Grand Traverse Herald, December 29, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 29, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


kad BMapneteUd •ekcnt
To^y kr It U* pui—nr of

- Moba

I >M.*Ba»*w«dlba

. -r'^Stoool dMtrietr Ikwa \b* tO■^
-Pb ll tka dB)l*«7 «BIMBi
-r,w»»r jroa^rr «ti>ek tbnaftt O'*
p;r*Mr*T Aed tb*
-ram IfTaf'dkoatUktBtteforBB
yooa« pnJ«tfoO' O'* «*»
lb»t Borv’or: >' Boroo* lit (o a; BM. Bad bfll rrvt If JTZTl
ihr Ibpfal tmllc baar frva a* Stw Vaart Day. Tteak
laa et tk* fM.alr 1 kspej-oar Betbarfa*U«OB>.
tunable abaat yua tbi* eoU alrkv*
Tha lra«p artaesd at tbia.
tla «M
aolhiaf bat look iba leiur aad avab
4a be aru** by a atraai Uap a roach
' "kra called to faiB lollop Ha eb*oh«4
I U* bona aad *aa a"ar*of tte harclar
«tlb wboB ba had rralkad aad lalbad
a fao benri bafura
aatd iba baiitUr.
VoB'n IB loch' baoBw lo bc too oaa
the fcllar ibai

aatd tba baitlar.
ni boiler aad ria*
jraapod tba boewt b
bndle aa ha
ipuka aad him looka ware oi
oplr oaoBch•;AUriCht:,'aa«lib*lfmai,
and praa, I
»kra» ha. b Iba robn aad bald
.a. T,,i «■« bi. faaod
Tha barclar laflUw
------ 1 bead aad nt \a lb* an
iariulotba bufCT • b*« a irall
d Uoi^Bl bun ipra<rliac«a hh
traBP druaa OB rapidly "baa*
• IB'I BO aaoaa of «baf. ricbl aad
" tar BBtlarad
(>t ararythlBc. Tbat'i ScripUr*.*
Hr looRd Iba donor *aiUac allha
K Of tba abilaroliacc
•Bharp'i Iba aord,- mu.

•■I «a» criui.* oDcaiy, IB.
"So aai 1." laid tba irmBp.
plaiBad tbal Iba bin '
and tba ladf had
d aakad
tba foraaea
. -inBr. bai br'" aatd U
lb* doeldr. aad
■•lilaor darkaoed
Tbea thalt ibo
Haaacdo-tcosw teeb. ib*
ba looked kraal; al IbaliaBp,
oho waa ahlfUar a boaklc of tba bai>
Ban iB a Tor; kDOirlac wa;.
■Koo« Ba;tbiac aboat baeaaar-hs

- Rar'aOB • laid Iba tramp.
"Woo a>r;ou. aB;bo>r- a^ad tbs
-Wall.' I waa troadviarr aaU Iba
traoip. "I ink cacao'boaw e*«;*ar*.
r*a bran itck aad aibre tbae Tro broB
traiopiB a apa I Toairbt 1 atartad oal
In ba a burrtar. but 1 ala'l bod oo
I mlcbl aa Ball c« bark W
work aoto and duaa wilb If
■ I tbiok JOB Birbtr- aald tbadoMir.
"Cuse IB BBd balp me with ihla bo*.
Ha * pratt; aick aad bl> Botbort aol
narb bailer."
••Wall, lit ai: ip tba olrbtt woih."
aald tba tramp
"nl be dfoaaaakla'
before 1 (at ibatmcb with ihla.*
Haalappad laalda. bat atoppad abort
at the bauraoB door, with a wklla faea.
4 rhUd'a 'nior wa* beard wllhia aah> •

-■fotBnj'a.-- aald the doctor. "TwaTraol ^■S^j ImrdTa^ the itaap “How


• Ula'^haeeaBe aoax waabaaco.*laid Ur doctor. •■to(*t a—■ •mlll.
Good, ataady womai

tail aK-_._______
Kiea hc^,
Toinmrl On;____ aajUiBc aboat
ibam? They Mcm
ba<)Btu alooa.
Theca waa aa older a I. I oelkn. bat
baaeatoa to bare (ol lato bad wajaaad
yoaolt^l^yoa know aajtU^ aboat
■■Kr.-k00."*akl IbetraBp.
Ha bM
hi* larr acaiaat Ue wall (or a BOBrat;
Ibaa be Uiroed apoa tba doctor with
flamiac a.raa.
“teaatbtact baa after
laa lo-nl(B"' ba laid dorcalj. --niaca
li all of a plepa! I doat aa; wbal it to.
Yob bb; call it tba tyicd. if jea'iea
alBd to
I ibaa't aa; BOUial.
I tall


ni;T'br*lld!MftlV*^SS?ribl^TThe lick bo; Btanad apoa btoalbow ,
wlib a cry. looked, ifaaa fall taeh ob '
hli pillow, laarhiac aod cttIbc. “11%
allritrht- baaaid
-Jlcibar. lit all .
rirbiM'll cat wall powl BrotbarJlBh
‘”^Xcdioo--aald tbadraap-betaMad.

That Mcoaaa to aol (raatam
That it ra.4alraa plack to ba paUaat.
That MldaBaan la Ua b<bi oi
Uia( la Iba world.
a for BOtbar aad
Ibaa tba kiad of aaekito h# waaa.
That piaij la oot pri(flBbaaaB
That ibe oal; wbtda m la tha M;
That lo follow ibe crowd toaaeafaaaloo of wrakaen
Thai Itraat eeraara are a poor ool'*T^toeei*Bl frlaadtoworlbaaetra
'^■Tert'u^afiJS’to ha oaat aoWaat
arlf to (raataat cowardtoe.
bt^aaoaefBaklacaBaa OBl^e^

H. ..

tb. a,,,,


Ttil wbal to pal I


,rt >'iV.r'‘'nr dirLc“”ka<,
.01 know w^ leZ^to'ib^wB’uuTufr’Jd^C


. Caour; is a Carara

at iu Onobai
KalU of Woe.
B(a of It'.'

Hn. Aaa
itor, wbo aualitad Iba
oa Jaaa
Jai le la*L Bba

Bear ripfunl aad baa apaal Bora tbao
l<n jeard (rt bar life la Uaeallaf bboM
lOlr; (roB fair lo fbir. dte la
aull IB (alllac In aad oatof
aean. aad aaa atlaBd teall her
It JOB—it , booaabold datlca witboal aBdatatoaB
wosid batThecdd lad; baa tad IA ebUdraB.a(


alibe Baabar of cbildna BoJajfac
a food apprtlla. ata (aatiatly far- ’
ukoa of loar Baal* l. day. aad tbe^

Tha idd of Watarloe to aeaarad wUh
a crop of criaaea pepflB oaary TMr.
Pral. BlUllk tafa: “la M^fcar
atrotaw tbaa tba r«(*v'
U to raponad that rata dl»h tbaaraaca traoa of aoatbara Ilat; aad laab
tba Hood oraara*
Tha eocabalac; ad aa er«aa>T laM-


dUutotaaaa jatoa vria^^ Mfa

■awwaU faiirlapataaM ataarba
aMoaOtarMaidaaab. llliiiiliilH

*■ — *» “*» -i fcdrtAH IhagtoH


6BAI. J T^VBBa>7<lfaRAT.1>. DEOEMBKB 88. 1888.

Traverse Herald
; Vta BUMr L. B. n«wraM«a<
itm «M ta the ei<r m fnr Aernco I
WOllM r«uvlj la re•wAMbaUdlwaatir ptaaaata-heal.
ZaMAartheeoewaetvaielfMd aad
Kr. TMMri/vIUat omm heviawork


I lee Baay; todeed. tar
' Tbe Story uPPsiTatsaiada
teotew-bottboB wa did ban
Tto follewiar aiUele appaMd la
balked; they ealkted Uke
tbe Gtaad Bapida DsBOnt yeat '
they worked Uke beroee. aad tbe aa
dap. am VO tbe auBbam of
UOB wae aa proad of tbam aa It war peay Ham a toed maay other |
cratafaltolbeM. Oa tbe other ham In Tieeetse City it wU bn isu
wtot~**er beeaBS of tba
WaB«tlanUo Byeta tbe
■Om of tbe few Hiebirma eolBeUrr*
boarbt? They .weot Into Spaobh
U were la the thick of the flpbUnp
ports to be traoelorBod aad attod. bo
lore Santlapo airiecd ie tbe city yea.
ibere they Stayed, so far as tbe war Urdey oe bU way tc the Battle ^eek
ebroabler* Bade ksewa.
B was Cnarlee
Tbara were ae jeete. bet r»Hly b Sima, tbe waptmer of Oob
oheera. tor the Teakoe ebipe that w
Tblnyfourtfa Hieblpap

«B a toe vaft to be tkMr-Iro
taacth. to have a aMa aad to
folM It a KMoltae earlaa. Mi. ratMrteaaesMrtatbeAbaUdli« aad
Slade eerred flee yean B tbe Pint
see a* rood boat. Theyaoht
____, leto oeefel aeallbry oralerre. tier llBlted sutce Ufaalry and fosi
•ni be ready tor the water ae« eprtar
eral of tbes irere baolbed, with tbr iB tbe asTy. and at the bolbrrak of the
l^ wmbe^byCdltv Slai
Ard of Ibe Dobs, aad
■War wai a mrmberof the Hannah Blllre
the flyerm of ibe Ataerlrao liar, eoci of Trayeree CTty, afterward* Compan;
ae the til. I»eal. ibe
LooU. tb« H of tbe Thirty foortb
t O. T. << at ■iirhta.
At the reralar ■eeltef of SUfMa Pari, (keowo ae U>« Talr). aod tbi
iraled from tbe repintent
Seat Sa *r K. a T. H-. Taeeday Mew Tork (known ae the Herrmrd)J>e thktk of U qelU a fe- itler UndlBp In Cuba, and attached
McbV Dea tr. >he toUowtor afleete
_____ _
»k Ume with jrlory to lh« bemnelTca f.w iwelee day. to the
able aad credit to Ibe oatloa Tbr
■epular colored infai
tUM we bare a forelC" •*'*«
whom lb >y took pan In tbe ebarpi
seed a eeore of ablpe like iboer
lean bill. Dsrlep ItaU time
K. E.-W*. aaaa
twice wlu Han*ei
; r. K.-J. B. tobbeaa
IbeaeebaUwercitheDS Lei eoerreea bolleU, once in Ibe riphi arm and apalt
<top—Wm. J. Belaaeu
in tbe riphl lip.. After the .urreodei
^byotcte-J. B Mama.
be we* ilek for rjpht day. with yellou
For Siamng Cnba
■»er durinp which lime he wa* do*«
■L at A.—Wb. Paloa.
Waeblacvon. D. C.. D«. ;r-Preel
Ith iweuty-one praln* of ealnmr
LM.«fO.-Thee.OoedrMt .
dost MeKloley yotierday wrote out
rery two hour* OB an arerape. Be re­
U M. ed O,—Joha Ooar^.
hapdao order addreiwd
lumed to Honuuk I'olDl With hi* reti
ary of war directioy tbe o;
and from there to Detroit wher
i rbkat-UA DrCeabaagh.
onarlermaeter'e ^nd niedlca
a* epelo prmlraled with freer
departmenU to send eeppliraioiBeOie
BoeelTad a PrUa.
brinp ntee**ary 1.
j V. B. HdUay reeelrad Tbaraday . tely tor tbe relief of tbe dretlloU
r KM finBlIy ter*te<
Badaaa aad Golsee. Coha. The oi
itoeea ladrea. al) C E. eabloBM. Iron
with ea Ice bath, r* luiininp In the a*
te to Uke e*ecl wlthooi delay._
iPrealdeal Clark of the Katleaal 0.
irtfor tbifly minute* and then put V
;Mety. torelber with the pbotokr
sepatn. Durinp the niphl fi.l owici
X briween the prreideot
o( PreeMUat Oark.
made an attempt to ariee from bi
B, U. Bowlend of Proeldenee. who ht
btlace Mr. BoUayb-eoUaetloa ap
bed and tonnd that be bad tout tee u*
Joel teumed from Coba. aad wbh I
ble lepK uriinp lo Ihe floor when li.
ImpUBtd with the Importence'>f p
Mr. HoUrr aleo teealTad Tbaraday
tried toatkod. Thiakinp that hi* Icp*
.Mtlsa trm the C. B. Barald that L.
were ekieep he mad'
had baea awarded a prUe lor the "beat the eurrtsp people of the Ulaod. Afte.
bUtalk wUhaererel loflueotia: eesa bat endeerored h( n-.tore n-elinp bj
thea^r for the procraae of the Mf
ibbinp.s* no aUrndaoi
aeaeaattea tobehaUia Detroit seat tore yeeurday Hr. Uowlend bad a cop


eaar. Tea priaae ware eSeref Icr beet soIUUoo leel nieht with Oeaeral Unea.
- « aad Mr. Bol Uwbom heeobBrtIted In wriili
aad dUtreea dnrtoy hb Ti»il to CaiI
Ueoeral Mile* Indorsed hi. .uve»e;
aed forwarded It to Preeideot McK
ley with other InformsUon on the eirt.

hour before belup ehieloa
eltenlloo tobUpllphl. tbe.Urdy e
arrired and tbe di»co»ery. wa*
itaet ^Ui lep* were peralytnd from tbe
bip* dowo. Aecordlnp lo Ibe 1‘
of-lbr boapiuSphyaielan* Ibe pera'y*>r
bed been hroopbl abant' by the aclioi
of the cold b»lb apoa the calomel in

U aetloe lo Usn
iroduceil Into nl* *y*tem durinp lb
order tp the ereretary
yellow ferer UealmnnL
yMterday ^idea-McK.slry
U'the aftaraooa the beak anployet ed tbe hope that the people of Americt
Since ibeo be bee b.-en under lb
aadeOeiale detr^fOad a atroaro
re of pbyaicia'n* conllnosUy both ii
woald plee prompt and eeriou. 'eoneid
rtroll anS Trarerae City wiitiout Its
tratloe to Ible alHmporUnl eintal..ii
aetUar earfoaa At Bi(<n wbea Hr of relief for the eurriny Cahani en<
orinp bi« coBdilloB. aod it wa* final
talae weal to retire. oBoke baft '
decided to mend him .lo tbe Battl
baed bU appeal for a proeroui contri
poarlatethabaakdroBbelow. Bel
hetion for their reUetHo ipoke o Creek aanlurlum for eleulrical ireai
nrated aa Inreellcalloe aad la tbe

SutsKatHttw. \
It H aald VkM -BaeUe- BntU hmA. pksH, U BB !■ tk* mrlA. H b BOUUr
meh of Vk* D. of M. football laua. H
atatod «v a poenBHV pBllkB la lb*


dHtOrdvof Ibreatara. Tbeeeeaeioe
•aa Ibo aaaaal Gbrictwa dlaaar of
«be aoHlMre aad ibair laBlUco
•Hr MO ealoyod tbe taaat. It e
happy onai aad oe» of tbe ktad wbleb
Ai bi ilfiflliea Ibe bead of rood feltbe aMBbere ^
«Mr laBlUat. The <
a aetlH U ibe prapara




AboH twMty-fiH of Bobart aad
DarU Jimuarb (rliaadi aad achoolHatH ralbered Thatadby attba booM
•I Aaaa (Man. tiOB wbare tbay
adtertba Maaere Jlekllarb boc
WaAtaC^ atrMV aad plaaHatiy mw
tl la pUyiar


JiMi KUlIkH wae tba vletlB of
happy tarpriae party Friday olrhtat
Ua boBs oa WHUaptoa etrMt. Altbeapb nry aaeb aerprhed at tba aaiipiaeil eall of ble Iriaade. Jim adaptad blfeeMI totbaeeeaelea aad vary
aaHOHryraaatwMbalat royally aaHttalMd. toaaloraad Hia. MlUlkaa
Hriaead iaiba eatartalaBaat aad.
Halwayi tbe eaae. arary oaa prao

R Virginia
rginia I
ieriw??2 li

PUUpplaa lalaada.

VHak kV *0 fast troB Ik* ffrOBBd H
East Cosaty Bar*.
Ordsra k»H bSM Bblsd Osp
of Judpa frmiaB E OroH (or tk* aa- Btfksr ol tt* OtsM. <
of tks lluW flsst of bsulBUpn
The Barma of lA^ataUa
aad npply essscl* aorr at Calito. le t«that la Vtaa year lat: tbore
tala at vbe p^ bbUI Jaa. lo aexv.
sotb of whit* aia*
Burplan loetsd tbe Sat of Hra
aVill eBadiap la Ik* fornaU of Hlchipan.

•tAayoHalaptkeemps r. wWW tabFriend, bsromnp tu mosflia tefora o»
iapbia*olltarT*rBlk in U* BB««kar I(InemeaL She felt perterjy *sU H to a
hood ol the Sao Sood p*lmie. ix POtsh--uri beDr* ibi ta’ity
-y '•**
wa* born,
horn, mrf
daB.*Btrrrd fr** y loio
wax In tabor »o* tV.ta t-o heum. 9» bad
fV.;r>c»i. e
er baby w

At Filet pickpacketa did a IkHeiap oStbipwapoa load of plate, brlcabrae aad clotbiBp. lopetker with tl.800
They worked the pasAapar drpoM to worth of Jewel^.
p>rfeeUos aed aeonrnd.aercrel reiaabli
■ A hair of the bBrd ot Ur prophi
pursea It wa* local laleel that did the

It *,11 b* made ot plalSa of meehw*
torpedalesl. Tbe leaptb of the Ml
will I* ocarly

All of th* clock to tbe Bar Oly cfaic.
□ry factory baa beee anbacribed aad
as urpnoitaUoo.will be cfreclcd the
firet of the year. ' Chicory will be roanufa.-lnred from tbe rout to the Sotabed
Three Ei**r* ctalma Vbe otdrat lltlop
couple 10 Sv Joaepb eounty. They arr
Col aod Ura William Jonea. aped nr
pecUrcly »3 and Ft year*. Tbry bare
been married inorr than ''0 year*.
Huron coomy . receully rialted Indiana
and broapbl back with him a bride
Sereraldaya after Mr*. Illack di**p.
neared comulctely. Mu f^ace baa been
round of her yet.
. tu.p.vled of penatu
.»oa lie laallcped to bat
limaelf aa a [K-uaiun exao
up pesalouer* by Ibrea
' Ibeir penaluot atoppod.

.1 mao ycineard from
iKT of atealiop the
d by the local beoaroret aoclety lo Ibc deaerriap poor ■
Tbe nettle Creek Mona idle of* mi

and took the polaoe
.ilinp to cod her tlf<
he Bccnrrd her bnaband'a raror aod
ul her Ibroat. dyinp toon atlarward
Tbr Roaalle. wbleb ba* amrsd at
Ictoria. H C . from Skapuay. reports
be wreck of a aloop wbleb left with a
arty of i: bound lor Alllb. Tbreloop
raa found bit turn up by Indiana, sod
t n feared that all h*r* been lost
Tboms* II. Wsiaob. of Ssn Fraaciseo,
rbti married Clana Spreckel'a daophier
rmr.yrara apo apaloat tbe old mao'*
rtabea. claim* to be bcir loao Knpllah
ataie rained at fir.,-... «iu. embraciop

At, Omaha. Mra. J W Slier, wb
wa* badly borned Sunday aflcrnooi
by tbe eaploaioo nf boilinp turpenlloc
■ •naalorr. did from her tnjuriea. Her
bU'.baod'and two am* were tUphlly
burned. The family are Chriiuan
Vleotbu aod refn*e>l meiliral aaaialle ApenauIUiUno


Rnme am-

nare been plyloff tbe eefarioaa ocenpa
Inp from Tra»rr»e Cily under Ua
lion uf dririnp '.-u.peony aniki* Into the
of a medical ofli.-er on BI* w*y u
aswlopa which are brinp broupht in
Wayne aed lieUolt.
and aawed at J C. I-ardle'* mi
time to *pkre hetwera Wain*
Wasblnptoa. D. C . Uee. sr..—There took a back lO tUII some friend* in
will be eoorpmaiewi oppoaitios loth' tbe cily end told the driw lo reti
treaty of peace. It will be ratified by
im in time Vo ^ich vbe train
lerday murmnp with atbirly-twu call
tbe AeneU without eiieoded debate or
. UebaOhdoedbiF
but owinp lo the lateneB of Ibr net Wlncbmtef
ueaUo oppnelUon. TbeopponenU Berkmes Ibe train left witbool bloj wife waab and
mrtyinp tbe medical officer, who held while afar waa baoplMonl the clothe,
ebur.-'u Sunthe irantportatido lor bolH of them
treaty wbleb extendi the renponiibil
lay cteniop and took an acti'c part in
■ileriuan Idem* procured him lodp
tlBof Ibie poeernmenlbeerlhe Philip
r at the WellinplOB hotel end Irani the alnpinpplsea
Tbc lolal^hlpmcDta Iron ih.Mrnom
poruilon a* far e*.Ka*hyille. Mich
With each Republleani aa Senator where be bat friend* who will Pr
arc iron raupc fur the
jii.t clue
Boar and Hale laklnp tbe teed in th< ihat be peu to U*iUe Creek. A* iki
DenfbCTatlc Senators
I orcr the Spun;* of the pneat piece of bad luuk la Sls'lea'lun,
follow them wllhost Incnrriny ib
i*t of mUfortune* wa* doe entirely t.
:barre tbtt their opposition lapolii
tbe oou-arrlTal of tbr back, an altempi
leak Bat many Urmucrallc Senator
<ea* made to Ux the additional ex
not oppote the treaty or eot
penae caaacd by tbe delay upon th,
ayalnal lu rauScation. That tber
Thr contract for U:
a for the
rwoer of the back, a well-knnwi
ebaU be no-yrounda lor tbeoomplalni
rblnr-Dftb Hichipao VuluaWera Ithat tbe opboelllon U political or per broupht no eatiifact->ry n
Irappiop wearilr alonp. It i* new aai<i
. tbe Demoermtlc Iradere in the
i a'lipia -ot of r« will bo aeiit to Lan*
U aaj there will be nnce
drawlnp pay from tbe ■ op about Jan 1". Tbe conuaclfor the
nadnoetUmpl to iefiuenccttae Demo­
I.ioti ridua wt.l be completed about
be compelled to pey b|* own I
cratic Heoatore ayainat the treaty.
O r.,uip t
.be BBiurium, the porero
Beery Democrat will be left free to
•talc Uoupa when orpan'
inly •Uodiop the expeoee of the
aa hit Indlridnal iudyment die
Ihe ne'w hiph court of the Forratcra
Utee. It la conceded that tbe oppoal
foraortbern Mirbipan baa been orpan
tioa will be bat a amall mloority, and
icsd witb tbr (ullowinp oflljcn Faai
that It will at BO time endanper tbr
.-rippled eoldlpra without bomm. leae b pb cbirf raoper, Ucofl^ I'. Tompkio.
■BP them to proenrr foml and »\ieitei lirand Maraiat bipb cbief ranper, W.|.
aa beat they can Bpon the meapre pay Ham N. Daaforih. Sault Me Mane.
Tbe oppullion lo tb» trreiy haa frit
bVh rice-chief \raaper. Kara A. Hai*<>,
teradllaelf away in public diricuAiicn
F loratcrlou* date Krimley; Liph wurrelary, C. U Scott.
Be Mid tbem al a
a prui. Tbe Republican oppoei
Itar .Mill*; hips treaaurrr.J M. Ckmptloe baa wholly faUrd to luaterialice.
•wll. St U-nacet htpta pbya.clao. IV. H.
"Simc can only more about wit
only Boar and Hale are left to de
Morria. Mealirrry. bipb conaedor.
elare that the treaty tbon'ld not be rn- :olty br tbe aid of a p*‘n ®f «ni
Colin l>. Dolp. Grand Marais.
but be ha. become aecuaUmed I
doned by OoDpreaa.
The people uf Tawi* City. Baat Ta­
cnltteu DOW and will leare for I
ra* and the nelpbburlDp country arc
.inatlon Vhia mornlnp alone.
. Plenty of Goul-^
cry cnlbiuiaaiie orer tbe aui'ar beet
weon City. Soe- tu. VU San Fran■-Heaaldlaetoiphltbat tbe only mat
pub'.c meellcir*
ebao. Oal . Dec. St. -Bepone from ail
1 bU company wbo went vhroopb^c SOtatlon.
bare been held and anolber one will
taeka lo Ike eleinily of Dawaoo in
ubancampaipo wiihnul alckne** wa
r Tucad.y erenin;
rUeauthat Ibewloter'a prudeteofpold
rxoeed laal year a by more tbas whoee rnerpy aod ability ibc company bouae In Tawaa City. The Bpttal n,





Erery Paebaca.

Esubnartod 1760.

■ Jeara Thurwlay. and

Throuph.iut the ulh-r bran •

' .irk roll
the paal four di
coDdeuirr w th

tuoo .pxliibit,..

WUl he ReilfieO.


Keep in the World

iir.1 when be na* Ki.irki men
arm*: ihe bevond when he haa el
Kilbos. capital ol ibe p- -r'ncr
care, and the third tw>' n-Fu.l.

ualock It.



een Victarta will apend
rbrsatwa. w, * her family aiii.buBe ,od i- ■•I partir* of aoy kind.

1 the deep m.-urolnp into « hu-1

• >tb aUweb
beradf. Tb

le Kmpirt; imber oompany offer*
ird olfiJOiH

t one year ayo. and with repr
said that llbadnouaelwiib the r

li ,i .
t; he arphod axN.-'h.rp Mi hum cm eomstroB

K.ftaeB mootba

’JT* “ *“'**'
•>» nee only buBbupv bet
lunrblBp. fbcaide*
Tbe aide* ot Ue
tbe inew abip pu»
«:j danjrfoua,
rill be protartcd by plate* of aleel Is
oehe* th-ek. bardeeed after the pro- ,
no BniricU Repnlstar Ca. ABbu. Ca.

aianlinoplc poorboaoe by a lady of
(traad Rapid* latryars He opaoalpp
A preal proecBion
Fred Hayaald-a anpre^e beoek
■ tala aod mUltary sceom|mi
bItloDt oe Vtaeproond that be'* too i
Rile when Ibc Iraaafor iraa mai
of a pollllciaa. They bare « leaniop
toward JoaUee tirenV.

k boUdlBC by
a (a Ibe bank.

beater to I
■r had UitU cSeet bat
[ of Hr. Balaa with
thahoaekeptla tbe bAlldiaf
I the Are.
•Hi totaralah bet wat
MOMadJadOaaaroB li

Dir.Mil^’Heart Cure

him for ine damapr
l,tndu* t'.jdy, a < .c»t-l*nii real ea‘*tc
dealer, who I* an enthuaiaalic auppor
er.if ■■rraideixl Smpwin. uf tbr Cbri*
'■ab Ailiaooe. will depart lor fob* Jai
ufatartiap mi

Ch'iauoaa waa ubaerred very .
Id tVaabioploB. The weather n
and hracni:. In the preaidcuiia, t
the day wax a rorr tioiel one.
prr.tdsn aod Mr>. V. Ktulry bar.rral fncml. from nhiu -l-ppmc a'
White b<mae with Ibrn. and a ha’’
rn othera, furuieriy IWinpTn tin ,i
It aaves bolh time and lalw

to) ,ynd. I>
tud Mca. I,,
.od Miv K :or_a Smith caiU-d and .pro i

and K>v«?s rmulu Uial p!ea-<
X. ruaavB ndpin

weather and «.-ol tuil fur a drive .inr. »■■ASI'A.-A*
top the afp'feioon. .Tn* prraufrnl, ac- (•
Jamr. Harbrr, Mr*. Me. •
Kloley'a nephew, attended dirino a

\VK f-AllUy THE l..\IUJESl .SIXK-K fiF

Headstones J
.Markers I

hare failed
Their bank
-.iv-rd it* dnor* on Saturday The firm
baa been fcediop
bead uf cai
lmpOT*ib-Uly of aecurinp i
on maiord cattle piper .
re-fa,oFihIr for the failure.

IS XoaTHEilN .MlflimAN,

• talemeni wa*
larked wmblpuee
Ipe IV. H. Taft uf

all <radi*of tlranite. ]
lor the «)oa;ivy of work j
I moeitoieDta: work on- «
.Inklaffofbgyli or drop a* a

J Trdv3rs3 City Granite & Marble Works,

II. I). ALLEY Proprietor.

^<01 West Front Str^

Trarata* City, nek.

■ ul fflSby tioancikl achemei
■d a Spur* in .tale llemt
.. bare t>F«n f mod dead al

fobuat health

Ttio i.-rAiarant u»- of


A i

BuppeU* ol cuoaiderabi'

Tbr northbound

l■.ul> wreck 1- milea below Tu.tin.
l^aa. trail lu Skapuay. arnr,:
>. Ibrouph the interreniiun ul a
ry for Ibc eatabliahmcot of a ti
Some mitcreanl had tierl a rail
Mew alHkea are Iwinp would bare fared much worae U
np but *;
acraaa the track
Ju.t a few
' '.daily and tbe >odletl;i>D>ar< that
Klaaaea wat formerly a rca
the full extent of the Klondike placet
Dranrl Rapid* and an o£i.-er.
d Innea Riflr*.''
rerione baa by nr> moani been yet de.
Tbe State railway eroaalop board hs*
All known Ic-allliet are
tne lipbl.
Thiwoeceaaitaled run
•efuaed Vr spprocr the luvp of the lV:a
eroerded with hard worklnp mlnera.
To thcB* who kne r Slade aod
e alowly to the next alalloo. Tbe
■onaia. hKcbipan .V Nurihern rsiiroad
wbo arc pnabiop derelopmenl With a
lodlnp bit catc
lu pruceediDp at rediwed
'uapsay wnlcb la w run tbruupli *rr.
rapidity unparalleled in thia c^luotry.
re util be a rcrciaiioo. tinped .
. b«
Mia. MlUlkaa took aeHa Aaah-Upbt
Asarloao penina baa furmabed thaw,
tor. repardleaa of all iu ho.-rora. ■rsl counties lo tbr npper peninsuis
pMatH «d tba Barry rroBp. Delloloae
-k and damapioir the leoni of the
inp maebinary and troal
Slade it certainly In rc^ bad tbape tod tomat^aerrral cruaatnpa wire tbe
tahBtoaH wm aarvad.
Morth Westeru.
Comt^lmiuner ttm
phy»!cally, and erery eflurt ■
• they
ileally and apwdUy.
reliere bit »aff'rinpa while
«to Laaelac darlar tbe lerlal
lap but be wka oren Tiled by Sroretary
fold produeUoD tbU winter will be at
Ibiaclly. and all bia oror
tba raaete took eesaeloa
.now atomi. ib the Lara Cau. and
ardner and Attorc
ooaaiderable leaa coat than heretofore penaee, Ineindlop board. nuKlop and
pHaMt hlB wllk a bHBtUal tie ^
bo were Ihuurht lo bare be,
Bderado. Bonansa. Hunxer, Skokom m-dlcal bill*
ard, who Ibonpbt a more fraaible
bielini ily Mt ^tb foar epale.
mte mipbt by arlecled.
■ death, .neceeded in mak
Bear. Chief ruleb. Anrora. Dominion.
rllel fundSalpbar. LitUe Uladeb. Preneta polch.
)( Slade erer eerTTd in the army be­
and be'scb elalma borderlop Ibi
fore he wai.rcry reticent opon tbeau^ eoptalned in IIVT. tl.sM acre* of bardiberad la at Beeaae by tbe eraebtoc beiap worked and nrarly ell with pcxvl Joel here.
r lerulrBe aad rauliec of eoUeye eroepeeu of eacceea. Prom Tblalle and
Oe.U not out upon farlooph. hr
■ of swamp 1,
A conbinatioo of the tnost effccas Maaaer riAeeiaaa aCray wbleb Tulare ereeln. oe
diacharped wbco tbr other i
Binad aoar tbe OMlre of tbe dty aaturlnp reporta bare come, and those her* of Ikrmpany H were muf-ered out.
bardwoo-i. tive ItnowB remedial agents for tbe
wbosuippeded there In tbe latter p
rwitiop BcarlT or riailc HM- from ttai
ii« Ibe ally aad tbs Cabas raaidsota.
this plane to procure ooiBueocI make
Om Oabaa waf latally woBaded. to
Be did not Wconi? eeparmted. fo
I pine t.iio of heml.a'*. <■• *;i, ot •
Ircqueot or turbed urioe, bed
. otban wan badly lajarad. and a Spaa- reporta that prral rlchOBa. remain*.
weWeday* tram.hit reptmentdB Cnba! pla-Ds" aad r.TM of awsmp lasd.
From ForiyHIle aad Am
b.r childrm,
lame back,
■ml atUch bimaelf to the colored iefaadletrleu.ooae plowinp rep^riA. panic
■raod Trarerae Sl.oiJ acraa ol bard- dn^y, female weaknesses, rfaeumsolarly in tbe Foriy-Hlle repion. Latp. try; and enpape lo the battle of San
rood, t.Mk Of pine. U.OJJ of bemtouk. tism ,ad heart disease are rmreS h.
tan hill; bemuae Compasy M did VKI.1U of ■.plalna'
partiB are beinp orpeni/ed u p<
*wamp tijjj g,^ medtciBe.
not land hi Cnba notll tbr oay follow
tbe loe.
Kaplr City. ii
1 bad IM.ti:
■murahir enpapemcoL Msr hardwood. S.TdP of pio*. 11
I of bem<
dbeovefy bat has
Aeurioan lerTltory. bed e wosdrrfBi
iBded with Maaaer bolieta. lock.-tMe» of ••plain*"
been used in private pract;
Tbs a«Mr WHbroarktoe by tbe prearth. and Is now a place of betweei
r In Trarerae City or bia awampa.
A third'of a extitury by ooe of Amer■
t-ODOasd peopU Uiwaeiiperafroa
Oalaas. wbo Bred froB a beaMM
compxBy are aware of
lica’smost auccessfuJ physicians.
a asBpaay of aaldlBaatis^ la tbe
> diacB** 1
fulness a medicine chat ixas pro­
■oat nnforiaoat.
ate >p the
lb. Company
1bsaaldl«aHn«lot^<aet aad
duced sucli hcocficicot result*
a that reftrd.
here has
p IS apw adt-eniaed to the miUkiAs.
ijeeaUoa aa In wbrtbrr vtarcnodiiitm of for Uutaroor and i Bltod Staiaa Scaai
lew year* aeons.
bia limb* I* dae lo Ibe eauam wbleb be
Experience leacho (hat merit
At Hadnd. th* conditi,XB of PHi
alone is not audicient to bring (o
' Wbtle Hr.SlMei*enUUed toalltbe UlBtaler ttaff,
who » aaffariac Uie ms^e knowledge of tbe
tl Won* tO pleftSd yOU
braochlal poesmunta.
ayapavky which
BOOBced to b*

Hv 1* rwiuk in [rjur Ij.'slib. Ircui suy iBUSp *<iuld rrwlore Ihem
1.1 t td ir.i.ih ii-Hltli

Our rc«uru.-d «>l.liufs,»;'->*ro fer-lioK weak tud

low i.i.iril.-.i. a„uM 1-uiucli Jiel|k-i iiy iL

Tb>-Oryil-inor catuee the

natural cur.- .,f al! f,,rm> of .liwav, ii. iii-n. w.iiii..ii an-l L'hildrea.

Talk witli E. H Mill.-f al tbe iJruK 8lore, oor d'kir «Bit



He k-wtst tbem (or wilu aii'l mn tull you alK>ul tben.

plain -liri-ctior-e witli each aiJiilianre.

George II. Lathrop. Lock Box 304.

(ienerai IK-sler f„r VVeai.-rn Micht«BL

Dr. Fenner’s

Kidney & Backache


I Have a Full Line of-



Karm Maclri^inery.


“■ Si


Tb* mayor of
ba* preacet.
It b alaDaereat Ratal Deponnt
1 axnld
Xold iBdal lo UenrrBi VTooa
aad Or Blood Puruya, KraiBing «tf tto
if Vbe repoeter. and areokl^dUsaad oaa to ProaMeat HcKialcff impurities Iraa the hlood thnwh
Bnt perb^tk* with a oeroH oostaiaiar the Aoelafakidaey*.

3 bsH been troaee to

TfTld fllpbl of Ibe iBiapInafioa


---------ra-1 ^irikii



THE VERT BEST IN THE HAKSET. and at prices that cannot faU
Oome and see what I've ^ot. Ton will be apited

• QUgr.Ml^



Mr. r«aMrf MUioB.


1 boildlar. vbloh bM baa
AM— uon-T»*wl «< Ifa »»»tt ttaeUBC tb« kUaotiM of tho t
-MMnorOMrMiTWMdtbkaltr* lav *0C7 ao(* lb«ot7, vMbcoocbt op tor
^ tfo •-Ik*
of kk MUt wm
a. tbattbaboBdiar k a
koMtatbofoUevivlBUrrkv witli
wUr bMMd dorlac eoU
f r------- "■- W. B..r»ta
.*• bM (loqoeBUp oent to tbo
matar • >
noprmfarrod tbo aWMr
■ tbr Ib41
. .
MBob * tap MoraoBlilo coo
■p. who. vbM iboppotlB tbo<«ppoi^
tto. rtonatood Ibot It vosU bwt tbo

' ku


‘•Tbo Kkhik cU b>4 bbrrov..

JadlaMb ocaMlMUoa
•Tbka.wulaMbBM ottboBbrcov• Of oa*. tbo <

iHWlMtboatatodobt. Mdlaotlp Ibe
doM Itoalt. Thk OtoO done vba OoMtvaowall. l«o» tbo k a bic on?
vlthaaiaaoaoo tebool opotoa. Ba
«boo( board waato abaot a aUll9e a
fmr. a—vboB tbo prtaarp oAool
fmm to b. dlrtdod, Dokoll
fokvllW^^ar. offL vbUodktrleto
tbot Boad faooop aaeh men r«tt
bMimtoofil. Iko ladkaa U-doa
Mtplaet aap oaeb

•oarototaa rmUroado aad otba :
aarptamtod bodkt aad. at tbo aai
Mat aoaM aoofllatiar wlU tb« «
aHtakao. wUrb k a oarp pceallar M
Watioto>»alp.lotbo baadt of Uott
pae*)a. Bp wbat aatbod. U tbo ladkoaijitoa waroadc^. art vc u
antra at tbo rat oanlon ado ral)
radaapbattortbaa vado aov? Hoo
«B «a toU bow aaefa boloaft to MiobMat vbn a aaa bapt a tSakat to Rao
Tab? Bov ara veto toll vbat properMao ad a tolarraa cbatirt from tbU
M^toChkapooboaM to
tolbkatoU-bovraaebcoftbe abarfot
retod aoatb?
be aaoppo-


tkanBraaM ttaatod Jaot at fairlpa.

raawaslhapabUetootaltattoBTaradaplthkaitr k oMaadtor tba raaoltow to
raatorotTrararaa Clip Cbaplar. So. Oraad Baptdo, which bo*aa Taaoda#. to
». B A-U..aadtbobaU aad baaqaot lerraaloeaaow High Ooarl lor waotora too—tog aeboel at teaimlt Qlp. k aatblcb tUtowad. Tbe aannal moonoilr Hlebicaa.
icfieg a rteb racatkm la tbk dtp.
, BaproHw CUaf
to wbleb tbo pnbUe k poraUtUke Badk UcOee who k attoadlar
tod to abarak alwapi toobod forward to Baagor vCl be tbe toatitetiBg oOett. tfaeTiararee Qtp Bratov COUe
with aatlelpaUoBo of Croat ploaoara | aad aaap other BlghOooneflcaie wUl apsadlBgawaakatte home at Ealaad that of toot craolac wao oO eaeap- brpreenL Bealdaa C fi. Oark. who k i baeka.
a to tbo rato Braniac diaao are-;
UaeeiBger ol tbe Bigb OoerV : Mra. U. S. Howe — Oread Bapte.
itod aad tbe prottp Matomeo of the
1 Trarerea. So. US. eeade aa ! epaodlag tbe boUdape wItb bar daagbdalegatM. rradKortb.P. C. ailbwt,A :ur. Hre. Beetao ot Boatb Spraea
V. Friedrich. F. A. Prato. Ow>-W.apda. etreet.
boantp aad aalmattoa.
W. J. Bebtoeoo. J. B. Caouroa. W. W. | Mke Uatte PraU haeretarve
prerlow to tbe pkUto tootaltoUoa of KeUep. B. £. W«rer. D B. UcUeJlea' Oeborwe, where the baa aaebool.
>0 oSeaia Of tbo Cbaptcr tbo la- and B C Comptoo-__________
! wlU rklt rdaUrra aalil attar tbe hoUataltotloa of tbe officare of
Uurrap Poet O. A. Rl
Klaelodraod Coancll waa eoadaet-

Ba.rgaiin IEb?ices


baUdtor and cronndt witb power
act. Thk coBiBlltee wao empower,
tara beta toatraalod ao aad it k
to act epoa tbe matter of pla<-lDC I
paraaaal vkb. too. I doat tbtoh aap
tktra radiator to the llbrarp to tl
aaaoatalda of ap diatrtot baa aap
m>e beUdlncitehlMtaUtoabovI aboold rota oa
Wbao Uie braltoc bBoinoo. had be<
bara baoa aokad
dkfoaed of Mr. Uopl made an effort
haw aaap ballou I vaald coat tor Barharatbo board reoonaider tbe action,
lawa. attor bow raaap -woaU I r<re
taken at the laoi meetloc. to recerd
MM«p.ifPbtMa. Paeh or Batith
IbeprapoeiUon of tbe Bell Telephone
■aaaaaa ^ woa ap paooad ebolaa.
eompanp. to keep tbelr ’plteoet to
aaaaBanawfwiUbaattoetad on '
tbeeeeeral tehool bulldlnca. He •toted,
• toibaUet.
tbat the northern Telephone eonipeap
“Up iiranto* Wan. I tbtoh Bom
dU aot bora a repiwntallre e
tiawallp k a rood maa. Ba U a b
toatmeeUDCol the board and there­
MrMalbaBMaUUtoa.aadlMU tbo
fore. deemed U proper that the
foaaraw aa down to Datralt.
eompanp obonld be cirea a ehai
«f» k a ponaaaleaabatww.
makea proonitlon.
fmaadBarrewi, Thapaeplabrtmad
healed dkcoetiooo In which Mr. BarTp
tea to thk lawteeoaatrp tbtoh. the
for tbe Bell oompoop aad Ur. Arm«■ tetl a Boad tblM. aad ibap btUora
U tookaa bettor prleto tar lual
pari, were Iktened u>. 0 action r
token bp the boara.
“I tbtoh Laak k tba toat anaa
Clalmo Inelcdtoc tracbm' ralariee'
anoeeUac to •».«>•.?• were orderod
«aad oMa-Loah,
Ckrtoa. Adaota.
ttatobarlili.>d paid.
The report of tbe treaonrer for NoIteraat ■adaa-paalUra daakic
raabar ohowtof a balance of
toad tbaao.
waa aocepled.
Tbe report .of tbe onperlntendcnt ot
r unitbaa. bat whlU roaelTod
tbe eollertloB of foreirn tniUoe. from
wMk tbo aardlaUtp wbtob dtvmaerNor. St to Dee. M.amou^nf to
taratbe aaaatar. bt aoaU aot >
«p Saab of aa tolarrlaw. to Saaator
"T^Ttole^ text book* for the
■OUbaaktoe booj fatUar bk bteof December asonntod to I4.PT. and
waotoahaatBwbkworkto tbo alau
tbefineo aiaonstod toM.ti.
Maato. wharahawfU doaUtha talkSealed bldo for 40u eordt of t-fool
lar ■OBtotoip. eat wbtra tbo ropartort wood for the echooU will be opened
wrUbotoMUadtoaU Ibafastbapoan Jan. It. The comoilttor oa boUdlaca
baoa with tta Tratoraa atp aaaai
and croBBdi waa plraa power to art oo

ralrv Tbe older garaW and mem-1
...a .k
I I»e knnr. nf

oa taaefaera reported thep t
tbeeerrieetol Uke RaroBo

An Ezacserated Buiemeni

■ nnort t at rora...... .
Bt and Mrp C. E. Taplor apent Sua .short Cut Pork oar Ih -


will now be made on all small lots—broken aasorimeots—remnanU^odds aiid
ends. etc. to clftse out liefore this invenlorv takes place.

If there’s anything
you need
in Dry Gootls. Cl<»ak>. Car{tels. Clothing. Funiish*


X3ravei*se Ci^y, MictLigaaa..



Everything Goes Regardless of Price.

tamed at i-o long ubia. apraad with 1«»“>e auto___________________S^’pcHb
Bonool Repon.
Butter per fh Dairy..............
Report of tbe Interlwhen achool for Cieamerp Hatter.ft ...........
the term bettouing .srpi T and. *


ing GikkI'. etc., it'll j«y you to see what we offer.


Aa aooD aa ihr danciag began the doora I
i Meal. 0. L. A Co. Hral....
of the Otolng room were ibrowo open ! >•'“ *<*a Walera baa returned from a ^ p^ed. H. L. A Co Beet . .
aad the gueal were admirably enter-1 »*«»><»«““ »klt to the raatborn pan , ^jwr dot
Tlaoda which 'templed the moat rebel-1
Hoot appeUte. The igfna'waCaa fol-i


We begin oiir .^HNUAXc XNVSHTORY rerr soon after the Erst of the ye*r.

The lollowiog k a Hit of offieen
aeerat raraioa.
The pnWk
f CadUlac. and
»>•» »
tooUltotMHi wao eoadaeud bp Dr I. A. elrat ot Uerrap PoetSf Maple City lor I <>» H***
.-1 wtfeaee ridUag friende and ralaUraa
ao AeUDC Drand
tlsoo. Arop^ot t
Co.m«5^Wm Bicci.
to tbk dtp.
ptMotod to the booH bp Jobltor 1^100^ ThocereBooleo w-ere ImpraoSopertotendeot C. T. Ueawn and
alra and aadc addlUooallp oo bp ibe
Boaa UM tilfbt and aeoeptod.
* '■rol- Horo left Teeedap to atieod tbe
Maeb Uao wao eooOBiaod 1a dioma- ;e^ia>plrtoreo.tao>o.of th. offiena
tine of tbe State Itebeia' Ai
Tbo inotoltotloa wao wUaraaed bp a
KOf tba ii
.. leid at IwBttog.
toe aad asneaUnc reiaadlao.
BapUit SanOapScbool
Prtodrieb iboarbl that tbo boattoc sola lodpe roSs aad rol'erite-IpTollowInc
tbeecreiBonapaaratu wao too omAI for ibc btlld
Vt the BapaktSaodapbeboolelectiae
imprompto procre^i
John rovlo rtpfeteolto* the
ibr following ofiiceie were eboae
J. W. Dmkermae *M appoiated
D which Trarerae Utp'e beet
HoreaaUU Oompanp addrraood the
ooe penr.
board aad arraed that tb< Compaop't <»1 toleot eoetrilinled.
Saperintendeni for the prioiarp deThe male .,uartot eompo«.d of E. E.! The oIBcera will be installed tbe firet
tnietioao to tbo baodUae of tbr
partmrnt.Uiea Nina Payne.
.tto« plant wort B0^ fulij earried While Freoh Parka. W J.Hohba. and ' Selnrdmp In Janaarp at one o'clock p. : SupeHntendeot-Emaooel Wllbeli
F. Banter rendmi aereral aelectionm ^ m
PaOllC laetollntioo.
oat bp tbe joaltor.
' Secreurp—Oeorge Croaa.
^r. Bopl caored tbot tbe Mcrcaalllc which were reeeirad with tbe
L. O T M. Elecuon
which alwapa charaetei
Gonpaap. at thoir ova axMOor. oead a
Irma Cunningham.
. Tbe annual election of oftlceTe of
■Dte to tbt oefaool boUdiap aad lot bim farora of the qnartei.
Chorleter—Mr. E. Boeer
Leoo Tltna contributed a humorooa'Trareiee Bap Blre No. Tl waa held
lakooaraoflheboattop opotoa for a
organkt-Elhel Pope.
vaab.dartBC araraee wioter wratbor. reading and wat compelled to reepond Toe^p afternoon wittflhe followmg
Librarian- Willard Kradlee
] reaalta:
I. with tbe aaieBdmrat that loaboartp OE.Nwe.
le eoeal featore of the procram: Paat I.adp Com.—Clara Rector.
a to be aent at a time iMaciNouoe <,r Annual Uc
Lad.r Com.—Callie Thacker.
bp Ui»* Jooefa WilhclB. aceompo-'
.ed bp tbo eommltw* oa bnilci|lon.,>nd
. oo the pioBO bp Uk» Oteprae., 'Lady Lieut. I'.tn.—Map Somera.
rroaodi. wao carried Ur. Powle. )
lAdr II. K —Aoua llam-sond.
rareree, Aairim and Leelanaw
which wao fallowed bp a ptono oolu bp'pF. K.-Amelia <i>ffcr .
I roaoliea w
.. be
held in Odd Frllowa'
'Mira UooUcoe.
rptod tbe propaellion
1 Hall. Trarerae City. M>. J. Hl'>, ai
Lady Chaplain—Ala Pope.
llJllep ferored with a hoiaurTbk oreemeat pat aa end to all the
: ii'.-lock p. til. All mri Den. of the cc
I.adp S-Tgeanl—Libby Keller
^ ^ prores
Mielreea at Arme—Lena .Sbilaoe.
rbetber the beaUap apparato* of the
Laty tk-Dtiari-Uartba Urowa.
:hool bolldtoc k perfrci. or whether BicDl, bcior compellei lorraooDdtoaj
Udp Picket—Brbeoca Fryman.
1 prorram wao oooclnded
Erporlo were oonanmeatod t
rlngview.em- be Keid „nie time .n Jaooary. but a'., Below k a Hal of the hoping and M.11
of beogufal
the Janitor of tbe Central achool.
•'“I time during that month I* not j
prieea of peelerday for g
blematic of the
It wao rorp difll^alt to heat the '
Imatedlalely after the program the '
decided It la not d.flnitely known j proemona and farm prodneto
wine of that buildlBf. He aacceo
young people took charge of th.uga and; whether the ottk-er. of Ihia hire and I •-•City.
at a remedp. ihol the pipe eooduciiuc
to to the loaplrtbgae of Trireme Bap Tmt No. ivi.........................................
tbeateoaiM that port of the buildiac. dancing waa Indulgwl
Profr—or Unriaugli> 1 w.ill be to-tailed at the k
lecrad with aibeotoa. TheatoUcr

••I ato foto# to TOta lor Borrovo.

WaaU^taa. a C. Daa. M.-th
4teto a. MorriU of Varaoat. tbe rraaiaUo “laite odtboaaaato."dM at
liM e'aieab thk Boratoc at hk nalaMMtoihkaitp.
thaaa' ware at bk badoMo tbo
etark aaa. Jaaaa Uorrlil. Ul> Swan,
me aktor of bk daeaaaod wifa. aad
' Biiitii Praote. bk eoUaaraa.
■awaa attoUnd bp rip abeal
Baakaee.batlhadkaaaa waa mUd to
Itoto. bt attaadad ifaa ■iraioao of Uo
■MataaptotbaatfJoarBBMat. daaplto

A Happy and Prosperous New Year, to 6ne and aH, from your
.Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House—St^ber^s.

Must be Sold Within 30 Days I


. -i


.. natiof^v.
Tbe older people were ee
iblea lirat. while tbe young
attention to the feaal betw.
rhir waa one of the bappiea
the hl-torp of the order in the cily.

Don't miss this chance to get your furniture at the prices
I am compelled to sell for. Just think of a nice 6 ft. Extension
Ash Table for $2.96. and everything else at the sa^e low price.
Look over this list of articles and., see if ther^lenT some­
thing you want:

K*.-ood Urade—.
Finii tirade—Mai
iJi.ur M. H..IIT..-. Teacher


ai Inautuie
e Farmrra' loalitnlc

[f"; JTbet*'"



for Ihia county will be held to Foreat
era' ball. Traerrae City, bepiooinp
Wedneaday afternoon. January iTib.
I«vu. and i-loetcg on tbe foHowlsg Fri­
day afternoon.
Among Iheapemkeri furniahod by tt.e
State board ot A_gricullurr are
tor A. K. ralmn of Kalkaaka and Mra.
UarpA. Uayo ot lUlUr treek. both
well known nod aucceaaful Inailiate
worbera. C, II. Alward “f the Aprirullural Cdllrge. Jotbam AMen of Ithaca
and noo.
lion. i-errp
Perry r.
F. rv-n»
Poweia ui
of Cadillac
will nlao be preaenl and apeak at ooe I •
or more of thr tetaiooa.
Day -eaaiona j f
will be neroled to practical farm topics f
and eeenlngaeaatoDa'io topiea relating I •
Kt.r y.i'.ir sriff tliat liHB iava
to Ibe achool nod the home.
^errae IJ
n'l'rryiiiL' >“U s.t imicJi of Inlf,
dtp people are eaperinliy loriiedto the If
erenlag aeaiioer and the ladtos of tbe
iM-fiiii'i U.iiit-r t'.ii any tuot.-—
clip to attend the Woman'a Section on
juBt ui»t* lit-r It |i«ir uf
Tbnradny afternoon In one of the i j
One new Iratorr of the Joatiiute -i" - ~
be reports of farm experimenu
bare been conducteil bp torracra in tbe | ^
county durloK the pistaemaoL with no'J
exhibit of acmplea of tbe prodocia.
Tbe local ufli -era haee ael-ared a date S
for Uie Inalitula which
And tlArt lnT »ff into a Ne« Vi-»r on uikid fottiuk’
generally, to attend, aod are doing S
elioviu;; R ti- tr liu“o{
.VJ H'-rri. lia' niakr tbnl are
their beet to make tbe arrangemeoU •
complete in reery detail
gram baa bras prrparrd wbleb wul be i f.
' pnbUahed next week.

New Years’



Have just mentiooeci a few things to remind you of some
I have in stock.

i; Pingrec Sc Smith
S3 and S3.5Q Specials

1b Hondap't Uraed Rap‘.d» Ikmocrat
wac printed a lour Ikt ot the
Prirate Slade of Compacp U
dtp. In the article are eeraralc?”*'l.r
apda tlrrlcb
of tbe Imagination which eballengi^
tba boldeat aenaailonal. new.
writer. After gWIog to deull the aaf
leHogmof Stode and the .cnoaee thereifortbe Dtmoernt autee that “tfak la
Oblp another olt-rcpealed example
Ibaapatom by which rn-dr Sam f'
toaghx crippled and lick auldirra. IrarK U T U Elecl-on
Following Is thr rranll of the nnniial
Witoil oaeapt for a few tbenlneld tng them uproeore food and ahrlur
aa beet they can npon tbe meagre pap election of cAicera ot Trarerae Hay
iStomk. A tartte oompUeattoa de­
and commnutioB of rallona that la to Tent No l)“. K tl T H . wbleb took!
rate— la Iba ■eratof. wbee the
be paid them at aome mpalerioua date place Tnatda.r nigbl
aMteaftbc heart baname Impaired.
J. t^ier.
.Sir Knight Commni
... ........................Itotod tba aee of peworfal to tba faturc."
While Slade'i ca>e k an example ot
Llealenaot Co mi ndnr - Edward
te te dap aad tet eraalag.
B K.-Chn. S Vader.
Hr. HarrUI waa claetod to tb.
atorp aa printed to the Democrat k one
F K.-A Keberteoo
a aad baa aarrad
Cnapln'ln—I' I. Wpliemna.
SHUaSoaalp otto alatm. Be baa baen ot boodreda ot n almlllnr character
which hare oauaed uejart crllieini
Fhyplclnn-Dr J. B Unrtin
aaatoteof Onacnaa for fortp-tbree.
toll opoo the war ilepartmeol
Sragranv-C C Langley.
prao aad baa at all Unua baaa aaraeaterarfope eonneeted witb IL
And It k ' Mokier-nvArma-A J Heim.
»latorMtodto lafftalate.
Ba bia
aneh reckleaa dkreganl of truth aod
Firet U. of it -Frank Brndricks.
braa a MUbfal attaadant at erarp eeefaeU which brtoc> odiom opoo the
SecobdU ofti -Wm. B Korn
Maa at tba Maato aad a /atordp ebaaeobtoicbtlona efforta of thoar In aathor
Sentinel—O. O Sherwood,
fte at pretaeUea to eeoip torltf fipht
tp to operate a ayatem Intended to
rickcl—» K Hrigra
SkUl that OTwr tbe Wilaoa lav. when
Maalclnn-Cbas. K. Hale.
make tbe lot of the aolriier aa eaar to
fikaiafiralUM of oM age praeeated
Aiaklnni Musictoo—C > Vader. 8r.
bearaa pteibic.
-Wto trow tokte tet ia tba dabau.
'uebaWtll ba Bare.
teagh hk reto aad great tofiaeaea
Mra- D B- Titua left yrater
Tbe looal Cigar Makera' I nlon. No. - Flint to eUir her daughter, S
wen eaad agatet tba bUl.
Mr. UocTillkaanMaab aaaator ez- liO bai reeeirad aa accrptancefrom tbe iaepbtor. who U-tencblog tbe
aadad to tegth tbat of aap ette aan- celebrated Eugene V. Deba. who bpa achool for the blind.
alar to tba hkterp ot
aatlea. beenlnritodu fielirrra lecture here
TbMii B. Baatoa. iba tret eooalcr ■ndee the aaaplcea el the aeion The
tek MkaoBrUarrad^wemtp-oaa paaie date fixed k Wedneaday. Frbraaie a
and tba toeWre will be delirered in ibe
la Ik
dtp Opera Honae.^ Tbe I alon k lortonnto to aeenrlag'ae eelebraled a peraonage to'Ulk to them upon the ennae
whratbaIrpBrdaareldla. Mow k tba
ttea.tbandae.wbUa we ara bnlldlBC
> great aaep. to balld a great A.
. aaa aanteai aarlaa. Iba aaoret ol
tba ebrapaato aad tbe qaleksem wtlb tog. alaclM Ut* foUearlBg oOrara for \
wb<« jtoo rair gel alra
wbtab toanbaat Mlpp are taraed oel Um aaxulBg yrrar:
Oncla-Mra. Mar; UMtoiir.
laBrtaiBrllato k to tba eaal qaaatlip
VlaaOrarla—Mra. KmOc Clark.
at -inblp ■tillftoff ibai k ilin re­
BMtear—Mra Maud Howard.
tog aa. LMaatobaatetoetef BagBtelrer—Mra Ansa Kooa.
CteMUor-Mra T. M. Meat.
^ thal wUI kaep tlma eraafoctable aad warm.
Hbawki rrbUe rra bara tbe itea.
Harabal-Mra Frasoat Byaa.
(tear tetUarl-Mra A blekaraoc.
H.B Bilk ot tbk dtp aad Mte. M.
OaMrarattoal-Mra F. firhradrr
VauiafLalaad. rranaaltod la marPhytSalafi-Or. M<m«~
I at tbo lattar
Matfigw-Mia SMsatV
Datogatra to Band Camp-Mra Mary

Everything Offered for Sale is New Stock.



|J t l8 Front SL

Extension Tables,
Bedroom Suits.
Center Tables,
Kitchen Tables,
Combinat’n Book Cases, Organs,
Book Cases,
Rocking Chairs,
Screen Frames,
Dining Chairs,
Carpet Sweepers,
Kitchen Chairs,
Iron Beds, Wood Beds.
High Chairs,

Tbe Old Beliable Shoe Men


Come early to have the best selection. Bemember the place
and don’t forgat the many bargains I have.

Watch for the Sign on Building..^wti=-

.eaooo-^ wteeee^^eewe^^oee*


Geo. W. Thomas,
201 Cor. State and Union.

Traverse City, Kieh.

Apples, anjr grmde.
Beans, Hand picked or ecreened.
Potatoes, Empire. Bural find B. Bebrt n

Seed Potatoes,
I'arttra at oalftde pgiBU hating abore pleaae cDrr.-.poDd.


Highest Prices Paid.

1 Don’t Freeze
1 Your Feet.....


■fiUtei MteteH. Mra Mfitte Bfiat.

Warm Shoes

This Week Only w« will give

Winter Shoes. |


We bara all kind, liond kind>. the kind that wear, ihe kind :
lhal will arap yoar frai warm


Udies'Felt Shges. 50c. 75c. tl.00.
Childiec's Felt Unef Shoes,


Laraerbnttnc: ihr thtog lor oeld fi-mra. Fall Sllpfere aad *
FnotWaiBM-i'. Chrialmu bUppen of all ktoda.
tl pay» lo irade here aad pooplr bara foaad It <mt.







I >r Mnuficy. Frank Leslie, PuritEB, Co»mopel>tab. and otbere at 96c. A
Mail orders promptly filled for anything niaallj- kept in a well stockted Book W
) and Stationery Store.

Blank Books, Calendars. Diaries.







aRAim.»HAVteE gaa^ PSCEMBm sb, ie^
0r. Hartta. loMtad

tatad by
epa lor Mta



Hatbey Blp^^^Mrl^aatof Ub

tetarot of Ue eaaai-

auallef wbooi paaeod Ua axattea. It at loUowa;
tadar H. Baddy. M W: Boot Troaalb TV n; W. W. OoMe.; Jaa. P.
e. ft 7»: Jaa. U. BIrdnIl;
Barry K. Parrta. Tl«.
Oae of tae aboea teob tta eshBtattea
tof>wdla« loft «bw oae of the >«n
IT Hera aad tba reatAor earrtara.
RdUd apoB bU Ufi Iw. irblea rroe brebloir tbe barn

> of tta eleb aad «» of tta lodfe
KoUtayBare detollctaa beea
three diaybtera | doae royardl^ tbe propcalttca.
b*idB Mra. Kroapa. they are Mia. A.' It b Heatyard ao terv a elab aad oae
Borouy aad Mta. Cbarta K roepa of tbe Myr'rooaterary ereeiay exnapt
tUeeltyadfiMm KraakPbberotWb-'erhea oarotUeiodyeebta aetaoa.
aooata. Tbe reaalii ware talamd |Tbe plaa b toeatoblbb aeeelal oryaat Bowen Harbor PrUqy aaoralay.
; taaUoet la which BCBbera aad UeIr

Dr. Martis wM Wiled to Oadar Baa

Jraepb Beyoae. ta.iliarty kaowa ae '
I Pre>oBeBt..Prlday. .
Old Joe.” aa taBoU of Ue coaoly
booee, Alod PHday taeratay i
abeot 4 o'etoek. Ocriay Ue Obrbueae
eloU- Deeeaead waaeoy
teeuellta. wblek were belay bold ia
td wae bars ta Aartria.
aa old ebareb herd ap for Ue occaelea.
tbe coclape of "leorye Bebaob, a yoaay
Hlaaebe Bellkaep. ooiy ehild of Mr.
M year* of ay*, eaaybt 8r» froB
aad Mra. i'raok Bellkaap. died Satcreaod be waeeererely baraed. 1
tkrtai townUlp. of
bat aot yet. beta learned Juttkoww
dlpUerta. ayade yearn Tba raBotaa
bb loleriee are. la alteibottaylaid la Oakwood eeaetery Snnday

I bwt'^^1 eeeai iT tbe hUtory
of tbe Crweeat bead irtll be tbeir Neir
Yearb tea-eeot eappv aad daoeo Id
tm tall, aeal Meada;.
nof lb# boTB af Ibebead'olU
DMlDi ttaat to pvpaia tbe eapper aad
Ue erat irtn be a pleaeaet oae.


^ .nyyeeted-


plaa U reeelred wlU taeor by piaBy ae
It opeaea way (or Baay pleaeaal eftrr
aooae and ereataye for Ur meBbace of
Ue order aad Ueir faBilire
------------------------- ^------

Da '%rlatBae ere bTlIllaa Rai
aadHUeHrrUe Yowlteoo were
Had at the booe of tbe bride e father.
Biyht at 11 o'clock.
pret Piue
Ollbarl PowllaM.'oB tbe Pealaeala
Mta. Joba Krboae died at ber boar ' f^nd yi>ur
Tbe eereaoB7 wae perfoTBed by Err.
I yet a free ramiile
i. C Cbrataa. Itctb are well kaowa Id taoe aad baotta.
>“ Maybeld. Cbrbuiae aoratay «i ».
>( l»r kine'eS.
Trarerrr City aad Ibelr frieade wit)
• trial .will ounrln.-e yun of thrir
Two Mew Bttyiaae
rl^toooayratale thea.,
.Tlu-w- pil>> an-eaey la actHiD aad err
raab ol boelaeae oa Ue H * N. aad Mra. .Willlan Wallb
•4 yraraold, aad bealdea her father. panU-ulariy rffee-liro in the corb .if
Batarday wae tae baaeer day
hae Deoeaetiated Ue par­
ol _lmo oew freiyht enyliice,
tbe year with siat of tbe baelo
boaaee la tbe city. Tbe aalea to <
wbleb bare beea BaBafaolored at aa
A W. S. Anderaen. will be held from yiiarnuteed lo beperh-cUy free from
feraltote aad eroekery departseaU of
»e taUolic choreb la Mayfleld at lo '•«'«'}• Jeleleriou* »ul»taoc* and u> be
HaoDah * Uy Merceeillr do. for Irelyfat tralae bare been ran ooly U
that day aioae a«rereud .(I.IRBU. take Aea while anoUrr royloe Iron
A yreal many people ol Ub city will Momach aod ta-wel. yreatlj inrlR
aad tbe baalaeae of tbr et^ wae the
lid lake tbe train to that
lartreal ta tbebUtor> of tbe eoBcara.
polali the tame rclr applylay lo itptee
Tbe laereate of wnitaia Poole, which ooonrrad ta
Dr. A. H. Uolllday tael wllbarery eumlDC Ub wayUraad Kapida Toreday erenlny. after a '
palotal aoeldeal Tbareday wtaleb pre- boelaeM bae neemllaied an iacreaee
of faellltlm aad 4O0B there will be a lony aad palaful lllanaa. Dcceated wae :
eeated bla fros atteadlar to bit prarFBDIT TREES.
ileaforaeoepleofdaye He wae enfafed irala mnalayeaeb way Iron beie lo tor k yood many yean a eaaldrpi of
: a Cook. Ue <ae1l'kt»we')[
ManUler and beck wlUonlcbanye
Trarerar niy and ahe aad her haebaad
rpealaca etlek of eltraie of ellrer
'. takiay.||
Tbe reynUr paeteayer and fretykt ooaducled the l-anyboro Sonae for eer i
Wbea a piece of It dew talo bit Irfl
ibedule will y
or braaeh on Hon
a aerlaoebpn ‘lb
Siau Bank Cnanyea
I wbrie deeeaaed wa> b'yhiy r
baaday ereaic« Her J. C. Canaaa of
Harry Kent of the City Nee
* j ami rojored Ue a.-tualatanre .
tba EapUet eharrta teedered bte retlrok a poaltion .Uanary 1.
tiODoftbe paaioratc. totabeefteel Nuie Bank
Hie dulled will be Uoae
The fonerml aerrH-o of the late lira
tba Sdtb of Haitb. The reetyoatloD ol culleelor and he it wdll iiaalibed lor
will U aelod apoa at tbe aasaal laeetplace
Barry bae BOny Irlendt in Slmpaun were held at tbe Ucaateeetaooi
lar of tbe ebercb oiil ilala Tburadey
city wbo will I.e ylad to leara of b'onte laal T&nrvlay Borniny. Rrr b
j Salkbery omrlatlny.
Rer. Oersao baa oot ae-

--- -- --- *

......O „

Clreul*t|on JhlL

« ...



’’The'^^lr^rfomrrly held ia Ue jNew KruokWick, Dny

aoaaeed bte plaoa for tbe fatare.


Barber, fiaifbl clerk of tbe H
A N. B la tbb city, reuiraed yeaterdey (taflald.
raeided bere tUtUtUniUttllUl
frea a two woebe' riall with relallrre
alece. Hr wok-merrind le l*r.t U Htae
--------------rbe mai~i the Trareiae City LaaTbesUI
Ubio. C. A. <»ele. wbo Slled bte
Emma/ Koayp. Fire cbildree
___________ _________ta in.any pan
eoUlair laaber Wadaeebarr Go
plaoewlll yo to Haotetaa toaeelelle
boro lo Ibem. two ol whom are l|*iay.
tbe Adltor't office Mr.' Hale It elated
ArUor eail lleule, wbo, with their
--------------Oeer«ia A BraaaaD of nfe Ube. for tbe pceiiloB ae afeet at tbe new
moUer. reinala lo moura ibair loae
OUF SaviORS Department
U. A K B eUUoo at Uooor
(Me baea ^tad a wide
Hr eod Mr> K K. Hodyr of CherletiyparBoath.__________
F. b A. U Eiecuoa
Iwt ereatac I*- " BeaDea. wbo was
At Ue aaeaal maellay ol Trarerwe
Boo Eaabta.Oocelrleb haabaaalytbe ritlb arsy hcepllal
with fnrnd.
lUayo. and wbo hae beca City tady*. So. US. P A A. M Friday
eery Ul Wltb fnp lor eowe Uwe
Hr. aad Hr. H. RoeeaUal aad
wo moatba' furlouKb. left Biybl Ue followlny offioera were elea-taad ta abowl^r •<> •>««• ^ tn|woro
danyfater ol Petewkey. emved ia tbe i
lor Kort Waype for ordere
Be wae ed lor the eaaalac year
clly Moaday for a week* rtill e
H -W C. Hull. ,
by Brace BeboOeld. tvm
Julin. Stleabrry aod family.
StiKi MV«lt l«w U Nil It I ir) Iff tW'
Ufayelt#. Jay II Yraiar aad Collate
Friday u-uruiM.
morolny n
eed wirm.
Mra rw
Treaenrer-J. T. Hhanab
Uaalcaal. wboaxpectio ealtit la tbe
HeerwUry—C K Bale
hoapltal eorpe alao.
.pend CbrUima* with ibelr daaybler. ' catae.. rr... n>iu>w. e..i t'Mkwt
8 D.-D. B. Cbmpbell.
ne aDDoat New Vaar’t dlaaar of the
J. D
They wili atartaitj£^-«..rjtaV^^^^
K Cloafh of Hapla City ta aeialai
Boye' |laed will Uke place at tbe Botel
8Uwarda-K. U. I^ttaad W. J. Biy }Kalamecoo.
taebaa abooMee Wada wbleb ta raeelv
Leelaaaa aad to aerred with tbe aeual
•d fro* a Wllac traa Wadaeada.
ofUadlordBoetraB The
taat*BBk-________________ __
article of diet will be tbe oairlcb wbleb
naaaoe eommlttee-Aea Ualr. E 11.«^lB i. K dbbaaoB brearbthle DaB UeDoaald iatrodaced In the froat
l•opaaDd P. 11. Pratt.
aloof yaebt traa Old Utajoo to Oral- parade ol tbe Cbrielmae natHBi
Troetea for Uire yaare—B W. Cdb- ,
llahTtUe TkoMday. to ba UM ap for

,ndi^7. hMMCMittl.

. y______

eytTxm' cstxi ttLMf


■uybam. _______________



WUtaa UUlaw aad Mta Bditb
tnutota of tae Northi
■Ubtat ol BlBfbaoi. wara me
aeylem bare awarded a eoairacitora
Dnaabor M by Bbe. J. A' Breody at
b^lor to be added to the baatlaf
plaat of tbe ipaUtctloa. Tba addi
win be a ISO-borae power boUerhad It
t. A. Babball abd wUe ol Maatoo
will be pat la at oeoe.
Beretofore Ue
ObdMta HlaaU Aadeiaaaof Fife Lake beattay eapaelly hat baea latoffl
W beatUc nata bslldlay aad eotiayra
properly aad Ua Iraprotemeatwlil be
Maaater Barry baa placed deek tele- araple for Ue (.DTcae.
phtaaalaDaa Dakeb oSee aad oaa
Grace ebareb hat receieed a baaatlta tta oBlee of J. C. Mortaa at the
il neaterlal altar erot*. which
eaU etorafe balldtay.
praaeaVeid by Miaa AUoe Crawford. Tbe
Ttara wUl be aa laportaat taaatlac araaaeeb b UIrty ia> bee la baltht
priday tlfbt of tbe Baaaab Blfl« fa aadbotpUloaelldbraec. Oa Ite bate
Ealfbte of Pytblaa taU-. Brary ■e-'— blatrHbad: "lb lotlay BaBory of
lereseeeted to be priieat.
Chariot A. aad Alta A Craetford, Deer It. im. aad ta Ue eeaU
Chief of P.tlloe Beaple baa Ub
Uelettera "IBd." 1a eeelcalaetle deohaattaa oa aaaoaat of lllaaae aad Coa•taWa C. W. Aebvoa U ftUla« tba aeet alfD.
of ebipf dattaf bbabeeaea.
C n Taraer hae rouroed tros foe-

A Saa Storm
Tb'eterpreaaow eiorm aad'biluard
if Twadayaitd the day belore. leter i
fared oooaidwhbly with the railroad :
traffic. Oa Ue C. A W. H- road Ue,
i^nUr paeaanyar <ae from iiraad|
BapMe at 11:10 p. m.. wae delayrd i
nearly 4 bourt. aTrlelay here at 4:fii
p. m. The traia from Ue aorth arTired bei«llt 4:lip. m.. he DkUkl.
11 p m iralB from Ue eouU wae de­
layed aboal UIrty Blautee.
A K. E. tralae were eot
bolbered no bad. the pood vraia arrirlpy about half an boar later Uaa
Banal. Tbeeeeaiay train wae it mlnBta behtad tlma
ThrG B A I. Uale eebedaled lo be
har«at1::0p m'. arrired ei t n'.-im.-k.
aad Ue Mli p m. paaaeoyer waeri)

alBf, wbata be atteaded a aaeUny
thaataU beard of pardoaa.
Chrbtmaa pa.doot were praatad
larya batch deatad. Oee of Ue >etldaolad wae Uet of Alrah TboBte
Alea Tyler leaetlof at atyht Herb
who wae aeatooeed by Jadye Ctobett
at r»rk Plaaa botal wbUa Laadloed
taatJaae W eta yeare la Harq
TT. a Bbldw te eaJbylBC a two waal '
e for attoBptta aaeaalt ap»
iyn with bte paraate at Kept. Ohio.
BerUa Oieae.
■ Attkaebaeaotlea of ttaKalfhiaol
Pythlat Ub araaloc eac eaadidata
raak malted la terereleji
*111 ta laltlatad Ip tba raak of iiaWaaeel Kalaraie. hit wile aad ablar-taqolio A fall aWaadaace to aryad.
taw. Mra Bodak. Tbe lattar bad aa
Mra. Jaaob Oalaua taetalaad a i
brokea. The party waa drirtay
■ fal aealdaat TbaraMy.
A raaiy
aloay Ue toad wbea Ueir t«aB be*teBa Uraat elear Uroayb bee foot aad
friybleaad aad tbe aulyb erae
■ta waa foread to tare Ue woaad at- oeortoraed aad Ue ooeapaate Urewa
teadee toyeatrrday by a pbyelclaa:
dowa ae eBbanksral upon e wire

Graed Ktplda. Dec. TT.- Tbe aopraxImated ynmecarolnyelar Ueti K .vl.
forUeUird week la UeaioaU ..f Decambrr were eomplled today and anBouni-'d by Ue audlGey drparimcai.
Pur tbe drat time la eeretal weeki ibey
■bowed Inereaif oeer tbe correrp-tnd
lay period ol laet j-aar. The meiu line
earalLp wara: I'aetaByer.
freiybt. y^-i-tM. maklny aa laereaeert
yi.TU la Ue paetaayer aad M.tM In
Ua fralybt The Mini earaieye for the
main line. Ue H. U. B A I . Ue Traram Hty. aad Ue HDolDaeil. Fort

mlDBtee late.

<1 R b 1 BoUnete

TtaeawUl be bapaelat aaetlByoftta
FtaiiMre Ula aeaatar to coofrr tba
taUtatory work apea tim wadb
A fall auoadadoe ie reqaealad.

Tta BaabM el tbe PHaade ebareb
taea aaoarad tba eerTteea of Ber. BarolayJeoee at pattor
Mr. Jeaa

aierabee ware yleeaaBda yeod
U. U. Ktaaay.Jr taa ol Oeptala KleMy. wae Berried CbHetwee to Hlet
BartlauE O.T M
BaU Yoahee. at tta boaie af tbe bride
aa NlaUaWaak Tta atcaare)
Oa ibe areatar of Dee. SOU Fariaey
partaroMd by
Oaeb of
Teat St, »«, K. O T. H oi Wexiord,
Hleb.. elected Ue followlay offireia lor
Pater KIbbe. who U aaplayad ta tta be eokatayyrar:
p. t-Wm-n D.XOO.
*ooda aaar Pile Lakeeamelo ttaeity
a—r. B. Walker
Tbhraday to taea al^d woaad ta oae
L tX—k. J Darlley.
•fhbhaadealteadedta. Aaealhoeb
B. K.-E f. Cuaalaa
•w (braet Uroarb tbe baad wbleh
r. «.-F. L Derll. •
«M badly taaaeated.
Her.—C. P. Harper.
Gbap.-U L Cook.
hedta. Swadaa. b rlalUaf bb brouir
H. iMA—Wm. Wekater
CT. OadarMaaofCayaKiaa. Hearrie.
tat Q.-d.W. Cook,
ad Obrtetau* aea Tbe brWbera bad
fad M. of (l.-W. A. Ptata
aaaaata each etbar for it yean aad
Bpa.-L M Omaall.
- UayapaatatappyCbrUtnaatoceUar

P.-B a Otaoa.^

tattaedV- Tta aeaatai waadoapted

Wayae A RIchmoad ware Alt viH Sf>
ayalMi PH'. :»v .u> lor tbe came {wriod
la Ue year IW>T. aa lacraaae of A. yi':
Tbr iacreaee le atmoai eatlreiy in the
trelybl aide of tbe earelaya aad le due.
probably, to tba taroreble weather tor

Oa'Chrietaak ere Ue Mieem M'.aale

tata ta taariro ol aebaiah at ttpleelaad
and Merle Hrluer were yiy» a bapoy
lad., bad arHead U Ua Hty Friday.
aarpriee wbaa Uev reoeired eaeb h
■ C tlray.
kOB« pair ol opera yleerea beantlataehooleof OtaadTranrae tally Boaated with yald aad .aaber
ta Laaatay atuadtac tta BiaU Teaab- aad OrleaUI pearl.
The ylamn i
aw'.AaKwIaUoa. BbewlHraadaw
teeat Ual cocld br obulaed ei
aa the "New Dielriet Library Law.'
Karpnat A Ktrlb jewelry etore and Ue
Itaiday eraaiaf aboot iweaty yotiaf preaeata were'yltu from Ue boye,ol
(bapaay M. Tblrly-foartb Miehlyao.
paopU aelcyad a ale«h ride t.
who tare OBple reaaon to remember
aetaol Beta Otawa. of waieb
iladseoeea ol* Uaee two pooalhr
f*e Btabae b teacher. ObrUtoee

Nr. aad Mra. Obartea Bneattal of
WaahlaBtoa atraak aatemiaed
Mwde Uat aeaatar ta beaor elMba
WaltarofUld Mbedoa. wbo b *tatt|af


AHboayb it wae real wlater weather
oulef doure Tnealay c*eBlay, alarire|
Bnmbce el tbe
iber* aad tbeir triead* attended Ur ChrietBaa party held la Ue
eboreh parlora They were well re­
paid fur reatariay oat la Ue tuna
aod eeerr one preaeat yreatiy appre.
elated Ue
eatena'.nBeat. Varlon.
enjoyed darinyUe
"a abort but dellyhUol proyram waa
yleea. ooaataUay of a cnaadolia aad
yailar deet by Delay Hhadek aad tanre
Pertaeb and a recltatloa by Rlaaehe
HaakeU. -D
aarrod had aluyeUer the etrat •
abarmlay obi mra ace el Ue ChrutBaa

of the Bapttat Hahday nehool waa ta Ita
dataUly deaoratad marior at half yoat
twoo'eloek Tneaday afurwooe. iwady
UoatenalattaBoUero. Ttaehlldrw
played ymBea. Ba>ehadjaay Cbrtataaa
Boaya aMOBpaated hf. piano aad rlolla.
11 abowed Ualr BoUen
UatUey «o«ld Aad
u ChHav boU ta tbe oU and new t«.

tOBeet. all ItaBBlna.

TbMr nrtatMa oSertay waa la tbe
> twB af a qallt to be east ao tbe laataadeetv toaka for Hah taU-

road Ota Boatal BOBbar by AbiU ytead a BlMtari pta»|-a<

ta*a*taatataMalid. Dam at. MM. tafafhOtatabbd^tafltaaa.

.... „



Catch On To The Prices

mm mm mmmmmmuwmmmmmmwmmmwK

School Books

. .20 per cent, off
. 20 per cent, off
26 per cent, off
. .26 per cent off
-.. .26 percent off
Pocket Pooks and Purses .30 per cent off
Toilet Sets, etc

eXus:::::::::: :::;: : :::::::i1o^
Pictures............................................... 13 off
Books of all kinds.............................. 1-3 off
Dominoes, Checkers and Boards.. . . 1-3 off
1-2 price
Tissue Paper.....................................1-2 price
Crops Paper
Flowered and Embosted Crepe. 2Sc roll
26c Curtains for......................................... 18c
Office Supplies, FUee. Ink. Pens by^tbe
•box Pencils by dozen. Rulers, etc. Type­
writing Paper, Ribbon and Carbon from
§0 to 50 per cent. off.
M least 20 per cent, off on every pur­
chase and.from that to half price.
Special prices on quantity. Lots of

H. c. D.WIS,

Santa Claus
is now loading np preparatorv
for, bis annual distrUiniioo of

which.are more elegant than
ever, aod consist of a variety
cor.e«-r ‘Of Manknre Goods, Choice
Perfumery, Alnminnin Goods
Photo Frames, and Albums. Handkerchief and Glore'Box­
es. Collar and Cuff Boxes. Jewel Boxes. Comb and Brush
Sets, Kodaks, Camerms, Etc., Etc.,



Host people think that‘^plumbing is plombiDg**—
that one plumbing job is _as good as another.
And ordinsrlly that is true.
But a GOOD job is something more th&n a mix­
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, skill, conscience-a good Job
cannot be made without these.
And DOW you will exp set us to tell you that our
work Is of the kind referred to as good.
We won't.
Xt isn’t necessary.
Our work 'apeaks for itseir*.
The praises ol those for whom we have done
plumbing work are better tesUmoaiala—and more
likely to be believed—than any we could give our­
We try to do more than merely please onr

TIib Hannah & Lay Marc. Cn.

■Wa±-b’B X3xrcLS S-bocc©. ^lUUlt




ft Ora&d
Gra Traverse Region.

gieitAT.^,r DEOEMBKH », 1S98.

maialy tbroa«h.aa cSorto of D.
____ evtti bepnaeU
day by Bee. Hr. AUaV.
Hr. ud Hra K J. D
■. Oeeab altar eharob
The wmaar H baa aM

^ “maa Irnacwramam wUI be wide

Tbe ttotbrn wto agraaably


hrUU to a tow dtliv
Ua papUa tor Oe pram
Bobool Bopen. Omtrtot *- Oartold



BOal Waleb.
toerp-“’, Mr. c. O. Adatot.
HIM Blauh. beu -ut to Old Hto
U H. Gbaahai wMl to K«n-------It aor tardy deriac the
lUMt iV«i mav
elaU taer ebtm. wbo it
™ Prmut torm ot ooarv
teMM>r«Twlbc to (pud CkristOM. ____ Stiarday
oember: Baal WrteA Delrale-1 Him Alice Arrber cloaad a emy ue- ^

Mom* Bum w«at to Bauee'* Bar rolartombool
'malal mmof t:hool la Oe Detreiy
V U»eeMwltkh«rvM^ Baoda; to vtelt for • («w dsr».
A. r. ABdwm iput CbriotBW «IU>
iB (M«Wf. m.
!«(>•■ DstU left ThamUr botbIdc
for Quad*, where bw will tpeod the
Un. J. «. Lu« hM f«WrMd boa> wlatar.
Bam, Teacher.
The Obrlnaa* tmeat both eherehee
rereacrud •oocm*
Jaaale Olud wut to BuUoo,
He folkt all did anr ptnto well
The~~™>A C. Tbomat. of Maryteil
tail Baoday. ,
hat fouad a mu e ealntlile <
toe eeeolnr tereiee *l Headon
- than baa yel been made m
1 ke. K-w year, he tuflerrd
d .rooy from rootamplioo. acc
Bi 11 by bemurrhayea. ud wat a
*“ T^^aoe ta to be a Olooey order
Hlona llaaimuD'd D on the me
iirrett curTreeueOrere
i y cored bi l>r Kiny * Sew liiMoeIdMrt AIUb tort*»«lu*w* hen
after Jaa. Ut.
WUJ Frye weal to Kalketka Kriday
School doted la.1 t'rioey aal.laftc
. forCooaumplioo.OouybtuiUVlda
le dei-lare*
e.-l*re* Ibal .yoU it of Itllle talur
A Hroambead weal Ui Tfmeriwe City the ho'
L. a. BMi «• <WOb
no wii
with ihit mareelun.
M)»ti*W ud frteed* ia Uto rfcloltj.
, dav^^
Helm left on Wedoeadav of la.; would bare It. eeen i
ICW borae ' week (or
A. K. Kairbaok.' hoeybt a oc«
for a eitil in i-u Ja«r
tVe htar that the thlD(le mill
MIm Benha Wetter it borne from
•Urt np Deal Mooday.
leal week.
Ihroal I
The report U that the ■tare'-uilil it'
r« E. It. llrown weot
•d by 1
Cbraadiee* to
tbe ttth.
> rao Bbrbt ud day dor
of ihlt place oa Saturdti
The Camp b
Mr. aad Hn.
B. Johbeoaud Jim Seeoraare »i*ll-1 lUy SatuMey
it and J
lay old frieodeof IhU place.
Ur. tiammoc
Ipyat AlW
L. Koote of Cadillac l> rUIUna hit, Clerk we* callea.
MMuDouaBoai*. Lota ami Lmela- elaler. Hr» t EIckard, aod -moaer.
^ ^ aiewaPdlBt their eaeatloa at
Utv IVcaUcc
Buekleoa Areie* to'ea
r lietroiC
work here tpeot Chrltioiat
JImWmi ItEitlay bit hoote upto
........... aad Hilbert Pray '
Thi Kkt-I SahTB ia tbr wori
1 reenreed on
MtoOiaee PatWraoaaad Uia. HU- beep hoardeia Ui» wloler.
^bU. Briiitc*. Sorea. Clorrs.
Traecree City Halurdty
Sbroo. IVtrr Sorea. Truer. Ch
IaV' bare rommeared to arriee here :
^ viU HHi BlaU Carrywtlay ceere Wedaetday
UaiKU.CbilbleiBa. Coral, ead all
frwni i>oole'i cti
r. Steel it leeier for
tod Wuleh la «o>A»r ^
KraplioB*. aod poeltiirty caret
dot blafe broken
A K 1
via hto bream. Jakaate Weal
or no par required. It it yaarBotred
1/ Stturc
. Bee Mr Ran
ritr y
prrfecl aaliifartion
•a Tboa
Mr. and Hra
Thomat Tray tpeat pre^-h^toe
rhrAuuat at IVilUaia.bury
. p. ai
Krery ouiHead
by 1 0. JohnaoD aod H. B Wt
J. A. aii.l A llroumb<*d t people: There wnl U-.iinte e Dun>
moraine lor Cliir. where the will t^nd
.peat I'hri.iuia* at K T. I'uy V
| p].ce oaile wilh ibe church
fjalf ibr lilt thai Ioau^t hr>r to c
Chrtelmpt with relalire*. alier which
Kerl ioboton receleed e acw tarre ;-oeil
(n.,m lodiyrtlloo.
burdock lllmid
Ue win lee»e tor Kanaee City U> rr
by trala (or Bit blerktmitb tbnp
Tbr ChrMoiet tree and rntertain- ten tirrnytbrct ud umrt tbr •
mklD for u tsdeSolle lime.
tr<m uamua••
celebrated Ct
Chrlil- ...................... .
' --------- -------- -- • •• arb make* ladlyratioa Impcwaildr
The youay Mkt
mat err al C W Katliayt by a w
trip to 1
epeet Cbri.tProf,.Wb
.-rlry ud ->(' 'i»lrd her
aa* ool of
ritlm... Mr aad Mra U.
it acallar al
E. H. Andeitoo.
ipeat Chritunat with bit family
iJiihrrt Pray wit taken quite tick
OamUwraad wtfeimadc Ttbti. ..
Sunday erealay but I. aomi- bettor at
aerchaam all report a rood boll- preteau
I.eo Harriton of^rareme City -necta low-ale lofa here ai* winur
•oiAes tori aad t^y
J. UeuBie He U boardloR
are TitlViar irieada here.
■taa to apaad Chrietmaa
Kloy A ilreyory reiorned from I'bl h-airbaakt
«a(0 Halorday wia uolber car u
JallaaBraamleoe Oetkk lutat
« aktioK
t May
y Beodder aad Mlet
Hay Leddy
taie home (or

Mto BarOa Waaear H a
Met- Lobfrick baa a flae aew oryu.
ulraoo aad family bare mated
Tfca totUdrao are bartaf « waekb
Dr. Eemot of Trae.
Tbe toaohar, Mr. Parker, WwB yealerday oa profeeaioaal 1-oti (nru Dlra Ua<
to hit boma at Praakfert for
W... f |
Hrt. aaiuce Pender ipeot Chrltl- .John
^ Suiii." liaielKs-B seourt by tlje f ,
Irt. Job*
Joha BarBaad wnl to «l«|t bar mat wia her parenta at Hancaloaa.
•Mar at Jaohau. Hra. Oraoa Hm.'■uiilry .fur iMirgMiiis. sixl t J
Im Myrtle Snuthall of TrmTeme
ia elaillar HIm Maud Hayadora
liAii- HU uiiiikiialiy Iari;<- hI<> k t i
: UroatOB drorr to 1
Jaha-tonos aad daathtor Aaa
Adelberl aod
Met. flDcb. molher
t.. i-*l.-el fr.u
eWttW U Bmptre te a few day*.
• MBoaKioeb of ihi. towotb.p and iaal week.
The dabciny parir al Moore'a hall oa : i
I. AI. Belmer of JeaDlnyt, died at
brialmat Brc wat well atleadcd ud , V
___rewtdeaecuf bertun Armenut^l
pLeaaaalSW ud wat boried to toe elllaye a
y here oa Saoday. .Area ■“ yci
Alberl Kotido. an old tioil retldcai | $
Hnlalaa. fermmly
rt .Iw-ktin. l.eo'11 or Siatt Cia t s >*p
oatha aod tl daya
ool bare, la rlalUnr
here, but aow of llipyhaco. ra. here.J ,
witb hU wife a few day* ayo.
________________________ the haU laat
totortoy oraalat waa a lutcwm
Hra Laayrea U a mntlc teacher.
Hr. Btaatoy It mtpaetod home
Prank Bherldao, wbo bat hc-naain
vwfc. Bahaabaaa qiudlaraeboUmy thi* fall, reloroed a few dartayo
^wia bH tooOmu BaatoaBarloptoae Iter lor Nr.
at ylad to be at home at bit friend* are ^

Headquarters Isr
Santa Claus...
We half Christmas preeeats for
every one. young andwjld.

ware. Silverware.
ICasels. SctTeo.1,




Dishes. Glass­







fact, you can find anything vou want for a Christmas
present, and they ^re all marked at prices that can't
help but please v»u if you can lie pleaseti in this Slate,
i.ur store,

ll will jiay you well, e'

,J. W. Slater, House Furnislier,


.1.1 .. 13vr.f. “~i,u;r.;.7i

We have four large rt.Kirs

packed full of furniture of all kinds.




C^Urr^ Hadow.




Men's heavy Working Pants, worth $l 25.
go at
Men’.! heavy wool Mixod Pants, worth $2.
Men's extra heavy Kersey Pants, worth ^2 60.

......... ..................... .....3!;^'

Men's Mackinaw Jackets, worth $1.60. U


Men's Mackinaw Jackets, wortn $2.
Men's $2.50, $2.75 and $3 Mackinaws

rotiU'urther .Notice Wc Will Sell

“ 1t



/ -r

MHaVotot W fpM home totpeod
Hr. Hoore U patllor toa
Waanptoaud to aa» Hra. todham
the aaw mill atliili't I’ier
H ama haiur at tUa WTitlBff.
toaaaprlac ran.
Hr. Utoay made a trip to Tkarmae
Chriatotoa waa oelebra
Btyleaiae ledtaa ebarob
Hr. Rtibbetu aod Du
baea baoIlDr lore for i»c1k
Boy todham ■ apudlac I
alDood Uarbor.
at bit bom ia aH rtllacm
Htm. Boltoo a
toDded Cbrlilma
Bay Obrialmaa c<
A How Tearb daau wiU btritaala
A^ Writm- baU Ot Iharaday


Men's all wool Overcoats, worth $20,
go a:....... ......................................^...................
Men's bi^g warm Overcoats, wo^ W.60.


Tbe Reiu made her Iaal trip her. f
yetteiday wia Ireiyht fur tbe Neaaeo . A
ilo she reamed tcrMaanlee to lay up! A

' r uys l•^llne Juki
n t.uiwl. C .Suyar
f" liraonlaual suyar
; pounds nu-t Siarch

Oort barmy teen Il-jheri Salnm-. who . »
e of bb
had jutl had three
hb finyert badU . f
mjuied bv hati
pUbiny mu-his
tlnce it ttaned

Remember lUe place, and that we »
ea»lny you money.

Men's All wool Ove'NK>at$. worth $12

• 4u.l by yiMbk* u-

.'X £

aad toirrraph lin
alto a cable
feaUriUet at that place
plen 111
Oor tcbool yaee aa eeiertaiamecl
laat I-'rlday. A eery food proyrem
raadared aad Icacbereaad eobolarv
aiatod well pleated with It all.
Hr. lamaa bat yooe eoalb with tbe
eapeetalioB ot belay yoae (or a looy
.Hr* UaryCarerick. Mite R'ta Krai
aad Mlta Clara liarib were turo
pepUaWbo aUeoded acclotiuc
(torlat___________________________..Jtoebila at Oe rtoldeaea of Jamm WhiteK. W. Barrtofwa wut to Noranort
teal weak to eMt Ooldwator efaildiu.
J. W. Dtokmmu aad Warru weat
to lolaad laat week oa a baaiaaM trip.
Myrtle Aleord aad Aadraw Hoore
- wm toarrWd la Traeorae f'"toy. Ha wiah Oam mar
to thair MW walka of IK*.
Wenu O. tMeharmu and hte moth•rtMk aappm wia Oe Peeaeteraof
iMuna City Muday al«hiBarbert aod Arcbm OolUa* are Ttaltbw tbair alator. Hr*. Dapet.
WUUa Ooed. wbo apraload hh ukle
•am tlm afo. la abto to fo around on
IthfatoBMhaM nakBaaaatordbaeeBU*
to Beat Imka to rWt '


Men's heavy Duck Coats
go at........................................................................Men's Duck Coats, rubber lined, '



hc’o you i»ay y.'ur laxet by

Enterprise Grocery,
228 I-„l„ sir.,1

gi) at ....................................................................................


Lot of Men's 35 and 50c warm Caps

<w. .1. RODINSON, Pi.ipr.

Several lots of Woolen Mitts and'oioves
go&t........................................ '.........:...................
60 dozen of Men's 25c Suspenders
Heavy Woolen Sox, sold the world over
for 26c. go a’.........................................................
Nice warm German Sox, blac^ or
gray, at .................................................................


And Imndradb of othor mondy-iavlng Bargaina.


save by deal

- a Brow* epeal Buaday at Hr
MIm Batb Uamilioo U tpebdipy bei
eacatloc *\ her brvlbsr't home. J. A
Theeebool ujoyeda Chrlalma* tree
Prlday afteraooa. Uen eloecd (or •
ham ha* a aew hotel.
___ mill wh^Ue blew for tbe fliaUbm loAay.
Him Pheobe Wlltoo eod .Ur. Charier
Drayper were married i
the bride Cbrteuaatdac
will be Bear C
Heed la ait ahood aad I
>e mieted by her many
« Maine and Hay Miller,
ad Heaarv Lee Horaiby and Oeoryr
llibam of Tfaearae C;ly aUeadeO a,wddlayof Miai Pb.i'be WUm>o.
^ I^bto bap* ««Miw ablayiaa
Tbautortainmrot yieen by Hr Hol­
liday waa qnito well atieeded and wat
Mr. Himaiaol «f TratetM Olty wta
eoaaldered eery yood.
tonUM rrWay.
- AlLTMdaraaiAU. BrntoshaeantorMdtoOrmM Baptda
MM ruala Tbampegm H at i
Jnllaa Parraat U borne ayalo from
iBoOer tcaaoB'e work oa tbe laket.
BmtCaatood EaUtatkawmbar*raAIBm of Dread Rapida U eallley oe
dd aelrhbort la Elnytiey.
Mr*. Biowa ud •blUrta of Bodfo
WUI IrwlB apd wife of rneerM die
ar* »adiat the holiday Aeek wliL
3. U. Oraatoll aad Ad. HeXufM Hra. Irvlb'aparentt. Mr. ud Hra. J.
vlU bicto nutolBf Ordr thto^ MU ~'arrut.
Earl cue. John UcC^rlby end Heary
Mr. ud Mn. Biwaito of OadUlae aro loUo arc borne from Kly B^ida echooi
or a* bolldey racaUoa.

Mabel pBUam aad chUdma apeai
Ctorltimat la Tneadf City.
Tk* due* Kriday eeuiiiy aaated off
.luiutly- Not each a Ury* ciowd aa
tb«y eapecUd. bat a*y anfoyod a eeej
ptauutenalBCTb* Ohrlalmat enreUta In both the
ebarehea war* yood ud itae moat of
MMOma Itordur bM rulpti'
0*«bUdru were mad* UppyA. B. SUaaoa aU family aad V. W
WUaoB BDd fatally eput ChrtoVmM at
<1. Q. Kkkarmm-a.
11*0. a HarUa waa Jati eta
Mr. aM Mra Wlaebeomb aad tamlly WlnmUtt Hoaday axmalny
aputtoaday wia Mra Btym
hH molltor whea be rMeleed word of
Be harried oa. Uplaf to
TM ■lirtalhaiitl aad Obriaiaat Ur death.
arrWe la Umt tor Oe (>.ura>.
Mo. Hary BUuoa hu bad a* food
fortou to bar* bate yruted a pea
Amw naaat eWtota to Tr«w
Hr. BHaeoa'aA------retoOnwd BaeMtato
Oa wtatar vUb Ur <

The latest inTention in modern shoe making


Ipiayo Just landed ut

124 Front Street,
T.J. Host's Old Store.

THE BOSTON STORE fkmmmmiimimukmimmi

The inner soles of the Tri-on-Fas
are made entirely of cork, insuring
thereby a soft and easy feeling to the
foot. The stock of the Tri-on-Fas is
made of genuine Brazilian Eld.
We claim for the Tri-on-Fas

The Latest Style
Beautiful Fit
Longest Wear
' Perfect Comfort
The Tri-on-FAh cost yoa bnt $8 60. eqiiAl
to any S4 00 tt> $6.00 shoe gn tk« market
Tt» Tri-on-Fas are oa exhibition la our
window and for aale ia ear ^ee department on
•econd floor.



OoxELri3.exLOd.3a.e ’^ed.xj.eedLtoT' XOao. 2S


*r J|




Men'* all vifl'black Ci.rviJtSuita, thieaakv. $*J99
$7.^ Suila. rlearioK
■aU ..
.\ll nool x'rkv f-_________________ ~...................
I liH >A Meu'a U|* lo-daie etripjd wunted Pula, worUi

Cbild'e tirtV) K«*rfer, . lilur oollar, rsgolar prire

ill bnuyt lu reader* lo toneb -HO toe
briybtetl mind>of Uit end e^rrf otoereoBotry
Berry held of artleity b
repetwroud. ead aaeo ooetribator b a
apwialbl aodu utotmiy lo bb or bar
partlealar liac of aaafbl Of laeoaUfalioe.
TBE POBUH uratiUed to a slaoe

.A C*i^d”^»^7VcLlneiliiL Bt-aibr' Vlca^ aiiie..
V-aiuf .Wen h-brat7 ^ooi gray UUura from U to 19.


Si^CgM«UG«h .

HIM talk iviitt-



/7«.i I r.“
Mi-ti r*li woorwu U-iidMw^Vwld aiyi-is'e
ud ih^bU.*

worth $1-2

ir. relish
M (%iU'a BhblWt Iw!!




(i.a^d workiui.’Paula...........


The Boston Store,


carefully edited aod mral coupraivei.
tiee mayeiioe of It* claet lo the ir ir'.d

ysD'e aeUtoctiog Unbben for.........




r Dry Umrit Depanm
Uaa-aird oB oa LadW*' Oaaka. Cbpaa aad JaaUta

CmM Midta d to taM M la't Arnitt oi Oktn.

The New York Store,


0|v«ito 0. to W. IL 0«o(.


GltAim 13UV£gS herald, McaaaBEB flft. 180^
Traverse Herald

•k IfMM

'MeHlebaal, the fekw at tosbwtUlay.oaw aa exiiad yrpapofokUiroa
latoayanLaad yetay oot to liwo too
OBM loMd toa hoy U toe beta,
wbleb wae abool afykt ten <'

rapart «rpv

' UvU)r«4«lnit.M0i

foaayaMroai Uadrippley and Boarad

toMFt^ tWHMataa. Bay cay

W«v BayCIlyaaCwbetgrtMfor U«


soe4 aw Jaaaaiy l. toe Aaerteball toOtoet toe ^aatob troope.
aad lean toentoal ban net ynoa
barfead aadtourbed ia toelr pmet.1
smrtas IB tbep are abU u eabark.


Cbarlae RoU. Hrlay ta milmM of
OraadBaplds lw| jMt aoliod wbat
O. M. a
biB hae beoe a Byewty lor fear
ks of Ih* Boclaaw volteyi
For toll period of yean la al
iNod tedlabodfma Boort «!•»•
weald eaddialy dtoappear

Ttandor-arolar Ui D««»*W

aad after aa abwasa of tea day* or
waeki weald ar eaddaaly rr wra.
w toeae arartowi be alwsyt ae'tUs« aooMOi IB Um UotoiT of tUo la- tlead that the biai eeeaad^
of boaey.
wpt set of toa atMl qaalliy. aad
last taaBor it waa ae airoeyly fltkoe|Mk bow flood flBoadooM for
Iteeald bare bees
OM of hte papib ia oa uro
Bead for a eoUo reaedy. TOU
Ur. Holt wae ntaUay bto pwellar a«
JmoU Tomy of PUatopoot Uo'
perieeee bto btei to BeojtBla
ian li«rtar *ood fro. »*• »•
PotaaB of too Peiota Caedy soanHa. 8« wrriod o*oy II oordo la Uo paay. aad tbea Hr. Potoaa relawd aa
TkaWoolaM ooooty j*l1 wMwirt••10 prtMMr •• S«D<Uy UM.OOBO

arrooiod wd «>» Hwd

In bad'btd with
•rloyoaaetiy tbo oaole period of Uaw
For loor M.aan tbe caady factory
ba« for ‘tiro »«tki la Aarwt fairly
•■rafsod wltii baoa. Whore they cbm
fro. coold oot be dlaooecrod. bot tboy
tboamoo. UoOBaaoiilTo
• ao noBomt May p-aetioaUy
lOd a ebiptoiioB of -oaoioe. la
Bod flasbaoB qooor ebaroM
• of the .aharaeiBriar deparV
tkc MM ofWUUa. DawoOB. ei.
rU. They woald dl^app^r ae lodIf eallod'XNd BUI.*- «booo priae.pBl
teUoelMliaototbBtboo*BO tbi ■- daalyaathey oaaa Ur. Holt Ueoodoeotthat the boro Hr. PataiB lold
«f tbotovBoadoalyloBooo U ic
t aad tbateoBBO
Wlllta.eollBoflo* Oraw. oa o.
pieyo of
KiaoUd aiaa. <*w *™ok
by B BtMM
U.bor leoBoaod fay tbe
Meok ol UMc tOBB of eoBf falUac fro.

■adoeuoecAlbert Hoetooi ibe boeey tbeyi
lydeeored •eltb ,
MUIdod iritb a
Uaoflt. Kelt aeBBer ha will Iratch
M oar while <
. aide wliB tbe roeoil that Ue fifbt lay
ma brohoa betweoa Ut UVyb aM Uie
tac, WM roaArwa
ao eeeofoly lejerw by a pair of rmaaway
odWAaa ^borbya
. deooof Praetdea.ADcaU
borwa Airaadeoool
^ tbe oarrlace. bid a
UoMtbbe aiaU abeot m to at
biwpltoaslorei tbe eleaad wtalufleb
•BlliMt waaca la ibo


at. It ia ihr otly prrpan.
1 ^<^ia^ by • irynWlj

the (yrira. k coaula ao a
bal. opIaB or oOwr ntrcato, m . _ _____ _
don aM rtiur • mrloc for uittrUatr tt
to told ^ ardirinr dnirrm nyrrabrir,
aad tty Mlrr who htran h rrn m it
Oot't tohr ■ • No coealcrfril it
a IX P^rcr-i” to rilhrt aoukro or to
Ryiec 10 dmirr yoo for fait on •ridrfa
Ws^L Rack > Bta to luM to far in»Ird
Br to Mdiw with m mow prWtoM
GwlTscr Ibayt
yea yet whtt yoo atk fat.

books aada
Ottawa oaoaty pcedacei a

MBe(a«ui^Bts llqBor that
Osraaay.Cayl^ a^ Baala.
Far■andprlay toaktatoaaa bare been
fl phlen aM an la elorer.
el to toe price paid at

Bat It eaa not be etnrd by flaaya,
waibeo aad labkUoy miitureo wbiob
____L __1_ aJ______Jr--------------------------

lonror rida tba eypura of


of a nllltaa dollar bo.W OB Maeklan Utoad. The
• MimiI „
to mid to Bare aa eptloooa abeet' .itM tsar
Htn aaa-1 twn U el^

t ^ :s-r,

ilehto eewdlUm.—dafwrt

bnweaa toe Oraad aad toe
Jtn aad toe o
Will be laid
' <Mtay. -n.:
watla parks sad' fardaaa aad aada ' > *wn
hmattfal. With the boalarard aroaad
. ^lilaPd aad a pmAMb alaelricwar Ma.aad
^ep It. too Wasd «UI baa lonly |
Haay tan bate tofcli^ kxal
aad^S IbeMaiew

.-u w

w . ep. — '

.Haaa aduol. while playtay oa tba
aabml yma^ ^ Hatoayoa Taandey
■et with aa aaoideat. wbleb friybbAaaU aaaaad wWL wblab hid beaa





are ^y-

^ggt to aelj.


on feed

T<> increase tbe p

your bens aume af our Poultry foo>l

and you will have more

We bare three difierent ktmla: the Raren. PraU'a

and the Prumuin.
any of them.

Tk.-y are all goo.1 and ii will pay yoo lo try

We aUo have gt\>und oyrter abells. lnwc aod

chi>{^>ed meal.

rh U Boi like a freer,
for all ayn aad for tbe aost torrn
Wr rreoamrnt it heeasrc il>
J. U. John

dm cry for H

with yood. Orrrenar
1 soldi with Uor Hln
Itb eoyood ebUIt cam eroep. hroa.



tbroaiaod luny
TBuUar. PBbrwT S. 1AM.


loy. elcaoelay.
Witch Hi al haler U ibriaplec
Hand wouodi
army of e
eurrr. borni
You I
faiU to care Pil
rrlyaponlv J. 0 yohaa

roeay f Irle aad^boya-wede throwa lato
elybl feet of water aad Uoayfa oo.eraad toe pollco worked
bardw raarae Uia chlldrae tbrer
drowaad baton taalp oeald rtarh tfara

Jadya Day eaya that be hae ao polttleal aablUoM la toe Ohio yeberaadireetlea aad wlU raeaae tbe
aiayaa to re|dy to eade tba rlybt of
Atflaylaaw I
praeilee of aw. Ha eaya toe pmlIMI wato 40.000 leto of boeewood
daat Seae tba eeapaniallon of tbe
told at *n par 1.00. while two yi
Goaeral Henry reperto two rMoat
•foitweatbiyylayatfir Prioee of doatbe aoMny bto uoope la l-orto Hleo.
tobv bard weoto bare adraepod to to ooe from
• to pw thoaeaad. aad oaaaot be had
7‘bc k*ay Of Italy will raerfre a corltoatprtea.
loodly la’
Bi Chrtotaae yreeUay la tbe abape uf
MIhbaal Baylert of Sainrae. lold
CorlaytoB. Ey.. tbe otow day tbat the
100.000 poet card* praylay for aai
tartnr at Uotbeyod latl waek that Jedyeyarebla tolrty daye tor
tbe poUUoal prtooaen coarleted 1a
wolytodWK poaadtai
eoeoectjoo with tbe recent trucblca Is
It wan a fail blooded
la Praaeto ill aebool ebildree <
Italy. Tbe slyarn an •yapaihlura
Braaai fowl aad oold at oiybt eoait a
U yaara of aya bare ooaaltted at
with toe prtooem aad they
poaad. Thtotoeoaalderodtbe haaaer
wltola a apaoe of tea yeara
«S7 wen
bed to a moaator peUUow to parlBtorfcoftbayoar.
ylrU. aad 7« boya.
il la the
Hoar teopalto. Mrt. Pboobe Bob.
SottUeb Wayoer. a faraa wbo Heed
rbeaoaaaeattobeeracUd at Peru,
Vod at. wae barled Thareday.
tbe aeaory of General Lefeycue.
ww the BOtber of tehlldroa. M yraBdaad jaaped lolo
will br tuld for by tbe eebool ebildren
•hBdrea aad TO yfMUyrMdoUl
berned to dealbof tor Called dUtoe. Uieblyaa w
At Kokoao. lad.. Uopday. Harab De­ eblldna bare ylraa
.Bbereltbaehareh tor
bad baaa
beard, a raataaraaioook. talalad aad Btota ao tar, aad K.lue V. baa found iu
taU U a laak of bt^lay water, i
to Waefaiaytoo fraa the euperla.
At Uaalaloa.a‘ •» o*^ »*»" Bmaday epoedlly fallowlay.
au of Hietalyae eeboole. Eirry
■—'-y Are wae dtooorerto la the
Gueral hhaftar U reported to
mall Incrn
IhM Bbcn toraltoro faetory aad belMO
aald tbat tbe people of Ceba. If peraitLtoalenaat. Bol
toaflaaeaeooldbeebteked the beUdtod lo do so. woald rule tor aapezi
Pblltppieoa troa daa Frflncleeo (taturtotaUy AMn^ad. loyeUer
: to tbe Dnitod Sutoa.
r. He wiU nport to Adairel Dewey
Tba Cblppewa ladlaa^ are eeap
ble arrlral aad will aadertaKe
«aat to0.oon. aad aoforod by
lay of toe allayed ratotme dcetractloB work of ralelay and pnpariay tor errefyreeapler trMoa toelr me
Adairal Hoatr}o.
Bwbart Btaed, Urfay two atloa
enSarad ae ooronly
aerto of Dowaytoa. ayed ti ywia. to
took of Adatral Oawoy'e eqaadron Ao
flood of lookjew. Oa Deoosbar
day with
wbUo haaflay. Blood wat
to nraablaytoe yeaUrday wltaeee bi* drpertare. Ui> cerrieyr
J. Uew
abet la tbeblp. Tbe weead bwl
aaa tbe praaldael. Ua to la tba brat badyreat dlffiialtj lb yeUlay tbrnuyb
oapidly aad tbeptUeat wat yetUi
tot tbroeye of people, rrbu ti uply
alewy wtU aaUi tirtokaa with loekj.w. •f baalto
lid not let hla pan la qalrt. Cnerr*
WbUa I.rt Eol) ail Badtoy wae oot
OUrarBityfawaetaeuatly.killed by apes cbeerB wen ylraa fowbim aad be
bnllat roeowtif booianoda daek of
teaeblay a Ureeleetrle wire tiiat bad wae eiapelled al eercral poiau to eay
qaalL-Be flrod,'bottbe obol woe'
a taw wordi to the poopir.
earlMlylafl hanytay aeai
wQd. Tbasaall lataed la tbeireow«»
aa Moadey a Cahau aob
awd toabod airaiybt taw tbe roof of
to attack tbe reeideBr;.
too bara The aboek atoaaad tbea
Ha'qeU de Hoauta. eecnta'y of t
•adtoiawUioBeekeCelorM were la- ibaapol whan L
Braadywlae tattleflald. wae ttaaearr la tbe actoaoatei eahniriciid
blows dowB by toa raaat blyh wlada
CbptaU WmiBB A. Aadroa. of too
and badly brukea.
«bU Itaalwo tolaad lUoworlay etaKraeer. aeiioa* atreet
ttoBatoafliftloatelaebei iahtoatoeki
t pooadt atrlppod dtoorden oeearred Thanday eraalay
teot to yaard
tbe pronoun of pro-Dreyfoe yaard wf rayalato was
toamldcM. TieSpMl
(e Sbsaleb troope an
aad aatl-Dnyfai aeftUpi
eatlay tba city ao npidly that
a wan eerrrely l^ond aad tbe
le for the
M. BetoaytaatlBMioerto.
ride proapUy fa tbe preaemAadraw WaatoM. a wall bwnra Uta of
orary eharaetv of DmtoU aad a poet
toe Dai

Catarrh is
Not Incurable

to ktoiw year beaa
lay. wbeo esg^ will tn-ing yoo

ing WO cento a duim for them.

(toaarai Hawa

LaaUac will tedo haee a earfew or- ■pay paop>«
HtfOlorey eouly. Ual..
O0 tbe reryeof
41aaaoe probaKy. A poUUoo alyaed
by abou too BiBbert of ibe Laaalay
PrBbleBt HeiOaley>
««H.<aalab b^boeaepat la to tbr ia (itraaoah wae aodeled aflor that
MBOUaadadepiod. It wae roterrad
eeordad Uaa. Qeoryc Watolsywa.
to tbe ally otiorMy. badbewetloUoraraatot owaarablpof toa Kieara•MotadtediaftaoaltabU ordlaaoee
yta Oaaal aeaae likely. BOW that Nie-

Now is pRsyrS
pRfip poujjraY
the Time
a good price.

Ltto lo bed eed early to rUr. pre
^paree a aaa for hU boiar la tor
Bat early
eariy to
to bM aad aLilU.
Early Rlaar. toe pill that-------------aad better aad wiecr.
i. U


•• th. aatoo
tiBble ladtaaa. ao« at New York, to
Wbra' you aik for
OeWItt’e t
aUryed to kart yrip. aad aallora are Hatal haire doa't arorpi
tbroat or ImltotloB
There err :
Two nfllaoau era lo laare flarsaaah aad wrapplBy ker la bot blaakau.
lAlcs brloy carnd br U
J <> Joai
I^ofd Iraayh (Bdward OecilUaiaarttl
wpraaealcd toe Jreaor laruwte with
_ldeaed by
.ar a boaiehold la
ir feilurr
f> keepoo
le auB of'SM.uoO poaadt la aid of heath b«c»o>e of Ihr
mlutelr renalB
. _
aeiaaUtr roaaank la hactarlolayy and head a ufp and atwnli..
for croup aoch aa Our UloaU- Cooyb
It It eald tbat Japaa, at well at Bat­
forai of bloloyy. Tko Jeaaar Core, (far that yoar lllllr oaca an eroata. to IrylBf V> borrow awuy IroB unUtata laaladat ant of toe leaden toctod ayam.1 raeryeacy. J O Joba
tbe Ualtod Ualot.
lldae aad lu alllad acleaoca la

Hr.' WaaloB pBoeBOd
■t litnry of abomt to,000 rol■oeity nra old

r<e UrMeO Ow

paper. Bbe waa weU kn>wa to toe
y.rto of toe eosatry boto ae ■•Bata" aa>
■■Bath Aabaon." Her prAeIpe'
tawcrowrilira eaprmely for yirto

Ureat UrlUla.
Tbaraareoeer too
. Oepalr**'^
baa piMMUd a bill of tn< ter tb# reoi Sealb Dakota, the aaaaal .o«ioot mmHbb. by tbeeadden rtddlny Uaelf M w.
«f MCI. OW.^ OM of «m for porooa
broaklay of tbe lea oa Ereratl poed ta WItfe UltJe Early
Owlay to tbe pnitraeted droaybt. toe park eyttra Ckrtotmaa. thirty


Ur pw*r«> di .
__ __ _ .
•Bab" Dead.
New Verb. Dee. K -i-llta. Irnbrl Hal­
loa. bnt kapwa aader toe bm de
of*'Bab"aad -itoto AtoBOR."
ntbnw weaiia rarr »n twrm •w.WW
dkd at bar bear ben today.
Hra. Halloe eapdaeted IbepnpalaSldeTalka tYitoOlrto~ia Tbe Ltdtoe'
Hoar Joeraal. 1




WE WANT 2,00a000, FEET! I-!-1-

tor body troa


t,'.'i- •s~i,-s!ast

u~. .a—.... nm nmw WW.

Oval Wood Dish Co.

lt.lMYw H.,tlhq. B«tlt

CoBSuttation 8Rd ExaiDination Free and Suictlf CanfideBtial

A Breakfast D®i“ty-'

muar toa

JaBaa/y, A. A

DRS. B. s. & CO.

Aoericin ledicat ud Sorsicai Igstitite ol Nnskeion, licb.
Sotwl WTa-iXiXkg, Tr-at7-oiroe C?ity,


Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 14 and 15, 1899.
0«cr Boonfremfla




C.0 w. a. A A BiO.i uroaTO u aaklMH

‘ for It. or MBd to a* for mbMc aad Booklrt I


CREAM OF WHEAT CO . Maoufaetan-ni. MiQD. ApoIis. .Minn


(frd<irEfor Job PiintinK l«ft Ht the


will pflC4*ive Dromol ■lte''tFor

Flay UnfarlaaDrc >7.—The clUien*
d la Ible aoralayU pepera
aa order from Captaia Orarral CaeiellpdrallUnytor dWplay of Oebao
aad Aaerteae fleyt lawlde toe Han of
Spaaieb JertadteUoa aad early tbU
day tbe aUn aod atelpra mad the
Cahaa flay floated om maay halldlny*
le tbe heart ef the city, aod la etrreia
where toe Spaaleh aoUlm are a
krwp'ay yaard. Tbe cwly helldlty
le EDW briyht with eelor aad
eraakenan belay ezplodad la
etraau aad oa toe plaiae.
Ia a riot al Uoaserrat. a Cahaa chIM
WB« kiUed. Frawelaeo galBtora. a 8pu.
tab yaerrilla. wae And at from tbe
not of a bami aod mrtoaaly lajand
Oee maa waaklUed yntorflay aad
tweira ware woaadal la rtoto la rartoae para of tbe dty. Saaor ilnior. a
yroeae. wnaU

i>haMtabaotCaba.smlay forth tor
•amt with tooHpMbb eow
aad aabtay tba Oabaae m obaerry
tba people to nfnla troa ylrlay aaaar
tor oSmaonr IrrltoUowar fnaatblM.
•r.ui tactlay)
proelanatiaa daelana tba* aay
■yaaeat of toa ayrnamt oa toa
pan of toeOabaMwUl ka nmatod

Traverse City Wagon Works!
A. J. PETEBTYL. Proprietor.
I droirr
eral. tbat I

Tba KtoiSuocmsful aad flcirntifleTfMtinnt of AU Daraara and WaaAacan
of HaakioA Potable to Gbtau.
l7ur4 Bum Bu Iotw rnrriaii
.« IB. BB.M -BBU-B-Kla I



my old (riroda. acd thr [iublit- iu i.’i'bnow prrparrd for I•ludlle1• in my Dew ivo-atury brick
jaMBi *. nanai

{actor; at ibe comer of btatc and I'nion atreclx, at the foot of tbr

aaBBSa kaaB.4 afu Ba psU twaal
iMBaurolaBaiBc w nawaaro ____

I pnrpoaedoing all kiniUof wagnu. boRBy and fil--igb


io all branrhoe.
1 haye put in tbe lateBt improred mac
have employed praciical aod espdricnoed meebaain to dc
in a thuruugb aod eaiiefactory manner. Jt aball br my aic
and ulisfy every cuetomer in vbaU-rer clam of work be

kBrmU-BBBBi •wii) Brpli-c OcoonitMien Prrr aaaatiicUr 0«B
OA OrrXAJf rowBi—
PBieiiwO '*r .cain. ■/...
trie— Jf*.


“a oAfliAiH’AJio poamwA otroA
1 eball do all kinde of repair work. repaiDting apd
tgr IB. BBt.I bOb-u^ ron< nr. •«< t*. bb-neral blacksmitbiiu; and
a T fo
DflUflOISAABBl nf.i-.Uy
I wish to calLtbc apecial
attonttun of horw oi
tbat I bare retain^in my rmpluy “Billy" Al bjii.
and practical bone aboer,
aboer. with tbe old 6nn. wbo km
wUl be pleased to
horse and givn onircrasT ntiofacUoB to i “




bis old friends at tbe new stood.
Good, hoD««t work, at tiriny pric*
iricea. will be my
lotto. and
old bring me a aharr of the public pal
Work in Ibe city will be called for and delivered. If yoo want
ited. top fixed
r wagoo repaired, repainted,
■lepbooe No. 190. ^wiU call for it,
or seat e
r it joat as
rork prompi
do tbe wi
You are invited to call aod
kwk ever
tbr new plant wither
*nt any woik doea or not l ahall
■ “ be

* to
see you and
you want
abow yoo armind.
Bear in mind tbe plaew-tbe
brick factory at north end o
UoioH •tont faridga. with the ^ of Tn
• (^ty Wagon Wo^


*OanOWICAOAA gm.BBd rruBiBito


a M AE Ct kc iB. Bll atSBBW


— -1 btor «b a-w

WDl pay ape* eato tar aMm anfl
■■leek Uea. aafl n
LayflOok fla*.
oraayfMflhaafctoCflPaafl oa Btaafl
Tnwto Bay. .. .......................................

OtaaoRoaall. lta(a.fln. Bto,. TMe.
—jj/B.. Miro

a-aa SWM. a.

«• af ana. .taai PII ■! srw u w

•i»itAVEBSE HBRATiP, DEOe>yT«ei? SO. 1808.
It Baku m btod lo «

H«». K. > a Batm. Uile^.


Mates tte food more deicMMB and «

A URI* Maw T«u Sou.
^ Saw T«m

aU MThlSriad -teadA




la father, "bet that
bey wa. oaly play- ebbdreu by beli
wanted bribe child j f
to boat ap artl
.kiaya. wrapt, booka aod j
—abcew. XUreki
- — and faxler-----A
• "—
New Year Sony
enia that Ibe^hlld la perfectly able
bea toe year la new. my dear.
doitaelf If only traioed toll ...
My ..'ben tb« year la new.
e yhl and nine. ]
, prcmiiac here,
nea wa.M-n oo turoueleea erer aiaer . (.nu, | and roc.


b <M'( wfciM Uf^l d tnthi
Oh. Raw Taar.
____ iBtbcalfht
MuHad BV took (o Uw
-- UaCoMl

y op la to Uato tMm | j

ofchlldree to)
froB the fl-pi



I wU roa • bppr Raw Taarl

Aad traablad bvt> W Mstha:
Ood rraat % hMV>«r K**

Jut a. RBrh aayooia la
HUnOitol actirUUa were |wt
aalstoaaa: thaaoddto eberkioc of bU
' laa bard I
earraelef' thuopbia
biar; and hU Kirk, and
so Bare eenaarabir leblmthaB.
year rxelamatioa. aed fn-tUDf*
deriactha lisa yoa bare beeo IrooBlattaaly arottolred. Yoo bare beee
worrylnc oeer plaoi that .were .orldeo
lycoolaaed beeasK of yonr aecictesl:
Iw coto to bed leatiny that Wra Brown
III ba dkappoiolMl
ippoioled broauM aba did
-a. per rice puddlay. aiul It 1. Jn.l
lor fat^to bear thi. aa for yen to

^”'wfffwou^ voo hare me dortold tba falbrr.- -Wiiuld-. von lei ibr
eblldail cpallplrbt baraiiB-be it laraaud Is biaplajr"Re. bol yoo mlybt bare -let bim
wa eaay.'
doppoae you bad yitec
OT.a Sfieea Blootea la ffbkta to re
arraoyt bit tbnoybu. bappoar yue had
aollad bln to you. aod aald. "n ail. Ur.
1 wooid Jlka to yire you
_______ but I aee that It I* xbouf
waitonUI to-_
llllla yrocar would hare
to All your, ordea. at cm
eoald bare aald. «u. eo.
cluaeon tlseao that the clerk. ..u y
boBa. Tber* will be pleo'.v ol lime iv .
ircr i.
yooda to drllrcr. a^ed
yetUny rcryaoxi
. .
labjul fifv-eo mini
nyipe Boat
tba eoyioe
Duat yolotd
ad toe raylB
> badao aa to b
Do y.

1 to%


It fof tltrtwLB otbar U'

flbUd Ibto joai the Hoc toT^yuu
lie would hare bera
ad him-toyo"
yladweloaeup tala
bb atorr. berauM that
b the way mend,
BawJ taar: A
batlfil Raw Tm fall of IM raaawal
'very f lad to yo to bed aa.'
«<loaaa>do{ faith; faU of Ui aaplra- reek laatewl
ad « a rel«Uieua cbll I. aobIkMte aeblar Mtlaaeu; of tu ap- May hlnuelf eulkily to aleep w.

• CiMe.




Baaolaad. that tha editor ei Heoe
-Ohato ahaU wet ba aUowad to do all tb«
a tara
•t aarlaf a taw aaaltof
whUat Wa hara aa reoB far loac atotfaa. hat a partlaaat aaciaatloa.
haaaabald htip. a word la aeMoa
thotootbar or tha

Tha artkle L todarh iwpar
a' la wall worth i
l^hYpoiaato. Aad. I7 the art;.
RHIa icaalaa, cohUahad aad adlwd

« haadaef arartoolh'
Rfarafioaaa»pU copy.


tUalUlalataet oa
.. eroaa lhaell; oa
hralata. apralat
I ter a few dara. Tha


athidlto Inrltotloa
aad raaalUoe.
.<tt waald aet hare beae ao batd." ba
aald, "U I eoold ha*a baaa Ut down
aw. hat bia aaddaa atoppaca frooia

. OaaoaaalBr. white IrtBfoebkaota.
■jtoaatetod that ^ IltUabop. a brlrbt
RMtotaUawei fear pdara. waa
tobatbaahlUadrtobad. Tba UtUa
a^ atoppad by
. _
b lather
aad carried off re-


________ _______ the father.


The coBBael of
•e w for tha ax v
**^%ld paaaoUaa wbllheehOd waa
da*M whaa yoa ordered hla to bad?"

»l tt. ra^ .

Ui uotW.


fram'UOT TO




irito'wdlhUihMatM^m*^ It
TTiillj.- hart baaa ae bard, bol to ba

Oare Bar a
'boat Martha," 1
ralatlacwlib modi yotlo toecln
•toBCtoOadrr which abr baa beranifarad a poalUoD aa oaa of tbe tVbl-i
Oo toe Aratday of the prae>- Jubllr
floral parade wat Pel

careful ju.lfiariir Iit-'rc
It one be DOI
.jrc of nrr«elf abe would belter aeoid
tocid altofctbcr.—Sc.'iici'ii

City Ibrre whole Sunday acbool cla—e..
twenty aeren alrauf.
tVaa aot that a
oappyda.i" Aday orl.u later ibi-tr
a wooir day A-buol, a x ecu in

them tbi
wbllc th


carrlayc aod waa driece of! at the
of the procnaloo.
Aupl Martoa aay. the bad expected
that tbe wile of toe preaUicot

•RBSmalf Sifrmtotcol



“ “

EtliCSigO akd



I Winter Nee^s




Id iilijk'is, ?oSss, Cloies iDd HitleDS.;

uiasB UP «(»inus7KF> i.t

Gloves i>ad MiUens in all Grades and Pric«.


’ur'.u.'”o"l I Truoke, Satchel t and T J'scopoa Lp suit all taates at g
u>. »v,*e. ^
prictrt thiit I i.-;'ire ready solea.
, ,


I 5 1 n.,i uliua-iiiua I-m, ;,. n. ■ 'j...........

,rC;;*.n.ll J

"T' I'-'

t .....

lu. a|! ii.-w \


: s-.tfto'!

Tn-trereeCity, atlchlMen." #

, ■ "; ]

j a-B.a*o#-«.^aa*Oto.^oo«#^-»oOoaaw-to»owoo^^www*^o

" > hare a Club tmb.r'
Kimuod lirellick. au
.r otuB aeeeu uionib. ol.




^I^E-iChoicesi Sdsfr.. Pouiirv and Gaine.


Fresh Salt and Smoked Mpats, Sausages fcte.
TM^ BtST oa tVEBrrxNO


Te1*D''nn.- 1





■arpaiaw aar I
Ula arala aid


'ai.'-uueto.f ..toftotoa pnwiageefraaa
r I.'Owe ufaK-e tram, at waC Meaear




Horseshoeing aad General Repairing Done,

Re-Painting and Upholstering.
Stale St., near Union.






• ell ta «I.M.d Deep.
—1 laraaa a < Re
r-.N...ui It. ('awama-LmadyOittoto
'•an >uur L.«el aad k<n a cteato ^
atormc up
ij> tlw
tiw Ux.
Uaj Iner
iner aad dnrawd
drii aB Mf te»tee-


.^^ u

and aJ^*

Aa AccarMe and /ptendMIy
Wfittea Mtelary af toe


Handsomciv Illustrsi
mh over 60 fiill
half-tones. For sole'
all booksellers.- or oeni
po«-paid upon reedpe of
Price. SIja by

btoa ahm m poUitt Ssst AadBoaUi. ClOM
BMioaa atOopMdokwltR




riTO..t°owoTO, Stoi


"i '

Hrosch’s Meat Market

111. auntie





iy^mv T.

TK£*VrkT:;Vij J 159 Fr«*.

Leoa. aud the mure the better, and •
hailfeiooe Ihiiutaiid by the end
.be century if we keep uo.


• 11.. xik K.M4. . . a
• I • Tr.'-- ■ —- -.In, ..ra,.lK>„..'.,i <.»am.
' afa->AAr.a .Tr. . wOlIX
Xa. Iltoeeal Ttotol t. at.

A A Stable Blanket for V6c and up.'

A large lin- <'f Wool Square BlonkeU.
Ptuob. Wool and Fur Robes, all prices

SuiiDitioD Ol iDDCliers.



■^ I

:frJ! :

Duan'a Kidorr
I'nce ■■
Koaier-Mi.boroagrouforlbr I
..amr li.'an'. au.i

I >! • »
a to ice


rdy Includiof b x Li-jo.l purcuaw a auri uavonlii
iitod'e Kidney '■ui. I might ba«
ula of water, it
L'uupic uf week, aflci tbi. I met bim on
'heatrret. when hr told. 'Doc. Duan'.
Kidocy I'llla are I«.t a. yoa reprearallui.
Alter uatuii UieJXixaAiut wnu-ii
we bad a cmrertotluu m Amh.-rf .1
Murphy', drug auira I waa aa had arerr. I thro pro,'iirt<l l>••^n a and >tiu k


West Michigan.'


he found wfarrr t e' k



You Have
Always Bought. ;

A pfrfert Remedy forCofislipalion. Sour Stomich.DiorTtwca
kVornis.Cont'ulsiOHS TevrishoklLoss OF Sleep.

tAACTCOPror laTixPrcw.




;yi«i;5* ASBsa .'

IHaccpIywaa -Hu- la
-a.d lljan'a aidtey I'illa are
me ulh.-r. pul l.utel'.c
r.aa oa lor tbiokmg
id mui limt my kidoi-yi





"1 waa aiaadlug la Amberg A Marpby'a drag atorr ra Hattie Creak uoe
day wbeu a fnend of mioe came in aad
aaued f. r a box ol kidney yilia.
be had ma le bia porchato I mid qnlel-

Eagllah YorK.bir. i’ofltlluit
Ibe rifht [Cl > iHcr
'll tofetbcrtl
tofelbcr thm; efj>. ^add »-radu- |
OEr pint I'f
;r from Ibe uac where
•puoafola uf fltur into aoutorr bowi;
add fradotlly to it tbr efpa and milk:
mail Tbia >a eapri-lal
brat until p.-rteci'y .iBiiuili. add baifa
«* roomy. One little aod a Oa.h .if pep
aioy the Ju’illec a.
-e. Itaburo, mail, it at
1 y atepprd up and defi.y Icmruj per; atraiB Ibronfh a tine Mere. p. uthe bbrick aodcr-ibc fprl t.f 1
Klaley, explaioloy that It
a day 10 be out uo'.e.
I the addrea. rifbt. or yuu will
minntoa; cut in o >-inr
caution waa adopted.
IfcUiof your Club lellrr. an.
around toe roaa'ed b .-f
would br a i«d alatr cl alTairw.
WUd loq^'ir^abiul MarlLa. kiul Hod.
Homa-Uade Cracaerx
' '
>ade her au . ffer
^.kc nice, abort biM-ult doufb and
oor of
enlinaHuarea two aad one. fo Bat fel .>uu
lea. any ahape: cot with a
ore aad' write
knife ho aa to make to dn-p check.,
A4> Erroacoui Ijeebut beep 'tocelbcr and bake a cri.p .ad tell Ivr no
brown. Tocy arr rcllahcd by children
An old.faahloced Idea are.
between meajx. aod are aice wltb fruit
many famlllea that a eery
There doe.o'1 w-em to be lourh rie
at the labli
aach aaaylaaa of milk a
for letter, to-day. duea then
wr will uy4> set la iwtior tore.-'. I
mare, But later experietr.
that meWl yrowiny ahlldn
we baee maoy »aHia]r.~.»Bd ail w
enufal repaxt Ufoed retli
bare writira letlria muai he paticot
«nxblO( food.
The treaatlfnl ihtofa
here done,
Carl OleaoB lieeaat Hire iia.rnand
Biiayer. at wbxu-rrr hour of tbe dxy The Belda we hare lilu
the fifuwr
haee wille.1.
iaaerra jeara old
Hr la lo the ae
oiybl It eosnrt. la lU dr.-nxoi ..t ra
In toe Ilfht of aaotber
re for aualeaanue. aod abu.iid be
toer year'a >nn:
aod third fradrw He aar. "U'e bare
H'u>n we tbiok uf
a^U we arebam-d.
No aleep lx the rranlt .iff-too ri
A munar got into our aebuv! orfac yeatrue.
xtooBelile airy chirdren.aod for
llcrday and I hruufbl my kluy to
a, to. Itoee. lo.l.'xAof ourdotof.
ae OBple neal la aeeaaaary at aa
I catch it. Her oamc i. Nellie. M.r >iaWe baee kaowa trallraa rbll<
I ter aad I had two Uttie klttena. bm
who were la the habit of di.turb'.oy
; they died "
toe bouaebold dunny toe nlyl *. re- VVheo JaouarTbrr,xe.b'ow
Iwoa OitwuD la .ten yeara old.
atxewd to quiet anil pfwcefol tiumbtr Tbe Kewi Year come, aeriro tbe .now
with a cracker and a (laaa of milk yir- And muod bitn. .hif unf to and fru.
aa thea oa aarakraiar .a toe oicbl.
Th* whitened wArld oT drifted .pie
toe .raleof -nolbiay toeatbeThefr
froem pi.rd l> .month aod wide;
Braia"laid down abaolutely lor
The at...................
.. from .ide to
ikater. .wlnf
-ifhiuf feta food Thru 1
of her bouaebold by eo
" ' beapa

of :toafb. ifo toatbool to Mia. DuoB. My toaeher
U Mia. .Id'
BhimI "almoat atareed la
ree'lr foe.,
•to.'- Tbe!
Tbrlr buafer abonld br aatix.
t tor Bicbt
d buBfbt me a pair of oew aboex. a
Aad la apltc of iheorira -.‘ifi.rt.d.
Warnfunn.. lunt Hidg., I.».Tk"ll
w dreaa. a muf and a cloak ChHal
rare fuinf to my fraadmolbei',
Hltbool Hoaora-Worid'B Fair. Arc full of duora—tbr portala of cioaed to apeud
dlabea. aeeep me fl ur aed make leda
Gold Medal. Hldwiotcr Fair.
one door
....... aUTKleaJ.r
aUTKle xj —
floactimiB mamma laaere sr to get
aw Y
bc'.x; while a fold)
Tbe New
Idea ebaia I .upper."
If dayi
Aoaa May I'eck IWea t Maple City
Idi U bx
Sbeaaya "Itboognil
yoa aad tell you .oaie uf the tbiuga 1
hore-a tbe New Year roam ag^
au do.
I can waab dlabea. aweep.
.beold ooe'a fooe at toat.
make beda. aew aax help my ma. I
bare toe llule ief yoo
- .oaibe wb.le 1 tt.iuk Ifa beea a
the :
pretty food old .year
hare a llule ai.Wf IbM te a>
Oyear toaiia foluf. uke with rem
bmky. We bare 8 j|b baMk oolt: i nav, Boy Otty, Detroit. HowSome ret' thaldwellx lo my brhrt.
beraame 1. ****t;^^“ ** *^!All, AUI ArbOP, T^»dO AOd
Tbkc aftfi.Boeai. wtllluIorB. pride:
year, g^^tewea • ^alti,
The .harp word that i
almdut half doae.
“ .« toear loo baaiy
d oat. wHb ir
the out year, aalde. cblcfceaa, 1 bare tome pret^
toeloae by a<
^year toat
*, hrinf with yea
> 1 toeaaarA.
A Tan »nH Orua «{tutor TavAap
“’ria loea tbat bUb aa happy.


■i iASbdcfitjeaBers&atMt'


tiDlteaux. Vetertaarr Surgruo of tbat
cite, a Well kaowa maa there, aa well
a. in Kalamaxoo aad Marabali. apuki

—T.tnce with the ■

vr aud toe
the rexall of a f
Uuta.Ieice. Ueaa.a:

n<u^t a u
wrappro up. aluay wl
beo tor prta



; 11c(Tfliih'ilil'iMiliiT;
• aaeaaae.aaeaaaaaaaoow

Bears the

____Biftcsticm.CteeTf.i3IKAS ml Hnt £oQlaiu acDiff
- m.MorpliinrtbJrMsaiyal.

Bow Baay timu ta life a bw word,
efgood adeice. eomiog from a irirad
we ua deprod upua. will ureuabouix.
perbapa taoolbaof mmery . I'be foUowlag. which comiDf from Hattie t>eek.

.oirim conaly. and yet afala a
.im of tbe Jl.sfhatu tobool. an
.•'...melhey all wee. tool

let IbKincniiy hum.- luve bim rery dear y, . ,11 we tinThta it mittak. I. ' I. aom.-tbltif lobe prouB of to bare a
nut tbiok uoeb
aufbt to lake
There la nnercry iinporiaol m
w all Ibe inui
to be apekea ufl aad we aset errry
annbeam to pay pariicalsr attrniion

little I
while tl


The Kind Yon Have



TTshu Hiiiiu::: |


Klaa paderblrh Heea at Fife Lake,
be aaya; "My grmadpa taker' toe
u. aad yowBW'fob
letura For pna I bata a dog a»t ti
nia. ThedcVa
to diVa soBa te Jack aod ti
ute'aoBaa are Topay aod Nig.
to toe elxto grwde.
My atadtee
teadlag, errlUag. apelliag, groBi
geography aad pbyalolofy. My teachiBC te Mr. While. I bare b eteter

■ir-club, prumiaee tbal i
:rowa he aLali be Uupbl from ih.
>11 our rolraaDd rrpula'.loan and
len noiioo to cuddle clillp idia that Uiry uu.t b. luii.ulbc boy fruni t .e r.ry bef'ini
____ ____ inerof• trouble
- ouble aod
and ‘»f ouurae be .bail come loaud wn
at home. Ihr muther often red bnltofl a. brarcly aa toe oldr.1 of

Mia McKlolry.
feartoy the eCeeu ol rxpor.uri
r.atocr, d '


A VatsmiaTy Snrgaoa of Battle Creek
Tellx Abooi It
Sy. They haeTahrlrB for their play-!
ihloya and keep^em la order Ibem- | Aa toe y.»r yoea br. my dear.
aelrcw. There It a yreal fuck of pUy- Aa tbe year con br.
ibiuya, block.-borart. ooara, plya aod | l-el oa keep our aky awept clear.
chickeax cut from p-pria. enouyh to | Utile yog lod I.
eoeer bait the floor when they play i Sweep up eeery cloady aeowl.
farm yard, but In Are mleowa'lime Kiery lilDe thunder yrowi,
erorylblny iiclroreo away, put ap In ; And lire and lauyh,
lu dwa box and the rm-m tidy
How . Uuy'.. and lire.
inch belter tone for
Ui do Hall
It A or> more of x ham
.hip toon to r«t them out- Mothrra, , « ben tbe year . old. e
leech yoor eblldeen indeoendcoee.— . " bro the y—merer
----------------I Tbuuffb toe day. fro' I cold
How to Fr^ Ham
j Urrief thonfbu are i ilwajl. want
Il la »w«t to Uke bollrd ham tor fry-1 Merry btana know nc er a atorm.
Inf. cut It lato toio al.eea. melt a lluie ' l^mr icr aad .now . w lure a dear flow
buiur in a fmac pan. when Lot p«: lu I Tam all oor fray i*> |
the bam and ''-.'"k otic mlpnte on caelj |
klde; tola lathe fineal way of aemof ] p„ in
1 lUe children d.
" Tl.r.,ofh
t hippy Ne.
r It with cold watc'
A hapr:
e day.ibai
>>ila lemon
Ube bam. dry il on a ti
mell half a
few t
lablcaprernful of butlri
fry Of pao,
iiudy aStd work and p
bnak Are e’xxt. three minute, on
Aod ria-y beallb wbl
If tbr teat bam la txkrii. "
le toe ».i.-ea of batn
cut about halfaa lar^i ttaicki pim-e a
Ve». and a Happy New Year to a>
fryinjt paO 0W°h the Art: wbru hot pm
our Herald Yuuap i'nika. and eapeclal
lathe ham and fry f-kr minutee oc
raeff alaeorcr a briak fler. turninf th. ;i to all the member, of our Sunabiae
ham four lii^ndurlnf that time.—
HutltiuiiM lirrdx be taappy to
Da tor we are all rifht la tbe ba
Bappioea. becauae we are aiakinf K aa
Cbooala« Urexa Ooode
fo- onraelre. anc
Tbr careful malron. lu eberaaiaf dr
rooda fur beraeil. will aelect Ih
eeery one elac
ebleh are lu uo way conaplcuuua
«lnr. aod will aeoid uorcllira in tr
IVhat ahal! we aay about our Club
nlufk. rrmi'uibcriog tbat abr e lUO^ Ihij week '
tVaea we tell you toat bj
tbe time you read tola we iball bar<
nearly Vhi member., la Bot that atiry
ly It moat be ao net aad lam
aa not w atf-aei attcnlioo
eaoofb to leiir
Hut idi. >t your r
lu bear in miod alxo l
uJd tell you of toe dear liltJe !•
at com.-eeqry day flyof out c
Iblnar. beinf equal, aeletf tboae food,
wbiu- wiufrd toirda
wbicb may be inturdand wUh-li make
r.tably for tbr Ulliedaufhli-r. It
Id of Uir aweet toufa of lore aod i
er to buy a Ilbrral pallcra Iban a
ine they .lap yuc wuuid htbappy nenlra pood.

l&tlav t« tb DlalM aaetfr The Raw Ilaylabb heart, aaa banpr Imier
TaarAlhartallaalaf ralth. Ulatba ytaeer be woold bare yoae wUlioyl.v
bad. to Iblak wltb loriny kiortueaaof
•MlMUOed. Ulatba boar dlTldlac toafatbar who badi aympath.rrd with
In to cloM ult day'.
•nthapaat trcNBall tha fataro.
tha aliBlh wU* torat ■««»
"I aae." aald the father, -and lam
too” la nal ab Uaaaad raalUj.
ubaBad af fi.earif IM rould walk. I’n
yo to bIm aad aakliinito toryi
Tha Raw Yaar Baartatkiaa a
darn, brtar-llnbble here."
■-Ke'a aaleep,-' waa tba rrp;>.
"Reeer mlad. Vriny Lim aajUow "
Tba yirl lifted tha aleeplay boy and
hlB to hi. fatber'a arma. The
«bwh aaa ba tallad Maaotr Usea
eblld'a faaa wax floabrd aod lear-aialnaaam ha aaad aet tall afala.
•d. hia llule data were clrn.-brd aad Ihr obhfed to tlc'iner toe d
palMtlr paaaIbU W aaaka a fo«
brralb .howad for lack of fo..da —.Sclo-'. d
.------ ... m»*iw»japoawbata perlerbad a|urit be bad
Kniea to Buytof
I loto alaep
ribbtoUftopeM-ahaart tolba Lord.
oor little ebap"’ aaid iW father,
In bu
are two foid'o
Ittaabara pe«lbUleatfc the AMaa
eolly. aeklBerl toe mol.l fore.
c llrtl la familiar.
•-Do o
bi. Md aeaar waa tW aaklac la aala. ____ aod whiapered, -Can you forylee
buy a tiling becanu it la ebrap
year father, my. boy?"
it applicablr in mure eraya tl>
The child did oot wakea. but 1
'lilt I would place bo.lde il anulbrbaada yaaOr aerlueod. hla whoU bo
Doo.'i bbt'alniuf b.-cao.e it lablfb
d^lbivr Raw Taar to aterr OM of relaxed, and. ocraUlny hla bead ut
The .um of both rulea U. br
■etac CUa'a raadanl Aad whoa it cloaely ayainat hla father', bmat.
(uid-d by 'luxlliy and ant by ptieP.
Cbcap font. arc. aa a fcnrmt rule, o'
bMaaaaadlobo tha aewTaar aad baa raiaed oar ebunby band aod pan '
t waa aa If Ibr
fatber'a t _
ibr loriop .ooor uuxUly.
I.el toe .bipper reni..m
OaMtahatha old om. may ararj dp7
... had peaeieatrd il.n.uyh ibe in-'
' imetbloi
hehhRTMUl«< coed ebaar aad eoalny Bath to tba ebild’a apirit. aad be for Bovhlnp." To be aure there arc quit-had aaiwerrd lore with loee.-te
oltcD barfalaa lu irnod. and Hi. o>ITwkPAtlru. Jf. il. In .Vrv rnii.ide^
of tbe art of.boppiof to look out fie
^'tcMlUakowaof tbaroedraaatIUsM to naha far ifM woald ba.

CluLlirHi t MtalX I

baee fewr uleaa, three t — r aod tero
aowa. aad be la eery glad ChrtetBaa la
coealaf. Dadd la a btaee little wuekar
M will Bokeatood Bember ei toe
laabtoe OeA





»rtee<w.W* to aaaiwi auM


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