Grand Traverse Herald, November 13, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 13, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



kid lu mumef.
iBoef vhra yua'rv tbroosh '
-Hi-'b bm( IILr tbBI llrlo' ikrIfbB
r srai al Uw arcus, unir br’s col
rio'cs oo, alal he. Gracis*' vbispena
SuBlr, mboBr Uterc sumaierB had
cradualU' ilrrek^MM]
fnr the
cbnsi I
Kr«p CUM.' mun«) the oldfC
-Toa dOB-t kno» the l<
„ lb,, boa.
. gush- Oreeti O.
„ .
ih, whlrlB»tb.T sri tra. C 1,-eih ln-k>w The wbuU- i> frouod
Susle aubsMrd. and bo­
■ ftiu- pull- and run .iut ihrwucb n
re arar ib.- lalkailTF Qa
,;eie, tl«- rln.1. l-dna Ihu* eeparau-d
d him famrahly at he ta
(rum Ibe lauer i.H-ikia <d tbe me*
•ler falhw. briaiclDC a at___ _______
Tbe nnd. are left i« rui ua ibe pi
DiSD’s lips aad as aaraied ctaam
JiJrj luui.ifv *usa.
hit rjv. latrl) cnin so sad aad
jM'baiu tnranlViJua tatiu. Hi
ml tb.- |•na-,-.. Ilf linn.
I ixri ULi- Mr lYiok MM •i-JI u fell t
pUr,-. neparailac 1
-1 like htB.-' she Beaiallr cosa\ ilaiiBliivr im "MiKb auUtaaer ftn'll
■eed* from Ibi palp Tbe teed* <
|r«ef <>».' W ubiu'TTi-d ■curDfUlly
N the'new brick block
IsUIIbuji cUanx>^ ll>» -ubivcl
' ItrtiM- K-i liiin ihi- kltchMi. folks,'
I h.- m>-.l
-Shi-'i.J’njiie 4oow urer tin- atiUe apjBlIed Miranda: btu she. too
r: K Baker tell. . ,
ralaxed bi-tore bis uataUUic bubble of
ory concemlnK <b-- mi
‘ hu*nn.-d Ulk Brea rulletlA^■wBtly inJuri-d on tl
d bis ctaor-B. abicb uas aoUHat
unusual, and. as the clouds elaared quale railway irack*.
IB ihe wesi tad tbe old tor* were iIbkt* and w.-re r>'nnrd, l««rlber.
- Bbaoe In s hath of rosy oolor n-d havlnc i-c-n •eparaii.l until after
.<wd ><t his
III'- driver .laned
ibi- Elunou. suaset. while the iheaeeid.-ni When 11
BhlD like
I'unrber witl
SBDK yonntsly after tbe rain, the lu bitch Slsier
;h much
aeon ahe Uil
whole ramlly of UraeBB artodwud why
■ crunnd aad
the dreadtui ralawliy of tbe tool boose.
This pleaMUiIr> ■•ruvuki.-d s flndlafi
rIbe wagone
rouf. whirb B|ioBld
>|iMld by ri«bls bare nie-l i<> rlM- ni
sniUr fruu the muur.................................
pIirocMl tbea all Ini
tben iho dr<>
deep Id
hl> father , dejemed loouih aAat np
•biMild fall sn lamentably of In
a iniu- as hi- oiled luudl) to tbe slmi.l"ValibftM* animal'*^* '1
pwted taault.
•he yiinoc man ftyini! up th<- vacoa
mil-., liui •>( D>atoll. D
It was nlnr n'rkick when Bbel
Far tala by
r>»cl Iniffl
th>- meadoir land
r rt-ruMw i.< leave biw «
departed, shaklaa baadu all Bronadi
1> aork
Repeatedly IU-,
Telepfion. f
,.. __________ ____;ui' aluBK thi-ta way.'
-eo led Irum tbe eiable,'
*‘l^fart.*Giita’^ta s^*a
e drulB »ere BpallerlBS <•
- whlBslee kUK and loud
Travaraa City ai*4 Wh ftaaia*.
dienlly of her tweoiy yeara. felt s
-Ik- nB>r> as u hllndlBK flash aad a
It -ben aa atiempi In
ermsb of deafc-Jiln* ihunder siarlad tbe
M »>*. «•'
> n,> Tbe bone ba> beor
eewaCn.Ds (nr iheller. Another momeal.
knaaeable Mr Utker ba*
ihi- »l>)eet id their atlenllcm need Ina sbe bad felt like a lliile Rirl la lews ubllcml 1.. purchase asvlber
niAdlAMC -tU
hide* «■
SpecUl wsgoni made
Ustealaa to tbe tales of aa uakaowa
their Didst aad recalod them Blih
aad Molly u now realDc la tbe
to order, pruDiptlf. Onijr the-Tay bc« material
arrrtd And ber^snrt, dark ry«a had
-siBiuli^ Mit^eheertnl «i1n.
feasted on tbe-dab's keoa. clear cut . - . • bealde ber Inpired .Inter.usetl, and fully guaraateol io aery rrapect.
(ace. while ber'^-uArs drank In bis rip' Tnnra (My •• Mbn
I hin...
d ttese.
Rtidf dtilPC
7^ hre nide to a*e as wdl as sell. 'n>ey are
,'t ir I
down Ibe rxBd a piMe
not made ofdwap maiehal, and gism a flashy
Atterf AlB'l B4 ^'^-ni
Whj. ubsis I
Fsr mihhiy aad MsahiMe Ov 1i
wtih yer." Joibaa mU. "aa' plat yer
00 BtHiid
incllD-d 10 ibtak you
flniih to caidi the eye; bat hie durable, comfon*
e druamiBC were you lo walk
-IVs.l- Sn- Whai all. yer-asked rt«bt far the Mule rlllace. Doat
seB's'ir It (Mid he Bine o'clock.'
rugb the farm >d
able, and neat. Tbe cheapest oo the market, qaality consideral.
The two walkad sUenUy aloof where uae mikw from the city of t'llra. elate
- .NiHhD : IDl] yon (<Uk> hinks as
do ether make.
- ~da*vsadlhua>a»*CHyiaBe B
' you'd erseked your last smlh-." aapasaias. leaslaa
■d drlpplBf froD coBMani >1ew Is ■•immer rim", a large
Cndas arHBs M IramOUy:
irered the slraBCer.dauKtalBc.
tbe TtBdsIdea
varieiy Id aerial craft—alrebtp* iLai
-SmsII nronder K »e do. Mister,"
"I woa'i Ru tw foriber.
actaall) fly. fu«t a* they do D Ibe
roki- In Miranda: "«e ain't siaUla'
atory hook*, didoc niraflm'tbffign that
. Fbr a k«a ■aid the oM man; -Uke
yoo had euppuMl amid aevrr bappes
the ricbl aad keep
laI reality.
>. e>er since tbe btc norm two year
Bealdea Ibe
of new kud* of
i« It's Just he'B Doe steady dribble
air craft. It U
IILIIe ksows that
r hsd luck, and we're all of us sick of
ths^kg^ IgBla^ainas. 2;^^ amna« si
■Cm zUd yor
............... -metKas made hydrugee ImlFer me. I wouldn't care If we
1000 In use IS the United Btatfa______-I taaUy am. 1 deus all struck aa' trauMated tbu Dla-! bala't be-a no chirked up ta tre Whethwr by the goterameoi or by pri­
K'. Wa~re tired of bmlo' an* wallta'
rear, as' my wire aa* the cirU wa* vate ludlrlduaU —I. a prrytqet of Ibl*
C UUKKVOOD, O. P. a*. A.
tr iM-itiT lime. There ava'i aerer
I- an>! Thai's why we ala'I wei- tickled to deaU with yer. We Alat
bed BtOi a phAiant llitle itae atace I
■Dln' storms as'
siraacers with
dooT know wbea."
nu. Thai'a why !"
lae that really file., not
BUaser lauebed
"Vou eao bare
Her hlsb Basal rWer walled out dlsting model" <d as alrabip ibai
I Dally In tbe Rkxim over ibe rush aad them llmea day In aad day oat." be
" a few toei aloBi a track oa the
«ald>lf you only wtll. Awbody can.
of tbe eleaeals
id. I-OI a folly rompMod flying
i' Mlrr( Kn need ill alrta' yo«r It don't depead on Mraagara. I beAMO OOWWBOTtOI
that soar* Into the actual
Offioe and Wsreboue. 733 E. Front BL
Ike tbei.' put Is ber huabaad. Uetre all you foUu waat U tancD' up.
Churas Phond 491 a. Ibe eumt lookad troa one to the TooTe cot tsio the baUl of Worryta' aUee a. high aa ay bird-a Dachtaa
that aaoeait*. that turaa
1led <down his thin lace ta aad Mila' iblaca co ~
ud palled
adlly as u male doea
Jaham nbook bU cm bead, bared
Many other corloua ._____ _________
m tbe mooBllcbt. ■!!'• too Ute." be
Ihlf man bar tftmblea at Up
hair boeo inratuj oui rraea tbe Myer*
-Me? So? I doat hrttber altb ■aid. dmefBlIy: “Were doww"
-Get Bp?" ekcUlmed EbOMaer. "IC*
the mas: what'k Ihe
■any. WbaCn Ibe matler. anyway? 1
dealaee Toore cot a cood farm, aad
row owa It. Ytm'ee cot a alee tamlty
and healthy, neemn to me "
-Vrerythla' aeodn iwpaliia'." replM
rouai tw- waaiia'.' remarked
Jotham: "thlacn U run down. We alat
B wMily
ready BMoey
We're rleaa
i-n- (ww Ibr iwd <d the tool
The gnwm.1 nusbor u( ib* WOodb
»d FMIeli doeT like humta'
" obBemd Mi
irm pmdaru. however, are big by1 loco to Ibe city I'm cntUa’
drogen bUlotm*.
old. Miry wiabe* M wm* dead. Ufco-n
beard a


I ocr Afor ou«r smoc
TWO MAGumas e/ one.










US ststt str««L » Uictor Peferfyl.



■■ "•sides,




All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all the;
woo) from this section of the country. I can afford to pay
the highest ouuide iharket prices in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.


The next time you are in town gel some of our
delicious fancy cookiea. pickles, olives, uble rel­
ishes. breakfast ' 'Is or some of- the
. choke

grocarry in stock at all times.

J. J. BR


348 Front 8tr«*t

.w.eoanPBBAM a

Pere Marquette


do ooi (ail to look over our laiye line of ha
^dcfei. We also carry a fiiie stock of WATCHES
'1OL0CKS. JEWELRY. ETC. Speeta^ Fining a
KceUiiDS-tbc bee
rJ**Ail 1^

The BtaBufaaure In this tontry to im
craaMac rapidly, hoi not ■—e^Uy


We have a good line |o select from. We have three
sizes of willow baskets, small size at 55c. medium size at
65c. and large »lze at Foe caefa.^ The Racine Baskets at
60c. 65c and 70c 1 hese are a first-clasa basket and very
eh«patth\equoUtions. The i^int baskets are a
lilUe cheaper. 40c and 50c each, and good'honest goods.
II you are about to buy a Washing Machine we can
show you one that will wash alone, if you only «iggle
the handle ta«nd (ro. There is no scheme about this.
Come aod'aee us.


and CASS sn.



Dunk Ratalap
over other doooaUr fowl Tbhy air
my banly. esilrwty free (ns versla
ana liable «p few dtoomw. They takr
“a riSta. 2^‘7oo^
___BI to keep ihes l8 the dealrad

ralae They glow mere raptflly tba
etdefcaae and wMgh wme a rtweUag
sautrlty. aad. paWle optokm to tbe
cMtrarr aoiwltbaandlag. tbey da BM
reqolrr atorr food
Tb* oU aaytag
that a duck will 'eat Its bead odT to
a Drib —thniairr tdfe ta Amndta. -

A Oraat Oil Walk
Tnr grwutai oil spowtar of the Raw
laa pMruleum dlBrict wa airaMi a
■« mnoiha agu about tkra* mllm
aoatbwwt of BUu
Tbe wall waa
NI to a depth of lASa fact baCen
was rvarbed. TbxL (tW mmftr
m- day*. It Beat out oU at tba mo
Id Iko.noo barrrto a day. aad capUaund ibereafuw to Bow 41 a dlstatoUBB-v
rate usill It bad psodacad over ZMSe 1
on barrets Tbe owasa hst Atf. ’
te tbe wetl coaid apt be mslrifltod.
> adjaeat property belag dbmby tbe Ml that soaped

RaiMa has boomI lu ■■« cd tba
1 (or tbair
I. tbaa. lo
• (hat aairarMtls and
>g-up la Rasta's as
•MOBS, nor that snasy <d tba sa
nace aad laacban ea tba MaC
cUs. Tbarw to aearoMy a low*
(dlOAW tababKaau la all Sttwrla bs
bs a pabUe suatws aader the am
gr a learaed aad oospMent curBUir.

rery haul <
R «C flower

&-'^n iftSr vidT.
- - tat bead* of
the blv*. a
abtala tba sagar ae
saat (baredotr tbr
ChOO .


KHbaD aal
aearea chair
win be nM "
Tbe Bliueer kmhed oat.

1( you are thinking of buying Bnythiog in the way of



Broaoh Block

ParMiMW. OyOv. FwtBassa.
P«rMBSaNs.1anaaii aOMBimOii. «•
sn.llOaB.IWp B.



Oood Thlngm ■^o Ewt



Wool Won tod



Willow Flairtiag Faya.
-IT are thouoBds id aero id
ly tasds in the eouatry aaya Dr.
Ferawa. profcaaor of loraatry
■■ t-oraell. uoi |sy1ag : pm ceai par
aBBOs wbicb If drained at a aoan
outlay ud plaaied wUb wtliowa.
would yield aa IdDenar mura. g^taf as btgh a* » lu Su per twat prpSi.
The Willou twacbea It* greatiW fmduettao 10 tbe third year, aad w«h
proper care Bad good <
- lU twaiiaur ta y]M gor
loBg TUB of ycata
Willow bakeis. hampora. coin,
ri^are a clau of artklea ftw wUefe

f^OWU IN »K^«ON.

Fresh. Salt and SmokedMeats. Sausagds. Etc.


ta the amratag a
aad many of ibem (hr regulat
hand Mum <d tbe Mrd* killed weyeiAd black ibrimiad.||warMen ami
Ihruabea—Rrooklra bgle.

KI.W FI 111 up In aa hour -Ruh yoer
i.nlB vB wiib aa old ekKb—do '(ua
jod i-rohaUr. That'a MKbla'I"
Tbe farmer looked at him cariuadty.
... lone-... ehMeful t rlov
[(B by aay
d: aad hit
bopeh*. apiril. <m<>
I wUh a
1. Muter '
le <k> you CO by?
ler Skb
I'm amat aaytUac 1 wat
be, ap: I can wti a )ob aay where
•r'wAv BOW la AlbApy U> an- my
So bdrry'
LKl my crip
r In the nilacp. and wan walUi’
lid whew (be.wbnwcraime op My
kin' cksbra U la ay tac Thu U
-I1'. a food owe
-Low time aeacw :
-Too CAB am 'em I
bow." remarfead Ur.
- - biAc r

_______ Bi TS ST'of"t^aw

not Grarla'n waai lo tnaiTT ibal Miy
TIflarq Tbair Terror.
coot of a Frisk—I doano. He'n baafta' roaed her-as' abe'n mopta. " '
la ta tadia that tbe rai__.
alBT oBly a child. STbai air we
rd by wad braai* aad iwtDaa are
to do? I d like tor kaow."
Not merely Mad*
"Hnad tblacn" said the other 1
a or vtRago*. but arbole dtatrias
Ihai-nwhatr 111 be orer la tbe
ta tlDM am far dlatast baea eoaralst aad mart la aa that root Taa vaned laio deaeru by tbe sudden adhome BOW aa’ cheer np Thtasn
aot a* bad ae yoa Ihlak '
Cm mach oMeeBnC raplM Joth
. doabtrally. hoMtag am hU hard
<tu band "Good aicbl ~
Evea a. Slagle tiger, wbicb taapimaa
Uw dlataai tlcbu et the town. He waa
euatimed asa eater, wtu often
(UaMac rerr baiUy. -Tra got a aUad
to arare away eotlre popalato,- he eald aloud. 112 *wr a
d >M pme
aad abahe 'em ap. Ii'e an aaaat
taaaed tbe
Two week* later oU PeacM I_____
------------------------------ big couta
■topped Jotham aa he waa drlriac by
laoory. toceiber with the modol rlihU bourn oa tbe way to Cbe rtnace.
aisported. Aaotbw kUM as
IFbai’a cols- ea orer..................
^aea- be aektM. 1 bear hniamertn'
all day aa' I eer yoo-re dota' aomw
itatlB *
-Meadla- up." reptM «r
_____ the roadc taadtag u
Rb as aaUabW cila- -tM a frleud that CowrUtba <d lh>
■tayts' with me—a yottac loUer aa' a
buatler Caa'i hew Us attU. deaeaa. a* 1S«S. kUlad in paopla aad aup
Tbo oU ptacB U OB a boas rMtoct'a a pabUe laad for saoy waa^
■Ota’ to Albaay-sM a job la a Uc tbe opponaae airlvm] of aa Bag
■SBD Who at taai M
' uLTy atorw."
wib earned U vOtagea lo be akao
-Ter doat tad sa." a
AM aad tie aqore slMs of taad to
I- -Weu. wedi: jaehu
tbmn oui <d mlttraiks —For­
■Wa- to anrTy ite FHi k? I bM
a's Weekly.

. U mar ■Si

"scaa" r “ - ■

look, "ec aiw leato aow ^ a
aon/'-Tbue. aa' bat* «ABie way—aeckw«BT. ii.i If ytwt're eaiuML you caa
pb-k up food xoir. What'* tbe Bam.
'Ter oner be." rwtwTBH tbe ot
InnHns at Us bard.
of your fulkar
Oaa Mie aftsBaaa M kbe earty —
"Thorw'i my wUe. ■■' FdUmx aa*
da aa' Baate aa' me Thw mwi^
tbe wtadcr U WUpm VV^^^'a a dark trad alrl ea a BtUa baafl oear' ' W a Mrs wUck irlam ,
cUd to kBow yer?" aad eba alhwa
drew arcpuad u IMtaA. MBaaii a Ar aahADad iV hm oWhatac
■Wily apaa UadUn baa wta 1_____
Tm aa aarfa] tkka loOar fee my ^aee mead tmm tha saB pUated
haicbt.'' ubmerni BkWMr.
iMiiim dfowdd hdUw tuw w
-I aw yoa ha." amiatii Aochaa palUy. -atom mack 4a yar wat^r

SS S.'S??'*■'«"“


Tba Laft Loads.
Tha toft lob* td tba brala. wweBB-

otsmtbo bodily fssP*. a first laeaHlags. taetotj that tbr toft brala to om
dm iBiMtoetaU half. Ua baa Madtod
ita lagarr aad
that the right
a say be eemiy tajmwd trttUst
lertolly aCenlag tim ihtaUag gowSke Mera Haraee.
BdUM aaya: 1 beUeee t
(Mrty yore Bsriy sU allw

____ nBtMy._______
to tbe________
gnsew gone gf
sbBBCw tbare ai* ao kaowa
wakS oae cduM swdtct

tbBhsr. While the aosdato iswem b»

ittittbespstca Uks the straag aUaoal ntnedta.
geaUp sad tboroarUp deasaea tbk hlood asJ
stiaatelcs the debUitated organa, when all bodily
S. S. & b
sadi a tsob u old people ased to
tMaaadtBnaptheStaaai^ IftbmUuptorediaiaa of sous dtseau ccatneted in eailp tUe. S. 8. S.
Liu'y veatigsef it fnn tbeepstem.
Write UinUpal
. r case aad 1st ear phvsiciaBamlTiae aad bda
pea. Thia will cast pea aetbiag. aad we wOl mad (tee oar book oa blood .
aad aUs diseasea.
t nu»m br > >—qi tvo jtui Mm
Amatiiat tc Uu iMiM W«7»
OMlr an* Duu«ftaalMty«nBlla«< lO.IKMd
MMUr «> *-•">. ir «• •UalMM
W«w MUO it U fooBd m* Owm
mm BUM' B>>eclt7 U *1.Wt !• Ux
■M m4 jBdfi OwvHMr'i aalonv
t* M.01*. thl« flrat Ja4<> Otrfmom •
«>«*« tte
lM«M^r*4b7 OoTMor BUm is tfe*
MU sstrtHi i< W^ss esssy. Vbw
UIsfsMMttM «h» sstlis dsmwB*
. WMSfifS St dlMts4 BQisSl Oottnoc BUtt
M SM tt to
Oiw Bust tot
4SBMM bs s««r sisst Ut sIsMtca
SwsTattosati to wst tosMtr SM4i
tots ss tot tsMUMsa ittost who «w
fst to tot Mi a< tot fMsias. ssMto
of «*M mmm^, to toU to* l.til to-

M to Mt Mtoilir- to totos 1
mmtnkrn tStokltosM «WM< tor
ato totiM s( tor BH«. itor
aUts M MtMMHtoatosa
hto tsstsl-OM« Bsatto Btasto.

Now Ctorto MMM»
Tto sow tosrto toiUtoi vhtoh to
Wise stooM hr tot ohsnh sf Ctoto
« tot sttotr mt Bithto sto Ota
Stottto. wUItos ■stotM. sp to asto
MtoWtl to STOtp mtostor. It wiU

w wsUt srs to bt ttoto
s tosMtM U to to oosspisa
toVtshooL TtorswlUto

It wUt to pto forth to ■

. ptoasHt mi toUrtto it w



Theuplrt Hae Wat Orewntd
II «u tollSTsd by raaidaa^.sloa(
tht nrer frast. tl tto baad
ttrtn. (hot a mss tad .bats
itorabtfvsss 10 asd ilo'
STtatss. sasr tto rstldtaet of
Jotos. toot sostb of tbt PrasbrtsrlsB
•honi/ tfisf 10 seta*
bad taUtod. wbsB to was
a toll trow Mrs. Oaargs gbstooa. who
ttrst la tto raar of lbs tmlMlSf.
told: -Boot tos It csDIac for bslp."
Tto.crlta wtra 1
OoratoL tapkiTOd la tbs oBet of tto
d9 dato. by Bits Plsawtr, a ttacb-'
ar to tto Boasnila atoool.
tOta Ktoitloy. a sartt. all mt wtaow
wars to tht hoatt at tto lUi|e.
Hr. ;oBH areas. Uibts^ laatars
sad mads t taarefa aloM tbs ‘Tlrsr
bask, tbossh at first
wist BUI tart come
nrar oe tbs Pars U
A bat wat tooBd os tto rtror bask,
tbere wu sridsaea that a mas
taUaa toto tta edga of Ita water.
At eat plaes ibtro wars fiasar laarlca.
tbousb a maa tad baea trrlac to
aerasiblo eat of tta
Tta poUcs wars promptly soUftod.
td tboy nads aa eataaded aasRb
atato tto baak aad to tbs rirsr
saios. aad a rwr tborousa oat t
isc. They art of tto optoles'

WiU to
thato wUl stos tosUaiM'

•MarMi^Unr. IM taltos aMto«
Waito totoftoB SpstowtUtocsamitoraftfstotoa. UmA
In wUto tkfmm

Bto. VUstowiUMstliatowwi
•■Battas aoiltohuawi whultata-

Hra.«. L. DoBiM of
SUfbta. asd HM BUa Stow, daughter
aad\Hrt. iota Shaw of the
Btarrlad by JutUee
retnreed to SUghu.
where a fiaf waddlag sstswr '
(to horns of tbs brtda
Cigknrad. wlib sa slaborsts
weddtag SB^ St mldslgfat at tbs
home of Hr. aad Hra a L. Oemlaa
A fraxsrs of lbs srsalag was a set
which Hr. Oamss's four aosa aad
itetr wtvoa partlelpatsd. Ed Dc
tto tar watt to to
eat at tto waddlag oas take part.
Hanwy Hartla. a Mead of the groom.
droTO ewsatp mllea ta a drsatalag
raid la order to oSetate ae violiatti

prtgwesd ts tolhb dlonaraad sleep is
ato White Hooae oe Oot. Bk U vaia
loetiaotori preweted. Tto preel
stack to It. asd la iba aad had

to the saw At oto tlaw Oooa woe ooe
of tto pcioelpal pen of Uexioe. It, U
itlful harbor. A
ires wharf aad apleadid coatoD booae
asd other peblie balldiagt wer«
eirsetad. Tto bottom of the aa
harbor and that part of ifie
have beeo atsklag elaee tto severe
aarthqaake abooke of Ust AprlL aod
the wharf. govarnmeBt balldiag aad
aearlpaUttobastaeaspanoflhe tows
are bow ooder water.
Tba adocatioo of John Obl»
All KMta sf Cate.
Jr.,Bodhb hula slater ta Hew York's
Bmpirs has as extra sspply of eats CfiitBatowB b gelsg forward ander
fut BOW oa aeeoest of a allgbt mlsosdersiaadlag
OB tto part <._____.
idlag oa
aiatloD ageai oa tto H. A N. E. ThU astool. tba first of iu klsd Is Haw
U bow ft bappseed; A lady who bad iTorfc, wurteasilpepeatdBt 11 Hotl
arrived ta tows for as sxisadod rUlt
aod has alimdp U poplb who
ausaddaUp. all of wboman tto ^bildroD of OblsoM TUtdesU of tto qaarpeoted that they wsta i
tto road. Mr. Oegaa. tto ubBc man- Mr. Of ooone, they have apt as yet Fatber Sllflllaa, who adaOnleurad
SCOT. Is order to Asd tto mlsstsg te- been introdaoed late ooafoalag aad Ito laet Thu to tha old erpaist
lUtea. seat this meseige to the agest dUBsalt htasohee of geometry or alge­
St Lake Asa. thlaklsg It probable that bra, for they an aU dlmlBBtlve
ttoy mlgbt tav '
■ -Have you two
UolBH Hatloul tank tolrwla.JA. R
OB Oct. l\ wu opaaad ea ibbM, Ite ^
ieri-wvidsDtiy he^'tto Toquuv.'aBd
ooetsote exow^iad. and brawn |mp*t ^
tto aen dap eau b^a to arrirs by
anre WaohlogtoB. Derlag the eivU sabotitsled lor tbe cub. Tbcrr no to
k cau. Tbotau cau. -asd uueat.
r OoL Waablngtso wu efalaf ebrk
Dms sooo begas to realise that
oe was tto vtetlm of a prsetteal Jobe,
After baviiig carried e in tc cta-l*' ►
sad tto ma^aga Ur. Dai
aa laeb and a qaarivi iu leagtb tu bU »
Uto piovsd that be
Boater asd Ueoyawio. of
1 tor ts yean.P.J Eret ot Clnca- .
It oaraeat. aad tba r
taep, aad toward the oloae go liu aad'igoov a snooewfal opera I
af the war became asaletaat eeerata^ tloo for iu removal. Tbe bUdn tod )
of erne.
brokee off in tto eknll and tbe polal |
had bean all ito } cars ICMfird sqearv-1
Tto asanai report of Oeo.
Oasr Huntsca.
Oreely, eUtf algaal oBear at tto ly iBIo Ito bimis. Since the inlarp
Mess daar ksaMsa left Sotop f« rbs army, apt. tto eotpe have astoallp had iwen received Hr. Evol bad iqBeerta, aad wUl beat dear aa tto wUds baUl and pet la werkieg order is
ef hie
AUata l.UI mllee otbadliaeaBad
period of HbeD IS paan old to wu etabbad la
tto rrantal bow. Be heeame aa toaalMd Slataa armp feaad valid, asdonlp reoenllp wu tbe knife
paaeUtaap aa tslagtapb ttaee How blade dlseovarad In bis bnln
the land Uaae anS.KM mUee ta Isagth
IS have pctlasd tha eablea i.«H abba
t to open tto
•mmm mt hia aartotpattso ef tto Uali AtClevelkad.Hrm. B. LosieaFMterSB of saUle.
allowed bp Iba mw. Tto party wtU aen. aalbsr sad lover ef oats, tat atae middle nluiai cannot aBord to
asu la tto vletaitp sf Maaia^BA
r. a DsMaead left this woawlag ~ ad for Ito eanlaker ef Imkerlew
bop meal at tto promM high prieea
' Oassts B. Ocom P. a Ollbett atarp te psrmlaalcm to barp tor tav.
Aosa Coutaee Da Oaltallane tleopa
U the gteu bed of Ham. De Bsvlgha.
Theraa Mispan aad Prfia bimst
Itfl for atdsaw oa «to mmm train.
whloh then U to flnar in tha
WtUHa Beltsar aad Aagwt Ballate
1 It Is nta of glided eotar
otU toUew Saadap, sad wlU lota Ito
wood iBlaiAwitbpraelouBMiMtod
bops at their aawp. wbaio uii^------

thoss who baardtbsm gut vaoro ito)
oosld Sto tto Hrar so wan wat.
aad DO fsttbar aeiuida
haaM. Tha poDea Iblnk that bO
tar bow dnisk a was mlgai tart
tots to woBld tars mast soam solae

Traretse aty* Nicb., Oct. 30.1M2.

Pattecaoetbinkabbflaal nstlagidaae
aaoaUtoatImkevbw. Tto
aalherltiaa have act eommitl
Tto daatb of Or. Arthar Barry
Blacker, oe Dept. 10. U Loedoa. dlselemd for the fim tin that Elag
Bdwaid wu treated with Z-taye 10
dsu'laat eptiag for a retaal nicer at

Emn Sak
Yoii will want to eat your I hanks; giving dinner on a new table cloth, aod
to comply with your demands we will
make some special Thanksgiving offer; ings in Table Linens, Napkins, etc, etc.
; Make your purchases this week, as ihe
: best bargains are reserved for nobody.

!T. 26c

Lebaaaa. Ep., airived at Frankfcat.
tad.. Bsd weatAt tto bw
Hn. ABSsds Festeo. whom to bad

cf tto psopla to sstUs tto eeany. AH tto Bsmbera of
beard had.talwB Mw W dlsevi___ peodast 100,000 hseaa pewar. Besldss
phase ef tto maltar trlib vartost pso­ ' I plasti ttoisaraettorswaUsr
> SMt B—la to atawitw totosBiai- pla br tto purpose of ssesrtalal
«he hp maU feUc
aa both ndae of ito rlvsr. Bata
espaed bb ptopoeal to wed. aad tto
Htopw Bfa. saa wtM atoal).
wamaap was parfaraad Iasi algbt.
Evasan bu raatasdta
(g baratag avast qaaslltp cgsaaL
BMto. Tto hattoatt af tos Bsssto
Power that Isimlilp wsta to ww
tot istrusts ta totatop tortog tto
aew bp BMau -of atoearisUp sop
to^ toto »to* totolwiwnriatot to
rked great bau
whkh Wu staosM to asosptsd. The IB a wide area
I. M tbaasbae
for tto Cau
• doabtfal U tba repairs se tto
Tto Bsatod iM BanU tors slwaps. wMs stood two
tto BIxU sawst site. Mrs WhUe Beats WnU tors bsse
Parry sad Mr. epngas voilag
pbSadsetosa fas^l Prssldem 1
ospt tto oBsr of Hr. BsU aad Hr.
ad black tto Iswsr Umba aM past of
•tea to asespt that of Hr. Baaaab.
■to bodp Of Pabrtok HsOsath.
Tto rou Bpoo tto ratolstlee. wfalta
patisal is BsUme hoepilel. Haw
Mlewad. wat made Baaslmou.
Tack. He U saBhrtsg from gaagtaaa.
astysttoUpsajssssa lisilf to tot tsa- Tbli dUpoost (g tto Chrasflo li­ tbere sad stoUp iiesevesid Ital
bigs aasaat sf aaaseesurp palUi
tito af tos sStos it It ■adsaUr toow> brary HIS quatioii. asd whUe all
« la sea of tto iargaat artarba
ISBtol ansi sMstossi sad to s fsw aot to SBilafitd. the board toUersd dswB-wad hslldlsf BP wu gelsg oa.
tto bodp abova tto Up. prohablp the
that tkmj aetad tor tb« beat totrraatt
a«s tf ast itotatstoly tot to
. Hatblag oas uve hia Ufa. tto
of tto library aad lu
bbu eap. axeepi Immedbw re­
After tto adogtlee of tto raaoIsliOB
moval sf Ctoolaa
tto bowd rssoHwd Itself isto a eewBIgU basdtai elki' teeth ia tto
ot tto whole to properly eairy
cave ef as ladtas skleL aU M»dld
I wlU to gtoatotoro oat tto setkiB dstidad spaa, laeli .
walmau aad aasoaptlhle of m<
tto rotsra of the deed to tto Sixth
lag. wu the weMmfal find m
Biraat prtwerty with tto ibaaba
swa tosatotr VBtottottf sMttoat.
I lor tto gaaerou oBar of Him.
alM^toaf toStoPM sMasw
who tas beu gaibariag ralParrpHaaaab.
r tto ouyoB of tba Mrtsoai
fiaoke riv« lor sevaemt meetha Foar
la the alley bach of BIstb i
hasdaad rf tto tubaseof a ptcillm
Jabs rurtaeb fosad what
varistp. wlta a nd straac iwaaiBg
eUy pliisiil aa a daadly wi
tsfheshapoofaaaadbag. Tto wsapfou baa-

tos lUMlia BatoH MtOalTnJr-


Uon Coffee
fcoe# BOW ootil Christauswill
be fowd a free Etdae. BsiDsmg
sa^».wwe»ftr.^50 digexewt

pad Us lad UMtUsdalahb. kaepverp gain afaoat ttoAbaevtsy.
moats wham to aesfidsd tto ssmst eCtsad hba »ie a {Baas for tha
wfriudi whaarolawpwm, tos!


Salt pork is a famou.t old&shioncd remedy for con­
sumption. “Eat plenty of
pork,’’.was the advice to the
consumptive 50 and i oc
years ago.
Salt portt is good if a man
can stomach it. The idea
behind it is that fat i< the
fo^ -the consumptive needs
cm method of feeding fat to
the consumptive. Pork is too
rough for sensitive stomachs.
Scott's Emulsion it the most
refined of fots, c^iecially
prepared for ea^ ^gestion.
Feeding him fat in this
way, which is often the only
way, is half the battle, but
Scott's Emulsion does more
thin that. , There is some­
thing about the combination
Ilf codliver oil aadbvpopbosohites in Scott's j^ulsion*
hat puts new life into the
.l eak parts aod has a qaecial
AciioJTon the diseased lungs.
A aaaqite win be

BOh CamIh

Otben nearly u Urge usM.................... | Sc




127 State Street.



*>fMptoB«MtUtoasf ipsa sto
alassa «to. «ar hotoit. tos totosn aauiod tto Utearp atu qatotloe
Bi tostoato saa sir haps aaa aUt. I CoUowtocraaototkm;
Rtoohwg. That tto hoard of
watsw, ontor tto auttopRp statod
ta tto chartar. do toroby
aeotot tto I
Waad Dlab Co. of tto
tofiU 1*«T bslhllag
PoODWteg tbs abors asd mads a
Ootoral Nowa
put of tto raaointloa U tto Melal of
Tto aggregtM ef haras pewar___
far of tto Oral Wood DUb Co. atade balBC dasslopsd at Klsgam Falb b
ttot toMtoa wUtoit toarstphsto by Mr. H. B. HsU.
vaat. TtosrtgtaalAJsarleaseoBiwBp.
Tto wauor of a
tto >. F. nwsr eowpaap, has as
oatpat ef dO.OOO tocae pewst asd wtU
mm pndaee SAOOO wora. Tto bp-

fnw tto log eg a pair of tnswara Tto
tfwoaar lag bad


I An Immense Stock at Prices to move them.
' We sell the goods, and don’t you forget it |


atoMTwU toana la tos scaawm
ns bottom of tto dTV at ibat
................................... iiBlOstw potot wooU abew a mark vary plalaly
swa bad toochad tbs bottom Is
saatosiptiiiiiiato a o«a-Uto i
bit ttrtwdaa wUla drowatog.
wmm to Ototoitast Thstospat Bwrki ahmg ttotouam Indtratod that
tostostoU*MtoaUtotoisaab tot asp OM tad boaa la tarfbar tbas tb«
ttotoMtftosaatotod. Oaraaitoit sdgs of tta watar. na roads alaag
*«ktoMnr wtUtovtotoh' 11 . too rtrar <to sot look w tboogb
BK wtt With to hart s ptoi to tUt maa-i bodp had bote llostad dewa
—Aar aBtotog. Isapt cr msU. wiu throogb tbtto


__ ___ _____ __________ ___ opart
the aervai wUl to Wutad la a soothlift wap. se u aot ta dlstarbaMeitlTe
U asp of tba members of tto chob
of tbs ZloB obutA is OnoDvUle.
H. i., get married It wlU east tliem a
forfeit of tiou. To psevut the iaroada of amtrlmcsip from bteakiag ap
tbe choir tto ebotramalar bu tod Ito
slogan aigsA eeowael not to gtl mar­
ried for a pear Of le oeme under paaaltp
of a forfeit of |IOa Twice the cbolr
hu beu broku ap beeaau of marriant asMaig lu memfaan. aad wbu
Oapid ebrutued diisolaliu for a
third Ums IbU etraage cootract wu
At kTutu. K. J.. aged John Dvmmar. as orgdEisl. ivsBlrcd warning
timt be wu to die before tto tap had
plqscd . so to erol for a priett. took
ibeuemmul aad qalellp bagu playiag Uosart's rvqaiam u a welcome to
death. He wu elttlac at IM organ
wbara to liad praerleed for forty
yun. whan Us wbUe-erowsed bead
dropped on Us tdMst and Us haode tell
Ito keys, luviu aafisisbed tto
u tf tto laqelem. Wtos tbe

............ 3.00

Lower Domben at 76c. B8C..SL60 and... |.75

.................. .......... 1.00


Black Dress Goods
“d q^dnpaw^to BO tfher.

Tbenuiie Priecily ii tton^ oe orfrege ofevorp Tstd aad is a gur-

Doskry lor meiiv
Cadies and eiHMrtM

ttltm, cma, tmd Ct/ITin

The Comfort
and Health


1 *tiosiEier i
They havebcoa iiied ri^ bee m Travene
aad proved to give uiitlartiiw. Tbep com' ao
r.BMre tboa ethos aad wear moeb ka«tf.
wfaprimoldrea aot eeatmae to wear ibemr
We tare then m wool u eettsa at I0e,Uc.
tfc. EEC. sad SOe.


The riUied Ubrics from which tbmme gafaii
ran are kail from parw tf so|>siar goihn aad
C w3 BM irmate the laatf irotaht akm. kverr
Lmabealpeemamby cipeneaoed eatten who
Mow the mam i^xoved meftadA Cams is
wool tfcttMi ribbed, aad aro made m veats
aadpaaiBoraaieastBiBst per pnaetf 8f^



urn 0HMejtmwwB<,Ha>At6. novimbm la, twi.

V. B,

smm ITCHING 1=^™

tMa la wlaaUta IM< umac. Ikaraitfe MUi
ara at vnatel KaellaaIXTa. wbow irbllt Matlac
aaaban wlU ba l■o^^■ll^ la ifaa la i«tr of blRb rabbar
a wbUe amp. WbUe awrtn* llir«a*h
lUrr 'aMmaa. a ftett> ISrMroldluta braab I>1« eaCBpaahs abot bla la
Bwada, taaa M MaMMoe alaaa fnM {tba U«a. aappoala* (ba wUu to ba a
' MM. mUi "I
MtiaalMdMfBBtty Joa. Kalaea. iiabMi Hr. Baad to a oaa » Tw
Ufe* aellM In
' Tka Utfa eiUan ^ ■“»
Md baaa lafenaad br BaUM'i lof a«a and rnv« 4«al<to a» aatartaiomoaa «l *M »«r
•M* Um Mil
MBiMHaa ai IMtle Oraak hara Mm atolar tbal ba «aa tnailbj aad.tbat be; ad for bit ttantxj.
m Iba t>niieipla Aaolarad wutad aeoa «M.M kaap boaae (ac I To toTe a lO Biaaua'waia inaa
blto, «l>b a »to*ta taair^ Oal«epo< aad Uordettaa.aMfaqalekly
a«ta qalckly
kr Xdlaoa. HkM droalw
■MlilalD }aiBlaatiadlDMd«prltU bw arrleal aba foood U«t Kalaoe'e | to Jala bit i»aa«haart. Htoa Hab*
aad alMcUac *0 tba balfM
bat. wUahadbM
iBpedOMaBdiBMj Ibat ba bad




Tba taoelly bu fa
The bey liad baaq aeaiad alMiaaou
aalafbUbMta Tba saat ann rail that tn pareaol of (hit ytar'a oatcc- liar iD^it liTcly
la. A rata lai
■d tba twina lo aod tbaro
Baa KilMto>''b
a paaalt atrlaalag 1
Tba boy rellawed tbo baoee
>WB Ibu w.r-k
It for tba raqalraal gy
M laar aad WaBUlap aad taaohad tba
Oarl llraarr.a
HKfcM abOBi tba Moa Una aa tba

bMoe. Ha IbocrbI a fboat baa lobbat bla or
bto toaea-PaioMay
Wklla MiaodlBf a apIrliaaUatle
■MMa. Mtb. H. Payalta of Bay Olty
M« a apirit talk forth froa a eabiAt Iba dadowy ara warad
aad fro la tba darkaaa aba inabbad
ta It. aod alao for tba pedal aawaalHaa e( tba appartWoD aateblac both
mt atraoUac to aalatala Iwr bolA
bat iba apaotar trai too Hraafi aad |ot
away, fartlad haok late tbo caMaal.
a tbo qdrlt waa made ot M

at rdtora. Saclaaw maaly.
kaowa aa tba oldaal aattlar U all tbal
Maliea. Sba Urad m tba paM fam
HdlriBa yaarp bar baabaad. aow
*“* •—------------•—Id tba piaM ff
It la IML Bba w
■Mbs Of faortaM abUdrao.
«bas ar« Urla«.
tba Umw lalaad LouaBar Oo. tba
•aw aarpwBttoe whlab ba* baia tatmt4 with a Mpllal af rt.00Q.
. U tba Biu ad W. r. om aad
Win at aaM pnoBd toMrray
^a^ a aanew ■aafa taltroad Itadiafi
tela kbHr aawly aaqaliad Usbar bsda

baa bean a noriaa ]
and n’orad



S Proinlaaa u
St. Nlehoiaa tn IPOS
Boyona Pact ouecaasoa
Pnrfaaaor JrAa-Baoh MeUaatar raIba adlto
B^itolarr^Ihaok yaa heanllr
pleawara and ptaSl »t. Blob
Barglari robbed a Bee towalry am
Crlagi to ar l«ya "
tlM elbw algbl to a aalqBa aaaaar.
thar*da lakeawrrrl
belp Hat 8|. KlclH.Ua to glriog lo
dew. tba aMb of wbkA
Profaoor M«*a«f r’r bey«. aad ibea*a bottea with
aaoda of olbcrhlrU and boya ll boldt
bolM tor
tba bo(M a
Iblarat acUaetad tliroegluba
aaabar of rlaga. tMipItyod la
Hioea Iba «M oaal«r of Si. Kl<bbotaa to tba wtodew. Tba tatora- oUi wat pabbtoad. aaarly thirty yaan
kly and aooO
aoolbly pablland waa a loag ipdkt. with ago. BBaay weekly
ildrau bare •
. ... bbil
11 boldt lU
bat Bt Kii
»ol pariaarlTall
plaea. the
MialtI for yoong folkt •' It w
BKwa catoyad by lu readr
ow. for to addlUoo to tba aat
artac rapldly.aad l
MlB Daalh
■ iwUlb
U bid good b
Dya, HlB Payaa aad His O

• •act «d erar B.«0D a.
>le toka, Halsa. ruar
MvUlbaa mrwalaeBa
Hi ladaBiT aad artll ao deabi tba Biw Braaawlek Um. Hra. Harbaar aad waa ratarolag
ff a low trip anar aBOUar orrr
ihWMtba MW BM,on OOOB9 iba Kaw Braaiwlek Itoa, wbM aha
m to aoBpl^d aad but weak •M aat by a larga faoMa wbdh dlt
' ba rlgGl of way aqd ibowad to
Tbaballdlac to
tfM (a Mfoly. Aa aeoa m Me
MV tMcM. aad Ui eqaliMaat to
et UM aalmal aho
■Sim ia atwy parttealar. Tbara art waabayctodn
m ilblM MMM aad MTtMl lltUa
■•ttM e( raoMi. wbara aa acad baa- ttoa rUa. wbtob aba Mrrlod aloft
atoad wltola
bisM ^ *U> Bay bare ihalr linla
to brtogtag
tbsaMltM Mrtoaada
dewB tba MOOM At tba.aoeaa wat
Bhoot to ■■
A» MMttotee Hra LoM ZaadM waa
raaUaat baaiara
ua teqaind
iHMd la Ibi early Boratat to a dytof
a lloMM. Md at Ha. Haiito
mtMm to tba allay beak at im
at to Hatiie to beat baate. tba
BMiH UaM al Iba eonar af Rlrar aad
'McdaM ■mla. DMIb aana wbUa ptwrtotoal ptotaoMt goad iwr ItOo
WM batat lakM to tba toll to tba
pHsat waiaa. or iBsadlauiy afaw
atfMac tbara The eeroitor-t


to toloatcBlad aad aadt

dfib^MMa paMBi Am wblob Oacrsa JBi^awa belda Tba -atAimb
ablM vtU pleat eon lo doable. MrlU,
abMb. rwwa aad toaadoaat. aad wlU
BMOa a bit wiooar It to iboatbi.
Oaacsa J. BaMnaaa erl«laaiad
Mbasa wbM ba waa n yMs old.
VbUa arMklai aa a fara a«w tbal
■top Ha baa aaearad paUBM aotartos IMa OMBlry, OaMda. Otaat Britato abd pauau .are pasHat w
Xra. aiBWfka Optnli <
a bwgtor la to* boas bafota bnak
fato aad aenamai. Aagana Qomi.
IM UrM girl, toaaad the aaa ibtOMb
Mi bewa aad oal of deeraaadtwo
bteoat op kha wmi. wbara aba aaagM
bla aad Mid bla aatfl aa atoow artMtod bla.
AWAlHMac tba aaaaal aoboel aaat•raaapMasria-



eoaa a arator.
Bicbolaa _____

A Siftck Set,
it olten
auffieklit to COK the matt lorturdbapuriw tktD. Kklp. aod
wben'aU elte faiU.


int tbeaaalial wbleh
tlat to Itor
ipi iMek aal.-------- ---------------_____ Jia oarratira
lllaatrattoot. Two
ibori atoriaa by ■
I for bar own
hUla alaoea
aarrr before |>ablUb.-<I. wiU
appear to bt Blebelat. with otber
alerin aad ariteUi by Iba aatbor of
tba Oabboga
Oabbaga Patch.
'ign ot tba
by Bmlh HeEaary Siaan, Praok B.
ntoa. Clara Herrit. aad aeom of
otbW^^^ kaowa wriwra. Bt. Kid.-

-TatAteAtaaruaMca yw
_______ ifaata .. .
with Aaaaary aay rrcalre tba Bora
bar aad Daeeabrr aeaton traa. m
ao bagiB Ihr rolaBa aod gal the ow


^OnrCAPE SALE which wiH cootinoe all Ibis weak. Below we
quote Special Pries* on PluWi and Keraej Cajwt.


Bbluata Ommmm .
. • M.SO
bCMraay Ommsb
PCaraMy OapMS. Wtaela •
PCMPMMy Ommmm. <ra MmO.
•Iwa. OmsAow Mr*d •ImoM--------------10.00
P«M •

We baadle the Bear BraiKl Yan» in Saiu^)-. German knitting,
Sbedand Fl^ GcRBaatowi) and SpoaiWi. TbcM taint have a repo*
UtioQ and aie^ksowii to be tbe bw » tlx aarkel.
We have fifty pooi^ of beat7 h
ki lor Mea t
aad Okildren't boatery, » BUek, Bhu. Gray. Red and U'hitr. at i«r
petad MIC OT Ik per tkeia, f< ikeus per ^louod.

mavyeottM Blaiktts

Fancy CeltM Canwis

Tbo totfaboMlBtBarBfrUg. P
» of Boyaa. to aav kam\a^
BHMVMabean. Tbda
wM'taMBHyai laaoaL M

_____________ : for Ifegember a now
e are ggenu for Stondaad PlUtona.

We have made arrangements with the firm of J. C. HASSE

aaCrat'ra. Oi.irl0 it..

of Winter Woolens at our store. Conse-

.■knioctollr wtoatr..

n.rmi- u>







you p<iy


ii'.ni (li.UHts


SIriB titiilikhoBnial







expense that a trip to Detroit would cost and offeryou

A farmer will toil all day
and rai$c his own salary.






Suits and Overcoats
made to order from pure serviceable Woolens, sewed, lined,

Globe save 15 per cent,

trimmed, and finished in a manner which we guarantee to be
right. Drop in and examine this fine.




Worsteds, black and blue Serges, fancy


I’eopic thai trade at The


and patterns

•Tweeds, etc. We save you the time 'and

per ^id receive twenty




select from in Cheviots, English and Clay

TcirtijsOH cuulii write a
por-m on ,a pii-i <r of pa­
thousand dollars.



n visit. We have here hun-i



fiiii raion

quMitly if you are goingtoordera Suit or
Overcoat for winter wear we suggest that

Kock> l< ll*-r Can

lU-l tue gray llUnkei*.

We are always giad to

see you.

Cbe l>aniiab $ Cay

mercantile £ompanVv

lanes B
ets tuiiabtc for rol-e*,
elc„regular price


...... J.73




A wo^c for the
and why.’ You mav re­
quire. SitD|dy tbit, maul
are to)d.chra!i
eoou^ U all liore*, aliilv
while many more are lohl
at larger proftto. Tint l*
where .ou will aiiprenite

VOar chihl en rtH
ax tk ............. .
and l<
UDC of right teices on
ear* ac l every arlicie. ■
Our Hock embrace* the
Mwna Wark mnO Or*aa Shirta
Mwna OwMAilabridJum pera
CanU' RuMrarColiara.
Laoloa and Cants 4 ply Linari
t ra. Shir
Walataarkd walklna Skirt
Ladlba.Can» and CKlldrwn
^lovasand1 Mlttans
Towata and Towaiins
Koalary. Handkarchlafa
Coytan Batten
Blaachad artd Unblaachad
FlnaCAlicoa.'OuUns Flannal
CorMts, Fura. Laca Curtaina'


JaarMry. PanumaA. DoIIb
TInandCranIta Wara. I------ins Stnvaa
Wdanwara, Mac
Tooto. Crookary
Ribbotka. LAoaa. Notlona.atcReader,a.tpecia] ia.ilttka It netoby eatende.)
to yoB to \uit the T>co-

pry-e SiWr, now

| .49

Meu'i til wtiolSuH*in all
ihcneweit faUict.conntlitq: oi br>e Cau:mere*. Cbevtott an!
toocy Wotsted*. worth
up to*lS. our |■rKe..8.88
Odd* and enib oa Men's
Suiu.brokes »irc».»uit*


Men * gray Beaver;OtercoaiA vrivel coUar.reg.
ular price $.7. now. . -2.98
Mee's liiifa Fkiere LU
uer*. well wonh $7.60,

Hoys' and
Sons, Tot age* 4 to 34.
a bargam, only..............


klen'* Oewduruy ram*.
Mm'* fine wanked Dro*
I'anu. wOTth $4 and
$6,nowoBly .......2.98


W. H. Brownell


Front St.

not the best kind in tbf world but a flood.
Fleeced lined serviceable 6armenl in all
sizes-as good as some get forty and forty'
fioe cents for.

Here’s the best flarment offered at a medium
price, heavy brown with eytra good fleece
lining, double back and double breasted,
will defy cold and wind.

only...................................... 4.98
Meo'i heavy IFriete Ul-

{vice our good*,
do IKK buy (■
kaowyaa wiU leo
^ oAea.


fMM Bm wta gin M oipbM
I'SligslpaJMMa, bPiM atom-


& SON. Tailors. Detroit, Mich., to* represent them and their line

Ten dom large
_ aire Heavy
leavT Cotl
Cotiin Toweb ia white only.
Spacial'pnee ht ibia week, 4 Icr SSc. a big bargain. Come ia and
gel a qaana'i wotK

£ Wai



-0 -BMdad
d arho got It. boachl
BM a iubM and aold
onacr aa lapart povdrr

to._«iri-a« v.

||«Fi»H low Prices CLOTHING DEPT




Large siie griy «r brown
Hlankets,heavv fleeceil





clcanie the
blood, ani expel
humour germ.

oMIdrto now

W« hkve a Urge stocA of CUitoa Blankett in Gray. Tm, Wlwe
and Fancy, tor rabea, at 60c, 76c. SLW. $i S& aod $1.60 per pair.
Our SOc filMdlK cannot be equaled fcr the money m Traverte ASt>.

Me abarM aottoad ibal to wm g<«a.
bat MppaaM that aoaa of Um raalry
■M had hadll raaorad. Latarnaaaa
PNltoatiea tbal it waa, react ad by
PMM Me wtibMI aatbarlty

. BlakMiey.
rd by Mb Olaay.
ad of Iba tlaw oo the
l.-byO H Itoaa



Mcb sooth'foe the
ilrawtog* Md pfe

Btar Brand yam

Ugb aeboM toadMIp.
Tba Aao Arbor Aptoeapal aborob
ball baa ayaUHoatly dtMppMfod.

lad by Htoa

'cDcd cwticic. .WtUUOttOB
Coticora OtetIWatBlWaaid
OMBt^otajtA'It- ‘'oBBUtea.
y D. Taylor, t-bairaea.

Ultra It a dapartncol relied ‘n>v 81.
Kicfaelat {.ewnr " I” whlol. Iba cbll___ Lfly bfir Ibrreiaed




A<k to

HcOaa taataiad that I _

Ia.-«eec eerrlw lad by

few day Bdo a Mia. llaath waa
bnvbl to tba Oonaha boaplul at
Pbiladeipbla to ba operated apeo for
anMadlollia Bba waa a-daBKhlar.
Ma Mia. of aa aadartakar Tba mtFtaak Ba.ran U
wbo waa eboado to par-.------fora tba OMraWoe waa
a awoa .bukbw«.--oc.
Pnak Haakall Oya. WbMll>r opara-1
I orw Htof UmW> wa. pUoad i
la otarm of two aataaa. MlMPayor'

Iba Mat araalh

M Bieatiiid—Uia Darby,
ae^ r D thylor

I Vllltoa* of Bl Paao,
ealaaoBa will U farad aad ibat*

I walipne
iataally tlaatI tba'gl
lodowlIbhlB. •araadaapaaetvealr tbn-aBllet
WMld hara
Ha l>ad waea tba tiaat a
irtae raperti tbal dor-jdrrad for fifty mlUatraroliDc Uadrof Ootobar lC«eoB-|cla. Ha trtrayad from a baetiac iwrty
. Thu betel will lie aq^lpfiad
wUb elaotrle Iifbta, ataaB beat, hel
Than, ware Tfi eoDTto.. ................. ....
■ad cold water aad a eOBplaia telaMMa ayMaB of lu ewa. tbal to. a
ira ^msa
~MMbaaa la aaeb nos wbtob eaa ba
for riotottea ^
Lrooerd HoUidar aad cblldiao
*' 0 tba local aad Mate llaaa
of tbairM^raad
Taraday froa W«ta
Traraaaa Cll
--------.road Toraday
>d vita aay etbec roos la tba beiUl- fBBalawaaad le for riolatIcBr
_________ aadeoata iapaa-, whitbar tbay waut laK w<«k to to
todWA-M. Twnty.lbiM M-—"'*» the arMdlii« of Mn HolUOak miul IUaa.1 ^
lafayrlU" Cook.
VMeMey Baal Barkat. beeabl fiftaao
HaoT of tba rotan at IbU plaoa did
r rapenad. Two toll
mmtt’ worth af baaoa. aad atarlad on
BMge to thepeltoatoeilooday.
a baa llaa for bla boar Wltbla a
Bora. toMr. aod MraJobaVat-,
0 lapeaad. om of «0 daya lb darrert'. a daophlar.
Bfama OT two tba OMat saa noliead
oeoBly. aad one ot M» daya
Hn K4. Harrry of Ballalra
tlBt the twlaa oo bU eoBaiar wm
I boo Ttoillna lirra aad at Eiai
leanty. MOb for tbo lllatal
k bar dapartora Tborrday.
ha Mtd. "I fortet to Imak tM twlaa
tbatl tied that Aac« baoM ap with. "
daal BOW ealarlM Tala
aa aKpeH awisB'-r U br
■a aasa to Mo door aad pabbtd It.
look Bptba alaokaadaanllapBU. oanaot adraooa coed raaaou to warw^aoooai-nlad bar a. tar aa TVar-.
batat aieaaad tros taklw awlsAl Wat laatoat ibara waa a atactoa la

>> YpHlaati Joaaibak HcUaa. tba I
oM Ctrierad atoa «bo i«Ma4 for 1U

■'•eaiary M. I


EMOTinae Cmeeijr'. CBd.Si-i

“rso -to 1.00


For $epenly>fipe cents we shew heaoy
brown wool ribbed, good wearing, good fttting garments. Tor one dollar you can get
almost any style, red, black, brown or grey,
wool lined or all wool. Cargest line in this
region to select from.

I^attiiltcn 0lotbitfg €o

s:- REw IMA PATTBiws ^isz.-aasnott,.flly hetr 6oo». end itf* vUiij«
KlBieMit Bertty kft M* «ti
la MMi
.1 at Let u
Mp Ume
r. a. Btaeaaa U ia OeaMt Uke
to aad BtlMiaea batlaM.
Pimak etom' of M* Park Plaer bar-------------- -----re t*r*awated
Mea. "Tb* vwld vtll Ic
ova?" Let et dcuwellMi

M* BgfMM OrMM.


>. a. Skaab took a trip dan Me
U. B. ft L ea bariaea Udar.
. iota C. Hargaa of Me Am of Jebe
forai bMUi arlta taaU tUu>«».
ft Sea, tataraed tea* atfbt
I taka emuaca taealap Mat.
l••Irat^l, rraibed to th* tank.
Mall; froa a trip to Kew Tort City. Pwri... .deaea. BeaUe aad Spriaafteld. «h«t
T.r.‘ibe Ut tota ia Me lalarMie ol bit
I Weaek etacyae* wcaadidly to.,...
mr. BOO an. uoapmaa aara Dean
MapaM. Bte If toeta bat deae bb beet.
'■ tba Baetia et Mr. aad Mn. P. B. Buta>otoa»toMayeartoroBa. toral';;aaa
for a tbm tinr. oe
Iftoc den Me
'a imauat eaiac of
'laad. -OaltT- oud " PrnUtro«f Kroa tbeiraoBBtr ootiwM Pacoakry
Will krias •■frtoiorjV
to Meb boBB b OLieace.
b bcdialt ot M» aeialwt of Mr
i. G Baabmie of ibt W. W. KibAari-Salooe laairaa ot Onad Tratm«.po«B(7 we latlla yoaf'iaaaeaeaat holl Co b lu Me oily IpiB Oraad
Me oomtoc aaeeol aeailup trbtob o>-- Rapidr_________________
• Kot. M. leot, I :ao p. o>.
Travwrad City Markdtaon of tba Pint M. K. cliarc-b,
' laOlty,
n will baabelad lorMtra-l^aya
aaiac y««r. reporM (irw) of tbe iwiiiraeponaibia for choeaat ir
t. aad plm laid lur tba fataie.
fare B.B. JobaaoB. See." fi'.:


A TisMiliKg HM.

h«^lihto*iataBlt7. Ii U am>«4
«Hk MliiW
■tabSUrW *» B—By. »cl?d.



Drp 0P0ds Stetipa
Special Ito. I—

Bdort you Buy
}l SuHoEOccrcoat

,«p~. _______
aeadti Tr». s.aeb toon oMild


^■tnM a* U»dlr. Hd kn«

Chlbiug^ Stctkii

WeWjotiidtoxdOB tale «
lot aH

Be rare to tot <rar etoefc—it
e Ulwitm'awl pay you well.

beckUM err ate «boiriop''aTi
.roBaueDr alttactive line and

^ “*'**^' 'r‘—



Che Ualucs
are Special!

ieci bttms, fat
WctoT.! wmoin ouih






l\er}lbiog fiir

ur U>s ( kii.l u‘un.; men. al
Ureerd prirn.



. New AMWea to the CaalentoM ot Dm Hatal« and fUeert.
bae balfad to ba Me BaBee of n«b


Dol akin tba rerpoetIMlIty ea e
aa^ «a M^uaMrally



IN wH**d M tw DtavaMpBdw
Uf Mete tpeaebet. Bat. UefBon
thorotwh eaaraa of Me eoiety bee Bade Otar Ki tot Me aoBbar.
toeaa Utot wbo an Mtlaaialy ViM a OoleaUaB araotopbaao aad a
Mtod wiM ebr work, Mat tba Baa ebrtepiba balMi pitta hb be-

iav 9““Xi:i“ iSss-?

IkPdMi t«ik*«mdMUw «t “n«
IlMM." N* to* MIBta «pM M> bp
' mMM ndw tba Ea Icbli «r Py *tM
W«lHd Md te «tatr NMdl. hu
Nm tatd forltanday mataf, Bet«A»». naak«(iTli««tfM. Itoe

•atoMUgagitM teev ••iMl !■«1 «l «Nk • ■■■Inel MM M TieiBte

cup MW be(o*« «)ayMt. Tb»
ir J' MM to Me eM »ad ekorn sn
iMreUM <
_ ----------------- u aedMe-------------------BiaepM iMtee MMtw M be d«Md
xae WMaiMM M» eoBuc etaoc

apoa a aoMBauiiy. Pew. ladead. aoac aad piciatae hate Bade bb oaB' -I dared to epaaly fetor SMem. paipa a BOtl eaeeaBbl^^^ btl^
_u are doUan eoapared to tbe bet
of abaraiear, el area bfa that le year- pbeae ba at tWted. to nil ware
tbty aaMCBlaed awl iaauaeuA
' b Btary tewaabla wa
if be fab tea wbele weald aad loae lap et bate eMealaad.
nioiaaoaat. atuiaiarT aas ...................
All Maee wrea with tba bUOe wbao
b taeb aebool dbtriet we are
il aria “ Bee U bUa tbM |iBi«eM Mt
bol^.to hU^bbtoO Upe."_ "Woe
- td Mb ybP. anil wa aay tab U
BO obT 1'^ a Baa mdaM. ae
tfoa to Met.___ _____
11 baMbk^iBiaBaa MlakaM, «o
early to BbtU rtroai driak." Bbi .. be.” Haap bare baaa blpad by
it alto am. *' Wee la Mas ibal ate M IrallaM. WhyiUbeald BM Baay ba
tote bZlca." Bell baboorat abi«
- •
, ooootyr
ate tf we baae aaed all ear uBteBeae,
Abooc oMtdiUaca n woald aeaaU the May that n eeald poaaibly ttoa tba poolibart deeaabeot abeapart to pat Mn Mb enrae.
tload». oMaedetyeUlBaibabcm^Be^botiV* eall apaa etaty bbaaat ptoa.
CbebPift g^e* to atebt a
We aeed idre ^ m eBea.
_____ ,__________ ayaarteeoi..
lew faartmeaaded tapoad oar aatlal We aead patrteta
Me dayiotbrael
IMlea. 1NM yoa^^^iotoaoe
we are aadeatortod
« to
At eot ton a lew wotkere hate' Ban. loeb at fear Ood. an
Bade Me BOrtlBlBciaphatatoaseao- bttlof eetetoBiaeat.'' net Me Hiain
eOBBaowtolib. Aad Mt
Ittalal Mat Me eelo a keepB wial of eor
en^r^OManbata kept a aalooB tioB Itoatae. altbeaith ao tofaal o( day*
UtbewladwuadtrfalairaefM. Wby!
Otar 40 rpreobe* bate ba<
ky bealpeawa. Brery eaa



Itolb Raokb Temple are patUac Me
oOcan la Mape to pita aoBt eioelbat dnwBatle work oa ib« date of Mr
bid cereaeotol to take plxv oa Then day el aa» wtok.
Oao. P. Kaowba. wbo it paUlap
aa Me bUieol for
ar Me PyMUiu. bat
u work drllllBC Me
D. a K. K.- lot B dad hu afforu art
thowlBK tnol I asalu. Tba ioeret
week to be dltea la bMbbort'tOiaad
b Me early etealac wilt be laaM bet
ibaa eayMinp atar plmi by ibt
■aaBat bare before. Tbe node
wiU be rad bot bad the ipeebi feetree will \* aew aad aeril.
a 8. detbbmiBrtocMabBaqaet.
wbbh wUl be ritea la Mt City Open
I aad wbicb will ba tba Baeal
arar epraad to that Meater. Tba anOBB^ coBBlIteava arraasiaS
yraa of aeee Mae orolaary pood
feetorat aiid tba nambart will iaelodad Me beei toealbu. meeleUae aad
dlBB* to aortbora
U*abba..CadilU«^ KalkaMo. Pnakfsrt, a* well a* Tnttna Olty. wlU

rriwre Me LMfoa por-


: -t


_____ -




TS’. aad 7m- ;

Want it quick—very quick. Will we gat it? Guest ye»-get it or buat.

From now



our S2.50 ^
Kid. Box and Enamel. Hand W^t and Turn Sole
Ca GrandyisaSLOO
nettletoiiy °sk-- $5. and $6.
make of Shoes advertise them*
l\IIIW^$ 9* selves, a shoe for wdar;
how cheap, but how good $1.50, $300



Tftp S*le
■ Taomielfared UenmoM
Brobte Turfceye; alto
(iuiaeaFowk. Wrileor


LUhW •» itol Met.. .


rubbers, solid ;



and Youths, requires no

and Hit Shoes
\\'c show the best Ime in the city M M


aiafterz,n^$3.50 ^

Enamil. Veleour. Kid. I'jtent Call and Box Calf.

». O. a B«M praMwhy WB »ay

So en tht Stfks
, Wt give feu value received r

Th« Now England Watch Co..

Vory hot louder lUs c>^Un.,u

WE WANT 4,000 D0LUR8


Wadibbdey-B MarttU.

BBtofdM'B Wb

lOw/' Prices are l^igbt
\ We show many new lines this season, we self shoes
that wear. Let os show you what we have!


PoBMto oa Me lo^ laortrt today.
It It eoloeUtod to moke Mb the fieeat aad meet abborau fntoroal ataai Wtot:
erar pltao ban.
-■Tbe UfUleb Peatbtr," Me oBebl
ottae of Lolb Bookb Temfde. wUI to
beoed today. Tbit will to real --bot
ataff-’ aad Me pabllntioe wtU be a
bBBmto. Tbb Will to‘n>at a fontaaaer of what le to follow Best weak


_w'<WM*tiee (er Me MN
l«Mde«l4ad tehaldMeeMb PW tb Me PnetTMrtae

Tbeaue Bonlfeky i^ S=Ht“
• ® , a«e<ii. wat protolOy feimlly wooodrd
■‘<hTth.dltoi.orM of hi.
■per, while


CmIp. aad wb« Me ewtelepeei BA
NNreiMMed pMdeeetob.

PapBlar Dry
OetblBC B»«k.



1 J

$i.oo.$i.zi;. $i.5a $1.75 and....................

\ Want to Buy

10 Bs.e« M»'. W.ieS.r«oPDmk?Ma. .Mb


OOT und BII.I-I01


E..r» WO.O.O
WeirhloK from IMO to 1700 the. » yon Should
bare taobAonteto aell and want to
ibanzlaat. eallao



10 Down Men'd Fleeced Kid Glopes................... ............
..Now $7 50
Big Lot of Meo't $10.00 Suits gad Overcoats......................
-Now 13 5(r
Small Lot of Men's $iaoa $i8ooand $i6oo Overcoats. .
..Now -JodO
Small Lot of Men's $«mio Full Dress Suits.................... ..Now 50c
Any Pair of $i.oo Cun Buttons (warranted)..........
..Now 150
About 15 Boys' Waterproof
A^aterprooHl>uck Coats..
9 Dozen Imported $1.50 and $7xx> Fleeced Kid Mitts.......
75 Dosen Men's Teck Tii
Ties (made of soc Silks)..
:w Wiiisdor T
.................... ................. No. 19c


Young Horses



-■ itto

$10.78 . . . .

HIUBftllrtB .Atowea
Tonrbtolltor Bloc


tpis is fMip CPsmet t»
ff/j BsrgslM

....-I ^COUCH



t neMtiMniS kp•

■atf Ma AMI bebee Ueepai
b MM paae'e waM adtWAs..


?M te|f«M^."Fa;:?N:SS^rs"ir«.V.EV...'.V.V.E
The fact of the matter k that rvervthing in the store goes t SLASHED PRICES
until we've got the
tt takes courage to offer striedy New and Up-to-Now
Merrhendiee AT LKSS TH ^N COSTOF RAW MATERIAL but we aie boond to
arz9 your pocket book, therefore such <

Bendas & Co.

Trank Triedrid)
j tht ntw Stimd '

. 2*1 riwrt SI.


HrraM 3et> Offlee

Cbe new Boliday Cine


We are trying to win, not without a good reasem for so doing, but by honest
methods that merit h.

* ttSSSiS«E5:=Es ^

tht Old Hetiabk Shotman

gomiwcrclal Printing

i 20 year g»Mnn«4eiatcl). cHh.
! tr C«H<t’ er etat’e—Our
.^)<J I prten are lower than ebrap
eatalea boue**- Bring your
eablog priett and preor It«


tniiifli gev


Just received at the City Book Store com­
prises by ftr the most eihgant line ever
shown. Now is thie time to get your pic­
tures framed up for the holidays before
the big rush begins.

Set* erf oDtm’irnitt»tm.

liiiDiiiiPiDSfiiiiiiffi mm



eily Book
rO.,tow.: .


f\m riro u rtv« mmu»
am tro to *Ueh Ike «n«n
mat ku boon c«lM oot elM Jmae »
i MMitw by lul oceotnd U (ko akntk irm cl Q»
joU CuUm berm Serndv evooloc kboiil nx^tuieol eacio<wr ud aoUcitor <
i wa^ kM fOM to
I tko TOUT* 11 o-elork. Tke ehali x* biiUi x> » tMdtkhsl iTklklas cad U« iirMnimJ c
r- ,-------l-ioi
to tke polio oxlr U ^
---------------------- — tke AilBBtlc CiM Use rslb
‘xoaxid to iodleote that tk«n |o*« kkd tepfovued i
k. & HflUv too >«c«lrod Un* ,voald be «ulie • keory «ot« Lotar | porlac Mck«. vk««
t e-ay «iii sake kUk k ekikaUe kselstAMmHM «asi. Mbi umm of Vi?
'mi Mr. WUeok U tke eca of MskW i
la fSe tthei
' : W'llnuu wbo * MooetiBeiBcf
VSr^ly. Tke eottas beeoBe
d bi ikli diy.
U*t4y le tke eyeslag. and vkes Ike
kUoa DtM. Mtna «d tke Bm' tisilou sere ouasied It vsi tooad
rkta «Aoot St OtT Cro*. W. Vs. (tot »T >toae tod beta caat to aU—
•tvo 4 cerr IsfsorlM UdeoM to tke 1ST ret. 1M> 40. aad oae Uaak.
: la." wrttei I) li TbuM to ttoenxr.
Near «bo roted asatoat tke leaue d Hfk. Huvard Mui
. Who has beeu UuulacJiowB.
aaee to the boad* aiade ao term o>
r tereral days It aatpeeted | ia a day. Two Wtwki
the tact that they cooaMer that tke
." tkfallibU Ito
paaipa arc aeedrd. bet mder the preeo
'lea ate. a
e bora Sksday. died Toeeday eot rlreosatuece (key voald not rote
H Umi't drag aloraa
rauto and tke ftuaral tree keU tor tkeai' It w ertdeal 'that perTook
■ the raoldeato Taeaday ctxmouc
lor the dlreetlea to U d CorUi.
tv. A. Oaiwii. a teuarn to tto cii I,
war. who la about W yeart to ac*. u>»k ;
a r. BBBMr.teraaatohaatorean
euauBaad to Caixalu Anuadadea
a bU due.> to aeoalce Sunday |
wlihtka HaaiUMo OetkltoOs. bat
lor Klaa WliuaauiBonilas by ailitake. The irriibla doav [ land
ratonil hla tmtlUo ^ttlkam aad
to OreealBDai. aad
.wallowed about T ■ «IH rnieeed tbenro for BekriOK atralt.
o-rtoefc la the axnlas. aad U looked
ae tbiHiKk Ike chaatvt to Mr. Curbeu
Dabtob Me Imbtoa tod a rear »•
were pleMal aotklac Ak eatHle was fliam<e:utely dieoed tto %)etputo
n* aaoips fipB tto laaa to aa eye
iidalalelerad at uoor. toweier. and Inmalea fron deatli. faoi-ied aeeorkiHxaaad itoi foolliic la kick la a
*ac ikruko up- A pk>>l- itr. aad death tix. It's that way,
you aeclaci eeackt aad eolda I
elaa (ruai ibU riiy wat uuoiaun.el. Whea
Doe't io It. Dt. Klax t Kew DlaooT.
^'aZ^ irndt 'imnkm Mtberidbi
for ConanoipilPB rirte parfe<-l
to vatod tore leal bit atglIbt.
AfMwal Dwttb Supper.
The btard to ewwiy cantkeaerk «m
(Hi Friday alskt Tiarerac Oty
a eeealnB In (be court kouee Twoday Kn. KTI. K. O. T. M.. will dire tbelr Improred aad
Atraooe. Tto neiDbcn to the board aankal Dutch aopper. Tklt tesT'kaa though It was a veiy oerroe rsTspe cUteat aee (be laoeT atahboni. . liarm
n O. I*. Oarree. J. A Moaiactie. F. ft. kenUDC faaMWt fur tlxee suppera. aad sad ooly III* prompt ptHt ygnfftm* ac^ Ii-asaad' aaloe I
lag. It a natBstnad
U. Johasoo aad P.
tto aad A. r. Kerilaser, «ko vat they sri' aleayt a oootloiioat ruuad to lion aared kit life.
■ ■ trial
•a. to SB tto raoaaey oaaaea by
Mr. Corbett U tke father to Charier, hottlm li
os to Ike rale, etcept
tke atoaaee to WUItoo Selkirk.
ftd aad flrlle CortMlt. aad l«lb father
, and Mins ^ sell kdowo la 'hla ri<>
It le the dkly to tto board to caa- eellpae eiety prevloua eSevt
The pruemn will eoBalal to the totlaa tto roue for all tto ofteera rotod
Ooek Sadly Smaahad.
rt aoksi. daocto. i*ckalloaa
a at the reoeoi eleetkiB. id dodto
apeetal Icatoree
acme to Trareree
the BUBbto to roue eatt for tack caa^
e |u the dork a
ktoi lalMil. The (oUovtac vUI
^Igaa Timai
dtdatc Bcoordtot to tto oAetol rtoprat. '
___ B
llr. A
H. Holliday.
R.«!■ W.
about .'teldalcbi Suada.v. T
aad to daelde arbo‘ are etoeltd (o' (to
Raatall. itoia lk«da. Ilert HUler. Ckaa
M bnarll}- loaded whoa a
coaatr ofteaa
barked out i««t
A. aktoeber. A U joyre. Dr. J
Saaltb to MePtoiatB Skydw. Dr i. W. OauBlletL »Jom Ike esd to the dock, but wh««i the ■!«.
aal was civea to go abead the algaal
aaaaaoedVrtdaytoaru- Palmer. Prof. ClIBcv J. T. Haai
boll lallud to uurk aad tbe enclaiM
‘ttTtt tltot the
not etaned ap la limr
ftraa tke wtota to BIley Sweera. aod tereral ol^rt
rery eiroag-aoribvini slod was
.The famowt Dotch qiianei. c
blpwlag aad (be rcaaeJ waa crowded
posed to A. V. Priedrick. E. Hoeb.
rapldlf orer toward the dock. The
Brndbayea aad Cbarlea Sebrameber. U>w struck tbe coraec to tbe pLIlas.
will to fwmrai aad add Io the feeilri and tke wind earned her
raked Ibe dock wiib b.w entire
Tto whole aortkuosi rtir^'r oi i
xk waa carried awa.v, tbe piles s<
T. C • U « W umtmM tht Itowic

Ym'U hsTc reisa u cwminbte'
rMndf If jTM case am knsUcite \
wkitweluKtgsartaitklsMr. •

rr'jr ^ ^


Wt^tn the

'^BtKkskia ' Hmbhtra

« « «« «


S vw*k 2,575. KiUTu!'

«<ike flvi
P«e. U«. to (fee BtoMT to
k Ittmtim* Hsay D
kawto wrt to veed 041

itoto ta M7 toe to (to tosto

docks all day. Tke •^ad to ibe nrewaa store la. tto.coraer carried
ttcfU to tkM tno to skMt laio. tot'
away aad tto esUre - id to the bulldkoucked out to |ui ' ' '
to 4 tov TOM to losirte
«i«. but Will prol).
arranaemeott la age la bard-to s
Pro«r»a.-8. Head*.
N cectala that rbe
ft. A. Bvaqa aad P .hlor
CoBimUtee oo 8uw<w—J- <
Metort J. namlaa. iba riwai aMat
hae taalerad pMloa frota
Utto to too beat itaalad Prata K-l Peat and Frank

iSsTSk^ —

Took Dote to Strychnin.

to WtlUsB B.
____ tosdiaUkkto tmeMr. rwiac
•iW. »UI to toto to Oato-.
tofTia Tto^ bli7.~
mmM toe koto ytototoy. V«* Ttok Mkie to to toe toato to M.
a Uto. vto toft Maator ter kle
«to OitoMU. «to kse hem
■IfUto <e* MHto »*• Tton,
WbUa pitrtw wUb UanU Bill,
•Sd w4mma4bsetaBM
I Sacs. Martla jriaa.
Hktoe fo^fttovk
i4 kaa lakaa etorge to vaa biihia acWUnly. rtgba la tto
itbL waktaa It a rerr SIBaslt baeSp M Sasl vltb. At Sitt It waa BM

Eto rwe MatoMtoe kto >Bto

Moa Jtoa A.3ato«to to toto
M to Jtoa Ztocito.
toM to tosaadaoMO

f a'toato a m.. amnat
niiaratog tokee ton
a «. fto Oktawa a«


aad Harry V. Horae, two
Tcarerte <Uy boyn. hare koea paw
■oted to tto rank to cnrporal la Oompaay ft to tto Seraataeatk Vaitpd
Statae tatestty. Tto prosMitkm
to tto toya fms tbelr goad work with
the reinIP erer ataee fbey Itot ibe
city le Jola Dacle Saai'a SsbUto
toMa. lira other Trareree City kwya
Itot at tto aame time rrlih Homb aad


tto Fbat M. B.
eborrh FlUay eraslis Wtoased to a
rery oaurtaWad aad tatorwtolre

tme os SMUaal ghm by Wm. L

HtoMrtotUo veak.

Ure. but ft wae eatetoatalas aa well,
aad was m* asjoyed by tto larpe

Mtot totoaalpattotovUifa
Hk toe toifk Woito kM4
to tosM4fatoiB tote with
tet tovkan aU toato tatok

Fred 2elfler took a doae^to stryebatae aoae time Hunday afierwoos
ereatac. cetdenily with suicidal Ipleal He became •ay tU la the a<r4>
lac. ibaofb bis (amlly did not at the
llmr kaow the aaiure to ibe lltooto
BO physlctaa be
but.oae to the ddldm wai
to J. M. Coor
Saallya I to tto k.
aelabbor about half a mile
aeay. aad tto phyaletaa wat aummutedhy (e>to>kase
from tto eStets to the polaos. Ha re­
fused to take tto nwdiclae oCered him
by (be ductor aad la other ways a>ade
it cleae-tbat to was dMenalaad to die

New Shoe Store.
Rowksd Dohglw. who bpt baea for {
with ^.abM am of
V. {
___aad wbe baa beasslteadiag
lay'a baalaass ooUega tor Aoaaa ,
tUae. will opes a aboe ataee la the I
baUtUag aan mat of tha Beatoo Store
OaoHhae laf Ha has alrasdy order­
ed a hige stoek .whleb will U- here
Uaw fee tto nsaiag of lbs stoee
os Ito data aa^ Odie .MoUarrr. i
wboTa aewoeespyiBg tto woai side i.
mors latS
of tha Slsder balMlw. will morslatSI

€vtrf pair
JlchuJ tnl
Showia^: tbe eUtttetty
idstrengiKtothe Biu^. Nothii^ biB
COOd rubbers wj)Kwith.
stand A test like (hu.
and ii is rubber alfme
which sivea the wear la a
lubber Isiot or shoe.

BjttoaUa, to Uiac Terr. iU, aad
B^toal kavlUaai


sssf tot aa torita tto yeatodaofa
to toatads thla pmt is Ito trip.
It It sbstl to dseUpd spas.
Say's PMKwl Story.
Ursad Baa^da. K<n. Ib.-Patrtomaa
U A Ssdto
aenm a UtUe lal
low raslewday asorstos. who bad
toatao hM way to this toiy from Btthsn aad sast him to tto otottos. ns
hqy mte hla saiae aa Chrtatoptor
Oanv. aad told a plUfal mary to hM
' to Man home. Cbrta la aot yol
ms to asa. aad kM fktbm aad
ha** aaparated Tto
saet to BUtort
----aod look tto hbuy with
tor sad tto Uttla ftotow says abe u
IHliC emb a Ptraaas maa
Tto Mute Isttow maileaa appeal to
eke waald aaad him to the ruform
PCM eCtotet heap atm. Heaays
■nmMdiSftto ^hatodwaadto
sshaM ncArly aad hpd daaa bla kms

up to $5.

tooDi Satin lined
Kersey jacket^ that sold at

Short lengths, lo to
i6 yar<•ds to the piece. We
got A box of these goods
—very cheap and toe
selling them out at a v
small margin
cloth is
the same
you gel from
the full
pieces at IOC yard. While
this lot iasu—no more
when they ate gone.

The Price is

ladies’ 2? in. Jackets

... 7.00
lacketsthatsoldal'7 CCA
$ia sample price. #

513.50. Asmn1»
sample nri<-a.
priie. . WV

Ladies' Blouse Jackets

...— kind..........................
We mention onlv a few to
show you about what you
may expect. Size 33 to 4a

7c. yard. Broad Cioths
or Skirtv Suits and Dresses
-here is a feast fo
Come expecting something
better than we ever Offered
)*ou before and you will not
Light colon the best be disappointed. N I N E
I'ltCbb—colors, tan. cast­
6c outiog flannel we ever PIECES-coL
offered. This lot of stuff er, light gray. French gray,
should have been here delf blue, old rose—this is
famous Broad cloth that
the first of September,
.00 a yd.
but rather than uke it': always sells at $14
II goods. Nothing
back the MilU made us
some concessions, and it wrong with them, very' sty­
lish. but when this store of­
goes on tale today at
fers Bargains, we offer good
things so'you will not be dis­
appointed. while this lot
lasts it will cost you
There'll be a rush for
these goods, get in the

1500 yds.
Outing Flannel

ik yard

We sell tbe best blac^
skin in the city for $ioo.
Compare aod you'll be
convinced, the same is
true of the 1.75 & $»
skirts. Llegut line of
these goods just put on
sale—Look i*

54 in. wide, oot '^6thiss silk is. made
_____ by
,, ___
people that make
the famous SkiooenSadn.
it has the same guarantee
—it's worth in a regular
’»ay$»-50 yd-.. while the

piece lasts

it’s 1.75 yd
Black laflcla Silk.
36 inches wide, extn
heavy, fully guaraatefd
not lo crack, cannot be

at $1 yd.

We had a chance to
pick up 40 4dozen Lad
RiL.._ fleeced
Pants and \'ests at len
than they are worth ia
the open market today,
they are tbe kind you are
paying 35c each for. here
or elsewhere. This Im
goes on sale today and
until the kHu sold, which
won^be long. The price

19c GAWIHn'
Only 40 dozen, you know.

Get enough for ail needs. You know you have invited
your friends and all the extra leaves <rf the dining table
will be used. Will your table cloth be large enou^?
You have some now, but it is a good plan to have some
«xtra ones. You would buy anyWay if you once saw
the splendid line we are showing. The goods are so
, fine and the patterns so handsome—the prices will sure­
ly please you.


Our Stock OI Lumbenaaa's
KuUxrs mntains every Usd
to a rig that it good aod every
kind a lower prked
you-Ube apt to find
other sores

Msay a weU meaai, weO (ilanBed attemfS i
Blacked oe the sboais of poor Sour. ''
Half the voyage a where yoii get good flov. Osr Beal
>Vur esniea >ws to Good ftcsd witbooi Eailiiie. Whiter. KiangCT, tftatper Sour caaaot be made. Aad the price i* )Mt ai aiUactire at tbe broad, h'l a pretty poor oM that caa*i aave
mosey and del^ the fwly *ith tecad taade from our


We bought seventy-eight
sample Jacketkat jopercent
less than the regular price,
and are are going tomvethr
trade the benefit of the deal


OvrSftTlBCs Departmeot


We sell von a better
spread for .qS than you ca n
get ebewhere: if not. we
are not entitled to your
business—the ^read At
»i.5o is the kink of All
spreads at this price—bet-



Ave “
bers in. light rubbers aod m
Lumberman's goods

tha Oesal Uksa asst
, M*. MtofeaH wlU
Hayv Ohrtar ehsaHI to a
kaatoaaa etktoto
tolto a taU toneto
itomt Is hshaM to Ihto oily by astoBdl^istSTUsMasto bara tbs tarn totosda Ornsd Tmemaa bay. «s msy
sM to as Mg as Mma toUoa. hsi wbst
|to Hedtoa. aai to fto itoaNan «s tadb to alaa wa caa Mbs mp la


just 75c yd.

aaUdolea l
ally, tboosb tolcler tried to resial
wreo tbla.
ftelctW would OCX talk at all aa to
laeaasuBS tor taklac tto polsosi ser
bee to took n. It waa about 10
toock wbea tto pbyadrian arrlrod.
sd to had bees rary cUk tar some
time It lookad aa tbooch ttorw was
iTI fir Urn to pall
ikroucb. boi It aov appears tbai to
will Ure.
ZelsMr la a maa wUb a wife
qalte a larse lasMly to chUdrpa. Me
M qalie weU kaova la thia diy. sad la
aboat 40 years to age. Tto phyaletaa
who anesded him thbika that to:
tore takas a oaseUerable deae to tto SUllsMiMi UMIU nj MM.
potaos. aad la still almast at a kse to
kaow bow be eoald sarrtre. eossUerlag the eoodltloa that to was la whoa
mcdnl aid reached him.

(toto ■itow*toItoitoif,
a Htotoaoa watoan toto

^btoadTBBsadan •akea
Ttordaebtoal. Fnd H.
|»Jto Ctotoato traei




A Niivy Cold m
At this aeaaos to tbe year mar
port hual if aot cured at oixe.
Oto WMe me ss« Sftrsee BiaccMUlii the be* prqaraticm

Better buy y<w Supidy to
Warm Shoes Uie new


DmmmsK l»lrs*ra, an entirely new line of
patterns. The 72 in. sells at $ 1.25 the yard with nap­
kins to match at $3.50 the dozen; the $1.60 quality
has napkins for $4.50 the dozen, and the best $2.00
grade with napkins at $6.00.
Dsnraaslc ^ira*n,a fine quality, 72 in. wide at 75c
the yard with napkins at $2.26.
a splendid stock of 6 grades
to sel^ from at 85c. 45c, 50c, 60c and 76c yd.


Ulr»«ra, none better shown for the mon­
ey at 50c. 60c and ?5c.
Woman's Keh and Beaier Shoes

$1.00 to $2.00




50c to $.00

60c to $1.00
fluldren's and Mim

^ftjnoH OletiHs—As fine as you will findk 24x24 for
$ 1; 30x30, larger in size but a little cheaper in quality,
for 75c: 36x36 sells for 90c. $ 1. $ 1.25, 1.50. $2.2|5;
40x40 for $ 1.25: 45x45 for $ 1.50. $2. $2.2S, $2.50 and
$3.50: $4x54 fine hemstitched border with drawn work
—a positive beauty for $4.
R»d 0»mb»lc, a fine line of new patterns in three
grades, 20c. 35c and SOc the yard.
Doylies, so many are used, almost a necessity to have
them—a splendid assortment from T5c to $3 the doz.

25c to 50c

“Wo Soli


aay traabto wia Mp Mtor. aad tbai
to was as hla way to Trsvarwa Otp






rint rw ia VM Mute

K MmmtIm kwt MUM

UdMad ia«ay ti^
tW tm •»« to vhkk ibe 4«(«nPotey U. Haladwonk. fomaiy to
d«Bt kaa baaa ealM oat tlaoo Jaac » bto elU. to bow aaii—ladVrBbtUo.
ecconad la tka ab«l< irtMt oT U»
tale* la opeelal electloa
aecbaeleal eaclacwr aad aolletw to
OoMcbsldt. teTMtjr wiU
Toi* to IM to 1ST
atoau to Bay city. Mr. HoUaworto t
> kulli a> < teebakai tralalac aad ato praettaj aThe ipord wUk wbk* to* tiMt* i (
Omm. vkM k* I
taw to Ibe poll* oaily ta lb* aR«r-j~>*aa-io w«u to toe bora, ad wa
krateoce In the boUt* powwr depatneat
to the Aitaatk Ctaat Uao rallOOB eeeatto to ladtcaie that to«i« loan bad taipeovUed ■ lliile raraar*^
U. a. HtUv ta*
I way aid Bake Ua a TOliiaUc aetoai,waU be aidt* a bary au
Lata | P**la« brlcla. vba« he bad ktadled
AwmaM U». Mac tkuM
r-aai tor Wlkoa U toe aoa to Major
lotto atwraooe lb* roto* coa* lajbla** The Brr a«o«aih>ubiT narte : WUeox. wbo wa* at ooe Mb* la charge
Wta. «0Kk AMMia aad Wa
rayalmly. Tto toUb* beam* aorel boa tola
vallA fro* a
la ik* lalai
Vahed gtata laad oMce wbeo
Uttdy la toe evalaa. aad wba the | But UUl* daaaoe wa dtae. tboatb
bolloui w«r* euuated It wa tooad '
tat tit ttoa bad bets ca*t la all—
1ST ye*. Ikk ao. mad owe blaak
Uaay wOo rated oalaai ibe loaurriiei D B. Tudm to D»B{ayA UK ladiga. wbo ba* b«wa bauzla< j tou
aae* to tb* boad< aiad* au *ecTrt to
tretoy h«r areral day*, to **•***•.«] j «■ ^
tb* tael that they
Baa to BO" laHlUbto ta
obUd to Hr. aad Mra. Jaaa O.
peaia are aeedto. bet nd*r toe praa to *2t tout Blabtb itrat.
to ao dedalte elar
'lea ate. at A
____ wa bora gaaaay. dlto Tncadty rot rlrraBMBDC** they would aol rate
« M.«d-idra
aMralat aad to* '
* lor Ibeoi: It wa evldcat 'that per*

-------------M Wtt U lU
« U« Dmw

« hai4 tka du lor
teotoe tv w*Ur work*



S Mr CM aUawU M nw MuUtk.


A. Ua-beit. a rattran to Uw e:il.
wbo to about M years to age. usA '
to dix- to
acoalte__ ^ada> >

et|MdlUto> aad ChpialD ADoadadee

to fur King WIlUaou
' aad U« pootUa with to*a. aad
luonilugby mutake. Ta« temue door i toad
... ________________ _____
_..j*to a pototia wito to* Beatoe bare arried.
olaoG s’u swaUowvd about 7 ''in T'''<<'<ek ibnieo for BtoiriaK sirali
to***, what* to wlU aeawallr* *Tbe UWair
o'clock la the laoralag. aad U looked
akarp* to toe-aletolac dapariaat.
A—o Aevto rtoBM.
A* though Ibe ebamto to Mr. Corbett
Bnaklng lato a b.nalng boa*, ms*
«aa Mi Lackb* tod * raty w di-r^i to the i»Dd l<
fdotoai aotklng AB eiaeitc wa* ftraBca; lately drsgged tbe Tlecptng
aaiopa trato to* tea to a *y*
ItimaB* traa. dw>il>. Pao.-led •eeerIty, aad death c.-ar It 's that way
Wbeo TO* WMlact eoagb* and oolda
Dr. Kieg'e Kew DtoooT{abv did all thai Be-IIca)
:efT- for Coamoipcioo Kite* parfw-t
to waald tor* taal kl« fight.
aicuic, and >lr lH>r(-eil vurrlved ibr ----------------------------____ _________________
The boar* to cuuBiy caotaam wa
noay Bight Travers* CUy taau da.v. This avoraing be was .cry bucI. :*od Law
tad dock • bllto.
ia oatinii In lb* court boo** Towday Ko. »71, JL O. T. M.. will give Ikelr iBuratyd aad will doabtlaa si.r. !,,-.
potBlBl stopa a tou- roogb. peraftorwia. Tto seoibm to tb* brwrd aaaaal Dutch aepper. Tbto toaT'haa
«toi«alB*e Ibe meat Uakboru . Uanaare a l>. Oarrer. J. A Moatacoe. P. S. berea* taoKios for tbc*e sappers, aad
•d only tlw proapi gn-t vig«r<mv ac l<-*e aad ake tasueg, It s guaraotead
M *antfy by Jaa U. Jobasoo and
ta bM a. P. KtrUaarr. wbo wa they an- als-ay* • coailBuous
h.n aavod bto 1U>• la d« to* raaney canM>d by pieanur. Tbl* eveol wUI .b
Ur. Curbell le tbe father of ('harle-. H Maads iTIo* Sue aod ' ' ~
orpiloa to thr rale, ricept Ih
lb* aboaoa to WUUas gtoUrk.
M aad tlrlle Corbett, aad loth taiber
allpw- every prevtou* effort
jul wuiB ^ well kdoan la this ni.
It i* tto aav d to* koato to taaTbe prugiBB vlU pottotol Of ibe tolTaa Ike rota* tor aU tk* otoeoc* rMod
U aoag*. dancra. reeliolloa*
eleetkin. to teetoa
er linaoto did w-me
special fainrvs by auae af Tr*v«rMi
gc w lb* dock aad ear
aty'a beat tatoel. Th* toUowlag
MMblgaa TTaaipunaiic
dUol* aeobraiac to tko otodal Mfnu.
Hr. A H. Holliday. B. W.
toldaigbi guoda-.
aad to a*dd* orW are olwtKl to tbe
KaaiaU. 8aa Itooda. Iton UUler. Cba*. steamar was h«avll> l<»ded wbai shooaaty oSca*
pulled out, gbc was barked out |«-i
Sktdeker. A. U Joyce. Dr. J.
tb* cod to tbe dock, bui wh<« the slu____________ ~Mlk to MePliam anrdto, Dr. J. W. Uauatlelt. No
aal war gliea to go ahead tb* stgosi
fern. O A.a.aaaaaae*J VriUramPfto CllBc^ J. T. Haaai
twii tallod to work aod ibe .-**1*.-.
IH «lto aaeb atlifaatia that to*
started up lo iltac
Mot kad kaoa lira to* vbrlo to BIley gwavra. aad t^rerel ot^rt
. •iroag-horlhwcc sled aa.Tb* tSBoa* Duicb guartet. rc
Uoto HI to to* aa*«aa tat <' '
blpwlug aad tbe teasel was crowdnl
mtrr. a* halt bv flie elv
naod af A. V. Prledrirb. E. Hoeb.
rapidly urer toward the duck. Thv
aU to* atoahaU toto*i
aad Chari
la.w struck tbe eto-aar to the pUlus
Sind earned her over w. that
wlli be prmuwt aad add r. ihefratlri,cd ibr dnck slih b-f roilr,leagth.
»ttotoaB*» p
The whole aortbsosi r-ogrr or '
dock we* carried amay, ihe pile*
Lari LaTaat***. ooaaaalr
iTDhea t>ff ilk* ptpwieais. and Bai
ito AuaiUto euouv
The .-ad to lb* swxc-;
tc to. the. coracr rarrlc-i |
away aad ti
oair tor toat lawirak. toa attar
. Ttf il
tog knocked
t-it sin proi.
in.lii^oc ub arraBB-Biaol* to
aUy be mb
toaafatoaiMt atotaaM Mra Ha _
compoeed to li>e foltowuig
Tbe coBtpaiiy to Chicago bate Iw-o OnnBlliee o* Pn«raB.-a. DeodA; □Uted. bat It to not certala that 'the I
SBiaga can he repalrad tbto winter ;
' ~ iMaaa'a piaao.
!£. A Braa* and
. H. Wltooe ha* already begua mak-1
CoBiBlUeeoo I
ig teapornry . repairs to the loterk-r
t tb* waroboeae to kaop
< Abr'
Showing the eUsiKit)'



>al feeOa vBtered loto to* aialtsr
-I largely, aa It to totogtobor proto
e that II tola eoald^T* been eltos-

Wt^tll the

"Buckskia" Hubbtn

« « « « «

C^oiii^ii thlT wwk 2,575.
I iln. La* CtU ktiMa lha Hatmdm
» at whlrfa


abaMk wlU apoa a nuoga aato IMoi«V. Re*- IMk, to to* Uaaa ftavMHetotoaeMa._________
itoa A. RaaaaAy aM Hawy Pop*
M a»* *nU «*rt to weed aHtoi
to|* vaok. aaKtof Mb awU !*•* to





s?£!^ ? ssraizffif

I tea to to* bat* ■H«*a

«A to katdtoaaapawtotoaaala
fto taaaal to WlUtoa B. Hoto
vtowaatoatotoadtohlakad ttoa4w ■wnlpf will to toto toOal*«Mto aoM. «M* Uadataka
tod—ia Mppad to* tody ...........ay-

MUa'u'^ilrndn""** ^
taM* Mb to* Btoiak * Lay Mar-

55* Oa.

^ S. Lataaa ha totoa aktito to

N*w thM gt*r*.
Teak Pea* a
Bewtod Dohglaa. vbc hpt boao for I
,.o* airreh. WM(* wlA IM ■be* lion of A. V.
ttoae Duoday aftarnaao «r RtMHdh. aad wbo Mt bMnalieadiag
Daabemy-* bosiM** oelleg* brtooow.
•reataa. ertdently witb sulctdal M-

will to laatotm talA Mr. Ftoatw
ia to* a^afaaan to ih* a^to.
kon la Tarart* Clip. TCnigto (a
Raw Took ftoa tatatoahaatotoH.
- who lafl Maday «a hi*

tent. He bueame very III la tbe pvak
lag. tboagh bit faBlly did
tlaw kaew ib« Btoiure to
He taUied that ao physlclaa be
Booed, but one to tb* cfalMrea
taally seat to tb* boaie to J. M. <

iway. aad ib* pbydetoa ww *ub9<nnl by teltodMO*
Tt’hea Ibe |d.y*iciao arrtvec
louad ZaigMr fairly tied lato I
froa tbe vffceu to tb* potogo. b
fu*ed to Uk* tbe Bodicia* oBwto
by tbe durtor aad in oiba vaga atade
MM* fkjMH*n
U U baUarad. n ct»a Utat b* wa* determtaad to die
haawK^ha will m«Hw* tbeaa


€vtrf pair

UxlstrcnglKortb* Buck­
skin goods. NothnsbiR
good rubbers wtji'witkstand A test tike Ihii,
and il is robber alpne
shicb gives Ibe wear la a
lubber itoot or sboe

ta.tlBa fto tb* opening of lb* siof*
<• tbe
aOB^ oSic .HeUstTT. i

otf it. Mmm




nk*f /aoVlM* I*
aoka ^Mk
id tt* tofMae waf.
fpmmpmf kopd g


YN’n hSTe reasM te coB^talate\
TMrsdf If yM ctne aid iaresUrate \
wbatwehaTC tosaylBUJsadv. »

We $«:D you a better
spread for .<>S than you can
get ehewhere; if not. we
are not entitled to your
business -the spread at
$1 50 is the kinb of all
tods at this price—beljnfs

up to $5.
Short lengtht. lo to
i6 >-ard» to the piece. We
got a box of iheae goods
—very cheap aod We are
setling them out at a very
SQiall margin to us. This
cloth irthe same quality
you get from the full
pieces at IOC yard. While
this lot lasts—no more
when they are gone.

TIm Price is

We bought seventy-eight
sample JackeUat 40percent
lets than the regular price,
and we are going togivethe
trade the benetit of the deal.

Ladies’ 2T in. Jackets
Suickly all wool Satin lined
Kersey jacket^ that sold at
$000. sample
[acketsthatsoldat*7 t^f\
iia sample price • »0 V


lacketsshat sold at
$13.50. sample price..

Ladies’ Bionsc Jackets
Beauties that sold 1 O ■'>“
at$1850. for... . !»•-.
45 in Long Coats, the
We mention only a few to
show )*ou about what >’ou
may expect. Sire 3a tu 4a

7c. yard. Broad Cloths
1500 yds.
Outing Flannel
Light colors-the best

should have been here
tbe first of September,
but rather than uke it'
back the Mills made us
some concessions, and it
goes on tale today at

4ic yard
There’ll be t rush for
these goods, get in the

to*—Slodto boul^’!*srm iMra^isj'
Ik* «aai pait, aow eeeoptod by O. .B'


for Skirts. Suits and Dresses
Come expecting sometl

better than «*e ever offered
>-ou before and >-ou trill not
be disappointed. NINE
PlECES^^-colors. tan. caster. light gray. French gray.
delfXlue. old rose—this is
our famous Broad cloth that
always sells at $1.00 a yd.
New Fall gc>Ms. Nothing
wrong with them, very' sty­
lish. but when this store of­
fers Bargains, we oRergood
things so'you will not bedisipointed. while this
lasts it will cost you

just 75c yd.

We seli tbe best black
skirt in the cit>’ for $i«a
Compare and you'll be
convinced, the same n

goods just put
sale- Look them oswr.

54 in. wide, not 56
this silk is made by the
same people that make
the famous SkioDers^tio.
It has the tame guarantee
—it's worth in a regular
way $2.50 yd., while the
piece lasts

it’s 1.75 yd
Black TafTcta SUk.
36 inches wide, extra
heavy, fully guaranteed
not to crack, cannot be

, at $I yd.
For Ladles

We had a chance te
pick up 40 dozen Ladies'
Jersey Ribbed fleeced
Pants and \'esis at lets
than they are worth in
the c^jen market today,
they are the kind you are
paying 25c each for. here
or elsewhere. This Im
goes on sale today and
until the lot issold,whid
sron^be long. The price

19c CAWBarr
Only 40 dozen, you know.

Maadaiwltk AitmliwMaa

« Mat«Ba«aha>i
h «aad ttoaMhU

M* U a I


MUi— Z*l|la iiaaad *

toHto* to Mtatoto A-iatoaa to I
*Mr. ato *« to Jata Mfta.
toa » yaat* to ■•*. aad aaaanl

. ta OMac* aad tril

toUftaa totoatoy to thi* wak.
aatoka to ioeal paapi* *tU ••
Um Vito to* kaya Harto kaaa
totoktod* topataratoa daa wttk
OUlllto. tot toay tor* all M«lr data

raatldoia to tb* potooa bypoAta
ally, tboagh Eetgler triad to ro*
a aad MarrT V. Hera*; two
Zelgtor would aot talk at all m
Tiararu* Oly boy*, -bar* baaa pro- hlseascdto tor laklag tha potocai i
Mad to th* roak «( cutporal ta Ooa- wbaa bu look It. It wa* about
pov S to tb* BaTataaMb Valiad
' ' to wbaa tb* pbyiaiaa arrirad.
gtata UhMfy. Tb* praaaUoa eoosa aad be bad beea say olA tor •
It looked w UKMgb tbata
alauat no ckaaca at all ter bla to poll
otto la lata Tiael* ioaPa gghthw
iJei. Pto* alba Traran* Ctty boya Ihroogh. bat 11 aow appears that be
Ml a th* SMB* iiB* with Hooaa aui wtu Use.
Stogler to a Baa wUb a wife
aolia a krg* taMly to ttoUdrqa.
I* aall* weli knowa ia this diy. sad to
about 40 your* to age. Tbe phyaleiaa
who otUBded hiB tbtak* that b*
kare Ub*a a coenldermble dea* to tbe
ptoaoB. aad 1* atUl ataaot I
kww how h« oonld aorrlri
lag the cuodHloa that he w
■•dknl aid nackvd bla.

a taaa
faa M tadae*
toi*aadl*al«ad.lfa. BMad hayiat
. aad ktopartaawtokaakaaiapaca
ISO Una* Ufcto B*u •
hadtoa—Mk Mr. lltoatd wtu
atottaa to* koaiaaa atkiafaail
taiaMaa. wito a t*U taato
Mmt ta bahab to lata «U; Off easaa*■awlU la— to* itoakaaM
tl«MWriBlleat* MnWetotolBhdy. aad will aotoca* ito tod
•M* OiaM T»f****Mr- n*Mr
aa* So i* Mff ** a*B* too**. bM wba*
wa laek ta toaa wa toa Mk*a|>ia

H a taato toa to will aat i*aaa
Hr. Boeoarail So* i

K. L. Vao«hb M »>U dala
Uaa *aato to tto toty a to* road to
toa dot*. 1* oarytoc ahoa* a tod4'
totoaato b«. a to* taaii to a paaHa aatodat M* wa
atotoa vlto a to«i*-Uia
ia aa* way to* aa aaacM a a Uah.
laad to to* kasd la *a«k a way a a
• a ki. tcakad. *atil«

mt loamaMT* oltr ibaa WM? By
Wt a* iBTtM tb* pnaMoM-o
mM* tbl* pan u lb* trip.


1M| iM* Mr U Ml 111 Ml IH HM.
A Striji iwo inches wide cut in
tbe sole tothe bool, sunain*
the we^ht to the bc^ aod the
ning. w 111) |iOundt


' U* fafbar M

amalaiy. A. « wa. a*aamty to Ih. **«to to h. Stoat k*.p tom hT5
’ ’ - b* wa* eharwad with all--------- to
wwa Satofc bat that h* bad ini^to
oabMl roffoiariy aad had dm* bto b*«
mmrn r^mCwmk^^ toab*

»^5rr5T^.*brL: xr-ba-^'s,:

time )-ou are io unm. can't
a we'll -have aero
Maa)' a well aeaat. wril ptanaed atte^ at bread ntokiBg i*
wrecked oalheaboal* topOtoSom. GoodWead is dm hard to
Half the voyage •* where yoii gel good toa. OW Best
Flow Carrie* )oa to Good Bread witbM uihire. Whha, suongcr, toaipet Bow ouiDOt be made. Aad the price is ja« a* altrartive as the bread, h's a pretty poor ewk that rna'i aara
iDOoey aad dei^ tte fi^ with Wead Bade ifoa) oa


At this teotoin to Uw )eu may
pnmc total if aot coed at oace.
Oto VMePte Mi Syncs BzpeCMciHia the b*to


aad Hia

60c to $1.00


SM^In DMmMAlc ^InMn, an entirely new line of
patterns. The 72 in. sells at $ 1.25 the yard with nap>
kins to match at $3.50 the dozen: the $1.50 quality
has napkins for $4.50 the dozen, and the best $2.00
grade with napkins at $6.00.
OMmAAlc l-ln*n,a fine quality. 72 in.wtdeat75c
the yard with napkins at $2.25.
ClnblMMOhMd l-InMn, a splendid stock of 6 grades
to selTCt from atS5c. 46c, 60c, 60c and 76c yd.
BImmoKmcI IrainMn, none better shown for the mon­
ey at 60c, 60c and 76c.
IraunoH Old«HM-As fine as you will find. 24x24 for
$ I; 30x30. largar in size but a little cheaper In quality,
for 76c: 36x36 sells for 90c. $ 1. $ 1.25. 1.60. $2.26;
40x40 for $ 1.25: 46x45 for $ 1.5U. $2. $3.2$. $2J» and
$3.50: S4z$4 fine hemstitched border with drawn work
—a posibve beauty for $4.
Rend Omi-ommIc, a fine line of new patterns in three
grades. 20c. 35c and 50c the yard.
Doy llMM» so nrtany are used, almost a neceeaity to have
them—a splendid assortment from 75c to $i the doz.

2Scto $0c



larafo* cuy
d to oaaa

$1.00 to $2.00


k Niivir CqU m
the Chist

Get enough for all needs. You know you have invited
your friends and all the extra leavee of the dining table
will be used. Will your table cloth be large enough?
You have some now. but it is a good plan to have some
axtra ones. You would buy anyWay if you once saw
ihe splendid line we are showing. The goods are so
. fine and the patterns so handsome—the prices will sure­
ly please you.

Woman's Feh and Beaver Shoe*


aa,r tni*sii wtib

toa pea iHa aotatos. Hto ma
laeatolsaiit aad ba wa* fan

il at

Warm----------- -------------

a*d**a?hlB **
bqy mr* hto toaae a* 'CMaHfbtr

Wtol Is aUdwR *M
bto toad tb* litu*
Uvtos wltb a viraai


DrafH Bowod a

Baiq*.. Nov. la-rautilaaa I
alia «(^-aero*a a BtU* fto I
itoardar Bonlas. who bad

toUtto Mary to hto



Dtain* cveiy
toa ng thai is good aad
kiDil t* lower priced
v-oull be apt to hud
other nores


Bto>> nuNH



---5 -ciiS
..citnra J

tto torn to Biakad to Bradhi

od taa.Maaday.
i.Maaday. *rt«M tota«k<
« u Old Mmbob. Mf. Badd*
aapM tolMUirMMatoti


SeBto to Good ames.
The Old Sa^
Oato. HoraM omda.



tdkrdkt U kb!

.TbaatUManha__________ , „

Baaar Oa. bare aetrad tba «Mnte wte

• Rbaawalia
I lira. Bat

me&ns best
dressing’ st
le«k8t expense
TteWealtexida brii^tfae bw idcM «<
the bat woatea’t tiSoti ia the world k reach *
ti wooes U good mat, em dto^ their
The WeehexbbdMaadt lor erenthiiie that ^
, bir«/kwQoa’i taaerinK—para wool (abrio. O
woven, djred and cut by expettt. and een&eou
of «th& liim dotfoed aad fiiufhed br aitrsa.

sale by

B A. 0*ai>b«a taft Uao*f Hz fH-

M Ibda vMMty. Laai aprtac tba eowMay twpeatad »M Rawlaaa trow tba
wtai. aad Batardar Dotalac too sera I

A laiia eaaality of pwataii ara
bf^t la by tba fatwan te ba ablp.

Baaialcia. Btavooaoaaa. ImiraTa Bala and faaala. arare put to wort at |
eoea la tba CarUMr.

“aadl bavobot talla twlaeataoTwa
li vtaillBf MpaU


Two attnetb* a^ks of FaU and Winter auita are
H>B»Mlad here. Thoe ia a chamiaK variety in the oSen^ of tsia.
ooati, wi^, and aeparate ahirta in WeoMex dwigna
^WodlsB book o< atylea fitc.


■ : Wf •»*»*««€ a*d bar.
.-SiSS^ baata
tbay aaaaallr eewuact for


;(bu pataMwa In tba

J Sw nv b»


Urom ci^


Ma<a,r Orar'a toao

'^llUaoU 'e£ladat >bU wt Baaday with Uoa for tba talliaad
a. 8 Bpeaoar la apaedlac a «aw
daya la Baaaoala
Miw own Baitb b
•0 taaeb aebeel la tba

i^S^SSC. , Pepe Mapouettt;

(rrr., nwad. ?ss^rs.^srr.!;

Work ao tba lallrtBd li fweerawlac

a rata oftWIAKr
—re for tba loaad
roa^ trip. AU ^01lU
AD AdrUD leanuler lott a St-ivuU
lor fall panlealara
I caa of hurabound drop* fruto hl« dr^.
Tba work of patltec »aaB btol iu.
aud abaa ba dIaooTwod bU lou ba
back urar the ruuio ba bad
JSaJ^*^ ObflMiSa
lakea- Ha fouad tba caa la ftoet irf a
public aeboul boiUlas. bat It ira< ra
B«t. Kiel) Ult Kcodv tor. boa- petauin
tba Nortbwaal.
bwaal. V<
Vaa). S<nib ,(c«aa
tine whao ba had paoed iBara
ot>ia.wberabo«tUopoBaa(ew d.}(. ml a>d SMtb. at
a low laiaa
the Br«i time, mad tba kld> bad am^
Bra. J^D Saabaryla rUlUac irU- *>‘r «•- daloa
------ «bi
_bteh will basada I Hod
ita CBS aod pet lia oaotaata
l*«a a Ttavaraa 0117.
| kBowaocapplloano
I oa appUeatiha to tiek.-t a«-BU. •i ahara
they would do tba moat pmd

When you
, lU are roadv
\\ e hive a full line ol finp
ETC., at the lowest potsible prices
irices Wc
aI»o contract for


T»i t rsE A coui IK ose hav

yaotae la tuoar of Km. itojaa aod 1


Let us give you our figures i>ti your work.

ST,i.SST„“’£.,“S «i..S

Grand Traverse Region.


Mra Arabia ^ib aad Mim. B. M

lard waa la Lalaad

Mr. aadMra BoM Palaaaadaoaa

yltb Ml- Ola»
B«M. Oaai7 aad John Beny bora
, ifeali wood aaebiaa aat ap raody for



la baUdlaa Ua lawbw

Hlaa Ennui Babla waa bona


Mliaat Bafcah VBaea and Ueldla

balwar SataMar and Saaday.
«-araar of TtaToeaii Ollj
Mr. Biaea dl Iska JaaMta aMod Mlw B

Oaa baadtad aad tblrly volamw ate
with bar Bwar. M*a E«iq balBf added to Um wwb Unary.
Mra M. Litaey U viaUtag bar alaar
ud doing aoM eanvaM-


wtib hu lawUy w Boaw hm wok.

f- B. Dava want to Kortbpert laat

A.'^baaiieaaM Booth Board'
-aa wiS tbsT^wolparobaalB*.

Oiwgi M

Patkar laatafalaaWa

O BUlawa.baa lakM oat a baattai

eraa Oily laat waak. •'

>. _4dSh Wab^ Kaa aaovad talc Mn.


bayiac powtooo
TboBoyal BolskbMaaA
Mr.Bo.}««.Ol9wa. TiST “

Vary llnl
Very lUtk
______ _
Taa aaoaBnl ItaUng at PUm
Any Uonloaw of ibeaklalaaian

"S'.I efor
adoraad by TiBTocta Oily oiUall tiobiM akla dlaaaMo.

Mra B.
Baodanoe, W. Ilib
A aaya.. “In
'- t-■-..........- -of IBS»iiaii
----- So., m t
Mr aad Mra Bom HaaaU of ffbanrh***
Baadar bow Iba QuboiU __a old, br^e oat in anpuotu
Maaoalooa ara vUttaf ToMdvoi aad r
whieb liiatally ooTorad bu faoa.naok.
trMsdaal tbUplaoa
aarcsod nndar tba teir. Daaplta tba
Laalr HoMalMa tad seaa la Ooalna
caa of aalvaa and olatnanW and
taina frannon than ana doetor
tag Iba moaai part of tba aann.___
waa roaJly wena la tba fall tbaa any
otbar pan of lha yaar. Tba aotea
• BUvw Brae wUl Mtanala Tba Mlwaa LlbWa OutaS aad Mo. apllt aad ba waa la anab niaaiy. Ibal
ba aetaaBod all day aad aoald aol
■liaa wUktbau>abovaasiThafo Braaxe Itft Hewday lor 8«eaai
Ta were Indacad to
avaaias. AdwUaiea U aad to wbwa ebay will qood a faw daya
rat. Tba Brat apb L Baw. wbo baa baaa warklag
— aootbiac tini tba
ebUd“^||^ aatlta alght Aa %a
aalwaal tba arap




parwoi Otty aia bayUg paiairtist


BaM gave retlaf.
nUaf. Wbeo 1
Oaaa-a OtaUMal ao_______
fiaadeblld. 1 eroaaad tba atnab 1
pllad it aad,tor tba dial aigbi in na
aba aiapt tooadly and bafoia aai
wan aaalaaedaad toady for taatda e'alaek Ban nomia* bat motbar wa
aa Iba drat atora f« a boa. It aarat
watt uu wlaiat.
aaaa'a Olab havt deeldad (« bar baby ia a few dava Doaa'a Uioi
tba biwaa? at tba 0. fr,

Oeniune Turkith
> Korker, made oT thr
i>Mi teaiber. and all
bah filled. Tbe lUlionc^' liate and
mattite flame it
made of telect bircb
finished in mahogany
Tbe shapely back b
deeply tufted and
fuU roll amt. Tbe
conRiuctioo is Karl>en’s
Su beuer nuule. .A
fOckcT that will Ism
a 'jfetime. Calalocur
This beautiful Ex-tension Table, made
of quatler sawed oak
aod poliahed. When
Closed top is dta«2
ioebbs; when exienJed will seat ten peo­
ple. Has five sn-ineb nicely caned legs aad carved rim. One ot
the prettiest Din- •
log TaUet
in tbit store, only
We have them
all prices. A good
sis foot Katension
Tabic for 83.76.
Tfau la^e «
two swell . lop
draws and two
long draws; nia-1
terial used in con-'
uruction ii select ash, fine finish; tbe bevel mime n MxSU inches.
Fiendi plate. A dresscr of this style aad coosinictioD otben ooosiderabargaiaat 816 to
818. Every day sales
here 818.60.

ton«y lABbart dtovaMOartald
la rlaii hU alaiar Mlaai^ wbo te
Mr. Darbev awd telly aad VtU
Vaad lafi lU. bib tar Btnrdnaw
ftear. wbMo tbay hava fewt noatba
wark gateg te
Mrs. BalM a« OarBaU wtU ipoBl a

--------- dSi”^ik*a tea


fhw ........... I Irak
«g« Taaatete



TSb 4aM at Mra. I

— ■•.SS


60c G)ovM at..................... .......... 3SC
60c Cloves at................-...
60c Mittens at................... ............ 2Se
26c Mittens at...............
26c Cloves at----............
...... Uc

Pet. W
Mra ViU Aaaats a( Blk Baalte te
iMite bar tehar. Mb. Btey. M
v- Layal Bkatt aad Mbs Balsa

MaaM beae tbe tih.
Mr. anl Mra a B. Ester of Balsa
teted tbelr daagfaiar. Mia A. 8.
FtetabayjMeasateddraras. XaB
ten Pray kraea teBMBagte

TIRE line of FUR ROBES. These
robes ware bought at SPECIAL SALE
from th^ MANUFACTURER. Here is
a CHANCE to get a good ROBE for
PRICE. •••««« •«««

Our Elastic Cotton Kdie.1 Malirett is made
of pure white cMton, raided in layers, and it
fully guaranteed net to mat down « get lumpy.
Soft as a feaiber bed and light to handle: full
site, best tick; only $7.76. Try one. Others 81.76. *2.85 aad up.
Time saver for tbe
ladieais our Handy
No borne is
plete witbow
aod tbe COM
little. Tb» one has
afiUpouadgaJ two
SS pound bins, two
large draws, kacad
board and eneat
board cocabined with
-a nkc whhe wood
t<T> 28i42 IB. kitd-ca table, and only 85.80.
This beautiful Reed'Rockur is one of the be« laaife. Every poet
and brace is wonad with reeds.
----giving it earn IiJling qaalities.
The reed Bsed is tbe fine pure
wtutc. For comfort aad pMH
design it can't I* beat. ' '
Other targe genu' roll Reeti
Rockets fiom *2.78 up.
OerGOodUick Wasbiag Marhine is the staad-by^. I'eiy
stronglv made xinc bafiarnTtbe
lower wash board caa be easily
taken from machine to dcaa .
and dry: the locker pins are
iron and set
in malleable
iron sockets
to there i*
Only 83 8(1.

Don't tell to attnily
youisrif with one of
these solid odk Parlor
TaWes. l.n> is 8«s84
itKfties. wiib a beaded
rim. and quartee aawe.l
bravy Kreoch legs,.«upported with a 80st0
mehtbelC Kemembcr, .
solid oak and onlv


you will tlny% fiiu!
good aod the iirices the
lowest. Comfo-ts, tbe
kind that looks well ami
Siteoliae figured Iona,
conoo fined, foR aixe. «.*0.
KM Cotton Bed Kanketi. heavy we^ per pair 4Sc. Otbets
60c. 75c, 81 Ott.
White all pore
wool blankets, large
sire, •0x78. full
weight, extra value,

This ladies'


Sewing Rocker • solid nak, large cane seat Tbe back |ost estcads
fdO length aad has uioog bnnt aiwi. these
slats in back aad Its qaadlei. good yotte
finish, far 8L86.
For borne cntenaiamBU you dmold hcer
oaeofour Victor Talking Mteiaea. What
could be more amanag, as they ’will pn>


tee songs aad fowqy taytegi aa dinmetly as aa
eBOdten yam old an operate rae. Come m 1
Victor—m base One m opetatiao eyvry afteraooi
inten. They c«ib ia two sues. 818 aad *28.

Can eartsias aae Drsswks
feather PiBows^ tea-



» COST *

BUad aa Mn. sugar ora day te

■labalae Bteklar telvary Mak «
node two tewtUlag.
> Wb LasM soak saw with L
SM Bitgar te avaa«g te waak.


To Close out Relow

.knotbet cane eeai Dining tavtv. golden
4>ak; it has bnce arm>; teal it not skimpy in
hire, being 18 iachee in width; full ptw m
back, and six sp nlles; base has nine stretch­
ers. Heavy buying aJIon us to cheerfully dis­
pose o( these at 85c apiece.


yoTBla by all demean. Priea W
mtla rantae-MUbois Oo.. Bb&Io.
•> wbleb a apaotal |wi«iaa will ba- UZa BmMbaf'tb^
ad Bba aa olbar.
mvaa. Tba laiUw of;,Tiis.£X-,ir


B. McMANUS, Manager
auzets Phoae M8
j4S Ptmi Street


, si^Str-:3;;‘£Ssu“-a?£ii. Sl^itoaeeair'^rtUdo tbrot^

.tawH Mabel WaU Md BaaUo

“{‘hid *iK <*■*'! ^^>•i^^»aIy oataa! Tba
aa. {ilntra. Sra^tawa, j Moor.
Ooisaaad Pilaa. Ualy
•adby Jaa U. Jobaem : Hk.ami.

i. Oadlian baa (ivao ap hU blaek.

PMaia dliatac U aboat m
bwa aad tanaraoaar))'
aaartr ■all
poor wop.



Hlaa 1/

barlB rallavad la twenty bib.
klBioM Blraralooa
Eelactno Oil. Ataaydrac



e late dcB^ ad colon, good teaioa. Oa hcM iE wool
* Carpet, heavy, pa y^ eSc.

Onr evtaia departmeat is oCerisM nma
. .
- teas is a lot of odd curuiwi of from one
three of a kind; aoae
pain actede soiled saapfes; teK don't. They wS be efoaed out a
. bw a 38c apiece. 87M> IriMi Pont
^Oataas now


RafiM Kca.-a

You ril always find oa aod; the leader ia lew aieaa^ wwde. wfBS. A good Cork Laetrum per y^ 60c /
A vay heavy Cork LindeaB. oa hat. per yad «Cc
IWOdOdbSfieaadSfc. OR doth Ptttaa tar wada sieea,

wwAib. NOMrtaiii t4 tint.


Al P«n a«iM
«MU Md
nil- 8lrffa«i'« tMOBWal adwe] wfalrb
were claaadrrtoaTattoraae
the aoialtoax acmir. aad wm raa ua '

-• T«pi<mV« •lr«kin u pnaltlna

A/I Correspondence

tklnk U.r r*. A'.lu lir^^Uo »
X.' br mi l. -sIlhMCb It
mW »w be <*Dedji'den«e*Mle «tetarr.^ «b« MTUlaU a


M Mloirtsc -latrl^ef (be o
■•Mod Iwl al«U





.mSk m

u *w

m -a.r iwopto ha«

The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tbe



ie»» W—€tat> uaMabd

mtt l\wrt


For Overi##®^IZS^lk«>« WtlM
RiBibrrMt m
• .MOd»c




IWBS Md Loss or SUBM
racsii^ SitaalwTor



ConSdeniial ^

111 a vtMBbi>'a 0------ ------------ ....
k W7inj»rtaDt >
OitotMlWoa 'Hxaan can WTiie to aaother tcUiug bar the me
w Utot ber IrUrr w ill Iw.eoen b]r a troman oolr, —

b A letter witkost







— 1 farreivad with lutomt yoor advice to ^■tllCt» w-onorh
• to tou.for 1 have ben aafferiac for a lone *<«»- 1 bate (iirb
(li iiliooUatf
(TO tbruogb am 1 have beadeebc. kackt.ljc.
lu t> nrv ptluful, fcomvllBiea bava to atoe work vid iledowa.
r, aiol I an twabk-d with wbltea. Ucx>u« to bear from joe

CSSdcia «M bon to Nc>t York
m aid. lie worked



DBUaoaT. 6i

Lator be m-





-------- ----

is atoooluti^y fn^-.
.froohi Kueb edviee we herewith paUtota two IMIeri and
fa 9f which ahottld vIve every *>» woman conlKlence In
' only out' «r IhonaaniU of tbe oaiuo- hind uf Ipticrv

wigHd^ «M Mat algbl M tba Mi

wopdeifol VecetaM^Coeipj^.

«nl MMi. Ra pnetlead aaedtotoe far
rwra. a
Md far ea« rw «w ear
U dwa.

-----or the Tnttib IllfbtoM lifaa
wintod hto ar*j
the ebair eC cb«a>uu> at tfae

'''«#a t*arte

i For Job Work of all Kinds CaU at Tbe. Herald omce

tba f«a consent, nnd eUten b>'

baa been
on for tweni
lJiHa«. MM*.. K». i.-Dr. Retarl
C- KM0<i. for 40 fmn pnitmol at
atmminn' at tke HicUaB mtImIuml co»««> bar*, bst wko
and iMt JUB* ud





la toU bar


imilj IDQI9

-ierjr vnfalbbtataiftoal


I w—la a treble

told an J^w^fa

a^ronr BicdMae rcfT< n>d I caasot arpreea ay tbaBha.'
March Mil, IkU.
Mua lUnta QdQaoaT. SareaiaBa, X. J.* '
/\ -



_______ mod U .



^ ^

ALL 1 fit!


« *M hMVffht iteiit by •* aometblng etoe," but by Lydia & nnkhaa’a TafcUUa Oampaned.

_____ toward tbe tMUt

Tbe faai It oiled tbal orer nuu pe. |
Mb to Usdlaatce. wbeac nanc are I
iacaaded la tbe toil wliool oeneea ,

.rri./tlSFor job Work of aU KtadsCaUat the Herald Office
............................I tbe law* i«
*iSS V?

___i to mid to W aa at «mr lor
pitoaan. bat wbM Hamm ^axit. at
laiaMnea. ■maaradma tba tmbaie In
dac Iron alz eena to neaad aad
faead than, «wa l,0U taabato. ha


tMMNMbBle. Tbe Oeraaa a

bwM Ito ganiin raabt aad waM
OMMd the hatfar to Brtttoh ahona.
. *a tbe katoar ptaead hM faot
MtWkapH tba wanUpa to Of I
I aural aatote.
tta Him CaMKa caaida. at wbitt
«a la aBta*aHae*M. Tba *aiV tbaa
, wbare tb« 4b
ffaad al T Ola eroalaa. .

r U BBdll bllto of the
alto dan
I fa tlto extaal oT
aad MkatM
batbanmay from
I Uomsr taad faeai tlxm uaaM to
to Iba HUa far tba paraoae to saa1 vnartandae to Dnt^ and etbw
fa tbe fBareatfae
.. anbllpOT
tnak. wbteb wu Bade


lapr* Ml niaiiii nr n r-

____ adnatowaak. Bamototbework
«UI ba aada aeto|*toe«y, k> that all
amdanta vUl bo aanbaiad asMet tho

•a iba
•f of the
a baU


hair >•

atm Barafa Nor. b-*a arttofc la

Never elrim out.
I PoUabea etove
j without aoaing tbe

Tba H«*M Maaaea.
OM* Marea. Htob.. Kor «-The
into* raronie ralamd tbe PaeUo
wortr IbM attniad. Me la leaklaa
Mar saa to ww to SDaib Ma
oaUMx or a ori>bt>a dhr ecpec

No odor.
Doaa not mb oS.j


Flsaiag mill ia Caaa^a. nUil Ordtn SpIMM
Olfiet aad f»rd$ SIS Cakt Jlat,
,Trav«rseCity, Mich.

lie rangy 7 veatv cdd7wtL
wkv aright ISOO.
Mh So 1 Mam. One qian l.roan Mare*
weigh! Rlno 7 yran old.. X Na 1 team Lw wnrk. One Hiunjof
brown geMiogt weight SOttU, a good team fiv togging. Onr >|ian
Mam B ud » years oU weight SSOO all kmikI aa'I No 1 leaui lot
wwk. Oneraagi Bay Geldby S yearv old weight ISutf a hue work
ki»i dri> ing horw. Ooe litock gdHing weiefat ISSO a fine sound buRl
*■--------- ” ’
- -IngW or .louble and a goo.1 worker. One brown
riding 7 year, to' weight 1180 a nice driver lingie or double. One
:tn 6ne black }Marc bloekt
:v buih
built weight 1160 fi yearv old a 6iw
wngVborte. Oiw-Ba> \1a.e S yean
old weight ll.V) a good drivrt
tingle le doable. One Bar Hotm a. Ihile 1laagy 8 Venn cdd. weight
13UU a good dmcT OMk
BM*e O'
•» Ooubte
Ombte and a good rweitker. ''
brown, a fiae t]an
of Saadatd bred Mam fi and C yean old weighi
llKiti bar color weU ruaicbcd. .k(*irorbUrk IPony Mares' weight
1H »| 6»M»1 <tnven.

ebtfa Beret* ter eak at yew ewn price
1 SotcI Horm R*»l fa work ant good^to drive,




. 30 00
wtotok tog. gta-l I



‘ HWinmat..Bmy.




On a«»unt«/ mtolag Inie
tttw <iuarttrs in th* spring

-Complete line of-

Rough Dressed Lumber, Shingles. Lath, Doors,
Windows, Mouldings, and Building
Material of all kinds.

Pioneer Cioery Bam
i. njorgan



1.. W. E. Willuiu,. l.ui.,l-> Lo

liorses for Sale at

__j!!*ha betda »
to vbiH altktoaU

South Side Cumber 0o,

losing Out


I Will sell any Top Buggy. .Surrey, or .Kuad |
Wagon we have at atnolutely COST ^
PRICE tout. If the prospects are t^j
you would buy a bugg>- of some kind with­
in THREE YEARS, take advantage of t
this ale. You will have the use of the I
buggy at least three years for .nothing
When we ay COS I we mean it—will *
guarantee to prove to you.

: notice^
To any person or persons purchasing ;
vebide of us between now and Jan. isi
1993. we will give tbeir choke of any ve- !
hide we have if we cannot PROVE .to |
them absolutely that we sold to them at |
the exact cost to us..

; notice
We will give to any person or persons wrfao I
ed in buying a buggy and t
will come in and look at our stock
ELEGANTPRESENTwhetbertheybuy J
or not.

; notice
We have ntMhing but tbe very best grade
CI buggies. We give a srritten guarantee
with every one. . We have 58 different
Uylesof tbe lair-st pattern, bought in car
lo:id lots at tbe very lowest cash price.
See them, buy them, save money.

40 00

One Sorrel Hor*e weight UMi pacef,.^t *im. i.-icc... 35 OO
A'luirof Bk^y Orayi,ooe Mate one Hurve tbia ia fleth
. agood^efaoaadHmacitoaifhtSMe...................(40 OO


Craoerse 0ity
limHemeiit Co.
\ WSlattSlmt



rk sit



tH£ out hEUABLE


11. ISM


«r otaiklic tOkbt*


dtHfU oolof It Unr* mtf M M*t
tDfvWrt aw a (ao4m
Mt If oot <aaa»t atoro to
Mtd tlM »«bl Oirn w etc ot U It ae«
aMtaoMt to do. (far fulovlacraelpt.
It i« '« ««U kM«« t*M tlat
'eartfalr adfaartd M. It mM «d dn
^ •••
t>-. voM'* Mtoi
Tafat ball a bUI of bar
«B ihetr Mti or ouwrroiKO. 1
alt tritb a ooan of «ai
AktorBorUwcoMiw. Olo<rM
Tbc tiu tfaotH br laid Oal ea (fat
MM It It BttdltM *0 Mr.
MbM tad tptacrd allli tbli Ml
re tttM*. btl tfcew tatmtoett
> Ibt MUol wtlA qtltt M «(M Thta «klb t tult broth aod |«n wbito
> Ox tilk tbeu^ bt tariihlr tecob8lut ta two rtatlof wmlrrt tad


Ot>l, • UW* TMii*.

tentihtoc bat teppwaiir to Baroyatd
KaUo*l kollo*l kollao!
Tte tuaaldt an erytac op aad dewa.
On* a doodle del


Tlx pay Bare to ibt natto teU
CWLb oot a load Nticb! oelcb!
Tbt pneo* ctmttoc * tte well
Ha* toBttoioc win to aay.

wgripaad wtawr ttarrb npee.
tanyllbaabaranf gmlMTiet to tbc

Irotoc tot WK.o«.t<-..’tPd],^2^ana«"0«h! a*b!
iiUteMtoa afa..j.tni(tillbr;


^ On. Ih. U.M SUta Un
Pe-ni... for Cotlnfi.

*11* II tUabnlV
I )bt I0..8 nui.M read.

Thowofot olitBtr.

____ wbotenUaelwootdbtcltdto
.bii« Ite Mil ot tholr tecte fe.tai.ttt
tlrlan. Wb*' "»»o« «cll »b. rc .r li -*

imnE is 9to WBsnruwE

bus ibcj «.» rt
uv tr. .>.ib hub '.rM,
it tebeorn >>. rli u. too* l~« M
e wuboalott. le a
a eUw. Illmte way that aa.lnlytpeU.lteo.r

MmtH.R. C. SATE*, ^oa.

Tbt Asaaan Rala.
I WMtfe. tbt vlUM tKT wM«» m»
U draaabtd viib thlUr mn.
To ta U east Iht vtatfatr raat
Sal Maniac bliadlac. faUt ibt mla
UalU *t WUlcbt atan.
' Ami tka aMM tba rtetnr akr

Sba ctar ale^ ttovlr drtfb
CUI MMalr mj waltier tr*
■^ildi than riat aad dtft.
aptei aidttt, UU tkar diaelan

Tbt ald-ti*t ladn Maa.
Idka a «a« aaan kkt. tbal ihavi
BHiSl ialaadt HotMrad tlufoa^
ItUbdi of panda. paMaMdioM.
AaAtrttj mmm* bat.
U bn (ht tbfaiSn Ilatarad jtl
Haw wolr ifaoaU wt b«at.
■ban nnt Ml tfoa-iap U yba «ab
*'- ThatrMMaawaMaadalaar,
an4r Ml dattaan U terfM
■aaa at Ifat U«bt Man aaar.

waU tel^ LtBeolo
bit ibeabar at the act el Ma, bat tbt
mall of btr BolBtxic la iten taxlr
raan wbca ioiFraaloB for food art
Mti kttlac. eooU mtm bt t*to
teas idn
Wt caaaot biwt to «irt.lo tte]weatd
a Uaoolo, bn wc cm pUa la tbt
t of oor Unit eaet a irtat oobk.
Uadlj bnrt. that iball
Mr ibtlr owB Una. bn alto then
tbar («nt la eeetoet vllb la aar
tnay wait at Ult.

m orn tett ekatcr ticbt.'
r ea* imak wroe* aent-

: Br Ibt lotiowlacof
It tte .aa MaitSb^.
Wtawm k la teat
ta* tlafol getiomS

•at«araai<a*«tt.a>i4Utdaia faWi
Tboacb tte bear tekac
Aad kam Ut go tbtir beU
fnn SwM twit aad boB«h. n akaw 1 baotr itei the bool U aid
Ska (Toamd vKh la-lad toU;
aiMoobr tbt teart-taanat.
Sad kat act tba aaasMaM Saw:

Tht rnr ii.inawtataM.
Be tbaa.
ttfMfe <
taha m tbraMf (hai *ait.
Hiaat wnarwi* mb* nmfwiis
AaddoabMaadnttt, bfaeaatl
VMr 4i*wtU *a Nd aaani MdMi
Mac SMadaUr. O haartt
-OMa Doir Bahn.

at a Sna!

Hnl‘a aU U

Va*Maa*aa Mat tatha h**an Mas
AM sva ha«a Mir HMtB.'bew-

A gaad aaa n llaa br.


eUhr’t Uhk.

IkaMlawtacaitUla wrttaaaln tba
m at ddbW Hta 1
w wtUaa aC Mar It laa*
«<# haan ^ raaaa It.
mtlBc at a aalffabar-a.
naibM. bar Ian yaaraU na
blwntf alMi —t»T
na doc vttb a arbtp.ahn^
im *ana aaa
I Sacna wUbaall*:
aatlniact. I'ratrMaadartadta
taa* bln aa ba klaA hatbai
•aa raMC la mill iMal Ibaabala
liMiSj. wbd* «aa atm aUat aad


wSMbaMtadtanakaSr byn
S la tba av aM bkwtat at it
■b nnbnawlnlac w*t bated.
asMteaad. “Ob. tteaw Uaw^. ate
Mi* aUacl Saa. rwa tera pl«pad
wt* U waSl U k aU nMiif

tenin blateaw teaa bat ban.
naadaCtaSMc ta blaateai ate pen
HMa anaaaaa yUUaUr aad aoRwwfal■
aa aaa* bk bwt aad

SMtoa Ant Cor annatfal. Uadlr
tentn«abtapwao taa*roar aMld
Mn tBfteiw *ot an eat al Oa«-a
laiinii k aea aanO ar aaabaabk
at bMriiad Ob. ate atSttln abtt
te apacad If aa* aad araar «at

teaMatol^ i(*a
abMl SU tea *iU'a

of Sakb to oat i dim wbi*
« aite for bot to low atte*.
to Utllt atteatloa It ptid lo ibt

kaUo*) kolltei ‘ kail.oTht Bnt Co:;..Onppir I'rooo liot bid brr Snt rpe—
(lookt who eta bro.t t..e ->
d, Oo* t---o*lr do:
fry tu inrfretlOD Itil e.i. rit to a*t
-Vm-T F. Bain.
toepof colfn
.1 reUl* nut bat..•till > loltuvpoe fnnlt i. «• -vi rt ...'mil.a ofthttetmic. Tbrrran
lou of beaicket^lrn wlx an ablt to _
torn oal aeopoi enfa..- til tn the
woolda't ktov a ml pc if
*ty ftlloTrr ii. bei tb-y .«.• few aad

tbrlt eopi
tl(b' pnplr take Srt uDoce* of coffrt.
TtbbOB aad told to OM t« Md a raan piu*ofnll.
m ano:
Utz wilb Mooeb oold water lo nuke
oeobt mkt a tabom of lit
bnirr tod let •land lororrrM
,'l tte koa*. ow maat ten *» hoor. Of it Bay to mixtd lh« olfbl
aad tfaert 1* bat tea prtaa- btfon. Pal *b
k eo wbkh.aU bewa. krp «
bac aad poor ortr it two qoantof
Mlltot Ototof- Tbr ooSre 10 be and
Detbto Iterlteao ia(p eat loop, oae aboold lx ItTt aeo Hoeb*'

two aad* ora nq»l*Ml. kart w»
oaimtlblaaiap. Tnaa fold 15*48
Th* Tflek of Rtatinp.
Mtar oea on>oalM * It If yoa waal
Paw wosxe kaow faow to r«ti at
foot locpt fold onrtwloaMoro. -hoe
iteT tbeald
Tory ihtok ttoy mail
take II bnly * tbt nlddlt. thli 1.
oDdntf tod p to bed to be tbonocb
when n Baey foil, aod pint U op.
Thi* b a Blaukr.
all tbe tlm potMac It likt o tIm;
proTlded.toen i* a (able or Unit fool
twlM *t ttmlaUc kopb tad poU dool to the rooai oo wbtob toe fnt
>Md *at bow *
aay mt wbib Ibt otbrr part of the
tnelTt ItetU *» a pitot of ribboo body b inppanedby aobalt Yooeea
tea*. Poll tte loop* bard alto, aae nad oed i«*l eemforubly to *b fa*yoB WlU dad *U U M aann ol loo. oad let It to wbbprred rlcbl b
mklac a bow t for. batoc dnaly
mo OBCirdTr* that If we WMl
* tte Blddk. tte aadi aad loopt eau (aiD 0 BulaoDvof Twt >0 0 bIdIb
ta twlaatd la aoy tbapa n ta*loa oftlm wttooold copy that totlepot.
aad aim paann *al allff, faaoty aii
bnltofolui* of iheautoeUa.
wbkb U *a nry antDot of a pteprly
Irooe* -Md pot oar fort ooonioeally
elcbrr toaeoorbnda Faihioolable
o wbom tor aeoetaUy of
.wtoc falicte Md of eror
lo*toc toetr bnt ha* toostal ihu
Watl^p Saby-a namwla
koa k. fall totothu potnre wbeo;e»er
an to the neloaiou of tbtir
Tte Bal^t aodarw.
wn apartaeoU.
aaael. ai aofl aod I

ao inifty fr<tai<-a(x-n. a.x- u. thf
ttoctoocToe rRo*aaoo« of the tttt
anllelan, ate n gtrto luc i-lmutu
Id ay pralH to ton* UuxM>..f«
teniutell. t'oryfoniHiScr.d.
icolarrh o( the iinmarti. *i|
ftoTing nIurl.M tor iTliid. lx*
*prlagIw>-Dtior.4..rteu,b.oUAe lu to
roeatrd by a chauge oi *|max ate
I wkUa UxtT a frtoad terltte lue to try
IPuTifaa. Aft*riutagtwoU«il*tlfa«te
: aytef my an* taivoTwl. n.e n.
xtotorayeW dhimt toltg anr n
tUghVlcuamerinytrUeurd. yet (.w
awfaUattotrodtocmtlDue tto Uw of
IVnua. 1 am bow tmtltg aiK.ihrr
p«l«t With you ardlflor. Kht l..«
beca *Xk with aaUrla and' tnahlte
with hucorrhua. I Ixre not a (toabk
that acute vui to tpitellr teccitd."
------------------- gfn nff/ti_______ j. .j

Olrtaa p

rola tte boat

A for Spelling Thinpa
To ipea a wlft-Ptod loalc
To rp^l tea or eoBae-^Boll 11.
To qnll ooatard-ltoke top lootTo *poll aeon plMU-Water them

wooita c»Baat* * two or *m
wnUbf*. aMlec
ao ahrafakao
aad roach *at tbty InllaM <bt too
I kaow than na ae errora
dn flnh alnoil bayood aadaxaoot.
To apoU bnier—Do aot w^ oat all
to tte paaa ataraal plao.
Tte foUoaiac awtbod bat bean atae
And aU ibtap wnk uwetter
for yaan wl* OBTarylo* ncaan, *. toemUk.
To apotl a earpe«-J^w*ep it wl* a
Tor tte Aaal coed of ma.
totalolBC tteii toft
rtlff. faaU wna oroeoL
Aad 1 kaow wbn mr aoal apaada Staey to* aatU wno eel.
To apeU ebUdne-BoowT ttom to
On b* water that bar total
U IH paad ekcaal caaat \
eoatytotoc ttey bkppea to i^tok *ey
.M baar yoor head * eoaUorta
t *alt aar. u I la* teeknWbward. for fhuiarl naan ba boUtd aad bo.
To tpM
waltr etoaataa aad pailAei iv
aeln a Ut^ boeaz la Iti. ana add froB a eboet of paper to a bar of eaat
Uaaef Ktnatet.
(fa aoap to mka • Broef ndt.
Haaa an aatMTaar watalaadbaTal
tba flBBaal threoefa two water, * To fpoU a ntaoel—Obaup tn*en
pcepaiad la *b way. tdanflac *» -.rery tlm nae oae to *e dblriet
ap aad down aod robbtac c*llf k» AaditaoU.
who dada btr btlllewllb dlit a
twttelte haadt. Booffa oitce tW*
i earelenly. aad lu all *a
an* tbt tottate. Soap tbeald botw
ba appliad dlnotly to tte fttaatl.

nto of^StoSS
ttetraWte saiua.

Interest Ini Letters from
CsttMBc InsUlatiwis.

aennJ SiUtrt of «n«te fate_____
- iity^e(toAte«MCBa*ar«a.
lo erery coontir oi toe clrtlltod
world ths Stater* at Charily arc kiKT* a.
- ■ ouly •

Soremlxr Ttb.
apldto* and lofad- oteffron Ite BJanrSteHtor.
Today we will eoolieoe oor mile
“Some year* ago a friend* euinitlIcets* faceda ot
•tortee fren ear yeoac ebloteo pow
nx charge* com- tatlanrccoaimrodad ton*r>r.nartmaa*i
aod we Aod that oor girl roaUrr
IVruoa a* an rxoeUrnt remedy fur tor
«n an ooi brbtod :io tbe good
ears, hot they *wjln0ocnxa* which WT Uxn had x-rml
woik. Pearl 'Bdell wbott poilufflce
atokter lo th. ir |nxtwbl* tnuanoltoto* a aerton
addrea* I* TnTtnt Cliy, write*
bodily need*. 1
many chUdn-n
ot ate 10 piT'im Trom
Uar Hra B*iea~I ihoaglit that 1
Wc iTgaa to am it ate oxyrrlcoHd
would write you a liiib lotfar thooi cllm*e ate dIjNux, thrw> wire and pra< nob wonderful Ttxulu (bat
ay ohi*ro*. My tbler ted ayrelt dent item bare found Pc-ana a oen-f ivmna hit become oor faroHte mcall-



ThenaBMateateraHOtoIbcH. lefa.
fan baTt been withheld from nepen
to toe Btecr* hot WlU ta torofahed u|na
OofhaU* toedinom «hxl. titoeiOtMklte arc due to ruuc ralcrrh* de>
rtngtaenl of th* martnu mre^waot
lining tuaa organ or ixnaga * (ba

catey that woold act Immedatcly
apoa tba eonatlrd aseoo* memlinue
- rtogll 10 lU bora* *atc, wouM
-qixaOy curt aU th.-x. (Uanxw.
Th a marrb when-vw localed,
wbether It br ia tbc facddMbnxl. bag*.
taaacb.kldbrysorpclWrorgBa.. A
mooly to* will con it to taa loraUao
rlUcom Ilia *1 locaUoc*.
If yoo do D* rreclrr prompt ate aalte
ctoe for USocBaa, ratarrb, cold, cough factory roiolu Iram tor oh * perona,
*r iTceoUy reoelTedby Dr. Rarlal core to Dr. Battaan, gtrl^ a
aSUterBixtrH B. Callam.llO
airatBt*yearcaat,ate ht wut
WTwaaxBf ftoaa,.________
..l^U ttru-t.
_.* New Toik, -----JI
W. ThlrUclh
------------------or oar of (te Ceacro/
topleatteWgircy^wblt TBloahk tea* foUuwai
I Stem wHOtmhy Cte Skier Sapfftor
SU' loo «____
________ Ek*f tetfioa <
satarr* mi
a/ tte fav>
m mi catarr*
* Aariw


■et three brat tod itaey raae off with

drraed for tbe able. Two of ay b*t
year'* heo^ were otUi ibelr aotten
woold oot OWB UxB wheo they were
• wt toucan of Ihea. Tbtir
oaaet tn Birdie tod Oaddle. Two
of tbe be* eoae off wl* throe cbl*.
Two of then died *0 tone wai
J*l. ax left. Wc Boaed that oee
Dl*ay, .We Ht oee of tbea afato
ood ibe bad bettor leek. Birdk
off with tolrtoee eblekt^* ood ol ...
bawkeaoibtXe of theta, laacotog
to 117 ay look aeityeir. 1 aay bare
better tecona 1 tba* job
eo* fn tbe t-oollry Jooml yoa test

'yard. FUyU u! 1 gol|: obI ..1
Fnai year Soorhinrr.
Etb* Ony
Dear PnUdeal—Uor chi.-krr.« 1 .u .
itt oil rlgl.l, ood we got |:.b0 01 1 l
Itea ood tbera are nine ot tlxa Irli
Papa dot'I lika to bate them 0 Ih*
haro aad they tenteb ibe dor*.
.-t*lap. ao Igotu we willten toib.p ibe ’
poolcry boitoedi.
Yoon trulT,
Ployd L. Gia.r.

A little Soaabiee boy ood poolBy
Etoel and Darid Bow of Bordt*.
ralnr wbo data oot feot aa tbooch tUU ttU llitir imie tkoiyaboot Ibelr
te eoold WTtto hi* OWD latten .
ebi*m ia tbi* farbioa
>bappy to bataoc a pioA aoum wbo
Dear Mra Balrr—I wlU uil you
iwTliea hb letut for tala, and toil 1* aboot oor ohickroa We did n* baTt
goodie*. Wrttt two bMt Wl*
. Ooi. ». 11
toirteoo egga apiece and we nikte
Dear Hn. Batea-I tooeirtd year
rteeo *1**1 They an xnrlyj
ktod latter octroy two wa*t ago'aad _ alee larg*;; ebitoen*. atarly foil'
tutlociteuaoewar il *000 otter gtowa aow. Pb]b Ic goiog to get o*
war *0 Buy abe did oot ml Hat
Bante Plyaoalb Ro*< thu!
wSgbhic. I bopa t3 te'able to write ------- rr. Wt teTt a baby boy; ho i*
yea a lelbr aU ayMlf tom A
alaaopttoold: bt Uai cote aa fat cm
hare bad to lUy oot rf tobool qalle br. I Ion to tokt care * bla. 1 go
a good deal 00 aeeout of ceetacloo* lotoheol.
Elbe! and DaTld Bow.
dbnm. Lott niamet 1 eaaghi Ite
wbooptog eoogb to akiooi tad ay UtBofbore lwe * oor'lUUo pooltry
;Ut brother Uemaa. oor ObrtotBM
talan wbo “didn't hare any to* at
gift to IVOO. look It of DC Md died tot
' Krrar atad. Sanbcaa*. Yoa
It* of dooe. I mla him rery ao*.
did your bo* aad will bare better
I and to dnw ala ia ay rapten
lock oezl ttme. Tbit lx wb* Mote
wogoo aad one day be trite to f*low
Md Alla Oorb* * Nnl ny:
ae to Miool aad aaaaa fate to '
Dear lira Batea—My cbl*ru*dld
aod g* bla. 4 kiww that te it nft
BMdowaUataU. 1 bad *ix toiekoD*
wi* Jet* aod hie two Utllt ti
tolfareaittttaga. I fad ilxaenaate.
io BnTrn. Md 1 aai bytog to te a
wont Now I ban gel two oot*'
ebrtokiM to ttel I aay oteei bla
My leaeher’t oaar If Hta* Myrtle
Dear Mra Baua—1 dldo'l hare any ^
Dexter. I like bn rery aoeh. '
la* wi* -ay *i*ea* M *1 I only
glTM badgee Bade of tdoe aod white fate fear aMItage, aod tbt Snt hi- '
ribboo fn aot wbirporlog fn Stc tlag* I had wot pretty good, boi tbt
dayt. IteTtootwbbpartefotatoog
wen' oot at all good. 1 only
laa. b* Ihareo'l ay badge yet for bad m enl*en* IS all.
tn*tt il oot of ribboo aow.
Alta Cortot.
Wall. BOW I WlU toll yoo obeol ay
Old Mlalao. MieU.. <>ci. tu. ItOl
m*ODa Maaaa aoe I did a« ten
Dnr Mra Baut-lmnind yocr
try good la*with oblekeoa
did oot bal* :weil. We ted Itim 8*tuday 000a aaktag ar bow
m 00 wi* my ebi*coa Dr.
[ 90 Unit eblfilia to all Boat of '
tot little ofan dite. two old b«u died Prmeolt of Cblsago gore Jack aod 1
Bclglaa iiaret. aod wc bare
tome owe to* tore* be* oot of
baeo laUlog farm iaiitte * *irkAl 00a tlm ter oU dot bad lix
harea aad oetbteooly one tar. Ttoy
toret loaotora. Oat of ay root
«a getof to girt to toae attdy tea. an Ttry good U nl htnoa tbay lirr j
m* good talaga Ttey nt elonx
tly fn a ThotewrlTtoc dtoatr. aad
d oak aad ten to ten tn* want
ma WlU bay tot Mbn two rootlan of aa Ttet will aakt at abeal cTrryday
Yoon troly.
terte doUan to aeaay abon ozpe

Bofu Mfuat tte wtur. anklac very
Criary Salad.
A my • •mty" ooapoaB
batbtab Dir Ibt tab trat aad link toap or robbtof oaoM
m-cr Ihro^ eltor wotn of tba
ny bt te d at alaott aay
Itea rob licfatlr art* tba ten
■t aa that ated for wathtoc tbt year b etleiy nUd aadt la tht
elo* Bnrrmtlfoaf fotoin
tfanach a nbbar Wktocot foUowiac a*oet: Tbc UcnditDI*
an wlU dlnppnr, aad aa laaaaat>
Ttea jo« baton baoctog *«b oo> an eet teaoap of *opptd oelety. oat
trt* rob art* a dry Aanaal arUl eott
aedioB eiat tort an>k *opped toe.
pMatteta* A poralal« Mb on bt
ewbr*li traal
oae tmpeeotol of bone rtdbb, oae
id BOMord,
r afanakro. Plaea ttea emoetU.
il et brown ti
■ tron tte diala ptp* el aiak.
oe *a llaa letteaae*UM w)
aad arUl heap ite uk llatU parttell}
a oa Mlztte
I cwtk btotaa wiU Uew threacb ttea. . obltry and appb tacetoer Md let
awatt aad okaa.
Bnry part of tte wark *eald ba doer
maw oata all paan aad tak
«aed fn a Urn betert addtoc tte
M tptkUtyu poaalblt.-Vow Hasp otter topedbo* 8dr tte beraarodiifa. aatard, aopw aad oUn oil 10ten it aad lariofioaa aad tadn away
U k ao* Ttilattk that U pot la dir
catber to a taoe* pu* aod ted te
A Ba^ Kkmou.
tte celery oad apple. Altoeacb tte
wlU qolefelr
iltlt cumnt fn Ubt Swte'
I nMa ea tba faarto apoa
niad U toteodte to te
aix-Hoette-OU k a pf* wt* Btaatl
wbl* II tel ba
te Bade, it wUl imtto fn toae tlat
to whkb btr atoall najatiy b
Aa a'baaebn ktreaaea ataadi talfb.
to «eod eoodlllee If kepi toaeool
to* tor teat aad teal oonfecl
Pal bait a taaeopfal iaio a wa*lab
MU. Oalythrw qaartenotayordai
of waltt aad ttea noeetd wl* ibr
Pne* Staatl k aeamary. Tbt pal
A PollMinc Pewter.
aaafalac after tte aaaal Ma*od.
ten na ba per*and fn 10 or it
One of toe niy bnt polUbtoc
aktbaa will ba wtaltar. awoatar aad
mu. It *oald ^ Tory reoay ao dan ttet im teer and to ay kiiobto
■na brrlaalo. aad clnan ttea Iter
it nay to aURwd
I dltoeearte qoiit by tecldtoL Tbe
aaa ba pd wltbool tte on of tte oil.
Tbk i^rtleotor Unk n* b to nace woe betog etooDte oot. aod to
It klU.
bt titBBod wl* bteda of ladb tilk.
then wt* a
a lift, ae Utet a
tM fotey atll*toc. Tte boadtore qaMllty of giy doit, a tut of ta*e
coma an ntartr daanerad
tolaadtotteflaeael wt*brinKttob.
a* tot * Boar, th* w* tofc•etotwbtod eatoeldny
u eat vltb a larga ipooa. lo watowUl etna Hitf wladewt
of tthebiac Sobfan tte towor iDC to* apoeo II wo* ooUete Ual a
natlrron, cirtac tboai
edp of tte y*o. aad abon ttb wa;
wai' aoqotrte.
It WlU naka dell fan
bt worttd lUilt
Del at wall at too* of tteaeldiaad
Poor *ttoa of tte mbtoideir CiTtO
btkfcdan pann aaad. aUU ae waU «llk aad aqaartnofayardetladb
alwayieatdii fnpolbbtog
*ai a Ilttk tab tracoanlr pina will- rllk b aU *at b aeadad fn tte tris
tlawate. If pel oa vl* a teap
kaap than la coed eeadltkiB. aedew-t
elo*. a UBn wlU laaedbtely ^
haadt do Bot aatn by *a m
Tte klBow b a ooMol aa woH a*
that I
tbay da if tte aelda an aaaC Afin Betty pan of a baby't toyotaa. *rto aU oUxr pewdu.
peU*lBC hnn It tbeald terobhad tn*a ttoyllUlaaSabefafawdaya
wt* awe* eU aad wipad dry.
old It b obaadp cormal to hoTo. aad
A SIntob CoelKowtr Pkfcb.
a balr teale temrat k a naBotber 1* ioeladiac a nl
Thm bndt of eaallSower. m pdai
elPe. Pat a UtUa la a itUr (kn. of tte datoty Jtpaaan note to Ite of eUer rtoicar. oaa tobkcpnafol of
1 tert left. 1 paid fn ay
afIn paMac eu tte llfbl al aicbt. oetit
•otly bratoa etoautea aad laa cap mdtr aad ten ipMt abtet fOe
aad dip tte tlM of *a tapci * tbt
of aoc*. O* ap toe oaoHfl
ehleAea fete ate o*tr tbtoga 1 la­
Oyttar Pot PU.
aUaadtobiteaaalp llwlUkeapIbt
ta pi* ap BB*1 tbillitntte
Snldaqwrtof eyatantottes ewo
baad parftetlr ekaa, white aad fm
OBIU alaott toedn.
Iren daadraS. aad will hriac ta w« llqtn. aatil tbay are plaap ap. ttea taneaghly aad ptoet to ogd*b Jar.
—aaaaadlwaat lobayapalrof
*lB tten eat aadaBtOTBaim '
balr arapid yeaac mwtb.
Boll tot lyrop a few aloalat aad peat tBBt part bntd to tte tprtac.
Laal Aad neat inperlMt. krroatat
OTH tot nallAower. te a taw toy*
- 11. I gtea ay tetin k cotttog
•carat at a boa aa held tenady. T« to tot Uqons natoD wt* aaUai
poor OTR II 0^ boll agate, aad poar qola teag. ao I wtU tooB okaa
add a cabbapooef
qaeta tte wonaa tran wten ezpnt.
tte ^1* eaee aero. Tbb h
Today ia ay t* btatoday aad
tbtabort ftotl ten btta dnwa: olbetterrabb* wl*atabkwiooal
(bltotou to tot faU bot wUl not knp
aam cart m a faaU aad papa
ten nnd ay oldm bey twle. of Sear. lUtt a etot Ufte binoit atloogattot BMtottobento pbkln aeob* be* ate gaadpaganm
by tte an or ktmtw Tte Sn< doeeb aad loU oat aboel a qi
UoM it wai eat ea a rta* * Kaant. H to* *1*. Oal tote tqn
:U box ftoa Aast 1*. Bt had a fyarfol atta* el nanbrao drop to* tte betitoc *Wa
ipvHii father vat mta* ttonly aad eo* ao Btoetea..
A girt wbo bat rery ilfUe gtort
ttonadto yea for itei
T»kt op OB a bntod dkb; ate tte
enr tte pralri* tor a doean, who
■oatynn that ate aenr teyt aa ex
aoald ae* ba pi la tint, t va
. nkre white glore. bat gab Ite foog* to Inn ttea. Good bye.
fn tte boy't dnih at tnfy «
tibUBjU «olA --Yoa kaow wbito kid
- FroB you UtUa Boatolat boy.
Wn amcc>«
bmlh.vhea la
a. to keep ttea teoktog atoa.
Blad ra*Bd a aviac of BT aid I
to okaaad Tory oIub. ote oftot
Priamii tf
Btta* tad Floyd Ooay. wbm aaa
‘Wt alwayt klUtd amp wtd
Uxtm It Tiarant OMy. Sid my
a.- Ifatdaboamerbnadrittia
Oot *t na* ta aa* pkon wobtob- gtofo WiU DOC la* w«a Bty bayl^
By *l1dtea<l bat Ifate I blaaaad bt> bat fn aHTtar. tern than to my tte ehnp <mm I aadtend iten woU. we tbtok. Wa wi* tbay .
n 1 aataad aty katp. hkw oat
UMto Soar, pat tteB to a aaanpaa ofm ate Bate not fa* wanefal aad
Sam aad aaeattdtd * foMac a
wt* foal aeeacb eeld wain ao BeB* I weoUa'tteTlH
U reaabaai ay abUteat I wUl
af tte cdl lata ny *Ud'a math.
berala*. Wbn U btctoa aa alB- o wri II wttooakai. torgoteatto
yoaoow. ItedattnbmMid
oom wi* bn warn, tad add
BT*kpkB Btektotapkw tpUt
ganBanmos^fnftte. Tte
tte eteoa glam ettuof teto then.
baa to* tMbaSSakkteaa. to*


Tie. KtrlmM ctmiTn auny l-'tet*
tnoa CttluUe buu-n *1 one I be t'ul Rd
a. .k l•cuoIl)lnld rw<«ily iv.

w liM l.tpi»a«d It Btroyard




Handsomest Lots in the Whole
Plat. Inquire of

Tmos. T. BA-reS.

Caa>CtfW <> hralthi* ate rrfmbiiv.
Caa-ctnw l* an iD.-igoniing lunk (or bred atnde* ate weary bain.
di;r«tkx. toTeatea tor appetHa. dnr. <!»■ baad ate
.....uo.r. Iiticue* mite ate bod}-..
Csa-cinw .• a tioc tone—net a hba abaoton.
Caa-CIna xatnxairvciaed.ateatiileteidrrv.ver in atbaoHiao •
All wurkd*—whether wah auedeer toaia—fba gal tartegth to carry
^..,.<i.r,r wolf .lunrie tor cold weaiber. by odog Ca*d»o.
I.-cjinxaionly it >»
I ..r vUc uul)

It i* (nw il il tall* tn brn-At

•S* Ibt «U son ttM da ym WMk*

Our .nvath*.

Try > Ixttfc- taday.


this is
on the

Teddy BtgUy-

L'*tad Biaiaa prteoce
oae If* of tba wotid'a crop cf wbnL
ArgoBitaa. ot
of*- ocOy
• i_________
cf tte toad la now oader ibc plow. 1
rapaMa of ylaldlag toor tlaea a
aacaat. n twealy-foor tlaea aa mar
M ate ia aow prodDcug


IVe aaTc yoo Bumey today, tootanoo. aad al tte tiwn. Emy
day of tbe year wc giro you prieea that are worth ymr wh>k~lo ocaiaidcr. H'c dc* in CA^ ONLY. By b«rii« yon cracerin mt n
you do oot help pay kmi oceaaienri
deteg biMmn aponacndii
teaia..^ IVherceke ta tbedty caa yoB get
Ui gam* HmtermmmMmitfS^Ht...

, gated SaiagFStekr...............................................«eS<w7<Wlte.........................
1 gmammOU........ .............................


Enterprise Casb Groeerir

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