Grand Traverse Herald, June 19, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 19, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Boat Crantn* B<nM
.«*»'**!« t-nr.




H»(IIJillT TmiOllllKi


For ttie (all WMOd of 1901


malM the
riM. and wroia
wrote aad
Tto «*aH.I> xW'.Heki w >ad *• >stoH«r
-JwlWet* etouac hit ayak
The man day hr leh (own.
Tk. ..kirrvji i4 to, nan wad to, wktofc-uf .J tea a twnuam trln, really to leap
hlmaaK away from the Srhect home,
and from Ibe faypnoeto eyre of hu
•eai door aeixlibor. Oa renreiu he
-’madth.leueronhudenk. lined
■•Uanewerioyoettehtof ^orekton.
_»e Man aav that yoa' wile will hr
pMlle. with hra^-li»lT. leotaeblv
bla, or )taa»ley«d; of a Toriac dunek, day. ew t-y wWw m
atUoa. yet blrb toinprred whao eroae
nd. Voar marrird lifr drill behap|iy
oe liw whole, aad by no maana mo
■Kune**, aa aba will ba a couamai
leroe of >oy or worry to yua
Tbarr wa* mora hot that war
•ongta to make hloi eel Ilk, a email
or all aftemooa To erown It all. at
I Itorbto U to*
M aappar tabU Sail aatd <
■ Ubom what 1 toaud owl today
Itaal- Donna la enimded to a voan«
man where they used to Itta And the
oa. tw day. r*- ‘■I
faoBleal UiiBC 1. ihnt abe nya yoa
an tbe very Imaca o( hla-tlial ah,
(an hardly kaei> life evaa off yuol"
IW. rkiidwi laitt n
Ba eltoiad a frmd “AmBa''' Tben





207 E. Front Street,

ever abovn id the inarkeL All the
IB l*, Cbecka.
ipea. both Foreiifo aod 1

Tiarcrsc Oly Slate Bank



H-a,ir .4 Krv Vaek.


Tli>«e we will make




jonr ordM a t tbe very loweet prirew.


CAPITAL. •100,000
SURPLUS, •&0.000

»aw.HL LctAlae Merchant Taller.

A CCMnl feuUic BUlMtt DMW


J Hr col tll.».< «|I»« WeNlv

Only Rcuai
8too« Cowi

Tire Insurance!

Plate Glasv Steam Boiler and AMident-lnaurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Johijaon Block. Phono 73

k-.HtoiiYHuwaf. cUdUMtocT

Maker .4 to. d*r.*9

Travereo City, Mich.


Moral If yoor Brat bonweoiw dBail yon. aend for anotb,r. '

PKRs. uo.tPd. srtiNtiiis.


POWDKR.t, Mil., an- M) pleutir«l l«r<al (wloek within the rv*wli of alL
malbw wlml fa>liiou iIpiihukh
L fur
fi Uw
iuiwoveiDenl of the bair.Bkia or l.«il
We wit.

to L«an <a

Dll. 1. mm H

C. A. HAMMOND, « «
Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Tl.B oo, you will uikTty is tbe
Dear lulon will b, tall and tlendar.
ul dark hair and ey,. aud a iiaUia
oompleiioo. KBe will b>-of a dntet.
Iindemun.intire nalsre. derotad to
Win malr
xoacb yuui
, laniosUrti
•edUtroaaed in



The Kmiiienl Si>crialiil i«i .<^
ami KiHKciy of llie Ey-c.
ami TIiniaL

I^li. Ni>se

Oliiie over City lti>it:

Since, Travi-iNC Ciiy, ktirK





Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.

Ptiralctan * Sutweem.

Clftst Jrf Bspgifits.

<-S. OF V.)


.«j .111 -ui-iiEAP »»,/••.»-j t.mi-

» » Brand traverse Land Ce.

Crailuaic of.\ii>eiiraii S. li<«.l oi

l.a>1y in AtlcmUnre. . . .
I.ilcraluienn .\)>|ilHalum.
Office llouiv; « a. in. till B |>- ni.



<<nm> Snl. 2iri Nc« Wilhelm Kl.«:k.


PERE Marquette


Tnem < Hr —
Vor OniHt UmiMm. laMi. M
IllU >.1
IWMiHhiwo.tfeirOir. PurtB'

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages. Etc.

Telephoee 4


urBkBwU* wa EaltAika. ta-w.. t»»

WltecWecUMd rMu.W<T. I*».li

a. KBHua. A«Mt.Tranrw



gommerclal PrinMng
nil Kinds

Tnu. U.9. Trk.OTM IW
VlMUw4 Atr
of pun of




nr lad Uh nortk.

lu urm *1 tVanr. < n«r M «:Wa W-,
WBB.BadrMa. »

( mmuT.
I to 6 p m.


U r • T. A.

Two ami ooeJiali mOea from p«l niaiiet.

tj,oci.l soH. mostly

Fifty ai >e» timber, will Imny


mariet; B acres otdianl; 67 acres »ee.linj:; 12 ai-rcs |io(atoes; C. acies
Su acres wheal;

ti arm corn.


UaUnoc of laml, including

G.I0.1 B-nwm b.>u»e. aith luseflood tLroooi tenant bnac, slooe loomUlKm.

Feed mill

St>a30. 2-*tOfy and baaement, with tooh (or shelling and grin-lmg

Tool hi^ 24\4», <n Nflne

SBaikI and 41x40. atone lasetnenl.
and gi« i»»ssession at once.

(nondal ion.

lU-etnenl bam

WBI sell with groa-ing crojis

1‘rice STi.WW if sbW at once.


ODe-fouith .loan, balance to suit, or will talc rity |KO|>erty.» smatlet
(arm in part jiayiTient.

W. L. BROWN.''
' .

;iir. \v*t Tenth Street.

If yoH are thinking of buying anything in the way of

do not fail to look over-our large line of handsome ar­
ticles, We also carry a fioc stock of WATCHtS-,
CIXX:KS. jewelry, etc spectacle Fitting a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.


Beral^ Job Office

Wool WanLod

IBR. 'kbe^d. u ha araied bimaelf
■n tba familiar arm etmir: "and 1 am
•o Rbul. for I Wanted to toll yoe that
Oarrla and I foud tba loralieai
for our wheal party. '■ i When be--------exiwetad to Ro with Ibe CyoluiR Sexleiasaln!- -We rm Qpatdo'olark
this mornwR-tblnhoftf-endtoda
OBI *U mile, on thexMW MillannUe
cyrl, palb. Here you erer

So.” ■•a aniwereA . ”1 teea lUtla
lima for wb.elloi; I faar I oaa'I ro
with Ibi > club aiiT man. Ym and
■ran aneh aarly 1
tboaldb *ru RoUen aeeetal '<
-e wen Mirly aooub tc
maatih, old aerpml bimmlf Tban.
afler Imaklaat we
I'oBBiu Dan', atadlu.
ix»>' fur oar plctaira—yul u we ware.
Otlice and Warehmie,. 7S2 E. Front 8L
Hat be mea it'a (ba baol one of me
Bell Phone l.ta
CiUiena Phone 4S1 be bu ever lakab I'll ahow yea Ibe
proof Iba o,xl lima yoo •—* ”
(Whmi limn wau'e to ba a
im.' •
■ Tbey talked
aaliioo tor aume
tursM abraptly:
•• Whai ti tba malar.Hum' T«a look
a* rboBRl, yoo had Iwaa loa faneral"
H, pamad (me bead over hia teU

All the wool in thed%t;ion wanted. .■\m just back from the
East, and have arranced with eastern mills
mil to use all the
wool from this section of the coui^r)'- I can afford to
the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also bSJ
bides and ginseng.

DyeyourSilk. Cotton. Wool or Rag Carpets at i

Cell gents Per Package.
Call on I’rokop K)-selka for a package.



ei ^


"brao naar my oabiB aad
bail Bol heard nay o»e onlliBR
•toward eapaoially declared thal be ud eeea lha ataartte.
mui look cold end temp
. -.a’brfor, I xroka np, aad thaiaay
wlnUR. Than U
an npiaaiaoea id
Idea tba< (hr boat wu lu dnamr wa,
• • Ibe
ret all
the Re
rnai ..-----the (artbeM from ht* mlao.
' with tbeir tall, xrtndoarlam wall* In
■•I d<m"( know wlial It waa I don't clwioR a
IX- of ODortyar
ramo. Bai I do kaohr andRB '
aall* thal ai
rand t
I tile. (
oral ■

‘:-ro I un

■ <IM raeto Yea
I* tbe kc
of lb,
>e Ule iMand
litand ItRht
liRbthuaa and
losR y.*n ba hu b,ld the poal
t praollial bsaialuttoal from all
Ik- world
to IWIO (mmiT wu eoBoartod wlib
tba RuTtniDMil lake aarrry aerrm.
Ha wu al tlial Itmr ]ul U Ibe prime
of life. aboQI 40 year* of a«r After
il„ liRblhoof* oo l'na>]u

__________ _ ________ .. koap me
from axau tokiac oS my cloibaa and 1
finally laid (town witb mx brmu on 1
ooald fnl tbe arbuoaer UtonuR la
tba awell. bal It wu uianneb atn
abip and aaefa a ibiuR u any aarii
soideot dlda’l antor my tbooc^iii
"I didn't know how louR 1 ...
_____ aaddenly
- ...I..............
board tbe
tba atoward
oall1 ma. Tbe
' fini

Uaaa 1
_____ hu Toioe I Ipartully
wakad aod
Ur than UHaninR half way balwaon
aalaap and a« ake Tbao tba sail name
aRata. It wu u plaU nod duiinel u
anytbuiR I tear beard to my life
• Oat up eajHain,' it called. •Oat
p aad uoond the pumpa '
■1 wu all draaaed aad >amred at
oaaa to my feeL 1 wrat <ap on tba
poop where tbe wheel waa, bat the
wu nobody In aiRbt bni tb, man
tba wbeal; 1 aakad him if ba had ae
tba ataward. bnt ha daeUrad Dial t
dy had beet! aft bat himaell fora
Bpla of bnnra
'TtM« 1 xralkad for rd and
kta coffliaR afL 1 told b
auwd had j^eaUed ma an

TOO oBl of tl now!”
bb, tnrnad to tbe idaae and oaaR a
d«ar little Bcotob aou that almoat
crake bu heart.
Vbragit xru tnuhed ba* roee abruptly, thanked bar fnr
It. aad mid: ■'Vuatenhada leoR

lam* of tl
BRatn a Kurop___ ______
Rile an ahowa the rreal aeRlrwtod
cudan* aad path* loofed with brakan
tnllU hun« with xlnea-^Witdirai^*
ofocaBRaand ollxa aad p<*B,«tanaW
Uaa*. 'Dm wbol,- u rank with wiidi
but anrvwbtoe ih*r» ia watar. and la
their way tbey are baaallful Rardan*
Indeed. S(wM,wo>« abual. almoat biddra la tbe det*e xeaemtioo. an liKla
bari-liuR* ofiM oonalatlar of only a
purltoo and one toom. rich In Ulaa and
into led .x-iUiiR*. and ofton mnmU of
Han anmatimaa'the aal.
ma air* to rew-tee tb* re|r.**tiutix,*
of the powera ncUninR eeoB* le«fed
«>fa a wbito fiRore earrfuiam a, ao
irieoUl .
ad with It
bii aide at
at. in lit* ahiform
M by bl* militi
a ■liaaR-'


!e*lm*bl-y of m
_____ tbe •_______
foood wiltiBR to Ink, Ibe
renadier UuarU tiian li
I iaixitx offend hu aonrtm and
Hon. Sallocml lU-xiew
aooe|«»I and bu atnor In-a Ib,
kaap-r o« to, ItRhi In tbat almoat
.Uaon Ule of a few aora. of wilder
That Urite ao u of moiiex an s|wal
aea* la Lake Hnroo.
The atalioa i* oo* of tbe taw oo llie on lOOloRl.wl Rordra* axery ^
lowa xei
yel fi'W
f. w perwwia baxe any tdra
Rtent Ukaa. from wtneli. wlira uxiRu- kiiowa,
Ibe aolaalmortel.ala* of the maa,
poulbla to uke off iba kraptw. KitB. Important auimala In aoeb Rardan*.
atod aooac tea mlUa from Ibe main and for ihU rratoo an artUU oa lh>
m It 10,001 at bay time raay to ap •ubjrat by Herr Kixuat Pinnfcaft. ti
I Katopr
ow aUrmelina
iiaob aod u merlner* moat hn>e

*ral. he aay..
traiDR of the rooky ooul. It u imt
Ilil Iba Uat TM,I of Ui, BHewui bu oolr'a"f^
aaed IB the dieUanr that lie- llRhl *|iraiaa cuaU fnra
•riui. aoranltOR
b t» dlapebaad wub T'beb il I* a u wortli from tlU.

•On, day xre filled ll fuU of on
il pal uBi aorowi tbe Ink,. ilaHiUR
oat Uie middle of Ilia aftonooo. It
lae on a dart, buy aftoraooa, witb
a Bury oil, awalf rannlnfi and a
iblok foR oomiBR Bp There waa liiOa wind. Imt Iba troat wu Uboncr
axily la Ibe ew,IL Jt Rot duk
-rly and tbe wind died down, bat
*• awell kept RtowiUR loiiRrr —'
-aaaito 1 marie up my mind tlia
are ll. for a uaiy
of w,* 'tb,r
. eiall
and turned la aulv
er-'- to
- Ret
- - a wink of
ilaep before the wind 1 ko4w wu oo
tba wax etruk
■1 left Iba B
a daok aod
aft lo my oabii
an in.^ bol for
I dldu'l know 1
an to ROU* to

"O. 1


any di«.rraoa T
toabow me Ibai ibon an
tbinjti we dim I kaowanylhiiiR aboaL
and Wbwi a man taUa aboai raardiaa
aBRYla and thai aon of Uubr. I'm not
Rolng to UuRb at him
I nokoe 1
mlRlil call wtaatorar II wu Ibal rou
•-d me np Ibal alRbl my RBardlao
ancel u wall u anythinR olaa.
«%ioa«o Tnbaa,.


to laaRb'.
■-S.'T',.-.? iryliiR
Imi me try ainRiaR



He told tbe Morr iba other <Ux to
little kirot of hi* old |bJ<
Ule Tkl*.'' h, mid.
oaptalD -. ___
war F. W. UlSord
rryiag ore frooi
be or, ttmle. oarryii
* OB the upiier
)MlunU to U>, (ni — - vik Ka|,


SOO Aer* P‘«rm For Solo. \
gravTily kam. acme day.

Viriti, Krharl. aud It naa the traj
iiirture of a toour Udy who had
d naxl d»w
Uouua Oorwin
dy a Rtaal trirad ol hu >1
Nell, and .mly laai eeeniBR aha
' • ' -Bobayter lamil.
iluRly paid little
MIMitiiHi to Nell'a brulher. be
(bat ber Utr,.
ereiy movi-meut.
orrepiOR upon
Uieae lOe brat metoea of tbe
wbieb Aatarmbad plainly aani
woold bind bim ^ and by : Did Iu
I be aik-d a* be .Tubed
in III.
Be reaolrad to
VlTRie - a kiu.I'^'Wl
teel and I
df. bopiORln
__________ . -................................ -liy
toboolmate. and ao aaann nii. .
ibal lii> lieart wu belter off at borne
—il DUI at lb, next door aalRbbor'a
He woold not marry
BtndinR alooR In.....................................
the Krbart borne, lie rMnUed tba day*
wboo b, and VirRie bool U ^ '
h«t-tber orar Ibe d,«-aat
tranalaiiiiR yards of Lalln;
drew lier Reometnr &«tina
wbilaabe drew funny liiU. . .
btotiaa to then,; wbeii. umrinR t.he
dreaded aad lonRod lot eommeneemrtil. ihry read, and critb-ued .wefa
cdMra oraliona Waa


9 H.II u-Mlj Ur-aH'

Ostro]iathy. KiAatille, Miv . . .


••notch Charley” n.ronart
mllor Bton of mora than A'•mnaiuK on the «reat lakaa. with
lhai X
rood manyymr* behind I'
b- waa plowlDK aali waterr f(wa
init. Few lailiUK o^aina* an briler
knows J^han
than be in all tbe purta.
to the
limict of Lake Boia-r
hrarllyboilL bushy
will, ibe rieh. wntber-wora btowu
kuolty liands. and tbe an-adr
« of the Bailor who Ima fared
________ -a. loe aUrma and all the i.-rlla of life in toe loland aaaa tor nudv
yaara iban the areraita mao Urea
• Ustoh Charter " u a hard bmdrd
man of aoltoo a plain, blunt old lake
oaiaaiii. with tiitla tlm, for raadlnv
and ooue at alt ter the tadalceara ol
Kile drmma or Ibeorelioal tpaeola
Yel be l■elleraa notl.lne-----Brmlr ibao tbal Iban an enob. iblORX
and b,
u aupenialural B
bark. buWtiaf by Ibe aldryof bow
be and all bU crew on tbe old Bobuoo
er F. W 0|» •
the kindly



Bao*: S M If a. n.

inhi U>, oooall
ooll Mieoen. Bndta«UilDf|t
in all, yet iwMilic faith in
eaoeia aauolo«y.
lUal be knew Ui«y apuke trne.
no. aa euou aa Im> deeided that he
waa iu lure wlin Virgir Krliart. he
attoto P> Astuna, aakiof inrtiniUr
uiBUSoUiioa aa to Imh mattan. the
iMid of a «irl b, afaoold
ibr^^^lMW '



Baito aiglia of nliaf aa hr itaTr m
-Uias OorwiB-a helnc eacacedaliowa-Aatarxa'waaall amos.
Xhal'a Plata' Kecnlaa- lafar man
nimble! What a woodarfA aewoer

. .
Yob abould not B<«lee( any ten of ihraagh hu v.-in. one utoato and lall
HUB oold and numb Ilia uaxi; and mU
Yoar luilot for il.e Im kuf Totln AniiMOmae uf a abeet of |ni«r oreabed to
el~wlMiiTOOTU l-.KUSHB!'. HAlk wr huA It wa. aol a lore 1,1 tar,
BKUBUiOi. OUUBlt. TiiOTH POW Wit a boruaoop- -bi. owo -oaal by a
face ootod aalroloKer.

P. M >><><■.«

5^ 1* ^ ^ *?^-* ”^**
raw maa ban eakarad wtthla Ifca
bw £• tba Ollocd xroaU bara
«ha bawd wtihoal ena o( w otMoroeoo. for
There wu aa
m. bnxnxR. tfeM
mproM. __________
It la
mala obonld ban
bmautml eoarlyard* and
a. for
foe be
ba had
ae only
■a. xHtt floan aad.,«ealU ad auramhiBR wu all ____ of lUaa. «1* aafllBsa a( forwithaearT mem
of Iba cr*

tia.ib.a*»r»'to! V

bare oM of the 6wiat aaaortmente

iRtalba akma.^Tfae^U^

.. .


rllou* aud almoel liupoellil, nu>pl to mak, tb, *
11 Um imd UriP-l
............. ........... -.........
ipLlbe tripai
tripai ai
_____ who
IHrriM or
bl* friend* of A> yeir*
a«a. kknow
■■ bliu
aa one of tl.t moat RraUl of Im,u. of a

Jaxa licet milr fsxi Tlw pno. pf a
Roml a,bra U not I.R tlmn S->». >>4 •
Rttid blaon raato b«>. while aa Intxlar
*|.,-im*., nu be UwRht lor »M*.
AfrioUeUpliaul (xuinul W IourIiI for
to*, ihm. SI.PU Finally, lierx Flukme* thal of all eiotU-animni*
IibrIvro 1
tb, two eoold wiUi
, Riraffa. tlve l.'Xrrat |«v»- for
tioal taanidimei
Im. alwaj
an auimal beinc fH.KU. xid (he
my.b'ry to their frienda AlthuuRh a
1 |wtc from ft.wo to S-'. ax’
(auiiP of file clilldren baa been eaiaed
.^yof the emallm auiiuaU ta a
by Ibi- e<
■r baaueni been
unloRtotl Rarden an al*o biRb |Otoad.
• lit, >ti
keeper aad hit wil, bare
^y"l n to tbe malulaad Buwe
eai timea
lloee every two
I tardraa. Iwl al*o omouR maaa• • man ROU axray
ihrra y.
r* of olrcBoe* and other tnxallBR
t a f. w daya and wIh<b tba rux
rapfdy bcml oomn around OS
auoaal xUll be uk,e a trip
the ahore
Oiioe it I* aM.I*bTCtu'uTkti^'ia
iefor, tU-Worid'a Fair upeu Ht
wliieh X uliu bomefiMlia, be beea
lilt Will hare a fwatoiitiuu cUnroh.
r ka,|ier.
ret. Rtoiiirxl arch mid all. |mt np
-____ RTOWil
a matrrul u aoft a. )-olty. bat
to follow tbe riKauoa of tl
wbicb will harden a* atone. Tbla
|ar,BU xren a few yoan bro app
tenrol. will Iwofa tiRbt Rrrao Hat.
Ml keeperaof Ibe Vrawtaa Ule
ID Imitatiuu of a kind of Rtanll, an
liRbl, aad an tbe ooly Inhabi llralx too eiiwp.lxe lo be feronRbt (u
irauol tb • •

8t Loal.
We are prOBtaad anob ak •
tfnnrdlimiy ibiuR* nf (hi* oaw kind
of bntldtiMt ibal It will ba npUitaR nl
aU anrpriMUR to find aotUe-xralU Uml
Hexeeal ; ar> before the H|UIP
ImAexaeil. Uke luaUtelia and lapu
ar a early baind. dai
tnanli. anrh u now la eraa ooly In
ayi-d b
at toll yean ohL .will
died axpnaaton oa bl> MmAaobdfamtar
Bnck in '-weaw
____ eo from Mndn-l to Um
nxnl lUateru ^
beourxal to eaa bu own tomb
, tlntad from ,
___ cillur of amtoaod many nan
to^rnffT^^-U *oba
and ao. UaUata aarroamM tba
eblld.. bat
... wbea be liad deaaradad tbe
icab-pe Into tb, obambar
daid. wiadlaRab-i
omon, and tb, im^wm-al ma aball
eoffiu of tba dead, ba
lined will. eoOn
tb, diRaiflad may tmxe A. |oU iU loauw bef<«e Urn
ra. ahnak "poniad " bona, of the fnwra. -




inc fw "Hamlin'' ililUe mutbari
Aa UM (Tiawm.
and the Varan of 8^1n took bar UUla
boy In lur arma aud urttod him baek
Tim Old anatom of Rixin* a pane to
to Madrid.
the bride at a xr-ddlaR ta atUl olwaxWarn Alfooao XIIL
ed m odd faablun to port* ct lUabaatoaRtldadi


bifb altar ia (be obnnb in
tab Tiw fctoR* of Hpala and
tba Bat
tb, lima of FliiUp
tbair B
U. in KibI lu ill tbaaa xulu
la tba fowth rnfmet el a (tor
U((U altar u Alteuo'a ntob.
r ora above
_______ Iba l,edy of
alow ia AUnoae XII.,
tohodtodU IW&. -bt. LeauBlot.

and poan Iba olbar eotu late a
haadktanbtot bald by the brite. In
other tdacaa Iba bride aaki bar buband (ar a Rift nf mamiT «» V*e>P»*V
ontLaday oftor iba waddiaR rad tb*

• Yoo mnri be mUmkaa.' ba aa•warad. 'Tbe atoward Ima baas far'rd
witb BM for mon than an bou and 1
latl bIm than when I atortod aft. "

I etlxm pUeaa and at (ba worte


ria*»«arlaa Cara

wa uMia
printed will barn ratted
____ _
—» book, that ara lb* raram
are abed for tba >mrMy. Tb, maUind of trxwarxmiion an tboae .peeial adt>
iwin!'^T*amdf *1* u™ ha^dluy* of aboatac U u aimpU u u i* affac*- twu fwtotod ea japaima. pw. Onr
Rvwaa at* Mda to walk repeat"Bat tbe MU ataiud to toll ma
abont wbat tmd bappaned liace I tornad to. and for tbe mioau 1 forfo* tbe
waniBR abont aoandtBR Iba pam^
■'Tbe boat'* baaai anraiaURa Ml to
the awalL oaptato.' ba aald. and aa
bow or ao aRO the for'rd anefanr
broka looaa from iia laabiBRa 1 had
tba enw np
' ‘
‘ >wn nffalhtba real of
^ the atowa

tbali (aaL which aublaa ibem
tnxal Rtent duuacaa wtthoat beoo
Tan more uafal Uian ■ ifaoae
m are tbe ^eolacUa worn
I faed cm tba Kamma
aay* tba Pi
be (onnd it

*Thaft the naatm why I kaow no­
Tim aattU p4rk ap a Uxlnc fnmi tb,
body hu bara aft bal (ba man at the
tnfwofcraaa wt.lct. mop abexa tba
Let * ro booh aad talk t
mow. Tra ana abinra au daxalira apoa tee white aarfara tbat many of tee
bid aaoo aotaody uar my rabtu aalmala formarlv oafferad (ram ■
1 that ba hadn't opaoad hU moalh bllndnam. Ttieai H ooearrad In ai
»terxra to manafactaraami
■oc ba xrrai on watob. t( wu plau.
mmrtaeUa tor tea oauU.
M tl waan't aaybody on that boat
m expanaMwt abd II wa* i
It eallod ma to R« mp
. Tl.a anlmaU ara ^ed ■
■Tban I nmambarad U....................
■Seabdlbapampa. 'a.-id I aakad tba t
mato wfara be Imd Inat aonndad (barn.
■■ 'Aabowaco.' baorawi
aramhlaa wu all liRbi.'
■•^t'Boobdtbapi ta my ean. abd Ibeoft. It aaomod
Inelite 1 ardarwd it dera. They c^ma •
ap wbito with a report that ibara wu ‘
twMiy tnnbm of water u tea la
. Bttor be ted
aad we maaaad tea immte “

BUm wT^I xary fora nf tb, kUA
and H ta emteatttlyaniudip tea oora.
my. bat tta ilimpirainnni U dne to Ha
eooL A Rood kilt raau at Iraal •».
a. -FUtodaifbkaBaia-


aad ofaa xiMrai baby Uka nrytoR. A
(aw boar* of not BaaeUy crau tte

t be had luabaffThe doer.
•Uay IkueyaeRoed-RoodatRhir'
e aakad.
-. .-m
.-atehibR bar to
"Will it I
.jia ai
bar fftoaa fat.a'mUab-. aad
amak Bat tea xrator Rnma'I on u
imo '
eidawollIk. boaravar. ha at.,,__ laal la aptm of aU wa eoald da. aad
tokra ynteMt^aate fMbltoiy \
ed bu mlf oa a Mr Mraa by tbe
drixe-way. Heconldaaabertbconcb
artolu M tba briflitly to Mka to tea baata. aad tea mlaatoa '^^'S£'"dSlwI5l Beaakar F.wu.
liRbtod room.
8ba wu raaia al tba UM tea F. V. OiSmd waai down by
'ww la deep waiot.
iaao.bat had brat bar ewiy band apft tek lima tea w)________ ________
I be xraltead with aad wa ware (toklad to daate wbaa.
acray ta hu eyaa,
aa, *ha baraa to pUy aflar oaly tetu at (aw hoar*, tea
Banyra'a PilRrtm'a..-,^------ ------------- - anbaaaraMcfatod
Ibe wmtu aoac hr k
liweawmadarabk! Be ffriUod bU
lanb and ebook hU fiai at tea aten
inkm k wu tea lahoru.

---------------- . _j


'fra ItoTTVl

WIT hwl

An WteH*

it'a all abmHbl

___ ____ M word bennRhl ra Idra.
"AmnrU mny box* m^ an omr la

ffw.i'i itsiid, ru«^

At ray laae. It wra radm tea
ka tmt MiMteraaffkwttes

te4b bMraSiM

aate yw ra
iLTSfiTJC g£j=t ■S.-LTiSl

TbatMMl isblW vm hm lalmM•d ia Wm foilavlv *ke«h ot Saparla■dMt L B UU»m «bo vltl
l»T* ohwf* of tb* eltr icboefa «ia
: B* ta thlrtT-roi^TW*
to iMWMo<tod a. Um(»-

Thatwicdlh* ter has himm»
ia criadlac oat divaroa ualHii.
{toad Hoabto vaa liraa a dam
fiocu Anaar BHaUa oa tea gaaad <
oraalty aad Boa-aafvorttm Gfaa> Uad MteeMMira*
«aa alM> Claia WteUteB - fnm a

Sarah E. KallaT waa ctaatod a <Urar» rroai Fatrite Kallar oa
Hr. Otitert OalaM lb. bi«b ad»e) CTOuateid oraal^aad aoa-oannrt..
at MeaipliU. HU-Ujiaa. aftx
The aitnotkai of the atrealtaoaft
vfaiab be laacbl a dliBiai nbool In'
va. wx-apied laat Prtdaj with tea
■wo join. He tbaa ootmrod OUvat
trooi ih. Praiara'
Poor V. >:awBtd HoUtWh at aL
waa onaaladwl aad lakao aodar
I by tea
«R lata ia '
Il to a a ■jairca*

M up«ri«a«a aa ■■

alMClte at Hot. AUiad V. Madrlaa
of tkia ei tr at a MBbar of tea >
tire oomaitlaa of tea Otaat oaap U a
trlbau to Hr. rrtodrteh aad tte Haerabaaa of teto loalttr. Mr. l^teddob
irlll make a food maabar of tea
eamauut« aad il wUl tia foaad teat
hla jadaaaat vill laora raiaabla. Ha
arill esmia. aa a a^aiber of tea
aoaUra eoiamlilaa tee tena boali
pnaolplea whieb laae made liia aaeeaatfal to eUrHod. Fanr F.
Pevaraot OadlUac to a)ao a aaaaba*
- aad teto aiao ia aa
of tee oom
ta'iiadawto. obeiorL

of tea
Edward Helfrieh, Mai.
ap to rireait eoart ta |1
Thi. to a aoit lb whieb
ItoanoxbiUI eaaipal tlia dafeadaat M
%!• par weak for tlie aapajt takaa two rriwo oo ibooirbi
pwt of their Bother, wto. it it eaid.
dallraa; la tee Oiatoriial (VtoteM.
laalpwD door bat twiea ia the taaiito a IKe leoae to tbe fane of lOI
which teairtaoltBl itofeodhiatoar of tbe ooUepa.
aat llTea.
WliUa In oollaKe Mr Oilbart Woxbi
Utee eaee of Oliver U.
ilatory la tea laaiwraiary drictBoet.
After fradoatloo ha waa alerted rria- ra Uerar.- P. Alleo. for i
eiiwl of tl.a Utofa lobool at Si Johua. foteelneare. the irayer-of the. petltoa tei-ra be waeeboai-a aaperlaiand- nooer waa irrautad.
eat of tee erboola at lmla.r City, ’ Charle* >' iBwianee waa
where lie tamaiaed two year*, heiai! derrae from Bdna iBwaao
oSarad tee poaitien for tbe third y«v, ptuaeda of extreise enelty and de
tea HiohMtaa AKrtooltaiml Ooa«*a*; Tb.. ea
4a buUe a life srtikata piaaiad ba . tee Poor

oolffBad- to aeoe«a tbe aoperla- arrtioo.
rtad>oaraed Friday 01
aey of the
yi^bi'lncre- to»ai Sodock oatll Wadhaaday at

The wort of lattiac ia the eadarcraaad daaU aad boiUuw tee awa.
laae rf Blary. 1 o'eloek. wliea the Baadamu eaae
faotoo for tea aBdarcroaad lyeteB of
theT. C.. L.*M.roadlocoaipal
the OltiaaDi' Tetapboaia Ito. to tapddlj
bate Jadif' L<ocaii«er to boar tea
nsriap eoDudelioD. aad tee kaat of
bit third year aa aaob. Wbeo tee Si. d^oBliOD aait acaiaat tlto M. ft K. E
tee work will be door by lebito Board of Kdacaliuo hanied of will ooaae ap.
Wadaeodayof aeU weak, The total
Tbe eaae of tbe Soi-eriatesdeiiU <
be olfairt to aooare Mr. liilliert at
ooatof tea
TTavatae Oity they onaaiiaonaly offc r- t x' Poor ir. Edward Helfrieh. ei a

already beaa aaed for tea work ten

aod aUey
qdlolat of tee eaUea hu M

Fin CMlef Rennie aad Boa. J. V.
to be weU been, and to tbe
B waa CBtsad noEBtoy atgfal and Millikaa retarned Saradary afurnooa
la it mast look lor
bcaitk and
froB tee state Atvraewe enaTraltoaaad
tbnagbtes IrabwB. tee Stdenkes (remCUcagn, whera'teey
qat md MddtB oalll teto montog. totned by tee An deiarW
IctliM Chief of Pol ice Atetiw tone ao- wvelera raecrapella
tiSed Fritoy BOniag aad after aa to­
BoteI BT.
Mr. Aeoaie
Beaaie aaa
aad Hr.
Br. BUiisea,
^ _
tted terra yoaag boys
Blly plraeed with the tnp The
i KiBBcrah«aii>p.Keet.
hedere J edge Robert,
«a.Htito-d-a..v.ryraeceto-i M Cf|| t.
9 tee btiplcM chDd. cotnliar the MBA
to tee aftetaotB sadist og oa oaeprad- j
r. aad alaaFsaraioal aad help-i
(•ittoblc onfletisg. aod Borkiag itx
body wite
with oftewhtoibc real raedh
boyi eold tee bldelfal. wtte ha. of coed fellowteip to' atwenm andemi-tinnk. catoRhol tbr nooe aod tbtuol.'Wvakcyot. gtoadelar
. eat trtwBfb ef the auie>
MnFtoaae early Friday Beralag keei-ihtog. lirelv.
8Kxl:lafi^. IriKU-Umot, white twcUioc tnddriomitr.
Meath eorwr. «>*cmered afier yean of
KteoMto roeercb by
Dr. Kilmer. IM cmh
MB kidagr aad (toditey V
I to go to JalraloebcO to gel
•ee how (bcT -to it le tbe Wiudy
,1iaven->ti«i!v mlxrged'V'ow capacity
capaetty lor tbe cojot-meol of
---------Tbetr opra eoafeaaioa aad teto
City. TIu-t wrae eaieetauie-1 roynllt.
ol IIIlie. lull low di».'harg^adnt}rallparc9iU
tome tee^ kldaey. bladder, line acid
betog their Ant effeara. to addittoa HwwB teroogh tbe detartm-vt. with ' mankind hmlltii<-i :in.! hxt>iiitv.
bkaaadBnchi-ibtiea»r.}eblebB ‘
There »> no n-medy
________1. (tobiora Mood
te tee fact tiBitilattee boysaraiat
•lalicMU «S mih. ainrc. lU
farm el kiftwy boobk.
'tTvuld<aasS.'S. S. -Hat
In the drlanu- i-t
b set reo- IB tee tanort of widowed mother.,
Dr. Kilmer 's Sweat

™ ui, i s4'Tsrul,'2r'ciLr',^^:;.ria™

aey. hver <r btodder trogblr It

Mibavckid111 be'

-.-k. io p------paetiee.amcarlhebatotoiiloopoortopBf
chaBrebef aadhasprooedae ai>ccete-jl lo

lie bonle B8I bee by mail, al
flnd^ d yoohave klteey or btoddex tioubleWheo wittmr meotv---------

Aa iatateatiait pnmaB wai
derad with Klto MartiD «o efaance
Thoae who tote pan ia raettoliue aad
Mtiit are aa follows: Lea Crawford.
Ooaitaooa Clover. Clara Jeff
Gtodya Brown. May Witooo. I-enl
Hooker. T. P VUom. Hattie Itornard.
Reby Hooker. FlnaaieCaspball. Plata
Oalbrralh. Alloe Hooker, KouiB Olda
Pra-U Dtwa. Oraoi- llrown. Kellie
bnatbaad Kva Brown. Kefreab
Ilf of ic cream and cake
veried. .
Min WoodBsn waa preeftited with
an l•>«ellrBUy boaiid vulemea of
•tamtord bonks aa a token of Trepwt
love from . tee Jnnlore.
Uliin Fiua baa toi o teoeao aud pladaneepta the work amOBR tbe chil­
dren for tl>e m-xl tow montba

The work atraady pot In laoladaa
aboal aD.000 feat of Hie daota for the
•admirroBad oabtoa. te«etbeir i
aoeoith faa pipe. Boellr Ihnw iaob.
bat aoB* two Inoh. to make the total
praaeat aboat U ODD faat.
Tliwa are
alai » naaboln, all bat two of wblnh
are Bade of ooaorata
Themanofror batldlac an aadarffooad avateB to lataraatev
tnaobM are Aral dac. after wbleb. la
a bed of eonorata tea llto daeU are
laid. The daele are raob three aad a
half laehaa iailde diamatar aad a
ariBBCad to aerlM ia the traoehi
tea aonbar earyiac aaoerdloi to tbe
DBBbar of eoatonart to be aoppllod
with lalaphoor aervloo frOB aay plveo
Tba daou are told to tea maahnlaa.
white are aboat terae aad a half by
ala faat laalde aad of varyIwt depth
naat of tboB baliw abool » feel deep
Tbaoa Baabotea are ptoote at alraet

_ Parcnls’


About tblrtv frieada gan- a

lamdiaed tee Jadgv to d.
with teas aad give them i
be better boye. no Mleaa

abunt sui iaaniaane patmU anjJ Ih.-it

■or. aii'l a eapaeily of U i.a wl
Tbeaaoaal Brattog of. tee Baplirt
cliaroh was m-Id Tlianday.
raporta fiOB
exoellem yaar-a
workhae.been done to taeh deport
Beal, the aaeuti rapoma were given
Braidra Ur ^ideand Ur UiihfroB the Clark, the trrararer. tee
Sooday acbool. a Y. P. V . Ladies' ken Allien P« tett«l
Aid toeiety and Tontaa'a Home aad He U expected bonie thi> .-vemeg
Foreign Utostoaany society.
It KaUam^ ihei,- I. a roi
is-n the Clitet
riflet of
I liollce and hll
bilU of tbe dtoreb have been met
h. Id Hvi .
ing tee |bbI year, aad tbera ia t
a ihti-ai- n in
atoatiti baloDoe in the traaaury.
The mooey raised fur pbnrefa expenesa for tbe year baa aigrgegaied
obooiAl.toi thla year, and tee-paymenta on dedtoation pledgea have locreaa-d Ihia to aboat Ti.kiii tai^l by
tbe ebaioh durtog tbe year.
Offeera wera electe.1 aa follow.:
Troab-ea for tbree years- K. W
Haatiagi aod <’. J. Unraen.
Trnalee for ime year ilo Hll raeanej’
eansed by tee dtaih of John UiMi.iUeorge I'avD.
Itancou for flvi-yrara-K Wilheto.
Deoeoa for four yeai. i lu till oanrad by the death of Jtdiii li.lh..
—William Grant.
Clerk—George K Crora
Traaattrer—C. A BubgM.
I’ollectot-Vida Kosaer.
lirganlat-Mra. Emma HraedfeaL
Maaic eommillee—George H CraeA
'id. Koeaur. Klto Bugbee.


Commercial PriiHirtg
nil Kind.

Rerald ]ob Office



-<i t .no.MK luOrtl.

0|qi. Ui*-li. aturi-ti I'c,

Uu-h. T--1 Ka '

■mirof bto ktud bicteday
uy. A Aar Moerta chair waa
1 by tee gnratt and a rlnater
of beaeutul iwraolloas. aambeni
Afiy -two. one for each year of tee
doctor’s life. A deUghtfal lime
enjoyed hy all preeeut.
Ur. and Uro.- F. A. Bornuiu
Uw teeiplMit. ofV itolighlfBl sorpriae

DUFT. 1 to iiiiftnrr

ilM-ir thiruetli wmldiug anuiverrary
The enrpriee woe iiUuDed by tee itoal
Whwt Olob and a few c ‘
fnriida. who brought wiUi tliem
beontifol and arafnl piec
linen, aa lemtodert of the oeca
took eharge of tee
kltebeii. and nerved a very dainty

ed blB a laotar alary than they bad waa lakte nndta advtoaBrot by tbe
aver offend or raid, wtlii a ooniraet ooorl.
[» with tbe Boeb dlWWiaed que.Pelillan for aolieiura feea in tbe
lor two yaara if In- woold reoaia.
ave roea
loaof"lwlp'" aboold tee need ana-.
Bnboleand laavr
Mr. tillla-n has bate a anooeaafal Uet'olly divocoe asi^wai (ranted.
Tbe rtening wot ooe of pleaeora loag
Tbe atoe of teetBblr
In tbe niatler of the ralate of ftonde
nparlntandent of aohoola llto work
vartat. aa tear eoatoln from ao to 90C
f.imtoley. the petlUoo lor diahaiye
^ra of wine eaeb. Bal «Be table it
of uiorteaiw waa allowed.
A delightful "biwtu’* pony wi
ptoaad U each date
given at their home Tbaraday afiei
U fatkiBd tee eabtoe temeb tlM
dacM. >4 iMh gas pipe la tee :
Mr. Dr. LeKoy Warraa of Old Hlt- ooea by Miae.-s Haimb and Jellel
PralL Thorv were
CBMCbUy aeed. It to ambged In Mo­
■loB has retarui-d froa Uberliu. Ohio,
I Baiwrintaodrut of Public Inatrnettoes aboal « to S fael in laeRtb. and
where she waa oalled by tea drath of tbe eoltra' afternoon woi (pi-ot
tioo aa one of tea able edo.atora of the
enioyably. Tlie deooralion. were rad
teeae are acrewad togatlier oi
ber hnithi-r. President Bairowa of
« havinc been ap]Kilcled for yiwra
popides. aad dainty rafreehmenU w.
oea aod tea Itacteentoff plpa to pate
ioie rliu oollecK'.
Tbe faneral
endoot stole tteebera’ iastiteba-rved during the afternoon.
od ttaronffb tea dnot that to to ha anp‘ 'jlik- iliai of a king.
ia dlffwanl pans of the state,
Kay Wail ratdored the Aral prii
pbed vrite tb. eabto. Tbaa. lit
" fairly iii carloads from Ohicago. Uereqaeat of Mvaral of the te.teera of'
gaaplpean oontlaaed olear tb
Ollvet aad many other eitlaa, erhile tbe oonaoUtitio wrail to M
eoanty Bopnintemlaot Pall liat
tiB daoto. By aroai of eanfa line of
K-o|iIe were ineMOt from all parts of Htoaie B Walk
tn Mr.GlIbartloooodaelaBlnniWednealay afternoon Hra. C.
tee ciiumiy. ««(t and wekt, uorth and
aboat «■' of 1
aoQlb, to pay tribaie to tee
frienda at" hearts
Cbri.lian ednrator. Those who
dHi. Qilbvtvery hiRlily
fnun Chicago, when President Bar- vrete tbe Mme as for the party yraler
to tea Tiavfoa City bawd.
Hra. toward earrled off the
BatolUe otnall. tlia doable Itoaol
tresebed to the Pree^lertoa tey.
brat iwise. and Mrs. 8. C. Oetprea
win balng iworldad tot crary ‘ptaoac
cliureh for 16 .vaafa. ware ee|ia
Tba wtraa wlU be
and their grief wot (inrera. oeived tee eaneuUtioo.
The BeatlBR of tlte WeaBn'r eloh
oatea foUowln« temto aad altoyt
.iu of PraMdeot Harrows
Cook and Wmioo e«Friday afternoon waa to tearra of ter
tee osBetety ~by t&e
Allay aeote of Proot fioB oBooe
aboal tvreoty-Ave
dlvtoioe of BiBBle, art aad espaeaaiuo,
UaitB aad aaat to Btefdmaa avobaa
papila of tbe eotlege.
to hoonr of Uii^
aad Mn. J. H. HoOt>a«h wai l.wder.
aa BeardoBa avanaa to B«hte (treat,
Mrs. Worraii (ttqiped at tee borne of Edita keetiagerof HoDUtee. by givaeattoc waa an nannally enjoy­
with totacato ia aUalleya fo( IK feat;
Miaat-hapm on her way bcuM from lag aJrara party
Tbe tablet
able one. aad tee mnaio waa a very
tot«al <B Park atoeat to allay aoatethe faneroL President Uarrowa was
trUBBed with wide pink
Ana aad sate eajoyatl fealnra.
wval «d State M»at aad aortb to Park
perMoti friend of tbe Ofaapto faml- Btin ribbon oto^t togetber with
Hn. J. P. Qilleaple read a very iaamathrldca; la Ualon alraal aontb
Iv. and they feel B* tbongfa to lito olBKlen of lank roeea
waottof {wper oo ".kBerteaa Siacera
to Savanib Mreat and aaete to Bay.
•hath lliey hod lost a bnitber.
DeUelont refrealuarnts were arrved.
nod Piaatoti." Amoac te.- ainR*
with tomto la Savaate Hrael to al­
IlMto of Mrs. Aitra l>. Ntoaoo.
pink betog tbe |iredotnittating »
■poke aepaotolly of Ulian Kerdieo
lay aate aad BebMato atroel |e tbe
The following from tee Detmll
aad her wtedortally sweet voice,
waaki to V«al Proat teroat to Oak
Tribune of WednMday will be «d toMarin Engto. wltu waa an AmiTbe aaaoal meeting of the ladies'
^re(t to nmny Travatie City people:
(IrL Kbm EaMM (Sloryi tee
-Mrs. Alice Dooghty Helaoe, wbe society of tee ItopCiB ohnnb
darfal rleb aqirano. Marie Itaraard,
led Monday oftomoun at tbe real- was held tost irert at tee ehvoli
Ltayd Danblrre aad t:hartoa Holutan
ra. sad
Blooh. aad a aamb* of others wlio diwoeof her BOO-io-Uw. tnoreoee W.
Le<>, waa tee molbi r of a tamll.v of ebowed the aoeiety to be in a Aoarfew to ato waaka tba teWaa are exaad had labiag ©oodittoo. witli oa' exraltoat
poetad. trtMB tea wort of pattinc
oag planlau, tlie dwelt espoctol a large oirole of frieada throogiionl
teas ta vrill b^to at oaea. The wort
eleetiaB rvanlled oa fol■ate and in the eart Mrs Kelaon
ly npoo tbe work of Lkotn Danxlger,
to til doae nadar tee direetea of Al­
a two aoaaaud two dauglitcra. loKi:
bert Stooey or Unad Baplda, anparln- union Apal of Detroit. Modas /.to­
Pra>l(l«BI-Hrt Ebbs Breodfoei.
Prank D. Ktiaoa. of Dearer. OoL ; I
lar. Otoee VanTalken^. Ob
tantoaiaf eanatmctleo forteeeoaPirvlViee Preeldrait-Mra. A. P.
-Ulorta. Oaerge lUalto. Ol.-e B. Kelson_*f Indtonopolto. lad.; Mrt.
th-rtrnde Andrews ^ Btooklya. N. Slianb.
Htii>nd BBoy otfaera
BmUm bato« far man eeovaaltet
Sranod Vine Prraldenl-Mra A. D.
Mrs. QlUeeple'a |a)>er eoettioed a Y.. oa.1 Mrs OUreara W. Lne of this
to tee oily.
1a apttoot Ita heavy eoet, has Baay BBBber of Aae Boxloal iiaototeaa, and oity."
Ur. ioe woe aoBs yean ago fat a
advaniatvo. ones n to pal to. Btoectwsidrrable tlae local editor of the
by til praaeat.
toelytia la tbe oaly teian to dratroy
Plovrar eommlttee-Mra.
Hra MoOongli'a |a|w« bad for lu Eegle-jsd dnnag ifaol Uae Mrs
Itoaaor end Mn. J. Q. Btroob.
tele to BldoB eaneantwed ex»pi aabjeol -Amctiiwa OompoMra," and
abject woe delightfully haaille.1. tomit) . imnleNmany frieada to Travwheee Ibera are aleotrie Mllroad
.Zbr local pollea drponaMat
Uaea On tee other Isad. tee average Tbe llvn oBd worki of Dedley-ltoek. erae ^hty by 1^ totellertaol al
Kirk and McDowell obodi the and hdr moat Inrtble ebarai-tet.
^rral tiara of Roy SIkarpa aad Mrrlife of aa ovartiead ayMeai U not me
eoBpoeen oiiil Porkerood Paine oervayiutathvwlll be exteaded to Mrs. rtll Oevelto. who toft ter- city
tlsa Ik yean, aad to may eat
« tbe awUer were the ooea prin- Marie Ki-laoa Ige. wlioae devetita
dgaly lost vrrak. after oa tavH.
■aeb lean Polw laat oniy aboat
and low- forW mother vrill be ral ira Jodgv Bohens. caaar by a mlkyears on tee averaiia. and to Uil. toll eipolly qiokBi of.
Themaslool aumberawere lltoiira. memberedtov-all wlio knew lier.
p on tbe atreet
it la
they woeU tost a aoab
loin of the wortV of these Anertooa
Tbe boya have bran io Boginaw and
abottar Use.
'iraa evetbtad
evetbtad vrill
Mrs. Oenuoine fdayed
Grand Rapids. Al tbe latter plaor <B0
> than Ik yean'la
Preqaenler. of Front (treel ora try
•B was traa by Chief of Police
iBtgth Of aaerioa. aad to
rag liMd to gel so that when it goea
RMBie. who did BU know teat be
pbaraa they havn to be renewed aa DoweU-a-WoodUadakelchea.- !
offih.-y douoi try lu ellmb
woaled bree.
The 'Tonog bob
ortea aeoBoa every two ortfaraa yaara A. 8. Rowley tong to hra asaal for thkir tom
ta Other ptoam they wiU toMaeleag
I'brG a ft 1 roiltnad hove
fnleoug. ••Sonrat-- Uiv. A. «. Uollioaa of tee
plied with II
feeltog prMty
The wort on teu I
er aad have pot a
flirapUh for one ^ tee boya"uaot
ayMoa of tee OtUaeoa- TalaidMBe On. wbteh was greatly enjoyed.
Mias Hobma tang two -beaulifti
him for a Ave while be waa okta*
has bow to iBograas atoaa Aprti n.
Tbe loya
nawe have baee from It to M
Kbamver a tram ia Witeia I.luifeM
wtok. tlw Ant bmag ••Allali'- aad the
ton- goM da tow ladtoaa. il
eeaptoyed. tee avenge batog Ak.
Mooad "The Danas. ■> Bote wrae of tee OTOBtlng.
teeaght. imably to tbe home t
WMn looti aaa eiotfit tee tiawaaa.
he bell koaadi like a Are atolB.
laaatlfally laagMd greatly emjeyed.
when il Ant began to let lOMe ill
Hn. A. L Boohanl sang a Aao ae■e when tee trains palled oat.
Iretiea from on Amerinon oompoaer.
coiitotod. It will odd loLtec aff
cy of tee tiiaady exeelleat mrvlee of and Mta. Sheraan and lira. Hobart whol KBs iBiqMllBg
tee Uttimu' Ttiepbese Oa aad ebvi rate ptoiyrd beanlitsl w|erlioo( of p>«. Il if 'pr^eted tlal terae
oto maoyaaoaa tlst mast aeneartly
ls>a peClUoa bntore tee onoaoll byebe laaldaal tn tea mwtol ayates of
a-elL A Ufty ceat hatde «T
OBd-bye to abate the gotoe aalMane.
oraMr Bi lots
TMoahlm wlU probablyaU beta Jodge Moyae retarned Tbnrtitoy ftna

Buy the
Best and Be
The Detroit
Evening News
and Morning

D. M. Osborne

Co. make a splendid line of HarveslinR
M .Tchinery and we sell it.


Feed and Sales Stables 23 I State Street.

Implement Store 123 Cass Street.

Having reccml)- purehaanl the stock and Inisiiicts ,.t Geo. Cams. I will hereihev conduct n lli«v:la« Feed
and Sale. Barn at the Old oand. -31 State Street, oi-ootit,- I'ark Place llotek 1 nail also use part ol this bam (or
a warchousi, where 1 will unload loads o( .nachiii. r)' that 1 am eapeeung ,n a (ew days. ________ ^
B^B\s I havf a lartjt: l.rnn a short disUnce from town. I am in a posilion-ito )undie all kinds of sttKlf in exchanijc for machincr>-. buEKi« lanH implcmcnU.
l.have at present about twenty good work horses for s.ilc.


Only 50 Cents


by tea laat LaUad. where be weal Matgnkbe
JoanaltoteeOaBpqell-Gartee ooaa.
Wbsa eoart vroa optaeJ
B to OB baad with a i
> o-elonk. tbe amled vardietCu tee tro­
ver Mae e< Willtaa Beyder va. Tbe
«A AMT T^Bko. Ibe taaew Ml ■oM Boy Lm^ar On. wm opMad * U
I Uat tee vevdlnt i
and tea Vina (rsnantit

Priday evenly M Gfoage HoU tl
Joaiora of the Obanb of Chrim gnva
a toiewell rMeptton to tbelr rnpraln
leaftBL Him Ebbo WnnAmno, wbi
will he obeeal from the oity dari^

Scott’s Emulsion

wHI rfiggiT g ifiTrfr trfj- f»
• ptmmp.romplageUI4.
OmiTomecmmtmemy. tt
ofk. tu m mk€ « ere


These m.ychincs are too well and favorably known ih this local­
ity to need any further explanajion. The)’ i^teak for ^emsdves


Milwaukee Junior No. IO.

Milwaukee No. 5.

At my implement store 1 will carry a large and complete line of
MMMM.Mra ...era ........^ Machinery. Busies. Wafion*
1 am in better shape
than ever to supply the wants of m> customers. If yon do not find what >’0u want in my stock 1 will order the tame
on short notice.




ing tooHer you first-class goods at prices that-will move thentrapidly. 1 can boy goods in as large qoantities and
as cheap as an>’ODe. and am always willing to give my customers tbe benefit. Call oo me and be convioced.



_________ b^( !•
ttet th* IllMi at KIdr
aanteu BMW.
ktic 414 »ol *W*«d Ibe iBTle* *o4«y.
Qmm Ateiwte ud tiM l*rt«o«-«4
W«ha wnl ln«uad.
The «M(b«r
vu tadMMt. UU:«t»to4thMtbe
kli« nartMl (Ml i»iB TMUtdar u4
tta* laateara «u •4Blel«M«d to
LMdao, Jbw HV-Tod«y-« report
ttnm A14»rthb« Uiat flM B4w«rd If
van. fMDd iwoei*l kalirf Id Loodai.
DvlBiE a» put (ortBlirht
ty tel ocfMteiUT eilDted WdaeU M
TliiklBcU hBOwa M

Her, Hr Tbnratoa and wife wen
B Maatoe laai week.

te la * W«*k oondmloB.
Him Io oddidoa to hi.
U lUily lo «»» •
■11^ UlBM. to donlepo Into i mH-

Tbare wat a bes aoelal at O. K.
rife'. laM mJay al«l.t wlU. a Rood
il4«»hot. Jono l#-teto lilt. DtliT- crowd aad l<y of aaeaeiBoota. a.
■aw B'loff Bdwv4 loft for Wlodu*
l^umo AloxBUdn

ABd all Form, of HdriMK

1 hot baitud.
II ww
BkM to B Ml ttet tbo klmt took tilt.
^tloo I. not
rd. Tteklac 1. «S«lolo<l
uia oo. liDiKln-4 «D0.t. at a haaqail
la Wladwr Oaitle toalcbt.
Tbo PhDOC of Wain, took tho klaic'.
pl^ la tho roolow today. Tba erolotioe. ware of the ilmpUat ehafaetor.
tte whole fore* marebiiiK before tbo
hr ooBpaalee.
fifty bmo
mat. Tbe coodllioB of tbe nilltla
U leBBitkabln in It "bow of Mlillerly
OMlIUea. The leelow I. uoder corn
id of Oaaanl HoBoitDc. boi Uen



* vm^ BlRRlD. I. Tlriliei; bU
RiBOdma. Hra IL A. Bmitb.
Dt bv tbo yuaBR laOlty.

Compter* Traotmoad (St), eonaWa
..f t'irrinTKA
m .l.-auae the
•kla Ofcmuain.lh-ale* and auflrutlie
UllekroM cuthlr. • l ll.iaa IllXT.
MC\T, to la•tanlIr all.r IlHiInc.
irriutlou. ei>l - luftamnullon, aod
auube and ImU, ami t.TTl.'uaA KaaoLvenr IIua, to eunl and vb-anw
tlie hknj.
.\ HK<;i.r. SkT U oflra
HiRh-lent tucare the nu.a tortarlBc.
.................................. hunlr

Id)'. acalv. «-ni«e<l, ami pimply boiiKNiri. aW all el-.- fall*.
*.-i-ie.ll.T(.-iTi<i uxnmnrThirbeaamr!,« Ue ^la.l<»elCBBO*cUwwalKaadM-a.

woe Hlnm Baaell. KIcrIim. I'opCaoDlnibani.
KoMor; al«> Ufa K
BDOb_____ __
filhelm waa preaeai
Hta. A. B. Bralwd , who baa beeo
reryalok, wat able to a
Uet Sunday, wa an Rlad i*i ntmt^
K*T. Bldred (rare a. alalkdrthe
Kpwortb LaMoe la.1 ernoinf «'hlcb
wat B>D0l> enjoyed by all.
Him Kettle Bill of Trarerae City
Sondayed with Iter parenta. Hr. and

Ie< ue I.O'U. »w kaliy tMia*. aad rwlee.

ioD. wore haartlly «!
tfe rUlllDr their fallier and
Hr. aod Hra W.B .Olbta.

:e tMRlae tte. iteti- ^
Iv ptla* can't be. cored; a mlamke Io I
mffro a day loORer lhaa tea coo help
Hoan’. Oiattaeal boiac taamat irlief ' tomte
Snmi *( te Mw «** Bte •* «■
and pmaaueBt i-at*.
At i

^ Mto*d C C CItom tet


The HelbodUta will have tbein arai
Saaday erMtlac.
r i*ople and mveral of
iilaalto'. belp^ la fiad the In.
aan wbo jamjnl oS the 1
Wt-mmlBMer. while It waa
and walked to Mani.lee i
r be w*a rroaptan-d.
. Hr. tmafamu delirered bl.
atrreoptiono lecterv laM week to a
erowd.-d boam Hw laetare wa. tbe
I of 11. kind ever flrea in tarn rtl__r and wa. eatliaalaallcally reoeired.
Howard Dunn Udwme for the nmmer raoation from EalamaanoenlleRe.
Hert HcOartfay ha* chance of tbe R.
R. Btallne at Vall<«

Unelei alike to yooac ai
Fowler'. Ewraci of Wild
berry; narareaeBtcIfie for dyaeatery.
aiaiThoea aad aaaMor-------- ’

m Ool \ im;. Be
Kidl AUea. and ti
Sidi Hobamedeo-tedek. OoL
The droeaaed bey it mccooded I7 hi.
Hobaandl. who wa. bom u liv.

A namber of
The WalUee eiroaa. which ekhibited
Ci-nrvB< Bm>itrxr ITua h-baralata
day with
birthday and tpeni tbe
at Sinmit t^day waa damaged to the
«^iM* iu.^lcmii.<^c-.f.a.<■
attcol of W.O0U. by belac atrork by a
loniada The taot^wda lereled to
RToand Inetaally. pole* l«iDr brol
walk laid lu front Of hi* rreidanmlike aatohee. A larire namln-r of the
>e A Orotaer mlUooilmafiy
boraea broke looee. and MRetber with
Ibe aereana and roar, of #ie wild ani
repair faU back
A aUror rertobr*
mala. <«*«d a iBnle aaioas tbo J.OOU
larrehm. oparatioB perThere wat a prml jolliflcatloo at
people who wen- hodly eDtaared In boo<- it
OIUay,tirwldeDl of tbo Oeotral I'aoti
,iue* Hulirn In KId|C* ! Hedford. Hat*.. Ihi. week la b.mcr
I aod an<1er the btBvy. wet formed
aylTaolaWIOBlD0o.dUirielof Unit
''*®’®**tiol Him Hellir K. Watfa fitlletlraonlA nsBlier of Isdina fainted,
od Mlae Worker* of America Id a talk inaklDH tbe woiL of the email naaibar
wltb a ootreepoodont of tti* A.aoei- of )«ople ebi) retained timlr wiu
Bled Pr*M today, jtave aa la.l«ht a. fo
be. | p„, of Him Wall. mote. «f wle.m I
.oct Uborloaa
wtet the toft coal atlner* In bl. torrlFor 40 year. Harahall aUaeot who
taryare dolor to help tbeir krotber
hare been cmlled to tlwlr reward bar*
had Ibrir reaialii. harar tci.^bo laat
orUily natlBK place in Ibe
•iBar. io hi. dUtriet and eroy o
eral ear . Tbr hwee luu
of them U tafclDR a deep interoal
>cw and laodem burial ear
the Dtnale BOW ROlDR <10 In tbl. ■
I eopplaut tbrold. nioch t«
«tak Ob the aaouoddajot tbe .trike
of llioae who atDR to aaHr. Qlltey Beat oat laMracUna. to
(Hest thlnjia. Fraak Snyder, who baa
erery obeek-welcbmaa at tbe nuwa
beea Ibe ebief dlfcnltary at tjie laat
la Ub dlkirlct to iieerwt tbe eblp■<1 rite* fcB theec many yeara, baa
MBt Of nft eoal for
told Iba ad faoeral oar t« K. U. Waah(oty Bad tin. far. be sld. raiy little
ot Hope, K. O.
•Md (roiD bl. dittrirt ha. taken tbe
Bi of Biitbtaeit*. PrwMoot QIMay
• nlMPt.BlH’k’iTioR.
^ald hB bad Bo kaowUdee Ibal other
dterlel iBteldetit. were doiny tlie
H aa hlMtalf bat bt Ml tore they
- .ra. There U tome eoft eoal eomlnK
la bM tbe word of a repne
tele tte aalbeaoUe dletrloi free
I wc have a full Imeof fiH-works neariy i-ver>Thmg that's made an.l .M Ibr
«al PMBfyIraala and Weei Tirrtnla. oltlaao of Travorei- Oily more ofovtae-


Whilalaw Reid. Ibe *pe.-ial ambaamdot of lb> I'nited 8talea to tbr oor-

A Triiwte tailor
aUobndto tbe taakfead dUapfawrad.
Tte ampnter dlBdala. a oloar coard.
MdMrae dally from Sobocatiron to
tte taOaoe Id Vlmum. In ae open earpaatlBC throofh the orowded

teo laid'nVanrmy hick w oontinaally whU and aeblnp. Doan'* Kidney
Fill, ftreaxtbeaed me aod remove.}
tbe lU.mmltilt allmi-at.
1 cootlnaed
tbe treatment antll 1 Iboacbt U an- them. I
rot mcBT

rWlldry tea tone
to Qtand TrmrerBe eoontT to rrapptatae all lb* eta » land* of Ibe
Aflar the
wlU te reatorod to market July S4.
Catarrh Cannot^ i

Foriale br all dealer*. Price H>
anu. Feelor-Hilban Oa. Buffalo.
[, Y.. aole airenu for tbe Uallod

Dr. Donald HeDooaU. Ibe emioeni
speelalUl of Otand Baplda. will a]>-ad
- -r week, of tbe b<« weather in
_____ era Hloblcaa.
He will beta
TraretBe City at Park Place Hotel




,iei Baimctit.......................

The Store that Save* You Monay.


It l> mid that a fealare of IMS will

Pere Marquette

One faro rate. Bell Jaly
41b. Boiani tbe Tib.

ed. and at l<«st two met*, tbr Bt.
Jneepb aad Ibe 8L ADthuiy of Pbdoa.
falfillBd laat yewt aU tbe nquUlle
coodilloea Tbeyare belag I'laated
Ihlt aeamu by huudieda of iROwerk

DmvaTiBTcrm Ollyy-ACia. m. Mob
day and Friday via H. ft K. E. K. R
aad emmot with I'oople'. Ttaiiril Od
: Haalatee.
F. A. Uiteb.ll. Q. P. Af
II. W. OBBotacham. Am.
14 1

oouuly jail by brotliit; hi. hmd a«ainU tbe walla He wa* lujurad. He will aeat to Ihe
tongue. Bell Jnae Wlb. aad mon- arolam at TrBvtwm I'lly.
to|E WplBB fifth, anfylas Detroit boTO rm* A ttu-ll IK OK* l>A
faro boob. RalanttUL
Take l.a.aUvr Sfuaiu QalaUir T«lilM>. AU


V. B. A. Ooneaatlaa. One fare |4bb
El CO. BeU Jaly k. e. aad T. Betara
UtK ErtMleen to September let. if

PltOnOBKOE. R 1.
8. T. P. U. OtmTeaitoo.
One ft
jlas dl.oa tell Jaly T. H. U. K*te
Karie Tteeten' Oeayeattoa. 0tan tala. Bell Jane H. t*. *0- Betara
■ JalyJtb.
B. P. O R OoBTeatlon. Aucam lf14. Lowtalot. Date* of mie.
,_j» of Pyttalaa IW.............
Bll.n Low roam, data of mle.


mre Ibnat. imlaiooaly
ruh orer paueof every
inama.' Kelwme Oil.
Vaa'i-.TMMl Hlaa.
a Hall IUa,..tbr laat tell Wa■ekao vat. :-o-ala
*■ K


QadllUe U to have a mlUtary
puny wltbla a few week* One I
bei^ tBfaalmd by apeera) of tJir 4oeal
> of the Bpaoiab
f will rodmver to |*ei Into
e lulllUa.

will proro that a lar**
If dmib* amooK eblldroa
____ed to ooBjdimiiOB* aria___tbe early eoanas of mlU by
Obolm* lafautnm 1. tba
fatal dlmaae of lafaDCT. aod

•a?.^^£r* *ebUd'Swe'*w^'

8. T. P. a U. OoBTaalKm. One
tororata. Datm of mle JalyA T. aad
deetor U oemlaji.
ft Embib ITto.
_ A* A«m«* ter full pattiealara
H. F. HoaW. O. P. A.


kTaad 40c boK

Inunls* Kid Mowasms in white, re.1. Urn-.
|•ml. litown ami Ian, our |<kc..................................Q8
(.•hiUW. Cbn^Irain, la«. aU




Handsome new patterns, and
the most particular dre^Vs.

$ I 2.00
Greatest kind of value crowded into every
price. Be sure to see the line.


Knteqinw (IrmTiy'. Obi Staml.

Travwne City, Muh.

JIre Vou Going to
Celebrate tbe Tourtb
9♦ 9♦ 9♦
Are you going to put of! your purchases till that timt and come in With the
rush and jam. or are you gang to comt- in swin-when we can give ■yoo all the time
you need—better service.'

Only Cwo TUeeks Remain
Till that event, and we arc making it ,\N OBJECT TO YOU to make your pur­
chases now. Special re-building sale prices throughout tbe house in every depart­
ment. \Vc haven't space here to tell you about all of them, but will say that the
extraordinary prices we have placed oh the various stocks makes it toyourinterest lo
do your shopping here.

H Special
Clothing event!!

rsoaly. Ooi
id adTicec/re*.

be Ibe atiawbecry which Ti|W
OaMeem liave
seantUte f« yearn to peodocea
boTT wbiclh plaaled la Harob,
ebouhl IMW in tbe opbn, which alooi
m petfeet fiayoe. a ripe fruit It
ttepMBber. They hare oaw aaeeeed

llh I ronl Si„ UurrbuTK Hit.


1 For real bargains, and for goods as advertised



Cb.klrenV all l-ealber Shm-*: .ike. 3 to t..

50 Patters of €mbra

Cadies Summer Vests

1 S2 Front Straet.

Ktd Ixm iSwe.. .tyK* ami

e: gi-ob

in all aiiilhs jK:r yard lb. to 2.m;.. a mvingof 2.', |<-t- |
ci-iil ■■(■on alarve gomls, to ixnviix c you vf theabo.'r ■
fai t --CC Ihe go<Kl. and ]«iccs.



lion' g<*Kl quality Knee Pant, for............................ | 9

nm„. ,11 >



Ibiy.' t-'olloo Knee I’anis b«.......................................... 08

I C7l'
*1'’'’ waists made
<d stri]w.l Uinghatn and Percale,
I tricnmcil with cniliroiJery, ami some are plain black,
r. ,vi
.vnd tan. Our regular low .jiri. e is 7a. , I atvd Pants in them- |drti.-ulaj articles we iJvoe you .v
' I'ink, Jdiie,
choice of alwve waists while they
i nice aasortmen! at prii es that aill
I last, only.............................................................................


...................................................... •

}ar<ilc.,lo 7c.
WV 3b
the iiHcc iihiaincl _

eiaabam and Ptreate Shirt Waists Sh-w. It.HU a well


W, l all vour allenlion In out M<«:1 of

^ .lark coUms sites fnmi .S2 to 44. clvoiie of *11
-J aliovc n-aists while they Iasi, only......................... OOt*




Cadle’a Shirt Waists


SbPts, Sb»ttf

Men's Hannel Panl.. in uieKwUtc slri)ws.

lW>>V.louUlcUcartrt)UM-l. Chcu.H
ever, scam U|W.l, ,alcnl l.uu.m. .v.„i
Un-Kli to ir. yearn ..lafic.b*.....................

« Tiremrks and flags *




Racket Store is the lirst store in the City to show you thr new t Kings in LAMPS
sec ,]
>r Next snason. It you want a Beautiful Lamp for your own u>ie. o r for a present
l.,amps. All of our lamps have the Royal Burners, which is tbe best burners
I made and warranted.■ the prices (or complete lamps range from 75c. to $4-f»0.



Mcn-.lKravYCordtinn Pants. $1*5 value.


: nhe

[ Sptcial Priees ia

Men's Um k Oievio. Faal^ aU SiM«. $1.5U

ly ei :
ia*l«B> palace Wedseoday after
Tbe klnit rr.-«lved Mr. Kelil in Ibe ;
taoal <-ordial maimer aad aaed
bie KratlOcBIloo at aeeinc him Bsain. '

Jlew Lamps Just Received

IDR tlmo Ihe doabtfal altocancrtof
I them in all sire u|i from 3<\ a iloreii.
tet it U BKwUy of aeo-aaloa tvodao- p0(^ llrlnc ere^ when elae In the
«U*. Wteo aiked renardlof the fwlH^'w. A. UarrilUofcsi Vebeter
b« la bb terrlMBy a. to a«.
aarlko to help the bard eoal niiom. etiTH-i myt:“ I taffeted fitim altaoka
of teokaobr tor alxK-en rear*, and jaat
Hr. OUday Btld: "Out men will do leertoa. to taklnit lW‘e Kidney
^ IHr "
y°“ »*■ om ****■• *l‘'n
wtewrar PrealdoBt Mitobell nya.'
5 'SOU of
cloth Uil«m Style in light «


............... ........- 3.98


Mia tbomlaeacr tboLMikaa:


P. In our Clothing and,Shoe I>epartment«. A splendid chance to buy high grade, artis“t lically uilonwl. equal to cualom work. Men's Suits at the unheard of bgure.

bol<^ <d
Men-. Suils,.
Ko Me would ever be boUtered with j
fnt ...............................................................
eOBatljWllfla If ereryoBe knew lioW|{
Noihihg rnerveO.
natamlly and qah-klr Hurdock Blood I
Hitler* nytulaiea tbe .loakarh endi|
■•et'ilyipibe boweU.

d wife
I.. .. 2.98
e way. to^ roaud trip to
Mmln aad berth >Dcla<led !
, _ . emmou. tbl* week.
Lm»e Tiarerae Ottj,
elteod the weddiiw: of Ida
He rame toI altetHl
: ' Mch'n aiiiwd ChrvvH, arlila<inre<lMiU.. $ll
r. Tatoder
Tueeder aod Fi
Friday. V;M a
aleee. Hlaa Krma
m.. I'taaraday a J* p m.
iloK Tillotaon. employed no
BaBtler. baa Kooe to Trar,-ree Cm.
-Mm'i. hMvy c«l<m IVomcl P.nm worth
Hr. John Hnleii of 8. W. Paradio-. ““
¥ r^m^ll U

t^toa rrfiMed to makr tbo o»al InMua today.
ThM li olalmed to
seta ibaa half ihe feroe of '
*BaD Id tbU r.«loB. aad tbe re-


I Sensational Bargains, Unmatchable Values


If you need a suit, don’t pass us by. Somebody is
going to save money. To reduce stock quickly'be­
fore the general tearing up aod re-arranging of de­
partments. we have uken about 300 suiu and
placed sacrificing prices on thpm.
LOT ONE consists of a lot of good, strong, service­
able wrool Suits, io various fabrics, well made, good
lookers, that have'been retailed at S7-50. ft OO
to dose out quickly we price them at---- v w
If you want a good suit and haven't much money to
invest, this is your chance.
LOT TWO—These are suits that we have been ficllingat $ioand $ia. all stylish tabrics and latest
_ but
to make them an extra inducement
inducement and
ke room for the condensing of stocks. *7 ftO
price them from now till the 4th at... *
LOT THREE—Now if you want a strictly first-class
suit (or the price of an ordidary one you need not
look further. These are high grade goods, excel-



Don’t conflict these prices s b rimililar ones elsewbere—come and see for yoorself_______________
_ . .*diH<
look alike but vali
s on every pair. Men's furBuy
uy your dioes here. Extra
Exu special------------- . .
-lisbtogs. etc- at reduced prices. Come to tbe Ceiebratioo.

Cbe Boston Store.

Special Imitation. RefresbmentsTree
,t yoor Knrkt . jood cool pUcc to r«-o«t yoor luo*-uid
M. Iroe don., the coiire d«y. Moke oor Bore yoor be»lqtan“ We U ebrekyoor prah uid mp, frreof clrerire.

aa aaeoBslaal salbad with ite ^
ns at alaatrlMty to bean darU
axpat tbU wnts.. to tea pmU U
nostossd lata hloaka It lbs Ua a
Boa. i. P. Wbttaof MaliloOUrmBa beat Talas, aa eoeapond with eeal.
,a» paiwi br 0«
of T> ps ost. with only I ps eat
O. L«eb af
VMhtarMs. D. O.
rw. WUUtBMM IbcbUUm
of neb. wblla sal to atx s aara
WalMs. Hloh.; Mn. J. O. BUDadeU.
m ■ ttwto an—IK. tkM« am (a
Tte Qatas to sachlaeey
Bib. Banacoi tblnkt tbe | todar «n
Cit7: i- J- Babtolluid pleu oon
in Mxied pound
white-tea bam dariaad wtU b. naad |
Ao».te tU. >»Uc«. Vb.Mk<a»B J. O. IMaaImfh «f lUaUtM; W. B. vlU so lAli« acaln.
pacfcxget only, ihat inUat.»Dasapsi bog aesv Oai>o
Ind.. will arrtra U tba oltr
mad Hut KoctU af Ofaad
croprrpiM (rt»~ • aWy
I gbriagfrethaeat.tuetii'ih,
U w ao fast dsp. and MD ’
; araninc trttb bar eblUttm
aod B W. Batbm of Jutan.
flaror and tmifonbity.
latar. and the? mill tans of uiad pant ana be' prndaead a
day te 100 yean, to than wUl mlU
tba lapmt Of tba meaalng Tacnday at make kbair boma beta
ba maallnt of Ttararaa Bay Hira
ba past ton te gapuatleoa «
Mr. and Bra Wm.
E. H. Ohriat and ftad B.
n* •*•!»«" for
lo th. -M.
Toatda, ... Bfaflmekar-aWrlb. Baakaton an ttoldn* Mr. and Hra
PiBM ratncBod Krtdar OTonlnc from
lena of Ooldwmt.r
I -T*‘—u a> pm mmt of » coop.
Tim Rar. B. R. WilUase Of
Laolanaa eocntr «>»ra tli«7 bora bon ter and laat arenlaK abmt toy W. J, Hobbt aitd Mra H. D. CampI. dsd. ngedW.
1. tto »ortl*« eepaUm, ». Pmn
• . hmatbot
Bla. Marla, with tba Bar. J. O. Oowwoattaa to tba InUreata of Um T. <1.,
He bad followed
hie aiaiiOB
A •mj plaaaant aranlns a
til of Hcaparto and OnapbrU nf Chu
U * M. railraad. Thay oooartd abonl bema
tWbM in thrown I
h. wu a ll.n
aoioyad: Tbe Udfri ptaaanlod bo
Dllo of additional rtebt of war^ 71- >9h«frt« in »h«
Mmal in a miUtarTjtopanr in Kru
baodaoma oblaa banad plata
Mag a bnacb of tbe Kallogg
pnparad Satartey for
Is tbonorUMn pmQllUapta and Mlm Maw Btetaon an tn^arlam of BalUa Creak teen. Aa Vsfc wbae* mate bl> >»i
Use. Bonwl-TtiM In W »«* *.
visit ib«T. and dUx-d with him
apcmdlng tbe tey with the family of
cost trsB •it.OOh to
Dorthm eonatlcn. W- The Aatoole Manmn of Battoai Bay aod
D. K. Wyokooi. at Oarp Ufca.
_ ^opsad.
____ Tba rotabliehThe looal lodge of railway ewlirhpio.aon to
Halufortb >ba aldar lo Blofliam.
puoantnr In il>« nortb^ oonaliM U
Him Bay Pcwrl. who bai bean Ml woald'fi^ tb. baglaaiag Ur. | men le making praiarmiis. fs a g»U
enodamnatioe aniu trill ba
tmimaud u> b. U<ic« thni. U« nonlh.
etadying mntic In Ann Arbor, ratey in (todtllae Jaly fS Ttu->niii-li
pnabed at ooea. altbenttii. alnoa tba
cnined bow mat analag- Miaa Pearl
m on nil
tarn of Grand Bapide will ninhn • xlit of tbatalla^nitHrery OatnpKIC intoM tm pmmern U«t r«nj nad
giadnntad from tba dapaitmaa
j for tbit city. Tba Hl^ ad
careis to tbal eliy on tial teu en.i
hably U Bi sesry lo aeoan lU si
baU. many ara atoae rmdy to tctlla
tarnwr fmU crop
OTOP thU jmt.
ym*. n»d ^o*thit city and Obarlaroii vill
irnnUe aebeol mntia
will b. lion.
sis will iaolail. prortaiou te
ibaii formoriy.
anlt aicalott D. (
p«, of tolr prloan tJ«
Miaa Batgant Cbmercin of Central rmptis tram tagatls fs a periad of
nthar in tba eeotatl for »bloH tbay
(unn trill eoma ap tbit •aak. B
MMiijlui tar. nn«« lo br wtt mihare bmn armneinx for vaaka and Lake and Him MtUar of Pilot wan Are ysra. tee water and tba te
tna >otoi that of Hanry rampboR
AiTienlinml condition. »
tbov vbo air Inrera altber of bam tlia gnoMalof Mra O. O. MoflaU today
A inmy to rafdaoe all ttakM erlflihU y«rn« boMortbon
tmll or athlatioa abonid not miaa tba on tbair way to Flint. ____
oally tot aod taka aeroial
.1 thU tlB.
opportonly to be pnaent when tiie
Bsd Iba Ad.
lent for tile oondasinatli
|»T «op «u Torr liBbl. wrf to
oontoatobecinat 1 JO o-olotJ.
raallsU Ura already rasite ■
It 1a a little early yet fs toyou
»lowlitiM. tocnlfnilnw. .TbU tan t»n«d from tbit d .
Thera wat eonaldarabla dlOcalty in
City boy bs
7MT Dorttem Mleblgno «1U bore
attanginc for tlie gamaa, aa it waa
Mrs. OhatAeld.
. ura-v
Hu. -tr
port a llWle lator in tiie arai k. Intor
sided la aeortag oe. He wat baldtmt in^ t'sdnoUoo of bar. nod n
hard for tb.- two lanai to dnd a data
the tarray will br mada for kba antlag a dnst nheaisl, m> t apeak, of pane, to gnat faith la dreama
•maaqnanl ■nrln« tm tlie fwawa
.whan thay eonid both pUy at tbe
(not. wen it not te that bar daaghlri
hie Ponrtb of Jaly perfoi
•TMkMntMoo. Altonibcoivoapari tin* of nada ttakoa
me H—.
Hat the isatler wai dnalCan
a fas didn't bora
tr nootinoM » «>>1. nppo the ton
attaagad mtiafaetorily. and at S :k0
Snnday-e U. ft M. tallnad aorltent
tohrip itals
an and ton <• oTwy tndicinllen of •
morrow Uw program will
Con WM to go to Hubs Beach by
n iaii w t
Ibat oonditi*.- lha raaldaoea of Oamn DMtO la Pern •
Tba teaa ball game wlU ba tirltnraitiork isebad Urn powder, and tba n- way of Saginaw ao lU Santey exrarUiaord.
andoflutaimt. Both
wood, and tboa^ no one trat hnrt. It ad with
cion, tba fs tlm trip
slu wen- jnet what aayaoa '
tratb nama' eaoapa. and tba UrIiI- an nnaioae lo hold Ilia rbampioaeblp email boy ooold have foo^told.
ofaortbarn Blehlgaa. and with tba
n. Ont of Ihi' wort of parinf Kroet nine, from all ladleatlona nm« bare .. aortbarn Biehigaa.
aader.way for tbe
raeord that Okarleroix liat alretdy
of lb. Muibwsu-ra
sBoa* «ai b<«nn Bondar OMiniiux. donajnat abonl na jt-i-laaard nboaf
mad.-, it woold ernm that ll>a olalm
WM O»«»aotor Pranr- of tJmnd
weald be wmokad and
Mllilary academy at Waak<
of tba High Mitaool of oity to the
Kntdda. vbo ha. tbe oonttael for bolb
with til. Mli-liigaa academy of Oroh- wonld b. Injorwl. Be great waa ber| ^
pretty wall
faith to lU dream that in epite of be.; no-.
Knot and Union atiaota, aal Kit------arolmka.
rat fonnd on Inraatigalion. how- fonadad if aba aaroaete in beating tba
Sliaw. of tbe Soo.
Bat tlian will
arar, that tba llgnuilng had landed looalt todar.
will^'eoaated u a Arm bi-li.ror to
tim BOkajark that rant from the aboat mae ioalnga that the btty* from
tsmod tbe other Bight
■■Tba BroaUfnl'' will hare to pUy
At On^ Bapide Anna Smith, aged
imnay. hml paamd thtongh a wii
enrb that U to ba naad
held him ap and took
boll if tlier Uka a rlctory book with
«>. waa eliargail by C. liairington
lo tba roof, uiraogfa a oonar of it
both on Proot and Union atraala
id wat n-liered
Hr. Prang* baa n lotoe of exporta bense thtongh the pUatar, whore
be wokr'np and tend he Imd bven with Maaliag a doltor from bit pemo.
I if Uiay win la the atblettc
aad baorterad li.r airaat WUo tb.
mm Onnd Baplte for all tba eklllad bole aboat an Inch and a half in dUdreaming.
When h. oamc U
a. whioh will laaoate tbe ball
oBear came to her room in the Oadilwork la ooonmdlon with ti.a pntilnf malor wat made, tlie lightning hn.1
through hie poek.-u. bowers,
. U will ba after tbay hare
lamped lo the bed. no throoKli the
In of tba paring, hot
found that it wnu ‘I a dream aftar all lea tiot.1 eU cwallowad balf the eon
bl.locnl men trill ba naad fc» the tall to tbe wall and gone eat tbrongh and dbpaaad of taeb man ae MilUkaa. fs a roll of bilU amrantiag to '«W taiiu of a ter uoooe boul. of ouUlr. Loderb'. Kyslka. Uarter. Oolkitobna. ripiilng off mtw^bonrda
olbar werfc. Tbr earb wU! ba pat In
ae wae atou anothi-T fullow ie acid.“mjtng eh. wooM not b. ttk«i
riaa. Rayaolte aad Wynkoop.
llva Um raeovery u duabtfaL
prmuratory lo tba brit* paring, bat along the bottom of tbe honte. i
wbo boarded in tb. mm. hone..
- rarlooe arenu aod tlia i
Ohritiao Kmk of ttombria lodg*. P
Dt Into tba greouiL ’
notblngfarthtf triU ba dona U tba
A Util, eon of U W. Trajfper ol
tra to qaalify io anoh ara as folwaa iertanata that lb. family
way of taanag np Ibe atroeU ontil
EmasrlU. mwa wire hanging doun aad A. H.. fau th. dletincltoii of leodipg
hie ter roae. IlMiry, Jamra, An­
had net retired, at aorne eea might
mfkor tlir Ponrtb of Jnly. Tbraa
over lU tidawmlk and 'maght bold of
Staadlnf Brted Jomp—Ladwla.ltoybare bma Imdly hnrt or killed if tliay'
aad Raaben all into lb. lodge at
Icmte of oarblag an alnndy ben
It. He bwan to errera u>d wriggle
r. Hilliku.
im*. Th. aoi» atead to taki- lb.
keen ooonpylng tbe bad.
tea raat U on tba way. to that tbe
tmt cnald not aolooean hU held. A
tugetbra. TU ilk. ha. n.v«
wart of pelting la tba enrb nan ba
maa ran to nit mra. and euebaog
in Mioblgan
patited ai rapidly ai pomiMa.
tba tod by tb.- ebondldeta endeavmad
CWMioa*e liar at Ikp liraara.
Ranniag High Jamp-Boyar. lUlby.
Grand llav.i. (tonday night‘e
It It a matter of r»«rrt
tn fall him away from the wife, i.ut
Plaaga that tow of tlia . .
b.. loo. rroetred a thork that threw hiau li ft for n.lrago aad Milwaakae
Ilop-arap^ad-Jamp-ihrleaded down with etiawbarrira. Puownma along Ptonl atraal bnrertbill! to the groaad. Hickiog
ihat erolioa had bandiedi of
JaMOd to tba Uylng of ilia paring large aambar nf the little folk* being tar.Millikea. I'olby. LeiUrla
beard h. pried tU wire from tb* tod't
briak on tba walk* In frent of tbair Ibe gneeU of tbe wmahre of tb. orhaute aad thae mvad hie lif*. al- piokernal work all day to lake advatiAflu a telieioaa dlaui-r.' earr.-d Birdmll.
ptanmnf baainam. If tbUlanotaltboogh tb. Arab was baraad away to tag* of the high pnoee tlmi
Shot Pat-Kyslka. Laterla, WyaId—d. It will aaeaaaltnta tba wheal- on Bblee iMwalitelly daooiated with
ttw buaa and Iw wu in a Mat. of ool
lag el tba briokt for long dlatiueea dowen. tba following prognm wa. kooik
lapaa wbi-a freed. .
Ilammt-r Throw-Kyslka.^ Laterla;
iraa la ohaiga of Hn Tn-maina:
alm« tba walks after- tbe eonmele it
At 111. U. of M. oo Thuratey tberr
Boag-'teia Slrnttaek.
rat la for tba Uylng of the brioka. na
will be gtren out ITT diplomaa ThU
60 VaBlDsh-Rayaolda B^ar.Wy
nfaennatha bclafct oaaool than ba
it the torgael aambar ever gra.iaat*d writer, and add a coota* of MonokS|V
^ladto tba pteaat wban Ihayaia
day in th. litobuy graiiby aad lypewriliiig to tbe com"Daway.--JlBi
Tard Dsh-Boyar. MlUikan.
to ba naad. It U hoped timl tba i—pmemal d.partmrotin tbe high ecboel
of the Ualranity of Michigan.
Kayaolte. Wynkoop. Ledwla.
■iywwMnwiU withdraw tbair ob- malDO.
next j.r.
Half HIU RaUy-Boyer. Beynolde. thU day doee not rapeaeanl tU foil
Baag—Oobte* kb<l Alias Day.
imUmm to tba pbolng of the brtcti
nnmtier. At almoet every rageale'
ReelBtioo-Elbal Ool.b.
Hilllken. Laderle. Carter, Lardle.
no tbair waUa, at tba naeaeiiiy o:
dr. MoRay.
Tba meet U to ba rtrietly High iD.«Ung Iher. are coe or more gtadaTbla raport 1# mada upon WadnaaKacHaUon—Mabel Hobartnn.
shool. Than an to be two Marten uad. Tb. total will b. a lilll. over dar oraach waaO. Tna Heraldianot
ptoa when tbay ara to ba kid
Maxlo-Him Addle HoMolbn.
fs cote shsl la sob larant PlrM aoe. i[i|arrrnr~ir tb. yeu't work aod raapottaibla lor cnangoa in prlcaa.
wonld delay tba work el paring rary
Baoltatioiui- Baggie Kmarsou. Jea- |4as ie lo oooiil Are pointa aeooad tble ie a record tnakai ai Aea Arbor

daJf Price onSuiiA.a lotoKtylish.dcvrable
one and two of a kibd.
Ont’Zbird Off {.todies' Suits, all the vpr>'

Lion Coffee

choicest styles.

Spiciat Pricts

Sbirt Waists

Wen's Suits ^125
Worth StO.OO to m.OO.
• It will certainly, pay you to Uti-(j io and see these
suits-~th)>> an-all new ro(nK this season's make.__
strictly tnilur made. |M;rk‘Ct tittini;. made of fine all wo«'l
cas«iim»-r«-s. all pure worsteds, etc., aiyl ^
•>»rfli Su' u> jMj.

men's $2 and $2.2S Pants at $I.2S.
i lav e youI seen these stHicbl p.anis'^ TheyTethr
l'li.'itc*si hartiaiiin that was ever o/Tered. U-'inR «ooi
•.imrr.-s .md worsl'-d RotHls. Nearly all









wmnm of tfacheos.

Traverse City Markets.

nloa. Hra

woUng Jaly kid. M,
dntnUa ware discMted
•d dd fortbat
plana sate far tba diatribailon of adTartUag satlar and |ha
hww from abroad, botiffla olbar mUkwof


Owl Smith. Saeta "
Dan MeUalan. Mra



Talk to tba boys and glrU-Mn A.
R. HoBay.
Raadlag-Mra Tnsalae.
SpM I!aw.’'-Mr. McKay.

MMiigBB .eitled in tba U

n -«d Lady I

The boniie of A. C. Barley, living
plao.' tins and third pUs one.
mr Hubor Beach, wae eltack Ky
a to tba stln epoftt
will ba U snta No one teoal.l fail Ilgbtniug and badly danaigeil A |ieI thing happi-ued.
Tbe roltoi
takeo off one of to ehlldcan'e
neoki laid on the Aoor. while aaotbrt
of,tbe obildtenthad a cpider’eweb
Hr. and Mra a B. Mactay mad ana
arnivd oa hie ba.k.
Irving have retainevl fyom Oorat,
Oonaideiable mvtlery carreaBda the
wUta lUy attaadad tlia fnataal of dtoappraiaaoe in Eatotaaroo of Miaa
Hr. Hamy'e faUmr.
Eate Wiailow. iheUyeuold daagbPrank Priadridi want te Pit. Uka
of Mr. aad Mre Prod Wlaalow.
D batiaroe thie raotning.
Sb. left borne atJO o'elook Satartey
J. M. HoeUmaalal want to Oiuk.
lag to rebmiae te ofalldron'i
laaoto. thto Boning with tey axerolMW M to People'! cboreb.
waa men te hli oamja there.
and that to Ibe toat aaen of bet »T
OBBlel Dake went to Walton thto acybody.
Tb. eatire poUea aaf
mining an
toriff'i foroee twTe bevn workiag oc
Par. W. E. Wrlgiit to Aabtag at to oaaa for two teyi witboal dtoeov
Kayatoea totey.
erlag to tUgbiral tiaee of her. aad
H O- HatoliT of Mantoa, d^ty
cm* IB tbe eatTOandiag ooi
d ineprote. wai in tU eity totey
aad Btoppad at tb. WhlUv.
H. L. K.-aaau of Olaa Arbor to^ ia

Onnd Rapida Altdoa. I suing and
Mhar pUoea, and aiinnca W soon lag, aizirlag 1a
tetri^ nnd if posaibU prorite for dowapoar of n
Ammit tbos wbo nSrnail were .A.
V. Friadrieh. C. O. Bharwona. Hra
fnl seating.
oily. Huben llork of Oadaf and O.
a! wTW.IU to laaroad to 8t. Joaepb
Bareial beraamaa horn nlmsd are H. Owdsof LeUnd.
afur a boainraa trip to tbto city.
aiiandy bts nadontalte betaae an
Tbos wbo wmt from tbU'oity wc
Waltor D. Lyoe to rataraad from a
eaatiag UrtraqaaBtiy. tea let U on- gtstiy plcnaed with Harqnatta.
teat AahlBX trip ap tbe B
pneM ban tins
B OUango by Iba nail eity abonl tbe fixe of Travers City, Ha got a lot of lUm.
bat with Ua poorael ttraet batter
The tiBok b In fine steps and si
my'e beat, it It field,
nlnftba Imraro ware wetead oat tbb balldloge an largely of eolld'wi
Tba rlalUng
with aow ehnrebee that will
bss daclaro ttet tbb ti
to and tiut the amiomian
M. V. MeWetl
r a magnlfleaut addition to lie brotbar.
of tbe alablaa are n|«rior to
tU^lo tbastntaL Thes oondltlcsa
La tba oily
pnUI to an espeeinlly Intsaating white oest •1.000,OM)._pad a part that
>toLatoad thto
t wilr^t
U tbraa mils U cireamtei
id Saadv



eat of tba plan

MB popnUi
■Ur raaort
n» abom of tba lake an being
tbe UUnd
pUntd and Inpnrad aad Mn
bsnta era baiag sate tor tbe additis
nf eararal fiae baata Saratal gaeoHm haaotee will be nouod. aod altegatbs Ite pUoe will be soda s lavitiagltetit tiboond W attrnet tbe
MtMilin o( resortanM trail ae




Mtu Ai'lilEA ulioe>. u«rrt,4.i
I Mut r <-ieimU«a,«>tvur H. h.»a>
T».T.^lvtr. S.h


weak" noma time ia Aagaet orSaptamber. Tbe aebemt I. to make It
lieu of all tbe farmer lowainie
who have roiuorad from to city for
aomevaan toi.

The United States excels
in many things and Minne­
apolis Hour is one of the
chief produ^s in which we
lead the world. Minneapo­
lis makes the best (lour in
America and Ceresota is the
at teto l>est made in Minneapolis.
a tolling
Bake it and )udge for your­
While leadlog clnteri at Montolag
lauwaak. Joaepb Loom foand an old

Up lo tbto aiwaOB Onad Harea
Mna to dietlaetioo of being or
ihe beat Athlng porta oa Ibe gteat
tokei, bat (bit ipring ttia oatefa baa
baen-OBaiaally email and (bate a
Tb( Alb-

aloft wfaleb to aappoaad to bare baas
bariad Ibero at to time of to dsa.
losl people do as fsl tbal
limi of to old town of -Oaota.
timy wite to locate la .Marqaatte:
landlord of tba boial
wbieli formerly Mood oo tot lila.
Tbay an Mill iavttywall stniaad tlial
ben Tnao
lenty-Av e yeu ago. The eleok
tliara U not a batts eiir la Ibe
inapata to opra tbe botol and
la osoallM» eodittaa aad apoo baiag
than Tnrana City.
ter the teMon.
Tna batal will te
A. T. Priadrlte. wbo was aleotad to of tobman eoanty. wai ia tba eity woaad ap etuted rnaaragnad
Okterd for gnatu next Satarday.
today oe bnilaroa
qbaa. U. JaanlBgo, and John QmlaP. H. Vintee of Willtomaborg to at
lan at Detroit, wbn hare spent tbe
■ha Whiting today.
ansser at tba resort Bany yenn. an
now tbesa ai tba adnaotOgBard of tba
»mii M-a-Ur'
MUs EtB O'Ksi
T. W. Ptreton. J. H. Baeaatt aad broa irovaB by to Aadlng if tba dl
weak. Tba/ennlugi laaUy will ant luBu Mooter erenlng at a rery |ifatty Mr. aad Hre J. P. Boyd are
oa Oneway. Koamate Imva uj
Hiiii lbs mnunar than tbb ya
IS girs by Him Hiaale Wait, tl»
k Raytte vifilora ia to dty •
Than b a prespaot of a ba«y
! gaaate being a aambar of tba latlamta
Ura E K. Baciae of Jaofcaoi
00 Hm nonn tbb ymtr, no many tare frlste of Mis O NaaL
Tba table th. gnaM of bar ototar. Hre A. W.
abaady emgagad reotaa at timhetal waaiaettily daowmtedwlth ^
and ewttagw for tba aroaon. la addi- Aowm aad a dainty taaa^ woe
Piaak Priedriab to gone to ObtealiBviag i
Bonto Uitna who own and oeanpy aairad.
Mlm Violet


& SImfter atrived at Ua
Satartey aea
old bema w Oalaabaig Moatey aod
of bic fatbi-r.
ooapl. Of boon wl
Mr. and Mra L. P. Adame ka*a raSatobary
trtimia aod to vtolttof famUiu
UBoag bor dtotlagaUbod yeaag tody
to totur lacladtog tbe log boaae
few daya witli Mra Mary Evarolt «A
hto boybod borne, aad V>a
. Htot Moreatea BatTy. Soatli Union atraat;
toatily barytog groaad aror by.
Him laelUrTT. Him ChrlMlai Hotipaay baa bean arg
maU>. Uirn Haul Pilcl.. Mica Era iod . want to Vppg Lok* tbto mo
at Fife *..6- and will tpcad 110.000
Kiriianto. Him ImdU Simna. Btm Jag to Tteit tb. Prioate ebarob
trying lo work ap a b
Ha will tatara b.
Margaret aad Helen Braitob. Mlm tot plan..
ptaee aa a eammer laoart.
Rath Jordan. Him Kuatle «-|adoeft Tbanday avaBlagAt tbe aalTinily. in tl
a L. HilW. fcraMcly engleauat
era. aad all hml a merry
o eagiaearlag tobonurT, expa
be trmembatvd. Ham- tbe.a*ylam. to la Ibe cUy oe beato
a teva bom —te Uml will ba
by bto wlfn
maoke and ewiagt
grmt valae to to atau to atilixiag
ibroogb to grove and cake aedloe la Ohiea
to larga peat beta of to Mala.
diMoalty tot tea peoraaiad tbi
ofpaM tefaaltoto torge aa
' torttpoatotoa. Aftortetogab

■ For Job Work of all Kinds Call at tbe Herald Office

Ototy A ito9 (tectr Ce. D

Clt» OW RcliakU Sbteman.

[ Vnir sre Baflmg..



It is high lime you were wearing that
You get ready to buy we hope you will
wil come here,
you will be the gainer by doing so for we
t can tit yon
as well as
of money.


from Ss-oo i
Youths suits . S3.50
Children's.. Si./li

$ 6.00

Our pants at $3oo can’t be beat for wear, fit and
price, our hats and furnishing goods all io first class
auape. when you buy any of otir goods you can be
assuredihat you^ot your money's wo^h. . . .

... --


S«-«' our Nw Line of Trimmed and
Canvas Bals -very new. also a line of
^.^ New Oxfords, Tennis Shoes 65c.. Ox­
fords 50c.. Rubber Soles, several color-c. Moccassins for Men. {.adies. Mis­
ses .md Childnm, keeji your feet cool:
see them.

Frank Triedricb,



Tourth of July is Coming

new Summer




^ ,\i !he kuoti
i |,';re»aheti5N.n«itrtaafi

J1 Carge Quantity of Hew Papers
SWaue toctoty reiaiaiitA, hxve joM been AUed 10 oar
Abead; ctanplele Mork and ire knoa we can mre jvm
■wmeyoo jumr job
S[«oaI mmitkai n»M be nude el rarieywf pte-: •
lenu wilb IS inrii border which toua far 10 ceto
doable roil


Oikrr good ihinge nf «milw nxlntc me

obo to be rftitaincd.








t. they rtw u earttof a
bafon Dm wort f$r aotsal gradIbaB
s faacda. Tba »»da iOakaa will Fiad O. Oartla. aaeratary of
b. aet tmtto aai* aarroy. wbtob will « Oaa elab, dasnribsa tba trip af the
tbe *4»y todW W>0*t«*
bscto tnmbolhoedsW thaUaatoa local Bliooten to Maatca Meaday.
li* upMlU > bMT7 I
fVwdaya. McDaaaU Bna of Ormad Bat those who want from bme eaaaot
th. ««ft U to «elto.»
^eat wall eaeagb of tba
Baplda wUl batid tba road.
btf to it««i»to tu i»>«u
uwufaralabed them by toa
Dr- Alra D. Tyler, for alcbt yaara
Tbs tM taU tsw >1 WlUtwsi
hM |M tow » T«T Itod takUt «( srto- well known to tbe olty aad lately

vbWi they —
UalrarBlIy. rstaraad
________ Mocbtotba
a trip to tba
-___ _■ Trsvarss Olty peojde, they beat
as dsaoiwiy for. aad a«M baaidea
0aac'1T>iD>-lsn7 lUauk.A-T
X.Tnrr W. tbe (Jaean Olty team Batarday after appar paaiamil
T lUssAh. Hs«srf OsrW.
to this cily. He has
Tbe siwetiiic eeeteeu srere food,
RMS. in a esraa inBlac caim to toa decide Wloea
imaed tba comer •alle of oOeee oa lai Tiarene Olty same oat eeesad
tain, tbe SI
the fifth floor of tbs asw Wltbala.
■ eboota
Bactoatoc a week from Saaday tbe blcbk. sad will open hU w«k bma
etriaceadedlua rletcry fm Maatca
Vernrse Bay
Bsr Iloa
lias of
o( ataamers will aboot Ibe flret of July. He bee aaay by II poialB. aad tbe aaeoad was wop
TU. S bOt W SBd tTOa lbs T«S3fU
friends here who will wlehblmno;
by I points
It Is ficatad.
ponibb- forttwssj"^
bowerer. tlmt If aaotber striae had
1. i»rtof8o»4*Tl“*^
been abot. Tnrena Olty woald hare
M eas ot tbs mort*. TbU is tbs &r<t
poiau.. Tbs ficoriacU
(bu tbU baa beeo doas, sod it
crcmtMB A. B- OaRBCfa that ratal all richt If it eoald be rerifled by
wiU pfotaWy be T«ty pcpalar.
free daUrery bill be eetabUsbed oa practical taat.
ThsBWobiprWrt whistle OB a WK the Peatoaula by Ibe let of Aacast.
- al re,*n«*wl.Ta. taomlaed
Hcedar eTeouif iwtos set tbs p>«ple of HtU Imprftaaanl has been aoacht -for toco W Maatca acato before loan
a lone line by a iatce nomber of peo- and make lb. sliootere ot thai wwa
as toer lbOB*hl It was a d«
like a lead oeat.
Aad 11 they
the psatosola. bat was sWi^wl
were frobably KD people aboot tbe
boot well enooeb. perhaps the
Oa« suae* ea«ii»o boose. trylM to
1 of the wwarttp^ The aeati local
ad oot wbsie tbe blase was and why
la favor of tbe syttem, bowerrr.
•e iltHTfiiiit did not tOTU ODL
1 aad tbe aaw plan Fred b. Cortis. Ed Broaoh. Wallam

3 vcr Cetf tltowed M Time Derotta.


fYT .s, WA

<^ii.A.toUbafnred fVom Jackson
roswrdar Wtaks «har*s of ihe hotel
.■ali.w-wanta. Tlisoolaoelteoki

CIrculatjon this week 2,525.

U. Brosm. Alllr P. Brosm aadSamnel
M. Brosm, and H.e eapiul slock
Mia. O. U. Bills ba« been cranWd C 80.000. Tbe eoiapaay srlll buy. sell
ere baUdtoc malarial
B. L. Asbwa aad family have
morad W thotr oottaie oa Basi
lor lbs snmmer.

ot a musieal aoeiety to be
. BdwlaTMriby 'kaowoae tbe-Masical Oi^”wai
and Ton Vilheba arc borne ftoca Aaa hold at tba borne of Mrs. ■.. T. BrinkFriday oTaatac. It la hoped to
arbor for tbe saaaner vatmtion.
oaks this a p8rmaoenfmB..ealo."
Tbs lac BamI btoacbl to arils and a merttof to perfaet ll<e orcanlsa«ftosr from CBwrIevoU Sonday otsb, tloB will be held with Mrs. Brtiikmaa
to do somr wort at tbe dock.
Friday ereatoc. JuDe *0lh.
Thars is little ebaaca to tbe eeadb
Another elory Is faeinc added to tba
Hob of Oomie Wilkins, who wu factory .of the Michlcan Burob ‘•■o
Mrieken with paralysli MoD.Uy man. thus maklBR the baildiiic tfare.aioriu

Peter Uomrlui, a piGaerr at Oraad
Ratdda died last alcbt at tbe borne
,.f his danchlet. Mra Obarlss Paals.
Bear Kto«sley,
Ihocaasrol dmU.
was old ace. he beinc over W yearn
He lesTea 10 oblldren. aevm
ad Uirea dauebUrs: flee i
and oaa daneber lira to Klocler
one sou aad daochter id Tramra.
Olty. W.’ S- Aadersoa drore to Kircslev this moraiac aad |«rparrd tbs
ts^y and shlB»d it to his b<«>s,
where tbe funeral will be held Tliorsday momlBC-

Tbe Bethel dinrch at Ooplsy's Oorsrs. three mllee srest and one mllr
soath ot Weafort Coners,
dediealed ftuBday a. m., Juaert. b.r
Bcs. Oea Jobastmof Kaiwrrille. IlL
Rev. Jobnsea is a maa of sride espstlenoe. a deep thinker, aa eloqaeul
aad Is aa tosplratioe to all
saob orcaslons.
Rer. F. C. Bercerof Umnd Bajuds,
Uie belosed peesldlnc ' Wer of Otaad
srlll aleo be preeent.

to heiebt. Tbe third story will
tbe entire bolldtocaad U made
Tte acteoaer Salad of Ohi
with loBber for «ry by tbe reeent ebaace Into
Dnalsl Daka. Tbe earco Is cotoc to ■tareb faotorr. More room was
ed aad this wlU Ki*s
rooin for tonreased bastoeaa
A party of It nsortns from
bools aad tbe west iwseed thraocfa
tbs alty Mooday oa Ibeir way
eoait yerierday, aad on order

The exeeotlre
Fourth of July <
aad Kcwmal Instil
Taeeday moraiac an.l made farther cation until Aug.
p>agrees with the proposed procram lime dunng tbe Tbe city coucll Mooday nlgbl
ptoidaiod tlOO tor tbe exi«asei of
display to be made by the mrlous lia]>pT now. fer
Tbe exbibitioD '
Ibaflremee will b- une fine feamrajAgoi
aod a dUptoy of tbe board ot public
worti maohinery. ineludtog >i«ain
roller, atone rmaber aad other atreel
waking machinery and mrtoui klnfii
apivalua will U anolbi r attiac..JB, wbicb will gim onttidera an
Idea of tor extent of the city’s workThera will also
eirie and military dUplay. >
npaay M. Philippine aoldim
Grand Army m<-D, nm.b-e dlapUy.tobor 1






mateaid la farer of Fred
Tbe puetoOee li in
bfiUdlagaeefipledbr Lyon Brea as a
. Ornadi hai p
«u baiUll*. lot aad grocery atoek.
Be la a bnsUaraad ~r*au b^i. wttb
Ml ot IrMds. and will deaMlsss
arts a aBaafsa a< Us aew bastm

Mim Imbel 1

IB If you want something quite nice in
ao laii'ly mar- j £ got^s in either black or colors, t
riumcica, riciiiisii ouiiraa. i<iciv;ciiAcu

CrjsuK finej-a« Stripes, etc..




The kind lhat alisly Ihc taby. _

A mixed lot of Dimities, Batistes. Lace
etc., in black, tan. ;
new shades;
lades; abodt
atedt So piece
pieces to
choose from; choice at per yd..

Fine figured Panama Suiting,
season, it is a mercerized cloth;
not move it so 1



at per yd 50c Jid........................ * * ®

band and oae or two other hand. 11 ' SnrplttS.

Iber can be eoenred.
la In'any
Tbarawlll be no end ot attomclioi..
Orafta rasaao a
toraltall elaaws. ineludtog a patri [
pan ot Um worm,

City, H. C. Bailer of Aepe, Oaa Mo- apeech.
In the afternoon be appeared to be
TUs Malleaof 1‘enlaaaU. VlUlamTriplett
Unle better, bal was still finable to
aad bail not recoroeed the |
ottoeaffeeled Umbo.
bolag pasted on to oompletiea.
nearly TT yiare of age il if beliered
The Hscmld is reqasstod to eall tlie
that there Is little hope of bis eomalMMlooafUietanBsnioU>efacl that
plate reeorery. altooagfa bUmcatal
Wa*s U tbs moato la which to oat rye
laooltiei aad energy apprar as acUee
and oertU oat of the grewlng wlisat. boan-lata. Tbe mba WBo were after as ever.
Mr. iWitktac has been em­
tow Improriag tbs qullty aa
lilm got fairly apou Mm Friday
ployed ai Janitor of toe Masonic block
rtiaslny lbs amrkes talae.
lagaad tboogbi they bad him. bat OTeeriaec il war boilt. to. IWO. and
bard aad taltbfnl worker

BST. A. Mania of the 0,-naan
Bt Jobas noee tbe wane for hU naky Jamp during th.1t lima as Jaaltor of tba
aad ramble tonogfa Uie woods.
building. J—
drarob of Kingsley, sriil preoeh a sermu aeu Baadsy, Jana toad al l:»
Three mllra from toe olty oa
TMkraMra.^ B. McUUae.
R m.. to Oraags haU Alli^amaiBs I’celaaola eeaWal road, smadi oue of
Mr* Larina HoLallaa, wife
of Trtraaae Otty and elrialty are to­ Ibe pratUaal eebeol boasea to Grand (lao. B MoLellaa. died Tuimlay av

Lodge. Ho. 71 aad Tifirenr Oily Oompaay, Ko. •'d.OaUorm Rank. Ealghts
of Fytolas. ate expwiled to Join la
memorial eerrloei Bnaday. Joac St.
Mamben will med at Pytolan AStle
liall all) A BL and go to tbe Ocagiegatiooal ebuteh. wtiwe a ien^ will
be laiwobed by Rer. D. Ooohlla.
Aflorwardstoe memben will march
to the eemelety to deeetfile the grare*
thm at Bertoisrt. U-aa bardh', Mary of departed brothera
liariey. Bstellc Hailey and Oladyi
Lanfmaa. The Jnnlor Lregoe
ri QK wieictr
also plaaaed fiw a plealc for Ibe


lOO styles of figured Organdies, sheer and
pretty, just the thing for a cool Q0
dreek Ko^ width!"., oniy..

lie got Dr. Ktog'x I


ontloa. rradingS.'f the Orclara- •
Honor Indepeodrnea, a magniaoeni,
0q|-Sgyll^s I>epartlIKOt
dieplay of firaworte in the erenlng.
aleo day Urawerka
Tbe horse rams to Uie afternoon
will draw big
nig crowo*
crawde to
te see uir
the uurei
track work «rer enjoyed to toll part'i»,i ,,'.^i,.Mrtnrai
|i«nrt, »•
«f tbe Atate.
Royal Tbmira eonipany will be
ere during Ibe week, al Bielnberg'e
rcaad. and a dracuatic float will be 1
Vo^erlT meetiac eetsrlees will oomput of the parade

Trareree eoanty. W. A. Dean being
tbe mrchltcol. Tlie main raora will
■at fifty, and tbe iaierior flairting*
are uf oak. Tlie boose li named U
IT ot Win. HoKlBldy, a aeaUy lettered bcaril orer tl>c mwtra
window bearing Uie tnocripti
Klnley BtdiooL
Bnlll BepL to, lUOl
DisL Kn. 8. IVaiaeaU Towatolp "

Summer Olasb floods

This section of -our busy store seems to l>c
plete in every respect. \\e
showing the leading colors and black
andd whit
while. 15c 'for cool gloves 1 WY
and up to per paif.................

Summer florsels
The line we particularly want to call your
ntion to IS
is our so;
s°7 line in
•" short cut.
straight front or Gihlle in both
Batine; colors are pink. blue, while.
three 1 OO
n .Summer Corsets at
Corsets lo fit stout people.

Fine Sleeveless Vests at lOC. la/sc ^ ]_g

lioneand other featnim, with
^ , ,
Trarerae < «y bandi. tbe Kalkaska I Paid Bp Capital,

o that poiut

OUldtmi'e day for tba Voi
Cteb WiU be held al ilie teridaaor of
Mn. A. H. I'STTy, 838 Vest BlMaaaUi
straat Friday afu-raoen.
All the
otabmeaiban and tbeir ehtidrea. big
and little, are iavlmd to be.peeeent.
House of Uie boset will be girea

Some of these fine mornings the meirury will go up writh a jump and rau
wonder where ivu are at; and then again you wiU want to ctme to Trav
City bn the dth to help us celebrate: this too call for something cool to wear,
a parasdirSTEn; or gloves. We are ready to fill >-our wants with up-to-date

College (
snil have nom-.
Improre soar |


te axuaded to all to attaad torse
Jades Mayae. iVmaty Olirt Walter
M. K. baekatt aad family Iwse adjoamed eoun aatll Wadacaday. Jaly
win tUepot carp 1-etmoTcd from Eto«sler to this olty and L Tl.r atloeaeys to U>e maadamas
_ the maeltog of the Uniform
bars paroliased a plaamat borne at »1 eaae to oooipel Jodee of Pmbatr LorRank Kalgfats of Pytbiai. last
tog. aitangamonU were mad
It Fstertyl has >ost |«
romaitteea npiniatad for Ihe ootiug
O'for bisoarriaceand wa«oa
that toe meml-en of tlie laak with
vorta. Tbe aaw machine will welch
tbeir famllie. are to take oa toe ahora
fear tea. and srlll coat
It wlD
of can> Lake to Jul.r. Tbe delalli of
emdoatre thU we< k at tbe Aeriral- 0>e camp were to part arraagrt.
bsbere to aboot a moolh.
taml noUwa. barlac fiaisbad tbe four
Tte Obilwlaa BodsaTor society of
ym' ooarae to meo'
' ‘
the rrlaads tbanl. bare decided
lac- The proctmra
ta SBBd a delegate to the sMs
week. Uie dl|)lomaa beiag ptesauled
The delecate
oa Frida.r. wbaa tbe flaal exarclaiw
krill be oboasn oezt Bonday.
oocur. Be will tstarn to this city
Sd Bcosle has imrrliaaed the delir Sataidsy.
M. Utokeatoe. E. B. MeOoy.Joha Prowy bastoeas of John & Bash, and
bert. O. 0. Iwrlg,
WIU A. Baaaa. form, .
SrUl bartafler eonanot it fclmsalf. Ed
lioata-J. IL McOoagb. C B. Carrrmaa ot tba Barald office, retomed
BO aad of friaads srhosrill be
btaiday to Battle Orswk. after ettaad, tli. J. M togrtg.
•iad to ibmw bonaaas bU way.
Teuta-J. M. Btokratoe. F. D Cu»Inc toa faaml of his fatoer. Jiton
George W. Urdto.
J. t. Wylie, ot latarioebon. baa
a, oea of toa pioneiis of Bber.
laasad B aona at land Jut aorth of
Daoaased sruTO ysusofaca.
the Oeopaiace Ca
plant -Olbar
aad had been 47 ysart aa Odd FaUow.
Wllktoa Jaaltor of tor Maiwniat sriU pat la a mw mlU aad tbe
He STBS eoe of toe earliest picBeers of aoBlc blook. wai saddoaly alriokao
WyUa Oil srUl stock it tor & years.
this region, eemlag to Bberman abeel with pamlytle aboat 8 o'clock toll
J. M. Blakeslee. Postmastar RaS
moratog. i« «''• haaemaal of toe
udH-W. 0BD8toaclusBsreniu0ajp
niTeDtloo balldtog, when be wax at work. Dr.
toMleet Ibe
Monday emBtog. tbefeUowlng dele- W. E. Moon -wee aammimad aad Mr.
gatm war., obeaea to too approaching Vilkina was ttfcaa te hU home aad
rlrea toa naoeamiy eira.
HU right
slau .eaeraatloa; J. Q.
ride, ana aad lag wore oomplatrly
F. U Bpsagoa. E. McKam
Friedrich sad J. R. Saato of TisTene iwalyxad aad ha was dapritad of

Vicise Palmrl has Jasi fiaisbad for
Oaramlaa Ilroa one of toe
Tba satire baa was made by bim from
•tea raaalBf geer to tbe Uit cost of
earaito. and ll U a eery fine rig. t
jmlBliBg being eepecUlly haadaome.

BeginoiBS with Fridby. July nth.
thb rtoiw win te
ihmBg Wbra wmthef. ■
dosed every Friday af

Cbe ^arm lUeatbep

tbe porpeeaef aananalalag
ly eoald dm aroosaodattoaa to tba
. toa.Mlcril.
a H. E raaforesiee «o be bald to
er. kbwool
posaihle to reoalm aU tl
■poosea. bat srhat bam bsaa ret
show a
on tba pan of toe ebareb gotag peo­
ple of toa olty.
It is aMmmal tool tlie gimlasi aabatonllal eaoourageacet wlU be affordadtotooaeto ehatgs of Ibaonaaca-


aad fil.*© to parsea srlll be haag np
This amii«MeDt
amncameDt will
Mrs. K. Howard Brewa. wife of the>!1 1111,
will aerra
ssrrs to
W brtoi
pastor of the Pristida ebareb, rfcslrad . nture horses <0 this city fur Ibe Hichdisiatadi Friday from losra Falls, ; Ikob elnmil ^[to« tl«a w<wld
losra, lalllnc of tin- death of bar lath- otbersriae
err Her. Ilaoty O. Pamberion. pastor toc> Bear iccethnr makes the etpenee
Utile more Ihaa for eee.
oftJie Friends ehori-h of llial plac*-.

BasM-Uwi a. M nn-ll - A •
■tats €d Hsaissa. te- mSk>



friends bwtwl«BU will be |
ID bore acalo. HetsopWtl
bastoiws. |««|BriiiC for a b
rt OiU
iwd at tlie rnaort

Oaocosed eras fiS yjprs of a«e, aud had
beeo acrioasly lU but aboot a week.

m !•—The ■auaiy
St has seal Del a.
ifew sitm tmpabUs balldl^ ta tba
toUowtog Mlcblgaa eiuea *a bs apsaad Jaly 11: FUat ,riaa of lot l» by
IWfsef.&tOaOraak. UBbrKO.aod
Tmsaraa Oly. 116 by Irt

wr little ^agfaiar bad sn almoel
Bimek of wbooptac eugb and
____ jhlua." srriim Mrs. W. K Hstl
toad, ot Armook. K. T.. but when all
other remwlies failed, sie sased bn
life with Dr BliMfr Kew Dismrery.
Oor Bieoe. who bad Ooasampcloa it
au admaoMl smge.also aitd this woo
derfol BMdlclne aad to^ay abe Is per............................
wmie tbraat and
HarraU Dr. B 0. Sawyer, J. K. Mai- feetly
Innc dlsaasee yirld te Dr. Ktog's Few |
ttoes. and Jack Perry.
A. W.J^aek
Diseoserr as lo so ether msdietoe on
eras alMdy at Maocoo aad sliol with mrilu
lafaUtble fes
fer Couths aad
Jgl.OO Ib

Cotda aoraadtl-OO
the otob.
lee.1 by a K Walt 4
msMtor Pe ta or jelr.
G JohnsoB
- • • bottlre

/-Ml ll||!i


19. tX».

lag al 6 o'alaok aftor an iUneis last­
ing forrifiwrtka/ Blia has aot
weU for a feag time, bet was ao>
lOfisly 111 naUUIsDt toa first of Mar.
other tranblea OOBwhen nail
fined heru b«c bed. Her deatfa. hew
dlreelly dae to hiari
Mn. MefiellaB was 68 yean of age.
■d has bean a'resident of toisricy
K —eey reara She learcs ao ehllraa.and an near rclaUres rselde near
hero. ArialraofMr. MeLellaa. and
ber baebaad. Mr. aad Mn. Ftsl.beofc.
bs tee from Kew York
Ibe futietnlThe body of
Mele-llaa will lie
at toe rerideoea. eoraer of
Froat: and
Park etreem,
tram » 40 U o'clock. The Oompaoloa
roentan will hare rtoige of toa f«a-,,
oiaL ' A brief aarriae wiU be bald at
Ibe raaideace. aafi the faaetal wlU
______ ^ooa at SH>
dor toe dinettoa of Uadariaker Obtttx.
Bcr. Ooohlla wUI eeadaet toe

tfiBMfil eerrtoe.
dtotrln asereaaiy. will aloe attood ‘t
Mn MoLellaa was a recy praalarai
. end Ollrct Waun 1
gabsg U toa Ora
go also.
Mlsa Bale 1 1 oae of toe
1 Blra. L. a
speakias for tba closing aerrlee. aad
Mr. Holley U to .give a 86 mtoate ad-'
drera on mlmioos. lUestraied wito sha-wtU be graatly mimed. M
highly latiMil aad laarea maayi
artlelM from hU
rt who wiU Maimily aam
whlab la
w tba warUot OteirtiaB Eartana.

Silcl) Dep«K Itn U rat tl I T«i Iff a

anjthing | ^me good things in Childrens Summer
Goods we have it.

I Cbe Sbirt

\irelyms.le I'crcalo
IVxistt. bettor than uiual. al

The While WarM.
with inteniun an,l tuckv,
new in even re«iiecl! xt


$ 1 .OO

Our.line •>! CoUkoI
Wxirti at


The finer Wsiiti .vc |
shown here-I7 Ibe hun- |
<lrv,lt; Sl.rilleaHi uplo (

$4.00 , I

t-annol 1« ninallcl.

J. W. Milliteen.

Farmers, Attention!

Now that Ihe spraying season is on you want
. good spraying material.

If you are in the market for any ol these
goods it will pay you to give us a call, as we
carry a splendid line of these goods, and can
make you rock bottom prices—at

wars BRUC store

Shoe Sale

Harvesting» Days
_ The
_ . wise n lan prepares weeks before and we
coming days.
We carry everything needed on the farm for
help tbe wise n
these Busy days. Have everything in Your bam ready to Use at 1
moment's notice. Time is money then. The men and teams Must
J’ui in Full time. We sell you..........................................................


mples are going on sale this
Two big lines of
week. They are sho made by two makers of thfc
reliable shoes sold today. They are all new. sumer styliles used1 by the traveling salesmen to uke^on'
t's business. These samples are the very
forr tthis!
It v..^
two ...---------of the best ---------factories on
best shoes that
-----the world
can turn out. These
are shoes for 'everjbody—Men.
Women, and Children. We bought them at an enor­
mous discount. You can buy them tbe same way.

Calk Jlhout Shoe Bargains!
Well sell during this big sale more shoes..better shoes,
more: s^tish
stylish sh^
shoes at Jower pricei
prices th^ footwear has
ever before been sold in NJichigan
the reduaions you will find:

Horse Hay Rakes,
Hand Hay Rakes,
Grass Scythes and Snaths,
Bush Scythes and Snaths,
Scythe stones aod aU auBKr of Sharpeaiv
la the
Hay Forks-. -Tbe Best
Hay Carriers and Track,
Binder Twine,

S4.00-S1IOVS for............ .T..S2.S0
SJO Can Shots lor

2.50 Shots lor
2.00 Shots lor................. 1.25
1.50 Shots tor................. too
1.00 Shots lor
Come Early and share

Jllfred U. Triediicb

We-sell our goods at the lowett possible prices contetent whb sterlingqualityaodOorGoaranteesuiMlsbackofevetyfiale. Nostorpio
Kortbera Michigan b better stodted with anides needed oo tbe
(arm. We have Just What You Want at lute the Right Time.

Sdkr •( Gate ShK> attee UwcM Prteas.
The Old Stand
Opposite Herald Office.

THf lUNlUyi & UY MERMNTU to.



_________ ABI aia bMy hwalta* and
utaad. vbaaa it will faa Uadad «pn

V»MtaTtef pliBtraf'idk.
Ho. OtBV baa a mrw |rtaa«
Mr. Daryi* baa Vi^MOaaf

iMTa w ealitn

_ba ^nnar L. a ObaIm U laad.
ta« and wood aff tba Indlag hata.
HnBBBnaab baa baaa rtaitla«at
Mr..Otlo Bartb-a
- Oridanaaa baa tba banleektv
Mn rnak Wrlfbt weal to '
_.-affreaf anybady aaywbna U Mtb
ana OHr Satanlar.
thU vlolaliy.
H. Laalla’t eMta«a la
Marriad. Jasae. IMi. al tbajM- oospatad asd raady fa* (
daaaa of Iba brida'a paraaH a« OlIU
Blok. WBB bonad »a tba fiaaai
Mlaa Lattia BaMuall
Plar.U) tha ixwaaoa af a faw l^l^d
Saadar nigbt.
iraaau. Hlaa Pnrl Wlaala aad Mr wrak fv tba aaBBar.
Mr. Lyoe Bade a ImalBaa trip to Uparaa ftlaeoa of Baarar Ulaad. Tba
TnrafB OUy Friday.
MarqMtle aa drli*ala 01
UMa Johaalr Boddoa ia atok
■riM farar at tbit wririDy.
>bar« they will naka tbair fatan

_. Mn
dnnh al rorratar’* ball.
“ r. la»« r
da Spar^dlnt thi. waak
Mn. WlIbOT U «
week. oarttHS lor her iao«h«, Mn
U batldlBf aa
Dbix*. wI« la tirtr alok.
AUnd BdirteeBb la
tm SOfar ttala tnak.
Mn Oao. Loa<*a tlallad Hn
I.a BolBof aebool btoar.
OIn? eoc dar tbla vaak.
Bd. btaao baa erretad a aew wind
Blaa MeDoaaid apaol a faw daya
«6 an teriac Sae grewlas wratkat with bla das^tar. Mn
aad arofa an dolnc mil.

TaaaeliooaM FifaA haa both apart



You can now buy your Iwiv 3 line black rbrviot suit for $i ^oto
soW for $2 50 to $,VS0- Buy the younji-Me^ one lor the 4th of July;

H kepIbub blbbb'bTe®

The best line in the city for S,;.so. $5 and Sr-JD-’ U woaJd do-your e)-es j;ood tolook
at then\. They arc beauties and sood for wear.

tot a new oelBMta al 0.-dar Ladta.
Mn ClaraUnd af Tnroraa
Tlw Iwdlw of the Oatbolla
aoetal althatewa j rerTriokallbabamaatberteathtot. Mn Prank BIsby.
MJlaa DaeiA.
PMar B Oa.toB died al 10* b
Taewtey aitbL Fanerml aarrieea w
twid Wada '
to Detroit ton
JobaLowl ntanad
w dayi
Ily bare ai-



which formeriy

;: ivie:im’s SUITS

ttea toai tba towB ball Batattey altar
BOW and Iba ewnm '*!»« «
harr bur laascbad.
Batai Olateoloal a aalaabla
oa.- <My laal waak.
Mr. Vtnna baa goat to tba 1
Ulaada with a boat 1^ of bn.
Kooda for a naw narrtad emplA

■d Blaekbant baa bad a alar atm
bnt balU aed had It a DacA laka
laal Soadar for (ba drat tiaga.
Fnak VUitaar irlll taora to C


: to $}.$o



ii.Ur axil'll with
I.v.e xr.,1 then,
ir^bi vd
vd the itirk. injaac
• c. n,. 1.1 !-UT li.ia Ur^c .« *111X11—a
X. Iwx

«;|li v-ven

<Hn>U HAKlaV. .
Mtto Ua Valdiaaof Tiar.-raa OUy
a rlaittoc teUHraa
Aa BddlHcn ia I
lOtol at t'adar Lodta

banal p

OCUTSCME UAOKN**Hr. ud Mn Oeo. Oleatoal drove
Iwtond yaalartey to rtall ralatiraa.


Hn William Oraea ease or.
rWtod^nriaTMn Fm WtoliW
Fox ktoad thta weak.
ooa day laat week.
bald Batortey.
124 Front Stroot*
Behool eloaaa nan Fritey wUh
ploale ou Iba taltiraaBte
partatef Bmplre waaorar Jlla Flonnee 1h<
r teya ato boytat ap baal fkpB Foi hland tbla
i Uao. Maarai drove to Oadar yeatar
- •
for Y. ~ '
day to call on frlead..
M hare been nalw lively of „... —.jd. Prao__
Mlaa FlBaBelllatar waaaTraverai
or, Franata Laall.-OUy rlallor laal Balarter.
Cblldma-a day aarrleaa wara Iwld
8->ofrtc-r.-. It caomiy apic.-li
la bath ehondtea Baaday. Joaa I&Uli
the t.tond of St. Vioeel.1
Tlw lAdiea' AtdBaoiaty wlUawat
The Odd Fellowa mre a traad aapwlia Mra. tiaa. Porktoa Thoradar.
.jkaaoo bariaaBa fawteyaata.
er In Ibr hall lari Fritey altbt.
Jane IIiIl
Cbarlna and Barn Kllwy drove an
________ Mn Pratt «
to Italian ou Luinaaa a faw teya apt
Piau’a paraota today.
Tl.e Rev- Mr. Woodbooae and k^.
aaorer from Fox
Sorlnaon are aip--tad to ooeopy the
Uland tola waak.
l«lp>l l.. r. durtoe Iba eomtot
Work 1. jwortwi
iBbrilla aad wife of Fona)
UaUiiltor'a aaw r
_I111 il
Mr. aad Mra
of toe Soo. are
ton to
_____ ...m Bar
.. ...irerae
laetorta an of a
k luTfa aadlcaoa
aktol to araiyc,
Hn K. DaOoltor la ill at tbh wrllto Ible ptoM.
aboald ipaei f.tok.
Mr. HBellmaotal-a boaaa baa a new
Mlaa Ida Farraal o t Ulao Harbor
eoal of patot.
raa to towD oa Friday. ^
-n..T>'.iH.-«kinrrr..u.n«l» j.w o-- Ur.Htw Wottea of Oolotoa toban. rUProf. Daria aad wife at Aaa Arbor
itiot her aon. Otoote Wordaaan BanllekTilla rlalton at iiraaent.
Hr. Browii, wbo baa faraiut iolar
Tba Boer war la orwM laat aad
Mia mod a potato markat ben-, ii
nw If ilw war dll the l•blllppiBaa HANI8TEEANDNOICTK E.ASTKKN ! !
tao-a Riare oa Foraat Hill a peek planttoit a lartr aeraa«e nf pototoaA
] ;
from batarday ereniUK. A raaniar
Law Uoffmau drive, a aaw top 1«W- roald be wound ap' and the oowa kept
OBUaat will b.- held, tor whirl. nriiMi
off tba aUMt of our vlUaRe. Ueareo
will be rirea. It U to be bop^d tbal
r war. |ii 6A round trip,
ilte'l wwn ao far away.—Banxie
Iter. U Kaaney le aiek.
tba to^ will be well alt.dided.
TravAbout »of Iba yoant of
erar Olir Mooter. Turater and Fri­
B..iMlon an.l lalaad aneul a vary
tey VJU a. m.. Tborater iM |i. m.
olms akb.*plwwm ereototat the home of Kobvia kL A N. K. R R eouaeci with
ntman at HanUi.-e.
H- W «lui
**i-tf anil cvfhanjte. 'I hr n
F A. Mitchell. C. 1

^ Clothiers and Hatters to His Majesty, the American Citizen.

fcofordPlaokerol--------------------------«aa eailUB* oa old frlro.U aad aalfb
benU laal «aak.
braefil af tba Sen.lay aebooL
A. O. Raaiaar U baildloc a larr
MnPartriddarataiB.'d to her I—
bara aad U. Brtcbtr la dtdai tba aar

after ap>-edtoKa
,_____r work.
nlatlraf to thia
Mn Laey Parkar aad daatjiln
Tin iBTa matad to KalaBoaoe, wlimMn
tbv «1»>» to »“fc» U-lr .fBton
Maple OUy rialton Tbataday.
• . kUllwnd daafhtar Ma-

Travortko City. Mich.


Mn Jobe Hoekar aad tehbr
Maad an. naltiBC l>an ftaa MliwaakM for a faw waakA
lawn luaa
01 of tba

af liaka Ana wara to oar Tietoily laal
Mr^d Mn B. L l^a aad
aad Mn Maaka Uke of Tib ..
Oily, wen Tlatttoc with Ibalr ohll.
dm aad brotbara laat Saoday.
WlUtoB Sobato haa aaafht tba Unm pfebanl from Aau lAke, al Lake

Bn Friday areatof.
Bertie aad Utli

.2** toS’teu'*’'

A Fine Line of


A Full Line of




My Prices aro 1 ho Very Lowest-




SSJ' 3SalStli”to?ar* riatoi^ M
Mn Alto Uka aad Mn lAan
. BataadroTetoHalobM'eaaipWedaea-



learaa aa with to.- boat wlal.ea of all.
aa waa aliown It Iba beaatifal Bible' DISEASE, STAND BACK!

Mn Robert Wyat of Bmpirr rial
Baraar Bceaonay w« t lota John- at Heary Wyaa'a laat weak.
aaa-a nlooe aaa day lai waek. Ula
Bid that aftor drtok tot >r aoBa How
___ >t oat oa tiw
In^^ta."’^”owtoit *to^the copioaa
be amok JataaaoA. w
oaa tbmcb tba
plane to lira to abowen and ooel wtatoar llttl; daaballdtof wbara
Theiwnntaof 1 r. C. K. Babooek
I>r. Bar£<- of Bmplra waa bm laat
wank aad haa fioe apart Bahlnic to ra rifitiiK blB.
______ [B'a Iwaai at Platte
Mr Clark aod family arurad today
T^wJ^A Ua (wiaarnd two flaa
teal waak.
aad will bemfter make kbair --------' - Than wUl ba a Baaday aohoal tolly
Tlw Good Harbor laae ball bine on the fatrn toey
of H. Farjnitou. ■TbeywU1^1^?a
bonaa al
Mopla of OryMal taAa bara ti«ee Iba
Then- will ba a Ooapel T>-tnp.-rBaoe
ThenKa aaa at Cbelr boata and will fai- Arbor baya
elinji aaxi Baaday creniBS. Jana
Btob a b(BB laud.
at the K-bool boaie. Kar. U EanKalid) Dotaay. will, bia aew itaato.
MbI tatoo dowe Into Fito.-r lake i.ey wilt apnik.




,aa(arday with a party- They eajayad
Iba rite and aaaaeiT rrry aneli.
to Otaadlat
a Waim.
Mn r. 3. HrMt of Bortb Bnai
Mr. aad Mn Oomatotb af TpaUaati
I tbacaariof fin O. H. Brifil.t.
Ml Ttoittoc tbatr aoB.
^D, M. BrtKbt ia rUlHufi to Ttarerae
Kar. MilHiwn waaappelatad a —
nto to the MadatB Woodata amrtaHaa. to ha bald at OapaBlab Jaaa K.
j. W. Rtoaliart want to Ttarerae
The obteet af tba eoareatin to to da- Olty yariettey oa hto wfaaaL Ha re- tnad to tba areatof.
The Baaday aebool la pre|miinc aa
tobonte infnB tor lOhtldren'a Day.
aot'TH OSAirT. .



Tba Bar. Qao. Barilar. brotber of
Mn. Waltor Uaf. who baa baaa Mn J. Boraoffb. rialMd bla alator
toayiat with bn Botbar. Mn W. and ntoHrot tori week. Hliwifeac■amay. rataraad to liar botoa
Enttn. Mkh.. laal weak.
Miri Jan___ ..
tolka Thantey b
and Joe KalorfroB Haniaatto. when ba waat u
dalg^^toto tba K. 0. T. M. tool WlndBlUf.
Banana aad Erato Paokard. wilt.
Hn J. Howard rUlUd
Mtr Botbar, diora oat to K. 8. hoklUrapaopWatTlMBpaaB '
ard'a yeaurdiv*
Mn a Oasato will
Bverybody retolaadJo aaa Rar. and
L. a
.. T.
.. „
H froB
the Ne
Him J. llotoaffb la ear nelfthborboo.!
bait Tbaiaday. loa eraoB
WlU ba Brrad
■rad to ttthe
Mr. and Mn A. Bine apent a few
________ , -Bill and tlwy
•laya at tbair fam before atortlaf for
ward to a feeacal good Hi
H.a appar paatoaal
to all Tba ab>eM''to
abtool la terete
toad Waifard Hlraa

frlBida af




tbaa aat tbata aad ttHeyad a eaalal rtolt with tonty tt mane. Btoi
Maateta Iba Bpwatlii LaacaaBnatotod 1.1m with a aloe Hlld^teHnaiy. whtoh ba priiaa r«y hlfbly.
Hn Wartbay haa baaa rUUtoc:
*lut. Ilarreu tor a faw teya.
Hn. Wilacn at KarUa wlU Mari
Oaaate Tbaraday. to aaa bar Both
U yoa waat to ba faahioBaHa a
- fOB Bari to to Loot Itoka ftriiiw-

Tbare wara aatrloB to tba Oatholle
Oharch Baaday and Monday aontocHn OeUaa apeot Saatey wlU. Mr.
Than haa baaa qalta a plaaatof pto•an taken of aoidm'a dayaeatatotot atony telldm. ail af whoB W a
tonw baaqaal of aaBBar Sowara The
Blawra waa takaa by Ftoak Btollb.
St., and atony an batoc Baiahed.
■nw^lAdlB'^Abl^ *^1^1 iVij ?**'

Mr. Oaafanton aad Obarley Obrlrioabtowlll balp.

S2: ■£K'S
Ai?Mn FeUs Lardto a w
Mia ...
MltoOlaee Bkrilna wlU

■ rdto of ................

oar crcateat Bead to di
work;" will ba led by ap
L. Kenney.


Donald McDonald,



Jl O Fairbaaka went 10 Tnrataa
Oliy Friday.
Tha tbtofile mill oaarlr tbroanfa
with tola aeaaon'a eat
Uarrli Wataoa went to SIk Kapldt
Dali Fairbankaof Blk Ra^^



banr »»d__________
Warner of Elk
Tba Williuaabarff ball taam defaatr
^ the t^aoB^'ty^tomrf^teTema
*io«i-**8atid yooi*aexL
Mn U B. Ktekerd la <m
J.Ll Warper and family of
id! are atoylnp at Iba farm

if a yaaoline aiore burned a lady Ixii-l in exih iCctM'n »
frlyhifullr.” wrilea N- E- Pal- hijtlictl
of KUkman. la Tbe beat docton onoldn'l heal ilie ronmny acre
tliat followea. bot liarklra'a Arnira plcov,
Salre entirely cured her " lofalllble
Cola, Corna, Bon-a. Boii*. Brolaea.
. .In Dlwueia. aod Pilea z.%e at .s E.
Wall & Bon'a aad Jaa. U Jobnaon'a

Tlie KaUKaka iMnrd nf trade In-Id a |
Koeei'll e-aye a tainilv and fainity
•I>Ti*l ti.eeliiiy at the town hall laal I idifilrian at- in leayae ayalnal tba
wii-k In eoiKider Balim le-Ttainliiy j velenn flnanCliT. who ta now to M*
■- to llir i>tf>|ioaed Alla-on. Uarliird A 'elylity elilh year. ;C>iaaiirtnl efferi la
W-.I til milnaid. wbirli la to be n*i ; I- iny made to ranilnm him that be
' •irucK-dla iwe.'U Alia-iri mid Pnok I liaa done hia elare of the-wurld'a
Vto-I-Tl.* yoiKl ter Kalkaa
Iber iln iHil even bn,» that be
aii.-ediny to heaiuemaltoyelber: lin y err merely irrluy to iiarr
him n-duee hia workiny honn (n two
••r three tellr. with ocoaiUioal hullteja

For bargains for our customers, and to keep up our reputation for furnishing the best goods for the leaM mon­
ey.. \Vc have got it down so find now in selling the large amount of goods that we do (both wholesale and re­
tail) that you can buy anything you want for your house nearly as cheap as the small deah-rs can buy.

r, lii,!h gia.le lani^es.

11ic three |)icrc wlnl oak bnlraim snilv* that oc M.-II. «iu- Mylc
ilrnsers that we sell one Myle for $7.T.">, one ayte f.a .$S.7.7-an.!


one ayle for $!>.7S! there are Lot two oioi-cm* ihi* sitU .o Ui.m-'


tlixn oe sell you thne, liecauK ihry ran not lixoille tlir c|iixtiTniL'>.

Kapsls that ran liuy as ^ooil suite* or ilressen foi .me « cut


oae ter laal week.
Fred Arary look part of tba ball
earn to Halkaaka Tbntatey
Tbla pU« wa* rlallril Batortey with
a very tarare alaetriral atona will,
heavy nto tlwt d‘ •------ajre to nop. by waahlnc oof pototoaa.
Tlia lonl fieicfat 00 tl.a P. M . R.
R. broke o/»ide arm ban-Batortey.
net riak toeU Hvb oa it.
nrklait Ihtoaa to plipea In Icenrral
_ll»talde>f the eniftoe and tnjorCOBSBlUtiOD. EzamlBlliOB tid Ad.
toy toe flrvman qnita bmlly.
Mr. and Mn Bwtoehart of Elk Hapof niaffham vlHiad bl. .Ja are ataylnc wltl. bar laotbar for a
pamto. Keberi Brown'a Wadoedaay. few teyr who ia alcA.
Mr. aad Mn. Leri Pt.aaU of Good
Ctond. DUPH haa Borad hia faaily.
Harbor ware la Jown eo Baaday laat.
UmA Ul.<ka>A-> ¥------H. Browo and
Uinahaw weia
to ooeoftoe ynatoat Itvtoy tpectolHr. ParLidfteof Otaiaa(o retarpad
Johmile Fatrb^ka I I hariny qalle iri* to the tnaiaieol of all C%rooio
ama laat Wi-dnraday.
a lad Ume with aeanlyi
Olantoo. Hliextonrirepcaolioeand
Oaraoa Waner aiid Martto llrowa
nperior kaowtodye ewablM bim
Matb.-jr Uleo4aolay'*
drove to Oa.tor toai Hooter.
.trnok by Ilyhtrtay Batortey eraaiuy.
teBiyinff It qaile a little. It waa
Mn Wn. Ooek aad riifldm
Toaetey for North Haaltoo lala
fa.-t of ridcM with three yood potow Nerrua, Blood. Bkto. ilrait. Laay*.
rlalt her paranu foTw few teya
It. and all in------ ■*—
Liver, Btoraach, Aidiiryt and Bowrii
Jpditt Marne waa to town We
aettntlay that
will not protect BBleBlidcally aad------------------------------- *
day OB to«^ baatoeaa.
boildtoya alwaya. notwltoatondiartba
Mn ArrlUa Power* aM Mn Wolfe
DR. MeDOKALD'S raeoM* to tbe
ento ptodeead by ayenu aallli
wan Lalaad oaUen 00 Wrdnaater.
tteaUtoot of Femle IHriaaet 1* lim.
Hbra waaooa failan at laari.
Attoner Raaiiam of Nortbport w .
Fred Avery baa booybt a aaw oee ply BBrreloat. Bl* twariitet Bake*
to^laad oa tofat bnalaaaa Wtdaea- bona Bowtoy Bari.toa.
oiekly woBca rirtay. braallfal kad
^111 Fallei of Fife Imka la riaittny
old or
Harray Aadaraea of TnrmeOlty
yeaax, enred to eraty earn aod Bred
waa a pleaaaoi a tiler oo Wadaa«r
life of oaffertoy. OeafaMa.
________ — .xl at_________________ _____
Hn aad Panlyili •
peeter toat. A pUoir waa bald u> tba
tbraoyfa bla eoleteoWd Blood aad
Bart Haxla af Aldan. Mtoaaaabt.
■rora. All eeporl
nepori a .plema^at tima.
riitlny nlailrea aad friaadi to toe
RoaMbnaad Eraeatlal OH*
aad Mr* Hobart Ueattrv of Bat- tola week.
dBiyedwitbeloetrlell.r. TUB DEAF
and adir~Harto-rt_^ Mil.
Her. Etob aad family arrived
lied by Mr. Weller of
town Barartey arenu
............. -..................B Iba ffoeato of Mn
WALK! OatoRh. Throat aad Laay
Mlaa Clara Moi maofO
Petor Moaler on Bnnday tori.
DtotaoM cared. i>r. Mcttoaald
Tmul. UyialUakve.,
Tba Mimaea KelHa aadMattia PaalFtuaad Herrea* Pimma. Sc
tu fl.U idace.
Bl rataraad boBa ftoB Ttarene Olty
t a trip to' aad aU Skto Dtoeam eared.
Mn David Seoti
aitetardaj toat.
Dr. McOmiald hue torn eaUtd'tbe
Mr. aad Mn W'. a Nelaeo were ia Tnvarai- City Mewte
MIb Emaa Bordeemy arrived beraa wliard of tbe Bediral |«aCe^ao. beInrana OUr Salratey.
lie read* all dlaraiaa at a flaaea
Mn J. SUlwell aad Hariar Haurr from Tnvene City tori errak.
Miaa Koair Uarevr apaai :
are to town riatUnit tbeU lareuu.
witboat aoktoy any qa^Hoiw. Site
Hr. aad Mr. Z. Ulariaiw.
folk* eall aa Dr. HeDsBld! It U
Fire aaw oottacaa bare bard
Jiiaea Pby raaot a faw teya to Tnr(tearare to Bate bla. Dr. HeDomld
•aaOi9 tblTw^
Mr. W. GUI took a trip to TramB aerar tanu tbe pocy (reoi bl* tear.
Tbaa* aaaM* to toll caa addrara
Bart tlaaie tan Mewtey for
• Iba my toihlahOBa
bla hi

M nULD NcBEttl,

We liBie a larye tme of tbeia arxl
they aiL-all MecI; lOiSlI inrh hm,

I. "

7 and I«l inr-ii alireU

lot 8Ur.

ran n.n luii ta^i

l-‘-f'nrb Irikidinrhe* ilee|s H

ly anyVhcai>c> than {licy

and 12 m<h wheeli. for $). 14x211


inrli Uii, 4* iprhfv dteji. 12 and

In •u-'n 'to ^ci

Ifi in. S teiccK. s'<»l Idy one, for
.A yieal liiy fellow t&*3ll
in.-ti lm\, •' im-lic* deeli, 14 and IM

11.7 nr 7u nines.

im h wheels f™ $I.7.S.

Here I* "nc d itie l«-st


liaijaios eicr oifcre/l in j
nice .lining txM.-; tl>v l-.’l'


Dr. McDonald

All Steel Wayoto U the Iwyv

they niiisi buy a ■ .ril.u-l.

Hmiiay EiiBiDE, m T
Tice Free.


the leire 3I1<1 lie.ylil t-xti.

Tbursitay MonAis. Jfliy 3

We l«iu,;hl thew at a Laitpan

lurnish ynu one at jiia aUriil liaK

fiw $13.7n, one ayle for $15, one Mylc fni $1K, an.l ..iii M.b.l oal
UK Wll.l. UK IN

it 42 iiM-hes t-jiyfc when

Tliey cslcnJ six an.1 eijthl feel, larve Ici-t

j[iB like rut.

Our iffire while they laa i*. for *ix’-fool. $fi,75;

foot, $K.S-i.


A table that would ro« you $» or $1W any ntbet
Ifyou neetl a Bice taWe. ilo not iiiit* lids

for ciylu
We haie

exlensioo ulAes that will

Wliai j-aii yo-i get more
coiiilon nut of for a little

tlian a poo.1



Ad. «>l ilo-s^i

teat eitiKi iieojOc that we
„*el! for $.T7S;


H'c have a large line

at leures that >lefy

r.ilmer Haimoock (the Palmer Har^

^k is the Iwri made) for 75r.

a lieltcr

They range frvira nghi afotqi

one for $:•.
Kitchen Cabltlet^ tbe


'’ever pin m a house.


No. 1

has a tc^ 26a4u




kitchen taUe. <

T 24»2l

inrhc* ami 4 inches deci- »

three divtstooi for different artirlc*. one flour


up to $11.30. Can (detoe you
on anything you want.

different. style* of


wil^ towel rods on cad) t^e
and» mcc large drawei. made
in hard wood, nicely finitecd.
We K-n these (or $1.76.

pounds of flour; large kneading board 24x17

We haie eight


ct, i* 34 itnlKS high, ha* a liark

tion, one pan holding *S jaramh. the other 3<i
We are selling tbit cabinet be $4.50.


The toj-it I3J*2>I

iarbes, hat shelf ]3)x*0) indi­

bin *4x21 inches. 14) inches .leeji. with jani-




Suite Bed*.





We have a lot of them out of high ynced tnilte

They are fine heary, nirelr.



foot bi|dv fan wulth tnA
.A large line of Kitchen Cuiteards at $3.7S,
ta.iM and $7.76.
A la^ fine of Baby Carnages, (ksd:am. and

Ill SI'

»■' IT- >” r~


Rerfininp Cant.

A 6ne baby carriage, jnri bice cut. with aO Heel gear, rubber tires.
gears and wfaeeb all enameled jiBt like a tiicyde, tor $G.7S.
C«rl* all priees boa $3.76 op.

’ wmth fin $CJ0 to *8.<IU.

You wiU fitxl anjthiog yon wa«


w your btmto at Slater * House Foresting Siwe

H e hare tome big hargains in

at the very loweri [rircs, (or we defy oowitietitiaa,


WHottotetolto tetote Mto*telL.

ralataraa la tbla ptoea.
I inUadab LaaVteto


■rN.;.. a. *^.-..:xsii

Oomm(nM< raporu wera ne^TMl OB Uw ■Bti)w!«sDdaeoam
of UiM inu anwiDMa u> oonf^ with
and oU.« clU**
vUli a Tiaw of looatlax tlw >nal
eaap beadqaarlwm. If i» l» ">b«i
rrea Port Hsran.
Tb.- roBBli
«UI report two jtmn baoea.
ll vaa dredded Ifaal l>«reaflor
Bare Uian dsaono of timfaud.of ibe
ortMobaU badepMiUd in aojr ccc
lank to foard acaiart .Irfalo
•aob M had ooeamd to (be np

ttx a rt>7 hot foraat ttre hna i
mcreatia «lat racioa for aoMtinta
Tb# rtandtaif tl»bar hat all baas
larnad oC tor reratml allre la (ha
Tba 8t. Leoia
Ttetattp of the naoktnc hUl. bat the
Mat tma reoelred informatlao from
wood la atlll tiaOBldurlnt and nrtkat
•aalittaftoa that the Oraad Oaka
raiy hot Ire.
Tba faneral aerrlea of Blaa Topal. Bewii of. Kouta. eooala of tbe------will eoon reach tbu noutrp aad riait
81. Loola. Obteage aad Kiagam Fall,
ridaatall7 abo« bj aao
and that tba .cron ^wlooe of 8iam
tlM' departnKWl. WM.
will rialt SL Loaie. Waahiagl(oa ud
pact iiBiqaa Tba dead

Tbe Klitd Tom Hot*
Boo«bt. amd wtabta bM bMfi
la Mae Ibr orew HO yamre. bu berme tbe algaanim ^

--- ------------------------------------ -.-.-y-r
All CouterfelU, li

bookz then, bat Joaepbl mjt aha will
net change it antit abe geu niarri
Ttmmirmob performed bp H
whan ha iaaaed walat to gazh I
rock which be amole Imaali
beea raaaled bp Grarg* Octhrie. of
PIlUTllte. to the Fall River reJIep.
CbUforala On tbe apper end of Oeihric-c rurfi. at tbe hacaofa reckp
ll a boggp. Xiriogp pte<;e of
Id. from winch lu two or three
cpoiz a Hub wabr oozed. Loet week
Ouihrie deoidt-d to out a ditrb thtoagh
I. apM for the porpoae of draining
Bluing ill al the loa-r edge, he
dog toward the blaff. eollieg a trranh
abiat two ud a half feet deep After
going aboot bU pnrd. be rneoanletM
big rock, ud pealerdap from beoealh
ock Imp- horal n migfatp «t

Oairiorih U a hai-mlm Babatftutv ftor Cantor Oil. Pamgorir. I»r.>t>a atMt Huothlng Spmpa. It U PImraat. It
ooutainw nrilher Opluiu. Morphine nor otbrr Mare«tta
Mibatatirv. Ha Mgt. ia ita gunraatre. It dralropa WorwM
•nd allaya Keveriabnraa. It rurva DiarrtMm and Wind
Colir. II rrlirt ea Teelliiiig Trembiva. rum ConatipnUoa
1 Ftalulrnrp. It 1

apedal oofflta had to ha tbe want
-dime laeutlp davHop. window wat removed to
ed a likiag for wrarlag caraatio«a—
let the makel oak
h‘o htarte
I waa laiia oaoa«h to adotll il white with cvulng dfCM. md with
tp. Ihmfm. aaudthe reomioa were taken to the
lUwT >0 lha Irhar wapoo lie had l>M that Ibe - Klag-a earaaliaa-driven for 11 peara Voxel had been aooa will be aa well kon at Ohamitrriad oolr threo weeka He wat ae berbin-a orafaid* and HeKlnlap caraatlniit. Another nolireable featora of
mnof aca.
taoorri krejair. Wioaiai Watton,
Looiafit. OaraialB it worrli^ orer' tba kiag'n dreaa U tbe wearlu of a
Biroe: fiaaiuia fceapor. Robert W,
•let tia. ud thb will be eare h.
>e dlmppearaaoe of bit
Halar: aedlmi eumlaar. Talbert
affacf tliC mle of tbeae slreodp poimTier,
tUoaOB. JaiAion; rliaplala. Tbo
aboot there atoatha a«o. He lived lar attii'laa
PaalrtU. OalBBMt; plekal. Kna
ateal btrdge
dalth. Kalanurtoo: a-rgoant, Oaorpe with a bretixr at Hoa«l>(oa for aboal
Brnaoe, ou of tbe largeet in ,
It, aad tm- Haudaj aoriiiax
Lata. Aao Arbor
lUd Slatao, wuIoramUp opra-jnigbtud dap. aod
VllUasi WaUrt, Wialaa; matter of left the boaae. nflac he waold be
ran the water
b 460
gaarda Jarrp PlOBlac. Raolt 8(e. back in a tliort time. Hit clolhiiix
Ualbne baa
Uh- ullre lanch
feat long, of tulld aleel. aizlp feet
left behind,
Maria; fbarlea Ilird. OakUad ooamy:
I. peara. ud
bigti to the crater of tbe tram ud lived
aroUnel. JnUaa Bloebain, DeiroU; bat not been beard from tinoe
In ouhu
Darioc bit vUlt to MioliKaa, Beacr wllliont up dapparting pier otber
asecBtlTo roamUtae. Kdward Jeffrlaa,
tbu Iboee at the enda of tbe atraeDatrall: elate aodllora. htmj r. How- Ballpe BoaorMnine. fornrerlj promiTbe a|BB U ue of Ilia longaal a hnagtng water from Pit riv.-r. lilllar, CbdlUae; Uaonte l^oreUne. Maa- aeat la Ajrnlaaldo't xoTeraaiaat, will
IBUJpra In I'oalltc. at the world ud Ita ccoftraction b oufcMtout Alfrml V.J'rledriob, Ttarena
the iavllalloa erjamea A. UeKoj. aidrn-d <]oile u eagiaaertag ful in witbhi three feel of Ih- aorfaee wax
Dean Woroaater. of the view ol the dlBoaltice whieh Imd 10 all th<- xraler h- xruted.
W. 8. CAianip, aecrelarp of the Balde oTcroome.
Philippine oommltaine.
Ur. LaRof
Jooa Il-Prealdreit
BoaorreU kbit aftt^oaoMt a ape- York aad Wariiiactoe. and while la
otal rtaaire to oaorreae la which be
itTiall wiUi the
Mda ao aaneat aiiartl ferUotaaare- noted PillplBo. aad ladaoed him to
olproeltr. Ha Breda no refereaoe to
(bare. lluenoamlDO ia
the Tliarbar MaMruoaj.
aec what aamtll Americu dtp b
lie aayi la lart: ■■yearerdajl re- lUa, ud will while been riadp
oaired bj cable frora the Anuricaa agrieullara u it it canied 00 in lha
BtoMar in Oobaavoat earaaol a|>- niiml diririeu of Miehigu.
prel troa Proaidaol Palaa for b-ciaFruk Joaaa of Jaekaon. 13 reari of
Uttfo aid before it ia too Ule and bla
re. will attempt thu rammer to oataooairr U flnaaoiallj rained.
Itir do the great tight rope faaultl KlagaKrautlox of reri|«o:liT «Uh t’oha la a toFalb in IhW bp Um famoaa llloapropoaitloa wfaiob atasda aatirelr^ m. Jom-t will Up to oreai the taUa
alotia . The raaaoo for It fer oatn a copper wire when- Hlcadln aaed
wat|^ (hoae for maotlax m-iprocilr
bemiui aonl. If aaeoeeafal in tbic
vUh a07 o(h« aattoo. The fwaaaat he will trp walking the wire blind
tariff la« vat deaixned to rcoaote
bd. ud if be eeeapea falling into
Aa adopttoo of nob a reoirroeitj
roaring wMara lT-'< fe<-t Imlow he
MaaiT and exiweaalj preridea for a re- will eadravor to oairp a mu anroce
dootioa Dot t« oxoead iwntr i<er ooat on hi. iMck-iroTiding a luu cu be
W KOo3m oomlax from a iwrilealar
willing to haxara the |>eriloaa
•0001x7. Wa are a waallhj aad po«ip. JtoMa map aleo trp otber
arfal aatiaa. Cate ta a jooat repab- feata. uaoraUua on thane aoeomlie aad aHU weak. 1 at
pllabed bp Bloodln. Jooex b a alorbarat abe aMoclMi a
dp. idaokp ponng atbbte. ud to
order to fallp prepare tor tbe grut
rUk which be wilt ran. » ualatug
new. ud hie maaclec and nerre. are
Eiaftlrp. daoa ll-t^ W. Wliaeloek. aa iiatd and ae ataadr u a prize
ntnaiw of tliaOittaaM' Telephoua fighter, than aarip la tbe •eaace.
irtbiBiw ia Trarerae t^ltr. ia la town
cp fiuah- liilper* for ilia lloial
ladar. aRaiMfiac for the iufUUalioD
Roral at Piukfartarrlred Wedoeadap
of the new l.'itlioai' ezehanire here.
oe the t'imrleToix. Their datlec will
Tbc polaaaad other material are liere.
oonfbt a hollr aa care taken of the
•ad are boiac naloaded todaf.
■ou clcepiiig aimrtmrab of the
Vtll br patbed on the oooMniotian of
Mg hoatairp. The dlniag room oerTub will oonaiM of eolored am
taoagbt from tim Park Hotel. Mot
Sprtaga. and Ux- oab- of tlieir arrival
la fixed for next week.
ulamaxoo tba atate W. C. T. U.
Over at MaakeKoa Him OjnUiia
Moan aad Jolia Hcatep woo wedded eeaveoUu alaoled oUean a fellowz:
Hn. A. 8. Bujamla.
tba olhn
Under tin- bead of Preddrnl.
••Haoa»-ltoon” a toaal paper exprem. Portlud; rarreapmidlng aeemarp.
m Hm hope ttet Ufe will
aa lerel Mra Jalb R Pariah. Bap CI9; muaad daUeioBt for theta at the croom-a arer. Hu. 8lella Ik Kobm. Big lUpMUM ud aa bright ud clear of obem- ida: recording aeeretnrp. Him Mnrgnnlct ac tta' fall mcoo la a oloadlect retBllx. Spring Imke; dalagnlec to
national eonveotiu. Him Margaret
UiU ud Mra 8. M. Boweramn. The
Whutfat t
leporb read almwed a membenfaip of
Hnnorer towuhl|>. Jaekaon coutp.
of a ceaalBc ■‘battaria( r^-- 1
I laboring'udar otaaidarabla rxeiletioia had iMiaad tliroacl. a l9|rr floek
of aheap aad eo leaa time aalotea cat•BtoM ware Jammed fari to the forward ud of the eaguB
Tha atrawhaerr otop it eaormeat.
Tba IthipmeaU to OI.Imko wUl
pernoM bu been bitten, bat with n
t Ihlt week. Indl
Orabam * Morue Trnattxirtatta
aaeapuj took TOO,000 unt of attawtarrtat ta Obiaado. ud thii Tear It It to eeafert ta z M u unknown eumFMrtBC to haadle l.OOO.OOO catea It
It ibinibt 1.000,000 caare wlU be
AtAigaam the ottaor dap a latge
' haadad bp all Ubm to.Cbiowo.
turtle walked ap Main alreet aa it it
perfeet right to ud wu idekra
'Baldwla lake, aear Oreurllle, it
Aboot oae week age ap op a aauill bop. wbo foaml a piece
dead tab ware loud aroand the aharea of raa^ wire ttnillog alceg behind.
aiigniics afaowad tlret the name
•f tba laka. Rvarp <Up alan tba ai
M. Btadlah,. June T. iW." Imd
. bar bai iaptuaad.ud oa BatardapIMO
. oarred on the amid.lbiu'a bank,
trii were acatten-d alanc the aborae.
Boatlp boM aad pereh. It area at firet ud aa tbe mu batring that name it
a noldul be wu iiaeMimidd
aboat tlie matter. Mr. Bradith re
face, bat thle l.lm baa been atiadoned.
for tba dud Bidi cullDBe to riar. Tba
uperrlaon aad beard of bealtb met
at tbe lake and appoialeJ a eommittaa to aathrr aad barp lha tab. It la
uppaaad to be aoma diacaaa.
Owe of the moat lutrrvatlnc M well
aa BBiqBe meeilnn eeer held la thli
Mate will be a reoolon aader the
piaaa od the MlefaliaB Blind Pvo|de'a
- OoMatal Welfare aaem ialioa ia Uu»-'
lag- The eaaaiooa will be held at the
Hotel BMler. Jane It ud M. Tbe reaalee b lalvoebd for the alamal and
auior oaJrrgimdoalea of the Uichi.
tarn aehool for the bliad. gradoatea of
. tbe departmmil for Ibe deaf, damh
aod Ulad laaitoiloo whieli waa a
talaeJ bp the amie froni IB.%1 to 1M>
aad for blind iwtaona in M>rhj

Tbe Uaited Htalaa geological rarrej
haa been notided i<j Capl. i. P. UoapealertUp for
Troiuaoe. Korwap.
nor of 8um Fa. N. M.. (bat (be ealwhence Ihep will uil Julp I on the
plior aprioge I
Fntbjof fur Frur. JuMif lamd. to
abcot SN gapa>Ta among tlie apringa. take ooal 10 Ur. BaldwiD'a ^lip. ibe
Tlia largtal gi-pner. whiefa lioa barti Amenoa, ud obmin nawa of Ih- Arc­
•IDlel aa long aa the memorp of mu tic etplerer. if Mr Baldwin Ima
axlenda. b i«|urted to be aeadlng np oead.-d In bia dnah to (lie |«b he will
be brangbl bank. Olberwiae Ibr Frith
alman fire feat higb.
jof will Irave h well e<ial|^ied aledgr
At Walarloo. N. Y.. jut oa aarviee
I»Hp to i-ueb for Mr. Italdwiii.
begu in the Metbodiit obarnb WadA eccrchliig wind of a moat fiecuDeadap ereulag. there wu a urriflie
axploaloo ud Hn Au. Immb.- wbo liar nature blew over AteVzun ud
Nudaway rautiea. in Hiaaonri and
raianip. Iowa, Taeadap nigbi be­
pew.'.fell to the fluor 1
tween midnight ud a o'clock. Clat.
giant dpnamila fireeruker bad explodat her fret 8hr wu taken boBie. >oda. la., la the firat town that ou be
(rand which waa alrack by the hoi
where, after .be regaiiied bar aenaea.
me ap la a perfect gal-, ■
it wu foud aba wu •ntirelp daaf.
- firat, ud oraiinaed (or |
md a meeting of Ibe offl. xal board
held to ioreatigate tbe uoonrreoee ^
>«l-d in tba eliareh a;
a (oie bp a membar of •
It Kobert S . Prarp. who
ataudz fifth on th- Hat >•( tweoip-’-Aw
civil ugiaerr. atiuhad to (be urp,
baa ainni tbe greater ■■•rura of tba
put tea p>«n on laava, aagaged in
explemtloaa Tbe great am-

I (o tv|iort for aotlva dotp lu
Mra Pratp ia aboat to
leave for the for uorth, lalending to
bring her boaband bank to WaahtngOlatchtng a red llagwhich faa.1 bean
hudad to him. ud picking hi. dugi-rima wap aa beat ha eeald amid
Mlfling naoke ud (lama, llprarold
Bernard Brady ru ova tlie blaring
of a batiiBiag railroad bridge
Bondap afternoon, at Uerbp. t onn..
ud. flagging a poMingiir train from
Kew Haven, praveatad what might
aave bran a tarrible •Itunar. Sparu
from a locomotive Ignited the eovered
gnrllo£ of the woodra tceatl- work
I (hi- Kaagaiaok river faotwei'o
Uiatcitpud Anaoiiia. Tboml'oa-


A puBug wotnu viaitor io Toahiogof the ewesarea on left to t«l in the
w rat in tbe aeaate gallerp n lew
The gailtp jarttea » moatip
rialanden ud other foreUnen wl.o day. ago walehutg tba moeeriingm in
bare little wholeaoibe^^rai fer-tbe that aagnal ameribly. Senator Veat
tboaa wbo are wiiboat night.
amte bw ud tlioald b-girra a Icuoa toewred from bU aaal to (far ideakTbomaa A. Edlaoo b extaoh-d at in dollara ud oenta On Sandapz (he
Bull 81a. Han<- 100a 10 tmn hit
reperu of riflea
•amaaar’a wort in Uw ■ ^anadlu atekilalda of tba Clip BawleJ. *tth faU falUag atrengtb.
al bril DcrUi of 8adborp. Editoa Umita wllhoot neetng oms with gnu katnlp mad to pnrii opra
olaltm to hara prrfoeled an elarirical over tbalr abuulden brat n|«o kiliiag lag oat of Ibe <
••dlpplag'- aaedb which will Indi- upthlng that come, in eight Fire ucame bobbUag dawn tbe auta hut.eale aoeaialelp tlia prearore of nickel Xronwood partiea were reoeatip oap- ing iMorilT au fat. cue ud 81amtor
balew the aariac. A oarefcl urrep tare.1 Joal at-ove tbe line bp Wiarcaein Fiall of fNi'W Ywk nobbled afaaktip
aader Kitau't prrecaml aapervi.iaa depone, ud flaed fix cub for bavidg
hu wriTbe poaag worau
will be made of the aiekel roaatrp vpniaoa in Uielr roaa.aioa. In addld an ercmdraiaglp aod thra re­
lha fmrty of mlnen who will aecnm- lino their gui were ecafiraatea.
marked to a Mud; -1 AaaMtbiak
taMptiWWiiard" i. alrud.vrwgaged.
Oemvene brangbl a burh of tbrp would call ttU Iba oM mra'a
- taataad of th- Uaited Statra
rye to the offloe of tbe Ba«ib Ooantv
Patriot Ihlt week ^inli be failed np
hi. pla.« Jam north of Brazraia.
■r a aapaxatiaa of oaaiip tw
tba Bad Hirer dbtriet
are were clxtp-tbrec Ima^^fiinln
, Abram Halrap. a Bob
« hold tartr BBBaal daaor. The dl.tibc amlkzan fira feed
eafMala.U to »taUa wtfa M
lira. wiU ha amda u

9 Bean the Signstnn of

The Kind You HaY6 Always BouAlit
In Use For Over 30 Yeara

MM I-,







iwj.rk ,1'.^


Kilsomines are temporary, |
rot, nib off ami scale.

I- -.1.1 !•> ..ifi.-i .li-.ln-, l.iit

Beware of tlie Canvasser
and His Expenses!
boy YODF Bseels tod Inplen

in .|ne.he Por­
tion, whieh an- a5liaceiil
liaiurat buildiuga arealloUeJ In Uie
ate of neml-ert of Parltamenl ud
their frieiida. aad Ur. Oremvr'. plea
waa that legialalort aboold hav- u
aaiaiareapte-l view of (be diaplap. He
ma1u.1l lb.- hope that ladtea'milliurpwoald bdeabjech-d 10 rational
eradilloo. ud made email enongh to
allow other! thu the wearen 10 tee
wiial ti going on. Mr. Aker. Dooglat
replied that he waa anable to (ge
aoribe up taoii oondltiou aa de.ln d
bp Hr. Cremcr.

sski'.iK, 1

hdapot J«f.a. A. O.

cue II
fright gave wap la mup <u«a to ter
Tor of a illffareot aatare, baoaaae (hep
not deietniln- what wu the
of the idH-Domenon. The beat
wmi u( a i.vallarlpatiatag natan- ud
thoee who were io it rooiidaln ol
loat pairhi'd.
■heir thnata m-iag •
truk of tbe
wind the air wU colder Ibu normal. when in lilt- City.
See wbai yoB
Ill tbe Bagliah Hoaae of Oomiocn. my. tMrTlroei.y.nine
W. Ik t'rem.-r iwoght the help of K( J.XRi;!’. STOCK I., select Ifum.
Hon. Akera DottgUa, Firai OommUairaiT of Worka with a view to pro
enriog a llmtmtloai in tbe uce uf hala
to be wont hp ladtM o<-eni>viog .tudz

tlaa bimwU. be pataed hu
rolflagtc voaag Bradpt tbe onip ivt>w aaar. and told him IO
reach (lie Derby aide If be paaalblp
eoald ud atop the train thea near
daa Orawap mw poang Ktadp dimp
ap In eba flame ud
»d agM before tlie Ud
emcoged. bat the palekp pralb kept
oe ud had reached a poUt a budred
parda bepood tbe txralla when he
Tbra-ha braid
I ha waved tbe.
Tba engine driver *w tbe algal
ftonted the train -S30 tael from
tba botniag tiea

100 Boar bopi who iuve been
le'a bark, eoea after hb retan from at (be two oraraacrade campa at Barwere-given a dinner bv the
»e xrar.
of Uw Amertran hram at RamA mu reoeatip died in BatUe (^reek
UMm. Bemada. Taraday. The bopz
'bo bad erne e«raU
enjoyed tmmeelvetj hugely. They
> mup of hi. friendi
IW no lll.affecli 0^ tbclr long atar
awap. He nerer took off lib elotbea
tbe caam bai/on theenatrarp,
except to batbe. and wore Umm night
>w pTea jMitarravidaaoM of goad
1 dav. lie imd clrpi In fab elotb.w
bc-allh ud aplriu (hu natlTa bopa
of hU life. What Impelled him to
Tear. Ftuor. a crowd of aboat I
tbit etiuge habit oannta be euoelTed
3.000 penona wftneaaad tbe exacatico
hp fab trieuda
atate gecar xrarileo want, to of the largeet of llainum A Ballep'.
alepbun. While on the
good erri ioe fur (hb rooih he might eend a eoaple of wap to Iba imilwap atfeioo tbe uimal
depalp wardena'into ihU localltp In nddralp wul mad. b^e ill etanln. |
eaptare Tiolaton of the cam- Uwa. trie-1 to kiU ita ke*pra.*ud bad 10
fclUrd Immediately.
Two budred'
Iraowood oorreapondabt o>
the Free Pma. Dear an killed here men Inggvd at tbe rape wbloh atzangbefore fawBlng time, ud.balf ad lha elf-pliuL



131 Stale SI.

atfzess PboDe Sb6

end other disease germs arc
numireJ and divr-ases ditseminaicd by aall paper.



should In: used in renovating


5 ALABASTINE COMPANY. Grand Rapid*. Mtch. j

Maroda claims lit- ciiami-tra berry | ihi hut a>
liM thlrty.fwrib
r tba Arb
picker. Ih-ra>in Siiigrr. living -m his 1 anonal convra
Hand of Micbh
falbev’s plan. lwo an.! o»- Imlt
mllra Minlh o1 Inn, Beiidav lart
inckol 24 cu-> and om- -|nart. cacli
eoft oreuinig HI -inari.
TH08. h. fiFKAOVK A fiOM.
Htrrp M KcM.ini, -( (Irand Kapid..
a gimlula of tin- C . of 11 . will Iv
hytl— prciiiriii a Mndcnt
Wapna Cannlp Bsak Bldg.. DKTBOIZ
iaterpreter at rh- Am.rii-t^ Irgalion
In China. In Ih-dtiilom.iK-),,il-tav.iri
Blioo bill jiravi-inn
i-rovi-inn was uu-1- fur (-1
stndenta. si a year, and they
will hav- tu »lgn a .•neilnirl t- n-maici
I IB the aerrio- ten yrara Tli. p will baSairf rrart. ttaa
lexpvcKMl to learn Iba (lilnt M- Ian
jgnage and fit Ih-in-elvv. tur |«isilions
ia-liit- ______________
A-IIII. rmia-r Mrivra.
mt m-w
!u Interpreti-ri- Ib-thir. wa. employ.
nl Ihe Hicbigaii hoiliting. densgj 1
long iist of •nilonpeiiirat- for 1
iPoelllon and Ihe a|i|«.iiiim. 111 w
IWTI..U. I- amid ta. -a hiwn.r
braogfat abOBi )-p (l.« Micliigan s-t
Tfltta A i^y»“gfi.


''never put off Until Co=
morroWp mbat Vou
0an Do CodaVe^ ^ it

rLi'-M’s.-tr:; Kiss ts’.ii.'S!

This is very good advice to bear in mind when considering a pur­
chase from men’sfine.suitsweare offering to close out broken

No Time to Lose
Youcunot afiordto disrcczM
the wamingi of a weak ud
diKaird hran ud put of! (aking the prescriptiuit of ihe
workTz grramt authorit]
heart and r

Mu^;-Heart £ure.
Ifrourhrart julpitaie*. fluttet*.
or you are thort of hrrath. have
tmorherine tprllz. pain in left
tide. thouUer or afm. «.vu have
heart irouHe and arc

p-ctnlt krari Ibu w-IrTnurMin’iUwt Cam. 1 haj paJ|-aa>a
n> Boenkle. A fro fagnln o< lx.
Milu Hrui Care enrrd mr mtiicir.

lots—one to three

sizes of a kind—

our finest grades


makes, sold


$10 to $18.00.

now divided into

two lots—fifty to

s e ve n t y - f i ve

sgits in each lot.



and those worth

up to $1.2 go at


worth up to $18



go at an”^even


needs a look to


these offers are

seldom met with



I.— -


It only

Dr. Mtaa MadKal Gas, fifchwt. lU.

If You Could Look


flaUira.z^m.,(»ra^.JP a,

ought to hinder

you from seeing


them-if you are in

need of a suit.


Hamilton ^lotblng €0at

U> whvVi .car rrwt. tl arvir.ved.



haUrring bim ta had


THE biMOT18. iMa


AmNW lalar aoniac
Wiib ran UBaoTorj-wbcn,
Km Ain all wa »a«
■arc niic Urd« Ic Um all.
Thao roMontar.
Krill fia^iaami la till Hnaimii
Aa If ta-d aafca it bappr
Mora rrnn of ptak aad wbiM
For «0A OM. If ba coalt
Hon raaUlBC ia ihr tm (opa.
OeA-aeraAM” deal "<
Man InfleU^TCwaad brlcbt.
Kara vlU flooan la tl.o awlo*
To ar-ry oaa lie aak;
Mara aaa tho boAi la rvoU.
Ba nid it with a twAkla
Mora ROld epoo tha bill lopa.
Ttob 00 oM reeld ferret.
Kora aladova U Ibo daU.
Baalwayinld --aodd-awnia'
Man learala ia Uw giann.
Mora dlanooM oo tba laaraa,
Ttal ooe of bb rood-aaraiii V
Mora iBoUlon- oo tlia craM biodaa.
OlBBf to yoo all tba AyTbat ioooiin foldoa abaoraa.
a maA yoa alwayr ebnrfal
Tbaa raolordar.
Joal Alnkla- o' tiw aiaadHon ban aailil tba clorar.
b alwM* wa. "tood toornla-,"
Kora bouarflln adrift.
Aa loBf aa ba waa aioBDd.
Mora !<«»■»— la tba mrdM.
Ha alwayt ald.-Oood.BotBla-.
Tbalr prattr btada apUft:
Aa‘flad aa- happy ayad.
Hon roan oo tba banbaa.
tana ware Ilia werA ba w
Mora Ultea oa tba atea.
AM be died.
Mon aiarkla ia tba fooataia.
Tbon wan the worA ba wbb
Aad e»or7 ai«»p a c«aa.
Aa ebaarfal M ba eoBidVUhia D7 bwrt non tiagloK.
a- I toUrra Aa aagalaTbay aaphMbod Aa ■ food.

Thaa Jraterdar.
Lan worry «rar tiiali.
laaafw. Ina dooU, ten eara,
Mora nia Itfa’i adram braaua
Will Inir ear leant fair:
Mora ioj ia tbla ballPTlat-Ai era it Aall ba
Mora faith that wo an aoariac
Tba HtaTM tliat lath aa aiftat.

It aaay to ptaoar year Otbat
r T»7 It for a day. Hacta
ji^taew aad ny; -'Tbii day 1
I will lira at baeonn a ma. 1 will
> ba Ulod wllb (ood ebotr aad ooer1 trill do wbatUrifbt; I
Iwiwhfor UiahlffliaM; I wlH
i pat aoal talo arary baad-olaap.
) laallaiyworfc. IwiliUratontJUfynyOtbarBalf." Tty It for a
{ tey.-BIbaH Uabterd.

JTiwratf the Bilfr's tabh.
Ob tha daywnai," traai Bocalac wlioa yea ara
awakaead loo aarty by tba aoa AlaU| Id al tba wladow, aooo wbaa tha'
ehoia ara orardooa. aad ni(ht wbaa
yoa try oa year mw hat and Bad It
aabaaoBloci wfaan tba aaw aeqaala.
laan yea oall ape^ It oat. aad Ui<
ooB Whom of all otban yoa wtabad
Bioa* to na, eean to titlt yoa wUla
yoa ara away—on that btafal day at
oaa thlac ba oin. aayaa wricot ta Aa
Obloaio Anarloao. Tba faall U all
wtlh yeattelf and Dot wlA Alofft
Toot narraa are won. yea an aaCarla( frea tba orer-attaiaad life wa all
Uto, aad BO far yoo Ihlaca go
' U wai yoo who forvot to elan tba.
Aattara aad draw tba oarMa of tba
aM window bafora yoo alapt that
■i^ TbaAopt waraaMnfhtbe.
oaan yoa did not fooporly attoad
Aon: year hat axaetly aalti yo
fbn wbaa yea ar» la «eod haaor. at
Irianad A an year card u year boa
at bar bM at a onttor of foot, aad
yoafoqnHi year tt of "nnm
that roar friioM Ad toomlaid yea
Tioit yea aoata day tha drat of tba

hAd-WkAwUoT MaytaAofcAdof
AM Mm O'JUAU toowi an Itat

A a kitohea not loaf afo wbleb
proTidad wlA thb eoty ml ooraar
oaant wi.low, aad It eollad
food old Umn-wta
Tdaomaayaan: aad I
. WM act a ptaoa A tliM
beaia' wUeb waa more
Blaaly boenUba aad'l.riiAc ihaa
Ab <ma. mlA a book, a mafwl
aowapaprr, aad a wort taaxai
00 U..< imir labla. aad Aa tea kaub
bommAf oa Ai- ranfe aol far away,
Id thb con. Iba boaaainald-i

38 Members of Congress Send Letters of Endorsement
To the Inventor"of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na.

frooBd elores. oaa uaapi
happy. Aay ataap. rad blonons
lamoa. oaa talf eta t
latmM aad oaa-Atrd of a uaapooofal
of nit. <ma eapfal of milk, Aa pralorad fraiU oaa Uaapoaafal of soda
ditaolva.1 A oar tablaopooaAl of bollAf traler aad nOtoiaat alftad Door to Wbaa wAwr-llme eaaaa. asrrel o
alaaps aoaod.
make a seiy AAk drop liatur.
A now-wbita bUnUl abora ta
vide and taka in two loavea A a alow All atfl aad and all para. ao. cion to

s oaa eapfal of
batter and two eaidab of n
Bat wbcB tlic sorA wAeas aad
her eyaa.
cmr qaartar of a
Wbeiv Ttolau atar Ora froaad..........
Al Mas aad as ftsob M tbe torely
of awh
%A off little Clorer.
oapfaU of Ooar.aad ooe eapfal of
aara tba maid oaafht many a chaaoe atroDf oold coffee.
Add oaa ball s
my darliaf. took
to md a bit. AMabeoApHrUa woeId
<e.oae tall of a ta«
mbnd, while liarAf to ba aaor
■a. oaa Antr_,taa.
•tad an whan Ar Balds ara fraacad
0 look attar aoma kliAaa wi
ameo, one eapfal
Ebaka oat yoar brtffal craoan A lora
b did not toka all bar time.
ItalA Waldo
>f bb fa^:
cion to mr. iay,.deai
It X oottiar iu Ar kiicdiao. >
rail on 1
A myaiweel aaal dwell
irldad maoy a rboaor raoi
nlMloa to bla eblldnii a
IB two loavea In a nioiiarate ovaa.
b 00 rockAf ebair m
Lillie met
peoplo. He waa Ibrd al
LiUla b
atody aetll bta walkinf tleaa, axeafa Mjaab lyAc dowa for a lllda
VoB an ll— ---------------- ---------------------■ Idaal kittaan iMila u froTldad
far a half boor apaot la cardan ud
WlA yoar eyes ao |sir» aad clror.
drawers and abalsa. for eookAc
ontard after braAfnl. when be lUad
WlA soot Aaeks so fair and ruaj.
ataoalb. as moldlaf board and
Aad yoar cbuhb.v, diupl.Tl taods:
to tava aa wlA tala and teach oa
bled Bpoa eba day. OompOBy
'haa yoa fuld ibam fur yoorptayen.
of bb pear and ajiple in-n
> when it STBS ton Ulr to order
Aufals guard voa with tlisirwaad>'
tbalr taaoDb. tta blrA If wa a
and Ae cuaU nta of oapboard and ralato bb audy Trbas linle wa ooald stitriDK bowb. memnrinf rap.
frixmlor were very slim. Twe
itay ao loaf aa w^.jroald Iota M pto- rinc apoons, Meeatl and eake catteta, of porter hoair- staak wan hastily
taraa sabUy or draw. t)o weA Aya t|nlob, ate., ate.. Aolaoiof
ran AruBKb As nml cbop|iar. asAit
X With cvrryAAc Aaa al baad Aa msdiam katfa. A eoffn cap of
be walked aloaa. tat oa Saaday In
■bowed aa tlia ahrluaa of Aa wood the work of bakliK bntily a
rioe waa A> <m to 000k Anltrd toil
rr laUiar ilixii a tardao.
rob and Aa beina of Kobo ta Aa
lOf watar. Aen Ae nal of tlio dlanor
Tha snlloablnat Aoold baprorldad w as iiraparad and ruady to arrra ta.
frota ha lorA
"Wbaa are wan A bed my father srlUi rTacythlaf In As way of apioaa lore A.- maM was cooked. Have Ailweald oflao OOBb ap and. alMlBf l<y
let amAAf bol ata fmn w lA just
Id Aa iwtUfht, eliaat. to oar preM mil. poRwra. eto. Tba oabAal afaalvn rnoarfa tottrr to keep from sUAiaf.
rail aa At- aapbcatd Aelvn, aiiria eliopped meal and nir aatll
Allftat. a rood aifht aoof. wblA ba
ep H ha Bang, to tlia tram. Aa Aould ba oosarad srlA whiir oll- miotta ooAad tliroofh: oor or two
. the flowan. Aa nwBl«n of cloih Any ooe who bM knosrn
minates Is Itiaf aoooirh. Heat
rmloD of
evsared pbiiar and|>Uea meal A m nl
Aa taully. area tbe row and tha oal.
kltobta pUia. bnidar It ep wi A Amp of bat*'lla ponbteatly kapi bmbI timaa •balsra and xine covered
lablaa and bread shelsas srill asvar let A top, Aea nit and isippT to
plnnat-woald allow
I ta ntlafiad wlthoat Asm.
aaabof yaatarday 'i witnr'oolnn to
taste. MAe a border of rloe aroand
to aarrad ap altoA. Krery day waa disfan eanael harm xAo, and tl>
tlir plate and aerv v lofatbrr. itoina.
to be fnob aad aaw aa adawdrop
Hams 1 arrse maeorooi wlA^be
lie'll l> f"Sr IB Jul]
tta faoBd. of Ood. Weuiaytara ■liall-eavera,<toexrd Aplaeieotoo
ioslaadof vioa. None of it ta
S.s..4H>.s~lttee Ib...... II eh.mi.B
railed yaatarday. tat wot
wastod aad twice a
is no
Jam-13. IWH.
tliAk of It a«at<>, aod otort rtfhl tooften to acTTr it ia my family. Hoand
tlMbea b a blantof to Aon who do tloai is a food ataok to bay to chop
This ta a Baoihlae Boy aan aaoaf
Wbera kltAao and pantry If yoo tase ao odds nod ends to 1
be pellla and kii
kioil to Aa Aaworl.
Tba atalac loAs Out of asary llaa .
aal to
ona. a* b often the imn.
bta iwatty (aoa. and yoa caaaol lo<
and bb mpeot aad
-Uood lloosckaepier fur Octoh-r.
Aoold be aa abaudanra of capbeani
11 alwaya oada
M him witboot traiux tJis lispiilef.
aad drawer rooui.
Tin-lAed dnwara
la Iba loaadra.


baa two taadlai. a riffal

Those dnvan ia wblA
olieoaiaK tba liaadla.
brand, oonkla*. and oaka are kept,
oar yoonc faeab
alwayi aata Aaa M mm, sod foood Aoold to flttad WlA Ann covan of
0 ivavaot ooulMiu d^iof oal.
oat wlial iatamtod Aatn. aod toUad
tava and Ilian tA-lAaJ diasren
of that, ar If
aanitar of years, and i wonder boW 1
tat ia a war
illy-aara aver did without tbam..—lielto M.
Oaa role l.a told to falAtnl
totobaboet falaaalt.
riedaaa l*MTy. in Krataroal Hoam Joan
aa of axoapt A prlrale. Ba h
Hnbr's tath.
bttanU A oot mUMlea of poatry
I hare feond it uiaA coaler lo.flrr
aad A oar iMA. and liked to >oA la
ly baby a baAaud todrm blm oinca
Aa laeiMAc Aa Vinrll lawoai. Be
addad a blf kilAra table to Aa fur
nad aad neltod ballada to aa. aad I
ubhUifi of hb room. 1 had triad art
naambar hb aanbtns epoad dowa
tins Aa tab «> a low table a
Aa dAinff rooiB wiUi Ba on hU
Ad fbeed tba taA to ta a tax <
baek. ubile dimAc As baby oa my
“’tta emt Karl A bl
e my afillly.
ThM HIcblaad boa
bb liaoda Mklac Aa pboa Of aUtraiia
m hxlf by foot feet. Ims foor
aad 1 M UlecalAa'
•■Bobtoroat laofhlBK. aoy ebeapopani aanily, aod no bores. Ttara Is
aan or ralfarlty of apaaoli or IciararIt for tab, ao^, tosrals aad
ooee won flnaly obeekod. Wa lored
otta.-r aooraaoriaa of the both, mhila
aad aued A awa of blm. tat aoeldAf
Aa drawer b nsMwlAltai
waa a wnpon ankaeara In
olntmenu. iiom’dara, aarfaaa't oloA,
1 bb icnatan <
baA thennomrtar. attim nfaty pto*
add ao forth
1 knp Aa taUa tan of
M- forbade, tal be allowed at bow Aa
coanu, hot Aa clean wood top
oan atood and let aa i-boooa.
ansiffatly la Aa namey. I Dad it
wbhad aa to ta brave aod “to do
maA aaalar to ataurl for Aa ton mA.
whM wawara afraid to do.’' I
atr. of tha baA
naa A tta lAa of duly. F>«r
lower tab It b of
aaaally caly Ifaenum-. ba aid. of
ibr Aa Iwby oa tba tobb
wtat to do A a flru ean. and oaa
whibtbalobb Aon. ao 1 take him
woald Boon loam. Ha wrote from
oot of Aa tab oato Ar oppar ftap of
KofUad A IM; to my motlior:
my hif doabb AiA towel aproo and
"-Bid Kllaaaod Edie thank Uod
prooaad to dry aad draas him &o my
ttal Asy a-en liom A Kaw Kaflaad.
lap. I Thb afiar taA draaalof, by tba
aad bid Itam apnk Aa .iraili mod to
war. u. •talAly dooa. aa tba baby
do tlia rlfbl forerer aad erer. “
naananifbtocsra doriaf hb doob
BU writtea nad apokaa wonb
nxp. Moat motban dnn a Alld for
raaoliad youap people, whom ba Arad
day at AM time, bat DndAx that mv
ua tbey wen icay aad trare. A
tohy alrapa taAw A hb Diffawh
dblaat taclaaB. balpad Aem aad
bUtowns a weak for
efUB brooffat Am to blm .far oaoi
Wbaa tba tobla U
md it wax Ala: 'Ba yoomlt
rr.« and tlia dtoasA* con b- done 00
tahy b daliffalad.' 1 draw my
ebair to ttar mEla. srbera he alu and
aabmlu to Aa ordeal rary ftacafally.
frnt. Dot wtat yoo
ae>oy alttAf op biffa.
Tor. Raawmber AM wa ara
aad bb Mijoyniani of it. eombierd
Pipn Aroafb wblefa Aa brraA of
WlA Aa ndTA^iy tark maka> Aa
UrddoA blear'
weom a ^plaaaaat 00c for mr and a
laiokto OBy-Ocod^ioasakaapu

mt ten aema ijalit pUaa. Bit dowa
taaaaaiypoatara. alooa. ia Cnaqall
aeUlada. aad rolai arary orar aamol
aarraaad cord aad taadoo of yoar
body ffon aoA to tea Stop pUaaiay
aadwerrytoc. tilra ydaroaH. vtad
aad body, a taw Mlaafn of abiolau
Tbn aa tboaoei ooBat baA to Ai
Artoraii brala. calaaly, raadlataly
BtoA «ba aanafeaMBt of yoomlf aad
yav asaln for tba tM of tba A
U pooaiblr ehaoira year Ally
tlaa Oat oot cd doora for a loaf
rlA or walk, or Ad aona Aaplrfaf
frlaad or aqaally balptal boA.
M yoa an a awthar year llttto Alldno any An baeona raatlan aadar
year ontoaot eapamaloa. and tbalr
dlaeoDtoal baa paAapa itaowd apae
yoa. Laara tbaio aadar aaw I ~
aoen forefaw boon Tba Aaafa
' wUl Ayaa aU food, when "a'
It ta nfraAtof to nod oacb worA
■a in tba erowAd eelam
7 daily paptr. tall A Ml tA
roA and T
lb. and Bona
nr tally aodonn UiaBt. If ia tba
aeoMOto et taal aad "lattlBf fo“ one
■to bold ta Aeoffal Aa Idn A paaoa
-taat-lraot-'-all b WaU"-U b bet­
tor. It I. bar. aa ear nolto baa It
todv. wa tan oar Other Alt S
Abw «1 Ala. eat A aU tba tana aad
aaaatiear et Ita lower, oator Ufa. Ital
beamf. raUaot aad Alo to orar- aotoa Wa an oonplar. Wa cob lira
la Aa loaor Ufa or l» la taltoooy
wlAtba blftaroDa.. Aad Aa Aar
Wbaa aomt aoaot b aaeoa^a
AID Aal hlftaar Ufa u fooad I7 ■AA aoAtBf, aad atowb raady to opto impnra Aa air of a alek room barat
camphor b rery asafak Hal a ptaea
to all A aa M aay tlaa.
lapber A a naoar aod toeA
a rad hot poker. Tlia famet ol
oompboc «U1 M oaoa' Bll Aa
al Hlfhaato. Wooua.''>rlTM Ab
raoat. ciBlta oraroomAf uyanplao..
Tin to wlrn:
oat odor, (toffn tatrlaa are tone‘■To roll yoar haibaad. ay daai
I and wlA rood alTact A Iba
tody. A oiaour a. yea plaon, tat
Awayt iwairod AM yoa A ao ta
pbaaa. ThM b wtara yoarabUily
oaan la. Mao an raita, aa AUdne
oaew tta air A Uia rooai. a
MB. by Ita prnapMt of a reward.
maat ta doaa M eftaa at poaribla by
reward of
opaalnf tbr wAdowa
yoar AiTotloa aad yoar bmly. of
wfalA yoa tbeald take oMolaat
Alwara lot hla aeppen Am It b for
fata AM yoa wbb to raaala baai
Mot doan-t U nraa to yoa. Ai
noAr of Uoaa CMaar, ttal
woold ta alaar for a aaa BOI to to
« -baby wbe baa to ta Irlkad by
a plan of wady to ta IotAb aad

I $unshin<^

Tta feUowAf laatpn an
tram Ita Jane aamhar of AM oxaslmaaafaaU matmaAa. TbMa Trtfc
ndwiwtaf-a OApar Oooklaan«S*. tor tUr aortac ort of •»
aUMr in QBwma m vloMt. iiolvoy* Two OBifcbof Maw Orbonmotonaa.
o bottMi. oBd thao on om 10 b» <aa ob|M of awaat milk, ooo eoMol
et taltor. an ■liliipniiafal et
Mbacdt (WlA Doan aad bt
far Bifht; A Aa meraAc tiaU oM
c from afAco aad; a coed a!
aad bake A a qalA orao.
Wbaa a fear lnrai elonx ba
irk tobla, abo xlae cerarat
Phmar'a Frail Cake.-Pi*
Trail oahAat wiAA naob: two
mahaadaelto Mok om aifht Am
imda tMBtb.
rail hooka aaar by for eaidob of dried applam
Maxt day
*d awa^ Aay aleap. Am I
otoaaiU: a aal of wall aletkn ban, innall^tlyto fat ^ a< extra mA*all kiaST^ wtad aad irtMk
wllli iu Imlf doara or man ooeri
mr. etap rnnaly.
oaa pAt of
whAoeantotaraad Auk
mm and aimmW fntly fn two
t'aomr Uttle Brewale whMpnv to
AawaU wbi« an A an: a aCMi
i.An aar-atoib.
Whta oool
-£ma lat'a tare a frolic
ary Doer cheat anmofed tor arra
klmb of Door, aad all As eaptica
eapfal of tauar aad oaa cop- Bta Uaahn deep rad; wlA a rippU of
aod drawer reea Aara b wall apooa
■Dfxr. add lira
" ' '
for. baotdn o MtoU rtsdAc tnbla aad a«n. cmr Imlf of a ta
-ba Mowtoi "Mr daacAf ta orar."

Uiafham prAls will krrp thair ool
or toller if WMliad la water tlilArnrdwIA Doar storcb. Floor is very
olaausAf aad will do Ae w<
mp A one or two sraAAx A Ae
atarch watar. This srlA tbe rinaAf
will b.- nIBclenl. and Ae roods <
look fmher tlias if washed 1
atarcb.Kl in the old fashioned way.
thmp Blioald never be rabbad 00
■tawta or oArT knitted rarmeata.
a rood bther aooald to made of aimp
and srarm (notboll wateraod Ibe ar
Ueles prasard and sqaaescsl A Ab until olaaB. Ibry sboald be w- ll riasad
A nrerml watan as tba noir umierBtare of lhi. soda Wbaa the water
has bean pressed oat <tuM wraari as
tar M {Kwsible, let tliaatawl lay
bnp oa a cleoo cloth to dry. Tara It
aboal oeoMlonally to axpadite
tars, tot do aei siratoU ll by baofAr
It op. If Aan Astraotioos an

ra Is Aa Klu
J'to habit of asiBfnrwspapera aboal
lie kltoban nrea maen labor. Keep
hem A a
nmr Ae sink
atove, and whao cleanlnr lamp
rar. teoorlar pans. takiu( op aAaa,
ala., spread Arm down to oata
dirt, and whan Aroarb tbe uA roll
them ap and pat into Ae Ora.
ptama ol Aem m tab fison and
off Ae pois. ]isiu and sink beforr
waAAr. saslnr jatt ao mach
of waAinf a rrimy, rmsy dlAolAb
Tbe paper l*f. or "saA.-Mlt
railed A maa.v places, b eqoally as
oaefal'M ibe newspaper. Slip
hand into one before Mkinr the 1
I or cloth, aod ii nves rrim
Aa Dnrari. It mkeaan escellcar
eosi-r for lampi and frail jm.
only kai pdof tbe latter elrnui. tot laotootinf stimwherriei and similar fralt
tadlnc from Ae Ufhi. Tta rarlatiea of frail and date of canainr Is
aaBilyssTittaaon Aa baf.mrArpaatoand smtiiir fattato.

If yoo waol to keep yoar Telia
lod dainty
ity Ary
they sboald ta
be iml
eaiafany every time they an
do Ata Aon by maaiiaof Aa veil toll­
er. .Tlib U a fwelly little, artleb
orieaa to aixiaeo Aebaa
leofth BDd aboal three Aebn A .
mewr.laad ta of Oewarsd toSeto lUk.
Oiled TriA a rail of eoBca tattAf aad
id oTOr a alaodar rUA to flse U
fooDdattoe Aayhvoritanttoatpow.
dar amy ta aprAklad A the taliAf.
At .tbe eads of Ae ralW ibe silk ta
a A ilfhity. faraiAf a .little
frtA whAh may be taoe-edred. ValU
woaad aroand aad pAaed oa
rallto always AA fraA aad daAty
aad rataA a dalieale periame. wbUe
Aoae soMobad from atoat.

ra pore, r
.ir (rafrxs
(rafrxoce oo ibn air
Wiiiss |iara. roses fair,
FrrlDBui all the air.
BlouniugwiAoul {■>■> M me.
Uieli and poor itair beosty share.
Kosn |mra. rcosa fair,
Fraftant oa Aa air. "
desk sesUy. Sonlmsms and rtw
ways fo loxaibsr, and su whee oor
EanAAe ftrls. Violst Akers ufKIai.
wood. Leelanaa ooBBty, aad Addle
McKallau of Fsuiosula. name
ilisit pratIT ftfia uf roars, if »n
rlsiof, tot very ploasaatall
Then wbaa viraela Berir
letter away from Waafaioftoo atata on
Uie HaclDc OOMI came, le tt weir
lovely RMM ftill tauldAf the ftaf
ranee of tbat far away land.
1 love nracs ao. ay Alldna. and
.voa an I eaaaot fo aay mote 1
tba roan crow, aad so yoo can faaey
wtat a comfort ll Is to have Ibam
to lae. btam yoa!
idea away Aside a latter from
aoetle. Hra Ireiv Foamioy
Ehialdx. raoaisad tafure Baalar.
foand a drar little tauar from
Kxtay. bbehadjoil ROeetoanber
Mra. btsy of Hoaroe
Oealar. wbo was ill, aud to help taka
earr of bar. 8ba srai gotuf to aioy a
Irena tal a dnr littla <
wbo Is Am yean old. blie heneit
will be nlna yrors old tba Mud of
Tben were other Aiaxs

I nwd in ilu'
write to you today
ilramldttal ve just col tntavsls.ui
tlie lilaca beiuc in bhsvm 1 t.ry liav,
been 001 uf Uoom for a nvet a monih
tare. Tba yards ore fall ui rn»... n..w.
Tbar.. ar>. so nuiay rhihtnvi h-r.. liiry
have to krrp sebnol ID a Niurch
Ttarre are snar illllr flru here iliM I
Ksyta I (OB frt op a eluh of
danAlUrrs brie.
Aa this U uiy first
letter I srill rluse (or this ilmr.
Keasir liuell.
ttbslAod. Mich., -lune 11.
Dear Hn Hales -1 Aooghi 1 wuuhl
orrlto a letter In ihr H. K V. I' A.
for 1 tarr aol wrliiio (ora Ioiir time
I have IWrotT lull,.
Anra liille docks
sek le-sCorncI
dackaaod tbe bisck
I AAk that tfae IVkli^.doAs srr
vary nim- daAs
fo^r pnoliry
scisral was nci
t>l»rs alraady.
Friday aod no
• will have Cvr
ave my SanAinI have m Im nf'
badf. and cxrdyri.
faoDAliifoa Trairm Ixi. .Well I !
Ben l.tall rloe>-, n food-bye.
Vocr Bonahlns tor.
Fred Alkiiisnii
KAfSlry, Mich.. April tv, lls.2. •
Dror Mrs Hstas-l like v. tvod tinSanshAe letters
1 tavr a lillle
toother; he is foar yrairaold and I
hxsr a liuir tahy sister. Wr Imvr no
achool DOvi . tot. W6 will have a week
from today. 1 am In.lift aer aad mdor. 1 tase Dre lilllr Uiule ll Is fob
m jump aod pta.r. 1 ihiok
Als is all for tins llms.
Toar lltils SaMhine eirl
Amy May S-racmiller.

MaaL MIeb.. Hxy IK Isi.-.
pear Mra Bates-1 tavr n«i writiru
or a looR llBe. tot I bate hnra siA.
am ataytafsi my Urau-lcna WyrL,(
ow. Boi ll was a ales UuU latter off'a I RO lo acl.ooloirarir every ds^ ’
lam A' Ae finii trader. Hy sladles
11 Aa nme. aad if brae will wr
rsodiDf. arlAmetic.
■ aootbar one wa will promise
RTXmmsr.- feofmAy *ad sprlllnt-.
mil not to lost.
it is DOT a s,ry InUy; 11
raAAf. There has not ton any
t>IUaPier. Jaaa 1. IWB
arhoot siaer Tbarsdsy Ateraonn Ocr
Dror Hn. Hstn 1 have aor srrittoa tam-ber Ima RA the mampa
yoa a tauar alare last wAter w
laaebsr-a tame ia M isa Rose Vaovac It
I yoa for tlie Poallry Jooim
ttorx. 1 aaBDot ihiak A aoyAinx
liara nt two haea on duA'a efci
idke, n I will clooa. Uood by
« 11 WM ttma for tlicm to
PnrI lUlielt.
ooe bra piAed the Utile daAa to'
Tkavene Qiy. Hav l>.
The oAar fan roam off all
Dart Hra Uataa-l ibooxbi that f
rlfbtwlA elcrae licUe decks
'OBid write yoo a Utile l-Urr. aa 1
lUtla brother fcUlad aoe and Aal tod
STS not wntlco tu a lopx tune. 1 fo:
only tae. Kow wa base a baa MRiof
I aeiioel every day aad hair dm,
oa larkay ’f roa and ooe baa nUAf
mimad aay dxya yet
My's '
Odeao rblAaa apm
Oar foon
Bome ta Kite Arrber I am la the I
l«yA aifht acfs and aba did ael toy
foarA frade. I liase aereu stedtaa;
rradjBf. ariAmrtie. pbyno-;
n 1 waa Am yaon Ad 1 (all
Boace. xaafiatdiy. srritAR
Ato tta ftn. Wa Used A Ktaftam
aDdapatUaf. Waaldyoa pleaar anid:
My rlfbt ^ u all drawa down aM
Lmarioaa Poeltry Joanml,
I Ota aardly make nay an A It I
Hy atatai aad I bare bctiti cfaiekeaa |
MadoaoneAtfarheanwaat. Hike
1 will base to cion for this tiara, so i
waahAf: I aaa acrab. aad Iron tlia
ceod by.
Tba aorda aa my lAi taad
on dnwlM down- more and mor
Pearl Itasll.
ary year. Tta httta Oafar ae Aa tad
Bart. MIA . May 10. I«u2
head ta ertpplad.
Both fcaan wan
Dear Mrs Bataa-I Aeoflit 1 w?ald
baraed. tal I aaa walk all rlfhc My
write to yoa. 1 tboagbl IwecIdJoA
oca ttow ta atiuao ynta aad I am A
llaa ClBb, Bad sssid aune,
tba teorA rXdar.
eanlt (or tbe mtaaiaaarle^ I fo to'
day tost wAtar. CAr laastar's
waa Clan K Thomaa
«to. apelUa*. ^ttof. rsodAK.
bema ta A SorAporl I am rawty 1

It a layer ef-ron AtaU. Aaa altar,
aattax aatll ita >r b Ulad wlA sof.
tr on top. Two AiekaMon aC Mrcmf
lapar an thaa paalad aaoanly oraa
AatopandAeJaraelAa oool. dark
place autll AIL II b tliea eorrd aad
aaa ta atcrad aa Ary do A Aa tar.
at a Al-bli. a epocrnfal to aoeb qalAly lose tbalr abapa.
m- VAlals oaa be eaadiad la Aa
write ao baaiar. tat yea meat axBmaar. aad Aoa. aold at oaafreTa facTamt K«n l-ian. '
ma. far I tara to wnia wlA ay woke ap Ata maaaUf aad 11 is qaite
wa' at a hlfb |*ioe meto ta ximi.
Spriakb yoar blettAr papar wall larly pra|arad. In reward to ran Da1 daa'i lita to liave
lafi bead. I araal etoae ay lector bow aleppy aow.
WlA whatarra perfama yoa i*a<*r
vorlnr Ar coabai way to pwatan ton
s mataa may ba ntowrsd by
Pat aadar a walflit to dry. Ttaa pat DarorA* b atatvly to Dll a boUla
C Umm A mnlamst. aodthsa
Dote papar balwarS the bam WlA fraA petals aad poor oa so _
Baltord, WaAta«Ma. Jaae i. IMD. aayAAf mcaa w
« tWs oal witti etaar water.
nmto plan Aawrlfbt oeAatoTt pan aleohol to sabcDtafa Aoa Ttay,
Dnr Bdttor^ Aeofht ( woold
if Ar blotUar |aprt b eot expand
- Aa ab tta pMfama will bet
IMad aod ta tard to mnaata
amoU qnaatily of ially. abaoid ta pM
Aim«ht tbeOant kaUa A a
ateabel oaa ta aasd Uk» «
r. b sriQ aatoaoMnaaM

DA^ ^tErCaaTMai uT ^



.Ml iVctibi siscB m Wisd..
, i-runijiih.

.wxguns ma<Ir

Unit lln-kcii Ktl nuiniai

ii'i-all I m'lv pumntiv l in cvrrv in|svi.



ecll « wll.


Ihr, X.r

g.vci. s


In I JI, h |Ik> cvr; Jiiil ai<- .hiisliic. t-iMnhsi.01 ' ll- i'.
(»j.. . .


...j ihc- nudcl, ‘lU.ihly mau.lcTcl.

..1..! V. 10 mill l.uv 11.. ■aliM IU-*...

126 Stale ^«ei. a Oiefor Pelertyl.

of all d^f^iptions noMT.4^;i sale at

Brooch Block


348 Front 8tr*«t

Wc relDDd the prke al Cds-Odc i( Ii d«et M
(ITC AlBbctlML 0«r laKb U It b wbrndel.

Wc Inoit«,( mv rcTucdi llul iv nsitr univrrvallj surresaful tlixn
JK-I me. Css-Cinr IS not hi an, ineanv a . utc-alL W r do mx a'lA
II .«! our fricn.lf f.s x innmciU Hi (wlicvc ihxl lyc ' Ikim il l« be.
i-i!.i misJi..b<tmever, that all slnmU knrnr We mthosiavlM'allv Mi­

llie |s>rMI<i ilo mhxt a.-rlaiiii. in all ixiicsur Klmiiiixtisni, Cxlxrrii.
Si.cmli. l.iv«an-rKi.|nM i Kmldevs. Kcmtle Wfaknem, tSctierx!
Iirhilny eir. wr rcv'smnmd CavCme.
Sr> uipiiciljlintiaU) <ln wc
to niiiim-rel it ilial mr ofiri in all invUarra In rcfuA'I liir tnnncy 11x1,1
■IS tl veil .ki not fio.i OtK-Cine in every tMi]s^u all mr rlaim i-t 11,
ll mil!|iay ,mi 10 call an-l tat nseiidain Cxs-Cioe Hv j-ol

rffl M MIIII i u

We Lead the Way

To iK-tiM ihini.-s in gToccrics and i.n«ei jwircs fe» litr’s ticressities.
If.,.Ill an- m« gelling the xatislaMHKi yrm .Icsirc m llkr»e ittris-utara
mr ran rcrvlrt voo inajmai avuttanre xn-l maic vvni many a dollar.

WULi ms to AFFEJUi WE WU »U Fn snr Mill

Ita itatt_Laarrn (Iranulatcl .Sugar...................................................... S3 «!
4 Ita Hire Cal.lnmii Prunes...................................................................................... »4
I Ih Can Baking I'rnrdcr..................................
1 gallon Oil......................................

nr.c.:,atac....................... ■..........................................




It. till Ulorv CoScc, best mficr m rity (fir the tonocy..............
tb Morhi aad. Java CoD«.............................................................................
liics.1, aay sue, Uack or while, per «|,nnl........... ............................
Ib Fine C« Toborrr^ per (lOUtMl................................................................
n. PiBC TvJstrro. while rt tails....................



•: lars Santa Ctaatc Soot. onJ mk Itar Bax Hiv« Soap.................
111 lorv .\rl Soap ...;............ ............................. ............................ ..
li! b»rs liec Hive .. .......................................................... ......................................T lorkapesjaxiuci Soqi Ptnriler....................... ....................................... r
T |Of kages Armoor Sotj. Powiler...................................................................
5 |orkj^ I'raperity S^> Powdex.............................................................


CaUttge PtaMs per dot..................................................................... t................
Tofoaio Pbmi |«r tax.................................... ....................................................
Pej^et Ptaau pm <ka..........................................................................................


Efiterprise Cash Grocenf
Oppetote Chy MarkA

Cor Stole aad Um.

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