Grand Traverse Herald, September 25, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 25, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


t am. OKuro tbatkbss ootott, uomaul. •<

nuvnusciTT, - lacnsAjr,

W««fewvmdr IctOttm

CAPlTAUt 100,000
SURPLUS. S60.000

era Michigan.

• Orall

•Mce - mcjrtluiig — nod






fK B-*C>a>v> >

207 E. Front Street,






Johneon Block, Phone 73





iiUnm4IOimiEASTERI R. R.


J«ltffi!S-,SSSt!Br- '

Traverse City. Mich.

Yoa abMid sol seclect aor part ot
roar loilol tor tlic lack ot Tollpt Arttelm etas TOOTB BROBHES, BAIR
POWDERS, elo., an to piratltel beta
at priem vitblB the rraeb ot alL
Batter vWt lacLioo deoBudi fur Ux>
iBBtiTeBnil ot the hair.tkis or tmb



WrtTi'a Lira' «v:dbk>i
(M JOB karr ito Itr..- larU

Plat«4CiaBa,'StBam Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Oniy.



Tire Insurance! “


A'SiSUiSJt.aE- ■



Fine Farms Cbeay as Dirt.
m- lo Tni.wwa>r. VDdMrad.
.IbI.t: M>a.RKf for pul.
• : tm food rs.d:

Chtu an Bargaiaa.

rad «1U aC ClfKAT rad m «


ra.'tH,ai.,r. did U>-F tol,-.IM th.7 Tov.wiik
r.wiik vr
vniktal a.

As; KifUbo
lo BAkr
K,«..utUi.—• K.,r.D. Hurtuo.'

Vire uaa4rm Tea Mark.



6RAHD RAPIDS I INDIANA NY.: FresK^Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
TnaralraraCiBTMwatrB. Mton;
tor^graa^lrara iBbraBOA raattora



hrt Wara.Y

torliral piiaa aertfc la MaraM

far UatoOto aad to. Laala 4 to ». >.
r aad Hotor aaalaaa.« to p. a.

Taapbono 4



\A/’ool AA^arteed
All the wool'in the r^ion wanted. Am just back from
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all . .
wool, from this section of the country. 1 can afford to pay
the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.




Pepe Marquette

Office and Warebonaa, 7S2 E. Front 8L
Beil Pbooe 13a
Citiaeoi Phone 4«1



taatoa.aaaUM Mton:
Daarat. Tallin, Cbtoa
.dtoas.. Utoaa..ltoa-4

UtoMdMafOiMMMM lotoran

Wttk bt aoA^MraMa^ to oaat

a.torCttr. fartBaraa. TatM
- OatoUtoaaa
• aadMOrcakrali

a: d'MU
gr radial

S. f.^iMILLra.


Spio^E for l^iolclinfi:
Anything you want in this line, and we sell the
things you want to pickle, too. Tbe next time
you start to buy lard, try a pail of Cotolene in­
stead. You will like it better.

J. J.
BroMh Block

a48 Front StTMt


Book and Job Woik
If you are thiaking of buying anything in tbCfray of

do not fail to look over our large line of handiome ar­
ticled. We also earo* a fine stock of WATCHES
CLOCKS. JEWELRY, ETC. Specucle Fitting a'
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.


^ 6R01VV
CHASE & SASBOBIt, Importeis BostWi
Capital ijAesiment; Try one pound of this coffeebest in tbe land—only 35c pound.. Chances are that
, you will not use any other after that. At

Cor. Front ancl CaeeSts.

TravoieeClty. Mich.


-tokaa ean at.’’ tbe added to bwcaU M raa tew tor Irarat txom tbe
"and tbopa Maria Jepaea to
ana of tkam. for toa-Unraerknow
to toko can of torraU. I 're
0 bar to eany the laat egg eto
tod to. tbom- rtUmam Trafribraa.

>! Mow tba appaon to tbiak
Haber tlia^khara'a any ote of
■Bjbedy’t being baeaaaa ato'a gM fin
hapdn<deUan! Time aad again I'n.
known ber egg meney aad bar rag
Bueey to ran oat befme aFrlag, aad
aba woald toUrtagra
to Urtag on U
todiaa mm).
t a point of m
uotbtag wbat abe bad mrod for bar
aem draea or earpet and jaat aa
happy ae a umitm--.- Bat
She draped Inib-tbr raeklagehpir
1 ber flttiag rooat. aad bald tba
ohaiA bofoR her, ftotoaiag ber
apeo It wilb a faanUiatert gaio.

to ba baU tor aa^.wlsatr a OmbA

aaaaa bla ballaf that Mara, Mar. Akrn ta SBBTara, a Tiitatavrat of aaiT aad Taaaa a. «all aa toUlMoa
brae, ha* raaotod a baildlat r^wetoltirar pUaatoO«#da oftbaaolar
>7 far.tba toenca ot ana. aad axpmt
l.flOD.QOa Tba aaiaiirla*
ittom at w^cae taaalag-->11 Uueagb
» caeaiy aad tbeae adjolnlag will
of te fe
^ plaeed ia aprrtoa. and aggi trUl be cirtUiatleo.
mgto tnra all wbo aRwiUlngto
Tbrwa eanelai
afur .]
ooe aa tba egga are reevired roryaanPiof. Beagb hw bean airae plaeed on Blac fmmre balding raatte aaUtortry on mattan'toteknown ra ana ot tto
When fifty el ito framaa
eaadta tA.plaead andra
C te netatar hyiattote et
aaeb fraonTba gooa agga ahov/ te ongu ot ptaneti. Fret. Hangh
olau Uk.- globat of Algu; while te hu madr a tpacial etady •
oaai appeu dark ta apeu.
Ihioagfa te powartal l.-kaoopa of te
agga an ten Mate te
y to aored tto
“Brraka." and tbeaa"toekaa" are
diFpaaad ot te token. Hariag {iracd
both theaa beta te trayi. with tetr
BUBianla, are ptaead oa aa elerator
aad lowered into tto batemeal ot te
Many tanki of eeaarat. with walla
feel aad a half thick. Ilka hage ba<
locued b,-l..w. Baefa 1
aevaa f«U tang and the aame widl
tetb. and raeh boldt lea tboc
mad doiru.
Tba tanka Bold a eelotirm llqnid.
te itigiodiaota of wbieb ar>- ka]*
aroral. which ia mid to preaerre tbr
agga for montha Tbe agga arr piled
ia te make, bot.te- Uqald batwreo

The film u Oaavara ax|Mto te
pand aboat IIO.OUO ia fiUlug tba atoraa
age plant Tbr laofita are totle
to ba aaariy TS par eaal. Similar
>'t ba a mile harty abou It,
"KoUa woald my'l ptaaia an to to etarteo elaawbr
tarrtble tooUthibatOto think
ft teailng la« aa happy and eaay la
ay.tolad aa I waa baton!''
r. both II
fibe ptaeod tbe tdwea apos tba
and wiatarT A tew ago
(el piaea batata tba oloek. aad gaxed
te retail |rtoe of eggt bate >a tbr
it oCtra aa aha waat to aad from
ranged from 8 to 10 oenu
aboat ber boaaaworl
Kow the prue raagpa from 18 lo SO
tor ttoBblrd eyea grew olaar

Sba waa
Maria'a arareot
nalgboor. and Maria bad eondda,! to
bar that aha bad reealTad aotiea. tote
flie wlsur, that Ix-r ancle Alonxo
bad died oat waat aad bad Mt
TV handtad dolUra Aa aooa at tbe
ttale wai a,'tilad, aba woald reealae
ba money.
Tbr naiglibor itoud looklag at bt>
wlUi plraaed excitomant and kindly

>«ti. aod Marin 0i.«B0d tba letter eot
ere OB tbe poreb. hariOK an Itnpalm
> shaie bar plearare aad raUify bai
■Igtabor'd Iriaadly eanmilj.
Tben wa. a tbia raitUag lepor is
(trad of (ba haak bill dial aba expeetad l«
"li’a a c'haok: It av* Are baadnd
doUara eu (L doa’I li;” aakad tba
t..>Bhbot. ^djaallao liar _
look. ' All joB've aol to do U to
write yoor aaa<' oa tba book, aad
■ ft down >0 tba Port teak, aaf
, T1 irlve yoo Uia noaey Plre
hnadr>-il doUaral It'a a nal braaUtal
lifbi to aea. ain't iti Ooma to tbiak
ot It, yon won't bare to (tat it caab
The neisbbor had a boabaad
wbo kept a atore. wbOa Marla «ii
old taaid aad llrad aloci-. aloof
from the lutrleato affaire ot boxlneia
"Yob eaa a.-poaii the obaek w yaar
nedit, aad it will be ynat .^xantly tba
pal ffn- boadred dellara 111 tba bank. Yoo're xnlnr to pot
It right lute the bank of
Then wai a hint of maarlty la tbe
neighboT'i toiM H ah.- eaogbt li^t ot
in Maiia'a taoa. Sfa
at aba alwaya bad
Inrklag aotpicloa that Maria Ji
war light iBliided.
'■1 dou'i know wbat to do with
:!''«ald Maria wiUi raddan toreo.
aad a look Umt alnuM drore tba
brlghtarm from bar faoe. "Iwaajaal
at pirated ar oeald ba wbea 1 beard
(raiag to havr IL
ao kind ol Unela L'<mxo i« remember
me wbea be badn'l.cera me tiBee 1
a little girl. Bat. wara '
tbiak wbat
at 1 aboold do with 1
being ae well off apprara to br tbe
troabla. I alwaya do well wltb toy
poeltry. aad I eaa't hardly book ragi
eaeogfa to ratlafy (A- aommer boardera
taka real comfort aavlag ap.
little by Uul.-. to get kind of axlraragaat tbl^ Ilka my beat Uaek caab.
with tba }M xnmBbtgt aad my
isrlor rarpOL I waa two yaara aariag
Bp for aacb of them, aad I eayoyed
miaaieotlt! I’m mriag ap tm
laea cortoiat new.-and It baa
n^ atery mile of oomfert oet of
that I oaa go and bay ibam wilb
that money if I'm a mind to: Baaan
ft I dida't ntwl that mooay a
Vby. Maria Japaas ! I doe't ex^ yoa're got acral laid ap for
yOBi old age! - - ertad Mn. Nattar with
becTidad rraakDtto
"I'ra got a baadrad dollati for my
1 and fifty dollara fee my alekbaiwera tba Iraaat'of tba Ug
3iUa.'' taid Marta. "Tbey're laid
ibare for iwesty yean aad mota."
■Bai good laol Mortal wbat if yea
abeald ba brtotd for twtoty yaara Uka
Uddy Wilkleaeo. or go oot Ot you


After a Ufattma qrat U e:
al Um baaraolr bedlM Prof- Otraia
V. Baofh. brad ot tba diriwrat at '

art M taka •

"Il'i eeme! it'a eoBeV mai______
Marta Jaynoo. and aba tremblai'wltb
exeiirmeni aj alw bairird to tbe front,
door to take a latter that Mra Matter,
bar BaiKfabor. waa briagiag to bar. or aa U 1 Iiad any right to
poatotBoa barmlf CTaiy Barer ranad i( and waa «o taaU off
wltboBt IL 1 ibaald 'auitt tbiak tbr
tbIa more lag rtie Imd waited to Urd woold bare teat it to
dnlah a log tor ooe oftbataarast,
brarden. It woal.l bare bees leal
Aad Uian a raddaa Ibeagbt eaaaad
at anar for Mn Maitrr U
tbe eolor to rtoe to Maria'a face, aad

» » Brand traotrse Land Co.


ktafcW tMt 1 ««• 4ob« » Ur frar
■hoold b* boditd or aeav!"
“1 eaa't bolp tUakIv Toa'ra IobL
Mb faoUab, Marla.'' raUtbrorl^aa ad»ral*lil bf a tmbU of


•oik andftt canoot be ncelled.

A «CMnl luklw BMiMM MM
S »er CM AMvei M


Wbolena em ibowo u> North-

and look thetn over-Weguar-

Tmcrsc Qly Sbic Bank


tnde«aM» witk tke 6Mtt
line ot Novdties ud F4ac^

A, 'es^



aay Uma. Tbaa yed'd find you fire
baadrad -dollan woald oom* la
"I drat' hardly ex)»et I erer
get ae'a 1 anal work." raid Marta
alBwly. "Aaybew. 1 doe't wral to
tbiak akeat It. I expeel tbera'a aemt
Iblaga we bettor Irare to tba Lud."
don't ex«otbe'U^yea«at
of tba poo* beam U yea aqraadac you
ratotaata!" atod tba Ml^tor wtlh
aaalraf lef^wtedoto.
*'tt don’t ray naywhetm la the
bU that yea
yoo mart
XBoat pal you
ytrar money
the bank bat it kaapa aaytag. 'Be
euafal te ontti^."’ raU Mmto.
■’Aivwv luraet lou'ldeaaythtoff
bU wlm^ la me. Vhra Igtow

Kelt you It It likely to g» slill
blgber, breaoaa of tto rxieulre
tba Malda to tba Tnvaaa Of te pealiry yard by te
fatbaat wlib tba folded ohoek t4htly
owning tto storage ^laata, aad prtoe
elaapad la bar heal.
expaotod lo be tfaret tlmea wbai
Kaaey Trnfatbae bad boaa a aebool- tey were reoently.
sto ot Maria'a and wai aboot bar
oarn age. a Unit man ttaaa atiy: bat
Kaaey waa tbe gtaadaBOtber ot wren.
Ia te old days of tbe Jamaa rtret
and bar no and bla wUa wen tboraa eaaal a fine aallar wu taken by bit
fa ber tide, aa tbe bad oftoa oraBdad
ter oa a paeket boat wbieb
Marta, baeaotr they ware ae
to crowded that tbr dog wu pc
lemandabiftlMa fibe looked at laaal
eaptalB'a cabin to ta-’oei of tbr
ran older ihaa Marta 8bo wa
. BU owMC reaebad bta deetimtlMaf OB tbr door cMp mcadlag
Uoe afur algbtfaU. aad bad takra oe
faaary ooat. bopalamly tattered.

r of te a
limia of Man ■and te rarth. Ha
toaadI 1Uia; Man ia iurlt did nu
dlSca matartally tram te <a
te mailer of tbe eolor ef regetolira, wbiah inManapponato tored '

A ttota'u a ttneMu rWM.
Bow woold y.m tie you berm ia'n
eraert witboat treea. ahrabo, itlafca,
r ttaoas ef miiaUe alre. wbea yoa
vrare on bnrachuik and had no wageo
'aua hiuAlag pm.r Thuta
whu te IndUu ta Uallfnrala are
mid to do. u Jaaortbed by ou tel
mw the (■toerm
Karallag oe the botaaad. tbaladiao begaa le dig wltb bta baada,
whlrti ware u 'bard aad Wagb and _
to fun M a dog's pawv '
aatil ttttd
aad brhaaaboir aboot tire fret dorp.
thro tied oa Immearr knot la
te end of tba haltn rope, lowered it
late te bottom U te beta. Altai
teboia vriUnaad. aad than iampBd
aadutampad apon It'till te earth
over till- knot vru aboat uaoUdto
rook of Ulbraliv.
; wu a eulou parforamaea, bU
axlU of te i,lra mrrita applaaea.
tor aalam e tairu is in a parUeatarty
frivoloat atala et mind teee mbtutaiHUi bluklag poBta irtU p,.-(fera
telr doty qaiu u. vraU u tba aeavraUoaal elcy attaagamrat.

laying tbair road* wltb strew lo tatprore tem. Tto eeaaty wUl tore tu
BBoond aaaaal atrew day oett mrath.
Every faU the highways baeoma dae^
wlUi dost, maklag uavaitag hard a
aad beast. Heavy tmiu marat
meA aad te dut eenld net be re4 witboat dsalniyiiig tba rend-

"Into tba ragbag 'twoald go U I •nrrtad off
lemb-ted bU aeltor.
dldu'L aod tbaa tbere'd ba aaotbar to
bands asatat la layii« lira tto
Hext morning Uh- eaptala took llie
renda moat traveled, there waaU too
dog OB deck wiUi bUu bot wu
tba brary work aod tbe hopaleaa toak. afialdba woeld jamp off to tbe lew- great ofaaaga for the bnttor. Tbit at,
'Ibay don't lay ap a oaaL bot a cent patb and try to more that way. aad perimani vru a decided aaoe«n. Tto
-aad tbay aarar wilL And I'm gataa animal woald tore briaen lamrd eat la form-. |draty et
tieg ae wen cot tlial I timll be aolli- been la daagar of toiog etolaa.
Carlo bowarer, lay pertaetly qatoL
Log bola.bordeo before long! I lay
awake all nigfal aomatimei won
bat wilb B8 airof UMenlBglliatalDontIL
nactod notloe. Toward aooa bo luud
Boand bf Um bom of a racket
"It'a a real pimmat da^." mid

to tbe daptb et a toot


m^a ibotoagbfaru ef tto •waaly, and
crarellag baeama easy. Tbm baadrad mllat ef roads vrtll to eevn
wlUi Btrew.-Kaw York TrUum

Marta, trying, u te alwaya did, w.
boata ramad raeb olbor. ba made
tara Haaey't mind into a Buna
leap, aas wu next taud. from
fortabto ebaaiwl. Sba looked aeroto:
bavlag CM off u te pla^a when bit
tto field at the brown little wraii
muler bod atopped, aad u bavlag
painted boaaa. with iti poroh apd
of garden aad Itt breath from gone U onee to te beoar wban to exUtod Use in aa almost itkm gii
jmar of western Maw Marini.
wu a geeat
Here tea two etuortet ago, b«(*a
OoaU baama iatelllgenu.hare anr"Sba don't taka a mito of comfort,
nMamlte! Aod I ahall bare oreryThis aama dog lay on bta matur't
«b(»f la Ibto living world ttot 1 want
grave, aad refaaed food oalllI to died
I gat my laer eartaina ral4 far!"
Bat Ido OMgire
"Il't a ptonBBBt day for them that
mitamaa wbo lived l» mllat
ta Baara tba plaamatoam. and ain't
from a citymevadtbetrwllbaUhta tey ealtadifBlKoero" <Tto CttebaUdec Ua.i

te Bald to totmU.

wbieb. bad been ralaad u bta fater'a
wfarrr br tad taltberto ratidad.
M lookrd ap in a <u with te
taraitarr. aad ta Uia boatta of aaleadiag he dlmppaarad. aad two days
afterward to naebod bta termer boare,
oeotiag by aa Intaad toata, u
n by portlrt wbo
Kaaey Tnfatbaa. and te eld ooat
Ktbu to artdaUly mufced eat
dropped from bar faaada
wa jUk witboat refaranoe to te
railroad en wbieb ba bad baea earrted
''There'a laaaeu wby I don't wh
away.-OhrtatMB Eadmver World.
. I'm real weUoff. lomi yaara
ira u BBoh Bf two baadrad doUara.
erattaaad Marta, atUI
Aad tes tepaaaad looUagMku
Klo heeBB aad off at tto dtaiaat bbb.
waya. Jlr. Thomu Sdiara promtaaa
'•Ton raa. lay it ap, erery
bring vrttbla reacA ot te medaei
Tton yea won't tore to lay
baUder u aoee u bit ptaal for ranfBOtartag tto mnluial ta eotoptaird.
baeamo of yoa wtoa yea raa’iniort.-'
Thta MtetlaL of vrUeb tba balMlags
mid Money wtottaUy, brmtttoaaly.
Of te fatara an to to
-■1 aboalda'l ever do that. Baybew;
bydiaUie oaML Th
I woaldB'i to an-, "mid Marta alow(age of te ate at eomral vrlU to
ly. "Maytoldon-T Sanaa tUagaltke
eoma. 1 want yea abeaU bare te
r. I’m geinf togfre it to yoa.
wlU. ia effeet, be mat
Sba alippad tto folded parar Into
laaBBcdA and when te aaaHagku
SanQ-s aaUsaaed hrad. ''Thnt’B a
Wdtnad it wiU be, vtrtonUy. ant aateefc, and my name ta wreto aa te
beefc. u Mn Hatter told ma to. and
•Udiac. teUka
-U fire yoa te meney at tto
Put toak." Hanv TraMbra'ataradalma fiaee totnad alewly wWto.
“Omy'Omy: yea ain't bb^ nor
anytUng. to yea. Maria iepaea?" te
* at noUparaHrety trtfilng ecU.
Teh're tod a teU hate time
ttara artot 1 tore, rad yenla dUhrrat 1 dan'I knew u I eenM make
mdm.tond. bU I 'm riU glnd to

a pUtteS^ *■*!■
jr te ng tue tba M

Wtablng to Imre 1

by a tridauooB a weak ar two ogto
AHergemagietote.ttBiBwhtaSwM '
bim and bit tponea nwig ra
ba nUtaad t
lyolag on toe Soar of te tuste*Thiaktag era U bta frttnda ted
ibrewB it Ibare dartag te sand-eC ba
Idefcad it ap gad flaagltou-drte
window A Uitla taear ta ta wm
•arptaadio--------ftmmwntal tiaratai
tad anhkanad from h deep teep
leffaadmteaiu aad cm te leg
et te reek, aad it
- - - -

n U Us married Ufr wu
new rata ef teratarraal

Btabep WUltamt ef OBraiettaat. fto
mray yaara graaidiag Utep U te

wu tryiag to impost a
lata, tetogtota laegu
par etuto gray tray
- -ond.*''Wby Htett"
tnma. "u you agapeawwaM
poor hataaftm to balidkUowa
tare to pv abou fim n yanx."
a. and. wfM to aara. U mv
> it aatondaaam rad uWghly
and tobtaeUte
aUad-M bapItoB.iwttbeu^
WUbtt" ^ .
teanvofte* 1

'■l*to leM glad ife graa, I
waaito't MB tt 1 had fire Ibara
to fidre ewer" te toW to bare

• FBBBBdfor

te peiata of Uwta Bwarto tbair namu
apon lu reagl. sorfaea. Tboar raau
are tera. wilb dote of teir iatmiptioe—in srarly every inttonoe te
tarty port at te tevanth etuuy.

Thee boadred and »

WNik ^

«4B)li llikl

^■«^Ji CAM


ULCERS ^is^i

Cf &KttOu0 lattmt t» €vat
. Mrd.


A II.00QI vtU prababl? 1
IM barM«dL
Hia. Bat Taatettiak. of HbIIm*.
■MdootbU araaoUaia
Mr. 1M UtUe OM ^ ellabM
K»M viMW itatMr ciaiM. aadMd

BatbodlM ahaabM la tM aUy a^
M •spUla^ la • eloar
Sdfl^BMMr. Mr Ulk toUMi toll ■nCT^Cart bM bM> mST
«r UtMMtnd boM. u ««U w
8M tllMBi^ bar raaoriu le^fMtaa M oMM fa «Mm


” MufTyirttln— «t tMMt*-


V atbcr

bara ^ aaM «e aoM tM verb o(
Mt laeaJ Malhodlatt m «V m paM-


wmt «< tM loMl fiMat

Bm. _
a. a. BldiM
TMtwMr o/taniooa wliioh^
rUdtM oIMtb

Dr. KUU bMM «ttb *M watqny

iBorad. aed tbowod tM P«<rw
. BOdl
id loBiiMI In tM
la tUs pan Of IM Mare.
pMldlng elder*

(or Uio trork of tM paoTort aad tM
oTurclie* ibM lh*r-..--------of the other pastor*, wboe* »<>« for
(be eoafwasot hM M^JeM^ f*^

H j-oabareai
cal advice irill coat joo aot)
the blood wiU be aent fne.

Blssleor are pUalad. li

Onod Travetae

M.K ssaari
•^foSSl *25rt.?£l2i*«*^
(sraaea tM baaatlfel loeatloa. a


.jtctMii toe eoofcrBet. Stewart addi
eaoe la bMalf of Ibe
lb OarreH BlbUeal
loMitBtacf Sorthw
with wblob be hae baeo
tM past SU rasra
Thli a • ' ' -------- ■•-

___ •SCI

[flr Job Work of ill Kinds Call at Tbt Herald Oflloe

Fall Clcao Up Salcll

1 poiiSa ct»tsiB»BK BO lueuwy <
17 kiBd.«ritetisaboBtittB«d
Book* OB Cascer aad other diaeaaetr


n’M ptMWt this OMtiiof *tlmB« addreiM* froa ratantd I einu north of Kt. OlemeB*. a poiat
M) that the oOBferaBoe did not
(b, pieasrrre of Mriod tUea la- oletlaaanee. aleelonaiy lltetatare. 1 at Bavtaaw. a t*trl«o aael of Kile* aad
bH«a*B dUtaat!
nalcfaherbood 01
of ■snuiee
»—<■««* *as rel----------- i UM naicaaoraoaa





- if dooe ' ativelr favorable for oil and fas
«** Isarni! a. dOM DM speak very bopefally of
establish. > the terrioo sooth of DoBoU.
I ' AYrait^war who bad boea auioy.

V Bfele
or t

j hi* war* wliea M drove to to-ark
A Protoetaou an la tae polUtoal ,* » Orand Bapid*. ft»d ap a nefl

I have on haml a few standard
j- goods that afc seasonable just now.
)*. and as the.season for same is nearing
the close and us my room is limited


,'.''£ Til.... .1.. 1- trap to oaeMskvt and allowed (Mt
‘ |e of iM^Bible M^of tb’e Krealest t*>e oeit kid wbosampled bn pa^Me
eetaol natloa U ibe atoet vital aad i sroald meet s sarprlse party. It K
_ . rui« one amooe men.
1 Mppsood. however, that the poUcr
Imm. wbo (Maerre. the peace 00 lb.

B«t Or. MtUf bwUMi (Ml mb tt aharoh.
» to lb*
9 MVhrv^S-nihtoi nvival. to market plan wmIM rlottm. He wa.
(ora r. asmJeimn. < btoa, lodia aad iM lalaadt ijast to tbe act ef appropriatiaf *om<
Uae .tootldberUv^ toMd^^e werk O'
•rto( forvMd MariWMi
•*»“•* '>;p“
1 CM sea
I of tbe peaebe* When tM trap pot
sobool aod a
a jsamiDer eobooLfron
wbioh erediu will M taoeived on tM
ooofereooe (o
a ollns for a
wort dooe.
j aioaad sritb bis band
u of tbe work
tose fallaete* Ibai
mao. O. {few dsys.
Beard ofe

'BDddeand d
weettoff aadascemblr. aod lu ____ BUTMt aboBt tbe eebool
.. realitrar.
TMmpSome flmreo oompllod by Prof, Hall
(or lb*
lbs Bi
Bible os V
. - etMd
r- *
.... --------.,ory at 'Aito Arb*. re«_____ ____
addiato the eonr______
V. B.
Urcb. L K. U
stosd while Ibe pasMM of tM varloa* liD. «, H. B
toloreot. Dorins the eipbl mootbs of
H. L Pot. E. A.
_____L B. Lovejoy.
:h. Chat Ne.
IMS. tS.91 ioebo* of rein Mve fallen,
Tbot Ooi, W A
Fry*. Uot* De- to Atm Arbor, which the profeesor
Lamsrter. B A. Wrl«b».W. 1. Bartb,
fltrarei amoaau to ItT.tOO.OOO (alloo*
V. B Helmet
of water to every maa. womai
ebllil in tlie city
F. H Oottrell.
kleiDOire—L. K. Patterson.


Look over the following list and see t( there is'obt li
some article named that

u2Sit“ rDd*^“Sl^ end boildlni




nktadtr Ploo Caiamy. St. CMr. IMcMaM.

^^^TdeaniM the blood of aU dtn^fiiy tflrte Mamr.
aotidoul end pnhfriec piopcrtica that aoM
blood is
asd nsune tMuid to its Bstaisl
Bstanl cnnditiM, Aad ^Am

VM TMOR «w* laMM lotmMia*.






Ustbs way.
Peno^<*U-W^ J


-- -


D S-




*4.75 I
lMwh,anS-eelWb«d>4.«Tnrk............. *8.00-

chested whose in*
KM who toll s
ere loo wrsk of
long to resist sad
throw off disea—.
Doctor Were*'*
Coldeo Medical
Discomy make*
weak lung*
tuo^r It Cine*
obstinstc deepseated coagM,
bleeding lunga
weak ness, coiecis.

' iS"

.."r/'FS..';; i


3.t-™hy. HigbCartomSt^.^lRoUM^^
-rm. OnP. lateW improved .. 6100




I 11-shoe McSbcfT) tliain IbriU. laiesl improved.. 63.00


1 llWdisc HeSherry Gram Ilrin. good as new............


1 11-Hoe Bocheye Gram Drill, slightly toop wont.


1 n.te

.yriU, Utew improved

|; A Large Stock of Buggies at Prices that will Satisfy You.:
Till s.'



lirst-cia" i ; ev.-rv i< •

bai , Ian UT.






prices will hcM j. -d
while goods I ist.

imss getttai some
Dl these Barialns.



1 lU-141 inch Ohio Otdianl Oise Harrow'....................TS.OU

St ?6 C

1 10-,!,.C Mi bbeny

4 4^ Ife^ Piu—

I tote ted tefxr-*sr.:ra;Sotnt:ir

19.60 C

1 i*. fc O. 15'S|k. Tooth O

w'ataTrr p.
M^QooW. Ademl lttk.
A. B- Ke.Uor


9.00 [

1 10-ir. inch (Hbom Disc Harrow.......................................St <M)

Tbe old theory that
___________lij modem
inherited is-—’-•*•—
i TM germ* of coomedicml eci
bc received from vitb-

T.3 lot. Tlios. r.t>z
Wilson. WiUerd .
M MT*rbafor*i *epyj»ona*t«d
Itos. C II Pslmsil
BdoeeFreedman ^‘l*dMdaonil.erti
Aid nn
lioo-W. A. '■
W. I'altin*,
AodtituK—O. W
Oositae. K
0, C K Pormare.
iiieem Aoconote—K
Minder. J a. St.
bit dlelrtot oa
i-niun. U F.
Bibl- I'eli.e-L
•*«• oTMa tolaiiun wbe have
Br wii J U Bi.rt
tiour.norel'.eiui.oie—W R Hltochlm m
W Burne li W Tnibni.
H. O 1'han.tertoiri. O J.^tolilvn, J
Beach, a A. Ha-11
CuufereiiciKelmiODS- I>.
Barnes. K 8 McOredcr. J W. Btlenbeol!. W. B Srnehonmh. W. 1.
J. L Boeli. 1. K Lovejoy
Dt. Kill. RMUd MM Ma war
Ueleotes to Fr-lerniil UoillesOf Hew rmk Ol«y. McT.-tary of «lh Oealary ^od Move
Pastor, where rr.temi.1 bodies m-et
Ulsirtet OoBf.reu.-e Recoi.U—D
B. l.eo, M. K.B. oech W. H WtlrblE«d by Bev.
siiiht olif eborobeswei
Mve roeolted to MlnitiM o«
Pobhosiion o( Hinatot—Seor-iarv
baadtodoaols to Obriet Then elluo Wiu. Unfman I BtsbepFI .
_ Mt tbai all rtcbl’'*' Ml the ______
^anrt hr
b< bin,
" .0 the aseemMed minister.
I tboJpwMth
e» mislly'and
iM pisb of bolninjr cuv.-hiIok , Tlie Memoir* Domm^U
ion. obtlr. end iMSInrs wliere roi.ferran- is b.'ld
la toeb of IM
IM t
twelve sab-.Ilvuion* [Ito ir rvpw^
Kiinalissliou of Traveline
ne o'.inniUle*. prvaiatog. -........Dt. he
Oilme (Bembers of toll enmmiitee are
IV* of meeb g.
••raBdMrarMMt mmlellM
W. J. Hstoasray.
Toang. B. V
ibolb Ubsrrvaoo. -. - -...
Five new ebarehe* Hove been balll Sewell. D. w. Parenoa E. U Sin- isae, J. 0. Cook. J. P. Darbsm. J.
oLair. B. O. Strickland, aod U. A.
A llrsMly
m'O^Tldli*,‘'BM*a*t tKaot^Ta' Odlomaei'ioar.nliiMleeerelaiT. The
_____ siion-B
trim aad BU Bapidt and *>i men
Lewi. W J. Wilson.
actor, of U W. Bari of.Be
an to' preosM of eoaMmotlea. He
J, W, llallenraised dieetoeurn Hsrbow bv «. J. (tockMlI. or
ibat at least bl.OuO M invaet.
H. H.rder-------------------- br ^ Oot.
.. Board of Obaroh Bkteneioo
iha dlstrlel dortog tlie eomlog year Url Mascaof Albion by p ir^sescty.
who Mve gooe
Tbs mlolston-wlv..-------------------MrtedMaadl10 to* bom* beyood to lbs past year
Aa evideao* of prcperlty among
TM ladte work was eopaetollyro- ace: Mrt Van Scbelek, Hn. L. W. MIebIgan tarmeri ts toe nnmber 01
(«tad to. oamp BO*tln«s Mrlng boon OUktoa Hr*. Q. 6. Drapei.
them wbo an eaedtog tMlr ebildmn
eeadastod at both of tbs tadte mls1. Hra B. to tbs Agrionllaral college to be ednMm dartog toe paw ysar by ladte
TM sarollmont at IM bogtorrllL Hra
-tolston U eaMteeo M axtoadlag of last year wa* TOO. wblls BOO have
Hrt V. O. Boyaloa. Hra T. T. alnady baea anroUed (or toe new
torm. and befon It begtoa tt Is beTM Oraad Builds dictrlel nporwd
Itovad toere will N-motv than 1,000
tore* toenaee to gift* tor mlsolew
UU Hra ktorrill.
Last yaar BO girl stadeot.
“a H. H'errtU
Till rt'oSid
of r

toe wom.-n's eonTM-.
nenroUnd for tl
lante ware ervotod to a eott whoa* (oaoial oecon today.
1 now lU a^ llcted with mi
_ ...raaa iwoatyaad toirtv tbooa M U* addtoM that M nad doUwa and to aeaity all eam
ne. Tbe sebjeet of gnater ai
ton aatoMt was alnady ptovldod for.
•f.WO Mo boon ospoBdad In ohanb srai probed toil aftoraoto by
■ellon oD.lM fart.of to* board of
a tMo praoaed to eaaad a Inra*------------ A. F. Narlar of Obarlevolz. it was a
fBtw •*- and oeer abMt oms aaatb
I baaa paid ee obaroh d
powarfnl dUeoam from doba XTIL.
dr’s Mtottrea
tleniy H. HeOormIuk. a traveUag
14^ A syaopsu of »be ssrmeo Is as
Om aeat oa tM otnoto of Jora-lom
urn of Omad Ks|>ids. w.-nllotoe
> te huSnd'ooBTontM ro^tod *S»”imrpo#* to seadiag hU Boo in­ offloe of Healto OSoar Luplnekl
daring tM year.
ffod oat srMt wa* toi- matter with
ttoaga «M oat MU Ibotr aiMte
mony with toU torlag pnn«u tbe
to lUo Md------"SonofHaa-m*U*e*aad to sav* U-. Opoa examination (be
tog inpert. abowtog <
umed it a cose of (mallpos. aad
IMl which sfMlo«t."aBd_tM Spirit
' mlsaa. aad m w«^^r*d him to tov oily hospital.
tM ebarth tall.
aad ^Vlot*"lM wt5w%f slB. of UeOormiek bad Jaii ntamed (tom
^o be a ciilld of dfidYaObrtotlan. trip OB the road aad bad elroalaSad
U IS shnn'lD tbu parpen They that ftealy among (rieeda
hava nol to*' mtod of Obrist an boi
8—to Oeolewht Imne. to taU anaaal
wattb Ltoga* an.
npon. taggaato among otoan to.' nOod deeaa'tsnvea aenl rasraly to
an and. If *o, b* woaM p*r^p* te*
■ —aa to Maveo as (oea a* M was
tV's are saved that w* may
Mooms saviors To ihli sod Ood
aha pats wUhtu the lieart of even
vmisg eonverl. tbe mtmleaary tptrU
If III* eontMl I* tros to tots Inaer Im­
pale* M Moomes a soal winner. If M
suffto It tbs spitUsal life dlaa God
Ntoad to* btolM a*d -ag a InlUby
blM* Dotbiag. Han do not
wWab was vary w*lr« TM BaiMlatem wi-ia seenmd rtstaly atUnd.
badial. aetiher
1^ Hu* Bss-OUdl a-arad torsi
TM hlssofy of tbe BaplUl eharob
■ was to* to—to dress to Batolalarnlsbes a Striking ^ijeot lesson to
paial; Abte a oeatorv airo tbit daM aaaoaaead: pbilM

3 New Butch Steel Beam Plows, comidele.................... liOO

DoBclat J. r

BMday School *ml Tracti—E.


1 T. M. Bitscll lUoo.1 Bemn Plo..«».H«<=...............t^OO

Accvpl imeaMtiliile for "Golden Med-



127 State Street.

Truerse Clly, Mich., Sept. II, 1902.

dogged eysleB ito— Impnritk*.


________ m» MA^‘'teoabinwAW M goad A-MtoaMto



Hha Mstea enM-awhowsra

to dtebte bdsite to ---------StotoM

Are you looking around for a good Corn Binder? We ask you to look at


SS.'WteA---...... -




Timbers doak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years. It pa>'9 to use the
right stuff.
Men of oak" are men in
health, men whose
off Uio wta.1 V* <^led'’'M Aalt-H^ rugged
alOB Batmst Obaroh. tod U.OOP lAi
bodies arc made of the sound­
LdMM gad eha toiag* to him te
baa pom obaroh Milduga
l—ilduito. ao
>o Saaday
Mbm Baa-Oltol toawad to te aadlaoboets.\har todd^ ae ltaaoli«(eal
aaaa to. ta-liSWaM(l ^*S M to*
Childhood is the rime to lay
tobool. Us to sb^reh papan. ae mts«M atwr to*
to* tes
IMS of
of M
slecariea. eto.. la sheet to Uvlag at a the foundation for asturdyconroot dytog ntaf TM otte te M•ritution that will last for j-cars.
ee-s tMarigbl? ahoreh fcaawa
all wtto W emw t.oeo.000 eosai
Scott's Emulsion is the right
TMeatb Mvlvalf M^aaaM* MV* be*a
toai^ to to* list Iff pmbtrtr*»ra
Hags *■ siToag • prsaa.. 8*a4ay. stuff.
ru 9aa4*v
selHHilt bar* Mm. dsi-s ____ jlt. aad wisslooartes la erscy
Scott’s Emulsion stimulates
atgaalally good woik. as Mn uih.-> land tod elian
TM light that shtos*
4*p*i1-wM «f tbe rhsfoh, M.^ brigbtosi at 1
stetolaasfi ' '
the growing powers of children,
helps (hem bmU 'a finn
foundation for a sturdy coostitotiaa.





tme best

Noted for Accuracy in Seeding and Perfection in Construction.
Headquarters.for the Famous PAGE WIRE FENCE. I can fur­
nish this fence in all sizes at Reasonable Prices. .

strictly up-to-date in all styles.


I 123CHSS8tTMt

•Ornate •4.001 Ml to

^!.^wh“af^urnt fo

this stock at prices below the other dealers, Waare always jglad to see you whether
you make a purchase or not.

T0DfWWCtty. Mlcli.

NMrPhon* 120



Biddinfl ter your


NowthsroarFslistttcbsresUin. weRreKsdy (or bniDai. We hstre been
uviag you money oa yoor tHinJissea for teveral years bat «e si% tedsy »

. our htstoiy.' Our stoda sre Ufxv> idectcd
tioQ to.dob
do better thso
sny time
with the utmost csre. bt^bt from rdUble hous^ sad for the lowest cssh prices.
Oar being sble toJisitdle such Wge quAntiiies gives us s prestige ^hst the imsll
denier cannot have. We buy by the doren or by the^tase where they get but a
mere handful and pay a much higher price. That's the reason why onr prices
are always the lowest OR like merchandise.

^te"^i. ted*tel'ihSnihMMtel



aa ter atreactSlLied. - Vote. vote,
till daooa eaoaaa.*'0»d i^oal tea
*«*4a cite Old hpw.
■ Jaaaa ate Mke a dptef bed.
Feel aefl a* devap plUevt

oe etnaer* looee Traeetae dtp


Mndee. Tmaatee eed Prltep. tADa
B.. Thoratep S:M p. m. ele M. A X.
E. R B. R coooect vltb Kortb Hiobipan Uae at
F.A. Mltobell. O. P. Apt.
Ic* vaa bald ai B. V. CeanlaphaB. Ap* M It
___Oobbate BMWBlap. tiOB
Aseni OU» Kireceln eB M. A P
(tep teak tee to tea Frtead*
■eellad boeaa ol Looc Lake, of
Vedeeadap. Oo* lit.
vbieb naellBC boeaa ate had born a
tellhfat aad eoaalateot aHinbi-r for hVOO ronod trip to Toledo pood te
rrtun ea *ae repaiar Inla antU Koeenber lit, IWe
Uo* fan nt* bepaad te polata ca

You need an OewcoBt itete datntV


eoaiiuied l>p bla daofbter. UIm Era
Baaa, who «lll toMia for a fa« __ bariad 1a Vo
Tte MiMn UbMe OaaMC aad TM
Joha apaol a fa« dap la Tiararn Clip


D. L.&AM. S-andltet. 8a BaU-

•Mm AA telotecp. ml a«nhTiUo.
Mlaa dalle Oobao of teU plan oaarA Mfo mmmiter of wtou kUte •( loved the h«Mb of the Me emtti eh* le loal terlu>' bp dtovolaa Saadap.
Wblla Sabina ate beoane diup and
V Ml «tu te ploM -im Ite pemd. iv ^ •M W the ••»*«.. vhere the brtd«e fall
from Ulll'a
. ..Jdork.
dock E
... Kaa.
......................................• Mfar T* heiud hmilt. »md ««ob ouiom.
Tte a

fipnw mad It I* hoped ttel the men
M vUl
mMoaml lo eeslaee the teprareMMotffommd*. etc., etttedlitlen,
A veefc eco WlUtmmi SMsIom t
Atelep eeU Ui tm tv ll.ieD ate
atel hi* tarn Joha to Otnaae to bmp a
teM, the plaabeloclar the (aMilp
to OOM hen aetofdep to their a*«
aoM. Betenlap mtftat StomMo ate
hit vUe ate dat«hM( anie*4 bet
thtp hata haM amabU to dte Ite aao.

sa s.j-s.''ti:
ala* MOM tee* kaowa that M boaie

ate aoB* her* lion aei 'that abow
ju, teddBieot.
Itet aatealt
aad tte loT* of teiu aud


Ko! 1 did OM aak to a bottle aap
ebniwr, o* twin aa Urn w on* Bade
by yonreelee* I did eek to aad vlU
BOl tee* 'may (sbetltete for Parry
Oaei*' Painkllter: I oeec e**d il. atp
need 11 and 1 voeld

ir.:^ s


ot-to 1

readarad. ,*te.~ ______________
8te vaa eewiaaelona vteu lakaa from
At Kalkaeha the OaoM hotel
tte water end for tome tin*
eeip ertileai ecndltioo. bat tbwh; deeeoped Satardap bp Si. aad wa._
tee. .akilllel
......... eSort*
of- lira "
Flood " Tte (Oode were need, bat iteholld
Frallek vaa rnlond lo Ufa ao
laa waa rmlaed. i>oa>aBdi«d aad
lapldlp raeoeeriup at tkia writlDp.
1 forty dollara belouftaf ib o ■oe>i
aod Uri. H. K ~
I -.-I—
, dnaaar eil.lle tte Sr*
la la Iiairoll tor a fav dapa
___ _
jroKTaaa, Tte oriclu of tte
looep, who baa broa eUlti
filaoda la
a tela plan fw
line,! Are la aafcDowa
left lael week for her 1
aaalalaae.' ______
aali. _________

Balph lloraap vite>ta fteon paobi
breatei a portp of it down tereacb
takat Ual Saiaroap, aad
telUd OB CafOM Kiahar and fanlipi
alao oa Oterlaa FUbar aad faatlp
Bote (aaailaa ven aiaoli
ataoL nlaaeed
plaaaad ito
an than, aa Itep
itep were
ware dd (rleod
It waa MIti. aad Mra Uortee'*
aoo ArUdipatelaa
*gMI>'a l**MW P*Bcek« PliNir.
l: ll
naod-ebUdiee. teelt faeel.
ItlookhUlaM aoMWaklphUfOodi tear. twoBreak*
of Chloaco. Hr aod M Tromblp. ooe of lb* foBadan of
4 bv talUted tiebeta
It-* tollT to aaCer from tte taorrible
teapn of te* aipbt. itcbtep pile*
A Boadeld ana <
lata at Olea Uka boi' vuTt”
bceo'i Oiaineot oete*. qolealp end
ahaablte mb ta tte «orld teeaallp. tealr bane lo Obtcago tel* wn
tr*l laad aad bailt tbt Snt booda pekMBeatlp. At aop drop «tor
tear*. BewMbonin DeiromSapt.,
lA Ibis
Iba wiMl in Ite aftoraote, tea Ut- B. X. Piefcard ofLoHad waatetova
nr. I
WjMa larotaod him that te had Hoodap.
a Bamaen elalied Meodi to
naiad U lo a teilonr who vantad lo
me Clip eou dap laal week.
•rtte to BotierftlU mad woolda'l te Mn. (X O. Bi
, Ufl-----------kite aatil *TaDLn» Tte iiTerpi
fw a tew weak*'
jk*’ I . with friend* U
hte abip tneeled oearlp tblrtp Bile*
MadU oSand lo dieida «lth Ite Taatarw Clip aod QtaodBapU*.
libraip at Faioeedal* te coat
n Ol
hnn oaaar tea Moap ha had leaeiT'
Mn. Alhen Tote* it Ul at teU vrlt- It 1* fieu bp «B. A. Paine, of Bn- groaod Speooer eeemed bare
o4 to tee n» «f tea tena bat tte
too. a* a Beaorlal to hi* noihar vbe I plela eouool of hi* craft.
. Brptti 1* aHoidlnc tee H. a
a«n«aadedlaeA ItOM tea Uforp
._ of n
^ »I0 M aellU tea aoaa arithool
barn tee
Mbre Lnk Yellevt
lb* OooThe lodtei' AU aaatelp of tte
aeeer telUte
tepotlooal ebnnh vlU pie* a dloaar
<rf yoaor or (
laoT. Mt. Olart. aW«*UlUteo-i ^ tea bon* of Mr. aad Mi*
• ”lld “
4te aalaiaur. haUeeaa ta doiaf food
tea poMlnt vap. Ha teaaien a an taetied to atteod.
VlUten and fcaabler Thien mranim.
teteo aaaoaat of lltetaimn aad plaoM
.... teal weak to HanUin. *l
a hot atoac tte lidaMlk ta toot of t^vtllMtda.
Oarolim Baote, apte Ta. Uvlnp near
Baollae ouoatp maa vooldot Pmdateh. ballavM the U maarug te.' «teha* T^ K a eonnap an balldiaf a
taU bl* vbnl ten fall baeaaae the piara aad ta* ted her paatu iweaob
I toteb MP be *i
{Tin dlda't iali blai. U* baa beam her funeral awitea. Ustenlop with inProf. Xpoa «d lAtead va* in I
Si olhan, te tela bar. ao teal i
«k» OOM ateMMp help teawntraa.
Bbm Of Good Uarbw *peai tea Haa teonU ooan now It voalda't tereat aad apivoTaL
abo pten*
aod wto aod •ooftep wlte
bU tanllp la thla pUee. help 'him aap. to a horde of auoe
•rail ol TOktea* ktod* la a o<
teat and* tbelr bom* la tee pnaarp
lateMen la Traearn OltpoiuBpleiale ralaed te* pimln.

and real aieoired ik

-\re in tte leatl ve have an eaceUeat line of
them mail the ne* teadet and black 1.7.50.
IO. 12. 15. I8and$22.
-ittil^ bback are mud.
22-In Coats irtih >emi-6ttinp

bt^bl a whole line of them a
prire—they are in all the ne«’ weave* aiwl
(eras- well made. >l)li*li. -Thet are acitth
coteiderable more than ^ ask.


to Ite



inorite earlos

a V. Ooaalap^aB. AiA
. A Mitehall U. P. Apt
» It

For lAfaatt aad CUUioa.

Slylisb eoats

chOti d
I. Wc K

Wc have ao ib*b> dillemt kindt and .litfcretii
print teat ve cBnaut icU >wu about tbfin in
tbit limited tpace. Will tay. tbotqth - *v hatv
the mieett
niecft liae
lite evet ihovn in tte oly
city aiKl tte

ibe V. A u B. a T. o. a. a a,


• Mt«l wv B* caiton
■fcliwwt to IlM luao dUM. Am l«n
•t Ik*
Dm kiMimMi ko
teel^ AtniUlaatlaM tea
IST kmllt mp Mjr bm ted Um (te iaet lato
waa OM to be toaad teareb ta the
MM U* dmllr teipNMt U 40.000 ■flrmlmt abovod ttel ih« had •*ma la eialtl^ ber poreete, h



Reoovereo SpeBSh ana Hearinp.

WorkSuit»-S3.5(i-Weh*ve a tot
about lUOtuitt, cairied over ftom last tea*
There are *U
toad* an *Ue*-mary of te
txat us $5. but .n ordet to do« out qu
' ve teem.........................


I ea. • l.e> b.e la .-ur unra
I. U.IUu>«k.<lraaf*r.<>.
Tbr Bela, a... aui imleb v
v,Ub> OnupeUelB.eal-. wuelM b* Op
nTWerr.-u m . N..* Vvk.

Contest Notice.


Drtss Seeds'galore!
.3Kui.aU vwl Hot

We wish some one would show up
with coupon F-743 and claim
that Bedrtwm Suite. Keep your'
coupons—we may have to have
another drawing.

Onr Tun
lent is 4*.
laa a Ms kastntss. S*cour
Stewaa «



a in preyooly.vunh

3K .n. Pall vci^ht K.tamme*. a (oovl all wool
diKh..................... ....................... .............. 3Q

3K la all voul Venetian cloths, tte beat ever
i tor tte money.mSavy. Royal.Tan.
t.iSlM-.S—I3c.|ualit> l-erkalme

«^be Boston store



^jMBdip te tbte p^ te elnrn

Ooa Jahaan U Tltettep rate----- aaS Mead* ta Tneen* Oltp


tteotlp tea
a KtM.Haoh Kdat* of

Boa t

^.rssi^oo?'*?;: r-s?d
. id teteMawa af tea Erantallroal
ywh^MUte ^i^ple
of teU n................................
Oara ooltiaa aad rrala aowlat an
MT late to teSt aaolleo.
-Oara U a paor stop with fav aaeao-

I otear* are alnni

1km X.


n Mn D.

BMUttIul lint «IScrt*ii* aad Castlshi Oak mteeamy and WWIt Caantl.
(M scesut if the Bekrew New Tear thh sWe wUI be deacd
Tharsday aid Friday. Oct 2hd aad 3rd.


thp Skis. Scalih Hair.
•M lUndiwMi


vootH^ei* KUnnel. vonh 85c aad 40c, our price. .25


All *ool Kiderdown in red, white, blue, {toik ai^ gray, worth
SRc.out i«c<.......................
Heavy Melton Skirting, worth 85^ q«cial, peryard......................|9



Howie J

i lintiig.high I

Ladiet' bnaty Metlon'walku^l^* * Ol'b^ ask *A50, onr ^


ii' .i'

Scjid Oak l»mer. brace arm.
*eai, turned (pindle* in back.
CDoak iim*h ihke .

,*et ofua.................

v-e-- W.V................. 3.60
ou«,-d».p»............ 1.46
Sc«,«............ 96

.AU«yle*%f E««^ ^
fquare top. lix. ri^t aad


Beds and Bedding

Ina Bed* P.60 U $27.00.

Evcr||Ai^ in Springs andCois^Wl^
ets and Comforters.


Thb So. 76 aolKl oak Tabic (like cat) 48x43
40P. extend* C ft.,
Sl, hte
haa beantitul toned Ileg*

lap «a the Obarleeolk
Mn Kriektn aataeaBMEMto
to a voab'* Tlait with ter panr^
Mr aad Hr*. U P. Bkerttea
te EaanaI ta4ap te eUll Mn. Bbarlbar. Wa K*lk««. aad teaIU*t* aad Uttl* *«a, after

If in Heed of a Stove
this,fall.youwaota PENINSULAR. They are
the best. No three or four year' old patterns or
econd hand stoves to select from—all this seasons
latest patterns. Call ai
and gel o


ii;.; W

V la Orud Saplda teal weak.
Hr. aad Mra VanawlHM

to all ustes. to satisfy the furniture needs
of the vast maiority, to coMcteottoariy
serve to the best of our ability the demand
for substantial and stylish Furniture at the
lotvest prices. Our values are unsurpassed.
here. We allow no one to undersell us.

Superior Tumiture


Sn teST Mtviteaadw alj^kt ■
HaOfMM'A Heat WadOteiap oee■toiTvUl tealAdalbaK U*t*‘,
■140 mu hatlM atteotean U bapod


H Kamstiitattet DUplarof-

If you want a really good bargain you can rely on finding

pnmra pain VadoaaSap.
The laiato <4te* «U1 Boe* i
oew tea pool ball aad R
B vlUoot^pp
vlUoocapp M old qoarqi
D. L. Ban-left Moadap*to Good
-iaihw. tfler “ "
-----hi* teatUpia



' ~ ' 'toBvMnri.Sl-

Renieraber ite great Shirt Wain tale which b mow on. Surplat
atock o«ai*i. A. Steven A Broteer. bought at .Vic on the dollar..$6 and $7 SOk Wabta. all colon, for Sl»8 and...................3.98
Hamoel Waist*. Brilbantine Waiwi. Wotaled WaiMa, French
hknnel Wabls. wet* $8. $8 and $4. our price Sl.SK,
11.48, $L», SteABd....................................................48


ftniah. poliibed


.... : 2J6


> Tull Cine Crockery and Camps* Second Floor. 4t
•Korr IS oooD.

. .
toawpsM Gtoewy^ old HMd





IMir *. m— WWW —»w ——

*kbir»*M rmm €t
■M*ff Mh»llT«A

mtr Uu* tr.

WOR-ra *100. SLM. SUR AT...................

x-8 ssr f


!ttU."H. hiU

mu* mu-

B*M*te«kl« Tlir------ - ~*' «Mld lad ftbftBdftHt
fTftll ft UmM Ubc*r.

: 'L

M dUcft-lftl u» iVftpeaad obaB#aa,|

Ai ob.'. —.1.

C«r iT^Bapt^, Oat Ml 1«1«C L.
p. A.. Orftftd Bftiddft
0. E Mftmr. Aiftfti.



Oar toraier nftdtn ftfa Dot ow t
BTlalst ibapreapMt a( ft hard toll
r*»i J«ji
ita* Ho'
tba !*■*■ «M .M.
--------------- —- -,-7- /

oa III! aaftrir T a'el««k %ery Um „pp,,.4. Hi«. A .H. Ooort: ItoH-


for laoaa »bo do oot oar Waodrrjaa*

II jftM Mara Um ObitMaa II waa abftftM wan aMda lu toa IIM. ftud- liiT. Oiira.llaUru.
ImMimi ba «•• to ft aanaw aaadi
r '(a» to lb*' Oiaail Tra».r. ■ajx.lladi llaaiwrw. X. A Hana(;
B HoUaii>t. Artbar Troll: Holloa. aai>.
«!«. tu toM-----------M Ortoft, Uiab , wtora ba raaalaai
irnt—■ far wraral vaaka »*4 la
Ojll-labtr. J. A DoUraCi Litim. ajM
Rmad with to# to*a m4 um
ttatft aara had Waa ataalad.
«fta Ml toa aMft. bowaraf, aa tU
•■Mar ftftar • tta* fra*
Mmla kr want to Urtoa for farther
irwf— B> ratorftftd hawft«ale
tad M darolr hit

“;a i±




jusi received. Ktegani »t>!e».
: both to Urea xn.1 WxIVmg
The new 11 gixc.l
U)Ic i* here, fit* txlurr ue
panicuUily ' plexxiiv
troRi >1 Mt»«l<i.

$10.78 ....

Olaaaaa'* eoudlilaa


••0 aba araa amlad that
(MB bona aarJr ■•« week. It war
tharafara • ihoak whao the oawa
bla daalb cftBe botordar morawi
fbw MOB toTiaTaraa Oily lied
warm aai trm irimUt tboD Pair
OtoM, aa be WM potwtarly kM>w>

20 year aeld nilcd watch. cith<
«r Cadlct’ or e<nt's=»0ur
aricu arc lower than cheap
Catalofl houtca Bring your
Catalog pricca and prove It. e

BSV. Wa. 1.
PeMoroT Ptnl. kurrb.

r hr tba war in «hlob Iba; It

toWetolrly ooeered t

at otban aad ba wftf ftlwara Uw Atb'
Maad ftf ofarrOM with who« ha aa

raarlea Keaea: HlddierUla. C

:. MorreT. Aganl.
U K. A 1. Anooel Eiontaiou (o
Cfaic-kgo Wi.uu. Detroit tod Toledo,
S 00 on Got. Ylh T<- KlcliaiooA tod .
»$.(», Oct Utb.
C- R. UutfftT. AgeoL

ttoiitoaia. H.
K. L.
L. Rood;Bo}ut
ranlla. O. E Ho*g; LveUv. ».*
Uwport: Ubarlyaod tiiMuvraet Ca- Cut. A R EeiLlor:
D. DouU; Cvatrel L.aic Clreaiu
!. 8
lotli.; Liiciiovid,
0- John
i. Eg
A A Cairai; Ubarletoix. A. P. KegItoiiupo. J. U.
profaa toM ovmt laeataa o< toe tr
lex; UUriaa aad Bo; at Palle.
U. AOftiu OUrk; I
aalM idaaaBdoak barrawa of Hlob
B.lra; Otoet Vlltoge. Ireei Alex: E»>r
Btowa: Koito Ai
I Hiti.l«id, H Juidau. R E. Yoei:EU Rapid.. J.
Had. BMrirbO
; Deal; fVrIello. W. Ban; Empire. U V Wede;PU.
Late. EaiBBCl Trewle: Piaakfoet. A
Jliafj: .I ..............In. 1. W Min.
K Wean; PiaedMl. WilliaaiP Hill
I BobluMu; HeaUiuc.
- •. Oriir
A. B. Williauiii Mtftldroa ana
Roixir. CRM.
7. B J. «'il.oo: Vnliue. K. D.
>; Wbeeitoad. O. OetTr.
dell; Kelkatoft. J. B. Dorb.. .

,loo. Joba
wediD. todiaa
Jobs Erwvge
Xtoaeld Jftoieiaoe
• • . c-ii.
JiljTe'. J. Preeouiu; Lake
•aa. O. X. Aroold. Aibena, L A ;c,.ca>t.
b# aeppelvd;
aoppelvd; Lee
It. 'lo
to be
dalu: Alban. ladtea Utwitaa. nap
• Leitch;x Hatoiiutw
Hftokiuew City,
City to b.
■died; AftgaMe, aopplied: Beubvld. |
; kUnaaluBa. A. H. Uolk>«i'
t H. Laftatoai B.tUa Ur«r-k-Kir.c|y,- u. pb„p,. Umod. P
etoaiob. O. D. bumoi HapleaBvrt. ||V. Wood; Heoloo Uiroait. W'llluo

i”o'rKirA-ir., L*‘i'

«ba towtoto'report. Tbia rapert wm.



E. J. Wltooa. Aaotbar

«Bi Ollv tor I


•totlbaf ibaObrt


aCtor M It bM ast-*'-*



aT j. Wbaatot fepMedtoi "Tb*
•toto «( toe Obarah. ’' Hit tapoet aaadt

JK 2'ba'lp‘^^-wK, ■

mThe toUowtof ototan of board, aad
toiMbwi at board! ware gvna i
MaaM of OiBiab Ertaatiaa E. O.
Lrwto. ptntodaai; J. O. RtobMbaagb.
atepmUMii 1W Ooa. aatraiarr
O. A Browa, toiaitiaf,



Oirttoto, Walwr Otork. J. 8. Hcrrto

oaene nanaa aianiKT.

Baaed of etaareb axtanatoa aad toea
fcjft^ i- oTSSuSmA a impp.
r^Mto* ailwiMMT iilliry. P. A.

The 'luing wmuen who wani the »w UiM ftihl Meat
'.-'ItNh thing in costeaml ;acket» ve going (o hnd in
.ni .-U>ak .leiamnenl modtU rfhich ftc bx>e dik[dft>ed
Kic. X gieil temptation,

t^’e can show )ou Ihc ter>

nemwst things the Mohte Cario coal t» amoiq; them.
Wc (itide ouTselves over our Moses and Childten's tuals
xod jAckeis

It t-ou come to asaad Iirii^ the ckildm


aij aewaiary. Joaa W. Boat.



. TB tod to: oora.
lo'w^Wb^ to andto.V
~ B. MIU
Cbira»o-Wb«ftt, 80; com. .«>*
aaa, V. K.
It Ordm: Kiret Obereh. W
M. PaEee; Hllwood, A. H Goald;
ill. S$i>;pork. (IS 40: lard. toM
...mi I
dtajaaa. 3i B. Pinokard: KeoiUll.
mp^tL j. Hawk.; touoift. W. K.
AI.yaKIcha-ma ftS <H>.
Kl^lkt. Memo. A. *. Barn.;
tUaitoD. R. K.; Moaterrr.
J. a Ooexto: 0.le»o. K J Biadovr;
Lari Haatat. lirealdiBg alder. Ath­
GtMM H. D Ekiaaer; Perkviliv. 3 lon U. B . W^dri Aearlll. J A.
Uaokloaw Citr to Big Rapida
^VlaM; Peabiid,
eappUed; gatoharr; Btdtrloft. J. L OomaUu; Kunadtrlptf ou. Make rooraitmaga
Ptotowell. W. A Tftjlor; PraineyilU,
aeoie w go ^ ^
L P. RllobaO'er; Kiebtond. O V.
. RaibliC..
Pallia: BohoolotafiftBd do^. W
CRdiUae Cl
____ ________ ________ ___ _ .a^'; ladlto
Qaoega Vk..>..
Trowlrldce, aftiipBed; Tiekaborg. W.
'.th. IIP', k- mlM l<ir b
r.gtl...llMdmi« lM«rlo>«i
Uatbaway: CoUataa. 3. M. Jaaaeii;
Ooeal. aappltod: Crratal Taller, aop
plied; Bdiaota. U. . Patnek; Bnirt
........................—Tar.. O. A



8. OotoiOTe;

toward Cm.


..................................................... 3. O. Cook
Lrowa. W b.aot>»4ied; Umiok r
Ml. W. A Pryc; Lenauag Pir.l.
X Uoty:
r: Maple Rapid.,
Rapid.. J E. roop-;
W J. VilMiu: Hiddleioo. and
aatBiM. W. IL «' WeUU-t;KfttoTtllP. Alton Mlto: Ukvoia.. J B.
BoOTWi Orid. A. T. Lolbar.
A. E. Kortb; Orlaana. J. 9
Palo. j. C. Ulatnoh: ttorrl


'■« 21


u, manon.

Gilpto; Moltoto, I'.. W. BolPivaatot. Jotopb thiMoa^ Pftrla, P
A Vtodawalxar: Pianop. OMtoa


l>nB.%l~ .d d.v>-H I


liau Uieetoa.
Elliot! E. Mer:
Juba.......... WeidBU. J. B. HoC
iL HoOeagor; 8t. Loon. S. C RoHi.- Whii^AItaa^. B. W. Walker. Wtoe.
a*: Bbaei>lea,>llee<l »a;;-.
Day ;\Addla AIbco. OMptoto
elU.^ IT. A. Jtoiiar: Bnirma. 0. M
‘tiltoBSald. I T. WeldoBl'n'er Biohigan UiU^ AoadMy.
Uto. W. K Motoer; WMoaita.
Willard Aidneb; Woodud^ A. W.
eai Ohadiao'. Boiaa ttootatp M fSwa
tyl««ato. nambae ot Leuaieig OeatimJ
qaarwrlr ooBfereaw. A. K eu-«ari
aad M. E GibtowiU.i«tifttHW eftdft. Joaopa Wilke

Baager. «.
tor, W. I '

OBOMK. oca*>aiag
idiag vidM.
B. fVMoae;BaetoiiHAr

X P. Kawe
plied; Erooaoa, U»togl _, . .. _
to. « 3. Doaglaa; llutT Uak. Itoo
X. Paetor-.CbMOpolle. 1.. E Binctoir;
OjOtorriHa.^J.^^^^WM^r; Cold

V^pTre HlSiMR??ofoeMi. a
B. Oftirae, B. A. Pmhb. r W. Rpoa-


USK Ssx LS:^Jhi



GuBave^U^ of Li
Klitte of this cil)
W, taftirtofe
nuntof. by Jr-^“

$oti(b Side Cumber €o.
SucraaewatoW. RW.'.!:

—Complet* llrw of Rough Diwssed Lumber. Shingle*. Lath, Door*,
Windows. Moulding*, and Budding
Meterial of all kinds.

n*MiatmanmCammtcthm. maUOrdtraSaMM
OHktamd raids m CaktJht.
Traverse City, Mich.

snrTii sinE

Qur Grand Fail Opening
Im atwtoy*





,u. Biftdler---------aavorth;
Clisex. J. 3 Old Hia
AT GoaliUfiOoop- Heorr
Uourelti Dvltoo, cappliM Cborcb. I
:U; Doagtoa end deea*«r lodifti
MieaioB. WiUij
U. H. Herne: ----------------------------- - .. -

«. H. no
8jM a#

Our Coats and Jackets



Traverae City Markets.
H. U. Cbnall. peaaldtot alder. AlTrue raoorl le made up cm Wedna.‘ Iba. George E. day Ol each >vaak. The Herald la nol
raapooeiWe for changaa In pricaa.

The aaaoam aftoa*


Th»2tylet».H|ae*« ton. and
H> will the [uirck.

the lowest prices."s.“l Rss-ts 11,

lib. from
froiu Bftokinaw
Uftokinaw CUT
Uily lo
to Big
Bi« lUp.
- . |
Ida. Ronod iripbS.oa Get fall lulor



olUrkaMBdaea ■(




lurtxlueeLH.SOlo.Sh. Hr can
H»»xc >ou.

-e Will -how t-ou the liest tine you have ever sbdh

Dftrtog bla iltoaaa aftay ot

bto btoadi to thto «ty made li ibelr
Aaty to »««.» la bla baalaeat aad fra.
«ftMI«r otdan from oat of towa war*
btofttM to l9 local boatoaaa mao aad
twrabat toen who looked altar bla
toMaitl whUa oa Iba road, bad aollaattaM wata eared foe to the

a op^wtlb daeotlM

«Msnw,nc.fto.1 xs elegxol Ime e( tall waim.

$F.rS to $4.48

this tint »t aregoiag tc Ml fcu Sfioittbiag about

bMaalf 10 lauaia with her ha>’««<>
«bM abaoaiDebOBMll«fttapt>ar<n<

TtM laporta of eototolMaaa toft i
turn jaatortay Beratag't aea
«Mato«ftfb*Bp ftl ibaaaaatiaf

.\U new goo.lx tba rammei—are
oaercvt DOW xt tidiculoiBlT low


Mdinjirr aad oarr* to bMr ap aadei
Ua itoraloftl ooodtllao. Piira wroka
■ga ba arrat to OrIcD ftfato •« ir•-.........................................^




m bu boatoaaa. ftltbooftb It raqaoed

(bal Hr.

gi*e ran aait* rea^ voRk $1S.S0 m SILOR

ItH par )tti to isvcttigftia

O- U Loekwood. O. P. **• .V_,

U*»4 ft alNW Mar. vM«k «•«•>•»- Vtrf Urn'
witb ottar T*ftn.
•« law ft tattft ftft4 IhrtTU* bftiteMft
thft tateftkrr. «Mnr ■■<> i>
b wu ftlMM Unw for tbft tftftl W
iwdtr •( Mr. OMftH*. Blaa* MBtw mm offtte MleUcaa
bMft traa 0>dUI»* lb. OlftSM U- («»aea UM eifht twiora BUMp nu
mm utumlt popftlftfftft4lhftp«- KftftU
4m« «< U* teoMry baft* iftftdr «bft IMof
of paM^a l«*
ahfticb. W. L——: tft ftU pftrwo* ftwlhwftftd wft
eealsi »ftft»
1» tb»
ij ^ q
lUiMffta. Abftft* ft r«*r ftftd ft
raatdMM o( U B Hall tb. aUilftg
■ Lot.j,,;
MfttahftM* ftalftbd WttbftftftMM

kt «U Ml


Fall OpeningI-'or us to announce
soft of a happy event. We hav been laboring
early and late checking off these vast amounts
nf new goods and arranging them in their
speetivc places.* One always feels good when
it has
long and laborious task
s pleasures—one
enjoys handling over the new
lings, arranging them in artistic displays and
citing them leady (or selling.
Our stocks this fall are larger and of a
n. L'ttiner assortment than any previous season,
most care has been used in their selection—we
can bank on eveiything we sell to be the b«t obtainablK for the money. Our prices we giisrantee to be the lowest on like qualities.

New Fall Footwear
We have placed on sale and for your
inspection a new line of Ladies* and
Gentlemen's shoes. We show the
best line of Dress Shoes sold in the
. city.^et us show you ourstylesahd
make you prices on Reliable Foot­
wear. Not how cheap, buthow good.

Frank Triedricb,

Our Mllllr%*ry
Is always interesting to the ladies’ — men
even venturenn to see the exquisite showings(although they are not interested ri in millinery.
It seems that there is no end to the milliner's art
—each season autdoing the previous one. It is
certainly true here. Our showing this time sur­
passes all former occasions. The natty styles,
the fine character of the materials, the large as­
sortment. *he lowness of our prices will make
this event one of unusual interest to those who
lake pride in fine millinery.
The*’KOC-H ’ is a leader in Paris. It is a
fine taffeta bat trimmed square and decked with
ostrich feathers.
The •■MINK" Hat with Spanish Scarf is a
dainty Oriental style.
The “SANTA de MOIR" Turban of
velvet fancy braid and wings will be a great fav­
Then there is the“AMELlA BINGHAM
Hat of velvet with shirred chiffon and long shir­
rs lie with ostrich trimmings that is a very
daihty style.
There are so many of the pretty things
that we cannot mention them here, but wc must
not pass by the ' M.'MJDE .ADAMS’ hat with
fold^ felt top. lace edge and braided chiffon
facing with Paradise trimmings, that is going to
be so much in vogue.
Cold type and words fall short when it
•comes lo describing these beautiful creations—
We wish' to show them to you. You will be to.
-will you not? Mrs. Crane, who has charge of
the department'this season wHt uke pleasure in
showing them to you personally.
When in it will be a pleasure for you to
-visit our CLOAK DEPARTMENT, and take a
view of the stylisn things, in ready to wear gar­
ments. We are showing the finest assortment in
,lbe dty, and the largest. Onr prices, we are told
by those that have been around are much lower
than those found in other stores. We guarantee
a saving.
, Then there-is the FURNITURE DE
ENT that must not be passed Iw uaPARTMENT
________ Sl^ in and- make yoursdf at home.
We don't expect you to buy. but want you to sec
• you a pleasant

tbe Boston Ston


Commercial Prinflng
nil Hade

fferald jaXWHcc


needs replacino, perhaps.

just oow as harvest rime approaches, a good supply
of Crockery is always oeeded. especially when extra
help is preseoL We caa h^elp you nicely. See here:

DImmp matts, 7 te.e SOesatatt
BamdM Offt* Oir», SSe set sfO'
Deer Dlsbts Se, Mr, /Sc, smi Mr
r fine stock of Glassware at
surpriimgly low prices.

O/Sp Book Store
Basset BeecberCs^Pitfa.

a ipialil walro at yarora ba
Thk taqoaM WM »ada ba«M ika fraawiiM^tMof
a aia Tiamaa

air BM. aadu
1 talk la
tiM nb«ae* af aaaa
p ba'dld aat think a Jarr oeald ba
tba iwaaabi yaaai. Dpoa
a UMtal Ttali* wm or-


____ I. a <roaa of vfalM-------A tba praaldMi Ulaea Madly aad a doabk apeay
Bid rad wraaaoot oora^tba. UA, Aapi. M—Praal. caakal_________________
aioo RawarO. tlOO.
TBnvtmcrihU Mpn «MI WU
ao uUaeIr and Is tbla oilr r«*IB> WM laud 10 ba wAariaf
pum. and tlinl tp (Slnirt Hnll'p ■'slnirS
•welllac Is tba latt laf. baIP Ua oalp Mnn earp sine U>u>n iu
•• knaa sod tba ukla. which tbp BpdKal mMslIf. ininTTb W------------


a la oiMftad with tba ■
4b atbla wUa. Mary K. Bi
aa tba
of April flat, and baa
daaa baaa laid ia Jail vUbnt ball.
It kwld that tba dafaaaa woal sM tsataad of bylsf lUas to tba
■sltr plaa. bat It U trals to ooetlssa bl» yoarney to ---------bare baaa ae
b, tnUlduwsMbp
tkaitbaatteraaratarlbajrort Vayaa aU Mllvankaa.
aobdaet tba oaaa of tbalr ------------ ' - '
--------•Uw tbaory that klra Harlloe eoearrad at t ifS o olook ud laat-!
ad only aUort linn. Tbas ba vaa
BwimTM Ml ia tb* wmi


iuiiTW;a^u.'nn Uk bnM


MoBter taUdr bU atad BOtlwr, «bo
*M *WM7 aOMMd. Uam*M
at 7 kO |i B , ba arM eoarayad
hlMilf tfpmne wot wd wltwMd.
Btatcner to bU train, which bad
Tb« oHslabl w» o(tb« p«opl« *b
Lowla OeoDOt ud EM> Browb «w baaa kaekad sp oo a‘-T-aai
» for Ih* pMwat. aa It «M KMod hospital, and at 1;W o'elook tba
Itet both poitlai Md pniboblr laft left lor WaaJilnftoo

Oetober ;tb
SpBctal mis wlu kara Urand Bap.
Ida at B 40 a m. .rosnlnp ebroaeb with
oat eliSDfa Fara from Tnaarw City
loUlareludud raters |n.10. Baff.
alotl&M. Tlrtau rood fw N daya
Mirtiealara froB llokci aceau or by
• oltMtlw of ch* elnaU rdort
Tha Inoabtaa for tba Trsranr Oily arritlna V 8. Brown. T. P. A.. HtlUWM oooopM tooM of Ibe dor Twadtj alKol
rallraad ud

dab. Bleb .or R. W. lan.-a C. P. A .
with tbo lopUrtB orfiooi WM of IHo- bu Una
Orand Bapida. Blob
S7 4i

still ut it


S. A. UWNM kften Ibo Bowld
M lom—M Wbboco. of tbo Jobhaoo
Md Bletoo Vo. > wlMr. It U dm
Md of MO»Uwt<o»ltiy.

RrloMM .A .A >


dean np ..f *1

Mr. aad Mrii Miah^ a^ et Vlaa
Moat will oaiahrata (balr ioMm
waddlat aaBlaamir aaat Moadar.
Tboaib tbar an to old. Kra Olaafc

AA w;e arc showing a very good garment.
«PVaVV good quality Kersey, lined through- •
out. well made, a good fitter, all colors, 27 inches long;
you've paid SS for no better: sires 3i lo 40; only.$

Bi $15.00


Alpboow lUwear of rifo Uko oM
Mn Am Honw of UrarUaf ««to
ftod la tbo elnoll eeort Ubmr Wad'
aaodar br Joailoa Oartia

this Cut
Represents «
One style of Sio.oo Jackets we show.
We have about six diflerent styles at this price.
Kersey, guaranty satin lining, well tailored, black. na%->-.
cardinal, tan, castor, brown, and oxford.

we cu hk) e nia-le

Here arc a few of the |-ricea
l.ul >0-J lUSt tee Ihd thus,
lo know low low the pries

ClfcuUOon this mek 2,525.

fOe mean that the lady wbo wants to pay $10 for
a lacKef shall Datx the Maaest ten dollars* worth
she ever bad. ««««««-

•» Trie Kbm.
I. Pa., Sapa. M—Praaldaat •—
awad a cood aiebt. Ba



Mlkad It ■tiaa Aaodar.

we have them all beat a mile, s© inch Coat, satin lined ]
throughout, tucked all over, inlaid velvet >-oke effea. velvet j
collar, finely tailored: all colors and sizes no«’: no more at this price when this lot
is gone. $i5,oa

Children's Cloaks «

Tba OttarttaMoaol raaaoM wto
c liilihcri s lucdium itfncl
-fi.v. in
;ii4i are! Irilhei. ar. lasimR ai>4 .omlori-

aldM Ualea M«at it aatUM vhb
Me MOOMt. Tba ladMt ha*a a •taat
aartatr a( thiM* M wla, Md vtll
•M«aM tba wla far wtaa Um» I«m-

Sirexf, i„K

Afiar valblaa aad rtdiac, a dUaoorMod arovd arrtrad at Old MlMoa
•atarMraifAOa. at. loaMaadaawa.
tawada bait arblab arai eirn Frldar
OMoIm. Tbar vriaad thara la tbaa
la ratara. raaM>la< (hit atir at 11 d a.

[ to choose from.

The greatest line we ever had thousands^! Ad^ 4m
Long coats are the thing for little folks
IV ^19 |

Do not buy a coat untfl you have seen our line.


hjtou •yso
MISSl-.S Sl/KS 12 lo 2
Si-OO ari'l SIpSS

tbaa. J, Ward of Aom brtata tba
■wald waplaa at poMteaa of tba
TwMrtatb Oatrtorr Md Qalrb Crop
firiatiaa. vbwh trUI rtald MO baabTHE BBCOKD M. E. OHCBOU Ah’D PAB.'iOKAOE.
Mi to tbaanra. Tbar ara rarr Mrta
Md of taa oaalKr. aad ba
• IbabtMkUda tor lalBulfB^ BaaTock. TUa troobla frueblia of the nasa. vuVatad by TeCblelaas aeS llrisn au ■•<
haa ariMa orar tba paaiaMloa of aosa a onuimoei rote at Monday'i satl«ta»a«iaa.
ISf of tbe eooBcil. ud sow It U op
■klaflaa Tba oaaa la not ooa of abIlM O. It. A I
|to“patd U S.Glbht. hit saaoclstaa.
rsak Aaohr, tonaortr waU kaoara aorMat Utatasi.
0 tbe teato. will h
I sBOoaaaora ud asnfst." to soeopt tbe
JbloafO |«.0O. 0.-lrt)U. .
la ibU alir.dlada favdaraaeo la
A MMlar was at Dulal Knalu aa fruefaiae. deposit Ibeir bond ud fst
AIwm H. watlblrtr raartof a«a John B. Hoataa was tattled oat o( to
Tbit to 00. ud on Oot UU) to from allaBlI. w UaoklTba tiailai atrlrad bare TanMj aean, u vara alao tba trorar oaaa ot belnf the third fruebiw. pused stier new n» to Bir Rapldt
Dos't fall
Md wo wa« br UMrrSaoM. of Aat- John naak «a Bannu Hynu. tbo asDh iboroBfh IsTsatlulioo. ao muy - fo. Oat fall lafoni ' I ud fold.
poofarueea ssd sseb s tboroafh coibr
IMO aar, «bo ■aaeatpMiat tba bodj
I el OMrtaa 11. ~
.orarot tbeanlire sSslr. U la slKweth.
•a fmt Oaalda tor bariaL Mra Jaa. AfobaO
Hanry BwfBlUn, ud ' St iBprobsbIe tbe eosnoll voold
of Pblludar Peru afalu costlder uy (iropoatl tor
anotbvt ftucblae -r aiu.-admu' '
A Heo's Wild BMs tar Ufr.
ra. Artbw WUtw
ObMMtaad kU bratbara. «d«wdM
With bit tomlly aroud espeeiloc him
la ftulad
tbc ftoBoblae at Bsally
QllllkMi. Ula.. aad WllUabi at Look. a dlaocoa troB AaoM L Botwlbal
I DSutBOsa. ud all the to die, ud atoa rldisr for life, IR
-loepl Mr. KeOlotkey. wbo atlas, to kvt Ui. Kiuc't Kew Dlteor
f«t, K. T.. alta wrlrad Taaoka
Tb—plan m IM fraud of daaar.
ary tor OaassBpttQo. Oosclia sod
has rrmored
Ml frost blp vsrd. '
ttob. Tha aoU WM Mt ooalaatad.
Iklds. W. H. Brown, of Leestillr.
led., endsiad dtstb'a ajranh-s froa
John Mc.Noe, otherviae
fcnoati at
uibBs. bsi this wonde-'-’ —............
tl>e lelst eoBBli
-Black lack,” t
Tueaday con- the bosrd of Usdr. City AMomey rsra isatul relist ud soon eared
Tiuou tn
uLmusx uiudkrnneai, l>ut he Orost. uil Attorsey 11. C. IlarU. rrp nia. Hewntee: "1 noweleep poood
}aMtoa of tba aapraM oeart, to na- win not be temenced by JudfcMiyne tesestlnf tbe IstereeU of th' railroad It rTcrr ul«hL" Like asrreloa.
------ ol Oonsaapllu. Pnneaonls.
aaod tM lata Jaatiaa Loaf. wlU bo yet. The jury waa oui 40 mmuiei odapuy. Tbe ftuehlaa as preatnted
tolUi. Coskha. Ool.U ud Throat
by Ibsm vu passed vUb bol one
before they retunied with their ver. aery aliitbt BodlBeatios. wbleb relai- ud Lent treoblea. Uoaruteed bol.
boU ta Otaad Aapida takvdiet ihb ntorninc, after liatentn); to ed to tbe rapatlr of brldfts All the Uaa BOo ud II.OD. Trisl boltlM 10
rest of the fruobtae, m afreed opon Ota. at Jaa O. Pohaaon a and F. H
the cbv|e of the court.
hy tba Joist eoBBlUea. vse seeepted Uaad-a drac tioraa.
OB matlon at the dafaMul'n aateeuya, PMehIa A Oretby u order of tba ooert. a
Alter tbe laMafa of the fnaeble.-. -- — _jto Bkatplaee ...
It n wat Dttroit ud ToleUo to 00. Oblauo
Momm. raoa tbU oeaatr, Jadfo rpoolal vablra ot 4f bm vu drawn os BOtlOO ^ Aid
m of the to Ol). ud Ooi 14th. to BI Lwto BabarM. O. 0. MaCatt. W. 0. for tta trial of the BanfSTaa Border aoied to defer tbc ____________
fruehlea UU It U aoerptod by
Ind , toOO
0 A JMail. Anak rrtadtlob. Jadfa 3m. &
tritiob ta aat for Uooday aatL L K Olbba. bit saaoeialea. t<
SMaroa. O. W. Baff. Tboa C. Balaa
mire aria drown by Bbarlff
Ur. Olbba tutod to a Heraldl repB. W. HmUma B. 3. ralfboBk at
dlor, Oouir Clark Walter ud
.. atatr
thio aUr. Obaa. OidwMa of BUlr. JuMota ef ana Paooa 0. W. Oortia
lice will
Wm. (MMt of Oarkold, A. B. Aliawa aad Baban Bamoy. SbariA Ohandlar
be will
ft ■tafMar.bU lafi M tba 11 kO Mda.
I now vary bav. aad will ba for
aaaa toe. aotlfylsf tba saa wboaa
CafUia WcU> M tkr OolombU Ml
aaaa waradnwn to ba preont nady
vith a carp)
K. K. Terser, who baa bau tor
> all Ob tba aaaa Baaday Baanlnf
Me yaafa lowird tn BaUalra, bu
Tba faUowlnt mbm aoapoaa tha Dfvly eoBplsted bU apple sTBpoantoT Pild ip CtpItaL
' B. Uaiiid~Ro^M~thki dtr and
WaM Frool tttwl. la aliudy eaapaelalTaalrei
Min Naudr Joteoon. daiMliter of
- •
Piadariak CBlor.
Oanr Oloafh ploytofbudt aad penbaalaf atok. SuTlBt.
Caidaia Jokatoa <d BoMn Harbor,
rf Tbaedara Oaltna of Blair. F. O. ud will tp. ready for boalsM aboot
van aarriad at Cbc bonr oL tbc
Taylar. Freak W. Aslth ud Obnatlu
>Tbk yawarday._____________
LaBbatt at East Bay, WUllas Prlol/'lC. GibU it ia feori|f of aoete dW. WtaUa Dell ud Blu Hlplow of oUitr POsto taat. Tba nsBbaa of
Laba, B. U Haaaoa, .kBoa huda eapleyad ud toe oai|«l of toe
‘ Wiibiiwth tan of on poarn ia Ku­
and CUtka A Robsrtaui IneUtstloB will depend on the sboui rsn ttnw rmaamt m m
na iMt Wbiirvaicr. ^ f|
van nai to Mi. Gibba
ba (oriMt cf OarAcld.t). B. OHppan. Frank I'M- of sleek tost oas be psrohseed
ysBet Sioekud cacM to tbe elty
3tut. BarpMtaor. Gaorfe Noal, weU knovo in
Tnllar ud wlto toe IstenUos of baeoniec a partBtii locality arvaral yean ■«»WUflod B. Batay ot Grow LUa. Joa- sar with Ur. Tatser, bat tbe ollBSla
apk Bahvlad. Jaaea Flnoh and Cbar. data sol afree with hlB aery wall
bav buk buildiac. Krad lufci). tea tobitobu et Loaf LUa. Wmina aad b* Bayud



Our SBTlnrs Departmeot


rVlwrt’s MIbH.
C«pit SKoMto












These chilly days are remindful days of the chillier days to
come. It is good policy to be prepared. We are prepared
for you. then why not prepare for your home comfort ? Cbf
Hrt Darland is the finest made heater in the world both In
appearance and heating power and sells for $48. d)t VaU
Dariand is the finest wood base burner that has been put on
the market and sells from $17 up. ClK Premium 6arland is
another splendid stove—these sell from $ 12 up.

Oil (>ram doscil lon^ius—

Ou-t to 9P.OO
loy*0 .'iatin calt stioes,
tirsll lol:<^'7So
koy*S cMri well made
cJr this, sirs Ui lo2—

And it burns all fuel equally well—coal, hard or soft, coak or
wood. It not only burns everything, but it burns everything
well—gets all the heat out of the fuel, and you get the heat
in the room. Keep down your fuel bills and buy a Keund Oak ■
St09C« Prices are from $ 14.00 to $24.00.



^aaAb cut hit kb haad vny tcvcrely
•enta tbc back with a latbu>| hatchet.
Tfnday aftentdoo. The injury a^U
hn oAvork (er a csatideiabk


Mr*. Santh J. Mitkr hat rrtnnad
la bet bomr, 10»0 Rudolph itreet.
•to a 1*0 <rrrtf' viait in Kruklorv
Bar too. Prank Filer MUM. hat rone
«• the Afncubwal CoIIoh «h«re he
will take a foor ytuf nochaaical

‘ SKxHiat

t Kc;iE.iii?s?ssH


Toyke. Barnaa Yoodr ud Utaty
OoUlMOf HaySrM. 8 t>«utr. Olaaaat Pltrot and Deloa Xlafilay of Paradiaa. W. L Ajrta, W. O. Toapktai
and a H.

Bart A. Johatea. Jam Baaba aad
rhitawalar. HI),
lob O. Abapard, Aafnalu r. Olart
aad ObarUa Baaay of Oatos. B. A
4OM aad 3tmm BaflaMw el iba First
ward af Traasroa Oily. A. Beosatl,
and Bd. B. Chata.fioa tba toaod
wwd. Th«aMa OllBora ud Otiariea
HaalMb (MB tba Third ward. H. K
Oartli aad W. D. WtUU boa tbe
Foanh ward, 1. C.
Dal JaafclM frea tbe Fifth word, aad
Oaeafe AbI* aad & F. Biltaa at
The tapiaru'bPAaalaMtaf Dulal
Raatfn *o Bu Teak baa baan daaldad by Ika fary to tba alraoU'aeaH to

torn of to ptotoUA. Wba gm to
tonfki todtobksbbd^ aobla da*-

Mow. Ua r Tttss, ASS'I CSUw.
T wse alBC
Sdler •( GbM Shoe*.
UdSUAd. 0p^ Henid <UBce

orowd ^ Makaf. toeaffe toata ware
Who tripped toe llfbl fulealk
Tatadayaifbf outoMwpavrBaal to
fioal ofto Haial Wbltiaf- Bnl tfaata
were boto *.000 to AOOO who baaru u
aseallut bud otoan by to TMTsaas
OlV tuDd. It WM oat ef to faast
toad oeaoacto.AracflyuUtbUeiW
aay oriaalwtioa. aad was llitaiiid
wlto pltaaare UU aaarly 10 o'elook.
Tba bud oeooidad tba Tsiuda ot
to Hotel Vhlilaf.
Thora raid Mte bow Beta Maotof
bnl tor to tael tot to <-rovd wu as
aad kept orovdlnf np toward
to aaUa ae tot duolbf opac* ooaM
met ba kept altar.
Ufhia for to daua
J. B. ralfa
■u haa kraafht aolt (or diaerna boI hla wife aatlad Ub -uoM



Condensed Smoke


For stnoking all kinds of meats. It will
preserve the meat for' any length of
time, keeping ic solid, sweet, free from
mold, flies, etc. It impam a true hick­
ory flavor to meau that can be obtained
in oo other way. 0«e bottlelys cents)
still smoke *$0 to 300 pounds o? meat.
Every bottle guaranteed satisfactory
br mooey refunded, at

"^lUalf$ Drug $tore

The greatest invention that is known for heating.
more fuel than the regular stove, can be attached ttf any
stove or any joint in the stove pipe. A child can regulate it
and It sells for $4.50.


Are splendid heaters, take up so little room and give <H|t so
much warmth, and it only takes $ IO to own one.
*WK mmLaU TMK mm

ibVKMSK ormr» wmom.

Mia* fcMto Btadevenkli ellh«a
ad WdUarn Addtaf teaneem Otiy
^4 uaHad ta Martaw laai Same-

Mary Loved Her






!••«■• met
The iioam


PMtaref BMtJtadtahM

‘Jmt Ukc She Loved the Lemb
______— Itfa.
Maay Wedty nod
vataaU* fitM trare Mt. far team.
Hr. and ^ Adell arlU ba a* tkalr


coat went too.
It took btr wannly to oeboal, g*f«


her frcmtaa to play li^alUifally uKl its
beauty made bcr tbe pride

her ■■•«."

AU WOOWBX garwemafor cUUira siv
cut. fitted and finUb$d byladdon eapcna. The No. 40. lUnatrated byte,
h made ofKency in many diOrerent
Almoal tbeentireBurfiKcla

•tripod in altertiate cording and earrowatrapa ofufletu.


It la cut to

•How for gromh and i* durable




enough fer wrvrral teaaona' wear.

La'sse-Js’Sfs: sj iBin.vss


1 er* bMj

j. w”millTken
A Htlle

Grand Traverse Region.

Eendall and gaala Harab af
at Ur PMBUlaar’i
Batar toot dl
ab tara laat Bunday.
Wblli atiaapUag io alioib a ladder
lealaouc -Ml aad broha bit
Mbar UJenet
rm. baaldaeotbar
Hartha Wilta
Bapldt to rUU

« aarrieea ta the Oatbdta



“tira Piuaeta totlb
b« boma IB Onad Bapldt after
' - 'tarmoUw
tatatb'a ' '

Hitt XlU'a- Htnar tae relumad la
bar hojaa
jOw after apandliig

■Mar friaadt af Ulat Vita
will bagladtotaanUi'
rurtBf vary aloely frna 1
cent oiiatailaa for appaadtoma


Prod Avarr aad wlfa aio rldtlag
trUlIrta ta B'acferd.
Hi and Hr* Oamahl Tbaaa* af
JaffvfcM eoaaty. B. T.. ar* rUitUf
r*UUra* tara ter a tow waaka
Hr. aad Ur*. Jata Otbarniiaai^
A Baatay tabaal vn
taaiaaw trip wTtatam UUy
tbe Uatol aotaoal hooie
Pray weal la Trarana Oily

at Tranrw Oiiy thU waak.


bM baen Mae. bei a
Aat: eota ttatw b
.re BipseH.
Hr. and Ml*. & & OMr. 1



“v: rsL^vras-iS


It denuelrau* tbat Ibeory girrt
ret U fon feel.
Hr F A Rldred, of 816 Blmwcxd
Areoae.. eaya: ’I bavcelMe).. beld
Ibe opinloa tbel lb* lee* aowraBi a
- - Ibe belier thevanrff.
ini I WM oonipelled
wiled u
U irr
reni>die* for the PldueTi
From ihr
airaog •■odoneBcat. 1 lead toaebiug
'' ra'* Kidney ptifa 1 wee indaeed 10
tben. Al the time I bed
in-' tiaok. and
r the
and uitar tcniin. me of ti.liiev
.ben eaUing
• *ui beck 1
b^ 10 ineu o.y bet
bendi aoroM
Inina for tbeaauillaa
awonaol of etd
aSurdtd then ftnelly 1 wm aaeble to
go faribet then (be yard 1 need lee.
th«a two boze* of Doan'g Kidney Pill>
and ibey onnd


Hr. and Hra Kewta
Ate •Mbw.< at ihafBiaanaN taraad froB vldttag t
WMitftblgptilCpaataw'af a ran •bturdaynUhl.



Uar ham ta la Le-

M tta aw ^ tta oM taCtMta tbal
tuny ytHM ago
Me. aM Mm. Oaa HoBm afKonL


> HaBdy bM bagua bbUdlbg


t. a ■IM'I tautata ttata

l^ka fa going to mo'v* la

and Botber.
A Pmaa'e Mobto a.
who bare beta apadlag. a Boatb beie.
■■I weal all lb* world to kaaw."
ratamod la ibetr berae ta
I Fart V^e
wrllM Her. 0. 3. Bodloag. of Aih

ley lati
war. Hi.' wbat * iborooghly good
Leeter Ball
tad relhhie medietne I toandin bleotrie Biller* Tbey oared me of Jeoa............. ... ..................................

irea at ih* B* fTval toSenng for raaej yeara
Blag For a guolne, all-aroaad ear* tbey
ring tad i
lUoe ezeel aayiblug 1 erer eew." Bleetrte
azil, lad.,
I Ibe eanriee
of all for tbeir
fer tbeir bomea Tbe ere_________work on Liver ead Bionarb
oiag wa• (peat ta BoWe aad-gaBe*.
troablea Qan't fall1 to tn
niraabBoali were tervad OBlr60ola Bar—— ion te gnenateed
>ud *1) depenod afiar iptadiag
I by Jaa O. Job]
tad r. H. Ueada


Oya tayan tta aaaaralaa 1

Jaba Btaw b*t a Aae oafamy af bate
aad Bm booay. m all bfa aaigbbon at
Mlgbtt eutaattfy. Ur. ^w preMbtad lhaa aU wllb a Bae pUla at
aatab hoMy.
faaapb HeKta aad taaUr bar*
Uta Baaaa Banb sad Betan K«.
dUlaf Baita aalhd at Bdwta Bhta'e tavad froB BUftai to BaitoM Bay.
Ootara DoBlaa, wlf* aad taally
daya at £<i
Mta itaah Braeba tta tpaabta la
dUtrtet. tat aeat to tar
Hr*. C. L. DoBta* U vfailUg for
few ^e wlM bar aoB. Oat Ooiai.
Mm lUnt. M lMUM.wfe.1..
------ -------------------------------Prwl
. Aihaabd
are lawlw bemloat lae* for Oetere
, ta rUtilag I
OOBlna '_________
Mn. Jaha Bhafe aad Mha Brookt enl tkld fta tta Uv
Hr. tagle. who U vtaitiBr al KorttaSUOOOH Of b*Bloc
loot and 600
Wl l«0 H
Bentwood Oou<e bee oa
tOO.OOOH Bort moM orer witb Hr. Bryan 8aaj WO.OOOH
' beBlook aa tbe tilde
Aide bow; tbec
thru Baaab. trta bM beta oat
> t tod M. Ii ^
Hie* Vir* Bhekvroad rtfciued „
aBtaLytaafleravtail wlth.t*latl*M



' ■s.icsr
A Dt*r Oa!


; ta. laev


. ^aaw at Ttaracta Oi^.. .

Oader tad vtalaUy
taavy trad with
»mn. trtm >. m» JUbtatOtarta

Tta phaaMt tala at
afaibl wa>
eery wvlooBei tta reada W bentBe
qnlta daaty
Halvla Pawaore arrlrad fro
eealbtca Hfablw aad at iwataBt
Bating bu boB* with bu fathta-k
hw. B. BtawelL
Leoa Oilchrui ntarMd from bfa

nerzoBTalaa Inia wbieh aoBe In
■taa yaeterchy had a |oodly orewd oi

UBaidiMaaVa taai Bataitay era-

Tta taU gataa wbiab WM phted tawaaa iba Grdar teas ata Tntrtu
■BKaMi Baa Mtaed S la I u fnvta el


Bev.VoUrh mne^
d beta tweet*
Titiied U Ttav-

. BalllVB*
end wife atiaadrd
■I H. Ubeelia el
ba Best
nrai dey.
3. B. fhiB»rta and wifeeatae la m




my EN>
TIRE Ailine of FUR ROBES. These
rritys were bought at SPECIAL SALE
froSrthe MANUFACTURER. Here is
a CHANCE to get a good ROBE for
PRiCE. •«•««••*•«



, Train will Imv* Traveree Oltr at
o Tol


Tmid will leave Travrrw Otiy at
m Hale |100 Bee peeler*,
88 »
from *1*1100* BtBed to Ubio elatioui «»■ •geau for partlealar.

li^.g8» ^'blTwm’.ll!'. ta’Uw

TT' -




r G A K KaeMipairul very low
OB Oelobet a. 1. 6 and A good la
a nniil (Vtober Utb. vriib ezLA CBOSSB
woe of haul 10 NoveailB-r 3rd ap.
Tatwday. OrioberTib. I
paywx-ni of 60 eenle ezita w'bea
It voar frieoit*,
' el Weablnglmi

tlllBOia Ohio Aa ageoi* far
M fall ptriioehr*.


1 sell dynamiteat raasonable prices. Estimates
and*xperienced menfurnishedatanytime. Lar^e
stock of 40 and 60 per
cept dynamite, caps and
fuse on hand at all times.


11 j'ou will need a wove or range bl an)- kinJ now t* the time to

We can show wu a v«>- large assnrtqieul. all bought early latl

spring tielore the advance, 3J difi'etenl Hyles an.l zizes in Aii-Ti,:hl
Stove*, tfom $1.86 up.
Nine iliderent *trle« and lizes in i’eninsular Iteater*.
Kifieen diffcreoi tiylct and size* in oihcf heaien.
37 different ttyW* and size* of Cooc Stores, from $5,73 up.
23 different' styles and sizes of Steel Ranges, fium $17 6(1


So you see that we can (deasc you on sunes.

Tn Turniture,

A good little Air Tight Stove, just
bkecul. for................................................ >1.85
The neat aize larger, with arew

draft in front, for......................
A Peninsular Cottage Stove, nicriy
nickeled, will lake 23 inch wood.
our prvee......................................................
A No. U Peninsular Round Oak.
will take 20 inch wood, our |•r^ce,
Na 16 Peninsular Round Oak.
takes 34 inch wood, our {incc...
Na 6IC Peninsular Round Oak, one
of their best, will bum coal or
wood, our pnee is...................................
Na 145 Peninsular HolbUst.'Sinake
f'onsuming. Round Oak, tl^ beat
round oak they make, our {vice is

7 76





nwL we have several others in the chea|>cr Penifisular heateo.
Here is tbe best round oak stove ever
offered ibe the money.
Hu large ash (fan,
draw ffte grate, bean nickel tool raik.
nickel screw dam{>ert. targe nickel plate on
one feed door, nickel scree' draft on the
other feed d^, check draft over fecit
doors, large nickel nunc plate, nkkei shak­
er, ni^el swing top, hamlsome sjHin btau
um with arms; will lake 34 inch wood.
beautiful hea'er, guaranteed io eyery way.
for only$&ff6.>
nd a very' jiow.
Here is a handsome and
rt air tight, wdl


rf /


iron, heavy' cast Iroot. *itb Urge Irom
feed door, nice leg lose, nickel swing
to{>, spun brass um with aruu, mcket
screw damper, nickel foot raiK nickel
(ilale on feed door, mckcl sleel lop ring;
will bom 21 inch wood nicely.
Try this stove.
It will jileate
If it dota not you need nut keep it
Uw price IS only $ff.6u.

be. luoM tar UJV.


■rvior. TTekete good la return
tetobvr ItiB. incleelve.
Aa a
r ere luU( for fall parlicahre.
6e i-i
HP Hoeller, O. ~P A



-F A. Hitabell. Q. P. J
H. H. I'aaalagfaaB. Agt

• *rrHiv*r«* Ct^y

Get our price* 00 Furniture. Stoves. Ranges. Dishes. Carpel. Oil Cloth. Linoleum*, etc., and we wu.i save
you money. \Ve have by far the largest assortment shown in Northern Michigan. A very large stock; 4 floors
26x100 it., 3 tloon 30x117 ft., packed full and nearly all bought before the heavy advance in June.

'•I vrai tre*h-d for thire yeere by
doerore." write* W A Orear.
Hie* Laoy Oook of atar**** City U HoGonaelfavlli*. o.. "for Pile* aad
ml*. baL wbeoailtal'*d.Baakl*B'a
ta gMtl at Z.-B. Htaataw aad taaIWW Belre onred a.e la two weeka "
—«a Bona BnfaeK Ouia Oorai.
„J^ta Ttaoy Htller. wta ta* beaa Bona. Braidioai Balt BbeaB. Pile*
U. ta abh to go ta aabool again.
or ao my S6e ai Ju O Jobaaaa aad
Bmll LaderU at Ttatatt* City mmI F. a H^ e drag elorea



Td Painta la tta Vml Nortbwetl ead
BonlbweetTiekifa will be eold to aboro p^la

OCL. Baffe
' tbe Unlu,
laiar. Doan'a

ider, olrll
af King Ueoar of Bwed«a. altenpuA
to break zb* warld'a reoerd for blgh
balloon aaeuieloBat Btaekbolm. A«
taigfat of two Bile* tbe faallooa
bant, aad tbe eeraatau fell to tbe
•arth. bat Bilraealookly • eeapad death

!*♦ ^ron^

very low mtaa. Aek
Itoalar* ai 10 roala*.
roala*. rate*, eic.

Sf .inr;i;




JMjjdJb^^taatatai Oiv fa

BecaaM tbt pranf it In Trarerat

Uito thnta thieebed <»ar 1.000 bataPtabkBavan and wlfa. Hra Hand eU at grain Ibfa week.
Badaat. Bbantao Bayoe aad Ht« Boa- ^Obrfa^PttaM^t^tartaialag hit and take BO o
eta BBaeM atitaded a cBbm u Um

H* aaratta nt Ikaaburtaki

■.wmi aatalag aad BaadM aatatag.

«hr Vnveeee C hr tUeeh- nh<u
tv« (Me VelaehU .\*«Kv.

^k^caa ibMlareWIgate the otalm*
When tDveellgalvd they vrlll pcor*




aa'Btaeb'na^ ^ wark.
. aad Hr*. U Baua nt H*m aI«ll*d aa bar daaabiar. Hra Aa»

BT'auSr ^* ^ ****

; :,5 IJricloi-wwwr.FlMM.............. 25ct» 2.M
I.S0 te 2.7S
Cm........... 26,35
im. .., ii.60
IF l*B lUtaw OoodB you Wtatafa. OorrvB «o


A. PiMBan aad Ray Hill ar* oirarUtvrMwr Wataen it werUai on Iba iag a pleee at lei.d far Fred Weetlobn.
Her. Mr. Hiniy of Uaple Oitr wiib
'"Ur.^iad^ Baan fam rahllrea hr* wile, were Baking ealU tbroagb
A. Garth af Trareeea Olty dM bMl- ?T«m>MadaB«»ai Bab«. Oairr'a
vleiilBf tbaai fioB ladiaaa.
be artgbborbood lew week.
naet la leva bM Uanday.
eat tlsa
Hr. and Hrr RolfaofWi
Brad Gala leleroad from Mmlwaa
0. J. Bmlih will eiblblt a Beboaek
teeter al Maple Olty fair <>01
wfeeae be bar baaa vorfetag.

' Larttlao. tta only ehild at Ur. aad
Hra A. PblaNT. *** •eiu dak law
Ur. Whitaey I* traataotlag bada
vetA vlih fever aad eaaket aar* al tbU Plata M Iba prtaenl tlae.
taoatb. tat la bettar bow.
La* WUae U workiag for O.
Hr Zanab h dmarlai woad fer
Mha Lun Brewn af Trareraa Oltr
Dervon bu tad tta bU- Hr. Naltoa down ae Uw PalbL
.......................aat#r*l» Uaant* blr haad
an lb* kaoi *kw la HeStWfM'* miU
Mhi Hanb Vlaehaamb bM tat
Pmak OaoM>h*ll andmfa of Trav
Hra Uerabwd rlklled with Hra
aJlIag an al| trtaeda at ita Oeatiu.
ta** Oily eelled o« fnead* la tint
imea oe Friday.
Vba Udha' AU af Hanroa OmMo phtatbU w*ak.
Tbe Uie higb wind* tare blow:
down a
Barr JaBM iulaad hi* wif* at Oraad
B*pU* thtaraay. latltad of foiaa
A VaaTMml bM mM bU fana ta Hr with bar U Itat ahet. m iiaied Ital
ot naaeb able for tbein.
Mtaae aM viU Mon Mte kU tamtir waak. Tbay will vult at vatic
Alfred ead Adalpb
pUaea fM abmt two weak* fefi
'drewiag gnrel
their tMaiu
Witb wbicb Ita Bake eeaeai
Qulta a aasbar tara beea to Ttuv.
Hra Addiaon H«Kae(u bat boao
•tat Ouy Utaly w atitad taa aMifar tanoBtly 111 witb Behrirl frv<Y hat lloon in ibrir baraa
bM tataajo imiapye. Hra Kelly
BataUa tbrwbtd tit bad-____
el* now aaeapylng IL
tta Qbaaidan af Bi«Had aarla- UM aa Iba alek litt.
Oor blaoktBirb. Hr.________________
HnPUtt Buaaawaaltat
Bored 10 ProreaMOI. He will aosaae
(ra Disk Bod«a* af Pll* Le
at that phea
wnilay* lad waak.

wifah oWtardtaKu mF o«K<

tad lb* Ulna* Banda
----------------- ----------lar af >:
town Baadey.
Hie* OelUBfaal* riUied bar paraaB
ta Noetbpon Batarday aad Baaday.
Ulee Kate Hook ud
Hin Uh
KrtkaCB of Nortbpon w«*« la town
Batarday and Senday
B. Piekard wm ia totra Prlday.
Un Orafaam at OB*na wai la towu

Her C. W WnifaBi of Ralaoo raotgu to ^utrat* you aatll a kud
ueej Ibroatb tewnBalBrday'nroaln* irirud mb. Perry IhrW Painkiller
eon .Auoe at
ran* Uh- -yoar aobiag flaeb. Than tbe
.lob bM bma u had
I away. Painkiller
. eudentao* that Hsrrey Poet of
iu relleriag eeiatlea
Haph Olty ny* to hare a dram corpa
lUM of rbeumaun.
Ibey bave beogai a aew bau dmu
aad tbal oompieiee tta lartramtafa
rb«y will be la aueadeBO* at Maple
Ully Oet. 1 and t. It ib* wcatbrr It
farorabte «c evpeel qalM * lal
Trarerte Oltr

: lavigotata* tl
being made with
tta U A N £.
I railroad to take all to
Ordar on tbe Milr farigbi creia and
Urertee will nirel
ibem at OUar and
take uieiB to Heple Uiiy far 16 aeiue.
PaiBere talk m it tbeir frl*nd> aball
Bthlng to *>*> It they aoi

Vha Weedaaa aMtal hat Baturday
«^pa<BHawaUaMMdad.nawtaa -trtanda aadfalallret


Qlinter Suits, Overcoats, Bats, eaps,
Bloves, Underwear, Pants, Etc.
Elephant Dor* te a Brassbopper


Mr. Bable-i aew dock beaa* I* aboat
Hitt lABban of tta Boo b
of Un. 3. Oidliaa. wta hai
lamed froB a vieit at polau

aa bam fraa Tnvar«

Bm to Hr. aad Hra. Laula Ftaak.


Safer the pwi tva vaaka
family morad M Uba

'Srbtad'fa ______ ___ _

___________ of B
Ml*. J. DuMBB It tlalllag ta
asd ttaadarH*SB lb (ta MBik pan af ta Mati
Prmuk Roaaaa rataraad helarday
It fa reponad tbal w* an to tar*
raalaa from a trip to Otaod Baptda aaw doMw.
The HUvar Brea tbev far* aa aoTta Easllafa •arrteM *i Bmbc.
lertainmeal «e Henday araolaf.
eburab an atuaded br a goedly auand Ur* W C Kalaaa aad aoe
er of OMeUlatw. Tta malty at aar
Alfred retsraad borne Uemdar avealaa
from a Ttall with frieodi ts UllvaaTta bill* for tta rtalml at KertbM by Ur Hnreb are balag altenlet-

It auited her for ••erery duy” ud far


.eBay aad

CUrkan pda
bareh next '

A beautiful 24 inch, ijuaner awed paiUr tabk to....................... *
A Fine ^e kitchen tablA 42x28 inctas. MtaiH kgi. btdted


e Kitchen cabinet, vrith flour biiv ^ hnld fifty

f. weU made, far only................


• of kitchen csbioeti.

Olbcrt «M eaa PMatt V*B Um llleM
is on our tolwl oak bedroota Mute* aad odd dreitcr*.
These sake*
surprise all who see them Md leam the low price*. Maziy think they
cznT Iw solid oak; but they an. aad we have just got aaothcr carload
01 them and ihev are going at the same low prices a* the ones befate.
hive full carloads since January IsL Come in and see them and that
■•lam why. Think of it; a Solid Oak. 3-piecc suit, nice golden

A No. X Peninsular Cook Stove, with
shelf on back. Ux $6.76.
Ou line of NEVER FAIl. COUR
STOVES are the beu made.

-V......................................... ,.............Mviy

.Na 8
17 inch oven, with shelf
under oven door and on back of stove,
kigker on oven door, a ffioi class baker
and sthctlv guannted in every­
way, lor only $7.78.
37 dffiercnt Myles and sizet to
select from. Tbe Sted Cooks aze
taking the lead, they vrdl laH ke^er, bake better, aad do not nie
hah the fuel.
Be have a Urge lice of tben,
trom $13.76 up.
~ 23 diffcteDt HyUs and Mtaa »
Steel Range*.
A Na 8 EUetta. PewamUr Steel Range. «ice^ onaaeBied.
dpady riveted, onr {wice $1876?
We have a foU bae of the celebrated MOORE STEEL
r at $3176. with h^


be Home Ni
le very BEST Sled Rangee made
There ia w«^ bea
le big heavy nnga and here estia laige ovuna.



Whotesiile and Ratail

»b. A. *1 m _>




tBtwHl M lUa Um. ^
tmtiMt «b* aMw ««■
M« MtMH M M irilMNl
■q«ixMi*-VW. Qnr. I"
- •
lA W



Tfrt ■Id Atev. t> • •
<Mo—e»4 VMM vk»v


FMU»*. 9Mi)-ftaMOMkvM to • vtoltatM «( *• «Mnh nlM Md
«mM tto ApMtl* St PmI to
•OMltolvaM aMeewWvwUtbeUat MMlM. itudN It
U4 ■ OeMMr iM^Ot M tat

9 b«Mt"


«rv. ThU praMeta ttas utU KmMtor vbM ttoir tw la prtM.
Daar aaa to baalad bxm Vortmher Kh to lOiK.

Swr Tart. Sapi. l»-Tto Aattoaalta
Mdl UmtM* aHaatlrm la taaablac M
Mtoa attoa. One dMier lara to aaa
■ aat M7 irlaa. Taataidap a aowail»
taa te—dad a lenar M Jaiib MUtoall. toftac Uv to toll oS (to at^lka.
pRMlalBd to aaa thalr tnflaaaaa to
tora tto dlSeraaaea aetUed br arWla retdr to lUa taopaaitlM
Ut. MiwtoaU aald tto lallawtaei -1
aadaal aoeapt tto anoaMlM that tto
veab with tto hope at
oMl at dll
Oltr. Sapt. 1»-Abaat
■itoiebi leal ai^i. avikara dayaad od
t tto bama -at Biebard Pardu,
daa baoa. otoployad at toe OUbarton
vabto toaft. Tto asploai:


PU >f Mta VOM

alac In kidney Wee
Ifyee ere dek you can make no rehteke
by (ira doetano{ your kidMye The mild
end Ita ertreorinery dtea ot Dr, Kllmer't
SwaMp>Kao(. ita rBi kidiicy remedy U

Mm ftodttaadtotMaUltoaB vara
MtobM to tto dace bat aaoaped «ahart Ttotato at tyaebliic were aada
, Kd.. BapL 1»- Two
tUa aeratae aa
fraa ban
toraoih toa OaottM Oiaak alalae
•mlaa. fetolly ,to)arla« "
Ukm Onm a( Oaab
eapty aar taa lala


a of Ita moltdiwtnmtBdci

lea tto a

au*7 oBoe
Um- o( U«. t
baUdlac ara talan dalj dUad with
eerd wood Ml U Bare iMftto. aad
It la aeapM aearel that tto Baadla«'t
laaiaMt la toatt af taaL
Tvo •eraltlM tora appMrod to tto
MaahalUa. TaM.. paakal alarto Fliat
CBM all bill. aaaaVMpper. Mvalapa
vaartbiai la blda h. and itoMlr
tblaf *a daaala IV daattaatlM betac a
label paaud m IM baak ce wUto
vaa written tto aaia* of iu aoulfaaa,bat aMblaf to ladlaata (to ccaaicTto aaaaad aatettr vaa la tto
I e< a roll cf
nilway paatol ear at Bawltoc
On>M. Kr-. vlitoal Hialapa cr
vtoppar ■
i asr aoat A bit <rf (aavaa faateaad abaat 'lto
It oMtoiata aalr «l»-aad to
raa Had a toe baariaf tto addfitaa
laeat drM “
farvbiab it
aU aia at tto apiaiaa that
tola aaUito of aandiof toanay la toter
Itoalt anBii toa teat at tto Beater'a
balto aaaMeaalad aoBTaylof
OtovU hOB Meat Palee are dually
dtolaUhlaK- Tto eolaaaa U anil U
anptlM, bet Ita aetlTlty la aov la


_______ a bann
been It
r duck. kidM.
•d Meed ibroivh nine_____
ed lo bo conatared ihei only unaefy
md 10 Ita I----------

ud rw tton
do^ tbM H>. Bwi i< irtto It
» «r taopvtr Mi tbM
the PUM vbon ireiartT u
blilv dMttarto. Md M bu IMVllM
A MB«M fcUl em d0lM
• ku OVB fawd U b* CM
• itor vM d
Mwk U itor H« toklM eUatou <a
• aUl avtot MB kill BUkmU If
ttor «aM.H>« UadM. Tto tow

beCaaa It vaa flaally ttapptA
Baaaaaa be eaBBto aadan toe pmaka
ed hit fln yaaat amp-toUdna.BeaJatola Waaataa to ttabtoM baa breo^l
bMortUam Iba Mood. aalt far dlnaa- Waaaler - allMaa
IftovaramdioroB Itol hta Vlfa'a ahlldfM tlekle Ut
olcrMrtoBy lea lo M note aad earn vltb MMva vbra to

nta u iM- liownl Bntaielob. b.'U IS thl. xna. an tta luenh dst
et SuraoiW. iius.a.M hosdrad tna. ntac-^
ansadn>.a>u m Ita aista «Mtnnu.m s. fU

JldrvpfUuln filly-,
oeM endone-dollerm-j^^^
ee. Yog mey tare e^^^to __
eemple boiUo by mail e_ ^
free, eiie pemphta
y®“ b®* '*
oul tl you tave kidney or biaddor wovble.
e'bee »nui>c Dr. KUnur
I. H.Y.

taib. i.sri**lta JjllOH-_«.o«mlls«.arssj_


ttoe twe of tto boya
ta ttolr reeoaa Per a
tto battU vaa saliip afalaat tto
■ar. bat tto arriral at tov jaoitar
U aha tofW Itoe
eatad bee traa defeat.
^nU ha ctoeliaaB
A tetoiimBfrau TladlToetaM .Baa- EtylO^BalB
ala. . Mja itot ao tto arriral of too
in erelanr Bev Yeefc u tbal
port, a prand race of arar 70 iblpe'
bMta.BaBB«.l by all satleaahtiM repleoMled at tto port. iDelndiiip ma-


plaee: lu tto ereBlnc e ball vat
fiTOB la bonor of tto Aaarlaaiit al
(to Marine elab
Al Skaraay. Alaoka. aa aakDOvn
BBD Mtered (be OasadlaB Bank of
Tntaday with a bosb in
rtTolrer in tba otber

; M0,(tt) a<
•Bployta b

«an for ita Omed tre«nr» nirri iiimita


£ SS

-..t^sIltaiTnmlsr.ttambttar "> tart'Btar.



rauwWMiir^ a^'t»» ^
E1.T aaoTaiaa. m w.™. aneM. Km

Raw Way
Hay ta
PoHth a Siova.



window be threw tto beab after
IB. Tto exploeiao wrecked tto
tank, killed tto robber. leJUMl fire
-sloiod lo Bid n.ustr, for tl
pereoee and ecallarrd M.OUO wortb of
(Old dui tbronpb (to.alt.
tfaB U ealBln* dot
eptalM itot Panda
Tto earl el DoadoDalA the
of tto Oanediaa
vay aaaaaad.
pnedated anphUe. vkloli K we sdoelod hr an.
Ita nanl brUUsM poUdi. sot ntara
WblU toare tMy to knabla la tet- hae Inei Iseoed a eweeplnp order, abol- ptodane
tpptad.wtn'iraber. Illi odoclets. It nrm
bac eeal tor tto WblM Baaae thU leblnp tto award aa a eaealry wea
vlaler, tto WUtatoaie al Ponerille. poa. Moanted Iroopa Lord Dendoa■tobwIUpotohmofeWenBlheo
Pa. vUl kMp vana. for W. J. aid lUlearaa meal depend for efflclaoleM ta ear oOec pehta. (M BUler
WbltokMB. tto Qaay
leader of
tbe rifle, aad be
Mb M _
W deato ttmattetat-hwem
box omialm sore ttas Into ta mseh. buhl
SebayklU aeanty. hae diaaora '
Ibal ofiarre aad men flt II
B (ha yelk>r lahel wim (ta bead.
rain ef ooal la bli back yard.
earhlBae now la nee will ta replaced
halt vaa balMt atade In wUob ta bury Kcadaally by rlltoa
dtad oblakBi. WUiabaata baa alfyouR. FAITH IS.;:;
reristao of tto flfora on loai
iMdy lakM oat abeat U teSa
AnasdSpebaM.Vato.. ito Baeantb
Day AiTMtiata are damln« while
rabee la ptapaiatlM for toe rad ef tto
V^ vbiGb. they alaloi. It beialdod
bp toe danee ohiide of emokr
toas oear ttpokaae Olympia aac
Bbnwl.n olliaa
Thd e
from tto foreet Area that tore
bers refiiHt'In Iba Oaemdee

Japaarae paparartoeiTad by tto Ef
Tfttm Of India tepon too oaptaia of
two era eerpMte off (to eoaet of Japan
by fleberBoa. Oaa va« a male oeaenriBf 48 feat aad too otbor a faaale W
teak They bad bona i feel« laebn
leiM aad can abeat f fMl. It U tto
ctdalM of eelMitUte (tot too aerpaeto
bolB« dbtwbad by i
I drap wator far

ptatlon lota Canada for the fleeal year
ended Jane 90 tliow that the tolal ie
abaci 70.000. of whom a OOO caou
troffl toe UnlladtlBlaa The Inunlrratioo from America ta tto CMu
northwael haa naanamd meob



(Ilia ymit than ar«r
While worksao were ratalnc tto
rad of tto (teal floatlnc drydook at
Barau wbloli Ibe Uollad Sbim
hoodfal of Bywln. the ctrala taneed
ton dock to break amldeUpe.
Ito bollen eztdoded and lojand a
Tto bmak ii lboo«bt to
to Irrriwrable.
Tto eoreteldn (Oahd lqd(a. I. O. a
P.. al a meeilDK lo Dee ,rapaatad the
litUtuc to Ito order moo of Inblao

li tom ball a anitaDoa ouder
tawl Mlae Kata Heotaan. a tptaalar
af Walla WaUa, Woeb.. rayi 'tta '
tof toa
MUe BoolUna Bear ito oity baU park and
clalBU that (to aolm and orovda
soy bar. Bbe haa tberalore oakad
Ito oearto ta abate Ibe aalj
Bmy baU that drape tato tor yard
tto maiden lady {ronptly ooeflieataa
■taa BalUa kL Brows, tw aosM
tiae a teatoar ta tto poretSDMt la-

tar Ok PeoaaUea BUta Wealebeelar
eeaaty. vat daaaeyad by flra
baUdlM VM faaiaad ta tto jmcaA
Tto Sra ta Mppaaad la ton ti
fraa taamit altatoio vim
MO 000,
ilabal OanaU. a«od U. toot aad taatoaly tlUadbar aaat. Mra WlUlam
EBtatok. ta tto Eaatiok baa
' la. Va Mn Kaertto
« ak a banaa Mvataf wbra toa
Ctrl raeppad a rarolnr, vfateb ato

lib DUeta. hai Jaat brae aarried
to Prad Medletaa Grow, a full Wood­
ed radktta teloBgiaA to tto Crow
Onak raerratios. Tto bride halle
vbiob aleo wae tto
borne of Oera Belle Pallova tto aoeirty toUr vbo Barried (^aeka. toa
(siea vUeh tarard oal daptatobly


totTeClercrMaifacarreelsm SI




Wall Coatins

Porau a purr rod poniuiirat coalloK sod dues nut miaiie lu br tsSra
ofl to rra-w front lime to limr. In
a dty pavder, ready for uae by
mixing nitb cold ssirr.



Grand Rapida, Mich.

sdir OosBi 11 wtat ruacsiB trtskiat sdruiemot the
rnldrlrnT.l-r. nbo sreumpsu tta

f© ©Ayr@iB90A



Bell, a pyroaaalM eratnad ta tto Blooatafdata
Ilato. la aaa of tto bairn lo the
aUllcoa ef bla fatbat. Dr. Obrlatolaaaatly
ooatly rlUta aad eaaalMly
tad toa erifta of Ito traa Be
tto^to^ iSuMMdSetotamr M
•nelly adalttad toat-to vaa tto fln

'» to ».»■---------liac aad vat ptaead aadar natoatat
Ua laeaalty vm
Tto top'a Blafomoe ki baUend to

iatoaMti^*Mtata*ato^taa dal.
^ Uto year •tOfl.dOO vm tataad

H. P.BouBhay

a »■> of drop is^ Bid
de capmeoce.^ He a cserf/tbe
.snio thttetoumy. laaiccent letter to iWDr. MOe*
Medical Co.^r. amaea »]«


^■Pbln Pills
t foraad la Itaa aad aarabad ta
__ , .to. The feltavlM to


ttolr prlutopal. Mtat Ph
Maata. Ttoy appataad b^ Jad«a
Etacaad aBkad ItaT into Moan lad
baatae tom ..vlto atoapaa^t
Ttoy dlaplayadM aaaarMMi «d kdbto
■•d Uaa taaiaai rttab ttop atllltol

a. tSa. per aas.

......... X.

It is not Inferior
IXmi'I Ruiki' tbi- uiistakr by thinking that Powilpninl is-catito'il is~iwT>yh^'ehcBppr is inif you will searrb your I'Xis-rii-niva you « ill n-UH-uilsT lluil oil laiiut katoa rivy widy wbcsi
rtii ular fiuni Powilquiiit.
•• it fills till- cracks Bini

In firt for toH»t imr]»si.'S on tho tanu Ua- Powi-raniitt is .h
I.....I is alii«>lut.-ly thi-Is-sl-L-inufta, don't ta(>nA

Rgainst Olind and Storms'■:U•lust lielow Sai ki-u HarUir, which is nt the exin-me iiorthi'sisl end of Lake Ontario, I «n41.
known n-sidi-nt of Niagan, Falls. N. Y.. Mr R. H. Hamlolpli oans a liandauaM- aumDtT rottagv.
Thn->- yi-ers ago thisuollngithis uullngi- was )nitiUii
tiUii with
a-ilh l’ow<lr]niut.
I’owdr^niut. **
Mr. "
Rauduljih tsys:
SI.'SI and giivethe buihliiig l«'o light coata. The oof.
' i mail fifty luuiide «liii-h
tag,. ,-xt dooralsiut the aaiui' six.- was iniii
liiiiiil at the Hsim- tiim- with a In»dy-tiiixid mint, awl this
My ouUagi- will atatidanother
HUIIIUUT■ liBiks so wi-athiT-is-nteii that il iiiulI to !•' |siiiiiii| over aguiii. ^•outlage
il rreillv looks alnn«l
It >lid the first yiur; it is riglit at the wnttr's nlge aw)
il slornis
Bkirnis wliii-b
wliirb swv<-p over l^i Outsrio. I
is expuaid thJ;yi-ar arouisi to all tin- luinl «iiids aisl
ouiisider this s nuiarkubte U-*t for I’o
do nut besifjale to say that then- is no other
iwiiit on the nbaAel tliat 1 rouM say so ti?,"h'
I strongly endorsi' Powdrpaint aS wvll worth
the atu-ntiou of ewry one who is ol>lu:i'l
lay ont iixaH-y for jsiiiit."

for Krv T«k

Oetobei k. He vlU eiail Preaidaal
Baoaenlt. aaka a tvo aparto' tear
of Aaartaa. aad will ibaa tail fta

Mr. Uita. W. X.-wlon. ..f Hnbbcmi.«liiio. l,ii» tt„. uail i.u tb.- hrad'wb.n be
'C'oninHiii vnta- ongbt t<> ti-U unymn- tliat if wr <-aii mix Portland (\‘HicDt wilh inihT, and
with vnbT ninl atan.l vpttbiT snd
will'll it lO'U halt! wHlt-r wmi't I'lTis-t it. |niiit
I oi-ll. I am cnuviun.l (Imi I’uwdniiiiil iajli
.. ixiiui. Hy 4U yi«n iu Uh> poiut
busiiiits liB* irivi'ii liii' ainiH' kiiowli-du'- aiaiji
'“al iu<i»nia iit iiUmt isiiiil. a» 1 havi- takiTi it fiwo the
marki't. |iri'|sirisl and a|i|ili<sl it III buildiinrs. 1 luivi-uuuiufiu-tunsi oxkli-inin liy On- hm,Bu
iKiiiil ie iKit a in w idt« with tm-. I kunw iliut rnwdrjuiiit is all that <iui la- divind usa t^wp and
iiistiiu; |»iiit. I havi-xiiTii il npiml trial and il bos nil thalvau Is- wisbnl. nml has stood
through lotiK wi-t apil n n> w«iihi i. aial is an iiiii- iw il «ws twviity-fdur hours afUT il vaa i«ot on,
both on uniniutul ^rfua- and ovi-r oil (uiiit whi-n- othiTS s.vid it would fail. Rut it has UiX failtd.
and nil who havv bh-b il now wtv it has iviiTi- Ui eiav. Yon can osi' iiiv (lami* if you wialf aa I fnel
II Bisuikinu n
Is-Hi-fit of till- uwT than for
' thr
’ nianu'fui
- tulvrW

Wr are rxpmi in the treauneot of
walls. Write snd err bow helpful
wrcsnbr, si no cost lo ron, in g«-

«99 dvasaa-AM'eN excaasiORs

Ktaf OhrtatUn aare a
aar ta Ua beaer Tto erava ya

Cwelve Beautiful Colors
Common Sense


Mn. Baartak dtad inatoatly.
■wn prtaee ef Slam. Obewfa

Takes theplaceof oilpkint for nearly every purpose (ouuide or inside) at one-third
the price. It is abMiutely FIKH PROOF and SUN PROOF and is aot subject to
chemical change through the action of gases or acids. It cad be applied to aoy
WOOD, BRICK or STONE surface and used over oil paint or as a priming coat un­
der it.
Itwiil STAND RAIN or WEATHER EXPOSURE aod the White will not
turn yellow with age. The colors are bright and will not fade.
It forms a hard, insoluble enamel coating and is especially'desirable on!rough
or weatherbeaten surtaces which would soak the oil out of ordinary paint, leaving the
the pigment to chalk or crumble off. It is also of great value as a primer when for
any reason oil paint is desired for the finishing coat, as it is an excellent filler on old,
weatherbeaten buildings and forms a hard, smooth surface so that one coat of oil
paint applied over one coat of Powdrpaint will make a better job than two coats of
oH paint alone.
It is of ESPECIAL VALUE TO FARMERS, whose buildings are often badly
neglected. There is so much surface to be covered on the bams and outbuildings
and they absorb so much oil that many farmers cannot or will not use ml paint and
their buildings are allowed to become weatherbeaten and unsightly. Such built
can be covered with POWDRPAINT by the farmer and his hired man at odd times,
and preserved from the weather and against fire at a veo’ small cost. A few dollars'
invested in Powdrpaint will improve the appearance of the property too per cent ud
add many dollars to its value.

.. ...................... , ................. ................................... ......... ............ mhI WBk”^’^^
I you anvr ".'i 1st ii-ui mi tin- <\»ii of luiiitiuts. liut you lian- ipit aiNiH'Uiiiig in Pirodrjust as iliiml4i'yiii<l always l-s<k6 nvil.

aaaraaMlatto dale^^e aod toe ojfoataR aonlheTn
ha aaa faralah brUpaa for
haaa tookra ta that ton tank
AU ttot la laqaind U n aaadle
IjUr. Stoale to tto aMaal Maab^ at eyrl^ aad nUdUed panfla, vltb
toamalWto podatakllk
*toa BMt U Blakad Vito a ttalIT 11. idld Ba mm» ta
patakttopelat vban ttoaoriWTU
□■■d Trataaaa iB UtdBBd
Mr flk Tiantto Oity aad Old Mlaalaa to toptafaetoed. Tto aaadle U (bra
latwtod aad tola tatradaeaa Ito panfaad at tto
lUat point. OB« tola dtottiai. aabtaeUe tot part at
>to tola. A toBtramara
rlaMatoaItaBMoUa toa paraWa tala ttope aad
faiaWMaa brldfe


Jtafn u( Wital'. lo Ita toslU-r uf tta unsk







n Lawtou. Michigi
H every county thmngfaoul tin t'uibd Stain
Replying u> your leiier of 111.-:i-il B-ilt aH am j«Tfe.'-tly wiil^^UtU you dKMik^Se
uanie as one w ho cun n-ouwiDi-nd Powiir)xi .
Dull ixiinting. IsAh f»r aiipiwniiua- and to pn-w-va- them,
but the owceta are absolutely snabie to
liuy itaint if ubiigid Ui tisi- bigli priciil. 11.PJ a gallun
wdrjxiiiil is csTtaiidy
cs-rtaiidy the
fnnuiTs frimid
as ma-ll as t
... ,_____
To cut down the coat of
of buiMin|(s who bare niy{h-«-t«l using |iaiiit on account of the
|»ricipainting 7.*> pT o-ut is certainly a grreit wlvautagi- ami 1 se.- no muioa.
rmaon. now-a days, why any buildlug. ham or feooi- should go onpainhsL Powdryaiut

• ao chraply ."

Insures Jlgainst Tire
it is fireproof has nttractHi a great <lual of a
factories and mill buiklingi. It has been fouisi by fn-<40,-ut ex|s-rimt-oU aid also in prw^ical t<
that finw are greatly retarded, aid this gives the 6n--fiiAt>-rs abtudanl opportunity to rare
building from kies owing to the |wotectiuu affonlnd by Powilrpuint.

Painted a Betel
o.X.C.n«dPowdr(BKU t OWItaof our Ituding denk-iB

JTU. .1.

point, purchasing it thiemgh ifmrs I. S. Cal










Booiicsd. IsAh iu prioi- atd quantity on a hew of this rise. Tou hsws •
and I will lie ptrastii to answer onv inuiiirira rHEarding the paint, and be
ghd to show the bouse to> any one vbo bat an klra that Powdrpaint UanUoior artiA. It gives

J1 Prominent PuMisber
Mr. E. 8. Walker, of No. 433 Orareo Are. Battle CrosA. Mieb„ ssys:
-I Uke Povdrpaintao well that 1 ahaU b.- ven glad to answer any letter at inquiiy that
^ , have
eomra to me regarding the quality of your iBioL I bare btvi
iTineid that few eeawny.
(Bed il mraelf; know what it is. what it will do. and am thoit
dwafailita and apmaianoe. it is just as tm) for allArDuid <m
mead it fur
tBinting fine rasideneM. but tor aD work BWto as bufua.
Of oturae I vrauU[uoti
not reountmetd
for pais
ry. and tor fm uae geotrsUy to my mind U ia the best aad cbMptSt
atafalea. oottagrs in the
paint throw ia on the mi
Ton hara my brat wiabM V

For San By. J, L GREiUCK GO. Traveno City





mn ^ oVPMto «v ««> «u
bM «ko> I


HtiJ— bfcwi m» ta ilmiH.
M vkM «Um*«o
0>n 4*Uthh ta. «• m bwndi
TM • MiUat (M* «PCB few.
g^lak lb* tec wlU «r■»«>■ • Uute. Mil* • URI*
An »kiW ib* tMd.
Bf«T lit* MMiteT* MibodM
Wlqr «U dewa la rImb aad 4M

dMak ThM** UMr tMk
a»U* aoRMtU ear-

_____ narrtodaayaaaaeaoapatbaooa
Mdt bee. aad aba had beta bk wUa

•a. wkNakr a dldkattr
Tea wUl -anal
Jak adMI
-aataidar BTWlag For.

■‘Too aaa,” aba eaanaaao, laeuBa
a aUnay ba|r ’aaaft tba dainty eap.
••vbM «m aad 1 Cni kairied. we
ted ealy tekt etbar to tbiak of aad
mro (<r. To Ihk day 1 hm, to thtok
oftbeaedtaltweyoara. TteoaUttk

(ekebaa to ke taper e
Mb abaoU bak earka m«r oeTattec la.
WokUtepreraataarilBfr Tba paper
eawartac k aaeaily weU fkad ta-'*
beafc at Iba Toleaa. bat k aaa H a
bmkt: ka doth ptaraek tbk.
tte elek aaad k la a ptak eeka
■ay ba waaiaaetad wik atow aUl
_ er aarefcaa td tba teaah. Tbk Ulk
dkoerety baa cirea aee kaeh pkaalaa laaed aa loacar ba
ef tba

cBie aokt te tbaia oar affaekoa.
Wtet wift aakke dakty Uttk
drekea aad kaaptef kaay
faat eat of
1 eoald aet althink te hoTo toy baataad'a tUppe^ bytba Araarblabataad cktn


Btealte ace. tba Mra Oyatbk
W. AUee ate epaaka of k ka pcaal.
teBI Of all ke Bemhlai aottackd.
She k called'ke
tteoal Saaabtae PiMieiit. It k alee
kat Bildab hae leareed te wrtM. «r
taker print, lettera aad wa ttiaU

by «br ebeap edWoo ttet I Beet ofteo
boy. if I am te lead a eorrted book bepete beat boB ter acekUelL Aad I ten loae tte booa
ObarlMte. HleB.. Sept. A ItOS.
friend witbeet f-rinc that tbe teat
r laal pace* nay be lott.—Ueod Dear SaaabliM Pnaideu—SteBma
Bid I Bicbl wiite toyea. for kei*'

r 8ft pauB. te karM tka kewafrt aC
ilawperrklatt abecw Iklaft^.
IV me ama to ftaeatra yww te tbim
la bad w Jtnl u coad- uw bwb .
lib anil riillen*rr Ihf bMlIb aT.


and Bratkc Ac«nt. of Anctwta.
• WTltae;
‘•With taasy otbeca I rranc to add By '
il to ke r .

Chop aoebalfapeckofCteealDBaJett tba rlfbt pkea. Aa tbe
ae to hear ear deer Hr*.
Poorlyproiarad toodk oaly partial­ patted aad oar ebUdrea crew oar ia- loee. bait a iwek of amall oekea. a
of rwy enaU coeamber* and Oyatbk W. Aldaa wbaa the wa* in
ly dicettad by tba oaeiaaty ttenaeb. trrpet eeakmd k tbelr weUare; we
dotrn preru peppera To kern
Park of tba raalataat saatea ferataei
tike te tbiek of eaeb etber.
la tba totaakaaa aed baeaae a aoar»a Kow they ere martled aed lettled k
drar Coorrecatleoal ebvrb
1 many Sprine*. tat 1 brikm IVrana ba*
Erki tbebaatdl- JtoM of tbalr ewe. ead we hare coor erokeniGW>toallpiaee*; •prlnkle mil
I aod let tbeitfetaod fork
> ber eome flewera. A little frirl dcate more (or b* than aU of k* ataro
caathra tyak« aoooomba la like te teok jBBt where we akrtwi. with oely
on (tt WMI7 «Ml
Kew York city «et mooey to : pet Meeker. I feet like a new pecaua.
Met*. Tbes deain well. i««a*lBp onl
aatb atkeba. atpaeklly if tbeyarr ateetbottonrefor.”
. Dj aet make tb» war aMR kae
|t haee takaa ke Pernna and-Hanalin
rapnted daily year after year. In ao ••Aod do yoeeojey tl the nia.r all lb- molMare and eorer eritb rtaeood klncKf BT doUfea. •“••Mr aad alwar* expect to bare a
three bead* of white erlerr
eeaatry of the world la tbefo a ewre
teU* a liula enU* a Uttk.
•teoea. add a copfal of pialed
bbaral aapplr ot tba laifael aromber "Mora." aba anawerad. qaleUy;
BricMaa ap
cS earlatiaa of tba beat food tbao k •Ibee we tedkolaan aaeh otber'a bomeiadub. ball a pnosd of croaad wni« 10 yoB >000. I am pkyinR with
Bsetard, lialf a Mend of moetard my dolU today. It i* teiniac. tat w*
Salk apea rou udsM labwi
ABarka. Tbaae oao pe parcbak
Ukaa and dkliktat bow wc kao*
1 B. B. DoTtaer, from i
aenahlne ta tbe bone,.
teed, two ooneea of *rooad blank pepareiMe
iba poocaat kbonr * Bot k a
Vbeeltae. tymt Vlrptala, ta a letter
Hildab BaaiblH Smith.
a eeseee .'of Ucbl brown
O’e* bif ta* walk wwllh er gk(r: ■n^ty td'lba boaaabold* - m Waahlncwm, P.C, a*y»:
Ha wbe aail« aablarea
re to tte
of tba poorer elaaaaa. they te apellee
_ _
dork* tte daj •mrar. half as oanoe of tnrBerie Add
tkeafb rOB seat with kai «r nnv ktbafrytec
aad aoiad bow earafal be area to do enoBfrb rlnepar to eorer tbem, aad let
yoar cxorJIrat
. Pf
We eokpel oar ctrk to etady Utk. all lltiltkiasdate tare her etepe. aod boll for IS Bionlea; then poor orer
Salk a ntUa. aaUk a Uttk.
kocaacee and Uietmtart MW qoleUy-ate anaoced oreiytbkr (b<- pickle*. Pet tato clew Jar* and
athex/ra cara tor cuanrB.”
Htm ttniBib poBMaaia
Tbk Bay te walL Bat k Ibe pabUr Iw bU eOBfort. Wbao be pcaieed bar teal and let ttand a mooth or iMcer
Catarrh atwimn* dlffcrrot p
wkoek of only a few ef oe» eitie. leoeh bar eyee brl«btk»ad. loil aa ’ before lulw Three iisprote wiib
dllletcal acaaon* of the year In tba
pkeoefaDj laaciaed key did k koae-flrat y«en
IM oftenact a* the acat of tta duulilr.
We llncnod loof at tbe ubia. ebatH*r*rc « 1«1.» • •«—
•orana care* tatarrh wbrrrrrr loratnL
era of laacaack aod pbtkaephy not) ikgef eldttBeaaadoldttkada Bta
BtankeU that bare been packed
It yoodoDot dprlre prompt aad *sU>drat bt jBld, aed tlirre li do koorj rolee wae aa etreo* and bit kacb a*
awar ihtea«b the ramurr will need
taetory «»o!u from tte tuoof reran*.
kfl for tba aalary ofa w»lldoi«ef-" biarty aad treab aa yeara e«o.
DoAi raa'd ba dooa bp;
10 be freebeaed and .wecieriM to yire
kloace to Or. Hartman, ptrlnp a
aad OBtebk taaober efealiaarya
had loat nooeof bar iwealiar pow- kea tbe cleanly odor and appearai
nil atatelaeBt of your cxm and te will
are to aUioi
SakaaMabate 11; dae'tftnal.
en of
b* pkaaed to cir* yoe hi* rslsaUe ad•o neoeeetry for all bt<l oereri
that aU ka '
I^weedered tfaeo aad seoy tisee Tbt* may b.' don* by pathne^k
rlea gtatl*.
Haltihaaai wUl Mac ratrat ;betake rake aod axeepdcaia, to dod. ikec why kere eoald not be loaay oot on tbe «ia»* when ke day*
Addra** I>r. Hartman. Prettdnit of
Da aa joa’d bt 4eaa by."
kf cite teat ooBBoe diTlaon aad sore eaeb teooad aorrUcea: wby. ae bot and *auny aCd ke niebte bar*
BitllxnBkn SkBliariiuB, Culumbe*,0'
laaat eokmoa moltiplea. Tbe poor ke yeara (Mt. inatead of drlflk* boor frott; tbe alternate froei end
ebUd baa ao aUMirk left to tbkk e> aiwrt. faeabaoda aod wirea eeeld eo« :*sn. eonttaeed for at lea*t two nichu
wUlremembrrfor me. t mott think I
eayIbkctoaaaletaaaoeokiBK. Haaj be draws B<ira oloeely tocethar. belp- and daya will wbileo ibcB. and they
woo'l grt ttecutar Kllrr all.” Uar.
■ "A M’a baaaa." aara
Ctrl la diaeied aad choked to tte k* and efaeerkf eaeb eker k their ' will be M eofi end freeb e* when new.
tag wttled tte Bomentae* qneelloe
"kaiaU ba ea tba UUtop of
pkac wbo woaU ckdly epend a part deolkkc yearn, anril key paat orer
wltb an eroaaiesal eniinioc
ta hi. Bind. Ted fiaw oT<-r Ibe
. lakaaa aad MoaUr. ae talfh itaat
ef tte kne tUaa k leanlnc bow to tbe Tirar aod alt dews to tbe Barrkce kreecb kv winter, they are eaiilr
, vkadawanatBpaalt.aBd wbara tbe Vopare ao ap|<tkkc and tealtby tapper ef tte Iksb—Butaaacr.
'.won't two oral*'wortn of taffy.”
Kept ta coed eoedltlon. They m
t keralikaankaoaariy.aadthaeTaBTeddy wa* oat IB tte back yard
- ^t ter Bokar----Mid iBtbrr tarakleaaly, B* lie
pot ee the line If kere U no niee
kc knka m late, tbal tba dap hat
era** plat, bot aboeld be toned eaeb
boBoded into k* store.
twktaa kaarcaldaa beenaatbow
eaa we axiaet better ooakke befernltaie dealer Vbe mid be
pUrinc etaaaboal. aod bad joai "AU right," ontwered Mr. t^lBfk.
a< etbv aaa. He ia to ba pitied fon wa pay to tbk moat kipertaat el
lU oaU down open blBBUtte
ted a dreadfnl dleaitcr when manuna pIcBaantiy: "anyking eke* "
whaaa baaaa la la aatM raikr of criat aU ark and kdeeoaa aoou of the ra- fut wrak ofbk fellow turnltsre men
n pickle.
to ke door.
Ted's faee grew bUok. " Vr*. >ir.
batwaaB Ita bilk, with tba loafeat apoet which it deaerrea? Wbal of Uie if they knew <d bU tatrayaL wa*
Twclre pound* oabbace three
want you to *0 down rtrrcl for -■y Bwker ete want*—Wbr. *>•*
arii^ aed'tba aboataat dara'
me,," .be Bid. ••iBoiatere raau aolnelbtag—. 1 kept uying il
Ctrl wbo will barer eomplek eran tbe rood'Moecli to part wita tbe follow- toe. iosr poond* «P*o tematoc*.
It b act aa aaay aaattar to baUd tba Ueb akeol eenrae. bot wUJ ce a*
tbe eker day. He mid eetBay
tekln* powder aed raullU before orrr Bad orer. and 1 doo't anyway »*■■
id* oniooa Ont op tbe uabhec*.
kaalal laaMnn aa --tba bUltop of eeee ae poaaibk kto tbop or faetory!
>kh fnraltar* at hOBO ta apart lomatoee and onion* well tocekei
j) finish my lakln*."
bow 1 forgot. Il wa* eomething to
klitfalaiii aod aataaltr.*' aaja a
I'm all tmaked ap BaBBa. " bake with."
Wtea ate manka abe wiU and matt beet* and Mr* loM of money that coee eirtakle with lalt. aod pot ta a *ack
aaat wrika. eaatwtlM as tbla ten.
for ter kkUy. Aad aU that to tba almdy too riob femitere man. to dials all Dicbi. Prepare late Id antwervd Teddy from ondrr a pile of
abe kaowa abeat eookkc and diet hae One may take eliolee of kreerer- Uie afternoon. Kcxi Boralnc
rsbbiab. ’’Tbey’U paU >»• «»« ’forr
to Uira U tbaa 0k heaae ia tba “Tal- bate pkked ap k a eae tkin'a eoarae eUhe*. AU ibreeare (rood aad ore Uiree qoart* «ood rioecar and four Ion*, aod find .wtif l a killed or not
bit bMd.
kj of filaf betwata iba taiUal" It b
ocy. w re kedaacetaof need by deakr* aoeordac to tbelr pref- pound* of »ncar; take OB.' I«a*pooo If 1 ain't. p'r'a;a 1 oan so blsoby.”
yon had better run teak
■atOMr «o ba b(l«bt aad dwestal
- mmataoxht'd. -I don't *<■* bow
formed tbe krr emer. DlMolre two eoBee* of ebelof aUipioe. aod on*
and find oak Shall I keep year oaody
wbaa ear beat kid pUaa -pac :eat part of bar atady. She baa Barer lac in baU a pint of tpint* of wtae i*
n wait, tsy eos. Jedcln* from for yon nolll yon come bsokV'
a^;'’ wbaa balaaaa kaak wlU^aot beard ttet aoccy Mad eas drire a tte Ortt Tbe teeood U obtained by
1 well Pot ta the rinecar and sppeaiaocea.l do not kink yoe are
"Ko. air. thank yoe. I kink il
irtac epemaoeni in aloobol and
: than add, rccetablei. Oorer kUl>d. and I ran lota the r<-tecata*
■aa to drkb. aad hew b
will kind of eneosrage me to bare it
kead. w pkbapa wbat
well to keep the rinecar from erapeami lirlp yco oot. I wnot my
wik me •’


Jaebatwblah yea had bopad letapkaawttbaaawoM. blabardto
giaa a taaay kalU to tba wwU
wbaa, ftryaa. “tba tiaaa are eat of
. iateL" Make dk aSen. thaacb. aad
aaa bow yea win bt lapald. aad what
afoldaa laftaotioa ttkt Uttk aaalle
.wlU throw taeb aa year ararld with' k.
“HaMta'atcalaadahappy Uk by
Or yawMd U lata batw wik a wkb.
Ikrethy Dlt. tba aekbk WTlke ter
IklaiariHw food weakly tba Mkhl■kt Traditkaa, wblk we bate U• data had eaeaaiae to eoaaakad, wiltea
taaktalMaaan artkk freawblah
Aa toUowlw aitiaat k tkaely. at
kaaaaaoafar pattkf by won
naakappreakaa Bbaaaya:
“Craty womd fcaowt what It k to

ae MOW. bat that are oat of
ifca mayCkrta aad aboaa Itel ke tbkfci
tetfaawUl wear
bat the
aerardoaa Hka
ateeekiaia ilaplybaacib the nr*
m aad Bwiakahte atedd aad dirt,
0k« cot Bok eaka. aad aobedy
aaek k ke batka for Item. How
maab wtaer, bow maeb battork ereiT way it weald be U, whlk tteoa
CMmoak wen atUl coed aad awriee. able, key weee MU k aeme eae who
weald aee tbem.
Ob* at ke prettkai atetka
beard wat of a racy treat lady who
wae beta aad raked k a Uttk
' an lewB, aad wbo mtetkd i
wbetetemeatallUeutre eadakeder
U Hew Tort. Hk wUe. of
m beeame bar pektka. dtaeaed >q»«bat kekad ef tOMlBC bar
olokM ecldt er paekkc
y k nmpbor. w4aa ka bad
a a few tkMa..kay war* eaiefally
ted ap aad ecu batk le tte yeea*
I k ke Uttk town troB wbleb

Beleol Bbeet foot peeadt •
troB ke tbealder.wipe it aad
aoy tidktart of boea Oorer it with
eeld water, aad let It eome qsiecly to
ke boillB* p«^t EoBore ke wbllr
team, add eae tUeee oeiee. and kea
aat It bek where it wUI eeofc tlowlj
BMll Ttey kader aad tbe U<isor re
daoed. Wbaa tte meal rritl Blip from
Mttly. reBOre it aad pot all
ke boaat tbu bare aay criiikoe

bMk into tte kettk wik tte
i; add a Ut ef lay leaf, aad kt
boil BbtU the Uqaor k ladaead
•e abeat tmepka
Uy ke meatoaa beard
I aaram ke fban kto*
pkeaa TMa k laporkot. I .
flbare Bra'nen in. ke loaf wiUaoi
•UmoMerea Beaaoa tte Uqeor with
Mil ail pepper, aod mix taoe«h of it
wltb ka ehoppad Beat to
qeltemekt. Better a kiakleat breed
paa, daoende tte bottom aodeidee
wik eUete ef bard boiled ten
piBoUt aet la tbiek tUoea.
lay k half «d tbe aeM aad prtwc it
Is biBly wikost diaterbloR tba deeeretku. kea pu ia a kyer of eUeed
■ okt aad tte reoiakdar of
Pram it dewa weU, pel
aaekor pea erec tte 119, aad pat a
weiefat on the paa.
Wbaa r*ady te eerre tara <
latter, cantk wik partley or ereaa,
aad eat k kk elleea

Sttak eae pist rlaacar. pet la ear
peead ofar totwe peaada peaebea;
baU bmU tUl kadar. aad tk
frem kettle aad bo« ke amip down
mkably tbiek: etiek km <r fear
aak pneh after key bare
b**D eoakad; pet k yen. aad
k klok aaoa*h pear orer tte
* aad nal while boL
plekk raeelpt if a*
Peel year fralt for eaankc. bat de
iBOl eat tbem eS ka ired. For mraa
pMdt ef frail pel Ibrae poaadc
aecar; kke eae qean rkefar. )«t b
a TOMcl, aad M ea tte rtere; let 1
ooBt to a boil; kea cUr In tbe eefer
aad Baay aod maay a peetty kald ootUUkaUmlted; oeeMoe.elorae
eaai^t a baatead wltb ke batty kat aad ttDDaBeetek for fiaroriteMB to ter troB Ibet lady BoDsttfaL ke frail taajer and poer tte eyrep
Bt oaia kat wbaa we taae ke ]adc- orer it: kt aland aatU aest Boninc:
r of ke tyrap aad boil
mtat bar tbe meet aeeetkc reiee rakadaaaloel at will te kt wattedep- ^ain Do ku for three Bomkf*.
IbM moralac pet ketratik
boil ell teaekwforafewBkVhy, we will ba I
•a taae ea a
Oe net let tbe peaebeeeoek
terd bed wfaik we k Aal Bl ef aa*b te beeecae eetl. Pear ttea
k 4« kreed tkeelok orer It.
Tbay wlU keep wt«beel eealla*.
la ter hwd ebair wbaa we bod
tkM ifaabby rooter we aerera
A dlean aboaU aa**r b* *el aerow
t wata eoKiac away to te eerarr of a reem. aa k opentioo'


Uy aaao.

Imkut* powder aa *oon a* ;>o**lblc.'’
Ted oiawK-d tlowly oat. "Iwub
tbioK* oonld br made wiihoat thtnca. ”
be aald rather eocoely
’'Or elae 1
japa would kevp a atore lilm«elf
riefat here at home, then 1 woolds't
always hare U> stop rlcbt ta tliemioet
introatiuk pUoe. Oonldo'i yea anyr set aloD* witboot 'em'"
Oanaal; dryqnit
Ko. my dear; bot if yoo *0 n«ht
aod wipe dry t
along qalokly toi will *000 be back.
Poikh with a piece ef eomaoo rba> a ci-oeial rale I want ay Utile boy
sok akin
. .
do etTaod* for me becanae he loree
aoftuied by rebbta* betwees (be Bt,-; bot. ainee yoo wef* ta taeb a
cirltiral ooaditios. 1 will cir* yoe
pensie* to tpesA
Kow. doo'l
A i MTal.
forget. Teddy, taking powder aed
A wtatercraen wafer—one of tte
tobiUa Say It orer fire time*
eoBBOB kin. hard Iomsk** abooi
(be aka ef a bait dollar—wm* placed

rattoc- Boil Bnlioor or nnill tender,
aoIatlM wbtah ciree a &oe eatfeoe 1* tbk piokle keep* welL
by dlMOlrtac thrae oenoee of
( IcaalBC Wlaaow*.
cbelUe ta half a |dot of wood naptha
Wben waabioc wodow*. dUtolr.- a
aad kes addtac ou aixbk ef a plot
of llsaaedolL "Aod don’t you erer email qoMtity of watblec aoda ta the
wo ikblMpooD* ofkcro•ell who told yea,” be eeeeloded.—
pail of water; *iio&se
Oetrolt TMbane.
waab each pane wik a *maU piece of

A Olraa’a ptaea k aerow

/^e kaU hare ae mete Ue
ka wall, wfekh. aeftenad by wMcW
^ itea for ke kkciwatalcbi
■ ten paand aa. aad did aet. Bleated keaU a
teceeatac aekta*. Itabealdkatc
te ke Boaklaen wbo' ere M ''
tbkiMNa. Miy kektaate kt
a dtaackt. aa a«ly rtaw. or eaoM
aa awkward deonampX
Thar* k~ne tettar tUtim for aaedk
Hnabk bet e arkb efeemke
ad pta Mktaaa ttea ahaap'a iroel.
a* ka oUy qaaUika prrnmk ito

Aa ke adTanctac eeaeos ebsta little
ehildres more or let* Isdoora, a Ibbaoek ta tlie asiMy wUl te eery
belpfel for the maker er bom It
may be adjnetad ftea tte window elU
aaeenier of tbe reoB to a strenC
ta tte wall Halt wik two
kif* woodaa needlee. eatac Haerarne
okar ekoec.bMl
«>' <*<>
eolora Oaat on tweaty-Bre itHobo*
and kail nUia. or wik any ^ferred
fancy atltoh. a atrip flee feet ta li-nfth.
Eail fear aaoh iWipc aod JeUi wik
nrerfaaod Btiteh. Kow faeiea ke
ead* to woedes bema, wbtali can c«aUy ba faahlcaed. Knot a Mnc« of
tba eord os ka adcM and aarcM ke
. Porateby-ateBBoekoattoa

os ka tones* of a child wbe loeB.-d
an I'tacM of dtpbkerta. and aeratal tise* relief wa*
obtained by kit srkod. Sine* then
it ha* bees eicd ta
foUowed by a tpoeefol of raaelia*. and
followed iBBbdlataly

Ofteen atiutea aad knit ka itrip* ant
kaa a yard lone.—Ooeotry
wik aailta* dyea. which bar.' f
froB expoapr* to Uchi will Look 1
If Tonged with chloroform,
Urine bext doer ta a preykioa
«e a week pot a Utile borax or
daelar wbo k famooa for ka axaelleeee ef bk eweet earn. I -beard a waatalBf ^ in ke OOBm pot. dll
ktacet two kat mauaer. He lalata wik water end boil for aa boor, tbes
■or out tlU brtebt.
DOCS on bU farm, thrae or foex
Bike from bk heae. The day’* aepAs empty tnaiato can makec tte
ply for eeatamait k ptaked toward nioett of tin* ta which ta bak*
Btatat, ta taarantteattac. and hteocat of brown bnad. (he reosd (Uo**
ta tbe boBM. caM beta* taken net
lookinf eery attraetire.
kt It beet dnrtac traeaportatioe.
Clotbealtae* are Bade mseb Bore
ipmad ee tte ciaMta hk taek yi
by botltac ier ten i
keep eeol erea nlcbl. fdeked . before key
ley are aaed.
enriy ta tte Benlnc. bafota the eae
baa had a ubanoe ta warnkt. and daUretwl to eeataoMn dariac ke early

"All right," axid Hr. Clark.
So Ted irodgoO bock borne, and
Maehow 11 eeemed meeb longer to
blB kixtaw ta spile of hu .-nroor
’■HorTT"'ealliMl mamma from tte
door." "I am wailing tor tbe lakiog
"Ibetel" ekClaiDv-d Ted, "I ko<-w .
knew what it wa*: Uulr yoo aee, I
eooldn't kink, .ana Hr. Clark :
oeoldn’t cither. 1 said il orer lot* o i
tiara, aod wbat wa* the alter ; ’
”Tcd Arnold, yoo did not go aod ^
forget both, did yaa!"
Wby, no. I don't think 1 really for­
got item. I reaerabered Ibe eaody.

twim do yoor work."

Oeod Heoaekeaptac-

~.V.W Wte w uta Bete.jBtt'gtMM itebMaotaef tteby.
tag pan wtk a Uttia tottar.M pteeaaa
ItetetbbdCTioB ttamnteklag to It.
poo ta jBtt ereaa or tallk enoogb to
aeok ka mbi *»» deMaoBtaBkaa
ye* woald tu* o( water to peak ana.
bbA break tbota ta kto Tte taUk
WlU eeek ttem m tte whim wUl be a

The Kind Yon Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.


tec'll rite* ih elork.
to ot^. promptly.

Speeui wagon* male

Only Ihcvciy beet maUniai

uac<l,*and fully'guy.
gukixntccH in rt cry rrvpcct.
That are m»<lc to‘u»e as well
I) are
not made of ctfrx)> nuterial, and prcfi a flashy
finith to catch the eye; but ire duraldc. comtart*
able, an.I neat The cbcapcM on the market, iiualitr consHlered.
Oner u-wl an.I yopwiU buyno other make.


126 Slat* Slreth »

UiClOF Pdeiiyl.



Handsomest Lots in the Whole
Plat. Inquire of


Tbit i* the weather that take* the "stardi'' out pf a Ban, and
make* him feel as if he would pay almott any [rice ior. a medioB*
that trouW really atTenglhcn aad retire hi* exhasSed cncri^

i* the ilesired artide. We have known run^Joaii 1*1*00* to gain U
poundi in oee week 00 il. It make* )ou cal better, fleep better, and
led better all around. If )-ou are not latiafted with the putduie of B
Urnie. come back an>J get your mooey.
lAT^r site Uxtk, eeou^ for one moeth'a treatment, $1.00.


We Lead the Wan

To better kite* » giocerim aod lower prick ftw life'*
desre a theta ,{
gettite the latttfaction yoe •_______
render you matenal amittance aad aarc yoe many a doUar.

Tte apettte ICaJk
. .. beea^eepM wl^ hai aet bbodc
ber kitkaa atenaik a apatak knife
dee* not, ta •tanc parknee. ‘ keoe
what tte k Bkatac." Tte ^wtel*
eome* ta baady ta *0 many dlderenl
war* Mdjqnny dUferent timea it 1
a w<4d<r^l Bore woman do not
peaMMB it. Ii\aan te aaed to ipraad
letaf ^d to dip down tte aid* ef a
cake tac*t itoaiof tte pan. 1
a creel deal ^ tte Mad e
doeeb ^1 c^taarUy rwa tc
ny eUn^ kite aide* ef tte pan. it
caa te aawUlX aenptac poM and iMW
in ibert. k tte only tbtac for ae
diSarenl ecctelen* kat
abeoM be eoe of tte tadUpaambka •
tte kueten. -Tte knife k Uka
drexckl'* kalla and
low a* U akt*.

i-Tke MUker** Frkiid.

f Bmn tbs SrBEtu* of


of tbe other two kings ;

Bakta' jawoer aod remlller.-I
won't forget. *ee if I do.—1
Dowder and rerniller. Do yo
wtet kind of eaody 1 get!"
: : WeU. B
Ko. jnti what yoo like if it
yoo go rigbl took, and I will kre;.
within yoor BeonA wtet ta it yon yoor oaody for yoo. If yon de not
ate to get for me? '
roat'Ober tbii time yoa ranool hare
■•Bakin' powder aod rerailler. il at alL Baking powd' t aod ranilla.
Won’t forget, oerer”
-wasn’t it fonnyl-:—Ted
“Perfaafe oot. bot aay it orer to
wiibont ihryoormlf on k* way. and go a. qolck. I
lya* yoooan" Down tbe road ran .
•• bu nt*mma. "I will
Ted. "Bakin' ,a*der.-I'll get ai„^
boa*. 1
eaody cigar.-rlrolltar.-and p'r aio
a ebocoUle Boear. ^kln' powder.l
---------------------don't know hot I'd raker barOnat Jlamy- "S*y. Pop, wtet eon of
taffy: it cakM longer in eat it. rajrr tttall I te* » make ay kite. '
'MBseit eticka to yoartastb. Wbat, Pop—"Fly paper, my eon."
wa* ttet eker king maBBB wanted: I Hi* molber gar., the lilllr boy a
I aboold bfce a whole poond of oaody ! piece of brand and batter. Il wawi'l
eoee Ob. dear: I oan't remeaber large raoBgh to rait him. and be mid
wtet the other kite was. an'I kept ; "I'a hongrl. r rtban ttet. mothe r;
taytag U like erey thing: Well, if 1 I'm Uongrter tteo twn pieerw.
eon get oee. Baybe ke eaa gel along
wltboBltteottec. l U aak Mr. 01*^ qalle damp and in
whnt te aappoae* It was: maybe te rery beary Iron.

trip on whlk erdcra for okar pood*
at* takCD. Tbe (acar ia eora aad
pta* tanu M etark andar ke taflaeae* of teat, aad kia Ban ha* tte
aaerel of rrvmttac ka ebaa

The CUDdrem** I



Jlmiai tbt entM'M UhU.

derokaUbar tiae at aok
deadea; wbki It laiaa akadUy RTBOUBr and eabe root le tbk a
Ir ea kw Tear day wbaa
ayatoB>-Pret. John
yeawtabedfer the aaa to ^vaat tbe
bdcbkat; wbaa yea iaaal wear faa

•ad FtatekmcT. It a

30 Ibi Bot Eattsn Cianelatcd Stexr......................... -


......... $1 W


A dWoa. pot* aadpttte «MB. »d dwre-andTtt Bora tayM

Aivaa. dst bttera B-

e poem on k* washboard.
Had* only by THE R. K. FABBAMC COMPAlfr.

Enterprise Cash Grocetir

Off Statr Hd.DHBto

dlelrtec: V. A. Tbyler. reyaatiw
dletrtet; aad J. B. Wlloer. Owad qnarwi by JUewi Bateell, OnaBlag.
Bapite diecriet.
tea. Beaar aad Higgins Dr. DteAte
Theelaee ter adayelea aeeldart etatid teat liw aeatteg wae net«
wae teen celled foreratd to reeeln Ite
eaepLene ad M AaU-8t
Bluhop-a addnee They naaea are
Oeo. 3. Powr. Bean B. OiUy. Her­
bert V. Tade, Henry A. Lyta, B. &
tin Aaeclamtea bne fnU cwiy in tee Balding. Va. B. Irrln. Jan a Deland. Be gen a clear Idea of tee oor- Tiniiey. S. Flekoher HeOnlie, BaiaeU
rapiiOB and opineeeloc of the Bpaniib j H. Bready. Albert U Oook. Wa 3.

end report
Aad Dr. ChirMl did tela to ter nt te
■Iteitefy’e Tight tend if ittlndn. fnee to bee with n imt eUeflnta ea- me able. Ste fcmriptlBBe ot tea tetertninlof by fnaeU. Be wn
land were char nad atewed tent te
tdenl beet, bainf wr faeapti
reed b^ W. 3. Ot^ihill,
bad a nry utlMte knowtedga of hla
nhieek. Be teeerlbed tee a
TnnTdlhf aMrince bwe nnd e
e itf ttetetnnd.n

STJrvssrt. t-TsssfS.
Om» Or.
lb««u .the mtor

V. 0,

“We Pnim XbM," Md 8«t. Tte

mmod^rnn. The Aelr then «p|»i>i
lo etleet Mdlteue nr tw eMee duInf dM addrcM ef the erwinc Md be
nwlT to report nt Ite eleee.

^te.^Sm^nMfra of fsU Mood.
Be «M bon tn ttarerr. bot bn nie•d hiMelf. br the help of the l.wd.
the IWnM>Ald jeotfetr^^
Id by nee. Ble addrM wae

SBibbU. trt^n
------^ Mlde BU7 fcUaoUe nnd nba«rd theorlee tfant ou ten no pateMe bewlof epm the eeWl—eal of

«d Hint IteaoytyBof tteaenoneb-

mte wttn the OteMinn
' '
Ian. nad
t£nt tergelfterongb enob
werh nt y bette doae be tee rneda^i Aid nsdSeeteern Bdi
^te'terted tent the ftret i_
•eelt^ lete gintotM n^______
poor white* of Ite eonte the gamel of
tee Lord Jeene Obrteb ^aTlte
npnker deelnrnd. U rttihrtted in the
hemt of ABarioe. north nnd eonte,
woBid rnaon nil diaonltlee. nein
tea nae problna. aUnM ten dlSw-


foeg, teen tetind fraa the roea
white tbe loeo capped.
m^of tee Ctefiinuee Olnlannt’e One of tee tntm beBalUnl Mnnarw
ret ginn wee that told of tee oorennntg
^e jud^*1
fett friend*, tboee bftnklag
Seoietr. «M greeted hy nppInBee u
te nreae to gin hU repM He epoke breed were Iriandr for forty yean
mr eaphnaenllr for the naedi of bu and tee ooToanat of blood, wbteb tbe
eedely. teowleg n deennea ebee tbe deeeribed. made tbe tartakert frieede
'laat qnnner nonnel of t6.00a Or.
Tbit tbrew light on anny a
_____ told anar unneing er<
nrged tent neeaT be ginn to npUft esritKore paeange. Hla Bea OUel expteined tbe etory of Jeel nnd told of
the frirndibip between Derid eed
Benrir nU tee merolof eeeeloa wee Jonalben mede enerrd by tee ooreoiai
derteed le the report of tbe Board of ot Mood.
" latoen. and tee notion wkea opoo The *peaker'e
oneae before tea ooeferenee. Foot
eoapleted (be oonne end Lord'e Sapper and ite aeered nraei
— >C will long dwell in Uw alnte of ner
Tliere wee e Urge eedlenoe el the
e eentlnaed In tee fon
Oily upar* liooee teat erenlag for tbe
etna wire^*i“RoWnKpn.^^^**fioh —uu.i.-iw..
of the aa*BiuD*X7 pooiesy.
naolTerarT (.1
ntSd'to fonreb year itnd- i
^ *>«•
a. Oltan. D R Lee, W eoelety, pmided. Tbe mnde we* in
Woodbnll. 'C A. flajoa«''»«¥•
eliarg* oi
of tbe
*>» tilt-ebeir
-jmb, F. J.
lloual elinteb. with Ur*. W. D. O.
IWT. 3. 8. DeLoog.
Then la te* teird yeeKwere Hett Wmaine at the piano.
Afier the
riee. nod tbe ilaging of Mertoa’a
OnrU.19. B. llUloid.
"Te Oeom Landamni” by the teolr.
year. O. I
Him Ben-Olial wu l« apeak agate to­
lie* wate B. I
day being recelred wUb mote apton. Tbo*. O. B.
planae. Tbe name* of Prof.
^•elV ^
Olekle and of Or. Potta were ateo ren-lnd Willi ebeen.
______... .. Oetly.
Bar. O. A. Brown of Erart, ircaewood. W. A. Lorett. H.
■■ A.a_,_______
- Oldt, O. F. Bol
of tl>*
H. OottrelL
_________________tten tetrodeoed and gen te* report
teaomdnpte. wb&wlSl^inoS te**“ ?«"
Tranree diemarrow Boroteg. Tte ordlimHaa of trtol ii the oaly one in tee ealir* ooaIte Bidara’^an?'______
offc-dog* Tbe gltu fotTbe paH yiwr
haTeamonnled lo gl.ttt, a lee* of MT.
Friday afleiBooa Hte* Berth* Fow- bot tel* bet been largely on aotwaol
terof kteBlteabtte HaroyHeme. Chl- of tbe large nnmbi-r of new tenrolia*
oago. ipoka lB the Ini
being beill, oyroB hariiig been nodrr
Eoma Hitalooity eoel- eooftroelloo daring the peat year,
fire of wblcn wore dedlealed aad the
elbrr tin being not yet
AU tee other dytrlete of tl

tbe sore diSleall tbe etaadlng.aad Ite
teU 1* abeolntely rnlnona He nrged
teem to oonetnatly look np. It i. tee
only dlnoHoB In wbleb to leek.
Tbe biabop gan at by td«al ota
tanged by him aad h
perfeotly eoneeonled lUe -tbat yoa
lore Ood with all yenrbwt and jos
•y what ttey plwaed, wHiodt fear | Dr Pott* elated rery pwdiyi-y that | matt.-r of tee oBarlng for aapanna
oeigfaber at yoareelf." He nrged
oo trial ware hrongbt before the meelOf
le of Ha- dcrll. He poteted ad ibtalM.-n wu broogfal n^
they erer ondarwant e ehaoge of
. Tboee raoaind ware Oaleb Onrwerda
oat iu fallaeice and nrged tnal all «h«i""«~ i
B. W. Mlaer, Oeetl E. Polloek. heart lo ooBfaat it before tee conferOlteit
mdaeed Dr.
H>lt ■>)»
gOTanacel {colx- the InformaUos o
Harry K. Walker. W. B. Keitebinmer. enae, make a clean breatt of It. aad
lefemoo* nlooo. for a Hated that IhepFred U. Larmhee, Fredncta M Cloogb. told Cbem to take a* a motto. " Wtet.
■ l-rgynlug of tee year. It of
{erer t do. people will find itont.oaempyrolweredieh*« relln-ioWiad they oUiiw. Tbe other avausc-wai'iUTeuwenoieeneted. with wit aod Ulcer .onHn
«f>* «« Meloanu M IhU Hm*. ltd
enowing at time. >n tee ineak.«-*
7'*” of age. te* aretog*
werda He loogwl for tbe man in »>»»■>* o* *0*1 «h*are«gr oertod of *•ooote who will nuite aUteraoci-u »«-<• m lb-mloltry «. The arengo
loon (onm.*n*weei-ti,-mcm.t>-r from
Prr f»»Hy *» the ooaibe earih Mnnwh.l-.’ bomoTrr. b'minn ie gHI- H*
»rt.-d all H. tUodi.u .udallCl.ri.i- “nmd i!.M ih. M-ibodm mtelMer* do
lace to lUbt ih- Am.Titau ialoon.
”®‘ '"«”
ibU port of
Dr.8.m.eimekl-.Lh D. P~nl.». l!:;,
Oarlee Naan <
Bar. W. A. Frye led tea d
I tee oOBfenDoa Hiu morning after

11'.. b..l»
.iblHo/ ™
imny. HoeamteanoHari- »*Bied the jwopl. oiTnrer*. Ci»y *o
■d to ^nooDoe
ibe cireing hymn,
eheend and Joed call* (or "Dicki-;.
of p-o|ile we ban- ben. He paid a
~ ........ tong one nil be finally
glowing trilmu- lo tbo fathen of
apemk. Her referred to tbe
and old wh*B
o* of Ib-Meihodyt'dnute
man can oompote in dolUn md
one Mew.
lU whal be owe* bU motbor. than
and not nnul tbeo eoedd tee tebi to
day tee t
Imre glT<-a tbeir life for tbit w
etllmabd. He epoke of tea tael Hm(
garded. He etalcd that tin- right- tbe Firet tenreb of tbycilyhwalgeapel c( Oed to aeke tteS teert*
note ever triompbe in tee
glren 8i» tbl* year for iMs
end. ana held oei word* of a good
going teglnm.
ob-er. liUwa*abeBtlob;r*ealed, hoc He *icAe o( tlie fnel that but ynr
Ite third greet e^t ef-tte work
of.^- iioonf Ooon:-rmp-llHi;a*eonf^r«oeoff«lngfof thyoaae*
Ml - in tele y they nnnite
! him to oootinn and bHefly rooooc,h. 0*, „„
BBdar tee work «f the geelUie blelory ot Ih-■tel-lu tn-melK-r. I Trar.-ree Oiir eoeld do bMter Ihon
^ ite eletetina
lainoptlipprohiMtory tew of I8U. till: that It wae'foond ttelhl* n
iUlteBlila nnd Ite
— —j-t — ^
;ihepr. *eot the ,cotll,tcory law wa ,«Teoi. for t> tea aft.
- Pe. Mtea elead with nn nppinl fqr
berUg (wen rcpealt-d io I >C.'> end all; «*, *
tenwcBktowbieh teenegrteiteaa-«barqo-Dt law* bM faronte- to tbe aoHmnted to IS38
li^Bor yaffle
The City OpoB booa* waa packed
------------- the nndlteoe. nnd
Diokie 1
>1 eoltreiiaHlc okrr.,., ,n„ g,of» again whoa the time arlocal opilno. a* it ii too loral and coo Mr,d t„, o„
eeniee. T*
U Lei
gtegtet the paepU tegnn to Uifew
Oiarkaine - ‘
' »b* Anneeetten. team
ateo Iimi me hetog preached by Rtefaop Fitigen
Id adSaiaat eontrt
me eolntlon, to fal. mind. 1- U. an Tte- regnter orthw of aerrlo* ■_
imite In ten ennlene nnd'in Um
erganlyaUoD (hat -ball el.-ct m-n ftr,t. all ]olalng in the. reepanne.
wbnee tennn of office from tee rot-i The mnilewoeled by tee fall ehoiraf
Hooary offering*, xnagteg fno $l«
I of tbeir oonHIroent. will depend op Firm M-tte-h.i ehorcte Aaele,"Oh!
tn tee Kite* dletrlettegl.lOl te tbe,
RnUloo e Bite Olr I by Hon. Petty Banaab aad Dedloatcd la ISr, uder tee Pamoist* of Ecr. O
tee Ti^ will, which they enfmo* ^Syo, 5^ An-Wnry/• by Mn. Fo.
WoMa'e Home HimionaiT Boole- Otnnd Bepide dletrlet.
: ekteltng tawi ngaipH (be enleoo. <rf loni^•Wag «iy>**.teg Aaaa.
C. Draper. Oommitiee B«etioe* bar* bMn held bare.
Thy Molety It worktegamoog Tbe figure* chewing te* gUte dnrd them wo* aleo'nag by the etedr.
MgTMt. te* Boootaln white*, of te tbe lait year are at follow*:
Ri*bop ntagereld took
tor te* tel
white then are #.000.000 te oor eodn- Big Rapida, gl.Ota. a gain of gsn: V. H. Meyer, Samnel W. Imrgeaod| Heretele-l mremlamaaing laeldcate tbe AnH-SalnooLoagn* and tbe wortU her mlk Batnrday afienioeo MU* of bl* diaoooree John It: », "And
try who Mmply Md o ehaooo. the Otoad Rapida M.tu. a gals of 81. lOl
oooneetedwlteyoongmen-iexperlao- inge of loeal option te Baton eeonstr.
- aa. Bokteana Mortnoaa. OtalDoae. Grand Trarene, gi.m. a tea of glT
Tbeat elaoted te deoeea*- order* *e* in tbeir fine mlalitiy, and oaked. Hte word* wen faU of intetoet. aad Beo-OIiel qaoted a nnmber of *erlp. Pltet* wrote a tide and pat it M MM
wet* nut read. Following U the liil. "Hare yon tindled tbe doelriae* of wan Iteteaad te with tee MeoeH at- cnn rene* from the old t-Hamcnl croe*. and tea writteg WM'ieaaa of
■ nleeted to the^eSoerytternS^ nod theft
t-Uteg ot propbe*!*. oenceinlng tee h'aiarete. tbe King of Ih* jewel’ ”
Lansing. 8i.H0, a gate of 8810; Hitea Irrlng W. Hteer. Gea V. Bane*. tbe Heibodlft ehnret?" "Will yoo teaUon.
te^^^lM^lten Bdnenttonnl
M Kew Tetfe hather. a gala of 81U: making a lotel Albert R. Wyn. Jome* HerrU Jenaon. preach em! malntaiD them" tee nDr. Fltagoinld earn* open tee nog* Jew* and bow falthfoll.r they bad Ci«o tel* text the btebep beUi epem*
mfoUll-1 Tl>r
of tbe a
iwdtei j?t.':
G. K. B
.Dooaei being clear aad umnL
to tinaaael e little matter of eonfer-Loeal daaooo* (or clden* order*
Bon. H. E. Carroll, catreepoading
lary for (be mi.iiODOry eoelety. '» Obeere for bim and tn thete deeire
le B. Arnold ct AtOeo. 3. Porear aad B. E. Honing
died npon lo girt bu (•- 'Imt be apeak lo teem for a teort Ume
W. Lnlng of Goopore.The nen in order wo* (be report of port, wbicta wa* la eabeiaaee a*'fol - *« l*nn B* did not eonaont lo tel*.
Or. Pott* of the Hiefaigen UbrtHian .low*:
low*: Tbe
localamonnt made tmyable I howerer. bol Haled teal h» wonl-l
Adeocete. HU npen
p«klo I bar* a word (o *ay oo tbe trmiwranritotbeG.S. oteim oommi
ir tee dlraetloe of A H
on eoeonnl of property of mi**iooary qne»tioo oo tee
A geaeron* applante atleeteJ to tbe Amerlcu ehnrobrideiiinyedm Korte , After a dellgbtfel *oie by Hi>*
eppnrol with whinh thU report woe iUbloa emonnliog 10 over tsie (U'.oai Oroev H**tiBg*.Oi. Dicki* introdoee-i
of KUee nnd LonrlngdUi
|of which 8*«.0t» u for property of : Or. Potia. wbo I* Hooe deal, bet wbo
ginn uy aomiaf. the foraer report
D(. Diekie. prealdeot of Albion col­ tbe Parent Mimioury Society, tn.on I* Done ibe le** keen and noop ter
teg naerlT 800 eonnrelou dnrteg tfat
lege, next gan hii nport ee ednee. for Pekin ColT-rexy and aboni 8:o,. 11-« belor-d He t« tee editor of ter
lien. Tbat* an now 43.1 etndeel* in 000 (or Woman'* Foreign Muiioaary ^ Htologan CbrlMtaa Adroeote. ^d
the teHilntiem. te* reeelpta
l iooirly. Of tbie amoont tee fir*t in- it known anef- lend all OTrc Kelbod»SO.Ood, dtebenemeaia. 8*8,000. bat- .mU»eol Ima nc.-o paid from tee iwa. A* baddn**(beas.
Bew ehuehca and p
Coiled Btaie* tframirr, amounting to-dleoee. in
, „ru 861 000 to tbe Perent Society and , of CImrimaa D ekir, ateo* the rptaker'
- -oflnpward of HI.OOO to ter W. f kt. S [ooeld bar. heard no emeost of np•rt.000
Mel mportt nnaaber
‘“•iTbe remaining fi pet c.-ni will be , ,daa*e.teeCbamnqaaMlnte wa* girra
already eeeared prorinlng all
hbretee bnlll or In prolaid at tnteml* of foni moncha , bim . el wliieb hi* (ao* lighted ap
:i~i .necee* wa. repon-d In foreign with a *mlle ten wo* good te •>.
hot. 16Utobe.elapnrta.te.da7;*.
.pproprlai.oc. are needed J-he tprekrr
w eelleetlon* to be taken (or edi— ,
la laiBcriaena on ohereh prcpettr.
hoped (bat ibrie will te- a be did not propeae le tell Urn people
alaloee bare baaa llbemli; remen
good reepooee.
bow to TOW OB the qeaatian of COTE«. [ There wa* a Urg- atteodaaoe U the rTMT. teoogb be might abow term
inreery of Hr- W»%a'* Foreign bow to rota for ;nteapte wbteb
new ore reported.
The Ml In order Were II
Mleeionaty eoelety tela aftanogn. might p tore e eoggeetem te tee
Be qmka of tbe early bcaadorleaef Mr*. J. A Falker. precldeeioftea
ga. Be mated tee* ibennn
eoelety, wot in te* ebal
ptoMhin? Wte ate the enp
I wniob ihanteelwiv*
niBd 8teneher»T W
»«v. i. r nauT. djj/ \
tarrltory in tbe mrly day* of tee rtata.
Premdteg Bliter of Ibr Oiaad Trarene Otetaiet, wbteB M
«g <h* ^mnh Uar**B*tsld. ^ho addtte<d the
orlglBal itmmberi of tee eontificnHem, polittea aad i
.. third. Who ten ten
aa ezeelteal report ot lam year'* work.
lag nport dif the w<
tteeed ea 1
Of tel* teUar qneatloa be atated teal
done dariagteepi
1 w>d
teen are three pbane. ibmiteiirii,
yean old. aad Ber. 3. H Pltesel of
Many people think ihemdmnate of 8f ..«M4 iItor tee /eat in tl
w 4,803. and teetotal Uammead proUUttea; aad of yrekl
■ wm* damnyed. Mt.
It. I bee:,rd in tele
The npen of Her. Inmn laalltma
BerfoU. O . who ii 88 y«nn old Be. raleed for mtetaon. daring the yen.
ntAt0.1tf41 te* p
hesmleea tent he U net nimby of be­
ateo •

bat the load
rery Inttreeting figoiaa 813.80ai>. -The aoaieiy new nopporta al. eteteloty aad leaaL
year, a totd gnja of 8tm.88.
ing breaght
M ileeolet* e* 11 emoe
motber-s loltekr m4 at
wMforraraUlyteg. and wo*
Hz mieaioearlea, fire notln worfcen Or. Potta etatad teel teen te ao
fall I* ttirmeing eac year aadjoteere tecrlbl* 0* tee fotud UghWV
ease, bol Mia Fowlar oorreoted
fnlnea for tea eua W te* tMd «» tfc*
aad ailarg* aambar of aatlre ateool •UffetBM of optelom te re«Btd lo tee that aMBB* maek
nmMk* sod lb* esHbter tenndn. Mo tai Bhoalao apoke feelingly of tee aad apoke-ct the gnat good teal it leagerlly he* inoeeaed with -my childtwn. UMe womea and othon wbo arils of tee liqaen matec. a* yrem
<f a onpefoeU
lempi at rommeitetec or g^a “j
wiU do for then Ian fertaimic Hma daende. Tbe imeent arernge agv efian or wUl be-in the (alon netlra
ten to teem teaa it doe* te oa
■ysunte of tel* dieeoatn OM te 88
te* Uiohigen MelhodiM who gar* the mlBlelei* tn tee emifetenen 11 4A
kan te tee taietaen field.
tether’* }o*Uoa. D 1
wide wwld orw. te glfmto ny
effertege. Be epoke,^of >* Uok of «0ke MieOy ef teaae who bar* paaaad Tbe addrem of Mte* MaHon Hew­
Ibtek* they thenld be called letter fend* teat mad* it n<n»tr>o wlte- away ataee the lam e
tom. neendy rrtooned from LocklognvMMIttel
Day Stemen teetead ot ImtHr Day
-M-:ateyt^lnnddlUe leglO.- Batela Throigh te* BomeHImlai draw from eerriee every eighte oan ing tn mlnlten aad foarteeo wire*
te tbe mOaeien fiald.
body. Be ptetenad tee tehmm taa«<^
eeotety anay girl*la rhlntnnn oe
fiaam fcmtnm «( i^oa
W. B. a Diehtf AIMOBWM
wtte tie paver aad iBiafi ImtamhPhelge oeani an need to ra
■aota te pnUtte* aad gieiniiiii
white, white H oceopManr^
am aatafaen of .tbea
eedinee u ladln, aad Mde teM Be eaUad iitaa.ilia ao teefaetteot
enarmtad Jeae te taglleb aaboarnd ateU, left allteeaadlla 1818. wen eatted me India a* It te Kb* dmenbed tee teen Ma fi.«Dai_____________ _
palptta nad
4 mack
mach wwk talght be doa*
leagte* teat tt tendff «»
ka Ibe plaltena OM gp
mane te Venn ladla. a^ teowid MB.0» te tee ttoteed BMn mtaai
ateag tU* Itee If peapte naly
appiaaee. Mr Beeete
oattaet between Htak and tke oae ■k«8k.«8iBiFl* wkatehte^ta
' bnr hem *c reach tel* peopta.
I year wneenr 487.00(1 TWy de-

rs.rwztisiiM Sr-kS.f,*£-Sa5.“i%“;

-■ia“:jrsrt,'!is^5r _'srjsiirsasxaisfj








Mltetiag naan aade fOan fa e Ood ooe tiae. aU ansloBa to tall Ha good <
ginn daiy. ite^cpeaker dniarad ihai teiage that ite.Lord ted ^ ter v
ite lloeaae eyaletn 1. a eaceea bet ee tbra. Tbe arrioe wat a aoM Impir• laeamtof regelating tee^liqaer uac Ing one temgbtet.
he ^d It wae e eolonal.fallere.
At tee elaa of teto arriee. tee

Aocfleeo aapreBacy wae reoelTed. Hayward end J 3. Toy.
and tea gnat need for it. t he natine ' *ade Lyon, Irwin. DeTinney. Oet•re rnty poor, nry ignonnl aad in l.r. OoUtog end BerwarJ took oeetbiege highly Inootml. Miboogb eon*' ordeie.
lo other aatten tbe.r tan wiTea* ex-i .Bi«hOp Flliger*i r*ad<liv*i wee fall
eaMea fpr the aor* btghlT (aroTed M gxM adrm (pAeii (roa tl-hmfn
Aaerloeat. He epoke of their long ihroagh loor exiterlence le ti.. fl»lg
Ing for ednoetioeel aleanage* ud He lmpre**e<1 npoo th* aer<l<'Uii«o (tie
AaerUe i* aiyfylng tbei long- fx-' 'bet tbe* weald be looked ep to
of tee raadlaaa* wllb whlofa tb*/ . end Ite inportence of eecr aen'log
• lotee pretenaot aytloe*. ned • tbe eetecB accorded ibta. They are
of tee aplendld work that tee Beteo- j »o» " Irreet a* an ambweidor to a
dul mlialae* are deliig few ttea.
I greet conntry for they ere eahaaa*
At tbe eleae of tbe aeelltig.^ oBerre'
King* in Obhei’e
;Tbe work U ter■roaefaiag'ln tbe luan*

mmiatt £r. BU^IdtwTlafrodeeJa

he y M* nt work.
In the ooneidemtHm of tbe _______
he STfed that nU projadloe nfoinet
nnr Mtite of ur eolor

eaee cd Ood la the faMW of By pBifla



__ B. ikvtto.
IWtfaoa. i. W. BMnd. B. D. I
•1.H* tta to*t jaar.
TW. «qM UM-a. W. DaM.
n. Bawottk laacaa rapMI
^tMdbrB.aX>aaL TbtLtafw
r foUM4 W^budl- ibow. a faU of •.«» ■acateia
3. W. BaeU. W. W. Uaqnrt.
Tfca BlMeaair Uboar Tall
Ml* •( OtoM ia UadMili. erMtTto» asidnt ItW-7. A. I
•itah *• Mb o( *• ateTe Bad Ifa* ■n harlaf aa taoriatlnt toMaJ
A. B. Sinirla. L T. WaUoa.
«tMaaL Tto <ltb aallad atMatlaa
Edaoatlaa Ooamtttro-T. V. B.
' to Ui feMM la KaWMlb, tb> mt
ChrljWa, Oeo. CMfp. A. H.
mr la OatUaa. Bat la II all.
B B. Maadar, J. C. Oaofc. X. O
- rf^Barka.ta
bavca. ftal^aaeaatoty.^ ^

.diatefaattAlBthaDBitadMat ha- the IftMHat aaafaaaa arhlthae-

Bar. V. X. IMana of thiaeltr »fe had be«a attend mA CTI m
waa nllad apaa. hat ta hb ahanat I nooey ttkea. It wat aln appant
Blig at Sa'tdotoimartrytoUgbt. Ui "httbr hair- taapoMad far hla. toal arnfal baiei of dm and oM
gooto had beea takot. aU»i«h la
fat Btoit. and waa Miead late with
wlthla a ctraa Om. Thaata^ideat toa IM BBlligi mrtt by abeat lOO Bar. W. X Padtr af Eatamaao what egteU coaid MX be deUrmaed.
foreaar eoUaga mo aad thalr vieea. naka totally ta a gettatml way. bar- D,ff McDonald aad In amtttotttia
Old AlWee waa tU aeaetad aabbel
....................................talduigeor the phernadeaaiaeatti11 tcagna, aad toa paeaaartly af
lguioeand laler tead dicbousaf
TvwMbOtataiy Forward Me»a»aut
Tha amebttoa
lOB elaetod
ewuiau toe
laa fallavlouav-lagan of \-arwiu hnadf aad high
waa ergsalaed and the work hagaa. eared withaaeh loyal aaaa aad daogfa- lag oBorre f« toe aataiag yoar: ' qnalhe bUklen in toe buoaeBt, aad
Vbat baa atnwdy beea aohlorad b ra- teta ooBpoalac ba alaanL
Piatidaat Bar. U X Lor«)Dy at erfactoor any laorc bad beea takea
tbit. aad deateoMiaMa what toe
| ww eiinpiy n mttta of
Tea dm part of the erettiag waa Oimad Bapida
IS Blae««
B. FabMar. A W. Siuaa. J. W. taergetK' ebarob worker ma aeeea- epeet ia aoaeldrriag a baaqaet eerrad W»PNedkait-W. F. Eaa
tortiaa. ^
oot. e It 10 VIcktta. L. X HaBBlaf.
ptbb when be nte afaaat it, aleo toe
toaad apoi and h
geaeroelty of the i»«p!c ef Amriea
of Otaad
aaemeiy-D. X
that X bad not been
X Bt(
jWtol'l MM Jmw^atm Ua« of be fivaa to BtUa atady aarrloa.
The report af the toatttU-1
^ when toe ralooa people
B OaaW f A Ti
Hla OWK aad M aaae af Bb eUlEdward
^ «w praaeaiea at Ihlt awtata*^ Jaoobb P. X Wblhai B. A F. LalhArt of Leon- left, as tht oBlaide lock waa —‘
fore ilie
^r... U aho«t KtMlfriag ciliB ar. A. J Whaalar.
i iToken. The lock to toe iano .
al ata M Ibalawiw
arte*wM hat' R-P*"- PrMdeat of the atewimoa.
■—,.11 bnatoatofthe efaiBeb work.
■Albert BaiUb. UMt.
larttacat appeared to hare been uaiMa of tba Ctolat, aad
t BOTi-Baat aad anehoeeo ptaUBlnaiy
The repeat it at Mk>*t:
l<red-viih, aa it waa ftorn there that
toa toil M Jaaai b Hat af Bit aaaBaall. A A Oelgar.
eaatoy Bebeeb aad Inole-W. L.
toe rooner wia takro.
The aelegato. who w
Mlaa.aad that aMt daf MMl bo*
Inveatigatioo tuggeeted that who­
Bolmt. A W. Maatord. W. X
the Hetbodbt ecnferei
totea Blab tbaagb no*
neolt ibewe ttol nnremittlng ual
Oot. yvH
1a their ynite of the etoelknt wort ever the Ihlcl waa, be wat familiar
HIM. Ba alcaad tbit part
H.. been <-iFrebed by the leaden ta The toaetamtez, after euina viuy
Temperaaet-K. L. Bray. 1- Ocx.
M With aa aanart an»
sfireaiarfce. oallad apea Bar. O. D
.1. L. Potttr. B. tt HarHa R. K
who bare otaigr of (be local arrange, parent that he had caacealed himt^
«ha da aoiat
ibe Xetoodltt ohnroB people hare i*. i Chaee of Xatkagan to napoad to the
Vm. A- W. Baint. L. X Eeoyoo.
low rate
>poad<-d llbetalle frooi the fntba of i teaet.' What 1 world Scady if I wate
ter the saloon waa . lon^. aa the back
BbM of tbt Cboreb-V B. Pbripa
J. E Taltailat. Elliott Bnooh. U ihelr iadettry doriac the three prat-!in Soboel Agaia." The drat thlac
door aaa t>e o|>en.
Kb* af Bit ftiaadtaad Elac af Bb
Michi(;in. Illinois, ln<l<ana. Oh«o
oeroQi yean Jnet fatteA Dr. HilU! Beattooed wat foot ball. In whioh the
•MMat. Bbhop nttottmld thao
an.l CantiU. St>cru1 trams i
The matter waa repofled to (.'hict
OT al Sp> !«««•
—W.L. LanfBian. prediew that Ibe' vbob amonnt Will ep.-t»er felt that »»■ wat dedeleat witboBi tlH.- iiijthtett ftnetioo. and.
•peka af (%ibl at the Bairetml fclaf.
J'olicx Rctinir. who nude an
good sen ire. Twins gwsl
be releed eboDi or toon after ilie flnt. SnBi- other thioge of M]Dal Inpurtrrturn iinltl IKnohcr I'lli. mt luof Jeonary. 1W3. Erea’ehoold thb ' anoe where mentioned by the tpeaker. withoot noDble to gomt nor lw>»ta i >cstigation. and while he wouU nuke
vise., .Ask .Agciiu ni see lull
The iualog «f the tooremr diree- i nr. definite atatemem hi> charactena(be Lord Jeaot at the Barlot of the
Freednes'e Aid aad Sealben Eda ool be <looe the Boremeot hai aocom-' Bee. V. P Ecadrloke of Oaagee lory la an etprelt
reserve suggestcl that the thiel
for lijl pMti.-ultfv
itally doe fealorv tliai
watlA abb to nra to the Btlanaow
.Uoo-U E Loreloy. O. O. Odion.,
admiralioe of all , ou1d be reached with Utile difhcully.
H. F.MMller.6.M.
aQ who eaoe aalo Oed bp Bi>Chae, I}eaec, Otoa OUaa, J B. Peat
troB Ibe bitboi>'i<rnib-rtFaBgesl eipirMr." Hrstmen. pm|irictor of the ■
Wllh IhrlUtac aanattoaei the tpeakar
mot tor mioislerUl honors It tioa
staled to the tia* whaa aU abaU ae
Aodiclng Ooaialttae—K. P- Bxowo,
fielliiBted tU-Vork oi the local oomhieb
kaawadte Jaiat .at Elac. Barior.
i^tee. tided the vUiton ia flodleg
! who luppau to be B tiegb men or
LatAaod arary kata aaaoW haw be
FoUavlat. ton aaiae toe OBalal
! wbo nmaint to of amliot eforefoe Blat. the Jewt. with aU the rtai Utermlare teponraad by W- J- D»a«
ibcBcelree or their hosla.
laoogbt. vat atkod to apeak oa *‘nw
of the paopUa of aaitA omlac Bioi Ut. Thb vat a aaad repart thavint Bib
boat Bad gam feel arquaiBi» it Miekirtt.
urn maoh good llletaiue b belagdu Kennedy, W. P. Uotber.
i *’«»»»*«'■
tit r,aa'neU Klac.
beforv they Bel. lus' ecDetroit. Br-pt. .« AC, .
! nurk. were fiXI of wit
The dm part of tha aflanooa tat- Ortbatad and maob wort being
Ceaferonoe CUlnmlt—A. i. Eld- eighi't reit. Pretldetit
the TieiKiTf with the rite
.\li ls.lies desiring a knowledge of (’utling and Ftitiqg lid«.V
M vat derotad to the ardlaatb* of ebag thb eoauniuee't Unt of
fed, D. W. Pamm. it L. Foi. J. W. reiily rrfrethed
u- . S. A , Iwfore they eiueted it, tod Ic cniieiilraisg. Be
t preaeot that be bad BOl i
gamieni*. either lor making ihcit own dresso or the drrssraakDaridt. O. X AraoJA E. T. KrweU. b—1^—,.. I
b,.ll „,«,,Ilb, I-....,™.
in; ifsib. cannot alfcml to miss the most thotou^ rourse
by Bar. BtJpb Woettn
-ifereaee Bebtimit—P F, Barnet. the OattilUc^tei With merobert of
P°» ant at Bay eoBTentiem. The
.1.:, 1.M, nf —\I
viTI iw. r.r,mni,„1 Ker,
IhaalMt fordtaeoB'e ordtaa. aad
ram hat Ima laeraatiag atitaXoo V.'j. Wlbeo. 3. X tXaefcarX. 3bit iBBedbt. party bad ot».« L^
-----........... .......ction in ten days (8 hours t-...
l:i. complel
vilb their aa* aathor- [Bid to thb work. Tbt Tomptowac* Ootilng. 3. W. Halloabnek. O. W. CyTn.tmthror.TT^Xb>wbe,ry.^^
amy «her pb*. throegbour tlable to Ctrl any gaimenl you see. alto be able to tit ary
will be able.........
Onion aad Antl-Snloon Imgae hare tatbin. A F. Eagtar.
Hr «llk doe aamaoey.
:t at the eoUege men't reoBloD.
; . :
fiigure aflcr__iakmg; Ibis course.
Than rate tarn ta tbt ebat far
their aowptratlon. A tfmbl
Dabgatet to Fratoraal Ordtrai---"..............
ra4ktttodioo(m,aaall tiiot. TooBg. D. S. BOMI. W. EarL
aldtr't oadtaa, aad the uttmny *mt
recldeot at
;.i;;.Ii.TL "1,1* b. bmi 1
r. z ww « O-.*
am Bota liapin'- ttoa M far to bt aoBra la thb wort A oomailt
Pabllratlon of Mlaabt Seeretat
prwenud "A Qraat Sebem.-," j of Trarrrar Oily hospitality. Som,
t with ex-U
moftetenwareohot«.byto.a. Coog.-rssman Hamilton aad a few »kiob was, U brief, that every Beth.
not m liowa eltr of this sir., Irll
Bbhto nttoaraU. the dm *«rld ____________ oat from taeb dittriot.
other .il Michigan'! high digaltariea.
!**•« »»>« from bb ooo^ »a-j, u of ramBi.-r vmio«. tan acynMal at tot Bpvarth Ltafoe. pra- Tba aadWing oommltm gart a toief
The i»,.sido3fa apeech ai the Sino-'
•*>•»•« MS
T'". and glee ,oo»modat« 4tO mlnbtera, bat that
young maa or voman 1 there is room for Ibeic >• apparenl to
«tod at toe BBalremrr amt iat-“-* raport. ihowing aa ladebtodam ot site Oeo. Balbb, O. E BoMntoa. D. bh Teietao* hanqert tbii eTeniog **
•IA4I Whioh. btlag to tmaU an X Lee.
far that atoaalnttoa la tha after
will b- artaiiottaniane. becaoseU to go from that charge ta AM.Ion. a1,u.boi only U Uu honm tat la Ibe
'jkAl a£T£n
Sabbath Obaerraoee-J. E. Foote, tbe BeiropolX of tbe ■«« which opcf tbe paslor. preaeai agreed,
of the people. The rtsinttg
BalametdDr. J. F. Banr. editor BooBt, VM rabad at anet by ooUec
I eill be at Room 8IS. SnMloor, Wilhelm l.Uwi;Saturday. tVs;
r. E. Doty.
poeed lit! Cabaa reoipraalty polley ft-<» »‘‘‘*
Imlnliterm bare all l.-arnea that
tot Bpnrto Barald. who a»de the
lllli. from 2 toll p. 01. all wishing to Uke -hia course iJeax calk
^ aaxt qaatUoo btforo the oonfar- Wheeler. J. C.
la oOBgraw be will relieiate and cm- Dr. Samoel Dlekte, LA D., spoke : Trareree City does aot do tilings I y
gneo WBt. " Whore tbaU tbt oext oanTbe tervice thu aXemoon took the cdusiae bis well knewB Tlews OB this i wilXly and wisely on the subject |i>alraa
fouaea be btldr
form of a church exteasioo anaiver- subject This city b crowded with t"Our Boya" Be was Ibtec. d to
. ,
_ ~ ,
X XlmnoiTababalfafOoldwator Sdry. Dr. Monroe wat the ipeiket , strange™ and the president-, rwep-! with rare Interest and hu address
rm. R. 'SA/. 0*rb»rr»4»r
MM. The
..... | When
the settion. He gkve a------- Ueu is a ! to be el
ol the most eathui 'received IheroBgh ar]>reciatian.
«hen the lor lenders Ol
01 the sa'.>o
mtatad aa laTltatioa from toal oily
t • Hotel
ing address treating of the
whito bad Botaolettaiowl the ooaf«
siattio D,
ce of this line ol vorA N
e for JO yean.
thete a time irtien more work wis
In some sections of Michigan
then'8 yean agoAbo known as raiBioDAry tetritory where
la Mgard ta tot
bo tbowod Slyranaga Beny tpoke 1b ditoBt- ibcTC n great need of churches, the
tbb qaetXoo Bof on bBtsb. collection for the church esiension
b«r ton baaen la toe woto praparad
lie on raoh wta tekea. The cause, exceed by fsr the amounts from
to* oaam of UUt ttady.
the Board for buiWingi ^n such dis­
qmad aaoog toa yonag paepb of the noalt of toerote wet In fe<
tricts. The board, howeser, is mak­
.sBpvartb Xmgaa. wat adopted by the
[rrataicr't npo^for the pati ing ptogreti. .
"T. P. a O E. and b bow btlag jmEveryone is urged to have this sul>•ntd fay Btay tooataadt af eaiatai year wBtat foUowti
jecLoo liis heart. It X a good inyaaag poapto la aU parw at tot world
loyal laeelpU tor tht
Ba tpakt of toe forsor prayer of toe irieb. Album. <11.010; Big Btpida vexment and few to plead for it.
had not a place to lay hX head
obartb to open mlMlon doota tota W.MI; Oraad Ktpidt. <21.7^ SO;
(nd msnv people in Chris’s work 10vfaaa toe door* were open of tot ptay- Orend Tnretw, «S.*M SO; Kr '
ar for workarA aad oow, when ban- |10,ne;Uoalng. $ll,0».8*rNllet. H - dayare in the same condition. Help
tttedtof tralaadmltalonartetare rrad' WIJS; total, •7M08 61 BooeipU
After smging and pnya by Rev.
kagoMIto Caldtiatoe oadi af lb> rroB outer coareet. •S.>7t i&: X>*
' adjourned.
tarto. ha potatad oat that the aeed sionaiy toeleiy. MS.tJS; Caerob Ex. Laulman, the n rting
today b ter BaDey. Ba rafettad tn MBtloBioeleiy. kt.eaO SO; Freedama-t
SVork at eeaSar tttowsi I
tot eaapalga that the Bpworlh Aid. *«.S».»; Board of EdBooUoo.
Wm. H. Cooper of Hope College
Imgaa b oondaetlag aleag thb Hat II.STT.n; AlbloB oollege- M.SS8.CD; who has been in Grand Traverse
TM mtter <X ObriatlMi Maward- Thaot
8w- gion laboring as a mXskmary for
toip ba brtd ta bt tot telaXon af this d«y Bobool UaioB. ISSd 76; IBible American Sunday School Union ba,
mmt all ainar qaatilaot of obarah eoeiety, tJSO.TS; W. F. U. S. leturned to Hope College where he
*-------Bt aigad that It b tot det>
U.MT.W; W. a X a, M.M7 00; completes hts course of study this
«t ottry Obrlfttaa ma to par at bait BUbop FnaA <iB».7tO aod Oonfer- yw. Abriefsommay of hX work
ma taalh af hb laeam lata tbt MtoB OlaiBUI FubA <18.171 88.
in thX region X as follows:
Urd-t btntary.
The question what to wear this season and where to purchase to'^est advantage no doubt has
Miles traveled, 1.137families '
When tbe report ea Babbtih obtar*Dr. Berry pal toe etraagm etepha
lied, 485; places for which 'regi
come to your mind by this time. Permit us to say that for months we have been s^rchmg the best
ab ea toe BoraBeat fer perteni •Boe vat glTta there wat maeb dit- preaching services were secured, S;
of the world and now we are ready to show you absolutely new stocks of thp best in Clothing,
Ba abawad the aaad ef eaottlOB orar cme teaBaoe nferrUg visited and aided m various ways,
riding, toe paranate ol
tk pouted Wl tot UeatlagtafX
Sunday SchooX'to tbe number of 30
Millinery, Dry Goods, Cloaks, etc.
Bilk and aaefa toiagi oa Baaday.
oatbaadtoe Mied. end pletaredthe
with US teachers and 1070 scholars:
goods were bought from best manufacturers In case lots or large quantities for cash, and
gMmmaltJ Bbaddimwaa Utun.
distnbuted 40 Testaments and 8
oSaodlng tMHanot tirleken ank
ad u viti^ toa gieauei L
we are not looking for big profits. It’s business we are after and want the opportunity of .showing
ntwrt wat aa orgeBt appeal ta aU ko Bible*; eggtnXed 7 new schOoX with
you values that no other house in this market does or can offer. We work for our customers inter­
teak by tneapt aad exampb to db 23 teachers and 194 pupiU; ddivere.1
Tbe BiiHngtotbtb
- '
efallkiadt on 45 addresses. Thete were 6 professM Oalbga wad Big
ests. Look through this, then come and see us. Always welcome._______
resuli of the
iMA ecBilBg waaa tttUg oleat to a
day Or. DIM vat tha aam
■Ssaday SebooU aad Traob” sras
M braaght oat a «mrd M AIM
IvBi by Bar. Bradtbe aMlteriam la tbi latt raw ef
too good srorfc of
suned on his western
*ataU U toe appar galltry aad left
I nrged Uiat Ubra trip on the Sylph at 030 this
may U tot earriden wUhaak aaa1 book eoooanbe
I drixzle
Mmtteaata Dr. Barryfgatlded.
and tot rbtiHetoadbt ebairfbnuhS' ■Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Alice
Roosevelt aod MXs: Ethel will aceom
ad toe BaXa. two Sae aatoam beUg Tha Froodman’s Aid report
The many great bargains in this department are too numerous to mention.
pany him to New York. The other
nadby D. A Greene.

•Bag. with btrt. W. D. a
ers of
Ol the
me president's
presiucm > pirfy
paiit leTi
We quote only a few of our most prominent offerings.
toe dwp Utsgeot of aU and tbe
) on a------special
train. TTtey will
of lb work abeeld at 930.
Dr. Barry U Ubada
men’s beavy. black eixoiot Suits, baw serge lininfls, are well made and
le prewdent at Jersey City from
e peopb ol
join the
t „____ _________
the start---------will he made for
a apltadld work he has
, opoko of (he good
which point the----nicely finlsbed. Our leader for
4oaa tar toe eellaga.
ef Dt. Maaos U thb flelA Tbe otaU Cincinnati over the Pennsylvania roa.l
Wbae Piatobnt Olakie
of tbeehareb report sras notglreo at 3:14 p.
men’s ail wool Cassimere Suit, In black, grey and brown; also In neat strip.
tfmkj he vat gratbd with abton
Dr. Whaalar who waa to give I
load aad long Hb addrm wat rary sras net (cMaot
es and checks, nsperiallor
A marrbgk In wblcn Tiarerse City
Mtaatk aad Mt aUmt antlnly Tbe Board ot oeetrel (X too Doa
men’s Tall Suits In black 1$ o*. Clay Olorsted, color guaranteed, also In
wito BMhodbt kdatatbaal Utkin- eooeas HoBa, Oraoo Bapida sras people srtllbe maob iatereated' ooearred at noon Satarday at toe home of
. Mk Albtaa aaltogt reoelrtag tbe
This b MS report glToo; toetride-eparenUbtLelaod. Tbeeonblack,
llen-a M« at tha anaattaa. ~ John Orahaa. P. 3. Mavrety. Mrs. A
toawad toe aaaaeUI eendlXon at toe A Knappaa L«tI Master. EG . Lew- traoUog portir* ware Mbs Fannie
Cassimeres. Cbese we consider tbe best nalues in tbe city4or
aellva. ha* toe debt ot toEWO bat wls. Bn. J- W. Aldrteh. Loots De- Hiatoav. daogbter of Gtonly Clerk
kato UoarrwA and the aeod af pay UmarUr. KnJ. C «iekeabangh. W. Z. X Hiaahav of Leland. and Mr.
William AdsUottoU city.
im It aSataaoe,at UbafaserWag
Paffer. A ooUeetioa for toe
k af toe laoamfn
le b to be takea dorfaadbftorealbge.
lag toe year.
la toe preeaeee of ooly toe immedale
Or. DIekb told ef the aSer at Oar. Bible OaosB report was gtrao fnaads and relaUvee of the oaol
«mr Blba ke give tlO.OCO
Weareagenjs here for this renowned firm, and offer their-newfali iine
payBMi at thb daw U eate tot real by L *B. Esnyoa. Tbe AraerdeaB ing portiea. ioelading a Dumber from
b talaid bafora tot ftrB of Janoary. tUble Boebly b dolagraash for rale- tote eity. A samptBOas wedding
of Suits and Over Coats in the fullest confidence that no merchant tailor
rise aod otbere for the apballd
was eareed after toe
and Band that Bcrs tima torte fearthi
(X Chrbfs caaae. A leeolalleo
aad bte ta tbe afWroooa toe happy
________ ttie da
them. The beauty of Adler Clothing is that you can save half
gardXkg Suoday fa««tmb wasjM
eoapte took the boat fer tbie oily,
tar. "Wo
apoB. asking that an effort be made where .toe ceogratolattoos
your money and still hot sacrifice your pride. See them at $ 15. $ 18. $20.
BlA "aad we wUL
wbbe* of B boel of trbede availed
Dr. Dtokte poUted to tot qibndM to dieeoerage Soaday fuBoala
Also special orders taken made to your measure._____________________
Tbe Oeofereoee OlaiomoW reports them.
work toat toa aollece b dedag. mtel
Tbd-gtOMB b freight ageot at toe
laetoally. BOrally aad qXiltaally. TO rand by W. B. Stlaahkomb
U. X/A L dkpiX. aad hae noendofl
Ba toU aCfeazAlbbattodeatk.eai amoont niseK sob put year wa
at a kotal at MO caedldatot. takU|
lore b iMwded for tots eaose.
one el toe beet koown and
Jktat cat of
Tbe rrtwrt on Obareh ExMotloo lar ydong lad^ of Leland.
Lelai and ha*
ad by OotBBUa BoiroEslty. Ia eloe
fil^ds in tole eity. Thev
, im. fas sayaiBia farm faltotoat toe ms glrao by F. L KIlea Mpoy also many
beat home H tbeb frieode al 4fS
«abt of toe oeibge will be labed by barrtws have been erected tonAgb
II sMf « hN Oipi-liM ta
tfac Aim of Jonoary. oBd lirrtted all damOoDS aod leant teerlTwl by tbt Weel Klota elieet after October 1.
tl)li ui igonuna
ka too Mg}abUaetokakaplaea'jQ>e b^ Tbe board has mereaud de« M aMU Mt Ml «• bi te-




IMio-tioe 'fco l_adiesl





Men’s, Boys’ and Chililren’s Clothing

I Tho L. Adlor Bros. Colobraleil RochoolOTCIollimg
Youns’s Hats!

Boys Cwo and Cbree Piece Suits


The elam of I68Sof the Metbodli
Or. Dawa, ftaaoebl oeeroBiy of Iha
wterenee held a ebu dinaer Friday
•oUega-gavaabtiafaddresa. Invhlnb
<SSS In OBoaot has been rabad. Be-^ > toe dmXig room ef the Betel Whit
vliereaAoe bCob wm eerved aad
•ewal and etmger effort b necesesfy.^
exoelfeek time to enjoyed by all.
ga ^10 hand the toerehcQlbge The Book Oooeera report war given oil memaiee being reOewed and old
by R E . Meader. It wat orged torn Umaa lived ever ta reWoepecL
kelog toe oolyl
ta She BiMal. Boraki
The BMbels ot toe eld elam who
■pMtBdl latesaaB cf lb H
wm leeiMt were George A. Odlaa
of Whitehall. A X KelUa
oew year TOi toeeeo ai foUewt 1
f toe teporte <fo.
City, r, A Taa DeWalka ef Paris.
Beard cfTrassue k. E Bray. X 3. W. BoeU of Orbano. 3. X Bowtai
toe Art* to glee a repart. toot oo Bd- A Wright, X_X>aUo». »• X ef Lyon add W. P. Ftato <f St.
in"*—. He tp6ka <ff edoeaatB
Joeerfa. A el
ta tabe taee X ta ttetbo ead ef
effeeteA Ba.
I Dr. DItota
Ota Or. BeBMXOliwta P. X Btal. A Iro

Cofliplole Uoa Of Sofl Hits |g Mm g Bofs. sue to S2i0
' Men’s and Boy’s Caps
M Hia'hi Oral a Cmu Wur tw SO MB k UM.

..... . 1-60,

Rememember our Motto: Good Values, Square Dealings and Low Prices

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