The Morning Record, July 28, 1900

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The Morning Record, July 28, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






f. J

OhliiM* Friao* ftUia
b7 B«TDltiB«.Boxm.

At Which SarmaAmerlcMt
Were K^cred.
Suiwcte) of Bad1 Vottb
« Wltb
Witb )0alted
malted titatM
titaM ood
fViilt Wlnbtor
Va Bm Freoh Sbpalebea Whieb
* ■rDtoUaa ta Baba PabUa>-8ap>
pottd to Bata Vevt ot Ooarar.
aaaoiai MTot Mtaaort acooaa.
Laodoa. Jolf tt—Tb^Dally Bzpraot*
gbaachal aorratpoadaat aart that a
Janra aaetloa ol Boxan ravolud acaiMt
PriBwTaaa. A datparau batUa followad aad tba prIaea.wM kiUad.
^MlaMar Wo Ka* DUpatebat from
WaablartoB. Jaly r7-^U b aaapaetad
that MlaUter Wa Ttef Paaf. bat raaaivad from Utt Cblaeaa as offldal ditCtobaOoarer'aaati
to the oaopad oiaher talarram of iod to tba Abacleaa aiia>
iataratPakla by tbaaaeretary of atata
aad tfmaamitMd to CUaa byWaUat

!rc br tW I


I win uu osiMi
StMa »eaa^
ObhMM cffar tft
siBtaMn to tke iB
nUeBUtoewftt'TiMTkimU taaaii- K^ro De^sredo Brought to
Bay and Shot to Fleoes.
C Mda. A loBf MUwna wm
■dfcdayio AAminl Bm»7»l
Tkk« utf U b beUcped tAkt tbit ta- SlaymofthaTwo Kew OrlaaM OfB•trwtiM WM laid upon him.
can Snmkad Oat of Hta BidUg

Oat Fart Bate SelUet the Ooabt
- AbMt Brraa Vetifleatian
aonttl I* aettoralac Baawt.
ladlaaaptdit. Joly t?-Cbi
had asnouead that aalati the rail-,
roodt eama u tarmt ia tba matter of
apaalal rataa, the BMatiag to aotify
Biraa aad StaTeaaaa waald aotbe
h,U 1. iDdUMpoll.
Word came toai^t, howtear, from
the Central I'Maaogar AiaoelaUoa that
a rata of one fare for the rooad trip
from poUuiB UliooU. Mlehlgaa. Oh:o
aad ladUna bad baaa granted. Mar­
tin tberetora announced that tba meet­
ing will be bald bare.

Two Kora Maa and a Bey. and Sarteoly Vonndad Savaral OtbaroTwaaty Tboanaad Witaomoa.

apeeUJ to Tbc Merelac Beewd.
Saw Orloana, Jaly 97-3^fba negro
10 killed CaplaU
Day and Pat
wonndad OfBear Mora, wm amokad oat
of bU biding pUea iblaafieraoon aad
UUtally abot to placM, bot not nntU
he bad klliad two mdh and a boy and
ral otbmi
In a deaperata battle Ualing aeveral I
hOBiB, be aaccoaded In killing Sc rgaant
Oabriel Porteoa and Andy Vma Ern'pe.
kaeper of the police jail, and Alfred J.
Bloafiald. a boy, aUs fatally woondUg
Corporal Jobo P. Lally, Jjhn Bano'llle,
ellceman Frank B. Evaoa. A- S.
Locklere, oae of the laadlag eoafeeUonan of the city.and more or leai aeriontly iBjnrlngaavaral other pataona
Twenty thouand people, aeldlan,
Dtu^ and Bradgtrcet lasae policeman and citlsaM gathered aroaad
the aqaara in which Cbarlec wai daally
FaTorabie Beviews.'
pat to death. Tn
reigned aa tba battle want on baf
ImmaaM Cora and Wheat OooU tha the poUea, citUaM and tba negro with
WMt «i*M PromlM of CeatUaad a WUebmUr.


Wa loalffbtadmlto that ba bM two
ibpatabat <rom Obtaa, bat aaaliaaa to
t-»aUroad Baraiagt
08 aad Steal Markata
WaabiagMa, Joly 97 —Tba fraviaM
OMpMoaacalaattba ObiaOM foraraDctdan Demoerata Fromlead to later■aat la eroated by rallabla lalorma- apoctel «e the atemlar Beeeed.
vaaa U SaoeaMtal at PoUa U
UoathatTaaa 8bl Kal,
Saw York, Jaly 17—Doa'a weakly.
Praaidaatial Baetloa.
re*iaw of trade tomorrow wUl
apwiti to lae Kentn awoid
Loadoo, Jaly 97 —A diapateb from
SaentaiT Hay^ alpbar maamta to
boalBalmoral, Jaly 90. mya that the Boon
MlalitarOeafaraaatBy Mlaittar Wa,
Pradaeora aad
BtaUtbattbalrplaBofeaaxpalga Uto
a>ao tha aeataata, taa to tba taat of
matotaU a favUU warfare aatll
Oaacarb ciphor reply. Tbia baa ahakaa getting together la
U'tba Daltad
OOBldaaoa U tha axlateaea of tba Imparfa) cewnaMal aad tha boaaatyof laaeUrlty ia amphaaiaad by dlatvbed BUtee U deddad. They claim tba
forolgaVaUtloaa. and tba I
thalbaar U Taataa. It hH
daatfoyed hope for tha aafaty of the alwaya attaadUg a aatloaal poUUeal at tha poUa they i
eampalgn. Tba atop to tba daellaa U twaaa QrMt BriUU aad tha Soatb
iBialMan aad roTivod tha wont aori of
Uto tha market aaktag tacM. Oottoa
. Joly 97hM Impcocad aligbUy aad more baa)
hM eaeaned U ooMoo gooda.
Ndaaeo giTiac c««da «er tha hope
Maallarly U Iron, there wMadapratItet tha mlaMora wan aaCa latarthaa
aieo whioh rMaltsd U haMUtloa aad Bryaa WOlMaka Xmpeiialbm PanhlthMM aappaoadibat oaahoo
fear U other iadMtrlaa, bat tha tone la
mcmat U HU Speech of AeeoptBaroa Voa KottaUrh froom at arrirhattar. Utho Plttabarg diatrlettha
l^atTlaa Tbia, tad UttUorodanaa
■Ula have boakad a Uaa of Ulr oedan apeetaiteTheHeratac bwwd.
AoMftoaM Maaaaand at raatlag.
U ban aad pUtea JobbaraUbooU
Uaeola, Sab.,Jaly 97-Wm. J. BryiU
Waahi^taa. Jaly tr-Tha 1
are dawaadiM pnwptda- gave a
llnry on eld erdora, bat a
thaUlaaded taaor of tha apaeeb ha
vrUl deliver before tba notlficatloa
MW, dated Shaarhal, Jaly 97; “Ofielal
"Ula net a<
totacraai reoalead bare oo the 19th alia^atill farther thia weak for the mlttM at tadUaapelit. AagMt ttbHa givea evidaaea that It U hU pnrpoae
oaid that aU foraltaara aad maay
prioa hM baaa bald far abora tha gaoUto chrUtlaw w«a kOiad at the* tatlen nUag at tbw date U law. The tofeUowtha Uadoftha EaamaOlty
platform UdaelarUgfraeaUvaraat
TIar; tha mlmloaa ware banad. Amcreeodlliooa ara ao gaearally aaUaary aad imperUlUm paramonnt la tba
taaaa; Slaooa famUy. Taylor, MU,
eomiag cmapaiga.
«ha Mlaaaa Ooald aad MorrU.


il for axporu Iba borne
aurkata ara in aa aaay poaltloa, aad
ampla anppUce of eaab with which to begU tba
Block market oparaUoMora
apacalatore. bat
ly by pr
with ooeaalonal aigM of UToatmaat
haylag which wm mimed July I. Ia
dMtrlala ban Ignrad moat U tha deallata.
-Foralga commerce at tbU port IndlaatMaaotbar heavy balaaeaU favor
oftbeUaltadStatmlor Joly. FaUorM
for the weak are til agaUat 1S1 Uat
Saw York, Jaly 97—BtadBtraet*a re­
port of tha atata of tnde Aoamitow
ivlll aay;
"ImporUat abaagea in trade apaeaUtUn ara, aotabiy i«*ww.p tbl* weak.
■ la varioM
aaatiaoaofladMtrlaa l^drathei
tbaaaaaaaUyirr^alar r~-----tha gaaaral altaatloa. Among tha
favorable laatnree eallUg aoUeeare
of aa ImmaaM
crop, the ooaUanad ehaarfal reporta'from tha
wlarga wUtar wheat orep, advteaa of
waUaaod tmpronmaat U tone U tha
aovthwMt, vrith raporm of raaawala of
foretell good!.
mteSoapaad Open- fairlyaatlafactory gaUaU gromraU
readaareUga aa^ laaa waakaam U
prieaao! thaeoaatry'a laadlag oaraal
bayiag for export ratbar than more Uqal^ tor raw vrool ^
tioM agbUat HkU U ralota tor the
AeUnryatTlao TM* of the CarolgB SadlheahM aadg
ia la
Tba OhUaM
thaMan-TbU atarV
Uag Ufaraaatloa toeootaUed Uaa ad­
. ^k elearlaga
ditional part of Boar Admiral Kaauffb
m amallmt tor away waaka."
apart, wbleh haa jaat haea nada
pahUe. UtobalUMdtba dapartmaat
Mr. Jaaam F. Greao, tba well kaowa
------- ------------haadCMdbia
la Upomaaaioaed other
atarrlag tear aa_____________________
a member of
U. n





Indian Baakots in new and pretty shapes.
Bonvenfrs in BheU Work.
Handsome Opal Ware with pictures 'of
Travetee City.
All of the lateet and best books of tbe day.
Pictures and Works of Art
Come in and see onr goods.

Before the time arrives.
To do so we offer



a Quarter
to a Third

"Union Hade” OTeralls and Jackets, 48c.
When yon bay here you buy the best


Lew than usual prices,
and you know our usual
priced are very low.

Splendid new summer suits reduced
to $6.00, $7 00, $8.00, $10.00, $12-00.
' It costs nothing; to look.


All Straw Hats at Cost
Summer Underwear 1-4 Off
Bathing and Bike Salta in endlees wariety, aad all
are reduced In price. Open this eVenlag.

Traverse City’s leading shoe

S. BElsTID^ ac OO.
Bing Ties 50c.


Long Distance

$4.76, $6.76, $8.76
VALUES S7.60 TO 814
You can't appreciate the extraordinary ralnes this sale affords yon, until yon see the
suits and examine them.


Calimet, Suit Ste. Birie,
Bictim Islail, etc. GooilSemce.



I Prices Cut od Tan Goods]

352 pairs men's and ladies' Taa Sliaes aid Oifards, Nav
Jobs, New Usts, »ei> slylisli-jO per caai. off.
Fuaerul Oirector.
I 384 pairs mea's aad ladies’ Tao .'Shoes and Oifards-

Mr MUIer bad a Narrow Baeape From
DrowaUg at the poek Laat
Brea lag.
Eoom. *t Uto Sootb CBlm tWMt.
Mr. MUlar. who pUyt tba SaU U
N(>nh,.rs PboM Ko. )M. Bril Pbrar »
tba Boya' Baad. bad ao experiaaee Uat
evaalng that WM far more lateraatlag
than pleaaaat. The axccmloa wm
jMteomlagUontba ataamer Colame axo ctKxrs
bia, aad be atood on the dock nnUl
tha beat eama alongaide. Then ba
leaped to tha lower deck- bat it
ehaaead that bU baad atrnek tbe lop
ot the gangway and be faU backward*
»lUBul mxiiairrrv.
Into the water. ThoaghbUbead 4m
badlT braitad and laeeratad. be did not Nociurre Pbtwr ItHBS.JKXMUE AL'Ol'BTISL
and awlmmlng to a.
pUa ia the dock, ba clang to It tOl a
rope WMhrooght. aad ba wm dravrn
Had be baaa atnnaad by tba collUloa
with tba top of tha gangway, be might
have drowned bafora help eoald have
raaebadbim. A* It vraa, ba bad a vary
>w aaoapa, and willearry a braUad
For Pig Tails, but sinos
head for aocM time.

Seneral st)rlis-25 per eeni. off.
189 pairs nien's womeo's, aad misses' shaas-l-2 afl.

Clothes Clearting
ud Pressing Parlors #

I Used

to Pay 10c
I have tried

Fatal tajarUa to Haa aad


Wltbont Kaowa OaaM.
apMW te Tk« HnlBc BMerC.
aaatUgtoa. W. Va.. Jaly 97-WhUa
driving aaax Long Branch laU Uat
tt Bamlltra BanyoMot Marlon, O..
MUt Amarka Artharof BarbcmaaOU, W. Va.. wma trod oo from am.
fatally U)arod
and' MUa Artaar eaaaot poaaifaly
w. So oaMf lor tha attack U kaowa.
Than U ao clM to tba aiMMlB.

Alt xrssdlswesk.
Park Place hotel p&

IiWiBBi UMwltb pnrrkaaa Baara
9 a. m to 9 p. m. Ladirn rMpacifally
teriUdkacaU. l«mt*

Campaign Hats and Osp*



Popular Biiute Rates.



Summer ebooa and ox>
fords for men, women


‘OhacMtam ofiea roporta dlatorbaaaaa at YaaaaByettetd^.'*
Tba oabUffram la aoauwbat ooatend, bat la gtraa oat oaaeUy m raoolrad by tba war dapartmaat.
probably maaat that tba Aaarleaat
kStad eompriood the Slaooa UaiUy,
olthor a maa or woman aamad Tay,
lor, aootbar oamad Fltkla, and tba
MUaea Oould aad MorrUl. The atata
dapartmaat thUba tba name “PakU"
U tba diapatah maau PltkU, of whom
maay laqalrtaa bare baoa raoaived
Tao- Tiar u prob­
ably aa error tor Paatlaf, t^leb
aboot T» mllaa aoatbwaat ot PakU.
WaabUftoa. Jaly 97-A diapatah <
raeeired from OoMol Ooodaow today
bat traa not made iftblle. TbaoabUat
bald a aeerat oontarenoa U Secretary
Bay'a ofiaa tbta awrnlar aad talkad
ovar tba altaatloa. It la autod oa
oatbority that no new plan wm agread
apoB aad 80 BoggMUoo that tba go*erauaat aboald ebaage iu policy re­
garding tha Chportt that tbIa roreramcat W gatiUur
amad to tba Earopapa poalUoa ot tha
war U China la vdoalad empbatlaally.
Tba goraramaet la atUl aoaaptlat m
•Halaa tha praaaoUtUM of the
t aad nt Bot pre­
paring taro

In. I»I?OflXSX©Il.

In a few dajn — It> a
wmi-annoal event with
na. We are asxions to
Bell the most of onr

Ha did not FaU Until Bo Bad BlaU

Ponrth Ye«—No. lOOT

Summer Novelties


Flaoe aad Middled WiU BaUaw. Bat


Pig Tail
I have oome to tbe oaoclos>
ion that oc will boy a first.
clasB, deliciona smc^. Try
one and yon will never pay
lOe far a Pig TsU sgsia.

132 pairs women's lace and button aboee now..
<>0 pairs youths tan lace ehoea now .



New Store—242 Front Street

j| The Leading Shoe Hoase of Northern Kichlgan

«»«»* «.»»«»»«««« a* «»««»$««•

I. You’ll
i Save^Money

By trading here—for excellent and
beauty are jeuned to low prices in our selling of
shoes. Not a shoe io onr stock that is unworthy
your buying. We would especially call your atten.
tiott to our line of



Ladies $2.00 Shoes.
^ep in and see them.
You’ll be agreeably surprised.

Front street







i. wtah
----our MM BhfO

talker IB AboUw to
MW b^n htthlaed br ae u«
•taMd to pieen ike AWfieM Bee ew
IMIM wkkh^ li kM MW betas keo
^ reHOM we knee tke
«Bleektawprdto swdioi mABoewbw.sad toeeksU teelPsAta

M we eiaat far pnoptaSr Si taw «

Ike Dweersta ta«e bees reoklew od
tketr prawhw. if reports ikat
fratsastlpsM tree. Plntlt wpbmsossfsd tkaitta Flllphioi pissed tkeij
leiU epos ike alaetlM of BryM ta
relsMa trw Amarleea oeetrel. end tt
leWMlly beUaeed by tkenikat U
tke Oewmte aaeeoed ie Botowbpr
AcstesUo mil lecelaoeatMlef tke
PklUpplaM aawtniaed. Ike Utert
rbSek eoaw la tkle
ietkettke Boere
wesid eosUaae a fserUle wtrtae
1 Britain natU tka pnaldMtia)aleetiaa lathe UnitedBtatee.
an tka DeaweraW had prcmleed tkat If
eoeowfaltkie (oeeranent woeld latarWM beiwacn Ofsat Brittln and the
Boeth Afrioanrepnbllee. The lateUi(eat TOler can readily cee to what es- ho planead la ana of DeaioeraUe enecret. Bat
e will (o on r
tkiB tal M Btterly oppcaod to the prop­
one Bade for the wke of (atalar

•“-ar.^ssiSjSST" ‘
8«eMomi OoBTmooa.

B«p«bUeM Oo«atj OqbtwUc*.
Boeia aad FUlpWoe.
Sncca the adoption of the (old eUndard In Japan the eorreacy of that
mantry hae baen freed from eoaetant
flaetaatlone (a lU ezehaa(e rate.


:: :vl

' Tfwwm-mwrm-mwrmwrm-mK

O.C. hOrtATT.

BipiiblteM W»rd OsseoMt.

TiaTane aty Teat Ko. 171. K. O. T.
B.. (atdarery pleaeanl doeial diwee
at ForeeUrt bell iMt eraalag. Alioat
japlea were preaent. and a.fine
time wan eo joyed by all.


2Tfi£f.fS?u!«*^>?»Si”‘ 52«“i I'idJS.
b evorru■ «iU be

U*j^3(. mu




WAkU SO. ^

. .fcTrrs'v-J:

i'edB*«l»r PTeBtar Auf.
A Moalj c«eP*B*
beta ABC AlW),*lwl.lphc<«
M tnr
OOBBJJ 0«««B will Iw pi

^SHjTu w. wo.


Lae't erenine a pleawst neeptioa
was (Iren at tke heme of Mr. and Mn.
N. B. Chapin, to Ber. and Mrs. C W.
Green, wbo an proBlnent
>Bon( the poor moantaln wbltee of
Tbanweee. Mn. QrMn U the danghter
of Ber. and Mn. TpBple of thk city.
A eery pleaeant eooUl time was en­
joyed darlne the entire erenlng. Mnsie
wns n plensant featare. and tempting
The work
that theee two monnuln mlosionarles
are doing amoag the pooreet clsu of
wbliM la the eooth. was one of the
aeel intemtlng topia of the



wtrtt^ A «m w 1-M*IL VSI* al?ri


•Kamed In Bennonla
MiBBffieWlaansof BenconU and
Mr WUIlaa UeOartney. were taarrled
Ikanday in Beotoala and arrived
on their wedding tear.
The bride U a iieter of Will Wiaane
of the hardware deparUneot of the

JHIT Fismcmn
-------------fearteoa Pto

I tka ««y

B^joyad Teatadayst
A Jolly party of 14 fina tUed^asJeyad tke ^ yeetaday fioUag at Oup
TbaydBiwadMr. Bo^rtayk
•Babaaea" at tka rawt at BoaA.
aad waet to Poantaln Paint, where
they ate tkeir laacb. Ikon tk^'eaeat
tke afterseoB fioklag, aad Bade a fine
eatnk. landiag aboat 40 Hack bam.
aoBO of them bdng large oaaa.
Meet of tke (wny drove bade tatke
eUylntta evealag. tka yooar bob
eoBiag on tkair v^aele. TboM who
eoBpoaed the cqppaay weta Mr. aad
Mia. George B^ aad daaghtar. Mr.
aad Mn. Jallaa 'Ctaapball. Miao Balea
Oampball. MiBee Bditk aad Bddla
Bolcamb. John Sboekay. Oanat Bate.
Clyde Thomas, Bageae Mata, WllUe
Asderaoo, Albert Syeelka and taikeet

Mtaeairy Pmm Tkla CHy Ban PM
Prom CBM.
ta nemo Umo aver the eatrty of MnKttkw'Weodbaiy, inafkMr of Bev.
Md Mn.J W.Mata. aad ler eevmal
ynari a BcleBeaary In OUaa. TVy
had not beard fram '
■ealhi. and ween baeomlag very nnsany tat eke had pariebed la tka Ckibnt Mr. Miner ban
Jnnt rcoplnd a letlsr tram bar. ntatlng
tkat eke had fled fram China and taken
ntage in Japan, whma eke Is now
mto. Mn. MUta. who is at Bay View,
the Intta
in reealvod here.

-ThMlamere thaa a party eeatsak
Wo are aow atasdUg at the parting ef

«Un whether they vUlgo
to peeapwlty at boM aad keaor
abroad or whether they wlU tarn their
WnkB on what hae bCM doae In the
faetthreeaadaqaartaryaan. thereby
pinaglag the oeaatry lato aa abyu of
mlnery. sad what iewocae. ahama.
•'We have a right te appeal aoi only
bet to.aUritlzafl.Bo
Mtta what aClIfl^ they hava had

' ad PrmIdaC M«l^nr ta tka past
M tta

fuU Uae o(aosdo.
Yoo wUI uy I hove

the Finest Line
Odd Dressers you ever saw
One solid row too feet long, and some
otbera chinked in around. They com­
mence—Solid oak $8.75, $9-75. $«o.75 and
so on up. All finish»—oak. mahogany,
white enamel and antique.


Wa show a iaiga llie of Eitoosloi Tobies.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store


Oannot be beaten for their music, dura­
bility, case design or tbeir price. .

285;00IHn Actual Use.
HaadradBoftlMM ffplandid iaatroaenu owned
by Orend Tre^ana peoide.
Oash or OMy peymento. Old iBstnuneati taken
iB exchange.

Sell bftln naktes inn ficurf n pailoi.

MaAiibib Bleek

iGood Line of Jefeliy


AIIKIodsof Roniriie.

Dont Be Fooledi


B^ Fire Insurance.


If you want something good, and
something cheap

of Traverse City

A great variety of bon bon
dishes, pin traj’s. cups and saucers,
toothpick holders. ' plates with
beautiful views of Traverse City.
These have been selling at 25, 50
and 75c. We do not want to carry
any over the season, so they’re
yours for 25c each.
A most appropriate gift for
your visiting friends.

TrsTeree City, having been eonneeted
for a tlae with the drpee making de­
partment of the Boaton Store. She
hnsapentthe anmmer here with the
tamUy of her brother. The eoople
will make a tonr of northern Michigan
aad after September 1st will be at
heme U Marion, lod-. where they trill
reside permanently.

Kimball Pianos
and Organs




•‘1 oeeept the hosor
4»e with the kemcet ud deepnt »pyroflhtlnn of whet it mcoBt. ud ebon
'•U. of the rcepoaalbimy thet rote
with II. Ewylhlor In my power to
Be will be done to eeenre the
at Fneldent McKinley to whom It bee
Beea glvoa la thU great eriela of oar
aaMoaal hleiery te stand' for aad «mhody prtaclples tha\ ehesild be cMe to
tko heart of evey ABerieaa srerth| of

We cea be(la to show our

Team Ooee Against
(MrwB Today.
Tbn loeai bane hall ptayan hash aeenptad tke eballeage reneaUy received
from BIk Bapide tor a game of ball.aad
will go to that town today. The play
G. E. Barker of the BegU was called
we are eeleeted from eeveral teens ol
to WbltBore Lake yesterday by
tbn city. Semen will be In the box for
re aeddentlo his father, who was
the Male, who wtU kav ete go against
kicked by a bone.
tke pitching of -‘Kir Cknon.
The Practical Hoom Fumlaher.
Dr. 8. P. Tattle Of St. Loale, Misfe
Mr. aad Mm. John Tbdalean the
te In the city the gpoot of J. Mi«akei
lee. Or. TatUe U a gzadaate of the parenu of a fine baby gGl.
Uaiverdty of Michigan and baa a
practice In Sk Loaie, bat is eeakiag
anottaar locaUen.
The Ladies Aid Society of the United
1 have had my boUdiiig
Lutheran chareh of Morthpo-t, will
. rebnilt and pot in good
give a picnic in Oleoa Grove t^nd^,
shape and am cow re^y
Aag. S.' All kinds of nfreehmenusmi
tu receive all old patrou.
Mn. Gas Gnenwald. who has beea
the city is at
at Mr*. Mlnon’s ^ital for the past
two weekn, was able to ntern boae
Sqniree « Bonaer, the eoath side
See namples in vbdow.
barben, have pat in another ease for
Hekdaehe for Forty Yearn.
their Boanted birds and animals.
Per ferty ymr* I ■offered hem ilrlc bmd
Wm. Smith of tbU city' and Mine oebe.
A yivracol t.rcitn upIiik i rJi-r> Kins.
Tak« tht gMiM. •rtgM
Uuie Manbal of Grand Baplda, were TtM nmlt «rm« cndirylnK and aur(vUlns.
my hmdafhrv IraUnil at oner. Tbe Im3.
married last evening by Bev. W. T.
WoodbOBse, at the BaptMt pareonage. bcadacbetDllM'taairl.'Trn inoBibi. i knov
tbal v£t eared me vlll brlp otbrra.—Mra.
UtUe Prank Dsan. who hat beea Jobs
Ik Van K.'urrn, Hassi-rtln, N. V.
aaffcrlng from the blU of eome loseek
and for whoee life gnve feare wen
felt Snndey. U math improved, the
be eUU bat eoneUerable fever.
Prank L.igkater has been appointed
............... Cedar, vice B. B. Foi«y.
Mist Grace Cleveland of Coldwaier.
-as married Wednesday to Keb’.e D.
l>wis of Elk Baplda. She Is well
known as a former teacher in the city
ecbooli here, aad a ben Of friends will
wUb her all bapplneas. Mr and Mrs.
Lewis will be at home after Augost IS,'
at Elk Baplda.
Work was began yeeterday on the
of Mias Mary Bates, on Ran
dolpb elreet. the plane for which were
drawn by W. A. Dean. Thomas Moultan baa the contract for the carpenter
It la Moonneod that owing toadbagreeBeotamong thettockbolden. the
Leelanan hotel at-Omens will be offer­
ed for .tale neat month. An effort

An eel was fonnd at the Boardman
Biver power bente yesterday, that Will
Love declared was at least sin feet in
length. It bed got (Alxed up with the
wheel and cm Into three piecec. which
WafASa <.«m.bebPW
the employes of the elcctsle company
rouio VBftbBUB*. B«
pieced together, making the rix feek
A dozen Odd Fellows went to Thomp(er eoBBip B^MB
V plMwU la M
sonville last evening for the iastalUCd,3iU}ll. IM
Mrs. JoKn Tn^er of Cedar, met with tion of officers in the lodge there.
palntnl aeddeat Tboreday, whUe on
A meeting of DnehemOsmp. No. »4S
ber way to Maple City. The teat of Modem Woodmen of America, will be
in which she was riding tip­ held In their ball in the Masonic block
ped backwards, and she fell heevlly,:
evening. There will be clevee
broaklag her nolta bone. Dr. Frsliek
sfor adopUooaed aM memWM at Cedar at the time' and rodneed ben are re^wested to be preeeak
the fnetnre.
lieorge Nicfaoii of thlo city, and Mn
' vfelrbruiKpaiieeraaCMuiWBlcwMWBtroama
SanhJ. Bilowof Torch take,, were
•rill br BtacpU IB BoBleaUea.
A card.
. OM»r.3Bl}M.Utd
We. the opdenlgned. do hereby hnlted in marriage yeeterday by Jnitiee
W K. M->o
agree to refund the money on m Sfr- Verly.
M D. Hob
eent bottle of Oreene's Wamated 8yrep of Tar If it falle to enre yoor eongl
or cold. We also gaanntee a ts-eeni would-be r......... ................... .................
Prosperity »t Borne. Booor Abtood.
bottle to prave esUsfactory or money friend of bnmenlty— Boeky Monnmis
TWAvply of Oosmor ftooMTeltM refanded. S B. Walt. Bagbee A Box- TtA. made ey the MedUoa Medicine
bnrg, Jamee O. Johaaoa, P. C. l^ompike eoawttte whioh efielelly notlfl»4
klBOf ble DOBlutlOB for vice preeldeDt.
le dwneterktie of ibe non eod bU
are wortby tbo conwt
■UeroUoo of trery AtMrteoa. Boeeld

la port:

We ^aTe More Room Now

Opal Ware-IOc


great counter full of tl^is
fine ware, with assorted colored
25 different styles of vases,
andlesticks, toothpick holders, pin
rays, Ibon bon dishes, etc. Your
choice for just a dime.

Ice Pitchers-25c
The handsomest pitchers on
the market for this remarkable
Can't'have too many pitch­
ers in the home, and these espec' tally. You'll fully agree with our
other pleased customers that they
are beauties.

an Extra Plate?
Some odd china plates, some
were made odd, some got “odd"
by selling their “even mates—
They're good china' plates—form*
erly 50 and 75c—now to close they
are 25c the plate.

for Shoes

just the .chance'■you;^nt—
take advantage of it.

Ladies' tan shoes, fine hand
turned. Gray Bros. make. $400'
grade—You can have a pair for
just $2.00.

Another great chance are
the ladies' tan shoes that are now.
selling for Si.qS. They were S3
A third chance are the $2
and S2.50 grades'oD fadres' tan
shoes for Si.48.
The fourth splendid chance
are the ladies' tan oxfords for 75c.
If you want a tan shoe, no­
where can these prices be matched.

Thit our ereat
20 per ceat. discouat
at spriag aad sanmai
Is right in the midst of itself.
Want a good suit of clothes
“for. the time being?’’. No sale
can equal this for quality or price.
These are all oew goodff—
were'bought this season—no "leftovers." .

The Hannah & Lay Marcantila Go.





. utaeis.

Two P««Miar W7». afi» Vnmm.
■••4nyMi».M4rNd Okiuak. ac*4
Urmn, Mt hjmt m ««•» tfo Md
ten^kM*k«rdfn«tW Tter
Md<rtMd«tk«7*m toiaff
CaUIWBla. ia« kofi Rradwtad Iroa Um
aJfkMkoalU^M*. TbaywMvorktiyii* )omi^ Untrj. kat Urad of
divto iMtaUofPorlBwva. • Ud
•« U rwn, 1^ hold el tho looM Md of
• Of* altetrt* Utht win oed wm
NrOO tanod. ih«
hud w
hMlp Ihu h
h»««to ho owelM•d. Thowlrohodtebooothofoto (ho
lod'ohold thorou oeeld ho
■ flertnMtijfqr«hohoythMo«Mul7
SddloM«veo.ftn Toofold Ottod
BMdo ho7. tWUu hit . out Ok
irC»4ok ooor DoFotoohor, ^ IBU) Boor
AmmVt aon K
HM body woi rtoOTirid
• 4oortorofsail« hoUiw.
At »»'•->—«" Borold Johaaoa. ofod
t joon. bod both U«o eat off «hUo
irrlof to erowl oodor » .trola la Uo
Kidifu Ccaoal Tard* Dtorodajr
•ftorsoao. Bo will oaroloo.
d; 17oor eld doochUf of Loolo' Zom,
0 fonaet.llTlac naor RlebBOBd. tripped
•od eat dov&lnm holier of hot water
wh£b her oiother bod )«et lifted from
(hcetorr. She wee,eeolded from her
haeee to her eboaldm In o frichtfal
auoer. 'She ie eilU oUto oed the ot(udiof phTOlelu boo bopoeof bar re-

tha addra« cf^ him by the yomac
lady, dlaoorered It did ut crlet. Ulvinc
all hope be retaraed home. Ha will
peobably keep the llenw ae a aoauair
of a rode awalmlaf from lore'e yoaac
Mte Ball Looiu.
•ffad ts yean, of Uraad
■Mtally BDbalueed, cat u artary la
OMofborwrieu aad died la a lew
hoare. Ber father, who le 9? yeare ol
Bffa, wae tbe (oaader and former preeiduthf tbe Orand Bapida A Indiana
The Butea Harbor Palladlaa mya a
farmer la Wat elelalty ralead a ;erop of
of tha crop, daly labalad. to a Cbleafo
Be waited lone for
the letter that Anally came, ud which
iacloeed a cheek for 8l.«9.> with

Death of Jault E. Mewlaad.
Junto fi. Mewland. reatoiac at TOt
Waahlartoa atreau dtod Jnly u at 9
m.. acpd 10 yaara, T monthe ud t daya
Doeaaaad was boralaSprlocr He. Wesford eoaaty. Dec. ts. i»s>. Sbe bad
bau a creatraffercr from blood dtoeaae
for tome tlma. bat bore her eiekaeM
eery patieaUy. The faaetal wae held
at the reeldMcd Wedaeaday afternoon
at S p. m.. Bee. Kennedy ofBclaUac.
BeutUal Aoweia were fnhstohed by
kind trtoadf ud aelchbora, ud a larfe
box of flowers wae cent by We youac
■ea at the power boase of the Board'
mu Rlrer Ca. where bar father, B. D.
Darideoa ieforemao.
Deoeaied learee besidw her parenU
aad bratbers ud eletera a larte drele
Ibe ramalae were laid to rect la OUsraod caBelcry.
Bom Between Twlrlere aad Indepu•»—a Ancuai^fi. '
fPBoada'e Twlrlere:
ts will be clad to
providad yon
' srill eoaant to have tbe Aate of tbe
(MM Waorad to Ancosi :.
.Ed. Tblrlby.Menarer.
■ethodtot Chamb itorrieee.
The polplt of the Fltat Methodist
chareh srill be oeen^ Snaday omtoilff at the nffnlar how by Bav. F. W.
■tutnai. Who to now tha (neat ofJ(r.
dMsa.H.EH«U. la theeveaiat.Eev

Mareer and. Hamer: Hahn and Ea............................



Two-Piace aDd
Three-PiDCs Suits


Kltwn and Fanell; PowaU ud Cri- j




Platt and Dooflam: OriflaandrOan'

•Absolutely Pure-

DiBau aad SnUlvaa: PhllUpt and

IlBhM and Becktoy: Amoto aad

For the third of a centurythe
standard for strength and purity. |t
makes' the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
“just as good as Royal," either in
strength, purity or wholcsomencss.

esva. eaaiMC bowocr CO ]». Wleuee ST., HCW rORK.

AtMuleteo. Areerd Potermm. octd
M, wu drowMd Wedoeedej eeenlof
VikUe botbiar in the rirer. hy ffotOoe
hoyoad bU doptb. Seam amell boye
wheoowhlmco down ru for help
wbleb orrired too late. PeteraoD .re
ently came from dwodea oa a rUli
with frleeda.
^ LowU Caea Bloey ud Br^ Crudall
were married at Jaekeoa Meaday
monlof. In the aftorsoea It to allefod
that tbe brlderroom loot Ue tamper
oad bofOB poudlnf hit wife, - her
■other ud othora. A warrut
ieaoed (or ble arreet tor amalt ud
Tboro U a ttory to tbe effect that a
yeoac' mu llrlu la the eoutry, (oar
■Ilea oat of 81. Joe. recoatly mat a
yvoar lady, fell la love with her ud
popped the qaeetloa. Later be proeer-

A ■

... *• •« »*

| dowa yMterday to attend the meeting
Cbmrlea rha... and family au rlellBoyal Arch Maaona. The latter
Inrat Summit City.

| took the decree.
Mr. A. C. Wyakoop of Cedar Raa, I F. A. Whlimu. the well knowa
wae Id tbe city yesterday on boelaeae. Iwnbermu of_ Sooth Arm. U in the
Be came here yeiiterday to attend
A. T. Hoaieud eoa Barry of Ana
leetiac of tl^«<Boyal Arch Naaoas.
Arbor, are eUltlnf their ralatlrM in
John .Moore and F. U. Darldaoo. la
tbe city.
Bee. W.B. SUaebeombtif tAke View, adranceof'-A Wise Womm", arrived
a former mideot of tbto city, to *iai(>' la (he city yeeterday.
The tftoeea Korean and their irneei
have aput tbe laat few days at
CBCata of friends In tbe city before go- Petoakey and Cbarlevola.
Id* to Chieeco where be has accepted
a rood commercial poaltlon.
Mr. ud Mrs. J. M. Stewart retnreed
to tbelr borne in Flint yesterday, after Arthor G. Baskias, a Trarerae Oily
a visit with Mrs. Stewort's mother,
g^y tAid' Down Bis Ufa in
Mrs. D. B.THbT
_ P.nar del Blo
Henry Thacker of WUllamsbarc. to '
notice bee been received by
in the city lookioc up bit pollllear
John E. Haskins of tbe death at Pinar
Mr. ud Mrs. CharlM Profbazka. Jr., del Rio Barracks. Cabs, of hit son.
Arthnr U. Haskins. Troop O. Ssveath
add Mr. ud Mrs- F. C. Bsner have
lamed from their overland trip aronnd cavalry, U. d. A. Private Baskins
wae ill only a sreek. pernidoni malar
tbe "bom.’'
Mrs. H. G. Price and aon Harold lal fever beinc tbe cease of bli death.
Mtoa Sophia Batehlnson and Kiss Jails Be cnltoted at Traverse City last fail,
Morton of Alma, are tbe raettsot Rev leavisc here Septa ober IS.
A short Ume ago hto parents received
M. D. Carrol.
Mrs. Grover of FUcrvillr. to the Rueel a letter from him statinc that he was
in the beet of health aad wdold be
of -Mr. ud Mrs. Fruk SlUby.
Mrs. Albert Canfield of FliervUle. to home west Thuksclviac dinner with
vtolUnc Mr. Glover of Penlaeala town thorn, aad tbe newa of bis death
as a terrible eboek.
Bto body will be bronckt to tbe
Mr. ud Mrs. C. Miller ud Mr. a
United States by the coremment. ud
Mre. Fred Bnndarland ud danebter
Mewark, Ohio, are vtoltlnc the family Mr. Baskine has written tbe aatborities to have It sent here for burial.
ora. A. Bmitb..


.Mrs. B. L. Harmer and Barry
Ethel Bishop of Centerbnrc. Ohio.
iraaamefB. Lyoaand famOy ofSute
Mr. ud Mrs. Wm. Miller ud eon ol
Mewark.aod Mr. ud Mrs. A. Patrick
ud daarhter of CuUrbarr. Ohio, are
vtoltlnc G. E. Lackey ud family.
Mrs. a M. Beers .to eotertainlac Mrs
F. U Grcfory of Toledo. O.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Pratt have nne
to Chlcmco?
Mbs Bitella Holcomb arrived la tbe
city Tbarsdey evrnlac from Ann Arbor
for a Ttoit with reUtIves.
Miss Grace CnsnlBCbam*’ rewraed
yesterday from Petcekey, where she
attended a social party Tbnrsday <
ntefC. L Curtis of Flfta street, is eni
talninc Mtoi Ethel Curitoud Mtoa Fera
Bart of FlndUy. O.
MIseee Edith ud Alice Goodrich of
Sh LoaU. Mo., ere' visitloc trieadt la
the city. •
T. J. Hcndcreoa retomed lafit alcht
from a baslncas trip eontb on tha Pare
Mrs. E. M. Buee ud Mtoe Ooacheridly yesty of Elk Bsplds ware in
tarday ud wok diuar at tha Park
Dr. Ftuk P. Bamaay ot BapU City,
wti hare on badaem yesterday.
A. J. DeVries fit WUUamabwc. s^a
ca«t at the Whlllnc yeeterday.
3. L. Crue.abeelnemmuotBeoor.
to at the Park Place.
WUl A. Buna, formerly of this dty.
>w of Batlla Creea, it abaktnc huds
with old friends.
Dr. ud Mrs.' 8. A.. Johnson ud
daachlers were la the dtyyeatecday



I iS I
Parker and JadUitadi: Gaifiaaraad
----------aty.................... ..
0 t »'■
« u 0
Patten ud Ooadiar: Miller aad MrAlltster.
s » T
s 1
Ealdy ud DicclBs; Baker and Spiea.
Bad of Camp tiger.
A camping party eoostotlBg Of D. A.
Stranbud family. Mrs. Gleaeoa and
daogbten, George Ash and Miss Marr
Backer, returned from a waek's ontlng
at Carp Cake last nlghk Their camp
called Camo Tiger ud the week
sput with pleasut reereatlca and
good fishing sport.
'White Man Tamed Tellow
Great coostemation was felt by tbe
friends of M. (A. Uogarty of lAsiagtos.
Ky.. when they saw be svas tarolng
yellow. Hto skin slowly changed color
also bto eres. and be suffered terribly.
Bto malady wh yellow jaundice. Be
was treated by the best doctors, but
sritbOBt benefit. Then he was advised
to try Electric BHUrs. tbe woaderfnl
stomaofa and liver remedy, ud be
writes: "After Ukleg two botUes 1
wae wholly cared." A trial prevo lu
matchleu merit for all stomach, liver
and kidney tronblea. Only Aocts. Bold
by s. B. Wait aad Jaa. G. Jobnaoh.

brre in tby near future.
Electrics’ Urroatolostot and Seale
Spec alUt of Tolado. Ubio. at Park
Place Hotel, Edom r3
Electrical vapor bstbs Sueeeusfa!
trestmeot for (11 scalp troubles.bald­
ness. falling hair. eu,-. Illcsched
auburn, pure gray or bsir restored.
-’tmishL. superfluous bsIr
and morbid growth by electrolysis,
general cblro-xdlst work, bair dressinr> sbsiDDooing. msoleurc. All work
gnsranteed. Tr>
borne if desired.

Saving Money
That U jost what u
doloK for yon

abontA place to boy
your eroccries

Special Sales
At our ^jroerry for


lOr |«--ksr- Wvki.'a Ceeoaiitit
lie cso spt>!»Better
1 Ctu DsK'bn i.MO la perksrr'
Ur Jsr PrDli jam

Tbe tote Grant AUt-n'^ eetaCe, prty
tAied rervoily In Kuetond amouou
to alMut
IbwD to arratiplne hto len.-rs and paprr« wlili ibn Im.-mioo «.f iiaMtobliix
lito memulrs. He »ays btii new play
I lie Ills Lsut.
.Utbuiiirb I’reslilent Ui-KInley

MgsUoaeoprrlor Blolor-.. .
a-«ps. Lroov SS'I Jssoe T here .
Armoqn K»r-10 here .... ....
BettM Olirr.. (Or siw.............
Hiprv Meei.N'oov Korh. 3 pfcge
XsrirJsev Put. .Teas* for __
Ksreks Bugsr Com, 3 rsft« ter
Btrl&sBrsm Irses (or

New Tork wants a “salon.- It is argoed fbst If rtic dlff«rat art goHcties
were nil gatbend In one aasociatlon. |
ud cave Joint exhibitions of their
A. O. Pwktos of Bertbport ie a («Mt works. ther<- would be mueb more Inat the WhlUac.
lerest In tbi-tn on tbe pan of the pab■Alex. Immmmu of fiharmu toe llc. and tbe cause of art would Ik- proDvnloncielv advaoced.
caaet at tha Park Place.

Mrs. W. a Hall kaa tetamad boom
U Saved BtoL«.
The Appetite of a Ooat
after a vtoit ia Otud Bapi^.
P- A. Dutorth of lA (
& W. Faaet baa relamed traa a beaMfifaredfor^ mrattesrtW?M|^v
Dr. King's New Life Pills.
It. writoa that iaeM trip ia Glee Arbor.
rtra a aplradld
H.McCrafttot Maekeua.
to re- appetite, aoanil digastteo ud a regular bodily habit that la­
•ortiag ia the dty tar a taw day..
ud ^t
J.A-SteraMaadaoB BU9A.0UV Oaiyite at 8. E Wdt aad
aM.kaakeM at Outo«l Laka, caw JoknAat drag atena.

Chyirs Suit
Is more popular
and practical than "broWnie”
overalls ever were—
. Well made of good material
and sell at 60c a suit

Hamilton ClothingCo.

Saturday Bargains
■\0V\Vie TaTasoVs
- 12.00 <iuality-ep8Clal price.


when yon piin-bnae
your goods of aa

Acd w« will do the
rest. We will make
your dinner sajiafying b<jth n your ap­
petite and to your

While llooM- RsMra. he ha« boon orderol liy bis physician to walk for bU
_______ ’ ^ •

At very low prices
tolelose out lots where there
.are only one or two
of a kind left.
Here's a chance
for mothers to save a dollar
or two.
Saying on these amounts
to a discount of
from one-fourth to a third
of former price.

Fancy rnoolored Ji^mo
Tea. worth 55c perjlb—finut
in the world for making iced
tea, per lb.. 4.5c.

Bti Your Groceries
This Week.
Toddy’f dollar bnya as mnch
as next week’a dollars—
perbtpa twioe ae mocb.

.(uality—to cl98e at....

. $280 I

'Dress doodis
Short ends andLdd pieces—Yon will want a r^jv- |
arate waist or ekirl. or you can find foil dress V.ngthH
foryour.i.')f or littl.' ^iri at 26 per fient dtsooaat
from regular price.

^ouVard S\.\V.s
aud ^autia "ia^eVa
1-4 off reftaler price—Ton mil tind tbf^'gooils oir
table ii.Ar Front >-treetdoor.

ADVvWe Tvnut,
^aacta'MDVvWe'DTws Sooia
Von will also find white npron doth in thie lot—OOM' ||^
qoArtor off regalmr price.

25c 9Vu5\vam6


Nice line of zephyr gincham picket! at random
from the regular 25c line and are now going
for--...................... '•.................................................................


CAored 'XOaaVv &ooda
■ Ail 1-5 and IN: colored wuL goods now go for
......................... ........................................................... 9c yard

•\CooV ebaVUca
11.00 tjoalify—whafa left, for...................... 69c yard

"KtiD "SaVV Carprts


Beadle Block.

PM iw cvwrt Metal toif ■■ a
CaoM toev Om.

“Ii tbte tbr .pUev vberr yon r
C(Bw to ran an satoaobarr
Ttftow Utw bM bMS ebc
-w.i I wodd Itoe w cri «ae. If pm
BC Catud RMS tKxvB i> Rmt
^Eto, 0M».
*^bai rxpMtrecr hare you bad in mnThewithdnml of/vMioM (isMB ator an autotobikr'
. “Ob. a Utflr.~
•tMMhls to to Mto to tb* G«
Tr». sir: I ran oar osc*.“
Cblntoi Mfstortod
“Did 1 andenund.yon 10 say
«««et OB aoMtf .Mfbta to cnUMtol

A nwvfisf MaMt.’
n cnnY SM.~ said tto'shoe dark board-




“It b fate ccasMBical dbpodtioo. He
tares t V every time fac does ab.“ Mid
She cbeerfni idioC-ladianspotte Press.


butts are' a great
treat for the lucky
bum vho picks
them up.
People tire <jT
some dgais half
smoked and throw
them away. Don't do this with a iMMirML



te MM liOBbto to OtaiM CMHM » call

«ar ratntwcB, Aj1«m ms tonkb. tt
rifbt' cospsslM (allr
4q«topad,toa f««r bmn' seU« isd
tto fTMtor pertioB of b«r tbrw (reop*
, of m(b rtdns woiild strtto volsMMr.
' rioisntiM* or* beisr atodetoflt*
•ore* Mt to qaiek tlB«.
s too •Mdent »t
eSBllto8.teL. two TOMB SCO St AV
I^UtM from tfraostocs tody
<kl. Tbs tody dtod seuUr ssd Itfi
As Mcto mssrartoi ■tofMtei
. « bslf toebM from Up to Up of wtogt
WM klllsd to T. SmiUi, s tonsor soar

BBS ffav niwire power, mad-

“UasoUse. I think.*’
“Ate you U'U jK»iUver*
“No. sit: I rliubMl riyfai ep witbont
looklac uiuhr tbi- •-be>4t.“
“Uo« «UU you pnweir
“WiIl.Umry .lDmrd (be power oB. and
1 ftui held tbe nbeeL**
“IHd en rylblBe work «moo(Uy7"
‘-Y<w, nnill 1
10 stow np.**
“tVbsl ba|'p.-Drd ibeur
■“Why. U iiico-ssfd it» spi-rd.”
“Tlisu you liB.I iiwt coDtrul of tbe
“Tes. hm l! would oerer hr
If Ibrre bsd l« n b»rw« In"“AuU !.•.* f«r did It n» Udore It was


osw lbs ffrast ^ird fly eloM to kU ebll'
Ar«n ssd elwp bk dsnKbwr Mary,
sesd thfM yesn.' The man
rifls and abol lbs eseto- Tbs child
. ssd bird fell to tbe froasd. The child
eras sotasrlodtly tojarsdAt Cblcsro a Are which broke oat at
OMB Tbarsday on Boatb Wator street
caassd damage MUsiatod at betwesB
•U.OOO and r&.ooo. .created a tnlld
panic amonr a score of fllrla. canted
kbe death of C.OOO cblekCBa and fora
Alms threstoaod the whole btoekv
Thfse fllrli were retoctod tBlsatof. bat
it la believed Uiey aseapedOeneral Sicmbenr says that ioo addiltonal medical oSaezp are waated by
tba aarreos rMtrsI for daty 1a the
PbUlpptoaasBd Dabs. Be rntyt tbit
oaly rndaaua of .
aoiBS axpartoaoe sad
sutder 40 yean of aye will be aeeepted.
Oorcraor Oe&aral Wood of Cato baa
iMasdadacraacalltoy for a eoaaUta- Aioaal eoBVMtloa to be held in Bavaoa
M tbe Aral Mmwtoy to November.
A Mtorrapb Itoe from Syria to BedJaaU eoaumptotod. Tate wlU five
acceai to Uat’perUaa el Arabia, tbaa
totociac Maaea sad Madtoa late aom
toaatoaUoe with tbe world. Tba Itoe

O. B. LONa’B

0—1.— u D. a mpKM Or rauiaua a.o vaaaa a 'OO.

Woodbine Cottage
^ I Pleasant Rooms. SliailylawB.


“My dear .ruling man."' Mid the
girl's father
imiwnunntv bnltor,
••I boiH' it 1»
that you
daugliti-r. but
glrlng i
“This."’ said tbe luan who was shoninK plni-ak Into ynur hanilx f Khali
the slxuit lUe ofllrv of llir mi lro- oliligixl 10 lu«Ut that .vou give ipe
readrri' r
.iiir KlOfi-elfv '•
It U till- plniT uliir. tbr lustier set
JMMK. I" n-jilhsl till- yonngor man,
for puldirahoo is buil.d down to
gallantly: w liy.^alr, 1 would lay duw^
riybl diiiipusioti*.''
“liursD't that inske It wannr* elceted my life for luvr
“Alas: Hull woulil not
Be of tbe y'limc wuiiH.n.
sIbIhhI the father: "m.r ex|H-rieore
“No." be n-idvrd. "Hul tbr men
with lilt- husbandp. of luy other'daugliwrite Ibe staff set pretty hot ot<
tef> leaihe* uie llii- ni-ivs»iiy of deMimes.'‘>~CbicayD Tribune.
Hew It Operates.

total tosftb of tto Itoa ta aald to to


B. E. OTTM AN. M. D.

g^OOO fiov—wBBied SI oore to a«sl
\jT Ukkery aad make blBselt ceBerslly

L»„'?ir«lS:.“““' ““

iy«f KpwVmk.


No« PrcsideDtotUKOttmuiledlctl iDStltite Go., kDStegoii,liiik.

y OST—Taesday. i«o iMairsrtgaea osd pact
aad ©wire*





S!ot>al •W', Tra-tyortie 0±-ty“,

Q,tB^WAWTBO-eBr aBaral^^erao^rk lev
help. Appl, alBee^o^

tboBsaadaof bopelem snace. and ls-p<M
iUvdy rnSmBiaed to enn all throat,
cheat and lung dteesscs. Mewd Sl.OO.
Trial botUri lOe at S- B. WaR and JaaO. Johnson's drag store.

WEDNESDAY, - AUG. », 1900.


puBKisagD BOOWM-Td

OMaBmeBaftMEB.a.toE».a. Onods^oBlyoscbmoBth.
cola boaglm. FleOer la

WWM af TBat tor Him.
“Well.''Mid tbr mlabter. addrening
litSe btoincl*. -iiow woold you like to ; _____ boBamrk.' ^<?oe4*w
be a preacher when you grow np to be _______ _________ _
A men?"
| <pLBaaaKT nooMn-t
“I wDOldn't like It at alL" waa the j f oorswetotaie »,d
i paejnwnK — «
reply- •
• why
•Cana.- I'd bale to alwaya be tnakln'' o'aS^St"
beya* mothers aa.r they'd
tey'd p.
pound• -•
ttuBla' out of them after 1 wu gone BVaiTTEIl—To buy or ml,
U Uer didn't bebar*"

■ IT.


Aak yoar draggtet

Steinberg’s Grand

finndn') School Ulasionsry—Tnt. tut
Masayer SteiBbe^ to happy bMaaae Jsmest IVlirn.' sre your tusoDers? Wb;
ZbaAaaflBally pataaadad tba maaayr- dun'i you iotrudoce me to your younj
taaaai of “A Wtoe WomsB" oompaBy to
Jauies-Wol? Aftir he told me da
.axtaBd ibair aafaycmaBi to this clty- he'd knock de stuSia ont o* me if I didlto4yiDally booked tor Friday. AByast S New York Jounial.
_to toclade Satnrday maUnee aad
The ktwt BraoH.
Blybt. so that tbte floe attraeUon will
“Yea." said tbe powip. “be's been g
^ aeen here two nights and mattoce. ttog so slradilt uu|«i|>ular tbiu lie finsl.
Tbe ekow when seen to this city a year took up I
•yo gave tbe best of sattofactlon, aad I “What was thcl for?
ahe performance ihia eeaBon promters I ^ “W
bi never be bad i-x-o
out of town a
to JTu~.
iKUpae last year-a ______
,I hotel clerk wa. the-Illy person he could
The plees U a riean.delteioot comedy.
clad to
blm.“-Washinytoii Star.
■with an toumting ^ot and the mem-1 ---------------1--------bon of the-company arc among the 1
Leo»iis« • i.,.opkoie.
(oramoet nrttea to the profemton. Tbe' ,
ladtoe' coetnmes are all Paris creaiioM ; ^“'•w.irur. »kalrdv<-G.x.w? ' ibe remndexciumaeb admiration and com-■ piid rneouiacitiply.
mtant wherever even. The advance' “1 was-cr—wonderiuc what you wpold

d at a. B.

aaali heoao.


August 3 and 4
The Deliciously Funny
Farciftl Comedy.

Hobs*, glk tUpMs.
apply at iklaoec*.

BlgBcot waeo

Sth atrmt. Bo*
electric TirBu
' the tMy.
Dali CM
ir Rawye
. wycT ai oBr* or.Sa
; ipi'aKieHgD-Ptoei
.m oltrai.

B to reel. C1& rrael
S_________ Wl-(t

. Writ* .lulrk
(h and' L-cust

' fur i-aniculars. (As
..Si*. Ptilla . Pa.

^I^ANTgD- Pay’s work or Durslas by Cbiisi

|Cailora5d*r»!i«?Ko*rc»i^ ““*pSfV«"'
ipoB SALE on nCBAKnE-Th* Dortb H o!

A Wise Woman
Presented by
A Metropolitan Cast.

■ JC south eaatobaner of aerll-D It tna-B SV
K R It west. LoelaaaB couai; Jobo \>rly.
•It rtvol strool.______________________ ia»

fsrw call
il3 Front Su. .

^ele (hcce ::('4

• T. F. Hialei,


PricM- 25c, S5c. 60c And ?6c

-it.' “-iTiliadclphia 1‘rcsa.
Seats on Sale Moudsr Morning at!
E. A. M. Banqaeb
la.a c-rttlcwl Cood^iloK
tbe Boi Office.
At the meeting of the &. A. M. last
“1 bear\ y-ob bwteind U rery riek.
«w.Qii«.^U.ree candldatee were given Ann, D(nah.“
to. Eoyal Arab degree. Attor tbe
iwntoan tb>n U not’eriticBir
•«ir mlcffant banquet nerved by the Little
ahould say be snu!
saUsBcd a-i^ nnma.“-CbrlsUan

with H. dangbterr'
Bomr kind of etonr «« the back pf my

(tbe I_______
take. WbM
it to CB-'


We will r ve one bnndied doUnn for
mny cnae of deafnem (eansed by ca*
flmrrb) thatoannot be eared hj HaUh
OalarrtiOBre. Bead for rireaUn, tree,
1^ to ^1 ontggteta. 74r.
Ball'a Family Pills ara tto bat.

telle Frooh.
The Misuvsa—For ntercy's sake. Maty,
why did yoB boy so nmrb mUk?
The man aasond bu
nillk war perteetly'fresh; to 1 benilht
eoeugh to la< fur the whole werit.-^ee<
ton Tnnaeripi.
aae t«Mi ta# IFlmm Wm ■
: don't mcBB
thm yoo shot
s poor little bird with
that great bin
Hashand-Tcs. dear. Pm wwry to any
1 had to. I eooVln'i get near enoBcb to
pot salt on liy t'aa-rhitedeiphla Prcaa

Tke moot vidriy sed tavorubly koooi. flpccmlisT le tsr Vailod Bihiao
arn'kabl* iliUI usd uEiwruol secvv*. lu scr !j.rp*wi bespithlo le th«
shlslICHROXIC.ttaaVOl'W.Sg.'M sea BLOOD U.MMCS upon th* I
*s. and eBtlilrs hlie to ihr /uii coefldcocT- of tur sBicicd *<*ryirh*r«.


Acute Md ChrpBlc
Coihm.DiocMMof lb* gyr. Ear. Kosc.Ttroot sad l.uBg* bysp*psih. BrMf OlMMt. OHb*(M. BidDcy. Uvrr.Sisdirr.CtroBlc rvmsl* sod Sesusl Dioossrs speuday
spcMily ewod
by trust-.
aoBtthst bss oevrr fsllrd Ic ibouosnds ef SMCS thM hsd bM pracumbcivd ournia cops.
Ussy people mcei desib rvcrj year wbo mlcbt bs*r bsa rusWirod W p«rton hraUk hM Uivy
PISCM lh*lr csoc* te tbr baud* -f ri—~-



Hualer t Baumbaaeh.

Don’t Get Left
Hut Get What’s Left

Dealnam Cannot to Cared

ThN Mont Anoeaafhl and AclrattficTratmvot of All D
of Mankind FowibU to Obtain.

open at the boa egm Monday moratog. ^


Coualtatioo aad EuiniBatioi Free aad Small) Ccafideitiil.

^^airrgly-OooO gin^ Im eeneral^Ocu^

When yon are born tto Craatorstnrta
yon'going nnd yon go a long time. U W*l!S^v-,i--aSd7‘.£«..ra.
oeah. Me tl6aiilh atrrei. Itrs. r. C. Oraaoad.
yon greaie tbe mala-aering sritb
Bedtey Moantats Tm. Orant Inbtea- TTraWTUO AT OttCB-Coek al Lskevlct

Ktonwwrtowt to totoftoto totok

«Bt and thUMake rcatoredte iia norasal
•«endithm.Jtoartog wiu
wU be
iw wrasrajeo
Totever;MnecaMoatof MareMsed
toy aatarah. whiab te aotbto^t an
^ ^ macona ear-




-Marto 1. 1900.
Oopaka. V. Y.. had a daddod aovalty
to tto way of aoelal dlveratoa reeasUy.
'Vto'elttoaaa onraaliada -tombatoM
baa,** sad. gotoy oat to tto yravayard.
miraicbtoaad Bp all the WppUay moaamaaata sad hMdatooaa. FsUowtoy out
'«balr oriylaal ttnak. they Um rcatojmad to town mad woaad op tbe
•toealay wlthadaaee.




4(1 wore of oi, rc.. pvM.b:- a


Was it a Miracle?
“Tbe Marreioas care of Mra. Bsna J.
Stout of coasampUon baa einated toOammaek. Ind ."
t, a leading drnyotherwise meaislly sound re cibberlDg
Idioti when it comes to tl polut where ytot of Moneir. Ind. She only weighed
POpoandawben berdaoybter in Yorn*
a little dIscTelluD is
You see he bad oi
railed ber bcantl- towo Mid she mnsteoon die. Then she
began to iwe Dr. King's New Dtecovery
taL—develand I'lato Desirr.
and gainef
ird 17 pounds in weight and

MI mitoa.
VoiwittotaaAtot Ua diflenltiaa sad
teacaraattoadtof tba trip from t.900
to 1.400 mitoa over aaow sad tot to tba
imon laaiemaat aaaaaa at tba yea*, no


Slate Street.

wntiBS B.ra ssMis n.iw,
wondrr wby It Is." be ulA “tbst
•D wiib bniius arc slnost Invarisbly
d of beaolyr-

Jndgv—The charge against yon It drank
and disorderly. What bare yon U say?
rrisooer-1 .was Ashing sadJodge leageriy)—Wbst luri:?
Iks Tolobly
tbe Jadge
gradnatly hirdens.)
Jndge-Dlarharged on diarge of dranfc.
cm ana heU for perjur.—Town Toptea

So deal-,
grows richer and richer as you
smoke It’s a treat to the end.
Try it and you’ll see.

at reason prodai
Ask yoar drag]

**rbo mail wli- iiiveiilix) lev creera
engfat In bare a ni-iiumeoi.*'
“Well, yon erv. t to faiiu of lea
“Y'lo. only B nl«i ! off tbe aatonuAiile,
and I'll help yon eat it."—Indiandriver of Ibe tibrb thrown from
npoUs Jonraai.

■la BoBor Plabra Atoo.


Wheav old. per n
Wheat, pertoi. (a
Data. Ho. 1. par to

irife-Ob. J. bi.:
tab}', guy c tixitb;
Hosbaml —Well. 1I liu|K'
be M ntUfied
.niinc alxiBt

(bat tootfa
•New York JournaL



SA-OTTicajr <

OISCaaBOIMA AABS «yra m vrary
- ——.! i^pS.'SSfJST„tSl5S!.3;

olasurtaf loordBri sod sh osi

» POAlTiy» OVAB I'
for tbo owful cffbcu of **rty

an spMdUy. csHplVMly ssd persu


Of oar •ammer footwAor for b qdorter to
A hAlf off rAgulmr prion.

Note Clearing Sale Offer!


"siijK^?'saa.”tgi. -





................ ........................100

A: & FBTHAN, Fractloal Shoe Kan, III Fnil Stmt Mnti Soi 17a

SA S. A OTTKAir XaaSRMS, Kioa.

rm MQRNmJ^jpMER ^*Tma)AY'jOLY28,1900






i 1 atr

^ TfS*"

.___ — iiiicMM
jteM, iMv. Wmttk, Bn«kcr. K»
mmd QuTM. ud Hkw


Width of roadway of Oalon atnet from
ff----------- the aadereftaed the waft end ot ponthD^
tea payere hereby petKtop 7^ b^ bridge to SevMleentb atnrit be fxed
to order BelMBla etreoi aad
at forty feet.
^LdMwoea ■evoath aad Btchth

By O. P. Caavaa.. Chairman.
V. BetortyL A. W. Baitok. B.^ WII
bdm. Cbaa. A. Laarraaer. ioba
GarrtiOT that
tZrtick. Joo. ftUlIvaa. B. P. WUto be roeonaMdation be adapted.
oa toodoa of Aldenaa BeaM
HI of • <
daly carried, the petition wae raCerred
Montague. Modre.
k m tk« OTotk Ihta «r
to the
m— or etrerte aad alde- Btoder. Smith, Boagbey. Keayon.
_______ ____
A. Wack 1.
Lar * Oa^ ttb To Ike Momorokle. the Motor oodCUt Kouad aad OarTtoon.
CoooeU of Troveree CUp. Mickl- TcTfhTMoa^le, fhe Vapor ood dtp
CoomeU of fhe CUp of Troi-----Clfp. Mickipom:
eter Oce



approval. Mr. B. O. Joyat

________I to tot ^ __
. _ jl Atot. e( TrswM Ottr. mU
•■ft to to-< r«M vM* aad M ftot Mac
■ad to to toriH to
' '
fl( nwtot vmlkm.


B. P. Wibacui. BecretoiTStored by Aldemaa MU
- ■■
be coaflrMd.
■ottoa carried.
To the Boooroble. Ito Ba|^ •■<£??
Ca»ec« •/ TrerCTie CUf. Miehitoaa'
OaattoeMB:—la aoeordaaee wttk
•eettoe U of ordlnaac« cnaUac Board


of tbe Board to a
<ftto( Battoeer at a aalarr not to «xB. H.
To tU Booonhit. the Motor mod CMv
CommeU «f Troocnt COjr. IflcM-


OMttoM; — I. tto I
twpMtfoUjr pMlbcM roar
'bodr to ordoT tto «

............. br the Board.

I «r a

_4 tbe w«at aide - _______
■ToaM mad dMrribMl ai tba eortb M
Id. tdoek «. of the ort»lBal plar “*
Trarem Cltj. ^Satd walk to be M .
loag aad rii teat wide aad to eoto abMt
to taato per tonare yarded “ *“
boUt la arcordaaco with the ordi
(oforalDc the conetmcUon of reaeat

Board of Water OommlealoL.-—
By Jean W. Milueen. preeldaBL
B. P. Wuaieui. BecreUry.
Moved by AlderBiaa MoaUcoe that
--------be adopted.
Motion carried.
Yibe—Aldenaen Hoatacae. Moore
aeder. Barith. Bonahey. Kenyoo
RoOBd aad Oarrieoa.

To”Vc*HoiSiwr. Ike'Motor yd CUp
Voumcil of Ihf CUy of f^orrme
dip. MUhipom :
Ham. loa Mrmt.
Moved by Aldamia Bnlth that iba
petMlaae bo craatod aad aWowalks er>
iMloaeia to e»dered ooaMraeUd.
a aorth ride of
. Motlpa earrtod.
Moatafae.^M^ Bey etreet had jolMaf water worla

se ft. late of which are el«hl between
To^^Monhie. Ike Motor ood COt the water work* aad ettrt* f^u*>/7ComortI of Troveree CUp. Mieki- Oae or boc« of eaiae can be had at HO
per front foot, a M fL rifht of ^ tor
B. R. to be rcoerved next to Bey AroeC
OMtoHMa;—1. Che
hereby napectfelly raqatai
Board of Weter - - _ ^
to erect a twoatory fraioe darriilK
By Jewtt W. MiUJECs. Prerideal
bowe oa loto t1*0. block 4, H.. h.
d Oo'a, Uh addlUoa to Trarerae City. K, P. WfUiELW. BecreUry.
Oo morion of AMeivan Moore, the
Mich. Bnlldloi to to two enrtee aad
tali atoae baaeneat. UxH ft. la — ** reporTwe* duly received mad ordered
Blared on die.
• about ISdM.M.
To ehc Uoooroblr. Ike Mapor and CUp
Couaril of Ihe (?«y of Trerrrta
B. Hao~~..^.
ruy. Ifton it
per F. B. MooiK.
.—?oor Board of Water
t. Ike Bei^^aad p«y
____________ to wapecltoUy eak that
they be aattaortwd to make uuch repalta and ImprovmeaU at the pump
lag ctatlon a* may be neeeawry to tbe
la^ecCfully roqneet pertoltoloo
nfety and economical qperaUoa of
body, to y
■t of wblrh b
■peelfled Id ezhIbU B of c
: «rd addUtoo to ■mvetae City.
, to coet aboat W.0d0.0d.


Bra4i>a Beoa..
per r. B. Moaaa. Archtteot
To the Booorokle. the Motor ood ffty
OowkHI of TfOocree CUp. Mfrhi^
ttoattonea: >^e. tbe
iTbSy to ewet a
year hoaoraU.
toory aad beeaneat ftane
hooae, Sd<4« ft. la etoe. U he erected
oa loto IS aad 14. btock •. Haaaah.
Lay • Oo-a Cth eddlUoa to Tawjtoe

**”■ Board of Water Co*
By Jamm W. Muxiae-x. Preeldent.
B. P. Wimndi. Secretary.
Moved by Aldennan Montague that
I be accepted.I
Y««e—Aldermeo Montague. Moore.
Sleder. Smith. Boughey. Kenyoa.
Bound and QarTtooa.
Tifto?B^I«whto. fhe Mayor aad rify
t'ouaril of fhe CUp of Tretenc

lie Worke. 10 whom baa been referred
at dlSereat tlotee tbe matter of eupervlriag tbe conttrurrion of cement
sldewalke which have been granted
upon tbe periUot) of tbe property ownreaperUuUy report that In our opln. aad aleo the opinioa of the city
Engineer, we are uaable to control
abaoiutely the conriructloa of ibcae
walk* We caaaot tell at all Ui
proportion* af gravel and cement being
UMd without we had aa ln»peclor upon
aad baeetoeat ftane dvelUaa he
the job all tbe time which would be
MaUft. la elto; to be erected oa ..
too grvnt aa ecpea*e. We wouWllbere4«. 41 aad 41. block 4. Ha^. Lay •
r honorable
Co'a dth
to TTarerer City. tore


par r. B. Moaaa. Archltoet



.^^..^riKtloa ot cement walk* and al*o'
her F. E. Mooaa. A«ftlto^ providing for the eoorirvcUoo of ce­
ment walk* by tbe city and allowing
To Ike HoeoroMe. fhe Motor aad
reuaril of Trooeroe CHt. Mieht- no property owner a rebate or benefll
upon eaid walk unlem the nme to
bulH by tbe city. We know that If
•aat to baUt a beuae oa Btath atreet theee walks were built by the city tbe
oa lota aatober • aad 7. la Meek mom- proper matertoto aad the proper pro­
ber • of Haaaah. Imy b Co., alcth addt portion*'of Btolertal aeceMB^ to a
ttoa to tbe vtllate. bow city of Ttav' good walk would be tmed aad w* think
ereoCtty. Houee to coet ahoat fS.0dd.
baUtef wood.
IMpecttolly nbmUted.
Board of Public Worka.
By O.
Caatxa. Chairman.
poUtleu wen daly ptmatod.
Riran*. Clerk.
ro fhe Boooro^ Ike Motor omd
Mtohioeaaetl of'Tretwrae City.
« iwcoameadarion be adyted.
laMdcataaad toa pa^


To*i»S*Ho«oroM«. fhe Vapor and C«p
rosncil of fhe Clfp.^ Troreree


WtotoyeakotlakoU? UyoiwUl
MoVr^a* jwa wttl to* thai

“UaMdR SMt** Oottac*

toiu mm too faqatoamoato «f a doperition of tbe draymen and truckmen UchUal Tsenrion. BoaaUfally tooal^
of Traverse cjty. as preoented Jane 18, Ftahl^ and boattor tbo boot to Borto8. ft BLACigroOD
J9M be retorred to tbe rwmlttee cm ora Mkh.
Morion carried.
Moved by Aldennan B^th that tbe
paid firemen he each granied-oue week
vacation with psy and-that .the Fire
Chief be Instructed lo fill tbe vac
during said vacation. .
Motion carried.
To fhe Honorable, the Mapor and dip
Conmeil of Ike CUp of Ttrei-erar

If you h
ara. or oi

ol to wfttotoa
1 *U1 citoroa


peiiDlsaion te given Mr. Samuel UiUg.
le> to operate in the chy of Traverse
Ciiy St his own expense what Is known
Rates vory low.
tbe Sanlury Can syatem as set forth
In hU petilio
Jon to
PbOM 71.
Jobaaoa BloA
Javii.% A. Mourn:.
atneta of our city tor t»e year at
F. r. BuiiaixT,
eean per day tor time artuaUy emCommittee on Srwera
ptoyed. Mr. Finch to a competent man
lUgut- that
to the operaUon of all kind* of road
the report .
■marWintT and we beUevmhiito acrand adopted.
Vleea would be of Mmclem value to the
Morion earrl
eity-tn warrant bto »tendy ..........
Aldermen Mir.uguc. the prioe named.
Sleder. Smith. '' .ugbey, Kenyon,
Round and Uarrisou.
Board of Public Worka.
By O. P. C*mT*. Chain
Moved by Alderman Garrison that
A. W. Rirvixu. aeik.
the report of th<- Hoard of Water ComMovod by Alderman Smith that the
minloni-is relailve lo extensions oj
.pled —■
mains, etc!, to- taken from the lalde.
'Motion earrinl.
*^mSu^ earrtod.
Moved |.y Aldennan GnrrlBon that
Ym—Alderman Montague. Moorei
s.ibl rep)>n is- referred liark to tbo
aieder. Smith. Bougbey. KeSyoa.
Hoard at Water Commlasiom-is and
Round, and Ugrrieon.
Cliv Engine<-r tor revision.
Motion larried.
To Ike HodSrable. Ike Mapor and dtp
On motion ot Alderman Montague, Wdrxburg meek
>te of tbnnk* for same.
Connell of Ike dip of Troprrte
duly rarrb-d, tvnineil adjourned.
Motion inrrted.
dtp. Mirk
A. tv. Rn-Kian.
Moved by AldertnAn Montague that
Oentliimen:tlity Clerk.
Policemen Grayion and Hartley lie
Publlr Work* be directed to toy a given one week varailon each wlili
liar pay aixl that the c.hlef of
icwer from the east line of lot one.
CO b-* insirufled to su|>|>l> the
Mock 8. origin*! pUl of Tr*ven>e City,
emit oo aooth side of Wariilngton raiatuy during said vaealion.
t* Oesaitarsar iraias at TravA BATCH OF NOSTRUMS.
Motion carried.
lanoo. iBStoel Jsly (iklMa
street to east ride of 1-ark Place vtreet;
Ynae—Aldermen Montague. Moore.
thence north on ea« elde of l*ark Place
Sledi-r. Smith. Houghi-y. Kenyon. False Taertee <n Wblrh (be Deaia
Btrcet Round and Garrinn.
Looked at In n large wiiy nml vriib
^Mss ssrsBseos as
to connKt with prM^ sewer at that
City Treawin-r's report for month of ll«* .jM-rspeclivi- of tltilNlnul lilsinry to
be of 9 In. pipe
- aeiSTb
Jane. 191111. was on tnolinn of Alderman an It off tbe itarty ralb-d Ih-imH-nitIc
If pi
aouth line of alley between State and Smith duly n<<v'iveii;aml ordercti placed ts clearly seen t<> have flayed <iuc role
to iMTfi-erioii. Unit of oppotdtlim. Meye
WaahIneW atreeU. tbe balance
said •e«lr to be of 6 In. pipe,
opposition Is iiuk stnteKiumisblji. of
tlmated coet of said *ewer. ISOC.IW.
ounu-. lull It lins Ms-med i<> la- thiWe recommend tbe city pay one-third,
U-st tbe Ih-idoerals bod lo give. The
the balance be aaeemed to |.rop<Tty
We do
sluci-riiy of an <>i>|sisill>iii imrty Is test­
along line of aaid sewer and totemi of wild City that (be fullnwlng
ed by Its arts when in |»nv«-r. This
a> shown on arrompanylng plat.
iice.irate nti-oimi of tbe <-osi of rt-jwlrs rule applies well in lids case.
jAMEe A. Mceiw,
slr>i‘lB and the «-onslrii< t*c>n lliere'^le roost coiiituauding cause to
of. the immint of^ tualeriul iiwd nod
P. P. BoviiUM-.
ipense Ibereuf, and'the street or whieh tbe Dcni<M-nitle |arty Jias edmCommittee .on Sewer*. plate where such malerlul w'as tistsi tnlltisl Itself Sinn- the extlmllna of
Moved by Alderman Srnltb that the
labor performed: also the numbt-r aUv>-ry is that of low tariff or uu tsriCf.
report of tbe committee be ai-eepted of days of l.-dsit on said sirteu. and To the tunc of lltnl wnn-r> Mr, nev«‘
-and adopted.
the amounts due the several persons land WnIi- into |>niver nud iln-n strove
MiSlon carried.
berelnuflev named under (be bend
ad ^ with all Ills nilglit and niuln t« nuike
Yeas—Aldermen Montague. Moore. l-ay Roll
Jito tlnviry into law. Hiu many of bis
Sleder. Smith. Donghe.v. Kenyon. UiilldlnirKi.b-widk, ir. (vxln. 2>a
juirty IcadcrM luid uien-li usetl (he r-ry
Round nd QarriaoD.
feet at fdi........ j.. .
of "(nrilf refonii." iis (hey would luiviNays—None.
1-bld. sail for riiltihc
use<l any otbi-r. (o carry (be eoumry.
To Ikr WoaoroAle. Ifcr Vapor amf filp Weightug stone .j...............
ami (bey l>nlk<-(l nt nliM>lu(e fnv trade.
Cosaril of Ihe dip of Trarrrtr Valve to staml pl)>e.............
2 >■£ ' fi
Tbo VVilKVn net was injurious cnougb
dtp. Mi> kipan :
Sewer ventilator cover___
to doiucstk- industry, but li fell w> tor
Oenllemen:—We. your committee on Half dor. hoes .. ..............
•j .SS£S£®S86S5=eC
Btreeto and sidewalks, to whom wa>i Nulls fur sulesaik..............
Sb«rt of Mr- t*|evetoii.|-s nnllral ideal
reterred tbe petition for grading Woo<l- Nails for .r.«w wnlks
as (u <uS forth liis !>i((er •leuimniadua
mere avenue from Center street to Due wagon isdsier___ ____
aud his (v-fiisai to sign the bill. TieDcltner atreet, would respectfully rec- Ke|>al'rs t» sprinklers ___
a 8ssRgss«s
party Oh- reeklens eourage to
omnten<l mat aald peittlan l>e grantefi Sprinkling............................
put all of lls d<-Kirurilve profi-ssluus In­
and the work ordered <lone.
tteneral repairs ...................
to prnet Ice.
lltlia. m tralb
Very respectfolly.
Cleaning ............................... .
( psrior ear
- B. W. R.ifMi.
Picking stoiK- from streets___
1 cu
wcbi-aro, 406e, n irnle haa stiw^-n v»
They are uien-iy raa-aire,
W. W. 8wm«.
Ht. lamb, Clarisuatl. I>
Crows walks .across Cass on Nin\h. anll-Im]HTlnlis(
E. W. HAwnxiw.
Front bn O.ik. Willow on Monroi-. liiil- W iu]>uus Hoati iK-d till ou tin- field of • Tnuo
sn-i«JacdV*: II s. IB. lt»> .iH (wi» (rew
on on Front. Ftilon on Ninth, Washing Imttb' for leunsirao' use. They nr>- not
n., Lsul.TlIle sad Uatun on UoM-. Alley on Rose (mo. I'olun
result of ibi- deep ponderlligs of riiiiixi. ale-fllelsvcar f'ea <lr
Dated, JnlrlS. HKH'Tntin srrc--BK M ■:*! B m. I
Moved by Alderman
n mid tiu- slow low­ (roMHrsBd
tbe report be accepted and adopted. Total sum for rvpalrs on cross
ing roorUtluns of the luassc* of meu. U 1. IA>CgW<siD.(). P.*T. A.
r, A«m.Trs*Mse(9t
Morion earrled.
walks ........................
II u:. Tlu- polIrlcH of a'gnut luillon should
YvM—Aldermen Monumie. Moore,
Iteimlrlng of cruas walks ...
3 i;o H<>t In- and arc not the suddeu fnilt of
Smith. Boughey. Ken>-on. Round and Filling for Bklewslka................. i: *4
fllglity brains. They an*-uliiuisi iilOirrison.
Gravel to crtaui walk*............T. U- i«T
Cleaning away sand aod old
To fhe f/osorabte. fhe Mapor and dip
1 an tUng and solelifying pisKvws lb ibicommon (bought.
Conniil of the dip of Trarrrti- Opesiuu’ up drain tile and lrt-~v,
Tbe DonusTnts Itarc Uisi'ily sviX'-il
W water................................ 1 44
----- '“'li' ;A'llTp-M.p-|iTrM .'
Graveling Hope .rireet ....... 3:; 4S u|M>n till' cries of iiiiiiini>( .-tnd ontl-lmstreets and ridewalks. to t^om
tteiKilring E. FTont street___
k no jwriatlsni. and in hi doing tbey art- try­ !,« Usrlor Spring*
referred the petition for a sidewalk Drawing oshes to alley euri-of
ing (o convbKv tbe coiiuiry Hint tUi-y
tbe west tide ot Oarileld avenue
Cass street ...............................
S 1" are o|i|H»lug l|e|mblb-iin ^llcles. TJia(
■ WaabIngtoD street to State kshi-s to north abiitmenl north
Is aKiip'iloT an ariiticinl hud falM- m>i nlon street bridge...............
3 2?. Sitiuu. aud (bcwriin- ihe D.-iiKK-nttlc Ar Orl Rapid'HIM 4 It II 00 a 4b
hr lird lUtsa
It >r- I 4 m il IS 4 n>
. 4 a- iin a. T 16 |i 40'
.... 33 KT pb-s Is weaker liiaiiwn |in-rlous
Tlia( -Him |nri.v. If ia(nis«-d hr Oblrago
Digging up stones after grader
1 Gu
Ihitiing In curb plank by Mof, atfs.............................................
1 C.I wlw- cud In the dtiv-ctbm of Its wnrerty owner* adjaeent to said walks.
Cleaning cross waUis ..............
Gh erte* iberv- l< no reason for liellcvlug,
II & ; 7»'8 4S
Very respectfully.
Rntline Hope and Washington
and tben-fore tberv ts no rcasuo tor in­
R. W. Hoi-Mi.
sireet bicycle patli..................
trusting It with i>on-i-r. W. W. Smitu.
Jno. K'dley; twelve days, at
E- W. llAensi!*.
8S.r.o ...........................................
4 IP. 7 • p •>;
Committee. Stone ............. ...........................
I to
4 31 T> * lb
Moved by Alderman Montague that Street grading ............................. 27 00
the report of the cwmmltteo be ac­ Rodman tor f-togineer...............
a ui> Pbiladeipbla that "a Donmcralic (ireslPM |A e ft* MjFB
cepted and adopted.
Work, la Cemetery ............ :... 21 93
d<mt could iwralys*- tbe ,oi>enu!on of
"»tion carried.
as—Aldermen Montague. Moore.
Total ........... ...............s.........$370 84 tbi- new curtviicT law- as cfr«-ctunlly
If It Wftv Wlp(s1 fhiui our slointe
Sleder. Smith. Bougbey, Kmyon.
• Hoard of IhiWlc Works.
Round, and Otrriaon.
_Br O. P. CAI1W31. Chalnnan- books.” Democratic success would tvA. W. RuKvui.. CTerk.
opeu tbe wbole currency qucxtkiu and
To Ikr VoHorebIc. fftr Mopor and dtp
Moved by Ajderman Moore thai (be end In a buttb- tor Irredccuiablo paper
Connril of Ihe CUp of Trarerir suiement be ureepted and cb
money. No inurilgi-ut auuod money
CUp. Mtchipan :
d paid as recommended.
man can iiavc a dvubt on tbai point.—
Gentlemen:-We. your committee
Iqa earriod.
St. Louis Glolir-IVnxs'ra*..
whom wa* referred the protest agali
*—Aldermen Montague.
Sleder. Smith. Doughey. KenyUa.
Round and Garrison. Nars—None.
tod do not see any p«rUrAn ordinance entitled "An Ordi­
- MlWip-alask o.m.
ular raaaon why tbto walk should not nance Relative to Street Grades and
he built. We would therefore reemn-' tor Fixing a Base or Datum Plane"
.was presented and it* pasaage moved
liy Aldennan Montague.
graveled over this block.
Motion carried and ordinance duly^ual {arts of-kive apd sense mnkea
Very reupectfully.
adopted and passed by Vena and Nay ibe s'lirld go riHud ou ibe iu|unrc.
a ti* II
R. W. Rot-xo.
votes* frilows:
A tbreadlwn- coat tbst If liald for
Yeas—Aldermen Montague. Moore.
E. W. Haktixos,
Sleder. Smith. Boughey. Kenyon. at kast keeiv* off the ebill of lueoting
Committee OD Street* and SIdowalks. Round and Garrison.
les a woman bones her opin-None.
e oplhion of a (ruin wbime
"An Ordinance
opinion 11 haded on ooibUig ai aB.
and adcqited.
Marion carried.
W« ought to W at pence with tbo
Taas-Aldennen Montague. Moeia.
mcc to Recuiate Building Plumbing
BMer. Smith. Bougbey. Kmyon. to tbe city of Trarerae City aod to
Round mnd Ourrisoa.
create the oOt« ot Inductor of Plumb­
II oerasloaally happens tba( when
ing and to provide tor the appoint­ n maiwgets married his wife not only
To fhe BomomkH. Ike Mopor mod CUp ment of an Inapector ot Plumbing" Mipidle*
idle* tbe missing rlb.-^ml
rlb.-^mi Ibe 1:hock*
CooncU of Ike dtp of Trmvtroe were presented and on motion of Al­ twoe of (be combination da wi4L—
derman Smith, dnly carried, were re­ cago Dally New*
ferred to tbe eommlttee on ordinance*.
bom was TMTOd tbe psritton tor
Moved by AMerman Bmtth that tbe
aabMtolag a dodk Uno on, tbo oontb CJerk aad Treasarar be anthortoed to
hank of Boardman rlvw ftam Park transfer from toe wmtla—t
MM aast to Boaiteaa avmA ro- HAM to tbe eredtt ot tbe (awM m
e«.nn>D»H>.''d37t;S±;i a.


CloHies Cleaiiig Ml
Piessiis EstiUblnait
John R. Santo,
StMtil iKinm,,

6ml Itodi 6 ialloi I]


Pere Marquette


‘■•SSJS'S:; : ,1




t ' II

na «ar WOCT»t« a It. p■map ea Mteete My lyotoatead
haa boM Sane and we 4aem M adrtoable that aacb aa
ahottU be pvnperty aad togally catobItabed. TbeaSavtloaotthtoordlnaaeo

tooNto win not la Any a

with tbe I -........................
Oa toettoa ef Aittwai ______ _ _
'By O. P. Caav
A. R. B(c». Oort.


• a. ■

Dated July. 1C. 19M.
Morion carried.
Yea*—Aldermen Montogua, Moore.
Sleder. Smith. Bodgbey. Kenyon.
ound and Garrison.
To the Honorable. Ike Mopor and dtp
CouncH of fhe Oiip. of Trarersr
Cify. VlchipaiO^
GenUemen:-Your committee on
streete and ridewalka to whom v
referred the petition tor a sidewalk
the north ride of Randolph street be­
tween Bay stieet aod Division street,
would respectfully report that
consider the Improvement nectisary
and would recommesd th*l the peti­
tion be granted and tbe walk ordered
constructed within thirty days frinn
the date of he nori«-e upon the prop­
erty os-neri so to do.
"ery respectfully.
R. W. R(K su.
W. W. Swrni.
fi. W. Haktizus.
Committee on Stieeto and Sidewalks.
Dated July IS. l»b«.
M<ive.l l>y Aldermnn Sleder that tbe
in of tb<
Motion carried.
Yeas—Aldermen Montague. Moore.
Sleder. Smith. Bougbey, Kenyon,
Round and Garrison.
Moved by Aldennan Montagne. that
tbe withdrawal of .resignation by the
Chief of l*ollcy and Fire Department

ilneBda Besf’

......... - s;


—..—5*2 tbe aewjl

“Sr^'^srtsK I?SSSMlon Mk -Id

t»M. w« niid a»4 Nnww*. .
r* UM «MMr«*le. Ukc jr«|PPr «»< OKf
CMnMU « Trmtnt Ctfjr. JTMW-

fyatWany laport that wt' have toIgatod tbe MM aad voaM racMBtf that tbe aty Engtooer be voqaeoted to pn*are a gtoa for tbe docktog of uld river on the north aad
ith ride thereof, toon- Park street

^ AlSmi

tbt nsift MM daly





TH» uaamstG mccord. satordat toy 2& 1900

itoaaER. wbe dwa|B
_ -iksfa kto katk
da fsndr tor kiB. He's gala to pap
fsat tfaaeer
. think the expected, tbe ana la tbooC
psddeslr nppraoi lae a absttlran weU k
*4a t
hiL At latt we bad eUmbed bigb os the
ba eseet wfaet* tbe tucks were dry and
crisp tor tbe fart. I art aweetbrart dewa.
Tbe waab o< essteriy Cre had grsiwa
capidty Urger. Ii spread to the higtaer
oaoees M aklrtn. three tbe favorite
dials. wUefa were Baked with aeaabeU ■gBbrr. whW-b may eitbfg start a Unto
pink. Bare of criaisoe gathered actnmi
above tbe knee, or three be tbe natnber
the aaa'a path, "aa If the horrid tbfaws
wosbt keep Urn down, if they csnldr she tor the rafflea on tbe twttoB. are gh
aald. Ybn shr grew a bule frlghtescd trays pretty wbeo tbe maierlal U light
•nd aoft or of a tnmspareni etaararvr.
U tbe Image abe bad ronfured op.
"But tbry Won't, will Ibry, fatberr
There U aoefa ruehlng. tou, of narrow,
TU* littir girl has always a fear lest vnie rtbbona. aa an edge Uniat to
aomr grrst pleaaote. long toebed forwi
to. toosld escape ber at (be pineb. I>t
entty a new terror strock her.
"Itoes be p> off with a Ung. 11
gnn on tbr caa(le at InrrbUae
aaked. and ibe eaugbl uy hand aad held
It very tirmJy. to be ready "in eats."
1 leaasared ber cm tbb acore. and we
walled. We bad not. bowercr. long to
wait tww-a led rim. a aort of boah aa
the bUlt4>p whirled Into the weeterly
bonnd wave of Ugfat. oor sbadowa rushed
mt 30 rare
yards behind im. and tbe non roael
AC tbe a
name tnoment a bUek doad of
a waa flung blgfa into the air from
woods about the ball aod drifted
liy away loward tbe tnmlp OeMa.
sweetheart did not my a word tUI all
was over. Then abe drew a long breath
of raptest plearaie. .
"How qslnly be doei Ur abe said:
I emild ooc help it. . 1 never rsn wl
tweetbeart speaks llun .ntedilalliyly.
am bouud to improve Ibe ocrasloa.
,bf (be >V<-stmlniter Cate-

fftE KID




cw U4m (M (to *m£ mtf
II u i>i«»
n 4—*m
Om €( omj M< tM* if •«.

*««* a^ *M !■ «te



CW to tw fcw «< ^ y* ^

' JTt*^rrrr!rjrzr
• nfieQofdenrtominai
er«.4t. cntkttL


k • ftit«oMUiirA anito uowa
VtbMrt'a UoadSbiodad fci
1 hOil nrrar ypt let-kar bk the
Kuir. 1 BOi ■ profewloMl oeer of oos-,
rioea.HM boTiai ntaMerl obore a doors or
00 lu u Btaoj reon. Tbero ore fcv tale*
that Bwortbnrt likro oo,weU ao to bear
Be teU of lome oMboM ia
Mo of tbe «nrM.
•TrU ahooi iko Boa fa Afrtcs what
tbe pbotorrat^ box os fab
W07. It beKluo. *nu Banw >u " bonuned AU
............................................ *1 Koacfald.* \n. ladeed;; 700 aald ao Uat Ubt. aad 70a
Boota't tnakr It op aa 700 go alosg, bst
• tellftrlght.V
Or It Blgbt duDfa to be ^ atoir of
tbr auB sbo climbed tbe coeoaDot tree

for. ooym the Chicago Inter Oceu.

took 70B in awimmlD aod made 70a p)t7
traaat. Tbat ia tbe bmtAf alt."
. "Ha-mbeart." raid I. witb a soddea
gabi of reefcleoBMaa at tba aljAt of bar
brlgbt fare, "If It la a dne B^ag <
iDurruv, and 70a go to aleep earl7 1
alxbt. aad >-au ate a good girl all 4l
aad 70U proDilae 70a woa't tell”—
"Yea. rea. falber-^I vUI-I Bean
won't—tell me « bat It b wc are' gula
do, and ni be aa good aa. oh-ihatr
Aad aweetbean opened' bar anna .to
tbdr fuUeat extent In order to expreoo

Yes talk ao alosr

wU vote to Inrnue rather than to «etbe influence of tbe Vnlttfi
>e having a bard
Stntea aa a wortd power. Be wUl rate
the motber. "bat
. A Wall aaay be to keep, tbe American flog where oor
aotdicn and aallon have placed U. Be
win vote against summdering any
American t.TrituTT. ojfalnat retrrat
from any paaliloD gained by Americair
rotor. Be.will vote d^UtUHy to anatain oor aoldkn In tb.W’blUpplnec.- to
maintain and InerrAar nur Infl

r 7on Blgbt are a
nsatbe fur founalfr*
"Oo-<MMwb! tba IT I wbb it «MS
now: 1 aban't never aloep, wit a sink,
wttb tbluklu nboBtitr
"Bat 7UU mnai. m I thall not Ube
70B. He be calm."
"flbali I ern- grow ai calm na 70s, fa■dherT You don't reallr care fur aweela
or bread aad augar or guusebrrrr tart
or caucUed eoeoaaut or aiiTtbing juft
dreadfnl nice.r
Kneethiart and t were airar for a lit­
tle cbeap trip o%4>nr 01ns adcoonta. Our
nbiiilug Bleed, a trlerdc eropballrallr
built fnr t«Ti> (aweetbeart lieing a gvatkWMOBII pB»a.-iuter), saa being idled sp
and lla rhalii mended in tbe bhciumltb'a
nfaup duKii in the rillage. It wna vrrr
lM'arl7 tbe pnithst vUlag.- In HcoUbihL
srbM^' Ibev an-, uiit vf life and Oalbv
wat. n..l nianr pnitr Tllbgrs. I hire to
call It ^t'hinugliggair, and aweethraA
Ukea to tbiuk tbat *^r. Fatfarr" once
viund IL
Tbr adventure eaine uS juat as It wa
fanned. sbi<-b thlnga vert oeh
tbia vorld. Hnvetheart Ud br<
but m>l t>iu gievl.
I a line BUISIbg. dalterlug (lie turpip ahawa
aa wrU
• sort of muratug 7<>u want to Uke a
ink of awl tlten
Ipa and a
"How n-freab-

Tna WOLF ApygAna.

rtMl'ifgniltEU UUKMXU.

a. finger

nllta in very many of Ibew
BUek veirr-t is vi-ry mwli used tvlib
the pretty buekied lH>'na an much in
vogi)e. These «n- elinrmlug afli-rnrHiD
toilet* for iiildsmniiii-r. flower- trliiiiu<<d
bat* and barmuuluu* paraaoU, leudltig
•dded smarini-iw.
l'nder*l.-ev.w are tbe chic tourh

*^Vc Bit down by a cryat
^aUl apring la the
No c
bleb, brave morning air.
did eilMip- sleen** for day w<-a>.
abuiild forego liavlng tluiu. a* they i
about of tbe sandwicfaes. and when it grand tou.
It mailer* not nlietlier
came to drinking tUoe I bollawedjny tbe plrt-ve of your gown doe* not iiliite
palms,-|Bd swevtbeart drank daintily «>ut met the i-IImiw or wlieibi-r it jiatuu-*
of that cup as a bird drinka at a foun­
tain's edge.
Then we went down, abonting aloud to
n tbe bottom of die Kleeve. Tliew- are
awake the ruounUin echoes. Tbe great
oeri-^ varleile* of e|l*>w sleeves
ihioes of tbe worid are quiet But we
did nut want to be great only to be hap­
py. ao wx- climbed bade agala into tbr
road, with Its line duat drendied and laid tbosetyiudldou*.
with Ibe dew.
Tin- efaarmlng suoitocr nrarnlag gown
At tbe inm of tbe road on a little patch
Of tbe flr«t cut Is of pale blue Une^
of grata a tramp family bad eucamped.
Tbi-rr were a falber. a mutber, witb a
young baby that walled U|>ou tier breaat.
and a little girl sbu ruse at algbt s
ud rsn toward sweetheart
"We are awful bnngry." sbe aald. “We
have bad nartbiug to eat aince yesterday
"Tbe shops are not open.’* aaU awretbran. rising to the occaaloo. "but <
' ' me. and lH find sometblu la tbe

Borthlp. for aweetbean bad east iotu
treasury all tbat abe bad.
But aa afae watched tbe amall tramp
msh oS witb tb^ bam lame and the loaf
presard against ber breast and tbe aixpence of Merliag all rev ciotefaed in bar
swertfaran heaved a long sigh.
Dd 1 did an want a new doUy's booor laobetr abe Mad.-rbiladelpbla

gpUeiw g%a« BCisC Ktah.
There are eerulo Urge aea aplders, two
fBB tor lo tbe, called CUIcoeadeii
gixwa.^at live in tbe water and feed
entifvly npoa moUqaka and worma.
•Bii- eaniivorvua wolf apMer, an aahibioua iabaidtant of tbe tropical tw
inoa of South America. U aaU lo prefer
fiab dirt, tbongh it U not averse to eatig ml'v, ynnog birda and erew anakea.
n-aemldlng la Ibis respect tbe tfarraphoridae or turd eatebiag spiders of India and
iBteenaUBd. some of wfalcfa eqaal a rat
ta SUU-.
Th.- coUnsfedels U tbe most tomidatoe
r\-‘utrv ui
of Ibe
«ue spiovr fa^.
tmmuy, B(«aMtBg
1 inches aronnd the body and i

grips its finay prey. . ______
eral tlmca larger ibae Itself and,' after
Mttnc them ibrongfa Ibe back and ating-tng them to dedih. glata harlf by aockiag
We Were sMumciag the hraifaerr bllWde, the Jniom from tbe bodies of tu viettma.
aad there was 00 tract of tbe ana to be
Been an/where.
I tbiab that, even dt tte laat —nrnrt.
Patlmt-Luab here, doctor, you seM
me to tbe ernmOy tor wlaria.
wit sa. Bpt no:
Doetoe-WeO. jm fto'tt. Atet fmfs Barefa apoe na tkia ttec. (Mr awag.
to tha eMt tfatts wag < kM «d In odMl Ihlags.
Sweetbeart os Br ak
B7 hair and gave It I


thfl zdtMtni

Hew Si*



OP 8SVKN 0DRB8. ^ «rwt ChMW
oU dtoaOMa ^ th* Oku

quesUotu that have b.s*n dlscuaacd in
the last two years. Tbe voters will be

Pere Marquette

Porto Blco-or Hnwnil. They will vote**
In fayur uf retrt'nt and surrender. If
tbi- platform lii Texas, they
will vote in favor of Ibe ntireluent vf good to return naUl Aogwt iltfa. iwvthe Fnlted Hlotrii from tbe Pblllpplne*
_________ TWUta
DO mutter wbat bn<ontes vf tbe Islondo.
old tor iralM laaviag Traverao
If lliey follow tbe. Imjiul*.- of the Pa­ City at tias a. B.
m. oMl
omI li:SS
to B..
orrlviog at Niagara Falla
FaUt at
cific tswst DemocTats. they wlU V
for tbe retention of the rblllivplnea. _ Aik ogento for lnrtbe_r partleaton.
they follow the lead of Mr. Bryan.
will not know wbat they vni.- for. tf
they follow tbe l.-iid of Mr. Hill vf New
York, they will not vote for Mr.
in re|)re*i*nts. If they follow the
of fJeneral Wnck In flilcago. they
win not vote for the policy declared In
the Cook county Ih-moernlle platfonn.
If they follow the impulse III neverol
Boutls-m stat■>^ they will «and with
(lem'ral Joe Wb)s‘b'r rattwr than with


aadeoavyAaelag. tUPmatB.


lU-|ir.-sented by tbe platform In Tex-na and tlie platfom In Couk county the
lieiuucvwtlc imriy^N un-Am.-rlcau. ia

game, but wc like to OCv bepr it's played.
aluiply an aggn-gniion of abtlwar, antibl. (jlAU.
expansion. nmi-Iti-publiraii elementa.
Ber Xeryes I
Just bow the Iw-mis-ratl'- news|uip<*n
"If yon refine ipv. I shall go iuodr be
iking niurb of mugwiimiw nod

slaotly to remlad liim tbat tbU was
■tory of the teneincuts.
“Bug hfiux-:" be Mid. faUlng Into tba’
com-ct Veninc-uUr.
trmibleil viidc-ully.Tbe DIgerence.
MoJlgger-Wbi. was that fidlow in the
bicydr suit V bu ssk.-d you for a light?
Tbingdailpub—That wasn't a bicycle
soil; it was a golf suit.
klrJigger—Noiisensi'. ryclists and «olfrs Wear tin- same sort of suiia. ■
the MUv Ibaft d
•nj. t..r m ••IIM>>

OoklDg Of
in your <it1i<-i- was based. 1
lU- injurious effi-cu 4f toe
oung iiiea, was it irat?"
"Ve*. and wx- felt U-sidis like doing
ametbiiig in In pracliejl way for tl
beiietit of Ibe fresh air fuud."-<JUc*i

X»l Veelleal.
"Was th.- priainier's bauds-ritlng
>g of a
ebaracler Ibnl Svoiild lead you
be was intoxirntud?"
“Y.W. J'Sir bi>nor. It waa."
"Was wbaft"
•*\>a t^ aUul."-Cleveland rialtk^Deal-

laanriui air. aa a
all right. He Ino
yon, it's all pat 00 T*
this manner wp came tu the bouse
la ber bUtfket and darT7lng her to
of oar lodgment. The door waa aa we
bad left It Not a aonl atirred within.
"Ob. fatbi-r." sbo nabl, her
r ^ei^l
This was Btrsngr.
dOBkrd wilb aleni. "la It .revU-u
It teemed the tniddlr of the foCenocm
Fur B brui-ver ahe la waked auddenl7
na. HwrvtlM'srt entered and after a
•nd taken tu tbe wlodowa afae alwa7a
tblnha (bat it |a tu are tbe aohUen |<asa, s-blle emersed s-itb tbe bam boliP, kuneat ahi!
unee a rear wbra In mld- kly Indeed, but hi sputa cs|>aUe of
added balf1
OuBiner llu- vtduiiteere inarrfa Ihruugb lag altentlim. Tu
our vUlage-oar real fur true home vil­ hpf. a' large pat of butt.y 1
uiH-nrd tin x>f rseUrv, all tfaemweaaarM
lage- nm tbeir war tu aummer ramp.
"No. as-ia-lbisn." I aaid. "it ia mors- aod luxuries of life.
•«uw. ran 1 give tbe iltila girl nly Satlag, and j uu are going uut lo oee tbe aun
Har. Bnt don't make a noiae. Nubud/ arday's money? Let me. fatberT- afae
■will be.sp for boors ret, and we Buat go pleaded.
.XihI. wbatevar waa tbougbl by tbe reBssel-«r "Ho»i.r nnnrfM." eon.
prtiadvo n{ Intense delight.
. . .
when I bad a aafetr pin In mr tnosth
afae srouU give B7 aiB a qnlek. iBpoIalre
biK aod a*r “Po-e-ear falbrrr TUa for
no particular reaaou eieepi that abc cooaUeied fa.T own a ^Icularij nice tbinc
ta fnibetB.
When all was finlabed. we began a rsM
cm tbe pantrr witb enurmoua csullun
(Indiana on tbe «ar trail) and cspiured
bivsd, iHittar and altera of bam aulBdent
tor balf a doacs.
1‘teseatlr we were
outaldr tbe doer, and tbr drwr eooloeaa
of dawn dropped upon ua like tbe Cint
dip in tbe tea.
"It'a Uke Urin 7<»r face waabed witbos( waterr said tweetbeart as we made
nor war up tbe garden aralk between tb«
gouaebertT busbga and over the walL
Bni I Bosoted aweetbrart qn my abootdrra. for tbe gram was long and dewy.
Beta big and brown were already boofnlag In the fuaglur^ and pearU aparkled
CB tbr gusaamer autpeoaUm lirldges tbat


fi. s. C&BpbffU 2 Sou
Will have tb«lr •a« to tba
wow atore of W. J. Bnfafaa tola^'
wbM all tboo* havtoc-ir**n
ttaArm«ueoUttSTm w

Hawaii. I’oRo llico and t'uba and wfll
vote to* forwaid tb<- Inlcnwta of tbe
I'nited Htatea in preference to tbe tnfloence and tntercata of any u‘iber cofn-

posllive fum-. nut a negative
Tbe Detuurrnta. on tbe otlx-r.bnnd. vHU
vote tor wbat?
If they follow tbe

Five Blnutes Utcr the Wolf stierad a
>oun>ful bomi nod feU over and kicked
two or three tune* uid then expired.
"Ab. mt-r' said tbe Kid. "But 1
ow go out aad aee wbal a Wolf U like.
flonneea. Ttuit baa a luipjiy effect In There can sun-ly be no danger In apblartt. in white ami in light rxilurw. prosehing a dead Wolf.”
"kly aun.” replied tbe mother, "let
Ttala U prtH-iulnetitly a Haniiiii-r f<ir tol>x*jr
' that
. - e
. - youug brniu
ing over, aa l'~tbou^U ^ roll mU of tottrs Iwres. wlir-rv tulles and gaiixes.
tbuugb n Wulf
If toto-dead
>d be
Is still
sti a dyialaeea atui c-rafwi* dr-r-k us out tu
mil- blast
withj ■ ffuse GUavbrd.
't^n^^ny Dandce* It best’* sbe evening anil ImtlHti-s. lliienn. grc-tuisUy right here and enjoy tbese old toaid at I
dlnea. en-|iuiis aiul veiliugs fonn the matn ra
with your mstumy.
A1a>, that aucli a tbiag abodU ba In a fabries of rt liat wo wenr by day. and
KU bad made up I
drapery, rueiiltig, plalilng. gailH-rlng bavcla closer look at tbe dead Wolf, and.
But certain It la that «
faturaiile op.
ptifOng are die niato-uvrylnKs consprang to tbi- gtouiid and trottisi away.
itly r-niployiHl to make tip tbese n
The miitbrr did: nut ifiUs bim until sbe
heard a bleat ofaUrm. and as sbo looked
Up it was to *.v.lhe WoK bearing tbe iocbarmtng «
ml youug Ibiw away to the forest for
s aban U Usra si
nofi. gi.««
IwdleeM. vBIMmitim are jsiaMvI tbltnigb
Iml.—Wo know it's a confidenca

fler all, h Ad not greatly Bai
> child's voice carried tbe Intent of
worship wbere.Btay more orthodox nutla bynua do net reach.
“And DOW," aald as-eaibeart with a
aha^ change of expression. "Fae bun-


platform adopted by the Owk coufy
Denwratic eonventlon. they will veto
against maintaining American iofiuenee in the Pbilippthes. in Culm, in

q>7ing. Bleep, tore”- f waa xnlng to odd
death, but refrained.
"Bnt the birda ting not l»Dd." objected
everlbeert In a earatier manner, "and.
pirate, IfaTon don't mind, ao wUI I. 1

I aay cbem now.'
-eetbeart gave Ibe niatter
1 ab
. Uttle Boag inatead.'
"And wlmt aball it be. aweetbeartr

and Boowr^ In Novem-

^ wtu
know exactly wbat be rote*

^r wMi

8»<«tkc«rt mwl
rthrt. bat t^ wif OM 1
Ick I Ud taitbkfto kcft to


a toed
__ _________________ __
catow from tks fersst and faobUa akmg
M throe toga.
"See. mottoc, but tbe Wolf can hardly
walk." aald Ibe Kid. "Iflwaaoa '
now. I could oBMB Urn."
"Tbe Wolf appears to be toBa." beua u« Ur favor of on
plUd the mother, "but a Wolf U a Watt,
Aaertou pnUcy. EvoTyiDnnwtoo
and you want to keep clear of him."

others win* .-rillcls.*
Uu»B<-velt for tlu'lr wn
al Ib-ntty of Columbus..41.. to pnrad.d

C DOMg. Awaroay ato^aaa^l .


as an ii«jlu.*iillal Ibiiuldi.-aii who Ims
deserted the puriy iHcnuse of tbe nonliialloii of M.-KJnl.-y nii.l Uuow-velt.
tieneral 1i.-nlty. bas Iss-ii a elirunic
iior.-h.-nil .-v.-r since imii. In IKKl be
enierssT th>- .-ampaign to ehainplou the
cous.- «>f McKliib-y mainly on tin- finanrial plank of the Kt. Isiuls plntf.inu.
Now be takes tbe (NMiltioii tbst ns tbe
rum-u.-y guestlou I* s«-(tlc«l he la at
lilsvtr tu j<ilii tbe biiabwhackera Ot>poslng tbe eXpanskm |sd|i-y itf tbe R.-publii-nti party.
(Siwral Ilentty bas
f..ll..tvliig. mill It was said In 1>«*J
that h<- rath.-r thnn'stn-iigtb-

jp c. rii^LU

L ns •mm la
•Itrarf. Ill 1


Bell 'ak«M. Korthera -pboav Xo. t.

Rt-|>ulillcnn wliu lunl served tbe district

T|K. K. K rLM>D>t>iD(W la l
U Blarb. CaUa isrowrrod vaumBOy 4ay ar
aigkt Kartaers'pkeae.Xt; BaU.BI.

Till* Di-mneratlr platfocn makers It
will In- iiotlcisl. Isim.w the uilcrancea
of .-lulrn or s.s-lell.-* tci .-xim-s* tteir
lim-nts im iiniliHial q’uestl.uis. Tliey
I to Is- iMiviTty strirken in languagi* as well as In principle. Tli.-y

D‘ *.i„K7i.''?ssn.i2rs J-

aaamiiraaiaatsbrtka lamat sat mmi aynro-FUy

biv.- no rtfUjing cry as In iJttfi. 'ns-y
an- enthuslustlenlly in favor of imtbliig
except ivlnut nnil surr.iid.-r, ati.l llnI’ani-l Hons.- I>einis.-nny of Cldengn
gntw furtli.-r in siirTviidcr and retreat
■ iNannara y>»aa

Aa ArtiaU Alaravs Do.
than tin-1 >.-mo.-ra<r}’ of I’.-xiis.
"Jn.-. there's a colUr and cuff troat
B'ool iMparlaflWa.
Nearly rf.l.issussi i* of foreign
Wool. W)-n- iiii|s>rl.d into the rnlbil
Htiileii during th- ,v.*nr .-ndlng
June 3. 1KI7. Just to-fon- tie- liluglcy
- Bakton It All niBhC,
Mrs. Young Wife—You are sure there
re five luuuda of augar In tbia fiarkage?
I ae.-ma eery light.
(Jroci-r—Tbat. madam, la lieeausp it is
ootlrrly tree fiom sand. -Buston TruacripL •
Too Wise to bet <io.
"Wby eou'i you afford 0 vacation trip,

tariff Iss-aiii.' tow.
lAst tli.-n*
bw) than TT.iss'.UUI pounds of for­
eign w.sil Imtsirtcd. a difference of
274,(NU.(aJU pounds under protection.

rroBl »l»wi. TraTeraa Oltf, MIeb.

iiuttai... r-t,r. fw:. Hpaeiai BWaartiae #*aa

AI Uonir froa * ta tOa. m._aa4 fram I

TalfciBg UuUum
tor rale fay the W. V Kimball Oo.





“a *"

von AgCMMFJi ami^vcKix.
Tbe gklrt la nine gored. Joined with
berrlngbonv at ««i-ii warn. Ka<-b gore
haa n cluster of tbixv- tuefc* down tbe
center to witblu ten Inebe* of tbe hept.
Tbe front breadth l« pUln. The w»lst
U tucked In acv'tlon*. Joint'd by the her­
ringbone. iod fasten* down tbe front

•oft knotted ararf of bUck silk, which
U alao used for tbe narrow folded gir­
dle. The aUevea are-tneked ou tbe
outer pan.
Tbe pretty white .damaak aftenmem
frock la tffmmed tritb deip ecru gui­
Tbe akin liaa a acam aack
gtltrbed down die front. Btrapa and

jawKus IS.a man ui muen ongmaiicy.
lon’t you Uiliikr
"tVrbaps In- Ia
Hu baa never tot a
•rlicle of it b-ak out in any of Lia puklie

wide rHole*.
ClovertoD—Miss Peteiklii to going to l«
larried. What shall I *.-Dd her appro­
priate for a w.sldiiut im-w-nt?
Dasbaway-UIi. anytbii.s ton doaabt
wauu—Detroit Five IV-sa.
Bto Wi^lV 'Colls.
BoUn—Have to go and aee my wde

Fine Wood

For Cooking or Furnace Pnrposes



BidftWftlk Lumber in all elaae.

JOHN F. OTT * 00.
• dtp Luaber Oo.

girdle are of narrow bUck velvet rlb-

The aught Way te Bemere a Otoro.
Do not ta^e n glove off carekwaly if
you desirv it to laat well. In taking off
tttrn tbe wrist over tbe fingers and
draw nntil tbe flngera arc bait uncover­
ed. then tbe finger ends may be tooMOed by ibc tip*. Tbia makea It an May
itter to readjust tb«- glore right aids
oat 11 U a good plan tv breatbe lo a
glove after taking It off. It preservea
tbe Boftiwra of tbe kid by gotokly *y-


Porwot Vo Oar “Root. Boat"
CKy Barlow (tu Sroicb rlsitor. after
btrlagl-UttIr bay ram. air?
ScDlrfa ^’■altnr-Wee(. Fb na fond o’
om; bnt I wadna rofoar a drap wbhtoyt

The Up-To-Date Photographer

A halt doaea dtSeroiit forka and apooM
at a ptaie will net beip a man to ant corn
cob grocWtdly.-.Attolaa.

A Fill UN If Ptmpipk Bittois. EilirpiR if AR tlih.
''ovroom boibl dofaunBiA


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