Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1901

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 30, 1901


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



nmauiii TAuomii i \
We have jnait ret
line of the Ut««t atfle* of i
Woolen! for the tpriDg mmod
1901. Yoarinepecionoflbeei
ii wraeetly mineeted.

<140 b A.

Trarcrst Qly State Banli

a moist. LetdiicilerclaBtTtllar.

' Aotoat lA It «o4 la

Money to Loan on Improved Real Btalc Only.


rti»i^virs >vc/?«v?»w/7\j7v>?ti*

Ji Few «f the Preparations |
Put out In Johnson’s Drug Store

H-C.D.T- ;

Jolinenn't Headarbr Wefrte. JqIuimiu'i- Ketu Powdrr for linil fret,
Gibwiu'* TUiramatic Lkiimrnt. Gileeu'e I'oorUluni I’..wd.T. JoTiti' " ' rPoedrr. JidmxmV Livnr Cimnali-o. Uitiran't Dr«.
rill. J(>Iiu.«n'i.
«in> Krul < Mrm|i. Hn-f. Imo and Wine.



_ ._ _________'oltba
^ (or BMdior tlrrlr
tril.SST A. t


jr«y?ir»sr5kr'wccprw crtsr.ts'j'i' vi/.


1. ih. impM . und.oi Uu. .
fn«i r.«4, U|..i.. inM.
1^^.-. .< »»r . tol-fol Aor—
euT Irt.',
»oo. il>nll.>ie,.«t!'.olMMoBt Aon*.

K. ..sllirir eihtr 4». ..>1 .k
■Wp.> .< b>.«Mae

Sacrrci to tha memory
Captain Kob<-rt Ptecr (IptdoD
who. with >ix aiaail>'r« of Ills conimaltil. ffara np bi. iifv
on this S(ul
Se(it4inb?f filh. I-a.
whila refishns^r ailrancr

k«,«tbr .Ib« Ib.r iKPU-aar^n.
TS. >t . ..rk .4 l-u+Tb.— -Xl 4
Ju.t „a»aa<>a>a-!b' -n.aaC
B..I1.1.r*!*l7 baMud o dai?
AUt. ...»U<l.Hu«II»|.«j rail

KadaraiAmrof inra,

Real Estate.


^ I twtit
>w'tit Iu
to war I was pa u
undar I'oi- auna-hody 'aTirat» mud ibal hr j
nnrl Murpliv
Hr . ih. tnai
I an. O'iinrn had a rifht to i«« jadffBv-nl.
trnd.-r.-d all th.we |iri-! inoi
luka an-l this lad lo a lunktnff ap of Ttt'Iu Van IVim «h-n hr .rti r aluns iirils
(tSraiil was asrful mad m, that
Thomas .. Bnan want lo Use war
I look a bona lo war with oi,
Ha was with tha .>*.00114 Mlebi^ (Mmlrr
; liv'ni nrbi ai> in tl'
IS eaiitarad-by a (wny i>( aonfad
ff,n a foot
f.w.1 ap on ona of tha
a «.«
at f'Tawflsh liiaaffB. Na|i| »i.
■ sirAaiisof wira and InsAinff far
la-, !■-«. and waa ahlpia>d forihwllb 10
r »«..
.............------------------------------------------la !-!iniiBaa>1 lalkins.
Tliai BaHa tslafid and tbmo- a
aWfnl suud botar I to

r*^ t!E'ir

"Ob. Tom. I do linia- fathpr wool
M 10 law with Old Uajor LooiIcb'
ll'a bad t-uooi:b a> it l>. bal tbat w ill
make il i vir ao morli wene.
1 inei
Kate In the inatoSiw T.-Bi<r<laT asd
aba pr»l»nd!'d not to bm- ida. "
Tom HBriwoodraMvd ih* iron from
tbr yiloBB lia wa» cainK. and brawn to
what il on ilta oilaluiM-.
"t’a witli Tog. Dorothy," ba aid.

;;v-v:i::.'s.i:sa‘s',“ lists

Uial Ibr Mayor ia wroaa. and ba'< so .
iaa to law about it down b«rr m AUbaffia.Jnil llir uinr a< lir would bark
in Kaw llantwbir,'.
-Ha loi'i bitirr
aboBt ir, bol Ik-rau'l aaa wliT tlir
Major aliould la-. '
"1 keow," ndiad lioroth.T.
“ '



HHOFR-r L.IIME Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Sbr could ee* I
r eborr dir tn
thiDkiUK to •
Hihr'olct &>ld


< rr .4 tbu aaa
ar .rrandfal)icr
.Hrandfat(icr w.
,„,i„ „f in^,
f wat ont in La.1 baaa a taiBBrt a waHi
flrtt w.- two h-(wua cbaiiunT and
and tbraa_ tbrra, f„«.,
id II wna
• lat«t aaiooK rttu-b.ror. tn tin-Xatuio-jin.-.* tbrJcbnoyr.
warr tlirfr, a tbr oo____
ar wto. wh.«
at CamaT.-ry at tTbulIamioKa; Uil trua
Bni„ (,s*n »
' off and Itian ha diad a law 5rmn
lafl a raror,!
lirtwiUB kaow* no |■ol^lIfal ciaa<l. and

.a. I didn't arr oT tba arrata bar* iii
tha lawn nmr 4|aickl,r wbao ahr jnr- morli uf ibani
Mr horaa hr baard
" «ud iil'Bnaa au>4ar. ■
tansl Itaia Tllllr la>e>l.or a--van mao Ir- , ilia tirat two sunk and hr inA thr bit Irl'• itrt
rt ■>
di of hara
hrra. I doe't want U
io* bahiad id|a ruda braa.iw.wk. uud
rurbl lu liia uusib and hr ran.
Mr an to AndarMUir
drt«ni!llla.-ilia. ' Tliar
Tli.» wna in
• irldiDi:up lilrw Ibrra (rvr Ir in tba L<„d- |„nr (Lai
hora, dlil mn
I a Ihirk wallad (laaaiuiiir. with •«a
iirli Am-v la-li.-rad ti
. rouldu'l •to a tbme wiili him Hr mu • d.«ir. alwar. o,m, bni Iniilina tain a
>OT frliiiw..
>lir aaiil aolllr. •
iraqar-IhnmRii hoah.-a. arroa. liaTlww* twmir (rat, an and
'Alllliraa j^r. r<iu
l*-,-u Iiidk ,tra*m». orar J.«.. IhmoKli Iwak down wliirli (wrad a aantlnal with r«.
irjaforBotlrn in tin. Irnrlr a]Wt. aid ,*.,1,. and I jaai tb.nwbl ia- tiarar dam io
Lill anr
II uU'tt
tot rhr•laui.diirr
of *uw;wueld atopBoioit.
It M-mia.1 aa if hr aa maah aa |a-a|rd oot ihia Bl«hl
who fooKht !ap.iu.r vou to do •*«□ ; i.r.rd a ituD ararr liiur ha i.K>k a’O'Krifm and liaday m b|» dinr old
I dida’i want m fall off. blankal aad mada two rtiuffb «bIa
-.-anar 1 dldnt’kaow Wbaiw I'd Iwhi !»oah allira waa not nunawal in Ilia
I didn’t want In loa,- Ihr liiwar ailhrt aouUi at lha gwrlod uf tba war. Tbr
nwtha and laid ili.-m trt.nvtitly n(e : Illurara wriv worth aoiv thuithar ar.' hlankrl anata want nrar tikair 4>lnr
.-uods. raaarv.iis tlir | c K. SO 1 Jnsl Bloc,
on Ihr al
ja nr.l niffht O Hnae,
i\r of IlH- Caiitaiu.
laai for
mysalf llial wte
rota her ayra-were bnni-j
atoj, and thru I aonld think tha door
Tha arallnrl puil
,------- _-aa to 1- don-nrit
Whan ha llkr a flaali and with faa| ,lK<d .....
tinrllr II
aKOrr <-f tha olfl , ,1,4a
1... ,u.l falldown ina fl.-ld ailanoa (VBrIrii waa araoaallw hall
Major, *b idiBE lu BO atlitndr ot nr-lall l.lnw.-.!
I'll la-I IhM hr waa Ihir and in Ito- tBM-DKtil room Iwrnud
.............'I' ‘“'•'4ft hra'I, ibiMllw <d tr inllra from luka. -.Illionch I rr Thr arnirr oaOa Uia lan«th id Ihr
«iiaiio*a whltr RinaUclir IwilrhiU); nrrar brau tan k tliarr anno.
ball twin-and tliao ilaffirr waa urar
aulioiiBlr. and hr M-rmrd 10 U
"Ikia-w 11 was my traaln.-sa lo ffu aoaeao and by ti'llrl^' aldn.
for e(iaach,
agirach, and wiihuul
wiihoul know- laick
lack and rr(.>rl
rr(»rl 111
to mv ra|iUio, hot 1 wera In no Bnaeroidad dark B|«rini>-n4
; why her heart went onl to him
nmldn't Imv.- llial
'«■ hira-'. an wa a(Mt with two duura. uoa Jeadlns uilu tha
'Myila^ youus lady," ha U-san^ ; tha mslil to the (I
Arid and Ilia nest etreal and another late a shfa nam.
>i-tbiii(( i-hoked him and h
nbla lu morr aroand They hard foolateia. and lalh jnn,|>
"Do ..von know
I .-ooldn't nd- him. mi i ad Iwhind ilia oja-nod ilonr of ihr
•r were rchal-; , »,ari.-d i--wall- t-irk. atul I ram,-Iu u small room lu lha risht. Time c«i.
■ nr Ih- Irwl I (arm liuua,-. wi.--r- I i..< 1 Mima )iaii],l,- fadaiala uffinra aniarad and at lUiwu
............................ I who SI!.' ....... .....
(..i-lniid tnidmr al a aauirr table (or Ihlny mlualaa
know.''^ aijr^ld^jiiiuiila;^'|J.ut ! that ij-,,h.,,,.| Murphy h.d
. .


0 law with anybody down brra
la jnal like a daclaraticm of war. Tbr
triKbbon' taka it UJI on both aldaa.
and lh<-f<, a aoMcI of (roubir.
look at lira H.-iamca and ilia K»>ad.;
Thar'aa raadr toflr at awrli otlu-r joil
Ilka enta and dogta all Ihr lima. "
Toru biufffaad. "If It aoiuM to llial II will la- iwal.
ir oiir.idr,! with ua." hr aid. -"I'ln.lA-nduua u<rd to own Ihr whotr vah
lay lu-l.irr Ihr wnr. and thrj art th.[aart- for u-iir
rr«-l«wlr in il 11
andaa l>-iwi
:wran thi->' bloi-.blooded
Major iinrt a daapiwrt Vnnkor farmar.
who .}i,-i>i»ta iu idowinp^ draper ilian wan- brave uk u."
know.-I by llml thal l'»a.%^<ldatrd : «te*two*ywBk *'al'.td'rrr''*yfnalbr^e
Tha Up Of lha ll.-rc- mu.nrrhr a (wi.w.rr Ccki^ I Ihouiih M fiiwt tbat ! coufedrralea lafl tin- rmo. and Hay
whan avrr.vbodr rl..- i« lonny II-"
iwltcb.-d mmlii. and thr Major • look I d b-iirr gai into lukn and ffira my- - lay and UTirlan want into Uw biff
"Now. Tool. TOO know liiai laa'i offhU' l4oad-brininiril hat w ilh Ihr m-11 U|-. mi>l Ih-ii 11 >-rn>rd to me thal ' eatrr aimrUarnt and alola to Ibr atreel
fair. Wa*t-oo1dii't harr barn treatad
• -ilriy wnrlray.
1 wa. f.kdi.h .iii.-r I luid n ffood hot*.- 11 wa. 0|a-n. and tbr Maady
battrr aurwliarl- than W'r wrra lwr>
nir, UiH l>“mlhy. did y<« | on niv lian-l> and woold l.itr him. ao 1 Irrad of a aeatrr aomided wllhoni
yawn. aco. whan wr ratna la-ra with.
rr Iu-" Hr I'uald not Dmali. ' jual'.laiird twak for Inwa arid ran- Tin- imard |Bi^
Uia door and
motlHWalrk and folhrr ditrnnninil, and alia aD.warnl tb- uli>|i >kau qora-. rlnd.-d Ibai whm Uir k-ormnurnl OTIrtm ali].|Bd out. walked ualrtlr
and ararrlhiiic <0 AraaiTfolly flranar tioD.
' wanli-d I.. know w-hr I did. I mold - tor Ian ate|w In tbr direellaB.oii(ioair»
and—and lacky^ K!i'rTl,6,lr wnujuiii
"Sot jmn”*-!'. ' ah - anawart-.L ,ri.|iblii all nitkl. ainn ,-vrrvho.U.I Io llial taken by lie- aentinrl. and
a< kind and ibouchlfal aaongld b-. "! Iiad breu cotb-rinfc wild flonbra. wa.wMhha.l
ra|rtor-.l and I'd ; then lottUnB. met him fall and fa<'
Thar nru-r inkad wh.-rr Wr cwnia and I ranir liorr-luil.- by oacidant. I 'h.vie I.-.n it 11 hadn't l»u-u for llial The eoefadamte lad mil O'ltr:
frmn, and Ibay dldn'l w-a-iu (o car,- " •lidn
lidn’l know.Uiar.- waaany.inr burted .'•t,
>r«e. Tli-i,Tl.-t,- wa»u'i
wu.u'i iiiaiiy
laaiiy |s-opli|.-opU- in ,oom>os
.oomioa from n
a (mint
point lieyond lb* do
t, irae.
I-iwa III ihoti-day. and I dldii'1 luive : way and Ibr Ihonsht ol.aB aaajwd
Tha Major ah-an-.l his lliroul an.l-many
l.i talk to Kvaryloly
many lo
liad heard
beard insaoar nrvar
arvar enleri-«I
enlen-.l hia
bU bad. Tlir
onh mo- nnitii aurora. Bni that
sma arviand tn .laud baode h.-r
nla.ul ihi- raptnra and jla.l to MS- Vanher and tha Juhnair ueap(M.l a
doa.j't help naont^'f 0 tauftla with
"Welmnad lliera jual wbera ll.ry r..,-Imu-Ii Mmnd. Tie-h.iri ha looked . "irmal i-venms." and avao stood for a
•11; il soemed uiiwl |m>|irr and hi-, i.-rr wiar. Imi 1 wasn't ns >klos .'I- mottH-nl and Ulkad
II waa a oaar of
"No: and ii'. aaeli a linla tbinff—a. tins- Thrr werr on iH- (Hckri line. ; plaustloos. I tltuoshl • waa
doin' the tha wiBBUs ont of a bard blaff, and
fool nod a halt of land 00 bna tidr of and the onlar to fall liach never ■ sovemmonl more rood if I o|Mnad U)i
a mnoent <>-»rira wad round tlwC. A. H'aMMOND anold&bld."
raacbrd lhaif '
I anjno land than if I was dowi
Tba youiiR frirl -aliptied down from
Did you—.lid you know any oT ; ahnolins and s< "ms shot at
Ul il
liar (larch on thi- banali and want oal
le (altered.
--I. s'"
liold „.
of some rishl bare In eilhar Sol
I with^baUis kiUad
into Uia awr«t May annahlna
ill.- old soldier this
airitv |...............
,,^1 tha old
Mlier . ..... lo
Cl firnr.' .
... .................................
.0 follow
«bea lha
wv a bom peacamaka-r. and tba
aod lha Major bon-a
bnrar Ii)
to llir (dow
10 him, aealinal irinaad^w
I miv
tbrawtanad trouble made b-r heart,


A'SSU£.& o5ffir •

ThtBtas U-BrtMh raltna. has teoed
Tor yean at llw fa« of tte Newbrerr
set iiiio ibe rahscle. aU faiUnff. boll
..................... it *tat oc tUrviar bi\
nnder nmtrol: Uoptilta lotas away aay
.affaia 1 ,
o an old am-i who I latter rolamr. O'Brtro
Held. Ha left hi. ayed
' and
' more hllhfal aeatteeTulaB
fotrwtat ilwlJma.'^SlI^oiir ii iia terb
wrra Ibsar br whoa tbr old oUlee
hlmaeU onae slipped wbah ba Imd
made ap lilt mind that h r did not earn
It was in the
ite .
u tbe knoll

cerruis mouul. ------- ,
hidden ia a tbickel of _________ ......
A Ibr rrDeiSt of an «ld btrarl
. and belerra llir bon» u( Ik

C. A. HAMMOND, * «

UOr., Ko.AB.AM

’ «*»»«»«»'

Traverse City, Mich.

Johnson Block.Phono 73

rr.i/r.w. /?w?b«CtTk

-IXr Iwka lUW^



»h«li .rb.
AU loj.l neu .< Ho
IS. T.^.nMoUoolrr«.rae

Plate Class, Stssm Boiler and Accident Insurance.



OppoUU H. fc M. Btock.

Tire Ttisurance! ““"p* "

M Tronno Otr. eunii.. oi^Uf >1 • v'rKch



207 E. Front Street,
tvoiaavnsd Cjm*.


*.«. Leloed rro. ^U. »—or
.All w.'.>>nao Uor.



SURPLUS. S60.000
A GCBcn] BtlUlc Bsslncss Dne

I Akac tk. iv.r

RaBlicre Hrima.



Real Estate*" Insurance


tl'tDoaa. Doratby.





Mt. Pleasant, Owqsso. Saginaw,
Houses for Sale In
Bay City, Detroit, Howell. Ann
Arbor, Toleeto artd points East
All Parts of City.
and South. Close connections
at Copemish with M. AN. E. Ry, Many hirns lor Sale io
Cruil TraTCTM anO
Gen'l Pass. Agt. Toledo. adJoinlBc conatiea.



Milllkon Block.

Aorr« oad Bcao«

We have just opened up a complete assortment of

liiSiiiiilSriiiMwi u« ai t|i


*iftS«_Money to Loan
OolMpraaodtnoadXI; PN«>«V.
PATCHiN * CROT«eR. Attorneys.

Crass. Clover, Ve^table and Flower Seeds. Every­
thing for the farmer, market gardener, housewife.


J. J.

offiot n an «pba hau. buxx.

I!.. J®
........ ■

000(0 HOSTS


248 Front StrMt





Brosoh Block

t.B >trvH
Kirliih aad Klolla. ra>< bd.,-Sl.av l«,nd),
ndl<u.-aadkHVaka.<r,..t..«R«d.-. Will lak.- .4W|int>-n} IB i>n
.'kiBXIUnt wllh
■ - ka, rai. ul*!.
j .. ........... ...................... *
'------------- - ______ _________ a. Ilir wad 9^ 1/11.*. *4

Nm ia>* ikm-aift* fnau ftir .m Tk.-1—ribuada antr* trad Al.Nil B attr* ib.
pr,.T.d : trr.t^.ay (tamr h,*a>- : .^laM: i^4Ml -m1 : itraad vU^ •< l-tJi «r*t aaii ,a4 la? :

r«tM>........... {«4laBU»aBl«WpH


x ,h..
Hrri r««l (ramr bnii*.: lam. *ac.a di.rl. nan rnl-. b. niiark:
fin.-kvaira: irrrlriail,; prar- tyvo: rrill Qik**«rir
in (Mti jar. kuar tin>i> (.a lal-


IS Street.





aft*-'.: ::: •:• iS'



Ti»- A.A.SaTU.Oor«aiiB.



Ww» O—^ leek






^TT«y IJTtT»»1 Tl»»BB ao alll


fnJu Ubt* Trsnna Cl«r »leliav*:
wOr«aaS»|*1i, I>KMt.rhlBce*^ «««<
IS]a B.. 1140 a. B.. <:«la b
ir MBkinaa. ^ CU7. mt Hama. Talate.
DHTHI aad aaat. <xna- B-. II »a. b-

TDE have .just received a large stock of Varnishes—
Elastic Spar for alt outside work, for boats, fronts,
outside doors—we have'this excellent v’amish in cans
from 30c to S3,5c—Elasiii': Floor. $1.50 per gal. This
varnish is jnanufactured for fine floor work—it will not
mar, scratch or turn white, it is not affected by hot or
cold water. Hard Oil Finish, dnes quickly, rubs easily,
is susceptible of a. fine polish—$1 iio per gal. Lacazote
is a substitute for shellac—it is free working, light in
color and heavy bodied—one gallon wilt cover about
Soo square feet—$2.00 per gal. Interior Spar is an ex*
ccilent varnish for all'inside work, it is not affected by
hot or TOld water, soap or ammonia. We have these
varnishes front }i pint to gallon cans, and almost every­
thing that you need for painting. Step in on comer of
Front and Cass and see what we have

- gar.e went aSrld nnio. and
•oniiht and found a utoopiUK fiirera in
me dlatanea. 8ba tlioubi it waa liar
tacber. and want aronml ihR>a,;h tlia
orchard and oat inlo tba lane, meanIBK to taka him onawarea and tb try
once mote to iliaanadr him from hia
nortnaa.' She eamr oat opposite fhr
tent fffrnrr iu a thicket of old field
I litfla start of aarprise whaa abo ditov____
dalvar in her falhar'a field
ffHulad old boai
l.•oell f ..
•what are yoo doinft hair'
-rae B-doin' what ol’ .. .
don aiant me tor do. Miu Dor'tby; and
t'a a-wialiln' rre'y minata dal dta
hyer apada brak^iff aliort opto dr
ban'lo.'' old the old
Does fatliH know
>a aM:ed.
"Ko'm, 1
■ don't,
iwckoD lie rwiDi
find 01
kiDK. I da< bean
- ........ hin'for
oomet-arin- dUb
Ubyar way w
era'r mftmta."
“Too uawjn'l lie afraid
My fath­
er doaan't lattlr hu dlfflaaltias with a
•tnd, any how. he'woaldn'l ay
Iff to yon."
. . .rwina tall yon aomaiiia, Mi.t
Dor'tbr. bat too mas'a't narar lal on
dat I tol' hit ur Marw- London be
been hrarin' dat yaat |b ffwinff lo dn
dll an' dat an't'other, no'lie set
'ful troeblad in bia min'.
_._e lat on to toodk Maraa Parer like
be swine toniniout iwcl'aroS'in
diatirrr j'Uee 'for ha k'el I rooffb wld
"Why. I'BCle, how oonid ba do


lx”s“J^“ow‘^arikeHifa"''uklikXi of iCMm'I’ldS?’ WIOiSa*'te.lM”2!^'
-latar's MID and my tianir chiM.'i
She aturtad tiack at the iSrord. and
.a boundary wnhsla cam!-wo asaiu
-n this is roar land! that.- are
rdnr—(ileasa /«
/orpre lur. Major Loudon. i didnlr know'"
The stated old man |mt on ______I
with a bow Ihird Cbestarfleld mlffhlI
haraanried. ” It's m-ttiiis riklit la».
Miss Uomlliy. Vill rnii (r-rmit mr lo
see ros aafr to yoar fatlirr'a hoese" .
Five minnlos later Ih. r wen-t-r.Bi
ins the
.. road in front of ihetermaad (hr Major's hand was on
tbe sal' latcii whan Dorutbr'i (albrr
drore^ In the snlkj,_
■S. NeishW HariMajor santallr. 'I
lltle syerl hare (SO-

Ha waa Jusi tba ffrateat In a momanl. with U’Drian, ba wai

ad nsbt liere for rrara. and jaal me 'amu ttw-ttreat.
and him kept lha aarrat of bow wa
Than tharr was
out ofloka
1 did sat a fallow iltahanl
Tlia 1
•e to Look up I
au.l lia told me liiat t and tbr waxtrlnffa. Wide Ih r rteiaU
as eaplured. so I JOSI br .Uy aod tbe Uil^ ba atte Umtureil aptu"-4.
I. an' didn't ay any- ricR'l
picket (latroUad
(lalrolUd way.
waysida n kad tbelr
tfatns al-oul II, It was JUSI a»«ot Ora (Bib by oiffbl. Hat
years after tha
Uia war was ovar that
thsi 1 tolba'opanl
to tba opan
was not plowins with llial old boraa.
"Boy, " aid O'Prlan to a neffro la.
aod a fellow from Chinaso was down In a rain «leta]il to a|ipar to belonff
hare ImAlns
■Alns for
tor i|nail
i|nail. I1 didn't
dlila't know
koow to tl
tbr r^on,
" hara ...........................
yaaarw aanhlos
-wlio'ie- ------—a---------——
.-------------- hyaT'-"
-lad to find
nma* qaaii rrf a atay
borae roan'
down li
hut ba aai4 bVd beard "I daoe sera a sirny maa roan'


could If ha had hall a dollar lo ajiarr,
Thr bor wu tree blae and to wen
aod h4 irara' mi-lha naif dotter and all tha Beffroib. Pood wa! fortboomsuriad to liont Hi^dn't fire aaiiol Ins wbanerar llm blacks had It. Upee
all fliornins 'ranra Jlia»*dfl t sea any- Baffley aad O'Bnea lay la Ite Ion of
uVins. BunaNiui noon a liawk ffocs a ncffit) cmbln wMlea sqaad of sanrehllberty^eah. of seeiRS la-t safa at over his l>a-t
and he
both barrels , Ins soldlars ate
ia a nwa telow.
at him josi for luck The horse
>>s< teld this story. He was
John Hartwood was n man of few hadn't board ason tiooe he were at' an oldar man I ban U'Brlaa.wad bis
words, bat lie chmbr
climbed down from
leka. and. m* Und. Imrr hr did act tlrroslb sare onl.
"Tbe. fasst ff
anlkc and ma.Ia Hu-■ (wnia-r aeknowl He rplllad that plow
r and me ■and him-1 mile
* haway. 'beaaH . _______
rdsemeul of thanks
self alio-..................................
-hi, and h
"• id while I am
the Major
n bare, ••"the
sione-d nniil hr wmi int<> Ihr creek on^ with hnafftr. carried me oa bla shonlon. "there- salittle mnnerof "» ads'there an-l broke his Mck.. I; den till he dropped roa ofe inalde the
jaslice r<l like to aei rifflii
A sood Ml mlsbty bad als.ei it. and ao did { (Imoe IIbm and nnder the aMow of
many yarn aso wh.-ii
I sold
, , this th-fallow that was huottns Ha r
sire ,.ilia old fUs"
ylaer to old Jeff Anderson, ihera
soma inonay, bat thai didn't help ■
srtiains la ose of
I deferred (aymipit which eras nev.-r
fraliBSs. 1 told 1-woai^'t fat,
'Instead of lakms a monsesv I rishl till ttial liorsa ,soI a decani'c
■elr withheld ilia
-lead; and
aod wlien j.*nre.
inwr. 'csoae once n|K>n a time Wd »«■ ibe^cC^^that be had •
Jeff die.1 the mallet was lost atshl-klooa
sishi-kloDa mo a sral
cral favor
«f the
-loel Sishi of rotn()laielv, ah.
".vio all that afiettiooa
Ibal fellow i heads of Barope.
1. till
hole and

j«Ii^^“ronndm'my O^TcTiinri

ran a“.i;«‘'?&e rr .L‘rs‘rm^\lrhS^n"nrwe7L.rthl5ll'r'.T\


" bead. I don't know dit. Mim
Por'iby. "ISwra Ilka da white folk,
can do mei' aarthinff drr wants tar. boundary
He ays aonfridn' .'boat soma ot daa<l
------------4 srare
lea ibooldn'l is-allowed
lo clovar
on and
crave and
and I1 (lat
(ht some.
aome . Tbe
Tbe nllase
of Bookl
Hockford. Kaat
■lat ain't baana'rund'ed tit: an' whan
.1 ioshosr
to show whoe
whore li
It to
ly. bas ^^0-^
a tlO.OOO dam.
are aaltOD
rood nelshbors. U-t sticks aroandI ■i
. ! Jr-»
he low dat. aonni; Perce be das ap
idwheneva r aflerwanH sot to iblnk .hands TbesallUbi.luasbt by
an' r'ar back, and Missy Kata sbe lat
aad the openinff I tate of Meter Benbam.
- who
TO bill.
S Of tbr old
o Id day.
on llkr abaffwina lo err.
U«a ol'
Wlo-rat John
Hartwood found of Che land and how aar I cw to «d hj (b* »»!»« lo of the wnlta o# a
Maraa Robbnl look Ilka ba ffwtea tar siwecb at lasi. tSo. 'In
aitid firmly,
firmly. teins
Iwns oainnrad.
oaptorad. I d so dot
aod all
all I sewer
»*«» In
tn wl
which ha to wortiaff Ib
teak aomapin'. an' hollar at meter
.-Bs In that. Major-all in the clovat and ihlak of the oldlSovemher.
t.-k da spade an'ffo dig dem poatettms in the testnmos. and Ihspr .lxina.
M.i old woman didn't av
^ At KotdtlosyiUe. Ky . Petv PWtell.
a ll find It in yoar heart 10 fotffivr knew why I did It. Woald yon I probably-tbe riefaaac aora in
Dorolby tamed away sick at hart.
.. I exaoiined the sarvei asntn to-' to aar where I-put him! '
I mid tlial l'would II I to om i 1^*?^ NorkfaliMrollaarM n'*2a
flaw to the title; that there was an artnad;{'dionyoar Uad a foot and ibsi my bora weald stand aad lhe:„4^ away and Joiaed Urn teZS
nnreaordad mp In the transfera of the
farm datinc Wk lo its porchase by
aoma former owner manr ynara affo
of old rode Peter, spade no sbonl- aod liitebed mv bane aewnly Then I
.1---------i- - —
And DOW. OBI of thiy trirtal eonteq- der.-'Eeenkf. Miss 6or thy. rTenia ;Wa anuad tbs field loseiW ^4 *
Tion orer a bit of land barely wide Marae Ba'ti^. eveaio'. lianc Bob- walked down to iu aoaUTOl oner. , At Obloito a ramwd to laallliti I enooffh to carry the temadair fane*, bat.
1 done diff all dam po«a-.There was on* spot at that miial »« tte eem^^ oteof BoiM
was to ffTow a mcestroni injasticr bolea- '
marked by foor sticks A boarfroa ItWC^tm aoe* ea^ ,rh^
which waa to tarn them oat of heaar
Tba Major broke in with an »rplo-;Out of tbe stoaod. c
' '
and bamal
Dorotbrls famath cane
Bold tbr Btf
Ibick.attbr tboaebt. bat tba waa a
m" srtUi I
teara ffirL and aba haweaedOioma to r'el:—^ Imcfc Ibab aad fill ap Ihow
do wtet tbe miffbl before II aboald be boles before I skin von alive, tab:
"Toa as ibe detei______lanodjiBd Bowen of Dalbi. lad

te VteteTitei»bam!^te>'


Sba foBDd bar falbar ia tba atabla
gettinif Uia^bamaa on <me of tba

I BBvtes the owaaTTSe oma
Dorothy slipped away Is tba.a
-tia te New ^And .1* th*
of tbe exploaion Tbe twlUsht was Jeray.
mellowins iato the nisbi wban she .ors.
yean, reports tbat "Ibo roalu In Im
rmaied the ffiares in Ihaoldrifie pit. mred _
___ _______________
of yoolhlBl ioy
. naked.
. hia cwB giiM earm aod
^ of
"To town to swear oal
--JO for I
To he (ba ofitea boy.
"Hi- has seat his m
mt line '
she stood beside Ibe ffiave of the
"Uh, fatbrr. ~I.
roe woaldn'tl
-rm looklnff for aoaBMblaff reaUy tttlea_________
lal Dar. tool Sareir
And oe Mcaartal
^ lor a y^W^aw." said a yeaaff esi wU box ia
we (wa afford to> be ceneroos oa tbit
. aod eatOaUT dapaOt tberein a
dar. ofallotbefa
lothei aba tbewHitMir
won- VT^rSaod with
• ' ■ tte
• teldl,
-----------------tbabaraa'i foee■a
who iadalffw ia
wstblaff Wbiiiwatei
:ien tn erary line of tbe


ra .ron froiaff, tether." M»e




•“ •“


: Herald. I
^ ________

Hei^ met to
bsradir It m* lapeaclble te
_______ « the eawt loma nfMtuti

M ef SettOM Bey, e,t..d I l-y th. to wbioh d^myed ibe »«r
rMn.difrl tbli BWBinc et TaonellCT balldlnc ud Oenuirod
>al BalMmBtT.
DeceMid, »tniDg praporty.
ud few exeeptioee the aa><
Ut from oofte«
'ImdbMa eohjectedfo oa operotloo.
will exoeed ilie
^>U. P«k wo. well koowB is teeUmoled. ««bicB • toUl of mboot
MS oosBty osd Uif. city.

Broldee hi. wife be ieoTee elx ebilThe lot to tbeOitUes* telepboee
dmt. three .oix. osd three doe(htero
t. R of Nonhport. JUlrmedfAs^ exehoBce wo. triaiaf. eompoted
wbxt wu tot eeUmoled. Tbe fontinbanc. Ohio; E. J of SsIMH Boy:
Mn. yeoiBB Hempotth of Bioitbsm; tbootfal of tbe tomes led to tbe ~lHn. Keleey of Home. Ohio, ood HU. tia« of the roof of the bnok bolUiaft
iwerrotiiio meororo
Hoad, who liTco at home.
tbe einad of tbe OoBre ol the rtwr of
the fsner.1 wo. held lo the Oos-

temp bodly crippled tbe exchospe
oiwmlore were oil in tlwir plooee st
ddD Thsrwloy mornisp ood with tbe
exo^ios of tbe ']di<mee in Ibc ofBoee
of tbe borued bolldlnp.ereiT telepbtme
I pood worktop order nod oobecrih-r* were ooi iseoDTeoieseod by
duoeler. Imie Wtdoeedoy oftero Uio dearo emoko mod beory dom_ CO tbe lower port of tbe bolldlnp
isdlmited Ui.t Uie exchospe wonlil be
leMlr wiped oot.

Itmmw-e Rwoct ileet^.
Tbe G. R. * L Rollwoy Oo.
lorn Uooed o eery h«.(Uo»e teeorl
bOokUl which deoU UelHily with the
•UBOtlTo mniBer retrtsU rtwcM by
timl line to oortben Midtlyos. Mo*\ ei .sWoeot holf-tooe clew, ore dir« of
Bsmeroo* pUoe. slooit tbe Hoe from
the Boo to Grond Bopido Hod. otusuool 1. IfWei. tbe beoBlifol resort,
betwees Trorerm City ood the etroJU.
mu. brontlfol ottrootlrolr oiTOSRed mid toLes from ph^-

and roped toeelyferaoroe
Uroa. tat tba
tattle wlUi It anirwaifaUy and U>e
•oprealaalt lolphi
dasawe to tbe taleee
■toek of Phil Bbermw wlU apinxipl.OOO. wbiU tbe ioae
dm I
d^itoefc of
raloable liqson is tbe
tbe bewment of the taildisp asBeted
Tbe Boor of tbe ftlm parbsrned Uuoopb is mracml
piaoee asd
tbe tmdar part .
taildisp wa. aerarely anerehed.
Tbe City Bookatore taildisp owited
by Ttmoellsr ft Sbemer woe di
10 tbe extent ot obont tl.OCD.
It of tbe wore woe Uie o
oxe osd it ie olmoel a mliaele
that tbe- whole atroctsre did sot po
Bp in amoke. The floor of tbe
Uie coat Ude i.a wr^ and Uie
bnildinp i. otberwiae damape
ofiero is the upper inrtion
preaUy Isjnred. except by Uie dUflgtuemest ot tbe woUo and bnsfclsg ot
pUm in the doors.
Hobart, Beecher ft Co. aoBered a
aetere loaa aUboopb sot a* besTy
Hr. Hotart
tlmatee the damape a


taSiwed'^ ** **
"iCktoty trouble bai
baoema u preraleoi
Isrichild 15 be bora

fa ito meciriaal eserpes U at strong
ns n lion. I>ui os gentle u s Umb.
It U poweriol in renKniof; diseaae
from tbe body and desour froa tbe
broto. ItcUaimettbebieodofevcfT
tmnt of MoU^ SooltiU. -■

toes nady for abitaaeat to tor wbolcUrseedman.
Tbe compaay hae a larper bcadqaar.
ter. at Cfaeboypan. where they bare
alao a TO arte trial pronsd, to ebatpe :
of R. T. Edwards, fcamarly of tbit;

the etdU
:« tole te
______ on ope .when It
kted vl!h
58^1 the
It U y« i
ttd-veittnr. ds; . .
and the'
the dllherity ii kidney
work lirfe may la- oblaioed. howr-ep xbould be Isvxrdi ihc u
itam UBpsttom orrsm. Thli uopleamni ] ever, wtae it ie known ihai sndcr the .
trouble U d'je is o dtmoMd
•ajDndihe idtoectlem of Hr. Uiveo tbe local r. pkidney, and bladder and n<
• ““ “ [teerotaUre of the eomtas.v. about
mill peepU ».W«eWomen o. -well oi men ore m
erobk wsh kidney and bladder



by dnifrwa. la fifty
cent sad one fallati

..f *

I '



aCtiDK a
Mountain kcmivator remow-s ilw diveaw. m
hcaltbv aciKin, and alwHs in iG diiuc!.. Weak and dcbjiiatcd »


urn Hw-tken‘^-SfU«-P aid

For Sale by J. O. JOMNSOIM, Traverse City. Mich.

SE!!!1B?^ FftRWSfSiSALE jj^^^^

ToODelier roffered a lot. of ISW on

1 h;iv<’ twu very fitiv stjiliuns wiiich


for sen iev this season.

Also a

toronpb' a fanner and 'prader.
whole pest I*** into one receiita
T.OOO the epilta Into moo'tfaa. the v
ialo another, while lislls and ]iiece.

l.SO®]ofsWm llmr may have U-en h-ft in
, j when UiO pens wen; tbre.hed, BO into
leli^ ft (
l.fiOO gtlll another.
The dan and iKliter
l.«» impurities are tanned oat a. the i»*.
. Inhnns. tebaeco stock.. S.OOO tat* ihroQiUi toe machine.
Rntan. Beecber Co. .City Bota
The poae are then tajen lo the"bop !
re etoek

T.OoO. bosw.'* a linnse that will hold abonl |
Dr. Wllhi-lm. fomilnrc, in.trobap>. when.- they nn> ttraled to
kill any weevil. -Umt may ' lure pol |
> wed. The
'bop lioi


an, .™..

Thesc horses can lie stren at





my stables at any I

hors-dl and

will improve ft




; Ladies

...TaDor Me. Suits
Special to Close

Send Dime aod. address and receive one of
M. J. KNAPF. 9107 CotUce Grove,

Wq wish to dispose of our entire stock of
Ladies’ Suits. To-that end we are making
big reductic^nqjji price -reductidns which
ought to move them fast. There are about
60 suits included rn the sale and you take
your pick at the following prices:

Who Arm Ahooyo TIM.

••BeantrBpoU tn Leelanao" b tor
mu of a pretty rerort Tiobk loot from
toe inw. whleb ba. bean ooanptUd by
Vilber E. Campbell, edltw of the
Ltato at Korthiiort.
The hook oondeu of twenty-fosr papa* with an UInminated cover uf artUtlo deeipa.
lu paper an eUbelUobed wlUi bonta
•jmely tainted boU-Ume
obiefly drocrihinp tlie beanUeo of
Kortoport. Korbport lUUt and Kortbpert Beach reoerte. alUiosph liberal
i.piren to Omeno. QUn Uke:
and Trarerte atr.
Tbe rUwt are
nxmetirely artanped. taken frean
ptie(cwra{d». and well eeUeted.
There ore *e««nl blU of faunetisp
hUtorr, inelodlnp toeoe IndUn U-

from 1'rancc bytliinham, the f

great importerof lUinois-



doner. Fertape the next lepldawi*
will be mote ready to allow tbe peopU miy In the matter.





I will keep J

lint' I'rench Coach Stallii'it. seal brown, •

weight I too. inijMirit-d

yuur stuck.


Tbe feUowiap are the varione'
U ledd oleo Umt Sesotcr Palmei'e bill aU toelr penonal effcoU. incladlnp
woe defeoted by thp eosM ooenblno- foteiwre and oloUilog. were destroy, amoimu of Intaronee on tbe damaped
property in aevBsl apenciee:
nreulrr ^fc. bowerer. will ed. Tbeir low 1. aboat fSOO.
The Icro or A. W Jabran. i
ke«> ripbt os hseUtnp nsUI oome0 stank i. pitatta than estimated
SSu.ooomplUl.ed. Had tbU bUl
Tbnreday. lUs total low will amiegate >&,<■».
Hr. Jahran. bad orer
omnU, it wa. the porpoee of 8«ml« MOOD ia tolmcoo leaf and stock stored
, BtrletoaekUienextleBlilororoforaB fa toe tsmement, which i. an sbsolole
Sfitafltotlon ttf »».000 lo be dlrlded loaa. Tbe stook on toe atom floor was
fateflfty rewardeof dlWO each, to be alao damaped and hU fixiane were InTbe amoant of ' insanoee 1.
pirra to tbe Urol flftj, lownehiia that Jnrod.
At oae time toe talld'liip ooaboold taild one mile or m«s of per­ taOOO.
manent atone c« ptarel road at a ooel enpied by tbb Uoa talooo and Hr.
os wu in very preat danper.
oTBlttOor mote.which wonld past tbe
faDeeUQS of Uie etaU road boiiimU> Fire pained a pood headway la tta

Gli.NKR.ALCU.STLK,a iincdappU'gray. weight [

I, broopht to ....
where it
^^e wholemle

^b, pc« are first elevotc
third door of tbe wan



1500, who is favorably known here ni»w.


ksoeked oot is tbe faoseo by BeiaearnfaUre Oolby for pcraonol renaooi.
tat tbl. U now .old not to be tbe
1 WM defroted oblefly

All suits that have been selling at 7.00, 7.50
S arid 8.00, to close at $5;00.
All suits that have been 8.50,9.00, 10.00,
? your pick at ^®.SO.
All suits, values ,12.00, $ 13.50 and 15.00,
I choice at 9S.SO.
All suits, values 17.50, 18.50 and 2CtOO,
; choice at $l<i.SO.
Jobs in Dress Skirts, values 3.50, 4.00 and J
5.00, at $I.SS.

*■1 do not frvi very. well. I am id Hobart.. Beecber Oft, fixTOtta ^.
Y'ou bear tone- words every day: ai
otlea as yon anvl yonr frirmls jiut wi Hobart,' B^erCo.. bookstore
-flen arc these woTOs rrpeeti'd.
tan likely yon upeah tbe wme i ..
int word. yoaiseU. and nti donbt yon
0 fed far 6ou well m«t of Uw time.
His. EUa Eke. of CbeUeo. Win-,
pnbli ' writes that
me portrait vre pablisb.
ata BoSered for two years with brsn


Pan Amenean Expeeitioo. Import­
ant ehnnge. In arranpemenu after'
Jane let. Aak opeato
O. A. B.

Sell Jnne

y after a lotal of k
look from William Beltoor- The vro-.pmad.
■eleloaivdatnPKm inar.dayafimta-1 «



^’io^lVa^ Iff Reran'

an of wUdi w
taflam^Uoo of tbe

>• !

u IM newly «
ply of malet and bortro U an effort
faisUh animals to tta borne aadj
Kuplito povenuarntx A Fort Worth
firm hpte eeld IS,000 ol«e. and tare'
oontnrU for tdO moire.


Hseh rolnabU infonnatlcm U piren
retalTe lo the beontUe of tbe leeoru,
tbe monner of rrochlnp Uxen. hotel
neeaamodatic.^. tocdlitlM for tato• top end boat'inp and toe’ exeellenl oppgrtanities for Uie fttoetmoxu A prslry rfew of Trarcree City,
•bme and Park Place hotel f<
pronp of lUBOoalion., and to. whole
to a credit to the eomplUr and ptot*
*T. The book sriH eerre a |Ood por■ ta«e tn dissrinp attention to toe reaerto of Grand Ttarme Boy.




<*ndren xnc«pec’»"y benefited by^GWundertu


leod made bUl tx .
It has betm eroted that Uie biU woe

a:.J Willi raa»jcrfur5Wteto.£cairoiu every inipinit).0Dd5uii-haij;c»itsirh‘buD}-ancyaii<Jrid^
11 Will not permit dto
ease to t-xi't in the >anie body with lUelL




*'*Somdtow the ounce produces
the pound] it seeirn to start the
dicestive nuchincfy ^oinj prop-

whole very lU. airived borne tod*y i,he
rommonedl^Wire. oD«moB»torihe;j„
fire whfcb damaped bi. proper^. .Hr. j ^


r1c -ia»i»talbemtOta«PMe.db
giat. and liisiribute tuud to toe
iMdyoDd to cony cS tost srhito
i> rcjcciixl.
It piirooo* disease
abcret« it moyU located.and

power, oerve power—power to aelilcvc.power t*
endure, power to be and lo do.
.til this it arcom).|i.hcs »iih the genlltaeMof a Urob.
-Y* Iht liereavvd arc rtiinturicd l-y ihc Icodci nnrdl and
gentle touch'>f a 1vvin;:lncnd, w) are ilic Kick, the debOP taU-«i,and toetkcai)- cvmloil
m(ottrd,bviKtiied. alivnpt:
It u
up by the prnilc, inai<ii>>uu. sootbins influetiOE of .
ihh'i Green Mountain kenovaliw. U i» oerw lurto}
of the body or brain intn ocliO«i,but
ilk way. I tic pan tost i. diseased ii

SION, it bftranje. but H often

nes^ etctiinp and to iiU prtal roti.faotloi fonnd bU book, and papi'" tnloelndinp PSOO in money, alUionpta tbe wife iiad been forced open
cy Uie btat Hie isnianec i* »W0.
a. Uie lea. i. adjnalct be
np apsis with a
complete .took
In the npper
nppet story Uie loaaet were
Dr. tnibelm'e
aepirrn Thusday.
lest, bowerer, will_______
eared aboat half ot bit eorpltal isctniiDeata HU total lose will imkoaU Upht ai pomble. and when the ,
by not exceed ITBO. D|ion wbic^ he hat
arod pros are pot in, with a large
Inroranecof ftW. Peny Btot.' loe.
WiU to abcmi 1300. and that of Dr.
Flood aboot the tame, patfaapt
H. Tonnelier, boutebold foniiPerry Bros Raened tbeir typewriter
and raluble paper*- Another nite of
» wae ocoopied b Hr. and Uia.Tomb
. .
• W.750'

WeAtoa fue^Jeod lUeOe.


How To
Gain Flesh

nST^dit you cii^it by'


h s<eakncs.s backadm, noaotai*

Perwre h«vt been known to'


Ffssk Hamltloa faae m
a letter from Senator H. 6. Barla. In
which tbe eenaur atate. tbot he Unol



Tbe pro* toes po to Ibe toitd floar
apoto. wbetv they are poavl

walar and emoke and the loro will be
difRcnlt to adjoct. at wbfU Uiera woe
tbe extent and Importeiice of the tee
Utile boned Ibc damape by water
inem ooodficted in toie city by toe
renden meet of raloe nttarly worth;ive, E. P. Green, of
toe-RewYntk teed bonce
Dnrinp the to tfaieree mtUo a haof
Keenev-ft Son. While tola la not toe
of tSO from the cub npUur of tbe head of the bovseaaof toUbooeein
Lion mitota.
Sorthero Hicblpan.lbot beinp located
Ptn Bhertnor U Uie loper of .new
at Obeboypon, enosph it done to
clothinp and petaottxl cBeeU to tbe moke Uie bnmoeiio of coouderoUe imextent of abootPSOO.
porun» berv.
Owing CO the damape to tbe bnxiTribototy to ihU city Uiit coataof
oH of A. W. Jxhmni fifteentaen are
taerontt year controeled
SO Uut the patient IS flbU
oootraeled erfy.
thrown out of employent tern;
____________ . of .rod pooa, beside. , to digest and absorb his ordinary
Uioepb Hr. Jiibant wiU i<
some bean, onf pomtoe. Tbe oempe ; food, wluch hc COuM not do bea. hU lot. U ^iset^
r Urper than
on Uet year,'
*nd that b t^ Way the gain
and there ii taornMe

e Oily Go. Co., woe driven,
yield. .Hsch of the
for i. I^Uiit ooonty, tbonpfa
part U loeated to KaUotko andXShorctore of Hiller Bros in Ibe Beadle levoix .eoiinlies.
Thirteen dlScreol
foimen lo thu eoanty have contiacU ' fp|unB
U. n. Oriffltb, toe tarber in toe
with tbe comtan.r'
swment of toe TemneUer block.
Tne company di.tribote tbe aoed. a lorn of sbont twentr dol­ and Ute in Jnne or early in July, the
lars from toe fire, mostly damate by crap i. "Topned" tost ia exprrte po
waiertoroapli toe prowtop crjps and trFmak DepvotaJ^wbd kept s rtataor- move oU plsnu tost do oot roem lo
ant io toe barom>st of the Tonnelier be Pf toe variety Umt are ropporod lo
baUdinp. anffered a loaa of abOBt ITS have bees planted.
io tbe fire.'
Id Ui<- toll need peat are received at;
Henry Toaseller . wbo hn'e bees in toe nenrest elation of the comtany. ^
Decainr. Ind.,. vUiliop hit falber. ^
contract price i. paid. Wien,

1 least.
F. 0. Thompwm's Urn* oo hie drop
atoek osd loney oitlcles, onyx, eoda
foontaln. etc., i. tout and U

ohupe^ formerly oomjrleed eleyes
eoonUeo. bot o chaape bao been made
fa Uw bonsdorioa. eo that it eore*. V
oossUeo. from tbe uortb bossdary of
Eenc oensty scpth, exeepUnp Bay
Monty, and Inelodisp tbe iooth ohore
Uer of npper panlnenla oonnUaa
; While tiiu Ua maall offlw,
pared with Mme is the pltl of tbe
eblaf exeostlre. Ooreroor BlUe rtotee
tbla aJTolntmnl boe ptreo hLmme worry Urns any other faeogbt (


deadly mUcai. too Imildtop to trotad
OMdtoa poiwmoni pne to kata U tUl
Urn mota faearty weerU on tta limide
of toe Mcpeat paa to to. middto
ef aU ttat are oanfatoed to
b^bonro-to wdawl tk Hae-

lap all about 1!. tacludlnp many ol the
and fancy waiea. inolodinp raloable tliaumnds o» terilmoolal ietiera rccrived
from auBererx cured, la srinr.r Dr, Kilmer
fronwd' pictiire.. asBend Uie moat. ft Co.. Blnpharatoo. N. Y-. he eure and
Albert Stacy. »o- Tbe wall paper and crockery departwith alipbc '

thelrpood fattone.
imphe by pood
a Istetedinir deUil U plr*® “d
TioTerm City I. rooopsixed ot the General Hotmper C. E. Tart came op
from Grand Bajude on the early train
I^ipol commeriml oester of sorth.
m Hiebipos nd <me of tliemoetsl- Thoreday to look orer Uie plant
When they
metlTO rommer pUc olosp the
oRiyed they were minwleed and
IlM. Tho» 1.0 Unto riewof the
pleased ot Uie alipbc doBope nitoln
elty. o hoy eoeoe, O. R. * I. depot.
Tbe offlcUU looked orer tb.
u»e .teomer Colonblo. Por* PU» ed.
tmiiaisg ood oommented is plowisp
hotel, wretol jwelty .hot. flew, mod
KSBecftbe drireeln thi. ricislty. term, spoai Uie pood work of Uie to
Tbe book oleo ooouine exoelleot ood deporimeat in earinp oe mseh rmlooblb property aa they did.
eompleU mope of the lUlo osd reec
Thelaoeof therelephooe oompony
leirltB eoTored liy U.e rood.
will not exoevd IlSO, and U fsUy oorwarkUroloobleooowniroc of isle
ered by loynnuiee. Tbe room wbere
lofonaoUoB osd o work <A ■
tbe ewiichboord U loooted woe on
is prlstlsp. ,
ly tooehed by tbe flxmee. bot the
oectisp roome were roorcbed and
flooded by waur. A .tore woe pot op
Goo. H. Dome nllpht bore w
rorly Tbntsday moroinp lo dry out the
and oooseetlont and it nqnirod
Kdobseot Of depoty dotty osd food bot a lUtle while to pet Uilnp.
unUdoeer for tbit dUlriet Till*
eomp .
more tnUwe by o dUpatob mold to iu the batemenl.
pe to Uie brick taildlopoebare oom. from tbe gorecsor'o omee
afisosseinp the oppeiolmest of Hal- eopieit by >'. C. Thompeem'. drop
store ia eetimsled now at abmt
OOQ, Tbe rear tart remalne jrrJrtieally
iolBot. bot Uie interior of the
lea total wreta. and the
oonditloo imroils on Uie atore floor.'
Tbe opper portian of Uie frmit-of tbe
it tadly. damaped and the
wm asd by Bute Dairy and Food
____ ....... Snow. Bfely rooked roof roined, so that with tbe cxeepUoo of tbe walU the sVnclore
amy In hU tnelde pocket, and
It U Uioopbc, too,aneadlsf to tbe doUeeof Uie oBoe
tsM ae thcopb nothlnp bad happened. tbe walU an so dsmaped that Uiey
He dUtriei orer wblcli Hr. Dome bo. will hare to be laoainnated. is part



Women u WeO •• Men
Kidney Trouble.

xraroien mMnaive nsmaiisiiiiiy
Udv wav fare. for roond trip.
1^31. Janet ahd A Betwa Jane:

E. 1-i.d.faui, -’....uMrQlf
« y^«rd wuh patna.

ASS AGENTS for fali imnlrafan
ofttaroand nanwroos other exew-


; The same that you have been buying two pair for 25c. J
Ladies' seamless black or white foot hose, double
: sole, high spiked heel, isc- Equal in every way to the
19c kind.


mm-qaarror booro
TbU tamka aU badmehe, and alw.ra Urol, please reneords for tbU state.
r-jaeroher itai Uwre U an ataulnta

Aat view

ttalmrtaro*«MB“‘»**^“«^;u^amrnu: tta“l,yto^t fW
wlto hU mnoU ffarollne faatah. wUeb 1 ham's VepvtabU Ccarooand b too
ta Ims lakan W toot dty.

Train WiU leave Travmw Olro at
(jd»a. m. Bennfap.1saTa Bay XW
alkdlOjiB. BoM^eo.
U Sw


I ASpecialJob toclose. In this lot we put a large assortment of
White Waists, values up to $2.50.
Colored Waists, values up to $1.50. VjIIUICC
' Our showing in the regular stock of white and colored waists is
* the best we have ever attempted, and we invite all to seethe
stock, which ranges in price from 50c to $4.50.
Also have a beautiful line of Dressing Sacques.




SCtoatotaM adapt ibanpert wat Harria.Jaaset MareUs FnnfcDmoatrttdtosratonfPtoa
ior. A. H. Btnaets a W. JxbMa. H.
ti- -ir "•-«»**- abewod that I W. Picm. W. M.
whib tba flearet for Oit yearanlpoUee for city opma bents V- W.
_ rtima throe of bet year, a br$e FUrehUd.
part of Ibu U fro
port. laelsdsd ts tbd total approfriator the rear
' '
>Aros ro^wUdi
band rot the Onion Faeifie tailroad.
rarasom wbleb
, ^Tid BOOOaat of Ux mOBily qBallliet ef Ibe seea be bborad

jVtVonoTtalUlac. tB«H
katol Myl*. Mcwd br AnUloet W.
A. Dna, aad tallt br
Md vilk Ik vM*
>Dd pleutMt .wwii. *U1—k« » ««1 bok*.
Od* «f <b« <bkf
of tta. flnt
Oesr i« tbo Uqc* ma*t«lai mm. wbtcb
ia daitlwd is oU EsfUib <mk.
«rtUs( t* ot PSB»M osk. vilh besT7
u ■ u A BSd tbe vslU hsT* a vslsmtins of |u«M osk. wllb osboMsd
kooldl^ At Ux rest <bs fasti Cant,
^ aid s vtds. mtsdlsj ttsinrar Issdt
•e tbt tSMod floor. HsU wsf op U s
iMdlsc. wilh s door opeainc oot »pOB s |vrtt7 plssa. Tbe ftsimr Jt
lUtieaUrl; riob is effool, vlU> bssd
esnsd {«•< «•!"
bmkets While si the foot oorj osk
stsCt tnrile eoe to real for s BDOciBt
Tbx Twtitale which opsot from the
pisa ieto the Imil. It of osk. the
dews teTlocstt cists
Opeoisc from the bsll to the cast
chrosch s wide snb Utbe iBior.
which y Oelafaed la ooilf birth, SBCI
W s fasad-nrred nsstel flrepitee lo
ooloBlsI desicn. «f tbe woe wood. A
bBce bow wlsdow U.ooe of tbe festsiss To the wot of tbs fasU. sad
opnisc slM tbmtrh s Iscce srrshwsr
b the tittiac room, and bach of it ia
tbsUtnrp. These are fislabed is cdd
osb. sod the brsntiM of tbe
UtniT are (be flte-plsoe. of red inatsd Mek. with Im saOlroot, the laCle-Book sad lbs hsadamae lifarsir
rotes BsokoftbehsU.totbeesatU
a toice dlaiof room, ia oak sad la tbe:
. wbleb an modeb

prfatadfro thU year with tboeeotf
-recard to tbe Aawriena bborcr.
year wiU be of latenat Thb yroi
irtlmpar of eoll«tn
«t00» b plaoed ia dx eOBtiBCeal
b tbe attnclbr
tasd. where there wat $1,000 apfsoioi' IM of pietaieeafaoat"Tbe
iboofTbe Oirbof
- • atad btt year. Tbare b to apiroivb' fWlatW sad Bcra Mawr.” ia Tbe
Ladle*' ^r Joaraal fro Jose Tbe
ties of fll.8».» tUt year to oaaeel----------------------------



HERALD. MAY 80. I»01

.. . AND ...


000 aod the Are depotmeac faad from '
$4,000 to $I.T4I. Tbetewerfasdit __________ ____ _____________
iaroeated from $1,000 to $1,400. sad Ostlook- which >i lu Asonal Brroea.
^bepollee load from $».S0o«
Tbe llbrroyfuidi. ..bed from $500
TlSi.tro iSd Sb ^
to $1,000 and the fart fond from $500 : Mr. Arete ulb of tbe life of Ibe for
to $roo. The robriet faad it inerroted est- it* importance to mankind and of
from $5.JOO to $4.eM m>d tbe ,aiati.c
road troB $500 to $R60. The ll«hl'^u be„,eiTed. by the rmremmeot.
land eeee ao inatem of fact $«0.from The articbb lllatOated hr pboto$3,500 to $$.750, sad tbe poor foBO Uicnpbs
railed bat $100. from $1,500 to $1,800. "The .Piremaa" it tbe hero of the
Tbe tchool fond mm a deotxte ««»*«>« .'hkPKj ^C»'"‘“dMoflrtt

year, and the $1,000 ^iprofrbted btt l ia,f-,Beidenlt it rtorod* tebte chiefly
year in the ounetery faad b Ihii yrar ‘ to oeeareoees in Kew Torfc. it matt

Sale Began Cuesdav, IBay 2$, igoi

"¥St..a;Si-rTS,-s.rt.T-'S There may be some items of interest to you. We wish to prove
to you on these Opening Sales Days that we have every item
we advertise. A run may be made on some lines, so do not
srUe'*:^!/“? •Se.'.sr. ^ ®
blame us then for any outs that may occur during the sale.
We have secured extra sales people and we are prepared to
take care of a large trade.
year wat $85,084. whlb tbb year It b


lii additice to thb ceneral approprl-1 N^?“he".i^i«'’^w* by^wS
.doB there b Ibb year the fire mill i Alice Fallows beior to eipotiltoa of

BlUs The ttreet district load it es-|S?ot^ ttVc^asldo.BtfaS’of- AniS
peotad thlt year to aiaoaat lo $IS.500. ;LaXary AmoncOoUtce Staduts" tbe

wallats wood ebeatro. sad eraiy

mUb on all ml and ptracmal proper- earned ia the ca^t ¥£d'i Work
frotbeelakiMfaBd,toiaylnteietl Theflaaaebl boom sad (dales the
bonds ead $4,000 bonds that oome »» poUttes «d tbe roaUi. ednrotlml

Dl. trtileh eztaadt aader
, the satire boats btt a wall lUfalad
bxadry, wUfa dttan sad tiatleeary
tabs fanxro room sad store roota.
Tbe teecmd floor U Cim sp to bedrooms a pbaroataalte of two. with
drroriac room, takiac np the tmt<tf
the boots Tbrot sn flaltbed is red
• elm. ae U the room to the weTO.
wUcb alto hats dreetlOB mm la
eaaoeotinB Tbe eaet room b bandwmely flaltbed ia old EocUib oak.
la tbe rear are two rooiu fro tbe ter^
TBBb; Wbleb are flabfaed ia cny elm.
There are two baOroomi oa tbii floor.
A tause wardrobe, ballt lato the tide
of Ibe taaU. b a oooTeolenoe which
ci will ai
third Boor
taU b ia stay elm.
b flaltbed fro .a baU room aao ti
oamroabb oroy atooret at welL
X wood*
Tbe oatlook
tram Of wladowt b besaUfal. etp
(dally OTTO tbe bay. Thera 1* eWI
toed abed attic abore this wblcdi ron
heated fro a etroe-room. sad from.

btt year wat $S.700wblb Ibb year it ^nes, tbe iretidentU trip, and the
-ill amecat to aboal
If^-Aaxrieas Expositioo are amoDR
arreta* tUt year will be aboal $04.-;***“**??.
------catarrh carinot be Cored
157.». where bee« rear U
It wafTS-Wbwst-rS-Ub- i
Most ef thlt laemte U 1
food, wbere troriaian it
parohaaeot readl-amcblnrrrroid
parinc next year, which will resall
1a a redoetlca c>f next yror'i taxes ..
aod tbe ialorect and tinkinp fond, iaelsniac tbepnyaxetof $4,ui» boDdtJks-.~edae tbe flnt ef nest owath.
Bomn. It
i« matt,
-"X- rar*'-'t'^'£ltnttli«
that (be tnaneil
r. j.tUEXRV.
ttaitod btt year with a
balaaoe b tbe
ogatlapmt faad of $5,555 B. white
ibey left a deficit b rarioot fande of The tbte cemraoUea. W. C. T. 0..
$I.S38.a» at the eloee of tbe ytar. will be held b Uarthall Jooe 4-A
which had Ui be praeided fro thit[
wtrarot •
rear. Tbe boadi paid tbU year,
tbe Btaobbroy sad fSTbp material
rnrrttiiif wlU nearly eqnal
Ibe dl^
ifftnnee ef ' $16.««.» be­ Howard City ai
m hnoir-f
ef thlt yror srbo deecpre medsit for the rrcrodt
Bollock hw thro «S.'. doer
aad btt, awkbs the net apjeoirb-:
tlromabont tbe tame Mbit yror.
I„d Caller ha* 454 to hU credit. The
rax uLtaiB. nxtu
1 Utter it now HO yean old and Ixt pirAnother important flaanclal laatter I en np tbe tstHms
rM tbe fixbc of the oalaliet for city
esNnr eatseaimc^
cOeiiLlt. flereral of tbe oOoen bara
of them bat
IlltlS while otban iret cood
tial adraacas The city trrosaret U
raised from $780 lo $800; tile flra
ohbt troxB $Boo lo $750 aad tbe dtr
mar^ from $600 torso; tbe'brolth
cBcer UftTroi a mbryof liaoB-yeax;
Ibe aasUtant chief of Are ^epartmeat, Prof. G. E. <3arbatt, of the Sarnaac
teuflico bttoxd of $50i (he caidaeer; •cbodlslxt bee« a]<iwuiled to ad,bit);
of tbe fin depnrtmeal is raised $60 ^ud Hrs Oarbalt to s
poeitlon ei'
aad the drlTen of tbe fire teams each troehers b the Philippines They eipeel to be assliined to Hsaib


of poUehad wood, sad the noepcioa
haU bat a pamaetry badar wbleb
addi to lb beanty. The interior flaiAlac ef Ibe hoate b eatirely tb
iciaal dealfBUK of Hr. Walt and the
work wat done b tbe boate, aader
hb direot taprorltton. The oawlde
inlatiBc sad iatlde flsUhlnc wat
dooe hr T*m Oaatoa, Ibe beam btlna
la wblto. with itaiaed rooL
piBBbtac «w
by tbe Bannab «
Imy Hamatib Oo.
Tbe eobnlal styb hat bean oarried
oat tiiroa«boel tbe boose la rrwy
nmllMi detail of tba flaltblac
tbe noalt b a hmmoay that b seldom $8 par week to $40 per mroth. Jbe
elty auotney is redaeml from $800 to
MM U cm V>» flMet booms
CHr Croatll MteUaaTha aanaal bad«et for tbe city
paamd hr tbe eity eoaaeil aicbeadInoTfxd oeadoa Mroday. Tbe «dtBBBoe wfalcdi bcaUtad the leryiac of
lbs taxes embodytai therapon o'
Be il<

.The oemplBto tisliitmbriro b as
' Oily Clerk, dona faaaderd dolbrs
‘ City Tnaxarar. BbehnnAiMl dni.

bribe Ooane

______ ________tta**^u&o*Sf‘
beiatoidby.«>a<» open, .tto rajd

Get WiSTYM^ ForJ
get them.
Genuine bhlcls tumped1C.
C. C. C.
Never sold in bulk. Anibslibtilor is
always a cheat aad a fraod. Bewatrl
All dniggi!

... ......

*fea»r faad. eleroa

________i faad, .forty-mrea
>d fortr-rox dolbrs <$4741.00.)
Dcwar taa^ Bfim baadrad dollars'
FoUos fond, thirty-two baadttd


&lartae faad. forty-tb
IblitodoUan. I$t880.e0i.
Pifat^ faad.tb taandiod-flfty dol-

flftydoUais ($8750.00.

foot taad. tbirtoea baadrad dol-

IhlttT tbeataad Are
baadrad emty-flra aDUars($80.5TALetkal. TbenHxUabobenUad
brlad sad eolbrted aeorodte to bw.
a tax ef era mllU ee tbe£Uar. on


HmbwOMla adld city, at becMotoaroaatdd aadaelabUied by itao-





llie famous Julia Marlowe Shoe has
equal for case and comfort
they are surpassed by none -mi
breaking in nosuflcring with ach­
ing feel the>- arc |>erfect fillers
prices $5,00, St-00 and $i.5p. You
wit] lind them here.

.-\n excellent quality of pure Linen ALL MUSLIK UNDERWEAR FROM
iVainask. 62 in. widc.'w'orth 05c- : ' OUR ALREADY LOW. PRICES FOR
for this special sale-Si'i.oo and
ladies' tailor made'
Suits (or this sale
en Napkins. 1
; .An exeellent ((uality of Mtgrain Cars sale, per doz
fjcts, all wool tilling- -for this
^ l elt Window Shades for this sale

10 cent all linen Huck Towels—sale:
price, each.........................TmT.*


-jGood quality Linen Shades, sale
li'.e of Child's Blouse! price................. 17c

’aper ior this sale -p

"iKuh, Nathan & Fisher’s best $icoo
! suits—an overstock and bouglii at
auction (or thissa:ie—we Q QQ
price them-.........................



Walking Hats of different siyli
ular price from S1.25 to $5.'
be sold at qK cent
Fine Summer Hats, heavily trimmed
in chiffon, flowers and ribbon--spe­
cial prices S1.50. $2.50- S.V50-

An excellent assortment of new Wall
Pa|»cr per double roll 10 and I'Jc

A large assortment of the Celebrated Rosenwald & Weil highly
tailored Pants in all the new popular weaves-we price them
from •S.OO and up. 200 pair of Men's Union Made Sweet.
Orr & Company's Sample Pants at SO Cents on the dollar.


kind’ .-\ beautiful selection of Men's Neckwear in various slupes and styles
just received--wc'price them at 2S
and............................................ .Vi
25 dort-n Men's Silk Lined Caps, o
regular socline for thri sale J

Urs (IPoaooi.

City Bee rod
tors ($400.60).

; two baadrrol fifty ctmtly killed by llTiblng b b«r
doory^ Friday evrobd. She wat
Hrollb OBcei, one bandied fifty abont ttyror* of a(te.
______ _________ aadrad fifty
Otty Easbero. twelve haadred dol­

lars irioaoo).




reeabr poltoe and nlgbi
5fty dlribrs ($80.00). per

of Fire DeprohaeaS aerea
fllty dollars (rKLOOi.
at Chief of Plra D
________jd dolbrs ($100).
Bagbeer ef Flra daputanis eeren
fauSod twenty dollars ($750.1
via TBC
Two driver* of Fire Departtaeal
Icaap, (aoh aix haadred tweaty-flee
ere arquette
dclbrs ($885.00).
tor of the poor, one bnndred
L O. O, F.
irty dolbrs ($160.00).
one extra police and niebt watob, AKSn-BRSART CELEBRATION.
fl^dcOlw <$».00) per month for
Arolataat b elerk’t oOes forty dol­ Ooe fare rate fror
from Traverae City,
brs ($4&00) per uKalh.
Jane 7th.
of the board
, tbe rate fro
kitchen tape for wstro taken was radoeed from $8 ixr year to $5 per year,
aad a rabateof 10 per eeat: it allowed
for the ^ymeai of water ratet before
the befrbnlng of the qaarter. This
tbe water oommimK
nanoll. ta at low a water rate aa It
iriraB by anyel^ef almlbrtlze
the eMM, ead the eauUdoBi more
eqallable diaa b atoel eities
A FTopesltico from ttie tnsteea of
the Wett Side t'nioa chapel todety
waa tretealed to tbe oonscU by 3. W.
HUUkea. It wat propoeed that tbe
oityparohase tbe beildliig froaheat
$1,000 aad hare Ibe balldbir fro eity
aad ward porpeses aad Uxt the mcoey milled from it* parebeae be taro. ]
" cuSw^MTtPATIOR’"’”'
ed over l7 Ibe troaUet to tbe trottee* I ^ .CUM 00»*TlP^qW.^_-_
city -------- ----------- -------------!
----------------------------- ■
- ~-




Ladies' Summer Gatlze Vests, worth
- basement sale price - - ■
N'ickle riated Safety I’ins.. all sizes, jKj'r Q0



Two cases of loand iscLawnsand Dim­
ities. put up in bundles labout 5^1 lbs. •yQ
- to the bundle—choice, each---- .-T.,.. • * C/
x5b yards of Toife
loife du .Nord
Nord and Red
Seal Ginghams, standard price to and 0 ^
I500^yar<ls of fancy Silkalinn—basement g ^
piiM61 inc], \Vhit. Table Uataask-Wn,

........................ .19

oErasshEs^ Jrs

^ffteto &d
Mtopa^w Of *'*?Vi5«J*** •‘I**."'
with the aeciramiy b$al stops for lu
la/sBddtiMlBf S^MSuJ^tbt
f ddbttiot. and fro Ibe payaxat of tale to tbe cUy.
aU etnet aspenaat wbleh tbe eoaaoll Aa ordbaoee was pamed reqoirbg
HmU (barn apea the ttreet din ' that all berden of cattle b tbe city! A Mootblj Rvporticg of the Field of,
be raqaired to tsy a lieeaie fee of SO Litetatara. w>ih the cbok* fitro orax
stoted, bnedaadeoUeetodaeeonUaa
yror. and that they gives; fSO Staadori UbraTT BOOkt
to law, a mx of two mllb on the doT,b the earn of $ieo to bsan b-1
r,,n,lnint Aotbaro
hw, oa all srol etmte and txnenal
damage done 17 !
» catUe b tbelr':periheia»aftbe-----city (rf Traverae
., .
Sid bto aa bsmraM^
Tbe foMowlBi apaebi i
- books ^
.............. aad to lay tsar
>Uati ,1140^60) (d city

rmiThfl Literary fra




EXCUk::>.oi\'f ^

Md U &e eerenl faadt sad am
' **OM»iBcnt faad. two iboatam


Ten pieces all wool Venetians and
. Homespuns, 54 in. wide, our regu-.^lar
lar 75c
7SC ana
and *i.oo
$1.00 vaiue—tor
value—for f*''*

. F. F. Oraro. F. D.



Corset Clasps — basement sale price per Qg



Misses'-Vice Kid and Grain Leather
school shoes, every pair solid -base*
raeot sale price...................................

Men's Business Soils -basement sale
price Si.<)8 and.......




A lot of Children's
-------»’s Ve
Vestees and two
piece suiu. wonh
:h S3 00 and $2.50—
baKment sale price $i.tq and.........
Men's Summer Wool Ke
wonh Si.25--bascmcnt s
Men's $2-00 and $2.50 Bicycle i’ants
to dose aut at 75c and......................
A lot of Bi<^-de Hose, wonh up to
S1.50—to close out at iscagdand --



A lot of Ladies’ and Misses' Oxfords,
small sizes—basement sale price---


Seventy-five Pairs
Sample -Shoes
-consisting of men's patent leather
and ladies' and mitsa' vid kid.
wprth Sa.00—this sale.......................


Ateu^6^piuire^n all ofhigb<^ gnde
ranging in pri.. ..
sale $i.qS. $2.1; aod





Men's Kangaroo
iangaroo Calf and Oil Gram
lace and
md congr
congress, solid — sample ^ QQ
- shoe sale price..




THB MUWP quvifgB HMbkLP. MAT 80. 1001

'' ^nOtaa BatBCT. OM ctf tiM Mrl7

■n <d LmUbu enal7.di«d M«e^
tl» eU
^atSrauf. Md« > wife oMte
SBC ace. be baece tbte* tfOldns.
Oetfn. wbe l« UtIdc
&nu Mn. Vemr ot Blacbam aad
Mn. reub, of IWl
Hr. BeiCBxr wae an aBcteerWilUaa Beltaar ef tbli
te laelasaa oeoat; on* SO jrMn ago,
and hae made hii bene cm tbe oU
farai *T«r elooo, ■»»« dariag ibal
tiiae haHne bwa nore Ibaa SO nlbo
fcoB tfaU oltr. TbefaaenU
beU fren tbe O
la tbie city today at » e'atei
Kb Heew as roertS.
The naeene City Drirtsc
AsaeeiatioB hare dMd<M that it wlU
net be wevtb while to haer tbe Jaly
iBoe toeetlBC if there it to he so oelefaratioa of tbe Foortb thie year.
There waa aneetliicef tbe
tlcm Mosdey aad It waa decided to
poatpooe tbe Beetlac BBleee there it
te he eeleintloa.
Tbe booenen ace eotbaaiactlo for a

nmtaed ct. It Ime been eagteeted that
a freeh etart be takes te tee if tbe
neoeetary foede eao beialaed and a
Ug tuse arrasRed for. Fran ■
eaae node reeently there It erery lodlrmUoo ttei tbe Deeeenry ^de eaa
be {ooeored. proridiag tbe right eo
lalttM. with aaffleieat tine, ooii
lodased to do tbe work of eeeorl
tbe aabterlpUaea end eolleeting tbe
(Boaty. Hie qalte probahto that an
effort will be nede todey or t<
hnr to eee what mn be done.


Udl of the eUy aeboda. baa been i
nged. Tba eommmwammit ea
wlU oeea el the Qlty Open
tUa wTfBlBg,.
Tim progaam ta aa
-Pralm Te the Fattam’
loeototloe. Bar. WiUlaB U leofmaa.
Hade, ■■Bookw-Bya”
Bbe-Ne-Ab ^naitot
, I<rdlB Eocaig.
HBile,-Ll^llyHyBerk” Honerd
Boye Olee Olah.
Oiaden, *-Tbe Amerieaa
Ohalto BaUberr.
I^eai. writtfn by Alfred L Ayan, reoiled by Ormee Baatloga.
Heale, “FairyUad Waltx.”
High Bebool Oetetta.
OtaUmi. -Tbe Triamph of
Way» U Talon.
Glaaa Piopbaey. Beae TaaTmll
Hnde. -Away to tbe Fielde." Witaoa
High Bebool Cbone.
Charlee Norak.
of Dlplomae-Hon. J.
W Palahia, proaideat of tbe Board of

>. Pnarij fUerclam.
Of the 8L Fmaeii aebool wlU lake
plaoe in tfaa City Opera Hoaee Sataday ereoiBg, Jane ).
An alabonle
and eery ezoalleat program baa beea
arraaged. aad tbe repatatioo for tbie
aohoolof proTldiag
minment on tbeae
It oertalB that tbecqieiB bosae wtU be
Following i« tbe eompieta {Bogtam:
InitnmeBtal deal. -Pienio PoUa.
Song in dharaetm.-'BImlla Twiaa"
ReoltalioD, -Beiliiw of Uv Olaf
-Hlto-A. Oampeaa.
-AOelebiated Oeae."
tti. HoEatee- T. Verreno.
Jefaa. bU serTaat-B. Ohoali.
Banuny, errand boy^. Brazen,
flmmy, dootor'a'Bon—B. NelaocL
Fanaer Oorneob-O. Vertean.
acm-A. Send.
-•L. Hcmle.
HI* aoaa-F. Nelaon, A. Riebaid.
Dr. Bogen-O: Eormntb.
Tiing-Ttag-Fjoiaa A. Blcdod.
BmlpadiaAl Twlna-J. BU*y,

Tbe fenaan wbo here bald on
tbetr pototoei natU tbie asrlng i
rtolialBg large iwofita ajnn their (took
, end tbe bnyen are Ukewiee making
'• anoey, beeanie tbne la a ready and
rialBg market for aU good ttoA.
Tbe sweeaiUngjirieeeyaaterdey were
for Boanta. U to ST eeau a tmabel;
Baal New Torkera. SOto U eeata;
tmog Wbilat. 40 to 4S eenu.
Stapban Laataer hee aoU 4000 bnah. ala of Boralt to Oeo. W. ladle end
B. E. Hibbard for BO eeeta a biuheL
Reoltatian. "An AmCimtie HonmBe bee aOOO bodieli of BnateU wfatob
ktopar.--HlMB. PomaaaL
Will be eBarteted at aooo ae tbe
- mmental deal. -BoUaaBaiab oe loaded.
Mr. ladle had twelra <a laadt left
in Mocage aad be thtpfM Wf of
them to OliloBiro laet night and the tal
anee ae eoae a* he eaa get <
OhieagD market yeetarday r
. ceati a baehel wblob mea
father riae la tba:ioeal mac
' ladle will dor eboot gSODO (CoAt on
bU daala darlag Mar aad Bcaly SSOOO
' an^ aprtiigbulaaaa.wbiab of eonrte
tbe lmwe’'-BaacL
Ueary gcatifylag to him. r
head Bingiar
loea] bnyen haire realiied p
lie Fire Tim aad tba Fire FooUah
•tofrodte._________ __
Him A. Salliraa
Him A. Needham
HIm N. Pomaaal
Tbe report wbieb came oat la.PH- Hiaa A. Oampeaa
Hiaa N. Wnnboitc
day’a papen that an laraatigadon Him le Jardlne
Him 8. Barry
waa to be made into tbe affaln ot tbe HiaaE.Btotar
HUf H. Brows
Bsdowmeat Bank o' the Kalita of Hiaa H. Bllaky
PyAlaa baa eaaae ooBddorabU nnfi
aabU oommeat among PytUiaa
tbU eity wbo oarry tbe endawment

diattibote to tbe memban la chia eity
. Itlattoledthallheboardofegntrol
ef tbe Badowmeal Bank baa nailed

mlAMM wiring top we
anmatiaaar toapba MMaya- I
rfito Biapany to tob oUy. Be
II It aarenaldaya

other eeatin toe eharob wm Oeeapded.
and many yrere etaadlag-Icc wa* Imiartelre aad
WM with bowed beode that toe eld
eeUiere ileteaed to toe wetda epokn
by Bot. Imalmaa M he toliT ef toe
Of toe Oiaad
Anay of toe Bepablie.
toOM M bitten toeelxto and eereath
onN of the Fourth efaapta ot Joah-

TH* Lom^%m

%mm Our StooH oT

a eataxtbodu.h

^ j"*Petoof*MmtnaganlTed la
toeotty bat erenlag to ettaaM the
fnannl of bU btW. K. A. Pato of
I Poet Ha IS. O.A. B..
mod Oak Park.
amana Bay. wbieb oeenned today.
Him Baoca Eldd cf Onnwny ia tba
yea it will be fonad tba toe. to- geaat of frioda la tba Oityof tbe
Bobeita Ea^gi wm martoniof
to be miaad by
Bar. J. P. Tblla aad Him Elab
day aad tbe exarolma woe U gaaeral
alauat «.«> lam tlma mm ym
At 8 e'cleek a m. toe
aad «S0.S7S.
For Umetoen' mbHm
left tbe
tart yea wee appmofrlatad ga.000.
wbib tbia yaa toe aatonal b a trifla
of deecnatlag wito flowen tbe gisrea
iaat,dB.(n. latyewtfa
F. W. Fea
of all daemaed aoldian aad aailora.
ctf to.630 far
At 8 o'elocA a. m. tbe |nenaalen
gtonnda aad ImproramcsH. wfaUa tbb
Hra. demaia Tarraa retunad lo Bt.
eeoaUtlag of Oompaay H. old aolyea tbare U bot fiboao approprfatad ,Imia. Hlto.. today after a Tbit wito j
dlen aad aailora.
Wemani- Belief
for that porpoae. Thia yea. bowerar. beracm. J. H Bbkatlee.
Oorpeaadtbaaareml fratanal aoc
toace are dS,Oao worth of bonda that
Harry Hieahaw want to Debad yee-' |
tlea, aad all Mtliana wbo wiabed
hare to be prorided for, which wm larday to aitaad tba wedding of I
pahlelimta. lad by tbe taasd, patmeadnot the eaae UH jmi.
ed to tba eametery. where appcoprlTbe Mlal decided m aceded for tbe
Bar. Fmak Rbcmdaa. who Ima been I
dia aeaeboeU bat yea wm *40.018. wbieb beldlag meatinga U the weal
tba O.
WM tednoed by tba aati mated eoi
chapel aad tbe Femwood chapel, left |
After wbieb raafci were broken,
today for bb beme ia Ohio
tbe pen room lOraage
Baabmln COapbeU U ben i
peat from tba Boldlan- Hoaie ia 11
Onad Baplda rlaitiag bieeda
He . a
will be fonaed at oendqeanen, -nea ,
will return Jane Srd.
of 13.000 tbe prUoaiy k1»>o
Oimoge Hall, beaded by tbe apenker j

oftS.SOOaad toe ncm-realdeai
Hlae Era OampbeU. wbo hae I
aad city offlolab in oartlagM. the ,
of 11,000.
eoployad at tbe Hotel Wbiliar, bM i
Oompaay H. old aoldian aad
gone to Soraanet. Ey., where ebe faM E
mllon. Tomee-a Belief Oo^ aobool
obtained a pcaitioo la a alo.-e.
Tony Poboml west to Hayfleld .
boalseae today.
expeetod that Hnitay Poet of |
riieomallam aerenl weeks at bU
Hra. J. 0. Oartagfa of Old H1kI<
Hapb City aad aeraral ot tbe fraler- boo*
Sottoa Bay. la
b ia tba eity,
at Koietiea will loin ;in tbe parade. ; pUoe m dark of toe Leeb
F. E Heore went to ChdUbe today
Tbe Una of march will be; Imarlng
pewg U adhnicm left toU momiBg
aeoomorof Oaw and State atoMta,,,for owoaae. when be will look after
ut to Park, nertb os Park to Front, boilneM inleiMta
Pot Place

Suits, Skirts,
Sbtrt maists. Dressing
Sacques, Ulrappers, etc,


rest on Front to Union, ^tboa
Hon. IW Hamlltoo loft today for
Hiaa Haggle He<faoer of Oeda City
UaloBto Eighth, west cm Eighth lo, tbe Btnren. when be will be for ser- n rUitlag Hra Jaa Btuk ot Emi
High aebool greeada when tbe«er- ,«ml d.,, oo bMlaeaa
for a week,
el^ of tbe aftonoon will take pboe.
*. Batletl of Northpc»t did bnalT. E Kabbebr of Imke Ana I. ia
The following wiU be the order of a„, in the city Wdar.
, the city today
tbeexanlaeiattbeseboo!.^grenDdr: ! Ur. Beaben Petenon wm la the'
Hoaie-By tbe choir.
| city yeetarday on hia way from Elk
[Baplda, when .hUUmily ate tpeadBeading of Orden by Adjntanl.
i in, tbe nmiuer. to bU home in ObiHnaic by tbe Ohoio
Addrewof Weloomeby OomBaader.
Hade by tbe choir.
Hemorial Addrem bj Bon'. 3. W.
Short dot 1% .
Hoaie by toad.
f Hem^l Day.
The laHm
HePtaenoo Poet
aadW. aa. to loin in the ca

hb little acm- aad

Hre. Mnuy.
P. A. ClaoecJi west i 0 Ohicagoon
D paoetin flow- boaineai today.
are for tbe grarae of tfaa demd eom-i
Wait retoniad today from
ndee of the yOciag aoldierf eooeUle of
•« Cbdllbe.
Uent. E 1. Enapp aad Sergeant Ol­
io Eyeelka.
John BoottofHaple City a^a»ded|
Tbe committee to dienribala tbe

floral tribotee on tbe gmrei boneUle ,i'>* oaooamnioaia aarmon




arc showing some of the best values ever offered in ready-to-wear gamtentt.
You can't make a mis^kc if you sc.-e our stock.

o.-n'r;, sii-K •».»0
Sec Our Great Cine of Olash GoodSa
We certainly show some handsome things in Wash liooilfi and; we ;
please you.

I’ricc* arc

to gftc,


Young Man, |
Learn More! I

pumo HUVESTiiie
■'onaieting of Kindcra, Moa'era. Hay llakre, Sickle Cirin•lera. etc., fi>nnerly liBDdlc-d
by till- llHDiiab A Lay Cu..
may now le- ai<en at the
Holdawortli bailding, comer
.Mate andrnion St. A large
e oc-k-if repMire kept on houd,
n’ao binder Itrine.

TT P« bM
Tiamrea Vtir t>

WiS. Gillttti, Uul Alt'


*mi oTen-j

Wall Paper mi
City Book Store
Newest Ideas in 1 li-coraiioii, l.ali-sl

I’.iiterns to sc-

; lect from and Stock in this |mu of^Midiigan.
? and having three large stores to buy for.


I will make the lowest prices in the market.



not get

g caught by the deceptive advcriisemctils in the big city
5 papers; there is always a "catch " to

them somewhere;

I and do not be deluded by pjcople with sample books,
^ who quote single rolls and pretend to give big discounts.

of Albert Norotny, Oaorge Newberry i"*.
I Ber. TbomM P. Ullom went to De--Coen per ba (old) ..

? Does it not stand to reason that in buying

The yooag aoldlare itoo lie ia Oak-1W®'* »<«»f.
be will attend toe,
woodoamatocy are; Oommde Stew.j»»‘« oonTention of the Chadi of ggge por.Aoa.
art a mtaber of toe old organiealioo Chrtet (Oleeiplael. ^e will hare
ohargo of the Bible atady aectioo of
of Uaanah Rlflet. who w

large quan-

I titles and getting low freight rates wc can


I cheaper than they can ?


You arc cordially


I .compare quality and.prices.

ita, wmr- PH U
Clatonee Soon of Korthpot


)ogh i “le
Ibe city yeetarday.
Harry Oibba reianed to Sammit toaftor apending Suday-in tbe
r ot tba Tbirty-flfto Hlcblgan city.
Hn. Oambnro lotomed today to bar
Infantry. ' Oolman died in Ooba and
hie remaine were ihlpped home for home in Clartoa ffter a riett with
frionde la tbe city.



diaoaee eontraoiad in Cuba, aad Col

Tbe eompasy aleo ordered floral
ieoM to be eent to tbe gtaree of ley tbie moning aftar k rlait ertto
fc=»P^ U J
Oomibdee Uorey at Ogdeseborg. Dna- toe family of H. Harkaa
diaa. K. Wanborg. B. OUard,
him at Wexford and Stom at Bammll I A. J.' Doyle retorned yeeterday from
Oagae, Z. Tallaad. & Hayden.
Ootrey died in Oabn and hla I Ohieago. where be waat to iwuehaeo
PlaBokiadlyfnraldiad byEimbaU
bod} WM oroogfat back for bortal at' good,
k®®®* for Hoa. J. W. Hilliken'e dry
hie bbme. aad Btomdied in toe Phil';>®<Me
leof toe memIpplne. Old hi. remain, were eeali E-f- OMlagtaa.
* oam.
Wbas tba retanna of HePbanem
Danbam, DiekanaoB. Oedham and'io the city o
Pom, No. 18. Q. A. B., and the memDalietl died at borne of dieeaeee eoa- ’ ’ ■
ben of tbe Tamaa'a Belief Ootpa filed
tzaeiad ia the ww.
law tbe FiiM Hatbndlat ehuob Budty Btoralag for toe Hemorial i
rloea, they aaw Old Olory draped
NeatoOM wd deqmtoh eecmed to be
graeefta folda beak of the pnlpit i
toe motto of toe board of odeeatian at
tbe natianal colon twined aronnd tbe. toeir laet meetiiig, aad a large
roatmm. where .red, while and bine
amooBt of baeisoee. maeh of it of
mlsglad wito tba oolon ot ent flowera aad pbttad plaau, while tbe fragorto.
Erery raembex of the
taaee of tbe flowen parrsdad tbe at- _____ wae peaeesi with toe exeoptica
moapere; aad khe balv air of a bean- of a E Hammood.
tifnl Hay momlag waa la peaeafnl
of toe loeatioa of toe
harmony with toe aeatlmeat ef tbe Dew etaia Domial eebool wm broagbt

Tbe leal qeartarly einb
dwwad tbe orgulaatlon ta be la good
eandition flaaocdally and it U net be. Uared by the Imdlag memban U tbla
nicytia the nine of tbe proMetkm
if at all aadaBgtnd. Bewanr,
Iff them
to the apaaia
There were alxty Teterana lo tbe
•aaamaal aad It baa beenangi ....
that it be paid nadar protaat. peediag eoooaay.eacdi woarisg tbe poet badge
tfaa rwnlt of tbe latreadgaticm, ertUah and Onad Army Imtacm. and a Uttle
Bosegay of flowen fdasad to tba Upel
itfind-for Jnly B. U Oble^
ofbia ooat There wma acore ot
of gHxaled hcada u tha oompany aad some ot the forma were best
wito age while tbe ramgea of tune
bad teadarod tbe lonkaof aooe aa
H. A. Selaey. paator ot the Frtada Wblta aa the Bowa of wiatar.
ehnreb, la booor of tbe olam of IMl
lat of a ml|tot.'^a^ny reflaeted
eftba Tnrarw City Higfa
tbe deeda of a gloHeBi taut.aad'While
ef tim eharobea cd tla eity nnltad In tbalr raaka hare been tblaaad ataoe
tha aarriee. aad tfar stage wna oeen- bat Heamlal Day
^ad by the different puton, the
1 and tooM wbo
board ot edaentlon aad a efaetna (dmtr. await toe laet roU oUl of toe Onat
eompoaadol the otaoln of tbe dUUB Oommoader hare etiU toe Aim of
aat chnrebea.
Tbe muie
yonto in toeir mata. and in epdrit if
Aage of Bar. O. Ooeblla.
not ia deed toey woeld Bgfat
Tbe Claa of 1801 ooontdad
again the taaUlee they foagfal te pwetbe eeatet of tbe bonae with
ore toe old flag from dleboaor.
Mbeel taaeben.
Tbe retetue aad W. B. 0. '
After the aiaglaf of tbe doaotagy. enawd la toe front part of toe eeatre
Bar. C T. Blent lend in tba Utd'a eectioo of pewe. which bad beea
• Pmyer. A hymn by tba
for them.
aad erery

of aoHptnn by Bar. T. K.
’ Wrlgfat, Bar. Lanfman offered isvar.
la whlidi be aaproUUy ramamband
tha gtndaatiBg claaa.
Aftor aaotber hymn. Bar. Ealaey.
aBDonaoad hla text. "Bin. we wonld
aaeJaana." HU aeftaoa waa decided­
ly dlffareni ' from them aermona
laeaebad cm aimllar oomaloea in that
it eonlaiaad eery llKla refenaoe to
tbe ncdilaremeBta.of tbe elaai in oomplettag tbe work ot. tbe High achool.
, aad partook rnty atrcmgly of the caratot apiHt of aeaageUBtlon. Ha Mated
. titol it waa bta daaira to amid aU fant
tha aae tbiag. to paeaob Obrtal.
AaeUier byma foUowad, aad than
Bar- Dllam |>tBCM&oed tha baaadle-

aad toeir baarta bsto wl* tba aama
da farra aa wban tov te­
al to tba tnll
UaeolB tUrty-


ap by Hember Boyt. aod toe board
oDit la ite deelro that all pomible effort be made te eeean toe im­
portant edasational laetitatloo for

afford, for each a tebooL the matter
of loeatioa aad other faciliUea wm
pri leuted. aad it wm apparent toal a
rery good toowiag caa be made for
toe oily before toe ttale board of eda:lonl A motion WM |>Med tlmt toe
board of edaeaUen aalte wito toe city
eoaaell la at«<iaeat that toe Mate
hood of edaoatte rlalt thle olty and
look toe matter orer. Tbe etate board
will meet ia Ht Pleamal tole week,
aad Olty Clerk Been Ime alrmdy eent
Oily aad look
Tbe board of edacatlmi met Frtdar .
reaingaiMl qaiekly dlepoeedof toe,
report of toe waye aad -i***-*
IherewM lltUei I
g. M toe work of the 00m- ->)
mltte« had
ad been oaietolly dime, had | |
the badge! wm adopted M reportwL
It it M follewi:
fiktSSOOO i
Rei»in on belldingi aad
fTooBde, aad Imptoreemine lOQOW
Faal .............
Parohate of book., (dote and
text twoke aad anaakae .
733 «0
Haaoal tnlatag......................
Incarnaoe fand..,
Jaaltore’ ngee
New taiainre aad loatal of
piaaae. ..

ia epeaklagof Hemorial Day Hr.
emfmaadepletadtoeeaMoaiotmaklac it a day of pleaeart aad iadalgeaee
to gome, and epoete. aad arged tkml
clad) ehoeia etrtre 10 obaerre tor dar
ttgalfloaBoe. Hereatladed
me toal they uiU Imre
tie 1*0
*0 flght
flgfal .aad Uannmeed them
0 apply oa beade oamiag
I tf Mine toareiy
which domldae.........
Orttyebog matt be exTbe Battle Orrafc AdnatlM noUage erriewl to flgbt omtoer eaemy. bat
toieekiag fora aiu ef iff aMof
II eeald be ecmqaared aad Umt
toad cm whlefa to eaiabUHi aa wteal- toe rlMety ooald be wtm by rightaoa
tnml eallcwa aad oondaet a medal lirlag.
Tbe Til
Tlrtd deeertpUoae. tbe eloqaem Non fMideat l^tfam
|oaW parete the Isad aad
weed, and mtoetie referaaoee ef tbe
dBD,000 tba fiat ynaia bnildlagaad paetoe teeagfal team to many CTM and
oHabto alt, ta be eaoaad the eld eeldiente Ure a»to Toml ameoat to bo raleO.. fin.S7S
Itoiaagbtoem^of WM aad Mife
XariaAefilatolt mpenwaattwa

I state Bank




... .

r..>ui/.d I., eiit.-ar «l e -____ ___
t..l. hTa-t-ein tli.-i-r-Jai.

I 3 m CHIT rai HKliM



>f one dollar and uowarde re, oolvod; All dopoelte DayaMe
' on demand,
J. T. Hannan. Caenier.



oalmdie.' .-O^poell,-.
Oar Imdiee-




K-. Noiiw, eM v«7 Ni,l,« «•«
>.. H~4,. II...
ent TenM.
uH P.MI l.mlW.


VERY Npw»-v$t.OO, $
$1.76, $2.00, $2.50.

F-ranbc F-ri< adrioh.


S4.50 AND $5.00^PANTS

New SUB4.342 Fraol SL

We have the Paint and BrushegT Our Detroit
Whiu L«ad Works Mixed Paint stood the test for 20
.years; and when it comes to White Lead our Master
Painter caps them all in whiteness aod durability. Ask
us for prices; we ceruinly can save you mooey, as we.
bought it before the advance.

Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.



V •bdivtotBTta

Tin TwMMb
t MtuBmnnBwIaibrCvt^CM-jtlMOU BMUcn'
K erraad vlU b* to e«Mil«daa kmb h»U to Fowton' HkU to thto eitf.

■ctBtoc bvmM tbt MBtnette*it

tiki oat •toD* to baaMd to tb* eeeMOtotlce ef tin snr avloo eottMO*.
tbarMac lb* lowMt Uddm ~
•ocmel for tbc roach ianbar wat
awarded to the J. B. OnlUok Oo.
lira Joha Law of Old Htoaton
vw to tha id<7 KOBdar on bad
Mra law vith bar baohud, bai bad
> <d Um Ucbtbeaa* at OU Ulr■toe PolBl (or rweatr jaan. and baa

Tba Hodom Woodnui dacroe taaoi.
aadar eeaiaiaad tf Jea Elaaaea, weet
■>doe Uoaday to rxnopUfy tbr
( work of tbe order epos a kiwa

a ptaoool to parttolpata to tte earaMotoa ______________
Bar. 8. BaUbary la to tba elly
toon Blktan. bto fraaeot paatotata,
Ha will laraato bare uitll aftar comowoeeaeat. bto wm OmrUa betox <me
of tte elaaa oratora tbit year. Ha will
tbaw rUit fora Aiort timo at PotBOBa.
ratamtog to bto borne at Elktmi.
a be if aow paalor of a

M 8t Jeooph Hto. Roaek. a jwntj
Oiand BapUa vUto irui ctoUator to
reaad trip «nrr dar. aed a porttoe | bonblp taeladn plceaara ot tba
»» Oi •
nboa«Meet««foa>i.CtrtpabatwaaB|H»Otaed TraT«» Brctoe. «td all •» • •taA-la o( the
Slk Bapldi aad OU XlaloBtwhobara Ured to tber«toB(orfl(-!«i<»M«>«aairledlUedaruEd.
Mltobaa. a Baowe Harbor wEU Bapldi aed Old MtatoW bf water ‘ Tbe far for Jototoc i« » oaeta, whlda [
Tbr tridr bad aer«al aaiton
by tbt OnaHtoa ^11 jatoe paya the drat yrar’a data, aad tbr, —•*“ l*«Blaid* wUirtora of

tbr city, bat tamed Ibrin dowa tn breoao tbr af«n>-a«irr. TtiM UMit(dMa-a aoeocd while wUa.
to pay.
Oee of tbr plaaut (totoiaa of Uw
Pousht for Hla Ulfa.
r et Thoradayj^y
^r haafcel ptoeto dtoiior at
w^drUtto bto^di^f
ntatot as aHraetira atdilag
Ooffrr. cmam_aed aacar will
. ropotad new retort betel to be ereet- ^ fB»i^rd' fiae at tte 'haU. bat aii
* ^?yaadolt?*2lti.*'Md*l^
•d liyA. H. Laalla of Chitogo. for
^ aapaeiad to fworida aared from
tba «mr Mgbll
'---- ‘-htfaltoir
wbleb plana are belog drawn. Ibal^jj^wa dinner. An uformal two- «>'.» by.Dr. Klng'aKrw Dii—^
aimetiuawineeotal»iai>M>omAwlIli,^(,f totetaattog anaodoiaa bytba ^
P"*"”™!* •»« “ ohiti. ;
‘0 old tlmm. wUI add to tte toteram of SSb““^h“.'‘ aTTweT.^ di“r =
lesetb. toelsdtog an antotto wing on j
^ eligible to oonld not balp. bat* few month'n»e
ond.TOfetdwp A wide rar.:
wbe tera n^ar at- o'f?** wonderfni medtrtnenmrte me
,wlllM«TO«ultb.toato part and,,ibaa. meettog. ahonU ”lifcr-.''tofSlltbto**te“
• plan to do to tbto year. There oeea. Co& and Tbrat and Uog tm^e
plotnta to atoo giyan of a new •lonaanorexoapdonal Intareat, and Trial botttoi fme. Oaamitaed bo|. s
mar eottage to be balM by Hr.
LaaUe for bto own nae. IhtowiUba. bind tte old aetlera grow elooer, and
doM to tba Oraotoa-bale atyle of Br­ the friendahlpa fermad toearlvdaya'
Farm for Sale
and will be rery |wauy aad; an renewed, pertep. for the on^ly J A fann of 80
having .boot (10
i lime to tbe entire year- Then vrill .me cleared, good booee and tern.
; be a fine oreheatn to atlrndanee.
: abool to acrea fruit treea. grape < iar*
n«r*l Mall lloau.
fraln of ruioaa klnda,
Wexford coontv'aBm ronl detlv_________
1 loeated In oeciiim SO. darteld tovpoeiy wall mole will be eaUbUited —. I .hip. arc milea from TTovene t'ltv,
wiinto a few weeka. with Haatoe ae Tte Brat of (he rteent Bn leaoea waa'for oale or exchange for city noiwrtr
adjoatad Toeteay aftamotm to tbelApplyto

; Ftoaeta chaioh by Father Baoar.
Tba yaaac aw of Lyawo UoRraJ
faU (roto a ww«e Taaaday araatoi
aed dtotooatad hla toft elbow. Dr.
W. B. Mooe-waranmmnnad MatUof
Cherlaa BaUbaiv to balUtoc a bead
«Be boM oaSlatoatraatDaarBar
low. to oaat act toaa thtoi $l«oa Zl
wUl baooaqilaud aboottba drat of
^ba. 'Wb. jZkmaad Htoa Flee.
Boa Jactee wUI alart nan weak fas
a TtaU to Bactaad. TbaywUl braoeiBiaatod by Hr. aed Mn. Bay of
ar OaaiBlBtttad tba Hartford
llaiaitoj in Inijirt 1-^r boUaoftba
WBlartrorkapiBBt. Bofaeadtheato
Bra* olaaa ah^a____________

P. (Vverr.
ar; aaat a'toog toe' town line four
gooda. hxm
Bxtarai and otter inperty of
Old SolOler-i Exi
to A. W. Jab
eoe-telf mile;
' which
Itoe; eaat to Warren 8
—----------------------- ---------filoooeater, ton..
tat: •■Ht
fram tbe Kloodlka Thnrwlay. When CUmert; eaat ihroagb Potman.
In aplle ot
>. P. Carver aad Zno. B. Baato'a I
*“'le* « lo"e latl foar yearn Averill Oomera, and aootb to ManHa baa apanl aearealy a moatb to a
Tbit roele will bring dally mall bat proapaotod oew
■ervloa to aoefet of faiman In that bolk of the toatmwea on toe damaged
lama«>d hMlto
do. Trv
of tba oonnwy iwotably aa
tba ooontty and wlU be of telUlag* and aloek. which flgored to)
Onlv <&e at 8. L. Wail’t and
Be did not, bowerar, make
bosafll to avory
tbe raeant Bn on Front aaael.
J*^*"’* dfW »«««.
any (^loca atrikan
Tba lorn Ot toe City Bookoton wme
Hm HeliJa Hiah^iTrf OadiUae
aettled at abool toree-foartha of tba
wna oallad here Honday night by tbe
loaa. tte Brm keaptog toa damaged
death of bar molbar, Htn temh The deal waa elated laal weak by
BUboto Bha ratamed to
which H. A. Waatgate mtltea (mm The tom on toe Bxtorva of the Lion
with tte body Tnaaday aftomoen. the manaireraeat of llw Fbn Har- a)^ wnt aettled at gtn.V wfaiefa wu
Hrt Mieboto wia 77 yaari cU. and qnetto eating bosae. to be pDoeeaded about half of tbe aetnal lorn, bol aa:
waa daariy lorad by tbe pattcela and br Hr. Oaoiga Bootbard.
Ur. moch of toe vmlnable adommenta,
attendanto at the aaytom. when aba Sontbard took petaetaloB of tbe baai- eoehaapalmi. daeontieoa. alo-.bad;
had been for many yearn
aaa today.
1 covered in tbepoliciea. too
I very mtlatactory 1
raeeired to tbto city Frfno.Doo
t tbe marriage of Tbomaa tbto pepnlar aaUiw benaa for aereiBl
ArtfasT Oentoe. tomMrlytf tbto city.
Tbedamage to the property of toei
>0 available (n any
Itw <n 'rWenO. tn
Ciiiwoa' Telephone Oo. aa adJnMt^ i
Imre Ibe city, thoogh be baa net da.
cided which of two Inentiooa he will Dr. J. M. Wllbelm-a tom waa act-:
place at tba hooe of tba bride'a 'par. xepeo. lb baa two exeallaht looa. ed at a little lew than tfaeamonnt of ;
aouJoDae. ud tbaeoaplr will be OBI diat he will look ioU before he hUpolioy. botaomeof bto-laoperty
BO to Detroit aftar OoMber lat. lakaa a dectolon.
aa mred.
amiM to be aina.
W. ¥. Bowen had
W. A. Bakar. who ecedooted the ing to gioo. and that amoonl ’'wu' al- jS'-’-ISSSS TO
Ihdlao opera Powhatan, which waa lowed.
given bare lait year by tbr Oraee
ehoreb ladlea. to to tba olty again
iwainring to put on Uilbert A Bui. Tbompmm mid A. W. W^t. with a
Uran-t famoot opera. The Hikado.
Otoe Tonneller
■arrad.Bad tba olaaa wmi cirao a ptoa- Tbe opera vrlU be preaanted here oo
17tb of Zona onder tbe anapleet of
wet Utoe that they .^U not aocai forthe Oraoa ofannh ladiei and dlreetloti
of Hr. Baker, who made eneh a no.
The HatbboBe Stotora will ralartato
of Powhatan laat year. Tbe vny
tba Obarleroii aad Oaatnl Lake tarn- beat lotal talent will be engaged to
at tbair ball to tbto olty Hmaday partiolpate to tbe prodeelion which
itoc. Zime A tbere will brae
wiU be given 'on a Urge amle. hand,
itiatiae of a coaUetoao and lady.afier
■ly and correctly opmomed. Tlie
wbtoh raftrahmODla will be aerred
Ido to tbe beet
the ptodootioaa
lie real of tba areatoc wiO be
darolad to daeetoc, with ffiptle by italeotbemoatpopolar. A good batStowan A BlaSew' erofawtra. Ail
Are better than paint. They work easy
end ertiille asooeae may banafeibera are raqoaatad to plas to
ly predicted for tte veniorc.
make sniooth surface, and any one can apply

B«lb jnehubw.

Stock has been heavily reinforced and is in line conditi^ to satisfy ail wants. The

choicest and daintiest of Muslin Undergarments from tW best
best of
of manufacturen.

nigbt Gowns
Heavy Mtisliii. tucked yoke, ruffle trimming, good size,
aL net................ ......................................................... ...........
Special value at Si.6p. less ten per cent discount
Lace and Embroidery trimming' and all over embroidery
yokes, splendid lines at....... ...................................................
High, Low and \’ cut neck, regular and extra sices up to 17.

s Dorset 0ooer$» is. 20,25c, up
# styles in Marguerites at $iz»

Si.iqSkirtsforSocand loperccnt.discbiintbcsides. Trimmed with Intfia Linen. nilHesand lace inserting. A splendid bargain. '

Our Sariufs Depanmeut

Combination Corset Cover and Skirt. 55c to S.vjq. Children's'l^Drawers
10c and up. EuU line Children s Dresses from 25c to $2.25.

Cbis Department is one ot our Best

X m* mnimeti*


Senour’s Tnteiior
Enamels « «

ft arw twaltead by Oook A Wtotte.
U Eelloot. kn ante of tbe bride.
Ota Taa Taaarl a< Hooroa Owler
^ neadrad » au of waU eyed tdka « eanaony being performed by Rev.
dor aleefetw Da^ lake Tbto to the H. Kaonady to tbe proaeoee of only tbe
third eeealcamal tbto year that be
«ttog imrtien Mr. Devia wu
tea laealrad from the at
formerly a reildent of Ihia elty. bol
reeldea at Oaoe Olty. Many eonOatdt are oat ■
jaof Hr. W. W. OoHaaad Htoa Dora ft HarrliL Tbe frianda will attond ll
aiiatoBf wU( taka Plata at tbe
w when it to daoitad to call
iMt or tbd l>M» aa Watt Float
LaoB Badi. a^araj^da boy. broke
hla tog la twi plaoaa Toaaday while
pteytot oo a log «<^at OmiUok'a
ftotorr. BafellAthatredtaiidlba-

For Cwo oieeks-may 25 to 3utiB $

; sSss? Is/ESS

AU Ibaaa espaettoc to let ttokato
Iw tbe dtotatii meaptioB aed ball are
nqeaatod to da ae by Friday iieei
B. Otr hat laMired a
ordartoattberetnaliMt easa
B bar BOO Harry Orr. for.
■aytoaka Itaptoaa
marly of tbto elty. anBoaoetor tbat ha
j patted tba eotTBBDa
AnUttat F. t Hoom to dtawtof examtoatlon to tba DDlled Btataa KaptoM (or tbe pareoblal taaldBer at
aad will
Blk Bapdto It to to be a tea room aetar that tottltoClae at oaee. Hany
brtoh fltoaotora. two aieriot aad baoe.
MOL Tte toyto to colOBlal
Zee D. Frito of Beatb Bpraea otmot. fiom Owotoo.where be tea redded fa


Special Sale of
IDuslin Underwear

110 Per Cent. Discount

„ ,h„

Om aUUtoe wall eyed pika tij wael
toCbrp iBka ytotarday wbare iboy
ytU ba ptoWad.
Or. aad Hrt. J. D.
Satarday (MB
doeur waet to laottre before tbr
■wdltol atodaeto.
t DaVar of tbla
^la elty
ofBiMt E


Bn, all Itel vrtll be oaeeaaary will
betoteU Ibe toattlon of tbe Bn to.
tte ooDtral eSoa. and tbe Bn dajnrt.
menl will then be nmg np to eooh a
way tbat tbiay will know at onea ttet
than to
bean made to regard
a. at tbe j

A dellghtfnl anrprtoa' waa perpetratod Tneaday avaatog npen Rev. aoB
Mrn D. Ooehlln by a namber of tbelr
frlandn BTeiytbtog appearad for a
good whiU to be manly a aotooldent.
aa Mend after friend dropped In for a
abort ebat. Bat when tbey kept earn­
ing to Utge nnmten till 10 o'clook.
tba aorpriaed eoople were ann that
than eotoftatoty I
A aoelal wloo to plaimad tor tbe
watt maertng of tba ratail elarta
Whtetaeoara nan weak. Tbaia will
ba^eraial wadldateafo lalUatlcB.
■aprenwoout kaa revenei toe
daotoiaa of the toreall eonrt to tbe
ot Addtoee E. Btom v>.'toe
Oaova Demllv. tba elartoattot. Michigan Btandi Oo. Stem wnt
aad wbato .employed to B. V. H»- awarded a verldel of «l,IT7.Wby a
Uo-a Pbatogr^d. paUry, taoalrad Zoiy at toe Angoat term ot -ooort laat
wotd Hwday ttet hU totter waa year, for toiorlea meatTad to the maAaaA Hr. Zlemltog toft tbto momliig (ditoery at tba atareh pompany'a faotoiy. Tbe aaprema conn baa daUdad
teTotode. tba borne of hla paraala.
that toe eireoll
Pipe Orgaad
a Ko.8Uptonstag foraa ao>
verdict for the dafendauta
•a bt teU at
They dany anew trial, ao ttet tte
Ib tba aftaroaea
^iteZaw IM
mrwUl bateUaad
totte arwtogagw ooBBart will be
.. ! in
- whieb
........ ... _
I boM ot
frienda will be toterea
yamorAtf at tba borne af toe paraala
of tte bride to LaUnd. Tte oonmol
tog imrtlaa wan Zay B. Btillwell of
WoeU be ahippad ID tba etob
tbit elty. manager of tba loml tnmah
IP o( tbto acBtb. U wat of wall.cyad of thaw. W. ElmteUCo.. BDdtenn
HUta. fermarly at tbto city.
wmU.aTad pUa
Mr. aad Hn BtUlwall wUI mida
A BBd tbto fblp. to tbto city, a^ a beat cB Maoto wlU

Ebctrte fom’.
Wbeo Oaae A Oralaer and L. E.
Dibba aeenred a alta on Boardroan rirer near Eryatooe, for the porpoae trf


plant for the opentton ot a acreet
railway bare and a line to Old HUtbe feaaibility of the plan waa
to tbe length of (be
iwopoaed nilway, and tbto dittnneeeof
tte tarmtou front tbe aooioa of powHan to ao axtnot from the Selentifle Ameriean which abowa to what
It alaetrieity for rallwayt <mn be

Oakland, a diainnoe of IW milea, and
atreet can won opented with it on
April 28. OniTosI i< tnaamitted al a
ptoaauo of W.COO volta and tbe tom to
ligfal. Power to atoo to be ennemltted to Ban Fnociaco, a diatance
of 180 mllet.-

otd child of Mr. and Mn. Amtoew
Eighth aboel. died
ng.May 22. aa toe noolt of being aealded abont 12 boar*
rlter. The tojoiiee toat tbechild nthan at flnt
Iboo^t, and tbe nSerlng* of
baby wen. onded when Ito UttU life
went out to. toe erenitig.
The mother bed carried a boiler of
water from toe atove Into toe woodabed, and eovend It op for a moment
.Id otoraand pat the lid*
hack on toe *tore. Tbe child toddled
tbe boiler of hot vrator, paabed off
e cover and to *ome way fell in.
acaldtog both arm*, one to toe •hnolder aad me to tbe elbow. Tbe aide of
tbe hnd and faoe were atoo aealded.
and toe little cue lav to terrible anftiU Wedneeday evening, when

Oharle* and Cart, three and me half
■onto* oldtwli boyt of Hr. and Mn.
John CUnBeld. died Monday morning
at their borne near Onws of apinal
igitla One of Item waa taken
t torec o'clock aad died at 6.
Tbe otter wa* token tick at 6 o'clock
and died at 11:2a ^>ey wen both
ngly bright and teallby ehUdnn
ancU tbey wan token aiek. Tbelr
tanmal wa* beU Taoaday afternoon
at 2 o'clock to the ctauohat Onwn
ader toe direeciao of Ralph Anonea.
Loato John Biiey.'tbe little thirteoa
ay old child of Mr. and Mn. Frank
Uley of Kortb Cedar maet. died
Banday. Tte fanonl wa* held al St.
Fnnci* eharob Bnnday aftenoca at
2 o’clock la charge of L. D. OortU.
OaU at tb^ A If. E. titoet eftoe
It tey tiekma al «17.0a via Daiand

- them to walls, ceiling, inside woodwork, pantries,
kitchens and furniture. Many beautiful tints. The
surface can be kept bright and dean by wiping with a
damp cloth. Color card free. Put up in quarts at
about the price of common mixed paints, at



The Hannah & Lay
# ....Mercantile Co.
dalidtemtst SidcbOdtdS


That DioDvy two buy ran bo placed in year dining riwin at a
wry littb r<«t—SJS.50 buy* a beauty, haadoomely carved with
i»v< l plate mirrnr, notbing finer lor tbe money in tbe city.
Other lu.oa»2nie Side Board. altlBJO, P19J5, $$0.00, tStXIO,
$:i8 00. WoQldal^ii like one of tbme moot ooovanient piecM
of furniture Wyoor diningroom, j oat room eooii^ between
tboM doom fork, joat money enoogb in yoor pocket for iL
You see it don’t take w> much h. own ni<m tnmitaN.

Durlns pur Great Sample Shoe Sale. Now Isthetimi to
supply your footwear needs while you can save 26 cents
to $1.60 on every pair you buy. Light, medium and heavy
aoleefor Men. Women. Boys. Girls and Children are in­
cluded in this big sate, and they are all guaranteed to wear
as welt as If you paid regular retail price.

and Women’s

and Girls’

$4.00 and $3.50 $2.50 and $2.25
Go at $2 JO.
Go at $1 JO.
$3.00 and $2.75
$2.00 and $1.75
Go at $2.00.
$2.50 and $2.25
Go at $1.50. $IJ0 and $1.40
$2.00 and $1.75
Go at $1.00.
Go at $1.25.
$1J0 and $1.25 $1.25 and $1.00
Go at $L00
Go at 75c.


Hrtfar ShM Bane

ntw Books
These are acme of the newest in ^r book
"Mok and Mafgaryt" by Peoey, $1.45.
- "Norman HoU” b> Gen. Cbm. King. |1.S5
•'.Inletty " bv Lory Clearer McElroy, $1 .tO
A atory of old Kemucky.
• "The Via.ia of Ebtabeth" by Elinor Olyn,
$1..t0 a moat dtligbtfully written biatorical
romance in llir fivin >f a family letter.
^ "The Helmet of Navarre" by Bertba
Rnokle, 1150

llmtst In neckwar
Are the “m-w gray " abadeo -come in tbe Im­
perial oed^narrow Ponr-in-band at 50e and the
Howa at 2-5c Onr foar gr-at ahow nsea always
have tbe neweot cr-ationa Never aocb a dia
play in northern Michigan. In tbe line we are
tbe absolute leaders.

niort Ptopk
J!n Paptriug....


Boon M

i. ibni.e'

prtcea attra^ them, all ’rt;; I«iie, know good
p^rand they alwaya are oatisfied. Onr 10c
teroa made tbu aeoten. 18c aad 16c papers
•re positive beanUea. Done yonr papering yetf

Ingrain Carptts
ble, each aide ia differaot Of conrae a carpet
that can be turned tbe other aide op weara
Ibia kind with border all arot^ and ao sawing
sell from $5.85 np -

Brigifttn up tbe Latvn

**6r»ss Miu’tBmu”

EPtrBears Wsa

Oraaa ne<da catling—moar be
kept clipped abort to have tbat
velvety appearance ibat'a so
bMotifol Lawn Mnwera sell
from WOO to $11.0u. Tbe
Keen Clipper Ball Bearing are
tbe eaaieot to rtm and vheapeat
to own. From $7 50 to 511.00.

Why ia it* Didn’t water it
enough—better gel some new
boat, aella from k to Ibe the
fooL and oprinkleta are from
40cto$l.;e. Tbaaonneryaa
get them the greener yonr

Who had worn oar hau kick
•boot the pricaf Kevte! Ha
aerer got ao mneh tor $3X)0
before. DoaH bmak, dooH fade,
laeta foagar. looka batter. Iha
Loogley $8 00 hats an tba

Dreams of Shoes
Tbii mao can't help it—be waa no pleased wfib tbcao ‘‘Hom*D4o*”T-eaid be bad alwaye tried to got a shoe that didst
qaite kill while “breakiBg ttwm ia.” This time be M pot
tbvm Ob aadwwB them every day with peefoet eaee-now he
dnuas of them. We aeU them eselaaiTaly aad they an tbe
bsK 1400 due OB the msitet, mo&in Viet hid, valmtr eaUaad
patent leather. No more eorne or aebing feet with a “Ha.


a OuTlmif
I, th*


math wind «mto

te a. M. taiifc iMt

Hawwat IhaLa^Ishand GarSaldBasday Bebeol Amoetarioa baid


to^itogSTfm^^^.aLa _____ iSS.’iSXiX

PhUUfi ud L. a Hatm
B. P. naaamore and wU*<asd Uttto
Cnr«na (H17 last'' '-------- -tartar, OtodTt. daora to Battoa't Otty.
ASdnaa ad ITelmnu Gs. Vtllo-'
1 the "
Ba7 Satardar and ratomad BaaAt7baa. Oedar Baa.
Hj. ItcDould
1( mzeb bettv. w bt
A. T. Baatto* and B. R. DaUr cd
Biipoan Ber. O.OotoUa.
«ror« to Tixrene OInlut TrUv
aptoa wart to towa toat n»Mk7.
' ~
V« an vUd to
Hn Otototat aad Uttto Warns,
are Tiae<na Olt7 Ttotoon Batarda?.
OmsI dtotaiutoa-Oeo. Vilktbae..
Htoi Btoto Btaato7 to atteodto* Uord Saat. Hr.Andnwa. C.B. Betoa.
Ur> Tb. Velli bM been ee the
tick IIM tbe jmM VMk, b«l li Boefa
beuw DOW.
Hr. ud Hn. Darid Pwtte Tfadtad
I John Pander'* SoadB^.
Ur. Md Hn. a P. Hklli nR eaU-J to Ow>d Bar^de ob aooMuit of the
death of Mra MUl*' bjplber.
unit retomed Imit Hob^.
Ufa Barrel riiiied ber liMer. Hn.
8. r. Hodae*. OD Wadaeadar.
Hn B. Oibbaaod daaefaM. were

NE does not have gumption till one has been
properly cheated." Persons of gumptioD are
Ivory Soap, women who have trusted
_____themselves too near the practice of false
economy and who can now appreciate the true econo­
my In a soJ4> made of pure v^etable ods and other
hi^-dass ingrc£ents, but made in such quantity as
to bring the price within the read) of the very poorest
familr- Indeed it is the very poor who most need it. for
they can
aSord the extravagance of common so^



Tbt Ttapetaiiee Catos will
Dinner and aoetol boor
with Hn Veto. Trida? ------Janetlh. Bahtoat. "Tba
rest to Tloe."
Aftenoon laanioa oajled to order by
Mr. and Hn LsOon of Bafitn nt-uded Mamortol aerrieea ban Baa4*yPraia* eerrlee-lsd by Ber. I>.
Homr Poet will sot ntotonte Dae- Coeblto.
oration da7 ban. at tbt7 are torilad
Beadln*. fleet eiupUr. lit Bptotle
to Trarertt CU7.
to JeduL
Bin*to«. " What a rrtead We Hare
Tbe CaB*t^iiosal ehuah vat flUed to tbe orarflow teatardar at the
Tbe Lord'* Pnrer by Oaa*n«attoa.
Hamortol teiTioe. wfatob wa* tbe btot
Stoctoc. "B^ of A*ea. Otofi for
we bar* lldesad to to •
me.” "Btaad Cp for Jeaaa"
Praror*-.B. Baney. O. ViUobn.
Hr.Andtewa C.B.Eetea. HnVtottm

Less Than the Cost of Material


Ulea Oadham'* popib ar* |>»|iarFtsltok to tnatto* hi*__________
Mr a lavfdma for DMoiatiaa Mj.
to a new ooal of imtot. which to qalle
B. Unrated reloned to Orton Boa- an Impeoreaent.
be U obliged «o ondewo
Tbe Btueto t«*towt«d at toe hotel
for the pait week an aa followe; tL
Hn Hattie Kewttod aoeooiaBtod L Hooor.Uaatoiri R J. Wrtobunan.
her baebaed to Orton. Mloh. '
Otaad Rapida-. L. V. Beattie. Trarene
Rev. Hr. Obefertoa .teat 6aada7 at Citr: Fred Sberidan. Glen Arbor; J.
O. Donoas. Sattoaa Bar: J- V- Dana.
Hr. TTBdle preaebtd at tbe G. A. Uren Trareree Oitr: A. W.
-------- ..licBl ebareb at Bad Samoa Bower, Obics*o; 'Wm. Hoolibaa. W.
J. Boou, TnTemeOitr; B. R ^rBaadv erenl^.
Ptn Obeferttm aad^ obUdiea are lord ,U«atoter; Vm. RarmoaA Joa
apeodlB* a few daTt With bar tooth- Boadrowe, Good Harbor: K. Harto*tee. Solon; A. D. Baker. Grand BapV. Valter Allen.
ida; B. a BUkeetoe. Trarene Citr;
Onr Taa*be. Hilwankee; F. L
Bento. Hilwankee; John Walten.8nttoo* Bar; A.* F. Banlto*. E R
Daitor, Empln; J. D. Bbepard. Olea
Arbor; John R Hasto. E. B. Salleborr, Trarene Citr; T. B. Bnrder,
Chicago; A. Bodpe. Tnrnee Citr;
Hari7 OeCtoaa of Trareree Olt7, John S. RillmanA drlrer. Chicaco;
raa io tbe oeichborhood lart .week,
Geo. Tbomneoe. A. J. Ooral and
B :r.|Pn7 aad Adolf Kalwr diore wife. Hantolee; Martea Haaaao. Olea
Arbor; Claienee Bktnaer, Oeni
to Trarerie Cil7 one day but ereefc.

Grand Traverse Region.



Buy forJuturc Dse-It Pays.

M^n’S Suits 5,6,8,10, $12.00
All Worth From $3 to $6 More.

Talk* of wlml the Bartoor to to yoo
by thirteen.
Tbe eojoymeot of Boaday acdiool
work by flee n»mben
Binpin*. '.-SaTloar Lnd me Lett I
Btny. ’'

“<»•♦ • L.uelcy MeravsHo*”

Bends & Co.


'a report. »1.SS to tfeaaBiy.

124 From StrccL “Dcr Deulsdic Uilcn.”.

Thooebt Hobki for Bandar aebool
worken. by Loyd Eaat, eo tained
aome twetty pood ideaa
DlaoniM by twelre. *
OnattloB-Why to toe Holy Book'---------cmlkd Bible?"
It'a follr
anlTer from that horri­
Aniwer-Beoanaa Bible mesna book, ble
ble plapne of tbe uipht, ilelilnp pib*.
' P.'*"

Doan'* Uiolmeat
enrv* -lairkly mod
Tbe Home D
permanently. At any drop nore. 40

C, belaamir rittoea ol

<-hetef. M„r«Mi IteweriM* ItiMW.

--- —.--

In maav iuatanoei attarki
of dtolera
Benedielioo-Ber. D. Ooehlto.
By toe amiltop eeantenanoea aad morbai irnmnate fatally before tnedlhand ahakinp Jirr to* aeeaicm all oioe ran be urocntvd or a phyaicUa
Hiu Hiaa HaBoaoad vent to Oei
eemed mtiafled aoderety one mid. anmmoned Tbe mfe way la to keep
ml Imke Satarda7 for a abort Tint.
Whatapoodooarectioa.Attend- •> band a retUbb- medielae for nae
« booebtBUKi
Tbe Pere Harqaelteiallroad li bar-.
nee abost fii.
>'"r ilna
Ihr tbe electric bell pet iii at tbe
: i« nolblnp eo aur.- a*
Hammond orouicc.
Colic. Cholera and I)t
DiatTbcw Reme>. J. A. Balloo rrae rUitiiiff in
oewortli of tsFarette,
to^roiebborhood but week.
amuBi, uy,.! "In Jooe. itOO. I liad
It Bavod HI* Lep.
Hlae liTda Barnban fi rtaltise »1- BOOTH BLAIK.Derld Bieber of Bntton* Bar wna to
aeriooa attack of rholeta mort>n>
^ J.^R. BalM baa cot Ue^toudatlm
- aUrt* la Traiaree 01(7.
Kortbpon todar.
P. A. Daafortb, of LaOraspe. Ge., 'aod<
iMiofCbimbertaln'i Colic,
t. HaitUo* 1* ploBj^iiac far O.
Hn Will Briee* ba* tbe rimsiaRemedy pare
rk waa bepnn todar «a the new toffered for aix monih* witti a fripbt. Choi,
A, O.PalrtaokB west to Elk Uaplde
' nutalnp core oo bit lap:bct write*
« to he erected.
toda^ He ii psttiiMt down a well for
Btu^'a Arnica Salre wholly
A aaiabw of
J^o^ ^ildrn m Hr. Dari* and li tz7lne to nt a flow.
ennd it to fire dar*. For Uloere,
He drove over foar boodied feet lail
CWMrB'e Da7 wlU bo-ba)d at tbe «w»pa
mlrarle. Bnrdoek Blood
fall and it atlll eelne daeper '
tbeworlA .Onn pnaranteed. Only
____ __

t&e. Bold by B. E. Wall and.

Kr. Haitliea, A. Adam* asd Hr.
- •
‘----------'"BTana 0117 ealln*
-Helrio a Vaadeibocr of Orasd
' Baptdi m rSHtiw l•Uslr« bare t




M Dennia of Ketwlok.
Oedar to to bare aaolbar aaooa.
B. Odie u here oa IniitoeM boL
Rb7 Loot ntnrned tobto borne at
port rtollor tlataidar and Bandarhim Jaokeon to TtoiUag vtib Ur.
Urt. Banter Clark toft Taetdar for
ad Mn UDo'07.

in rer|ioaiv to.a '
Hid Barr it tbe *aeat of Ur. aad
lUf r
Mn Tioa.
roan* brolber.
Mia* Kellie Bteffeae’aobool oloaed
.Olatenee BooH rtolted to Trarene
Pridar and
aad tbe retoreod to CeUsd, City Batordar.
Hodc^a^FnakBmilb rode
e------ ----------- lefisatnr
day fat an extooded rittl.witb
Hn Fnbk Ollei cmlied 00 Hn Oeraw f ' •
in Kew Vo*.
Banea retanred Monday
1 Omena after a rbil
> hc-r borne to
b4lRTTbe echoeil plrmto wna held to tbe
ber *n • eOier. Hn Col.
Bert Lardle baa a new wbeal.
sbool Iiooae on acooast of tbe rain.
. to Ihto
A^ar Bod«» letnnied to hU borne ..flue lime i» reported.
____ _______ __________ _________ abort
t Tnretae Ott7 Hoada7 after a
E. Beck it fi*nfias oe a tton baild- riaii with relalireeand fnradr in tbit
'oek-e ridt with frtenda here.
to* for H. F. Ooo^7.
lb* taild- pUce. nturnln* to Inland Boixtoj.
to* will be oecapied a* a talUtoti?
Wootoer Pott-med W. B. C- attended
tton b7 Mn UTcn
dlrtoe eerrice at the HetbodUl choreb
nothin* farther bapprna
i C.
ain jona aanoorn aoo aaOKOier.
tirea to Indiana.
ChUtaertoe. retorn ed Batardar erenin*
from a week'a rtoit witb.frlaad* to
Tmrerae Citr.
Hw R
Cbaa tlom and -Joha Baaborn hare,
A torire noraber of jSWlTlr nttooded
Frank Bate* npporta a wheel
•old tbeir meat market at Cedar and
tbe part7nt Perry Oore'i but WedneeEd
ntonmd Snodar to tbeU borne* ia
dav eTenlni. wfatoh wa* ^roa to bonthja place.
k E A. Peck of Bottoa* Bar. father
m Bjron__________
of Leander Peck of toll place, died.
HtolHolM, S^d HitdM*^^
>e *aetu of Ibeii daa*h Frldar erenin* after an operation.
whleb 1
foetu of Robert Lowrie'a raall7.
Hr. aad Un Atwood Lake w
_^Hn Bell RoTBoldt aad Uitto ton
bare tbe mats|o.
foeatt of Hr. aad Un R. a
but BaodaT.
a firl. b
A metber'i meotto* wiU be held
Vodneadar afternooB at tbe baste of
left £f F^dSMor^t k
Mn Rood.
Tbe rabjeat of the |««01t7 for hit eaeaUan, I
*T*m wiU be "Hoiae Oeoapatiea for
tba tod da7 of aehooL

Onl7 two
Di. PraUefc bad wife want to tbe tor wbieh _______________________ _
wiU rototn to her hone to Onekamn,
Uland Uel weed.

Hn. Totten li I10W17 OB tbe ft

. ss'^"-"'’"" ""

. . WMVC iti

Hn WlUlam Pamol and daaefator,
. EatbrTo, made a trip to Tiararae
0lt7 but weak.
. Oeotite Olemaat WM to town todB7.
Hn. D. Lewli rlflled her teotber.
- Trank Totten aad faull7 toH weak.
Hn Plowman, who hni been aiok
.iter two week*, died tbU BanlBR at
< foar o’clock. Bbe teaTMO taaebaad.
fonr ^lldr^ a father, btetfaer and


K W. Tamit wMit to 1
" ^'^^^KleldarboQM aad faBil7
west to BardlcMUe nda7.

^ WUH.

ntaniMt. U M.

The atoUDor H. Q Hat aaUad os

Bertral Osod Earbtsltoe ai
be with tbe Blirer Brat, attow.

,17. JH’Ssr*


danKbtor. Ooldto- wen nUen at
nnUl nezt pin Satordap aad Bandar.
The nfrite partr at Eddie Lake't
Banday io thto pl^
*................ '------------ well i
Geo. UcCrny 1
raokaaooaod la
Hr. Warebam and _
Hn Warahaa.
and prepan-d
i. J. Ellw7 want orei to fy*nr tbit aad aos. aad Hr. OooK. .HnOookasd
Hilt Kmma War
Mn. G. K Dame to ocmflned to
.. aftonoon to aaload bbow Lnder aaphome al by iUnem.
be *BMt of Hn
Btator. which be told, to H Bleffi
ar erento*.
R O. Oriat of SprtopfielA Ho., U
ef Piarencnl a few weafca afo.
tbe flmt aommer tonriat for the «a■on. Be aenred Batarday eTootop to
apend toe eammar at tbie place.
Artknr Letlie of Obtooco. who with
Hn H. B. SberldaB to qalto atok.
' family
"y In
1m* apent toe rammer here
a nambei
will erect an­
ooDisnTln* bim.
other coottape moob tor*ar and flner
Hitt Tillie wa* esUrtatoed tn Htoa etber
toM U
tfaey hare formerly oocaJaeqaetb Wedneedar.
wnthw war pottposod

8*r^ from ban attosd
tr at Empire tout eraaiv.







Hr. and Hn A. H. Palmer of BariokriUe weie tbe *netta cS tbelr
■* ( oter or Jermra.
mother. Hn R R..Bato* Bandar.
At the time of toe Dairymen eAeeoMr. and Un A. R. Bmith were tl
elation tbia rrrtop there wae eome
aetta of Hn L E. Bate*. Bandar.
Him Boka Wltoon left <s tbe Bm. eeyt C^tT^UIlto eend* ^Kilte
Hn Van Koetnnd. who hat been ma
a oUppto* from a noeal taeoe of the
ieralid fw a las* time, tonotaiweU
Dairyman, wbiob eacrlee oot hi* re­
mark* at the totttinte. U la a« folIT to TnTtne Citr S
"A OalUonU nader aek* for tofiwmatlos to regard to’ tbe origin and
ue. *uu. Batontor. Bidaer^’Bana.
hlalorr of Jeraey oattle. and add* that
then to moob oanfaalan to bto neipfaborbood as to tbe woper oolor of toe
pore bred Jeraey. Tbe erlpln of this
Mn toei Haltot to e<
to^ is ttuDBded to impenetrable
tyttery. Them are any i
ormtoea. bat no well e__
^tt. All ilmt to known to that
They bad a niee time.
bandrede of yean toe Channel tolaadt
hare had tow* forUddtop toe impew.
ttUoa of any cattle ezeept for inunedtole
Hr. and Ibm Oee^ Potter of Bentoala.Hieh.


r oonplu ■
Ertty man dettrva to own a bnaie.

roldt l> nil riebt. but
thin* tbnt will teli,-,V iiul

d enn- I

rmrr and more
>. If poialbto: If
pouiltile for TOO. then In either
take il,e ONLY remedy that baa
lotrodno-d lu nil civiliied conn.
erlalnWith tuervM iti aerere throat anrl
. Remedy.
ledy. 1bat! long trnnbl->. VHoarliee'a Gernun
__^ it __________-r
and t frriarrd for an^Syrnp.” It uni only h«ila and aiim____ { olatea
______ ..le
emarnenoy. It la the one nmedr that
tiaauea1 to deatroy
the perm
oaa alway* be depended c|ion In the I iliatwae.

hot ■llaya
moat eerere and __________________
.!l jenay exi*<-tomlioii,
i* eqnallT ealnabto for rhilrlren -•tfliniBlira
real, unit roi
wht-n re^ooed -with water a ‘
■ rm O.S'E lanile. lien imended mane
ened iajileamnl to take.
m theworU:
F. C Thompeon, DnipplM.



at lowest prices.

See our sing^le and double Driv­
ing Harnesses—the best ever of­
fered for the money.


1S9 From SL


’’VuTo'S. " '

lOT jaet because I uot a bai^ain. They are takiop up too mai-b o{ our rouin that w<- tuixl for (uniiture and In
lo 1 haw di-cidi-d to enluad tln-in. ami we ahall offer them al Ural ooeL .At my Traveret- City aloiv ’I hai-e the
kGLE. the atroDgeet and eaai,*«t ronuinp wheel niatle
At ny RIk Rapids store I have the Kaple. the National chain and cbainlene. tbe Rambler chain and chaiolew. tbe Ideal with
Jivtn A- Wright and (i. A- .1 clincher tirea. Now the whole of tbe whi-eto will go al i-oel until 1 get my stock
al.wli redncnl.
A atrirtly bigb grade <50'".Ri ladies' Kagle. Morgan A Wright tirea. foe ItaT.'i. Tba
Meal, with guantnU-e.Uira.lbe beat «l^'>»b.-r] on lb.- mark.,1. for tlK-T.'’..
- .
t i A J clincher tirea for SSS.'-S. Some CSS I'.Ol gvnto'
gxnto' Ragles
Raglea for t2:i
t£:i 40.
Tbe <4U
C4U Rambler
with (i. A .I clincher lirea tor 92?<.*S. Tbe <)'« < b«inlm lUnibler for
Tbe <.V> NaWe bare a fev second
at-cond baud abiH-is that we will
<4>a*Ur Rrake
for <12.
tional w^hI Morrow
D National,
very little, we will sell at a bargaia.
give yobs,ltorgainii on. One <50
bae been oied
Iit to vary likely
Now if }x)a are going to need a bicj-ck- do not wait until tbeae are gone, for
that vou wilt not be able to get aoolber aocb chance.
■......... ■
Donble U
• Morgan A
ey in bicycles or bicycle
Sl'rigbt donble tob>‘ guaranteed tirea $2 H7 eai-h. We can


Every boy wanto a wagon, and they can have them. We
have them in all aize*. Goal strong ones, all ateal—sonic larga
and strong anongb to bold a cart load, from *&' op
ilingold and baidr Yo«
that spring and ma
_______if yoo
yoo do
do not
not real
It good
on a bard____________
|ixid nighU yon^o not feenike doing anything the nexf <
af ’ w‘e^tve a folUinr
a an excetoior np
to a fine felted cotton, that to gnaranteed not to
t< lump or bunch
up. It ia aa good as a btir mattress and only coato yon <8.75
and $950, according to tbe grade of tick. Uo
one another dqy. Write oaa card
explaining onr felted cotton mattre*


Yon will probably
Dreaarr 1
Bed; if so.
1 surely please } .ID
V._____ __ ____ ______
Dally large
lin-in ell prices, alybw and 6ntob«. GOLDEN
OAK. WHITE ENAMEL, golden elm, asb. golden tnapto and
mahogany, with long glsaa. oral glaaa, wjuare glaaa and ahapad

On Tablet and (liaira wrdi-fy compelil'ioo
We langb at
the other fellows trying to meet our prices
In the first place
we have an extra large anortment.
Our chairs range right
along from 4.5c op to $4.00. Out Eitenaion Tables from «t 76
op torW.OO. Our $3.75 table has nev.-r been <-<jaatod and it
bothers me to keep enoogbon band to supply the demand. We
are ont just alprearatbvt.will have another coaoignmeol by



indeatractible, steel bottom conchiu?
They are guaranteed for 10 yean. We have a foil line of them
from $8.75 np. Other eouebea from <4.75 np. All kinds of odd
upholstered piscea, parlor anita. dirana, easy chairs, etc. ,


teoHcB wbaterer bae baen paid b^lor. bet tbe beet prodoealp cow wa* <
the beet eow.
Uoie recently very'
.--------- >7 with hu parmta
IdledMondar MaT in
w. ____ _
--------—w—U-. bwcB giren
BoltoBl»ok:Wediu.dar at
BrtoJ^™ to toe dairy form, and toere an
• bailsnA father aad throe '*oaletofpoioM"for eseeltonoaand

, -IT- piS,
-all winter to ttiil eerioai
*. Htoa Miner of OH K______________


X'sTXSTTiiiaSisrK Si
Tridar aad will retara borne to^.




Tbe W. a T. U. But at A. r. Jw-


ye*ra_ Deoeiu^ leare* a wife :«


p-n, o«,_____

0,>» ip>l


------- r. WUl aaet f • tanetur. A. O. Honewmti

—Tbe sen neetia*

of toe Oiand

carpet do not forget to came in and look
Lace curuins a^MtU^kisds^ d^

Shuddera al His Past.

"1 reeaU now wtifc bomr," sty*
Hall Carrier Baiwttt Mann,
eanna. 0.. "ay three yearn of
Bring from Kidney eonbla
hardly erer trm from dall aefaes
; Mie
to ay back. Toeloop
or lift mall acAs aade me groan. .
».» .11 taTtafS^iirtift,! 1 felt tired, wen eat, abemt ready to'
ttre ap. when t began te aae Btoetrle
Bttun. bet ttx battlm oaeBptonly,
oand me and made aa leel like a aew

tbe teboe

beennae of to* ebort Se
It to nepoato and to* tomoa*b.

If you
oil clotb. aad linolenm.
Ton can aSbtd now to throw away that old wood bed and
bny a nice, clewn, neat Iron Bed, and now U the time lo do it.
befor* iron goes np again. We can sell yoo a good, strong,
naat iron bed-tiow, any sill '

It is cbeaper to bnra oil or paaoliDa than wood. Wa keep
a fall line of the eeiebnted Quick Meal gasoline stoves frmn
-<3.60 np. Full tine of the Qaick Meal oil atovM from <3 np.

Perfeat aliefaceicm paaiaB-'
Va^aad Jam O. Jton-'l




twsd Daria of BoylrUte. Is i
Pbitedolphte. lUy *4-Tte. teport. abealtb. ODrytagaal
BmUt. >“’»r
AaalM T-del. mid that be bad I
Mtd>r wa«nodte 1b oeauBlttM of ■Bi <iBO«tk« <d tBTtelactfc*
vUcdi. for tlw pM> two yoort. tea bnndred pontxl kege It
aad anyone who we
bsoB witetlas Bm
Br pBlaor. mmf blU. for •
retha gwwral boM a
lovu woM a>tb*bo«d« of tu7 to ofrloalMiBl edlURO fBealtr.
Joha Cole was tbete with hi* wheel |
Br LoobIo. BOBtO Ull. BBOBdlBC amambly yaawrday. The «
ol c< iht IMM wrlBiu WM Um
Ima led to tbe for aad rtrolllBg to tbe Imok roow piofcid |
tlw tew nteUrt to forolcB oorpon
bj » Tot* o( !X to
k«td eighu. lied It to hi.
MitioB of three groape aiaoag 640
TU taoM* uid kpprojirl*.
eommtealoaate to the gmicral aamai- Wheel and rode liome. Dari, te qalet I
fBTonblr ee Uw UlU
Flret there te tbe oopeerratire.
te Bodkl* {or U» >oUl«« *>d
Bdditloe to tlw Moto oopltot.
diaage wbaierar in the doc­
Tlw boow WByt «od B3<bbi
trinal atandard. of tbe
j^wrtod oot tevoimhJy Uw PiortoD ,
Then tiiere >• the |wrty deeirou of
MW bill BWklBK mil Bbic bodird
setting salde tbe coofeseian of feith a.
Mte oIUbkh botWMOi tba afrM of 1
DOt tmlbfolly extwawtng tbe belief of
«-•« 4i nb>Mt to Bllltuy tarrioo, «B
tbe ebarcb
I WM pUeod OB apMUl ordrr.
oeatriMa. who fa
Tbo Mwtc ««et liBok to Uw hoiu
old confeialoD with a few modlfloa
a.klDf ooagnae to laeoe
aad who deaire the adopGiie of
HoBdy't bill to MBoad tbo
badge, of boBor for the loldiw. and
ttaniflclgiiy digott. the food atri nidi
ail oat to tiieoM witli tbe mbbI
_____ ir"deoterallre" auiemeet. aet
tewra la airengiheniug aud raeoiiaMBdawita to tlw UlL
Swl. of
ting forth the moat Important dociiwxlot iha Mhao«« dW-Urw
TbIHera UeewaeW la tVrerk.
W«yB«. got the floor aad
ant. UtelbabtestdlKora^dMl'
Bortd to lay Uk 'wbote b
«JroMh iMn%*ideBtrf*U 1»*
ttw tebU vblefa VBi doae afura aborl
fltABUy rehemand permtneDUyeoRg,
In Lake Hann. Bear An Sable yester­

Dyspepsia Cure;
DlflMts what you eat I

day tnoming aad all ot bar crew bat
la oonmlttM of tho whole Uw foldrowned. Two men wen
London. Hay S4-A di.|wtd> from
lovlBg Mile wore aiTTeed to:
washed abont tbe lake for eerara!
MrenlUi. Valea, my. that 130 men
Be Bangfamm. eeBeto Mil. ao appro hoen, laafaad lo a piece of wreckage,
impriwoed by ao erploaloa
twteUoe of «M,£00 for the diCiry eod aad were Anally pleked np by the tag oolllery at that fiteoe today.
food oowmlwtoner'i dopartawnt. l»l. Oolnmbte and brought here.
George ;
report, from Seogenlth
aad •U.oeo (or ISOS. TbU aBwode tbe UoOlaDia a deck baad.ooe of tbe res, I
ihie, tnen were reeoned at-nooe.
laaanit tew and now proeidot a wteiy coed, went oiaxy oeer hi. experieorc. The month of the pit i. cloned,
of fll.OOD a year for tbe ooininiwioner. The other eagriror, Tbomae Morphy the ventitelon an working well. It
tl.COO fer hlidepotyand the dark, Of Htlwaakee. second eagineer. wee is feare.1 that maay lire, will te> loat.
not to exceed tTtO. the iBtprcton not able to MU the ttoiy of tbe dimeter.
bower er.
to euMd «S a day. with aotsal exdmd are:
Captain M. H.
mwtaa to all, It gteea tbe oommU- Plate. maMer. Olerelaad; Hre. H. U.
UsdoD. May W-Theennirctmry of
■toMT the right lo appoint two elerfc. Ptete. wife of tbe tepttla, etewardisenn Vioioria't birthday i. being
>m: Hlebael Brealbea. Ant mate;
LoedoD end Wladter 6. a
•t.uo aad tbe aad.taat. a newly cre­ John Drldere, seoaad siewanl: Kdated cAoe. tl.OOO. Allataite.
By Oobeny. Mnate bill, tworldtag
for a atate eeam. la IWH aad erery 10
yaar. Ihareafter.
The bill gtre. the
aaatearalon «3 a day.
wmated Uite cal to«.H. bat tbU let

laoride for the better dralaage at
hlgbwaye. giring the highway eoaadteloeer aalhorlty toeecore tbe right
of way lo carry off nrploi water, and
mv Beeaie the right of way by gift
or porefaaae to be approred by t
•Up boards before money can be paid
ttwnfor. Alward wanted lo kill It.
bat the boate refuted aad if wa<
agreed ta
By Bleb, for an iaeome tex. which
^Idaforaoae per oont tax on all
grate iaeomee la exeem of t7t» a:
• Bermal amendmeate were ffted
th* Mil. hot failed
axeapt the one byMaUt. making
limit. Sl.OOO. M that all groti laea
abore tbte earn aball be' tex«! one
eeat. '
taxu ao dorleod are to be
applied on tbe priaolple aad intoreet
of tbe fteU debt aad tbe prii
rand othered-

itedbybt ton.
Uaiiiig. May «-Tbe hoam oommittee on Alfa aad Adterim yeeterday
raportad oal tbe bill wbleb aboli.he.
tbe oBtee of-ohief depaty game war
Masco at ones moved the an.,
pmlooortfae nltetopat Itoo Im­
mediate jiumge. which wu doae.
Tbate wu not a word of debate nod
thitoU mil al oaw began. Then wa.
a lot of dodging aad many Totee were
honaiidiil bat It paatedeaaily by61
te IB. Bom* noted yen. then changed
to BO teorwu-ammoedeagalt
UMw UU getatfaroegh tbe eenat
tiinmifi law. CAlef Depaty Game
Vnrdea Breweter wiU be oat of a]ob


aad baa brwo made under bla perit.a Inibney.
you In turn
All CaKlntflrfelta, ItailtMkmc aad •*.
•d” are but
,t trifle with and endanger tbe health of
Infhnta and ChOdrcA—Experieitee againat iZxperlmcnh

.............. -


The Rcaso^Why




Gaatoria U a hnrmleu nibetitate for Cantor Oil, Pamgoiir. Drape and Bootblnir Syrupa. It la rieaeani. It
cun talus uclther Opiniu. Morphine nor other Kureotfe*
:a age I. its gitarantee. IC destruya kVomta
•Tcrishneim. It rum Dinrrh<i-i> and Wlixt
and nUaye Ferei

f Bean tbe Si^tore of


The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

•t osy of M.

. A.D. l»OI.

-l.-Ml-l III ss»l s,.els>s.. .« —

...... tb test •
~ 4 Ite
. S. -T- -

U« s».t y—>. who |.v In
-ew..-. 11-. i.T. eii— t- te .4.1 S.V d.Ij.eirts. s-IJI.-«».t.v«1l l*S
■mi,.tel t
II m -t .1 IQTn>le4il|i (••■i
I, ris>i I.- I,.eih.4

■- -

- .1

__WMleH-fe, lABO-





I , L.-I !l-

r lt^Tteyte.e.1

Hh KU Yn Han Alwi;t 8oB|ht

ter enu raaolBg into Ihr InlA
'Oeptain Pteee decided lo Inn
aboot aad ran to Tawne for riwller.
EToiythiog went all right aalil we
were, off Ao Bahle. when the ricamrr
rinek bcoxilr oo t^ bottom. The'
ee-pbauag i uoeialion in New
eeutwokeorer beraftfaemme lfniei____^______
after an ex| rriernwof ecrcnl
aad tarried away tbe deck boom aad i yean, reporu
reporti that ■the reaalu In ituthro the after .cabin, and Anally the [iwored ap|»*™m:. a~e... .....
broke la two Jut itfter tbe forward.,„ proportion lo the comparat
deck boue. and we knew that it wu { onall oott. "
only a few arianue belorn the eteaaier i


"H b erery m > for hiBueU n
the engineer.

II..' ■v^eom .n il-T-.., riteiri5.U,ii
>1 I-..0 ‘te.ii.'il- li-v'-i.Y—b-•..i,>.-..i.«<i..-aihi(»
Five YoaraOld-Finely Built.


One Month Free!

t.m* Her from Mciidni. until Tu.-sitey
ThifJioree will bu ii
iioou. in h'..rihi«rl Horn W. dm-»d.i.v uiilil Tliured..} uwu


. .1. -M-l «-«i ill,-.Lit- l-l-.l.lh. -on.


j r,7.V-;I..I......TU,-4.te ».i...4,tev-,n.«r MU

..I T»'-nIj nv. .3.. 1>4Ute.


SeturUey. the Rrat Day of June. .
II..■< lie i'-4in
I III-V-V.. I ||>. liteiHl Tr»T.~ , .1 I.YI.-'I U.a • I... ..f tk»i rUj.M vte-MJnh
Vi ■ IV»II ihal 1-VHFlh.•h.v. I fr-nil
.< ikIf-ou-. u Ov rtll .4
.ft I-» Hi- -K.-JI.
IIIIJI.I !Tte».»tenii .u ,k---.«inij .4 I>r»u Ttev-


Pboe-a faoo wu aomething I ] jbe man who iadnlgea la eelf-praite
>wfoL Wc nddi BOlhlng to hi. repqtatioa.

:■ »e:

....- ll-..-- I-


"The look at de.}«lr

jltfl'ay'. the SOI u«y ol Auauvt.I
boweb and
erdily with
ngglag. b.
oorulre. t o a ringbolt In a pteee of
gripe. F. O.Tbompeon.
the after mbln and we were waabed
orerbnard ahortly afterward. ‘
• their enrl
'The atraia wu lo moch for Mcchlgan
______ n tm. e-- rdaud Ihr
Otanbaad he wi
r laeimrlog to replant.

For Joh Wort of all Kinds Call at tlie Herald Office.


D affMUone will leadily dlwppMr brnilng DeVitt * Wileb Haael
Salre. Look ont tor coanterfelta. U
oo got DeWitfe yoo will got good
It U tbe qaiek and potitire
are for pUn F. C. Thompaon.
Tbe Cxar 'hu nb^bed Ki.m
bite IPK.00UI toward a fond fo .
rellel of person, renderml hoaelee. by
the teoemt grwl Are at Brexllitopik.
in Bdtejaa Poland.

'Onr little girl wu nnroneoiou
from attangalaiioa dnring a ndden
and terrible altaek of eronp Iqiiiekicared a bottle of Gae V
--^h Care, giring her three <
Tbe eroop wu muteied and onr lit­
tle darling rtieedlly reoorered." So
The Oolamhb Htblly maw along writes A. L. Spaffc^ Cbeeler, Mleh.
r. C. Tbompeon.
and picked ate ap. Jut u I wa. ahool
' a glre tip liopa
Tbe Baltimore wu bnllt at Oibralaad anmpte atete olBoan Jadgea
■ that he bod "*
tfaa mprerne ooart. oiroait, dl.triel ler. Mleh.. la 1881. rate. A I-l aad
several of the <
rained at SfACOO. Her earg<
Mid probate eoaru. membera ef the
^lilatan,' BfSoart aad gnazda of ralaed at Bboat4».ax)
knew what we know
MeMilBtIcma. oawnaad attend.ibont kodal Xy.pcp.ia Core. It
At Ain’ger. C. A- Kewoambe
Bate of poet hoau.; Aieman after ae<
woald br amd in nwiy erery boomkilled by tbe orertaming of hb
m ymn urrite. aad mob oOetee <rf
bold. M there are few people who do
during a faeary windrtorm Friday not coffer from a feeling of follaee.
th. tagmlar army or nary,
rreniag. Mr. Kewoembe ha. aoagbl after oat^^. belehiag^totniiw^
#M (late militia, who bare aerred.rix
refage from the taiy ef tbe «om
year, aad rerigaed. oooaty ofBaen
when the ban tipped orer, craebtng aoterite. teaehera In tbe pabUe
him te death. It wu eeven honri be­ Core, which, with ao aid from tbe
■diooU and miaUur. of Ih. goepeL
fore the mangled remalnt ooald be
•lotaaeb. erllt dlgeat yonr food.
Tbe MateaatlouJ gaard lx not i
uO^ eaa't^help bol do yoo good.
BBOMdfO ote^maluof iafaatrykad
•n hau fouBatomatlo gaAor other
lapmCiag orterolrfag gnaa
Hembare of tb* gaard i . girea AIOO.



on again, aad lo their aofTow and monificmioa Aad (hose acerut aad dramt to
them have been infecinl by tbia loath.
Bllae *<«>r discern, (or no other poiaon is ao
■ surely iransmilted from parent to child

tUi tecniag I.,
nf bgiaair, u n«eat of tbe
Catarrh, ScrofuU or eeret* akri--------------V. J. laaeUeore or ulcer deYeloping in middle
iTsealty to nteoeed (he la

Oookar. Hie term of oAlee will egpire lile, can
. be treeed o blood —-—
tract ed


Inaitiig. May **-The boaec riarted '
tBWithJari' abase two-thinU [uq. j
«alte a lo. of alenning ap ton- j
Mm wort wa. done aad <
UlbinuNd nadte i
. i-,v

We. f« i________________ _ >g
. is the ey
tem forerer. onirte proprfy-lraeted
drifcii out ...
lit u^Ur riru,
ody kaowa Utat can oterdrive it ont «f the bUiod. and
ily andeflectuaUy
it dors thiste'





In lb- toa-I-T .4 »|.' -1st-' .TVilUsn, H •'
Mili-h-ll.lii.- ..r Bs.1 tny l.-wnrfw.. in suC
- ly.Or-te-d,
"Sni5jn7»»dfl1mr thtls



ir little book ea c
poiaon U tbe Bori moi^c aad iuMroc(or Werrr imaed; it net only telli all

Ka.(B0...y wureptetedoat *•»«•



Th*}- arc not the toweat priced wageh oa the market, but
all who know tbem agree ibat the} are

The Best Farm Wagon on Earth.
Call and examine them nod if aati.Ccd that you cao get

211 Front Street, Up Stain,


li; ..r-.




i.«; l.n^. b.V„.
-r- farm
bonte; waiere<l byepringau-l1 For Sal—
ilf minoue and onr>baif
bjdranlic raiir nllfeneelan-iI
BUrk M
in goad conditioo. Tui. i.,
on* of the best faniit in tlifrail tret«, fi2
stale and only resann f ir
4teUiDg own, r ban oth-T bii«Sneas. Will take etork m-rebaadiae at easU value in ex For Sale—^arm.of tbiriy
cLange. cr part
acres t mil*» iinrili of MaplePric- $>.tXW.
ton, p, iiiBBii'e
tOO b-varing
Par Sale—tib'i-Sixtf acre* on
froii ireei. (io>i frame botntPeoioaola. .VJO b aring fmi'
and frame barn. 4 aere* of
Ireca. Large fram* bam and
go-Kl wool tiinb-r, 12 acre,
modem boar,*, coat. Sle'iOO.
All iw>l aoil and
All good toil. 60 ncrea im
moativ ferei


makt*, VC will be p'caacd to aupply yoqr want*.

axle Dolson Buggies Wi yat from car r«cciv*d laet w*A
Other makca ia alock.

Ferris & Cliainpney



,..*1 r.^I -veil, en-.lhtev.. n.iiili Ihit


-'i-".'.'- ll?ii''«7.'r-«n.i» ■tejnni te





tn ter mr «f

A D. i 5T.-T. ■.•S-'-


™i oI KloCTl-r.


nil 1* h.4, M lb*. IY.4ut-' -fjlri

• VY-I,.||.

!1J0 baring
treee. ^ acr.v. liiuU.-i’: ftuu]
Largi- modi‘m tiboec. etoni-. ' five rootn/^iiiioei-. B'*«d fram,-.
(Am- *ci.- of raipber.
wall! aud baaciucnt.- ficntc.l
by furoBiv.
Lar.c frame;
bam wiib
AH' . good .
ntH-esury outb.iildiiige, genii . mente.oiHM'0*
orciianl; raoetly alt level anil
all good aoil
ai-rc. of ^or Bale-nil—
find, e.liiiiatv
»• City, valti' of f
V time for balaut
•e *1.200,

in-l l- .i,.- ii, ite .-ii> .4Trm..r- <nF.iv


.' SaU-

|1.. rte-er .11 r,r-l,..l, ..f Ir4lli Ater^te,

r I'.ninlT tellrand Tra.tea. te.


-.11 .r
f..ur m.«.lCi Irun (teitet.4 tl.i ..r.' V I- I.
in 'h- «teh4
Ttev. r> i|. rnbl tell t.ii>4lteiF*i L. te
u..|..i>-- >1. .«rb Y-4, r.f
yociumti'K w mayki.

ter I^iteBI.

A. IraiUtete. JUrt-iif Prv



Price $1,200.

; •-'1
lull. rr.-,.v

-I T»'-Hv '.te ■"

tehl Itelu-te. nM <bni <te bter>nv4nw te
teM4—aaq. MHl nil >4W tavaka MtefteM

Ih-.tentete XV.lliMi. Hrv».

Mid rkrte teua-. tf u) Iteer te. akr IM
I'l!- lev- •- tete ~-«sir. lYYriM te»i ndinln- unite te U> taOu-terr «bu«14 aul te
.rlryli.-n .4 ««Bt -^nl* BmT I-- rral-1<*1 I--1*
A»4-lt h lorlter iteSted. <la>
HiH.-lui.-.-'ni- l-nk-. Me4i . te -An- tebv
-mU'-L l-r»ii i. i.;«l.T.q llqtin- < 4»J


■‘An!lu".'r!irih.'r-r.u-T'rt. Ik.1 «-n-J "ftecation for farm or reeoru'
Pricoriy aerFor Sail12-X) I
■8 from

fOO bearing -fmit
Uvea, moatly apple
All bui
V. !•
Icv-et, aad for ri*b.
■ec acre.
M- beaten.
u of-*.r;i o


pk,«A-m iiUABte^AWir MicBioaff.


—u.lirte'lte^te-’al- e.iurl fte anil—u’F
aoil Tbia property it w.-ll For 8ale-‘.04—Parra
worth *:i(XK). bui nsmrr it.
ocrce li milea aouUi of
■going ont of citS-nad ia going
XSacre. impnved, IS
to acll regarillesa. Inreati
sate and make a. an offer
and lug barn. 9X1 I
Sonic one i« going III gK jhia,
fmit lrte>v;
all g u

U-tt*r x-alac for yonr money in n Studebaker Uiau in other

V IS 7

■urwa*U. aadpnamd by»*oteafl ms«nmomM.atuunhflA


Wc hare jatl iwiecd a car load of

Abont half a car load of.thoae high grade nolseless

cut ponioo of th* etau cmly.
> which Moor* Mid there were
ojenUent lo the ebaagee lo aay
I ud naked
>hol* matter at th\mme tiam buBd. op the general
I, te dlteOM

Im-*.:’:;"."' -vi

l.onL’ I-akc Tw|i.
l.-r I'ullivatioD,

There it no poison so bigbiy coolagioim,
orgeaermle ate giret
ayeu ulaiy. Allewi *S,W0 ■
' ' I ihedactsrmyeyuoaic well.' Many pertar rifle ptaetiae.
MubaYe bm domd with'Ueicury end
Mbaa tbeoi
Poueh for tnoslbs
moBlbs or years,
Years, a
and pro' -toreidaewhen
MU. agreed to were oo
eopt tbe mlUlary bilL wliidi Arne,
'driven train the
axoeed m pat ee tnunedialr poamgr
___ tacetobraak


I-SIWfIiumi. M-nn/..

ForSal—te'.-I«iO a






ward Oweo, wheelmae C .W. Bears,
of ihc day',
,lcre.lli>g 1
wbeelmaa; George W. Scott, watebwaa tbe pnaeatatloa- of
Berbm inaaiog. waiohmaa: P. |
the Third Soott Uoard.
MX, ohief engineer; ViUtem >
Barker. Areman; P. Kroeger. Aremaa: 1 by King Edi
Aognst Andereoa, deiA band.
It waa mme time after the Oolnm-’
Pretoria. Mae *5—One bnndred
bte had brongbt tbe ablpwrecked men Boetx todar attacked a patrol of S»
>to port before Morphy wai rerlred
Brilieh who were oeenwing a farm
cnffloleatly to tell hi. elory. Tbe Bal- boate. The Boera were repalted, lo.-o'olock in
iag 16 Ullctl and T wouqM. Oaf
noralng aad he wu lo the wale
Brillait eoldier was wonndai
ontU bte in the afteniooo. .expoted to
StanderfOB. May S3-Comma»dnnt
Ihetaffetlagof a farloa. ma. "We
Josben ha. btea.terctely wnanded In
bonod from Loraiae lo Baall
Amewfort. He 1. a
Ste. Mario," he mid. "and bad in
brother of General Jontierf. former
towa large eteam-driU aad mow.
-in-eiiief of the ncer forte.
When off Thaader bay teat night Oap. tala Plate mw that that 1^ aieamer
wu making bad weather, for the
warm had unubed In the engineet’.
Tor IhiikBU and ChUdrcB.
qaartora and tlw warii rooma aad tbe

The BlehWU to pat > «K of i»
It «B groat taeomm of er:^ H,
jrai i liuxeu so oiui
red at the after-'
000 wu tret n
him to hold on.
f^^tebr got looee
and tried to drown ne both, bnl teoli
ceded to qoleting him. I
Bum’ primary ebetlee bill for
Kmt eoBB^ wu reported ooi farte- told him a boat wu oomlag lo take
Bbly by the eeauailtee, aad he mered woSaadthml woaUgethIm tied
The oaamnger eteamer
Bgaapuiioa ofthe ralee, wUeh ouMad. aad the WU puaed by 64 to A City of Holbod paamd by a. la the
Ae bUl U tialbr to the one pamed ntonlag. bat we wme too far away
the early part «f tbe ueeioD.whteh ap forhororew to eae aa 1 beltere It
me feel pretty dteprrate tor
ptkedealy teOte elty ef Graad Baptime, for 1 wu gcttlag rery weak'aad
la the eommiltee of tlw whob aer- nheem. broke oter ay head no
re the breath cat of my body at

MB. aad (be mnau
d la by 61
BBiu' primary electioa


Uv-'-rih -nn teTr.r-T»- in... Intel
‘’<m?3^*i«»d1Uutelte i-k.tva 4i
Y lli- ■••rT.,11 UfM.- Mte -I
.4-i-(.ii.|'»rT-U4«—•—I. i-teytBfihi


tUI • rtelaln .Intenuucal

tete ■■ Ul


"ir.-mvir.';',: 'iT ™,sr; s;^Kr-^v.r.5:".-.ite,rarnr
andrnad yn/vldal.

arc a'l
in (iranl Trav,
.uc above farm, —V
. ...
- —-------------------------------.vontf
and adjaceoi to
0 Traverte
Tfavefte City, tb- metrop>!i* of nort'iem
Michigan, and 111 ■ btel market in the Stale for oli kind* of
frail and Yeg*ubl»a
Som* of the farma can be aobi oa
(ermt, for oam-* we can ac *ept city properly at ita caab tbIq* in
axchange. bat wecaunoi alter the price of any of them, w ell
are lifted at Jow-at ce«h pric.- and about one-half their actoil
AH ore bargtioa. all arc m-iocy maken. and tber* are
all kinda ot noanna why they arc for mI«. which if yon will
call at oor office we will exb'ain.
Alwaya on the htiaUe, alwaya gled t-v s*e you. abraya leedy
for bnaioeaa, mok* atoro aolaa. bare Urg»r Hat than all tbe^ real
put togatbaf.

nad All-«bte faraor teVteteiMl tantd tetaan,

‘aasr S

tauud 444 <mlu>4 t> Id •



THB aitAllD'^waMtK ItitbAt.h itiVBA leoi
t iwlM is BAtA.


M U. M. K. C. BATES, EoiTM.


1 jro DOi (anil toduf.
r au OB* dor 1 ten u
To tliU >0B« dwolllnc
IWk jt ih* OowH*. da


astil lb* vorb I
itijrbtdd*. Itui
idvi^’ UiBbante*Br(u».Bi
ooadte lb. oBbtoU*

Min L-, I'n be
r wMflBdM fcaovIbM

I atiiBMiit.


--------------------------------------- -■

Well. 1 gaee* that U
all fer tbU tlaa Yoaii traly.
tern* Sntell.

B tod ooatalaiag
—----------------------- M rod two oatn roaeb te fleer,


refeqrini to the w^b and en*.
—j of Zantlbar. B. B Hanefiela.
M^Ua^ RcBtM^mtal at that pUee,

rn Ur

JTnwfftf tiH editor’s CsUt.

naklnir. tbe e;*iD« eewioc,
and all tbe red. Tbere isi't Ume to 1* Berried Bpon (be faendi of tbe
rnaeb tmnont or to read Ibem. *0
“I bate fraqaanlly *000*0 active
we'll licten to a Urd eonc toda; and
man tarryinp a* many a* three wareattr it in oar beatte (be w»'
pot* npoo ber bead, ooe oa top of
other and each *tandinK at a dif(eiBBt
■at aivle.
Kacli qf'the
of the reiaeU
••There wae a ptetty robla with
lorely tcarlr-------M reat.
and (pwerty ae
elonp. balancinp tbuBi *oper
that not a
drop woald br
hat Hr
~hn^ to bear
L 1 bar* alio eet-n one of ibeai


ed all lUy Ioor.
■■Keepebeery, dearie, kaepcIieerT.

•hew** enmiiad in other taiki th.i
re«ted ibeBMof both her bandi.
•.■Aadaberr bli bead (he anple fate- and at the *aioe time ber in o
eoBwamyed in pink aad while.
Took tbe Doeeaire to theU bearte.
of (be Jar. Tbt* practioe of imrryiop
and Maabed w.................................
aniclee on thei
nd erety daior
the wonon of Zanzibar a
lew u _
lar derelopmtat of tbe
be robin /tally ataniDj
•booldei*. a. well a*, an
ao bUtM and clear,
“Kaepabediy, dearie, keep ebeeiy.'' gT*eefol carriage.
Tlic Aal. watBOB, very fi^r at whom
“A ohlld looked op oad wbUtUd (be »re eeen on tbe itreeti. wear a kind
pretty ecas <rf b>rt,
rf pania^ a robe of colored mateted tbe roWB beat 10 UeteboahU
leafy nett abore.
Then Joined tbe lorely'eborae tiU the be brow, a nodieoae. An embroid­
oeehatd tmag with Joy.
ered walilooac and tbe ' tnnkoa.*' or
At tbe elarte of tbe toUa. and tbe
wbiftllns of tbe bey.
••Keepobeery, dearie, keep obaefy.'

----- -

And a aew Saaabine boy writait
MapUtaa, Hieh... A|>il 17. 1101.
tter Jtio. Bate* I tboagfal 1 woaU

ci.rte i'w

wtadew drapan or (mterv and
It float oro^S «-----oorar tb* lap of tba *b*U with tb*
ewarthe Ian
Bad ebe
• •
Ezsaptlag ia axtranaly cold
••Indeed,” the nld. "
leesU not ____ luted.
waalte. il ha. Bot ba*B atoatniy to ▼e'llgtiil..
it wlia heart aad h,
70B aboBl blD?”
Tto M* 111* (dl« (MM of lb* erewd.
•*«B dnw tb* eomlD* opart, anoagb
il BOI rsB.
— each ahlitng“mr“'
“We dadaboBt bin in OBrebBToh,” bMB radUtlng from tU back aad
To be*r ••
ilMI tmte*.
u or All '
care for eaebbrlllteiba^:
Mid (be tMOl
The teaber me hw ante aad aboat tbe aorerlag.
OKBe la aa iBmMk
PBuledi d)en.“Wh7 whM do yoa iliif Tbe abelf I. met oaoTveieat for b.^
'biU (mn lb* MuOe (be; nod
l*Bad>7. It li Moea
aboBi Kero lb dmreb;” tbe naked.
aad other article* 1..........................
tbe paHon. Ibet U i
B7 Bocc iMon bted.
moderate degree
OD lEenirtt ilde. in dw)e (ddTwith
-Bebool Joarwri.
• retf bat Iron. Can mui bo teea
.Another dar tbe etet a* a whole
WBetaaxbt tor lb* bMefll of '
TV. •mlevr Bar.
net reedTlns vro
itoDod down.
▼lib flowen *ter-fBdii«o’Br U« bead
B*od lo be npldlr wbiM Ib wwk
eouUe (Dde. eqaeeM oBl. rlBaidaad

fealarei wae tbe reritale BebeoM at
and i..........
tbe well
Tbe^p^e'e dratefol bilmla. at faU
At almoet any hoar of the day
erowdeof half-clad womoa. drened
Bal^o'0 hie hi
to eayly colored oo*Rmie*.caB be eeeo
' the welli and faydraata, dtawlne
«. which they pal '
earthen pole, that will bold
nJleaeeooh. When tbe rpeerli___
flUed they are bathed npon the heade
of tbe carrien, who mareh alooK Ba­
der tbe bnrdea at erect and araeefol
a* an athlete woald wove aboot nn-

“0 .*w* b.*.
jjteed. I am in tbe foortb reader. .
lam Bine yean olA My teacher'•
jaamei* Mra Johnecs. Onr .cfaool

To buy your summer’s Flour Next
Saturdiy and Monday we wiU ^Ivc you a chance to load

1» «at la two waeka I have erne
'>«Sbei. 1 will eloae for tbi* Uae.
leogoodba. From
CartU OllmoR.

up on


Laurel Flour. 200 lbs for... ...............S4.S0
CadillaTSnow White. 200 lbs for., 4.10
18 ibs Granulated Sugar .. .......
3 Ibs good Tea: . . .\............... ....... 1.0b
3 Ibs Tea Dust....... '........
........ 75c
Raisins, per ib. ....... ............... ••"•••<'• 07c

! >■“ li vSi.'SSS.

Brooms, a good one for....... ......... .-•-


that clilld Myingl”
The leaeber, wlio bad been cruelly
my*tined by the inexplicable (omark.
called tbe boy over for an explana­
tion. - Willie, what wa* that yon
were anying a moment agoy-'libe arid.
-Kotbing bnt baking •powder.' " he
teld. "Ton told ne we mtul ny that
when paaring before anybody.-Chl
eago Inter Ocean.

In damp weather iron* are npl to
rail, to n U a good plan to have a
•lieif over (lie kitchen
kitchen tmngn
mngn cm
on which
to keep ti
Some good Udodreoe*
elwny* w


iMqT Art tbe Hermit.

Iier neople. la order 10 give them of
her brlg)>te<t and beat *fae need* that
iolrrcoorM, wlili the dolet world,
with mea aad women of her own aad.
maybe, of other cteae*. lo wldea her
.ymmthiea broaden ber view*, and
keep ber from growing lop elded,
groovy, , or a martyr to detail* and
fotay trivUliile* of abaolotelv no im­
A tronble, a worry, an
anxiety that loom* eo large in tbe
hote that it bloeki oat ererylblng
bnt itaelf, when taken iato (be latROT
world oDtaide itaelf. 1* dwarfed*!moat loiliovanUhing point It it even

s. S'.,il s"-..a.5ss

.. m A .P

*0 many we wanted to onawer rlgiil
off. But yon aee tiiete wi-re a good
many more than a bnndrad of iWiq
nearer two hundred If net more than
that, even, and il lake* a good while
(or a baey woman to write twohnndred letter* Bnt will lire In bo|ie*.
Kow here are tome of onr A/rU let


*■'” «^Vand White W* liavea
tradieratoor lohool. We haw
: aomc bena anil they Uy ••gg»—firu-en
egg* every day. and *oin<- day* arventci-o. We liavc flfieen *cbolar* at
achool. 1 tbtak I have nothing marc
to ny, *0 good bye. Krnm roar tea- '
■hine girl.
Jour iWuuflii.
FromeoBIlmro Michigan come* a
Inter wrilirn Ajail isib. which i*



r - 2?


K-wr ."DlramV In-liin,! T„m .shane’* l.arii.

g fur May.








Mich.. May I!, iwn.
Iter Mra B«te»-1 like to rcMl tbe
Sanihioe Ueponmani U tbe HeralA
1 wa* pteaed to read a letter a
le tbem iaany way ITm ^lil^
itlmeagofrommy gnadma. Mra Cin.
I tbU Miller. Ihop. If noone objecu
**r*at%e’uMe nSri^'tbal
yon will lend her a bo (ton and make
...B of one of ber (ieteaen wcaca'
I her a member. I thick
.be kcovr*
potried ezpraacloB. bat beine pteeaed enUise ncUfled________
(or Ume ebe did not iMnire Into tbe
[Jottbowto make Snnrblne and *be
< of hie perlezity, lot prooeeded
•t Umr. failed. I
: love* to «ee everybody happy. Onr
ber leeeon In inann.
Tel. wboae dainty U
—------- 1 to bear i.. _______
(chool will toon cjote aad I am gUil.
- lelngood.Md
▼ben tattle held foil away,
;for I don't tike tontay in the *eboor
doe* think he'd like tc
A few day* later a rafnli of tbit dewa* taming toward tbe faooee
iroomall day cncl, nice weather. 1'
-. joldim. brave and troe.
velopmoni wa* made Indimndy ap­
1 betbongfat me of my clover
fwilllinialiihe ny, grade tUU epring.
parent. On Friday afternoon •erenl nook which I bad 0 •
1 tbe Uwn ''F«‘ttalr“”B^«T,‘il^^‘ Bine. ” I From yonr friend.
ladle* oal led. There were pp«>>Al ««-' mower to ■pare. It
‘ UOB Ward Miller.
Mfor ibeirei
my kindne**
g from one 1
. .
1 *
letter which came wev
wa* rendered beanrifol
aid tevea open whic
lieb rwied tb*
A few ot
------the vliiiora. to whom he bowed
•mail wfalu Moaaoma
___ _
-. Awl iO'h.
ov». ntnl there
Jerkily one by ooe, and *a|i
oooT*e WM varied by pink BIS'
Dear Mra Jtate*—1 ibooght I woold
keep Dot becanae we want
powder.” Finally one ot the ladle* bead* opoe tbe green, and elloli
write to yoo.' I .honU like to join
who wa* alcting near the (
tboee exclamalieo* of admliatioo
them wirii n real letter. Yoerpmi
the SnnriJne Clnb. 1 nui nine yean
edina wblqinr; ”What<
(be heart of tbe

rotted, brat them qaiu hot. then rob
lliem on a llnnn*l cloth iJadEkled with
Here i* ooe from Harry Loaka of
”1 .end a block fra the liltl.-lunit Be inre to rob tbe edge*, alto, mo^^d'n*tn« *rathek than a Fife Lake, written Ajiril rial, llxriy
taen rob Ibem over a cotton elotb,
dUn girl'* qdli. I am a little girl [
which ha* a little beeawax ox it; and
UiialMb Cream fto.
m.raelf. tliinran yeari ol.L
I tlionght 1 woald write to von
telly, give tliem a rigoroo* robbing
on n clean, white clorit Tbi* Ireatagrlo. Today i* a cool day. I bad
mrot ’'lJUteie Ibem periectly clean
the elM lieadache today. 1 rrad the
letter* every lime the Hitald eomi-a.
,11 (Hoaet Imgi be«>de the
eeven l-gga (or Eealer. I air
________jhinsieT.Inrge enongh to keep fnl of ooraitarch with a ubtei
tbe ironing-board, thirt-bo«om boan
foorin (liranorningandthree fradin-;^-''
aaaiatanee 1
and clotbei-bone tn, with tbelvea on
We bad ezerciqe* on EaMer. i
> “-J Iter from tln-ni
Meant ,tbo fcTO.
Sendai*. the ride ai-zl the ebimaey for the
n a piece
There are » day* vet:
look ooanuie at_______ _
iront.aad the cricket and a bag. Imug
rch to the other materialx. Line a before achool let. ont. It let. out for
The way wai not to dreaiy. tbe path talt^h-twm' Ibe^ t^ *
” * on B hook. In which lo keep old, clean
nUfe with good light paate, -All
three mentha Ween' going to fa
tbe oodamCL
The .jfi^o?’”'’'**** oloilit and ironing bolder^ 1* wbsi
Ib tbe mixture and bake lo a mod­
For U??Dlrit^'
lifbteaed ^the dree* •tmiler to tbe Anta,^»^(''riia°
■hoold be in every kitchen and
erately hot oven until cauard I* wet exeroitea 00 the tet day of whool.
they wear more gnedi
When done and cooled, cover with a will he glad when it let. onl.
And'S^BWlVl^' oioslBi ate
tng Implement* will alwayt bo el
meringoe made willi the white* of onowed here (br other nigtil. I have
(be ahlnlBg way,
and in order.
tbe egga and half a cnpfnl of coefec. got my whorl ont. II xoow.'d hrrr
would l>, glad to have n i-opy
••Beepebeery. dearie, keepeheery.'
Brown delicately In
All Bon> uriioad Tbla«.
i* qalte aa piotareeqae. itcaniieuef
liitBMfiiinga Utile bnt wont right of the Traverac City Snnaliinc tal"'I am a true friend.
TV. I-Birenm MioaBe.

two pieoei of ootton cloth, ntaallyor
Salad Dreuing—Mix ooe teaapoon
ff. I h^ to aec thla In jvinl.
ofm, • •
litlac PlMer.
I of rnlt. two
Thewey OU..
A writer in tbe Inler-Ooeoa make*
ye. Frm
Harry Lonki
and one-half
1 wa* uBoyed ly t
fnn a* follow* rofardinc tbe noden
good little li'iKy wliicli come,
___ ._____of p,_______
On the *ame day Kina Hopkina
■arm fad wbieb &U* eTorythlBC -00
from a
lit 1 It boy la thia onr i
few grain* of oayeiUM
wrote'from Inlerlochen.
apoonfni of melted I___
' earth with geau boetUe to '
- old Uiaalon, A/xU 74, IMI.
r I wn* ndng It in
ti a room
or one egg, and. *Iowly. ooe-Uilrd
ilrd rop
health and
Ih-nrUra llBTe.-I wiiohl like to
........ work, and he line*. Ian wall and hope ynnariof hot vloegar.
•Inegar. Com
----------..ay did yon not mix that
I apnoee il 1* rl/fht to aooepl tbe
be one of yonr Suo.liloe bova 1 want'water, nltrlng e
Vr have atarted to clean
nteter Wltli glue watery" Since then
Oenn ibeory; Jost a* we ate foraed
loot (be aid of u
Id to, I have tel ooiroubloand flad it ao booac. Today ia luv brolher'a hlril' <-d to Join Ihe clnb a long time ago,
ID aeeept all other tbeorlea
«.atlre women never wear ooe-balf cop iJiiok er«
onlil raav matter to mend anything from
my uuinmia did not ^lle mra
Il ia anowiag today Onr leaeh•etaebow 1 an BM polno to take it all anything on ibelr feet Unny of them •tiff.
Uia aetling of * alallonary vnali bowl
in, nsleee ! get paid for ib For tn- decant* their faoe* with taint The
ia getting ap a lempcreuee (wogram Inner, and wi 1 am wriitnb my own
•Uaee. why tbonld I beliere in the
Waldorf 'potntoea-Sliee thepoUtoe* to B hole in the ptelcr. I take oneC. T, V. yitif .Ird of May. letter now. lam Ihe only hoy that
-o of Zannibar wear ring* in their. -ronod in long, curling itriiw, a* half leacap of gine. goak it nntll *0(1 for Uie W. C
raaratalteed diMoreiy o' tbe Una>mma ana (Ota baa. 1 bavc two
1 after arbntn* yci.-rday. I got
SariagOenaiwbiobnake their bed*
apple, are peeled for certain mvitie In lake-warm water, and then add
Jack and Ulll. They are Jn.t
in tbe Jongie* of tbe earpelt. and gold and lilrer band* on (heir W
I known to merry girU at ^lal- ennnghcold water to moialen ODf -halt quite a few. It i. uiy .l.lrr'a birth
wbearbeonetenlng tiiaei are with —*0 ate do tbe nativea •( Af
e’en: fry them in deep fat, and pound of pBrix .
day next Wcdae«lay. I am going to alike. I am going to vliool now.
da. bare tbax
tenn from
fmm taelr
yon wUl find them very criap and
«ai Jaap
luy Aral rear. We liave brei.
Sooday tebool today. Mamma wa.
tbe BKMlb of tbeU vlellm
Foe IBe Htrk.
n eehoc.I mti-ct. -nie ^ide
to Tnrcni' City FrliUy. On* of oar
Itoebew blnnp? AU tbU
ling I* ganged by tbeamoant
OeleiT Qreene—Va*h
in ioralid will fretfnllv boarder, have gone and they are goboalen lut'd to give a iiariyto
oth whi
whli nod green, boll
- i beef to* and
the M'liQol. I am aix year* old.
in aalted rater, tein. 1
Jt. 'Tro mMing thc^didi dainty
* <wv«. Ihl.
.................... lljobe*.
poaalble. Serve the boailloo in U* nil for tbi* lime, k good by. From
Pan BaS,*o far a* fam going to be, Kiogalev, Mav. 1
a pnlty china onp ca a tray covered I yonr Snaihine girL
liete. Tm many yean earpeb hare
with a anowy na^lo, and, Itratead of
Dear Mra.
booaewtfe bo*
a wedge of toaaM broad make Hnv !
qnile a while w> I eonld
bad them akMt^ .^^ pr.^
floor ud one aaltapoon of aaJi. Brat
boforr. My ram.ln from far away
________ ratter
butter it lighi
lightly, eet April
April II
Ibelvolka of two egga. add them lo one .lender flngen,
gave n.iiome rahhilit 1 like them
__________ bington Star,
It lo ■ hoc oven till deliraiefy 1_______
vniB auM-u. *-*•
1 tbongtal I woold write to yoe.
very wril, I can't write very well,
Pretty eooa, a
harc,had the eoarlct fever. I got n 1
wane Ilcmm ladwry.
my thnmb hurii *o ba-J. eo 1 riiall
*rr ia xraoolh and light Laatly fold
doll and a book and lock-box aad doll
bxvelo alop/Ynr tbi. time.
bed, a rocking cliair afld eomc randy
Beonlc SHnaai.
•anted. The eooler It ia tbe better.
and not* for Cnriuma* I have been
Sorry yon have been >lek. Bennie,
Tea Oakea-Foer enpt of *ngar,
A enp of hM milk at bedtime will potting the baby lo Bleep. I am
BBcboofMr. Thaw Mteoo* riWBld be tbe flratladyof
hope yon are all well now. Yoo man
oeenpof batter, *ix egg*, balfat
ing my dotUe a drera 1 will be glad.
ba^ly amed witli clala. kalrea.
r benelf wn* well anwrileagaio
are well.
ehouldn-t the knit the, •enp of aweel milk, ooe grated nn|.
W^rn kneading board* fra bread wlien tbe rammer oouica Well, t
meg and floor anfflclent lo roll out.
about aU eheeoold,
mat eloae now. Oood by. From
Among the inreii-nt,
if health.
Perbap* ^t With a fancy rake cotter, and
Myrtle Lonka Mn. McKinley'dnring.
I water over niaina be----------------than •«*'»'‘“Mnick oven. Sprinkle with
we*t were an exqnlailely
We are aorry Myrtle, wae alek and
1 apreart from the Chin,
lady told with
Boll Sponge Cake-Beat three «nt
hope afae ia weU now.
LoaAncelea: a iirofotlon
Here i* a letter from a new Snnfrom the women of the Kintkera
of *c
oilie. vi.iieil: a cruie of .trawberrie.
berae teaapoonfnlS cream
ofttanar. | c of
grown Bear Kou.ioB. Tex.-; date,
bon tbe eunb aad Oitealy «M aboat
ra yra greaae it and your coke* will welcome.
BMe on a annare or obloog
•lOBg jelly ,
grown and cared In Arizona, rate
twtey «w thirty Uael ten* in tbe
tin. aprnd with jeUy.
r. OBd roil '
StittaTlIle. April .7. itOI. flower* from Die women emplored in
there^ated a (teire for tbe poaaea. while it iihI Ontlery that ii not tn everr day
Oear Mra. Bate*—I have been raad- the mint at KewOrlcona and a iovlng
Oarpet. by mm of a block and palfrom the
(Bg (be letter* of the Sanahine Clot,


Now is
The Time

IjaedoeaBar^A "

> -fc*» »a.oo.

Buys Hanrtonmo ,-incl Strong


•IfhloUK talAi«NMS.

morse cvothiimo
▼-iy Ns«m. BuKsy Agnwo


We Sell M& Sons'
Honest Made Clolliing
Which our MK-liKO. W, MILLKR
lias h.imlleti for twentyy yciirs. ami we invitc evert- one to cull upyn uss ami inspect OUR
line of Koods which is entirely new. niiil any 01
friends wishinir to hate ;i suit ni;ule to special measurement vwill do well to call ijpun us ami we willII Kuarantee
to furnish them at less than one-half
L-kfiilar price
of merchant tailor made trooHs! I he
l material, make
and tit of Kolb& Sons’ lioods
/;ooils .ire wetf
known in this
:lion and satisfaction is guaranteed.




fl*oi5.K'‘ ^SSar"Sf i^rSial

^ a^ tbea BaddenirXte tbe

taper that oome* into (he 1

the <

hAdlpoA ot

Il UoCBino to thla

apple* OBI in qnarteta


Tbare Ua
two hoar*.

and ttaonghi I woald write one. I
live in StUtarille. Mierankcc coonty.
-hlldren a
I woold like very moch lo Join the tong the roole taouirtit
floral trlV
Snaafalne Clnb. My pata h Bev. K. ole. which they lavl
H. £endalL He ia tbe proacber at
viedged the tribote* 10 a
Stittxvillr. 1 am 1
t nine yean gnoeful manner.

blacking with it. Tbea pot ywL^



Victor Petertyl,

Carriages. Cntters, Sleighs, Etc.


Re-Painting andUpaolstering.

Moldi^ HM-Toke the odd* and
^thal*are‘^ Mrt'
have yonr haada nriaad with bl
abont one-foanb fat. chop it *0 fine

On on* oecaaloa.

sSjSK.53 r€?;^5is

It crenae apota. apply powdorad Mgn------------- n^a^d


(ly removed

No Wag to ttrao.otc ■ ehept.

of aU kind* mari 1


iionwliea laanderlng became «ece<-

I with tbe hand* lor lathMjiqoaexlti.^j^y
rl. rtnrira water of (be

A CA«K or t-l

(If they■*
are colored, iTnpOD a day wbeo than U litlily, a (avoaing <m tb* wrong


1. rinaed it 10 tbe rag
dri^ It. and It wa*

Ify it* umetBeea Sonly yoa ranoot
aak fra better proof thoa aanh eoBeln-

AmUb. nd tnm
A. DdddU ftrail ,„ pA.
Al, “d ,h. bolMa. ud. UMi,iirad,


afc'J.'Tjrsssr' ss-5:

,Aa«AAWdAAro«tPn, AM•MMdfVPMA. AM, UAUpaA.

We are doiiing a good business these daj-s
Curtains, but to clean
__ up our
__ stock quickly. wi
ing to divide the profits
prohts with you on what we h
Cohen Bros. Rufiled Bobbinct Curuins are the best
of their kind on the market, and go at the following
No. 1207-for Si-ir the pair worth S1.09
No. 2202—for S3.S0 the pair—worth $4.50
No. 2528—for S3-75 the pair—worth Ss.oo
No. 30i6-forS4.5otheparr -worth S6.00
No. 3009 -<or S4.50 the pair worth S6xo
No. 3502—for S4.7S the pair—worth S6.50
.. No. 4007—for Ss-J5 the pair—worth S7.00
No. 3702—for $5.25 the pair—worth $74x3
Irish Point. Brussels N^^and Nottingham
from 59c up to S15XO.
SPECIAL-No. 21Irish .Point Curtains for
$12.75—worth SiS-oc No. 2118, Irish Point Curtains
for $S.50—worth Siaop.



State SL HMr Union.



Travers* City. Mich.


SILVERWAREPretty Silver Novelties, Watches,
Clocks, Diamonds. Jewelry. Large
Stock. Reasonable Prices. ^


Ai^ro 'ii
tailing point aiirin .
of aplni ofoold milk
qUBTUr of on boor.
with xogor BBd a

*tUi.;^iiiSrraid‘c^“;wS?*»&^ ™-‘tta'Sin!rte“b.'"^

IrtBt of tall^ (Bilk, pepeer and rail

Fra aal. hr


Extra Special

No. 411—Ruffled Bobbinet XIN'Ccntuo'
style, worth $12—to close at $6.00 per pr.

* « • *J. W. Mll-I-IKKN.


Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.


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