Grand Traverse Herald, September 04, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 04, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



FWthefdlMHM Dl 1901 «•!
bare «m of Um fiaeM Mnrtmwta |



TraTctsc aty state Bank

MFrahH. Ltt4HcJ|srcktBtTtUor.


Real Estate"* Insurance

wa.v A

O.RK1U H. » «. BiMt


.t.reT, .r.«lhrr fair



Tire Insurance!


N....r r»li. trO. »b.« thior-'-a

Plat* Glaaa. Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.







Johnson Block. Phono 73

Traverse City. Mich.

Too ebooia not oeglece *bj part of
year tollot for tlic lai k of TollK Aruelee wfiin TOOTH BROSHBS. HAIR
POWDERS. e«o.. ar* »o plaoUfol beta
prtoM wtOiln the reaob of alL No
natter what taeliloo Uemaii<U for the
ImproveairDt of the hair.fkio or liHitli

Ibiak ’ 1 nelly hal<-d the
U. When Aaoi Oaroline’e
j.. iomiue me. laaaitBa
ihoQlht It woald be rode if I did not
arcriit til.' tDTittlion, ai ebe rtrrreead
a eincrre deeu.- to
me. BaL tor
mv lerl, 1 liad always beard it wa*
til'.' delleoi plao< in Chrieieodom i and
if It hadn't been that maama really
I don't Ihiok I iboold bare
bndeed In tliat dlreetloo. Annt C
lln. 'e d»i<l.-ae«re notwlthatandkn
t!6l I w.'Dt ttnallr.
It wae a qc.r-r little rillMt. The
hoaee., tro.e—eteryUiin«-eee»«d eo
low. I mien, near tbr itobsA a* if
all wrr>- yooae, bat migbt urow taller







Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
INI fur |ul


Ct^sr Jrr Sargaiws.

erralliraj •IMUM At>.ut ni.<.oD,


» » Brand traverse Land Co.




tWlAa-n- WaW Im a Wraaia eneaiw




n O. A

___________ __,




Wool Wan<toci

. wntoent~e-e.awee H
9m Oraad aeM«a MtWh TeM
e^weM.e«aam.. U:M aaa
MAia. w■n IMet«. Bw aw.
Piwiti Ml wM,ena la, n :•

fWOtelWeMlwe PWiWw. !•



i.-oi.-ruii>mrai. oouidx my two aouu'

Try some^ the appetizing preparations of health
food^ we cirry. such as Malta V’ita. Grain-O,
I’iUsburys Vitos. Grape Sugar Flakes, etc., etc.
Manyjpeopl^use them in place of meat.

8*8 Front StroBt



OKT i»f«IOK«



tgt PiialBMin


;of Ibe B.Tinery, for It WM a my.ury,
. bv eouir means of my own makag.
! I disliked to qseetiuB the eervaate

Food For Summer Weather I f

Book and Job Work

do not fail to look over our large line of handsome ar*
tides. We also cany a fine stock of WATCHES
CLOCKS. JEWELRY, ETC. Spectacle Fitting a
apeeUlty. Watch and Clock Repairing-tbe bett
jgrade of work done. -

Hide on the
aide of Ibe b.>oer next it> twin eli
drawn a or pal
Ithrr itiy snnta dot .
down; aad
the a
of Ibe errea
door uelcbbor. or
o erased to be in any
way con>rioo. that there wae a be
, m the other ,ide of ihe brick wall
I That tbrre wer>' inmalee to it 1 ks
for I bed erai. n-ople on the piaaae
and ID Il» gardeu, aoiably. a very
good looktac yonoB man. Ooe day I
' .Idly pot the qm-fllno to m
the name au.l ooaditloa of irae^bni 1 w

ton 0|' to safold the sraret.
, I bad iK.'u there aboot three we
0X1.' day I look a book and t
tolo the ori'hard to reel 1

BroMh Stock





If you are thiukiag of buying anything in the way of

thl,?'' J^e nothin* eS iwe.
‘’•'‘O '

ck from
All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back
■ ’

I mil
to use
East, and■ •have arranged■ with
rtly and oi
wool from this section of the countr)-. I can afford to |i|)ay line.and
Annt J,wn'. fa.-e that 1
the highest coutside market prices in cash. Will also buy dar-d uol my
preee the enbjeet further,
hides and ginseng.
I ret d.-leraioi-d to get ai the b..ttoe
Office and Warvbowe. 792 £. Front Bl



“Ainroarolm.l.ooee war the larfe.l in toiMi, ■ »orpt one tnat war belt
demr to ii and whirl, wae In erery
l«iiii lu .'OBBteriert and fao-elmile.
vk.. «... I.....M wrre exactly alike.
iru-t wall dlrlditu,
end will, only
TiDi» and meet on
EiTrn II
r.' elil..'. atifri '
th.' front porrh
rt aisllti
t ihroll.'X llolh hOBr.-ewere

and both bad a
i.'ttr Uwu lu fruul.
'.-.'iTed me cordially eoougbi b
>ok to .kBUi Joau at on» Id
Id trnlT love Aom Carolioe. -----at K) Lvlleodfablddio*. Kob.4y her age. bol 1 iB|.Iioerd It to
f a loDK way into Kt She wae a typt,_il old maid. Aoht Jean, oa tlie eoaI trarv. wai ell Uiei !• ewat and loea-

ORANO lUPIDS A INDIANA NY, Fresh. Salt andSmoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.
Jaaett MA
Mae knee Pnwwee aw ae Mlm:
TeMtonr 4
IW^Oa^Septn. THiwaeee, aa* OJ

9m Oeeaa gw^

Vtel u aald to ba Urn Urge* nte
Ualaa a ndtea drouth dcaoeada am mebUa ta tte world, and iba taiiaaS
Ihb ractea than wtU ba ao ht«lia of oablnad terfmaer aa well, b bow at
rmk on a big laaedi in eaanal Uoll>
teyfera aaffann frea Oblmfo thla
Dtuin. whan u U being umd la «dawl bealtei huaaalf the aOj not
which taaa boaa an aaaoyaaco a ■
paat of tbr east tear knaoa The <
poople wtU tan oat a boarlaet
-------’-------1 tafcoxeB treei wbat he
of etaara, aocarding to opu.____ t^ Mgiae enimble
go. W ta a mmaate adopted him. .. , .tyatclaai arho {xMiet that th.Aftar a nod whUa. -with asm
baary lutaa wtll act aa an affaetual
able iretdtettLB. Ipat afew qae
K. WhlO
trreaiiea of tte annual tey fet. r atto him ralatira to tho food ertteax
>rka Witli tte aaaran for red aad
t feat, and a tbiraahlBg maehla*. d
batwaiB the two Tamlltea, and foand
wollaonoaea aadatnamlng r;.-* ooly
aaplatn Tte. thraahing
that be kaow ae llnla aad wae ae
________ rua by a ibitty-hora*
we waaka away eely alaw cnaM of
iose aboal Itae BjaaU.
se ailaeat tera ae tar daxaloiwd. aad l>ow, r engine, eourely sepaimir froan
•Va voa b«<aB to oOBpara oarwlree
the incuee matelne. asve that they
ooe of thaa of a aonligoaai tyie.
Thla eondiuco ot aSaIn wtU b
aiwrtni moTe* ovar tb*
Krary Aegnal groud ^ diScteat tprada. aoeatdlu
^WellTu MiB*oLa M thU that
WalWr lorad me asd I lorod WalMr.
•'tteTt^ar aad’&ratber an
aad wa ted admlllad ae maoh to each
gotug M 101^*4. whelter the grata
d ooa|i
oibar aad ted eeme to tho eocelaalon
w tte c
that thlBjR eealdn'i fo on In thie naTb* average tpeed made ti thna
mllled. naeatlifarioT w»y. Wahot laa. laaunet iak<
d one half mile* an hoar, and UO
Ineb-ted npoo oomtnjt orar and cpeak..le* a day <am be ibraabed by tb*
Ba. SereraJ___________
tag to By aanu aboot it, aad wbra
who thraeg the tmall
T lake

be wonld take ao rathBl 1 praaieed
I iroaoru of oppar Hi. htgmo eorb
to menliOB the eabjeet to ay aanu
go from Cbuogo. Moat ot the tiueiioDi-ngiae arv eigUt trot ludiammyalf. |lt wae a moat afaeard eate nl othere make tbe }oors-y oortbwurd by
aad have urea forty-eight taeba*
Ihliita aad 1 wae detarataed v> gel
t. oa which an-rldgeaaa taeh and
>u idrt and til- •laomabi]!
at tte bottoB of the Woahle. I knew
_____ troap a rich barraal Bl a ball atglu
ttet fa eoae reaeoe any allaeloe dariac Aoguei from tl>r tuetuaa.-d
Bade reepaotiag ou neighbor wae
paiafnl. ra^ dutraatag to Annt
toaecvaalble are header atatt* to work Iba Ihmabad
Jean, ec I Bade np ar aad to an- by boat.
grata begin. 10 faU into tte mefcaai
... _ aid*
.... from
boeam ayaelf one aftarsoga wteb
wtet it ta cot.
ThU year the laodlonu of the nom- kte other
‘mat Jean bad ceoe oav Tbit I dll arooa hotel* aad ooiiage* artll wall tn while the Miuw fall* inl
. weal to ha teoa and foond ha Tute for the expected gucta Oaly a
Ixadv are tmmol away from
alone. Aant Jean ha.1 gtae for a oompltM e-aeatim] ot tte rain wdi
walk aad wltboat {veaable I In it aea their tuoomae from eenoot depleradar by a dtaerr. or mov^
forty-eight inebaswtde. They
UOD and eeaty abow. r whleh fall* be°*Yoe will nol baltereae when 1 uU rge.'D BOW and tbe middle of Auguel
xted ibroogh > oolaadar. wbleb
, UMubaaru from tbe barby aad
yoo the eld lady faiaiad ontrlgbL Bvooi fewer hay lever TioiimeUBd
it at the rame Um*. then by a
WeU. the did: aad eorb a tlae 1 hope aaalltt n«oii<M to Uie t.-aort leoprl."

Iwll through two oXraaera. a^
1 will aera hare agaU.
Bel 1 got
It ecwaad that long ago.
Tte liny
U-giaa e
y.-ar *
tte mtddl-' of AuguaL
aa foal a* Uled
rag weed, I
Vban twelve mck* tei e beaa tiled
tai (hal a few weeke he­ ackaowladgad to be
! ohu-f eaua
ro the old fellow ted the dlerara, licgloe to ecalMr lie |«l- Ibayan aUowed to atlde off tb* «
tore the aatriage
Hked off aad jilted lan. lu dry weather thu u bone in OB wbioh they are atarked to tte
joei qnleily wall
Liksenar when the *Baw
i.-MK, whleh alaoet brake ba
Aenl Ju
. ery duH cloud to the a-DetUve Boaheart: and for do rhyae ot reaaoo
U It U dumped.
iU and tfaraau of tbonaatiJe of pcoUaixtyalx
anybody aold ear had. inteed, |d. and tnaameuwbl.' eoraue are b.ard
-,.4 off aotll ibr laet few yean, u tte laad.
trai long aad half
ev.-r a baadred loan
-ben be aaddenly eaae baok ooe day
It naea oil, as foal. Voem>M*‘"ff
od had beta at faoae rrex elaa. fa I«Ueo
r«n. teld by iba aoUl anrtb Tte
lee of four horat* <0
oil ate
water for th* boiler a* it traeoU
caeae whiota will daealoi- thla
id Uie large tt*l>L-U» Aagetaa .
under {oeaeul oobdiiiaoa will be
dead totbeae catu»-l by other og«
thaa.0ow<-r jiollan. Local aaial ih
eol tell' it, nn yet eoald Walla, eo Bitiei aad aathmauo laadaoqiee
when Anal OaraUae qaUily fatedc
>* bnag on tte dnad amieuoe to many
naa lliU.wba hat a larg* tea*
ae era to epeak to Walta agaB I pao^e, but tbe aajome of tte annual ,____ rr* Bear PtmUae. Iiat apost thmialBply told ba I eoald not aad
raodt of doUare aad maoh ttme^^^woBid nol make aay nrh proalee. .top.,uialng.-Ubl-,^^.ro..icle.
She eeeaml to regard ay loyalty to
Walta ae ibe aoa Bataeoteailod ladirappraring anlnmU of tte Hteblgte
graundr and bad faith oa my part,
fortti. an-I wonld te glad 1- know
aad told me plalaly that ate woold


Hrw Vy»aii»i>uU.sCo.



Wklkw Iklifai t


207 E. Front.Street,’

k Cacni IRiirtic intiim rr**
3 »er Oe« iIM^Tlw Dcpotils.


Knrf B'Cvac.


•rer ■bown is tbe market AU the
tKonltiMto PUidACheekAl
ud 8trip<« both foreign aod Do. I
BMtie. Thaw wo will make tol
joor order at the rerf loweat price*. I





Don't forget that you can gel the following good things
toeat: Canned Hacn.Chicken. Veal Loaf. Beef. Salmon.
Imported Sardines, with a little of either Cream. Pine'
* Apple. Edam or MacLaren’s Cheese, and some Olives.
Pickles. Musurd. SaUd Dreswng and Catsup; variety
^Soups. No trouble to prepare these goods. Can
opener free.




n»t nonr of tte Tooog |«oi-l» of tte
Tilligr. which 1 Ihongbi w*> rathar
Tbr tnilh *•••- I found oni later—
ihai mv Aooi Caralioe'a abarp to
hadm^de her uoiapoUr; and
Jean wa* ao lad and iimid that it
eery >eldom ever came u
Well, thli parucolar montoii 1
a t«ok into the orchard, aod dodiug a
Tory "ahadie neekv" wbara a taoge
old elm era ateod right op agaioai
tbe wall, making a aery pleoaol aewl
with a back to Tt, 1 climbed npoa tte
wall. ana. dilieioualy mawaaed B
be nooke" I gate ayalf up


Iteatooa to aamaa U expiala.
ta tb.'___________ > in tte we
d npon reoeipt of mamma'• leWa I
of the rtaie. That I here iaei
____ I aad danger to tte hnnt i* *nowi
Uf ooarta 1
by the expenenMu of Mark Keooe, i
the old >tryeilag-traa. aad wapl ' atoue bnnur of tte itlo.- Ridge
R.-ae.' llrae to a lllllv oablo on tb
Mdwaara ot Iba Pigeon river, n
aywood connly. Thu Ittde cleonu.
I the foraet U entirely aantnadad b
aur.' ibat be could make It plain to towering mounalBt, an-I the taetaaase.
ter that ba wae In no way aeooaati-abeou are tnlreU d. ^Ub blank
able la wbat hie uaola might teea
; Knday. old Mark eurtad oat
Ua aald aleo that in three
( bu tbraa dog* to look Jor btg
months be woald be fl. whan te
and «on I

void eoma into eoma proporty of
an old
U OWB aad—who wonld think ibii
u* Anal Jean'a roBaaos*
Aunt OaioUae after tble kept «aob
Kae-e abot Uie old bear deaf.______
abarp aye on me that it wax almoat _e rarcam tumbled 10 the ground,
rr to get a aaeating with
tte cub* alartad aftar iteir {mrent.
Vaiur. ___ be wrote latten-------- By yelliiig ai tte top of bu eolea.
day. and pat tbem into
” oa msnagad to keep item ap tnr
vary otoe little
wall, wbiob made a va
for a time, bu objeol being to
oaplur* tbem alive. At laal they came
down, and Kraoc tbol tte fint ooe
Then be dra,>|>e(l hu gun. an>
“tSw U te^to til y^all ate
>e aeroid brar allgbied be Ibi
mid. Itwaawtet Aoat OaioUaa waatnaa aboot bU neck, hoping to choke
ad bar to eay, aad It meMt that 1 WM
It bear Into aabmtaaion. But Bruin
at big and awoeg. It threw Keato
I tbe ground and fell upon blin.
Then eatued a trmbl<- SgBk
Raaoc'eoloibing wa* toru Into alireda,
bad tl.a graateat Bind to talL Tte bu Oeab cUwad and gatliail aad hU
onlT thing that raatrulaad me waa body covered from bead to foot with
taai 1 hated *0 to meoUoc tte aal-jeol Mood aad dual. PlBallytbedatratmU
to ter. baled eo tbe ideo of hurting man got a Arm grip 00 tbe baarV throat
aad clung to bu mviige anugootr- —
u tte nfurnoou bafoea tte day III nu graap begaa to t> II
Tb«h Iwni to be abivpad home in relaxed hla atw-k*. bU bead di^
g. wbaa 1 qoietlT wutki
right before
Uunllna'i - yas

wrontdowB into
tte onhnrd to a.... ararly drad from loss of blood.
Why xte didn't follow me 1 Wed to hU feel and aacured
***I "looked
. 1 gueee
looked ao end ate
any farther. with a r^w
ea I got to th. aim tree 1 wae
algbboes formed a inrty.. aud.foUnwIw-d to Asd that Waller waa urn lug bl. trail to tte toe M of tte oon, 1 waited awhile aad atill ba
tel. reiuraad with the rapbmot hU
a wall iloody tetll-,—tbe old brar. tte
a a lal- ub aad tte now U-orooghly *0!
aiiea aaytbtag.
.lO-poond yoongfUr.
..r what seamed
"'Com' Lawton it going to ae
down into a oraek Booarveli'i guide, aad br tayt te
IB the broken brick*. aUaoat oal of get that third oab tor th. prvaK
alght aad naoh. 1 lagged at It a good If te waauit. —('barlott-', h'. I'.-o
mile, aad wbcoi
whan I
1 did bring It to Eaw Tark World.___________
I ■found it to te no old. faded,

yellow .....—-----------------------latter that looked Ilka it might
Uaerau fra Uatd.
be half a ooatnry old. and to my aarIt It telubly reported ibni Oatrigan.
priae it wa* addretaed to a btg aunly
hand to my Aunt Jean. Krldmtly thie HeHtnBey A Uu. of Clavelaad. ewopoatoSoe waa not aottrely omt own an of tte old Hopea gold aUv. nrar
raeom- ofeniioeioo
roaller came wbiU l.wu* gating at
!lie letter, elimbed over the wall aad IL Tbv BlB* tea a raoord ol a total
yield of Tte only rraaoa for
•at at my aide befora I was aware of
bl* appromb.
Be took the .tier, serntlnlaad
cBoagb ab-wd.of the tiamp mill for
at If be oeald
a proper aclecUen of roct
Tb-- waau
raUtagi at tte mill teve barn orated
' tte eyoaid* prooee* aad have provwe both got Uk’ Idea ugvtber Va
aaOciratly rich la gold and tilver
gaaed tnlo <wh otasr'a ayea

I groi^airtf




I?*du5i\ m bedJ?ft«5B^^“’uBTu‘i
do. If a Datontlaone. bo l-cTleT a hall
boor or M Igot drawer aad fell aalaal
again*! tbe old elm tree . aod praa
ly mv book rambled oot of my h
aod of ("one on the wrong aide of
with a
abrar-en imt I ted DM xtaa
eclada th
that it
rail, and then
I of ill aa answur te that letiat
r dietrb
i: not mac
da: bat S
I Oaratlaa had te go h
• te take
tak. tn all
; i“”me”w a nona tliat eoma ctMhiBi waa too Bueh for bar
^lhroogh the braaebaa within ail laefa' ooea. m ate didn't aaa what Valtar
e* 01 my brad. 1 aeruablad te my and 1 did. 8te dlda't are tte Hg
' '
kacea ai beat 1 eoald la a kiad of bleaaad old Dr. Falrtax walk
daaed faahloa. to aaa tte foad look- law tte alttlBg roam
tng yonne aaa bm twaaty ymtda waa. aad take ter ta
ray. athadtag >tockattU and ooratad
1U> e<«f«a>aat. It truly tea't a araa:
no* IS imlite aaclaty fW a youaj Jaaa'i pretty bite ayroa. aad tb* atraaagwotl.-man to throw atoeea u a yeoai
At Srai te waa timcoo-liad
■ -lurriadonto bag a Ifaooaaad ttet aarer--------Two proad. toriitg
tod to axplaia itel te had
■bllada at* net kapi
cDly aaaai my
dowa aaror. bat
M ttaro
«*** 1* a UMIa gam
_ bra aad tboagbl It waa ayazteaadawaU.
Miod Tou. a cot. A yaUow mt. too. hetwaaa tb* two yazda
■ ax*
- TiaaaHlBbIhme
I aerpime. fiw ay Tmlr U yaUow. A markad path. Ml. te aald. for which be cnlafSalaad


Md IwBlk— .c-u*-


_ .IMUr^^Su ^^s^'bom
dUiarUag both onr ftaaat* aigktly
for tome time. Thaa be kigaa to
tango aboot it. aad It waa'I
fete be waa OB tte wuU by
aa^we war* .ebattiag away


a. a. .b •-

HlUSdaaurate porebaae taob a MM
Ulaadforlte purp-roeof ixotUmg .
wlib elk. An uloud U txaferred a*
It would mva feaotng aod ttecoM^

deaind. Uie BoyaU U nggmmd a*
awi|Ung alllte ocaidillaorf ot
of laud at a aatltfacMry
■OB l« *t«ond on UU BoydU.


flST^ji?^'t*biJS*B bxtebanaS
tte organiiaUoB Uortag hU aameU 11 a nuvi-la U» ixopar dmotitm.
bhonld It oM te i«mlUe to taeara a
Michigan UUad Mr. Hill might oen*
to taxma with UaoU Sam al^^
-I------of ihal geatlatran, wlUt tto oamli^of Oa^Uhitalmaa. al^OM
of tb* oew boagM Daalah laUadaor
tte inoeaom* Guam ia tte i
b* tawed into
> rUa* Pirai ow'lu
lea UUiaoeawtaUdi saada la Baabe
PUln. a town Imlf la Vormoat^
telf ui the tgovlae* of GueboO. (Maada. Tte old poswfflea ww boUl
about ;t vrar. ago exaety oa tb* line
•etwaaa ratlad Sataa aad UoBada. ae
tel II amudi ta two ceoatna* ate


la aaothor wUhsot tevtag gm «te
from under the roof ef tte old Mro^,t nadaWU. U>*
teiag rua I
fatbar being
Gaebee aad
of At*
Nermcat. 8
strsBC* pot
edary boa,
whieb mark* iru acoanai,
. .
it I. raid that oea time ymaa who
waatad to get a roadway loBu PMbIaa* BMvvd tbit poat. and aasy Mmo.......................t no UttU tl


"TtK-raUnotaMBiila Vaw Z*atad." raid Villiaa Bobartate af
-aaklaad. In VaMusgtoo.


hgbu of eitlataihip la ear country
for mmiT yeteu, aad tboogb II U qoMmaWe wbatha tte eouawy U aay
itar off for it. tte poUey will aoi

■ Wd*teJ;. loo. a paaaUm ayrtara
hai tte
a of If ttet U a aaoeera with a*, tel whether aa
oaroi'Iv seraiobed tt would tepraotlaahl* tnobtgnatitm
frat. tev* barn
over. Ub.'liav*da r tte caaae of tte Uk* th* Uaitod Blau*. I aaaaot
ropertad daelaioo or tae m-w oworai 10
sal a Urge faror of man at work is
reepaniag the alar. Tte tang* in
which tte Bopro mine U utaated rarrira aaamter of gold braring vetav
bet li U only witbta tte past year or
tbot proapoeten tev* glvae tte
acratteBtum. Two i«0)v«tU* an
r balag davelaiad IS tte teak'*
___ id ragiOB by Mainiaear rase. The
or* balag foaad ruu flora tio to S»
par too la geld, terrla* a Urge paroaBage of ooppar aad toraa atlvar.


teraiBid the potal
teevaia* latte
teva bara

bnr .<

to te aid 4* rarapt OoL 1
who .wa* lowt*_ bat poor, aa^l
a a hoab. ra
______ ______ ____________ SOOorowou
SaM. Mraa alMrwted ba raH tea
oOkte amd raid te hla:
wulihOT did yea Uka tea mew WOTS



s3Md;;*:^*Y:5:id‘^.eini? •



* «*MI (■.*;*—.(.m*.—
* *N I.,.* W.*

-Sa^WToad. te- whte tea

BittW<iI52C “ “

tai M >1
•» h. MIM

• trttlMl «M «t Mlitf
to lb*
lrw>4« IM

MgbUMLof giMl^lilTiflerMd
Bi liu (na Ow oatdd* MHttod lb*

« «f lb. p«>t>U.
1 bopo Md 4« *W
«b* tocim of
PkM Iw hM b^ (b* relu et oSm
bM glTMHaW (tatlw optelou br
aMT iveaUwl oaowaw. vhow
pMtltai i« laMle UlO atfa tbelr
tW*! e( «*1m.

no UHk AdVMtin obaieb oe Teat
TMto otroat waa paobad with aerrew.
tod tiWt who mmo to par ktotoa
dto tribatot to tot toomary a< oee k
>. bat weald <mll eeto* etoar
fioTorw Olty'e moot obarmtoc r—“I
la' to* totaaUa* Mr Bakall
— , ww oBded to I
rt ea OodOM toko. had kapt aU aya* epaa aad dkeevarad
ring wat mlsatog from gb* fliat
tnr. A* to* girl tamed to go b*
atkad bar U It woald net b* a good
oeveem wlto floral
walk too ooakat ItmU woe btakod .... to ratam to* rtag to* tad i
wlto too ebeleeo flowart trlbotoe Wlto to* Btinnat fraakaato lb* tody
treoB dear frUodi who mam the de. daelaradth.i toadld aettavaartog:
aat aba did net totok ao. bat to_
of tbo deoeatoii
mn leokad IBM tar pana. T1>*
IbooatoMwme eovorm with Uvra
waa aot toare; bat Mr. Bastall
dor eUotod omboowk ploto. aad tbe
I it waa aot to ta* tray,
delimto oolar. mlaikd with toe beM>* lady wi tanwltod and wcadarad
llfal. ftacnal flowofm. ceemed to
■as bad b
aerd wlto toe bmatlfal eharastor of
id that lb* rtog ■
Mke Blokerd.
ealy indaead. bat
boaght aad paid for, ^or tamatolag
wonld happu in wbteb to* poU<*
girl dnall]
wopid taka a baaA The
lid net toll
eou<K***dlba( aba raallj
li« aud ban toa rlag In bar peotai
Hbr prodBoad tl and It pmwad to b*
mlwltoadlatoeadvalaadatglA Mr.
Haaiall eiplalapd bow MBch niear it
wonld be to psy for Iba ring toaa go
w jail and to* girl doally *.w toa
wlaiioa of tba'argamaut. bot did not
bale Iba moaay. Mr. Rastal'l roald
oo aooeoat. laaviiig toa rtog
wlib Hr Baitoll oaUl ibe balaac* U
paid 8ba atld sba arouM aoa
to* Wlaiicv and did aot aaam pat oat
»t all at to*traniaetloo- Mr-Ba*tall
•aw arldmoM of aspaneaee ti
clrT* mabnai Bb* will pay the iriM
orloar b« la. to

Om br «M lb« old ideoooTi m«
irr^-i TIundoy m bu oU bone
to Onai iowbAJp too tea Mdriao
wao (Old to OB oU pUMor. Albat
uoMot took
porttoo of too eooatrr. W. &
ao ra to otorfo vlto too dtw
of bi* MW toMnl ow. Md toe
UM wao too dm to bo told to
to toe MW iiaikty to Otoal
aUb So*. L.a Onw otoototad.
Amomg toe lotoliTa prtosoi ware
Dr, am Mr. HarloraadMM. Han?
, Btodgo of Oewd BapUa
) Tbe totoei aad iBnaudton
hMtoa wlto flowaa. Booidat tbe
DoTto Oampbell of Tiarata 019.
• Hr. aad Mn. Mattoowi. Dr. Bortoa
aad Mr. aad Hrt. Oaaaett, Mr. aad
Mra. Bratoaa. Mr.oad Mra. Bart Mr.
Md Mra. Harr. Mr. aad Mio. Aldriob.
Ml. aad Mra Hetooa of Onwa. Mr.
aad Mia r. M. Baaito, Mr. aad Mra
Jotopb Bator. Mr. J. aad Mra O.
BiMd aad Mr. aad Mra teaadan of
MtofOl Oaotor.
Aottofaiboaerwrpan beaforaaad
kadtof too wv W«m Wm. Ooaiat.
Ada* Dtoon, J. 3. Otri. 3. X. KoaMdr. 3. T. Faal aad A. a Hato
XaUawtafwwN too roatolao beno br
too twemoof too doewood oadhl»
foar —aiicoa
tbo bUowtod oblniuT vatnad:
Alton Mcbanvai bon to raratoa.
▼tomtat Mar A Iblt, aad dtod at Ui
bMO to Onat towaablp Aaf. t7,
Uto, aiad to TOMt. I ato to daja
Ob Horoatoortl, IIO, bootowa
Ml ootopaatoa. Aimia M Oorioe.
Xo toaa no fraalod anrlr fertratoa TWO oftoarrtod lib; bu vUe
oantoatbla. To toatotorooebUdmi
VOM tmm. Alton X. of Onat
«bl» Oka A. of OmwB. a daadbiar,
Moltoa tetoa. dkd.b

Moitoddmctb— I
■OU ba-' totodiil bk w«r ofoet b
‘'too OU arar^ nak" aad lo«M
bk tototot botoo to too zaU of IWT.
Mk wao too Ub at toe ataidj pb
BOOT aad bo «M oror Btodfal of bl

Tbe eerrloe «
Bonoa of Alma, who eame op leei
. .
Hortoa epoke wordi of oomforl to tor
terrewlBC tokUroe aad fr.eodaaeMrto« them that to ber death tbo deOMoed WBi limplr (Oterto«
b^btor and ctornal Ufa
ferine the er-rriea HraTyeoac and
’ and ' ‘ do 1'ell it to Jeeoa'
!■ pall bearere were Jerome WU-.
balm, Dan Dyer. Obarlee OorbeK.
Harry Moeroe. WUl Bmitb aa<! Balpb
HeOloiky. Hu laUrmeat took piece
to Oakwnod oemeierr andar tbedtieellea of W. 8. Aodereon.
Mke Mabel Biekerd met a tooeklod
death to u aoeUest on Oogsao Lak^
BallU ('imk. Vediieeday nlybt.
wae toktof a plraeote ulp with
etoerewbm tbelr boofwa
dowB by a <meomer. ttily on.- of ihe
party mrrlrlv the aeeldeoL
Tbe tematoe woto broB«bl.lurr Ftiay atfbl by A. W. Elokrrd. orotoer of
to deooaarA Tbo body «ai viewed
laat evoatof by a Urge number of
frloadi. at tbe borne of brr-eoeelo.
Mm. Oeorge LatAa. oo Weal Kioto
rotr highly eeteeaud by all who
famaato eaoagb to know bn.
For mvarai yean obe wae etenograpbat to toa oBoe of too oily elerk. bring
brotbar'e amlaMat wUle bo
May Mlm Biekord wont to Bat­
ik Oreak aad eelerod toe employ of
Or. Kellogg, at too aalMrian

public;fuaeral of the five
drowaiag diautet on Lake Uocutor tto adirmut aad boat toMr. ibedro
wiU be hdd at the Tabo«A aad ^ toad labar aadtbatNcle. All the young peopJe who
M|p vbkb VM 00 markad to toa wilj
their Uvea in the boating accident
topi of toe Oraad Ttorom mtka, be
and none of them
■and bon toe plalllra foM a
Mia Fyodt.
. .
«ba« dot aad tor Mike baatolMH tbe party, aayi that at the moment tbe
totoktoftookc baUdtop, toaoalr -learner erhidi ran down the boat aik
eared Mm Utaie Brady and C. F.
ktod toaa kaowa. Be ako
at ttai kdtliw beet, aad wae aiwari lennett were rowing. Tbe captain
ttobr vlto a wlUlat heart aad bk of tbe aieamer called to them to. atop
rowing. Miti Bradybecamefriglilened and polled the boat into the ateant*
Bewto a
deatded tole
to—rtaii of ace br aalttop wlto toe
ttle Creto, Mich., Aug.. 89-A
lenible gloom hai^ over thii city if.
ter the Cognac Uke cataatrophe
when five pertoot
loot their
Uvea by a «earner atriking a row boat
Rk koi ooaokoii worto w«a.“Bk in midlake. Mot Carrie Kr)ock ot
aatorkJona” .
Jobnatown, Pa., waa the only aurvivor.
T» bk totoiorr bt wao a kae Tbe bodica o( the dead viciimt, l.totokad. a toltofU aad lertot totov, tie Btad)-; Mabel Rickerd. KlU lloraey. Fbnnie WiUia aad C. P. Bennett,
have been recovered. The nory u
told by Mitt Froock who it tuffering
8hcnffCrri(htae eame oror fron from nervoui ihock, it at foUowt:
. lUlkatoa Thondor a«bt oiler Choi.
'‘Mr. Bennett hail taken the five
- TbpiDOd a laaa wMted at Itapid young women for a tow iq a iktft and
Cxpaad Aldoa oa dui|n of tbeft aad waa puUing back to the atniiarium in
faictr. It i* alleied toat Tvwood tbe darkneta of the early mening. He
“ had brought tbe boat to within a few
■optdOtroadcaiBeoa toihio<br. rodioftbe wharf when the tlevnet
La Hatcbiai cailied tbe cboek. Wdeoine, with a party of cokwed
Tbr aaoBBt wu $46 aad itom tomd KoighA TerepUn on board, atcamed
tbe tooa had $36 ie tot pocket
ont into the lake. At the larger
Tifwood wu located Tbonday enft anwoached the amaller Bennett
Aa^ioftcrtbeconpkiaiwai made became coefuaed aad allowed the
tmall boat to Ue directly in the count
of the tteamer. The tieamer atiuck
Fttday BMRiiag, bowerer. tbedepoiy the row boat full amidtoipa. trutoii^
feom Antrim Conuy eame aad de- iu The whole party in the tmali boat
were thrown into the lake and the
violence of the coUmion' ia aitci^l by
trim ooimty before tbe fot*err in Kal- the toa that two ol the tiaimt. Mist
fcatoa amaty. After moeb diqmte Rickerd and MitaBraily, were tiunOe Aatrim oficer got tbe moa and ned, if not killed outright, for when
the Xatkatoa maa loceircd tbe iBooey toeir bodiei'ircte picked up, llaatiag,
Mtad wfaea the ptieoaor wBi taken.
it was loond that toe}- had not gone
Tagwoed wcanyiag a terrible look- down to any great dqith and that
tog boc at ptoHBt, tud to have been there waa no water in ^be lungi. I
laoehrodFndoyaigJit. wbeahebadbi* clung to tbe wreckage and was picked
- watch Holot Tugwood obiocted to
Bl> l>y tbeateamer’f people.”
tbe tMcecdmg aad the other Ctoow
The mqiieat will be held ^Wedoea•
tot bmi ia tbe mouth with a pai
tokh aad nopod wito tbe watch.


A yaaag woman vkliad to* kwtiry
tee* ef a W. BastaU Tbatoday
ato*g to be toown eame riaga
Mr. Battall placvd a iray of-floi
tolp wlto Oaoete Haft. Jr., pe oany itogi bafon bar aad aaiag them were
M too baatoom of oloewie wiitog. to- Mvualtol wlto Atosgada. After Mfaktac.fto •tttoc.aad the mk «t aloe. tag toaa ev*( toa woman ai^ le took
at aaetoto tray aadTCnS Mw Baab4

r. Boroogh to aa beaerad b
galtoal Aaaooialfoa. to wblto.
wtiiio Mra Boroogh abarvd witli'
taabaud Ui* toll of an Ittoetani.
inaebar'a Ufa When old age mad*
It uaoMaary to rallre from aollve
work in lb* mtototiy they located a>
Majil* Oily. Where they bare atnee ra
V‘oaaral aameet war* bald Pri
day forenoon at Iba Baat Kaaaoi
oharoh. Bar. B Hath of BlTortoa and
Her. a Uuhr of Kewalck. effletottog.
Panatal to ebarg* of UnOartakar H.

rr.mi tliandaj'a KmaO.
Croige R Hicks, city ctrcub
e Manistee Advocate, p
through the city today oo bis at
Mrs. fi. J. Morgan, the Misam^
KvcljTi, and Grace Molgan, Oara
Pound and Clara Bates left this
mn,; for a three data' visit in l.eeUcounly. They went to l.elanil
today by way of
Itoke and will
ke in the regetu at Nonhiwrt i
kV. F. Calkini went to Bedford ten
da) on a ahort viaii.
W. H, Foster returned yetterda)
fraio a bukinea trip to Chicaga
Mn. K. H. Christ, wife of surveyor
Christ of Ihe T. C I. A-1;U. Ry.. reiuiiied to Grand Rapids today, after
spending aome lime at tbe Clovgn,
Kay Kellogg who has been the
gucat of Hairy Roacoe, rrtumed iba
morning to Morend.
Mrs. George Blue and ber guest.
Mm. Bonge and daughter, and Mil
Sam lies and daughter are spending
the day at Carp Lake
Charles Petersoa aad Tom Murray
went to Leland tbu morning.
Mist Minnie Raiser of CadOlac is
tbe gue« of Mim Marion Snnihall ol
Sixth Street.
Min Ida Clark, who baa been visit­
ing her lister, Mra Geo. L. Flacher,
left for Alma this momipg. She was
accompanied by Mil Flelcdier, who
will visit her mother before going to
Grand Rapitk.
ihicago, fo
meriy of this city an
Fulghum and Umily.
Mrs H. H. DeinaieiD of Chicago is
visiting the tamily of Julios S^teinberg.
Frank Schwallin returned tost night
from a visit to Grand Rajiids.
Mil Chaa Ely went to South
aaidman this morning Tor a visit.
t hife Itoke.
Mis* Hattie Novak returned todai
D the steamer CharievtHx from a via-

Mra P. A. Clausen went to' Orioa
tmlay to Job h^huaband who is tak­
ing treatment there.
Mm Clark of Ithaca U tbe guert of
JIrt. CU]>per of Eaa Front Street
Mra J
Mra K A. Wetmoee
who were cflOeS here by tbe Sh
their sisteC Mn. Ridtordi. rei
ibbr bo^ tbu Owning.
Mim Ml
Mods Camdeji returned
home in MaHoo afte^ visiriag her lisr Mrv wason.

Kierat tlarris ofQnince). who has
been the guesl.o£-Mm Louise TbeobMd. went to Menominee j-caterday
n-bcie he will leach in the city schools
the coming year.
Mtotas Bayba PtoUair* aad Omc*
Manay who tav* b**a fa*M* c< Mto*
Uaa Pack <tf «ai
tnraed to tbair be
toa tbto memtoc.
Hlaaat Loato aad Em Bagla i*raiped ta Ot*ad Rapid* UU* metntog
aflat • vlali with W. tL Smith aad
lamtly ot W<

vkit ber tootoer.
Mim Blaaeta Cook ei kbit dty.
May Ecbler of Ukaaka aad
.doctorDetroit have kfi tbe
Graad Travcme-Saaiuriiim m greatly
tproved heahb.
Hiai Jetmie Hymaa of Graad
Rapult b tbe gneti of Mn. W. J.
Mn. G. W. Lawrence will go to
Chicago tomotrow to make toll miDiaery purebaaea.

BtoowUy Oammlags ptokad ap a *eiv
el tta Xaw Tmk flaa aafl nafl aa aft.

^OMta hm bfldfk luiewn to-'

tw« i

jJf"scoffs^eSu2 1*^


to Hmaabay. Xagtoad. to atols mKOOa Batata peer waa b* waa mmbto MppOta
laarlac to. mweblw. se ptoaaa to tta
to bay tta ■■CIST
. SonMhoW the OOMK fVodBCta JMbava beg wm M*w> *v*raMx rmt
**lU a law days aga
the MNBldt MacamlOStetthcl»frktita>'«w B» laadad ta a waU
About W mm an mofiafo* to tta
of tb* baUdtowtufita



^ M ottioiiaj toidral),

tod. la a Ttltoga •( tat
to disot Wd ibMfh hb ordiMry tag
baWwiBH ta taa to flv* yaaismU
food, wWch ho couM not do be- bvarTAOB tapir*He alamd to M
lore. Mid thM b the way the s«m
Ita-batog a ewatoa day. Xew. flvv
b mode.
A cerUkt omoont of Besh b {»•* * totac b* own* a boom and lei
wbtob b* bu nTnaad OMO aad
neccssvy for health I
whtob to B*«ttog him oT«r It pn
i»l *ol It yoo cw s« it byUiu
ml *a anally. Ibto np-

Ne'ab'ta.wanta, accompanied by
la.aad eamaaa srito ssaal nor.
hi* tomih'. He arrived yetterday, but
his daughter has been staying at fhe
Upas for tfana other toigs belldtogs
....... It lime.
Mrv J. .A. S. Pierson, cbiU sad an told. «a* —tots, on* llOstO wld*
Ux)0 laaa and aaetbar i
1 aaarly 600 favt Img.
la Uarflald >d Ji
several ercclleru books ul«Jn natural
wa oenatT. brotbrr of tbr nsamyrd
A; OaiflelA will b* |
Mra G RuticT, Miss Rutter and
liras ao
Mrv F. M. Paine went tb Frankfurt
Ha has baoa to good basdto and
today oo a visa with frienda
Yea udB fMIt imi as tocM to tamme
__.tobaaMwoaeblnglbaaad. BU
Mra H.^ Watson ol Saginaw
wir* died savviwl ytan aga Josi Iw- •»1 In
*" wMct.
vkdci, itid it foO weOitMng i^ot
tumc! lo ber h«ne toito. afier a
taa-t stop became
wetoher a warm
• evks- visit with ber »«>««. Mra fora bto etoetlpe Ptvmdaat Oarflald
Cran.lall of Elmwood.
'**‘**“ “* “*
Mra Icvse Itiaiton ot Grawn has
Kav. Oao. B.Slmm* bf todtaula.
juNi raurnc.l from a two
to.. to vtolttog at Baolee Harbor. B*
aa DO angioarr ecold ba fouua.
at Oiaiievois, Peu.skey an.l Cheboy­
gan; she is visiting it the home of her

<;ctrs pMsioa

^KmnT. Itptvytwpaatta
virility tamer itaa :

vtogt froB lb* salr of
'lOtirr* aoil ihv brat of II to ttml ba
‘ wnrkt breaur ba liku It aad net be-'
eana* to bu to. aa boatoaa* mao of
tto ptoev. .k- aooo a* old asoogta ba
will antar tor ainw mining aebuul at
Wllttom Low. of Pwttond. It amkv
>ng aa ri]wrimtat wbldi to being
waicliad wlto InlateM by tormm bl
tin riciuity. Ha to boUdlng a euea-.
bwldlog Umi laas matorial to ivsnir.

ivpleniib ii.»Mwe
yutt what moBKata
mapletc ibetmk_______
dwilltauk. Headache aad
paia should he promptly re­
moved—but properly. Many
paia cures are more baimhi]
than the paia. Beware. U
you would be sMe, take

Pain Pills.
ksov •uSrml „ mon»re«, to
toredmv t ttow pwrtotol • Kn sirt
bradnto uj I toanii rrorewred

11 can to ntllised to advsBiaga It
o/«, .,U.
will to ntoaad building Tt> faat to dl'l
o,. Hiws H
*0 t*4nett>.d aad who was pmaut lol
au si
I in alntneitr. toumaot yoats lU f*aS. matol '
' wonld soanA Hr woald piineeAlbart coat and a bigh fast. I
-ftol aad r*farr« » fart roa
ami family of Sixth i
I xestetito). aot laU lb* uaaa of lb* ama who bad ,b,
Uiroagh.OinaklBg np ito l.wi ,----, .. a .tome. The bare sriU b*
Will .\riii« reiuinol testerJay.Atgn ' rvonaitad tba rnnatal. Ibeogfa Iba ter-iiiB,.
aqolrerd with • row of Mall*
a inp easi in. lu,lmg Niagara Falls , vior wa* bald over ihrM yean ago. I * atorv of a preoltor pataral pbr- I toe ootoide. tceding
and Buffalo.
----- ’----------------‘

b my BOW to.*--...-1
Ibnl toa’a
Caadllto. Since '
mniriI*toiUy ““ •''oae fooanl *■
tala ot ue lost iuriug and j
living la Bootaa Harbor WbenJ^M^irteo* of m^ir gt^d lev-' Tb'“»• emmiug fnorory j»« oom
letl visit in Chicaga
hnt brokre looaa from I’'""** *•
•»“ *«*«» mm
Mrv Childs ufGraiuI Ka|dds."Mra be diet I afaall be at liberty to t*H hia.L^ ^
sbor. of Baa. lakeVad drift
«•• ptool is a big ooe, with i
Slocum, and Mrv ilemlei and daugh- name, aad not before."
Bnglncar Joha Murpby of toe more, ao aerois lo toa aoat side. Zene A.
«*«•«*> ran. * day. and •
I Rockford went home talay af.
visit with Mra J. 1. Bailey ot leg pamanger train from Aplana to] Hart*«ff, who osrns to* aaat aide, mys,*^'
Bay Oily leaned over to
orery an>«raocv of
o« becoatagi Tbeannnal c
I'nion street.
water gtoas on bto loeoaaolive at Etc pan of bt* teal aeiaie nnla**
MissManiie Wiivm of Kalkaska is ety Janetlon, Tanaday. wbaa toe gtoa* wbo cli
ihe goes of Miss Hazel Kehoe of exploded, blindtog htoi tampetully.
re iiUMkacromibetoke
ler strecl.
Tba train w*t"alallad' tor to mto- Tto- Hirhigna Blind tVople s Uea-1 be held a Negace* this weak. XsarI

eral Welfare aswwiation to bolding lyaUoftoetwenty-ihrveelttoaheldlac
I'etoskey. where he
lis aanual mr.diag ni lonstog Ibl- , meahersUp in toe ergaaltoUao will
tended a meeliiig ol Ihe -Mitliigan
sreek, and nbeat fltfy reprearelires birr tvt*e*reUllT.-s {wrwentFmMPMmttliHnMOina.
I'rolialc Judges' assoeiaiuin,
F A. CUry and tamdy lei
Grand RapiiU icslay alter
in this cil



i. School, reiurneil yeslerdiv Hum Ijiiising . where Jic has
been enjoy ing her summer vacalion.
Mr. C. C Haltoitiy and Mr. W.
'right, rei>reseniing. ‘tin The S
Twelve" Ca, were in the cii
kuy Wait and J umis Pgge c
Kin: nice tioul at Solon yesti
The former got III!, and ihe latii
Mr. aad Hr.. Prank Tavlor aad
Hr. um Uts. Jotin Latwau. wHb hiv.bri'ft gniris of Ucnx Laluian and fam­
ily of ffattXinto ineel. o-lorsed this
mcratiig to laelr borne lu Hilbory.
Hiaaa* Rar (iarfiokle and Ac
leoaenalalk. wlio here been vlaitiiig

But bow hard it
lolooknpoo many
of toe wise* we
know aad believe
that they were
ooce braotirnl aad bappy.
---- '* t^^wo^y^A----- ’•
Be^y and bapptocm are both lestond
to the snfirTEt* fiosn wcanaaly disease*
by Ibe use of Dr. Pierce * Faroeile PreaoiptioB. It enie. toe pUaprodnetog
euriog female weakneav It rcoateb
toundiM** to tbe annkea Cbedi aad
plumpoca to tbe shrunken body.
•I hsw tksTi far sews Umr 1 wmU Wtitt
tins.' * ssys MTV H. V Voetv cf Porsv N.C

ProbaUy one of the uuevre*
booM* in tbi' Male i* at toe old
•ioe, near Uau <‘itT, in aa anueed ”“iid'SuwmsEi
Ion which iwuetniei tbe Muff
toe old .wurklng* in Ibv Kver- rgrue ITrsciisefan.' 1 tr^Ukr s aew person.
•bafv lee Is found there tb*
If yon are led to Ibe pmehaa ef • Fa­
year arooud and loople who lira in
vorite Prcacriptioe* became ofittrethat Tielnlty depend oo U for their markable
cures oi ether womea. de set
dally supply for toa family. Vbeu the
door to opened a oblllmg blaat
oat wlto toe frigidity of a
pUal. Tlia eryital
yvodne is fermed
•1 yvodnot


oreriee* to iba rock formation, lee
is foond 1a abundane* witoin 60 feat
of toe enli
Tbr Bay Oily tngu faetorlea are
boaily engaged gelling utogt Into
ahapo for tbe eemtog campaign. Tbe
rapofta toat oooe to daily fmm tbe
aly are praotleally all lo toe efleet that ibe beeu
•verywberr doing nieely. notwitbndtogbe recent beary retov
mtd toat tto- percwiCBge of angar will
be unob greater toaa
tertolgbi ago.
At Kilos V. P, OaBrntog* left Tneefor . England to claim a fori
> a young fnaa Oummtogs
Us natire home aad loealnd to Amer­
ica. -Hto melbar was wtoltoy. bol on


127 State Street

Trav.erse City.<Mich.


Are you looking around for a good Corn Binder? We ask you to look at


And Buy


j Noted for Accuracy in Seeding and Perfection in Constructjpn.
j Headquarters for the Famous PAGE WIRE FENCE. I can fur-nish this fence in all sizes at Reasonable Prices.


Strictly up-to-date in all styles.

lesr w kv4X sex-'S. S>*lss • esrreUt.a •sneS^ in><ls^cecM *^.

SlUW'asUM SKlsl5“




j this stock at prices below the other dealers. We are always glad to see you whether
j you make a purchase or not. •

123 Chbb Street

Mm. Xs^d lacmto •ad>M


Gain Flesh

Traverse etty, Midi.

New Phone 126

in fJiiiii to >»yW M •• raUftos vlewa

■ ui -Tir-j toJ. ■■ »iu«*u «(
IritTCMyatMMitood. sited MtsMw«d]b.8«tU«til«) *• (MtthM


Mr. Aad Mn. S. J. Ev«

Md HaM UtU« •! BMd* Ciwk ted
mil------- »■—»«- wQod’f wrrlM
Md te bs teiun has. taM MivHSd
I M dm» ter life M • nteiBtorotcBftalte Hen vm«
MbU OfailtelM eteneur, with •
tewt clvv* TMflf Id tdlter* tte
dlMMMd Md cMcfert iteattieted.
ll«a taltelr sided ter“Bteh^
IM tes. • Uttar Md metter,
Mr. Md Kn. H. Bietert of (hrdeld
wnslp. *is mm Mins Mis
Ctete BteterdwteUteW base,
Md Ms H. B. Jobss e« Merirt*.
Mteb, Md two teWbno. O. d. sd A.

0 SS^toShtOV. a hSSl”


Mn- Uietta Pattodae it catertiniof Ms Fred Boerls. ct St.
,01ms. who will be remesbared by
CBMy old time frieadi m Miss Molbe

ra of tteTasmlM. Ttet« fa
istlvelr UiOs of saefa taal teesa
and linls prospset of any bstag tete
Ms O. C HoSttt aad tethbai.
I pad tbsrs befors tbe
CoBOoaoad CUiberiae.ore the enesa
te tesolbsrteyitey ltlon.
of Ms A. F. CUramn al Ccatrol
fang, aa alsador m a kaitllac nesdle
Mr. Md Ms Herbert SoRle aad bat with a baud as big aa a walamt.
diildreo; wbo hove bean the (iiesu Two yaats age a Mtpaot was ri-parted
ofT. U. McMms ood family far o sr«B la tbe bay that was laeh a moeibon lime, reinmad to Peoria. lU., atsr as to prersat psopls from mlUng
oa tte tey. sxospS In ita ialgssl kind
of faksentk
. few days at Nottbport.
roso of spepleay Tbarsday
Mb MM«h potete to ten hUted
Fred Curtis come op from Gnad ssrfcair. aveo-ni.._____________
OfMrUte ViUtes OUl. iofut mb
niag. wblle sIMag faaghing and talk,
Rapids >-estetday far
• • ' visit.
■ brief
od Mr. Md Mrc Brook OUl. dted *1
lag with bU family eo'tta porch, aad
.Bear Lake.
died la a fsw mlaatr.
sMter cp. Ota It Ite «Mld te dap
If it doMB’i. try Bardeos Blood
pMsonoM bo iMdod. te «1U to
__________________ •
ffivs o brtp osr Ite iMd.
rmset of aenralgia. wbse
In fsee or limb Ibrobs
Ite d«t •(
>MMr «M sttec I
ttte« *M ateht Ml
mm. Hz. Ituivni *Mk »• tood
*rniromm doc. Hd f«Md tk*t
II ww • SBdwteli vlakted with
«MMd M7*h>lM » pu MM dot p^>
wMHr Ml H mmrn Md b*

r vinemto Craww aip IB.mUr, Stpt K, t nrlMler

eeFfne l>or$e$e*

oad WB* Ite'

«blte tte MSI fcr
tete r~-~«>«J*«- soportoteBd.
Ml OUbMt pndteti M snUssI of
om an to tte Hteh i^ tefer*
Ite wsk te o*M. [ /

Mn Gunie Heua it back from i
three weeks' visit with frieitdt in CodiUoc.

OUbMt gm B mr tolBroMlac oddnsoi Ite opstoc. Tte ptocnw
teStMO oraroad Bmapod pnlls'
iMoilr. Md srellBSI ws onsdoC
BdlMobopollte popiUvstSlte
MOmbMPtoL DoabriUe. «bo ws
Ml la Ite oMMblr rwM. aad ol
bsted bla wllh rls
Base cteopci hove ha] to be made
at tte! test
lost mioa
miaatcb tte tsdtioi
__ tele
ba poutis u priodpil of tte Elmwood oveaw acbooL
LMMoleturwM received oimoaaciM ber auntacc to o Mr. Hothoway,
fa^yoflhte citr. ot WoBseteri
Ifter wse lively
.. a Ndie Lytk, who Uu^t far nz
nm ia tte aeveotb K»de of tte Lioeeib. NA., dry seteoh. ws oppoiat.
•d to tte easnt pniicipbbbiis ud
Ms Caroline limgftooe, foot yeon
tMcteroflte finb fimde U CUrio.
ws oppoinled to tte place left vacaal
in Ite tixlb (rode tx Boerdaea oreThe priadpeUib of tte Eloiwood
USiM ediool ws oflered to PtoC
Lee Hssby. o (rulBote of tte Tntv.
s« City
Sdwoi ond tte Ypdksi Nomol, bat tte utewl board u,
AMeo. wtere. te ii now tcechiog, ns
fasd to releoee him, s they value his
aovics very highly.

Umilv, erili retuni to Cbtcopo '
Ure. Itetna Honsoo of GnnJ
Kopiiit, ii vsiing htf utter, Miv
U. L. (.'Upper,44U ¥. Vroot St.

IM dor I1 MCI.

oolr ebUd. Ho' bod olwapt beM lo
dolkote teoltb, bat bad baro qaitt
MtowlrlUfsobslomslfa. Drisf
m vse bald ot Uw borne Hsdoy
BC. Bflar whieh tte otaroloc
tsla ws iBks te Owoaao. itr. Gill's

viid llie borsc sill be uoabls
to nia sway. Ur. I'bmit Ua.voitc ot
Ited In Ita (ymtVeUs. Ulih.. is tiM- liiu-nlor of this
talbr Md love of Mr. aad Hrt. om's
Brw rasti-niv. Tlir roiislrurtioa ot tbs
lorpe elrate of frteado.
devil-,- la ,,-ry sliulUi-. says the SeiCDtlBc .tiiuTlenn Sorported In a brarkM
Min lube! Hammond enlcruined 00 tbe t -blelr Is a s|iludie ranyli
pmrblr-,1 witb licraks lo anre aa
, faw yooBf ladies al supper Friday
evcBiog in boaor of Min Hilda Grown, a fast.-iilUB imuiia for the relna
n,wtb Ibis dial. It a ml,-bet wb«<
of Mr. PleasMl. They were ituiled
p>e„l l.j a evrluj! im-saed pa»‘lto meet ber al the We-<jue-tong ciub
boBK, aad oo airtving were inft
that they might find
the ublc

finding a dnmily spread taWc on the
third floor piaua. Aftyr enjoying
delicuna rcpiit some lime ws sik
in watching the beautiful sunset, ami
it ws with reluctance that the |>aay
flinaUy disbanded.
A visy prattr tesplioti ws (tivsB

ot HUs Ida Urfcloi
SOOB ISTS tne city,
in Uw aBUre of b farawrll
and Mly aamtars ot Min Larkin's
Banday aebool
elan wsrs prennt.
OteSin, Sffo tte patfaat has pist MlntLsnis Uavs aan BMoth tat
diMMltr la hrsthlmr. ewiBf to een- Ohlsfo, wbata ab« will attaod the
teal aCeoltea, aad that te U» very, BashMsdlsal eotisfe.
A dallfbitBl laformal reoapUco ws
ruat. Bepi A tAOB s-Tbert
I Ite lid Ms a T. Otawa of Mt
bae teM a npU eteeto fs tte west
la Ite OMdftiM ot Jodfe Oanad. Plitiinl Tbnnday aneneon by Ms
ButeTHefaaosU Ibal witteat Ite L. Bobain. tees prsasi bstac tbe
od Ite Book Baview Clob.
teataS tte pnsBt
wblahMs OswB wsamamber a uolvnvaj Jultit lo a rod vblcb teltdsnac ber saideoan ta this city, and seopra in a tube carried Is a bracket
au the from axle. On the rod U a
Bcrlea of plus wlilcb pmfret throneb
tongUndlnslIy rauclDg slots In tbe tube,
vrbeveby tbe rotary moUoo ot tbe tube
Is rommuDlnlcd to the rod.
ws skM MdBMly ill. tte atiaab te-

Pet Dunn is takii^ his racaiion. and
hu gone for a BonUis s-kit to Cali­

small bevel cmr wbicb enesfet a large
bevH mar on tbe bob of one of tbe
ftont wbeda. Tbe teetb of these mars

R. W.Raftall and fasHv are enter­
' any UDev,-nDeaa In tbe rosd. and
■ ttelte taining Mr. aad Ms W.
play In tbe porta Is taken op by a
dukben of GrHd
GrMd Rapids. Mr. Fox it
Mirlnc colled In tbe totie and abuttlns
_JlsUy. E. a Wood, a OIOM Mead
Foi TypeWnter
U the head of tbe
agalaat tbe end of tbe rod bdd tbcrvlu.
ot Ite rads, sld tUi ■OTBlnittet
A lever on tbe rod con'oects witb tbe
Mra Dazaad aad bs so aad tte
of ttbe tube and permits tbe fatter
>r. W. S. Crowell aad wife return­ topd
Ja^’i trathar. L. T. Dmad, eUa’l
saadeDlly lo d
bellevo tte Jadpe weald res te abU ed to their home m OeveUiid 'f esterday afternoon.
Ssoakagaia. la epdle• <ot tUo bi
In tone drives, when It Is desirnUe Is
Plot Philip Ron, who has a
lateebrictaStSas ite it
tbe porta from wear,
far DMRdt M Itei o'oloek'tsla. . jncational poauiim b Minnesota, refasten tbe borse ooe needs simply
Mr. Weed aland tfaMpsaljBUwM la tarned there yesterday after a visit
ind tbe reins sroond tbe spiBdIs
seoire tbem under a book on tbs
Ite fadfB'i right alda. HerwegalBS with ftiends here and U Old Mission,
disk. If tbe bone aliould start ro^
Ites atoMd bln aad ezlsded bU iriseie he ungfat for a kmg time.


returned -to
Northport yesterday, where be is
eberkn}. Any s
■ enmd two dari ofte tte drS deik' in the hcriet Scott, after spend­
ooieBCBI would bare oo effect,
Ifaa taadared Un after bU aoei- ing Sunday in the dty.
ireomt «r tbe spring pressed pawl
mtercevaiBarliritesaMdaBLevi T. Pennington of Uie Record lalrhet. wbicb prevenli rniaUon of tbe
leaMveaSea. Alltel tins te hs returned from a two weeks' vacsla tbe op
hicberev vet
^ which ws spent prindpeUy m
tuni. tbe wheels cami
naereeaad r* aroaad lo bUfatn
teOy. U ws aoSeod by faUadi
' bbS JadfB OsMd ted a Jaaadlea
apvstaaMwhiabMvarls-n tte repart^ te ws noahlod win Ueor

(George Bsttleu of Mmioo


A N.
affected |«rta freely, ke p tb
lictuand do Doi ezpnae yoarwiffa

a W, Cat
Dlplberla. tore ibroai, eroa^ la- oeazalgU.
Imai relief. prrautn<'0i entv.
'bomM' Ecloctrto Oil. At aay_ drag

*e muy ot lb,- leaohrn
SMlety glrli ud not a few an- etja-ru
la the use of eUac.
Jobs Booctaer, well known to toorlala at s rrteru pllsb having safely
lakeu muy Iboumiid- over tbe rapidt
M 81. Mary's falls In hie cuoe «
out aosidui. ii dead, aged t>» yleiugul
gniiU'S. be
tbe till, of -'UoBeel Joba
Boucher. "
lines ciiltaai will comp>-ie
with the almost prohibltlre i«loe* ud
this famint in uOiraeite coal
itnlng peat. A stock'dSHpuy
it being formed to prepare tb,- male,
rial for market, ud alroad/ Un- productlQB Of the fuel, has been elarted
Btreb Creek. Tb* peal then- le <1
fast In depth on the average, ud lo
spotait ie ir> feel deep.
Lewie Ofaaque of Billniu. bae ject
rseeivsd a couple of carload> of weetliii ruch neu Atlanta
ud will give tbe ptae baznae a tb»t
ougb teat as to their quallficwlioDa
for stock raising. He will not sfford
uy abelter tbe onmiDR winter,
allow tbem lo roam tbe
plalbe. gather Uwlr own fodder ud
ebeltsrtbemKlres. If they winter all
tigbt. be wUI add a eonple of bendred hones to his stock next spring.
Mra Wm. O Vuderlip of Maple
Ridge. Annu oounty. oelebruted her
elgbty-olghth birthday enolverury
last week at tbe borne of bet tea.
WiUlam Vuderlip. Tbe osfama.ariea
is able to milk eight eow. twiee a dnv
ud ebs obnnie every other day. Sbe
ou read ud write wlibool glaisea
Neat Jackaon Otorge Farr, while
rakiog liayon bis farm lu into a ne«
-la Tbe team ru sway ud
Rirr was throwu from tbe rake, nstalblag a bad fracture of lbs left leg.
After tbe botsefa had drivea tbe
they retanted
ud fiaiabte ap pa Fart, wbo was
very severely stung before sasistuo■nuld l« rudsred.



Two yoniig ,110010 left UlnnespeUs
one iiKwnlni; for tbe purpose of Tislb
Inc tbe public sehoids In KL I'aiil. and
when they did make BD Ibetr minds to
dine swBT from tame tb,y «,-re unsble to cbosse a |'ro|wr cafe. Vlnally
Mm Bateussade a buteien trip one of tlic youne nwu accostr-t a pobcedown tbe C. R. & 1. yesterday.
«acliy on duty, and said:
"OfflcT. can you dlreit ua 10 lbs
Tbsa «M taS MB opIalM orpranBd
Min Blanche Cisrd of KerrkA is
beat rcalaoranMn tswsl Ton see. ws
IhS Ite dsn €d Jadfo Danad woald in tbe chy to aitend sebooL
have two very floe ycnos ladles «
teMelnoslirspBiabletafaw to ite
Ms Martha KeOex- of -Suiions we warn 10 oiu a very nlceidsca
-WelL- nviDOdi-d tbe oClcev,
V. Bay is visiting friends in this city .

Save Yoor Hair with
Shampoos of

Wafts C Finnef wu called to Pad­ Jtm win anii.ital very lemplln*."
The yeone
bsvtnc besid of
ucah, Ky., last nigbi conneaioe
with the establiihi&ent of a curtain McG. s iWore. ibodubt It not ,|aUe tbs
pole factory. He will return in i

WThr Ita Loss tsteeeM Is
They were watcblns tbe bs
ap and be was lelUsg ber abont tbe raHona crank acronasta. Isdudlnc tbose
cauplca wbo for tbe sake of twterirty
aiv married In baUoau and anil aamy~l don't think Td Uke to get matrfad
la a balloon.* ate aid softly.
-No.- •
.............................. risk la tl piafa wKbout rotae oot of ooe'a way to And
MW* And after that sta iiMid to

Ms Martha EL Root of &y Qty
IS the guest of Ms-^ , E. C
I ta naStrelirt' Bats Sunday and Monday leaving fv
a^o, white tea bald fcc
bs heme tlus moruiiM. Ms Root
*sb«white Una tea made beans is w oOcs in the MkAigM W-mnao’s
AsMciatian and in the State
.WM filaada wte wUI loaf
Butts. UoBU is famsg tbreate tte
Btkm of Waoma's ante, and a asrtkwtat from tta fact tbat ii
lewoBMiaUie’ttate in many bat a
trra. Uma art to b* aR

1, .. *,.» mm.

For Ibfanu and Ctkildran.

the 12tw 5 Storp Block
Tall and Winter Goods Dow on Sale

Tbe m Yee Hin ANran BnkW

Dry 6ood$

Edward VigeuI, tbe If yeu old
,n ol S. Yigrout. a 800 8te. MaHe
piaoo dealer, wae electrocuted TburcTo' ctoD-i," afriud he climbed 1
- lop of tb,' Aebtnnn etreet etesl I
bridge, over tbe water power eanal,
and gratped a live wire ud fell to
the gtoud d,-ad.
Stops the oough
and works off the Cold.
><.< --Hen-uiilnle'TvI.M. rureaentdla
tc-U, N,.,'un-. a,. Itoy f-nc-It epet..
The Brest iBrreaee to tbe see of
oeuieot for bolldibg perpoavs has
caused 'a sbortage in tb,- .npply, ud
ih,- tUrald aaya that ta Gtud Baplds
there le hardly a taarrvl of it to be obtoloi-rt
Ibmi* IiHetlaa wuwe
alvrsve s fourcs (U danger: dyira.
. .-V ud liowel troubles follow its
UM-. • verv re reOD should bsve budy
atalllecf PamkiUer - Perry DsvU’i
wl-len will quirkly cure these dietreesae wortbleie
tbleee enbatlinte npon yuo
If eoreetimri •Ion* for tbe «ake of a
WCVDU- ru prodt teige
. end Me.
Terrlbl-' plaguei. tboee itching, peeu-ring dif--aerr of the ektn. Put u
eoil 10 mieery.
Dou'e Ointment
curea Al uy drng etore.

We can suppip pour needs in these lines
at moderate prices. Be sure to see the SU’
perior offerings at

Cor. Front and Union,

Craoerse City, micb.


The addition to our building is now complete
and several departments have been changed about
The shoes are nowon the main floor—no morcclimbing the stairs for shoes. The Pant and Hat depart­
ments have been moved towards the rear of tbe
building and the Clothing occupies the entire
south end.
The Cloaks now occupy the space
vacated by the shoes.

Salesrooms occupy nearlyhaJf of the second floor and a large part of the bascroenL Tbe fomilore is now being
placed on the floor and our opening will uke place some time next week. Our stock is large. In the salesrooms
we will show only samples—a piece of a kind—tbe general stock being kept in our warehouses. You will And our
stock to be aS complete as any in tbe city and


ea. and • e Would arrf like te co to any

queailonalO^ pls.v.-f
~tVell," say-, tbe idbcfV. If you bavy
BBybo-ly rofdametf nice you tad bel­
ter m> do* n \u (be wacon on tbe next
torBfv. Ik.v a tHprsandwIr'i a fa carte,
and ,:n ui> In tome rburcb and eat tl.*
Soon- momenta Utev tbe yonne peo­
ple wer,' Mvn at UcG.'a evidently aalIsaed wlib tbe vbok-c.—LlpplucoU's
UaeBslBc. .

Men have beralooklag ovtr tta aad
aluBg Room river aortb M Spans with
s view Of starting a big sioek raaeb
Dear tbe old Ellleou mill propery. It
i« unden-iood here Ibal ib,-y have oplionv on rome ol the lud already.
Tble etrip ot eoutry le of tbs pfae


Hon C. G. Covet) went lo !
queue yesterday.

IMelB. BleberdwsbSBlaOfBad
TSvnsOa.. MKA-.Bav. II. MTi, aad
Dennit G. Needham' left this morn­
mt terMtb la Ita sd aaeldsi ing far Sandwich, Ontario, to iw
wun oaaamd M Oonoe lake. Bear
BuSe (teefc. Mien, m tte rvealay
Ms Fred Hoovs ^ Miu KtMk
SAac. R. iMAeadlag tbs career S
left yesterday far I’etoteev, whse
ftre aebto aad aeefal ObalatlM Uvea,
they will cake* Ac Illinois for t.'hk
peovtoMly s foU S bepa Md tnaels
Min Frank w^ go from there to
Sw aiaty Ufa ws apst S Ita Sd
borne in Kanss City, but Ms Hoo­
bCM aas Tnvtree Oily.
ver will meet bs huiband in Chicago
SSU af/^as belta of as la tte
and tetum with him to this city far a
world, tee Mob Bp ita elady «d elsthree wedu' vish.
e«itete S tee fbrrls ladaattfal
Ms Dr. A. W. Troupe aad
eebeol« Big Baplde. afairwird eespfaSiC a ibsroete oMis la the Trav. C. A and Ms M’ra. Baum of Pine
Bloti; Ark., an visiimg u FtMk
Oys'i.of 816 Union stroet.
•te baU peStfaM of ItsS wUh

..Ceo Solomon..

Mft^ll. O. P. Agr

Mrv Livin^one sd Miss Ruby
I.ivingslooc retumeil to their home
Saall bto. Marie a vaocUl ba>
•- Grind Ropids yesierdoy afis
broken the com»rs,cf a number ol
sjieiidiiig the summer
la tbe Dew Prssbyb-rian eborch.
3.'vml sloees are to defsoed tbsl ll
Miss Rose Stanley was the guest of will be seeesmry to tear down ft,pjr.
friends in the dty o»« Sunday.
lice of tbe wall and replace ibera
Tb,' oozuet tteee, lecenetr laid by
Mf. am) Mrs Thomas Young <
Gov. Biles, suffeiod witb tbe Jest of
la|>lc City were in Unrn yettnday.
the building, bni ll msy be possible
to rspalz It
Tbe PlalnwsU village ateoot board
has made itself talked abont by itenS-.r Sl«r.v«.
. sat of rules to govtra lo part
it Is uu ii>uc>c omwar.v (ur a drivs
tbe eeaduel of tbe vlllam' liwebera
lo fnFl,-ii lil> burse in m Ulirblne
Tbe rul, a bar the aae of ilass ud lb,sluaduer at duclug nr card partWa

HUal, Kkb., MpL >-At d e’eledi
lasOTMlac Jedee OesmMOmd.

TUat, It a. s-Jadfi


awumt tbt M lb. Huai tbn bm mr bnm sbm to
ibi. lart •/ owvtoto mirbiatM. Cbit *nn bt <»«>• •(
ftau'v B*nr. Sn Ibia bttm iMttoj c/«vt<fv.

And .Bglit ditasiBgi of CcnecBa
Ounim, puram of emolUeut ekhi



furtacea, Klmulaiee tbe balr folUche.
aappllee tbe roou with coetgy asd
ate makes the hal r grow

Complete Treatment

in this department will be governed by_
the same policy as tbose tbroogbont
the bouse:


CASH OR CREDIT in Furaitiire de­

alaala — .----------------A.L Joree bad Ua BOW d^eatr
wairtB eat for lu diet alilac, fall of
fiMi bU bottUac worte.
b*Bakea of tbe
. UI0B Oint!,
Co. tteew
alfka taking bU place. I
>|Madan boobe to the arowd
*• wttac ptepla h«»» flT» •
r took Dane-a place te the
j Bader the aole ase^oM of tbe oarhape falloviaic.
, llae wae a larpe baaaer adfoorth. In tbe sixth W. Solfk*
Uwir c*B orfMliBtteofc It »*• »»«
sowor A. WILOCT sT VmI
foend it neoeaaary lo bsck oat of tbe
bM^ Bsd It i« erodlt le tfaaa tfaal ibr rartleiof “Tbe Backet 8lt»e.
Bg to an accident to I
,nr>m «M io BdmtrBblr Bmaiml
. 3>Kux A. rAU. «f otmo
Dana eaagfat thtr ienteg.
- <BfTied OBt »M ceBee ia the tiea Ibe parade tBorad off aaeeesBfsUr troeten
Il war te tbe suth that tbe Qaecn
Oolpb. Alrerd, Brediaa aad afunoce were Inlareet'
Olty'i lied the eootr. msking setee
ln(aadtBaaart«e|»t.a>eltl>>c. Aii Isteo. irwia. Fortaoh and Taeper.
Tinner weasened. let l«t
(be ereau ware «Mad oat aecxndioi!
Tbe street pasae te tba feraoooa s wslt, fell OTer an esiT oae aad then
■o B*adele with littU delarrwortby.' Dsna. BhraTbe parade wai aepleodid deabe' Sooth Daleo strsat. rasalled ae fol­
betger aad Oibron a ungle apiaea.
tBAU> •• DASB^HaTOfMIM. ■natlsn of tbe vanou Itoee of Isdoe- low*:
Saok Baoe, *5 yarde-FIM trial a wblcb acooant* for it all.
la tbe eltT. aad ta
aaBbera giater thaa oae woaU eappeae la a cdtT of thl* alee. The taete Proderl Probart took flr»l i»lae
OBt.A«K> C. HOrrATT.
dieplaraa ia tbe airaiifaa«te of U» Uie second trial. For, aeoood.
It might be well to acatloa
Wbaelbarraw raoa. 100 yaida—Firat.
leen lilts oat of eleeen made by tlx'
Jack Probart ieeooad. B. «. Weltb
thlxd.;Al(iaD Foi: firarta. J. R Aayiniat ware made by fear men who
employed lo ttw sfylam. E.
Fat Men-i taoe. » yarde-Firat. O SaUksof thUelty: P. Keeiler of Cetbe Aremaa aadeqaipaeot Bmlotaioed
Oeaper; deoood Petar Ollllr; dar; Ticney of Framool sod Aattman
lBtbteoltr;aBd.diepteredtbc jaoiapt W.
of Oop mlth. It was a pood game 'to
with mhieb a blase taar br tblrd. Alsaoi Fox.
>ok at. baweT.'t. aad fall of exciteObssae race. 60 rarde-Fint.R U
DoMrCtobebaefcad and exttepntebed br rr««'
WeUb; aeoood. Jack Probort; third.
■alle work.
Tbe addrM of waleome br Bare Bert HamaMrid; foorth. Till Topel.


«Ba B. cBoaa.


The warklap aeo and won
Tneona Olty bara erary reaaaa M be
piBtUadat tbe iBeeaeB of tbalr Labor
Dap aaUbratioB.
Tbe dap wae all
tta* ooBld be daeirad. Tbe plai
Tiaad were earrM oot to tbe latiar.
wd tba pabUe aatared lalo
«Mt of tbe oeeaaloB ia a anaai
pinai oratT Baabw of the rarloae
iiaalMllwii ia tba eitp. Tba pande
weaa qdndiddaateiamtlcB of tbe
BlBtlnfer'i tBporaat part la ladaedal dmlopaieeL Anditwaeaeiadti«»tbeae wbo M ii la ebarpa. La­
bor Oar Ibia rear will ba raaan'

aSgeda. Tbe baetaaoe aue ooBtrl bat­
ed UMraUr to tba aspaaae fond and
*«»■■*■« bBilaa* for a BMiar r
Iba daj. Thla waa tbe ODe dej
tba roar apon wbi<b aiakBiu. aad
eojanlillj nlwYi ia tba Mali
ooBldfotoat to
Ob alBoot all otbw bollaarad tbealBm do baalaaw
part fl( tba dar- Labor Dar U

daplerata of Ibir oitr le i
Mllllli, aad ae loop ae oarb
liMlIm tbe
o( tbe
I ttaalr own
tea, tbe 01
«M will U a BBUtobotbaaqilareraBdoBylara
TWe aoadllioB aalM
BOW, aad white tataUlBOBoe laldea
tba dMUatei et tba BBine Ota enpivon aaaaot bat be ta aravativ
with tba ob}aoti aeaibt br tba I



Paeaaaea waa woU kaewa atbie
ettr. barlBCtaaidad hart laora tea r
rearm. Ha ww a laoaiaaDt aad taepittii neater of ibe Otaad Ttaroan lodfa of Odd Ballcwa. badac nMod te loeal ledpo tp oord twnirootoB roata i«o. Hewae acarpoatae
Ip trade aad for near jaan wae
JtteteBt tp that waft aad a flaa
He laoToa te aoaia hie Ion, Hia.
B. d. BiMaead. Oaorpa Bebertaoo of
Oeabold iDwatep aad Bacaat of tbte
§iajfaartal wUl take plaee Ihle
atMaeoB at is» Cm te FIM
H. B. abanh.
Cbam Kobiaioa, aa old letUer _
Old Mitmt, died at hi* home thee
- Fhdajr aflCT an illaem laeting levenJ
yean. He was abotu 00
SBdteanninba of yean waa care
take at the rent. Fnaenl aervicea
MR heU Soadar. in charge of W.



Klcgant style*,



The near 11 gore.!

style it here.

and Walkim:

The values air

AU new the rommei—are
odere.! noa II

noar hftc i.r your tnepection.


The «y1et wiU please


needs replacina, perhaps.
:hes. a good’supply
of Crocker)- is always needed, esi>ecially when extra
help is present. We can help you nicely. See here:

Dinner Phtes, 7 In., 5Ce net pf 6
fypndled Ceftee Cups, 3St ut pf 6
Deep Dishes $e, tOc, tSe, snd 20e


h.....™. I _____ ___

k of Glassware at
surprisingly Ibw prices.

dtp Book Store

„„„„„ ,1,1,


dphprtBeeeherCp.,Prpps. .






ISUS ...................


tbe whole baildteg aad oontenl
tbe gtoaad araoDfl. ware aataraied
with karneone.
When Ibe boUdlng
raa OB Are from bouoa to topi, tbe
term wae tamed te
U last six aaooade fras tbe lime
le alarm gung. abmek. Ibe
were hllebed aad tbs ebemical. fao..k
and Bk eaptee were
nt>>e tbe tireeU. In one mteale and
eight setmde from Ibe time tba
te. tbs leami bad
stream oa.
ae ma TWT Yaet. Be the
be ntode from ^ aagine faoaee
to State etrarl. aloap^Sias lo Boardman, north tb Ftnal Jai eait to tbr
-asae of tbe ire,
Tbe blase wa* by this time deeperlely bot. aad-'-tb* OramaB worked
Ae Troians.
The k
tmpoeeible to pat the Are ~bat wiih
Ibe cbesieal. hot with tbe
trap Urn mates aad that tbroi
the eagtar. tba fln te tbe boUdtep
lbs balldtep by iw aide waa eared, bateg
•earedr so sneb ae soonbed.

•tot tba hi

Ae far talkiag to yon aboni labor
aad Labor Dny. 1 am not gniog tb do
la ihii renpeci I differ radically
I a cerlajo i«Uticlao wbo in ri feru oue of tbe ieaae* of a camD. raid. «bat there ooaid te only
oae good epeecb mad., oe (be *cb>eet
aad be wae going lomeke it
Now of
labor and Labor Day 1 believe there
mold many good •peeohr. be made,
md I am going to leave li to voor
-praker to aiake one of the beet one*
In olden lime, when townt irere
lurreanded by a wall aad the getee
arre gaardeo and locked. It wae tbe
laetom when diairing to do great
of neceafigarativc.

eratian tbeoerrmoot
•Ity I... in a great c
Therefore, ai thte
honor, and I take great p'ea^.'te
delieeriag toyoB. flgutatleele.the key.
of era» "O.—e fSt,
and at tbe

. at of year
gueata, haring every ronfidene* that
Kryoar hand* there *tHl te ao eaase*
for oMapUint either from yoai praple
iaiely followiag Mr. Career
else wa. tetrodased. Mr.
K*ei*y is a torocf at speaker, and has a
lllatout* bU
He leanank-ot pepporter of :
of labor and beteg' tba pabof tbe Xxpeeest. a laodteg
r papier, li ia a poalriaa to make
ady a( ta* aendmoa* at waefetec
aad woraean

you. and

so mil the {vicev




and aa elegant hneof Ull waistt.

$1.75 to $4.48

from $1 30 to $10.




n.iirulonsly' low


. ,..,1

Mta. Alter waa bora te Oardald,
Onad Tiaroraa eeaatr. Jmlr tl, UBl,
nentodBoT. a. ite, lodaUaeB. Atte. of Ttaratae Ote, —ktnp bar
ra, when, bp b
OBt te feroB, tbe loep
aha ateteaUw
bdtep drawn Ip bortri wbtefa looked
ray esiaelone of tbelr Mytiali yeilcv
bonaetc. Beadteplhtpi
>1NB noape. fllled with |w,.tt7
miser te white, and a blp phiform
SatBrder /laommg, oat flUed with a Uraly lot of boyr.
coodneted \tj
Tbs city eoBDoil ease nest, la open
ter. V. 1. Laaiiaaa.
A loag'
11:80 o-elote. Jobs I
ptocaaiaD of frietdt fbOewed tbe earriapra, and feUewtep ibem war tbe
flae sxbibittoa of top riding te
Oakaood cemetenr, Oadtllaa band. (beU plariap addtep
laar aboee tba Haaaab A Imy
where they wen laid to reoL A Ctaat sash to the plaasnre of Ibe attnnoon.
pntaiob of beaotifal Oowei teatiSed
Thar btodad the lael aeettea of tbe Go's prist miU. Md aaecasifaUy abol
trade. whitA war datsBd to tbe tbe ebote. dostep. bte esMbm
haelaas trse of tbe oUy. Ftrrt'i
Ibe water below UaicB rtsal Mdpa.
■aarlinsi new faraitara n
Id this aMiMUca.

^ IdflteteB M«ek te
g TbULa tea* aaar 1
E ....... tl/ Uited bte UpWBldM,


te tera make il posalbl* for
> make more money for tbeir
1 at Ibe liigber wagee
•ad ehorier hoar*.
Oiecoatenl. be eald. U tbe
Oarrer wai .oordtel sod roieed tbr roos6 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0—S—II—S of progres. and it ti dteoonieai
Till* r« port)*
100 Yard Daeh-Fiiat.A. T. Bcperi Atylnma
wnttmeBls of tbe
Qneen City 00OPo70O 0—7—7—«
forme tbe moei powerfal elet
of tbe oitr were flcnrallr«l> Cadillac; aecond, Bert Hammond.
Tie bill game belwna tbe anion
the eoadlUoa of
ladilUc; third.
Will VoemUong
e impt
ed to toe neltoim Tbe ad
men of Cadillac end a team from
ling peoplA
dreee to tbe workte* mea wbioh fol­ foonh. a. B- Welih.
uf ibu oily wa« somea
Tbe Tag of War wa. won bj
lowed. br O. H. ■Keeler of Bo«liia*
delayed on aooonnt of the oi
to aecarc a ban Iltteg baa raaalted In
«s«n* Tbe trama being at foll<
foroefol and an exoelteot espoel
tUeeae-^ack Probart. B. Oanfleld, •poru. and bi-eaiue
aoadiliOBt wbicb now permit bett<-r
tioa of the prlncipler and objrfile ol
better dothlug. better
P, omir. O Klloo. W.B. Miller. Wm.
tebor oiBBDlaatloni.
ora that all tbe playen from ihie city bomee. bet there :
de Cram J. E Neleou. O. " Tbe dar B>e one of qj
Jormaat,fBllr aecnaia aootweaae tb- UicIieel.H JobnrOB. J. Finley. W J
the UbOT organliatione
Irtrln /flee VogeU
BOataangBlnertpaeled. Tbe eelel
Trateree Cut had by far the etroager woald ereclually bring a oondition |

Oarptnutt J. Orabam. H. Day.
tloa elated witb airand baU in
Oerhart. Fred Peokham, A. Fo*. John team. In fact it would be difficall to which the importaaee of UieprodBoor.
Cttr Open Boaie.
pick a stronger team from all the pUy- of wealth demende.
Tba band eoaoert aad drUI •ciTW' Eeiu. J. L Lyman, J. J. Tlrdale. J.
Speaking of Ibe argument tliM
br tbe g-i*—band on tbe {wreo fL Rymer. Fred FroeUeb. R E Bee- cn in the city.
Rogers, the Titltor*' piieher. wae when there i a rerplat of iBdaacrtal 11
pntioo of Freotalnet me entered In enberger. B. Daane.
aboat the only hall player they had
toeansda of people. Tbe Tnrerw
Tbe three mile bteyola read race
with them aad hi. pitching wt
dietrvar. be oeplon'd each ------------- ,
Oitr band appeared te tl
lo tba imtiire of a proceealoo. Frank
from eB.-ctive. The locaU landed oe tion. that whea working i«opl* brlp
form te tbu Arertlme. and made an Rokee bad Il.teg* raey. aad flnUhed
him at will. Crmee* pat op a placky 10 produei: • earpiee llu-y mait want j »wa>rami
•xaeUent Improeuon br ibelr pUrtee .way abend, so tar in fact. Umt tbe
game brliind tbe bat and Oarde
for the aecraelliee of life- Tbe work
BJ well ae br Uiair new rogalia.
sooud man waa not ruen for a eourid
Rngen -ach got lwo-begg*n
lag pi-opli wno proJnerd the wealth,
Oadlllao’e Aae bud under Ibe lend •rable time after Boko, was
ofthecoBBlry ihonld g. i tbeir jarf , gsnA* Wk«t rknr ___ ______
anhlpet Ut. Harrtecteowaeateaterr Oltarlrs Zeran waa eeeeod, by a rery WeUh.
Three aad a bilf inoiaee of lb, fire •hare of It. and Ibe only way “
<d tbe pande also.
long lead orar Olaade Baker, wbo fln
were played when Qravei tetted
oompli.b ihrir end was by orgaulra. I
u riau Mn-n
labed Inside tbe tlaea limit of half no
ball too eW to hie iiaad* and had
Tbe parade wae oae of tbe terpeet
fata Anger pat oot of oommiaeioo.
Mr Neeley ridlcul.-l II..- ni<~lera
aad beat of tbe
imlllicel ■••• and rt- plored the
tVeaeMSar'e MiwSMa
Tlie fleld aad track eTentr In the Tlie Tiaiton had no tnl.ttiute I
aortliera Uleblcan. and eov of whicli
te the blp catcher', place aad the Iwrd«bip« of laborteg people wbo ate ! Detroit—Tbeat W add 71.
tbe tercer otciee of tbe etale mlsbi
iupelled lo alruggli' for a nier.' enb-1 o*ie._SM,.
were hotly
well be prood, and tbe Use of
waa eo planned that a majorltr of ibr no end of cloae ftalebee. aad oontettr
10 enable them to liri> oomfortaldy J
Hint were won only by the aarrowtel
' of Ibeellrooeldcnior/ilImmediately after the paradi
luid eav.' mun-'c, liidcstrial ooodllii
will luipxu.e
Improre euu
and 1.1.11
profit will
The eammarT of the
o ,..wu.
: V
V g
g StIVIff
al raaaagerfar tb.- W.
made by the cpitaliet Oi.
.an* followt;
andbligUMt. M. K.
A platft
100 Y.rd Daeb-Firel. Meaold;
Webster: third,
Klofaolron. •peakpraaiid •eale were jirorlded. hoi
ue,H. ti»
net near enough to arcommodiie the „rt..
B. nl.r. ! «. U.. ™1-I
Peuolngtco alto ran.
big rrowd.
Tbe Ealkaeka baud and Tn<
Bingtoo, V ft.. 6‘t I
nvUrier. b fL. 6 inabet; tbird, Nieh- City baud altenieted id
eame tbe fin department.
maslc before and doriag the i'xercIe, o
:• ID the hcimr.
Tbi. eeoiimeni
induced them to Irar* the
epottee I oOemleal enfrlDe, book and olrco. « fL 3 in. Uenold saABart
Cion the p'atlorni were kwIi-.I Mayor with et.ihn..a.ilp*ppune
He area.
Crarr think* tbai for lint
tedder cart aad tbe two CBBiae* sir- VUnnle also jnmpedBcandteg Hop-etep-aad.Jnmp—FirrL Carver, C. H N.vley of Saginaw,Ih.- ed along tbe lim-i of telcllig’'Bt orgahint of tbe bard ran ia toe
___ labor; clae* flebiag Oarn Lake te tbe place.
ImiiTOvement__of tbe
Pennington, *8 fL «>, in.; seooed. prioclpnlipcakrr; 1‘retideni Braxmg _________ _______________
Heandaaamber of bu Toledo frteadi
caodinoo and teller
Wetoter, 27 fL 10 in.: third. Menold. ton of tbe Trade, fooocll. *od G.-c, j
„ju, ^lurt.-r bom*. hare mads arraBcement* to rieli tbr
Winnie. R WeUl. E. Hoyt, eecreury of the .'leonllTe |
ft et, te. Bart
trai Labor Oalon was neat te line, tbe
plaee next season.
I Tbe addrest we> a good osc and d<«p,1 Ktebotaoa alaojampad.
Thr meeting wae in obrage of Frea- ly lliteaed to by the aadn-ace. It
Prioakey's new boepilal. the LockKlji Hilda Brown,
earIdimt Braxiuglon. wbo made a brief worthy of more spaee than the crowd-1 »ood. la already earing for eloeen
rooBded br a boot of little iflrli. «aeh « in ; aecond Webster, XSTl 8>,tn.
('ared condition of tins paper admiti tothird. O. KUUer. t7 tl S te. Meaold
eartrlnc a baanar with tbe nai
and Winnie alto ttnrud.
••toy Family Doctor."
iba local anieD.
The dae wa* fittingly Hoe.-d with a
lUur i.Un.I, 111, Jaa .laj, It. itol
Hammer Tlinw—Firtt, Webster. «S Oarrer eft.r • few preliminary reTbe Brickteron and BsKmi- Intermarks addree*<-d Ibo aodlenec ae foi
I.: aeoond. Pennlagton. 69 fh 4 te
Ualoa Ko. 6. oama aezt, tbe
IflOB line of atom te white ealte mak- tblrd. M. Winnie. Kft C te Menold
Ur. Cbalrman. ladie. and gentle. .light fm.m.iic to excellmit maetv f«- i
alto threw.
tec an impoeiiif etpht.
men—Tbe duly auigned to me loday. nlehed b» Stewuii * Steffen*' eniou
AErae.udOyarddasb—FlreL Webeter: aecond. while tea mcasare a daiy. I. at (be
Followtac them wae tba Relail
•rantegtea: third. Hennld. Kieliol
t^e a p_lea*ore: anil yet I
Curt'e OaioB. Bo. 236.
lewhal at a lost ia>t bow to moke
Tb) OaiOB oriSaallr belirr
A Mr.- Eimtell of Pratt. Kun.. i*
— addri'W
nf welcome to an a»*rmnateg bread )Bmp-Flrat.Klebol- an
aaktef tbe flrrt imnroaelai a pood
blage Qf tbii nature. Il^ppear* to me Hoad from "lompy jaw " raagbl from
CBM. ae tba Una wae beaded br a bar nn. 19 fLt te : aeoond. Maaold. 1611 a little — - .........
- ..
cattle, aad Mr. Coebran of tbe Pratt
load of prattr firte Follow^ wae 6 in.; third. Wabatar. 18 fMt. 3 te you are welcome to everything that Repabllcan is daagvroasle ill from tbe |
rnu could poaelbly te tendered on a
a banner with the name of tbe onlae. Wteafe and Pennington alee lamped.
dieeaee. Doctor* eay in only eix «#**
Banning b(^>-etep-fdid-jnmp—Flnt, day like IMi. bat it ccrlkri me eomeand Best ease a loop pree<enoe nf
(litag lUe tbia; A large majority of
1 being* eangbt \ _
tboee asei'lDbled here are part aad par­
cel of ua tbe town could be do town
The Oicar Makera' Caioe, Ka MO.
alwaremaboea pood abOBlnp and tfale
- it all up and exjireas li te Ibe feweel atCoTlBglon, Trnn.. were aboat to ,
Ume WM no exeeptloa to tbe rale.
word. pOMlhle. "yon are it.'-andl breto: Jatl throogU a bole the, bml
Pole ranll—Firtl aad eeeood. aplit. rnini to »»y. that yon have abundant
Behind tbelr baaaer tbee marobed te
bored in tbv roof, when the wife of term., OTaDdTraveewXaadaBdteM c,
tocoa, waartep tbelr striped apron*, Welwter and Kloboletm, 8 ft. 6 te reaeon to te prond of itai reealtof
Jailor Smith ootervd them with h<y '.
tbird. eptil. Maaold and PbnategMo.
and oarrrlap red. while aad bine
a bt-aatllol "(Joeen City" and to yoa
belong* tlie glory : of oonree U is not
Baoolug high Itunp-Flnt,
Tbe Bleetrieal wortsn. Uie “1 B.
yet flnlab.d. l.oi 1 teliere it le in
X. W., No. ISI.-oamenral, tbe line otegwn. 6 fL 7 te: tseoad. Webeter. good bands and (bongh yoa mar leare
posterity lo pal on tee finlehing
6 in.; tblrd. •plit. Meoold aad
betep beaded tp on eteboraU float, oe
le*. 1 nave every fallb to ta-lie*'
wbioh ware poles faU ripped with Nieboleoa. 6 fL
111 bav* en well laid thi- of tbe dralh of Qerogs Waahingioa.
wire* and liphtA the sen at work npc^lfonbirin ~^eM«

' ^R FAUt -. ro'JiiTr;; , teilV. a,;
e exhibition uf the Trararae City
the .iraetore. And « I ray It^ronld one of tboee who helped to earrey ih* h at ftoe Ha,
fcpAre department, te wblcb isidao-d
m a trifle tovonititrut for me Ic old city of Alexandria te 17«.
Woman CCUlHni MY
leb JasUflable pride, wae a rerr
ke to you no adarv.. of wrloome.
Dr Jam** Oorliea. a t. terinary eariCilllUIUMI
» <vu', aad will oompaiv TeryfaToraest keotlna. which wae led tp tb.'
might K'tuiod yoa of Ih
geoo nf Newark. N. J-------n-j
If mail
man ray* ; "Hrti'
Onion Borban. witli tbelr poor <». ably witb tbe beet that can be dose .lory whet* the
treat the swell ‘ '

-at," when tbe fn,,
Aa «Id' baildteg no
rliwe Bad bnaner. lendtep n lenpthr by any etty.
oel of tbe killing.
Ibe ebure nt the rieer belweea B-iard
line 01 white conied faarUwm
o tboee wheare TraitiBg
w Of a woand .,
aeanne and WelHngtoa ftre,t.
Tbr OoBt of thv KBaictens' Onion
he pleararei of the day. ■ J
rbl Uave been
I. extend a mo.t cordial ,
Be one of tbr moet elaborate te tbr trae fllled with bosea. exoeluor and

na. Il repreeeoied a pr<-*i ebril of
white aad pm-n, te wbi^ wae a
barp te tbe eamedelieate eolen
eideo of the floni bore the letterc. “ A
F. of M."
Looal Onloe. Ko. te, United BroUi
flrtwod of Oar]iaat«n and Jbioen of
Amarien, eame nest, the loop prooetetcB betep brad.-d br a float eo whi
, te batorad wife of dallaa X. Alter. vaea oarp-aten' tH'oeb wtthworfca
IBrtad teber teat.
Trpoprapbleal Onion ba^
•ter daatb had beoa aipaetad te
atal oraefea. rrt eamaa* a teA to bar tloablr iMIlr Boat, rteboratelr trim
frHBda. wM Ind dwo all ta haaaa sad wtlta banllnp. U Urn- eeaii<r
power te eara bar Ufa. Sba tearaa
Of tnr^e and pold wa
bateBd. OM obUd, a pirl et toorDelon Label. -while
tba fear ectnm were fonr pretty mie-


the bed of tbe arietoerala and nobil­
ity. He aeeoribad bow tenerly tbe
workiap people hara riaea te ibatr
might and aeaertod tbelr rlpfas to
mora lam rewarda of tbeit Ubec. He
told bow lebonap people bare t
fereed to orpantae foreelf protaMlce.
dot fs tbe porpose of epeadtepmdbey
for daea. OrganUatioa Was eoaeclTed
to irolaol the worttep people aad do
away with tbe liregBlarttlea of tbeir
eimdlUoo aad tbe tejaettee to wbioh
. ttx y were once obliped lo eabmiL Be
epoke of tbe IntelUpeBoe of laborlnp |
pMple and bow •hotter boon aad I
bipber pay reaaltod te beltar wora. te-1
anaead prodnetaad eaablee laberiap |
e addiUcnal time aad roMoroee



afo oonuaad with «dp waa
eaaai of bte death.



Commercial Priming

Berald 3ob Office

$10.78 .


20 year gelil nntd walcb, sltbtr Cadis*' or 6snl'*—Our
grtes* ar* loiesr than cheap
eatalsg bouse*. Brlug your
Catalog prices and proos il. a

no Special Sales «
Cow Prices every Day


$ou(b Side Cumber Co.
Rough OressHd'Lumber. Shingles. Lath. Doors,
Windows, Mouldings, and Building
Material of ail kinds.

PMng maiin Cpnmtetipa. mpilOrdpnSpfklted
OfficeaarffwitoStSLnkeJIpt, '

traverse City. Mich.

te'«' ^irtenue B.1......

... p.75.|!mSg;S

eall end laspecICk*** Seed*, a •

Frank Triedrid).



____ „ toe retiree of ladle. A eolo
by Mn. Hervt woe etoab enjoyed, b
toe erealag Miee OesptoU epoke
egoie at toe OoagregtlcBal obortih.
Sto te a foUow worbui with Mlee HeKoUor. who bae «oar fricode ia tbli
Wev M. X. camb.
__ e quarterly eonferenee of tbe
PIretMetoodletehureh wure treated
toe earprlat Keadey wbea thepaeterottoeeloeeetble report laid up-

wwn mmi* eet Moodoy. Mr. Loafman pcMoetod It *e the Quarterly eebtewet of Ptoit ehaxeb that
wbe aeetpted H aad uleoted ihe^lowlac rMldestu et tool fart of Um
ellyaitraaMw: D. rell.B. Uerebart.
Philip Ricbtfd bki kA bu homo L. D. Bell, 0. H. TbeobaUond Mra
Aop tn Stole fUal to WObdm. Bvttk&Co.

mM tore tUa ettymd tMa aau.
I toe mu Twootar beuu^
_____ toAxx cd eenritta. srbton AIM
up toe elty sod reetbere MbUgea
pretty toorougbfy. Orer toe Are
Mesquetts the esauiuian tretoe
' r ssetiree. wllh a total b M
Tboaa enae trm the MlebPrat. Hoiniltoo of Indiana is b toe
anal and Pau Marquatto
Orer toe M. A V. E. oome bty to spend the imng.
■nny fraa potole eu the T. A A. A.
WbM fo«Bd Uw hedr « (kUaii
1 Bbont tvalT* fMl o< wMMBadtac redtosO.R AL firuMbtreuytraa
la M
peritlaB «■ th* boMaa. Indtoattalla. wtA—Otostonotl
and Otoer ladtena end Ohio potolo.
to ta g retarol poeWea
Uel urretog too Pare Harqeatte
ed a big axeufutca to froa toe
li erldeet toot ae died olmM toab
ly oad retoloed tbe pnaltlaa to whbh Uke Shore and Pm Marquette 1
' e went orerbrerd.
OolloD wee koowo to tore
the Blgbt before ble body
woe fooad. In aoob irelde eoot peeket
iekay ftato, eoeb <
■ilioa to tbe city reUHre to a alia far
and In tl>e entelde eoot poefcel
quart fleok. Tto foroM twi
the Otoe* wre orer half
dlepoeed ot. In oddltloe OoUeo hod a
twet ennoe bottle nerkod oioonol.
that tbe lot oa Eroni
wbiefa WBi oleo eoip^.
wee not MUatoctety to e large
the TletlB of tbie eoeldeut woe nuBbar of realdrato Kot tUl toe
about 4B yeoia old. aad it kaewu oe
greatly epireetated. but
herlof been a beery drioker. He bee beeoaee tbe loretioe WM oot deemed
DO bmlly In tola city eo ter oa known.
oe deniable tor toe purpoM or eeaie'
BewM formerly erealdent of *m- otoer alto would be. Mr. Huoaob lae j
plre, where a yipr ago b' woe eootlco aet toe eltuotlre iwomptly. mod aokee j
theroUrred. bolwuadlieitU more Uheiul offer; ool only (or
eharged for drunkenoeee. It U eeid. toe llbeory alto, but a plaee of ground
Be hoe a truok at bUpire. wblob it to addition wblob will aoke a aageeid to oontoln aaoeg other thtogr a alAouat tart when euilably eabtlleb
to hU old borne to Ireland,
ur <lu your foil plowing
where to iotonded to rutum tbie loll 1.Tbe property offered .to a i-omBunicutloo to the oiiy ooueil Monday.
L a Oilbtrt toe It oU tout portion of toe block run­
I (he Ogntea for toe aaroll- ning from Wedewortb rueet to Union.
Dorth of Sixth etreot to tbe rlrert'excepUiig tte feel front on to.- eoreer of
el9 MbooU for tor Aiet day
For the work. We he» e
aad Wedewortb etreel. wh^eh U
eeheoVynr. and toe Bguiue ore gtren
the best line of fall w<*k
below. U will be notlnd that to ol- owned by toe Bennoli A Uy Cu.. en.l
shoes you ever saw, wUl
le detlgad (or leeld. oee lou
all toe bnlldinfi toe Agorea for
1«»menliuo juttalew of tbetu;
the fltel day tbli year ore oe large or
nearly 4 U^Oa they ware at toi-oloee tiea tor whel will one day b. a beecgvk. one wboee eaiToandiiitn
of till- ftret Bontli leal year. Tbe Ag.
We have some
tbe Am toy leal year eannot BOka It Mpi-cieUy deiirebl.-. On one
aide one of tbe city'* headtommrMlthey
lower.of oonree, tooa toe Agurreglren. denoe etrreto. and on tbe other tbe
The High eeboul. li will be ohaarr. BooRtoian rirer. A good ririr con br
mode of good lough ioeged. Ue nearly a eoore aiorr to attend- Ud from tbie point orer Hu- bey oud
wcariog, water resisting
oaoe toe Aral toy tbit year tbon dor.
leather cpi«n.
tog the entire Doutfa of 8e|MoB0er ly dneliable forapork. There Uoiqortongues, solid sole leather
leaf year. The Agurea for yeetatday UBlly for toe elty to expeod a luile
soles, with ta|H. Our |>rice
bcuollf^sg U: bnt lie nloaad for tbe eleae of the Aral a
loi breoiy ft ooe of iu aato^featurvi
It if deelgnrd to plew tbe library
RitbHrh.oi . .
.. ne
buUdtog on Suto stiwei. JoM west of
.......................................... <K
)iher high ri
tbe reaidenoe of Hr. Hoonob. so m
BenlBu a>,ea> ...................Ui
>. $3.r>o.
Klewwi Atmiw . .
net to ebelTuet toe view froa to? reta»
<i>t Put
Idaiee north. Wblle tbit locatloo
h-ertU.. r:
for the coat eidr of toe city, the fact
that it lea gift, and toot all other coo
dlUona ore eupariar to anything yet
tbe Aral day tbli year wm only elx
itad to public aotlrr. n-morrt
leee tlion tbe eetlre eorolhoeat to toe
try them
objections that might bra ade.
itb of loet year, ee Ibel al­ and there ere ohjectloot to ell tiiet
u|. by hj
ready the
ly. raiefully, and ot I
that might be offered.
larger toon a tbe eloee oi loti Sepbest
leathetv They J
Hewerer. at pretent the site It not i
tember. M inai r new popile were entor remenn from, lb.- oeatar of
rolled today, a ren in tbe Btgh tobool
pepntotloD M one atgbl think. Ity
Tbe deeraaea to tbe aebool pRaU n-ferrtog to the eebobi esnisi to enotber eoloBB. it will B- e<«a that a
on Id Ilia Armt word, and toe feel
Httle orer baU of lb<- sebool i«pole
Bi parunte object to aaadtog tbeir tire It cootato<-d In tlie Second. Third
< )i.i • s the only store Sell­
ehlldren ootom ibe railroad treekt
ing thnr- uimius shoes in
half e( toe ronrtb werdt. which
This icgimi.
keept Ibe attoodanoe at Che t
dd h- iamedtotely eonT.-aient lo
the Sixth itreel rltet Bnt m toe elt.T
growl toe
will be lapet-

Before you
Dig Your

Come !d ami Lcl is
Slioc You Ue

HIgb Top Shoes

H. E.GibUlM ootjfEiCTde Aop
on Eut h
to Roiph McOnbcr.^l^Adr ukcB

ehuteh of TtuTuree Olty." and the eooletxbeflatwitb about BO munbwu.
Tbc CHueeiVelephooe Coapoor U wlU mtaably bttdinetud o« • fan
hHjiMcoaiKlilbairliDe down to elPltutebUKb for a year or bmHttooh ^o&ce and bore opened
Walter Tliurtdl haspiiRbated oTllr.
S. a Sowrcf. the rendesee oa Kifih
■met, lonMrir occupied by J. H.

McGoiaNwd toilrte toam down to Jndge Roberta,
Emeet OeitODODd Hn. S. J. Soyder
««R Bonied Saturday prenitf at the wbore they were to hare their oeoBlhow ot Sk bride, SIS Weit 14fb aotloa. Oa tbe way. Bberift Uhaadlt-r
WM etoppad by a friend, aad appre«rwt.bpgtice Veriey
bending an attaapt to aeiBpe. be al­
He*. E. Hotnrd Bren, fonDcri; lowed tbe two men in hU charr-to
MMorortbeFricode chuicfa » tba wotkoaobead.
city, left with h» bmily Tueeday ToBdafUp weal oa to Jndge RoboutbelLftN. E.ldrr-‘
ert-«ooart.ptiCM gnlUy aad wm meened SlltS In Ana and ooeti. Bnt
Kriwp Gfflofte ol Gnad Rapidi. BUrworth' eenld not om it toot way.
BUt^rmte. of St. Uhm, faa; Be made hlaaelt aeatoa. end wbea
City. Ma, MB Orendlar went to toy hit beod
-• ' fl,ofr
Bad lin. Atwdl were guetn
ittof Rer. B Ub, be wm aol then.
Hr. ahaadlarhadbUraa way down
nd Mtt. Stout Friday. .
to a Am poiol. bowarer. end at emor
AcBorul terviee* lor Ibe fire
. a rig end' drore lo toe rigbi epot
yowBf Adrestute iriio were ditnrxned
Blk Bapldo Aa be expeetod. be
b Lake Gofuoc were bdd in the loadud ItU toan.and brengfat him torL
Tabenode at Bottle Creuk Saturday Jeat bow BUeworth got to BU Boptto be wlU nut toll, but bo fewtably
> ttuUatAoBuorWilltoBebarg.
£tL. McCoy. PreCW. W. Preeeon,
k it le poaeihto ttaal be got
and D(. G«e^ ThcSniMOo.
bboard bou. He hod aetbtog to ret
Tbe baadeoiDe eteaiB ywiit Poth- tluB toe time be left wHbout leare ia
fiader.owMd byMr.Mtnoa oT Chicago tbe BMhtog aatU be retorred wilhent
•n traUtlen ai;B dO to tbe erealag.
WM at tbe datft a aboR time Toeedoy
aft«MaB.leafil« to pobtl further He WM pretty aore when be urrlred.
MfW. Tbeboot ioaboiiity, 148 feet uad 11 U alMgelber Ukaly tool hit atto eueofu will aet help btm
W IS feet beren, and of 100' tooi
wbea he Anally ooaee before
b3to. Sbeithondniielytobi
toe eeon. Tbie oaonoi be for bobc
Old fitted with erery ccurentence
titoe am. oe Judge Bobeneead Prot^ Pretl ate both ool ot toe city.
Neemal at Mb Pleuoat. bos accepted Ole Boattna died eoddenly at il
a toe preitiou in tbe public echooli o'ototo Taaedoy night at hb reelat Keaton in tbe upper peainmlt.
.Hotel Uaknen. on Fork etreai.
Wm Dnber left loa wadi to Erea>
aaba fton wfaidi place tbe win go i
Hr. BoettuB Ud been reSeriag trea
ReBton. Her many friendi in tl a toTM of oeaem wUeta mode It dlffldty wiO be pleoied to lean of her eull ter bla to oat one of bto Uaba
(era year or aore. Hie lunge were
Doetag the Mam yenrday reeealag otao oftuctod but It wm aet known
oBtaek the ban e< P. a tool ble ellawiT WM ee aartone auUI
thHftoU, au toM Bl^tfa emet, bnt a few boon before hie death. Be
MUiflM Ito gable eod badly, bat ottrededtoe toeaCn Hoodoy erealng,
bat did aet leare hie ream tbereafttr.
toa*a rea Batiy wa* Maafilag elon te
tto bBCB.aa« tbetoaeef tbeeheek
threw btoStowa. bat aellber be aor
toebenala ttobara werelayand la
to tola eltj for may yean. He
WM a lyptoel Swuto, and wm highly
ngerded to thU pert of tbe atote by
toe people el bla retlouallty. being
' leiM aaodriaar (oregreat aany
dwuUlag owned by kta ea the ecner ot toe aetirMot bla eoentty. eapeelol.
ly mpea toeir orriral bare ood before
to^^kmw teaiUer wlfb tbe wayi

Only $2.50

Hand-Made Shoes

$1.50 and $2.00

.Mitt lubel Hammond it enter
C .Miee neeiKe SchahM ot I'pei- ywrta of tbe elty; toerefore it woold
toe only and right Ibiug to do
Mn. .1. SdietncckcT anil daughter to ooeeirt toll gift witoael liesllatloa
of Sipnaw ore vititing 3In. .ltdm U it oermloly a geoerout oee and will
give to toe elty to eddluon to toe 11Bott).
tomry alia, e taandaea* yiork. Tb.- perk
Mn. N. J. Mattco and eon Oti>
peoUea bos b.«u a dIBlenU one to
indiani|iolii,irc viiitii« Mn. V.
bsrouroro. Now. m (or . one
icti'i oirtcr. Mil. j. 1‘cnningtoo,
elle end e (toe one. toe qm-ettoo u
family of Kiflli itrcet.
Dr. Koboit KoweU of Detroit orriveiUoxi ereoing to yob hie wife,
ebo hoi been rieitbg here for eorae
A aer'e uruu RUe ter Ute.
With a (emlly oroond esp.-cttng
Mia Grace Johneonof Grand Rop- bla
to die, and a eon ri.Itog ter life.
idx. who has been tpending the
18 Bilfo. to gut Dr. Ctog-tKewDit.
eorery for OonauBpItoD. Oeugbt eu-l
.Colds. W. H. Browu. ot Lc-tTlll.',
lo<l..->Uendaial deeto'eagoelee from
D bet way home.
Mlbao. bet tbli woMsrfol medietoe
Aiiei Blanche Hotiinm left today Bare toeaent relief end tore cored
for Cincinnati where ebc; eriU enter a blk Be writes "I nowsleeptosndconsert'ototy for the tuuily of the vie- ly uney night." Dike aorTelous
(■area et Oensaaption. Pn-'ornouia.
Bmoohltlo, CWhs. 0«ld* end Grip
Mn. IViniom Cnllura ol Jad:son it
la nttubleat awril for ell
t-uiiitq; her niece, Mn DaviiJ G. Throat end Lung troubles. OnonntaedbettlMlOeeBd 01.00 Trial hot.
Um 10 eta at Joe O. Jobaaon't and
iieputy Food inspmor Geo. M. - H. Ueod-e
Dome of Noithpon it b the city to■rMn. Belle I’loce left this,morning
ft* Gnnd Rapids to pnrchaie goods
for her millbety store.
Sheriff Chandler and tbe Mntoegon
county ibeiifT irent lo Jnierlocheti on
official busbea today.


Min cniiu.

bir reareb by OUaf e< PoUoe goto
Bemtu. wbe often atuwMdof tra
toOan tat toforaatlnn leadlag to the
dMasttea td the gallty pj^.
Be*. Bewtea B. Piaakll
am at Ito eenaller ee paeteeal eep1*7
toe lueatred a leWet fm Be*. Joeeph
BtafBid. atoltmea of the yearly

game to lUe eocoWy to IBW end
aatetud tbe eapley of Hennab,
Ug A eoapnay u a luabeman. Be
WMOMtlore aadtoBonywayepoe.
lapertot InieUigeboa. Hi•1 (or SaBreb, Uy A On. obool
yiora. tim with Artur Mankarg leaeau tbe oU Pranl Street
Boare, thua. to 1107, a ney pepatot

eemoa <t Beatb
h will be praerel aaxt Saaday
ta SO tbe pa^t af tbe Prleade el

Mr. Wunboig retired from tbe Arm
KB after toe hotel wm token and
Iter:ihatanlU Arer yuan age Mr.
uoniluol tbe
boMloUae. TUboaaewaatoelari
■ert ot toeSwedlah pe^of focmeriy a i^nter' b ^
lUe port af.toeoouaaiy end WM tr»- Grand Ttarterse Hb^ where be
karoeJ his ttade. He left here b
Plre yean ago toe betol wm boraod. ISC.). He nbw bora yob t*iniiiig of­
fice in Bay Chf.___
treetbtr with all tbe b
Mn. W. A. Bate of MOwnukiw a
Boato aide of Prenl
visituig tbe fomtiy of a C.\ Do^.a.
a Yaftxasieio of Detroit, ft>m.wly
this aiy. arrived faere loB night to
uldauabty by toe Wow. bat atorted toe switibe family of JWius Siebbeig
1-~- ca Park etreot, wbicfa
be'bre Boadaeted eter etoeu. to IftT
bla teuibar. Peter Boetraa,
i^^ftnre a btaines trip down the )

Ito anaaltaad battery
AleaOftBtb. la wbkb hie tottoe woe
toe aereplatBlag witoeee. woe eet ter
reartat bedere JoMlea Bnwa yeaterdoy
, netoiag. but uwlag be tbe aheaaae td

dU*B^prewtoTb U^d
toot toe oaee will yrobably aet be
It will be n
altoet at toe feneer trloL tbe yory
. tolled to eg^ madleg tone for <
Ttattaa egd three for oeqaittoL
Haa. . Perry Haaaata bae neetred a letter frore A. Troey Uy of
CtoMga.eaeof toe Hemab A Uy
Oa-.towWto Mr. Uy reealle ttot
■tome yean ago Meatoy, Sept, let the ^oeoeed Mafeare$.)btntbar.
toeertredtatrerene Oity ea Uepi Polar, aad atoler.
Sdere'e reboreer Meele HUItod.
ilimiialii by Mr. OaUer. 3. X.

Hon. \V. J. SluMt, former Mayxw
of Gnnd Rapids, is b tbe city taking
a rest. Mr. Stuart is a direext
director and
:reaeorer of tbe Chirens tdepbone
Mn Charles ^ Skekber and child­
ren have returned troro a v*it lo rela­
tives in Gnnd Bnpids.
H. E. RastaS nf Detroit, connected
with tbe Michigan Fanner, is b tbe
city visiting his brother, R. W. Rastoll. they.
is tiiitbg

tttf Owen ot Maple R^ndi.
Clbioo cotmty, is eieitii« W. D.
Mollisier of SIS Wett E%bto ttteec
Newton Bereb of Paeffbe is tbe
guest of C. J. Ebncr of Webttcr
Mitt. Moiituret Moim of Gnnd
Rapids araitbg Mrs Jock Rnbette
and her sitter Mis Sadie cffiBS State
ex with lira. Roberta.


I all -.olid I We arc seUing for

»u-l also the $1.7.'. solul
leather soim calf tooes
— (lave and eottgrett) we
arc selling for

Only $1.35
How about the
b,j ™
m m.
es for

SSChildren’s Shoes
Sires 5 to K—aoc, ihk.TSc
Sit Si loll-TSc, «0c,$l

Misses Shoes
Beys’ Sboeo—7Sc tp $i.7S.

Our SiTliixs Departmcit

UQIwllliia UMili tn Urac

Etu7 pair of oor Shoes
always i:oaraateed to
^ve satisfaction.

m Y. miQi
OMStiA*. OpABenidOOec


Condensed Smoke


1$ «ur line ol Cadies’, misses’
ebildrcn’s 3ackets. and Cadies’
misses’Suits w


Eadies' lackets
3S or ar inches long, made of best American woolen mills
Kersey, finely trimmed and stitched, guaran- 1 A AO
teed satin lining, a variety of styles, air colors. XV.W
Two strong numbers at Sd-SO and $ftdo. Then the finer garmenu at $15 to S50.
You cannot afford to think of buying a new nnnent until you
have.sevn our magnificent line—fully fifteen hundred gar9>ents to select from. No matter what you pay elsewhere.
you can do better here.

B Few Snaps
One case Flannelettes—make fine, wrappers or house jack'els—inches wide—made to sdl at loe, yard, A*7
while this case lasts at per yard

im Vds. Embroideries

A Job—Goods you could not buy in a regular way AR
for less than locand 15c yd. This lot at per yd.-- 'VW

2000 Vards
Fine goods in Swiss and Cambric Embroidery, in IA
stock.its worth 15 to 35c yd. Price on this lot per yd

no. 00 Caffeta
Silk Kibbon, 160 pieces, all silk, needs no comment 1 A
This lot at per yard.... .........................................
. ‘XV

30 in. Black Caffeta
Silk, the very best value in the market



See our Peau De Sole Silk
Si-oo -d $1.26


Oil Grain Shoes


Cbati Ever.

the 6ift Bihingtime
IS ALL THE TIME. Not a day passes bub is somebody's birthdaysomebody's anoiversary—ll'i time to give somebody a gift. Ourupstairs department is where the gift givers delight to come. Always
something new and dainty—just what you -wanted.

there’s Cut Blass
No handsomer present could be purchased, and such beautiful cut­
tings. Many entirely new designs, sugar and creamers, boo bos
dishes, finger bowls, olive dishes, srater bottles and giants in endless'

7anep China
Nothing so delights the feminine heart as bandsoine china, and such
a host of odd pieces, in all the newest and daintiest colorings.. You
can make a person happy with a 35c piece of china or you can spend
$3.50 for an elegant chop pbte and hosts of dainty presents at all
prices between.

U9 niter BiH than a Book
And we always carry a full line of dainty gift bo^u at 35c,
50c. All the latest copyright books at soon as issued.

Souvenirs of traverse Gtp
Tbe bett and most appropriate that has been put out; an elegant pic­
ture of the court house on 35 different shapes of imported German
China. Sells at 35c for any size. Just what ^ want for your fri^s.

Summer Oases Tor Summer Tlowers
So many long stemmed flowers and you never ^ve a vase that is tall
enough, so we got these on purpose for you. All plain glam, but the
plainness is their beauty. They sdl for 35c. 30c. 35c. 40c and 50c.

1 manEi



every day until further notice. Conwill be given in tbe Fureitue

For smoking all kinds of meau. It will
presen-e the meat foA any length of
time, keeping it solid, sweet, tree from
mold, flies, etc. it imparts a true hidcory flavor to meats that can be obtained
in no other way. One bottle (75 cents)

Olaifs Drug Store


^^Onto dwra to.Ti«wito Olty

3*BS<ra W. Hairiito* aBdOaofgtdnaa
to TiaTtna Oltr iMdar-

Mtea Oarkto Baste eWtod MtMa
to Tnvant Clip ten waak.

Dr. flood took a trip
Oiip ten we k.

mm^iSStorncaSw SSu

Mb Vl*«eUl «( Tnnn.
mmm houttfU^r tot b tbMM

let. tod. tote wMk.

MBBjr tma down.
waa apeal after wliieh refreah
Ki. BDd lira. DsTid VbiM e< DU- Aaraa Brooabaad la laid ap wlib a
ita were aerrad. Tbe naata ware;
bad Uab that ba Md tl» abronuc ___L WillleiB Oarrow, Mra. Loasoer
MlB Br* viMtac fTtaodi iMn.
PerT. Mra- K J Dana. Mra Oharlea
Mdar iohB WhlH BBd_____ to eat with as ac aotoo liiaa aso.
V. B. Prop WMt to Tnrarat Ollp Vntlep. Mra O. O. Raaaooi, Dr.
MBBd* wmt Bjaa tka Bbcv Uml
l^lCjOcy^i^^W. B. Johaaloa.
Bad WMW More (baa plaMBd with tba lhaSBth iBBt.
Tliw tnm Um mall
Tbv oeneui walk to fraot of H. E
ilia' propertpia eom^led alto ^
TbB DacSS ot M» Bel«i
««• pMad FrUBT aad
Id BBtardar,
bat ban. UblQ. aol Mra UprUe ____
WWB MU bBfenHU droit.
of Toledo, with liar aon tooeard.
Mato airret baa bren eteped i
AUto Saiib fmi Fooch
ware tba saeata «t J. U Uobbtoa’
anealed fiom the bap to Oill'a ato
toailp ten waak
Mra Broaoha aad famU* left Mi
t to InterH. 0. Wb
a will aa- d^T (or llu-lr bone in Loelaetll..
A new tidewalk baa j oat beta ec
:SSt^o‘o^i"eph ted In froot of the .OaalaS n
VdvoBUbs T«7 glBd Mia
oo Bridse ttreel.
JoDD Aodenoo. to eotaiaap with
^ ■
E. TMn bbA Tara Robbiai. waei to
■nbrr of laboirra are worktos
Sari UaafMeai bai IBM <B Uf . .
Oadar Hadsa Lake oo a babtos npa- tbe rallraed cnde aaar Osc.-na
dUlaa Satardap. Tbap maned with
Uiaa Villim man a coni roai
a dae oaUb aad thiak that te the pteoa
bra.ita Tharadapeveolns loa
■n. lABBortaU plBca bat SQM to to SO for fan aad dab.
tUU ber fiUodt asd NlatTrot 1b
Joha Baaoalt to
Banterd. Klah.
Mia OoOald bat f«oe to 8a|dBB»
■ White of Willteonbatswaa tbe
to TlUt bar MOaUraa.
of Mr. aad Mra Spaasla Ian
>1 will
8api UMlaaAiaha.
WeUt Ooonar and wUa apaat SasMita
Edith Darrew of Tnerrae Clip
BUap Slattotw tnaa ladlaaa. U dap with their panatt at Sabia.
a faw dart la tom teal week.
TiattiBg nlattroa aad trleada at tUa Tba Uoa pan la dotes oeoaidenbla au-ol
the cneat of Min Edltb Dana.
damasa to tba potato anp at tbu
Mra L D. Ban left Uoodap :
lew weoka elalt with ber twrenla
aad Mra Hamarol Oharleeota


Iba J. M. Bohbtoa, wbo bki beee
Cht fanaaaa la Ifaaaa pant wan rarp ratp tlafe for tba pan few woeka te.
0ad at too faia wblob watedpaa- abia to be aroand asala.
to^,at it will balptbalata pottoM Iftea Jaaaia Vhaaloek attooded
nranas.. Saw. Wedanda, .


Every DBliar We Save You Is Safely

Sekmple Sui-t 8i
Only a few suits of a kind sold at such low
surely can affoKl to have one.

a Btewela
* »«• St W.
aUn Martha Baroap


Mr aad Hro Baton of HtteMLlad
wUI nail with Ihale Saagblar. Mn.
William Balaa Ibte areek.
M>. aad Hro OUl Mottoe oc Oiaad
Banda ate naptog witb Mr. Bafaa
Ocaban lor the praaent.
Btoafcbarrira au qain learea sow
oa aoeDnsl ot dtp waaiber.
Hro Flan Inin aad Hro Una
BMW ^11 BQ to Troretae Oiip

:ef Hln
Hr. aad Mra WUUan DalTOW
Olaadt Wanar. who baa baas at Ma Trorana Clip were tba saref «< QIttotU for WMtaMt t<r rbaaBt- 1 Dane aad fantlp a faw dapt ten Than wUI be a daaoa M Inks Aaa
Umi baa istaroed hoaa toatb baoadl- -eek.
S^. 6th. to be told to A S BarMro Baabera aod fanilp. wbo bate
Hro Arehte Bnilb waa tha gaan of
^ nolbw. Hro . R. B. Bates Mobad iMdj tor iba
OliS Ooek-a saw hoaaa la op aad laroed Satartep to Ibeir botoa to Tra. Mtea KetUa Holnaa
saari; aaelnaad.
V>r aebool dnilaa to oa
Mr. aad Mra C. Botoaro apaad
Tba echaol boaae was nintotad thto
SaaMP at w-ia-J~ with (bair da^ta<l ap Hr John Safnr
•ar__ a aad Mra B.
Uro Write u BO totter at
Hn TboMU Pra; waa eperatod oa
tad a faw frteoda ai seal arrltiBg
a O M O


XtaiAUse Bmm etOla^. who
triwMU ud ntoUm M «Ua


OB n rlate fra aann
ro Oao. aad WUl Bi
_____ antred Satardap ban a rtete.
Minas Flan wd Alto Ink* I
to nni wito aona of tbair •
. P. Baaro azpaeta Mro BA

8g.OO to 81S.OO ■
Sampio laant ^alal
This is your gain and our loss and you miss a chance of
your life time if you do not take advantage of it. $ I to $6

--------------- aad Ut. I
Taentoataaar tha ten
aad toe
1 for dtomr aad___________
Tbo Bflaraoso santoB was«
toaiagtog.-Ko aot cne."Hiaa
^ilnp than md a non
___ exi
Inflaoaae of Aaracter.
Anaetar. This

SOo or> a ^1.00
Our Strong Values Support Our Weak

rady. 1
> atato

try. A oolk-otloo

by Mr. Banep. wbieb waa rary totoreniog. A Ireiiatlim was tbaa glraB
Mr. and Mn Bam Oerteadof Tnr- by Min Alice Tarlnr. alrsly leaasred.
followed by aiegiag." Wbaa tba rollU
called eppoader."
K PUartead rteited at Caelnl Inkia few dap* teat wVi-k.
Tbe dance at Ilia ; ball ten Pritop
ted br Mr
rrebiop waaeojorad bra terga erowd.
Banep and• 'kMt. 1
KUIp-alx Domberd wrn aold. Tbe
rrea follorred bp e raargi oi
oBiic me faraubed br Bokoa Bron. proper. An torliaiioa ms extended
and Fueir of riararte Oily.
to toe oasoeiaiioo to bold it* next
Mro Oilra Van Bnekiia teriali-- otowtieo at tbe Coortade acbooltog at Fenrmier.
Ur Bedpatb torn proneaaeed Iba
There wi-1 W a daaoa at the ball
here Fndaj erening. SepL 12. HoalC ^edietion aad each one went home
ap Kokne Btoa & Foote. Betrvab- feeling l^p bed breb beneSK-d by te-togpraanat.
menu wlK be atrred.
Taplor. President,
Chaa Edmnuda lust a liona
r. Saontarp,
*Wiil Helm and faiber of'Tiarerae
•- sanunar r.-sort* abonl 8 iTjoarpn
Oitp Tiaiied ai Adward CarroraSnnare te-ginaing to close for tbe mwm.
It has been tbe poorest non aaaaon
toa decade Tb. r.-aert kn-perc lap
tail fact to lb* cold weMhar. the high
twicesof commodities and tbagrorrint
poimterltj of some of Ilia nortliero
Mt. Maiirillithn-fhed
Ods or two of tbe raaoru of
. 2:ih
. .
L J, •
the 81. Joseph riTtr will anc l>[tim.
aext aeaaoe Tba mea^nttoi
IHnndredcot baabeltof
rlrer reeon aimoal aauabare been nicked
r Ui-ea La
abl- bla enmmer.
aad hnodretU m
left oo I
A drore of fat cattle waa lakes
J^aiek on ihe STib to be shipped

“Dor Dou'toolio' l_o<ior«’'

Clothiers and Furnishers
mrmm CISy. MIoH. 0

Henry Shaefer ef lligliwood ba. tern
earefnllp nring bis roraiag* in a
Imabar oamp. The other bight ba was
robbed of E»
Be seat a oompteie
ipkion at Ibe eereral denominato toa abniff with toa re>|aeal
to look them ap He knew toe bill,
rail that ba rv.-allrd aeery bank
eroiy prveldmi whose Hgaarora
adoraatl tbam. So far ooea barn
lamed sp to lorol bankt
>’• beMe
me. 8 1, -Wbal a.tlMroogMy good
aad reliable mrdldne 1 foetid in Ectectne Bitten.
Jeendioe end 1
trosblre that liad


proro Fore geaelae. ell roend cure
tliep excel eapihiug I rv.-t lew.' ElVUTflB
eainc Bitt.-r. an- toe aariwtee of all
far toetr wondvrfol work in Liver.
Owing to want-of room tome are
Kidney and Stoameh troebi- . Don't
Ibrealiing hefor. (he gnlo !• tbrongh:
to tty them. Ualy 4i> cla Sau.iWfatlng in the more, rrtich ia aot aa SAGINAW. HC8EEGOK AMU tall
‘ - D I* gnaranieed by Jar U. JitorWell for tbe grain.
1.1 F. H. Mead.
4. L Honon Imreean-d orrr 80 Im;*
of bar, IK- bai .hippi-d bil read
............ -.
Itu surviPorT ef the war
6;30 a m. Rate *2 On See poalfT.
- wKienliL-p-taA'i-'iabaabrl.

KBA B'ronS







Pere Marquette

It. PlMalar aad wife and daasbtor
UHla AariM Bane bad the aiU- .. Toledo. Ohio, are apuodlUK a few
tanasa to Oat bit too* aalto badlp
OM dap laai waM bp a bnrp a* Calflas «pea It. It waa Baeatrorp to taka Trap Than or:
bln to Uapta Oltp to ban the wocad ap witb triaada
Aaaaad bp na doaaor.
Ftebarrai ware loatbtolro..
A aaabar fra atocad ban attaad- rlrar Iba ten dap of the treat aeai
aoma ftablas tiU mldalsbv
Haarp Batet. wbo far'ibe pm
hat bean at Tnpane Oltp
Mro B. a PaIttafiU did baalBaaB'
'atedan' 'care, rxpeetod
dar the phpainaa-a
to TlBTafto Oltp teat Pridap.
wtara boat thia weak.
Ma fladdltr fra Ofaio. who bo^ ba able to tatara
a ra of tbe TbortaU fairo teat toU Bm. Weldnaa pnacbedbU faramU
ben Saadap areatos. Ko ap
wStod M waak. h«radiM«aQ
tan wan left for tba nielar

Ure. O. P. Sii-raaa apuul Friday
wiih Mit. DeUnw.
1b> Mapleim aad Ogdouibazs tow
ball Btoa ptepadtoll Snadap to which
'be pie cocial at tbe center oa I
MeplaUa hope oaoH oat te-sl.
L waa n aaroero If Itw- wiam-r
Mr. WlUtaai aad Deaalc Nan
I'ea the atomacli pnmp
rteiteo Mr. aad Mra P. F. InnUi
and tbe doctor’* trcacmenl tbvr will
probably liavi-aiioUiet pi^ social aoua.
II Dowd and Mr. Manrille ate
lamng ilteit maehiov-* on toll tliin-.
Oram te pietdhig well, mu and
Bobert Ooalai of tbe rtata of Waahn Clark te having a big ran of
_iSton la rtelttos hte panwto, Mr. ahd
making. Some aie hartog their
Mro Willten Coataa.
Bade tolo cider and
be to nadtoan for tba Ukat bp Fn- Tha Sllran Brotban’ ibew waa tbe eawlr
ealiad to wltatM i
J. K Elma Ibreabed SCO boxb'te of
pna grown for the Kioe Se.-d Oo. He
The M .B. obnreb ia nakias _ liaa N acre* of ndtali aaed rti to saU>
Tba erop te looking ftoe.
— aad Mra M. K. UeckaraadO. _ioie Improraaeata bp aa addltloa to
& Paps# at firosU. tteie ban baaa their baildtosUtw Eaiber Ooatea
aa of HahlalBR to
Hro Walkto, mer^^hna. ntaniad to their i
for a tew wet-ka
U ptece.
Mand Pbt-aii of BbeiUad aad M
-M twia baUeo of Ur. aad Mro Olte HoArlbnr of Ana Arbor, are r:
Bash bMtdp, wife aad abUd ol
Lyman CorMll died ten Tbaradap and itiog Ur. and Uni. Winnie.
*JM»M^aW«tod to tola aalsfa- ten Mandap areotos. Tbo lam wa« Mri.OornaU
te hardly oz|eeied to lire,
npktUp daeontod witb Obtoaae tee
w TroTerM-CitpSamrdap. w.
kWM. proauBtlns a ea.p mitp a
e faceral ot Albert Brishan. ten
ipecitolire. *o aa to give
adap.waa tbi- tenten arcr bald to
I lownataip. He waa aa old nl- a oliauce for brtti-r aobooliet- \
Waller Aahler and CSddle Berry
nsead and the saatn departed to
bisblp leapeeied aod a good
mre mamed at LeUad by tbe Bov.
that tbap bad eejopad a TtTP plei
Ur. Speckto teat Toeaday, Ang. *6.
Bcbto awaat. Mtana 019.
A recoptloo waa given at toe home of
--Jiliato Ooca aad Hattie K___
Iba bride ia lb.- rvantog to aboal 40
~ and Mil. Wiira t friends aad nUtirea of tb.- oootraetRi'fresbmenu were aerrtteaeOB.
Ban Piobard arrtaad beat ten rfte^iUB
tood time waa eow«A
Hr. aad
Mn Oolbpjemaea mat to
Tbe bride and groom are very |iopMuteiiv Snadap rto the M. A K. B.
ater and tbelr mtap frieoda wish tbam
Hiaaaa Welch and Dreaaer of Bar a brigbi aod bappr fntore.
unit Btolte UVak, wbo baa baaa City,
wbo bare been riautoa at (Ik- Edward Sioe of Toltdo. Ohio, a
rtelUas M Piaranoat. ntaraad t
liomeot Ur. and Mro Oban Oook. lefi, Miaa Klae Stonier were married b<
ten Sandap.
lie of Ibe 1-ride'a tatber b
lor Uialr boan toia noraias.
• bf t
■ae ril
WMhanadto^ " n raniai lawi
anUted bp Miaa Fannie Ell
. -r In.
rbeitnaraapea tin ptepM gann
Iiere a
tOteal ehaidb aoraetad bp Bar. B.
awaits tbam.
^B-w^lo Ur. aad Mil FrodOrnndp.
lagb, wife 01 Bee Bot­
nwraaaa Olyaad Bar. MobrofSaa
her home teal Teraday
Dr. Mook mada a profaaiioaal roll
Ira Uaonar aod son Eean'tl want
a long and rototol alckban oo Wadaeadap.
. ThonpaoorlUe Batoedap algbt
neoe. 8lie laarei a bosbaad, three
Mro. Ftaak Darla riaitod with bar
daagbicrt and foor son*, beaidr*
M a pdra bavitobto Obtlatiaa lOthar. Mn. Daloa* o« day tote apand Snadap.
Min Minute Bnitep of Tnratw City,
np friends wbc................................
M>o bni been rUiltog to ihia pteee,
nation. She a
, MlnPWmla Htoabaw airirad bona maned to lirr borne Sntnrdnp.
bp all.i-apeeiallp bp ber bnaband. who
toon Tnroraa Oltp Tbandap.
Una Bobbua U oa the albk Ual.
Pnntiea TiUle and Bers Pick­ Owing to tbi' oonditioeoflba aobool Bcboil eimmeneea next Monfapi
hata Un baattfate!^ropail9afali^ ard went to Honbport Tbaradap.
bonee lobotfl dU not open Taondap na Pro iJagD of Port Oneida will hart
know tham.
A F. Snith of Btatll. todtena.
obarge of tbe aebool tola rear.
. Mt. ai
^rad ban teat areatos far hte oatMro Cbas Bloom n-tarned boms
teal SatanteT from Ladlngicm. where
aaa bad tet-n rlaiiing for two weeks.
9b. aad Uia Blabaid WhlaaUlaad
Flora Beilinger. after apendiag
m tame ap ob tba teat amtateo
week in Lvtend mamed borne tei
baa Totedo n viall blMto.
a Minn Antoine aad Hargaar- Tnasdap erening.
;Uu ud[b..nd
. .. Barth wore aaUtog at toe Lake
j^Mtoa *ktol5d“5.S?
------- ------------- *- HalaamawUa. shore
Tba aoraage of (be bnckwbrol erop
oa Friday;

lie prat, it ia said. U tbe largest to
Lea Wliaw te woratog for M
tbe bia'lorp of toe alai*. Many dalda
WIU Oook of tba D. 8. L. 8.8. at
to which farmer* were naable to plant
toot that
oa aoeeant of toe • xaeaalra roina
4oba Patottoa la baalte« wood for
be rarlp pan of toe aamaoa wsfv.
,,tha faaerol of :. A Hateear
tdaaud to bnokwbtol toateaA,______
K. A. Nelaoa looba fo#as«boeear to
take away tok raiaaiadar ot bti wood
uoi'erri'E m'lioiie.
Fndap. gn^y ^taiday aad wlU rotlia from tbe toaktog bna.
Mr. Wtoate took a long row ia bis
imie btot to Utaad aad baek oa FriAroe*. TWm as raeta.
BUral't n»w to towa ten VUdap
fd waa wall atrodad.
peMitbad ston-maot ot aeu
R. A.
Ina aereral lean* cm- ftmnger residing in a faraway place,
Ohaa Baastollln. wife aad ikiU
map be tme eaoogU. bet It te geaeralgMjjjraotote tenwaaba.
IpeeoeptedeaedoeMfalrmmar. How
. Ur.
ceo il ba TenSwC Tbe caatlmaep
Mtea Batobaai ad Oadlltee iaanwhtidi follow* te eoeTieeieg prDOf_bapMvadaa alaafcat A Aanaab'etMa.
T»ry poto ..
aaaeJ^to ite
ii enmr* from a teaideat of
Laate Uak atonad ten Itaatop fro
BIf Ibpldi. wbn« ho wtUatira tot
C. E. Clapp, of ar E. Fnmi
mvis toin^^^t
atreetoapa: "Mp bark and kidoeri
---------- .------------------- aU toe blaok- ware wvek f.'r peer* and deeplie all
PM Swift, aad wUa latoiaad fra trtehda to tote ptee^^M bwrlea oa toe aana anoantedgroiuu'. me knowledge ot medicine* 1 was nnwaaka. raanad'uoo^to t£fi
Tba potato paate bate nadt their slblr to cb*eg toe tneble. let aloe*
M Boarar toteaT^^

eere It Oo learateg abeet Doaa*'
B^H^Ptek^ of
WM to ppearaaoa aroaad Ifaa pototoea beta BUdeep
PiH. I teaaooed tbi* mp. It
torp performed belt wbal tbey proetUr. TlUay of BroiU. todiaaa. who
reahtog nachlnw are witbto lawi toey mi«ln. pomibly, help me.
(ba pn mut -ttma; nltooagb
be pevaani dry waaaber ta aot taeor
This Tiltega wW to toe Dear .falaie
Fiat Swift aad wUa J. A Browa
ora to (’br reeraato^a^ Umnaalraacd toa
------------------------A help for im.
Baraey Ptekard baa a maa aM nam arlMD I coeld aoi cert mpaUf. H ear-



ily ataads a good, At tattoo Ibe todus of tor H«lag toa Odd Pallow'e' piiaJ aaaoalallea wbo bate beta UberTicket, will fc,. mild
orphaaage. A site
JaM bordortog too j teg far toa pate faw rooitoa to rote*
te tote
-lio wt.lir. them ai 1
low ntrs
n October Std. 4lb. Stb and Bib.
antil October
■loetora." writes V.
limit will
if dealreA.
iged as to tofca ta toa farm ,greeada dnrteg tor atob-fair, Tboy
a Ask Agen^'for fsii:lco*. Arsles Balre oori^ mv
...... „„
par'itnlara Tbi. i* not aloae for G. waeka" Ceres bona Broiae.. Oete, ;I if
“ tba bom-te bwBted toere. Tha ob­ wUl bava a large tael te cbeigaaf axA. R people, .knp person wl.o baa (ba t'orna, Saras. Enpiiuea Salt Kbaam. P**' is to giro
pmaec-d pBpaieteaa. and faUp agelpprice ot a Uck.-t may g>-( one.
Pllae. or no pap. *4o al Jar.O John, 'of eitp aeboels. eteaxric Ughu, aewen pcd. to wbteb anpoea barb total m .
" °*
a. F. Heel. r. : son'a aad P. H. M.-od’a dreg .(era.
| and aid
*te»d. ae toe groeada map rotraeL








- K i'rassvsrfcrs



i-2is.r. . ______



HwkbpWl Stock hatok

JS-riSt Mara
— is

tom ten

“ A-5rt'Si:ri's.Si

*‘'‘**^ baakng

r broegtit abeet tbe

We bought two full large car loads of Stoves and Ranges this spring, before i
stove or range fully 25 per cent less than sto^ bought now.

We have Slovea and Kanget eiioueh to luj^ily the fall Ba*lc, al
our old I'Hcr. The cook Ho> e that is teUing nmr and giWa^ the
best salislaciion w the aeel cook. They are neater, aill last longer, will nu( take half tbe wood. Wc have them in ^1 tires an.l
ttyles. I aanl to place them aroond through the e^u>', U>t if
. we sell one fteel <aok, wc
ate *ure to kII more in that
I will make >oi( a |>ricc of
$ia.7S on a Na 8 Steel ■
Cook, made of good, heavy,
Knoolh Reel, lined with a*bcRoa, dotoly rivele>i an.l
guarantemi to cook and bake
' perfectly. 7^>c same Rmr,
mth reservoir, ftw___ $1«."5
Now these are big value*
ami 16 the brtt person in
each neighborhoul that buys



PtataB. daliaa nPitalaka

To buy a stove or a range.
vance, so wc can sellI you a

one we win make tkea a
preaeat of a hr*t .jualuy
Granite 1'caketlle or any
other piece of Granite »are.
We aill have g few ef those nice steel ranges, with high closet
and reservoir, juR like cut.
guaran'eed in even- way.
lor..................................... *25.76
Or a firR clal^ good, car
cook Hove, }us| like <rtit, 17 in.
oven, nice shelf on back, for
Fully guaranteml in
every my.

A Bench Wrtogiir. juR like cut. wiB bold two luU, far... **:7C
.And from that up to the beM balkbearieg wringer. Tub written
iron *1.35 up to the bew ball hetemg
]W ot these Cl^ Bars
bought al a b« bargain enable* as
10 seD them at about half |«iee.
l>cy are Randard aite, 43 fact of
f todi,
sngh a my that
cof tf'aranhtnpover the
others, juR like cot, rcgtilar (wk*
any place from 76c to llbc, em
price, while ibeyteR.................47c
He have a R^ of Oothefllan
^ that you can co»wt with a lainty
' ''
cloto and use far a screen, or it
makes a good clothe* bat. It is
4i ft. hi^ and 8} &. fact long,
when Rietched out. Our jeice,
E5c, makes a cheap screen
oxw useful artkle ever toed in a
kitchen. We have eight different
Ryles, one sritb 3Cx40 nbile wou.1
lO(^ Urge drawer, panitiooed far
.Ufoent article^ large flour bin,
win hold 60 tbs. flour., top can be
used far kitchen table. For *3.76
lATge, fall sixe I>u*t pan___ 7c
Bram Lamp Boroen,
Na 3. 6c; Na 1, 4c.
have a large arowtmnt at
aaythmg yon waot Over

Then if you waw a cheaper Roiv; we have the PcninRilar
Stoves and Ranges in moil all sra. A Na 6 Peniimilar
Cook with 17 iach oven and shelf on back, lor.............JC.7S
Same Rove with an enameledencaaed reservoir, flush with top
of riov-e. for................................................................................. *12.75
Then we have several secood hand Peninrolar Rot es that have
been used but very little, ones that we took in exchange far other
Rot-es, aad we trill sell ihera cheap.

:» Biliaiu li NT UMn Fntsli^ JkpirtMri.
-piiM dam Sted Kaives and Feghs. jaR like cut, wedge
sha|>ed blades, with teacy
nicUe belR'er, far, per
set................................. 7Se
Ejuvet and Forks at *LSO. ft.PO. *3.7*
»d................................................ *4.7* per sm
Gahrahteed Wato Tubs................... ..... .*6e
These are only a few batgaiu We hra
everything you need in your ksehen. A fall
li^FirR^S*lHy Steel Fnimrird Ware and Copper Kkkled

hair fined, guaranteed ^ ramra

faf............................... »».76
Sik Solid_pak, Ctae Scat Cbai^
far.................................................... %iM
Over 35 difieieni style, cd Diair«

Wt aa famish JWf hsust tmpkU


120 Front street

Traverse City. Mich.

I «r PwetM lUcc
FeoBd LM« la Moka.
«n at 11.100. bat Ua
ate late tte aaeaBt
aad then waa banlp anoafb to aappart tte faailp. Hra Blfal apt tbat
tea tateada to peUtiae

It lii —n ■lllni rtnl-rn ---- ii«
b» riiiintlwi —* P
MMbMWMTtoMrltailititMd -inwu<nn<d ottwarU war gea.

-r----- xw iMtii u»Mra6»-

la a «n at Obarlac, Bab. aiz peopU leal lhatr Urea. B. E. HeCUapdiewUb





Pwrinria* MtUat IhM U
■-f—■•-■- f«r Uato nMkOwUl
lakt U Hat far the----------------- ‘
aSaneva elM.UM te
haw eeM^ «B teaortiBt.
•te.. M DiatHM AnecMT Oerai'a

Tte tea azptoded, Igaltlac
(te elettea of HoOaapaBp. bU vlfa.
two ehUdira. agad 1 and 4 paan n:aad ive otter UttU gtrta
panata naalaail la tte banlag
beaar trplag to ara tte olilldiaa aad
aU pariabod.
It,bat laai aaae to light (bat tba
itoiilBaof a
and la tte pomp t
L Tter were worn

.Swaaa Utheaalr
ed viih the eaUliaated alUtur aeppt7 aaaa who hM set baaa broo«hl

bp tte aapar of a aaport leva, wbo,
ai roW far the hlatorie
foead tlial te bad DM tel
■loogtan with Mb. AU
van cleaM aad m te eoald act pai-

. White, afar a toor efaam
ef tbe aaror'a
offered to faislM tte
ataarp boaUrr, Bar effa waa gladlp
ipted aad bit worahio looked aa
btara aa (te reat of Item la bU bor­
rowed ftoerr.
Wm BUokaof Boaeatuad. f>a..aged
* poara. wa> pUplag tag aad aa lit
bU oemoaBioof took a battoe,
a aaetal ombrelU head aad a ackatoee
trea Ua poeket aad put them into Ma
moatn. At aicbt of • paraaer olotr
babiod te Mnaaiad andawallewad tte
tone articlm Doetan eaUed bp tte
bopa foud him eboMag aad bp aa
optteUte nsorad tte botton and
faeknoM from bit tiiraat, bat tte
aatal rlac liad pa and inta the fleaand at ap.' tefan U eeald ba
reaohad. InfUmallte froB whieb (te
bop dlrf.
A aabUgram neatrad at tte war drpartmant from Oenaral Obaffa reporta
MriM at oarthqaokM la tte Lake
teote eaeatrp. lu tte Uoio aret)<
BiadatBo. naaiCCamn Vickart. tbe re­
ef tte Ai
foreee tbeta. Tbe rfrere aad a
were oOBalderaUp ditcarbed aad
U to eo aatlra kiUnA bat no Ajnori-

aBiahaa. plaadad falttf. na aaai
aad la ta^iaeaacat far 10 paan and
tte oU Uja a the daaffa a etrUa ead
«M pantODed bj Oeramor Plafne
teiMtlp la the tlaaaa a*61 tad ■&
wUh the attpalBlIaB that hapv a IS.araaiat a a
euap an am bald
I la tha aTMi^
000 taa. *«hw r. Xaiab ma awardin the (dreteb aad
M mm» paalrinteat. Hanid
Tire feaU faaaa wata placed te aetartala'lba Tialura, hetwaaa Ballaba
CeUtr ia Ua eve aaaa aaa waa dead
aad KaUaaka, tba BaUain taaaa wto
H4ei. ' J. W.
KaaCv, K. 8. Boeaaad Joba B. BaaTba aHtadner tiila paar araa aet ai
aad dlraatan ot tba Baalarpa m aaaal, bet what war laaklap
>-As« aamnar, dttdart la allU aMtateaaa me aada ep U the boaitaiy aapUaa, van taeaghl ep at
plhUQr anaaded hr OaaM Lake.
tiat to the eaanptnar. aad Bamaal
Tala aftataeaa a hot haU (Baa It
kaaaWr, tbalr acaat. vat 1
a BalUtn aad OaaolBgtteda
ValLaka tMau. Out d
Jadga WUal tbla weak
dead «ab ef tte foo oOalablt.OQO
aflto tea aterge bad bean ehaagad
bea, parjarp to oonaplraop. aad thap
ted tdtedad paUti^lehantaS
•aad 11.000 far balap aa acaat.
atUap U aUra vltb aartkan. later alttnatin af two paan la prlteB
aaaptlad aa ahrlfcan telac to
aroldad bp prema aattlanaat ot tba
tadap. The tetaiaor'a troapa
Baaa Baaltea paplac tbalr daaa erarp
a«t to Baaall BOl at aUalfhl to oaa ef Ite eowplmtera tea leit. pet.
prataat M-aaiaenaa. SMkanhad taapa. fanrar, r>od np
wffnwaitnl tba boeaa ef
Basip, tea bealaeaa <
wlU vbleb
•^ ttnaltMdte Iwr dews the boM
aztaet, baU la tela
aad UU him. Bararal tlmaa the
addittea to aU teU.
vu Mde to a large
tilrad tba «e«d attar pnal aaoeat of tee Boeap atolrL from tea

Kiiariep. Ang.
ware aadand aad treUap aaW wtea
readw Fidd Dap fever has opened
at Ihteach tte Faatear Oraafc eaf.
foUfMceoe KingUey people tad
r. tea ear atead ted aaethar bahlad pploU
F^. Sep^bM 6. I tbe date fixed
a vatteaa’t ear. At Baaall BUI
r this kind,
idad liberI Biaea tea alilka wM ardarad.
va pat tea taai la a Mcbtfal any to tbe tolicitiBg
Wbaa Ite aoB-teite

Iterferd Uaaa aad |aan
area by County Clerk Robert E.
WalwrofTravene City. There inll
tea mgij neb a^ ttaaplad apea.
uon, a ball game and eraipUitng i
•ae^gterda bad tte elctelaf tars
eCteairbaete. A abarn waa aadt
te tea aab with tted bapwala aad la

' .....

tea aterta to cat awap trea tte aeldtoa neaaal iMfcaB Jaapad olaaa


Oaptola Oaite baa i
Street ^aea-Wia. UcCnQy. Chat
ted vlU Mk Uatodaalan
Rogen, Chat. HamineBt.
Hone Race*—R. Caae. Jake Skid­
ChukatoB. W. V.. Aa*. SI—Admore. Gea Slona.
• •
^nomiac indicate teal tern tm
Rseeptioe Committee—J.H. Moabate M tetntaace ta tba New Hirer
e. Goo. Madboa, A. W. OveAolL
Add emee fbc airiral of tbe troopa.
Gommitteei to look after dilTerent
Sboiff Uaaid aapa tbe erieted aiaen
ftuamtl ocdeia—J. J. BrovniMi, H.
are beeoiBinf deapenla.
Keldmm, bfoden
White offen to bead a aabacriptiw
iratiam SpasUing, Jake Skidmore.
tetopudme tcstifer tbe erieted
Madttotv Maccabeea.

noted for te work aaroog deaf matM,
li dead ac He boou in Hew Yon.
He wa* born at Bartferd. Oooa., le
TinMlpaadabaodaM nlne-lbr firet
for three ptere-bare eared tte aoath
territorT ef lover Oaliforela frea
naiag a barren vaete. Six tochea
of laia baa fsllaa dariag Ite pnai fav
Uarp De Wela. a 1« pear eld gir
)aet oat of 8l. Barr of tim Woode oen
rent In Bt Harplad., and telrea
a 175.000 eetata. eloped to Indiaa
apoUe aad taarried Terne Hinkle, e
Big Foot bnkeBanvbom ebe had oftao
art at tbe depot aa bU train w




The UadlBCdB of oem* at tte p
■Stem la tte pecKcM dUMeta U tte
•Bt end at Landm bare UrmU '

Vaat Petpcr WklM »r tte
aaadcr aad fOb Partacta. I

the Ltedea Giapbta
Ttep-RcogaUe the fact tbal tte arerman ie mnaDp efaarltabip dtwwerd
vfarn be It U a pobbe betee. aad m
they elee
glT* Mm a <chaser to
good vltb hie n
ttep aleo fsnlab Mb vlth a

« seetan At* are P
That tte aoelenl raer of tte A______
ct pewtnere
zutt todap In tte Mate of Uoreloe. |
, ____t vltb m
Bazleo. tbMr nee Unea end |•)lPBlad j throngb tbe center. He then pUeee
(tenetertetlce onebanerd. altboogb the plree of ecr'. oo Ite leg ‘ '
piece of
and vnpe them li
paper I*
aoewed up Ugbtly eo that tbe polat
ABerican Mueeam of Nainrnl lilecorp ^ tte Un IBCK purtre It and le twIMad
of Nev Yvk. The dlarererp U ooe of to tte fontr of a -rail-'
the malti ef Ua foortb eipedllloa te
lahdlord baa
that region, from which te ba« JuM rempMc
. ,
throws tbe peony wrapped In tbe paper

tte eeHIng. Tte lack gon Into
tbe natlen lived U Mrxtre. bat Dr.
erUlngand tte penny
UtdUeka la tte
cred pep*r remain* op there. 8om«>n bp meene el
tlmea tte -tair la <-ut Into Hbbana and
or three piece* of peper
phpMoloelrel obeerva.
they are .of tin- oorinal of different color* a
Axtee netkm I* Indicated by hl»t->rlcal
record! which ebov that a iKaly of 07." The landlord fnnilabe* tbe
them mlEialed to the country they iu>v and tbe tin taek and tte colored paper.
Coeniaveci. fifiy mllm The cu-tr>mcr flnda tte penny. Wttb a
aootb of tbe city of
Their eery little prertJee any one can make
a |wnny Mirk on tbe crlUne. and so. tn
langnage U that of tte Axter,
Ugee apeaklng ootblnp el,-., .one . eoureo of tla.e Ite c^bug becomto gap
with colored streameraot paper. When
tev q-ak Upanlab ae wolL
Tbe aru of ctTlUatlan. ernlpturr. tbe celling 1* fnU. tbe pconlea are
raintlnc and etooe buUdliic. wbleb palled down and nrnl to a boapItaL
formerly dlMlngolabed them. Lave dli- and tbe fnn begin* aU over again.
ippeared. b0( the rml and wood.-n
bonare they nom- onnipp are I.lruUiad
vltb thorn of Ite earlier |>.rlod. Tte MARCY AND HIS “BURGLAR”
type of 2.000 yean aco rrmalue
.> Kaa-* 04* B
-Tte Aztee of todap la (te Axiee of
aorinX tlmra aa far aa poHly uf t.rpe
gora. He la far tuoreof II. .txteptbao
tte preaent dap tcypUan U an fla-jptUh." aald Dr. IlrdUrkn m a rfvonre
of tbe Sev York llvnU. Tn i-ipulathey namt>er revere! tbouaaod.
tte Indiana of Nonh Aiuerlca.
d.-gn-toms of Ite dMUxBllon ateut Ibem.
prrernt tbe Axiee la tn daiip-r ot
ermlnatloD from drinklui:. They
look mdlly to tte nadc-nl tevmgra
Mexico and have rleadlly dem-uer_..aL Tbe few art*, eueb aa l.admakIng and wearing, they |.iaaeaa.-d ihiny

wTTJjnw o nEB RHKintn!

hlng more to tte Axtir than object* I

|£ You Co^dJ-o^


Cure ~r-.KJS

Jlre. J. E. Marep of Inloo avtnoe.
raaaalr. X. J, wa* awakened eartp
tte other BornLm; by Ite noUe of
cutwrtug »llv,Tware.
Jalibing b
buaband lb tte abort riba. *be aald:
“John, burglars are In Ite tenaer
Ur. Mai . forgctfal of the abbrelisted gnnuent dedicated to i--rludf of
somoolcnce. Jumped t» a rlu«-i. seised
a abolgun and ran downrtalra.
found Dol-ody. bu
of plate packed u P ready fur remorak
Then Ur. Uarcy. armed, but not eapIbe FtrerL Strolling
In'tte dlrvetluD of tbe alarmed bouaabolder. rame a IwUted rtllxre. pnl
the abort end uf a dear with evli
r cried Mr. Marep.
-Sure." aald tbe obliging eltlxen.
a Wall *uv« losidres tte dvferebo*
aoUring the gun. •'Aren't you i
of getting reld lu pour coruar* making due fronl a dollar to a mllUon dcdlar*.
But there are va*t eouiblDaUona of
a giwlort- which Included that portion
of Mr. Uare.v* anatomy not covered capital, union* of iKwerful rurponidon* wboM- affair* are being bandied
by hi* robe dc iiult.
r. I*. Morgan * t
Sir- Marry wa. putxbd. •WlU you
wall here ouill 1 mt *oine dotbea on.
Mu.- Tbey are known aa Mon
Ur. llurglarr he Iminlnd.
-Got a cigarr- Imiulrrd the (uppoaed poi'lew.
Tbe no-ml-era of Ite Snu
Morgan A to. are bla *oiu J. T. Mor­
r. Marry, and gan. Jr.; (I'vum- f. Tbotna*. F.dwanl
out lu a nihiute." luld
P. Wbiiiiey. Jamet W. Paul. Jr.: Edhe retired.
Ten tnlLUI'-* later tte two entered ward II. itol'linoiu Edward T. Sioteabury. ItMiert Baron. Temple Howdoin.
(be laUre slalloii.
charge greeted l-rtb tte vl.llir* rot- n-iiii«m plrrwoD llamiUoa. t’harlas
dhilly. They wire nelgblMir*. hut did Steele. George W. Perklna and J. Pier-

.•■paieal rarade.
nol.liui* of Wasblngtoa are
arranging > laradc a* a fialure of
Grand -truly ■-orenii.nM-m WA-k. says
-the Phllad. Ipliln Ledger,
ides 1* lo hat., the two or three
drtvl mavliiiii-* In Dm- city diHvrated
with flower* sud n vlvwrd by Ite pnaldent fr.m tl.e While II"
' '
peci.-d thni S.-iuiior I'hirk of Montana
or Kepres-'iitsllce II. II. P. IV-lmonI of
New York. wl... ore «ithn»!a»'lc anloniohilKl*. will act a* i-hslrman of tl
commlllve of arrangvuieiil*.
Al regular tllstjui.v* In tte line a
to te BcrUoni of Ite MantM- tend
birgc"*. It l« eapcrt.Al lU
Mr. Wo Tine l »iig. who alwayi ente
Into the spirit of such affairs, will be
given t igomlnent position ta the pro-

iwior lu Biiv


father.- bo aald. “Sevemeen year* ago
the father w** arrewied fnr pUjing
poker. The fallier -u*.d to drink
wtdiky and attend Ihowo ran-*. 1
anil nerer give my ron«-m to any
man becoming a NwiBieaur wbo ha*
ourh aoteeedeuu a. tl
r tast'd
Senior CUy say*
Bqoor. o*ed lotaieo
any siaontr In bl. H
Ihli gor. rtin
I than It I. If II it* ofBrlali> o

Trmple j

InGeraaiii, TO per rent, of ma;. .'d
•8 i-er eiiit. of female <aunr la'leui*
•uffer from earner of -Jw dlgrelhe o*



. rUf.tsjied ko- ■•ei**. aneslm-, op.o-.Tirea-»t««e> l.Hweed toteag.
.1 iIhoIso L.t~C be Irtoetiol re* tr------- III. .sm.CCf’C.
- -I.ew-M—•Li 11^ thTc-C

Kiw. lb-v.<c^O?^fC«o*

aeuQuc * so,.


WapM OoMy Book BUg.. DXTBOIt

'sS: ^

'->t5 U Ti»t.»w rlil l»h*l t-*a» ta» Id*** , f-**tv Uf ta.j-ew'r^

Do not alwapa renirc tba aynpaUiy amd attention whitt*
they deserve.
Thdr oilmenU are reenrded ai .purely
imapnerr, or aatnnl and onaToidable at their lime of
iseaoe and tadmity abould not alwaya be aasoa-|
bold age. Theeyeef tbe rray haired grendoire
may be as bright and tbe complenoa os (air as any o(
his yemnger and more vigorous
cs the
every part oi ine Dooy. acmigui^
muscles elaolic and.
' “ *
------------- ' tbe flesh firm; but when
nutritive, health
Ith enaUin#n

tbUhlefioid ta ”
. then there ia a rapid decline of tb<
premature old age aad discaie. Any derangen
shows iUeW id an ulcer, oore, wart, tumor of .

d Trarw**.

S. & S. being purrif vegetable, ia the safest and
does not khnrk
for old people, It
I beat blood poiifier fc

A A*w OrOcC Par Wa*
but gently
uoroogniy cieaaacs uie imodu anu
Eing Kdwanl Ml., accordlnc
Vw' *»_/ Sv—/ MiinBUtto tbe dttilitated organa, when all bodily
New v..rk Trlhtui". I* to ceia.,
now orxl-r. It 1* la.ld. whlvb will coufc
betth.r ou <li*tiiigu>h.-d women. Sine
taif taioL or the ^na of some d^ aadraeted ta emly Itle. S. 6. A
the l•.^nJnc». liurO. IM'OUU* rvcclv.d
aaU ta. Only Ugtal laiat tera ;
will search it Out aad iMwee eaury oeaticn of it from tte aytoeta.
_ ,
will be to rtop all flgfatiag far tarriWfiber degree of civtiliatlon. po*«ihlp ^bvr llilc no woman Uii* I>rso rictaud
I anlp to etlr ap t
to the peerage Wuuw of ter phltanbelonged.'
Dr. Hidllefc* tiroogtit with him many tbnqge beaefactlous
GUBnx|aea flwarnl yiaDuod toy*
----------------btosUful and popolarywng euBple* of tttec handiwork, both t
Ml totatotal atancafar ifaa bettat kax.n tear
aw ta a^sotod ntU tba baariar lady, vMtl
fish ale*T. alia taring tahdad s (farea
al tea had, and tepa It viU baaote
to oowna vblafa hoc flngto and sotoaood ring. Wbito
pcdlUon will make that collcrtlnn tbe i aelplten. daring the rweot l.-ol t
wall aaltUd dUbttal ta a fav paan.
mort complete of li« kind in the world. |
so.-«.d<.ie concrei
boat riding with a party of fReads
••Baandtaartate, PtabaadBaada
ton take at KsAunl Bridge. Him GU- He procured a namber of-kxte.-skull*'tau d.mgbly ol<l Indlsn rhh-f* wbo
BnaattibwteBte,”ald teeaaafatorp
bond by tbe and part* of skeleton*. They will j were prreeni *1 ibv oiUcvrs' dinner ta
kayplnyfolly droj^ her h
ixs. Bu BDjastT srore
of'the bCDL ilnMdlflg her finger*
pologlnl meesuremeuts tine of the bad ngly
Ua ratan to Boekiagteam white laaana lUteraUp- tea talM froto Iba nbbar, nsd vbsn in tbe vtoer. Snddenly sbe felt » rnreat.acqnlaltlon* is s Toll*.- »koU ta ; rerpevt of the offlrera s* l.ratv lighter*.
ot Influence
" known a
ta tbe nog Bngta. *trf,vitb
to nu agcl»'
I Tbedaterteaat at .
0 Jerk aad aereom threw tbe Bab :
laorc ot I w
diiaianihlai la lUpower to ba^
aitracioJ l.y tlu- l.rtght yelh'w of
lal tba roof of Urn vAiels, doBthe Bid(t of bar nstoolebed oob]
t vlU
.( of .freshly mixed tUQittird.
In addition to tb* Morelo* r-gloc Dr. „
Harks on (be fnget nbore (be
tte WalHT to |la»
tte aortban eeaaMaa at Barepa to
fill end
d pot n
11 iD'c
rtog ibow that (b* fieb toek in the eo- nrdlidta visited sontbcni I'ulu -Art- I
-J face »«- hi" «.'"ib
New Mexico ami a great part of m
■- effort* la---------Mlto aaa beat te nlaad te tte aoU.
Oi«Mta CkDWfeld J. Btoilb of FUln■ Vaqul v
tea ladtoda at tba banod nclan be- dalptato. toto Boaaer ot tba BriMah tbeopaikler.
cooslry will reveal what h
in a lorreot. Wllboot a weed
tac abeat Ite aaaa aa that at aartebeen
otaip Oenhta. tea noelred tram
tb" -pot to bla fellow redataBaiepe. TteaoU Utetaaallpfortold be bml no borne
Tbat warlike people a
lading apire'lngly to "
vlUxatlon. and little I* know
ttu. Ite laiafaU Utolatewapaar,
ba* bean found l^f diod from etor
■ rtvlUxa
nod to ibp u*tp.
and tea waUr aapptp U aaide far tte
Ueo looked ta W towd^ box o
r doe* tbe chief eryr
bod gold
I.T h!« friend, who oc
anlUrattaa ot tea Uad aad tar aU
n ef tb* taM ttat be rwv
iffotlng-bto vheeka
ateto paipoaaa. UwUt net te leng ba■K-d that be did not veitt
w of (he Atooriton bork
laea IbU aeatea vUl be
a Jam IT. SO
Id etelta. The examples feasLBUM Molb east af Barmndo. Wbso looked ta th* box 16 days, Oe told. A
•econd spoonful went Into tba
tte prlaotoit who
In weaving will add to
ia faU ta wUb tba
ih ef the uUiee redman. and Wltb
a depertmrot owned by
(vrUa gas* oral ragtag ood waa feebly i«**tai.*gain*t ttolidof
mloa In Ibe world.
hlaeeU ta ah effort-to oee*
-And 'i?hp' do .coo
I tl^ box 1* oht
rst. ■« te noted tbe
a ted baadrada ot paapla. taetadPOINTED papaePAPHS.
(ul satofartlSn.
aboard Iba BUa. Ttao tba Otnnda'a
Vrlrods ou an sbould
friend. Torlbit yog
"I eiKerv-."' *aid bit
neviv fall out
.toao MBoadabeataod tor btadteg itwtae ire been eo eo
did not die when joor brae* graodCar
Every man may have bl* price, but (bar died r—PhlladripbU Time*.
va tokao trSB tba atakiag oetofal ttat Udacoti*^ new ore aa I
eeecT womsB want* a bargatadnatoy viU tadarMopad ta tbeotot
was light tot,
Affertlon <s Ibe Italnrlbal't mltolaa. X. llacrta,aw«o(taylaadovBv wn*t wbleb orltoana* tte faimar* to
bot (bla afltooeao
»oeo alM bttato eoaea
teg rrom a Ireach-of-promiee anit.
-Dear." **« tbe fond motbee. 1
of Vhlaaaov W. Ya.. U waaktag
afaaUBust piBlah yon for dtooteytng ay
o bosk aomiad "Tta TIm <f ib*
Kerth Dakota.
dAwaoUtag to Bible
-neaee. ni.- aald tbe little ooe.
Matrto ta a ootod ^opbek li U
•may I go to my>oom Oral
,eo. but
from of btadteg twtae.
(bat ta loodletod ao yoan ago
IVbeu a woman arytM* wltb a'man
ftfM petaa VN aairtad aC by MwBUlU
talMmtoe flak (boa all abe la outapoken aod be to out-ulked. abe reotloualy fallowed
tta war Witt Bfota. tte trooble beH. ftato Oedac Ladga. wlta
Iriabmao says a woman alwapa
■toatoha^dltopaaUadbyl* & Ptofc. twtoo BrUiaa aad the Bean, tte Galtake* the cock out of a t>icOc bp pnab- “^*’**’ Bnteri wn* kneeHng ta tale
Tta ba^ Bolafaad ta the tatlnwlM eoobto bacrar aod tta bnleaaaat ta and (ta mlUtaBt of Mas of straw can
bed. and htajfeteuteg
u« it In.
reiOre. ( ■’
HMItalqot. BaaayaatalUIBlviU ba aonrartod Into tow (tan aad ship­
rise wife dem't onnopt
^'-Dw Lord. If yon ercr wanted le
ofltaHgfaMoea ped to tta twtaa taeaortto aad aaa- age btv htatend; ate cluipip: feed*
help ^tttle feOow In troaUe. uoW*
vtoMd tato tte aaab fleuitad fcedsat. and truets to hicL
dtod Md Id IMl Ohrtat wiU eatos
Imbecars oaipleped ta tta rabway
•tamlllBtotam WUl flaws.
p areragr girl to a
crentore. ^^.e w hipptag wa* IndeSnHely postI make (an af a J
I atcAsuc sad latayutoe
a W. FhllUpua^aaflar ot
Tort -—'na
Eren'na Bun.
Haooal Uadar, Tmrwm

babbp at Seontoep WUaea. efteaacAU bape at atoptag tba abeUraaplrtonltetol dapartat. la tea nalaaa- dtede ta tba PhUipidaaa baa bate
«te at vtel toe aallad tea bninad du­

BE mm


I thfte eoeip*nle*-lbe SaUoaal 7
4 toter •* •• I tte V—*
Brillab and Metewnta
Xonb BrUlab
SBinnee company of Laodon aad EdtoImtgb and the Nann Bntiabnnd U«rcsatlle In*mnac* roeipanp a( Sew
Tart .
K.Morgaa was a at
Bren Gnarge W, I>ertlaA to wbom
tbe dftaU of the great
*bC Hackavre Care eoT^hm
refeered by Ur. Morgan when Bbibiqi ew
II n aT>3t*. nuaiec h-V Itaur broached the *ub>rt of a set
>bip la thai
ttoisenl on their recent trip acroea tbe
Js gndnatk
lOoo. eays tbe New AlUntle togrtber. U turned a< a dl
-- --York World. Ula father wanted bUa rector la onlp four eetnreUr*- Bat the
coettnne the rsnane* of the grant
t•^nen■could *1-01
tanking bone*, and the cap aad gown enUre time aUendtnc dirertor*' i
thlnlng light. It le told tbat a tag* had they no mnee imiiortani u*r ;
abort tune efler Morgan tad left col- for tbelr boMnem bourn.
frlend met Us father and a*bad
lew tb*
the bop wa* gettliig on.
« indlr
of the r.«ntry. T-be
-tt-hy. ttal boy wUl break tbe whole leading
rorld ona of ibeoe days,* replied the, toUl espltauaxlon
of *o.h propeetl.a
older Morgan.
v- —-------, 1* eotlmated at $u.«*kS«u««> UreUea
lo the unpcTtebtlon* comer aOcr at | tU* vs*t aom. cnIkt grrel acromnU33 WeU etrect. Xew-York. where,tb* I tkBs look imaa Tte gold ,v.ln aud
errs of J. I*. Morgan A Oo. Mt* In coo-' geld reruftrete* In the t'u:u-d Slate* ;
iro) pf th* floaoce* of many of tbi* Imosury only amount to al*>ut
coontr}-'* Indoaule*. tte riinvagant j OOQ.lJta>. and yet ihl* I* unpn<vv!<tiTed.
predletloa of tbe eldee Morgan U
e gold .-oirad ■
tbougbi of. Tbe whole world already
look* to that «,«ce for It* tw wten- BILOOO.ouO.
erer any iramaction Involving million*
The total nuBlar of human ta-lng* In
b^aCteevWTB porttaa the Heed
—wbetber It te a war or • coal *mkv. the world 1* reumaled at 1
on amalgamation of oteamablp ami
Tte pulillc >
railroad lii«w or tbe financing
bankrupt fclngdom-l* op for dtaru*^
The rntlre-revmne of tte f<irt} th.-e*
IvLncIpa) nation, of ibr «v<rld for th*
TTwre ere Iwelvv partmn
year llaw «*■ 4.VMo>.XkUi3.
firm, and rtevrn of them look after de
a Trsvelee.
tails of the vahou grtac ecbrmr
wbleb have given to the language a ; Tte *hah >lu>-* iHd !•>
new wont -Jlorgenlalng.'" There 1*1 provv of rapid rellwny irateliiiB. *a>* ,
only one Morgan on wUiee life Eng- j Home Sole*. \Vl--n li , a*, la lUly. ,
llab lnv.wti,r> aud *pre-uLa(ore take out. be give oribre tbat h .« (raia abould
Insunnre iwlleire p*y»>C f Nt real' not iravrl fs.ier than t •vviity tnllra an I
' hour, and on finding lh.vt the speed I
^ N» dirt or Ddor.
Tbe enjoaiit of vaidlal nnd<T rontnA i wa* Inmawd during tlie night to I
^Docs not aoll bnhda.
fmui (be osier it Broad and SVaD j about twi'niy llrr nilleI Laata langor thM Dttoto I
«ln<-l* l» I« rb*'|a treater than tbe to-1 slated on hl« reh- l«-iiis oirred <,ut.
I Binds. Glees ftaDat }Dt I
U1 amount of gidd coin In Ite world. : The only del lathm fn.iii It that I„- a! .
It rciweaeni* MK-b wealth and |»wcr I lowed wa> that bv «l>t,e.l all ■•reil.le I bUcB luatra.
aa never befiwe were ctalraUud Is tte! epee.1 to Iw i«it on In the luiim 1- *o
hand* of one man.
J that be might rvDiatii
n of tbe twrtee

^y arelnferlor to lteYa<i«ia, farther
north, and are ateolutely dominated by
the Mexleab* abont Ibera.
-ttopentltloD and lea-end ohme re­
main of Ibdr vorablp of
mrtb and tbe llte god. They h:,ve
braced CbrlatlauJtr. Tbe eLurcLre ere
bXBlrd In the middle »f iLvlr rtllagea,
aud tbe rervlree are behl In Kiianlali.
bare un deatrvyliig I'ffeet. boveier. on tte Intcerliy of tbelr
laoguagr. Tte eDdect blirwIyphlcA
wbleb here never teen di-.lpb.v«d niNl
bold Ite
greet rlvlllzatloiu ite |,r<we unable to tninalaie. Tbe
art of writing bla luogu^ Laa gone wit
attiilmtee of.‘ former time
niille a frw cab rend^nd wTile f|>ai
orant." I>
tte mn}ortl
llrdlirka wee 1
not know IL The rrel thief ha* oot
been captunsl.
ny proviiiee to talk I
dt that.'for eclrBtUl* are Jreloas of I
b oiber's prerogative*- I can ouly j AUTOS FOR GRAND ARMY.

clew to the am BoweraMe iTolilcm of
Aoeordlag ic Peter B<ille. one of tte tte old Artec t lion and lt« origin to
pnpnotor* of tbe Fonpaugh & Brill be obtain^ fr ID (hr rontlere trite.
Broa. atreaa. tte etrene hai perfaeied Ueaaurement*
of Iniareal'' vUb tte preaent raiw
Beffalo BIU Wild Woet aggregatlob
and tte BaroBB ft BalUp ibova Aster* etew- that tte
cal lu tbla rtwpeot.
Hr. Balle mid tbe other aggregation
of the featnre* of t
■Igtied a eontnei a mouth ago. and with t
banoelerth ttep ar- to be oanaged bj
the Barenm ft B alUp. Umiled. o factory oo aceount of
lioadea. BogUuA ' ■ Baeb oospaap.' dree*.
-Tbe Axtee doe* not confine himself
mid Hr. Bell*, “nialni iulndlrida
alltp aad vlU dtaad on Ita own legs to the Uoreloe region.' Ur. llnllleka
eooUnned. “1 have *.d>n a full blood­
The fdw U to hare one of tbe bl* ed Altec ta tte clly of Uexli-o. aud It
ibowe .la tbe Ualtod Btatee each peai . I* not an nneommoD tbluc to find thriu
aad one la Great Brttala and one oi
omallrr towns. Once away from
tte oCBtlaant. Tbe Baranm ft SaUej
Indivldr rraage*. bowevrr. their li
eoatwnp, Umiled, of Loadoo. Sag.
Uoa, Inteede to oontrol tbe oirooi
ttep are alikr^ end om- map dlv
baalnom of the eonUneat aad Gnat
the Axtec only Iw blv pby*Brttoia aa well a* to retaia a ctroag
IcalctanctcrieUcs. Tbcy areo l.rnnch
bold upon tte fteld la. tte Oalled of tbe Xabua race, lo whk-b tin- TolBtatee. 11m Bnt nttai of tbrmergar
«*. who preceded them si>d roaejud

vSM nibsad and the I
Oaarge A BewdMn. who** atoe* aka
to sc S WaB atrert. ha* an aeSte toad
to the dtoeetton ef a damn gr«l
pecadate na a tofsber *f ito bauta af


•gtag u aUftaly. Ttaortftni.toir«>with too }ev*l* aal In U. is vMoad





- - ■ -aits.n=T=.— ~ChiMp. ud AttoB Ry., “ THE OSLY WAY "
from Chkftgo and St. Louis



*r> r»se'T-U to

rt------ ---------


rr PAYS TO SUV or us.

ItoOtotaa, Oadog Itodfo. J. M. Salgoal
(ta. Oadto Lodge. 4tk
II fit floslM
floriaf th*
tte vaTagalef
vaTncelef Ita* voeIta toUtw COHO* MM WM «w by aalbutoOelaatoHowTatt. 8s wm
sutoflad te Baooka K. B^** bool feoto TtoVtow
lya. ll ta ttaagh *faa* wbUe toanlag
WUl Sonww'e boat MoaoA
- by vtoBacibpatt. Mlab., Aog. fiO-Tt
MANr Uatowal VMtos Mgal. who WM
A* taoto too ftMtaltoa^orwl

. Kew Toik. I
Ifs ntber dWraltp
Ick to (be truth for at
Utoto ta tte ahapa <*
flm baby bcgle* to sap tLlngi.
baU aade oi biaoi aad wUbon fvacy
wbo runs may tioid—and U ta attrartlag atteatJon. eaye tta OIcbsb
baadlaitta UUaf aabttaomawaad.
BvBitag ruoL II I* owned by flas W.
powfltrflaak. Tta bill ttM accaoM^d^ t^ ^^tliettib HUcr. Tbe btod bo* twice eoraped
ef tta award ovidMtty hod bna ttafl- oary eulnnms aezt day.
baa tta nea. but baa b«a raaapA toon waatM man tUne dariag a land oarily. bto
flndwittpraolonatottoto TtaUitto
aCtoloai.nBdMU townalmoo

tta ttittola.''a 1





PnAto* coon «< wad

.*!i atoT-

A tVaet bacAwBtd oAaa n
Botttog fward. Veoca of tUa gM‘
uattoa woald btip tbrathtt aad
etoan naar tltota bj plaaatoc abtdd.
act ooly at to food tad food appUta.
bat la IbfliHlt ptotoeal oattof%
banalvayta Ocaaa
of Ml
toga, a half donai baadfctrehirft i
away, with tont atprdaUy atot


,______ ■ dng. aad toterfott
tbt iapoMBOt of tot netal dlteor«, ofDr. BdMad Otrittoo of »«r
dM daya otM laabd.
York, “toal totR It a toit. twlfi aad
Bbt ItV at play OTtU tot bay. I
r traand aatidoH to aarbeUe
roll apoe tot grcaad;
abat good to liUla boya Ilka Mt ad
tdC” toaaot bt ortt-tttoattd.
laoTOtyatadovaoek: .
TtaU aatidoto V oouiee eidtr tiagtraa tn lev Meat,
.ad atMo br tot bmkaldt
. aad If lit Tslaa la toto tetpaet
Aadnya aba doato*! atod It If a falMM
TBBptV K •ont^.twai
ant u tolad. It V rlgbi a<'
low*a toeto la awaet.
Br all toa lonlr Uktaa.
&.teiif to «rpv
Ttry w
to alBOat ortrr bost. Paw b
Bar totoga an alwoyt "
Vito amr • mV'* Ka^ S
beldt an vltooat earbolie add 1 laioty <
adtoay-n better toaa yaa bay.
SM I'M •• to« vtoto to v«to«tito>.
_____ r oa cloart totWtt.! hrtlTOoa tllppet» tor wUl. ba»t tbt
Too oogbt to toata. fee toatoi
8«ft«tod u to* tor It lci«.
MB.4. .. aa aatUepilelt irtll |Mi»rortiag fetltog tliat tfao It
of Onadma'a taory pla
Batototot to nda ar totoUM.
It to toe paavy. •way op
iB-toM «lto tot »bto ■$ teof. '
raeoax toeU. aod oarritai dr’-aiUiSbt kc
Mn A.------- nlttd tont oblldrei
o tot totofJoMt tttt
rltooot ttptoial diaealty. M Ibty
aha Milt yetf
Doet onr bare to nakt tto aaax|wetad I Aad wbaa yoe'rt good
Tbt gnma. wlU totofi tliM cmt.
ran bUatad wltb good bralto and worth a poQod of ean. aoddaott will rioantr. it torn u aotbing to do hat
• yoo oaa gonad btlpyoamlf;
Tbt citm t< tot «tU ltd Ulr.
ood dlapoMtioot, bat toe foerto ebiid
Bis Aameto Brady. Cor. Mr. IIU. <
ellmb ap OB tot taml tad nt a
Tbt toa«lt of fast btlov:
rat a bright, actlre. telfwinad boy.
Bab VomaB’t AUlaBre. bed
frltbd' Tbt pv. (tod lift <rf tot mt-lofa
.rbo tarty tbewad that totnlatnd
■todache, Backarke ud
drng bantofen nppoard to ba toi|> wnb a womta Wh» tlware did And wbea tb>' nd ialot oi
Tbt ^tonn toti tloirlr toll.
rMotatioda whlto bad taffload for
BerUM iBdlgertiea.
Tbt keg. Mill tlopt €i tot Muilnwi tot otoMB troald Bot oostiel bis.
u aaemag fatal poitoa.
Jtod OM't tkr vrtc aUI
the fact wen geoermlly knowa
One of bar gnoteti trlalt OBBt fi,
hU dltlika to ba balbed or anu hare t^t half a eopfal of riaegar. dllnud
a role- A tnembrr of tbit womaa'r
tiomSSDuU.iU avmar. Phlng... 111.-.;
hU feet irato.^ BtolUtog toal ht with aa ^aalmmeaol of water,
Tbt whliptr at woodltad twtt.
yon to he good.
BBd eaeUablr. tot tried lowed to .few jnioater by a aerood ifamily wlltHy ~»jr. "Thtogtare a!auitfaM* Mtfwle Im '
Tbt eaU ot • bldtoa brooUtl
an-jwtyt'doae here at ibt iatl tatoalt Some dt>t I go a-fithli.' in MacMor. MerwFWwr* / kRuau »t(t mtcb t*ooold b
hit aatiiatoy to water
Tbt naRDor of tltenr tott;
-Ladltt- World.
._i___ ____ i.k ki_
, ry-. pool for pike.o U>a p(
bamtltd. mr mtrttt ttmti lo gh*!
Tbt dlmaet toU of tot toontor
carbolic aoid, while i^ttog for the.
And Otandma fill, my dlaatr Mil war. nag / bad Aackacbe. budetAe
Tbt dflp of toe tUrtr fato.
with tblagt tbt kBowil like:
ood aertoo* toddesioa.
bat tliU prewwi
Tbt ttoititd nth af a tqalnal
^I^ooe "'an %f**toirpoli«° wotdd Wr all know bow bard it it to knp 1 toil sy boto ud threw it ia and
aad wet tody
••Om of mr Mead* enarifrd tbat I [
, a room tidy and clean wb.n^n Iran
wBtob. tUl by and by
VboB ba waa old esongb to go to be Itatsiad if not tiopped.
Uw nqaint all poitoa. to btjlnrtlld to It. aad bo* dlfflcnll - I tc<-n> to grow real baogry for a piece Uy Ptnma. It tttOiolf acuo llkt
O tot tototi oat fttlt a-Wriagl
Mbool toertal troable bagaa. Kot
Tbt tore* tot
toe feet toal be liked hit D3>rked a. tacb. aod tbe deilrabnlly k.-ep tbe air twr. t and pnrr. wlthont
-WKbla lea dgya I kb aew IHe eat
A.toriac to nrpv tothioa
tebool aad traatad to go wito to« of tpeclal bottlrt in tlmoe and e..lorilo»ltlng MraogbU which might |*ove
eabbglr^mesaad bruklaraaee. :
nn*! :• a problem
and waltud wall,
Vito DtTtt a grptr't load:
ether obildnn. ba wonld baglii to kirk foroolM.Doa.dngn, lmtbi.-otoggr.l-' dangrroc. lb.-Tn.
hgbtett ranuin* nr.yp- wonder if the fi.h weald MU with aaloaa/ dEu- off aad oa wbee I fed I
pot to gtneiml pttotloe.
IMlgtd la tot warid of btaair . aad annas when he taw bar approach- «d. but tr
extiB tintf. I keep mr ««c» fa per.!
lid be better lb sy eBitna- er will make a noin iryfbg «<>
grudnia't Se lor bait
A raptott of lort aad pEBltt
tog with tba batto of water Ha«ing
■—iN/SSA. B«40t'.
icd nerre.
nerrci and a l.r..oni
—Good Honaekreping.
Abd a wiU to oakt Ufa tot UMO
BO lisa to parlay with him. tb.- wat lioa. would be to patt a law reqalring enrd
togaiM a di
fona.di>d M tbe dt lfa.t trrry poltoo toonld hart tU an­ . d It aimTor tolt glGiT ot oopoS* dvtl
I.- war a traln-^ nor-a mat
Mribtd It. "bad a pitebad battle erery tidote plainly printed on tbe Ubel
•-.'or three moclh-i I .ufl-r-.i Wito
• whlob loft lior I
mop. Arm lulling a litth ammooiu S tbe .-diloY-a deto thi. merutsr- bat ~in 1b Ibe hark and le tbmgl-n the
..XM. aod ttoBcrreA
, tknllaud eroM-boaet.
kidneys ud a dull prc—log .. n-^in-o
We all keew tlial qoiek csetiet an tbe water. Wring thr mop at dry a. toey are going to wait aolll nnolber la tbe abdomen, ud other .} mpi-na. of
.. a Kototr-t BeMing held to eonVbj tooaUM tooe «U todar wllb
Batoion wito tot lonl -htodtrgarlen tbr ani reniediet when poiton. bare jaa«lMe ud with it g- oror toe cmirc- Afak. wbNe w. h i yoo nnd i
. pelvic catarrh.
Tbit take op tbe dntt- ■lory that iia. oomr to a. alt the way
wort Kn A- ------------ iwnrotod ber been taken, hot to an tmergeoocy.
flat after Utlng. two holll<a of IVmAfixrwnrd
lamcntlrely well,belli-rthu lever
probIts aad atked lor l*l^ The peei.lly when lifoUat tiakr. memory;
mored.iak-' op ilio larger fwftioletud Doagla. QautOB. ray. ibe Bead lo be wa.."—Mr*. Tuny KUvto*u. her.
.Mitn nggattad that tbe try to knp and FW'n oomboo aente fly off a( a
‘Om otaiabot all vltb tart sott
•mPet of tbe Berald Vouag Folk
tangent, aad though we may ra.II
Send for.-Bealto Ud IV-.uI.t." wrltltii
s qotet by taUtog him a
that wa. ao long ago that elie
tbi groond mottard. alom. powden-d (ronj •loilcpccUUy for women l-y l>r. S. n. IlstDaabtbMtouHtaUlclTa Ibta,
at tot gtTt bis a bath,
A ter.«L. or. larking tint, a blukct
toe U forgotli-a. lad. ed toe I.
nit teaohto toen told ttveral .Mriet cbalk. etreng aeida magnetla and othfor toe WM a dear girl of o. '
toingt with oopioa. drangbuof ts--.d orrr a couple of ehalii will, if
_itodtot& andentoBdiug of Millimp- rly placed, pi- rent lb.- air itriktar away tuae, and we are
Oalr bo itoadraal. a^ warn.
dnB. and tpokt of the pOMibillUe. warm water ar.- glrro
'of poiton. wbiefa antidott to girt for iog tb-- pttl--iit wbll- lb-' glad tou we ru toll to bear from
Vor Mtk MTto'a bToir
Tbi. 1. tlu .loryBalfott;
frttbfnUem to duty aad oth.-r aorroal oxallo aeiA lodlat, amnio, laadaaom op-'urd to purify to- aimorplicn.
Bat tb* rosbT wu by no m-ao.
<* wliatevor tbe ilrng Sty !>•■, and the
Tboa kapwtM aba* Ood wllto
killer], fs be wm lllicov••^•d . f--w
A >V»
Mato Motor.
daoper of admtottl.-rtng (be wroeg
boan lets perebid ao toe bam y.rd
Five riwr.
« "Picture Club"
Doeald McKay, with bu family, gale.
thing, orerwlielm. one witb fear.
tor aU bit enaiant. ao for toot,
agad to try tot. plan. When tlie hour Tbe family medical adrlter which -a. orgulu-l iu a Kew Englud had ]B*t migrated from a toaibera Ttot ihe bird »m >(ill alive eeem- d
to toeir DCW farm home in tbe Imoet mpemataal to Mr. McKay ud
Msa M Whlto abe oeaaUy gave him might antwer tbe qaettne, to. nobody iwn. Twrt-.-- m. lubcr^ lix of cub
knowt when, at toe eitai som.-ol. •X, wrr-' •-tirnr-'d. Each member north. Beaid--. Mr. McKay ut
deoidlag toal more poei.hmrol wm
wlf-- tbe family eomsleed Mary. amleu hr decided to-rag* him if fsaad than ".iHng bis mid. -Oh. bal if we oonld md oa toe total boi. owo-v! a camera, or borrowed oar.
.agreed that daring ibe nmi
i year, of age, Tom. a boy of torr auoyed. Bel tbe eoek bad i-vlFiaakla. I beard neb an laUKoung tie what to do at eeea, life and nffer•May aboat a U-ar today and I will ing might be tjmred.-Imdtee-World ench woald UL<- aa many plictc«ra|ih. iwi'lve. ud Joi-y. the l-»bj.
dently had uoogh ws with bioi. f-r
of varioB. apni. in thi- town or i
Mary wa. a g- nile,' timid girL very be never ssla sole>t--d him ud in­
I vbile 1 rlrr TOO »oor
---------------------oiiiily aa i«talblc. ud woald try lo ■nd of peU, ud wm tbr ewnet
It U pretty 1«*> Ih tot
For ta* Hick RaoB.
deed nmdr it a point lo k-vp cot of
Bbwtrtot dayi nod tnsx
.V light .trp, a aoft tonrh and a lo<luc<i elh<-r> ODUI-Ia of the clob to lltUo lamb. wbloB like tb.- one of ber bi. way.
with alaarity and a
bBtpatoapa tot bnty bento laetotn tbt rtoiy tbat bn Old aut te
fabh-d ]g<-deoenor. poaeeeed a fleece Tbe rocMrr'i- nerbtm- et wu dm
to reel- •wlui. eonuy fae.- an tbtr.- impohaat
Bdgbt flad awBytottoalafewdayt lattoatbtw la ihewaterand being rti4iil.lT<t for tlir
«-lrctod. made into .lid--, ud M whiM M mow. ud WM a.aaUy to lone toward hi. muis. tot tbe
of nal to tot plnasnl aatasn tlmt. aenbbed with a roogh watb rag.
eelrd wlieo, in Ibe be fou.l al Mary'.b<-eU Mr. Mc­ whoh- family, ud each U tom bad |
club allowed Ibe piet- Kay’. purobanofthe farm locladed tlieir dul with him.
wUak. todatd. If It U not tot bttt of Hit toilet
next Dorniag oor let thow who sett b>- ta tix- iioi
tola year afctBot,lMa. tota tot year to totaonon.
on a tsei'n. The admiution
tome fowl, asosg Vanwd bowers by Mr. HeE»T'.|
of "jaek and room, eithrr at path-Di sat anrti-.
ftntoU wiu aotban bad aay mry
wbito WM a wblU rooMcr. noilreable expsicBS tliev were pr--parto fs uy
ntpriUng amooat of o.mfort may fixed at twentr flve orate. Tbe "
analalk,’ aad dayr afur day tbt A ntpriUeg
gskl llntt M tor an eattog wtatoar U
Clol. ExhiWtion" bat no*
beenoM of bt. inammoUi .iae ud kind of rMepticD.
goefat wat followod. and tbe bi' giT.-oa tick premn by timply tom"the ivoDi of lb-' .--.ton" in the beaoly. Th.- eiwk dl.playod extraor- Tomud tto hired muafis vartou
«t tbt eiory k.-ptlibe child teg ud UBOoUiSg the pillow Uiet
. Tbe cerarttv of the hall I. rtinary InUilgenot-. ud baviog boon a Ulaok. finally woa by throwing tbe
qaittaaddooito. Ai Hr. A ---------- be. t-.'Wmr liM aad ommjdeA
»ra>rmb.-r that "a merry h.-art do- turd, ud thr .am of money mind great |at of hi. forms owner*, wai
>n> u Mr. McKay
av« "Tbe ebars ttlll wetta"
maoh attached to them. Ue tbs had doae.
OIA tosUlai fairy Miet aad many rtbgood llkr a mrdloier," and keep raoh Tiar ir alwaye a bud-.oatoto tor a
McKay, efts a svm taslr,
I Mortat bare been told again aad yonr fare brlgblaadebeery. Bare all The money it ply*-a to tome tpceial oogbly reeenl>-d the latruMoa of hi.
tosstrnosto, Ivwrltartoyt:
town object.—'Ladiet' llomr Joaraal. aew Douctoor. ud w-l about witb a finally eooqo-red him by etudiat him,
again. Hit. A'a------- prime eb)eol
If Motoan WM« at win m they ai« tet beta to dtouaot bit atteetion. bet leTslid
deienuiiiatlon worthy a bemu bcleg.
head iengeaoagh to l>a*eet- |
. Prara Marmofto".
toty, alto, woald .lasaad i tba power of tot Maty U sen than It 1. often a eomfort to. an uealld
Imordforev.-r tto btmto of any sdinyaarty Tanttoa at toalr }oM par«nl
TUe fruit lor thi. leetorve. which i. 'Tbe monilBB followiog that of tot- ary fowl
lellaloaefor a Uiae.witb tomeMto. Be work to tot world to son
Vbe can etttmate bow snob a ohild boayMary, wbo daring tbi* time wae 111
■itodtog and son enaettog. an antod Imme torongb isaglaaUon* High lUny wbta tick dliillkt fbe« le<-liDi floTOO'd ud <iette ripe. Ib^b per- (o toe bam t-> do the obore. Brtwoea la bed. Ueieaed with aetool.htsat
tofto toatoftoe wntimn cf toslly- atplntloM may be kladb.d by aaeo- tlmt Mmebody it coaitoBlly walcfalag
fooily voot.A Pare. rton*. aiid weigti. jibe boon ao-I the bare wm toe ben- andchlldiebmom to tor sire related
Bbt to to a Vtodmill wbnra, dayaftor dotea of gnat sea. Many homely OTtr them.
ud lit it boil for threi- quarter* of .a
». A* he emerged from ht* door- bs cOBoeroIng toe belllgrteal cock.
day.tot gmt
ud advuced down the patb to "Jael wait!" abe woald sy. "jen
tretht an taaght in qnalnt folk-lero eo»U nolM ara rcty IrrltaUar to boar. M<-l do not foil to .Ur 11 oftoa
taod tt dnttoa, wUb tow dltoMUu
tbe tiek. aad ean thonl.I bt takeo daring toot time. Draw it from tbe nctlred thi- n».ur .ludiog amr toe wait antil 1 ou gb out of doom
• a^ by aad by It
Wllb u rxpecunt atlitode.
To my mlad a eblld't tdnaaaoo i. ibti tot door doet bm tqeeak. that do flre Bd-l (tir in thr ug*r. allowing
ru dare Mr. Bt^l-v to inoIoM aw'
1 w bar. Sbt b
dadsinit If ba doet not lean "Bed loom board in toe floor raltl.w. that throc-iuaner. of a jiuDDd of ragar to A. be drew nmr llic rooser erenobed Before I Voald M a ebiekea SlaiA
ses and Irrltotod. Bbt lorn btt Bldlagboed aad tba VeU." "Tlie toe cnrtaln doe. net flap'annoyingly, each poaad of fruit Allow it to boll
Mr. McKay WM withlB .
abats aad people faegto to arold ber nna Btart.' "OladeTrlla." etc., aad tbat ptepit do not .peak In a Italf again, tolmmliig .-arTfoly. Boll Are few yard- of him, br gave a bage
lanVtd of nektog btr. BaU ai tot titoer from book, or from hit laotoer't wblipu.
mmole., then add the ttrSoed jaire Kiaawk as uUke a wswbeep. flaattsa tUt ii aototog bot toe protoM of tlls-Baataa Brewa Book.
of oae or two lemoa. - two lemon, to
. wing* ud made a laage fs
orwwroagbi aatva. Bar aagglag aad
four iiouar of fruit), ud .ontinae
I’.bmd. Mr. McKay.quiteanftoWtag aad toarp tpeatoat an tba
I aiway. am aa old glngbam or oal- boiling for tiirr.' mlnoU. longer. arepared fs »neh a whirlwind of mr- IB toe iweerace of a maeb Im foraid ory «< toa orvMikag aarrat and a Ut­ Tbe faet toal eblldna gramblt a w apron. Calico 1. betur for daM- Two minale. alter Ibi- tagur ii iilmd prtw, eomhlned with tbe feror with able fo.' thu toe rosUr wu maaalr
ile nal and '
. iMl dtal It iMklagly imprttnd apon lag famUatc. aod t fcotp it weU d.m. in, add tbt bluchtd kernel, of iwri < wblob to. eook .tradknim.wu pmrly of being.
bar to b«r notmal nit again.
ooe la tot tasawr tlmt. wbta oxear- pniedwttoooalelL Then tb"*-1. no Ibe venchea- ThU marmalade, ill kawked down. Kot knowing tbe Mary longed to 1iMt.-n lb* time
Hot or daM flyiag aroaod aad ooe
mMi other. i» Improv.-d hy pnmlng
Bba doat not Ska lb Sba woald MonboaUi
e of tor remt-ir-. aelionu toe
wlicD rtie could m--et tbi. parrietdal
make the cornet, olaanar alto It >
totak It a erima If tot otm oeatom. wito Ibt y
III* fraitthrongbaoieve whea partial­
-«tiag BMB toiled toe eorfc by tto biped.
platod goiat off •aywhvt witooat Om will tee whole famlHe* of ehU- a. well oa oak at wmlnot fnralton ly boiled. Kolhiag cu be ttaer thu iU bend, toook blm • verely. -torr* him AI hmgih ber lain eame 6be bad
dradflag miamf toe toildna with btr diOD wito tost poor, oterworkrd and I often go all orer my oak wood­ flavor, wbleh would be injored by ) toe groond ud i»ooeoded oa
tied a sven lilB'-n ud war al-le te !
addkig the ngar at flr*t.
aad la toal tot dote aot only bottolf mother "toUag" all tot bandln and work in tbe toau way. ooly ke«i
Util-'. It WM eprlog
bag tot toUdiw a gritroaa wroog. baaktu, wbUt the amall .tyranu in toe elolU qqtu wet wito tot olL
Ko eoounr wu hU took tamed
tlmi- and the wrathtr wu warm. Sbe
breeebee and apron, will la idly
drtn and maket to* woodwork
Bebody fcaowt wbai Unit nartyn
ward toe tosVr, thu Ur latis. tol>
li<ilr.etr>-ll in ibe 1
«> nt-w ud Blot baoido* Uklug off
nbldfOB an at toa ba«dt aad toagat
Ume witooat ur wamimr cry. made yard, ud walked abooi eo]ojiBg tbr
ttl«'toonTWilaolV>Bl»«toom. And CT.'iy hit of dutl.
Mp- eUlly good wito cold meau in bot
cliarge fs Mr.McKay-*
ST ud eu.Uihr. when SI M .
they ate
Aeolbor moo way to gel rid of dut w.«tbet. 8.-hct .mooth-toltmed lem­ luding with terrlBe forcr U
.MS iben WM awi.-ked eqaaek la-1
Tbt ptorttb. fretfsl ohlld woald al- 1 farnitnit. Ctotoially if one hat tbe
back of bi. nsk. Imi-eddlug hi* .pan bind her ud eomrtfalug .track tbr
tuongli to drlre toe motber old .tyle with hcarilr ewr.-d hudle* ■ de.ea leman. allow thrt- onoce.
bU oisblog ud iwckiBg wito toek of ber head with neb fore*
lato UttU ettotam do at t
to toe detwert-oarred toblot ud Itgt of mit. Remove eeed. from l-mco mlgbi ud tuala at bU bair u-1 oeok.
.be fell to tor groand. Tam.
toantto olaatU drama.
of forntnire whioh an amotl Impottl- u-l rab toll lou to--(lire. Mix fol- IsecDtod to ws at toe ecek'.roiulaoi, DM a yard aw.y, inpartng fs a eec
blc to eleu with cloth or daM bretb OFiog
Mr. McKay again tare him lonu<l ond vaU. y wa. toe raoet-v Hr ap*■ each of clore*. mu
-bot yoo ia.t S-t a null otlnt bnuh
Chrewhlm vl-ih-Dtly to the graanA
U toammy wito her ebUdrmi and lunett aad toUdrta tore Inn.
p.«rml fsmidabl. oaoogb -te l-are
Dlvielng tbs tbe tooets rmlly trlgbteaed a mael- olds ^d l-older
tdwod by toun—wbootary year blrtt "I baUert giaUtodo asoag ehU- ud try it. afur wetting It lo- toe o|L cnyoniie; 1 wo oanev. «acb of aia.tard
dna U a dead rirtot.' mid a "giand- It look, at welt at tornltb ud dty. iced, allpeis. while J.'iqar ud freto waged wsagalnet blm. be drtrrmiiH-d p-noa tou Mary.
ajaatottosalnartii tojenstand
—,.1^ homndi.b. Put il»-«llc<v td-l-mon
to Itave it oat wHb blm at
two wttki wllb barobUdna wbUa tba sa" toe ototr day.- "My danghter'e
With ool-Mnlebad wing, ud briuled
lone Js In l^n wHh i
Throwing aSde bi* cos. lu-'beaeto ilainag* henppmred itos bU naiaml
toot off aad Skat a NM. Wbaateor I ohlldiae bare ao* mon-tooaght of toia between: iwnr over
bUfskiipatoahlL. I>ud..u-I mMfvd Un udbeMoedtoen.fii. whole body,
got to toa polni," tbe syA "Itot lag ttoabfal for. aaytotag tbeir
laam of white Jwim-' vin.-fs fs tottle lo amartug rarestae.
aaU gire tbam tbaa-Well.
otarytolag tot oUlAtea do worrit
qaiverlag wllb rag..
They aoor|il abd look for nun
bealed to the boillag i«lci. Let uud Tbe eock. now tootoagfaly u
IWaio Her.
wtaM toair laagblar and noln
sa }asp aad I oauhsyatU Molding What they get Ita't at Diet at
tosMo my 1. a pleuaat ac- fig VI boon then aicjeudMiBlo ud made rmdv fs uotber attnok.
I u to
Be walked roududroea-l la aetr- WMld do. tbaald
toes for viBet and sake MMattle to- oblld't when falbtr bat rwtee tbr oompuinuBt fs ntot> every tort of bolll' fs ai<moMy
ptaa to sy hatband, 1 knew I need a
ole aeverut bmeu toon with a bartb with hs. to. gav.. on- look al
flto ud mmt. Te sake it. .Itoo wilbKruiBgXan..
eqakwk that wooldnol have diagfWeed
. laM aad ohaaga. I might May at
pe^itig eight qnaru of gn«o touomy and with a piselng wail
hM and tort a rpaU of tlekaati and
band of Bioex. to made n faarfol fs help fled to to. bm Wwkwiib
maioeeVad twclra laige ealoBa Add
did for 0.
■pMd tot sooty la dootote' UUe and ear foben aad i
Hum fonr capfoU uf mgmr. two M tton iMI y--iir’. oaU la which to plugc at bU ulagsilet-e bcaA
tor traal HIbm. ud tto fright, to*
Bo matt'i If. the
stdirtai tot I like tolur a eeaplt ti
McKay wu tol. lime qaita nady fs fell falBllngoate toe flos. ud ii wu
kite of viaegar, .two tal-'-npoonfoU l«ek egg. swiotcr ou> It i.
erer to tsall It mtaal mm ^ aalt, two UbK-^woofeU of groond .ffc to aer aew onto, they saM be a buaasilutu'dclaiobedbts BoU- eevsal day. befon toe wu again able
Vtoka la aootoar oliy-a rlMt to aa
I know of solhing
;ltBg fs eeoanly to to br oak
oU trUod oraqaUt uayatahetal. to u aad wt tnaeand It for toe ml tOnek pi-pps. 1*0 SblctooahfhU of
elean. roavenimi ud mrc. .
wbirt 1 play 1 as a tototlor girl aad aftoerglrtr. U oty dMgbUrglr
looked St him ts 100* Use s
Tom.wbo from oraud ib* cous of
tat Vtlto rarthiu U midalgfai aad go tba bblldma a party, aad work, rary ot^el^
Irpice. *0^ toeee lo- I k<-]<t eggattau. locked in early toll iboogh drismiaiag wtoi had beat be tto bout WM a witaas of tto eetu.
tord to make it a .aeoeea U it U
leDI Euur am- year, ud tbr box lone with eo violooe a bird. Ha dfd nUad ovs and ovs OB to* enra and
. ta tot totator., aad it doet not m
BBlll tbe
toa obUdna aeeapi it h
ru. moved thirty mile, ovs i
Bgy son. 1 tort Dol aay autos ar
not, wito to Injan tto fowl ud yelled wito daligbt.
of eoana. Ko toankt ai
road, in sidwtnwr.MM or aaat to May wito oiy toUdna
Uioagbt to eoBld mbjegas hi* tymnwt wen .llowvo wbta
' > 1 bin a
atml tpirit wliboat Srlalpg bis by
mum 1 tort kaowa a Sag tlau. aad I wa. a ebUd to hi
tor tbront be obeked him uUlto betloB tbogoagfalyebilled:
lo a great whllt, tan ototber
OriuuU. wbo anderMud tbe
toit talltrtt sy slad otall aaxioty
M gaxm torn nrtnging Us to and tram toaald not b- allowed ta batbe bean aad eat it ifarongb tir* of vatlag mm a bvgrale ■
-oma red bM. u «bry wlU nevs ew
a. a lanUtr of milk aideet aad
aboalsy Uttltoati-tnUtoe. Vhaa
bttad aad^totter and oooklet and into tfiSriliawitmud a pleee of
point marb bettrr tfau we of toe rearing br might a ra hart Ito aeto tain tbe beto
sy tea dayi er two weak, art ap 1
in a olcu pUe* Ol bulap util it U
tost tiaek. feaUag at treto at a Balv. fbalU-oar oop of joy wat fall aad a. like eoanr mew ilf yee tor* u Ice Oecidui; alwaya take ult with tbeir be wairbed his a s
oe. AfUroM beooaw> nddlctod Afts SrlktBg 1
•oa wito my ssml pM oositotoly ter tolag Itoafcftl. we wm rtgalar toavraaettoli; eolttortloNof meloa
-Ud tot MU MST tton do yiv FqiO
NMond. Bon toaa tbat, 1 toraa UttUaagtU to o^e op’--Detroit into large eqearee ud tamp apeb te tbe mlt ud an'Ie babit. ttiey fml
apple* toonld nevs be «ui
IM^ot good Btw Moriuaad I tort Trtbaan _____________
Ohitled plaue ud .(WiakU tto
aay otorr way.—Good Hoauke*
ItotMd a M of MW Vlokt ttot lawto hi* fst. ibato bissU aad
CbniBw aMce.
Ibiekly CVS tto meioe and wrr
• tto and nsoat sy ebUdna, and they Take twtlra gretu war appltt. two oner-, befon tbe ms.tare taM tim
looked BboBL Obasvtag hi* a
ib>-n U a bolder s two baag wattolog blm to eridmUy oobo
MkM oboai BH and sy bothaad tsl
dertroy tbe Bnvor of tbe si-Ian. TbU -B<-s toe oYi'B dos itore t. am
dol of lalMaa om U dalleteu fs bcmktnn tm
iWt to St tad paaot and 'BBlabUI
it w» to dlstaUBM tbe tsy fs tto
aw tto ajra and ps- iramt to Imm. fs flapplagbl* wiagi
nMUevboaaa. Xlbagitnkd
toto .oil s bora it
oortry and B son mess woald fol­ OBob of maalaid med ud sU. udoae
to walked qaieUy away.
If tbe bam* dmanaker wnaM
low my amaiple tton woald to lean a( pewsail eagBr, a^d two eapfpla of |
Mr. McKav wu bow eemU tbo
toMMe ditaatd and ftww InraUd of btoWB .agar, 8»ct Ibe lat.ia. ud.
M*vr had turtved maelmt p.
lotvara. torn add tuctouo. ud
uiob*. end cb^ very Ana. Pat tto
wu BM to be 00 meily oewto.
Tto gMdn ted U yMiow,
Try milag every mrap cf tlanae iwrlBcgar, mgs ud aUeea eo to bail,
wees lb* mu wm aS o^
. s ttot ooBue lato toe taeaar ts wip> leoed BBtll toe feUewiag day. wbm
Bdd ito eboppod stxiw BBd Mmmer.
lag looking gbun* Ilgivwnpeea.
0M boar. Tb» add the appUa. |mnd
alBg from Ito bun, wi
Vito tmU an bending down.
Us luln to tto glam
and Bond, aad eook alowlv uHl aod
wamiag be wa* egaia attatoad in to*
I ugetber aad tots. Tton
Bed la rallbettim Aa axorUmi
xbH tome maMag him te
Tto gea*^'* *>aoM Magn
a mir auev fs a eop of neCer
«md<«. Tbm tok* tbtm eat bb4 let wito a madwiofc. s a sacks aad htl WtoggepaUeeg silk torn to osxtoA
to dmfly P^ tot sUk-wtad
of goedobwm. dtod ts n frhat S
BopmtBdbeadaebMofMBOMe (res toe Uqos oeto tftn* slsatoa.
- -Bade aad* pVer iM Al^'a toaA
Bonk.«tuc htoutoatV
ilmBilmifl viMob. B la BdbMtoto toV Bvs tba ueasbrn M

Jtruaim eatM^tUbU.

Tm* Tmfcmto o^d rhnfcsm, ’

The IGihI Yod Dm
Always Boe^
Bean the
OtosLUagtiM warYte

VixtiisXknrufekgisiitoEmhnm and Lobs or SUSR

For Over
Thirty Tears


All tcguUi iixe. in »Hm I. S(w.-ial wagurik mule
•Uilri, iitucuiHU. OnK tt.c-vei) l>m iiiSeriaj
Uicil, u-l fuUy^iui.nlcc-l m cvci>- mpccL
Tlis ate mslc to uKs well u sU. 71101- air
ns made of ebrap otoCTial, and jpion . flato}
finito to raich the c>c. lint arc ilurahlr, ••xnfcictaM-.', Jil l neat, 't'hc clic.pnl on the nurks, quahly n-n-uflciciL
«inro u-ol an,] j.iu m-ili Imy no shcr make.


126 stait Strut. » Uiclor Petertyi.


Handsomest Lots in the Whole
Plat. Inquire of




This I. the weather that take, the *Starrb" oal oi a nulo. and
nuke, him fml ax if he would !•.)' alniom an) 'Jiricc (s a piddiciBC
that .-•ul-I real])' srengihen Sxl revive hi. chaasied cnraCv

•« liie <lcure<l artK-le. Wc hair knom run-down penm to fais 11
jioumli in one «sL 00 it It make, yoa cal betls. deep betts, and
isl betiCT ali s-mn-L If you are not stitoed with the pnrcbaae rrf a
IwHlc.ranie baik and get jw money.
lu^e auelioltl^ enough fs «oe month'* ireatmenl, BUM*.


We Lead the Way



*1 tb Moeba^^lava Coffs


Enteiprise CashGnicuriri


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