Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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T R i A . V E E S r i C I T Y , M f C B P R I D A Y , P E B . 18, 1 8 5 9 ,

V O L . I.

Cjji IBW'
tnii %raferst flcntlir,
rcBVissep EVERT rr.mxv, AT ,
Traverse City* Grand Traverse Connty, Michigan,




okn I>OLLi* asp f irrr.Csim" p»r acaam. pajaU* lorviaUf la advance.
Conotr OnJ«r» nrrtvfS tt par |o papa rut of iob«r-rt[rtlofi« and
, A o v i l T U I i u n will be ioWTtad lor Bfl> ttrliper iquar* (ten Unci) f..r<be
dnt taaattlon. ana twcnty-Ora crn#i fnrrach MMaqurM fn»*r»I»B. iMiir
Mlomn; and$SO
ad.rrUarm.'nMiat 'the ntr> prr.Mribad by law : fifty cent* nrr folio of I'M words, for the flrit Inaerllon, and
twentr-flrr r»nt« for each inbaeqtmit Y.vty (tirurr> nraiiti a KUrnre
ww> without rale<,{0 p«r « n t addf J. Balaaadttgarewait, double price.

AH Kinds of Job Printing Neatly and Eijfditwusly Ei«arU£

^ttorittg .an (tannsctlor at Ifntov

T r a v w s o City, <j-randbraver*© Co. Mich.
Land Warrants bought and^ sold,' Taxes paid, Ipvcstnii 1
made, Ac. . Cqrrosnonilcnce «oUcittd.

C H A R L E S 11. H O L O E N ,
3>it)«eout Lritf A t t o r n e y mwl . C i r c u i t C o u r t
Cj>i r \ m i
o«» «T,


Detroit Business Cards.


ILLIAM P . WELL'S, (Successor to Campbell A
Wells,) Attorney, Solicitor and .Counsellor. Office
over Fanners' and Mechanics Bank, Cor. Woodward and Jefi
fersonav'*.; Detroit.

N O . 15.

atmosphere from the water, it prows thick by water frett- sit 'down and read them than 1 liad for trimming currant
ing to jts nrnler surface, whence ail the aerial matter! bushes. Time was, after 1 had finished a hard day's labor
at the shop, when an hour at hooka was" a real solace, and
containqd in such water i3 always under the ice, as it is I also lieheved that an oecasiott oT improvement. 'ITien
expelled from sueli water by freezing, and niu.-t remain 1 enviet! those whose leisure allowed them to foast on books
STAR of the holy Sabbath Eve!
How radiant like eoraeaugel there,
there until its accumulated buoyancy is Sufficient to lift perpetually; but the mistake 1 mntle was iu tailing to
. With blessings rorihe Earth below,
d break the ice, when it will escape through the fiseure* discriminate between mental habits and requirements of
Tho.u stttest on-thv throne of air—
the professed student and those of tlie working mati.
• Thy purple clouds around thee hung
made. I t is plain then, that the heaviest and greatest . ' In this wTetchetl condition," did time at my country
In ten.ud folds upon the Blue,
will bo when tho ice is thickest and the most nirto snat drag along. Visiting was a 'perfect bore, for not
Purer arid grander than a king
Or Orient islands ever kaew.
raise it. The breaking away when it rests upon a body f i l i n g the slightest interest in maseujioe topics nuch as
of confined air, communicates a tremulous motion to such corn, grubs ami mluiure, and earing less for the femeuine
Star of the holy Sabbath Eve!
air very similar to tliat given to that contained between ones of dress ami local gossip, I did not know whut to
ilow calm tbC.eyoHclone can gaze
t;i!k about.
Hooks set me to sleep. an<l not ha\ingthe
the two head-! of a drum when such heads are struck or societv of mv'two boys, who were off at boarding whool
On the Byrcet pfcace that seems a l*art.
Aspirit'of thy tender rays,
suddenly forced in.
I lie came fiully sutisjied that.'nothing to do,' was eqoalto
ir he from dark grout matter turned.
hnring every thing to snfler.
And reared a temple on the sod.
The Blacksmith, Or My Wife's C o u s i n - T h e P l e a Where through the long, still holy day
' My most delightful place of resort was a blacWnuth
sures of Retiring from Bwtfness.
His soul looke<l up unto,its God.
shop nbont two miles from "the hou«, when^ occasionally
I could handle the hammer and clang a little on the anvil.
my wife made the discovery • one day that my liamk
Star of the holy Sabbath Eve
Somo time ago, I called on a cousin of my wife, who
How'plainly .dost thou beern the word
were'getting grimy again, i was obliged to own Up tlie
resides^n Philadelphia. I had not seen hint for a long
-Of Him who smiles on duty done,
cause ofit, and this to my sorrow, was suo-eislcd- by a
time, but having understood that he was in affluent circum.Though from thy throne no tone is heard;
positive prohibition on her part from my taking any
Yes. there is lajnguage never writ—
stances. I was but little prepared for the condition in
further exercise at the forge. After this, wlien.I Would
And harpies* musie, spirit-rolled.
which I found him. Through inforniation derived from
sometimes- rida past the shop behind my' prancing JlprAs holy in itsj.Mlciitnea*,
alleyAs seruph-hynms from chords or gold.
gun horse, the tears would start in my eyes at my behig
with which that" city abounds, aiid fofind his f ame o:t t
signboard/ as^K-iated with that of another man; ovep n debarred the only enjoyment which was in the k-asj adStar ol the bolySabbath Eve!
dark nrul ding>- shon. The sign purported that thoy were apted to my taste or capacity.
O, may thy tender teachings now
" But, Cousin Aleck, to shorten inv.jstorv, my wifo
locksmiths anrl bcll-nntigcrs; also, that locks were repaired
Fall with a wlltlliiit deathless power
pelrceiving my unhappine# was increasing, at last consentmul keys''fitted. Without ccremohy, 1 walked into the
On every meditative brow.
ed to move back to town, ami let jne-tosyitie my bu^iiH}^
While here beneath thy sacred light,
gloomy recess, where there was a blacksmith's forge, and
' Wcinuse upon llis need sublime
where, among several muscular
n w looking
Hvmm men,
mm fup to
» «their
«.r 1
That gave tost Earth of one day rest.
urin-pits i» work, .-as my
CMAL He n & n l a » 1 1 " ™ " . " « • > « * • » « • " • " * W
The promise or a atormlcM time.
most conlially.iuiil for n momc»iIntcroJItol fiiiog » hnEl<
Tor the Grand Traverse Herald. bra® VeV on which he was L-nga^l, and the sbaicc of my j C°' of vie*, to live without «>£ but 1 have l^rned
dexter by one of his broad brawny hands, I enn ! »ny gatefaction two important truth?. f t i r a t th^l yrc
Thundering.of Ice.
I l y m n for Sabbath Evening.

rr. •

When a Lake, Bay or Pond freezes bver so as to exL . IIl'KIJ & CO.i Detroit, Michigan. Produce and clude its liquid contcnta from the atmosphere, a rumbling. quake.
ignct for.thc/ot• Shipping Merchant*, J.genU unit Consignees
Take a seat, take a seat," he. obsei ,d .. and just i which we arc so well fitted as that to which we have long

been accustomed and which lias hence become to us, as
C.JMI'AKY, Capl- cracking, and kmietimes a thundering noise is observable,, Jls ^ o ^ a T l l i u i s h ^ key, we'll make tracks for home,
lowing Lines:—AMKBICAN fitAXsV
'oMri.vv, Capital
it were aflecond nature."
which ia occasional and light at first, but becomes loudtV j I jcplied of course that* I was in no hurry, and
1 wag much pleased with the good sense in '• uiv nvife's
§soo,ooo. And tUo NEW VOKX CKSTJ
and more frequent as tlie ice gradually thickcns. This is j became interested jri the facile manner in which he was cousin" sis evinced iu ihe sniall section of his autt'iqograILCOX, L U F F & FULLER. (Sneewsnrs to E. W.
o _ rough easting into a polished key.
phy wliich he had given me, and ven" soon alter he had
Hudson.) Coraiiilssipu Merchants and dealers in Ship
As soon as it was completed, he washed the worst of
Stores, Coal, Salt,' Watsr Lime/ Plaster. Ac. Docks foot or and break the ice. The common opinion appears to be
finished it we reached his dwelling. If his shop wnsditrgy
dirt from liis hands, hung up his work apron} mid
•Dates Street, Detroit, Mich.
' ,l3
no dingines* here., Tlie edifice war. built on
that this roar is produced by atmospheric air being driven then putting on his coat ami'hat', remarked in a cheerful j there was "V
(JiviM.* WILCOX,
..HKNIIVWH\.-...-GKO. F . t u t
?, now, ('oiisin Aleck, let's go and see whether
utider the icc by tlie fpreo of the wind, and is rolling •
r,,i <ors t o
of the two parlors, and a noble kitchen iu the rear of tho
'-eWis .t craves)
Produce and General Comntissiuu Merchants, on the about from place to place socking a higher level x
After we were in tho.strci.-t, our conversation inse: i--; 1 >ly dining room, 'i'he whole floor, as well as the ojrjr a'ld
Hock near the foot or Cass street.
That this is air of some kind, there cannot be tho least
n on business and I took occasion to say t o liin that pleasant bedrooms above, were norbably adorned with
JAMES O r G a A V ^ . . . . . ^ . . ^ . . , . . . .
doul>t, but that sucli air is driven under the icc by the 1 had been of the opinion that he had retired from bnsi- a better description of furniture than was owned by tho
governor of I'ymisylvauia. Everything was in perfect
C, Commission and Shipping wind, there is a great clinnco to doubt.
liess on n handsome competency. " Doii't say a word
order, and although tho locksmith s wife was sdrapwhat
t Merchant, Warehouse on Dock, Toot of Dates Btrect,Such air cannot be driven under the icc by the wind for about retirement," he replied, " i t nearly makes lwi sick uppish in her notions, 1 soon perceivcd she was n ctipiDttroft,"
gjy Liberal advances. nraSe on Proauce, for sale in this or several reasons: First, Ponds that have no apertures in to think of it. People tuik of retiring from business while tal housekeeper, ami that toy .friend was proud of nis
they are healthy ana able tQ work. 1 tell you, Aleck,
Eastern Markets.
„ ,
Refer to—John Owen, Pres't. Michigan Innurance Co. Bank; the icc make tlie most lioise., Secoud, the ipotion of the they-don't know what it nlans, I didn't know what house, and proud of his two soiis who had come from
G, O. WilllamB& Co.,Forwardiug and Commission Merchants, wind is horizontal and not verticnl, its force therefore can- it meant until I tried it. buM now retirement and misery boarding sciiool to spent! the vacation.
• I fouud that these lads were quite intelligent cud that
not very well nflt downwank Third, air is much lighter sound, to my cars,'like wonW of about the same meaning.' they were both intended for the learned professions,
r E . PITTM.ViV, dealer in Coal and Pig. Iron.. ODico
Perceiving' that he had/slruck a subject on which he
.than Water, luid its tenilency is upward instead of downwhile one ofthem entertained me with the music on a parlor
f ) .and Yard, foot of Caw street Detroit.
could easily be cominunicaHve, 1 looked enquiringly, when
. CO'iVUkrtybigh, Bloss^iirg, Scranton, Briar lull, New- ward in that fluid, and the idea of its going under tho
he rejoined, " Perhaps Vflti have never heard the particu- organ, the worthy s-mith begged me to excuse him for a
cnstle, Ene.
few moments, after which lie appeared in perfectly clean
PIO IltOy.—Hanging Bock, Massillon, Scotch !• mnklin, bv the force of the wind is not in accordance with known lars of my retiring." J
linen mid a suit of dainty black. W e supped at a table
Middlesex. Clintoiu Various other brands of Coal nnd Pig facts. ITow air gets confined under the ice, then becomes
On my replying that I hud not, he proceeded. .
spread with the utmost profusion, and in the evening
Iron are kept for slile. .
a subject of philosophic inquiry. To answer such inquiry
some company coming in, conversation and music filled
ORNEI.IXT8 O C K F O I t l ) , Prodii-e, Ponvattling and comnstently with known natural lows,, is what is here
up the passing hour. I was deeply interested, and conmind to stop work, and move into the country. So I sold
.Commission Merchant. Dffice No. a Backus' Warehouse,
proposed. W i t h this understanding, I would call tlie at- out my share of the business <o riiy partner, spent a year eluded that " my wife's cousin," tfie locksmith arid bell
opposite i t C. B. B. Depot, Detroit Midi - hunger, was a wise man, and that unwittingly he bad,
ti E . M. BEMENT, Produce Commission Merchants,
discovered the philosopher's stone.
• Backus'-Buildlng, opposite M. C. R. R..Freight DcjiOt, Chemists by the name of absorption. By this property and at la-t found onti that wifo-and myself were conaderaDaily work w as to liim.fts necessary as his daily brand,
blv pleased with. Pine double house, four acres beautiDetroit, Mich.

water dissolves nir, as it is called, that is, it unites chemi- fu\iy shackjl, vegetable garden not to be beat, and soil of and the toil of the shop only FC.-VMI to enhance the
M. F ARH W D , Wholesale dealer in Drugs <nd Gropleasure ami recreations pf a refined and happy horde.
• ceries,"Paints, Oils and Window Glass, No. 80 Wood- cally with air, contracting it down to the liquid form, HO superior quality. l1i«' place is still in mv possession, but On taking-iny leave, 1 realized that I had been tauglit
ward avenue. Detroit, Mich.
" a that air nctuiflly becomes a liquid. In this state air mixes before I would go nod live on it again 1 d give it' av.ay;
a valuable kkson. Employment is the healthful lot of
"VTTILLARD H A R V E Y & C O . , Si Maiden Lane, and with water and becomes a part of that fluid. Water thus yes, Aleck I'd see ii sunk in the middle of the Dead Sea. life, and he who seek happiness in a state of perpetual
VV 1" Cedar street, New York, Paper Warehouse. EvCiy saturated with air is capable of supporting fish. Fjsh are 'But l a m getting a little ahead of my story. For two or repose, In'frays a profound ignorace of tlie beixflcent
description of Wrapping. Printing and Writing Paper, on
three "months, mailers and tilings went on very well
• ' hand, ot made to order. Fancy,. Colored and-Tissne l'apora, as dependent on air for respiration as laud animals. Then- liecausc 1 hud something to attend to in making a few laws which govern his being.
Blotting Papers, Envelopes. Straw and Bonnet Boards. n3
have not got lupga as'land animals have, to inhale it in its little improvements about-tlie house, and in furnishing .a
A New R a r e of H u m a n Ik'lngs.
IUS form, therefore tliey die when brought out of I mimlier of doors with locks of my own invention; b i t
r H B E R T & CO., Wholesale Druggists
Pome time since a paragrajdi appeared in a New
<No'a l02 and 104, Woorhyard avenue, Detroit,
rf • Grocer>sNo'|
itscovery, in the far
South Wales jolrnal, 1 relative to the. discover
"haveiin store and otTer to the Trade, u large stock, of Sugar, 'water into air, not for an excel* or deficiency of air, asia!
•ame to u jioint where there was nothing to interior, of a hew race of blacks. who had no hair On
commonly supposed, but bccanse their gills can. act <jn j
Syrup, Molasses, Fish, Fruit, Spii
* *'
but the cultivation of ;I was not he top of tltcir heads, in the place where the wool ought to
Cordage, Paints, Olls,Djc Stuffs S
liquidsonly. Water that hits had tlie atmospheric pro*- long in making the tliscovcry that I had no genius or taste TOW." The ac'couut of this most extraordinary di^covyry
•tt:., Ac.
M. W. CAKIIK. sure removed from its surfaco a few minutes, becomes in-1 cither for digging around roots or pulling up weeds,- and say* thu Bombay Telegraph, has l>een corfoborausd bv
J. S. CeTuaoT,...!.
f \ UY F . 1 I I N C U M N & CO., Dealers ia Groceries capable of supporting fish.' Tho same effect is produced j M wife d m t wish the pardeji to run to waste, 1 employed mi* eye witnesn,. Mr. Thooisou, who has arrivfed from
, ...
., ?
. . .
; n regular hnghsh gardener to carrj- tho things hanidsoiuh where the? aboriginals ruralize: They are, be Suva of a
V X and Provisions, Paints; Oils,.Twines, Canvas. Anchors .by boiling
over the fire, but m both .cases it takes its life-1
. I
rind Chain?, Tar, Pitch, ltonlh, Oakunv Ac. A complete stock
cornier color, and are tall and athletic, much superior iu
mind the expense
he j.ut me to ii
of Shjp. Chandler}- and the above named articles always OH supporting quality by agitating a few minutes when cold,'
t i t
er> -1
T 1 jc'xl^°.nc
! evcrj* respect to.'tlicir dark skinned brethren. Tho
hand and fyr sale very 40 Woodbridge street, Hetrolt, in -tthe ojwn air; heiice
we SJ« the design of Providence in w ay ofguamio. newfangled gardening tools, ami p a ^ n t .
^ ^
, a i j . t o !lilV( , I l l 0 r „
t o beauty,
the rolling of tntvcR on large waters. All attempts to watering aparntus;-for I had fully expcctw to spent
i rt , wt . V er. are aLso 'deficitnt or what wgencrhlv ac'GIUUOK & CO., MANUPACTOUERS A.VD DEAL
• ers at Wholesale nnd Retail, in Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads,
Doreahs, Book-enaes, Wardrol>es, Table-, Painted Chamber cessful, but it is brought to that state chemically in diverfruit and vegetables
- * 1 — on
— ground
— t . . ' * hitherto
i . A . » « untrodden"by
white own,
Sets, Marble and Ronewottd Ware, and a large assortment of
' " V . V ° U r - , i i U v w ' l « S » n r f P i ^ n f ' 1 ! others
ag white
of. I1 [• ,
u, „
Hair, Hnclr, CotionandSpringWs!trasses, Also,llalrCloths, si^? of ways, bnt b y uniting with water is the most com- Making use of the little arithmetic I1 was master ot.
these bald-pate*'.
. .bejngs.
' .
Spring Twine, Webbing, pure Curled'Hair, Willow Ware and mon, ami when so condensed occupies about the one L
T " " *""! *
u "
copier colored
They nppearr'di to have
Looking Glasses, at No's. 103 A l<i."> Jefferson Avenue, Detroit,'
thousandth part of the sjiace that it docs while in the fixins, ami the r e s u l t i n t e n t i o n s , and as noWr.g was n*Sred in their conduct
' Mie.hlgua. .
a].K-c^; green peas a dollar and three quarters for ba,f a , ^ ^
= C ( i t l T P r w t i o „ 0 f IKKIS and signs
F O L E Y 6i HOLLIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL gaseous fonn.' "\Vhcir separated fronnts union with wntrr peek;! currants fifty cents a quart; r a s n b e m ^ thirt) tents .
a w i l i ! ( . r a sovereign was shown to them,
dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Bovnton's Hot Air Furna- bylfreczing of such water, or any process except by a pint; bc,-et> fourteen ents each nr.d e v c r v - t h . n g c t e i n 1
pointed with his
n p n 0,)C 1 l
ces, Register, Grates,Cookiug BangeS.Tirin^r's andPlmnWs
P » « , 1',.,
,. r „
Slock. Machines and l'oois. Also, luauurscUircra of Coiiper, chemical means, it asftimes its gnsseous fornvand occupte
Tin and Sheet Iron Wares, House and Steamboat Plumber^ again its' original alnonnt of space. Water is likewise now I felt ou
Agouts for Wilder'* Patent^alaiwinder Safes.
Particular attention paid to House and Steamboat Plumb- capable of absorbing-its owu bnlk of carbonic acid gas: jr-.-nt It;:naii!v
ing, and putting the mostapproved Heating and Ventillstin^ as this gas is continually thrown off from the lungs of
hands—finger-nails cleaned ' ^f,P . °
ldv ssfe'blied
; out
. of my' , .. .
i mnner in the interior, but thev siguifie^l thoir intentiou
Furuaees and Cooling Apparatus in Public antVl'rivaie Build;m,l n a M » t o mate it appta-tha. I had never ^ b [ j . M n c o f . t h c j , S101K J l l t thefr next vWt. Mr.
ings, In the City ami Cuuntry. No 77, Woodward Avenue, auiroals, and formed ljiy combustion in. common fires, nt«l
manual labor
Detroit. (Opposite Holmes A Co.l
! Thonvson intends to return agjun to the Balonne, and to
also by the decomposition of animal and vegetable matter, doneie manual
' Then we must get behind a couple of Morgan pomes
T 7 B U H L & CO., >IANUFACTCBPtS AND WHQLK- and being about twice the \jeight of common nir, it de- which 1 had purchased, nnd make fusliinoablc calls iu the await their arrival. If the story is true, the age of won••
1 • sale and retail dealers in Silk, ftar. Wool, Pcnama. Palm- cends to tlie lowest places till absorbed by water or taken day time ou those who had called on us: and wife wanted ders truly hns not ceased
Leaf, leghorn and Straw Hats, Fnr, Cloth. Plp«'\ Silk nnd
Glased Caps; all descriptions of manufactured Fuw Tor ladies up by growing vegetation. Much of the water of these me to soften down my voice, and l>e particular about my • A s AROCJIKXT.-TA young lady being addrea^d'by a
.find gelitlcmen: Buckskin Glove* anil Mittens,"Fur, Kid. Silk lakes, too, comes from springs highly charged with car- grammar, and the subjects I talked on: but sometimes gentleman much older than herself, observed to-Hra the
and Woolen Gloves, Canes, Umbrella*, Cravats. Snspenders,
1 would revel iu the memory of the locks aud keys 1 had onlv objection slie had to a union with him, was the
Ac. Hatters' Stock and Trimmings, Buffalo and Fancy Sleigh bonic acid. The wider of swamps, marshes, and rivers handled in happier days, mid commence a history of my probability of his dying before her/and leaving her to
"Babes, Ac.
which are continually running into lakes, is charged with exploits in that line, when wife- would look as if she was the sorrows of widowhood. To which lie made the
Conant Block, l i s Jefferson Ave.
Carburctted Hydrogen gas, tho same as city lights arc going to sink through the floor. In fact she wished to following ingenious and delicate complimentary replv:
P. S.—Cash paid for Shipping Furs and Dcey Skins.
keep a perpetual lock on mv lips, (so far as our antece- " Blessed is the man who hath a virtuous wife, for i h e
I C H M O N D * & BACKU8.-PREMIL*M ACCOUNT made of, which comes from the decaying vegetable matter
number of his days shall be double."
Book Manufactory and Book-Binderv, No. 183, Jefferson in their bottoms. This may be seen by disturbing the dents' we're concerned,) with the key in her pocket
' lipt I sighed for the shdp, and time hung so heavily 6
A venue.—Account Book* of eVcry description made to order,
A merchant, not remarkably conversant with geogramud in the bottom of such places; bubbles will bo seen on my hands that an hour spent iu stupid listlesncss about
to start from their unchained enlodgemcnt and rise to the the house seemed longer to me than a day did when I had phy, picked up a newspaper and sat down to read, l i e
had not proceeded far before he eame to a passage stat ing
surface, which being collected, will be found to be com- orders ahead for locks, and was driving hart! to get them
Coratflcreial Printing, Ruling arid Blading, executed
finished at a given time. • My youngest brother, who is that one of his vessels was in jeopardy. Jeopardy! Jeoorder.
- bustible.
. ...
, i a COIICRC bred man and a lawver, sent mc, *t my request, pardy! Jeopardy!" said the astoui-hed merchant, who
The rabscriber having had an experience of over fourteen
I think tli<> solution of this question »nH be slfort and a fipo^jlcctioii of books on all imagiiuible subjects, so nad previously heard that hi3 vesBel was lost) let me fee
years, foels assured that they can defy competition ia prices
and quality t>r workmanship.
sy. ,
tha4 my library outshone that of the parson, and indeed that is somewhere in the Mediterranean. Well,- I am
Orders from Banks. Merchants. Mamuftictnrers and Railroad
When the ico first forms it is thin, and exdudes the I any other man;'but I found that I haa no more taste to glad she has got into port as I'thought it all over wtth her .*
Companies, respectfully solicited.





T s. cirtriin




For the Grand Tr»rtr* UertM.

he was really in earnest. There is undoubtedly room for
Omcnin a n d V i c i n i t f .
river are high and steep, affording great facilities for getOmenia, bettor known to many as the New Miwion
ting the logs into tlic water. The current is strong and a wide difference of opinion, as to the policy to be pursued in regard to .the swamp lands. But it does not fol- Harbor, is located nearly central on the west shore of
low that because there is such a difference between the Grand Traverse Bay, showing geographical features worth
I t never freezes over, and as it does not rise over eighteen
old counties of the State and thoa; in which these lands more than a pawing noticc—H-ommanjJifig as an outlet
.« . T B A V E B 8 B C I T Y t
inches in seasons of freshet, there is no danger of losing
Jie, that therefore there is a deliberate design to swindle point, all the trade, agricultural,. wooding afkl inoimfcrF R I D A Y MORNING, F E B R U A R Y 18, 1850.
the logs which are thrown into it in the winter. 1 his is
the north out of its rights. I hope to see a most liberal tured, to accrne from that unbroken, well-waterejl fertile
Kutdulph a great desideratum with lumbermen; as in many localities
policy shown towards the north, not only iu regard to the tract lying cast of the dividing ridge between the waters
ilj Mtborittd to recclvt
logs cannot with safety be placed in the streams which
swamp lands, but in every other respect But I think of Carp Lake and the Boy, which' competes with any
are to float them to the mills, until after the spring freshets,
there is a slight tinge of bunkum in these sweeping charges section of country in t h o « rayntials necessary to a future
A Visit t o T h e Pineries.
and consequently have to be handled over two or three
of injustice and fraud on the part of old counties toward wealthy district Much of the trade of the western
On a very pleasant day last week, in'company with
the new. Mr. Mc.Mahon defended the policy of the State slope will also centre here, when the harbor, which
lion. I'BKBY HAJMAJI, to whom we were indebted for the
Possessing these extraordinary facilities, HANNAH,
opportunity thus afforded, we Tinted tho externa re Pinery LAV & C'o.Jiaire admirably systcmatised, in regard to these swamp lands, as embodied in the acts commodious and perfect (securing to trading craft at all
of HAM*AU, LAY k Co., on the Boardman River, to pet that they can' tell jit any timo just how many logs they passed at the extra session of tho lastljCgiJature, iu a few times and in all weathers, a safe and convenient resort,-)
a glimpse of camp lifo in the pine woods in winter. The hare in the river, how much lumber they will make, what pointed remarks and opposed the principles of the bill is taken into consideration Even in its natural state,
sleighing wascicellent and the thermometer at 30 above thoy have cost, anil at what time they will arrive at their giving to actual settlers these lands. Mr. Shaw, the vessels of the largest class lay alongside the shore, making
Speaker, ably seconded the proposition of encouraging
zero.. W i t h a pair of font ponies, we skimmed over the
to trees, (remnants of the original forest) discharging
mills at Traverse City. They have fivo shanties, and j
first two miles .of level plain along the borders of Boardthe Pineries. They I the settlement and reclamation of the lands, by giving a and loading their cargoes in perfect security. The depth
man Lake v before we had got fairly nestled under the
m t o ulont mnc 1 portion of thorn to ~ t M settlors. a » l this proposition of water, absence of shoals, and its horse-shoe form, bid
Lr :
tA meet
meet, with most
most decided
decided favor in the House,
House, if defiance to winds and the finish which is soon to be put
seemed to
buffalo robes, and were usee ruling the deration to the
million feet of lumber. Their two mills at Traverse City
table land ere wc could realise that we . were out of town. are competent to make f>0,Q00 feet in twelve hours. the clapping of liands and other evidences of satisfaction, on in the way of docks, will make it a point that cannot
After leaving the plain and ascending «n elevation of
wore any indication of its temper. '
fail to drowjts full share of the steamer wooding, as wdl
These niills are situated on a narrow peninsula between
Mr. Bud's bill to abolish tin; Grand Jury has passed
about fifty foot, we pass through a belt'of hemlock half a
as land trade.
' _*'• •
the. river and the bay, just wide enough for the nulls to
the H o u « , only three voting against i t
mile wide, of little value for agricultural purposes, and
Ashore, Nature has done no less: beautifully comstand upon, and the logs are floated from the Pineries dienter upon a beautiful table land of sugar maple, beech,
pounding its real and its fancy finish, it competed a site
rectly to the rear of the mills, where they are hauled by
rock elm, basswood and white ash, .which extends some
AVe can glean, but little of general interest from the unequalled for beauty in any land. The gentle slojic at
machinery into thfcm, converted into lunilwr, and placed
twelve miles east, until wc reach the Pineries. The soil
upon the wharf in front, ready to l>c loaded upon vessels proceedings of Congress. I t seems to bo 'all talk and tlic head, displaying to great advantage- the beautiful reis ft rich sandy loam with clay'subsoil. The timber is which can lie alongside, and shipped to Chicago. There no cider." The Pacific Railroad Bill lias occupied most sidence recently constructed, givirtg in the same view
large and thrifty, the land rolling'and well watered; and is not another lumbering establishment in Michigan which of tlic time of the Senate: There is no probability, that harbinger of progress, the Church, whose graceful
all that is required to transform into beautiful and pro- possesses so many natural advantages as that of Messrs. however; of the passage of any bill for the construction spire indicates one jioint advanced in the religious, social,
ductive farms, is the (ixc of the woodsman and; the well- HAXNAU, LAV & Co., and wo doubt if there be one which of a Railroad to the Pacific at this Session.
and even financial world. The well-raised table land at
directed labor of the hardy pioneer.
Mr. BKLU after remarking upon the wide divergencies the right, affords ample, sightly locations for residences.
is so thoroughly systematized and admirably managed
As we approach the region of pine, we suddenly find
and contrarieties of opinion which the debate on this To the left, is the promontory-lika .Sliaw-boy-M>n Point,
throughout all its details and ramifications.
ourselves upon a ridge or pinnacle just wide enough for a
measure had brought to light, moved to recommit the on whoso extremis height stands tho New Mission BuildLegislature of Michigan.
road, at an elevation of three hundred feet abovo the
whole subject to the special committee from which it had
As our last mail brought only that which had l>ccn
ci ver. Our ascent over the tal^e land has been so graduThe entire surroundings are known as Grove 11 ill—
been reported, with instructions to report a bill authorial and imperceptible that we are taken 'all aback,' and lying over at Manistee a week, our latest dates from the zing the Secretary of the Interior to advertise for propo- appropriate irideed. The groves, Ixsiutiful even in t h d r
thrilled with surprise and admiration at the magnificent scat of Government are to the 23th of Jan. U p to that sals for the construction of three Railroads to the Pacific irregularity, display , to advantage the taste of tho propanorama which is so uncxpectly presented to view. On time soinc eighty or ninety bills, mostly of a local char- —one by, the Northern,*Central, and Southern routes. prietor. From the Eminence,* fur and. near, the view is
the right, at a distance of three hundred perpendicular acter, and of no intcrest to our readers here, had passed Mr. Brax did not propose to provide for the construction extensive mid (fraud: covering the protruding Peninsula
feet below, the Boardman River, like a huge silvery ser- both houses and liecome laws. Among them was a bill of three roads,'but merely to procure such authentic in-, the wild cast shore, Brownstown and vicinity, whoso backpent, winds its way through the narrow valley for miles; for the relief of the settlers in Gratiot and IsabclhT coun- formation from the capitalists who might submit tluar ground. (the east shore of t o r c h Lake,) *hows dimly in
and stretching the eye (and the imagination) still further ties. I t appropriates 315,000 from the General Fund, to propositions as would enable Congress to decide more the distance. Ttiroing to the right, in the hazy distance,
South, ovelr the high bank on the opposite side of the be distributed under the direction of tho Governor. It intelligently upon the superior advantages of some single Traverse City, with its highland background; the Round
river, one fancjcs ho can sec the lofty spire of the mag- takes immediate effect. Senator lower, from a select route. The. sulwtitute of Mr. BKIJ, and the original Island and Stoncy Point; while nearer, the Indian Sotnificent State House at Lansing, glintiug a i d glistening committcc, made a report in reference to the cau«c and bill as amended,- were ordered printed.
tlcmeuts slot the shores for miles, arc seen here in all
in the sun rays. On your left, and at neifly the name existence of distress in Gratiot and Isabella counties.
The bill making appropriations for invalyl pension tlieir glory. A t our feet, as it were, lies the; placid hardistance below, is a chain of l>eautiful lakes, studded with The sufferers, as it appeared by this report, a r c for the for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1BG0, was. passed. bor and its beautiful enviroiis. A view which amply
small islands, and connected by liquid chains varying in most part, upon graduation lands, who by the construction
In tho Ilou*\ revcral bilLs reported from the Com-, repays a" visit and banldics totally the woet skeptical
width from ten to twenty feet They are four or five in placed npon the graduation act by Secretary McClelland, littee on.Public Lands, were passed; among them, one ideas relating to our laiid-icape scenery, not alone pornumber, extending seven or eight, miles, and abound in were compelled to settle actually upon the lanils in order reviving and continuing in force certain nctsfor satisfy trayed at this point, but common to all, in a greater or
the choicest varieties of fish. W e could linger here for to hold them. Another iinmcdfatc cause of distress, is ig Bounty Land Warrants.
less degree.
hours in g&zing upon this sublime and magnificent the shortness of the crop of last year, owing to the*;etThe bill to amend tWc " act granting the right of preCCIIA.—The bill" introduced into the Senate by Mr.
scenery; but the ponies are impatient for their oats, and BCS8 of the planting season, tlic squirrels' depredation, and emption to settlers Ai the public lands of the United
Slidcll sets forth, by way of preamble, the substance of
other canses.' Tliore are 750 suffering families in Gratiot
whirl as .on to. tho Pineries.
Stites," was rcjocted*91 to 95.
the Ostend Manifesto, and as " t h e last means of settling
The first indication we have that wc are in the lumber county hot able to get through the winter, and there are
The bill codifying/the Revenue Laws was lost—84 to
tiro existing, and removing future difieultie^" authorizes
not provisious enough in that comity, ifequally distributed,
regionfis a largo log stable on our left, a ranalPshaitty

President to purchase Cuba, and, as the first step
booth for the 'marker,' a 'roll-way' on our right, some to last one month. In the county of Isabella the distress
Only fonr publiMicts hnd been passed by Congress and
thereto, to draw thirty million«nf dollars from the Treasuis
three hundred feet long, and a winding road down to.the
approved by the President, np to January 22.
to raise the money by contracting a debt of thnt
The bill giving 640 acres of land to Mrs. Sarah I).
river. This is ' Qanficld's Shanty,' the first of Hannah,
Juilgo McLeai was a few weeks since, reported as amount.
Lay & Co.'sgroupe, situated at the foot of the hill, three Rodgcrs, of Saginaw county, who had four living children
quite ill N o t knowing exactly how it would terminate,
The Chicago Press silys that a young lady, now a sew . hundred feet below. As it'was difficult of descent mid at one birth, 1ms passed both houses and become a law.
the Cleveland Democrat says the "vacancy" was promised ing girl in that city, has received a letter from ail uncle
ascent, we did not go down to it, but passed on to C a p t
to Kx-Gov Payne, or Ohio. Very soon after this com- in Now York, stating that herself and two uncles in New
Nelson's Shanty, a mile distant, on the opposidc side of the State tax in a column by itself, according to Govcmo;
fortable arrangement wasmado, Judge McLean appears York had fallen equal heirs to the comfortable sum or
the river. How wc ever reached the valley without per- Wisncr's recommendation in his nlessage, lias passed the
at Washington in very good health, and took his sent on .€27,000,000, or altout $1:15,000,000, by the recent ilcatji
ceiviug the descent wc had made, is ono of the mysteries; Senate—24 to 8—a strict party vote.
The commit tee on State Affairs iu the Senate have re- tiro bench of the Supreme Court. The disappointment of an uncle at Calcutta, India where he had cicCumnlntcd •
but wc did reach it, and crossed the river on a substanmust have been very g r e a t
his immense' fortuno in mercantile pursuits.
tial bridge. In a few moments wc ' ctune-to' at 'Nelson's
. Shanty,' and tho Captain, himself stood ready to 'take a of the swamp' hinds of the State, by a system or State
The despatches of Commodore I.avnllett, of the Wabash
The Clurendoni S. C_ Banner, alludihg t<> the landing
line.' These Shanties are log hoa«es fitted up with
recievcd at the Navy Department, contradict the report of a portion of the Wanderer's cargo in that Stato, ijays,
' berths,' like the cabin of ti vessel, tables, benches, stoves, bill provides for tho appointment of a Board of Commis- that the English and French Legations at Constantinople "the result of the whole matter will be that at the next
amTMl tho other conveniences for lionsc-kecping; and
protested against the Wabash passing the Dardanelles, session of the Legislature steps will be taken more cfloclare iiAcvcigr respect as comfortable and convenient as any consent of tho Senate, Vhose duty it shall l>c to lay out on account of tiro United siates not being a party to the uolly to prevent the importation into our State, of savages
of tho log farm houses in. a new country. W c dined and establish State.roads from Grand Rapids to the head treaty of Paris- The Commodore speaks in high terms from the coast of Africa."
sumptuously. The fare was first rato and tlwj cooking of Little Traverse Bay, through Newaygo, and thence to of the civilities of the Turkish authorities, who not only
The Dubuque Times tells about a citizen's team, while
excellent Those who imagine that the lumbermen hare the head of Grand Traverse Bay; a road from Port IIu- visited the Wabash, but were warm in their expressions of
going at two-forty speed near Eagle Point, on the ice, on
a hard time of it in spending a winter in the woods, are ron to the Muskegon River, through Bay City; a road esteem for Americans.
Sunday, without previous-observation of the driver, who
mistaken. They are well fed, well housed, well worked, from East Saginaw to the Straits of Mackinac, through
I t is said that the grossest frauds have been detected was accompanied by two young hulics, suddenly came
Bay City, thonce to the River A u Sauble, Prcsque Isle,
and lead a jolly, free-and-ea'-y life.
by tlic llouso Military Committee in the Oregon war d e b t upou an air hole thirteen feet in width, w hich the horscFrom this Shauty wc went over to that of Mr. Raney, Thundtir Bay, Mid Hammond Bay; a road from St Mary":
debt is about six millions, ami the Committee believe leapeil iu safety to themselves and burthen.
about half a mile distant where wc found every thing in Falls to the Straits of Mackinac; a road from the Straits
that only about one million is-justly dye. Some of the
neat and perfect order. Tho Cook is a man who tho- of Mackinac to the Wisconsin State line, by the way of
Theodore Parker, it is said, will never jiermancntly
are outrageous: pistols $55 each, miu-kets §125,
roughly understands his business, and the Ladies who Marquette. L'AuccBayandOntoriagoo; a road from Maroats 85 a bushe), hhy $120 a ton, and other things iu pro- recover his health, as he. inherits a family predisposition
accompanied us pronounced him an excellent house- quette to or near .the mouth of Menomonee River, by the
to consumption, l i e is to cease public labors for a venr
keeper. The ' log-slide' atthis Shanty is about two liuu- way of Little Bay Do Nocqucttc; a road from L'Ancc to portion.
or-more. He will first visit the West Indies and spend
Senator Ivcrsoti introduced a bill on the 11th. to abolish
dred feet long, and the descent to the river is very steep the Wisconsin State line.
the wiutcr, ami in the spriftg visit Europe.
For the purpose of laying out these roads such powers the franking privilege, t h o bill proposes to abolish the
. W o were just in time to witness the descont of the logs
e conferred upon the'Commissioners to be appointed privilege to memlicrs of Congres after the present session,
Lord Camplroll says it is a law in England that a jury
into tho river. Tho loaded teams came in. from the
woods a few moments after our arrival This sight alone nn'der the act; as are now exercised by Highway Com- and in lieu thereof each member is to lie entitled to re- who cannot agree " may l>c locked np dnring the session
is worth a trip to the Pineries. W o cannot convey in missioners, three of whom are to lie appointed by each cdve $150 in post office stamps, to be delivered at the of Court and then carried in a cart to the borders of the
next county, and there shot intd a ditch."
language an adequate idea of tho exciting seem*, when, road. ,Iu order to secure the construction of these road3 beginning of each' annual session.
after the logs havo been measured by tho '.marker,' and an nmdont of money from the proceeds of the sale of swamp J g ^ a debate in the United States Senate between
A n exchange, speaking of the trentment a police officer
the chains are loosed which bound them to the sleigh, lamb, not to cxceed the valne of four hundred ncres, is Douglas and Fitch, the latter got off a savago imputation received from a drunken woman whom ho w as endeavorthey go thundering and crashing headlong^ down tho appropriated, or the land, as tho contractor may choose; upon Mr. Buchanan's appointees to Post Offices, by saying ing to take to jail says she kickcd and cuffed him around
steep, p l u n j ^ t n t o tho river, emerge and plunge again, said lands to be within the counties in which such roads that when money was missing from the mails tho people as freely as if he had been her husband!
like a school or huge porpoises on a frolic at sea, throwing arc located. Tho commissioners are to be allowed three instinctively suspected the Postmasters.
I t Is rumored at Washington that a proposition for the
tliQ spray twenty feet intd the air. As we gaze upon them, dollars a day, while actively employed, and the expense
The House of Representatives have resolved to admit to sale of Sonofa and Chihuahua has been received from Preload after load following each othtr, the excitement bo- of the survey is to be paid from the State Treasury, under
the floor only Representatives and tho Clerk of tho House, sident Miramon. The price named is said to be sixteen
. comes intense, the blood rashes to the brain, and we proper restrictions.
Foreign Ministers, Head? of Departments, Supreme millions.
Tho bill to organize .the county of Huron
. ftoey them a troop of demons, Who had been lot loose
Judges, ex-Presidents, ex-Vico Presidents, and ex-Senaupon a spree ami overstayed their time, hurrying in mad both houses.
The renewed mutterings of resolution iu France and
Tho Committee of W a y s and Means in the House have tors.

and drunken fury back to tho regions of tho Infernal!
the difficulties impending between that power and Austria,
RKPEIEVEDJ—Dr. Sharpe, who killed Dr. Stout at excite much interest in diplomatic circles as the presages
In one respect wc were disappointed in tho appearance
^ Delhi, low}, .some three years since, ami for which he
of the Pineries. They did not present that sombre and are willing to rceommcml to the Legislature.
of a storm which may overthrow Napoleons throne.
Tho Lansing correspondent of tho Detroit Advertiser wus tried at Dubuque, has been reprieved. H e was sengloomy appearance we expected. This is owing to the
RAILHOAD CONTRACT.—The contract for building the
fact that a largo proportion is Norway or Yellow Pine, under dntc of Jan. 25th says: A bill was under discussion tenced for ten years. He is now practicing medicine in
Canada Southern Railway extending from Niagara River
which grows upon an open sandy plain, with little or no in the House to-day, giving forty acres of land to actual Hannibal, Mo.
to Detroit h a s it is said, been given to Mr. Morton, of
underbrush. Tho white pine is more scattering and of settlers on tho swamp lands. A motion was made by Mr.
A Washington dispatch states that though Gen. Cass Kingston, at $40,000 per mila
much larger growth. W o saw some logs throe feet in Thompson, of Genesee, to increase the quantity to be dois able to attend to his department duties he is subject to
diameter, all " clear." These Pineries are six miles wide nated to eighty acres. Mr. Thompson advocated bis
Hon. J . F . DowdeD, of Alabama has written a letter
attacks of unconciousness which disable him for
north and south, and extend rfbout fifteeii- miles to the amendment with considerable warmth, and portrayed the
days. After this he goes about again apparently as well to his constituents declining a nomination for r e j e c t i o n
eastward, on cither bank of tho Boardman River, which injustice done the northern portion of tho State by the
runs through the centre of the tract
The banks of the Legislature, in such indignant language as made one think

% 6nmi) Crabtrse ftoli).


A Highly I m p o r t a n t Measure of State Legislation.
W e p u b l i s h in a n o t h e r cohinin t h e report of S e n a t o t
. . .
7 7 . B a r n s , from t h e C o m m i t t e e o n S t a t e A f f a i r s , , o n " A
TJRRATA.—In o a r l e a d i n g a r t i c l e l a s t w e e k , i r e s a t e a
^ p ^ o ^ d c for t h e reclamation and drainage o f S v r a m p
t h a t t h e e n t r a n c e t o G r a n d T r a v e r s e B a y w a s seventy-five L ^ n d a , b y a system of S t a t e R o a d a . " W e i n v i t e t b o
m i l e s A W f i w e s t f r o m M a c k i n a c . I t s h o u l d h a v e r e a d a t t e n t i o n of t h e p u b l i c t o t h i s m o s t i m p o r t a n t m e a s u r e







uEcxr.D o m e n n u r n n c r r r , m c n i a i x .


Land, Tax, and General Agency.

Goods, Groceries,


of M a c k i n a c , a n d T r a v e r s e C i t y f r o m n i n e t y t o o


drcd'mileB s o u t h of .that Island.
Boardman Lake.
T h i s bcantifujl sheet of w a t e r , a p a r t o f w h i c h is i n e l u d e d w i t h i n t b o l i m i t * of t h e p l a t of T r a v e r s e C i t y . is,
a b o u t a mile a n d a half l o n g a n d t h r e o q u a r t e r of a m . t o
wido. T l i o b a n k s o n
a b o u t t h i r t y feet, w i t h
w a t e r is,is as clear a s
j Z L f f i r f ^ .

v a l u a b l e p u b l i c m o f i f u r e a . e v e r p r o j e c t e d inTLc S t a t e . A
r l a n c e a t itd c o n t e n t s , will s h o w t e n t n o t only d o c s i t c o n t e m p l a t e r e d e e m i n g t h e S w a m p L a n d s in s t r i c t c o n f o r m i t y t o
t ^ „ g p j r i t o f t h e Congressional A c t granting t h e m t o the
s t a t e , b u t b y a s y s te m of S t a t e roads, t h e r o u t e s of e i g h t
of w h i c h o r e specified, i t p r o v i d e s f o r t h e o p e n i n g u p f o r
s e t t l e m e n t , t a x a t i o n , a p r i c n l t n n u w e a l t h , a n d t h e s i t e s of
Y i U a ^ , h c u o w i l t a e c c ^ i b l c wilderoe*

c i t h e r side h a v e a n elovaUon o« o f t h o S l a t c .
I t i s c e r t a i n l y a n o b l e e n d e a v o r of h i g h
a g r a d u a l . s l o p e t o t h c w a t e r . T h c g t a ( c policy, a n d t a k e n in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h o t h e r a c t s of
t b a t V t h o w o r i d - r c n o w n e d L a k e l e g i s l a t i o n ' some of w h i c h a r c specified in t h c c o n c l u d i n g
i l t i s m i d t o h a n b c M | » n . g - « p l i » o r t t e t c p o r t , ; t » n o t f a i l t o a c c o m p l i itel

s o u n d e d n i n e h u n d r e d f a c t w i t h o u t finding b o t t o m . I t 0 ^ u b ( I c s 8 t h c ^
difficulties w h i c h wiU b e s e t t h c
i j fitted w i t h a g r e a t v a r i e t y of e h o i c c fish, a n d c o n t a i n s
^ D 1 0 r c o r ] e s s o b j e c t i o n t o i t s detail, a n d t h e
an l a r g o a n d fine-flavored t r o u t a s w e r e e v e r c a u g h t in v a r i o u s s u p p o s e d d a i m s of 'sections w h i c h m a y e s t e e m
Lnjcfc UoonTC. T h e I n d i a n s a r e n o w e n g a g e d in fishing t h e i r interests o m i t t e d i n Sta p r o v i s i o n s . B u t it i s the
1 ,i„ J h r n n u h the'- icc c o v e r i t m i r i t of t h e bill, t h a t in l b s c o p e i t i s f a r a b o v e trivialiTor t h e m ; T h e y c u t a b o l e t h r o u g h t h e >ce, c o t e r \i
^ ^
I t is a
0(. ^
s p e c i f i c , i e m a n d s oflocalities.
w i t h e v e r g r e e n b o u g h s , t h r o w in a n artificial d e c o y a s h
w h i c b a i m s a t tlie p r o s p e r i t y of t h e w h o l e S t a t e ,


Ha* opened an Offiec a t Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co.,
Michigan, for the transaction of a

General Agency Business.

W e e v e r tirtmplit toitliis m a r k e t : Which
will 1>« happy t o
ofiVrat sncb p r i c e s a s w i l l a c c o r d rcasonaMy with the TIMES.
. H.XXXAH, LAY A ('(1.
, .
- •
i T r a \ e r > e t it?. Not t , l^-<-•

The United States I.ami Office is l o c s f d a t t h i s place : a n d
particular attention will 1't J'auV u> locating L a n d Warrants,
investing money In G o v e r n m e n t hands, i m p a r t i a l i n f o r m . tibn relative
t o the
the geuohil
geuehil ffeatures,
relative to"
e - . — . r , resource*
— a—u d ,—--—
Uf-'cs of the
| - j - j A P E R W A R F J I O l ^ K ^ - u N HAND A N D FOR
IJ .
thc transaction or any Agency business with.-wliich,he
X either at Wholesale or"reUiL the follow in c d e s c r i p t i — ~ " ' '
may be entrnsted.
paper, viz: Iiaj-erial, Sui«er^- JtoynU.UoyaC MediBtn. Petny.
l l n . WWiojy J o w ^ A a d i b w O e n t « l . / 1 ^ , ^ .
f r o w n . Flat C a p and" Folio'Post. Cap, Letter, l.epali S c n u o c .
l U ? «
Al'torurr O r « r * l . !
Ilill.und Note l'aper in every variety.
K. D. W w l l W ,
- Book and P r i n t P a p e r s of all colors a n d sizes. Manilla,
Herald Office, Traverse City, Kov. 3, lS5S.
ltjic, and Straw W r a p p i n g Palter of aft s'zes and weights.,
K e c t i v i n g our liaper direct f r o m the Manufacturers, wc;*re
enabled t o offer t n e m at u.«" low prices as a n y in t h i s market.
j£A(jg—Wanted in e x c h a n g e for C o o d s o r C t u h ,
,90 'Woodward Avenue.


D r y G o o d s , Gi-pceries, Y a n W 8 WfTI-KItV AND E W E TOOL WORKS, l oot
k e b 1ST otira i s / J 3 a r d w a r e , . ^H H ofA llnisli
street, u n d e r t j i e F u l t o n l r o u V o r k s , D e t r o i t . M.
Cntlerv. S u r g e o n ' s Instruinents, Coopers' a n d C a r | x u t c r »
T i n W'nre,
foojs, A.te« of every description. P l a n i n g a n d T0Ui1. r o M1-

I l n U a n d C a p s , B o o t / / n n d Shoes, D o o r s Shsli,
a t t a c h e d t o a line, t h r o w t h e m s e l v e s flat u p o n t h e i r feces, i u i ( j ^ l m t e v c r i n c r e a s e s t h e a g g r e g a t e " p r o s p e r i t y a u g m e n t s
Door Trimmings,
nn.1 w i t h uncor in L a n d , w a t c h t h e a p p r o a c h o f t h c u n - i n d i v i d u a l welfare. T h i s i s a f a c t w h i c h small B o r e r s m a y

n o t discern, b u t w h i c h is n o n e t h c leffi t n i c .
e hope,
Nail?, by tho keg or lb./
Vork and Klonr, by t l i c > b a m l Or I K ;
h o w e v e r , t h a t l a r g e a n d l i b e r a l views will p r e v a i l , a n d
— —

. . .
a r e e n c o u r a g e d , f r o m o u r h i g h o p i n i o n of t h o intclh
hinseed'and liest winter-strained Oil.Hcrninft F l n i d :
floundering o n t h c i c e . W e h a v e j u s t b e e n d i s c u s s i n g m i ( , c h a r a c t o r 0 f tlic L e g i s l a t u r e , t o t h i n k t h e y wiU proIjimiw of allkii\ds. Candles, IJried Apples;
of t h o s e b e a u t i e s .
vial, in t h c c o n s i d e r a t i o n Of t h i s v a l u a b l e bill.
A torpe assortment of T o b a c c o ;

I t a p p e n r s t o f u r n i s h a s o lu tio n o f t j i c l o n g - v e x e d
l'owder, h e a d , Shot, O a a C#i-sj
Carpet Warp, l o g w o o d . Mftddnr, Copperas,
NEW POST O m e n — A new P o s t Offico h a s b e e n es- q u e s t i o n of t h e r i g h t a n d j u s t d i s p o s i t i o n of t h e S w a m p
Cadbar, I n d i e s , Alnm, liorav, Ac.
tniJitdrnd in t h i s c o u n t v , called M a p l q t o n i a n d J o h n G a r - L a n d s . A s a m e a s u r e f o r i n v i t i n g e m i g r a t i o n t o o u r
School Books, Ktationpry, Wall l'«]K r, Window C u r t a i n s ,
t n b l i s h e d in t h i s c o
, '
T h i s offico i s S t a t e a n d retaining i t h e r e , i t could s c a r c e l y b e i m p r o v e d
Cradle Scythes. Crass Scythes,and Snathes, 1 i t c h t o r k s ;
land has been appointed P o s t m a s t e r .
I b i s oflicc
^ a n d w i t h . t h e a d j o u c t of t h e E m i g r a n t A g e n c y
Stope 111*, lledhteads, ltoekinR Chairs:
situated o n t h q Peninsula, a b o u t half way gctwecn I r a - ^ j ^ , , 0 f t W O u l d become speedily available. I t dannot
Small Rockers and Table Chairs for Children;
Toeetlier with all articles usually found in a C o u n t r y h t o r c .
f c B t e C i t y a n d - G r a n d T r a v e r s e , (Old M i s s i o n . )
T h c fail of h a v i n g a n o t h e r e f f e c t , w h o s e c o n s e q u e n c e s will
offu-c is n o t l o c a t e d wficrc i t s h p u l d b e t o a c c o m m o d a t e r e a c h e v e n - h e a r t h . T h e p o p u l a t i o n w h i c h wiU find
o f f u c is n o t l o c a t e s m.
P e n i n s u l a - b u t h o m e s o n tlic lines of t h e m r o a d s , w d l b e c o m e n o t only
1 Commission, from 1 t h e Kalamazoo A p i c u l t u r e l Works.
t h d p c o p l o j s h o reside on t h a t p a r t of t h o 1 t m n s
so m a n y p r o d u c e r s . so m a n y
w ) n m i n . m o r e taxpayers,
All p u r c h a s i n g Hoods at Xorthport.willI do well t o c:dl und
P«wtofficca o r * n o t e s t a b l i s h e d m t h e s e d a y s t o a c c o m m o - n j , ; ^ l g a ( j d i n g t o t h e a g g r e g a t e w e a l t h of t h e S t a t e , b u t examine mv stock a j d priccs Iwfore jmrchasmK elsewhere.
j purcHasers. of S t a t e lands,
U. II. CUTTIKO € o n e t o order, oi) s h o r t notice.
d a t e t h p p u b l i c . f a r t y f a v o r i t e s m u s t b e rcwiir^ed, a n d
will b e c o m e s o
Nortiiport, Dec. 23,183S.
M | t i» difficult t o fipd t h e m in .tho settlements,' t h e officcs c r e a s i n g t h o f u n d s of o u r P r i m a r y S c h o o l s , t h e U u i v e r s i t y
N o n n a l Schools, A s y l u m s , &c. I n a c a r e f u l e.xnmiation
a r e l o c a t e d iti h n y o l t w u r e p l a c e w h e r e one h a p p e n s t o
of t h c s u b j e c t , , t h e a b o v e :md o t h e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n s of d
b o ' f o u n d , 110 regard t o hLs fitness o r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s b e i n g s i m i l a r n a t u r e will c l a i m a t t e n t i o n , a n d i t j s neccssarjt b r i n g i t In good-order. AFTKH 1
- t a k e n i n t o c o n s i d c r t t i o n . I t is a d r e a d f u l t h i n g f o r a t h a t t h e y s h o u l d nllTie e x a m i n e d in a r r i v i n g a t a j u s t
i W p u b l i c a n t o h o l d t h e office of P o s t m a s t e r in a l o c a l i t y e s t i m a t e of t h c real i m p o r t a n c e o f - t h e . bill. W o shall
"HANNAU; llvY & CO.
t a k o f u t u r e o c c a s i o n t o a l l u d c m o r o i n .detail j t o several' : Traverse City, Dec. 1,1SS4
wlierc t h o e m o l u m e n t s w o u l d n o t a m o d n t to t w o d o l l a r s :
of t h o m o r e especially c o m m e n d a b l e f e a t u r e s of t h o bilL
y i i r ; a n d v e t h a l f t h e ' D e m o c r a t s ' in t h e S t a t e a r e b e g [Detroit Tribune.
ging Gov. W i s n o r to appoint them N o t a r i e s P u b l i c ; and
A F c Q r r r v B t x THK WBTTK HOLSK.—A W a s h i n g t o n
. h e d o e s it. T h e y a r e a m o d e s t set of jftllows.
rill find work
H A N N A H , L A Y A CO.
c o r r e s p o n d e n t tolls a g o o d s a y i n g b y T l i a d d e n s Stevens,
City, Dec. i , 1;
IDKATII OF GOV. SLACK.—Tho B u r l i B g t o n ( \ t ) Ti\
tlio J i e p u b l i a n r e p r e s e n t a t i v e e l e c t f r o m M r . B u c h a n a n ' s

A Fine Lot of P l o w s ,

Notice to Farmers.
Work For Men.

Practical Buibkr and Draughtsman,

a n n o u n c e s t h e d e a i h o r K x - G o v e r n o f . ' N V n x u s i SuAnK.


P R O V I S I O N S ,

ehine Knives, Trusses, Ac., made t o o r d e r of a SBpcnor xiKaRazors, Knives, peissors.i-urpcon's i n s t r u m e n t s st N - U r o
and Ilrasi Ware; polished und repaired in a m a n n e r K> iii>«
itisfaction t o his customers.
Orders left at the office, c o r n e r of Brush s t : e e t and J i fferm Avenue, will be promptly attended to, w h e r e s a r o p M r t a y .
liefirrenccs Tslndlylpenaittol to Messrs. Edmund*, North A
' o . , J . B. Wayne & C o , Ceo. Doty, Doctora Allen A B a t W R .
Detroit. J a n . IMS.

. of all W n d s F U R N l T t r R E A N D - f P H 0 L 8 T E * Y , t .
ttomers anil t h c public generally, a t the lowest pofcdMe
rate*. Being p r e p a r e d to niC' t all ordor* in our line of bUfin i s s we Would advise b u y e r s to call u p o n un before bliving
dsewhere, 4s wc intend h o t to bo undersold by a n y drn» in .
the west. All work w a n a n t e j .
J t by Abbey if. n e m l n g w a y . T h e design of this w o r t ia t o
repn'smit tho*general poetic literature of Yertuont f r o m its
early settlement to the presenUpcriod. The selection^ a r c
gntiierttl f r o m the most reliable aonrcca. and w i l l e s | * c i a l l y
•t all A'ennonters bv birth-right now resident in this a n d


1 U K l'UHl-lC.—A new F a m i l y Sewing Machine, c o m billing the latest .(mprovetuents, a t tlie e x t r e w o low price of
„ •
. Vn
The prices of all our staridanl m a r l i n e s have been greatly
reduced. H l N O E l f S SfiWJNt} MACHINES, ft i«weli Xnown.
t h o u g h ' d e a r e r in price, liavo always been clfcaper in fact,
considering what they will do. t h a n a n y o t h e r . T h e p r i c e s
are now reduced so t h a t all m u s t
satisfied. Call a n d examine thc new machines' a t the low nriees.
W I U J A M l'OUTEB. A g r n t ,
. 13S Jefferson Avenue, D e t r o i t

" A g e n t l e m a n w a s . r e f e r r i n g in p r e s e n c e of T l i a d .
S t e v e n s , t o t h e possibility of M r . B u c h a n a n ' s t u r n i n g
I s prepared t o m a k e Plans and Specilications f o r all c l a s «
a g a i n s t t h e S o u t h - f o r t h o " p u r p o s e of retrieving h i s lost
, o p t i c a l nml Philosophical Apparatus, No. 250 Jctterson
f o r t u n e i n P e n n s y l v a n i a , a n d a s k e d M r . . S t e v e n s w h a t he of B u i l d i n g s ; a l s o e x t c n t o all k i n d s of work-connected wit
* i s t h t p u b l i s h e r of t h o M i d d l c b u r j - J Y a t i o n a l Standard.
t h e Trade, on liberal terms.
Avenue, Invite all those suffering from defective sight, t o intlionght would be t h c result
M r . S t e v e n s replied t h a t
Sash, Glnw, D o o r s P a i n t s n n d Nolls,
spect their assortment or greatly improved P e r e s c o p i r Orvsl ( o w a s a.most estimable man.
t h e r e w o u l d b e iio t r o u b l e a b o u t t h a t , a s t h e T S o u t h c o u l d
tul nn.1 l'cbl.le SiR-ctaclcs, which arc highly endowod with
„ r r e c l a i m h i m a n v t i m e u n d e r t h o F u g i t i v e S l a v e LAW. constantly on h a n d .
J . K. 0.,-tluiukful f o r . p a s t patronage, takes t h i s opportu- the property of i m p r o v i n g vision. Also, all k i n d s or TeleORAXD
to . number o j
scopes, Microscopes,Electric. Machines. Drawing I n s t r u m e n t s ,
nity of soliciting a c o n t i n u a n c e of. the saiac.
n3improvements. T h c beautiful passenger d e p o t has assumed
Ac., constantly on h a n d .
"* .
TraversvHWy, November 6,1858.
T h o T e n Million L o o n .
its a r c h i t e c t u r a l p r o p o r t i o n s w i t h i t s c l o c k tower a n d i t s
signed h a v i n g a Book Bindery in c o n n e c t i o n with his
o n m n w u t a T c o r n i c e s w h i c h a r e b e i n g rapidly, c o m p l e t e d .
F r o m information received a t the T r e a s u r y Department
The subscriber offers for sale a variety of engralted
Bookstore, is prepared t o -manufacture, t o o r d e r . Blank Books
T h e mail, f o r m e r l y c o n v e y e d t w o or t h r e e t i m e s a week,
of every description. Merchants .aud others, w a n t i n g anyi t is c s t i m a t e d ' t h a t a b o u t o n e - f o u r t h o f t h e recent 3 1 0 , - A p p l e T r e e s , F e n e l i T w e ^ P o n r T r o 6 « , P l u n
t h i n g in t h a t line, arc invited t o giVo hini a call. H a v i n g the
t i , a m u d r o a d , n o w c o m e s d a i l y b y railway, g i v i n g N e w 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 l o a n h a s b e e n p a i d in. T h e only c e r t i f i c a t e of
TIVCH a n d C l i o r r y T r e e s .
best or workmen, ho can safely guarantee s a t i s f a c t i o n ' i n a l l
A fine lot of Seedliug 1'KACII TKKES, three y e a r s old,which canes.
• T o r k p a p e r s t h o d a y a f t e r , a n d D e t r o i t p a p e r s t h e s a m e s t o c k s a s y e t issued, a r e t o t h e B a n k of thoi M e t r o p o l i s ,
will lie s o W * h e a p .

: .
W a s h i n g t o n , for $100,000.
Detr.ojt, Nov. 1.1<>H.
day on which t h e y are printed.
Also, CCRBAKTS, UOOSEBKKRJES, Ac.; all in1 good condition,
U ° R . SMITH.
I I I M I L K S B l ' S C H , (Successor to M. Howard Webster.)
A NEW ATLANTIOTKUMKAMI.—The P a r i s c o r r e s p o n d n3-ly
T h o D e m o c r a t i c S t a t e C o n v e n t i o n t o n o m i n a t e a canJ Dealer in Foreign aud Domestic H a r d w a r e , Ho«sekeepElk Hai.idn. Nov. 8,1858. e n t of t h e B o s t o n J o u r n a l s a y s t h a t in t h e c o u r s e of a reitjg
#nd J a p d i d a t e f o r C h i e f J o s t i e c of t h o S u p r e m e C o u r t i s f o r m a l l y c e n t i n t e r v i e w witli s e v e r a l E n g l i s h c a p i t a l i s t s t h e E m p e - 1
paned Ware, Drain Tile, Ac. Agent for the A m e r i c a n a n d
EFAULT IIAYIN« IIEEN MADE IN TIIK CONDI- European Law A g e n e v or Lit* A* Kapp. No. 7 Na«sau street.
flailed in t h e F r e e P r e s s t o m e e t i u D e t r o i t , F e b r u a r y 17, r o r e x p r e s s e d his c o n f i d e n c e in t l i c p r o p o s e d l a y i n g of a |
tions or a certain i n d e n t u r e »t mortgage, executed by New S'ork—for the recovery o f D e b t s Legacies a n d Inheritelegraphic
cable between F r a n c e and America._the ter,
Louis. 8ha-sha-<pia-she, of the township o! Leelanau, in the, Eurojie a n d tho United States.
m i n a t i o n of w h i c h is to b e t h e c i t y of B o s t o n . T h e c o m - counW of Grand Traverse am! S t a l e ' o f Michigan, to Henry
l t c m i t u n e e s made t o all p a r t s of Germany, with s a f e t y a n d
- EDITORIAL CHAKOF..—Mr. I ' c a s o h a s retired f r o m t h e p a n y is b e i n g f o r m e d , a n d t h o w h o l e a f f a i r will b e c a r r i e d Beers?of t h e township, county and State afbresaid. bearinj; dispatch. No. 201 Jefferson avenue, Kcarsley's Block, D e t r o i t
date t h c 21th dnv of February, 1S5S, and recorded on the 13th Mich.
J3attlo C r e e k J e f l o r s o n i a n , a n d J . C . H e n t z l e r , Esq., h a s i n t o e x e c u t i o n a s r a p i d i l y a s possible.
dav of May. 185S, at;7 o'clock. A. M. I n - L i b e r 2 , . o n pages 38;
ftvumed t h o e d i t o r i a l m a n a g e m e n t of t h a t p a p e r .
S A G E & S O N S , M A P P U B L l g H F R S , STATIONEBS.
and 39, in t h c offico of the Register or Deeds for t h e saiu
Went her Tnble.
u n t v o f G r a n d T r a v c r s e ; und the a m o u n t claimed to be due f J • E n g r a v e r s and Lithographers, 20'.» Main stri c t Buffalo.
W e a r c Indebted to. Misa LEOSORA i ' m m r s , of WhiteI t i s e s t i m a t e d t h a t t h e fleet of w h o l e s h i p s t o a r r i v e a t
said mortgage, at t h e dute of this notice, licing S10.i02 for N. W over Sage's P i a n o Room*.—We are prepared t o execujiiter, f o r tho rollowiag Weather Table f o r t h o last half Of principal and interest, a n d no suit o r proceeding h a v i n g been all work entrusted t o us w i t h p r o m p t n e s s ai.d d e s | * t c h . a n d
N e w B e d f o r d , t h i s y e a r , will result in a loss t o t h e i r owntn8r :
instituted at law to recover t h e del.t now r e m a i n i n g secured on an favorable t e r m s as any establishment in t h e country.
e r s of a s u m v a r y i n g little from ft million of dollars.
bv A i d mortgage, or any part t h e r e o f : Nirtice is he/eby given, C o m b i n i n g all t h e different b r a n c h e s b f Steel, C o p p e r aa.t
t h a t on F r i d a y , t h e 2 2 d d a y o f A p r i l next, M J , at 10 Stone E n g r a v i n g , as well as Graven W o r k or the finest deNorthwcBt.
o'clock in the forenoon of that day. at the f r o n t door of the scription. we guarantee satisfaction tn alt^ cases.
T h o I n d i a n a L e g i s l a t u r e , a t i t s tote e x t r a session, re' Southwest
M a p s P o r t r a i t s , S h o w C a r d s , Ac.. L i t h o g r a p h e d and p r i n t e d
Court House at TraVerse City, in said county, ( t h a t b e i n g tlio
pealed t h o n o t o r i o u s d i v o r c o law," u n d e r w h i c h s o m a n y
place of h o l d i n g the Circuit Conrf for suid county of I.ran.I in the most delicate colors, by a-new j/roccss.
Traverse,) by virtue or a power or salr (n m i d mortgage conmarriages h a v e b e e n annulled within the last t w o years.
R E E S W H I T I N G , (General Land A g e n t Gras«tained, and accord i n g t o the statute of Michipln i n s u c h cas.. hopper Fulls, Jcffersorf Co., K. T. •R»:rKRKNCKS:—
made and provided. 1 shall, expose for sale, at puBhe auction,
C o L B e n t o n ' s f u r n i t u r e is to b e s o l d a t a u c t i o n .
to"the highest bidder, a u d sell the premises i n said-mortgage
_ p r o p e r t y i s e s t i m a t e d t o bo insufficient t o d i s c h a r g e h i s
described, or so much thereor as shall l>e sfiffieient t o j i a y a n d CoL S. M c K n i g h t d o ; If. W. Williams. Ex. of Titles, St.
satisfy t h c amonnt due t h e r e o n at the date of tlu* notice, -with Lonix; M a j . B . Walker. U . S . A , ; C. A. Perry. 1Esq, W e s t o n .

West. '
interest a n d tlie costs n n d expenses allowed lyr law, a n d also
T. Pearson. A t t o r n e y at Law. Chicago.

ten dollars ottoruev's fee, secured, to lie paid by stipulation in
l i o n . J a m e s 1J.- T h o m a s h a s a n n o u n c e d h i m s e l f
said mortgage contained, all the following piece or parcelI or

c a n d i d a t e f o r C o n g r e s s froiii t h c d i s t r i c t i n T e n n . n o w
land dfticribed a s follow*.: Lyirigand being a n d situate in the
I Lane, ajid 17 Cedar s t r e e t New York. IlcBip. Cotton
• West
township or Leelanau, in t h c county or Grand Traverse and
by Hon. Georgo W . Jones.
B u t e of Michigan, l«-ing k n o w n as I>»t j » o . r h r e e (..) of Sec- Flax am! LinenTwines, Imported and Manufactured Cordage.
tion (21) in Township 1 hirty-two (-2) N o r t h of Cotton, J u t e , Manilla and A m e r i c a n H e m p Rop«\T#rredSui0.
Senator.Soward has made a strong speech
F i s h i n g Lines, Gflling T h r e e s Shoo Thrwid, Wick,.and ifll

a c q u i f f l t l o n o f C u b a , and especially against M r . Slidell's
r D E F A U L T HAVING BEEN MADE IN T H E CONDI- t h i r t y one h u n d r e d t h s (3Q-100) acres, a c c o r d i n g to Governent survev. Dated J a n u a r y 26,1W».
l_J tlous of a certain, i n d e n t u r e of mortgage executed by
bill. '
I I . L O Y E L L , (Successor t o D. Crosby A Cn.) Whole
-. '
H E N R Y BEERS, Mcrtgagec.
J o h n Weber, H u b e r t K u r t a n d H e r m a n J . Cordos, of tho city
• sale and a n d retail dealer in Watches, C l o c k s J c w r . r y .
CaARt.ES H. HOLPEV, A t t o r n e y ,
12-12W ,
A M r . J a c o b s , i n t h o D e l a w a r e L e g i s l a t u r e , p r o p o s e s of Milwaukee a n d State of Wisconsin, a n d Otto Thics, of the
F a n c y G o o d s P l a t e d W a r e . C o m b s B f l t t o n s T b r e a f t Ac. No.
73 W o o d w a r d avcnr.e. opposite Holmes A Co. D e t r o i t Mlcli.
t o repeal t h c l a w p r o h i b i t i n g t h e traffic in s l a v e s b e t w e e n townshin of Ccntrevllle, county of Grand Traverse a n d State

of Michigan, to A n t o i n o Manseau, of the county of Grand
W a t c h e s Clocks a n d J e w e l r y repaired and w a j r a n t e d .
F u t u r e Life, or S c e n e s in A n o t h e r AVorbl; I
Delaware and other States.
T r a v e r s e a n d State of Michigan, (deceased.) b e a r i n g . d a t e the
t h i r t e e n t h day of November, in the y e a r of our Lord one Thc'Ministry of L i t e ; by the author.of Ministering Children. G I N G E R ' S S E W I N G M A C H I N E S ARE T H E REST
A W a s h i n g t o n d i s p a t c h a n n o u n c e s t h e ' re-election of thousand e i g h t hundred nnd h f t y - s i x , a n t t recorded I n . t h e Tlie K. N. Pepper, and o t h e r C o n d i m e n t s put u p for general 0 Machines for Family Sewing, of .for m a n n r a c t o r i n g p n r
•poses- M r Call a n d e x a m i n e them at 13S J e » j j t t j i A v e n u e
office of this Register of deeds f o r the c o u n t y or G r a n d TraM r . B e n j a m i n t o t h c U n i t e d S t a t e s S e n a t e , for t h e t e r m of
(Masonic Hall.)
, o n t h e 21st day of J a n n a r y , A. D.-1857, a t 8 o'clock A . The T e n a n t Honse, or E m b e r s from Poverty's Hearthstone.
The W i t c h e s or N e w York, by Dofsticks.
Liber one.(l>of Mortgages, folios 74, 75, "6 and 77; ai"i
D e t r o i t Nov. 1.18^8.
i» s i x y e a r s f r o m t h o 4 t h of M a r c h n e x a .
Isaliella Orsini; by the a u t h o r o f Beatrice Cenci.
the anrsunt claimed t o bo duo on said mortgage at t h c date
L I F E T H O l ' G H T S , — A N E W SUP *
T h e L e g i s l a t u r e of N e w Y o r k c o s t s t h e S t a t e o v e r t h i s notice, being two thousand one h u n d r e d a n d tlfty-seven
dollars a n d fifty c e n t s <$'i,157 50,) f o r p r i n c i p a l a n d i n t e r e s t
^ 2 , 5 0 0 every day.
a n d no suit or p r o c e e d i n g h a v i n g been i n s t i t u t e d at law
N.o. f t Woodward Ave
Mcta G r a y ; bv Miss Mcintosh.
recover.the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage,
Prom Washington.
While it was 'Morning: by V i r g i n i a Towtisend.
a n y p a r t thereof; Notice is th e r e f o r e hereby ;given, t h a t
K n r YOBK, J a n . 2 5 . — T h e l i m e s s a y s " R e p o r t s S a t u r d a y , t h e 1 4 t h d n y o f M a y next, 1853, at 10 oclock in With a variety or Others, too n u m e r o u s t o o enumerate. I or
now complete, foil s e t s to - lie b a d of
reach u s f r o m " W a s h i n g t o n relative to s e r i o u s difficulties
DetroitJN'ovi 1,1858.
DOUGHTY. STRAW A C O Detroit, J a n . 7,1859.
NO. ? t Woodwar.l Ave.
b e t w e e n t h o P r e s i d e n t a n d h i s o r g a n , t h e U n i o n , w h i c h a t Traverse City, in said county, ( th a t b e i n g the place of holdi n g t h o C i r c u i t C o u r t for said county of Grand Traverse,) bv
a r e likely to terminate iu s e v e r a n c e . I t is a s s e r t e d t h a t v i r t u e of a bower or sale in said mortgage contained, and,
LUSTRATED—a volume of PhotoCTapha frfnn original
M r . W e n d e l l , t h r o u g h h i s c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h o e s t a b l i s h - a c c o r d i n g t o t h e statute or Michigan in such case made and
Stationery, c o n s t a n t l y o n hand a t '

d r a w i n g s by J o h n W. E h n l n g e r , illustraflve or Ui« Courtship
m e n t , I s a loaor t o t h e a m o u n t . o f a b o i l t $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . "
provided; I shall expose for sale at public auction, t o - u Detroit, Nov. .1,1658,
or Miles Standish.'by H e n r y W. Longfellow. There wiU be
Nn. 1HS Jcffer«on Ave.
highest bidder, a n d sell t h o premises in saW mortgage
WAKHIKOTON J a n . 2 8 .
scribed, o r So m n c h thcreor as shall be sufficient t o pay ajid eight o r ten large P h o t o g r a p h s of t h e most exquisite characUOCSK.—On m o t i o n of M r . M o o r e , of M e - a resolution
ter, executed by Brady, w i t h intersected cream-oolored.leaves.
G O L D S M I T H , M A N U F A C T U R E R ^AND IMPOItaatisfy tbo amffltnt due t h e r e o n at t h c d a t » b r t h i s notice, with
• ter of Se gars. No. 35 Woodward Avcpoc,Dctro!t,Mich!w a s a d o p t e d calling o n t h o p r e s i d e n t t o famish c o p i e s of i n t e r e s t a n d the co«t a n d expenses allowed bylaw, all the rol- (eontaining t h e descriptive text,) t h e whole t o Be bound in
t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s to o u r A f r i c a n s q n t y l r o n j a n d t h o s e g i v e n l o w i n g pieces or p a r c e l s o f l a n d lying nnd b e i n g in the townv quarto m o r o c c o c o v e r s with bevelled a n d gilt e d g e s . .
Early o r d e r s are solicited, as the slow process of preparing
b y t h o B r i t i s h g o v e r n m e n t t o t h o s e f o r f s f s on t h e s a m e s h i p of Centroville, county or G r a n d Traverse (I^eelanau) and
the P h o t o g r a p h s ^nothing b e i n g d o n e in elondy weather) will
Alan, i n f o r m a t i o n a s t o t h e . n w n b e r of s l a v e r s S u t e or Michigan, d e s c r i l « d as follows: Lota notnbered One p r e v e n t t h e immediate issue of a second edition, a n d conse(1) and F o u r (4). a n d t h e Southwest q u a r t e r of thc Northeast
captured, and other m a t t e r s p e t a J u i n g t h e r e t o , since tho
q u a r t e r of Section n u m b e r e d N i n e (3) in Township numbered quently onlv those ordered in advance can bft prevised.
W e e Six"Dollars. Spechuens t o lie s e e n a n d s u b s c r i p t i o n
r a t i f i c s t i n of t h e t r e a t y of W a s h i n g t o n .
T h i r t y (30) North of Range n u m b e r Twelve (12) W e s t D a t e d
T h e H o u s e reconsidered t h e v o t e b y wfclch t h e Consu- F e b r u a r y 11,1858.
. J O H N I. MILLER, A d m i n i s t r a t o r
l a r a n d D i p l o m a t i c bill w a s y e s t e r d a y d e f e a t e d . T h o quesIS
90 W o o d w a r d A v e n t ^
14-12*of t h c b t a t o of A n t o l n e Manseau, deceased.
t i o n b e i n g t a k e o , t h e bill w a s p a s s e d — 1 0 1 a g a i n s t 9 8 .
Tlo d i e d a t h i s residence in M i d d l e b u f y , V t , on S u n d a y ,
t b o 1 6 t h of J a n u a r y .

Gov. Sladc wof a practical Printer,

a n d wo rccollo*t t h a t w h e n w c weifc an a p p r e n t i c e , h e














Detroit Advertisements.



I ' « read is Scandinavian lore
Of that hjert place <}n that tu shore
Where heroes m t fornermore.
The find battle hiabaeii wob,-'
V '}•
The weary round of work U done.
The rnce for precedence been run;
They Uy their Wan7 a m o r down,
They change their helmet for'* crown,—
Uncertain.rear for sure renown. '
And there aw those who, keeping time
To weird notea wed to runic m m ,
Welcome each hero with a chime.
Within Valhalla"* bleated walls
Tbey Mate the kiss that never palU,
And And repose In Odin's halls.
And. I hare read In sacred lore
Of lands that lay beyond Time's shore.
Where Life's true heroes fight no'.more.

Defaroit Advertisements.

'"VTAIX, D C K C K L E E 4c C O . , 74 WODDWABD AVEl L \ nne, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in Foreign anil I)omesti# Dry Goods, 6arpets, Floor Oil Clothx. Paper Hangings
Ycathera and House Furnishing Goods.—We would partifnJarly Invite the attention of thepubllc to the following Coods,
which we have In great varletv of styles and prices : Broebe
Shawls long and sqnare; Bay State do. do. d o . ; Waterloo do.
do. do. ; Gentlemen's .do. do. do.'; Mantillas beautiful stvlw:
blaclc. Fancy, Poulard, Bayadere and Moire Antique Silks;
French and Englislj Merinocs plain sad figured ; Paratattlas
Delaine*, In great variety; Valencia Plaid* and Stripe*- AllwoOlPlaida; Alpacas: Hanni-U; SattinrtU; Broadcloth*; Damaali; Ifl«nkcM; LIAen*; Embroideries; Harterj-; Gloves:
Uibbon?/Prints; Ginghams, Ao., Ac." '
Carpet Department.
.: Velvet, Brusgols, Crenelle, 3 Ply, 2 Ply, Superfine, Cotton
and Wool, Carpets; Druf^guts, S u i t Kod* Oilcloth, Window
Shades, I .ace and Muslin Curtains Uurtain Fixtures, Feathers,p#r-•

Detroit Advertisements.

««»»1soa Avenue and Wavne Street, otftra for J ? fer, over a Urge part of the globe, is the consequence of
sale to the City and Country Trade:—
a diseased action of the sjntem,"Indnced by the poisonous
miasm of vegetable decay. This exhalation is evolved by thu
Sagars a n d M o i r e s .
200 l|hds fair, prime and choice New Oceans, Porto Bico and action of nolar heat on wet soil, and rise# witli.tlie^watery vaar from I t ' While the ran Is below, the borikon this vanor
1 MusCavado Sugar.
ngers near the earth's surface, and the vims 1* token with U
•V) bbl* Crufhed. Powdered and Coffee.
through the lung* into'the blood. There it acts as an irrita-.
loo bbla I'rimc Xew Orleans Molaaseir and Syrnp.
ting poison on the internal viscera and excreting' organs of
the body. Thielfver. become* torpid and fails to sccarfe not
500 half chests caw* and boxes Young llyson, Gunpowder only this virus hut also the bile from'the blood. Both thiand Black Tea*, of recent importation.
viru* and the bile accumulate in the circulation, and produce
violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the "kidnttf* and
Coffee a n d Spices.
the stomach sj-mjiathize with the liver, and be come disordered
250 bags white and green Bio. • ,
also. Finally, the instinct of our organism,-a* if iu an at140 bags and pockets old Gov't and common Java. *
tempt to expel the noxious fusion, concentrate* tlie whole
100 cases ground Mustard.'
blood of thrbody In the internal Cxcretoriea to forcc them
20 bags green and wl|Ite Maracaibo.
to cast It o u t The blood leaves the surface, and rushes to
50 boxes Gronftd Rio.the iceiitral organs with congestive violence. This is the
S0 kegs Ground Ginger. •;
CBHJ- But in this effort It fall*. Then the FBVER follows .
15 bagapepiier, Spice andCloveK
In which the blood leaves the central organs .and rushes tu
60 boxes Ground Pepper, Spice and Cloves.
K> W p *
crowns await the brave.
the surface, as if. in another effort to expel the Irritating
T o b a c c o a n d Cigars.
Who while in UN sanrtoken gave
poison through that other great excretory—the skin. In'lhis
- TURK OF in.UMIXATIXG GAS, for the use pr Private
•Of faith that look'd beyond the grave.
100 boxes 3c Fine Cut Papers."
also it fails and the system abandons the attempt exhausted;
Hoiwe*, Public Buildings, Villages, Towns, Ac.—Patented
loo libls Smoking.

and waits for the recover)- of strength to repeat the hopeless
Tbevsing new songs unheard before,
The principle of the invention consist* in the
.Vj boxe^ Plug Dark,'P's and 10's.
effort another day. These arc the tits or jiaroxvsms of Fever
In rhymes uaknown in mortal lore,
Jieculiar construction' of the Retort, wlitreby <!as is most
20 IHIXCS Gold Leaf, Half Pound*.

and Ague. Such constitutional disorder will uf Course underAnd only sung on that blest shore.
quickly, easily and economically generated from Rosin, Oil,
50 lioxcs Tin.Foil.
mine the health if it is not removed.'
Tallow and refit*e Grease of any kind, and producing, for
20 bbls Cavendish In cans.
We have labored to And. and have fonnd, an antidote.
They were true heroes when on earth.
aboqt eighty cents, ns much light as a thousand feet or ordiCiui&K.—A large-assortment of Imjiortcd and Domestic.
Although they vent of humble birth,
Ayer*a Ague Cure,
And stemed, perctitace, of little worth.
W i n e s a n d Liqpom.
which neutralize* this malarious poison in the blood, and
A long cotirse of experiments irt the hands of the inventor,
Portt Maderia and Sherry Wines, in quarters and octaves.
stimulates the liver tofcxpel-.itfrom the body. As it should,
But they had fought the Christian's fight.
who lius had many year* ejcporlenco In Gas maniifacturin;
Champagne, (Ueidsock & Delbrecht,) lind Claret in baskets so It does cure this afflicting disorder with- perfect jertnintv.
Had conquered wrong by righteous might,.
.Well'as by otirjjlvrs and others, has placcd the iuventi'lli
. , aud case*.
And it does more, or rather, doe* what is of more .qervice to
Und through the darkness reached the light.
yoniTall doubt of-its practicability. The public may Is; 1
Fine old Cognac and Sclgnettc Bnuidbs? in half-pipe*, quar- those subject to this infection. If taken in season It expels
Udcntly assured that it is at once the simple aud jus
And when they laid their armor down,
ters aud octave*.
it from the'system as it i* absorbed, anil lhu*J;ccps those who
of auy tiling of the klpd evei- liefore Constructed.
Their faith-secured a aarc renown.
G_tx—Swan and London Cordial, in whole and hfclf pipes.
" it free from its attacks; keep* the system.111 health.though
Arid with theCross they won the Crown.
. osed to the disease. Consequently It not only cures hut
coflnty and staU* Rights on the most favorable terms, 11ml " WHISEEV—Old Scotch, Monongahela-and l't'ach Orchard, in
hhd* and bbls.
protects from, tlie great variety of affection* which are induimmediately introduce the works into general use.
F O R E I G N N E W S - I ' i t MS.
ed b j this malignant influence, such as Rciuittent Fever, Chill
, Worlcs from 100 fcjet capacity and upwards, tire now.u Wine, Stomtch and Cordial Bitter* in cases.
'ever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical H< adache, or Bilreadiness by DUDLEY A HOLMES, manufacturers, Detroit,
fwu* Headachy. Bilious l'evens Xeuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout,
Arrival of the Arabia.
as.well ss fvery thing connected with tho "Sun-Light QHS
200 boxes Raisins.
Ulinoncs*, .Toothsehc, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma. Palpjtatlon*.
W«rks,V which will he supplied by them at all the principal
. 600 lioxe* Window Glass, assorted.
, mi . 7
N r w YORK, J a n . 28.
Painful AQc'ctfdns'of the Sideen; Hysteric* Colic, PiruhsLs
160 lioxcs Pepper Saucc.
. The Royal Mail steamship Arabia, arrived at Halifax points in the Union, to jartits purchasing territory.
and Painful Affections of the-Stomach and Bowels, afi "of
Persons of small capital, aud particularly GnsFi'tters. by
2IJ0 kegs While Lead. .
this morning..
which, wh'-n arising froni.this cause, will be found to.nssanie
making an investment; in the.right to use the - Sun-Light Gas
200 dozen Pails and Tubs.
The news by tho Arabia is a week httcr: from olj parts Works, will be certain of an immediate remuneration.
more orleSsthe intermittent tjtpe. This "Ague Cure" re, l<to boxes assorted Ink.
of Europe.
V3T~ All communication* in tlie premises directed to thtf - 200 bagt assorted Shot.
". moves tlie cauSoof these derangements, and cure* the dKcase.
This It accompIUhjsAy stipulating tlio excretoiio* to ex- '
'-W k<-gi Powder, assorted.
The steamship Kangaroor from New York, January undersigned will mtet promiit"attention.
pel the virus tVoiu t i e system; aud these organs by degrees
j p i r x Q. DUDLEY,
!. 1"0 boxes Oakley A Ames' German Chemienl Soap. .
1st, arrived at Liverpool 00 the 14th.
become habited tu'do this their 'office of their own accord.—
Treasnrer for Proprietors,
l.'iO boxes white and'dark Gi^rmiui Chcmical t^oup.
Diaquietude, continued, and warlike rumors still circuHence arises what wc term acclimation. Tltne uav accomyo. 7.7 Woodward Ayennc, Detroit, Michigan,
200 boxes Fancy Ifar and Cake Soap.
plish the sain)!. eUd,-Imt often lifts is uot long cuoa'gh, i.r I* '
but the panic had sensibly abated, particularly in
boxtit Futuily and Xo. 1 BarSuaii.
rillccd in the attempt, while this ••AgneCure" does it at .
lOO box-e* Stearine and Tallow Candle*.
FURXISHIK'i OO.ODS, at the Clothing Emporium uf 11.
ce, and w ith; safety. We- have grest reason to-bellcvc this
40 boxes Star Candlf s.
Tho Pairis Bourse showed an improvement, but still IIALI.OOK, No 184 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Where nur
» surer as well as safer remedy Tor the Whole visit* of ills-'
150 reams Wrapping Paper.
be found a very large, fresh'and desirable stock of the almvl
ws.wliich are caused by the miasmatic Infection, than m>v
100 reams .Foolscaji, Letter and Note Paper. The English Parliament had been summoned to meet c goods just manufactured underhjslmmedFatcinspection, and
,ier wh|ch ha* been discovered', and it has *ti)l another
200,000 Percussion Cajis, 2000 lbs Bar Lead.
embracing one of tin? most extensive assortments ever befi
the 3d of February.'
Important advantage to the public, which I s tliat it is cheap
lOO hhls Vhtegar.
offered in tliis market.
-1 wcll aa fiooil.
The Belgaln cabinct had l>een dissolved.
together fvHIi Codflsh.lMackerel. White FIsti, Herring; Bag Prepared by Dr. 3. C. Ayer A "Co., Lowell, Mass Price One
Among his stock will lie found every kind and description
The latest inforaration in regard to Italy is that large ol Garment suitable for Fall and Winter wear,
%tlt, Paints,;Oils- Oyo Stuffs Cofdagv. Brooms Uaktts Glass-' Dollar per bottle.
Austrian reinforcements had reached Lomtkrdv, and.that
From the-low priced qnd cheaper grmles^tothe most tine - i r e nnd article npjiertnining to the (irocerv "Trade. Conier
' Aye?* C h e n r P e c t o r a l
Avenue and Wavne-st, Detroit, Mich.
and fashionable garment—all of which liuvc liecn nmnufac- cO'erson
.chances of a revolt Tfere diminishing.
, *
has won for Itself sucjx 9 renown for the cure of evcrv\arictv
tureilwith the utmost citrennd w AKRAKntti to give satisfaction. »
The steam propeller of tho <ialway line was asho
or Tlirost and I.ung Complaint, that it is entirelv uniiecessarv All person* denlronsof pnrcbasingcitlier at WriOIJX.M.E
for u< to ricoUnt the evidence of it* v i r t u e whci-eycfit has
Gal way bay, a q d j t was feared could uot bo got off
OR RETAIL, are res
' — " invited
' " • to call and examine ids " O T Y A X D O T T E R O L L I N G M I L L ( O ^ HAS.VOW been
employed., 'As it has long lieen in constant UH* through/
Tho speech of tye King of Sardinia, at the opening of extensive stock,>whi
rhich shall be offered "at prices uniformly ' V . in-Store, anil oQer for Sale, a fall assortment of jLak* out this section, wo need not do mote than t**urv thi' ticople
the Chambers, vv^s constructed into a warlike sense. low.
lL HALLOCK.' Superior and Scrap Iron, of all sizes, at greatly reduced rate*. It* t/Unllty Is kept up to the bt.-t it e**r has bp n. and that it •
The Lake Superior Bar Iron *old by the 'Company, Is all
He sajd Piedmont was not insensible to Italia cry of
made from Charcoal Uig.and is farlietter tliad the Iron made may be relieil on'to tlo for thoir relief all it has ever been
anguish and concluded as follows:—" Let us resolutely — — — - . — . — , , . — , 'Maifufiictnrer* of PATEXT LE- ti<>ia Itan! Coal, atrd ili< ir Lake SujHjrior Merchant Iron is found to do.
Ayer> C a t h a r t i c Pllfcs,
nwait the decrees o£Providence." . Prolonged, acclama- \ En- WATCHES.—These superior Watches are mqdc by tlie the only Iron sold in fhi- market, that is madcintliismannfr.
aid of new and original machinery, expressly designed to sctions followod.
rhe|r Merehant Scrip Iron is all'tnade from selected Scrap For all the purposes uf aPurgative Medicine; for Costliness: <
with a low paice, a fine, snbstantlal, durable and uni- and will bear coiypM-it-on with" the best Iron mado in the for the cure ol for Jaundice; for the cureorihdiThe JClt^of Naples has pardoned 61 political prison- cure,
formly reliable time. keeper; Tlie movements are new in country.
gostlon: for Hcadachef-tor-the cure of Dyienterv; foraFoul
construction, and are prpaonnced by tho highest authorities
Wyandotte ItoIliUK Mill Company nnd Eureka Iron Compa- Stomach: for the cure of Erjsi|ielas[ for the piles; for the
I t was rumored -that tho British Chilicso squadron was to lie faultlens-in priaciplo and quality, and have been proved y draft* taken ntotar iu exchange for Iron or any indebted- cure of Scrofula; for all Scrofulous Complaints; for tho cure
by \hc most exacting test* to be reliable and unfailing in ac- es« to th^ C"m(/aliy. . . .
of Rheumatism; for Diseases of the Skin; for the cure of
to bo augmonted by twelve sail of the line;
Manufacture:! iron also given in cxchtfltge for good Scrap' Liver Complaint; for Dropsy; for the cure of Teller,Tumors
The depression on tho London Stock Exchange," con- tion. These watches arc manufactured entirely froin die
crude jnateria!a, Jti a single establishment, by cpnnccted and
and Halt Rheum; for Worms; for the cure-ofGoat; fora Dintinned oh til tho 13th, when tho excitement greatly uniform
processes—the manufactory being organized upon
nd see of address •
ncr l ' i " ; for the cure of Neuralgia; for purifying the blood.
subsided. -Under nwrc satisfactory accobnts from the, the same systemjthat has'been adopted in the production of
They .are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take
WJL 11. Z.VBUISKIE, Secrotarv.
Ktort corner Woodward Avenue and Congress-st.
continent, more confidence was shown in all departments the nnoqualed American lire-arms, which enables us to prothem pleasantly, and they are the l**i r.)irrient in the world
all the purposes pr a family physic.
• .and consols left off at an advance pf 3-8.
Price 25 cents per Box; Six BoxCs for One Dollar.

The Timer estimates the depreciation in public-stocks performance, for ten years, of every watch manufactured by ns.
pared to (furnish, afsh'ort notice, Stationary Engines Mill
hnd shares in European markets in consequence of NapoAll foreign watches'are.made by liand, thif American -watch- Gearimj, Warehouse llojsting .Apparatus and nil .varieties of
Great .numlicrs of Clerjn-men, Phj-siclans Statesmen, anil
•leon'a policy at SGO.000,000. On tho I4th the stock es being tlie only ones, made liv machinery upon a uniform Irm. Work. Repair worit on Ptjipeilers Steamers and Saw eminent personage/,.have lent their names to certify the nnmarket was 6till stronger—the advices from tho Continent system throughout. Nearly all hand-made watches are de- Mills, executed promptly and thoroughlv. Castings—every paralleled nsefulncs* of these remedies*, but our spice here
• /
fective, and aro contiutiaily getting out of order, In.manv dcsoiptionJ
will not iiermit the insertion of them. The Agents below
being reassuring.. ,
of the country It i* impossible to find good watch renamed furnish gratis our American Almanac in- which thev
AD the Emperor's ministers aro said to bo now in parts
pairers, nnd watch repairing is always uncertain and expen- Wp nre prepared to cxccpte orders of any size for Brass nnd are given; also with fuB description* of the above complritits,
favor of peace, and tho Industrial population of Prance sive. Tlie introduction of American watches disposes of this Couip-.-itioa •'a-ti.'i'.'-. promptly."
and llie treatment that should be followed for their cure.
look with aversion upon war. •
difficulty, and c<f*ntry merchants as well as watch dealers,
Oil Glolioj, Oil Cups Valves Journal Boxes Gunge Corks
Do.nutl« put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. The sick want the best
FRAXCE.—Among the rumors current was one that can keep wiitches as a part of their miscellaneous stock, and Cylinder Cocks, Steam Whistles for StcamlMmts,Locomotives aidI
there is for them, und they should it.
thus supply their customers with a new staide, which inav IK; aud Mills Bells for Factories Steamers nnd Locomotives,- unWalcwskl was to be superseded by Pcrsigny, as Minister used as anv other article, without mvsterv br hntobng.! hob' dej- eight hundred potluds. '
All our remedies are fyr salo by
of foreign Affaire.
by the trade genemllv, and by BOBBINS & Al'PLBTON,
. •
. Dctrjiit Mlch.
A wther, that tho Austrian Ambassador lfttd left, and
General Agents 16 Maiden Lane, N. Y
OOK FOR T H E TIMES tt—THE n x j i i c s OF
We-arc prepared to exccutc all order* for-Iron Railing for
another o^tho formations of an army of observation
FLORIDA.—BY Josiu-A it. liinuixus.—Illiutrrtctf with '•
Cemetethe Alps. None of them wero confirmed.
tint engravings.—One. Volume, 12rao. SJo pp. Price 81.—
• road'Watohes; cased in beautiful styles, warranted ex- ry Ixits. This Work portrays with emittcntability.tlie crime* commitThe Paris correspondent of the London Timet says: cellent .time-keepers; do do Swi*s full jewelled, l.evers in
ted by our Govcrumcut against the Maroon* who lied from
'•lTiat the French Marsliftlsafo charged to take com- every style. GOLD PENS.—I continue lminuficturing Pens
South Carolina a n d other Slave States seeking protection unJACKSON A WILEY.
mand of the great military district**- and all Generals on of every desirable pattern. These pens have rcofli ved a Silver
der Sjianisii law*. It show* bad faith exercised towards tlifiv
and Diploma nt the Michigan Slate Fair, nnd are not to
leave of observance, aro ordered to their poets. He also Medal
bcsnrpaale'l bj-any.Pens in market Also dealer in FIXE ' P O B A N K E R S , L A N D AGENTS AXD BUSINESS MEN. Indians of Floridu, and I* found to present a true view Of the
says that Walewski-has protested against tho ominous JEWBLRy, SlLVEB-W.\5lE, and FANCY GOODS. 1
1 J-Sage A Hon'-, Map Publishers, Stationers,- Engravers S M Y K I t v ' F l ° r i . a i 1 ' W " r ' w h i e h *1*. In truth, A \\'AR FOB
impression that appears to rule supreme, and determined
I have nn experienced Jewtfllor, capable of making new unU Lithograph!: rs, 209, Main Street, Buffalo, X.'/Y- over Sage's
From Opitrsor (Tiw, of Oil*,
Piano Room. .
. to_retire froin a scene where moderation js no loncci work to'drder.
Geiitlemen—Accept my thanki for a copy of "The Relies
PITTING STOXES and Diamond Work, and iFire-Gilding
prepared to execute all work entrusted to us with
listened to."
and Giilvar
''•'•-'-liring, done nt short-notice.
promptness and despatch, and on ns favorable terms n* any of HoridaT* I have read the book with great ltitere*t'and
AmOngxt the rumors from Paris, is one that General
a. practical workman, all | establishment in the conntrj-. CbtQbiiiiag nil the different much instrnction.. It set* in a striking light an jwportant
McMahon is to command the army m Italy, and that work entrusted tn my,care, will be carefullv attended to.
| l-ronchcs of Steel, Copper and Stone Engraving, as \vell as portion uf our history, nnd clearly reveals the secret spring*
30,000 men of tho African contingents
are to cross over GOLD PENS rc-pofntad, at fiftv'cents.
"Pens sent bv maiL ''niyon Work of tltb ttnest description, we guarantee nati.-f.ic- by which successive administrations were moved in a!T iir* of
u m . n i i j j ' u i i X i w i i s - m i . . - — ' -—> . . . i . - j - i Jtiou all enses.
great moral snd political consequence. The distinguished
to" Italy.
Particnlar. attention paid to Bank and Commercial work, author ha* especially entitled himself to the thanks of evenThe Constitntionnel has an article admitting that there
such us Checks Draft*, Notes. Certificates of Deposit, and lover or freedom, jiistire, and honorable administration; bv
are aerious difficulties between France and Austria, conE T R O I T S T E A M D Y E I N G E S T A H L I S H - Stock, Coupon Bonds Letter, Note ahd Bill Heads, Envelojitit. tracing and exhibiting the eyil influence* of slaverr in'.the
cerning tho Danube and Serrlo, but says war is only posMlOfr, Nol 1$ Congre*
ress-st.. East—A. C. ALEXANDER' Ac. Maps, Portraits. Slmjv Cards «te.. Lithographed and transactions which he narrate*. No one, it seems to'me, canarise from jien'sihc thi* « 01* without deepened convictionswould most respectfully
.mi fully toaccom- printed In- the most delicate colors bv a new process
, Intimate
Intimate that,
sible in tho evont of the rupture of treaties.
For the convenience of the business community Iti-thls vi- of the wrong of sfavcholding, and the necessity of earnestPrince Napoleon had gono to Turin to espouse ihe modntv the wants of the putronizing public, and his la.-jie inid perFistent effort for the deliverance of our National Govcrease ofbdsinesshe has adopted the improved facility which cinity. we have &uibli*h«d an 'aj!eiicy.«-itU Mr. John W.
Princess ColUldo, daughter of the King of Sardinia Steam gives to the A r t of Dvoing. having recently fitted up Greyn, at tho oflice of the Detroit Daily Advertiser, 212 Jef- •nnient from the. control of the slave power.
Columbus July 12, IMS.
s . 1*. CHASE.
The impression seemed, to prevail tliiFthis would secure
P?n:"s<-'-, J » . now Dyes by Steam, m'ery description ferson Avenue. •- ns
' ' J. SAGE ASO>'U
l!EPUBLICA?fS READ IT! Copies sent bvmall on receipt
the support of IVance to Victor Emmanuel in becoming of Silks Satins * civet,! Crapes arjd Merinos producing the
GLAIt PROOF" SivFES. of One Dollar.
most brilliant colors and best style of flaish tint every nrticlc
King of Italy.
combination of WroughtantlChilled
riUNCis l u r x o x n ,
ITALY.—Rumoln of disaffection are. unabated.
Iron, Jxro inches thick. Tlie Wrought Iron give* strength
Detroit, Agent for Michigan.
Numerous persons were leaving Milan evcrv dny.
Chil|cd Iron hardness; the s.-fftslieiiigwarninted Drill
' I V troops were greatly excited, and strict discipline M VENTILLATINGCHIMNE\7CAP— MayhewsChimney Proof. All other Fire Proof Safes are made of SheetJren.
Utwccn Lamed and CongrcM streets, Detroit, Mich
S. R. WOOLLEY, Agent, at C. A A. Ives' Banking Office.
Cap prevents Chimnejtl frvm smoking: it precludes stotmis
was necessary to prevent excesses.
The undersigned-having re-purchased *• The Institution for
Detroit. Nov. 1,1S33. •
from entering them; i,t lessens the liabilities to tires from
The advance guard of the Austrain reinforcement had thefr
the dissemination of useful drink*," ha* enlarged arid rejnve- .
burning out.-'it protects their.tops from the wastes of
nated it in the most thorough mannet makihg it now the
reached Milan." the weather, and scrvcs as an ornamental finish.
the Manufactu- most extensive BREWERY IX THE WEST, with facilities for
* Additional guns had been mounted on tho citadel, Persons desiroiis of securing the right of manufacture, pr
about 1.000 cases BOOTS, SHOES AND RCBBEHfv of all producing the finest and mostdclicate grades'of Malt Liquors;
directed against tho city..
' sale, or both, (n Cities Counties, States of Territories, in the jjarirable kinds snd have also on Jiand a few thoa«and snd is now prepared to.furritsh the Various quallthm of Ales,
It was thought Princo Napoleon's presence in Italy any part of the UnHcd State* notjdreadv disposed of, will lie pairs of our'own manufacture. • - ; x
Porter and Brown Stout for draught and 'bottling, at price*
furtpshed with a descriptive circular, -bv addressing the unWe shall continue-to mannfficture and to receive almost ranging from $<• to $10 per barrel
Tvould lead to unmistakable demonstration.
••ertdKncd, «nd.liy designating the territory they desire, the daily additions—so as to keep our stock at all times large and
Extra fine and Stock Ales brewc(l to order.
^ AUSTRIA.—The people are represented to be well ill.auo be furnished with the term* of kale.
complete. Confining"onreelvvs to the trade.exchi-' All Packages extra, which", when teturned to tlie Brewcrv
pieced with the spirit displayed by the Emperor in re- IBA MAY HEW, Patentee, Albion, Mich.
sivclv, we can offer facilities tincqnaled in Detroit i t
in cood. order, will be paid for at samf prices as charged.
Manufaetured and forsale, in Detroit, by
gard to Franco and Sardinia;
Woodward Avenue.
The attention of private families, and customers in general,
DUDLEY A HOLMKS, 77 Woodward Ave.
Twenty-seven thousand men were on their way to
Detroit, Nov. 1, 1858.
- ,
i* particularly called to the EXCELSIOR CREAM ALE. Old
T T J 8 T P U B L I S H E D , A TEXTBOOK OK VEGETABLE, I M P O R T A N T TO^ P R I N T E R S AND P U B L I S H - friend* and new may »<e assured of tho superior quality and
of these I leverages and all are invited Jo call and samt h e Porto having acknowledged tho new state of f j and1 Animal Phv*iolog}-, designed for the use of Schools* A
tits.—He have now on hand, and constantly receiving. 1 ple for themselves '.All orders, with- the money enclosed,
thinfp in Servia, there is no question of Austrian occupa- Seminaries and Collcgos by Henry Goadby. M. D., Profe f sor^very large stock of Book and News Papct or all size*. .W< will receive prompt attention.
of \ egetable and Animal Physiology and Entomology iu the are Agents for nine of the bc*t Mills in the country, which
tion in that quarter, and the treaty of Paris i*not' ; likely Stole Agricultural College or Michigan embellishod with t
Malt and Hops for sale at the lowest market rate*.
gives u*'a chance to compete and undersell any esubthlhmcnt
to l?e broken by the intervention of that power.
wards of 460 IllnsUations. Aithough designed loainlv f
in the W est and would say that wo sell print paper cheaper
Towntr.—AAelegraph cable has been laid to Constan- Goltsgea and Schools this book will be found jnvalaaLle
aud a better article than can be found in this market; Also,
1 S T P U B L I S H E D , A TEXT BOOK OF YEGETAthe general reader, and shonld find a place in every public we have just rfceived a large invoice of fine ManniUaa.—
ble ana Animal Philosophy, designed for. the use of
and private LIbrary. The beauty of tho wood engravings that Please call and see for yourselves at
.Schools, Seminaries and Colleges by He«ry Goadby. J|. D..
Another coffifion between tho Turia and Montenegrin so nlentlftilly adorn this worit, u remarkable, aud their style
ProfeMor of Vegetable and Annimal Phys/ology and Epntohas occured, and some live® lost on Both
' emlnenUy.pecnllar; white, red, yellow aad blue fljmn*, on S
®«'|>CT,inthe State Agricultural College ofMichiguv-emlo*nof$1^,000,000 francos had
bellished with upwards of 150 Illustrations! Although mainp A f K R . - * E ABE PREPABED TO SUPPLY AT HILL ly designed for Colleges andSchooha thla book will be found
Tin India m d Chia. mml, h«i r « H E i i | t a 4 birt
invaluable to the general reader, a n i shonld find a place in
tore i» no additioaal newi of imnnrtmre,
every public and private library. The beauty of the Wood
Commercial Note, Wrapping and TIgsqe Paper, Fancy and engravings that ao plentifully adorn this work, ia remarkable
Cou*m*»ooer Reed was at Macao.
Staple Stationery in great variety.
of tl,e
and their style eminently peculiar—white, red, yeBow and
."jost omlnent HumorisU of America, Scot100 tons of Bags wanted in exchange. U s e flgnrea, on adead black grooaA By. their dlrtnctnes*,
they have elicited unanimous admiration. For sale b r
Detroit, Nor. 1, 1858.
Detroit Mich.
Detroit, Nov. S, WS8.






— .





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