Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1901

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 12, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Srmtf Craotrse Berald

Mimi TmioiiiiKi!


Tnrersc aty Slate Bank

vilh tbe b»at of vorkma.iahip and
a perfect 6t. Kee tie ancl be coariDceil.


Capital, s i 00.000

tua^Ht LeadtncHerchajitTailor.


A GcMnI BuUac B«slaes$ line

C a BORST, Director.


We hare inert m.-oived a large
line U tAe lai««t alylea of Cne
Wnolena for llie apriog awon ol
lllOl. YoariDfpeciionoftbeaainc
I eameally r<..joeatMl.



AU WsnehmMT lln.4r Um.-bt h.

Rooms 10 aid 11 Beadle Block.


1 Af Maa n'bo <^H <(<■ «>ia.
. a .aaB'a^a. a loll.
— rad b. S.«nl..ul.
tael ikal l>«b-F.d klra

Real Estate^" Insurance



207 E. Front Street,


Oppostt H. A M. Block.






Plate Class. Steam Boiler and Accident insurance.

money 10 Loan on Improved Ral Estate Only.
Johnson Block. Phone 73

« YuH. Knnlac Ron

Traverse City. Mich.


Jl 6<x>d Drug Store


odll OBBt ool ot.-aL Abd izpiiBb' druxA
T>i.-,r do mon liartu than do droira al
all. Onraiork t> conitAiitly clAOcinR
ui.l rauBMieoDll.T » over froah.

r M'mOtT, Jon.- M. o..

Drags and madlcincs

riMn ai.ll .« I
(irtal aie |i.a> and !r.A4»'al
rilil.uiadtmB«m kat-

I^OORK r. K.. Ar.4ui.ei aM nap.nni.«a

of trr<«i atn'Dcili, |>oritj mod an' thr- kin.l onr ralnui,
an."sure to pet All onr >B|.|>llf.* n,aernml from tie- nioai rrliable booan.
mlliettmd.-, onr .loiilitm.
pomiair.- oor ]ttiora. And yoo'll he tat.
i.liod that ore iriTr too taIof.

d laa.-inr >'raali(..n al •

QK. H. a tlOl>HAK.rhrMa> Md Honm

wa>.'Aal.-tb..<%«.I«nr will ir
eac-TTtr.-.*luaaj tralB,!..
aiia.wa. B..aa4 banal (U>W la.pthl.aua

JobBsan's brag Stars







'***7** *^!S**^



EE£.e£££E |£B££S
AAABC.abC . aaaaaa Aa; aaaa a


£sas«a«x; «4=ss
-AA- .


Real Estate,
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

New Plioho
H. AM. Blouk.

B V---Ae


Houses for Sale in
All Parts of City


Nifly farms for Sale In
Grand Traveree and
a4RHniiic conatles.




iBsore Yonr Farm Property
and Borrow Yosr Money




Sweeping Reductions
In all our dcp.vtmojus
ojus this m
muntli to make
room for our 1‘ALL AND WiWMR
tlOODS which
are .irriving daily-. When In towTi call and visit t



MiMiken Block.

...THE F-AIR...


Traverse City. Mich.

221 Front Street

_7ia^a. a. a avia. Corona.
K. •!.( nAI'l^'.ITepr.


Physicisn and Surgeon,
CIAAA— SolentltlCAlly Fitted.
(klk anraded u. awbi ir da,.



KA lim-BaLL.a. H.


Pere Marquette

Pretty Silver Novelties. Watches.
Clocks, Diamonds. Jeweiry. Large
Stock. Reasonable Prices.


’"■Kt!Tl.l!AT.N <-0..ra. iaralA Nb-A.



.. d*A ■..ll^Na.ra.. t w,. K
e.Ba, niy.FWtnanra. 1

50c Will Bup

I two quart, i four quart and i six quart handsome, fire­


gjesrisr ssfc



IK-':':.: liii


Steamer Crescent
<bdB( Hank awF, na, BaisTt t*Awtar
MwSrStM..'i.":: ... . a£lS
..' Inl-a


. k' « a la
I tTWT Ha, aais*i nuda,


MMlw. CWetB^
Ua* Md auvllliaiioai cof

Cooking Crocks

(bda( fkiuk BTMT«ay Karapt mrada,-


One Pound of Baking Powder
There is nothing so nice to cook eatables in as the
above named crocks. Things cooked in them will taste
Itetter than they would if cooked in any oth^ kind of


a dish.


see why they should not be durable. The most interest-

Fkrbi u Thaao
F-ita.wt lanbw

ing part of this program is the price.


until tomoiTow but get a set today—you may be too


They are acid-proof, neat looking and we can t

late if you delay.

Don't forget the place



mud by ton^UF “
..ibh>d on UiF tb-iH mud
widF a|«Twdiac bn-.

irronodFd thu bnitdina.
mlw. AM-ld |tTOB|ia of Fdia,<t
lootiiur woiuon. wbumF Ik
wli lap<-nNl
hot muimab-d FOOTiTraliou.
FTid.'iiI.lhat a.ini<-tbioc ol tuoni
iijiiry lub-n-Ft wma mbromil mt Mill­




'd limy in tin bird^i^a?' Uif
of tl_H- llia.-FlAF|^l lu IliF aubdul-’l' wliirlof III lb<- «
no- .Imy. ••
"(rFlItii' to aa-Fiu Ilk.- Iliml ftnday. iiowmdmTa
lint tbrn. Id«l. will, a IiIIIf .R<lnlB.-nt
fotka (hat liiF ail for m|iart mnmooiu'ot. r tbF timnt. to aar


"If ibFrF ain't auT alaiidFr or ill
will in ilk-ir JioilcFi. 1 dun'no-aa
tliFp-'. any liarm in IfIiiu' II obi. iI
’ila Sauday, " aaid Ura.
mould I..- I»iii-r. tvmiF of tlw mun
out iIhBo. ".wiili miMKl IB Ih.-dirwti«i of lb.- wtti.low.-^' IF mrtryfyiu' thu
••Y.W. hot ibFy-pp qoiwIiD' ma aaomL
li nimk.-a Uw KIdFr awfol |«l oa

lenaiTF pare on Ihr new ra<
aoeordiBK wfU »iih iHf
A tear or two a*n oof IraiUl)* tBwmajaat M-tlma her ailr.-r
DFaa of the boral and wn.
dnna. -r rhiFf. decided Ihal hit wife
|» It wma a lorcly jiUof ihF irmf of Uif mill, and tl
then lookH needed rramlaUiiK ami -im im.-.-rd.-d
in re*nlat.' tier in tbr Jlm.-hotMW.-d
(*rFaFiii ly liio oldFT ai
Hecfa lo bla tanwee >ba
not osly n-foaed to lie amoki-d oahrai
■If 1
laid KrolbFr INirkF, b.' kiiiil frobkI. diOBldi.'t have *Ql wi oocnmmoniT thraJ^n* fcrhia'tora^w
Ibe lanF ]in-tly lom, ao dial •nltOF-1 by UioaebFFa aa lo trofrai'e abr rao ool and Cold the ntbrr wooMB
on., of thF broiliFra or
ny raermb railin' an' hr a aloiiiblui' Wlial ah.' bad door
Not only ibak.
a.F ao FiFBar for k.-FiMiiK
dork lo lanl. ao Jo <|eak
Now. It 'a ahe hemh-d a reToIl aRalnal male dnmHroth.-r Parkor .tid aa bF waa tt*. rnore'n likely 1 ah.ll b.' |«l down
i[aF»iFd, an.I a artwl TolutuF
u. of Irt
TFCiI an.I
laaiaF fillFd
■ad whipiwd b.-r hatband, a irreal
IbF IiiiIf
rrd a'
me. PaminihT "
rhKf. tliF liad ’un dinesIlT In
Pacoiolhy fairly ire.|«d wuh amaae- CPlIln* rerniila.
tVar lUid all Uiry
rpfntF.1 |«aitiTFly to cook for the
. . . _ aod Ihr BldFT bimeFlf. wb
■■WfU. I dcDT know aa I cmn- about ■BFB until iIk-t lurrred lo *tT.- ni> tbr
kF|H itiB.-wifli hit riKlil luod. an-m ■.'III Fosned jrat on aeniBOIa' I.FFa.' praelic-ofamokiiwnol. Mlae UcAIFd qaiiF ra,rt lu thr worahip. aod h.
tlie atammeted. when abr liad aom- lltbT dFCiarra Uif rpb'lllon lo hare
e *rrw raorr rptiopd am Cl-ueiy tFooirred to fln.l Toice
hern an fnrmldablr that Hir men.aflor
■iriritoal. TIh-u dauF- a ahrat iNit ml ^••Oa acrawnt o'^UNw.-''^IBaiFd ilw
dayt’ aAmUlarratioo. rarreodiwbifTlo*tr FTL.-tit imiTrr. itieo aaothp
Knroera*.'d hy
. anil tbF KIdFf iuo|ipF<> bit taoe by Uial. I do fra-1 i^raily ^l,o“dra"tt
aannwa. Ih. wob.-b of the IHta.
bit handkerrrier. and tmn In.
6D*pim tbWB«h hl^ fl-ry lorka.^ wliicb
—why rrealwart
rp a law irntt <■<


------- ^

'‘^^Tt,^”;Ider*’ Vl>lh'l« d bFfl-r 1
nflur hi* omii nnlikFii.wa. 1 aliL_...
iliink hp'd U- too luocb dlacualFr....__ Jk yen. rat I eoBlda* that emo on
■ d with Ix-Faafb-r liF«ot nioai rat
B'l spl Bp my nonrm*.'. I think yoo're
domn from iirFOchio' f.-r fradio'cl
thr iPiltiFal aa well di tbr likelleat
vr '0 mol
uolmaaF, wlieo bonug of raruFttneat lodaxor of rayln* anr.
woman I ftft raw. K’bpa I Waa yoan*
- laat wiu
thin* which ctmid bp in thr iraal le ana went to the 'Oademr down alno*
t.-mble fnaaia
laxio* to Ihr eooacIFnoe of tlx. ain I naked ooe *lrl lo laerty oie. bat ahe
oen Thr way lip wma ra»iOK >< >' raid abr rooido t do It. uiy hair wma
pwplF who oe«lFC(Fd thrir doty an<l too PF.l:alv didn't mind a inodrrate
—all bOBod
thrin dumb inaFcka ttra.TF.1 into wart of lemputitm aad radbrart. rai uiwe waa loo Brry old {Worerb.
IlF aknn
akarw fi
folly and aio.waa likr old Ubfa t><«- Aibf. then I nereriooka nolian to
A erttaio popal*t dlrinr In the
■IBanilcrin hi. money eotutant on
•t IhoBChl
North, mbo it ootmt qalleae mneh for
FmblF tiiin>tF<l beo book, foil of hiabI FTpry' work w
oaDdin' wordt that boUud' abort of a
It. aai at hr I
raw abr waan'I the one. Now, I know for hit *Foeiml pleiy waa emlled In
own bFlow larmoB wobM ondFTI Impaatloord. 1
if yon really-liked a man. red lialr osoe by a yoom* raaplF wbrae borae
had Jnat faeeo 'tiKhleerd by a BinlaUif IlMenin* UfI
Down bolow mani down rircr.'
mod awoke
— n-iaeranBUTF of Uw BOtber'e
UjIlFr't Point folka. and waa a rr
Tne ha|4y rarenta d.-elded lo
l,ollowtbrll.F n.Ft
of iFaratna and alllBFnoc.
IbF dirleteu'ln* at borne.
Bal iBd.Vsly in Uif mi
'bicail liaU bFtter mind hot hit moit lmra«»»<>e<l *•
- "mw to make it ao rarly for a slnletar look tbr el,lid in bit
iFta. " amid Mra. MiIIft. eo- Elder'a rcioe faltried.
fatherly wmy. a.IHit pyra.
r I tblok il'a real babdi
-mlitmlly. "What woold abr bp bnt
■dt ol adriee to Uia
WlDllOW.dl- hair, hnl It lo
look, kind '
.................................. I't taken
... of aokiosa friToloai."
iToIoot. •■ ab.'
abi- aBewermt. Un,
.kB- I
Ibai yqn triui tbla eUld ap in
«Br[ntF,hit mddy roontFoaooe |wIf.1:
Tbe KhlerdookM dell|rhled.
clarr. Ihal
d ndir’
tbe wmy that be abould n. 'beUIliFB to Ihr liorTTwaod coottematioti
"My bebatine ihit jDornm
ihlOB I FTor hFard’bf. a taktt'7bF*”lcmn. "Uirr him tbe besefit of m no!
IbF eensrenilHi. be Iiwiaid from
■ “/ n^ocaraF^'
}F.t bbFagiH- bF followFd tbr dl
exmBple.aad rar ibal be U entoomnded
...I- racTFd deek nod rnid.Fd OBt-ofIt of thr motr
lahlo booki oo doora. Im ooat taila aundio* oni
by Uw eery betl Inflaenora. U yoa
l“‘^^k«^iu‘ an' eii'F
IT bOF, a llttlr Birat*bt bFhiad him u ili.- .pred of twa. beoomiB' in a tawaoher of tbe .lo UiiA wbo knowt but tlwl lie Bay
' 'nilbpr b' Ifi fata ni«i-<
n alarri- mbrn hoDFT waa tnalnrer
The iMplF aroap to ihrir fm and
llir winter. 1 uftpt a'|»—.l intFcki •- .1 lemlr-ilrlcken. Bp yonr liera bMBate Dpacoo Jonet
BF nudrt thF MalDF Uw. ’
an' old Uraa Barm Hodirea raid yon
• 'Twa. tliF examplF Boni'n anr- madr
mott. There it ihln*t that the etron*
in* Flu-. 'Twaau i eo Boeb the ui.
•'Hla hiFt are a.twannin', Ibat'a
of Ihe leer. KaicuFrlinr,
Tbare it a fatBer neimed Bomr* ie
'fafafoot' 1 *BFaa I'm ae temp'rthati pom
clirrry -If I oonldn'l part will, mioe bd,- tbe North wbo p
aoce at anbyody. mod I.'Iiftf tii tbr
Von are. I'm kiednf aiool
wbiob be need
naed to drive, Binlac and
FBforremFBl of tbr law, bsi I'B tiled
Tin* away from all my relmUona a
erwlu. to
lo ao'
aod froB tlie pui>» aM
of bFarin aboat them beet, an' the ptfrom faw b .
icepl J.dio. aod they re kind of
-- -' an'all '
.If do r.
'Tb.' Fldpr'a a iirptlr man to ra< U
u an' Bp autam. fc'e had ooa
Uw toad, be mei Mr Konn walkln*
lOtlDQprt'" rad FTpryooe wllh thr bimey for anpper UBlffbl.: laat ytrar
Uw lane, hi* mlod
yon aoyibin* al»i
'kceplinci of poodrcM Uiwetti 8par boner, of onnne, rat that don't mak.
_meaad with aonw
minlatert that art 00 Uif raap wat ew. who teytCFd all to rrmain an£
uy dllT-rFOCe, and I eoold tMte AoBt irelfhty .inetiKm
The DFl*h
Dei*hbor trail­
iKm The
asalntt Ibe
£ldrr antbow. 'o' TOO Join with him In praecr. and aot
- _____
U ity'a hlae tralm and Contlo Mary ed rat: "Ucpd
d Moraine,
Moraine, Mr.
r ~ ....
I yoarielf. Ifi aloUF tbr berr lamer thr hallowrd
eseb con Kllen'e tweet bner and flowerin' cor Where
Where arp
arp TOC
TOC *Dio*r
*Dio*r "" "Why." raid
qoMIlun, that hr’a etmiir real Ltndtbr door taou aa plklB aa day in ft ry menth Mr. Ko*m. in a earprirad way. "I'm
Id an' Bilk an' water in b
iTin* tlw oow
DOW to paelnre
And he
Annl Lx'ity liree way orer to drlTin*
aii.l iVy mnti Ibtf a rt
ly a!
blB. at If
ilprio*'. Bend, ten mllee from ben,
ired h
land lowar.1 wh______ _____
Fflpct n
■| inwrh y.. whiri
niffFeF.1 iiqrliT Iw
XM know, and Mary Elleo IItm down
»F beeo "Well, wbere ie
all into
irarion aa far naed by II,
loOrrwl Pood't aleml aa for in
uw -'; aeke<l bit (riead.
"I cop
r, oor FTer *iu a
afire to tprak of. with .............
Ibe other dlreetino. bat the Wt fly
1 forcM to let ber oel of tbe
n'did yon erer h
. ...
hit *oIb' Mra AhinI
tneb diataneee to jni ibeir hooey,
" aniwerad Mt Hoctn. bkBbly.
OFF inor old Anni Dilly Uiodf. u
epeir aod n
tben'ta.. few cardm fli.wen am, '
-realural hU paeiuoa. Aad >w
waa rent alrk In her body an' low in
I ii^hniaoi old Udi^ lien, and the wild ooet are -mo.
-Cleveland Plain liealra.
her mind, to offer ihr cootnlaUaoa of
BaB<h( forth m
IF after Jose—tbe aweet rnti
the irotidl. an' *itiin' to abaFni-mlod- bolIlF from her pocket,
• rate "
F.I. that mramo' to ray tbr wanted pink aad white |eppetw,tDiA that 1* iwilty," >aid
A ranrdb witbaro
reii*natlna cr
roof cardan iPBead
ople lan*hi '
U the lai
-_________ _ hr Bp an' raid riod lo'wmrd
. _ of aeltoo
Parkenbeii. w,
W. vlT“?£w™^o*
leal tolFiBB, takui' herhand: 'AonI thp foa; the oldPT on. . with the exDilly, yem want—you want anotirer orpeioa of ibre.- or foot firm old
While. Uw paeter, it S> yean old.
biTr of Italian liFea.' Abui Ollly raid fTtendt of I................
-IlMw are eenalaly a gtrwl coomla- aad a AeUmny eollewe nnlrantly
tnaled their faeliBR -to lood-roiFF
non. aad I tfaink I hare done man ateoale. bal Dover etedled tbeoloiry
t way.tbat i
lie and wratl.
for the apraildiac of Zion with ea tbai aod eaallpox. be ran. be domD'i"waallOBookey witk" Ba raid
. . - and fell_____ _
than I maid haradoae wlUwoi 'oa if
enoB*h all of a raddeo to handle her daMied beemUilt
1 l,a,lo'l beeo ao BDaoeonniably led a raeepie wae ^ DaoeMry to Oftboweichi in wildoatA Yon ate. bc'i: apoo which ifap awai
aatray thia Benin*. 1 bad fell for a doxy, while a'^roof mdeti crald ta•Ireifol wom.-d beeaaer hit beeeau'l wm.
. Bel
BCI by Miat Hal
liuh- .pell tbo«*h. that I wa> beta* aUllsed for tbe cborci, eervlato era
twarmed, an' ih.-r'd o
■ anmaer rTeela*a. Heaea ble
re«alia and Ctermly ordered track
rmlber too ranch, earned awar, jttd 1
•n Hay ParBiaitie Hal
desfortb* roof nrteo.i o liar
the raplHpnacbM a nod deal to myralf I albe .lonH think ahr't a patch oo him
"Wl.Tl are yoo Ihtoklo* of, Eilder, waya do. for 1 know wtml I naed otb- wlUi a belief thM tbe oDaferl of pnptoaboeld be i««ard«i m Banb la a
tor bee knowledn Up’d better merry Bamet'r " aliF rrlod.
"Lfotf erery- er, ntrad alao."
Pammiby. hot la. i don't a'poee • '- tbln* to me and «u track Una Binni*'
"Well. I woaldB'i tblakanyraore
at a woman.
1 arrer aee
I ran take care of bewa aa well aa yoa Bbont It. bat yoB'd better let Be lake
iFWiibnsi look
tan. rat aa for sonla-'
of 'em ia tbe fatan. Itaoaffb yoa
"Ood foefire bfV exclaimed Uw
b- eoienaiaed by '«a and etody.
RFttin' to look tmI praked n
KIdjw: -I drai'i know wbai I Waa
r wayi aod BBaaer. all yoa
rayg Trmfh.of
better *u'wore onl a-kerp Itainkln* of." and after ataodlB* aa
plemee. ’ raid Paalatby.
n»n.h clear o' Salan.tbao pal ttwll boaod or a
"Tbtt yoa will baee rae>
tecin' an' womn' otft boam.
tail tiepa lotraid the eborcb. Bat it Willi " ekclaiaad the Elder rmdiaattaiiti
I "1 beard all aboBI wiml be raid to waa oaly to meet Uw aatooiahra aad ly. caoe more Mkta( poaeradoc of
Anal Dilly
Wbo ia all enanim
wd poanimoal of tbe bow. her hand.
to-tokea tralh. Oa erae of tbera
IbaiB'l-’ raid Mn. Miller.
My frieada." be ~a
"Well. If yoo will inraiee afaral
.e bleb oOcialeraBraed
think. L Uif Etder'. Inoky If be ran
orra block whiofa
tbe bare 1 onaMa I bw to bare aay
Oenrie IT. waa a MoM
ffU abaeal Bisded wbeo ibaJ whlBla'
oor, "I bare
raaa tawMlB' with toy baee. ead I
w waaknara Wat to hrava a
bbtoted, apleray. apoDru* eld eoal
too I brar to tee aar Baa eooUlwbia waiet. xra tufh oOeial OD eraiertor
mie belt of him
Hbe't m-imnniB'
by foUowlD* a book. Btaite^. I wraachBottoftrad ble Bajatoy erawed
alter him aad aendia' few him cibUbbopeyoewoe'l he offeaded.Ite'1
nabao’t Beat ray that I aUe'latr il l
Uiink yoa're half m Mrteated at o.aorp far be«r>B' ratT°«»« thma 'Ua l»K A* I «-n to — MUa-UM
weed beta* orade to reatrmp Urn lata
tewtrmm. bbr'a aUa^ t-weta'tbe Kl- Il DOW. Elder Baraea." epofce op old
der'e boner, tmeasae iu «ood lor her Mta. Hod«wa.wbo wm teaioff beenelf
tqmke wltbetU
te alB't aotray oa^c^Bfgl^M^ "1 oUl It wen*'

sij; ii.i'i




lii’SLi???. _


0)R. fitoin-


Don’t put it off

It AAs A liiilF tiIIacf fArAwnylB
ihe hAckvoods. where to,' trreAt vorid
BFFIBFd llkF A drFAOl AOd tin' B.« OdIt
iiehinx nentioui'd in the UId
I. mud nrad now _
•muB >u ooFOfthF El
illioK drtinooa
Tlir _..
roa* aJilFSilcr wma lisl mo tin
otll u> Uhor. mud Imhu, did not
DOtil lIlF X-aJa-r aolu! of tin- Ih
mud ihF.BlIrFriOK of ihr luooo.
Hof today it wma Soiulay. a Sondat
In emriy Juof. mud th^ aoola that ha^
ouUTdi'Hl ihrooiHi Uu- wi—k |« thF
aramuiDK of cmn wImt-1,, ihr lanmliue
of loo. ihF hoil.linc of rattunu thr
wmywmt.1 nr.-r mod iIif wiFldiiia of
ItiFmxFmod a|imi)F. wi-b- mbk- to rr
friwb thFOiw-hra with tin- Ixird't atillUFFA. thF rFUFWina .irmcF of hi> Word,
mud m iMIli- »F,ff)it.,rlrnoaaH> ma wfII.
Thu rndF liilli- <-lion-h wma o|.-n b.-.
llmFa.aod though tin- DiomtOK apmer
did not comtuFun.- ....i,i


■fc *



~l bi. kair a»l ikourhi K

Tin Ttisuratice!

HO. 87.

laraad an' wmea- BBoh ia (faU lUa la tar* yoa and a
odaa' waned, an' wraatlad
wrnakl. arttfa la imal bOBo aad tlw baat laol Dtd yoa
•othlQ- of torn and a pint o' Bilk friwfi pnyor ac'lnsl tbew b«aa.aa'
ain't ■FO bow BtdMdid 'tbo awam -i. aotfrocn him Janmy eow ctri-t atmbi of bn lakra no brod. an' raw Im
tM in IbF DFW hlToV I wmlkM
Ufa. I tbomld tbiBk mbF-d b. mahmiMd
, raaad tboTF two or tfarar Ua« }aal
to eomplmkn of bum UIft what ha'i
bFfor* I'amBFOToV bnr lool^ bat
UIF Hmla for IfWtain' wi^
Uia' Abmil ewBF lo the ter and
"How yoB do talk. KmmFrItBF' a MBTdr Toana
keia craaniBir eo i Mralda^l eajey 'as
WfII. Iheu, il'a moat nwoliu' tliUF. ft«D
rerx taara 1 kpow yon Bitty 'aa
Hotm coiDFa MU' Abianll. an' tbr El' 'ran-ibFfBrboblod."
‘I n*TFr yFi ufI a kF«v
ra lha*aS
Paniainy BabaDO «ald abr fFlt oo»
at bFoa that arara'l a well ooedaCT- >eei IbF tow llBea we'rF
BUad. t'ta
of hFT hradauhp aiwH* * rawin' ra
moBbFt of aorriFfy wtUi babll, of bFcn a tbtnkliB I ahoald
lid tea
haTt la
U bara
mad WMo'l onmlo' to wiFFtin' il
lot ohaFrratiflo aa’tWlFcllBB.
•body to hFlp BF take tatei tkin'. SbF'a tryinir to aabi it i
tbeB. l«t ra)iM[dn~*
in thF ofara air.
Thrrp ,bF
toimao' lU Aalbor.
of TOD. TbU Bormlnc'a alip
DOW. a-tlaiidiu’ by hFr aatF. ' rroiai
Tfaia oalboral w
wma rFOFlTFd with madF m. dFFranle I'B afntd 4t
Fd Mra. MiIIft, with a alanoF fre
r laairtiiFr.
I’m allow
IlcwM lo preaeh kB*et
ibo wiuduw.
-kFoiitn' iFt
kFFp folka bwtaU
in' atraicbl________1 an’ from
"WfU. I abonldthlftk. brin'ait'a,
yoa rainort i.
aflFT folly an' iFnid
tW Mabtwtb, ilir'd heltur Bjcbl <• off
lah a^ RlTF
laylB at iJi* lambFr
oot hark aoiBFwbFTFW.
wboim ahr
ralan bark to the rhatrh." aabfftCDoldn'ibF BFonao |dain by inFFtiB' a inppinr '
Binlhy. "and if yoa harF. Iberr'i
foUa II doni look Tory pwliT to br
pimi wbrn- three'a more araira potaff
'-Kphr'lm It yin^to hta i.kdii'SFt
aundin' ihFU* kindrr IwradiD'
|w^io' Hft indiffFr
ditTFiFncr to roanll-raivilFCFa. Tli.-m. bla alnoF." apnkF old Mn. Hodtra
IhFrr '■ thr Eldur mmiB'. aiT hr', •oTFTvIr. and Uif CldFr walkF.1 awar
The Bonn tll|.|a.l dom i. brMud the
B.lookin' o<
bow at h»r. YfI they with down raal Free and a dlatrmraFd dark roof of tbr Bill ;Ab« Boone-troed
barr awfnl
"oaanBi-. which had Inokrd ao imdlraw-, ahal ilBaelf BP IB fait t.
Mia' Alitcail
lit aaa
lla'a atm >H-’a
Illy whiiF BBder ila laatmt at ibe
IlFTF IlF ri
IIBFd tbF WbolF •
nrhi. mu' aiir'a
abua riahl.
ed*p of Uif wood, were Inat .lo tbr
n reaypPfBl aolUBdr
dlranfip that ao ol.l baci
ch ao' as old
Thn>u>rb wood lanea mad
bhodin* thnadentarm e____
----- ■ liTiB' ao umr rorl.
ihFr anrald
or Ft lb. road penpir airmnled hnrae0 UBF lo teetFBi tbr afiemora ward 1IB«<I1« bymna lu flifnl aBBUbaa.
hFT ttral niaoia SIif n
■F IB Uir Ellder'a oibpr twriab, BalraBlrod.ira wen- rtlialrd from the
ol old b'qnirF Flint T ahF capd
at Unow UrpFk, rlcbi milF. wood |U|f and tbr dpw .ImiFhtrt forbogar fur doaro bpiow, IhF,
. and eooiinnrTl for two boor, Fwta An owl laa*bed wierdlr from a
aaidHn. Calkuia
At Ihiai o“’’i '
ur more .with wild fare, and then Uif BFi*bh(wiu< piDp lop. thr liirtiu In
UiF KIdFr. a call raw-bnorri.
rJnedt rolied awar and the aiurah df
window- went not one by oor.
shilFied on tbF *nra once morr
atill they ml tlirre alone in Ibe
bBrch and qaiFlIy amsiF.! hitDarlf in SOBM-wlial reffrahed InUi in Imdr and
koraa. nnlil a aolllarr imfleman no
!iF rat|»t. asd rIoaF n|un hia bFFla mimt. IhF KMft wfoi obi at lwill*hl the rfrpr.hFihK
hFlh«<of a-Borr Mwalar It
id, tarp 0
_ I- to'She bfIoaniF ihF proplF who luul U-u waicli
ine OBI oT-dunra. Bbiil thF tmlF mwi
"liond Ni(ht. Kurao J»BF.
____ PauiDihy
whirli all ibFFFli.wa in Ilir wnoda and
iBK boBBF warn qailF toll. Thr KldFT
Iwara FzaolFd nlFncr fur a fra mo jon waaoul alto, wyoyln* tbr
Kitliaod Ibararea br tbr rlTPr rrfrom
matpd wllb atartlln* dittlBctoFra
•FUIa bFfuTF Ilx- D-rrio.' oomtuFnnsL
TheD Uif Kldrr bFtfaoa«bl hlmaFlf
ThFFF waa no orsan in ih.. rtiarrl: the KldFT |.ickF.I the Brat wild ro
boi til.- lin-FU- tiad trraliFncd nod anu 1^ aFaa..B which waa rerptn* Ibroiutb and look an affmiraaiF Irarr of hla
fair OOP alan. Hal hr did n.rt aUrp
lowii.i; iliF orjran pilaw of Uif |>in.'i ll.FrrF.icw of IbratoniptF
hat ei*bt. bit woDdrr waa an *rrwt
1 IbF UFwr mood wuli boIfdid awtd-t wrnl o.F, and iinwFBtFd u to
Miu PamiBtby waa thirty-aix aad Jml a tiDfal mao Ilkr him ncmld be
pan AUd lu ihia acFoniria<uinFnf tin
rrniil llituabFa. «boar ckwr, milv,.i aPowblF. bBt ran, Biallrniioo from m l*n.t
oba a.Tin .-.artir aylUblod lo lb. IBP Bl.l.-r. who waa not at borne with
«. eaiw-a BlcWa la Afrwa.
tWFa-l imalniA of DiTid wfff (-hauiiDC UdiF. and OFTpr Kallaol. ao aalooiab
Hisa Acnra Mt-Alli.lrr. a raiaalonFd ley that ahr blu.hrd a moch dFF|i
try of III.
Mrlliodial Kpiwmiwl
rr erimaoo than tin- ro—
ina jniaF. Thp ibiB'. alirill. t,-i m.
■barch. haa Jatl rFlBrme.1 to ihia
■'ll a Ih- ftfai oor I rp Mem Ihl
odiona nolo ol ibF mwidcnr lark rhii
after a leo*thT aojoura li^
rear, and 1 ihiuk iiipy'n. thr iwiiur.
ml iBlFrralA and Uif roblua
el Afnra. and lella hoi
flower tliFie ta, " hr amid almplr.
"Th.-y an- nwl leFUr. " atir maami ._btaaTFl•daaa.IiF faalFnFd thr fl.iwrr onde of nallTFa I
.................. bonah. an I
iUine<l il
•low Ifui a nm.'ii
llRbi.and hrr round, batom chin.
onlqnF taehtem In ,Uya of yore when
Hr Ml down ly lu-r aid.- on Uif

itlre WIfp offpB.hal her lord be rat
intry pinurf wiih a bacirnmiid ol wood i>i|.'. and for a f
after atanin* a
lh.-r -rakF.
iBFiy woalFd IiiIIa atill and rm OFiih
U*. bnt which aFFOiFd to abrd |>wrF hot |] wild rlTpr atill e
elcar-l the .loo,
1,1^1 ma^^hl^
rllu- liiilF haiulFi
TbF KIdFr ,
II. lyiwat aa ii daalir.1 dbWo hit nlTi-ndin*
apple orchard joal acrora Uif war.
r hlark arch.-a of the j
Id ll.i.till pmk an.1 wUUf. mud tb.. ph- *00.1 fnn for tl.
aU.ul Ih. ed*F ofUiF^near
I.lanil.anil fraprallr kri* bta WMikiko.1 .iraiuiFlT while in iIh................................... for a loac U
uinry of wild aalma. iho ma
ran-lF. TliF klder fls.Nl hii

mm ^

U 70b flra I* to tetag."
l=r,stk.“=kS;5r;.‘=' ■■hlupbiBlgra
aa to* bm’a baaad to tote Iba '^“uTSrjsr

be raid.


President McKinley Shot Down
in Buffaio

I lha Kiw B4w»ltMftr-

R«i».8»P»t.-Kto» VlctvBMB
jwl and PopalMibU

One Bullet Lodged in the Breast and An­
other in the Stomach.


tfacir VBiBtbT Md praCooad


U» M*apt te ■■MaliiM*

HBlIata. Sept. 7-Tha dlaMat attor.
My had a {wirata oowtob With the aa-


aaltaat of tlia pcaaidut aad aaeoaded
ia Ci-UiBf a aloed oufaBlu froa
hlBi. ocmnac ato ptitaa of footoeap.
Ibe prtooMc mdiaiiM that hia aauu-

The Skill of Eminent Surgeons Probably
Prevent Fatal Result.
Mr. McKinley was Shaking: Hands With His WouldBe Slayer When Shots Were Fired.-The World
Aroused by the Dastordly Attempt to Kill the
Nation’s Chief.
UiKf crevdlwMBdUlikelrio mm taial.

T»|*> of K««c PridBj afm-|)iBi*dBriBEtodaT.


Praddnl IteKtotoy »>• rbet i

PattU «r«rt bttorecB Oolow.>if


IwtoB bjro BBS wbo opproubvd to;aD«BDd HbId *lt«M vu elo«.4 to

VUl* BbokiaEWitb lb>|t>Bac thli iBomtott.



ton koBd be rolBd bu riitfal bud. one ia fnol of Milbon a boow ud
wUeh *B«

eorand wiOi a wtaileitve Moek> ea elUiar aide liai bf«B

haodkatebtof M


baadined. oloaad for tnlEo all atcht

bM lutood ecmaBtod a nrelrar.

A aotdao

! of poUoe CEleeda two bloeka eaeb my

fad twtoa, m abot auikiac (be
bran boae. tba oibar
bath WBlIa of tba auuael
bw to tba BBaelaa of tba book. Vhila
Moatotor faU toto tb.' araa of Corbalyu a Bob latapad epoe tba aaBatoa. who waa with dlOoelty raaaaad
hjr tU poUea ud Bku to tbaoriau.
fWdeat MeKtolay ma Ikon to
toa Sarrtoa boaplBl ud taker to tba
hern el Hr. MilboiB, pra.ldeot of
(haaspoaitiem Wbu be «u d>ot hia


froB tba Mllban raaldoBoa ud


ear ia pemitlad to pBB tba Ubb.
ThapaliooBn toekuic for two uooBplIoB of Oaolnoaa. who an belieaed to be atlll to BaSalo.
a mu. tfao eibar •


Uaa ia
Tba i

meodod OwtoOB to tbe Itoe at

Tba aeaet aerrlo* omoera

dialikedihit fellow a iooka. ud (Mb
kept tbelr hudt oa him aa ba abook
boBOa Willi the taaaideBl.

itoiti t.arlaod.
Th- dilT. real rharapic r. «
aa fdllnw. .
Uarr awiNin
K..; H. . .
Nanrr lluL.

tHxEin.. liarrii I Ih.otier Stowe. KH
E f* Pra". HoUie Pitch, t. Mm. J
'. 3'
I'orrip Kaitno. Mra.
V. Helen Ooald. Mr.
. J Poatir. CtaielUrloa. Mra'W.

/ A


Baffalo. SeM- T-Sargeua ara
Blklag of aalag tbe X-ray to toewte
Hal falla they will leeart to tb^kaife
lo eatraot
Baffalo.-Sept. f. lt;IS-Th« doolora
bare toaoed tbe followtag ballrtia


■Tha pswldeat t oudlUoa aaaana u
ehaagad fmo toai night
Bia paUe
to lao. bia teini«atBre lot. hU i
Hratlu EX. "
Baffalo. SeM- 7.1»*k-Dr. BUo]
utborlly tor the atatoaM-nt that
erlato waa paal to the tlwee hurt
from » to It
Tbe laaridaet a polae


4ir ^meaiiwe tVeddlac.
' - ''''’ f d*
pretty wedding at llo- home *’ ®' Titu., who l. .gipndng the aemId.. . |‘..r.-nt. ThBrrdar morn.!In Tmv.i.e
....... nl th­

'ilhdnOitoand raraat.lBto. and ,ta., I'Wv, maeh enjoy,d hr l-.h

tbe hoilPl a pnitiu to the body.


gairfomiul ’ oiid.'r
areh ok galoit and pink and white a. i-r.Ol J . .-l.T
Tin. dining room wa. twnki-d
Mr. J. F. .<.ille.|iie due r.-lom.-l
wilh golden rml.
In Uiaii.l JUp
The bride wnn- a brautifel gown
rn ol I i>b and anarbeni Michigan,
light Woe cell crop* H.'chin.-, trim
iria I Ura A W l>eck ha. ri-tonn-d fiou.
OM-lwiihAraMaulace. Sli.-wo l.r.,l...a.i.illo!<Pt«.ker.
loT hair ud carri<«l
hna ; K II Ih-Pianc- of Maple t'lfy war
,|Oet of the aame Ilowi-ra. ila- gmoii
llic Whiting today.
conreiilKMinl black
K. C. Vulh-WaUer of Malloua Ba.r
gaeita all atooi a lule ilil. tentte-r of *
in rtie citT.
the groom gwoiingiini-d th....... I
W. F Uill of SI Jam-.. Ifawrer I.lS-oM. that buli.d it..- luw. of K.e iwo '

Jiopniar young i.-og.l.Tb-iiiamag-. 'Mr. « V I, t^y
oecBtTiMion lh<- imh anniverMorT of the ■ In-r gatvni*. Mr. au.l Mr>.
tlie Ifrid,-'. g.ih-Bla and I.ten »> Ta.NRiw.
tbe gathering«( r>'latire< .li-l not lor ' R Mni.itig nf Toledo. «M,io
get that fact
; Mra Willmin McfJ». e,w.,f M.nton
Ttie liride the ainal |a>gai len.l Mr*. J-Srie.. ritr lilwniiau nf
tar young. w,^<m in tt..-rii'y. ud a I Kalaiuaroo. wb.. hare U.-n ti..-gu.-ata
boat of frien.l. wHl wi.l.h.r et. ry J of Ur., f. U I'ati-r f..t Mn.i.-yime.
Hr. TaUnu lia. been lu ' n-lam.-d to their hnaie. b-lav.
the l«aBl aenic- er.-r ahice Ih-.w ' Ilf, J.
Syad.-r la eot.-rtaining Irta
tobluhaem of fre.- delirery. herv | father.
Ueorg.- Rii.cler
nnd hia
of the mu>t p"l“laf '»>'l'bew. Pruk Oaae. of Ml. Flenaanl.
in the city
Hr- will r.
I’rrd. tr T (Irawn of Mi I'l^-aoiiil. i
al ermgTBlaUliotia
i formerl.r aeg.-riiil-oA-ol of il.- Trar-'
marriage reremony ww. ii-rae t'gly M-li,ad>. ia in Ih- riir u-'
The old aoldier WM roiBdIr applae
performed. liip guci. parwk »f a de. ' mcafani-d hr In. wife and a.n Oarl.
ed for tbe action be had takes, ud
ia altogether likely thaghad behit licioo. winding'iBVBkfi^ with He- Miu Hilda lia,I l.-eo ci.itiug 1
tor yosagor nma there wnold hare followiog menu;
■I W Mllhkeii and fah.itr
been a naBibpr of tarn in the g
FetmJ I-.rang.iof VamarUthe]
that woald Imre s-en to it llml' he did
„-.,.or hi. W., Waite.- udJadgel
sot asffer frpm the effreta of the deed.



• Oao(-

goai'a orlaa. U tbe ptaaldul

laTtogbeenoaHlUsce«.tsrday. "
BoffWo, Sepc #-Tbe following boi-


Baffalo. a pt. T-"! ihoi hia for
Meahawn forthe

U aumple.' aid Qaelgocx Ihto bbstog after uottaT aruton io to.- poUee
awtoi bo*, "ud I bota he vtn die. 1

be a alate of tapitol er he will pnito


toty. I'nereniag.
A matronly lady of jrew leu likely
gaeacaaioog aiipisrucp wu rrldratly
looking for aome yiallart when tbe exppralotT. 100.8. and hit iraidratiM
iniM train oune in She walked ap
.Baffalo. Se*. »-Dt. Kaon, u X-1

l-« t— MI—,
eru koowa ).«t wl«e fa
WalBVatort Satohed atbar.|b,,„

to tliplr frlenda in tlw
ia being ereptod for Ih
atnvi afiPT Kor, s


OH for the

Tboe . Uordoo ud danghter V<1>
are reterned to tle-ir hom.- in Cl.ic
s after a plraaant three wm-ka el;
oi!—lixi-livcr oL3.
t the home of W. Uotiloti.
Mn thn K. Haael left oa II
teamer Charleroit fer l,er btiwe ■. ir» curi. U-. iu --L-c the rc'ull.
1 by itgtliMil
ho will
a mooih in chitsgo
lul Child, and lie laughs.



icw^ Chicago.°^ri^'*i^to^^t*"-* jiilc, aniniic child.
ap to them, ud kiated ttip ’day but ud are gmwu at "Tae ^nd hLs fa« Ixx'omcs CM'and
lady, then wilh eqaal eraphaala ptaeed
^Mra Bak'-r ud daughter Fioreare full
of iicaJlh.
Take a fiailuotbu kiB of I

-------------— the tori of the Bu'afaoe wbfTp it valx for their home la CbiCtoto. Tber chcstcd child, Of A child that
frOBaliiilp moh Ineideal Satorday i wosld utarallr be eigiected to d.. the hare been ‘Feadeui.'gaeau fra a l

ha.s siopjK-dp-owing. give him
aftersoM. It oaBe aboat tbrsngh toe meat gmul


( agatow stop

•rvtoled here laal

Baffalo ia iboottog toe pcsMdeai.
Mato-Sept. 7-Tbe
he applied u tatalttog •pitoei to
MM«ta WBf iBaad.|o4ByatSo’etacfe:
toe preeideat.
"Ho BBtot ayiaptoae harederelop- M tbe life of i‘rraddtol XcKlaltr at
There werre sot eery Buy bm in
•*- thapnsldewl’a lalmta IN. hU If King Bdwtod had
BifflTi Hii M. hia BmpeuMre Its "
XM. Htooy sei'tlie urgusa will be'
to datdda wbetber ora* (belt

Ilia toeuh>M

vrathB cktoB battar and n m
bijcre the moat daheate fahe< and rp;-.irei
It Will cltu pou. paaa dnhea. n«r>. fur
c rks^K cony

damn. St loan. iueraa.B>


She iird aoBermu qaeutmu al toe <tot'
7-*.,mu bare recent atBek oo PrBideoi McKinley.
grow big
. Buwfll iwobaMy bP Bore j coaple. to rrwari lo tbe bealib of
in to. fatare wbrrp bp"ahoou j IbeBePlre. ud their fainLy, All the tote 'SS*r Sdr^TJ^V ^'H.2S
aiglit. ebaigtog OffhlaaMlh^
Thie U not a new scHciik.
. Use Ibp trio kp|K getting setwerlhe
of toe teadtog black- depot wbPB Ibp light waa Iwigbier. toe death of Chaanrar'for yeafv
MB so tusa why toe |we«Ueat
tin- iweddisiTbe prtatBPii will be BBilh itaope of toe city Satarday aad a took of diabt begu to etood 'toFeorm. IlL The >»milr »-rr bera : {){ coufM- you mUSl ItoC iho
tosoM not fMoror. Tbe oooMd balafterdou. whpo. ia «ubu
atralgoed Meoday BOtstog.
e daeBrdlT crime of tto- a________ _________________
tatbae aU beu louled'
right, oih
Scott’s IZmulniuii
• I toffad to. ballet

r»M M morm oMhem ruUmd omt
Jty tmiaff momp thma mro won etrt.



aympUBu do-1

OaolgOBla betogdaaely gaarded.
' ud u OM ia allowed to are him.


t.^'Ki« to


Potaa MCI,

Mr». Anna llam of I* the
wife of EBe.t of Mr. Julm llilli.
Xe.-aU of ; deenie llix«.«l Jaekwm u etrtn.y
m.Df Viral Irieoda to the <iity.
. ^
of Pud

ing at «-.10 o-clook.nniud in mnmage 1
W W>1Mr John O Tatmaii and Miw J.-ui.-MipI> . father of Mr..
Mae Uilmnre
The eerewmiir wn» 1 ^ W. Wait, whn i. ii.iiitig hi.cliil
performed hr Upi . Kltj.h T.tmu of i**""Um r-..wl.wud Mr Wt|.
Akr-m. Ind,.a bmih.w of 11- gr«>,u.^*«" N'w York .mte
Hay., hat lad not
retaliT0.ud ln.-t.d. of IJH eonmn.
I-,jfancle.1, a mod inleri-.<ing
jpljuig.. of old lime
Tbe liuuw wu. Uwalifully d.t-o'rate<| <'

will be aiualtwitb latent to Ctolgoaa. ware takas before
. jaaliof
kill, tbe BuinnUB pualty Tor Yb>c>> tola Boaitog. aod their cat
Bed aatll the iwih. Bali wa. rvfaaod.
Patteraon. Sept. V-^Aa extra feree
B or be eoart-iBBatottd. M
of police baa of poUu bu tows }mt
eoggerted becaaie the |we.Arnu on lb« pesmatila Saianlay
hoe lo watch ifae setii
(umaader ia obM of the oblala
escoutered aome loyal Amrwieu ellamy. The Mate ooarla aloee bare
• •ele-. Kighih Mnwl.
Baffalo, «epi. »-br. Part, ooe of ixpt* who did not prnpnae to Uttrn to
toriadletiu and will try the
tMt the carwta from abma.1!
Charle. J.-ffri-, ia. r.-turard
» jAraiotoaa to aitoaduce so the worda of dlarrapecl for the satioa a
chief. Tlie mu exgireaaed iiimaelf u
Tatmuof Clare. Her. Elijah «°'h'-p|«r aft.-r agwading the a.
'hether the pretMul diet or aoL A larwideot. Bya
Ing glad that Preaidrpt MeKioley
L of Akron, tod . and Mat U at Carmel, tod MrandMr. Jetfriu
mg tom of iapriaaniaeat or the pre-Ment will Ih
ii ahot. ud In aboot two leoanda
Sept #-Dr. McButsey.
n of Clan-. lwolh.-r> of the >“'•* I'olclaaed leogwiiy oo Diri.ion
rteetno chair awBlI. toe woald be a.who hu jototd toe pbralclua in at- foud blmaelf in a IiKIp the hotleal
Mr. aii.l Mr. \\. .1, Cilmore of
•’■•“li ih-r^
nwla uleee toe aab pod. hi. life.
iCBidaace ee the fwwldeat. Bid today; mix lliat he lad rrex raamnteied He Mpsnetiahurg.S I'., ud Mr. and Mr..
'* entertaining hi
Oleretond. Sepc 7-Uu Oiolgo.x. "If tbp prraldest k«p[w oo ImproTlag
John O. Benjamin of Urand^Itoptda.- ’■■'
Winnl»-aa4. In.l
Uuy heaatiral i<Menia'w<-re n -' *•'
.MraVKrtgar of BrerkenTha BBiHut waa'tBBadtataLr arIP woeld-be awowia of Pra.ldast tbe ortoia wiU be paBOd oo Taeaday.
irudfcsihen UeeboB the de- peired br the lm|>pr coaide, among ridge are th-guew^ of It-, uil Mra.
, totoad aM waa threwa to tba granad HcKtaley. ba. baea onapletely Idu- PeritoetUi hu oot derelored, ud it
will bare
Taeaday protably if it i.
them being a laadontm- rocker [Wr *'■
EBd »BU ware apu Ua.
ilOed. He Urad M X» Plael
le mu tame to Ttorerap City, arated'hT ih.. poM nmoe euiptoye. ^
i Cani. ofHt lauia. Mirh . ie
MMBd be waaoerarad with Meod
gotog to MBe at all The wonndi
Olerei ■ the gm-at of Ilia .i.ier. Hra W. T
eoUrely cloaod. Jadglag from where a namberof tbe old aoldien fhe bridal party left on I
leoking for him for a time. train tor Clare, where a rrunioa ^ Wonlhno<Mb of lyubtog wen bawd to er- Uad aad are to Alpnaa. He ha. two toe dlrrctiu of toe ballet. It ia .
j^lTbey wanted a rpIleratiM of Ihes-n- the TatiBu family i. Ixinr h-ld. i
A. F Ca— of Ml rhwum i. >n Ih.
«T dtnetlu. bat the poliM Baaaged BMlex liTtog la thi. dty.
lodged to the mBaelm of the lock
. in which <
I- tbe,r.lidn
;aad Mra Tainiu will >g>-ud th r ellr in the tl.lrr.-.t. of lly Gold He
to «a( tba BU ut of the gruada ud
Cleyetoad. SepL 7-Tbe reoiwd of there It la harmlem. m
, . iB-rTe laauruoe Ik,
the iwnln-j hooeymoon at Clare ud .
loakad hia ap to a atatlaa hosae a
seed to take ft Mb Tbe pryaident .. :iwo]BaetobeuleBienla.
________ ..-J,______
Oaolgou waa dug ap wilbowt difficnl,- '"w”’p”’V«BrlSa,g and #on“-»-igi fT
that ri»niry. ami «
being reliered hy opiate., »ooe

«0M ^aiatUT.

tvii^-heuw. lad
ll« >r ann: Johnat
K>«hl»i atPei-t.


Baffalo, Sapt 7.-Uniled Statea Dia-

«to«4A: •

a trip to’ at Iheir hay aiiOn- r
inaBae tamed In the Axpip.


KjF" ■ ■“—


triet Altoraay PaoDoy aaya;


Fresh Add Natty
Appearance so Lon< is—

"f Wmt Etobth
llelr w».«.
amn-i i
her pamila. »- Cam, of Sesenth .lo
Her and Mr. Jntiualiiu.n HuIl-wiii oI
^ ■< itoMu.rdeucli.
the PilipUioa
a we dealre to expreaa ur i to«eo whre he weet to offer hto life u tS^ee.^I i..* to alTflye 1
. t-r. Mr. Ptonk Nelwm. ..f Findlay
lllooiuiaxa]»rt. lada#
bomwudi toteatatiM M Ufa daatard-[ »he altar of hto eoaalT. Iwil be loat tM>, Lydia E. innkliam a K1..J
■ lino, are riaitinx >br famlU of F K
Maud llalltoBtoa lloclJ,.
«e,.ry Riler went to bu
Lydia E-IH'lth
R Iliikbaiu-a
ly attemiN on Iballfeof tbemto-ltime io atepplax to front of the !
tirold. IHI the renio.ala
Form lomj..ntl.l.lhppa
Com|h>niid. thrra ton.-.
Uix.-e ..f 1.
deat. ud to
aBore him ...t
ud kl_______
Mat or S Suuih-y nl <'adtilae, ralilor
! PiUaaad oaed tiir»: packaf.-.'.
axeoaa wife of Mr aynipatfay ud I "Imok here, youox fellow."
i tin Wash, ud 1 am Ba e.ll t
Inf Ih.- Iki.tlllac th-ueipTml. u lo tbe'
prareta. May tbe matdeat tprodlly ]«aid. "I'm |*etty Udir crlppled cp' ceer waa..................................
c than
I aanln l.yMi» A H
Aly Viaailiix hia Dew.jni.T tnenda
ad)aai all Bofonanale hot if yoa let uotlwr woni like time
llnlliday. Willi arcom|ammint b.
- - - - - -. ...... .. ...
etweaa tbe PUIplBoa ud’<>«« «f yoo. I'll atnkeroo W u hard ■
jX'-jTi-i ’•t- Ametbur^Mj
Mr. W. (' l> Uemaiae
»ubbel| aad ana Alfred, gv.wl ef tbe Flk. U>l rteoiog
A fatal tanalaatiOB ofi“">r.oUl am will let me. 1 d«i't ’
' Tile iiiemU-rr were ilelichiid lo *■* .'*|WtBL-fielJ. Mo. anyiatliiig
H.-rt.-n Uontagae, general raaaaget
the oBtraxe woald be deplored ao-!«•»» what yoor pulltica to aor what ■______ .fag^gMba■.Wa^etoai
im. t Mn C T Umwn of Ml Flea.-'
“■ 'h.- etiy today
„t ti.., A l^y M-rtovnlile tie .
where Bate thu to the PiiilUplaea.'’:.roor peraoul feellaxa may be. Wtl-|_
UT whnainke fiwlingly of biw Inppy
Mta U W nidwetltotoliier of Mr. aieiiai|>iiiir.1 l.y hi. gor.|. |1 t. |w
--------------lliam HeKlalry to pnwliifmt of tlie
••Nereraw iudiaiiiiy in mr life.•' »»««ct*ixon wilh Hi.- club dartog iwr
E Uor.t. Iia« gme to Saginaw fiw:W«f .if IViron. and Hi.'aeii Hen re
Boffalo, Sept. ti-Tbeie ii a peraial- Ucited Statea ud while 1 an aroaiid
We nrr fnuu Ohio*" *'■" puyud papfi-aed a.iall
.Wtaed^l^Xtm j.ake ta.1 .-lenliB
It ranor here Ibal u aBarehialic «
-Then ! iloii'l know yna at all," 1"^ |ili-aaate. lu turetlug II(p old . WilKdni Sawrer nf Joliet. 111. , to wiili n line oilWPM UtM
Bidthp Woman, her fare hu.liiiijt to.'f”'-'"** ?C"in
. > uiting S. fi-l for a few day..
the nail, of her lialr.
.] The reiuauider of Ib.-aflemrain wa.
Itonoi lluliUworth u.l in. euier.
W ill Kadeau, agr.1 17. fain|.ed luU>
The nuui faiBgbed load ud l.iag. a« |Ety<«> Bp to BO, lelomni n-p.-iiltmi, at M^ Bdiia. tuM.-grm.-lo LUaing-uil a mn.t iiirmigh whh-h a .iranier
1. ud aluk aaray very a.
be aaiil. "Well, then, h-go«h. I'm <>ne ' »htph light retn-dinu.iii> w. n- «er».d .will ail.-n.l tbe Agnniliural t'-ulh-Ke wa.
harie.1 at Kouih. lake Lto
klMlo the g.-.l, ain't I ." udhe;
d.-n aiol wa> ajfl.awl..l befree bel]iorAed u lh.iB«h'lie werwgtad of li. j.
Pnrf W S linidramnh ud fanito. "■‘‘'d, him
1. whtrh who iare Wii a|ieodlng liw .ami
TherP«Brl..BMH«lt..lhtort..ry. :: <>h--.oI the iduaaat
>hararterire oor aorth.-m eiruratnu
bst the raanwhnvnald pi.ini li
'anauma look place iaat w.wk. wlwn
i Mr.. A. J Oowie. of Ba.i Tonawaii-

ttie badfideot
Byba to taktogallueeawry nooriahBUI ud gatttog along at wallaa
lid beexpietod.
paal tha |*attduk
Saeratary Oortalyu aad Piaaidui
Hilhwn uUaad that the Bu’thaad
•at awntbad to a tamdaga er baadkerAtat BopDrtaofhyatuUi
tovAiabhaad. Ba worked hto way
•MU tba MaaB of paoplt ap to tbe
a%a of tba data uUt ba waa wttbla
two faot of tba petlduL
Biatadut HoKlalay tBllad. bowed
■bdanudod hto bud tottau apfrli
tff lutolity tha Aaatlou peorda at
•all kaow wbu udduly the Mtarp
makeraBy^rarnagOBl ludud
ekm abora tbe baa of roieaa. tbe
dS«»toff of Bvrtod feet aad rllwatitig
Waraa of apptaaae that erar ud
•wa0 hare aad.tbara orer tbe ai

Oae ymnx nma wlll^ a little
tal of hit toaxaaxp' to the fata
tbe irraeace of eetetua of tbe Oleil

bat waa detalai-d
lai-d by
t lltoem fmmi lak
tBR M aotire part todar. macdi lo IbirecTetofall Tbe ehiet fnttate waa
a winy pnweaBttoa of famooe Amerleu woonii. a doxrw farariac «l.iclah wall ihelr pnunoe. in apivotwiTbey were
--------------- -- : : . .
—ate ooetame. They
the ahOertrade Sfoaxae.
the ]*eiM-nuOftoVMklr Wommm.
----------»'« Patchla. .1
laklDC 111.' form of liriEbtde. KTlptiTi- .,-rw.. aompn- d l-r Mn.
axrceable ft-malc wrakorewv 1 '
Charle. A.IaBA
bad apcUa perry two week, that w, Bold
toalfromelKht U< tea dav. an-l w>uuld Iwiter knuwD tier. a. Him Atior Wat^ra to w to bed. 1 aUo had
b».l bead,
kina Th.- mualnl arpomjiulBWDl

dealraa to aeoid a
PolloeaBd ether ometoUdariax the He waa ia a xroap
^ __
day. It i. ibOGxht tlial be 1a abut
diacBaatoxtbr eBoollBy of Preoldeat | aboot
. . ow
. .
ready ud willlax to toll all be
McKlaley wheo lie Bid. •'ll wb a: »«waeall IM timrantil la»t >opien>U-p
_ _
tomdoo. Sept. »—Seoon 'Aaluto.
: only thlnx that woald hVip im-. bit
exbhw ud /aisdo. three laadiax
lotbe xrupof Ben there waa u tbl« 1 lafaaed lo bare d-ma.
PilipiBoa ia Ludu.made tbe follow oldeeteruoftheCieU
el hw to try the
licb 1 di.i. and
Inx aUleBaal
.t today';
"Oa bebajf of I not ao atnax ud .ap|ii. aa he bad!

xaooa bare ^aat UBOaafled that thay
aiBBla corriad Mt tbe work wilhool
• hltab. ud tooold hU dcelxaa toil fear blood peleoBlag. Jf it
Md the pteaidul urrire, only to Dl- they By the rcaaldMt will dto. The
etoa Prerldem ou bp altHbaled baUol hu lodged to tbe maarlM of hia
that buaSetetH rtulL Tbe preaideal. hack ud to caBaiag InflamoiatlaB. Tbe
. tbeoxh waU xurdad by Ualted Statea I
' pnlloe (aar aaotber rtot whu Ihla to:
aaoM dalaMlrea,WBa fatly eapuaeil to
. mb u abaok aa oocarreil Bp atood made fcaown. and ara oalltog mI Ilia
at tha adxeef the ralaed dlsaaimn reaerrea.
Wbtoh atoada tha xrrat pipe orpu at
tba aaal tide of tbe Baxalfoui atnetara Thruxa of people crowded la
Mtbe rartoae eataaoea I
ftafr aaaoatlre, parehuee lo-otaap hto
haad. aad thee «xhl tbelr way oot ia
toagaod-aatarad mob that prwy mtnata twaltad aad ualUplied
patoB Id laxraB to tba botldiax. Tbe
ftaakdulwaa to a ebeefal:
waaaatoytat to the fall tbe hearty
•ndaaoB of good will wblefa erery*bata met hia gau Upu hto right
■eod Joha O. Milbero of Baffalo.
Swal'i—»<d tba Pu-AaBritaa
Httaa. ehattiag with tha laeaidut

wai welktoc alaic Veat
Prut atrael Friday erutox after the
of the praaidut-a amaalMUiu
had bru reeetTad liafe.whae he beard
la la a rrup near lae eeady futoey ay that be wu triad tbe aheottax
faedbeu doea.
The bu wbe waa
paealax the xroop agmax toward the
apeaker. alrock bima'atautox blow
that kaoeked him dowB aa Ibuxh be
hit by a plle-driTer. ud '
. Beared oa tbe roa. Vbo be I
waa or whether lie wa> a hraee
brare mu '
or otberwtoe I. act deltollely koowa. j
bat that ha did wot wjoy
«loy uy aaooB-’
.piiBentary wordamboatt
lebief to erideat

to her addreoa tha aew
Hra. A. H. Paeiy.apake of I
i ad the elab to BeBbaaUp ud
,ateee ttaenuiBtluafew yfwra axo.
I She arxad tbe Bmatan tn atedy the
.ytu'awork Brefaliy. aed to aid >be
i laadera la eeery poBibla way.
alao offered aoBe eteellenl aaxffee
; Uua to luard to the fatarr won «l
' tbe etab which will doabtlraa reolre
, tbe Ibooehtfal eaBalderarlu of the

'Si?;' ■'

He aeoi

tohUwifa. Hto
him away. While their atteatloa waa
vat lo tba aaeb. aaktox them
•Vroled to him. tbe woald-be am
■VuUy with tha WMid-be aarn
Ptouad with ail tbe dtobolioal la- openifid Are.
Baffalo, Sept

Baffalo. 8.^ B-Ouixui will be

halderua. Aa it waa. ua who art6m0j did m oan to aaa ur Meodtha fellow o«i of a aide
door, with Baeh huB bat UUU aalUud «ot hla ut (d damr' of (he Bee to tbe wvwd.
I aakod
wtau they totatodo with hlBlf tbeeoudbl hia.
aeldtbel they totaeded to-auab”
hia. a atateaul parhapa rmtbar todefaia bet oertotoly txpreaalTm

I.r'ebe raised to ttoaM
"Year use U ^ito.
bat that will dui.

"Ko," retdied tbe__________ _____
frcB toeir nu of bee ktaoB talely , eared for
Bw woald todge toal be ' ^wraaBeiaHlkaa"
wosld sot hare bow gutly dealt
with had toay BooBto* to goMtog

i« the one"



ttc arc so cartful ia making it
ifeated apeaka weU fra toe
k of toe clah.
TfaeBiittogi toto^aar anMd to

p!i as-nut to take.
.Send (or (tee ump^c.






foaadw oM iMtker
tag eoBMlBiBir PM, P« <X wbleb
In |oU aets and ti» ttnlater b;
bods «Dd sMt*. Than VihnD dbd .
b« left fir* nu. AUof tbam ven of I
Ibeopblon be

vnatb* aad
vUeb one

■ batMdtac.
Wappad oat •( ba baa ha Ml lifebaa

Mn ud stripM. Ue b a beep <f rabbU> at Ibe haw e( the iMdeabL Iba
pedaabl na iiaU far bf tbe atbool


for earetai
Ml. MM
jaeteftbalr bepaa
HoadaT. «bila|b(Btb^
Tbe |tfl «ae bmdadte
•IK,HQ.v1Uili>nnDWaf abo«t <11.(00
Tbe ObiacM. Ja]ibB««e,____________
Eenae.tbeaUeat'of tbe aeae wae elaabbc ebow tbe api>«clatioa b wUeh (be
|Mto( vbteb. bowmr, wM ee Modn
'(sanelaa. {oat tbe eld bb aad rmerbit tbalptaaeal caaeratiQB boMe the sereleaa
o( rooOt tlMt w«» liUl» dMD««*d.
-- ’vhaalM
Wheat M be
U aiUU be eaiae apea tha|or laPb^eita U tbe Oaled Statea
TbeeriftB of tb* btoM U« >v(- Ooida Buaei aad P
tor- UM-rttatathetow-bJIbolU- UTea aad lae^ew of tbelr ambiakea blddaa tnai
Dr Oiaaafell. (Bpvbteadaat at tbe
oecapM tj i AaijwA. • B« ~~ aeroatatotbe Paa-ADvlaD n-^appUcaitlao for tbe a|

(bn Oaildbc wae b Saaea aad there
aetthe eU|bt«at cbaooe to eava
.Set a IblBK wae bred frea the
are. Md Mr. Aaeiack-e leae ti <
(i^te no hie elook. aiaeutbt to>l,e«ra Hebadp.U0
1-|» btaee c|wead tron the towa
bell. M tbe Peotoa baildbi oeee|dad
balldbc oeeapbd bf Willba WtbbI
with a ctoek of aealand irioeeiriae.(br
Wnboop block oeeepied by
wan eU(« of J. B. Moaroe aad the
t (dOeObe Bea
At IhU
-»ta of tbe
pbot. by the I
Tha ^Iiniatai pfentd by Ihli rllla«e foe dcbtbjt tbe fiaotee are aaoea.
aarily BOt adeqaab for ficbtlac a bl<
Uaae aad a nlapbeae ttifin wae
aaat b Tiarane City, which wae re•panded b by PU Daso. Ed Hearoe.
Law Bitr aad Pnnk Zislek vib tbe
ebaaioaL They arrlTed toe lele.bew
era. w be uf any aniatanoa and tbe
aafioewaa not
Uoadaeter Peck ande a taat no nith
be tralB bal be meiaaie wo* not
■eat in time to are be cia baildinii
Tbelaeeeewib be laaoiaaoe
ried willhe aboat ae followa:
Town'Baa halUiait aboatll.lOO:

Dr. Peatna. t



aolil hie likbc for eisaialiee feered
hU meabl rala He bee beeo etoployed Be a bell boy in tbe Hotel Poe

weat bone aad attaebed fate
laelher nib a olaK
After beiof
pla^ aader aneet Maarille
that fifty ebatettea nae ble d^ily al-

d^bof two faettotberldjte»boTe|de«eieoclea of that pottioa a
Uraiier, Pa.. Sasdey DlRbt. and It iajdorwbiefa la oadn (Maadlaa iariadie.
beliered Edward Hillr, e famer, waa tioo. Be anerta
at Biadoea be
froaca to daatb b tbe terrific atona. j found ao inbeoile lirl. » yean of a^e.
irillM l.r»
_ 1.1. - L.'
Miller left for .kfl
be ridKe abcatly be-1 tied _wlba
when relaUrca
fore tbe alocBi broke. Scafebbit par-! were aot able to watch her. He foend
tiea hare failed to find him
Two I people dyb« of Moeer. dropaey aad
otlicT pptaoo- wi-recinKhI in (he drir-1 wnrrey. who Ind aerernea a dorter.
Inc hail and aarrowle e.oaird peri«h- He fouad ao borpibl near, no revnlar
Iny an tl>e rold Mtv V B Roaa. ;«uaai aerriee to Oorpr or (faeber.aad
wbo waa in the rtorm. had her lc«ra , no tneanr by which be people .-oeld
froieti. Ueotpre O. Harr, a fanner. | procore medical orrenrleal matmeot
■aemede.1 in rcachbR bit home, bat, He nntec be Dominica roremmeol
belly liraieeA
: u, take fwompl urra uvremNly iIh^
-------- aiio bite, ax Am no bryer I oonditioaa
point, hu lempotarily de r Tjiiimm McDonld. I
laivrd Fian
'tank Cook, a ypang man of | Me oldeat homcatbder in tbe United

Bnrlincton, K. J. .of tbe uar of bob Statea. hat ju« died soar Kapid City.
Imad. and arrioo- teralu may follow.
"Hr. Dooley of Arbtey Btnd.
D . ai (be ripe ace of
made (amoot by Fbley !*cter Danna, Cook driret be milk woeou for hi* Me filed be fir» cUim to bu Kebtaa.
While qaieUnc one of be kn boar farm at the i|>- of ir. and w>.
te aanoaely ill at a waat eida hoapital label.
lie ooold Dol famb an Inawt .eornl fiaal pomwion be year afw
Re la aaffcriajr from atomaeh uosbie
aad a eeaipUeatiao ef other allmenta. fromhi. own haadaad fotafollmui b. had toondedoathiaeontary.
Hia frteoda ballare bladaath la not tar nte It bored iabbe fiealiBOmolmed. I Janiea Cbaiwe of Starke eoaaty In-^
Ccwkfoomtbe matter, hntbe neat | ,u,ak. wbo loat hi. life two week. a«o '
air. MeOarry Vplaoe waa a ineet
men aod peblie |*'»rb'-RM to awell. Tbe !| while
while ficbliOR a fire (hat breateaed
- McKei
...........................-----............................. ....
Deputy Bbmiff

skin of cruMs aad aenka and Mfba
(be Iblcfceaed duticle, CUTKURA


RESOLk’HST. (o cool aad ctaaie
theblood. ASINai.EseToftb*ae
treat akia carativea la oftra aBfn>
dent 10 care (he amet tortariap,
lap. cniaUd. acaly. aad pimply
akin, acalp. aad Mood baaware,

Sn.r. emUrd by C

will come when Alabawill ctow ai
anfficirat anpply of (beta.
11c abo I

t~e»»» »rw.. we rww________________

w»lp ..I eruMs -wl-. anO diodmlf. aad
nr liand., lar haty radn. lu-hicca and

my. that what, aW. barley
I Imerd i
'bare been maiered at be itatloaa.
land he binkalt fwobabte to raiac be.-f oH.r that 00 nre or min boold
exported, tli" catw Ir-ina that little
for be booM'market
rbort of a iaaitne Ihreatra. be ronnThen was • tuilltanl army of acariet;nnifonna aad 'mid lace at St.
wfanle country
in b meat dnwdfcl
Uark'A IdMidon. whea Cbpt. Oawald
Many farai.'r* Ime.' plantcl
Amea. be talim offloer of (he Britib
other rrope in the rin-fieU, ami th.we
army, aumed Violet Dortrlhra Cecil, are rallinR for warn of want ■
dnochler of Ihe late Lord Fnaei. Ce
, Attorney <1 K. Skaar .fetBrnt-d ti.
. eil. Tlw wrddols
tlnwiM- Wt. ,
Saiarday. after

John E Winehoomb. Icaa on bnilfitaif. 11.000; ao ianraaoe.
Vlllbm VHcfak loM na maM
craoery atoek. «tS0.
a R. Wynkooii. lorn oa huildias.
•1.(03: btamaoe. <1.000.
(. B. Hoara* and D. E yfyakoop.
lomim atonk. <1.(00, lantBaw,

• ••
aimllarty aaburL'


Wnsao %m CiTMTaa In ib.' tuna
ol baiLvIw aaoa)i>« imtai.<a». loiUiaoatMM.k and et.veiaifaos or t>« frav or
I.e pefapiniiw, to tk.. Iona of
a Iw alrmtivr wrakarwaa. and (or
manyaaott'ee.anlWptic pur|aB« whirl
Mdily aucrea tbama Ivia to waown.
aanTiallrnatbm. Ci-n.Tmt5uarroo.
laMria6art<oteatOaa Pmra.tkonrrr
akin ajid cemplrtloa wa|>. and tbo aaar
toilrt and loly aap U> be wrrid.


mliap 1

UkiB Heme. piudM- for ike ham
lull ebb of ArtaaaaaCIly. iUo . fell
-* -d wbile playinc b a came acaitwt
Tbe aeveab For aUe by P. C. Tbompioe.

M>m Oo.U Uitea.
be eboold't. A ph^bian d
acedlS yeara. The .uy of hi. fnaeni,
be eaee aa lonl blood-polnm
•he rowed that
it be WDBid take
A remarkable I
place owa life. HimlOite.
Oitee nmd-all plan.;
oo tbe Tltamm nrar London be other
WIb a mefa and a mar ae of boa day between two
der, ran mamoa of rock, oirl aod de- woBten. Hra Ptont aa<l Hta. Brodick. ; Dr. E. W. Allen, amlataat
'IB- I
„ :
faria oo bp of Eaet Morenimn. a few Tlie'r ' eombiOMl ace ia lit aad bey
mllea riletaat from Beraboo. Wi« . tare beea i^dcQon. in tot
parted from the haefa pile and embed for over half a oratory. Mrk Frncl|^
ramraed after a ten wrak.'
I lab be ralley below, earrybe won the raoe. It Wa, over n oootwe
iu,,.eetion of the alatioaa ' .
alone nil treoe. bowldore aad cliS* b of erveral mllea in eery' h-wry
bur- m

Dr. Allen repom that all '
lb pab. The ramble and end) of er. SIM- did
0 be l.«
the hardy vetretabb-a are beinp crown
there, aad he predict, that the time,j
be back room, aad ibanfh F. P.
Donee, bob were iaawrialiaed. ooe
a "Dooley. " and be ober ae'-IIea-

Aboat aicbieaa mmibaacoMr. W.
abiioao moiietoi to-bl^l^ 8 MaBBbtt. <d Altaay. K. V.. wldaly kaewB b made eireimaa tb

(ailaaad la r’-------- 1 I
atle by F.C. Tbomiaim

JB a^armom. paiBizaBeB

Deaplia tlie aaam. bait fell b thejroviBc article etpeaiaf tbe >




Oor Slock

b Bow Compiae

an. Ready f«r Your Inspecllon.

am F-nolWT STRKC-r

Lacc Cutlaios and Portieres


Our fall s<elec(ions inciuilc as tine a lioa W'f carr> a comptute slock of I’illowv
> of mediuni and low priced Irish I’oirrT
Comforters. Hlankcts. Sheets. Pillow
Hrusscls. .-\rabian and Nottink'ham Lacc
Cas(» and lie<i Spreads. .-\lso f-eaihcrs L
Curtains ever shown in Traverse City,
in bulk at lowest market |>ric«-=
and in I’ortieres our stock
Blankets, in ijoo! and cotton, all *7^0 *
colors.froin$^.j;op(rr prdown tu * '•'L'
Pillows, in
duck and chicken fcath-


■ 76cS





A B. Hamnoud. (if I’ortland. ibi- . ] in Norway.vnle-d at •even] million.'
and wiadowa ahattmod. Ioba <SD.
form.-d .HroBwh! Iiad
dele aa the n-aolt of hi. ■ xtreme jwir
Ii4« .j>'nl n.-arly nil In.
lif,. oninne O.e wcletli h.rv.wl field.
praoilem yei'a miHioiinire.

Kipht mdeat. of Gie NctthwrMern
MiliCaiy academy Itave left (Thitacn
A prip epidemir ha. been mpintt to for WabioRton in aolotaololea. iIm'
BofTalo amoail horwe. for the |a.l nl.jeel beipc a te*l of Iheiw veliicleii
' three weeka Veterlnanaa. eay bey
have never amt aorh a oondition- .of
afiTait. before. It i. beli.^ed that obI dincoeerr-d
at (lie
horaee nrod in Baffalo,
II a I-ilee from lloio'i.i feet
S.cniare afflieled with the dieea*-.
wdiieh bn. u-en ttno-l nearly
»..bUfe. t. At a dei'xh of :3<> fn-t iImfrom (be bone doebta are nnable to
i> dill a. wide a. at the jarfara.
•ay. The diMa*'if oaailv eommaci- The laoperty la lorativlalaol i: miie.
cable from one aaimkl to aaoiher.
«.wl of Mojave iwi tiie SpotlieTn HaeiWhen abed to eoapare Oarfield’a
The iwe » of a decotn.
Glen Johnatm, a fireman on be Chi- fie railroad
Ote ud bla tnatmeat wlb bat of
coco & Erie railroad, wlio livea at poaed qieulllr natorw, ooniaitiinc
MeEbby. MoBaraey aaid tbe e

Huliaptoo, Ind., ha. retained au at-: ran. macneiia and ailica
wae nttarly dlffanmt
toraey to oommenoc a corioaa anil for.
inat the Brotberbood of feet bick of focbtiie and weraolie.
daniaffe acainat
FiremenvOf wbidi he i. j adjoiams-wlueh i> a de|>oeil of kaola Impoalble b pel be
Baffalo, Sept. 10-Vic«i
Two vearaapo Jolinion ! mre,! propyritle rock. In be
of the ninaiion.
Rooeeveil hae oeonpied a delioah- and
koI for
located mvernl hvipe. of i|bi
In- {v-raiib-d waa Initiated ia the lodpc of tbe order
aw. The amay. n-enred from the
wyltbpoallte^-beer^ whlbiMeldmto 1. ea.erta.n.vl uUt there
luiTc ran a. high a. 51 to 5.iywr|
te. Indent * W.^t be: wm ae-d foroooudreb* Ih- oooeHto mtmy be claim, oae of hi. eye.
Baffalo. Sopt. 10-At 8 «0 Dr. Riny
■lamina *Be.idv« Ihe ralne. of '
oogboot be b 'jiiooaldiiBbliiyof be pnaiilrat aad
*° **“* **•»
Mid; "Theinildralabedb dtnp
waa to win the ----------------------‘
Me ezmiee 'ot
He drol*rea bat
Ol ex'-cntive iunrtion»'““‘*'’‘*T
apaia bU manias.
Wbmi 1 dem aad reupect of all It liaa. which the.- woald impoaeoo him be pcrwmi io charp* of the ceremony
mnnwd be mid. ’OEl am atroeim.
r, addedaaew bond between on the oontmrv. Mr. Rom. velt h« were.unoeeemanly t^li and eaielra.
8m. 1 ou> more mdly.’
Tbee he
tUcooph be ordeal
iheTloe mddeni aad bom aaami- been on, of the moet poaiiivc in tb.
vvemme ordera abont eloalnp bia
aad want, a
mire. He Uv.
borne at Qm«m. aaomud bat bey aledwlb tiH-pmldent. and be lat- deeUration tliai the ,ceaideat woold
hia damage, at <lo,(i«i,
inimiw to move bim to Wabiatton,
of tbe lodpe my tl«re wma aothinp
babtoe ablmt abont aome
' oat of Gie tordioarv ia tbe eeremonv
ItwiU aot be pmalble to
it wa.
■ewwc ri dw dukr wli* bb. U M
(he aUdlnp mam e«m-^ laard te tipned after her exploit
“.uuibhyM «<■■<-Qneb* at be Cliffe boom, her teena Mea. Proat (lallod bow ^ I porely aroidratol. Ibey ate rapport
Buffalo, Bept. ID-Dr. MeBuney mile*.
lened by be npraar. rh.bed from inbefamoB. Ann Glaarille-f
leoTtn for be cab tonlibi. pravidlap
(bme oo no tsrthar nsfavorable de- (btlrraoma b Mpht.. Tbe friction wonmn'. new. which drfmted thei!
d by tlte onnhinp ma» of alone pick of-French Mam. al Cberboorp
a of alfnltuinpmimto IB be {naidtat'a eaa
aiadeattreakofblaalBcUpfat thai
aad other poru nearly fifty year, apo fe u shown b the yield of a twenty,
ibledbepab ofa meleur.
and which .alae>)Benily beat a picked five acre field beloopiap to D. K.
Gorden. jo«l •oath of Ablleac. Kan,
«m at Briiib blnejnckem.
, waa airab.d ben today.
lob aad lb rropeity de­
He tried lo .ell the land la-lhe aiwlag
For the fint time in 50 ycon two
Kew York, Sept, lo—A apeeM from broyed.
but la vain. Heha*'
white women liave hreo
Buffalo lab Bipht ova; Oaolpob Lm
,,____ ,, ____ ,,
■ ibreobealii. alfalfe and aecured «ti
AfWr a Call of 800 foci into be
eonfaaaed to be Mparintondbit of po­
— Mr w,. -™<b M.
come oflbc Kaatorbill fall, in the
u.r,..i„ I—
lio* tlmt a week before (be booUnp
OaUklU mooatalna. Him Oarolinc
aed MU. Grace Vrace. olerk
af Piebdeal MoEinUy I
i crop* of t'
Schrodb. <rf Brookya, waa found na- cf the rotm-m,- conn eif ludi
'ton. After
paying U1 expense* be
ban mvr for a fow bruima
the fottBoatc yonap Udie. wbo hare
'land ha.
plaape. ever
(uccipiee SNO feel | been ao dUibcuiatiol. The ceremony
There will yet. wib rain, bra
height, and UB ooe aide ef be'bok place at the Pan-American e*tio.
"l^Md to do U." mid he, "aad
Jtnrge i. a abelf red intting
tting ontSO
ont 80 *inoB.
.inon. Chief Seven Rabbila
Rabbiia a winaa ■wwuipUee
tram Buffalo
. . '
— —.1-^.,____ , feel telow be .
kite Shreeoelteto
Indian, pronided and eanfetved ■ *■
dUra»e U epidemie •
about B week ego, aud bbr met*
edge of the Ibetiilea To M i» UnvaU be aame be horn of norbera CaiUoraU .
1 believed to be Bmma Ooldgorge.loriberbalai
IfelLTfcree'of Prtooe..
•kUke.-Knnny-Mark.-*“«"'• »
tbe ballet at pnawt aad mya ben ia
Boraaamwhybe pnaident will a
nenrac rapidly.
Dr. HcBaraey aaya; ^’Bo bad aympapparod
Koar aa ay
new that tbe precidoat U oat ef daacm and tea week atiU pomdUlity of
At Urn ad
of tlmt Uma. If all poa wall, we may '
be able M aay that be Ueenvaja-


Onlgouh wbo'bat - re far refnaed to
lie. bat I
revual be Identity of hit aoeompl
Tbe bog* are dying j'Y*,,
aaya bia womaa and a man west to' The dlffienllv in "driving - hard-i **''“*•■ «««»ODr 1* L Saddler of
L The animal*' Inag* I *■ “
wood log. U erne ever wlitefa lumber-, *bc Ciaeiiuiati atoek yard.,
Hiatmra Ffella, bat a good oBWttualty
b be affected. TbedteaaeUea<»1!
to UU be iMltaii did net iPeabt BMW have long •indied. and it ha. * «>“«<tirely beycod be control of tbe bog
A well-Blgb beyond mdntlon.
'BoM-Oood Horww. "
Itoaif. Tta^ MIpwed the luealdmiand handler*, aad it i* hoped ^
Thirteen girl bank toUer* all - in a T
Uol party to Buffalo.
They walked Hachttnber U tel broaaae of beir
eualewiU take a Imnd b In•■Bkingb rivera.not only going to
TI-firat of their aex lo .it aol-i
waole. bot clogging be water coarae* enmiy behind iIm b
bai half be *wbe between PortUnd
and making be work of rech ereacw ! Uuiku.g window can i
and .San FraaeUco have died withib

State Fair

OartU aad Bailey. Stoehlaa, Me-.j^ —.«■ emmomi
to be cm ia-anee ' *cre«t. Chicago. They are a tMaaCifaU
ardwnod tree.. Half of bemj.ighl. a. ibgy liar op like n> maqy
right haad. be *ame a* baaemmia.
atripped of JitancliM and be little fiaaaeial non. hriitad be gtai"We fignred," said Omilgoa*. "that
- Tbe other inga take .voor monev. conni it wib
ifbeeauld pommfelyby Ihe guard,
altowml to
with bu bnadkertiheit tied aboul hU half
lumd. 1 nould. Tbe iwnoideot'* gnaA
aOewad him b inceed, aad paid no
tag plcamm bat would
altetfen to me when 1 apgnuhed
a pbotogratdi gallrty. but ihcy’r* not
HcEtotey. thmi I but fate twlee."
be log. win b* **01 down Ftemat all<nv«d lo Ungfa or ytygle
river logvibcr wlb be dUilngoibiog
When Ibv ariiapl cblldnn of b«
•..and Ubro* which-wermoi i Unltod fitatro p

tbe npeb ,
avette It:

Tb* oeatMl lu* mtOad down to a
atobbun fight.wlb tb* DemmUr mill
aad b* Kattetal Tabr work* al MeBrngita* Ib. Immadlat* o*aWn of
««!• I

ef the oben and ia good ooudltioe. a : wai^ivra a r>
lueblem which faa. long vexed be dm* of be L
hardwood operator, will b.
telly tolved.
baried in -a nalae hu been *o Mclected
wbaat bb whloh bad aot bran opooed now almost a wnek. Tbe pedeatal U
fm two y« belt* ef E Ole Wal- j faltlag a[wiv aed nate* it U nadrod
Ot SwadM. Who dmdtweyteH altmae tb* equ.mriaaalatu.wiU be
teto ItertaguaurUI. aud appatteily I tumbled to bar


Focett fire, are tavagtag Kew
Foundlaad aad bnolen ravural Urge
Insberiag diriricu.


Uw loM 'to timi
tnliTccu will be vnr gnat.





NVw BoildiBga.

Good TraoaporUticin. Large 8bow.
! Fine Raeva. Hplmdid Atlrm-tiou.
Halt Fare and £x(raruiaa
Aak yotir R. B. A^t.
jroD tv Bttrad thia jeur.
great Fair.


flatea. j


T pai


Foot bndenaatd. won-jlomtu* nrarv
,octaecl»t. ofhtek .l,*^ with loos

Baffab. fiept. lO-SroatO' H
bflfor Olevelaad at 1 o’clock bia
aftcraonn. Vice Pn«ld«et Rooaevell
will «o boso toaicbt. Dr. Blsay mya



oatrlch tethem. The bnde . «"■«> j „,rouB,i leadiuR Ihe Uf.. of a rammon
w». ramnd hr two little pirla

fit»l haada b ihi. atate. Fifty Ihooi
aaiTwcrYW are iarolri'd in tbi' d.-nl
TMie land ii ailaale.! on tlmJaalUlin j
aadTiabriven Tin'land wa. par. |
ehaaed from be Socthen Paci'lic. The ,
(Wine U reported to U- ahonl Ainc.llOO.


U. ill]




"fc'siri'dt'n i;|g
KKKf)R()CKKKSin Shel­
lac. Mahojr.iny. l-ortrst.


I™-............ ••

e-- :“«3.26;-'SI“~:

^ e[This' I.arnc .Yrm Rocker.
X*Ov ; fancy I™---'T"r
lumeii s2.'in<Bt-back,


i Grand Rapids Furniture Co. |


218 fWt STREET !

Jldvance Sale
Of lackefs and 0ape$
We have just placed on sale 200 Sfiort Jackets, bought while east,
^ ^uglrt them for two reasons: First, they
thej were very cheap, and second.
: beca<i» many prefer them to the new style long coats. These toRethe r
•- with atx>ut 150 carried over from last season we wish to close out
quickly. We’ve divided them into twolotsand placed fhem on sale at

$3*4$ and $5*9$
^ The values range from $7.50 to $18. These will go quickly. An early
: call will insure the best selection. Ttfts-tran opportunity that you pr«bably will never have again.

Urn Tall and Winter Jackets
H Such as Automobiles 3-4 length, in the prevailing styles we are showing
^ in large quantities. The 27 and 42 inch garments have the greatest
*: demand. We solicit your inspection. ‘Our prices
orices will interest
int<>r<><ri you
well as the garments themselves.

Skirts! Skirts! Skirts!

^ Skirts in ail the .latest weaves and new style
; Just opened a job off 90
flounce, regular $7.50 values. Your choice of the lot FOR JUST$S.OO
Dress skirts, silk skirts and walking skirts in large varieties of cloth
! and sVies of the latest types, are arriving daily. Our doak department
this season will be larger and more complete than ever before. Allow
us to show you through.

We «
Too wilt ]


rAB dkAita wuvitibiE herald, septembse la, iwi
. VnUoilleKinkjee ■M VlUllB th*
Ba U amtmmt tar poUUtml ablllHMMd well
Tanad is bMh Itte prlseiplM mmi arts
at pshUc sOsIn.
Tbe iraeiaa nsk
be ii Aaatlwd ta Is aaoardad I17 hU■afotaloMi bslittu
Btalf be imdlMad that be will be
dres a bld> pleea amooc the owo at
bta Um attar the paaaleBiMid ireje-

psbUel^. atlll iba
aiioad la. aad tboae who deaatdeit
hesM baa baas kapt tsTh^ sad
111 mMtr with these who da
t tbalr Bwtiisl Ion lad bs
Tbe ebaaoea an that toed prlcaa
I U set ter werda to loU. yet ae will eoBtlBBa iriMa lbs market epena
itlfel a thlBK ocmU set ba iM cp- bp tor tall atotU aad faraors dieald
ba anrtd-a bi(fa Piaeaa sad be aswith iba amifcat tor p
aadaai lajars (bo
To bar baa e< a thia tertlUa tblsc. atatlOB of the isRloe by adllaR oal of
ssd^witb tha w
for iba take of a llnla (ala.
I'a lore, aba sal
sa the hnrier Rrowen <k> not
basraal eoaisca ter hia mke.
aarlp, and the paaelkea la not
all the boaaea of Aneries is tl
. bot Umre are aaOBRh aaaa to
dan thaia itaaa to har. tbe Rood wife
of ear good praaidaBt. taoderaat ■•falathr aod eatsaal tsarara. Ood bleea
Ood <
bar asd ihre bar
«ttSR of tbr DHrli
atreoiph to bear wbatarer oooiea. U

Jaha bny. who has beaw timnagar
>theioBth a«B.
•< lha i«oa of the Wmaam Oakm Tel- ttaae to tU the eltr with rlAtm
b Oempaar ta Cbla eilr for mcao tram Bosthere Biohlfaa. ladiam asd
twsatr roan, wiU rotin bom Ohia
tet pooillo>i os ibo M of Ootobar.
Omriat B. OIMa, who baa baas to Aaa Arbor
»• o-P*or of Mr. Bpnr for aareral M- « B. X. with________________
raan as opatalor. will asooaad btoi sa lauaboard.
red aoclaa Tsa^ J Os tbe G. R. * L the ntnlar
darof hlaai
amt to tbe plaoe. Ibr trato araa abosi two boara li
Oorbattof Oisra- eoaaeqaeaier of the
Mr. Olbha wlU Imre aalire ^ Blefamead.
Fire fall
ef tbr local to tbia eitr. wilb.»0
- Bboard. Manr bendr > weal os to

I Chls start win bt eiattd JIR Day Satmday, Stytaiabcr u. mtiao is
Bakrew Daw Sear'a.

new Fall Goods

Ba waa anaaRed with Oea E. psinu fsrtimr mwth.
Vmto. an experi epetmtor of Cfaiim-: At* o'clock Pridar moretoR Coo
the iwtitiob (otacop
to take a iiealtiaB to the omoe oa Ideator Peek w«al to Walton to meet
family alun asd fron tbt ituaeal
midnlRbi esprem. which had I
tara and wetstai who
Mr. Barrr has aerred tbe Weatrre aboard aaolher nr. TUiion from
nelL Tbe horaeoMB w
what thla ereat Borrow ujo the
Uotoe ooBiatBr manr riwn. aad for soath
whole Balioo
tre rears preTlona to hUapfietotmaat
RirinR the eitp IT
rt, if it
1 ooald. a* her
ensrd and taotact,
ef thU ofDoe be a
Tb.- Seisember term of (lie cireoic
aawaiUat. howerer. tbu the isab ahsll | haalasa. now for the flist tine pow- feel from the treel of the drlrlsR
obaarre tbe saarntBl ralu of uatsllt7 ! erlea* loimte for her haadoee thrpaRb pack In order to wldeo East Proet
that lime i, sort will wmrene next Mooder. Sepamke
is order to tsoeira the aifworal of hia ail the aaan of thbir wedded life,
rmer K-, wltli JodRi- Maria on iln‘ office. Ur 1
100 feel wide, of tbe atroel
ooaatltcaata. asd
la*nch- There an- fire CRimiaai caws
for the BrU t
from Uardeld aToaoe to ^ Bar
the cnlaniier, ooe iRalasi (>eorR>
tTbai or Kww
a that aemop waa J
from L. a. Brraal. who at Brst
we aboni fifbeo' Map-s for Urr<wr Gretna dw.-ll.up.
Itii Botan raar
SBRRaatod tlial 34 feet be donated br
» Prealdael UeKluItT ia.
Herman Uaar f.'f borand hastiaoe ivoialiied in 1^'^*
aljblr of
the impertr owoera on the aooth aide diatcs of the office
parbapa. thea
iRlarr, a similar cen- SRain-t .\Tihnr
Preaideat HoKulej. It wa> the work of the street. 71.U pUa did sol meet
e in the execoi
Tbe bnriness of tbe telejW oom-1 ^ “o™"
Obe aRaln.t li-orcr
arowed anarchlat.
He aara ha with ReoeiBl faror. altbooRb the idea
oOee. Tbe paraonai aajiecl of hia uaI»rhas iaerresedto «ch an e.tent! HT*’«-tt>-or fr« r-tao»The
lanreiy ‘ '
of taakioR a wide boolerard of Ibe
tsre la paihetieallr beastlfol.
that tbe offices hnee reeenllr become '
anarch Ui, who
became popolar at oore. Hr.
Bet faiaiarie fame mu npoa
taro-nr from a dwelling >11
allowed to so frosicitfto: Brrmjit Ima a Ioqr .trip of land on separated and are BOl’rao in concec
IblatBore thas
lion witB oneb other as fonnerlr- Mr. :
tor tbe (oodBuui la bot neoeta
Bury will herrefler Rire hUe«l«.
i«»« d »»c.
Tbennoat be____ Ktw haobwaalloweil loaae tbe irablle drtriRR fairk and was willinR to Rire
prraa to isomaliiate her dootriae
feel off what be cpreed on the
bisad with {nritr of life lui innwritT
•lenirr«l.iich W BeU.......... .........
the telepbooF errhasRe ef the Miehl
Detroil, Dot losR affo, ereu tin- do<Ks
3^ DrirtoR Park
of Bouraa aad ao lolellaetsal oajaiei.
has ebaiRC of all'
‘he other U-inR
ototian. howerer. objected to RtrioR
^ topwftwm inrai deeda wortliilr.
-------- ----—
Um- Ttarers.
Trarri-sf t' .tr
bnslDMi of ihai oomimnr for a ra- •
«■«’ «> ihe
.poke from tbe polplt BreeliieDC He- ao mod.. arRuioR that both ridoo of
. of 100 Bikw
BlUw anwad
anmnd this eitr and
ElBler'. aoMiaaln mra lie wa* isati- the street wonld be eqoallr benefltted diu
Truferae CitrRated to hi. daatardlr deed by thli aad all the prepertr woold be Rrenllr looks afler ihe toll line
CM who ba* imadlp feUllod lh« reTh.-re are seren res-s In rii.uc>-rT
which iuw beenme rely extensive.
enlianeed in rmlne. Tbe aaaoeUilea,
dbiraataou trf hli hlpher'd.wtU.y.
]wx> ooofi-sso and elRilt ui clmnci-rr,
rmetloowocl in thUlocslAnnual k;\rct>n<i: -.ti li. II. A I
1 Are thoae who harbor and ea- boweriw. aRreed to Rire torenteen *
Tbe raoard of hia oaronr U an ioapirathirfwi of these leujR dirortv suit.
It. R to I >. (nut. TuI 1.. aiul Vine..*-..
RB In r ibnoeent V if tbe
feet, isoridiiiR Ibe propertr owoera
ties to .the roQlh of iba werld. fron
«'.1. i*I. 1.1 lli<-hni..iiil, <UI
Ur. Barrr has. aiow
1 seTTloe
1‘sidensi oenlui:
aiwTtion i* trae. ifaen Roma
the opposite aide woold omiiribete
wbatarar |ioinl it OMf be anroiiniaed.
naa U a mordema, and tbe eitr.
. Bnffalo. th.jrt tl-CxolpoM adinil.
---------------- ^------------equal
It appaab to the aeaae of deoencr iu
idenees of the ap|ceci.tiou of hU
town, or mao, i» aroman who liar
that Uien.-wasanmspiraev tokill Ih.
Annual Ohio K»cur«..i, . n ii <
the baBaa aoal, and la an e.iooorUr. Brrasl was at Arst nnwillioR
E. and
Tieea He ba. in hi. poaseaainii a
A K. R W.-aii. ,.ljr, Oi
bore or asritu, or allc
to Rire the land on the north side
•Caneot to iadoairr, intairrIlT and
ifleate from T. C Plane, now I'nit
ter or protoclion. ii roIUt of
llliienco. Sept. Jl—Proof lias U-ei llol
beoanw. he bad pUttod it
and ”,
Tl< ki-i. F. I
foniiit lliat Henry Trav«lio, nn
l-yruiil i
No BUS Id pablic life waa arer far- IDR aa enotmoo- cHtsenad sUellniDR,
afoot all^ it
Rood work ia the Toldo dmirict aev
a trimiDal.
indcrarmt h-n., went to .Sau
that raawred from the canie<
When tbe land
Aiulwhatof the anard.iri.;
Tl»r platted Ur. Brranl asked the ooeocil oral r«wr bro. which wa. neenmia
aiiaatiutioa than it thla raaii.
are been Rlren ihelter and perfect to itooepl hit pUt. with a twentr-foot oied br a cheek for S*t;. He iritoa
- turn h
po»aaaa that rare qoalil; of per
lioe obmiiicd Iioseessioii
of ilu- lacU,
Tick, is (..r ih:. troiii on aah-Tu. s
aMbI klbdlloaai wbicii not ool; al- freedom is the Unlud Sbuea Their allcT- This
pebUeaSiou. toelttoR to riot. 10 mor- it S3 feet wide. At tl» t
lart.T* nf ihe ooospitn''
ttaota bat boldt the alTeouotit of
■HOR this
1 but TrarsRlio iiad
lioR. bowsrer. Ur. Hamilton
paapla. It ia an atuibale of tbe tool. der. to Iseendfairiam l.are been allow
aod ■ , Row Enbeto, BRod to. died Pri
flown. He is i Irare
licat<>dsin list |r.x-ul
ditariafU eliaraeUr from tuacnet- ed the ass of themaiU.
^her ot the *
.onjdar at her homeal Lour Imkrof eerelajB. wbioh Utbe power 10 awakes been p-tmiued to plot auamlimtion atroeu and waUa. atotod that under; taro qdnal menenRili.
Tin- faneiml
.\ month old ehilil <if P-i.-r Unoiv.a
Emma Golimaa
• lirld for dial
adBliatioB wilboat iDa|drin« an __ la osr cities, and to aeod
the cUr wenldiooeoRed from 8l PrancU ebsreh
fanne-r lu-nr RniwndTity.wns stout: ini:
SepL pj.
clioseo for the imrpnar to prabeblr ooosent to an aUer S4 feel | Sondar
It ia. rsUiar. a potin-tar-- IrV n wa-ii ami lli•■d siiurlly '
Hrtroii. .So,,I It—Tom lUrel-n. ih<ealiaririfl whioh ai
. _______ shoot, stob or poison ihe rslers of
thiwebr RirioRMr. Biranl a direecioD of It. L: darter,
:i4lureiirtls from blood iwisnniiie.
mote desirable depth to hU loU,
■awaU frOBibU aetlona a» froot hia
uiRht for savinR. "1 wiUi [in «>u<l
I DO attempt to Inlorfere. Poblie whioh with 1: feel (»ff and a S3
dboacbta. and ia apart fron. the iniloBert Dohm died fUtarchir
ilaRs hare lieen i.nld at whioh the foot aller wonld be rather abort. | home iwar Uapletoa. of nerebro spinal then wen mun un-n like Crolcia-r.
^of bit panonal prwenor.
This mi.njlUR >..■ dcmai.d.-.l.-.i ,ury
Mr. '’Birani'a! »«*'«in‘>» « U»' Vf «f
the poblie mind dlffeo from wildest and mosi lanammatorr Un­ This met
trmLTlM- caw is s.;i fur S jrt li;
ha. U-en pmlited. IneltioR approval and.heaRtoM to Rirs Ihe n-[^he foneisl ooeorhid Ssudar
« But,,.
London. S.-|ii, U—Siimi- excii,
after tbe aainre of Hear; (he iRsorant to riot aad morder. Now qoired tend if Ihe iwotmsillon of the Innder the dir<«tian
Mowi.u fallen that hrinRsall ihi.
a-n. oiuwsl in aiuirrlurt .|uJn.-is ihiIttee eoold be catried eot. See-1 « L. Qarior.
Otw-a Ha U able to ooorlnoe men
niiijR by till- miiliiiR ot ttu-. Aiicbi
n to oor own homea i'alterson.
wilboat a toooh of tbe hand He ha.
Isa clnb. Uaiiy arrests, w.ii-moil.-,
Infoaed the spirit of hU inleiil N- J-. is the admitted headqoartors
pnliei-hav,-iiier.-(uo.| th.-jrriRiI
tolo that whlah be doea. He ha. eon- of the anarchln. of ihe world. Prow
pl.-.I--. |,L» fWl'llS.
ance in sliadowinc all viub-ei
tiiaicilr haTCROb.- out theeelecled
T!« 1!.- s-r.-,-r Sfa., revoinehisu '

norderers whiMo auiRned work haa
■aaal Mrada. mul indooed

areanioingdaily. Seethe

oaaaed to blaa haniati aptoiaa.
Permal CBOoUlt; 4oea sot detera Isdeidoal
■use la hlMorr.far the world
ben that wtaieta a maa dors, rather
Ifaaa that wfaleh be la li bat booome

; new Dress Goods* Skirts* Cloaks, etc
and fbc

r» .

new Clothing -it

: JIttractIvc Prices on Coerythiitfl at


been to kill, and who Imre killed.
What of fUtb-rswi, N. J. y Will ihai
rilr loORi-r allow tlieae RatlierinRa'
Will PMter.™,. K. J., loORer harbor

■pnkaa of a. an opportani.L It 1.


l-rssMmi l■sl•e■•las*IU|lldl>.
Ruffalo. }N'pi. n_The fnllr>«inR‘
boll.-im wns Isam-d ly tin- |>rrsi<b-iii s
l.liysii-miis M Kn. m. '-Tli.- ,<.-snl.-ui

.uu „

a that: It marks a ohaoRe
"kT IsadameotoU of .
•»«M1 Usa> aad U the time from

-Inblra-oototod with affaim which

“kWld la the folleet

^ work done darteff tbe riwrt period
l^tole, ontorwi the
Bat it 1, to erldrmoe
P»^ bassoeemd tobe tbe rita
prehlim baton the people. The jse>

dresslUB ni Ilia wnnod lusi tiiRhl. Ills
rtomach lobtaie. hs-f juic-well »i:.l
tiiki-ti H-uh Rreai aatislaollnii..
foiidmon this -niornins is--xr.-l



a inrafflclcnt I

ooaatiT ainoe toe
What of toe
have .Mtled
aeitled the B
at Uato for toe time beinR. deatJilsnola pnalah^t And yot
•rtenrioB of torritorr ha. that i. ail that can ^veo anr man.
Bot llw fate of CrnlRae* ahoald
made toe fate of anarchr to 1
n>e United Bute. f. am
avowed, op
with all toaitoleu
mowbed. iwblic-pIoitinR. n

T*«» of toe hoar. Bot Mcltinler did
e the abov- -wa* written tbe tehto make oondittaas; ,!«. preoeived
tbow^^aad be hat toe oowbrs of e
anoitod to .ObioiRo. Tbe qiietr
M who U endowed with tbe mratol
dll penlneat;
of Emma
fflflB wbito ean Risto. sm<I toe moral Ooldmaai
^•■flh.wbidi can retain a Brto hold
Mlatake or HMer Penema.


Itoll. re Roaue. re lovtoR.
too delieoto for the
of haavmi to^low upon.
bae brentotoe world what ri.e ha.
^ for a tor kmfer qwoe of time to
bar baobaad. a wommi to be >o« 1
dorir pretested from evmr
barm, la the mtij rrezs <ff Mr and
Mn. MeEtoUr'a marrird life, wbre
oae afmr the other tbe lluU oUldma
«*do<l ewar after . brief
toftoltom of lUe Uw motoor'o hcolto
ladod. too. wlto Ibetr ptmloR. and
toaae thea oelr toe moot antirioR
aad ren baa kept her UvioR

IdvtHr to toer faeve for Ibe imi
•to fftoto ta toe white ererch-llcht M

IBooks and Bibles, « *
School Books Stationery |
at Isipcst priees in this part of the slate.

fjobart-Bsechtr Cc. Props'.



know the- |iri-i.b-uf
.liluiion and 1 iaow h,. i.


We place on sate a new lineof Footwear at a
price that insures service, style and fit.

The ,w,.s^.i could 4.-•
mnv..i ,0 wa.hinR.on i^Rh, witoon.
dn«Rcr.lf t.w,-m n.^-I;
inrii there U-. j

Hra Rebeoea Jatrelt. who lias boea
a retldeni of Uiii oonnty for the fast
iS yewradied Mootoy moroioRai l(i:3<
o'clock at the residence nf her danRh

A- H. Brown on West Prom
toe aReof 77
fnneral was held from die choreh
Inland WednswUy nt 10 o'eloek an
der the direction of W
Mia Jarrell was ibe mollier of foor
SOBS an<l nine tooRblers. all of
.lirinR bat one dacRht-r. who
died abont a year aeo. nearly fio y.
of SLRe. Ura Jarretl wns ill ainnt two
montos before her deorii.

........... -Vk'. i«rand 7-V
. fO<-.*I.l*landfl a.-.


The 014 Reliable Shoe Man,

AtPlinl Ttnioiiy Lyneh.
h- contract to lav.- and pni .lown Tnursoay. t^ntdewalL. on-horn, Sa*.n»w .m-, v-i «■

242 Front Streel



i»cke<*of.woo.lierereil,.v'-»in -V
P.v.-or e..n-n,.
.................... .
rested, hot were afterwards n I,-n--,l.«...a,„

AUROst Krokr i |irot|ieraas farmer
of B.-:,r Like. Iuls jnsl reeeivei wind '
that bis
ffl yean old. who ran
•, a
from borne tU months sro. Iu'
riRhl leR col off whili
rinR tniin.

' -ir



Jinnual I Important NoticeT
6. R. $ T.

which j

H. L. * Oa Best

^ First Hailonal Bank oft
Traverse giy pays 3 per

le^roR to iioiird I V cent.
<■ Saiinss Dtposlls
1. on

IA number of Pontiac ........... ,.,r jc .tisVi,'.’,..;: i:,",':.'.?,,
bcRinmaR to fin.l oni ..ttui lU v |,..v,Iwen swindled. A few w,. L* uco a
T.. U-.
.mine to represent Hanvv .*X!


Rev. Wm. Uafaon left Manday fet

.... kV. UV and |:i 00

Not how Cheap, but how Good. Try us.

to<- fullow.
OR from toi* pan of the state: Hon.
Prank Hamilton. Traverse CiiT;Han.
A E Palmer. Kalkaska; A. P. Gray.
Arehle; -Eu. tsuid, Uid Mimitm: C. .................... .. ............ .................
n ••
H. Moarom Monroe Centre;'O. W. ]
U a lln of the bc/toR and
looked for.
_______ ra bad hot
TMk or Mb. Marxarm lamdre.
McWetoy.BeiUier; N. W. HervinRtem. 1^*^
few eorlr polate. to read____
Kargant Loodoo. tbe daoRtaler of Solon; Chaa A Nel~. Northpori;
ThU. however, did not deter
Mr. aad Mrs William London et Baet Wbl Cote. BiBRbam: D. H. Dey.Olen
Mllax frloNfrom reaploR toe beneflu of hiRh ix-lcee EiRbth street.4ied Tbarstoy aflenocm
at 2:30 of typhoid lever and ceretao- Dayteo. Leland. O. P. Carver will al-:
too emly.
and nnripe. have
Rpliml mewoRitU. after im illnem of
fo from hm- a* the reivesenuiive Bbon Out P— . ,
beooRlil 10 the city and sold to boyers
Bbort Cat Pork per lb. .
aboni a week. She was cwroly years of tl.e cHy coonetl.
Ploar. M. L. * Cc Best
foroetalde nmrkeu

. ta from tJie
ir far tbs
markeu that
stoch was beinR Boardman Rivet
Electric UrM a
shipped from tbU looality,
srvions mistaka In toeir Ura Dr. Cbaas at the lime of tbe
*e«I to Ret bleb price. Rrowerv of po- marviaRe ;ef the latter.
She was a
totore should --■
Firm MetbodU'l
Ssoh a iractioe U a tom- ehanb. and-premlasnt to toe work et
to^on as a potato cawtor toe Bpwonh Lreffoe.
andihemsallwil! be that other par- popaUr amcnR her
(ion, of Uw
>07 will ncrivetev- tkmto vriU be toridy mnaroed.
Oiaad Timi________
The dUsoae toat trealied in her
ride markeu Our larutoes now have deaUi early took a aatlRuanl 1
toe repaUtion of beinR the hesi ia tbe
and tooojto U wo. bopol for a time to
ooimtry. aad every farmer shoeld
her life, it braaoe oppareai
strive to maintain Umt distinction
morelaR toot the f«I wot jMor.
(jmU it It diRRiaR lUelr tote
Mia Laaden'a dsoUi srtU be sleeply
• befews tliey an ripe la order miaiwd by her former
to sel blRh prioaa There will be a
to. ffiRh adsort. wtare to.
loss ia toe end ii Uw irectie, u pm-

-»U-\ II 25and*l.:dl

lluy*' S.-l,m,l .shiaw. srdid..............

Hwiih'iirirat vr,«aiu.
A prellr weddioR oceorved Vedeeedar-Sept t, at Solon, wAcn Him Uo.sie Smilli. daoRhlor of Hia 11. W.
HitriORtan. wa. nnited in marvisRa
to Mr. Prank BriRht of Barryton.
Uioh. Tb* otremony wa.
ten o’clock. Rev. Ohaa
offieialioR. and'took place in tbe front
The room, wen decorated
wlto RoMen rod aod white aetoraand
toe tx-idal rarty nood ondm ai
of fens and vinos. The bride
jretty Rown of wliiie siU mnll aod
carried pink rweei peas.
The brides­
maid. Him Jennie BriRht.
ed in pink and white aad rerried pink
' ra The Rcoom wasattredod by
Alvin Smith. After tbs oeremony

I..ndiea' Viei Kid liaU. aolid ...
Mi-etV ViH Kid Hals, solid..
CliiMr< n'e Vid Kid Usk enlid.
IiirsiiU' Vie! Kid Itala, m.Ud ..

Tbe blRl. prior. beiuR paid la the dhiiDR room, wfaiofa wretr
armets for pouiore to toU .eclioo U fere, aad Roldea rod.
M^ BriRht left V
^ honored fcaiRbt of tbe
Bo^IAbU. nenitoRonlr .reiiof oo. mislake. ii order to quickir lake
■nil to aqalp him te toe offioa
adranURe of Ibe advai^V
Never before liae toeie here

too Cleat to be pot into wonU.
toe tervow that haa eome to the
loved mid lorto* wife.
^ MtoR of toe nalioB toward her
bemi a peonliar one alway.; re

Ml Ihe latest and best miseellancsus


- v™

^ UDdtoaHtoebotrerand tooek fol-

Bsughtior spat cash since Ihe lire. I

One Month Free!

(be nwtoer of alx childiea
le foneinl was held from Si.
Francis chnroh Toesday at S o'clock.
ander Uie direcdoa of H. L Cnnet.


*Wd«t MnEtoler amr ha oaUed
• epfextoaUt to this seaae: He saw
oommitb.- for this imrpom. Tbe
»*fb toe oUar vtohm of .
Uailed Eutet RlvesaoordUl weloome.
•»«hl leek stoadilr s
a borne and imteclioa to anr Uw-abidioR rittieo from anr pan of the world,
**“ **• "lOtaoitooi
—dsbrBUlae were toe word, of a bet toe time ha. COBH-to .top fewter**" "■ ^
a lltll. ID ad- lOR anandir to anr form whatever.

Hew Goods

1' I.V-M'lir-V.' V.eVieii'SS

itself and the whole people, and
rid at UtRe. Ami aa wUli iUteo with ChleaRownd wherever
else the marohisuthnwten and plot.
IDKNTli-'lr.tTION BUilBAUB nlOTlMilMI'll ITK I.KKX (Znl.ihixr.
U ifaete'no Uw to aeoomplUh thU?
Then lei a Uw be made and nuuh
qoick. KdbIi a Uw ean^t be ttatde .
. litr' ba'
Hia kUrnarei KoRle, of Hanonh,
It^ be made. Saeh a Uw cannot be
sold, hot it is believed timt I
died Friday mnnilnR of iwtalvaitaRed
eoforaod? !i ean be enforei^
en trill ai
&p. Deoeaaed leaves B bnsland, threw
war to do it is to doit.
tooRhters and two sons. Thr fonerni
Thai shall be done with toe news­
took place SandiT at the Uathnpapers that br mUIeadioR aad Inoenlie cfanrch at lUnnah. .
dU.7 ewtoon. aad editoriaU are eeerv
dar toolttoff soch eharaciers as diot-.
Hia Clara Prashil, wiir of Pmnk
Rosxto snob crimes as toU' TImre
Pmabil, died Snudiiv aoftereoon
sr.-each abeeu Thar an not avowed
o'clock, white tier Imslond waa

what present tows sc

i Oar start Is rasMIy IIIHns up «Hlh tbr

s0itv Book Stores I


• kp-dhal Boffalo ladicnte. tbe Iher aredolnRUM(hsaame>e<L 1.
It i. boUered toat the oooaem of all
not toi. leeeon we havejnq toanied a.
•mppsosc* of a ebsERB in the
. She was lyiiiR
oanbeaeonred If 000000. it achieved
soffloieol warntne and
*W«a. whtab at toe
qntotly In bed while her hnsbdhd n-ad
IhU will make ooe of Trevetre OUr
I not poblie eeatlmeol
faU eUetton jamlM
------------- ---- hlRfa ixoteo•nd afford a bcomlUal to her aad when he Inoked np (vesent



Lion Coffee

A|,-iirnt has follua.-d llu-

Bat tbe Real.
looR-T permit the pablic Rather
la as
Is to tbe world's pao- ■nRs where murderen on made, aod
idotrinR. where these mnr■nmastbsiadloa] crtim
derers are seleeted to do their aliened
•>7Wbo aes. diet tbe
If I'soerw*. N. J.. win not.
Oae amr ..felr saj that the
d, cleanse itself, (hen it
- -•■ofMcKtoler
' Rencral Rovenmaal Inter­
M to the himorr of the Uolced
fered. Tbi. 1* a dnir the

For men and Boys

I; will be paidTor tb«Mn by fb.-

TOLEDO $5.00
Tuesdij, Octobcf I, 1901

T -•
‘ "


' wciueu STANCH COMPAir.


.L First Ifational Ranir (^1

Csed Ta ffrtara UatJ Orator 0th. IfM

Richmond $6.00 I : Traverse City pays 3 per §


sanu on Savinfs Deposits f

octobT s. 1901.

I Cs«dTaRcWfaUm:Octstor(Hh.rm i


icSto^b '-

frrcaee of toe U
rt pherch.
Xnard per lb........................
u a member of toe exjuniaiac beard Batter per lb Dairy
and will be I here a day before the
’’** ***


Pint aad BMxxid HetoodiM
tat chBfvhe*
cheirhe* r-omtoe*
PtmucM inew)
(newi jwr
per be


ef this toe ecnfervtnv. to I
ar. He alaon haa rare- Baekwheot Ploar p
all toe'rbn^-s of the’
city repporviBR toe iarttaUda and aa |
ThU U anasaal Wbm pro to (mroi
and Mr. L
rvooUUeae will have a Rnod effect
•Bdadd Mthvtafli^to brinRtoeiB^^fcT'*’
•mreaf UedtaR 1 Batter pre toy.'


ifiis : State Bank s







»et*e nnar Bre- to




[ ^


i. to Oapoeli.baarlnRlnto
th* fbto of

^ Ccmmanclnx June I. Dapoaiu ij
V toonattollerafwl upwetoa re- ^
i -J
«•«>»•'»» parato* J
,-^^tov. ,


OapUlB Ola« raMMd riidv
iBC fron rnaUvt. with the td
« Hamr Rinitmi homhIt (old br
hlB to Bd KtUtf, who U BOV in lUi
M Fwakfort clititod with o hel»OM
L OoptalB OhM* veot ute la. ttnetiaai tnm f. O. Gilbert, one of
u UMmtncBerelo.VtUea'edefoBo
U. be eared tor here

ree.iMre4Ma.Tt. II. ia>i.

I! llij

I ii. mil.

A baai..
be beiU at Fereet Lodffe. the Uaw
l^e rreon. for Arehibald Freer, a
to the Ohleaao oolea?
at Ltol atlTBCdTe rMnaL W. A. Draa
ie drevlBK tbe plaat for the aUoetare
vlitofa trill be TSxTS feel la dlseo
eioae aad ooat •f.ooa
Hr. Dean ii
eUo plaoBloK to ronodel the oottace
of Goo. H. Hltrl-. 1» o°«» «rf •»»Petar'AoBlek dnire op to the
OB Fioil acreet Frida; vltta fail
daschlar. aad ahe alicbted oo the aide
of the rif oppoaita to bet father. Tbe
t oo wfaitdi he vw eitlintt objected
eaiTTiiiK him akae. aad pltofaed
bin oel. Be atroek bit bead oo the
oeaieBl walk oo the tide of the atieel,
and eat bit ear qolle bad];, bealdet
laflletim aa B|tlr

Circulation this week 2,250.

a Vogrheei. wbo U TlalUii* the
Axpoaidee. wrote -from Baffalo.
tiatardarai followi: ’‘loerereawa
dramatic altaaUoo thaa tbe net
ctewdi of crmpatbetie iaqolrere at
__________ ______________laet Blcfal oo
ImniDcof the |*Mldecil belox Aol.
All olaMoe aeem tocriere ae tbooch it
il«bt be a paraoaal loia. aa tiie
ladaee tbtak aa the ballet Ie ao
ttaoted be taardie. "
B. & Boll ba« I


Btale aadWellinimn
■treela For 1 ome time the dwelling
dec! by the family of the
J. O. Jeneoe, wboee mother etill
line theta. Mr. Boll will imt in a eemeat walk 00 both elreeta and otber& a. PaallB of the New York Tre wiee Imrmee the prejerty. The lot ii
feeL^toollag Stat.-_eto-eL
Btera 00 Monday remored bii ctook
la tbe eld Btolabota boildiaa.
Her. John SohlnU! of Watbtonaw.
epaat a few faoari wiUi Mi. and Mn.
(9ma Dole on Friday, eowlog from
Blieworth. where, be hae been eUiling
relatireo Ur. 8ehman« wa,
tbe ebareh at Maple City iwenty-Bee
PotatoMeurtod la Monday moraloif yearn ago. He wai enable to remain
Friday lonpar than between
OBlnK. and wiebei to aend hit greet­
lac abcml the are
ing! Uiroogh the oolnmni of tlw Her­
ald to hi! BU-y friend, and iwi^iA lante aamber of elriun
Ohio aad SoolhTa Miehican oai
ToamlBy oe the cheap rale oseanioa
Qoorgo Uoant wu arr^itod Bt KtugriaJhe Poe Karqulte.
le; Monday crening by Deputy Wbrr.



The eatoUiaeat in the HUth achool
piared the ISO mark Monday moralag.
wtalefa Uafaool IS hl«ber than al tbe
aune time lari year.

J. W. Hlater reeelred a ear load of RPeigw on Bohargo of breaking and
tolid oak bedroom eaiu aad a oarload cm taring with intent to eommil tbe
of odd dronm. ohidroeier* aad foldof larooiy.
The charge
by the Q. K & 1. iti
iac bed! fram Hath Oanllim.
at Kingal^, whewr hoom.
Andrew Homotta. ooe'^the yooaff
alleged, woi entpred bf Bootl on
M wbo wee ia Uw Haadltoa Olothortey nlgtat. Bonat waa brought be­
lac Oo. ooetoot. left fa tbe Panfore Jutiee Brown ToMday aft-TSmwirati Taaaday at the eompany'!
ooon. and hia rxaniinaticin flted fa
ThandarThe people of Monroe Oeatn aad
OcawB both iaride aad eotaide of the
eharah. hare aBaaimnoiOy loqeMod


U. A. B. rtrelc Pongrein.

Trareaie CHt; ttmati of moae Bomdeal people tfaaa aa; other ait; of it*
ia the atata. ibarafore wbeo a ia tUi ell7 hr Msniac Hesdar (na
mat it la etore' the; eataiaU; ChoboyiM ud
look fBward to it with pleaaaiable tiagt to Miee Little Baaaock. oal;
Batarda; eraelap flu daacblar of Mr. aad Mra John B.
■rtqaarlalwlU gire a etamirt la i Baaaoet of Hbabontaa. Will Ml the
eaten ball aad aase aboald ailea'eit; Satartaj.aad the
The qaartet U aambared aaxmc aalb

ml Oomapeadoaoe Sdioole of Betmatoa. Pa.
Walker'f tarriba; will a
Bic Raplda to Traeene Olt;.
both laelaelTe. He will aleo cai
tbe work la Elk Rapid.
Hr. Wakler'e oOcee will be otto tbe
OH; Bookatore la tbe Teoaelier *
The oompany eoBtleta of
balldiap. W V. Ihrea. ,e
eidtaidid TOieet aad their repot
tbe weak.
aperialeedeot of the Mdumle.
aalltle ttona to a lane aadicBOe. The
Mr. Olsae baa a baat of frieada la wUl b.' here wortiaa wli^ Mr. Watt
atwiUirire aooaoeitatA
the oil; aad rleialt; who will eaite -r for the aett tea dajt.
iatbe heartleat een«ioCBlatMma aad
Mr. Walker aacceedt Cbarlea Prery
mod wUfaaa far him aad bU tride.
Oatm. wbo hai been la chaiire of
work bere"for K

rime. ■
Hra Belle Plaee of Oread Biqiide
A Nicht 01 Terre
ARiawef l^beiweeathe Veeea'
u porctmeed the milUaery ton of
lit; team of Trateire Cityaod the! "A.wful aouKy wae felt fcr the
Mta U. 8. Wriabt. and will take pee- Old Miiaiim tma> wa. pUred al Bow-!
>W of the Inee Genera! Bornof H^iae. Me., wbeo tbe doc
WaloB Id a few dart Mrv PUoe ie
Harbor Soodar. reeoliioc ia a:“^
practical milUoer of mnch ezperi Tictoi? for Old Hlodoo. ft wae aay-1 oU before
eeoe. aad will completely reoMdcl the bodrV aame notil tbe Hpblh
tub iaaina.
ianina. jH
iH Lincoln,
Lincoln. wbo attended her that
..tmttina la aew oaiee. aew car­
Uireir. .

pet*. new cortalai and other Mtrac- which roeld aot be ore
more than once revM her life, and !
addttloBf to the fceaeat rtore.
The aootv
eored her of Coaimmi4ioo. After lak-'
The Interior will be fte-hly painted
Ooeea cue
I I. 0
n 0 I V I—a'inp el>e .le]rt all nickt. Farther oee
iapered.aad made rery attractive 1
Old Ulaaicm
Mrt. Place 1, now in Oread Band.
Tbe batieriee
«nd Throat. Chett and Imna Oiecarea
makina model! for the fall trade,
| stoift,. u 8e
- c and ♦! i«>
Tnel lotile.

. .......... _. _

Ml., Vere Smith will trim for Mre. ■ Tbo' lomnn of the aame ere. the fr«
Jae. O- JohaeoB'. and R E.
Place- Sbe ba* ^ rrtonird from
pilcbloa record of Swaney of Old
abroad, «Iiere Uw hai bem eitodylng Himino. IK of the Vbeeo Cirr*
Perm lor Sato.
Che ttylea, and brooglit
compelled to faa the air BUcI
A farm of » am-*. Imving aimnt m
of ttreet haU fa tbe early fall
•tv. rlraml, good tioote and Inrn,
Hoot 1.1 acre, fruit Irm-e. gra|ir rinr.
id tniall freiu of vanoae kiod..
eeclioii 30. Uarti.-ld
Trerene City will harra
! «hl|i.
.. will
- ... be ioenied ^■[OT^.
on • for'eali-. or .-tciiBiiK.- fen^y
ploy.-d in the Botton Store, turn n- maikel aite. aad it
tigbrd bii potiticm there to take effect
north tide of Boardman rirer'*'’'’'^
Hr. Sandelaan hai decided to
from Sosib Tnion to 1 »t if
embark in bo.tnea. for himwlt aad ] Pin.- etre-t At ihe t]iecial aretiog of
bbool the flnit of October lie will open the cooncil Uonday the oonimiii.-c
Worklni; Nlshi and Day.
The Kacket " etorc. in the Oer j on way. and tnoant rei«rt*d. rvconi
boriret' and mlgitoel^ lime
amine bolldlsg <m From ttrrri, rr-1 mending that the |woperty hr per- ih^ Umi
King-.N.' li'lT Pill’.
etrengih. li»t<- *»0 and (he lml»nee in eqnal
«>crgT. lireiufag into
oal iuNalLmenu
The re|ion of ilie
power. Tte-y rr woiidrrfol
----------... I,.^1,1
ommilto.- wa. aceei«e.i an.) U.e rec-1
l„hn“ m
mmcedat.ouadoi.tod by aolM.mno^^
on. R
oce to porci!
Mr. Sandel
die, the potato boycn. were pi
the meeting. TJicec geatlem'
He baa made m
friend! wl.0 will be gUd l<
him aad amiit in the toe
mre to make.
■ treree Palrtmak. tVih Roam.

Ktogeley be wiU rei

Alderman Sleder a-ked if the nuBe I
rmmittec thosld not inclnde in iu j
report the neer*-«ry nvnlaiiant rola- j


S dcp^rlntcnl.

Power Co., to aooem-d William Love,
wbo Ima taken a poaitioo aa traveling
mleeiuan fa an electric aopply liooie.
Mr. Falrbaakic haa aoeepurl the poaition and will begin work fa tl... eompiny nt
next Monday.
Falrlwoka U aa old Tnrere.Oity boy, and fa aeverel yeare haa
aiwnt hia

. in America

Our $5.00 leaders

i:rs,„’:r..“''r.6.00 "’=■1=1= 10.003
out- double

breasted, jicarl

()urS6-50 leader-Made from
all wool Kersey, black, castor,

Our $1J lc.T<lcr—27 in. long,
• l^t all wool

brown, cardinal and navy, full
lined, romaine lining, like .t O Rn
$10 coat, only.....................................



line of colors, guarantres]

lining, storm collar,

pearl buttons, strap sciims.
finished ,»vith painc velvet:

Our$S.50leader-AH wool Ker­
sey. .27 in. long, silk romaine
linings, storm

you’ve paid $i.s for a gar­
ment no Ix-tter; leader at

collar. Iteauti-

fully stitched, all


,-u 0 gQ

12.00 i
35.00 \




'n”" S7-50 to
S«! the tiew
Norfolk W alk.oB Soils,
tt e wanl j-rur cloak trade, and If yoo are not out custoitier I
No troukfe to show the


and It's money j

back if the goods are not as represctnied.


Ain-.i.«-er«-^raF.-ml .Xraieeando.,.


oOtf'itsgrapher with a complete outlit.

We have everything

in the photograph line -Cameras, i’lates. 1‘apcr. Cards.
Chemicals, Tripixls.

Humishers. cic.

p.ty any one lo look over our

I’rices rit:hl.



We can furnish the prolcssinn.-il or amat<‘iir photo;




to show goods at


The honest, well .made kind that will
stand all kinds of wear and weather.



; A Plow that will do the work
A Piowtorwhichyoiicanget repairs!
A Plow that is light draft
A Plow that will.last
A Plow that will handle easy!
All this you get when you buy



Oil gnii). arel grata and

Ur. and Ur*. Peck did nql atrike 1
light, bat watched Ihia man fa ann.
nearer and atood in the riiadow
the bonding, apiorraily watch-

Made from

Kerseys in all colors, Covert

Cloth. Beaver, lined through­

you .-Ilf N. ,.f you Cive our fine a took.

ha paat lie lia. Irr-n i-ngiged iu
aaperlntending the etmatrnctlou of
aeverel electric lim-» in PennaylMinia
and Ohio, will) lieadqaarlen ml Sltar‘a. Till! ia an exeelli-ni arrange,
meat and the Boan|maB River romtwny la fortunate in being able to aetlM icrvleet «f ao eampetrnt an
eleetrieiaa to take ohatgeof their buhere.


made of fabrics


^HrerwriM'Bart'of ^ sv«»w«i<»>01«

Some very xoipirleoa looking ehaetera made Ooodaeta A. T. Peck of
the 0. R. « L nllrred wonder if he
going to be oomjielled lo crack
hmiU a let tbe
throogh them before he ireclird the
de]KU. When lie aroae al I
yeab'ldayto Bke'the nigbl aiieculoot
•et the rerond aectiai of Ih
cuaion train hr mad Ur*. Peck noticol
the beaul of a man who wa. crnarliipg
behind a levrare nrer the hoear. and
ionally looking toward the balld-

the doak


J best line of cloaks ever
itr si
shown in this reirion.
Wtt olace be/ore vmi ihU fu1
region: WeVlaV^bT/S^;^^^^
mat>nificent line of ready
.......................................................... .......

sold- hnrr to be rrgolmlnl by omli-

anaenaelag the drelh of aa elda
hpt^. Dya Haamdell. of brert fallare. Mr. Raaudell waa one eff the
aarilah pioaeoa af Wayde oeoaty.
Bert EUia waa both aaaaml aa.1
Wriag ootae to that eactiea afaool aheeke.1 foatrtfinj wh.-n Ua attreUr. Peck Ibonght that the men wrre
relled to the follorrlng item
luohably foot-pada. waiting fa him.
Petalaaa in Wesfod oooaty will Ih lo the Ermtog Pirea of Grand Ki4>ring tlmi hr wa. to take the night
hrga eropB thU year thaa fa many
•(•cml onhaad icobably thiaktog that
■Harry KlUe ot the Flfb-reth Cbr. rean, and will arerege erer ISO boahlid have a ronaidetable .nm of
ala par aoe.
Hr. Boyd <d Selma all; band of CbUfomia i. dead at tbei
money and would go unarmed. Be
• lowaahip. aold hia SOO boabola fa beree of bU fatba to Tnvtree Oity."
rrviwred to give them an itwv
$na Oeneropawtll belargatlMB
Mr. BlUa recently received letur
eating n«e|>tiai had they offered to:
;lbr to yaan paat. Farmoe are begin- froB bU eon. wbo la a moaioton to the
totarrupl him. bet be managed to
. «ta« M abew all kiadt of moiey.
Flftooilh rerali; band, aa alated. and
avoid any tneble and haxard by leav­
that be area to tbe beet
' Gfaartaaaad Jeha Vallrea woe in
ing the hoore without being men. and
of health. No word atoee Imd been
reached the de|Ot wilhoni toump-''
. «ka Mty Monday aad parefaaaad tbe aoreceired and tbe new* of hta drelb
glat fecBwrly to tbe Philip Slmmoada
-ae a enrpiae.
Mr. Ellla al onoe
■UL Of tbe ITOTerac Oity Iran wok..
Shortly afla the truin polled out.
died op (he Erentog Pn-m
They wiU Mail at oeee a eaat book
tmreaw uttired to woman'* clothea
telepboie and aaked (be eoen
baadle factory at Imke Ann. Ia addlune to tbe vtctottr of the bona- aad
treelred bj the }Bpa.
iwlrd Bround fa ai
tioB to tbe faaadlre tbe; will do other
that tbe newa imBe in n
taraad wok. bo 1 the rent book haalatter from Ttareme Oity. aad that
dim will be their prtaetinl ample.
the wtodowa.
It had
there waa no algnaUre to IbeoaBmatoterrap Mia. Peok'a
t fa the rrA mtotatar of ihia elt;. wbo waa oleatton. Now Hr. EllU would like
*r of the sight.
- AM of tbe eery earllrei to tee tbe
the party wboaeot the repot,
Mr. Peak Irenitd tmUy that two
Mrdlea laM epring. haa ralaad reme
rid alaellke to know wh> a
C yraterday
pakalaeeto bla gardre that team to newapatw MmalB print ntob aa atnngera w
lowhare 1
- dhow a IBotly good yield.
Ha Imd tUB froa aa aareyaona aonror.
ttwy touadrd lo waylay
: nBiy a Mali ptam of gnmad. bat the wiihOQi ffnt rerifylng iu
wnii to the depot al I ■». and take
rMd waa al the rate of era M baabMr. Kill! wired the ooloael of the
ala to the aen. Aad the alalala PIfleeolfa rerali; al Prreldio barreeka, whalova money he might imve W
to hia joraataiOfn. The pottoenre look«Wnfea tkataiaoa^ good yioU tm a

. utfmumwuK.



Oeorgc.Palrbank!. formerly of thlt

■oatpceed ladeftoltely tha 1
Preaiding Elder H. D. Carrel, with
dtera- plenie aad eaeampmcait that imaura laiDfmnn and Kennedy, hiire
to haae oooorred al
left fa eoiferonce al Muakrgou. Tbe
Mr. BekloT baa remeeed to the of tbe Timaerea Oity Driring Park Aapteaiding abler reporta the year m
taUdlBR la wbieh Betl'a Bakery It aoeUlioo Tharaday and Friday of tbia
rery pleannll; all over bl.
aew leceted. aad will oocopy tbe eeeSeptomber IJ aad ll.on aeeoont dUCrlcL The diatrict oompirea ten
oedBoa of theboildiai. He will of tbe attempt of the Itf.- of tbe prealenontiea Uaoiatee, Wexford, Mil
opmi a dlBlBC haU tbere in the nor
lad hU preaeet ecmditloa.
.Bonzie. Grand Trarerae. Kalkaafatere.
F. D. Marrln.
Laelanau. Antrim. Charlevoix and
F. F. Orea.
Jadfe H. 0. Boreb. erne of tbe
Knunet. There mre iorty-nine paatorMoonr More.
ece of tme'e Point reeecl.ntotad yeeter_ I with one to bn addcl ihi.
dayltot the (ire
year, taaktog ef(y.
Tlir two Uclhodiat oliuofaea of tlie
( omlre to tror^Siy.
Dr. H. & Urowana baa'gcaie to city cloeed their wak Sunday. Biah
MboOb to ahlp a large boiler fa bit op H. A. Watoa. D. D., LU D..
will preaido at tbe ronfarrao
^maaB. PalUa. M. D.. of Mania- grin mill be will bring tha bolla to
, tea. and Mlm Bdllh S. DaTla.a Maeb hU Bill here which he will ran In
nie report, fa the year', wak
. or la the aebeel at Aeme. wm mar- odtttog oat a tew earlreda of lath af­
I both the Fire! and Second Methodtiod Monday by Bar. 0. T. Stoet ter which be eapeotc to remore hie
t ebuohea to tbia city abow rot;
mill at Trerene Oity. where be exat the naidcaiee of Dr. Harndi
Inrge aoccr^ —
peotatogoaad enart. aod run a city mtifytog reaulu
A«m. a few friend! being preatnt
tbe memberahlp Imre been 1
Be baa lot hU plowed toad
John a Boll aaoda from Fowla, Oal.
d flnandally the caieliea are to
be worked on ebaree.
Be .haa
BMP TOc; doe apeelmeoa of gnpM and
apleodid aha|ir. It la folly expected
Md all bit plotted leu on tbe
paonM of diffoont rariotiaa. to hit kel fa mle oheaptr than erer be will that botfa platan will be reloreed fa
WifalB tbU oity and to IhaHetalA
another year.
aetl hU farm hartog^a WO m

Mot. i. W. Bait . imaHr of the
HnthediaieharebatBIk Bapidt, waa
in the otiy Monday night oi bb way to.
Trerene City imople will be tota­
eenforeicia. Tbe Uetbodlau of Elk
lled in the fonowing newa item
' BapUe bare began the creotion of
• bell* ehnidi to eeal betweoi $1.00(1 from Vielorta, teUtire to the claim
Tbeodore Lndgau. formerly of thU
city, to an lalaad off the abore of
Rrillah Oolombia:
oaoiM on Front attrot Snatey afTtourln. & a. Sept. lO~Jodge
loneon. and Iwerorr they eoald be. Harttn haa handed down a deelaioo to
Mlinaii they tmd laokea the Icrngoe
me of Britlah (Marabla rorea
a( the wagon to which th.-y
Tbeodoe Lndgate of Chicago
Bo one wae hart aad ao tbe title to Dred Man a laland. Lnd­
gate'aclalm waaqnaabed br tlwooen.
Jadffe Baiaadell waa relied to Peri -wblob held the title to the land waa
the King', name. An laiaaoriai
had. Hicli . Tbanday by a (riegnut





toiiguN, only

HIGH CUT SHOES of apn^ly taoB«d
water proof rwlb^, rlcmml
tonguea, heavy s^re

MEH'S cncffiss

Shoe* that trill keep out
tbe wet and aUy aofi and

Made of long wearing calfakin nppera. good aolhl aolre.
neat thapre

Ail pat together by baud,

Our annually increasing saluK of
i its popularity and worth. We carry

No. 10. One Horse
Nq, 40. Wood Beam
No. 14 A. Iron Beam .
No. 30 A. Steel Beam
No. 99. Reversible Shear

We have a few Top and Open Buggies that we wish
to close out: also a fine Phaeton. We need the
room and if you want a Hugify cheap call and look
these over.

aaine ae if made in a abop to
your order.

tVe arelhe only

ooM in town that aell then.

tt OU stand
PqtBiar Shoe Hoese

Tlie Hannah & Lay Mere. Co.|


. UOAHPMZVT. cun's.
lASE omo.


E J. Omy OBd Mluimm'ToM at
iBakliod a* tsBobera



. FmREST was once ilriQing a Ak^id
'atpei.” in despair Forrest exclaimed:
‘Can’t you say it as I do?" "No,” said
the man; "ft I CQuld, would I be woHdng
for $&00 a wcdc?” H you asked a cheap yellow
soap to do the woHc of Ivory Soap
well be: ’‘Kl could, woidd I sdl for half as
much?” Ivory Soaiv being pure, costs money, but
not more than a pure soap has to cost

Grand Traverse Region.




panled by a fw ot fifty eenu. that
rirlBff ample tiaw fa rlilitnff frieoda
r Ckmrlerntz U 1b tUa in Ohio, and etba latnta


Jama* Wbia at tbe atalkm. bat
nif-d hie boate and it patUnc a stooe
wall ander it
Harried. Brp*. ». at 'br rirddiM- of
Sebool at Clar Brook eemmeaeed
Sept. *Bd. Bella Htlrenoa >• leoA- tk krid.-'* mireU. Him Imla Ptera
wooe Keiffbt. by tb* Rer. Mr.
■tea of KiBffaley. Ther (taeired
imay bcosHfol prearote. lb* coonle
left tb* mmeday fa an extended
weddlBff trip throat Wkeootia. Mr.
Bd Mta Ksiffbt are bolb well known
oteand bare U>e brat wiebe* oft
John kec^ U In Obio o^^ rlBt
oMof friiBda
Ben WilaoB hat hU bun abeac Onicy Satorday.
Will Hlokeraoa is bolUUac a
Oeos* Halttead kft Moaday f< r tfcs
MOB.- foondatioB fa bU booat.
Eloadika afmr makinff a (hart riail
E. E Btooe riilmd bi* tisWr
U. Baley sit tbe State Road
illdinff a new bonae.
Mr. aad Mn. Fred Swimiiicer of
aot,^ ifitAKy
'nrene City bare bees rUltioc In
be nelcfabobood tbe paH Wr«k.
Mra U. Gray ia rj.n
ri.KiBff her broth.
JohnWiDoboomb hat bean batUyeac-r, D. Clark and family.
atcedia Kinnley inpelllwta new
■ ■■ sick t
tone wall noder bit ttoe boildinR. .
Ber. aaondets tsaaebed bit farewell
E akb OaosP' it aull qaiu
eraoa here Bnndty ercntas to qaite
Urye crowd. He will ttaR Taeidty
Mr. and Mr. Pnro- of Tnr<r*>. Cbr
isih-d al Ur. Crawfotd'a y.eheday.
Mra J. Hatri y ii ■ xp>wi-d ha
from Charli roixiomorrow. Edna will
way to Kiayltey teat rvtarn bora.- with her.
E Vilkiot had lb>'misfewtae to
Mn Baffle died Friday mominff al
mcow laM wnh. She u<so-eloek. afur a few Aart lUaeoa
Tbe faoeiml Wat held al St. Mary'e
Mr. anJ Mrs J. Hentonaro riaicioff
chereb Banday afumoon at 8 o-olock. Anhnr E-bd< ll'a today.
A nnmb-r in lint neiabbabood
ban- l«l apgtliw. plama. obiekena.
etc-. It ia 10 te-liopi-d Out
tk^oa.e that took

rnn^orer the Lake Bfaore Rr. Icarioff
that city Bemember Mb at : ^ a m..
airielnff ia Cterekod aame'emtoc at
.:!& Pa aor
any parties'
paitieskr inf
aboal Ihk rxeerMat a tbe atwc-ial
train writ* 10 0. 8. Koffem. Gen
Afft.. Paaa Dejs.. . or
E W. laBT*. (7ltr Pau Afft.. I. 8 A
M. 8.. OraBd Rapid* Mirb
sx s:. wi

Stood Daath On.
E B. Himdar.'a lawyer of Henrieita,Tex.,ooa fooled a ffian.-dtRCT.

mred bi. life
:pel. .

Klks OM« BBd AstboBr Tktel
intec le plMtw tlMlr boMM
Fkam Oka* 1« on tfaa *lek lUt.



Lo«H« It

gtu'.KSf.Hh'is'r*'' ■
Itr. a»d Mr*. Join Ban|«* an tm-

Mn. Baekar UoB tbe ti

»1U IfBTr for laitaieo
a htr> awabor timi tbit riao'atInaed <bct tBBofml of Brvt Dotam of
ThrHIaM Lon QaBBot* and Idl
ttMOarlaadof ItarerB-01l]r rUlh-d
Htx Otei. OtrtoBd BeadaTMr. BBd Mn. Letb-r Hall rtiU.-d at
BbM. OarUad-*Bna«ir«iU Blfbor TiaitM frlmdi al Ma-

Ja Liffhuky u liaBliaff md ^aad

A ShoCklns CaiaroKy.
aiely befell a railroad Uborer,t Dr. A. Krll.-I. of WllUford
"Uit fool wa> l.ultr cra*l.<d,
bel Be^len'. Arnica Salve quirklr
eared him. li t rlmgdv wo.iderfol feir
Bara*, Bella Pile* aod all akin ernpUoua
ir* the world'. rhampKK.
hmler. Cure enaraaUed Sir Sol.I
byJaa G Johnson and « K Wan

Diatnet Ke. * bti imimm-t a
K. T. Pray abd A. Kaleer ^e
Mboel brIL Beheol vilT br«lB bn. Trty.oe City FUay.
---------- '
tttoMBiac witl) HIM Lronoz at
Tbe yoanc peofde of tbit place Rare
.'Ureaee a nirTWlie the otbar eraoiait
tthno wldbca wnart at tb.- haU io boBor of bU UrtUday. Ice oma
hmo BcBdar ptccIbc Btpt. U. for tbe aad oake were tarred aDdall
taaaSloftbt SitediA ebareh.
Ad- an eoioyabie time.
aMoa lOe asd Ue.
IttbVUb tSMlV

Mra H. E Qill waa a Trarene Oily
■alia on Tbanday laaL
John Sanborn made a trip to Olee
Arba aad Empire T"-*---*-------- ------inff borne Thnreday.








:S,. .1, ti.......

.. ... I.J.V



koowi&ff the kteet intrrna
national and s_.._____
lie affair- ll>
entertriie and aclirlir: hare
have laid
the nation* of tb* Riobe and ih.-i.l
anna of tbe m under iriluite for the
inforamlion tbey.can fnn.itb, an.I ili*
newt In erery degartmeoi of human
eodrora fromemg.irr ImildlnR lo her
rr gileklnff flow, into it* colnt
beneBtof lU ooolinaoutly iocroai.
and alrn^ ■atletled army of IS
___ _____ --ily to Ri-i
.... --tv. imt to hare it written aod
edited tn tbe IwiRhiMt. freabrot and
oritpeet taataion inaeiblt. and to gwoTide eaeb InUiriffent tommenl and
pzolaimtia) at doable and ttebi* ita
taloe. If yoa ae» il in Tb* New*, it’*
aew.uid it im'l colored by prejudice,
l«rtimiia)i||i a iwiTote inlereel.

Mra L ]-------------------------------a Dam* it eWttaff frkad.
_ a_____
at Bk inmm.

Hammock Bargains!
$1.00 Haminocks for 50c

AT 159
Front Street. *

To get some of this trade that is GOING TO OUTSIDE MAIL ORDER AND
CATALOGUE HOUSES. Buying in as large quantities as I am now enables rne to
DUPLICATE A|^Y PRICES you can get outside, and you can come right here to
my store and SEE JUST WHAT YOU ARE OETTiNS. • If it does not suit you after you get home
you hav^S days time to exchange it. aid it will Ht east ]M a Ciit to do u. I quote you a few
prices, and everything on our 4 floors goes at proportionately low prices. CaU Ud HI.

rife lu IBih Annual Ohio Exror.lon
Wedseeday. Urlober >oA
ffood tn reton nolll November 2nd;
will be eold to all .iBtioD* in Olilol
M tbr Imke Shore A MlrhiRan -Soull. |
on Ry. Wbroltas A Lake Erie Hr.. ;
Bockliiff Valley By.. Obio C-wml;
A DeTinn
• Detroit Sooliiern Ry '•
By. aad
Irore* Copemleb at Ii! ]•. ;
Bjackl ti
ir.ion fare to Toledomid .
-- - and to poinuon:
________________ re it will be half
___ from Toledo lo drotisaticai added
to tbe tare named above to Toledo
Baffffaff* will be cheeked ic dreiioaUoB. Fa farther partlralam agiply
to nearect Affenl Ann Arba K. R., or;


TM^o. O.

DlspUnhZS^^Vi^S;^ report!
twiik pitiRremaD tbr Maoefaaruiii rail-1
vrny. All the raiU are down oo thr |
Pori Artbar .bianrii.
end Im______
qaastllte* of
' nmterial
have been fafoxtl
atbe V
______ ai ap tbt
tkaaefa Ou—
tvatem irill.
tbU aatsmo.

Health far 10 Cents.
A livnl)' liver, pore bliKKi. rlcan
(Lin, bright etex. jierfeci healthh.
Cascareu CanJy
, Caihartir will
obtain and secure ifactn for j'OB. Cennme (ablets qum|<il C C C ffever
Kddinbulk. All drnfigtctx, lew. '

A go(Kl solid oak Odd Oresscr. French bevel
mirror....... ......................................................... Sis,?.'.
A nice solid oak Sideboard, nice large French


tifiil thing, guaranteed Heel construction, a

.... ;ll

ExceUior Mattress...........
Cotton Top Mattress, pure cotton - - Common Woven Wire Sg.rini; ;.
.......... .. .............
.. -Spr
.•riokj. tine steel
First<lass t;oo<rWoven

cich. ■ A„;Ue=:‘

in. Curtain Poles, 4 ft. Jonj;. with trimmings,


Willow Rockers - a nice lot of them, up fron
rery fine iap«tr>' upholsttncrd seat and pat
led back—this rocker'is large, solid oak, and



plate mi'rror.................... .................. .............. SPl.T-'t


Pebe Marquette

A nice square cteel range, just the thing for a


Train wiU leave Traverw CIro at
KKU a. m. BetBcsIsR leave Bav Mew i
k 2w
riekeu to tbe
fts-AaMrinan KxjioritiOB1 at Baffalo.
wUI be eold rk
vk tk
ih* Pete___
. Marqaen*i
- from

City at Uw!
- Mr low rate
Imit iS dayv ;
g.ltt; ■ -• “
_____ ______
October Klh._IIS.SS. All
Umim Inclsd* date nf eel*.

___ trip. eil.Wi: limit W daya


and Ma


«rrey>a»e kak

to do thia at ao tliRbi an oxieuae
it will hardly be ooliord. K'bm roa
Ret Tbe Detroll KreoloRNew* for


---------------—n. Theyr will
win be iat home
Garryton. Mich, after Sefd.

r.qre faMd.Ua

thr lim- and saw lie- wlicd.- affair
Tlie land, ni n-ralha Miaaee fari
Mr. I< wat ii. Pnrri'. ilMwi.r il.r niRl.t Liund.i an.

li.-wnr.. Ill OlMlmi-nl. fur

nity 1* ao lancer a 1
Rren (he farmer, with
dellrery. ia beffinninff In feel hluurll
a jiart of (lie ermt ahnir. and 10 rec
Offintc lb* nc^emlir fa keepioR in
tOBob wlU) the wairi aad iu doiaRa
TfaiaoBD be effeclirply nwlired. *Bd.
fortnnately. tbe d*v*log>meai. of mod


I) tkaRhm.. a Iro-hnc drv DON^T
Rood, mrorban'l ot Oba^lmt.
Z fTJlLL a.',


Aroeed Ibe iroeW ta Oa« Iibj-A no
Arble-eiaen) la New* <■Bll■erlac.

Baeroc* T— BewM. Sri.n .. ................



Bchool opewt Belt Moeday with
iaoe, tbe ^i«t of Uoyd .Writ'ley.
nan the (uata of Hr*. J. k. Vlaun Min Kate Uook leaeber.
Uiu Kathryn Kamathat (to
OaspbeU drore
BAortUnelatl vaek.
Oetlar today.
a D. BoUiBbeek b nill in xrrr
Praak Totten and fanUy Ti»il«4 in
Bilra Broa.’ elnn* Tialted tbl*
lyth allboefhsoi ontflBedlo
Kast KaaeOB yestenky.
Tb* Indlaa- Aid aarred loe enaia ' D. IL Day bat gttto to Tmyerte
Hr. and Mra. E O. IffoUe hare

id.oaU at tbe bm of, Mr. a O. City today to meet,bU uotber aad been entortaininff 0. E l«wU and
- of Clyde. Ohio.
^Ifa Kctail;
There wat an excansion from brwe,
aad SaBBtaBUr- Vroeeedt
to Bbntb Uland yeat«rday.
Hi*. Alice FhRBBl ha* (owe to Bm- ____le of Hr. and Mrs. Viliiam Hepire.
Maobao last Friday e'
A namber of raa
Prank Mobob bad tbe nUfortaiie
uned to tbelr banes
Indk*' Aid neat* VedsMter P. n..
> loaea Koed base one day JaM
Ullh Mn. Inner Hobb^r^llfaU week.
■iiUbk y
the i^Blar BBBBal
Mr*. LixxSe Hionibiirit yiiited Ura
IL. after sprodlaff the ———in
Totlee a few dayt lael weak.
-fta re«rtfa Uaarlarir Mrrice for
thia w waa bald at tbe Kevadin
Ur. and Mra W. E OampbeU ate
Hbaei bOBn ob Bandar aad Monday
enleminlnff Mra Uceiy Harrla and
Jobe Powsl and fanUy of Empire danffhta Elnore of Tiaratee City.

itited al Thonut Riclderhoon yes­
Mitt Nellie Steele speol terstal
to^noralB^hloh «.^lloned terday.
day* of Um week rUiUoff friend*
Ur. aad Mn. Ttiompsae are »uil
Cbarleroix, retornlnff Batarday.
nend. abd reUtivea of thit place.
Mn C. E Eehl opoil Tboisd^ In
Bat.*'-8. P.'se*^" Sitddiv Kldiw
Prank BizW stwb* Banday at
tarerae CI9.
oa>e ia Maple City. '

Will H. Steele Uemlarfinff bit leai.
teartnir Oeatetraoe w*^ b.
R*f>T KjueiTiS
dence by tai.ioff tbe roof of tbe wlnff,
^ noTBl^ at 8 o'rletA.
makinff it a* btffh at the npriiAt.
U. II. Pelioo of Veet Toledo aw
Uiu Alia Om win trend ibe winon the ezenrtiai latt Tnradar to vUit
r in Enlamaaoo, attoidlnff tbe aeB>relaUree bore. He retemed ^iday.
Mr*. J. W. Rlo^art cam.- home yetMra. OelfaMnaaB U n
Mra E T. Dame Wl Tnesday fa a
trnay from an exteaded rltlt nmi
itit at Bearer lalaad. were abe will
e the ffoeel of bar danffbta. Mra V.
. Jobaatem.
Mr. asd Mrs. Ed Rineliart of Chief
V. a T. U. aooMy hao a IntLake latt
Ue.tptw yeetetday al hii. farotber x.
Ctma RanaetB I* mkinff a
from hu dntiea ae elesi in E
Hr. aad Mrs. Wax HewBMB hare More and I* rlMtiiiff (be Paa
Rooe on a rltlt to Blbcbam.
OB aiptMlUon.
-------------------------------when be bad
■a* aa*B te aUleaB rear*, ha* been
rMUtac than for tl.e pul few daya.
elerkinff la R E.
Mr. BBd Mta. Harold Bail. j <-BMf of Adelbert l,ewU yeauwday.
Mra ClM*. KelaoB ealettaiBod tbe
MBed a few of tbelr frie^dt lael
■ember, of DalM Hire. E O. T,
tkundBj arealair by Irinin a b-IoM
mat eMjoyabiy laet Tbanday al
fOro party, after wlileb refi.ehM.wu
« eooBtry homo; a plcmle dinna
Jolia ChriMenaeo. wbo Uaslil
r. oBd ............................................................
^ Willard, rl.iud, in Nettbfawt
With Hla Bartow lt> oinqa.
Prank J. Kriirtit of Banyloi. Mich .
tluTooBBeMtatiof Mr. aad Ma. D.
ManiM JobnaoB of 8*. Jamee. Bea­
rer Uland. made bit little frleadi ia
Ibi. plan a ri.ii kM week.
Wedneeday. Bept. 4. al tbe nwHIcBce
Barsey Cktk Item tim eM
are to aiart tbelr toes IRoaa'i pareau serred a bOBBtlBar aad Mary Battan ate amoaff
Ure. were iweeenL

.»l to.

Ocm'l delay a minute.' Cholrraie.
fanlom. dvaeolery, diti
aoddeoly.. 'Oolr
Oolr ■«f.-pUn
..lob 1- iwi.m an
Dr. Powler’t Kxtiari of Wild Sin r- Uuu. M-renlY tfr.. |. r ■
b.TT7 always cm hand.
g.-og-le In tlir iriilteil Slal
.m| will. Thew- Ian
woe.'.- sud ■■.■'I
□ r .stnmarb.
• ffreu. aecli a. Simr
ilatillBal ' C^wllv. in ...
I'nlpitalioo of tl." Heart. Heanbun.
. Walerbraob. OBnwinc and llurn.iii...Ib. at Um P.i of Um Slnniarli
V-llnw Skin. CaatiM TiMiRU.- mi l
ler K.iitir, I*>w
oer dracRi.i acd
.Voffa.l Plii.iT for
n-lirvr you
Alma liar

lante new dwellinff**^!mte with a
In tbe matter of nei
nour fooodatioo. wbleh trill be a
■M impoke la of- roan
iarffe addliioo lo hU really Sac place. ^oniself with
the It
John Tbomat it haollaff fena potU which loeeeple lo deUll I
Tim tbe land owned by Oeotwe Am­
ur. and Mn. BlaiAtmlth of (Mar neiffhbort I
are maklnff a Iobr rUil amotiff friandt over yoor city or coonly Rorernmenl.
Bat k throe day, of rapid
and rvUtire* in tbit neiffhbaliood.

Dettmrt Banea claim. Ihat Iwo
-j^a will wind np all tbe tbnwhinff
on tbe nonb of aa
Tmrene City Rish ■eboola
Ur. BilbbMU hat two team* plowMin Mary Uoldeo. wbo hat been
fa fall wbeai.
ultioslKW paianU of tbit pteee. teJake Btlbbeiu Ima Rooe with Del
inmed tocher bone In tanrnso on
Barnet to drtre lean.
Alpha Inmao and OerBffe Bonbardt
drore to (3odar ooe day Mat rreek.
WiUiaa (fhamplaia
aad Hebry
Mn. A. B. Pray rliltrd at Bcliwarttai
Batet Saai
Bah off tbe
« Barnett pLa thU fall
H- Wata_______________
(Ji-orffe Parkin of Morthpot ia dfrihii be U pettlac down.
IR eoma baollnff fa tbe North Beaoh
.o. aad doioff enme watt fa them at
■heir rwwt at Gill* Pi«.
horse Satorday erniuiit. bat i
Mr. and Mra John BlIbbeUa. wbo
oBily, Btbe It able to walk i
fatrebemi rUlllbg Oolr pareoU aad
frienil* al Northpot.bare new return­
ed (o tbelr borne in (Mar.
tb WiliUm
Mr. Vrary it pattiB« a
.......................... _________brolban cm
iDder hit booB'.
Banday; airo enjoyed a looff walk on
U<e beach.
V. A. Vorden-t people at» int
talnlas reltUret wbo euae on tbe «
ooTsioa a few dayt a«e.
tlrbOBka, Ereiatt Farr a
Miu Oella Bleeic retamed Batarday
........... . .ay weot to Tiateiae Oi
from a rialt with relaUTcaatSaffUSt.

We will be Kind Id
aoe you. You rtead
nol buy - undomtaniJ thaL

The Cadllke Oommerctal clcb ii m"
carioR all kiod* of new indottrii-.,
Ibe lairoi Uiinff.beiiiR a taonerr. Cadllke offleen bemntra to all hare I)t.
hand f« II
and aUo all aorta of iadscemeou.

Wonderful Accoi



male complatul: ffire* gierfecl hrollli
Uolr b»e at Ja*. U. Jnl.iiKui’t ami S
K Wail A- Son-. drUR .lore*



Best Work Shins and Overalls in the
•world, only.-................................. 48c

nil Ih' wi
Eclectri. ...............
u> immediale n-m
a kill, direax'
be blond; aid. <1.


-£cTtk __—

Mrt. Hame and doBltbler. Mr
fmd of Otiiiw«a Wbo bare been ........
inset the bone of Mr*. N. Hartir,
tetomed to Chieaco oo Mooday.
Mr. Brown, n tuioialer from Chiniso. it boldins reriral inerlinpat
iho U. E. eborrb of tbit pbnx..
Ur. mod Mn. Warrhain.
WsrebaiB asd UUa Oampbell ot Olee
Arbor, called at J. Helm'* yetUrday.
Harry B. Dombrille left for Tra»

Caps ................ IOC to 1,50

Bad Uootr^'"iMiif«>>tiw are deadly eeemlr. to Rood hahh - lioidork
Blood BitP fi drotrer* them.

.olOBiiie Barth and eista Ma­
le. called
id oo
o a* oo Tharaday.
liffffiBff t
Hr. Nelton't aoowi took a day't raI at tbini
mlcrn danoR the teoeot >wlad atom
■I BO_______
and atarted for tbe tbota.
B^tcta, aoBteh. Kmid.: anal
viU ta aaed tinlbt> IlmM
Tbe D. a Ooauwhlefawat beinff.
ttrcid to baalnea dnrinc lb* dar a
Om Umimm________
nt Ihavi
Ioade.1 at tbU landlliff last week; waa
ata]> deriOR the alffbl- Itobioff pile*,
Mtb»ank)l& Tbe
Dblleed to rsa fa tbella lo some
horrible ^daffee*
Doan'i oini
^Md •>]«> d«>n
Ihapot. •
McMtea wlU be bm>
j^JobBioiha* ffowe to Biofflmm otore. 80 onU.
tftto Msder 1« koovn le (be edllor
10 *Mi bit old mother, who he bai
JtntT waakMBODjeit beard wat decidedly wotae.
bkMtw an m is wbleh an dm Jol.D Oox-e Mooday.
Near Sydney. K. E W.. a masked
Md. aiaptr bemsM iIm BBiiM et lb«
Uiu Pearl Wl
A aorprlee party eai irtym HUt
oyclial held op the While Cliff.-KilwrlMT b BO* kwWB.
Bouna 6ot but krfday .-TeBinc: a
eaok, mall ooaoh. woondMl a paasenyny alee tine wat tpent
ArtMW fa liaata____ _ _____ ,_____________ iia. aeonred the mallaand ojbU r^All'report, reeeired from
at CI.WIO. and emiwd.

Uo Ualor U Wd sp with • mr
br -01^ r- -

Our Fall Stock Now Ready! s-INduco

takma tn CDerakad Md retm ac
Bl of ~---|------- T will be told
•smba Sth to IStb. tnclnarie. at
.. OMrt pa mik, Tk tbe Imke abore
* MfaditM Soatbacn Be. Them will
I ba ceed fa ratora ImrW CUrekad

M. a Cate staltad Hodaw n BMMrf
lbs O. A. B. at CUncmbJ B«r bU
old boBu, whan be twlMad ami WUl Oamw lo Tmrom Olty.
weot ate oaop S> yean aco. Be will
be acme aboal three w foar weekt.



Soffimw «
Good ta Tocara aatil Ocaoba um. !
haia will kava Tiavarap Oily at»;80
I. m. Ak oamm a *ro WU* fa faU

Manay^o^'larene Olty mads

O. r. A.

A nice square Extension Tabic. scxliH oak. just like cut.
r^ular price St> r?. our price
Thii table is
nice enough (or most any dining room, and cannot
be duplicated in town for less than SSxia
If yofi baveo't most-j' to tram, do not bo; a doUar'a woftb of b«
niuth stock aad get our prirea.

C gooda aatil jem look ihroe^ <

*ao ^ron« SWrmmC.

*k'MAVKM»ac orvir, miom

THE grand TRAVfeKSE HEfcAU), SEI»TEIIBfiR IS. iftoi
U two and a half ytB»
aaa twowwyaat atawlagte________ aolaateeefctbenafawnla- Old***^' -lhar oame bma tte othaftaa woakimt threa dayal
ataa. aaaaanlng tben; tba etbac. ao

1^ inrepn .rrtth


natbed gina a freobm MBll.tba Ut­
tar a rfcSar ooe. b aitber eaaa. ter a


a had yoar tbare of (relic.
__ „ ,_______Icoa of plar nod fun.
ratow Voa-ve fiahed u> many
’ i

^ turner.

aa tram tba aa

Bat BO oaa eoB oarry yoar mem
Aad^S OBa will debt yoar fi*bt-"

tiitelB tfa* biMkMrd'i
rSiSLm t*t» H AriU ant Urn*.


Tb* aua^ dsr* •>« piB*'
Bto. iiMlilIni iqalrtpL Vbjr tUi
b»t "*
Far becrd yoa'r* w* to
Ami. auBiNt a|>UBfr. «br ao tooa
A rirad to MT»-« lact oooooa>
Jth» HIMr fnat li far olf J0i.
Thewta aataamr daya a« boIb«.

OoM MMr |iaiw U
to air.


JTiw/nf Ibt entor’s Cahk.
r, tha vialar U al liaad.

prefanwl II aboald hare added to It a
portlOB—from ooe.qBarwr 1o oaathird—of feodared aaalu the naaoB
tor ibla U.lhal roatoOBtalst auarta la
wblob lonl
Mad la I
. likely
a latber deep rreael
II la beat to t
for fiytac-U It leHOoi tba daorar of
tbe fat boiliDC nrer aod oatohinr die.
o tao Imhea deep U bail
.moaoloffacu----------------------------------- o oonidately imiaena the articlaa to
» fried. Itahoeld be hrated oalil
bln, bloiab emoke zlaea from the eat
let aa well aa round the aide of tha
keltia To Ml II drop lo a plaoa of
dried bread aod baRin to eoeol alowly. If Uie bread li oolore<la pood
bforra by the Ume forty n eoooled H
!■ ready for oae: expert exmka, howdrer, wmtob fnr the Uim amoke to apimir is tbe Mitar. When ready for
oee tha oraolea to be Med are pluun
into tha fat, from two lo foor at
time, aooordioc to their alee; too Bias
!«■ io at OBoe woeld lower the too
mralare oodalT. If tbe ariiclea lo be
Med hare beeB already cooked and
ooly Deed browoinc laa to the naae of
the lirrrontqoeHeailtH- keula f kept
orrrthe hot lire and they an- r*- oot aa aeoii aa well colored.
need a more thocoaeli conkloc. aa
with chopa or ctitleu which arv
breaded raw.tber are immetaad aa before bol In abosl a qaarler of a mloole the kelllr »withdrawo to tbe
ooolor part of the fire: tboi tbe
ride la brawoad by tha Aral b
while aa tbe fat oooU the loterior la
cndiuiUy oookad wilhooi bominc the
ooleroaimnc. Orai]DeUra will Iwnwo
itanit half a mioole while
oetleta raqotre from fire i>
iDM aeeordlDC to tbiekoeea
After articlra are fried they ahoold
be Uld for a momaot. lo dntin oo oo

lin akj

BnWaa.wcaa7. Kara iaa cool lllllr
amae fw Iha aaaiv boort from TliiBdMa' World, wblati la trortfa (lir
mdiac is tlili oonoaetloo:
-TbaUaMi ara Iba;^
■Mr datoea tbarn at "Lomicaa of
Mrirlla." How tl>orBOflt«a for oar
AatMaaf lla‘ da;:bo«tba7 aileoer
amt klsdlr votda aad amotliar
Mllaa Wtet awel-blaokat foahoc.
Ibajr K<va *» areTTftila*. Stmi tbr
d« allaka ovar. ail hia friakl
■atdaod. wbao he looka at to the face
■•d dtaearsa oar ‘ ‘ Lowoeaa of rpirl ta.''
-We tea a eload apt* our akr. P--r.
haia It it a rary analloor: aoaeUmaa we feel II taabod of beboMlac:
}aM a blBl dapraaaloo. a lillle diamal
a farlomiieaa we oaBoot aeaawt far.
We ImaMidUtelr Mnt<»
that BO tita eaa be eatlrelr cloadiMt: «e Iblak tra bare all the troable
^itkiMdoBlIoheMaltTi tbei
af clooa aawlaa ob oa. are aoeeamb.
a«d low! we bare tba bleea
•*Wbo balb a oaie for fbeat

where the food will not oool.
Ufooen’ brown papek bom are exoellmil
of thia porpoae U folded and laid
away when emptied.
When tbe frying la flolibed tbe kaltie of fat aboald be aatatidaaoul part­
ly cooled: it aboald then be diained
throogh doobled obeeaa elotb Into a
IBD.orbowL forth* porpoae, oorored

--the Walee or
ii«hMA. bath oerr!

boy lo bn the
--------------------.. --------atnpid pog. or
a dog?
. fretfnl poodle,
nadla. tml a lolly,
roughiperiug M of ilog^

Mr to on "LowBeea of apiriur' Irei
IM wUatitr il to joa: or aball I theei moot Bgalntt tbompa!
Or did yoo e»rr aatimatr what a hn.4tta tba boaw-lop* Tbare la i
Molting nffaot la
felMBod baba tbal Barw lalU to
. aeatba, wbIMi la foaod Id doiac kind- kitIMi. or b
If daada aad epeaklac wafortlac dwaghtfol m «*f<w'fu”liBle hfeT
waa a tawperly eoaati________ , — girl, wlio did not yearn
"Ooe nlay dajr BOt leaic
for Bome pet. which ahoold lie all
■at at nr daak ralolr
tbeir •'TOty own." and open which
lac ta atnlB a few worda tocelbiT
IB eohnoBt fom. Wbailier It waa
If Jon arv wiae. moiban, yoo will
tita BWkwaid naterial I had In IhdaVe Ihla ciB>ing. The booae nuiy
d*l wHh. tba elamalima of t»j
apotli-aaly oeolaa yoa woold
: there nay be timm wbe
knla or tba dafreaaioc
fweaMoc dowapoer
rmpted to rote the ehildreo'
aot. bat I MU nr
. . - -jiaanoo.
Bat did yoa err
■•iBwiin” alnllBc o'er na.
tfalnk that your children oanlnno.
tbaa tba aanll bor of nj- boo
harm from donb oomimnimiaV They
n>r linidir omladad aia. "Toe lald
OB a falar day yoo’d paala aona ploand none the wi
tnaa la ny pwapbooka ' Balpc de.
l>o pot deoy
■idadly dealnna of wooiac the Hate,
igpeu: only
|tiBt til^i^ay'^i
laid. -Dea-I botber na bow. dear."
Tbejoother who permila her ebildreo
The efalU'a roiea w
to DOglecC the
ho belpleaa on-atarei with
laaaad. bat aot tba far mote iaaineat which they a____
votae of nylmn, that Smiy repralmly t^b’
U) be blamed.
And doBjt langh
ad tin wocM ny arenorr bad taaphl
t their Pood
U. "Do lonetbiac for aaotebody
b My 0
eblldbood I
Calek." The pee mad paper were UId
led fay a atem reMMa. tbedisiac-lable took Iba
DM for ny folly
- _________ „ ____ a farorlle hsrai
of tbe deak, aad tbe anbitioaa ecribthoaght npoD eertoln aahjecta which 1
' —ftaed It to be eaaaiderlag. Folly
tO«B laUrnMd •anther. deUchtioc
graal deni of Ufa. la il not? L«t
bar little aoiipty myly paatinc the
ohildno oojoy tba haniy. ti
vady baa^MO of flowm ud tbe ph
bdoor dayaore
___ ,____ ___ _
tatad bird! aad aaitoaU into amatlac
aod yon wiU bare to aoeriSee a littl
etaann oa tbe white'ptcea befon of yoar housewifely pride. If ym.
km: bugfalac ioyfaUy lieraelf
want tba llllte foika to be happy.
ire^t aaoMiioe lato
. und down atulra. aodly dia"lor
quieting your nerrea. pertmpa, bni
ifdnM," batwfaloh fella dejeotloo
rar mind. Yoa will hare yoor raMt aaoaoal ea a dark aod gloomy day.
rd b tbrir belug happy and bobHod.—Bereior Obytou. in Pbiladol"Tbtra u aareralinewhan weeao


aat dad nmetblac to do for tune
body. U nay be ooly to write a fan
a aelgkbar with a Imk wa baliara tbe
will eajoy readlac: toeonyfor
■MaaliMBBi apoen we are tare ehe
wlU Uka to bare. Parbapi we are atlac odd noenot* to make a damty
giri fora Maad; If ao. take a few
KUcMat aa it aad tea bow qalekly the
daen It diapnaad U yoaan aotbloc
alot yaa aaa de,-iaM tit qaletly for a
law nlaatea aad Uilak of the plmaaaa yoa hare bad. Ibai trip yoo eoJoyad aa naeb tam Matmar. aaa yoa
eaar fatgat It? Tboai' aadiwrinc word*
year prattllag ofaild lUpa to yoo an^ry
day. wbat ooald be nore eonfortioc?
Ihlak aad ibtak. ny aiitar. aad mil
Ihiak aa till aaariitiia hae Imalthad
Aadow aad yoa OBB riaa ap with a
■dardy will, tara year Uek ca eloedMad ^Mta tba Blaa Elac tfOcaa aad
go braralyfertb to abratfally maet
wkaMrn tba oonlag boan nay

"tbka ap tbe atraodt of
Aka the
ebeai of atantalo timt'abad;
Aad try to Alak of what la to conn,
"TUak of tbe Utlagi that yoa are to
AadlaM of tbe tbiBci yoa-re ddaa:
Fari^tf yea eoa) tbe baulre yoa'ra
PMpSU te Mn^a ta be worn

fin fatal* ti aaw aad olaaa;
a lUa la twekea aad
Aya. neat af tba lirra I weaa.

AM m ardaiaad by Fbta.

from the depiha of h
hmrd a elmr. amall e

_____ ______________ Daat orer tbe Ir
He etirred ogaU and!
aide aritb nil, pepper aad aogaj
SaaaoD a pint of aoft taaad emmi
with a taaepoeefal of aalt. a baaplB
apnno of curry poarder. a beapbe u».
apoMfel of aagar, and a level milapoaafal of pmiar. HeU a holt ob|>- man IlflUg (rtoot welghia.^ When
fal of battar In a ndder. odd two taBBfab of ooionjaiee. ton in
Faiher, father!"
aaaaad eronba and inra them
-■Wh«-at II It. danghrer? "
d BBtil well coaled with the IfOtow ton ioio a dtab and fill tbe
eee baaidnc foil. lUoslaatbor
idroeate a meal fllUnt. bot tbii
-illiog will. be
found a bettai
. ...
union, j Bakeoniilt
addition to tbe aide of il>e drag1' lotions nalore la mid to liaTa
Ibel! laoft and tba fining
(irovlded a moat efficleol temeily for
pntaen lye ooiaoolng. In the ahape of
...rma-'________ ____________
111* widely tiwead flower known aa
hare been cookad dowo oniil dry. aeaooed aa direeied for toMlo tooat.and
tratoed. add font agg yMia. well
" aadiaabuodant In ..
MSUB. a (•-aapooBtol of cho|iped |wrduring June and Jole,
Irr. and Uie whiM of tlir agga brsiicodendroo aod the
-n to a atiff froth. Bake twooty miu- Kbna veneuau
■tea and aarre immediately.
The color
ihe flower of "apolied
oei" II a di-<-p orange, and
Smilopad—Batters iBkiog diah and toocli
of n.idiah lirown. Tbe lip
nrer thr bottom thickly with aoft
■ moejraadernmba: cover tbi-ctpratia tbeo
with a doable layer of tomatoea.
Tbe teed p^ l-orat ll aliglll
ikloned. thinly alioed aod Mwauoad
hed end rcallvr the aet-di
with aalL jiepper. a aprlnkllog of angUat i*oi.Ttv (he
10.1. To
0 ti.II
araBdODloa joiceand doiaof bolter;
eoDtiona Iheae larera until the diali i<
with cramha. moiateuiiblog will
' Thr remed
_ _
jielted bol
— . _Hake
r tlieiaioeeor
then eorer and bake threngb.
o the.akio wliid



Proich Cobbler—Line a deippiag
with a ricli Waeait doogh: |arv
qaarler aome p-webea and aland
pieoea oo endwa eloaely aa they ca:
crowded ODiU the pan la fall.
Make a light arrue of eqnal imrta of
watw and angar boiled for I
uie*. and paate thia orer the
antil they are thoronghly moialeo- d
and enriched: add aome doia of halter
over the anrfiM
and Iwke in a fairly
____ In aerriBg. aland ._. ,__
■ter aod bind a Urge na|Aiii
aboDi tbe aldea-to coanwl
ihem. Berre eillier hot or .oold <preferably
rerably bM) with good cream only.


llaiiwaS. for wal^.

Wbal Xm «o ti me.
White peitiomta on moddy days
Cheap jewelry any time.
Brigbi red with a florid eomplexion.
(Ueapirooua bicrele ooatamen.
.K broad bell on a tlonl figure.
____ ,________ ga oo aI Igood drosa
Cheap Use on anyihing.
DiameBda la Ilie daytime.
Lloen eollan with Jrmar frocks
Pietnre natd with oollng' coatome
Theatre bonnela with xtm-t aolla.
Soiled white glorm on a ahopping
expedition, or any time.
Worn ahoea witli anelahoiute toilet.
Dolled rella With weak eyoa.
Aiioen oollarkbatiaooc Immac
lately freah.
Uolrea with hole# in, or boota wi
bodona miaainjr.
' Hair dnwoed high with a anub am
Hair ins Payehe ko»t with a K
Pointed aboea when bicyling.
Uandy eolon in cheap moterUla
Tbe new. light al(.-re on a long.
Tan aboea in mld-irloter:
A long, draggled akirt on


^00^ ^

PteiBrei aa plain to aee
How very well wonh Imraiag'
All oiber beoka auy br.


from our comMiton when we cuilhepriceof wit from
$I.J5 to qoc. Tins week we are jjoinjt to sell il at Ssc.


’Ttiiukree."'hemid gravely."!
[ahtll eenalder it ihe-gvealeat honor of
BIT life to be altowed lo heeome one
: with you, and 1 jwotnite nolemulv to
, do all llial I cwu io thia world lo help
. ]w.. it along. '
. There waa a little Iwtwk lo

So hock agaiu lo aeliool dmn.
VacatioB time ia dare;
Yoa're had a merry recem.
WHO Iota and loia of fun
Yea'ee been like eolia in faulare
Unaard (o bi( and rein.
Now ateody. 1
'Tit onlv dunrea lolh..
Vbeo aoonda tbe aehool- iM-n-a rail,
So fall in ranka, mv imvi and girl..
And troop in. cor and 1
For aehool it very pleami
When, after lota of fua
Vacation dare are over.
And real werk’a l-eguo



• You' l-iva ren never it
whai II ha. Ueghi >ne. (or you are
young and not ,vet hardened 10 ll-e
........ -..............
.hnea*. hut'alBoe
hut*alBoe Kal|ili
ha. told ni. and 1 have h»
.thooglit in inv mind. I hair
jmunllea. ogn-ovlunmi'. to (••*>(
aloug w hich I never >lceame<1 cif he
I fore, and I have I. .-n iMiot lodnit
dally, and I thai-L v..u
tom of my luwri for

n»-iM- are baay daya
fall work liarrying in (I
Ihe ellT aebooU beginolag. and every 1'
whore vacatlno dave coming 1

Hac Col. per



i 'wbi^Vt"

There iia acriplsral Ju.liflratlnR foniwering a t.iol areordiiig to hia fol
aiul who roold J.Um.- a giri. any
V. for giving .nrli a
follow, ihinking l<
I ' Utin .ireel
till- other day. and mid to one of re.• • •lea;" Kvet liaviiaiiv eali for
looking for a markel!"
"Vi-i." aaid amany.
"^1 right, dual aiep right ap on
the irti-e.-nt counter.-"

t-lieew- Kalla.
A hreaktoai delicacy;
Bret lhe
Whitea Of two ogga to
tc a very atilt
eupfol of grnled cheoae.
froth; I


lass frilla or ehilfaa reehea for qoorter nf n rsfdl
work or aehool.
Irvod. Make into a email talla and
Blabocule toilala for chundi.
fry a rlob brown is divp fat.
Untidy frock, for breokfaat.
Honaoulol atrine* or teefca on a
-.worth living im
■ loag aa thoro
atooi fignre.-Dealie-a We«*ly.
Kxly worth lovli
The n~t Tralalaa M-a.wl..
TtaiBiog^tcdioola for domealii
ranuarr la neoeMrfol oiwtulioo* io
aereral eltiea.and to aome mlnda they
ition ^ (he nerc
ivoblem. wrilm Margse( £. BxngiKer
in Ooud Hooaekae|ilng (or Septembe
I am ao old-faahimied aa to are
(hem merely a makeahlfr. al beat _
Terr partUI remedy.
The untrained
miud doea not readily aatimilti
loetnrea. niw avail itaelf of the
rally apportioned aeieoiifie inf<
*'-B ao wiaelr imimiled.
ioed handa do sol grasp joyfolly

-r^ewn..Tbia friend—h.-r name l>
I..vely. but
w.-«-|.iug aii-l I r..t.liDg.

‘••V’dlmTror.- father. J.T u n.-an.'
"^n^.'x.d, dnin t-i *.-li I..U ,iH

hoiliagwuter anul j«iderhat^‘",“i?^",
"Wa rearwly My oar yoatb aiide.
aot quite dnae. Dtuia. oool, eoi inio *7, ,* 7„
lemaea UBoaM Xm KIM
DatU it all bwlaa!
aiwig. and arrange ahtwe preily in ml* ,
.. .jBCarallat mya that er.. :ad bowl Uaed with leader Irerea
- MMi baa tMaaMomw U hM baarv
farmer ahooM a hawk he throwa a A9n iMaah tbe yoUa Of (nor hard boiled. For ante b
■aob alee baa Ui aiaa
Into tha fire, fcr.tbnagb the bird lakea lettnaaBd eal the whiiea Inlo pemla.'reaiU. Foal,
•Urn naaonaf ataaaaraMwry aad - oooaakmal ohiofceo. Il deatrera >• anaage ihaar like daiaiea orar thelK. T.. aole
It l.oaOraiA niea a '
liaaUflower aad poor orer a phialatakw, Bam
Inaambdramiac. Borre ray aDlSr^ibawHmk.

To Ret Tea. Coffee. Sugar. Spices and all
of Groceries. Quality higii. prices low.

knew a g.->l hem.-,
hem.-- nni
end a g.-«i ma.-,
ter. and li.- d iwniie.- in
So we will call tida alory lb.- letl. f,lv had* lull.lit week and thank Mia. Forw for I
gn-at ej.hi.litng .»t 1
c. *11.1 there vrea^roscy, Bloclc
wlibbopi-a llial el.e will writ, na
UM .. .. ..-..Iig bi« r.-l,t Riira-^
I l.-tl.-r Mme day. and |<erlia|.. le
' ii.g drink ..Cl ..1 hi. uwii lu|.. darhing
anmething atioot the cliildren ;
big city of St lyiui..
. mid ^H.. and well laiti h
itKl hia fmln I
Then- had l«-enn long
family >it aroiuiil lii.- i*ij •• I'ld' ihilid.
l» reading.
w.-IL wiial

2AH Front StlWBt



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


tnart -

verv poor. aiid never ha.1 a rhanoe
rlianoe to

'I'be laeb-tViwm.

Sit To ^whSh.'-«?’?.. ^-;'w^re
- -“^*
awfully a-.|ooidied tome him one day
ereatare. r.e'"
on trni-tt .. l.ev*oae hi. wa. tin- l.-.l - w,,r ti.oul.l 1 kill a ..................... ....... ..

Rc-Painting and Upholstering.

thiuge-llmt It- UU1.-.S TOO an- v.-ry


.. '

added lo
*e M-t-med ruili.-r a H.-willnni linri in.-, fhv. and ao
I al.nll i-m kill liiiii U.-i a *tii-kHe'll vr.Awl n|Kiii it nor-- aud rjuiri.
Anil that will li -iiu .-:.*t -war
To hul hi* worahip n


take It one whole .Uy, and when a-k«! Iiow he bappeneil lo, h.- -wid ‘twa*
auch a floe roe he ihouglit he ought
to pa*f il aloog and let aome one .-Imhave M>me enjoyment 001 of it. And
somehow w.- got to talkingabnal ihi■hlDg* we ha.1 and i«iDeflt.e el-e- didn't
liave. and howr Twa»n'
Twa*n’l jo-i t.
. ouraelvi ..'aid i dmi'i
it wa-.. hot we *ald
we dre-a all oor good thing, along
and let other foika enjoy ttaem. aiel
Ihal'ahow tile riobatarted.'
■;Aren;i you apleodid"'
apleodid'" Snate riti-



^ ^


• Victor Petertyl,

oun-or twir
i-r *upper. l-ui
B>Bally Ulkalive
Tommy'. |ai« lui.l dio-eiiem. for
atlli. lie w-ne
hnw lie waa *1111.
ml.iiig a kite, ami iiinnium h-id (irom
jt there b.- mt ’ e,l I.. hei{. bin. iflh.-v could And
n't playing a gu.
looking mii-ntly ac
Iiuhh- wood for (h.-rtniiie. Tin- |B
* Kren Iwiri nhted lln-r raid, 'll ina>t l«- of emlar. pine,
lenre.and hiw.-n-d hit |Wf
r >imit«r wnwL ni.-iil and looked at Ina 1
"IhtlB." luL.-d Tomii.v nigl.t.
iiniDe.-.l .-xpreminn on
l.vv.- V..U »nv eedar w-.eel
'•Well. Balid.r" he 1
Th.- I«v yumiied al I. .. . .
and colored a lillle.
"I« it ►chool,
-^rap.'*. c
uiliv thooghl for a ni.
hi. fath.-r eooiinne.1
is-.lo -.mulnrire-e,
Kalidi I'Ut on a liold far.Haa
-lab we l*<va tuivv foriui-d.' In-u',
Krtn-.l luiCT elarl.-d
ari.-d It.
I w^llt
>t aUmg- I rt- .^ni'd
elol." 'Twa. when EeBe*t got liiat fine
!..- |n|*-r.uyi
n.-w l.icych- au.l le.1l II o




Cbe Best Place «

n-lli in her letter how .he ealoya ^ ^' 'l.od
^rre^’‘’VitiT.»e of
both. You ae.-. iearSunU-am.. your x.-d.'fe.iiilv 'li-had I.-. Mi-.....-ihK-e
lillle b-ller. an-read and liked all .la.a
Mr Alnain.-.-M ncL.-iv hor..
over the United Stale., ptallv tnoeh. T..m, »h.> wa. ill (n-al.-d, reii away

... ^


- $ 1.00

WAY TO BEGGARY.*' BE wisV. iN time ani^use

way off (00. from a (m-mi wi-iiavr |,„,r itum]! went ..fl '
Di-ver teen,
but wbo
n-oda Mom.-. S.-d yat d-mru >,u the lam atrpa.and
Cheer and Sonahino every week and ' cried and gr-wh-d an.t grumbled,


state 8t- near Union, Traverse City. Mich.


that whi.tiiog r' a*l.-.l the
okmg ov.-r (he nm-mhlag'
M--. ■' prnmwlyreplieil
•Didn I ,vAu kn-lw I

1.im1-I1v- y.-ar old 11-m
,n go to the drug *101*d.m-* worihof aweel oil.
.Uter gel
ling about half war ahe rame run
tl- arf- "Ml .mma. hoe

VI all tbe time oi
to help p«
lovely.^d 1
Tba firat nap ta well-eerapnd dial
Bill cake wtik.
find a dainty help In tbe am
caar," Ralph inheap tiiwae pipar for wiplBg u-.
ninetynever uiarkr-l down
-•.-toon . ea-y etioogh.
greaay diebc. Into a .mall dishima
im't koo
hair foil of boiling bot water pal a
piece of oommoo kiteben map aod al­
Tbe woman who h
poetical uaplr- • "Wtiy do TOO have
low Il to ronalD only long eaoogh to
Btiona aiWBVa^ttli* 1
if .100 an- •
Oiere would hr any li
make the wuiar .lightly mapy.
eeallv pl.-dg.-d to |biw
regular order of didi-wa.hlitg .bould
A mothi-r'a iwuyera. ailonl and gen­
" g<-la to be prvliv aorlnobe ebmryed: fln-t tha gbiuc. Bexi
tle, ran lu-ver mlaa Ihe road 10 the baaloea
tba .llrat, tbaa the cop. and .yneer.,
aa. R*l|d. eaplalnedIhnme
folloyrad by the .(icky and gm.y
dldia.. and U.I the not. and pan. and
auma. and leDillnc them in
kettle.. One .hoold nare three dl.h
Whv it it that Jnit aa noon aa. you thing*.
to firidgel by'
aaoiK a .mall caie for the gUme. and the bourlww much heal
lake up yoor mind to aare more moo. make foika happy w
after dinner eoffee cop., anocber for uin by a di
./ there are daaeo thing, you think
IhS.”anS^’and S!Srer n.iTi' gtbaacberdiidir.. and a tbltd for the
you muat hare.
her next Ir____ „
hoiliered op "
iko a fenoua fire, btw]- her
«'h* •Ureetitma which ueeatsiBoy a
He cam,- cloaer 10 hia mother
up to Uie redbM lids'und poand ervwl never «lve time enough for
aiie preaae.1 her hand tenderly on-r hia
____ , oa oanaL
n-- boat training .ooking.
Some my fifteen miiratea. tambled luir. He gave her-a quick
aebeol (or daughter or acrruct la to othera half an hoar?
tine to two
-------------------------- di-Jicloilu The nop.
ibooght tbe kiteben over which u ' lionra. when the douM-- boiler la need. little nodi-cided look, and -Ibeu twokr
•dwnld be eorefullr wadied after om
.leaking rapidly. .

d boBaekoeiwr iweaide*. mad tbe
---------- what IveiieeB
and be bang In a bHcbt. warm place
leerrmnman- they who. during a
to dry tborooghlr. Take one dUh lo term of yrnn, cootinue
itinue it
In thia aehool.
Ilia bond al a time aod wu.b carefully ------ 'B^roe^home Mtij i i ia. to tbeir
I to II- ^
Whan ore handled in thi. way
ahoDie inooly tbe titw of the fingere of tbe left
aa hia mother -tallied lo-peak.yoo ve
bandamd eame In ooniort with tbe
alarava hra-n ju<t ai-leudld about ihal.
diidiwater A. men a. the dixbwaler
In the pan gi-t. oool or become, at a»l
nod ict me mafc Ihe boy-, ooly they v. 10 lanloDg tbe
dirty. It .bould be emptied out and
Tlie iwonf of^ he .poddilit la the tam the ta^a 'roond here who are
the |«n be relllltd half fall of boiling life of paper bouod noveU. With or- eotinc of it ' If any cut or town ia uaed fo baving thing-, und 1 w-o*
diahwaier abonid Barer
the Union ha* aafficienl jm
leoof on Ihe thinking tonight wbeo that augur ginih fmato a piece of rtilieo or grog- foHowiBg aolijecl
am like "boardiiig

it laTtui
“ revae City. gerbnwd eume 00 I knew ma bad Dorn
The cloth UeDuiae merit II fiO-ilBg iU
Mean of eonm be ____ to tbe pajier rorera.
ila reward
rewu^ make it hcoaaae I liked ii ao well,
aboald be in mie piece jaat aa the i«____________ 1 of local how good II would laale 10 Clark lu.d
per eerering la. Dry oader a wei^i
i-D ivople riglit here al aome of tbe olliert. 1 gn-m they .loa I
l« pteveat earling.
Tbe jBprr coverhomer’fnm.h . and neighlwr* of our hare Uiinga aa nice aa we do. and I
ing^ oratily
to the hock
' ther'd like to ait >ooDd aad
.tiiiemeol like Ihe fol
miW. air. il . .IlffereBl'fron
ablicalloB. It la pto^
The aeeret. 1 think, of gtrim i bnokai^^^ih tnTeota°^ia'lf^
Ihem Imve wbo haveo I
—illy what they Ilka lo eal." oya i elMh uaed ia in a plain color it it may Readkhia leatitaony
all. or elm one they re
roong bcaaewtfe who aneeeeda re be oraameoted with a few atlicfaea or
iham-d of "
maikaUy wall Id her Mtaring. "I.
Hi* father b
T hoaggivaci me mach plcMre. ruuuiy Oroeenee. 4IS K. Prroi
not to keep a diah golag till they are
•i Ihiak w
eauae I need no loo
tired of It. 1 beliere to ebangiog tbe
the apiirereBce pi
morning ereeal ofleo. drwpping a far.
Ibere Bair*, aad we'll do all «.
rep edilloB that I a lal often bov. iVidai-y*. a* Ihe intn waa aboai where
criladaouert after a few limeauad not
'1. I thoae organ* are loealed. I rred atemi ;
baring a boarding honw- regularity la
pa*, the hn
li aad ta»w i.twmi. who Imd uaed I
, '
;tM- ftrel or laat - Droo'a
iug to tbe girl Id the kitclieo- Worn
me up la a ahcirt tune an-1 ilw acllrm
eo liaa-i Ilka (be botber of deeldlog
of the kido'v aevreti.n, w»* reo.iered'
wliat they aliall.hare mrol after bmL
regular and
A bOBaekeeper wlio esyori (be aiarworda 1 fell
kaltag and eoMrieg wl]| |«oeldetbe
rarlety people hke.'-Uood Baum-'

• •

CfiOee. rcr twaiiA ................
IS poauii Socar.;...............



A pillow filled with hope JncMd of
fealhen make, a nic- im-ai-al for any00c wbo»l. trouhli-d Willi aleeph-m:
iiraa. providc-d they do not ol.jeel 10
tin- am-D( of ho|«. n. thi- aroma In l|ia
to Induce .leep.
Put the Ii0|i- luto a
pUin. whip- iBg ami tlieu uiakt- two
pillow (B-e- of linen, with l»m-tlelied. frilUd l«rd.-r-. working, if
like, a de-ign in flouri.hiog
thread abov-e ttie iiem-tltchod border,
hot no wot* on tii<- payt wrhere Ihe
limd will come, and you have a
charming gift i-oraplet--.

SClllMS ..............................................

• 08c


II..W Ki

ilier her -lbe mcraibg

to tars Leam S«r.............
A r«o4 OMttit RalsiB. per lb .
Ar«taB»U«f Pfiwder.perlb .
I t|L BotUc Blficiv................

We make no iillc Iroast ivhi-n we tc I yon
Sfit groceries cheaper any store in the vi
have no losses ami no book-^eciicrs to 1

"1 don't run-. • wildird X.-d. ."J.-l
a hat.-fiil oM h.-r>»; n. uinrh a. Wr
bnav tc-.-'.loor him' I-iimp
and can't tell a aUwy. ting u tong orU-very iliy of hi. life, nil ih.

- of yoor fri.-nda. tend, a
I.' found fnr voo to n-ail.
Haa. Il Along
ClnU"an.l i



pe.w^.reroKm. Any ooi- of which
~ r^"ow;;'5 ,r
Stuilv alwnya (he nice look of a ml- .hod like to do if the could.
hrimnilng..v.-r with l.-au 11 fui
Bot here (he ollH-r day nuue auch .gairlling wat.-r
li.-1. h.-m.l
wbich tlu- iiglp i> M«>nimi.uiiii-d will aalcr h-tler from a friend in St.
-r l»-kiu.l to aiiim.l- again.
a roavouuaiM-. rvlurueil 10 the rodd;
rap and eel on a l.-llsCv leaf, haa 1 1-..,...nd th,,,..

decorutivo |•oa*llnlllv. even It it dmnot ta.te aui l.-lter ll-an when (be to
main-, an- alir.--! aryl iiiu.led With :
lynoBaiae. Beet, ni.y lie T-erreil ii
- ««me war
At. atirertive wav for
-viog a airing t.-ao alft-l la to Uy
1 greeu "atnnga'' Ing fu.him
a h-ttuce li-al nil The pile la abou
o'er Ihn-.- liielii-. high,
The liraoi
ik-ach Hhort-Oaki—Next to oobhier. nurhl tci liave Wn marin
sake. If properly made^
On n.p I.f.mch •dabln' -Iropi
a peach ahorloake.
leaaima nf mayoooaii-e.
la laohablr the beat cooked d-'aae
paac^c-n If it la dry—m-tvly bii uU Mllh II few callers—Oooil Honarkrep
^ Uoedp--'•IngforBeplemtier.
lure. 1
and hear
• ir o ■
While iMHaUM-a an- cuaidereil nl.
on an e.w-nlial part o( ererr dlii>r. alihongli ofti-u pt^ In quahl^
__________ ..-iw'mitil
:traoted, tlieai Btrnined.
all llaror la extn
hr door in oooki
aod an equal mmaure
of (ugar added
•le. a «..
to thia pvach-waler
to make u ayrni
—when it haa
baa boiled ten minale*. Ai tie tried in ihe gniae of mnahed aweel
tmtvta .Thriv el.ould be iMiih-d. Him
dinner lime nmkcariohblacniidongl
l-an-d niill itia.hod. wiih mil and pi-paod l«ki- it h
|ier. and a lillle hullot nud ;mwm
t aharp knife ibeal knife br liulri -Inahed over the lop aa it i« ireaaed
It io bot water) and ladleorer (lie dowii into till- w-rring Thia maj
hi- art in the oven n iiinitii-tit h>-foTi
aurtaornf meli half eouagti
noiaten well; pUee the .
OiUBlI.v dnairrd.
eru.t on n platter, b<«p with pmcliea.
addiuR aome joioe. place tbe upper No OBI- w D lias not i-aii-n^lhj. iimpiir»ual oo top I tile toftoorfnrr up(.hmp
>tand only long etic^ tor llie oruti
lo l««omr ooaked..A few iiAclira tod
aome a.rrnp in the platter giro i
dial) a afill mom luaeiona amimnuK.
Serve wUb riMi craom ooly. -Obleago

To atady with a wia

! K-sf-'-a/

au (athm and arelbar ware
I'atan die gin the deerway.
How limg
| . they had bMB •.tandiag there be didn't
JjkBOw. Aa the other beyt folk
!lUlph aglaB« there____________
l_ ;rre hM w-emdating.
woDdaring." mid
---------- ->te|>pra
Into tie I
.md looked down lato tbe •_______
(aeea. "If tl It imaaible. If yoa would
br ao good aa to be willing 10 admit
aaeta ao old boy ma 1 am Into yoor ia there an age llmir
> twlnklf
igrrly. Mr
I him fwi
' them
: Bbi Ihe Idm of - _____
each a apteodld cee aa be.
join tbeir elab.
Mr Taber’a (aee grew terinaa ma be

le lUy^mle-d n ilna retinr
n.'Uilng he
that ehair
fhni'i get I
•i jo.t


We will give a handsome Child's Chair, either
painted red or, varnished natural wood with
the foliowinfT purchases:
1 ll> M..-l>a oail Java (%iff.-e. ool.i for -kV. at.....................................2S
1 lb Tea. Noa' Hooa.................................................................. ...........................50
2j IIm SIre-py Kye Flonr................................................. «............................... 60
!NlhaHraoqUi«l»oi.-ar.............................. .......................... .
Aoiuuni of purrliwre.................;.....................


................................... $2.35

Alao bare a feu- groat f Kutloo Mamm .Ihra wl'ii.-b ae will
oeil M longiaa lb«y laat oMific.

f Harness 1





Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

[ EM* h tTAEU^S OE ca 4

i TeMwoed







"1 didn't aaimnae I'woald heaavitblag like wbat it ia. "

dealatu. Plire _._____
wn Uo.. Buffalo, we'd be jaat belrdng «:
Other fnlkawl.o
aTor'lbe United iwerew'l ao rrelloff aa owrw-1

Oppbtito lUeb. Smiah Oo.

---- ■“'•liiST.'JSSiElS,
' nr'ira


'- . ’

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