Grand Traverse Herald, July 17, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, July 17, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


-fr-5?r /?--E.-ww’»™*
,xH. *:;.■« I




TbM* we wUl make



Tire TnsUrance!

mmmimusmxt Money to Loan on Improteil Real Btale Onfy.

. aad t kaaw abe'e

Plat* Claaa. Steam Boiler and Accident Inaurartce.





Johnaon Bloek. Phone 73

Aad •toB

b«M> V Irukra.
k. lu, M.
H- ll aadtkkl >M, Li.h^iMilcb

hr rtraetk. va UM«k feti..

Traverse City. Mich.



>^h^^|j]te|»r*wisikiw. aad a
e.uil.' brrasr frotu the aoiiib ewayed
S’oa aboold not Bs«lcel aay pan of th.-lo
UlUijoar toilet for tl>e lA-k of ToitK Arti
atn. and Uw >
otbiuic nil*/_____________
Bbe had }eiielcanii away the hnak
tt thtan. aad daated the library
dhalLaud Buw aba
PUWDEBS. •(&. an so plMiUlal bar*
tba wiDOow of tbe I:
at latoM wilhie the nadi of alL
mice «Ul faatiloa ibtatidc for tbe
Hnaaally lb.r*
wan two
iBporeneat of tbc boU.ckio or iMtb
v^nat^t^rlaptMab. Asaab
Wr cell
Aaal Harr •
ban alaad
Tba Best
BUlil dvv o'eluok. Ha
liaa. and triag hli aaai
wuold aw.
borne with UIa
'-'Aay atrl yaiv' ha aalJad.
rrpind ABBabalwlb a little
oah l. is be
va'll K*l
l~na« IniU W~. I
^^Asoafarl boDc sp tba raeaivor with
a (niolaul liulr JrH.
"It • all >.ry wall i o lay va'U fat
a grtiBblad,
tlo>4t .
•bat vr
,t do' Oaorga









Pere Marquette


WiMp. m.





U «A m.

Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
■e*i,v.uiiucu«. min.iiMS h
. c>^
kcudiar*.* ntm
ban tnl^nauifukro.

Ui h..

Cbtte art Bsr^las.


~’wOwtaME^ Miaiy. I«pi>. «:•
a a moauam. amt ftm am>


Ys » 6ran<l traverse Land Ce,



CMirCril;Mp» 0.a*LI>(»nB<





<A. ol



W«k «( Mth • «faUMMl •■ to BTBl

foods we

caiT>', such as

Pillsburj-'s Vitos. Grape



Sugar plakcs.

etc., etc.

Many people use them in place of neat.


848 Front 8tr*Bt

BOO Aor* ^RPm #or
Two aMl oBe-hrU mOet froca good aeiket.
gnecOr kam. »»e «iiT.

Good •ot). noctly

VAy tent timbef. wOl bhag U.600 «

mrcjawk^awntlen a In-------

■UBfcet; 6*iT«aoRAud; S7 aemteedieg; M xnt potatoes 6 aoe*
8 aoea con.

•ooda feoced far pamra.

Balaace of land, rnrtading

Good 8-roon house, with stone baie-

Good 6-mn tcfuuH hooae, ttooe fouudatiou.

Feed uuU

SUsSO. S-«or7 aad baaeoMit. with tools fat tbeUiog and griudiag

"Wa Mnilid nil yoa

Sr ■■T.‘u ,s


"Tbe mlaiag ma i
taaiMed aa hariag (be napie
amVfd ot ecMw. bal tbe iwafacaat
woabla-lboariolt;. H.derWadUdigaaally im be oaaldm'i a|mre Iba
ilweiaenfrombireolUetKm ToaoAo
a lorn
abort, bu Twm

___ of ntk7 b^' n taatrd a^
aad fate* oa cold
ual (er gMi.nn aad I
tiad of a >ob w gettm t^ UMle ama
;• It
Kalleawood waa Iwd Imr.
nn of fortaae ----------g o maa Aiwa
aad gtabbiag him by tbe ormt ntia
I eear Imrd of ia my life.

SIS nr?____

group t)mt ia ertll hmag wor
macb^l." -


etocie taller, ^a^retarwed from a ^

Hni irf (I

matrrlala tor ibe gloraa. oa far
the woebc gameoti woru by (be |«ga
u made from tbe Oeewa of a epmtal
Burt of ebeep dadmiad to tblf parpun aa.l .Mrie-4 by a family ibai baa
More tbe middle «l Ibe aisleaatb
eealary lajoyed the pr>' >fa<*
"Fromtbla herd of ally ahoep o
ber of lamU are aM ntdk mmb
■UaiauBary tl tbeoe lamas no
1 to (im pupa, aad la aa tnfantdenlag

Af-r that tbey a


the inpaBaibiUly.
We'ra gi
a taka ^1ligbi iba ^ Tte—Iba inid te Ured
aad waola to mire nrly. aad alw baa
to anar nrle. toa. youliaow."
Ha paand le Um nUli
Iwayaad lookbontdaofi- b won anmod Ibe aeefe abd body.
Ibe ama fatliag over tbe kaft <dmldir. Befne Vota U« wean <me of
may (mlliana tl aiaM lie liv a
p Iba Main ohaek
—..ala ieagtb of time apoo Iba nr-


'“hBaabal did act riae aarty tba aeu
relBji Slie waa lUed-^aad aUepy.
bar miad. Bba did DOI kaow Ibai'
Oeorge waa .Ip at daylight aad baailuig
down Main


ret vitb rtoC»Mlaaa« *re altS Wttb
geld aad alleer: \at ibeae girgiMi
le aeldoaa wora i
I iu tempDcal'to


aflar a wblla aba dimly o
•oe laianoe npim (non. ee ar^»
dad that aanabady waa rmll
ea|w- t* •• Ibicbly nt wttt geM that
IU weight alone woald prrveal Iba
ba nylng!
old aad frail pole from woortagU."
...................... ....
~ r York OmmtroUL
yoa laiybonn
Aaat Marr la bote
BbdbriabfaM b walUag "
Aobl Maty come' And Um faoMam
The ktog of Swma U aekaowfaigm_ap^ to weleoma bar. Uh. wbal a .(lobrmmoflfaa amm laaraod nia
isSarofn. HU Bm)oaly-a lotton an
Hew ibo bsMled oe bar garmnb alwaya am baaaitfal to laaAaml
Bd twlcted op ber praUy Imlr.
a aad lalauvaa. with a
,nUy aamapemda. keeb
Wbae aha trtppad lato (be library,
m gr.anit katerm
ra looked about bar aagerly. U-orge
1 apa^ aaraa dlCnaal
aa atabdiag by tbe maatel. and la
I BaUabary. wbm
tbe dialbf room doorway the aew
im. oon aaPd t
•laid looked at bar with a mlUaf lag at Mockbolm.
-................ rol.;
Wbal a •
' Wban U Aaal Mary
aba erioO.
Ooorge aorwared ber qaaaileolag nra. Yoa laTe wnilea alt ir
giaiioe by epaoiag hte eyn eery wide tbU
Myed aonathare. bai ba etpaom bit
abd ibaa abatltag oao of Umn eary diSanmt____ _
oa Iba late ananoaa aapan
mV -tT write or ntak O
- Then Mood a eeatly garbod wooaaa ;
1 waal to have a real am liiUa
tkngef Swodea kaabad
"Tba refareaoe proeeo lo ba all kkng................
a wouab ot midUla age, wttb a pleat
er for bar. yoo know"
ba nld. with aemalit am>le oo bar anoiawly
wriy face.
>f aeane. '^’aald the i
faamble aroarare we
rallied, lua.
a aymiatbMia aod
Aaoabel looted (rum Oeorge to U
iglil rigbl of llie Mraager.
.ad yoa moat let me balp yoa got
oow amid, aad ibe nw mald'i emi
right III,- aba wud. "fm
alowly gUd yua
rua ,dtda'I dlaaifiolal ae
Tba aaw maid
Tbn tto’abdiasiood.
"Ym bare my
' Tea—yoa are AbbI Mary I" aba
afle# larnmlimea. " ebe a
. oara kaagaaga'.!’ Bta
"Ob. bow atapid 1 am! ’ aad
telrpboaad! " imiatrad tba
Ob. lamaotaaaaaiani
BOW aaampilab tUa
atrabfer. aad aba Mill iwil '
pc«med AaaaboL
"«h. i!,^agaa<-y .paopia
. • rapUad
"Aad I'm care tbaraiiaoUitag anIt wan’l a vary aiea ptm of
-Ttl BtU.
Sea t ] a all dowa'"
Ian• Bboal
year leaba."iald
____ _______
(be aaw
Med tba iai_______ maiden ^ pat bar baad a Ut«U oa
yoakS^lioiTdrtfw? irto*'lL
If baton- bar.
- •are ■ - ------------yoa mok'"Of n
.rmad Imeaaa. Taamf mtroprofour
Tbe M
_ •r amiled ag
aimnr ere artog
far oSaari"I've hadtwraty yaan' eipcn
callarc. Tba aeadt"Ob.
yoa." vied AaaafcaL
t liulc )o«a ai
at IL wa'am." aba raid, wllb a ^
i^H 2 elinau in IbU
onS Iba flaah grew daepar
.. (ergtva
'cam., dear.
. _ "
liuia iwttab to bar laealb
Ooorge woald nil a
Toar jewel elaad. tbe
-Plaui or faoey? "
rra.'' taagbed Oeorge
"I Ibiak 1 may lay ooib. ma'aa
%La AaaaboTa ^vp can k
Thn Aaaalml eoelda-| belp imll"I like tba wudwt way yoa ny
■a Iba porab aba waa wa
raid AaaabeL
"Tbey mool al'
iBgaadtaa lo tbiww
"Brmfm ir waitug. 'iatd Aaal (or ^Wket The Q
bruM ao
Do yoo make good brv
arge waaalaaa.
Uary.-UlereMBd Ptaia Dmtb^.
"1 'TO baeo told ao —•'
■be advaaiage ef ________ .________
’a Aaal Hary.V
• ____
p* aud eakaal
bal tbu dlScaUy om ba
Yea. laavim. aad aeoktaa"
"Hotaalba mala." nld Oaorga
•Ue«mr likaa ooeklaa. Yaa
Yai. Md Ha wn maob itlnpyotilat. "Aad
ba lUea fnad cokta Oe yea
Kacro wanea abd ahtlW tagaBuf •
taow wbna te laligiapb
wttb Maaknaa fim aeran iba baodar,
eaam Ita barely paadbla ita gat adf
will fnalab aa taasbaairtOka ngyly
at (ba Bppac anttoa by mlataka Bal
' ' old a (raralar la gn Im n
"Ba lema >ohBayimka. balwaaerbU HU oae^thaam h
r had a girl who eoald aaka it M
dwollibgi ta Prtboetam Tbe
aalt bim. What aftoraaoB would you
wtU mna a BOW aM kl|fb> .
rop oddadU SbTE
•oa*^ 1*1^ gal aaab m atnllida^iB••I
ma la Ibo BM fgiBoa
aorwalHmtobar." Tfaaa aba *op- pten aad elrna. (be growth of a namy or mote.
Hnr tbe latnaca U
•ba graubda U a large alamp a( rbod-awa ram." aud AambaL
of abtaba ta alwaya
gnaaly adln^d. aa U la rarrty tbn
• TM4 ta ■ttadaataty. I
dlbaakraagar. '‘Bara yoa a
oonn «m Ibo a
Iba boan la (agatabad la aiaM odoitakM.
'ft?Utth.-mdAaaabaL "
fa WM a dataq Uttto dlaaar. (bo gab» UgtrnBm aaanaTgMira- toMSlMtr temwUb bdook fM^
i atwaya help wuh tba wart. loa. HdM iridiiHii ad Aaaabal md Iba
a( Me mtaglil. eat IM tItilMl
You woalda'i mlwl aay iwl^ Ula
tbakitabao. waaMyaar"
I nUMia
Aad baw >—bal
"HdktBtho lcaM.*'aaM
______ ___ _ i tba MBBtnaMMnn.
Tbo andamk M la
ra*w Uao U."
gn. “1U
wbMt aaa mol aad mm of Iba faigl'TtaBkyaa.‘-wt«AMabaL "Aad
t hc^ yaa tad tba kIMbia aal«
' ~
___ iHnv-aV’ ^ »mu.







SO actet whMt;

A«as(T. ' laid a role


IkHMiMvUlatlMar iMiriMWIli




Wool Woritoa


brng aa a
"I'm eery glad, "nld Ammbel
Wby. wa Md a lal^taa froai bl>
•r waa ao maah takea] w
Bt Mary aayiac aba arould ba ban
lager before "
today Hi bad baia siraatiM bat tiw
Yaa" eald Uaorga. "bal
aarital WMa Bba baa baaa abroad
aad vlU. a aiaoa la OaUfacata. and forget Ihai w« hare to treat
abwp la tba fraal
Oaorya baaa'I aaaa bar for tou yam.. Wa man Ui bar
And ba waaao aBSlMt aba ibeatd chamkar toa>igaL "
thai'a -tba gacM
tava a good tiaa while aba wu. wllb
ea. abd ba oTan hopn lo ems bar to
Vea. 1 know .lay ban inMAnilalr. baeasn aba ba.
Aod li'a all ready for Aaal Mary '
da tbUka as maeh
to yal a faw boon napila, anyway no MttUd hone
8ha waa rary.
I'll beltar ba .ledTUis that coot bo^ of liar, yea tbow.
aoma mora. or aUll I daM'-'
aleep there looigliL aad tbn we can
tlH« tba talapbona b.-ll fa"
desof IM
ansioa. lo teva lurne
l«r na na aad Uka
> bl. vliUT acalB.
waa aa.
I "Thi, la tba I DU,Ba Saptoynaet

take Ibr plan
tL«d Iwr right ap, plaam.''
"8b<- will be Bp woe
after iBO' haoo," wld tbe voloe.
"Ueorge nya abe it kiadaen tlnlf.
TbU Horn wheo .taaabel bang ap
Il I’m afraid aba woald be a liulc
tbe tenitei .be uulleJ. Tbaa aba
1 kaow
•lapp-d iDK> the library, aad. ptekiag
r' Of eoana. 1 oall Qange. hi
op the
tb» rook boek.
book. Uiraw
Uin< II feaok aa
•a ba la qalta bliad to My ball
book alialf
"I'll lake that Ctrl BO
bo maiwr wbai
- tike.
likr. " Mie
aba marmared.
Ttma ab- l.uag imt tba feallmr dai.
Tbaa tbe amid laaghad orev baa taalo the ol>
wise in time ano
Uw freal auirway. aad after laipaetlug lb. kitobsolto wa that ararythiBg
am aod claas aad abloiag, for
kbrlwarau .......................—---------Tbal'f JoM lL"ortadA________ ___
iple b.r calioary limlWUooa,^lWr waa diSenai wbaa Iwaa wm bora.
aoogbt tb. Bpiipi lart of ibr boaea Bba waa a Oirwaa girt, tvd ewy wall
aod boaiMi b.twlt ltdylog ap Iba
room ^1 *a> avl at liv "glrri
Mbar. aod really abe aced,
ra nratal BagllS thaa I do:
Auoabrl fall raliavad. ao i
‘er’a bnlth tailed, aad
that ibai brokt- fegtb
All the wool in the region wanted.
Am just back from the
(taorg. ha<l llkad baton
I^st. and have apranged with eastern
to use all the
How tba uwa
waa are w
it a-<<iDo<l bat yaalarday
wool from this section of the countr>‘.
i can afford to
tetU^------- ■
____ teall
Will also b^v and baargiac bar for aootbar vena
the highest outside market prices in cash,
onmdfally loam
hides and ginseng.
UarHMl two yaart laat
riml praplr
II " aaid the aew
UemWr. blic Mopped ber aoeg }aM
InMComa mynU a
igb to lotarpolau
lotar ' •
look eoookb
a lima ^M^uy tlrnn " Aad aba quickly
Office and WavehoMe, litt E. Front HL
algta. aoil Iheo weal oa
d dafUy olaarwd away tb
“ Ihtl-Iy It ww tbe meg that pr*Bell Pbnoe laS
('iUwaa 1‘l.oor ts)
tba almpla naaL "Yoa
-i bar Iran baarutg tba door faaihaad'a aael wn ——»■>
li rang, aad aaveral Umea. Ion
■Bo aba talacrapbad." replWd Aa
les Aoaabel waa atartlad by a aabaL "Bat abe wan t ee tba trala.
Oeargi nya aba mail hare ban da-







»: •>»

tiioW mbiT^rJ^ Td£!!*^ li!



geology la aarar collega ap tba Mata
aad nme oat weM oa a eamiaa. Ba­
log aa coihaBaM br coalda'i rm
•ad aajpT the air aad am aery Uka aa

a l.«g mall,
moatio aap I
B«4 op la Dm
eone nyhi I
>e< aiih aa
. UM. fail ai
aac a loM linr Oaea
nacea of rm-k
fat Che beard tb. eeaad
• Oae day a iwanioal a
directm ^l^ Ulebeo.
•oao ebe
leoklagover Ibe oolleclum aad
. omiaed to......................
arrom a eiemtmaa timl mrwed
ma diaeurer wbal had bemneof bjm
Bba aufdy oataretl tbe diuiag room free gold Im tba aakad ere. '(.iteat
Soon.-be exclaimed.-wm mfau dan
^ Mole amn aad opeoed tbe door
tl.u come from'- 'No mine al alL’
replied Ibe irofeam. 'Ifoobditia
glna paoela
IB IL aad ibroagb toeea Aaaabal each aad aura a enatem ■ ' W< II. did
ikeeala claim" laqatred Iba
ooeld look wli!iag obiirved
-Oenataly an.' air. I'm a

What la abe. aa emmaldV
"Bba'aadiamcad of tba tm wo
U iba’i o diaaoaul aba maal bora u4> ber Mood Oeorge
He bod (akeo
TWy bou." abarklad Onrgo
etf bie am ami (here oaa a btg blue
ny. doa-l forgM about Aaal oproo ued abual hu am. aa<
aad be war
dirbe. aa faM a> (he a
"Hot for a ■emaaL" aaOd Aaa
"lam all roady loa
f"» her
Aad they both
owrrily I
BaAeaabal aad
M-litib- laaeboai
ABBatwl aofily retreolad baeb to
lagolbar, lea hero, tbeagbl iha library woodertag aimt it meaal
ang mtawoa..
mtawon, t«
.. _
a Mid ttal famtU Amltflara while Oeorge marae.1
artiy will oat wmL
Tbo relereace
1 of tku litUt ngbL'-be nid. "I kauw aona of
.. .....................itbt
right iB
rapMk Auuabal M
tbe people abe maatlooed. aad I'll
look ^ matter ap more folly Irr
iboagbt lo aM yn for
Tbaaatdk ' ‘
ghi 1 beard yoa laagblug
"It deaaa'i
■a<b."abaaatd. oat there.' lotd Aoaabel
"Peabopeyoa did." aald (iaorge
"She aaedad a little ebeertagap. li
daoa. Il am Aaailo.’'
**- 'abe'aaeou bell-t ifaya <«
"Itaooada a llttto tanlbor." aald
_ Ilka tbaL aad cornea of a
JumbaL "bat ot eoana. I’U call yoo |«eOy good family, aod we re got to
bat If Toa paotoa IL Oeoage wlU cry to plean bar
1 foaad tliat oal
ngtl away
Ste'a im. oadlnry wnaam mt wr maatkanmn to bann
■Yaa Banana faa la alnM
Ha baa
"Tbcaabe tbiaki aba'll itay with
oa. " nld Aaaabal
a a Uula Imaar.
"Yea." aald Goorge. "Hbe llkea
yoo. aad abe llkea kb. boan. aad 1
goiagiolikame. Aaywae.

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.


w oM

aw >u vita yea."
"Tea atay tm.nU Om






chap aamod Fallnwaod. aiM. Iff n-

-£!irs?“sx':“'s Kn:mrr--T!,"sr.^isa


fD«rorder BtUMTery kiwMt pricea.

•vs-AM. tcMkvSercSutTklv.

A Scacfsl BuUae Bwtam IMM


probtm by hU tad. ■

,!-S rii'ESi.'rirt-''"—“

OWMIU a. 8 IL Btock.

•ad StrifMi. both Faraign aad Do-


CAPITAU 8100.000


207 E. Front ^eet

UmNomIGmU PUfak.CbMiu,

_... whh'
eat^M. aeisbe ciisagir. i
acUa face
aa« ma. nU
alacd her. Tfaca i_._____
I M laadbma rn i ii frach
I coaU wf lattt-aar «ak
--------- told mt todej atnaia
Aad AmM hactlii aboM Onr took without refenen
narfd two Blghi aud _______ aad a white am«a aad a


■kontatbaavkaC AUUm


. ,p..

Real Estate*^ Insurance

For Um fall MMDd at 1901

Traverse Qly Sttle Bank



Too) houac Sifia. oa stOM


Basetteot ban

S«xSO aud S4i40^ Pcaw bamcBt.' -Will aell faith giowi^ otga
•ud give piMaewfaa at awx.

Price SS^OO if aoU at once.


66od Cbings

11^ fruinh down, haianee to aoit, or win take catjr ptopenjr or
fam « pan pagro*«M.

SIS West Tcaih Stieet.

H yoo are tbinkiag of I

I in tfcfe_5»y of

>t fail to look over oor Urge Uoe of haadsome arWe bUo carry a fine ttock of WATCHES
Cl)OCKS. JEWELRY. ETC Spectade FitUag a
•fMcialty. Watch aod Ck^ Repami«-the ben
grade frf work dooe.

That will rwt be bad :to take with you to a picnic,
or if you want to prepare something quick and
good in case you get an unexpected vleiL Our
Deviled Ham.Potted Chicken. Canned Corn and
Sliced Dried Beef. Chicken. Oxtail, and Vegeta­
ble Soupa. Sardines. Salmon.'Bottled artd Bulk
Olives. That is quite a tum-ouL You can surelywake a satisfactory selection from these and
other things that we will show you at Corner
Front arKi Cass StreeU.




L^-;. -if'




, —.—A

m wbU UM««






Mitodt ik »« Ifab Jaa B. Bob-

mmr*m “OMpxitfM k ih*

_ _
_ _
,b.. Hn. XA.M4
•B Ih. UMI. Lw 1^ Ilf* mTwt
mm CKtr-( M. aaUi baikia rtnw
frtMnwqM M Umt leogM woud
M tb. .Hiwltj i« bk^M ud
th.M.Ud UMk IWIW.M*
Look hT ktoar aad toailly of
«takti« tmi Wkkiac M Uk twm
BiwiBittaU. UL. aiTiTod aw " '
(Mr «imw aetbM' rtwlikw vbik
IM aad at* oaiy eeally a
(be “W>r.w” wM t» tfimi lb.
IbalrootMc*. Oakboni.
mf metini at lb* 4nf tUn 1m tb.
Tb* Ptoa* U Otototoly aa tdaal apol
to apaad WTamkoa. wbatbto to ■aarofa
’•ea-Moki*' *Ml *■<
at IwaUb. root, or |day. aaeb Roak

«lQMW(Ma»/.M tmfhlkter

R tetbaMM kk at wUrnakTatb* “—
~ ... ...................

tbawwld, (b. C
■aU tm wbieh bta ■
k gk41r i«U.
Maw. lb. So
teT. MMad
RMriM Md tea
•• tb. «iDna« bakBMi to tmk a
..............................................U Ibr J»MM Ua* tor thrMyrnttocOM. Poor
LewiU omr b* to II aitola wllb tb.
Bat toaa tbcr*:
ka't aaj rtoaaac to. apMk at amt
aura to tb. Oroad Tnw** oeuUy,
*a It nkiy doaa'I

k mto k.

bmgntatbTi^ «Ub iikdlim to

Im-'M «ha tsumta g^bkt
I to B^wm *

Uaeb _
a ■. Baaota Mk tellr orBl««to
MB la «h* toUdk at*
kdbUL . arrtoad aa tb. Baadi* b-t
to waaomtoad by**
tar tb. M«Mr at UMk ^*Mf a*Mi» dag blawaW A pig (to wblto a
y. B. Ada^ at BaaawHla Mr. BkkUwyar Lofaa Bar of 8|ata«MU. Mm Bnak aad apatoagaef batka
la. atotaod atOldMlakaatoapaM by Ml*, a R. Daabaiay. Tb. kdk* (****a Barlow m
tba 41b «Mb bk teatUy at Back
tried tlmlr laa* la Bthtog. aaab BoearUU atoool boma. aad
amkiag a laefey aatoh. Oakaa. m make bk bon hmn.
Two BOW aowara bar. b*M
toe*, aalkd alwoatoi
Mn KvaBaoar aadma af BA Xmak,
aa Tb. fW pcotMT tm tb.
«n amaoA dartag
Ma. arilrad tatoy tm a rWi witb
■Dtaitlaa at tba tmmf wbe'
The ladk* aatoftak
Baaar'a matkar. Mn W. J. Par-

Bar. i. S: Milk k attU a ito**t at
ib* naktaaa ooUac* bat will laaV. aa
tb* UterkfoU tm tb. aortbara ra■wto. Hr. MllkUa aakckaefae
Maa aUU9
*>>7 pkaaaat boar,
•a. aaioyad by bk frkad. to tb. toaart.
Saraial daalrabk toeaa* at* *HU
ofM for tb. plaaaat* .Mktol taaat
at tba Old Hitoka law. The toa baa
toutUal watar treat witb itood

Tiakal^ ^)**fea4oub

Bk trite balkvaa
whtob.hered heto* tkoe^ too glam. 11
raaada Bgnra toe tom M^MM. m too btaak owe mmatog tom Wmk aad

Umlted. of Oanad Baf*^ M to** ao

geatto Only Oemady Oa. wrirod to
lb* mty tola aam aad rogtatoi
fertbamaMai wa* gitea at lb.
beam Priday oeentog. aad wa* greatly ttoPnrfcPkaa
m>oy*d ty abeat Meaapto* wbe wn
Mn J. W. Patelito rararaod yoakrprnnL' Tb*‘b*U w*. »ery prettily
vtoliu bmaid
daeontod with Japaaem kal
flag., fan*, down
daheeu. Tb*
by tor aka*. MlaeSaUyOnUladk* of Umee eboreta taerar
eema aad «akem tot third daor. The
m. ef Ana Arbew. .Wbe will eprod
M comimr witb tor.
party WB* to ebaiie ef tbayeeagto
Mra. Bratto Johneon aod efaildrea
dlea ef lb* dab, md woty aa
rookart. tie. n^ tb* pUe* rtry to- left totoyfor Bay Tkw and B«y City.
Tltlag. Th* ptoao raatod tar toe nMn Arable Miller wmtto Boai
ea a viali today.
eoB w*t oa*d for to* irm ttom. Tb*
B. J. Herima.weal to MayBald <
■Bale for lb* daaa* waa farakbad by
aatoem torky.
Stewart * Stoffaat.
Wilttoa lira k to taa eily today.
It k toe totoatloa to bar* toeaa
VllUaa itompuaaadwitaof Dodaaea* at Imat oaee to iwe wMa-aad
perimpa caee » week. Bareafwr. bew- trell are at IB* Park Ptoa* for ■
tam, toTilatioBf will be only tm elnb tin They wlU tolar goto to^

wbik tot eeritomm
mrried mU (im wa:
At Saalt Bto Marie a total
iwmty eight mlk*. where it wa*
aattm M hem prateeted for toe pm
plekml ap to* a*M matatogaad
peea ta hoomtog tb.- ermi renteaaial
of Ito ffm elate ma
• agoapartyof
I8U li k {wepiMri l«
mm of Ooroea*
of te&eooby
iacMBtoad a aaatol dab. with toe aaBBd by the variooa atatee berd<-rtoat ae matter wture
m toe grral l*k.-«
TbeeocuBiKthey abmld b» lomtod
to* fatal* I
lae alae rapecu te toiag U..- t«v«l<l.-nl.
tooy weald attempt te
toe cabto>-l aod a dt-legatieo ef meutolrAymr
Th* Blnto trimalal
tog bald. Thirty mambme of toa eUb
ara ireteBl from Owomo. V<
Uanad. Pitot. Sogtoew. Pmttoe. De»-( Bn te A. M Todd'i
troll aad Hew York rity, on hk bk iwpperniell
UoateBaat Bdward H. Aadra*. well
Ito of PenvtUe
known by toe aatloanl gnardam
-. P Yonag aad wife
of Hmd*
laigratbantii Ibe omotJ. hrieg»'i
to* atate. Baa gnaa to Almakn to
Oity ara to town today
by W4 fret, with Iw.. atone, and a
■aad of a eempaay of tb* Elgfato
P. U
TlBtoD of Wllltomal
tower. The lorn u
»n Jneat-d
Ualted Bute* tofaotzy. H* will to
at the WBlItog.
a year to that eonntry
Waller L. Lnager ktl tbk
Ihnok.ha. newp.Oev. YatM. of Illti
with two ei
u>ie* of regnlan
lag on a baalBem trip to Big Rapida
1 tba tovlamloB of Ibe
Bllntoto Mixm at Imaalag
Him Mtaale Hebball
llary aelboritie to alt.-od IIm- eomini:
bilUB by an mnged dog Wed
Onad Rapid* today for a two week*’
the national
V Bar right toraarm wa* todly
ui Angou
gnard* at Hantab
Meary HePaddra.
Mu* Berea Kidd l*ft tbk
will be preanil i tb.' i.-new of tto
ymr old boy. waa Utlm to tb* totgl.
for Uh-aom. oftor aktor toOheboy
ttoof Aagnat lb. led t>. will alM
by a vleioo* dag. The bey
after a vleit wlfh Mr. aad Mn
Illinuu naval
eriag paper* aod toa deg teaenud bk
L T. Poantagtoa.
e toip Dorotli.-a
rtanae* aboat toe twemi
Mr. and Hr*. William Wrigbt left
amaioe'.Peortfaof JelT oelrin
At Ann Arbor a bom tall tote a
tok moratnt for a vlatt la Petotoey.
lenu ool !■' hav.- teen a r. r
traaoh on Hocree avmee. Mm gaifa.
Mr. aad Mn Beery Bmitb left tbk
eoelly affair for a aeore ir tnor.- »f Uhtried toezuaol the animal local 'merchaate. Haadre.1* ol iori>Hl.>
moratog for a vkit to Plainwell.
from ite predkamcat. tat were aawere eold here the K.ianh ilut
Htob. tb* foniHW boBM of Hr. Hmlto.
Pinaally aom* rape*
J. K. fkllwell k to Lelaatf
eiplodeda iwll'-l abuni the aiie ..{ ■
plaeed nader and abeat the hone and
rempoaed lo p.rt (f dyiemlto.
Mof amotormro amltod
Iieercine Inatanoee where thrw or
City Attoritoy George a Oram went
four p-llet* « V O
bnaioMa. bet to
tront rod aloeg. *e ttot torr* will
pcotobly to aom* plmmra mlied
with lb* trip.
Joba H. Blomabield k la Urand
BMd* oa baainam lotov.
P. a Dmmoed 1« ffabtog tb*
The Mkaa* Kittle aad Neva Wrigbt
are viaittof Hr. and Mra (.iamr Knat
M Petoafcey.

tow*, with
creqoat aa
greaad*. aarrtag* drira. ara to atom
Aboot OD* baadred anabet. of toe
to tba nay potok of tolereat tbeogb BaWn Blar were goeak of Hr. and
(b* grora bald* aad kafy wooda tor Mr*. Mika Utaay Tbaraday ariatooee
wblto Old Hkatoa U aoud.
aad araotag at Uiak pkaaaot oettage
Mr. aad Mra Oao. PbaBalO. Jr., ate atBinbwoeA The kdla* wn the
qMtodatOld Hlaatoa aboat Jaly mrlle.^arriTala ccmtog to to* i^l^
mM-Joly aad th. Rta*. k aTaiywhar*
Kb Bad will eeeapy tba Brakry eotfroMi a* otorer ■aaitowa aadar tb* laga Mr. aad Mr*. Paatold Mlad How for mpper aad apaal lb* araawayolda taMa. (bat an aa froaa, (oo. tm Kaiapa to Pafaraary aad ttoo.
Tba report ef th* maob tolkad
a* (be Umw wwr to tb. day* wbaa a
tlBa bar* beta trarritog abroad
tea aarpaat waa faUy laTatU
iraat pda* foitoat oororod tto- pktoa to
gatod by to* ladlea to tba afuraoea.
to. bay. aad the bilUldaa war* ti*.- Italy, aad allboagh tb* tight* of tb. Tb. abet* to to. lauBadlate rloiaily
etoddoWBtolbawatot'aadKO. Tbaa* Old World ar. gtoad they are gl '
aad aoma of tb* raat of tb* abot* ww
or* tea** to rikaa* blooa* la to* far- gri back to tb.j M.W aad-Old
carefally lanetad bat ao tigaa ef
daa* aad tewara aad Ttoaa arooBd to*
aay moatler rewardad tbatr egorta
laotty boMaararywbMW ItU m,
• Roaluan Heae* k Blltag witb Atllrad in unpm rrgalto tb* todtot
^ (Uto. a«l "ooaqway.k oomto*.'
rapalrcd to tb* water’* adg* when he
. of to. aam. paopl. who
aad a*, rlcbdy. tooald oratytotog b ytar afur ytar a* that liotpikble roof artiwol waa gitaa leu attaattoa uaa
toaaUtal to waleOM (b* atoyiag aad to nat la tba ahad. of to. toaati
tb* naDiaignt tbat foltowad. Thalr
•oaat or to* paaaiag traralar.
fal npto. which to year* goo. by n
Bata* a good iMiaarwU* b**|a b>l
thecettoge. a *ery aedato
with tb. Indian war whoop,
(be ontai* olwHi aa wall aa b« fmwbik eawk. from laaay a' wlgwata ____ .—..-raaotto b. glrea to tb.
ktB.aad eoBM* to grief aad aMa* If
eaitod apward. Bat Iben day. an pabiie at Ibk Uate.
abramariaiior took aahaaer at
geo. aad to. tongbur ef bajvy childAttor Ibelr retara and the aoto
' dIrtykiteliaDaradkerdarlybaakyar
taa k iMord wbe nlotoe M toa fne- Boaibm Ml raportod for defy, a rary
*0 aboaU a oily K* to tttbaittaeerdam ef aetaeel eat aad they hato at doUeioa. aepper waa aned. A genMotoidbyw.yaaractaaa aad baaa•ral good tm waa todalgod to daring
Old MMoa.
(Hal. or at kaat awaat wltb tba gta^
to. Beal aad after toe good ibtog*
toat ordto giro*. A p.ot>y kreat with
were dkpoeed of. ibera wn oU>« atorar-nhlag ^d« aad wall kept
iBaag* toeldaal oeearred
traotloaa to which a martbaoltow
kwaa k adly toanad If (bar* an a. B. * L taala Priday afaarm
tba (bore aad a dance to toe
paiabaa of grata grawa laafc or with- to* way from Walton (e Ibk city. oettog. wn the'mamfeauiea
aradaBdgaae to atodaaaot. or raga waa a maw- oa tba train wbo waa a tote boar wbaa toe plaamraa of
gto baaohaa of waada bar* aad ibat* waalad to ge to Traverae Olty. be
toe eeeulpg wn «Mly giTta ap and
la toa UttI* park atrip* at to* adg* of mid. aad abowad a Uekat to that
to* eoapaay atartod for to* olty.
potot. Bat batwaao Walter aad BaoMr. and Mra Litoey wn rmj anoTbtooaiataw cdtka of thaaMef ■II b* baean pnned of the Idea
ooMbI In toeir part* of boet aad hoeInitod Btotoawlll
aar awa, npaolally to tb* aawor per- IM be waa aet batog token to Trayte« aad are toe reelptontt ef many
HOM of (b* eouitrr, orbeo* aboak OBd arm 91ty. bat to eon atyloia. He
for toe way to
alkyaan baitat ptokad ap Md treat palled lb* rope aad I
ameal waa pka- have demooatratod that tbe,aoll
troalaoa* rabbkb; that k aa far at lb* train.
>0 Ihk,
Net ea.
uwl and carried eat
toat vietolty 1* of tb* very ftaam
tb* oity aatboritki eaa go. Th* raat lie walled HU the trato atoppad i
8*ai«adiri orar toe read kadiag to pm onltniv. and Haoomtoee k eacopto* eottage aad illamliiatoJ by Japan ritmally well ritnatod for imaa
gteand. la rala toe trainna aaaand eae lanfcra* waa lb* word ” WeleopM.'
tloa faotlitto*.
him tM h* ina ea th* right ti^ aadaoder Ibu waa a ator of a color
Bay eoaaty faraan n mneb toaad toat ton waa ao toleatlc
mK>oi>'kte to lb* ord«t. and in tb* torratod to lb* dtogeori. whtob toe
hiB Many aaylam He woald eeatoref tb* etor to* word* ’ ’ Oem*
maw vetertoariaa k to make of ito
aal belkra. aad coaid aot be pareaad.
dleraee among oattl* to aonu of imHa
edtogelbatoeatbattalii. Thee
of Midtoad oonaty.
The oon froth
daotor, UMlm Btobard, prird
oath aad I
Or. H. B. Uaaer hu a beiaa tbat
■ of ear town, bowoeer. U
eatab him. bat be gae* the oBeer i
Bit almilar a
'.ip Md IBB down toe trato toward with a little traintog might beeome
world bmier for epaed. Theaalmal oonm to tl>e atleolloe of toe vi
iybagy to oatatog aeaey noagbto: raltot, trittob war toe toat n
took a ooiloB to bar* a ran Tbaraday aary oargeona of tlik city, aad
ha«(i tbair boia** to exlkeaii to toa' Urn. B* waa lafi to tba wader
liav* pranonaeod IlfaydcopboUa.
heaWtaabtoatboyaBa. Tb*
of to* paepk of Samatit. WUk moratog. aad It had OD*. WMher U
porta from Midtoad my tbat rabid
■oMly eaaapfid to kaeptog (ba datratomea ware act brioglwto* waa frightooed or act ao eae i
doga liav* bfWB aauag to*
an to toe atylaa^ II I* ttaetr eplalea to knew, bet it took* It* bltobtag
dtoi*. aad that following toeir UU*
Bat to* bonood girkatetaTtoga ttal IM k til* plan be briooga
atrap where it wu tied at tb* eld*
toeHauUton A HiUikee bleek, aad toe cow* n attacked. One eargeoa
oaaarito. aad galtt eftoa to* poari*
~ e man wa* token toto eu
Ibe dtoaaea paUuns and another
k to bare tbaa bar* oaoagb to da to
Friday aftotBOoe by John etortod for toe aoatb. Tb* tom
myi be will make bk repeuiioa si«a
babopi oat afmkeblef. What ktod
taa of Mamll City, aad tool of it by to* people to the dty, It wa.
afaatoaato woald It ha to tokraat areatog wa* breagbl to to* eity by going oror toe hiU at tb* math emd
At Haniat • Will f
>. toe II
M Wanbaqt of Ktogttoy. At of Oaae mrrat. and glrtog toe Pn
oof John A. i
to h* aaygnatttto for a baaltoy bey. •rat unto aeald be kaiaed fm tlw Haiqaetto Into whleh wn* going pat
ile at ptoy at toe Backtoy A
I* «y aotolag of gM*
bat later h* maud timt be-wat at tb* tin. a roa for It* noeey.
boom Monday, waa dro
prartoo. It k gotag to b* by aad by trem Trowbridge, had get ea toe tallThe barm waa atoppad at lb*
John 8ebk-< to ebarge of toe Maalataato* thlagatataaiUBl. to kaep
at HaekMw aad waatodtogo
tee A Nortoaaatera raitread fieigfal
two-Ira to rix(y ftat at atraal to (be atylam. a* be waa eraay. Be bto. aad atottod katA Ibk way. I
bona*, mw th* boy fall Into the wn.
taoal to la* almp*.
atoud (M be bad bate to to* aayalm Oam. wbe rollawad "atar off" ■
ter and planged la after him. bet be­
toortimat bafera
ing aaabla U awim aaak to toe bototgronai riralryaa*
3. B.
Hartto and Ur. L
ll wna aaarly tea mlanu* twwbaaa ptea* tooald be the prolt1*ot ewaatod
mab. tk dnmng* wa* deiK- to m boan
aad bool kept. OhUdrea Uk* to do aad.JoBBd tM ha waa latatotly aa- Mo 006 wn* iajnred to to* long n
totaatoal or* good to bodoa* tfu halanrril He M btea to to* aaylam
toe boy waa aot recovered for
k pat to ibom to to* right way. Ii Mere, aad bk na* k John Batga.
over » mlBBto*. aad tom aU tM
woaU b* a graad good totogfer Tier, Re wit* *0 aneh batter a few meallta Pnm Ifcandiu-* BkM.
Dr. J. A. Saydar k a
nmaienl akill eoald do to revive him
ana aty to b* kaewa a* to* paMttoM age tM be waa rained from toe tofather, r
awd Bwknlaty toth*«tat*. Tl
■Uatlea and allewrd to ge to week
Mieh..eadbla trotoar. Ooorgo, Jr.,
Mn P. J. O’Hell of Adriaa had
^ woald b* lead, of naaoy to It
to the weed* bat be fell bk 'amlady
of Ml. Plmaaat
^ waald diaw «apUal aad to* bok ktod entog ea again and wanted lo
J. W. Haaam and daagbtor Balm aerlonalv tojare
tojaied to a rnaaway.
» at eapIMtato aa llewto* dnw baa*,
to Tiararm Olty aad get took Isu
kfl tok aftoiaeoa far a trip to Maw dmt Hcmday <
r. O'Neil,
aad it
act b* toag'batorwitet he aaylam.
Vert oily aad Brooklya to riaft Mr. wbo k toe maalte bridge balldn ea
at II wbtoh WM aet apidm. aa t*
B* baa bam eat of the tomit
Hannea'a ntotlT**.
Ibe Imka Sfaer* read, rvoaally tom two
aptafc. woald b* a gitat. boay. hamHerbert Mmuga* M gemtoCU- Ovn to an aeeldmL toeir tegbtar
■tog U«* of todoaky.
eago to Tkll toe big taialtara expo- wn* oarioaaly hbaraed by gaaollto*
Bettor tbaa all. ton woald b* a
a fact Jammaid
toitotoail hoy* aar* art***, to apy theJadgeef PreM*. Wbaa Iteraaebed aitioa.
Mr*. J. E. McDeaaldfr pB*fan.OaL toanllread aoeldent
aatotog at girl*, grawtog ap to fnl Ihto city Friday araatog and waa pal
k fkittog Mn. Lawl* Zaok.
B.liro totoraat to tbrlr lewa aad lu
to toU. b* laakud tM tok waa aet
toat a
paogiato aad w*lfB(*.-to n ttol Trararae Olty, aa tbay had no Jalla
naw by toe ilton of bk feUmr.
ton waa acntolag wertb Urtog for totra. beaald.
Ckarl*. A. Birail wbo woo tb* ra- great deal tmacr iMi pattog enatoi
to nktog toaaw a part of Ufa.
cml TeUETo^Um for lb* Baamd'i acawn taking them, and fa*'art
wbat (btogt btoaOfal ar* to toa eery
■ CMr.
fr** tebotonhlp U tb*
WBleb apeo tb* egg baakec Oa Sataaal ef lift aeae kaow bat tfan
Alger Qiay, wbo wne totaled ea
I* left to^ for udaybeean^tn weU fcB0WB..'midwbn ayoa bar* baaa aptaad la aaa.
aee tiaek bn toe Peatth M ao falNortfa Dakoto wtori b* will
dla aged nrideal ef toe vUlag* walkThn woald ba toe —»■»-,-> a*a
r tmerarad froaa bkaeeldeot (M be
for a tlme'aad maj^toeau.
tog eat of to* atore with eight egg*
aad wean dm aa woU ■ to* nk> able to be on toe atreel again.
Arnold ()ook and Him Bmal* Pnlg- wUto be U not ptld far In bk
tog af a towB.aad thal'a weatb wblk, Tbn ptorad to ba ao toteraal toiarbam wehf to Kalkaaka today for - poekal He gave him a good calltag
hao boom wear toekan mend toeae
taw day* Tiktwito trkmd* tb*ra.
down, aad tb* man omf^d IM be
Boppokag yaa baeea'l aay bey* ■
lb. tagera. Tb* Kalkaaktoa. pabJ. V. Bowmaa aad tamlly aad Mn. had barn at it for earn* Hma. aad
gkkr The* betrow aa* or two at Utoad by Algar'a fatoor. my*:
Bawtorn Jetrod B. J. Palgham today wM waa were*, had bam a
. year aetghbn aad i«y toe tod er kto
get toynnd tbn
■ad wUl mmmm at K**aU " '
back to the greeer tb* egge habad
aUtkataebtoUe* Ibalr kaebtog.
oa Bam Bay.’
yaaeaa-tdo (hat why ton tee.
or where more good
Uer. D. O. Bath ba* bom (alUd to
bBM herd werttog an aad Urad people will offer aid and
Bay Oity game wardeaa hart dimaatlire* KInri by to* toriam illMa
wowia wbe hare
I m the l.too panada of aad*
ttan to Traratm Ctiy. am! lb* parday *1 dawB or dark to ge eat of •Bk of Alger *ctmd to ail tMr ria- bk haotoet. Be wtUba gea* abe


ktobel Olbto wml to Haytold tok

TlMC. Ito. aarar baaa a ttow atoe*
ib* 9***e-Olly-by-tba-lky wa* bn
aad wan.^ wbM Ik world wa* a
met* toaatlfBl ftoea wtold (tea It k
fa (bk OMead aaaM*r of tb* tweatlkboaatary.
Tb* ymr k 8ylB|r oa to


a:tbk potot BBtil to9


ef Ufa wbkb it all i
toliwa. totok of toe fataaUfal aad
dtkre It fee year tewB U ato fto year
rertbaa^karafateaa Beta
. to* eekatkto are faagtoatog
kaevtodg* that. Tbn wa*
tooti^ ef teed bat waa a wtoged
aaad Wbkb wUI aontln ladg* aad
lorn Mtonaemnlkata.
Dr. A. 3.
naaaau at Ohkw
b*M a gaato at Th* Ptoa*.
Th* family ef Dr. Btiaikkto.
iVtagUtaatto* Watownri aam
Mka Ototo toaUb ef Kal
MIb Beakb Baeea n nwdtog to*
eanka ■ Th* PtoM
Mm. O, H. (knwoU aad oUMm
dilBHta. OA.n .eMM^ at M

an iMka far "



__ ______

ftonw mkerrani . olared the etaato ! Mnptayed oa eeatrama tove'tnm Baef Joba P. O'Berke. a toon dkteaae ’ labed eemeattog toe gaere to «d
waa <d Hmr lake, and .rained lol .aad new all ef the tea are to ytim*
(rett wem. eotttog down aeme aad eneditioa. TyphoM <• helkvai
girdling etton. A* preeldml af Ithe te have to.-, maaed te aam ealral
vill'.:e. Mr. O'KarkehBB brea artive I by dlH eolUeled toweath the cell
to hu rtorta te mppreaa tlkgal Boon The priaaa poM pateh ef II
wht.key •elling.'ihna aroBBtng mmit.T arm wa* ilnliiijed by raemt mtoa

Ara to many riapetto like other alcvr* or


ValoaUetimek toat in frertlroatSwuio tool
IhcMrc with watoca aad aalvm. bcri
gerpu_uf CaaccT tM are nmlti.
flyrng in the Ur»d and the acw Cancer crlU which
cdaftomlvdrvelopt-p up the ifriutiiw and diwbarg^i^
**’*'’’ **’‘"*'“7
in;; . inrvvoQ* eere togia* Ita*

th.l has {'.■la.iita the

In Pebrnary. UBO. t

a^ the

Kit ,4 the budy will nmtinne to


* bUeoim,

w taka


l>r.e.| aad eat ilcepcr into tbe fleah ntOmi the Mood k poritod nad tb*
a».x r geme or morbid matter climtoated fnmi tbe ciicatotkm.
S. .S. S. clranwy the blood of oU decaying oBrie matter. It baa gnat
dIU.<h1 and tmnlving jirupotka IM aoua dtatruy tbe germ* and puiaoaa
od int.irc the M..M to Ha aatanl coaditioa.
. -...................................
Aad wbeg
^ pure
pate b________
Mood m
^ carried to I
nicer or Btra the benlinc pncm
diacharge cvnuea aad the plan- heel*
rtkialoma. R. 8. t>. I* aatrirtly irge) table bl<
mincnla ^ey deorripUm.
If youbavna I ulm or cbroeic aoreol aay kiml, write n* aboat it. modi,
cal adiKT will cu tyoaaotbiag. Book* oa Cancer and other diaeucool
tbe Mood nil! be cat Irm.



lea word

Than which there is no better made. We also have on hand several

teaah with Order.!



deen aad help aatore to brr bewefl.

..... w —»mim ttpe mreo oi mo imee.

U Att» acre* iff axaelkBt timtor kvrry atok-Uk mppeoed the atek. 1^,
la Th* lotoe wa* Niptorimataly
.000. Thomin
at Beyle, oa toe Yaieeaad :
pf Talky nUrOto. aboairite milaa
aasto af Mempak...'


that are in Rodd condition and will be sold at bargains.


Detroit. MIoh.






Feed and Sales Stables 231 State Street.

Implement Store 123 Cass Street.

Having rrcemly purchased the stock and business of Geo. Cams. 1 will hereafter condoaja ^firsi-claffs Feed
and Sales Barn at the old stand, sji State Street, opposite 1‘ark mace Hotel. I will also use part of thislbarn for
a warehouse, where 1 will unload several car loads of machigery that I am expecting in a few dayi.

distance from town. I am in a position to han­
dle all kinds of slock in exchange for machinery, buggies aod implements,
ibout twenty good work horses for sale.




These machines arc too well and favorably known in this local-

m' VP

I to fcaoptog Itaa bey aa bee ti
*To toa maatowe fa to*
dm atMWd tbaakt :
weed* of aympatoy.

Oeorg* HeBaaria ef GUeagefeo.
mcriy of tok city k mmktog baaadi
with fikada bn to town.
Lowk& Perry. Mn Seely Perry, atttotiaaaef toat city.
HkaKhm HerrUI aad Jato HniU
Witototoatom few ymra wMk
arrived to to* etiy tok Moratog. aad paacrimlly a BOW bnaeh of the lemwill apaad. toe aammer at Pmk Pkae. bar todamry ha* apraag tom eri.
3 bay breagbl toeir prink bom md
eerrtogm aad will m)ey to* driraa

Ha*aa.aB. :
J. A. Uelaa aad Tbo* Sbema Tb. patty
■a oat deer aa*. aad tor day wm
an idaaloaafor It. Tb* famntltal daagbtor. Him Bditb TimUto. tor*
gardm ptamatod aa aalm. iMnraad tram a ato woeka’ rkH witb
abm to* grnm*. etor trty to Mn Pairkaaka- tongbar. Mr*. U. a
had airind.aadwn
lated abeat eem lb. aiuaaik, Tb. m-

Kgm pemad to
anmmd tom latnk i

. tar wbkb mil^rwwM

Scott’s EomMoo

Milwaukee Junior No, io.


At my implement sUwe I will cany a Urge aod complete line of
mmmw^ ___
Machinery. Bi^gics, WagofH aod ItopfeoMDlB, 1 Biu to better shapc
than ever to supply tbe wanu of my customers. If you do not find what y« wiat U my stoek I «U otdet* the aaae
on short notice.



UMEtpofler yon firtt-tdas8«oodt at pr^
DTides that trill
srili move them rapidly. I can boy goods in aa Urge qoantitiei
qaantitiei iaod
as di^ as anyooe. aod am always 4^ng to give my costomen the beodSt. Call <m me and be convinced.

CItiaerM Phone 126

l23CiMe»tffeiM I

MdBby b Ik* klfkaHttW
I fy'yM. aad *a hrmmt y lb*
taka wfU byayriy. If ay
• thbr catty yap* Tb* tala
niaad a la«* ayoyt af tmj.

niinliilni tat wUMs4Hrtot
k#« (• STSim «ItaMfto o^
M. ttwiy y vwfclaw 1m tolirttcfc«yiM mIT'


L«fa8« ^ eiB«Towi *«•

MMiyr •oUo. iTMMBtMtfee MS. MMMd
«to vtU *BT* th« w>r <« *•

»• "T^

............... ..

why* M>e7

Xba BaUa Caawtort. a wall kaewB
yd popabr Oakbad ccuty Mabiy
«w a anky af yyy paat. b abyI W
t (be laek* aad try a aew

aPtoMlttaMlM ■■«*•


tfaair taylliy Mb* ap to*
Ykay aay* by apaobl Baia y . . _
Aaa Arby road. Tbb b Iba imi I
tty* Ibay bar* yiiatod Pnakfert aa
Ikalr batwa of ytryt aad bta
pUaJity abawB tbcB toy*

liy la Myth Oaaay ai

yy 0Tiap bb ayaa aa C
Bnbby yd bb raatdraaa m
Wayoa. Mapfiaf at Un Ay
Bay* al Gnad Baptda Baaday
•ad afirr ylKKtof a room atoad
to ba calbd ml * «-<4pto to Iba .
BOOB. Ha BBdr y laapoaaa
eatbil. aad wi
wbae tbr door '
had tokrn Bflrphta* aad dbd al 4
o'cla-'k. Hr WM «) yran alA


of BlUtb. Mara proaad wUl —
• Hr* PiokytefTytyy OityTW*.
•baa bat yyr. aad tl.r nptaMb
*d Hr* Bortey aad pbkad wbortb- yll alM ba (apantad. A pood aad
b«tTty by wtofc. la feet, aayly
It ypply wiU be yarid.
a will be
MMytMMlka. tatmj (kBanssttn
W race*, wbiai iba boy* did oM
Dartac tk* tkydw *aww ibl*
tau4 iJLd • r>q««t to <k> M
aaaa U^blap •back tk* ban M 0.
MKt Moclac W
nta ttw* Horpaa aad apUatyad Ik* board* y
Piaak K>eb
batt«adafyy lap WboMaa aad aat
M y ytawbanto* tbb
Sr* M abac aod attaw eat tknafaat
ityararap* prtoeofitcyb
troy wby* bb baray atood. Wbn
ba atiind M lb* *hara II wm yfaU
Ottawa lanaar* mj there b
af ayah* M aaald mi *y b, bel yeraptoareu r*ly that will toly
IhU aenlM (tM Ik* tBllRia4« latMd- foaad lk*^ra aad pat U yt *ad
•d to wmc* * fayh tckta^UMtiw faaad bb hyay all yf« fy wbiab aaek laip* mam* y atnwbyTb* aod
tbay war* paid tbeayada U Aabiali
b* b *yy tkaakfaL
fy tb* crop Uib yyr.
Babe eoaaty bryan or* oCartap
Mhlfb y$LI0 a day yd heard fy

S5u-WT.,'S«“ ■" “■

farm batp dartM ^ kaay **a*n.
y Myy wyt. y
■by. «• Murlyt «m toadlr efcifd.
■yy*akartv*y<i.y7. tbbbIpfaSrtf*
A* by Weed a mma aeawd
tec. "W.k '• loM tk* yrrtay e< ■
I bM wwif* y toliUaal d*eUa*d to eloy kb tataaan aod aylU*to&
rmn. Tk* ley i<*- faetbary atoad y tb. day M P
dyl MeKiaby'i foMtaL Hb(l
araaaad tb* Mttay* aad* b^^
n do yr M. I hoT* aeeepM
rad. Bteae't Wad* dwladbd
iMcfeeac*.'k* baa dcftod fy yoiby
Tk* .......................of Hl^i’Byoh'*
loytty. laTlBp lllatBUy bay yaraed
boedn,Jelr Ii-8lr Ktoteel UUi ylM MW*.

Byyk, eheaeally eC tk* eubeeqey
At 8* Jeaepk Alex. BalUMy
bM* Jane. IBK.ha« laatcMd bi* port- yd*lk*Sm ahiiyMt of Hlobbpa
fely Baeaatlr 81r Hiefayl hy M
to Ik* OUaapo Borket.
ba*B U <attn aeoeod wltt kU eel- WitA (aronbb waalky tb* latpyl
earned yt to tb* city w a 1
If—« dry tb» oeedltloa of tb* daylo of bii TblL It will ba the flry
aaetai aCatn of tiM ky«doa*.
wtK b* barraalad ii
tly* yy prMldeal baa ery rbitad
OiBBd Bapd* yd lb* Mwa prapoy*
riM wlU peedBM 400.000 eaay.

Aim) avaiy DittraaHng
oftb* SUn aad


Rafiavad by Batoi wBh

aevcfW caay. bj ye*
lowed, ia aevetw
dton doay M tXmCUKA KbSOL*
VENT PILLS, to cool aad cleaaaa
tbebtoad. Tbblatkemeaiqwedy.
permaaeaL aad ccaaonkal cure
fy tortariat. dtaflpario*. luklap.
bwTwInp. blaadlat. acalj. ertiaUd.
aad plaply hayyr*. with ton of
kalr, avy caopoeadad.

Ixiw mwa
UeaU yi

be a


WE MUST UNLOAD. The rainy weather of June left us overstocked. AH
profits and a part of the rost sacrificed for this special sale. The time for you
to buy is here. Sale starts Thursday. July I 7. and will last for one solid week.
For your own benefit^ke advantage of it, and don’t miss this sale.



None exist.



part is tested and

a set

II < :taxs Kerr) I ■l■J>eL

2c for a gi»l tubes' C.aiue Vcsl.&c value


3C a «nl for good 'IWhon. Ucc and insetlion lr> mauJt, lUi> value.



S I .38 >of * re»l nice 0|al IVyc AVaicr 34c fot the liesi 61k-. Petiole Shirt
Set, regular $2.50 valoe.
ikle, gool fitlirtg y

Il Boiler, rcguUr Kk v

47c <««

e gxKxmxed AVxsh Tub.

UV vxl

I 6c for a nice 4-|iiere Table Sel. v.aisisfl^ |i 7c b)t nnx 1 Jiiics’ Bells, in fine ismnio
ing of bulter dish, sugar bowl. .;vyn
pitcher yd sjnion holder.
3c for a Oiass l-etny S>]ucerer. the km.I
that sells for lOc in other stores.

I 9C for Oenit Batbnggy l ad«wyr,
good i]ualily aaB ri^uUr S6e kiad.

2c r» . k-pd N.11 1.,..,. ci,ta„„, ,«H I , ^

Cxqiet Sweepet, n
m liryil Rxpiilx yil wxrrxnled.



a I

3c fa . Hi. J 1



UimiDeil, and


6n i'


MU M— >** d— told plaba A
peU 4abb *MTba wy tk* pin ef Hr*
Wkbabw Retd. Hi* Ootbelly Vy
datbU yre tk* brtd* 0 iorp* • ippblra.

oak aad pnapay fy oU.
toy wall yak ha* bapw to Baw'aad
A. HooiyBlya* Ibabtid*'*
il b kaUarad b wlU ka la paytof
aaolo, M— by 0 allTy brbp yp
wkbh b* boapht b Loodoa. Uony
PkpaoWbbaay-tptnwy* peUaad
k aaC-irPty Mtoolhy Ma ■** U b yrly»Md thy
the ptayab ay woatk $1,100,000.


a dorm boxes conuioiag 34UO of
■ he bcsi Tarlor Matches made.
0C bw X lio« with 3 cake* of the be« perfuine.1 Toilet Soap, our regular ISt kind.


.m. .m, repiu, of k,..l.



IW -udc.

2C f" Bo«> plain srhite Hudkfa, 6c raloe.

a complete nice t>en>rate.l Lamii,

with shade or globe. $1 value.


"? ."'V ”< 'T’

Will you pus Urn bargyu?

| 7c for good i’errjle Boys' Waitts in

72c for a verv neat Coloreit Class Wine
Set, deroraleil, comes in white, Wy yd

bghi or rtork, areU made, the 25c knut.
I C fur a lOU yards atmisl of the best Ma­
chine Thread, while and black, aD num­
bers frrxn $ to 60.

gieen, $1.26 valu.

tried, and

3c for a.s|iool of Su SOk. bett kind and
all colors, 5c valoe.
r Meal Platter,
I C lor 2 sheets of the beS stKky >1y Paper


27c for a

I c f'>' Eoikl lin llnnking Cup*
I C lor gooil wire Potato Masherv


4C for a woo-len Coat and Hat Rack, otb
regular S kind.

$1.65 f«a0p.e.;e To,let Set. „„ dv '
Jccoralcil. choice^' lour deoualionx


decoratni. chowe of lour deeoralionv

g"sl .Asbestos Mats, tbe 5c kind

ic... . i». of p„,.

re handsome, stylish
itxlerately priced.


6c for fiooil Ven's !

dishes, rr^l worth 4-''><-

s. ISc raloe.

24c for s large sue plain while oiien J

I C foi 2 of white Coltae Tape.



slop (*r. deeormied. $5 value.
'Z Vt'^V^h Wc

“>I. Mi^’
b|. ISc value.

„ e Butloasor Cdoaen
larger sizes for St
:6c for lu lies’ fine
regular lOc kind

< 8e for a fine china Cospidore. decotxled
and ven neat
6C for a Urge Glass Frui. I>»h.

.lot Hose. SI

llradkerchlels, our

Oc for Misses' bitek nl.twd i.isle Thread
Hose, sues G to »|. our regular l.V kind


aUrul ,Vi dillcreni subjects lo select It


r pibnh yd tore tbey’lt

One (HjonjSTFree!
is. ^

131 Stole SL

24c for a set ofC pU,n -hue Borve Dishes j 25
3C for i hoire oi our 6c Ink Tablets.
0C for llh l»< Siationcn-, roniammg 24
sheets ol Paj-rr and 24 Envelopes, asi-orted fite>-

$1.48 for a complete
—ith white shaile y.l
$2.5<i value

Nickel Urnpl
roy.I burner, ^

3C for a nice GUas Pickle llish.

cent docount on all oo.


enes an.1 Valencietines 1.x, es.
affurd u
IS this rdursccf*

Cy w*

; I 4c for a yard of the best Table Oil cloth
ma,lc, all c.rlon

atueas PbPoe'SM







I Worth of Dry Goods. Clothing. Bodte and Shoes, bought at 47c on the dollar. The frame buildins and stock
< of T. F. KINSELLA4 MEkNA. ILL., was struck by a cyclone, and not having a suitable location in which to '
move, he was obliged to dispose of his goods at a great sacrifice: 47c on~the dollar closed the deal.
Saturday. July 1», 1902. wecommencethisgr^tcycionesale. The stock will be disposed of at a trifle
above cost in order to realize the money quickly. This will eclipse any previous sale ever attempted in this
I city. Stock consists of Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Wash Goods. Wrappers, Dressing Sacques. Shirt Wai'sts, Uni derwear, a big lot df Corsets. Clothing. Hats. Gents’ Furnishings, a large variety of working and fine Shoes,
etc. It will pay you to travel 50 miles to attend this sale.


Uiilraeit in

J6c kind.


decorated i

I 9c lottexl Urge Jxrdinere. real value 35«--

enter into the make up of the

otB*bi-ye. hyd.

Bk* weddtoff tn*yy rayWod by tamblyrapU Metoya wbo bar*pitHr. aad Hi* W. B O. Ptold. wbe y ^Ir
wy* waRyd y Liata. Hay., ea
TaaoMy. aoaibywl <n. Hr. oad Hr*
tiy littbf
WilUoa O. 8baa*. tk* paryM of tb* py. to aad Wat*
bnda imro b*r 0 dlaMad aad nby
aaltar aad beiyrty **ia*d M $100,000,
fa. _______ _____
b**My a koM y nfih ataaaa. «*w
c UU earM •
le. ■■
M a
Tart, addabt fy* eoaattr koay
■aw Ely a«ct riedariak Vaady-


,.,.1., ..c

2C for nice colore.1 .Salt ao.1 Teiiwr Shak.65 i‘
•. reguUt laJuc $a.6«



Mr* IdaH* Haybctskt, « y*an of
■M af PbUadaiphy. eoyuillUd y|.
A rval yall apyt MaSfaaad 1
alda. Bk* yld ttet *a aoatd aat fa*
kBH9 Mlbct th* pat. y*.«adad yl *pa BoU box. pirtap Man
ky 1»* by aapkyalatioa.
be M* apyt 60 yaara wtlboat
Hr* JaM Obaa. wke wy Mb*
ylbUaply* aawapapy v aaady taaairtof * la*y aad wy'1 ba-


I 5c for a dozen Jdly Tumlderx, large 49c for the lind 75f Shin Watst in the
sue, mih tin rover.
rit), a Urge a.vsurtmcol of

of time.

They are as per­


CHlQil m QUSlVUt

58c f

only the flawless permitted to
aaj tkr rwuM mb ly iei|r<r«Mt> e.
rhuaaw Ibr lyuieew id .eir ub) iBwhiee
fy MU aeeer h*Te yy IniolAr le wrunnr

...... -----------


iixic 01 Kintx.t. X ,lrc|i. iich. Ma.k. |«*ir.r
Hnl imhc preat Krk*nv« nirf tallct, same ryg« in |in.r fr.un
IO till i«t xi TL-. arm-,ling lo luixii.m uJ im|irinemirtit. triili ir-rmt
to kuii. XI fi (Wf rrm mirrni. I> lou will go xn.l »cc lhi», lxn.1 men
will Iw ilieie In i-:,-rl xnJ Ixke too xinund lo >cr it. ' A hxJf txia ua
Jls I. ,1 i.Min.l IIij. .» 1 hxrga>l up'ti the hr»t xiul ilur.l TnexUiT. of eadi
Cht, xg.i in
i.. llul,
llul. hitm.n.
hitm.n, Kan.. liex.l,)uxnaT»,
iih inmi Chtixgo
uul in t
I-Ui.lixx .» mx-le whole Ixir n rrlunild, Wl while
ihere loxnl ami
c Ihcre
hieii IS tree wlirlliei t


fect as the most skillful work
man can make them,

$t.Tt ona w*y. |B.U roaad ttip to
Okbap* Jfaab aad barth laoladad
M« haakaad. aad whiy tearf tk* - ataaayr* tyre Tnean* OI0
__ May, Taaaday aad Frtday. • JO *
rralHin U aakiai a Madyafiky
kiad at akatuy. Hr aad Hr*. Obaa

wy* yarrM ea Hay t. ls*yad ef pan Lto* al Hybto*
r A. Hltohall. O. P. Apt.
tkaayal taeaptioa. Hr* OkeayH. W..O*ABlapb*y. Apt M tf.
' IMalaM tk* pay of tka oiV ia byut
■weatty, caUoaa aad bra. orwl. arddy h-l
Try It baUi Md hr >11 dranuM >ad nbar
Baeaayat Ik* |y* of ky py Mp.


|/cmN IS

Buy— ■Jdrw. TSm-rr.*- itiy. M>-b a la


In the vehicles, we offer would

kka yyfyt* of tk* pay aad b tk*


p™«*e,a». »~nl) y
M0l *»euf. ,M lb> Jlle, !-rU—e-.M


yw eioaiar yleal "Biller Biaii HerrMrter '


y. to w raaad (rip.
-nh> rxtra
lorwt with ataayara
Irarr Tyrrr
iiiT McBdaa. Taawbr.'
rrida? * :au * to.
■X -->6 p m
alaa y Baaday
Jaar »d July Rib yd fulb. .tBf. ard.

6. sr

yeoapy^ br. PdttfnV Extraei
of Wild SRawbyiy.

aadjawtoac. lyyyty at U* Oatoa



A ptey y abvtcaid M* bay feoad
Ooryav Btly by panboad Wilt
auaeto kebt nBn
y to* tara ot Oeetp* Oalrar. ayr
Oiaoklyn. wklafa by bay IdytiSad bn 8torb, ryfloed io Jaekay i«i*y
•toy Pebnary, ItM. aairtop 1
t fy barplary to H
Style I* aaar aolo ibatb
iToa tabaraalyl* ye ana bai top to
The poelal aalfariuny are|.
aeoyai of iba dipvaA of tte fialfkt ModUr* airlka. af pabi wtto wbub to* r«ydyw.
patiup a i>.coliar ,-»»e wbieb oMa rar
Sifklaao tbeayad friwbl baodUn wy aara
lepe pift r-.-elreil br a
■I* Oot. aod *Ty7
(-> bap.
>l.l> IK owp DAY
(n«0U koay U Oklfo b tied ap.
» QaiBloe Tahleu. All
Myeylay aad HariacM* larr bay
■ Buaer If II tell, l» rure
. Batty ladtoatiat wat* Ibal bafor* lafayad wUb tk* Orry Bay fly
*reUytnd,Uu Sr
tka nd of tk* day tk* talk* voald plapa* Tbalaaaabkniitewtoewalb
newt >yil VyrCbiiaw.
efballdlapab pryt aaybyi: ibay
to.1 ITo. HellMoe ee4 >.*1, iben. oriitoary. 0|>-iied tlie box yil w
k*pt tka-peopb. ridtap to toe opy white e« new AU ri.cer> kn. e ykepe
■1 to ye roibd in oiieioonu r
with aaMty tky tbi oyr ia«
ynat aat* baay faratoup tbya from
farter aoake. The nuke l.iued yr1
Horto Biaaob Wimu Draprr.
tloa wkkih bad b**a eatUaed M tto tbab clatoa* aad ia apou y tor
darted oni lU tmirtir^ wl.ilr the la.lT
raltrod* weald te aeoeplod. Tk* ooy. brtdpy they war* oyriy u taeb
.-reamiup fmtii Ihe rootn
tolck. Keariy two qaarb M tb* Slw toto tb* riry yd reayad tb.- two eliW ot pohr.' wa* railed yd t.«k
Km of Raetory lorpeotor Aaatto 8.
ff tkyyendac.
labyftoy tb* ploby tf *aah
1 of the box yd lu onwelonme
Tkaalrtfca eoab 111,000.000 a day. y to* •toecrla llpkb to ye yoratop. Read, wbe ware drowatop. He bar.
lat. Tbe faailT yil ireladf of
AU bnaM of lodaattr to Okieapi Daley BDOtby *WBtm Mead* tb* pea- raarly *y»pad deatli himylf.
tbr tody are aybl, to aeoooa
pU wUl a« b* bolberwl yaeb loopor.
yraiipe eorarrence. The make,
H Ibay yly Ur* a few day*
sb wu abuet a font and a hi
A aoytaay at Oaditla* ay by
lenplli. wa> not polanoyk.
far labab ud Odldren.
na fyyad to baUd aad epeyte ■
*1 Bayy B*lb fy to* Maafy.
Mia of tarratMey aad baadlap*
Hart wlU ba bypto M eea
kahoUat tk* wortd'*falt te
T>* ccyyaay ha* approptb Md WO
A Hldlaad eatortokv b
l»My*PMyy. Uftkb wa $100,000
loTwy flawet* U* ptoalad a IM af
Itofataay of the akto, bembln
y aByod H a (laad pttw « b* oeayadwkloh be yppoaed wy
ptotod fy oad awatdod aady tk.
abtoa a*ur* aad took prau e*ee
laU* bad eoadltiw ftna aal. Pllty
Doy'a Uletau
•M. Ba yartod to tak* a raabb At yy drop atare.
If to. .yau pbau yayy
Pnyyt Hydall, y Tpialantto
itBf aad foaad that y had a
aba btty*
Billy, bad a aaeaurt* aad fy n
naadkitot. Tk*
a -‘dida-tkaew II wy load
I w*a TlobMly toaye. The fln
feab *1* bM alwayt aya y hey*
Uty at bb illaey wy why b
w taoldaot U> Ik* I
yaayi wfic bald a tcraiTy plakad ap a dab aad yartad alty
My T*an afo n«a
t eyatyaly'a fay y tb* fdlaw wotfcDy.
Faertb aad palled tb* trippy.
at Hop*, lad., tad aafad b tk* aaStops the WUgh
I lydedaaly with blaak
and wprka off tha Cold.
dMMIat habaiy. Utyaakotanbat to* TletlBii fay
uuer tWumuVale" TeUeu rare A w
ad tk* bayaay e*y y ky*aa.lwri.
•lad Mto baralap pawdy aad badly

prtM y Hr. Hoiyadtaok tkaai kaay
aadHotad tkas away. aapMttacb
ay thm kiyylt l*|y «a. a* dlao
Mw yyn ate. bat tk* caH*b wwa
ha* I—ikcR aad oaaU aet hi a**d
aaitaUyyeikyaaada Thcywy*
taa—tly parekaaad by Okiy Yabay.
a )bM daaly al Oobyhy, y aU
wea. aad an aow dotatynly a*
w—y treoib* fy (took.


rhmbiBp tbr pmda la iba i
ataiHird to Iba pUtfyy. Ha bad
uur ykir yd it p*Ta yt, pltcblap
I off (be pUefory M Iba trato
aaaarldni awarre, bb brad fall-

id to Ik* klaf Ftldof at a prl-

Tki KM Yn Ran Atwajs Baisht

AfkydMr IM
IM IwiniyUByaaw
I will b. .
of baatoay. «M Pryi mtom.
MaaaaB Mato, aad will ba plwaad to

Bra K. Wally af 8y PiaaelKi
yaup CraTrltop yaa to year* old.
bb un brad rat off by a (toafl. Sbva

BBoaola da<- from tbapaaoral porara'
oooaat ot clrll war cxpydipIreD tb* Btata Ibe brpatt

with a Iwieeee ot $II WO,MB. lb* bipb
>t polat rry rtaebrd.
«B. Aldra Snitb will po to Oytt>r
Bay Iba latter part ef iba yoatb to
Sad yl wby Praaldyl Raaearall
win Tbit Oryd Rapid* yd to dlwey
plao* Tor tb* btler'a loar- tbroopli
(a ba* alnwdy eapaped
a fy Ih* yytloE to br

Ttoytototoaatoay aato^^M-

ttBaatoiyaMMMlMy ■laagiiiltoad tha ■yyiHia db-

n- 3 Esterprise Grocerr’s sU stud. Y
nyy. Attowto 8. Sf (ST’Aj
ML K I. SHIKT By* Tiaiw rra I

118 Fr«t Street. Tnv^ Oty. iDcfc.

Summer Clearance Sale
Reducttoui throughout the store at the lowest point of possibility. In no

jiMto Ubour tmUUm » X**:

toMT< TMa «aa U UHk U ur tertn.
- tteB
boa rated («r (b* liimrr
for Mte UOM pMt >ad Ite |mmi
' aoteCrU Ite alitedr cteipti«d vtih
Mr. Gwm*l*’« laqaU'iaMW aa4
«*!,«, *M»«***“«»*«»**““^*
««« «t •ttnx «iy Onteti* »l»


pnMM br tb. ei»7. bT l*«h
tamOon. Th. ooostfi bI
to Om telMT br Mt telj

aattMT •>*- —Biteff
, fof
ot 0.» UbfMf. tsl>7
<««p>liittBC • Mmitte to xd with (te c
Board ct Ubrarr Trotex l» •«
lait a oiM. Tbr ioUt eoBBittM a
JB. Bolfobb rawi aM brlb
. „tea.-.^oodtb.oateofb»teb
at* oaJlod fx. oU ooahprol
bo la itao hood* of Boervlarr “** Ite be aaoeoBoed oe t
Id. tbn -aat ao* ttaraJ
THai. «o or Ixdoro^soaa. Aagoat Ml
Tbto b a rarj IsiwtaBt nattar for lote Ihaa 40 fiwt of raeh other,
SeeUoo 17. Oarm naat bar* ri«b1
ofway.ateiaiac-a.ot Breappa*-brfon «io roport b ■ado to c
BMOia. IS. Bead laaat aot later,
Cbaaaw tteoUM for tba paopb fte alto tortoo of Bataa. aewerc. too.
«ba oaea CO a tbaa tabodad to baud SaaUce l»- CoBiteir -f*
a Aaat «r Uaa to tba air aod a aab. «rtaa»oad1o01dldbatoo.w.i|-ted ^teoota Oalr •Uotrielir^ahall
br the rooaelt Toaadar araotojc. Aad ba aaad aa BOtlca powar catoM-perIt aaaou loo tad. toe. that
Bllted br ooaoolt.
be oard w air M aoeh ttow aa baa Seetlae tl. OcBiter ■*? •»«>•
baao 4tet OB It Atiar tba eoaaell polaa aad viraa. aabjeot Md adXraiaed. U S. OIbba. «4}rf af cooocU.
pttettar of the airtarpHaa. Mated
Moo n. Bead of «ts.OQO saat ba
ttet tba fraaaUa. woaU ba of BO aae aUd to paetaot oltr bafore work U
to hinaeU aod bb l■Blltiltl aad
thar oaotd aot aceapt it Tbb baa BaetlMi «- OcBpaar aiart hare
aot baaa fcmilr daoidad. boworer. eftr oBea, wbara aetieB
ted thar harr SO dare to wbtob to aeeapt if thar ae daalre.
* itioo St Molted** fretobt daBefore dotof ao. boBarar. tber pats, ted loadtot or ealcadlof of
anal eqaaia. aadx the Mata tow foe fratobt aball ba dtea mlr f*>r» •“«
the oCBMlaatioa of Mraal lailreada. Itaeteriaa
Thar an DOW ottaatoad aadM tb. Baetleo tt Oalfcra latea leqalred
catMoal lallnad tow. br wtaloh tbar to all potoU. with BO dlaer.............
«e aaaaioed froB local
atalaat or la taror of aar 1
pajiac oalr a MMOiBe bb to tbe alata.
It waa aoaoaBCMl bj Mr. Otbba that Baetleo IS. Ufc of fiBaefalw. bO
U tba tooMibe waca aaob aa oeald be peart It U aol to aar aeaaa exola
Mtefted. the omolBitca wo
patfactad for the oitr aadar tba
BaaUte r. Oeaaell Mar make aar
railroad law.
jMana la traacfalae that do aot cootba [Bopited tBooBiaa waataadto diet with taatod Hsbu of coBpaor.
totaat the opaotoB of the ntetto«.
BactloolS. Aarfallare ip'ooapir
. Ihn tba saber aa to wtaat act the
tooorparatite WM eVaotad aadar
called op. Adcccdtoc to tba racvdc
PtteCblaa abalt beeoia.
bva. tba eeapaar la ocRtetoad aadar ,
f eompaor wllfi
AM ue or isn. wUi* baa I I of traaohlaa. i
(alto to Mptote track, aad rao •
to two jmn. oaaaaa to opetoto 1
Cbaaa, tba oitr attoraer. Matoi
ter SD top. tbroapb tb. act or Bedbaboliondtbm baa beaoaaUataka •eon of eospaap. ct fatto to pap aop
aada to tba oofTtos. aad tb
dtel ladCBaaL
Mtoold toad t«78 toalaad of.UH. aa Baetiaa IQ. Prorida. fat par"
ttetanaaraot la tba caMcal railroad of apaelde tox of $1 par pte for
Ttorc. ta. tote to be Sied bp board
Of arUBatloa. two raraiber. aelectod
br ellr. two bp eoBpaar aad ftfUt bp
BaeticB 81. AftM » paara. oooaetl
teP bap toad, ralae of fraoehte bm
to bo OBuldMad. Valae of road to
bp hoard of arUtetiao aa
Ob oalr tbcoo aaatloM trat
tetoetlcB W/
■br aoaaldMabla iHiaaalnB TbalrM fiaoBcp M. Otbor rteda aap aa.
of tbaaa waa la leiatd to tba twrtoc eOBpaap’tonefca aad power, pajiajr
leqalnd. AUanBaa Mote Soaliod
laattaUee. Aatoaat to ba aettled
that the read be n^aliod to par lo- bp boatd.of arbltratlce aa to aaetlou
waidlba COM c< aar partaf told '
ba raa aa of.
. MxparoMItfaeplnh
rw.tparotMtbe aaroatb. aad ae
ao. Vbte tba pepatottOB of tba ettr
AaU iteb U.OOO. tba read to par » tor eeaptotite of rood died ti
paroNioftbe eoat wbaaSQ.OOD. W
paroi^aad wbra the oltrreaahaa
M.SOO pepalaMoo. the ootopaor to ba
M«ali<ad to para laalda tte alto aad
Xban waa a toed deal of wan
aaodCB te thto. to tte eoar
whfah AldMBte HatoUtte abowad
ibM Uewoald ' ba aqalralau to
OoBotlea of Aldaraaa OoBBto«.
abeat •S.dtt la tba Best Sre
■ adopted. wUb
jcte to Oia aoBpaar. HateMdtbal
WBi not tob.
ha to aot peaarioaa. bat that aa tbi
• or toller, to
Mad WM to to ftoi for BaBor. aad
waa to tore the aae at tba atioMi. be
tollered that tbar Mwald par tar tba
partoc aa Baatleaad to toa naaebiae
m rthr Mlaa Pleksm.
• PMfliiil Wbaa tba Batter cBi
Mpa. to. tootton to adopt toa alldtop
aeal. aa paopoaed bp AldetaBa Mocb
frail bapne.
waaloM. AUteaa Vilbaba. Meea
■d to toe be.. and Latdia rattof tot It aad AUarof petdat to. berriM
BM BaBliMB Ott. Btodar. Oaa
M aad ate Badia» eat piek«*
^ MoOatoar aad Maaiaa ai
ararp dap. Tbep
wlto a rtotleau
•to toa aaeltoa prorldlat tor toa
wMtelas af paraaaM wbera it ww
aBoeptoMe pMpla Mr. Uabrt.t wiH
to told. AUaraea Mooa aad WU- BOd
tolB BBde a ptotoat. bto tba pto- Bv.
la toe Batter of MaeiSa bto. AUb- : iBid toeB oel to toair beekleb.rTp
bate Mote apato toatotodte a Oh
caap. ia the rtelaltp of Mad a^
bat It waa aot adeptod.
RaBBle iBkM. The ladtoaa ate rerp
Tb.prertaloB.ef the fiaacbteaia
Mr. lardla alaBd Satotdap that
SaMlaa 1. ProrMaa fv toa «
each ladiaa woald-piiA ce tb.
tosrdtha fiaaeblaa to L. E. OIbba.
berrtec a dap,
blaaaoolata.. aarB.ian aad aaMfoa. aad toe better toe wcatocr the
to aato tbar iwpiaiB aader toa Mraat toep ptek. the iBtolito ate dteerer.
ad bp the aoeata teat oat ahead of tot
pickara »'boU toBllln af toa red
BBof toa faUawtap atreatator to. paopl. ar. atopteped bp lb. troll mm
to patbB to. barriea. Two toBitte
Btau atreat frca Ualte to Oarddd of ladlBB. wen nat oA paatardap to
teteaa. Oatdald anaaa tMa Paatotela to Eipbto. Pteiaaato trte Oar.
M4 artete te cltr llB|ta. BaM
Btpbto bOB Oatlald arteaa to oicp
Uataa tram Preat to
Mlphtb. WaMBldiibrro. OaiBito
ZHrlalea. nrtalte ftOB BIphtb te tv tlia ditarlct tallp to be beU at tot
Bateato. FroBt teaet (roB 'Park
BiBweod areBBa, Blmwaod arcB—
ttoBProal toBar, Bap froB Btawood araate to ol^ UmUa. Fhrk
. alntotalhate rarloaaitebJaMi
attaat boB VmbI la Blala.
A of rtoicb wlU be folh^d bp
Stall CB t. Prvridaa that fan.
.Bel ba ano toted bmM. et Mx fat aatoUewi:
li oteB, abiU aad« 7 pteti bombTba Jaaicc^- Ptea-Mte Mabel
IBMad br parcBt Or pBaMIte bra. MB af Trarmt Oitp.
two todldMa for cm ton.
- MiMIte A Bi^alm boM Mpto of iBbal
rara ^ apaad aal to ateaad 10 Bllat Tba Stetara' :
road of Alka.
vHta tMar tIMutoto otoat |M TtoChaMh’t
. O.Tto■ortbedteallaa.
•mtkl A Oooacll to hoM dlNO- Xb
-. 'I. P.
UN A Ivla* at all
mUte at TnttoM OMp.
StoMteA BaM itflt to hotetod,

'mtjm Mto wiv te aw to Irntm

All offerings wifi be of that woithy g,Ml
rouble class that has gained for this store the confidence of tbe penole.
•^prices qu«ed here Iwar norteation whatever to the true worthte
the merchandise, and this store* gutrantee of absolute satisfMtiiNi
goes with every purchase.


I Hew Neckwear .
Mptte BUIard ate Wlto who bore
arameaB of Dr. aad Mra K L
totoa. racarate toi. tectetop
toeir bate, to Bpteta.
Dr. Beam left hi. Boratoc fer tooto,
Prof. W.B. B^Lm rnaraad todap
rtoll with
an Arab aad Atoc OaBwraa. u Om- frcB a frw dap.' eldt with bit par­
m Uke. Or. Will ntBeroa a-d wife as al Xe-Ute.
W. 8 Bpsctecaaerdeva bos PeCt HioaeBB ate alao riMitap
ted will be ll>e poeaM 3t Mr. aad Mra. latorp todap.
MoPatl . Ilule tote. '
K A. PcM of AlWpaa. bar lartelM
e. R Biebcii leMiawl
papM ctsar box. paper pradi batori.
Oiud lUpld* toi. Bteotop. after
apnwaak aad |nper "talacoepe,"
' Itlac tneod. aad retotlre. la ihi.' dtp. ate baa appllte ter pataota. the pa­
' Maarloe Krakow, a Ma-la-tow of per u preiawed bp a aacte presee aad
ir. Board, toa ^ Hana Billca. toa bona are air tipht Ha to tartop
n. wbo tea bam rtoMap
toe# asda for eautop ate fers.
ndc. H. waa ia bU aartetp-lhlrd da aad ea|oplap toe Sa. lablap at top toe boiaa Ba to Iba toeeator ct
Oarp bake, left paatardap for tba ^oe. a paper aaakel that to saattop |
'lib llw daato of Mr. OaaUn
tor toeor.
OiBBd Trarerae oeaatp Icaaa ooe M
Tbe alBla Bllilarp dafortsaat taw
‘liral^r. Bdke o* <liaila adrllaat ploaaara Bt
etoaatl |sBed tbreeph toe dtp oa Kxlrad a eoodptiaMal of 1,000.8ina.
Traroie. Oitp la Itol, aad '
emidcp of Haaato. Lap A Oo. for toair wap to Onnaa, Moptdaf at Park
.l^rtera Balap aa rxpan
In* bMO dacidte to max. two paMte
Mra HapdM of WOM Pltet
)«■!>« bti aarrlee. war BBob la d».
Bdratite. bdet. toa Bateta ancptedlap two Bcatoa la PMakreak,
mmi. U toe aiwiop of UU l«
ferwartod bp Ball to Mtohlgaa mlUbBtIo. bar old hoBc.
ried MlB HaorielB Baxtor. aad
O. Wbaelar aad wUe .
after bt faoilt toa Oaatte Hobb.
ante will fa. ct to.
wbiobwtocea ^ the Aral boatolrte toreepb too clip peeurdap ca toeir
Kef tb* Mtobipac
wap frOB OBBte to tlMir
toU part of toa atnatloaal gawd
mark of Tnr«ae Clip. Wltl. addi.
Jeba a Blder. Marp a Btockled- Oor. HIIb will praBet nteata
dno. it atill ataad. te tba coroM
tlMoa praoMt Bitillad to toam. i
par. i. a Btockledper. Kalp Oelek
Prooi aad Pnaklta attwia aad
I (tori. Mato, af Ohio, aad
kcown a. (VxBpa Bcaat. Per pteir ted r a Btoakledpar. ail of ladi
L of lllloeta, aod waffi
Mr. and Mra Uaauo Bade It eea of apolta. iwaaad ibroapb toe dtp
axpactad to be twm.BL Tb. wocad
TMTerae Oitp'. cteten of hoipltall^.
will b. to Datrolt <n tin- ooeaute of
old Mttlan eaa reeall Boap
aad toao:
Prrddtet ftoocat.U’. rtail
pp boata paand tova.
annberot pean apo ba rcpBted
ftoB to. betel baataeB aed tattled ca
Maleca Wiaato. Jr., and wit. t
l.lf flat boll tona tore. Blira aoetb
IteBooo. dariag tb. warn wmtiite.
lanird toM ercalap bos a rtoil
oBBtedap Prttop. Jair llto.
weal Of toe dtp. cartplap ea a latp.
a Mtoblpaa.
J. W. HllUkte.
tek.t pardra aad pneebooB la
Nalaco T. LlUla aad aieer Magpie
Barbw of Bap MUl. hart
. at tital plan afler
TravarM City Marketa.
Oeatal. wbela-aealt^ blaS “JIb'
Tkl. report I. maOa uoon W*<tna<
Uuatoo will b. Bdip tntead al toa P. J. Ullto. and friend, to toto d
lay Of each w.
aooatl patlieriaca of tba Old Satdart'
ABoeialiuo. wbar. bU aaeodecaa of to Ibe poaal of Mra I
toe pood old dope, aad bU lieattp
Unwa. UiM fitidepard
laopb alwapi Bade bln toa aaotar oi
Ml Ptoanat. at. Ili
caaaB of Mr. aad Hn. J. W. Milll
a BMtrperewdef "aid
Tbia aiwiap Mr. aad Mra Oaatoo
celebrated Ibrir poldaa weddlapaaalTOttorp. aa oacaalaa wbteb few
OotBpf" at Maotewa Park. 8be
fortoBab- teoaph to aae.
Will alao Ttolt Orate Kapid. befur.
BeMdw hti wife be Icarec a foBiU bar tetam.
Oitp Traararar Woraborg
oootetlap of Mra B. J. Merpao. Mra
dcBle Tilt, Mra Praak Haada aad to Poadi toto aMralng
KiiipbU of Ppibia. eampei
lane, aad TbOBBa O. Oaatoe of tbU retarued on tli. OrM trala
dtp. HraVbileof Blpta. IIL. Will Bp. Ibat to. bappap. ha. bna dtpos
Ooetoa. wbo lire, la ladtoaa. aad itod alnoM anpwbar. bat tb. ripbi
Obartoa and Waller OaBtao. wbo are place and that toon wfae ara abl. to
n^aplan to .leep unigbl Will b.
lo the WMt


Tba fBBetal wltl be bdld PrIdapal
Bd H
t o'clock at lb. famllp MtSeaea.
karbera. ___
tot. Bonitnp.
teMie ItekerJaha McMMI.
Bdward Dwpar. toa Pen
Joha UcNeil. wbo haabauio charp. Brenao wbo wu with Bnptnnr Pick.
of tb. farm of Or. KnarUad weat of «R wbaa to. latte waa klilte In toe
tor cUp for aeau bcbUm. died aad- enmW at Wllllaanborp to. nlpbl of
JalM. woot to bi. bona, to Hi
dnilp toTlp Saadap Baratap. tteteblp todap. H. baa beM !■•«. in b
of apoplexp. at liB apt of 48 ptan pltal atoee toe nipbt of to. wi
Ha had beaa lo toa dtp HAai
Mra. Laeoard Oiapaon. aecoBtaia.
dap. weal bOBeaboatlo'oloak. letlr led bp HIn Doteoep. went to Mapcd at 10 o'eleto i^fBioallp aa wall a. Beld tola noretop for a law dap.'oattop.
AboBi I o'clock blf wife aoDr. Loci. Webber. ferB»rtp of thli
ttoed' lltoi b. waa braatlitap btodlp. Up, wbo ba. bran to. paeat of Kdand tb. eoold aot aroon bin. Bbe
attomptad to oaU tb.
OOoU not roow tl>em. i
lb. bOB. of Mr.
Bitobeoek, whom ah. aaoendd
aroatlBp. Whsi be rataraad wlto
A. Ttaep lop ate daagfaiar. Mr*
to her bona, Iim batliaad m. di
Ptoob. aad Ua praoddaapfaBr aad
pcaedaon. wbo hap. been Tldttop
Bnldaa hi. wlf. b. leare. a aun
Boa. Perrp Hoooah. waat to Maekidaaphtor. Mra Olirla Inreco. in 1
aae tola Bcratop.
Tite. aad a aanbar of laot* din
HlB Uab.1 Dari. ha. poa. 10 lAWralatlTM to tlii. etip.
mtn for a fvt dap.' el.lL
Mra McBdl took to. bodp to How­
Oca Dper
ard Oitp fer totemaet Hoodap.
A Bntlnp of to. oonntttoo ap.
petotod bp toe eoaodl. aad 'to. Waa-

poabd Cknepie libiarp balldtop.
cemnitle. appototed bp to. eeai
act with toe llfanip traaleM to neartop a .11. and eenctmottop toe ocw
bnildiop ecodte of Alderote Praak

Mt^ O. r. Horde of Delaad i. to
to. dtp.
Mra Bart OareM ate m PbUlp
an at Ink. Aaa ter a few dapa
Pate Otoaaen aad wlf. wept to Haaate toU ncralBp ea a faaatoteWtb
Mra ftogw. of Owean left for bar
Msetbi. norelap aflte a tolaf ridi
wito her ddar. Mra Pinb of Elnwote aTNiaa
Fred Q. Hiller d toa Agrical
tani Oolite* i. iDtoaoitp.
Blli7 HeCowaa wool to Ua hw
anr Onwe lad araatop ter a ridL
m. oT T.
A. P. Kltcn taWaaad laM oraUap
lap. and dievlbi.preprty aad roa a bartaas tHp aertb. .
teBotoctakoa eWofaU.................. BbarlB Cfaatelar west te Ktogdep
>1. Btentog te baalaaaa
(Mpiato Hetoteto tesa to froa
>Bp tbb Bomlte ate -it gathartw
p a few arttelaa lor tbote tel at
U H. Bteaalt ritaraiiS total
tog ftWB oarnp MolteMdL
J. Ui^aard epnt Sted
Qrete Uka
Mra A. B. IMrbor aad diUdlw
QMibObtofcrtM f-BBte.
Ccresou floor h»s voa
Prank OaOaett retorted to Otawa
Satoidap alpbt afWr wbo tlse
tbe conAdenceo^storekee^
totoadtp. HeteJaMlndcete

' ' "

tece baildias Sill tort ta
wbtob he wUl octepp te a a«n
lew with ItTiBf rooaa abeva
The Mlsto Elole ate Rtee Btoatop
«n ta toe oitp trcB Maple Clip toIP- •
A. T. Prledricb toft tola aoratoc.
tte Port Htete te cMal ba.
tateittil wttbtoaK. U. T. M.
pedtite with tea at tba toriaat otoo-.

ers and housekeepen. It
never comes back 'to the
seller- becaose it never dis­
appoints tbe user. It costs
,a trifle more than ordinary
flour—and it is worth more.
AABMte^ OAB^tedtAOa

Si—. Si-Si-

HidsoniDer Wash Wiist
A telicxl |wicc erming oo mlire'linc. Sjbir.
^Itoliii.tniammi..* tn.1 g«berxlrfl«» «. ian
tvp munirtxie. U r tnlicit yxmt imimlKin
of tl«c cmlc*t W.1M Value* .if thc-v-*s..n

I _______ 15 to SOc
[ New Belts

•-V l‘CT.alc Wim».'a
valuer in « hiir an.1 r-4.»v »l 59c
A moa cocm^dr ->li-i«tiv il ;C. saluo. in .lr|<rrwlal>lr roinrs ai 85c
of oiNlirol.-'^niRntTii
♦ l .'ro. I 7ri valurs l■cau^l!ul!l iriminc-l. | \


"'^5 to 75C
!'Pretty Itcck Ribbons

Pretty Wash Fabrjcs
All .<iill* inidatrt No 4
aivl V anevv X'*>or* (iv ihtL Sfi].!'!. Liur nc*-.K nuawhilrksa |Uu a |»rsail.
tale at Ibr vxi<1
Ijanstii viimmcr jaltcrnss,l 44.
J...I saitol U.o«,ng..| irr-iii lUt.MA



I SvcelHnc loltMtiims in
dcmusliitv. I'luc-.
will xUoni«n inu.

toowing at'


4.7.10. \i. IS, k 25c
SpccUl Corset Valles _

MoM <->«nfonitilc. -trnai I
an.l !».« tilling. KauIi s-i '
; 21cto$l.OO :
S|scrsal l-.t ai 39c aiuili •
nl.toliSr. .

SiAtai *>•... trig ol la.liA' ;

12. I9tto.l25c 1

47c to $1.98 Startlio? Coocessioos
' ........ .
l‘rjvui«M’nt. I»a.’i25c to $ 1.99
MS s-s. on.rt rdc*-l* m .all ihr nrar

Slim trum


10 to-98c

-.-.ts,. nt ‘ -S1I.1 4 Ia. lhan a<tua! salo,li-.t.-l nr.. H„. rare ,.,.|,»iu,nil.


8 to 2Sr '

N0.1-.I .lAigiiL m f*ts.i llimiiin in,! I
.l.•I.P1.1alJc Vol..rv. at
»m.1. J QC
121.I. 15.
I 5. II8.2bt

Gown, ftitiit

CiPirl Oiirt'from


OnUrr-t, . i„an

trimnn-l. rnlflA. J

U.v.i,-.!.lart.ra...«mmlal !

Nr. amiak sn
liH'is al


5 to 25c J

Steinberg’s gaS"*.""


34 M.




Marine Engine


-C o inn p IteA ca-

U Cycio


Parte Wtei Pi.
tel a>» n<or ...
BrM. larMi ......


DatiwU-Wbtet. 80 ate 80: c
Tolado-WItteL 74>a aad 73\.
Obloapo-WfateL TS>4i eon. I
oato. 4V>4 : pert. 118 U: lard. Ill I



bUTlfSrcBa- Psa brter l.lirwliim r«ll
Should OwTi
tmrx ruld llr> Mto<rE>.aT JmL •urut.d.

Farm for Sala.

ai mils sr>« o4 -mrw <*ly.
mcr^ «li*b>.,.rs. raoiand frwi m..—
moor rtoaiUUto.'aw] tons wttb la..'
BMI: ts«a4 nUr. SrM rtei wlteull ark...
hw .0 oa-rtp Wilt t>- -.U r.r tart ate.

Mr. aad Mra Chaaanp WbiBap of
Detroit an tba gawU of Hr. aad Mil.
0. L Wtattoap.
Jim HeCep rMaroed tola momlap
from OUtege wbn. be ha. bna to.

ritlieB. oalelde of the coudL Tbe
librarp WuMn are Tbea T.' Bataa
K L. SprafM and Mra Klla W. Pi-np.
. tom a Jetoi eoBujnn, wbt«h
Mpaataed (cr work bp toe eel
lini of Ur. Bate a. otaalnBa «
Hr. Tltai a. enrMarr. It Waa dwlded Mato for propodtto-c tor a Mu.
all each topopuioa. to he toXlb.

I Mom bewiicbinp rTcaticmi in
f -daintT Iawti, Siikt xnd
Cbidotif XI kraru irrecs
ranging from

Deeds replacing, perhaps.
Just now as harvest time approaches, a good suppty
of Crockery is always needed, especially when extra
help is present. We can help you nicely. See here:


Htmtmktr, that wt art aMag a Staai,
ar4 Fatten Tree with tPtrf $3.00 Salt
ar mart af Waa! Drtas Gaa4s. « Baf
fattr Waal Dress here aad save maatf.



men's Summer

DtoMf n»«Pf, 7 tote SOcufli
S5e ut of 6
Dttf Diaktf Me, lOe, tSc, ami 20e

sorprmngly lowFwices.

Gtp Book Store



Vici, Velour and Patent l^tother. $2.
$2.50 and Si-oo. ^'ou get just the
same style in these priced shoes as in
our higher gradcA For a nice dms
sboeseeour Nettleton Shoe. $5 awl
$6. or the Governor. St-Piogree
Shoe. Men’s Oxfords, $3. $2.50 aed

Frank Tiicdricb.


^ ditAMP tiA^a»BBHBtAU>.JULV!lt. iaBi.
M.l>« MMbUrWBOtMbto.
WOOM 8. B. Btf ton taBfbad. bat t
r.aa- wMtaamatf teolooalol

mtee bialar; tf ito atob

. impawnd ttorr an aow
law rooaee for bitkiia. aad mare
wtU be added if ■iiiiA A rafi tor
I tte ba; aad erw;.
toe beaa dan far tto a>
tf bUm of tkU md.
M »
rtJtMM BllM «Mt «( IHjlord him aaUnl;- maefa'io tea amaammaat
- to MmibI—> tl U
«iU b*
I tartear bMBtlf; tea
la Iba dlvlaln l»- last. whUa tea laaller amU aaarotod
Tntana Oltr- lot tea eat Tto ptoaaber read hie
white wee 'Where U be." aad
rlU btvto ««ft iBaod U will ba mm tbot iaat aa ba toiteed readl^. tee cat
oat from oader e front pew aad
IliU w«ck la balBC 4oea with • Ttaw
•rad tea qaeatlM with e toad

Jod«o Marse Sotaidor natead faU
daolaloti (hat Jodga LecaBfo wMld
ten ta bear the
(orbUaiac the H. * V. E. to la;
Baakf 00 tea propooel rifhl ol wv
WM aloe Ataaolnd.
and dWiA aMoilaf oC tea
■oof tea oaw BoartoC Tnda
bald Tharada; altanooe. aad tea
lb; teat

CImilation thte week 2.525.

Tto Metal teat waa held at tea ban
of Mr. aad Mra. Jaoeb Blrmla; waa
tel waa olaaiad tram tto
Mia of tao omm aad tlf aa tea ptllow.
wbloh tod tetamtaMoa it
Parker for KOO.
to etoopo «f tea oDOtal wub la Ibaak
anr; oaa who helped to make tee
A teUfhtfal ttoa wat aajoM *>; tea a«a(r a Moeoao. aad epatoiall; tte
The; alao
itoak W. i. AbdartM for tea loaa of
a aarraA Tte I
Aft; ekaiiA alao ema of TTaroroa
tr at the ban rofalar waiHat
air'a prtMtaMt cnoora aad oaa of
Than will ba aa toa <
I aoetel UmlMdMllTarrmMfor teoU Aoaa.
etal oMlmatoi aad alM tea papan for
tea aotlaMffInB.
teflataoiBtlr lot tealr boara
teMBtabfAra. U te bopad teat
tto tatatar qaartari; meatU
tea Priaadt ohaite of thia part «Mto
arlU te beta ta tte Priaada
ehofte ta af thU alt; bactaatac PHtafamUha
tto Prea PrtM tf Maada; c<na
Tto Irat wmImi will te
M aitaadad aaaoaat tf aa aeeldaet ta
teaaitiUat; drUI at Weot Fatal ta laortl.u tflBlalalr; aad orarHcbt.
Tto Mala Moalaa
wblab oaa oteear had bote taft brek- ' of
moettat wlU babta
m aad aaoteer maa la Ite pan aeww
wae hadl; aad a aambar aartoatl; Satardr; maniac at ICI o'aloeA.
Prtf. Oyraa Jf.
hart. Balaad Booibtaa tf tbU olt;
waa tto ooi; mambar tf tba 'caa Hodetaa tf toribam Oollace will pin
aa addnm oa tea Mb}eei tf war and
paaoa. aiplatatacbto
PriMda M ibik Mbdaot.
MO aapaolall; tarlmd to tbla mookiac
MtaBaalltftea T. O.. L. A M. rt Ttoto WlU te aq. Saadar acAool
Pnd Hetatorte bM baM adlaalad. baada; koontac. laaiaod.a Poataooaaotafarth pakklBC bLiao taMaad tf
wUI ba bald fraai I to 10
tea fl.MO aafcod. WiUtait Otaalaa o'eioeb. aad tte MMaacomrioa wUl
at 10 JO taolaad of 11 aa BiaaL
ocnad ta tea COM afatoak L. H.


moat at Lako OM;taat
week. BUa Olla paead ea aebSkiMa
MitalaS:JO. radaai^ tea roam
Maaa. dHraai b; SUaHita. took tea
drtfoakp Ulortaa. me aad. aad'blr
Baary. dHrea bji Oanaataa. third.
Tte • :K paaa wae woa b;
MtaliMteata, wite PMrtlta aaoaM
tod Mta^ B. IbM. MU waa
Ataatolka nao, TiMi BMilaa dill


. , ,

About 35 in number, made up of hne. stylish mairrial, wool' C overt. Cheviot. \ < ne- I
tian. etc., black and colors. Jackets both in blouse or tight (lUing; suits are nicely i
trimmed. . To close this lot up quick we give you the choice ol them for



A abann Ima beta made ta tea aao'
Bd toad bartaaaa ttot baa bean ooodsetad aa Unloe ttteal near Proat b;
A. A. dampboU aad D. P. Creamor.
Qampfaall rabree from tea partaarteblp, aad Mr. Orwaatar ooattaaaa
tataata. aaaastaf aU tea Arm’a
Mr. Oamptell baa act daAaileU * K. n. tea M. * B. B. will imtoaaoed bla plaaa lor tte fatare
teU; beda Mon Jad«a of Probata aa n*> bat ba will «o te Arlwna tor
LonaiMTaaada;. Jal; te.
Umo. aad If bt lo plooaed witb tte
roapeeta ba ma; deolda to loMU
Tte at. LooU "Doatan" will
teaQaanOll; teas eo IteTwalftb tbara
Mat troaada Pnda; afMoa
taattem A Biotte Stooa Ooapsa;'#
• Mo'eloak. ahda tea ooataal I
tac atrlnd bate batorda; from
Btarinoo Ba; briaftac «oa of tte
X O. BUteall baa I
to be need
t of tea
aadar wa;.
I Oe. *0 tefca ter tea otrael imrlaf i
rpaoo Bey
Mm •« tell oOaa. Mt. B. Volrj
Tbaiada; olpbl ta( had to pal baek
tea latraad te Oadttlaa.
tea blph
brltettoMaraote (ortetwaddlBC
ml Miat Oatrla B. Doartlla. daafbtar wlada aaUka Mitelfaa. Bba loft
la tee diracun met oad
of Hn. IteH. Anar aod Prof. irilUaB Mta Prtto; mfmroeoa and arrli
eleoled tte followlac «
H. BtaBM arhbh wlU ba aalaMlaad
.rorthaaartettoMrriad. Ste bad
Pteddmil-ParTy Honnoh
- - WB^^«T

aav ted, at I
IPO ;arda et aiaoa.
Tloo PnaldMi-A Tracy Ur.
- •■olote.'al Otaoa ah^ _
Itaortfar;. tmeorer oad Ram
a et thta olt;. tw
Bpiaeonoaaa ooranoy zron ■looaataiiiai
iml efaarcb. wat laifal; attaodad.
wteoa te aitaadad tea aHatUwaf tea
maa; fOtn< from Iblt all;. Blabop
old ooo tf Hr. aad
la ftoB tea bated «d tela ot^. Atwell, of Bamma Ol*; waa laeaaet Maof AU Bart Bicbte otieet. waa
aad can tba addraat ad tto areolae.
I toka Toeado;
Tto roatad obotr troa Oraeo ohateh.
aboat twoBl;-an ta oambor. alee m- enelnc. where ba wae behiOR. ta
Uka imt baefc of Ihoaa of Flaak
teo aarrloe wblU aoloa ware pan; with bU elx year eld bititeor.
Madrioh. Tte Maof Mr. Oraillok
b; Mlm Btbol Bailor. Mn. Roctaald wae opoo a peeled temlook
loRDfarBeitBer'ataolor; when tte loR
tea teak m tea Mat ate aBaod i
Or. Bowlo; aad Mr. Bart
now. A «aad prloa wBi ited for
baRaa te roll, aod ba fall tale llio

J. A. Moatacaa taft
aftaraoM m bla;aebttea _______
farOU Mltooa.wbaaobawlUapoad
a eeapU tf dajo repairla* bu oottaco. Araeaettotaapnromaatatoba


de. aad iw weedarUi eallook I Aathma. Oroap. Ha; Fever,
tea Blaa ba; to tba bllU oa tea ! oeee aad Whoop^ <Wh
I qaiakeel. aaml eara lo tee world. It
ranbar ahora. WlU BOI
* te aold by a R. Welt aad Maa aad Jae
A nr; Miable becteaai oonan- ,
C. Jooo—.
Joboeoo. .wbo maraatea mttefac
. _____ __
**“ “«“***
l“K O.
bafora other reaorta baT» waked from I tloo or refood
P. Carrar aad hia brother. Praak W ;
triolet alaep. Tboar who toe,.' i«e aad |l (u. Trial
Career, of Aafola. IdA Tte lattar i----- ^----------------- ara aara u-----------------------d a half IbMh In Ma;if ti m a pwitbla tblnR
Tbli •
will ba ftaaad Fndaj
or Chrear'a iaraiaaoa bnalntaa. whieb Tte oorlna aroaod which toe ooatace afleroooor danac tee
-- **-'-iy. JnjT ilte
>oaa aaiabllabad a |t»«l man;
re le the larRO and b
J. W. MllUkaa.
Tte departon- ol Fred
oettacr of Mn 0. 0 Laterop. tte
tta. who waa la tte ample; of Mr feoader of tee reoort. aad hare atw'ly
Oamraanral nare. ha* led to teli aU tea naortera eme for tbnr maale
KWMBt. Mr. Knmk I'arear baa
. loot Mlaaaa eapanenoa
of Oiaay a merry eveaias catbeHne I wonld have meed btm.
ttot etc; tear n*n- Ula taatll; ten
Amoep tee fhene al the rewort tele 1 aii*or«beii tee Momart.. aid dlfeettoB.
I lo aeelal ete-laa tear.'
teeRishI KevereodB- K 1
nay bark If
and WlU te a waleoma addltlga to Atwill. htibop
K Wall A 8
CU; aoolet;- Tba loletait
of Miaaoart. Mra AiwUl. Mua mud Ja*. U. Johm
loam ol tea brotten will form Atwili. aod Hr Aiwill: E :
oaa of tea boat boatoaai ema lo tee Haila;, profeaaor of cbemlatry al llir.
oit; aad tee oSoa wUl be wall eqalP- Uiiiveneit; of Eaama at towrenoe.,
ped wlti^abUl; to bandla tea ealab blr wife and Maetar Anatla Ball.;,
».K,al boalaam at Wall a« lo Inctaaaa wboare oocopyiDR tee imiioRa oot-|
Prank W. Cbrear left Tharada; for
liardtnc and Mtee E I
AnfOte to arranpa for tte ramoeal
M HardiQC. Hr. aod Mra P H. IM
bla tamll; 0 tei^t;. Be will bactn
Haeter Krad- nr M. OaUoo.
aetln woi
Mr. aad Mn. H K Ulll.-aple aad aou
bteree OlUeepie aod Donald Grey, ell
le oae for both partiee.
of DalTOit. Mre C C Kloney. Him PtJd sp CA^tsl.
Bateltn-o Blooey ond mold of Dalloe. SurplBs.
- •
Teiaa: Him Beaalle Momferd of l>e' anBoai meetiac of Ibe Banaab
Miat Clara H.oaphill of Looia.
AlmrOe.. arae held batarda; after- rilla. Ky : Mt aod Hya Cimriaa K.
Tte ;aar-e bo.loaae hae teen Daaiele. Mra M K. h Ayera Hlae
nr; Mttefaotor;. Tba aoooal ataruoo Qetlienae DaoieU, Haeliw Balwlo
waited a* followa;
Daalela aad ntald, of llartoo, Ohio;
Oirootara-Parr; Haaoah. A. Ttao; Mra Joho K. THplett aad Miia Tripto;. Wmiam Manna. J T. Haaitab. leu. ordL Lenta Mo.: Mra Q. <i
BasDrl Qarlaad
Torray. of Jaokaoo. Mich . wboM
Prealdaot aad caaetml maBacer—
the delurtil of Kdcewoo.1
Perr; Itaaaah.
Vtoa Piwealdanl-A. Tracy toy.
M>crh.;Un. ftabeooaToi
TiUe, Pmo.; Him Looix Dan of {StlBj D(p«ll l«A I* Ml ll I IH| llP ML
Newark, N. J . Ur. aad Mra bornee. inn Belt,
TbU arm eoatrola Unre boldion of of 81. Loeia. Ho.;
°'le^r Tune. Aw’t l-teme
ml aotaka. tee doeka tte Part Place
a Lncy tow>* aad ! liieecwi'iie .H. 4 Rull, Joo T Bwtii. It 1
Bolal aod tee Boor mlla
Tim aaoaol meaUnc tf tee atook.
boldera tf tlie Haoaal. A toy Haraoa
tilo Iki. woa bald Moodoy. oad
tea followlac direoton were eleoted
Perry HoBoab. A. Tracy tov. Herbert
■Coe. J. T lUnboU. K. P. - '

M dtnrlot. at tte ravabUteo
aoMtOB teM at Baptra. on Wat
4te- U
U a apItteUd aotettetloo aad
Mr. KanoUa wtU ton a Me mmtmliy at tea palli la BonBbat.
Tte Olarka- Uaka bald a nr; plaaaate Motel fateHM MoM;on
Owiac tatte abaaoea of aotet i

Of ail odds aod ends in Summer Goods. It pays co visit this store at this season of
the year. The odds and ends that accumulate during the busy season must be got­
ten out of the wzy. and that is what we are doing now. and we are doing it right.

an are aow la tea Rapid Blnr
te;. U Kalraaka oooat;, ooalac teu
Mr. Oaiaad te aatboMU
tea mattar and nporta erwdblap
aml4a to a impld ooaalraotlo.

ThaMslof lha ooodamaUoo «U
trfthaT. C.,1^ *1L nlltoad acalaat
tU H. * ». B. wlU proh^ aet
tor «rUl Mon JoAio Lono-

J. W. IVlilliken

who waa

I toaCroRRla al all afirw
Ed DePn.

tte apol. tot too late
to ba tf aarrlee ta mtIbr (be boy'a
Ha aeoerM a boat, aad ta ■
ima; wite bio broteer Bear;
Farwbo ted arHTod at tea apot. tte;
tte bed;.
A pbyal
baaa oal)ed and ba
worked tor a Ull boor aaakioc to reatata life, tat ta w> aralL Tte oorolamd. tat did net deem
ompsaal a Istt. aa tte |
aeetdeat tad been wltaaaaad by tea
will ta teld from Ite family no)
Prlday tftanocm at » o'clock In
etocfO tf L. O. OanlA
MparrtHoR orabltaet
for tea aitat for tte-poblta talldlBR to
raotad at telk pUo*. Tba tlta |
ookad wo« ta ba ISUsIkO foal ta oisc.
oad tte foUewtat Uda ww* tMtirad:
BoBMb A to; Co. aoQteaoft aaner
Pioal oad Ploo. idiraeUyraat of PorntelmptatamnOo-.'iUOiitt ft js.0UD.a I
J. Monraa oad Prakop KravUo. eom- '
Ooaa, BOW oeeoplad by & M. Browa
aad J. L. Bmite.ia>nSD. •S.OCD: mbbbiddon. Djrteaom ooraor tf 8»ta aad
Port. (owo^T'^NaoiDpten Botakr
aedOwromlteBroo-iHaoilta. ta.OOO:
blddomi. Borthwoot oonor tf
Ooaa aod emu looctfaod by 3. V.

Pnot oad Park. lOwW ta Powla
lata oad &kAm mom) iS0k1» foot.
000; JoUakT. Baonah. lot 00 Do.
lee oBwat. }oot ooetti 6t Maoooic
block. ITxBt fan SACOa
mob tf Item oaoea. with pooeibly
tnoptfctf. tern will tora ta te
HTiol oui raised ta tte
tea ta add ta tea appro|otatiM cf M.i order ta aoooir ite im . .
Tbta Mm weald Tory from StOOen
tee lot oppoella Pork Plooc botal
lABta) «B tte eerwar (H Proot oad
Pork. teooRb ta teta
te a Totoabto let teat oeoU te told
eSttoiMrtf tba'Iota. lo teaowa
tea prepotta tf &- M. Brewe aad 3.
U Smite. SAOao weold bora ta br
Mlm A^ Aadaona wUl fo Mtko
Mtaad. tot tba let Mot eeold bo aold
<tf tea roar tf tea freprattao weold

Tbtra WlU ta a Roodl; AataMdtM
hem tell olcy ta tte rmir Ohrtattaa
~ ' irw ooaraattoo ta ta teld at
«Mo taftABtaR Jol; » Prom
tea nimtoRaHtaal ootfot; wiU1 to
DoeMM. Him iMbal Hammood. M. a
Hoilay. Mlm MotUa Millar. Mkoa
Pmoom Botaor. Dt. O. B. Cho« oad
Rot. a OetfaiB. poHor tf Ito ekoreh.
Mtai Mtaale Tekceta wiU to aa tte
eletr. tf watah oto ta |

59c, 75?:, 89c, $1.19
Fine Wash Goods
at Deeply Cut Prices,
Our fine Dimities. F'lemist stripe, Swiss plumetis. etc., etc., our 25c goods' at...........................

'1 Qp»

Fine imported Cvinghams that sold at 35. 40. 45c
and some at 5oc. to clean up at.........................


The new figured Panama Suiting that we sold
all season at 40c now.................... ......................... ..


SSS 1!r.r5K.^SS:


The great French Renovator and I'onic
—For two weeks only this i;rcat remedy
which has dotted much good in this locAilty, will be sold at 45 cents a bottle—
(Regular dollar si/e boUlvs
iranteed absoliit>-ly to give relief in
diseases of the Stomach,
lath, Liver.•. Kidni
and Bowels. It contains n minerals
Tals or
opiates and is non-alcoholic, .A fair trial
is all we ask. Si,oo bottles at 4?c. Two
weeks only, at—

lUaif$ Drug Store

These will not last long at this

in the store is sold a; a reduction. Many odd waists which we want to clean upquick
we have divided into four lots, and placed on our big cejitcr tables, and these prices |
to move them:

Oar Sa?iaps Departmeot

I Store Closed Every Friday Afternoon duringwarm weather


We have just two of the celebrated THOMAS STEEL
HORSE HAY RAKES, and the price we have made
on them!

It would pay you to buy even if you did not

use them much this season.

Jit Ont-Tourth to Ont’fyaU
Ltss than Htgiilar Priets
Kvcr\ i>»tt of th > acason't makr,
Eveiy pan
a-kfranterf 10 give you etaclK iheume Kfvice )OU
would opect II you paul regular ictul pricn It
ihcy don't do it
theto tuck and get your
muori lock.

Have you ever used a


the most Stplish Shapes
the Uerp Best materials
the most Careful making

Every farmer should own one.

We have Hay Forks

and I lay Cars of all kinds.

And the housewife should have
one of the celebrated DAVIS SWING

It is acknowledged by every one

tfho has used it land there are many of them in
this section) that it is by far the easiest churn aod butter comes the quicken of



any chum on the markeL

W'e are the exclusive agents for this section,

want you to see it at once.

We carry other styles of chums aod at ail prices.


.So and $3 00
id Uzforda.


Boys S2.60 Stinple S(>

U toiapie H




Just the kind for use in canning fruit.

It's the kind that you

can't hurt, even if the fruit should boil down—can't bum anything you're cook­
Shoe* an.1 OifianU lot bnest wear aad alto taedioa and
beovie* teun idr
coenmoo lue arc laduded « tea taMT

Yes, we have your size. Now's the
time to Shoe Up the Family.

Jllfred U, Triedricb

We eev0 dmoppotiil m qoalit; aad always pleaae ia price.
■thla dtaoe wiU I

This is cheaper than you could buy the material lor

The Old Suod.


Opposite Herald OAce.’

AU kinds of utensils and all manner of prices.

laXoAteB MMUwiUM
ta lawaTtetev *» » *«»

id Traverse Region.

a to Fort «v>* Wod-

tiTw la UMd Ba#>4<


AMsriraa paodBOb aaa taM baosM-^
Hra BunweH'of TraTttao Oitr. ae- IMI nootebfd tin werM WTM oad MO


Ba^ U
«oM tmr «Ub •
*«71»T7 acp
Mm Tabker e( Klac^

«Mk with few dauMw. Mia. ^*•wea, wlM IMI baMt ae n>r

Mra Oh. o of TneerH
Meods lu (bu plaea btt
Bebool anattiip was held b the
aebool faoaM Maedar onalop
Urt. D. L. BaaarMBraad fron Ti
TvraeCltr Baadar.
Min Bdrtba Dana kook o tnp
Wm Saltb qC Ofaad S^d. U ^
.da« fall aliC*. Ufa. IWk 8»tA TraTsie* Oitr Hoadar.
Than, ara a aambar fn>« ^
Aa exeorboa waa ptrra Bandar te
Mn. ;
Old Htnba and Elk Bapida 00 thr
fleamar OrasoeoL
Ka OardDir of CU 8iv«<tt TWMd
wllb Hn. - . hla MB bar* cfaa Mb.
L JOl ara iariiad.
week aad
. B T.^l^ w wUb wMiHo*»Teottap*.
Mr. aad Mia MUa OI^R
daacfalm gtbal aodTloaay aaUad 0
Tba teiKl psTC aa auaralra to Cad
Dall FalrlBua and wUa tf Xtk Ur. aad Ura
Hia riaak tallli SaBdarar Lodp* last week and rooetred a doBafddi TWtad U (In a«‘fbhorb<xid
Mr. DaOiaar had a ralalaabaaa .aatloa of dio tobelppay (or (belt new
favjlara ^ on ^ taro aod qalta a
Uiaa Uon Tolee took a trip to Sola faw danSaboot MVUBC «ai Moodar b^l
Oonaar and arlfa of 1
Ora E.
la, Mr. asd
PM City
Oartii ________
Bnoe aad wife o( Peliatoe.
Tba ftrtka la ('.bicaao lail wmk
.naand a Buiaber to «al had ratann _______ oouty, are Tititlap at the
of tbeir brotber. JalUe Bnoe.
for (hair eberriaa
Mra iasea WaMoe U ee (ha iM'
O. OniUek of Tn»erae Oitr was lo
lowB bn
of the Hertliport
Uise Retsa W(
•oaph ttoanke
Boralr It la arar
i( tijiia
on *»tr at tin p«
&a DcFraMM laabla tobaaroaad

rib. AalaaetBakBa^*


a Hloobaw a few dare, ntarnt
FridarMra Mattb Bartlett Sad daaphwr
.Weetta ^o^Em Jpetea ara rbittv
Mr. aad Mra Bert Brown tbb
' MiaLoma PaaBtertoa of Tn_- —
Oitr telarued boMe oa Toenbr bn.
OMtpe Hawklae Mi Vedaodar to
aileod ibe foaeral of bb aistar. Mra
Joha Bntib, of Uaiilali I
Bar UoWaaoe. the pboO
Proewoet, hae a pallatr i
wiU te ber.' util Jaly lb.
Mba Mead Orebb-B wae eerpriaed
r •
• ra •

by a oaBbar of frlaoda
atieraeoa. All report a r>od Sne.
An eaoartira from Cedar oa tbe
Oame Falser broapbl ajollyorowd
bar* (or a abon line.
A asaWr of (lie yoaap
>oyeda-—beaeb Prtey eraalap.
C. li OayuB weal
Ctea. Paaloa rallbd eo Jriaeda at
Good Harbor Baotey.
Joaepb Kediiov was a Tnrrrae CUy
oaibr Pntey


Teonr Ubaitait la alefc at ptaaeaL
Rot. Btyaa atleoded tin ■
bet aet arrleaalr.
Mn. dohaaoB b M battar.
rawpoentinp at Bay Vbw bat
Hn A. Praaaa of Port Oaalda U
llie follewlap oDeen were aleoted
Tlamat her alatar. Bertha Waarar.
at lire aoslbly beelneae meeuap
Tin aolenalnaiaat flnB bribe Ina appMrad that aar lajur tin later
(lie Bpwortb Uapne:
iBdr MaoMinaa laat Batardar Bbrbi
Prmr-Jalb Hlllrr.
Vritbt aod Hlaa Oreeno el
Ilk Vice Him.—Ura Vintoo.
B. B. DaPiaaea baa natad tin Mil- Trarene 01» 1 n-vlaltiDf Ibrlranal,
fed Vl« Prra.—Ura tiryaa
ItoafT abop of (be Staalar Blaaaw aad Ura Utlea Oil
3rd Flee Free.-Kellie Bieelv.
|Bt aa
41b Vice Proa.—Ura Nebou
ar.' warfclBKbaiti to araiire (brir orep
Hec —Oeoipe Ualle.
Tba baaament af the n»* abereh
Tnae —Uu Bcbrader.
OtKaobt-lbarl Wealen.
___ ______________ Mn. JohoPiT
m*d tn^e TInladit.
Emftn. otilad «e Mn. & Bsrfca aad
Uiaa Bab Bryan pave a lartr
aid baa vorked Inrd for for aboot abral iweoiy sereo Of ber frlaoM
Mra. T. Uabart Baater.
tbn« ftara There trill be aanttaor
&e(odnwoff_Uie auoe that la Mi
I apnit ta pamM afltf which re
Iba OcMlab Iran Saadar. tba
aod made tb. ..______
«Ma ataadlw • t«S. btraaarary diar^ aad trheo doae w» at* asre
____ ... _ .bMptaallaad deapfai
eadUac iMon aa botb taana plBr*d
It trill add (e (be iooka a Ktmt deaL
LeMts are rbtttap trbsdi at Oeatnl
_l baat. Oadar tea eea of
( *mm» la Uda part of (be
Ther pure* W


b ^^tap^MM* larpe

b. and Ura Saiailloe of Tiararaa
IT railed ra
<n ol<

» traa bndsd oe Pbinr'a
vrak for Mr. Batrterfc.
............... ... who
tnte kb wife are BOW in Mieb eottape

lee OUT apt— _
Bandar vith ber motbat.
F. D. Tarbr sod faallr drore o*
to obareb la Beat OtfAald Boodar.
EbhteeD from bar* atleoded (.
wial held at Jacob Itlreilrr'a Ta<
Iphl. All rmnrta pood tl
Min Jenob Brooks Ik'apeDdlap
.jw dart III tewoI before
roianilQp t
ber bpBC In Orbp
Mra Bin
..oon la Hen
witb Inr Boi

MB VlM Ite ppn tor a
afriSDd win 1

L. K Peek took a
Oily last work.
tiiiteee new arrin
lani WMk.
Mra Bennatt aad daaphter Irea* ntornad to tintr bene ta WiaoonaiD
laal Headay.
Ward left Monday for Uiaad
O. O. *

ING for men and boys; HATS ai^ CAPS. UNDERWEAR. DRESS and
one-half former prices.

MestaoMbla aanap tte aaeenefal
ntsaraau at tbs Obarintea KapeaiM beeranae ef tba larpe asaber of
BMdalt piuted It. U Tha K. K. Palrbaok ('oBiBBr. Three of iu prodeete.
U«U Bast Waehtap Powtke. OottoInie. ud Boar's Baad Braad of Urd


ble 'award wUbta lb.- power of the
to teataw. a^e^y. a pold

reigns supreme in this store. No matter whether Ifs a $20 dress suit or
a pair of 5c cotton sox—it's first quality, perfection in style and abso­
lutely reliable in every way.

OOLO DOST b ha^ by aTery

old rhyatM of UeSbsr Ooaae. anflhe
raptiha./‘Ul tbe Gold Dasl Twtoi
Do Yam Work." b rae of the beet


ri; tji"ss.,s.’r3.rai-

Drop In and See Ua.

ee. (etanaap in (lie eTsaliip.
Tbe abioplr bill erew bit Soatey
for Uood Harbor lo wort (or a abort

tell I
aoaial -----------------------ake Bin
Taealay ereotalp for
niiiop mooey to parobMT a bell (ar tra ohurob

Ur. Honbrap of TbonteoaTllb b
her.' taklap orran tor (roll tree*. Hitbe .-nploy of Browo Bros.
He*. Hipby, on OTaapelbt from
Ol.lo. b bolcUapTorita) maeibpa boro,
He ti______
aaeiatod by Ura Wboelock aa<i
G. E Baldwlo b boltdlup aa add!tloo to bb lioBio, patilap Id a eion*
(outellra, Ota. r. O. eree CI9 U dolap thi- work.
Ur. Doty, tbe pliotepT4)>lnr. will
iBoro ble (ant to lalerlwbea Uitey.
Ura Kwt’a aletra. Uiaa Kerr.
Iiaa bees wlib ber ecrenl awoth*
wut to bar bone at Ann Arbor laal

I 24 Front Stroot. Trnvor«eOty. Midi.

I (o rid* a bie
I |»lt at the •

L“?2*:whorl nilli.lad with a In-r
. j| liet beuty waa ormiideiey hW
den by aon-e..bloiehreand iMiapM nil
■be and Bncklee'e Anira 8«l>r
Then they TUlebed ae will ell Kn,i>
tina* Kerer Rote* Bml* rirote, l'«r
bonelra and Felrat from 11. uee. In
(UllMe for Cuu. Com*. Hbitj..
Soaldi aad
Boo* aad Jilaa U. Jteiiat

uanea wotted
ura (or (oar doUare. James Par.
o( Trarem I'.ity wai tbe htpheet
bidiUr. Fifty ran dollan was tin to
talam eot rt^-d.
Hr. and Uka Pr.-d Bober of 8ta
Uane are here rl.lttap frieoda
^Mte^oaa of ThoapaoBTilb
Ura Polaoteer left ber* bet Hoobran Tblttap at Ura. Jarrall *
day tor Poaphkeepele. K
N. Y.. 1 '

■ yoo to fo>4 TOOT I
daoro •>(
ma abnadkane
»( irorti
pond food. It »
pay eon «|n»llT ae well to (•*■■! y<
At Donad ibe 4 yrar eld daapbtar plaau Anuonr'a Aoimal Feriilu
b very low.
Boro to Ur. aad Ura OamUa. Jaly ef Ro*. aad Ura U D. Duatap Tbeyaee<lli. A. I’. Cray. Trate
drank two oauoa of pold iwial rad City
Ura Horpaa has rotnroed 1
cane near dytap.
Baoll 81a. Marie, wbere the has I
ruitiap rolallTot tbe pi
Urandna Darpa of Tntene City i
Oftet eootbraxilte WM felt by
tnytap at her ilupbur'a. Mra Wll
irate of U A. Hote arty of Lm-xIdx.
bar'e. IbU week.
r., wbrn b* BW hr waa tarolna
Hla akin alowlr ohanft*d oolThai I mall Iw al ihc Hr.i.-I
a ef Tboani JohO'
alM h„ ..................
........ hia l<HI the jitirii
Iw nffc
ptiriKisc of lakin;; .tik-is l..t
well kaowB old reaiaenl
HI* malaily
y wrayello
w*a yellow JraohiiiK in liiv line of NnrM.-i> Sl>> k
UBakepra. apte 74. la apInttaE tba ■Hr*. Ha waa tr**bd by tb* taat doele famom C'.rcfniiij; llr.r.. \nrfrom I he
botwlilioal o.-uetlt;. Tl.oi
Then ■
eitlaeea aad Uh- efforu of tiwaotlxirladTieed 'lo try Eleetrio Bufc _ wr> of NfonOK-. Mich.
Voii all km«
tiaa liaya tallrol to throw aay llpbi on
wraderfsl Stomach and Ll*ei
remedy, andbewrltaa: "After lak
Petoaaey beeaiav Inpally tin- aeat of tap iwo bolllei 1 waa wholly oaraci.' joldwra
See u« IwfiKe jaHi order if imi warn
Kmmal eoaaty. Tharaby. Tbe Orel A trbi prorei tb matohleei Bent fa
> ect jual wlial you order, llau-'. imba>lDt-ee trammotad ta the new boild- ell dumiach. Liver and Kidney ironUe. Only -S"C R0I.I hr 8. K. Walt
I fiinher annininr rment a-. fnlU-wv
rae (be marrlape of Iterlra Par- & Bone aad Ja* U Jobiiera.
0 Uiaa Uartba Bannrd by Coun­
ty. Tr«anr*r A. .K. KeiMY, wbe U al.
Yoor plaeb eaa'I live eeairai
Call Inn oi if \oii are in .iiu way inater alone, any more then yoe Y<
M a UdII'-iI Brethren mtai>ter.
_aet feed them
cn if yoo want tliem
tlirlee. 'flier D<-rl
n.-tl ArmoBr'a
Artuoar'e Animal
Pertlllur. Ii'a ■old by A. P. Opy,
a FKiPXo'e Aiivict:
iree City.

Mbs Uappb Haittap retafind laal
week to bar bone ta Charlereix.


A Fine Line of

A Full Liite of


Ti tbi Fnit Gffwin if 6r»d Tm
•niaii AdjUiiig Cintits:

Sit. jifr 19.26 iidAig. 2.

Ur. Roatii loat a ratable cow lately.


e addltioa to ber n

sarS^*eMsrIma at^Mwa repaiabaadrode ef
no aa Anarieaa prodaet.
«. wine reanalUra aU o*
rid, It Braaa annrtbtap-ni_______
lairoly Bn Mpnlarlly of each pro-

Ur. COoaael el Ohiaape rrtuB.'d

J. 6.6ETTY.

day. Jol} iMh.
___ and Mra Olirer Oroawell aod
taailly 0( Mew York 01>y are aimid
Hlaa Baroea of Umroa la rUiUi
tap tin aaiaiaer with Ura Oromwell'e rebtlToa ta tela plaoa.
Yoo may beellale to llate^ lo the
Its. Mr. aad Ura June Roberts.
Mra Oaear Chaoee of Hapb City b adeia- of etranpi-ra bot the teallmray
Mra Drew was oallei
eUittas at tin lionie edpbaa. Ounff. of frlenda or r^ildenie of Trmveree
Mr. Mid Mra Fiaak Pitear loek ib* ten by the nertau Ulae
City it worth yoor ........................
Mr. ud Ura Ooo. ■
for Tratieo. It b aa •aey matter lo tn*i-etl' - lands
irh iiroof *» •'
"" - ‘‘■
Tbe Creaeeal broapht la a teppt
party o( ezeontaolsu fron Horttapori
bat Buday. Orar (ort of tinn look
lea Lonphrny. of bni Webeter
diuer at Tbe Old Hislaia laa.
waya at Hie
Mra Janes Roberta slipped rad fell
Oral Wood Dilb Oo . aaya: "Par Are
nr ail yeara 1 wae troabled with my
. IM bodlykldneyi aod taaokacha or wtal i call a
Mra Mlaar. wbo
aamb polo ta tin- teftk. whieh
soretal woaka. b si
■erero readered m.- mlierable.
Mra Baadon of Haaoo b spate
alao troabled wlih rheomatlam la my
a few weeks at tin boon ef her a
limb* at time* en palotol timl I ooold
Laopar Blohard of Tiarem City liardl* eoDtlaea at my wort. Procarta, A. E. Portar.
aa in towa Uratey.
tap Oma'a Kidney P1U< al a drop
Ura J. Talley of ProreOMal Tialted •tore, I need them wltli moet mtlifao■alallTM aad triaada a few daye tbia lon recalta Tbeeph I do eot n*
MraP.B. Rosa of Dakota U TiaiUhf week.
•r StBoiafl aod bs«b'
pornieel* that tlie remedy eared me
bar iBTrata. Mr. asd Ura Uberliip.
rarmeraotly It i* 0 feol that I ha**
O L.
Mr. ted Mra Matela Uka of Tnrtroabled itace I aaed Doaa'a
Raiiida Hooday.
Ktdaey Pill*





Oaa. Bai*M*.wtn vaafOTiPailata}ar«l br lallio* fH»i a par laad af one atr b detac tba woak.
Mr. MaKalpht. att


S.t.JXST aLmiMsS!;

sad Mra Oaardaaf of Kaaaaa
Obr.Ho., on ttepaoalB<fHz.ted
Mra HoaatoafortBlpbt.
Mra ArrilbPawMiaad Mral —. tewwUadte^B
^Bapthport wsae ta town Taao-



___ liyeAt NOW! JMOWI!

MIm Maob Maaaa. wte baa baaa

»ted MiUb Mads

My Prices are the Very Lowest.

Toe r.-llowa baa apiwarod no lb*
Tb* |w».|.-ria (or a eood Maeberyy
t«-aeb (niw ai lleorne Harbor, arbil* I roup in ih.- ai>i«v iw-otsaola tbla aan,tb* tare* orrlmrda ta Ih.- nirnmiKlIiic mro an- not *rry tetalu- Thro* wero
•liatrlete an- pamirally (iro of ih« pb-ety of bloMu<ma. hot Ih* brary
for th* diFaroiiro frmi of Jun* killMl moat of them.
I. that tb.. ..wnroa of the orH.arda, „„a Ann .MI« amn will have to
obeyad Ih* urd.-ra of Ibe yellowa onm-^a
mlaalnoen.. while Ibe peopte ta Hie

,b* Um,a p,,.^ ^ Uootey,

oity ta many eaae« failed to temoreiHi. w.».l

|nl* oonlainlmr n> cord.

aflUawl ir.>.aaorrtere<lbyMi*oom ; of rood ■eoondekrwlh


. . .._'2rS

.. .

Id the‘a^'k

Mra JaaM Bwaot aad Jaab Sweat
wm^tteato of Mra L. O. BfaSead

eaten. Price I
ooau. Peeter-I Ibora Oa. Bnlfalo.
talier'ot Traeera* OU* N. Y.. ^ oa lb for tbe Ualtad
UlM Onrrie
« the Bane. Doaa'a.
of P. Metier aod wife
I and waa the |
aad nke no oibar
r, B. laat weak.

Tin roTtnl naetlapi white hare
___________by_ twt_____ _____
|ba a_U Wliraleek ^e^i
LtaabnmtuierofOhie. a

Jm 28 at com-



iDHU onol tlK

ever witnessed. We intend to move $u.coa)worth of House Furnishing Goods by July aoth to mike i
for the new stock i buy in July.
'"••"'a /
We win cut Ibe (irira on eienlhiniS. reserve niUhinj;.


save from SV m 5.110 on every dollar l>y I'uyini; now,


Stopcs lor 6ampiitfl -

remember you hat e a very UrRe tiiick to selni fr.mi, foul Uiii.'e

Iroubic boroer Oil Sirrvea, carii tnini-

fioora all crowde.! full; In,; amontnrnt of anythin): you nerol m

et u if} ■»<>>«
>")•. hta iuvf
wicka four indira wide, will bcdil tea

yvmr house. A fine line of jiorrJi and Uaw Kiwkers Inmi $I.2-'> u|..
A big line of Haramock^ friiin a


. lose!) wovtm

Hamrooek for 'fw- ii,;hl along up In.......................................

kettle arwl fry pu U suae time.


handy litiie



Folding Canvas Stools for camping, nnly-.................................................. 'J-'*
Aaalved tboMMi'
Mr. pad Mra a Uka of Infca Ate
«M«TiUtiBC With tbab itaadobiid-


MtHM baa Molded to oelebraM oa

Btoboae of tin pnataat enab ta

jaar will not pavra (be oainplbB.
Mbs Maaiarat Bate of OhbaMi

Hr. OBd Mra Fraak Ha>Uua para
od tiuoaph towh obo darbstwMk
te^fM Oba to. wbm tiny
wUltesad a few days la raeoatirMba adlib Atkiasoe of C

SteAn After I


Here’S Shoe Selling

OCS upjiodik
I valuer nciw TV-'

d OMriu- aflarwonb aa obboaau


.Same ilyle, only a little amaller. for....................... $|.fW

(MTOiiie, good and ftrong, jual like cut. I<w. .$1.25

Same atyle. Mill amaller, (ra..................................................75

Have you a cofuge to furoitii, m d.. ymi

A two iiurner gaardine fto.e, yiiM like cut, (ra $5.75

ay'i orethar. Uabart
4 alao Hr. Balt* '


Hr. and Mra Baaaa Pratt Tiatkad at
Dte Urottertan'a titev.
Mra 0«w Piaan ta TlUtii« mla.
Utm M tbla ptae*
Mitt Bdlth Atkiaaon Ttaittd her Urn
ttr. Mra Ute* DiuK yaaiorday ate
Ml te tha UltaMt (or Maoktaae la.
aad. wtetateawiUte—•aaa^of
. M.~V. Parraat ta « tte Ute
Dr. PlaUak waa ta town Moteay.
Mra B. Powell aad oUldrte wm
ra a few daya

>il Gtain, laro and ranfrem. all aaLl, IMt/
Dole, pood........................
lalue al $1.6U.
. for
' thii
onl) SIN
Meii'a Patent leather Shoea in Ura. lhai we
fcnnerl)' anld at $2.W sad $2..'itl to cIom at

conlea ihoe (da rammer,, all aolid.
aolid, 1
I>r>ra Si;Ali. fiir (hit sale $ 1. lO.
Mte-a Canvat Tennia Shon. tvCalar price Boc.

far tbit tale 37c.
MiMn Viei Kid and Bra Catf. Shoea rmlirrad
from $1.00 10 93c.
Lartica’ fiiw V.d ki.1 and Paietile.1 Leatiier
Sboet WMlhjUvio
for thii rate $ 1.48
Boyi’ arid VooUi-t due Canraa Shoet, ieatbra
adea, worth $l.SOi«durad to 89c.

It may lie you want a Wood Sync lot your
rnith you uyihing
you want, from an $8 S.|uare

An Fxcelainr maiirets. $1.50
Feather plllmrx, each..

Cook (ra $.5.75 >p to. a fine


Urge Steel Cook al ... .-$25.DU

Whole outfit for.............. $5.77

tan Ital. .»>

A fine





line of Steel



range, inst like rut. for. .$2.5.76/
Sii good

green or blue, for... $2.25


A U of wood bedaai About
Solid Oak
timilar to cut only has one
long and two thori .Irawera an.1 one


Wood Seat,

Some big






lah. tm e large gram an.1


Juu the thing (.r

worth $L66 ted 3.0U lor S f . I 9.

at Ihit aale.

SiNbapt M.tli BtMmt Bur.

■tatata. l.,»l l-»l Fm» ,.U..

A nice






<lre»«, riiref



commode, one tang and l-o thort


liargaias in

three of a atyle, to dnae out


Chaim, earh.............................. HO


tmall room, only..................................$«.75



<»dd Chaira. one, two and


MiaKt' and Childreti’f Vid Kid Shoea with
pUCBt tips, lira, all aolul, lue sliles, worth


door, with Germte betel plate mu^
made in

Boys'and Yoolh'aVid Kid aivl Box Calf-'Shoes


ttriped, (or...............................$185 '


Bo)V and Ypulh't Sum Calf Sboev all aolid
leather, reduced for ihit aale ftom $1.50

$1.2$, Ttdurail

A full line of guick Meat Blue F*Ume Gaitiline and
Oil Stores from the cheapest U|i lo the heat.

Good tpring to fit them $1.“5

to 08c.
ncr lolc and cooDter. wonti $2.6a ^wwgo

If to I can save >..u a

S.wne goo.1, ttrong iron Iwls. aroali sire, )usl like

cut, for....................................

That will interest you. Our thoes lire ail new
stock, desirable styles, leathers only the besL^The
prices we make ffor this sale will surpass anything of
the kind ever nffiferrd in the city,
In about three weeks
reks we
« e will have lo
lartment to the main lloor. Our space is quite
We find that i!ic shoes we have on hand will
whole space on the main lloor. This
place to put our large fall stock will arr|v
month. There, is just one thing for us to do and
to dispose of the greater pan of ouppresent sioci
to have room forll
: cut
prices so low that ( 'ery one who ne^s footwear or s^li
need some in the far future will do well to invest in
some of the following exceptional offers.


Folding Uwn Sdalt for ihe imrrh <r laa-n, oi.ely

liainle,], red or green, long enough to K-al four

nee<l tome old belt >

lol of money.


jttti like eul for $S.ttl

irtchev ara.ns toy,,

at half price.

Big hargainv

A grarf tolid txtenaion
Table, wiU scat eight iie«iile.





KitHwe Talile, 28x42. wnh
large drawer, for.............$1.75
AU kimlttf Itehex.


fine vfane act, IWI pieces, ia

ChiUrea-t Vid Kki Shoes, turne.1, sprint; bed. all,
SolNl, aues 6'a to «•*, arrt.1 farmeriy al TSr,
far this sale 60C.

the very laieta and .paettieM
timpea, te only...............$tB6

Ladies' ap-te-due ahoet with pueot lip, pueot
leatber iriniBed, all aolht. fine Yki teKk.
worth $$. extra qwvwl lor thti Mlc $ |. | 0

drawer, tard^tewd

Meo-aSstioCalf Shoea in Ura and cxmxieM. aB
•olr.1, a $$ dioe. extra spedal fartHiaaale.

camp M lo« aa yea Ota bay it m Ouraca

......................................................................... $L76

We cte fafbiah yon Bb|t)tiDg yoa ara

far your ootugeor

t te.......................$7.75
Vow «M>) radmJwffi rerahre ow beat atteMMa itad «c (nar-

Men's extra fine Vid KidaboM mexapeBoMr,
worth $$.S0. this aale $1.46.

The Boston Store



K. Ffiim

Al IkaJlyWiN^^
lakadlip. lOA.iktr<t-«*to«M
aM dap * laaa* at Ik* kUaUto* tor-

r ararna ptoplaaa*-

idlba hnM'tf VntovVMMfe ""
dtod namir at SB as*o(tl
bad lind oa Itotmatog
■ Mdai itoSMtf kto dM
aUorty toagbtor wa* kto omiy
■ m. BnUto the Baaiy to toft

ffM who loal a toff M

■E^Mi «(«kt li^ <r tto
or tiM Ik* ka««
/ «C « km k*w kin^l Mi «ki
m u»k« «M* Ite I* Ik* hMlM
^ M«k*it««* r*
^J.'Ml ABilk»«Mk«^ ktwcki Item
kk*Elii^i mklac***-----------litfaO**to*««k*Mi> I
; . nv«M«kU***itat«
•«taffmpi«(t«* mi m M4tk*
*a«M*ttw «**i
Mm* th*l» II***

4*l*kir. or tk* <!••«. fMhiW* *l«kv

■Mn.*' «k» BilM Mia»i—. av
OlVfaaU IN am TMMImta
WmkM, «is>.ta«.tatu.tM*.
- _ .
"la II «**«k VhU* M
bratker. wbo had a ibHIItoff ballaaa
BknaOltf U»i*ar’I B. ■—dl*.
ra*Mad* «
0«M«wlN: ••■U, dM(M«UM*:
ail* am
diHiamM Ml**.wilb DD* foot <a
wiU b* tor bMI ■
f." OU**r *.
t»a tk*
MINI **Mr ta Ik* attM. W. L.
iblWtlM,...................................... 1 • »
WMt. Am Aika*.
kik*M> .
|-*rd hanat apraml (o' aak*
fMdar Mntad: Beaad Skki* uarT.iaartotni........................ « t «
j«.iiru>cb> ............................‘ « t
Ilka; ••HiaiMa." b*t.
INUr. r*l*Maaan;»ilO. Dali** oT Ik* Mk* CU}. Hlak., ialj 19-Tk*
T. a
- - m.''FNdW.
Itokltob aUaalt Mai b**a ahaad
I Bladff* lawith }**Mrda}’i to*to Tk* waattoff
; lavdfl *r waa to **>1} way a ■aaoeiaa kan toad. aa l*M a*or KoBa. Atotoa.

pm «*M vlU h* r***fil»k
i*v «• k*«iT kma. Md
OHtea,*' M. & a*u*r. Tn*M «tr
••Ir ii*4ir M*4.
Tk* «M** M Ik* Mlk *t Ik* kar.

Bakdnd* *T *i«tf**l «l

4^ waCBM UMd V f*kd71» M

J*ir II.IWf-Th* ««■
Tk*7 darlac Ja*> moalMd «ic**dlMly
«BMtk*alD*n- wt***. ■clkwi
vto. Bart; la tk* aeetk tk* toa
da^ktMv. wkokkd k**a tMlmrrat am* «B* Mkrtr MtiB»l bat aftto

d toJ*d»r«ciu

tkirtMlM *r tk* explaaiaB.


tta* It B««*M*d akbet d** H*
faalow tk* ***■*! a* thto all ftovtaf
0N|M Md* bat littl* rewtb.
Oraad Rapida Jaiy >-Tb* *atl at
roleoM A Pccfcia* ri J. 3. Tw*ddl*
tk* nMlIai-I •*«**( eT tte Ouikrls MMbtNk la tk* 1
to a»labbh a ll«e aa a fani arar Ada.
In* O*** polta* a*d Ik* JakM
U oo totora Jadff* fkrttoa Tk* tall
al^paUa* to l*a** «k*to «!*• tk* aaaBUaa, AIT a*4 aeatoan eaaattoa torol.M toirleata qoaaUoa* and will
ibiadly ff« lb* aaprasa oeart,
4*Mk aaaitlac Boatk aT Ik* Wf in. TU*«M.»alaB laak aba**
to* *«a*tot to to* Bivto paataaala. DO Mltor wbal lb* drcna of toa lowl;l la to* aartoata eooaUta. IM I* *r oaaK My ba. Y«ra* affo, Bcraard
Ik* a*aml eaaatlM aad l«> la to. PlalklaM. to*a owaar o( toe fara
Ik* toailiaa wa»fc aT a jany «T Han ■ajtora «oaatl^.../TU* b*a*7 raU- to dlapala. tnatoaiTad tl to JaaaU
*toM*d I* drawtHT to* ptlkM la tk* tall dM inadlawbl* dfww >ad *n- riaod to aaeap* to* ttoWliiy ot a ntt
to*lr paadlBff *ffaalto btai for «M*d*c9lwaakad aat aaea** alaf Ik* aanstb
I paoparly. Tk* wat waalkar ha* oaey of hU wbll* aanty aa aa atraaT-f Tk* work WM alwart mtor-* boad. to «t>U* ef thU. Ury wa*
«n«mI*4 by to* I******* at MH a* plMllak at h*aa* aad lal* pototoea Md* aa to* tana. Tbr pUlallff to
1**^ BaMrlaBpiNMUbaaaid
IbU *ail pot to* faroi f«oa to* aO*
• l*ry, bat riaklrtao-* hOB*baltoa faaaaaa* *Mn that aaa* at
etolB ef pl.aOO wa* raarrMt la
to* dtod ktot* faaad la tb*app*r a**'
to* BtaUaw rnaola Ebay had fontlM at lb* aaraalh kaadlaf ar*Naa
eloaad a to.COO Bonpap* aa to* fana
Tkaiaatotoial to* prtaaat Uaw> U
IM- prapiMy «M *eld to W. K.
for a tairlj food orop ol wb*al. Tk* HeKalffbt. WoleoU aad Ibrfcto* r»- ptoUJi la to* ito.-Md from lb* Bb*y aortpap* aad
waaa fmd la to* tola* aU*i Tk*}
raaeaatlH If boak^ to lb* TwaMU baoffbl aa-bw tli* Ury.
baak* to* alt Vp* aad «*! *i*. Tka
Tb* plalaUB* etolBod that Uu-y
1 aaaatlN M kaak*la la toa
.. . IB aoaattoa n katoaU. aad la aaUdad to* parebaaan af toalr
tk«tr k**ad wlaaaa* *U atfkt.
atapd*d tk*



oT tk* »la*.

■ ir-'ri Md vkUlM Md U laqalrad


JakaatoVB, ialjr IItoaatotoll katoak. wkiUeae r«ar
MaU 4*>aa totltod kf aaanaUtof •aattaMtowNie katoal* p*t a***.
nnaitHlita eT aota to to* *Mlk; diMlar. Ilia oat} IttotrlffbirBUlMi
Mattai to. aoB^iad wtlk aa
toaawtal aaUBll} at Hay «1. IdM.
l*M, to toaoMinl aaaaUaaST.
to OMl at Mb. bat la IM taartbl* an-

Tk* •oadlttoe af cat* to to* *MtoaaMtto* I* 91 to to* watral
■■aatil* by a tola* aipleala*, «klch
took piae* to tk* QHabala Stoat aoa*- •aoattoakl la to* aartoata eoMlto*.
99 aad la tka atoto n
pa*} falltog tollt aadar WaakMM
atadlttaa at baaa* to to* aeatbhdU to 19 a'alaak patoMdar attonao*.
BBtM* to. aoBparod with an
8a« ■a*}aN daad It ■*} laU aa*_B U. la to* aaawal eeaalto
acal dm to d*t*r»)ii. kaltkatUU
a IBM llto li aaatola.
Itoamam. Pa.. Jal} tt-Tk* Oa»- Tb* awtolttoa ef pitotoa* to

pka** aUk

IM «Mk paMhlpa tow toft to to*
■IM. FIttoto kadia* wan baaopkl
atollda’aleak totowiwalng Tktaa
at tka toto faaaaad }aauad*} dtod eeaalto*. l.«. aad la tka Mat*
Tk* aranff* yield at tiBetky p*r aar*
to. to to* aoatlMn eoaatto* l.«l to
Ik* aMtiai aaaatto* 1.17. to toa a
am eaaatto*. 1.97. aad latoaalat*
wtU ka laaaaad KaadtoL
Tka ptcapaat to ffood toralUterep
*B toiBBikoal to* ftoll ball

Hob*, JDly il-A |i*eB
aal ^Mktop oribaTafi 'i
today Bid: ■ Tb* AaMWb a poraraba* ibewa iMit n 7 tra*b la
aaktoff aath nq*r*t. U Praadrat
RoMTidt lad bMO Borr *IT
h* woald DM bar* **Bt Taft
a wild ffOM azpMlIlloa.'-

kto ahaad} baaa ai*aM*d tar ai Ladtka pfaffiaw la daaall to a* tallawi:
todffad lb* tapalarapproTa! bp MaebiBff kto tap. Tto pracBrioa asaItaaad ba U* way BBttl tt r*a«k*d ki
Jmmm. wkw* to* Prlan at WbIm

to* aar**** panad, SaaktoffkaB pal.
aa*. to* qaaaa Md *to*r B*Bb<n *1
bap: 9;!^ atotoatoaan- wparmiCJl Iki injil laaillj appiiTiil ii tbe balatooalal Mtoada. Bar. I. a Altoa. eaay aad warad toqlt great tofi la
-tka Laakaat OatoaMHa."
Tk* Priaa* ef Veto* *ariJaMa.
Okatota; "Om tta
.lak«Mr at huak it ffi
AStod to Da Vithoal to* li
A. J. Taa

I '.ir:

Ota Matoa* Jaly lO-noe^a to baa-

Qatot Baar Baaa Praaaatod la Tear
karialy?” V. U. Moo. Oaaadd



U waa MaaaaMd Obi to* w
nlly; 4«% mton’aMl*iMa*:4>W. wtll bar* to b* aleatd dai
Baity aad dlaWM *to*M*’ *i
Ik* river aaaaad Id rta*.
---------- rrj- -------------------

9)00. ji

•aitanday araoiMc TAB. Mlapak
aarrtaa. tito* laaa U tUalek, ladlMBiart*; addMB. "FImNm kaalaly
X Uartotaa WIUtoM, Onad
a Mar. H. W. Oililia.


A M. Wky Shoau Na n*Sg*
Fr"'H*v Wtmm aNanObMffB «l HP*, ag*. .W. ft. Tm-

Toe graal woalth ■
• of Itoaal.

nispb^ea.K.Y. Wto» »«>*««>■

Oar lalaal* an to-

loN^eBlBy*; AlbM Thtwbo two weak, mo «
o*B. bn dead, too irMr
Ipai M Hariaa. a Tklhaakk
. wka wo* Mto oltoa dtoBM.
d SB widdBg iMkriSoA and


Beware of ihc Canvasser
and Bis Expenses!
Bay yggr Bdcstca aid InideMts
when in tto Cny. See whti ygg
kiy. Out Ilffte ia j-oufiL Atwaysa
l..4K(»^ STUCK th tdert from.


Cotlld LrOOl^
Tto iwano of arent NTTietB.
doty paardlap Ito mridantal Oyator
Bay. Loop Ulaud. are aM looked on
with farortap «y«* by Ito bga*M elilsoaaof ttorlUapa. They toy Itol Hr.
HoenraU U amoap old MbmU aad
DMpbbon Wbll* at bb Boom i
Sure and that to dotoaMa**d
■aeb ptrol aamaal of ^owellcB






WrtD* 0*to« Baak Bdg, DETBOIt
OBliilu .llDalun lu men
prriodo we h.ti- llw aullHrily of the
blMiwUo Uouebr fur Ito atalrltout
Hurupeeu cvustrtio
prodded tlH'm~-lrn with Mwp.
nu-tured .1 i:r.-iw, otiU" tto lows
a alM r.u-oa. f.>r It* oil. lo 142U.
Uawi liiforoia uv It* udormia nicre. fiw Oilh exqulillr tniHa aad *’}Jtalire V*re^.;'r<^re itol • l.eUU.W to.
owDid Imton were a team ut re^ Ble4 1. ito (Vreiul •-wrt f.ta tb- i"Al»l>
creel pnwprmy.
. loicmt tsasy to knew tbaL
Bcnrdiup lu the ireiiaiotiy of Ito cml
ret bbtori.-al auttorily npoo tirsBr
BOW llvliiR. ••.•tbiiii: predre bu a. yet
tors dlwoii-red In tbe-BaBlcliioI ar- IWWI] *•• IM V- tto.rei lii*ta Ita loot ta
reMaMirea iB.wre_.utb .•>*« tto wre bar
ebitre rebUiiK to tto utIrId of tto prr tato.liwr.aT.
red -ii .4 -ita Itork re tto
fiuiery wi
wribUtota B1.II1-trei-i Ib-re-r wto tarer
lb.'i_rtkttota b>aU>>ir_v luml) Brefrei
I" tto m« bo. .4 kA reree >4 re>d ito-k
atireereie eoaow
ril IIdiwHy loved a ^r a
.. (to tmrW-O idll ta reta AiUiire.
KuUre w al_..i<rei ihul M.ta-ulre
expeurer- of <Mtore
AB *uI6m wb
redr b. Br toufl trrtul IWnt.rtb.
a Ulret f
rflofl iu flrtkos t<
Utead lr*rr»w
Irarere . .1 Trerrere vtijJiireia"
4 Uteod
■Cl tto Hk d.} .4 Aaruta A 11 II*
J tto foUotriuR c
ledsaielltank jou for tbe book yea *et
B* and wtll toae no tlior la rrediBR It.
-1 wooder wbal Diakre By ryre B
weak.* a flmw Uadical oac* Bid le
blaraeU-II U toraoee Itoy are
oaoDaTB oM«n-HTATm I ir m-BK > a K
ptarr.’- wa. Ito tv|.lj
An lurideni Is tto life of Ito UH
Lord htwali D aboe .
nite of buSMT Is lllMWell
as We do witb Hoaaljur to aaked of
-Make bits oianre of Ito berk
<•■ r Iitlni red Shu iI* i-riiaw. Oidr vre
ooado. a* hi* faitor waa- racsreied tSid. ta Nan i»fi»re*.
*tb* tanre.
-No.- rvpIWd lb* prqBlrr.
redrew re hb. othre wulalh. irerew.acd
far lob morb for Ibal. A'r will w
to Ito Cbnrcb
ofScMtaod-' Aodaih-bbew

my* that the**, with i.uOD But
AtaMsaudtb.' oataral iBBriaai. will
keep Ibe oortJi load fonrw aopplird
wttk.reisdAr. Tb* gonraBooi wUI
bad re1o<iMw to Blaaieaariea. wbo ta
tom will toed tto-u to EakiBOi aad
l’«ll Bprlpbl asd sold IB dratb, lb*
iBdyot Alriaator UeDoaaU.of Olar*lasd. O..
WM dtaesrmd os tk*
Dearer 4 Rio Uroad* aorth
> It Uolontdo-AinBpa Hb ticket
tmiB OboBs. M. M . to
la eruprioR ItaVMs fwea Ito oaodaMm
aotictol that He DoMld wa* *tek. Hi
L Al Fsablo OoaMosoM paaekrt bb ticket •*
the deaUsaUua. Tb# nan Wi
npright la bb w«t dead, bol

Hre Umtao SekaUMr M
bnrd lb* »MB*r Kal
itar Oroto* at Birtoita lo Md goad by
toa filial Bb* gM Bpaaand tram
bar ahUd aad Ih* child
Km b*lap abb lo tad her lb* BOttav
refaato to bw** the ah
to New TMk Friday.
batMo ba* potato
ovto it now aad wUI go McA M too


'sjl ‘.i:


Intrudored lulo ibe lllile odd pin
Wblrb ta isiritded to rolfeci and boM
faai at tb* back of Ito b«od tb* aofl,
. oaeree nnoda of bair
w pattm '






"»-totore V.

S.^3l2.'r:1:3s ~^’S.

haUB-reuta M*tarre. mu. wiu re- 1


5rT.*K,;;st;^:;rrji‘ysLi^ •
re -a

re ‘t.VSTt'TVa.iF


-Is -i

KWwtaXK-. u:«a aiw








.11. »—<. I-«U.II>4 M tbrwwtir uf

MlBirelUMre real reuVb aad reuUi reuWW
bur iWIrei. ;s Itobre. lOtar
to M I II)
ta -J.lrrei4ul.d ital -4 vtoulnr* • toied
e^ *!»' 'w*^*.* tta* Cil^bto*

__________ ___


whv tto uratre ta tto krtni »ir BreW eta to
RTrelM Aad 11 to ririore wdtaM, IMt
Jtabrtol Ctremt Otot i-tolto* dare IHB.A.

w brtof

la <uBrwtol looser Ibae
ynr't Bodrt
From tto two
lilR a loop of cold rUln. very floe,
q It tl ran»**d to iBiqm tbe oseo Mr«*da of balr and ao krep them
lo atrteter coefiseiueot
A* s mstter
of fari. tb* diK- (oM efaalB U added sa
a maUrr of geoaisrot—Cbksio Port


b a wwrwcNnBC aad ■iiatik

SmtotafreSre! ”■

a Itwylop

• nM4rao*Jalyl to bb toad waa

Would You Think It?

___ _
lalatt-d aad a
btn ef bi^ at aa^llr «*n klltod.
DM Bldea wbrotto totqrwtd ioyoo
-'Bob- iVnaeak.'.wto diaoerond
Ito rtMwa^ef Ortppto ibnfc. Oola.
tot wbo a*T*r pr^Bd
toannd ragirdtoff li* wm--------------•d ikM*. to workiiff a. a day toborar
to OalMade-Siateffa U* w*at ito
PoBilk of J*ly al Ito great gold
mmp, anr wUrb to lh«o*to oatU
hU oU-Um bardtoff
ytoldod a*Brty’«lOO.OOU.OOO le ito bob
wtoB to IMaeod w tomttgair ''
•adtoitowtoMraf iaao-91.
A party of Mt**aart.¥aaB* A Ton*
aarroyon kcMb ef ToIb, L T.. ba*
aab-ebruB. boUa Brea, aad Mbrr tewill*
dtoeorrred ifaai ih* kill* tor* bna of
impare Uoad, «* nrfeetiy aad perliftad ap aaronl totoaa. aad to May Baorally (wnd.
• re. tSrr.rear* > reSrreO vOS tSB Itll.riii
pliem tton an taiga onek* itoap toiMi
.fMwg-J. Boy, ta t^.
Ito aid* at lb* BMieada a* Ibeagb aa.
6m a gnat pritBon ftoB haoaatb.
fee km «r^mme^oure^
AloM Ito aid* aad lop ga* to •aMptop uklae erer ■■d««e»
eeil e to. tore, mrend
*i*da*Mttoaal biBdag aao to haard.
Oa Ito axMM top of tb* hlgtoM Ull

A yuonp Rlrt
ibont i: y
lererlf kn*
Tbe <Acv.
1 tb*
B bi-

etdr at Ito
“N.I. I .t.q.|
iq-rB-d arbool *oBi--1 Ime an *
a mtrad coptala of to* royal aary. A
. ...__ I Ibink >lial a rirl >-Hir an
or at Oaptlaa OowiM. wbo died would waut to !.-<* a. tau- b ediKmtt.>B
I iKitollil* tofurr laklnc Ito r>'|it>s«l
BOD look eg fat. tool to to*
Uy. btqoootoMi HIOO.000 to 8t
bOttta-to-ld diillre.dnpionp torcloe wb*a too cUnod
•to- boapilal. aad al too iaqaoM
»Mm«« fras a harg* oeu wLlto *to tl traoMdrod toot to* raptoia labaril-liot wby d.-o-t ycB Rt> to arbtad.
had ellBbad.
“WHI." .be rtaoiSK-red. -Ijevautoiny
7 tto’e ,
be.laod thlsk* I tud l-rttvT rinj at
Sa*e. UatorlytoyranoidBadegw*
Uty. aad tod tto d*la- bbaie.lotos arto*. wolk or wtoMleoay MS
Tbeo Ito odlrer toikfd ost trf tto
of bi. op* for Booty. B* U llralr a*
iodnw. and tto cooi-rrmlk-n tSB* to
BB end—Itoliilh Nrwa Trilejov.
• GriskM is rplte of hb pmt ap* aad

tolllc«ai adaaatad. aoni Ohnittoa
ffvtDttoaaa: tbatrian an Iffaeiaat.
bntol aad laBoral.*-

Tko O** lIMaw rltnr wa* 91 9M
■111 tutoff M a Bptd ram. Han



Eldri.lp»K>uklr. Ifty-ar. old. aad
hi. «lM*r, IS. aarod a (niD ou tbe
Ponpbk*e|iur A Kaalrni rallroed from
toinp WT*ok*d ^ flapglDC it let to
lliue to DreroBl it ireiu rolllsR apaa
iptMliap tmiU. vbiob wral.l
UaMag. Jaly ll-Tb* total aaoBSt Ibrewa tto ODRtD* aed «l> .art
roloabb jewelry when liar
.loop MDbaakBrDL Tto ehUdreo elollm. eonpbt fire
f Boaay aipaadad by to* board of
tt'IUtaa Leuard.
u tec mas. ton to bar atolatanoa
ricklnp ei> a lie pall, wkleb to
pirl won a nd frock, aad, a. tbe iboophi «BBloed wawr. to dubad
a* Omm laM year.
ehlldna ka.w lb* train wa. alBoit tb" eoBUBtt ever liw II wM pateIk* lax eoBBtoitoo.W
lu>*. and uf eoorto it added lo*l to
14.000 tJ da*. Itoy had'a faarn*d eearalB
ri.OOD to
toe Am and loenaaed tor woaaa'*
WUb tbr red dr*B In bi. ragmaKB
to»A; tto lad auntd op Ih* track
Bbiwtly after IJsaoB Alexandra paa.train. II* bad dm poo* SOO •d on tor way to open Ito eoreeaUea
WaahtopMa. Jaly il-0«ual He- r*M WDMi II CBM aloap. Il wa.
bauar. tto doeoratloe* tenet ImpbOB plaoe, heavy and mddaa with
Wad* at CtoBWo. OblM. ha* «abUd of Ito riMd where faMa.1 tio
tain, were eaopbt ta • toooll eTwtnd
*al* drFartBaat Ibal ^la>
Tto fraatie warlap uf the rad aad fell, drtpptop down * mae. of
ragtopto all lowa* aloa« ih* KwalMo ft.>ok by tb* boy Wa. •oODph lo wora oopiop frets the top ef All BoaU
Hrar to KwaaM Ot*r W.000 bare the mpItKcr and to broopbt hi. trmlD charab. Utae Smtbr. toltorad to to
dtod to PUplak aad «rar 10.000 to loa.Bad.lill wUhlD ■ tew feelof aOaaadlan. waa kllUd, aad Mr«al
■eon. were tojored.
tto daaprroae trop.
Tbr R*«. BbMdoe Jtokaoo.
Vbb* a 4 year uidbny aad . y
Ueoal sReot of AUskn. a.
MB wbo bad iDBprd IdIo the HadnA
that Ito
rirer tu mote him were both in .laeto .tori ooniiera Alatod WUb lieoo
por of drowBlDp at the fMl of Ftflaoff ynn affo oa* of bU Mead*
Blbcnac reiBdcer He bat bit for
daaur MBod Joka PawMB. Tk* BMiik mt. Bobokoo. a wobbd 1ub|>aat Mor of loaiMeaain baik*d raotatly dt Pow od la with all l.-r clotbn od and
lioowub r*l*rsno*U to* reladnr asd
td IbrB both. Tto woMD wa* Hra
llayooD. A l.aodrod or
aad to* flr*B hlB • paMtoa af 9U
take lb* ostler iliot b there for a rblt
Tb* two old frlaod tod bad
to tto- relodoer atoueea. gelnp ibeon
atoaUed for a loap tlmr.
Siberia to sokr futlier
lib trodera aad Borekaal*
gnat diMff* to ito prortaoM of Laplylni tto poteniBoal with
OreOB. bptlB.
Bb daoin t* to atrsag* tor tb* d*Tto hall fall al
aadaB. LagoprO'
llroryof i.iWIo
neb y-»r
at a Btlndaap.
til U..CW bare ben oblalooJ
to tkto oooBtiT.




II a piM oU aad ga* k*M aad ball***


E*wT*adiB la ikooaieMaarwto
aoerpaa Tk* rodU wa.ak «a* *a«
«r too tor. wttba HglM «S
pUad *p la ft«a* «f It. A* I
waa poUtM oat at lb* city Ito aptol
* B lareirois. «ir» rareM*. O WM aoriiAad to hoor a rMaa
from bahtad too pU* of I
ta boM rawr and acriduir pau Is t—.w,.
Lmmool Wait woM
- -^tod effect. feUew,rc « *1
r.>HKe.-!i ee* MHIMU
Iw BBiiMW 8od_aad_ told the - - febrfa*n <>BKXei-Bun
' or boer. u>4 ererceme. tbu
M>r ef beiDp conpellM le pe ton biakMM. Is ftor aad WoBbllaff Itoy
op tto My. Ud le pri Bp nwy omm w«M haek to tot oar. aad wtoa to*
dunopttoslpbt. Tto mild *od tto Btre- ■ry of ••
Our CarriAKin will gire iaUsarttsuy cHaet of SwiB* Root u met
Bmcitlj a Ifeilulh oilMM-ci of lb* taw
nrilred. Il riuMtto hlpte for It. woolaction. \\V guaranifte Utas
Id oiTabuu ti> «U» ■ f.uUy IK
derlBlcom el Ito inoa - -------to tto wnl red. ft* w.iilcd lo
If yem need . nedtftae yse toonU tore tto
to outlast any othrr told At
tto Baa of tbe booee. l-al. *> be Oa.
out la. b* tot does and uolti-d la tbe e<)ual (jriers.

Oyator Boy, Jaly ll
BooMvau will DM BBk* pablio lb*
pep*'* nsfaia] Mill Ik* aaffMtotltou
with tb* rathBB an ooaeladrd. Tbr
toal 1* r**oir*d to aoeoN tbe
trton NBoral at all haBnto. "I am
> Dipl'l OB4 day to
with . fvw remark, on ih« in
■appomd by a larg* Baaber ef tfatokpoard tto u«M. aad aow tto oobbU- MB*rly worm weather aad *ap(*M*d
toff Oaibolle* to thl* eoaairy to ay
ba. yl*ld. d. ordMiSK Ito
II woold BM be oooudModa
daalr* to m Um Man dtopoate*road U-laid uBt a cooplr of yard* to baeacb of ellqaeUr for tto meo In to*
(toe," Bid liir pnMdaat, to a Mral
oM«ld.otlto not* orlploally pUs-

iniklpi*i to k*kaM *1 lodiackto,
Salp mm. toataai**. wat aaitoanid
MdiF- Thaltolor
a IMi toa foar diN to
pmpaal far a enp of ptaaka*
wH kaaMwto* I
Bto aatoaatoatle at toa tort an* kald to H fallaw* la Wp eoMtlr - ' ‘ ‘
to to* Mlaktffaa Frmll B.U
atowUl ka ttaltof MatoaaaatOkl- lU^.n:BMil*a. lOilaaiiBl:
C*al •; Ottawa, td; TMBffMto 47:
ffaa. 100; ■•*
mK lU; On
: O^la Orwito at
■ ; OU*ar W. StoWBH at OkUto*
UianawateMlaklffM mil Ball.
kMB. Tka laat aawad <
Mtototektowtob to toagaadaMMitolp Mfiwtol to Ohlatoo. «U1
talk a* tool toldaal Two eaator- Oratorla wito iMd EltohMar al
aaaaiaa pnetlealpkaaa* wUI kaffir■badMtdl laaHMaar
ad at to* dark. Alto* lewa
I* OiidOB at to* alty wat eoa' ttoi-ptaaa Md •
wai atotorad am* da* la Iktraak
Bat. a & Baa
aadttoaf to*«PBy."
LMdaa. Jaly It-Whwi Lord
cb*a*r Birirtd al Uiadoa.'^
81 3
waiarawdad wllk
Tk* eeloalal aad taffalar troop* tlatd
a*«ad Taato*} •taaliff. Taaada} Ik* raato. tk* Prtoo* of Walt*, tb*
atliiiiii aa tafiiMt waaptlaa
dittoitoi will ba kald aad
I aIrlUaM ptaatod ih*
fftatral aa b* toappal ftaw to* ti

Vlaai ffiiittto. Bat-


There U oonlgrt U tto ktowMp. to
■wa cpretBl that Dr. KUnwr'i Swim-

aloag HarT*y*'
Ito rirer (nb H*w Ortoaaa
a of a btoebad. ot di% Tb*
waurway 1* IlMtally cbotod with
Matigalteo Id tb.- eaaal tot
MiaedMl Tb* Ibbm>b *.ti*m
plaat of tb* LooUtaa* CypnB LembarUe . rBplpylop aarMal baadnd
baadi. ha. b**a toread lo clot* dowa.
tmtfbm* to pellaud by ito
Erro BBk*« caaoM Ur* to
eaa oorrr a mil* a* faM a* bom bco.
Ito poind waur wbtak. a«aally a
ADMberbafe and hearty Y*ak**U Ell
Biddy eolor. to* lanuKlaD toky bark
Baao. wbo luw eerred a* JaMler of
A child .track by llpbtatoff. appar- the pnoo la Browofleld. Oxford eooa■Illy dtod Old torrlMy barard,
•r. He., for flfly-fearytora Ur. B*m
ptoead Id a pta»« Wadanday olpb* by
I 81 yean old. He aerrMI ia ttootril litoa Uyoq. Ik-.Badtoir
or a* OBpMlo aad *«t*BM qaartorao boar tol.-r wa. Bkre oot roowdou.
oMM and wa* bnr.-led maM
aad with do otbrr cSeru of tb* lipblkliDlapeiMritny that tto preotoM
Btoff rsoapl tto borna U la allrr and
(Old ■tike rrrr mad* ta tto *a« I*
dotap W.I1- Tto bolt jMnd dowa
le to* tows ef Stabarp, Baaoliif ■
tAlBDry Mnek U»‘ child le
too oouly. VI.. wbar*, it ta told, oaIto caadir. nuiDiiip down 1U bcly
riche* bar* b**a diaoeTatod.
froa tbr npbl idiooUtr lo Um- left
Abov two D»«tto ago Joba K.
fatp aad tbre dowa (br Irp ood aeroB
Boobelor. of Uuobeetor. a Itodtr of
tb* npbt fool, bora top iLr fltob all
■'ermool bar. began opaalop a
NriEbbart flocked Is
oo tbe Iti.-e farm ta toaborp.
. li ooold l» dDi.ra
drvcrtJ hrary bUat* won pot la aad
prar* (wo fret dn-p wat Bad*. Tto
Uir U.I ooe unootnrd a lod* Of geld
iM. ■lrin»d of all il. clolhtop. wa*
benriuK qaariv
It It eMlBBMd that
,rtrd with two frrt of .^rtb, lU
■ere are oo* lOu.iO) tooiof geld
bad brtop toft fm. The rate poorK ore ID tiKbi.
iporoady, bDt'>,a rrow.l *(eod
Kreo 111 lb" botlMt
abook ibr ptarr mylop Half as
r vUilor. p>i lute to* whtu booMw.
boor afBrttard Or. H. H. Ebnta
Ilrotibly to walob tto wortmao tear
Ui* M.-0* bdU foanil tto el.ild
ip out the lolarior. bet really to
.afferinp. Il wa.
carry away pl*o*a of besrda lath*
t.k*o to tbe bMpiUl asd I* Itktly to
and olb-r |vte of ilu- loirrlar wbito
ncorer Ta- ibrary o( tto RsBlaot
tar* bees thrown lulu tto driveway.
il that tto **nb aliwrb* tbr rlrekrteTh" wri-ael.i Ireo o*iU focad Htoklly froBkb* body.
Bl of pleoM of wood bm aa'd
Karr of OaliAl Pali*. N V..
a loop flpbl apainMtto I.lpb
■BiBioMw of blidlitrln. wbo
a yrar apo wdotvd that two baaokfol
aapl* inn aboot 100 y«ar. old..
R. i li. N. Ulller of Newark. O
■boold br eat doMU to >akr room for htok. a Ban eao pmoh a. peed
roadway. Tb.- Mn are oo i»o- •ermuo Ui bl> *litn >l**ie* a* with bt*
prrty which wa. emor owawl by Ur. M*i ou
U.i Bsuday ***0114 to apBan. wbo dMcrmtord itot tl.»y ■■•red ID b>. polplt wearinp qolt* a
altoold be nrad. For . ymr to ba* natiy tolnwatal. Be jsofaacd bi* nr




lb* towrtor la tb* traMary'd*t«al tor a** ai a qaaiaatia* MaUcB tor tmallroi Fattoata Tban to
aU*«iy a nmeo aid B*ria« boqdlal
Ihr ulaad aad ow»W to woBdertuI
Mr of Mallpoi to AUaka
it I* dacard d.olfablr lba< a npolar
h* toiOtoird gpoo

ipiki* I atoaal *>lTiM* «k«* tk*


Trer-m.ltatarre ito

tore W.B. arretoto


■—r-—toi^tota,ntour.Btow yya,*fr

OtAiaor tn>-ai*lA» tv-KmUrer_«rv tfStoto'u I-Mtort to^*i^~i_reto, jUBB
o (wBrl-uwelr taitoredTrsrrew.
rear reuiB« twre tto dut- ta Bto u«B ■. red
Al a ____ .4 tto t-rtaair 1 ..vt tta Barer ta Bto aiener.. - to rea_Bto aarew

ireatorer uibre lhu>r-iMi a (mr-bre toot-

ibm taitor.

w to retaiBM I. »• itfBoaTrBV„-s.srj.'.nK:; ----------- -

?Tvx."::;r-:r'.r.':E:i irie gr*x,^.=.:rg-jrsir-j;



VMwfUbiimaNW » Ika Unii^




—tod will ■
t wbo loogbo hM farm
be la m* made tbto year — wUl
Ita «UTf«. tvlIltaBt tklakOT A*.
UMtrbrie; I'll oM df«;.
With eoU«« tMOTd a>4 d«N*;
Bh* hM Mt kB»«x Um paUu af tw*; Bat tbU U qatlr M t»««. mf I.
' a ttMMl. MO buluiwtw—id h-.T« b-rt b«f ■•li*.
8b* walk* to old. knf-uadd-

Th« «U.jt »r tiM jiwirifcy.

. RB** tba doeter a Itol tf bar
tom*, and an*wared bto q—•
.-.oaly to be aMaalabad at bto
• "MadRbat yooI aaad la ta rdbd year
Blbto mar* "
“Bat dnolar.

B—• UbM ktafdoB. ter* bndu—:
8h> Mk* M OHMT wmA or fu—

Rnl aba wlU dnelara Umt M* woald
MIbar net be to alyto tbaa m t
aaaba dawdy thtoR. A btti* I
wbaa aba aaaa bow abarmtoR
ptoto Uuto aalRbbar tonka to tba aofl.

, iMMluR *<l fbtlNU.
Mta. Olafoaer Maata;.
-Oi bam. am) rami year Blbto a.
iMdaret Ma« Tort aoclf<lr.
Oat bar boar .raiy day." tba fraat mm rollw at aUaoat *»,OUO.OOO at b«
etawl. with kindly antbaHly, "tbm
aad. U oiadHad with baloit the
come Met m me n meath from to­
AI int lb* paltonl woe la_____ Ua. 8b* apaad. aaaaatiT
eliaMl lo no anfry. Tbaa Me roBaotIMta IK.OOO *B bar arardrab*. aad
ad that at laaat the iBoaeripcioa waa
thM doa* aal iaeiad* bar tarltb e«eot aa expanalTa ana. Baalda* II oatUtaraa fat y*web7. wblidi M her pat
With aa BMated Obrlatmaaiwaaaat minty bad bara a loaf Ubm- dana
dm imd mad Uw Btblr rrRntoriy. ah*
rdleeird with a panR of enaa-lenm-.
Worldly earn had crowded eot iwayar
liberal taeU. aba >aailly In poattloo
I tSibto atady for year*, aad, tboaRh
» lead tba roanfar art of wmmo in and ISib
woohl hare loaeaud beluR oaUwl
Mew Vwb la the nailer of extrara'
ImllRiaa* womaa. ah* bad
daaUMlly become a mnal tar
CbHatlan. 8h.- weal bama and
ward fad*, and aa* of bar laioal
banalfoeoaetoaUaaaly lo try tba pbytieaa la ihU diraetiae U to be foaad
aleUa'i rrmady.
la her
la ana Booth aba want baek lo bla
Lean Uiaad. eonpriitut
and TUO aotaa of land, wbleli wai |W*'
"Wall." lie mid tmlliac. M be
bar by bar fatlier lo law.
kmked al her tbaa. "I aaa yoo at* aa
Jobn W. Mackey
la Ihla hooaa Hra
obadtaul patleut. aad Imn takes my
Haebey baa
laoeripiiim faiihfaliy. Do yoa feel
woadatfal bath Uial baa arer b«a an ii
aa if yoa aaeded i
ll wai bro3«bt
froa Italy aad li cat froai a aolld
"Mo, doalor. I doa'I." aba mid lioableak of MarM*. wbtdh onal
•wily. "I tael like a diffen-al peraoB;
IbiBC Ilk* 8n.(un. The pool l« aoak
bat how dill yoa know Ifaal wna Jaat
In the tkwt and flve broad marble
wbat I aeed«d>"
ftepi lead down to It. Tb
Vor aiwwer tne famou phyailaan
apooU from the BooUti of e*<i
tarartl to hi* d*m
Tlmre, worn and
arred marble daipbl
ure of tba tattataom ImiRAteni
, "U 1
mid w
plm* baill into ibe ilde wall of the
to omit my dally readtoRi at
ihia Book. 1 ihoald loaa my RtaMaal
aoaroe of atraoRtb aad akIIL 1 nerer
MU Pompallae bath let down la tba
RO to an 0|*-raUoa witboat laadtoR
marbla Boor lu tb* aama way.
my BlUa 1 narar attend a dtitremlBR
Mrs. Maeka) '• aalla of roomi
I* weatern aaellon of tlia bonae oaae witboat dadloR help ta ita paRaa.
Tba aolor aoliame li laroBdar aad the • Year maa eallod not for mMlIotnc.
boi for Boaraea of paaa' and KtaaRtb
wwk Vivaab atahoRaay.
I are deeoiatad by biyb {wtead oalalda year own mlad. ami 1 allowed

Td via a anlU aad vlpa a Mar
Aad da bM Mr dar tr *>r
U bw o«a qaM ptaor aad war-.
Araaad harohlldtBi baaiuantaiaod.
/4inMBd roMT r*r«aa4 aatal aaAad fallawlM bara Mw abildlab faat
Are led to Idaati tra» aad tvael
Aad dad all partly aad laod
U bar dirtaart BMl.erboed.
nil nd old aartb-aa brtcbtar plaea
All for tb* aoBihla* of bar laor:
Her rary omIU a blaiMMt tbroa*.
Aad hntM are Hapfdar wbara
A BOatl*. eMarwyad M

It with tl.a Min-

bMBlital. ffnU and Rood, bat
with a b»i|W ae |aaUI that »a
trlakiaa af the world aball not

tb* €4ft0f'$ tsbk.

aaapneM alaawbata of flrlaf way lo
■MiAi are a* diVraaalBf latbalrmalaaAaly. beblad Ibair own front door*.
M a IcmdoofoRU Janaary. The »aa
la tb* aanatlBC ream, la tb* abap.
la tb* itroel. hai a plaantal word w
an alert, brifhl looki If b* meata
Mllbbcw. b* rale** hli bat. I with
II bow, aad Ui Riaetiac
artlrta. aad an odd featere of the doon
ohei lb* little not af eroiTday potii*aeaiiboA wbw ba hai tnroed Ui awi rIom ptaeU aad liare eat rU*i
1 b* ll Mddaaly lea Tbar* are mmay aad LIr window!
la aaah room.
An elabontle portion of tbU napto -

>B uy ow

faaMI Imrtod at tba bottom of a i
with other old troaaaroa. aba* will
wublhatabF had Wot bare ao {«•erd la tbr oroy aba rtdiealrd
Be It will RO oa for dayi aslU bar
dealre lo look M loraly aa tb* iwl(bbor will orereoam ber f«ar of botoR
made rlJieoloaa. and aba will
appmr la a ibawl of aofl ilIL Tala
for tba ahawlii *lraady la t.
Tboar who are fortoaala aaonRh te
iMTe rleb old aaaiera abawto that bare
baaa haaded down l« Itaam. are eBrlad. for they ai* maeb more daalraUa

Uiwmantly labeanda

clrol* lliol —----------- =>--•—
tb* boms* of tb* dlffrreol
n Idm that
Mra toaekny'a
eaabrlBRlaR bar darsbar thirty aarraala abaald
tera a m—M room. The roonu an IBR boR and aeadlaa
hot an aambiay and aomferAny lady maght amoRiUsR la a bil
of lotUmharg or olbi-r fin* work wai
Tba ealtoary motion of tba bee*e promptly fined aad made to yield ay

Tba aw

maMbohely to Bmt it eprlnRa. la aam- woald
aroa* Inatoaam. from maia fa


aanid be dMaed tbearb |aa Meald
andfo oomeo, «artta^ are
My faryann to dtoaemr tbatr N
ImbtodRrmi acroaeaof ahrabaty
am inloaeoartyardelarerly bidBetter than a fortnaa—tban fold, dm batilDd o atoaa wall
atirer aad Jawato batter than
M>a broad dritaway, wbleb -u Jnat
eaa mile from tb* pietarwqoe ladRa
RBt* to tb* maatim Itaalt, la a trIbote
bakflnal tboafhv whlab Mtfca<
III of the b
oamami day and tta ran«fa
Meom ana pam tliraaRb lb* Rohabaary Md nmooth. for “a many wllboat a oard from tor* Haekny.
bant daatb food Ilka a mnllelae
AlthooRb apaadtoR faboloat eama
rary year apea Rona wad U>e RtnU
mtloa of liule wlilau
tadA Mro. MaMay li by no
blanfaboat frail pntllni ap Uma. M
ll of ibe mate
mate aarloot prablema
amaUtoh a ■'ena-tanib Mali" to tba
. HhaRlra* tally a* maeb to
_ oallarwhara all tba Rood italnit
r Ri aba ^mad* for bar own
it a rato MTor to
' t eaa of
tay barmlfobltof finery witboat RirlaR tba eqalnlHOl to aome deaerrtaR
ffMmmaf tony-aartaat-iaMibatryparaaa or laMlMCtoo. . ton. Maekaj
■Inm-what net.
UtUa peia of >km
new type of the faehloaabto ^
w in Rood or marnytlada. all tba
aa. had baa auracnd no cad of attm:
B tba pfa plant
April tolba
Baa to lb* eaet—to feat—ibreaRboal
Ralnam and barbarrtoa of lau Oetelb* I’BlIed Btalea.
bar. A mapla of all tba m
Her Rowa* an il>* beet ibat eaa b*
MoTiaa foaa In too with ibi
beoRbl. Jewelry U ber pel (ad, aad
tralM from abarriaa. pldma paaahaa.
aba Im* ooa of tb* A«at_jtollaetloa*
paart. Mo., ate. A flam af any ebotaa
of Jewolfy lo Amertaa. Oar rloR 1* a
aanmera tifoad lat tlUaf la. la tbel,
Blada eorta. whleh coat toT.idU.
a unto af ararytUac Me bermU llkrn
eoror* ihne iBRcr* and 1* of old yel­
brat It tm’i a litenl Math at
tbWK. bat a bit of erarythlac. TW low ttolaaar Rold art with
dtomond* aad cmarald* AmeoR bar
wbM anmmar U orar aad tlic fraltlam
fare 1 < a aloRl* ami of amlakleand
ortnUr'ralRna. ant from tba tanih ammbto* wbleb ooat tf.OOa
t can of tbU and
tort. Mnefcay U tlia wife of a
■baaa fortan* may be oatlmMad al
IU.ODO.aaO.aad bat a
rtall lUa
M of Anal Itony'a Roadlaa wbleb er-to-tow. wbo
I boon able to
pam. The woman wbeoemea to da
bar waMiBR and olaaalaf ap to t
apt to hare aoeMthlaR m tilp
aadar bar ahnwl and InU M tba ol
nm whan aba Rom boma. Uh. Anl
mare thaa yon neald tUak of. aad
lb* dart eallar oatMr to a tafalar
aaBahtaa eonm dram TbaaloRlTlnt
to Baatcr. One af Aaat Patty'a aalRhbet* wbo alrrayo aaaa tba other atda
af ibimm Mked Anal Pauy what
am of a q—ai oeraar. «|iy
yarn jtiro Ibam rlfht od year
ebalraa. Aaat Patty myi yam


bat yea ana-1 half m apt to. BaMdat
If* eaeh a oemfy ihlaR te Ae all earnmar Ibraoffh. and the Mto« aad tba
RiTtBR wmtbmraandi
wmetbrnraanda eat
eat aa wbeto
ma Ant Patymerdhapidami Yaa
YeamaAwiPatty'B Idm
IMa af hapidaem
hnpptaam aaaatoM
aanaUM larfaty
tot bartoift aametblaf
aemeibto* la
te ftra awRy.
Warn MrT







lb* lady of tba Urgcal family,
with bar darning. Tbit waa to prermt teadt of dlkomtoat taking
the homUe toiler*,
bcaatMla yoonglady doaghlar thmo
waa Might maalc to wbleb the aoad
lea kept tlow; or agala aom<- oe<
read alood-Uom^oaa of tba popclat
writer*. And eft^, loo, tban waa a
ilUto nr]*lm Rottoit ap by tba afenaald dr.tRl«ar OlI the ‘beaaa. to tbe
Of a fiaallyr I—bam to plaaa*
Ibaimlate md oat^tb* tired eye of
tbr worfccra,
Mambat* baring yoaag ohildrm
broBRfal ibrm Atoag alao. aad they
natormlned la aaolber n
af tl<* Blab
limltod to ee* <
lap maacctlaa boalery.
aaeeemfal *[Bt the olab that It*
rmbraoed all tbr
ladle* of the riltog* wbo war* able
toad, and Ibalr famlll
irdad by ebaerfal Caae* e
day iott<wd Of til* amal aarr* rnokad

TO* Ktabm Drat*.
The haaolmt thing Mmal oar I
la tb* kitobaa drMa. ll to alom be­
tide tb* ktiabra table, aad *( aboai
lU' mma bal^t. Utoaoleoba
wlthamwtr and ha* no kmg pi|i* to
become ek«g*d, m aBytfatogt— will
paaa tbr Inch pip* may miety be pot
lau It. tba* Aolagawayaatlnly with
IhM nolMtae*. lb* ilop pail
eliert pdpr of tlia dtato ampeto* dlrmtly Uio a bairal ttel man da and
muidaoftbr ticaae. Tbl* barrel to
to to a frame to whitoi a kaadU aad
an attoehad. aad mo*
day tb* Imncl to wfamird awa
emptied m« tbr gaidm. Aamneh
Bb* bat tlaw la be plaamat m~o*ery
oaa. and. altbooRfa ah* mm—a* emk of tb.- waim ibatgom Into It towarm.
tb*«mt*au do Bot fraam aa bat that
—Illy. *l>* oanr omtlrol* Iwr Unto
It mn be caad la tb* ealdam of
daaRhtor for mototy.
tar waatfaar, if empaled at atgbL
HmHoaeoy to am of Mr*. Maokv'a
taaay fad* ll la all la rtato^ and.
baaaa** *h« ihinka a rad S emt atamp
Tb* a*.- Id mnilillan to plaa
, to tnbanaaataaa m a 'rlotot aaoelopt.
paUa at wlndewa U iiMadlag- A
*a am* tb* t omt a
trralmeal of tbb eart ha* a ebert

CMaiml^ mu* benoy bm



O my bav. boordtog-b*a.
Imra to mera ttoa moaaiy,
SwmMr far tbaa baa*y,
Uaie my balered and am.
Hew to aelr tbr tweet
la Ibe friend* w* BMat.
Seboal oar cym ao 111 to eaa.

The Kliid Torn Brm Atosyi Be^ht. bbA whWh hna b«M
- r ao ycoM, hae hmme (ho idRnntQra oT
' ' bo bee* Hbde bralrr hU pmUIpcrrUlaa airtrr IIBltobncT,
mo aoe toderHvr yna U (Mr
AU CoamlrrCoitB, l■^fRtt^^nm and “ Jatomcgiiml" are b«


b la mid Ibe tplAcr dipt
Petom from lb* fiowam.
Where tb* bm tor boor*
Only aweetaot honay tipa
if we. alagtoR a* wr go.
Seek far good alaar.
Wr Umll find oar own
Wbara the ipmtcot Soerar* gro

mmuln* mrlthcr Opiomt. Morphine iior .dbr-r Mai
MibelaiMw. It* n^ to lU gu
nnd altoye k'cverliibBMm It nirra DtorrlxiMi outi M Iml
Ctdir. It rcUrrea Teelbiag TnaibW.
and PLiiulciiry. It naeiniUalr-* tlyc Konl. rrwulaire Ibn
KloauM-h and Bowtoa, girluc bcalllij niid ualurto -torp.
Tbe rtilldreti’a Paiiiwm Tbc MutberV b-Hriid,

f Bean tbe Signature of

MlIl AUO. 1L1-. I.r tv. SI,.nr.- N

eflrru Cil *n>- arri-u. illn,-..

A S*e UM ll

The Kind You Huyo Always Bought

M of all tbr mi
madr to the alyle
■d toaffml
—lliai 1* noaaeod from the oralal lo
rm of the akin.
ttla baaaly area at oof of tlw
Jana weddinr* will bear
doltM awlm
akin waa floaaoed aU ilm way ap aad
meb floaaea waa adpad with
Tba waUI waa
tiiloR alter iba alyla of Ibe old-faablooad l-rtlia.
The alaaraa
the elbow aad wen tlRbt wlUi BoU>iBR of lbs alaere ]ropar ahowloR. It
beliiR eallraly eorrrod by foar nr
which orare applied aaa on top of Uktba throat U>a walat
atmply Anlolied with a frill of Ineb
•Id. ralaoelanaaa. .\ ma>. wfaloh fell
louR atreamera down Itie book
■ lore of a dm* which
fullowea ametly tic patlon of oaa
I ymr* betoco aad yet
aad modem -Detroit Trlb

In.Uw For Over 30 Years.

T*."!? “""I':;,,.,..
1 RtiwiK-ard k
iXMr *Bdlln.lM.<ii




Hull li.r-icii Utj i.Micnai


n,« ol rhrA]> jn.l giini a llviiv I... .lU h llic rtc; Ihi! ..k- .lur.ildr. .lunl.Ml-

I >n. c
Jely mb. I
-I l.-re It
Till* I* ramlioc
oel of tlx- kitcb-ii .loor.
md we do not rtpeci v It* from
a liule way down llir Liar to il.r
yea will be tinny
laiton-. TIu- fait.* were erowdrd
aomawberr. dear Beam*, aad
1 tlx- t-mply tiooRli
A -*-.-ll .0|>word will be tb* brighter (or yoo.
pl..-dll« rrau
1— weak yo«r praaid.-ol wa> •
Then' Mow rtnnk anV-“ mni,,
I my wlikl baaetifal nowei*
i I will nil II again sVy..u will
to her from k Bnnthina buy.
tiara plaalr for Iba afl.-rnooa
Joe Dean of AoRal, end two HaBihiae
liara It it iirar- r acro.r Ih- lot.lo
Rtoto. Lillie aad Jaonie ^rlRlrr. vbn toargla to bat*.,If
lira oe Ba*i Bay. l-he*a war.- a ftrai
ps.lore, fliml.-d
eomfort mua.- thaa eau ba told, and
tlia fane-, and tiarpul -a k ran lor
mat yon. dear*
tbaboaaa. She w»* iialf war aenm
A nloa letter from oor good Haaoah
Ilia field O'lirn the felt the earth giTe-hool kaap* oa from baloR lone
i.-atb h.-r feat
11, {.m >luthis weak.
aa.-aorl to tar.- lurwlf!
Haiiiiab. Mioh. JilylA
aha ba.1 dropped eoui.- dl,aanfc into a
Dear Mra B*ir*-Oor athool will itonip aol .timly lisdilad idac- How
oloaa tbit weak Friday, aad rre
(rigblaaad Iba waa- For af. wmiaall glad of It. as ibay battle oloar
aothiog hot •cream. .
mouth oa aeeoaai of amallpox
Hnwerer. MargU- waa \ ■enaibir girl,
makea It ao lata. Bet 1 aoi *(
liter a Hill, while the l.o.Ucd Ix-r
oer tmobar, Uiu Dana, will net
aad looked abooi her
She wa.
lUi at oatl ymr. at aha hat baaa ten (rrl below tb.- *artao>- d tba
ban lor two yean aad wa all Ukad
nil. Tba wallr laeluaiag Ix-r «• n
bar ao much Tl.r iwoplr ol nui
roogb aliMinA. and th.‘ i.laoe wa* m
bara daatdad lo repair oar a
aarniK that *ha coold h-u-b from oa* |
, aad baiU >l larRar W,- ar
■Ida to lb* other.

Yoo ehlldroa did not forget to wa>r Hie atra* ihla warm toy.
yoo> ' Uc. Dma atkad aa b.-


ll---.!. All,I lull) -iuranl.x-1 m i-

an baton, ih.- I...iue of liar falh !
family bad Ikoo a log hoeaai
■taadlag la that field Water hart l--eo!
obtain.-d frum laai r- ry well Tlia^
doern long ag^.
bet for eom-time tb* wall ba.1 for-,
at*b.-d wab r for Ibettnck Wtx-a it
faiUd U had
l»>cu ooict.,.1
ed wllli mrtb. The bcanls ti»d decay-,
ad. and m.- ■•( them had br.d^xa onrtar '
Hargla'i weight. Ti.r girl was breu '
DOt Ollx-rwliabart.
will be kll right I g-l oot
"I w
lioV .

TIu- .-!u-a|K-M ..n tin- in.vV.-l. .liuliU «.mviclctcil.

an.I j.iii Kill l.ui no .rtlic-r niaLi-.

■2* Stale ^<<1.


w Ulclor Pefertyl.

Wc relusd the price of Oto-<Ufic H it does iM
Eire sattsMclMR. Oar MIth U ll Is ubowdeA.

\Vi lixiK .rf ii.< tc.m-.U thllU nx«!i vii,c .Will than
g^W-C .1.. .<H.l Kid.
^. Uim It U. W.


s.„l K« Lmu. tlut Ou- ck-im-nts crnttmcl iti htir

M.nua. b. l.iicr an.l Kutnci TuuiLlcvi. l-ciuaU- WcakmTiA, tlcncral
iK'l.iUii etc. Kc tivKoiincnJ Cas-Cme.
S<i iini.Ai.luinnall) <iti wc
u...imiu-n,1 M that kchHci mall iiLstAtKcs t<. u-^iin-l llic nx«u-i- lani
til Kc rUim I.k d.
.In not tin.1 Cas-Qnc in every icn
11 Kill !»> iiel In call aixl let s ri|daio C'aa^'uir l« >ou.



Kaisomincs are tempoffiry, i
rot, nib ufTfifui scale.
find other tlitcmsc gcrms>fift j
mtrTiin-d and diseases dissem* I
inated by .wall ]>aptr.,

Bow lodeed Halt of ilx- top ol me
well waa etill ooi'-rad. aad Hu-lighi
wa* dim and ano.-rtaio. toargi, tn, >1
■gala aad again to climb a
walla bcl oiKild not do ii.
Gwllad nnul *bc was i.oar*.
wat 110 tatpooto

rom tb* dlQoar.
Hargla abd Kaonalh
• rr»alf.
a long 1
After K
-1 ‘t^Mad of coarm Kaooaib did ........ ............. f*tbe.t . Toio A|
bar fi
ll. - toargt* cried. "1 did ll both <aH«d. bale
bul cocld n< make bin l>,-ar.
timet yeatoi^y.-'waathabor'a retort.
jl.i train
‘‘Coma. eoma.
bO dtopoltog.
"U'tA dn
kaow yoa an baiy R*Utag ready for
« robbed.

tbli party, bot boaioam moat a<
8hr tried to be brare.
fmgel tbAt tb., night rra* coming
plm tar* "
-- -‘.odd not be foand b.
Ur. Dean walked from tbe dtoiag
oeg tbr rubbish that
HI* wife aad Kdaa. tbr
a la tbe well <
grown ap daogbter. had already prr deader pole.
toargi b ..
oadad Urn. m l|prRla aad KeaaaUi hand, aad a new Idea flasited ihroogh
bxr miod
WhT bad *be ant tbooght
of ll tofan?
beodlag tbe [cl, down
y«a-ll bara ta wotar tbe eaU
Rbabarb aad glogtc pmoaTra may
ebc tlr^i ber enabooDet *ren^ ly oi IL
taalh.-’ mid
tba girl
« rite lifted ttie pel*, fb- bnonew to *oma of tbe boaaakar
wu two fee-lwboT.' tbr earth Slxram* lo all aad Iba doaliag la
Han to tb* reeipa: Bkto abd eat op
aBelODl qmatlty of rbototrb da."
"ValL that-* a goad
aaa«> y—g. Weigh U oad to araty
peoad of rtoearfa allow thraa-qe«itan worked all Iba meralog grtilnR ready
Vbm Margie w
to a poaad of «agar. Fat toga that for yoar eld party, aad 1 attll bora
. yard and bai
aid Ml smad orar eight. Kaxt day pat Iba eroqsai groaad to mow. "
frigbien-d I
"U It to my party there an ttai
I tba iwamrrlm kailU. addlag
wa' tHord glagar root. Boll oaa boor.
:Tbis makm an axmllaal pt—rcrei lb*
"Kaitbar caa X. Oaam 11 '
glagm glrlag Ja>l tb* fiaaor roqalnd
Ibe calrra' insioi
faortibam lo go ooUl olght,'
tba riiabarb. which U opt M
one tboogfai ef her gaiac to
Caaaath lafl tba roam, whtolltog by my way .-tcepi the I
rothar tasipld aloaa
frlghtraed gneeU Were
0 maad Imka to ita kUebao
omatotooaa freab potty aadwi
■aUl It to mft. Coeapa tba tie ai
tba toak aaUl pmfaetly elma. tbm
Mka a Ultia to tba pauy. fe«m It orar


•lU,-, an.l

rary glad, aa it It *o rol.l now
and tnov blow right lu.
Sowar* at nbool ar* growloc
Tba mnilea *ad mma otbar* •
bloom. We hare had aomr boa.|aaU
off of them 1 Imr* had nearly all of
Boil kit aRt> bard; oool aad cal la
Baal axamiaalioa* for tbu ymr.
•a; remora tba yolkNma-b tba pasta
ipa.1 to pam into the »acai>lU grmda
with ao aqaal qaautity of finely obop
I am Tory glad ol It. The wmtb
pod looRBe or otiiekoo.oo., traspeeatal
ar to rary nloa today, bot Uat oigbl
of malted better,
— <alt and pepinr lo ta*ta ll ralaad to hard I Uioegbt Ibe wlaI woald btcak- I bop* II will
Form talo *amll balU aad oat tba
wbite* Into thin ringv l-ak* two fine, not atorm an Ibe Foorlb of Joly a* ll
did laal year wbaa tba IlghtaloR
while b.«d» of letloea.eoi off tbe mtmek
ear beam.
amri.a laare* and elem3..wasb.dralB
Year Sanabiaar.
Not* UiatEau.
Arroaga lb* egg> m tbr Itara*.
pear orer a Fieneb dremlBg. Rarai*b
Margie Itma'i hlRhOtr r*e«7
With oastartlos blomeaw and a

fWb mad
>m* of the maat oboktoata with
wbleb a hoankeaper ha* to eoatoad.
BotliDR water, amfal to the aaaa of
ether frail ataioa. ronly icmerat them mantiooad.
Lemon Jeiee
thleteaad with mil. pobdared atarob
Hula mil amp apnnd tblokly
m tbe tulaa. tbe artiele* tbaa aprrna
la tlx- mn. will ofma namra tb-m.
Socaaltmm only oxalic acid to m
mtooL It moald be aaad with ear
liaae tboald i
rlaaad la wmk ammeata •

■■■ eimncn.--. .-.Ur..

Tbia to a rml tree SaBabliir boy
;« woa oor Rnl baby mtd won i
Saaabto* badge wbea br wet a lr«
moatb.- olA Bat to- la ao tiny haby
new at yoa aaa, bat a iraly 8aBabiar


Itwa* Uargtt-e lUriaaBlb btnbaaklng aid la marebiag fa
4ay. aad omo girl* atol Ibrm boy* tagirirL All tMaftoro,m (he xwreb

Tbm* woald b* gamm aatll Bor than
•appm weald he wwrod. la Iba rtUigaraiarwer* madwtehea plekim, la*
okm* la—rarioa Btnifi.
wafer*, caadtoa. toe creai
with tblrm—ta
Tbm there wwaU be
atooty, aad *M tba roomi owoy two
gifia-wbo eror beard to a birthday
ao tbrm toy* aattl the ymuy too
«tly hard, wbm it wUl he i
rary doraUa. Lank* la tb* wato
ed a riag aet with prarit!
Margie Umagbi to tba
wblU daeltogaadm
draige hlltog (ram lb* mnaldlmi
• largo* tba eatom. Wbm
armm tb* window tram* with atmlgbt
went ap ID ber room to toaa«
baagtaga to tb* Soar m aitoar tIAt to
I oh* eeaU bear them hi.
kaap 0 ambU amaaat Of bottor
Add a taw toopa to rimgar ** tb*
mild for the kkbto am to hat wratbar.
wbmotbm amtbeda
amthoda i toll, plam tb*
• qatokly aad pmraaaA AtoborpMic aad
viib a atoaa rad 8ewm pet.
Oarer tba pel with a tairal —i.
eald wamr. U tb* tawei to kapi mat
tb* MMMr «U1 tamaia

fo—n dor

should he used in tr&ivi

and dtsinfroing all Wfilis.

Commercial Printing
nil Kind*

Berald 3ob Office

We Lead the Way

Ti. licticr Ihingt m grbceric! an.1 l,r«cr jmrc' hr li(c'a ccee-teilics.
H sre not tJCtlu^ Uw taiislsi I sm yoe .lc*ire m Ihcto |on« olu*
wc i-en leixior tiiu iDklcnxl as.\r,iance xml uic ]<>u niani a ibdlsr.

wulf ns Ml tPKAU n MU S£U FM snr ua

I KAlbin (UI.......................................................................................

AH followed the tooad

**"*ri**oirweU'-’ he cried, polaUag
mwben tbe pUik ma boooel wa.
ritom and falltag.

It took bnl a mommt to lift toan^from her ettaag* irtooa- Wbm the
gtrt felt ber mottor tarm* araaad ber
abe bmatolo err akmd.
“I Ain't Ibiok It IS n rcry nke

pueaci Tribe



Happy UttU honor bat.
Bra*, yea wnadar *r«r
rtalto to tragmat atorn

tbaoaar la Ilia abopa todayIf til* track af belrlooma will
yield ap floa of the ireamre*. dalaty
oawooa* can be paiebaard that
laoey or ailay aad Rlra added aofu
to the wranr'a fa»-.

"Very few aro wilUnR to
Rod." mid the pbyuolaa. amlUoR
ani bonae
Her* to * cay of makloR lemonade
lIMe Mim KaUierlae Hackky, wbo 1i aRoln. "Hot there an many.
oa*ea ta my roactlee wbara It woald which to mid oarer to fail.
Scleal alt thin ikloneil tomoot aad
workl WOBcler*. It they woald only
Ber apartmeau an
off the oaler akto. 8toep for Irn
anohaly. It It a blnek «*wt, that amiMd with tor*. Maekay'i i
Tbl* to • Iroe atory. The doctor mlnota* lo a rmp made by dlaaolrdaman of tb* lew meed, that parobaa Tbwo are thrw raoata for Baby toaom M*'a ihoaldar. reiU hb oo
kay. wblon ar« foralahed In the daln- died Quiy a liula wblh bro. bat bia iBR two pocod* of BORar to oaa qaart
ripiluB Tcmalaa ll will do ao
--------- with flaam, aad Beta ai a wot
r. tba trtmmlnR* aad Atthe Jaiea from
Mankel an the mirth of ablldroa. and
r* of tba Praaab wlndon a
the lemooA atialo and add to a quart
dm Jay of the ehlldrin'a mothar
of cold water. Wlpo the ayrap and
Ua MB Mieold>* ebearfal at
era end of tl>a lioaaa It
It Ram witheat mytac that a w
oarlalB yoooR baaeaket-per fooad perl hare Blmmare.1 lea uilBBla*. poor
aad library, aad Ihaae
la III* JolM' aad cold water aad bmt
abaald ha.
Wtetarar bar aan
pome look oat apoii a banclf dtolikioR Ibe weekly meadlaf
Uaarr tba cAlpt
■BklaMM. the wife and motbar maai Rtnad omiaerTalery aad a aerlaa of
each an azlcol that ll* beeame arts
of (K--I floatiag la tba mitlare.
■nka It TM of bar tallflaa te
ftompeliaa oelamna. wbleb loppoH a ally irtaoaw. To a Iriead wbo happcoed In one day riia mcoliooed Ihla the lemonade oe lea lo ta«oma tberRt«atpla«mL

Tba ImllraoB to aiiotbor fiwtare ol foot and alao ml.t that if tba Imd aamc ooRhly ebllled.
rr la tbfn Rlaama with a UblaIhU r«i**« of apaador. Wbre ou* Onl oar to talk te while tba tank waa la
nr. fell of
aba didn't drmd ll m badly. •pooafnl of ereabad lea to eacb glam,
Iba doer thto room appoora Ilka
bUaitly aa oooaiiaa*. and baary aa loepoaad that they maai
Beam bailwny. ll raaa the aa. MM to albare. bat aa arm meanlty at Bra laoRlb of tl>* boom aad awafarat
aad do ibalr dantaf daleomtloo of ehlldieo It may to- mat
amatphoaad Into elroa. lemooada by
aanl vblah makm paapM at
aiRbty foot to laafth by forty Id width aad patohinc In oompaay.
. badfp nndar the roof. A home la ami la twaaty-tbrea feat in oalRfat
Thto waa affrrad apm and tbal tnaa
wUrii ana iranda alway* an thin k» Wide balaaalea of atrred old KoRlIab the boRloolaR of the DarnloR Day oriag pewdar tbal oomaa In tbr pack
Olab of ffpriBffiaU. Oa* by one the ■geeof galattoa or a Hula coma I or
Ik daaorate Urn appar atnry.
Qviaouriy. paapUwhoclTetba ratm
Tl— la alae aa erleatal roof R*r- Mber ladisa bagtod to }oto tb* litll* ratpberry Jaloo.
•a mirniinim and allow tba dhaMtaoaklenad the pmrarm MaMnel


ItoU. h •

ftoun* o(
-«. « MTb* ^ >«

13 ban ficc Hne Smp.
T package* Jason Soap Pwwikr
7 pdck^c* Amoor -Soap Potokr.



EntenirfeB Gash Gnicenr

CtoSiatoaad Uamn.

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