Grand Traverse Herald, November 24, 1898

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, November 24, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald



. BX wnttM be* Beewni Ut- Hke (eeu bX. deni eb,
emmnedsitdehiidub naad.~ ! tb.
a w. e Vi-ff * uu
‘>»>1 amowx bMic. H . I'abo Bad • dd
Bnt btiar_______________


aoB f.dlowX bim. nod Uo “••ineij^alMUbe .11 rt*b " r.
Fabtae X'm^^Wr


Dr. J. A. Snyder,


Aa« m* (ram la >a tM M.
AX (hr yaUaw eaMiurH.

r tur:^

rteinp diaaer. and by 'omorrww' i
ba.e forr-Htea met Uraadma Beater
Huw 1 .eer Iieml. bat I abaa-t-" a»e ' a
rorel>.iTi abe'* tb. b'eaiedeat. do

For anything in the way of Farm or City
Property, eee ma

o(M -dadi
le gin
smee lo eee her; '
Aa abe came uiowly law t
Ibla moralBC, bar Bae old to
_____ _______ 1 p.«>r a mM. Ibat ah. wa.
Baaaily aad
Tbe teeoileetk
HowlahallmX ber. SX yet bn«
Tbnal^iTiBg Day* preaaid bard
rlX lam' Itaonadajaalllke a (airy
bar aad amow ker >ilb aeddaa paia.
e, OBlj If, UuaAa abe kaw Mr. TAba' occapa'doa. ,b.
L* for tiraXma U
reoebed for tbe dryiog towel witb a lag awirur alosd toward tbe dl>taa
Williararaa ikat waa paibelic
towe la tbe aoftlyvakbl.>eed earriafe.
"Lal ma belp yea." abe x.d yeoilt. tb* mortilar a w.mdrrfolreraf aaemX
apd Mr Tubb. pladly copaeotMl.
almcat like a dream.
Aad yrt bow
siaadtag tbmm abe di I ber (tortloe it waa! F eoppmlte ber a a, Jedi
To the aempatbellc aad apprroal-te. a ' little girl, ber brtfbl laer full
lo IB. arelraa aod teadrroeaa aat watchful
aad BOOtorraiBg. oo.) a p*op*r
biabad aiway* bvB.
> daiabed aad weal
witb laded baad>.
by HT*”'ruLbrteio aaotber lipam w. .
bonar. Ad Oraadiaa Srater
' rb w c
••Tliio«a»it.u< Day:
a* ber old eye* took lo yxr witb tby poodee



r»at lA*.

lAtMt Id0M aad AppU»i

nm» m.

DA Bioaurs.


. oyiaw^uiy ^

OmimUot al



Merchant Tailor
asd aea the elecsst »«« ■U>« e(
Sprlnf SljrlM of WooleD* oofr
,00 aala. wbieb will tw mad# op
' is the Lateal Stj-lt*. aod at

at 215 Front Street.






nUL TSOKMOX.' oae* la
lAMiUltaaSalMlac. Xaaidaacia,


IjnoWflii^? _

P. Carver H



Takes one of the best Prnlt Farms in Kortbem BCleUgan.
with ^Tsrythlng on the place. ThU is one Big Bargain.
Inquire of....

Johnson Block. .

Travers# City, Mich,

When either a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a necessity. We can supply you with either, but
you can economize and yet have something just as good
by buying a chamois and malting one Good values at 30,
50 and 75 cents.





S.S. antLLsn.

n IR.

TWOrwiaalOn* X>

TniBH Qt; ScM ol listc!


' **iS?iuM^«.li.AuL‘7d

__ Money to Loan
Cta iBpran* tars aa4 rttr

Carpet Cleaning Works

Cider Apples,
Bulk Apples,
Packing Apples,
or eontract for orchards Also want Potatoes and
Beans by load or car lou. Will load any where.



F. M. PAINE. FIloriat

Kl^eotb a





-rbask g.el^ bat. and (or m.
Jbaeoa a Llttla GUI
aare Bu gl»d reaai/oa.
au rweai
leader meeiiar> aocblid left u
Tbe troBi duor of iba pool
aw mother
All ^me. buaband .
J. a Cw .wad, k.*c u-f-r. <a. «i*
Blood opss. for tboufCI U
It waa !
drx. eaceptiag'. uttir'
ffirl. ana I—am to tbe u lor.biniae
F-raatomeaitwr Ibruot li*hleacd a.
r^»e all tblAfv hold laal tbat
preaard By aa iroo b,ad. bot ibe re* wbicb i. food.
______ J abnibaod blllaidr.
etriy cbokrd ba. a ber tear*
' tVbal
tbe ap.e* who weal up to ap.t
Mra TbbiMcamr bnamoc ii
Ibat Tbaeaxiimc leac I hrard our
l“e land b«u«sei Baca a laiae r«
a miBtater preacb from ubc*.’ i-art of
ly eooved <e clearing away tbeerx
la the old pmlm
(lb. auw it
rerx lb
breakl.altaue. sue waa a little wuo.
Bca tu m. : ~'Tbuu eruw
1. pmmp, roty-ubreked, fair-l
lb Tby p.«doe*a ■
I oou <1 **y
id wiib a moat go>id-DaiBr<e eapm
'B. wilfa eralilbdeabd tbankac.ei,... ,
Oraad ('meerkc U.
on, aoa lu ked aa frtah a. *itb my
isUrmod fra,.!** UiaUici. aad bribe
.ea. t ’.l a
the .tear with | Xelhodtau we are eertaibly Ibtereate,
bexab ebe lo ber briaarei
liBMetbodtam la Ursod Iraearae Ua
Tby CoodocM. "
Ibaokagieing l)*y daward clear aad
aa r<»g cob wHB
b Ibr
rae facta ara. ai 1 Dodubbl ibay an
orifbl. Mra Tubb. «
ln(f rtc pica u> nakr.
Poke, aad
ICC dour bM
W MlObbKl
r*B calico drr*.. bad brr -niaok>«l'
*JI before dloncr. Ibcrr ark twj o:
’ fair y becuo.
Mr Tubb*
s «XIT» tbiap to be door too. fur
wrow la rbaakafirlof. and I mrao
ebra. Tbe red olleloib bad
1 read; for iV IT iDu lu a ^otic
-rd ai'd
d a .p.
poor farm. I'm rolBf to BM
'em al
ua a* a dtatrict or a falae lepon
Bare a rood dtoDcr, it tbe Lord'll fir- ered tbe table. Tbe ,rl*Mm aboor. aod
He kolrr. aod turn* were at aripbl a. baa b.en bruuyni ap.
me alroBStb to ««l it Toai’U be oar
liberal prliablnguf br<ck dual c .ul 1 will lb any oaa, oe b.-acfl.-ikl lu tuedit
' ' aaiBC then'll Barr to ba Ibaakful foi
Irmt and Matbudlam. fur. it tbe formei
they bareo't many oincr»—pa*t make Ibrm
L..koi tbat. S'athaul" cried Mr*
Tublw. IriumpbaniJy. "did y iu e,er
' All risbl. Uolly.” asawerad
edy. aad if tur lallvr. o«r i
Tabba rood-fcomurodly. . "I'H attrod
--•blBfa, don't foa worry. DiaBra wa. gulut to fiTr'em a rouaiug Tbaak* . aoail be reaiured aad we a
Lbuar laiw bucum
'I bolbir ur; I kuuw loo we.) Sieing dinn. r. aod i re kept me word
Methodl.m baaa u
cm. H.eBtyal bol water My bean j lat acbe. (or 'em, .S'atbaa i
They xro, kiai.or
V..u bad I an Held I. Ibr word,
Mllb^wbleh oracular remark Mr poor eauugb. but we baer racb other, .oriplo-al boliucM . .. .
rublMamilrd rcamurlBCly and diaap aod you'ir D. .mall bira. ay to b. and tbe Iruil uf tbat bulia
iklul forth-. ri..nk.«iT.op ll.vprarrd istn ISc kltcbrsBr t II you tb.t. N'alban runt... "
:tba ttoeepe.-lrd Uut «r.l-mrriu
>w if J
lone tal.
praUe Mr. tubb. k,»~ d u.. r-v ct
Natbao If" aba marmeimd
ai a
ibea tru y
ed l.tllr wife eery Wr.drr.y, aod wa. (irabd I ram
bd acay.^^^e.r c.^oj d •,
U aumei
-wtaat aseiB.r'iu
ptompi y kiMcd back lu rriu.o
tbe eaM
-'-aodma HeaMa.t m tt.-r room, ber
. war uli aod ibie aud aan
r Ob brr lap-rbut .be w*. out read li-aod Trarrcae lli*u-«t i* a larfr S.-id
got ab ul m •u.h a s»>ck.
Slreicblas aeay from Freaaoil.oo lb.
Iny; abe wa. mutin* ueer tb* paat. - If
LBOrr lhal br acoimplirBed i
JuJMO could OBiy baee lleX.' abe
'i/d' ^*''*1
Wblaprrcdwdle, - bow he Would baee
cared for me tbia rbaukarirluy!
Aod • i buadrrd uiIm of lake euaat, witb
foily'and w. li i__
JudauD'a little ylri—bow I would re m tn ibaaJtu i^portaat loaaaaed rildo
lew furMOd, fro
j mv oeer brr today
lOMd lb.
lb Whlrb ba w
Hiul* c* efully, folded
- alltl, ber miad la ttar paat
1 port of It br urrrr aaid mueb
It. Tbe tali before, be Bad bad a
Tobba. bn.y wiib ber lui
I A great d.rernly of •OIL aurface.
librerior attack of (eerr. aod atlcr » drcealBp. beard a .tatrp ring al
duct, aad riuMU. Bm ero*gbt t-H.
bad left him. b>a •ireartb did oot cum> fruet clour.
popu.sUo* aad
bsek Su tbe pl..'c la ibr a^p bad to
"Natbaa." ahr called
be gieea up. aod a eery hard lim* Is
Ihrre'. . -me oar *i the dour!
oer tbe work uf making ciror alaff •
deed did be aod bia Utile wife bare f. ~Du. .lat ' I'll so mTielf."
tbe kbolty aoc of tbe lom^ eampi
tetbloBC S. wbeo, 10 the cotirae of
She diinf ber baad* qi
-t aeiiibf tbe cuotpaeaof l^BpIlLWuf
eeeou. Ibr muatceiorol of ibe p-x>r alarted fur the door, brr i
ibelirMt Lmke*. lor tbe bai^Vol eterfarm WM offered laeoi. glbd ra.iucb crwpiy cracklias a* .hr *
upraed tbe door aod Ihert
"NatbkB likca to help." Mr* Tubb*
anag. from tbr beert
alway»ca my remarked
her asi'n will, » (rin.. Clear
iiear CO
-I tbr great blog: of cuoo
friend, f unJ Ib-m baking or *crab- btisbt eye. aod................
■wn hair
bu-ieem mao aodabrewe
X a teodroc-f
la curl uedrr the p
f IV
. w buy tbe "merdbandii
tot: .ball be 01 loee* lo tbr Ijurdi ' .c
.re Uxj old lo hr p. If we w.
ilhl. Mr. Tubb.?' .be naked la*
a .lb pealler bell and ump mret-bg
lb* way of tbe aum oer
-"‘.I-".we do toe work
IhlBga wr'rei Mm Tubu. nodded »o>l nulled. *sd ri.tior. wbo aeeka tbe pure *|r aad
ind., ereo ouriibei*!. girl look* ^yep tor.»rd. Ihr cv.liog ahade for • littir re*i from
UB.y L-ity life- to tbe •Uting waiwr"
tbuugt I wniilri bMug
nag my owo I bright color »urg ing 1.. ber rbrek*.
aad lit. giriog Ire.,'' *ad bring lotbr
Liio Ihr'ber .■'w'tMmbTlBk >*^ lad.aa. ' wuoae untutored miad
tbe time, ibousb I don't re*lly




Highest Prices Paid.

All mail orden reevive prompt




aiaaaUterVOn«Slad» li aaa lorau
t«aaeaaa<arpaawaaa alik a raapiaw a
isaataratvtTtluaf IBIS, trap llaa. Ve





Bosmess Oards.


Traverse City, Mich.

Real Estate


Office in Masonic Bloch


Sarreyor and civil Engineer
•ampa at all klaBm. Ma» work.

Bc(Um W MlaiBBl.



Screen Deers and Windows,


Sam Woifc aod Wony
Neglect should never be laid at the doorof a botwewifc.
U sb$ works balder than her neighbor, but doma’t
go atMMt it m just the right way. Her neighbor ns^






1 apd kaepa her huaea litoss Asa whh M(
1 the effect. CoU DM Weshiw Fvwder hw

BhBretiud fWBoa g* '
.e:> i. Buw Sleo.SH • g^~ J
IM.IMIUX .be M aX TUaSmm't
a apMlbf a^
Itb cure* ywin
of tb* barSeM
f wealia or e
KisI Umea Mif
■ away tbe .^t of etlmaertSaeaad
e« ap tbeic poek>


J diatrkt. tbe (>
Uotrtet of Hleblraa C
dwtrtet waare tb* pram
a lltUa arUmaenke, do
gi. Ue dlairieiof wblcb It baa b
mid robaiata of xly tbo«o mlalai___
tbat U* other dMrwia do wok wnal;
tna dialricl of wblcb irc baea beaiS It
.lad maey of itaalr miulaUca do Mi
bare ea'uurb to Ml. rn'* (v all pv
00*0* laat yaar Ibermat aamof Sn «M.
k S« id tor each man. woman abd child
WBU 1. a member of tbe ebarcb. aa lacreaae la tb* ap.rlt of ffielas ol irexm
per member
And wBda we tabo law
Aaaidaraimo tbat a larfapartof tbo
memberabip arc cbildroa. aad It Wa
b mmrd lbii« to bare whole femUlat W
taeebuieb. eo aeemreofSk.M) far aaX


Would In any way tatar that
.bia people are not loyal and aolf-MWl.
dciuir briBC* up a falae report.
How do we aland W eomparkma wftb
ibaoiber dlatriclaT
Laoaibc diatrtei. with tbe UifaM
aembeiabip. with many Sot aad
eeaiiby ciiiee. well-to-do tarman who
baee paiwed Urougb Ue ploeaar parM
aad bare moare W tb* baak. brad* tb*
let witb lb* p.ymeat lael year of SS.M
per member.
It la t« at W
aut* taat la amhlas UU epieadid ranurd abe M baWf helped by tb* nmrbma
abe baa tekea from aa, aad tbat abe
.till baa ber cyaea (traad Traeenadla.lict tor fulsr* wurkera.
dtauleh Bis Bbpide, wkWh'
letbiar of pbrnear arork.
with tbe paemeetof SS.4S
per me
. aad Ucaaa kaplda.tb*dWcrict «f lar(* ciU waaltby
ckurebea. pay, (•.!« per *
ttraad TrareiM
yrartba Bmbop a.,
alx eoefcren.c mea to ebars** that pay
lem than SSOO talary. aad left (wo
eha'se* ia Uraad rrarMae dlairtai

mamacr, nue.u lae* tbaa ear oirm.
liraad Traterae: tmt aba. loo. la tsMtag
Mime worker* from amobf a* aad so
doibt will toea beeW te'do be«*ar.
.Sue* eoaw* erxt, paylac ff.u caaW
per membar. aad Albloa foUow* with '
dtttnaia. with improred brma iaasp■oa* hoaMk-eaJ.yta
hoaMk-eal.ytBf tb* laaarWi «<
--------- aerraf*
amoaf oar
Uf* rarebeeetsa
It tb* peymeatof
a.._ ,____
lalttfal maaaarc of loyalty Id lb* week
__ of Ibrtr Bortbera aletpr
Tba* Wetead of balas laI tb* raar.
,**r«e DMtrtei baa reoUy
rsbk. aad I ketWee
‘ "

libmar^Boasb mea of moml
oUb**Ur«ad Tn*me DW
• that tk* raakaod

b>c of our Oorber el tb* freai fl«ld a(


.acklar In the tree egmaoey ad a
MetbSlet HWIaler.
New let a* tarn tor a moment le the
feterei It I* aol aamber, batladcrldatl
w^. tbat wUI make a bMaer Dletricl.
I bellre* that
It tba (apwu of tkia
ymr will show aa adraaae erm- laat
- dIsIrM
_____eeary oba/n to do uar rerv beak
u> talflll 1^ mimtea of Hetbodlam Is
xr dutrleu to mak* oar owa dMMet a
r la tbi* BorUlaad aad to toe*
dlatriet tkal
at aaaJU
agaJU oer OhrM.
9* of a work 1* Its ma»llliy, aad to work I* i



' ** MMh

lag. but It dom U)^
“‘m^’Tubb. atepped brlakly bad
Bomble work. I am sai_______ _______
lonb. Bbtii os tbe long table n -tbiog |. mr os
im.kato i.rcog forta
odiam ku a givat work la OrnsS
lefl Noibiag but the bab Ibal |
Vou dua l aay
"'cjied Mra. TuBlw ‘
mar got ae.4 to the
rnarra- Diairlev aad feaadctlest aiv
oil eiolb
>w bring laid, eepselally. amoag tb*
wiped off ne
^r«'Oj Uuj: tbr girl weal ooijo'ckly ' I did
■ ab. duoe tbl*"
iwer chargm: a IIUI* mnetaia er
•qObrely lb t
rale.aam.Mtb.p.n o( ,lM
tuecbaim w
white nr aum wuo wb->m I bar - be*o irlog i
w.huke* barkward
d glaaee of
Will binder that ebai^ fur yaais ^
ly for
d..r»- o*orly *11 tny life d.rd. lli.a »llwrw*pd I
ba* beenacelb'ulici
laylBg the tensdaUes at
dlah p*o. (i madma H>
yearn ago tbe rr.ioeyo
detbodlam tor vtber* to batld apes.
IB fn.ffi bei lltlli
amt a* oow ...a. ae* taat wa 1_,
Uy _______
a MH'_______
It aad Mxl» fo*Bd.tioa.aadlay it Bnaly as Ik*
log wb cb .br occupied
dbr bad <
rock Okrlet Jr.aa
•iraodma Kidridge wbo waa nin
er* at tba'. lime jr ebarefa
ImprsMloM last lasgaat asd
Ibree. tbe other, and ao old aul-iier
. wbU-b. witb lb* xa.iioB ol haarta well
rail tmpreemd
Ua^voend with the power
a tiball b'y h.d tbe remalalog .
May ! Me b
Bpo-rlBlmrota. mate .f tbe U-mpal aad tb* dleUseUea teTbaa* three lomate*. Of four, cuoo
aoout ?ii preaebly placM. ma.lbg up tere* of MetbedSm will amk* a ohm*
tbeimail boy who had Oewi
Mra Tubba pu
piriDBilyfor abuBlIf.uuu peraoa* uj
io lira of a belter borne,
w p*'l-r^aflurded. Drar tbr goapel reguaiarly. There wa. that wUI not aaally ba oeertkraws.
tbr wb, leeumbcr of the
(..el me go w
t-ou.' aha pleaded. ttarn acbo'ch memberabip all hold, ol
lift TbeHaodat acOool. that eoer may lakeae— '—
*. liraodm. Heater
Uf tbr
1 I ail aloor "
gatjc adrani* guard uf lb* ebureh
tbr aCkboiTMged larorlte. boib of
Mod. giutd-hearu-.i.1 Mm rubha lookbad ‘t orgaoUalioa. wttbln tbe bioari.
TubO. aod the lew reaibraabed away a
of U.e dialncl >ilb t.siA member* an
______ plaoX m
>. aaa gfraa
lb tbe weekly atouy of Ibe Kibli a, the high boaor of laying feaafla
ally riaitcd the
1 Xar tX roMck aT reoty.fou
• WMt old lady of
gTMd-______________ _________ ______
I Bay View wa* tX mdtIagX ta
atUred ia tbe dm .1 of calic
bal not
:h-rn raaort*. HetaXtam (awai
a while kerchief,
rLaokagiTiog U.y
eniertoB X which w* rwe.<gBl
Xy View. aX MW
where abe
Acroa. tb. yard they
eeoe ,
deeutiUB, l. tb* op-Bipg of t
are fliekfag by tX
lirabdma llcaler'a di.
“LU. puckeLbOuk. Ibrn*
tkM* Xorsi they eon iframall snip
.be ka'ltled
idleama. how.rr
fij'i i were psylog M ail caarcb flaai
aidooualy betwer
f illowiag cl <*.ly
----- ----------------- JPPOrL build
waa not ruadiog
dMr Oid lady aat Iber, in OCT while (,og. imp-ueof. carreat ecpeBc*. aX
It aa tbea sUy to tbla^-’O^ MgX
my* ia i
cap. ber Hiui. .till on I r lap. A. tX;. J
de.or-bdenu SM.-MyMr
•pOllM*. WIID It
gin IB tbr b Brk dre*
lookX duwuT o »:.Jxr-n«o,ber.wXa.»dA
I aod patcbwnrk q
upon btf with ablnlog eyM, Umadm.
of le-V-Xiog u
aol deX1 bet haa
a aama
to Uea.
tbaa* aborna wtU X a sapcuabloDcd. and a tab e ob wblcb were a
.•rnw diy from
lamp and a tew Omio Toe wall. wiii) Jadauo'. eym" Sbr triX
■ 1 a people. tX great maj eltf ol wXm.
grstar aoaaa t^
WM* relied, oot plaatered. ana tbr fl or
’ ' je.t.b gtselog in ihe oec.
xy other dMrrM
Ur*X Traierm la
waa hare. But a l.rg. Ora.ded rog lay
•ecrilcc aitd oaro.blpof d
"A dty eel apoo
s bill tM
ttat *i
froat ol tb> ubl*. and a little .to*.
la fro
a cuBOtry; a loyal .
bid.' Huy of tbae* rewwtare aoma
fra« bnay citiaa
Bara tXy Mea a
Erer alac* brr yoaurmt aod nol. w>s
I ' paaary driighX te dumm-tkiagf

Ibsm Mora
kX diX eat lo Califoraia tb. la.l ose
. j H m wX had done no m >CB fur tkn
■•aeaedutagSagln tX lopa X IM
left—for by aatraage fatality brrcklldblBg tb worry yog a>
people wbum any true*i«arT7tr>s." tmtiMmoalab Iba
•wa all dX yoBog—reef aiPBC that
M drllghX loaerre
you a* luBg a, we Xlb II
glsm X xr mstak traa. Wi ibam laha
tim' bad .he lirX in a poar-b»me
S-jw let a* ue If tb a dmplaX por- bachlotXIraoidai...................................
■ • It w. Bid bar. b~-o d ffrr.ol If Jad
tloe of U d'l beriiBgr baa 'ala dwmaai bean* Ibal are atrugely w
aoa bX lieX." abr ' aed to my aXly
ram. or If HrtbXUa
HrtbXlam. '
B-Hbrx; Wa Mea a g
Bet Jedann bXdX aod Ms
XL for a. Xe laid Ber -U-embllog caada xd bearta of (alXfei paatom lage?
Wa Mee a pplaa .
•If. l
«X aeonr .1*. MXte bliMlag upm tbr brigbi sM a loyal people. bM fa flllad bar whleb to rl*Mi tbas Ms *
nr family
Aral U»* 1b tb- 0‘alo-y
___ Xwed Xfurr ber, tbr eweei uid I mimiue ber* darieg thme paateleeea xeeweer 1S0.S00 raeldest pmsM
tbat aeeh a thing w** I
We Xe* t.lM ot them asoo oorel_____
.KeueXloa.ya*.h*braabX*way a traaadgarX (ace luld lu own atory. | year*.

ro(U. olXr Xsnmdest<wa earn ..............
tear: "XL" continiX IX dear old
bry all Mod- roand to bid hergox. a gsla of *» >a tbdMSi.rm
HiTra yMm
Mtem-we tbaa IS.0U maas
lady reeer-oilr •I'Bi oot enmplaioiog
mr. ant Ixl
leaea* -ai.«« easla m oar Md oM
Tbere maat b- wmaethlng fw me to do by lwob««m later—(J mod
rr old
oldffnesd'. baoo. tX Urea ebargea wbl
w IB plan, or Hr woald call m* borne, wepipiiifoily a. her
to tX dUtrtcL a rala of (oar Xareoea
ni toecaaSnea maMX cer Xrre toeebX xra for tX Xt time. Mr a
Tbrre’ar* snw 140 praoeblag pUaae la traMoetaaaaeX^’ Wxlg
aX t
a* tbe rtwt: It won't meeh meuer Mr*. TtibX. IX rdd aoldicr.
few qgleltears
IMTS IX dbtnel. a r • B v( our tae-balf li iMt ws mlgbl tai» xetbar l
Storing a .l»*7qalel
wXra I Heed, or bnw 1 lieX. *o I Herd _____ the lamb at OX Mflets wa
lo CfaHat OB. I'm reatlBg oa the —for *he loeX tb*mI t l-OraXma




Scythes, Snaths, Rakes,

•nMhaxSMbarstosadsrlsesWs :

», n".VS? S'^KSuL-'A



_______ ■s.’sTi


• A laat or a cauaga. why ah.mld
Xlldleg a palace fur
e tbera
U'» all right"


lei.aad^ady wX
E'dridge. wX e
aemetimaa took a fl gkty tpeU eeXX
ear. tm GraXwa Hea-m wa* IX naly
aoewbeaoald aadamiaad er maaage
. .
faith la'Xloriag k>X*ea.o(aB all.
Om of bar laedril* top­
_ WM
Mr *Bs.wXbX srorid*
sroridX for
bSMWtf wkltoXUsA and h
Uate^Mmmkam aX kMm

ollXapoo tx ebareb nmerd* I-

•T .truag yxug a
wHskW (ae*. an awreL eo (all of glX
tbaak^elsg tor tX freer. bapP'rr.
Xttor life tMt. p'rsm GX atretebX
Mfnee Xr. for a (ew year* at leMl
Mr Tabto lo bM biM Jaekot prarX«i1
ibem Xwe IX walk, wber* X gpm*d
iX gale aX Mood leaclag on <1 a* tX
carriage droee ap a llttla aearee- Mra
TnHla. Xtk a eriap baak oote b-<weeB
■•gets tbat WMtdMkr her Chrmtma* aa **o*M''y
----------------------marry oee IX
tk partlag giftX Jadauab Hule girl.
•* tX daoratep.
OraXmt K

wnaXy kabtX Mr




TXeaantoX u ao IM 4M .


large la erylsg rmt la alarm c
ir rrewd*
Mow a gala X **a memXra Tell lv>B
PaMMi H la iX


are la IXlr fsrtX tM Imrd** berit-

w. u... .

X tb* eaTeaileo X
apMote.aXia* «


navimBltaBBrtMr«irtha ffiwaocf
IhalaUPriTaa AUeDMrtMSPf ~
paar M. praMtad bp B. M. WdfaA
Oe.. ad Bam. Tb. bte ardaad aad w
bapUoad whea Ellap
to tba dtp.
Odd tbaraablp boaata od badap M
at tba oldaat ootaaa la Olalaa Oaaatp.
hN. E.Coma.aadaltboa*b
aaaiir ala«r paan of apa. ba palkad
to aad froa bta homo to tba *oUap
aaa Bad aotblap to do. Tba elreeUr booth, wblabwaa loeated orer a Mila
■t oat M aa to aa*a tbelr oeafod froB bta aoo'a botac. wban ba raaldaa.
diaappotatewet aad diatraa.
Wltboet a alpa of aja piaaaaa or apaea Arbor elUaeea baaa ipbC ll
bora of Cuapaar A. who an at Kae Ilka a baalthr ber of tweatj. Ba I*
rUle, a draft fcw »TS to prodda tor
maaikablr dporooi for a aaa of bla
bic Tka.hariTlBp,d..Bar.
jaara ao8 b tba pride of tba
CMoMl O.V.%. rtmi.
td KlehiCM.
Isut O. A. K. n«<>rd k d '
!fraaOMni«W. Lmw. Fbm N».
Hoaolila. WBrsl^ nXmnam apt to

■hIM difriac padaolcp.
irtU mmt ralaU** jWU oieUoBe*.
tW vnpmrV »U1 be dctdopMl.
At K«w Alhaej. laA. Waltar Oaob,
- t hlaKR
«hfearifl«.*ad*UIdta. Two weeki
ar> at tbe *awi boor. MM tpoo Peer*,
aadrbaeerirl. WM •cdiaatatl; aboi
fa tha MM war. •'ttb tbc aan kind HleUpaB'*'
llbtaiT l» MP® *««•
o(a weapop. Iba ball catorla* aad
arooad dalr to that
loilfinf at tAe aaaia pUsa la tba bodf. of .NVw VYoah. aad U abdad la ooaItta Paan diad la r^at acoof. Tat
■ aad Ta-uaVf tbatof Ohio, oo
M phralaiaa w
m -arr 'kia braa i
U cblrmn. Naw York aad Iowa v

TkaSfaalah sail Waaaar Baa
jirl'- laatlac Krutilat rtaurdar tor
«fata. carriM Ike Cj.aaild.Boaa
Iraarir la tba calhadrml. wlU
batnaplarobiMa 8h. lakaa al.
eloart aad iw aoldlara.'
Otmi prairla flno baaa baas nflag
la Boatb Uakpia aad Honbara Kreraehadarlac tba paat weak, raaalttar la
iMtaaaa daabaotiea P( (arw propan]
rmu U. Batall.
Bean. Kkh.. wbe a t to Chietpu
Tbvadar. Not. 10 1
bp toiaUTu oe that
Wa toe Oaraaea. a-bo
' ted hla lamer laa r
t aaeBaa
Tbrj bad arriarO la
iiiita a^i
Miebitraa Craual irata.
tbaoltr^> Nie
t fnnaadBkiu
Mr. K.uil/te<l b
arith bUB-Uad Hra
Ml Joaaa. bU aUtar,
tare ba mtJ h*»» baaa tBordaftO.
Oaerpa B. Otoaa. aacraurr of tba
StBtaPwBMraad btaunaal aorlalr at



Ubiiabad tba eaw ratio of 16 lo A.
Tbrp ware biro the aamr pear Tbap
are marriod aad tha throe are mother.
I Id ebildrrn. all bopa Uor U
lOtbar of tbrer bopa. oac of Bar. wb
Tbo-nas wbo lira aloop tbr Moeror tba third baa tba proad diaUacUon
■anbaa waka a pood tbieg
helag tba motfarr ol rigtal brip.. Tberr
ttaaof tba toot br abouUap
Bare: brao a death in rliber
baek daeka, wbleb Bad a rradp >ale tor
Malara markru at a dollar aplaer.
Thep'ara tald u> rarp piratifal tbti

nlaad la a matrlm-n.ial paper lor
fa. waa aarpriard to gat a rapip
LMtapdlap tba Croawali bridge wai
bla owe Blatar. wbo «raa not
■awibad awap bp BsUap lor. Aa a aware of tba Idaatltp «f tba adrrrtiaar.
t apalaat
aa Ua aaina waa not appaadad lo tba

falgBagBlBat tbapractkraof riprew.MUg OB tba flion of atnal care
Tba saw BapCltp-gr«Ba]al«d aagar
pteat whiob whieb will be formallp orBBBiaad Taeadap baa melerd an - rder
(nai a local dealer lor tba fliat |nu o»>
pBBBda Maanfactarad.
At Bap dtp, C R. Hawlap a
^ foada Stan wa. flooded bp the aa
MMtIe Bra apUagniebaiB... Pira aUrV

tb-Maddoltan wbleb 7 e.!!r,;ir'?p
nebopaattbaU-iaatria] tabaol la
(maMag an m.klag ap about tfl taraela of aaaariiraal wbleb tbap will aaitf aBlta Ibla winter
Bnaaea'a armeot factorp wa. tb'
mmm ^ a ItlUa aaehemeot la.1 weak
n bad tba «rbula facloap abet duwi
Idle tba aaiwal waa baalad oo i. mot.
tbaBalUirtWaadeawBnOo.1. aearip
Jl ■akaageaarBl line
. ladadlag t».thpu-k«

improtr-the qaelilp n(-MirgmU icr are sot rbaairiBK___
(o of .i iioK iKLidaM. «'e arv Lnwlers of Low Prinaa, oitalitv
ilariH); aa aurli t'.iu will fiixl os at ell taBoe This ie arllrhjjiU tt
e«-i-frni. -two to Ibe lee.t c'wr-rfing. whyalf
tfaie boaUe aod
Why l lie oaliitade
e epetw of Ifi.OOO aqnare teat ^ daja


A Breakfast jy&inty^

Htiae up in Im
Niirtliefti Mifhu.'eti

Bock laland. allaated
a Hlralu
at Hackieac. wu aoid
laat weak at pabileaala br tba r^iaterand recairrrof tba Marsartlc laad
ll wa. pot op aad K>ld with
Bagle and liarea i.laadi. u> tbr
higbcl bidder. «b-r happroed lo br
WmiaiB tit. Jaaoi of St Ignacr. :
of the ialaad. aa ratlre
Mr. Hi Jama, bid »l
as acre for the
proparlp. Bock U'aod cooUlot >
tweetp-eriboraa arra Tba ODip
u> wl
aap of tbeiw i.Und. cae
l h >■ ba ld aammar collagM
'BL Tbl. b aald to be tbr purpow
of tbr porcba»rr.
Al Umod ilapid. tbr olhrr riaa Frao
Maerp walked lalo the poiv ffi-r. alack
a roll ol bill! tbruogb the

i we .tple of Ml. Vorao
memb mof u.e ardor . i

O.rr Clothing Department is a Wonder.
In lit.- fare uf li-nvy .

wM aadergotag a basiag bp a ball la a
Arid aad hu Upward flight wMBOtm. d
bp Mna b.liie Brllaarmtb. wbo wm
pHaiag. Witboai a m .mesl'a beaiutloa Wa ehlealroa. poaeg ladp Jamped
fba fane*, mbbad . p ichfon aad im-

As to Our Dry Goods Department
•{ ItiT »nd *b‘t'.-r ciiil Dior.- <.f il Pea hi—n <
.in.-> ill.' tin.1 ilnv. bnJ l-«U\ a-t- MHDtl the piwn—wfUkOOt I
•.|iihI it. (trBiiil Tra*-. rre i-.,iiiity

Oil Cloak Oeparteieor is
liierailii Filled irith Goad Tiiifs.

|>ri.'.> .>ur
inreaiitnte ami uae yoBr ia.
pariinl jUiL'-ueul. arfi.-ti i. Uiuiul tu lie in oar (aeor.

The Boston Store.

Horses for

TO J AM o Airii«A|pp,r

|Coosaliaiioi aid Fiaaiaatioa Ftaa aid Stricfli CaifMliM.

At Pioneer Livery Stable,

DRS. Ii. S.&CO.

229 State Streot, Traverse City, Mich.

TH( .•«utnii*T»l.»rO'IAUirtaogTaB

:Aigehcaii ledical in'd Sireiral iDstilDte of iBlefM, M.

B.J.'MORGAN, Prop.

»“>* ==« »


>»* <>f

BotwX WtLiting, Tr&'c-er»o Oiljy,

“>« »»'‘l Saturday and SuBfey, Dec. 17 and 18, 189a

iderWrUaia Ooelrg'was cal
bff above tbr aakle aad eae abate bl.
Ue i. a married mao aad rreidea
at BKkwood. Hicb.
Hr I. .til: aliie.
bouvru lid 1. aaddeorl by
---------.H-mrii. auS-rieg from a ! ^.
W baeaaw of Wr faliarc to kernnn
Iraelnrrl .kuti. the reaalt of a q •ar-al'l
id a eate and abanlutelr rr-riain core
earned Bark-. L.rlr>g[fi croap aneb m Une MlaaU Coagb
jeetoa talar tbr Haul of West B-p Cup. [c * Bar Wat your hlUr ones are pro^
led BgaiMt rmergeeep. J U John
bare had troable OTrr a liar ^


Tbr latter I




- - -- - - - -

- -

Hcrkr rod -aroi-rd u ^placr ll Swari ,--------jg___________________________________
iBlrrfrrel aed K li claim il Burkr I

i. Iboogbl. frwciuriag tbr inerr I
plau. Swsrt'i daaditioa la very rriii.

dMee Beers from B a m to 4 p m.

'Ifriveyou better bargains eveiyday and you,
Jhave a chance to try your horfei. A car load
Iijust arrived. Some of all sizes. I also have,

MBC gold waul

far In&aU tad CUUras.

Fki ikd Til Hin Alnp B«{tt

A woman of Peaa.CAaa eoanlp.threw
bandit of paper wbleb .be fueod ly­
ing arooad tbe booie ia tbe .t-ire. a^
the resall waa

that Were is ao gaepowder In them.'-------------------------------------------------------------------


hoi seS tahen in

1 eud SfVro J-rbr. old I’r:
Ihir npsn lilai-k s;>-ldini;i‘, i hill.' rnnt'y imilt, s'ell Dietvlieil.
•ero, arrigiM '.>'.<0U. I’rOu<- rptu ^rat K<‘Miu^.
• old. r-niii.| built.
I'brd. Wright if »J. i
. ti.r 1
toM. w.-idiri'Tlki,
bhx'liv huill
Inilll ••-i.-lit 1
■>nc nwn o-ldinc •

Uni hnnw.

I’m-p. »1.V>

t)tir blocky Imilt. hro.ii .•el.iiug. tiv. v-a-.
fur draft purjaw—. w.-uLt I'lidU
i*n.-r, »Uo


' )iir pair 1-Ih. k-., .mr nier.- emi .m-- u—ldui.:.
baill -lira aiit imir

lutv k'rldiiit:, .1


,’.i. a-.ii'lii 11< >1. a 111 11, rtiitiv butll,

uurid lion-■
all ruutid

Our list- c.-idiiu;. li>r »'•uu.- lVifr;»II.S
Oue ni.-r (lark irun i^riu'
baiiU a tlQ.- nnr
I’n.r, bj:On.' dark
Wright l£jU

•’.r-ky Imilt. w- U'lii i;t M,

r uid, l>lu.'ky liUiM. fin.- Imra-

i’r.. r »i(Jtl

Ihir l«y mar.-


fi.v imra uid.

merr. l*nc »7--iOnrblm kv biiill «In'.- mart
one Prior *125
Onr bey marr. I-nr tmilt. fit--

wb-ibM modes dltCTvriy that ' our-ne—
SuJTTu*R-me^lubr ollraMam—. A.
be graelad wiw apprveatloa
ihroegboet tbr aUle. Hubbard aqoMb
a'rr coming to be a rrrp mirurtablr

« i.l.l, Wright Iffgi. e fine
a gia.l draft mar.. Wright ;
r. igl.l

.... ... ...—

bl.xjkt Imilt and a .
.mail Iran, (i ;

Tbr only comnlalatWr farm
regtoUr agaloat Wna i. We vi
amoaat of grouad Wr tlam tori
Tbrp atrrub oot too mseb to ra:
proBtablp wber* oWrr Wlaga cw
Ur. Uanep l^.dpa'd. a d.agbler of
Uat .prlag We farmer «
Lewi. Can. died la Ljodoa Wadatm
aigbt. aged w..


-id l>DMn.-«. iior.-.

...-Cuii, .M

lilllr agrd. all aoomL wrigfai 1400
1 yrai* oldi wrighi

MAOncSk tlM
Ch trpn of gew. a^ai.a.gemeet
■ntraddd Rgu-pRirar.
made Bgaiaat tbr B'rriea r.iaatp poor
b mM. I(l.c'almnl that tba
r—air-Onr .Vrw
an fad oe bread, wairr aad aoiatoa.
onip aad that tbr wee and ianae are
erepof.qua.b aad ef a va^ !
placed la omuion appariaamu aad
IJ. Now he propowe
prripniie errrp SSmSme^CVSl.
tb»t tba bldeoa. lha
"cIT pmir to plapt bl. eaUra orchard
darlog tba Bight readart .leap almoat loaq.
Bpmalblr f ir tba .s
Michae. Hr-Caalep. Miehtgaa CaBtra)
ear ebaekrr la Wm Bap aip. came
'R-rwim. tor nny OMS daaib tha other
oigbt' Ba araaalaadlagM tha ifruai
atepof aa eagtaa that wm raaBlap
ripwlp wb<a ba WM tbrowa i
. euw-a wviu ic
mk the aagiae paaaiag oree blm Tb#
an^ivar^i^'^ boMw'wMbem«C Caweiai^Ua?Ulkiw
aab paaoni.hed taiBoB Ibe teak aad

arron oMuo. MML BN.


It «raa Jeba Ward.of Vela. Hleb . wbo
tpaaabataBdaartoaaip weaadad Tbaaadtp wbO. baallBf Bear R.lep lobe
■awaawltba Matp of baate-s. from
Tala. Bla abot gaa wm to-ideaiailp:
be BOI bad preacMaof
Caobaagad, teMHag a laad of back abot | mlad
OBteta the front axle of tba
■■hkMab. Ha WBa aaat tabwboma
teadi. haa'<"
M: WBtar leadi.

Vi^it Our Millinery Department.


At Dflroil K rrarxt’a Joba S-alloa
fell under a tr^io ala Michigaa CroO»t Amrricaa (qaadroa of warabi^ i. I
R R. erutaing and lo t bit rlgbl arm. i’orUmoBlta. E igJaad. ibr m.y.i
At (tar lamr place. Rrubco V.pkr. agrd of Walplwe h.t -ritiea W the L'oilrd I*
twelrrfrU under t train sod lost hi. Slate. rmbaa.p promtoiag to gi.r tbr | good bargsxzs m Cheap worh
left arm
weloomr Henry
fgj. better hCFSeS.
Lrtotu. a braketaan cmployrd
■ ff.trra. la rrplp. baa
bp tbr Lake Shore A Micblgaa doeW.por of PorlaBOBlta tor
1 R R-. wtallr romlng from Toledo
lUr. wbKta be will oot
a .pn-'el freight, met with aarrioa.
<l to vrsabiagloa
One rpnn iirowii mnn-r.
aceldral br mlu eg bi. bold aad 1.11-

aaa ta.on) tw..orel .Ump." The
moorp In tba roll aiaoanlad to (900.
Trv Wrataol Try (krala.O;
Oaa week ago Mr M.crp boogbl dduo Tbe .tore Ud> made a fraaUc attempt
■rorib of aumpa Mr. Maorf.
flr» la the .tore wm tarowe upon We t.r pi... ri rui„ tu. ruiiarr. ■», an.t u
panr It doing a rati aaioaal of a,
laa. erttiog her cioWm oo dm. Sb.
■5.Ti“n*S 'h‘L“u“r.
tblog Cn tbr lioe of MBdIeg out latter.,
•TM bwllp lojared. bat will rrourer, '
ui a wk. .m a.r.. uai n u aWr from
and tdrcuiar*.
aad hrreefI^I wbra »br tbrowa tbioga '
“'a T— p^^iV^
At I'oaiiar Wa badliw' l.ibrarp
-ia Wr .tore aba will make sore
.~i &
bpW u, ui

i th-the dog U. aad tbrp
■ Tju dog. 1a
Tber. tha I'li.r and tbr ladle, c'aiin tbrp eae
oollecl tbr anilra laa. while now oal)
aboat plou per .apuru i. laroed la.
Prlaon- r. la
,t J.„
learad aakleg prao.rahoe. I
the boildlagep wit!, dpnaui'.te • Bight
or two are

Pri.-ex B-ithin r.-ru'b nf all.

We rm:u. grabbed We ob.tinaw io» Uiat 6 VBF cams to towD.
Assortmeiit fori
brat*', bridle, wblakcd blm off tbr,
freight train track ja.t a. We tram wb tx«l b, and 7 U all.
Dotl t Wait fOF Rliy aUCtiOD OS I Can]
foood the bodp -bicb was fear-1 tbee qaleUp n.d< on <

loe.udoo S»ar-.'i land.

in W.ul •


no^ L.mbarte.lle iBoead to Pblladalpbla a few d.p.ago. sod bafara going
be .laagbterrd Ware pet <*<«• BSd foor

tulip mangled bp We care


a* rli.-.ii and Ueiit ili-lti. Mill
Judlcloiu BaytsC
U o"p aucewaa.
Ark fur nor .-yrra >r*Hi> v
RInrk Vrietr
.nirn.-lt:l.l>-.rH...II fur #7 50.

Eagaoa Ttippar. whoUaadonr Pilot,
aa foaed dead Suodap otoreiog on
the C. A 0 T traeka al Hrlmop

fmee. which tbr conn, daeided

t ertmoBlrel Tyboe Dai

Gtl Inn Wilier Foomeii Hot.
Eieriilliiie In ail Frisk.

aad j )bb»r«
Tharr U to laucb walrr la tba awai
Id piacaa that ooUiirK
ba door.

trtiabthafarBmof that ricirllr
usbiatoakieat a pmS'. atdiua
tBpaar for tbr
parpoae wfli ba bapaa aaxt weak.

Toro Baa large aaglaa ban b n abot
wme niat diriag tba laat ireak
a aip radanaoD of Woaaa'a

mts taaa Ombi OHC ectrr a CmTrMs-MirB Ml Baary MM*a«a.

of a baMiag. and sow Aaa
While plekleg applaa ea bla farm Warmer ol taadaBatl, bM gtraa U
ear Decalar. M v Witter, aged TO. Uslnmllp dtoek ralaad at for
fell from a tree braaktag bla lag Bear
(be b'p aad »a.-alaiBg otbar aarloaa la-.
Madew Uardaa farm. laAagBata.Ga..
laria.from a hich be a>ap dU Tna accl- tha old buma of Ueurga Waitem. eoe of
deal bappaoad aboal 10 a. m. bet ba tba atgaer* of tba daclarmtioa ol lada>
wa. oot fooad' satU ■ p. m.. at wtaieb

iral-p a.rttaBLbeaetr b’aad In Lake Miebigae i>
Laai aprlap a Marlattr ladp
ike aaation wittaualaralaf or a lamilp
■at eoetaielap tbirteao S'***f eblidiTB wltboet (atbar or mother
aad aa tba paraat bird did apt ahow
The people feel ilka aUBagera |e tbcU
c>alB> tbrai mba eat Ibroi oad.
0-0 0. m ., .loca Pr. Peter Uallagbar.
ol bar baaa Tba wbclr tkld^a batrb- We raler. prteau )adge. adeltor apd
ad oat aad wrr* bnsorbt ap bt
frieed of Ibe i.laodrra. 1. dead.
pie oflhr hn'r s«*' trie
badrul. d wi.alp sod wall for ihiripMl b-«a. bat tba diri diaagritd
two Isog pew. aed tab ooople are dl.>
ibrs aad tbrr di«d aeddaa di
e iaaolate orrr bit lom.
Tta otbar aatra profitod bj tba Teak
The last of the .taka', prwprrtp b.a
of thrlr bntbero. aad ba
haeo raaoeed from Caoip Ktloa.
attalaad fall prowtb. Thaj
jiiho Karl, agrd 93.' went laaaae aadfrarlrat aa can br, racrpi
deolp at Aartw and m
wbra do,r» ar* arosnd
>o t ai^ii bl. m ilbar aad 1.1
Utaaral Alpar atlll owa> a larpr
w been Mot loaa ..plan.
laoaotDl tlBbor la tbr
Wi;il.o RaadaU. a fora
f thr atatr; alan loanr
bop. 1. eow n
acrraufwilil land
leading scroOa'. of. Am-rlca. and
I'oirVrlDr in Uicblpaa- <
1* toariog witb a comp.op lo PraDcr.

aroaad bar homr oo crovba..


Wi^ prAatrme at^ ^ b<^ pi^^ai*

A few «raaka ago Brlgga A CiaamlBgbMB of ClaelBBBli. gmaa Mu.oou
of thBclBBaU lor

rmmt ‘

Vtod Joaaa. a baatar. weat oat Abb
dap with a partp fioa Sapiaaw tore
SwB ba«L A Larpa fl -rk w^t rajaad
la tba aaelar of tba partp. all .k wtlop
at OBca. aad Mr. Joan rMrirrd a
abarpa la the face aad
WMrapirtad tad.p that ba will raaeaa. A paar ago ba waa aboi ia the
•MM ■■BBor lo tba lag. fractariug tba
bJM Bad Uplag bla apaUaodtu
A boo ponsd bear waa kUlad at K.tap


AtmkIaigbtThdWUpa dar aa tba
Uaa nmaimt tram Ba<
Haata. a aabarb.WM hM V bp a teat
of robbers, ehaa to tha (Mauaaa
MB. Bearp paaaaagar ia tba ear -M
BP bla haada ai.A tba
Iblaraa Ibas teak tbair raiaal

caoM of h * .irang action Brebaa
grid. Laeaard Ynber. ol K-r*.
tb.ia. ba eioldo'i keep bl. pai
Poiisdelpoia and learad Wrp might
Haed.p m trolag
Ur wa. a promieaat
fall isto Wa baod. of ookiod panett
farmer aad oaiia waattbp.
be p-alerr«l to kill them
tVtalie oot booting a pooag toe of
At Arg ntlar. Kaa.. Rajah, a big clr«l a 8BBa perabaaed b; JaoMa Uraeo la
Bichard Erart-. rtf llrookipa. bad aa
ItfT la Eaflaart It !• ol otalacoa wood Corllt-AalB-of oiuwa dtalloo, raCB. alepli.Blin wialarsaarlaro.aaaapad
naarip blows oat bp a defactiep
BBraoBBUd witbabaaTr kaob owde ol oaoUr foand a dUwoad lea tpool
and tor b.lla dap wa. monareh of We
tarr Bad i -wa. Tbeo be wei
• wbalab tooth.
ijw'ib the K.w fleer aad
nqr OrBbam. ol CBIIIorala. Bcanob fUp'd-. i--walar for tio. Tbr disw-ied
waa prubablr eooeaalad tbrra for
p onkad in bellau lew btt b>idp before
Im-d down aooMb W ..| iw him■MBU BBd apsB 'rrtersiac. (oand bla anaprliop
that tba fljrkt of
self w ba rrtskaa. lie won't die from
artla apoB the Boor dead dba bad:
kaaa 1b apparaatif pood baalib.
(^orgeT AbreT I. oego-d that daatk rraullao Ulrhipan «> tbr fall bare b>«B >
l>r. Wm. P. BeU'taaogb. a denil.l. ef
by tbrirabaroca Tbr Albion II.ling with Olio partlea for Wa aur- Pori Brpaa, HI., la la a Mrioo. cmdifreaa laUp depaomaUoa of tba baart.
Mirror Mp> that out a .iaplr t x-k baa ebsM of fortp acrea of laad oe tba ootSaowtarp Baker, of tbr atatr terd barn DOtIcrd ib Ibal aaetloa. waara at- AlrtioIWUeiir. aodartrbicfaareax- I tion a. a reeallof prank, plaprd up>o
odboaltb. aoaadaa waralaf la rapard oali.r ibap eaa br eouolad bp dic-o>. ten.iee b*d. of earn'at. Tba bade are IbliB while belog Ini l.tad laafratema:
l<ataraac- lodge.
Ujner the caretaanau-pok. ^TbU la tbr ae«a»
.At Ba-lirp daraoea i> >old. apnd t>. lea feet In ttaiekama. aad tha ceaieat ' moaiaa be wa« blloJfoided and gieeo
paarwbaa It floariabaa. Pour atatoa wbila altamptlep tn clioib lalo a platqaalltp A o-mcDl faewrp
aaearal e ight .b'Kk. from a lire wire,
*a« bare lu' laoUdlac Hi.-bbraa.
form wapoo whUno m->tloa. bad bl> will be
lo attempting W aeuld lU tba doewr
bu to cam It la of a wild ebaractar
lem emp'opmbrokaa ia ibraa plaaaa ab ira
fall bead. dr.t down apon Wa taailar;.
apdan tba mm daaparoaa.
The WallerawlB .hlrt eotopaap. of receielsg a ebock which raedered bis
dpM all phralclaaa to npon doabifal
Alb.oT. S V , wbo bare a lo-rear eoe- aaoonri-ia. and o.raipcad bl. right
r LjwrM o
. wbo rmiMd
dana to tba atala board of haoUb.
► of cabbapa
PamIp.U of
->t tha loBla priaoD. al
rtmakiap. •. ,
AtOraad Harmb.aaraa patooaa wrrr
a wbicB riant lha aufferar <
Ha aad bltfamllT propiar to
oOBtauplatlnp tba r
pabtoia br driaklor cidrr. Tbotr ararp laat ooa of Ihroj thi. wlntrr
tlra ba*lnrM fmm Saw York to loaia i
.. _.......................
aarioBilr 111 ani Miaa Uiaaie M-Xi-al.
HIu Wmaia 8-^-ff -r o< l'
I A* ir, paarxild Tlllia Uaitbaw. wa.
doba Wajleoa aad fail wife. Mr. L U coaolp. 1..1 rlcliiB ol tbr p*
NBaarTiKc^OT Clark Ilea lo a critical | po bar wap to aebuol la Traaioa. N J
MaotA aad Haaa’a. Uapar aad Off aab. habit of throwing baoaaa akin>
ooodltlnoal hi. farm. lo mllea aaai ol .he >aw a boraa twikiap oo a railroad i
ailed tba Bar Viair faotrl Tbadoctora
naat. ivnu'Jir in IJrmoiJ BM>ld» Baatoo Harbor. Clark wbila adjo«Uop I track le Oadwallader park, ratiiaiop Uj ;
alBta that tba aider eootalard aa orrr- 1* ra.p.toifUr f.>ribr a-oMant to Iba priodiop luill ailoalrd arar tha root , badge dmpita tbr comblaed .fforla of '
^aaol awabloaref acid. Tba eaaa bai
of a larpa bam. loat bn fooilag. falltof
■ a 10 tbr crriegr. who w
baaa raportad I > tba poor food coianir
Hia raeorery ii doablful.
tune alnr.1 la.t wlotrr to more to the fl.»r

^rlapb flaoda aa foa-bteak la lo Oa
baOtafaw roda aortb of tba bridpa.
It will ba loipoa.lbla tor a aaka of i-a
to peat oror tba break wltbont brlap

Mi are Doing a
Land Office Businessf


13i*). agoud draft or


I toe peir ritra nirw. oo- merr and
d nr
nnr h-mar. choiloal
irs old, bln-ki Uailt. Wrigbt t‘M. Pii.

1«, b-r-.. -ivbi WO . nio. dri.-r

iiiariwaoiab case.

'■A''ceRiAlSr’AMD TDatTITROTa*

'r.... ,.f.;


m .er-.l,, r-rwci,

.M Uw .. .






ninglr or
„ Pr.VaTffli'Sra'.^f
vr.VK,‘l.''A'’IE'iK,*l‘'.^,'S ■'ilf Sl.“jrel'=SHSS

Writ brutr In w..rk in ell bar. *T«*iTryp|T*OTBm
riZ> trf

A good hay marr. wrignt JSKt sot old. all aoaud. Prtrr MiO

A good cbimp pair of brar, work hormm.


» mm.

m»w a7*Sa«!%Ap
Ksaaiav Mg*. retbammwMwea M

iMMl v»rM«iwi >•-•>. I—* rvoi.fci M a.*M am. awoM <> maicoma daeiBm.
1-• -

Prioi. »100.


“o—' -■> -»<*


B. J. MOBGAN. 1 Hs.i.tiN.nittTEiniM.MnBN.KL v,

sMe«ktoM«.B«Mr O.
«IV, abMt • o'aloek
Hr. U<Mh»
«al bl«oUboM»lOU

' Hm ttatr kMiMM.

p MM (ha toM iliMIPt
M «k«
«k.q h; Hnmar Fiaai4. 1 h; B.
Arbm. Boe. n.—The aalieadtp
ta rta. a( (hk. aa aaatfaato ffmh Pl
Obakawap. r b: KaOe Baraom. (t
laethaU team aad ew leotant^'
h It traa toaldad farsat tto baildito
thofa wkUi« to witaaaa tto ea
ttoJUatrfarltoaaoaai aaoaMbad wea atop oa aseoaat to e(
sd. Thk aaUoa araa aalkfaaka
■caltor. aad darlac (to tame tbep
laaaaa aad to at oaea paid i
cad aot di fa (to raad alaad aad
■aatto* raat fa
take ehaaaae to trerxlac. bat are fa-


^ •Hatapr.atd.iaUlbr^
lIrfaU r«sal fa
- «B ^-^1- (to wtol«al« orton M to (to lead.
baabla(to bdaaa. ato
toitoto atoato. Bnet (ton H CnM
rlf sad took Um
''■-Mar H HnwdlX fOoAt.
Taaadar afarafa* to

--------i, _ Cktowe
plafaad to kk afaMseh. bat (bara wa
iwtol to I
Aboat Bias
e'doah Hr.
<ada (rlapboaad at

St vato uUI toUUIckL Ttar «
tto oBsa (hat kk falhar wm ataob
sM MUl mm* to Itolr
atotoforatoaoaUraaab boMa
to nirlirr eoaU (to (toUiiiwfar
totol^fODtotoprarldto. to((to(
Tto faaara) aaratoM arara
taptoilM* U aaa;
to U
Ik Morslar at n p’aloak. at
(i-. TtotoaaaotolUes I* raponto
tdeaabanr ebsiah. aad (ba barlal tr^
titoUtoltoneiU-aadlhl. toi
I Ito Ocdaaabart eaMawr wbara
itolruy to —(tototo- I» ““
a (to »»iaa to (to (altbfal wlfa
ttofeeWrta^«r. totor rbo diad eaarir aaaae jraan afo.
H«an*to toakV
ud ito 'ooaral aarrlart .rfa ooadaeiM
R,. A. Wall to Old HlaafaeBtkba P. Udd waa bora la Waat
trtototo tora afaad dartaf (to paat «•*
y.. uar

(to((tolae(tto((toraUaa toa«aro(
satoafa^t^*^'^ afaUaitora
to. Ttoi* toa la^toto a ooa«'------whtok prcBipta caplta.Uu ta plaaa
(totr Macr la chaaaaU to utoa
Hantoau aad ■BaaBlanerara i
SM ato taiatod prodaeu and I
raaall H (bat (to eoaaur tuday
aaptotoaetat Ito toa( Um kao.a la
jMia Tbaa aetoUiaBa Mato (bi
aaaCaaUradaMparapoB (ha (raa
aarttoatr which waa cBcndaaaaabatUato far ito praaaat aymtcM, '
t protacdto tariff
ta adMtatetratioB
Ito (h«<a leraaa>aa.i tbef dr-

<Xto«aclat«ffBraa oa (to «M
aaaaitod hr Hr. Na.ioa. eaaatj dark.
traaaalKto aaaaUaa axeapi AbitIm.




S .
n*aU(r tor Hr. HUUkaa. «M0.

three moatto' preparatloa bad beu
d It was BOW tlate to proelde eepp
Mo arraaremuu torfaf beu
•o uppip oopp books wits the
free text books spelom to faqaircd
wtotbar tto pepik were to to reqelred
3 (arakb ibelr owe oopp books or
laet tor (top were to to ooaddored as
part to tbe free text bodi apelem.
m moUoB ol Ur. Hoore it wu dedded
that each books were to be deemod aa
free text beeba
Hr. Bohod ealled atfaatloa W tba ia
ad.qwta bsatiBK fadiluea to a portloe
to the Uek Perk la reepooae
Ufaqairptopeneteedsot Orawaaiaiwl there waa laeaffloeBl radkllos le
>ol ibebolldiair sod

aaaiaau Baad tor (to •rfaur with
wttb Me farhaaaa.

Thar ai

a ato Ihtor Maada wUI to
> Irara toltolrtaod <

Mr Headar aorafae UC Blahartl aihe llaaa ahoat thraa mUas aM(b
ato aaa( to WUliaatorr, teat hk bars
' ato Malaata br tra. It traaaal dkaorarto HU ahea( eaa a-atoto aad (baa (to
ViUi(rsra)aa(abaa(fa fall faaad It
«rfa(aalaUfaaatoausbto aartbiar
Ba kto aboal all hk iMpUasaakalfa a

fa (bk laMa.

Park, Boe. n.—Al (bs reqaaal to (to
so fafalaamlaa lodap peadfac
(loaa from Hadrid Tto dale to (be
aut meetfap bae aot pet beea toed.
Tbe poetpoaemul k reorded aa,a
boptoal afaa that (to Ueatp will be
dfaed. (rmie (be Madrid poeera:
baa aot reoeiead (to last of tbc Ai
caaaltlasaum..tba hpaaiab mlal

aaeb itolr lateatiofa. The betisL eras
ooeBdeaUp capreased bp aereral of tbc
rUu commleelooen lo tto Ana.
elated Pnee lodep that before tbe ei.
plratloeof tbe time fixed bp tto Ameri
ceae, aamaip. Uoadap aext. Ue Bpu
tarde will aeqaieere In the Caned
dtatce’ Paillpplae offer.
Tbe oootee which'M micro
preddeot of the oommneloo. wU

I WlVIle^L.^ MWlBterWnp.

larrelp iaatrameaial fa the more rapid
deaelopmeal Of tbe Prolaiala. Hr.
re than oedlLtdd was a mu ol (ar
aarp fatallrcleal aUlitp.
peoalaeet fa tbc earip bUlocptolbe
ooaatp. He'ear
tkor of bk fawaoblp. waa (or (uar
paara ooaatp aaperleteodeot otaeb
aad held otbar miaor o(U xe He
(altbfal lo rrerp troel. ud after a
lit* al aeUrllp ud oaef aluese be laarra
tto world better (or baelaf bera la I
ud a Ibooaud pleaaui meaorlea t
mala with (he (rteads who are left.
Tbarc are «ee ehlldna. Bmmor(
B^tcrol Deeds ot Craod Traeer
eooatp; Jadaos. wbo k a arofraaor
HoptColIa^ HoltaDC. Hicbfaae; Ura
Kmreaa M. Soodeld. of tbk dtp. Hka
Jatala. who la with aer brother B«;
arar, mad Mia. Charles D Pkalpe. ol

Bfaekmu ud (amtip to Ninth
street, are ufariatafaf the famUp of
Ure. A r, AadwBim ud her alercof
Omeaa.-----------Mrs. Cole ol Cadillac, k tbe fasat
tor aeal. Mrs. James Bbiraof East
Hka Beeaia Loadoa relaraed Uoadap
Blfht from a wtek'i rkit w|<h ber aktmr al Orud Rapids.
Hra. L>ak Cloatierof Baal Klatb
atreat left pseterdap (or Orud Rapidt
lo apead todap with lalatleea
Irrla C Blllinfa came np from Urud
toplds pesterdap to apead Tkuktfielaf with hk mother aad akier.
Mrs. b U Uloep ud Hra L Polmafasr left tbk morainf (or a ekit lo
New York Clip aad Poafbkeepale
Clasdc Paleer. laitracfar fa abort
hud. want lo Bammlt Clip last eee
lar (or a short elalt with hk paruia.
Hra A V. PHedrtBb ud son Spaeldlaf
leftMoadap (or a ekit at Ladloflao
Thep will tsmxfa eatll after Thuka
Hn. P- E Whit*, ot Wlllkmaborf,
u'dher rorei. Ura. U P DePnp. of
Abb Artor. were la tbe clip Moadap.
Hra. DePap will aooa leare for Jaabsstown. K. U
Hr. ud Ura. A. 0 NIcbols aad lltUr

daefbter arrieed last alfbt ftom^wfad
Raplda. Tksp were esJled here
IllBsasof Ura. NIeboli' father,
(iarland ol Weit G«bth street.
Dr. C «. SiBf
ooB for Loa Aoi
• make be borne li
taiore. Hk phpalefaet e<
cided fa reiala (be Hell
seek a milder climate, c
(be eebool baildCain at a reafal of IK bit beallb.
per pear. At tbc laat meeifap of tbe
William Heltarr baa foae lo Detroit
board a
(oloiaUra Bslian ud (beir daefbur
Co. to p
Thep will epead Tbaaksflefair
tto foeaU of ChpulD Joe Nlcbokoa.
keeper of tbe Detroit Hoesc ol Oorreceebook.
tloo. ud who k u old Mead of Hr
tbe matter back to the boare for Beltaer.
aetloa. Tb* reetill waa a redaelioa la
of (to Bell oompaep aad the
daekloe aofad
allowed to tbe amouat
of »t.U« hi.
bp tto pocof mea fa Hartaofb'a toll
The report of Citp Tnaaarer
fast eeeala*.. There were eboet
bare abewed a balaaoa la tbe ir
Bplse preaeelud welu ud twooa Soramber Itt.. of (M.IU.K.
step followed la qalek aaeeeaakm
toparlDteadeat llrawB roported the
to aoereeldenl taitioa
moaDtlBf to (inti,
tto laiTfat
moaBi.-olircied tbk pear.
eat to park
Tto ealce of Icxt bookt for tbe
bathe fc
to .S'oeember acmpaled hs-ao aad the lTde)opab1c
recalpw for fioee foe damapn
Amoaf the feaeta from eat to Ito
meaaiod fa $4.ii
tp were Hlie Cbastefbam to CharleTtoderk repuriad that the Swtokib! eaU.B.C BUIlBfaof Orud Rapids and
saa to Aamrka ooeid aot pap Ua Hr. Wrifbl Blf Bspida
ameaat of reetal taed at tbe preeloaa
tbe BM to tbe Siau *i
A Buattfel Stales
prlmarp balldlsf for lodpe porp
dalardsp Falbar Baasr ef bv PceaeU: «I.U per mFella(. Mr Baaae
ekebareh itoeleod sbaai ' '
(aamber o( (be aodatp^ preeui a»d of (he ‘-SaCTed Utart to J
Sfafad (tot aa (be sodetp Wfa
pises k besaUtallp emk
white, red aad fold aad ici

Ua. 1( k flee (eel a«b(. fa^ fa
Mato hk
It ead will (era e eal^M aad
per pear
Blaalee aaetotbe balldiar. with (be toltoeherck Tbe pedeetal k befaf
axeepuoa of whoa (be dtp reeelred
- bpttoJ.B OreaiebOa.
•m*. aarthsew Japaa. are iwpartid It lor
I etalee will ka eaeallad aad
ot Ito board Wfa that bleamd aex( Saadap, Wth .aaUma
tbs ob>sei al tto aadatp eraa a wertbp

iwrely four boora pnor to uiliop
‘The rTfimeel (or Uaricl .bo
laed at that
Thr other t
abosld lud al Uaraoa acd proceed
ibcir dealioauoo by rail. Tbe rise
tloB oM'inar del Rio by ibr Saokb ■
tooombkled by Urc S and ibr IrOop. j
aberc dratfesied •nuuld reai-b Ibcir
dratlnaUoa by I)<R' «. or earlier.
Tbc brifadc take as uoeb of m
wafoo iran.porisUoa at poe.ib'e. and
camp and farriauB nicipafe. ihcludiof

Aa esplodoa fa a roehet faefarp a
Nlkuleief. Ramla.>faalfad fa the death
of SI emplepaa.
Afeot Pollock, fa kk reeut report fa
tbe letertor Departaut dcelaree that
the Oure ladisfa are tto weaUblcel
people per capita oa earth, uo are

Tbe oew Japaoeae mfakler to tbe
Ifaited filafae. J Romara. baa stated
pebHc'p tbai J«pu k la’ ipmeaUp
with tbk coaatrp fa bar determfaalioa

This Reason’s manufacture, al prices th.d should be made nest Febniary (if eren
then). But-here are the figures;
15.98 for
Jackets worth'^3.75 to ♦'1.00.
♦<>.25. $7.S5,

"The eommaodiDf feorrml of far
belfs-ic If dlrect«1 fa rep -rl fa Ibr ad­
jutant fenaral uf Ibr aroir the b-.ur.
of deparure ol ee.-b rrfimrol. ao.t
upon bla arriaal at bk dcsiioalloa to
report fa the adJ nanlfrnrral for duty
“Hy eommaod of Major lircerw:
Hilrs. II. C. Corbin. a 'iuUni grorral.'
Tbk bneade kcomraacdnl by KrifadkrCmeralOaf.. andnona'.k of tbc
Piflechth I'chhaylTanla. Third New
Jrrery acd Oor Ucndrrd and Sreund
.Vrw York, all now at Aihru.. .Is
Martel ua sraoori of P.oard^l Rio
It la Ih.ny mile, west of
l.rlof Inward (Ifteeo m Ira
in (reanajay, far ararmt point fa the
railroad liee rannlof fr.m llarana to
Pinardri Rio. which I. IJu mues weal
of Haraaa. and which will br far brad
quarUj^ of (hr American arniy in far

Dieimfahae from Perpfamr.. capital of
i-prearee Orirotal. oa tto ricfal buk of
the riser TcL. report that (be reftoo
bae beea rUiled bp eeeen etorrat
Uaer riUafee haee to«n flooded ud
iraflic U lourTopled
Archies. Hiller, s cirU eafiarer. .i


efso :s pears, slaclc, died ia a hotel la'lL,,..WaabiBfloB Pridsy afleroooa from,

^ ^ ^


r- - > |


Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet aad
ClotUing House.


n. ^


anMimim ^




I Is There a Room
You Haven’t Papered?
There's a window needs a new cortain. That means come and
see our new ^ods. The prices will surely suit


WH-STHas the BEST Flour uu.ic more NEW customers and kept |


iBlscd I
Ibr .leaui.-r Miruuf Taksmi
biokiax far islter la tbrer miuule.
Ilia reported tbsl M" person, wrr.
a t.e<t. but (bat uo wrre drvword
r impart that Ibrsraptaii
tbr am

Jufit received 6.000 Doable Kolia of Hew
Paper. Latest Colorioga and Dealgna.

more OLD t>ncs th.m any winter wheat flour made?
The one word GUALITY explains it all.
QU.\L1TY. first, last and always.


Tbc captala sod ail lb.



Al Ssar.uaw \ lliam Noble, rinpuiy
ed by far Cliol
i'err Ms'-iceite rail
road oiiapany.
Pomuj.a Grmofr
two (rrlfhl can lu tbr ysrl of
’ The anneal m-s«.neol lirand Tra».
company Saturday rrrainf aud t
1 rrw .i'anfr Si 17 w.U br hdd
of blf Irfs cot ciT
Ur will dir
at fae.irsBirr lla'I Tratreae Oiit on
! tViutopfaai S...I riiuradar tbc 'll. and
Auic^i.l I.iloreat. afed «0 yrar«.
• IS .if ll-eli|Ser
whilr buoiiDf deer near ('.at iCoc
Ltforesl Irate, s widow
three cbildfrn
Two younf ■•iildren of IV..IU01 L
rrocr. a (armor lifinf about .u lu
from Ml M »rria. ion with a rrry
eulisr acc.drel rolerday Tbry •
plajlof arouort ,a »lraw alack w
OG( of farm foi oB fap of ii aud i
pr.l off. break.Of a Irf and taliiaf
lo Ibr otbrr. lU arm

of Mr.'.' M

• I Clip...1.0.-,

k retu-iTiOf .
.a bopeak for bn
lirsniJ Raplda <

farm Tbry orarly br.ikr up tbr oey'« '
work b> lakiaf farm into aebool wnb I

yHi-i; i

far ucnn-ship
'mandoiia ru at oor-hall orir
, IV K iiiuai. A '■-> S K siront
Wilbrlm JODCW. rmplotrd
ifrr -• .1 i'r.iol atrrrl
OhSi mms. was in.isnlly ...lad Istr
Saturday sfirroooD. beiar buried unTraTeiM City Harxev
drr s mass of Ustc loasraed hr s bla>l
f u a list of thr bcyiaf .
br bad fir.d
tiu body was badly
bruiard. bui Ibroompanr’s pbr.irlan

Cbrboyfso footpads apparrei’y bstr
fTvat (ailb In tbrir frilow mes. aa
co«p)ro(farmarr»..«iar pmwrr for .

r bm ba*« wo oro f*>at tbe puliHi ipjiniililH
p arr before It food food, at rramrksWy low afaru^
I .ontlncr thr mi .t skeptical Ibal wr are BarfBla IM»rr. Without a d.mbl
Wr know that wr are fIrlBf boBoat ealua Bad
tbe m.-wt foiiHa (.ir ;
And lastly wr faank ■r patrons (or the litoral aappert (toy bae*
scrorilrd u.
Wr nsrr . .me « wr anapt for r m ybk week.
Below are fire: yoa
Ju.- a .mall idra of far freal taiure wo Blaoe .brfon yoe ia eee^ doparlmrnl
heart d-w-i I nlr,
ilU. I w ihim wrrk
... .M
tc roods, for tbk w
Kssi Tufi
Ai; Woj:
(bi.'wrek for
I-adle.' Sqrbl <i..wn.
.1 toil line of' s
I.e.’ ard rSiidrra'i Hoiito ato CftUd-rc'r Ssiujur. a’ '•
...w hysfra.
Met. . i-ood llo.TBe.. Sa
Mrs . rood braty «i ge
fr-r iMm werk beat! Maek.eawr
Mrn'. I*r;t 11 ..w. frw
Ileaty Br..wrr I'mierwr
Mec-. Ultra n-arr Al IVud-rw-a. »'.rfafi, for'fau week!
■-.c Horn, made !u,-k. f. r thu week .
Sfwciarpr.ce» f,.r fa-. rrrk oo Ifadk. . Uksto' and CblUreBii Ckpto.
Clneki and Jacket

rk per &
jt Cork
It Cork n
1 LA.'.

'at'w •


iBf'at far aamr timr that br «idn t [
* ;
tore a ceal- Tbry faoa him, at bia^BoiUr prt ft. DaJrt.................
word aad Irl him fo hk way wifatol Crmmrry Kolfar ft.................
•ehia, him. but If the/ mad
papw, tbyy tor, .into lo«ml oat that j c,„ ^
Detk.ff; A Dandy ei T Kj
-bad Jost beea told lor bk moelh't Pofafacc. prr to........................
Norotsy. I t: IV fiauabaJi I *; E i
rk. and kad acnrly IIM la cash ia 'I
prr bb) .................................................
...................... .........
Thirlby. q b; J. Rarutorfcr r b. bk pockria___________________
Uorkwbeai .......................
C AikB. I b: U J. fbaifaB f b. Sul
arme asTto or taavnax.errr
xraaoaucAlRaff. J JohBaua. A- Tbomu

Wbtoi. tori, per b?^-.........
Wbeek new. per to............
Oak. No. 1. BBT to. (Bew)..
Cora, per to........................
Bye. par to.........................
BBttar. per ft ....................


Youra most Rxioua to plMBf,

. rr ; ONE PBICE CASH STOBE- Tary beld upa mill rmployr , Mto'. H L 4 I'o Heat
tbr other o.fbl aad ordered kim fa Ford. H L- A Co. Brwl-

TtoueepUoBs are. il H Jobaatoa XT' a Ssl.err, PSMW
ebarrb oa earner to Mb u
Buabl* IB cel bare from o d UM
I Ume (o play. CArk Allen will pUy corfa atrerla.
fioaday aereices aa tallowai
(eU bsekABd oa« of tbr so be play ba-f
Prcnchlaf al IBiXO a m. by Rcr B.
iocBl playm^ wil. brubX Bolaaplr to Pcfaakry.
aUtofe (or A Daady
Tto line ep of far tVMaktjr affruffa0 p. m. kj Eto. R.
ito will to BI toiktwei
Artbar PaUfaerpe. 1 r; Paal
lac. 11; Alria Black. I r do Ka.



Two county acbook bor. of Tri
• ba.wbilr on tbrir way fa aebool ac:
lot., r.iund two baft of -bickroa .

fa prodeer dtnth. and says tbr msa
was .mofarred by far slate

liar- *


. farm tbr prrr.ou. a.fbt. hetiBf .loirs ;


for Jackets worth ♦’•.00 to ♦18.00.

X"*.",:;.(i-s'e s-*^ »«^®«s'S's^sw®

Hoodap from Nicarsfua, where be b--*
beea iiaoe lael April.

Ot^i F.

holleil fool ball fame tbst errr happeaed tu Trarctae City.
It k now deSniUly fattied tbsl tbr
Pefaskey B«b scbtsii tmia wi;: br brrr
today tor a fame wnb tb< IndrpendeaU of thu city
A fuaruiy lor the
expeaata of tbr run.of teem baa bera
llbeimlly aa^ribrd by leulaf bus
faeM mea and ofaera iDUresfad ia far
• Bortbem Miehlfae ctomploB.
ship lor loot toll boeora rceu brtwera
tto Peloakcy imm and far oar of fau
eily. ud far wineers of today a fame
'll! carry the the arwacibTto boys from far aorfa arc
player* aad mcBO boaiBras As fa .tbr
local faaiB. little eeed br eatd about
. Tbry ara all la food trim aad
taxioaa (or far (r*y. WHb two
poealble sxsepUoas. Captala Ed. Tbiri-

♦s 95. $10'»5. $11 'i

Came'al oocc—it'll [>a.v you surc^

"The ucarterinaitera drpartmrot lowD.blp. Sbiawas
will pimride far nrooaaary trao»p.irla.
lion and thirty days' (orsfr fur I hr ahwill make prori.ioa for ibiny day.’
aaltable ratlana and the nirdiml ur .
partmeel will pr.iTldr the pr,.pe' in.ul
ical alUiBdancr and aUires

Kot oM toyie^ birt No*.

Up-to-date Cloaks,

aaow efarm with fait faUUacewfaraciacat Dewear

what ibe pbptifiaaa bare proaoBaoed 1
la be ycliow ferer
He bad been .o ,

I'reBHteot Bios seats



It arfU to ptajad up-


Board ol Edooauco
After the mseUap to the board to
fartif, Whaa Itoir dlaorarr
edaealioa last aipbi. Uaeaper Puha
ad to a lapraaaataU to to aa Earlkh »ra
BarTp. ol the Uldii(u Telepbooe Co..
Btaala faapaefad (to etel • at tba caaeada
falDpibedpart for aereral atemben
ato MBda (to tojaaaoffar otdHOhfad)
of (to board. Tbe reaaoa tolbkfea
darn. Bat Ito
eroallp waa the (ul that tbetoard de­

toatod U tto bast that (to a
Ttoj I

■opsptx raeai'acea.

lifbtaekiof a aaoiber of ^Bcetiaot
Kesb oideca (or the acrere! war n
I seksd. ie effect, if the Amcnmae
Tca!llp B>sul that tbe eiiiiaaluu must •ela now beiaf repaired al tbe ('harln. |
” |be aaswarad by Muoosp. The .Spen- town aarp yard were reeeired Raterday Tbreetnar.a. tbe monluir Aia»redtb.t .ocb wa. the
(be matter aad aee (bat tJ
pbilnte, the ermarr Detroit sod the
prttorlp proekfad w
^ neoiber of the bpsaisb cummla. fooboat C-ealiBc. were npeciaHy men
liuaed la the order
sioD todap usgred las Associsled Hrees
There are oow pealinfbefore tbc penthat the aext mBSilof ol taa commksioDcre will take place oo Kndsp or • top ofilue ITS aary irkrlaeire of the
Pruk Priedrteb •
totardsy.aad that apeio't answer ibeo Uaioci claims, and I »tT war oa
will be Uis leal the will make and Ibal aocouniol the war«lih bpala.aoa it k
n. ISIS. Had be lirrd aatU arat Hap
wpMlenfap ii will bea dsfiailr eoaclusioa ' of tbe expected that this Dumber will be ^
be would tore bees M paara o
(rum Bik Raplda
larfclp aarmrotrd aa auoD as tbc ear- ^
hk earlp eblldbood bla parraia
Hr. ud Hia. C. K. Back baeereura. eolBBteer uompaalea are a'uelcred
ad fa Urrkiatar eooDlp. S. ’
falbar w-a. a farner. aad Hr. Ladd ad from Urud Raolda
A. V. Prleoricb waat t > LadfaffaB
Waabloftoa, Nor : -The wxr .le(ollowad tbaloalUaK oatil be «ai
last eeeaiBf fa ekil todai
paare old.
He epeot two peart
Dr Sapdsr sod lamllp will »pud fueral orders lookipf
WbItfalowB. N T,.»amloarp
lloh of the oeotral and
Tbuksfiriac at Klofsisf.
alao rmploprd eone time lo manfa
^Sfal" '
• joonf
Dr. d. D. Ueasos a^t Budsp with eea la Ceba bp tbe
faaal' boat ob tto BHe osDal. batw
troops Ukaafollowa:
Baffalo aad Kew York. IracblBp aebool bk faB Pred at A'ba Arbor.
.Dirrafilaf been
••Commandlpf tieoeral of iheSvjpd
fa tbc wfater. Be ako apeat
Eee. J. PeaDiarloB ud fsmllp will
Armp Corps. Aof cals. Oe.:
Wnh tbe
peara Id market catoealBc at Deltoll. •pud todap St Lake Aon.
l.rp 1»« Carlos Huell. wl
aad worked oa to Bela Babbard
Cbss Bieffeos sad H. Blatbsw of apprucal ol the aecretarp of war, tbe
00 far balllrU'Id. uf loth tb
rirat brifetie Of the Third dirieloo uf
(arm. la KM be married Harp Will- Empire are rkilfaf fa the eitp.
poDr corpe wilI proceed fully cjjipped sod Cl.ii Oar. bar f.rre
Mm. J W. Iraek bai relaraed
martb to L'tlea. .V V . aad (or (ortpAtucrnsu w,..lirrp. died St hi. huuiri^
(wo pean boebaad aad wKe ataared a four daps' skit at Djwsciac.
ud take lu alatlos io Cuba, aa fi How.
arar Rocbporl. Ky . Salarda;
The ' ^
the triaU aad pnesUoaS. ae' well as
r. LlrlBfitoB aad wile to Bnttoas Beadquarlera sod one reCMDcal of m
rod bad been rtpecied lor far frorrmi ,
tto aateeaeee ot a pioaaer life. Ura.
(utry at I'ioar dal Riu. one ref imrot
sp were Is lb's clip pssfardsp.
taa. been er'y low duriaf far part f.-w 4M
Mkses Vua sad Lpdk BieSees to of InfsBlrp at Hariel. oar rretmeot of
Ladd dplar Jaaoacr t. ISM. la tb<
lir was born al Marirli* " . j M
InfaBlrp al (luaoijty. Tbe troop, will
apriat to KK Hr. aad Ura. Ladd same Lalaod-wara rkitor* bars pcaterdap.
M.'rvh .... l-l,
to Old Hlmloa, tbk oouaip. aad Mr
Hks Ella
Bsckas reiaraad emtork^t toeunah ud their more
,..r> by .leam.Blp (Impress *if ^
Ladd alwapa eoasidend ibal plan bli Uoadap from a abort rklt al (^rie- menu will be so rcfolated that no ref
r dwier ic
Cbioe. irll of
home. AboBt dee paara a(o be waa

eios ladiao reaereatloe. ae

aada Moaa .aisn flaitod Ibm a avt to
toatafa4to]r«ck. LrriBMda a efaaa
taapMOoB to (to haafa aad fa hla aa■daqaasUtr to ftod.
■aatoapad It oat aad faaad faUr a
^aarttotoitodaaalitodlB dsat aad
«MaUaana(a Ba raportod hk dad
tahk hratkw WDIism sBd u«attor
-ttor siakad eat nxMaa elalaa aad
fraparad fa apaad (to .faur oa Ua

aroold aot to abla fa

fa (to pfab to oeadluea.

Madrid. See. «t.-Aner a m
tto eabUM eaaaeU fadv a mfakler
aald (bat aotblap daffalie I
ddadeattoMbjeetof peaee a^otia-

tbel pnlonlap it was Decemarp lo dle-

IWetodal aaatoaa to TDlaaa
ttoa»ae(ttotoSgT. »th. far rapi
Mltola (to ai^ lacialaurt fartto
•nto Trarana dtatriat tora tore ratottod hr Ooaatr Otork HaMoa. aad
PMtar HeHallaa Hall
Hratoltoavaa.. ina
aerarelp lajarad la a maewap aorldeat
Laalato.............. m
aad alaee tbaa bae speat SMalderabli
. Bitoto............. - ws
fa tbk dtp wtib hlaaoB.
raone pean a^ter bk arrleal el
PInUir far Hr.
Old Ulealoa Mr. Imdd wu oa tto p
aat BUk (aim. Be ttaea elbared
A laUir jaa( raaaitod bj Baa Uaa Ito (arm sow award bp W. A. Marn Url aad WIIIIbm. ahall. aad aboal so peart apo be boapbl
Ms Ml tora laal atolar with tto fdd (ha (arm adj ueiatr the pr
toMtlar partr far Alaska, hriaffa
afaad. la tba aarip peart
toarfah sirlka hp Itoaa (.o faaila. bare Ur. Ltdd did moeb fa
rere tto
toaaptoBtotoih ttoUkaoirB fa ihu opeolBf ep fa market of t
ttoaa(a«TratonaOltT sae latl hcra
far (to Doadlto aad (roa SeatUa
•asUf toaehad Oamea «(;. Fraa
*h«a (tor BMda aatotol praqa
tsan aad daaUr raa ah ad a polat fa
Afaaha.)aa(M(to ItoCBBadfaa tfaa,
ItoaOlaa aertfaitoM to DawasB

tokaa oa tolldfafa ato r
thattothaWOOtoprepr adkptto
sfd ato aa •vmA mmc ithP the
alir aeaaell. aa acfian
•U4 to had baaa aapiadad apes (to
Ml to (to Oaatial
Oa MoUea to Hr. Hoara eaa
r fa ito dtp boat
. Meffaw to iba
X oafaf fa (to
. to Hto Warasr. oaa to
Mr. Wikoa had baaa ap
pofalad faMporarllp fa ffU tto raeaaer.
As It waa uplataad (tot Hka Waraar


Tlfad fa eecae daWB eo Ito field aad aaa
oearp pdat to (to Bama. 8aoi

Ttie New York Store,

Olh an.l Union Su

A. W. M. DvpoL

Horses For Sale!

U I have just received a car load
■; of fine horses. They will weigh
1» from 1200 to 1700 pounds each.
Call at Brodhagen’s bam and
inspect thentT
You can g<
get horses cheaper of
Kke K;

RStoT^l^to;::::::::::.' .'.■.aofaB



tViATlirii wmt oot bsMtac*

. mss’abtaiyHo. iasdar.wlUhaeoi
laoasmiaodtbo|sl tba maal^


State Bank.




wbml ssd foaad that ll ww all Is s
pronyfeod.aoodlttae. wHh tba--------- '
thmo(tbataddla.whtab ta vary aiaeh
w<m ^ aosatasl aaa.
ti katosi
Wm BoWaaoe. from wbgm It waa

Mrs. H. A. Mtas e
> yiPM, iaM sosih adtha swiam
L W. Barroaa. ■
apapar «s • Hadtatsa ssd amvary.’
ToemtaM yeara of ay* asd bta
"Cara of tha alofc at boms................
kndataSi. Mr. Fysskd taasa adiba Ormsd Bapbda sfll hats ib
aafaj et of ss IstaroMlSf
msaalsrmanofthtaDouty ssd' sank IS daUvar asd «sbs m
Hem. C K Bank.
Mrs. A. W. Faeb
wlllytfwaislhsa "DIM.'' Hra.
Hosday ovoalsf Hr. aad Hm.C H. Prsu mUl
Taaaday stybt a maddisy fsHt waa
sarpriaad by aboat forty
baU atlhahoaaa^alhrya sambar
TaMsrilsya Hsppy Wsddtsy
frtaoda. Tba aMspaay mat at tha
a( frtas^ from kba ally aa] lyad U asd
Os# of the pnutaa* mairisyrfc of the
waa that whtah )aisad Htaa Has
tba yamta waa tba Boyi' Basd wboaa
Oolllsaof Ibta city asd Hr. William
daaaeoa which W
addad to the plaaaare of tba
. of Bk Bsslda.ta Ki. Frsseta;
laaUea comatai.

ebarok yaatarday



M«G W.

fmkaMDfi <«nMd ih» Kor<«>


IlM Faramra' laautaM, of HaolatM
MMy. will ba bald it Bear Bake. Uaiipkiir to. tl awl H.
ara tba dataa oa

Tba ptMoSlaa wUl ba o|m
(ramlaaia* a. m- aad frum
« ^ m. Ooa daltaarp will be a
BBitMa is tba altoroooa-


New Court Boaae Cuniraci
Buuek -Pa/ Din'
H ua^y afuraooa 1
Hn-J. O. LaBC<eorlta7 Ircelvad a
rzaeatad witb Coetrselov J.
iattar Huodaj from her baabaod. who
>e. who ta bu'idlar tha ooaBiy
r loeaUd oa the Koliao river, a
. hoaav. aad Cbairmao Brown of
bfaocber thvCopevr river lo .\ aaka. tha buotd of aaparvla^ra aad Coahiy
Uark .VcwtoB
Tai bbiaaca due aad ayravd to ba
lid u> Coatractor Ulbsoo by iba aailf a modaetlj rich
pemeore. Si.jtl ia. waa paid to bim
prnapn tof eomio( oolul tbr p>ld
The bond
Svlda eriib a coislorlabla foriaae.
bviQf S30.000 aad
Ura Ldac>or^7 aevaral iar(v
eacrvla aad aaaplea of the fnld dual
•vfaicb ha ia dicfiac oat. aa ao avidaaca
of bia anceaaa He atalaa that ba baa
a intauatia^ lootlay aad
(oar ciaima alakad out aad baa bvea the work oa Ibv
ibv bulldlny will bi«iB
biyia aa
■Blaior Oilb fraat aucoeaa tba prealar
weaiber will parmli in 1
part of tba aommar.
Ha alao deelaraa apriny Tba c >Dlraet providm ll
(bat tM.Oiu would oot buj bia clalma.
airnctare la tu be complvted by
LaBSWortb7 Ivft tbia CI17 laat Svpamber Brat ia«»
apriat with tba laiTV Rold bualing
BSrir boBBil for tba Kiuadiua aad
Buuaaaa Cbanyaa
Alaakaaod bia friaade will ba pivaavd
Tba City Nvwa Sued haa ayalo
bear of bia pond foriaaa.

Tbs msaials to ba (tvea Taeaday
sasslscattba borne of MlaeCraeforo
mIO baaaary eharBlncairatr. htary
•M ta Isailsd to aitasd tba aBWrtats■iMsSdaaadmiaakia fee of leieoty-


turardfrom Caiemyo. where bv laya
lb> ebaooala uf trade a«a yreatly
la all tba Sftaac yvara :o
which ha baa made rayular vtaiie al
fraquaal lalarrala to Cbicayn. be deyraateat 1
arer aewa
arv ruahv'l
10 yal factbvaam'c

Jume of baaiaam bv
Tbv yreal wholvaala houava
wlib ordvn aad it la inpoHaa In baodiv Ihria. wblU
Bdlioavziata uc Iba raili>f Cbicayo -Wvatara


aaiiafy Ibv
Uuc axtau IB thr rvuil tradv aad ihr

prrvalliDK times that wfailv ia yv«ra
ooaplv. aiDuay
ly ihamJ bau
paal tba damaed haa al ways bees vary
liove, crockery,
>ry. china a
beavyat <hia aesaon. Ihla'yaar ilia
other articlea useful aad beaau'ul.
d'fU.-uit to Sad maoy - familire who ara
Tbrir eateadiM circle of friaada will
iaI aelaal
ttoiu with (ha family of tba bridr aad
(room la wlabloy them a foiara ol aa
peita ol Ur* AdaUa U White.
Hra Adrils H tVbila. wife ol Joba alloyed happlecaa.

S&tisiartioTv &aaTa'^Ut4.





KLoatij 'SatV li .'MDaaLtA.

"BVatV "Boude C,a.v®<


"iVibet "inmmti
C.oV\av aa4 TroaV,
3a\.V Sojecy,

ii ao\ riq\i\
lot laaVt it TiqbV.

6pta '^tadaq
aai Satnrdaia SotaLaqa.


Mr A. C. Tb.iisaa. uf
Tvi.. baa foune a ui .re t
labiv di
onvary Ibao ba> wi bwD
Klobdika. For yvaru hv
told acoa.r Irooi niDiumptiuu. a.
paaivd by bvmontiayw; mod wav
lolvly eurvd by IV Kiqy'a Nvw II
ary lor Coatumpliuo. Courh« aad Culda
Ha dclarva tbai (old Iv of Ultla value
la compansoD with line marvrl.iuv
cure; would haw it. a>vo If It cats


asmmmm nimmmmmm'nmmm'nmTnmmfflmmmK





Kitiy'a Saw I
Uun. Trial k
aloraaaf S. E.
Svyular airr







A onoyb la aol 1


, iraarytoaa. la os bf rauedi ukiayi

la aooaer a A-ooyh or cold ia caavd '
loot harm lo iba auff r-r Iba bal- I
Unyvrior culda ara danya ooa I


preveata crachiny a( the aide* near
the aola.
A almpie remedy
wfelcb ovaroomca a lony
auadiay defeci Is




:frank FriedrichllB

rera quick
o each a m


A Large Assortment at the ^
Lowest Pricss in the City f




"B\1&ViL66S vs "P\ls\v\.Tt5 Ms.



White of S'irn. died at bar borne 00
Pieaaasi Hoaioal Recital
TWImttvtBC day aarncaa eill ba raaaday Llrbt. N ■vembar tl. after a
b^ at tba Lplaoopal chorvh at lu.lo
a mamoara of bUlar Eiaasota
S. m. bpaeial maale baa baao prrimrsa. lime feared would leaslt laully. Tbb tbualc clam rave a vary plvacaat rmltal
•sbyactot tbaaarmoB. ' HaUasai CbarMooday avealey la tba moaic academy
bv ooaveBL Oc Teolb alraaL
larya rive ' of (riaoda Ibroayboel tba
Every part waa nicely yivea aod nllo
in. tVbila waa a
yvtber It was a very picacant aSalr.
h-a «
cbrUllao Ilia
and frivnda of the pnpita
clav .•alsiay Ilybi eaoeaivodvr radlIra B. Hawaaa
voca madv (lad all apoa which il aboea. warapreaaaL
asasalaaiaa bardi
Fullowny s tha prayram aa raaBas.
Hr. Hawmaa baa b»i(bi tba and wboaa leduvoca waa far raaeblhy
bardwar. latarmuof hotb Hr. tVyo. bajoad tba knowledyvof Ibv ilfv tbai
DOW la Ool.t vlvruUy uaa
aofulo balectiun . ___ ...
bssphsd Hr. bborirr. asd wil
Piano—N Hurianry
Sbstr aUMba wlib bwowa oahalc.^. wbat aba baa bai a to a world whu-h U
dbaaa. H Uaydaa. A. McHaona Hastba batur that aba baa lived lo ll.
asd ha will deal ooly la hardware
dullas—M. ttarvy. L. CniBiaa. J Kelley
.vilva work waa dooa laryely Ic
Blebard Harmaa of KlUaai.y wa
u. iaalramaolal-L Calmao. .V
11 nv of Su eday achoula aad tea oryaesMtadymianiay oa a ebaica of aa
ha uf l^a Kisy'a Daaybtara aad Waikbary.U. Chosla
•Sd baUery aad waa lahaa batura
irameslsldael—V. Ueellmaalai,
> ofHa>i7
Ilullhia. while ac
Aastlo* HrowB
Ha plcsd raii-y asd
liabioy much. — the laaatof bat Ua /Dally.
mwcivas tba priviu«B of payluA a tin
Vocal aslo-Ura. Perbvtti piaBo,Htas
Every day aad aavrj momeat
toshad«Seoauorr>to>al. (or foriv ol brr life waa a liv ey nni ol the biyb- J. Haekaa.
HaeaabodBp Broaat K.i-kar ar Idval life aod ao use couM bavr tba
Chopiaasdhta aaale—Ha N. (tarBBS waa tba ousplauMU
pHvaleya of ^lay bar IriviM wiihoul
fvviiay alwaiai a uc.-Uey bar a q lick
1. W. bbssa: Piaso,
auUiy cl aipirati >0 lo tbv sacav eaaltvd V. Haal^maBUL
plane Wurvaiwof oa talk yood"La Pramiera U
asd K Wanboiy.
tatrliory will be HiehiAas. Ha aam. aha Head lb ^bat bar lorn t
Vocal deev—Hra Uboata aad Hra
taat htasaw erark Uc.Siat of oBat ba to bar taailly there are so
The deepaal aympaUy
HcHaaoa. piaso. HiaaJ. Backar.
tb. BewUl
------------------ ;------- oahia paiatfrom many brarta to bar baabasd ssd
"UacU Sam'b Patnd''—VloHs. L.
Ta Do« oo. bud fioda Qf> (0II7 rqaip
tat asaiaam la tbia city asd baa
ehlldres ao be
Traya; ynliar. V. BaeUmatlul aad U.
btaaboposTaloa atraal.
ped to aoppSy tba wants of tba patHra WbUewsaM/kstaof ayesl Ibe BriaioL
witb aortbint; Ibrf ms}- dewirv
lime of bar destb.
f io oat lioa. Potv X>niHa is oar apec>7 at Ht. Fraseia ebsreb
klay euBBly. OaM. asd waa marrlad
Ftau. Jr., asd Ujra Sauoo wan k
" Uity. bat yra hbv« olwajis oa hsbd a
lo Hr. White la laat.
BS-HtaaB Ksafa
Idly smmad by Brv Palbar llaucr.^ oamfal 'aaebar for msay yusra la bar
soppriar Hock of Tcule*. Articloa. Pers*ba/ oeapta waa
esrltae life, asd meaeaevd a ks«P.aeUvr
fancry. ^po. etc., sad oar Cigar
Umm Hawaa. ThH aaro
ft aaaaasl'bnsdtb asd aMllty
Ctaw cnataiM tbc ebcMiMt br^ of FiDe Qaality Cicoro.
1 by Fr. 1
Fsseral aarriem wlU ha bald at<amr
taan sU fwUaslBolCiM ■nakasbodhsmasllSiM ikta

atii couMqueuW^

Worth Their Weight io Gold.

laryv alorva arv a contlaunua jam aav
ic miay of ihvm lo (vl waiivd upuo u

UoDlayue waa lutmoed that Ibv prva
vnt cnodiiloaot Ibv eooQTT'a Snaaev ,
aad laa proapaei ihal lharv win bv do
chaoyv la tbv aalioail m-iavuvy ay<la iu for avr -ral yvara. bat loepirad i> a
yhaayed bai <ia Chat. E. Taylor baa
manufaclurera aad marehaala with a
purehaaad iba baaleeaa aad will ylva it
bie pvvaoeal allaalloe whan haraeowra' cnrblaoca which prumpu liberal lofrom tbv lajurim ha
icturcw. wtaicb
creallBir av imItlme Harry KvoV who haa
ovn*. buiiaem aad cuellousd demaeda
aaaialad Hay lirowa, will cnanaya tba
Hr. Taylor ta able to be a all Haas. Tba pmapn'l for a rrar

Heiplmi tae Needy
ama u> be a pan of rravera*
Cily'a evaed iba'. j lat aa far aa pomlbla
DO family ahall lack lor bouaUful food
Tbaokaylvlay Hay.
Tbia year aa
la tldivt paal. aaprciai aft irl baa bara
mBbtslstthabomaod Hr. asd Hra
Abiut tba Bral of Jaaoary
Btnmr Asdaraosoa WaabiagWm auaalby tha warm hearlad ladiaa of'
Harry will yo 10 Valparalao eollaye to
tba cll) as l sot only will ctaarebea aad
•rarjeau aboald make a apaeial afanalvilea look altar tba waata of the
Bay Hmara haa pnrebaaeM of Hr.
Ion to attoad tba Isotore to ba irlv«i>
leva fo'lBoate bul masr a aeiybbarlr
Faalknar tba aval llllla raaunrast.
Is Hwtsbasc'a Uisbd thla aveBltif b>
kiadDna wUl ad.l 10 ibajilaaeare of
callvd ihaCbkmyo Weff .a Hnaae.. ad
B«». Taomaa Ucue. tba aasood aiirsctbv day
joiDlayJanica Bvowa'a uftlua aad will.
Ita ta tba UwB acbool Mutora eouraa.
Tfav ladiaa of ihv OoDyreyailoaal
(Iva H bia paraooal aitaatloa and coaChurch AM aociviy ware kept buy all
' duet a Sral clam reaUaraat.
yaaurday aliaroaoB raoaivlay maUrl
Haraball. Iba youoy maa wbo haaaarv
lor Tl
sd aa cook alare the rasuaraai opaed.
Iva baakvU of rood tblaya warn
coBilBca la Ibai capaeliy.
dlaUlbuUH where they would do U*
aioai yood.
lha Bapttat eboreb baa baas
A la^ly atiaaded aoelal waa bald at
Oav of rrarenwCily'a favorite joony
• foodworktbia jesr is Bakla( op tha Pirat M E. dareb Taaaday evasidim aad oat of the wall kaowa and
7 boxea w U djlrlbaud la lay at whk-b maiarlala ware aoetribntolybly aalevmid yoaey maa of the city
Twebusmbata barn dia- ad lor 4lllay baakcla for Iboaa wbe
HMb^.. T*
ware oDlled la marrlaya tuaaday eeaatrtbsMdssda.
‘oald olherwiaa lava bat poorly today. ias at aiybi o'clock, at tba borne of tba
At tba Sooml H. E. ebareb a apa>- al patvnu of tba bnde. Mr. and Mrs S.
•rvlea waa bald leal wanlay. wKb a
PMm ' Ksvatrom appaarad
C. Daapraa Tba aoalracliay partlae
atm aarmoB by ibv paator followed by ware Him Winala Draprta asd Hr
JasUaa Vortap paatardaj to ssawer to
pralar aad uailmory maatiey. a Ueurya Navarre Tha ceremony waa
tbsnbarr«ol*Pssris« Moah uuat lb
Basfdmaa tint.
Ha pmsdad ralli; tbaak offarlay belay alao ukrh. wblob performrd by Bar D CoebUa la tba
be applied
s tsa of S» ssd oaato ai
smoastloa of oaly rvlativaa.
carpel aad a bnadrad aad thirty
rooma of tba dwalUay ware pro.
ehatra lor the church. The carpel baa faaaly daeoraled with caraatloaa aert
Tba (lt«ia( CiraU of Ttovaraa Bay already, beee laid aad H ia eacu-eud
Biaa. Ho, 71. will maai tomorrow alt- that the cbalra will- be la plaov tbia cbryaaBihrmniBi. the arvaaramaai b'
lay laatrliil aod baaotlfal
A'l*r ihs
StSuBt. at I o'etaen. abarp. wlib H». week.
irvioooy a bouaUotia wedd/y .uccf
Uts CHwstbar boma. 41* Imke a>aNovoBOarted rffuri baa bewa made
'aa aarved
bss. All mambenare n^Brntad lo be la Iba other cborebM of tba cliy tor
Tbr bride baa baea promlcao- m ao
aslhsad tremptly aad praparad for
bat macy Isdlcial circles In Traverse City aad th>iMaal yllli
(room la oar of tbv popolar stlvamva
AUmay H. bUataa wUi gt, u> Ulo|- baaru win beylacdvaod by tba tbouybt
lotbrUsloD atorv. Toe ooaplv wHI
h*m tbit attapBOaO to dellvar tba dedr tulaaea of fiiaeda
day ia tba eral little
aataryaddramofibasaw K. O. T. H.
Aa la yeaii paal, a eamber of tba
WaabiaytoB mradv
bsS. The dadimlloa wUi take jilaoa yradva ic (be pabilc acboola have made
rbieb ta elealy faraiahad and resdy ti
Is the aftmoos asd is tba aieslsf apaeial prvparalioaa lor Tbapkayivlay 'Saapaary. A larya oombar of we
p«urraa> acd yifu to awdy penoaa.
ihare will ba appropriou asero>.at
dia( (Ifka will add lo tha dacoraltoi

■taa Tavtor aad Him Carr aatartals
ad siiBot taraotf lad/ friaada Tomdat

kSM ll

Gmt Tixisvtvess


SMMImMMiMl UstOti.

Haniaatwi d-d the Injartea

■at «i Ufoca charab b;

rvooB wars atlasdad by Him
. Faiawall Party
CP. D»Tik.«bol*esfU>r«d br Um
A (arcwall psrtr waa ylvan Hoaday
OtaI Wood OUb Qo.. wMl haatlaR aad
raalsyt) tha dvrka of Ua Boatoe
»ev...alanrd for Oraed Bapida
kv Blafortasa of b;lar alaek la a
Haa Cdliaa at bar hooiv
OurSMTtDBS UepartmcDt
borhola. AflareouldaraUa-ork 07 whan they will maai H<; Kram'atater
rth airatt Uasm. muak and
capaotoa. C. A. EicaaaB>klw oaa Oavlla. who wUI ha tomleed la the
delieioaa retreaharaala warn a^ay tbv
eauruialay fvaiu'aa ol the eveaiay
of tha haeUac ulp irat U>av Hr. Oa
forOrasd Tymrrraa.
aa will have oscaaion to loss
>la' doe b-eoBa trifbuard M Iba l**l
^anaao. paator of the
’ bar fnvDda by a bmaiifal
tvpan M a rae
tiatebnieb. waa boaored at tha dtate aidrboard which they prvaaaud her.
maklDf ktiaooapf- Hr. Edrceowb ra- Baaday bebobl eoDveaiioa with
MMi fMjrr rytxctLtiP
Wedsaaday sovaiay Htaa Coll
covarad (bv doc aad rrtaraad it to Hr. elavtion of eiea-prealdrat. TlMa U
waddad Ur William Kraia. ona of the iil«jOi»HllltMlir«lulTVT]n(SH •
tima any ooaaty aortb of Kaal lemHoy boalsw mea of Elk BaoMa.
ity baa beya favored witb aa offiaa
HMda7 noralae at flaaeah.
oaramoay waa parfurmad al
>a aaswUtiuB
CoaipaB7'* Sour mill, Clajtaa Itfrlc
a. at St. Fraacta eburefa, aad
H Batea. preaidaat of ibe (iraod , —
a OB a ladder raptlriab s
left oa
iiy aaaaclailov returaad g.^ C A W M Irala lov Grasd Bapfrom KaAiaaw daiarday. attar attaad Ida
ta UjlBC to avotd lalllac. ba<
Thera Ihty
met Hr Rraia'
lay ibc eoBva'atioa
He ia eothnalaa'tic alatar.
bbtaftbaad. Ilvaacaorbi
thaahowlBC of 4be orymaiailloa Thofaday
Iba raarlwn aad the middle fiacer *aa
A veeapiloa waa yivae
off at tbe |r«t j rial Tbv third SB la thiaB.>0Dty. wk-rk aaesred tha aec
ia liraad Sapida Wadeaadayaraati
raa ao laarfallj lacerated ai>d the ood taasovr. aad came wlibia twaaly
the Sial baaaer
Hr E.lm
I an hadlj ataahMl that a part of It
Boalaaea u Hasry.
bad to be ampauied.
The Ultla da- brooirM tba baoaar boaia with him., Herbert Hoolayue. maaayer of iba
haadaoBia ooa.
in„,loab A Lay HaiaaoiUe Cm. baa reaaa'aoeot toaniar rztaat.




‘ "Wai-bTa X}3ruLS S'tAxce.

Most people think that ‘plumbing is plumbing”—
that one plumbing job is as good as another.
And ordinarily that is true.
But a 0O3D jjb is'omething m)rs than a mix.
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, ski 1. conscience -a good job
cannot be made without these.
And now you will expect us to tell ydu tbat our
work is of the kind referred to as good.
We won't.
It isn't necessary.
Our work 'speaks lor itself”.
The praises ol those for whom wa haye dons
plumbing wjrk are better testlmoaiaU>—ani myra
likely to bs bsllarsl—than any ws could gi^a ouraalTes.
Wa try to do more thau msrsly please .oar

The Hannah & Lay Mbfc. Go.
Mittal uiuiuuiuiuiuimwiuauuiUMuiaiittiumi^
•: :

f /,


.EtbPy g. iiMW J

^ Arft.nd


Hr. aad Mn. f«wk 1
.taak Bretata Mtea kaal
amU e
Lata '
______ aklac t
■a woolta dartoc tba aomMT.

Traverse Regien.

HI s

i Harbor. Mot. mb.
aMofOTt mb. loavaptaea wptiid

BMitiwCor looarklBC fv ^rfMd
wr arlblB«a

AmM OrmUOM hM nM I
pin to work te Mn. *. H«rM
MuVt* BroOMW
d uhU.
Mia ABBl* ToBOOO te r«dsr »®
<r Mn Ooodoe Sorl tU» wlatcr.
fMtIac WtM».
Mr.aodMi*. H«fr P3*f» «*"’ A J. Oo««rBad F- P. Qo«MOl ’Tr*'PcUrvUU -- --•ne C>() ««n t-bIObc
ftrad B fe> i*r*
A. B. airik tett for CUmt* •• Oar 1^1 hB» *» BefcoUn OB


tad I* dwiac w*U «

tbi* VMk-

MBMUtobiftoBrhtt B«r 1
• Ur. »«*Bn l4 tartar t a«. V
Urn Btr>t/iB.taBaqBJtortta tat
Bo*. M W.U wUI pr*a«*_*
U( CtafX etBrea

.... .


_r. Eotartt-folta*tBll#dtt Bowwt
Barber iBtlMadB;.
OM Mr. BlUt I* la *M7 poor tatlU
t Bb
ow aatst tk
talordtj taa S«bHn.
• 4^ la Titeira cuj.


Ttataal facta of tta

talTarrlla ¥*. Moaaa. hartaf baaa a
rather aprlrbUy boy aaaooc aa for
aowa (r» year*. eaoeled*d. oa r*uloC
Barrted. to iDrtle a (as of "
aodatea to call aad aaa blaa
Boale. tor the ateetei
rataXir.. Dppa.aseb
■a. DM UlBbiac
Iba ratadoast
fatbar. we

pmotM la poor besith, {ran
«maM wosld mtoyy :
(9 Tiganma health. Onr retanied aoldierd wi?o Eze (esliBg weak aad
low •pirited,
«pirited, wpeld be macb bdped by
bv iL The Oxydooor esaecs the
setarsl cere of aU form* of dtersae. ie
womb aad childna:
Talk with E.£.MiUer at the draK«tore,oaedoo( east
poat-ofice. He keeps them for sale aad can t«01 yoa aboot them.
, Plain directions with each appliaaee.

Geoi^e H. Lathrop, Lock Box 204.
General Dealer tor Weatera Michiyazi.



1 proeraded to

WJII Wpeoti axjTod to Mtei* eiv
at irooC He will work ti U.* lofrlBC hBelBMt fee tbe wiafr.

loft U)|1 BwrelBc


r* a bamleae llilia Um*.
re. Uewes treated e# with all dae
reepwl. bj Teec«i>it<a< aa
opraae wiedow lB tta epp^ ctorj


cband father. ^Iled outoe ea with piUbfor (orb la band
____ . apaiaat
wUbra we were obliyed .

WIlMo nwnaed Moodtj
TVtrone CitF where eb* tat boee
eiaiusf (or the psat
Ur. CbBipbell I* espeeUsr to Boee
U> TrsTora* Cll/ la tbesatr faUrs.
>r of Cbleayo
at few deya. Ilookiac after
ia« laat
BealacM iotemia.
F. C. Brvwa wta la lb* cllj SatarUr York ol Eaat Jordae la li
Tbe aew K O. T M. ball b
dadkatad Tburadar


■ laoor. lo tbe tbape
Kilwj aad father
J. 1 Kilwy
cettioc. K they rear keew.
defeoee waa a law of qtlart.
array aad bad m* arrrated.
tub loaU wa west late eoert mod
oar awrin. eaeb (or bliBieK. to ajary
of food aod tree wrp. ackoowlecced
lobraacb br bntb ibr Kil'yaasd a*
after btarlsf both aidca el
• that
d here don* aad that
IT* J 5< HoliBa.

i. Aadanoalo*ta«alBab!eb<mlaai
weak bf (aUl^ ipU> aa oM dlterdeo He*. C U. Pnebard and wife, her ala
A rery pretty waddiey took plan* at
atUl Star Ulna laba
u-raad beitaed. Ur aod Mra. Tbooiaa tbr borne of Ur. aad Mn A. U Prioyle
Ckaa Kropp bat tb« job of belldlar a
«h. olHt. Pleataat aad
8oedty. Nor. 10. wbea tbeir daaybler.
raw abaepla aa tbe Lalbaraa ahnrcb at yuoecrr alaler
.Nettie Pr
Prichard Cor* fcril.wai aaltedla msrrtay*
ter Hla*
Used iiarbcw.
E Hliekaey. Ber Mr Arm
Fraob E,
fbey left (or bme Hooday



Monuments, j
Headstones 5



^ card befure plaeloy y.,ur oMer.

Headquarters for (
Christa Presents

J. W, Slater, Hoase Faraiskr



ALI.EV. PruprUtor.





Tbe bridt
aed la yi^s eery* trimi
*neel Mar
n«m laeeaod nbboaaad s
B tulle*'*doek and tbefloinea
Mlu beymoar'e dr»»*
loadiDCat Uable'adock tbit laat
( white cashmere trimmed in
white laee ata dbboD 8be wore piuk
Miket tLItsey ipeal 8aoday with J. flower*.
wer* sreeeat
' BUaaad Balph.ebUdraaol Ur aad Utaey of ihU place.
DiBoer was aer.ed immediately after
Mlaa Smoit Hook, wbo bat bres >1*Hn. ChM. ViaKaebU o( acetUsd, O ,
illsr here for i
wta taaa baas Urtar talbcfaiBli]
borne lialurdty
- U VatataU (or tta past two yrara.
I dfwire lo announo' to «> oM frit-nds, aittl tli. pul'lit- in p-n.
ouBpaaiad bert
psnsd laat Friday (or Cletalaad.
eral, that 1 not lU'*' prejjhrt-d for l-uuntee in oiy ue* two-eU.rj l>ru-l
Hlaa Terhiede of Travera* City «raa
H. E Kurkles
d y»ur
Cliloat.'u. sad yrt1 a free sample fartt)^'al ill* coiuri of blair mxl rnivii eli.t-U, al the fool .if llir
,r Ur Ktny s New [
bridKe. 1 pnrpi«<‘doitn.' ail kimle of wai-oi.. l>uin:y and kl.-ii;li w,.rk

. «-!•?



Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. J. PETEETYL. Proprietor.


Mn. Wynaa aad baby relsrned bone

' TbatpaeBeUlaUalW
SmpartiqorB ' ‘








W. B. Otway la laproeiBC b» bar!
H^^dt by paparlar. palatlsr a

ia all braai'lire
i bnve put in tli.- laleet ini|ir'>v.-<i ma(-liiii.-ry. a nl
OBI Uabtale* laat seek, tart
rose asay
aay (or Bcdieal
BedKta intaloeai
partlrulariy effertire in tbe core of liBvp employed prartii'al and ex|ieririi<-.-<l iD'-i'lieiiii'n U> do tin- work
Mr. Wahedeld aod Ur. Olaaoe tare Couslipstioo aad Sick iieadacbc.
Id a fhofouith bd-I MitiiifBrt.iry maoD'-r, ll eliall (>.• my aim Ui plfu.
paretaaed ees oegaaa.
'lalsris aod Liter troubles they I
prored• •
and aatisfy I'Vi-ry ('UHtoiiiiT in vliat.-vi-r <'laio-«f w-irk li<‘ may bsviUraadpa Siel'nel !• Iiaproriac troa
yiisranleed^o^ perfwUy fr^
bit recent aoeidesL
d to be dime.
John Sieisel baa
I alial) dll all kind* <if T.-i«nir w irk. r.-iwi!iiitiu' "iid i«nii»liiiiL'
portly reyrtaW*. They
by their aclioa.
bot by
Joba Beeatof Trareibe City.sbo ta*
. aod boweb yreat.
yreaUy ln»lyi«t* Alao p-iieral blh.-kMiiiihint hi«'l fiTKiiii:
,....-r siseTtc. per -----1 wihli to mil tl"' ■■{x-i-ial attenliiiii nf li,.n-e .wii. rr- l<> lli<- fad
tbraystam. Beyular
Sold by J. •• lobason.
- asd E E Wall that 1 liavv rethiiiidiii my ni-iil.'}-"Hilly" AM-'tt. ll.- ».-ll known
jof potato
ty a dock li
and prarliral li.iDii'elita-r. witli ili.-.dd tinn. win. kn> v>* >i->a i.<i>b.*-n
Baeklaa'a Ai
H.- wili 1*.- id.-hi-.d !■
horae aad niv.i. iinin reel miipfa. ii.-ii lo hII
Tat B*»T 8aj.TB

C. C. Buyera. the bUckmUb
raaitesbu baarrated Hn Herpby'a
p. bat taoraJ laUj tbe
Pk(. AedertOB asd Hit* JlsIc diepb*DMB leere lo Trarerae City laat tator-

mv. bU old friemle at file n.-w .Inii.l.
Oats. Brabst. '
8or*a. Tetter. Cb
Bbeum. Peter
Cf.iixl. bi>ii'-et work. Rl liMiit: jirii i *. will l«- mi motto, ami
Hattd*.Cbilblalas.«onia. aad all
■mptloaa.aBd pcsltleeiy esre* Pilaa. ahooid 1-rinK me a eliar.- of ili* j |«.lr.iD*u-'
or no psr reqalrad. It b yaan
Work in 111.- riu will U- ,-hll.d f..r «ml
If von wa„t
to rite lartect aatUfactioa or moot
your horw
y.m, liiuri;) i.r
1o|j lixe.1
nfuoded. Price Moeou per box. Fi
mie b* J 0. JohDsoe aad 8. 1 Walt.
or »«-at piil in. juel I. !• I'li.-n.- No. IfW
W.- will .-*11 lor il.
do Ibe w.,rk prnmpMv «mi d.-lii.-r ii a.
You hn- i.ivit.-d t.. 0*11 and i,.,L ov,-r li,., wll. Il..'l
l-ci want any work don* or not
1 elinll U- |,l.-ae.-.l lo e..-

‘3 3*5ES

Vary taa waatber (or tUa
_____ ________ _____ a aoa.l tea s*.
UtaBdltb OolltaoB deaea bar t*rn> added to the iraaeary of the.Baptui
No. y^adBttaa^ cbarcb.
Hn. Bpoor weet to the atate
la>t 8be expects to apead tbe wtotar
ST ter Ur
tr<l^ Krlil^M ersc.UIr
Sar^. A pnim B»r^ wiu br at Mr. Broadstya.
taldtaAlbart Farraal aad wife arrl*rd
uisB laat Wedaeaday They wiU prob­
What 8o tb* ObUdrea Drlskr
ably reaBaladarloy ibe winter.
n>r ntptlau bare pBrcbaaad tta old
Ttara wUl be a wood baa-------------ire It lo place la ibelr ebnreb.
ta Mr- Bradawawb (or Br*. Hr. BIm
Wa beta to tea aw«y Bm pUta <fl
E'rrybody b lertted to tbe Ttaokaylrtpy otiicriBpfier lathe baarmral
Tta Oeed-Tawplara are to ba
of tbe Bapibl cbarch aeal MoDday
eyrtcr aappar at tbe tall IXe
Boilds. op tbe system: puu pore, rich
utby bat irtDoed bb
eclai, mske* meo aod woI
lood la tbe
Tbara will taeerrtaeaat tbtBoabary
Fwrb icbaol la Bly BapBardock
men I'roay aed bealibr.
tabeel hoaaa Wedaaaday r*rstaf by
droi store.
Blood Bitter*.
At any drsy
Bta. Mr. Btcya.


Mitt Mead Bartek.

Tta teaefaer of dlatriet So. I eeporb
tarttabada apladd Uaebrrt' two
. dmUam tta tatb aad l»ib at Bcatoata.
Mr. Edward! baa Board to Ueadoa.
wtatdtawUlalaralarA- K*al.

-kley (or
rkV aa*

releraed t

itbt atN.
her boBM

Ha wUI attaad

■k for Bix'
b* Ferrb

at mats.



_______ - don't seeepi s connlerteit
or iBltatlOB ..Then arc more eaee* of
pile* belay cared by ibb than all otkI taff-red I

hardaarblar. Hn

Tb* people of Kioyaley a
-nodliiy roeatry wer* paltrd to Iraro
Taeaday laat of ibr death of Ur*.
laHUIera tb* boateof bar titter la
Soptbiey. beallay. cleeealay.
I>eTbe rtoitloa wrr* bronybi
I’lit'a Witch Haiel Salt* It tbr Implac
Klayaley oa Wedoeaday aad the •**» bald In the U. E. cBorcb. B.r able eormy of aorrs, bsma aad wobadi
falb to cure Plica. Toe may
Mr, Thotaloa . fflcietlay
m It. J. U lohaeoa.
baried la tbe EreryreeBcemetery.
Carrie Italdeld waa boro oe IBe
■Cere the coayb asd a
day of loir lt;n. la Whrstlaed h .
Wood-e Norway Flor
• blp, UillMlal* eooatj.
. Htcb
Wbae >
____ _ yirl her mother mored
morcd to Oraei
___ cooybi *a) eoldv dowc
Trarerae ooonty
8br rraa married oa eerye of cooanmplloa.
Ibe Mtbday of Harrb. ItVi lo Cbariaa
aod baapaaacd her abort life
rm vwo m IntaAaod analfa of
le'sTlula e-tsli
Khe has bad rery poor
beallfa for two yean aad ber laat 111- . — tbe tortore* of Iteblay e
ihereta care. Doao'aOlata

Mr. BolUday of Beer L4ba ya*« •
greBopbaai aad aufle last
e tbe Utb.
Awooc tbe receat aialtora to Tre*.
eiea City were. W. 8. GUlctte. Hr.
ftya, Hn. Kraak Taylor. Hr. aad Mra
Vraak UIbba aad Cb>a Haey.

Peatoo aad Marlla ya»» her
ayemaat of a rrootery. and
before ber death abe was takes to Kal­
kaska that ibe mlybt birr dall*
cal aursdascc. ,8be lrar«* a bu
asd a lllUe atepdasybier aod a larye
circle of (rltad* lo m.ora ber dratb.

Mra. Barvay baa beta qaita ticb.
rraatb Bboaa* woat to Utaad Bapidr
, Mr- Hoert ed Traacne Ctiy waa
Mia. D E. Oaadall asd daaffbUr
Ow^ e( UrawB ware bara leeratiy.
L. K. Olbba of Tiavrrea CUy war
. tare WodBaatay.
. HItBJtaBieMteyitat Orawa aewlapfarUn. Craadall.
J. L.I
ayta. ted.. Uk week
r. aad Mra Platt BtreaB of Body*
fWtedat Altart Barsaai'a


Bar. a

X B. Pray aod Jaiaea Wattoa wea
«a TraTBrae City today.

Mra Clow of Oeotrml Uta H rtalt
lac bar partau Mr. <
Mra Chat

ta tralsjta tit


CUy HoBday.
waaltoTia«anaO(f 8av

CllaiOB Fiabtr b oa tb* akk Ibt.
Mra. Tbotatoe'a litUe yirl b better.
Tta baiye Ulitoa lonk cedar peaU
(or tbe Srtaeo Co. last week.
R. Cook taa tso*ed from Ue W. U
Fnraias (arm to ooe of bb owe sear
Tta Tfoaraaee mae with whom Kai
ba* arrteed aad
with bb (am-

. •__- Tbey oesapT
:^D Otaaca-s b-toie oe Mala 8t.
Urnrmbm*. who ha* bare taylay
apbib ter tta tayaMMir Brea west
bsta^Jtit week.

BBUta_ aad wife aad Bay


prereots tbe boflj trom
n( waste matter.
OeVitfa L
Ebrly Blem will remorr
iroabl* aed
r* Sick
- ■ Bea
moeacss. leaei r Liter aed
the Coeiplexloa
oall. tayar oiated.

Tta taaey wind atom alyaal faae
era apall day at Ul.a Bates, asd
Mr* are tre barym iBahared la the

HI Lake
Hem* Wemtat b dellykted witk a
iw toaw

C. Klay asd mottar it Eaplic war*
, tara Jiauttey eaUlay «B (rtasda.

;bo* you ar-niul.

I'nioB au^i brid!!!-. wTil

eiini of TrKi -I


and Furs



FroDt EtTMt.



•Like Cut

Like Cur


Overcoat Like

Like Cut sritb
8 pair pants

85 00.



■We show the Only ENTIRE New Lino of


Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Caps
and Furnishings.

Horse Auction Sale!

If you wish to save money, give us a ca L—We’ll do the right
thing every time Step ia and let's shake you by tbe hand.


Saturday, Dec. 3,
and will show you tbe best lot of Choice Farm | ^
Mares. Drivers snd Heavy Draft Horses that
can be found in Traverse City, at Oeo. Moir's
Bam. opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse
City, Michigan.


tate or cJ^attel mortg«g«8 «t 8 per oeot. iatereet, a

5 per cent, off for Cash

will recoive prompt ttte'‘tteil

I HCa-v-e a, T.j n e of -

Extra Good Buggies

Every Hor*« will be warranted ae repreaeeted when
aold asd Mtiefacilon guaranteed, and will be eold to the ;tha‘ Will g) cheip. irsoldbafore winter,
jof Sieighe that wiU s3oa b) here, I a'.so
highest bidder, and will be tried on the day of Sale.
I don't have to quote you prleee on horse* as other deal* Machinery, such as
ers do, bot come to this auction and buy them at your own
price. 1 will sell horses every day at the same bam on 30
daya to two years* time—terms to salt yourself. Come and
see for yourself before buying elsewhere.

BPBCZAL ATTENTIOH to Uverymen and those wbo
iht Livery Horses and Good Drivers: I will have a few
that will ptaase you
Come and bay them at year own
Wood and all kinds of Stock
takes In exchange.


124 Front Street,
Traverse City, Mich.

Ordersfor Job Printing left at the

SaletoGomineiiGeat 1:30 p.m. sharp.



Like Cut with
2 pair pants

Traverse City. Michlpaa


Mr. CarttoB of Kortb Kasli

re to mill
W^lartftHoaaadfBaUy wta baa
bow lirtac Id CalUorslB tta laat *r»r
TTie L.awr*rcetoek«t>
tateitad Hooter
Walt taya Hiob apple* aad potatoea
• Fbtebtek
Ifaa la food aaoark (er blea

124 Front street,
Traverse City, Mich.

Otty. Mick- *

atrooc dM.-bllny. Jaeira Pnayl*. a
brouter■ of tbe bridaasd HLsi Clara

day sad ratarasd Tbarsday.

120 Front Street.



I Travarss City Granite & Marble Works, 5


It has been almost impossible to get
a Kocker th^t was artistic beauUftil,
comfortable, strong, and durable, but w’s
have lound them at last, as the cut will
show, and we are selling them so cheap '
that anyone can afford to have one.
Large Scroll Veneered Seat—the m~st comfortable Rocker on
the market. Call in apd see them. Large hoe for Christmas

to mxke room for
the stock
carry a full line of all Farm

Feed Grinders and Horse Powers,
Feed Cutters, Wind Mills,

and everything else in this line.


us Oaaa Btieat, Traxene Oltr. aioh.

'•^ '
I Traverse Herald 4tar.
Beard of ■aparrisora.

adjMwsW to e «'el«di

Blood Poison.'

F*B!*ilKHra. CMmw.

ThBf«d«7M<ntV.* »'«>«*• «<*’
M^««ll.diee>4ar bj t

BP«MM>kn<wTarhrt»dMB—leeM !

«.«e}e»d >
'wakt Hr.
-Mr PfiiTrtalraae erf the CjBfer. MaCoaalWM.rM-ra<lt»i»«
• altue
«o <«c.rer dltb Hr.
U.noa. '»• • rw* erf •etUiaf



Mr UvhtehkehM ■««•«<• adra
tbM WU my
Oa MMtea er Hr. Or*«U*d She
Bow4 M a rMsea UU l:M e'cM.
BardealMWorter •r -iae Cbair-


“ibr-rssTi.^'tr-.irri*a'tffMr. thews

mmmty br <

H «
• 0 Cbtoiiei

:'ir-KT i

•M,T*4 M be >*• bd w a *la»e la*
AMO Wat •■«. BM eo l«) -f ta- -aM.
HatM I • a»a oa eaaa ewlar of •*-•
aaaaV'a*aaa>i«e*al**i>o* be I*ri-d I*,
m a aeaatt w*


H. a-eii.;... .

triiito wirbisw
B B Darrra-----Tboa HatoKeu ..
i eelltl to Mdjr 6/ w< 3.

a »*«•■ be l»r«d w a .tew tot
TMaaetataetixtoaiw.toh f*
Alpaad e>te la tb- e>lta. be*yaaay T*«* be *»»« a. a «mh

. aaepwd. adupia? '

Tbaaswaitoinpp elweae* to«
akip i*Wa Mias . a ad^ •r.i«e.b<p
■ t..
' ‘
Tba aai'taal tot opp refciptetoe«» aw
•aj Tax- be le»««l at


•hip la tbeeilaa ■ netto>4 ■ HIrbwap .
___ __br leried a. a

« b'enirar
Tm bto •aatto
sat aei npp
ahipta ww eiaa. bMd.4 4 Cax‘^1.1


Ihebosaataet oppoalu
•hlpta tbeealnBc beaded
btl’etodaeabridre Ui.
. ahip >a ib> eiaaa batow
Taaa«waia>i cppaiiaM

bknd n»Mdiea.8. 8. -.
je manf bk*-________________
onlf one wUeb can reach dee^
, Tioleoi eaeea. It Deeer fall* to " “■
jerfertly and pennaitooUy the

:&ss^ Blood
Bpbaiflo Ompasp. AUuitb, OdoiflA

bereop d.acuarved. a.i ai
t.U d ludD BJ (urtuer a :i
aappjtod au'alra-:l H.- il

rbaastoafeat nppMlf
•Ue la tot hsaai .to

Wfaai.l work

bpwatb’p <M eat loni


Hr I’rail.caainnar.ol UirCoofrr.oc •
omtaitcee. olT.ireO I8e t lUtiie Og r.
port, aedoe mjtkoa of I

ID ml »a. •
«rhi4'<)lt’ I -< aal
. K of t*a'.A
alto taat to. toe
■ahpaaaaia » «-i fi»»» -u Jiyrapwtltoeof -ib. tci Pui l.x le ll-e
Wtotlli I'factio-to'. w.ib ilraeattowl
* *» --d etoat..
w -a
•qtaiBtd aad .pewtmcM
Alae that tiia top-e.i-ir of F fe l.»«e
Mwaahlp aa aatb w tH to ere • » j
■ •wpaetl^ar.f laee.. Ml t»e la n
L twrar towaal
Bo 4 frmetiI tohl
i^l W|ih
Wtofard «B(f. 1^ nj iai td •

a.a'’/o;:j: a:/

laC'B lari

• ibai ibr Cbntii


A C. H


Buy ulta<w ooruia'ii"


TboORb It


id kapiui

^ ‘-T5S2IStSE53? fl I

iSizE '

el'lr leo j^ft





WarbM lu

Fresh Salt and Smoked Meat*, Sausaees Fir.
6 FOR SALE - u

.111 work to br tl.tae
to br toralabad, aod if ai •ptofl.prope
... aad adopt
.ty of Uraoag 1]
■ad bond, to be
lu rclaliua to >bi .alBc of aaid
lirawa. akfard aod cxrcuud la cooaUsriai ai
labor aad taa<
forieltT to law aod Uaard on tbe bid
le.rrali ly
, of th
Kapa de<saad>4.
nitc raaaltod la fa.or ol the mo
Mr G'bwe bear peaarat, anaoi
to the Moara ibal ba woald aeoepi
‘**OBmottoB of Ur. Wllbclm. the H »rd
adjoaroed to »:S0 oel.ick tomorrow

I. Alto' full eaaaidbra
cuir of a.ff ruoee beiwoa
tL U b..>a aadaa'id euaev
baa tisad the priua of Mid •
lacludiud ueori.lual aiaoooi I
aaio J-rdau E ciituoa. al lue a
fit 34V aa the tu.l cjutcacl p
boaae a.cMclBuattoo

itwtag aUw wan allowed:
Hr 8.wtoalura.w.eM ae .


Friday mortiiarIBUa

■«aaeiMMUdle«Ooari Uoaaa
Oa MUoa
He Oeaadter u
•eiMraad aabftot to eau of kb.
. MMHUUr.________

Noeambarl, IHM
■ewl »»t paruAA' *" adjoaroauMl
aiU(B««aaau, ais u'aiKk p m
lalMr. p..wBltoUeaUaH. Ad maialMr.
.ruar, tBe U a
oe ■wttoB of Ml

T»Ud,J. B. UamUtoO. 14: auwie




aeeepted aud app'-v '' »/
JW..1, to .uuemoify Mid eoujc)

p Ibal fW tSeiee'e
CH-ldcB Medical IWecverry It OrMxued to
IP fc toe v.onx. brlplux band for
Ibuir who are ie the extreme of Uelilr
•rxkaeae and orreoa. exh
prompily bmet. aoari>bee and baildt ap
the nw^evMem. li rlw^eea *P^

'foripad ..r furaitb *d la tae una

J. and eualrael. aa<f toe Biia*

aueMfb. aen^l.wce and teoea-ed aeiielly.
' I. d»
lU aiMualJck A a



F.g BUR. .. Caalrotat^


Board Bail
ebart proaeat.
^aOM<watoa appi
a Hr.U.Mua

? ST^nTTwaa
r.CkedwUBH toe
I o-c.och p B.
k p'oloea p u.
Beard aallad to order by Obal maa.
Boilaatlod Moavanall p.e«at
Tm OMiuaaoa OombUUo a -t «rU«

Itraci fur ubjr aad mtt

1 wiekuua ea.! mr axe. Iiw wedwiee did me

Al e feud deyW worh.*'
max walnUr book for both mea aad
womea Ie Dr ISnee't CoM.
mua Reeee Medical Adrure



.4 to am>ad the
iBC >a ol to
■ wjrdt • eueb eon.
by ArchtMcl Fral.
The ameadmrol wae
eutiac aca'o.t b exeepi
Tne raa>ilatiooe w»ra

t All Prici

»Ha ‘Vre'ea^Ciir.i^rail ea Ura MetC

A Large Line of Taleacopea at All PHcea.




larwiM laae waee uia aw _kM^>a|M^rMM«^

Trawaro# city Mlchlgwo



l.jive aod . a c . .X eoie i« • b .ad>
oe eum . f
• • " •' "’1“

able m refiia

Trnnki. LadlM'and Oaot'a'■'atcbela

$4 Per DayJuJ^

, ]7-=i7-:-'

woald rather ibe
Ibe pri
priera e


opiiD wbirb tlapuiD S'

B.B. ibeblll



> we-

‘*MrfBa«lltoa aad Mr. Warner w. re

■ lu ru.„x
bie for


10 '
Ihe llf'<l«-lnx I
pool bei ere Bu.i
■•me ooc tier mto



a I

At « tola rrmiiix Cbpraia Kewrta
omoiDx OBlxmnl thiathipilbenatiihipi.
my Lord Hamlltou. lApfalo Uy. (bp(ala Wlabarl aad Captaiu Trevor were
■ aodlnc <xi ibe qoerier deck, and ee , ITu.'ta^'eo
rterWeiM SoTTU came op Lord Heisiltoo !
a bad laetoany □


Oa BOiUa ol Hr. d
aattoo of Mr. Ferry a
Oa BtoUeaol Hr
■iHoaalactod tooool



iDie iiie iMca
a a> well aa Iba
pMDi^ 'ecmclbded tbepollerra. "aed
torre ta 00 ruk attarXwd to It "--New
York dull

I Biub. Uoaisah J
disc tor (be perlo
, O' vbe mtiu-ra

________ ,
4. to uouler
«ito eoBtrac uor.
ObmuUouuI M
Hue oei. two
«ra wan appMutod. Hr. Hooru
Ml. lUBlitoa wen ao appotutou

iii iL.


Plata for $16 00. •

' I A good Double Driwing Uarnaaa

emp ,u.
iDX to t

irtor to'e
Thai Ihi. Hurd pr •■•■wd
comoUiae.f four. u> be I


S M7$6, $7 and $S single Hamwad are the be«t forth* {
money in the Stau.

yarn abuol tor fan
4ir<'uebl tor xnode r
''Fically. after et


•HMIW tCaaOB^ of the Board of (ii


lomrr w.iu I m. • word 8o di.wo tulra
tbr.xolulbaallexwl'fraea. wbiobBim
erail. to ba a bix iruuK packed
> Koudi




the ueenwiiy of keepiux H goiei oo ao

fact aad to
E ii.o«.o aoO
o Mid1 Juraao
............. at Uraod rtaferae. tb.t
coairojao aod clerk of thia bjanl.
for atd on lu behalf, oioae u> aadr

datieaiD rola
ol the Ooari

Fly Nets:

. I xbiHi aud t

. toe coatraci ro
'OaaidJoboA Ferry .J


; Headquarters for_

pri'lrod Ki ■pll tlnlrii 8«<4>
A-bni a CD*lu.uei lu oae of (heat

W. A KxiTO.s.

c'rr-.'jsi'iri.*?!*-# to

t A f»«4t

; caeioujer aaidr lud wblepered
uor' wa» seorrally ear* of a •*).
f There an uu (rOQiae'leOOM lu Baxter
I DOW. bw-ao w cloiniox. .biwaand

daa K


M fu ta. UtorUf ««iaiaaiuuto aaa laia ma

» o» cvfHrTuury

‘ rery loop #»■>.• rrm
' pnlln tu. "mhea ■

W B raacKKB
J H Huxu.

uhObATS nkvKR XT ATX or Hitsieaa
1 • mull w uraw .r.«*rw, ■ ai« wMlr. a

Our foe UM c«aM>. toM a<(W Pe.
mu ••■>
T tw'**

ri if\ SeattobOTa.

i. The aaid Jurdae

41te(<rhldBla raapaatfd lr la.aU



Choicest Meals. Poultm and Game

1 apeciBc-.iioo. to| Ur bcianoe HcxiiBly





lax Coitri Hour
•• K IlrowB. .me .1

itliieiisiui ?|

IVlmit Pl' h . t. a, -ell c—. r, nvd

lirosch's .Meat .XJarkci

^8See86Se6 .J



___ ^.^rKLsrssrt.


.•Jua >d to .uem ■
The followtac b
to Ur Boar I am
datobeU UetoA
fto aod -Say .our,

ir ■ cmiiwl., ..M It. . w


s^J!?7S-e“StSLj;#''Cjri -hi

LK».ae JoOa A l-irry,
I .uu rrro K IV# Xirr,

I Ipa|nt2396^


The OTeat success of
Dr.WiHiams’PinUPills for Pile Peo­
ple has led to many attempts at
imitation and substitution.'niegenuine are always sold in packaoes like
tfui.the wrapperbeinj prmfed in
red inkonwhitepiper.AtalldruSjists
ordirect from the Or.williams Meduine


e^tojtuy "V“oTViJ^lT^aad


' J^ld^rto'^irgil f»
Bad toeeral juofrreoc

Tn.rd are


helnp deiatr
1. ad.pli..D,.



j. "1

A pedasugor. wn.erallr an old asd
. ' lieiletl ilaee. led ibe b»ei tobcBouI and
■ ailed for lOriu alter it elnaei>1. amrd
I Ibe bor.ka Iteilied out for lUe lilile tnea
■ I kepi Ibe older one* from Upblliifi eod

;5o o7i;Q.,eland two toi-'
Hr. CUeelaad •Oboolmaet-T ore»MJ
fatebeU wrr ... app.iatod.
, evou toiox alloato i
I uaiiJi rtsSb.tod la^ue elcetOftetitinnu i

".ooeabl. B.arJ of Soper |
tod rraeerw li.uniy, Hiua
' ' ,
■eat r

rur.,rii,".'v".[r."',i S'

The extraordmar. < tre ikai the G(a- I
■ fnmiauee ptara .
I medr bii moral traitii >R more eSeniTa i

Tb- a

o carr.cor into .a..! Ibe
icltitoo. .if the colracl I
.tret'll -a of tb. Court H >«>

uu.) V'rL.ded. ue ac
. H.aB.o A Itjao I


' I ol modem pereoi
1 tlou. eooplid will
oa. phyeical >m

e j.jB.iractiui
■ lb full po>ar

Miu - i> nefec.J- o. cared al
Weed l^w I a. a I

. - nart Hnuw


te PtrxxtT TBOxriBLx. and I* the oelp
blood reiDed; (roaiaateed to eoQtaioaa
' mereiUT, potaih. or other mineraJ.
Valaable bookt maaed (ree 1


A system which
has become run down
by the trying weather
of the [lastsummer
is not in s condition
to meet the severe
winter of thisclimate
and will essilyfalU
prey to disease unless
a proper tonic is
Dr Williams’Pink
Pills for Pale People
are the best medicine
in the world forbui Idin j up and strengthen­
ing an enervated
Do not confuse
these pills with ord­
inary purgative pills.They do NOT act on the bowels.thereby
further weakening thebody.They build up the blood and
strengthen the nerves.

«a atto-.-. *11 ••►r

tMto.. bad wurkM (•iietuii; d
aae artir* Bsabie to efra* *p
■ MUaftoiurj to U« waaiua

•fea^. ^a:

Tbu labrt replied hr aae a rarcal if be
called bini eu. aud thru lUplaia .NrWTie
.track Ceptaiu Ley and tbnw b.m oew
' -•
Hopacm beannx.
myMbta, r«. out
aud epoo UHjnifT foopd heiSrwnei bad
claptain Ley eud uy the admlrai a
lll«t fWdpTM l•l■^0 beCOOflp^
0|un which Captain Srwnt df*
•wrwd and oarm) to itab Chptali

IB Me fUyoe.'i ct
aal of 6tr Joan Ro.4e
OcitBg Kaat or 8
If roa are ro>o« to DeUnIL Tderto
■w bayoa<l. aak ^oor Ircwi tvbet afoat
Bxeelleat train eerrtee H a feature of
au Iloa.
a r Hocix fcl
yoateemrba aad eolda e
air Or>arb Care
It ia

...Uar -ye.
BpaM o8.
'tbOell'>«fK »•»lUoe. aad ■ red lU
u adop'l
_ wateb
•DOiirm did prenll.all atembera nAla«
WoXBXaa. An adj Htme'M of tbe
caltiMtaal bpeeexeted bdwewa C
tractor Uibaah aod toa ttoard ..f ba|
vUcrahak W parlaaUd.~U«.fi

■mtHad lae(4Uaaara

J. 0. Jobi

p|U>BAT*'JKI'KH -iMfr
I "»■
u .t- . .. j i-. t- .
| —“ .*:l4iUur:-----------------'
__ _



"r.-. c'i.s


•si.'^ “

pell Ilia ii‘>rap noe bot

,/XL ®

rCD -*


iuauiUN If iHcten.

yood and >..□ can aee b.>«
lUilcil life II like pill iiibr ifie
Tial. Hl« borae la ervlinin a( pr>-«-nl. but afUr be bu oar'd
a few tiKire bikee It Will iin|irove tile l.jiria uf bia •Ucl io ap.
pearaorw aod health.
It will keep hiiraea in «cjod apmla F,w or>w« it
i-rrtooe the qualll} a-id <|aaiilily of lui.k
For ralr^ it
rrvaae their wehrhL if >oo want tbem for v^ai
Por .beep
will pn-veot t'holera ax>d other diiwatet.
OutblDg IwUe-r.
We alou bare Wilbur'e Sewd Meal, fia<
Animal Hrtnilator.


will in.
will luh«K» it

D Food and Pra t-a



!“32".5'r si”,2rH





HM. M. ■ c.

Baking Powder


I SodM plaaaMfadteeaaM^ Md d.
batv ttUa amarad tor tba Tteakwirl^
>lrtflTlii (arUa 4ar tteikatai
fOMk Md Ua Ual doT* praatdiaf It
0« tara«» bcaaa
bU aUa«:
tnr ibi I------- *'T
loao« pmir Aaata Bnet ailtlar
aa poapUa. btaUap jalej eoMordt
pad polhhlat Ua oM-la.hlci—d allrar,
lor a—1« kad aalarod alo tba aplrti of
aad aorfead vlth aU
Tbaakviriar Dap dawaad elaar aad
BrorpOBa at dqalta Braea'a
araa taUr aarip aad Ua boaaa
pla 0(}tar
ootar batera tba bella iraar lor
Thaakwlriac tarriaa.
iralkad la ekareh aad Mr. and Mra.
V that la am
Braea draaa araaad to Uka Uraadma
Taa poaac alalatar^Bada a abort bat


Va Uaak tMaa. Urd.

raffatloe. uktap lor
arorda. “Baarp pood pUl aed ararp parloot rltt la froaaboTr." aad aboalap
boar naap blaailopa wa rauetae aa a
Batter of eoana, wl
ariac tbro a eaaaa tor Tbaekactriop.
Wa thaak 1W, Lori.
At tba eloar of Ib* aarrlte brief
bcartpaalalaltoaa were racbao*eO
tot baallb. lor wwlia. lor lalroia
paalor and paopir atrd
led.eacb polap boaawani wlib
iboapbta of tba feaat tbal awaited
tiqaira llruee aad lanilp
Wa tbaak Tboa. Lmd.
bcBO. piaiDC boarlv wri.
Porawniw'iatrtiko aad r oe f<
to aacb paaol that arritad, aad of I
rorhopte Ibat baaa bat ar
liialted BOtooa wat mlealap.
Kaowiac'tbp ehaatealaf aot la ralo,
Baoa BIIIt MarUo wat tbera. wall
ror tbaaa.
draatad. pal taallap awkward aed eB>
Wo thaak Tboa. Lord.
of plaoa. oolU put at aaae bp Ihe
Wo thaak Tboa. Lord.
frlaadlp aod eordlal naoerr o
Tot IOiMlo^J;tet Thoa ralotb r^hlj aqotrcaad H a Umce'akied (ToctBp.
tot lallh 'to/Cboo. i
.SotwllbateBdlap uair rffuru la
aWki! £
thair fijaau la«l at bo«a. lha port)
tm *hat Vbeo art.
bM wiiboBi tuna ooeatraiai.
. Fortbaao
dlaoar^ wat aBeuBOted aad SHulra
Wa ttask Thro. Lorn
Bnica led tba wap late tea apaciooa
—Ida ffrrd SmUA.
dlBlBC rooiB wbaa iba diaoar
And aueb a
dlOBtr aatbalwaa'
Thera wa
wall aulfed aod



done to a tara, iba c

Hade from pan
ot*m of tartar.

Safeguaids Ac food

__________________ It wa fallow wr pla
IT talU OB tea wwrdaaad tanchiai > of
IT paalor.
Hto alnaer ip la ae*ar

Wo laara It all la bMo^-poa <U
Whp.doa tpaoa-peMlaladp Bp
aoMT Caarar I do
Tba PilprlB Fateart did it. tbep a
- ikarr»«f
u, It aoe't I iiteBbar; Bp
Wbp? o,




■What do poa Btnn, Hrather Bow.
dt Be a IltUa Bora eiplie.l and Uil
t wbat pOB wnot. la It fire dollar,
r tee Biaalonarp fundr'

TW« Kind T«« Hnre Alwnp* Boi«kt. nnd wUrM Mu bMB
In nan ftor nver 30 T««r*, hu borne tbe nlpnntnu of
1« nndrr bta per.
I Mpri-rtatoa atn<« lU lafharp.
r to derwivr poa in u»im
AlKtoainteKcdtn. ImltnUona nnd Babatilntea nre bat Ex-



Cnatorln la n SUb.llliitr for tAalor Oil. pBrrporir. pTOpa
ud ^Hiihlnp Strupip. It la lUmilfr* nod inenMiuU It
cuninlua npllbrr 0|>ium. Murpblnr nor otbrr NnmMIc
aab.tnnoe. Ha npr la Ua punruolrr. Il d« tVonua
and lUluya F'rvrriahnraa. It rnrt-a llInn-lKi'n and Wind
C*>IU'. It relieve* Teelhiup Tmubl.-u. c-iir*-* I'vnattpntlon
nnd Klntnlenry. It naalnillati'a ilic- I'.aMl. ntmbite* the
Slomnt-b nnd Bovielu, pliliip bntltba niitl iiiiliantl alca'p.
Tbe CbUdren'a l*nnneen-Tlte .Moibor'a I rli-nd.


7 Bear# ihe SignAttue cf


The KM-You Have Always Bought


In Use For Over 30 Years.



The klu.-bro waa.mall, aud Ibr fin1 tec OTeo had l-era hut. lii.rrtore tee
tllr paalry which oproed from lb'
itehra Deeded a rurrrel of freab an
Dd Hr.. Farmeairr M-Dt BeDoy I- |ao
the window, and keep .1 uoeu b\ | <■'





- A prral moDihl} n



i;-;; izVt
t I'i 111 i i 11111 i I 'lrnr
i I aa..aaaaaaaaaaa caaea
-~-..-.,.ke.<aeaa wwwWw

Mricr, Sj ,s>» rvr yenr.Sampk L«-r>- I” .cuts.

Scad a pc.ul C'd to kira huu- lo (C. Dr.
Albert Slua'. *11010,1 ol lh« Spantte V.r"
uvrr SOI .lluiLalmm. I,M0 pafr;

and lb.

t .-.Juu.a*
MblJi. 1 X»^*'
I Tr.l.
rruai Klrawaad. PI. WanB
, ik-.:uii..„ai>i K>r-.d..r maw
I It.I.
Tr.-rf~ OK, al llOta. •„


"Rtiiru ol Reviru-v” tnjcihrr lor oal» tuo

uLt;v i:',r
I, ,.or-.-.K,S.?.-?‘aW.'o*!a-UBto

West AUchl^an.



Carriages, Cutters, Sleijts, Etc.

Horsfishoeing and General Repairing Done.

Re Painting and Upholstering.



Slate St., near Union.








A Part »rapiOmaa(X»(tarP»vt«

G1-;K.\1A1.\E BT-fOS.

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Lineig



MU Pluuot, Owowo,
r. Bap City. Detroit, How
«U. Aim Arbor. Tolode aad
potata Sut ud Sooth. Clooe
ooueettoo* ot Copemiabwlth
K. A V B. By.

eoitcii'ii I
■ aaa.
uiicsasflh 8«

r t E Ef PI 11 iMIf fliiMMI
laaaa iI
I -;.aa Ik 1 I ■ • • « • ae a aaaaaa
>'.a=CA£li>>'*CCtfaafl8tM I

.'"T^HE magazine for up-lo-dafe people. It
o-> ri illustra'id acc'Dunt of
the Currer.l Iv^'or-/ of tL.s country And
Europe, and. in aiii'pn, s:^-:'s the best
thai is in all the otl-Tr igiz.res. American,
English. French. Ge-man. Fah-in. Spanish,
and Russian. It isf'irpe:p'e who van* to
know what is go-ng on in the world. A
hundred timely iii'.isiralions in every number.



^ rnPAU


■OB. SPIBBEt ;i','.?.«,rw.’SS
Briail Ripili i IdOIiii K. I






>.la .Me.-W, tE IB

"Not tbi. time
____________ .
P IhB room bi
dooChoBU, plspra eookter aod a lorelp took ABsle't band la bit aod lad bar tc
Imme* WbCB the faiU'l
haldldpoa tbl<
fraated cake irlBiBed with tea ablalap teaaeiolre. • ! wnat poor daophter
Ibeir l.edruaui.
_________________ _ r laid BqBlra 6
lb. wioduw wa. torg xi
learaa aod berrlm of tea wioter prweo Sqolre BroeaWill poo p1»« her te routI lb.'
M ba tet wllh hla tamilp. partaklci
be l
IdlUe Loep Joaaa fairij ciapoed bar
be p-ldrh urh
aboaaUtalrapaavaaa ohUlp >bt
baoda with dallpbt. wblla Etaie cluop
■SbalBBp oalp daapbter. Brother
Dipbt—the miuo. 1
to bar a>eteer-t drnta aad wblapemd Howard." aald 1^ with emotion, "tee
aot the pqua.b pir- rb ana aaip Caod. laddad." rapllod
beam of light acr
"TbU la laltrlaad las't It MlBBarithlMof oar home, bat I ana it
Erarp oae aeamml iBclined lo do
1 know ef e
roMO a ffiibC par
tei>apbt to hiiDtelf
•dM! pta. aad praotlaal. too.'' i
amnia jaaUce to tea liberal aopplp
r I.h-Uld b- .10 k lyi ihp e.
lid Bon wlUInplp eoVraat
wBodthaaqalrawarBlp. "Tbart
ut i Jarh a; iaterrato V* form a
plaeed before teem, asd tee dlaser her baoplDcaa Take bar, aad map Itod
ad thtqaaUUatlUbeUBreihar dowe. . Tl-rmoood,.f ba.hiuay
BlaMpuB bote."
m*. Ha wpa /oat wbat bo Boaaa. aad
lernl. eaerj
Tbaa eloaad tba dap wboaa areau we
ilapu ba ot bla aaae aod a
■eh.cb baa hepc inin.-.-.l liar. <
.ea ao briedp ebraaiclad. bat lu la> prefll bp
pood tliae loop to be romambered bp
ucBBCa ware far ranoblnp and 1 eaa large *acl
all prtapBl wm tea rraalL
Aaela aas ODlp pira poo aa outUae of tee eff ,tu fat mao ic
p.,U'-Is*, papar iaqalrad Ua daotbter
Prtoa look eapeelal dclipbt in uf that BCBonbla
»opd it
cUy broealt
Aaala, a prottp ttrt ol alrbteaa.
OBBalnp iiitia Lbct aad BUie
Klllp Martin beenme a dobiteat aiuadwatebiap.
»Wall.AaaU.poBk*o*bai*id that plrtap team potxlei. earda aod plllsrc
• w yarda away fi
ebsmb. aada warm trlaadablp
otdlkriearia aot plaaaad wba wa
1 wIteoDt aod.
Ai la.t aoae oor •pruep op betwaea blmaell aad bl.
MhatedwealpforoBtaoloataad oat
I for aomr moale. aod the pirl. pulor. aad wbaa a irrtoal waa bald tbapr lo the it
arMlthptnaada.aad lersattha poor. plapad asd tnop aeaeraJ daau. aod dothere dorlop the wlaler. ibe area tewn :beo Vx.k out
/'oAdMaadp.aadtrWadlaaa. who haraao allp AoBla bepaa plaplop aoma lamilar
bean aad broupbl uid dropped n
/ oMMoato tor thaw. Nowiamaaterp
oaod rrqoeated team all to alap. forte frail Bate eternal Ufa
•act, p-w
;r*alur«'a came runoii.p. at
odthaLlahaUlariU to oar Thaal
r bpmo. Ull
Tbep aanp hpan a
Enpla beeame a warm friend of Nad
card biiuarif .f alhare ui
gif^dlaaar.oalp tbaaa who aaod
1. -Well. If ,
Breoa. and bp dlot of extra work and eua a black baar with her
(rlOBdlp haad ar a-ahatrp word.
will plac aa "tea pood old dnxolopp.
ilnp aladp. aaaUted
Bran lo Di
Ptnlaa Ood. from wbom all bleaalap. bp kind Frank Aoward. be muiap.-d la
good aalured neigbhjr. They
aa (d oar lata lortsaate Bolpb'
flow, we will pu bear.''
Aenia eoa po looolinpa with .Srd. and to llBia be
What da poa tblak ol It. Loalaar' lalo plied, and aa teap aanp tba wurda ao
.me a Blalater of tea poap I
•roand hoory-coiiih and
ha .tarmlac to Ua wUa.
liar lo each oaa, it aaascH montlefore anatbcr pnar
-Ihada'ithoarktolH at Ul"
teaaalmplp worda ael lo Bsalc. It aiwaod Aonie waa aalUad lu Ibe eoap
r oriphbor upon leu fret
r*ptlad.**k«tef ceana Ita aU ripht.
>d laeenae artilap from prateful
Jaha. BeaapeaUkaabeatiV gaiat banrta op u tee Utrooe abore. Tbcre
But Mra. BMrOBghi In ^
Mra. BtaaawoBldaaaooehaaa thoactat
roned tbep
ih tbt ebaan ol a
All ateod OB i
arear foepet tea torrowfal and afUielea.
I trith bar b
andteepaator rmlaad bv band fora utd tee failhtol diacbarpe of duty
ipuke a few worda
brlepa lu own reward._____
••Whoa arUlpoa ItTlte.
and teea. I
Ten Raoipea far Lipbt Breakfait
qalrad Bad.
paeeu bepaa to make prep
-Wdl. tataaaaa Tbara
Tbalr ohUdraa
'•We feel rerj prateful lo poo
«u aeant uacapfal of milk, uoe lanle«aall MTTtad aad paat; thap haat eo
puoofai of mrited batter, two lableMate harodted 1 prtaaaiaibap harae' ponr kind ellanllnoa to a couple ot
pooDtala bekioir powder aod roonpb lipea Ui i--r eaba
folki Ilka B.. - aald old Mr. Turaar. aa
1 >or to Bake allff eooapb to roll out ,te fellow, tedoi.t
baaaisrIMdaat to
tbalr laaTt
Oullote.Btell biteJitaod bake loa but .. taai aa Ibry we
Wferpaai*. Thea-tbaro
did But follow
re we're rerp pltd poo ca
ortdWwiaMa. eba wcrka aarp
aaM tea bqoire with a beanp band
a pint of floar. i
aaaportbaralfaad tboaa iluia ohUd
king powder, aod o
ababe. ••b..D’t forpel to c me apalo.
taa. Bw htallb la aot pood aad abr
-Yoo cno'i know woai tel. dap baa
U.O. .hrbek-aiUM-.
id yulkaaeparately. i
.ilBauoh She .1r,-pped
>n to oie ana mp eblldrea." aald Mra
laaalf eapfdl ot .w
|iolutbtB.toe. Taae aaataa Oraadlumb-i
"tour, aod mo.-d ff.
Joaaa with tean lo bar epea
ir ____
lalo S>ar
I add
Bba haa aot walked withrail, a di-ian.-.-uf ah-.oi a do,.-'
ilul melted butter. BUr in
Uod bleat and reward poa fur It, and oar-half cnpfi
,-..t There abe pao-rd
«at bar vatebta tor twaotp paan. aad
Bap pou Dcrer Deed a fnend."
again opoh her b.ntl leg.,
baaa*t baaa awap troB
paDB two Ibirda
Mra Brace praeaed bar baod warntl;
■eatU. Ill drira tba carrlapa araaad
Exnl tiea.-Ooa plot of
d. oae piatof .weri mi
■Bd teba bar lo ^arab. aad tbaa brtap aa aha replied. "1 am ao plad pou aaae
■nuolh. aod »ucke.i it e,jor
bw bM with at for tba dap. aad ptae aejpped it. Come aad tea me oftea.
JIB aad BMai a obaaea to po oat late foalpuiltp for aot belnp better
lableapooafala ot melted
Hr FteBtetlrr.a. ,ft-... . ' H-rr I
We beloap to ter teampoontoU of kakiBp i
tba Braalcp aad aat dlaaar arlih Hat qaaiaud wiib poo
am. cnpbt lo the act of •Irallop
' floor to make It bold
aabab^r. Hn. BaeUp. JIb told sa «ame ebnreb. let Be be Indeed n alater roooph
Bake Is hot prm tin. la a <)Dick
aad joey.
ulriad rtuliy.
tbwMd baaalarlted. 'bat.’ aald br. to pOB "
Htb *00 ter far Bother
Mra. Jonca oonid maha no replp;
of aU eppa. one EB|>tBl
•aaMatraaad lB«a
heart waa te fall for Blteraaee: bi
r. terMtenap
lop at Ibr brv
AadltUakni oak that blaekaBitb abe waa balped late tee oarriape b
r a great
ir aaJ a plocb
'Jack.- aald be
OrmadBa Perrp. abe felt teat oae
aad Ua arUa Thrp doa'
plcu to her enba 1
aaa. aad aba. Mra Blla I
of hope had daweed to - her and her teea add tea whilea ot
beatea atlB aad bake at
woald feel pertty aorry if .he ha
9 plala. bat tbcp eoBa
BBT ba made wiU lorn
piece of pie to pier ter t-i
aadttBapebaartbaaap a litUa.
taaedl* ejeb
. reeipr Aod il don't arrm hardly
delkloB. wbre madr
a thank Pm
with ai* rppa.
wrarrjo.t abCM
IhhAtniaabBKlP Manta, teo.’
be ateod. cap la band, at tec door
Mbtlara <
Bice Hattiaa—Oee copfsl of treablr for mete ai reerieec, i >
for^klop a bit of^-bal
uHUp Martlar oseUlBad Ned and
"Uaod alpbt, Harrp.
Oobo often. ballad rier. c-oe capfal ef .<
two eppB. two teblaapoonfoli
Ault at tba MBB Ume. and Nad add Wa ahall ba plad M aee pou." tak
--------------------------------- ifnlof augur, two
•d •>ha laat poor, and bealdea. ha U aa Sqnire fclndlp, and Harrp pamed ant
waa oolhioc aald ih tbe pruclam
abOBt It beiop faaiday fnr b
with a planaaat "Tbank poa air '
___ _______sake a batter.
Baal hard
aad add tea.hakiap powder laat. Bake I'm poiop to anaer tee old c'
uf thlak ba woald." aaM the aqalra.
"l.loe Boat aa.v pood alpbt
Jack teak a pie-tin plate
-Ant Uhait not poor. I don't know thaak poo." aakl Hlllp Martin
and teraw it uul of tbe wind
Oarmaa Puffa-Beal teepolka of tour tbr bear, who fell oitto it j i
mtjmc vkoMote tba UndeaM aed aU tee real had poaa.
R1 entli thick; oae beapinp table' Jack, my ton. are too cn
ifpainthT ef hit faUuwaian Bora than
•TbV tat. man. whp aboald
paOBfal ol batter in oae pint of aweet
"So. father, but that a:e •
Ihu ba toea
Ha M not ^ old m ba thank Be. That la anlp a fori
milk beated ootil tbe better to melted
. MUa, bat teoabto and
woedt." Sqelre Bnee rapllod with a Whea oold .Hr In alowlp the yoHca of
Iba eppa. -Ihra mil rradaaily
• ooorad hu tamper and
oaa qoart of floor
Whtok the whlteu
for tee FarBeotei
ap bta hawL
I think that
i form wlutme.
o| tee eppa a
anUI dip. etir teroapb •
Bill ha nbent onaoph bav Mad. poo
llpbtlpand I
! In buttered cape
A Weleumr H.
•np larita Banp Bapln.
ateatp hop and nttanda Bandnp tehool
ByeHofBna-Hlx oor and a half cupAwarded
_. .. leaeaaareaereaoJ y
lala of rpe maal. oar-balt
eepfni of
.... eupfu!
tea ftUBlsbaal Hoaorp-Worid'a Pair.
floar. oar-quarter of
. a
. rupfal
of aa.-..
•wtul of tnlr. aad two s.»e wa'll ba*e coeo a-yeappiop
Gold Modi. Midwinter Fair.
"Map I add another, papa." aald Anbaking powder teor Djb'i yoo bear te« oo-a a-dropplop'
to oak Bndla Prtoa.
rpem. add owe esp- We'll not let tee nimble aquirreU pt
teas aU.
t^fmilk and aUr'qowkly
iwkly late itbr
MMm Mhool In tht rod tehool hont*
la hot pern or mal
We'll iaelle oor frlrod* by d-feoa;
-Aovn bp FarMOr Brown'*, bnt aha b la
pana twmiy fir* Blaatrt.
All tee uBelaa. aneu aod coo.Ibil.
o«r BahbMh ncMoalatoBud abapeto
BarrpOakra. lie aoBS'
pteat asd a-uall.

Mlnntlpthnltvaald Ilka to hare bar
Tbaa we'll bare tea torkry roualcd
petbrr two and a anif eapfi
All tee old time po- -tj.. Law.ted
tar BP pnaai."
Oh. Tbaabep'»leir'a alw*,-. w.lct
lapar. onrAalf t___.______ „ .
"All ripbt. Annin, nab irbeai poa
two arrv aad owe capful of n
Ib tee fa I —Ne otoU
pluw. And I think 1 will nab brotear
tbra add oor Ub'>
Ub'r«p<aatul.-«f bai
alwd. to makra
totoCn.*" ^A^'-nndUptel^
capfal of blarbTH .. • or hack'rberricn.
Buka la a larp* cake or la BuSa pnaa.
MtoahtoroaalpnttAapIri' wbeMcbaaka
Thaae art teltckma.
piovad n daaoar vtaann aa ba apoka.
BaUr* Wheat I
i throapbiha
teeocepfotoef railrv wkrut. otr-l
UpetUtfantto Aula Bntaa elnlatod
teaaponafel of auli and oM tektoam
■mnMnbarahnraof thaaltonttonof
lotcBfur. Add oaieeuptBl of i
Ibr brawn rolka of two apg
tba nahto banrtad panap ana. who
Id ona rupfui
'•1 o
Of water, and i
tadinhatadse aarnaatlp uneap tbaa
ID the dr* aUi
aUtara Add tea whitea
the pmidhif panr. and who
--------------------•Bdhaka In hUlnp hot
hat tnUfud *0 nmua Un Inhec*.
»nnn >tov »Mn**«.
BT arm* a. wat-ioB-



lieoa of tea Oacpp oa aap aob
carrp wall deaartad w^kt wllh
claaaaa of paopla. Maap re* peaaee la Hieblpan era utUfpiBp fur
mtlt oaqaaror, tbalr pralaa ih aot
lipbllp aad ealr altar pt'a^aal
Urmtiteda aad a dealra to
Die tee walfere of tee poblle
r'^bapa 1 iiIi>liaiaDiBp whoa abr
bnapt lortb aneb
ea follow.
waa telliop ahji
Bat if tea rupriB Molbira won bbap
- . tap. -Whe
1 rpM*
eoaldn't botecr. aad^
Doan "a K<daap Fill. I ww
le wap
at ter time, and bad bare conaldrrab^bat tea I'
rd, beiup aapreiajly
• atood tu a atooord
poaitinn for any Irnptb of ti
laid BUlp kartln.anrMatlp.
Bov tea Baara Aia ii
bad BOr« rbd aojtpBoat lodap
darpi plainly ladlcaird w
hat* had lor paan. 1 leal Inlp prate.rditt.-aliy lloue'. Klder
rrcled the aoroyaocr
fol W poa lor poor ktodi
time and I hare not pollcwd, up to dale
Mbai.tee i uos"'
■■1 am pled poa baraai
A. 1
User poan poup.e. who waa UlklBf any Indiratloa of a rveom-oce
dap," aaU tea fs«lra. teaa
O'brr Brdl-lB
I tba ID. >0? 1 referred to a .qoaae
• IWa ii Oaa abo.e,
11 11 «o'. Kid:
le vri: a •tor?' la «
daaerrlap of all oar praUtede, Mania owe wa} "
I eaa not balp teUlap pan bow saefa I
It wa. iB oaa aeSM a pie of
oto-teat • tor
aboald Uka to bear poa ratero teaoki
.IX bakrO during
looar Hnnolp Patear tor SU kln<
,} wtore rhaoh.
ana asd Hit beaettapIt.Bp t>T Hr*
“1 will telako'f wbaipoebataaaid.
Heed ID a lownahip i
aarroaoded hr piae
ha aaawerad io a low reice. ' and I ai
polnp to alteBd ekareh. loo. Mr. How­
ard." laid be tarolapto IhepooopBlo
el»e jramuid lleni.yand Ilo'-bi
Ao Ideal I'b
n»lBpiufiiry I.
later. "1 teoopbi poB all looked dowo’
P twna. Ubu u.-rr tix year, uf ap.
teal !t MPtr. I
d dear I tUe taojear-uid Lue.ii tea aa .arer a
..rtorr family f-.t te'
Adeliaa Am.
Jack aod I ropy asd Kubt>> aod l.uH M bile cold tu-kr\. drill .tely ..ICeJ I
eiBa of ma. but I aoe I ban mUlodped
turkey an
roa all. aed I wUl irp to be a batter
her—they call.d H tint.
bM bi
BIB tor teU TbaakaplTlop "
• (»a;ry
-Broteer Howard," aald Sqolra Broee
She had pared and .lie.
wbaa tec laat puaat had departed. " I
ped her .ifl K.
aeear aboald teonptal of tela If It
,buy .iirred la the mdk while
hado-t b^ for that aarm ni of roura .be b. il tbr rgp>. aad Keo- y t.pprwl
i.poiafijlol .ugar tu rauL a well
aboai laeltlep teaball aad tea Blind,
p--a. rnuupn
,1}. >0 arr h «-i i-bair uy in.
bit I oeaer anjojad a dap more Id mp
ry to make tw
lucked oo. lauguicp with pieaa
n a tebv-rpao a
irbap. tbr
tbe heai
heal h-lp
iHitiernAdd a heaped i
ri.ikbi tbr piru wrrr hak
-I BB pled to bear pou bap ao
Wal.y ■
.w.y i_olhr i l-.le paDlry
bare eD^ored It loo 1 auppoae
iling BI
bar# to reaiiaad Ibcjop of piriapl
iiful uf
.» .pra;
Jud., «.UI hi. a.p urrr hi.
yoo will not bealtau to pire me i
Trr\b..dy t.i.d .......
••m,.ibrr." that the pir»

>t*nll|r fkitn’B Cable.

Knap al tba Clarsp la lltehiptB I
MM tea Uttta OaaoMrw.
Oar rat

Best Livery io Northern Michigan.
Paod aod Sale SlaUe la Cawaaettoto.


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