Grand Traverse Herald, February 04, 1859

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 04, 1859


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Morgan (1806-1874)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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T E A V E B S E C I T Y , M I C H . F E I D A Y , F E B . 4 , 1859.

C|e (Sraitil Crabtrst Itcrali),

N O . 13.

The Indnence of the Country Press.
me the warm gruel from the mm* lamp for baby? the dear 1
Fran the Detroit Herald.
child, if i t wasn't for its mother, I oou't know what be
In no Statu has the country press ever been properly, would do. How can you. sleep so, Mr. BlifkinaF' , " J
appreciated. Those who take a superficial view of mat- suspect my dear," said I , " that it is because I am tired."^/ '
ters and things, have come to regard country newspapers
"Oh, i t s very well foi- yon men to talk about being
a mere local advertising medinm, and of so little impor- tired," said my wife: " I don't know what you would say
Where theillrer noon cat theroowymlMwhich her eodlrsi path lay thrwwfc; tance to the great body politic, as to'be scarcely worthy if you had to toil and drudge like a woman with a baby.
to soothe her by telling'her that she had no patience
T K I t M S .
Whlta Xaure Heard to hdU eommanr, for awhila with XaUm'a Uod,
seem to think the metropolitan organs, only, worth read- at all, and got up for the posset Having aided in answer<k Otnt M U i l " p l P i r r r C**T» per annum. parable ln»arUMr Is U m t .
at par la pmrmrnt »f .ascription. and adrerti.lnr
ing, and worthy of support. Little do such persons know iug the baby's requirements, I steprtjd into bed again, with
n will U lmtittd forfiftyemu pereqnarr (ten line.) ferlh» Then atrfklnr ">• earth wtth a magic wand, aha bada a vMon riaa
ti forruh nbacqoetl liWfitl«L Yearly Of cltiea, and towaa. and rural aeenea, Le&re By woGdetlatc eyca. *
the important influence the country press is silently; but the hope of sleeping. " >lr. Blifkins," said she, in a
The Kmnd at coming foouwp,, beard In tho corridor, of Tirao.
constantly working upon the public mind. Take for in- louderkeyv 1 said nothing. " O h , dear!" said that esthefiril.Inaertloo. and Kchoed through ti>» tylrlt cbambera 'rf my ,0111, In a role* tubllsu.
stance the case of our own State; the metropolitan papers timable woman, in great apnarent anguish, "how can a
i n M f t n M i f o r a a i h labeeqaeat. KreryBtfure cnuntj a word. VIni
work a-lthout rolea. 20 per ceatTadded. Bale and tfr~
may send out a circulation of 10,000 copies, scattered man who has arrived at the honor of a live baby of his
I heard the axo of the plonacr rta» oat in the dense old wood;
I aoon, mid the charred and maailre atunpi, a pretty »IUa«« rtood
among a population of 700,000; being equal to about one own, sleep when'he don't know that the dear creature will
click of iharp-toothed aawa I beard, aa the board and the plank wfle tern paper only to every seventy inhabitants. The influence live till morning?"
I remained silent, and after awhile,
From the nadre pine, by riithleaa haml«. and away to market borne,
of these papers, it is true, is considerable, but what" is it deeming that Mrs. Blifkins had gone to sleep, I stretched
foe •ehoobboy's la'v|^t"aeemed low and far. like the.aotmd of bosy baes,
compared to over eighty country papers published hi the my limbs for repose., How long I slept I don't know, b.ut
At home be hied, through woodland, wild, and the green and brauchlag teea. State, with an aggregate circulation of over 40,000,' or I was aw akenea by a furious jab in the forehead by some
A rolee unearthly eehoedihrfll. I tarred to bebold the
about one. paper to,every thirteen inhabitants. One half -sharp instrument I started up, and Mrs. Blifkins was
And aaw approach tbe iteamy bnath of tha tlreleu
at least, of the inhabitants of the State never read a me- sitting up in the bed, adjusting some portion of the baby's
SOLICITOR INCHANCERY AND NOT A BY PUBLIC, I beard the hum of the Immigrant, and the Anglo-Saxon'i tread:
tropolitan paper. I t is as much as they, feel able to do, dress. She had, iu a state of semi-sonmolencc, mistaken
Treveriio City, Q-rantl T r a v e r a e p o . M i c h .
Andcitle, Hood where the wfcwam ent had core red the red man's bead.
to, support tneir home paper, and that they are in duty my head for the pillow, which she customarily used for a
Each lofty tree now teemed a .plre. or a making chimney top
to support; hence it is, that they glean from the nocturnal, pin-cushion. I protested «gainst «uch. treatMad Warrant* bought and Hold, Taxen. paid, Investment*
itfe engine UborrdVltl Iron arma fu a Luge machioljU ahop.
made, Ac. Correspondence solicited.
country press all of the important political intelligence of ment in somewhat round terms, pointing to several perAnd then, la my rUton, I gaaed again, wlrro the Boantman rl«r la»ea
and from that source they receive most of politi- forations in my forhead. She told me I should willingly
Ita cryatal paters, clear and oa)m. In the wild Onnd Traveree warr,
u light gleamed—for I thought "twaa idght-and the wtind ef tury fret cal ideas which give shape, character and stengtli, tto po- bear such things for tbe sake of the baby. I insisted upon
P r o n e o u t i n B A t t o r n e y nrtd C i r c u i t C o u r t
litical organizations.
it that J didn't think my duty as a . parent to that young
Waa beard, aa they paaaed with harried .trpj along the crowded rtrret.
Again, take for example the metropolitan democratic immortal required the surrender of my forhead for a pip. FOB GRAND TBAVEBSK COUNTY.
And the Nawabo^a voice, with naaal twang. a« he entered tbe wclMUlcd ear.
ress, which sends out weekly issues to the number of pcr- cushion. This was one of tlio many nights passed in this
With thJ iateat new* - by tekgraph." - diwet from the aiat of war."
aps -1,000 copies; equal to about one copy to every OIK; Way. The truth was, that baby wis what every other
Called oat, - will yoa hare a paper. Sir)'THE llrniu-'- •< thus be laid,
•oagbt to obtain a copy, bat that moment UK> vUiua Bed.
hundred and seventy-five inhabitants; and what cati its in- man's first baby is, an autocrat—absolute and unlimited.
Jan nary » .
fluence be, compared to that of over thirty country dem- Such was the story of Blfkins, as he related it to us the
Forthe (irand TrareraeHerald. ocratic papers, with an aggregate circulation of at least, other day. It is a little exaggerated picture of almost
20,000, or one to every^ thirty-five inhabitants. Then every man's experience.
ILLIAM P . WELI.8, (Successor to Campbell A
Live W i t h i n Your Means.
"ell*,) Attorney, Solicitor and Counsellor, tiffltc
MK. EDITOR : How few there aro within tlio circle of our again, the country circulation of the metropolitan press,
ovor Farmer*' and,Mechanics Bank, Cor. Woodward and^ JefGen ( Jackson's Duel w i t h Dickinson.
as a general thing, is among those who take e a s t ^ j papers
ferson av's., Petrol
acquaintance thnt livo within their means. I wonder cot ami consequently, give their metropolitan papa- olily a
From tW New York*Ke«».
Some Time ago I saw in vour paper a statement about
reflects upon the forcible hasty reading, at best, and generally read but a small por. IM HUItD i t CO., Detroit, Michigan, I'rodnce and to a » the debtor hesitate
• Shipping Merchant*, Agents and Consignee* forthe folf- expression " I owe no man'a dollar;" while I doub^not tion of it; whereas, their home paper, being devotei to tlrt duel between General Jackson and Dickinson, fought
lowihg Line*:—AXEKICAX TIUSKPOKTATION COMPANY, Capihome interests, and containingiocal intelligence, interests before the year 1800, which account was erroneous in
tal $300,000. WKHTBRX TRHNSPOKTATIO.V COMPANY,. Capital that the miser will read with reluctance and ponder upon
every reader,.and gets a: thorough reading every week. several particulars. Desirous of correcting these errors,
$>>00,000. And the NEW YQKK CKXTAL It. I t CO.

the force of the short and easy sentence " Live within
W h o shall say, then, that the country press is not the I offered to furnish you an acqount of that duel, told me
« L U F F it FULLER. (Succcwors to E. W.. yonr means," while he caste a bitter reflection upon the great engine that shapes aud controls the destiuies of pir- by General Jackson's biographer and intimate friend, John
. . Hudxon.) Commiasion Merchant* and dealers In Ship
II. Eaton. H e and I were ouco traveling together, and
Stores, Coal, Salt, Water Lime, Plaster, Ac. Docks foot of past, and with a sneer turns a-deaf ear upon the present ty in the State? The.fact is, tjiii metropolitan press re-,
I)stes Street, Detroit, Mich.
cries of miseiy and woe, while the spendthrift, destitute fleets the public sentiment, rather than forms it. It collects I enquired how he Obtained such accurate information
about General Jackson, for that many circumstances cotiOBVILLK WILCOX
and penniless, rcturiy by way of rest and slnmber to his into a body the local inlelligence from all parts of the State tairnid in his book I knew myself to be true. He said he
and is thus enabled to give a larger amount oC general
"1 H A V E S &8HKLDOV,(Snoccuors to Lewis & Graves) poor old couch, and dreams of the past, and wdndera how news than the countrv press, an!l in this respect, only, can frequently visited General Jackson, and they need to sit
X.Prodoco and (ieneral Commission Merchant*, on thfc
up late talking over events,- and on his return to his bedI can " live within my means".
I it claim any superiority over the latter.
Dock near the foot of. Cass street.
In the hnnds of prudent men, the metropolitan1 press is room, he committed to pajier what the General said conJAMES0. O E A V P , . . . ^ . . - ; ^ .
Now we don't believe instinginess; wedon't likcecona powerful politic-til auxiliary to a party ; but in the hands cerning himself.
T > O, 8TI.1ISOV, Produce, Commission and Shipping
The following is "General Jackson's own account of the
of those, who are fond of playing the autocrat, and frown
Merchant, Warehouse on Dock, foot of Bates street,
i feeling of sympathy with the idea that the poor man down upon their lest* pretending countrv* brethren, finding dhel, told General Eaton, who related the same to me:
n post and stand still, there to - itself powerless to good, itbtoo often employs itself in workJuckson settled in Nashville between the years 1790
iSff" Liberal advances mado on Produce, for sale in this or should hitch himself
and 1800, and began the practice of law. Dickinson was
Bastern Markets.
watch the remainder of mankind move forward in pros- ing out mischief!
Befer to—John Owen, Pren'L Michigan Insurance Ci). Bank;
Tho life of a country Editor is not properly appreciated already there, following the same profession. He was a
. O. 0. Williams
A Co., Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
With inferior advanlageatp glean news, or get tip a good great duelist having killed several in duels, and almost
Pstfow. :
' ' ,

i j h > .
I t is no man's dnty to absent himself from every amuselooking and well executofl sheet; l>eingobliged to plfty up certain (JJ kill at' the first fire. His mode of firing
®. P I T T MAN, dealer in Coal and Pig Iron. Office ment, every luxury, every recreation, even- comfort of editor, collector, finnncm-r, and frequently compositor and was uncommon. Instead of raising his pistol from his ei£
•and Yard, foot of Cass street Detroit.
to fire at the word, he would bring it down -from above
COAIA—Lehigh, Blouburg, Scrantoa, Briar Hill, New- " "i, that ho may accumulate riches. I t is no man's doty pressman; he can hurafy lie expected to "produce a paper
castle, Erie.'
to make an iceberg of Ijimself, to close his eyes and turn equal in style and matter to the metropolitan papers, which until he got it to the proper level, and then fire. All of
- PIG IRON.—Hanging Rock,- Massillon, Scotch Franklin,
suffer from none oftnese disadvantages; and understand- the merchants jn Nashville had Dickinson retained in
Middlesex, Clinton. Various other brands of Coal and Pig
ing as well as wc do| the hardships, and difficulties to be their behalf, and he being the only lawyer there until
Iron aw kept fortale.
thus to deny himself the pleasing enjoyments that result, encountered in publishing a country paper, we wonder Jackson came, no redress could be obtained by the oppoO RNE L IUS O C K F O R D , Produce, Forwarding and from generous actions, merely for the one sdrdid desire to greatly at the general respectability of the country presi, site side. General Jackson refused to be retained by
Commission Merchant Office No. 2 Backus' Warehouse, hoard up wealth, for his heirs, to quarrel about.
both as to style and matter. As to the character of the these merchants to the exclusion of all other parties.
opposite M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, Mich.
The consequcnce was that he issued sixty writs to the
But, sir, there is afl economy which should be found in cditorinls of the country press, all that is necessary to be.
it E . M. BEMENT, Produce Commission Merchants, every household, and which ia especially commendable in said, is, thnt the most labored, talented and influential ar- first term of the Court at Nashville.
l i e issued write against the merchants who, until then,
- j Backus' Building; opposite M. C. B. B. Freight Depot,
ticles which have ever been published in this State, have
Detroit Mich.
the!man who wrestles and struggles in the embrace of originated from the country press. W c might single out hail gone scot free. This irritated thom, and they being
8 . F A R R A X D , Wholesalo dealer in Drags and Gro- poverty; an economy which is in every way consistent with country Editors, in tills State of the highest ability; men desirous of getting General Jackson out of the way, in• caries, 1'alnts, Oils and Window Glass, No. 80 Wood- happiness; an economy that Bhould bo practiced and ri- who would grace any metropolitan tripod: but that would cited Diekinson to provoko a duel. Ho began by acting
ward avenne, Detroit, Mich.
l>c invidious. A s a body, the country Editors of this on trials, offensive to the General.,
gidly enforced, if the poor man would secure to himself
State rank high, and their weekly productions would be . He remonstrated With Dickinson, and plainly told him
TXTiflLLARD H A R V E Y it CO M 84 Maiden Lane, and
that lie would not submit to such disrespectful treatment
V V 17 Cedar street, New York, Paper Warehouse. Every independency: I t is tio live within your means.
no disgrace to any State.
Dickinson persisted, and Gen. Jack^on challodged hita.description of Wrapping, Printing and Writing Paper, on
I t is a privilege by nature bestowed upon every- man
Away, then, with the false notion that the metropolitan
hand, or-wade to order. Fancy, Colored and Tissue Papers,
to livo within his means; not up to but iritkin therii. press is everything, aud that the country pre»s is nothing. The time and place for the combat was fixed upon, and
Blotting Papers, Envelopes, Straw and Bonnet Boards. 2)3
the news spread- for' miles; around There wore at least
Though it is said, and truly>too, that " money makes the What would the metropolitan press l»e without the coun- two thousand persons on the ground and bete were made
try papers? Are not the selections of the greatest interest
IT 8 . C U T f l B E R T it CO., Wholc«alo Druggists and.
f j • Grocers, No's 102 anil 10*, Woodward Svehuc, Detroit, mare go", yet i t is not riches that makes the man, we ad- to* the general reader nenrlv all culled from the country as if it were a noreo race.
have in store and offer to the Trade, a large stock of Sugar, mit, and in onr estimation of men, ought never to be token ireSs! And are not the best and greatest variety of poDickinson himself bet that he would kill Jackson at the
Syrup, Molasses, Fish, Fruit, Spices, Nut*. Liquors, Drugs,
first fire. Dickinson fired first and his ball hit Jackson
Cordage, Paints, Oil*, Dye Stufls, Naval Stores, Window Glass, into account; but it is a vtiy necessary point to sccure a itical articles obtajned from the same source? Let us
on. the right pap and peeled his br e a st. He had n callous
SuperiAc., $c.
competency when it can be done by the practice of econ' *
ority of the metropolitan press (eminating from interested lump there until the day of his death. As" soon as the
omy and self-denial.
quarters) over pajiers published in . the country. The smotce Of Dickinson's pistol blew away, ho saw General
I p U Y F . HIVCIIMAN it CO., Dealers in Groceries
To secure it for others to gaze upon—to raise us in the couutry press is compelled to sustain itself without any of Jackson still standing, and he exclaimed, " Havn't I killed
* V J and Provisions, Paints, Oils, Twines, Canvas, Anchors
anil Chains, Tar, Piteb, Rosin, Oakum, Ac. A complete stock estimation of flatterers1—would lie false to our Maker and this whitewashing, or Official backing; hnd if the metropo- the dntnned'rascal yet?" General Jackson told General
of Ship Chandlery and the above named articles always on
litan press cannot sustain itself, without resorting to such Eaton that until then he meant to give him his life, but
hand and for sale voty low, at 40 Woodbridge street, Detroit, ourselves, but to secure and lay by a.mite for a rainy day means .it is time to dry up on its boasts of superiority and 'on hearing these words, he raised his pistol, fired, and
—for a distant morrow, when time shall have furrowed our
overshadowing influent*. Give us a well conductcd-ipuu- kilcd Dickinson instantly.
QIUGCS8 A C O n MANOT'ACTUBERS AND DEAL- brow, and cnfe^Ied this mortal tabernacle of ours, when try press, and wo have no fenrs in regard to a thorough
• e n at Wholesale and Betail, in Sofas, Chairs, Bedsteads,
Bureaus, Book-cases, Wardrobes, Tables, Painted Chamber our heads shall bo silvered o'er with age, is very commend- and sound disseininatiou of correct sentimeut among the of warm water a clean flannel, ana take up as much fine
Betj Marblo and Rosewood Ware, and a targe assortment of able.
whiting as will adhere to it; gently rub the paint with
Hair, Hiick, Cotton and 6pring Mattrasses. A Mo, Hair Cloths, How. many, alasj:when too late, can look back upon
this, and all grease and dirt will soon disappear. Wash
Spring Twine, Webbing, pure Curled Hair, Willow Ware and
Mr. Bllfkins' Baby.
Looking Glasses, at No's. 1C3 A 165 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, our moreyonthful, athletic forms, in days long since pasecd
That first bal>y was a great institution. As soon as lie away the whiting with clear wo*er, and run dry with a
and gone, and feel that had we lived within our means, to camcintothis 'breathingworld,' asthelateW.ShaRspear clean soft cloth. This'will not injure the most delicate
UDLEY it HOLMES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL know that had we acfjnired a competency sufficient to se- has it, he took command in our house. Everything was color, and will preserve the paint longer than if cleaned
dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Boyntpn'a Hot Air Furnasubservient to him. The baby was the balance-wheel that
ces, Register, Grates, Cooking Ranges, Tipncr's and Plumber" cure atthisgood old age the conciousness of independence
In Vermont recently; a young man flogged his brother
Stock, Machines and Pools. Also, manufacturers of Coppei and to feel that we are able to reap constant satisfaction regulated everything. H e regulated the tempcratnre, he
regulated the food, he regulated the servants, he regulated severely for preventing his father from hanging himself.
Tin and Sheet Iron Wares, House and Steamboat Plumbers
which can bo derived from its acquirement and possession, me. Forjthc first six months of that precious existence, He being remonstrated with for whipping Jus brother for
tSf Agents for Wllder's Patent Salamander 8afea.. S
r Particular attention paid to House and Steamboat Plumb- wc should have " lived within our means". "VVe can then he haJTfiS u p on an average, six times a night " Mr. saving his father's life, he replied—" I .wanted him to
ing, and putting the most approved Heating and Vcntiriuting
Furnaces and Cooling Apparatus in Public and Private 11' " ' raise our voice with the poet to say " we owe no man a Blifkins," says my wife, "bring that light here, do; the know that it was his business to I el kit father have hi*
baby looks strangely; I'm so afraid it will have a fit" own tray."
Ings, In the City and Country. No 77 Woodward Ave
H . D. COf coarse the light was brought ami of course the baby
Detroit (Opposite Holmes A Co.)
lay sjeking his fist like a little white bear, as ho was. * Foote expressed tbe belief that a certain miser would
H U H L it CO^ MANUFACTUREBS AND WHOLELABOR S.VAKK.—An Indian came to a certain " agencv" '.'Mr. Blifkins" said my wife, I thiiik I feel a little air; I take the beam out of his own eye/ if he knew he could
• aale and retail dealers In Silk, Fur, Wool Panama, PalmIieai; Leghorn and 8traw Hats, Far, Cloth. Plush, Silk and in the northern part of Iowa, to procure some whiskey for wish yon would get up ami see if the window is not open sell the timber.
Glaied Capo; all descriptions of manufactured Fnrs for ladies a young warrior, who had been bitten by a rattlesnake. a little, because baby mjght get sick." "Nothing was the
W e frequently see it stated that a scheme is on foot
*od gentlemen: Buoktkin Gloves and Mitten^ Fur, kid, 8ilk A t first the agent did not credit his story, but by the matter, as I knew very welL " M r . Blifkins, says ray
Wonldn't a scheme be advanced faster if it could be got
and Woolen GloTes, Cane^ Umbrellas, Cravats, Snspenders, earnestness o f t h c Iqdion arid the urgcncy of the case,
Ac. Hatters' Stock and Trimmings, Buffalo and Fancy 8Ieigh overcame his scrapes, and turning to get tho liquor, ho wife, just as I was going to deep again, " that lamp, aa on horseback?
you have placed it, shines directly jn the' baby's e y e s Robes, Ac.
asked the Indian' how much he wanted.
An Irishman being asked if he understood French,
Conant Block, 148 Jefferson Ave.
strange that you have no more consideratioa" I arranged
> ' " Four quarts," answerd the Indian.
French perP. R—Cash paid for Shipping Furs and Deer Ski as.
the light, ami went to bed again. Just as I was drop"Four'quarts?" asked the agent, in surprise; " s o much ping to sleep again, " M t Blif kins," said my wife, "did fectly when you spake it in Irish" .
-- k> Book Manufactory and Book-Bindenr, No. 183, Jefferson as that ?"
yost think tobuy that broma to-day for the baby?" " M y
Quoth Patrick: " If a Yankee were cast away on a
" Y e s , " replied the Indian, speaking through his set "dear," said I, "will you do me the' injustice'to believe
A venae.—Account Books of every description made to order,
of superior paper and workmanship, at lower prices than teeth, and frowning as- savacely as though about to wage that I could overlook a matter so essential to the conjfort desolate island, he'd get up the next momin' an' go around
heretofore. Warranted to give satisfaction in every particu- a war of extermination on the whole snake tribe, " four
selling maps to tbe inhabitants.
of that inestimable child?" She apologized very handsomlv
quarts—*%akc very big."
but made her anxiety the scape-goat I forgave her, and
^Commercial Printing, Buling and Binding, executed to
A n t i c * TO BACHELORS.—Be sure to secure a woman
The lady who made a dash, has brought her husband without saying a word more to her, I addressed myself to who will lift you u p instead of poAing you down. In
Bis subscriber having had an experience of over fourteen
sleep " M r . Blifkins," said my wife, shaking me, "y*» mercantile phrase, get a piece of calico thai will wash.
years, feels assured that they Can defy competition In prices to a lull stop.
must not snore so, you will wake the baby." "Jest so—
*nd truaiity of workmanship.
W h y are energetic i i Eke emetics? Because you jest so," said I, half asleep, thinking I was Solon Shingle
BOILS.—Make a poultice of ginger and floor and lay it
Orders from Banks, Merchants, Manufacturers and Railroad
Companies, respectfully solicited.
can't keep them down.
" Mr. Blifkins," said my wife, " will yon get up and hand on tbe boil; this will soon draw it to a h e a d

A Vision.

It wii ul»bt around Grand T t u r m Bay. and the brad oft northern
City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan, Sire* wildly Out^gkto.foreataklea, and the lofty map> t»e..
la penal re meed I wanderedforth,la the *M»Uct>t cleSr and cold.
To BMdltata, when tbe"




M Kinds tf M Prints lath and EiptdHisdsly fcratd.

^ttonteg intir Connsrilcr at l^ato,


Detroit Business Cards.











' •' .

-I .
. 'I
From tW \ u l m l iMrllirrncfr. Jam.' IS
M In the New Counties Sooth ofXh.
candid men m a t admitth*t the'Lecompton instrument,
To the People of the United States.
fulsehr galled * constitution, wa» i t * * reeking with fraud
The Editor of the Clinton Republican, in Wi.-article
Our attention has wry reoently been called to tbe fol- and forgery, and, in the language of the reoentspeech of
upon the jcondition of the settlers in Isabella nod Gratiot
Senator HAJMOXD, of South Carolina, " ought to haw
comities, :coofinh8 the previous statements; that the resi- ibwing letterfrfeiriRATI JONTEB fiiq, one of the delegate®
from Johnson county, in t^e Territory of Kansas, to the been kicked out of Congress." What that Senator has
dents of these counties are likely, before the expiration
already had the courage to concede we cannot doubt will
of the prewnt winter, toibe in extremely necessitous cir- Convention which framed the Ldcompton Constitution, noon be the sentiment of the whole eenntrv; and •• the sobe r
one of its most ardent advocates, and also, as will appear second thought" of the people of the South will evcntuallv
m. ROt'NPS k I.AXGDOX, So. 1M Randolph cumstoqces. The Republican states that there arc not
la Chkacp.
ar« duly anOMtlMd lo i m l n « 4 provisions enough in those counties to sustain the inhab- from his own.statement and therertnrns,oni of tho: judges nnite with the almost unanimous.vcrdiet of the North and
West in stamping thii counterfeit and imposture with
itant* three, months, and that if .not relieved they /will be of the election of October, 1857, whose name purports the brand of infamy and .execration.
compelled to. dipper*: from their homes. This is a sub- to be affixed to the notorious pretended returns from the
Since the election of August last, held in Kansas under
• I t will be recollected by those who read the President's
the auspices ofthe present Federal Administration, rficn
ject appealing to the sympathies of -the whole State, and
-Message, that hestrbngly recommended an appropriation
ST. Louis, (Ma) Nov. 23, 1858.
the Ijoconipton constitution was condemned bv a majority
attests the kindliness and wisdom of the recommendation
To THE EOTTOR OF THE DEJCOCRAT: Upon the returns of nearly ten thousand, we presume no man will assert that
By Congress topay the Spanish Gowrnment the Armisin GOT. WL®er's message.
of an election held at the Oxford precinct in Johnson co., that instrument evwwas the choice of the people of,Kantad Claim.. As the -nature of this claim, may not be
Kansas, in October, 1857, my name appeared as one of sas; or that it was our duty to bo silent, with afnll personal
A M all-Bobbin K Part master Convicted.
clearly understood by some of our readers, wo gjve a
the judges. I never put it there, nor commented that any knowledge of all the facts, when so atrocious a usurpation
In the IT. 8. Court at Springfield, Newton F. Jones, one elsC should do so. The first I knew of it was from « attempted.
brief history of it: Some twenty years ago, a daw ship
landed a cargo of African negroes on the Island of Cuba. Postmaster at Anna, Union county, has been found guilty the Lawrence Herald of Freedom. I might haw made
However much we mnv regret the apparent sanction
They „werc sold ih lots' to suit purchasers.' A lot was of mail. robl>ery. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, this statement sooner, and probably should, but for the given by the South to tfieso proceedings, we think the
bought by two Spaniards named Ruiz and Mende, who but sentence had. not been pronounced.' Ten year? in the persuasion of friends and the excitement which prevailed censurc'should fall upon those who. with ample information
at the time of the transaction. I did not choose to expose on the subject, and again* light and knowledge, persisted
subsequently chartered a small, vessel to take them to State Penitentiary is the penalty. I t is supposed that tho affair voluntarily at the tinie; though I should'not in urging upon Congress tho adoption of this instrument;
another part of the Island- When out of sight <5f land, Jones has stolen thousands of dollars by intercepting have hesitated to have done so if T had l»cen called on by nor have we donbtcd that, with on equal knowledge of all
tribunal having jurisdiction owr the matter. • I n Sept the facts, the South would haw rejected the -Ix-compton
the negroes aroso and took pofaession of the. vessel, and mail'matter. Letters which he had broken open •
dnoaadedlo be, taken hack to their native homes in found in the offics, and the proof was conclusive that last I communicated the hb'ove statement, in substanco, to constitution with scorn ami' indignation. T h e imposing
the S t Louis Republican, from Westport, Ma I cqmc
Africa. They committed no assault upon their pur- hundreds liad beeu destroyed, after having been inter- here tb ascertain whether it had been received, but was character of the recommendations with which it was presented to Congress deceived and misled many honorable
chasers; further than to demand of them their release cepted. A small mail-bag full of old letters, that were unable to do so. Upon calling upon one of the Editors members of both Houses, and now. upon better informafrom bondage, and their restoration to home, kindred found in the office, were brought tip as evidence.
of that paper this morning he refused to publish any state- tion, would donbtlefs uuit.c with Senator HAMXOKP in
ments in the premises. I therefore'submit this statement giving that instrument an ignominious rejection from the
and liberty. They knew nothing of navigation, and the
ArroiNTMEfrs.—The Governor has appointed Oscar
vessel finally found its way into. Long Island Sonnd and Wisrior, Esq., of Pontine, his Private Secretary. The in the Democrat, and trust it. will receiw a place la its halls of legislation.
columns. I do this in justice nojonly ty myself .but to the
We venture to hope that the bitter vituperation with
was formally'taken possessionof by the Rewnue Cutter, State Treasurer has appointed W . S. McKinney., Esq. country. I am aware that my conduct is blameable. but which we have been assailed will )>e considered a sufficient
and- brought Into New Haven, where the cases were Register, under the new Ranking Law. The Superin-, would newrtlielcf« havo the case properly understood. excuse for this notice of facts lately developed, coming
tried, and the Court decided that tliey were entitled to tendent of Public Instruction has appointed 0. R. Steb- What the threats and curses of-my enemies in Kansas fail- out at last to Vindicate the truth, which has been partially
their freedom, 'and they were subsequently set at liberty, Uins, Esq., of Adrian, his Deputy. .The Speaker has ap- ed to obtain in times of great excitement I now voluntarily crushed, and to condemn the wrong which has been acgive. I am not disposed to implicate others, and will complished or attempted.
and tho two Spaniards lost their 'property.' The late pointed W . "\V. Osgodljy, Esq., of Wayne, Reporter to not do so except it be in self-defence.
R . J . WAI.KER,
John Quincy Adams volunteered to bo counsel for the the House of Representatives.
By publishing the abow you will do me a great favor.
Late Governor of Kansas Territory.
negroes, and went to New Ilawn and argued their case.
Late Secretary. '
The extraordinary character 6f this letter nnturally exThey were declared free l y the pistrict, Court, of the
WAsnixdroy, JAXTJABY 11, 1859.
United States, from which an appeal was takWto the full correspondent of the Now York Fvening Post says: " I cited grave doubts as to its authenticity; but it is now asbench of the United States Supremo .Court, where tho learn of the sudden and wry serious illness of certained and admitted to be genuine.
Attempt t ^ k i l l A Malt Carrier.
Mr. Rillihghuret, the able Republican Representative from . It will'be remembered that the returns from (he Oxford
The mails in X o i w r n Michigan during'the winter seadecision was affirmed.
Afterwards the Spanish Government claimed from our Wiscoitjin. He has suffered much from bleeding at the, precinct were rejected by our joint proclamation, issued son, arc transported on sleds drawn bv dogs, with French
"and it is doubtful if he will be able to resume his nt Leoomptoii on the 19th of October, 1857; FoVtliis of- or 'half-breeds' guides—and frequently they pre occonir
Government remuneration for tho loss which its citizens
panied by persons unacquainted with the route, who wish
ficial act we were violently denounced by the great body 'to leave the country. None but men ofundoubted intog- .
/had sustained by the decision of thoTJ. S. Supreme Court duties this session."
Oar Government recognised this claim, and tho DemoThe Chicago Press and Tribune, has a carefully coin- of 'that portion of the press of the United States'which rity should be permitted to enjoy the privilege of travelcratic Administrations, ever since that day, have never piled statement of the comparntiw votQ cast at the late subsequently sustained the Lecompton constitution; and ing with the carrier, as the iuoidont, which we give
below, fully illustrates:
failed to urge this preposterous ami outrageous claim upon election |iu that State for each member of the legislature. tho genuine character of the rejected returns was veheSir. Orange Rail.' of .Inverness, Cheboygan county,
the attention of Congress, and recommend its payment This statement showB the aggregate Republican voto to mentjy asserted, on tjiat occasion, both in and out of the writes us that the U. S. Mail-carriers, who left Mackinac
. . .
Several Committees of both Houses of Congress, made be 124,698, and the aggregntc Democratic voto 121,190 Territory.
on the ,1st inst„.on the down trip, having in company
Reference to,the prclamation- will show that these re- Patrick Dunnigan. a soldier, (who was discharged from
up as they generally are, of a majority of pro-dowry showing a Republican majority of 3,508 votes cast for turns were rejected because they were clearly illegal and
. met, have reported in favor of this claim upon various tho members of that body which has just elected Douglas invalid under tho Territorial laws, and nUo becanse they serviccyon the 24th ult.'bv Capt Pratt, of the Fort,) were
assalutedby Punnigan while in camp, ou the owning of
. pretexts, %ut no.Cotigress has ever yet dared to vote an to the Uuitcd States Senate. These figures, it is proper were " beyond all doubt similated and fictitious." Th<$ the 2d inst, on the bcach of Lake Huron, ten miles below
"appropriation for i t . Hon. P . C. Leach, our Bepresenta- to say, are compiled from the official canvass, i n d arc en- legal objections stated were clear and obvious. First Inverness.
these rctunis were not authenticated by the oath of any
Dunnigan asked Bouche, one of the carriers, for the
tlve in Congress, made an able and effective speech tirely reliable.
ef tlie judges or cleifis, although tho laws of Kansas re- loan of his knife: and hot snspecting his intentions, ncagainst it at tho lsnt session.
quired-such an oathjto be taken by all,of them as tin imTHKFORT SKEXJJXO SALE AOAI.V.—The St:Paul Mii>- perative prerequisitimo a valid election return. Second, ccdcd to the wish by-banding it over—when Dunnigan
sprang npon Rouche, and stabbed him in the
Legislative Appropriations.
nesotian learns thnt tho Fort Snelling speculators have the paper presented no us and rejected, was not one'of the
The Lansing Correspondent of the Detroit JJdtrrtiwer, failed to pay up the secoiid instalment of<$30,000 due to original poll-book's Acquired by the law, but a mere state- left shoulder, inflicting a serious wound. The wounded
man and the other carrier, Grecbird, after much difficulty,
(Mr. Warren, the Editor,) "says thit tho most embarrass- Gowrnment, on the purchase ef Fort Snelling and its Rc- ment of the votes^retendod to be giwn. In our procla- succeeded in lashing Dunnignn to the sled; and, after
ing question that will occupy t}io attention of the Legis- f^erye; and that instructions have been received there to mation we distinctly disavowed any authority to go be- trawling all night, reached Cheboygannbpnt 10 o'clock
hiud the retnrayfor the purpose of indgihg the qutdifica-.
lature is that in relation to appropriations to prosecute
lose on their obligations and resume. Governmental tions of voters. «ir of purging the polls or ofrejectingre- A. M. Justice Maulthby was In the post-office at the
the work upon our public institutions already begun, and possession of the premises. It's a long lane that has no turns, formal and valid on their face, for any reason short time of their arrival, and Rouche immediately entered a
complaint; whereupon, the justice issued u warrant for"
which wfll probably be asked towards the commence- turning; and the speculators tutj likely to be tripped up of actual forgery, Under our respective oatlis of oflke; Dunnigan's arrest, and had him brought before him for
we nught have l>ecn constrained to reject the Oxford pa- examination. The ovidencc adduced was sufficient to
ment of a new Capitol building, tjpon this subject at last.
j>ers lis illegal and invalid upon their face, even if, in other warrant the justice in committing Punnigan to jail, to
there is a wry wide jUfftrenqe of: opinion amongst the
respects, they had been correct and genuine.
"FROM HAVANA.—A private letter states that some
await his trial at the next term of the Pistrict Court .to
members. While some are for. making a liberal approcitement had been occasioned at* Havana, by the publica- The " similated and.fiictitious" character of these pre- be held at Inverness in July nest.
priation to each of those objects, others are for limiting
tended returns was evident to us upon the face of the paBotich is still at Cheboygan, in a very weak condition,
tion in the journals of a statement that Rrigadier General pers; yet we deemed it important In so grave a matter,
the amount to tho smallest possible sum to those for
Renaud, of the United States, hail by lctterjoffered the to visit Oxford precinct; and we there ascertained, with caused from tho loss of blood, and soreness of his wounds.
[Mackinac Herald.
which any is made, and to withholding aid altogether to
Captain General $15,000,000 to declare the Island inde- positive certainty, thnt of the sixteen hundred and twentysome of them. The, amount which will be asked for the
eight votes purporting to havo-given, not one-tenth had
Prom Washington.
pendent land himself (Concha) its first President.
next two years will be nearly as follows:
NEW. YORK, J a n . 20.
in ihct bpen polled; and that nearly all the names attached
The Heralds Washington correspondent telegraphs:
Asylum forthe'.Deaf, Dumb and Rlind
REWARD OF MFJIIT.—A Mrs. Rogers, of Saginaw co., to the statement were palpable forgeries. We knew that
The Senate, in Executive sowion to-day confirmed tho
Asylum for tho Insane
" " on Nen- Year's day, presented her liege lord four chil- a village of some half dozen houses, in a precinct of most
following.apROjntments: Townseml -Harris, Minister to
To.Commence a State Capitol. .
dren at one birth! tlriee boys and one girl, all of which meagre population, conld not have given l,628'votes;and Japon; and the' following Consnls: P. Walkcr, of Wig., to
Extension or State Prison... . . . : .
our averments in that respect are conclusively prowd by
are alive and healthy. • A'bill is before the Legislature to a census, since taken by authority of tbe Legislntnre, show- Genoa; II. Anthony, of N. T., to Ratavia; P. T, IngraAgricultural College
give Mrs. Rogers a section of land as a reward for this ing the entire number of voters in the precinct to have hnm, of Maine, at Laguna; C. A. Leas, of Md.. atRcwl;
House of Correction
Relief of Northern, Counties.
been but forty-three. A t the election heldin Augustlast E. P. Peters, of N. Y., at Trepizonda; J . W. Livingston,
meritorious mid prolific act
Interest on the Uniwrsty Bonds.under tlie auspices of the present Federal Administration, of N. Y.. at LA Union; also Mr. Slocom as coiner at the
A WasKington letter Bays i t is rumored that tho reason when the whole vote giwn in the Territory was larger by mint in California.
To NormalSchool.
The Timet Washington correspondent telegraphs:
why the Vico-Prcsidcnt does not furnish and occupy his many thousands than at any preceding period, the whole
The charges upon which Mr. Sherman yesterday claimed
. $395,000 magnificent residence, which has just been completed, is return from Oxford was but 29, instead of 1,628, as when
The estimated' revenue for the ensuing year is $804,- that tho bulk of his private fdrtune was lost by the failure rejected l>y ua. A similar insignificant Jesuit was ex- aeommittcc of investigation are specific, and wry serious
hibited at"the election in October, 1858. And, finally, corruption is distinctly charged in the awards of machiery
747 20, and tho estimated expenses for tfie same period of the Ohio Life and Trust Company. Mr. Rrcckenridge
to remove all doubt, one of the most active partisans of contracts and it is further charged that a certain mem#626,958 03. Showing an excess of receipts above ex- is now stopping at one of the hotels.
the Lecompton constitution, one of the judges whose name ber of Congress had received -85,000 for influencing a
penditures of $177,788 17. Estimating the receipts.and
purported to be signed to tlie pretended returns of Oct, contract Affidavits.from different parties declare that
1851, after a silence of more than a year, now admits the they haw been obligedto pay a percentage of their wages
expenditures at the same forthefiscalyear ending Novemto the master mechanics of New York Navy Yard to get
ber, I860, as for the ensuing year, and the excess of. the Congressional majorities at the last election ih Ohio. forgery and declares that his name was affixed to the pa- emnloyiMnt
per neither by himself ndr by his authority.
former over the latter for tho two years will amount to
The Secretarv of State, to whom was referred the reThe calumniators who denounced us for rejecting these
$355,576 34, Or within about $40,000 of the amoont of aggregate Democratic majorities were 2,515. Exccss of acknowledged counterfeits must now either retract the as- solution of the fionsc requesting the President to commuRepublican
of Franco and
the aggregate of die appropriations above specified. If
this ostimate could be relied upon, therefore, an -annual 167. The'sixDcmocrats, therefore, got in by tightsquecz- attacks, or even by silent acquiescence, become themselves, England in relation to tho acquisition of Cuba by -the
United States, has reported to the President that it does
accomplices in this nefarious -traastction.
State tax of only $20,000 would- be required to meet
Upon the face of the Locomptorr constitution it appears not appear from the files and records of the State Departsuch a draft upon the treasury. Hut tho Auditor GenA statement shows the aggregate amount paid for pen- that this Oxford forgery was incorporated into and made ment that any such correspondence has taken place.
The-Senate in Executive session to-day confirmed Mr.
eral estimates tha't it would bo unsafe to bases any appro- sions in the United States, from the organization of the a part of that instrument, by the legislative apportionment
priation above tho ordinary expensos of the Government present gowrnment to Juno 30th, 1858, to have bom 86,- avowedly based upon it; while the schedule of the same Rushmore as Assistant Justice of Kansas.
The Secretary of War has telegraphed to Col. Summer,
upon this estimated excess of receipts owr such expendi- 376,087 dollars and 5G cents of which 81, 499,241 dol- idt6?ument prepared all the machinery and provided all who has command of the Department of the West, to
the means for appliances for repeating and multiplying
tures. Tho means, therefore,'to meet whatever sums lars and 20 cents were on account of army services, and similar frauds under the proposed State organization, all proceed immediately to Fort Leavenworth and held himmay be .appropriated to the objects specified, it will be only 4,876,846 dollars and 36 cents for those of tho navy. of which were subsequently proved to haw been efficient self in readiness to aid the civil authorities to enforce the
for the purpose designed,'by the successful perpetration law against ths Montgomery banditti.
necessary to provide by direct taxation. Tho question
Mr. Jefferson Davis in a recent speech in the Senate .of numerous gigantic frauds in the pseudo-State elections
then is whether the peoplo of tho State will approve a
No Prosecution for Treason in Utah.
rebuked In fitting terms the recent babit which has grown of Januaiy aiid December following.
tax of $200,000 for the ensuing and the next succeeding
TVom information recently obtained (of which at the, The Valley Tan of December 3d, has the following on
up of Members of tho Cabinet button-holeing Members
year for the aowrfll objects named. The State tax at
the subject of the anticipated treason trials in Utah.
on the floors of the two houses in the interest of vari- time we had no suspicion) w'e do not now doubt that if
Mr. Wilson, United States District Attorney for Utah,
the committee of the House of Representatives had made
present is about half a mill on the dollar, orBfty cents on
ous measures. Members of the Cabinett he contended the investigation ordered by the resolution of the last ses- in an address delivered before the U. States Grand Jury
a thousand. An additional annual tax of $200,000 would
had no business on the floors of Congress.
sion, they would haw disclosed the feet that the ccnsus in Salt Lake City; gaw his reasons for not presenting
increaso this rate to one mill end a half o i a dollar, or
and registration, purporting to haw been taken in the bills of indictment for treason. He quoted the_proclama$1 SO on a thousand of tho assessed value of each
The Cleveland Plaindealcr, a Democratic organ, re- fifteen counties out oT thirty-eight which formed tbe sole tion of the President of April 8th, 1858, offering pardoo
property. If only $200,000 should be appropriated for marking upon the election of Gov. Ringham to the U. ^ basis of representation in the Convention, were largely con- to the rebellions Mormons, the. missions of tbe Peace
the next two years tho tax Would bo only 75 cents
Senate, says: "If the 8outh insist npon a d a w code for taminated with fraudulent and fictitions names,.designed Commissioners, and tbe proclamation of Governor Coning. In conclusion, Mr. Wilson said:
thousand dollars.
the Territories, or any more Lccompton constitutions, to giw control of the Convention to the same parties who
"Therefore, gentlemen of the Orand Jury, it only re- •
were the authors of the subsequent frauds at Oxford, Shawthey can bid an eternal farewell to any more Democratic nee, Delaware, Kickapoo and elsewhere, perpetrated untins for me to say, for the reasons giwn, that there are
A paragraph is going the rounds of the papers, stating Senators from the North."
der the constitution itsdt Indeed, the failure of so large __w no acts of sedition, treason or rebellion against the
that Horace Greeley's friends complain that he is overa number of these registered voters to exercise the d e c Gowrnment of the United States in this Territory, which
ruled by Chas. A. Dana, in the New York Tribune, and
Bobeii J . Walker, late Governor of Kansas, is living tiw franchise in so many succeeding elections, at which the ProBocuting Attorney of the United States for the
M s to play a subordinate part when he is ostensibly the at Hoboken, N. J , and is talked of as a candidate for the much larger votes were giwn, conclusively confirms the Territory of Utah, with the President's proclamation and
pardon before him, and the Gownor's solemn announcebead. This, it is said, may induce him to leave the United Stato| Senate from New Jersey. If elected, it information stated, that a large proportion of the names
returned ii> the pretended registry, take those of Oxford ment of its acceptance, can , charge before yon against
Tribnne and take charge of the Ceotiuy.
must be as aa anti-Lecompton, anti-Buchanan Democrat, and other places, was simulated and fictitious.
any of the inhabitants of this judicial district, or tbe TerP . 3. The Tribune contradicts the rumor.
and by the aid of Republican votet.
Now that these truths have been dearly developed, all ritory of Utah


D e a t h of the E m p e r o r of J a p a a *
A l m o s t simultaneously with t h e nomination-of M r .
H p r r i s a s m i n i s t e r resident n e a r t h e g o v e r n m e n t of J a p a n
C o l d W e a t h e r i n N e w Yoriccomes the startling intelligence t h a t the Tai-Koon, or
O n t h o 1 3 t h d a y of J a n u a i y , t h e .thcrmogtoeUrr s t o o d
s e c u l a r E m p e r o r , i s dead, a n d t h a t his d e a t h t o o k p l a c e
a t 9 d e g r e e s below zero in t h o C i t y o f ' N e w Y o r k . O n soon a f t e r s i g n i n g t h e A m e r i c a n t r e a t y . T h a t a sovereign,
t h a i s a m e 1 3 t h d a y of ' J a n u a r y , 1 8 5 9 , h e r e , at. T r a v e r e e w h o i n a d e s c r i b e d b y M r . H a r r i s a s b u t t h i r t y y e a r s o f
; a n d in p e r f e c t h e a l t h , a t t h e t i m e of s i g n i n g t h e t r e a t y ,
•City, w h e r e HORACE G t a i u n r t h i n k s i t is s o c o l d a n d
raid h a v e been suddenly t a k e n off n a t u r a l l y c r e a t e s
u n i n v i t i n g t h a t t h e c o u n t r y will n o t bo s e t t l e d f o r generasuspicion a s t o t h e | c a u s e of h i s d e a t h . B y J a p a n e s offitions, t h e t h e r m o m e t e r s t o o d , a t 1 0 A . M. r a t 32, a n d a t
ciate i t was, a t first a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e p l e u r i s y , a n d s u b s e 2 P . M., a t 4 0 c f e g r e t i a b o v e z e r o ! W e d o n ' t s e e h o w q u e n t l y t o d r o p s y ; | b u t t h e D u t c h a t I ) e s i m a a s c r i b e i t t o
p e o p l e m a n a g e to-live in s n e h a ' cold a n d u n i n v i t i n g ' re- t h e o r d e r e of t h e Midado,' o r s p i r i t u a l E m p e r o r , who, a s
g i o n a s N e w Y o r k C i t y ! N o w o n d e r G r e e l e y sleeps ii they*assert> refused t o r e c o g n i z e t h e t r e a t y , on t h e g r o u n d
t h a t h e s h o u l d h a r e b e e n c o n s u l t e d b e f o r e i t received t h e
' o l d whitey'-and t h e ' mittens.'
' n p e r i a l s i g n a t u r e . ' l i e is said t o h a v e d e c l a r e d t h e a c t
t b e a violation o f t h e l a w s of J a p a n , a n d t o h a v e n o t i NEW SAW-MILL AT GLKS A K B O B . — J o h n E . F i s h e r
fied t h e T a i - K o o n t h a t t h e t i m e h a d c o m e f o r h i m t o c o m & Co., of Glen A r b o r , h a r e " j u s t c o m p l e t e d a n d p n t in
mit " Hari-Kari"-f-which, being.interpreted, means t h a t
o p e r a t i o n a t t h a t p l a c e , a s a w mill, c a p a b l e o f s a w i n g he s h o u l d d i s e m b o w e l himself; a n d t h a t h e i m m e d i a t e l y
5,000 feet per day. T h e y h a v e an excellent w a t e r power. yielded obedience t o t h e mandate. I n auy other country
Thi& i s t h o first m i l l ^ e r c c t e d nt Glen A r b o r , a n d will t h a n J a p a n , t h i s p r o c e e d i n g w o u l d a p p e a r t o b e i n c r e d i b l e ; b u t t h e r e t h e laws of t h e l a n d — w h i c h a r e of l o n g
p r o v e a v e r y g r e a t c o n v e n i e n c e t o t h e i n h a b i t a n t s of t h a t
s t a n d i n g a n d c a n n o t easily 1>e c h a n p e d ^ - a r e a s b i n d i n g
t h r i v i n g y o u n g t o v y v T h e ' . s a m e C o m p a n y i n t e n d t o u p o n t h e secular E m p e r o r a s u p o n t h e m e a n e s t o f his sube r e c t a F l o u r i n g Mill n e s t season, t o b e p r o p e l l e d b y t h e j e c t s . I f , h e i n f r i n g e s t h e m , h e i s held a m e n a b l e t o the
p e n a l t y ; a » ] ,there a r e s t r o n g reasons f o r b e l i e v i n g t h a t
same power.
t h o penalty in t h i s case h a s b e e n r i g o r o u s l y e x a c t e d . T h o
T h e records of t h e w e a t h e r a t ^ f o n t r e a l l , s h o w t h a t t h e l a w s p r o h i b i t i n g all i n t e r c o u r s e w i t h foreigners h a v e b e e n
f d n r d a y s f r o m J a n u a r y 9 t h t o 1 2 t h , t o g e t h e r , f o r m t h e s t r i c u y . o l i s c r v e d f o r m o r e t h a n t w o centuries, a n d the
coldest p e r i o d tor 2 9 y e a r s .
O n t h o 1 1 t h , t h e m e r c u r y m o s t i n f l u e n t i a l p r i n c e s of t h o E m p i r e , t o g e t h e r w i t h a
large proportion of the J a p a n e s e , population, w e r e
marked 3 3 degrees below zero.
A t St. Marthi's, near
s t r o n g l y o p p o s e d t o t h e ^radical c h a n g e s w h i c h i t w a s
Mbnirea 1 , o n t h o 10th, t h e s p i r i t t h e r m o m e t e r m a r k e d j u s t l y a n t i c i p a t e d t h e recent t r e a t i e s would i n t r o d u c e . I f
4 3 , 6 d e g r e e s b e l o w zero .
moocover. t h e s t a t e m e n t b e t r u e t h a t t h e P r i n c e o f B i t s u
a n d t h e l i b e r a l . m e m b e r s of t h e g o v e r n m e n t , w i t h w h o m
T h o report t h a t S e n a t o r M a t t W a r d , of T e x a s , is t h e t h e t r e a t i e s were n e g o t i a t e d , h a v e fallen i n t o d i s g r a c e ,
s a m e man w h o killed t h e s c h o o l m a s t e r B u t l e r , in K e n t u c k y a n d t h a t tho, f o n n p r m e m b e r s of t h e I m p e r i n l Council..
h a s p r o v e d o f - s o m u c h a n n o y a n c e t o t h o f r i e n d s of t h e f h o w e r e i p f a v o r of c o m p l e t e isolation, h a v e lieen rec o r d t o p o w e r — t l i a t f a c t alone w o u l d g o f a r t o s u b s t a n t i S e n a t o r , as t o c a u s e t h e i n s e r t i o n i u t h e U n i o n or a c o r d
a t e t h e r u m o r t h a t t h o d e a t h of t h e T a i - K o o n w a s p r o c o n t r a d i c t i n g t h e report, a n d s t a t i n g t h a t t h e S e n a t o r i s d u c e d b v violent m e a n s . A l l t h e i n f o r m a t i o n w e h a v e
ono of thfe m<5st e s t i m a b l e men in T e x a s .
received t h u s f a r t e n d s t o t h i s conclusion.
[Detroit Herald.
A c o r r e s p o n d e n t of t h e B o s t o n T r a n s c r i p t s a y s t h a t
8 c n a t o r Jones* of I o w a , e x p e c t s a c h a l l e n g e f r o m J u d g e

A PLEASANT PICTURF_—Tho E d i t o r of t h e Mississippi-

D o u g l a s a n d h a s g o n e so f a r in c o m p l e t i n g h i s a r r o n g i - an, t h u s s p e a k s of t h e p r e s e n t c o n d i t i o n of t h e S o u t h :

HEKALD o r n c * , ntAVKjiae c r r r , x i c m a a x .

Land, Tax, and General Agency.

General Agency Business.


D r y G o o d s , Groceries^. Y a n k e e jSTotions, H a r d w a r e ,
T i n "Ware,


A F i n e I-<ot o f P l o w s ,

Notice to Fanners. .



IXDIAKA PKSITK.\TUEY F C U * — l l j c r o a r c f o u r h u n d r e d
a n d e i g h t y - s i x c o n v i c t s a t p r e s e n t jn t h e I n d i a n a P e n i idleness, in c o n s c q u c n o o f t h e l i m i t e d c a p a c i t y of t h o w o r k shops to give them employment
M . R i g a u l t , n leAding w r i t e r f o r P a r i s i a n j o u r n a l s , while


by Abbey H. Hemingway. ,1 he design of.this work la t o
represent tho general poeii'c literature of Vermont from its
early settlement to tho p esent. period. The selections are
gathered from the most reliable sources, and will "especially
interest all Veriuonteni by birth-right now resident In this and
o l h e r States.

Work For Men.


tentiary, one hundred of whom t h e S t a t e is supporting in


of Brush street, u n d e r the F u l t o n I r o n w o r k s , Detroit, M..
Cutlery, Surgeon's Instruments, Coopers' and Carpenters'
TIMIS; Axes of e v e n d-scription, Planing and Tobacco MaH a t s a n d C a p s Boots a n d Shoes, Doors, Sash,
chine' Knives, Trusses, Ac., made to order of a superior quaDoor Trimmings,
Nails, by t h e keg or lb>;
Rar.ors, Knives, Scissors, Surgeon's Instruments^steel, Iron,
Pork and Flour, by the barrel or lb.;
and Brass' Ware, polished a n d repaired in a manner to give
Butter, Cheese, L a r d ; .
satisfaction to his customers.
Linseed and best winter-strained O i l . B u r n i n g F l u i d ;
Orders left at t h e office, corner of Brush street and Jefll'rLamps of all kinds, Candles, Dried Apples;
son Avenue, will be promptly attended to, where samples may
A large assortment of Tobacco;
. . .
be seen. •
Powder, Lead, Shot, Gun C a p s ;
References kindly permitted to Messrs. E d m u n d * North A
Carpet Warp, Logwood, Madder, Copperas, .
Co., J . B. Wayne & Co., Geo. Doty, Doctora Allen A Batwell.
Cadl>ar, Indigo, Alum,"Borax, Ac.
Detroit, J a n . 1859.
- .
. School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Curtains^
Cradle Scythes, Grass Scythes and Snathes, P i t c h f o r k s ;
H E A P F 1 R M T V R K W A R E H O U S E . — T H E ONSto|ie Pipe, Bedsteads, R o c k i n g Chairs;
derelgned oltyr their extensive stock of Goods, consistSmall Rockers and Table Chairs for Children;
ing of all kinds FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, t o their
Together with all articlqs usually found in a Country Store. customers and the public generally, at the lowest possible
rates. Being prepared to meet all orders in our line of business, we would advise buyers t o ' c a l l upon us before buying
op Commission, from the Kalamazoo Agricultural Works. elsewhere, as we intend not to be undersold by any firm in
All purchasing Goods at Northport, will do well to call and the west. All work warranted.
examine mv stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere.
No. 22)^R0Vrson "Avenue, Detroit.


Our Navy.
A c c o r d i n g to the Naval Register, just published,


EVwSftSY"""" °""" i

S o r r o w shame, tears for t h e betrayed and humbugged
S o u t h ! T h e p i t y of h e r f r i e n d s a n d t h e d u p o of h e r foes<
s h e a t t i m e s is m a d e t o e x h i b i t herself b e f o r e t h e w o r l d in
a t t i t u d e s o unovaiablo t h a t i t ia s i c k e n i n g t o l o o k u p o n ,
our Mill, must in good order. AFTER THIS VXTH
A . B o a c s COUNT-—A G e r m a n a b o u t 3 0 y e a r s of a g o a n d g o e s s t a g g e r i n g a l o n g like a m a n l>creft of reason a n d
the noble attributes with which tho Creator h a s endowed
w h o c a l l e d h m i s e l f C o u n t M o r e z y s k i b u t w h o h a d really
Traverse City,Deo.. 1,1868.- .•
' fltf
been a Waiter in a saloou, n e a r B o s t o n , w a s a r r e s t e d in h i m , t o t h e cruel d e s t i n y w h i c h h e r remorseless a n d insat i a t c d e n e m i e s h a v e d e c l a r e d shall b o here. C h r i s t n e v e r
N e w Y o r k , p n ' t h o - 3 d , j u s t 03 h e h a d m a d e p r e p a r a t i o n s p o u r e d m o r e b i t t e r t e a r s over t h e w a y w a r d c i t y of h i s
t o s w i n d l e t h e fashionables b y false l e t t e r s of i n t r o d u c t i o n . love, t h a n t h e p a t r i o t w o e p s o v e r t h e blinded, 'deceived
F I F T E E N O R T W E N T Y G O O D I I A V D Y MfcN
and unfortunate South. L o o k u p o n h e r ! T h e r e she
. will Unci w o r k with us.
T h o M i s s o u r i L e g i s l a t u r e a r e q i j i t e indisposed t o s e n d s t a n d s b e s e i g e d b y ever-octivo e n e m i e s w i t h o u t b e t r a y e d
Traverse City, Dec. 1.1958.
a military f o r c e t o i n v a d ^ K a n s a s G o v . S t e w a r t ' s recomb y t r a i t o r s within—-torn b y t h e dissensions of hcr-sons—the
m e n d a t i o n t o t h a t effect is n o t a p p r o v e d .
I n t h o m e a n - p r e y of e v e r y evil a n d nncleau p a s s i o n t h a t g e t s t h e mast
time t h e Federal G o v e r n m e n t has ordered troops t o F o r t
S c o t t , a n d a n o t h e r K a n s a s w a r is i m p e n d i n g .

Goods, Groceries,

P R O V I S I O N S ,

Wo e v e r brought to this market; which w e will be happy t o
The United States L a n d Office is located at this place ; and such p r i c c s a s w i l l a e e o r d reasonably with the TIMES.
particular attention will he paid to locating L a n d Warranto,
investing money In Government Lands, imparting informaTraverse City, Nov-18,1858.
tion "relative to the general features, resources and advantages of the Grand Traverse country, the payment of taxes,
a n d the transaction of any Agency busine&s with which lie r > A P E R W A R E H O U S E . — O N HAND'ANDFOR SALE
X>eitlier at Wholesale or retail, the Tallowing descriptions or
may be entrusted.
paper, via: Imperial, Baper Royal, Royal.. Medium, Demv,
Crown, Flat C a p a n d Folio Post, Cap, Letter, U g a l , Sermon,
Bill a n d Note P a p e r i n every variety.
Book and P r i n t P a p e r s of all -colors and sizes. Manilla,
Herald Office, Traverse City, Nqv. 3,1858.
Rap.jind Straw W r a p p i n g P a p e r of all a ! « s and weights.
Receiving our p a p e r direct from the Manufacturers, we are
enabled to offer tnem at as low prices a« any in this market.
KAGS—Wanted in exchange for Goods or Cash.

- 90 Woodward Avenue.

m e n t i o n i n g t h o fact, iu confidence, t o a l m o s t e v e n - b o d y



H u opened an Office a t Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co.,
Michigan, f o r the transaction of a

. m a r t s for i t s acceptance, as t o engage h i s second, who is
he knows.




Practical Builder and Draught-ftnan,

The prices of alVour standard machines have been greatly
reduced. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, it is well known,
t h o u g h dearer in.price, have always been cheaper In fact,
considering what they will do, f h a n any other. The prices
a r e now reduccd so t h a t all must be satisfied. Call and examine the new machines at the low prices.
133 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit.

Is prepared to make Plana a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s f o r all classes
t h e or B u i l d i n g s ; alsoexecutc all kinds of woik connected with
U n i t e d S t a t e s N a v y consists of 7 sailing ships-of-the-line, the Trade, on liberal tcrpia.
Sash, Glass, D o o r s , IPnints n n d Nails,
14 s a i l i n g f r i g a t e s , 2 0 s a i l i n g sloopft-of-war, ,3 b r i g s , a n d
constantly on hand.
ictacles, *

1 8 s t e a m vsssels of d i f f e r e n t c l a s s e s ; officered b y 94 capi . K. t»., t h a n k f u l f o r pasVpntronagc, takes t h i s opportu- the property of Improving vision. Also, all k i n d s of Telescopes, Microscopes, Elcctric Machines, Drawing Instruments,
tains, 1 3 2 c o m m a n d e r s , 3 8 2 lieutenants, 1 6 0 surgeons. nity of soliciting a continuance of the same;
Traverse City, November'#, 1858.

itently on hand.
6 0 ' p u r s e r s . 2 1 masters, 2 0 0 m i d s h i p m e n , "of different


g r a c e s , 9 6 e n g i n e e r s , 8 0 m a r i n e a n d a b o u t 2 0 0 p e t t y offi-


signed h a v i n g a Book Bindery ip connection with his
The subscriber oiTers for sale a variety of engrafted
Bookstore, is prepared t o manufacture, to order, Blank Books
A p p l e T r o o n , P o o c h T i w w , P e f i r U « e s , P l u m of every description. Merchants and others, w a n t i n g anyT i « w and C h e n y Treew.
t h i n g in t h a t line, are Invited to give him a call. . H a v i n g the
a n d will b c i n c n p a b l o o f f u r t h e r e f f o r t , unless a r e a c t i o n
a c t u a l s e r v i c e 6 s q u a d r o n s , a g g r e g a t i n g 3 7 ships, w i t h
workmen, h e . c a n safely guarantee satisfaction in all
A fine lot of Seedling PEAcn TREES, three years old,which
shall o c c u r .
307 officers, *3,116 m e n j a n d .701 g u n s , , i n c l u d i n g t h e will be sold cheap.
Detroit, Nov. 1.1858.
Also, CrniiASTS, GOOSEBKUKIES, Ac.; all i n . g o o d condition,
Sorao of t h e f a r m e r s in N o r t h e r n O h i o a n d on t h e b o r - vessels c h a r t e r e d for t h e P a r a g u a y e x p e n d i t i o n .
of good size, and healthy.
H A R L E S B I T S C H , (Successor to M. Howard Webster,)
d e r s of I n d i a n a h a v e c o n u n e n c c d t h e b r e e d i n g a n d r a i s i n g
Elk Rapids, Nov. 3,1858.
Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, HDUsekeep- '
of doer, t h e s a m e a s t h o y d o s h e e p a n d b r i n g t h e m t o
i n g Articles, Mechanics' Tools, Stoves, Crates, Tin Rnd JapMORTGAGE SALE.
i n e d Ware, Drain Tile, Ac. Agent for tho American and
m a r k e t in t h e f a m e m a n n e r ; h e n c e t h e a b u n d a n c e of ven- C a b i n e t m a k e r s in t h e F a u b o u r g S t A n t o i n e , h a s f o u n d a
EFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE CONDI- pEuropean Agency of Litr. A Kapp, No. 7 Nassau s t r e e t
tions of a certain indenture of mortgage, executed by
f o r c o m m o n saw-dust w h i c h raises t h e v a l u e of t h a t
New York—for t h e recovery of Debts, Legacies and InheriLouis Sha-sl»a-([un-she, of the township of Leelanau, in th'e
c o m m o d i t y f o r ' a b o v e t h e w o r t h of solid t i m b e r .
By a
tances In Europe and the United States.
V AW ABLE HORSKS.—The m o s t volnnbto s p a n of c a r Remittances made to all parte of Germany, with aafety a n d
n e w process, c o m b i n i n g ; t l j e h y d r a u l i c p r e s s w i t h t h e a p - Beers," of t h e townxhip, county and State aforesaid, licaring
riage h o r s c ^ J n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a r e said t o b e o w n e d b y
da|e the 24th day of February, 1S58, and recorded on the 13th dispatch. No. 201 Jefferson avenue,Keandcy's Block, Detroit.
p l i c a t i o n of in te n s e h e a t , t h e s e w o o d e n p a r t i c l e s a r e m a d e
. n3
day of May, 1858, at 7 o'clock, A. M. i n Liber 2, on pages 38
Commodore Yanderbilt, of N e w "fork. T h e y are matcht o reform t h e m s e l v e s i n t o h solid mass, c a p a b l o of b e i n g #nd 39, in the office of ! the Register of Deeds for t h o said
e d horses a n d c o s t « h i m - 8 7 , 0 0 0 , a n d h e h a s b e e n offered
county of Grand Traverse; and the amount claimed to be due
. E n g r a v e r s and Lithographers, 209 Main street, BuBhlo.
moulded into any shape, and presenting a brilliant surface
on said mortgage, at the date of t h i s notice, being $105 02 for N. Y., over SagcV I'iano Booms.—Wo are prepared to execute
$ 9 , 0 0 0 for them.
d u r a b i l i t y a n d b e a u t y of a p p e a r a n c e n o t f o u n d iu principal and interest, and no suit o r p r o c e c d i n g having been all work entrusted t o ua with promptness and despatch, a n d
instituted at law to'recOver the debt now remaining secured on as favorable terms as any establishment in the country.
L o r d N a p i e r h a s officially requested t h o B r i t i s h G o v ; ebony, rosowoocl o r m a h o g a n y .
by said mortgage, o r a n y part t h e r e o f : Notice Is hereby given, C o m b i n i n g all the'different branches of Steel, C o p p e r s n d
o r a m e n t t o confirm o r refute t h o s t a t e m e n t m a d e in
that on F r i d a y , t h e 2 2 d d a y o f A p r i l next, 1859, at 10 Stone .Engraving, as well as Crayon Work of the finest deMISSOURI AND KANSAS.—The H o u s e bill f o r t h o s u p p r e s - o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at t h e f r o n t door of the scription. we guarantee satisfaction in all case*.
L o n d o n tetter t o t h e B o s t o n D a i l y A d v e r t i s e r , respecting
Court House at Traverse City, in Bald county, (that being the
Maps, Portraits, Show Cards, Ac.. Lithographed a n d printed
on of b o r d e r difficulties, a m e n d e d s o a s t o p l a c e $ 2 0 , 0 0 0
his p a r t i s a n r e l a t i o n s h e r e .
place of holding the Circuit Court for said- county of (Irani! In the most delicate colors, by a new process.
in t h e h a n d s of t h e G o v e r n o r , a u t h o r i z i n g h i m t o p r o c e e d Traverse,) by virtue of a power of sale in said mortgage contained, a n d according to the statute of Michigan in such ease
' J a m e s H o w l a n d , t h e l a s t of t h e R h o d e I s l a n d s l a v e s
3 he t h i n k s p r o p e r , h a s p o s e d tljo S e n a t e of Missouri.
made a n d provided, I shall expose f o r sale at public auction,
•,die<J J a n . 3 d , lit J a m e s t o w n , R . I., a t tike a g e of 1 0 0 y e a r s .
to t h e highest'bidder, and sell the premises in said mortgage Hon. 7~. Chandler, Detroit, Michigan; W h i t i n g A A darts, d o ;
T h o n e w T e r r i t o r y of A r i z o n a , t h o o r g a n i z a t i o n of described, or so m u c h thereof as shall be sufficient to pay wnl CoL S. McKnight, do; II. W. Williams, Ex. of TUioa, g c
H e retained h i s f a c u l t i e s u n i m p a i r e d u p t o t h e h o u r of h i s
h i c h h a s b e e n r e p o r t c d u p o n f a v o r a b l y will c o n t a i n a b o u t satisfy the amount duo t h e r e o n at the date of this notice, with Louis: Maj. B. Walker. U. S. A . ; C.-A. Perry, Usq., W e s t o n ,
interest and tho costs a n d expenses allowed by law, and.also Mo.; Amos T. Hall, Esq.. Treasurer C. A B. R. R., C h i c a g o ;
100„000 s q u a r e miles,
ten dollars attorney's fee, Secured to he M i d by stipulation in Geo. T. Pearson, A t t o r n e y a t Law, Chicago.
A m o v e m e n t has-been set on foot at A l b t a y , the object
said mortgage contained, all thevfoliowing piece or parcel of
of w h i c h i s t o b r i n g o u t G o v . S e y m o u r a s a c a n d i d a t e f o r
T h e ITon. W i n . K . S e b a s t i a n h a s been re-elected t o t h o land described as follows: L y t n g a n d being anti situate in the r p W I N E H O U S E . — W i l l a r d Harvey A C o , W Maiden
township of Leelanau, in the county_of Grand Traverse and
X Lane, and 17 Cedar street, New York. H e r t p , C o t t o n
t h o P r e s i d e n c y , a n d t o see fire h i m t h e v o t e of N e w Y o r k U n i t e d S t a t e s S e n a t e f r o m A r k a n s a s f o r a full t e r m of six
State of Michigan, belBg k n o w n as Lot No. Three (3) of Sec- Flax and Linen Twines, Imported and Manufactured Cordage.
at the Charleston Conv'cntioa
tion (21) In Township Thirty-two (32) North of Cotton, J u t e , Manilla a n d American Hemp Rope. Tarred Stuff
y e a r s f r o m t h e 4th."of M a r c h n e x t
Riiugc Eleven (111 West, containing f o r t y - f i v e (45) and F i s h i n g Lines, Gilling Threads, Shoo Thread, Wick, and all
TOTAL DKPRAVITT.—One o f t h e p e r s o n s t h r o w n f r o m
T h e T r b y B a n k w a s t h e loser of s o m e $ 1 , 5 0 0 o r . 2 , 0 0 0 thirty, ono h u n d r e d t h s (30-100) acres, a c c o r d i n g io Govern- kinds of Cords a n d Lines.
m e n t i u r v e v . Dated J a n u a r y 28,1859.
She c a r s a t t h e l a t e d i s a s t e r n e a r C o l u m b u s , Ga., h a s ! « e n b y t a k i n g c o u n t e r f e i t 2 0 s ' o n i t s o w n issuo, o v e r i t s own
HENRY BEERS» Mortgagee.
I I . L O V E L L , (Successor to D. Crosby A Co.) WholaCIURI.ES H . IIOLDEK, Attorney.
f . sale a n d a n d retail dealer in W a t c h e s ( l o c k s . Jewelry.
a r r e s t e d f o r r o b b i n g t h e d e a d b o d y of a l a d y p a s s e n g e r of c o u n t e r .
•Faney Goods, Plated Ware, C o m b s Buttons, Thread, Ac. No.
79 Woodward avenue, opposite Holmes A Co. Detroit, Mich.
' S e n a t o r D i v e n h a s i n t r o d u c e d in t h o L e g i s l a t u r e of T J O O K S . — S E L F - M A D B MEN—By C. B. Sevmour.
l ) Kuture^Sfe, or Scenes in Anothi r W o r l d : by Geo. Wood: Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and w a j r a n t e d .
GOLD DIQODIO.—The P r i c e s C u r r e n t , (Culifornki) s t a t e s N e w Y o r k a^bjll t o p r e v e n t p r i s e fighting.
The Ministry of Life; by the author of Ministering Children.
The K. N. Pepper, and o t h e r Condiments, " o t u p for general
t h a t t h o g o l d s e e k e r s of F r n z c r R i v e r h a v e m e t w i t h a loss
Machines for Family Sewing, or for m a n u f a c t u r i n g puruse.
T h e H o n . J o h n A . D i x , i t i s stid, is a b o u t t o w r i t e
poses- 2-if~ Call a n d examine them at 133 Jefferson Avenue
in t h e a g g r e g a t e "of $ 9 0 a m a n ; a m o u n t i n g in t o t a l t o
The Tenant House, or E m b e r s f r o m Poverty's Hearthstone.
(Masonic Hall.)
WILLIAM J O R T E R , A g e n t .
The Witches of New York, by Doestick*.
Detroit, Nov. 1, 1958.
Isabella O r s i n i ; by t h e a u t h o r of Beatrice Ccnci.
Vernon Grover, or H e a r t s as They Arc.
E E C H E I T S L I F E T H O U G H T S . — A N E W SUPM a d a m e L e V e r t , in o n o of h e r p i c t u r e s of C u b a n life
F r e d e r i c k the G r e a t ; fcy Carl vie.
ply lust rtceived. For sale by
says t h e w o m e n t h e r e h a v e a n o b l e t r a i t o f c h a r a c t e r —
" *•
Nov. *1, 1858.
Meta Gray; by Miss Mcintosh.
No. 94 Woodward Ave.
' 1 t h e y n e v e r s p e a k ill of e a c h o t h e r , b u t a l w a y s find s o m e
While it was M o r n i n g : by Virginia Townsend.
ith a variety of otliers, too numerous t o o enumerate. F o r
palliation f o r t h e e r r o r s of t h e i r o w n s e x . "
le by
now complete, full sets, to be h a d of
M r . B a r n n m h a s m a d e h i s first a p p e a r a z i c o in L o n d o n 03
No. 94 Woodward Ave.
a l e c t u r e r a t S t J a m e s ' H a l L T h e hall w a s c r o w d e d t o
excess, a n d t h e n e w s p a p e r s generally s p e a k flatteringly of
Stationery, constantly o n h a n d at
'drawings, by J o h n W. Ehninger, lllantrativoof the Courtship
Detroit, Nov. 1,1858.
M r B a r n u m ' s casay. H i s t h e m e w a s " M o n e y M a k i n g . r
!of Miles Standish, by Henry W. Longfellow. There will be
U o . 183 Jcgfersan Ave.
M or ten large P h o t o g r a p h s of the most exquisite charac-.
. executed by Brady, with intersected cream-colored leaves,
T h o M e n d o t s P r e s s says t h a t t w o c i t i z e n s of t h a t
(containing the descriptive text,) the whole t o be boond in
Avenue, Detroit, Mich!
t o w n h a v e r e c e n t l y lost t h o i r w i r e s b y e l o p e m e n t , a n d t h a t
narto morocco covers, with bevelled and g i l t edges.
Early orders are solicited,
the slow process of preparing
t h e c u s t o m a r y s a l u t a t i o n in t h e ' s t r e e t s , i n s t e a d of " H o w
d o y o u , s i r . " h a s b o c o m c , ' ' i s y o u r . w i f e Bafc t h i s morning.'"
X X Thomas Buchle—two v«ls. J u s t received by
. P r i v a t e fetters a n n o u n c e t h e r e c e n t diacovery, new[CK T H E G R E A T . — A H I S T O R Y O P
P o r t B u c h a n a n , o f t h e old C o m p a r e s i l v e r mines,
F p r e * r i c ? t thhee Second, called d ^ O t ^ a t ^ t a a l j r i e ^ a r
h a r e been for a l o n g time b u r i e d and l o s t
a b s o r b e d in c o m p o s i t i o n , s e v e r a l w e e k s since, s u d d e n l y
lost all m e m o r y of t h e p a s t , a n d i s a m e r e c h i l d a g a i n ;


T h e U n i t e d s t a t e s m a r i n o c o r p s consists of a b o u t

1 , 5 0 0 men.

c o m m a n d e d b y 8 0 officers.

"\Vc h a v e in










T h e Press.
Wide as the earth the Panss (lull beer
Free thonglit and speech on #ingi of flame,
TMFAUBT and FKAXKUX'a names shall thare
A more than king or warrior's fame—
And man, rejoicing—freed at length—
Shall bless the PKIXTSBH ART. that gave
HU thought and speech Immortal strength,
TO free Earth's serf, and Error's slave !
Progress o f W e a l t h D a r i n g Use W e r t T e n Y e a r s .
f torn U » Wuidnctoa VntraJDarcaWr » .

Detroit Advertisements.

Detroit Advertisements.

larly Inrite the attention of the public u> the following Good?,
which we have la great variety of styles aad prices : Broche
Shawls, l*ng and square ; Bay Mate do. do. d o . ; Waterloo do.
do. do. : Gentlemen's do. do. do.; Mantillas, beautiful styles:
Black. Fancy, Poniard, Bayadere and Moire Antique Silks ;
French and English Merinoeo, plain and figured ; Paramettas,
Delaines, in great variety ; Valencia Plaids and Stripes j AI1wool Plaids; Alpacas; Flannels; Sattinetts; Broadcloths; Damasks; Blankets; Linens; Embroideries; Hosiery; Gloves;
Ribbons; Prints; Ginghams, Ac., Ac.
Carpet Department.
Velvet, Brussels, Crenelle, 3 Ply, 2 Ply. Superfine. C c . ~ . .
and Wool/ Carpets; Druggets, Stair Bods Oilcloth, Window
Shades, Lace and Maslin Curtains, Curtain Fixtures, Feather*.

If wars or famine do not intervene, or some unforeseen
dispensation of Providence do n o t prevent, the next ten
years will probably witness the most' rapid progroes of
civilized nations in wealth and power t h a t has ever been
known. T h e unwonted profusion of the precious metals,
sod the prodigious development of industrial resoufccs
t h a t will be effected b y railroads and b y steam navipution, •
• cannot fail lo accomplish results during the next decade
more stnpQndous than h a r e ever y e i been witnessed, or
a f t now anticipated b y the most sanguine.
. .Notwithstanding the ware which desolated Europe and
U N - L I G H T G A S W O R K S , FOB THE MANUFACtaxed to the uttermost resources of all its great powTURE OF ILLUMINATING GAS, for the use of Private
ers dpring the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth cen- Houses, Public Buildings, Villages, Towns, Ac.—Patented
turies, the "progress <?f civilization and the growth of August, 16.V*.—The principle of the invention consists in the
peculiar construction of the Retort, whereby Gas is most
popular power, under the influence of a metallic currency quickly, easily and economically generated from Rosin, Oil,
which grew more and mdre abundant, was far more rapid Tallow and refuse Grease of any kind, and producing, for
than it had been a i any time before, since the fell of the about eighty cents, as much light as a thousand feet of ordiRoman empire. Indeed, it was under the influence, of .nary coal Gas.
-A. long course of experiments at the bands of the Inventor,
•the mighty impetus t h a t had thus been given to the cause who has had many years Experience in Gas manufacturing, as
of human liberty t h a t the independence of the American well as by ourselves and other*, has placed the invention becolonics of Great Britan was happily achieved, and that yond all doubt of its practicability. The public may be conthe Revolution in France was most unhappily inaugurated fidently assured that it is at onco the most simple and useful
of any thlng-of tho kind ever before constructed.
at the end of the eighteenth century.
The present object of tho proprietors is to dispose of city,
T h e disasters which grew out o f this latter eVent to county and state Rights, on the most favorable terms, and to
Spain lost that kingdom the control of her own Ameri- Immediately introduce tho. works into .general use.
Works from 100 feet capacity and upwards, arc no
can colonies, and laid the groundwork of a revolution
which soon severed those colonies also from the mother readiness by DUDLEY A" HOLMES, manufacturers, Detroit,
as well as every thing oonnccted with tho "Sun-Llglit Gas
cdnntiy. B u t i t was not Spain alone t h a t ; experienced Works," which will be supplied by them at all the principal
tho evil consequences of these disturbances. T h e impor- points in the Union, to parties purchasing territory.
tations of the precious metals from tho Spanish colonies,
Persons of small capital, and particularly Oas Fitters, by
which in 1809 amounted t o more than $50,000,000, fell making an investment in the right to use the " Sun-Light Gas
off during the progress of the long and desolating wars Works," will be certain of an immediate remuneration.

M\ communication* In the premises directed toithe
which preceded and attended the final rupture, to some undersigned will meet prompt attention.
$15,000,000; and such was the general prostration that
Treasurer for Proprietors,
overtook all industrial pursuits in tho colonies t h a t they
No. 77 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
have never since been able t o recover, and the exportat i o n of specie in amount at all approximating the original
JNG GOODS, at the Clothing Emporium o f H .
supplies have never revived.
T h e consequence was, that from the period of the fall- HALLOCK, No 168, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Where may
be found a very large, fresh and desirable stock of the above,
ing off qf this exportation, down to 1848-'-l9, t h e r e was goods just manufactured under his immediate Inspection, and
a continual paralysis of commerco fend industry in all parts embracing one of the most extensive assortments ever befo/e
of tho civilized world, which found no other mitigation offered in this market.
Among his stock will bo found every kind and description
than in tho large issues of paper durrency, -which were
resorted to chieflv in tho United States, England, and a ot Garment suitable for Fall and Winter wear.
From the low priced and cheaper grades, to the most fine
few countries ofhuropo, England'embarked most largely and fashionable:garments—all or which have been manufacin this experinient of paper money a n d suspended specie tured with the utmost care and WABRAXTEO to give satisfaction.
All persons desirous of purchasing either at WHOLESALE
payments. By this.tremendous agjency sho succeeded, in
1814-'15, after a long effort, in subsidizing all the great; OR RETAIL are respectfully invited to call and examine lils
extensive stock, which shall be offered at prices uniformly
povters of Enrope ana marshaling against him a force, low.
, which overthrew tho empire of Napoleon. B u t h e r reMERICAN WATCHES.—APPLETON, TRACY A
turn t o specie payments in 1819, spread bankruptcy
Co, WAJ.THAM, Mass., Manufacturers or PATENT LEbroadcast throughout Europe and t h e United States. VER WATCHES.—These superior Watches are made by the
Through the more prudent use of this dangerous agency, aid of new and original machinery, expressly designed tosehowever, hor o w n commercial and industrial interests soon cure, with a low-paice, a line, substantial, durable and unirevived, sustaining but few and less heavy disasters from formly reliable time keeper. The movements are nqw in
time to time in the quarter of a centnry succeeding that construction, and are pronounced l>y tho highest authorities
to be faultless in principlo and quality, and have been proved
year. W e in the United States also employed the dan- by the ntost exacting tests to be reliable and unfailing in acgarous substitute for a metallic currency, b u t much more tion. These watches are manufactured entirely from the
rashly, and-have snffcrd terribly atintervals for our reck- crude materials, in a single establishment, by connected and
uniformiprocesses—the manufactory being organized upon
lessness and folly.
T h o enormous fresh supplies of jthe precious metals,
which began in 1849, would have at onco afforded relief
t o the commercial cmbarrasmonts of both countries, if it
had not been for the immense indebtedness and expansion
which existed at the time. A s a sample of the immense
undertakings which had then been embarked in, we do system throughout. Nearly all hand-made watches aTo de,
not know at what vast cost in money, Great Britain had fectlve, and are continually getting Out of order. In many
undertaken tho construction of h e r stupendous system of parts of :the country it is impossible to Qnd good watch rerailroads.
T h e system in this country has been construc- pairers, and watrh repairing Is always uncertain and expensive. The introduction of Araericin watches disposes of this
ted at. an outlay of a thousand millions of dollars. B u t difficulty; and country merchants, as well hs watch dealers,
this was b u t a singlo class of credits, the immense fabric of can keep watches as a part of their miscellaneous stock, and
which had beon commenced in 1849. There were numer- thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be
ous others bfproportionate magnitude and cost: and it nsed as an}' other article, without mystery or humbug. Bold
has required all tho resources of California, of Australia by the trade generally, and by BOBBINS A APPLETON,
General A gents, .1.1 Maiden Lane; N. Y.
and of p i p e r system itself, forten years, to complete the
enterpriso that had been undertaken. Notwithstanding
• road Watches, cased in l>eautiful styles, warranted exthe magnitude of these combind resources there was a
serious monetary collapse in 1857; but i t is probably cellent time-keepers; do do Swiss, full jewelled," Levers, in
every style. GOLD PENS-—1 continue manufacturing Pens
better, on the whoje, thht that catastropho should have or every; desirable pattern. These pens have received aSIIvcr
occdred, ^and that the general system of liquidation which Meda'I and Diploma at tl'e Michigan State Fair, nnd are not to
it inaugurated should nave been brought about, in ofder bo surpassed by auv Pens in market Also dealer in. FINE
that the way might be made clear for tho halcyon times JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, and FANCY GOODS.
,1 have an experienced Jeweller, capablc bf making now
t h a t arc now apparently t o follow.
work to order.
W h a t is now tho condition of affairs? T h o great railFITTING STONES and Diamond Work, and Fire Gilding
road systems of America and Europe which have been and Galvanizing, done at short notice.
WATCH REPAIRING.—Being a practical workman, all
the objects of such immense outlays of money in their construction, have (it length ceased to be the objects ofe x - work entrusted to my care, will lie carefully attended to.
GOLD PENS rc-poinjod, at fifty cents. Pens sent by mail,
penditure, and become agencies of production. Machinery accompanied by the Cash, will be promptly attended to.
and skill in manufactures have been brought to the highJ . .11. ALLISON, jeffcrson Avenue.
est degree of perfection: improvements in steam locomotion and navigation have apparently reached the neplut t ^ E T R O I T S T E A M D Y E I N G E S T A B L I S H ±J MBNT, N a 10 Coogress-st, East.—A; C. ALEXANDER
ultra of progress; maritime knowledge in tides, winds, would most respectfully intimate that, more fully to accomand dangers to navigation have attained to marvellous modate the wants.of the patronising nubile, and his large inthoroughness and proficiency; and with all these facilities crease of busincss,he has adopted the improved facility which
for material and financial progress, wo have supplies of Steam gives to the Art of Dicing, having recently fitted up
gold Betting in upon us from Australia in streams more for that purpose. He now Dyes by Steam, every description
of Silks, Satins, Velvet, Crapes and Merinos producing the
profuso and prodigal than mankind ever heretofore ima- most brilliapt colors and best style of finish that every article
gined" in their wildest d r e a m s IB view of all these pro- will admit of. Shawls of every variety Dyed and Cleaned.
pitious circumstances, we repeat, it is fair t o presume
t h a t the next ten years, will probably be the most prosperVBNTILLATING CllIMNE^CAlT—Mayhcw's Chimney
ous which the world ever knew.
Cap prevents Chimneys from smoking: ft precludes storms
from entering them; I t lessens the liabilities to fires from
REURT OP NEURAUJIA.—AS this dreadful disease is their burning out: it protects their tops from the wastes of
becoming more prevalent than formerly, and as tho doc- the weather, and serves as an ornamental finish.
Persons desirous of securing the right of manufacture, or
t w a have not discoverd any method or medicine that will
' sale, or both, in Cities. Counties, States or Territories, in
permanently cure it, we simply state that f o r . some time
ly part of the United States not already disposed of, will be
past a number of our family has sufferd most intensely furnished with a descriptive circular, by addressing the _.
deraigned, and by designating tho territory they desire, th<
mrai it, and could find no sure relief f r o m any remedy
applied, until we saw an wtiefc which recommended the will also be furnished with the terms of sale.
IRA MAYHEW, Patentee, Albion, Mich.
application of bruised b v n » radish t o the facc for toothManufactured and for sale. In Detfoit, by .
ache. A s neuralgia and tho toothache are both nervous
DUDLEY A HOLMES, 77 Woodward Ave.
disuses, we thought the remedy for the one would b e
Klceiy t o give relief to the other, qo we made tho applica- f j and Animal Physiology, designed for the use of School
tion of horse radish, braiped and applied" to the radoofthc
Seminaries and Colleges, by Henry Goadby, M. D., Profess<
body where the disease was seated; it gave almost instant of. Vegetable and Animal Physiology and Entomology In '
relief t o the severe attack of neuralgia Since then wc State Agricultural College of Michigan, embellished with
have applied it several times, and with the same gratifying wards, of 450 Iliustaatlons. Although designed mainly U
Colleges and Schools, this book wili be found InvaluaEde t
results. T h e remedy Is simple, cheap, and may be within the general reader, and should find a place in every pnbii
the reach of every one.
[LaurensviHe Herald.
and private Library. The beanty ofthewoodengravingathu,
so plentifully adorn this work, is remarkable, and their style
T h e following is a pasaagt? froih the prayer of a clergy- eminently peculiar; white, red, yellow and blue figures, on a
dead black ground. By their distinctness they have elicited 1
man who officiated in the H o u s e of Reprosenatives on -nahimous admiration. For sale by
Detroit, Nov. i, 1858.
the last day of the sesaoc: 1





" Be with ihem in their weakness, strengthen them with r p H E C Y C L O P A E D I A O F W I T A N D H U M O R . — I
thy strength, scan with t h y searching eye all their legida- X Containing choice and characteristic selections from th£
writings of the most eminent Humorists of America, Scot0
' Ireland and England, by Win. E. Burton. For sals by
rtSa i d U h e i r
k®"* ^
T 1 1 0 1 1 * 3 * O'eriroit. Nor. 1.1848.


Detroit Advertisements.


R O C E R I E S A T W H O L E S A L E . — N . P. JACOBS,
E V E R A N D A G U E , F R O * WHICH MANKIND SUFCorner Jefferson Avenue and Wayne Street, offers for
fer, o r t r a large part of tho globe, U the consequence of
sale to the City and Country Trade:
a diseased action of the aystem, induced by. the potsopoo*
miasm, of vegetable decay. This exhalation is evolved hjr the
of solar heat on wetaoil,and rise* with the watery valOO hhds fair, prime and choice New Orleans,'Porto Rico and
por from it. While the sun is below the horizon this vapor
Museavado Sugar.
lingers near the earth'a surface, and.the virus ia taken withlt
50 bbht Crashed. Powdered and Coffee.
through the longs Into tho blood. There it acta as an irrita100 bbls Prime New Orleans Molasses and Syrup.
ting poison on the internal viscera and excreting organa of
the body. The liver becomes torpid and rails to soerete n e t
600 half cheat* cases and boxes Young Hyson, Gunpowder only this virus, but also the bile from the blood. Both the
virus and the bile accumulate.In the circulation, and produce
and Black Teas, of recent importation.
violent constitutional.disorder. The spleen, the kidneys and
Coffee a n d Spices.
the stomach sympathize with the liver, and become disordered
250 bags white and green Rio.
also. Finally, the-instinct of our organism, a s if in
at140 bags and pockets old Govt and common Java.
tempt to expel the noxious fusion, concentrates tho whol>- J00 cases ground Mustard.
blood of the body in the internal excretories to force them
•JO bags green and white Maracaibo.
to cart it o u t The blood leaves the surface, and rushes to
50 boxes' Ground Rio.
the central organs with congestive violence. This is the
50 kegs Ground Ginger.
CHILL. But in this effort it fails. Then th« FEVEB follows,
15 "bags Pepper, Spice and Cloves.
in which the blood leaves the central organs and rushes t>>
50 boxes Ground Pepper, Spice and Cloves.
the surface, as if in another effort to expel the irritating
poison through thatothlr great excretory—the skin. In this
T o b a c c o n n d Cigars.
It fails, and the system abandons the attempt exhausted,
100 l>oxes 3c Fine Cut Papers.
and waits for the recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless
100 bbls Smoking.
day, These are the fits or paroxysms of F e r e r
50 boxes Plug Dark. 8*s and 10's.
Such constitutional disorder will of e o u m under20 boxes Gold Leaf, Half Pounds.
mine the health if It is not removed.
30 boxes Tin Foil.
to find, and have found, an antidote.
20 bbls Carendish In cans. .
Cleans.—A large assortment of Imported and Domestic.
AVer's A g u e C u r e ,
W i n e s n n d Liquors.
which' neutralizes this malarious poison .in the blood, an-l
stimulates the liver to ej^el it from the body. As ifshooltl.
ra and ocl
i baskets
and casts.
Fine old Cognac and Seigucttc Brandies, in half pipes, quar- those subject to this infection, If takeu in season it expel*
it from tho system as it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who
ters and octaves.
Use it fret from its attacks; keeps the system inhealth (hough
Civ—Swan and
id London
I-ondon Cordial, in whole and half pipe*,
d Scoti"
Scotch, Monongahela and Peach Orchard, in exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cures, but
protecjs from, the gregt variety of knee lions, which are induhhds and bbls.
ced by this malignant influence, such as Remittent Fevlfr, Chili
Wine, Stomach and Cordial Bittefs in c a ^ s .
Fever, Dumb, or MaskeS Ague. Periodical H< adache, or BilSundries.
ious HeadSche, Bilious Fevers,Ncuralgib, Rheumatismi Gout.
300 boxrfs Raisins.
Blindness, Toothache, Karache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations,
500 boxes Window Glass, assorted.
l'aiutul Affections of thaSpleeu,- Hysterics, Coiic, Paralysis,
150 boxes Pepper Sauce.
and PainfUl Affections of the Stomach and'Bowels, all; of
200 kegs White Lead.
.which, when arising from this cause, will be found to assume
200 dozen Pails and Tubs.
more or less the intermittent type.- This "Ague Cure" re100 boxes assorted Ink.
moves the cause of these derangements,and cures the disease.
. 200 bag*"assorted Shot.
This it accomplishes by stimulating the excretories to ex200 kegs Powder, assorted.
1 the virus from the system; and these organs by degrees
100 boxes Oakley A Ames' German Chemical Soap.
come habited to do. thw thrir office of their own accord.—
150 boxes white and dark Cerman Chemical Soap.
IJeuce arises what wc tend acclimation. Time may accom200 boxes Fancy Bar and Cake Soap."
plish the same end, but often life is not long enough, or is
200 boxes Family and No. 1 Bar Soap. .
sacrificed in tho attempt, while this "Ague Cure" docs It at
100 boxes Stearine and Tallow Candles.
once, and With safety' We have great reason to believe this
50 boxes Star Candles.
is a surer as Well as safer remedy-tor the whole class of dis150 reams Wrapping Paper.
eases which are caused by the miasmatic infection, than anv
100 reams Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper.
other which has been' discovered; and it has still another
21(0,000 Percussion Caps, 2000 lbs Bar Lead.

important advantage to'the public, wtych Is, that it is cheap
1O0 bbls Vinegar.
.us well as good.
TOcethcr-with Codfish, Mackerel. White Fish, Herring. Bag i Prepared by J>r. J. C. Ayer A Co.} Lowell. Mass. Price One Salt, PalutS-Olls, Dye Stuffs, Cordage, Brooms. Bnkets,
Glass- Dollhr per bottle.
ware and article appertaining to the Grocery Trade. Corner
A y e ^ s Cherry P e c t o r a l
Jefferson Avenue and Wuyne-st., Detroit^ Mich.
has wpn for itself such n repown for the cure of every variety
• N. I'. JACOBS.
of ThrOat and Lung Complaint, that it is ehtirelv nniiecesxarv
for'us to recount the evidence of Its virtues, wherever it has
T X 7 Y A N D O T T E R O L L I N G M I L L C O . , HAS NOW • been employed. As it has lougbeen in constantnw; throughV V In Store, and offer for sale, a full a*-$octn)ent of Lake out this section, we tfeed not do more than assure the people
Superior and Scrap Iron, of all sizes, at'greatly reduced rates. its quality is kept up t<> the best it ever has been, and that it
The Lake Superior Bar Iron sold by the Company, i» all may bcr relied on to di)*for their relief all it has ever been
made from Charcoal Pig, and is far better than the Iron made found to do.
from Hard Coal, and their Lake Superior Merchant Iron is
Ayer*s C a t h a r t i c P i l l s ,
the only Iron sold in this market, that is made in this manner.
Their Merchant Scrap Iron is all made from selected Scrap For all the purposes of a Purgative Medicine; for Costlyeiress;
and will bckr comparison with the best Iron made in the for the cure or Dyspepsia; for Jaundice; for the cure of Indigestion
for the cure of Dysentery; for a Foul
Wyandotte Rolling Mill Company and Eureka Iron Compa- Stomach; for the cure'of Erysipelas; for the Piles; for the
ny drafts taken at parfln exchange for Iron or any indebted- cure of Scrofula; for all Scrofulous Complaints; for the cure
of the Skin; for the cure of
ness t$ the Company.
Manufactured I r o n )
n in exchange for good'Scrap Liver Corapliiut; for Dropsy; for the cure of Tetter.Tumors
and Salt Rhdum; for Wo.rniBj/for tho eure of Gout; fora DinIron.
for purifying the blood.
Call and see •
They are sugar-coated, so that tho most sensitive can take
WM. H. ZAB1USKIE, Secretary.
them pleasantly,-and they are the best aperient in the world
Store corner W<Wdwnrd Avcnuo and Congress-st.
for all the purposes nf a family physic.
Price 25 cents per Box; Six Boxes for One Dollar.
T R O N F O U N t o R Y . — T H E UNDERSIGNED ARE I'REJL pared to furnfeh. at short notice, Stationary Engines, Mill
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and
Gearing, Warehouse Hoisting Apparatus, and all varieties of
personages, have lent their names to certify tiie unIron ork. ltepalr work on Propellers, Steamers and Saw
Mills, executed promptly and thoroughly. Castings—^evcry paralleled usefulness of these remedies* but our space here
not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below
gratis our American Almanac in which they
B R A S S F O U N D It Y
We are prepared to execute orders of any size for Brass and are given;' (Uso.with full descriptions of tho above complaints,
and tho ttvatmejit that should bo followed for their cure.
Composition Castings, promptly.
off -by unprincipled dealers with other preOil Globed.Oil Cujis, Valves,"Journal Boxes. Gnage Cooks,.
Cylinder Cocks, Steam Whistles for Htifamboats, Locomotives parations they make more nrotlt on. The sick wttnt tho best
aid there Is for them, and they should i t
ami Mills, Bells for. Factories, Steamers and Locomotives,
for sale by
J. S. FA Kit AND.
der eight hundred pounds.
n3 '
Detroit, Mich.
Wc are prepared to' execute all orders for Iron Railing for
FLORIDA.—sv JOSHUA n. uiotiiXGS.—Illustrrted with C
Private Building?, Churches. Public Square?, and for Cemete- fine engravings.—One Volume, 12mo. 320 pp. PrK-e $1.—
ry Lots. •
This Work portrays, with eminent ability, the crimes commit.Z-€T Corner of Fifth and Woodbridge-sts., opposite Machine ted by our Government against the Maroons who. fled from
Shop of Michigan Central Railroad. Detroit.
South Carolina ahd otbt-r Slave States, seeking protection unnS
der Spanish laws. It shows bad faith exercised towards the
Indians of Florida, snd is found to present a true view of the
r p O B A N K E R S , LAND AGENTS AND BUSINESS MEN. long-fought Florida War, which was, in truth, A WAR FOR
_L J. Sage A Son's, Map Publishers, Stationers, Engravers SLAVERY.
end Lithographers, 209, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., over Sage'
Kraa OeTOTMir Cbase. OM»,
Piano Room.
Gentlemen—Accept my thanks for a copy of " T h e Exiles
. We are prepared to execute nil work entrusted to us with of Floridfc" I have read the book with great interest and
promptness nnd despatch, and on as favorable terms as atly much instruction. It sets in a striking light an important
establishment in the country. Combining all th.c different
rtion of our histprv, and clearly reveals the secret, springs •
branches of Steel, Copper and Stone Engraving, as well as
which Successive administrations were moved-in affairs of
Crayon Work of the finest description, we guarantee satisfac- great moral and political consequence. The distinguished
tion all cases.
author has especially entitled himself to the thanks of every
Particular attention paid to Bank and Commercial work lover of freedom, justice, and honorable administration by
such as Checks, Drafts, Notes, Certificate* of Deposit an,j tracing and exhibiting the evil influences of slavery in the
Stock, Coupon Bonds, Letter, Note and Bill Heads, Envelop
transactions which he narrates. No one, it seems to me, can
Ac. Maps, Portraits, Show Cards Ac., Lithographed and arise from perusing this work without deepened convictions
printed in the most delifeitc colors by a new process.
of the wrong of alaveholdlng, and the necessity of earnest
For the convenience of the business community in this vi- and persistent effort for the deliveraacc.of our National Govcinity, we have established an agency with Mr. John W. ernment from the control of the slave power.
Green, at the office of the Detroit Daily Advertiser, 212 JefColumbus, July I t 18SH.
ferson Avenue.
liPTiTim IP i v c n r i li IT





j —These Safes are a combination of Wrought and Chilled
Iron, two inches thick. The Wrought Iron gives strength
and the Chilled Iron hardness; the sates being warranted Drill
Proof. All other Fire Proof Safes are "made of Sheet Iron.
between Lsrned and Congress streets, Detroit, Mich.—
S. R. WOOLLEY, Agent, at C. A A. Ivca' Banking Office. The undersigned hating re-purchnscd - T h e Institution for
Detroit, Nov. 1,1854
the dissemination of useful dfrinks," has enlarged and rejuvenated it In the most thorough manner, luaklhg it now the'
t'e have received from the Manufactu- most extensive BREWERY IN THE WEST, with facilities for
rers about 1,000 cases BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, of all producing the finest and most delicate gtadm of Malt Llquori;
the desirable kinds, and have also on hand a few thousand and i s now prepared to furnish the various qualities of Ales.
Porter and Brown.Stout, for draught and bottling, at prices
Daira of our own mannfactnre.
ranging from $G to $10 per barrel.
Extra fine ahd Stock Ales brewed to order.
All Packages extra, which, when returned to the Brewery
in good order, will be paid for at same prices as charged.
The attention of private families, and customers In general,
ia particularly called to the EXCELSIOR CREAM ALE.' Old
friends and new may be assured of the sujierior quality and
flavor of these beverages, and all are invited to call and sam-



ITBT P U B L I S H E D , A TEXT BOOK OF VEGETAble and Animal Philosophy, designed for the use of
Schools, Seminaries and Colleges, by Henry Goadby, M. D ,
Professor of Vegetable and Annimal Physiology and Enntolology, in the State Agricultural College of Michigan—em•llished with upwards of 4S0 Illustrations. Although main• designed for Colleges aad Schools. Oils book will He f o n d
trainable to the general reader, and should find a place In
-f the
'every public and privateJ library. The beauty or
the *wood
| engravings that so plentifuUy adorn thia work, ia remarkable,
and their style eminently peculiar—white, red, yellow and
blue figure*, on a deadAiack ground. By their distinct****,
they have elicited nuatflmous admiration. by
Detroit Nov. 5,1858.

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