Grand Traverse Herald, May 15, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 15, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




aranyraocm RtraM
1 HOS. T. BATtS,

SsSw ““ “esS

tiavasc aty SUtc-Banli

Real Estate-Insurance


SSTTkITt-*. ^

opposite H. 4 IL BJock.


Omsewrt^ Uahw.





PwNl-la wm.kl,.-h--eiB'liur


XNl*-iMl.-r-a™-l.r. W


<»■•»•» l-bMt.
Wh.ulark.uiU t.a,d..v.«0Fii-'-a
Knur h— l-b-aM-.l Ir.a.vr.
w h. 1, fn. *1.1 awl. ted h— le va- .
l-BI — 1 l-Kwx W.I 1" - ' el !'■

iTrtortw'SruSt A“B*dl^d*SBtib'- no

liai Tuar Norpriw ptnr utv
1 4o' tuow ttel I va {wapuad
lisa asariwiM iwitv far y.w. Pwat." ha
WM Mil
> fat mad
sad slredK asd lb.- I
________.lacs lair

lliiak thr BiU .ba
with tbrir vrllow bai
llOv all Hit vroed.Tsrs wnee utj why. ni throw
Prrfaaia aailbar of ll.r old maa
^oTd^ uf'wfcidvr. tvaarded Uiva ■
oaw af«-r*ard< wbioh oea of them
r door, oely that,
•pjiad into tha toou
Uw into III. hand.:
"Of ooorw
that I :iay acted Ilka two
JtirT ve Kotro t.-wimratrd . aol^>
oldI :fallo
woald waat l«o of Vat. How> old I
Iba la>y b
girl aad
at Ibi
m'Iiv askad thi ouasllnu It <*wr .... mda.
.1 llml Ilia ol.l
of Fiboek that it olbrr. aod I
>him witli a
II ot Ilia Won

: I- «-


W L.a -

• KFli. ^ 1-ar .1

-T.- lie-'. MdrtdfKL.r-tb. .

Tire Insurance!

rwiiM. Leadldc Mermit Taller.

“’uL Wbl|. naiad teisklf IJ
boT waa
_____ ______
liimvlf.. tbat
ooul.1 wa. fud'dlM
lids'I ba auT troubla 10 Iba world,
ao ie a hoosa wbarv Ibrra was

Plate Clasa, Steam Bolter ar»d Accident Insurance.

A Geaeni Saaklar Mtlness Deie
3 per CeilaUewed M Tine DepHliL

207 ts. r rom acreet,


old Mr. Wondm. '-ooaMiliuic lima J«wt
.•HtledM lowLal-. to t»

■ till Ur tftndera craci«<l


ever ahown in Ih.- market All the
in PlaiJa, Checka,
and Htripea, boUi Foreivn and Domealic. Tbiae ae will make to
fonr oriler at the very lowpt priwa.




For the fall eMMoa of 1901 we
ba«-e one of the fineat HWoriineDta
of new »t;l«aof





Money to Loan oo Improved Ral Btatc Only.


**T£Ti sK

. tha^^ol.




Johnson Block, Phone 73


Traverse City. Mic


the baby

il vp>in lbs I
the taoN iBipartaul Btaatber oi tli. Kt.wly (tutur
at., tha drcw.1
r Anu Wc
boaaa. iiaada the be*l soap for lU
.. wn.ii l au .
bath, tha best Toilat Pow.lFW. abd la
r Uarv Aon to b.- c
er had o
fset the bTFt of
diftU'oti tuu.' makiaiteacUtueei.
sd dipt .adleoly, lesviuii ao di
and ITajeted Foodi
Wa have a tall
tiosll Wun.trr>
ime of ih<- bawt maafacterad at aioilII. Iitilr Uxrv Add Slid lorn.
ante priev Moth.-rs rao tvl.v ai«ii
Ur J.-OI.U of IlsidicU III tha .il»
owt K
l>n>mE of ••ri'liau i-bildreu alwat*
litrd 10 tolinw III.' will of 111.' drisu^Iml; Ibi- patMt C
Tlir Ibonclil of xudiii* IllUr
Auii and Tom off W a oltr asy-'L'srr^riS-sSiS

A’ac'iiti.'.acMW H.nldbalUla(.

Real Estate,
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.

J. EHMS0II Himtii.

"dr. j. w. cauntlett.
Ptiralclan * Sui

Travaroa CIW.MIotv


One wwly. Result; fcrfcciKm
trealin); diseases of the eye, the »
chanics] coneclion of sight and the
-<fmsalUtion and eaammatiun free.
Offlce over The City Book
Traverse City, klirh.

TiMUaadAlr adaitalMatad. AnUAatai aMd for rallaf of {Wta of axtiairtlT- Oars ia the » of fcatiMPttaa aad fterUlBtlon of Uiatnmienta.

wild^TsibJ^HCdTiTN* liiv M<a'
n and ffM. os rF*l r»*d Ssf*1

ow... -


grand traotrst Land Co.



eommefcial Printinfl
nn Kinds

One Month Free!


TrslBitoeaaTn>a*aw(7tTea robow
w OfiBd
IMadl. TeMo. t1
nayOtr. Iswii
MM.dWIS Bi.. I«a>.k.«laBi.
PwBkBaiSd. aad Balkasha. lam., I
Id PmoAt. 1*0.m.<


Hides, \A^ool snd Fur
1 have enlarged my business and have arranged with a
large Eastern house to handle all the fur from this part of
the country. I am prepared to pay highest market i>r.....
for Hides, Wool and Fur. Come and see me.


OSoe and Warohowe. 782 E. PronV 8u
Cilixetu Plione 4*'l

BeU Pbnae 1%.



ranfSeven Thousand i;.oool Families to IV

"is, Ii!

ss?;s«s;yrjrs:' irusrri


!k •


TiA. A. A. B. B. vu. CoamuiB




JjjaaMr.Mar 87. frsw T» s i

I « oinniiiiaHai

If you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not fail to look over our large line of handsome ar.
tides. We also carry a fine stock of W.ATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC. Specude Fitting-a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the-'Mst
grade of work done.

J. 3ST.


Chase & Sanborn
Coffees ^nd teas
Seal.Urand Coffee, the World s Fair Famous, is the
acme of perfection. Fvice jrilhin reach of everybody.
Try a pound aod you will be convinced that Seal Brand
Coffee is the coffee to use. Seal Brand Tea is a high grade tea in half-pound
packages. It drairB very’dear liquor of fragrant taste;
at 6oc per pound, pot up in half-pound packages. Tiy
a package. We want some of j-our trade and will do
what's right..

Whe « balis“^l?dlfnr’uTde
Its has baeom. so familiar a inrili
fenaral wutmt « wemld a^


I wrta wlln*
jNmn paopla war. bslB

1 ‘.rs:;:

evil splrns wim lYvad ii iba air
Wby do fair ladlas


mg' Unaly aoMiM'Mnivij «f h
tauK rnstum
In lha days of me
glWlB it _ .
gal poms ixs.r virttni wb.-n a bowl
was baing launot
Uunobad end w eel tale


luod tmplisad il
ad bye
Why are dlgniunee deafanad
•Blnia Wbaei Umy visil e fecaign
iwma a rnnima sort ot «a)
Ibis Bring nl- tba CBSlOni ni
war. imgiually w---------------- ------- —^
Brad off ibrir gens on tba apfirtiBeb d
important tand inaudiv sHBBgwn to
sb.MT ihal II



did"™ lhln'lMri!”-^-mirJ"« kaap

gans loa-lad.
t.i ly aout.-ol 111 li. r i
mm is not vtny
inira. an altar a waak i
) of old trims
iltnwnl In |w.iara i
wa. Imi'liy. Bros Ibr halrtt of uothan lo e
Kof a da> .1
Ith Ihr rael
hill. ,li,.aVfu’U; ha hid lall
ibrlr clilldn-o with e shoe.
giaxiliKaiid Irol^lOK
ata. ,.ii III. tsoa aii.1 hi. hkii'l.
anwr ..f th. ImU
Toward iiiKBi dr»lli. wwourt day a I.......... ..
ll.u- we. id-n.l and Usi'I'FIdauly
Bli-tiar MW h.'f «
•Tui. iiu'riiii.K ha waa all far ih.'
...r ItTWani. <ma
bl'T. Mid Ihi. . tamii'ha wa. all far Uck. ae iliougl
l•lanli« lutri.tly to t.. !»• his Hghl to kswp
Ih- rirl." ~.i'l Uia.Ba«*al Whi
CiDCluaali Kiiqulati-r
a larniff call, ll
(alkiUR uroutid iniioiie lha u.-ighhc
"lauid MUr.1 wiml h-Ul I.- fat
4 tn lav
w I ainT
aloT pr-|r»n
bonudary fau<
■nrtbod of m*T7A vary jwiml
TI..- H«r.licoi iianpl'ywi.i
audg.i away dnr
tu Tuger in OorsB. s
ihM lull- Mary Ann lii
• wa. seen ot
.dlBgly OOBS-WV^VB
i..noth.. Tb.'B.
.f har li.l II
m IS batv ■mpieyod
aicwtlaui ibicg
nguhir rlu»i
BBd ft is Bay.
I |.>r Ih- '
inilKiUU'l.'.l as an aaw
ibiiif bet B rapid iw
Bds of
< tiBBsiL In
n tlml ll-a «»]
. . hula U.
ball wav UiastBI'
t'MdmjihlohisB'*.' fairl
;o lha taimbnou-, Slid i*-r ock.i. sha h.'l .worn a oo.i
■ihonid gn tr
I holMSTi. Ih-a wara a trill. Tner I.' gat a" far." and I
'"Ttian Bra two n^hodsn/o^
I lha l.laa ol TUI>«I
1 on Ihrongh hrrBkIng iiiloaiw.Irtb-rs nf
futur.' to ™-I-la al
to grata Sba WBS going h.mH
,. era d.Kvarwl by spr^'chd Ur
Kr ' Won h
r. cull'-d
{hi a> tlM. crow fliei. making oo
frcKtuosUy aooomiMH
•iniiiiK. and aikod f..r U.i.
nil wbairvar of l»|a band, sud
Fsblio IcU.'tB ere
'•err Bciri
n.. rhild WBi draswsl m h-t Sondav
I in Ih. route by wbieh alia bad
CBiTlMl hr 11
frnek. and sha took b. r ooBsin's
l^'O falcbad
~ I fitei ooiBp
and want off ociitantedly.
Among fuwli
- r^hFwas always oiighty pr..
i.TlicBi, Iba n,Olh.-r was.'
"'htolaHMi's mtstn'ss fOBml Ibal
Rachel Wliita; •"I.Bl to think
Q s war at otic* <«ld and pvovok

raisMt a broo.1 of foBru-rn
U, conlaio IhirtMW tloo with thr far off froatir* townS.

SC' ■






■irxCC S'“'t?.'!::;-;:, 7,,‘sk:

Woodara waiitad lo Imy a fa.j hiwse
for Slock raislog porpoaoeand Ur
Hatar Woudm wi.had to go into lha
nulk buaiuas. They might hiva swat
Ua.l d< siraa lu tbi. latlaoca and aac
ma h.s^wo wav. ba.i U..I U'lb th
old ban baa.i ol lUa ..janiou Umt U.a
>■ much,
other '
i plS'-e,'' ergur
M would Net

mbeti broose lurkayi
Ab iamnwilBg disenvsvr U re|MM
s» cell.-d. wsrw enknown.
Bbe pars from Kerway. bawHaf «pOB brtb
Bwsy ssTon OBI ot Ibc iblrtroB toes Koras and AmloHasmi
Blithe hr
Th»»r liuiidrw! fm from Iba iibiBiwb
oo tlm ooBsl ot Nonbford tb«n taws

ihMr teeing ----w“fi!k7ib.*^“^d't.‘.I»^l «dSlp

U. akrIrtoB and of a honr with a
imn BBd lacu <J ar^ “,V’of

o*b«*fl«k.*^lu!Bh of tte’^gin-gol.blars
mma tnick boBi''. not ouoe bet inkoy

imm all todloalaa tbat tbay belou to

*'aBla Bra'^or.Tldal homars tioniham
iH«T«ai hare Biauy aoMrtaiBlsg sB|wrSUIIOBS oonnactad wilb thair irBn.far
In movlug Ihav say
tba world to t

oward^tbe want of Ku^Iud and IrvUimo.^B»on' pwad
»• Viking a|^ womao
s and thalh WMtbrn
Kumr Vu

, <«I. nolriwTls fm err gtaear
Bllowrd to make marks oe Ui* i
old as
as U
ll gor.
gora orrt
oTrr 'Th.-y say f.
homing profirnsity t*
Sirffyod by palling bott.T oo pnasy s
- ' rv thryMBchanytbtng u brr
Illack WBlnnu. wtaicb
. nnd
aithar tiring n nreklaoa of sbrlls on

tba United Htataa.

” 'i\Sn-.

h no^ «^y

aUml • of iUa InaaraDOv
is loroa. taeladug aasaoMMl feaaiA ■am. This maansovar fin for ovarr
mta. womaa aad ablld la <<>•«»wy. or two for avory family,
will eocanr
auaal Haka writtaa by tlm Am IwK.twiibstandl { tbis waa deer la
a oomiwalM era amlmalada* fSO._lsr abrll Ubbf. sb* 000.1
III- oaa. of s
,0®. whlob U fSS0_ pm
eamr hotur
* all I

oiia roow to yon of Its own notion

llkis itttia boys tha N--L '"
■-lint TOO kin wash dlabm end
swaap op tha Ninsa, een't yoB'” aal
ad Iba olil man
•Ya.. Sit, mi.l lulls Uary Ann. rarcifnllv. ”1 can WBsh dishes, end
maey tblDgs
Tom, br
i-bips aod galhvr rg*s.
After that lull. Uary A

m "Hir rtmfLMr'iod tNongb plms
Bniwood. and was iin.T far from a
non. uma.
claarcrvrk. AiTBnon.
Junr. when sba vanished fi
coaoi to tanka th
bom-', and Novambsr. wl
BThila tune was goiag Tary .lowly
,i,.rvd'ai brr old oea. tabby waa
(0 th. Util* girl, ll waa spaadtng mp-nag Uivoagta
idlc to Kr Frsrr Waedrra
Ha led with a bir.1
.1 in brr moeib.
or aanaU^
th-' .toek. aad br fad thr ebirkans. brraelf laiorloaaly high Inaoma mle
trrr ct.itob
TN Ant alpMg from
IM- ntucbi
broogbl brr to tba (amlltar du.w.
______ and. wbrii N brarrt (ba yibr. Is
... Iird up 111 asjngir
uary fanuiag nowa lay.
nf old U^Tbom^
thr ban
.bill; If you ain'tt ID
ta the
Ih milk hoaioaai
•thiomd ibr k>n4. why .veur tt
bradlB' lor
I' Uir pootbooaa. '
- tba milk boa wSd.^ had lootiTl from ^ *Un
"It wr ru to go lato
gnrd Ur liiomaa. "wa'd door, h- woald haVr lo« as aarprtmd . UfWaarrd N
. to budlr. an.t ibat's alL aa ana UlBS KWbrI Wblla whan tbai (Nyhavr iBf
MTr me
tin Biioe Ihr i
IN last tea y<
with noarcblooluhurasaatnat Wa'd (nnirrlr aboai b(m wna hwdinff a lag an- |«r.*m
«B. Tbay art tbaa.
luvr to build a oovnoeea and lavjmra small boy toaatds Iba boaaa.
It's goia' t.i br a fair aad aqaara eien
(or ruslUgv: wr d have to At a plaor
la. TbU ia tbaaga
and tba pnbUelat.
lbs foal we MV Frwldft Boaaa
'uaT bom.
ralL Andrew (Weaffte. Jofaa Fisrpoet
aiD't orTfg goia' lo i
Uow and Uart HaaM.
said to Ibr boT. -Ifs dart, bat ooUia
aipi-uar that Ibc milk
(^?Saad was aa aoeUM WlUlam
1 ala't
Bryaa a symptom ;Jeba D Bortm
b. surr «rt to do. '
la' a
..'Urr u a tingle -------------------- **-*
i Ur' iffasttarras io^d
•■Ko.” said ilttlr T
Oeorga Ikrway tbe---------. . _
aaat. th
-prame la bu tpaolalty.
(all to------------------------ of tba talk brdid D.
wkra^tNdoS^otoH al r him
Utbe prmclloal_ idfbat.
-iTcaUaiig about tha town of
Uall aa hW later tbe rw eld Ur Oaiargia It
rut u t.Irn-BOr


Ur KFsatfsrCilj

lomiiiv Bl hu fBIa wbai
Im, Bwnk.
Tha beyar «oiB« lo nrlaiiB
itu Ih.- ilray..
ilray.. loond tha miwlD.
iiaUi pl« lytne
lytni aihBoala.1 br
t'-a.l.idr. bal allll .trenUliK <e
low lha trail of lla lualao.
I',Kill Iba aaow nilddla
itiuitilioii a l-yimt-tild
iTOOeht fl
baan bmnghi
, lha <-oonty I.

"?ba” old'Mt’“”'..nd.-rs.-.. a. . v.-rybo-lyoall.'l main. W'-rr vary .uallar coodhTF ku.. last a hollaring bark,
to apiwaTaDea. tall and simiehia with
TOO agin'
wnilr luiiraiid lood. leaa faca. Whan
So Iml' Mary Ann warn oui to
for liar .•iioaios. Iba ..Id Ur «a
alder, ihoi^ bia hall-lnoh ol irraBUr dana.. a girl who had la-en taught
bnwdllii whau^^y wara 0|.^. Ihair obav laplicltlr and who waa tailing
baiWir that aha mn.i Iw Tory,
iwki of tbi- man wS.icb Ut. Won- gvaal
Tba child did noi nBOeratand Ilia
•rvonsoras of bar cousin ns logatla r
ttoD,l.r«w b.*BO talking about ih» tbae naBr»<i lh« lartnbon~voeiiga-i .-liild ID a family always be­
ing " .|Hlad," and said mal a siallad
ebild graw iiii.. a .poilad man and and be iiBiai 'gainst ha giu boma
waulad Ills way in errryihiug. lhan H> don't kin.w yoo ra comla'. but
tba pKJpla of Hsnllcui knew Umt old It'll baall right • Tm g-ing lo clinch
a hirgaln with hJm. and I |.rostse
Ur. Tliomas was .iwaking. So. s'
If nor ol Ib. Old Ur. Wondrrsas r,
It'll h
I., all
ell tight.
you it'll
Uarv -------ADn.
od wildiv against an alder liruih
. .a air.” «i.l L...
'Tbaa sbe looked np Into bis faoo
forvv.r .Ifwiring lo lord H ov.
n mobgl
.lUieklT. as if a andd.-ii d.inbi bad
yoong»-r liroth.-r,
a copjiar cant.
onma lo bar
'•Tbaolhar Ur. WnoHardicui wai
drfA ” bia askad, "ba-. got a -art on
than tba I»opIr '
mai ibry ware in lha ,.r'-sain
hi. baud. Bln’i ba.-”
Whv. Ih- litth- girl WBS a t.nght
OI Ur. Fairr Wondata!lT tba old Mr.
Booderaes ■Uia Ui not Ic-Iba wan "Tbwt's Mm.
wound np thr vary worm! nf ilirir atits al tna latminalion of a waak “'•'uus *R!sc*id Whila." mid llltle
tan (day>.'bni at lha dsalb of Uary Uary Ann. aod bar face was all aglow,
"sha llKiugbl voB aod him Was IN
„uu Wo--------- .
sulijacls tbkl sraiuad


Tbay wr«s crosssa iB ibo*
lUvi. BOd moBBi a sort Bf oBlb oeJta


Hat,-r ord' r-.l tha .hingla
Tliumas want cbia-rfully lu v

-XC.T i>

■ .■2?.rLS/..™ri.7£


, of lha I'|.IU1..B Ihal Uir


a-owi. las SKASON.
~SSI?srt=«srt“ Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
'".SSI" ^

rieA Othar

III' coni
ha W.'ulc . .
M hall old Ur I'alar Oa.i

’whu'l^.'*'mLBU>K of tlw arassn
iw );> oil B berral of.baas' They sit■itfy dacnaa or t|BBlliy Bowadayt.

In B unall lot adyaorai to tlu h
Tiim niomiDin latar aiar
lall liola reraf'
miwlu*. A kiuall
,d oBdar Ihresla wbs Uia sola axpUn
MIOII of thalr dlBinweraOi:*.
Imvar aaen-had hlcb nnd low lui
arudiiie atan to ndjaeaiil fara». bel
ltd DOI tiud tbau Th Bftani.MO
word Ihol b


only lor wbaat. II..- laiiaf waa Iv• l.t writ,- clown ou IwjiaT Iba
IctiDulhmt would j-mslbly rartli froiu
,Iba wheat crop, and old Ur. Thoman


ajNjB^ ftom


'-.I. . ..-.rr.llw»j .l.'.on Al-.ul
'•wnus ritiU if™- 11"“'*

th^st art Bargaias.

Vacfc aaab a efaaiaelar aa to avoid


>t llai>liaolnii«lii
III hiia
Uiiu ..I
'F-al.d bulb
..... IiiTUo'd tbalT larga
urigiiml niaii,.i 111 a
. (Wllllg llll
.irr »uoa" F»iuL ol CTo|i. tiliila Ii.
o.'.ld lo..lba«. .'ttau diMgr.-a.l >'
iKitlaBt tarm lopi.'.. ttiaia waa.

New Phona 3S.

d Ibaomwii and Ul_____________
• |a(« ilda lo ba giMpBd ou tb«
miuall. Thai fell no IbB
aldawjtba.r migbl be CTesped by
1. Ii hand. Iba rKI.i eseally bsinf
uorv bmIbIIt an«B«vd
Uls* on Ibe
and. pcoi lu ba Had iB e bow.Bbd telse
still lh.y Usmeia DWlssa: .v« lbs
bow hearainBiu.d. and will iirobBbly
irwmeiii till tha n. xt di liuca oe SOM-

r.bwBiof wit coiurtalBlariou






d-ttne Iniw be wse av. r eoiag to ».fl
oof of ll.U. lb. binraft artai*- ot hi.
i.ffarad lha l.«l of forty
waieiihor Ara mllae sway
H« iui uo It. b.’ mBII.-trd. Boal hmagl.l Iba |uKa ymt
pet thaiu ID a big
alK'Od and do it
lUUae.l of boi. boi.tod Ui.- hoi oi
heulad u boma. Th-ra Ih. ptir. w-

loold ba.a now..l in Bficm blm
' lu bitu ioilawd a Tisiigtrl. tall. fair-halr. 'l. bis.' ryad. 11
all the w.m.lrraae wbaii lb.'. wi
••Ib.-yTl lisTr
ahaoH. lor lir
old sisu.l Ibst
•ch from asnthar
___ —
-. luali.t.
bad b-a-ii au
Mw. Barhal Whila
d Ur. Wnod.|wiw-l at lb. .1.11 ol
and plaa™*d with il- Tuaul av.'U if II
i t tluitii^ tbrui aa|«rata boair* Bar.-~Jtal~l Iba iwimtwli. _II or ib.ohiMiaii: 111.1 .ha mai thuudaralmc.
rid Ur. Woudar-whau til' I'ld maB r.ianH'd In ib.
•• • • 1.0-0 lliinkiBK I.
UiM W.m.lrasr*. llu- etm-r
w.iuld data
ha>« iwlllaa
aelllad it,
ita.'lt aii.t; • it„,
Iia witd, ud ^b'
uriduui. would ba.a baaii
, r til th'- I'-nd. r uiiuUlrali
uw-fol^ si'.io
irir niusiui III Ilia rn-st fario hnoM-.
,1 toa ..III Ur. Vtoodaraa. wi H'_ n<.i uiorntiw au.l y.-< il.a llllla (irl
'lUlM Woii0,t.--.s and «»at noal
I( WOBlll ha as.t to Bud a boui.
ijijiriilDg- «l I'tovidmoa llaniicul
Idrall dl I DM lullll
tle.l 111.


CKrawennw praewnr.

Tba bomtse inslinel davalo|w ;
voBiie aniinal. atmoal aa aarly a. ti
ihwlta for food- In iba wild »i
bosl 11 Iba
lid uaTOT kar|> la touch wiih
tmek. Ihen afb« uablurii-a
iioaltoo II u still
p tala of hula rputs; Tbay
I wbsothair

_________Kooma* V -tbay pimvrd their beads •
Of ooarw. -----------------ooaldaT Is* hmaf b. sssa wtlb A
Imld bead.sD Uw mada bosatf a iMi- I BOW. tboofli tbs Bases.
-IB« U bM imsBSd BWBJ.

six-iol man to tend tu il.r critwr. and
. Ihi' tsagss lor .ach ». rricr oomr.
Igh. .kgin. Uisi kiU'l Ot boss u .l-liita, and when s tb- uioBcy if tb.
rmor.liM? New. ihr milk busiiK>ss



i'aboel that (bore

. ibao wuy
and boyl
Yrt blood is Ihiekrr tbaa
I aad tor Uua raaaoa aad oo other, an-

Aem.' Idea of t(w axtawl of <bo Am•rtaau walnh indeatiy may bm^borad fiom tlM- aa<maaa of (Mn-rt H- Ingmaol Md Brotbar. C? Uort!
__ ____ Kaw YortOlty. » T .wHb
tbair lamoas dollar wafbaa 0^
from aa Kegllab Arm.



sa;.7iasr'2_^iSa“&S 5:sr-?Jrrc2,ar;
at. taf wUik IS
___ _______-jfflaa m)m. M
(oaad oe a spaeiaa Iff oaelMWtM tff^
a fUva of Uazlao. bal ia asMUantw^
iMnaU la f. Qfary iaM^

ad tba aaa of bartad win fsmmw.


to tfaT^laaioa that I'm agi^
aUa CO yaar gtttiB- him. ev«n if Im fnla. He alwv* MMWBtlfabrtoe a diaa; bal I want roa la
taa and aitfys mmm w tba toplUtla mnk Pataam. la Unf VacteaaL
a kind . ..
the _______
allowanee far —Im a
|»rty 1 fppof I might
L»jati.*3^B ISfyfaaotfcfafl
TW laifaal bbmar
^*lia''umla''boaae'' waa (gaUdsd oear
If oonny U fid w ba U PbiUdrlby Baetaal Wblla. Thu goad womaa
li^fafif abaat A.8B0 vU;
woald aae to Iba wanm of tuUa Uary


Ana and Tam wblla tbair tafia------



tMBf»AHDtfavil^BBitAkpj,MAV .l6. Ifi0>^
rrsu) MT CTOBT*.

mf»ti at Ika

Tfie-ntriim fimit
tka line wUck dlfUea |

at tha Blgbari>oal aad ihM
art with plMiy
•r Tn4e «
AmJA. mi ffctmttr «<l>.

_________ ffbat'Ua* waa
wW iataMrtal bMrtti «e ikUM- ..ada U tk. qvlala food kalchta and
Mall7. iMofatMtlfW
la Ike )aai|a and ^ polo
ta«uM nVv9«/ tbaeilr:
raaU and tha eoataala vara eloaa and
la tk* MMUifaa^ ef MV
iMid loofht Aad thoM wa«a a an*-


ba, of aanviaea tl-t aaat the <*Dvd
Into iba air.
n» «B«av.Uoa aad by-la*
Id tka to yard daal. boat 1*0 In
il*ilw*oUie« aaeiMd kraal
jaaa Boyar *oa aa *aa aaiMled laka^lMtloa lb Onad Ba|Ma
I«i lac. tha >aea tve aBalfbt
" • '
tetitada IM tvi»l memgh M aaakU op- arW Mda hl«>o ao»r. aa
ted by a elo« nariita mob tt»».w1Ui
Outar third
Kano Oolby and Baa<7 Brtcba-alao aalarad la thU orrai.
Tka rundlac broad Ja-p waa bard
feacbt. Aail Ladaria finally vlnnlac
orer Bd Boyar With a Jaap of » foot *
laokaa. ffr-t 8lMa wa;. third In tbla
*’Tkara wara foor aatrlaa to tka 100
taada hl> mnaat ooojMaJloe and per- M waa orar awa >>ara- *•! Boyer
«*al atoru in r)*« It Inanaaot and WOB. oa waa aaiMtod. bat tbara
• atraactk
la Haala>M a atallar i
•oea a»ea«pt the wlaa who
eiattoe hai aoonmpllAad naoh
Ike baartbrwtklac |m>b that lie had
alaflr yaar. and aaratal arv
pot.p tooroaa lb. Inpr bait a yard
UirlTlBC (aclarlM ataad ai mosaa
•bna.1 of ktiuikwi. who pot ap a mil
to tlw haalU- and anitad effort Of the a«lal. of ranntai
Bad tl^ coara.
n lea yardalfartbar,tbara aia il.oo.
Tiararaa Olty wlU not be
o aay Owl Millikan vool^ tore
krtUo la iti an „
B. na ba waa ooalac at a toMtlfal
Aad If Iba Ma rim la ciran to tbb ollp when tha otrinff waa brokao.
■DlCalod bore dorinc Iba

'no baildiac of Aipa < I tha Otral
than la faiMrally Mppoaad.
Tba <apertoT Unau Oliaotor Kefilaa of
Ike ladaatry in the DDllad BMM
•kovi tlM the lota) InrwlMi
Iba Manabetory of ahlpa to 1100 araa, ooTortiw l.iei planH. Tka
aalaa of tha prodaet la Iba aotiia
Mutry darinc ISOO vni «>kfi
Of tbla oatpnt tba tcoMca of tba
Alpabnliioo tbacrant UkaavaaX
p* east of tba vhola.
Darlv 1*00 apea tbefrant Ufcaa
WHoaUanniEBtlkr ni.Ml ftaaa Uu
tpwa bollL In Daabor of to*

rsrirs;;;; ^iMcnSwa

Hirm a. Yn Ga
Trail taHliV

tey aftarwooB waa andar tba
of Ike water eiMa. aad far to
Iba Bleb otooo) aaaaaL 1
will baakdartheaaapleaa ad toe Bleb
Wool baaa ball MW. aad few Ihab
«alV M aaoaia fanda for* thob prooood aDatbara wip
Tba eloaa ritalry aw
daata aad the i^ly

the lacBl*

the aotaaaly
(nocUoB, bat
there la ahaoW
alweya need d
aose aafe..
hak'. to over^theUacaer;

Thwo wlUlbe'at baac OM olto*
Bleb aakool field day In ika kaar fa^
two. TbeoatUMwaepaUadOffBrt-


Irr. Pierce-a
ariiptlon ewabliabra Rtnlarlly.



oowlnc to tba boat i
wboara faliovliw the boyala Ihab
IralDlBd that aaotoer fiold^ a
Ibaeaa balnc pallod off todayof a Jtoalty-fiaalor cawte
Higb Hoboab vtu taka oa aowe otbor
aad a waeh hel-r attlob of |
IwU will ba aaaa. Brokably tba Aay. |


iBwa or tbe Vllllawabaic tww
eompata with tbe Blffb Bakoob
Plana are balnc talked for a
bleyob raoa want la the ally la eoa •
neetioBwIlb Iba propoaad Poartb of
July oalekrmtion. Bowo of too tanaa
will ta an Iba read. U plana now |Wo. peoed are carried oot. boi It b UUndCHI W bar. aowa of tbew palled off at
tba fatr croaada, where tbara wlU be
^^Rtfianlly to derelop nii the
■pee.1 of wbioh tbe boya an aaiabla
It haa bean a lone atnoe a bloyob rmaa
vmi held ban that It oocbl to
take wall.


aema that tba ooolnaw of the
Wynkoop took third In raoa.
l^.rlSerce-a Cobbmo 8enae Medical
iplwn way tore had aowatlilnc
: Tlia poU molt waa naav whlob waa
to do with it. bol tba talk of a atrinc
WM handily by Milllkaa at ' faai •
fooltiaa laani haa bean WTlred. Tbara
after be bad nearly lort at e
I an' a nowbar of tbe taaaky boya of tbe
r«M «. Ladaria and Blrd»U war. *‘rity who wonld lUa the
(or aaoood pUoa on tbU. nalthar .
pby tba cawe • HtHa tbb apriac yet.
iMT apto tbaU praoUoe work,
b that the M
bartnc trainad lone aooacfa lo ba
of what tl«y ooold do. Aflar the ooo- that OaplalD Plow of tbe latter lioat
Tber.' b a atrooc loobabtllty that
toat. MlUlkan ff^a an aablblUon and Piteaan Hawhy wUl not can to
will not ba orcanUed
ranll of 8 (oat l Inoh. rtloh b- Bad*
J at onec.
Tha two boato
lyinii locatbor at tba Slareh taoiory aa tha boi waalbar will ba ban Mo
Tha ronnlnc bich Ja«P .braloped deck llial arantoc. and lay then until aoon. BBttbaboya -vboan badtog
aowa rorprbaa Tbara ware a aawbw tba mod cot no hicb Ito* they had to to the aglwtioa are datermtoed Uial
Ibeia ^dl ba a uai
arbo witerad U thi. who did not know
olawdaya oco that they ooold
itot ilwU ba bettor
The Cnwmtoca did uol rtaaa np
that IM rity OTor hat
Jaap at all. and who wara.
tba Oolombla atoned to low bar
ly. DOtIo oondltion.
Ma-ab-ta-vanU. hot wban aboat four
The pnpantlona for tha High
tbawwayod to to tba »ary
Billaeoat. the line tartad.
aobool field (by have nrired the
and wUb iwaotW wonld i
lambb tried 10 ptek op Iba ether
field day for tlia olty, aad pwt^lanatotocw two. Oolby. «to boat, and got a bard araatb In tba
toktog to eowe other olty for tl>a
waa iBWd aa mthw an oabldar.
aoae that abow. plainly.
apart ai wolL Tliore li [deny of wa.
MlUlkn and Boyar, with






g| Mow Badooa to tba Twttfto Mltol^ tottwtry.ltoy. aafi tto
itt toBW tot. aad hw Jaw appUadlatto afiMunt gaa-1 wan to - oaM
iBWltawdawwaktwhar.toyaaaar. wal far tlw Mala beniy at l.dafi'oeaawd Bowaaad fowtt
iiMmarlwt Ba feaad her wttb An wbtob «M daa aoUlan wto aBltotad i lA bat to afdiaof ttoaalaafey nowbw
Ullla kitttoaaBd few yoaag rabbita at that Uwa Tto alate haa an had | tbay bnrely raaolrad to fie ttatr baW.
oa OM Boat Solgkbcn eoaldBOt an aigdtaiiMtna farnck a boaa^ for|Tba toWaa weal to far
baUera Ito wary antU tbay naol aad J atony yaawt tot tBewtoO data noe ap-, and Jadgtog from all np
ww ter toewaalraa Faally all dol^j pear ao bare ever dimwa bU. Tlwn,lt By Iba aaa of tiw varieoa oxpadllaathaad. i
I bW. Cart T. Uaabnwa. of i to pay toe booaty. bat K ClemoBa aan I able ao awaea Ito totaata. and only
filled a lay to bU toiB with i |W<Ta llwt be araa a raaldeal eff Klica! now and than did a aermw of delight
B. IwM waak wbn be wok at tto iKaa be enhatr-d th^ be will I (>«etraae talu tor aadlaawe now
oot ^ toy bafoandabeo to toel«l-|ataud a rhanoe i.> get b.i Inaaiy | eeewed wore like a ptaale. and it ta
Tto haa waigbad Irw than aoe ; tbraagti lb-- Ixard ef >taie aadllora. I Ihougtii toe Ittate tolka will look far.
poand and oeaU BOI walk, bol U now ; to wbooi the BaaiierlMlwea referred. I ward to BoDday waratog with aa
aU right
Hew toe ton lived Itoi; Oiek Verwy and w.U TorBer. two! naeh |aeawnb]eanlb-l{aUan ae toeir
leegto of tlwr wliUwl atarrlDg to !unind Haven boya, bare Warhd eat j'<<^
fiMto U a wyetery.
ua a Joora.-y areaad ibe world. They.
J. B Tripp of ThocntMOTlUa. U
MoAIIIbm eaaght a |iweh at. tolend lo work their way Ibe eatirr | awkiog barveta of uaaH>v by gelhavIB the toy which bed ao| dl.uo(»
Uel rutarday (toy wiled tog feraa. toliag tiMe end abiRiiag
yea. aad BO aatoTniBto-a( eyee. tal'
waitrra oa the rieaai'r Aen Jaaa ; 1
■ere tren little >pou wlwte eye* fnua Han PranclM-o. teemd fur Pane aoro.' of operalwiaa la la Weldea
boald tor. be>«. It U tie brW hlia.l
iney will cklcti emator towbabi|i. Iteoile coanly. wbrre about
to erar oaagbl to the lekee
eleaiuer boaod for Cbltl.
ArrlviuK «• acre* are .ov.'rvcl wlUi fema. Iripp
hrley Klea. ao rerwilrir ohl own to. n they will wake ihrir aray a* , and late wen yiei.-rfiay gallwred II.Ilrtogaear Kalamaaoo. died Soodav heel i toy <u acTrr.< <to PaclBr. and lira and he rve-im fit a Uuiawnil.
Tto luldilie of iaal weak Hire ..r.wiaallr wUI rirele tlie glola-. They Tripp bae a .'ontn.-t lo fill between
hU coten ..Ijret Ito Inp to take a year
now and Aogtiil I. (ailli* for S.OOU.-

ICaword IC

for hi. fqnenl. wying «h*l to had a
church el u,t
prewoolUoO toel be eboal l dir the .«„.^tol. It wa. tried
followlag Baadej ntchl Ooing Imw
ba Mid hU hindowen tto wm.- thing
andeektd tl.e toilet to weirh over
biwanUltoe end came Hawley .to
iweirr ihel

“t'MoragiaiM eell Uma
Hon .'^•'U i.. tto

Blood Poison

is Roierdlv known aa the HAH HISKASIu It is ti.d cunGunl tofiens d
.rice dr tbe l.nrev dimat. The }wmt
aad IwM jiroplF a
iBlcvtr.|-with Ibisi
tfaruach handling thr vloUiing,
diinkinj; Ii.mi thcaeiDt vensrla. ■sing the a-jme toilet (ztidea, or otbcrwue-cuminK in .onUd with prrauoa
vhu liii\« ei.nlraetcvl it.
It U-gins nsually with a little hlistrr or (ore, then swelling in tbe
proiiis. a ted enijrtl.rn hrraks out on
Tea yeere e*o I comlreeted e bed ceae
lliL- Us1\. S..I1V1 end uu\-rs aplwar emtoedreieoe. Iwmuadsrtieelwrat
in till' in-nlli. the Ibtcut Uv.mivs etepbreicieeuBtiltroeedthei kecoidd the hair, eye town and
;hr IJ.eJ iBwiaing »^'te Avery ebert Use dll evtOebseed, cii]>|xT eulurvil tbvdleeeesdleeeprered. lieekeisMt*
diiUr eniptiunaend Uee eM totor
'Ooonly Pnoldent O. H Bene
are oa eotne nmarke on tbe eliove e eow-( balP'O off clean. b«fn‘n»
Iwtb.o ill eereral j.Uoe*. but oot m-. ^j,,. j..j^
even drstwr* the tones
"l^toen UalMed M a gimod good jBriog toe cow to Ito l.a*l- Ae if to
s S .S. is a Sjev ilk l-r this l.ulhsutne ducAsr, end enret It even in the
lapw ^ Bea. U O. BatMa Oliont.
oomiilele tbe Joh. tor (awe boll ol» i>
w.-i-l l.'inis. It is .i jmlcv-t anlulolc lot tbe js.u-rifol vima Ibel jejllatca
MtSreianed by Brelber Eotee.
jj, fyoui Df tlw .-ow

-the hl.ssl uiid penrtiatrs lu (11 parU ol the svirtrrn.
Anoltatlonwaa rary nieeL a.-ro
by Ina Scball
ruin x-.'.ii; an.l bring disgri
TaU oo finanow by Towotolpliberty. waU.vl eul end
viiur (hiUlrvti.
it can he tr
Tmannr O. B. Dye.
>•0 dayllghl umv.vl lOsi'iayuih
idei'ldr uih ;
ify ot l»Uih,
Colloetloo taken lo tbe aotooni of
i.i rliild. A. B. S. eonlaine
bling toe anoouh'Ol grow which was, but j,
fit IL
itoheol* nponod wen Weal Union.
.............................tintnient luol^d learn all ahent CooUgiutn
Baawy. Wyley. Onwn and Monroe reenll of tlw ahowrr,
Blood l oison. U you want ined»-al ud»-ice give os a history of yaureaae,
Otoiar, all to good worttog order.
leb-tao of tlw and out phvsieiaoa will luniiab all the infoitnsti.ia you wish without any
Altboagb toe wealber wae ao bad
enllthsl Frk S. IMlt. charge whatever.
tod moot of na wwv lair in getting


Btcbtbedtol Joel M h.< lie.! predirtn to tto hoar
Kiev rr*^ e
eptriioelicl and cleiuifd tbet
■plrite had told him to wee goiug u
die at Wldntghl Maadat. At that heur|
.!••• miewuar. ie~-ui rnmeS*.
bll wlforemeW liK bedeld. enl >*.-.1
blw aboat hl« iiredioiion. Hie reply
rtaa. "Well, then, tw- che-k » feel . '
He bed Merely iiwkeu th'- «.«d.
Bteat Let at l.are onr baaru to tbU when lir eiplred
rrork and prayon e|ioo ear llpi for
HU ntotodlbaldanna toert-------|od-< Uawtog Id toe work and
big toaader itonn near ll.wi.'r an :

Swntey Ncttrfi-TrlMnw


eleotrto toll etraci a ban «d j ”;h.\.h/"ltur,"u\rLiar^Ui'»»“J

.... ~i@©(

■tore, toe ehnrcb wat filled to the
aftoTBoao and we wer.' woodotfaly
The dwo latter too OumnlBCi waa levered, and held
paM lakaa oppcoslaMaa vary eloaety a Juap of # foot
blewa.1 to oar roavenlloo. Oud grant
d toe tact tl
von tied for weoBd.pbee
all ri^t.
apart ean be fnnblwd. It b tnbable tout toe people of Ranuev may ba
arosderfBUy blowed and that the on
Then wore only two men aboard
•DdazportedfiOaitheDnltad Btataa lower. Oolby, JoW toMto* Ibatha
that to eaw each aporta are polled off etene eeede that (ball be aoirn in toeir
ton Oonimluc^ and tlieoe kept toon.bat the dlatanae It U earrtad la very lad oot raaobod bb Uali. elrand
tola ywr. totwa will' 1» no ball gawa
■Mb law. The Maaffe bnllt for tbe bar at * feet I Inch, dotoc it finely wire# warn, all nicbt by walking the
oo tlia wwa day. bnt too wittie time
kka tnae In 1100 waa nearly foor Tbwe wen nine enirte. to tbb erent daeka, aa there vea no fin aboard.
will be giren M the aiwtu. and a ' "

tlM tlwt balll for Iba faeoifn tnda
BgreiB will be giren. eonalaUn
ilw<d With too beuediellon by Ke<
(hdonibb with a autoll l-oat.
~ Them are m ablp bolldlnc aeiabIwat Ift erenu.
liahaaaaM adjanawl to tba craat lakra
Mra. U- M Ottinerr. Ueeretarv.
with a total cmdiaUMloo of »lk.iBS..
I. u. u. T.
A wrlo.of twoMtUlary Keebn par.
too Jaap at» feat, with Htlllkeu a
iae wan given Tbnradny and PriAt
TwnpQloae aooiBd and Oolby third.
Tlw Tblrty-finl goariurly eouvenay afWroooBf by Mn. J. M.Blakealee ton leal woek. the feUoWing ottMlUlkan won tba rnnninc Iwead
avand tnrBodeat rooaila worth fill.tlon of tbe AoowBDd Wblle»ah-t ttonend Mra Anietta at tba bona of Mn.
an wen eleetod:
Jnwp at 18 faal. Iwlnc paabad by Oarday atoeol aeaoetolioa waa bridal
Clffat of tboaa oalal
Blaketlea w> Hixlb atnai. wtalafa waa
K C. T.-TWB Bailey.
Mr. with BlrdwU third. Ladaria did
Aome May Srd. ItU.
MMM an derolad to the eoa«tra<
elabonlelv triniwed witn fbga end
0. T.-W. *■. Ooblr.
A good program Iwd Uvii jirepa^
oot abow bb oipeetod for® to tide
of Im and ataal mnla.
tanwd oat II amm yaaab wUb a amt. aa It waa aapaolad that ha day a tarty heanllfnl prtoaa wen
u lakeu la tbe
woold paah toe leader to hia Uwll.
1 aobool work and it waa cue
cnaatiiinnataof gl,tll tcoarab
by Mra. Kiank Dean, Mra. Uao LooTmanrep-Nellie Blea|eir.
ua Uw
Bnprtouodaat Horn aad l.b while
Tbay balll dorli« the
don and Miaa Harann. the nwnnb of
M Ohariie OitckalL
aame year ihraa ftae) BtUnc raoaala ^ wore expaotad to abe* tba way
from every
A nport waa
their akill being a gold-lined bon-bon
or larcaa with a aroaa loonaca
- to |]>a faeelly tana of !iO yarda B
Boodey arhool
a|«on. Wedgewood rnae and Kook
nnartok dawen mated that i
rim improvemeut all alo
in and a tola) Talnatlon of fiU0.00a
1 van. .M toe nacloaloa of too
linn of
pratty BwUt boy. and w.
Tha nmbar of woodan rMala, toPrue.»mur p toawi
Hiw Myrtle Iwngwortby who haa “wb«^. t^Ttoltove that tiie nlo.ui
•tadlac oaBkl koala, baitaa. aoboeMn handily, will, yarda If not rode
a bnlll la im, waa t.IOa Qwa. and not haU ronnlnc.
u.».hstl. ,le«Mnatlou are the two
baan to Itoaea and Bagtoa*. awlatli
Ryder rode alooc In woond
toAabbatl. eehool
The party given by Mra j. M. tba roort eleMgiapbrr. la bona on
- tdantlionwaa
BInkeeUe and Mra Uao. AwlotU vhilL
Reoolved. That
r of tba 1
O. K. BelUa of Maoloo tatnmrd
Friday aftornuou waa aa delighlfnl to
thing. l-gU!
One of too fisew UoMa U too oallte
ratotoataeally bat
today after bring to Ibe olty
tbe law
evory wav aa too OM of ti<e prerl
bbiayof iMaUwefira war itel
they did not Baodtaaa.
agatoel Babbatl.
afanoun. and rraa graaUy onJoyeA hy
Ito wotora
r aevenl B .Igh.
igolat may reign i
Tto Benlw-PBOolty toll faaao a
toe large nnniber of ladlae preaeot.
ware Inritod to toe oetoaga ■ Mr. and
ar >-ato<r.
borboodp u Uo.1
toaftotan ad Iba day Tton w<
Tbe priaea. a Royal Worubealer plaU,
nanded it ahould
Mra O. W. AtoUn by (Mariw Aabfoor to^Bga played, bnttoat a
Wadgewoud raee and Rookrrood rraie.
•wi. a wewbar of toe otoaa. and toan
for toe Night is Conli
wan woo by Mn. A. W. WalU. Hri.
drera not. airlrtog toortly after 8
lo lake obarge of' too Orand Raplda
Bwltb aad Mra. W. O. D. Uorwatoe.
n'eloek. Tbay wen taken to cat Of
Red. wbiM and blaa ioa oraam. boo- braneh of tlw FlUabocy Boor eon
tbe eeld, to
of toob trtwpy apTbe ffeotona of tor game wore
Bditor Uorald-Noioe oa eelooling
iwjjy. bat on toe firal of Hay took
ato flow tool tlaae Ufa waa too osooUeal boMory work of Knot*.
.aod oora may net eoma amlia to the
pMlUou ai tnvelug nleamaa for too Hnaldmdera Tlw Mlel.igaa Fann­
OWaCWkd rweal m
Bora fw too faoolly and tlw
ra of tliv Oea
r. M. C. Coffro Oo. of Urand Rajdda er nva; "Two nato objaoti ahould
•cqalritoty aU tat-oa ona of Ito fflrb
of tor lattar and O. B. oooiely hat^boae boay for tbe
Mn. V. B. Daria of St LouU. be Ind to rlaw In aelaetlng mod eon:
Jim MlUlkec. Mr. Kronortok oat of last few weekv eaniliig motioy
toe Iminvlng toward unlfetully of
fanU waa too rale of toe ooearlm that tono ttmw at bol foosd too boll tot
variety or type, and toorvMe to-|*oL Hlakealee.
way bnt' lbe oioal vay.'VUli vblah ily of bar mb. J. M.
BOM of too aanlora wai to appaar to
portioo of eorn to cob, "both of vfaleb
a totol of (to baM and Milllkaa want they hato ploaoed to bny ao toTolid
to toe tamer mnai be aeoood lo tbe
fain OM bettor for a total of wna elialr lo loan to eiok poo|je aad
•obanetof ol lie |*oducUvo«M If
piwvaaqao, or etliarwlaa
Dt. F. A. Van SyokU o( WUltona to praduet, IncxeMi' to weight of
Oolby nlUnd Braooriek at wbe an net ttroag oaoagb lo walk to
Aahtee aad Harbart Bowwa ptoyod
toollod eon can ba around la mtoettba begtoatog of tba Iaal laning. eborel..
Tlioy held aa "axperieB
tog aeed.
It darn BOt apprar very eo. toaatotpartoMtratoto.aK
BoRi ooaght a atar game tbnaglwak aoolal" Um waak at toe ebaitti
mottal as to lem of cob. It also nya.
fiawbh JaBtbMa waa abea bit And
Tha battery tot toe nalon waa vbito tlaio a foad of onrfia.OOw
RalpAD. White ot WllUanaborg k "Tbe imperfect kumeU at tip and Intt
Itora waao m Md of pretty eoo«t>7 ObanpBoy and Bayaaeod.
aboold be nmoved. ae repmted i.-sts
touogbl to, and anay anaatog aterlaa
pIrU and etban who ram
tint a bhwv aalform proTba aoon by toataga wna aa fol- van told of tha waya in wbioh tbe
Hlarob Oo.. vnt to Obloago roatetdoy
kotbtog la tartlealar.
IT had bean earned. Sune of tha on boatoam to ooDeeUen will, tba todg fire war taUI ob too
A biglb
Faoolly 16 8 *-Mtal Id.
ladtos lian
oat at ban and clp^ I voald Mot It by
noftoaebwworotw- Saolon t 0 » I total 10.
'"p.^'pubar of toe aun of K. Wil­
inaola olaantog hooaa. helm wai ealled lo Waterioo. laA. ^Mttog by tbeiamlTM mid Inparleet
EersaU That would aocure expertTba gonnwyof too fiald day
pUlogvood,oto.. wUU
.U morning by tbe nova of
too atoHawaat of toe ovtBlag took
onoa. A^Jeaat lo^ to tbv^^og ot
tint toair traa
u illnam of hla atotar.
It waa vxpooto.1 Itel aewe
M YardDwk.Beat la a.
PreaidMit J. O. O
^ri^l^ toTta*bm?pomibla“o
' offon woold bo wado oa too port of
_ . aad
Z. C. Falrbank,
obafa iiiatnd of




'TSfl.'liS.rrtL.u « p.


xBd Boyw waao
of catoUag OM of toon wfaaa ba we
haafi oret aan toto tbe monk, a
toe Jantot anfie good hli aaeape.
Later toe bonee wan feaad to
BBbltehod. bat It wae dlwaivnad H
tUa WM doae by a aanhat of tba •
let boya ibeoMhoa. for tba aka

Fuel Beyer.

rUal-MilUkou. 8 ft I to.




1 have sold one full car load this spring and have just received [
my SECOND car load. Keep up with the procession and

I Have also just received another lot of those elegant

An art loan
dtoAtou BBrnT'Vi* Hat Pnto^T
Roe. O. Ooohlto mring btotaolf
toalwka of the Woodi.
Sold Boot Mtolngelalmi-------------------OvBon of toe Bank of Bimtogbaa
beat poetad ponuB joearnt
Mr. and Mn. Wn. Baydao left oa an wflwdertng bew Way an gelng to
eharaewr of toe vorfca of atl.
too OTualng trmto yoatorday for a few
gat at toe nmunta of tor hmtk mte.
was wieekad by robbora Tbe
rabben left a lot of dynamite to tbe
ureh of Ktagelsy von in toe
mfr whlob dtd not go off at Uw Une
of tba exptosioB wbiefa wiaeked tbe
baUdiDg. nod experu from Deiroit ntowd to work OB It. Bono Toledo
Ranmy M. B. obareb April 18. llOt
toe oltl^ on keeptog ot a dtsnsee.



Fapar. " Whet ts oar grmleol draw-

FUil-Oolby. a ft I to.
Soeend aad tolrfi-apHI-MlIllkoa

fiopiM wai oerrod by Mr. awfi Mn. aad Boyer.
AtotM. Who taoTwl toaoMotno fiadlgbtfal ealattotoata
Thesa WM m
FIrel-Oann. 88 a
OBdot good tbtoga to oakABd to*
aaBtotafild fall JasUoa to tba fata. Aa
toU U toe toot time toot they nay
otto be twatoer vlbeal toe Booeority
Fint-MUlikea. 18 a
of InTlag on toolr oonpBny nBWiaw.
Iltolr filgalty waa doI ao naeh la oriThlrd-BUfiaai.
fiewMM It mlgfal Inn boon
IMtrntofBadbanooariy tUanocBa. T. P. r. Bectlow
MtlllkaotaBd tlw IfQlMt^ladlvIdDl
Friday otMtog to too Baptttt ol
■oru. getttog a plaeo to avnyihlag
fortna oeeomd tba OBBaal gtiotti
e aotarod mod mertog IBS potou
too ». T, P. U.
The oMoon
1(S•Uetod tot too rantog m as fol-

A Medicine for
Old People.

Wito atogtog tba lo*aaaoB«
vaaclomdaBd all waat to toa nonaa
of ktod paopie of RMeaqr. wbaea
- oetlfal fitoiwn wme lamd. After
r tanpotml wobU wma tappllafi we
nt egoto to toe ohateb tor a tmn

. Ud WT wwd I
aad 1 kaev a wnd isy Ul*

tooMgJalytaee nwitog.toe Northport Lmfiar nya:
"Thol-i right’ Ueutera ragalar
oM red. whlla aad Mm line and LeoUmo will help. We an Jaal loaglng
DaMKltoaM. Motoot
tor olty aoddoa (Mat to
M'O lip---------- of too UBletoBlty of
d iteibarn
^pnttoB U to toa boBda of the b

Bone very good ihougfate wan prantad. Tbe tooogbl of letttag ear
aoBg people do nora of Iba week to
» SoBday aefaoela batog aa aioeUiBt
OBa. for you find it to aU ptaem toot
tf a petaea boo a pari is aor .tbtog.
they nke non totarmi to It. lo tot
OS profit by tola aad taka mere IWar>t to oar yaam pa^ osd glva than
port to ovary ploea toot wo na.
Lola Johaaeo garo aa a baoot

ecldaot: iTttn ahnbm of Mr. Bar..wa. Mr. Tatlar lad the pBaieongvtor.
Wa tom llataeid to a vary

ulk' Nervine SiSlS'LTTC.'S:'SUES'
ood olben ntood a ilMa apm Ik

^'■•Bono De^rtoa
&taaapm*OM ayoi aad oar
m tola gnat work; Jon Mop to_____


it. We thrive or >ur\v. i»
our blood ia rich or poor.
There i» nothingfl.%c to live
When SrengtlTls full and
s)Krits high. t»e arc being re­
freshed. Mnemu.sclc and brain,
in body and mt'nd. *ith con­
tinual Aow of rich blood.
This to health.
When weak, in low spirits,
no cheer, no spring, when rest
is not rest and Jeep is not
tJeep, w-e are starved: our blood
is poor; there is little nutri­
ment in iL
Back of the blood, is food,
to keep the blood rioh. When
it fails take Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil it sets the
w h<>lc body going again—
woman ao^ child.
acorr a aown. cacwMs


127 state street I


I Tnfcnc Hcralt
MtoUbtito OuMt
«rm««rM OUT Hoodv
«», SoFkiTTMi 1>4 tally left Mob- ;
fW OWnellle. leva. O. 1C Wllbv u>d HtaaOklli
Vilbar aritaleeoix >iwit MsMy
milk m<»l* la («• place.


aaa *»U1 a to. p««M j Coated, (O dotes, 25c.), *«


£s;jrc!;i"u^4"-'- , ■»>.


Th.*ork«nhe Be* bopn.i*o-| ccoootnkal >ub«titute tor the

«eeulac eapMt.T.


liMder. Klaa BraaMa.
The bay--------------------aiD lea Sanrday ai<h>
Tcvtc for Bmranli Ijaacae 8aa<Uy,
May totb. PracUoal OeneacMloa.
Uta*. AtUibt SaiitbTh. daatihler «f M«. ElU Htowa
baa baea ««y III of muip
Mr. aa<1 Mra. Peiaaa of Oboob
were la toire Basday.
TlM aav BaabiwU ootMtc* !• aaarly
Wtaale Laloade vent to Tiarerw
<nty thte veek.
Erad MiebUai aad Hr. Oomell are
oear tna For laland.
Miea lioella ltaar> Mt Satitey <a>
tba Beaen for bar bom ai Heaear
Dr. Oowdea of LeUad war la tova
Uil, weak.
H. B. Olll baa oedaaad a aoda foeaulB for hi, aiora.
Albort Voir* aad wit. look a trip
loLolaad tbti *i«k.
Rafat A. HaoaaGrar apaat BuaiUy
with ralatiaaa here.
Brvin Wrialey. who bar baaa eery
111. U Btaeli liBiaoTad at ihii vrilina.
taaday aa Ur Uama *aa paBlap

Uould CUT I-

well tt (or
all Other blood
' purtBcrs and humour curei.
Each p<D is equivalent to one
' ' of bquid RE.VENT. Put up in
acrev<ap pocket vials, cootsininfi: 60 doses, price, 25c.
OmeURA RESOLVENT PELS arc alterative,
antiseptic, ionic, and digest­
ive, a^ beyond question the
purest, sweetest, moC suc­
cessful and ecoeomical blood
and sldn purifiers, humour
cures, and tonie-digestives yet


A ^Uae of taa boUa, to bo kaew^ I WMU tovim btr tab iiiiiM I
■b:tha am'of Donboa A Bro..
QtaMl Hami bat Ibr tantaM abltsm
I tbe MeKlaloy HeaMrtal Oblwa. Iby.tooOft. tba wife edOhUtaa 0«—t^aad «
aad yaokm
wbltrSth la tba mbb■
________1______ _______ .______________________ .__ ___
__ ___
uy. TMr baalaeaa la a rery axitaBtoad BIttararad i
alTo owaaad laaladao tba fwwlaa aad
aMktac ed lab of all klada at well at
'' tiakad that <m4 btart Iraablad btr.
-Ptetoatodby tba ell
lUpptae tbm la ibelr tab
aad Tloiallyta BMB
all wctai of tbt oouiry.
deal. Villlaa
a MeRialay. March. .
plaat bat a ctaolty a< ».<«> poaa^
of Sib a day. It coreta two acrae <4
(ToaaA Thttwooold awrafo plaait
liav* a eapaoliT of a Qurtrr of a tallIteapoaadtof lea. Deoldat abtpfto*
U-bile yoa thiakof it. «•> buy and |
to all larta of tbit eoaawy tbe Srn i> try a box of Cxtcmretx Camly L'a- .
wortiM op ui extea-ra trade .n Max- th^ic,ideallaxative.toei(;bi. You'll I
arrer regret it.
Clrauinc table:,: ■
juampcd'C. C. C Nc er told i
I balk.' .AU drugguu, tec.
Mae paoallar rook.
tHher fanoaraj
off tho Cold,
•ra aeorally bartat thalr jdowlat aad
; Jaoob nieoar. a Bollaad apkariti. , |
inxm White Cuia xiwl Sxiiurn. i<er ,et of u,
Meo-tpooJhexxySosper imir. only..;...
^elat laia tbe tanh la tbe bcpetl — do, »■'f«»-»"■
baa loM abeal half of lili.flftr rwanatIlea'. e«r. hex., Sos per pto. only........... ..
niaellilBC 'bat »«•' A tifl of tlOO.OOO bat baaa ptrea I
of beea Uiia ytar from tlie juiwa aaed 11
1‘lain White l-in. 1'iuner FUtev per trt <d
yield Uta betrerrataro
tbo OloralaBd Fraah Air camp, a looa I la tirayiat frail Croat while in blot • ,
Mcn-t. extra'heaxx Sat|Mdets 4Uc xwloe,
ad oata
ebarliy that carta for poor chlldrej
Wm'J.m. l'UteMwr.e..rfvv,oal.
At Hartford all tbo bertoof tte darlBC tbe tanta saatba.

Imiwaok tbtraMdwMdfMnrt
rM tbroWB late a tarry od oaolbtoent er« Iba aaaoaaoa^aat Ibal paM'
Mbaaa dltooaarod oa tba fta ^
MerrlU Zl—tmta
A Jrwalar ta
AlUeo waa api-aled la for aa oplnlOB
KQoaaaad tba -oMl Iroa ky
___ Tbu caolad tba ardor of tba
dmaara toatawbat. bat Mr. ZUaiao
to tally mtUlT blsaalf. aael
tpeeiiata to a raUabW obeaiM.
BOW fBOTe* that fbo qaant Bwaya
uaaJI amOBDl of sold, aad a tartbe
wwtab will ba »ada for tba preeloat
The qoartx wat dlaeloatd
labool foor feet kelow Iba aarface aad
tbare appaaia » ba a larta eaia of tba


1-u b«~ e.

: I i"“




Pekatoa band of the Pottawpiotaie daaer U Irllared to ba J. U. Wade.
tribe of Indlaat porUcipoted la a
eoaaell wbUb laatod Ibraa dayt aad
two altbtt. aad wbieh eloaed Tbirrtdar ereatat. Tba aabioet aader i-ooIbe BBTaUlntof Ibe immwrtaera
tblwatloo waa tilt reoaat deal wberereliaqalxbadtbolr title to! tire »oa«»ei.l to Kta« llamber. 1.
by Iba


Ibr lake froal Tao]orty

i; -.u.. -a

OvriMg thta Stk Wt Ofhr


............ .............. 27c

“’J..............-T.;................... I9c

hxmem*.m. rules ,wt«lyft.k.i»l.....

I 9c

rUin «hilc \ e«el.N. IbAes touaJ « oV
h-«i; ,’1X1*.
»«. oolx-............................



I.vlie»’ Gxare V«-ts be« 5e x-cot tnxile. bdw


Beiorio fram faroiera ta


All out Tuttboa l.araa xml Inaettioni to
much, well worth lilr . xwi.l, nx» .mix


M.u'heni' U '

(Sbj, Oatuanlr. e llf-C.C rw


bate, were earrted oa to
ttopaa. bet so rota wat 1
aetloo. .tbe be.-kt doeidlBII
doeidliui to ' Vga



........................... ..5.48

fi. noaonly....................


ago J.d>n Tlnd.1,. |

teevedet tar roniLdl..bMn> u..,( woke up with a leeollar pain in hit .
await tbo rota, of t.w
foot find on exambiatioa dlecoxrrt.l ]
that a r-t bad k’nrwed ooe .4 l.i.toe, ■
«' t»na, iiT'tro
off during ibo night.
Mr. Tiudall i, j
astuuiy CO, cmcmo m
van. an
nble to be oat and no doubt will re. 11
cover -non from bit tiagnUr aiiaek.
ill mmmor'and ladua to nilartnalte ! Tlie renialaa
, .
noltooi, and beplna abraptly wllb In-'died laat Monday, were boried at. Tt>
< t'KR a roLo IK tivn
flainruatioe of tlia maeooa lining of |
Sotrej. TUariday,
bowol. .la.AMrtoa_th«dU-1
a,„hl. r

■lid Kal<«. aad rUeda Un- lbk-1
Mk-.. 10
M.; CvTWiraa UiimBicT,
Oiir--------- “
IClTIand opoa hreakliut to ibe « iiidov, a
teal eraa diaoererwl abla». A eloili
n a* lua(a.<me Filu. C.. >■ «nal and
■tariuil erllb-lliiaii-d oil bad beeo
rinnw Umi blood. A biMiuibar hoflra |
oanloBly tbroimiui-i a rvbbldi bar
nftlrViiilooale tbe »««, keloAna. dl*
ralaad t»d takeo Bre
Had 11 aet
C. baitilar. aad eraly akU.
ararliK, I^InC;'
baaa foe Uie aid aad tboafftatfeleaaa of
Perry Dan.' pinUll. r 1. wreaib, wm- placed oo tbo coBii.
i Tbe *10.0(10 o' >'-•
Harrla Northport would bare
liB of hair.
I inlta
tJ^beet know? raiaedy and tbe Biott!
------- -----------tbrcylondofTurwUy.tM.pleK.pnSeCed tba loaa cif aeolhar bolldloK.
Infaary t» ifr. wbaa all nlw talla.
rneoeloat In tba treatment of dywio-,
■•* an, Wew
idm it now aniecarblng Ibr tro.iMi
Arttaar O'ltnrii baa reated
mart. llr«de A* .-.trntire deMmc
Uartlia rMldenoe oo the bill.
O. H. Dana took a trip KiTraerrar
i Notlbrlmot piotarat.|Do ajraroatl
------------- ^........................................
tioii of |iroi*rtx the
Hoaday ratorDlD« li>r mao <lay.
Lord Carton. Tierrox of ladu. ba>, ^cei^.-gnbardi It veported.
mof KlngBdwmrd t
Tbe followtaa uStwra were rlaetol
of Krw ;--------------- i-----------------------------------,
MxMhn Hinrt llahadar. the aiabara- \ cabled
i br ObrlutUn Herald
at tbe BOfitlily baaUiaaa Boonorol
Indaii alaCo
tlxCO with a : York Oliv
Oltv Ibal tbe fi
famlna ttrick.-a
Ub of JeTiwre. an Indau
Iba O. K. aeolnty and laatallad Kanibnat sroo.onn
Hejdltlrlet. do not at jeoooni atand-la
OaiA E. B. Olll
dar OTaotac;
rat in town ttiU wt«a.
'win hr alieadnd by a rellaue of lo wtiy need of attUtanro.
Hc-ople at*
Fnatail-UlJe Bma» Wilaoa.
Vb« prMldi Di-'Klai Rdna Branea.
Mate of ai rion, afttn-M. that
The-fuaeta! of Mra. U lx White iwreoat and bo hat ehanor-d "
tantary^Ula Faarl Doom.
ww* hold at th- H. K. ehordi PebUy Anebor lino oteaaibtp of 6.oni> tone tc ample rrlirf I. bring given, and govTraaaom-Ur. Kormao Thmaa.
eonroy him ,ind hU talto to Lonoan. oii.mrtit nwoaroos
Mae. Lartoe aad wife of Omaoa
Ftnok Boobui of I.eUnd apoot Baare folly eqoal
day with friaadt in tewa.
Tbe mabaiayah U *'
A ortnbor of new booka bay.' bMa rwled hU otalo for twrot.r-two year.
nWBleod for tbe aebool library.
The alaamer Heaver oallod brio Saaday taa Oharb-Toix.
legendary boro of ladla.
ValMr Nolten aad family left Banday an the Braver for HesTor ItUaA
I Mita BcUa Brrniao took a Crip
Tlaverwi Olty Hoaday.
wLl. ta»*«*‘>»Sw‘“^

d?:ii.t“^H J^’toSriya.nrS. and.few friei.da


........ ............................... 29c

Uieblta'i) nl'nw that tbe wind Mom. ^
Of Tbonday did iboutao.l. Of dollar,'
........... ..... 1,98
worth of damaee to troll Iraeo Whole
baaie in t*dte-piece act, ao* onl......................3.4S
Aiaamiftr Meyrt orchard, wre la mao.r e
tlUst TumWets mexlium tire. no. «x Ut...

dofdedaway tl
oordias Ibe OTOBk
a tall world I
partlet aoqalriat It lookla* to tb.- to- «
ooTory of tbe troiwrty. Tho tod nwo , •
barr waltad la rata for word of the | wl.leb be rt
of the oolt
The de. j



l-uU^ire llUts Tumblers ta 3 for..................


tiUss Kmier Oithet ninlium tiie.aiinh ]Or,
noaonh........... .. ......................


Cluineufxm HUi« AttOile oB our 1»<-txMr.


2r.of,helk«iKnxelolw,onlx ................ 2c
tlinnl BU.k Ink <ir Mnnlxtic )iet Uillle now .

Hilt .Jillon r.U\» ri:c!iet>, nepiUr price J3r,



Gabxmicd W'ath Boilers »>e»l qualily. So. H
• only 7.V. and Saw only............................

ft. CKiIhe* line* now oixlx . ., .........................
While -Vxte^ Btntans jier . tnl «' 12 .loten.

rim l)rmiimsCui«oi>1}............................................


Hell rias xwoctol kimU, now 2 for...................

Milk SuaiiK'ii. no&i >ire. only...............................

Heavt Tin WanhlUnm, only..................................


3<k(yanUof llw Ik*

m».lc of one piece, .mix ..............



Many 1—atlfal,



Mxxbihe Thraa.1 lor

IS* witn Bargain
Aiwar* Noll

2 Front Slroot.

^^1 Special Sale on
Cadies’ Suits—

Mia, Btbrl lUvU telamod
X in Omona 8at«nlay.-

For lafonU asd taiildraiL


Wbito Hotao. In tfar Klondlka. many
of tliem dontilDia. Blololng baa higBO at Dawaoo aad from *10,0)0.000 to
*l>.OCO.Oaoia din U nady to waM).


The new More ix tbe lall. Ilf ibi-i ii. aii.l

rbxjxe for Ihcit e.U stork*.




Wv ..................'mu,- .u. li,-

xunc, gi.vmg

OSTI2V late arrivals, but the
IIZ time has come to close out
this line, and in order to do sol
quickly, we offer the following |

Traverse City. Mich.

118 Front Street

lu-.v g..,!, ibi.i o'Evr-•-.le-

W« a.v n-. oxini; i.x-« i;-..,:* i-n > -'v

Come in xnd sec the iiuxlily of tin- iiirr.-hsn'ii-< uml cniiiarc in - v-.
ami you will *eo mhx »c are Imex.

W,- emix 1n^^!lo:. a i.-» atnl.-

AH $ IO to $ 12 Suits reduced-^

Iwlow for want iiTsiMix-.




42 in. Wool Cranite Cloth, plain

2.V, t..............

All $ I 7.50 to $20 Suits reduced

| 9c

Itouble fold Atixs I’errale in all the nc» laitcmx for...................


All $20 to $25 Suits reduced

•i-'“U-.'«......................................... ..................................................
100 pieces ol Kmliroidery up to 10 in. in *idth, w.irtli l-'w..


Turkiili Towels, each.....................................................................................


Men's Uue.arii<.

Working; Sinn*. bC ui. I'm;:, oonh 2-V..

E. milbelm. «

J 5c

Celluloid Collars, all »liai>e*. for................................................................




Men's ChexTot, xtripetl, Wotxl Suits, well loailc, worth #('....


tlZ^. h'.*:;4.9s

The Traverse City people tiave never had the opportu-,
nity to get such bargains in pianos and organs as we offer at
this time. We find in our stock a lot of slightly used pianos
and organs, which are practically as good as new. Some
have been rented for a time, others taken in exchange for
new goods. All have been put In first-class condition and
will be sold at about




Owing t» AM CIcntss el tlx Susen, U< OHII make a
Special Reduction on all


Summer Oeods

Shoe Bargains


Men's DotigoU Kid Shoes 'Yxl'sh «id dresxv, aonh Sl.-''»o..


l.adia‘amt Cbildrcsi's-Poika IW Hose. 5

Dinner Sets
IC devorationx. at 10 jier cei
KUIKM Tin, Jl, lb....................................................
CI.IJ'. K,d Ste -1.- .1 1” ».

FROM $167 70 $235




^ from $32& to $400. We will close out the whole lot ^t

A five year guarantee, also an elegant stool and. scarf goes'
with each piano.

Your promise to pay will do in monthly or quarterly
^ payments to suit. If,you are going to buy a piano or organ
^ this year, you cannot afford to miss this sale.

41-. <»...............................


CWnKMM.~.,i.k—wwsW................. (2lc
tn Our Bargain Basement

'g Sliver Fruit Stands, *2 values at


^ liceorxlei! Jardmere,............................................ ...




four ilcsigTW at l<» I>er rent above run.

N. E. STRONG. Manager
Factory Branch 129 Front Street


_Xra.ver<« City, Mich.


Boys' 1.008

Heavy tin. wvoiten hxtulled, 2 «it Coffee T'ois. worth

, |0 g

I.adies' Cibsan WaKx, weU made.................

.60 <

.08 ,

Tor Saturday (Mr

Full «xe Hammock.............................................

. tor


1.00 |

Men's Fancy Hose aad While Fool Hoae. .


Men'w Fancy Suiped Drem Pantt....................'2.00 t
Boys' Knee Pants, fancy worsind................................. 23 :

^ Medium fcxe Wash Botlem..............................

Good me seunfe* l»n>ci», wwth 5.. for ... ............................. ...

Ijirge fruit jiictures, htiwWrme pk frames,

«'e will give a straight HI |ier ceot dwxwmt 1
on Fireprtxrf Ware. Itan't itdm it.


laaiUes- Vests, pmk. white ^ Noe...........

C.iU Band Cup, ami Saacots. wiwth l'2}e, for .».............

.89 |

Ragdo. life tjdmdrrin go U.......................

.• Men'* (fvcralls. with Wb....................................

15c. for...
Futrthen UecoratetlCosixidors. worth 12K. ‘ut----....................

.50 g

Pictures. “Tbe Slqnn.“ bbek and goU
frame.......................i.............................. .....................

Parlor Camp* at Co,*

(• One lot of China Si«xri ami -Cvexme
two pieces.................... .........................................

rix-e barrris xsaaricxl Fancx AHiikwaxe. cetnsistinj: ot' butter
dishes, sogu bowls, cream intehers, erU-ry dnhew. g.drletv.
initp, benj- dtshrt. salt »nd pej^ier shakes worth I'V- and

.|0 J

Ijufies'ljwn Kiir»r»as,iiiedy trimmed...

a bantxin at............................ ............

Jievoixle.LaimxCxkerixles.fi5c value?

WaAbosr*. rv-kind.........................................

Brass Conam Kodi, eompiete............................ ...

.04 |

Mea-s wft Hats, Uadf and gray.......................


^ Men , Cx{% lAxck x^ white.........................

I21ai»lw* Ijumln »«»P

............................................... ...................

: lira [net Sets complete .

Gooil sue Tin Wash Boilers, worth TV. 6w.................................

Garden Rake* and Hoes.................

Good fixe Hiinkmi! Cbj*..........................................................................

Tea Slrxioets. worth Sc. for

.......................... ................................

J ).ar,re sire Granite CoBee Pots..


Two lortels of VamT Glass Bott« ttiAes worth IV, lor.. r


Six ,dam heavy tlU-s Tundden. wonh 2«, for............................


Three Urrek of lancx heavy Gla-w Berty Sets. -x«h «V. for

.76 I

** Men', M'orking-Pants..........................................................90

V« Beaters.-........................................................................................^

I Udie,' l.xce CoBirs. rrorth "Sc .

Straw Hat, for mem, women and doldren,
from ic/u>...................................................................


Baky eak* and SIceptn* CmkIms <
■tie per teal akspcesar.
Uce Cmtaas **. ilM. »t. 76c and.................... 69 *
Ladim' Dms Skirts, trimmed Botmoe..
Men's Senped Wmkuig Shirts....................
Bo^- OveraBs. with bib.................................

■iW advantage of them pr«s,aa me must move car fatgestm* of StaDs Goods tod eoery dqr ^


taiex. ■ Bring th» price ItorritByoa aad see that you gel gomli as wearfaertta

11. FnB su Worm, on n««.


I .20

Telescoiw*. aU sixes, «»c. IkK 3-V xnd .

lAmp ChioBwys, Xa 1. wxjrth i>c,

Wm^deotadleiirotato Masher.............................................................


n«u> Store


Child's VesteeSuiu. made of Wool Serge, worth $.'1, ..m

I.adie,' IfongoU Ita Shoes, sole Irxthet tounier*. we*th



Others at Other Prices.

eiotbitig and Gents*
Fumlsbing Bargains

\ We also have a number of tastern made pianos that we ^



| 6c

north a.V, tor....

Men', cxerydxy Su^wnders, worth I-’... for...........




Ukl pieces of Torchon I .ace and in«ni..n to inal.h. xi,ml,

....BIG TEN DAY....


G»,,ac lV«,”p I” all ,hr

InToie OlT. no*


1221 Trent SL Cl^(^ p^lfCra^eHyg


TMMmAMDfftAVfefafttlMrtiJi.MAV >6. 1002

•tetaMtaaK tb*>tl
a* Dit*d ttad la I Tb* Old aottkn- ■oHlap ttl* y*t
■14_ttt win b* b*ld M Bk BopU* WtttMday.


A Generatfon Ago

CoAee could only be boogfat
ta bulk. Tbe »odi Century
my IB tbe
|>nd* Miltht t» oaa»*.dor|*tirb.iin»Ttdadf€r»«mm«a. TkU
Th» HMtmrrtM otlh*<U7o(Bi. (taltk*
m1_ a. Ife. Iited of KMtUtq**. U teld
M (CO ttt p*Cpl*tO*«l*Ddtb*. .piibmac. Tb* boll U any llfbl
ofltrttot HU •onoactoa WM
•*»»* Hal tb* rtxtrol*** of tt* Mlatartico
oitd dook rooM* and all
way—*ealed poc^oftt. olwsyi correct ia wdffat.
M, mUi»
U. U hl#&7 WMkt la tb* eitr b> Mirlod oo lo tb* tor*' osd lain or *blB*. w* ooo barr a food
oDd op DfMly to 1 o-oloob, 00.1
omiforB aad
oortwlly. the W «f i*» d««»r*e»l»
. .
at FoBioil olixM
tMlrotB- tU tiMO
rctoiaiac it* rick flnror.
•Mtloc will
- - ...--------r bmMB
lllr WM tb* ir* wort* followU.« lo tb* *t*orill
doWB lOWB.
o^IlM ood ‘»what
a 8. CkrrU MMd that la bit )adf^
BOteOM M ttte. Xroty
dlndlMfr*. DtaMWTi whlcJ.r.^1 _MDl tt*r* ttOBld b* DO tlcbllac of the rank* of tt* old *ot(teia «TOW llrod. M to wlute he latebdrd M po. I Bfi SUffi tOd ittfiMl tbfi bi|
lb* olty’t port oftb* day’iOMTOUM
. U l». of l»e o«l ««•»*—0* • *“!>*•
for tU b*t>*ai of lb* drtrlad olob B* ttlaan. LMa*aoiBi« aoeh *eelal
dottprlnc M ttl*.
a tbe United
(fe» .»ieU> of ehortiy. ThU owfol *lat*4ttal
Any parMB wbo bM llrod In tt*
Wottlnttoa that bi* retnalai bad 19,where you can buy aietfint new
«art»0|ih. U protoWy «l« ««"» ?;•«
Ofoad TtavaiM roflao f* fif**** arrirtd at 8iui Pnarieeo. and woaU
u rnad-n hUlory. a»d l>»
atldibl* to
be abippetf lo Ohnrlolie at oaoe. •fisters made pienoi for $167 to
Dr. A- U. BoUldiay ood a Dombor ttlp In tt(i AMDctetlon. It entu oely Kottlat U known there of hU ealW- $236; and orcaas for from $35
U |t«o<
)eia. Inoladlac tto «r« aent. and all ttet <«u be iMmed of
of etlMO* *pok* to tt* qototleo. *ad
U It plwiiic towtl— tb. ol«
nad tt* oaaanl dae* nr* bU death te •iplolaed by tte itorem- up, at W. W. Kimball Co., 129
««ha llwt a ooUbrtloo b* bold
vlU. «Ukl>lbe UolMdBMtMOi
bal to eeoU. Tb* wommi rnoBbon of ■aeet frare Barker, which noeoB- Front street
See ad in this
to«rt Witt wH-WiUol oidttr foBllr bar* Bottlac to pay.
Od BOtioa of A- B. Oook tb* o
poated tte sttet aa.l U alBply a wal- psper. __________
cncMof ttlt
Trv eoSM. cnaa and rax*r will b* ant board apoa which U prlatod tte
nit bait «!<»-**.* Hb««l *Pfanlabod nt tt* boll tier, bat U U foUowlBK Ineoriiaica: •■Obnrte* Bnrlit*
Hama eou.
P^crUttoo for lt«Tolkfof tb* «#«•
wbloh h* WM to b* ohalmo. to eor- »ipteud ttnl all who olteed tla Woleb. bora Aa«. T. IS;;. kilted (tmlna attaca taMnal raltet. Dr.
M lUr «on of (tOO.OOO WM at
willbrloc tteir owa
in aetiee Peh. le ITO “ Taanc Welc4. TboaiM' Beteearfc OU- At aey dnuf
for ttlt porpOM ood oo d*lw will bo r* oot onaattmaol* for tb* aorlrbrottoM Doaed obore. There will UGterlette’e aereatt tietlB of tte
wte lo *»i«»dl«t li propMly- Tb*
bea ptonte dinner at oo.« In tbe boU.
-Midi-of ttlt oouiry will apfror* IBM*, atl «i* nqaet of tlw d«lr. Voo DMd not htloiidtehea Tbeee lap-warn
qt ooBod
lb* toUowloif eem8tele Beantor Robert D.
brntlJr ttlt oellCB sod tb*r« U do tt* nitiUOC
Will be frtirlded.
Orahnin • term frolt «io**r M Oimnd
4mM iwt tbooMDd* will b.' ocBtrtb- •Ittt*: TbotnM T. lUttort). P Oar_ _
toMteodtl.U nirna*l fUiddr *ay* that uoatloo* fonlu or*
■tod froa prirMo oooto** 1» oddlUoD
tte heavy ■anwfall of
H tb* «0D<7 mpiiroprlottd by tt*r>r- LMla Bobartt.
teMWMk. HeMye Uwt tte pMch U
Obolnaao Bau* Irlwl u> (Uells*
iwoteeted *ad with co BneU
dwdloo to tb. pMlUoo of obalmiMi IteniaBber the data. Wedoeaday.
are • (erere treoM U aot looked
of tb* ciaeaUr* eeaualtte*. bol tl#
TravarM City Markets.
BoroiaaoDd oftaraoeB. OoBcyoarBull tt* ootooBf of tt* wlDtiy Tt<lerot>ort le mad* upon WoOneswewd weaU Dot li*or lo
her U looked npon tliree<boal dar of oaeh wook. The Herald I* not
Oa DOtloo of B. Ll eiaaco*. tt* erlf OB.I brlDK yoor taaiiy and aelfbtt* frail bell with c«a*i>lerable np- roeponal&l* for change* >0 prlc**.
«bolr appetoMd O. 8 0»tU m tli* bora
Foartt of i-, —
WM d*eld*d to plae* tb* BOMr 1a tt*
of tt* • ■
O a Bitro. Sectotuy.
>b for 13 y*on
« hU OWD B
h—of tb* **B* •Msotlre eonslt1 beoboaaa from
Ura 8 W. Wotbbom of Folrteld bM
I.. wUob maa*f*d tt* laM od.btomddoaly regolaod bw rolee aad talk*
UoD. Tb* *tport«ee* of ttat eo-all
A B**da« or tt* Uatforw Raak wiUi bor (oBlIy M tte did
to. will oaabte It to propi
EalKhi of PythlM WM hald ftaedny At ttet tlM* «b« lo*t tte o*r of her
■troaoti wUob wlU b* ao orodit to tb* for ll.e eelattotiOD. It i* probobl* aronlnc. at which tt»y dlio
eolre. ood While tt* ceold
Itiol tbe ^nut* for tb* Poortt will br
oily. U tt* pM*
tt* OBtur of
JL od*l>mtloe* iBt* b*oo illwral patted oS la tt* tMMOoo. with <aeb larlMUoii to CO to Bott*««a oo
•ad TiaT««» Oily hat oddad naob *o fll~g(il1nn« M aSoM tperu aad kaad BHBorlnl Dny, wbta tt* ctota* of aald to ter. ll I WM attable 10 artleoTbe power of optweli
h*r erodll la tt* ■**.** of dotac owMortala tb* ofunooa aad Kfand VUlteB HoHlatey U te bo aaralted.
tblbfi aad dottf tto« woU.
Tb* tnparotUM tor a U« roM mai .OBiotlM OOMBIIO* . all b*ia| by tboM proMBt. nad a eoBBltt.* peeWdiT M It WM lak« from bar.
aaMlBC Whitt ttte baoa oodM way*ld a Baatlng Toroday aiore- «M appointed to ••• tbe aeBben and Urn Vattbera ate glre ao exptaaalat la ih* cAo* of Br. BnMA aad tt*
Ilea of tt* M«>allar*tllicliaB ic which
oalOM WM Bad* ap < oecerteln bow tanar dedr. to Bake ■ll* te* beoB «BbJ«3led. bat being a
tbterip If ttrr* U a mod npr«Mn
Tbo bct**oi»n bar* *naa*od to «1»* a 8 Onrte. K. R. MoOoj. Jacob tatloa of tt* oeapuiy wbo will m. d**eat ObrlMlaD. .ay* "It wm Ood’.
will.” aad witt bn <hM^ *00*1
•L«0 la poiM* and mat* iDBttf hotM* Pnrucdi. Poter Wonborg and S. O.
tt* trip will b* ttkan.
wlU b* fa*r« ttaa w*r» *T*r dUfdoy- UoBPtca.
rna bloi’sk icrii.L poPt'EAB.
Ho dntelM naiiaa will be tokoa by
tt at OD* llB* la BorttafD Mioh
TbU will b* a H« attroodoD ood tt*
M gg«S le tte B
HiB Belotea KUi HetU* Boin***.
ofliwu of tt* Drirlac Park MoeUtloa
HU* BordMi aad lira Baker of Uko Hotting b waarter and ator*
ttoald b* rieaniaaly •aoeaiand. eatokratloB U.U y**r In oooa*otlo tere' eoBptelod tteir enaroM of tto on ore la tt* elty today.
favorite than tte Mew Wooltes bloaie
wltttt* rae* DWotlBC <aa brood* oily there will be another rneedDC of kUo. Klnmtey and toatlly «>f Oige- *•11. KroB year lo year 11 orenple* •
pceltloo at tbe ton of Paditoa * favmitt are la tt* elty.
bid oBblr *Bd If llw MB* *00117 0* > tteeiesoUre ooBtnlUee tor
orlua Varying a Iittlr wllb the
lb* p*M U breodbl to b«r ttU y*or •etleo. U II U fowid ihM mmeteot U. W. Pow*r weal ta 81k Rapldi •et IdMi*—now a yoke, again a
w* may ospoet ea* of Uw bla**i road* «Mi be ptedaed lo ympare a oel- today to •pend Soadoy.
Blag of lace medalllcma Tni. tmt
ABII Harllamr of Clk Kopida 1* la tt« oliOBi witli their kaotled end* 1* Delrolt-Wtet. 80 aad (C>.;oora.
d*B<B*Mtla*. ia tt* ally’* bMory. ebratloa la keeplBC with tte liaport.
tte Ohio irfmalBg. Tbti y*M (00 tte
All wbosa eoatribot* ilioaU do »
the city oa bodaeai today.
of tte olW. *i*» «“ »»*'«
loOM eSeet U all the way around
a* llborolly m tt*lr porMiwlll allow. iac oOBBltteM WlU la aw»lnled aad Bob Ilfo WMl to WillteBaberg ttl* bloaalag both back and fml. It iMt
Tb* oolabrotoo wlU not oely trta* Ute work of aetaal preporatlce will bo alleruoon.
am ap tt* front witt vrWet bollcoa
It 1* upeetod ttM IlM aolloBauU n-viwi of tte elMb aad a ml- eMa43>4:pork. lltW; lord. fiiO
tbeoMBdi of doUon ttio tt* oily bat
f reliM finittM tte ,ii<ok. The
wtU be able to '
wUlcut* teiaaMln at bom* a
tt* D*o*Bary toad* la a few dayt
H. E Baird of Ofiwa I* la tte elty
for* M a* oa'lahtol*. ood l*t at do it
today OU UtelaaM
PMr et Rmrt JetfMMa PoeM.
proporly. *o tluu tt* ttooMad* of rl*,k St lKNTinC Tkl--,A'I MKST
Ura a RfotaM bM retoriod ftoB
I tt* oily B*y fMl ttat tt*y
aU wocki'eUit witt fricodioad
•rai year old ablld of Ur. and Ura
1 B. J*«*tBB et Boctl. UaloB .trael. rolMlTM M Aagolo, lad.
who waad«fed away two woeke am
aBDtlay ia tb* oily.
ably *lae* tt* eaUbroUea two year*
Olao**a bM retaiaed frora
aad inaiorod to
Wo.aa4 ttMaUsott for *Mi
Orion, where ta* weat to take fortlMt
tbr terrllilc
tOM*ttM eeoU BM b* B«D
cf tt* faea
and David 8elbu of
(S. OK V.l
laanrlB wbloh tteir hlld BM-t hU
8MMB* Bay werr la tt^bily over
••M. W* want itMtatmt to
(:ra.luaie of .American S. »i
ban. V* woat ll kaowa otamad ttol Tte body WM fooad by
Mo. . ..
XatbU elty Bate oU. otb«* tt tt* tloU Dyor abeol 8:» o-eloek la tt*
ittk Briek Oo. of Otand Bapld*. wte
ImK in AUeiuUnru.
la wilMprlM ood iMpltallly. ThU la a core *ooth of tli* Per* UantaetM hM b*oa la thM elcy far tt* peat fir*
npatatUo w» bora bald tora* y*a raoiul bocae aad *oM ol Pemwood, ww-k*. *1>-B| Sanday M hU lio* '
l.ileralureiHi .kpjiliralion.
aad U ttooU te malatalatt. T1 wber* the I
Jfffice llnun: A iiL till fi fv m.
tte Par* UMqaelM tioak. Ur. Dyrt till* olty. Tte factory t* now loraiag
bwt way to aoUaUa that ooBdlHoa
ont SO.OOO Icieki par day. Ur. Bi
UIIU! am.
Sc« Wllhelm llUick.
to ladoe* p*opU to oao* baro. or WM mix to tte aoatt rollway of will retora to Orond Rnpidr ttli
wb*a thay oom* ttay BwaU be aad* WUlteB Beltaor wh«r* beteoaploy
> be MW tt*
-totMl that tld* Uee* of tb*
H X am of Kerttport U la tte
tte *bon-.
aawM la Hlel.l«BB.aBd wboa ttay daaettfiad tb* fatbar olty.
port w* wool lliaa te (o witt tt* no-1 kuly
Ur* A. W. Peck bM retorted fron
of tte bey M
eUtttn to ooM* ocola, aad oftaa.
Ann Arbor, vrber* *be hM b*M fer
Tb* hMt way to do ttM* ttln«* U Ur. JaffMW________—-- ----------Ub* OB aeceoat of ter btoltt.
nad b* calted
M fif* tt* b«ot ood Wa«*< Poortfaof
MPM to a coeple of week* to be tteiMW wia
JuUe* John V«ly. la tte abaeoo*
•trong anoagfa lo ••* ter frieada
two tea£* took* tacbjdto of tte
Ihu laaollly. Tiarorte Oily paapte froB tt* elty M Ooreaw Ote*a
h tte fold* OB I
Tte HttoM Xrelyn oad Qraro UocUr.
•re UborM aad ttte om oodly ba MlaokM.
of Ur. Dy*r m M tte aadlag of tte gan tatarood Botatdoy frotn a vlilt In
WoMbi bioB»* will L.
body, and of Ur JeSetWia
aaav tovon of tte aalqae 1
H*reM IM Peanb of J olr I
tailor Bade

Idoatily of tbe boy. Uadar tte elrKfOIlva-ik-Itelte.lor tt.
Udayand Ura 8 aarlaBd:te** re- Iteeia
Trartca* Oity wlU edobrota
te did not
ll will b* BocloBl Ital tte ealy
trlBDtog on tte *Uit ootetota of
AadiloaD. ‘
ted* of Mltehtof.tha* atetog ll poaAt teBM ttet U tt* aptelOB of tte •d te tte laki and beta drowatel.
Tb* condetatiMloB nil of tb* T. a (IbUto vraor tte totrt witt ettirr
paofdk who Uoaday .teiMd tta baU Tte body WM tehad er«r lo tt* U A U. KMIrote Oa ea tte H. A K. blentM to eoUn to harmcnlM. TU*
i* on •eocMiBy aot pemltW by tt*
Hllii« tor the binrol bip-hanoh-i: ttalty, aad Uad*rtek*r OartU loM X for right of way acroM tteir
- •tobomu ikina
Ubo ttM e*M teppaate aaywhaN« Mterte et the roBalna Paaoial iM- crly. come ip to Jodm Lotoa
wlll b* bold from tt* nad '
eoort Friday atomtog. A BOti
New eastern mide pianos at
dwibted ttM tl» lag rooDte of L. D. Oortl*
qaott WM nuid* aad arm>vl by tte MTnr«rw 0>ty DHrlac Park Moeola- BoralMt M 8 :■> o'aloefeMd tt* tOBilat tcneyi oad tte mm wm pat over
Kimbairs for $167 to $235. Tea
Itea wooU ter* tte »bMm|
will be lokea to Kalbotta tte fsteor Uay 11.
difsoaly. from May I9th. W.
teoat Jaly 8.1 aad 4 ttM *rarhx- heoo of Ur. oat Ura JeCBMo.
U*Mm Daoktoy. DoagU* aad 8abpaoad la thU lart (d tt* MOM. Aad tatarBoat.
bell of tt* U. A H> 8 wore to tt* W. Kimball Co., 129 Front street.
ta *aaa»etlea witt tte ploat for tte
E. 8 WilllOM a brottv-lndaw of
See ad. in this paper.

lion Coffee

L" “





Aad M a B*Mln« wm ooltedfar
Uoatey alght ta ttr «Baotl roaoB to
dlMOM tt* BOUar. aad a BBBbB of Tte followlagapportinKB.
■tebadiBcdtteaaaof tteclly iaelad- BOryBihool «aoa*y U aaar
Baparlab-ndeat of Pnb
Tbaa T Bate* wm Bad* iditlf^a
of tte Baetlag, and Leri T. IS«
tea eaeretary. Toilette otelr Mtee
docal tte qoMUea of the lov
MldbiMloe, and aHud fer a free dteaoBlea
tt. .abteet. Ur. Bote*
MUed ttM TiBterB Oily can bat
-UggMl eotetootlao ta It* btelcry. and
aa* ttM woald be a ipterdld b
by Be»Bi of two thu«a eoU
herd work. He bmMI ttM bett roald
be obtalaed la ttU city.. la hU yodg
Beat at.OC» people ooold te bmogbi
tern by tlie oeteteoUen nad tte neea
and tte qoeotlea m te Moled ll wm.
-le It a good ttlag te tere thooMnd*
of paepl* ecoH to tte ally and tee*
high eld tiB*-Te Iwtag tt* BBttM beior* tb* iMeilag J. W. tUBBoe Borod ttet Trar.
MM Oily eelebrou. aad tte a

BlMr . .
KaM Bag
ni* lake .
QtMU .
Otmo tefc*
teag tek*

e-Oto 19.188 4U

Bob Farrow, wbo ba* boee ok
tt* UlU* Town for a long tlaa te*
to*tg«Ml hi* piwitlaa to m oa tte Oolaabto. where the wort will ao< b*
Tb* Liule Tav*m te* mbu____
Oily OlMk Hear* Bated IhM la hU a*
ttMlaa tl weald te aeo~Mry
hU (Md F. O. UcAvoy. who U one
have a oaMrMtoa to Bake then
of III* beet atef* ttet ever premnd *
to*n* to UiU |on of tte *toB Ur
UcAvoy te had te ate of •sp*ri*ooa
tevtog -rred |a Bvey v«y te |te
• aa ttmur- X. X. MaaoBoag ttMB katagteitetead
*« lb* aaltatoy departoM *1 the
till Ik n» amlBB.
Ui UbAvv aaaaafi bl* new 4

a L. Deaiii* aad laially of Xaet
Boy townehlp. tev* Bovod to BUgbto.
wboii'VrrDpatol* tee • Job of pM>ltogWk.
Bay MTeot.
Otea KoeealtBl of tte BmUb Btita
bM few- to ftolram on
A X. BMliagor of UapI* Oily wm
towa yeelerday.
( F. Baylor of Xtogetoy i* to tlia

While tt*' aato to wbloh pb
eoBeel can te )«l ore toM toer«M
tog. ted tu aer bocOBtog Bor*
each (Ofeatolto* y«ar. etlll tto
itomaad dOM aot qait* keep ap to tte
«andy. U vr* o*e ilie flgarM foratoh*d by Ctel** D WatooM. diioewr af
tte Unttod .Bbu* gooltexl ■■
tel year Ulobigaa bte 10 toe

8.800.000 banoU. Tte M*al ooaaoBpUaa of Fcctkad oeBeal to tt* Oaltod
BIM** to 1800 WM bMwvte 10.000.000
«a,l 13.000.000 tetveU. whil*

AUo Worsted Styb s. that .t e n-ally worth $t 75. S?.po and
New spring patterns. See our window (or <ifn-ol th-styles. ComV iii and ex-imin-the qualities ycni'H Iw surprised

l-or the ladies. In addition to th«“ large lint; already dh display, wo have just r«H.civfd
another big lot of nt-w things just design.rd by the manufaciurers.
Vt-ry handsome
styles. *-Wf believe we show not only !h«; largest, bui by far th- IIKST line in the
ciiy. P.uesare5ik:lo
S-e our Silk Waists at $3.35. St uS. >4 rv won)i $4 00
to S6 00 .-V big ll e of Wash Ootids from 5c per y.irtl up'

Relikble' Dry Goads. Carpel
and OoihlBC House.

dou> Jtbout
1-1^ 1 5»>
that Span Hoorn? hAtM
Boinq to7urnish this Spring?
If so don't fail los«*e our lineof Hcdrm.m
Suites. Udd Dressers an<l Commo.les



One nice Suit*’.« xacllv like cut. Led 6 ft. high. 4 ft. o in. wide, neat carving; »lressrt
large, well niadf. wiih iSx’4 bi vel plate mirror; eoimiukli’ to match; ^

Odd Dressers up from $9-00
Combination Dressers up from $7-50
-aw Commodes up from $4.00
Tull Cine earpO*. matting* and Clnoltums.




new Spring
.Men’s Work Shoes, Kangaroo Calf.
f. S'.5a
Si.5a Si.“S
;uid S: 00- Will not rip. do not get hard; they
tbt ai
Ladies' Vi
Kid Hals, new last
Si.«;o, S
i.75 and Sj.oo.
Wc s«dl tbe liest raediti
I line
in the city.
Wc give value received,
every pair solid, not shttidy.
shotidy. Boyi
Boys’ and Youths’
* i.40 Si.fia
- i 75 and1 S2-0
Shoi-s, S
Ss-oo. Box Calf,
Kangaroo Calf, Veal and Dongola, goiui values.
Misses’ Kid Shoes. $1.35. S1.50. Si .75 and $34*3.
We try tu give all that is in a shue to make them
wear well. High grade at low prices. Children’s
Shoos, every shoe we sell is solid. Our prices
run from top ami up to S1.40. Call and insja-ct
our stock

Frank Triedricb*
Che Old gcliable 5bo«m^
A*. A

Jte- ■-

“What Handsome '


Wall Papers
and How Reasonable.”
m>TT.a wdfsm.*. *»4 iw brviM iW

That’s the universal exclamation our custom-


e, 8 make after visiting thii most complete
We arc almost outdoing ourselves thU sea­
son when it comes to selling papers^ oncHhis

' What people are willing

is a banner year to purchase your su^ly.

to pay- for an article is their

This is not idle talk.

estimate of its value. Care­
ful housekeepers are tbe

case, and ygu will heartily agree if you will

best judges of

Hour aod

they would not q>av more
(or Cerrsoia if they did not

auae year. At ttwe U dnUlar
ac«lvlty ta olbrr
ibM Htdilgaa U laipa.tot to *appiy
» <lrin*Ml tte doM te 7M OSlB.
Tte rotela* M iterko Uattto
V*loh have arvtvod M Otelon* froB
ttir Fblllpiiiate He


8U190N Thlklng Uoel.iaN. Bcnld- Thd Bwt to Moat Satisfactory
* diMt aorie aad BB*leol
for Ml* by J..W. Cliff*.
-- khom Blork.
8 Front *trte SUrkh*
FOK BALK-A. 3. Root Co’* Bm Bop|.ll** M ^^kto^ Alip i^dy. Ob<«ATB Kontit->4*I'
0.unl) uT OtuM Tv**--r»
Kaby and Warfield ftrawbarry. oad
Pater, BUck Dtoaiao^ Kouaa
Orogf and Oethbort roaptoary
4)*utv W artar*. IhMr c laUai
ptaato All oa' BT fora oa Old
UlBloa rood. I’, bIIf* fros Trar
•n* Oity. AddrtM J. P. tiorg. Boi
1.. ar.8. TrarofM Olty. Uioh.
Aa OnMood poaley bob Ml a h
1 IS egg*, aad ■ with
ttlrkoaa Wbor* Ihr usMontt P**
at <»ai* fraa te 4oM aot knew, b
bMuve* il ptooMte froB a doobU- a‘£“’


at Ss.oa $6x»3. $7.50. SS.^a Siooi Stioo. Si^oi, that aiv better values than you1l
expect'to find'. Bright, ut-a- goodt. ih«- lowt-r onced grades well made, the finer qual­
ities strictly tailor mide ihnuighoui. You grt a cerr-ct fit whether yod buy a low
priced suit or a better one.

fi. .o' pi*';"



By citmifiH to THl^SrOKti for what >ou nred in SPRING GOODS.
LOW PRICKS prevail in evifr>'<f^pSTtment.

te- rnjuii^v

MIUM u m-k —■

ITs the facu of the

examine closely into the subject.

cj.’scr rjrjAs’u? S'js




consider it better.

Dealers in hock%. Curtaioa. Wall Paper and


Sporting Gooda



Inak of aatare, nob ae a laia <4
. wbltoi oeearred Ihn* or fe«r
waekt ayo on BooU. Haaitoa. He aye
tliat te eeted tbe fact at the
coapls of Booth* ayo. when tbs taroelor naahed th* blybeel potal ten
bad erer been fcaowa to naka. tbai
Il roytoutod exactly tte eaa* at hi.

Below> It tte bead.'<
etoek of ylatowai*. ‘meekery. ^trlaka aa •
etotifloeiy. (sMy yoodc. ao«lao«. lia- htybly edsmted. It 1* b
are. eptlary. ysaalteware. lamp* and eoaBecUooe io Gamaay la bleyouay [ B
than artlolse la a yenernl elore
or deye were dteUayaleted faaullFa [ B
Oa lb* Ant flaa it tb* etook of am- lie wa* a carieoler by trade.
! *
bcallas. tboe*. olotbtny. dry goods
Hoffmao wae boa la Preibary. Sat. G
dnee yendt. tarns, ribhoua coreetaioey wfarre tele sanooed to tar* a
liorses aad toUel artlelet.
{taoihaand etala llriny Hr baa 001 R
The etov aae a Trry buy ptao*! retaliret la this oonalrr, and Isorre’u
all tbe afumeoa. and tndi of tb* neither Boney oor t*oi<aty.
poroUarers reoelred a tand [
roaebi IW III*,

SHrCeUiU0we4MTlBeDepMlu. ■
aa aeeoaat of a raUxoad aecldeai la
Um tea IwoB etoltod traa which Prank TomlliiBoa. fonn.tly of
IbU ally to Ubicoyo by way of tte H. tble dty. wte ladwte Hay 8. H. wa.
work ae eoator for tb* SoattU Oedar
A K. B. aad
C,o..aad wa. oa aIniB railroad that
Vnatano. Tb* boat will Mart oa Iht
very ototot ytadr. aod aa
pm trip- Mar If.
■priac lafaod.
yet tayowl ooattol. U U
ale will ta a. follow.: loare Otilea.
yo Wodacotey* aad tetarteya artir. tboaybl from th* ralte heiac yriaeeil.
sadwn wr^okeA
Bhortly after aalay at HaaUto* Tbnnday. and HobeiKer ^ue yot beyoad eoeirol aad
daebed .lows the ynte, areehiny Into
n. days
Oolny aooth inrejan hi- wreck of the bnt.
Tao Baa wore klUad ta tte wreoA,
11 leate Trarerer Otty Hoadsy* and
aad two or ihr.* otfanp laiareA Hr.
ToBlIaeoa'i lajarlea ware leae eentB*
day by boat ana amr. at Ub
ttan any of th* other*, tat be wae
Taeedayi aad Thursday.
e (are iroB Itaverei. Oily to Obh BLeo to a boepllal la Sete^
Now Uee Is Cl

"Mr laiher ami sUrer both died of |
■ntuieptioe.''wrtlei J T Weeiher
wax of WyaadMie. Itteh . "aad I wa.
Bred from tbe earn, frlyhlfnl fat.'
ooi. br Dt Klay'd Nrw Ui,Ky..err
Ao aluta of Poeoniotila h It an nb
»tlan». eoocli end r. ry *.«.re looii

yeare a recldeel of Ihii city, wher.- te
iBd no end of tiieode. aaet


etbc Shirt Ulaist,*
The Shirt Waist sectitm has been a busy one ever since the opening of the tint box.
The styles are prettier and the values much better than any line ever .
,-shotvh to our customers the (^vious seasons

CUblte Olalsts

eolorMI Olaists

ink otaiM

Wv shiv a vcT) .strung line of
WI.IIC Waists thu )ea_all ne«—
thi> \cai’» make. . ,
'Hie all emUoiile’eil fronts. Ihe
|uriti luckeil ba>'k anil from —
the Gilnon <riU alto be fwiod hrtr.
In fan the Novrhie* are all here.
We shoo a l«aiil> al 4ia just uuv
an.l ftoiu that uji to M.toi.

!l' It 11. a |>cliy «-olore.l sraivi.
)-uu want. <iHnr here to g;rt il a*
we are ]vi-|4Te<l to till ever) aaui
in this line. You will want ib<nea tiling;* of rouise, an,f we Veeg.
iHithing: ebe.
Mu.-h style is dsown in oiii
I'ercalc Waist al .'MV. ami Iran
■hat uji 1.1 $:L7S for the finest.

Jii-d ■>»*' *r VC showing a tine
TaRcU iUlb Waist in tbc Gitaon
corn — benutui bnl stiajigHng in
Grvwn. Okl Ruse, Hliie ami White,
il is a H«eu) at
Also BO All-Silk Taffeta Waist
in Ihe Oitaon , eftes-t, ami is the
samaeulos as in llie ata>e—also
a sgax-ial at i.'LlK).

■day. The new. w*.rr.-tored here „f ihi. womt-riol wediei
el 8;10 o'clak mud hi. foBily.
as well a> F«.-r aad I caio<^~mBchw.tabl
liifalltble for •
Ibe oily
wa^ h^ld laet wMi in lire ooanell
Trial buttlrs
n«n>. and th. otynaUatioa of Ite Boardmaa
line end SI
ooi and; |
Ur. Oarroll wat t work 00 lire Bill Jat. a. Jo
Oily Board of Trade wa.
aaaal boaqaei la lb* Park Plae*
ircam at Sooth Bonrdmaii rt.lliay
and by law*
, ttar teto helay Hey ao. Thi*
eedar lola into
adored and oHoen aleeud.
latnre ernythtay toli^ of Ibe
A Twr |ii«wliic mma
Preeld-at^lodflol. pnalded. aad rollway brake la aocA a way at to
U tko Vint IMkodl*! cbercii Bui<l»r Uybael olaae. aad tbo ereal will be in the alaeae* of Seemary Kaek. throw hlB into the waia Tli. i«U..
oe* of th* irotUeto ae well ae th*
•nslM. Ik* oaSMigs b*ls|.R|i<
Oharloe K. Hale wa. eleoPd eeore- fellineixB him, boldlBR hlninnder ;
10*1 rajoyabl* lathe bUury of tbe
waP-r aadoraafaliiy tte life oat of hu>
' IWila AOratwr bare
TiokeU to
boaqaei will te |l
MrtbMM «ai9Ff on tb* foanb fioor nl
mb. end lii additioo. yndoatn* of
eae his in tune to tore bit Ilf.
He wife we* sick a lour
tb* a>« Wllboloi bloek, where tb*j
Hie C0I.00I win be twiairedU par
l.xdiCk Idick fraiDrli.Xi1in liesi <r»iiie
yfMVl dorlOT's
Hon. K W. Haatlan. r.|iortod the
Will b*
:Mibcs Ptac lA.-*
lb.-lr aaaiisl dm
whitllT cured
ooeelituttoaaad by-lawi proiKwed by
i;loM-s c*li*cUs»it <‘‘^ I***!"* r.lotm.—
w.4k> il wonilrts fo
n, I,U,
|i:hnn in an Ihe new
Wbil* al work U lb. etalocU all!
m of wte
wbloh.wllh lolDOr ohaayrt.wer*
____ r alwer* do
Trr t...
NU-Ixno S.k Ucc
M (Mar late U.wdar aftenMOi. Jla KnU. Wall
■ihitle* il
Jncs U« cttin l —ill
Only r.V at d K Wan A S.ia'* en-1
iNlaie aihl tnmle.
W*Wi had ivo finrere eat tram
aa aieelleel pmttam Tbem will be
ara 1* affroled auilor
left IteBd ni a sIiIbrI* «aw.
lie bj eeoe of tfa. rerr be*( talual
H* drew bii briwUi twiathe aet of tb* stole l.wl*latBT* a^
Th* ball rn lb. n
prored Hatob lb. I8M. for the onaal- aftor briny taken from Ihr water, bat'
lerdbaa. aad Maei. in eoutfaw.
> for tbe BUrceUi
talioo and iBOon>«o*><»
koarde of
4iarMt aivaan la aaotber eolasB II raneliea
Ur. Oarroll ha* been a reeideot of
trade and ofaaniMn of o
vUI he Md at Ki PltMaat oa tbe
Ihle city fa tbe part four year*. He
ben at ceoretarr and yeaeral ac.
'i'he 35c kind are of pleated satin, block shai>ed leather, v^vet with satin bind­
llelHday lia. olnalaied a
laol fa Ihe Nonhern TeUphour
j«|Me (or tbe er|BuitotH>B of a deb
ing. etc. Our 50c line is a strong line, liiade «|> of silk, satin, leather, etc.
Many novO.O. Vben the esebabye h.rr wae parand tea* uroteetlv aewoiatlOB la peoalUr m deof Treraix Oily
Ma. fa*, bren appob
I eltiits just upenetl up.
of tb* oreanixatloii It ft
d Iry tte I'lUeoni' Ti^ptanoe I'o.
tble olty. and while he ha. Iiad aa ap
th* Htefalcau **>>a
portBBtiy to -•* only a few of (be te tl<* Traroioe Olty Hoard of Trade, Mr. I'arroll nalyned to take op Ite, Paid up OpIUl.
•50.000 I
people lotoreeed in tbe prniertioa of sad Ite obyoota, u ylreu to the eoa work of dralioy iti>oe<tar p»ln. briny

•14.0001 2
and deb of the Uiaad Tiar- slltatlna. are "loproBoP- luieyriiy praldent and yeaeral luauayer of tl>win tete Tft eeewmyr or to to
lor ronad trip.

f-»,.u.;sr:;i,.Er. "u'.

Circulation this weak 2.&00.


Wc are showing many novelties in this department this season. The open
work, lace effect is decidedly new - - It tills the long felt want.' It is durable and yet
I vcr>’ cool. Can be had in the silk or lisle, and in all colors.


JI-MMi'- I

SOc pHr.



HUbop J. V. pVnmMrsi. Loola,

SOc fiH.



Bar. a Ooehlta and 6. B. Walt led
ausder (or Hbaraas. «h«e they
■Winded tbe dl.Brtrl
Haoal aneeiatloa.
Us Wedseeday
•hey ««l to Uedar when a Oengr^atlaato toiarah vat tnnlMted
Daa Oepid ha. b*ni~«ortlac eleadtly tfaUymr, aad tbereealto of bU
labon are alO^■ la erldeuen tfaau Ual
. year. Up to Uili Uste late year iki te
wore bet » Darrt^ lisenm ia
thli ynr Unre hare ban ft
UeaiC* Oometl
sfaoeriaa a|i<ui
the street
ralabow tnml of ib. *
wbii'h be

rrtewed bee ilynited b
■me a member of tCe M
be fonaed. aad Iiae idedyed litmwlf to
pay ibe annual fa. of one dollar, ae
eooo a* the etpauliailon li perfeoled.
A moetiiiKwIIl beealled in tbe near
tnlure to elect oDoera and tbe oMabenhlp will doaMleae U> rory lanca
il the plan to hare tbe riilln- dab
puno rrcloa of ilie etat. uorered
by tbta ornaalmtion. The prerldnat'e
of tbe load lutaelia
dlrerlora of tl>e oentn I Itedy. wblab
will imibably btid a
Erory Bomber of tbe i
be ptedyed to eld la

Ibe fleh and yam* of the mir.
Traeere* « Mr Htelmd Meetlen
'be aiuiBnl meetlay of the Travoree
Karbor Bsaday .ad pUyeA tbe uld
Oliy Railway Oa wae li.ld '1-taunHlBin Mato, wiaainit from them by
»y lu 111* oOm of Han. Parry Hana emre o( e to t
Vetyaeoa and Koeh.
Ttn- oBoen for tte aualitf year
eelay wan tbe battery for the lerinera realeeledai tallows:
at Idee aad dwaney aad Qaaa for Uld
Praaldant. Ta.a T. Bata*: oecreXltoloa. Tbe featare of tb* name wae
lory. B. R. Uelbeaay : tnaaonr. W.
tiw baMBf of Tlilel. a ae^ uma "
R. libelby.
Miedtwoiwo-baNcerebad all
Olreeton-Pcrry Hannah. Tl.oa T.
hwer darlac tbe reaw
Halos. O. O. Laaeb. W. K Hteiby. J.
I at Fred M. Oarroll P. Ruytmrt. T. J.' O'llrioo. R. K.
to Hra Qarrell. al
by Hr KobtaacB, '
■ for Hr.
Ohmllat Beatfa Bo
were a* ^loae beU hari-. .A Utof
torrlso seearced at KosUi Boardman.
bal tb* MiB. eerrlee will Booar at
Dana Tb* teSBlBe were brwofbt to
^ oily laet ortoiac by 0. W. WbsetotA.
r. a Hermea rotataad Taaaday
•Me* aet* tbaa ibrer yean' abanaa*
in tbe milppian, wharr be eerred
la the hea^lal oerp. of tU Uatied
•tot*. Amy. Thepaettwo yaan be
tee beto laeatad bi«c Hollo. Utaad of
raaby. Howae ooood tbe drat nos
ttoto Hiobican who eraal to (3ate.
tertac foa* tben oa lb. diwt axpteltioa. laadlar there before Die tattle
aftea Jaaa.
r r.
ibTMtoitm appolat
•d to .toliolt fande for tbe Uomorlal
Day otaaiiaaoee of HoPbereoa Poet,
O. A. B., will otart eat to rieil th*
baHaiii rnea ledey.
Uwla« to tb*
aalra atianv al a egaaker. Jady*
Dahall. tfaU year tl>* oipeae* of tbe
aaanlee* will beyrealer Iban siaaL
Tterafst* iboe* eoatritaailOK for lli*
aU taldlv* an aakod to k>- a* reoer


Oeaaty Oterk Walirr tauiw<lred
Hank reealpte fnnii tbe clerk of tb.
abac laard of aa.llwn far ibe boya of
Oo. H. who have eMt la their appdl
aartoa* (or relsiheminaai for the

Tte iBsliianiaf tbo road wae llyl
Iten III* year {«vrioa* aad tb*
IBaare moro, ataseqaootly th* alu<w.
not *0 good flaaaetolly ns ia
1*00. Tte nel toralny* le IMO w<ae
tbaa foor tboaiand dollan.
while the tact year tliows a lore of
•tot. Thic loe* U after all axp
paid, tooladluy lutan
boude. and It not a bad tbowinii. Tbe
oaau of tb* deereaee In U>* boxlatwt
tlial there wat 10.000 loa* leae of
loyi hauled last year tbaa tbr year
brfatu. WUol. n*knably.UfftJ

good faith, last and <-qBilable indepeaileal (Vda Pole Uo.
r. Carroll wae an exjiat st.nprinotplu of taelnea: to disenrer
■iJier, and te bad jaei aoe.|>u-.l a
aadoorteetal.Beee; to eetablUl. and
maintoin nolformUy io otmnoerotal new laeiiloo a* t.wcbtw la ihitsoiia
Baillp Crt.-k.
ee: toieovaola adiatl ooniro
leelhat Bay arleo telweec paHay so. He was rlOMay
eoi.. anyayed in tiwle; to moouraye
t oedar pole boeloeie at Sooth

I goiMl to see the pretty things in this dtrjiartment.

Our Savings Departmeal

bat may iaolad* any
MB. aiqdytay fa Beata-rebip. appR>ved by tte oommitto. OB Bemtar.hip aad aoeptrd by the bard ol dlreotora. Tte saya of tbo olty. th.
ditirlol, th.
nl the etoto loyUtaiaie boo
till* dleorlel aad th* member* of tte
bcBrdoteapor'taen.'dBriay iholrn■peetire torm. of omor. .tall te boo■ary Bemlrere of lb* board of tiwde
The oflloere ol tte ocfaBlaation are
to be a tneldaat aad two vieO praelrlocBd by tte aiMMtattai. aad
ir diraelors. tee of wbom eball te
elected eatoi year to bold ottw fa
two year^ aad two ol whom .tall be
Ibelr Bomba by
tbe city eoBBOil, eaob to *a\* on*
yea. Tbe-eeoretory aad treaeoret are
to to eliaaBo by tbe board of aodlurt.
The foUowlny eoBtaittoa are pro­
vided fa by On-ooaetUatlOB: Kte«itlT*. way* and maanr. iSBal>-i|*l
affaire, leytalauea. pabHo Isprora



daa than

be 93 and apectal atoeeameau Bay ta
adiUHta to ikta Thao, wat
M tobow ite
wof eplul
I* ap at th* aext reya-

my in ote-ltoy J
Hotok wat alecMd int via {wreideal
awd B. L. Bfntme leeoed rla preu
T. Ratoo. B L. Bpraya*
aad P O. Ollben were Bode a dobr to toopOM aosre
V J. T.

J, W. HitUkea aad H. Heatoyaa ware
dlreotore to eov* aattl Ita aest
aaaaal aoettay. aod H. b. HaU. C.
tainreoBMl eiad tbu II vree aeoee- L Orelllrk. H. O. Davta. Wllltaxi
od aa eeacbrr of Bueio. Hb* ba. m«B
a Ite total in qaeetkto Leadeaaada.L Baak to **cv* aatil
tor a amatoor of yean U a eialUr p». fa ,«Uh- parpaaea
Tte aane M a yvai froa that ttao.
HUca la Hattie iVa.A, and I. a ynda- tana oa batata tta lary fa tax daya.
Tta mawaz of tta ae* of iradlac
BB of the Bseical
deiwnaaeal ol Hay 7. A A ,A II ami
.Mtaya WM taoaybt ap. tat Itare woe
•erthweotola Ualrenily. Hire Otar,
• apwtU be I a dlffireaae od ofdaiea a to tta ad'tew* Bata wlU b. rrewBBaaded at
tta H. A K. B r«d May
liy at toUay aatUa at kUt
Mte* ta tb* KlBwaad Artaa* kiater.
1 MtoiMdVMtoUtlUder 'UiaMtottattMMtta t

It will do your heart
.>S and 50c. '


SiMjOtoHRBouUretklttv} IneML j


ptaw of rreldimoi-."
la the banxd of trad.
of the city.
timli’-d to reeii

Nice Hue at

[Extra Special in Walking Skirts

hie lest taiioes* mp to th. i^Un-.
fotvlyarnpltol; and yenotnlly to faH(- ha* mikh* a liai *d frh*a«1« daThns. who
tor, leoteci and ndransp the oomm.-r- iny hte etey Io this
clal. motcaolil*. Bai.afaotoriny. real tare be.0 olossly aa*o.i
Id boetoee* and social w
eetate aad Boulottel lotoreele pf tl>e
olty aad lie wirroondlnye. en«otally
irouyb tb. ..tobltabmobtof a p.-rmathro
a o«e*, and nee all ley
tllmate meant to make kaowa la rarl
srey* tb. adrautayee of Trav,-rse.
Olty aea manofaclurlny orator and

ladaetrtaL aadittoy. eBtlitiea, apl«ata.
arbltratloi. prlnctoy. grain,
totoa aad otter farm i*odna. famares compear weuatauo.
After 'belay oat from I :te o’clock
1 daaleri. and oooroatloas. felre
Toeaday afuwBoni anill l(:l& la
1 .alartolnBOBU.
Uiber oomstiilyfat. tbe jary in the oo^detoai
aerw <taoln<d.
eall of tte Traveeae Ulty. Leolenaa A
Haaotlqa* Ba-lited t» tbe Hiohlyaa
t Oo. arrived ala rerdiot. -By
I year. Tbe
tble vcrdlot tbe etoreb eoBiBsy mil
liny* of tbe board of di.
tMelretl.tOOa* oOBproasUoo fa the
land to ta token fa tbe railroad tlyht rMUrt WlU oex^r oa lb* eeoond Ta**of way and falh^daBaye to the batl day of <«rtmtotb. SpMUl meetlny*
of tte bdard of dtrrwior* may te held
oa call ^ the pre«df«l or two »t tte
dlreetor^iMlIa to ta- ylrea at tael on*
bau beloB- tte mflla* u to ooorena
Speotal nteltayeVf <>>•- bood of trad*
la fa.a of daaaye* wb>J* an- may Ire c^lod by/tb* board of dlreoiittea reqai at of 10 bobore. a ow wntta
oiber tboaybl itet AlUO woald So
ben of the aS
pie rompBiMtkui fa >|he stonih «
noUatoaH mamberea pobUoatioe
to one a moe of tta reyalu dally
were It talloie Ukea.
• yrndaslly eomlby ap nad IBiM* of the oily. Pive a.mtereDf.’
tte blyb one dtoptday dawn yn^mal the tatoJd -of diredlore aball odoerilui.
•laowB aad Ml membere ol tte aeeoly. nntil an ayrvetoeat wae renohad nl

WhUe tble le samll oaaparad wlkk
Ateer Bayer, dler for the Beat Hay
tb. • asked by the ewrch oOtoLambarUo. ant with aeeHoataocI paav. it u laiy* eatoiared with Iho
teal at th. bIM al Bast Hay Thar, •too oBtB.d by the laUrmA it wlU
tey- He aame Uilo too olaae ecBba-t
tea that tte eatiatot* bbI
with a BaaklB. aad had hi* left liaad
V'a<4 ,
tedly BaaaM. Ur. Oanter wa* oallwidely dl
*4 aad (be doolor loaad li -......... i — tbr jaron.
(a aaiBtot* all tbe dar-reuf lb* taad.
Wbea tte aeal.-d verdict was nwd
Mr. Ateto ba. b*M> la ihr .Bptoy
I iwotate ooan
*1 the oaaafBsy etyfat yaara aad
Jadye Lmtoyor. Hr Pasta, aihwaey
4* th* dm IIIU' be aa* Bet with ea
fa tbe stareb .-aBiiaay. stoled ihM ta
did OOI know wtai
tb* nui>|BBr
woaKI decide In tbe matla. bat te
woald advtae tbem to aoapt the radlrt. bbd they will ptotably do to^
ta the eoaih fninaty eohool in plaoe Both Ur t'nNtoaaka aud Hr. Bwo-r
m Hte* l;*mtt, Hu* Uiaei llrudy o$ are al preeiwi lu Obtoaya.
Hi. Pleaeaal wim I. aa .>}>nreiotel
Tta rerdiol af tte jary dalded ItoU
^•teraade yradaale of V|«laaU.

Just received some handsome Novelties from New \'ork.

I No such values ever
Colors, brown, grey
I and blue, at $ 1.48. $2.98 and $3.98.

Farmers, Attention!
Now that the spraying seaKoiv is im you want
good spraying material.

BLUE vmnL, Pins breeii,
If you are in

the market

for any nl


goods it will pay you to give us a c^ll, as we
carry a sjilendid line of these goods, and can
make you rock bottom prices—at

We Never Disappoint in Qualiiy
""^^^and Always Please in Price.
: ARC seuimiNo

New Spring Shoes

Ladles' Shoes
,V11 the new, SMlish shagws—
fi-Vi \a1oes—SJK-Cial gin.x^


i New sh-ipe tires, kill,
j—ususilj so!,l ai $2..'Mi


Hen's Shoes

Ladles' Shob
Coo.1 htliiv. sivUsh. all suii-l
aiul ihoroughi) troll made elioes
—usual i»ifc •t.7S and Si.OI*.

Mea’s Shoes

1 Caiefull) and sulrsiamalli aia-'.i
1 -t-rdf,vsot cter> cU> veai< $l.7.'i and $3.t«i Shoes f.v

Hen’s Shoes

Ladies’ Shoes'

Solid CahSlicres. lace an.l.unyress—sgreoal |u-«.c-

}l,7ri and $1,511 Kid Shoeal(gtaul wearers —sjwt ia! gwiee


• Sl-Oik
Boys' Shoes

Udk$' Shoes

Miun.;. sbaj-eh and eveefAMBalh .smiceal.le--now emit

$1.35 and $l.S.-..|j.cSbte»I'alent 'Tlpa—kpccud price

Hand Hade Shoes

Ladles' Oxfords bt hand-o'
g«>J leathet—all solu!

Black and I'an — i»ew. sbagidy.
sen icealJe and oitolataUe


$1.00. '
' ChUdreo's Shoes
Solid ami daraWe-sa« 5 to »


UlUe Men's Shoes

Make the lawn beautiful and now’s the time. Sow good seed
like White Clover and Kentucky Blue Grass and reap enjoy­
ment later on.

Nothing better than an after dinner smoke. We have a
splendid line of the finest Imported and Domestic Cigars.
Want to call your attention especially to the Gen. Stark
Cigar. A straight I Oc and come 25 irt the box.

Remember your friend with a box of StraUb Bros. &^miotte’s Elk Brand Chocolates. Want other kinds? Cot heaps
of them. No matter what you want we have them for you.
A good mixed candy for 10 cents.

We-always buy in carload lots and so are never out. Going
to put (down a new sidewalk or do any building? We carry
the Wolverine Portland Cement, the Newaygo Portland Ce>
menf and the Buffalo Cement, and the Standard Rose Lime
and Calcined Plaster.

Any painting to do? House remodeled, new barn built, sum­
mer cottage to put up? All requires paint and paint that will
last. That is the way with Heath & Milligan's ready mixed
paints “Best on Earth." We also have carnage and buggy
varnishes that we recommend most highly.

Nttot and daalde-- ac/ee 11


Hlfred U. Trledrlcb
Sipllw of Good Shoes.


Opp. MwMkfOfflep.




Und. tJt0r (iMaiw
1. !>!■..«


l(M4PW«o*.8b«0«4»«l8*»*“* *"

til. *.rt.

Mi« M1.I. HIM 1. MMdlV *
WM M 0.*» Bu. .l3tS *U|SMT«*Hty
trlrnd. Md anOM--------“




aw<- to bla to bU Bmt ^Io'iiiI
boao*. 0.4 oUfMla* of *«ort ami
n* Itib ^MTtaly Manattoa at tall bo* ylrlM Uo aMal.1 aaaord.
Bm> by aad BIstr AaaalMleo alll Wllllao H Ooa fa BMHy 80 yoon
b. liHd M lb. Bla aebool booa a.
ea* of OodUlM'. aaa |aaIbusrdoy. H»y M. IIMa
aM aad aa. o( ibr
diaalr* haolara a

la ywMila
Artkw 8(»IUc bM bM M Ik.

Hr. r.llar ^ UrraHl Uk.. H
Mia etaaiy. it rlHtlw bla


Mil. Oodlll


Atea BrIltMrt It aatM>
a bMar aith . Mrm- O.W.
Jobs 8Mlt amt to Trairw I
(Hiw4.y Ml rawiaod yraatoy p
PM. of Peal Ooeld. w*
laa yiMotdi^ . t.a bav.
H. a OImmM MiflMW to iMtr I
aca*b tor Omtm. Oel .for bU ha
«• Hoanly bop* b. alll rooMr. i
fnM bwodt by fota«.
Ooddl. Bary laar era frca Cu
• ffi-a doya aitb b.
■ua to ap^‘ a
aoBd triad.

H-TMM :sS.7r^lVSrASa'}iSS

10:00 e'cleob.

ISS*.! WM— bj w. >. W«».

8 <M) l« »tIM.

OhwlM WobMa. 0 Peatla. blob
oer lh«l yea del Iblokllla (Forty oebMl otodaal. aaa arraefe to tl>e aide
D.tla'1 abeo yoo rak fall; ooa. abil* piMbtv* baUtoDM
a alll tty ood pMaM^yoa M

R>-spOBa, V. a Tbytet-

_______ ____

P.oa. •'

Hoirh koueody.
---------- klUar. 1

roe be oa tb* olat to


to your dollars until you’ve seen the.most surpris­
ing Glo-tHIne Vdsluos that w^re ever offer­
ed in Michigan.

__ .*£*WMdrahSi^MVaoa tb*

____ -a foally
foaally doata fa 80
*Ma toll* to 0
iralaa to tbe
tMilray. eta. l«ri* bottle* U oad tO


Olioo Nari* mad toaily of Odor
' Frank RaMr of HanotolaM. eaadbi
paaod ibreadh oar bare * >•« ^7* OolloKlon.
Tb* aa Bill af tb* Oa.l|ih PbMal STm tbelr aoy to Hoaa. al«r« Papa by Hro Oect W. HoWetby. a otoidMa woixblnd t« poaato Ub
lopiCL. Whol b Baador oeboal »»BeeB> woM la a iioand nat .8 PcqieBr
Oo*k Oo aUl (tort
TIai alU OMao omt*
boa Bored Into tbe Dboa*«ee. U H. Baa oad otbaa Point. DMt Ibwe. lo laadloftlb. toh
Don Bolin
pM>plo at Hoaa.
OBB voeoled by Dan Clhoow.
Hr. KoBpl. 1^ oeail fa tb. H. A Popa by Hm Wbaot Toplo. tb* tbe twin, wo* totoM la Brotol
plaor*. bat daally It wa* Beared, bet
jrt^otL^^l“7Vf'»roHSrA^^ [. B. -ft K. a Ibr* iiloM Ko« Bored rlBory eUoo
■to tbe beaa roaBd .by Olorfc Oaowluf to tb. dnat aloe Booec ooold
> aill b* hobd oooHI BMl rrii Bol MTty lb* Mb la bb bM to aiday M rfat fa lb. bMAl at Ih* H. B.'
lUiaad tow
______Warwick, tb* unober of tbe
•e bob Woe
erd tor bid ftoh on Qt*M Bay. which
^ „
Hb. Hioor of Qld Hboioa-rt.Ued
ftiond* bao laM woa.
“eo$» .mL *“?!'« I will prolnblyotaad for a loaf while.
OlBB'i baby U <jtibk ilok
Hra Hanh b fottinf brtta.
Tb* EaUy Sbladb Oo. are ahlpphid
, their iBBba tbal wa* ool two year*
a Onmt Md Ur. O. 1
Sbr* Pike ha* boodbi tb*
Ony'.doek to
Hr and Hn. a Daaab or* tbil- Oha* Ooakridbt boedbt a Iwnr of
Ih rebtlra la BardlArilb today.
Prad Gala a few day* *co.
Bake wo* ia«or raUd* y*«a- Hra Bom bapbaa ha* tolarti*d
Od. li
b *BJltiJ^(rtJb I
Hb* Oato Beuelt nod littb abla
a Hr. BBd II
Heal wan to BardlokrlU. today.
Hr. and Hm Oa* bond want la
Ttorap* Oily one day but week to at- i
tend tt* faoaal at ibMr out Urn
.1.0** mm*
B. Oa
D. W. Bayaeldi 1* *(ill bniiliod bU
pulling cTOotU our waj. Special iiwlucenicnts everywhere lo rc4uce
•ad tba* will '____iDday *ebool *r*ty
elodet ai toun ai pcasilde. We mention only a'fco here, bundretlt
Bandar at 10 e'oloed.
more like theta. Ilon't huy until )-ou have acen our gnoib and nur
a* the tTMl aad wtodowr are ready.
H. Do*a*y >a*
nea irv».
Hra Hordoc-k of Omad Kaidd*U
Tbitiad ha daaitMr. Hra Bairel.
for aboat i
VMka bat b mb. bsUer al pr«
t Fay tabad m tb* B
Arc liargainithal tirrak .all reconia Olhen tiytn
bid they
rUU with barb
are far iichind in the ilud.
.-.lalaBaBeb bad
aiaa FalBor aad P. Dean bar*
bMata^ potaloa* m Anae for O.
E. T. aad A. B. Fray fotaraed boa*
(*OB OB*do ooaoty. tba Ptb, whom Miaa^Bart taa* exotaa^
Iky b^ b*M laektadlaad forth*
A. Brl^a^for lot Na 18...........
TW* wo* a party at A O. Fair- ber father'* boB* aad tb* J. UerrlU
Brand New PWy Shittv bright «*«. new «>•!«......................... 48
Men'. fW, Hom. 16c k.n.1..............................
Mr. B*MB>ak«> BM>r*d the Hattll
Men'. Kanc}- Ralbriggan Underwear, tollt everywhere al r>ik-,
Jaaa Wabea
oa tb* Board- hall from Fraot alreel areaad book ol
BM riraSaaday aad .eaadbl tea tb* botol. *o U now faoM Halo etiMt
" uraTi* l*dM^
rMdy lo pal
Mr. aad Hra OalmBba* BHmmi
byba WMt to Frankfort
MMl Baaday at Kalkiwba. TlbtlB
t weak oataeteBiOM] t
dMdbbr. Hra John Horna.
U,Sc!.5c.lmp«ildi«~............................................................. 19
a W. HaoCtBBf Bohed for treat e
Ik* BoardBoa BaaAiy.
12c A. f. C. CtoghkM.........................................
Don't Ul tba litll* on*. mSft
Ooo. B. Pray of Tr
F_. Pi,uc.,tcv.l,k............. ................................071
eoaema. or other tartaclBd eklodi*.
M*oa Bo bead fi* It Daaa'eOli
mMl eatoa tHa'I barm tb* mi
dHloal* akia At any drad (tore.

Our 0rtal^

Sample Pants and Sample Suits
going at less than the cost of Ravkp
Hasten to the Feast I
m* and luad* me feel ilk* * new
man." Ttiey'rv oorlTolml to n«*b>*
Btomaeh, Liver. Sidney* and Bowel*
Perfect Btlafeotiae fraaroatwd by B.
B. Welt A Son* and Jo*. U. Jeliaooo
Only Woeoto___________

Pere Marquette

“It Doesn't tost a Cent to Look."

Canvas Gloves oc




A Full Linn of

Traio will Itove Tiaveree Oltv at
HO* m. Rot* SAW ond II 00. '
o*ura or a*k atouii for i

My Prices are the Very Lowest.

worlA Core duaranbBl. Only I
Ue. Sold by 8. a Won A (km* and
Joa Q JohnooB.

Kss'A V,'i!S.,, For -Ini' "'Wk “f


e in a position to do it. as wc handle more tf<MKls, boy

Dm* Deed*

Bridht ha* bb aew L
Cheft Cl cC, cJ beck.
7.tO«......................... 39


Tb* tar aUb Day. wbU* BUi
lat|* tow eflMt* ana OIm Uk*__ diBd aaalrermry. b tbelr both weda BUb Paldht aad Kn
II tbelr parMb yaetor-


ap tbob tad aad Mwad Ibcm la.
Bapoao Fbber with a fon» of tooa
U aattlad doora lb* plb* lor tb*
kndle aero** tbe aorrew* of OUa
Ink*, aetad a ebaai peaip ea a oeow.
Hr*. Ball Pbbor dooe today to Bbpile for a two WMk*' rbll with ber
apahow. D. O. Kind

firoat Uatiits in Pants

Wa bad toto. jretty Mhl wealber

WIUlaB Kridht ha* 1
*W taBlty cnrrtata.
Oeotf* Hoiaaa b atoylad with Joba


» Treeeree «••»* tSejb

H. D. Badwta ba« palatod bb tars

Bbtb Satin Stri,*.................
Clrev Hairline.......................................



^ tMtbat farm boaB. la tbeto

Perry WtHbwwn b eat >f-'TUHapIbMhadarBllwr eold aidhl

Any ItrblaeB of tb* akin b a lem

Chiitiren'f anight Waiav tome a. above...............................


K M*tor.

Dean'* Olatotout b a Mvor faUlai
(haad Bapide wa*

1* endeteed by Trararae Obyolll.

AlIKtaBHey ba* been Utl^ and
aaB* bar* mb* kOB* with ate* baebM fall M tb* (peaklod taeaallM
raeoratad, on* maad.
Bert Parker aad Mb. Jade Btddle- •ba Aftar
ILte* yMM eld. brake .
atoBb were Banbd tab WMk. Tbe eblU.' ■>
which lilraaUy eoror.. .
paaat Mafdt will reaide la Ctadoby.
Mk. Mro. aad nador bb Ulr.
Hr. HoOally. rUbd* etrael ei
I UwoM of talre* atol edat.
-------aad BOdleia* traa .^* tbM
oaadooMr dartad tb* dnator i«n of
tb* MBBwr. b* watnMly wore* la
tb. fall IhBi oay otb*r pmi of tb*
yMT. Tb* aora* uUt oad b* wa* ia
M to Bop ibtM. aarieaHy lajariad Moh abwy that ho ooeoaiMd all toy
^ tb.

« bar ImM*


i. For a Mtdbben-f^nd.
4 la lb. BB* wiy Mtor Braotoa e*
----------------------------WeedmeBt pore r
t tonad Dmb'* Otatmeai
-------- ai5bd"i‘t tad’f5**uS taa




l'.oo.l areipht Caametr Panb, age. 4 to IG.....................


Boos* Snits
-Tb«e-ilh «al di-i sripo « S1.2S

Our Fumilure Depart­
ment 1$ Complete


Javenile andJk'cHee Suin. up fi«n ..

We carry a large line of Crockerj- and Glassware,
buy it all in crate lots, and we have a lot of odds and
ends, such as Tea Cups and Saucers. Plates, etc;, in
both plain white and decorated 'ware, that w»- are
closing out at about half price.
\'oii can pick you
out a nice 50-piece set out of this (prS.t75*hat wtnihl
cost you at least $6: or a loo-plece vi for $5 u!> that
would cost you regular at least SS 50.
'Qien wf^ave some beaiftifully drcoraied Cute;.
Saucers and Plates and odd i.ieces in the very Ik-si
English Slone China, that we will sell, you at just
what thl^ysell at wholesale (62j>cr set for cu|»sanil
saucers, and 51c for the dinner platni.
Th^ we have some beautifully decorated, full sir*-.
100 piece sets, pretty shapes, for ............................. $7-“5
These are no thirds, but strictly first quality. Every
piece guaranteed not to craze. In this set you get 2
large 8 inch covered dishes, covered butter and cov­
ered sugar.
Then we have a beautifully decorated and shaf^
too piece set, with top and handles trimmed with
gold, with gdld edga on all plates
covxred dish­
es. decorated with beautifully coloreariowers-- -Sg 75
Would cost yon $12 50 any where else.


Dal tayPKc* 04


coufd not be better, and is simply loaded with bargainA
A good, solid Extenrion table, will seat eight peo­
ple. for $3-75- (Good lime to bay a table as the fac­
tories have advanced their prices April 29th. IS per
cent.: that will not effect us. however, until we have
to buy again next falll. Our tables run $3.75- $4-75to a 6ne ubie with 42 inch Square top. 4 inch nkdy
turned legs at $5:75- F««» that up to..............$16*0

Your mail orders will receive odr best 1

A Bomber freai bwe drer* to OetoF
Baa yeitirday to Bto tooat, b

kinJs Call al llic Herald Office

Silk$~~ID8lii floor

Hr*. BaaftodBer b abb to b- ai
:i* bea» aad yard, bat a*** bi-r
ery Uul* «lae* ber aoeidrut
Tb* frtoBd* of Mr. and Hr. Ohaa

2S.£ SSi
Prank Fbbor aad ooa Badtow^- '



ISoercent Rebulldin* Sale IS percent

Hra Prod Btaohart and mb of W*»-


Hra Bar Htia^ar^
•BB nf aebool Friday with -1

Union Made Overalls 4-8c

"““r- w-r.


Tb* Hetbodbt OMrtorly Bootud
wa* faoU bB» laB tedoy- Bor. Hr.
wu here nod omBoMri tbo B*ri|g. RIrtaM roaalTod



will discount any price from any place, for *
load lots and pay spot cash.

t forpoi to aaalloB I
tkolBOba’Ald Boebtr


A Fine Line of

On Bastmenl Tleer





U r. BbBtto Bad* a bi
H 18ar«B Ollr Hot wook.
Hra Bariy ti Pott OaloiH wa* bar*
a tew dayi ■fn.harlad reoernod front


^ tbe Boston Store,

*In chairs we have 50 styles, a gotxl solid wood seat
chair, nicely painted and stri|>ed. for $2 S5 for six. A
good solid. Oak. Cane Seat Chair, high cack.k with
brace arms and three stretchers in front, six for $b00
The largest line of Rockers ever shown in Trav­
erse City. .\ good. Solid Oak. High Back. One
Seat Rocker, with brace arms. Solid and well made.
nice tioJden finish, for........... ................................... $1,25
A, good, large. Solid Oak. Arm Rocker, scat 21 inch­
es wide in front, ig inches deep, back posts 26 inches
high aboye scat, wide flat arms, nicely embossed
back, solid and well made in every way. a nice Gold■ish. with a lot of nice; quarter sawed oak
- '-m.',.. - them.
thffn wi.r r.rir*. i* .
1 herewith show >-oti
a cut t>f an iruo frame


• ••mfi’nable- ch.iir ft>r
I lun or txm


.-.I'l 'made of steel.
vly enzmekd. covered with heavy canvass,
can adjust it to any po­
sition without getting out of the chair, will hold any
weight person and will last a lifetime, as yotf can re-'
place the canvas at any time. U'e are Xmakiog a
price on this chair ol.................... ............................... $5-75
The largest line
of Iron Beds ever *sbown
line.-'-----*'------- ---in this
city. S1.S5. $2.25. $2.75, $302. $3.75 and risbl along
up to the most b»utiful b^ you ever saw. A large
hoe line of wood jbeds, $2.25, S2.75. $3 S0 and some
fine Bedroom Suite beds, over six leet high, carved.
to dose out. worth. $6.50, for.................................... $4 50
Complett line of odd Dressers of all «yles and fin­
ishes. A nice. Solid Oak l)re»er. three drawers.
French Bevel Plate -Mirror, well made, well ffnished,
first class quality oak. for........................................... S7-75

nil Kinds of Springs
and mattresses
Our Felted 6^t-on Mattre«c* i. one of l..............
oiattresses made, pure white cotton felled together
and laid in layers. Guaranteed not to lump or bunch,
neariy as soft as feathers, made up tn best tidciog.
Our price is $6.75 and........................... .......... ....... $7-75
^'ou had better try one of these; there is nothing like
a soft bed.

d we gnanntee satisfaction.


tM m


wmwfcif SMtf-t:

remap. Wio atroj^ el

fm 8t n«*Tv, vU«b ett;
fMrijr Mior^ %y



laiaMa» mm

af awyMliTtiy. t tore bnactu Im*
tto law wTlTCB. Btoal l>>Mr
<M adrloM «v ttal tto rattn- p
tito <4 «.0UO an -wuaa^ »o fc*">

for ManlBlqDe. ntonto tton to 6
thli toMraaoB. lirtiwlBC • re
tort «bto (to lo«i of Plefto. Kar-

Altooat all

tto latoWlaau to

VoitoMMa. Mar »-Tto
fanutot todor nealrtol aotloe Itot
tto PotBitoc fato tolkd
da Fvte Blrooad ttoOlaetatoU ftoto
Hasto Doarkaco far MartlaiqBa.
Ttot Ur fiaaai Food aod othto
.ppllai are tolat batilod to Bt.
I*iana and lU aarlma. Oataida aid
aazlooair avaited aa lha aappUea
torrviU laal tolafaa daja Tto
m feaod tto tafacaai ta 41»
dlaoaa aad It la tod Itot I.OOD
ato’ aacapod diad (ran lajariaa
or iaok to fobd. taaiaraad
raalli to tto took to Mar
atill Uiaot.
TtoroaatalB »IOO.<
a of Lainetoar


Aamucplar'a liaamn to r.UOD.OOO
hear aad kii^afr Iroabita, aed all >orM bidte u a naaU Ialaad a coapia to
rad *MUto from Porto Bloo ha*
to dlOralUea.
Ttoe-aala** r»o an
rooad brPbtIo Hoad* aad AH',
diflenet from most peopl* r»« ^caa
roBirelf wl lb aU HTtaaf gaear ** cone " POgalto aarrlok. ailltle oltr >0 the
iaalead to poiap rlpbt to (to a*at to tto
era part to Sbelbr eoutr. DL
dUkaltr aedltrUim root
rkaenl Dariap tto elril war a partr to baU a
amacplv* oopaped io (be tUrat
Wa arg* roa to tako Stallb'* Grera
batwam Porto Blco ud i1j<
Oellod Stotea
Aa tbaaa waa cooMot
daapar to eaptan tbrr mnped tbelr
b. amouliapM aboot OT.OOO.-

Plana ara tod to tora tora killad.
Tto “r**— reponi tora all (to ablp
pfaw ta (to part baaalao torti daattoy

Tto Qaabia ataaiadrtp eon Wa

wUb all 00 toard.
too war nrioaalr toraadaad

proiwIatlM to tolf a tallUoa duUv>
fat tto nUto to.tto aoearart la Marllatoar.
Loadaa. Mar iS-Hlac Cdward h
aaat oaa tboaaaod paoud* (V Pm

IT to

tto saw are daad.
Paria. Majr la-Tla niaWar to nartaalodar laaaltad a dlapatoh (rm
tto ooanandrr to tba Praatoi r>abtoBatoaL

Tto dUtatcii iidatadat

PWatr aPMrr aod U llmad • tbb

It nada “Toaranla V lo (1m

Mtobac tin rokane threw a eooaldaaaUa


to aoMka aad Innadi-

alalr afhcwaid a apoel to flana aliot

A BwaMol latar, tto eatlra (nwB

waa dtoU^ hr It*, (to dilpt ta *a
torbco aoaualad aad tmttiad.


nda to (oeka laatad Bttnee tolaaka. 1
itoMiad BL Pttoi* at t la tto altarBooa, tarttot •

paradha Itoai (to

Ho Ihriac enaaai* U rldlbla

•r Adatral Maaptoa.
oo. Mar T-Baar Adalia!
WUllam T. Baapaoa. ratliod. dlad at
la thla (hit
a oltr at
I t o'Hook
raatardar afuriMtoo. Tto
to daalli waa aaraMal aoactftota Ha had bara la a aanl-oao■eloaa atata (or jaaoml farA aad ttaU
roreBOOD auffen.-d r*rabtal bamortopa, whteh anOB tcoopht th* aed.
RMrAdiuliml WlUiaaT.Bamiaoe waa
beau la Paloirra. B. T., Pshnair V,
Ua raoalrad bia aarlr rdacatloe
ia tto adtooK to Paloirra. toiop appolatad to tto Barr Btodoober »4.
He sbowtid irraat ^itltBda for
bli ealllait. aiui la IHI to podoatad
tto (Jollad Btalea Mara] acadat tto toad to hia olaa. That

la tto lOWB. which It wiB tapoa

LeadoB. Mar l»-A 0-l»l Maw*
d^Blah tiea Bt. Laobt nr*
a«oa U Marttalqaa la

af< o-

weraa tlaa

Pot DaPnaec. Mar Kt-Foar handrtoaadtftritoapaatiina BA Plni*
hare aiftrad bera.

ThattoagBaa w«*

ptafcad ap hr a aaU. oaapaar'a repair

Tto alaaaMr la ptapariap to

rataiB tiat-HfiWlr k> BA Plarra to
tMDB. the lOiSarM. Tba Bafataa. ara

:r to. I«, to WB* «
> waa Ib^ anwatlra
to the iToeolad Patakaon. wImb
It waa Uewa ap hr a dlae ta Uharlaauo Wbor. to totap aoMap ttoae who
haried tote the water. Oa Jalr
». IMS. tow., ooutoaaoaal Uaa. aad OB Anpaat V.
ItCI, to waa pteawiad U
1 Id abow hU BeriA a
Mateh. I88». to waa awda oapMla.
and (roalSKaaUl IWOto aerrad a*
to tto aaral aeadetar.
R«ar Admtial BampaoD bad baan la
all braaebea to tba aarr, aad
tarad oaa to Uia bral nparta aa
eaoe. lorpadoc*. cto.. he brlap

all vaU
BA ThaM. a' W. L, Maj KKtto erar- aopar-iiDinaed rarrela reeaatlr lotro
daead late tto aarr.
After tba da
olaratloa to war with B|b1o to wai
to (to MorUi AtlaaadtoMit lo Hartlalqar.
All Mad M Uo eqaadna with tlia tank to
oaaBia tba baltef that«Bot* adnlnl. toM that r«or ha waa pto,eled to ootooipdon. aad to lt» be
. pnlibill
Taa bWM adriaaa aaj ibai
MBM. a rear-adtalfaL
8A PMob aad riotaltr an aUll a
Dorlat tto Bpulab-Amorleaa war
it lOsaisad BBBband 13 raaarii. bl>
ranaU ta approach tto Utatad. Krop Beat balBp the atroapaH arer orpuHea* otIU ooollaae froa the ruleaao lead for boallla parpoara. oaptarlap
Bnalah Biarohaat raaaeli aad
aad It wiU probabtr be dan Mata
blaMade Taaaar*. ud ftoaUr deteal«M faU atatr of M dUBalar oaa be
lap tto BpuUb fleet noder Admiral
Piapnitarr laperta


WhalBlap to BA Piart* ara alftiap U
■hiwlr Iran tto aatar llul* ialaad*





b BapMmbar. IBW. to WM appoiatttoapbi wbaa I nad to tto doatroe- ad oaa to ttothtaa ooaalaaloaa '
Hoa to BA Ptanr, waa (bat U wm Oato. aad ta DaetMbar to that .rear
a to the North
toiBpIr tta hlautr of BodoBaadOoOb OoMI
atotab npMted," mU Ool. Jallaa IM. to waa luada enTtimandant to the
Tatoar, Ualltd Btaiaa eoaaal la
urr rmd. which poaitioe he
tMlqaa aste OMralaad.
ala to tto lahabtaat.
«M« rnr bad.


to BA. PlMt*

Good woaaa

tto aioaptlae aiao^ (to aatlraa


aaaaot plotarc (to rloa aad iMBuraU«r to tbat pMea rtrldlr aaeafh.


iMd M ba nao to be aadMOod. "
.VaAtoptto. Mar l»-A Ull latroIMead hf Pblrbaaba to ladlaa, waa

pMwd hr *•>*•
ta«|to praaMaat to aMBlODOOO
. aad tea
BKlboMlaito aoMtto ttopoTata
watto tba UalMd Btaiaa to tto
FlHiM ■oracaMl ter (ha reHafto
ttoir ItCTiUr afflialod paogda la Mar-

atll I"
nitra. Tto oloetap jaan of Admiral
i-i Ufa wataMbItMtad br
ud the
rllleia Mllad dowa «m him for tlie
taaaar Merpu lacldaaA
Hlapima. Mam.. Mar T-Ks-SaoraMrrto (to Marr Leap waa daapir
affaelad ea Itaralap to tba death to
Admlial Bampaoo.
He add: -Ad­
miral Bampeoa alood tmj blpb ta the
urr. tortap fllled maar to >U


kbmell Ulead MU Bilee
■oath to Porto Kleo. At tto t-lDae at
the war (tor atarlrd for the ialud to
ttoir blddea lrmaara.-MI tbe
otarad aad the; wer
anaokad Itot* anca be) tw«aor^ t<<n aad tbar ntaraad to IbU coontra.
While at Maw Orieaoa oae to ibeae
dlad wKb tmallpoi aad tbe other b. ■
tapImartaUr oubla to ttoorer the
. kept hi* aectal uiil Jn.t befera hU death, wbea be n-rmled tl to

moa of Amarieu Hatbii
at Mew Orlau* look op tto •laeatloo
to tto traaafrrmca to Hie hialorieal
Waahl^toa, Mar 0-llia bedr to tobtothto laraaltothtCClirUtiu 8udar—a lioaatloa wbieb ioTolrea (to
RaarAdniial Baap
ndieal ohupe. orarr broophl
Miou bafon- tbe bodr ud aUtbit noraiap with nllllarr hoaora
Pnaldaet Peowwtot aad MblaeA Om­
ani Mlba aad Staff, Admlnl D*w*r mmu for ud apalait.
Kralt prowan la aortliain Ulaaonrl
ra rerr mach alarmed on-r tto nrtea to the oukor worn. Ap|dr,pcarh
ami obarrr »*«• ta ausr ooutiet
(taweral »***.
Mtallr dmadad of fotiape
Violaal t . .
br tbe worm* ud la ooetnioeaer the
poted fi«M Bordaaax. Baroaae, Paa frolt crop* iteatrored.
Tfar ordlaarr
aad olber pMeet U tto na>e raploa.
■ .arupraujkad water ud
Thar laatad IS
Ttta n- to ooppor (elphat* do' Mt in rnrj 10oru do Bot maatloB aar daaap*.
alura dcoH«r tbe i«*A Oaa etchard
Orna torkla, oar to tto wealtbleat
where tbe crop to apide*
realdaato to B Ipta. la. wa* killed furmur rmiato* aolil for dlo.OiU.
Ibla motaiap br falUap *lK>>tr f***
ill yield eolblap tbu rmr.
froB tbc tap to a wtadnlll tower. Me
While 8.00U paraow were watobiap
to hta (era aaar tto dtr to
the feat to AciUe PaeUloim at the
nialnop a wiadmill aad
taralral at Ka*hrme. Teu .
oliuibnd tto towaralooa. No<
. Uibnat (all from the cable at
hlB fall, but to wm feud
tto top to tto aplisl tower ud
line laiar, with pluapad beadlooK to tto platform be­
bta oock brekao to
lli- oluirbed fruurallr at tto
Aa Annloao conpur baa parabaa- cable aad win. a* to fell boi failed
ed tba wreokato (to Bpuiab wanbipa
to praqi either.
Hi* head itnick
AlatnaM O^aaado and Vlaaara- >7- laddH u tto pUtferm. (notarinp i>
iap off Bullape. ud tbar will to
brokiB ap aad aut to Pblladalpbla aa
aorap Iroa.
Tto raaaeli wlU riold
At Voakors. X. Y-. pnat
UoB amou tb* member* to Jewi-h
rill reealradla
aaeietr be* tom tto uloome ut the
Aa buiorfe bell whleb
Parim ball Dariap tbe
A Pelenbarp. aad amttoOliica^
tap 10 DMplM waol Ibtouph tbe mock
marriape eenmoar.
Mow the rabbi
arorid'a fair ba« baaa
wbo offlelatcd I* .aid to bare .h«lare.l
BA VMdii
Itot tto ODapioa ao mamrKl an boud
ehanh. Maw Y«k. IIl waa |W*aeBtod
«r«a vf (far ohareh. ud Ihri
to (to oharob br ' eBamiu ooanL
earrad with pU- fma, 10 tto* of tbe Uw. T
roaap imopla an at ttoir wlu ud
deeldr wbethor (tor an- rmJlr mi
ri«^ Soma of tbooe taMti-eled lu the
matter deolan that
la laerulad fn
atartod tto atorr did aa from a *elfl*b
> to ha* aotli
moUra-that to bad a taadlr to elpht
> ftaihm. H* bapu to
daaphlar*. all to whom
> a few r*o» at®- aol*
rlad -at tbe tolL Boretal to tto tabototliar'* wUhta
He mid be woaU
btaan axpocted'to tore a ounlta
moaar and woald Ml pat m
Um ud (belt .-olleotire daeiaion i> to
riad util to had aeop^ fmiton
tto matter.
a fmther l>ad. The flrat j*»t dop*
So dlraTpaal an tto optalou of tbe

hU fatlara. Katphben talk to bartap to the Moaale Sabt^i to the OhrUhim a larpa brood to nowHu Boadar aSart tto Jaw*to tto uUoe. that It wu daelded aftra a aamq»-ial fnu Ootambla. S. O..

Waablaptea. ktarf-Adalral Seblar
aald ihU amralap: -Mo owe
beard me ur u aaktad word to Ad­
miral Bampaea. I ragni ?arr ■

OblMpo. Mar «-"EmtolMad - beef
tottoktaditotonaladaattr dariap
the Bnalab AmaHaa war. ha* beu
4edDo ttonrtot brttopacAUaeatotto
ar* ta prval oautiiUa Dealan rnaal
lUtotaa roHaao bar* aaand
a tto atorapa auod or do wllbul
Ai towto hraoTM Hwaetlie Bortb
. Tto eboioMt <tata are kept for
nrta wBo rafam Id bur latarter
a tol Uwaa arv bald at **17 blpb
MeU of tto awal offered (odar___
pot la Btarape laal Aapaat from (to
pnorar pndoto Tea. taapa o
Tba bleed la II ha* bom fraam for air
patab adda ta tto bortor to (to allu- mootto ud Ima parUr arapoiat*.
tMa. Tto porannaaat taaMklapw
«tr aHort M hanr taUr' lotto tiriekKew Y«k. Mar »-1b (hr praaawoa
r the blpbael dipaltariaa to tba Oath,
. Uadea. Mar It-Adrieoa i*eai*od
tole diatab la Aaiartm (to bodr to
hr Botoauir ObanMrlala (but

tata Mar U-IHa Mlalitar to tto



reov ladm.

tVonMjCocNuliioDBJirmubrwas and LorHOF SABER
lacSiaab S^nMnreof

iCmta Cl^ flaal T«a mrito* Ikr Btod


For Over
Thirty Years


to keep the .emnaSar *»*r *«
weed* ud aU auiou pluM whlob
trad to Ita
Oabto ro*nmnloatlr*i
from BA Imala. ta the Wtadwaid lal-

tar iaUnmd Ita* acema I
AM* aad tto Attairtfc a
leaomm. wUh aka*

am to tto Oa^ «<

Women as Well «s Me®
Am Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kldoer troable pne* upaa (be rrlod «>mw*C**Aiidl*aaaaitrtotiMi. beijr.-elctr
_- aod cheeri-iinaas aeoe

le U.B -XU II ejuanAi rea. emteett ea


Waru Oamtr 8mk BMp, DETROIT

buna aiibi* (MIC muilfcp rrue iM tow W

. u|..u

..f llu.

*p. thU Bs



.>a.M«ii»ei» xuiu •ubie iii-mg atn
iJMemv..* him.u.«cj.r uattaato





Itoi c^|iaU

' *d4*i->* l-nAal.

..-r .£'0.: -'t-


A KtKlUniK
I. mTATP-eut.' <|( M


iintj rA-sff^

1^ d___
H.emkA . I



.•u-awnatlbivpl u.«>u>aBPUMP*«<to

--------------s-si ilt.,-;




1., lb. pmm IMutocd U uxl x
t. .r Ibp i«mbwT
m>4 aeUtbD. eto



to Mra
Erarr dar, br
BeeaarelA tto pardaan to the Wliite
Boaae paCbar cloaton of tbe oholoasi
blomoBU to tto flower bed. or cooozpaH ta mmlal dtamara. who eUm amratoMM, wbieb an carafallr paekmuralmUar
ad ud amt Id Mra MeKlaler at C^toa. O
RoaM ud otbar col flower*
drtal La* bam appotalod fm Tiudu Boed la adorn the baUroom ud recepiX Read, aped 80. who toe a doaaidar- ttoa parim at tto White Hoo*e an
kaowB heir, aad alwar* (oel tto next moniap to the
rariou boapiml* to tbc dir.
who Ima bam for aanpal raan
ImHtaal diukard.
Tto- Jadft
Rer. Bam P. Joeoa. tbe aenialioaa!
ap dowa bUdeclaiu, mid.
Uurpla ptaaebar. U dotap well BauId mu'* dar* wan aambarad claUr. He U abost to etact a
aad all th* plaamre to hu to life U
block ta GartiirriUe. ud
(to ii»«ip A- flnda ta ditaktap,
ottor taramaammto bU *vbe did ato laal dke deprirtap him at
hU aalr **laor aad ooaaeqamtlr the
aaporrlaoa wu appatatad to laa tbat
Read pet* a luoderale mpplr.
Tl>e wlU to Joha/u. Mud. a Batter

||•>■PUw til l-heieir;i


tto riewt to
aa tbe aabjaet ud rapert at
to be told aezt reof-

eoutr. (Uao- fomar. wbo dlad taa*
weak, ha* bam dlad. Xtarlap all bia
lUaMaadwakwetadfarhU hatnd to
a Thla touraoMrlatlo apptarad
ta hU will Iff wbieb to lafl PAOOO
tto Mooad Onaatarr ameolatim
luroa. ta.wboaa plat to wa* borU

‘■'•^>41* >wa IMW. eee rroemd e.en-mr
•I * ■mne yt mM cum. ma w be b alu w
l*e t-nabelp * mcc. IB 1*P cite U TTmeew-|-lo.


plain* tto pbmoiMBea of Major ParA ta hU taa qaeatiotA to appotal
rr. who p
(botuaph iDi

Ptn aad maoka bom tb*
tto altar to ^ Hawiok'a aathaual. arnptim U 8a Ttaoeat an mid to b*
Tba aoIcBui ud
BiLoelaaad dlatut dala I7 erari
tmmtloof an aadible at I
afflatab to tto toareb.
Olbbua ArcbMtoop Rru 01 Pbila. We« tadiaa. aad lhara It 1* npeot-'
dalpala dallrared the aBhwr.
ad ttat (to Toloaate oaMn oa Damilca are ahowtap Hpu Of aeUritr.
A PlarAr OM.
Rce. Dr. Bdwaid Brmut Bale to
Kalfcaaka. Hteh., Mar b-ICaltaaka
aatOB ta ataotan M CHloapo, d*.
romm an- r«pr amefc aaaorad br
•aad tto datlm to tto Twmttath om
Jack- '

ufoUowa: Tto rouWaaMm <d
-toato mUroad tnm Imbmdot
aaambmof_____ ___
Pampmla. ta keep tto kamu tamfallowed to tbclr aar] daon aad toe*
bam fotaed to llaua i

•to oam* ta eowtact arl£^ta* rluSi




famrdtahU I

to war (a M. Oaltad Btataa reaaab

tadlMM (tot ttodoatb Utl to the
HlMd to BA Vtaaaal will taaeh
TM*-‘~r— Mar It-BMoaiarr Har
ladar loetond (iobj UeBaal Atm. at
Potata a PUlra tto followlap dU^Mb.
-Pott DtPraaor. kla;
Tto dlMto la eeaiplaia. aad (to erttr
toBAPIarralawipadoaA Oaanl L.
Pnatu aad toallr m* daad.
geraraat nr* <bol 10.000 perltoad aad
•0,000 an be*aalaa* aad liBaprr.
tiMT— tb*l tiMi Bad ante be aakad
- taoMdaodOali. Boar, btaaa. rte*. tail
BtsMaad Maeatla aa qalcAtr aa poatobM. Artill to war raaaaH weald to
Watotaptas, Mar l»-Tto war da-

Bwdiclaa. taU-tto etaadaid. all-thirrar.-ruoad BMdlrlMto tto boallbir.1
proplele Aiaenea. CapitaUit*, oatioc
ite wiadarHd bleAer.ton now aerurrd
il aud iJacod U ea tto aiarkeA had we
tore lecuied the *ole apeacr here.
n r<w an aiek or laa down aad peaMtolr -phred ouA" thU ■edi.-io. i.
wbatrouoeed. Ja.t plra It a trial aad
aae Wtolber U It pood or BoA
ir r»o <aa lar that It haaa't helped
re wUl rtooad all the wairj r'M
paid aa for tto and Idee.



.-s-iSS: laSST&i:
VwQia n^*i Ifell,
WIIJJ.W oi.'i>IIPO*l. Tru
Iktedm A*a«m. KbAttmUil* •bbteW
Atatl. A U. M.
~ -


opfi Mich, ataicfa Oo.


MIoh. TaL Ha Wf.


__ _______ _____ urte^ asm me eften. it the
BiM acalto tba Omb or I), wtoa th* ebth:
fimbti *o ap* wfeai o *hMU b* *b)r m
ornirel tb* paa*t<- h b .n> iflbeted with
bed-aamar. Oepaod vpoa il ta* eiua* ol
lb* diehnihr b Aldur trouble, andtheflrti
am toould be toaarto ta* treatrual to
thm* Importtat ecna*. Tbb irThimai
troabk t* dm <0 A dia*a**d ceadibco to »*
Vomm u w*B •• nm *ta m*to eto__U* Stab ktaav aad btodtor iroabk.
md beta a*ad tk* mma rn< r*raa^.
oiad_aBa lb* tmm^M u’b'mM


84th Oar of Mar. A. D. I OOk.
*1 M e'ehaik le M* liamaa. tt tto OaM

Light Biscoit
Dainty Pastfies
Fine Pttiiings


Absolutely pure. It adds
healthful quahto to the feod.

Baking Powder
TV "KayiU Baker aad Pmm
Caok"-BO« pnetical and

'e oi cook r

oeodimelr haenJul to beallh. Their


will It
to look «M1 to tV a«ca of b«
ptlBsaad btoWMB. A hit of lac to
atriat. a bapil awtoh. a wlap
MOW a rut ItoMe iblaf. w
tVi iV pSiaa aaa oany off witk no
pMlUa bare, Vt IV
IV baM of tV uo|s BBy
as a flpbcB to toV away IV '
ttol. which toall that atoada bat
Well with .................. aad
mmi aallBltod i
orltJi eoa]> aad water.
Dark spots la IV kllabu
which Mat ot gteus spilling at a loBg
peat date wlU geamlly dtoappsar
A fMac aartod aad Iwlatod Bay
otk tv toaalU. TV
Do aat apply It wbu iVae to uy
/at ooana. oaebt to Baal <
light aroaad, end nl deals aad srlnIsrwy maoh UkaUar to V tows opra to allow IV fanwa to erapaaafbt la aBBe eddy of thaBaiksnlato a erariao aad Ibim
Splrita af floapbor will ranar
to lake lie Itaalf olbar aoUd tBrtloV whtto fpou Bade by wat to bat dtoV
util tbay ftoB a oM bolb oCaaflre
1 pallahed aad sarauVd facaltare.
u<I itoaa«raaa
Why aat a kitobta la ilalaty wbits!
As for hair, tVee to ao oad la IV Whtto allelotb «u to appUad to lbs
STB It harbora
A wtop. qi
well aV nrse as paper, ud Is ao eosl>TBs Itaalf lata a fort ot aumlaet.
ly elmaed. Ta tore all Veins to­
itohiiif and boldlaii all ItoU paassa
iled la white, to tos white oilolatb
VIV troB lbat.U has a Mek of iod(led (B flraly aad sanolbly. makn
iM la tV
toe kitobu IV parfseUto of dalntloateblBf Bian tin 1
1 «B*y Ito keep aa.-Ooed
MV tlB Wl*
Wpa aad atoylaf

than asUl
by ooerotloa It boa olaned IV whole
Hair law apaotol afialty for bits of
I papolarly .
Mop. Bolld aoap, by tv way, sbanU amde of ynM-inised doogh oely, tat
rarVaealdowB tV plpaa. Vary then to nally a "abtot ant" for them
atroojt aoapaaV araa to abiaotloitabU by maus el boklag ]«witor. Mix MUlan yoo follow It with a flood ol tattor oas pint cf aailttod float, owe
ohBB wmtut, intormbly hot sraW.
r. ball I
I giouds aad lea toareo aitVr
spooeral of tolk a
pipa easy aaoo or alaa, it tV of baking powder, Mwa Mft It twlcB
flaib WBtor
throBcb qalokly. partly by maabui
of lard. Wat sritb ssrsel silk to form
eal aetloB. partly by ehamleia Hall
aaoft doogh.
Roll down to a sbeel
to abaold arar V icaalttod ta a flak. etoal half u Inob tlilo^ Uprsad with
Brae If yo« an wV aaeoch to kaep bottor, than with aogar ud a enpfel
aot all man. aad tlioi mak
ofaonuto. Skokie with
that IV mud* MbU fainfe
ud roll epi IV ia sllees the Milok
year own pl|Ba. U ilia aasrw
of a btoc-elt. lay la grrand {BUI
tVy say oome la ooataol wllb gnam
takstto to twrlre mlnetn —
fnsn plpaa Ian tarafally kept ud
aad riodyoar wVlasyatam.:
laf nenestoty eoatly nd taeoasB
Brocy klteVe ootbt to
manou aaptiaU ave S weak la boon, ud wbere It to aot penible to
arary ttaraa tore tV most MqwoTad styls a good
daya Allntuaf rafnn tax
atode by rt^arlng the
fo Into It. araa tV aatapiain troB door fBoeto ud laaarttag floe srlre
Sdataa ud <IUbat. Oraav sratar, as oettlag ao u to lai la air ud Ugbt
tran ViUac Vau'toeofMd beef, To eompleto lbs TUtilatlOB tV etoUiabaold V allawod to eoel tboros
lag Mroald to remored freqauty ud
tbea Vfp IV men nrataliy
Ibe elont eftoa Isfl opu dorlag the
off before Itma down the plpaa
ly boats ot tlw dv V get tborVlllala ud bylBf |BU eoebt
oogfaly aired.—Datralt Trll
Had with Tory b
This Cere BrseS.
talud VUu b

TV IwfM of tV
alV od Ufa.
ortiac sae Vra Vd ao Ur oatlook
tale IV baaaly whieh srMla Via
............................................. iBt ^ to tu
Bataa qalta
torlBC Mbmea. TV rteb aaa perto«a had bU elvaat fmads aad
IM. <Uft *1
Mtoly parks. VI tV taetorloa flood
.......................... frta* aad aaoke
. ma wUm ttm
aad datl, tV altoyt aad aarrow
tall of rVbtoh
TV anttrkUe pasMfnl air U Ilia
TV tooUien aad obthtna VreVdv
WlHi aMda «(IV MllV *Ua
Manly of Uyia,
tVl's *«c«d vltfa dirt aa< tlaai aad Voald by rl^la errry aoal
Bat new a mat meraIVa aartr Bota tlU laM M ton.
aad ladluaad tamlllasare
Aaoa IV aanloB aaa'a Vld fiM
A ^a^Mda Uaak VMM.
WhateM IV a'MkaiMd oMfla flow
a ptolv to tv Btakiat of a qw
Wn all wan alanaM a^wUIa afa.
M aarth faU W aaa of artcy dty took Tblf ciroa tlaa for tV aoda to partly
TV air vMh Maared wkaoka t»
yard sad aracy eeaatiy Toadalda srllh lapeairytV men aad kaap U
sttekitis to tV pipe or oaklnir on top
•dflosran. To ibaaa wVcbb aaa
of tV trap.
all this Is toodUf 11 to Uka IV
kaap IV naarlBd pU;obC of IV
M Of a aow baarao and i
Em IV flaasi parttoV eal
•a Obaar to folait to 1
array aorew ihnoda taisiac -wy
■oa. aU kafldlad Is a baaah.
aatbaatoMootbUwtdaat. Tberaara MnaaaVy. Aftor toearing aln take
VaiahaM fraba a ■adwieb
to M iV sratar ru at Ib
Blnoto bafeta oatohing uy for
Mar flaps for tafsr bevla, aad thaa
la sraabtaa aady ra«aMbtoi. at tptaMory of UrlBi iatereat.
uh. tanlpa. potstaiB. an a big pu
ua dialu oB IV dirty waur. ao tV
sad laay V aaagbl, Bru -a
t a«aia to IV apida-.
rail BOBy VilBiw dMla tVl Wad
tpoaafalaf nad feiag down a piv
aia to Ua oAaa thraafb IV Mr
srtU eat aad srsar U mere iVa a b0sAltooafh. to halp. V loaga to itor
TV toad bol^B toray imavia
Of fandton. vUla <a IV (Moa
IV Blow of tv bltaaoBi dnat;
AadptotttolCwaWaradVtoaadtVaa Aad tv praWaat tblv latVwarld lily daily foal pipes ulns.tV milky
An ia«i aad (bapKlat oat "to air. "
wiU V
r to fellowesl bya flaabi
TV balldlw af tV aasL
WitUa. IV Mdtoa MrUa to war
llraewaali abont osary Utiae daya.
Vaartv It sroU ao a udaad Mat
■adt wofter balag ao fMwad
TV llmewator to rude mere aSaetlre
BoUosrtagil with eaia;
. not aoM abaarraf tV laito tool tall
ling fall to ih Son nit to beat.
IcflUac too tar asrar for bta.
TtU iimr'f aoakad farallora aai
Imp aa Ug aa IV flat la u
BolblBC V bat too tolr;a or sreodu siinl oleog
Baavlac it aafa oe tV U|Mtt IVb.
tsrtoe IVVlk ot qmlok lima aad oorIVircaattolBlV^.
to sritb roar aalloat at bn wator.
A, toMlBr-Mrd, yoa'U Vsa waary Stir well ud let aanla.
l>oar IV
lart nataitoth i iaiwiia
laid desre tV pdpaa ud folIV 001 an I
low It lata
' If u boor with a floah of
balllBc bet
Thai erny
klad of a ilBk nmy V kapd tWM
fltwh.-Table Talk.
■•V Mb «• Mi4 «

JlrtmaS %


We IV s«pto UeaMOM Uew.
IVoocb tv Way day ahitoaer ol
obd tala
Aad alas to ear ^aana v srO srileh
tomtai to Mtoie and
Year tally baUdlay mw.
adapoodMiaa TV ayaa ot IV pao-ManpoM K. Baamat.
pU aaaa aU M
M ed IV llta
Oea eftoa eatehea a imtty bit In
wbaarafeaBdas <
aadflowar, la bird oad taaaalaad aa- tVdrttl odtv dallynows llBtbaa
litollUaaadall lVt|iartolH toaai to BaV la It eoa doitoi-c oars to boar
Malfaae Katora'a praat tamUy at VU aheat Urar on tV olbar tW down
dna wbeto aV lores aad oama for an iBka BL Olaira wv <*
ebaary old body wV amkaa
w«U. It baa aU always bans |Ma.
IV fcaaaly wa aOl aatoral. Vt wUefa wtrld V|>ptor Jaat by liriaf |o U.
TV oditerof b« ooaaty
to ta irato dlrlaa Bat it Vi
doas hto fbara by patola«aii laWlaw
Wtfor tV poata todrtoawfw
tolVaa aaaalltT* aeato wV flalatly with bar aloac. 8V aays: "taaM
taUiVtr klaaUp to K«aalhto« isaat yaan old. Vt dee'l........................
oad baaaBtal tlwacb latawthlo. la aaybedy'a way.
srbtob tVUlad oraiy dtoo cd Ibafr V
iV. bat whiah tVy ooatd M ax
If tVy dared.
yea caa MS for yoam
XovaU to ehaofiBC. Maa Vs
doBo srall or ael
aa ta toad
haoUb. Bsly ato Tory daat Vt arm
to battaatoc to VUd afaln tV Vt
Baaattifml Vwaaso awlftto daa
aaa V vraod toto a Uaaatac.
IV. XVrrtoldaaMlioatetMaaaad- iwm tblok of Mb lUata 1 doa'l Vra
- totoiy Wt baUad Ibaa
TVl'a IV rlylit klad of a>i old
tdalas wVa draaV
t>«Ma aaaiBd. srhao waa aet yw eeaae
IV Maw ftw fTwa Btiaowi aad orMawdi aad flaldi ad fsaia.
TV pl»aaw tarM ball! Itto imda dsralU^
TVca dIodU BowYtokiVolbw

daa aatoftoa aaa aad srlatof I
tVftttoa aad towns IVre

reached a bed room wbu she smiUed
Uks a fiuUo splda uda IV bed.
la rain euUe oied to ooaz Vr oet
ot to dlsoom wVi Mb crusbU ca
to. Ltobllag did act speak ud
to Miaku by moau ud nto aa
fiBied Mb migl't hare pal Vr rye out
equity torribls
tore befellu fan.

Beald one eapfol of while aonme
tall, aod I
ot bottor. with toffleiant bolUng woSsr to molston.
Ug ud allowing It to stud for half
u boor, thto addlug oos well.btoton
agfud tolBolMl Bilk to mbe i
laUito thia Mtiat. Foot IbU a anai
toU-lneli deep In well-tatteted. aVl
IBas. ud baht la e qalok oreo.
Um eatola making, ud Mb rtfolt'
will V light, erlspy. aad dallflloae

sag udv tV bV dtaggsd p
Uebllag oil by the
Afta our hatiy gtooor at ha ryes
ud Andlag them ulotored. be welt­
ed fa
pUolag e su bsl ora (hr :
toosled lieed V
Mioaldrr ud no oat to err lbs liule
deoka Jut tbu taking i swim, ud
OB down Mb rirer, where
alsnys mtanows. mbs ud
Hen Uebllag set
oa a big. while tynmoo limb while
wudotBl wbtollu. TiBe
To trull flu white wmtoU. eU boo
tVy srral to the gardu to nr UrbUag^slillle iBtobot pauau-'-gooba
peu" earn Ibiub celled Ihpin—ud
r. with e little
tbu lay Mnm la u eartVii renel, they wen always •millag ap at us
flora with ftroeg wblM to<^Bodf aad With bright yellow Utils blosoi
like eyu. ud tben blonons bed
nt la Mb eu
to kept oatsnd sritb and If o
fanllghl nkn aat the dirk Bla«
good crop of psuBli later
blaf weU udatareh.
Iron oa the saostg fldt, aMag a flserr
By and by Usbliag I
board oonmd sritb a BaoDeL
OBly (a u ooeaMoi
sob aod

lUuU. HIM).. A|nl to. mnr
Dea Mrs. Bates -You are kb.- jirr.i
dul of IV Paaabtoc Clab. so now I
wlllsrrttoyu a lelh r
I think «•
are going to ulalge IV school huasr
ud niati Mb ml. Wol begu tin ;
soeud HuVv in April. Ills \>i}
Bin today.
There an slsiren echo!
an to ecliool
Yeor 8i
U^fred OletiMi


DUST Asftw So yomr work.'

I dan to to taaeh It gully wllb IV

M»ad«y."~.H-n. ffebky.
Ur. Moses V. McttUI. l\dBmbM.Ctaerukso Cu, hklsss. Knrsl Jtoals Xe. I,

1 rdltoT and pr»prleb>r ol to.
> IMptog^lIsad- wriM tor
frllonlng glowiBg i
l'••nma. aad Its rOtoaey to tV ci

f tos Vn
Aly toawta owre
hfogta and ny yftoam Mtofft"—
Ateam F. MuriiL .
Hon. Wiliu Uiwwsr. Krprsnatatlea
to t'uogr~ feun AUloua. wrlu ito
lauly brlBcs tost sofferlag boinuliy
toUuwing Irtirr to V. Ill
would torrlisTnllt they uly garsl'eUimssodtcpn
ruu a (sir Uls). Would that I c
Wsshtogtoq. II
iprcs. my
graUlade (-.r tbs bearUts drrtTrO frum
Oeatlrma—"1 Vvsi. ___________ __
.1. n--.”-K. A. CVRTIUUUT. jLirm-nr reruns for UMltodc. sml 1 tsks plmaiw
Mingtii •
il.«, W. X. Ibach. CalMd fiUks
. As a I
Hrosuir fr..m Xorih liskola, to
tv short tins
wrm.-a from larUuure. Xortb Dakota,
ns ms a gnat dsal of gaM.”—mUH
- IVrsusdrd hy a friend, I tore
Prrnossss t..i»r, andam gltd tulcsUfy (arlnry rmlu from (V ass of taraam
tVt II bss grselly briped msln sln-sKth writs St oars to Dr. Hartman, gtriaga
and app>dltc. 1 hare born sdvisn full sUiomMii ..f )uur rase sad V wtU
hr friends tost It Is remaUUly rlBce to Plcs-M to giTs yoa bU Tolaalds a*romplslbluf ewtSTTb.’'—W. X. Ruacb.
Srustor Knarb's wUe
iasle>. SVsayii -Inaebserfuli


.kddiwss Dr. llsrli
TV llartmu Hsnilartom,

-'ll resnUi Stom. in M.wk. Si>crUI wagon* ntade
Onij llir-trl) brsl I.ulorial
>»«1, an.1 (ullygitaranirol in evert in|wct.

Ruaaifts Thal.tcn,;i.. mavweUa. srU, TV.
UUyyi«’9 ii»i
IIIS.U- »f Hicap inalcrial, u.\ givrn a tUaby
tinisli to «at. h Hie esc; IhjI aic iliuaUc. .vomlari*


ir <lica|.etl on the tn.ukcl. .puliiy ronvUtrod.
will liu) 11.1 irthri male.

126 Stair Sheet, p Uictof PeteilyU

of all descriptions now on sale at

j. J. bre:


price of Cu-CUe il u «ocs ut
u rive tatlsfkcuea Oor tiltk Is it b Dsbooided.

o icfiincltbe tnnticy
, n ail wc daim for it.
Il will jiaj- you lo cail an.l lei ut et|iUiii Cat4;iiie lo yoi^

For Job Work of all Kinds Call at tbc Herald Office

The Enterprise Cash Grocery
At the new sund. corner Stale and Union, wili xnake
flpectkl cut prices all the week. We are now in a posi­
tion to scil groceries cheaper than ever before. Re­
member we are located directly opf^te the City
Market, the most convenient point in the city ler all
country trade.
Sujar. Bn. Eaunn. |« lb. lor......................

hmibudi an an aired, uitbto
Mlftran "Why eu't yoe r«
Uie VniMie aplinmto eoand by Mb
ba. Bridgok wbea 1 leU yoa a M
denrttoe of Mie cook oa wash i
Umn! Idoab Ukeelwayei
lag TV repose af tV waU hrsd
yoa fa forgettlag. "
woana to not tV qatot of
Aatiable tat forgeWpl .
tV flOlBof tialaad faoalUan.
mm. job dta'l tnld. It't
aatoaesd so nlnly tVi u
yoa ore, man.
Bay nan a etaaaga ot aoler Vt
aot brlag fmh a lend ay. Wall brad am lady I Usad srld and to oem
wiBis an a bou to llw buBa taee. Into Mb Uutan aad ttomp ba
XV tony ud aBiMso an u laflto'
totoela't Idu—"1 ne that

Try woBBlag WUo* MMt witVal
taking the fntVrs Mk CVan a
sracB, aanny. brasay day. Pu chs
plllawa Uwa etou aads aad waab
well la aeretal sraltoa, aatag seap aad
ktoaiaryoaag avliwUI Vstoen
abbtaq brwsb U tV lioksen

mtreamU sir, maraxttt farm
aaamly. /a—• tarwunra■
aad rkeogbr I wamU try U.

lUnaab. Hieh.. Xpnl th. IMU
Dea Hre Bei.-s- Wf'll wrlu .too s
short letMr to 1st yoo koow Ik>w wr
Ur thu sprlog. Wr an alt well. 1
eoald ui go M aoI.Ml tV Bnl week,
tot I m going now. Hy inrbrr s
aams is Mias Llials Dun 8to apnil
Hoiday srutog at ou boaar. Wr
had warm saga ud enjoyed oanlrn. ei«ecially os boys wltb ear
hired aian, John Nash, eatardsy
aigtal ws liad a imtty ud II was a
farprise on papa o»d monma. Our
teuha WM tben. We ell lied e rut! Brooch Block
good Ume. Wr tore u organ to oor
sebool now ud jrr enjoy it ».ry
much. The rooda oal bate an ray
moddy and tod now. I Uitok It will
(remap again. Uood-byr.
Prom yvr
Afeed IIHaxr> Hurlllr.
\Vc kimw of no rcincvl) that it nuKC univcrkali) suawaful Ihaa
Cot-Cmc. CkkCinc it nul li> u> mean, a • urc-alL tVe <k> not woh
DaaHtk HaMa-1
an\ Id ..uf for a inoinefil to believe tliai wr ii lo be.
W'c <l<> wish, biiucvrf, tVl all duiulil know wc rtuhnsiamrall): cn■lorvr Cas-Cme IwrAUsc we iiavc invcMigalctI an.l know evTrythiag il
amgetog t
sobul new. Wr -Urr
■•mains, an.l we know lhal the clement* nmlainol in Cas-Civ hare
r eehool tbls ipria^- In
■ w
ilwci'iaiiii In all <1 ■V of KhcumaltMn, Catarrh,
going to tiB]> skenka 1

Wbumklag plUotrsof soft dosra
It'is a gov ptoa to wu Mb laur tod plokad ap Rua. u
almost u large at a life sin toby, am trying m get oee now. I am going
oonrlag. u ibe town wUl not srork
tVir bidrs ud get mr a gen
than when Rr'u's Ug. Vown
B.- tTMis.
l-mgoiv to V».
ayn ahuM torr beu wen is
IBooen to a simple ooe
y bole*.
It eemlaly s
of Irooing tV snoog Mto ot tV_____
sriMi f hot toUroB nbbod wllb ban- drsadfal Mghl ud poor LieUiag
Tto wu sbaald V appUtd neb hare fell maob u sruU a dmIbt
lolatoet ud bmia Wt
sbaald dlnora tor toby dnd
time beftoe Mb
an going to ow uslr's on i V is-ato
tv olotli.
Bba easHd oM boar to hare 11 epok- sola. We an talktog of going west
u of fa a long Mma. aad earetally UiU taU 1 Vsa three uriea. three
aulB and its eeastoi Urtog tV-n.
tl is aat pOffibto to darn a Mar la
packed BMa'f wardrobe away ut at
Ov of oa vigbbsn has got a mow
Mghk and ta eomr daye the s
wblM owL til els e sqairrel
si Mb
gm tiaaaa. ae tV bat Iroa will V
o Into Mb palawiBtv the nd
bag« traps at fa »,bIillkaly to toart anrka u Ik Instud eatomlly tod oeeoned.
Tilts Is ell fa
mead it to IV smag mds sritb flu
A few weeks afterward aule took rela lor
Toor Baaablvr.
biaefc tUk ooart plana, drawing iV
Dooy Dertada Rial.

la neiaty than days is tbalr fany
look at repen." Ud a laBlton wbon
asm muner has loag bau tV eary
of tbof^Ho act panan "iVt repan Obi bubW U>a float of Van Oa
", "TV Vsl brad moaMa."
ooBltatBd this feoBlIe fdilloa
> sritb e eold trot tUl it sttoke
"V aot fan Ttaqr nka tlBlr .
IsyaswTiMuabroadfroMir" ssksd
ud tVw faral^ tbalr Jewalt ud
Hra McBride af tV haka. toi befow
WaldnaVaBBtMr of eeam
VceaUtqdy Mb added. -BowetaiU
Tl»y an BMtaaeleoa of Ibeir ralto
of me. to to tan';
Ot aooi
eaalda-t to ray tiUk. fa it taka:
aboat MB daye tar it to oeoB fton
lUaate waortag a k
Yoo may glre me
TV haka gate Vr tV -alalaft to

aad haag to u airy plan to dry. TV
Myveidsnaaaa stVmV am>d taatbsn saay V srrsral days la dryItrlai waahlat salaaMa laoaaaad Baa log. ud BOM V shakaa end tabbed
UaeaufortV TaBdorbilu,^BOai
to break ap tV wads or balto
A othor woallby folk.y^iVMB, Ipto wbiab toe fnthsis are apt to
bar dotolto aV waa at wtwk ap^B a
ViBeMaa laea acMWs wbtohecacBl.-

tosaead lotallMaa, ao ■Bbwials with aaptoa aad yrttk paoi
Itlitlill tobtda«Va»>r.MMfb».l

ranCty, Mkb ,A|«
r Urn Batee-V 11
Mo. bn sreltod Maos the mbs
a to (.u befen I thoaght 1
deep, tat If toft he sreloou us
write. 1 here aw bree going ,
yea know what UebUto msaas? If
to seliool beauts 1 hare been Vriag
yoa tore Oamu fritads ask tlieni
r eai in iV
qasatos ud they srtll toll yea.
My ue<-hrr's urns u
It to a pel amr. tot the real L.leUiag
1 Uks him rrrr maeb.
to a fwen. real Utils giri-HUd a Su.
IlMIsrtIh Willis TrsBBta Hub of.
.iVboyt pUy ban toll at ooaa. I
hare a pet eat aaaud Klgrr- i gens
LtoUiag's A
I will oloss for itali lims
Yur flansble'e bay.
Oraadm aad gtaad|B^
Age 8
Wilher Tbiss.
drire. Liebliag daallned to
hates. Mieh . AfWlI l«lb. I8IK
(Bay tbaa. torlag arofanrd grmadpa
DsM Hre. liairs-I Vss md tV
nylbsy were galag ores to "Bosky
Islb-n la lbs Herald fa iKarlr e
Uehltag wu drudfelly
year- 1 go to school srrry day. Hr
etimld of roogb roads aad "Reeky
■ueha-s namr is HIM Hre Bsnarii I
m la tv flrui mdr. Wc bed a aW
sV stoyod aad twang fa s whV to
Bowa gardu lest yea. ud e»|»«t to
ton obair. wbUe her eolored
tote ue (bin Uj brothrr sud I ars
e tBoraUldV
going oftor eoau may flowers Ibis
M of artain
aflerauu in tbr wiosU um by.
Baddeely sha mrtly u
IVaii yur uew fiiaad.
u aim iBon mlgbl go
KobMt Vlklrk.
ud -Base bemU fa a whUe.
the. UtUlag. sroeld take ha rery TraremOlty. Hlch..Aiwll inb. luoi.-.
Dea Hn. Katoe-Uy latVr taksa
blggsM doU. aod rUlldtar "Aoaiy.
wV sru ’btoldering all by Mb Banud ud t road all the Irltsrs
ta Ik I go to wbml sTen day I am j
to Uir loarth gradi- ud mv slodlsa ar» ^
LlebUag mrely. Bbe wu aooo mding. aritliuu-lic, luguage. geog
nagly settled to a big ohelr dlteoa taphy, sphlHog ud wriilag.
lag IV tupeeUre merllt of while oad uaeher'a umr It Mrs tarsus. 1 likr
Ws liad B»s ws. ki’ j
blu ribbou to to w
by doIU wltb ba ri-ry uiuob
I am so glad IV Htow it
while dietnt, end luduly aruging yaoiliu
doll Beu-t fluffy loekf.when sV rod- gooe, lieeaiLn 1 enjoy sprlog morr
tbu winter, wllb Ibi- Urds stoginr '
dealy gars snob
ilaglV grief. |Bln ud botra, Ibal ud IV flowenbloomiBg 1 lake mo :
ewclt's hurt elami outed to but Mo lenut ud 1 Uks it very luoch. <
Plean toad me a baliu ud a .wrd. 1 [
alaou ud Mb eptang to
fnt to see Uebllag lay Heu nrefil- WUld like lo to a flnnsbtor gtrl.
mist cion fori think my letirr ul
long euBgh Prom
Age 10.
Uszis KrulioU
Vt llitoagb rooms ud halls util sV


Don't plod aloie like your grandme^er did before
you, scouring and scrubbing; ben^^and rubt^.

makes houseworlt. easy. It deans srerythiog and
injures oothing. More ecwtomical than soap.


Bn. bulk toOou. per Ib. loc. ijc............. ........ ;iic. .5c
Ydio, I'uacbn...................... ................................. .
............. «
juxooWl.n.dn ...........................
Johnon.Soap Powder........................................... au
Armour's Soap Powder.......................
Ark Soap, .0bars.......................................................... .,5
Bee Hive Soap. .0 bars ......................................
YeastFoam...........................................I............... d«H
We aloay. pa, bicbea laarket i^ee lor food butter

Enterprise Gash Grocery


Casuuud bak.


Mm BMfau toft tom M(sd>r Biftal
(ar.BMlBB. Vi*..
be mill bwU>
volt M Ibe Mmm ImwresOTBmt Ctortoad.wfae im* b«M <11 vtA
i»Hrn • >• ml *«>bL Bo-mon «Mm
BBicbbottexI >i tm.
port B.r«d tl>m.
Dtift Vama taflUd
•d hi*
btoreto Iwt
Hn. Awm Bom «w the gutmi
rrid*r BlftaL Omw Batomi btld the ^ BafuBMMAbddM^taiSM
iMkr sambar. I.
Star* Chn«U hM » »e» hnw*.
flmcat rroa Uil* iitoee aumda
tbr tall cam* at tb* Hjtrbot Bvsd*;.

etiap at Hra

OoBBBt left for aa*«q oa Sal

>d bMd* at Elk Ha|>Hemn.

Vni Harm, aad

_____ to n>*lia ef Traram* Clip. 1*

HlmOota PbaJaa okaeda aaeeamaehoulal Do* imka Tate-



laraSonvof Saitaoi Bap wa*

Tb* T»btc----------- taU
pad tall e

and Sales Barn at the old sUnd. 231 Sute Street, opposite Park Place Hotel- I will alto me part of this bam for
a warehouse, where I will unload several car loads of machinery that 1 am expecting io a few days.

Baaoe'* aaxt

Him tioaim Ja^« west‘to Tia
rm dip Batardap, retazaiar

-Mib. Fnak Smitb aad b*r bIm
U*ato. tockTMa with Hr. and Hr*.
Oaaiba Bandap «r«eiiic.

Tb* marrlapr of Him Bemie Btpaai
_ad HarDa Hoaft took plaee on
Thuradap at the t*£drao* of Peirr
aiihr* of I
HoatkTbrp hare the beat wii'
their masp Manda
The daaoe




These machines are too wdl and favorably known in this localTty to need any further explanation. They apeak for themselves


Tbr Be* (tore ha* ba«a' cBmptotad
aad 1* rtadp for am.
HlmMTiap aad Hibtrad PM*rm<u
*^l Frldae aad Ratardap with their
aaat. Hra Fraak Smith.
Tb* Ladiei- Aid SooWtp ■*« at the
eftarah 'Warlamdap aad pmiMv.1 a

Jaa Vilxm aad &. &

Drew *r*

doiat the work,


O. W. Kaatola of Tiaeerm dtp
wa* in Lriaad a few dap* tbia weak.
Bam aad Ohaa HaUte*d«f Cedar
were ealtore here oe Tbaradap Uat.



.erT'anrl ooe r*..] oJ i.r.
at IVlleta, *1X1 fu'.loan

eaaiaa faelaf her fourth Urtlidap.

Hra i. P. Wlmehwk
IM with Hr*. B. C.

1 have a Urge farm a short distance from town, I am in a position to han" w
dUalHrinds of stock in exchange for machinery, buggies aod implements!
I have at present about twenty good work- horses for sale.

K»» r'l
Joha Holmea U doUp pood werk oe
• a pood laaop plao


. Tim d
K I had.*


_ ___Pierce'*
Dr. Pierc F»vorile l'ir«'rii ii.
bepin* the cure with the firtt 4...r »J
takca. Wocaea Mo bare Hiffertd i.

Milwaukee Junior No. lO.


arm bop* treat home tlia trlBaara

Utm. J. BobWn* i* qalt* *lek aaala.
bat T#ry *10*17.'T''^ •< - J .
Unle Harold Vabator U r.«p *iok.
There trill be aaotbar bee \
^ H. a Wheeloek mad* a boHara* dap at llw ehojob at the baaem
•aaUtoHoaof Uat Satardar.' Whlla
; The Imdiaa Aid trill amat aa


Womsn wbo Work *t

'Tbeoberrp treoa are almoat all la
blomom and Dmp promlm a torpe

Mi>r> lor ihe dae, trill bate be
b>- ihr outnlwr of ptacefol aadl---------------

EVk. hot another (ipbt atr,------------------------->
ooker. He
aet* proop* of
u ibe antookcT.

'Faeuriu Pieeccipliou.*

rt AXXAVt aixn
D*ae* c
who have turd *■ Fsvwue 1-reacrii.
oinetTmirhl per rent,
rent, have
have Uro
herb peeibeDp and pennaoeeUv need.
two a-omeo io e • 1.!
hood-' ------- -

mtm of her father. Hr. Sanoora.

EAMt u*KnBj>*m~.
E. 0. Imdd viU aooB be chrooKl.
Bar. B. Salih of Tiararaa Clip
' p laal Seadap after mkiaic the omiaa* roll, aad thati de*a
voct on th<- farm like bu aai«h

Milwaukee No. 5.


than ever to supply the wants of my customers. If you do not find what you want in tny stock I will order tbe same
on short notice.


I am not going to sell goods at wholesale, at some
of my competitors claim they are doing, but am go­
ing to offer you first-class goods at prices that will move them rapidly. 1 can buy goods in as large quantities and
as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to give my customers tbe benefit. Call on me and be convinced.

Tbe bad treather the paat ti
baa tnada oat ao*lB« to' —
CUSord Wilber retaraad Map froiV aad bal'rerp littto U oi
Wk Baptd*. *hini ha Ima Been riaitM bl« alator. Hra HelUnC. the paal
!Hra Oaa SmiUi. an Mip aeCtUr.
died Hat 4th at tbv horn* af A. E.
Brlclmm. a«ed 60 prara
Q. A. Bricham of Oratrti to takliiK
care of hi* father. Albert Brittlmta.
araalaf so aoooant of tl>* (mall)«x
wbo it eerp aiek.
U. 1. Lemcool baa ioat retaraad
(r. aad Hra Sill
Slicar drore to Kealip. '
* Uat Satutdap.
aoC)>l aad broacbl home a Sse il
A leod maop are matimr thatr fardaat, bat Dm weaDim kM)* ao eold
thata la aet eioch proapaeu of teiuat
»to Ttaeeree dtp ia ------------a^ rvtaiaa rerp ai
wherr be thinki bo baa a mote
aoraDra boalntm than tanalap. '
Wm. BUekhnret bad a brother elall
a the }ael werk

Heap rood aatdma of Mat hare
baas tahaa from tba.btaaeh ataoe
th* opmias of tb* aeaaae.
Hra Jaekaoo 1* fealtnt qaito poor.
Pater Stonao baa recoeared from

Harwood wa* a oalhT at Hoaor

.dam L___ ^ •'’hli*BU
It wBi
oaotiop eon.
The U* auit that
Ddrrable eommrnt nnd eoam ill ferlibrr of Wexford
lap. aad took a aambor
people to Tam* a lew week* apo came
to a aoddeu rad laalTHdap whea JaareW dl*m______________ _
______ Bat a* pet there ia ao ei
tiou of boatiUttoa.

iBfMd borne with a iaiftc tatakat of
Hr*. OonlaU apeadim the weak
tritti MaMi ia TiBreraa dtpMa Jrmka attaadad tb* HaaBaie
ImdaeatTratvaa dtp Kondap aiirtit.

•* a^ to walk aa

aVlWa*l£S" DS>*mS3Lr**'
Mbar tmdip baTTalHii if the

OUa OptaU U worktap or H. A
Camlui Senap baa lOrad ool (or Dm
uamot to Oaoepe Haaee.
Hra Pratt from Watorrliot U la
WWB for tb* doobU of panom of rtallW frieada aad boplap a bo*De.
Oeerpe Bowaua to Uld ap with
baecaied lap.
Ooidea tatau Dm peat weak la
Iwaapbl aprlap ia eatBeat.


Our special sales during March and April have been a great success, and still wearc not satisfied.
dniible our usual May sates, and intend making prices for this month that we know will do it.

tenpniJ of tpoeement,------------------------Ibai them were but a few vein apob*
ii«r oi anefa a phrvical riiao;:*. vhicb
Tbeie u no rbiirt
■11* to Ir rrpbinnl bp the atrei* and
ram of daily labor, becanae there ate in expenmentinr wlUi
«lUi oDirr»
• '
i.U oi
ni>; « few X lio, in rtnie of yeai*
worL. teUiu IhepirllDi atUacD'

fare and IVcIupe
: I»v«
....... change
U to be medicine* for _
esuK of thi<
rrvalenee of «.»■"»"»« liarip aromanlp.
EliiliarW fraiin'e. whirl,
vvbicU drjla.tba^
diala tb*
rarnbcaa of xice u-oui
. ir.N.
Sick aod alliBg wonmn are ieeited to j
oosoH Dr. 1-ierre. l.y letter, /.rr. All I
oivn anSerrd Diem would be caooph to
mnd him to bed. With throbiopheed
-------- '

SSfftlltom toe

roaddenen 01 wvnivn aie .
to ttiu
guarded bp the tame itrirt prolneionai I
-- --- obmrred I7 I>r. Iberre and !.i. '

dM a

to m^or pap^ a phypeiaa'* (M

pap expenave fee* In order to be.
eed of womanlp dueaae*. Hundred*
of tboomnd* of weak *iid Dck *oon

It raublubearegutorilr.drie* toe drain*
«hito vmakea women. ^ laSamm^
wladmill Uat weak.
Don end ulceiauoo *ad curt* female
and Hra
L Clark
Oil— of Vaterrltol wenknem. It make* weak women «re«(
are «B bare riHUap
Ittap ftlaod*
iap ahar Umlt farm.
ih laiiiininnto ^
hU MlIM treatmael baa hroapbl
medicinewtdeta did me good foe a while,
but 1 wooU get wor*e egain. th*da
pooap Dck headache nearlvaU toe limet’w.a
weak aremnd

kal luaDlnle. BsOtlo, N. Y. A
Or. IL V. Fierta, Ba&Io. K. Y.
It I*
i* hardip poadble
poadbie to .
ue reloe of thi* '
letter with
ach at Mr*. Spooner'*, wfarn Incal
medic*! mlrice uid Irealmmt had tai'.r.!
to gire ieliel. ■ le^ to Dr. Iherco haa
f recloeing perfect
Accept*0eotoDtatefar-FavoritePremHpDou.* The eab*uinte ..
^nlp the ahadew inarad of tbe nil.

Commde Seme Hedica] A


b toadhiap
OeoipU Bapmood.
ia DUUel Hu. 1 tIDi
then_lie down awhile; wm^compO^p ene<eott Mampa
Wimp* ilor toe e^ ' inVi
Glee Holme* had the mUfertaae to
ar the book
________^_________________ _ er ptdv at____ .mrlparrer Die middle '
paiei at time*,
in paper coeei*. Addrcm Or. E. V.
Inin and Dm
ripht hand bat Heedap 1
Oc. Ficrc*> Fierce. Su^K.Y.
4itv Biiac £re

hMd of the aohoaaar Pitch.
Ibe ladiaoi aboot her* bar* eatorped aad oDierwtae. Immoead the
rbooa* <mUaaa died at the home
lltr^tat. Hra Peter OHebaapa.
Mrapaletal aad Ua«etiB* lllaem


aa^ fiW^ l^m

aadoth^OaM filowed Dm tern*
to thatr Ual teeDac ptaoe. The So
othriam war* moat mapaiaem>t.aa
wa* a wortfap poonf maa mart dearip
loead bp all who kaew blm. HU wife
a^ piead»d him bp two abort pear*.
fa* died alrooc ia the faiDi of a
ge^ reaaioe with bm in the apiril

Bible atadeut*. Sundapcdwol taaeb.
M* ahd aeiMcal reader* alike will be
4mplp Ihiertetfl la-Cbrief* Objeet
Inwrni " a book reoeuDp iiaaed from
Mp^ot the Keeliw AHer"
Pafa Od. of BalDe Creek aod writ
bp SUen U. White.
Ohrial wae
aieahJl Uacher tuv world ha* e
faawB, aad saarlr all hi* loatrael
wa* Kiev to hi* llatetwr* la the Diape
at pamblat la wfaleh he liaked dleiue
trath with eraammi Diiac* aad lauMau.
Ih thU book hi* panablM are


ttV wap WhUfakM** them aapaolal.
tp atoar aad ptala. and ihep wlU be
feaad of fi«*t nlae to Sudap lobcnl

meto me and ptbt^ aDde^tma D

• waU ksowB wtltar. aad U tola
tom be* dOD* wRoe of her Iwat work.
Il U toe toteallon of both aeibor and
paHlahmlkataUthaiwooeediof to*

■ ObtU B. Wright ha* the ageaer for
1 *maM'i^‘^‘ uSt '***' *U

Makei«ur*eleciicmwheflitifbeoiv. BKW.\R.K OK THK CANV.YSSKR! Whv
u knowDOihfrom ooe horn u. a hiH.Uy of>wui valuable time aad poatiblp #dl voo tome article rou
_ M> Ifeou bur vou tmr extra far hi* time and breryhire. You come to the dty often and trsnallr
\ YOU have pteot)- of time to ins|<ecl the artWe »t» with to boy. We have OSE^it'.ARTER ACRE
Ki.OOR SPACE hUed wnh lad'ill IMPLEMENTS ami CARRIAGES far v-oor totpeetkm. U ;r>n
Ke what .vou wacrt, BL'Y it aad mve froD Itf to 90 per eesutbe cot of acaaratoct.

Craoerse^iSity Implement
eitixm* Fbaat S46.)

Ul state street

We want to

n everything in the store, except Coats' Thread and the'articles listed below, on which we quote special prices.

Indelible Ink. best kind per bottle ....................... lOc
(ienutne cut glass W ater fsel with tray for.............Sh""
Wash Bowl and Pitcher full sire, good grade for. - I'mc
Class Salad Dish worth 25C for......................... .
Glass vase cheap at 15c for.................................... l"c
Syrup can good value at isc tor.............................. lOc
Good Hand Saw. I2 inch for
....... ................... l«>c
Horse Bitts. best kind .......................................... l“c
Oil Stone injwx for...........................................
Cloth window Shades with bea spring Rollefr
. •'•>uc
Paper window Shades with, spring roller---. 8c
- • Tk
Jackson s Liquid Glue. lOc Ixiltle for..............
. Kic
Spirit Level, pocket size for............... ..... .. • •
Hog scraper only---- '•........
.......................... . 10c
H(^ Ringer malleable iron for.................. 1.. .-. I'k;
Hog Rings packageof loo. only...................... ........ r>c
; ft Buggy Whip good 50c value for................ ..
6 ft Buggy Whip good one for--..-'.................... . l"c
6 ft Raw hide Whip as sold fot Si-00 for- &<ic
Alarm Clock, warranted to keep good time, good
valu'eatSi.?5 for............................. ............... 8-5c
Half pint bottle writing ink such as is used in
Fountain Pens................ .........'•................... 10c
Six doz. wood Clothes Pins for . ............................ 5c
Surething nest eggs each........................................ 2c
Two cakes best Tar Soap for.................................
Kindergarten Beads large box for • 1...................... I'k
S oz Table glasses good grade set of six........... .... lOc
Wiliiams shaving Soap such as barbers use. per
cake........................................................... 7c
The Daisy shaving compound in wood Imx ioc size 5c
House numbers, white meul oyal nickel plaled.
will gpt rusyeach.............................................. Sc
House numbers flat nickel plated each......... ......... 3c
Anti-trust matches! best parlor matdi there is. box
000count for............................................................8c
A fully warranted Jack Knife for............................ 10c
Good Horsehidc Whifflash. usually sold for buck­
skin........................................................................ 16c
Hickory Wiffletree woods......................
Wiffletree Irons all kinds.......................

Plow clevis each .........................;..................
Four inch clevis for-• ...............................
Six inch clevis for........................................
Dairy Thermometors .....................................
loquan galvanized Pails for...................
10quart tin Pails
8 inch flat Files for ...I........................
5- S>i slim Taper Files................................. . 5c
A good No. I Ax Handle for............. .................... 10c.
A fairly good Ax Handle for........................... ..
Alligator Wrenches worth 25c for..................
Cycle Wrenches worth ................................-........ Cloc
A good sewing needle per paper of 95.............. .
Urge bottle Soldering Salu for.............^.......... . lltc
Mrs. Potts’ Iron Handles...................................... . . ’ Sc
Two papers Carpet Tacks, 500 count for............. ■ 5c
Wood pails two hoops........................................... . lOc
Good Broom, good value at 25c for..................... . 17c
A Misses Broom good grade................................
A fatriygood grade house Broom'for.................. • 10c
Family Scales cheap at $1.25 'for........................... $1.00
Blank door Keys usually sold for loc for........ . • 2c
Copper Rivets & Burrs
lb par>age for........ 20c
German Sna^ and 1 inch. 6 for ............. .......... 5c
Harness Rings all sizes..................................
Harness Buckles each-......................... ...............' Ic
Men’s 9 oz. Overalls with swing po^ets at........... 45c
Mens heavy cotton Underwear 25c values far.... 16c
Men's heavy cottoo Sox .......................................... 9c
Udies-Belts worth 50c for............. ...................... lOe
Ladies’Belts worth 2$c for...................................... 5f
Good kitchen side Ump with wire fnme........ 25c
Rogers Bras, best pbted Kniva and Forks fw set
Steel Knives and Forks with wood handles, set.. • 40e

•-«>uri.>.l»<tI>ivi>>tb. «ari<afor
3OB tor........
Sewing Machine Needles, all kiodt per paper........


We are anxious'for your trade ao^^^ makiog tbe lowest prices ever quoted OB t
H you fail to patronize this sale you are loang a chance that may not come again.

251 Front Street


Traverse (^ty, Michigan. .


GaUB. tte«* wUl te ttra to Uaete
am «1U be dmttd to tbe DMrfat ctf
<Mb>Mb Ob tto'MBta bleaki
iB oabtoUmd Matt flowot,
Om mmt of tiM (OfSMC. Q
dUMM of OoIbbUb Up* viU te
Fno>d<«t Booomlt-*

find new spots of Interest—new merchandise, and the little things that go to make this
store unlike any other store. With the old backing, Money Back if you want it, makes
this place a safe trading place for yoU.

BWTOU Utti« rifi «i>M aMtrlBcar
«w ood tbe ebild aid it wbib "•**
of iKTible tortnre wbUb tboa
oolCT It B«K Bodoixe to Fm>»
for BlBtdblot world." "Ho. no.aid the loal jviMt. "ttaot b tbo deBaitkn foe potfOMey. • • " LeoTollar
okaM." WM tiw orebbi^-f oboom.
(la. hie «r« twlnUiSd tbe wbUe.
"Whoi do TOO or 1 know oboot U?"
Ibe Mideele of 8l OeoEfO a (be
mocb ebare <d NewfooadloBd.
Idoia Utte^T U tbe demdo
inetloed br tbe FnDoh debo
who neatlraiMeod tfaeta Loal Aibmoo oi<ooapeliad to oanr tone to
l»B(»je» their berrlnc net*. Tb«
a vaHiltn a the ooo« to eheo
bLwIeeaea of tbe PraDohaa. oi
astro foeee of police ha baa oedeied
ear had three aa a Aa
Bererio. ha onitod M
Waatan Aoamlia. afta baviar allad
iraPaUee a repoK'tbM'tlie Bonrte
loot ber'ptopaUa. wba l.dOOaila
tron PriaMtle, and wa la aaad of
aalilaa. tbe Boratie aUadtna
ttla port-te BoHO, Xareh II. wlU>
woaate aad K> aoldltra a board.
Oeronatlalnaon aiw.platUal
tbta dara Tbe loteat la a rorirol of
tbe eateaat that Wb. Waldorf Aster
wiU be Bade a pear la Jana. Of late
Otaat Brlata bare baa kr|e ad
'naaetoom. Baaor atlU laciits IfaM
Sir Tbcaa Upia vUI laeai
paaeace la raeamltla of hit work ia
ooueotla with tbe klnf’t dins
810.000 poor a OoraBtla day.
Tbe BrilUh alp Oafla oofc
8b eoUeotla of a lea of •1.000,000
hr BritUh oapilsllete. AaaniMdpar«T VM tat a^ora at ^ Jaae ant
8iip;elearad te aatioa. Wha the
•aeasatat aw that tbe of
aaai boaletak tbe olalB wa a
I Kl^ Bdward m ie appalled M 8>e
praqaei * klalac all tbe peara. qarbalaad laiBpeBBl. atbe eeraa

I ITic new attractive styles are found here.
Nicely made Percale Waists in all 5Q(J
#Q *yts Soils are special values—be snre to
•i?. « O see this lot before >-ou tlectbe to
make up one.
ft 1 O rV\ hut's a line Gibson Suit, colors
91 «.UU Uva bUck and brown.

Bear ElplB. QL. t. Baafa,
walthr dalrr-Ba. dropped dead <
hart tallsla la tbe paiiaii of a partref Mesida whoa be a ebowiac
abeathie larpa etoeb fhza. Be bnd
}aat aeppad ap to oa of hie pat 7s.ara. aad wat otroklac 18 bad wbaa
ha faU orar dead.
Baw retk'oBlretaltT ba pare
M Ubnrr eaB8iae abeat T.COO tal
la aad U etrs« la Budainlfci
itia lasalptiCBsaDd elasrtal pbilrc. Fa.. U SI a a baa eea
I IbeAratp
This wUl ba fs the
bSBMUof pas waaaa who a
UTiacawaabiiic. Gads iba r.
vaaaaBTtaka tbelr waAlat asd
tfadr ebUdrea a the boaaa. where 8>a
. atsaadaob taka darpe of 8w Mts
while tbe woBa are at wtak. Ps a
while a aaall fee will ba darp
Ifaeaaetf 8m taka, bat It ie i
latad that the bean will beeaU^appactlBd at the end of tbiae Twnbath l•oaae will be
ap with all the nodan aeareale
and will aScod the beat nallBiT
«i8sB* tpt work, aadi ae the wonan
aeaU aol ebtala la tbelr sawdad


For q-4 Sheeting,

Buys our fine $1.26
Petticoats in Black
Mercerized Sateen
Full sweep, deep
double ruffle.


For our oc 56 in.
Percales, also our
full line of 7cgioghams at 5c yard

3c yd


13c yd

l ine Lawn Kimonos

$tan4ar<l •

5cyd ,
For Ladies’ Sum­
mer Ve^ in blue
and pioK stripe.
Very good quality.

For 56 in. all wool
Gray and Oxford
Skirting, special.


5c yd

5c yd

For Whitt Dim­

For good quality
Colored Shirting.




3c yd
For 36 inch Brown


For Red Table

For 36 inch Silkaline.

5c yd



For Ticking. 6c
yd for good qual­
ity Ticking.

For Bed Spreads
that usually sell at

For Table ;Oil-cloth, not the best


Special lot of Dress Goods in Cheviots. Basket
Cloths. Pebbles, and Thibcls. fi pieces in the lot.
and all sold at $1 .fill the yard. si>ecial ftl ‘IQ
........................................... VX»XV


j„-n- -—

m 79c, $1.00, $1.25
and $1.50 Yard.


For Velvet and
Moquettc Rugs.
45 in. square.^t^3rth
•$1-25 to $200.

F'or 42 X 36
low Cm. IOC
J5x3<i cases.

4c yd
For fine I’ercale

For ;(j in. Bleached Muslins.

For 45 in. colored
Dress Goods. $1

Our Carpet Seclion

OUR 25c LINE of fine Wash G00.L consists of
Flemish Stripes. Mercerized. Cr)-stals. lace stnptts.
Dimities Pongees. Swiss Plumetis. (dasgow I iss­
ues, Scotch <'tmghams. «'tc. It K' a iK-amifid hue
io alt coii-rs.

-'i paltents in all wiKil 1
n•>nl• RQn
U ti. r made- j.M i„.«..................................... OUt/

"1 2v Lnir’

Fine line of Colored Dimities, pretty new 1 Ra
effects, all colors, at iKT yd...........................t


Big nni of paltiTti- in tin; Ix-Uc r grades, .Ms.. Kiigs

Ask to see the* new things in White Shin RO/»
Waist Cloths, per yard 25c to....................... LP


36 inch Caneta Silks


$1.50 pair
F’or fine Lace Curuins.
Best on
earth for the price.

Wash floods

more Dress eoods
dresses and waisis. at per yd.............. vx*w


.Better g^es at $1.25, S1.5*) and up g4.00

^ ft i K no gives v-ou the choice ot many :
^ ftiO.UU Tractiw styles, beautifully
.utifully itru
: noveltii
mcd. all colors. You will f
this store^

Aeto the otberp.
ttarw pare aleetad bp aaiorllT. one
far the BriUtb peaaca, aaethar for
tbe Seoleh and the third for tbe Irish.
The peatrie dec popalaUa of Easee Is aid a be «T,l00,no altfaoach It
was ditiMii '
Oaaa faM ^eOclal1 poaitlaaf
IS- Is the
MMs. his prlaei^ i
. balac

Bed Spreads, Cewels, Etc.

Shirt Waists

Cailored Suits

I Btbb of PhllBdelphU



color* ian,gr.i\vl.rottn;.ii.lii.iv». J^,QQ

.The guaranteed kind.
in. Panama Suiting, all wool, slirmik 1. a.Iy
(or UM-. in grern. tan ami gra>. ^

Also an extra heavy one at $l.i«i.

B90 ^ J, \A/^b IN/II®—®^





INI■ ^


tadinilee yauMg Elap AUeaso ef
Spate wfU wear Hfty diSanat aalB bare baaa
aUtbelndtectaUanaf HadrlA Sersal
Serteal ct tbe aal.
edcB src deeetlbad ae watdarftJlr pietamqae, baaatlfal aad dnelj eo^ad
&0B tbe BMdteral panatau wideh
hare been kept te the Eaenilal.
Tbe Galled Btataa' ocbhbI at 8L
Piene. Uartteioae. la tboMe T.

-rwn m

aadapfBtetedtottet iMfianHeeef the retenas te tbe rnasabr ssTtoa, waa appointed eoasal to
Baratelka fakadi br Pmldnt Ormnl
te Oaeesabs. IRl. aad tiaasfsttil te
Fen LeaU, VaaiUUa, te MarA.
UML HeraBaiaodatFartbaate. aa81 laaa. UM. when te wee ladied.
tel (M teek te tbe nmiilir aerrln
aads Freddcat HeSlaliT te Jmmaip. WO. when te was ippoteM
aaa Afts a few
Umj. IMO. ae eeaaal to BaSarla aad
snrad (bare aattl Ootobs * that
Tear, wbaa te was traadarrad to 8t
Phna. Harttelqaa.
of teeteter af dMaltr has baaa eaahoaorad wUli that Htlaat

May have all other good points but lacking to fit,
prove a great disappointment to the wearer. Our
dotbinglus a reraution for unequalled fit—pon­
es all other good points, and havx the guarantee
of the largest and best wholesale tailors back of
them—$7.50 $io.oa $12.00. Si543a$i8oo. All tbe
new colon and combinations.

Must be "good wearen" as well as "good fitters.”
The make we have carried for years has many
friends and no enemies. Made in "Sailor Blouse.”
• New Norfolk." “Three Piece.” “Two Ptece"$2A) to $6aa Also a most complete line of dtiklten's washable suits—50c to $2.50. .

Clotbina £0a £;iotbittd e;oa

tub ticbbt.-

Tbe kinds that are always called for—need no recfrom ns—Carhaitt Overalls and
Jackets. “Berkshire" Pants. "Sargent s” Gloves These goods are far ahead of other makes at same
price. All folly guaranteed.

■ecially good for the
These are »
price. X>o many of them we have squeezed our
profits down to give us a good full assortment of
noequaled bats, choice one dollar.
Sqe our window.

€lotbing 00b eiotbing Ca.

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