiBc bat Ibe salary I reeetc
hoapitAl physirta.
■very dollar of
tram my rbuivh
r c«sll> raracalned (attle klai
slam e*
tbal Is absortied
leation that skill eouM
(^Hlac Wbat I alMoluU-l, rrqnlre lor
I showed that Ihe saadbac
dally bread - wa. ih- anonodlae an
nodirum, cd
lancet brain was crushed beyood hope
. sapposedty mlsslap period, which
n( rerarrry. Bat. drspUe all raasoai
II. reduced (he delx one bBDdred
lu Ibe cDOtrary. the raarhmaa stub
I, and .miilieriak an apntocy.
boraly aurrired. No roesclouuie..
was appareal. bal (be bean actbia
^ successful spM-lallsls.
comlnued tad respIratioB ws< sllchi
able. Amazed at ibe

Ttie experiment —
_ . ..
tcaacRy of Ills, the booi

..airaordlaary suc<*-ss and
doctor, hs the hospital pbysldan
fsllure. Ford
Paid ezlsied
esisied ptiy.irally.
deslcaated. watched the
l.aimer lived meaially
The msB Is neither LAtmer aor
pean-d (o au
Pont.- said oar nl Ibe dorion after
itna**Ibe pB.
be' took lata
<helr rcmsiereaibiB bad somewhat sab
Ileal's ercat i


.k Owr FInt nalienal Bank.

Have you ever tried the

moyal-rinnr Tana and Or

l^oydl tiger
The) a

J. J.




Sold only by




eb Cbrmf •/bbF StataB tfKMta.

-It's J.itiB Lalmcr. UetbodM mla
l.icr. knocked down a leaeiaeBt stairs
and kicked Into the sireei by a drunk,
en chap, when h<- was dn
work.' explained ibe aiu-nf
Indeod sfauwisl
alipbt la
■d nuigbl I
spectlon showed tl
lUP sbuR
liroken and Inierw
mrt gaspdanl. The lalum

exchanged Ihe ecTebram
- gnlaea pigs wi.h no appatveily
cnnseqrM-iicvs. The ad
dliMe and suMranloc of brain
from HvlcK subjects wa. iisi romi
la the surgical world to greats
' bis coBlempnTBrh.s,
posed .qe-rit..............................
their apprutal ms
aa Inoovailoo
lac. _____ ...In. human .urgery.
wUcIi they wonld. r surresstiil.
,tul. reap

tW»wdip|tagkOfwooioiitheiteway««mr*ta -that b to pay to
etaiy wool acDer ia tbb locality tbc higSeat maMdactorer'k caab {«>«.



Kmmtatam Wnptal

Tnntm CHj. Wkk.

Trayerse City Manufacturing Co.
W. ^ aiNOWNp MI«rbakS«ir

Builders’ Hardware
iryaaaraiaMtadoaaybuildiDgahbnmmcttt wiU
pay yoa «o caB a»d look oor atodc o*«r and get ftiem

lot* bqrbiB.‘te wc caa are you w

We itix-ite your attention to our htiWk of


om pnect me «wy k
Batata pufcbiiing your bar* Joot hanger call and bM
what wc have to «4T«r yon Tbehangen we are ptuhifig
poMtndy wa not gat offA* tradt. h • eaiy nmniog and
com* bat btde more than the oediaaiy ksfer.


Btanto otFRiriB«l»y

'Pride 0f the north'
This is eariy dent corn that will get ripe
in this country. You «-ill not rc^ref^itsq/
you tiy some of iu We also have Buck­
wheat. Field Peas. Dwarf Hssex Rape.
Clover, Timodty and all kinds of Garden
Seeds b}' the ounce, pound or bushel, at

nRVRontoltolll^, •M.OtOOOO

9 PcrccBt Mbmitfi^if iMtlton.



^ r


K proposal was that they perfciAn
ame expenatent. for the |suu.|
lit of Ibe ranebman. Ihii wa.
In the (as,, of the guinta pig. bni
repiaclng tbc raachatae’s
laarhmae’s destroyed
brain or cveebrum by Ibe oaln
red lw»ln ol ihc almost dead rlergy-

c. PS there Is much to see td at II
.U.S -


'-'he™ w'^H^jMlly

Iisd out rislii-d bim la ibe bosplUI.
b». lb,, askward blander rngardlag
greatly regretted
les. artel and peomlaed bfmsell the
pleasure (bat erewlag «d


the meeiiag

He next pradaecd


J^' '

1. .A-




virwaM As ; 'h* «a fuM_ta m,wv iroobk was Ufcdy

tatmer's body was maovrd aad taU ^Jlan*
bnrial managed by some of tbe ebureb I preventative .A. I.aim'er Ford Idly i
oBclal. slDce It developed that be had iawalied bl. turn at tbe phone, lost 1
, .
d uptown resident valBty aiiempi-|
lo secure
transport, tbe clerk '
Ibr still Itrlag. rapidly reem.rriag
d aad banded to bis old enstumer I
DCbmaa. At Iasi tbr ryrs shone wiUi
favorite medl
ielllg«B(i nibru a gaxe of puxxlml
- Deep In medItatloB.
laqulry which the Ups would (ala have
-baa leal
i Ibe glass bad
expreassd but lor tta denial
lined wtai was really as ssrnag
physiciaas. As strength returned
gill ,< pare wbUky as was ever passed
r qoenlloas were i
red mad no
back of the bata la a bllad tiger Tbe
ebun-famaa bedac an ardsat prohihirealixed the an. aad
.. .
..lass la bomv .mked
"Why did yoa sappeoe I viabed
qaor. atrTTbe pbarmaeta gave Urn aa wnaa
>m. ai
aeveraJ: bm « «.. b«t not
0 admit i.
dU yrm drink ti f aald
-la a we
LMmsT-rordennldaotctpInla- Tta
o had been larolanury. aa tbal M
U ta
tiently held bis peace, awalkmd St


fully as macb cash as (be gocirw hta
■r*i ladiraied In his hill. 'Ihern wta
drinsli recelpi for al_. .
Ibowsaad. made out i« U. K Pmd. Ho
Inslanll) rrrwIM tbe artlHs he to*
read In the dally «nd surmista pan

‘°He BOS fell ane,
slWe tor tbe mfety <
and bUoMd himself tba, he had noi
wsiner etnmlaod (hr pockets for IdsnllgratloB ,d the owner Ills nest dnlp
la pay rase was to (be poor and hs re­
solved to borraw from the w
stmagrfy (brawn In his any.
the ewirai of his usra modrst sdrtags

The firm rani yard be vMHnd WM.
me be tod oftta jmtr^ied

-I kw
you cmid buy d
rtwl minrs. sir.' dnid be. "tmt I nwal
you d ptw'
pound, pot a poaad.-Wbai's Ibr malirrT" askml toifiser
^isd^ you never rtdused me cool be.
Tbat-s tnie.-' laughed (be dsmUv.
Iblaking Ibr Iasi a }okr: -iml enwrn
(led up for a time. Uni's all. Tta Mg
frllo*. huilr a lliilp, but ns omoU
fry are fraxr out ~
The wouldta parrhaser looked hotb
puttied tad aaauyed
f'oal far m
praeurr al pay price. Ttareforr
started oai to see a mne the dsnisr
meaikuwfd oa bHi
(be deal WHbla
cf this roerera he briefly slated hla
I fire tons (d oo«t." ntU ta

Oark sired." mid be

••tend tta wsnithy raacbmaa.
-Well. Piwd - Slid be. -tae hi
In rerula spofs eaill tta ttrfk* k
up Iwi I'll see wbal ran ta dobr."
-Tbere's a boadrvd to assist 1
dolBg' said I.MmcrPtad I
.. _
Irom bis rail
rsA l.w Ibe ranJ befora monlag'
rvcfcless I
tlURight tta dralcr
Cu'l find wgya
enuoah of parting wlib money "
le the Siraei tatmer Ponl r
bh gcaensdiy with mlsgtrlag.
musi exbauated bis rewNirrss nwd ta
s,H.dered BI bis ssroed yieldiac to l»pjise. Hr also recalled that (ta eoal
denier tad etldemly
psrel nod sopply "f ready cash bta
aiLsinken him (or some other
Ihirteg tta day fas labored to raBvn


I w kaorklag Ihe randucior to ibe fioor
rici secrecy was lo be fflalotalaed
I reived by i:
nothieg resulted; but each were lo_
'i-qually share Ibr possible reaowB II . resrhe,! him In bis retirement '^£ia shoutt of eacuurmgmrat to il
! would, if all went wefL he (be greatast isl..r imubls. as revealeed by tl
tmer Pord. Impriled by t
It of tta figbt. lavoluBlartly
le-T. was hydra-beaded laasmi
revotver from a pocket la Us
(or ab- ..ireei car men. driver, s
Iblecon- l ual fields, mleers had goo
lacred- ieoialUag rnocb misery to ihe poor a
.Bd.ita m
skolls ' di.mmtun in the *ciM.>d» The m
. reach the dowadoWb fuillliy. closed la a perwonaJ . _ _
laci>-a,e*i a. h» llsnaed .'kai soon relieved the slioailoa by
'U'ockly paying ibe indeUrdpes. be forrtat tbe rioter from bis prey. This
rully Joleed had incuiTv.1.
.f which dis ' lorned
evered edges e
aealpt. aad gu.ied him an.l
n resolve to only the arrival of a
■fo aaestbeilcs
_ ics sere
ad »,,,id l ,1 lartlciilsf .hop la future, j prevraled bkodsbed.
isiead aUmalaDU
se- : he sex
Ford had aimed a blow at one o>
cured contlatiaece of bran a«loa aad. ; wi.hed
supply himself .
Ibe riuxers <tai bad ibrawa bim to (ta
tbrougboui Ibr aighl. tbe doctor* | .impi, reme-lies b.- customarily ear j p*»«
Sbere be Uy aacoapc
watched Wllb laieose uxlety os the i ried on hi. r,ii,nds aaumg Ibe poor and A po.ev.—u .ucespu. oirioea xm>falat re^lrtiloa breame more as- make n>-of tb. phone for aa exptaaa ! mer-Ford to'piaceed to bis deMltaf«ad" lh’^’"*fi*"'t

a baken while he weni la qadW
of raal Tbe loose ebaage Id hi. po*.
.«prarlag laswacl..................................
borrow Iram a purse which be bad aal
»ei e
l-pan apealBK (I
e Isglbar
wallet hU blue e

le man oddrsased bad met Povfi tacislly
y at tbrdnb
tbe dab they
they both fyafiatald*.
He SIS amnaad at Ihe cnnls fctaT* flwmsad. sapoalag It mroat for one cd tta
)rau im lbs e
•Waal to take II t
venlr?" he laughed

ned Uw tappewiagx of whkb be tad
■■een debarrvd fcsowledge BwUrn (be
lengthy aetnaat of a fresb otnlnak
I la Ubor iroablr there was girra pram
siwra to Ibe rreorery ,d the rwi
lag wllb a rraume of
It led to bis Illness. Tbe ara beaded by the familiar llkepscended the bosplUl step. iPe»» The render renSMbered hartog
with tbe ortglaa)
r pas.«l ralUag: ..Hextra. ■
' . strike'
pan «*
of bis lime-la
tb..t K..rd purchased a paper, wuhlag i
•!»»' •
a..snaln Iffhc Uiest s.rlke was
likely to alf.-n bis. posir lu ifa- slum .
rict-. then dlr-wled bis steps to aj -fluch mea.' Ibougfal tta rhorch.
l-art. r .l.'.p be hsd w-rsMlme n»i>d , man. "never die, h«i good mea perish
ih 'LSI Bclxliborb<N>l. Ilayiag'.t , Hiirvlj vicr is irlamptani mure <iftea
II he saicrtsl an.l made known bis .'hsn vinue. Why w,-re surb mea par; <!c,ire fo,- a .hs>e
lloih Kurd and mii'cl to Use out .their detaoebed,
tani.-r were cicsn <-t i-srd and ihi. useless lives wbe* they were sacam
| n .4 the g
I^ver. of Ihe earth
Ii.iul I,i-ri<>ds. but re
Here bis reverp Buddeaty saded. as
•I'lire.l aiu n'loo again ai ibA.grre*eBl ib> car came lo a staadsllll amid a
latmer Pard
Immediately ..hmitiag mob Vloleai taads aitempt.
' oMaiaed Mhe ebair thanks to bring , ed lo burl tta aoaaakm men ft<«i
ieeognixe.1 s. ■ inlUionalre aad Hlieral their posts at ihe froni aMl rear of
| in .U.hane-tDctit For >he same reason (be enr. The police (ooght *IU> club*
recel>e<l ibe mosl eislmrate ex- | and Ibreaiened bi fire on tta disturb-

• ••

I of her tata
has iMwrd tta

sard railed him

. *1 call, to oprarel hlni," sugperted
fa this V fauag a
th> fnrelga sprcbibl
The task of unravHinx hlmscir the .be tipd .befory leried upuo. BBd ■■>
agreed lo Icav.. .niln iy i.. the which be coosldered be ass enlltlsd n>
I’Xlrai. sad. swesrtne une anniber lo since his own mnai.T bad guee lu ibe
siricieut secrecy repsrillBc Ibe unfur { person. llrlOC or drnd. wbo receired
triaaie op-Twilua the surgmms de-j bb clotbra
He next l•anrded n car
parted their s..veral ways
that was piiMpptlag lo niB le charge
•'wlce. Ihe house |id Boo-ubtae men. Unagty guarded by
‘l<sr..r rednred Ibe dugi-r <d the pa. 1 pullcemea
'b'"' dbrarerina bb id<«ilty by te“'"'‘nv
minors be muhi —
he■ occupied
and 1,
I Poed’s .
Hag had driven
If the bosplial was I
..III r.u^ dsmaaes. ibe '
4 lAtmer Pord Iboaghi (.

- Immlneni andd laeM. ‘
the dark •'""•'-•We use of P.rrd's
As they stood gariag
doctor was rarefal
Irtwd and delicately refined (entures
features "'•« "••• bosplial
in hi. own Bilod be by
.4 Ihe clergyaian on., of tbc sptcla!.
name, aad called
isu l-eram.. isMessed M ae Ids* so
Kurd since brala
rtanllng lo niacepikiu. so itariaa In
purport Ibsl hi. face paled whh ex.
in ihb expire .d expert
rll.-meai riusloE and locklagibe d.sir.
I. startled compaalooF
. quick ulteranc*. praptwed
followlag mM.—
.s.. .s.
irry »ui a surgical
twtkm I
seemed the raring, of a maomaa. Htd housy doc«
Is-raliled his siogular
he addressed ..iber ibaa an audleace ra~- depart
•d eaibusiasilc
rUls«iloBbt. bl>
s.'ttt bad the clerg:
Iw.wd. would have been wasted
p.-rtenc,.d ..wh s seeM. .4 e
Sdmmartied. it iarnlved agiblag b.wlifa
He fell an unamiunuble de
less than aa experiment In human ri .ire lu laugh or smile sbervas.
teadeory *

s lti|t briA wBithBBta at tht abewe location.

Very"w^i.- marwed lAtmer Ford.

n look for s needi


Mff Salmta

be secured tad we'll hare H ready lor

.. spl^ c

I«ln'dl^l!l«Th“"be bwTTdw^ i
tor attended s woonded man ftmi d.^ ,
r arrltlBK hmbn- :

B. e. Palmer


brawn Ip pbee ad bb Herti
- Aaulbrr rldlruloiu Wasder of i

both.- saM another
...^s- uiA ihs doctor 1
: bad etperlmeaieil
ilaea p
cerebrum, i
lowB to he
■•V.« df a
Then-tor., br Ic^ l.atiB<-r’s mental lacwlilra '
le man is as pml as itead.~ said
'bea be Is lAimer.- said Ibe bouse
'He may lire some bours. boi will«..
Mold on.' raallnued the last apewk
rer Vno* wbal taH bim " said ibe
r Ibis declsIoQ the tcaraed d


That's so. UrrUher LpiOier.' romr
ia raorlacrd tunes «. his ear 'Tau'ie
qulie right Bui I'm sorry wr had ibr
expeasr ill yoar fuaeral. the man was
your Image, fanmag the braises oa bb
fatrlie even bad ytwir clulbes oe
when we took bim from the bosptial'
mer-Purd gluced at bb
sppsrel Bui fur bis absolulr absence
•If ranlty and selfeonsclousaeas Ibe
change of garments wonld tare at

by rail (c
Mtlem aaa


»■■/».- rgTA<aa’

'^1 as I Ibuacht.- said the dnt«
ore speaker: "they tare aude the
under at the bosplial ud you tare
the whole taatier is u error I cap
quirkly prute. You
SI and I are the oaly
acaualaitO with ibe coatrwis ol
teller reerlted September aiblh
(n>K Ibe elder." Here LAtmer.Ford
a racame or this mlsslre.
Ml remember likewise that yoa
tlW Jaatior tkT Ibe Bfleeaik of
Augusi and Ibti there Is bow dar bim
eiarlly Ion, Ihree dotlara. Also Ibal
we priraiely acrerd t wae to pay Ibe
aape repair* of twewlydoar dol

anted IllieraJ p
I reader bln <



hU eatt fioa boch
eeial life.
Tb. lerm
Mil) *Ue u"**'*' • — •

fheated to

In It wiMT to Wt your npve rmidn be idle,
hidilen awty, when xYet wo«M be nfer in a
good buk'aad be Meadily earning interenl?
Vre^towinlcTcna eo»pogode.l remi-annoaUy on depewiis and the deponiu may he
drawn any day without notice.

-The worn
Iboaghi Ike
saiue repon

chnrrh oBcdal to arraace (i
Lake MMmpollt read u Isier
Mtlu tlem la Uif momla* paper*
wbee B- R. O'ord ibe cuarhlal rWHejtaiiaW
Ung. cnaud bU lent aenaaCon ol |be- !
la the prey el nrdlaarr aaudbap ; -ap, I dropolcair' br wked .rf I
The iwpanlat rraiemiiy tad I
loclor. »to w»» pmcei
--------readable ■turie* ot ihe we^era- ■
m ibe Inut. annwered the pby
«f* wealth aad larUh enpendliurr.
-Von are an ttndhuallj ««Brt
tod made bto dotneiuir lelaliim. or i_.. >U ophikw Ibe «peeiallirt> eonand made out ihHr bill (or *er
•rUblac the bn«lnr«> deialK
aiLshi IWura to Ibetr


InTcrsc aty State Bank

. -if poo^ Mr.'
bad'^bm ai^.'

as ta

passed dowa a mind aide atieet
bis laie excUemeat
askable was Ui
revolver where be bad
<me was ramcealed. Abo
devoatly (baakfal (tat II

IbOBgbt be now nadersloud aomrtblDg

of a lUe 08 tta weswra pMlaa.
isatmer-Pard's eonatenaace m
losbed (rum bis late eaeonater when
ta aacended ita
wbkb tbe
ta Mb—V tta
■ My ta snowed—porilnl
I the cfilldna
starvtag. tta lalber a fagfUre from
Jaatlce and (ta room
'd from voat
of fael. He firm searetad lev
enrdtal ta bad previeaaly
for (ta woman, tat tbe empty rial tosto tta leek <f mafilriaa Tta
nlek womaa wwetad him fhitalj.
Tn W ta «ta atopir a Wta mitota

thins of hta firal vfsli -among b


mission Bvrker. they

HI. Iasi rare wa lu go arona* by
mUsioa scbwd where ytmag pta
pie wbo taburad d«
t day eaald
have free (altum a
fclag tows.
s chief la ctorga

oprraisd, being
fund of mask and so me
. .. peplls. nperaiives from fariurI. . Inessenger hoys,
. ,
y.Aiib I..,I aewshoys
itajs w
wbo wera la
a cryit
from the press, were r
Idly fllllag tta seals
tawed to
took bis aecasiomoS
aa* ealM
_ )osUlef thraag to orby striking tta chords of a bym*
■use ,4 ks llrely refrain.
To bli chagrin his clnma
Biierl, refused to fuUow I
lempted ■'
e* i» mat
In Bccurdoace n

e familiar aofsa.

be bad never bees able lo Oleg a
oral power was IlmUad lo o
I.UI BOW in bis diktau be B
csiigbi tbe anelod) aad
tbe room
wi. nnglag Mtb tb,- words uf their
suag. IgtoerPord ahaai>d bu aiiempt lo foUw* the aotaa, ■eallBC bimseilf wl'li (be ctavdA
tu his own amareme-ci t»- aang tta
(ilrrlac mush la n rkb. lull voice (baf
ruse Btav* tta res' In s power of Boeg
wtlerly unsospected by Ibe drilfHdfi
ThU favorite iilfiHlnm.
■ followed by aao'hsv popnlartakm'
X Is which the churcbman's tana.
refrain wHlI a bsariihr,M^ t
'hat wo,
yosng aadkaci if Us general mBaasr
sod g>»d aatui d (are bad oot alrrady'
raefaen were no* ABUtbeb- labor aad tol>
rrPord slipped
oul. kariaf
jTk-r. to suppuve that Ibe ef
' had p
ge «(
of tbe actaol: tboagh tbop
wtederad mart «t aot beiag aotitad .
of Ibe fan. still moR (bal (ta M«
cbkf bad aot latrodaeed blomirif Maad (be seboof.
I To ta Crailaiied I
Tbe dew^smuau Cf tta sliofMItaa M
AasiralM art vetp tatalM jewyr.m ^
_ .
I. oor.
rlaga aad Boaeripci. aad irar fiowa tta
tekgrapb Ikes f ilial parpuns.

(be Hfe pte. I
a ap by a aeriag.

pwfc. la tba aftmeoB there will be a
baalaeae laeeilac aad neatoilal tn
! Hta. Martha Baydtr Root d Bay Qty.

flowCTi orar Uuae who
Wd aidde tMr rartoa* ponslU U>1
Mt (attk «t tbe eill of tb* «ac.
'Wfcatbn- 1( «ru ib« itn% at U* Man
■•d atrlfM ttat calM tbM aM or
vbtfher It TO th« thotfbl that the
<MK <b^ nre a^Unt to TO risbt.
warn tbooib it ven iat ta b« foastai
tbe (old! el “oU fierr' b«t
wttblB lb* abado* at ai
Mfcat not tbe aticbteft
that are ttoPins #o*. OM «oan^
art toioaeii and tbe aaeUaeal featlac tbal oec* drew a abarp >l»e aad
tbrealraed to Bake tvo aaiSosa
alBoat beaai obliterated (rota 1^-----dar. tl'a

trr that U ta lodar. ^
tba Ooven an atrevo

Mra. OaakelL Nettle PomaaL
Mra. Laagtoa. Matarv* Kaoee.
Bosaa BIgbead. lea Bmea.
Ah Ua. M. OagkMi.
Hto PeekHa. Mto ta Bovm
Bridget OTtaataa. Peryl BtBva.
Mande Angltna Balgxlaaea. Boao
NaDcy. Bva Sberattc.

Softantk^ ^ .
iarilliB didb ocnmd-lbU apdac- The
cafidadibc Mka at U>e a«aiae v1l] be
bad feedii^. ^aTl flie
' -Kn.-Sarah 3. LaTour aad
rickets if •ou-^vai»t to.1 Tie
growing clitld murt eit tfte eatarlalB I
ncht food for growth. Bones All »DB
must have b<»e food. iUood Work or feaaxal IHerarr '
to aellre tneatberabip. aod tbe
must lia\-c Wood food
so sIMe
vim of sewapaper Bea aad atbera
on Ihroneh the list
Scott's Umuluoo is the right
treatment for soft bodes in
Library Fonda in Ceunty.
diiklren. Littledosesevavday 1
fonovtat (able above tbe
give the stiffness and an^
It of library foada (bat the rarithat beaftfiy bones should have. ;«u
Oraod Travme
Bow legs become strai^ter. ; ««o «
ose jointe grow struigerand
fp„n, dart,
firmness comes to the soft I ibU ynr la ala»i 1
Wrong food caused the i
trouble. RightfoodwilleurelL 1
In thousands of cases Scott's
Eroulaon his proven to be the ; Aemt—
right food for soft bones ie Bii'^-"'"
Send for free sample. .
Slifr aaj............

ftlaaalaa Nat Am CpMaaaic.
Tbe repivt tbal the diy U la U
thraea of aa epidwale of aeaalea
There are b
Are aad forty cam B
three are all *er» ll«bt.
Bo far loilv elabl oun hare been re­
ported to IlMlth OBrer Dr. F. P.
Lavtue aad tbeir botieee hare bees
pleearded atkd ladated. Tbe raaaec
: Bive hare aot been reported li
: tbr dieoaae romee la a verr |Ubl
a aad Uie palieot uenallr recoreee
. lev dart No phyalclaaa are es
DvaB Maa FSnaa:—1 wlah to
ployed and the caee U oni reported.
There are about i;l cblldreo abaeni
troB tb<- puhUr acboole op arrouBl of
diaeaee There I* not thU ButaU-* bot <
to throe yeara With
e faBlIy, aff the
re kept at home
Prateeaor to taU tba doctor proommeed it Ito
other acboUn
at Ota orarlea, aad
Gilbert eatlmate* that
tialf are kept
**^ fe«
lick Uiat I fell
mrules Id the faBlIy
Afth gradeCen ' Bttrethrtleo^atAaurvivetheordoaL

' Mbs ABoe Biler, af
AdMtB. Ob-, cacaM

orar tbe crana o(,tboHpbMoa^t
■CCTT M 80WWS. Cnamlata. .
ipwe lAkr'!'.!!;;:;
aad BOB and tboae vh^oucbt veil 40»-4IBPaariBtraaU Haw VdiW. iJurtrid—
bottoaL MaBj a m mVt lone baca

kr ate^
tUa bov. tta
tbn- balUae. tba <
bvgA oe War W U

tbU Uv tbe atau U laroUed Id exj y,
peoalre lUicatloa vith iba raUroa^
asd It may be ytta »>?<»•
joreea Ukedatamlaed by tbe SoprcBC eonrt •'"JJ^Yfr
vboUmr the lav U a ^
u ta |o«« 1^'

vUeb It tblDly popol-------.
tlaber reaooteet esbauted. aad tbooUaaorlal dar U sot a dar 4d apnrta,
of aerea of laad oactflUtaied.
K la BM ft day of
tbal every dolUx of ;tbU lad (sxaUoD they are resolrad to
Car vbeo tbe Baboo la tU aad rvah
Mvard atops to afala pear lato U« pat tato tbe ataU iroasorr. vUI bare
to be dedocled from tbe amber of
U is a diT that easlftfts. tolsbt care, side iracka to
hrtvabMteeeBontbe Une
DU aad ether fadlltlea for dolnc
ulaeat. aad vho eaa deny that aneb
MB*a aodt were tried. '
Tbe aeBton of tbe iftrloet 0. A. a aoodUloB vlll raftct npoD the elate
-------------oM lb« ooBBtrr ban
It U eorreoUy aUled that Buey of
Head cboreb aerrteea the loeal railroad Ilaea Id Htoilsaa.
*lo atte
vbleh la mBoo vith loeal Uaea in
Uka part io tbe
to' Uh
an aaetioBa of tbe ooalry. vere to
dan ^ sake K a dar of pi
be abeorbed by Uie prbelpal aad veil
ThU Sa-aalBeatlr taSlUQS ti
Bk Ilaea. thna placlu
sidrlt of the dar- Tba deeantlac of
of tbe elate la toaeb
I for tbe
tbe cneea la a baaotUdl eoaloBi aad
adbr, baa had a
one (bat abosM be ebertabed aad
I that eaplUI rat
tdftad. Bat Um raaklac of Meaiotlal
Ilaea bare poa
OV ft iM^r. ft dftsr of ploaaan
rmUroad property la Mlftbliaii,
abMid Bot be toetftMd. Tbrn'*
Uader aoefa eoBdRloaa It voald
balo of ftfteced BTOvica t^t Uul did'
aeesa to be vlte ob the part of the
brtaci forth aad Ibeae caaaot be kept aa borltiea aad lav aakert of tbe
dear aaleaa tbe adrU U drrrred atato to provide aqaal aad )ual taxaUoft. aad Dot dlacrlalaale ablest to
aa vdl aa the amn etrmoarelfs capital, teeklat to enter aad
velop tbe aainral rcaonreet of Mtcbl'Trwona Affactad By Strika.
caasad pot her la a llae vtth tbe
* purIWe folhnrias diapftteb oader a De- rovedtoc aiaier atatee vbo arc d- '
troH daU Uae appaared la Tbanday-p
tbaa Mhdiim for profreta
Tax riayer.
- ai^B^ (brir baa
rarlev tbe trenaa at dara

i«ie). ha> Wn made for ih.varinua loaoeblpa Id GraD<l Trtrerae
n ipe notice received Hay
Tra^eru Oty.............................


If I fl

ff f I

Fropram at Aayluoi.
-ry ealoylble proarain vas
KtvTD at tbe Northern MIehlaaD aay
lao) laat veek by aitendania ao.*
taeBbi ra of the medical aiaO
larce ataemlily hall vaa Ailed vlib
patleoti and alteodaDta mad their ^ '
preclaibm vaa expreeaed by frequeai '
appUuae aad eacorea. The follovins |

aa. Hra. Happea. Mlaaea Porter. Ayrea.
OllIU, Parr, Bookey and Wlsblmaa.
I Would That My Lme. Mendelaaoha. Mra. Decker. Miaa Ayrea.
Hra. Caudle'a Cartaln* Leetarea.
DoBslaa Oerrold, Mr. Treaaa.
Wb« ibc Flelda Are While


. 141


t I44.«d

11 i

-iS ^ S,,.


enabtlah tbe opfta ftbepa
. «• tba lata, baa bam. ThU ataad

. Attami vl
„ the boau vUb . .
. ddd are prepared to


cripple aad tor
thU reaaoa be vaa dvea a coUe tma
of bonea. Tbe barber had a allnattoa
' trip vaa vlUi........................ .
11 o'eJoek Mr.
OrtBe atarted bach alone. When bot
abort dlstaaee troa Grave ba bM
«wt hiB bla

of tbe tarte porta

L oaly I
km dvea a hint aa to bov b
oUf dcaU).
The alfhl to very dariL : Oft each
Ida of tbe road, sear Orava. there
are tape at kwi vUeh are pOed very
eloaelr to tbe loadvay. BUber oa«
of tbaee lofa had votfced hoae and
projected ielo tbd road or tbe drirer
- Ibe dartaeea paUed the taaB too
to oee aide, aayvay It U tbeoAt
«Br Friday BOratne aad the that a vheel of tbe rlc atruefc tbe esd
of one of tbe Iota. Tbe boraea vere
erldently Bovtap at a trot Tbe imfertnaaia mas vaa tbrova out aad bis
sBbi la Ibe vheel. He vat
BftBble Ih help hlmaelf, beiac a
md to a qnartar of a Bile

Hit* llorieDM- Van de RelU. Mr*.

are retaraias i o tbe ftttran
■rea tbeaeare . .
> at the pataicw Uaea
tIAIcaa ere ftleetod by


Id* evea

w>d/. dH^.;

AHA tat ba bare oe baad at preamU' aaM John T. Ott. Thla vooM It to Ibe bot^e of Rev. W. Hilt In
Gravn. vhm

- aBlalaace
Iflaace to
BMB that ve voald have to eloas oar "-----------proaplly efenyee. At 4 o'clock he
teealbed ble
bit last. Tbe team
teain to
I pile (be oalpoL*
^d futelly grating nto ta ebareb
vUeh TO
only a abort
dIetabM for«d
~ ' **
: aleet tbe loober
tber aleag ebovtag tbal (bey bad bx
Hr. Grian baa had an nDfonuDate
Tbe tvo beau of ta KeOey LoBber life.. He vas a cripple aad In addiTO kicked
a he vaa
aad ablBgle coBpaBT are roannlng ftt Don last holiday Use
pnaaai. Tbe barge. Cmaa Tboap- by a horse Is Aaden 3D-e bam aad bU
aoa. cleared for CSikago one day last atB broken. He vi • very poor aa4
vcA. Prarioos to tbe trooble, the UU eeeldem randei td tal* eoodldoa
HAlUDr Btaitad lU boau. BaUag aa all the
dayi vbrn tbe aeeU
BvaeBoat vlUtxbe sea H tba eteet
IBC tbal robbed him of hie life.
that (bey voald bo paU ibo ecale tbet
Ttac I* e^^^lhedc eolBcldenee
vaaM bo adopted by tbo lake Oerliacft aad other eiaodatleaa. TbU
OrUBn aad hi* vUe are lepanted. *be
Iriag in Racine, Wle. HI* vm. vbo
_________________ tbe order
H vp Ue boau they vooM
to do so desplH tba agree» to
B a MrfkP voold eoM tbli mUl
wpaM not ctooe aa aero Is plenty of eoBc are lealed forever by de*U
••aoe to tab- loBber. Ukevlao. Ute
Oval Wood XHab eoBpaay voald
Wto Klnib .treet
>treet te
te a
a half .uter. Tbe
alecud bat vooM not be tomd
(tae. This eoapany baa tbe loaiber
aeU aad voaM be onable la deliver It. been Bade
Ivoughl 10 ....
aaoevott CTca If a general U»«p
tatH not afect the local ctBCoraa
awtatly. II voald be saaoylag to eay
Mtoilpan Wemae'e P.^
,,, ..........


MkSdgan vBethy ta postar^^
* »' if



oev aad Hies Balea. pretldeai





PfOBrain and Supper.
The tiipper given laxi
teiU lit(be \Vo«i Side CaUiulIc ladle* In Kor
wier* bell «ax veil aiiended and enJoynl Uy all. the ladle* clearing M'>

• Itirpenll


BMers. Ilei^. Mms. Son Bn^ Itti^
Side Deliwy Riktt. Hay TnMort Hd HiylUidirs

Ihc ,.nm



cr'h; r.Dr.p’rb^';rr ’“ :r■ toke'-Ai?.;
lia-lly lac<-ratetl It aa* hi* rUchi haitd

Profltaltle Speculation.
SpcculailDg In pine «tump land*
pmStaMe ilieiw day* ihroitgb the
•Ire of manufaciurer* to become
uaiierv of the xtump* fur Ihe purp
of iimduclng lurpeniinr. aood alct
and other marketable chemical*. Tbini.
vend* of merer- of i-lne Mump* In Sea
ayinvcouDiy bare recciilly pained
the |K».Bes*lon td masufaclurera

When ilie nervex are «-esli
evcryihing goes aroDg.
a roog. Yt
arc tiredd all e lime,. easi
oervous, and
irriiabltie. Your checks

pale tnd your blood is thin.
Your doctor says you are
ibreaiened with a oervous
breakdoa-n. He orders this
grand old family medicine.



.urjii attend C'

Wc are taking thiv tnethod to acquaint you with the
1‘EATURES iKjAsessed by machines and the
EXTREMELY LOW PRICES at which we are bell­
ing them, tiei your FREE TICKET feariy anti avoid
the rush.

R.-i ft <'.«-lilln Icfi TburMUy .
: >bnn t lxli vlili hi* parent* at I'ppft Ohi-t
From ihcre he Vlll
ICO III IVin-ii tn alt>-ad ihc MIebItcan
1 roniirt-esUiiasI as*tvle<l<m <if which
K. E. Weil I* a mcmlH-r of the *lele
I Ixterd of inixicc* iif Mlchlean
I erccalkmel esNviatliin
He wci
'Tti—dey a* a dHecsii- *-f tin ctuirrb

Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.

« xhnriegF

r:”-;.';-;''.,: ........


• glri 1
ic.clr in make I


That are made U oee ae veU

iiuduerd sdiI Me|>1-- a
irtt licAmF ungltxl 1
woiincl dn»Ti" 10 III
klarahel lirddins ruahed m i

- r-I *K.rr IS., m fwmr. I k...
H.ruii«rill. .)> I*, f .Bi-l. I-1. .fffmi-etoalr
at all ilB.. ...a .
r..-xi™a- IU .I - v.,1 It.... <-nu>.

Weak Nerves

ovt-randBCioiirl'KlCl-S tin them.-which aru LOWKRTHAN VOi; KVKk HOUOUT I IKST CLASS
M.\CHINKS HHi OKEafMl yon will be given fire
one litkt I entitling you 10 one ch.tnce on onr

Ibe .boundary 1~-iveen
Grand iTrsverve rounlli-*. where ihe
rillreii* line -f Traiervc Hty Vlll
furni a Jitnciloii Thl> vlll gtyc Frank
lake a galit ta time oref the
facllille* —BenrllT-Ul



m mO.

They are

“®* «»de of dieap material, ami given a daefay
finish to (ftieh the eye; bm are donUe, coatan-

able, and neaL

Tbe cheapeM on the market, qftility eamdamA.

Once need and yoa trill boy no other mAe.

c If
l-a-l nliiraed
-I thp (air eld
thp aeddl- and

■2*$tat«sirtt(. ft Uictef PetcliyI.

i-en-d arnim-1
I anyone niv-da

e N.-mcc, IWlF


Ur. Edward 1
Dear Friend
ask you If yon bare any Mini*!
iTOlnlaiUlag eji nagvak
>011 have In me knov V ■‘""b
< When you gel It my vrillng and I
r*"* "» adtlreee and I eend you
nr addree*

1 Antver me a:
toeplu- the fenlty nontiructino c
the letter. Ibe hand vriting I
{elcer end dUdoct.

" "“£rs'

Nerve Fag.

If You Waste Your
Nerve Eaersvy After
AwhUe You WUl
er For
" iL

Selling Farms, and my opportunities for
making quick and satisfactory sales are
unequalled. Property listed and full in­
formation furnished by my representa­
Wilhelm Block. Traverse City. Mich., or
by addressing.



, ^


Hantilf* the lull lint-of 0.*born<; (ioods. "Osboriut " is the lar^ . intfeirendtrm maker
Do not |)tace your

01 and curn binilcrs. Mowi-r« and Rf:ap»*r* in the world,
ordfr Ijt'fort- st-i-inj; 0*bornt.-> new

Ucrtical Bar mower

r» »*rre fane by exeeea
nr. esiieir. etc.
B reunelf by M eata

one of their sp<-ci.ahi(-s.

maebinery and Farm Tmplemenis
Remember that we aell the

pnpared eemla. etc. It

“miller” Baseline Enaine,

(ntfr . . _______________
food you (ould —L end b»fttirUeb— etmetb end (eve e€ It*
vbirb go— to Ihe «—keotd nerve

the ^ ta. er~

5SS“ SKLi»» °5^^S
UfttaM B. AMm «r Bataav aM

If you are .1 farmor call at onr More any 4*>‘
now nnd June IHtli. amt look our incompar­
able line of

oDibly ninety gal. nearly Ivn hun


com,.letet, uveted aad there

uera i?ii; ^
topMWi Bftd latki oa eubjeru of la
J£? iS
(ftceHtah to aevapaper - ubil and

say property evaer la I

Walter A. Wood Mowers

, hftBrt VtwABbte OoiBpotaB aad

alnlndjlag ejl nagvak. In Bdi
vooid be “eagle'* Clew." It ba* peru.
to (he Indiana. The

jmwm of uS


•• a i-rarrliy
nuM favnre.1

laid (luvD bao- froz.n
airam'h>Trii-> lha> t.-n- Dot mulched
havi- U-en daoiani-d
•nl* repor .lamaa- '•
.inc* by mice.
e fullovlnt
fc.llovint laW- • ...................... ...

Frieitd of the IMlana.
IT. droKAlal, ha*
la a friend of the Indlaii

alvaya tbe headqiiartera of
dlan* vken (bey eoaie to lovn and
there they alvaya Sod a veleome. He
U veil knovD to every Indian In ibl*
vicinity. Mr. Mlller'a fame a* Un­
friend of (be red men U nM oonAned
the Grand Traverse reckie but.
nag fro
we , t extendi
on Ibe CCanadian dlda

talct that Ibe trooble had beea ttialong BnaUt
dIaSd H. 8. Hall of the Oval Wood
Hov leaig the mas
. Bta eonvftsy to la ChlotcD Wedaea. day ilsbt aad vai told Uut the threat.- a«at atrifc* had beea averud aad that
. a haai voald be etartad «ot for the
MBSmy at tUa pevt aad reach bam
bp.«eit veak. Tbe Kelley Lamber
Tntri-r- eoapany la a Bember of diy. vbo ta taaeUag Beheel aaar
a. came aloog oa their vay home
1 ta luha Cartlera aaKidaUeB aad baa
a aoelal gatberlag In tbe arigbtaMvad ao oBclal aoUSeatIba that a
lod. They heard the groans and
. atm baa bees caned er la tie op lu
_ _________________ I
Jbeil bnn about haU a bRs
from tbe place and lanred IanP
Ih^wfi aad ve vero aaable to obtattetaaela to traaBport oar loabar. tone aad help.
Tmderty Ihey gathered np tbe batVO «ooW be toroed to canr over tbe

pr■^l‘pecI^ l<v I thruUDlioiit t
pr-arh cn>|i »i
» in be Ilch'
friili wii and

One of our superb

hand out-cf -be:-'-.
•ing It In
ItJtirlM vere dressed by a pby ^
improved Telephone Service.

»ni produce •uteen gallona c
j itirpeDlibe. ifairt) gallons -I Ihlrl) bunliels of charcoal.

Tvaa April. Nevla, Uiaa
Laat Nlcbt. HalIdea-K}eniU. MUaoa
OllIU. Pair. Ayrea. Hn. Blcsa
AccinpaaUU. Mra. Bovley, Mr.
Decker. Hlaa Kolllaler.
A farce-lD one act by W 11 NVa
Hr A. Smart Aleck. Mrr^eredtlh
Mr. DravU Mllde. Mr. Decker
Michael 0-81l(berseii. Mr. Allen.
Minx Larendar Bllke. MUt Jackium.
Hit* l•.»eT BIodboB. Mlu ThoBp-



, toklng It loe Un r. eekv ftad at tbe
at that tlaie 1 vu cored. 1 bad
; gatad elghuea ponada and vu la
I eaealtatbealth. aad aa no*.
•• Ton aorely de*Tre greet anrena.
, and yon have my very beat viihe*.'—
, Ml— Aim Banxv. M North Ihnile-

The accideni
-DC and II vajt a •Idle of ihe lerriblc pain
raa able (o aave bla vbole hi


Orapaad By a WbaeL


Saiiirdav So far there ha* aot
e r.-purted to tbe health c
Elmnml aveDDF.
Accident in FacHry.
Daniel Vugvl of Elxblb 'ir>
Ilf BeUner n taciorv. k


t^' oter of Uie Uke
OfaMn ef laat yaar^ vace leale bu
%am bwrBy tarved Sova tad that a

Monday, June I3tb, 1904

It lilu CWl
e but ihl* I*
otferad aa rinat aa jood" aa 'GoUea
Medical Dtaeovefy.' n a ahadov of that
nedieiiie. Tbcie an cotta behiad ceerr
claiB made to the * DiKorey.* vhkb
v>' jiot aa |O0d * Bcdidoc ’ caa abov.
BOioomahcuitd t^UMBBoftfe.

Oealcr in high grufeJ.CRANITE and MARBLE MOmJM13fTS
Ulc«t and MVM tkwna.
rtm-daae TOknrax
Coring and C« Sttac to order.
TravBfMCity.Mloh. CMsmib •Phon* 060


I he oni) (ia*»!inc Enirioe that a child
can Mart and handle without trouble in
cold weather. Wr have sold .over fortj
enjrint-* thr last year out of rraverse
Ciiy. and ihcy arc jfiving the best of satis­
faction -4n*fore placinjf^ yoai^order for
any make of Engine-*, call at our store
an<fsec the Milkv.

We have just receivixi four car loads of the

Page Bre-e aad the OeM earrtag* Be-e BumUs

The finest ever shown in Traverse City. You can get just what you arc looking for
at Boughe>-'s

Cor, Cas<&. State St.

Both Phones ,4S.

—:------- "'.jjii

mm vT

«M* ^Ijr------ - wlH

munir up

2si:."'JS'srsj:-ni.r sri.'SESiam-’:
m. ffiM r«i»»i». pwP*

PI«M« UH WiK «

BOt «ae BaebleetT. aad ewiag to tbe
atarcitr A labor aad tbe jreaa A Aber
>e odir apeared mie am ibree
aad oae aen twice, aad tbe relar A tbe Wd waa oelr nmod
to klU tbe------a be dog I
____ I oir tbe _ .
* dsee aad l«o boadred


Tbrac boadred aad dftr boAeb
ai ibc act reePu A fnat a Uttle exa Ubor aad expeaee. Be «rid laA
Call A «o eeeu. aad two handred tad
tea dolbrt wif the anaaelal reiolt
The oaaie bigb aatborttr we ha
*oAA bAore aari: "Macb atleetl
baa been gliea to the etCecu A B
-*-aax Blxtore oe the growth and
rid A pouioM aaide ftoa lu ri'
heeplai paraflu toe* ta ebeek.
•It has been abown coaclaatrelT
■t It pari to applr ihb prepanlloo.
If fOT BO other purpoae than to toduA
a more rlgoroui growth.
A tbU alxutn bare
Tbe late bllcbt, or rot. eamet a Ut­
,e jield
•Id i50
tbO aMte. aad at rot *e hare ao
ile later aad rou tbe pouio. K k
where tl
kM*a eoMloo•oaolleioa eerr MiddeB la Ita appearica»e
aaro. aad a boM (bat appeon Al rtgbl,
todar Bar be Ueck latoono*. u
itrd is recommeBdl
Iboopi iwepi br ire. aad tool aatFlID A the mixture oo
giooed tb
Sta eoM^ alae. Thk Uad U tag. Aalkorttlee atr tbat a daflr laaBK wHI rield a baadaome return."
mOet a fanaStk foaflat aad tr '
pataiare of froa *2 to 7< dnnea for
VHb oor preynl bom aiacblnerr.
ibe memj we an et----- '■-* •*
oar ccBildorable lloie aeeoaaaaM ■eld iprartag <an he done rerr rnp
TbO potato aaab to a
br Bolrt veatbp.
remiBer. lunuiBes
rorauhee tl
Mir and cheaply. tVllh copper lul
. for tbe aprtBd of ibr {<»• pbatcji « to » ADU per pound and
produen tUi dleeaae. If tbe' ■ulna t or 5 pound*, aad tbe aaiBc '
Bperatare exeeede 77 dogree*
M aalloo* A water, alib t
•iopBiwl of tbe dloeoie If
t tbo teat rantin' laatlntie <
A Part
rberked. While ibU dUea«e li oM
preeileat here we
injortag Se" foltage. i
•neat, aad to U «e largeir A- rletd ean be raefldeall)
tbe rAUac la tbe Bold aad pit
or cellar. To rtcrira vbal algbt be a
iw tbac it **f
loag aiorr. we eaa coaMeatlr aar,
IBM termer tbat It *aa
Tbr Knigbu A ryifalai A Maribill
treat *ba( we bare md aad kaow
tbo Parti gnoa- Tbor a
re. eonieoplating tbe erection of a
froB) our owe and other atro'e expertto OM OSMBI. Hero b
hUbaat Boiborttr lari:
. A ball capable A a
tlnS «boK Parti «noa b
lag a terge auemblr-A people b bad> be A aar ralee It mart be appHA Ir needed, a* at proeni there i* no
orooghlr aad at Ue right tlaw. It hall A any ilie to Ibr city



_ to bollOTO
patatoao an atortod vUb a
lad Abor dboaaoo *boii IL. ------m baoa M*i^( OB Irr
‘^Sawb tbo iMopor noe et Paria
pan. lajortaa raralUaf Irooi.tbo
■oe A (M* Hhotaaeo an vorr apt u
ooaw •ban boa baoiloi bare oatoa
bo (flilase. Tbo anoak auaeka tbo
otau aad u a kobH
atar Imno apoa an
tor tirtr eaten th*
nUB oat br tha,«o* boetloa. Br
lalad ibo Peru gnee with the

In every department we are quoting prices on the very iatest Merchandise
which are lower than goods of equal merit have ever been sold tor at this
period, right in the heart of the season when you need them.! Only a few
items are mentioned typical of what you will find all orfer the store.

Aad tUmr toMdIgg FaUgd
«g do a CgBt’g Wgftb

aMM mil -T-r- «x nwHa. mah fMd maj’ ewM. Md

Btrdeaox mlxton cbate laiortea mar
' • vboltr OTAdod.*
Bartr Wlghl ti eoaOBOd to the leaToi
aad atomt aad appear aboat tb* Ubo
the potato beglaa to lom. OrarUh
bnm apotf appoar oe tbo leaeoe aad
oprcod olovlr mil tber ru tocetber.
aad the leaeoe beeoate bre*a aqd brti-;
lie aad the atected area will bare a
rrtlowleh pee* cokir aad the pou-

Catest Spiind merchandise


K OM boadred OBd f

Wlur HnM:—Tb* writer metee
m^elm to be •eteoUfc. amir w <•'
M b« hM ub«i oyorT oporuioltr w
MB«T tk« dkMM IMI
MC TtM or U«*. Aeo «b« koow*
iir-f— vhUs oar rooeb<|>Mt dtoOM »"• A 1*0 Uado.
teiorlA ao« fuasB*
Tbe Motto U oo aroslM Ibu
leJto tteott tbo W.«_

Ualues Out of tbe Ordinary in

weald pot tbes la water tbe pain woald
tbt antlp art BM eraxy. Ibe nkln wePd
pad or tad tbe finb woald get hard
aadbnafc. Then woold be blood aow.
lag tnm A taaA atty pbcee ee aatd
ted. WordicoaldaeTartontbinattm^ 1 eadaiad fA Une yion. 1
tM onrytblBg that t WH told to aao
t baat eight dtSfenat
docten. battooeoftbeBneemlloao
at nay good, aa ay haada were ta bod
wbtal gotthioogb doctortagaawbaa
Arf. worth Of good, t W"
-------3 nao
aad oearvootr.
bMrt-aoiT. * mwiuu
would lea
fib ao
M Bp. to tUak
ataadtba paia
_____________________ rafelUlkeglr.





J'!!''** f'"'


White Wash Silk


coloreJ Mri(w llabmai

AQ/% jar.llor
inch Mack
rcRiilarly at S.V

latTeia Silk

Qr><^ )arti for :<() inch ciiar.'iiitc-fd hlack
OOt Taffeia Silk worth $l,«r.
>;anHor 7*H- quality


If a prerentailre Ireatmeoi. We cob•hlp rarelaatkia a prereotaUre fA
How’a Thief
UitUnJt^rm Iv
isallpox. hat we would ba gel anr
beaedl fraai It when we bad brofcro
ent with the dli«a*e
Thie U tnie
jwUh all foofiu dlioani.
ud ladieTT bus
Ur. JaaiM HarrU wUI pardon no
fOT oalax hti name here wlltaoul bla
■eot. but hb reapu were *o etrtkfroa tbe. oae A Bordeaux lolxlart rear oo bb pAotoei that PI Wj^iao. gi»»i.* a tiAiiris. Wbolmle Aek Vour Deal
lid know II. Being a eloee obaeim

yartl for

inch Mohair(iranile Cloth

out. ^olri right along for Tuc. in brown.
.Navy and black
Ap * yard for * .is<t of Anio-kfag (>ingO''' hams, worth luc a yard

10c K'X.. .

of Lawns. I>imiiies anti


OAp P^ir For I’errins SI.&0 Arabian Mot ha
S70V Glove* all si/cs and colors


t\/% yard. .Sormamly. \’al and 1'orclion ■
VU t-aces from I to f> inches wide


For •F'’ ioc** Faiic> \'.tileh. worth
:»c in cream, blue and tan

0g^ jard for choice of all nur -'(Ic Novelty
aUtbeUpM. Bet tbenka to CaQeora.
tbe grealeot of eD great ektn caneAfter doctortag fA three yctn, and
ij Blmr aaeh Boeer. a 50c. box of
dattewi Olalateal eaiei aU my aaftrlaga. tnbeea twoyean alaceloaed
aay aad 1 deal kaewwbat ten baada
am mr, aad atm lo« a day*i work
wbib oM Oodcan Otalaeal.'taOMAS A. CLAMCr,
110 H.KogtgeBery Bu. TwBtoa.M. J.


Silk'* for

Dress Goods

wm flena orcr tbe nga to keep


. ‘ir
«“r Ladies' and Chil
ren’s fan black cotton Stockings

200 a pair for Ladn'> Fant> Lace Stock'
ings worth MSh- .i pair

risfln all Silk TaffetaA. up t> No. 12. lie yard.
o .No. on, lOc




Q/> each for fanct
vU ivi by IS inch ■

border Nnck Towet.

0 I no For your choice of a lot of fancy Waisib
slightly mus»e.l from the window di»
play, were sohl up tp

E. wii-he:i.ivi


True 1 1 years ago. True today. Thousands will testify to it. Today we are offering bargains that warrant your coming 50 miles. Always
b^r in mind that although our prices are low ^e goods themselves are thoroughly dependable and will be found just as we advertise. Your
money back if not satisfied makes trading safe here,

V Detstt I CM muth
If TOO take adtaatage of oor exin.
ordiaaty baifaiDA
Omp JtoUlTShamaO the ctyle, gtaee
SM V aode«acethat iapowblcto

Street Hau in the very lateK ityle*
ttrawt. alt ready to wear............................

Tber an have die adf tttainiM ttooti.
foidded ileemi, deopied by an^ and
iMde by expert wottnen.
0>tJ% We dMw a fine line of Saha
fbrJ/P fa. the popohr new faUkt.
petfcei fitten, letf retainfaw
fitMt^wOlkpmtbeirebape ta won out


.hJ.. ..

tkimt W«ba*ealot«i iM'a li^ oola^ ,
Sata, taken klA odd giae*. only me 1
AtwooTakiDd. VA>oearai«e
$6 to $8 sad a lew at $10, wiDi
good eabetatial work euti, for

J C/1 1‘urt »«“>« of liie most siyliifi hat* )-ou
ever saw.
Kegulai millinery xIot«
wouM not think A asking less than $5.1)0 tor them.

25 per cent dbcoont •
Betb, from $18 to $S5


to $36.00. Folding Cam. I

OmMIs la bacy ctawu
aad eaanMrea, alwayi in nyle.
Uttb feademeai taia, price
1.50 to 4.00



p.OO ptr Wttk Prfmots

Rocker Hike cm) in golden oak or mahogany finish,
cobbler seat.

OIMI-Y ^S.38

ms LOT of Boy*'
r Saits, ages 3 to 8

Cook 00 Tomik Ps$e hr aooom
tktkaffooart fom mootf kock.

IlllpeCitv TH
tl^fioati • »f[ ioB

By Bring. MeCell’a Paiiem*. They are ao sfaapb m
can make no miitlke. Ibey are the beat pattcra* on tbe market,
fashion plale *enl upon reqoetl.

Uery Jldoantageous Prices
On Dress Boods r,r o« wh*



Tli>» toli.l O.ik Slaa.I,
fancy eiim
golden liniih,



iBCh all wool Suiting* in the new Nub
Effect*, han'liome ihade*. <ne of tlw
ntoet popular iabtic* this Koaim.
a good valoeal 60c, xpecial. . . . OO^


Scotch Mixtare* to much in dc-

nrwci.. ssi:'r,rii;.r'.pi“v'''‘'59c

ACi inch SOk wod Vourette m check* and
ttripea-huavayrieliefrcci—me of oor


Wide range of all wool Scotch QSj~.


$/. 00 ptr week prpmtats


$160 to $8.00. Only 1.00

jtaodlgf AbOM 100 Boy* Saai m ogtn cowa^ gDoa ocavy oa
b%$er batm ii yon Ipoked tbe oonotty oe
■toia al beat twice wbal wcorita
iaaometaUBceieTen iaorc. Being fai tbe Boyx

Be Vour Own Dressmaker



Cta Me. 1.50.toss


Values unsurpassed by any house in the country

Bnkf Broom sdb

MbpS^ inallihepnt.

A lot of Skirt* from an i
Alwol .jO IcTa
their vduM range up to $7.60. Voile*,
Etamine*. BroBldol^ "
- - lion* and Cheviot*, c

and just at this time when you are hoiisuclcanin;^.

b om dAdraa'i dqvt.
meal yoa win find a wealth
•r«yte fa)delta farike lit­
tle kowa-CTery dediable
Ityle and (abric b there, arid
la the newai dotbi aad

> eoten link eaha ever made.

Skirt Special

.. ._i___

Stre Is Seed lltws fer tyeusrwivrs

mdieaeMlUBis aodte -w
—lebi^ wkat a b^ eabwe
taekadoaibem. KeaOytbeyan
Ovprka tfe easy. $160 to $6.00.

/togf FER CENT DISCOUNT .« all
l.adiri'Suita, an offA ne\CT made
an early >n the aeaaon Every »i'
ihit ipring'i x()1e and (tneti)’ 0|> to dale.




I] con^ of a lot of
ww $10 and $19 Swti
cairied onr fion >a« year, tbe icmaiader
« Stock of $16.00 SnhA Ertfyxaita
batfmfiOBomypinrefw. Ifyoawaat a good gnh dMip,

Cadies’ Suit

1'RIM.ME:I> HA t'S.
Hoe i
•If you .Uin'l se. wtial von «»nl,a*k l<
liate liiin'lre>Is •" »ha[>e* anil ■ an irmi
V..U a hit 111 rev) neat sha-.r foi ..............

SPECIAL A tot A Street Hatibonghl 1 f\fk
At a eaexifice, xtrietlr new, a]jedal... i e\j\f
Uiildxea'aTaat, Ciqit. Moilin HaO, Silk Bonnett.
Straw SailMi. etc., etc., to please olL

had to offA. It


eoery Bal is Ibe
Olork oi an Jflrtist

1 OS
i e^J

make a bat to your xpecuJ liking, and if ii does

$20 W 6dd fSO to S4Q.OO.

7f ItllJ

millinery Sensations
Good fine qoality Sailoci, SJ.OO and
$1.60 valnei, to ckwe at............................... OUC

OflStoreiopfrom ...*
One tiv« cot......
CaMgine Stove, like cut .
Other* up to.....................

Carttsi hoe of Sittl Hamits aad Cast
Cooks Skoma la tke Cltf






iaeb hair

Itne sinpc Suiiing*—goo>l

«so and 75 cew^


48 iaeb all wool Cheviot* in black ff/1^


*FI *rv.' Cheviot* m black aad




some extra good value* in Cment aad

UcnxtUBs 'j^ JOc




46 »di an wod Voiie*. fas the






■apart e( aetal
tk» laallr ef fl. D. Bnfcc cf t
Hn. JawpMi^ HahmMB
tas a lav dajrt al Port OaH
Mlai «opUa Daco aad alatar. Ma
CovIlB itf Nortb raUr. pmrit tbmcb
mm 8atmra»j.
Hn. Axaav It iba pMtt at Hn.
_VBB far a lev aaji.
Hn. TvBveU, wbo bat b._ . .
in ter tfea aaat'vrak. la naek baUw



Nfr «.

Being to Build?

*Nia£rr’a( dart taafhl. tt.
Areraca dally'Bltaedaoev. St.
f papllt
aaroUad: .irta.
Koabar of

g c—> to«t »«1W-




Crftoerse Cityr mich.

the Luckf^ Da^


^li'i'aboartvCTtT yean
detlrias a ehaasr



we will send you
■Ik}-. foi» 3 and t
d Co-t 2nd add: t3O0.

Htn Kttelle Baraea of Om

.........^7117.7^“ .V. - 'll



*Tb«*^'a kSaJr »«at tm Wedaea- w ii; block n, P
HaMao of Waabtn^

- .SrfTrL^
Kavt: Hat Saitk.
fM; H. Hume. '
■mat Bay Port: A.
^ lae; R P. ~
‘ lav, Ovoi



*?5#*felovlaa are (be Hidin
■ - ■
tnutda of deleinlea i
DvHald. Detroit: Kd«ni
Waibtenbv: J. *• Ciwaay.
W. B. Clark. Tbraa
_. Looraia. Kent: E C. Heatrmm : R. B
. „„ HovaU; J. E. Wallaoe. Port
■natia: WHIlam H.
a. J. Dndley. Pi«»mt: »• Bmj ettt: Albart B. Catfer
Sut: O. C. DarUtoa. Iron HonoUli. Tbr ftmr detacniea at lar(c an
nam. i. OBfIaa. Qraad Rapto; CapJ.
non Waliara. bkpanlni; D. 1L
parry, Detndt: Batpb Lotelind. BadIt vlih prtde*

iw.H tw r -


Hn. 0. C RanatM* retaroed
from Trarera* Chy co Batarday

Fannie S. Bmvnln* i« Albert H.
Urker. parcete; ti.
joio. c, Fouat and vlfe to Jobn
parcel, nae. 38. lovn 2S,

Is uUnl. >«>lcl (rsntte. bi^ bMu tsras. bt^I
•.uUabalsMorarasndrbsloib^. Isr(e


tnr tha by atereoptkon rlevs.
Tba HItMt Raft left Wedoetday
r of 6B>
to Cbteaco. enroale to tbe vnrld'a
fair. They vlll tpead a greater portloe p^l. sec
of tbe anauaer In 8L toola.
Mtea Boma Bordeanx returned
«M. Pwry 7. Povan of Cadillae vaa
uMia abatman aad It vat tOM at boeae Balnrday after apesdlag a fev
. mm (bat tba eo—m— bad bOM daya vltb trleadf ta Trarene aty
* Lay Co. to
at^aBBu Bay.
lots 47 and 4$. bh
yrfX Btaele Ml thia vetk for
Sod add; $300.
Ulprii Oiea HacM aad chtew.
Tbe daagbter of Hr. aad Hra PbUilock 6. r-«r1rtch-s
laa. UH
llp HoveH fell vblle rnnatag dtnrn
.«|HM poibta^d alao datdarbMf ta
dn and dlaloeated bar rigfct elbov Itl add: $1,100.
Edvard Phillips
Robson, parcels. «
lovn. 26. range '
‘Horgaa Steele hna opeaetl n
11; $2^.
J. H. Van Dosen and vlfr
C -* !
■ lanr pM«w to the pnpta and te- *A^S"j^M^TtaTerae CUj «
Daaa. >4 of aett. sec. n.
. aHmm tba ■Brarner. Itaoteaaat gor■0: $1,—
and vlfe to fames
R. k
fna the Boo aad la tba mat of ber
totetetnre te
W. Hlim, ,
10 and 11. Black
itMer. Hn. HfOa
mored lalo tbe vood: $3,100.
TSa wavteltlee ot raaotatloea au^
James W. Hllllker aad
James R. Merrill, pan of h>(:
___ ______ 1 mte<
3. block K. M-. L. ft Co's 7
Bteortty reaolntloa ______ bease of Hn. Walter Bramaa
oa Tneaday erenlng. Tbe topic to be $1,000.
Francis Thunell and vlfe
. Madlad la ■UtnaaoUm.’- and the folIhaalel
'. Hecrlngion. part
' ^WtSd^thTatooflbe^- 33 aad 3 . blork 3. P. H -s 1
■MoaHte.'’ by O. Covwov: -Joaepb $lAt».
Mary > Tomrkina t
SteRb. from birtb to tbe fanadlag of
................. .. Parawell Rwapliei
:. Bayaide add.
•ntate.- by Hlat Clan Ttaoaai;
r* A vary pteaaaal teeetdtea
h Bte
Btalib to Ktrttead.. Obte.” by
. $3W.'
' sma test Hcmdny by (be tedlea of tbe Hlaa Smaa Wllaoa; -Joa4$>b Smith to
o Qeo. H- Cross. nH
Mbie readteg idaae at tbe boM of Ua ftaaih.*- by Hitt PaaH Dame.
Mr. aad Hra. S. Lahr in hoeer nf Hr. _Ote Laruna <d flnttoai Bay epeat
i: $1
aM idn- 3oba T. Beadle, vbo teara
Geo H Croat aad vlf.- lo John Li«Iha tettar part of
- aa. D>k Id nH of av<4. sm- 34. man
26. nngp II: $t.
Rer. U.-O Rich retnrned borne from
Joa.Th K. Saunders and vUe i,.
SsaTrarprlM to Hr. and Hra. Beadta. Cedar Tneaday erealng.
baa. A. Saunders,
parerl. sec 6.
ibv havteg been tevtW eat to apaad
>vn 25. range II: $50.
Haaan. Oiaa- Hall aad Prank Sbntbe oramtef. When they arrlred they ter of Trarerae City (peat Turwlay la
Perry Hannah to Floyd U Smith.
■and the boeae ftUed vUh tbeir -"la Tillage.
*a SO and SI, block 4. P. H 's 2n<l
Irtoria. Tbe evemlac vai raoct bapId: $250
■n. a. Barth airleed borne Wedfto waet ta mrarw^tka.
Floyd I.. Sajtb and vlfe to John
' g a fev
allaghrr. lou 30 and 31. block 4.
M.-i 2nd add; $300.
a te Ibe Catteille ■
range n .%25 ”
diMtb Senday. Bw. Pr--------aldevalka are beteg
B. R. R U. ft
Co. to A
*HMd tbe aerrleea.
Friedrkh. peree
see. 3, i
Mr. end Hrt. Charley Lmapi
mage 11. $4,000
ITaterae Ctty vere tbe gnecta
Allred V FHedi
dad Mm. AUa Knaggi. fHday.
Brick Cn. paieel.
, Tbe Lodto; AM eoelety m
range 11: $4,250
Hra, Fiftak Smith Wedaeeday.
K. A. Nelaon (f Ollu
UroB F. Tllut lo O. W. Pover. par
ww g good BtteedBBoe aad (be Best lova Batarday.

eel. Traternc City; $2,000.
■etelng vlll be vltb Hn. Jamei HeProf. DUmoed of Trerene Oty
F. Joacphlne THus to G W Pneer.
Otamber. Wadeaeday. Hay 25.
^( » fev daya of Ifau week In
parrel. Trtverae City: $So
Miw Weet and dangbur. Ttela. of
Wm. A. Haag and vlfe lo George
«t Friday vltb Hr.
Tbe bead bnyt preeoni rd Hr. Gray Smilh. kilt SS and 6n, M.u-k 3, flak
Ilea aad family,
ly tbe aev cnraet be b u been play- Park: $l.nno
r apaat a fev daya
Frank R. Goodrich and vlfe lo El
Tbe Jobs bora hare gtren tbeir re
wod Stanley, parcel. Traverse City.
aaee a freafa amt cf paint.
Ulea UbWe Onatag U eotflaed
BdvanI A. Klldee to Wm. Ktidee
Sue ttebm farm
be honae viih an attack of Germi
of v 70 acres,
Jba. PkoM: VbUey la oa tbe aldt UeL
17; ll.soo
Iftw Valley baa beegte peer bealtb all
atiag report of tbe aatoctaU^meetln,
>$ et Cedar vat glrea oa
TTSra trooi bore oHaoded tba Hoemorning by Bee. U. 0. Rick.
oobop aumntaa to Cadlltee Batarday.
Tbe Janlor, m.4 t, P. 8. C E. held
A anaabar of frtodi et Mr. aad Hra.
Mnaet DeOnv aara tb« a aari
Vriday eveatag. The ernateg
Mitt Emily PeMe of Trar.
Waat ta pteyteg gamea and «
Tneadny end Wedeeedi
4 Fren. tuTnHartt^.



•oad time ted at 1^0*5^ m


_>*"■ ^tmi Aedenon of Omena epeat
iMadBy ia ov Tillage.

■rt. Joa Bn
Tba praapaet lor ftift at tbta pitM
lb*aMI te^awt^bnopattedl’ ***
TMter the mile ana of Mr. aad Hn.
BmEeaM, baibeen gotte ekk bat

BeMerV Fane ta tba ftww aadUSe

Tlrad u error
is «sr Isrte UyatSemeil. Lace CsrUim rem 3Sc to
8L00. saesu mo
39c to $30.00.



a half ihoff

(Very iay, and wc inio^: vow had bettff
look Afouoi A bit. Aiti e<l l^'d
b(*t there u.

U yoj co k.. yom

wiU ccrUioly buy a “GtoriA”

Bceautsm biot (bo goads that
you art looking lor. lUc haoo
lust whal you want i > i i :


South Side Shoe Store
T D. nielMla, PnprttUr.

Dihtit, Hicb.

H. A. SiMssbfrE,

Tki UHsOiti

dorses for Sale



a-rghf 1.40.1 ,,.r» (,|,«.kv
\.-arv ..1.1.

all kln.l« draft horse, ilrit Inc

‘.Id horei-.

a mo nie

one- o-r-

On<- iron gray mare, r, ><-ar> tjld.
iiir.- rhe.'im' tiiare. s v-ar. mid.

It makes .


sith Mill are), nis-l , rme linivn g.-Mliig 4

gill 1-0.1, S nnie rangy. »-;l teok.-n. on.- bay nitre, fi

yivi-s. s.-ishi I
Sugar I.
I.locnin a
Oat. .

fh OU HrllsUt Sbet Btatt.

Trank Friedrich__ U2$ Trant
tbt ntm Stamd.

nt Pioneer CInery itable
A nire l.u arri\.-.I ilil* n-eek, uime
horses and form

a g,.-i ..n.- vi.rl: nr druing .Ki i a f. » farm

n-r RnlW




Bit art tbs Cudiua Pbos gloro^^


z-.TmTr f





buy ducf doOtr

tan. tool haame, wtrtm BbsAa. tsna erU
6nall.-prBssurB.UryB lrvs< B<<ew

d vlfe to John
36. lovn 25.
LealnRloD. parrels, i
Tbonat went Tvea- range 12; 1225
'“hUi norei
D. C. Bence and a e to Anna PUday In Tran
Bem and Suiy arrlred borne man. sH of svU. ■
range S: 8206.
BaliRday erealng.
Caltln O. Olbson aad vlfe
Hn. A. iobn left '
Detreli to care for be
Simpson. w1* lot 38. nil of I
l> dCo.-s 2nd add: tlJW.
. kury B. Albrlgtai i< Praods
ell. lol It. block 6. H . I
ball OB 3
Hr. and
lat add: IS06.
Pairick Burden nad vlfe to Maibl
*5 T?aTeiPe~Clty hrajabed mo- Oabut. lots 12 and 14. blot* 7. H- U *
c abd a Terr pbaabat erealnc - "
add: tl.OM.
mt. after vbleh ndretbmeeu '
rigbiman to P. e.Tr»c
see 35. lova 2«.j
At Ibe 4MDCiI Bweltac on Tinaday
arcalnd aa ordlaanea vaa paned reU- **PVyd ll Bmllh aad vile to Howard'
Iha to (be rnanlnt of blcyclet and a Oarner, lot 21. vH lot 30.
- ■--*-- M tbe eldavitki
H.'s Srd add: $1.3011.
to B
Hotel BcDit has beer
Hoetrd R Oarner t ) PelW Tont. Is:
C. Ptarec d Co., of i
aeller. parcels; $u»0.
Hr. Plane .Ukes
Peter Hettea and vlfe to Henry J
be arriTCB
ICik, biu t
RIckler. k>U Td n. block 1.11.. I. d
te of bla fall
____ -• vlll be In
Oo-'s Srd add: 8IJOO.
Ia4av, I. Darla.
Dent -Bloe and vlfe to Jtdio A. Oat
Hr. nod Hn. Beott
<t aeti aad bH of
teofeM. nets of
of nc\i. SOT
ifn. W. E. Campbell left WednesIIAOO.
ly tor
tor Bnndusk:
Sandusky, Ohia Hr. Campbell
to C. A Bturtevani
her at far aa Grand Rap
parcels, sec. It. I
igc 0:
518^0 ^
Pref. Tagsan
n rieicber
(d led urea oe p.. _. . . .
and wife. atk of ne18. s
aad beaHh Tharaday erealng.
10: $1,055.10.
ttib. Tbeae leetores are lllaairalet)


our bank check,

Cbe Boston Store

Plymouth Hoea Copa (or Sal#


ul K

It meaffs hundreils of dollar^ for our

Slips must be presented within ten days.

If you live out of town send them in by m;til .iml

iraday In Tiirme’City
irerte City Slate Bank. lo«a <18
1 IS. Steele

iDi nembe
! central «

WtiM Fini H Ml

•■' =’■"■ ,.'i"s£.“»sirr.a rs^


Blue Vitriol

-II. '• W"

fatbrr .


l,M<G1-; SIOLK

Briog in your alipaand w^will pay you ih«:ir fact:
value in cash.

d. H. Pern.
Oeiralt: Tboatlj Walter. Itbpet
latb loralaad. Ba^v.
At ibJa aorBlBg’i-----•ara deUrered by
„ ^—-- Banova, btdb
DMdaH aad
repaWkPa party aad latte tuZartli policy. ^DMte- - vltb a

Wi: H.W H

that PM 9ti •!/ at faar mamtf bark
Is maadaf. ttlaf 9tb

r tiid>>r>r.HU

l32g.**Tba*ftm^ f dindad
^awpMrr reftn raaoiatlooi. bov-


Give us

South Side Cumber So.

____ipMnrme. aad Uld tberr betl^

vlii bit faally of vUe.
Tbe naeblae ana are^y«njjy^g| MO aad dancbier vere aBcicc tbr


a chance to figure on your wants.


PM Warper H oo «ha


City is the place to buy your material.
and'mill work done oil short

Teactev. HarpiwTlte Bsraa.
HIK««, laacbar ai
trt Kanaa. eprsi Batvitfaj aa« Soo-1
IOh»»» day ai brr bone ai PoretJ Hill.
HItaM Ut Naaaeo tad Lena Olaoe
iMd al
•ad thmcb (ova today mmu tor i
Go to V. H. Sailtb at OravB la
>le CMy.
Salth'e oM abop aad set t aev tl
,. 8..«'l DM.JeJ.,
Hi>ei«, *to
wi~ •—»
ta* b
•"' _____ d
^Mtaei !«■ Ite ..
w aboqi
thrw jtar*la pnor h^nlth tar
thoe. tt'ood work aad seaeral blatkIt acrw «Blie ua«en.
Rerorderi by Becitier of Deedi WI1-1 naiaiBS
_____ __ fev dayi a*o of tbe
W. H. DeWlU.
Praak- aoB to Hay 17. 1»W.
Tim Pletie aad vlfe to Hepry S______________
-------- bar

____ eonTrtUafL.
ihe J»*_
«w Doata«»d. '

If AO. the South Side Lumber Co. at

1 N.kqTt: t Ok':- .‘sAMkL'r.Sr I

«Ba 3* morgana

What size

226 E. Front St.
TniHSi Glly, Mich.


snrpH'Ing hov n



Cream of tTlinnesota
Spring Wheat Thur

One of them



size can

color and



the right

That surely is a good combin­
.Xren't some of those old Cur­




new ones in I lace f




aside and
It cosU but, Sh.4.............................................


Kxcelicnt Cloth Shodc*............................. gik
Oil Color Shades. C f$........................... 50c
S|>t-cial Shafles

made quickly

0ity Book Store


will Is;


little for new one*

1 have imponed two

window netuU a

the right


at my


keep one in
near lieoriir Widriy

Olilbelm, Bartak Company


dere’s a Chance
to Sane
Tnm SOc h $1.00



yet ^'ei


made on the




last, with extension soles; leather

\ ici




—and our price is

OxioriU $1.50

Bacbant & Boscoc
206 From Street


Jenrsha Ann. don •. you
h«Tr wagon'll holil



uneasy, 'cause


till kingdom come.


dressy slitw. worih 5'2..'pior more

dn seV eiirseif. so.! iJcniaeerT
mnt «;isi> v.m Ra\e l«ee
v<nrit.e. ihio ad t> iu call your
aiiraluui to THE PIRITA.V
CORSITTS vblch are richlc
vunh 50c ted ll.nn each. We
are elenns tb-m fur a sbon
time : t SV and 45c em-h
EVERY l-tDV' has dreamv
that •ho'ild

a limited nomber of Puritan
Dream Bookc. a copy of vblch
vill be gteec ecary lady pur
cbaalng a Pnriiaa Coraei


vour suleofashoe.
line ot Men's l ine Dr-ss

Neat door to Hamilton Clo. Co.

It’s a Rrris Wagon
And you can't break it, no matter tthai



made for. and solij and warranted by


And tbat Settles itl

Supplement to The Grand Traverse Herald, Thursday, May 19, 1904CMlro Slaak mmt be a«M







Far Fala-^afa, Fba* Canaa, Caaatara ead ftbalvtat at
laaa thaa the price at mm*
tart at.

To The Wall.
The Racket Store, 132 Front Street, Forced Out of Busi/
ness by Creditors.

The dull winter and late spring has put Mr. Coplan, the owner of The Racket Store, behind wjth his
obligations and the creditors were obliged to take possession of the stock, which they are now offering for
sale. This is the greatest opportunity for the people of Grand Traverse County to buy Imported Chinaware, Crockery, Enamel, Tin and Glassware at Less than manufacturer’s prices. ..The store was closed
for a whole week and the prices were cut right and left. Everything must go without leserve, no matter
what it will bring.

Sale Commences Friday, May 20, at 10 A. M.
pie plates, per 6otm.. .»e
PWLa <*11118 flove Md noeen. per

Mt or e, to doM..................... 2k
Plain vtlte 7-4acti dinner platen.
Idee foodn, credftor’a price
vliUe they lent, per Ipseo.........We
Fids vtdte
tmk dtahea,
creditor^ price............................ 2k
White eoboaneJ Chunben, 60c
Talne, credJtor’s price................ 22e
Poroeleln waW ho*] and pitdber,
tl TAloe. cretUton’ price.........8te
DeoocateJ cope and aaaoan, former price 76e and <Sc per aet of 6,
Willie they iMt .......................... 46c
Deooraaad 6-lnc^ platee. former
price 86c, to cloae oot at......... Wc
Good eUe meat ptattera. former
price 16 oeota, credltom priee.. fc
6-Pleoe decorated ctemUr aeta.
farmer price 8SW, cradltora’
10c Oyater taaarl. *tin« they leal.. 6e
10c round and oblons aapplaB
Taaaa and 9000 heUen, all go
A lot of gU« mnga. crem pUob-

era. napplea butter Jlaliaa aad
floe water tombleia, prices up to
8c, all «o for............................ 2e
Olaas berry eeta. large bend and
6 aancers. farmer price 45c, per
set............................................. 18c
Lerge site hotter and angar glass,
. dWiea, 16e raloe for................ 7e
Large site water bottles and
pltcliera, 84iieti berry dMws,
cake platee, celery dlafaea aad
fralt stands. 16c vahie, while
they last ...............................
water eeta. nicely eft*
gmred. farmer priee tl, cred*
Itcn’ price ................................We
OInas night laaps complete, while
they last ............................... . 6e
UeaTy glass ealt had peppei
shaken, to dose................... .. Sc
UqoM shoe pcliW. per bottle.
while they Imt ....................... te
A lot of fancy glass eases, beakets
and boo boo dUhes for 16c to
doae .......................................... •«
Class klteben tamps oossplete.
26c ealue ................................. 15c

KM^art tin dlfa batln................ 7e
fr^inart tin mOk pans................ $e
Large tin oBk stnfaiern............. 7c
Heaey tin steamen. sixes 8 and 8,
2Sc ealne. to done....................18o
Half plat tin caps ....................... Is
NstfanaJ ateam eodun, comwr
bottom, something that erery
boose aboQld bare. K aaret time
and labor, |1.6fl ealoe. to dose.. 86c
f^ent clean cm cake tins, ISc
and lOr ealaes. to close at .... 7c :
^Ire floor slees at....................... 7c
IMJuart tin pails at ................... 7c
Patent heary sheet Iron doobe
roeaten. 40e ealne, wbUe they
last at........................................ 22e
Imported decorated chins disbea.
value up to $2. creditors* price. 88c
Hesey tin dinner pells....... 18e
All solid copper wash bollerd. tf
ealoe for ................................. $1J8
Solid copper nldcel plated tea
ketUen. lift. 8. 8126 eahte, wbQe
they last ................................... 78e
No 2 lamp chlnmey ................... Ic

AH oar te and 6e tablets at .... Sc
HaUenble glam Imp ehlmaeys.
all styles 16c, to dose at......... te
AH oor flre^raof dishes to does out at
any pHes.
All oor 76c and |1 Jardinieres, to
done out while they Iset, eredl*
tom’ price................................. 88c
AH oar floe toilet paper, per roU,
ofedkom' price ....................... te
Large box unch picks................ 2c
Bnaael stove poHW, while they
last ............................ ............. ■ U
Pelt wladow dmdes. while tb^
last at ............
Oar best doth window shades. 26c
ealne. to dose at ................... 17c
Srrubbing bmabm. brass lamp
bemen. moose traps, wire
toBMor*. aoop tadels. cbolee at tc
Heary galeanlxed waA tabs, cred*
Iton’ price................................. Wc
Table oil cloth, 20c eahie, cred*
Hurt’ price................................ Ue
All oor ml sew aad Childs’ ribbed
ISc and 16c boM. wtdfa they
teat St-......... ........................... 8e

This is only a few of the many bargains that are offered. We are bound to close out the stock to
settle the creditor’s claims, if we have to sell the goods at 50c on the dollar.
Don’t delay, but comfe at
once and have your first choice.
By order of the Creditors.




A. J. BURGE, Trustee.

- iai oBora T«maniBPm memr. iotw, at"
One I* ear* mwpi deaU aad taaee. but that I* not
allngetber trae. Dr. KlaT* Now Dto
eorarr tor ConsaaMloa I* a eore core
for all lung and throat tioohla*. Tbooaaadi can teolifr to that. Mr*. C. B.
VaaMeire of Sbepberdtovn. W. Va..
ta}« -I had a rererr cnee dt Rra*'
h Salt
rear tried ereiTthUif
■he nae BMolh-old cbiM ot Hr. aad
d rf, but goi DM relief. On* bolL T. J. Heodafeoa ot Grand Ra^ 1 heard
IT Klag'e Keet Wecorery thes
Mi. forserlr ot tbl* ellr. died Vadoeeme elMOlnielr.' --Ii'i larelllble
dej fBoratna afier an mne« tbai d*- cured — ---------------,.

reloprd ia« evening abtmt 7 o'clopk. for Croup. WbooplBg Cough.
and CoaeuBpiioe. Try it

brooght to tbh elir nn
lord hr Jobaeoe'*
(be I o'l
Trial t>lUtlvf
Ftoda> end token frooMhe’ttnln to Ihe 1
> &Ar.
coedunrd Ihe taneral.

17 ibc tutar

.poond* aad vat caaght
tbahatfuorcbarit- Mr. Bednd aararal raart ago.
* rrraraaea for the other velght tU paoadt aad
e-tha «lr dag-'
1 eaaght hr Georg* Sal too of Poat«*; ur Sal. vtth halt aoraral---------------The fi*h ate ftaeir Booated



CIrcuIttlon thU week 2,700

I erlteOr team »wtr froa «
Ir Md BMBl • tea «r MTcnl U

t Chandler nrraled
i LeUad lw( »VM»r
nted hr ihr l^aenes cMtj

ThoBHU WIdUuB nr OI«n Here*
VM la the rtir reeterdar and aa^Tad
a riali vllh noae at hie frieade at the
ptaaw dar*. «a ihe aarir »* Ur.
WMhaa need lo carrr the aall fma
Tiarecae CIV Ihtnogh Laelaaaa ranair. laklBf a dar ter toeh aiaae or iha
nnu and aiopplac •> f....... Itethparl. Lalaad, Oles
Cbartat OnsM at thU dtf «ai
DBaraiad on ai Maaldaa oa Tawdar
and m iaeha* of boo* morad
abotf and batow hi* kaaa. Thart K
Terr mile had* far hi* raaerarr. Hr.
Owua I* a wdl-knon rnoac maa
aad baa a farga auibar of (rfaad* la
ihfadir. Havant to Cob* dartac (ha
■nnlab-ABarlcu arnr aad U* .............
It th* mbH ot dMaaaa

b III WaahlagtoB
MiPH. ifc* oanBony bar
. by

Mia and gnm praMnraod after the


Ofart'^Tranra* Dtatrirt Oraaga.
Ha. ir, vtn aaat vlih Paaiaoi'
Onaga at <Md Htaikia Jana 1 art


Uoo tor a
nudaaa Mrar on Watt Freat
«a* tarried Hoedar at the
agaelal alaetlsa br SM to 11 reUa.
TbI* aolboli** that the dtr be bonded
tor tifiOt for a aev brUg*.
' t Uato age oa alort wai
bead tor a •** bridge bat
«a* aot eanlad. At the praaani UBt
lb* brWga bu been
very bad coodliion by tba eitr anfctaear aad bad * great daal to do vrlth

Sart I .
alMem. la vtaleb
. . .
hi* death.
vh^died Tiienday
ling ai I
H* oaa Married to ■ nherM.l>«U
at IhMbT. Oeeaaa ooai ly.
Jaa-'b sg u'rlock of typhnld ferer after
oarr 1. iW(- la mi Hr. and Hra. mneM laeilng tor i«o veeke and ihrer
Hade Yooog Aagalm
dare He returned from her bedeldr
iBiy. aad eetUad
‘iMoOdty at ehe wa. etearllly grovlag
-One of nr King* Ne* IJfe PI!
{am la the voodh *hm they
aad her death vat a nhork to
irh algbi for ivo veekt ha* pm n
Hi^ad iluibe'diatViifMri.'Leach
fa my Teent' again ' vriiet P II Ti
oer of Dempteriovn. Pa Tle-»'ie '1
Banon nf Delroli. mho It in the
i '•?. .b. hrrakto.
- ^a dvl. -ar;
la Ihe
.UK oa their baade irjHr. Leach eelUted a* a prirat* <- ' ally oa oceoaBi ot Ihe rtetih nf hi*
•el.. Vrgrt.
brother. H S Berina. vhoee fuaeral
not replaced vHb
ai John.
at* on n'e>lnetday. vet token
U-.dterlout ft
end vat tnally
tererely I
leered. Mr. Rarion't oihe
I for dleabUlly on the :4th day
faUI Aeeldanl *0 «r*
'~l. at eaptala of Compaay A. tvo broihere. Thome* of Buffelo am
TravmrM City larketi
Robert of vere alto In il.e rti
Mlehlgaa Caralry.
lo allend ibe (liberal
Oar ofvach waaK. ThaHaralolt net
*" I Mr- Leach held many poaitioee of pub- j
„ lie trutt. and In all caaae prored bla^;
a 1* in each a
^ aelf * cooneieet oBcer end e peine- died of pull
'teklng. libeny-lorlag. loyel cilUea.
hem.Trhege l.
indt< ti II
ira hU loe* three ..--i.K-k ei hit bomi
RaM Bay tova. ,
ille ea.i id the
h.1 •mt-'
Bteek tehmi? home
Deeee.ed leeve*
la betvean ivo of the ear*. Aa_to-1
■ vlfe. IVO rhildrrn heelni; |T>-eeded
gine puibed ibese back, catchlag him '
: ihelr (eihiT The (emily eame to ih1«
la beiveee. He va* caught la the{'
• region
:loa frr
from Honii
art larrlbly
Bear Beam fimplr* Bay- '
land purci..
_____ ad. A* am
The fuceril tervir. «a> held
there la a had braite el
al the aad ot hb
a Into etcItamaBV'FridayjUlghtl Wedneaday afieronjo al 7 n'elork
o lalnrad.
•plaa and hit hip b aleo
real bror »tory aad the hanowlfnim ihe retldeare und-r ihe direr
lly Injured la
additloa. he b very badly
• of a IJ-ymb-old tod by the tlon of l oderiaker ft I. I'aner
temally and grare tean at to bb r*
of ErickaoL b lh« Ulk of th*---------------------------covery are eatefUtaed.
While the atov aouada ralhor | .
Card of Thank*.
iBared greatly from the ehock
told la good faith to BsWe vlih to Hunk Ihi- u*h> klad,
aot rally tor tom* llDe. Hr ■•flahy- H b told
lenerally credited but the. Irii-nd. and aelghbora for ihelr klailit elagb aad bb home it In Saglaav plre and It gc
a Ihe.>.i.h
through Ih»
the alekn.-««
tirknivt and ri.-alh L^*.'
of the boy from
Laler-H* died Irom Ihe effeel* id
Ihe Injury ihb owmlag.
iga. vbirh
The BrirkaoDt lire tvo mile* ool of
. Th... K.
_Biplre and the boy'* father
faUer It amplo^ la Ibe mlllai Empire. Tba boy
luaaeiey, mien., taer
wot at borne and fab mother *eei him
mill owned by W**1ey IhiBB »
out iBlo Ibe voodt. odjotaleg their
(troyed by a tr* of tupfKved li
field. 10 get tome wood: the place
ring to tigbl of th* boat*.
The boy v*» biitlly at vmk vhea
About. itiO Ibe valcl ■an dlMoT
lati la the be felt toBielhing on hb ahoolder. It
In a pile ol
i a pall of frightened blm and be Jumped *vay.
prtnpHy •
t vbae ha - -le Jumped bb tblrt vo* tlghleaed
nd bb throat and be thrav hb
ce the fire the vbole thiag
I up to vard oil being choked. The
o axptod* and to aa laelant
grip back of blm and bb efiocta to re> mill wa* to a blaie. The In
leatc hlmeelf retulted to bb tUR
J eomplately burned oui and
bring tora off. Saelag lB*t he hod
lOf h* mattolaav **• aarrt. la
only ihtogi tbal ware eared been attacked by a bear the boy bailaoed to Ibe bout* and told hU atory.
. a I maa path carl aad the log*
Why tba bear thouU attack him to
ly aad aot kill him cannot ha
eip^^ eaa be glraa for the
led for ttolMt -ahe bad aome
■ ot tba fire aalaat it wea itortad
cuU and took thb aean* of protectvlth the totaalloB of dahy aoatabody___________________
lag them. Eren tbea II It noi the naRroytog Ihe mill. The boDer
■ • r*r to ate her lateaded rleremoved aad by
New hinillortK
___ __
gentle * moaner. Not a
be uead.
mark abovt oa the boy for hb experlGreat value*.
the bear. A pi
•under fiehaa' Fresram.
InealArovoahlp Buaday School
UoB to be held to Mtpleton
_______ OloDg ....
church on Jane 4th. 1M4.
vhea tbe bear attacked the boy. Jutt
in:«n a. m.. OXFORDS. filhO1 time before the rriura of hU
RcT, Oreaa.
from work.
? Swell, vnapiiv •iimDii-r
I of veleeme. Ur.
.J*. Ur. Brovn.
a ef 1104.
vlll Iv
y popular ihi.
...-.-g. JUplptea BebooL
data of the HIgi
"Who U reapoMlble for toek cd latefaool bat luu<
vaat la the Soaday School
vltoltont and Ibi
aavy corer
year. • The]
Paper. Miv. BaTol.
T b vblt*.
aad alg
printed ............................. .


Thar* win_____________ _

CIV.*8»Sy^l!v*l?*rte:». **'*'*

Heoartol day vin b* obaarvad by
trlaaOa Honday *i Ag- •* work aad
rteaharal hall. Wiaalbtb
_g ot grave* la the forvaoee.
ailbert If Travara* CHy will daP. C GUI
............................ I o-cloek


AMaa. art thar* b ao raaaoa why th*
toTMPn ahoaM aot orgaabe a ttoih
HHgihy art pet to a plant far thrairtiM. Thb hat bata gen* atoavberr
art baa graved to b* a paytog laveal■Mrt la Boa* at wrt a* grevMtog a
wkal tor lb* ktod at tom predHe
aand tor oMrtag pipoaM. a intb
■HP «Bi rtBk Birritotollag adtorL


Worth $2.50 \

U quite neaL They are alto Gad vUb
gold and vblla cord, the two color*
repreM-ailng the elate colort.
Oa Ihe Unit page It Ibe InTltotion,
trartier aeeure home

il nog aarrlcw.
1:00 Gaaeral


tr Hll* Oraharg.
Ogdaptbprg. MiBh. Hay ii.-Tb*
taraar* at ihb aagUoa ar* HaUag th*
rtatotab CM TB*t orchard. Svwy
7«r hortrrti of tree* bav* b*«B aot
PM b« thb year the pambar haa ham
toomaed by iboeaartv UltliaaWiy.
tba vboia BcciidB «UI be a eoeik - erehard.

Special Bargains in
Seasonable Tooiwear


S Gray, ai
Wartrtari Baaeh Will Opaii.
Morthpon. Mich. Hay IL—Hr*.
Hall art daogbUr ot Chh^ have
tawad the Knethport Baaeb \«al lor
•v* y*va. It b egpactad that
hooBv vUI be tvaaad duly 1.

eaath at W. M. Loach,
a. Mleb
at Soetb Boardtoaa.
i. im. Waalar HoaUagtoo
on aad Diae Iatoolbe.
Mr. Ltocb aa* bora la Bto awatr.
■tlLia*. Ataaaarirag*



■r*. tnaar.
Paper. Mr. Jamatee.
Report* ef Suday Behoelt.
Boec, HapIaUB Bchinl.
Clot* at a e'doek.
Mr*. Joha RolmM. Secy.

tbe data motto,
There or* »
id they oro
Itolle Cotu •a-Utl* Tbomat. Rob......................ritra Hoxala and Bra
F. D. Gill ha* bean atraated
Bailey. Bdra Gpdlke mad l^aade
OvotM art vae bnmghl back lo thto Poond.
He U charged vltb
oey from the Oread meal, Ctoorle* Imran. Lan Slein
Sapidi Furniture coainuit. TI
and Lonb Tlakham.
torn out by doee|i
id the stora.
Qltl It oulla a
red here
a Bomber of
avlag llred
He iraa emptied by J.W.:
Imogen* Cameron
led faU poeltlOB to go an Ibe road
icheirer. Nellie “iaber. Martha Hevcarpet boDM. H« ha* maay frieodt ;l. ChtrW Whli oad Albert
are vbo ore elnrarely eorry that be
It to trooble.
Lob Beofleld and Ethel Slater.
It naami that while be wa* la the
Blectlrr—Beatrice Ciavelaad. Harry
Otoptoy Bt Ihe eeapaay-ba told a chair
-.................. ITImfor «I7rt and dM aot tun to the
meuy. Ha alto thorgod with oalUac turntog to only
bat amount had '
Th# dlaeovarr_____ wlth fab paraata, eoraer of Ueton and
who bad bought iba Blxtaenlh atreata, met with a very ongood* cortag hack twaichange aeaa. fortunate arcldeat at Rapid City Mon­
Hie prwrtoua error had baea dleeov. day morniog at 8:16 o'clock while cutomtoed te make lag^ out car* He VO* employed on Ihe
He Ian tUe pe^
hotel frrtgbt nia north Monday morning
with CoDdurior Norton nnd to cuillag
fell under


VM terribly man^fri, Ihe lleah being
at IB* aiDov. It b
bought that one trock potted orer
be Injured leg and am. No hone*
rv brokea to Ibe leg.
Tvaaty-fire fiat or* bod been
picked up at WllUomaburg art Owaa
va* aaabtlac In avHcblag oot Ihe air
llh the Inteatioa of cntllag out
cvr*. Tbe bead brakemaa
•aw tbe young man os b* vent down
'' malao glre a tignol .0 atop
vbieh be repeated lo the oogtoeer
' atop voi made rery qnfaUy.
r. Ibowf be vat rolled over aerenl Umea
before (be Irvin came to a tUadetllL
The accideet via alao vltaetaed by
an uncle vbo via oa tbe (rola aad be
olao aav tba tlgaal at Oven faU. Tba
boy'a father. George Owes, via oa tbe
train but did not tee bb ton ualll after
uncle. Edd Orer-

Death at A L. hlarev.
uma* L. Marray. tr.. formerly id
cdiy. WH kOlad hf telltog from a
g* to MUwaatoe. OregoA. a« the
etog et May (.• Hay 7 a telegram
recHred by relaUraa to thl* city
boi thro It vta tbeoghl thai hb death
wa* from aaloraJ raaaa*. A latter
from hb mm WIlUam
Hr*. H. A. Hurray.
TTvy. oovervv. give*
the oecutiente.
1 the areatog____
tog ot May C Mr. Murray
bod been to a noetok
high vdivar tre«Ue bridge on bla vn;
he ronld lare eooaldanble db
nnd thb be dM. In aome maanar be (ell from thb bridge and va>
M to tbe rtree.
body trot not foood uatll Ibe
nert day. A* toqneat vu beU and
A vary pivUr veddtog ocearred at Ih* eeroMT decMed that be bod come
bb Itoath by ocddentol drovalag.
tba bon of Hr. art Mn. G. K. Barvhi bb opivtn tbot Mr. Homy
to*. Mi Baal BUfath etreat. Satorday
Tbe young a
•tmkg vhm C C. Man aad Hr*. wot atanhad by the fall and had bero lb bnek being ._... .. .
without raeorariag eonHIM SHUb vara raltad to marriage. drovnad
employed oa Ibe road Wa than a yror.
Bar. T. F. Ultom rttotoltog. The
Tbe boy vu met at the tivto by a •
ly had many frlartt to ibb
ptayalrtos art a rig and token to bb
borne vbere arary atlretloa poarible
vet glraa hlBL
rWaHva* were preaast Hr*. Bmlih b
Mr. Oven could not rally and died
Bit Trout on BrtlbWom
a HH«r
topbr ot Hr*. Bang*
Baram art faai made
Movday Bigbt about 7 o'clock from the
bH boato vKb bar for
Tba torgcM rftobow nmvt erar eSacti of bb tojurtro. He a^nr ta\yean, dwtog vbieh
enagbt art oared ollr* to Ub oeettoa IM from tba ahech and gradotUy
of tba ataie b now n exUUtIn la grew weaker nntlt death rmuavrt him.
Bacbtat'a aqaariiim. The troot vo* of all hb poto art laSattag. Bb:
brouebt b«r*
Sunday by Snrer
her, Archie Ovaa. from HuHu«Da.'
bcalbar* of Aon*. It fa thirty
> b a coadoctor oa the oaotk end ef;
'Mmto aflH Jan* 1 at S»7 Wartlar 1^ art weigh* nine mad thri
rood, did not raneh hb brother-f I
ur poodA Tbe fiah b a hni .
tide oaUl aftn- bb dmth art ns'
■jirlmiv art aaem* ptrfaetly eemteat- alM prootratad with grief. '
ed to hi saw iMMc. AMbo^ It ~ '

I moo vaa It yeara. »;
--------------------12 days old Olid iearoa a'
father aad mother to moura Ut lomk
A prayer aarrlee vaa beM at th*
boute. corner of Blgtaaalh art Unhm
• Mra. bS?. M tdTrMM'at'
■aU. 4M at ibat plae* r
altoiMaa at > eYitotb. Tbr tv
aarrtea* van b*H Imday aba
at t o’etaek. Vadartthar Andi
bad chargr cd tba arriagwiti
Hra. Oathrrla* B. Kallay v,
yeai* at age. For th* pati t«
yaai* ib* bat coednetad a betel to
HayMd aad .her trlavde are lagiev.
She bH bam a vldov far tvelva
yeat*. Tvo dangbiar* ar* left. Hr*.
tHtbert Hedge* tad Mr*. Btoneba

S* Iw



tba •:»

Par* Uor.

Worth $2.00

Door Pad.
els. white and

and raffled Cwuia*,tpacialFficr
Sfc. Ucatexpcct
a dollar ewtaln

Arabian. 35c.
to 25c.. each.

IX tU* poca.

it '



slock in this lim: th.'U wc ilo: mir only iroiibte

> ri(rr>’ ihr amount of
e lack room to show them properly.

W<- want in partu ul.n to call your atieotion to the line from ONIi TO
THKHK DOI.L.XRS: you will lind the preiiiest effects amonj; them that you have
ever seen. Our sali> on curuinb .-u this price have even vurprisci! u» ami wc expect4*il bin thiiit's. Below wi* yi' i' > iJu a (aim idea of what you may ttxpeci:
Kufflaii Muslin, tr. fancy stri|>e. Iibutcr. lace edge, prettiest effects shown anywhen- and in ibt urcatcst variety.
I'Ixtra line Nottingham, in a splendid selection of patterns, you will not 01 HA
..................................... •1»UU
Noitinifham. imiiaiion cable n itn. very rich effects, ail extra ijood cur- ftO AA
lain -I'l to ul’ inch wide, in.iny patterns, worth &J.50....................... ...............
Venetian Nets, vertical siriiKtr. full centers, plain centera. three anti one half yards
long. 54 inches wide, one of (he richest curtains shown (hi« season at

Fine Notiingliam, X enetian Nets. Cable Nets. Bretonne .Nets, in white and Arabian
color, plain center, rich hgured centers: this is a popular price and we 00 AA
are excei)tion.-ill> strong at this price: many of them are worth $4 for •O/W
At $5, $f>. $7. $S. everything entirely new. all the lautst and swellest designs: nothing
carrieil over: nothing like the selection ever shown here before.
.AIwa>-»> a bunch of Odd Curtains, one to three curuins alike. Just now the lots are
all new amt fresh and the price is al»a>-s1ow. Splendid line of Curtain Miilla by yd.

Store Closed All Day Decoration Day.

Bailn calf vampu and tii>' pen, good anlea and
—all solid leather.





Salle calf ahoea, all anllri.
good vearen. 8lx
tl-00: 211 II



them. Orivl
Siren i; I.. :.

Ever Seen Finer Couches?


Chllrtren't Fine Drero 8
Fani-y rlumioer SUpiwT-. marl.- ol



Jllfred V. Triedrich
It Always Pan to Trade Here and People


Ktniu '.


me€ati Give Vou
I'hr best for ihe pricr in

Feed, meal. Bran, middlings,
Corn and Oats
We buy noihinu but the bi'kt urain am) you net ihi*
pure article.

Che Season of

€oudb$ and 0oids
Is at hand—XVe have a preparation that
srill fix them—Our own make—We know
it is good—Our personal gurantce goes
with it—Wait’s White Pine and Spruce
, Expectorant—Money back if it don't
help you


WwIVw DruKStorwi

HThis would look swell in your parlor or sitting room.
goods we do sell.

Let i

show you what fine



Traverse Rcfgion.

atom mt Meadar hr Hra. tk. The^
aea aad U IpeMtot alooa aleelr "
______h« I
BelUIre Ian
panr at C Canoie'e ------------------------- -

am ai ikf Howw4 wluol boow

'*li5r*MSSV Bn«*r tm w8fj(l«« for

mm 1

Mn. Wrakaop m iracaL
A. c. WTPkoop i< aoriv l«
0«y preponr vblek' h* j«™i



,.»». jm.«“■ «•■*>■


art. Jofc» C. «or-

K. W. H«tl«l«l htf lDta»»-c»T

..M* HmhS. Ib« Onra Srirr
■Chao] leMbpr. nIM o« Mr«. Oanadw
U. BW»»3» iron to TMTcrM Oty
oe bmlBcu.iedtr.
We expert u hare • Be» blukesith
is thta place thl* MOA. He ,*lll
here feoB Pearl Lake.

M Otr
jlrt ffritle VaranoB of Ba^
««rt W e W. WIHIMH*
vMted her Irothera for a jfe* dapa

"rimen mre W txw
*■ ‘^’oifk aad wttt Ml ta^ Moadar
tnr necst nla aa<
: _ ^
cro»4 ntlMT «M. lor Oklaboiaa.
: Mr.'and Mn. Bon labaacn of Do*U «o«l »or fnrit
— are elilUBd ber*.
Dr. Potu of Soolb Boardaan baa
W. O. DK*«»»»
toto tbe t-------------------- -■ta. J- A. 8»anbooL
Mr Rernolda o( Hartford la ....
ins bta daasbtere. Mn. CcBbUn aad
tea U Tialtins ber 11'.
0 wa» bora to Mr. and Mrs. HcAlUater.
Hrs. Crabain of Trarernr CUy la
nookiBt of Oraad RapMA rWltos ber, daoshicr. Me*. Oeorsf


■” ™“‘”■: 3S*SV^oiS« S.S..

ed the eoa
dar and T
Pearl McLauihTIn la <
Tbe doctor aara ahe ia oi


*»iir to Mr. aM Mr*. Jaha

Mr. and 1Mn Le*l* Praakto Hr.

Oaa touw^k tola. bU.
Cr. Maba aad Mr*. Aiklaaoe droee
da M«te CHr last tharsdar.
rnm Barttoek to worklaB Tor Mr.
ildaeoa waa ptowtas tor
■a Btolser for a eoople of^ja.
PM. Jacobf etohed tbe Vtak'.ibn*
Vn^eto3*’ehlldreo from b>»
_a«ad to* aisblb srade exaBli
to Oabome



Mr. aad Hn. Roter* aadet .
Im CMB* to toelr OMtace lor tbe
Mr.-and Mn Htrab
mma to toelr rotlase at

elected the WloedBS oMcera; Prem iW Jobasoa-s Drag Btore nod r
dent. Mra. Elerta Caonie: etoe preal-> Meada.
deni. Mn Sarab Wllaoo; aeeretarr.;----------------------------Mr* Carrie McComto; ireaanrer. Mn-

^. . .. .

Frleeda rhur^ Soiidar
”?be"w. H, M. 8. *11! meet on Tbonafterj^. Mar l«tb. at tbe borne


Mra. Canale Mar id.



Bo* I

Beniail of Bbennan *111' bold ‘~k>ra. to Mr and Ur*. H. E. BMrd.
• •' •*>•> CoQsresaiioBal chureb i lur *. * aoa
............................... ...
D. W. Reroolda ha* been called

Quick Arrest.
Oulledge of Verbena AU.. **e
itfan- who U very 111.
f elsbto gtatle
Dr Boylsa rbioraed FTdday evealns twice ia the boapl
hoaplul from a
ve Friday aadjf^ , ,,0 week*' vlali la Deiralt. case of pile* eau.log M tumm
DunUy Mr. Carr of Empire ccDdurt ;
.................... , doctor*'and all remedies fdled. Buck
Itbe etamlnailoo.
k„, w. U Balitl of WimamibiiT*. len • Arnica Salve oulckly •rrmc'l
C. T. C. *11! meet wUh Mr*.
been riritlt.e ber aoc »lBee Tun further ladanitDaUoe and cured bin.
ork on Friday. May rth.
^m Baird came Saturday U eonqueni aebe* anrl kill, pain
F. H
Mn Kins aad daushter Gr^ of
wuraed toto Btoralns
:« 4obn*oo'. ITuk 8''« •««'I f
toe Naira*. rIM.ed Mr*. A.ble>- on I
^ ,ouns ladle* came oui Mead.’,
frt>m Traverse CKy lo rlilt toe Mto.e.

cords. Slit-ei Music.eic .as wiHinve ft dlii* store.
hinh-ffrade and fiillv nuaramce>l.
Call and examine the

II a
I year or two ago tbe eatof Japan wa* an entbu*la»l Ic
wre*iler. He threw out challenge aft
er challenge to tbe member* of the
court and bl. eouaael and advlaer.
aad defealMl falrlr and completely
everyone who tried coaclniloa* whh
him >1X111 hi- met Count Tet.u, who
oy for him. Slue.proved_ ,.
~i.e*Tle ^U«on ha* bought Ed Phil­
that eencouBler, alihougb he eocourip.' farm and all the perwmal prop ue* 'be .port In every pouible w»y,
be fa. kept out of tbe area*. "CotiDi
r’ Merrill ha* traded hi. hotel
Tet.u l» now chanploh." he t
and livery property 10 3. W. Hllllker
lor s-fsrm hear Glen Arbor. He ha.
alM) tohl hi* mldence to Ml*. Weldoir. Mr Merrill will eoatlnoe to reelde here unlil fall, wheo he will move
10 Glen Arbor and Mr. Hllllker will
move here.
While Orivlnc oae af B. J. Uorgaa'a
rery team* home from loierlocben
»t Friday evenlag. Holll. Grlflln of
Trateree City m« wlih an acrident
out him bl* life
HI. team hefrighlebed al a fiwigbl train
he wa> driving pear Pal Gold­
en'. farm and .toned to ran Before I
ley wenl tar the boggy .Irark a log.]
iiowtng Mr. Orittn forward In .ueh
wa'y a* to catrb hi. foot uoder the
-uggy and hi. Itody In front of the
from axle, and la that poalilon he w*.
dragged a dl.ianee of over thirty rod*,
whea the team became entangled
Ire fence and all
stopped, with1 the
-Jie la
buggy turned partly o
hto head
Jurvd man hanglai
— n. In *
at one
and oae-l
helpira. al leut
Id. He wu found
bour* In Ibe
O'clock by some young todle*
e Campbell
wbo railed for help at the
** toe Aral
Byron Matoe** wa*
,g scAe and

C. Whertock of Traverae City wa*
] Kingsley Tbundsy looking after
IntereaU here.
Bula and Call Roger* ■
leaslM victim*.
Harrison WcMmaa

aa hto tom.

iadse Lorea Roberts of Trsvi
Ily ini
Ity *** to town Tuesday hioklns
The. I. Rngert and vrife vere ^m in*a
«r Ibe lateresta of bU lam^
ChAA Roe A Ca of Harbor Spri _
Dunn Tlalled friend, la
have lakra the )ob of drivlas the pUe*
ae City Friday.
for Ibe ae* dock. Work besaa PrlRalph Case retamed Batarday
a bu.lneM trip lo Walloon Lake.
W. Parrut to able to be a
Mlu Dal.y Uilli went to Fife Lake
tbe houfc after aa fllaeati ef a
ba la operalkiB.
Friday lo attrad tbe High ncbool
ro Doatbs.
Hn. J. H. Robbiaa will go to Ohio
graduating exerriie..
She r
Ja*. Kellie pad Steve Dima atiead.
tkto week to rtoll her aged a
1 toe elghtb grade exanilnali~ *'
wha to la Tcrr feeble beaHb.
te'urday evening about 9;.7n (be
laple Ciiy Friday and BaWrda
.C. T. Cederstea had toe mUforliving in toe vicinity of W.
. .
t^e to step OB a naU Iasi week aad
Daaa'a mill were attrtled
Bttriled to dUcovi
>** Ruaday.
Ina baan laid np tor aone days.
tame* bi.rwtlng ti­
ihraogh .he roof of
I. Curtla and Chapaua.
A daaee waa shrae at tbe boi
the mill
By the effort*
ellBS a
Beta Cemmr Batarday eretrias
Itoa. Lnabart nforaed to ber
from the Dill, «
Uadley Wooer -eat To B
.Ia Ornad Raplda aUer a tons
eooteat*. Only t fe* of the
Parraai toA a trip to TTar- which lay aesreal tbe am vere 1
•igla of the Ore I*
eras City Wedaeaday to ptnto
lou to between >:
eral draft honas tor D. H. Da
aad I3.O00 aad there wa* do It
-W. M. Bteele of Nortoport
aaee. Ur. Daaa will bollit again.
act as h
8 B. Curdy came up from C
dhto ea*

ne DID Btsned ap

.Ml these Koodsare

Satisfaction or your money back.

late style Kl.MIUU. I'lANOS-they 'are

W. W. Kimball Co.

l'29 Front St.



N. E. STRONG. Mngr.



The Largest and Most Complete
«ill brintf

Kxira large coaind Wash Bttwl,
r-01. for only,..............................| 9c

braised hut
taaa loose from the
ill eoniiciou.
baggy and carried him to Ibe resldeoc '.>r Rev W. T. Hill, where h*
died ai S:nb the aexi morains. H>- remalaed.ln hto right mind and wa- able
np to a short time before be

A double malc-l enamel


like cut, for only’...:.................


time, fot only.................


A Iriple-csaietl enamd CnsI.i.lof. while iitskle...........


Triplexmie l eiuuod Water
W.iiildnT any woman lie happy
After year* of backache .uffering.
Days .if misers, night* of unr.-M.
The dl.ire*. of urinary rronbl.v. .
She Unde relief and cm-:
No reason why any Traverwi City
rrader shoifl.l suffer id the face of erl-1

Pail, white ioaide,only.. 60c
IVc have all kinds of Kitchen Uienstto'in this ware al

Same Ranke, with high warming closet, large encascl
Onaranleol to burn wocxl or coal pertectl).

A^^MerriU. of «1 Websterl
atreel, say.: "I suffered from attack*
of backache (or sixteen years, and Just
nous <0 taking Doan's Kidney Pills
■ irooble became very severe.
iVT aoffered so la my life from nervmess, headactra, and other die..leg symptom.. 1 wa. often laid
up and my black was coDsunily w^
Ihan's Kidney
and aching

Ekcsplionally BU
Ualuts in kockrrs



treaeing 1

Over 3«l styles to seleo from.
A large, beautirul arm -roder. just
like cut. aide, quarter sawed ^
back, <|Uirier sawed, ihm-cd seal,
solid frame all put logelhn wHh
bolts, fine finish, (irorth M.?.'!),

.ary to us.wish for .
II dealers.
Price I ,
sale by a.,
»'r«ier Mmmrn Co.. Buffalo, S.j
•for toe rolled Slate*. I

cgl<bralc.l 'Moore- range with

our price.

Ouick mul
In east es»k Stems

TVbea doctors tall try Burdock Blood
liter*. Core, dyspepsia. ronsUpaon: Invigorate, the whole .y*t«



UTiy bum your haiuk and
l>e bothered whh the pootir

: any price you wan', commencing at a No.

L (o>............................................. $e.50
Irons when at oar

»nd M OD up.

- —"t.


-ecu pleuc pou on

nr r.npc.

km.l of

Sit bam an Immense Rssertmenl

Baby Carrisge*.



Fd.ling tad

tLecliniag Oo-Cariv


can fm.! anything yoo want si )bm

you want




A chilli ten yean old can do a wato-

Full line of a-OTHKS WRING.
F.kS, eocamencing with a goo>l tub



................... 2.76
Anything yoa want for the wash room at same pioporiirKvilly kraprice*

Full Cine el
Sesdag macMses

S«m* Bis Spvcisls
In triple-coaled, fled enameled ware.


enamel Coffee
qt, like
ike eat,
■ 65c


Wholesale and Retail


™. l.n,

pu>f.iMe.d fb. If. jun.

dieap as tinware and it will outwear a dozey tin.




Our pricei make tt acarl) a*

J- w

| .75

A guarameed wringer for.. ,

Don’t Forget
Our Carp« and Rug department, s* that ia where we are giving
some exceptional values. The other day a dealer here m tusn a*ke>!
me what wra tbe use«f our s^iog cafpM an<l rug* so close. It is
because we can afford to. We boy theta in Urge riuantilies to vu,d>ly
OOT three stores, and we^cao afford to sell ibem close.

si qt. for............. 45c


wringer for........................................

A bench vmager. will hohl two tubs,

Siqt for........... 35c

8. Kelle]^ to paluiag fra Mr. Sadwti
ear Orawa.


I IJ.Y”(the most perfect

ing with this machine.


a sreek rento a box ta our

\Vc hue a complete line of Wasli-

washing machine made), just like cut.

like cut,

ami prriai; cfes.

Less than 4 cents

Slasbln* mads Easy
mg Machines, commencing al

I olhen wou'al ask SSO for it i our

,«pcra xre safe trasn Jam


IRONS lordly.. »|.60
Write a card for circulars telling all sltoul them.



Hieeiat. ' just


W OO, indsoon right up to the

pay. ' From

ItolieMt anJ ether valuable



price yon caa get a set of

li qt enameled Tea
and Coffee Pots, inst like
0.1, for......................... |9C



los- iwieei.




\Vc have a few l•eninsllla^ Rati«c.k that have been usc.l a shon time, which we took back in cxcbanK»e for ^iefc
Meal Ranges, ihat we will closeout at the followint* imcrii. .


School begiBS te district No J
May :
. with Mlu Ltoile Dona
She boards with Mr*. Darto
George Harm has rnied hto farm
to Mr. Kidder aad has gone lo Hesick where he
be *..
will ran
n a buicber
Bvati Priest has
•a's bouse.
-E Ctolvrr Win Robertac has tbe frame all
to to* cHf today
ap for^ new hotma
M. Hswiu eff
Traverse CHy to .
Kra^y has toe waft laid fhr
toajamia of T«'
. her* la tbe mHi
g a few day* ia toto
Hto* ABBS Cadbam ef Sattcmi
Will Hicks has booght «d aera* «
ml Buaday with Mra.
»• Prwriag to btfld a



Ashonmem of »tcr.l ranges amrsiovcs of all kimls that yoiM'vcrpaw. ami at ihi-pricfg. fVeryomnew cusiomi' r*

g for the ben.
aonlas. and bastaea* to raablag
rn out;
of ISiH V
WhoapiBS ceasb to qulie preralem the gradostlag < a*,
e palh. Dr. Tbomas'
saeresa^ The net proceed. •
- a. Reedek to solas to imtaa hto barn
e household remedy.
Ov aebeel had a loelal the Kto and
■ade aoiBalblas ornr |l. wbh
t tbou^ Dr. Won
-ba seed to bay lanpa and caru
Sam Brava of Traverse fhtr spent
Bora, to Mr. mad Hn H. V
be week with bto pareato. Boberi
Mrs. Ilolmea, a lister of vuir pastor,
nwa aad wife.
- ■
wbo ha. been a member of hi. family
^ le^'bOT treB Letoad atieadet
Roy Peaw and family of Traverse
>me year.; started Ibto morning for
Don't lei the mtVe oae* suffer
tbe aaeM at the aefaooi.
Ily have moved here tor the samansa* to visit her dtngbi
ecrem* or other torturing skin
I. Wasbo to BoelBS a baaiw h
jer. Mr. Pease will lo1lo*|hl« trade
BmalliKii ha* closed o
No need (or It. OwB'e Olatagain
The teacher came down ____
*’»**Manta to worklas oa a .
it the serood day after school opened. raie .kill .M any drug stora. so eenu.
•aspole for tbe acbool. Tbe acbool Wedae«lay.
wlU dose Joae 1st wito a plealc.
Warner aad wife it Sutioni
B. Brawn made a bnlBaaa trtp
(ram her* WedThe Grand Rapids papers
TTbrwra Oty yasterdar.
‘ ging about a tin pound stiirgi
Katie Jetonaao to woiWas for Hn
ct..g1il li
le the river there toe oihwedding on Tbarsday
• day The mystery
. .
1*. however, how
le Grore dUtrtei toto week: and *
Kale sad Mary Noratny are b
■ease erawd ' wRaeaaed
a fish of thatI .He
couM gel around ia'
Big BJ
tAar bdas away all wlaMr.
U tbe Oenaaa Lutheru
the Grand Rive
liver without iu'lng either
AB Ibe torawn ai* boay cactii
Baru ta Ihi. villata.
________________ ________ half
! half
wal or .tuck In toe a
John Peter* had tbe mUfonuae of; from Cedar Run. where be has been |k>l the time
loatag two Bngert la Ibe ablnsle mni all week pnming orchard*.
----------Saturday. I> Slepleka atieeded tbe
Hw tnderight ha. been quite j Herman toirblG. a hov. *., arrested
tick. He was threatened with tyi*oi« , „ ^,,^.0 j„, sieallog a ride, aad was
Mra. Wd. BDlih of CbarieeoiA
glvea one hour to get out of town, la
baa bean rtoltlns reUllrea ai___
order to make sure that he would gel
ptaea and Elk Baplda. returned to her
.. ----------------- , -------- 00, lo time he stole a bicycle which
e infant ehlM of Levi Pbralt and
boate iut pyuay.
was buried at Prorrmoot laat
■ton Rena Hnara of Elk Rapid* Tnaaday.
rode out of
vbMad at P. K Sonrs- one day - later and b
Mil. Maude Pbeati of Sbrilsad
A hard (roai last algbt. IMd no damla town a lew days ritlUag relad
«e tbai we caa diacover.
and cblldiea Fand friend* this week.
Tbe W C. T. V. win htdd their aarerac City are ytolUng Mn
McPhail of NoRbport did pro—
--^■VDd-a pareau, Mr. aad Mrs. A -------- 1 work la towi# Tbnrsdar and
Tbe tafsai eblld at Mr. aad M
Mil* Aaea Schwarg vtolied ProveCbnrta* Beebe died last Tbaraday
mat on Saaday laat.
wing to
beanrhllH. Tbe toaeral was bsM
■s Donse.
Seven! of our (armer* are laklog
toelr (eacea and ptowlag to Ibe
m. and Hn K O. WItBle and Mn
wijL entry wars Ttaearae City rtoCotne* when m know
Mr». Alherf D^ 7m RapMa. tor^y him Utsto Qee of toto PhD*. pastors sad delecatea a
Geo Uadaey
Uadae sold Ue Oae mpmm of
beraea last week at a fancy price.
I ^
Vera Van WIe Iravea today fra hi*
Bbe leave*
Mree, . amto..
I. Plesaaai. Mick
aome from here 1
a brotoer. bsaldee a gnat
ed tor edghto gr
-----------a ber toll.

The factorj- itrices and liberal terms make ii possible for

neiwly everyone to own one of these splemlid insinimenis.

nisard I* rtianlns a
Ferd. BIsard
" 'on In ronnxtloB
wlih bl.
, ket.
McCowen and family vl.lted
Henry McC
amlly Sunday.
|G. A. Brishai
vUltod friend* here
■yl. i Urw J. T

Tbe Ea*i Bay and Blair a.
Ill hold a conveniion a< il
*cb<*>l boure Saiiirday. May :
la no priisram arransed. but I
Bastlik aen-lcea were bald la the elded tc use toe one irtren li
soclailoii Eeboe*. All are
‘^HuptoTtelela'le eerrlalek with
tbe srlpT*
Miss Ida 8. Daso drore to Bnpire
last Tueadar to rlalt her ailer. Mr*
.pben Barieo died very .uddenly
B. T. Mlllran.
Birtl. Mr. Birtnn had only heeo
Ora^aa BorBead. Mn >t*B Bur. a fe* moath*. bin darinK that
• -■
- "-raer are .till oe
' he made maoT frieed*. Ur*.
tbe abk tin.
Barton »illl *iirvl»e» bim and «he ha.
TiModere Cook of Trarbrse I
ilby of tbe whole enmmnnliy
elBtltos -lib b------- -------------tro*
aad Mr*. John Daso.
D T*
Oeerse Dooaer of Trawr*e C«r
bi-lr* of .
(pant a fe* dar> cf last week rUlilaS
ate* bare aold their Umber to Flofrleeda and reUilrea of ihia place.
T Hammond for tl.MW).
Mr. OoEar. who bai bee* rtolUns
ha* Juit fialsbed
Ui dkoshier, Mra. Peter Bortead aad
I. well
He etruek waier at the
faally. relorned to U* bom* la Tnr
deplh of ton feet.
CUr la*l Toesdar
mkI of review will mcel *l
•nlrar'. midcofe oa Timy 17, and oa Monday and
Soadar wuh ber pareau al Ibto place.
Tueiutav of The folDwIae week.
J, E Mahan of Elk Rapid.
buslne*. trip to Travetwe City oae
week and oe bl. way baek
E T. Piar went to
bone railed on Mr Devendorf of Ra.t
Bk lUpIdf
C H. Gardner want
Mlaa Louie Dartooa, wbo. to workiBS
Is Tnrerae CUr. *P*til Buarti
Htoa Verna Oardaer has so**
TrsTerse CUr to work for Mn T.
Htoa Btanebe Aeerr to cooflaed
ber bonw with tbe nwaalee.
T. A. Crandall aad wife aad Meade
O. V. Holme* of WalioB wa* la loarn
-------------droveddown to C. H
________ Banday.
J. S. Broara wai a Traverae Clly
Ctareaee aad Ota Fairbanke
caller Thursday.
A. While —at down from Trav-

_r. Porter Jt
r A. ti. weoeter.
Oant where to. ....
ablBsle Dill to rvaalas
gp. He dinee back.
blast BOW..
Oarl fUebardaoa hat a new car
Mlaa Verna Oardaer look iha elshth
Mr. Dpryea loat a botn# aaf
snde eiaalaaiioo al Wimatoabars
ImB waafc.
Thuradar and Friday.
: Hr. Bardr baa told tbe lart 10
ml hto (ar» to K. Cta. one of toe pretHBATBh. '
tM tarnt aa Leas Lake toad. He

Small Insmiments. Musical Merchandi^-, TalkiuK Machine* and Re­

.... .


‘^J^Trnax «aa called to
°Omee Lfdell baa the
iHt *oeh on ac«nal of the
Bee. Miller of TraeeipelCliy *111
ptwA here ae« Bondar m^lai and
W. a Boekea enalen^lan foHa«
M ^»t«—«e« Is tbe sau taUrdP
Qoarterlr i
Oonsb baa raated ber
^rnmErnamSim^ te tbe

______and Le«to Praakito
/>dmoe Balordar to attend
•ow capper.
and Mr*.


Mra. Cra*ford baa maned troni for aeote4<o»yrb.aM
A. K. Belllacer baa
ha the haaw np Indiana, where abe apeni tbe wloM.eo I praaeftbad tna*.
for a vareboose and
wUb ber dapshiCT. Sbe la toblns care satoad
^ *mai
Hr*. Braaebrldde. «bo baa been . ab attacb to Id —
rs arc poMUe^r K
T 111. bot la better
at Ibla *riUas.
r “t


in anvihiag you w

Tnnitture '
And large
lea from, so you c I find just adtat ytM wan: at just what yoo w
to pay.

Reliable Home Furnishe

Biia •••



nmmr af Parte PaU Afala.
Part*. Maj- M.—A speela] eOlUoa id



etrvngih of tbe nrar
from drownlag. Thla I. to tUn* rt
G«e«ra] Wood regard* It a*
dark bene, bat Ibreogb a aid* rldicalon* for loldlen. who ar* Itobk
b* ordered lo ford river* or dleetnntraaceereni for toe coup to* whole
tart. Ilka* I rt from eranspnu
plna ha* COM to
wbo Mr. I
of lb*B»*lv** under tbee* etr
Balto’i eawnno^ wtu be ee tbe cni-.
lanm. The napoo*** fron tb*
cresflooal IkArt. ThU has fallen to jcan»ianc*..
_____ 'of
Oerrill J. Dleheain
of HoUand’nnd
HoUand aad tolarwir
to .*r«r to
- bU .oggertloB ton

leletraai (nia St. PaUnbari rrtin^
aUM Ik* nmer OM Port Artoor ha*
•LrntM* tf II. fUpmrt noiint talloB.
k IMM n>«>7 MK«**
Oraad Lad«« K. of P.
f 4Mtrerlat iMr
Detroit. Hick. Her ll.-Tk* aaaaa)
»Wt Ait>»r •« tfc« «—y e«»< «»l>Ik* craad todt*. Kalibt*
tw* K, AJalni To*o r«*on. to
drl«cato* ara la a
jmo ikM M kw tMrt BU7 «>l>^ . .
Taeierdar wa* tl**a imr to to* ■
• . Use of heartj approral.
flew «to« MV * •»« «W*« t** *•“» rorMd raak. to* fealare ketoc a prti* to mien hktn puflM ~
- Hnrrr; ba* begua tbe
sBtUee to fkror rt
rill la ahkb Oimod Sapid* »oa to*
‘ IknikB of a paper to Moor* N»,
of Grand RapMe
flea pfwall* (ku to* RanlcBi. *»■
la*« A tiai prt**. »«. aad Balti*
.^toB eouoir. Ark- a plac>
nek to* *«»ad. t)M. AIMoe anfl
epflriw ol MMdIu «k* lannm. ar*
:icKind*d and named-------- ,.-mr»
M claie B prtw. UK.
T not bf algeli
tmtnrtn tltoif rtip. return, lo to*
Th* kalchu were afldallr
Wanhtogton. Mar U-•ncaaUw «f Port Artkar.
0B*d to to* cltf toll Borala
prasUentlal boom of Sep
Tke Ok* Poo eofT**aoa<toal tH tk* Haror Uarbarr. Tkl. *r*W^ O
tUtt of IIIlBDiS
cd 0*MS am excoipufl
rapMir U '»
dnil Roosevrll
tion of F
1 la tor
With ao d*bu. o
. I l*^»ikk J* a caio of acarlr IJM derlai
• Toa. toe ord«r eaa Jaatir lay
iM to betac la a aoarl*blas
Soort.bla* rroadl

Tht KlB« Tim Ham AIwbri Semghu
wWkk hw b«ta
la «ae Ibr trrrr 80 Ttara, bta k**we the rtgaatitrw «C
— oesA hn. Man »aAe midew tan ata-



MM at Aiija.
■eoal. Mar IL-Two fcaadiW Rw
alaae ka** aitocM Aa>a. tat »n*a
•gaih o( VUa. IPA etoall Jaaaaaa*
wntooa t* etabkondr MMAtaf tk*
IMTI aad to* aikt bi *un la PNsraaa.

b not ive_________ ; everTthing bot H van havekld.J. hvm <r
ireubk li wlU be iaond
sttkerenedryottneed. I: has beenieitrt
;»om*arwaya inboBbali srs, lop.vale
fnoke. amonc the hflpM* to*poor >« p«.
rtw- labri and hu prewd m aoscemjol ts
evoTCajEtbu a Bacsal ananferrwat lus
bees made by a-WebaH readers cl ii-» paper
vke have net alrca^r trtrt it. may have a
ample bonie lenl fmc by mail, a sc a bsok
IsUinf mere abeul Svamp-Rooi and |.ov is

B aar eoeieat la t
a, a. to* rale id
Id propi
tkai Id ofleen.
loa i* elooelJ loUoaed. Oraad
aeellor SmI* ol Laaalac alll
.... aad b* all] k* »oee**ded bjr W
Haaptoa id CkarlrenU. to* pr*>
awlor Tt« toaorellor. Tb* loar*i
•e* la toe «r*iX lod** U tbai
tread oeier toard aad th*i* ar* fc
caadldaiea ' ‘ “•*

Part Artkar I* eat oR. Tk* dl.patok.
«Uto traa aaal »to CM Ptoo aad •
Tbe preeeet oacera of tb* grud
lodge are; Oiaod ebaaoellor, Robert
Mar atoUoaa:
0. Bieele. Uaalag: grand riee chAa•■Prodoe* U arrlrtat la frtot «aaonellQr. W. B. Haapian. Ctaarlrroli:
«IU** fro- BP to* rtrer. Tbe Jasaa graad prelate. C. A. PalBer. Manl*•a* troiv* ato rtareklac froaa Peat
Lsler *( anu. P. L
■o: grand keeper o
amt toOBrd Pppee.
ordi aad aeal. M. O CortU. Baiil*
Artkrt I* oat 0*. Parfacd order pre­ -reek; grand maitei- ol exekeoner. 8.
vail* a( New Ckwaar I do aoi aa
reniel, Haatlnga; graod Inner guard.
tkdpM* iroaM. or tthttot to tola .1. C. Cnrielon. Sault Bte. Marl*, aad
raad enter guard. Ira Currr. Oweaio
Bercral iaporunl cfaaage* wrre
A dMoUk tnm Orm Tk*. Tkibel.
Bade br the grand lodge. Kolgbir ot
tadar atata* toat TklMtlaa* fcar*
Pjrtola*. at b daal ****k>a to Deiroli
.1 Id toe Brtttortc. Tk* Tklbatw* are decided to chang* lb* dal* <rf ibr an
anal Beetlng to ih* third Tu*»dir Id
8eptrnib*r and th* InrHailoo to mi
Womr Atottof
aeal rear to lackaon wa* arcepb
Tbe Baeal r**r waa alio cbaaged tma
lo Jnlr 1 aad toe grand ekaaPpM Itotor. *«!
u auihoriied to appMnt a
Mi aad Mtotato toat wool
coBBlliF* of «»* to go oT*r th* eoriaaatsl to to* •**■! ar* ketot i
elllDtloa aad ataiut** and *ngg»*l
aoeh aBendBem a* bA}’ 1« d**B*d
a* Md d*BtrtiTed.
A dlapatob fro* 8t. Pel«**b«f aan adrliable. Thla coBBlitoe will b* at
ark dBring toe rear and rubBit a
OflMral Stoff baa Md* poblle a ll sport at the neat aenaJon.
(Mlatolw to* aasM et tweall •
On toe aubfeet of glrlng r««gBltJai
Mrt* aad •** wbe wer* killed •
> the Batobone Sbter*. Ibe delegate*
) toe lapnaae lodge were toilrueled
MMd tk* torpedo trasiport Aai>
> Die Ibelr toaoenc* to Ihi* eod. pruAFtl
- Tk* mialed *Up w*i l*rta«
rided Ibe Ratobooe Bbler* and PytbiwhMa to to* karkor when ibe almto lae Bitten, tbe latter being a *liDlbr
•w aad wak. car NlekoU* I. *»•
Beeting of tbe tnprrse
iiir-rr aaiioa* to go to ib* float
1 egpected that tbb------'
tl la tikoir toat ke BUT po to toe tor
^ _
ill be broaibt abcni.
BM akai* b* «aa b* oo toe tnaiBd (bat toe ladle* will get the recogeliloo
re *0 lobg deilred. Before adto adrto* wtto 0»aeral KaropaU
. toe grand lodge appropriated
toe next ananal perade of the
Lakdoa. Mar t» -* diapaii* w to*
aartar Totegraa eortlW Iro- Tokto enltorB rank.
Satoboo* BUten oonctoded
MTf tk* Japaaeto toipado beat No. 4(
otlDeaa wlO^he election and
«w dwliapad reaterdar whne r*a»T■at a tola* to Kerr bar kocih ed Ta- flea belag deroled to addreaaea br toe
1 temple oBeen. Grand Chief
ata waa. The oaaaytto* wore **«»
an aanounced ton abe bad been
HIM aad aeraa tojorad. Thla, add*

« br deceive foa la thta




outr-d ibai repuuilttn amigig bo fel
I-I* jirelaies to Rom- Th- rarcliualBo l archbishops there with alxrtn hba- made friends say laugbtogt' iba'
■<> -tan oui oo a moratog s walk t ub
iheir Amt-rican brother Is like duiDg a
......r- .1*01 ..f iH-nanr- Tb-rardlnat

Tb* i
_ ________ _______ a to* *dBlnl*-i*t led tbn poI>g*iB> r
lion of Prerldeot RooaerelU Sena- h; d.-Bed Twain to rliv an>' (me.
* Culloio and ItopUna, Speaker'” *rripiur<' rhai forbad-- the prart
• bow ab
uon and Gorenxir Richard Yatea ' '
rr choaen drelgll** at large to ih* ll:
repnbllrao nitloaat rooventio*.

Mkb., Mar 1«.-The second
piano recital
toe O
•erie* of reclulf «a
leg* ebapel
chapel Tbundav
Tbundi: erenlng hr Ml
Florenre TbOBpaon of Traveree ClirMil* Thonpcoo was gire
b) tb* Pbi Alpha PI fral* Dlt>. Sbe Ls
Mrs. n C
lb* daughter of Mr. a
Tbosipsnn of Traverse
Gefler.<< New*.
of Prlnm* Angelben
cot ball to
prince** of
-a at, Vtonn* **u»c<l a seOMlioo.
wore 4m> large diamond* am!
nil-m. maar the alt* of a haiploui.
Uenenl Nelson A. Miles bas been
iTiied to attend lb* Kaasas •emiceo
l**s anil parade os
e egrrtl***
ps<lar. Mav =1. He aaw a good deal
mllltorr service there when Kan. wa* a lerritor}. Tbe plans for th*
plirazloD are Increastog to magulIP. and It Is no* promised that



a prtrau totter wriuea br
oMeer at Pert Artkar. •

waa ton dallr aapenlagtheeMilwloCidhb
Tkr oMecr
oMeer re]
_ _ rwdr to '_____
flaai aad esprraaed aurpriae at to*
Srt that to* eaeav had dalared *o
toM- He eaW tb* lorUM waa

bero worship. e»-n In lh«
from Uerlin. A mei
tM-ins creeled In r - Srbor«ede. a*
Zehdenlck. on the
he killed bis o
emperor stood a
anillh stag.
CMime Bft>
tl llluatrious
grave *
nnod h
ih.- :nth of Seplen

Seoitof riitinm driipp--d In
,n etlUur friend ot his doan ih
nd while the, were rbaUlDg ll

M^yS^ra beroa^ w«h boM

_ ^ ^ _____________ to ewenaat
aoMia aad ceokdeal of boMlad oat
tor aloe BBatha or a rear awtoat aar
•Mber or to* eaeair. eta* IT toer
I------------- flad* 1*0*. Oeoeral KaroOMHooSerad Oweiai fltowael RtoSSmmiM. bot tk* Uttar decltoed
IbMt. aartoi hr Mdeaewk aea aad
did wt «aie to raa toe MS af *0 «|ddaflto a* tb* rwaM et oaw crowdlai.



Saw oeeaptod Kama Ub «m. ilnr

noAtow Chwaag «orTe*poad*at cf
Ik* metur TatociBB eoBtiaBr wMa
that a maor ha* rttotoad toar* et ao

are boar dtaBtatllag toe gae boat
Tbe Jepaoeee troe«e eaoaaae toadtaf «l PMeewo aad tb* ndlrood ho*
hoao oat oBto. aeeeateea Bito* oT
the ifoto baiod lao*. Th* boUth are

A Pari* iMor haaUthatPortAr-

Omt ta* taltot wHb to* tort fd iddM
■ta w boto aMto*. Thto lapMt b


in Use For Over 30 Years.

sul thst
claim. wiU^ bmrd W—
N— Ihe.
sail town. -* n.urflar. tha aah day uf tab-eealaiw

ll mandaiort
Ibe toll This spring,
iSsi prt-i
-t-redeols. Sbeiiff
tin.-l to .
p.| did so afo
ad swi-arinr id

It |.■f5^Sh^“o-5e-«! that pulda
th-ewf la- gl'en 1-3 |4llitl.aU..B ida-.-J

-10 does not lose hi*
lo the toll prt.j“-r)
ars Tekonsha gm
Tb-'ii tl.»
spring, (b-- '
saloon bas b
*'W-.gtiia .ahwin "

H-efld. . S-4.0-I— l-rtnl-l and .

. .,stM Ui' onate tg H
OkoHATe: Iikl-KK.-Istat- «( Ms-l.-cas : ^n.-aat-.d—d. WB
r-jDstt of Urwad Tva—ew w
: 4u.l .1—wj> r—
at t ww4tw -r Uis Pe-iwi. t ««rt t-r th. 1-1.,»Hl Frvd»ur-»i
.4 Untn-lTr.'-—. h;44-i ml Ih- Pf. ,i«h-. t» th-Clty .4 Trm.rt
W-. .A..-. I. th- -t', .4 T-.->'l^ <11. <« twall « wad wtLeswn—. -« .

n- Urn- ago a uni-iillayisnn-. N J fortm-d u
eorteir. d'-clning Ibai
ere detidloc Sliogelber



jM -tar <4 Jitif. a It led. a, m -' l-e* ■'
tb- f.,m>-4t Is a—.re-d <.,r th* k-tst-ir -d -uwaly batd as Ib- Prataae tatw la Iba lYIr

111- I aadtl I. Ijrtl-f -ir-t—l.lbwl Mid wtM—e


them t.,

i,'i-to-r-I^.To’-ao-ihc'a'^xsaj a
1* p-tUtw,-d le (b-iir.wd 'Ttwi—r
.“Jk- t-nST.;
tea,-r «4 Iba p^tu—— .bqcM —4 be grwadrt.

In tie- 'naltet

udr./ti-i.ri'r-r. tot

idle for a Ictv dats.

r--,a|iSi '

after whivii you iouii.l

tss^ntowlba froai tbal^ya^.^

the ioaolcs ctiricil tip
and the toe-caps curled down—f^ndeting them unwenr
Tliry wen-Mdf Top-Ronn.i Nliors

tcLiiii shape beeju
e tenet wirta air aa nrr
sula.taiitulU ma.le as t
Art fit Ibr (*»
alupr -test -i/r. and tl
rr boortilt mailr ii-.iii u
l,>|-K,,tll,.| sties I..r It
r Lilr.I .-iralite
T..|-K.iuik1 gu trainee- tour ntiinec l,acl. tl Jiaaalt-Se-I.

Prices $2M, OM and $US9
If v-^c*i. i KM Top-k..uii.l Short in town. «nt. c. and i

' 7^-'2

rCr" “


Jwd*. -driiiawM

s & t E. MJin

rnrnmsBmmmm ^

tta«t—1 and loa.

».- Ikaiiaaad an-hDadrei!



.... Skki .ptssi;Jr=.tkj:,3S Jr-.'r.'”

"HeKT-tirZirr sriaa

Prior for WOMEN.


Mexican For Man
or Beast.


Cures anything that a (ood, pn>
etratine liniment can cure.

j;;" ,»'>fff- ■ |,>«aw.,

a- m. t*r
Trwia Imrm Trane— rwi ito a —

Soaks in! Stops Pain 1
Aila>s inflammationt
Heais Old Sores!

The UNIMENT that has ben
the OLD STAND-BY for two
Senefationa. Good for

Lamenesa, Sore Muscles,
Rheumatism, Sdatka;
NeuralfU, Cuts, Bums,
Spraina, Bruises.—
any trouble of body or mnsde
where there’s pain and inflaramrilon. KEEP IT IN REACH.


'*vSSSX*3S« ij3gSji£5^5S-S JBt-_ . • ill.iils;:





Far Bale by Jas. 0. Johaaon and Btata* * Soibwrgk.

,.??sii;.‘ -'sss^

ll. tb- Iwatl-T -4 Ib. -Mat. <4 M
MtnercbildreaidMid -1—4—0 iswtiiil tlia<bnil.w le*n, tita. w api-«hl-d wtiwitwi.lra
ior.4Mkl-.t*t-.a—.”Iie* 1- ih- i—n—ft-


Backache e.Uflibf,Sidt5b.aib,Mld.

FrkJar* trta 87t>t flay *1 Map. A. Ol»04.





worn them a while, then


the republican far-



plained that some ar
-Inely enough, JosiA
pen had Dot been pu
—led prvUderi
The organltatlOB
ibev had Ihw-d sen Ic
In the shape
The editor smiled sadl■ n anillo-lB* rliil. stitried bv the
toem,- he replied -And Ui«T
!t.w. who d-i-lare that
verj- good pttrpos* to-i No* a
judge fr-im il
I gel In thinking Ibai perhaps
In Iheir husl>« Is Bayonne
aoi offering the pobMe as gon
I pa-'a remirkniti,
remirkniil) large ntind
■*• I i I.elgf menit-er* Th-»
I eew
how ; Ihai -Irsw |.,k.r i. the ni.D toe rtd narr, ■***
Mi.rc- euebn- p
port of laportaace to bertBoe real cheerful again, riease',,.., a,- i-.iic cit-n and

. .. r Bore U on foot
pfObablUtr will land Co
WUIIam AM«B Bmlto In toe


I i i

Tlie Kind Yon HaYo Always Bought

youngs'er I
Th- l«}. railed vo.i
agbt •• -T.
•brick tt>|i- »n-l *11 I
thets? ■ ••Ye*. I goi th
darker later In life. Iiu
rumi-1 Bray-'
-Idedlv aul-iim iH-forr

Haotbr M
r toe u.t
partlclpaotp to the bat e of Hot
bar allll Id dcUip aerrk
applied fiw bU ret

__ |4tart|partV«w

a-^w Vk* “TIf

■I '

■ as a pulpli '
lysleal llmita i


•aiRb M*r_
Grand Rnpida. Mkh, Mar tS.—To
patch np the Utile dlBereoce* that
bare arieen to tbe RepubUean partr ol
owing lo toe Bolilpllelir of

l—vIMss, .4 land

1 Bean the Signstan- df


• •Mem**
_____ led to tbe
to toe peat •( wi to art
The Sad Orm #«*«

WS1-1-4W «i|h4rw-<- ...—

b. lL-CBw»l»uw.vW Ih- Male IhhdOa.
and th-AWdJi.e 11-iw-w] In tirterW lh>aa
Os. tl, -as(—T.4 4».«V llms hf At* Kl .<
pwLJIr •.*. uf 1*4 wb4 wilt tn ngw-d l-W mh-

__ _____ _ ______. _____ _.. Kilmer'*
Swamp-RM. and the tddram. Binghamloa

>* hope
don't take ibem sway fraa ate'"
her...... ..
.i-ipi-.d piaM ng Hi
Mit to a
> to toe
lib more oBcen and
.Though far from being a robiisi man .i-rint: wo' i...iu w- ki> i
BfberTiali bra.
»V>- ibao anroc* el»*.
Cardinal Glbhonr I* a great we:ker sliini.g in.- - iiiini-r ju.
kto**mi^ tM ‘^*
While toe pre*ld*al..AlB**U doei
troto Cbeaampbo
.............. .............
:n expect to deliver p^caJ taa«k- bdine cllj of SaUiBMwe. bol be bis ar ranno) o-' I'hiracoa Ib* loartb laataet
glree a gUaa trull bowl aad dec­
< during toe approaehtog campaign,
dmUtm or tola kic* Iocm b orated olire dlab aod Un. Hrndrleka.
is kaowB toat aereral Btabeti of
MWerbl to have kaio tb* Uao T«at Id Hlddleeltle, a )*w*I a* a roaard lor
>e imblnet wlU Uk* an artlre pari to
plalaial* aad Takwkaa.
bar Ire rear* aerrlc* mi graad bU- je tnotofl. BteieUriee Taft. Shaw,
vai of ncord* mod earreapoodeace.
Moodr. WIISOB and AUoraer Oeoeral
OBcen aer* elected aa follow*:
to deliver ii
are an e
Oraad cblel. Mr*. Hoee C. Wotber.
la aald also to
Adrtoe: cnad aenlor. Mar Hotlee.
flaslt Blc. Marie; (raad toekir. Loaa
Caro. Grand Raptdaj crand Baauer.
tMS. TM haa kaa bM
Ooaatanee Harbee. Debar; grand BlathioaM to* Ba>«B* DTarl*.
SSk LMaartaekad th* Hotttosar Btoel A. Headricka. MIddlerllle; graad
Have tou m-t liad tbe ex
MWPtay Id Part*. Both ib<-prtoelp*l Blstreai of flaance, Ella Jardaa. Depcfiem-e or having Itonght
aad (Btoraai ar* oiatopi tnm »**•
grand protector. Minnie. Binito.
sUt-cs at liigii rctailcfb' pnci-w.


\.4'— * kw-l-> (is-w. thal tk- fidtawrag
4—..Iiiwd aa«»d.«—I Taj ■ -1 --ir m tW
..wnl, WilrwadTrw-ww. d..d.d «• lk> Mate

TMgtnrla to a knrw'— Botatltota fat Caatar OH. PhwCdHc, Drapa aad SootUac Syrttp*. It to PtoMUit. It
tnatalBa DvHhcr OpiinB. Morphlse aer etber NwroCie
. It dtatowr* Wa
aabotAsrw. Its a«« to iu g
aad allay* Ferertohacas. It cares Dte
OoUc. It reUere* TeetUag TroaMca. r
aad Ftoiotogaer. It aaaioillBtcB the Food, regutou* tha

One smaii bottle of rlEXICAN MUS­
TANG l.iNiMENT will effect a cure
iv.Hon of the water>- com­
pounds soij as liniment would have no
result. It is money thrown away to
buy them.

»«r *« »rt p, m

IKTW'I-IO.Q.f.aygL ^


Pere Marquette




• «t hddw fOW.
jbatc y
. A «WKs orea to sear nmst meats
! sbooU tan a white paper browa la
three mlaaUe. lor breM aM pastry ia

TtK kow.0. of Ibe bw0. tin TOO bow *b« Woaoow tr«»t
to flodooeo oofl ob4 eloar.
nor vblopcr all tb« boaoir of

tblog so moeb better la Ibe wire eel- U lyoanalu. aod also tor a garalsb. <l ;CM ihlalladowa ^Ik was bercarpet
aM a sb^. Itlagthal eaaaov behoaghl eoebeap-:malma ooe of the pretlleet and gWMt <
• Brawmoaulty. | tried It last year vllb eneb gratl-:4eeoralJre window plaati. luSaelol-^A tboasaM llmee better. aM iofler
tying resBlts fhai I shall nerer usr j Uge, Its beaotlfal green, lu thick, j
than mlae;
> «ar.
I anything else.' thrifty growth make <i as
desirable t Her rurulas. to sbal outthe beat *M
■re to aerer
| bad ivelre lomMo plaols set to a for a window garden as for a table j
Bg a star,
jatogls row abool tblrtynls feel to i deroralloa or a* a flaror In food. It to Were woreo of MosacMS ptob aad
'learb. tbe plaau beiog ibrae feet easily grava. and tbe learee vbleb |
i; yea masl
vere all of Ibe “Lirlngsioec are plucked are sooa renewed. If yea I And ibe dainty root of ber ilay home
.; Perfertlop- variety raised tram seed ' hare a sunny south wiaduv to tbe | Vns a brand, greea leaf, like an
wooden boses to the kitefaeo or dining room, by all means 1
aid dome,
Ftaralraager and Mend aM tor arigb.«,k Id lUrcb.
Itu• the cosiewi
aook ihaitvou <
set lb* parsley gtoalag.
did see;
; are stont sukes In tkc groaM abo
Beloire there to much to be done.
i. tbe raw of iota
>. Vellowldrd-s bouse to the a|
bg crav^lDg
ilDg Ufeb doty .
1,0 gtonta. To tbese stokes, about
wl»- Joy-girtog aong
Ao csrellrat way to cook round beef
—Yooib's Compaaioo.
*!'•' itoM from the
Toar day* with a a

Tbe tanilB* of the mri
or arara >Um u<S April Aowota.
Of UabUor oi Ibrlr piu.
AM rohlB BpUoi riatiac o'or
Tbr ror<Ui>l M4r (it Map.
O.«o r» bw ibc bhMKiB alBdi?
TWIr bnatb tbo breatb of iowero.
Tbar bracb u «ltb aa' aafol'i wlap
Tbrar (raafy bro*« of ®or»
Tber vbltpar paaoe aa< calm teHcfal
Aail. arboraooo or tter »*rar.
Tbcr briaf aa mbaafp of bcvr
AM vafi a artaf awar.

o Buke the world fuller of beaaty- „ i
Morlb! To lb« oortb—*11 (hr r
an btolDx.
WU4 towc and UoaMrii pneUlailat tbo sprtac.
Do«a tqr Ibc brook catUa kaaBcra are

better tbaa cord for It does not cm
once a week I
d the Tinea up to IbU way and by
e eot of Jtily they bad completely
Irnvered the treOls and s

KiiUre Whott, Nut and RaWn Bread.
of new
ptarii of
1 of white

.............«.~ b.,

a bloBKmi «UI boorsMB oa cher­

oeutog Conr and a half feet wide. This . steak Is as fotlows: Spread a Urge
, |„int gre and a bslf feel slice on the meat iKard and slash It

IVlday, May IJtb. IKM.
This Is your ptesideai's busy dsy.
> sbe Is goioa lo let you Soobeams

Becanae you ore to It avkHe.
ai the plaou grew aod sent across both ways with a sharp knife.
-Him Watarman, to Cbrlatton b- |o,„ br,»ehes 1 tied them to tbe wire jor pound it »ttb a beef pounder and
dcavor World.
>nh nrips of oM colbio cloth which .spriaklH It with Mil aad pepper, now

boktog sods and o
a tbe *veH eap ia tbr rcte* of
- the maple.
ran of tbe eroeae i* eboalaa 1

Mia. Utms Dnisbaa. to a tetter frcM tbe Oimaieetil BoCal,
Tbs Pnwaa HMIrlae Co. tVdainbus, tibia.
GeaUemeoi “Tt€ two Btuath* luy phyid
wlibms trying to ears a bant eold vhlrh sseilsd la my eMboab,
eaaeiag todsmoiatloa aM eaurrh. I then vwds wp my mIM
simply nosMe t» help ms, sod rsadtog mow of tba luthr >r
■ id IVruns In ewh ei
I tboagtat I vuald try it.
“It usesUwrehi ts
effeeu. hul l bars Uow bora well (uraia nwatbi, sod I give aS
> Hsraaa.’'—Mrs. lM*e Dolebsa.

•y vara aotblag bat rwbbisb aM
boy at tbe market tbe whok
sticks aad-Jirvw:
herbs rather tl
WIra par Tomato Vtoaa.
(. vboa I m«M her a coll yoM aow.
Toa will get mere ;
Ike fMoH docs aid repay tbe olorL
an doM with old brntW boops aM <streogUi from them aM betiter re- -! ooM she bad Tortilsbed ber boirne
for patsiv.
Keep a Bttllc on yoer tips; n Is better I woodee frames aM ttakeo aM erery- i
Wilb JablltBl spirll to try
| ihtog of that sort os e sopport Cor in- i vbleb yoo vaat le smipi. la made- \ A trim aad tidy and alee aad oeat.
r prettiest Mlu«e to all tbe street.

Witn ttfw*> «■« »«»•»< •<«»•
AM 4rtttlB( tortbrr o«. ifeor craw


Nothlnd Robs One of Strength Like Spring
Catarrh—Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh.

be tbaa aaytblag yoa eaa boy. Ploal
tram tbe oeM. beep tbe bed veil weed­
oM vaterM
aad Mt wbea to tov' ir. TV to
Itoe aad dry. ibaa alfl
If yoa eaa aol here
bed aM grew them y

are mlaataa
To teal for eoke, vblto paper eboold
tara ycllov 4a ire mtoaiao. H tbr

TM »!■■■> WhM»
O. 40 ro« fanr U» blooM vtodt
00 «Kto( Ufoaih tk*
Aeroa (ho W»«I BNde« Us4<
ABd o-«r U> roUiBc >m:
A40VS • tfeoBwad »omt nn.


Mt of graoBd.
M. Too doat
Ibe herbs will

.u Ub..m»

.M I


....... .rt..r ai. ot ».■ I


.til, . ..uu^

> lb.- vl.litog. There are plenty of
lu and Inis more vatilng. km rmir
. mrite s dreMlng tbe ma>e as for a
, roast of pork. Md some doely chopped Thance will come preli, soon no..
loaloos and spread i
ling ou I •“'* “
I tbe eteak t« It II
!yrtl It up ligbtl!
II secarely Hhaokyo.

I. ,
„„ „

„„„ I, I. .

ry aM apple.
ireet eaerola of aatare ia oi

Imll two aad

Afril t». IPOl
Dear Un. Baiee—As I have never
written to you, I Ibouabl I would write
y..u a few lines. You can tell Altai
Patty that I went to (be wotris and


lr„. r

Itow U Cel ttraol bervea.

Mavllowers tbe drat rrf
„^lt*» month. They wtwe piak. kbite
mouldtog board or haMi
blue, but I doB-i iblok 1 omild dad
about lay vaU.-aad every ripe Immln j should be garaiabed vlib parsley aud ]
kaaMtog at alfbt can be done to the
Nortbt To the ao
so norwiy aod th.-v
sbovi Itself.; served with gnvy
pan If detired. Tbe aettlag of the
vlatfr are bl
■ Is so much snow, tbe stuubiI Is almiisl
It is as easy to pick umuines train- : tbe
« bW aM breM
Dlgbl will lake about lea or
Bearlaa Lore's ■
white with It. We take the Herald
ed la this way os ti ii to pick 1 boiled.
flfieea mlautea. Cover Ibe pan with
grapes, tad yoo have no Idea bow . The addition nl tbf spuanfiil of vto- sad I Hie to read the Snashloe leiiers t
looelBi tbe fcaen ibat biM
pretty they look, pariienlarly afUe a legar to the water to which Ibe meat
ivy cloth and let raise over
broofc'f bovlaa.
rala. In the tall It will easasskrdto : is nsAed gives It a plauaot Aaror.
Wakiac tbe temaai aM eolUaa life. BBlil tbe dough Is light or about
( Man and Hattie; m> bnilheis nsmes 1
tala, la the fall it was May to rover - and a sex m the gravy wl
« tbe bulk, la the moralag
are RIrbard. Itollas. Hertaao Charlie I
erally rellsbed.
' HmrtI win Uk» beed vbai tbe vtU
aod Cyrus
Our bsby ho. had the I
throwing tbe. over Ibe trellis oa j '.
----------------------------tbiaa* are eam«t
earacbe f.w ncariy ihW weeks. "•
**'*'*“■ Wheatbe Ttoes were :
What Mey Be Oene With e Rea.
Raate to ibe lake hcMerei taad of
bat lufo very- skk. I would li
^^l^lstoi” l«tle Zi i**'
“■* i 0«- "f •»- »«t useful article, 1a )0lD the SuDsblnc Hub.
tbe plea.
Please sioid
be -^toipg boart as poMlW? '
"" ***
' »>
•» » "“"“"a wooden boi me a card-and buiW' I am >9 years
•eal ihall aeei soot aM'wIth raptara
this will take sboat lea mlHte*.
"Ji'I"* *«“*?>> store. It I. iweaty- oW. J will seod Audi -Paiiy ,i rookie
fo etrayiBA
hraosb daur etmra ftoM* at
eternal apriesUae. '
>-1raBe naaerey BhMdi. la


vide Into two lane or three email
tiaed ktoves and tme emaUer oae
to be a
•for rolls foe
a <me cop of

------ - aad W has alrMdy paid for Itself. |

Su.ut^... or P—.
U... I
have beea soaksd over night to e lb-



Tirtj .. oJ"...

houseworic for


t"*" •«<'
*>T «■
"P'" <>« <»» •W*'
midway. It is the ume


Improved Va_wl...,toaieceat Irtler.jnsdeo-of IVruna. a«>b.led by thes toilmy air e(


Peronsafter bu.lae.. e.i.rrh tb.l bar. xwl.ted IrMlmeotfrW
...............III. s great thiog lor the nerve.. There vesr.. Kverytoidy sh.wild have a esspf
P. l>eptoti.
;ts nu ts'lter epriim runic, and I hsv. <d Hr. Ilsrimsn's Isiest Ismk on rstorrh.
gphol Taale.
usm sts.ui sU of tbeir..“-Mn. It. w
Addr... The ivnins Medietas Oa,Cw
AlaKiitaverylsjdyneed.mU.nlclB Un < TimberUsv.
, luu.' ua.<<l.iu.

every dsy. 1 am « years old
My I very tote this year and It will awkelto tbe flfib grade I gueu my Iriiev
tcBcber's ntm (' Is Miss Mauigiild. iiheXanners hurry logH la IbHrcmps jis bmg etunigb. m I will rtoeefor tbla
I like ber very mnrh, My siudh* are i WHI. d will do* Irriog my leiler i.. s'iiom-.
readiag. ariihmlellr. wTliiog and spell-i Hose
i Pnrm your Suashlner.
I leaspooaful of lemon exltaet
I you boa many birds- Voiir lovtog frieo<l.
IJlUaa B
- k»‘e
each of giiiger. all•«» ;
earl Bougbey
Uiaort. Mlrh., April », 1*04.
splee and ctoBBmno.
iSmmlt City. Mlch .’Aprii iJ. ibot, !
‘k-ar Mrs Bat.—Mow are yon get

How naay b<w do yoa know
vbera the -aofi anieer" la. aerer

hotrd, bat “arieroes ward*’ follov
**«rleroae rrorde" aM "«lr ep aaperr
DH yoB ever rUli In a borne where
dMra to a creat deal of wkal to coea' tooMy called *tockerlarr If yoa are
not aeeaiuiMM to It aad diallke coaV teattaa. year rtolt alll be spoiled.
Bov tbaakfnl ytia teel if oae of tbe

pal ite loaves m ibe clean dry monldiQg board or wIra r^ rack and
leave aaeeverad for three boors, tbea
cover lightly with a ektU god leaTe

ntts are aaplaasaeU to tay tbe least.
“Bat 1 kaow I am rlfhu" tay* Me.

(• . ff-:
^ 7.

yoa tod nome pan of ywr trioM's cp
(oenit to which yoa eaa raapoad
lMaJtny-“Uiat's right.' or wMi'to
thai eSeet? Tty It a tew tUses aM
tee K it dees aor lead to a better onAacititee expresatoe we oftea bear
to, “RI 'give In' eaee. abe (or hel wtn
think I matt *0110 la' all the Ume.Br this I don't snMs ytoldlag a ptia, dpto. bat very
atoas refined to in this anlrle InwHre a petnelpto. Ante they

"nra lwo sMer. aM
•" >*•■"*' ""
I. ,bc baby Hbe I. HW mtmlhs
^ ^
H-r «-ekerh aaiM
kave a new Iroa

letter. In the Herald from Washing j k"****.'
it..i. iwasgladtoreadibem I. tahe,;‘k“ 'keother ope

" '■ •"**
had, I go lo

:*kA. s limg time for s Mt.-r to come!*®^'
fr..m them.lmt wedon i be., ..vyoli l'*
•• Traverse
My grandp. Kingsley -.Id his "■>
l-ai-kM * *rw to«mc*
Iplsr.. lax toll
He ba. been vUitlag “kklMn ha. lots of toe yH
I wish
! ti. -.m. m.i,. lime now Mi mamma's ' '*‘®
■ aunt Mso has l-en t l.ltlng u. t.s>

•>' bouwkeeptog, I have
.Hag of food and utensils.
utensils. MucirwmibMucirwaab- i
mobbing may be j
1“' "-O''
an cxceHeat way to
doughnau that I want tbe sisavoided when one Iraras bow to baaIj,,
i.;„ to learn how. As they are \frr
dir thtogs.

'"I'd stmo be here I am
"f'k reader. We bare J# atotv

^;rM.d|• I. going lo I’eray. Mlrhigsa: i

, I tbink I Lav.- written en.ntgh f.w thlr '***««■
»e babe aevea rtoiM
| In --hool. Well, my totter Is goHtag

“Tbe ellmtoatlra of clutter" from l'W«- ’‘■ey
bread box, whkh sboo^ be ocaldod
Mtongtogi Is tbe greatest of to
out sad Arled .t
.Li- . -.-k “®‘* »»*«>«»««» *»
gfMlest of to
ooiTO oneo at least t^iee
•■aulter" Is a eggs
tmiee a week. bor-aaTlng devleea.
‘‘I** oi
"ne nip of sugar, one Hip of
FW the rolls, cake remUntogdoueb. aoaderfnlly ineliislre word wbeo we|“'»‘
----------------------------------------------------Mid and pull oat to ajaanvw strip.
of It. How many dlalng labtes i(»e leatpotm of mIi. one of sods, aad
toklf with
witb sngar
sngar :
hotter the top. apriakl^
overloaded with various disbes. «
•» f** »eed to make a


Kr.*, >..ur llille frieud.

^ tong. I will Hose.

Itoth JeBery



Hfhgha-. MlHt . March ;i. ISO*
Hear Mrs Bate.-! haw, writ '

cinnamon aad a ^f eup -X
soft dough Roll out on a well-fltwrM
chopped dates, raixtos,
ce wcmld be a dls- board aad mi; tbeo IH them sTaad
tbam all to toasbloK. aM eo end tbe anu; roll the strip fro* tbe marrow j llaH gala to tbe family bealib. aad a
itefoee frylag. This
way tmee aod a half over. aM cot tbe I
f , Is Ibe seerH of .Ibelr llghlness.
' release t the house-wife from a
Theoe people vUI Ml yon tku aotb- dtmgh OK the hag Kri^ toto small
stlf dongh.
For frosting Is.ll a cups of whit.lac to meaai by 11; that tb«y aU na- rolU. pat to bntterM p^s. tot r*s*
rale. It is DM Ibe “bm folks'
sngar oat II It will randy wben dropped
deiatoad eaeta other aM kaov -bow ualll tight sM babe baif aa hear.
ant these things, they d» mere’>«• lirted apple* over night
, beitoMe to IbeSy m Imltotiue of eomelbing someto take- tbe ^eeebes Tbai
morelng rhop doe. having to cold water, have the white* of
same way as abevt.
«ne; bat what to tbe iado
: body eelse considers good fonn. am*.:’*"”''''"*' 'ken simmer to two raps three tggs 1-aieD HlB. then pour the
be sHt to hbe Boning. ;
heaUag it all the
neb a borne? Tbe aeemben beeoaie
llrlng rooms aiul "awelnsplr- o' '»•''»»»',
until appit* are soft.
Plavor with lemon and Ic
ao aeceetomed to ebatrMletlas each
' *•*'• ' tag- pariort are to be found mnlU- <-'feanf
cii|>» of sugar wlib a scant while
Mber aad laytoc abai*. btitot words,
of articles whooe cafe aad dust- ™l"
l'«"er: add three wMl beaten cakes when frosting I* cooL
1 Iblok Aunt Patty will Bad this s
that wbea Ibey co Into Mber taBiHss
ling ares weariness to tbe flesh.
'hen the apples and motosses,
or act up baoMf of their ova. tbey do
of raUlns. seeded, three
I. till
whlch arc BM only asetoss. but
tba srKiame ihint and oftea tbe rewamui maaaui^
vlolaiton of artisHe taate. Thee citps of flm.r sifted with I n o teaspoon-

Tee. bat etaaot aineaae else be riebU
also? Tery oftea it has bo
that both are rliht. aad If aa aiebaiist
of oplelea to a>Me. each aatas a new
Kaowledie. Daring saeb a dlacossloe.
awoa If yoa know you arc right, caa'l


lie gtsit When we have nin- arotherl'*'"
.II- We hat.-b.,1 such if®'
a king, cold vlaler. f m« gp< nmrio'. !** **”

awmben of Ibe family or you. by
y'--------- - }ok« or ton et a apeeeh. act


llenr Mr. Bmes-I th.mght I would i ““

write aad tell y.m that I am «c|I
; have B.e more week, of



[|M H«Im Whitman.

to l.rsce the nersos.
Colarm la dgrBu.
brsiB, and 1-lesoi.e il.r
rruos will do this is I.- catarrh. Nature renews beraelf rrsry
-■o. Kveryone «l»i hs> .prlng. Tl.e system Is teyunuled bp
meodrd IVruns. TIoHigh skeptiesl, I J,,..,,,, bs. bad Ibe ssine eiperieoees. •priug WcBiher. This iradars Btodl- •
yl.I.Ird ‘®
to his advn-e. After y,.

Treated Creams.
S cups of New Orieaaii mnla«s<-s.
4 cup of lanl.
Yelks of S eggs.

Wbea raising bread. I put the pan of
dough 00 the l«i near the stove.
When raising la the loaf, one lla
sland.s on top. aod tbe othrv Inside on |
hours have been sborteoed. Plenty of
• To bri^tea aad betiartbe idaee
the shelf. If I am lired. J bring the |
wtlb melted batter add aet b
outdoor air le ooe's sleeptag room also
box lo the tolile. aad use It for a stool '
loerrasct the tense of vigor for tb"
to all on vbilr washlag disbes or Ir'.o
bol; bottom beat spoils tbe breM day's tasks and so llgblena
I lag small articles.
If the aide Is
wbea raUtog. Wben Che loavea have
nearly doubled ibetr bulk, pul to aa
« U,. oiu. .wa. i
but eaou^ to browa a spooufal uk,
b.M c b, di.i-1"',"' '“I*" ”
«r la dve Blaotn: ibis hMl uill
Ifciv many boDU aad Meadihlpa
a tbe breM to Ofleen rnlootea. 1.1
are tarakeo l•ecaaac ibe ”aoa aaner'’
!"■• “>
-"Ikeep tbe Are eo the bread will
to not epoken aM emtb' bas fall
baott one's nerve-force, roifalnktog I
eoaree! aaya a writer to tbe Udlee' not' browa much aure aad bake for jtollerw to the boor often canse them- j
ime oDur.
hour. Take
out oi
of lae
sane emt
pans ana :
• f amid like, l| I may,

First, rrpsir tbe lofury already done
to your nerves. The wav to do Ibis Is to
do casrtly as did Mr. Ilsl. P. Heutoo.
riilrf nrpartmeal I'uldl. liy sad PruoiutloD of Nsll.UlSl KxpilTl Kspusltloo.
lIrwMt—: “Toward tire toiler part
of Auaust t f.iuad myselr ta a very
rundown cnodltloa. My
pl.ysIHsn Mid I had nervujs prostrs_
__ . ees voyi
A kiDd


and wboB gelUog
a meal It is a coarenleol place on
vbleb to set a platter or other dishes.

• Hf life U a brief, brief tbiac
• I aai beta for a Uitl* apaae,

_____ »!llwsuhrT,Wi._*tit~:
-Tbers U o..iliini: like IVrans ter
tlist tirvd
ahl. li gives you no
siuHnoo lor work or |.lsy. After s probiBged llinrs.. sl-iu s year sgo I leli
aushls lo regslo tny health, but four
ledtles t.f reruns uisdr a wonderful
ebsniteand rerlored ine toperfcel liesllh.
lung as }'« keep >uur l.lusl la *
im..n yoa are all right. aM
sm> to nil Uie vela* with pure,
beallbful blood, t tlanrougbly endorw
11.’*—Miss ilrisn Wtiitmsn.


Traverse riiy. Mich , B. F M. So L.

„„ „„


1 and they ripened falb tea day* eartler.vlo.itar nail


^pttonrul. a labtospoonful or
®"“' M**" »i>«klty
ahakea UII It Is a Iluto rotuded
the top.
ipM tea^oonful. «e.
Is all ihai
le os. aad a level ooe
leveled Iwith
Ntoe bMped Ublespooafuls
rflated sugar bmk* a c^pf.i. «id
ro leacupfnis make a peoad.


____________ : t-n ii. tbe Herald befure,
-----------— ,
sparrows aad ho«- |,h,

*“®b.. April JB. |Pa|.

I rtiougbl I

I 'koaghi 1 wobM
I write a few lines to you. I go to srtoel
'*^ker I. ,ery ktod

up t.i our disir^ They j, card and hoiioo.
1"“® '*
Marrla. My
littnaa. I haw- --en
M-en —me
and bungry
«e toi.k :
senimstr I. Judith Feiermm. She
""-ei r-i ei. I >,
eomr crumlM and threw tbeot out ., Uc.g some ebtokens
>rilo thr Ruoriitoo etab.
doors Then the little Idrds came and^
ehts.lf*"’ my sixer I.
aie_ ibem. Fe-ma Rdns and I wairbed i miu-h
•lore chrixmar
I have be-n I
' »«'■• HVe to Jota it loo
them ihnnigb tbe alinlus They werrj^ek i ...X <d the lime
My teacher . '
^e very ptoaned if you would
fat the} co.ilri hardly walk. All f.winsm,I* MW Atalier. I will cb-e f.w '
" *'"k'«'« “fi ,«M battoa I
Hose-for Ibis tiBto, hoptag lo see
s ibl. to
tb Iflter to Priat.
flyiTto Seeley
Vour friend,
Ac- IV
r;„, jeesup
R P I) No 9. Klor
C.lej. April 1:
Inar Pldimr—I «
ler. I gii III wt.H.I i-t«r> dav
I at
• yrart idd Ibe Cih id Jsniisry
I m

Agnes FMeraaa
Keewtob. April tt. 1*04.
ttoar Mr. Halee-I .boogbl I weald

flllla Pier, Mich., April Jl, 1*04 !
*Hi.r I
.-I tbtmghi I „e.M

[ there are tbooe atttes. «> fall of "sentl '“>• '«>>ing powder aad a half a lea,
'* '* • k»l 'Im* •tore I wrols
; ,B„„i*cj,4„waktog memories spoonful each of Hnnamnn. cloves and
I a«ld aalrb fttf a preseai.^M} graO'
Traversr City, R P. D. N<.
'e cZ
T ,l
'*“■ *“■
““ Mayflower. Ibis
flhey tosiHrcT How we keep thtogs
nutmeg. Rake la very moil
ns gave ir lu mi Jack Pn—i fnin a
April 17.
Piesse -rod them j
I M^T!^‘r
i Ira. ,tOToty. or merr years to be sort crate i>v>-n a. yon would fruit rake.
•iir pansy Injds. I »s* vetj s«utj I.
Dear Mrs. Hates—I received ihoi
m dualed
•Md two I PH. 1 have .beep. fto*d*,e
and baMled over every
I hive flunrer* I slsn late bird
Bttoibtoe cards and delivered iheui
From your loving frismd.
; Itoto we ckaa boiise. becanae eomeDon't
Rven- one was pleased with them. I Tb>* ‘pnn* 1 b*'c
i.iu.-blrd. n.i. t...'M-h.».i ..wvy day that
'time, nobody ksows wben: somebody, t
Mary Ks«UM.
My hiislaad noticed me flsfalag tbe |am .are I was. I am very ihacLful
bouse ••r.-t*. .psmre* sn-l;

suu.. won, nay percaance ■ apoMi out of the bnilleg gravy I was llkai you did ao mneh for os 5 think'*""""'klrd*. F-n ChrlMmas I ra a | *
nt a certain old raat to go flsbtog: making, and asked why I did not fin ' 'bey will all keep ibem alec aad remoccv, two plates. >wo hand ' ^ ~

Two a^d three quarttH leaeuptaU \
■bat broken chair to luilM a bee- it su h woulda'i lumhle In. 'Ob I like | member your kladness
I hope sv kerchlHs. one comi.o,iu.a l-..k uat
of powderrd, two aad oae half of good ; coop. -„d „ „
bore ray flagen. 1 aappose.- I re-1 will live ap to the rales. 1 will try'I lahlH. s necktie and a aeck-*c„t ,n-t
we^ a ponad.
!I»criou» time aM strength, for what? pli-l.
popcoro lall. and
my floaeri ^aad do ray imn. tbea I ihlnk ibe t.ib- ''ds of randy,
a of butlalentinc. My c.u.le
acre tmanlag ihen. He took the [era will follow. I hope so. anyway
| :ai'P‘e« I **
ter make a leocupfol. aafl 1
Sfwmn. tad -wlih a hammer bent ibe ! guess (bis is all tor this time, so good- '• Ohio scat It tom■UswelghApoand.
top over ao that it mMe a sort of bye From

••*- T" Mr Vtli-tiiine.- All fur this
Poor teacopfaU Of rifik floor dll ----------------------------------------.
hook to hang orer tbe edge of the pan.
Icy Moorman.
Vourf truly
h and a
of floor Eaglaad forbear* loved aad ihrove 00. ,„a
A bits to all th- SuQ.hlner*.
Rol-ri 8-el-.
l“t> tme that, properly prepared, will
. biirot angers c
wasted eo- ;
Klo«lnv VIH, soril IS laii.
' AP'’"
a of ratoins weigh 1 ! be acreptable at alosost any ubie.
Ktogkle^ Micb. April 18, IP-.t
Betes-I bs..- a-v-r writ
two and two UMt ttaeap- ; U aliogeiber probable thal
Hear Mrs. Bates—I win write a fee
m ih-1 r,. We make
I ..oee to tell vou I would Uke to I..I0 ■
*" ' ’b'.nght
ftilsot cormu wHgb aipooM.
nrvrr beard <rf it la tbe best tomllles
ttolty sf Renting
.... Un way to MsM Laos Curiatos. ,.
•'C'e. I *<«ld like to >oto
to Ramwtora tor-the flummer.
A teacupftil of rice weighs half a “mum.- but that doe
pouad, and a qtian of tmneil wHghs lltototiane.,. for tbey ":;a‘d1!Jto.^
««" i«e .0 dara. !
rare aad
*0«r reatlag
“>• P««d.
; be gIM to bare It U tbey coaid gH
<•!*• •••'••«■ of an a. reariy like ibe . .o-q ua. of btueWrd.. robin* -ad
•I'e that we are worrogut lu rar,
Owe taaqoiifal maksiihalt a plot, cooked. Take ooe of the old-fashiooed
Dtp It
or a Scotch keule. from some discarded curtain
In starch water, lay t( cm the bole or Tbelr names 1
•klcb there is eseryihlng from a «ew f
place. aM wbenKenneth
dry pressClaytoo.
•ooelb lotheflnast ITTEINWAV ORAXD. ..................................
.•wvci salt porn cot into pieces about
■ “ --------------------------Albert was right'
-■ *
*“ '**®
I Irons. Tbe patch will remain
HMopi't larbe. sMare. Arraage a Uyre of **7
?«" oM and Kranc.h w„ r year mto . ^
way. to Ibc rery best .rf condition, being raretolly kvAed ovre wbea
aad will »"•
dm be
he |„„u,.
| jo months 0,4
0IA „e died the Ihth of ! Zl
> or IlMld are Sliced paremp. over the pork, and on***'" lauaderod. •»1
If aecesrary and the ra-c ,(cely po|
j March. We all
We an mis. them vro much For pet. I have a rat
holds bait nfloid 01
slmog wlib p„„y
Two rooaded .Poor to enoogb water to Just cover
-------------^-----------I am at school mow. I am s““---------■•'B> aim to give .he ver. be« servLe to tbl. department u I.
Hose. fur (
of Boot welA aa the coBleato. cover closHy. plare on :
Fee tbs B—Bto.
IctoraWelMa I got 3 ban




coot) ui'KKdrre
S3.00 lo $S.OO NoDlbly

we eoB aee thal they were wordy batttoe about aotblag. Coosider
t^. aad wbea seaMbtoa Is aald with
whkb you do Mt agree, think to yonr.
aeK, “WDI anyUtng be Mined by a
dtoeaaaloB? WTH good resuh to aayaoe from my expreailng my vtowa?"
tt yoo deride that M to beet (or yoa
Mook, yon can do ao to'a antot way
laauM of gotog toto tbe dtaepaska
After- wardA If yon feel (Mt
wMtarer it atuttoed to
Ibe back of the ranfe aM tot Ibe eonMot alum water, as strong as will
Toot dignity will net be
ur cooks are per*cxed by [teuu simmeT alowly naUI tbe rege- :«las«lve. I. the bw to rid
yoa wtn
tM aiteHkm mi oftea glvra. “sail aad itaUes are teMer. Taki op the vegt- :bedbag*
It Is <«^. and with dean
a*M give no (orthew thoaght to the
to lute.
The proportica of '
and arraace on a healed plat- i map wH .be dean Boor
ssJi to a quart of aeap or gravy Is ooe ler. *M. If there la aay Uquor remain
baseboard ,and M it dry oa.
A tew days age a wooton to whoae teaspoaonu. A tcaaponofnl of flavor-; tog. - - to
- a -bowl watil rrady for ^ •“* **ab bedstrad with It u _______
temflr there to eoariaai wBReltag. tog extracL or a toasporafnl of mriee use
Brown tbe pork lIgbUy to (he : ^oMs ran bear. All of tbe bedaiud.
toe tMt dwrtog tbe tret two yean
tot for uae cake.
, kHlIe. then Uke apnnd place to witb .< tocan. oM keep bMsteM from looMtod tile tbey hM lived
broken Hnaa- 1 tbe regetaUu; add to the tat 'reoula- i •»« ‘be wall anywhere, ll to very efA Utile later, wbdn
popper {tog to the bottom of Ibe mMer a Uble-i'>'^'»l KthoreogUy oaM. aM I. not
' ‘ ' sporaJol e( Boor, and eiir osUI bubbly •
pototm to be fanned abotx ie
• .«M aiwaya -the oue mi
Soaooa wkh pepper, then poor to tbe 'be air ^ bMdtog nnd broom.
-----------------------------•aaetrot gravy, Wben
It eoou leu to etoou up (he <«u




»be vats-ilMa R'dean to pay (he flocuf's WL
mm to tM
tofl. It.

^ • rlbboos. a box of writing
eevelopes. a I

................... : Krittog long

tor Chrlstmv
1 uke up arttbmeilc.
rrodtog. toagtmge. writtog. geograMy
aM spHItog. My teaeber-s name U
Mies ManigeM. She Is very kind' to
me. I like ber very mock. My Mnb-1

every branch of our bostoeu and pererms r-mlna I’laaus of oa ere
•Mored of splendid ulMsHlon la e.cry way.

Yoar los lag friend,


Bwbara KorsoB

mj.T REPAIRED AT OCR PACTOBY are tocioded 1. oar r^uta.

Keadalfville. Ind, April H 1PA4
Dear Mrs, a«e_i will mro

T. ,.
b. told from new. The, are upeetolly
duirtble for mukdaas aM leaelwv* wtobtog to nmi W the Mmmer

* ' few Ubu to the Herald u I
day come, on the Jis, of May. Iwll.''“"““ writteo tor a toag time, leabe TI years old. I win Mve to cieae, joy raadtog the other Boashtoe chUmocb ««< wtoh J
u (kti is my Aral letter to you. ttood dren's letters
cosM wrtu u to^enutog letter*' w
^oftbemdo. Oar m*ool 1, <mt a
^ from wait Friday u.d 1 .hall be
aoiu ctod tor ihe romlax vmmutm
. XtaBdoy. Agra lA IML
Itoar Hta. Baum-t wtu write you
•tter aM UR you toot 1 pa u —

•MhooM 1 Uke to M to aehML

| u:

I. „ „„

I» — « ,.T to — .U

GrinnelK Bros,
Traverse City Store 169 E. Front Stnst
nu* •<<»• tod puto Cd<m to itototo,.-

at tUaaah: Ueot. Eolaad
Booebtoa. Ft. Waype. meh.: B.
DoIUr Wkra I Dual Bar ABnUaS." irt Oaboree. Orcal Fall*. Heal.: OUfc Tbaafcer. Corona. CaL; Verlto
uk Ner: -How I bjorM VrMlf
. tk* Amy.- ABdraa 8l*aw: -My
RipntcBe* *1 Sbanar’c HMd«M
n.- B*rt
“Ho*------ '
C. Hat*ra»e of Lake OoteMe.;
Ot«.- WIHIBB Ballb;
mak R. BpMlMB: *Tb*........
mkh I Wm HmI PniBeiMt.'' by
W.M*r Tbirlby: -Tb* OBMI* ti tb*
•M«r tk* sMt •oUK* eratti Is Um mtlivlBn.' by L*»M Tbonaa;i; -Tb*
BMruHlB( ButioB »l Obi " »*,- by
Rohm e Waiter: ~Wbal
I It U eTldent that tbe baadle va*
leoed or ellh tbeaf*. It I. fee I
odverth; “fliory et Amy
«M ta tb* MM; *a4 <■( Oi Mlcriac*
S^V ate rMMli wrM U M«t •
CealrM to be prMeal
r rT^T IteM »T« Ik* fMUrttlM.
nnaMc OBlBCto dleiane aa4 tempertas coper bai aerer bera fooad
M'w th* .lattai cf MtrtatlM iM
la aoBM caM teat Mtan la *pl^ the eoettoBed reeMrcb aad
MaW wM CTetMMMil vov r«l«Ud wbkb were
read by Robert Wahen. (be expertaieBt* to that cad. Mr. Harlk*N m H UurM *»4 hDaor Rech
letter* were recelred from Oaear nare* vtu *eed 11 <o Cbleaco to fom :
. e. TboBia* of BkFO* Fall., Booth Ha- aart of a aueaUeeet calleeUoe of eop-.
> J. McMeekta of Shmalar
h*.: Leoe B Hoff. Oeberae.





M thalr auMl

vbo. OFlat to
Me to ha preaMt.
ra deeply r«| itled that be eoaM a
b* wMh tbe a
r. aa «
Btof t:

Ole Cead,
Otbers follow


J. r. M ■
Bel Rubber plate.................................................. .tS-®

»y M tma thtf

ployed darliui tbe dv. to aa<f tbm from ImIbk Ihelr Mb*. Udy at* MT aad SM. Be

...H be had aaamtlii

national Dentists

42c on
tbe Dollar
is what we paid to
the creditors for the

toldIdM the inirfc'of tM eo»
-....... tma mU Boa. Peny Haaaah a

k ol the Otrk Ladt BtbiPd.Uto- «M rtapi
AtMdd a( the h
maat Daaaea vai flraa t
’Car Aba*M Oawadea.'
___________„ *a»e aa______
tall aa *«awalk.- Ba had
Maapa at tbe 4rfUk« at the raonlU
Hd tad W kara bk eeaapaay ta dlataw tte'daty. Dr. J. H. WObata
hkadaa -My Wkbaa RanHUac the
ktMaafCaba.- ■«(» t takfcd the
-M Whaa 1 Flrtl Be-

mr « BaatkRo' aad Oatpotal Via«W «aa aWta my Bakaaraatl^art.
maa k Baatkia.- Oatpetal Haktan


Ir laarilte An .Otak>.- ■‘Hov
Jaakaaat Kmm aad I Kept RanUa


Itarr by Ckir* Baekaer: -Haar to
mn a -Btakaa.- by WlUkai
-MBtatati ”My FIret Bypirtaan
1m Hafdtaf*.- BaraMt Ooaper:
mmr I Daad te Mk* ite Water tke O. Oarbett: *My KuiwlMoa
ifekt Cbkbaa.- Irelac Oaek:
_Mt MMMtkc Tblaci lUta>«las
Ikavy Artfllery.- Ctarta* Ookoed;
•nc VkB.- Bilewortb Rale: "BzperiMM k ibr Cook gbaaty." Robert F.
■A •ury.- nvyaa BUI:


McGregor Boy

near SIM sm

Lot I
Infams and children * tine
vici kid Shoes, hand turned
soles, even- P»‘r »>“* >«aiher.
Racket pi ice TiOc.

Lot 2
Womans Ihmgola lace
Shoes patent leather tip. on latest Iw. Kacket
Store price fl.i-'i

Our CQn
. Price D3I»


PEDIGREE-' Kobeit UcCiogar, G47. record 9:17|. tire
Creacm, IjM; Keotocky Star;
DartmoR 811): Lnrime
HcGierr. 111!: Too McGregor. 8l1; Mari, lUl; Nraua, 8:m;
Md M othoi w the Ur. Uatu of 87. ndadiog G^ts boy. 9H)i;
Dmaiiio, fl;ll
wao^ BeOe, 8
8181, and 16 otbert.
S;l»), Azieite.1

Uanis orMudiao. 818)>

For |8G

MCGREGOR BOY a a mr haadaotae, bri^ bay StaSioo ol


B. J.


Tbvteea vm a Iw^y aaober kit rvety one who tmled at Sidaberg Bra*.’ last week—the lady day
week UUi« ea FRIDAY. .MAY 18TH. Krery one who laade putcha*e< on thai .Uie can

Allihtoi^ the moatb of May we wtH diride tt;* earn caih reedpt* of
CMdty'iMleiaer«r*«k«<>l><"''«»««»<»Monday. May 2d. The
Mooad wcdkOiR wedi) it «W Friday, May 13th. The d^ far Ai* week win be aoaotmoad io
atat week^ IRpcn. Odmc e«1y aad oBm. lare your m1c| ilipi aad watch for the date*.

turned Shoes.

sagoodMkoe exhibit and fails to get the best shoes
wiy given amount will procure.
LadRf •'TrMdRHy" Stoe* with rabbkr
tediaMicMk cMhioa iaaotet. eqaal to_____
the bMt $6.00 Sioei. at........................S3.SO
LafiM- rattat LctthR SbocR worth $ajWi fi.50
Ute* Flae KM ShoeA Forth $8.00.......... 1.95
UdiM'tacDoHobShoel, worth $100... 1.26
Tbete taoM BK an of the latte aad aewcR laRi.
BMde by the nee tdiMile maker*. Tbcy^ as





Bldtodid bar Gw'sbi^'e 76c,' ^Ote'LM, etc
Btby Shoe*, «ft aad $ciaik. eudleist




1 nt 1D Men’s genuine calf
LOT 10 skin river Shoes,
three soles. J. T. Woods make,
every pair guaranteed 1 A C
solid. Racket store!
price 3.60. sale price 1 iWW

1 aI 00 Boys’ and Youths
LOT ll Vici Kid Kangaroo
1 aI 0 1 Men's grain leather Calf and Box Calf Shoes, rope
LOT 1 \ Shoes with bellows stitched, every pair guaran­
Tongue, solid coun- i ■ ^ teed solid, Racket store AA.^
ters and insoles, this 1 I |
$2.00 shoe, sale price > ■ >' ■

Children’s patent leather
Sandals, spring heel trimmed
with buckle and bow. made
on newest last and worth $I.

util .
Men's Kangaroo calf Shoes,
cap toe, solid inner and outer
soles: Racket store price $2.25


Here IS where your dollars will go the
1 OO farthest. The cream of the Racket
Shoe stock consisting of Men’s Shoes, snappy styles,
narrow or wide soles, rope stitched,
.niTvi, in
in Vici
Kid, oox
Calf, velour”* Calf and patent

Colt Skin, best of makes, no
better $4.00 shoe ever offered.
Sale price ■

Lot 12



Misses' and children's IXmgoia kid lace shoes, a good
fitting $lii0 sho^. sale: pnee
while they last

1.0 1 J4 Mi-.(-s Box calf lacr «.lior<i
m:uj>! fur i>u<k1 solid wear.
R.icket prit>-1 .’81; our price *V •

and children's
French kid Shoes, hand turn­
ed soles, patent leather tip
and counters. Racket store


l.or 2i: Kangaretta Shoe* for
men. wilUiot crack nor peel and
wear like iron. Racket 1
price $’2..Vl; sale price -- *•“*

price $l.mi


Women’s Uongola kid
Oxfords, patent tip. wide and com­
fortable, ill sizes in the lot AQ
for this sale...................


1-O r :f0 Patent colt skin lace
Shoes for women, military- heel*.
. new lasts, dull finish top. 1
fully wonhSl.saleprice •■■••17#

Little Gents vici kid Shoes,
patent tip, made on the ncv«

Lit 13
. House


for men.

made of vici kid. leather lined.
Racket store price $lJkl,

Racket price $l.S5

LOT 32 Men's patent colt skin
Shoe. Hals or Klucher. warranted
not to break through, a snappy




Ke 56c
Lot 14
Gl.eather house Slippers for
women, also velvet slippers
for men. madejforcomfort.



37 c

McbY Patcat Leathe Sboe* aad Oifanb.
worth $8.00. bcR u......................


McaY Sheet made d Sttm CaM. Viet Kid
aad CohAin. worth SIM to$100,u.. |.60

LaiUp' See* totally *oU e $LV toll.U


Mea'i Sboe* of Patent Coltaktn, Glared Kangaroo.
Ideal KH etc. h%fa aad low cut*, in all tbe
aewcRlait*. Thcycontaia took comfort, «yie
aad durability thu noe $1U0 ihoe*. hcK ia all
RMtaadwidttae.................................... 33.50

Cliildren’s box calf. Kanganio calf and vici kid shoes, a
good solid school shoe. Jtack'
et store- price $i.(ki

uppers, a bargain at $3.(I0

It H BOt <l« bMB ■ to dicUtt what aay oae thoeld wear or not wear, bui here i* a fact a* to ihoei
ttta crery OBc MioaU I tt: Who doM not see and examine these ahoM before



.... 89c

price $1.60


ilressy shoes and worth 75c.

1.41 L«'““^"*':®":99C ,

Men’s satin calf Shoes, also
women's Dongola shoes, all
solid leather.
Racked sttin-


ilexible soles, pliable uppers,

1 nf on Boys grain leather
i nf ID Range, Kalmbach &. LOT ZU lace Shoes, double
LOT 10 Co..^x calf Shoes. sole, a good solid ecKoolfifi^
three soles, no better 1 J 1

Lot 4

load, aad tritb pteaty ofq«e<l.
aevrr beta uaioed for tpeed. Hi* breedug t» 'ctstaaly
by Robert McGr^.theiaoaarcb of the boMMtfetdi. iheiireofthe
mightieR race bom ia America, Cmceoi 1:59). aad overoaehnadied othen bdo* the i-M mark.

- UtB


We will give away FREE
one pair of women’s or
Children’s Shoes to each
Custoner buying 5 pairs
of Shoes or more, above
$1.00 a pair during this sale.

1 a4 1 7 Men’s Kangaroo
LOT 1 1 and satincalfShoes
Dongola top, solid counter
and three soies.Racket nflas


Infants’ red strap Saii^N,


ii’s serge S
tic sides, also house Slippers,
not many in this lot: they are
yours while they last

wai ttaiid fm the oeaaon o( 19M at

SALE Commcnecs Saturday
Morning, May, 2lst, 1904.

1 a4 I C Grain Leather Ox- 1 a4 1C Women’s Dongola
LOl iJ fords and Slipper^ LDl ID Kid strap SanBals
for Women, all solid. |“/s^ trimmed with bow and
leather, Racket price nhl!
$1.00, Sale price......... WUM

FoaM ISW. airi.«taadt IW han* high,

B. J. Mirpi's am SMU. Timm 01}. Mich.

Is what we paid to
the creditors for the

The Racket Store went to the wall. We bought the stock from
_______________ the creditors at 42c on the Dollar to satisfy their claim.
Mr. M. Coplan, proprietor of the Racket, not being able to meet his obligation, on account of the backward
season was forced oiit of business. It is indeed a lucky purchase for-us. as It comes right In the heart of the sea­
son when everyone needs shoes. The stock is a clean one. some of the shoes not being more than two weeto
old Owing to our already crowded quarters we will place the entire shoe stock on sale at such astonishing low
prices that you can not resist the temptation of buying.

battle of MaaRa
U Baatlate


42c on
tbe Dollar

Boys’ Shoes, tqail to the bee $100 ehoet,
•••...................................... 1.60
Bayt'Sboto,woiA $1.60 onyriicte. hoe e | ,O0


Travorso City,

The Globe ^ j



^ IwfimmiT. mr ^ MW.
It a^ et iJni^ imm


KT'jsnnrcJ' •jS“,;s

Ctariaa &i«aid Hanril.

*or bo la. ba bant 4mo av
I. for lbli_ road *ob*i bo balu
r da]
_ __ _
C»ri»towili». I«K al
' i W^e^T^

rioa la
ort*lnA| ariklM TbMc •» taraUbM l>r 'ta« ■rtwkmanM
In I Wl|«t. ibr Cbsrrh t€ ^e1u4 te- teat^^ddBl m£*oaeo'^^]^' * “n*a *nrii
B raJlaar. a.
DO. but
Then bora ara ague Botda la tbe iotot .l.iK dlEeroai rilele*.''
j tnw » eif«ltl- Bcmtk
U» C. E TUbm of lx«- i 4««roor of Undoo. ^I«M. U’Actt._ ________ AlpoaaI *llb the

of lb* bort !*)•. *n«l«<l. UM. Ckingr «U»lnU«l I»tir rbrHI«iw of G«iot». 8-ltior
' labore of Lako MIrhIsaa. prulabir
riric luihiiajr P IBM.
^ I BB to kM-p II. 1 (lull (Md bla ' Ne«» of Sbbsslul. Cblbk. tb« Boll lu<t.
oloc«rir*rall*aj pnipaeltioa Praekfort. baani ben balH. If Cad
4MB (lul bo -nncbll of
No* Bo«b Wdei. .bo
"Aal BO* I b(r« W.
aeaaaad aad ibU ttBo K aac lllar bad tbo rallicva. ataaB and oloceerOope and ai
Soiitb AMcoa MMvoror of Capo tut. Lot* at thU oarOope
ipMa. Maikocoe. trie, tor vbleb Vrad p^l llaa* haro
_____ I *ro«« «bla oo tL-,----------------- -...............
eoBo lo TrrB. 8oWh Africa. Oto Jo«oa<] Hflfo iwboro I. bu boaa.
o rttr and tbo bera dravn oe the Bapa. w a (hippies
BOB tbolanfe*daT»e«^of Boar'rf Borita. Ootbuj. Erioreo. CbrU.(o;«ih «f lari NoraBbor to Bar. Blade Odc« btdoar I bad a
ronnorted b» Irol-' ptdal onr tarlllUe*
Ir an tbo furolga C. E papen Uial < of 8aa
a Paolo.
Paakt. Brazil, tbe
tbo Golden L
Uak., Batb Blnar of Uuaijur. BeaiBl. aad aaot back and forth ;
I boon uid »bo •
take.asdftiBlBMadrifBBtoihB .bar.................
( •assealk.B. '
**Bl Brai lo Ottarpar. tbaa i
IdEII CBBO aflblr tlato. I aB al- f Eobe. Japaa. tHaBOcida r


-Jaat aa# tbo pflo af tbeai;

•d lo Hovraa. tben to lb « dud I
tk« iBdit BMwom <
■u u BsBba.T. Boar ooa BF a
B«U. <be C. B. 0«a «(
Bicbl a«d .—
tbe ---------^
nkScs. the CtarMtta Bxhanr (bo.«bl---------H ——



^ nf^S mr*. Ho^l b^
bogao fiv ibirir r«an.
aj ho ennteadod that lark lE TMlOailiB a«( lantei) nupoadbio far dhe
oaw Itarias all that tl»o ba aonc
bad a dar'( atekaou. In tbo m
a plUo*. aad la via. opaa abad. UetreU
iBonll Jarkaoa daf^

— «•-


o hw ukHi lh»
a aad »oina>
^.,u. Eadca.
D dart Mr, HoS*r »
■ •loaddlilou
e pl««(ai.



Mercerized Serge. IJC inch steel



pt>ecial at dbove pricc«.
Children'll School Umbrellas,24 mch


"SSi. U . II..1. .«>. M.VB .u.

W'c have ihc must complete slock of higher


Umbrellas we have shown in soinr simt-.
excdlfot values ai

$1.10 $5.
nrM It terf blfblr Iboost' «bat U
do iDoro pood In Iho nmaosia


orw», dtrtas .bo ^

rtduBmzoalf.. la.heletwr *
unie Maf tba. looka u Bach U1
Piw» of vhllo relrel u aaftblM
la nlM tbe Alar loaf aad sap*» »* ^
„up„. Tb» nrtaoe M *o ^ .ba.
BMIoea eaa bo «rlMoo oe U.


afford to miss!


- -



to^ hiB tatsr



..................................... <Htc box n caki-*

C..CO Toik-i

S..„,.................................................................lex cite

SiiirenarSoaii. ekcelleni for «kin and hair. I'tc a rakt-

the country TO know about our



Remnarts from

of some particular ralor.

Poplin, good

value ai

Black Crepe Voile, regular Sl-iST



ex|«!ct to sell everj’one. but want




to see them


before she buys,

know what is correct to buy.

she will

\\’<! are

lietUT value's than ours we would not have the


business wc dti.

many things among these ih.Tt




more suits than

abort! prices.' thert;




every zme


selling 10 be closetl out a| the

if th«;rf

are in


a jtosition .to

prove oor statements: make as
you canunrtogooil ndvairtage.


W«. art* going to k< f|> tin talking

many com-

parisons as you like: thej- will only strengthen
onr jKJsition.


“Comiianson wiir tell you


we are where we are."

Black fancy Mistral Etaminr. .54 in.. L.50 {.2.9

Just now we want you in thrre specials we ^e offering-• We
tloing this to get you better acqiiaintetl with

Black LaeeEiamine, ^.50 regular price.

‘ This is the busiest place

BouretUs Etamjne in green. nav>-, brown,
$1.A, for.......................................
1-ancy Navj- Mhhair, $IiW.


the store



cleaning time demands so many new things in Carpets. Rugs.
Curtains and the like, that we are bus^ all the tinu*; we know


Taffeia Silk Suits
Suits in dres* length.

of only two things that brings this biisiness—the splendid se­



ExuA unitary c»i|«t, revereible. dilferent tottom
choice iituems, «,>rlh 4Sc, for..........................................................


.......... 36C




..... .96

Velveis- best Tapestry, with border or not. u you like: Per*iin, floral,
signs; theve we arc going to tell at !«0c and......................... ;.................................


<>0 toll* very oe« at the price,
. .Asmiiuler. Wilton Velvet
IkxU Btusm
I^ Ixrgnt
largest rcleciKm
rcleciKin m the counlr*;
cotmir iKsdera 27
.. and
in. wide, beautiful pai’erns horn Sl.tU i<





; Silks









- *

^ g 00

Ctiil>ir«*n‘s Box
Cu.ils in cloili and
silk from $3 to............................ ...................

£t AA

One lot of Skirts.


but if you can find your si/«
vou maj have ih« m
- - -


\\e took



agent's enure

line of saiigil.- skirts. ■ Hi.- siz.-s
are in«>xi..>| them 24 iiu h «;.ixi


and 4M to 42 length.
priced at 2-'* |S r tern

| lu-v


rr-gidar skirl*.

ix-iiLvr (..have stni se <vjr line from....................$1.00 lO $3.00


Line is

ken and sizes run small. .'Wuy
are go«<l value at five dolliirv,

We wirii in |iir.



Silk Box Coats firim 24 tnclir^s ti> fifty-

Sbir Top Skirt

We catr, all grade* from.................................................... ..39c “P b‘ $3.CO
|■■ive cent

1 Q flH
* »*\/V/

filling Covert Coat, equal to any coat we

.oqu.H.icor 10,00

»"‘* FcUy convent onal de­
......... ................................ 1.00


Whes you •- >m; i*. sec the Slock and the czcellenl

RulRcd Mic-bn Ciiriams, cvccllc t lowing


had early m the season for $16TjO. on account of


The lieu Slock of l.inolcuim iii Ihc city. We carry an immense
SI.x-t--about lai difl'etent paiiems. AItikhI any des'gn jsiu
■ may wat | we we will be able to rop|>lv you with. Per * uiarr
.................................................................................................... 70c

V lines we give yon. yo 1 will n it liet'iriirise.1.


more (rojiular

the cold weather the manufacturer wished lo
close out the lot. Tl
, are
lined with a guaraiiteerl satin lining: iwoqi
cloth......... ........................ ....................................



Silk, extiM quality. 2(t in.

of die c ly.


Nr'rfolk Covert, luilim-d. s|K*cial
(irice ...'.................................................

SumnicT IS tnitung lime, .MMlings ol all kinds arc *ere ami al
alirjnw; a'mofl any (alies saaoy fwiri*, 18{c^»......................... G5c



Coven Ho^ Coat, guaranteed s.itin
lining, extra gooti quality............................

Tlir nil a nf using large fl vw rugi u gaining groun.l eveiv dar and ’
e*tc IS III. place in ihc cnuti'iv wheie vou can liuv r»g« ol a'.v
Lml4s».ella*here. Floor Kng* from $j7 10
. . ...

Taffeia Silks, all colors. 3«c. .5(V-. .5Sc, 75c


Prices ranre from $2.50 to $9.00

Beat extra auper Ingrain made, colors aritl not fade; we have about aii piece* all new designs we anil Muid
back of o-ery )wtd we Bell................................................................ ......................................................
.................... 70C





any season previous to this.

Ten loUs all wool, lighi and <Uik colon, a gooil heat-y weight carpet for.............. .................................................................. 60c

Two hundied jardi Tapeitty HruaieU, good quality, worth 80c a yaul lor.............................................................................

Two st^ciaL i^LaM-hs at 5c and



carried before, also they are

Wool with ootlOB warp Inpains an eus good one fot ilie (trice. Urge
xlectioci of iiattem* in zeroll, tlozal ami conventional ^uuama.............. 60c

G in. brown Tn^ine Voile, $1.50.


line IS more comi>l«:ie this

F.xtia ‘iiialily union Ingrains about a tloidn pallnns all u.ifi.1 colon,
xtti he*«y, ipletKlkl wearing, only .........................................................................40c

46m.'panLna puiting.’^y.naxV. $l-^i. . ,75

. Taffeta


lection we carry and the values w«- are giving the j>»-op1e.

50 in. Nub Etainine. in navy only. $1,511,

BO^in. brown Prapdc Alma. $1T»0.


«i5aod $16 Suits for II1.7S
$18 and 118,50 Suits for $I4.T5
$25 Salts for $19


Untstels weave Granite*, rlioice paltenu, (■lenl) of them............................... 25c


splendid values before: now they .are br-lter yet.


Black Lace Et4miner^.a>regular price.
Blvk Lace Etamine. $1.50 regular pric.-.





MoliaiiN iitid HalVie.
like till. sj>eda! ...


"Look at iblt pachas*. ibU U from l
Her. Johe llaaBaocB that maar *111
remember *h«a be Uradh*» Re la
BO* aupofted hr tbe.fflMllecttlonal
C. E-a of MIeUw MoMplu. floaib :
iBdla. aad every Ihtle *M)e he *1111
. eead me a sreai tot td art Idea that he '
Salherod for aiy muaeam. Mere I
tPM report of the Uadara Mia
tbe l»<M alroiaar la tba Thall
cease that la apnkaa tbe,mm;
Srato fnim Ibe crest AlHadla
reaUoB that *raf Uteljr held ai DledB-'
sal; a *eddlac intlMileB' 4i the Hlodi >
lascaase; aad a lot oT kodak.pinnrea
that be had takeo of bla Jouraerlnp :
ia dlSereei part* of
Port Held RadUarlea._______
Uif lenaiB a
hreeif oaoa triUu M Ihe.sreai *orti
that lie U dolBC
■Thii BbproBOttDeaUe baaM U ^
borne of Mlu Orien. Utok rou oak
eecB ipell Itf Uatea! »*»doko-tc-m.
IncosD. NataL Eoath AMw- »e leiiz
BeUntabehaaBLadettehlarse pack^
ase of aeUre bead vad asd aoae oT
Ibe anlrlet aad Idote that tbe aeilve*
discard *bea they beec-* .....................
Inn she foaod that than
ml aad ao had to aa*4 tboni b> a
triaad *bo *w statte that day to
ScMIand and trotOd bbR It to me fn»
.. .
-H(*r It a aplesdid MMr from I
L.T. Ah Byoo of HstowiB. Barmah,
asd be lelia me b*lra*Bdlas a
CBitotbyaulaMocanrBho-wlllai.. .,
;h' , feeze to a noaU or two. aad 1« cUn 1
' that be eaa coalrtbst* kb (bare to I
n the (aBotm aatawB. ftee. T. B. Hatch.'

of them

goods, "ijArcial prio-

Suits until Mlegft every woman in this part of


l>er there
ilierc arc not all c

WS T t

■O' upebae*. Thef vaMa
aad did all iber eotiM ti

alxnu suits.

ors. but the value more than makes up for the loss

• Blln ut WelllAKUa.. South AfS
tulbctod to j
ea, aad M what aha bai t___
Ibe BoaoOBi. ahe aart. ThFf
dlBereal Chrlatmu sredUat* that i
aoflotlea la that tar b«V land eeod to
aaefc other, aad a Boat ertellejii Idea.
I tblak. ThIa ooe la fcoBdbeBapUat
C E.'( at Kins B'llBaBiE Tova. thU
troB the naptl(t(((aMrU.i>ilaB.
frun.lbe Border raloS: thU Inna
• ''i*. Cbloa. «l
i, Qape Town aad
"Hare la a mori deltekifnl
. fropi Rer,
of B
nr*. M. ■ . TmeMer
■ ir«e
' Boalh.
trleod *bo.
IM<>>. Ebplatid.
Raplatid. the *aad

E. TlBCa an Tocutarir.
d^mdinoihec E.Tl*
lolUaa me that ho «
.tooeh mlth the sraa. t
It the iiatoe .

to carry them

The^e is a saving here vou can

Black Cheviot. 5S in.. $2 value,


1^ M

1‘ercales. most

colors, reinilar

Wf tviuild not exhau't oiirgotxl talking points

Dress Goods Ranninls

These dress goods are small lots and broken



-Caa ytia tma(lBa IM* todurorert
«ay oE there la lhaae Maadi of the
as IMO Bllea from powbere*
-Here te a paekaca of frlaled i
ter Ibat *u aeal froB Aucklaad, New
SealWBd, eiaeeniliis
Dr. daife hs tmea lakiaf la that w
deitBl laad. tioto tba SoMbprp Cr«
They call tbla Dr. CRarl^ennreaitoo
•Dd haze are topic «zu4a. badm. pn>srasa froza tl and arrwral copW of'
thzdr Dtra C. E paper Ifaal It pabUihed
BdOlbly. tbe Bmlat BtBb. Tblz I ‘
' am to bare tesPlarly wlthAbe other of
Ihc BerraiMo forelSB C. B spera;
that I reeeirc.

SU inch full standard

If \vi-should takr a half jtagr- i-tTry

pieces that makes it undesirable

adlis* lar letter,
uld rUdi ii.Awl wr
of Sydeep. Mb*
_ Tbla
»u the Mthol lc(t KoITBlw.
ember. This letter la Is aase-nr ud
It abova Ibtl it reuhed Uai all rlcbt.
L« me quote hT..n hi. letter to '

ilprseali tbe *KeriMaao.' *blcb
the asdre wort, or at aeu- ax they
•as cDse to CbrUtl.|i Madearor. The
tapis ate prlaieO « Msaea. Ka*
OaMoala Ib a laacuac* that U a Btztare of FreBcb. tbe satire and a fc*
BasUah *orda. whan they do ool
Mr aw to eorreeiaad with them in



Will Do

arorii tm had boo* dcae bf Rot. J
Haddrid la .he LofaltJ liUad*. I «aeo iBpreaaed wllb bla writlap Iba. I :
uM I *t>ald irrtto to hlB. ;1 bad 1.
«el Bf aUu and Bad otii

onr . bdr«'
iboocbl ibst they tnwU be si< .
lec sad *o had tte onto 1.000 badcea !
Hbe tbe om S ebctoee aad had me <
iraulat* the ysr a t«|Ss l«>o ibrir
. toasoi^ '


Jtist WhenSec WhatYouYourNeed
Just Ladies’ Suits

‘"-la'*aoo.ber packacc wu a C. E
plodff lo Ihr Blashalaae laaruse Mil
Sij^froB a aaUae *»ker la KoOp•etu. Covlor. *b«» orefTlblai
. .BBdactad la «ba. pacMUr Uataase. _
-Ob. lo. Be toll Toa ef tbla lottor.•oallaaed Mr. IIoIIof. u be lookup an
•Dulopo wl.b the feaslMt kind of a
MlsnVfc. ‘SoBie time Uai Normbor
iUbTop OB* of tba C. E TIbo. tba.

^PlbbO; that you Vui.banlly
aMe to fied oar cmB of iaiaoda on.
•ay ordinary map. bat If yon vlll tool. .
•best oae ihotuabd -*»}«■ cut of
QueMalaad yon *111 (uNre Catdoala
*ltb I..........................................
l. I
a Preach eoaviei <



rod. paraeon

frame. Splendid line of hantllfn. worth anywhere

Just for Women


l iv.. h,.ndr. d Udi.-.' short Corsois in pink, l.l,,.Here




cheviot with colored


one a while groiiml



is a white


lawn, made up in a tasty manner of good m.i.terial;






black extra heavy

Hose, we believe this to be

a spzsciaf linfe a manufaciurcc

wished to close out and we izwk the lor.




White Lawn, mih val. insertion and




sll? Hoi"
ifipsertion down the front............................................



One hundred




$ 1.60

regnlar 5e qualily.


for gp

S|.l.-ndid showinq otBdmVrorn'iv.............

blind embrotderj- yi

tucks on sleev-e with one row of lace insertion, insertion do
and back, twd tucks in, back.

Two half dollar specials:


isahne waist

Lijfht Colored





N«. 16. 22. 40 Taffeu 'Ribtons* * ’'


andwdl made; l^ce Stnpr Ihmttj-. wide pleat down front with
two rows of pearl buttons.-twu tucks on cacheideof

Jap Silk Waixl* arc amons tho mo.t pophlar

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As an honor to the men of the Grand Army, this store
wlii he closed all day Decoration Day, May 30th.




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