Grand Traverse Herald, October 02, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 02, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TRAvsRax cmr. oramd travisse cx>inrrT. lacmoAM. October % i9os.



Wc ut BOV ready far the UU

WoofaBt everahowB is Ncttb-



Tiarcrsc Otj Sbic Bank

aatoe cveryituD^ — and





207 E. Front Street.


0»roUte B. fc M. Block.

•Bdlooktbetii over-Weguaiour


woefc and fa caDDot be eueikd.


Tbt Uedb« AwetiM Tdt«


A «MO«l Buktic B«l«« Owe



Tire Insurance!




BTOoa CeweaNiea

Plate Claaa. StMm Boiler and Accident Inaurance.

Money to Loan on ImprovclRcal Estate Only.
Johneon Block, Phon^73


Traverse City, Mich.






w'lawittsasiM'' OF
as>a85£5:5g=^: GET PRICES AT











Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
■ai MV ekw. a. Traww cv ..PlrU«l.d,
iSvuwualUBbw: iUU.rWI>B Nr

C^»r Sff BsrgaiBS,


reUwu M»uea


hull ia*.,-iu

wd nu vU l-HKar ud OB v«7 Irrau

Brand traotrst Land Co.



____WaW M------------


■Mmssmtssi^ ottao upiDs I l•olmky. Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.

rt Waraa. iida



dwwCHr, tide




Me leiMalSa wd ta. Laala. < so a-w.
•* MMv Md ■vbae MaMw • M b m





\A/ool \A/and:»<j





All the-wool io the region wanted. Am just back from the
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all the
Wool from this section of the country. 1 can afford to pay
the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.
Office and Wsfehoose. 7BS E. Front 8l
BeU Phone IKL
ChUsena Pliooe t'il

Spio^MR for
Wk at Mh aafeMsalar as «a a*ai

iwwLdWam., uaoam.anab^«wk Baraar. rwaa-etn. «aMa


----------------- wrolmi KaBaaa. ..
- I Ifartte priOrd temelt apua betas Oolurado. and i«aibvrr>irra Nel
! bo(b a taped and aeronee ofwcaier
leager look apon the gr
Bat ahe woald not for irerld* haer
a peel aad awnaev to c.
I bad II kBOwa bow aaay (beate were
ad. Ibe loeM.-! u trg»rdrd a*
itocy wbieh ma« make
O .ln..r.,v «n«4.
; tore ap and ogaaiCBad to the waste
ble aarot. end the amval of a It loom lame la tb> lalealatlaaa «d
' haakM dana( (be cepytat at that letarm of ia*ec» le Hiled wiib u the Rrpoblir'* fatan.
ic* drltgbl a.u«good>nr.,.iof
Oen A-V Greelv. ehlef algsal ntt.
________ »abL» rained by a come minor orop Tbe rvwaoa fur .rr of tbe armv. ooBww from tbe Barth
< K iruui l.-M. M.1 iJt tk.
irreal taar blot Wat fall an It aa >be tbe abaagr la tbe aititade.of tbe far.B h«vj
wae nadiBf it over to Ipok f« peeaithe gtauidiepier i. tbe
'ble BlataKaa
____ .. — Uleooverv ihai Ibev are
T Rleer Valiev and Mber aeotiOM
It wae doae at laai. bowerar
ekeallewr food for larkevt
Iiete Ibe (atamera ate warm, tbe .
abe amad it In «> Mr Raeban.
More tlian a ijaanet uf a cv-ai
D I fertile and ibe OHiortonlttoa tor »
age gvembepiierv raided aod devil
graiB fanniiic rxtennve.
ad thoamnd. oi of dolUn' wurv)
Kk Fi-ntur
Warren Miller, who
I rood afier^B alie d<BBsd Iter
came Iwok * little earlier than Oeo.
and )acke< Jnd letl tbe oSae.
.. te|wtatioa for *«Seniur
Qreely. ■• eoihatiatiie over tbe tim­
' Holidar wunarrow. ' abe B
farmer la iboiu- dav* raited so n rkey. ber leeuartee uf Alaaka and ore* tbe
mand aa ab* waUed dejMladly ha
' be laaeru nail fall ewav.
•oday rajildlv
fiiherles. Tlw
while lb» lean ebr ooeld uo lea_.mud* of torkev
uwimhI in Ibe pine aad fix
fondta are vaaL badrMiratu feU ibiok and tael behind her
The fowl*
peoieauac reil “That ia only tbe
u-lnaively on a diet of
levlisinaty toa perm
tram that olBoa. far
to lie able to
ntnmr between * pnii
• for the fl«bfrie*. Mr. MUoannot—iwMin ibare and knew
od a <]aart c
Ibe inaerl. • vrrv day
ler eklwctt tbeir oalpot wxm to eqaal
a f.xillab oreatarr I am to eup
Tbe dieoovi
la value the vrarlv pradsel of tbe
Ibai be veaia
roal.l mvy
m«e a iboejcbl tu ..oud for iBik< . wa* m*
Klondike and Oa|w Nome gold mlse*
the aad of (boar bapj-y ago by AlOr..I Whilli
He khate* the oplnoo toat sot for ‘
.lurbi- eOMIy farmer.
Iraan tbal haw maiH work *0 del
maovyean willtb- mineral wraith of
llH- kUi auodiii r.aatri« n..
lol-of tbe kiiid frli ••
the iomturV*be worked oat
lt«b(an«d ev.ry bai
m cbwr ol grar.bop
Atom* ■wared vaan sgo te be oaltoi
l. 1.L..I a.
cTvry taak
ta’ ‘
"Piewsrd't follv." Bat III* a new
;eye> by 10
and glowlB* view ol oar r.MrtOO
...-bbori who were troooletl
purehaae wbicb tliovrt apeobabtopomgta^opiara Tbe neal yeu bu ueubyieldofniotv tbaa SKx.uXi^ a
isg ipyeylf (u murta^a aaiaral kindly bora
^'b gau raUiag tnrkrya
They gvi
.-New Yotk World

iBMiaei for ibat Ae> par amiimrat to the la Ley egga andi-r thru ben*, and
John Kaeburu. njutmllar at law, wbieL I woaU *0 gladly bare rvepoad- a* *001 a* ine yuang fowl* were large
gto. vaemmarv^
aooagb to jirovid. I<
mi ID bi. offlo . a vuiame at “Waii'i
"tbe dlCMniy la year* woaU bay» were laagbi to baai
U on* el (be aacfiM M»
Practice" an bit knae. b«l bu eyre
ppvra. U
bora, doabklem. of lae aeramltr cf :
wauJrnd lhroui<b the opau doer 10
li aa «a«y matter
. kaawt
liavtng pr^wr veatelt for [reounrlag
ilir oaler olUor. where be aoald cm
true*. The Loodra eonpen were to>
ihr Kiac.'fal oirare of hie ■tenumapb- half aa well a< . .. .
er. Benha Wiliun. ae ahe baol OTrr
It >■ vroadertnl." taid Kailruad corimted into a guild In IJOl. Aa
her wort, brr |<relty hand* tappiBC
BBiMioner J
H. Kike of ('-olby. BtssU AmeHra baa rapterad Ibeoeogw
'Ibe Ley. of la'r t.tprwrilat with aoer- my teltdv wmoctow
>e wav a drove of Mukevs will etag.'bauaeM at tbe world Tbe Kajoying'
Itimal Barrel h Kaokage Co. daelarea '
nna iwiItDrei and praouian.
________ »ooa repeat 10 do
that SOO.(kk).(a> barreli are amd aaas.
"A lady, every looh of ber,” BBard myai
.S tarter
ii at a faarral-tbr faneral indeed and be Hi
ally. 1 ooaM larattaa ata- eompaap
Rarlairu aa hi. naae dwell lortnaly (Lai
all tbe bopee I have bean >o loolalime tlmt terra oal 40.U0O a day. or
delu-air prodlr. "By birth
Ubly barborlag "
lu irodaol toolsd**
ove of tarkavou worth «,.'*«.oao a yiar
If Hla Wttoou .-eald have oeea tbe
oatoi. k.«* all ems at barw-J*. battor
bBL Ibanke
I livinc wbirliaif
tab* pail* obBrB*-e-<c Oar booadtom
■lied to wort foe e
form* gar* *• tbaadvaatag* ta oeo|e
tuew. BOW. bow
lair It—bet 1 woold laiber tboagtau woald teve «ak«»k differeat tan. bat it ti jatt al well pernot vrutaii than meet a tebaffhapi tbal we an aei able to aBUmpaa'
then Ue^ninhat of that woold be
evea aar gued fottaae
nr aasaal toodaol being' valaed at .
trained ta'iieyi tweep noraae a field
--Earaka! Baraks—.bd rb-lalard. alfalfa aad >wl Ibe g*a*ebopiien.
mote tbaa Stn.ODaoOD. Tor aatot to
l”it'l ^o
"lamaaiwMod! Blaoo bar dear lit­
bold Itqsld . rak u a*ad. trblls fog
I. •arely do not waotiV*
"Cblekeatara worthlem in tbe wo
tle iDgenioo* (oal. *b<- ooald not keep nf
and tor aad ••tber dry rato
of ber iDtbeotbar.
dtmrwylBf lateoto They lUr
» DOtbug hu been foMd t*
Dear tur, 4<> aeem* dtWfally old. the Uilllal* Mary oat of bar eyae aaa rtaUy BMiredomeulaai.-d lima tarkrot
and *1! obllUuhly yoona, wbenJ think volea. They betrayad bot wiUi evary aad May vloaar to the fans balltngt., e^aal elm. Tbe maBafaciartr* bato oouiraei. aA yet u-(» only 17 awtemM of tbe latlar. Joha Kar- Tto- ehlekea* depnad apwi tbe grain boagbl ap BllltoMU of tc*** of fotoiil
bara. yoa an kbe
tbe lacktoal maa alive' for tbetr liviag. aad a tarkey needt
guard ara‘ral a *earv lty of ktoidl.
diSereuae. end a (rent many ban.
Sbo little imagtae* Ibe bolutoy ibe very Imto giala when lasrottabooud.
tonal They are eaadaU. Uke to*
people woald oooaldrr ibac no
will oatoy tomatrow If ibe anawera Beeidai a eblekaa eaaa« twaUow ih*
t Of toe cimhrr a**r* SaOetoM
ale. And the ueed liave so
am a* 1 ^ve now Mkeoa to b '
10 tbe day i* (he forrol tbermW. It
laiwrilyof .
tbai nooaMoaaUy
JS“ woi
®' ** la aj •be wm. That <
■y aaa make tl.OOO.Ono » a lireUmo
ber pMiuoii
diatloe. Tbara’i sow
Bitorly dettotoUBg io.niO.nii aoito rs—abe oaly waaia la tt bora
1^ aa'
"Aa artiaary tued gobbb-r will
- bar. nothing that 1 a
in It,
I. alL How
1 wiefa 1
act Ibe farmer gi st on the Danvw of preelou v^Uad. why ihev wiU .
d diacovrr .oar plan of ]ad«iii( boy bar___________
market, and a turkey ben will bring make tbe II.WHOOk-Otaieago OteoafeeJUut. Wiifaiml (he danfer of
aboel Si. It eoat* nolhini
driruiK nrr away altok-eiber, la eaaa
key* and 1 have knows
fiaUbud tetter. Ibe bard woald proteot the crop* darTbao, plektsg ap (be
ibey were uoi larorabty
Ha! 1 hare
11: Tbe very idea—aud .be will not be fini promo j it
log the tammar and th
Upa. addedaliaoty >
farmer S'CO whan be had
addramtd aad
for <k_
Teal Uiu vary aiuoie.
Ik'tt mooraed'by toe tomlly of a M.
hlouoU, aad
John tiaabars vraa a go___________
Le*. ofProvideBO*
Tb* dog
It bom* whUtUng like a boy.
an eioelleut lawyer and a gaoileaai
. wra a cooker ipanlelwud a groat poL
rbilo Barth*
- rare acuae of (be word, bat u re
It bad bees aa importast maj^im of
bar borne, jiei bar tbiagt
(O tlie.fetr eez be waa Beat u>'
family for ni
A beaevotoai.
Hob looking 0
acoooniaUy aby
wra tokman
Kol (hat he waa not rapnble ef aa HiUe toble and mt ^wn for theI Slat
as (lofc
irlag it* titooem U dlmpbeailb^-yoa^ life a
•laoere. deep and ardeni an attaob
peered. Tb* prambM -where it bad
tbe other tey. pMd bi. UU. and
I of appetite.
any man. bo( tbe very Ini
lived1 wen *ea«hed
- ' ' twltbost bvdU fog
oal into.lhe cold, drUtlr rain
toylag with bar ei
leellug broogbt ‘
Tb. foot
it wra U1
BMueal be reiaroMl. walked 01
a ring at the dooc.
a dll
itoonraaiog ■ '
tbe table wblob be tmd ooraptad
. or
and oommeeoed pleking spall Iba odd
pi-dlfuenl tliBl might iDler^ioev a
_____ oBeHag a toward
evrapi that lu euold flsd
barner beiwivm hiiaaelf and tbe yoaag
TV tarn, dead or alive, wa.________
wai Inearth
lady wbum be bad al llrat eateened.
-."mld.B waller toigug him oa - 14M PHdty tbe dog't
!««'. .1body
• wa*
■w Hnea. tbaa feU book with a low
Ibae admiii'd and finally Igred.
ieaad btaraib the doraMOfw of Hr.
t tlioalder.
Ke»rrtb.-lea. (be •ngciwiioe altsded ary, while an akpramloa of miaglMf
"On. thai't all right. I'a waly Lee't boom la a bofa wblob It bad
laendallty and raponn ovanpraad
eHtetly dsg ItoeUra a mn. The
ber faoe. sod wbao obe aaine la Ibe
rliboal waiting
diffldvupe 10 nee op and render It an- ton few Una*. krTiWmi to a Itond
pkwed, bki tbe b«S?*wee to aoverod
avalllng be ili-termlned to aela.- tbe
with Sin[tbat it asoapa '
--------------------------------------woatda ..
and BgltoUne wa* ledaeed to a •one*
golden opporiDiillT at enoe
Sretybody Is lae room tbes-bataae
of hleroglrphio* that aotbiag ebon of
He looc'hed a bell oa hu doik
iMreetod They rrawded to tbe door
Bertha waited 10 obeok off one laal kbo Uuplntloa of lorn coahl have en­
> eee—a mu eating oerapt. *Tea
word and adjarl her lypewnu-r befora abled -tier to deoipber. obe Jut oned
■an wbo Mood oppoule the mMi 1
the nezi line, and (heo.
TW Oee«M I.



aa» » 0*(t

rt«Uwrc< M Tuae Pemiti.

Real Estate "‘Insurince


mdeoriMS with the fineu
line of Novebio aad FaDcy

SUHPLU8, 880.000





J. J.

•aid ber <'a|rfoyer. drawing a chair
iwtbatit a abade clow-r thao araaL
"Tbla I. a pereonnl lenar. ao 1 wiU
tni^y tl>e addrea. In my owa hand."
Pvraooal leiurt belag 00 apadal
aerelty. Mua WiImo umply tnollaed
ber bead amrmalivpty and bald b«
pen In tiwduieat.
"My dear Him-------." began
Baaburo. with a •ide glanoe 1
for Ibe litlle bit of ookr
uilo ber plump oliaaka
Yoa will bxoaae 4m-. t know, for
alratlng with ^ou by thla
being well aware. ai yoa are.
my bandwrmng !• very dlffleaU
Kipber. end van will appreelate
hat I wiab there to be no

give tbe little r«m by wblob I coaght
to loan if what I had veatared to
hope for waa nwUy trae ttat yea did
- for me^ I waatod to read in
T dear taoe wbotber
>te fram me woold be
to yoa. aad w^ 1 mw the
t«ad me to end thto ton
to me beoaaoe year
It—m amare yoo thi
yoa only were tbe oau f<
wa* totaaded aad tbe ooe object of
ly bmrt'a Mneme affeeuoe. May I
;me tomorrow! Jaat my oae little
y*a" »e oaa mr tbo not wboB wr
Y’oar devoted.
John Baebnni
"Tbo door. ^Uag. tnoked. <to«
>1 fallow:" axctolBod Benba In
.emoadoa* tapmn of Joy aod l..
true- "To take *b^ a moan advaa•age of me and make me write my
own love totter: K*ver mind! 1 bad
tba doable pleafan of imdlng it aod
! It aad kaowtag tliai li imisv
irarm from hi* boan. And 1
M far oat of tbe way In applylag to lannj of (boo* (nittmlwit to
■ya-lf and taaoyiag how I woald
gnl^ them, ttoy
'ye*.' ladawi

Idnwe of
•el ahaU
11 add
myaeU, ee tbal to all loHuta
lilt* at.
potM lbi> letter—while having ibe
added merit of being leglble-la aa
eouddruiia] aj if li were all In reality
iwnned ai well ai dloaled by me.
t' have euyoyed yonr aoqaaiulanoa'
>w tol e nninber of montha"-MiH
■laoa'r cheek* gnw a tut
Wg ap tbe woat oeai
ivldjBMbere. "Sbottaa it
tooled bar very prow
a. apparenily oaen. It baa he
[ paper, wrote oa 11 «
olenl to reveal tome tbe feet I
have awakened a aeatlmea
848 Front Str*4t drepat and Bora Inaliag than_______
Bertim. ’
oomnneed within or lapUad bv iba •aaled IL timed
word -fnaodataip ' Tba dupamy of
Ivatyttoiap which
year* had mada-ma dlAdent of ^th iLeipa^'dHI'
lly aarliwad to
(BoUitale it* Joazsey. aad want book
bat I have finallv reaolved I
to tat bar rappm to tbe lam moatbfal
■y plea, with the hope that
not prove
my deep, •laeere and davou-d affaetlao
for yoa. and with the tanbar hope— with a amlto oa bar pretty 11;*.
Wbal John mid wnta be came oam
which It ramats* witb yoa « jmii^
metBlag, wbat a delMtfal day they
pt*^ aad wbat a lovSy rtag adocBod
VUI yon give 1
Berttto-t Sager wbao be reUated ber
fiaad ai parttag are dm aatlBn that
Md to beditomd Bpea. '
■r It like aaaa;
yoo aao gnuK 1 > aati, 1 will a
with (u loar a



Book and Job Work
. OKT ^moaim

U you ut thiokiag of baying «nything in tbe way of


So not fail to look over our large line of bantbome ar.tkka. We abo carr>' * Boo itock of WATCHES*
CUKKS. JEWELRY. ETC. Spectade Fitdag a
tpotUky. Watdt and Ootk Repairiag-tbe befa
grade Of eorfcd^

■ liT. M-A -RTIISI jilk:
TrevetM ORy.ltlah

{ubionabl.- lady. "Oh: the
ruei thing; tbe’t umply too
anything." *be ezetolmed
doml. Uo't IL" aaidaproWaeeot of'tome ologv'i-aee
bow It Imldt tbai bose
"Bay. bat I wuh I had tbal app*
Ute." narked a dyepeptla.
TbU tort of ifaisg wDi kept ap datU
pamy Dad Balthed. mod folded ber.
sapkln- Then tlie laeldaDI
"Hey: Uoia' to mka year rat with
yoa7" yelled a eoudseuw after so old
off At A cremtag oat la
"Take wtmt'
have any rat" —
" came to With yua. " At
tbai momeat the rat jsiaped eat ef

ss::s:: ::$

EM i.TiiiJ


eaa. d«v<iielly voar_______
■■Tbate." aud Mr. Baaboia. aftrr
ireaung himaalt to a mloaged aarvay
from behiad bu hand al the protty
laca BOW flaabad and aaaiaaakablT
agitated llial beat over tbe
"Yoa are a yoaag lady of taala,
WUaoe. and '
I tboald
•boalC Uk( year epia—

air. bat wmi


Tlmak yaa.

If laa lady f«______

tola Kewi:
"Crow*fear wameamaA met* tbaa
they <k> man. That to why yoa tea,
all over tba ooBBtey. feaato man
The proof of tbto to (dralaod by MV
uv crow* to work at ocaatiag Tea
mad mem. ove at a time. Into a weedthod near a fto« ad orawt. aad the
bird* will aoaal tbe maa as tall.
Tteito teaty.Umsa aeim iW tbod
•adtr tbe mww*' ey*c; tba mowa
keep at a ml* dtotoaoi waMl the fall



basDma «mtf*aad.


Kataaa Mraa**.

wba ftw


dtmtad* oa hiioal^ohanty bartag
eaMly toegaarad. Tb* aUlk Ugirea
free 10 aU who toi akaatoMhiB are
fodBd Doabto to tor. A aomtoal
ebotge belag and* to otfaar* Di. J.

J '

m tb* am of Pao■ilk footo, mtd
oblldimi aader 6 ycon ol


ly to Aattralto tbaa to Burop* or
ADMHoa. Ibelr growth botog to
that to maa.v pLioe. they aro ragardod
at *u agrtooltoiDl pam
Uktth* Srw
rabbit* tbe origtoal blaokbagry Tiaat
have grows asd aiaiapUed ssUl they
I eomlac oa aad u 1<
bid fair to oevtr to* too* of to* aoaaam*. Boltoee I'll take btw borne.
try. Tb* ba*ho* ore ^ o '
-It BtoM hove
iUowvd m. roaad tbey ran took oftor
rn for naif aa
rot on
_r wuh
_____ ____
_____ _4 yet
felly awar
peopl* my 1^ aniiralt don't toeir frail _____________
tod by tbe cli
t. hat beta b

be la Imel
eaiaml am

t eoeaiy. Mimo

bt ii.uso.ooa


of eattto to 1_-------------------------------arvar drink of wator. They Uvo OD
The to* appm altuodm of the ■imatotai,
ifwlU wbfaete aittto rma wild tram to*
erne tbev are bora oaMl tooy are mat

ijiaBy bat agreed to baild
1 Sre mitoa laag. raaaiag
ttaroogb tbe orebard. The read |WobaUy wltnw enaaded threagb tba big
filowi a nei_______
arehard to
la Wrigbi km>WBl>rto*Da(l«*Bi
Thl* li both food aad dj
*sru^ a OareoU of Carara Olty,
cae ef tbt dteeetoci, in taraktag of
tb* oatwprim. raU: "Tbe torgtot or-<
oalmrd ta tbe worid toAiw to lathe
Osork meDDlaiito. It teelSOOi
Blaamd to trait tnaa. My eom
he. pariditttn S.OCO amra ater U
oa. Mo. Wa will ptoat trary ao.. - dratb to ladka <ff a yoaag stoam
to frail Iteea. When tbe appto
■re all beartog-wbtoh wiU be
bmr of M raddosly. or mo it ia ^
______Mz yarns tram now—we will
^*a ^totosm otebard to lb* world.
W* WiU ftoat SIO amra to ptaah
■era. Thto* wlU yieU witoto aboat
tofotTM if tbe emeooi are lai
Ua. Tm pauA «pp to aoito____




kenratto to apgke ■«**

Whlto to*

Mr Baabazn, with a that crow* are Bkvly faar limat ao
••HewU macA abaid (g wsmea ar mm.
fcaowfmafamttmtatlfliman- ^ pl« oMil frtoto OBd grato be"
Miag arm eloae tSa wtek te lo^. orow to at good at tov Ml*
Aad Toa need ao« eoaw^ down taaoarrow, far if »a aaawor to toewahto 1
obaU fnaad. tba dMy with wfitoad.
aad tbe offtoe wiU be cliiii.
can tova a baUday aad oafay yevBmMa bra aUHto 0
Id ZdUmI
tbo aMD torn
"ffhaak yea. ate!" aaiwbw—to-

2-“S arjsrrs;*-


New Vock OWy

wbito tbe naa--------------------'
"BtoM B
ewldooteailoa—if it Iwi't ibe rai
(bt reetaanaL ' eibUimMl Ux old maa.woederlagly. wbil. •
latr aad afl
ly. wbo wa. sow rabbtog
1 back ^Ibii bu toff aad


Thavc just received a full
* carload of stonewarcrholding from one tp twen­
ty gallons. The twenty gal­
lon crocks are suitable for
packing mats and saner
krantr : : :



Anything you want in this line, and we sell the
things you want to pickle,'too. 'JTie next time
>*ou start to buy lard, ir>’ a pail of Cotolene in­
stead. You will like it better.

BroMh Bkwk


• I tea arawaara—--------

Tnrcrsc Hcnil

toor< Oi-IH.0 Ml to) this.
Tn* eoon ibooi «w toaiol; |M0m
«itb bf'ntMto*. toon ItoB bbtt of
ii BO vobdto Itbon tovw«i botoc tooooio. Tto
•miiMT topaeltT bo* modoqobto to
tto eratt'l bod tto •
to.Ot »>»BdlBC '

p^Wn ia«p •■ L. Owpnlw <
MnM m
Lmf M tfe. HftM*
taM «l tkcMM. TbUMUM

•4 M to

aM* )«X1M ud •

SrtlFSsS^SSs 1 Of

WOTgaioObtoe teOet bitidob. or bCtodto CBtotb^eutbct orttkptnca
«bo\a«c cantnetcd it.
r im UB
It bcfibs boobllr with b Uttk b
_________________ '^bsd biccn appear ofStoyotooT^^^WbOtoM
w. n o...bii- 10 ..-I. toxltu.». ia the mooth. the throat becooito toobtotoM^^toltoMb^l
. Sh'nP Obo-ll^-r optord eoort blrerotrd. tto hbir. eye brow* oad , ,'5? ?*.****-. .T^™. tiio
I.. ibe ,«.t« Jv'ip. r. V IU-IM-. Uthe» toll oM; the blood becoBiu btotobotoP
Joba A. Hbrprmtn^ Wfo^l with
eooUmioatel. copper colond ttoblaobaodi
». P*5'*'“
m appear apon diflerent part*
e bod}-, and tbe poi*os nen d
He fmiontl. «oovn--.l
e. and CBJto Jt ere* in the
S S.__________
S. U a Specihe
thU It
worst forma. It to a perfect antidote for the powerful vinu that pollnUb
the Hood and peoetratea to all part* of the »}-staa.
Unltob yoo fet thto potaoa oat of your blood it will
wU toe menWeetS a
lioln <i mntb.r
fbllhfold«TO«l. n in her x.ii->er .ia»
rain yoQ. and bti^ dtofrace and dtocMe spoa
yonr children, (or it can be tranamittad from pareaC
tochild. S. S. S. cootaiaa BO aeresry or potBbh.
H.rsre.e. -airlird .a
i» gnannteed a atriedV re^ctoble aaBponodleniiy ev,ry iiirtubet of tl.e )e>y »•
Wnte for oar free home treatmeat book and learn all aboat Conta^ioBa
to •xiered ihr ho*.
Blood Potoon. If yaa want ntedical adriee fiec os a htotory of conr caae.
phk-sinaa* wiU (anith all the information yern wtob wichoat any
charge whaterer.


r li w toM llitl* kaovB

tal « (to to«toU*«tol-

ka««U^ of Ito !•«. toekad bf pw
EtofmonnxlM wbleta it bta «l

Inimst to eiwp Voma

toto btotoSShoto tob po^ of tobi {

Blood DOiSM


(Tbondvt'* obtoo, to wbieh too Ux
Pity ttato d^ftMod Ototnlltoo
:b ecan of ^ mj « W luv oo«m» «tm . c •
Ofb It tOBlwr pbtoo. Ito Obtial Ixkr ;<
:hbbd. oiler M(Wto. ttrwt (nttoaoM|} S6.00 Swt.
_• Cl'T. wto
il^rr tdavan had beea
*bCb of (to ptoyem
■tb^bfbbVttoi«»<^i!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------» tewb. ttob to tto Obu. ; —
when (toy ban tton a aoMan Ull|
ato pelb
I IB Ral

>£^1 Wonder Plow eonnanye St. Oair* ineWoan.

'K?'s:;For Job Work of all Kinls Call at Tic Herald Office


ttbvli to (iMtod. «f«o«n

(to toiMM bMbto (to
apMMtbbd vMoB (Tin to b—ortto
> tiMp (Till

■ditto BtobU-rar b l«>f (
kbtototo tiylat to fto Mm to wHM
,m. wm* mU m
Tbbttoib au. Ob b Tiill to poor
•tip IbM r«r 1 Vbo tormek vtit
topbUUtto patoiMt by yobr (O’

tot w «< tobbUfrtto »«- *V»« "•
btototoir low MVM vhito «to) br
■biooo loToi; b ptoeo. bod tU* b eac
a( too mAot to thbt osd.
^«ot« OK7 oobJd bo( to
- toon btoTb) tooraattoObUl |»rk, lh<B
Ito (to obMn MfOf (M« Bobidotoi
Uto to too bop to to voUod wUi
olow ObOb oiJo bp to b lovol a

Wtok aad alck wmnen air inviledto
conanll Or. It. V. Pi^. to

SirnrT V. lto.4. BaflMo. N- T.

taa.r. berrati Hr. Paicblu meked that I
> wboM- commuid
el Ur. Klorm tof. so lm-|«lbO'
lilt wuaeH.
vuaeH. for
(or ito ilerrair. to : B|.p.«»d in bare toIB fnehrtully ioc bealDMa ablliry
,d».-e«l ni: tbe laftoMialiOD sb. h.niir Uatrii. at Iho.rb tm<u with a blaul this eery [wofreM and preaobrity. (I
'firi'.eiii ■( III* Herprakee iKini''|‘i,.emraenl eetml tliinaa. aod there eommandlnf poetiloa.
(if Uh- alleped Border. I hm. rractam 00 both nphl nod len
0( eoarea If tbe mriff U to '
■e. died
' I wmiilee. eiiber -of «lilcb. (to ptiyei etiaajtto lu order to |>anuh ibem.
■ tab loiboe de- Urrd al rbe eiamlu
to onuri oidri
ebauld be cbanrrd so aa to imui
■r aek : aiplii
arv eaueed dralb BetidM
. „
tliQee tliet do ill. nnl meraly Ihi
inen.rd Onaoeel
llepbiTdberiff L/'U Grey- | vomidi Ibere w*e a deep la-vtatloo (bet an proaperoua It would aelti
, ^
,Hl Irei'i ai.T doiT Mine joo tl.r tbroat. wOlcb might alao bare to Jual odr expedteDl to iwnlab tor .h
' ih<'jarora. I been fatal II oaveed by tto vii|i to a l>i( eorpormtlooa aa big oorintutiaua: M
al wilu»ee( ' hand, a* indicated
wliat are wiab lo da la to protect the 1
• ---------- '
people from an. erll that mar grow ;r
cOBiaworr iloatlr maluUUiad lilt to- our of ttoir eziereoee or maladoiisii-; M
Hr had lUted tool to anno trallon.
abooi d a m. to make a fin In toe
y,., pnaldaal U la a poalnoo to

the eolijeer. Atu<«* rlirU* R"eidred epoke. la bii ntora ien.iioblly
foeoer.l Btatirr. and aetd • lam'for
■be Vrtraorlon of tto ealeoa. and 1
beltkro that U U to oflOM- ihioarh rto
demeoratle larlj
And I aw a tono-

............. .
'bwa to worked
Fmlatoc RldM JoraBr Bornua.
(he PsDiwtlfr dt«triev«l‘» htorher.
Twaaaaa. with atawa ^paaad Ber. V. Q BothIoo. w»e leeddtoa
bl«-aacBlBf ap. V
•Idee of too Oraod frereie-diiwle*.
A'lar a ytar M ■ Vhlicbsll. B>r.
hatwaaa (to farldfa aad mill, aad Onpar eaaa to Trarerw t'liy. thea •
kaldpa to daa aad otfeaa (tde of brtdce ptoat of abeet
tebablruts. To
aoald bo aado rary baaaUral. aapr- raashtoro ha weal to <'bica«o-Iiob
otally tl plaalad trtib alaatara al (ton br rail lo Utlwaekn. (boa took
------------ lor Kortoport. froB whteb
■atla. heaaj-aaaUa fi— be oaM ea tto' Banayalde
aaf traapal rlaaa weaU ftww andat wbleb wae wrookad abortly alUr (hit
•hi aadi af thahrt^aad to Mata at OharloTOti. Mr. Drapar Wtol into
•aa aataaa aador the brtdfaa. mahtot
upper roes ol the buiae of the
. ___ elgbtoro _____
thaai bawon e( btoaty. Watar liUae
war* Hope PhlUlpa. J.
B who wB* al ihel ittoa ooo* on tbnc la
_. .'poit.
m* othar aqaatu plaaia weald grow too Sanayaida.
Kooit Aug T. Clark. Jame* D L Jtokina Wm Plredlr
«a »bM aafU plaaaa attoaa Blda af thM
Out year later. Mr Drapar ppnbaaW. Dean. JowiA Tbomaa. Jaa K
«wMr abate into tfw 4bto
ed of Haanab. Lay * Oo- two lou af too. Ptauk W .. Oaoule, K. .-i. Joooa
1 plafvad at too «aaaytoda Batal
of WaahlnttoD aad Telllnp- Rluo. Biplow. Uoaf to (boa* rrjeetod
aad apaat Mto Mao loaki^ at too Ma ttteola. when be pal up a email bad tonnrd oplnlont af(er reading an
watoraaf oatwraaSlut. aad toMBlai OOllaco whiekwailaiartradadtoMor. aeconui of tto alleged murder In tbe
paper.. After tbe proaocuUon '
atoW what a baaUfal |Brb eoald be aaa Btotoa
Ito aeraa ef land U aaetod Ito Irrelre .juroee tto
■adt to toa firar and (a laaka.
Tbe alto of too 0011011* took an IntotBiaalOn. It I* aoareely
niaa ia abaady a taa Mt to towB aad
poMihlr to iMore a Jary today, aa toe
by Mr. I>iaper la
Jefraoe baa thirty poiefrptory ebsl
aaau bnattfal laa Woaa to (rapt of wklob Itoe roaidonot to H.
lesgra and tto proMontlun eftoen. Hr. ■aaaah'a hoMO. Ttat lalliead
iada. It waa at toal
aafht aow to hero baaa altowad
mm, oa too aaauoBjt^to tto
toaa, kai Uit aoB'i kacoMaaaway, _____
Tbit pan to tto oily war
totowaart toaaU ka aada ta keep it na»od Balsta' Bool al that Mow. toaod Ibe ooroner'a Itry brought
-to «tol h«( laww ap to ia
oaooo Bo*. DrapM ll»*d on ooe por rnrdici that Mra Hargnte* can
or bada. ataapa of ahtobStn. tnaa.

itoa mi ia katoa Baatk Bead, totoaaa. baa a yaat by tot rtra. wito
Sbbatoi to toa rinr^wallad ap. wltb
Sen to the waiar (a beatlav Farpaaa. vitb towae aad Sawat
bi^ aia. br too taUaad bride* toM
I Fbaad m». U BaardaM rira
toaatoaiabatatod^Mbaanad-toa apart aa aayvaaad abofa, I
VoaU aaba b trip •>> Tarara O19
fa parpan la aaa It. • Sato a |«ifc
to toal iaaaMa waald ht astatly
. wbaM laaybtdi la toa ally and all
> b M. Ik.
•Matty watU aaa aad *a>oy it oeary
SvTwttoBW hariap to make a «atotobrlpaaywhara. IdMaotneaM
boat oa toa H«ar oa mlU poad aa tar


tto wagw Mr.

la 1 oMlxad. What a «B«a to ap.
•flpItob^ttMPiaaaanl Than
aailM ta ba daoM to boato aad a ptotwMVia boot hoMO bato abnra aad

Uao Utareotlng iatodrtt to Bo*. to
Onp*r’* partocuka bor* wua tb* Mampodlng of tb* ontitc Bantay aetool
a baar oalmly walktug
waadnalt BowlwWtlaoaU
a eburah. Maa. wtMan and
haaa toa mafclM to ill
eU14t*a proMpkly raoMnd. by doora
K. It OMMoa,
tl^tn or ottor aonraatoal or (n-

Miy iw totoa niBt:

MaMy ***• NalaaMa HUahaal
&■ ISm My Wtoi MiatMM ia a 4m
aa ibaiu. Ho to ahaaiartot. a Mg
>MWit Mg Ia*M BOB. braa4lalto
.{MSMb. 4wp la tto toMot. wilb a
: In* aa kaea4 a* Ua Milt 11 laald
■M«a ha kroardat aa4 a etoa* aa
iMav to Ma laagh-haoniar it aaald
M*ba Ba wUI-twap yaCM" wIM
, My MaauatotajaMaafeadyteaboea
totoa anak itol with tto rlto.
•h to
■av. Iliapar waa >ert
to Maieh.
yenra of agu
tor to IMA m

tor «M Mlita*.
MOUtog to Barry ooatoy net
MtoMtoaM*. to-K. wa thlak yoa 4boald w
_____ J akSwM tto Marikill-B


‘5. x;.

the firrMdm.. t
eroted bit time to I n»' tto aU-ahrorbiog qn**tion la bob
ing^ lUgu^ei and
newapapere | nud frarieo* aod will opao up diaeui

giMr |to MtolMy. Tto Ml------toUirtil M WM An haw SaokMa''
1 BM awpMlhtoMV. atokaowa
.^\>TMyWtoM M M*blbMMM*ttod.
toh to Mritoaa Wahtgaa. Bm.
|MM« toa maay aartoa to aril at
Ahaag ItoMto Maa.

Tto queetioo of rtgulaUDg tbe
dlh n new to mlnimtiing 0ig tbe etUe ezlMaol to tb<
rule nod apun from tto qi
.riff retlalon.
Tto necemary snpemrioo aad oon.rol, to wfenarl firmly tolKTe a* Um
only method of elimtonti^ tto real
bold lo nrratl
ariU of
muM 000*
ihroagfa wUely and oantloualy tiUB*d

Ben.nniog with this dale I WILL GlVt TO EVLRY PURtHASER OF A TOP
I of same, one ticket entitling the Bolder to-an equal chance with oineteen otbmoa aa

man. witli u good odooaxton and can-1 n-aaoo.

Pere Marquette

CHicieo -





Oo*. T*h
■ won M.rt lour Iriends m boulhern
Michig*n, Illinois. Iml kn*. Oliio
end Cknxto
>li«eci*l lr*;n» end
good tfnice,
Tickfis goo,l 10
rclurn imtilOclobcf 17lh. incluMvr.
-Ask .AgcDts ui ice lull*
lor lull perticulart.



Positively only twenty tickets will lie given out and every holder's diaace wiH
ll* be equal, and the drawing will occur as soon as tbe twenty rigs are Bold. M COttC'
quick and bring your friends along. Notice of time of drawing will be givea and all
!. interested requested to be present. ■
MY. PRICES ARE LOW considering the quality of the good* offered: and in
addition to getting good value for your money you stand a good chance of getting a
fine rig for nothing.

Some one >viR K®t it. ‘ Will it be you?

, Traverse Cliy, Mich.. Oct. f. 1902.


Tbe exurnlnatiea


'fto etouw BUM (Winbin* to
tto problem eaotod by tbe giMt____
bloatloa* of oapiul; and tb* anriem
nay for tto ■t«m to oombinr it aeriaa
ibrongb the national gorerumeoL I
un well Bwai* that ti procewof eoo-

5 cents

Eight cents a pound h
«hit a young «oman pnid lo.
twcl . c pounds of flesh.
S' ...V-J.hmnnduunland
< •!!.' d'lUar for a bottle of
O- . S Emulsion, and by taki- r,;» do«»Jud.«ai^
f.u.K< pounds .n«-e,gMbefo,u
the bottle was finished.
Eight touts n pound is
ciTC-ip for such valuable maicrial. Some pay mwe. some
k-ssp some get nothing for
their monw. You get your
mone\'s worth when you Iwy
Sicottis Emulsion.
\Vc wiU send )X»U a Httie
scxnr Sc
. C»>>
409 Pc^ Sttoet,
S«e:Ma>u>a4 aB*a^



-^V ^



127 State Stra0t.


Tor men-

me. altboogfa
tntuiued hli Inno

tbe 1
___ , to bail
toundlnt lb ■ orUne were of a eee
tlonnl ehuu 9ler. Aboul CtSOo'ol'
oa Ibe Bor ling of
Dto which cor
Chooe WM s---------------- --------naopl* ar* lulaoraot to rater mt* tor
BargiuTee. toe •tM.meot
hating tto b^of rracooi, bol I aa ooaftdabi
been made ot.» (be lelepbooe thm
Un. Unvrur** bud died euddeuly aod itot, to tbt* tosmacA Ww roaara*
us in*e*Mgntlee
‘u*’ta fooiito to paid* oarMlrro* oa
When tbe corooerond Bhetiff Obene
our atorretoa* r------------------'------------diet arrited el the roeue e groop of
eurious imd enoiwd
4 B.igbbor*
neigtibor* II.
ter- -liy. upoa oar .
kareaaa*. whioh to bad
)* of Ut« dwrlltog.
'ko^ fltslai slTMl. e Ol I two
Bee. Drapar a*rr*4 M paaltr In • ■tory Mroeture.
wfere tto Hnr
uuBbar efpUeaa In too atato. to tmtea tomti
ntlT had fiwriimm^ g*ar»
IHO to WM trnntfMTed to (to Aatoe
BargraT** wm
» ef Tveaa. *rbef« to retanta 'Mtoring^c
found lytog upon a ooaeh to tb* *ilu. to a Tcry r^oa* *iai» aod
ef iUhaallh: *piiarmitly iM*t
Ja*l mdyoiD« tto *autb wa*
tb* PUtoSeld tog tb* ritllug n
JT lb*
.*aaae oharob to Oimad Bi
buhaod abd wife, lb* door of which
bail! dui- wa. cloaad bar uaMatb Ito door blood
>>alM WMT MMi aad Ito todicatloa*
arrr >'< a iiwiaa* eenutiem ot aSatra.
weaoe. mad waai to Chleago .Vwoorr l^toar wm lufortoml that Mra
Hargtuv*. WMtoUm badioom
ilif hii wtfe'a fuiUng banltb. lb* ogmmrr and Sbarlff Chandlo *nBto died lb«e toal Kerembor.
•Nwd lb* iBMnor ol tb* rooto pmcaiTb* body of
Bo geatoh b> (all ot tun aad atorloe *« aa awfal .iweiacla
Mr* Hargruru* Uy upon tto fioor to
“<* - •**S« in hto -u, to Bet. a torg* pool of blood aod brr dotbi^
D~T«. wi^ tamiy toatia not pooI ^
by tb* ertUtory
erdlawy Btototor.
•neb nanbtoftonhto to be.
ha* bM* «ald M bito by OB* of hi* S*tto*"rooB.'clmi- to tto dia^.'b*r
faal *ad*r tto *dg* of ib« tml toward*
* 'Vtoa we ••* yoa
oaiof ltopalplt.w*thtokyo*rtoaM
r h* talk and ebeq w****yea agalul lb* wullVid tb* Iwd Dcarl*
ail tbe »!■«■ oo UroVroi of ibr doer.
Tto door wa* *|>ia*b*d with blood aad
'*► of blood di.figuiud tb* eoralb* wall*. *nd *poB w«t* al*o
*peo (to dr***rr o*»i tb. wtodew m
a el Ito I
tb* eoetbaam eora*r of lb* room
(00 too oappart of tb* «
'of brokaa ala**
I any b* lootod ter oa
a ptetar* wbreb
tooadtraaao to tto priei* of tool and
r lirtog
band a( atm
wUrt toa kaaa.riamMtto toatltB' frllb Uaed aad wm m leaaaly ta tto
uaaa aad tooktog oetr tto aathaatM,
(tod* •xamtoarioa M .tto bo.
•ah toal ttonaaagmMoralowlU
MdridMto** ef a trigbltal

eonraaint oilla Tba doer waa abai.
leeltBg tto baor to. bat htomeeruln
waa •aooaied. ft wm iMraod that be
waa u (aaw aalmal totengiag to D. K.
Oueir. Whaa (bay lelaawd Ito anlbowvrar. (toy wt*b*d to bud
Uli*S. for to hod dlatribaiod
iBtoMiiil iti MatoOM baaa,la Bor.O.
U((l* Baatoy Mhool library
O-tltop*. aowtoCUaa«a.lU.. amoai
tto raea ia
ttoroagUy aatonwd It with a ean ol

dtato W tote auy aad wba baa had a
■mH ■IMiiaki. te too ■laiiwy to
tMaMdatoaa atolM.
mat. Dmptt itlto aata atariat Itoa
par atoar mlatitw to toa atota, aad


Given Away Absolutely Free!

3:.“;;=',!"■»'. “ .............. ...

lunndto benturau.1 wito Wood, .ab- dhlUly and an rxaeptioul kuowledg*
atauiiaiiog tn a measure bta alory tbai! of arittlng ooiidlMona wbleli toll for
**'-rclee of adrmicrd id-aa

bating been n cartwnlor and often!
emoloyed men. Of Inte your, be ba. I'
been doing only mob work *.■. would 1,
oocnfortnbly aoppori himaalf nnd wife. I
Hewn* well to do nnd II 11 aaid
led ooo*ldenbl<
ooorideruble propertr.
who know him I
ll u nlUged
by *0010
that tber. bad W
him mad bit wito Hk wife j
WM an lutaliA her letl arm being |
parufyxed aod utterly naelew. ll 1«
.wted that HargiuTee had beeo bddiel -:
epilli^ fiu and
might I
barrv >
________ hate a teeonelnl
lou of ll afterward*. In ant;
the OMe looki dork for him.
tb* prelimiunry oznmination u
mw haadl*. raipoo^ to b* ttnined
Bor. Bo*, a llakob to toa Confrova Her oretb by rioloopr al tto band* of with blood aad ollaging (o ll ictund*
of toir aaid to be like (be hair ol Ura
boaal toareh oa aoolbrr. R«e. V. O a pareoa or ponont (too oacno.
UntgtuTM. WM lotrortooHd a* eti
Boyntoa,MAthadiU|B«ridlu elder, on
dence. « being belteted i.t «b. peo«e
•sotber and Motfun Batae na
oatioo ttor tbe implement was need
Tto Ptni Metotolitoehanib
by (be pereOB allegro w, bate laur'let
ed Uta Hetgtmei-* The tow baudi*
Inataddarlur Ml. piitor.te
doabdeae term ua luiiorum leo
Draper. B*t. A. P. Mead to Jeek
uf tbe trial .
nm. who Mm* by war of Muto*r«
wovated to haro ehuoe to tto
eatioo anrioa. aad a* tbe wearbit Kooeetelt
Theeddroae of
•eiy Moray. Mo^tan Fate*
M Oinmonett waa tbe B**t iBportaol
laid a wager toa oodBab with Bo*.,
he b(* yrl glteo
A few rktruet* aro
Dtapertbal (to (woMdlngoldagwoalo
woithy of cloer refleetldo. Tnnl the
act enoN. Bol Her. Mend i^toilod
]ir*.ideLl kn. tie oourage of hit eochate, ifaoigh lua boM waa aearlt
rietloo<U plaio. and bl* ntteiunoee
wteakod. aad bay (or a Mb* nador (to
will be glTco tba coMidetnnoo tbelt
Mnatloaa for rtoktor. U goa ao farlapiriioee demand*;
(bar (ton Hortbpori. wbera tl atrived
A remedy muob ndroealed at ibe
«B Priday aigbl tofere Ito '
Bonieul la (o lake off Ibe tariff from
Bor. Mead blied a
all article* whlob ale made be irMto
The beneSu -to be detired from any
row biB from Norahpert to
ebaose in eobednle* would not eumihU oily. H* waa OB tbe bay all to
PtD«ale for the damage lo buuor**
Sblarday algfct. bad boonAbno nigbt*
leaed by tbe wtdeaprrad agitation
wftfaoai aUop, bat ainrod ia tlaM to
blob would follow aoy Utemtded
toenJ rerUioo of tbe truiff ui Ihl*
tto AodtaaUon amloa)

laaba. U atitot ana be aaaa
Satwaaatoa taUa. w U aeald ka kapi
atoai itoftoffaea llantoftoto Fart
to Saw Tak. wUab b oaly 10 a It
•aM wide, (bat aMy Maakt ket).
»aa -a Maat ap a ^amidMae I
«Uf la Maaalagaba Baigaa a 1

-i t

lort'bo'S‘, dioeom Ibl. quoMlni i»l*m,m..r.
aeid I." ruto-d 10* ili-bdrdroom and and hli rlow to a r.»uloi. of toe I »riff
loBud tile wile .titbiuK 10 wUat to will And faro* anoag toe iboughtful
bcIlrTr.1 to have te-en a »loleui ®t
p.»md men Of tto oatioo.
He -Id br gr.,.oJed tor tod j^
,„i, p„blem be at(Pugglc
-Ogglc reHh fell t-i t
. _..k
' i look.
WUBeU *|K>0 0
Je dreUrwl thei after be bad retooa-|
ed biQtaell (roui auilOer lb. proatn
3TM. la lb,
1 hr rrollied tl
il*B wliii-b ba< ibua far eon from
and appearMl'
r w M oerianily
and one wE<%
(br boo*, and '*d tb
W dMd
two Drigbboi.. Ur* Aniolu* ; demaada wiadoB and foroe in
slttetnUon. Tbepro.idear.Ti
lUiug awful
"»re~l f-Tor.
►br tod kill.----------- ------------------------- thie atreoaoo* agr greai
, tor
xamiuaiion to Ito boily I pnbloat demaod great mau and we
wa.t.krotoioeBat^y and!b„.. ,hem
la l^e.ideot BomrreU


C. Staley wool garments. The superior
make up perfect fit. elegant finish, fine quJity of wool,
and exceyitionki good wearing qualities of the Staley>,
Underwear makes them the roost satuUett^ garsmts
00 the market Try a suit from the following numbi '
sa 119—VWCX5L GARMENT in brown


No. 003 •

n^s^natu^l wool garment.




e milbelm

gMT.FrwMaadlMMb Cn

LiUHtfabe. Alt and Made, the MW
■Qslna, kw the SMMwriunuid


meeins best
dr«uinsf &t
lecuit expense


b* bwt UortM.
Srrry noatb it
iTM elthtf a alwet of m* bsUs.
’ortb Bftr ecDta. or aa An Siedy lo
blor, worth •orraty-evo eeniA each

IbeWcMltaidis Waptfae bm ideu cf V
the bat vMBcs’tttaonb the world ie loch &
of wooes of rood taste, eves though tber
maw SIC modente.
is wotnes’i taaonng—pure wool fabrics. C
woveo, djred and cut by espetu, sod ganneott
of irtbtic lioo dengoed sad finished by snias.

boa^l traa the Mvrdoaltr^^
^dlrnonUformaplo«on to PahlUbcr LtMiatan. Art and Wwle. iis
£mI said StMA Kiv York City,
•aeaeriptia {no* it one dullax

wbteb TtM oaUookU satlotofoolota. are. le tbr Oetobor Ma«asiXr
HbbW. IboM of the lot* ProtuMeTtrohoir. ArohbUhno birr. JoOa
Harley aod ('rear PtaA. tb-' Utter
I two acooapaaytsit pxrBceal sruelre of
I ananal toterMl by Jattlo HeOanhy
and Daniel O. Hneoa rMpectiTcly.


Two auisotive ttyla of Fall and Winter suits are
Tboc is a charming varietv in the ofioing of suits,
costa, wi^. sod aeparate skiiti ina W«'ooMes designs.
Wooltex book of ityia free

DOsoit, Sept. S7-U. M. Feny
aaya Alger b a good diisen nod a
food rcpobiicaii. and wiUidraws from
. SeW, He win snppon AlgCr. W.
G McHlBn ays be win Ml
yaiws General Alger.
OarhMa.. Sept tT-na'*Mo ontdaM

Owk. Botelo of Trerarn Oily wae

Mr. and te Booed of TtmTom
ere tbe gaoeW of O. K. Janton
Oma HolBW and Darld Boetl are

KSfUtiLr *”• “ "


late, yn he WM OM of te
Algar-e oodlter far te h
re noted te Unite State dsrihg

Tbe World’! Wort for October >!
jren»rtable for It! wide ratute ol in
tereeiioa cobjaeu and uoiformlT Sue
i IlloatreltoO! Tb« relatloo! ol laN't
land Ca|iiral are (ireo a promineul
: plnee by H 0. Canuina'a ercond aiuele oil Labor L'olOD!—Ibl! noe oou.
■Holoo Kesiricitoo
H«iinetioo of Indn..oernlur ■lleloo
-jtry." a deecrlptiaii nf ib* Llf*
'Uoel MlerrbylUr J<diB UcKoe
BnrnA cot!. wbo wu s Binrr blmalf netll li*
______ _______
Dr : badfy ban. nn.l
Eclcotrlo (JiL As ay drag !0*o^ Unxwrll

FOR sale by J. W. MILLIKEN

1 Alger for tbe UalM Siatae te Harae and oblldrea Uft Wed
Adg U the Grand Baptd* MOM -ftey for tbeU boar la BlooMlaf...............................wagreat
ole. Iowa.
The OaBMlagt wat te 8l Jateg
tel ef ilMSMlwaitowhattbeipob weald ha AlgarBaa wareaU laadny tor a load of teagloa
AMbt. and tey daelaad that Iba ‘noMleao
CM |l*w U «ho MhreMUh by no
lira Edward Kahl eUlte frUode
lo Trernret Olty tel week.
Ben M Hr. and Hn.
UelUeka, Bepi SOlh. a aoo
hated tel delgata toa half a Bn. Bryan alladM te coafennoe
«MW or oea oeantlM la caMlag the I Tnrtnt Olty laat week.
«MM <w Uwlr eeante old there Mr. aed te W. P. BteU were te
Bate of Mate >n TraTorae Otty tel
N tel shM
MH wMh the geMOl. hat they tcM Aocabaafibe Mads of Olifford
tefMtte AlgM reMletlohi heeeMe Baraaa gare bla a pleasant arprts*
ter «U MM teak te Hate ooght M Prtday eralng. Abat iwcoif
tee hoa braaghi ap Tlwa. ae tmoat end epai n eery ptenni erstea, te epgatea of te mom
tete oad te WayM aooaty frieods
Of godge OarpMM. who feared It
weald ban tetr Mead, all eerred h
hMI tea te CM whlA woald are
osow a te geawai had teat aateMHMM aot need la te

of tbe lit!
iltenlionnl rt'eards a nsliobs
par* food
<1 Uw. locindiur a lolertlef
with Sonsl
'teon of tloiooii. lo ir
I nob ud poor
krep■erolBitoD. ud October nemberr of Good Hoostns. wbicfa iriret wreral anirte adVoMliss iwre foods.
Toltaoo. wbieli was labi*
lo bartl forth stay ilae with all Ihr
fUrrir'! delichifol arinl. fall of
fore* of a Pete___ ____
hoBor ud [Wlbo.. "Tbe Lllllr WbUe
Bird." domlonle! Ibe loterectiny In
Scribner's for October. Kren hi!
B<ret ardeol adairere will be d> h«l>l
folly serprieed by tbe reratile fsocy
ihowo lo (be fsiry ule of'Peier Pee.
for Infants sad Childrea.
wblefa li tbr fentnre of tbu liuulBeet. It l! written viih » |rreo<- and
deliouy that eren lUrrle has oeri r

iheslreirele balwn
iweoedlog il» Preneb
tte^tbe oonntry t


Tbi KW Yn Kan Ahnyt BMfkt


U Bntdeek
ef a inrrlble
slagoel olloTerlbe body. 1 OB



I sell dynamite at reas­
onable prices. Estimates
and experienced men fur­
nished at any time. Large
stbbk of '40 and 60 per
cent dynamite, caps and
fuse on hand at all times.

•p o-W«»l ruure »lltr**d Trerrew .

ll:IO-Paper. Hrs. R 6. Gilbert.
DUeeiMw led by Harte Barney
Bwlatta. Pearl Peffer

thlikiaM eetlrU. (X-tkyoa OiwtMate od basl, aod Certoou Bn-


A. IL laHls ef BieeMto. 111.. Is
toll flag hUw ays to towa. •
^B^BaaglMy oai laH Week to ihU



.Men's leather lined (iloves
B Qo
^ (H-r (.air.............................................................
Men s wool bockb. gra> and brown, aiw-ai-s Ad^
l.V. 0|K-ning sale price........................




eisaks. Tiire. Skirts and OfrapjMr*

no U-u.-r jacket bhownfor SUM*'.

I 'or $1' l«S we ixisitiu
, give

>"bu as px>d * '
•iib other, charge Sir*. Made of
------- -----Casbimercb ami Che> iots, self re- BQ OA
taming front............i.................... ..


I.adicb heaw walking Skirtb made of QAo
(Kford Melton, worth S'J&t' for...........

the exclusive agents for the Cosmopolitan Model Paper Patterns, seams allowed, equal to any asc.
pattern in the city. Any
I 18 Front Street.
Wurzburg Block.


Enterprise Grocery’s Old
Stand. Traverse City.



Sornr Sptciil
0f PtafBsulsrHsngta

Ctwitt Price
mb Ilf Qnm

Key Plate Tops
Deep Ash Pits
Double Flue Bottoms
Riveted by Hand with

n 6u*r*nft« Bred

steeple head rivets

of steel •


gtl mnry r*c tb- »re™ rii«rl*r Ji


Dinner ud general bud shak..
AO—Bible Beading

J ;Ki-Bow any we enlist earatoaa | o
Work. Beb-

' Ureed Trerm-Crasiy.

r» oarwey.

Diteessla tod by Pruk Ztr
• JO-Baelaila. Abble Hopkies.
I A&—Row on we preaoie a a
satalaaeorteBtbU tomrSaaday
Sebonls? te Ana TaUer.
DtoeaMda ltd by Otarrey Kodna
T tol—Beatog TatoPtsaee Mrrtoe.
dby Bnrte
Wlgbtaa and Oirrto (Rttoges.
Payer by-pastor.
T:fio-ltoeilaitosi. rtenaa Wlgnt-

to Ttolltog latotlyM to

Uitas'AM aaMato at te Oo-

n^y, wree.


* » n. a—-oil onil fliadly TurnM) y«u Witk Hn« Sl«v« Rcreire VM m«y Dred. • •
Tor fht Parlor
Tor tb* Kitebctt
Elegant hve-piece Parlor Suite,
finely polished,
lansome .patte
ne quality velraised carvings,
rving fine
— rrings,
„ edge.


£■ .S. *5:,

IsA* Mntow. t> US

heavy fringe edge, full spring


! enda^wrA Mbw «M1 tsnbw I**.


$4 2^ to the

-p'-"' 38.00



Don't boy until yon
our stoves
and get our prices.

er coal or wood
Planished Sled Body

Iba. V.
and Uaghat
* gonad Btowayttm a tow waafca'
cMt WMb totonda hi OoWal Ukn.


Mens heaw «i>ol ile<-ied I nderwear OA/h
■ no ti.msv stuff ‘ .-vervwher.’ .'-k. here
Men's green ami brown |ers«-\ overshiris QCkf%
nosh.HldNIeverxvthere .-dk. here . .
Nleii s hcaw swe.iier for

Duplex Grates for eith­
lOito-Ptowr. te U Keleoe.

htS*c1gRS5^rlato toite tea for
^tegteFB-by^Bsmtoy far bar bane



Undirwcor and Boticry
l,.1ili(-.' I'lcfced Icrx-y kibU-d l iiu
Suilb. taiKid neck, o|K’ning -.air price'. Bo\’b' and Children v heavy ribU-d fleered
ered I'ndenvear. up from
heavy riblnd
ribln’d fle<
VlibbC' and H<>y>
Hovb heave
lined 1 lose, opening bale price ....


etnta’ Furnlabing 8o«da

I nlilcachcd Cotton I’ lanm l. o|H.ntiig
-all’ price |>cr yard....................................

I .idle' (..MHlvear (.hue knl.U-rx


Made of Double Walls

Il<fr-Beatotia. Horgatet Hrln-

SMsaneOIM tel weak.
hMMIi« a aAdT-


Asbestos Lined

Wter PBffcte TtMte Modi la
team Ol«r tel weak.
^^ByyHoUlshamiag Mhddilta

Mr. Md te Ohat. Trialay are
^Qte^fsw days win nUHraa to


Everything Reliable. We allow no hous* to undersell user make easier terms, no matter what
they advertise. Ail goods marked in plain figures. Money’s worth or moneybag.

Tbs pregtaa of tbe tblrty-a
qaanerly earenttoa of te Glut ud
Otea take Banday Sebool Ataoetolia to behaUat MarmOsBln, Uet.
IS. laoi. to at follows:
gO-Deyollonal. Hr. John Bts-

Mr. OHMilhoigaiw (tebayps
ten a hM iiMtefnratHao!

Ka.I.l.tTe fbhoe for I.adu-V in hglii ami

Ibr reMraWd (.-nisls Mm sre 'raulB-d u>
lb* liijuld f.rtu.
H Tt c«-ni» itvluiU*! !



I..UI Su.imt^, Ca,hm.T,-. al-., , a.J a i.I.
all «ool rtanncls for waisi> or OA
i'- r yard.............................................................
1 loiilih- loll! l)re», (lood-.. Miilabh- lor
-chool dr<-»cv }KT yard'........................



__ - be persendeil
]otl ns good" !•*'
few eats eb
_____ _____ .HlnkllUr, •
arge bottlM tl ud h>r

^aaS^teJete Bte^a

te. mu Bnwa of tUi tea te U


Yod Oe iatn
lie of Painkiller, esaa-'

Perry OerU,

BareOoartode took dlnoar with
a U
at Slight Ian eandny.
• of ear alghbon are espret-Men for Detroll on. 7ib
_ laaeber, Mta Clule Mtedlaa.
ntaroid from her boat to Trer*^

Ite Pnd PiiiliiMof UladwM

.All \\o.)| ,\ cneiiaii <- ioili.
Ail UO..I Gramv'S.ll .m„h Moha.r,n,1-im- Mohair Mrlam.-.
Stn. tlt^all WO..I ChcMois.
VM.nh T-V iKT \il.. our |>ric«-

.. onrefeU;

TterlM Us Mtrm. weeplag « hU with
la often.* hte.ptei.,B0M-abU,;ibo.1udA^ eaUl at the OonrBd. seba.
PHdny eratog watafoy'
sTt» aU.‘
AHaa«ls.lnd..a|m>laliByt: Psarthg tel bar basband was bopelsaly
U1 «d tang, te Perry Balfrcnr.
■gad » yean. Uflbar boaa. basband saU tost Banday.
Mr. CUrp
and Moll ohildra today, golag to tbs
ham of hn pannis. when tbe sboi tegaea of
htoakU teogh te bsan. death fel- aftwdaya
Sereral aa trea Bath Boardau
lowing laaadtealy. Her body wat and BeamU Olty bare boa ep IbU
itkybas-^IBiaU. way baytog peaoba
Mr. Bhd Hia. Seffa Boyd, wbokaye
Matly Borad te Tiayerte Oily.


Men - i:eiuune K.incari-o Sluw-. new t>*eb, e.vtenbion .ole>. price s:i. our

He.l Comforter., worth more, our
price............................................................. ..

_______ £”.lSSi

MB oar la Bk
■iiiial raagts of ihUptetated Otete ■pwetn
MnwelB by naa*.
mads a grora h*i lira bead-^
wlU te oterdny. In It bs
aQ Wtosh. iMladlng bU

S. A. Vte> a OUl'e Pile WM la
P.Jteteo of LalMd teU

Shoes and Rubbers

Fail Dress Ooods
.\l! ...,J Sno. riik. S.m,n.:

Blankets and eomlorttrs




Conclusive to our uotiring cRcxt to obtaio greatest values and lowest prices for the fal of 1002. it is with greet pleksure and willingness thst we Announce our first GRAiXD F.ALL*Oi'HNlNG. .After ti ree weeks shopping in tbe
eastern and western markets we have succeeded in gathering two car loads of clean a d new fall and winter mer­
chandise;.some at great sacrifice prices. No old rubbish and accumulations to work ■•ff. Everything new in fall
and winter merchandise for a great deal less than others ask for questionable age Doing.busjness on small
expense we are in a position to save you from ^5 to 33 S per cent on your lall and winter wants. ~A'.g^|toe at our
prices will convince you that we advertise facts.

I’ullbM Cotton Blanketb for
»iy on* resHdy
[*a>euy la te world that
at aoe ste liehlneei
of tbe alio
Dou'solbtlypaHof tia body.
X. Aiuyf^ !tore.

Btre Been. nolorMl, aiHved in Iantent bns l-een s>
coaler, o llili veal frem Kalctgh.
*1 coglDe
M O . to rlilt hU obildru. Boon ib
llH year* old, and is bale ud beoHy. Tutor, assent i
He walked fiom tbe depot to bis wa's leg of tbe AlU
Prof. Btnan and faally. wbo bare
..aot tbe nataer at Order Lod«e. left U aodeabledlT tb* oldea pereu In fonneyf
Baterdny for tetr boa* al lake Forte Ueiled SlaUA Re is aotlTcly u_ jroreawu haya bran aadc oa a gaged In the aareunle bnsiness.
bBBber of te slTMis of Ibis HUago.
era Leaea
TV* Tbi
Brldgas and alrsrts a te tallrod
A boa to treyelers. Dr. Fovler’i
sonToely mo
re being pat in.
Estreat of Wild Scrmvbetry
Core •
reenrrul pnlni In
follow the catiog of laproper
Plcaaol to
loo free Bdelgeocie lo toe wale
................... ......................................udroHc
ooset in te
I eftu the dlsUnlioo of tbi' bewelt
Ths wlmllng bark Ptotloa oi Krw
by gas Valsk relief fellows the nse
{Mford, HkM . repoHs (be caplere
of Perry IUtIs’ Patnklller. Oarefol
Barbadoos of a pare white whale,
whleb and* 100 barrels of oil

rSS tts l^r^pn


Dark Outing |-lanm-U wonh Ik’, oiwiiing

ysvygnafoL” Mlae Jail
Waa Goawell. Oean.


Coonlry Lift In Ainerlca for October

i door porwtU of the beM aonlh of all
I the year Awooe the lodlua t<«
I taro* two laponaat antcl'-. deal
I vita oaaplna oat: ''CUmpkeeplos at
la Ftn* AH" U abunl aomioer life
la«ooc the redwood! of CaUforoU for
I tbow who do net tare for the roorb
Itid* of cavpiOK. abiU "Oaoinne
I OBI." an anlelr by the odicor. L H
I Halley. U a )>I«a for real camvie.;.
sot ceofined lo the pleamiil mouibi

Netlce—OB accMiAtAftlN Hebrew New Year tUs sure wUl be Closed os TbnrsdJiy and Mdays Oct 2d and 3rd.


Three sizes of Milk Safes with tin
front and Sides. 56, $5 0.00

Kitchen Cupboards, with glass
doors, in one aod two pans, made
of oak. goldeo fioish. O '7R
as cheap as......................
Others $8. $q and $11
Kitchen Cabinet, hardwood bw.
basswood top. bas large divided
bin for fiour. 1 divided Q '*7K
draw aod moulding b'd
• 4/
Others $5. $6 so. $8. $11



Who holds th* Lucky Number Bedroom Suitte-No. F


TUt «urt wW fee teed frw PfUiT eretibc to Sit«rt*T ticcisc. OcM«>ri^
bty 'pt AtddeiMp(.^>telir SbtnrdaT cteolBC at 6 o'clock.



iW «nd asoiMbU Da-

■vwn *. WUMT «r Vi
at Mix
^ 9SUMA.rAlX««OX

•■« Baia« at Mm



K Kteir-rsSlm'iiFS;;

s.’tr*ii.“v'=i sau!

■ ■
l>,tl IbBwa is ilM. Md
il>£ap; ibadapmaadfiM-


*^M.. (eM aa ilw «c«U UU
aba n.................................
____ _ _j4vo*«.

S? M^wa freqMofir 5*‘,"•*'
aw Ub obi >a Mspar. aad bellara
hUwVt wh
■•aa—ii~> aixl kuniiap
■ aid cf
00I7 is bar owa Bind. iad-


.terknrd Tba left arsi
s««Ia Tboca
M tba sstspay 1 a blsi* teo Bl»a *pol awoaa tba rt««

liars S.'KiT!

:.j;r.d-s. b.^ Ste^a pSTn
^^*>«d a. tbaatlta Bad. b, 5s«a»


the (Teat iriedl.
h. ccniary. dia.. lad aliet yaata et
acMBdic reiaarch by
Dr. KUais. the eoiK
Min kiBy aad blad- '


a. M


Absos cretybodr who raadt 1
twB a Bta to ksew af Ba ’

hr fssr vussda
_ Tba MMT ad «ba po«
ponas. vhlafe bm baU M II a a
a A{wil JIB. wwa
'JT. odMrToosda. MIMliB.........................
Iha'lS^a •*» raBBWi'd aad IM adp
wMbdt aod dartaaaad faMM aera JneMiaa. Tka Isatssl
eloaalf ^**«»ad ^ «ba vltBaa ^ tbnaa*ara«si^ *
tha Batted aBTtM arlUMaa
. On. OMMt «ad Btw who hBiM
dalarBtsa lha_astsra at tba



wok-irni'i, i

1 -vn ir'' in ?u>'ertictit* iti


«ul la*p^^p«ly ciirtnf
Bv new iM of.............

__________ _______iB>ae.wbKbuU>ewcw
ionn c4 kMay inubk.
Dr. Kllniat’t Swaiap llocd to hrt i*
far or blateer trouble U will t« lound !
remedy yeutwad. U h»» been lerad ,
Baomenywaya lnhotetal»[»;veia

1 animi aain


arary eaea thai a ipeelal airai.rn'«> li** '
beea mada by which all raademoHh.1 paper |]
• ) ban 001 already tried 11. mey have a
_.ipk bottk aeat tree by mall, alao e book

jStlOBrf *iia_i»BU.
Iba ibel
Ha alao
atafld tba top cd U
[Blre a Tory

When wrttiBt me”'“® readme tbii r--------' vidi otter BO
, the woood,
efler la IhU paper aad
»«•*« 1_____
Iba wIlDaaa tbewad
tba tbreab
1. Ua Uand
ire fltud hli isamb. lebow tba roptm
ad tM te^^oOMtoM
HI.B Bara raeriaad while tba aloUB dUBllDg •"
woBOd waa mada He aaid tba rmpI frOB__ ...
tsrr BBB nda froB tba troBl. Thare
rlbed foar oaia no
wan B doBoa woBoda oe the Uiroab
tba haad. I.............. otadaya aaa tat '
Tha aOact of aoob B raptBre wobW
Sad that tba body
bod; ted bo elodilsf
BBonnlou to
artTi# barVof tCa haai whlob aoie^
Bib aod blood.
______ aod Toledo.
larga artaty
the thin oa tba
B Is atailiMt toat
-Ibara oe bail
ToRtchBOoA IbA.
_r<Bi waa alao brstaed asd amarad
rcatbad aftor the
—■-« apoo tba floor whora tba bedr
raptore woe lofli
E. Mertay. ApaBt.
Isa. Bapw alw blood «e ttedda
body were drOlbar woBoda
Sr tha Bath aiaad. aad a tei asd
aorll ' by tba wltorwa. Appaaranor
pail U tte rooB.
Travsrs* City I^rkets.
aud body todiaaU.d that tbara
of n
Thla report la made
Itr. Pateblo aodaaToiad to preat k
• ^ iiiara wai a
tte Bitsaaa that tba iBllmaBbli
Bba Btfbt tea. raoalTed <la> ofaachwowk. Tha Herald la not
aad bra-o ktllhd
or aba Blirhl oot tee
tte tbr<Bt
lelUirr. 'I'M InjBty
woaldrBdi-------------------dnth' It
.. iBlMlbla
_____ .la for the
Boiod ooVSbbU ba bobW tewBa bare bnaa
bare laflleied
.eakeneJ loot bafota a fatal
Bid ba «1<
d of PoUca BmbB
Tte Bitseaa war ehoBS the
Hr. Prat
U a a
tesdla aod Iratllled that be had____
it before
There war more blood on
tte door
It Bbea be taw It Iwtore aud eOBe
Imlr. The blood BB. freahar thrb Iban
woald opas 1b

J^ted'^lterft B^d^raqab



„-.= iii7irSSSJ!i-£SK

Boaw B.'WAim.


w OKTH i->1-. «2.-J5. ■Sirm, at ,..

f U’n pay you to invcMijlBie.

.. Ti*iees ant.,
.,..1 \t
,* .11
a.. . .*_


oBUUno c. MorrATT.


The iic» 11

>t>lctx here.
, l«n>cuU.'ly



xalur- »r.




"..r . ■ .

$1.75 III $4.4S


^ Alter fat thl DatM

ll--' .' li-ih Kvifcrsv<-.v ‘;>lvi!i.;ir$.;so..S4anfl


hr <te AiteMl*—

TTrr'J ted. • Hob «. li. Wthtj.
IMB flaMrdBrteBawO«M>«BU*
Obm^ Alter of Uaaiipoiak-


----------- —SXSS

Patella 1

ai^Borof bCte

V.OO.I Wodar

Upas dltsM a*a«
o«dte >t»to iMMMoteMe Pntt tte Biloaaa 1

*A ST^BRirtte Bmld. alMH

^t tte Hantraraa

alios byA A
ilflod aa to tba
wd bus to
be«aa -te tte


Ite «slBHdote.



tm OteMal AlteJ. BWl *u>
...................... -atdtte
m. Tm? WBiwtetesfeai
■aa Ml H MHpaiMMttewtelo
aMateM, Mi te M lao «atd a iMMa
ate tao M»a HopaMMaa. taaHiW
a Jir
- aBbUlM taMndtatea
itepMtr. nttteMptadtiMtp
Vtetr will SB ba fatpiBB by Otatml Alam-h trimih aad tappfa

•W w SSiMd ^r^TTtek Ohio






btafoTBer MaBBAl that tbe ln)aiy
to tba laryss waa tte laal Infli*


ar.. b.T.47 sontuO 10 ai7>ar.


IwfwwXa N.arhmp. JaatbOref
IVBnwcnlU-. kiifir (-<au>ir Mutuaan.aad
Eraui at Ibk Hbo altboacb tl
Mated by Iba pratneattra that ba
wosid ba ealled a«als 1M<« in tte uJUmariit. Michiaai.
Iktei'iff 'ore

sad'sasrriuS.STS SnsJKTS'iSilS'S'rs;
“-Ti:^xfssrsr2 n,5.s?js£i-“s'fssffi
i ml h...birtMm im

Hr. Pratt tbowA tboMw bAdle t
Tb» telBMyileaiTihrd Ibe iseaiBa ihtwliaoB. Ba Bid bo BB tte ttie
at be foasd them apos a amreh for
before. BhA It wat la poiaetlA a
----------alM BSft tera d«w aa otter
DopocyOrayaos, who war aoeoaiul
abas Hra Bstprarea. Tba aaoHsMsy handle ssdar tte weedterd Hope He
ed at tte tlBO by Prank Baxteo. Th
itlek SOB. tBtldad tba wilneB. aofaUr-lo alkor
alaar tbo
tte ■■■tlal
peared tte BBO at IT did at "
»Nh Dr. B ras^ Ad^
Tte wltsam a>ada Matt to
bum emuX with 'b)«d fitm
Bliall>er tte Malnt wan blood Ad
Ad to tte Mbar. slao Btssdt of b
MrJ>isn aaked him te cBta to the
Mr. Patohlo objaetad 10 tte m. .
Bosy of tte BW ImadU A tte croud lary bow te





la of eridnaea wbleh it a


AN event:


‘^'.JWils obJeoMd Btbattitl.
Vhllo tte vitsAt wae prepared to
E tte blaad A Iba HA
scats thal tte bleed «s.*r etia
1 te oeud set ksew ft
BOHinallaB te wat ^ iseis;
raa UaeC
Tte abjactlA wot AMHad by tte aa poMUraly Itet it wa k
Mr. Patobta ttes look Iba wltssB
Mr. Paubls tbA took tte wMsoB.
arho Bid tkmt te oosld set poMtlTaty
Tte wltscB waa qaaatlasad eld
bat it leteod Uke K
> tte lesfllh of U
i*a»tew*£ SooS'scnM tere^MA
A tte etlok at both a«da asd bot is
tte BlddW.
r two. Tte
Dc. HTBAtMdUad.tsbsrtachtA Air of Mrs BoifBTM TAiod te
Acte. amo lOA sad eoBC Aer
Tbit OAOlsdod tte koadBAy

No Special Sales
l^w prices at all times. You take no chances
when you buy your Footwear or ns. Oor prices
are as low as can be made on rood Footwear.
We do not misrepresent our foods or prices te
make a sale. We have placed on sale our New
Fall Stock and InTite7our Inspection. We sell
tiyc but $2.00. $2.50r and $3.00 shots
Inthe ciiv.

I.rr..Ill'll •".'"'l. I’r.i" .



Frank Trlcdricbt
IChe Old l^etlaMe Whatman.

l'nm.rn'..d u'lilri 1'..-dittu-.ion ...

W!lh r.rilm. n'..» Sr. ii-r> ;
M.. Iwhi.N... .'ll . I


tte4 ttefesolscWtteBwbasdUA



JamtsJl. dime’s

It’S Easy to Gatcli
lUbiU Pint Mil Spnict-


l-ui up m'2-^ *n,t 5i> font

S.E. Wait & Sons


teea iBtlted ttei tte Wtesdo es tbe
bead aeald tera teat pndsoad by
Mob A tapiBBost. asd pratehl;
Bead by that or a aiBllar
Ttefladuicof Iba bw baa
day. 1 ■


cU;r» .all at prices.

Commercial PHnfln^
Hll Kinds

f>era1d Job Office


tte pcbbUb BOAd sot eeobeel HarMr. Paiobto objeeted. artalac thal
ctaaeo wllb tte Btaa.
tlsB Iba
wllsoB OAld Mala that fait
Ttie eteooUA wae OTerTaled.
asalyMt Obowod h ISA blood,
ralsd tte eb)eeilA
wiBM. spM tte oAtlBBad
...■pinaMew tMiflad________
tMiflad tbSt the
wat soled by Mr.
lUwaifraMi. Be
~ tasd ftes to Dr.
to^ i^to'ite MmMS
ideasibtdtba prB^~wbe
^ wltb it to Dr.
|M*a that Ibe Uood
WSBA Baa set dead arbea 11
. Bhleh to of
m Bwbasdio wat
odaeoA Kitbar of tba fraetsrea
bare^ pn
.... alB taatidad ttei
kHtscB WM aaked U te
bU Ukallbood
Tbe fled.
I St Usetta. tte bsin a tte
ta« ed
Penter asdB tte aaaa atapi aad J
iU sstwacod "yA" and
alBoaltte BBS apelfeudapiocsi
that tte teire wore Uchl is eelar. He
ITA which proTod to te a pentea c
compared tte atrasda with balr
the BW basdlt taotAtac; lbs wtlsa_
mtiflod that it wae Arersd with tte bead of Mra HargiarM. w


Ui.} V iv.bol

ivli .1 is ralii-d Hui'kskin un-


gjstas^g^ •SS.S.KrjTK!____
MMSES^dSidw tetSrr n ..

A>l SM.lTf

Ob ibe Bote*br^

The wteBBST of OotatMr a E.
Uteoa. dTTb. Brasaaad Depaty
■barid LmbhI Orayaae i< daBac-




weald b

lluv's.£-.v«-.Urn. niff-liii

UNION :^'l kill'.

s>'-srx:s;is"£‘s fc'SS't.T-TTBTt.SJES
slasrs’^:s£.^s•'s^^!:: S.‘S'.iS“B-r~'J7uCS.
Si » n. 1.11
sss 5-swssat.ia:

dlo tea bora foosd
arodndariM wa_________ .
niioiB wtaara ate tesdto —
faud. asd baare OTidasaB of blood




Jury With tse ataU exhibited, deaertbint lu detail Iba charaeler of ibe hao
Asnaal li R. A I. Rxoaraion <
*ih, to Detroit. Tnlado Ail Ubia
tare oe Iba bead of Mra. HarciaTo
Ulh, to Rlehincmd. Ind.
la tte aboeoee of other Beesdx
Kraiii aaid ha world OOBO to Ibe iBmediate eonelaaira ttei isa fmotatM
a of death. Tbe wicseaa
ToUIrbmaaCaM IlMirw OS.ixi
alto Bid ttei neacb blood flowed, q g «
B A axenrtiA H
STtSi ta^'lafte'teol^^EooTa“
RiebBAd. lad., oa TaeaOaT. Oht.
Ibe body to bare Bsaed death I RiebBo--*
I. opla tttb. from UMklDaw Olir to fllR Rap
RoAd trlpW.00. Oei fall lafor1 BOAdi OB Mra. Har■roBiitd to aalaet the ootoser-t
Ad tbe
1 were iwodaeed by tbe
C. E. Hhrray, Am«L
wttseai taatlflad that heVaterDt. Btai llluad tte moB asd asda meiBl seiat o'
trated bow tba ‘slarlaa Blfhl bare
airaw takra ta
baas inflletad. aiioc Iba bw hAdla
.kail to daBMittale.
be ttatlBony of Dr. Etai war
as no.
ooneleded te tte Haleoeal in astwarl
It date Of G B. & V An
to RtchBAd. roc..
MtSuiod that rtpar aorela had
_..^-ll»of Hr. Pratt, thatafall
---------— ■Calsrt a ahsrp obloet Boald prodaee from Mask
OUT to Bis Raplda
Ml «• ta WbM be drat onalsed tte rtiT
kUke yATananceKeaedtripK
laoetatioB of tte fleah. bat crald DAtl to fO
Uc tte afBMad am ^ otothly
____________ an all____
t tba"tbls. In Atwer to a
lA to ba ,aaked. Hr. Palali.
_________________ .
wlsdoB tbara
by Mr. Patebla tba wltsoB
Bid. "la By jademant the woAd
A bBBA ckalf T
«d la detail tba to tte laiysi wai Bade by iba Ibnmb
Ad Ibo Bit
Marusrtb.. Hjrhlitan. lUa.i- ». <*1
d 1
.0, ailhonph it Blpbt tera
a rpoke to wlBaa
of ll
.. . .n.. .. .. jhodo*«Mla«
r rwitelrhrra Isrm
ttaat U idaBi
vii^, Bhrra
iamat poo. boes mad* by the tharp eornor of A
i—ali is Bortb Ada of roaa faB
niMj It,liar,lor ihvB»', i< m-n.te- e. 1 »
p(. ore eonloed tbstjMB.ttonr are otalael it forrad bard esoacb."
w u ..W ...
vva olw rpamnd Bllb blood.
k^r roobdlsfl HWP *(«Mn Ad
-ilte arttsaB aloe taaHflod that the
A pteOBfo tnao wllb Ibo te* Ml
_______________ end rh»a«wl In. rrwil«i~
tte W«Uj 10 JHOTOSi Ibo
Board ocolsB the oaBwndl. tte wltblood matt hara flowed before death. Ubfavfron fur Bear ihan «>r ymr lari iw<>
taa daoarlbed tba oMditlOB of
eeald bare flewad afur death.
Tte blood A tbe (srpet flowed be­ •blbraud <01.7mas a. n<iamk by law. aad
thal mlrrmaa Ma md malad s|aw.
or onluialrd oak laad f.a a laavil «l fit.
fore tte BOBAdlod.
lory M tte lairsi. Tho TrtkteB Bid
Is Bsawer to AOtber qaeetlA
St Hr. Pnli tte wllseB rettoratod [BB.WI la tMBUllarTornarela>Tnr< of lb.



WX1.4S di


--------- -^3

MB aod war la as odte^ees^ dtapUy
The Bitseaa adBlMcd that aoeh atirw
M oy^ ^ ^m^'^aDd tailkinc
batbo .
Ilelroit—WTieW, 72 an,k72i;
9 Mra Lska
Ooisc teek to ibedeaeripiloo oMbe
00; oalt .H2
akalhibeBtlseai helleTod both Boosda
Toledo-WheM.714 xn.l7:i.
waapon, a
tbiac like Ibe bb faandla The
uMi. SU;l>i>ik.
cate A meitiatioB to tha


l-.n- " liimisf

iBKortasl aleBasl is tte dafesta. it
tew bU Blfa bad baae tlia teHsf beao oUlmad timt tba
wae aab>aot to aseb A afllloiloe at
asd BM told oba had baas r----------- tntarrala' Tte BitutM replied Itel be wraa (aBlllar with the
~ Md Mdo tte ^la tMd
i^ptomeof etdl
WBtead Oi^Alcte la *a badroM tel '
Ho ososaadad ts i


AMSte «te poMte «d ObImA MbMi


,**Tbe'’TolaHe. 00 Mra llarrraraa'
bead ©oaid bara beeo prodaoed by
aoeli as laatramasl. TM Biiseaawa*
....................................................<1 eejoally
poalUea aa to bla olber atat.•Beat,
Uerelbe dafeoaa Jed the wKsea. to
0TO hU kaoirlodte of toaaii
sol kaoBii
loBiA aaklai bis if It war
itel patlanU Is aacb Im
rOB|b( to throw tbeBBlrea airaloal
eb^oufot the parpoae of oalf-deairae.
Tte Blioeaa Bid If a perron
SMoe be Bonid net Mop 10 fl(.
ol ooraota acalnal which ^to
throw blBBir. Mr. Patchin
aaked If u isnso peraoa did aat often

*ou. and'



r.; ri.-ir..-ii£,s.T“;"Si5


............ ...

, Steinberg’s S£S.rr‘


’’ll?’ PatoUlfl
_____ ealdtell:
Bily daalrad'-to
tte aroBon
isora ba tba
tba Bitsaoa
caaaad tha aroDsdi apoo taawlf
r^~< nr Bfalaai
bbjaofloa waa orerTBlod aod Mr.
BBtatob tte aenar of tba plelara fi
.1.. - - yj) oioeptiooaanantioik.
waaoBtha floor.
I that tib' lialT
Tha arttsaB B
efUrt Hatfraat---------^
tor Mn. HarpraTe. to teTc
Mood Bbao ba «B tba faodj------HabadfoUoBadOofOoarOtoaa
t took tba BUaeaa
■cats aod asdoaTorte to aarara torIbar daBlitof
laHtlTa 10 tte ■
Btes the eorooar aoiorBa

. iiciV laUwimi,


1 ... --


from $1 .'.iltoSM.




910.78 ....
! 20 year «oM Hllcd amteb. cMv
' or Cadka' or Saart—Oar
prtew art laawr Iban obA
eatalcaSoiitat. Bnsa year
eatalaa Aett aadtraec it.«



needs replacing, perhaps.
Jusl now as harvest tim'- T.pproachcs, a gocU supply
of Crocker)- is always nwili-L csj>eciatly when extra
help is present. \Vc can hdp you nicely. St«j here:

DioBtrFMts, 7 /•., SOcstt ^ a
fyaadM C^fftt Cttp$, 35f stt pf 6
Detp Ditbt* Sc, toe, ISc^amiJite
Ao unusually fine slock of Glassware at
surprisingly low prices.

C//p Book Store

\ i

All wool 38 ioefa mixed
in Auc colon, just the
the thing for Suits fto<r
Skirts. Per yard

SSinCHKVIOT.strictly all wool, in oxford,
gray and brown. Thi»
doth will go quickly at
per yard

r V«Uwwr at TimTtrae Otly.
fc* M»MOT 1. B. BtM* ti TmTMM 0117
OtMtriM HiMlorakr af
tm oOTa«7 MfrayM*—E. P. W«*«rOlty.
Tte eoutj MomlttM U m (oUdvi;
P*tM Wanbus. dtalraaoiC. A.
Bifbx. mzramji, a. a BallMO<
Aana. 8. 8. Monro* o( Btalr. A. O
OarUil* ot BaM a*7. D. O HalebiM
1 » •« h*»e I fine icttiK- |»
Fif* Lak*. 0. A. BAtmab of lion al Sleinbeig'i (jnn>1 on
Bl*ai« of Otaot. Jflto dly. OcL 1«K.
Sana «( Olaaa Daka, 3tka Betavladt
al 'Leag Laka. Tboaa* BoUiasi of
MajIUld. Blaur Unmet ol Pan-1
Falitaak* of Vblte- ;
D. B. Wrakoop. H. A. Uag-


54 inch ZIBBLINES.
colors oxford, brown,
green, blue and cardioal: a nrw cloth this


Circulation this week 2,525.
Ck* mrnM la haiblil 1* F. K.
JawOtiMaanao« lb* tMrapaafM
. «MB hla twitfamla
Mm. Omtaibmn krtafa U«-HaiaU
’ mmfirn of baU firoaa a aaodllac pnah
Mat vMab brtU laak art lb ah* baat
BM*aa *at*ad t» «h* laflaa.
Wm. Vla*Ml*7 of BaM Bole* ha*
M aoMiSam MM of lb* lanoM m«
•aoM ban* to lb* aawlFSaa* htfk. M laa* viA* aad M ton
■I TM r*a* bl«h.

Dm UakM. all lb*
HMllUBCt«ar*teeTt4*ae*. A. V.
FHMlnoh wa* obalnaaB of Dm eoaT*BU0B. B. L. Hfnca* aaeMtar?. aad
Ml. lb* vboto.lUl,
laeladlat a**«(iapM m*b aad *7001*f Ma W«al of rj. van
of lb* «oaf<aUM.

O R. ft I. Aaoa*! Kicanloa I
BlelnaosA < I Opi Uib Koond trt
C. E Bairar, Apaab

OfandBaTMi U to Ivt.-a boapltol.
Ou (booMBd doiUn
te b* ial*Ml
br lb* eiiiz«ei aad tbe dlPareal
eliarob** for llx parpOM

a. R ft I~trR«d>^rto<Lto.OO:

Oetotm lUh U a Harraj, A^L
OH* fawily ....................... ..
To Olrvalaad. U . aad BoSalo, N.
DunU. Bap. to Qaaaaal Al«e* r. will br ran or«r lb* Ut* Bbon
lit nvato* net « (4a«iaM i» U«t- and Htobipao Soaibera By. Taeadar.
mor BUa* to vbl«b b(.ferMaU7 ac
l«>** Utaad Bapaapu tba Oaliad BiatM aaniaftolp la at b;U a m .noBtupihtoacta vUb
Bad Varalr Ibaaki lU ro^anor for _Bl Bhaar* Fan froia Tt»t*t*» ('Ity
to Ulanland aBdirrtarn <11 10. HaPTlal^ rood for W day I
. to 8n*t«r Bar- alopitsa.
frr.oi tislol afent* or try
aleliarioC....... Panlealar*
vrltlfirW. 8. Btovn, T PA. HJIU____ ______itopbuBaadoPiniit dale,
Blob .or Biw Jaar*. 0. P. A ,
bit baartr aappatt. BapaUmupM- Otaad
r. 41
araUT an pl—ad vltb Alper
Itoaatop. B*p>. to-Oar. Rlin lilr-


lUatn Mtour 10 «a«a**d ibr laio OoL 41b.
aad to.............*lb»l
forward lb* Rate troo Trarmo CUT roand irin.
. daaMtbtof th*a*MM- Bito'or'MeMUlaa?
ilap!t>*.4b (no axna iiopoTor allovad.
don TtekMi OB Ml* Oet. trd. 4lb. ftlb asd
va* ilpsad a* *ood •* ti arrlrod and eib IWVBI 4tlL (Mb b* rxwodvi
va* pl^ to OOB Alp«r-* haad* a* Hey.
Hay. brd
• - Loar*
Ttay*ne Oitj to
*eoa lb*t**^•r a* poatobla. Uor a B. and arrtTo to VMlitoptaa Bll** npard* th* tolaalioa a* puitoa- & B. ibt- Mil dar- Solid Vato I----torlr ftrtaaaio. a* it ritm hla tbo Watoitaptou
Doable btrtb Orand
Bapld* to WaablDclon. RK.
Hake roar reearratloo* eartr- Call
eatotop W *l*totol of Ua_jtortr. al oSoe or 'pboae It tot fanbor de(taTAlpM bn ba*Bto rwieipl of
luj. u.0. K. Hamr. Acent.
Ob*. M-Dato*. dopato food
______ _____ Ualled
TraTene Ollj.
•Into, aad Btoto Cbaatoi DaomOa
_____ _ mod ba aiprnom imt-la L. Laekvood. O. F. ft T. A..
■ad lb* UHto'* fatoM. van iha Ttaal lb* •ppetotonl aad tb* ,
Omad Baplda
ton* of BitofM to Ofaad Bapid* C
vltb vbtob ibe B«va ha.'
---------------------at to* oaafnitoto Dato* m
bBM> taatoTto br lb* pabl
If citiiAR jaaaPK*.
BatolMa hadttfcaa a fOMi vMab V
to ban b**a toand hr Dalrr aad
IM. OttotolNlaDM Baov. Wbta B.R. ItolhMar aad «. B. Sltmaea.
aboMl who ntomd Baiardar atwiMoa froB ............ be of lBlen*l to parti**
eedar )ob* tbU vIbUt to
. .
V apaa fa* Baav. who Ibe Uae of tb* T. a. L ft K. aad wlibtof
look tb* tola at aae* for Uraed Hap- kaov tool the WorabntBr-HaalilBc
t)mB aai r*l ntaraad. Dartw to*
Id*, an'pnatir idtond vltb tb* {•»- (Xt. Bt UoaUlap. Hloh.. VBat b few
•nalw atoiataatondttonaMaad
poo^Obbere^wto ^tor*
•pattoBd apaMvaiahaadabaaiSllo
BOMpaaf-xivai aboBt dO.OCOaciMef
>*•*•«. ftot af vbtob bolaabad to
IM BB**t eedar la tbo Uppor PeaU*ala It elaadi In larpa proape and le
all tortallBber The bottota ie pood,
• 'dMwBw W. U- BnUh afJI*aad baal U froa ea* ball to ivc
^btoaaa Fato Ba lA a A. B.,viU
ad vUl bidtolnr- ■Dllae. TbU eoB|Bnr bay* job* to
biptaatop tb* B*al tot vhlcli will faraUb «aoar^UiBter^aittoi to to* board
•to PricM will br p*>d wsiob
____awv to* te to* a* of lb*
Toty mmeb bipbec tbaa piioa* ralHarver AtMT left UH vaak W*«|th* to* aav to aa* tar to*
to thli part of tb* **00117. 40 11
tontol aC to* aid aaldiai* to aaitoalr MtdarlvNawOrlaaa*. Hetoopped
at lirliiMpnli*a day otto. «n route.
.■a* artiw.
Mon ta.00. V.*. U. ft.
«tod.Md to toabaatotolr
to Ban aaatoM to* a* Mbarrto*
^X,CM of the CoBf
Bmpm to tb* alTU VM la itoBto
rna. Oet. 7tb le
hn beta graated
btotol tato aaaaanad to*** lb*
roll, aad
my. Ml. Stollb baa aatoMod to tb* panstot^aaroath with btok pay m OQ. aad
oa Oet. I4ib to Blobuoed.
la* daabad a apoa* to toai to toapto.
1^. ROD. frM ^1 Mllae^ Ha^j
toio-i i
to tb* aavac part of lb* tiMilin
Al tb* Free Hethodid <s
thatoaha* adrtnn«mtod*aad )tot dctod At OoopeiMine, *
«naf O. B. ft L apaato.
Vtok *■ ato*b*r. ato U apaa at aaab Ito ww tppgiatcd t« Tnrt
a S. Hart*
nd. Ikon M Unto daabt bai tba*
• dtblUbapanhaaad.
Orer BOO budiel* of peaeke* aad
‘Th* fa«M nlltoc artlrU I hay*
•Wra," VTl**(
VTlaa* draeiUt
drunUt O.
0. T.
_ ouBiitity of UiitUd apple* wen la M7’ awe*."
. Oitoatt. Oab l-U *. Dan^ *f ibippad to the Sw Suaday orft ibc tolih.
OartA By.. "^Dr. ^R’*
I*, bcaaae* it alway*
MB»o! a Xlaaaad. vataban
re of *ale* 11 ba*
M*ortaltod. I h*yo kaawn It to **T*
to ScaoB Mt*r*n-froa Tliroal aad Lanp dleJoba Boatbaipb
MAld c*l BO b*l|> from
loeday to van uie .. . for Jerry ------- j vfae
or any tutor learndy - Hotbto Btoto T. BUaa. Tto latoilaa to
He win aaploy 00 laea. d
4«* u *. SMBAd va* aa* anind
Ibeta, which thui tor i*
to Wtabaat a bUlM dphi, b*> tbaa H*ad« paaraatee MUafaMtee oe
W<to*M* to It* anUabtlUr M a alM
Stoaaanlmtolatitotln. ThtotoBtotoa* lliat to* to** ha* aal rto baia
«sa< a*4 th**«b*ceTM*a*MUAa8an* *r itototw aU paaalbto tof«Mttoa latoMt* to laaatbM* whtob



toaft At th* StARb toctofy
Aad pAiaMiy iajared.
ibAft beta ttoauprtiadly h. mipbt
ban baaa kiltod. At it it. be wiU
prohAbly be Able to to About befon

The U. H. ft I Aaaaal Exoaratoa*
M tto aoulb take* pUe* Oet. 'to. to
DMoll aad Toledo RR ObUaee
RO. aad Oet. 14th. l* Hlehmoad.
Rd., RR
O. B. Mamy, Apaak

"Vbmi d«ato enmrd y«ry D«
fr*M a emn etomaob and U*i
; flto*. 1 balton that I o*a otortan beU ihh week At the fi
.(roabto, that 1 bad ■aVerad with fi
le at). Aod prot|
to* totpdad a« to *nd*>o* that
wra” wrttn F Mae*. Darbaia. t
rftto beat toil* ever bdd to Ibat
. -Or. Stall'* Mew Life PilU mti
I ftiell ptoPiM that tb* Danad a«at-_ly. There are over kik huadred y Ut* aad pan perieol baalth.'
exhibit* aad the Mock aad fruit ditatebp btoi* •* that tbto vauld ban (dayi are the toot ever made to ibai
oeetiOB. Ttore ii a good crowd in
k, Aad tto frtit
tit i<ii ki decided
H to etery particulii.
■ af Mcitop «^ito**4i

ueorge r*yn ooe» am oeuev* toai
it win be itocdutcly iroreytry for lo­
cal hnaten to W to tto aorthen penmIa to hunOleer thh year. He
bchere* uW wtU be opport
eietoity «f tto fceki at tto 1


: PtM IP ClFiUL ^ -


•Tftt tha haad of to* tkhat top
totM «wta(lh*«B

\ ELOUR BLOUSI-S^l-or a -natty iarmeni see this ;



We received last week two
big numbers in Spreads,
which will make some lively
selling while they last. They
arc full size and beautiful
patterns, selling at 08c and

Obt SiTlnfs Department

WUPpmiNM Mild fpq ivai.

The way the Blankets have
been coming in one would
think that ever>-body in this
country was going to buy
blankets this tall, But you
will admit that 1 r blanket
you see what values he I
to offer. They start a

Tall Olaists
Wejiave now a good line
to show j-ou. both in Flan­
nelette and Wool. H you
buy your waist here you get
what is right, both in style
and quality. 75c to




pur Bia
5oc Cine.

Outing Flannels

Imported Robes


t this price’ we are We were never in a better
showing Venetians, Co- position 10 supply your
verts, Cheviots. English wants in this line than we
at present. Not only
Suitings. Basket Cloth.
Whipcords, Serges etc.. \ have we a large stock but
I some ver>-gooo values Do
not buy a yard of Outing

Suiubic for lounging or
bath robes, with beautiful
borders, in many dainty col­
ors. and are absolutely fast
Choice of a fine
lot at

We can ulU long and loud
on these goods as we have
the stuff to back what we
say. If you want llaaoeleite for a waist, dresung
sack or wrapper, we have
a big line to show you at
7c. IOC. and

The best corsets for
the money are here—
all lengths all sizes, and
all colors. You cu cer­
tainly be suited at this
store. 25c up. but pur
Si corset is the best
cnaile at the price.

,.«= Nch^iSSIk-Taffeta
Ribbons ii? sSl colors,
it's a special at loc yd.
No. So Silk Taffeta,
any color you want at
i>c yard.

Bolt Blooes
Yes. they are selling as
early as this: you, too,
will buy when you see
the new combinations
in colors at 25c and 50c

For fail wear. We can.
safely say that we are
showing the best line
this side of Grand Rap­
ids -waistings that are
right at 25c. 3tK. 50c.
75c yard.

Black mcKcrttcd

New lot just opened
upytoseliatSi.oo. Best
to be had at this price.

earpets. etc.
Our fall stock is all
Some pretty
new de^ns to show
you in Ingrains from
25c yard ’up.
Rugs to tit any shape
room—we make them.
«OC belts. Just
opened up
ment of Belts. New

A Shoe-Buyer’s Harvest!
ukrs’ crkxl B-orkiR
A shoe canncM to chc*). unlesa .1 la goo,i
»hif> *1x1 gooit■ leaihcr i-> miLcgool
miLc gool ihoes *n,l w* •** lo 11 t
both lhe»e ini-tcvliMiis
rvlietiis go into the shoe* we »cll in,1 then we cAp ito
climax IH marking the PRICES A GREiT DEAL LOWER than mo*t
Hor*$ charge for (he uune an.l in moat ca»*. lot inlenoi goorfx


lUTlX-th-r ~
i.J.V out (.fV-T-

Only $1.00

Mens’ Good
Boots Only

Only $1.50




) Tbe kiid yst uaaUy pay
SXOO tor.


Ask to See Them
Onr Cclebratefl 85c
8s4 $1.00
Arc Spedil Barriins

Seller.of Honest. Reliable Footwear at lx>west Prices
jBJiapbfm htiehigan


Sdutb Side Cumber Co.

^niaiestic Range



«’h*ad.«f to* MchM. :
vBtoa. tbatveulda**
sp toe Itoiaad ft* Mr.
lypatott, •ftabtva.a

; Sir..*:


will I


Bed Spreads'
52 inch ENGLISH
SUITINGS, the pin
; check you read so much
about; colors blue and
white, green andwhjte.
; black and white, .yt per

S.tO A

MONTE CARLOS-This is the new fad and
head and shoulders
ulders above everyone in quantity and quality ^
and away below on price—$10 to S50.


Tto deer di
I b« di*A
Cmie. 1^ «* Tara

JACKETS-Seeo jackets at S4 75. $0.00.
Sr >0.
and Sio. Compare these numbers with othi i and

56 in. heavy SUITING. 5
in oxford gray, just the i
thing for walking skirts. |
$1 cloth at per yard



URESS SUITS have never been prettier, and we have '
never shown such a line in the new cloths and new cuts We iare alone in this lleld. More suits to show you than all other
stores combined- S8.50 to S,;5- We can tit you.




IWiM toWMl**K

Ulalkitig Suits .“"t

one of the strong features of the cloak -department. \\ c are v
showing a big line at $10 to S^S. made up in the fancy mix- ^
tures and rough effects

IMMIcMlr k>


Coats and Suits



•■T needs no public demonstration of
I its qualities. Every owner knows it
I is the best range made and tho^ who
don’t own one have been told these facts
by those who are daily using them. They
will last longer, bake better and quicker,
heat more water, and do this in lesstin^
and with less fuel than any range made.
We will gladly explain ail these good
points and show how to operate these
ranges. We have a splendid stock to se­
lect from and the prices are remarkable
that we have placed on them. Let us talk
to you right away—this evening. say^It
will be money in your pocket, happiness
in your kitchen and comfort in your honte

.-sao-eiw.n 1 .W. E. yv.lUin.- l.-in,!-ri C->

-ComptoU Him ofRough Drftssed Lumber. Shingles. Lath. Doors,
Windows. Mouldings, and Building
Matorial of all kinds.

- Traverse Cltir. Mich.

THE HftNNJUt & liY iPCiUm

A Hlufnwl neecm
ll«l.wdlsewoi Oirtv»»


GlTcafreeaf ckutett

Remember that we Sell the Q«rv Best
I .$0 up Hom« Kn<t Mitts.................... .48 up
1.79 up Unod leather Qloves .45 up
.50 up Mackinac Jackets..................1.00 up
.25 up Muleskjn Cloves........................ 20up
.46 up Jersey ShlrtS- -.^^^£ii^-.-.>—.. .46 up

Suits.....................| .50 Up

Bear in mind that our
Finest Men’s Suits sell at............................ from $IO.OOtO $20 00
Dress Pants

from $2.00 to $0.00

Fine all wool Underwears...................... ..............................$f.00 tO $2.$0 .1
Mackinac Jackets and Sweaters........ ....................................Up to $4.00
Tlok.t. rood to rM«ni uiil
Uctobor 1710. inelatlT. A«K OfOOM
1U« for
H r hmUu. o. p i

Cheapest way up to the very
consider quality.

trids & Co.

auTo. iiiioriA or emit ahtu

Grand-Traverse Region.
urnauxaiKi ‘

ofaamd baadt. ol______
f_« Ptlea.

dasM la«l Pilday sl«hl.
Oim M jaaodi of honty irt* oeeorwlBialMid vUI «• to I Tbt aacte laatora tetoralniBost
Telrda Mil Wodataday U rliUbarutiM wot raaoBlly held al (be
“ rley L«kay of that ottoa.
hocae.wat........... —' '

HM «Mt iMt «•--------



B____ .'

vMdaefor tb. pool t«o voaks.
Ki» HTBtbw. vto bu boM Tiri».

lb. tMood
ter of caaUIr a


*r .’s.srsi'!


Mr. aod Mn. Hoi*lu dim to
t^om Oily Ibondbr.










Tbaa X'aoolaiybtldtiiair amaal Tea Here. Ke.* i
eleettea.’.whiab reasltad aa foUowi: |
nt< larmatex
Piteidast. Mra P. E. Daeit; Ties
raaaldaat. Bdwte Peek: aadraterr. It
i. U
i, wartb ooDiidaiaMt
to aay oil
L ?lokaid: Trtatoier. Jttsla “ “

Mr. aad Mia lamoe M Good Bar- M coteBlee te employ it. te tb. mea
tlma frail bamaaity It iab>aet to
Inflaaniiri aad anforaaaas ooaiBlat (bat tba wtaaal are totally.
I roteteay TWiaa wib ma. mtmtm pablte aebooU Ibla year bate.
S A lltran aeelatybat baosotgaslaad _ > 10 gauge tea fatara. Eaow.
Jatta-tebUe aebaab with tta fellow. tbaa. teat poS^. Otet^t will eara
n: PiMdttBL Ante Oad-


I teU

Then U aa aSort boteg SB«e MW
*0 0ra a Brat olaai play for tba baaafil af «ba aaeoatottca teaboataU

aJSr^ • sea.
~ ~

Waal Kintl
O. A Om of
, Myc-l badUohteat
, tor many yaa^ to
aad asooyteg and wbte 1 want to
bad 1 eoald not raat on Baeoaal of tea
aaietloo. laaadassmbrrof toaall-

eely teteg.wi
aatt of Tlaiaaaa Ulty wai te ^lat _ It dli b>

J) tela It asrad

For tela by all daaltta Prloe «0

Wtt. a(«tt*anaOlly
wba* wa bear te dlCarent
tea eoatetty te regard *0 tbt
tnya OMaef AttmaItTtelttMkk
A. a SllMitt aadlrTeOmtttt'ara we at SUgbt aaB'i e«-pi«*«
w ttefte OUp. cam ''


(batr Tittt ,M PoHttay teal Bad-

BaT.P.flttlb—waa fettttbod M bla



Mwtt. tttd wUl balU a Mak Mtt.

^ OIMa- ttia^ telU la taaatet

iflvrfcgsjira :ts

s;: S ^___ 's.’ssrs

To Close out Below
• COST w

We wish to call your attentioD to a few atlicJei from
our slock, with as desr a de>
scripiion as (loaaible, with
pneet. You’ll find accord­
ingly the saote low ]>riccs
cover every article is ibtt

Same titne with 24 <]L

eaervoif............................. $1X76
I ol Steel RaiwM 6«tt $17.60 rp

• This Merit Sled Ras^e is s
winner. 42 oi Ibein hare been
sold from our slon ttece Jan. I,
1902. and not g-distatisfied cus­
tomer. It has all of the good
•luaiities that a $30 nage btt
This Na 234 Eiteasion Think of it;. Only.... $16.76
Ten diflereat atyrln aad tiset
Table lus a 42(42 te. top
when closed, and evlendt to C feel long i beav^ 4} in. hand tumed ofSted.Cook Stoves to tdect
from. S1S.76 ap. If yon waU
legs, moogly made; e»a siot c with a large oven aad a
acllylike cui, Iw...fll60
wood saver, get ooe of oar aU
Thit^o. 217 Eateotion
steel cooks.
Table, exactly'like cut.
Tbew stoves weie aO boo^
Top 42x42 inches when
befare the advaaee tad sre can
doted, extends to six feel
save yon 26 per ceat oo aay
long, has 4 in. fluted legs,
stove yon wanL
supported with stretchers
I'sefnl articles far year
and nice caned bannister,
only......................... $fi.76
K.itcbeD Tables with 28 by
42 inch select while wood
top, heavy 3 inch tumed
legs, aecorely bolitd to hard­
wood frame, only.......... $1 60
Same TkbU with drawer 1.76


26 dlS^rent stylet ot Ex­
tension Tablet to select from.
Prices from $3.60 o|x
In our Bedroom Sdites yon must
see the line to fully appreciate
(heir good value. We have solid
oak three-piece suits from $13.75
to $40.
Our No. 106 Dresser, exactly
like cut. is aolid oak, golden finish,
has two Urge and two small draw­
ers, French plate minor, beveled.
Utett style carved toilet,
only...................................... $7.75
Our So. 108 solid oak Dresser,
exactly like cot, is a booty; large
Frertch plate minor with one inch
bevel, case is well made and good
finish, oaly........................... $8.76
. The Beds to match above
dressers are six feet high, neatly
carved lab inch posts and cajiped
foot board. soUd oak........... $4.50



tp, Utfc drawer, partkioBod
flow bn. wS hold 60 faa. tear; (op .eu

c^r...................... »•«

Five galloe galvantied^’^ir

Six steel Knives and Fceht,
like c«i,fwedge shaped bUdtt.
(ucr Dickie bobter, far, per set
CSieaper ooes, per wt el sig.
A fiiU line ef saver pitted Kstivai aad Fecks H $L6Q..
$2l00, $8.76 and $4.7$ per
Speeds from
10c far fix to the
beat 1847 Regers
Bros’$1.60 far*
Waduag pade aaqi by
fast vitttteg ear hnnacat
We have tour ttylaa ii
The Commodes have two doors
Wettrin* .
and one large drawer, exact match
$X» op tette teatJoae like
to dreswr...............................$4.00
cw that a chad 10 yceis eld
The largest and most complete
cantaitL Bettnmde.$7X0
line of Stoves aad Ranges tn thb
coualrv. 22 diflTerent styles and
sixes of an tight stoves from $1.35
up to the very best.



Qae. MtiTIttild Saadayad at bema

«H XaMa -PbBtMTlttladatPMl
UHtaM^ttitt weak.


Cbe Place Vou mi$b to Deal Jit

___t TayU

Ttavtfte Oily Baterday.
V lbl( week to
tr. W. Msl
watoh glTts by
U frtaadtls
U tlok wltb aaailat
>a Oensas MtdielD. Oo. Itare bar.
nasiDC for Hobo KB.
Hn Viola Btrlptara li
r qslta good dsrlsg
C^ttayinf plib bar tla
tbtir attydjere
Omr PiBM. at Tmtvm Olty^U
m oar t
Mwdt oM niotin. of tbll JohD BosM It teStrli
tlela ia hit^
yaatarday. All r.pon a pleaaDt day.
Mrs 3. Btesaaw teda allgbt ttreka
. P. ToMM adaya
of iwislyiU Wadsetday. Dr PraUek
It sMaadiBg bar aad bopet la waid
iicmjn HAT.
off asotber attack.
Mir. HaggU McQoaer bat beta
Tba ablekas pla aoalal at the Oee- aleetod to attoid tbt
it C. B. e
TeeatloBal eborafa waa a taeotat,
I daltgate from
I B tbt toeiety
WTv »H waa reallaed. A
J. P. TotMB Bad (aaUly rliitod lal- «Ba(btBf
«od emrd ftoa Oweaa...............
Mr*. O. Llsdtey it ho»a agate ud
Hrae Is EaM T
lembari peatest.
antehet Bar
Bdaaa Piatt
feet Usot oodraly btaled ytt.
R. DarU Bamrday.
Wtt. OaBBlo Tishoa bit bietbar
Bmta attoDdad tba tbow
Is to return tbU week.
Obarka yotMrday.
(baball lail weak, bat bm maay eosha.t baas teoelrad.
and bit taally. f- Tlet't boot. It

1*^ aad all MOMd w epMd • Twr

AStX.ek P. 0

ladft F-rorb^Sjfc.

It where you get the best telection, teliable goods, courtroiu treAtment. and ture of the loweM price. We guarastee aD of thk. Oar alott far
your (election is the largett in Sarthem Michigan. Our gcxxb are ail reluble aad we bark every article. As far knr priced' >1
hast dealt
here before, you knenr; il not, ask t«ur neighbors, they will tell you U -a the rtghl place for you to buy bouw fnnutliiBg goodt to aave iBdwn.

HIM Ml* HeOioBM. vbo hM Omo

^ ^*117

Ue at Jaa O J
dray atora*.

inest, but all at reasonable prices if you

Min late Wteeheettb atHaDsah
far auarty a weak.

aSm Mteti ban

tna,Mlk^law. Mitt.
Mra Head Badgaa aad btr aaat.
Mra Blittff. igaet Widiiaaaar teal Is
tbawaa^. nalttagtetamtea aad
attar polal^ iab^ett.
Mr. aad Mra Platt Baraaa aaawt
Wadatariay of latt weak te tbaettaa
Mta. Maglilrfl aad I

X. r ■


*5o*^a."lL*^jrttta' at Xm
gW^-ateUtt tt-yttto-


60c Cloves at................................. 3Sc
50c Gloves at.................................. JOe
50c Mittens at..,........................... ISC
25c Mittens at.................................ISe
25c Cloves at..................................lie

TIRE line of FUR ROBES. These,
robes were bought at SPECIAL SALE
from the MANUFACTURER. Here is
aCHANCE to get a good ROBE for


er tor $L66 hp to the bett
ban bnthng wiiagen.
A good Bench Wringer exactly
cut, will bold two tfrbA far .... $2.76
Galvaiumd Wash Tubs...............66c
30 fate Cleithei
Ltee............. 6c
6 dotee Oethes

This cut ttiewi oee of eat Air-T^t Heaieis. It has
Ov Otefaes Bar has 42 X te (byfled kidet, Iteed from top to bottom, cast
ii« rods eoesntecd so do dotbes
inm top, It tech openteg far wood ; a very
haeg over otbes. We bt^ tbeae in large qaiBrnies oad aeB than ai
near parkw stove, 21 tech. ooly.... $X76
47ctecb. Oteere Btt; T6c far aeme b«. Good Brsm 16c Pfaett
Ntee diffoent ttytei of Feotesola Hcte- MopStick.l6c DaetPaa.6c Scrub BratteA 6c FolllmeUac
• era, fiten $7.76 op to tbeh best bte Wtt
mDokecntsomiiy lor....................... $1X60
Amteig oar DittMt m tee baaemete > ttae the ladieefct mteceetFmeea diffetest siytet te Oieerfal •'Nev- ed. 100 |MoaAfrttcy*W>(%a>)»»ddi^M4--*r«(. 26.76
a Fair Heaters. These are (be beS 100 pieoe Decanted aett fa atteteiod te ccfais...........V...... r.7»
lUxmd Oak Steves made. 'Tliis makes 4$
SbpseteamttberSel.ld no e%ehattdA$L7X Ope^tartt
dVrai .beaters far yon to tdetefreaa.
doaea Towefa free with cvmy chambar tec
^ Thii is eoe ofoor-CheerfaT Betmd Oak
Hetten; takes 20 mchweod.*^ 2X76
Mte Of Cook Stoves from...........$X76 op
Cook Slett«ran rnttsA.^ 8-ia.
addttsc yeamaaqroB cwc^ttiide.
, woeXtoBy wuRBottel........

We Cm Turnip year doiae Compkte


Wholesale and R«^i '

Ttife titohfa TitoMBtiwMrtMto. OCf^Brt 8,

tab MtapIgMtot ktoa M libaaai

A Good Hearted




Tta OaaU


ta a* attar. «!«• tab U»



tot aaaatta

^MIm« taMar ta««
MIwwAmt «( Mtataafi ata •»/WMtawiCtaMa TtasavtantMn
tapHtaMt wttk ta «tat» Um of
iHtaMnM bIm aplatada*
«MltataMaMMtaB.afMrBU. U«
ta tta artirtawy
a. tta —

'JSi,ita toooapMM
■ oadtao '

Hn. Om «( DMMt, who tao oc Jw-



taw at y^i»o*tat. tao Mta

■d bb good rooard

‘u--i ■


of the ritta dbvlot.
Boataatlaa ta iadp



fta b otaTWT IWtalor tMi y«or.
tataota oMotatUo hotaf tta'two

tara hOM ooUtat fopMIf. asd o Um
•r Vow Ttat tau a pepta lolooi b
M» BoeUp with 0 tap nb. Tbo
foodr ta woor taMt
taowB ta gnot

yp-Tatoi.fci and Qllldtaa.

I H appataag
n aaaaw'i daitaattoB
I tta adsfKtn ta too

ttm mmf ^fM^tatartata
tatata ttatataM m% ««MtaU]

M b fMtata ta tta tap *»tab


..................................... with
good annnd beam, ate doc Terr
The »crea«r
nambertaauddaa deatht tram

^tauffodlfta D. OBoptatl '

coa forcteO 1


jutt Trheo a-------------------fatal calUpae


. the danger of Mgkctiog trearmnit it cenainly a
T«y thky motier. If you are
ahort ta breath, hare pin in

as. 5


a too iilMatii fberalan O. E.
d pda a Uttb apaaeb for iadp
of tfoPUo eapir aad W bu

tbta tal aotaac^
Mow pmtj onottoM .
________ .Mbtatatfor JaditaOar
Mata ata otaa«« tatag ew oftta
00»,l. ____ .
ta taa •ttiair oMitaMi ta Mtak.
n ie a darr7 tu
wtta a loMotafftaUtaitataf baoo.
to acpadiu
tta OM ta tta faaU1 aad
■atun H. B OoloMo
•tat?------------- —
(or JadflB Itapta


pitatian, unable to lie on mc.
ctpeeially the left, you taeuU
begin taking

M^'. Heart Core.
■ •


nn> end LoW or SWR

Krtrt Con-. obW 14IC. iM cndidly

TicSiota SipoNre ta

btbrw H ttrrd ay lib.'
Br. HI
br oil
Dr. MBM MoOleta Co., Elhht



I b toll tatabtata4MI«hi tbo

>«a iaad
I wat bkoa
p sada will
n dbapatdbd
MM «w

Eii'iCNuiei #

For Over
Thirty Years



pataau, bat
taraogb hU
I wtto btata. batat BtaM aad dadtag Mihtag daeasped wlthoal
• taaagi
Tba giaaa p« blaa OTP both stag tap Ihfagohbboaal
Matabat an rarp MrUta aad
ivWM haagtag P a abalr la tbo
la tot lactar gaispl wpo a
tota totap ta btaab aa« ta all da•taftaataadoabaa, Oaa apaebUp
ad wMbatal (tato ta gxaao ntaai, aad

taa atata btanatap Aattar td^ d^ ap ta tta Mita





>nlr ta-Unod Trsrwin, ». Protau

tadUlli pd ModaUtaa trlMMtap
loaoiMl batat awgtoaaMal
aad bapbtoL Tba faU ata


tsi SloPBtroat

Cltlcon'o Phona Bi

For Job Woik or tU Kinds Call al tbc Herald Office

'.boad tame ta toko U. -Fopiite Fraacriptioa' oad ‘ FImcbi PellcU,- and
aim hi. •GeUrn Wnlial DiKorery ' aP
■Extraei ta bmm-Wced,- aceaiding la
I di.l a,, and brgaa to im­
bnd b7 tli« Ssn~e«i of • difectiOBA
prove (uL ir aojoae doubt* tbit give
Bome uil addieaA 1 will alvan rceTbo^btfol Hosbtad. .
osuDCDd Dr. Iherec’* BwcUdan aad hi.
adnea ta all mfleien fitp dUeaw* ta
which feaiolr* ne outneet. Be hu hrra
a. kind at. lather to me: odriied i
5 Jw ebuKter of tbc ouflering u gT»[*- a child. I PUevc il my baUaiu.__
not written to Dr. riert* UK Ull aad
csBimenccd siring me hi. medieioe, 1
wonU Pie died u • totn line.'
at no do b to cyaipMhue o»il niggeta.
nun oocTORo.
Bui whcB 0 wtoooa bean Itac nory of
the doctor* nronounred U*
I wooiui't mfierug errry word ba. Ilo
« lorunble. ft np the hp
Pad «p Mgsraed IP
trial ta Dr. Pierre'* F»le IPreeciirtUm.

tat talMr ta a wwtadailgbtall


taPbkrto»,^^jS}ag pad » -


* Favorite Prewtipli


that induced the butawid
u cnptilt Dr. rierc* hi
lellrr cm hi. wife', bepll
The rewh wa. a ramplet
ewe. Tbi. rtouli ---monly fdllowt a Cat. ..
F.vonie rreacriptiot


ulv dbraar* pd it
wbal 11 w*. BMde I
It bw cared bendn
tbocand* ta weak


them perfectly Pc
maaenlly. 'A great cum
t»r ta them cure* ban
been tafeeied after doc

UMda,i.iiid.MiO tal Mmt tP-ru. labT


“ “
■Favonle Preamptioci'
pabliahe. regnlarity.
irie. tP drmn. wiU:

nsbtatlfjTiTrwT.. (urtarwMMn,

aU ia.

tad dieai hegtalen ta eatreme i-------ae«* aad weakacm No womu can trad
die wirrawfal atorv ta aofleriRg told b^
a h. Un. UrAdao. without iMrtfelt
It ia with plnmrr that I add my Ixatnaoar to that ta othem. bapiag -h may
tadacr tabci* to avail ihemwlvw ta tP
^fit ta tour iavalmble n.cdieinp*
a Mn.' D G. HeAdoo. ta tt-bhiac.
ipappl Caunty, Miiaouri. . 'Nearly
a vear ago I wu takca down with Inm cue ta efrkoen I auSered a


I ta tP Una. 1 oouhl ton ao wev wUbI sat it giviog »e pain. I wat aSieted
i with ftalng ta tP ntem aad nleentkat.
had dnio all tP tine. P*'—

fiamDaticm and nlemlion
and rare, frniab arakneaa. llcam nerraaBirm.
b^aeP. aad other ilU
Pm their esnae re wnmaalv di*ea_.
•1 write Ic let ix*. know tP pivta
heaebl I Pve rvce'.ied (re*. Uw »e m
vo'.r n.edxi»et.'
• ■
- B.ya*klra,
.*kJra. Sidnn B.
Oakea,taWbiuneM. Iliit.liamB
utiiiar Co \k.
* 1 am ao graleful to ip for loui ad. ire.
e axaip or am. bta nooM oclt
receivepanitl relief far a abtm whi'wand
tPn wnnU \* wow- iPa brfme iPu
tTvatnent. \t'u cnofiaed to nv bed
mom ta tP line. Al IP time ! r
R.rnoed tout Uvaiaacai cy lell aidr
c<anple(my penivxed Had no tppe.
ao dnire to eat anitbiagt loweit re*. .
all IP tine. Nemv* eete all ujutrui*,
fine. dPaardoi

.Tie* aad (nnak
n. Bta ihpp to mv Maker aad
R folloRiag year ad'

$35 excursions to CtoUfomla


AUetgulartiieiiatUKk. Specirt
10 erdta. pmmpily. ^
thenay be* material
upd. sad toBy giiarmd^ m^areiy^a^
Tlial ar* made to OK « weB p-ddL They an
OHH0W# Mimadeafctespmaierial, sad gifCB a iatoy
Am* to catch the eye; bst arc donUc; -GornfaRahK oBd Btot The chrape* cm the matkei. quality mmaidtacd.
Om aasd Mad yoB wS Imy BO saber make.


lUitMsirMt. % Uldor Pfiertyls


I.* .l-fi—l inytae tOM a <mm» laiairta

Th-vui-vi .1 u ueUfv-M tpt IWar, IW led
da< .U <V-wd,« Ml. a. W
U til,
f.evwn. t. —JR-J r.e ibr brnfiae >e mti
.-V1U.U1. aad IP. tP Pirw.1
ta m* P
'-w->d. a>l all .ulHV i»rh«. uwvmMl U >R)d

I will P at Room SIS, Std floor. WilPP (dock. Piur.lay, (
11th, (mn S loG (1.0, allirtshiiig to tpc this course please c

„a,v-.n IP 111; ta Travrrw •'liv.ud laiw
num . If lai tWv p. wRl tP lirerw ta tp
VvtlU.Wta .k.^U Bta W (VUM.
AP I. !• (untwr irSermi. ibal n* 0*'

Mrs. R. >A/. Oonsmoro.

l~l In wad v^l^.^Sieiv^Ri i iiwat. y i tai


Wm. KooMhon

H. P. Bouanoy


Maal OMB kaap Ibab.tataar ta iboir
tmaan potaal. bat X K. Voetoe, '
.tanp aU btailiMta tbo htaPM Hllted. U dlSwael. Ha haapa hu
tatai ta tor thabtoUtaMB. Mn. ta bb OEM poahot. and baaoiw ba
•mm VUtaw ta Obbap taa bata daao aa bo b aoBfitotaMp Hobar tbaa'
mmmi oa baad btaata. aad taa bat
a bad P beta Ilka
•BotalMbta a tap itaa taiMr
taotob, tot paraUtat aawt. aaaa-

„ ... in ihs Ine of woric. My da** wfll P eeganiteil hereOct.
IS. complecc ilMrtKttoo in ten dan (b hours each dar). You
will p able to cot soy gannetit yon see. aP p able to fit any
fiigore after laking this eoune.



■. VUtata baoataob
hb Ml oiwalag, pad feb

AO ladin deeirii^ a knowiedge of Cuttii^ as.1 Fining lad.ea'
ganaenla, other for making their own drenes or the dreetnak-

: ■wssio«;tiss:s;ss?^


tae)o4l^ c
ItoM and pn bis - .___ _

The Kind You Have
Always Boue|n
Bears the

___ M.atd- aeTmvly. Had kHaiv Pea ukea Dr. rKme-. Favntite Frairaatale. toe. I vPd aU ame; had cold acriptkm. ‘Caldea Hedwal Dianwery,'
feta aad Pad* all tP tine. 1 ttalerad aad ThanW Pelleta.-'
a greta <kml aitb paiaa la both tadn.
Every Hck awuea ciyaeiellT U aaSeeaaS^mh teadem^TM yreePw a*ta lag btP dPenta
- ntneo. I wn faloeiad ta%y at tated la caamlt Dr. Pierce by letter^.
laiabeMbaad IwP I mnld oet Add» Dr. B. V. Pwr*. Mela. K T.


■^^^5 airSkssa

Takes the place of oil paint for nearly every purpose (outside r inside) at one-third
price. It is absolutely
a^lutely FIRE PROOF and SUN FKOOFand is not subject fo
chemical change through the action of gases or acids. It can be applied to any
WOOD. BRICK or STONE surface and used over oil paint or as a priming coat un­
der it.
ItwillSTANURAlN or WEATHER EXl>OSUREand the white will not
turn yellow with age. The colors are bright and erill not fade.
^ It forms a bard, insoluble enamel coating and is especially desirable on rough
or weatherbeaten surfaces which would soak the oil out of ordinary paint, leaving the
the pigment to chalk or crumble off. It is also of great value as a primer when for
any reason oil paint is desired (or the'finishing coat, as it is an excellent filler on old,'
weatherbeaten buildings and forms a hard, smooth surface so that one coat of oil
paint applied over one coat of Powdrpaint will make a better job than two coats of
oil paint alcme.
h is of ESPECIAL VALUE TO FARMERS, whose buildings are often badly
neglected. There is so much surface to be covered on the barns and
and they absorb so much oil that many farmers cannot or will not use oil paint arid
their buildings are allowed to become weatherbeaten and unsightly. Such buildings
can be covered srith POWDRPAINT by the farmer and his hired man at odd times,'
and preserved from the weather and against fire at a very small cost. A few dollars
invested in Powdrpaint will improve the appearance of the property lOO per cent and
add many dollars to ita value.

Cweloe Beautiful €elor$
. . iml.- in tvn'liv mluni l>-«iili« Wliita* awlBLwk. Tbiw a
. .
i-a awl vi-haivfimml
vi- haiv from vxpiTi.THv thi.y i.n-thi'n.luni wlit.-li abunl au» mrul vraU-r
i-r U«LU«t;
N’lU iHily iiflu yini taiv tu i>*r ivnt ou the n.*t i>( iniutiuu, Imt you linn- gut suan-thiag in P»vnlr>
iniiiit (lint i» just M.lorBlJ.-iiu<ljiliraya looks wi-ll.


Common Sense

Mr. O....V, x.-wton,
"Conunou M-nat- ought k. b-U nnyoni- duit if wi- ran mis P.irtlawl Ci-nMmt tritb wnlt-r, and
vIk-ii it gi-ta haivl waU-r wou t •■ffiv-t
it. jnitil .niglil to ik. niii.vl with watur
wnttf ali
nntl Bbur.l W'ntKfr and
WBU-r aa »'.-U. I am conriockvl that Puwilnniiit is th.' niuiiuu [wiiit. My 41
Imsiiitwai has giv.-u dm* soni.- knowlivlg.- uwi jml|nH<iit alniit jiiint. ns I hn'
I applinl it to builditigs. I havt-mBuulwlur>vl<>xi(li-of ingi by lh>-'
il.-t. |>re]Uunvi
it is not a new kWvrith me. I know that Powilnuiut is nil that ran la-desired asa.rbna]} and
___ ng paiiit. Ihavegiivu
1 haveKtveu it a good trial awl it haa pcond ali that rail
wishivl. su4‘ has stood
nflrrlt STyi
through k«ig wi-t awl sen. s-i-nth.-t, and is an ............... .. ^.........
,___ _________...
Iwtli ou niipBiiihvl surfao- ami on-r oil pniul wlu-n- ullu-ts said il would fail. But it has not faikd.
iiwi all who hnve ati-n it now any it tins roRH- to stuy. Yon out use ny name il ynn wish ns 1 fral
thut 1 nui sia-nking more for the IkUiefit of llti- us>-r lhau for Ui<- matiuYoLtiuvr.’'


It is not Inferior
Don't Dinke the mistnke liy thiuking tliat Powdryaint hemuae it is so inorh cheaper is 'inif you will ai-arrb your
■our ezperieiiciw
------ ^...............yon will -.......
’ - ‘‘
‘ —---------=
oil ptfiut looks very nieely
first nppliid. Iiat in a «x>ry short time the gluss is n-one nnd you haw nwiing left that differs in any
inrticuUr from PuwiirpaitiIt. Ill ftetfor must imr)«Mi-s on the farm the Powerpaint is U-tter ln'i crevices and is alisulutely the la-st- fnrtners. tlou't furgi'l Jhil

Mflainstmind and Storms
Just la-low Sarkett Harbor, which is at the exUvme norii'istat end of Lake Ontario.a well,
kpowe resid-ittot Xiagnn. Falls. X. Y., Mr. B. H. RawUtJt^wns ^a btmdtaMte siuuDer cottage
tagi- next door alnm the same sne sna iniiibv! at the satw- time sitha i\«dy.tDixtdpaiDL awl this
summer kioks so wmtber-bi«b-ii that it Lull
Lu>l til
to U- (winitd
uiiuud over ugtiiii. Mr
My cottage will St
at sail
awl aivsher
rt-ll now as il ilid tlu' first y>-ar: it is rigat at
wwler's' edgi-awl
yi-ar awl rwiUy looks almosl
is exixjoed till-year aronwl to all the hanI
hani wiwls awl storms whieh swtv-p over
Lakt. Ontsrio. I
or Powdr)Bini
PowdriBini awl do not iu-sitoUiu-sitaU- to sy
sav that,
that. there is no other
consider this a remarkable t*-st for
pniut on the market that I ivukl say so much for. I slruogiy t-wlprse Powdipahil. as weU worth
the atteotioii of every one wlio is <ifiHgivl bi lay oat m<Hn-y for point"
A promiutail merchant iu Lawton. Michi^m. givM ezpnwsioii
to a oi
tnosl even- oountv
ihi I'niud
-Stati-s. Resays;
'"Replying to yoar letter of the Hd will sar I am perfndy
riDisig Ihst yon hbcmlil ose my
name aa one who mn reeomitteod Powilrpaiut. Then- an- bondrvds of buildings b*«tabmit« ihut
e sb^nhjy anable to
Liusenl <K1
Pomli^inl is o-rtainly the fanw.-r« friend as well ns the frii-iid of
ol hnwlrevb of ..............
of the |irU*-. To cut ilown ihe cx*t of
era of buildings who have n^levted oaiug paint un aoconut
paintiiag 73 pi-r rent is oerlaiuly a great ndrautagiitagi- awl
I SIB- DO reason, now .a days. whV
1^. ham or firioe should go unpainltd. Povnlryaiiut can la-had socbeaiilv ~

Insures JIdamst Tire
is firiptoof has attractad a great deal of attention train ownns <if
• •in ptBctaenl
tacnl task
factories and mill boildinga. It •haa •bv-eu •fonwl• •Iiy fn-qoeot
exia-rimnita and• also
that fires are greatly marded. and this gives tbv- GnvfigAu-rs sh * '
bnildiag a---from1---------kwa owing
to the protection

Painted a Betel
Mr. A. R. MaeLpedtlau. proprietor of the Robd Caledcmia. of Wnkeslmro.K.C..nB>d Powdrpaint, paRhaaing it thruogh M^. L ti. Call 4; Co. kVilkeali.*u. X. C-one of our boding denkm
in tbe state, and says
toe. To. haw
iMtniaal. both in ptiee and qaantity on a
tbs punt, and
■mi 1 win be pbvMtd to answer any inqi
wriJer It gma
^ to
to twty one who Wna Um that P<>wdipai

Jl Premilieiit PiiMMKr
Mr. E. & Walker, of Na 4S Orarss Are. Battle Crash. Mii^ myt:
-1 like pDwdipstolso weQ ihst I shaO be rwy
to WMwer any letter at imi^
1 to me N^Rng ^ qo^y of ymirjpatoL I bare been ftaymmdtng it nsy highlyt
tt it wifi do.----------- ---V------------------------------------- ------- as good for alLuomd oofaknr work ^ anyw coold do^.
vSi not leeotome^lt fu^^ting fine n-qideota*. bat for all

—^-*-y. M» tor MB



-amm, pMte w9 ih* iM
m «Hfe Mm4 1M7 ■tka war ia Imt tatka V*U«r«<
Dm Ite aim. ucMkia TMfi:
«• da* ih* ««rt Mvi
i«l ««'ll MMb . *•
Tto Mm man maka taatr ^tkatalAtekvkMt
Abd MiMr IH ikiliiiwi 'mM a
~Om^ atj kara. knar u tu <
Wbw* U MTOT • mlb ar ton!
M< «U* tb> U»<Um M '
■VM ■»• «M* (!«■ Ih* vetacW “W*-U team lb* gioam at tka-waart
«Mi «M vdMaf kiM:
Tm’U mat aaai lb* Ubihb. tata. lb* Whan tb* tbwaa |p«« tat aiaaf.
Wttb aiibmmm k» tb> ftayma *•
&M»Md TOO vUl Jam* bj Xka
Jka BfMl at Pama' wtU apmk tfaM
Asd tb» mgb viU b* tb« Mm(’
matprntiti* aMiakaaHarkarawVk
«bn Mn. TbaaMa Bmaali raTlU *• torn* arm* aatat
*• Ufaa M Iba alamta at iba Wblia
--------addiaekumgay ,
aa. aba vlU laaaa a aaa
vhKb vlU aadmf bet to talan
d«ai'a vlaaa.
tara»4 vMa. ta
WIU aka obaaga la Iba taualm
Iba truia Baaaa tfawa vUl alaa ka a aa
Lcm ibagraM bw vavadaban
am at cbiaa aad glamvan vbicb v
ratlammia ka Iba aan at amn toaaavtta la I
. 'Var *a am maba
fadlag Ugbl «< AV
Tba priaa la ba {vtd for ItaU aatrUa U BM dlaalgad. bal it U nld ii
VlU ba abeal ■».<» far tbaaOOer
tWaUgf aaa ilM algbt dmU •

,3v^..___ _
Aai Ma M tM M fI bU vM!
AwaUafpmaavUbtaU t^hagk

aaa at aaUry aaad. a Ural
aaa at vhUa »a|f»r. a maUag
at aariBao. a gaart at goad eldm rlaacar..aa4 ^aMeof* at a eap at
ktovB aagar. aU aegalbm la a graalu
kaWa. aad baal aUvIy la katUag.
lot bMl ap vaU. tbm baUU.M aaal

m alaad vbita oatou

BlL aad If Iba mlxtan taa
nlfy (wtar vllb aold valm
drmiB a aaaoed lima Tbta pal Ibm a
tranlu kouU. add a raaadlag mbit
....... I M or aaltry and aad mat
lard aaad. a Ural taaapooB of eayaoBa
er, half a eap of kreva aagar.
aadaplBlefbeaCTlaagar. tioil aboai

Tba Idea Ibal paankaa of aoy'klap
I avma ODamUa of a good eampUi.
lOB U aatd to ba vaU Coaodad. bal •
aomlag Mobar tat foaod a vay by
vbUb ova may lodolga to oea'i
Baart’a eaauai In tba good bal earn

Uly vblu abln. bba
lUa la Iba «bita Baam aba (eabd
mat taaehlnlOramMQeQaaiBaaaM alalma that If Ibe battm at
friiun aad aaeh Uk.
U mlbad a good tvo boon kefora It ia
Iba daagara of dytpapalataalBMot aouraly doM avay vtth. TUa
viU ba a ladUal dapartara for
at. vbo art nrafal to
ThU tarrlaa U ran baadiaw
ir pa’aMai viib Iba baiter at
bal Upa aad am
b aa poa^t. bal tba «
Utaa U(l taatr maiU apaa IL 1
pad br Tbaedma &. DarU. mad



lUad * Oo.. «t Fraaea. Tba daaigei
vara mad* U vakat aalat. aad alla aaarlj araty taataaei
baU aad amkug, ibay
Oa IbalakmafPMadamaraUrgt
dlBaall lb rqreaam am poraalala
vlIbbaMaUaanlaalen. Tan.
maa-of-var aad ef aalUbg
pliab Ibli tl vaa Bbm
abtpa OB vbicb tba yoo^m •
Iba OarmM omparor ipiail mratol

far from tha Mtr at amaa vbma tba
agad beaaam m naafrtsg. Wbaa aU
tba paaaU bad arrlrad tbeia wara
algbty reaaa ta tha bovL Uoilc fallovrd aad raitaabwanta. li vaa
•talaly faocy tbat I paaa li «
tarn vbe ala paraliag arm waya to
lUbrau gmodmotbm'a btrtbday.
Oaa at Iba vomm vbo altagdrd tha
doa mamma to adopt tba
Idn for a gelilas veddiac vbiob u
10 ba elalobiBiad baforr loag la bar
family. rrlaadtBBdialaUaoavtU all
corrylat rami h tor tba bUlbday feta, bal gaaau vlU aamtaar Otiy
totlnd of alghty, aod all tba
vtu ba >e)l^ to nproarat tba golteo
eanre of the *amt. Mnale aad nowau will follov wbaa
caeau bare artlewl, aiamly aa lo tba
orlglaal affair.—Uood Boaarkaapiag.
New York 1
a rooag vomaa aktUad to tha an
•taonhaad vntmg 8be atuadi
« otwaqolet of people of promt
■am ^d voallB aad you dova ta
■r BOU book all tba oompllmeamry
taingi tha praaabar av alwet Me de.
itag relaUvai dealre
aad eitbm
arraagaa Cham ta book f

Of eoarta the prayen an
aboai alike aod do aot ^atra t
erratleo, bat ta bU aanaern
prraabar Uapi to my aoma pretty
tatagiaadli It taa dealre of maay aplo-dau famlUm to keep a raeord of
. la 00 way oUiar Urna by Aba

•peeobea. Tba araraga mtaUtar
oot tM lima W vnu tbam-«et
torahaBd aod oommll tbam to m
ory. aad aa it U bad form to read ao
obltaary' dUeoarea. ebrioul;
It Dothtagfar it bet to mil ta tba ataMigntdim. Baaoa )bt aoral aa
tim of tail yoaag wemaaaad tba
■ai tbat bat aiteodad
To Wmb a Plaaaal «

ham la tba lav Obalt.
-'"•an hr tkaaataa abdiag 4a
mamta wbM la wain wttl ti mama
maataaa^Uaba bad aataaako'mmt ta baaaaU.a warn mdr^
ya a wr at UatlBg lUaga laka aatr
amt maaa ae iba amramU. U
abai la aaam var (bar wUl am
anrttba gbamarlaadtribU
hr amiagiM » U bar datr w kaap
^haenif tomb ta mladftaad that mt»
ata aaaaat 4a U baa miad Uaoaria. aaUr aaaafM vtaa iha 4amtu irttab
. aa iMaa arm baa. llaltbw at ibav
a«M aagbt aha to b*a. tba im
Will palraaba bm pawat at thlakiof
i ML aa taa maaj bmmhairaw baa.


‘•Oaa Iblag a raaag maMmay
paaiMIr dmmmkm: That aka vtu
ha wanh men » bar abUdna «h»
Mr aaa grawlag ag thaw *a aaa ba
wbda Ibw aM aibT raaag. Maar a
adharbaaglfaabaaaaUaa vbaUr «»
bat iimU ma Mi Mbmbaaama
haat. la ^iba tatr
Ihal gM ka Ml vtth Im teagw.'
MMU aama ba aaagaatad ta41MmlQ’. Aa baa baaa mtd. Iba 4aaiMda at Iba
■ aaaaa. aaa laa aaa* lat av warn
•a awa wUb 1* 4aadl latbafm
■M. M. -aba Maid ban aaamga
ta 4Mm wtibmaar Iblaga Sba
AmH ladaaa aaaataUIr «ba M

Xn. Booggnll mat aaarir a yaar
age far
X. Taa Baaaaa. at
bikaay.X. T..UadaommlaalOMd him
rtaU tba paiat taemlat vltb tba
Idaa at nbrnltUwi a aelUatlmi el
ablaa aad glam ter bar iMlUelkw
(‘raaldaai BeatataU WSr~r^ maab
lo tba maar aad look aan
UeamloM nUtlra to vbal
^OBld ba aaUaiad.
•nt tba gnat aaal or tba Dailad
dmiaa. vbtah U aa ramly aet
ibM lavanaeqataaud viibii.
>)ad CO Iba nnloa. That.
Iba baal ter nmpim
Afur maeral ma
Tea Haoaaa aabiati
aad. Xla. aoearrelt tk dlffaiasi aad
•lelaaln daateiia. Tbay rmaaad
miaa trap diACOO to rso.000 Mo
iblat bad baao at v
maaibm aad pomibiy aarar Im'
baa Mn baaBaaota aVn«UM
aoUaaitaaet crigtaal daaigaa la
mU an pnaaatad lo iba aoaaldanUaa
.daarooavimamBtllar tdm la alev.
\t aaj lean eoald ha
cnatfad. Oaep rieb-mada. bnaUtal
blan aad rallava, taaa Da taviyt
md tba dtOomi 1
tba nry UmpUm an
bat Xn. Baenaalt t
that Iba 4aaM Maid ba almfla aad
am at aU gaadr- Amlmad kf her
baMad. Xn. Beeaerall MU7
Uend tar M Walla Hkaaa
k geld, wtih
at tbagnat:tmlafM

at Mila Tba taema Uta ma
.am4a abagU. ThaabUam aa
hHgbl lataaagBtaatbatamthaiuU


mal hat faaaa aaed ter

Mr mmra,
Maa*a *

Tba «UM Bean dtaa-» mlea
m dlaaer plalee.
plaiot. 10 dMoa
kcaedhad bamr

la tbaaa It mlaalaa MvUlhaabla
. ta gm a awn aanata aWv at aMi

aftm dtaaer eape a

hataM^MdMaa an ibab wMa aba

agaawal aaraar aftbHiu
aM abamarbaablanaaa
’ ^ nagawtag ibMa am la 4alaU bai

Tba glmeveia U alee MKIM
Iha goauu an ncr tala aad to baglU ibu M aUihnmpneeanv -

Mr* “


tba 1
tba tmpt
vaU: OaadayamaMVbtinuedaetd
at Poutam. Tba ampram imardod
laatareu kiad ef My far ehildraa "Bal the ampanr bat gtraa
it eoaaaai.” pUadad Iba a
Ptrhaia aa.” vaa tba nply. -Ba
■ay ba Otrama amperor. bat I an.
earatcy ampaiw '* 8e tba aaao

Bamara Iba aaad fi
ira aad allea lham
iB yen vltb aturoam iaye.
-breddad eabbaga. aanr vtib mil
lei ataad aeer BVrbL la Iba mon
Pat aeoogb
<i^ar louorar tba plokla ia a
Head ketiU vltb aaaaiwaaaab
Uak and vUw
half aa eaoee at eaUry aaad. a Urre
oBtao abeimad taa and a bead
Ua if yea am tbU taym. LvI Iba
yiatgat boil ap, tbaa pear it arar
papparo FMfc tbam' alemty ta >
cp. Caap ta a aeot. dry plaaa.

Bata a tab halt dlud
(«l dagnaaP
•0 vhtab tat
tpooefalt of betel,
ud dovo ta tba vairn vita aa Uula
rabbtagat poaUhU., aa thii'maU U
fibar. Karm reb amp duaelly 00
flioaeL Blaaa veil la tvo or ibn
umpataiata a
fint. adding to taa Uil VMor m
Uw fir
belpi to keep Iba wool toll. Looae
lb# tcniMe of tba vnoger. pat Ui
Velas tbroogh aod bang auiil aalrli
To troe-Plaoa a allgntly dampeoed
.ebnteclota orm tae daaael. ua tat
rlrhl elda. aad pint vita a loodeiale
ty boi iroo. la remoeing tba ebangg
ilota tae Iban ollaa to II aad antrawn ap girtag tbe ffaabal a aofi
lalab macb Ilka tba aev malarial.

Mr aim ami iba a«aai at tba
aathai mdarn wbtab
Ma ta ba aamUd VUl mmu tbaanalaaa.
*>tbamlt Mbu.gai aanaiaadtag ta higb Uaaa vaUb vlU, fat a
tav Maana. aattj roa aal of tba
Mr naaA Caka Maroaa AaiaUa.
aad taar wUl Utl raa aai m tba laaaaM fiMamab taaa ammhtr. atmaarMta vbUh Ula vtB baa aaam aa


b tha aaUar at Iba Barn, la Ahjaet

vaak hard. >hlU M mao an MU;
bav by tha
at oampaanUaa. Iha
haam aad aU tl
Mwlfa. At Iba
M taba tba baakaad amt at aighl. la
aad bamaaetaama
ham aaoU ba makaa amaadr ta aha
gmataapv. Tba wlia aeaeMan U
aaatr ao abaaaM baahaBd.aaau
aka U waak aaeagb «e Mv day laaa
lar him ar gftot ml bU dnib M woa U
ba aaaraad by bat Mba. Tba vita,
vliboat aay naaoo. may awlka bar
ad cm ufctaa vMb bm cam-ibird
Xdatpeaaaaauaa TbabaaU
. ba U WayaUag. my am

«*w atralT*rlX'^mlTatn
“Aa flw Laadaa Wa itiliii ,


bVtatto 4m aM la Iha aM ■
am marnmlaaa aim



a ar avam aU ta
abm tha aaaagm. aad aU-.w X«


dimagard of hygUaU Uva’aod
lUal of loUm aaeimerlm. lem a
ty that ekarm at M aad farm that
Mon obnoofty tamadad abooid ba
ban. A ftv dfopa at toackiag latiae
vUl traaafarm a pair of leogfa baada
Utatefl m; iyaUawHe eata ef M
a—pUrica vlU kaap It amool
vard off vitakUa aad aa aagma
road aleym faoekb aad tahaavtbtagi Jaoa Athma'telli from bar Vida
a Uraly toUram ta tha eazmi
H at tba day. vtU brigbtaa tba
ayaa aa aaiblim aim am. axaapi It be vomaa look lefaga vita - a triead
tba aympathy M tha maa eat loraa.
vbom M aappeaad U> ba llrtac ta
Ihiee room* ta aaetaar pan of taa
leva. Wbaa tba arrirad tbe fouad
taat bm tnaod'a beabaad liad beta
TbUapaaataadvaUripaaad aama- oet of work n kmg taM tbay bad
baaa rodeoed to Urieg ta ana 1
Tba frUad. bevarm. took bm 1
obliged aa aletp apna
ka baakaad vaa ol
park oyacy oigfal for
vaafc; vhUh ba did aacampUlatagly
aa. Oal M laMiii tale IbUb If aM obrartalty. rmiaaaUly It wi
aUeaa. altat lot agpUa. pal tagalbar
tataaa agau kattla, aod ilmm

rl hy Uartag ta taa awam !
k torn auipptta taam dova n
re taa Bilk, ihta «ytag (ham ta
■aaty aUoad aad aaatad. M aaa oaaaa pUeaagalB. Otra aa bMML dOaolly
- rUdgtagmramamiBtaffaamripa.
Mvtytartva boon. FOorta

•a to try Parvaa aad g

Kan. tf a tlgar ellmbad a traa
To gal a aoeaaast.
And It by bap taa feltae ohap
Sboold find taa ibop vm abal

mtad. Priao. IHmple. I wUl |
***** “ *
that 1 tait
mid Xat?. aud; ~i mta It tattatally for_________
Ihac big oaa 00 ibe aloib aad am happy tadaad to ba abU to aay
tail 1 am aoUryly corad. Ward! tali u
daal taa rary muiw taiag bapfaved. «*pnm my graatode. Partert baaltb
aaly ibia Uma it vaal aver v.taoal
ta. bon tatagleoaldvtah
“4 Maak. to Paroaa I aajoy t
being tooebad; aod taoagbI Priaca
Dimple vai looking al ii. be did aoi
aa* vbete 11 mold poaalblT bare go

'Ooolda't Pnoea Dimple pick ■P'
pretty amp bob
bobbin' aued
hi* deer liiila
And if ua omh* vtth elavtag data •
Bboold ptach bu Beogal iota.
jtaougbtfnl face, mod Prioce Uimple ,
a vlwahaibould
mlo mil him
Tba gteaad. do you aappote V
Dlride a ttlM of Ueortm
did BOI kuov vbal be da*
aiamblom pevar «f:““

pal' a ofgaai are taa mua of m
"iMm^dinaa^ ....... .. ^ ^

trfBl ttaatmeat to
great pbyMaaa b> mtka tab 4 arvvamaa.”—XUaftfcriilXIfi
diaeorarr. Par tarty yaata ba bm baaa
XiB. wmurn Kmalag. Kb. ------ .
* vitaaa aotuely
luraly traa tmta ealarTbal “I am happy to faaahU tovrtto you
ageeUuo o> taaaa oegaba vooU BM ba bat I am DOW igaiB vail. I vaa M
raU hr a year, aad did aot km wbaa
aubfeet to (emiU dUt
Law taUI got afaatUa'm FVbegan oaiag Pymaa
admiraUy mUpted to IlMlr raaa. It did ma good. 1 vrota to Dc.
tarabeok*UUoCUta.'ahdbk' '
Aad If taetataltigaaraamadof yoB. ; Bddia vm a l.ula boy 6 year, old
loekily taat am a ' '
limy 4u
While yea'iea-cbavlag of ii.
1*1*0 lltad ta Bldrad tovothip. Pa. I
What earn of blndi, tod. pole or (taa day ba vaal oot vitaaome of ibe ■
y dumm vu oaurrb of taa head.
romaDantutagltaadpraUacigbbon to ptok bloetamea Tbeyiu^h.
ona U Bot a paUlailya aim- . atemaehaadUym.aBdhamMItt
forfiot all abOBi him. boverer.
voBia teUov hb adytoa I vooU tom ba
Will be year lamntag ptofll
> by raomylBg tat oat
I foltovad tat dtivitif iilimlj.
laadba vaad.
idarad off br bimaeU lelo I tamila
t vofca apoe my ItiUa bad
m aev aaotaly velLt-Xn. WB{tae meaebiuw
' ' mahmprobaUycond
1b aagaiib aad M pata.
w mimed a icareb vat' vooiea of lamaU aUmmU tbaa aay
I'd aoooar lou my braad-aav
Wiesaama TW. X.^Xahoo. at
other llrlBg phyeirtaa. Ba ‘
Tbaa dream tbom draama agaia. be foQBd. Taat nubt a fmrfal worm. «*«• ““idy by mlag aad
I svapi taa mooai.
Ii wat a atghi tag Pa<
Oh. gUU aod boya vbo erar
wbaa tba bcoTmi
roold BOI hare . Ula* Pbuafaa Cary SbaflMd. vilUi
I eared u U• ^-Idia OOBid from bagiila.Teui.m follow*;
t Man* nmw^.'wr. M. XMm
or •lembm mlm aad daap.
am ba foa
roaad Hit motbar____,
motbar amrl
-1 biT* tolloved year dlrartiom aiM
yoatU BottUrlye prompt aad miuvaol ofMy vbea alia thoagbt of ber imtmral. aad wUl alvaje taaok yoa beury ramlu bum taa am M ParoM.
Try lo forgal year 'rltametie
lUlU boy waadenag aboai in 1
fur yuar kladaa**. You madieta* U ta*
Before yoo go to alaap!
- Uartm.B.ClyUga
•torm. talnly clad, aud parbaie
earn aad ha vtO
-UataX fi
matey of wild bomu. After a 1____ oelT BMdlciaa taat gar* m* ralUf fima
of two days bU pareou gare him ap
.................. baaiyrmlaSolghL
aad mooraad bim dead
ht 1 voaM
woo; go ^
But jut
M they had glren ap | ^ «*f my ba^ tiwoght
; "Tba boy who U hooaal and kraye
lu dmimu
aad tree.
voodi 00 the
tba BoaBtola
Booamla aid*
aide toBad
b the boy for a frtaad tba vhoU Iha
Kddla.atiUaliTe. Wbaa they hroogbl
Iba boy borne then irouad boaida
him Ml faitafol dog. vbleb Imd
. Aad tba girl who u gaaiU <
.obaery and ivael—
Tbe boy had tlapl taroogb taat atormy
: Oh. aba U Ilia girl ve datlglil
Bight vita bu bead rmiing oa taa
dog. viK) kapi bim inra nod
d bi~ »


F-OR SAl-£.

babble*. Prtaea Dimple." aald Mary hu daty. a* ba lookad apoa ti. boiv
to wateb aad pmael hi* yoaag maatar
PHaae DimpU did not kaov vbal tiU aid aboald arHea. aad tf tail had
BM bai^M.b* vcmid dOBbtlem bay*
eery ttlU ta hi* lltil* ofaair. aod
fib* pat a aloch ea ta* mbit, aad
taaa *ba got a Uae bowl vita lom* big peafctta. toe. Set long ago*'
valm ta It. aad pel tom* amp ta It
* of corn Ur. Uhlp___^ boma to bU family
Priam Oimpto bagvu to vimdar if
80 he uie tatrty keraeU
•be arm gotag to gt*« him* kata ta
llilla bloa bovL
w llilU
tohta?*a* ^ to' vatoh Preaaaliy
Xaiy did aot pat ITtam DM*
1 ta* bowl, taoagb. tawaad
laalmd tbe
aba pot
pal wban be felt ___
taat araiytalitg
him ta bU btgb ehalr at ta* table aad . vm mfe ap b* aaamiiarad aad plckad
to ta* bowl and ap *T*ry ea* of tba tainy kanaU aad
taaa lb* pat a pipe tale
asmad taam avay la la bU lookam.
nntil hU face lookad m If be bad faal
Oh. aaob tweaufal talaga vara ta ooma down vita a bad mm of Ibt
UubevI! PrlDoa DtmpU crowed tad mompn Ban tim* forty fiya krraaU
van [daoad <m tae board aod Ur.
Mattd aad cUppad bU taadi. vbao Obtp
eaoeeedad in gauiag ararjema
b* mv tba baaatim fmatlng babblm Into Ola pookaU. altbaaghll made
ri^ a^
hi* eyaa balga a little. Per tbe
trial teranty kamai* van
Pnaeatly Hary took tae plpa oat of third
niaead aa the board. Tbii lima Ur.
taa bovL aad taaa nab a aBaage Ohta VM beoun. Altheagh b* trtod
talv happaaaA A baaaUfal ball M hard aa be eeaU bu pookou
mMoalaftaatadaf «eptpa;aiM weld ealr bold fifty algfat of taa kmaad ba bod tolmya tbe raal
at laat. wbta It btf grown to b* a aala.
Bnl lhal’a a pevtty good thovi^ for
great aig kolL krlgb* vita arar aa a UtUa tatlov.

•Vx# A* OOCA Mtsr Mx *

aaa apaoe mil. taaapota vbita
peppm. aod eerm vita eold rtatgarSmL
mad namdmabkr hr hartag olaemm
gartoa lolmadeff oahm H nal hatam
vaa told Uw aMr day by a pilrM
frtaad hav M may ta
MU ta amtoaaajMli
gantag aad tervyar fool taa vUy
daaUr. "XWka a lAUd ptaoa of hat•m.** vaal ibt adrtaa. -aadiahit
iru'inaiboa- kUuUXaamllOtBtam.OhUBca.ia
amblBE. UU
tn%U wlU
ktigai apaafca
mga d
aardt by amitm maaotagm ea taa Aty
aad, eaaaarly m paaalbU. tba bear at
•ha vaddtag. TUmna raU baUa
adad far armraeeo taat aad maak
•M. O.
Toe da. hovarm. aeeopt m deal
btar rary ItahlJa m
■paami toylautaB to a viddiag h

Med fm yaara vita a pata ta taa
it my back akd nghlWda. Utad oAea vita my deimmta


ShbU daab
A bU ehlldub yoyr

01 Uir lafl-

araia, I lake tbooold maabed potaloei
ta balk from taair dtab. Soar my pto
board, aad pat taa potataee oo M.
qrtakltag ligbtly arllh Sear. Tbaa
afur fioortag' taa roUtag pta I roU
aad f pram taa pomtoat taa talekaem
iealied fwmkm; tbaa vita tbe bU
oalt eatam eat tba pemcam at t would
doogh. aad tbay an all teady for taa
paa. vita half taa tteabU aad '
I prapOn
riot ta taa mam maanar tar ua. <mly
aciBC pelyartaad aagar ta iiUea
fiear. Tbe itUy. if viabad. ma
laid oe tae top vita battar taooata
taaa .ta tha uaal earrad aortace

dmtarataM am to emt 110.000 aaa
/•I waald a4 ta aar wamiht
Hr mivbUbUaalratav Ma-aatam mW te gaa u am n talk
dmun ehaarar. BaaaU hat tha M gtag^. aagaraod Jtnoa jataa.
aad eaak alovly, aUntag aaaai
akam wbai WaaMai raa. *a man
lehlMatiiUlhavorld. tba
m Idk abaal tlMbrnbarUvUt hartag M (m vtalah b» pald«U0.m aaUl nooaad 10 a maimalada.
mam. IM U raa aeailaaa «

^ ST-iirssTJiiit

•Biprtaad him rary maeb.
aaeagb loaarmtaaaaybody. the bait
I bopad far dnami of dmrdaligbt. vaal Bvay wbaa ba taotaad li 1
bU UlUa Aagm*. Wban It vm
Of mmr oaady bUm;
Bat oh! ay aU^ taa liraleageight pnmaa Dimple eoald aei WlL aad I
Waa «lUd vita thtaga Uba tau; do Bot taiak yoB eoald aara told,
Add foRy Ian at daama Jam
It did BOI roll aadar iba table, for ‘
Pnooa Dimple looked Iban It did'
Sabwaet a eov. ana tell me bow
not ga ap ta taa air m tatoarh Uw '
Maab hotter It viU make
i: tt yam wlakad at Pnaoe Dim-1
Tbaa add taa taltm 10 Iba tarn,
! pit aad UK vltaoat gotag
; Prtaea Dimple lookad
Hov loot vUPl taka era grUreoa | mtprlaad.

Handsomest Lots in the Whole
Plat. Inquire of

Xhos. t. QAXE


Thii if tae veatam tan ukei taa -‘ataixk- out of a maa. thd
i^eth>inUda>ifhcvoaldparMmf ay priea for a tomfiraar
tali voold laolly mreagtaea aod revire hit etaaottad cBcnba.

■1 the detaed ottick. Wc bare kaown r«i.4ovD peraaoi to gam IT
poubdi ia one week oa it. It ouka yoa eat bettm. Mp better.^
fed better iD aioaad. Ifyoa.arr oot mtiMd vita tar potebM cT a
bottle, come badt aad get yoor maaey.
Largr tim bonk. cKH«h for m aoata't tMtwwt, tlM.


We Lead the Way
...... S

Don’t use aoif for joir daahlag.

te moire ooBVMdaot* dMopor and bett«r ttxn 8oxp
ataoyprtee- hMftaBrh4rdTratar,leBM0ff Wior
XDd injureo ootUof.

Enterpriss Gash Gntesfy ^


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