Grand Traverse Herald, March 27, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 27, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




^ lilCBIOASi.


Mim\ IHUOllilKi!
For the Ml



at )il01 ■mt

■ ;




OppMl B. A H. Btock.



Tmcisc aty Slate Bank
irMiiM- LttOticHerckiBt Taller.

3 per C«t iUowe4 «•!)« Ikelwitt.

Tire Insurance!


We bere aU Urf seeBeutUe end wear
iBEartaa Tbe .hJlj l*U> u

gooi d^ntrloe We cea npoly yoa
with the M of




TeMb Pow<^



Ooaebi. . Kasd


Oil*, ete.


C. A. HAMMOND. « w

E.''A""'— “



Real Estate.

Mortgages Bought and Sold.______ S^SrS^k. '


One etudy.



Tine Farm-Cbeap'


Perfenion i

treeiing .li»e»ae» of the eye. the ine-

A rare chance.

,n all parte of the City.

chanicel oorrectkie of d^i ami ihc


arand Craetr** tend E«.

PROP>3l KlTTlSr. OF C1..\SSF.S
_con«ltali<io an.1 eaaminatioB free;
Office over The City Book


Tiavefic Oly. N»rh.



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.




Hidces, ^A/ool Sirici Ftjr
I have cfdai^fcd my business and have arranged with a
large Eastern house to handle all the fur from this part of
the country. 1 am prepared to pay highest market prices
Hidtt.'Wool and Fur. Come and see me.

Phyalolan and Surgeon.
I 17 Caee BtrMV
Olaeeee Wctenunoallr FltteO.

. - ---




Office And WATohoMe, 732 E.


itUeu Plione I-?!





Xe> a
WvTWmOlae. lUton
For Ofeed me|«U.
eedv.«.OeBe.B. I(« e b

IMMt eaS ee*!. • e> e a . 11 S e. a
a MntaM.. Leftii
aa, liaaa
anaaieea. ea

Barden Seeds
PEAS-.American Wonder. McLean s UtUe Geep. Ear­
ly Variety, and several medium and Ute kindd.

Bees: l'«e Ua B.
TMMay aed SMertay weelac. t»o«
tMA OohBhea^ appoiBS


SSSSToSnl Mily'*!***^^ to




“^^!;!;Vud to^
*^0<^^timir'’^'‘toe waddiag a







do not fail to look ov« our Urge line of handsome arffabm We also carry: a fine stock of WATCHES,
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC. SpeeUcle Fitting a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.

■T -T<r -M-A TtTT-r<rpag:
817 Front atreet

Trovom City, Idtei



°1to laagbad b^^^^ira^ I


SSL- _

tal£'^hU *ida. who ^iM'kaek.
withaaa^ BBoSdmwi is to* «Mar

' Ptrfiaa m*. Mlm Hariel; yea bar*
toeUUoB- gold4a*t n rear toca."
aad br fiaoked tor *toto away wito a
half.Uewe roaa
InaM* to* dim ebarofa a bary tt

my k^ to.^
a." axetolmed HartoLtooppl*«hm
ntottolmtopaw. "lafind. Hi.
nay. 1 can'tatoyi I-r* n
•»dy <TiMV
—I'm 4n at hir toon .
mad ^orito Ite amtarial* te a pmtaddroamot aabaitoar
b*i thai i*
toLb* _

to* to today, ttata'*

MANGEL WURZEL-Long Red. YeUow Globe.
Carrots,-Cucumbers. Oaionv Cabbage. Lettuce. Par­
snips. Radishes. PumpWnv Sweet Mixed Peas. Nas­
turtiums. and lot of other seedv


OTT. ncH

be wroaght bUaeWfi.


BEETS—Early Blood. Half Long.



to* told*', whito^rtorad hand
torn tallewad to* imtr to to* torn
mklv bar pim* at to* Itot. **a
- aad Btoold-Hanay al- -' litaal <m dlaaerarma««nppedbu
TtooTwa* atootosai of haahsd ■tUl*tUl-

CORN—Seven different kinds Sweet Com.


■ auras

d eolor*. bai be ....................*
toe toril war,
_ toai dloraam.thal tl wa* am "dore
aote." BOtlrtag. wa. that tocOBTO
no i^t tom m tlu “i»**r»" wk*l-

bl* iboagbt*T*Sh*
It wUl do yoa
. .J. do. pt*d
toned aad walked ii>WBrd to# bnad
‘'^WM Dot (Dorlag oat with to*
gtaalle *t»|i( of to* ebaieb. barring
,bat awod with a bag* beaqaol
Ear toe* to lb* nntad Aawm* ab„ _H mraatlaai to bar haad. walliwaotadly. Wbta b* Jelaad ber tbe
■rxt to(Bai. tooF aad loHlaxdfapad ’’•MShTlwta If I baretodlaptUl
tmi tb* a*ek ot kU rtetoal eeai te
it* hM. toe letoad at him with a
btedi of yaUew poUn-dad n bet

If yoo are thiuking of buying anything in the way of

— •\r^'.'=rsuK

hi* T toiri

“’aT^imked bltn^ <ib^»^I

Ole Have 3iistR«ctio»d-

taTd” bee'b_

er. '■•■ ■

wlttaoat yoar fcnowtog It"
"1 hare an finbt roo ara. bat 1
raal rov atBfalD^ra'bare 1 caa me
e.oOKiruiaKaic. a

mr bw ll

*n* ‘ iT W

Traveree City. Mich.



li le arir ret. aad eaa «>*• *□« that
tb*4 ride,
Tber leaed dowa the aiale-aed aU
he looked M hu wauA "Ta aard met tbe TwW reaew for .___________
tbe ethera-bal Hatetd Kenay'i bawfi
liberaa bock to tbo r*, ood lay
. , with
with a p-edar. dnalatae aaab ea
■Th^ihere wiU a tiaM fa ma W
rf lookiac Bp at tbe bine aky.W kaap
drlre aneadaad we ay draeoaka.'
m tnr* from tolUat down oret her
■I tk. derkM e( ttai n*bt
wob a epakke le hm
only kaow. wllbeal
me ebowiac bim-^c telUaa Lite—
Itet I'm aot tneulon. and
I lore
r eome nm! old potsi laeo bom ay tbe tneal. aoldrwl tbl^ a ibeoaaad
Fielb'Mr Ihwd'
re at bkme. tor the ir- Umoe bMier Uma the febnp uaeb of
relieel dure raluted fOWD the wuebl"'aoldad ilw real baaatiAh' ih.«h»7 eafcdd
fal Mnnel.twlUila the thla Hull of rtafe"
b.7 iurrertity.
-Bel 1 woB't weor
•■ha.l il
Ot the,
•T b.«n n my alrera. ei tbe other : Hariel ' "
Tk-h ec. eea. tnea «h. 4.U
prli do. Bad fiv to prayer meetlBdead
••Yee." »be mid e*ala, mOly.
________ eweeu of Ow
i.«rb e Baaday eAool clem }0«t to, -Hoom let me alwaya. Bmr* O
werlA whoa alien «
m tblak I'm cood.Harwll I'm alMrty aawmtky «a a*
leead by the (weat el ibelt
-------- ---------------* law I (or that iweet 'alwaya ' it wee a peer
Bt year dtee
•bes«e tbe mat tewide ber. aad ger.- ber a
• love that eoald aot mat. "
a'bWmwLe km u> M.
> e u.a lb. bean
i. a. they <
Tb* biMUfal ebanh wae empty
Yoo hare foncotBOW. mee for tbe orKenm* bMfin hobind He hnk of UUea. fdaylac «ha
hite'B the place yonder,
treh to iM prwtwr finlah.
emoky Ibtt. ’' mid Koiriel.''
-My teltag: on yoo erec tetfoo
dewa tbe next blook. Utabld
toyoe 1 jaat ordered daplinm meV' oadbr took leitb her hooA la
eoui plaee. bet it eoeoaole ofem. ________ If. We woo l weor them toAkd lb. tell u~A. i.i«d>u<..'.Hie
Bbe rae cot by tbe day anally, bet goiher Trry ofteu-oad tbe gloree ftt- ‘^•^1-1 na do more Ikea tba*-L
>-.4, • bewr IknU
reck ebe liae a .10 at her re­
who tere eo mooh to he torfleee maA>lk«)o5va.I.r—a.
fined a bear aboat bar n
"Ob. petfeoily' Dear Uim Ardim. loU—if M u troe tlwl yoo—” (ho
e«o. aed althoacb 1 dlnpprcTe of yoa are dotog too math te aa."
faltered, the eweot HaeoUea to b«
Itaia: aaifibbarbod.
bar pertaet fit
"Nooeeum' I lore to .lo It-lf.
■ ■ Bpt« It.
^ U aboat rto JoUyfaa. O Kellie' that imponanl
np town andeetapaii eataUlab' pma who toyliod blmoalf to ride If TOO wta
maul uf bet own.
^ with oer ibiake It t« my BaetM gown tell yoo. t nu make yoo know
llekUkr dae- u< dre '
yoo are going to eit Bp lill mldaigbi
AU Ikr UnU >aM m •
________________ Mini
R... B- to flalel.. wcMad of year loraly wedfcmaUM.wib.1
.ling dram: and Uml 1 am a perfect
old Unmy. with a evl ot hU lip
Uorlet atola o el^km« flauee at
er of eelfiehneea. "
.... little diiamlef bent forward
him mleehlerteoaly.
-WIUtou boldtbabacke for mi to kim tbe hand tbat bold o tight ai^t^
>low)y~dm~ Ika
rUbOtU nee lon( "
atole tether. -Kmme & Alin to the
ly,"be^ etepptac u the part
Yoomlfieb-yoa dm. wbeo you
gee< me the drem yoor own ewoel
t and aaaUttnt bar to allrtt.
AU tb. «l»
f»U •< k.n.
__a niachod omlar the bn for
mir What »*de_yoB lot him.tbtok
beadle (ha eii.- .J a tmadbex. rntbei
A ID eoetowe Bow
TOO toea. M 1 de HarryV"
botkty for a few eetap. of poiat lace,
an old booaewkdoe
and Iw rcaealed blmmlf la tiu fifaBeBO, yoB foolltb little Uampahlre rtoade on old_____
wae nee tomoae (or iu gboet. L--------endManel’i '
beoD e my«ta. owned aad teenegad by
two kmaliere ond two eimeca. timed
._____________ -_____ lire rery_____
A« Keettr Idrl.
of tbe {amUy.
itoc f
ererytiody doea. Moot of the gtrU are
bad ban jUb-d to tier yoalh.
louy oharUlM-d Ideal ed I
iwtara. k ynooc moo. with k Jabllant te lore with blau and do aU Uu
____ _ After her deeertloa abe Barer nbwad
Ec\. Harold Menmy had Belled Uuc faea end k ctop lUe a boanroc ball, tbingt
this air He bed claad M Ch.' gatle eame oat of the dial? fiat.
wtaitb with e cmeciaDoue fidelity,
“Why. fiOodOBoroia*. lUrry Wind
wcniir of a fleel-aid bloh^ ----------- *• liam." be eallod. a. the Toeof fellow
M look e. then wae a i
Bet ItoiD tbe hart IcxA OB bar taoe. *7^ Bji^anmilagly ahd wnra on
wee aboat to raa Into tbe etmei t<
■badowy yanaal a eliac a, bui Ut­
Him Kellie rigbtlr
rightly .xioieciurod
.xiojeemrod il
it wae *
ile by little (be |iarii|tco of a epIHl
oot "all"
"Well BOW. hi^U
womanly iwceeue.' bad duelred.-----"Boi drar----------------------... .
to brr iplace tliarr ekiead a reality
frtvoloaa. yoo are toe dnreei,
d Doi teaemble la the aUebteet
who did
wae bea.l.el wralchl for yoor etady.
tbe womaa af dreama Tlie
"Ad 01
am wuoaa"bad beeua ehy llltl.- yoa teow. to aae yoo abeel aa Impor
M hare I -.] lorellee to
ore by aatere. and pioa> from tBBlmaitei. 1 want yea to porfo
from tbe day from tb* gBrtd.wh*n Hdtaeh hodal'
too hare
eerviee for me lomerrow. Eanw
.___ jipJe: lorelT. btl dm beaali.^
..I me. an ubecore
ire little
no- way* woTBed. mad idalaad of aU waa
^o«- Bacber n odd day
tanefal. bet by do Daaaa a Myt.
- wito llu bsm of tb* gr«ai wool wbad.
boly. figbtuig Ibe baiUe of- •life
The brotoe* beaid toe *te7.
pereoD-lD fat. tbe typitel Diinuar'
nag aae work
a aamlle. aniil now. getii:
BO* *M oBl to *oir* to* mydent.
wile. Tbe •teal woomn" wae tbe ax. we'd Uko to baye It in tbe cborrf
whUe u'e aU trimmad ap tor Bamer. in nob lemilieA at top-a
ompb want to Ibe gaiTd and watih'tbme'eao
jatt .,nlet
.inleily. ,aDdir«aiiBg me Ukea'i
fri.wd'—aot a bired emmdcom—dar- . 1 After D llm* to* wbael bapa to
sralnceerrlee. to tlie la
Oa too
iaViiie U .Uii..,
ol, u,. uaar happy week* I'r* erwed rerolre. He drmto a light
. few I
■ 111 lb* wheel wa* a gnat tat. imla yuDi lorely bom*; and now. dolag
wd'e gone.
tg anaad- Freqaeai rluu to to*
and obaraoter. eo
II tou fur mr wedding. "
ing tpread. yna
■m te a weddlt
rtw^darad tou ral *o mte
>ere>-i . ,1 tmlf.defiB0d. time
"Ble*. ma"' eaid Han*], iaagblag.
lb wae ntcaed opter bee I------------ 9 rated bi
Yos'regol Ux knd< ter* Iu yimr
ward towar.l tor
toe gnme flat. "Jati
•ml by^fybl
ly for bli lolly
pecelHoDily and hopeloeely two little back room* oq toe mooed
8be keri away tram tbe
Il^oan mat forerd by to* fire
the ememoay. asd ton I'm gutog
hw to ear BOW roome to a bat uf Mroag oBMtUak.'' dmrred Ibe litlelakaUr
........................‘.rr. Wittily. "Ulkarr
on.l Imre e fin.- dibber
the oiwalae eocc earrlee: ehe br-----wbo bew -1 didn't aotie* blm dM*
we'd like lo hare yoo e<
her liberal dnaatioae to tbe
bandtod thtogt; bow
-I d tell
i« it with BA"
tbe worker* eeot to the needy, bol eadehate
ettoeOraad Ba|ato *
y,« BOt Bp with Mta Hodge'* boby
Marray gare tbe Mg band
» uigbl
uigb It died, nd Uld blm oot to
with „
I'we^. aod tl»o*to
eotall tbe imeooad
. HaUu. Yoa dem't knew
wbo be waa. aad I Bbalf ad (*U yea Omtral tmUroBd to piaalm_
moraine belt
He'daodoabi be tetoioeted to kaow
to tbe ctenh U'tmmlly
The boaeet taor fie
"KeUie Biyani: IdOB'l ll.lak yoa about to* Hodge oaa*; be * fead of
floware. bot pleadliif "anfanatale—o Dated me 10 go wito lOm
to<ma tou tuomiag. bat 1 told lUa
•oald rery wall aim* to bo MtoM
. I'r* mh_ wr^dtogi BTote more latoredtog .'
-•0^- mid Him KeUie. "be mad
to a inlBUte U be tlx ooe Barry
_______aad Ab* like* yoa. aad I
baagoae to *e»-(lmt .plradid Hr.
we ll deold* to }eto year
We warn te dart life a>Sl^ haad teoeeof tbe UUo*. elioreh.
lie it weald sot b* aaaf F«te^
"t dlda’I my he wa* a aUnUter.did
ZZ teitotlrn to rl« U «A
—1? I'm going to taka yoo to tbe ‘Oar. ._o to* mlltood. weold 1
la the rwM neomr of her (mile with
dmiof Kteagala." Dhemld. "Mam- Maaftmd la Imriag *> '
a min«led Joy and wdaeu.
totem . rth*fM^^%
am erat orm a diiiH plaad fnm the
"Oti. there ate oaoacb of tbe otb.
igbteef wwoomto_________ -har* *_
era. Mr. MerraT. wttbool me.” (be *m.7d that yoo don't want a id d wa* geCUiW we tall te aay aa*."
■ *Bonm toe ataae.
lag Ilk* ribMB*
aaewer«.L Udhlly.
"Send the •
'"AxOaidaeof Eton ' wa* to>-*d
oot totbeae. won't yoo pleaaev
of feat
won jam reiaf la. "
Zeofto. rmAakdeoald to adt^
"I will mka them ^mUthaa a ddar to KalUr will br torn.
aad a few otoor*. aad lotae of my
enalar. yea knew; toat'i alL " '
The crowd fllirtad oat of to* ohaiali
to ealM to perarml work, by; tore oomeB my ear. J-re |
o Kaewr Baaday ta a dnam of wvU
kn^. are kerajimto^ go aad ea* aboat toe UoBM
,j«**sd happy feerd psopU
■e atmlB aaafaleea, aad a
yooag mlaietrr Stood b*ddr tl.r ehau
eel. awmiuag the iinaaiinaBw-l weda timl yoa moit
ra aad otoa* toad owBteWtU
diag. Hu Caoe wa* |ala, a* h* awoid
Icnkiag orec tbr biUow* of fiowon ti net b* *ite la fellowlag.
Baield Mamv ml and
qaoot of Barry Wtiidam sad bJ
r ttlr dtmoUllOD of
au dM Be Hw Harul maadaac la t
_____ .__jtfn*i
*waag opdt. and Hartal
r haad agato. to a,
bam lllia* and
**S' '^'"iio?a*iaorto5Sm7f 1" **


Money to Loan on Improved Real EsUlc Only.
Johnson Block. Phone 73

business cards.

orer wjlerlheUnSe brlda whelm id aed

■tew eaMaly tele.
pcmlee run.
{ eat.' •weeWal tblaa la the werid amm
"Ob. hew dreadtal thateaasde- I
-Oamedowa. Srllle." ehe ealled. : a yoa. to nwmrd yet for all yea*«e
jmm, W eeaia. Um plaea where ram


Plate ClaUA Stwim Boiler and AceWent IrYwrwice.

A Gemenl BuU« BnlBss One

p o.


fDoeral-wefidiate are

i £:iTdL'S£?SaS»

“■vsi’i-s JS

CAPITAU* 100.000



miMly way. "Wha an yea da*
U year teawelV
•jjyjaae^r- he rea-taderilhe



SE t.riSTjE'SC



207-E. Front Street

•r chon in the nwrkoL All the
»relli«« in Pkide, Cbecka,



Hu wwtde bad a bMMr ‘i--------------bat tbe an la wUd. be mid tlM
wuMibenb. Hartei'e tea OaAed.
ead ebe bit hm Up
A Tea.- iha m>4. "I

hm ow. of the fineot *iiArt»



tomtblMlfto aturtor fiMWdte

; hunte KtoSa

5ffj£L‘S'..-5£; H^-kiwrb.?"^-**-^"*^
b aot


l2m hie fae* bs*b«l h*r


grarUT. ^ faiow yea ai* am aa*d*«
toaa. bat woa'i yoa taka m* ta yte
plmaUB to a plaw wbm* yaa an mad; iHgV^"- ■•- ^ HtmArtodb

_ _


uw Ste^BT * qAkA oVtoAF-




THE MUNP TftAVBRbB HEltALb. MAftCH 87. 1802

■k to to*------------- CM of Ik* TstM
Oto 0>k Oo. tm. to* Mvor Md
OsneU or Ti*r*n* 019 b** •> ^fMwt bMTito V>*> • ittoMba
«toto wUl «B«0BM*dlr f«
jMi to «oi«
to*ol9*0M«U. Tl>*eoMilto of UwOmOmW«*.ltatto*7hkil*tici>tM>M
(to el9 *tn«U for boIb*. Th* oMMttao of to* eooaell. •oppotMd *7
rttd to* eoBt^.
«toa otdood t7 to* oeudl. 1* toll
«*•» toon «>* • dUr*i»«* of oftolao
M to to* motieobU19 of l*rtoC
uln*i.liH- •U*r*o^ to***pn»*
«wi ho* auiM*d or too Mttoc.
VitoOBt naMKlBC ot oil S|a to*
MTiU or to* «W 0O«pMiy ood it* Ob>*«u to foroUhutt m*»to*Uc«. powor otol l»t to Tfoioto* OUy p«)pto
to* B«»rd boltore. th*t * T*l**bi*
ptieotoot bo* bo*o .*loblUb.d. WhU*
II to oo«to* *0 tok* *0 orMttoiT •‘•od


AriMMtMwr*>r tb*oo_____wm to* ptoHM «t Mn.
BarJ-* toagbtor. Mn. flany Haetoa

eptolea d Hr. Wbatr't Baaday *toool

No Time lo Lose
YoocauMPC ofiord to
the womin** d * we*k o^
doeaed he»it mnd pot o8 ttking the pre*cription ol the
wotU's greoteit *uthon9 <«
he«n *od neiwu* daorfen—

Heart Cure.
If TOUT beait palpitate*. Hunen,
or pou are ibon of breath, hare
aawthering »pell*. pain m left
*ide, aboulder or arm. you bare
heart trouble and are liable to

t Bttotr bato*. at aa olab
r*a dtonar. AU tba atotobi
olBto ware ptaacM oaoepi Ttoto
Baltotr. vbe U oat d leva. <
ebair «** plaoad at to* toblr ta Bl*
. Tlw toblo* wer* taaetlfBUy




" tiltAOACHE



dnrtog to* •raalag. and maio by to*
hanyototo. Bee and Barbart Hantogo* and Bob Ohaat ™ toooh *n)oy•d Pkaov at lb* tohlta wo toond
B«agpddato9 prtoud bookb-to,
■Mlniv toe D*to*a d tooae prinat
and to* men*. Mm Blaarvaa **atotad to terrtng by Mia. Hawaond
and Min LoU Ttoekv.
The tmmbat of th* elaa* ar* to*
Hataif. Ja*. 1. MUikaa. Rarbart Mootoga*. AUnd Moor*. Irrtog Many.
Boy Wood. Leal* Tiakban. Artoar
Walt. Walter Polg*. Bee Moatogw.
Oharlaa Wblla, CHaad* Pooad. Bebart
I. WUl Fcvolaoag. Herbert BayI. Olwto Obampaar and Frits
Tb* gnatto d tlw erontog
Ber. nad Mm D. Ootolto. Mr. and
Mm a EL Mortay aid Rea. and Mm
J. W. MiUlkan.
S toeae VB* at foUov*:



{tooagh toar* had b-tactonmlo
i Sdtoto* foOs an M toato m

ais veto* ago wm«i
ar llT^ mm d K*v 1
IgoBatoydbayia bit lam aoridant__ _ __
; fngottoa t>*T reeatiaa. aa .Urliw tor
idbdU aaann^:
a pnny toato of I
piM at Eaa Froa*
' eiaoe nast tooalb. tt vbito to* pri*.
dial* vUl b* Mm Lydto Wood,
tuitov Rnaeal ca.«d. aad troorg*

__________ _____ ,______ are bnalhed
by toe falonl. aad toe ioaadatioB d
ChilU and........................................

and cslarged liver.
lUy doe to that iB>-ia;
Bcaltoy BtotlerreoUertiatocarsun
eoUert ia toe aystoto bccaato
toe liver and kidoeja Ian to art. aad an poorad toto tlie blood evreM WPS
riah tott toe poboas litoraUy btaakthn^
aad \-srioiueTBp(io«*d w
-------I. aadtoimtesiaglifciMf.
iadolcat ebanrter appear. depieUag
toebodv aadtodto^
Tbe grtto* aad poaaoe* that ao Of
blood, mderiog it tbio aod vsi
get rid of Malana aod its rCerts.
UUag tocn to vigorout. beaUby n
. .
poatctot* art oalr parilying bat tonic prepertin,
k inpeona.
ai tocapprtito
e gem
‘---------- and
iiKwaw* alm«*t fim toe brd doc. Th« .tao
Potato. Am
_ ctly aad
or utber miocml in &. K. S. It i> strictl;
.d eotiiely 1a \\igrt*Uc reawdy.
Write o» about .-ourcair, and oor pbyri^t tnUxl^ly^belp >vo^
ad.-ice to tegais your braltb. Book, cn blood and akin ducaito ■

PldUpplaei aad Mia*
Iton* 10 Oiand Indgo. Mirb .'aad tb*
'eeevUleronaaotoaa aad to* ototo
r «6 Bean Dtriaiaa Mn*t.
|. ooBlu.«t to m**l at Sao Fiao
S. Mrtoar of Ptbt—eat it ia lb* 1» Uieir wedding day
kewflt to too 00090019. H 1*
We have just received another 200 barrel car of
! Daring a baary gal* tb*
b*ot opoo to* ooooou to *0 torrUtoto
Clary of Qtand Ba|dd* u tistansaar Tooriu wat blown froi
0* to mioel iho eUr *M*u to tonr*
tb* paiaU. toa aSaotian | tb* Wnlttog.
_ at 81. Jeatph.* Three
fmn. Til* tio* to ooiota*, *»d do*
they glr* tbato. and the Haw they Bart Brova of Ltlaad to at th* Co- 1 Oaorg* OUbert, VllUani Moaltoo aa«
tm dtotool, «b(0 .
tptad la vying to adraae* toto* U, lanbn today.
ju D. Walla** vbo v*nt 001 in a rowvlU b* aeocbl ood to* eoooaU vlU h*
toalr vaefc, for aU rt vbito toar* Ui L. Ballati of Meal Ml tola Baralag bent viib ilw >d<« of geUlag aboard
«*ltod opoo to d*ol with problM.
Mostly too pt>uml sacks, for thr cuiivrnience of
aooey eoMdototlaa.
' for Smttla. Wato.. vfatm La aepeeto tha ramel to mt* b*r. vm aenrly
vUeh vlU b* of fnol
counlr>- trade. Those who are di'isaiisftrd with their
rotol tolo by Mm Helen OIbba. to loeal*.
drovae.1 bj to. mptoaiag of to*ir
1*10*00. UMt now
own will find it protitabic to s<-]I iht-ir wheat and buy
Vito ooeotopaaltoeoi by Mia* Mabel W. R. Earl of Mayteld to at to* best. Aa tlwlr boar vat golag or*r
et etocr eiilo* U.
Sleepy Kyc flour, made from MmneMiia sphnu wheat.
Oibb*va*gT*at9toIny*daad girts | Celaabla today.
| WaUaoe and OUbart apraag forward
toafbt TklooU* U**an* to Ibto t*C*id
espt*cia11y when they can'buy
a price
a«u b» an Pm
' .Bar. dolw Radpato v«M to Key >*M caagbt tb* miliag of to* Toorwi.
Vhtob eille* Ito* totooboold praaibr.
Or. MB** MadloatCtnEI
Sy.jj jrrr cwi. with a positivr- nuai
nci the I
Mm Aden* gar* a Ea* paper 00: stos* toll toemlag.
! A aoneet lator Mealun eaagtai to*
"Tb* B*od for vtoito <a atoool{ Jolia Boswell aad*a boaioea* trip mUlag, )«■ oviag to to* weight of
flour ynii r-vrr used, kt-rji the flour and call for
Btoida." Bb* tbevad may r«aato*i down tit* O. R. A 1. tbl* Boniag.
his walat (oaked orerooai eoald not
money. .Also have a Ktaai Mipiily td S« t il Oats,
tovoa BMlde***
vlif toa work of adamttag MIdne | Prof, dolio B. DeHott* Ml tbl* i p«|i hla«lf ap oo to* dtcA. Moal
thy and Clover Seed.
Thl* doe* net BL---------• lor Ionia, where he wtU lae-1 ,„o leMaed eltngtBK to tlw railing
tall* largely .
toeoeoadi ahoU wtortot to*d*trl.
.« Ml to from OadiUao laat night
I ae«l^.
fm tally 10 Blnal**. plmdlai
tb* women who are tteeben. and
BMOtal way.
aairoondlng town* vlU b* largely
to toytog it* BBlBi. but It
to* papUi ate weU Ettad to know eleelad tseeideot of Blk Rapid*. It to Ue* and Otlbrrt made
gtoto to* oooooU to* rt^t *0 d«.r- Tbo** to tol* ••ettoo nowM
to* Btod* of tlw aohoela. SIw awa- to* city no bnetoee* today to oouire- i ^gorl. to Uft him op to Ibe deck, be*
Zmwtm* n9toi .ball Mb. laid or B*.ba TwnpU iriU ..poi. t**B*faf*
UMad th* iatanat alvay* aanUaetad ttOB Vito bleofBce of d*|m9 rereoaeiuiey failed. Tbclr twod* braec
U toar* to daoger of toJoiT to |«bl9Ua Boekb Tempi*. «btob m
by wanee la tb* rarion* wv9tngt of
Bunbaod oold and e* a U*i ream
Ua totmato. The Traforw OI9
maabortblp ban of *00 or taoi
determined not to me HoalUo go
to* *ehooU. aad toa eaoaUael work rnw aetenUr • nmp*.!.
Oo. Oo. to a oo*toani »bl4* to andoM
by May of toea a* aapartnwad
■ry glare. Aldermaa Wallas*
isRnto ■
nirt "ekooi
ttUad to MoongoBMB'i » ^
■at* aad aa ooca9 oetamMioaan. ancIHelaaofMcBalB.^ruitMgtiw lay 00 tb* deck, oaagbt tb.- .-olUr of
tooQghi to to* <d9 0 »•« tottood or A tottotog Of to* feaae baU entoosi
and deplored toe feet that women, family nf bar eooiin, W. R OlUetl*. ' |Moal
alum’s roat id h: I troth ai
IlgfattoKaod baottog wbtohoorprti- atto tad |Uay«t of il.* High aebool A plaasaai aaristo. was gli
Uilbert c
pi* wlU fiMir appeeolatofriid Bb«*l •u bald Friday arenlnt at to* aebool Mlaal* Brown TbsrMy rraalag at bar who to Mlohigaa are glrea to*I*iTl- aad otoer trunda
Id*. Wallace'* tn I act *a
mWBMti wiU bt «lT«s to* ceHcrriiC beoto. and to* pnlimtoary erg
hOB* OB Baal Fnat atraat. la boeor
of Koeiioo, V
aSeoted for btgtooii
Doekeray went to Elk Rapid* to .j.-nd ! rowboat e few cat
8MII BO*t baiMMOteM toatto.
of bar birthday aDBlrerou
•Mpany ba* a ratoabU traoobto* fee
It 1* tonnded to faaro
------oompnay naatotod toalaly of fallev
oloaao with
vblto U laid Dotoiog, aod to* r*- hall Mam Ihl* ytnr ibat will ojibold *Btdey** M MM Brown ia f. W. MUJolto* Steinberg lw« ratomed from.
•t plea to tne women of lb* elob
byR L Bhren-'
Mriotiow peoTldad for to toalr tran- to* btoek and gold aa veil a* did to* likea'* stem Tlw areolag vaa da>f tot MOM at large not to neglMt field of Uw dry good* department off i;
ebtot tbooM M b* oeMdoad a* ar- fool haU toato of U*l toU. vhleli UgbtfaUy paaeed in aoelal ptoaanra*.
I to tola matter U Mr Steinberg', •tore. They tor*
for Itotir for etoaa. fOat aod aa Mtsotopta prograa, vhtoh isUtiorr. WhU* to* ooonell h*. to*
been porclwalng a large line of (prlng ,
povet to eeder mato* laid to oUay*. playlDg. Ihroagboot ll.e nortooro part eledad ttotoe potiag by Mia HabbeU Itor woold open Uie way to
at tot mm* ti»* It to wttbto to* otto* *tota.
:«al*oUeei oa lb* ptaao by MM Mabel on aobool bmrda Hv papar was foil
idaaa aad w*
proptortoo* of that body to glr* a*
Brown aad votol aalaelide by MM
vbowttl toieapeetlli
la**ay a* petdbl* to to* oxtMij
Uasl* Johnioo. Oala9 rafi
Tb* toto miar. 00 ' ‘Mew a*U>thrir toato* wltoool glTiag op tot vblebvaafotleftetoaalauB. Jama*
eoloyedatoo. Tbaevt
.. ... .wook. of Fife Lake. 1. ia
a of unehiag Uw dral." wai Uie
«n*to to to* abtoloiB eoBbol or toy T. Mmikea vat elaotad
CI9 lodey on botluem
irof toe orgaaisatlca. aad L.
And it pnhnbl* tott
tain Jotaasen aad MM
Otto Berto and wtf.- of Sorilibport
uih food for iboogbt. and was aa n- at Uw WbUlng.
agtao eraseboaenat bnatoam Dooby from Boaton aad Mr. and Mm
tbagai aoapuy irUl bt gteto a*
latlMde a* 1* eoaaUtont with
Tlw chair vat aotoortoed
'iiim flisiiniij Thaee- abU fsoantotlon of tlw eobleet. 8be MM Roa* Stanley of Maple City re
to* iaporttae* of to* «aMipri» ai ' Msppolsti
T Iwpptly speotbyaU •jwfco of tb* iboi -lo eondlUan of deaf toned borne today after a visit w*Ui‘
You hat* been told how some of our competitors biiy.and how
save)you I
lo tbr CI9.
aad bUad ohUdren. wire eeemlngly
ears fouds, to ttarl lb* season sight.
to* right* of tn>P*riy etram.
money. Wewill only say we sell both DKALBKS and lOHIfKKS. which PlacessUs I
ante toaipered In toamlag, and yel. Bnmell Hlnsliaw of Blo^nm is in
aaksapof to* Ham tws
Ch* aaitM or (Moboljat te om
in Position to Huy Kight. and until further notice we will sr-ll ai> kinds of
* vwdtofol spiritaal tanee they 111* el9 OB bastnes. today.
oel yet bww droldsd open, bot there
to* tooat taopoetont for oar 0I9 oo*
dL and It It pUatiog to noto toot tot* ia pMi9 el r»d saatorlal for a fast Tb* BMtiag Of the Woman-* Clab tor*, wblcb In a way lake* the plaee
. TtaapraoUatogvlUbe- Friday aftotaoM wa«larg*9attoad*d of elgbl aad heorlng, aa<l Hem* t< ______ wblel. torloil
tfaam iammealy Uw thlag* Uw eitv, after eew good* firr bli store.
gtoat once, and Uiaf* vUI be mor* aad a valoabl* progiam va* giren ontata-d lo
her A
Mm Dr. Waller re------------and hnrdar work Uwn waa errr bafere dar the Mdorthlp of Mm M. A. ____wi»e ooold not know. She epoki borne
,y. after rpooil.
IB Fit* Iwke today,
.peod '1
Of to* dlfftraot toatbod* oaployad la tog a few
base MU toam et ttie SUM.
ilay* to to* eiiy.
The |MU«l>niT veto oT offool**Mtoing Uie deaf, among them being
tkai «r Inlla Beokb'Ttmpto, Untaato* npert of Ibe Bdaaational eommlttleOrtor of Kolgbta of KbowatoB.
Mm 3. A. Montoga* waa toe and to* eomblMlion method, whlrti U A carton* egg-etoped body, welgbBrat tpaaker. aad toa Mid of the ar- Uwprineptol method need to *ebooU tog aboot toree-foerUw
forttodaat. Tbatonobtogof tpeeoh ooBipoaed of *omc hard *taff
toAbildno who tor* oeret Iwaid* coonused by the Btoci*
to. eooto ! iS
erar bafom. baonaae they wtU bar* an
ronnd. and reading from Uw Up*, aro drill of toe Mansfield mtoa. in toe
for gamma*
among to* moit vondarfol daralop- Oryttol Fall* dlMrict. laat w.-ck. It
L Tb* A9losH wUl fire
totok* eha«*of to* dataUief to*
va* earroanded by alutaat* Urer* of ,
toe toaeiultatle* aeldtatal to toe toemproetle* gaawabefere tb* froat
Uw D*etmi9
edntnttog dtot obil- red aad bis* *oft ore, tbeoe layer* be^ '
* d to* toatltotUB it to* U oot of to* groosd U they deal
diea. aad glrtog toam a latf* voenboom*eil la a rery liard atoll of I.
aav to*apl*. to toko plaw cm tot toto
to ottos ttot ttoy may ooai|s*- bln* steel ore. tlw ootol.le of whtel., |
toe words Ui< y trad from to* vbm* it mmeto ocamel with toe |
ear el9 aehooto. nad toeUpMwnre
Tb. datoU*
body of ore. wa* oorerwl wito I .
to* esaelleat e^Uon ia vfaioh Ul> of otoar* to rnwaal eoeratn
Lawwe hrP**f.U*
erretal*. torn* of toetn being large
Into to* aaggtoden* mad* for eoMd- Them trtw beard Prof, lobn R Da- they teoad tto work, and tb*
vhirti Mblm deaf paepl* to 1
and tanatifol raby to color. It 1* oo*
aeattoB of to* eotoalttoH to* *Mt Molto toto aeaaon la hi* toelora "Tto BamoBdiaga To tor tto gnnt aaad tto meaning of ^hol* rantetwa*
of Uw mo*t enrioo. dleoorerle* erer
vUi oaMln* any Ti.latMl aOair Ttr
• word*, read
I* iu asT of toe aUa«* of Uw di. , ^
Oharaeler BaUdtog.”«specl*d to toar totoiMt In toe hesne* of the popilt and
iwalgitod to BO.---------------^
1 tlw Up* of too** Vito whom
Oa* faaton vbito «U1 add to to* a trau this stowen vhaa be ptaeented
Ktor Steiib. oo. Mieb .Myron Sey
bit seoand graat leetoia, "Pytoen the pareau and obUdrtou In admnotoBuii et to* cegBaltottf at to*
Mtered tto boaer ef
■gfi and tto AaMrieaa
tm ttaolr own mkea. to amabllng them
Jolin Bermoar. and ebot
B of Kaalw Tbmpie of Oraad Bap- Ibgy war* aet dMppolaMd. Tlw too- weald tore tto parent* iwlp tto ohU- to OBjoy m* ce an eqnal faottog with
Uw lattor'e wife w *be va* ptoying
dr»n by------- of |saettaal toaaen* ta
tda. wUto vUl be toritod to coodoet toi* Fraday arontog. glrtn to
Th* ballet totorthe cenmeale* of iastltotien. There boo**, wo* on* of tto flaeat aror **»- th* born*, aad by tbelr tatotol in Urtog for UwmaalTSa. She oonelodad ed her ebeek. aad toe woond tidantoalr work. A toUd nlvays Uka* a
atotod In thia ol9.
wlU be e gnat paraiM
Tto atailant flod. driving
toady which to oomprahand*. To with a tsief deocsipcton of tosMtoU
ly la Uw erentog
tb* EM, follow­ Tb* tootare ia bard to daacribe.
oa«c* are to pnmU.
daaarlptioa eooM do it Josto*. aad no toaeh a ohtld to coneoaVato bit Ideas FltoL Tbroagb toafctodneeof Mm
ed by Uw alabmato omameaM la.
We have no TRASH nor CHEAI- JOHNS. Wc are HKKK wilh Iht GOODS. |
yotow tmn vbe badaa opportanl9 to U to win bnU Uw tottle.
at the epalB boama, th* aSalr
Our stock is LARGE ENOUGH an.1 price LOW ENOUGH to satisfy the most [
Stowart. fo»nr9
“•I* dV. b«‘
olM* with a gtaad b*mi**« at which it barU andfaUedtodosodld bMmlf Mm Addto Olbto foUotoid vlUi aa nnw a irr r*-— at Flint, ah* vm
careful and conservative buyer.
toasUtoatodUtotbatvaaalOOaad 400 loittoa It was a laotore for tto tatoraatlng talk on bar vtait to to* ahlad to give anny taeta to tor p
yenag and for tb* people who tore tohooit, aad to*.a* wall aa Mm Mm- wlilto toraw aato light an tb* eabitombws vUl patHolpato.
I gsrs a noabar of mlaabl* *ogRiaalMat maate viU b* prorldad lb* work of tmlatogaad
______________ _
ona She Moka of tto asealtont iset.
Fensmtlcn. aotrMorand away etotr fastorea
Mni aaMttotoawat. It I* ^habl* Mrian" vaa tto ksyaote of Uw ad- work den* brtoa^t*aeb«r» and popUt
own aoh^ nnd tto good
toat both epam boas** wUl '
«**d, etw for tb* faaagoat aad lb*
Cer. Cm as4 State Sts.
otoar for tot eanmoaia*. iUtfaoagfa I Prat DaMon* tot be*eap9obo- aapaetiOly d tto work to rbatortc. Ut- tamed lato eraaiag
Does }our horse *^eel his
tralnr*. hlatery nad i^adtog. towblafa MbpU 019 and O*
tkU to* net bem tolly deeided mpon. lOfftoa etodtnt tor tto past
Trtverse Qty. WcR
tb* bad paU Bora yWtaaUon to tor Georg. R Thor t of AUto 1* U oats*? ASTiat a difference be­
b t* aatiaatad ttot toar* wUl to tal­ aadblstBTetoigatlonitoeab
of bto eeoly no flaadldato* to go to as ehartor
a a Oorlwtt of Cedar Han Is to tween th^ grain-fed and theji^
toitobwi aad this aesara* aa*
tto etasloot btlagmUwr storHag to a*i
ry lUaksm Bl« srgomsal
W. D. Case <d Blk Bapfds did hart- grass-fed horse I The first,
Uwt la Uw bataan awetonism
MSS to the ct9 todsy.
strong and full d ginger, the
- la tto ealeetlaa
aad bsola, aetimi torar.
Otar Brans eff Kttosley U at tto
tolaa* ctraetore ap to a cattols pelat,
second flabby,.weak and tired,
baoometao ftiad that
gaalllcd for tto
D. R Belli* of Htolto i* rlgittog out before he begins. The [
a gtano* at tto name* wiU toow t
tiaaeaeCiQa Tb* lacfritod* to tto el9good BBUi tore baoomlaetod. '
feeding makes the difference. j|
H. R OiU and
Tlevi aad was taU of bnsntog to* dMaw wet* to Uw bona or maaria.
faUowtog at* tto oActoi and eomi
Childrenarenotalikceithc-r. '
toeaglM tool oonldnolMl to sink bot the teal can** of ibtutnarinn 1* KsrUiport an to tows today.
• toat tto One is rcs)-, bright-c}'cd. fu!>
M«* blood, la order to care
A. R WUtordof “
deep toto the toon* of too** who toamlto
Tmeiabto 8b*U-C R Cbrto.
TheuswriB tto bkwd ntnn be rtmaaad PnikPlaa*.
toard. Tto speaker was desparatoly
Royal Ttotor-Oc. L A. Tbempi
■iawto to^aritM itoirfa ate dohn Bedpato of Fetotoay ragMar of life and laughter, anoth er ito eameto. and bU toartse oonld not
ef ttodtanm.
Onad Bmlr-B. W. BaMall'
pale, weak and dull. The I'vx-dDr. Pwree-s Coidea MoBeal DI*eo»«Ty ed at tto Ptofc Platoe iMl etentog.
Ul to rmlto* toll and to feel the Sr*
Mabedl-E. R. MeOoy.
JM F P. twwtto waa toltod
tot bnraed to bU hmM---ing ^ain is responsible.
e*G*itory-J. M. Blakaal**.
Kast JotMb to isnfatoiaani bnai
Tto tarmntlen of habit. Its powar.
Trmtorn T. T. Baotob.
Sickly children need siarcia!
today. HewUlrtoainntnotoita
' Mtntol-a a I«rtgfrom
alane. when habit's chain* are ritatod
loa* *ab*C*Bce*
A. A. Statonr nf Snttsna Bar U to
oa. they ma to broken, were pseamtoats'. Scott’s Emulsion adds
which arc toe
. Joo-K. a HoUey.
•dinastaatoriy manner.
toto* rff tto dwMakaaaa-Fnd O. Oartia.
richness to tl.vii
CM*. It net ant*
Eaamt* Mart Otaw. Olalr* a Oarpragma 1* to lb* el9 today.
diet It is like grain to tl>e
of ladle* were to*
A. W. Jnhana. Mm Jab
|»ama* Alftod T. FriaMto. a a goeeto ef Mm A. W. Ltod Wednraday.
tb* nRhrltyof tto •air danchac Bdon. tormetoined horse. *rhe child gets hew
> 'HaOoy. F. O. Oartia
Merab lb. and ph9*fi “MUitoiy Barom a long rtoll to Mr. Jaban*- old af^tite aod strong digestion.
- Kenny. ahrt.'
Ota at Dttonn. Obto.
ScM's Emulsion is nv''re
R R W«nT« Htomtd Mtoy (ita
edd* to to* .....
vlto flag*, large ABHetona Sag* I
dian food. It is a strong
of *VWT pbyweal
tog tto portieea. nmller ana* I
Sto. Bay. e
medicina It rouses up dull
ntth* paries*. On each
ramaW. aa^deo.
large flag, no vhlefa
wC R B
u P. R Wil- children, puts new flesh 00 thin
Friatiag-J. W. Baaatn. R R HeItotoi, Lto Spring. A. R Oenklto. M. ones and red Uood into pale
09. O. a lagrig. M R Baitay, J.
R long. Oban Osrrss. Fred tong. R ones. Itmakeschildrengniw. igr
M. Btokeaton
bar of point* von. The plae* <wd*
P. toefcey. 3. a OanBUMt. 3. R
. Traa9-»tottoa-R W. (to*
at toe mbla* ww* to tb > letm nf
v,u4wo-*eai Sfwing Wagofis at $4SRB<i upward. On Road Wagoos at $jo and
Wagtoy and MM Baaato Itafto*9 Scott’s Emulaon makes ordi- IW
torn, a L. Oonaer. Q V. Btlaa
balobeto. At Uw cenelanou of ndtare la tbe-nily tatoy fra* BU Bap- -----------------•taiy food do its
i upward. On Top Buggiefi at I15 *ad upward On three-Mt Spring Wagoos.Piimneo-J. T. Bjaaab. J. H. Ugbtfnl aftagnoan trait mlad.
^ Dandies. On Farm Wagoos. best 00 the market.--On Hows at $10. Sio-soand Sir
TbttoalraBa of tevarlons
The fcrmMe
" Oo Cultivators. Harrows and eTerythiag is my imaesfie slock. My goods are til
Mm Oto-RfitohWlaai
tollliai srtil feta lb* aaaaadt* mmtata£^<g''Le^-*
The tol* awUeafertototoaden WM
Nothing cheap
EataM m4 4. en Me
mMto CO look Bftortto ganmalar- Mm O. F. Rtod. Mm L. M. Ben- ^rtob to* dtakr to Mb* tb* toll* atodto.Mito ttonam
about them except THE PRICE.
rangotomts for tto datonastrarlm
Mm r Dean. Mm V. FOand. aara profit prai by to* **1* ef ta to rWt fatottes* tod Crto
Tb* toeetlag adyeorand Maato at MM Otom Fnnnd and Mm a R
ImmU Id lb* pnatdant tot ttoysaSCOTT A snancR
F'EHIHIS, 127 stmt. Strssat
Mrdwal ntoiiiirj.*
w to (RM Mapto 09 Into toatong
IS waa Mm M. R Hama' •Ooltoa
«epFta^ K.WT.M
Dr. Pta>^ W
t Mta daaam
oMtofi ta totaaa by Prat 0»- !
tod tolf a dsnto nf
ta fatosti* tod...............................
Alin with togtobv
btan r Hilead (ram





eommcrcial Printing
nil Kinds

herald 3ob Office



Carriages, Harness and Farming Impiamants |





Q. E. & F. P. BOUGHEY,

The OUest EicihsiYC OiTirec aDd Imiilenaii bealen |
in the Grand TratrerscRttioit. Alears Eeltable.

nrrr(r ^mmifffrrr





r>^ 8to8» ihiU
h» ta*
A aad ^ BlOMt iaTHliMtta ladUiM ttaM to Dnv twM
CUa>o. T*e w*to» «ft« to. tot»«Mtoitomn. oi<
•to * iwrtnr toptoMto.
Sr. T. DtVm TtoMd«* !• toiifw•Mir m to WMtototto aad tto «»t.

The Detroit
Evening News
and Morning

, Iriw l»» to“»
an to VouttoB T«^>.
faun ato NiU Utm tton. Tto
r. Mra totol Stotwtoi. to.
BeUldMi .tottof ItoBi
Mn. ewart««od tortM. a.
Tto Swaltwoto oUI«rM
tol lire to b »• Ttodltoto K*
_______ 1 ■ toffat to into, a e
totar ckad. Htk flwartirood
»—«-y vlU) Mttorlr >or: *’^to
Mil tto WOBBO that a Me lamly I. a
—r Ttor aartUto differs!
Ir. bto I ktow .ad itoT too t '•
TtoUcrtoaalT wo*.« t tto 0)0.
•I Oo. to r

OatrmCnt a WonI

The Ercalag News
Assoclmtiem, toMu*

Do Tov &t Tbc Detroa

M blB op (0* Mac.
At &«aad tto O.titoM diafto
h, weam et iwrirto a—tta*. tto. At Pray Hatty Dattttcatowli.
Mak. Ito
*aw toeto. ««••• toAaetaa. oaU froB baiac Mpbyto
ra.qtoat.bU aovtto araiMtatF aMdbyoMl INA Ttoywanai
II da*, to tocht. K. O. troBthtor Bapebyw aJar»elatt.
> ritt to ft o'elaak. ato «
u torn is DaaBdvUb
ebatz WIT ta a toot, totm trrt
tta riatt tot. Tto tooofc BTto
■%hi wa. atoMd Witt tto-powM.
•• Glory to Ood." H. walkad oat
tto toaito. iMTinc tto ertoeto. a
tor tto Mac____________


»aw H«le.


Ay o( aU rtBadlni for ttb? fotB
jMt asd Imtt dMttto

It toaUttr L-—BAl
r tto. atoato lUrnaw^t'T*.

tkM Vmx^r. , K

Ur*. Mary OtoBbarltos ot Vatta; ra ba. b«« alacted iaaaito.1 of tto

Ef- ?E tr. rt.
Tto aftMBtt Saw roandtaod. .
to St-JohsA

eor. front
and Union $ts.

IGa lUilbelnia

R .

from hat to hose; what will inter­
est you particularly, however, are the
new Suits and Overcoats. Wo can show
you all the latest shapes and patterns
in these, including a splendid represen­
tation of high class ready-to-wear from
L, Adler Bros. &Co. of Rochester. N. Y..
who are far famed for their success In
duplicating the finest of made to meas-.
ure clothing at half ite price. We not
only show you garments that in fabric,
patterns and tailoring are precisely like
those that the best merchant tailors are
turning out this season, but we stand
ready to fit you as well as any merchant
tailor can fit you. Seeing is believing,
come in and see. We close at 6 o’clock
except Tuesday and Saturday.

,.T« to rU to ttU ooldV
daUr .qeaatlosto a ^
“bTSb obaar ap and lato
AM YMT Ctoto. Ptoadt

; „nr,raSi*ssi.T'S*:s

idoek Bleed Blttin fi**** a.
_ _ttr, bMd. as aeClT* tamia.
atraac. Tiferooa bedT-toek*. bln \ wettt ttaa tt* terttra* to
& btoUe to life

HHtt. «tos ot tt* Orato Hertton
wtot tttoto* StoUptol.
mmx., wlUi aboat 1.000 paofil*. who
at* atafetta hoaa. la tt* waal
At lAptta*. Wl«.,lfttA Trask wiohMS. «he bad boae in a Mse* for
ttatoat aaraa day*. U daad. IToca
vasfc tot tod IsfcBi BO food or wUar.

tto tanttorMBto)
boM »aaad ai TI­
1 laamr slnatt tt* MM br tto dUeerary to aa aUtflBl
- . iLato Bapartw dl.Wriet.or
plot to daiWoy tba Aatorttn wmrttip*
h— base dlaeovarto Id tto elath laral HifttaiK aad Atj-I by tto ob of
Tb* alDcn toT. aot yat i
bet the _
to S3 teal IB laaytt. ttto baiec fare, tto dnfl baa b*M aztaodad
to it. tea teal U width ato
—rami (aot in ttlefc— Tlw eeppwUl hBT* le to eat lato tew pUera bafer. batte belated M ttt MifaeA

1 old tlBc and
U *mi to bU raseb naar Biaiy’.
Laka. Mtotoaa Book wa. fttad to
totoh ty a baStoo. wUoh to bad
wa* on* ei tto acoati
Vllb ^ iU-tatad Oatfat azpadltlas.
Md 1. Mid to to tto BOB wbo saT*
Ottlar tafoTBStlOB of ttoptMt------ *
tta Isdlaa. ssder BlMae Ball
• MUay wbtta tto OMfty oUafOas had
ttMBiwd Bott adTUadttolBWMl
tt Ball I* tto oottlae of Bobo tofor.

« AitoyraaftoMf


Paper Bands


A Durable
Wen Coatine

oB le ttenr traa tiac to tiiac. 1>
a dry powder, rtady for oB by
mizli« with caU water.
TO THoac BWLOiwa
apdltot totiadttotto hasd of OooifOto ^Bt baht, thr
ttiiidlli Ba mM that a wtoi kaewB
waMWH oaaof tt. prtsetpalttmi0imtot ttoarUaa.
hoB tto clodtty wall, ot tto Bar
TIawalBt bostt to Baltlttor*. ttota
■wato Kowtoy an iamsM Joaaph Bssa
af ttt rtttt- atasdlM. to taaalr* a
IMataC«U«.«Q. TroB ttlUiKt OTB
a wftttttk IS anpvt bar UtUa tamOj.
ttm. Oacrylasas KsUy ftaoood. to
^mam by nttos of a Icyaer of
|M,«n. rba BaaaartofU Uttl.
tttyatoy wtot. ttt aanr ytsrt
KUm eto*d«* bto Biasyad, to <to
SstaUrlto, will ksowtotao
ttrtta.too.UTlrttatlytt.poBay «M to year rattUar—TB4T.0V.
2oBid> XM*. as Bsela of
tt. ^ timsstM dud ttotttir
hsTtae •100.000. toU of wUoh tea*
•ft Ut sapbow ssd aUeta
Ifartoa Orawtead. tto A»rr—.
wtttt. U writlat tto oOeUl lUaof
Pep* bsoSia Bahai hsd—ntal
amtimaaa with tt. pepo n>*
atehdTtt et ito TBtt«s tor. baae All dniylats tall H. TW. U
•PM te hUa. asd aU tto otter ta- one PalaBUat. Parry OftTla.'
• ea—a of tto tteroh asd IH hadatr
Orbp laabttftly raUand.,
BeUatfla Oil P-faBl.T •
Aaaacdttclr tto Mtlt* OatboUe waeld TboaaiKarartaiU. AtaayttatM«tt.
wtM da^Tod by datob to ita balarad
•to rawaraUa bato. wlU
ttdtt ttU btaraphyafmllaadi
tttttUaatBBtto tt* lU* aad wotki
to Iwa Zm. Mdtta bUftotyto tto
abanh dartec ttU tttM


B ttyt ttow* hM beta almoB
MW ttla. wbieb will bora a «*•■
«y to rarlT* tb* wtowt Ibai
aDwaUikyMparaenU larpar ibu
ka-yttraad. laoetdliiir to wall lan------p—pU. KaMtotoi deed froipaatt to yUldlaf wtarlj l<0,ceo.0tt
bMhalA Ttowwttor Ual—fatttabU ta tt* eon )aat pUatad. wbkdi,
baaaatt to pUaty to BeUtan. will
Ibt* a foadtoarv_______

Ve an czpttu U the tRataeat of
walk. WtbeaadaRbewbeipfia
to.alaoeo«leyoa.Utnboatifel aed beattWal boBca.



a«t B«mr Bdart Teu 8a rnq Fn1b«r.
3 to veyettble -to
rStt.torki.etc. The preportiow »re tolabeed» at
• iavistmlw. itotpening tbe
jjiaUruJ {oiioai, steady^ the

ICakt a Dm* el ea*«a(
bol ittr BUB'tte ehanee to recetnag to
to much toarft and aaiiifftctioo
tt.UpwAatewillbriagyoo* J« what )x>o need ai ihi* tcav—
tothcy-aafc-Sftiu&toionguiiaateed. -


Read and Olenderi

Attention will
Mail Olden.

.CTatinuipg until Friday atgbt. A|ail 4th.

100 ttocT liinoer Sm. aiedy dceoialeU
FJictoh ware, three difattac dacotatioM.^,
worth $10 a aet. qwcial tale jatce.......... S5 95
10 |Mce Chamber Sett, akdy deeeaaied,
worth SiaO. apecial attr price.................SI 96
Plain wlutt Oiambet*, wtih «o*er, hije
tue.>peculaak price
......................... 290
JanUama, gold triDimed. rad or green cater,
tpecia) aalc prks........................... ............

bto kind, apecia) tale


a large hot worth 5c. apectal


FOR 1902
(C^to PreatoU tt Tba* «• -F-Wr. pto^ttott

^t^una. Wfea

i*>“............................ .............................

c. Hy. SMWI).

S good sir Towd worth Sc, ^eaaS aale


*"^lto!*toBBWIw, Bet* *1 Tt

PLEASE NOTICK—tbe abore t«e* are tarr-t tow- paepla tt a aohd wtek, and tt ^

^^W®“5Stor^ adTS^^r^

*P«ett aal—yon taal «aie —T «»y





kAflCH S7. I90&
Cb* Store KM cl

new SDiing Qeods

^ fnmgmwU tertto m>UM
Ita poll*. Th> ■aatMtii* <<Om
P. CteTTW to • awtoTia tolbmto «


. vtMM- aSacto Cor aaaj ymn
bM for Ibt braaSt of
Omd Timnn* eeuatj. ttoem !•
M mma is tbt eit7 «ke bw b*
«kw ooBtoet *ltb tb. euy. aorolop
tamx osa prsKNa: Ba4BOM
fcrotod mou ttoM toaioslolpol

-W« call your attention to Just a few Items this week:
SO piece* Fancy Neck Ribbon*, wra^able silk, all colors, worth
19 to 25c. while they last, per yard...... ................................... lOc
10.000 yards new Valenciennes and Torchon Laces. Cambric
and Swiss EmbroldeHes and Insertions, bought at a bar­
gain and are now on sale here at.............................. HALF VALUE
27 Inch French Waistlngs. handeome new colorings, 25 and
30ckinds,.at per yard .............................................................. . i9c
Scotch Lawns, just the thing for Children’s Dresses and Ladies
Shirt Waiste. per yard.................... ........................................... gg ,

BOB WMfcaploo. April ftb.
It too toed ttokoBood om a
will dad firor aot only wllb ivpabUbo* wia dosooCBto ead a '

to oooeoM br oT»ry P««» •«» »«“
DoMbtoTOkfcrUtoflitr. Hotoio-

|0B ot8:10oa« oBottoB
>od>to»ot8:U o-oioofc.
ba oAaa of acbeel laapr
ctloaof tba pcaoa Uw ei

Mr. 0«rT<«bM
oi d» hard of pnblto vofcB“iu'hH
fins bto oOor tooeb of bi*
hto food J«d*BtoBi bo« boto

Olatcb for our 8reat Cace eurtaiti Display!

Toeaday ofwroooa It waa anoraet
that Uto ateaaa f<» tba iidabr of a
ncilMtinn fto niajm woold tost batwaaa Prank Friadriob aad O. P. Oarrm. bat wbaa Mi. Priadrtob Icaraad
ttel Mr. Oarrar bod eoaatalad to

(dty tooli ood hl» o*!"*!CM -«b«« blB on aiNBtoUr Mr•Uo ooDdldkto M tbto tltoo. vbM vo
>n eeotRBtod with «nM i*oWotoi
10 oor towtolpa prowth. Mr. (Mr-

Handsome Designs and Special Values will be a feature, . Prices 39c
to $ 12.00 per pair.
ReUfibk bry Goods. Cirpct
ASd aoibtae Hosse.

_______ha tiaaafalty withdraw aad
.daeUaed to oppoa* >*»• Oarrar. Ibatafora thair war only oor toitotlaatiao
,and Mr. Uarrar waa aaiaad with ae-

OI«y. fMloK.

to an MB in Ibr elty ma mfMt ec
•Oatoot; Borooeao uuuurtoat with
. ettortaCloB waa iwllad to order
tba oltT-a noada. Ba U bow la elaaa
at 8:10 by Hea. K. W. Haattam. to
toBoh with tba propoatd parta*
iaaaet of Jeba A. Lett
IBOTaaaak and bto wtodM In this
taaSM will ba fooad of traat rataa M
tba eity.
Traracaa City arada Me.
Oarrar'a wrrleaa tbto yaai. and tha
Barerd baltoraa that ba wiU ba alaatad by a atojority. aot atotoa baeaan
ba to a triaibUaaa. bat baeaa. ‘
haaalltfaaiiaalllaatlooa aaaaM
aa adheial apoa wbeoi tha paepto «a

All Goods in our Bazaar
Department at Cost ^ «
We bare rented the room which onr bazaar now
ocenptes and are aboat to remore the bazaar to the
rear <tf onr book and stationery department.
That we may not be obliced to more more than
necessary, every article is belnr sold at cost and

’ tlefeat wa wall kaewB aad Ihatoaapa___
oo orc^tU’a
UUttoa ara ao wall raoofalaad that It
to aotaacwBvy u dlaoaai tbatr'par* wblA baa atoo bam aaMd at the
■Ml qnalllaatlnna -Baatri.
ted baaa a faw rateaetoa to *a dalaFtM tor D. o. X. K.
•atlaet, wtildi warn Ulad eat aa fel
Xtoa asaaatlra aewlM trbleli bat lowt: Ptoatward.a
Itatad far M. B. Uta
to abarta tba sitaacaMato te tba
Mt D O. K. t dMitotoratloa to ha ward. W. J. Katoee
bald b^ apon the eecaalon of the to- K. W. Otalliok. W. Moalton tabatlatltatloe of ItoUa Bookb Tampla. mat tatad for Mya Jerdea; Third ward. W.
with tba offlaan atoet Saadayafler- W. Dttoi aabaatalad for W. W. Balth.
BOOB to tba Kaii^M of Pytfatoa vat- Oao. Oroto for L. K. Olbba: Foartb
ward. Oao. V. lordia abttltatad for
W. P. Oalktoa. O. M. PraU for Tea
Varfc for tba a
______ PlfUi ward. K. A. Baaat aab.
wattaapf-d oat told tba p
to to toake tba abto tetakad for A. W. Jabraaa. D. B.
for V. M. Bffillb. Joka A.
Uepfclai for Piaak Btaaraa Otbar* kaowa to tbto loaaUty.

This offer Cannot Last Long
Special raloes in Crockery. Glassware and
Fancy Articles can now be obuioed, as we bny far
cbeape^ban any other firm north of Grand Rapids.
Here Is yonr chance, better take adrantace.

t waa effleially datarmlaad l>
laa aot iM tfaaa »0 eeran


Tte ooBtoitM Blae r
tteordarof baatoeaa aad Ifaarapdr
fOBT talton
petoted by tte ohair. at foQewi; Saa
Uariaad. Piaok B. Ooodfioh. A. W.
■aatad that Kaate Taapta weald fat Btokard. aad J. A. Moatasaa. Thar
wac ao BM. bowarw. for tba lallart.
ptoaaad to aaeapt tba laritatloa
for Myoc war
faaca Ita dtorrea Mas nodaol tba ei
Mtoa at tte iiiatltatloe of tha <
<allad for Mr. MUlikcw atead O.
taapla. It waa daoidad toaztaod oBto taka tba ebalr. tbao p
anralnali Otsr P. Carrar
etoliy tte torltatSea for twalra of tba
Kteka Ttatpla to aot to tbat eapael^. for tte eaoa Mr. Mlllikaa irrtowad
kbatbatoetbafaUBBtobar tteairad.
of Ite iBporteat work dooa for
Otbv dtCBito wata laokadafMaod tte oily by Mr. Oarror aod waa mpbuletobto todataaoMit of bto
dlteu a* oat of tba aoai ralaad oBxrairiac Bioaly.
Vtea tba OnlforB Baak rtolli Mas- aiato tte etty arar teiL Ha daclaiwd
iMa Pridv OTMtot tomatM
Itel Mr. Oarrar'i abUlty waa aaqoaakhMd aad that hi* taailtarlty with
osapBay tbara. efforto wlU ba
MtatatMnyof tha MaouM lodya aJty aKaln. aapeelaUy *tb tte tean
aapaaalbtotolototbaBawatapto. It
toteltaradtbatabaat fifty wlU ocm plated Mda Ua aa ateoatolly deal]
abla eaadldata.
Mr. Oarrerto
taealrad wito a dataoBatral
After aaalac Hr. Oarrar Mr. MllUTte data of ISQI of tl>t Hlfb Bebool
bdfi a Mottoc Uat Tbandty aftor tte rraoaad tba ebalr aad taUad for
• Mbool at whiofe tte fiaal datoUtof
dr Boatoattoaa
He erortaiaa



dad. SoM of tba parto bad
r baaa atelfaad. Tte ooaiplato
■ toatfoUowi;


I Hr. Oar-

b baa aot yat tedb daoldad yatl
wtet tte maatoal Baabaa will ba,
bat tte Hlffa ateoot etecat viU tar•tob at Irate two Baabcra.
Bar. O. Ooebito waa wlaotad to
pNMih tba teoealaaraair aaaoau

Pnal Miaat te iba ovaar of Baioa
aad Btota aad that rtalBltr.

ror waa torllad to Ite pUlfora for
•paaeh. Ba aoarad tte daUteM that
te waa BO apaaeb aaakrt. bat wbaa It
oaMte artekto tte elly't latarM
hr weald te ready to drroabtotlM
aad teacstoa for tte biawAt of Ite
oUy. if alaetad. Ha told toad hto axpiH«eea.bad saaebt btoa that *ara
teaat datiaa to a pablto
i toiiBBarabla kloks:
atoo plaaauiaa aaaoelatod
to bate If of Tibthw Olty.
with arpraariax btoNiIBtelaiioe of tte homr eeteaatadapblB by tte oteTtettoa. aad aa tolatioB to tte dricMtaa to rtoit A.
W. Jafaiaas'a ei^ Meta aad Joto bia

■baa aioed dead load of peMaaa.
wUab dtSaMwa eeald eel te axpaet' ad te ba to fata
tte aaltoroCtoa
predaca. weaM SMa ttaa pay te tte
ptoa af wat^tac tba toad at te
tepricaof palatoaa

Qaaneriy Matto* at Qrawa aasl
Balarday H»d Baaday. Haartrrly oeafsMra oa Batarday at tdO p bl
ten tMt OB Saaday toendae at lO.
PMrbiBS at 11. toUowwl by Ite M
IBMM Of te Lofd'i nppar. BaMi
■torkat to te araal^ All ara cos
dblUy arlted to all of tte Mricaa.

Which n
Done ia tbe markri. CocKl~|0D(to
aie whu foa ary>(.


Tba tpoBM ware aU latfaly atoaadtoM doaa. there ware aot aatb a toipa ad. bat than waa Uxia asdtaaMt.
nateref toada walgbad at tte
atoaoat all aantoatioa* batof by aeaaatoa Maay at tba faraan pnfa aa ohMtfaa. wilbeat aay oppoaltioB.
yat to lattte p
h tba Pirtt ItemwuMt a atofia
eeatad. anry aaSb^ nlaaled by
aalaa lattec than pay tea eeetam
for tte paiettofa at koowtod toM they
are teTiat tte oorreot wal^ oa tte
otoraalat. HaydoaotaaMtooaaridat that a dlSaiMat of <aa pMto

First National Bank off
Traverse City pays T Por V
cent on Savtnfs Bepo^ |

Cheap Goods Like Cheap Kelp Cost More aod Serve Least.

■alatatoor-Mtoi Otoriotta Hate.

dM of aeboal board.


CeresoU tlour absorbs
more water tbao ordinary
flour, and bread made from
it retains tbe moisture
longer. This is a great
advantage to those who
oniy bake once oi twice a

win oiRvear (oor <3to^> ean. Oor




New Footwear arriving early. We
are showing many new designs.
We have plad::ecr on sale several
new lines. We shall make a spec­
ialty of Reliable Footwear at Med­
ium prices. Our leaders will be-in
the $2.00. $2.50. $3.00and $3.60
grades. Our $2.50 lines will be
the strongest in the city. Call and
let us show you.

Frank Friedrich





Ptoaei |r. twehe-tootii Hanew, Cabnaur ‘
airi Puh erizcT.

Priai are tbe leaai of

o(T troaMex

When Joa an aart

of gettiec a good artide tte price
taka care of itaeM.

Yea, wt have

cteap top boggiea tbat go at Sda
la addition to oar Mock we hare
a $3.0UO «ock of gooda bca^ of
tte Jaa. A. Moore etoate ml SOc oa
Ite teOar, oa wfakh we esa aave
yea noBey.

Tbto to a ctoan-ap

kx. aU goo^ bat MM ^oatoM
baato w boy^


aad aae

ibem aad be coaviaerd te yw.

PbiKl Jr. Sai

IkoaldtWteri Hoc.

Traveise City Impienieiit Co.
Citizens Phone 866







March 27, 28 and 29.

Of the past have always b6en very interesting—events eagerly
looked forward to—the time that every department blooms
forth in all the splendor that genius and art can produce. But
this season looms forth so brightly that it outshines all former
events. The artistic weaves and delicate colorings of the vari­
ous fabrics are far superior to anything ever shown before.
The ready to wear garments are marvels of art, the graceful
styles and the harmonious colorings are almost beyond des­
cription. One thing that has not advanced in this race of su­
premacy is the price. Everything has been selected with the
greatest care to give entire satisfaction to the consumer. Our
prices are the very lowest, consistent with reliable merchandise

Cadies* Shoes

Has won the reputation of being the
most strictly up-to-date and perfect
fitting garments in the city. The
styles, the workmanship, the fitting
qualities and the losraess of prices
make them great trade winners.

New spring shapes, perfect fittingthe kind that always give satisfac­
tion. $2. $2.50.
and $3 50- We
never hear a complaint, but we do
hear praise on every side from the
the wearers. Remember we guar-

CMter SpcctaU

Easter Waists

4k EASTER SUITS of'fine plain
black and blue cheviot, also
gray and the new rough effects in*
9 I • UV
strong line — latest
weaves — gray strips cassimeres,
dark worsteds. Light colors galore
in stripes and checks. Also black
clay worsteds in single and double
breasted, values made to sell at $io.

White Persian Lawn locked yoke ef­
fect. atl over embroidery front,
buttoned in back. $2 00 and up­


gant line of blue andblack
wool■ and’ clay

• chev■
lots, viciunas, etc., in1 all the newest
and 8t>-les.
The best Siooo
suits ever sold.

6«nHeineirs Shoes
For Easter., Our $2,00.
50 and $4.03 lines arc winners—
B«l of leathers — styles right up to
the dot, on which wc save you from
10 to 2$ per cent

We show blue and black cla>*s and
serges in sacks and cutaways—Skin­
easltr IlccInMar
ner Satin lined throughout — easily
handsomely made and 1 QK
worth $i6. Also latest in striped Fashions latest—at 25 and «io cents.
trimmed..................... l.>©0
Handsome things magnificent as­
cassimeres. worsteds and cheviots,
sortment. Don't pay 75c for njiat Waists in colon, up from— ,39
well worth $15 to S16 and that is
we sell at 50c.,
whM-you would pay in other st.res.
41 K EASTER SUITS contain
an the style, quality and Jin extra S|>edal on Easter
Silk WaisU
wotkmansbip that is possible to put
Kid eiooes for Baldnce of Beautiful lines in all the delicate
in suits. Made by the best manufac­
spring shades and black, new
Chis OlcekOnly.
turers in the country. All the new­
styles handsomely made g 0Q
est novelties in fancy worsteds, ser­ Delicate spring shades, bright new
ges, cassimeres and cheviots.’ Per­
stocks, black, white and colored
A Grand assortment of black Taffeu
fect in style, fit, and workmanship.
stitchings. .
ily trimmed with
The makers guar­
e guarantee ii«t.-Tb
tucks *nd
..... . ................
in^ions, 5,Q0
tee it. Your merchant Uilor can TheImperial.Best$<i»Glov
eson market...................... ».l v
also white Silk Waists.nott fit yoi
you more perfectly at twice
e price.

1.26 Cadies'

Our milHnav Dtpartmtiir
Is Stored srhh the nesrest creations
in the mniiofeiy worid. No pains
have been spniM to make this de­
partment outshine all previous efforts
—How well we have succeeded sre
will leave with you. There can be
but one verdict—-the most handsome
millinery ever shosm in the city, the
largest assortments,the lowestprices.
We have with us one cf the but ar­
tists in the state. If you do not see
the bat you want, leave your order
and we will make it and guarantee
you satisfaction. For your own pleas­
ure and satisfaction do not fail to
- see our ooUectioa of bewitching Eas-

Atl guaranteed.

Easter Handkerchiefs
Good cambric and linens 5 cu
Lace and embroidered 12. >5
Fine sheer linen hdkfe regular 35 & 50c articles for 25.
An ellegant assortment of 1
handkerch fs from 35c to




Swlusuna Sumnwr
Largoi assort­
ment of the newest ertiuions. choice
. Dns*e»«<l*
fabrics, best of workmanship—per­
Beautiful yard wide silk stripe. Ma­ fect ffttiag qualhies.
dras Cloth in the new ctdorings. Don’t forget to visit this department
Dainty iriiite lace stripe. Organdies
when in.
and Dimities,
Elegant Persian
Suits S7.S0 to $25.00
Uwns. The new ^ spot Mull,
Skirts Sl.OO to$25.00
Strong lines — the new shapes and the most perfect dotted swiss woven.
Coats $3.75 to $16.00
s^des — the biggest values ever Many ooiefs too numeroos to
Silk Radians $ 15 to $26

Come one, come all—we promise you a profitable visit.





kbeciaxte Udw*.

eC J. «. BlMw'i how tanWi•t Elk Bo|ild« asd torwrir
. *»•#•!•*«■
liT«d hen
tea Slewd •( OU(^«>M «MB
pedntid M McUtat to A«tot %. a
KA-TrwLar. Pope «B tlM teak* eC lla i



.«.T.Kte. rlata Of MU. BwUa Kay
-■ - --i^ toa^ur ef Hr. ate Ms. ^ 1. teatm. of OawB. I« Mr. Kate GMaatl*
of Otawa. famarly of tbU oity to
ate plara April A

Vlnaaa. aw of the ewnar* of Kath.
pat PolBi raaort. Tte efafl will te
flaaly fitted ate apeedy a well at
ate mir.
■ faite
at of tlw lot oe the watb
r of Diriaiaa ate Third tamU
fa tte propoate new OathoUci etaareh.
iraetara W te plarte oe Ite lot
.pprerimaa IMDO in ooat

ata of dMlfBa with
of tte ladiatKew Yorkfaahioa }oaraalA ate will ru to that city at ooce.
I W. B.
Ooeaal Paaainar ate Tiotel A«Mt
a U laefewood aad Mater at Ttoaopgrtetloo KaaOra. wen ie «■ tin O.
a. * L laM aaite oa ttelr lacala
trip. TteyUflootte llMtraiafa
tte noth._______________
Carpeatcr'. Ualoo tere vnujted faatfiate anloa tell tote
iriraa at tte City Opan Baa< X'
day enUac. March SI. A lane o
ir fa the daociaR
1 by Stewart &
wilt te

Clrculation this week 2,475.


anep.^:Vi__ ____

Mtofn wna Hoc Tarref
Tte tote teOato hm Istetor the “I waald tetoh aeariy aU UbU
jatj^laCWtotc. 0^1^ laat aaahw ef tte HMh Btoaal Le».
tan ate M^ eenat for
tea mala fmt. white WiU te rlraa A^
f«ratoab ha «aa *to<i «e»taa lato- TUa U te ba toe aemU>
al. tltfw aert Utter toaa tha Uebaat tary satobar by Btewari to Btefiae'
prarmJUat ate__________
Th* trwt fate enchl late Bate
ate vUta lah of tte aaaaeD ««ra
aroseauuaaa aii awtaoi aao
e eeamt will be free to aU bald, tmpea.
UwTroaUea Price sOe atedl.oo.
plaate on tte aaika* Mter ^
f aeaaoa Utotea te toa aeam. la TtW beatlea bee at & K. Wait A
ft ■ana atx PlakOa. Oaem atelttoa to tola, then an ahoat im Bea'eate
Jaa. O. ItemeiWa
_ a. «te Mlaa Ite tteJa tte •can itet eaa baaold for tou Int
leal wikal. aaa dan tna tialate
m. Tte price et thaae Mate la Tten u a treat eearaHy ef p
with a iaita aeptiir «f t«»«
eoaaty, toe
» ecala. ate then teoald net te <ew
. ware qaioUy
y atot to toe boaat U a pete me
fw toie aatobto. ate Meade of toe
Tte atteitlea ef aleettea oMoen U ectenle, tot leetare eeam ate Ite er_aUad te Aet He. U« pRC Ke. 07 ef teaatra ehoald tea to It that Hwy pby
toePbhUe ActaM ini whiob tela totoepaekte boan that tte esael.
werkina 2« Moure a Day.
tone tUe afnac. It proridae f« the Ufwe to the toaeert wUl eanly warTte*aa ae reel fer tooB lualeaa |
ate Banberiec of the telUttle werhare-Or. Klar'e Kew LU* i
Pill*. MllHtiae are mlwayi baer. I
Ml, tte i^ito. faldW. cootlBT.
IMaia ML
TBidd Urar. iaatetoe. Bifi-1
olB.. ote
bo toBiUar to all ia•e*. Fartr ate Acaa. Ttey baa-'
epaeien, Jadcee aad eteha of oloe- Hrv Oatee Ooce. wife to Cteete.
lok Heartaton, difra eat malaria,
Oora. 4B E. ElUub eoaet. died at 10
r «Tto* et waakea. SmlL taele
p. m. Harte l> to appcteioltU. She Bier, work weaden. Try them, tae,
• • • ate two ehUdna, at 8. B. Walt ate Soi'* aad Jae. O.
Booer. Mich.. Mateh M-Tte boon failittate Bother, tone eiatertand
cf Joha Battea. ooeattod by tea BoriBotoan. She wa* « yean ol
. a Botonoo. mert. oae mile
of town. wa. beraod te tin
rroate lael olfUt. Biaee tte nidiac Etofato etnet to Oakwood oreaeMry
the Bstbwitiei of a boan ef ilBii- SatarUy at 10 a b. Tin- Coinahaiaetar near by. Boren eeeaed fanlae* o< Pariitirt attoteed toe too.
to hare expected troahU and wu net e*Bl to a body, aad bbbt baaBtifal
■w. Tte fire U ihoortit to bare Seeal offeriace toatlfite
tte wok ef an iaeeadlatT. Tte
heat to fricBda
» boaae.ate fanltoinci U ahoat
AroUte PaetebT. a well knew
OOO. Tl.e eomtaBBlty it now eUand diaa woma to Patoahy Town. Udete
attoear* to86 yean. She wae toe
.B ef Oabrial Paelnby. a weU
L. the (oato John kaewa Sottoae Bay todiaa
MiipCapiui. - ■ »5fi.m
Scbwtodt, ahelivca to to* Oentoa
toe HBortowalte died T^
- - .
borhood went to tbe elty ea toe aflrnaoo et S o'eloefc afm an llleaB to SarplK.
eobaty Ua* rood, war btely tojaiad fear week*. Tbe youMt Ban derelopPritey by a wood towiac aiael>^ rd typhoid ferer while at Hrmphli.
hU la« I'm balar broken to two Teaa.. ttoeat a laeeih ace. and wae
plaeea aad hi* fan badly eat. Tte
DM death tliere. hU mother at*
maclitor wai raaator iRddly. ate letetoibla. A week ace laat Eatarwhan tbe btote to wood wae cot oS. day be wae Hroocht to (bU city,
Ite BW wo* rained, tel toaute to n- wbm be ha* stoee recaiTte ertaratoc te tbe raide. it boot to oa*
nn. bat to* dimaae wai
ride, oad toe rapid motloo threw it
IK. and he eaeeuBbed Teeulay
fartlier oat of line, eo tliat toe mid to
toe BW etrack WilUaa Scbwtodt oa
Alone, uarieed A OTbuwo I
Ilia )av. ^
wa* bady lacer­ The pteepi-ou to a lallrete
ated.-the eat mebtorto toe base, toe etai* from Alpena to Pnakfort. hki Bwidi liM Is ntt «i I ra? m ML
ate toe lewar )aw wa* fthetored to by way to Gaylord awl TraverB Otty.
two plaemu Dr. BoUlday wa. eallad it axtnmely lirirbi aa.I already rlfbl (MU.T.
r. TiMik AM't Cate*
T. hreAW. S J.
aad atteaded the tofared yoaap man. to way tee been teoardd le Uaylord. Dllic..r«B*-a a. Hall, im>.
rt*«» WrfLA. t. A
are.foaad to be *e faronble
The Oarrol SUtat*. who. etoee the
death oftlielr tatter, hare eeoito- work cf laytor tall* will bcirla atent
Baet tor ftret of May.
Vie* Proaldroi Wb. M. Derate to
BIxbto etreet Dear the taetorfea.
* w,.to^rn K»


Onr SaTlufs DepartmcDt

ebaaed U.e etwe of DeanU Tteall
WaltoQ. Be wilt InToioe the etook
April tfalr<l and will tomore to Frte
tenlU’. «toreL Mr. Thnll Will etlll
be to riiarpe of the peetoOoe ote the
Oittoene' telepbeee exebaaicfWill Oarlaod. fomorty of thi« elty.
ow oouweP-d with the Barry Uae
t emmi n to TTbIrtot ha* beta Tory
111 with lyrdioid faeet for aboat all
. He tee been to tbe bocpdlal
dortor tlial tlw and for a while hie
oy wa. ctefUtte at- H.- ii oow M,oa. Mr. Morae leei poBaa on
Tbe firm ef Oaaaett & PraBtortoo.
who Iwee bma to tte dnr buiiaeae
■afnlly fer toe
<W<> yean
toretber for tte poet two yean, coo
daettor etoree at latarlochea aad finer toe death et tteir-totber. toe
w mprl'etor to tbe *tm. ate
Orawa. ha* be« dUtolrte by aiataal
ability a*
nt Prank Gaaoett takn the
r bariaaB women. Ttey wiU reat Orawn, and P. WiIlU Pen.
n ronttoan the Interlnchee (iiU at toelr botw- In tbU city d^DC
iBB.-r. fioinc to IhiOBRO for toe
wtour. They air rety toaekfnl far
fanarer 0. H. Oibbe 0*1 the Weet tbe paireoare that baa beet
I Ouieo. haa placed an eleotrir torm, and they beepeak toe
ok latte Litoamaf thaOittoMi
Uphme Oo. Tbli U to aeaemaio« toWaR of Ite atOnuRO «te ft*,
letly loqolir by plKuie a. to tbe Tbeexhlbluan betok arTBocte
eoneet tiaw. Tte olooke too race- toe Omtnal eeimol baildtoc for aa
latte from the Ueltte Slatee ohaerea. eUboratr to the echool work
my at -Waehtortoo by eleetrielty.
to all tin- rartoae ototOoU.' Tbe work
WiU te priaeiitely ■»«« toe Itor* to
dnwiv ate art work ate uBaaal
ty OB hU way
natot^. toeach them- wiU aiao be oxBapid. te Korthpon Point, wbm be teaaire echlblu to ll.r way to work »
will eewjt ahaadeome casaier oottare cranBar. ^RSBriic aad otoerenb-




ted hU pwlM inoraaii I

r who wiU do the i
WUl Orate, taaaaly of tUa city. Tbe ewaimr OolamUa left ben Sna«m ofte a raatoaiaal la Boyte ruii day with a latte qaaDtity of Inaila Ite tear fatan._______
bor for the batlduii, from. Jriin P.
Mn. Hattt* Walteaa feriap tte On * Oo
Bated tte flrai wild flowan of tte
aaaaa. pichad Manh ttiid.
ace rMilte frtim tte Boatoa 8Mn aad
Tte teVtoe hoBfht by Joha Pteer- decided to CO tote harinen lu Maotetea If Haathpert for hU fttolac beal taa. teo eliaafte hU place and wUI fo
hteteaa teipped tehiainte will aooa
ledBeea to thU elty. Be hee
the karpe atore to the Oamplnll
te Itoote la the beat.
Tte aaaal ealabtetiea of Pate Baa. bloekatewlU
toy oaeated at St. Fnaeu ehafefa tar. reaie'
t of . tbe
Hr. BeaBthal t
Baatoy. Tte ohareh wm. haaat * "
ditentll for tte ooteatoa.
Tte atw TelrarlM par onci
oaMty partteaeil by a a Danaw for Cadet Sheri* J. M. Fletcfaer -ol
BteMtoK boat ha. baaa placed ate aadol)>h eeaaty. lad., eatoeapoe
. le early train Tandaz.BarpW« from
Ite htet U ready for boaineea
WtiKteatar ate returned wilbP.
Tte Ezeteae* bolel. at Waites, fer
May ytanite property of Mra Koan
tee teea eedd to Mr. Pneer of tether.
Bteallpbi teeteofceaoatln Mabel,
tteee ■enhen of eoe faally balai
teritete with Clw dteaee. O. Hantoote. Ue wife ate toncblet an III
WUl Biowa. ferrnaa of tte Becord
■te Bmld. tea partoaetea lot an
Rapida. where h.- wi-at to aael
Oak BMet. aerth et Proot ate wUl with tte eapltaliato arho hare token
halld at me a ooeafortable and at- op for ooiitideratleei tlie prO)«aU
Traretee Oity. Old MIbioo A PaetoPraak Priednel. tai eold te J. Kaae eeU eleolHc raUwar pra>eeL Hr.
'Oibbe etotee that tte mattor li betor
at Maofctaaw City, a aiz-lwm l
Drideratiea ate tbat
Watrvtoa aoittoe. He teaalaoeoM
le ef foar-herer power to E. B. Pwe


I ttetey to whtofa cirFriday
rtted ed>tenMd. There 1*tor an teataem Oouty dark Waiter,
hy iaalrnettoB to iodc* Hayae. telaatald tteaeRtetae dla.
There wUl te a box tetoal at Jaant
it aide to Bu­
rn Lake ea tte eretear to April Oh.
Mfalmmiey fer ohareh ;
Hreryhady eetdlaUy taritoA
Btot O. Ltodtoy to CUee
^ I^llto**l1 Praak Priadrtoh'
B Piarrar. Jt.. U ter* prapartoc to
take til* beat
boat to GhioarOOhioarO- ^e
The r
■ toe raa from ben to A]
Tte«4 rtUttoUl tolteGlbbt**Wt at Mayfield, berate to tte froete
VadaeatoT. Tlie talldiac te
baaa a«te for a irriM mill for
ttom. hot taa* bne drrotte to Ktorarr

that tte line to Old Murion wlU at
a B. MartayhM tte pUae fortte
terry boat that it u lawpeBd to an
le ferry Troa Kertbport to ManiabqB*. to roBBoet the mpeaed T. C.
U A M. rate wlUi Ite apper paatoaala Tte plan call* for a teat«» feri
. S8 feet wide, with a draft to 11
tern. Tbtve U to te aaeomBod
f« » eata. ate Ite beat to to te fitted
with cU boUm ate two aerton. «te
hare a epanl to 1« mile* aa boar. Mr.
Manay’* frieBd* an eiariw: ttet tbi*
bimt it to nplaee tte reaa*..

In Perfumes
^ <}aAlii>', not quantity, is the main
point to be considmd. Onr selec- !
tions are tbe resnlt of carefnl tests !
and many yesn ofperfnmestnd}-.
mrntioaed an acre toan BtUfled They are of tbe kind, that carry '
with till* elty
with them the air of refinementone of toe |wieelpal polnta aloOK the Wc would te
jodge for > ot

» to toe boad* for the n
to tor -road. RolatlT* to tte proteble
porport of hi* coaelaiioo*. Hr. How­
ard elatrri to tte Beonrd that there
waetat aoe eoeclailou loairiv.
and that wa* taal the tine i> fraeible
and offer* oa exeeUeai opportoait
irt rocte aerOB the Btale.thenby
ic a toon roaietornarh larri
lorr now to many oaee* remote frea
raUway faellltiea. Tte line will paw
toteoxb aaay uaeta to Tolaable Urnl«r ate teaeh many torirtor towna
Pram ten- the read wiU c* to Mke'
aad Hoaor. bIodk tor slie
to Otyetal lake ate oe to Prmaklort
Hr. Dniand U eatiifftod that tbU
I* betor door to tte aehoola. e^- trip WiU deeide at to tte omtrnctloe
,^Uy when they leaUie that ~ totte line and te aye that teeaa
Bfely etata that toe report to ll
diawlBR work wat'etartod lea
two T«af* are. - Tte work already be- KiaewT wlU retail to immediate work
tor airaared li rety creditable, aod
(he Ontnl baldtoc eboeld be crowd­
ed Prlday aod Satutey to
toe artaal work to tte eefaeeU.
toeenmtottetoweraeboto wUl te
retaverate^ aad toon wUlaliebra
It from tte Hlrb
Tte laat *tep to j
aetaal work of bntUtor the Ttarane
City. Xmelanaa A Maaitthiae railroad
wae bRoa Moatlay aftarneoe.'
K. Marracr aad Pite H. Pratt riarite
toe root* ter tte laet trlp,to
eladr tte matter to eecoriar the rtrl.t
ef way. Mott to Ihie haa already
token tmnof. What U toft will te
aloaed ap oa thie trip, whleb will oeeopy two
t« WiU be totetotte «
erecy pieee to property when tte
aarttor Bnaei be amacte eaf ’
torily at once.
Tbe project he* fBed the tiae
hem the retoBl to Ite rirht of way
hare any iitoflaoDn to delaytoc
toe Batter. Tlie
te potoed ate toe bertiniltir to aetoal
-ork oe tte line U DM far dietaat
R. R. Mrlteaay. O. W. Kaalmt
B. L. Hetteeny to Oadillec. Oharlat
Metotony of Ubb. Ohio. ateJohe
and Ben Metheaay. eaa* to R B.
Matteaar, were to to* eitr Stmday.
aad toe final {n.paia'tlm wwv amde.
Ii U hoped that ta* matter to tlw
rtohi to war eaa be aettied to atoteat
erery tottaae* wilfaoal ncooro* to

far Mil Maotebla. aad wlU make
eretr eoe totte peoperty htofiee* who
te* BM already eeuled wito Stem a
(air propnaitifm. If tola I* aeaepced.
aU rtfbt If a«. drer* wUl aw te
Ite lean emileianaHwi
oaedtoR* WiU b*«to lmaM«atoly.
C R Manay ate P. H. Ptaa '
to to* elty Taeadar. after arerkto«
ail Av to ElBwood towmblp. aerartol to* rich! to way fer toe Tmrene
City. Leelaaaa A MBniniq** laUnad.
with Haytw Patobto and E. H. Pope Ttey aecQtte two mile* to tte riebt
to tor echool beard, baa
to way. maktoff BlteiDeory to*B*
ltie« tte city aetaeob ate ealliuc wito fire -oat to tea to tte toratr*
ilT to ttewlto wteto ttey ooofrmd.
arill be toatitatad
Maa to tot dlOanat ebantea to tteUuiud. ite
aeatoM to* otter prepertlN
«dty hare baaa toritod by to* Frteade ; Be
Mr. Manay ate Mr. Pmtt
I wlto them to a tan- Oithen wlU protebly r‘elt all to to*
ri*e prayer meettoc ■< tte PHato. mteoU before reiaielif to SL'Jeha*.
I to toe rlrtolty to 8
where te
■prtar mathm to St Jabat «uhlae
Ua to aabatoairiptotoUtoto te

A WMk Pluter


Dress goods

Never before io tbe history of tbn
store were our shelves and counters
loaded with so beautiful a line as this
: season. You will exclaim as others
: do when you see these Roods that in
I all your life y-ou haven't seen such
: colorings and patterns.
We are showing on counter No. i
;good fast colored Ginghams at 7c;
: counter No. 2 a fim- collection of
: Ginghams at loc. and counter No. j
I the French Veinghams at 2$c a yard.
A large line of Colored I >imities at
15c and 25c. i.awns from <(c up to
; Si a yard.

and Suits
Our ^10 and S12 Suits for women
can not be matched anywhere in this
coumry. We had 10 buy heavy in
these linK to secure the tight prices,
so that we are in position not only to
give you low prices,
an endless
variety of styles anti colors. \'isit
this department during the coming
week, as we have many new Skirts.
Silk Waisu. Jackets, etc., etc.

It does not matter whether it is a
nice dress or }ust a skirt you want, or
perhaps you just want to see the new
things. 1 )o not hesitate to sifiit this
departmenL as we were never so lull
of good things as now. We will
gladly show you through.
W'e are exixptionally strong this
season in Black ^oods. both in light
tight and meifium. Some big valUM at 75c, S$c and $1. In the col­
ored gooils our leaders are the 50c,
75c and Si lines.


Vou need

Some more of that tine wide Em­
broidery at. |>er yard - - 5 and loc
About 200_^eces. of good strong
" Uceaml Inseiti^-W. all widths
acperyard-.............................. 5c
Silk Ribbon. Nos. s-7 and 9. all col­
ors. per yard........................... . • 5c
A few more of those $1.35 Bed
Spreads at..................................oSc
■Last call on light weight Outing
Flannel ....................................... .tc
4-4 Bleached Muslin. ~c value, at $c
I We are showing the best unbleached
: Table Linensin Michigan.a yd 50c

J. W. IVlilliken

Wear it to get well It is eSeieot
and cleanly. Easy to apply; easy

tolakemediciDeer^'fewtsiimtea. '
A planer ooep applied is alwa>-8 on


We believe, with confidence, it is because we alwa>-s
sell Good Reliable Shoes, and we sell them at Low
Prices. People soon find out where the)' get the te*st
values, and they have discovered that it pays to trade

j Fanners
Will find bate a rreat
Use to

All need Good Shoes now.
We guarantee every pair ol
Children s Shoes we sell We
Uke all the risk. You take no
chances here. Children’s Lace
or Button §ho^ absolutely all
lather, never fail to wear.

Size*. 4 te A M eort*
Sixes. 9 te n. 7S Ceat*
Size*, ns. n te LtLM

Boffs’ and South’s

n» fim tsrrks sp exteagipe x lime. CiW ftfles
»re the Ptrf hte»t. lUxthen tee
these Smitt.



r*toitt*femeto«TkiiHm CeteR^^Uto..

Wbf J!n We
Selling So Wanp ^
Shoes this Spring?



A plain littia
•all but there le
BOthlnfi Uehma
In- It* cut nnd
Mvle. It* Inbal
•made tor

to* BEST jStS
In Juvenile 1*0"*
mnd wcarinfi.
antlafaxtlan la
Mnde np In adl
to the new eelora
amd mareriel* aad
•aid onlr kr oto


a meet aiiraetiv*
as*. Nothara wUl
npprecint* fh*



J': |s?s|
It* nniiv Ctrl*
and cut le rain,
forced br a imee*
atiraeilv* eelecHen to celerlnfia
atid fabric*. W*

A creation which en|oV* a
prectM* aeidom known Butetfi*

ftttnai both
hava add*#
te It* pha>
neenen nl
w h at har
(real th*
ber’e ptent
ef view er


The label
epanhe fer Ito taOertafi. TUJKB .



J1€rand Showing Of
Spring 4ind Summer Goods

OpiNstteBeraH Office.

tie label
loMwep MMbtafi to b* eald fer
t e wide ralge


FasMon Leaders
WOOLTEX Gabmkos foT -womm
mIwB)-s represent Fashion’i latest
decree, dopikadog
they do the
\ttt Ute»l. ma«erp*eee of Enropeaa
■rtistB. Et-ery touch of emuunentation; e\w line of grace atul Ixautjr
is assarediy correct The quality of

ai^ 2ssr**" ***** ' ****

Dm*! «rfU feM itm skat d**a


wuu, Ssbwtadt — -Mka •sey

Man. If you want to buy ar'nice. “Up-to-Snuff *

Swta tod Skirts
jappafentniaglaiK-c, tTlie
carefully wlrrtnl all-n-uut
fabric^, the fanlil.-w fit. due
to scientiSc cuttiBn: tl«: correctand beauty nf style, the citqniaiie

Pnak Boars lea a tsImUs kora
Sotaidar Blfhi. “
; ItasU ta Ika Ian

Dincb admire-1 by tkomaiiLiod.

^7 aad aaiOTad a aap'




aad skfllMa an IffiSday <K Ttae«a. Ot*r •
Mia Falaa taM MMSr^ a taSHe ban
ar MU Attkai aa« vita. «ka «su to
.Jisaao, OUakcM. a vaak aca
___a LaM aat vit« an ka^ anfcTheyairlrad tkOTs aU sate sad
tacaapto vn»
AST vlU Utaltha caaaky.
Aaato Vataea nUad « Basia Clan
MlaHartta Alen is aatMlaiw
Mr. Md Mn. Tbiel Ttollad at Oedar
it hu In - |—- old pat dace
vhick lallewad of a aoa baa O
tee's Bill IM a

•aaw tram
nite has
Mr Melaaeblla of Elk B^iilda daUnnd a food aeaaa bare Baaday. to
the place at Mr Bart, vbo vaa eaUad
Mr. BcDvalaa aa with the alMa. to natben MloUgaa oa bootoaot.
taaa a tall^braak bU riba, vhlab Tbe reaacaat ibUd e( Mr. and Mn.
vUl lay bia ap for a vhUa.

Grand Traverse Region.


Mta Klcila Bertpian ratonad baow
tna Kav York, vban aba has apaat
Mta. Barly ofPertOalda toqaln *a toil
- '
laa aorad
Mr. aad Mn. Kwiay'a daaebtor, tarn l>ere. vbtoh be latoly pai
In. Waanr. baa aeaad ban troa tbe iaaaa Marrill tarn.
Fred P^ has usoved ba
Tbe 8l Pavuk daaee Maatey aisbi

«e damafa was

too lata fa this papaottba Hstald.
wbieh ts printed aarly ia iba vaak.

Alban Tboroua to buae. attar
ratios all vtotoi to Maybald.
id vaa era rriday.
Tbe K. O. T. M. ban panliaaad a Wilfle UBBnb.vt>0 taaheaieery
UnvB lab '
B HAvn
ptoBo tot ibalr ball
^.^Is inprurtos saadar (be oare ut
Mn OBihoaae
Ta an bariw baaelUal tpelat Joha Haadaek aad vita
............. ...
...... vita vtaltod
>VB Bantdar,
waalka a laaaant.
(rieadt al cbto pUoa last vnk.
Mia Ida Farraat veal to Mapb MlaNaula aad Oon an M
Mr. Bnbe. vbe pi
Iba toatltoM al Maple Oily.
01(7 tobv to aitood tha tastllaa
It (bto duek. ta
' '
ban. via
Olaa. TW"i« aad vUa ban aand Olamn EUvy aad Jm Afsil van
UUad ealtari Bataiday.
latoear tevn.
leave Obtoase April i
Irt. Fom. laat vaak.
Uiaataa- Aaotbar plooaar baa passed away.
Mn. Bl. Paiar died Ttamr^ar uirtt.
Than to aa aaroaat daoln tor bU n- aad vas laid to net Batarday. Mr.

Tbafaarynrold daasktaratJeba
Believa Urtas aboat aU alias boa
lalay eitr. vaa bartWMy a
r BtoUsar ba>t pal I
tab vUb vbleh to
« anbfatos. aad bad loraed
pat tba Ud ea (be atora, vim (be Irttie m na to ba aad teU >n the tab.
Mr. Baltov'a father, S yaan old. aod
vbe vas ear lU* vai onab affeeted
by tba death of the eUI8 aod i>a>ed
avar to aboat aa boar aftn
Ooloalaa of Doakardi are hems
timed to enBal aad a<rtfaeca todlaaafa tbe eetablishiitont of aetUeaatbaro Mietalsaa. where
laisa Baou of toed liara 1>«
mind by parckaae The sahai
eolttolnUm toelate the faclldiiis of
aereral tova» aod tbe fooodli
adsooto aad obareltoi. Pnaaotot.
oee e«»——<t (aiaUiaa viU leare la-:
dlam tor MtohlSM non.
Bebools to loulaaad Alpeua hare
baaa elaard ob aoeeaul of (>>e laen-1
toDoaof amUpm_______


Strikea a Rich Fine.

jltr," vrl(ee 8*J. Orvu. of Las-__or. M. H "Mo retaedy ballad me
BBtll I btsu uaias Blaelrie BKien.
vbtoh did me more t.-eod tlmBill^lie
(aedictoee I ever (toi'.l. Tbeylmv.-.l.
sakeptmyvtfe to .toelleot laalih
for yaan. Jibe aaya Electric Bitten
Jest B|ilm>dld for female trou
a; that they an a yn
liivlsonur far vnk. roi down worn■■D. Ko other medleitH- can takelu
- lily." Try town.
Snly 50a. Saiitfaoduo naraiitcdl
1^8 K Walt A Boot itod Jaa. O %


lb.- farmen an very ___

Wa Fa^i aad Mrs. Pnak
I want to MapU Oily laal Tbon-

UIT, mAX; f^aimxs
• or Furnishings of any kind at the
ss.r.Bio. $i&

Very Lowest PriGOsl


Go with the crowd to

SOc. 75c. |l.

124 Front Street.
Traverse City, Mich.




in the

.-•kii . 7.V. $1.(10.

• ai.-. 2.V, 5(k,







(iiyi iDiupiKnmii ui f(o.
•| hh No -Jdl sialiootfy (lo
Carl, cntmclcil gcai, rulihcr
(lie, tnhhcT lutli rain. jvTmt
ahfcl UMcnrr an.l fool
i-'kkv....................... $4 60

Dealers in Fomilnre, Carpets. Beddine> Lice Cnrtains. Draperies,
and Window Shades.
aie F-ron^ 8«.

Fioyd Bail la better; be hM brea LOW
~ 8 Packard mUiitroi al ibatr boaa
rialPan Marqaetto Ratroad.
and toallv____ avios a nven trial e( tbe sri
tobalp tbaaealabntetbalr"tto vad- rtSi' •roa laebaad
Mn. Kvaa Eeit'i beallh ii
la I8fi^ 1 pitok,
-jrtos tbe mmibe of March and
dtop. -' Tfaa affair vai a eomplato ban Iron
nrprtoa to Mn. Paakard. Oyalas
•Bbe vas a UtMr. WrMi of Tnverae City vUltod
tb» mow bm uearly dlaappa
vantbetoadtos Itoa ot Iba n - - riTad^SSfl-lr
a Sba la
Mr. EaatBaatoy.
aad va an barlwr Baa vaatbac.
bat a labto fall of otbar dalli------ -- --------------------------n
daastawa to
Mn. Blcbardm wtai %q Orton
balped to talab Iba npaMtovbteb
Waliar Ashta/
all Ian ev Saaday.
For fall n^ovton aad totortuallen

aU did jaatlea. A fraal aaay aaafal
al 81s Baplds it
--------- '--- fltu van laaaaBled
Mn. Oeom Hardy aad daaahtor aato roaUe. nies etc . call on any
by tbacaecu
Olan. van mt far a drive vlt£ tba
aad vatobad enr b
tvtoa aad ctoUad at Peter OoOeU'a
Beearal yeaat paopto frea Waal
Dlalrlct Pesaeam Asenl.
PnpanUoas are halus aada Mfl
Mtoa Ada Oofftold vtoltod Mn. H.
OiandBapId., Mich.
tatalaa lam uaalWtoaeharsthla Uaaoc. atfdad ckareb and
2SL^‘‘“.S*v‘SL^ _ _____ _all
laal 8atar*>y Bad vml bark to
eaae. almost nfatad to balimbor
A Hoerlble Outoraak
Botbw vaa coaa. Mn. 8L Fetor vai Tnnne 019 Bandar.
Mn. B. P._______ left ootbe aad Saaday aabool vas U>a bee
lairaor>-* oo 09 Utile danrhMra.
awralns Bala Satarday ta a tav
kiyt' eUll Vi* frinei la
Iva tot i__.__
OtBBd Bapidk
santom. Teon.. I«t Baekleti'e Atnlm
___ - ______Beaday eeaalDS.
) tbe boaa left___
T. Toous^aeJa^ 1 t UOB to Iba Nasi BBUdv amtos tba aaatias
Bain eomplelaly oarnd bar It'a a
Haay tbaaks an daa tba ebeir
taratapItA vtU^ fas aT BaasaeCTw;s aad aTacy
- "
________ 1 enre for.............
Salt Rteem. Pinplee Bom. IMoen
eiiseea inwMm ,wok Boat VSn
Mn Ohaa. Osmaa of
naln* al Soloa tea vook m ba die- *"a snM*latss^ u am
Ttototos her panato. Mr.
Btbatod to tha aamaadlac bruoka.
J. HoyL
Babart Oock aad 8 B. Barka ban
. Ctonaea Falrbanki mat vllh aa aopontandtb* sien at Oadarbe'
Min aprtos vealbar.
eldaal which raadntd him OBoaoW to rnOlak b Yoaas.
Ed 8nn to balldtosBB addiUni oe- Klont (or aoma time by the afaato letwbaaa hired (oelark
to fall boBie. Hr. deUman of Tlav- ttos e oedar pole fiy book aad httttos
him to tlw Imaak He It bMtor to­
am city la detos tba vnfc. .
Mr. aad Mn. A. Bifli ato kaeptof Mra. Jaae fiailay vaUmd to W.i- day.
Eotd aad back oaa day last vaak. BM Bom. to Mr. aad Mn Olaad War.
& riiaiair ton tba loaba rtaudy many women of ber ase ooald stood
tbe walk at vsU aa aba did.
O. Botomen vaai to Ttavorai f»(y
Tba frlmds of Mn. Wm. Oook vlU today
drvTo to Tnraraa Olty
a sUd to Iwa ttet aba Imi tannedd III seBtBf hat peaaimC
Will Bocatood. who bat baan qato*
Bert Oolamaa to ee tbe alck ItoL
When you could furnish your house or buy an odd piece of furniture for as iittle
took, to bettor today.
>r. Batoo'toaltoBdtochim.
. forB. Holbaet of that plaaa
money as at present. My stock of House Furnishing Goods is compiete. Any­
Adolf Balnr
Mn 8 Oevto and donshter Elda
I of doe qaaUty aad aata tba
Levrle Palae tell tiea tha bosae roa 90 eaota to dl.OO pee saUoa.
nra to Tnvam 01(
you need in your house can be found here at the very iowest prices.
a^ ag^ad htoara aad aboaldar
reek to do earns abopi .
^ 8 Pray Ims nntad bto (am for
MnOoBaw took bar UtUa^asbtor
Sabool baa besBBasato to tbe Oadar
^ to Oepamlih today to ear Bm ■araai
Baa aobeol boose viih Mia Torvlok
«f Tnranm Olty as aaaba.
UtUa Eddie MoOoatoa to to aa to be ____ & Botton tel I mato Me
• Issa an mr plntUel and an aallOnaebrtor aabool bassB laal Maaday tosfwlOeaBtipadona: bataatoa aboat oe bla omtobat.
^ _____
far a__two vaeks' vli
. vlBi Mia Alton as iSSa.
aarea artiela vllh u. as is alao aaoA
B. Walla (ran Dear Onad tadta
raaato HflRto of Uedai Tliltod
wai here tone aboat bto lambar aad 8 Ck Fatoteaka to aoMlaff vwd at
............................ MtbtoplanFribto latbiv-ln-lav. 8 Oa^ vUl at- VilUamaborsMod to tba baaltos and nUtof of It VaUafMB Hatfoea tea boapht
A good square Cook Stove, guaranteed to bake
Oedar oaeds a pood aarfcal.
far him. Wbaa w. Walto ratornod
We have a large line of Carpels from 15c the yard
^Jiaato Maria vai ban ora
well, for............................................................ $5 75
Mra W. Marridal^U lianto rlM boma a vaak ayo hit tiMar la lav.Utup to the finest velvets. Rugs all the way up from
ba aoo. vbe to la Mra Matrldald' Ua Blaaeb Oavla. vtel vllh Blnaad
From that all the way up to a fine steel co<A.
^Fmk AlBaau vast to Oader Saa- baoM to to WhlMtell. Mieh.
35c to the finest. l-8de Curtains from 35c the pair
will cptad tin aammv with W itout
A fine Steel Kanye. high closet and reservpir,
Wa toaia Uiat tba pnapaotln i
up to the finest Brussels net and Irish point lace.
An lee en
all complete, nicely nickel trimmed, lor........25 75
am vbkdivaa rtaond teO.
Than an tecrlca at tba m
Draperies, we have them in all shades of material
vUl BM aatarlaltoe.
rbanli ovary Sunday.

All styles of Ranges, with water fronts if w»u
from a good Chenille at $1.75 per pair and a good
VlU bo bald Ii
aveatos Bverytedy
want them, or with reservoin
day, aad tioj liopa for a fall boom.
Tapeslrj' at $ per pain up to the Onental DeRev. E. Bovmrd Brewa of tte
day amins.
Tinware. Woodenware. Granileware and Nideelware
UM4ataf4ay. bates tba IMhaanl- Frindi eborte ef Tranm Olty will
vwniy of M^a^ Mn 8 McOonbi
in all styles.
Fine Parlor Clocks and Clock Shelves, fine quarter
BUiwialb BIUbm bai ntaiaed vaddbto 'day, ^aii (ha>da mllad ap.
oa tbam and ponmitod ibom vllfa a Year iroaoDce u dtaind.
wa hk (rlo to Ohio, vban k
tawed oak Parlor Tables for
ilb aavanfcmloadi ot toban.
inest. upholstered
Chairs from 03c up to the fine
Bldar 8 Bam .at tbe efaarek ot im mS^ato'^'^r'M«ra^
We have a large line of Washing Machines.
tUmsavlaa tm_aUto Day Satoti. to beldtof a nrlaa dO to Bkmbn.
Wriogm and Bench Wringers, the largest ever
ftdl- ^rin^g couch
Mn 8 On^nd aad aoo Ofaarlle.
Joto ha buboad. vbo bat bao
Tripp ntoiBod toon a Mn
shown in Traverse City.
ban moved ia with Walior Bran- BCatba' aetoan to v—aad
•am* iton
bkidffa. MaTIryi^r aad tomlly Imve WaablaftM laat vaak. Ba to veil
Tub Wringers from $1.45 up to the best ball bearing.
Mtoa Tana, on* at oar
1‘rom that up. *Odd
norad to Tnvam Olty.
ptnnd with vuliia
— aad
loa Tbankir reoetnd tba ____
Bepch Wringers, bold two tubs, from $2.35 up.
Divans as low as $5.75. nicely upholstered. Center
azprensa hit totoatln id lataialns
(ba daaih otba In yaar old atoea.
Tables, from a solid Oak Sund at ssc up to the
Mn. Ore. Peltor lafi fa Oryaa
<dnlM a tone amaaat ef pataton
finest polished Oak and Mahogany.
Mnatoala eoaaiy, ton Friday.
ten ben mMbried darlqs tte pa«





there never was a time


For Vour Kilchen

For Vour Parlor




For Vour Slecplnfl RoOtn

' Wara aaaar eoeial ta tba
■to M. 8 ehateb oa« Frldt,____
Baator arriaea at both afaar*at
•enBondayiattbaM 8 ebar* to
*e aaenttks aod U iba Ooasn«a(toMl eha* to Uto erahas
TaapsoaoM Saaday al tba H. 8
ckaroh eea vaek troa aait Saaday.
Tbe laetaie that Prof. V. 8 Ooodthat Booa am bad vbae eban vaa
leeianr vaa paid
left, vhlab vaa
tvo ebarebaa.

^of Bnaotnad;

Va an havtos very Saa
Ibla Uma of tba ynr.
told vaatber oflar it.

V (or
ik for

Mklv'oar^ of him: *j3a Wka^
----- tlek mta.
the can of
i|Boa vv baaiYor bto noorne;Udtoa' Aid met
last weak with
tbe pn^t Mrs.(.8
8 M.
Than van aboat tvaaty-Bn
;vaaty-Bn pment
and tvo new
en takn to. They
rapert aa ene .
Mr. and Mn Btotsoa, vbo ban
•paal tbe wlnwr with Mn Bletoae'a
-rotbara, Hetaoe aod Uopa Pbllllfa.
ava niomed boma to YptUaatl.
Traman Avery drm to Tnvom
Olty Batarday.
John MofJaaald tea oo far

tom bla lllay^tbM^te^to al
8 P. Wauraaa ef Ttavem City
. .0-8 F. Bakn.
Iml week was a walk of mprlm
pntln Uai Wadaaktoy atobt a tav
a( tbe (rlaada M Oao. BT^rtoiM
wmt to bto rtMfbaoaaad nw '
bla af bto btotbdoy. Oa Tba
alsbl the M. £vS»» amadat. _
weakly prayn maattof. Oatevoy

Mr. aad Mrs Lewis of BlMbam on

^ gj;.'£Su“. ra;

ie^ far ter apeedy rteevary.
^^BamlUatoor, to v,vkla« for Barrl.
Bmob Bemo to wetki^ for Aba

daVB anin tba paopto toAtd toto (tat



Onodma Fewi to tooltoc vem
Bear foton oator tte anptoy of lb
Mat 81amp bat patetend a
WaUi-BlsmB Oq to Tranm City.
Basil Weyeto.
Pnpanttoaa an botes mod# (or tte
Min Fnd. bn gao, MHoai
toil bar pateals
r Imbaaa 1
Mn Harry of Orlait. who boa ben
he loat frv d
vtoltlas bar itoMr. Mn Pant of tbto

Blankets and Robes
A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
closed out at less
than cost. I offer
a big bargain in
these boats.

John T, Beadle,
Or. mi

For Vour Dining Room

We caoiomish you Matting for tbe floor for from
9>ic per >«rd up. Linoleum. 55c per yard and up.
Oilcloth for 25c per >*ard and up. .\tx Squares in all
styles and designs.
Good solid Extension Table, will seat eight
people, for.........................................................*3 75
Six good solid Wood Seat Chairs, painted and
slnp^, for........................................ .............
Six pxxi. wild, high b«ck Wood Seat Chain
(or.............................................................................. .. ■ • ■

Six good. «Jid. oak. high hack Caoe Seal
Chairs, brace arms, well made, for............... 6 00
So on up to tbe fio8 polished. Bor Seat Chain.
AH styles of Dishes from the ch^pest up to tbe best.
A handsomely decorated 1 oo-pieee set for .... $6 75
and up’to some of the finest decorated styles
n the maiket.
l.soUd Oak. well made Sideboard, ihw
otlooct. F rench plate mirror, for 13 50
Anyd^ that you want in &lverware or Glamware.

We can furnish you with a good, solid Iron
Bed. best woven wire spring, for .................. $3 75
A good, well made Excelsior Mattress for
1 75
A g^ W'ool Top Mattress for........................ .j. 25
A good, solid Oak Dresser, three drawers.
bevel French plate mirror, for...................... 7 75
-Good Wash Stand, one drasrer and towd root, i 50
A good three-piece Bedroom Suite, as well
made as others ask S18 for. bevel French
plate mirror, for......... -.................................. 13 75
Pillows, quillem beo feathers. |>er pair-*-......... 1 25
Bed Blankets' 48c per pair. Bed Ou«lt» from 75c up.
Bed Spreads from 6oc up. Pillow Sham HoMen
and Bolsters at all prices.
SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT eouumerating onejntb of tbe articles that we carry. If‘ there is anything'that you lack or need in your bouse you are
sure to fiml it here. We shall be pleased to have
you come aod kiok over our store aod see the immense stock we carry, even if you do ' not


Twisb to say to the people out of town, when
are in town make our store your headquaners. at----yoa have any parcd8 you are alway* wdeome to
iMve them here, aod we wilt be glad to lake the best
of cBie of them for you.

giMt all th, raadar, of tha Haialil. I ramalih Voura truly.


hwri mV pvekM*. u>d tfaU

Oihrt BiW

taeepaiaSed, tbairttrtt; badlrtaad
tittitdlnc ta tta wlU anda awert

rite poataM* on b* a»4* «)7
rote «f tte dUfriet. Orte* «Itcb
wUhoal mtta *at« «1U tebtiM* b»<re tarttaga taUew.
M l» paid tv *• «Mt«i (1rt>c tbwL
YiMilurti aa aWarain Mda tha

Bjta isTltaUta of H. a Obw-.
taagb. of BtagtaiiptiiB, H. T-. aoab thata

It la U* jww«. b» did DOl axj ^

• araiT- Tt» paWlAad ta­
iled bU «waawt» b* ehxfaawisd M
aad taU « BUqaotaIlia paUtad
«H tofalib-l M wMb ta tbr Vbita
Baaaa M la tba a«rratai7 of war’a
a«oa. aad Oaaacat Ullaa'
Haaldaal ftaoaaarll aa
atwbaa Saoiatatr Root OtbaraSn of tba war drionatmi look for
tta tart; tartnaacet
Oeoeral MUaa
AtaeaWnet nKetlac tada; Hraaidaat n Boat rail daaldad to lake aa
oetlta aatli ha raealrea
eap; of Hiba' teatlano;.
Harah tl—Oaaentl
min' atataneai bafere the

(battfear Bicbt baqai
than Unai (baaltr’a
Mid UMt aoaa of tba faBlIlaa wba
t»a baao la qaanotlaa tbit wlatar
tara ban irlTaa dataUaa tbot tba;
tad Dot liad far yaart bafeta. aad ba
told of caaaa vhata aaar; iIbb of axpanaa
>aaa dai
troB the doetar'i bill aad tbraaoeoata
trllb tba neat naa, taker and fieear.

lita bara and braogbl otl a«eed dral

Mad;, baa parfaetad a whbk; paUac
B; a fooaata of dlrtUatleo and aan(oantan tta tnata tandaad wbbfc;,
awba oeopranid aad wntad Ufca
ptlk. Tba dbaeraar vUl {bare a
atartlisr we -Id tba ditaUlora and a
aataata.vbo an ealM npen to ataap
Ibt irodoat oAtba atlB. Tbe baob of
the pelM b loocnrad- b; otptatalxg
tbe eenptawt parte ef alaoboL Tta

VMt fra* aea of

tew waaka.
Apparwtl; no animal,
wild or domeblcated. le lamnae frqm
With d^and home

Tbotaae Mereae and Willlan Hern,
of Bcadliut. took a iiov.-l wa; of dlTidtac their Joint pneeaietona In the
war ef etoekr and fans ImpleiutnU at

mllee tram Oanltm.
Wm. Pridemons aged SB. aad bb
ronug bride wrre orar al BrieteU Tann. cm tta ebarge of boroe
etwltag. Tta aonpb etarted afoot on
bridal Mp from BoeerertlU-, Tann..
i. Al.tagton.
Patigned after
Joune.ring .10 mlltt. U.e; anterad
farmei't barn.rard ta that oonni; at
midnight and «tole a i»ir of flna

At Blwoad.loA. tta dlrone
to wart. nxpealBc a brea arevd for HelTille Tara;. Jait dbd. b eaid to
He b now qaaton- hare an
Ten; married
againet the |Oi
father and to
ar'a taart i
etfunad aad laM week be die.) unfm.
dTtac to tta laet It b Mild that hb
will Jraree bla prapart; eqnall; to bb
-if*, oibtfwbe to tlie
<me dhUd. B; tow ormiebt tlie Old
to lonoue
inolsde tta
'gwuemaa mnteoieo ao
pcpTblOB that tta bnxtaasd and wife
•bonld not martr acalD, aad It it nid

^ art tbe dliMMC noat
Hrt Her; Btcntaa. tbe
tataoaa tdnaatad white wanna wba
^liad two diStrtet todbna in order
M ««k Staooc then aa a tabrtonsi;.

Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidney^
ertetita; SldKta Hake Inp^ Meta

rtBascsnlta- A «se abnreb baa
taw wacted tbrenc>> bar aid. and
^tal; aU tta IndlBsa follow the H.

AB Ita bbod m jrour body pum ihrasgh

"X'SSJZ-,.. I


, "-P
. tba taaarta al tba Hlatalcan asiwne eawt diaeloae that tbe beet
aogar Indastr; vUnfa b new cb
^ far iwotaotlaB fren Onbna wear.
TO ant aatabUahed In tbb ftab
«jtaOiar>- Ubannitaretc
raaerd Mat oee Bow; wad tbe Whlb
PItaon Beet Bncar po.. In IMO. ao
tala far Bit ond ebtaloed ajndcnai
Wblta wsaaOmad b; tbe •npnne
aeon ta l»0. Jsde* AIpbtau Palrt>,
Istar forarner ef tba ttab. w

ter out Ita waa« or !
o(or<br.ita>-UU<odo I
matiBn cetae from ex*

quick or ussmB;
eac fuel u thourti
actvue 1h« heart u
thick, kldnoydbM*ihroufh'T«j
It lued to be coBbtewd
rouble* were to be S

A Ltadao. Saclaad. dl^taeb aa;a
Ibat the bad; of JooattaB Bo;es. the
I <d Ba-

H;ou are «c* you eaci nuke no mliuke
TOvUta. a anborb of Ba; Oil;, will by fir* doctennt your kidneya Tbe mild
end the oitraoiduury ellon of Or. Kllmw *
ta rtlppod toU>a Daitad
lb. Barea died a lav dan raonroaUiad.
Otaat TtratatalU Horfolk. w^ be
«Mt hb bo;taiod aa a lioidl
idta Wl.
^H. toe* to afBeeaee. fooaded Eeaex
e».. You nuy
have a^^
TUta. wiimii tbe^tantb It Mto and eample bonk b; m»B aawwo>.ar-i
■ at TiTat. fra*, tbo ptmtato teUnc ;ou hew io
at tta
rtaU. wtara ta lud w»rt.d a* a be; outUyouh*Y« kidaey Qf bUdder Ireubie.
MeaUoB thia paper when wnuht Or. KUmcr
te two rtiltage a work.
k Ca.. BtoftomleB. N. Y.
Obraoee A. Btaok. a Ooiralt sUUraalra. ha* bora ratting a good oxaa*ta to otbor rlob a*aa by oeretag
tat OBTotal da;* a* Jaret ta a Jaade*
' ooan wtan orartfall tta
taraa ef pad; qarol* baiw
ottaab aad ita polio*. Has; oUm*
oogitalbu tara bean called fat neh
. talaUeaoqiod lb* dat;
oar tdta fW asetliet. Hr. Block
BO offerl to OTBd* tta urt. ot;tag
ta tta dot; of aU good elttwa* lo take
a tara ta tta Jary
YvooUm CerwCc«eS.uDdCold.k*^r.
t of PaUta loKrae
: lira Pall to* h*oB>dYisod that partba
tore Oenr Bral T*a fottara tal Bta*4
hara bara naraltag tkrasgh Oiallel

umot hope to. cure it unless you remore tbe cause of it.
Eztemu appliBnoee and medicinea which only give
temporary lAef can be of no permanent use to you.

it very icrng,
you want
to take
takeaagood-------good oourae of it in [
____ make
sure that you ,are wmpto^ cn
to mal
haven't the alighteet
trace of blood impurity left
This flunouB medicine has cured thousand of
o people
and it can cure you.


aad oTO aoastiat.rapnaeBttag ttamtertw to to tal)aeMn (eat oat tnra


m ttol tta bw
araef Ooolo;-* luu ixpnii Of tod.
Aftragetctag ttoraderer tta ortool
ferard tm tab .toon, tlu faksn *oU
•to star aad aklp.' Bapi. Pall wUl

sfSr-Jc.’rir £




Bor (
lU agw ta tU gvaraatae. U deatmys Worro
It rttna Dtarrbtxm aad Wlad
reUeres TeaChlar Tiwablea, rarea Cot
a Ute F,aad. naatawa ttw



' Bean tbs SignBUm of

The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Um For Over 30 Years.


Awaiting Sottiers

Sore Throat

St. Albaxs RtJir.hy Co„
Si. .Altans Vl.
I am very thankful 1 have at last ditcovrrrd a retned;
c my rheumalisiiL 1 have had r!ii umati*m for tmetiiy years a
part rourtern year* I have Millere.1 pain com-laMly frcim.ihe u>|' oi
head lo ihe tip of my toes ami <<>r the paM three year* I had lieen
uciablc to sleep very much ami would be more tired when 1 would pet
up in Ihe morning when I would retire.
After taking SMiiii’r
GxEi:x Mocxtais Rt.\.>v»rok tliree weektthe pain entirely disappeared
and ! can now sleep well and feci like a new man. 1 am very gbd t»
recommend it to others and give all the informalron any one de*irr>
(Sigtied) CiiAS. K. OstranI.! k.

__________________________ — . _i formerly the prop­
erty of a man who had neither the experience nor the
ambition to introduoe it throughout the oountn, but----BatlaOed
with ita
great buocossIu his own vicinity.
Now It it within every!body’s reach.
It is nott only tbe
tronl^ tfioeo

bon.« and a wt«on They w
Ahingtoo. Tta; had olliThtaBiotUoinoUbettorttaao snrthingktaefbr theitoob tbat it ba
pt4 the
and tnlli of tbe taroea
tn the hope of aTOldiog ItaatiSeatiea. oomponad of looto and borbo wboao curaUro propertieo sniabsolutel;
Tb<-T eonfemed their gnllt iW bri.b
inabting that ibe to aa guUty aa her
Stag Sdvnrd hai act
wnfl-taktag. wbleh. a* a rmlt,i>am
bee to !•' gsneraU; rarived. At Ita
a Oaor-

TttattatbodlBhi«n<».anda T
dckly or aUlng. dragging around
If anybod; in your tamily ta w
.... hidf
de^ oondition
all tta lime and not aoemtng U> getany belter,
you can’t be too quick in getting hold of •tatlth'a Orewa Heaaiala
gbn tllrar waff box.oaoo nwd^ Jleaataiar. It wiU do for you what it noTor lUto to dp fta oUtwr
irtare regent, la handed
_____________ jlyguarontoe Hue medicine. Tbb ta oomothing wo can’t
maJ.-«; at tl« tagtantag of tta doe
rhile the tadiea an etlU at tta do fbr anytlilng otae; itat b to loy. if you otMd In need of o modiolDo
wo. whll
ofOUiobaraotar. oomoin and buy
lor. oadifIt talii to bonoflt you. you can taTa your money back.
ally, rtartag
Hayor Bobaadt. of AUeatewn. Pa..
I a aeond, issoHoal rafotmet.


^ i OmedaOil
.... - . itl,Coru«»,

ever to
go to bed without Omega
Oil in the house. Night is the time wheat Sore Throat
becomes worse. No one seems to know why thisshould
be, but it is a fact that you well know. As soon ai a
child complains of Sore Throat, rub the throat and chest
with Omega Oil, and you ought to put some of-the OU on
a piece of flannel, and bind it on the throat over nig|tc
This may be tlie means of saving the child's life.


mork Day Pants


Must be as near indestnicuble as it is possible to make them,
and the


**Berk$bire Pants'
come the nearest to this point of perfection of any we have
sold. Read the guarantee—It wouldn't be so positive if we
did not have absolute TOnhdence in the goods; NA arranted
not to rip. and we agree to give isc for eveiy suspender but­
ton that pulls off. 6oc if the waisi-band rips, or a new pair if
they rip elsewhere within sixty days from date of sale. Ne<
$2. $2.35. $2.50 $3 styles now in. Fine Cottonade goods 75

206 Trout Street.

I^amilton €lotbing£0o
Cr*Mr*«eity, mkb.

|£ You CouM



Ib TO ftar amr SO taTO. tea brtwi tlM MgTOTO qf
tats TOa wade BBdewhta pro
e itabafbaeg.


CayahDfa Fxllt, 0.,kluf. a. 'i
Obolara bon tta Inoranae In Canton.Obtaa. aad eereial Bnrapeant and
Amertwne tare died.
Among tbe
denthe mpnrted to the marine boMtai
eerrlee ie that of Ti
an AmerienL elltaeo and eenlor oSeer
of 11.0 outtom* aorrlee tn Oanlon. Tta
dab ie
ploree are orderad to lire ta boab on
till-rlrn. Bobooic tUagne b threat
entng th<- ally. Hora than a bnndrad
deatbe from the dbeaae have arontrad
at fibnttonc, a town of »,000 tahabltanb, abool two hundred and fifty

mabsl. AUhench naUBad
ttat ba tad tta anaUpax boo


Tto Ktad Tm Ottrt AlwapB BroiM. mMI wMcIi


cures Rheumatism in the only effective
way—by removing the cause.

tta dnralion of the dtaeaae b faneralI; from Bra to rtx da;K On the third
foorlh da; the; heocme ifritable
aad eallea. tare an extranwl; high
ferar and will euap at wboer^cr
rtalarer ooxaea within
It both
Wban Jndca Ha;se w
prbonera Ibarada; eraulnc. an IneldeoT oeranod that vsa net dovn on
til# imcram. Jew. Sobsola hail breu wltbont n •ingle dog tavlng teen bil­
told b; l.b fellov pnaeoan that if be lon. 'So tar the eeathen] ptanleir, at
cat dawn on bU kaaea to tbe Jndca lewi. hat dierararad no rearad; that
aodtald ••pliota. pleaee,"9aii; tinea will erau eta; tta prograii of the dbbe nicht $** off eaabr, ao when be eara and ao atinek of bUek tongne hat
TO bronchi tafon Jbdci- Uajme ba inrariabl; icorad fataL-New Teak

ttaaxpiratloBof Hr. Hora-|
tbe fomer'i farm. Tlie; bald
•lee, with oel; themelrira ae bidden
I When ibeakUnal or implement vat
pntnp tlie two voald bldnotilUxoae wantlnB It tta moat got It. When
ISOO Paaab Kiaaaae.all tta prapart; waediwoaed ofawah
aiClrtw. Harah ll-WUUata Tal
alraakaed tta d«al wa>
•ta b down with anaUpnx after barnannw MtinI; mtiifartwaxpaaad nbant l.ioo paopla. Wal- lor; to both.
ttabta hate wortlac h* the Toraatara'

•VtaB to tba axpotara a

. K. T.. In


llnitef the bw.—Ctarleroix Oour

3ST '

iferKd^a. lllaaat
that ncra than ow eaana
will ta naadad ta aaqr a


Xav Tart, Manb M-f^ea Adaltart tta tUrd aao of the Saber, will
tataa son nmUiraf the Oaraun drappatf Into a npjiUtaoi aiUtodron
itaptalBl fanil; ta rirtt Ai
. kuiwa aoil tald "pleoee. pleaa^
trill eosta an tbe Qaman tralalac
fwl aa hb toogne aoald wac. and
-r bats ke|S It ap liw eenw tine, deoplb aU
He b
eSorb b; tbe )adce to c«t bln on hb
Id captain Bailer at U>a ahlp feet. Aa ta TO bt oS on >eapeoded
tWI Wartiinctoo to pa; hit r.*peeb nnlonoa ta will no doabi elwara beto the
tbe priaee will be IbTO that It TO hl» bsnbitac binOMaftlbpart;.
Thb tat; lead
aeU that wrad bit betag circa the

Hart Kaoc. Harah >l-lt b reportadttataU the laprrtol traopa osdet
r-------- • Bm. stunbarlBc »,<U0. hare
Btatatad ID tta labata. Bbooldtbem
pen prora troa. It vonld taaan
oMi otaUsr le tba Tal Ping nballlns.
Mtbemaearaaqslppad wilb n.
ama. tanfsU; mlnad ie n<
■Mbodi and trail omeared.

ta btafal..
agoad wsabtag; to ^

took pbaab
vliIcA two nw gnrged il•aaaatrat
with the 'predaat of tbe gtiddb vis tta latae afa aUrer cap 1
wn; tta
_ Ibaaul; Urtagox-prratdaal Ha
wotiata bat flnall; tta '
b Tigeruaa and heatay. wjorlng nothleo Bsd qalL Osl;
thaaagaod day'e epwt at
Hrarb PI;bb. ramai'sad ssd b
Tbe tone next blcheat had <
]«Ueb WB be dlnelra ta the aontb.
I of tba InraUdt taro bartac all the tataa and aSeal of
Predariak Walla, a Kav Terfc tao- Um pwl tweatydra yean
-n pnaanlad to the oil;.
Bd Unnemo of benurllle. paid a
traan. net with a atagstar aeeidaoL
aebtwr earner asilieealdh
tor itat he leal ao tbe HaOoraRi-Scl- Walta fell nseetaciaoa
to to paKlealulr aOtaiwt ta botli tta :
tbe aarceta’a kntfr. tboae larolred Is
llran flcbl b; taking a awtat Is tbe pbifeam. As anbatai
(be taetof bUiilda Ward, of Raat
Ohio nrer with tta thoAaotaier bartovuthlp. Ks la antoo eoaat;, vonld
to tx aotltlad to a aonaiueiont
Mlat Waid la it jaar. of-afe aeventj-Bre feet tbraseb tta ie;
ted for nao; BODthi aa k-at^fft-r watera and whw be twabed tbe bank
hit mnotaeba to fraaeo attff
1D( from *hat tba
lebaaeale Isdlfattltn. Has; nma- : leiolM bone fron hb hair.
IKMlal at o
ileatr, xml cel a nirile
An aiddenie of black twf«e. B
dlaa vara Mad wllliaot railaf. rvra
I the MB
a time
\ou «ce nir. *
bealtb feada (rerbur nnaaaiUnc aad Ttralaal in ahanebr and oora w
»Call fw me at Wiii’v lirug^.ire.;
on Tofoda;, aa a laet reaon. a rep­
eal niorailaa TO
er>iaptiwiedin.Asulb;Oa. Va. Itbnot
Oavelopad tba Ctrl lhal tbe
DW- ao oxsggnntlap to Bt; that hudradt
Rant wen a|i(«raBtl; anlllax oi craw
Inc ic«a<ber. Cloaer obv-rralloii »b of aalmaU from bnxwnb
died of tta dbeaae ta tta laet
the can of Ua >nrfaeiu, .-atabUthed

lovad to Tosuia at the btod
am;. Hit atatanent tefon- the roa■dHee troold bara do aiocial ilRnlB
OMOt vara II sot far tl» (aei that tba tbaolbrfaot that tone for^lfD nbirtta adbMlonaod
hUl ta TO diaoaaalnK to diova b;
aticatino Ihla auhBaeratoi; of War Boot, and It b
V M tb<- dapnrtBtal bllL Bafarr
a baodad (a taator Rawla; to can of vhicli Uiw Ward waa a eoocTOQBMrfora parlor
•bfh1. Ihb bill TO axnninad
.'fan aad vlilob had cradoall;
and dbsuatd b; Pnatdnnt Booterall
ailatad vltb tbrnault >«t forth.
ood lb CM«raI ftataraa
prarad b; bln. to. is daelarlo* tba
MU to ta aa tIoIobi that ba ooald not
aataaot la aam la the am; onOar it.
Oaaaisl Kilaa tana near naklsc no(tbod; laonrki ahoat both Praiident
BootaveU aad Breratai; Book

iMb s tawB to Ita
MrtdtaTOtatabtahkstami fm
1 thsoltar Ttaretafrtkttad

Quide Boards
10 Miles

Trayerse Qty

We will furnish guiiide boards to any one
and will agree to
who will make applica
place a neat pbst in the ground especially
for the board, which we fuoiidi free. Sixe
13x30 incdies. banded, with two coatt white
paint, nicely lettered; name of the party
putting the same up, our firm name at the
bottom. Many- people *kiiow the advan­
tages of these guide boards while traveling,
and will, we have no doubt, dnire to secure
one and place it where it properly beloi^ .
While these are furnished free, the cost of
them will prompt any one to take good cace
of them, and pot in tbe best place possible.

Lo«a*t Pricoa. TOt WerkmanaMp guaraMM


Opfv Hkk. •tank Oo.

Hito. ToL Ita a

Some of the BARGAINS we have to offer.
A 60-toeth I.ever Harrow, with runners, n<me better............................................ i$8.50
An oak fraine i6-^>ring tooth Harrow, teeth warranted........................................ $6xio
A s-tooth, spring-tooth Cultivator, with lever.......................... ...................•’.........>$4^
A two-seat combination spring Wagon. wiUi full pand spring back and spring
cushion seat, padded seat ends, box well ironed, fully warranted................ -44^
And all of our stock, epoasting of a full line of Farm Implements, sndb as Rollers,
Plows, all kinds of Cnltivaton. Wfaeelbarrowi. Scrapers. Forks. Shovds. Post
Hde Diggers, Scythes, Axa and Hoes.
Allkin^of Farm Wagons, both steel'and wood wheels. Road ;Wagoas, Driving
Wagocts. Top Buggies aod Surries. Ot these last we have a fine
prices that please.

nm ntsr wot sf the Hew WBkdH Mack.


ilAIiei|R7. 1902
#dBMtMthM. I wm tar And
M tact

Uonya Sob wall. iMoydoB.


c<ip»BakingR\i'7i *

Oortrade Otaat at Ttaoono OHy,
orba ii Btaa yoon aU. wTitB!
'■Ity paadM (akn lAs BmbM. oad


laoBUbom tore
OB If I wobM Bad M ttan'
Wo MU ospaet ta hoBTfeed tBpBto

hm ««• •««*••. ytUmm

roB theso boas by aad by.
Oari H-ritaB of Stanley U «otad,
» be beta B Sanhtaf boy oud

oat s( «fa»
■nim H
wbllo odU

k badffa sad eard. I weald
like to }Ma you obkkoa tal
(sre BO throe bon riefat
woat te taoo tboB oU ready

ortiBMr U
Mo o Uttlo i»Siiach IkM
ODOM ••e **lMd. oad
hot ftoM wStlia opoog la-

with • liitte popM *“»----------- -».ad»f toot
•M liwa oeko. BoU tSio pMlo
____ hUU tfao liw cS taboo' moHot, raodT oooM ertn wbtto MBMO
iMvoo. oai with a ^ e( Mopoelooat iBto dw«^ ood BBko late


Not*. —Th w Gcnvi
KHVnunml favioirie* »l*o
dn olopnl (N- inn Ihuihrrr.-mnonv
- mio^
nUnrr* uen Ih. i
■a .11 l»k.uq




I orlll try to koapooeeu>t of all I Bako oad Ul jam kaew
tbU tUI bow moeb I mfco. I woold
Oita Uka ita peoltry yooiBoL My ti.U to be oae of Ita HerUd
feUs wtao ota oroa a lillU

Ho'driUlooM eal’tae'nB^ aeU.
a teaoao. Draw tbo
fnli it ootorod , Aad bid oeoM old pmi
U.. tbo
OBd tiw thoft
ownthlp with
— riot

looBlSetBar mud.


ttole and thltty f« oiiplot. BfOtt
tfaooloA Md^oorrayth taM tiM


loboUnPidlr tUrUaiaand OBfila
diopthtea tatfao ■Iddlo.oBd tbe
-lOB o< tSa wblrlta*. boUtait

for® a.olnBtar ooTorlBK
___ _ _
of -Um
______ yelk, sod tbo
uOBBd the*
op. will ta a perfoM
A Med en thU it MftwboB
is AoUlied BOOM o otaloa taBaaBkao
arUloble at fooA Yet cold



Tw« OBpi ot toor Bilk, o
Bit and ooo btapod toaoi
<bi tBCar. OBt on. OBe MBtpoa
od off todo, two eapt and ■ faBUof
dear, or ooooffh M ®akt a botur Uttlt thlek® thoB ter vbbobKoi. bat ta
footac tbo® too Ihlok tbej wlU aet

JbIU Oorttao of BinrhoB. wl>o
B ynn oM. Byo;
"1 tboBBbt 1 wOBld write a f.
totaBtata prlaiaA BbI ttaya
ma to Ita HetBltl. so 1 hare oe<
^11400 tafore.
1 liaoe bean a SanfcaapoB writ
tain (Irl for ooor two ynn. 1 <o t<
day U FoUtrr
My slndlee an
U B Uot of aBBbaro who ban lotaed nbool aoery day.
tndlas. opeUlBC. orrtlinji, lancnaB.
U Hr. SlbMT. I Uka him reiy at
I woald Ilka to Join tta Braid T<
PeUa- pDoltiy AaaeoUUoa. My
Bd U total w tire eaa two taaa to

It eoBiBtat oU tbt r»d inV"

«hNO Bo Mad. bor Ohrid! aad tbo

Par OBB* ta oeeb
AU tavo Mir A

d or a---------------------- . _

boiled herd to ta oaed for fomltalaf
or to Bli oHV> taUA

tbe oeater aud drop tbe wbeU rota
' . tbe rnddUat oaeA F
oUffhtly brawBoA

«7 Artbnr rUMna. DewlBBd
dP-brilBorts. Yota.
n-Btbel Has Bow, Bordlekoille.
TI-OaoidBow, Bardi(*nUe.
7>-Barl«ia<llBC. ElapUy.
TP-Hniy Hannan. SuthBa Boy.
1t-l«U Ayna. Ortatt
U—EoMr Ayers. OrUtt.
Tt-SatU Johntwi, SaCtooa Boy.
7T—Oortrade Otaat. Tiaoom Olty.
TS-lBoy AtklBMo. BaidltaTU

Good Way ta Ooek Bgct-Pal a Ul>
tU boBor U the ttfiM P« BWl WbOB
It I. boi tank la the «o. iaUa«
ears to keep tbe yelks orSoto; tboa
Wa stall tart to soodnat year talpoor oo a ifnlo boiUat water oad 000- tm a UttU a«alB today, bat w
•r oUplitly.
A BtaBU wUl eeok
yoo wUl Sad IbsB aU my 1>I
OBB ta
oerrod a
taeB. They
xner esn
ee OBTrea
HodtarODO IBOlod BW«rlB(. VloUt Aktto of ElBweoA Loalaor Uld apea baMored t4B0t.
lotboOhrld oUta? Ijot at tool m. bo oo Hffbt.oBd poOr- Tboir sloinooi
BBB eoBBty, Mo always orritas talartapoBta BPOB a be* eroa.
Lot tbo
atUac lat*«a otyt:
■0® ItOBo oot OB topet tbe oWno. Bad potod abo OB.
Poai ^ tbo
"I md ta Ita Braid oboal roar
wtallo Blztait tbo®. «TBOtior the
oUtry annnl«t1m aad thlak It U
Oorar __
____ —______
mat tool boforo SUtaffap witbtbU
--------------------and dprlakle ootr Ita
bBHir. UieB pat at OBOt oo lop fiate
_____ .._.-d obM aad » few
idtber will be i
drops of aolBd bomr.
Ptaea Ita tar tta put tana yean I tars a
tow Blast
Id Ita ern oaUl Ufhtiy I
bba of By OWB aad 1 oaU tar Baby.
aad nod to tht tthU
‘■Sta loind tans>ootaer cblekeas
A^'^e ta tht tBdlott UsbII.
wlta osetpttaB e( the tCT. iBtt B UtM yw- &ta U a rtBoUr UtU pat.
Ue Ihlokor. sta tary Blot «Bd '
Old-taaUtasd deetart orlU taU yea Bbe Uwoyt onalB ta aal ta tta oroodora Bota aloar. I tbtafc. far a ti
sbaA She aal M dnt dns ta tta
Ml Bottoa net bn tar.....................
Ur. aad taaUne
___ . eaaUli
,_____ ter tta
aftor tar
(hlofcBwffotaboBlubic a. ptBoana
BMMrtbeBldtootaat*.fal poittsato lor t«UB aad M
tariy door ta Boae Ohew oad I®
U It tsU ot tbe «trlt,
taa ptoee sbe did tbe eltar ttaB.
w It it tbo tp*rtt ta wtakb wo t
teoeb. tot Btlda ttOB tbe Bizod bnod
aadwaiUM wn settliiB bwotarr
M }ita OBd ok
.......................................................... IBbtaptBC
yea bay Battqa Mpa or a
•BBltaa noo all the not; it eUefcns wooJd set aieoad the adfo
tBbtaopoasfBl «d batter or otai tard
jo’t OBO for aattoa oad maly ot M bn aad ear UttU paUol woold
wall Bind la with OBO Oft.
it. a frw onta wUl bayapeeaA
I tbo mu dBib ot tbo wtalor tat ot
aad yea na bars all yea
tana «atU ttoy cot baafiy oad tan
WBid. toU iff Bll too
tat I oodoB Ota tboa oo. it deoo aoi Mh BBS for BOto taaa a —
ttay woold ga «•* doors oad aot tbair
(ha Ufhool loTo. botakB oad dlrtao. leak oe bIoo. eoo.b«ir cap of
nut It ta a bowl
aad eons tata aad set
- ttto indeed tho ttae tor (boortad loUtat or BlMiy etaaaad earnata
Bfoaad Ita odfa ottae boa BBBta aatU
Itaitalni tot hope and tsUh oataU- HtaoUwoUiaaloaf oad ootteiatao
they weoid let boaciy aad ibn tber
tat. for toe tattaolac to of
mata. oae oboU loaf bttat
woald BO aad toad oatU taay WBO
ttat *aU Bdoio tanoth aU tbo year tor paddtat otooBod oam deoo woU.
ttaaA Bad Mob MtatMd bar etaar
BT toot tafcod o.booatitai
To those orbs ta'oo omb thair I
bnaktaai or taa^ boaad.
la tta eoop with
OBSi pa® away troa tbfir dfb
Mekaas ool of tta dnt brood to aaU
ooor. whoso bBtai on tsU of IobUIBMo aad too aobe of oonew. I
M at tta tattbeta for roltaB bt- taUynr oad B«t fear doUato aad *
r for ttaB.. 1 MU d deltar of
raa® ta Ita oUn Man no ntfasr
nan Joooo tbe Ohztat ot Kaaoolh
keoefatBSOMW red oataaaradren
dtadaad rooe vota. wakaew that
wUAIta real. TUa fwwaoaa li
HmaU no ml dBib tool Uta is
bBl-OBO ottar taalty
B^w£aEte'‘bmmK a'rnM cat la Ita trnnrtAiil aad feond

jUpG^E^STtortStaU Ota oBd



Mr. rjlm 8. Ra-harda, BilkB,CaaB,

of Iwu ItUrr
preaenled M him by Emperor WilUa® ot Germaay. Tpoo tta dr leaf cd
Ita blblco tta Fapmr bu wTltieo Id bia oora baadwriUac a trru
ThU booond parlor U a raced Irtler to tta Perana HtdlcUe Co
0-. aaya cooerraios tbelr famoo* caurrh rrnMdy, Hrnma;

JInml Itt eMtr’t CaMt.

ssirj-'Stef -1. -

' ntta



ualB(IVruBa f .r a Bumlipt of orrkalar
ratarrb la ita l.nd aad bar ohiataad
Ktral rrlirf."—Cllu-n K.lUrhaida.
(Olarrfc roirl, ,raa.
OeaUemea: -I bad bemorrboges of tbt luagi for a foot time,
Hr. Andirw llarT. ii. wa R. SidMa and all deapaind ot ax. I took Pormaa aad*-at eartd. Itgatrmo Atr, (‘hh-aro. III. onlco:
atreagibandcoiiragt, aad made boattby, pore blood. It lacraaaed
-iipivr* wr ,-rrai |,m«aioMmufy
mywHgbt. gave atea boahby ealor. aad I feel well. It It the beet
dx-ior '■*
* ••••nhy rraady

raic,.. ■r/.aaffy froo A^MA
u eveo-year.!.«

Ufa TUly U oar taaMr tbU yoar aad

9 mitaett aad A
I BBltbe DIttaoli boriad
aad aanoDcmtaed. U ell than
WBlttaff for a falW. a son ta

w baorto. BBd lot tbo taU
head at tat. tbo MlBfftlta* ot bod aad
BOB. of ooatbtae ODd Mo* oad ot
alM lore fiU ooory Ufe taU ot bap-

wo bore BOTor lotta oa Sower bcMtor ao. tato.
ta« orilfaeat Italt taoBlB dita apoa toady ta BO 10 Obam tana
tbo BUS. Myboytaio BOOB late si

STbSCTbSta o!I3^ t^*!mtb
test oa* ta dm aad

IMy Day.


wool away *lta

___ jsa. Bba ta« drsfi
w ahd An pUlewbaan.
When SB M
U pattUUy ft as I®.
tta white.

war mnroe cm pontr MMd
lew tbM TMnMe Adotn

Ita p^ M ta Tnmae

OdBoE^’t hrtfhl poottaffta

_jBff oat too BBOogiltat Ban.


la I_________
oae-htlf OBiffBl at broad a.Bi_.
Abo. OBO Sts. fall. psppB. •

BMad iisywUlpi

. tau taoary ffim

. r. A. SIMA of U» SlB'_____
_____ any.: "1 tan Uwayt held Ita
epUln Mt tta Ira oMnwi a pu­
Baoldod tato o SB loaf tbs otao B na oan tta boBn My MoA, bail
too btoilUr. Bsttor tbo taollB wall. wn roBpallsd to try riBidiii for tta
tbo loot (antaUy aad
oad olldo >1
PtlU I wn ladaasd to Wy taan A*
To daloh with a deorlta. let b» Ita
U M took, oad
. Ura I tad pUn b
adds Uttta lowithlgp to ptaaao tbo
■or tta kVtnyo. aad
aon lor tfaoir oe
of kUtaay aoBpMlu
At Am. wbn
wolUac frra Ita boon « town rad
obA oarly
oorly oaOMb ta
*0 ta OMiod of tbo


of aid 11 oSordsA Ibn taally 1 wn

StatOOBd ptoooo ot

- - oyPlUtaad toeyoarodBO.

Id «b» oldor pam tab SbM* BBh

IlAtaktaM(dta>. ItarobantaMdPiiday
wita tar. aad U a,
aa fotaw boae with bet taU Friday.
Sta bn a Uttla clrl aad M U n
aad pretty n tae eaa be.: ta
U YliciaU. Oar tebeol had
ra mda ®x italUie aad twnty
I WlU elese sow with Idro.
TloUt Akra
Sara day TloM U M>ff «» «>U »
tasMory ettae taaVheUUBBaa
ta a tody's beat BaaAky benoA Bta
aad Uww my foray ladaaA
Altta TitaoeAU at Btattaad w
IweaU Uka to feta yoor
con ra otooteaUeArat aadlwiU
Mho nro tt Mb aad laiae
yoara sUafcara. Wa fataeor
mean aad wtaot. 1 md ta
ipw the* olem ohaff wn my
coed to aoka eAlekm toy.'n I fao4
1 M than omy aeratac. I ftre
UB Bilk to drtok omy mntac. I
TbU Is a cood loaeCMal talk aad
Bdbyafrawocot woU mu t
•ratyoaaU ta taO otata bow y
sato for yoar bora.




[dlrainoeaUrdMea--aud had trm Busy


niBa auaa bad Ihr ihoired effr.-t.

-I tara Uwo ounratal with tta
TboBsaada of pei^U bare eatairb wbo | the iairodorUoa of Pmaa v, ibr medmi
oroald be aurpnaod to know ll, beeauae ' profrahia tbouaaadt of cara aro eorod rhleaeo Pulke lufaruonl for the paal
■ wealywlifbl yeerr. 1 oaa rberrfoUy
11 baa toon eaUcdaonM other asBa than annaally.
rroAnmead Prana Maayime eaflenad
catarrh. Tta fan ia, marrh U calacrb
wbrrrrrr loeatrd; aad another fan ,I ron Hum. HRb. wniea:
-By fidlewlAc yoor ii
which la oteqoaUyi
caurrh wheterer: taklnp
I am cured ,
rralu tr.uu tta u
aklne Perana M
and MaaaUa
i of catarrh. I had caurrh for twelve !
»- *"■ Kartmau. plvia* a
ir caecand he will
.. rally Sear. «Kl qalu a l«t «ai«h n I could ;
t'aiarrh U an Ai
•u bia valaaUe ad*rall..
one-liali ot the pruple are afflicted uore nol .leep nlcbu. 1 do not bare any
orleaa with 11 U aooe form. l*n kiua.coufhOifW. andlf l(<claBythU(Ulbe{ Addrra l>r
totbcdlaeorary of I*enina, eatarrl wai, throat I lake a (wallow of Prrvnasndl .The Uartmaa banllarlum. CvlaBbt®
aaniaBalrlcbl.*’— bBltb.

bare mdtne. eaen
L. arilbcBcttc.
Uunnea. writiad.
We bad a Waahlneuo louenB. Onr inoliet peoBlMd Bta pic.
Die tfau aoBiaer ont in a boat.
W.tare a eery nice acliool noB. I am
U llie
Bioely__________ ....
klm 3aok, uoioliea the
raaniar room of oar tebouU
Yoar little friend.
A«<. y.
Henry Waisrr.
LeUuA Mieli.. Karob (. lace
MbBaUe and mdiac-"
Dear Mrs Ham-I write <o ask ifl
.«y bea meBliei of yoar Sanhain
Yoa will rsBeBber LeU Ayra of
Clab. 1 CO to Sondar school all tta
OrUll wbo wn ta tta Trarerae Oily time. I have never Witten before, to
boopiBl fn aoar tiaw with
tta HenlA Uy atadine an, readlnc,
■eocmpby. Uofraace, writIn* andar-:
Uaaara Btawrim:
Tiie bora eatcb nm bah |
"1 oroald Uka to )oln tta V<raa<
lliroadh ita ioe. We have tta beat.
PaepU'a PoalWy

will kItc Be three hen, to
r her very
b^ln with. My l*t U tealnx akoag,
-e fan U the________
fiaely. bat U ael quite well yec "
I hare no ei.ler or bralbce.
Her flatar SMtae U r>B< ta ba > r keej....................................
leept a betel at le-UnA 1 a® In
n old. I mart elon my Utter for
ot tta AmeeUdoe too. aad
. tine.
y„or Utile' irmo,
M u also to hare limb beaa.
AUred Raff.
woBder wUeb of Ike two aUun will
Hleh.. Marta 4. IWt
do tta boat.
lam—I woold like to ta
of Ita BaataUe Clab. I
Clyde BaUM of Ortatt wlabea to
tolrd mdar.
Tl.e boy*
baaBeBtac. He baa am taa of bU
watch lou oftieul IhraaRh tbe m oa
sow oad hU aolber U folac
LeeUaaij Lake.
My father keep* a
fin blB MBS t
Oyde wlUdu llrery liani. I talp to take care of
' orra We bor, tare Iota id fas
____ ridlnc U tta eaioBer. 1 co M
l-i-~l Hleh., Hatx^ A ISOt
■obool erery dar. My taaehar'a as®'
Dear Mra Bam—1 weald Uke to UMia Etbel Huutaw.
Hy ciaad
I like to
eeaoM a aratar <d yoar SBaablaa na krepi a b<Bhlin( boon.
in tta raBjnei.
Otab. 1 like to CO to nhool and mj

EaUa Jobana ot OlU'a Pier, la
tai to ban a Bln Ui«o Book uf b
with. Btanya:
•aid Uka to }oU tta Htnld
Yooac Polka
Rsra Be eicbt tan.
weald yea pUoae aead me tta m
staa 1 am roUif to tobeol lbl> «
teraadsB ta tta foartb fndo.

wn' —— u Hisa Bttal Bia
..laBtaMfeonhciBda Wi

Bement Peeriess Plows

Cultersraim Sleigbs are aolng at
Reduced Prices
Hafld-Maiie CuHcrs an,! Uriwn.
u |1CT icnl <ili.

cal I'lmc. at a

Uictor Petertyl. 124 State Street



ll you gel the wn>R|; rcmcily knit ll Uilv, yoti hx lime, render
your case harder to cure, and are «ut mure tnoocy.
xn*n« wrong remeJica, 1ml il i» ekjy to kit.i.l thetn.

'i'here ore a good
Come here


gel C.<S4,'1NK and ytm will be <ure of on effenive. w-ienlii'u; {Wetidfatiun, one that t* enilorked l>y hundreds of (leojilr in this locably. aad
one that cottt TDD nothing if ii ever Uih.

Phee tf JOO t feHIo hr

M memtV* fMtBaaf.

fdi uit


uiu i 111 imcyiiv cn.

Ao Appetizing Lenten Dinner
Can be made by ordering some of the salt or smoked Mr
which we have in many varimics. We have everything else
that goes to make up a good. meal.

J. J.
Broach Block

boo* obz owb

ftaoB to tea. a lirtat tar
Unobot at tbo Obtl** Ufoo.
Mb oeal It toe diTtao tpaik. It wa
wiUtatfatn ®B taatratioM
Uta ta ear own Bloat. wUoh wUl be
Uta tbe nrataitae ot tbe taaatltal


Yoon very truly.


I woy wo ohaU

wttb rbtanh In tta Lnd. aad. tur ibepaMl
lunr or Qrryrar, In-u oiorh affltrlrd o ilk
lUainy ry»; tl.'< tams o»i.-r».ao«ld
maleralea|ra>ld,-t]. and >i,.-k Uwribrr
in Iba Blsbc. M.\ ~udmwo «a>au(uUy
derrnliid la tout aUuanac that 1 dradril
to try I'rruna.
“lalS thankful lu-ay Mial I now tarnaldrr myw If ralirriy fm‘ lira .-aiarra.
Bkl only nc
at a ual,'. ;Arerpi m\ .lo.-rt» ihanka
Vr yoar prrwaal loW-t-»l la oycaar.

The Ptfuam Medlclae Co.. Cotaabos, a.-

Derid aad Bttal tUe Bow of BsrdltaoriUa are a brother oad tUler wbo
an Bolac Uto panatraliip U loistac
ir. Ttalz Buttar
tSBolBB ta act two taof tor tbam.
Wtat o am idea! Two wiioU broods
little obiokeaa They wlU la
waU lafcn nit- of ore aro me


pad aad aUnd ortlh Blaeed a
tho Utter's r

Tbe BboTO roelpt wiU ta foBiid to
to TBC7 rBlBObta, U WbU B1 T0I7 I®1-

id f,lr ran Ura with rbroaMcatarTk. Uil anrr'ffre Bnibr'
imuacoi durinx abwh uin 1 aM
arm Uxtlaa u( IVran 1 ar< ylerad fc.
BT that I aa rnUnty wHl. ibrrr taloo

P. A.


Ootbor Ibioo qaorto o( daodoUoB
SobOo««M dMd.
.odq, woob elooD. At Blfht poor oror
thod loot qooito at boUtaf woNC. al­
nif «w «So 004. tbao. ottor ollt
low It ta otaad ootU aontaf. tanta
TU pomi or Um ChrW «o ooro.
Aod olM fooitrOB. ■>« bOM «< b*»* tlMogb o olota. oUoo tato it thfOO
loBNu fro® whiebtU OMdoarotoWM
lOYOlj ■OTod. odd oiebt OBd OBO-bBlt pooBda
OBtor. ooold BBtU OB«Br If oU dlooolTod. Iboo poor tale o eonnd Jar.
loMBiBBta It or 14 dor*, oaotaaiota.
pot ta betttoo OBd oort whm torMBtoBoD it eosplote.
DetB, oot
wtatcloMfall twioo Bdap.—Mib. a
U. StotaCB. TiBitcoa Oltv.
AaS 0 ai|Sd« foeo «o (bo M

rormaa. TW draw an idy Anva
r«r ( starn.
Ht.Cbaa. H. Bterra, tc BermraU.
itrnt. DaMk M k-h.vrttro; - It .•■m.
B, (nat pteanio M muTy

Ital UwU of Tata WTlm:


• • -----


iBptortat u bealtb. . I n
it Mall eaffnora wUb rank* M so

os Iffota riac. Bdta®
book. I taoo tore brotben. nmr taBoa an Alfred sod
WlUta. ■'

«d OBO-batf looopooB wU. obS oook
_> 0 dsoblo bailor thMr Maoloa. or Bl«b oo tbo haiBOB pobo.
aatU oon.
Wrtat aoU paMtac Baan "Ola OtaiUa'o'’ Boao baaket
eletbi. OBO-tblrt yotd oqooia-. oat d
IMth Joaale'a Baotw «ai.
hot woor aad Uu tboa onra oowll
Iowa oa the alopM bUloido.
bowl, IbU IBOI dM.............................
Way OBl bahtad M bon.
mat. iiiftitiiTr - 1------------ -----


-------- U hr a nld or bnry eatwb. b«
BBB le help ra aaiu I ran(oaa. Hy ac
>. aad I SB tan

oebaol reary day..
BO U AUb ABta Potm.
Par pats 1 baoo ewe ootB Oae'a
uIMta and tbe ottar ooe'o U ToB.

d>oaM<*o otrrod with tbo oolod.

HRa M. a c. aATca. ecmtoo.

B* OMO Jooi M aiorte Ho ^eka
AbT^S^ told Hii wUL

ap.owdut. MUbon. .Sea. w«Ba.
“I enmeoad a taary oMd abml
Ana yean ofo oad uud aU ktMat
palaat BtdlrlOM aad drocr rran-

MtaBBonadlt I
ToBB FoepU't PoBtMT AniitatUB
I taro eaty eao baa. bst bbbob obU

Each time the United States Government
has officially tested the baking powders
the report has shown Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder to be of superlative
leavening strength,free from alum, abio.
lutely pure and wholesome.
This is gratifying, for Dr. I’rice's Cream
Baking Powder is depended upon by mil­
lions of people to raise their daily breadj.

oftl WOMB WoillBK tboto-


248 Front 8

Every (quality And feature that codki contribirte in making
A perfert implement it embodied in the coaatruction of thii
It it positively the lightest draft plow ever put in a field;
it turns
wine the
UM iiiuai
most aaiisiaciuT]’
satisfactory furrow;
lurruw, ii
h na
handles easiest; it
is most durable, most rigid under the hand,

All materials are most carefully selected from the highest
Only skillful and experienced mechenicr are employed
>r tite inspection of practical and swocettfuhmanuMtuiing experts.


We are too busy waitmg oo oor trade U> talk ahom oo ora petnorv What they do or how they coodaa tbek tanmeB ■> ntahiag to
Bsl we do kehere tlul we can make ao hoocst hvmg, and nfl
groceriet far lea th«B they hare ever bees aold io the cuy betwe.
^ We (dl far cash coly. In buying of ut you do not have to help
pay any had debts; we bdieve that whee yvMi have paid lor year pn*
chate yon Maid oo( be expected to eoeintialr toward
up tae
loBaccaaiooed by goodtgatageDitoaome pemo wbo did ooc p^
at oD. All credn wore* expect and reqsirt ihii; thete i* only eoe
way to avoid it iride at a Caih Suwe 1 o prore thai we arc (cUmg
yos the tretb, esopare tacae price* with tbe pricci aikcd by any
(Xher grocery in the eig'.

fansma f^cNoan.

Peerless Plows
.A*r ^lO.BO
W'wtaTmmn OltaH. tatSSnK

q.<raprtae. 8c


Enterprise Gash Grocenr,


^jy^HAMUN, Proprietor^



... npikiM «>te tha easttal «d
Um Bmm Ow or tk* Bntl*. «kf]a
rnad). BriMta-a ■
natal terlBOais OolMV



BB if of anap dtaamri. .
«MkOT W Ml enMkMJtOB M iftH»The ptatbMOpbaa baaaal«M.«S>^tMML -IWfMMtlM*
«■• v*U mMoM wd tbMv U M
a metlOB. bnl tba mnU tnlia
rapabUn lbs; ban *0.)
dMM tfeU »»>* food «M dcM.
BM la tbr ««ld aad lO.OOD m far. tera M«arad ao partioaUr lafaiy.
UM OtdWMl M» ft'SSMa* lOTRMltel0B«h. with foMbar eatappad iwwaH- Wheat, aooordiac to the nMof
ta« Moaien aaoa« tfa» Chpa Dank.
da what i Th. BritUb fema aaabn *«.«» la thU wetiaa. WM badly wiaMr
ad by tba aaraia eold waalhar wbaa
tban waa ao awow oa the ftoaad to
preioet tba «op . Tba fanaatm av
«ba wnr foraad oar alfbt
bloek ba^
liBi there wtU ael bo a«a ttaaa
(• alir «o ali^P la tba ■
. The arallabla EaropaaB of what U tormad aa erdlaary yield
whilatba tba OQBtlac aaaaea.
l>a foaad tba other, vllb hia npplr Uali
11 ia aadaratoed tbai tba Para kiarid
aaa b7 bit aide aad bU MbU
TIm oplaloa bar* U tba* U Iba qaatta ooapaay baa aa acaat atao
Mbia hap. at bU BTfslac daroUaai^ __
tba Dukaida aad that tba nttaapt
"Iteak tba Lord." Mid th<-aaemd Ualiad Blataa aboald >iap aandrUc pat tboB to ookialw ia tba acetbm
nrlaat "tban Uaaotbn ObrifUaa
part of tba atata ia procraatinp
ttaTahac naa ia tba amid braldaa itaan vaald «et aeoaptahla <
--TT*-*’- •- if alao leaned that a P<«r
Hay I ’>eia la ynor aTaeinc vltblB alx maata
kCaiqmetta npreaeatatira baa
ifot to PiaUad to iadeca Ptaaa to
PM thla wa* aM«M tba Oldaoaa, ;
„ _
. ^
aatrU oa rolInBl Uada.

.rt.. 1.. lOT. uii tb.,



bn thOMtada tbroofhoe« tbaooaoiiT. 1......................
aad who ara doiag a cood work whar- itara on tin new raial reotaa to In aatabllaM ia Bomnt eoanDy.
«ra Saaday who aaOraad Ba?<«‘a eUima for ttreatnaaa
aland la tlw anrieaa After Ilia BOnalie 111 tlia foot tbM It Ina n^
laattac tbay oaidselad aa iaaptraarrlM to tba baaNami of tin bainr farlUUn ter rail and w
A. D. W. Johaa win la railed eoBnaaleatlm (ban any ’city of.ita
nraebea" of >br team, lad Ibr airt 111 thr oMtr?. Tbirtyrar aad alanrle trmtoa eator aail Uare
wbieb waa adilrtaaad
tlia town nraiT twaaty fear beara
Hr. Ptaraa and Hr. Ermiii. all
Tbi BallU Oiaak aaaltarlSB a
«( Hn Oraad BMda braarh of Ibr or
attoB. Tba iboaafal of ibr neai- aaoBaat. tbrooEb Pr. J B Ealloca.
tatwaalWai Trarallac ana aaed to baa Bade eOoial aaiioonnwtaal tint
baniad Inildlair. will br labalU
thtak Itel oe aeeoant of tba aatara of
IhMi baalaan, they enold ool wall Id that clQi a>
. ja la OhrUttaa work, bat now aoUoltlOE roau
ebay Aad no eod of ^pnrtaaliiaa


kAM aalalac Hp onr iha t>AMtorwoDibf lha^AwihbalUliB.oad nimillatKalbaaba
lhao*M algbt telt aakam wratek «. W. BrowM waa« ka ■
eat aad ton the baaatitBl riaa.
plataly imlaioc Ik
The oatlaok aloag tba lUa «A tba

TbobosMUalptraa la Brlfta-a
POBt Inbol of PbatBMM. ta Apptnt
a waU ter Hr. Ararat
> baud the tBaeBeal 1
A pomm aoeUl will ba bald at the
homaad Ur. and Mra. JaMHoOlaa--


^^^OaiSa "l^lar aad Hr. TUlar i
I attoBdad ebarX 8«ate.y.
BOthar’a rnaalaa fn bntaL
_________ aeboeltbU week. U
j bom rbltiap bl. paraou for a emidei
inrlbtairiaf rMatlaa
Alfred Fonarmd bmlly mmi Sob- of dara
Hr. kieroy waa la Iowa Sataiday. 1 *
Wa woald like turn* pood alaaa mDaai Blaa taa aoM Ua dzlran to H | ^
-jBf to pat ia MBe bade oo tba laoa- r
2. Herpaa.
of Un ckarcb. aa it will to'
John SrlpfaaMbaapa
oyi^lB tboaatpbbar-|nadT la alnal two weakL
t«a of a J. kfoTMa.

(be Boat poiac to WaUtlaroa orOiV

Inpan ware not aa Aatoe aa aaaaL
J. OnOa U mUinp aUparaaaal i*oponp aad wUl po to klotiMaa.
A. TaaTatool UazpooMd bene MOB.
Ba U wrU plaoaao will. TeBnaona.


traeklap l<«t to Orawa A Ara atila
W. LUloB ia aelUap bU fBopatty
ad will p» to Oracea. At ha ia a
:lekM ba will ba apt to noBtd.
laiaa'a little drl Tary aarrowly A. Widrip baa aeU hla tarn toe
1 doatl. UM wM wUla playBBfmaUtalo.
the liiirway.
Than will be a Urpar aoreapr of
Bapaae Keli^l ia balldiap b
l«Hteef plaatad Una bmbI
Tba Hcata Lamlrw C4>. am a.ijw
Hr. Dsaaey li ao batier.
Urpe whaalt forTpBittap In the 1oI
Tbara wem aUmoiOieaa ri
oaee >4 Ibair lepa.
lb.' Paa Anerieoii aad ilia
aiapa with a H.
Hm Edith Jewell aed Mra. Bruwa
beoaa Uat______
iltcl at W. WUbtat^K
taa at Bndpr ack__________
dar avrnlap. plreo by J. O. H_____
of Hear Inke. A larpa crowd attaod<d aa.l avety ana nporta a pod liam. K.rd oa'thit.aUM «t*^
Ur. aad Mra. Ueo. Hodpm amt •IA Mr. Moyer wa> tba bolder of
dnaptatar Alloa wem at TMrena Oil; il.e laeky aamber. wbioli coat Ub II>
U« weak with thalr youitaat daapb______ __ UttUlMo*aarly yak
W. Bleka baa auld bia plaaa aad
will nnk a botao aeon wbna alar.
Bome are plowlap for a|aiu( crepa
.bat tba pToaod If a Utila WU yek
Haay ar.- .Irawinp li.eit poial.vo to
Irawa. tw eeata ter beat atoek.
Tbr Alpbt of wild pme aoribwaid
abawe that apriapbat head.
tun oA-uiKi.t'

SAuff «/M Ac|fH f*e BMf*rf Ur Wrrtimt *RHuf ‘
411 Stite Street
V. E. ROLaA.I»n5



M. who will fall to Aad oppurta-1 ..____
aeaB.Bi- MtlaAad. Tba ooatiact for
tba Daw belldlnir* will be let wltbia _■ retonad hema with bot Uctla am
alttaa If tiny will look far tbaot.Tbaaftanieon anrlrowaaa nae'a alaw daya They will U-brtek aad of bar knm.
aad aa Arejwof aa Tba new bUI will boob ba ran■mliw. Hr. Jobaa laatfdad aad «ara
aiap with a saw Inilar.
a hriof bat >«raaat oddraot. Mr. poMlUa Tbay wiU
PMaaaiafeaof tbt work la lb-raa- •UO.OOO. Tba NU.-. prvpoalllcio
<>««“• Battle | O. Aadnwa waa U town
doHoB IB OiBBd Botdda. xBpfaa- haan coBpalaly
olslaf tba taot ibal maa ara Bot IB Oreok la raJoielaE
Oaca Oook la ridiinp at her ptand—r~ of Mii^ hiat bat they am leat At Bay Oily aavani yoaa« ladlea ^wl^Hr and Mra A. WoU, In
and BMd to be Brad aow. Ur. attoadlDc tlia waat aid.- bl«li atfioot
. aaddanly takas ill WadDaeday
klra lit -______
EmaM apeka of Um- wort of the OldI. and two of tha» are atlll ttadar IWd bar alatar. Uta IoewA tholr orfaBlMtloB and tba aatrn of the larrioa that they do for Iba doetor'a mra. Tbiar lUnaaa U dm
aad the irooMa
Mae arooad tban.
BatoUed bow the three sea bam rbanrad m tone iBBoraul looklof
. vldtinp at
bad pdokad op two sora ttarallwt dy tbay ate darlat
Hr. and kin. kUreaa DarU
a iariled u
MM ban, one Batorday araBlac and
«ha other Banday roOrnlaiE, both of Ball baBaertnjt oontaat. with a «old
rtaB. Mr. InoB aad Hr. Bydor, warn
Ara ualli hail to ba- ilrlvm late an oak
rMMt and helped la tbr amrllaff.
_______ at kli. aad Mn TaaThe maiac Brotlay opanad with plank la three Blntaa. A bif crowd Burpa'ieoaday.
Harob PA tbair aoe
aa la^dflw tarrloa, after wbloh Ur. waa OB <Uek to waiefa tin eeatoat. bot Bey to ktlB Don Itoldaa of KiaptUr.
BydM nod a aalaotioa and Hr. Lota
JaBfi VanBarpa aoatrd at beat Baa
la ptayai.
kb. Jehot. Un ABfara. tlBa waa eallad and tba beat aad Mlaa Prancaa OaBpInU ba hridaalahtv" tine tpokr to the aadi- recoco of nay of tba ooBtertanti waa
kti. OoopN aad^A^ ^Oai^tM L tba
Mtea. aad waa foUowad by Mr. K*or- fuBi inila
atwollBMxlof tbekUeha«. who ap^ aqwelaUr
Maaawbe warn not aeilraly an- Igaa Oellaca of kUboa. HoagblOB. U
tba lartaai ia tin liUtory of iba Inatl
Kb iMB and kb. Bydaraaeb told latloB. It: atudaota takiac rataUi
work. Boat of thaaa'am Hlelil«aB Tb.-ra war ebareb at H.idpe Sauda.r.
HTBd thfoaph the work of tba Old- boye. tin BBBbi-r froai Iba lower pan
of tbu atair and tint ftOB tba upper
aWH. The Uttar waa lormarly a •
bar of the OUnadeo atfmt BaiAltt pentiiMU at-era*U« abool tin
Iteyah. of wbieb Bar. A. 2. Oordoo Them are naarty aa away ftadaata Hwaid
from other aiataa aad nTaral frOB
kin L. Viaecbil. bm Iran 1
p. rtana. Iba whirlwind of tba aloead. Tba aaroUBaat f* the i«aa- daapbiar Haltia ratanad ' Tuaet
Eaat Jordan, wlnn tbay hi
I. tban tpeke, plrlai Me axpart eat year laeladm Mtroni tin appar from
beta rialtlBK aad rcUtlrea.
, hU lUe. Ua eearamtlaa and panlnaoU. 00 fmB lower Hlohl«Bu. aad no Ibeir way vUitrd friatnla la
aad IB fniB oaleldci. Twob.-w Iraild- Tnertaa Of‘~
tan- »ba obaBlcal and ai«te«rliw
la U tba
f MBiiUtiou aad will baielSh^Mo ia Tiararaa City.
■ ttyla. Willi Uttia
- 'laltn part
of: Hn Weaael UaeU. an oU racid.-al
nady for oocai»acy the

Plows and Repairs.

ji tin- liair.tneTi'a C(«nciit>.m. Bor an
1 lie auM-II .:»<> unttmal «aiu-

Runs Easy.
1$ Easy to Clean,
is Easy to Handle.
Has Few Parts.
Skims Clean.
Br kurr to irt xn Prapirr brlorr Ihii-

Mb Fhoae Na. 43

Claminrt'^ i


3i 6 UUaa Sired

B.IV 413. I ixtcTkO Cit>. anj set one Aa iruL

Mby with hii faBily.
. Binaley ho.parefaaa
Hra PelBala.-r ia vbillar frieuda
t Baiea tbU week.
kli. OlBi-y ia liaalliip potateea to
Travena Oity.
CUfford Wllbot haa pnaa to Traeraa Citr.
klra 6*sble and klra Jake Bitsley eallad oa Urn. Ohny one d^y tbla
ip nUraad
......to1 Eal•Warfi-oB
kaaka. wbata be b awployod. after a
•rlatt with faU ohildreii.
«U) MIBtlxK
le attend the Hipb lector
ktr. mod klra kUnnat FraakUa inra
ratonia.110 tiwtr boo>e U thb aUms
Urtnp boaa pos. wad Boat irf the

is still going on at

Mra A-'« Pottor aad daaphtar
apaat Sonday at Bowen Harbor wi|h
Hr. Hall of Vandwbilt. a htotixw'
.j-Uw of Hra Vao Aokoo. it Tititiap
at the OoapTaRanoabl tparaoMpa.
Tbon wdl^U^^BaM^|mcca

Uaa tomaob (nonrkt
_____ .
Jacoaaad waa atphty-ataa
,y moraiap.
will ba adaqaaU roOB to taka oaaa 01 ymn of ape. aad tin laaraa aa aped
boabaad and ooa aen to Boora W
tba actn naslnr.
- hooey ladoatty In Hlebtpaa U
Qilfla eama np tram 0|
aipaot io«atla»o qUta a beeleaai aooordiap to the n- Un PoBoul aad daapbler Re<y dewabaig ob bb wbool Sabday.
port made by tba eaaaaa oBre today. J Ttarann Oity attended Iba foarral
haanw with a clnr or olgaiati
Mr. Kraat of Ttararaa Oity haa Ai
|dpa la paw Moalb (W a bottla la year ;Tbam an IMW fanna la Michlpaa of kin Haotl laat Wadoeoday.
iibad drirlnp a well far Bonry Sin
KrUta. wbe U at______ torly.
fllbll Tbv woB-l hara y«a la tba eptai wUibb beat ara kept, aad thaaa
______ I TiareMe-^Up. came borne Jaa. H
OaMUl Oity with a }a« on. Tea beat an worth aad fwodaer Tataday
aranlap to atiaad tba taaenl
•mbT Maiintbinn aad aptftolwooo Bora than 3.000,000 poadAa d booty a of^ UaelL
The bOBiv and wax tbay
Jaioa *U OTM tba Boldaa ftrmta
an worth pm.000 to UleUpaii
Toani bare to aal Ibaaa Iblam oat
riM lAKP
arrry ytar.
lafcta yoa fo ^ yaaAar."
. _ EllBBrTT.Sr.. wbo
bean 01
'■UiM'l OhrUnaBltT tint plraaa Hre. Haary Tratl.rtak, of Boaoma.
BOM af the wUtor, b ba
•at «>U
who waa Btatally deraotod waadarad
Mialeaftaoa. Ii'a a tad Urar.
Atite alow of Iba ■rrloa an ta- away boa lier hoat Uat waok. Thiaa Lrwla. ware aaat for Jaat weak, they Joha Vatrao. Jr., fam pBiotaafad
ipMac Mtawy ataaliac waa bald,
ntaned datarday and a *pboBa mea^t Boralnp «ya ba la maeb maad kneoi U tba sad bear Kmd taka,
■ad thiaa roaa for ptayara.
_____ BbwotfclMforkln.
fat afeoot ID doya. it U aapartad that ftoaao'la aaob a p«l«oa that ah.- porad.
Artbar HektaaMbaa mati-d
Mra Jeaala Wallor ritiled bar ^1- pM of Hr. OarToll’a
ttaaa three aae, Jobat. Plaroa aad eoBld not Bore. Tba poor woaan'i X«B
old (arB.
in Tnrorte Oity aereral daya will lire there
tbrm thb aamniar.
•nratt. with pmlnin etliara. wiU be elotblnp waa boaaa to bar body, and laat weak.
tetteaitywttb BapvlBMndaat Ual- :harM*arlan«»«^»'‘ beoa fri|rt>t
Hn. W. 8. Oardnar' U ritiOnp ber OwBt Elatrea b alaylap with bb
fml botera aaoooaolooMMa roan i< tej^r, klra. Otlt Haltwook, UEIk
Xa Tretm of tba raaeaa Bloat
OmU SapUt. aad aaeUwr Hiutday barnllaL Wbm foand willtnp faaada
~ aa. HadplU and k'laak
am dap bar oat and tin waa cakao
wlU ba giraa to tbau wnt.
Ber Ooddatd-a Uad b bfallap rap­
hciee aad aadlml aid •amaoaed. Sb.- bare
at Baim Uily.
fata Am. k(areb«t-Tbt
Baai. Siaelalr tana teaced bia fara F. BbaidotartadforObleapoSatar
aay BorUap eo barlaadr
WiU Bora to Rapid City.
MwMla oeadaatof pnuni
IKaaib the Bcltlah Uaw Salarday
a W. Roywklda loft Fritey MOraArlo WnrdoB. who Urea a-.--------- , Friday aad Hataiday.
lap ter -RaraAa to attosd tba faaaml
■d ia tba boaaa of 1
4 tab brother.
MOM by Booralory of War HrodarM. boei Stockkrldpa aad wbo la eoly tU UUaBeaale Inddy
rialbap Inr paniita b
Jaa. Bllar aad LoU Braar wen
■omM lint abnat a fnmUfat aco ymn old. ehoppad down a tn
quatlr matrritd UM kto^u araatap.
aaJMtiw Praaidaat Bafaalkbacat latlThey want to Ttamm City, wbara
awiaAta Oanaral Ettebi-iiar a .^Ira tlataaoa boa •mjvat: bat when lie
Iboy WiU Ura.
t.- flyiop aqalnala bad
AMMta eoMlael throoch tba BrltUli
L. 2. Aa^ haa mid Bmrly all of
- drop
made It thalr borne, ha obtain
Imanbelil peoda aed erraou to
Oml Ualait I r Bl|^^b4dd> b Tialt. hU
balp td bU fatinr aad aaoBTiti
atari for tbr waM aeeik
liW Boy Walt
Ifaa vaMlbUIlT of paaot proponla. belittle fellowa.
Tba blppati ball la tl.a hUtery of
OdMHl KltobaBtr aoeadad to tba re«MM. with Iba poraraBanl 1 cooaent fuulc Orak. waa piraa Friday atpbl
MtiiHi «d tba opaainp of
fbataria. klareb M-Aetiap Pmal«Nt B^lkbaHM. r. W. Ralu. ax «ribaD.-w balldlnpa rot ap by tba
tear the Tranaraat. Adrabor Tbraabor Oo. thU orlnlar,
m waa bald la one of the mt
MBl OoBmadBBtA Laeai Hey.-r and
balldlnpa. with' a Aoor apan
Knph aiTirad ham yaatorday
MmW Mb boa Balatoml. aboat BO of lAi by l» feat Bereol.r aaU or MO
Mifaa aaM af he«a Tiny tMoInd hart lieopla. daaord at om ttoe. Otm
IAOOD warn la tba bUldlap.
BBAwa^ef trace. Aftar
■May bam tbay proeeadad tor tba Oraaaa Rirar eolMy.
LMoo. Kami. M-A dUtiaellr D. PataMBOB. rrmidont of the Obar^My Tlaw of aSaln in Boalb Alri- lotta frm pablie library board, that if
mU apUn briaptakee by BmiatT
city of Olotrlotb plrdpra itnlf by ;
tlatlOB of tb.- ooBBoa ooanell to
faray-a Artaal of OaaaaU ktetbaan a troe pahlio litoary at a coal
■naly aeamtaaiid tin dapaaMlon of sol Um Una PI.OOO a year aad ymwblab tetd tewaa to BMart iimlf ba- ■ide a aailable alta. Hr. Oaraaptr wiU
ten that Briti* dbmtar. Tba aOn tladly farabb Pin.on tor tba ereoUm
inara aow arald piriap taa mapaloe
tbaeb.r liw for
padiniBu of aamrly eadlapeftba
anr.- than that
war wlib whUli thry hitbarto harr BMOoBt for tba aapport of the {n-ocat
tafBUad tba pmple.
SanM tor library, the offer Will ba aaaaFfatiat
Saw Moatb* waa Uia atBoai Uali Iba BftI meoiiap of tba oeoBciL
Pm a In—' bcnuifflta weald b- Tba ilcaaaa oooaly ]all b MOh as
oabaallby pUea that Jadpa Kuaall of
itba tUUMOO-OeeaiBa olreali baa ta|aoad aa otdar tint ao prlaonan treoBAnad in It. Tb
Id ba|eoB||nd
Tba Oeraaa tlN-riff >a
"If nllciaa U>arfarea with

**** '


Our surplus stock is being reduced fast, and
we would advise you not to delay making
your purchases, .but

if you intend taking advantage of the

We are giving on all goods in our store. This
puts you in the same class with wholesale
buyers and you have]no freight to pay.


Hvill Uat two yasra TWa wtaoU
ppnhWMiMa TraaMWl odBitladly U Hart U pat U a malBiy eoBdlticB.
liW1----- - by Daiatey. Eltebtaar'a Tba Udtaa of tba Epdaoepal obarX
aiMlt*' Baaatad form balnp amUo at Haatlapa woald like to pat bold M
M«a*a with hlB aad wiiblH«Mal
mdij dHrint U tin mmt M tba
bMBttfB). TbaplMNtMalMpttBa

see this lot of good Farm and
Draft Animals.

Brodhagen'e Bam.

Btatf Street


Traverse City.



(hlMft. &»..*• I»«7
Hmmrn ilM


•M. «k*vM ^ tmmi vtf* •(•
VMUkr Ohio an. «fee «M**« to Kn
(Mdwtac tofMrtr beeatojt. B*
«M N ;«wi ac« U tetltoto «lf«n■MMM. Bb* «M IIh' BOtli«r of a*«1 oUldna. vtM baoMM mtowod
Tho old todr wftmx (to owl? dor* «t
totlitoUOUo Oo too dor «bo trw
1« rmn oU *• toooao tto tirldo of
Jobs Mocfu. wbo «M to bU «toh»toto rmr. MoTfu «l tm OTMod to
ooro • «Twt dad fat brr. bto oftoi*
vord doaotod tor. Up to wtibto *
toon Ha* ar> *bo dW «(
aattf ood oMi lo toko am dC totwir.
6to WM o taodltor «fuo on
■Moi., ood aod* tar llrtof br s>d
i. a. Bwaooo. oBd Partor Ptoacr.
tvo OorMtl rtodaalB to pan af aa toIMMtaa IBM a Oraafe toMor aeatatr.
rodarOntlaa oattolepofa
<ar of (to faM Ubiib VaUor tqaaoa.
A oMiw aold vtod waa blowtoc fnn
(to iwrth, aad tola, addrd to (to ratoeitr of (to (niB. aatrlr blow (to
•todwto (Kua (to ear. Vito
basmvbad (bar toU faM to tor rastiladaf plpaa. Oladara poarad dowa <■
(taoB to tanrlfaU aod (bar wan am
bUadad. Tba (tola vblrlod aroaod
aoraai el a trlfbtfal itoa of (paad aod
(to awo told (tolr biaotb for
ifaM too7 woald to aaal roUtoi toto
(to dllob.
II oaaoad to tba* It took
ito trato laaiir faoora to laaob Omm'
ao. for aaarj aaoobd war taU of imal

I wbltb had foaad a aaena lodgtag
I ptaoe laa ItwIapoekM la tto tnipliitoarllr ttai to* iikiaitln at tto larH yaaaa n a
I gw fan katow tto larynx, laanw'
anply la intodnad to to tbir » —»•
1y raatorad bU *i
mtU lataranapad dowa a* too tw af a fwo rtof*. to* aaweda
____ k. Ita t«a wan aoaltirard to
•aair dlroMtoB. a.d Ka. da, arttobar
loaf Uaa of aonbaa waa'Ktaan a dtotillage ffon BaMgb. Jf. O..M
•oapov wbiab pnpooa* to •
uboOt r*u^
> nntto
and botoagad to
grata, aad to ttoooHi
eoHa lowmad lato
Bto ia tto mikot Ito poa of Kow
P,^ J. J. O-Brtoo. a phralaal lataborl^ etan Tto dead woaaa
ttoaarth. ' er'itaalA
I day Ito deg hw
.tfoMor tnm Boatoa. «oai to too kUnoo for Ito Hiobtou Ptoa. Air
ranalaada aoUtaiy ■
ipnr ta* paokaaad a eoM af HO. T8 yaara old.
mdw Hoaaa tartoaadar. wraatliai
ana* to UoKtolaraaA Vataweto
aklqaatM <aad
rallfiona watebet at (to grara of ito a
artto PnaidoM BoearaalL O'Brtao it
_BA*o of How Maneo. wbiab la tornpln baae tad
I aa atoakag tnnla la*ad. All effena to ladan tto
nail tlianldmil and alart Ha
nldlo ewlato foal of at Tto Htata.
Tto maUa
BoaUa •«**>'*••* togi.enp hit ttlf Inimd
_______ too Vhlta boaaa aarlr la lb*
Tto MM of ioBd wa* wbnAto taagbttr* af Dr. KnypM. jfailed.
■ornli* and asala'abool » e'oloek at wMI* pn*.
olfiL Tto praaldaol U radaoto* bU puatoaad-total tto MitabaU Broa. of Ito pratolat. wan Ualled to tto Am : At Waablugtoo
ball of Ito anan
Lew naaked at aoaa on Bt PnorUk't day, amy
o0plufl.*hl.rBtMa of htowraol- OadlUao. Hlob.. waU knowb laabaraan. r*an a««. foraaatoi
M trwe------------- bnl ttoinHBtor war* a bll of gran lu lilt
Itoc toala arilh O’Briaa. wbo U aa
t dnrth to wbit* ptoa. aalaoiad
a Eaypn nnnilitowl Unt daeol- [mt, wbleh tod ban dlatrlbntod by a
•apart on tto ant Hr ii.«di>BallIt
(• aa tbanroak. It tra> aotblng bn^
•r aad Il«blar toMi (to pratodMit bol
lid to faoad for Ito Miobl^:BTflr. a* tlw Orraiai ent Um Ito
bla aktll otokat ai> ftr to* |ml<l*B|-t
lee «ma OaantM. tto .
I iaiu>nwint«to lewwtto la lua Male, aiv
ll i. (to pvpeao of tto ooaapBay
taa ban ant lo lb,ala*, aad tto iwo hare aam atnsaoaa
umaaU tegatber. O’Brin looha at U
. who daeiafta that tto
a bad baae nratoc bU mot wban-

nB-uis US

rar to oona* oat
Jeba Caapbali. oba ol (to woaltoIan M to Klfto. la.aada ratlrto
ewr. B*l a paooUai daath raoaeltr.
_ am taktop ap toara* la bia toek
nid. lo Ito ban rard a ttomp wto
oaKtotwoodte aaroaML
■wna« to* ai to* btoda aUppad hoaa
to* Itandl* aad. «rto« oaar to* tolarfaeo*. (ha abaip ad«* atraak

Ctaaptoll to Ito kaafc.
Tl>i apria* raab of
oa. Barwaao It.OOO aad
paetlr* Amoriaao i' '
rrarr weak.
UalTarrily of Ohiaa*o oo-adt will
tor* a bloomr baaaball
|iat (bar wUl hi
.noaodid brablpK board faoer
10 ahat o« Ito aan of tor j'
It la a
atailaa (bar ware (akao fron (to lop at tto aolranllr.
of Ito ear. Oorarad br dirt itolr
heat Uael from ooal dart, toar look- woald to told off for tto wonao. Ula*
ad Ilka bUok mm.
Aftar toiac ra- OarWod* Dadlar. toatractor to alb
daelarad that ttorr
mtlootod aod hoTtof Itolr (toaaa dotbeald
■an iraatad. Ibar eama took to Itoa- waa Boraaaoa whrflrl' aboaU
plar bBM ball if tl>*r wUbed.
aa aad aia now ill to llM toAraafr.
to** beaa picfcad, to to kaowa
"Ptok-ara" la Mbltox toonaoda

«l Ohioaco naldMita. aatordlaf to aa Ito -rada” and tto "froaaa
TharwlU doritra (hair aaaaa* from to

bonorad cnatoma of tto Datob
anal to adtomd to.
Or. Enypar
nndt direot rapmntatknt oo tto
aah>el to tfaaea VUtaonlaa, wltb tto
reaoU that a
laugad. Tto Ularw EapyOr trill May
a are nuion of Ito

Sir .S'

TIm btob wtoda of (to lart eeltoof Ito bleoMaalU that tbar
( Utr Bllaa an bear,
altda for too apidttoto

oeeapled br Bpaakor Ptoa. Tto patotlata toa ora* wllb lb* daat atlmd br 1B( waa OM of tto MOM aalaaWa la
to* wtoda Tto inar aarfan of tto Ito ooaatrr aad bad boao Iiaofiaf to
•rrlld U af Baaoaa nasbnoa. alBi. tto lafialaUv* hall itoo-tto day* of
lar la Uit Itotof of Ito Ibroat. aod BaairOlay.


II me ,t tto PruWle I'tiun tw anld raoMr.
tokl kl Ito r-r-a*lr itofv in Itortlr .r Trnt-,
nil. ue Ito mk itar W lUfrh. to (to
thal Ilia lOT-ilBtleB

KHriek. a tnaU tilUga In Ylrglaix.

wliieb proved lo to a bit of toetb.

€a$ter Opening Sale
Mber & <§l C|)e Fair

'front St.

lUw Spring Boods that bant arriotd dufing tht last tbret
ipitks an new aptn ter insptettan. Up to daft, dtsirabit
goods at priets to pitast fou. a » a « « » a

Ira Barber, wlio bad tto dlattoelton

toaaa caraa a* well aa tto grip
ma Aad todfsaat laadUr to Ito

•to Am rldtol«

sBlthrator aow in

It th* eoBBWr.
Pnf. Hsarlae AanU of tto Pa
,r MicUgaa Oily.
(H. 3.1 kt«h aebool, Im orpaatood tto daaidaihU
PaMie U«h oaboat Mnal elaaatof lad., wbare to lia* llrad tor H yaara
Tl rtnrt old.
For yaara to
taifado to kaop ito oVaaM to tto «l'
Mallr of tto blfb Mboel In ordn. tod hb
Tbar Mda ttoir Aim appmaaoa
taaaiof. iton. nadn ttodlnoMto
of Ito lanfimui. M rdnnc b*ra taoladtog Ito aoBt (d aona of Ito
A raoord braaklag nir of portaga
U lapartod by th* Obieago
baRDwt, aH oaaa knasa, aod abor».
Tto Ml* waa 1.000.000
Ma elaanad ap papar, rl^iatta aad
adHi toll* aad aitoka aad otbar traab Mann IM wbloli tto pnraliaaor gara
ohack for AM.00O,
U oor {Mkaci
boa tto ttraaii arlttala al«ht bloofc*
ran 800.000 4-cnt Mniopt. aad In
af tto Ugh aebool Thia la tto realdaao* pan of tlia eHy. BaMir* aotloa otbrr tto nna aanbn of l-«
TUa U Ito Urgaat Indirid
doM bM MOM with tto ^iproTal at
laa* of atamp* la (be hUtory
aOMB of tto panata bowarer, aad
ttoy hat* (waplalaad to tb* beard of of tto<%leagopo*Ma<>e.
Tbv Ibtok If* a dla
Wat. a. VaadarUli U ae loegn
nanbn of tlia Jakyl Ulaad olab. II
HoUl* PltariMBOD* la'tto piMty 18
paarald daagfawr of Mr. aad Mra
Thmai FImUbmwi. af Ptab
laodiag. H. T.
Bto ha* bate
plorad *1 lb* KaiMwaa Mat* bo
wafarorlMhMl tomeaaawatw
■to waa Mkaa lU Dad. > wUb •
aaapHoa. Proa lUpenadaato
ndaoad to M poaada Dr. J. V. At­
wood laaaerfbtd traab air

plated oa a eoaab aod mlod lato tto
raid ai (to mr of bar booM. D
laeaat nran waalhar tto waa eat
Meat of tto time, warmly elad. bowtar wamltrfnlly.
Bto ko* galaad taa
Daring tb* kM Wg
•torm. KaUle waa eat aa Oaaal ood
lar OB tto eoato with aa aabtalla
artr tor htad. Areead her wtte giaat
MunrbaaU alaoM ooaoaaltag to
Jallat B. Batehka. a Oikago
Molaa. ia dlaeararlag a war to apply
aiaecrfalir to IroeaDd anal to aa
•alar bara tto natal aa a warn half*
Aon a hard eliaak af batam
breagfai to baakart nod other
dtaoiot pabllo Manna taaliag of
Mr. Raaonk* dldoMlaenl hi* aarbn polat—tto M*

U kbit to eat la two |A*eaa of
tto Iblekrat Inn bar or naal plat*.
AI MlAdletowa. H. T.. David L
Biaak wai tto vtekln of a pmltar aaeUaaL Ba waa Maodtog oa tto MAawalk tnMMting a tana tliai waa btlag
M to a a^ to br abod. when a nnaU
Atg bogaa Mappiag at tto b(
Sitddealy tto berm- kiofcad
wtib bolii fatt and am tto ^ Aylag
tknngb tto air trltti atnm ca
ball fare*.
Bator* Bkek eeald gM
eat of (hr way tto dag aMM bln cn
Ito \m below tt>* kaa* braaklag
bma Tto deg aooB twotatad. i
Uamtl. aod trotted dowa Ito nraav

wtak, Oa.
Mr. TaadnUli aad
Pltrpnl Mama wen dlaUg togaibtitly wbn Mr. Vaadarbll
,___ to of tto Unvy aaoaataw
Ito olab. growiag oat of tlia
parebaae of a aow boat. B* nld br
had Mter ban down to Jakyl ialaod.
Ba eSorrd to aall bit abara of
atoek to Mr. Morgaa fv HOO. and
offer ww atooptod.
Prank Oongw of Brooklyn, who
died too day* age la Oaitelt, boIbod to bla adopted doaghtar.
m BMwan Oenger. wfaon h* took
tto ana of bar dato notbara
deaaa yaara ago la a rallioto wraek at
Haatborg, B. T-, aa aatat* of A&.000.000. Tit* girl la now U yaara of ag*.
•to for twMra yaara hat bm ibeagbt
tobatatdaagblarofMr. and Mra Oen
tr. Mr-Oeogar left ao aataial belra
Tto Beara la tto traatem Tianiraal
ara trail nntUto with gaa* and annanlUni aad tave luiliBltad npport
aadalarganmonatat ateok. and Uioir
bata glra ttom oonAdawee whllM

Our Hat el besKry ler men, uwmcii and cblMrtn is cemelctc.
Ittittts’ Black Cact Best, all slut. IS cent*,
men's, Beys' and ebildrcn's Bat* and Bar* 2S cent* and nr.
Cadies' airaprers. liobt and dark celsr^, «ssd salucs at 7tc and $i.
men's and B»y*' Sbin*. **« and stHI besems, ait size*. 2tc up.
Card* line et eerstls, t» m aU Hgurcs, at SOc.
Trcneft eirdic* in BaHst*. size* 1* to 22. soc.
men's Fine Dress Crsuser* lust received, $2.2S and up.
Cadies' Betts, tcalber and ptatted, 22 cenu.
men's Caps, ton and yacbl.
Cacos and embroideries,
Peart Buttsns. alt size*,
men's Balbrigan Undcitsear.
union made Oeerall*.
men's Cotton Sox Se pair.
Cadies' Parasol*.

OahrW Oedbay, "tto gioDd eld
aoB" of tto Miaaai ladlaaa of whlah
•sly a iwMiiaa^ DOW axlstola f
(owaaUp. MlaM eoaaW. ladla
tto tallroad moe a IM et troobi*. H*
gTadaall>gravnfc pootwasdpt
iBBlstad that Ilia private <w to Mrnad
At CM tlm to^wBod 800 aa
Bnaad tor tin latwa trip to Obiaaga,
iBBd. tto baM ia' Mb
•o tiiai ha oaald alaap with lila hr«id
toward Uir voglar
Tlwr* ww aa
taiBlabla la tto vkdalty big aaoagU
to taadla Uia 7»-Too< ear. and ll.e <nr
wni aknatto to toalod MOolona,
UL.wbaaa tboa U a "T" wbw aoBaoeaBBMaMad that tto aw to tartad
ttol criiim tto MlaalMppi (bara.
Tbla draw awla«a both waya and ia
r abeata tmUloM yallew. tto biggwt taiMaWr la tnirlM, tat
ww Barer aaad far tint paipoaa tawtrala
t tto ataMw. aad (to fara. Wllb Ito ear oataarad over U

la tto Btoim .r tto suto ..r Ttoiu.
Wil.kmt., Inb- .r |-nrn4u. -nnl
"ito'ni^nr >sl itlinr tto v<«Utoi. Only vm
Ofnl. of W}Mki>H>.
md ontslt.

Sa^hir'SSs.'K sSi

u mu u rvtntr^ t>; ihossiuM

I'ndu. tto
InbdajU Apnl m-el.W m: >->kmk u tto t.vtmue. W sasto^ bv ikr kisnat id iskl pmi

^-ktaM. h- WUlim

Cbe Tair


=i£r;:3-T««3: ‘

«^^»l*- *>MV

^ .k--**

it'.?- '
ToWnom It Mar Conoarn.
KK'TIl'C-Tsk. B.ill.s' IhsI mirks*iMilsn
Iw ruilj-msdr -d th. lulUmisn

.. -

I-U..1 ito^iv.sisl tksi >.msr« imBllnl



SiSiS .ITSii-iSSr..-'


^ ir.r'



• w.. Ul.:______ a

It Is aaoivtlmn irmuknl ttol Ibr raBBimnaots of suciriv rsiUil as murk
hard work uron s nuraan as she vanU
[«r(orm in
or in aUnr That rosy
U tmr Thr aornsn aho .Unrra tbt
Bi(bl thmi«h nu. trxrri ni« nib*
(too STT woUv4 br tto rransn tohiwl
tto rounlrr. Hn sortsl oiUigoUOD* B*y
to as exacting atVnisiiieia duties, but il
(to sonny vumao dsnres all ngbl. tto
cao sleap alt day. If her calb
dole whI. sto to* tor carriage 1 DWbirh
lednra. Sto it aM at ttoawr ryofsn

221 front $1.

Mr adhrt oTa at------yaw a.lsw (ran April 10 My. 1 U*d
.lab of 'IbllrU
■ ngler,...,.
ra lar
Can abva Mnl
lur.1, and can «M solid and
aubwtislto.lvltivwtdiaraa. Ttora
« yoai
are srreral
■ledirlee* •-.............. ............................• tlM
Itoy tore teen h-.o they belyrd
a..OK t« i-LKASCkk

Ptme's I'aionte I'leonixloo rill malm
you alniDC aad well if your ailnieou we
ritbiDtber«an»"l loailirtoe torereJl eaubliMie* ngoUnlr, driee (be iltsiee
00.1 nireri

ritr, .ra srara,'
sod aiber c


lalom you that I tod
been a uderer fat
maor year* Ima aerrooaaeta mlta all iti
*yni|«<ia* aad niouili
calloat.* wriM Mrs.
O. N. Viator, of iMl

Feed and Sales SUbles 23 I SUte Street.

Implement store 123 Cass Street.



iniTaMdinoe W ibb
or ttol romplMat at
eiylriinbleekataarirabettable. laltoWna

Havinfe-recently purchased the stock and business of Geo. Cams. I will hereafter conduct a first-class Ff^
and Sales Bam at the old sund. 231 Sute Street, opposite Park Place Hotel.
a warehouse, where 1


l.rtaMI sad «




:r S:

Jim Immlltnmm 1/ imItmM It til It ttttmi tmr Sprimg Optnlm^Stle.

I will also use part of this barn for

will unload several car loads of machiner>' .tbal 1 am expecting in a few days.

ban axtondad aboagfa to alarm than,
tl ii aald tlia Boon yat tova 8,000
Agbtlng nn la the AalA
Vbn Ute amv took ebarga of the
baaltfa da^rtant of Baraoa daatto
at tto rataeftl.kU
rytor. It give* It ap witlt dmtto
i at tto rate of per yaar.
HMa tiagto M «f (toaUpoi Ina 00
eanad la (to rlly fn over 18 naala
Tallow favar baa baaa atompad wt,
(bara taviag Im ealy An daathi
Ito laM aiaa noatto of tto |bm year
mil aci daatto and so caara darlag iha
laM ttaraa neatto of tto maa yaar.
raiBialng PUlIpidBa totdiar. aad Min Bldaay Lcrrb
ware narrlad by Jaatlea Bryaal. tovtag net for tto Am Una at tto Uaini
depot la Onmha. Moatgonary wm a
aamtorefOo. M. TweBty-aacoed 1
Ilry. on bla way to bli bmie
Kaw Anatartom. H. T.. from Ito
PlUppta**. B* wwwklklag aboat
ing warn, ^eyki.s Onali* dapot
whan h* MW Min Letalt. who
Uiata to Mart tor itar bon* U LeaU-

ttnk. *Uri.e..a..iaMia* atomswaab

. IW.J Oan-kllk^A

tend rinn tranb HOO
r wltolow of Sattoa 8tn)won't
abroken' nlet aiere at Hew Yort

to plok op a
net* In tto uaei ato bto dropped
A bm
ra. Barepaaa Taikip. 111* Twkiali etaoir of a elinrtb at
■baft nagfal tor lialr. In a
eUlMta aad Blafortana onna Ilka a Oaab. and rabar aealp waa torn from her
ine Ilia rabala.
1 to ylald to tto traainanl of aar- toad. Ii i* toliaved llial tin will re
Balitlng fear Mai>edenlaa* aad two •nil of Ito neat notod apaelaUtta of
Turk* warn kiUad.aad H cf Um ratolt
Bonatary Oortolyoa aail Jadire Day
Thla weak Mr. OavU
wonadad, AU (to anlalntobiaolaad wllb a Melnt At of eoagb- will pcapan » Ufa of VlllUn HoKintanta of tto tillage war* airaatad.
iBii and a>aM«d a tanll anbatoBoa. ley. It wBl to an exliaaatlte

Ito IwaaaUal lodoaai of (to art or tor

i-. .

1 HMAU). MAItCH 27. I»08

■ whHbtotadni

Tba tool M tto wfeUa pdM fnatoa
fttolBh*dajiatlaraaMWTa»d<toBOaon mtatomtMPdaaadataakttofdnwBon lattoataooo


As 1 have a large farm a short distance from town, 1 am in a position to bandie all kinds of stock in exchange for machiner>'. buggies and

Hiave at present about twenty good work horses (or sale.



TbM machines are too arell and favorably known in this local­
ity to ndbd any further explanation. They speak for themselves

lock la tto aoralag. at a! man

tbe tea atore (or tbe tnmmrv, «ritb iu
(rcedoBi and il* benllh girieg-------Iveesrs. The cliasrat of braltS ai» all
IB tame of tbe girl that goes to the abore
and all agiiast Uw girl that May* ia tto
•rwMKX >a TBX mv
uaendnnUe, ar« torirtr ritb il*
znrxsis orronoiliagt.
U'bat mam,
iiaaieriBacilyaloreU-’ At tto beM
,. It trvira t“ aerws and tempef. Tto


, Itotre'* Faronie PreAfter taking ooe triilr aad

' Parnrite PiTvcTtMi ■ ’ awl

~ 1 did
BM Uk* anr toore ti» arreTBl weeks at I
(ell ao taach totief. I«t still 1 wtt fWt
atmp/rir/j emtta. I .omraeitrvd Uking
St agaia asd felt (tot I was ini|«~ta(
Uma ttoa at drat. I wa wA now ctiwa
kri irnuble. aad ! bair a good color in


p..mmd, cf (I
. ....... ...............ompiioo •
ranae of lU coupled rmt tto ' PlemaaM.

oell-nigh ttobeemble.
ne bore* (or ganey

~ —-~


bigtofi auadard of esr»nmc»-not aal;

leM (or her I
Milwaukee No. 5.

Milwaukee Junior No. 10.

than ever to supply the aranU of my cuftoqiei

»| toee told sty Ifleada bow I wm
nna. ato tar. been oa little **ry^
to learn bow naay id (ton nawl fV.
I'lerce'tPaTorilePyateript'on wMb greM
I tore (toa(e*l aetetsl la In
• brarrl ttol they w*>* eBacA
wOh rcsolls.*
rooen arv larBed to eeaeahik.
(tone, by letter, fm. All ................... ..
eaen U tokl a< Mrrcllr (WieMe ato
aendlyeoaSdenli.1 Addtve* Ur. A. V.
Pierce. Btoalo. N.Y.
Ttarc ia tn alrobol ia * Pareebe Pra

At my implement stoTe 1 will carry a large and complete line of
Machinery. Buggies. Wagons aod Implements. ! am in better shape
I. If you do not find what you want in my stock I wiU order the same

on short notice.


ing to offer you first-clasa goods at prices that will moye them rapidly.

1 can buy goods in as Urge qwUOes and

as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to give my customers the boiefit.


StrcA. AbfOM otaa.
’Mr traatalt*
Maned datiac or chUdbari W did OM
fnorvatfkaaeeBl i8» wtoa I laM with
wi acodnt cra-ed^ •

awer. Ptea that Uoae I dtd wot a
wrtf dar. I oMered oi wverv now
period-^ MrtOde b
If ttoapaaaeadpaita



n~MI Wl~ riM.
I~ i~ wr<-


Call on me aod be coovincM^__________

BARiyi :y andi :rson
123 Cass street

Citlnns Phonn 126

Piaea'a Paratila Pnacnitoea
laaket weak wean Mraac awl aicA
wotaeaweU. BMdieda ef &ouaaada «f
wotaee toic laafitod lo Ikia (act.


taviato ihM aaajaaa kMad oe. ^

tolfM btal* ato latnanuaa oa IMO
ef vtal >etetvM to envy Ofin


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