Grand Traverse Herald, October 07, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 07, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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V O L . I.


T R A V E R S E C I T Y , M I C H . F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R V, 1 8 5 9 .

CJt (SSraitfr. Crate tftraft,

w rv*uaa*D BVMV ranuv, AT - ;,
Trsvane CUy, Grand Trnvciao Gonnty, Michigan,


5{-; i',

sprrua 4HP raortigroa.

T h e Mystic L a n d .
1 live In a world of my own.
W h e r e tear-dropa t a d l a u g h t e r are b r o t h e r s ;
T i t a mystical clime In a sun-lighted t o n e ,
O u t s h i n i n g the cold world of o t b e r a !
f i * peopled by elfins ami sprites.
T h a i d a n c e to m y h a r p ' s t r e m b l i n g measures.
And winged t h o u g h t ! w a n d e r to tamo the d e l i g h t s
Of Uacy'a m o s t exquisite pleasures.
F a r away ia t h a regions of «pace

N O . 46.

bi-ingetk. not forth good fruit it kaen doten and east •• It is New Year's Day,"said Peter, cheerfully, "and
into tke
" .
I shan't take i t You may consider it as a New Year's
" W hat has that to do with me r a?ked Peter, his teeth
chat terir;~.
Yon are very kind," said both, with grcat/nl tat^?'Tell me of yenr good worka Have yea any to priae.
"And I haT« concluded to reduce tbe rents one-third
Peter was silent
;, .
. ,
from henceforth," said Peter.
"When have you ever, given the value of a farthing to
"Do yoa make shirts?" be Inquired, cutting short their
relieve tbe necessities of others? Can yon name a single grateful protestations.

Peter hung his heal
Ttasn you ahaH make me a doaan Here^aome aaaney
" Do you remember the shivering child that passed on to boy some materials, How much have yon got for .
the sidewalk this afternoon, and beH out its hand for a making them?"
gift? What did you, who had inyour packet what woidd
We were paid thirty cents at the sheM."
have been a fortune to ber—what did you giveber?"
"Then I win pay yoa doable, and in adranoa"
left two happy hearts behind him.
AB KiaferfM fmling Natty, tod Eipriilixdr Erecttd.• I s i t l a t h l a rainbow -propped clime, . —
Tell me then what good Vou have done in tbo world?
" I never knew bow happy it made one to do good,"
And forget the dull earth ' n e a t h me t a m i n g ;
What becomes of all tho gold that pours into your coflers? thought he, jovously. "What a fooll have been not to
I b e a r n o t l t f t j a r r l n g a of strife aa thev chime—
Do Vo ever encourage industry by spending it on your- find ft'out till I aras sixty-twi*"
. C H A R L E S . H4 H O L D E N ,
• 1 feel not Ita^heart-scalds
. . . . . aadbbi
self? I»ok at this miserable room, where you leAd a
Tbe next tenant had the money ready, bat Peter
^ttcrratg mil'CojrajUjr at $ato>;
Alone—I am .xrvir* alone—
miserable life, confining yourself to the barest necessaries notierd that ber boy was witboat sboea
for I beg hot from others my pleasures.
when you might afford all its comfort*. Tell me, Peter,'
" What's the name of yoar aon?,'he asked
My heart holds the key to a magical tone
have you. anything to gain yourself-bv .living? A few " Edward, said the mother, surprised.
Whose caverns are sparkling with treasures!
TVnvorae Cltjr,QrnftdTnivflnw Co. MlcK.
years of privation Would bring you no happiness."
"Then I give this money back to you sea New Year's
Ob, beautiful land of my dreams,
" But I am not fit to die," said theraiserappaled '
rwent to tun. Tbe little llflow needs It more than I
I-enter thy mystical portal;
Are you fit to live?" was tho stem rejoinder. "Do
And drink of thy fount of oblivion, that streama
Peter went bis roanda He *tad never passed a
To banish the sorrow that's mortal.
" I will reform; only try me!"' implored tbe o
happier day. He remitted tbo quarter's rent in even
Pro*eoutInic A t t o r n e y a n d Circuit Court
For lonely and aad on the earth
" What good would it do?"
instance, as be had determined in the begining, and Ins
. Commliwioner,
I should wander all hopclessjand weary,
"Just a year r entreated Peter. "Then if I am ntita opportune gifts shed rays of sunshine over many an
Coald 1 not at the shrine where my aplrit bad birth. different
man come and take me."
bumble hearth.
Arm. my tool tor the Journey so dreary!
TSIVKBSU c r r r .
There was a pause. At length the reply came. - j,.
This was the beginning ofa new life <to Peter. HenceTke
" It shall be as you wish. I/, nftcr. the en^ of a year forth be lived for others* well as himself As be had
H E N R Y 8. U D E L L ,
PKTKR RIOGS was a miser. Anv one might haro read I find no change io you, I will con»e again."
promised, be fitted np a house comfortably, and M n
C i r c u i t C o u r t C o m m i s s i o n e r iu»d D e p u t y C o u n t y
Peter awoke to find himself in the aark, and the -cold Mercer and Cbairtey came to live with him.
it,in his face, with its pinchcd outlines onde
Surveyor for Mnnistec C o u n t r .
ion, in, his douching gait, aiul his whole appearance. perspiration was oozing from his brow.
In their cheerful society he enjoyed himself tenfold as
The dream had made a profound impression upon him. much as be ever bad before. Tbe old expreadonofgreed
Tbey would hove read it still more clearly in the room
the great delusion of his life was rent away, and has faded out, and in tbe bcnevolcnt-loelang^oM man who
which hfe occupied, Rare of everything but-the most abNotary Public, L a n d , Tax, and General Agent,
solntc ndectanci. A couple of woooen chairs, a table he saw his life in all its barrenness and folly. He pictured now walks tho street, warmly and comfotahly dad, yoa
2 1 1 , standing ou three legs, and a rude bedstead, constituted to himself what he 'might easily have been, if ho had not would hardlyrecogniaoold Peter Biggs, the miser.
nearly sQ the furniture he possessed. His housekeeping bowed all his life to the shrine' of Mammon; and with this
A Cannon Ball in the Hat.
Wat. » , PARKS,
ideal picture he compared what he wife, and he shuddered
was on the most inexpensive scale. He boarded
An ononymous. writer, generally supposed to be tb»
Attorney a t L a w a n d Solicitor in C h a n c e r y ,
and the man worth thirty thousand dollars fared worae Ot the wide contrast.
G r a n d H n r a n , Miohiscun,
V My life has been a terrible mistake," he confessed to Rev. HEXBV WABCpKEmnt, after describing bow, when
than hte poorest tenants."
a cannon. ball from the Navy Yard at
Will a t t e n d C o u r t a n d t o Collection* In the counties of Grand
Peter's wealth consisted almost entirely in tenement himself "but, thank heaven, I have still a little time left;
Traverse, Manistee, Mason a n d Oceana.
25 : ly* houses, of which he owned a largo number," and which, in I will devoto it to making reparation. Heaven helping Charleston, Mass., and wi(fc much trepidation and more
headache, carrieditaw^y in that universal pocket ofyouth,
" As the first fruits of bis good resolution, he built. winds up with tbe following refections, which though
was questionable bow much good all this did to Petpr,
trite, are conveyed with much force and
ADVERTISING AGENCY, since his pononal expenses scarcely exceeded one-twen- b'ri*k fire, and replenished it bountifully from his scanty philosophically
tieth his income. What remained he either invested in sticks of IbeL 1 he old room falrlv danced in tbe chcerfnl freshness:
153 Randolph Street, Chicago, III.
additional houses, or hoarded up in an old chesi which he blaze, and the miser spread bis chilled bonds before it with When I reached home I had nothing to do with nr
shot I did not daro to show it in tho house, nor tell
an air of satislaction.
ROUNDS A LANGDON are authorised to receive Adver- kept securely locked under his bed.
tisements for this and ailOielcadiag Newspapora of UM U. 8., It was the laet day of December; to-morrow would be
The morrow dawned.. At the usual hour Peter set out where I got it, and after one or two solitary rolls, 1 gave
it away on the some day to a Prince streetcf.
and art the ONLY and EXCLUSIVE Agents for the majority qaarter day. Peter sat in his miserable room, shivering on his collecting tony.
uf those lntho North-West.
ap32 in rmte of nis cloak, which ho had worn time out of mina
But, after all. that six-pounder rolled a good deal I /
Hithetto hfc had been a moet inexorable landlord.
Halted no Arc. An it wn3 six in the alVirnooij, and bo Woo betide tbe unlucky tenant who failed, to have the sense into my skull, I think it was the last thing I ever
stole, (excepting a Kttle matter of heart now and then,)
tent ready for him at the day and boar he called; he
•Detroit Business Cards.
and it gave mo a notion of the folly of coveting more than
likely to receive small mercy at Peter's hands.
two hours rather than to incur the expense of a fire.
Peter was jubilant with the thoughts of the money ho Such was the condition of Mrs. Mercer, a widow with one you can enjoy, which has made my whole lifo nappier. It
I X T I L L I A J Q P . W E L L S . (Successor to Campbell A
son, on whom he first called. Her son hod been in the •was rather a severe mode of catechtsing, bnt ethics rubbed
T T l W e l W , ) A t t o r n e y , S o | f c l w r a n d Coau*ellar,
Office would collect on the morrow from his tenants. He drew
in with a six pound shot are better than none at alL
o v e r F a r m e r s ' a n d Mechanics Bank, Cor. W o o d w a r d a n d J e f - out his strong box from its accustomed receptacle, 'and habit of celling newspapers, and upon this, more than
Bat I see men doing tbe same thing—going Into unf e r a o a t t f e , Detroit:
-counted for the hundredth time the glittering gold coins upon the scanty amount which his mother made by sewing,
derground and dirty vaults and gathering wealth, which
they had managed to live.
with which it was flBcd.
But a fortnight before Charley Mercer had been taken will, when got roll round tbeir beads like a ball, and not
Two thousand three hundred and seventy-five," he
a whit softer bccause it is gold instead of iron, thoagh
excloimod with satis&ction. as bo finished count; "and sick—the sickness no doubt being induced by exposure in
lowing Linrs
tal $580,000.
to-morrow will mako it nigh upon three thousand. Ahl stormy weather. In eonseqnenco of bis misfortune, she there is not a mori in Wall street who will believe that
what a fine thing it in to have money; itpays me for all was now two dollar* short ot the amount required to Uieet I have seen a man pot himself to every humiliation to
my privations—and I suffor many. Money'is a powerful her quarter's rent Knowing as ahe did Peter's reputa- win a proud woman who kas been born ebove bhn, and
. E E F P A F U L L E R . ( S u c c e s s ™ to E. W.
when be gotber, he walked aO tbe rest of hia lifo with a
him with trepidation.
J) Commission Merchants a n d dealers In S h i p thing Ah! little do they think that tbo old man in his tion, she prepared to meet
conoon ball in bis bat I have seen young roeo enrich
" He is a nard man,1'she said. " I fear tbe worst'
' * Wator Lime, Piaster, Ac. D o c k s foot of threadbare clothes, and how much he has to mako him
Bstssiitoaet, Dwroit,
••But God can change even his heart, mother," said themselves by pleasure in the same way, sparing no paina
scrupling at no sacrifice of principle, for the Hike of at
Oariu.c Wucof,. ^ . . U m r UJn,
'eter wag really bappy after his fashion, yet be was her son.
last carrying a burden which no man can bear.
" Heaven grant i t " said she, fervently.
All the world are bnsy in striving for things thaC give
At this moment there was a knock beard at tbe door.
" I f i t were only five thousand,"-he continued, "how
, little' pleasure and bring'mach care; and I am accustomed
fine ft would be! But it will be .in uyear or two. I must was the dreaded visitor.
. . . . C n a s . A SUOLDOS. be tnore Economical."
" 1 suppose you have como for tbe rent?" said Mrs. in my walks nrooeg men, noticing tbeir ways and; their
folly,' to think, there's a man stealing a cannon ball; or
It would be hard to tell how Peter could easily be more Mercer.
! G . S T P W O J f . Produce, Commission a n d S h i p p i n g
there's a man with a ball on his head—I know i t b r tho
" I believe this is quarter day," said Peter.
• Merchant, W a r e h o w e o a Dock, foot of Bates street, economical than he was now; and he tortured hia fancy
" I am very sorry that I hare not got tbo whole of the way be walks. Tbe money which a clerk purloins for hi*
to devise some means ofretrenchmentwithout thinking of
" " j r a r L l b o r a l advancoa made o n P r o d u c e , f o r sale la t h i s or any.
money ready for you," said the widow, ocrvously;but pocket, at last gets into his hat Eke a cannon ball,—Pride,
C s a t e m Market*.
" I t costs A sight to Rye," he sighed—" a sight If I njy bov has. been sick for a week past, and that has had temper, selfishness, evil passions will Toll a man as
Refer t o — J o h n O w e n , F r o s t . M i c h i g a n I n s u r a n c e C o . B a n k ;
if he had a ball on his head! and ten thousand men in
0. O. Williams & Co., F o r w a r d i n g ami Commission M e r c h a n t could only live as cheap as they say one can in China, for diminished our earning."
New York will die this year, and as each one folia hia
" How much have yoo ready?" asked Peter.
a cent a day, it would nelp tne greatly."
Detroit. •
hat will come off, and out will roll an iron ball, which foe
" I have it within two dollars," said Mrs. Mercer.
Peter locked np his chest carefully, and pushed it back
be has worn out his strength in carrying.
E . P I T T M A N , deaLir ia Coal a n d P i g Iron. Office under the bed. He then sat down, folding his cloak
" I can't take it," said Peter, dccidedly. .
• a n d S a r d , foot of Cass s t r e e t D e t r o i t
" Bat" said Mrs. Mercer, misunderstanding him, " I
COALS.—I^chlgh, Ulosaburg, S c r a n ton, Briar Hill, N e w cloeely orOtmd him, waiting until ho should hear the city
Uses of Paper In Japan.
will pay you ths other two dollars just es soon as I can
bells strike-the hour of eighty his nsual bed-time.
From a review in the London Times of Capt Sherord
, Scotch Franklin,
But Peter was more tired and dr^wfcy than he imagined. got it."
Osborn's book entitled " A Cruise in Japanera Water*"
Middlesex, Clinton. Various o t h e r b r a n d s of C o a l a a d F i g He began to nod, and, perhaps it was the influence of the
f What docs your boy do?"
just poblisbed, we copy the following extract taken, from
Iron o r e k e p t for sale.•
cold—he jloon dropped asleep in his chair, with bis head . Mrs. Mercer understood this question to be asked with the work itaelf:
. .
It was wondcrfol to aee the thousand useful at weD
4 E . 1 I . B E M K . V T , P r o d u c e Commission Merchants, resting on hi« haoa Then a dream came to him which an idea of eoabb'ng the Imidlora to judge whether there
was a likelihood ofhis soon being able to cam the money as ornamental purposes to which paper is applicable in
M . C . R I t F r e i g h t Depot, was destined to change tho whole tenor of his liffc.
It seemed to him that he was sitting in his room as required to make up the deficiency.
the hands of these intastrious and tastefol people. Our
• •* He sella n a p m r
papermaehine manufacturers, as well as tbe Continental
H. F A R R A N T ) , Wholesale dealer in D r a g s and G n > usual, the door was suddenly opened, and dark figure ofa
0 ccrl&s Faints, Oils a n d Window Glass, No. 80 W o o d ' threatening appearance entered. Poter was terrified, as . , D o e s be nke the business?"
ones, should go to Yedo to learn what can be done with
Mrs. Mercer began to be surprised. She did not un- pspcr. We saw it made into material so closely resemward an-h'ie, Detroit, Mioh.
he might well bo since tho door be kpew was locked, and
derstand Peter's motives in nsking that question.
yet the visitor entered w i f there were no obstruction.
bling Russian and Morocco leather and pir<kin that it
m i U A R O H A R V E Y * C O „ 84 Maiden U u e , an<|
Not very welT she answerd; " bat poor people have was very difficult to detect the difference. With the aid
C ' e d a r s t r t o t , Now York. P a p e r Warehouse. E v e r *
to do as tbey can."
Have you come to rob met"
description o f W r a p p i n g , P r i n t i n g a n d W r i t i n g P a p e r "
of lacker-varnished and skillful painting ,paper made ax• '• Mr*. Mercer," xaid Pcter, abruptly, " v o a perhaps ce'.lent trunks, tobacco bags, cigar cases, saddles, telescope
b a a i ' o r m a d e to order, r a n e y , Colored and Tissue P a
"Ofwhatr •
Blotting Paper*. E n velopea, S t r a w a a d B o n n e t Boards.
think roe a miser—add so 1 hare been; but I sec tbe fouy cases, tbe frames of microscopes; and wn even sae* and
'"Of m^—mv money—that is, what little I have.'
Of it I am going to change the mode of my life entirely. used excellent water-proof coats made of simple paper,
" And If I should It would be of no service to tro
" 0 , " said Peter, reassured, " then I am ready to hear I shall furnish a comfortable houv. and shall need some which did keep oat the rain, and were at supple aa tbe
O a era a t Wholesala.aad
one to take care of it; will votrbe my houso keeper, at a liest Macintosh.
Duronix-s Boo\-ca*es, Waadrobes. Tabi.cs, Painted Chamber your business?"
. —
salary of three hundred dollars a year?"
Batii Marble a a d Boaewood Ware, a a d a targe a W m t a a o a t o f
" I have cotnof for yon," was the answer.
Tbe Japanese use neiiber silk nor cotton handkerchiefs,
Ilair, H a c k , Cotton a n d S p r i n g M a t t r a a ^ A b o . H a i r c l o t h s ,
- And Charley—" said the astonished woman.
"Por-iae?" repealed Potcr, again terrified.
towels or dostersyrtper in their bands serves as an excelB p r i n g Twiao> WobWafc p a r * C a r i e d Hair. WiUow W a r e
* He shall liva with Os; I will take charge of his educa- lent substitute, mis soft, thin, tough, of a pale yellow
L o o k i n g Glasses, a t No's. USA lC5JeEfertonAvenue,Dot
" What for?"
color, -very plenblnl, and very cheap. The inner walls
" Heaven bless you I" exclaimed Mrs. Mercer, seizing of many a Japanese apartment areformedof paper, being
" You may guess what for when I'tcfl you who I
bis band, and bedewing it with tears ofjoy. "You have nothing more than painted Kraans; their windows art
"Who are,your asked Peter, more atw more
•, B o y v t e a ' a H a l A i r F a r n % "
" I am the angel of Death," said the intruder, a
covered with a fine tranalacent description of the SUM
cas, l l o ; i « t c r , G r a t e s . C o o k i n g R a n g e * T i n n e r ' * and n u m b e r ' s
d Peter; in joyful surprise.
Peter jumped from his chair in aBHrht.
material; it enters larg- 'y into the manufacture of nearly
Stock, M l o b & M a n d Pools. Also, m a n a f a c t o r c r s of Copper,
"The angel of Dcathr be repeated,horor struck.
A S i B happy.
Tin and 3 b e c t I r o n Warea, House a n d Steamboat P l u m b e r t t
everything in a Japanese household, and we saw what

Ageata f o r WIldoHa P a t e n t Salamando'r Safea.
" You have said H."
. fNSJtal inayyet be oftomeuso in the world. Keep seemed balls ?ftwine, which were nothing but long shreds
P a r t i e a l a r . a t t e n t i o n piOd t o House a a d Steamboat
"Bat, said Peter, norvootly, "TOOfcavemade a mis- your nioory, Mrs. Mercer; I don't want i t Tell your boy of tough paper rolled, up. If a shopkeeper had a parcel
ike, good angel Perhaps you think I am oMer than I to get areB, and by next week I shall have a borne for you to tie op, be would take a strip of paper, roll it qatnty
- •> - A
a, I want oigbt years of being the appointed age of to COatO
between his bank, and use it for tbe purpose, and ft was
an; I am only sixty-two."
,, Peter ptascd on to4be next room. This was oaenpicd qaitc as strong aft the ordinary string ased at home, l a
" J kaow i t r said tbe visitor, composedly.
„.. v
a youug girl and her mother. They bad both sat up short, without paper all Japan would eome to a deadbigbt 'to earn the last of the rent, which tbey knew lock; and indeed, lest by the arbitrary exercise of his
- Tbcn why—why do yon pome tor me oawr «Ua»would be demanded in tbe morning. They looked fety authority, a tyaanmcal husband should stop his wife's
mcrcd tbe miaer, aluvteiag witlt fear.
I k h * * " " 1 your acntence of condemna- —H and care-worn.
paper, the sage Japanese motbevHo-taw invariably stipuY"oa do DoUook very well," said Peter.. "Do yon lates. in the marriage settlement, that tbe bride is to have
allowed to ber a certain quantity of paper!"
said the, mother, surprised at Petert
The other struck the wall with his wand and instantly chdbged manner, -tor w a r e paid veryMUle. Htreisthe
there gleamed upon it in fiery letters—" £**ry Iree thai
Fan aad Dtyar SUaa. t
1 t o r n f r c m ^ h e t o n p e a t of seersing. .

I t * s u n l i g h t * can d r y u p t h e t e a r s
• W h i c h falsehood and coolneaa h a r e started,
And t h e ' s p i r i t of childhood there r a d i a n t appears.
A s w h t a yore, Io loat Eden, wo parted.






Sept 16.
States; dM o
has Tinted our
is ferocious OB poor Be
occurred laxt
city siDce the p e a t firt
it uttered thafolWingphiffipic against the
hi the liable
The fire broke out about
as it most likely dit^ with his personal pet editor:
Webring k Ca, entirely destroying it, together with its
observations, which wc regret were not more extensive.
.. -fbe knave of aB knaves—the hideous
oootarta, indodirig four valuable horses. Theflamesthencc
He is also entitled to many thanks foV his clear exposi- mail—thedefamer of honor—the assailant of virtoe—the communicated to the black-smith shop. No. 45 Canal
tion J«f o^r State Swapip Land .ijrtereste. In short, fijr robber of purity—the dUeOsed, polluted, infamous Jack street spreading thencc in different directions, eowuming
entire block, bounded by Clinton, North, Canal, West
both arricles, and the interest manifested in otjr welfare, Ketch, has infected the atmosphere'of this city for some
. . . ___ IVortkport Stale Boail,
days past—skulking in by-«treeU by day. like the exhumed Lake and Fulton streets. From this block the fire comwe would give due credit, at the same time daim the
spirit of some archdemoo. and prowling about by night in municated to Blatchford's Lead Works, and thence to the
Wt, th*t Afl CommfaeJoners hare advertised that they right of criticism, having had a longer and better ac- what diabolic shape no "one can describe, and into what Hydraulic Milk; these with the block bounded by North
vile nooks and corners God ouly knows. It is difficult to Jefferson, Clinton, Fulton aud. West Lake streets wrntthaB b e upon the ground ob tbel&Qi inst to reoeive bids quaintance *ith the country in question.
entirely destrtjyed From the northwest corner of Fulton
All his statements of localities, water, air, health and conceive a wretch s© destitute of humanity, ami BO thickly
tor the batfding of that portion of the road soath of the
clothed with the besotted and soiled garb of iniquity, and Canal struts the fire commjmlcatcd to the"lumber
Matkegoa River; and that advertisements for farther scenery, were correct sod his statements mainly exhibits^ loaded with crime, and dripping—dripping with the filth
d of Ryereon & Miller, coqsumiog Dearly three million
t, valued at $40,000; thence to the lumber yard of I MAtnete win be issued as aooo cs the Board of Control, a great degree ot fairness; but wben he refers to our soft, of depravity. I t is hard fer humanity to. look upon him
Sutherland, destroying the entire stock, valued at $10.
jrjtii theCemmiasioncrs, shall decide as to what manner or it is evident he derived his knowledge from observations without a shudder of-horror."
thence to Lulls yard adjoining, consuming two
on the routes he traveled, to wit: Shores of Carp
proceeding will be most advantageous to tho section of
feet Mason k Go's machine shop corner of North
country which it is intended to benefit Tho funds Lake, Peninsula, Bay Road, and up Mill Creek, all of
Canal and CarrolU streets was totally destroyed. From
Ryerson's yard the 'fire comirfunieated to the - Vulcan
already accumulate are oply sufficient to complete a which localities exhibit our lightest soil, being on and in
a man in New York was extremely rich who was worth Works of Warringtoa k McArthur. Thence to the VuL
portion of tbe ro«4 and It is a question with the Com- the immediate vicinity of large bodies of water, necessa$500,000, and very few in New York were worth that can boiler works destroying the block .bounded by Fulton.
missioners whether it will not be a more judicious polity rily containing soil ot a lighter cast; whereas our back
There was old Nat Prime, of the firm of Prime, Ward Carroll, Clinton and North Jefferson streets. Two block*
to cleat aod-grob out the whole line, than to wo op tho country possesses clay and. loam in abundance. Sandy
adjoining were partially destroyed The principal losers
k King; John G. Goster, Robert Lennox, Stephen
fimds by completing only a portion, and leave the balance loam, with gravel, perhaps predominates, but not' sand
are J . W . Cochrane, Audubon House $90,000, insure. I
and gravel What reasons had he for'supposing that Whitney—men worth a quarter of a million. Old John $30,000; Blatchford Lead Works $90,000, insured $40,Jacob Astorwa3 worth three or four millions. Tlic rich- 000; Cochrance & Barker, Cleveland House $37,000, in"Ills question is certainly one of vital importance and our soil needs more fostering and pains to keep it up than
sured $7,000; Avery & Ca, $40,000, insured $25,000;
t^ould not be decided. without mature consideration the Grand River Valley, or any other, portion of like
then five or six leading Commercial firms, such as G. G. hydraulic mills 310,000, uo insurance; Waiter Lull,
There are, we bolieve,-about ten thousand dollars in the extent of territory in southern Michinan, when he admits
lumber $20,000, insured $5,000; R A. Rueber, plaining
mill, $7,000, no insurance. The total loss, probably .will
Treasury at this time applicable to (he road. This sum, that that which had been under cultivation for onp hunand Spofford k Tfloston. Now there are as many hun- not be less than half a million— will not
i£judiciously expended, wopld clear and bridge the entire dred years or more, had by no means lost its virtue?
exceed $250,000, the greater port in New York. Providreds
length of tho rofjd through the wilderness between Grand The fact that this year'this one hundred years' drilled soil
considered in moderate, not to say indigent, circum- dence, Hartford and Springfield Companies. A largo
Traverse Bay and Newaygo. Twelve.miles of the d»- produced an average crop for any country, proves his
number of dwellings of but little Taluo were destroyed
The origin of the fire has not beeu ascertained. Two fm-hibee south of Traverse City hare already tjeen so cleared, statement that " i t yet had Virtues." to be correct; also
W i n B. Astor is worth about thirtv-fire millions;
jn were slightly injured by falling walk
j i | individual ^terp^se, and *6 are informed that it 14 that its durability is beyond a doubt
WhitCedar swamps are by no means numerous when com,6pcne4 in like manner some ten or fifteen miles north of
In addition to the losses by last night'sfirereported
ney; Com. Vanderbilt will not cut up ICM than eight
Newaygo, leaving about eighty miles of intervening wil- pared with $ e vast amount of upland, though such
this morning are Warrington's Vulcon Foundry, loss $J0 ; millions.
000—insured for $10,000; Mason. McArthur k Ca.
domesB. If this should be opened in the manner pro- impression could have been easily formed, but not
mere millionaire) are quite common, and to furnish a list boiler works, $6,000—insured, for $3,000; Cleveland
moted, a -twelvemonth would not elapse before'hardy and Easily eradicated, by a single half njile navigation in c
of thi.-i poor class would nsc up scrernl columns.. The old Masonic Lodge, occupying the upper story of Bhttchfwd's
industrious settlers would be found on every mile or the of them. This statement like the first, it is evident, was
merchants who became, very rich never made it in trade. building, $8^000—no insaranpe; B. Barnauwr, liquors.
line of, ti)e • road, who would be bath able and willing to the. result of observations taken in our.coast vicinity.
$3,000—fully insured; the Reformed Presbyterian
The fruit-growing statement could havu been safely When they had done a good year's business, they drew Church, $3,000—insured for $1-000; also about 100
{pads *nd finish it without any additional expense to the
out $3,000 or $4,000 and bought real estate. Tho frame dwellings valued at from $500 to $1.200. A large
f^ale.' It •ould abo opentrp and bring into market extended to a certainty, as all trees now in bearing hare
Courier's correspondent says, " I passed a lot yesterday amount of furniture was saved, but in a damaged condition
some of the most valuable Swamp and other lands in
that the present owner once paid $8,000 for, and has
'XortMra. Michigan, and give an outlet, by land, to the mako tho fact evident
Why Germans and Intelligent Laboring Mea are
Finally, while we give Mr. Cravath credit for fairness, revised $200,000 for It a dozen.times." The profits'of the
whble. country bordering 'Griuid Travcre© Bay. In no
merchants, small or large, invested from year to year,
The German Republicans of Wheeling Ya., gave u
niter way could, ten thousand dollars be expended which deduoed from observations taken from the worst sido of
years ago, have made them vastly wealthy, without their musical serenade on the 29th ult to Senator Caldwell,
opporWould, produce such incalculably beneficial results. f exactly comprehending how it was done.
who lives three nrik» and a ha^f from tho etty, to .rignify
A W . B.
•>>On the other hand, if the money should be.expended tunity to make farther explorations.
tho great gratification which had been recently tendered
wv complete some ten miles of the 'south end of thc^oad,
>rary agent of the American Express Company, at Terre him, and which still more honorably and manfully be had
u particular locality only woul^ be' benefitted, while all
Washington correspondent of the New York Journal of
autc, within the past two or three weeks, 'has taken accepted, in tbe ranks of " the great Rcpnblican party."
the fertile region for eighty miles north- will remain a
Commerce, writes that there is reason to believe that packages and parts of packages and of various amounts''
" N o winder,"said tlic Senator in reply, "that you
howling wilderness for years toxomc. Wo are willing arrangements *wiQ soon bo made at S t Puterburgh, of money passing through that office in such sums as to Germans and other lalwritg men, feci an Interest in .the
to cmKqde, to the South all "that we ask for theNorth,
through private companies and government subsides, fdr make an aggregate reaching nearly $40,000. This was progress and in the final oaceodcncy of the principles of
all staked ami lost at gaming tables. The last sum was the Republican party. It is emphatically the partyof tho
Wlt3 nothing; more. -Oped up for us a erode passage
completing the lino of telegraph from Novgorod to the an entire package of $14,000, for the Park County Bank.
white laboring men in this country^ While the Demolb rough the wilderness by clearing and bridging, and the
mouth of the Amoor river, and thenco taking it across This was all lost in one night at a gambling saloon. cratic party is the favorit party of the aristocratic clement
people will do the
Growing desperate at this heavy lot®—the last of aseries in oar Gov-ermnent, wliilo it promotes. the interest and
Be rings-Straits to Russian America In the
of coosiderable length—the Express Agent pnlled a pis- follows the dicta of the oligarchical^ body of .'Southern
ucJKAnaaa<r.—Don Carlos HenderaoQ, tho sago and a" company , has already been formed in Canada, under tol from his. pockot and demanded the money or the life
slaveholders, to the prejudlca" of the ' interesU of free
Uuerable Editor of the Allegan Journal, (a sterling the namc'ofthe "Trans-MundaneTelegraphic Company," of the winner of the pile. The money was handed bock white working men, the Republican .party baa made the
ffe-publitairi paper,) reads us a lesson on political wisdom which will afford important aid in establishing the pro- to him, and his depredations in the Express office discov- interest of our workingmen of ttor small producer® Infijfc
soil and in the workshops, its fundamental basis. I t wiu
and propriety. I t Is. profitable and refreshing to. receive
Measures were taken to recover the money, newly all
reproof, •, and instruction in professional duties, from one construct the telegraph from the mouth of the Amoor of which was ascertained to be in the hands of parties in a pnrale to him how any'tnan who wrought with his hands,
and who valued the dignity of the sweat of his browjcould
Whoee ago, Editorial experience, maiden modesty and
Terre'Haute—mostly young men in the habit of playing waver in his choic^ between the principles'of tne twQ
r&ild'HkB.simpll^ty withal, so emiijently qualify him for a America. From Yicto&a a branch will be earned to cards for amusement and profit The position of the par- great parties. Fre6 labor never could bo honorable, never
could command that respect, to which it wae aititled.ruWher. T ^ e yearn for. tho'pecond hason.'
exposnre, the whole amount of tho money rtolen, staked whenever it was discriminated against, as between It" and
admit all hi* claims to priority over everybody in San Francisco to Missouri is commenced, and Mr. Collins
anil lost with the exception of, some $300, was surren- slave labor. Whenever it was degraded to the,level,of
everything as far back as the Tower of Babel, but shall
dered to the Express Company.
[Indianapolis Jour.
compulsory sjave labor, or as it had been by the Demtwt believe that : he superintended the construction of thinks by tho time it is in operation, he will have extenocratic party, subordinated it must partake of tho degNEW DAXOER TO DOUGLAS.—'The Douglas bids for tho. radations of'slave labor. Every man ought to he able to
Noahs!Ark unless ho prove it by extracts from the first ded the line to San Francisco.
support of tliQ North have aroused so much opposition to see this. T h e great principles of the Republican party
volume of the AUcganJonrnfii.
THE DELEGATE FROX UTAH.—The Utah correspondent him and his heresies among the Democrats of the South,
were tho same that' Henry Clay, bad eoeteoded for in bi»
< .BAY Ctn^.jPiUt»r?\r 0 1»*p received the first number. of The Ronton Taveller says that Captain William that his friends now fear that if nominated, his'defeat in life time, vis: encouragement to the labor of free white
the States where lie is supposed to bo strongest would be
. of the Bay City prat, published at Bay City, (fonttfrly Hooper, recently elected Mormon delegate to Congress, certain. In tho event that he is put on tho track, the working meri whether tillers of the soil mechanics, or
manufacturers. So plain were these tact* becoming hi
l<o«-erBaginaw,) by WILUAX-A. BKTCC. I t is a very was formerly from Missouri, mid for many years a steam- opposition in the South would nomiuate some " National"
tho eyes of the pcopl^ ami so tired were they now of the
i^afsheet, of respcir&bte rise, and evinces decidcd Edi- boat captain. He came to the Valley in 1850, is a man man, say Bell of Tennessee, and by assuming high pror disasters and prostrations which have been brought upbfc
nirinl ability..- Its columns, 4«> well filled with local of about fifty years of age, tail, keen black eye, of medium slavery ground, draw to themselves the dissatMad Dem- the industrial interests of the country, through the prinocrats of Kentucky. Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, Dela- ciples of the Democratic party, that they are about to rise
business \ad\-ertiacmchts, w^ich speaks mono for the address, rather pleasing in his maimer—ho his only one
ware, North Carolina and Louisiana, and carry allth'Ose up in thoir strength and hurl their oppressors from the
enterprise and public, spirit of tho inhabitants of the Wfe, has never had more—possesses a large property in States.. It is Emitted that Mr. Douglas cannot lose these
places which they have so unworthily occupied." .
^>lace than jdl tho Edit<*ial p u f t which could be writteh the Valley, is wholly devoted to Mormonism, tyid has and win; and it ia also admitted that to him their loss
. The Spirit of Independence.
TO O- twelvdmdnth. W c have not the pleasure of a per-taken the oath of a Danite, but otherwiso holds no office would be. certain. This is a contingency upou which his
,Tbis is an age bf great personal Iridenendecca Man
sonal acquaintance with Mr. Bryce, but he is evidently a in the church. He probably is looked upon'by the Gen- friends hero made no calculation; they have cracked their
whips over tho heads of their Southern brethren with as feels his importance as man. Men, arid even boys "Ord
jrpod printer, a graceful writar/ a»d a roan of correct tiles with more consideration than any other man among much assurance as if there was nothing left for them but thinking more for themselves than thev were woot to" do
the Mormans.

j»stp.T;jVe Wish him abundant success.
submission to the lash. Tlicy begin to see their mistake, and place reliance on tho opinions ami faith of others than
THE NATIONAL AORICII.TDBAC FAIR.—Tho Chicago and to wonder how they will undo tho mischief that they was tho custom once. Men and boys both are impatient
• MinetoAX CoHrnoBtcK—'The Michigan Conference of
[Chicago Press k Tribune.
of control and dictation. The school master mid the
correspondent of the Boston Journal says, that at the Fair hare wrought
the Methodist Episcopal Church closed its annual sonion
newspaper both have been abroad, expanding tho intelof tho United Stated Agricultural Society, there were upNEW COLOXT IN NORTHERN MICHIGAN.—It ia situated lect, defining the rights of men ana developing principles
Jat Marshall on/the 19th ult Tho appointments for the
in Leelanau county, near the'head of Carp Lake, a little
Grand, Traverae District are: Salmon Stole, Presiding wards of four thousand different aqimals or objects entered below Sleeping Bear Point, about 30 miles from the Isjfc- of action. The spirit of investigation is more general,
and the result is, an increased sense of personal manhood
&lder^-Traversc City' and Grand Traverse, 8. Steele; for competition, coming from some thirty States, ranging shore, and about the aamo distance south of the head of
in every man^.
JWfthpirtrt' J.'' W. Klepper;' Elk Rapid*, David R from California to Massachusetts—from l a k e Superior to Grand Traverse Day. Tho country around is said to bo
This is alike true in religion, and morals and in politics.
the Gulf of Mexico. And all about these objects of interest unsurpassed for fanning purposes in the world. The
Lathapi; Penty^er, N. M. Steele.
The' masB of tin* people will not consent to be priest-ridcolony is a Congregational one, arid is established under den, nor dictated to by pollticids wire pullers and leader?
repreKov, iv. W . John..on. who officiated here last year, is
sentatives of " first families," as was the case last year at
They believe in the right and the power to manage " their
• rationed at Buchanan, in the Kalamazoo District
The more such settlements the north-western part of our own domestic matters in their own way." Men will not
Richmond, but a mass of some thirty thousand men and Peninsula can be occupied with, the better.
bo controlled, except in accordance with what their rea. MASSACHUSETTS.—The Republican State Convention women, most of them inhabitants in the area of the old
[Grand Rapids Enquirer
son, their judgment and their conscience tells them is right
y^inwhfldon the 20th.nlt Gov. Banks was renominated Northwest territory, originally settled from New England
MR. GRCTJJET'S BAGGAGE.—On Mr. Greeley's arrival in "idproper ami lawful.
acclamation. EHphalet Krask was-nominated for homes, and since peopled by " free labor."
Tne result is that laws, Bolemnaa their cnacmerjt is,"tod
n k l a M t i A n a which
w k i n l i
1a • *
a m
f / R / . U n i t ooly
&»t Governor iblivqr Warren for Secretary of State;
then obligations
impoues.* are
Committee of Reception at Fofeom, ana hung upon a
oVx? Ifenuy. for. Treasurer; H P h i U i ^ t t o r n e y General; SICKNESS AT LAX»IXO.—The Republican of the 13th hook in one coiner of the car. It consisted of a leather they are basod on this principle, and a law in oar days
has been enacted contrary to tho public will, dispooad Charles White fbr^nditor.
corpU sack, containing his clothing; that world Vide,
" t h e rest of mankind," and women kind, have fever " old white coat," which, he says, he has had for thirty sition, and sentiment Is scarcely capable of execution
• DKATB or MRS. SAX BO ax.—Mrs. Charlotte Sanborn, without chills, or chills without fever. Tfyj doctors have years—carried with him through Europe, wore while a except by the force of arms, which is revolution.
wife ef Hon. James W . Baabotn, Commissioner of our become to infatuated as to take their own medicine, and Member of Congress, and has brought with him to Cali- It becomes, therefore, a dead letter. These facts, and .
they are facts, show the absolute importance' of a right
State Land Office,, died at Portland, Mc., on Sunday of course they are flat on their backs also. Quinine has fornia; a cotton umbrella, considerably worn, and a pair of education, of the diffusion of correct sentiment by the
blankets done up in an oQ-doth cover.
' ^
jr«rnlng,.Sept, I t , aged44 years.
Press, and of a knoledge of the relative dotiep as citizens
given out, alter haying sustained itself bravely, against an
A monster gate for the Sault Ste. Marie Canal is nearly of the. State, our duties under tbe solemn compart made
' * Hwtoar or TOT ITALXAH CiiirAiq*.—Marshal Nlfel, to unprecedented nm bf thirty days. Watchers are hard to
completed at Newport, forty-fire miles above Detroit by our Fathers, the Constitution of the United States.
whom the public is indebted for an account of the skge get and help harder to come by. Literally, "there is no It is 82 feet wide (that being the width of the canal,) 22
They show the importance of underlaying the whole
help fijr us."
'gfceyagtopol, is said to be preparing a work on the late
feet deep, sod thirty-two iachrt thick. Tho timber used superstructure of society with a solid 'framework of educampaign in Italy.
A BimcOTCAjreTAcr.—'nie Milwaukee Sentinel States in its construction, cut into inch boards, would measure cation, virtue, morality, and good prindples. These
alone will carry us safely through all the penis that beset
that the D. & M Railway now carries more freight from about ooe hundred and twenty thousand feetf I t is be- our country, and enable as to transmit our free instituV j ACCIBWT TO *H* GOOAT EaanaK.—The Great Eastern
the East to that city, Uuu all the other routes combined, fiered to be the largest gate in the world
tions to the remotest posterity. "Ibis framework i s the
ttiher trial trip exploded one of hfg funnels and teriously
and DO fewer than 200 through pmnngtig arrive sad
When Martin WeKoo, a notorious highwayman, was' ooe which will support our free institatioos, under the
.iamagtd the ship T h i s will probably cause another
depart daily by tho same line. Its buisoess is still incxeas- dying in the Massachusetts State Priaen, he dictated a load of obstacles whieh have beset every other free govpostponement of her trip across the Atlantic.
m m n t and which hare UDdoraiaded them slL Four
ing rapidly, and there is every indication that ere another minute acooant of the adventores of hi* Bfe. It Was pub*"* freer
free government ot
lished the ncrt year, and there in a copy in. the Boston monsters have destroyed every other
Tbe Monnous declare t M the Gentile# elected to the year partes; it *U1 become the principal chaanaleTtravel
f , sod lore of
" by his direction i a W h e r made from
Vjislatui* of Dt»h shall not take t h d r seats.
and transportation between the East and great Northwest






S e u s w SakmAM^-Jbe Lansing Republican states
Hr. UxBma, the blind Methodist prcochcr, and oneof that Senator Bingham has gone to Minnesota to nkin**
T u t Coax,—Hen* Blake, of'Whitewater, hmaeat at. the BK*rt eloquent clergymen in the couutry, gives the fol- the people.
; V ". ' '
/- * * • fine Speciman of Hottner or Dent Coro~-ono sUlk lowing account of the incident which fold to his clcctioo
• o f t h s ChemiSA* Hocstojf has a dear majority of fifteen in the W i a c h e a t e r ' s G e a n l
to the Chaplaincy of Congress. Mr. Clay was one of the
pti«Wdi mcuorei ten feet ittfl tottr inches.
memben ( / Congress to whom he refers, and was chicfly
GRA5D T u m a PKACHB^-MT. Korria has pre sooted instrumental in procuring his election, though, of course, United States Senate.
o f L I M E mm* S O D A ,
JfS afitfa Mine u fide peachea as wo eter lasted winch he was not one to whom the distinguished preacher's
HAITI—An addresB to the free negroes of the' United Originally dlicoiered and prescribed by Dr,J, F. ClrrBcim.L
were raised in his Orchard two miles from Traverse City, bold rebuke oovld apply:
o f P s r i s as a SpeeiHe R e m e d y f o r
States, inviting them to settle in the- island, has 1
on the Bay shore. ' Wbt/fcfg wo can't rai®. peaches up
W e left Cincinnati on the steamer Hibernia eariv on ismed by the llaytien government
Friday morning, the captafr promising to land i« at
W&eEng by Saturday night The boat was verr much
K . .stages
l . r a . of K
B l n n n . n . IDWeam
«by Dr. />I
* A LAEO« HAWIL—We shot a hawk, in thp vidnity of crowded, and among the passengers was a considerable
± Ithe
C h a r c lh:lll rl .s
piir poultry yafd, last FVlday, which measured-three fe«t number of 'Congressmen, 'members of both houses, on The first volume of the H i u u will close o n the 18th of Treatment—the H Y P O P H O S P B I T E S O F U M K A N D SOD/,
—remove* all r e m a i a l a g doubt as to O n Inestimable value of
and fins Inches from tip to tip of the wings and two feet their way to the capital to take their seats. As several November. A s we shall rigidly adhere t o the s y s t e m of thl* Diacorery. CeosaaipUok la n o l o a g e r to be r s g a r d e d M
of them were men known to fame whose names I had been
an I n c a r a b l e malady.
frop biB to the end of his tail
Many h u n d r e d s of p h y a k l a o k have already adopted thl*
familiar with for years, I took great interest in observing A d r a n c e Payment, we give t h i s timely notice, t h a t all w h o
t r e a t m e n t with almost invariable aaccess. Let a o C o n s e n t
S|r. Leslie the enterprising foaag nan iVbo swindled a them, and in listening'to their conversations; when as is are disponed to keep u s c o m p a n y a n o t h e r vv*r m a y be pre- live'delay a m o m e n t to try lL I t Is t h e i r last h o p e Ioften their manner in^puch environment, they talked for
I»r. Churchill asys:
platoon of Girls by hiring them as teachers to go sooth, the benefit of the company. I cannot say how much I pared to make t h e i r r e m i t t a n c e s by t h a t t i m e . The first
- 1 am a n x i o o s t h s t t h e H r r o r u o s r n i T X S should be b r o u g h t ,
and leaving them suddenly to New York, at the same was shocked, or how; indignant I became at durorcring
n u m b e r of the second volume will be issued, on the S5th of as speedily s s posalWe^ Into universal use, a s I ( s o w t h a t they
will prove n o t only an s u m a K e n e d y (a C o n s u m p t i o n as Qu tinVoattttn^tlng to steal their .baggage, his been senteo- that not a few of these representatives of the soverign
n i n e la In I n t e r m i t t e n t Kcver, b u t a l t u a s e f l b e t a a l a P r e a e n
cod In Philadelphia to-threc years hurd labor in the Pen- people of the United States, swore outrageously, played November, a n d we hope t o havo the plvasure of r e c o r d i n g on t i r e as Vaccination i a teall P o x .
cards day and night, and drank villainous whisky "to exoeaa.
" In no Instance have I found the r e n e d j r fall t o .produce

"*7 *' 1 expressed my surprise and chagrin to mv friend; but our new s u b s c r i p t i o n book, a t t h a t time, the n a m e s of all .our
e v e r y t h i n g t h a t ifould reasonably be e x p a r t e d (Ton h .
" Out of twenty-two cases In t h e t h i r d or last stage, treat#
The Albany Journal, states that by the recent decease the only_comfort that I received was, that this was the present subsclbew, t o g e t h e r with a large a d d i t i o n ; but In no
at my Dispensary, d u r i n g the past year, e i g h t have complete u
Dean of fiipon, in- fengland, tho Hon. John Q. fashion in which many of Our politicans acted
Instance will a p a p e r be s e n t w i t h o u t p a y m e n t in advance.
recovered, e i g h t have died, s n d s i x are still u d d e r t r e a t m e n ;
The river was low—fogs came on. Sunday morning
Such a result la a l t o g e t h e r a a p a r a l l e l e d 1a the a a n a l s o f meu
• Wilaoo, of that city, becomes the last survivor of the arrived, we were yet eighty miles below Wheeling, and
. .j •
. •
. ,/r
party of cabin-passengers who accompanied Robert Ful- there was no place where we could land to spend the sabSALE OF FORFEITED STATE LANDS.
Thla iU medy la' the most powerfal G e n e r a t o r t>T Bloo.:
known, snd Is euuslly eWcaclooa I n all f o r m s of D e b l l l t j .
ton in hia first steamboat journey from New York to bath. At breakfast time a committee of the passengers
Asthma, Bronchltia, N e r r o u s pliKsa**, Chloroais, Dyspepeiu
waited upon me to know if I could preach to
—or whatever depends en deficient vitality of t h e system.
Never'did F say yes mora gladly; for nevor hod I been
following described Primary School Lands, ultoaWfl In
Winchester's Genuine Preparation
Mrs. Mary Burton, of tlio Eleventh District of Bahi- so anxious to speak my mind A congregation of nearly the counties of Grand Traverse, Leelanau, E m m e t t »nd Maa- Is put a p in U r g e bottles sritfi t h e following w o r d s blown in
more County, died on the 13th ult, at the advanced age three hundred persons assembled at half-past ten o'clock l*tee, forfeited f o r non-payment of Interest, will be offbrcd f o r the glass: " D a . J . P. C a t r i c n n - t ' s Y r r o r n o s r n m t s OF L i s r
AND BOD*. J . W i K c n s s r t K , S a w Y o n * . " Each- bottle haa
of 06 years. 8ho was buried on the MUije farm on which and I took my 6tand between the ladies' and gentlemen's 3 6 t h d a y o f O c t o b e r n e x t , at Ten o'clock, A. M., unless also, a r » c n s a i s i g n a t u r e .
cabinsj seated in the places, of honor upon niy right and
.Zf No o t h e r can be relied o n s a t b e p u r e H y p o p b o a p h i t e . .
she was born,; and never lived out of the county, and left hand, were most of my late objcctB of interest—the previously redeemed a c c o r d i n g t o law.
Unless perfectly pure, t h e r are n o t only, uaeleos W noaltlvely
tbrtfpgb her long life never employed'a physician.
members of Congress. •
i n j u r i o u s . ' No IRON or Other d r u g ahoUld be c o m b i n e d witu
'or taken at t h e same tltBe.
I had never before spoken under snch circumstances,
Town. "• Ranget
<,,Tliere are now teu-AnU-flUrery papers priirted in thf but nevertholejw, preached as well as I could, which is
TST Price «2 00, or three bottles fcrtS 00. with full dlrec
E | of N E t
27 N.
11 \ r . .
tiona f o r Use. A liberal dhicoBnt t o physicians an<t the t r a d e .
Slave States (in English,) besides eight in German. Of not saying much. At tho close of tho discourse, however,
Leelanau County.
The l ) n v KAI.TS furnished t o t h e profeaslon. Single bottles
Lots *, 4 , 5 and S
. It;
ao N.
thews, nine, or oae-half, are published in Missouri, three I could bot, resist the impulse to speak a straightforward
In concentrated solution sent by mall, w h a n a p e f i a l l y o r d e r r i .
IIW. .
SoliTwholeaale a n d retail a t the 8ole G e n e r a l - D e p o f i n t h e U.
in Virginia, two in Kentuokj, two at Washington, D. C., word to the meit on my right and left; turning to them,
X f f i of NW'i
30 X.
S. 43 J o h n street. Let no o n e deceive you, b a t p u r c h a s e ant:
therefore, I said something to tho following effect: " I
Emmett County.
ori6 In Maryland, And one. in Baltimore.
onlv " W i n c h e s t e r ' s P r e p a r a t i o n . " . ..
Understand that you are members of the Congress of the
Lob* 1 , 2 a n d 3
35 X.
5 W.

I>r. C h a r c h i l P s W o r k o n C o n s u a s p t i o a
Manistee County.
is now ready, and w l l l b e a e a t gratia t o every C o u k u a i p t l v e c r
A gentleman who recently traveled over a railroad, United States, and ah snch are or should bo the repreS | of S W j
22 S.
sentatives not onlv of the political opinions, bnt also of the
Nervous sufferer in the United States, e n reee'lpt of twelv,
whtefc ft might excite jealousy to mention by name, de- intellectual, moral and religious condition of the people of
22 N.
•cents In stamp* to cover expense of postages. Also, circuN W | of S W j
15 K .
l a r ; and ail requisite infonaattoh.ArUh'out c h a r g e .
Let n o
i dared his opinion that'it is the safest road in the country this country. As 1 had rarely scon men of your class, 1
one delay, f o r time Is p r e c i o u s
ao fatal a malady a s Cot.(H the Buperintendont keeps a boy running ahead of the felt on coming aboard this boat a natural interest to hear
sumption. Address^
' v , , J . WINCHESTER,
your conversation and observe your habits. If I am to
American and Porelgu Agtncv.
train to drive off the calves and shcop!
judge the nation by yon, I can come to no other conclu• "2-ly

43 J o h n street. New York.
For sale by
Mr. Corcoran of Washington, is erecting on Pennsyl- sion than that it ia composed of profane swearers, card playMORGAN BATES.
Tjraliwircnoe an art gallery, which Is estimated to cost ers and drunkards. Suppose there should bo an intelligent
Herald OfllcsyTrasarse City.
foreigner-on this boat, traveling through the country with
• TraTM* (Sly, Crawl Trarfrv County, Mich.
some two hundred thousand dollars. The gallery will be the intent of forming n well considered and unbiotea opin. " E V E R A N D A G U E , V k ) M WHICH MANKIND SuV
fer, over a l a r j o p a r t ' o f the globe, is the sonieqaenfce.of
free, and will tyo managed by trustees appointed by Mr. iou,.of the practical Working of'our free institutions,
H E N K Y I)."OAM PBEI'sL.diseased action uf the eystcm, Induced by the potsonoB*
seeing you and learning your position, what would bo his
" decay. T h i s e x h i l a t l o n l e c v o l v u l by thi
conclusion t Inevitably that our experiment is a failure, and
On w e t soil, snd rise* with the watery vi;The Collins Bteamere, Baltic, Adriatic, tind Atlantic, pur country is hastening to destruction. Consider the
r f r o m i t AVhile the sun Is below the h o r i s o n this, v a p o r
lands; ltedemption of l a n d s sold f o r taxes, s n d purgera near t h o e a r t h ' s surface, a a d t h e v i r u s ia t a k e n wHB H
liijve been purchased by the N orth Atlantic Steamship influence. of your example tlpon; the young men of the rcaldent
chase of l a n d s at tax sale*.
t h r o u g h the luugs into t h e blood. T h e r e i t a c t a as a a irri'u.
A n d will always give t h e mo«t careful a t t e n t i o n to the inter- t i n g poL*ou ou the Internal viscera a n d e x c r e t i n g o r g a n i c '
Company. They have been refitted through, *Jxl 'are nation—what a school or vice you are establishing! If
yoa insist upon the right of ruining yourselves, do not bv eats of my Correspondents^ snd in liberality, p r o m p t n e s s and the bod v. The l i v e r b e c o m H t o r p i d a n d W i s t o s e c r e t / n o t
now adapted th the CahTornia trade.







T. AlS I> ~\V A R E A N T




your example cornjjrt and d e b a u c V thorn who*are the

- »-—n—— -"«—

o b u s l u e ^ u a a s a c U o n s , would c o a r t comparison

— |
The Bev. Mr. Wright,. Methodist clergyman of Cleve- e. of t tm
h e land.
r i uc auni i Tl rrsavveerrssos iClty^May
' I m uTsTt tell yo»v
* * t,h a t a s on
"" A
j umu ei H
. i t j ' . May ft;
i 7 , Mi?*'
olent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the k t d a e y a
a c e d b yv yv o u r bIiehavinr?
e h a v i o r ; atL4
s an pn rperanc rhW
e r j! T

land, is dndcr a heavy cloud, being charged with licenti- Cititizon I feel d i s g r•need
ie stomach sympathise w
i t h tb*
the Hvw,
11 w , ^^nnd bbccome
e e o r - "d W r c c r t J
of the Gospel I am commissioned to teU you, that unless | l i a n a , T O X , a i l d G r e n e r a l A g, w0 1 1 C: y . also. Finally, the I n s t i n c t of o ou r oigsnisro,
oigsnlsra, aas If I n a h atous conduct in connection with nino young ladies of his. -you renounce your evil courses, repent of -vour sins, and

''' • t e m p t t o lexpel the noxious fusion, c o n c e n t r a t e s the w W e
blood of t h e body In the I n t e r n s ! e x e r e t o r l e s to f o r e * t h e n
Iwlieve upon the Lord Jesus (Jhrist with hearts unto ! '
M Q R G r A N ' H A T E S
righteousneffi, you will ccrtainly b6 damned."
Has opened an Office st.Tr«ver»c City, Grand Travels C<*» to cast i t o u t . The blood; leave# the s u r f a c e , a n d r
. An arrival from Port-att-Prtnco announces the assassinA t the cloao of the services, I retired to mv state-room ' Mich 'K BU, r " r Uie trau^actiun uf
ation of a daughter of Genorol G«ffrar4 the President of to consider my impromptu addrcsi word by word, and
CT©ner^al A g e n c y l i t i s i n e s f * .
Haiti, *n event which.had vety naturally caused much whether, if,I were called to a reckoning for it, I should
The t ' n i t c d State* f.and Office is located at this p l a c e ;
excitement in that capital..' '•?!„• i"
be willing to obido by- it and its conscquenccs. Plain particular a t t e n t i o n will lie paid to locating I j i n d W a r r a n t s , poison t h r o u g h t h a t o t h e r g r e a t e x c r e t o r y — t h e sklu. I n t tola
It fails, a n d tlie system a b a n d o n s t h e a t t e m p t e x h a u s t e d ,
speaking and atom acting are common things among the inverting money iu Uuvcrument l<ands, iiupurting i n f o n a a - also
relative t o t h e g e n e r a l features, resources a n d advan- a n d w a i t s j o r t h e recovery of s t r e n g t h to r e p e a t the h o p a t a u
;• The Charleston Mercury « y s that the object of John men of the West and Southwest, ami whoever starts to tiou
tages of the (irauii- Tray«tr»e : countrv. tlie p a y m e n t of tso,e>. effort a n o t h e r day, Theae are the fits or p a r o x j tins 6 r P s f f t
Ittyctel in going to Frjmcc, i*"to got Napoleon III., to run a race of this kind should be prepared to po unflinch- a n d the transaction of a n y Aguncy business with which b e s n d Ague. Such constitution si d i s o r d e r will o f course un4*vmine the h e a l t h if it Is not
Vi c
" relax Us opposition to the slavivtrado under the French ingly to the goal. I came to the conclusion that nothing may be entrusted.
We h a v e labored t o find, a a d h a v e f o u n d , a n a n t i d o t e . r»y
had been said of which Ironght to be ashamed, and that
A g u e C o r e , ; .. .
fl#g. iPftot tb legalize i t "
1 would stand bv every word of it, let tlie fcwue bo what
j : M .
w h i c h neutralises t h i s malarious poison in t b * bl00d, j u i i l
stimulates the liver t o e x p e l It from the body. As i t sUotC«:.
Mr. Horace l i . Day, of india-rubber immortality, h u i t might "White cogitating, there was a tap at tho door.
Herald Offlcc, Traverse City, Nov. 3,1858..
so It does, c u r e t h i s 1 : 7 , 3 1
- A. gontlematf'entered who.said,.'I have, been rcqncste<l
invented elastic mwpenders ftr ladies, ao that tbey may
And It does more, oi
to wait on you by tho members of Congress on board,
tlio>e»u|>i*ct t o t h l B iufeetlon. If taken In season tt eXpals
hang their petticoats from their 'shoulders, instead of who had a meeting since the close of tho religous exerit f r o m the s y s t e m a s It i s absorbed, aad t h u s keeps those wfc.fattening them about'their hips.
cises.. They desire me to present yon with this purse of
use U f r e e f r o m Its a t t a c k s ; keeps the s y s t ^ n In h e a l t h t^ioaril
H e r a l d Oftio«». ' l ^ f i v ^ r s o C i t y , M i o h .
money."—handihgmc betweenfiftyand a hundred dollars,
expose?! t o t h e disesse. Consequently It n o t only^cnres, ftii
'^.jjtCKUs CASE.-—In St. Domingo, lately, a Mr. Georgc, " a s a token of thoir appreciation of your dnceritv and
protect* from, t h i g r e a t v a r i e t y of a f t c t i o n * which are laoS*
ced by this m a l i g n a n t IntlusDec,such a s B * « l t t e n t P e v * n C f c i t J
a Frenchman, shot his wife and a man with whom she
Fever, buuih, or-Masked Ague, P e r i o d i c a l H« adsch*v o r KU-,
had a criminal intimaSy; WM arrested,tiifedand acquitted. they have also desired me to ask if yon will allow your G R A M ) T R A V E R S E A J T D G R A N D H A V E N .
ioua Headache, RHloaa Fevers,Ncuralgia, KhcumatUm, Goti'-.
name to bo usod'at-the corrfinj^ elcc'tion of 'chaplain for
B l i n d n e s s T o o t h a c h e , E a r a c h e , Cata'rrlvAsthma,PsipltstloV.-,
I'slnfUi Affections of t h e Spleen, H y s t e r i c s Colic, P u w i n F :
T H E 8PI.KXUH) F A W K A I U X G 8 C H 0 0 X E R
Rarcy, th^horwo-tanicr, ha* a rival la a young lady of Congress. If you conacot to this, they arc ready to assure
and s i n f u l Affections of the Stomscli a n d BoweU, aU' M
Westchester Qouuty, who boa recently been exercising
w h i c K when a r i s i n g f r o m t h i s cause, will I c f o u n d t o as*uai,«
doable .message, I asked them'fur ouiet reflect!on-and
more or less the i n t e r m i t t e n t type. T h i s " A g u e CurO'ljgpher wondcrftd powrt# on Vicious horses with great rocoess. consulting with my friend. He warmly urged mv acceptC A P T . O. K V A N S ,
moves the cause of t h e s e d e r a n g e m e n t s , a a d cures the djaeisV.
T h i s h accomp!l<hi* by a t l m u l a t l n g the e x e r e t o r l e s i o exr«*Dr. Taney wcoutly eloped with the.wife of a Baptist ance of the oflfcr. As the boat neorcd Wheelinr •—
GRAND R A V E * d u r i n g tin- neason of IH.19, t o r c h i n g pel the virus f r o m the system: and t h e s e o r g a n s by d e g r e e
decision was asked I asxented to thi-ir proposal. \
flCaoorj, in Knox County, Ohio. She left three children, went forward to the. capital; I tarried at Wheeling to n i iraverne City, Elk Rapidx, N'orthport, ManL«tce a u 4 V
liecomc hsbitod t o d o t h i s t h e i r office of t h « l t own acdord.—
k e g o n . The mthoouer Is a ktout a n d substautial b o a t ol . H e n c e arises w h s t we t e r m s c c l l m s t l o n . T i m e may a c c o m ono an infant. l j e left five.
preafh. . But the sermon on the boat WM far more re- ton.s burthen, a n d l i a a l*eri fitted u p expressly f o r c a r d i n g plish (he s a m e e u d . b u t o f t e n life la n o t l o n g enow*" — '
munerative than all my labors at Cincinnati and Wheel- families with their f u r n i t u r e , p r o v i s i o n s Cattle, Ac.
sacrificed in tltc atteulpl, while,this " A g u e Cure "
- Mr. Ten Broeck writes from Kngland to a friend in ing united. Bythe agency of mv nc w friends I wa.* in due f o r f r e i g h t o r paaaage applj- t o the Captain on Ixyird.
once, aad w i t h safety. We -have g r e a t reason t o I
J u n e 34, ltU9.
Memphis, that his winnings in Kngland this year have timo elected. Their money pakl mv expenses to Washis a s u r e r « s ' w e l l . a s * s f e r remedy f o r tb* w h o l e c
eases which are caused by t h e m i a s m a t i c infection, t h a n any
BMCeded <440,000, i o gain which he risked but $20,000. ington, and so I cutered upon my duties as Chaplain, to
Other w h i c h , h a s been tiiacovered; a n d if b a a *tlH a n o t h e r


Season Arrangement.,



Canadian seat of Government,, which
seems to bo a sort of traveling menagerie, l a s lwen
removed from Tdrcmto to Qneboc.
Iter. W . W.lllckox, of Yorgemxsi VwhfcsLaccepted
a call to the Rectorship of S t Paul's Episeafly Church
at Lansing.
."'Geo- O. Atfaertoo. %ho embcadcd 953,000 from tho
Southern Bank of St. Louis in April fast, has been sentenced to Ore years in the Penitentiary.
, v
Wh^at Is selling
Vinton, Iowa, at from 45''to'48
' *.j*r bushel, trade, and 40 cents cash. A t CMar
"" la the/price is 50 cents.
M^jor David B. Greer, an early pioneer in Arkanssf,
ami Secretary ofthe 8tate for 19 years, died on the 29th
: ;

: ulfaaged6?.

L « d Hanijaeymoar, who waa lately buried a t P a r *
3 n t . bequeathed to the hospitals of that city a rent-roll
'•qrari t o ffiOOO sterling per annum.
J U . «ia

C » « « k j b w t , tflk.tou.r
t t o O r a l K M M I I M a P e r t U n d to

oii, b> Weat PhfladdpUa.

A Charming. Creature.
A young clerk has been for the last four years employed
in a counting house in Paris, by. a merchant in the Spanish trade. This latter had a aieco, brought up in Spain
and an orphan. -She is not beautiftil. hut refined and
intelligent A t balls which she attended here, the past
winter, escorted by her uncle, she danced but little, the
truth being^hat she was seldom invited, except when the
young clerk chanced to be present and offered the civility
of reauesting her to be his partner in a quadrille. I t
was thus that thoir acquaintance was made and ripened.
A fortnight-ago the clerk obtained permission from
HiuiemotapUc Fabric to demand her band in marriage
from her guardian, Ms employer. Use'bitter seemed
surprised, and received the proposal with coolness.
However, after a long consultation with his niece, '
glare his consent, and the marriage took place sssooo
the necessary fortuities could be accomplished.
Two day* subsequently, at breakfast, the young bride,
observing the discontent of her husband at being obliged
to return to his basine» «) early in the honeymoon said
—"Well, don't go today. Dont go any more!"
go' to the counting-house, toy tore! Th*t hi
easy enough to say but—"
•" I t * eamr enoogh to do, abo."
"Indeed! how soT"



'rtiegentlemaa'B reply k n o t record^ - -if* X*
r :\txpa£




Goods, Groceries,
••;-V *



P R O V I S I O N S ,

W a e v t r b r o u g h t t o t h i s r a a r k a t ; which w e will be happy t o
offer at auch p r i c e s a a w l l i accord reasonabty w i t h t h e T1JJKV
H A N N A H , L A Y & CO.
T w t e t i e City. N o r - IB, 185«. •

i m p o r t a n t advantage, t o the public, w h i c h Is, t h a t i t | a che«V
as well as good.
P r e p a r e d 1^- Dr. J . C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. P r f f c t O n e
Dollar p e r bottle.
A f t H l Cberry Pcctorftl.
haa won f o r Itself a u e h a r e n o w n f o r the our* of «r*rjr variety
of T h r o a t a n d l . n n g Complaint, t h a t it i s e n t i r e l r u n n e c e s s a r y
f o r u s t o rcconnt t h e evidence of Its vlrtoes, w h e r e v e r f t b v
been eipployeA A s It h s s l o u g b e e a l j c o n s t a n t use t h r o u g h •
out-this suction, we noed n o t do m o r e than aasare t h e p e o p l e
i U q u a l i t y is k e p t u p t o Uto i « s t it trer h a s b e e n , t a d thMnJt
may be relied o a to do for their relief all U M s e v e r hOen
f o u n d t o do.
' ,
' '
Ar«r*s C a t h a r t i c P O l a ,
F o r all lli« p i i r p o « s of a PnrgsC»*oMsdlela«i f o r C«atlv«nas<W
f o r the aura of Dyspepsia; f o r J a u a d l e e : J o r t h a c * N * f l a d i t l o n ; for H e a d a c h e ; f o r t h e . e u r e of D y s e n t e r y ; f o r a F o o l
m s c h ; for the cure of K i j s i p e l a a ; f e r t h e p i U d ; f » r »h«c a r e of P c r o f a l a ; f o r all B c r o l a l o u C o m p l a i n t s ; for the c u r t
of U h e u n a t i s m ; f o r Disease* of t h * S k i n ; f o r t h e c a r e i f
Liver C o m p l a i n t ; f o r D r o p s y ; for t h e c u r e Of T e t t e r , T U M t t a
a a d Halt Kheusa; for W o r m s ; for t h e c u r e of Goutt f o r t Dinner I'iU; for t h e c u r t of M e a r a i « i a j f e r p u r i f y i n g the blood,
.Tbey are sncmr-coated, t o t h a t the moat seasiUv* caB take
t h e m pleasantly, a n d t h e y a r e the best a p e r i e n t la the a u r l d
*^r all the purpoaea of«a d u a l l y physic.
"v l »
P r i e s Z i c e n t s p t r B o x ; S i x B o x e s for One Dollar.

Prad\$X Builder and Draughtsman,'
I * p r e p a r e d t o m a k e P l a n s a n d Specification* f o r all e b a e t
f B u i l d i n g * ; also execute all k i n d s of w o r k c o n n e c t e d with
t h e Trade, o n liberal tenu*. .
flash, G l a u s D o o r s , P a t a u a n * N a i l s ,
c o n s t a n t l y o a h a n d , and f u r a s k .
All o r d e r s f o r C a k i a e t W o r k a a d l a d e r t a k l n r
executed o a Short n o d c e . '
J . K. G , t h a n k f u l f o r p a s t p a t r o n a g e , t a k e s t h i s ' o p p o r t u n i t y of soHciUnjr a c o n t i n u a n c e of the same.

• f r a t ^ C t ^ o y j a r t j e T s , MdR.

• '

T h e s u b s c r i b e r offers f o r aale a v a r i e t y of e n g r * 0 c d
Hid Cherry T r e e *

d: u

will not

: Q3KCT0 'tommM'jrsc:;
•- itsMm

a full assortment of. Lake
> l r t m , of sflUtee*st*re*iy reduced n
.B» U k e Superior Bar Iron sold by the Company. to all
made from Charcoal P l g ^ n d ia far better than the Iron made
from Herd Coal, and their Lake Superior Kerch** Iron- in
the only Iron sold in this market, that to made in thl* manner.
Their Merchant Scrap Iron to all made frera selected 8crep
and win bear comparison with the best Iron made in the

nestle D r y O » o < I * X a g ^ n o o r Oil C1otha.P*p*rHaagtng», flue engravings.—Ona Volume, llmo. 350 pp. P r i r e W . Thla Work portrajs, with eminent ability, UM crimes commitlarlv invite the attention of the public to thefollowipg Good*, ted by our Government sptlnst^the^ Maroons wto^fied t r o o
which we have h» great variety of styles and prices: Broche
Shawl*, long and square ^ Bay State do. do. do.; Wsjerloodo. der Spanish Uws. It ahosra bad faith exercised towarda the
• do.; Gentlemen's do. do. d o . ; Mantilla* beantifa] styles: Indians of Florid* aad b found to {Uesaat a true view of the
cfc Taney, Poniard, Bavadere and Moire Antique Silks; long-foncht Florida War, which was, in truth, A WAB FOB
I •'
French and Kngtiah Merinos* plain and figured ;Paramatta* SLAVEBY.
Tram Oownor C k * «f 0»to.
Wyandotte Boiling Mill Company snd Eureka Iron Compa-. Delaines, in great variety; Valencia Plaid* and Stripe*; AUGentlemen—Accept my thanks for a copy of "The Exiles
ay drafts taken at par In exchange Tor Iron or any indehted- wool Plaids; Alpaca*;'Fbnneb: Sattlnetb; Broadcloth*;. Da- of Florida.", r have read the book with great interest aad
masks; Blankets; Linen*; Embroideries; Hosiery; Gloves;
I t seta in a striking light an Important
*?aanfactared ^ro n also given In exchange for .good Scrap Ribbon*; Prints; Gingham*, Ac, Ac.
rtlon of. our hbtory. snd clesriy /cveals the secret springs
Carpet Department.
Iron. • . . ...
. .
which successive administrations were moved in sltsirs of
Call and see or address ,

grest moral and political consequence. The distingulabed
author has especially entitled himself to the thaaks of every
Store corner Woodward Arena® and Coagre*s-st
lover of freedom, lustjee, and honorable administration, by
i more a desert land,
tracing and exhibiting the evil InOuencea of slavery ia the
itweedand tare;
transactions which h* narrates. Nu one. U seema to a n , caa
1 pared to fnrnlah, at abort notice. Stationary Engine*, Mill to suit the times.
arise from perusing this work without deepened convictions
Gearing, Warehouse Hoisting Apparatus, and all varieties of
of the wrong of dsveholding, and the necessity or earnest
Iron W o r t Repair work on Propeller*. Steamer* and Saw
MERICAN WATCHEST-APPLETON, TRACT• A and penistent effort for the-deliverance of our National GovMills, executed promptly and thoroughly. Castiags—every
Co., W i O T i * . Mass, Manufactarers 'of PATENT LE- ernment from the control of the alave p w e r .
Ths angel sought so far away

VER WATCHES.—These an perk) r Watches are n o d s by the
Columbus, July 15,1858.
8. P. C B A U U '
I welcomeatmydoor.
aid of new and original machinery, expressly designed to seREPUBLICANS HEAD I T ! Copies sent by mall on receipt
We are prepared to execute orders of any else for Bras* and cure, with a low paics, a fine, substantial, durable and uni- of One Dollar.
, The air* of Spring may never play
formly reliable time keeper. The movements-sre new in
Among the ripening com.
™ r ^ * * o T r C ^ , ^ e ^ j o n r n a l Boxes. Gusge Cocks, construction, and are pronounced by the highest authorities
Detroit, A goat for Michigan- » o r twsfinsss ot the fiowsra to Msy,
Cylinder Cocks, 8tesm Whistles for Stesmboet* Locomotive*
be fsultleas in principle and quslftyi snd fcsve been proved
Blow through the Autumn mora.
and Mills, Bells for Factorie* Steamer* and Locomotive* unU N - L I G H T G A S W O R K S , FOB THE MANUFAC' the most exsctlng tests to be reliable and unfailing In acTURE OF ILLUMINATING GA8, for the usa of Private
der eight hundred pounds.
Yet •hill the biu*-»s4 *entlan.Iook
„on. These watches are manufactured entirely Trom the
crude, materials, la s single establishment, by connected snd Houses, Public Buildings, VlUsfw, Town* Ac.—Psteated
uniform processes—the msnufsctory being orgsnlxed Upon August^ 185*.—The principle of the iavcntlon consist ia the
We are prepared to execute all orders for Iron Railing for the same system that has been sdoptea In the production of peculiar construction or toe Retort, whereby Gaa la matt
J . !lSWIseeItet?negeflven,'
Private Buildings, Churches, Public Squares, and for Ceraete- the unequaled American fire-arms, which enshles us to pro- qulcklr, eaally aad ecoaomlcally generated from Rosin, OH
dace s movement st one-half the price of any foreign move- Tallow and refuse Grease of any klnd. and prodnchig, for
Ths south wind si . .. ^ j s T C o r n e r of Fifth and Woodbrldge-sts., opposite Machine ment of the same quality; snd we guarantee this perfect about eighty cents, as much light a* a thousand feet of ordiAnd sweet cala day* in golden haze
performance, for tea yean, of every waWh manufactured by ua. nary coal Gsa.
Melt down the amber sky.
A long course of experiments at the hands or the Inventor,
All foreign watches sre msdo by hsnd, the Amerlcan, watches being the onlv ones made by machinery upon a uniform who hs* had many years experience In Gas manwaOtaring^aa
Not less shall maniv deed aad word
BUSINESS MEN. syitem throughout. Nearly all hand-made watchea are de- well as by ourselves and others, has placed the invention ber p 6 B A N K E R S , LAND AGENTS AND
"IVfteltekn an Mp ot.wrunft
fective, and are continually getting out of order. In many yond all doubt of Its practicability.'* The pabllc may btf ooaThe graven flower* that wreath the sword
assured that It Is at opce the moat almple and useful
parta of the country h-U Impossible to find good watch re-Make not toe blade lew strong.
•Piano Boom.
pairers. and watch repairing is alway* uncertain and expen- of any"thing of the kind ever before constructed.
Bnt smiting hand* (hall l e u n to heal.
We are prepared to execute all work entrusted to u* with sive. The Introduction of American watihes disposes of this
The present object of the proprietors la to dispose of o K j .
To bo!Id aa to destroy;
promptness and despatch, and on as favorable terms a* any difficulty, snd country merchsnts, ss well as watch dealer* county snd state Rights, on the most fSvorable term*, sad t»
Nor lew my heart for other* ftel •
estabfiahment ln the country. Combining all the different can keep watches as a part of their miscellaneous stock, and Immedistely introduce the works into general use.
That I the more enjoy.
branches of 8te«), Copper and Btone Engraving, aa well as thus supply their customer* with a new staple, which m y be
Works from 100 feet capacity and upwards, are now ID
Crayon Work of the finest description, we guarantee satisfac- used as any other article, without mystery or humbug, .bold readiness by DUDLEY A HOLUESs manufscturens Detroit,
All af God will*, who wiaely heeds
aa well as every thing connected with the "Sun-Light Gss
tion all cases.
, ,
trade generally, and by RODBINS A Ai'PIiBTON,
by the ti
To give or to withhold.
Particular attention paid to Bank and Commercial work,
which will be supplied by them at all the principal
General Agents, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
And knoweth more of all my noeda
•uch as Checks, Drafta, Note*. Certificates of Deposit and
points In the Union, to parties purchasing territory.
,Than all my prayer* have told!
Stock, Conpoa Bonds, Letter, Note and Bill Head*, Envelopes,
Persons of smsll capital, and particularly Gas Fitter* by
M A G N I F I C E N T W O R K . - M H X 8 1 STANDISH 1LAc. Maps, Portraits, Show Card* Ac, Lithographed and
Snoagfa Jhat blessings undeserved
LUSTBATED—a volume of Photographs from original making an Investment In the rightto use the ".Sun-Light Gaa
Have marked my erring t r a c k printed In the m#*t delicate colors by a new process.
drawings, by John W. Ehnlnger, illustrative of the Courtship Works," will be.eertaln of an Immediate rtunaneration..
For th« convenience of the bnsine»c6mmun!ty In this vl : of Miles Blandish, by Henry W. Longfellow. There will be
8 ^ " All communications In the premisea directed to the
That where»o'er my feet hare swerved
cinity, wo W e established an agency with Mr. John W. eight or ten large Photographs of the most exquisite ehsrae- undersigned will meet prompt attention.
r ' H i t chastenjn^ turned uio back—
Green, i t the office of the Detroit Daily Advertiser, 115 Jef- ter, executed by Brady, with intersected cream-colored leaves,
To* more and more a Providence
Treasurer for "Proprietors,
ferson Avenue.
Of love 4a understood,
No. 77 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mlohlgaf.
, Making the springs of time and sense
D O O T t S , S H O E S A N D R U B B E R S , AT WHOLEEarly orders sre solicited, as the,slow process of preparing
Bweet with eternal good—
J J SALE OJILY.—We have received from the Manufactu- the Photographs (nothing being done In cloudy weatherfwlll p A R E W S D E T R O I T ' B R E W E R Y , FIRST 8TBEBT I
r e * about 1,000 casea BOOTS, 8U0E3 AND RUBBERS, of all prevent the immediate issue of a second edition, snd cohse- V j between Lamed and Congresa street* Detroit, Mich.—
.IJutderiJueeasTrntia covered way
the desirable kind*, and have also on hand a few thousand qaently only those ordered In sdvsace csn be prbvised.
The undersigned hsvine're-pnrchased "The Institution for
• ""Twaleh opens into light,
pairs of our own manufacture.
. Wherein no blinded child can stray
Price-Six Dollars. Specimen* to be seen and subscriptions the dissemination of UHTQ drirfk*" has eularssd and rejuveWe ihall continue to manufacture and t o receive almost
nated it in tbe most thorough msnner, maklbg It. now the
Beyond the P e e r ' s sightdaily «ddltl6a»—«o aa to keep our stock at all time* large and
moat extensive BBEWEBY IN THE WEST, with facllltleafor
ears and trial seem st last,
complete* Confining ouraelve* to tho Jobbing tra^e exploproducing the finest and most delicate grades of Mslt L!qa«>rs;
90 Woodward Avenue.
* f S r ° " * h Memory's aunset alr,snd 1* now prepared to famish the various qualities of Ale*
sively, we esa oflfcr facilities nnequaled in Detroit, at l i
Like jaonnbln ranges overpast,
Woodward Avenue.
HAWNS CUTLERY AND EDGE TOOL WORKS, Foot Porter and Brown Stout, for draught and bottling, at pricaa
v fti pttrple distance fkfr-^ • *
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
of Brushstreet, under the Fulton iron Works, Detroit, M. ranging from $0 to $10 per barrel. .
Extra fine and Stoiic Ales brewed to order.
Cutlery, Snrgeon'* Instruments, Coopers' and Carpenters*
" Bperitt Is a Blessing."
T W P O R T A X T T O P R I N T E R S A N D P U R L I S H - Tools, Axes of every description, PUnlng snd Tobacco MsAll Packages extra, which, when returned to the Rrewefy
Brothore Crump and Noel were members of tie church X EHS.—We have now on band, and constantly receiving, s chinc Knive*, Tru*ae* Ac^ mado to order of a snperior.qua- in good order, will be paid fpr at same prices as charged.
largo stock of Book and. News Paper of sll sixes. We
The attention or private famlll*. and customers In general,
ao4 both clever, honest moo, wbo paid their taxes and very
are Agents for nine of the best Mills in the country, which
Knives, Scissor* Surgeon's Instruments, steel, Iron b particularly called to the EXCEL810R CREAM ALE. Old
debtrartho same annually accrued, with a regularity at Ives us a ehaucc to compete and undersell any establishment andJi*7.ors,
Brass Ware, polished and repaired In a manner to give friends and new msy be assured of the superior quality and
oooe Christian and commendable. If when settling darf . i the West, and would say that we Sell print paper chespe- aatlsfactlon to hi? customers.
flavor of these beverage*and all are Invited to call and aam*
, , _
COM round. Brother .Noel was "short," Brother Crump and abetter article than can be found in this market; Alsi
Orders left st the office, corner of Brush street snd Jefier- ple for themselves. All order* with the awney enclosed,
wM-aara to be in funds; add. on the other hand. It seems we have, lust received a large invoice of fine Mannillas.- son. Avenue, will be promptly sttended to/where samplesmsy will receive prompt attepHon.
see foryourselves at
Malt and flops at the lowest market rateiu .
almost providenial how, if Brother Crump fell '• behind," Please call andPEASE
A FULLEIT8, No. 510 Jefffcrson Ave.
References kindly permitted to Messrs. Edmunds^North A
B N d n r Noei alwajr bad a surplus. Inns, borrowing Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
Co., J. B. Wayne A Co., Geo. Doty, Doctors Allen A Batwelt
from and lending to .each other, worshipping at the same
Detroit, Jan. 1859.
PURNI8HIN«.GOODS, at the Clothing Emporinm o f H .
chanh aod UvTog a mile apart, an intimacy gradually
Book Msnufsctory and Book-Bindery, No. 183, Jeffe'rson r j A P E R W A R E H O U S E — O N HAND AND FOR SALE HALLOCK. No.168, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit Where may
ripaaed between toem; so at least, thoy did not bestitate Avenue.—Account
Books of every description made to order, J T either at Wholesale or retail, the following descriptions of be found a very large, fiesh and. desirable stock of the above
to apaak in the frankest and most familiar manner to each of superior psper .and workmsnshlp, st lower prices then paper,
viz: Imperial, Super Royal, Royal, Medltim, Demy, good* Just manufactured under h b Immediate Inapectlon, aad
otter, efen inr regard to their respective foibles.
heretofore. Warranted to give aatisfsctlon In every particu- Crown, Fist Cap snd Folio Post, Csp, Letter, Legal, Sermon, embracing one or the mo*t extensive assortmenb ever before
offered in thb market
N6w, it came to pass that Brother Crump, daring the lar.
"ill and Note Paper in every variety.
Among hi* stock will bafound every kind aad description
Book and Print Papers of all colors snd sixes. Man ill*
. liro&vt. period of the cotton period, drove intdWelump- Commercial Printing. Ruling and Binding, executed to
ol Garment *uluble for Fall *ad Winter wear.
» ••
sg, and Straw Wrapping Paper of all s'res snd weights.
disposed of his " crop," of ton bales, at tho very order.
The subscriber having had an experience of over fourteen
From the low priced and cheaper grade* to the most fine
Receiving our psper direct from the Mennfacturers, we are
fair price of twelvo and a half cents per pound. It was yeari, feels assured thst they can defy competition in prices enabled to offer them at as low prices ss sny In this msrket and fashionable garment#—ell of which have been manufactured with the utmost care and w AHUA*TB> to give sstbfscttan.
niott than be expected, and as the world was easy with and quality or workmanship.
KAGS—Wanted in exchange for Goods or Cash.
Order* from Banks, Merchants, Manufacturers and Railroad
All pelrson* desirous of purchasing either at n H0LE8AL*
Un, be dotwmihed to invest,,and did actually invest^
'AIL, arc respectfully invited to call andejramlnahto
90 Woodwsrd Avenue.
•t RET.
portion of the proceeds of the sale of .the cotton, in a Companies, respectfully solicited.

fVaa&taigtfiiH o->








barrel of western -whtakv, paying therefor at the rate of
pradaehtwo pounds Of middling cotton for one gallon of


H t a w i . t a i B U S C H , (Successor to M. Howsrd Webster,.
Dealer in Foreign Mid Domestic-Hardware, Housekeeping Articles, Mechsnics' Tools, 8toves, Grstes,Tin andJspkd Ware, Dralp Tile, Ac. A « n t for tho American and
opean Law Agency of Lltx 4 Kapp, No. 7 Nassau street.
New York—for the recovery of Debts, Legacies snd Inherltsnces la Europe and the United States.
Remittances made to all parts of Germany, with ssftty snd
dispatch. No. 501 Jeffersonavsaus, Kearsley's Block, Detroit,


THE PUBLIC—A new Family Sewing Machine; combining tbe latest improvement* at the extreme low price of
^ , v
Of course it was " narrated in the settkawnt," that old
prices of all our standard.machines have been greatly
Qnmp had bought a whole barrel, and after afew.weeks
reduced. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, It Is well known,
pMple began to think that his s o n grew rodder and "
though dearer In price, have always been cheaper In b e t .
eves mohs moist The idea that Brother Crump
considering what they will do, than any other. Tbe prices
are now reduced so that all must be satisfied. Call and ex^drinking too much," dittoed itself in the neighborhood
amine the new machines at tho low prices.
until, as one might say, became epidemical People
taQndand talked—more especially "what few of other T S A G E ft S O N S , MAP PUBLlSHPRB, STAT10NEBS,
133 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit.
f ) • Engravers and Lithographers, 509 Msln street, BuDklo,
(feoo&SMtiohe of Christains there were thereabout"
Brother'Noel was "'sore troubled" at the scandal and N. Y., over Sage's Piano Booms.—We are prepared to execute
H E A P F U R N I T U R E W A R E H O U S E — T H E UNwork ua with promptness snd despstch, snd
deralgned ofiVr their extenalve stock of Good* consist> M ^spcicially regretted the injury Kbrought to society all
on sa fhvorsbleterias aa any establishment In the country.
of all kinds FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, to their
at8oaron. So one morning ho stepped over to Brother GomVInttg all the different branches of Steel, Copper snd ing
customers and the publle generally, at the lowest possible
O r u a p V n d found the old two in a dow in the little StoM Engraving, ss we\l as Crayon Work of tho finest de- rates. Being prepared to meet sll orders In oar line of bus!script! on, we guarantee satlafafllon In all cases.
nes* sre would advise buyers to call upon u* before buying
^^VTop'tyon takeadrtmraeked Brother Crump, as Maps, Portraita, Show Cards, Ac^ Lithographed and printed elsewhere, ss we intend-not to be undersold by a n y firm in
the west All work warranted,
won U K w a i made aware ofti/opraseoce of his ndghbor. In the moat delicate colors, by a new process;
• ^'Why, ye«;Tm not agin a dram when a body wants - r V A P E H i — W E A RE PREPARED TO SUPPLY AT MILL IS
551 Jc7er#on Avenue, Detroit
I T price*, all sixes and weight* of Print and Book Paper:—
Brother Crump got his bottle, and the friends took a also Ledger Paper, Plat and Folded Paper, U t t e r , Cap and
Commercial Vote, Wrapping And Tissue Paper, Fancy and
Future Life, or Scenes In Another World; bjGco. Wood.
Staple Stationery'In great variety.
The Ministry of Life; by the author of Ministering Children.
" Boot you think, Brother Noel," aald Crump, "spcrThe K. N. Pepper,:and other Condiment* put up for general





iti Mis a biesnn'7 "
Yes," replied Noel, "sperita is a bless!n' that some nS
of us abuses.''
8 . C I T T H I 1 E R T ft C O - Wholesale Druggists and
. Woll, now, Brother Noel, who do you think abuses d • Grocers, No's 105 and 10*, Woodward avenue, Detroit,

** WariaT

••Well, it ishardto aav—hut people talk—don't you
tjbbk that you drink a little too ranclfc Brother Cnimpr
. Vit,& hard to\«ai3r.** Wturoed J0fump. " Sometimes
Pta thought I waa a driokin' too tn^ch, and then again
M tirfnk may-be not What ia want A weak worrum
of the dust! 8o I WMt to the Lord to say whether I —
• goin' too for in spirits. I~put the whole 'roonribi ,
« a h h n ; I p r a y e ^ i f I w a s driokio' tooppieh, for him to
Bfere Brother Nod groaned very piously, and askod:
What,'then. Brother Onitnpf

"'And," replied Crump, " N o prarod that prayer
ttrw times, and he hain't done it. So I'm d e a r of the
'apomabilitv, any way."
B o r # t w i a b e doner ejacukted Noel aad aftw
t * i C r another drom he wect home, thinking aH the way
how clftveriy Brother Crtonp had cleared the responsibility.
. ;
A Qdaker lately popped tho qnosflou to a fair Quaker
Penelope, tfaa apirit nrprth

The Witches of New York, by .
Isabella Orslal; by .the author of Beatrice Cencl.
Vernon Qrover, or Hearts ss They Arc,
FrederiCk.the Great; by Csrlyle.
Dora Deen; by Mirt Mary J. Holmes.
With a variety Of other* too aumerous to enumerate, tor
CPTBSaar,---• - . - - - - - - — — — - - - H - W. OsMWK. 13
yo -Woodward A v. Detroit

have la store and offer to the Trade, a large stock of Sugar,

r p W I H B H t > U S E . - ^ W i l b r d Harvey A Co^ 84 Maiden
1 Lane, and 17 Cadar atreet,.New York. Hemp, Cotton
Flax aad Lilian Twine* Imported and Manufactured Cordage,
Cotton, Jute, Minllla and American Hemp Rope.Tarred Stuff,
Fidling Line* Gllltng Thread* Shoe Thread, Wick, and ail
kinds of Corda and Uai»< •


UY fC UIKCnMAN ft C O * DaaUtm to Groceries

\ J F aad Provision* ,Paint* Oil* Twines, Canvas. Anchor*,
and Chain* Tar, Pitch, RoSln, Oakum, Ac. A complete atock
Of Ship Chandlery and the above named artlelca always on
luad and for sale vary low. at U Woodbridge street, Detroit,
H * U f t l g U U ( 8 e e c e a i o r to D. Croaby A Oa.) Whole• sals and and retail dealer in Watche* Clock* Jewelry,
FaaevOooAa Plated Ware. Comb* Button*Thread, Ac. Mo.
TOwJodwiJd avenue, o p h i t e Holme. A Co, Detroit, Mich.
Watebe* Cljmlni aad Jewelry repaired and warranted.

iotn<««p winAT xoTsts,


by Abbey H. Hemingway. The dcalgn of toi(iwork ta to
represent the general poetloBttratqre of V e t i a ^ t tram l b
early settlement to the present period. The selection* are
gathered from the most reliable source* and wlH especially
interest all Vermonters by birth-right now resident In this and
Optical and Philosophical Apparatu* No. 550 Jefferson
Avenue, Invite all those saffering from defective sight, to inspect their assortmentaf greatly Improved Peretcoplc C r ^ t*J and Pebble Spectacle* which are highly endowed whh
improving vision. Also, all klada of Tele„ p e * iUcroscopes.Electric Machine* Drawing InsUjtteutAc^ const*nt^yu>a hand.
. P*


H . A L L I S O N , IMI'OBTER OF IMPROVED KAIL. road Watehe* eased In besuOfUl styles, warranted axcellent time-keepers; do do Bwi** foil Jewelled. U vera In
every style. GOLD PENS.—I conttnue maaufscturlaR Pens
of every desirable psttern. These pens hsve received a Sll w
Medsl snd Diploma st the Michigan State Fair, and are not to
be surps*»ed by any Pens In market Also desler In FINH
I hsve an experienced Jeweller, capable of making new
work to order.
FITTING STONES and Diamond Work, and Fire Uildlnj
and Galvanizing, done at short notice.
WATCH REPAIRING—Being a practical workman, aU
work entrusted to my care, will be carefully attended to.
GOLD PENS re-pointed, at fifty eents. Pens seat by mall.
:compsnled by the Cash, will be promptly sttended to.
J . H. ALLISON. Jelftroon Avenue.
JLJMENT.NO. 16 Cangresa«t,Esst—A.C.ALEXANDER
would most respectfully intimate that, more fnBy to accommodate the wants of the patrontxiag public, and h b large Increase of buaines* he hes sdopted the Improved b f llltv which
Stesm gives to the Art of Dyeing, having reeaatlv fitted up
for tost purpose. Hs now Dyes by Steam, every description
or Silk* Satin* Yelvet, Crapes snd Merino* produelsg t t o
most brilliant colors aad best style of finish that every article
will admit of. Shawb of every variety Dyad aad Cleaned.


Csp prevent* Chimnej* from smoking: It preclude* storms
from entering them; It tessens the lbbilltfes tofiresfrom
their burning out: It protects their tops from tbe wastes or
the weather, aad serves as an ornamental finish.
Persons desirous of securing the right of mannfsetnr* or
of ssle, or both. In CItie* CounUe* Stales or Territories, to
any part of the United Statea not already disposed of. win bs
furnished with a descriptive drcalar. by addrtssiag the naderalgned. and V dcIgnaUng the territory they desire, they
willsUo be furnished with the Umnsi oT salo.
IRA MAYHEW. Patentee, Albion, Mich.
Manufactured and for sale. In Detroit by
DUDLEY * HOLMES, 77 Woodward Ava.
I t n P U B L I S H E D , A TSXT W » K O F | T O «
f ) snd Animal Physiology, designed fo r t h e o s e of 8cbooj*
Semlnsriea snd Colleges, by Henry OoadbivJt B j PraJVwr
of Vegetable and Animal Physiology aad
State Agricultural College or Mloh^sa, embelMshed w i s upwards of 460 lllustaations. A l t h e « h deslgned
Colleges aad School* t h b Book wflr be



essrbtlc selections fuwn the
" * • ^ • SootSO Woodward Avewe, Detroit



T U «

Bookstore, is prepared to



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