The Morning Record, August 05, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 05, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text








Mto tkwMofa
awhlahmld baai
Tarriblh Win WafA 1b AabraUafaaabaaBaatad. It ia fait that at
aUaaaata that powata ahoaU aaaal*
■oMy aaaaay to tha CMaaaa aatheri«• rntmOam PiiHii tk* Vtrnm tiaaaa aapUaU aad
OmM.OOO.OOOfaol of Z«Bh*Bam to what paaalUaa wQl ba iafttetad tl
daead to hahw Ta«^ at Barkar dt
MiMCfflC SMdUaf-OUaMa MU
larthar ham aadaUa tha teaifBwa
Stawart aad AfatoM Laabar Oo.
XMM ttM ronlCB MlBlilwi

Pbqriac * Donhla
XHplomaey Oab*.

MtiM« ttat Ank^rtBMti*nto


Thiaataaad M& BraaMr DaBagao

Stastau, Mt nrwt Oeu»

Oaly Saaparata Week of Fltaaaa

<!«• wtih OoMW <■ M«Md.
i^MUl M
itorsiM ■««««WuUHftM, AH- «-*ha OUm
iartae, wbaroToBBcatewa aad Bawaaatta vOl ^7 ftndaj

laaaaa aada tha alab a I
ai*. M. J. naa wlU eoc


Summer Novelties

New Shoe
for WmeO

---- AT THE-----


▼Wtad by h OOMacrattoa WUA

>Hgi— tor^W aUM OoMMtte

■ etfttoftiUtaiAagfkka lapwWfo< luuu a th* tebU
.^wUeh.Uk aaplOTlac. M OM ddb
altfe iha alftktm ia Nria u4 « U*
olkar wlA'tb* teralCB sewan.
h ^ •fUapt!^ aot IM hit
M a dlplaaai B
I Baatatary a^’a Baaaadtor

Saved Two l«i«a 6aw|CUIa
apadal w lb» Kwalaa Baeabd.
daUaad, Wla., Aac. 4-A BUUes
doUaiB worth of lamber waa banad ia
tha Barker A SUwait aad KoTatooa
UBbar Oowaaalaa' jarda at Aahlaad
thlaavaalat aad tha'fire waa aot oat
atto'eloak. Almoat M.OOO.OOO faatof
laabar waa borpad aad two of tba
I'd tcaBwiya, aad foar oal of
dee of tha Barker A Stewart Uamwaya
were bnrnod to the waurb edamwltb
aU tbelr Umber.
TM are etartod U tbe Barker A
Stewart yarde at lo'clo^ and Jamped
a quartar of a mlla to the Keyttoae
yarda. Settiny dre to tha watt tram­
way tha Samaa U^ one tha mlddla
tramway, which did not'barn, aod
eaayhtoathaanttnuBway. Tha dre
next laapad aoton tha aUp to the lime,
ealt aad eemaat doek, daatroyUy a

lo tbe embodiment

beaatifal. aerviceabla,
ai^ oatiibctory


ia vomote’o footwear.



It’s Just as Easy
To climb a ladder on stilts as it would be to find
such ele^Mt


Ten Dollar Mud’s Saits


outside of this store.

Ring Ties, a new lot, 60 cents.



Clothes Cleaning
ui Pressing Parlors



I Used
to Pay 10c

daaeebyBrittebeteattbe Parte axppto tmtthan, aad aUimogonaate de­ alttan.onwnyivnatthebaif year­
voted to aiy mlatieBi with tome or aay ly maatiay oC, tha Oatham A Doeer
of tbepowanoa thhbaah. BotSBay- itaUway. Tha aspeaiUn of’6» nnaod
load aad Prana oaaaldar It the yreat- an iBBrnii of leealpm of COO,000 aben
' aatmUtakafor any ceaatry tedhenm tba aomal. Tha pnant halt yaar
tha aitnatioa with Chin Uany
ahowa a daeUaa U eoaUaeBtal trafie
aatU tha danyar threatnlay the mU- of £16,000. Other
Uten b abetfntely a^ nneooditioaal,tal traffic Un had a «i»n^
ly remoied.
On or twe eommaalaaUoaa
reply tp tbe Cbicwve »n>Twm*a
tor medtayoi. eta.. ban net aoMUnt- Une.'’OalcBaa'c
ly tMtowd npoathla Stat ntadpU of > 8 B Wait.

Dneoaflmed Weport Tbft the Boor
•eternal Haa PaUoa.
Loadon. Aey 4.-^ dtepalA from PntorU mya an neanfimad report te U
Oewet. the Boer <
Z the'Britteh Uthefroe
etato. teSrad of aahcU wonnd.
Yonr blood yam Uroayh yoor body
with fempB aad boenda. earryUy

This is without exception the best lot
waists in the city today for the prii*.
The lot U made np of |1.00, $1.05, $1.35.
$1.50 and $1.75 gooda All new. this
season’s styles,
bout 85 to pick from.
at only



Pig Tail

I bare oome to the coBclai>
ion that 5c will bay a firat*
dam, deliciooa amoke. Try
cme and yoa will never pay
10c for a Pig Tail again.

All summer clothing, hats, caps
at cut rates.


From Your Desk
You Can



iBdlAB Bssksts ia a«w sad prstty shapsa.
BouTwairs ia BhaU Work.
Baadsoms Opsl Wars with plotniras of
TPawttBS 01^.
All of tbs tatsst aad bast books of ths day.
Plotaroa aad Works of Art

Ooao la sad SOS oar goc^

of aU that to

Sizeo 2 to S.
tarOaa^ waa ladlraeV aad araaiaa.
bat a aaaaca <raa tha TaaafUYaWidfiis AA to E.
aaa Ifela aoralac U man dlraet aad
FrifhtAil Bdsnlti of s Terri­
. Jt
IfcaaalalatananaUTaaBdiaaU. Tbat
ble TomSfdo.
thay had baas proaida^ with pravlaloai
■*Dd walaUaa; that tha lahlhw baStrip of Territory U Worth DakeU
twaaa tham aad tha Obiaaa tacatra
aad WUBBeaoU Throe to SU Miioa
aAaa aaa Mat (riaadty aad that eoaaaltatloat waaardataaatthadau of
Wide aad Oae Beadiad- KUei Xmc
thadi^pateh. (JalytO) fortba protaedollara worth of i
c aad deSwept by a Terriae Bairteaaa— atroyUy a qnartor of a mlUtoa dolUte
Mob at tha Blatotara yolnf to TlaaTala
Weary Pam BoUdlay Xieeoled—Oae worth of doek aad raUway track. Onr
toopoanda of dynamlta waa naad U
Wonaa Carried a WUe by the Wiad
Thla atatoMt it tataadad to ooavay
blowUy up the Inmber. aad after a
~AU ZUdp of Oropt a Ttotal Loot.
tha bapraMoB that tha fereita mlaiamlUawoK aaTod.
tan ban ptaoUoaUy acraad to aoaapta WBlAdieTbeHorelv BwoM.
At to
aa^ aeevoy to Tiaa Tbta aad are ready
Uraad Po^ N. D.r-The towa of cboekod aanpt U oae epot, aad there
taThiki a triaadly afraaaaat with tba Hattoa. forty nUaa tNthaatt of thit te a proapaet of ehaokUy that. Plamac
ffblMit toward a oattlaaaaat.'v^TUa city, wet etraek by a tornado aarl^ thit ban eatoa to wUhU torW feat of tho
fovaraMBt hat ao maaaa of kaowiar
Leader in Fine Footwear.
ralay.' Seraral ware iojoredlathe loay donbU tow of lambar, PUnnuhew far thla atatanaat rapraaaata tha
hot the atom, which exieadt Iroa Blay dlroetly to Eoraayatona mUl wUl
traoaltaatloa. Itia rayardad aa petalhla that Ooaror ailfht arrao to iaaeapt
wrlydtreeUoB. toTbUfElrer
aafa caaert for htaaali aad all tha laca- PalUMlaa.
Than baa baas ao loaa of Ufa and ao
tlaa paepU to Tlaa IWa, if tha other
At Tboapaoa the front of orery aarioos UJari^
aUalatan aatarad late a aiatlar afraa- atere wet broktn by baUatoaat. Oropt
At aU o'clo^ aa aaUauta of dl.OOO.■oat. It la aot baUaaad that OoByar are t total loet, every, tom of reyeta- 000 wn oontamUn. aad oonldarweald naaa aay pladyaa for tha fatara tlOB belay oat to the yronaA The abla lambar baa bnraed aUoa than.
A dricxllay raU haa am U and If tba
atlloaof hlacoaoraBoat la rayard to heaee and oatbaUdUyi of John Hoathe ottaatloa.
Su Hllare wore dot- wind kaepa U Ite pmaat dine
Tha Uttar part of tha dhpateh froai
troytd. Urt. Htadricktoa wat ear- then wUl be ao mon daayar, bat tha
the Xbaay U Yomb h that whiah
wIU ba obUyad to work aU
rlod half a salt by the wUd aad wat
ylvtB tha eiau doparfeet UttU oea_________________
whoa toaad. Sbt wiU ■Ipbt
eora. It It U affaet a reply to Bay't
BtMBd for traa ommaaltatieri wiU
Daeet oropt U the path of the etom
Oeayar. It nya: -Bat ah flyhtlayia
iMIaattoU are a total lota. Proa
yeiay oe la Tlaa TWa it b Uoapadiaat repertt rtetletd ap to foor o'eUek tha
Aay pan of the eec
thatoiphw taUrantakoaUha oaav'* atom rmlaod tho roanUUy oropt of a Wannest ©sy of the Year is
Btant, direct and pen
Thla It a daaUl of Hayt itamtad aad atrip from throe to tU aUlot wide, oaOhloafo Yeatarday.
tlaa with y
. btada of dayatltle adlpUwUe reply t^Uh eaa toadiay from boyoad Battea. W- D..
I. aad U tael, enry oaayon
aot readily te not by tha^oearaanat to St. HlUro. Mtaa., a dtotaaoe of ever hamoaiator Waytetond M Daynaa
wteh to
eaeaptbytaadiay aaopoa maewyete 100 atlUt. aad tpaai Maalt on the Bod
MyoaSBE peepla yon eaa’t do aay
Uthat OityaadWa^adlatholfiaeOeayar to ayaia taet the elaeorltyof
I ladUa rmweatloa. Nearly orary
mon thaa taUi with them, aad yoa
thelwptrlai yoearaataat It It
Uca U 'Senial jatlai—Hot Wan
tarn baUdUy U the r^ton la U ralnt.
eaa do that from year own office, with
o^ed that U a eeoditiea of wai
a Urye mvUy effected by tbe toTeferatya nUUten U PokU woald baTt
pboae aad placed oa tbe credit elde of
Lake Weyton.
ao rlyht to toad aeeret olpher wnyti
the ledycr.
or taeelee then. It hat aot beaa atJoha Euocra, the
atr Salooa apeeW leTbe MeraLw BkmO.
Have yon one U vonr office?
aaBOd. boweeer, that there it war la
Weeper, Ay^ Charyed with
OhinaorthatUe lapwUl
warn weather record for 1000.
YloUtlay tha Xatw.
Afar the attack
merenry U the yonrnmeat Uwroa the fertlya layaUoaa.
AaotWeompUUt waa ledyad U the mometor U the andltoriam tower
Tbli yeveraaMat bat p
ooart of JnaUea Oeya of Elmwood onpt np from TS U the early mornlny
•ahlp. yeaterday, ayaUat John Eo- to 04 at 4 o'clock, aad the elreet r
. tho Maple City aalooa knper. Uyawere two deyreee hiyher. Tbe
aaareky U PekU, whleh 1^ aok oaly
na bonad over to tho elrenlt eonrt hlyheet tampeiatnn enr reached U
tkraattaod tha liTta of the mUhten.' on a almilar charye Taaaday. aad itJa Chteayo U Aaynet wae U '06. when tbe
bat had imparUod the ecltieaee of tha tha erideat lateatloa of tha tamper- weather bonna recorded OS d«m
Imperial yorarnmoat. NolwlthttandI people of UapU City to eeenre or foar deyreae wamer than today:
lay Mlnlaior Wnb efforta to oxpUU eaoayb Udletmeatt ayaUat him u
The warmaet placet ia the coantry
thoattindo afthh yorernmeot to U laka it my oepaaaive U eaaa he la today were at St. Panl, Dannport,
ClolbM r»IIK
Moruen Pboe« in.
Hany Ohaay aad the emperor, it U et- mrietad 00 aU of them.
iRs.jrcsTB aioreriME
Huron, 6. D.. whm itreaehod 06., It
pKted that lU ImperUl anthoriUee
Tbe oom^aUaat U tba eaae U Bar.
waa04atMUwaakeeaadat8t. Lonte;
for their own parpoeet. are determined JoaUh P. White of tbe Priendf ehoreh.
to record the attaek on tho Take form who wee laryely Uatrnmeatal U b4ar DSatSprUydeld. Mo .Calraaad LIttlei
at an aot of wat aad that alneo that lay the other eba^ayainathiU. lb BockiSOatWeahinytoo, t8 at PblUdate China hat beta U the atUtnde of eharieU each can 1* tbe aallUy of delphlaand New York: T6 at aevcUndiTt at Helena: 71 at Alpena: 70 at
defeoM Iq mktlay forelyn Uvatlon. liqaor withont l«atboadi.
Oiweyo and 64 at Bdmoaton and San
Only 00 thla theory eaa tbe imperial
yorerameat be U aay way JntUfled U OABOBB FOB DOWIW WINIST BBS. Fraaeteoo.
Tbe hot wan which hat beea ecnrefuiay Iree eommnaieatioa of tbe
Mob wm Meet the TraU aad Blood tnl U Iowa for aennl daya nerad to
BlnlMm with thair
the northaaat and te now paaeUy onr
May Be Shad.
nppor lake nylon. •
Opectal te the Horeioa Eema.
w to what tbe Chineee
Hanadald. o . Any 4.—A bly mob te
aitaalloa portend*, bat the optimltm
wUeh feriUwed the dm aetheatle
WIU Wemain U the Traacnal OaUl
at 6:15
newt that meet of the reeldenu of tbe
thePiratof Jaanary.
lUy. If the aathorltiea can ydt U
. For Pig Taila, bat afnee
lay aad the eoBtrary belief etrenytheaa. tba mlalaten diet they wUl protoet atceteluThc MerslBe BecerC.
Amatordam, Any. 4—Tbe Traacnal
Ohiaa. laeuad of belay repeataat or
1. if the mob yata them they wiU
I hare tried
hae aant aa nryeat appeal
evmt ooneUUtory. coaUnoea tocherUh probably be kUlad.
to tbe dlneton of tbe Dateh Bed Cram
the neat bottiUpUaa. WblUthaflaal
■oelety to aztoad tba aur of the
^npeoftha fortlyaert from PtUali
boUaee corpe from HoUaad U Sonth
by BO maaat aatarod it it felt, eapeetalty ia Loadoa. that tha yreatatt mla- Atteadaaee of Brithhara at Parte Ba- Africa. TbedlnetoradaddedtomaUtaU the ambnlaaee eerrlee U the
positloa te Yary Uyht
ehlef woald rateUby ereoa peeelre
Traaanal nnUl Jaa. i. iMt.
epwaiMThe MentnBwoid
reepywltioo by any power that
focalyana U PekU were rirteaUy u
Loadoa. Any. 4—(Oopyrlybtad)—It
tba poBlUoa of beatayei. At aneh the proof wwe aaedad of the amaU attaa-


Foarth Tsu-Md 1014,

76c 76c

76c 76c

i mpsuinir ciitmcE sjun


Lot One Inolndsa


III mei's nil ladies' Tan Sloes and Oifords, Raw Tns,
Raw lasts, rarif stylish-IO jier Mat off.
Lot Two'knoladss

III maa's and ladles' Tan Stoes and Oifoids-Sefnal
styles-ISlper cent. off.
Lot Throe

III our Bicycle $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 pades- .
Closine Price. $1.98. '

: Lot Four


KT2 purs women's lace a^td button, shoes do#,
,75c pair
‘>0 pairs youths tan lace shoes now................. ^......................tfSc pair
LIO pairs women's oxfords, blar-k and tan..............................75c pair
1<>!< pairs women's band tom P. A- S, Sho>‘S reduced to.. .$1.00
240 pairs miases' and children's shoes. ..^O. <i7, 75 and t<5c pair

Leading Shoe House of Kortbern Midi

Ret SUre—242 Fnit Srat

««•««»» *»««« »«««»««» •»«»»»





We have reduced the price on our tao J
0 shoes. Tbe following should be of interest to yon. 0
Men’s $5.0U WiUow Calf Shoes for............ $4:00
Men's $1.00 Cboeoiate Vici and Boaaia
Calf .Shoes for..............................................$8.00
Men’s and Women’s $$.00 Tan Sboea for $8.60
Men a and Women's $2 00 Tan Shoes for $1.76

■emt Street



••«»«•»«« wfaaaaaaaasHa «««•*



Ort»maaftaoi •■HiMiata Babioa Darias aaW«h.

flmiTfI Brid mn timWay tr Aimto

QnyaBMdof BawTerk. hraarly
of Me Mty » haa In tho lau
wmo of tha mMbma ef tho
tMoute (tomad hy WtetkSalito

----------------- ------------------------...------------- ..W- Eatohorhoehaa
aM Bow Tak AthI. «. m4iH A» J. W. Bawr
Xavo Bam aa attomptad Bold Cp, liitie Oaba Ho to artday
— tim tl Qnai ■
yeoyau wftk Cho aMay ef ^
Bmalted la Oaa of Che Ovb
aMkfafia laka WiDItaai at
faotaMl athlotoa aad than to aewey
lava Pifk; la it M tho H^t moa. A fall •
wd la Ktaatar laka Mr AlUw
A aheeday affray oaaanod lant Bhfht •t ttaimay to to bo given frae a thou
Chat maaed mmk cnlMmaBt on thd
aedhplda,awl tumltadla tha thjmy andthvwlU ho ylvai a eteaor. If
MiiltiSni; DidUa Hanii
thoy davHep tha rrqairad abUlty. to
ddif.irtUUWtklatla IkmUlakai of a amn. aaU to ba Oamga DMBh
Albact Murt, ia enad llvar akfifiad butwafavenh^kaowatothe poUm. taka a thru yuan' oontrut at My
lavMa. rraadli laaalm. afad ll. la a
Aaatoiof pritiimlnaty noa wHlho
of them by Ihi aama of Xnka, wm
«iaf>iiii—.1 fo^atT^fU Park, DatnU; Albart liyatey Beath Dalon atmt.<
fhun hora in nboat thru wuha, la
fewtar aad Vktor OhsM, lAUa batb*
whtohall tho yuayathlotoa of tho
l«la afriarUka.aMr«raad Sapldas th«y wura'aoeeatad by two elhar
wiU ba allowed to onapeb
Mwtirad. OkarlM bkkaca aad
oahor Qaorye Dmt. Soma worda pam*
Imehor pnua,ud thobutwUl
•dbotwaaa them, ia front oftbobar> be yfvu a ehanea,U thoy an mfi(
her ehop of P. StraUo. la wUeb Inko propantor profem
and hto eempaalon wura koaid to tall
Avery aad Droat to keep ofl,
would not be robbed. It appaarad tram
to Fatara WMl aa Prmt Moada
tho talk that ah attempt had bem
a U CMaa Mlb Cer th«
-Claim Walar ^Waatad.
aude to held ap oaa of Lakda trlaada Jelly Party WniLuva the City *etnw dtllcaey aad tka
aorrow fa Oatihy.
AtaiBaatlay of the «<oaid of water oarllor U the evaalay, eappoeodly by
dlplpMay. M wallu gmmim»M» yaatarday. It waadedd Droat and Avery. -AJallypartyet eampara will luvu
1 to raeomataad the par^aao of a
tbedtytoaorrowffaa moathb out­
Tba two mea kept approaohlny
AaMplra. naafartba adsla
bdlar for tha pamplay atatloa. Thla
lay on the ahora of Chrp Lake. Ae
Ha kaa dameaaaatad that tba lalar. lartoommmdod. not only with a view
wUl eoattot of Mtoaa Ada Smith,
gala of tUtattw will baahnd for U to tho ^aacnt naad, bat looklay to- they hold their dtotanee. Thcyeamo
e Satith. Orau Smith, Mlule
4haban taaaaw tha atraiaad^Mdl- warda the aoada of tba fatareaaw^ on. however, an4 a atmyyle
Beitnar.rMaryBoItoaaBd Mra. StolU
Hoa will parait. aad wkUa tha raal Tba boUan Mw la aao ara le yaara old, which aadod is a revolver ahot, tba Vu Ordea. Aey will be la ump
atMate yn to COM tha }adcnaat of aad woold probably noad im rapalra. baU pamlny Uuoayh tha hand
near the Qeuuary dab booM.
Jkaoidat UeKaiar aad bit abtaat
would hava to be read, and there Droat, IsfliaUtty an ayly woand that
ill yo with them
■V bo tally reUad apoa.
weald be aa arpanee of aevaral baa- laftatrail efblood for a leay way on toaerraw ud help to put the camp la
dred doUata batora they would be la the ddewdk.
■hape. returalny to the el^ la the
.DxroBT* of Blaaral oOa wan orer
eoadltioa to do mtlateetoiy work.
Droat aad ^pvy
around tha evealay.
S»,000.000 more la Uu laM iaoal yoar
Then thoro would be a waata of fuel oorncr of SUto aad Union etraett,
Aereyatar Snaday euanlon will
(toa ia itvo. aad ftt,000,000 otora than
and tho other two mu wut Math.
that would rcadn It
be ran today on the Para Marquette to
la tha Damoaratle yar of 18M.
to purchaae the new hoUer. even at a Berne mu who did aot aatlrely yrup Petetiiey ud Bey Vtow.
the altuatiOD. aUrted la pumlt, in
1 for by the which Niyht BarUey jMned. But Lake
Yon little knew wfau Snt we met
That ume day yon would be
Mr.udMaGaergaOaaa of Qraad dty eouaell eome time ayo baa been and hto compaaloa yave them the clip
M^w I’d ebooarto let,
at the Traverae City Iron Worka. aad
laHdo eam« boro from CadlUae yaUr- ordered by the board.

bna aa

You Can Make
Yourself Comfortable

Zb an AfChqr that Ooearyad
«a tlBlea Vferast

This hoc weather, at a very slight wepense
by buying one of otv easy lawn or pordi
chairs Qr rockers at a big reduced price.
Oiir $1.50 porch rocker for $i.25;'our $2.25
large arm rocker for $1.75; our $300 fawn
Morris Chair $2.25; a nice folding reclining
chair, that you can lie full length in. for
$ix>o. A’full line fr^m, a good strong,
well made camp stool, up to anything you
want in lawn or camping goods.


4^. aad ara rioltiac tha Uadly of AlThe membeta of the board deelare
temaa W. W. Smith.
that la thalr judyameat there to belay
Ufa. M. VlaloahMCOBOoBaTtollto ayreat waeu oT watm alnea thedty
aOt Baplda. Sbo wat aooompaalod by took cbarye of the pleat. In many
Jfin TUlU SpMoa.
caaea the water haa been allowed to
Mn. Cyatha VlaUm, amthor of Me- pqar all day from boaa wltbont a notdad VlBloB. haa yona to WUUamabit^ ' tie. and It bac been neeamarr to pump
4ar a two wooka' vWt.
t.003.000 yalloae a day to aupply the
Mrt. Dr. W. W. Blair of friaootee, water that to aeed.
tad., la la tho dty Tkitlachar ooa, Dr.
fl. a Uator.
OoertaOox haa rotaraod to lako
OUy after a riaU with Jooaph Waraar. MePheram Poet O. A. B. WUl Partldpato
la tho XaeampaiaBt.
Mr. and Mra. Oaorya Blao and aatoiy
Malay Mra. W. W. Bonya and
At thalr meetlay leal evaniny, Mc^ayhtor of Moatpaliar, Ud.
hataon Post Q. A. B.. deddad to yo
Cbarlaa Koanlny will laara today'
to the National aacampinent at Chlea• Hip to the Borthera raaorta.
yo la a body. It to not yet decided
OUy Clerk Biokard la apaadlay the frtiathar they wUl etart on the ftthor
day at Noah-ta-waata.
thetechof thto month. Ae encampBar. W. A. Frye haayona toUttoad
.opeae the nth, aad omtinaei
' tha Spworth Leayae oonraatlon at the week. AU tha poati In the adjolnXmdlaytoa.
Iny toiraa will be naked to join with
Mlaa Pearl EUar haa yeae to KaUma- MePhereon Poet, and a larye party will
aoo whore ahe haa aeeaptad t^ pool- ye from tbto point.
ttoe of ratooeher la the principal
A vary yood rate h4a bean aaeaxad
photoyraph yallary la that dty.
for the oeeadon. oaa cant par mile.
DteWlaalehaairaao to MQa
[Qwaakoo Tha axpaaam wbOe la GhSeayo will be
Bov. Joalah White waa la tha alty
Oocla Dan WblRtla wQl yo aa the
yaatirday from Maple City.
yaaat of the poet. Be to the oldaet

tMmbarofaay pent In- the United
oWt with reUtiTca at Moatayao.
StatM. aad ae aaah wlU be a proud adMIm Vlolat WUhelm haa foaa to
dldon to the deleyatlon from thto dty.
Balkar Oraak for a vialt with her
Bov. 3. PeaalBytaa want to
.Jt^yoatarday, whore ha will ^aaok
»Tharafora not In^aetad by
Oovwamaat Oflclato.
Joha Anoa of Sattoaa-Bay, waa la the
Aomaa Bonner aad fienry Bloeeker,
atty yatterday.
of buUa and boUera, ware la
Mr. and Mea C E. MoMaaaa aad
eity yaatarday. Aay ware to inahOdiaa will yo to Carp late Aeaday Bpoet the Bteamer Oaakama hot whoa
they arrived tba ateamar had yoae to
B^Walt, Will Hewton aad Bart
Northport on other bndacaa. It to> an
aaviland wUl yo to Booile lake to- ofleaea for etoaman to aa^aet to booa
mmrow moralay, when they wtU
hand wbae reqalrad by thoyovem•amp.flahandaajoy thomaelvoa fora
meatoffidato torln^MCtioa and Cap­
tain Emory will be adcad to yive ade­
MIm Veau PetUU of Beatoala la
quate faaaoaa for not bolny boro i^ea
vWtlay In the city.
A. D. Baaer of Qraad Baplda. who
baa been at Ml. Qaamaafor traatmaat,
ta la the city vUUey hla eon Loaia.
who la atayiny at the home of E. 8.
Mm. Charia* Pataraca aad ehUdraa.
Battle aad Lila, hava raiaraed from
Manomlaae. where they have baan
akdUay aevtral week*.
Mra. C. !•. Barvey and am Harry,
whohava been vlaltlay tha family of
B. B. Braekaa. retaraad yaatarday to
thotr Boma la Grand Baplda.
*fho Mlaaea Maadla Arnold aad Bthal
Uha ara vlaltlay iaKalkaaka and Biy
BWPtda. They will bo gone a oonnla of

Lamber Travnmn City BeU Tnam of
Du McEarebnr, travallny rapranutotive of tbe Buiwr Ciyar Co., to raytotprad at Park ^Plaw. Mr. McEqraaw
oae of the memben of Traveiae
aiy-e Sret rul bau haU te*m. Away
back In tha '70b whu Jadya Boberta,
Ball Perry ud otbara played tbp real
thlay. McKerahar played back
with Ue team tor eome time aad
catcher wfau the bkrteananuat took
place betwau Traverae Qty. Patoakey.
3. W. Bahboll and family of Maatoa ChdllUe ud KalkaUa. Be to weU
nberad aad U belay waoaly yrwt
an Viaitiny B. W. BahhoU.
Mr. aad Mrt. Clark WUUama of Beod ed by <dd triude.
09. ara vtaltlay Mr. an^^Mia. B. B.
Belint From Paia.
Mre. Vtotorla Oatoti died of cuoer
Mn. B. £. Samto to li
fkaak MitU and ehUdtw of Qraad laet evul« at the home of Mra Vu
Syelea of Beat Eighth etraat. She had
Any Mnauleh of tha Bnrald job oSm bau u tavalld for it yaara and dutb
•sjoyad a vary ptoanui vacaUoa tba eaiM ae a tallaf tram her nCariaga
Sbe wai tha wUa of Bobmt Oatoti, the
Front ttract trait dealer, aad. kavet
om duyhtcr. Mra Qaetiaa. of Oramt
AatArobhta* Baadaahn
Wohld qaieMy towjyaa. gyoaannd Baplda and thru aem. AM aad Fkad
. Dr. Bbiy'i New Ule Pmt. Thumade of Qraad Fiptih. lad Franhof Tiaverea
•foMmmhava pievad thalr mainb- City.
Ae funeral wUl he heU temerrew
moraiayhtSl.. Fiaaeto ehareh. aadar
tho dlraetkm of BuM A Bombay
X. Watt aad Aim a Aohamm draoiWa.
Stolhdaw WajAlau
lorM* ty thn W. W. KtobMOm

they have not yet been eeeured by tha
Droat to taid to have carved a term
of tu yean ia the atate prtoon for aV
temptad highway robbery, ud It to
aald that elnee hto relaaee he bu aot
lived u eaUrely exemplary life. It to
alloyed by come that the police ehonld
devote their time to him ud to hii
eompuloB, rather tbu to the
who did thy aooottay. which wh evlduUy done lo eel! defenM.
Tenerday'i Bau BaU Oamea.
Soeclel >0 n> Morsldc BecorO.
a B
jtnkBiCAB Laaovk.
4 11

and MeAlitoMr: Pattemon


'VaW SUeorery for Bloodpoisoning.
OF SEVEN CUBES, the Unat Oueer
remedy, ud for all dleeawa of the ckin
ud blood, from Contut ud Seconilary
Beraradltaiy Oanaee.

u»>iao ntoxre wixxmi.

'At uy me, most people who bomw
money from you »wro to think the trou*
Ue yon have in oring to get it beck to
reiieyment." —
- Philedclpkto


A Owl
We, the udereiyaed. do hereby
pue to refud tbe moBer on • Umt bottle of Oreehe'e Werrented 6yip of Ar If it fella to cure your cough i
■«old. Weatoo fruerantee « S$-eest.
bottle to prave wtUfectory or money I
refunded. S. E. Welt. Bugbu A Box-1
Jemea G: Jobnaon. F. C.' T-bomp-,

bare it.

Aar psrtica.
AU right.


They are in t{barter, bal/
The Rojal

and Happy Fancy come aboin five

J ,i

pound cana.

We have the Crown

«etoa. Nem ailO


melted - away in onr

clothing department daring tbe
past month under the bol ra^fwof.^
our prieelcntting.

That great 20

Per Cent Diaconnt

Sale of all

aad JaxoD at 20c lb; tbe Calnmet

Snmmer clothing made many a

and Happy Fancy are i5c; tbe “I.

person happy.

C-” is one “cent an onace" in any

weot'for $1.00, or a

size can; tbe Bnmford is :t5c the-

$5.20, or a IIOXM anit for an even

Ih. <Tbat’a tbe kind Miaa CornelScott ud Palu; wuiuud Clark.


Great Piles
of Goods

and full pound cans.

Oallahu ud Ohaau; Etiau

Dont BTakettoceutot.arlgiBal
e Fooledi


Veo, lota ol^t.

■anoxai. ucaaok.

Di. Gunnun



Ur kiod Ton Usev


Kona«n>pb« Ao. IM. Beimaum'*

Ow four hiiBdrrdwrtffht of MoUat
wo* p.-T month la uaod by the
ecal af wbJdi tbe lord cbeoceUor at
Caslibd la tbe oBcfnl ^noditn!^



Fdieial Dittctar.

Aa BuulTalrat.
hl^ eaWtl^lSr*
>wowe trap.
probably right,” tepUed the


When a $3.00 nit

These are

anit for

all onr Bine

ina need in ber cooking ecbool.)
The Royal and Dr. Price are 50c

(One pnetomer said “the oth­

ers are good, bnt I’ll never go back

Seizes, checked Caaaimeree and

We can fit yonrper.

eon and your pocketbook.

on tbe Royal.”


Going Camping
Than ever.
eome crowd?


Going to join

Bongbtat4be Grand Rapids

It’l be better than

expoaition-are arriving daily. The

all tbe medicine yoo can take in a

^ Wbooplny Cough. Anthma,

We sell yon tbe goods that

don’t require cooking — joat the
warming and serving. VanCunp'e


,ylttot baalHy Aaah. aoUd boM
and mnade. Thatb wbat Boehy
MoutalaTudoaa tta
B«om r,

A MUlIhu BloH.


for this ^ great


make room

Van Oamp’e Porit and Beans 10c:

So we will eeU an S foot

extension dining table, eotid oak

Corned Ham 10c; Cemed Beef 10c;

ith carved claw feet, for 16.50.

Van Camp'a Celebrated Sonpo lOc;

A beautiful <> foot dining table for

Island Wafera 15c;


ever nnpackei

mnst go.


A^ne breakfast table for


“.Money back if not'satis-


Wafers 2.5c; Fresh Deviled Crabe


newest designs snd finest goods

Potted Ham or Chicken 5 and 10c;

Bent’s Aaaorted Wafera 25c\ Lbng

J H» «fnu ^piDV'

of Furniture

25c; Freab Salmon 12. 18, 20c;

factory” makes tbe sale every,

Caan^ Shrimpa loc.


The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company.


Tm MQgBiniGMqBgC



Onp^aUatoBdhaa fliiMMBBid
MM. Ba tank a ahaMM Han
lakaa e< toa peaHtoaa o( M. BaaU-

^porteat KMttBE tmtm.
to Pom OTCBBlBAttoB.

ATTGtrST 5. 1900


Am War* m a* to* WM.
■I M Me. Btoffm waa Wirtlny im
toe nilrawl atotleB with hto wlto wA

RMM% thMk
teM. to kwkii.


WaiAak Ofty Ocaaaa to a Saifcn
"Spa bdra. John. We oan oevnryo
~,BHa »iavy€Hip e< PaaahHPwm- awny'wttooat hds treto bcokan omAtoa Ho ooa war went oa e laUnad
fnd by LHAiay OfOwMa->Pmi
«Mk*«aMitat»<h* mm utmny.
Joaiuu who didn't beai a lot ^ony."
•ADdL"p«fnMlm OaliaStoflw.
ofaa Atooertatkm that wUl ■atort^
_ d 7. "iaalat « aoaa peaBBto-Ma
ly BeaMt thk trait ■eetiaa.
9fea mtmrnmm ttoiMiimii «< •
*TfaM’aanrlybt,"aaid8ta8Bn "We
kto abop toraviy ewand by B. L.
tha CnMt ytoweia of Oraad Ttamaa
I b«y all 4b0H tbinya oa the toala.
~~ ar.daanaad,asBattaatonal, aad 111 faalaaaii wieailaa kaia taken tbi'
Tkma an abool Om mm who mob*
wOl toka paHantoa Meatoy.
talttauayetopatowaida the otiaala tody-Haw maacklBy thraa^ tba can
oafaBdwbtoiThaafMMvada let- tianadaa BModetieB v^om beaeflu aMllny tnab bcokan caadlai and eomb
lato « te
tnm OtM« B*f*> m
MU*mm Wi«Matej mifki. It to: tar {Mm Ue AafMaa, Obt..
areaeratobe vafyamterial to t
a Wbatover atoa bappMs to toa
that hto totber, Larto8ewk«>y. to ao who ratoa trait tot^oataSdamari
itor. be'e BewaUowadtoTaa tocet
Ikntht IH M kM Maktoff.
aMer.aadtkattkeekaBaaaot hto raA Meetlay WM baU la tba eeaaeQ
At Matafo* WUltoM Kimato.
iwy are vary alifht.
Bntwbeo they boarded tba tiala toe
9«r sU Iwr. «to« of iototto*
army of peaaat veadare, ooayh drop
OUve Soha 1
OaMBofalfki mm- 0» Jnir M k«
dealoi aad fnto btokea candy mmpcmaadlaca afaiaathar baabaad.'Wal ad both eeaatlM |
Tha object toaata waroowben to ba aean. Ordl•to^paaeffatodmlk to aUMr
fetortoM to pw, aad totoUA « • toUn tor Koha, oa tha ^arca of dwarttoa of toa iBMtiay wm to ti
aaiily tba ttavaler waa pdtad with
atoaa towatda oryaalciny aadto
whM ftorato kto tom. Lodijmw Mi idaoBaapparL
these yoodi antil be bed to bay and eat
BextTaaMay TrararM Bay Elea. tala too pnihabU qaaattty of trait to
itoMUdafaiM. On thto occaelac.
la Wtolawaay. aa< froa that tea HU
bowavw, not e dnyle peddler wm in
So. 71, wiU aaurtaln Elk Baplda Htra, ba'amrketad thto year.
Maftoe Ato to AM at Mvaa bro
anid Etnirar to toe
a and A. 8. Dobi
Id. AU manbaia ot TiaTOtM Bay
ia a Kaetaeky tomlij. Ki^
odnetor. "Do yon mean toeaythat
to the poaalbUlttM the company hae eaaeed to prortda ll>
aaaer(*»efhto brotkan fea«a baaa Eire are raqawtad to ba prcMBt aad to
broken candies and
aattiacweadap oa tha Bma Palto
iny toa fralt prodaeti of thto aeetUm
itly roasted peanots:- What hM baA 8. B. fallraad. Thfaetoblaad
Mr. and Bra a P. Oarear, A. W. waradblmatad aad aameit. ahowlny
‘ of the fellows who chucked apples
bakrbtaftkabfeihan to U« laet ud
oaa ioefa, the •bortott b«iW elz toot Jabiaat and tasUy aad Mka Cora M. the deep inUTMt token to the maitoK.. and oranyas on. your lap and funny
MoConaiek of OadUlae. waat opt tothc Inqairiaa from each cm present yava oagaainesand thinys? latblsconoem
Am. aaa the toltoatalatoojton.
Oetoaary Qab Boom at Ckrp I^ka I approxtototo estimaw of toe DD by railroad men or what?"
"Mr. Stnlft».”replied the conductor,
bleprodnei to market thto am
la the «eeda aaar KaaoaJaac- la ike yaitarday to apand aoou tlaa.
‘too last time you traveled on this road
Taktoy toe todlridaal raparu H
A papar from Eawayfo flraa aa aeakaaip «ru a kit of baiflaia’ tooto,
you kicked because the trainboy biffed
mat of an aatartalooMat la which wu aatlmatad toat toe crop would be yon in toe eye with an apple which he
a^aaAU^of-araaialtoaad fata, bat
Bboc Tranalaa of thto eltyrandarad hi| abeet as fellewr.
Wished to dtopose ot and made yournoee
aabiuflafa. Tbap-wtoaeaidaaUp
Prom 3S to to eartoads of pcaehea. bleed with a packet of cooyli drt^s
Bwadtoh dtoloat act bsfora a larya
''iaea,aad which wm froatly ap- too bcihaia to too ear; 1000 baaheto whidi too shied at you with a little too
plama. iOOObaahotopaara. aad probably much force. Von said you’d sue the
At a aMorad eamp aatUac 8MT:
Baarybodytolavltodwattandad tha BOtlmi than 10,000 bsihela of early ap- eonijKipy for damages for assault and
aaeto, a raaltotle aaaaa^lfteatloa o
battery. The company got scared at
ThcM flynrai may be toereaaad your threats and had the boys taken
ratara of tha BnKU«a) ao« ww fma.
At the eloM of the aftaraeoa aanlaa day. The train wUI laara oa tba K. A by raperta from acDM Who waia not
preaaat, bet Hto coaaldared a falrtiThe traveler burst out into a torrent
tba choir bacaa to tine, “Wbarato mj 8. 8. at 6:S0 tbia laomioc.
Itorya aanbart arc Hotaadlny to at­ tlmata ot what there will be for abip- of invective. "Blame the bloated eortoaadariat boy toolcbi?" The slatopDrations!''be yelled. "That's toe sort
tor alowly roM toUi feat aad abadliv tend the Qaraan ptcaie to Elk Baplda
of a ballad and walls that we shall get
hit ay« with btobaadpaaradlato the
fr«u them until the day comes when ,
dtotoaiwoodu Boos the wboto aaaU alwayi looked forward to wllh-plaawi WM that of a reynlarly eatobltohad
le government will bo inconipletaconfruit Biarkat. It U detiy^ to have a
aMchadartooaaadwara •‘rabbarlaff"
ol of all the tratisporiaiioa inUTOsto. ■’ '
r Oolsiable wfll i^va aa markat place when toa pradueto may
iatba MBM Alraatloa. Back U the
Theu be went Itock to Mrs. StuScr
the rear oP tbe car cod began some
taa^ aadartoaah whara tba thoma
heated remarks about a millanninm or
aadhriara waia toarlair kto elo^
aoaid be aaaa tha rataralae prodlfal, rataralnr at 8 o'eloak. Anotkar wtil Tba fruit men beUara thto would bi of aometbiiig which it was onderstdod bo
ata8 U haad, footoera aad waary, ba rna aroaad the tolaad, laavldlt at 7 yraat baaadt. aad It to anyyaatad toat had sighted on the starboard offing.—
be empU^cd to dtopoM of New York Herald.
alawly nakiar hto way to fato fatharb p.a. >rof. 0. B. Bont't orebaatra
the fruit to toe beat advaatoira la toa
keata. Whaa hto fathar mw Uia ba will feratob Boafe on boah trtpa.
war General Bader Was BelWvaA
Tha Foraiton have aaesrad tha ealaida markaCl. A yOod deal of atraaa
raa aad foH oa hto aack aad ktoaad
Colonel Woodworth told some good
d npM tbe^portanea of ba*- Storieawbont General Batter. He said
kiat Tba Uttaradcarmato wera es- Mrvlcaaoftha anotlonal actor B. B.
dhaacadiar a roba aad whUa tba choir Baooa of Cadillac, for tha dlflealt part loy aneh a markaV and it to probable that Butler himself told him us late as
waf '‘Botoa, Birect Boom,'' a proeec- ot Ocorya Watterman', la toe drama, that whaa toe eryaalxatioa to partaet- lbS4 that he never knew too real t
ada reqaeat will be made of toa city why he was dvprtvod of his military
Btoa WM terwad, headed by the fathar, “Tha VtrriniaBpy” to ba ylven
eenoeU to have a aultabla place cat command by General Grant It was
In Stalnbery’a Grand.
aad hto aoa aad ail aarabad to
only a few years ago that Woodwortli
ytaaa jrhera the tauad calf bad baaa
Tha I. O. O, f. held a very plcaaaat maids and deatynaicd for a muketilta. got the facts from Grant's brotber.inklUad aad ooekod aad all partook ot <a metiny and banquet laat avanlny tor The cubjMtofahlppiayfaeUHica.wlli law. Major Dent, who was the .naff
alao be Mrkraaly cooalderad.
{ offlrer sent with theimlerfar Botler's
haaity aiaal awld aalTCnal rrjslelar.
The aide lad by Jci
maarelief. He said that while m. reason
A baataw rooatcr oa tha faim of Parker la tba raaant eoataathad a flaah
Aji Enmnbt.
Alban Lord in toaranco to atialotay llyht pbotoyraph token dnriny tha ifeeted and there to a brlyht proapect was openly given at the time, Butler
of tha organlutioB of a prbfltableat- was actually displaci'd bccau-s) ho
Mr. Irving tolls a good stoiy of ao old
aetorlaty. A taw wMka aco ba rave avanlny.
not a graduate of West Point This
ing n
not far from Bal­
arary arldaaoa of waaOac to “aat-'Mr.
Aa awaltarlny beat wm raaponalblc
wm adjourned to mMt wooM not appear on the face -.f it to be moral Wfeo eriticiMxl the queen some­
Urd tharatora proearad a aaabar .of fortoatmall aodiaaoa ia Stelnbery-a
aroffleient cause, but Grant explained what hoe-tilcly for having ridden onl on
Oraad laat al^t, whaa "A Wtoa Wo- again n^ Batuiday afternoon and It CO Dent one <lay in the course of a a Sunday. .Met with the retort that
for toe aaeoad every frail yrawar in these two eons- confidcucial Interview.
Christ himself
that ka to BOW prondly notborlac a Uma. The pieea wm waU raaalvad and UeswUiba urged to be praaant to m"If." said be.
were to send Bo|. oa (bo Sabbstb
ler a specific order to dosomuihiugwltb claimed: "Ah. yes. I ken all about (hat,
IM brood of cbtoka.
OavU'e esaallaat company dta- aUt in parteeting the organHaUon.
This offer ia good only fora
his army, he might obey and he might and Idlona think any tha hotter on him
Oaartald baa a raMrkabU cab la playod toa eama daeb and' apriyhUlshort lime.
Qot. He was too able and original not for it!';—Wostmiusict BndgaL
addition to tba nasal arttolaa ot eat
toathMcbaraetorlcsd it ainealto
"Two Merry 1^ampa.”Wood A Ward’a
aplandld aomedy, to prononnaad by to reason himself into the belief that I
dial thto one aato baked appl*. awMt orvaaUatioa.
Made from any good pictniw.
Cioero badavoioa so pleasant toat
might have given different instructions
Tba eoMtraatioa of tha Mmant walk averyoae W ba the meat raflead and if I knew all toat be knew of the local «:bcDeTCT itwasknown bo was to speak,
con. atrlav baaaa aad baa baaa kaowa
abaolutely pure comedy oa toa road
toataala kaat ptokle treai baaida a adJaoaatto toeOaatralaahool yroBada thtoaaasoa, not one suygMtiva word, situatioo, He therefore almost always though only in an oMinary law case,
plaeaof Maataadaatitwith apparwit oa Blyhto aiiaet, hM eeav laM than aetom or aaeae being introdnsad In toa had a plan.«f bis own that lie thought toe court immediately filled with peoraltoh.
woaldhava baaa toe caM had toa Job aatlra partemanea.
was belter than mine or anybody else'a.
eotoaUoould never ull just what he,
The'fawlUaa ot Nark Ooolay aad bMa let by eoalraet, aad the Mterlal
The oil wells of Baka oover a district
wooid do or where he woold be at a of country 2S miles long by over half a
Viank BUla«a laamtrad lb dtoplaoM ra aaad to of toa bMt.
Of cooru that was fatal
Tba report ot toe-lataraatloaal C. Z.
mile ia breadth.
OttkatarMlaff eaamaalty la arbtoh
any systematio campaign, and 1 bad to
they lire aaar Pkralnftea. aad the oth­ Ocaraatloa to ba yivon la toe OoeyraAUG. lad
replace him with a W<*t Pointer, whose
er day|a crowd drove oa to their rational ekarah tola evaalac. wiU ba
first lesson in war is tbe nweasl
G. B. A I.
ywtoai and told thato to ••cat." Tha toe fltat tobayivaa by any aoeiety la
Good to ratarn antil Aag. ISto. Call
the United Stotaa: A photoyrapb hM
■obwealdltotaato no
i offlea or phone is-s rings for parile- reliable. "—Boston Advertiser.
L. L A. BalldlBE.
aad la a abort tlma tba baiooflaya ot been takea of toe Interior deocraUoai ulara.
C. B. Murray, Agt.
tbatwotaBlltoa .ware loaded oa toa of the ehareh. yrbich will be eeat to
waceo aad atarted off, followed the Chrittlan Bodeavor World.
by the bowline Btob. who aUad
Tha atone araabar wUl be aat
is an ocoMlooal piatol abot. Cooler work tomorrow, to faratob material
aad BUllaca tbraataa to preaaenta.
foratTMt bnlldlay.
ProiB near Oalaay a raiaarkable
A yaaarcl clean ap of Eroat abaat
Aceldcnt fa reported. The c year old wUI be beysa tomorrow, nader toa
daairbtar of Nr. and Mta. Ckarlaa Ball iperrlalaaofCIty B^eaer Wataon.
toll from a wafoa aoatalBlnc three
The improvameat of toa Little “^vton ot atoaie aod tba wbeato of tba ara baa been eomplatod aad the inwahlclepaMcdovar tha appar pertloB; ereaaad room afford* room for torco
of tba body. Inatcad of briny iaataat- lamtablea Jtto aa.addlUoaai
ly kUlad, Moae woold aatnrally asp- traetSoa which will ba appradated by
paoa. not « boaa waa bndiaa. Un- toa patrona of toa realaaraal.
doabudly there aha Internal Isjsrlaa.
FMm new antU the cloaa ot toa
AU our ladies' and misses' trimmed and un*
ket the proapeeta are that aha will re- mar iMice toa Para Narqaetle raUtrimmed hats, worth from 50c to S1.50. this
wUlMll axcutalon tickIke aoeidaatal dtochatffa of a re­ tm tnm toto city to Pvtoakey evary
volver U tba handi ot her 4 yaarj>ld bey Sunday morning for 81. Tba train
A lot of of ladies' Leather Belts, in brown and 1
•earlylendadthalifaafNri. Jobs 0. will laaveit 9 a.m.
black, regular price 25 and 35c. at................... X
Baka of Sanlt SI. Marie. The ballat
Ladies'Crash Skirts, not many of them left,
eolarad tha anall of tha back nk Inch
but to close them out we will give you a AQ/a
aecSely l«e leeger VleMb
• e« the apiaal eelaan aod paaaed throcyb
dollar one for................................... .................................. v57l,s
aodUaeobeatbalfan Inch troa tba
Calls having become in our bo«y life
oartoea ot tka abdoatan. Shetoaetem. ot grant cHias so perfuDcteBy an oi^a.
Corset Covers—\Ve g.^nerally have a splendid 1
harottba CbrtoUaa CatboUe chareh tiou. many people have aeen 8t to drop
and see what we’re selling at
/ aadabaUevarlatbeaaeaeyel arayar the attempt to make them enapf in
About 5 pieces of Linen Crash Toweling will nR/b
tor all ttoablaa aad rataaaa to Me a
is in order. Tbeea oases demand toa
go on sale during the week at. per yard... V*-IU
daator. Amaara! prayer auatiny at leaving of bards in penoo only, and so
tba haadqoarwn ot tba aoeto^ ie ▼toiOng for form's Mka to drifting out
Men’s fine Summer Shirts in the new patterns
Oktoaronad alao tba bbaiea o|> tha of vogue Howell Is the diOcaUyafaoand Colors—some haVe collars and cuffs to
■iwbwatalkat^ty waa bald ia tba cotoplithing ail one's vtoita undotoood
match, at................................................................................ OvU
avaalof and bar Vitobaad aUacaa la- toat people of Uw World do Dot bold
la view of the Cnot that tbe rise in price of coffees has
«acb other to atriat acoount if a season
Men’s Working Pants, ^xtra well made, in
uasae* without an Intarabanga of carda
nude it neceeeary for on to rune prices also, and realiziiig
dark colors—as good as any S1.00 pant in 'yKrt
Ibay simply meat apnawbera and taka,
meoalrad by the Pop*.
town, at.............. ................................................................. # UU
that some of onr ensbnera would .not be willing to psj
up toa ttevad droppwl when toeylssT


youth’s or ohUdren at
1.4 to 1-8
regular valnea.
All on our front counters.



. For dress
or every day wear.
$l.a6, $1.60, $2.e0 tor goods
worth up ^o $4.00.
These are that being reduced
in numbers.
Don't be the last to caU.


Gtiitd’s Crash Suits;
Men’s Crash Goats, Vests
or Pants, Straw Hats
All put into the
special sale to clean up
entire stock at
• 2S per cent, off regular
prices. •

Hamilton Clothing Co.
1 Fine Cra;on Portrait
I£i20 for $1.25.

E. N. l(QBLO

O. P. CAR’iirER

Fit fnsurancK

You can'See that
we are always looking after
your interests.
Note what we offer you

. Any

net. months before, with petfaot good
44«3toa papa i
tampw —Mrs Barton Emtiaon In La
d at BhUtoal today.
Borne JonraaL

UBMpad Win BUtlaa.
TwBUy-toM oCcen aad men wral
toam the front to my that tor aen
Mm enta. woSkto. aera toat and
MJatato. BaakUa'a Araton Balva to
^ »Ht In the wnrU. aamatorbai
ftoarapitoMand pUaa. m a I
OBayaaMMMd. Bold by A B., B
Wd iai. a dekaaoa, dr^to. /

Ameof tba li
ly amrad by tba Cot
at Rietimood, Va., it thetoaft
ot toa M frigate Hacrimat’. ov aa tha
was ranamad hr tba ^fwlrritt n»tborttiaa. yirglBla. Tha shaft is «ach
worn hut shows that It was MtgtnaUy
a floe niece of work.

the advanced price, we have added to oar line these
and to this trade we can recommend Uiem.

Up-to-date Oroeer.
Kew Phone 149.

Old Phone m.

This Coming Week.

Bii^ reduction on Men's Straw Hats. We have
fin*e ones on hand which must be
Men’s Suits—We surely must mention the good
' things we have in this department, espectally thax at. ■■■■........................... $4.75,$6.75 and $8.75

Du'i bi; cletliiij'till 70B see eer SeeiiH leigeles.

’*•>-■:> xY^nr-'



j . 4jr«M

a $M§Mr tr§ua I
Mm W. nimiwm
•» •
^itak to tha wniW »ttk HIM FtarM« JaAM «l »tM««V«V lO.
KaMjrcrtaraak, »Mih
MtotatfMnMbtkahMMof MarImuaPooMki. <na • tomst ftw
aiM. m4 M tka irilr
tka, wan a«a»t •wt9 aad kad to
mwirn tellte. Mamta CkMte
MHad tha aoaato aad with thalr
alothnaimdftfvtactharfwtte tka
tewaolalaMrfriahd «f niiwwnai
taharrow dry ilKMar. «ha tawar
nnaaiad hcrclan aad trad aa COtaa■aaa. tat wtaad bln.
Mra. rrad Fray dron taa wUn -ta
Wat Tam Baata, lad., at kaakr - 'aaadwllh ha aaaaMaiaaa haataa
haatdaUtMhopateraaak a daata
la tlaa la an ha bataad tea
Waadlayta daath. Fray aatand aa
artay la Ua aakla wbUa teUlac a
tea. Ball way to towa ta faiatad
aad <aU tea tha bony. Two woaaa
whowaapaaiv balyad ha to Utt
tha iBjaiad aaa fat, aad acala aha
whlppad 'tha hotaa. Ha haahaad la
aot wpactad to raoo*^.
' dt Tan Haala.
Otto Oettoa,
17 yaan old, tatauA ahet hiaaaU ta>
eanataooaldnetauBoaaearoca to
taU blB latha ha hadaarriad a woaaat7 yaan old. Dutay oaailoaal
yt>ywi. ol oonalmiwiwt Cettom told
a ttory that a woaaa aaaad Lea Ohaadlar of Satloaal aty. aaar Paerla,
ladaead him to aarry ha oa Jaly L
Than han baea foaraaMa of fiagw
aad two dntha la Laadoa. Diacaoat*
aoa&rsadbybaetarlalocleal axaatiaatloa.
lataaaa haat ha» ona^lad onr (loath
Dakou for Are daym. Tbatawparatan
haa raayad tea »t to 104. Work la
harraat Aalda .baa ban IntampMd
Faatarara ta balay driad ap by hot
At Doaklrk, B. Y„ Bartha Baldwla.
a yaan old. wlU probably dla ten tha
lajarln raoaind whoa har.^thlaff
WHO daUbantaly aatoe Ara^ a bey
aewpaaloa. who
a atatah u
draw baaaaae aba woald aot idva bin a
la a dream WUUam Caddy of 8L
beala. banpad ten tha top of a noaatala ea a tohatfoa for a parpaadlc
alldaet aanaty nUaa. Baawoka to
•ad hInaaU InpaUd epoa a dolhaa
pela la hto beak yard. The aharp pelat
af tha pida had paaatratad tha Anhy
part of hb arm aad ha waa .baraly abla
taraaehtta freud wlthUa Uptoa.
Bk aeraana arooaad bla famUy. who
leaoaadhln. Caddy la Ua alaap apraa*
•at of Ua window apoB tha roof of bla
pereb aad than jampad Into tba baek

rUtenaalnM el

ipBehoOlatUke m.

Ctenk,Oer.Oakaad Ftfib atr.
Fabllo wneUp llbOa. a.
a B. prapn mietlag at e:l» lad by
LotUa BMm aad B^y Lambert..
FabUe warship at 7k0 p. n.
Boward Moona femer aaain
tta Frloade diatta «t Ihie pUea.

PnaeUagatlOiW a. n.
aBtavitaool at lt:00.
Wealageervlee at7:»0^ » ■

Bav.W.T. Waoai
eervtee la Ladlat' Ubmry hall.
FMat alraet.
Motaiarew ____
joet. ••Cbrletlaa Liberty."
Bnaday Sebool 12 m.
& T. P. 0. at C:1S p. BL
Evaaiag eervloe at 7;M p. n. Seejcet.
••OodTpTnm Tree."
Tbenday evealag prayer neetlbg at
the bone of Mr. Oaraett. Weablagtoa
Mornlag aervtoe 10;M.
Saaday eebool at.iuwn.

rv£ a£i$m



Tta fdlowlBC taeete arrleei at
OMaalaetwaek: Mn. Boo. B. Win.
Marian B.Wta. Mrs. Boas. Charlotte
Dean aad Barry Bell aad wife. Oolanbn.OUo:ChteB. FleweteaadSelUe
P. Mna. 8t. Johae. Mieh.: B. B. OrbAaSM aMbr^
3. Grewtecd.
Itheoa. Midi., Mr. aadMn.B-L. Boeworthaad aoaa. Obe^
3. B.
Wilkareeaaadwtfa. GUeage: Mr. aad
Mre. E. W. ITeiepiball PeotM. lU;
B. A. Loevy. wife aad daaghtn. 8L
LoaU. Mo.
Tta l*eaeh"OnaBa* aBordeagreat
doU cd pieaoan to the laa gantt.
naUag tripe |o Old Miadoe. Elk BapUuTu aaeereioa pirtin aronnd the
Tta rf— Oorrter aad Madia gan
a narehmallow roast oa the beaeb
Tanday evealag. Tta ladln an eapItal Mtartalaen aad a nryaajoyabla
evealag wee epeat.
At the laa Friday enalag wae held
a very pleeeaat party: the onbntn
eoasiau of vioUa. d»w>
good, eld fatUoaed Vlrgtala red wae
the eveat of tha eveUeg.
John DeSy. taaor. of Graad Bapida.
apaat Saaday with Anna ManOaUda*.
On Batarday evaaiag ae^Bformal
nadnl wae held. Jtaa Dafl. taaor,
M. Loalaa CatohoOB, aopraao. H. O.
Paltey ooraeu and MlnOwolby Ealgaal. idaalet. partielpatad la tba prc~ram.
Md. Barton BaaeoarChleigo, ga** •
aelUag party for tba yoaaf people

arrivad for tha ai

wUl ta no maeHiig of the Y.
P. 8. a B. at S:18 p. m. n^aeoonnt of

Mra 3. A. Mpatsgaa ata sons Bart
and Gerald leave tor their Old Mksioa
iga today, where they wUl ba Join
ad by Mr. Meattgaa aad party on tbdr
'*%^1tblle are oordlally lavlted toat- raMra from thalr erake on Lake Sataodallthateeameea.
eaooND MrraoDar caoBCHMteteteteditetetek
a«T. Bqyt ItoeMdr. P4M0r.
at ie:to
. n. ata ?^p. t
Ibe most a1
Evaaiag tbaaw—"Chrlet aad Pater
tta year was tha daUgbtfal party given
ea the Seaebora."
Clan naetlag at »:49 a- m.
lastevaalagin the Wa-qaa-toag dnh
a by tke HIsm Morgan in boner
ofthdrgMk. Tha ball of tba clab
a vras bwatlfaUy ata appropriateanaiag 7:I0.
daeoratadia a style aaggasUva of
A oordlU lavita'- aqaatle aad aagliag sporta, the walk
L to attend tbaaa aarrleaa.
being amballkbsd with eretsad oars.
Aab aau aad Utared psrapb'sraalla,
Wt a.aaleMi7.PeM«r.
Cbarcb OB ooraar of Mlatb and Wade"m-iJopte*wm*ta*^’M^ of
the Intamatloaal Coanatloa, London.

Weama Wave AM Qaiiaa
Why U it. Iwoadec, ttatwa oeav
tea taawcRldra ill aqalppadfor its agploratiimt Ittsemttoma.Mlloaktaefc
npoo my yoatb, that, la a oortaia way.
my aMim were tresber ata kaoMr tbw
than they are now. Ata yet tb^ wera
aaottBaaliy—paitkalarly iq tba matter
d girls-ipUylag the nmat nssramniable pranks OB me Some alien Snid. ed
an latasse and Soy Uad. got mind
with them and made them tabjeei to oU
tta of anaeconnmble atNcratim.
It u s noianoai tec that an elartrie
eurreni srill make tbe mast enelleat
behsve In
Mm Aad yet tboogfa tbe diatnrbing
Anld wfaieb made my oompass wertblesi
nearly always tbere. it has gnided
tomsbow srilb tolerable eafety a
long dlttanee
scram tbs trackleps mala.
Atal1 am not by any meant sore that I
ooMP ABrr.
weald exebange it for a irper lostramanb sabjeet to fesrer abcrratiocN. For
1 take this very modtlveMm to alentrio
^Ket Dbo toCsrclmsatoi
InSneaoes to be a proof of Its aiotodlng
Ulte Baoord-I aotieaaaltam la
Snwiem ata exeelkaca, Life woald ba
Tear attaatfara Is eallta to tbs rak
a horrible dreary agair if these mitedte ttaMoraiag Baoord that Mra. M. A. la retard to tta aoa of watgr Cw tartta«ots which make tba needle tremble HoBM was ran down by a esralam bl- Uacparpnasa. Bald nlaaprevltoftr
swerve were baniabed or aaoezlst- eyalsr. That was a mittoka. Mrs. ora of wmtor te lawa tonuUag tern
a too o'clock la tta aendag ata tea
Tbe dell, dead, stnpid sanity
s to 1 la tta aturaeoa aad ataoothor
ikb bat no lympatfay with foUy and
tiime axeapt when speelal paimlt k
gleam of potential madnem U no
iMoed. Ttaalaatia pnaplat from a
lU a stswk ata raUable raddat, bnt
straek bm and it threw me vary heavily mUUon ata aWt to two amkw galto tbe grcaad, catting my band aod loos per day. deaUe the asaoaat af nay
tba seal i
bartlng my shoe dcr qatie badly. Dr. city of eqnal alas. It Is tbo dssin of
srortb mat _
Fk^ramsd tbe woand oa my bead- tbs board thaubs dt'uaa tava aa
Clysscs of old. middle aged tboogb
ample sapply of water bat uselem
Yoara raspeetfally.
wAtn Hiar ba stoppkh. Do aot laav*
be was. bed Co etnff bis ears with wax
bydranu open or hose raaalag wltboat
lest he steer bis ship into tbe Jswa of
Boule pUaebed. If wator k fooad
perdition, when tbe sirens smig so deli
rnaolng la this 'way tbe wator will aa
doasly. and bo did not exactly cover
tarardeffaad chasi.s op gi wuxan
blmself with gloty dnring tala vititi to
His heart leapt within him.
UADK PUB Tuaxue <
agUn. Paitlra
Ciroe and Calypso Bnt wbst very red
® His MBl was odsme.
who have not paid wator tax era r«blood he bad. and bow bamanely bit
Her voice made bis heart leap
gneeted to call at oBee at oaea aad
heart beat in cviry one of bis manifold
WUen he was her lorcr—
‘hetUe rarae. Bring yoar ksi raealpt
adveotaresl He never. Uk« bU ship
a strain, and bow noble
and mauly was bU bearing in tbe pros
SOM of tbe lovely Nsnsicaal
nere is soqiething almost tonefaing
to me in apelng tbe same •enliment 3SH ID 1888. The kllkd nombered ^ aaason. Naaager Stelaberg bae r^kwbicb sttn my own bosom raoprdad
torad It la bk date book as tba laaghtbonsands of years ago And, tetb to
lagnlg^t of iwo-iwi.
tell, tbe man whose palte is sabjeet to
) Icregnlsritles ata irb(
Tbs Xdttk Tavan-oppeolto EamUtoaa
regietets no sbcTTstlons in tbe preeence
of a beSBtifoiwomu is. in my opinion,
-’Ol for trvaaoDt. stratagems and spoils. ’’
—H H. Boyesen in Llppincott's

_____ aet^as


Ggisiltatioi ak Eiaanaatiaa Frea tad Siriedy CaafMeadil.

£¥£»n /f toet£Tr.

B. E. OTTM AN. M. D.
Woodbine Cottage
PltasMt Rooms. Shady lawa.
5>! State Strae'.

Mrs. h:


cu, -U.

arraagad with sattaos aad a protaaloa of rags whUs easy eoreara in­
vited laat after tha danelag. lasplitag mask was tarakhad by Prof.
- ■
Daring the eventag paaeh and leas w

Mra. Edith Borrla. bar 11 yaar old praaeh noralag aad avaalBff.
AaajThtar aad bar It yaar old aoa. an
taad.aad J.A. Vania, bar baabata, ^^iumSvltadtotbaae
two daarbtan aad aa aaploya of the
fanny an baliand to ta raoenriav
Praaehlng at 10:U a. n. by fcanill
attar tbm daye la tba affoalaa of pUa) Aria MlUard
oalbc by aatl^ toadatooU for nnhaatartalaad a few of her little girl
^SaaS^eabool U m.
■eoan. Mr. Norrta owaaa larcaatoek
Meade la honor of bar eighth birthday.
.ten aaar Barrey. lU. Tha family ata
The afleraooa wae aajoyed tboroagbly«tba polaoaoM yrowth faUarad by a Brtady. Sabjact, ■'Yoatb, Ufea GoldAboat 4 o’eloek tea eraam. oake and
term employe for naabroona. Wbaa anAll
lalon ware aarvad. Mrs-MUlard
are iavltadta ta praaanV
tba tatbar waa aroaaad at eHdalAbt by
was amlstad by MksOUle Falgtaam.
tta trim of bU famUy aad blnaalf bo*
Tbs fallowing were present:
lar takaa la tba rHp of tha pelaoa,
Adns Ls Praniar. Myrtle ta
Bldar J. J. Finlay ^f*Balkaaka. wUl
orita tor balp. than Wit tat aaa alroaf
Franlar. Bass Hsnnen. V.vlan Gardnar.
praaeh noralag aad evening.
aaoerh to altead to brlap It. Tbomaa
Sataey eebool at »:4S a. m
Flomia MeHlcbaai. Bertha MeMiebsel.
VorrU, ifod II yaare. aafierlar aa tba
Moraiag earmoa 10:4S. ‘
Both Daahn. Lila Peursan. Bsehaal
ObricUaa Endeavor 6:lt p. n.
otbara. moaatad a bom aad roda to
Wtaa. Nina Oaalkett. Ina Crandall
Bomowood. OaUrloaa aad falnttat ha
Bessie CarUtea. Clsnda Millard. Alvin
mcbad a pbyalciaa. Ba aaak lato na- to attaad t____________
aonekraaaam after ba bad told bla
A Meetel
atory. tat wai rtrlred aad lakaa borne
Yntarday afternoon sr yoang ladles
Mr and Mre. B. 8. I
whan ba died. Tba U*m ol fear of
ware eharmingly antarUined at
■ed to tble dty aad wUl make tbalr
tta rleUmi ware aarad by hU nldairbt
o'eloek tea party by Mke AlUe Wall, at
raoa afatel d*»tb. • It waa developed bone bare. Mr. Wllllane engaging U bar bomeoaBeardmaBavaans.U honor
at tb« laqaaat that the family ata boetaenaad Mn
of Mimm BUdraardeOrawn ofYMl)
meabrooeu of tba Anmt qeallty. aad In the aaderuklng eeUbliebnent of U aad Bertha Baldwin of Jsokson. Tba
aot toadatoola at all. Eobart Kartln. a D. Cartle. Mre WiUiame is exoerlaae- feailvitles were eejeyed upon the large
maahroos axpart. taatlAao that la bb ed in this line of work, having
lawn where several Ublm prettily dec­
«plaloa the polaonlay waa eanaed by a ccenMlad with the ceUbllebment in orated were spread with refreahm
Mall black buy which be aald be bad Kalkaska, the Ealkaekian bae a of tba dalotlcst sort. The attemooe
faaad racaotiy making, ita borne In the pleasant notice in regard to their re­ Was pleasantly passed In soelal plesamoval to tble dty. speaking capaeially
of Mr. WiUiame'talent na a maslclan. urns. One of the enjoyable featarm
and Mrs. WlUlaaie' aaraesi work In was tba tailing of fortonea with Aow
m Cuaot ta Cared
era. Mrs. Walt was sasUted in sntaritb the ckarefa.
byloml appUeatlooa. aa they naa
Williams enjoys the repataiion of be­ Ulnlng the gnpU by Mrs. O. O. Bates
mcb the diaaaaed portion of the aa
ing one of tba bnt coraatleu In this of Chicago aad Mra. J. O. Johnson
part of tbc euu. nta ba wUl ba
TMcben’ InaUtnta Monday.
Dtafaam la canaed by an Inflamad eoa- waleonad by. local meelelane
dlUoB of tbc moeoiu lining of tba BnaT^ taaeber's InsUtnte wiU begie
taebian tab*. Whan fh'ia tnta geU latta Central aebool balldlag Monday
Thirty-First Aaelvetaary.
Aamad yoa have a rambling eoand or
It will be eoadnetad by 1.
The Ladlae’ Ubtary Asao
‘ Impertaet bearing, ata when U is en­
tirely cloaad daateem la the rmalu and Will celebeaw the lUt aanlveraary of E GUbey of St. Johns, aaskted by Mr.
enlsM the lafiemmatlon caa be taken ergaaUaUoa aaxt Monday atiaraooa. Oowlc and Mks Berkay of VpsUaaU.
Aag. etb, by adding aa Ale^ re­
OU Iwpeeter Jadaon was Bara.
caption In tba Library parlors tern I
forevar: nine . Moatof tenaraei
by eatarrk. which k noihtag tat aa to s o-eloek.
State Oil-daspaeter. WUUam Jadaon.
Siamad eondltioo of tba maooaaear_______ ibsrs of tba amoeiaUoo ata paaaad tbreogh tta dty yaatardsy to
aaa Dapatj Frank Frladrieh. on bit
e baadrad doUare tor tbalr gaaata are lavt^.
Va wUl give
A brief history of tbs seeUty wiU ta way from Elk Eapids borne to Aaa
r oaae-of____
d taam (caaead byeatarrU ttoteaaaot ta eared by Ball'e glvca and light ratesbmaats served.
_________ ■
tetarrtCai*. Seta tor dreaUra, tea
F. J. Ckanr A Co., Toledo, O.
' . Story of a tBave.
Prevented a Tragedy.
To ta boata beta aad foot for yaan
Tlmdy laformaUoa given Mra.
OaorkvLtaf ofKewStraltaviUr. Ohio, y tha ebalBS of dkeaaa la tbs sront
saved two Uvm. A tdghtfal eoagh fata .am of slavery. Oaorga D. WUllams
leaf kept her awake every alghL She of Maaebastar. Mkh., rays: "My wUe
htatrlad many remedies ata doeton bat been so belplsas for Arc years that
Tba Oraad Ualoa Tea On hae not bat
gnw wet la antU arged to aba eoald aot tarn over la bad aloac.
' ' stsadily
It of
tat k stUl tab- tryjlr. Elag's Kaw Dlaeovary. One
eared bar; aad she
..111 opaa a atere aa Beeaaaoaek
her owM wortf.” This
vaeaBU Tboac boldlag tlekau aboald
aaprame ramrdy ter fantala
keep them, as no one bat a Oraad pneaaaewia. obcb caias are poeiuvc
Union egaat has aatborlty to radaei praet <rf He power to care all throat, 2am!'mekneb^^haadaS*, tUatiag
or baadlr them. Sava year ordm ehatandlojur traablaa Only sic aad and diuy apalls. Itls a gofkoad to
tor oar agaats or leave iham at th AL Goaraataad. Trial bottlm loe at
ddstand.»U Froatatr^
EE. Waltaad-Jaa. O. Jbh^b drag
Fait ata Jsa. O.J

gjs?S7';‘*i;‘ES-u H.

vox BX AT

So'bel “Wh 11ri Ti Ws Tx«h'v^er«e

WEDNESDAY, - AUG. 8, 1900.

TIKBLIN Oac day only



**«««« Ailed with goldaa rbd- Iba
!t was aahaaebad by a aamber of mesej )eb- O X

Saaday aarrlen as fellowe:
Preaeblag at KbtO a. n.
Saaday aebool at lldO.

lerty af «sw Tartu

KoiPrcsl^eitortlieOttiiiui Medical lisUtite Go., lisIe|as,IM.

i> ttiert.

teOB SSLK-Oov mod oeroad Saod orfsa bul
(or eaab or ajli tak* baa. veod or oala.
Baallar*. Jaboaoo Slock. lOia. Si

X. W.


awrAMTSfi-Sou tiuM rlrU. at malabcrt's
W Oraad Oprra Boaac a> t o'clock HeadV
aflcroooe. «o rrhcar.c (or the ea»i ot thr
VlrrolaSpy. I® b* r'»rb
ibe rore.»ni

krepar." ^ord or

1JWB bSLi-Taf
f aock® a «i
aioaer. waailbr i
TraTvrar Cur.

ihrcd Barred Plrnocib
cr bird. (»- *alc ebrap

^yAWTXP TOJtXWT—4 plaoo- F.
. MirbKUR.9II
/lltL B'AJiTXO - For rrberal :iou~->eFK.
and rood >acT. Ur.. A.
t,T IMiaJIfamilT
W. Und. txrWaabii
'aabiortoo St
. LX-Oar CO®.. err ri-ai
.11} i b J<

1. yirio*
I l<V It

vpoa SALS OR KXl BAKGS—Hoij*raod t .

Hubirr. al MaailliaeClaibtoc Co'®-



IS Moat Saooraafai and SeiantiSo Traatmant of All Dkraara ata Wuhattoto
of Maaklad FoatobU to Obtain.
Tbc BO®i -I4fl7 bOd IbTwsbiT kOBWb Sy»*l»ll« lb tbc TnUrd atsim Sta taag tSISrtmH.
Bb'kBblc cciil ud iioiTCTbAl cuecrcc i® tb. Urs««i bocpiiblc le Ike werld bmeMse to m
bl mil CHROKIC. NKKVOL'S, SKIN bad BLOOD D:c»bw* bpee tbc learnt esiestile vriasl•. bad CBtltlMto to tbc (Dtl rBbSdCEcc of tM bSlcird er*rr«brt«.


tbc Brc. Bbr. No®r. Tbroat bed Xubec. Dyb^sslb. BWebfe Dibssas. DIS'
Obtbrrb. DtacMCc
bMw. Kldbcr.'
vvO totpiaaa^^
B«at tAbt bb®'
UbOF mopU mt*t d«bib mrj r®br wbo wlcbt bare saas
pla^Uelr eaaa® Is tbc bbad® of opart®


Q.(B^ANT^-^ ecorral

hbimlaM bbd aa^ bppUad OoasaltAtloa
____ .-MtbUr bod

bcip. ApiMraia

ssrsL's ssw.yrsas'-'fs:


t. MaaikSuib


alaatira e( tsar Ssit bad bll oUar apv epara>SOBS sm bad S

ptraxmaXP-Prom rows i«
(w^amc?!^°<'Urk A Co . ^ib *«d l2ici»i
Sla. mia .Pa.
_______ w>-«“

Addraw bura. citr
ri^ locjrrarra^^ui
Seatb VaM Mi»rL*"**°*


aasuss.-jK.aBf'.x.-ga: ^JSi'S'XS=fSES'S«
jKssaffisus.^ 5sr,J!
taeUl uraap aad feiadSar ItiaaaaA

awVA.«fTSl»-Dar'» verb or BbtalbS b; Chr

Tpoa SAU oa xxobangx-'
X _•gbts^t^arwof


rr TOt- WAVT iamraaer e( aaj hjvd la Br«
X clasBicoB.paalMoria'bujb SesM. lat or
CarwraU o« X. ■- AUra ream 7 uS
HereaaUUCc. Mom.TrarvrM O'tr

r-frttl isi '.TO

5 S TtZUkS V78ES30V, lOOE.


, -y^
ptapla. thm ar* b«t Uw aaUwt (te*

a C IIB-W: tta* Trtm..B. C.'»-1M:
ttM BAtt. a Cfatt to A. D. »: tbe at-

er Bu. A. a B-m; tbe Three KImdoBA Sl-tO. Abd *e Ok to •bom-'tbe
ttmt AlStrtaUM* «M
r Uje, wbCB Cbloo e
traai Mokkw. Tbe tiipliiDlat of tbelr
MoafolA who cobqoeTea tbe maMmtt «m m fftr teck o>«t It ti
sad foBBded S Uae wbleb raICBad
AhfWidad to BtTMwr u>d otecnmr. bat
«brtr mdMtewi t*G lu ttet tb* ilm of
A Mtlre dmsstr cslM tbe lUar
M OIM ObI-IU. tfae
---- . .
exteaded (m un to
« wood, wbo tatwlit MM. wfan tbe comtry waj c

the MM aetflab tnaatn itlii. Mtad
warablp. of preccdeat aad aaOdtdtr.

■ ere of Uftitcr <
Tbeir veiT aambar aad a
sod beerter bond Uwo tbe Cblnem oae. aad the MCbtfol H
proper, sad soote of tbcn hare aqolUae oae ti^Tldual to all t_-_____ ______
pooea aad beaiT beards tbooKb sU poe- baadrcd aailioas U oppreaWve. Everyae« tbe oblique ereUda aad atoUd dotw- vbere this ortb of the buiaaa r
unaoccA. Tbe Itaalcbooa are tbe dont- sunk ia dirt aad disorder, d
laaai aeople. dlaperaed
eoBBf^ as nilen aad :

nilen aad mllitarr mea la



fv. ■

Tbe Freaeb la Aoan claim that tbw have to that country the mlasiaK Iloll
-Bot beteeea taoakey aad maa. but bel«e>cfi UoncoUan aad Ualay-ln tbd
Anaraltea. or Toaqalaese. who have for maty ycara been tributary to Fraaea.
When.thrtr country a-aa tonqueted. aaarly 40 years aco. thry aiade a yaaw
for freedom, but the warships sere too much for there, aad they
surrendered. Now tbelr territory la Beneielly known as Cochlb China -~»j
UiouKh for ceaiuriea they aeni rmbaaelea to the Uantrhoo eynperor at Peklac
and acknowledged him as tbelr overlord. It U now to Faria that the trtbnt*
B arriral at
thrrxpoaJllon and aiudy the arts and a^«


(ha people how to make Are aad cook
tkeir rood, also bow to keep a record of
avaats by tyUw kaou In atrlasa. Then
caave Fub-bL who ortetnated written
abaraeters. aad from tbe tact that be

_ J. that tbe Brat
dymaatk niter was alaeted. Be took
tbe Utle of Hwaa«-tL or the Tallow
fempamr, aad with *reat detail tbe vartmis dynasties are cbroalcled up to
the praaeai time. There, for lastaare.
was the Chow dyaascy. which relcard:

y the Tartar ICaatclwwa. wbo founded
pertal house which has relcned
jooaly ever since. Tbe Mantcboos overraa the land and eataUtshed
BUUUty KamBOBa la every porUon. deaceadanta of eboae aaiae -banner mea"
occupylas tbe peats at which tbelr aaceaiers were stationed more than MO
years a«i>.
They Imposed apon (he subject people
tbelr maamers and customs, aad tbelr
laapuacc Is tbs e«eial veaeh of tbe
coart: but la ail saaiiuial teatuiea tbs
CtalMss have remal '
They are
tbs other ••
•’ as the aaiurallaU Urm tbam, more by location as tbe
iBdleeaoua people of China, and share
wltb the Haaicboea aad '

hirb poaiUoa. aad are anient,
hauchty aad overbeariar besides belaf
tcaoraat and superatlliouC
But. notwltbstaadUiB the fact that
China has several limes been ruled by
exotic sovereiens. It has yielded aothlac of lu primitive attributes. It li
the aame today as In centuries past—s
relic of some prehistoric s«e that has
besB a lone time dead and still slays
above frouad when It miffct baiter be

■klB. hard featui
barab. mechanical voice: tbe
houses. Braves and cIoUics: lb

cowardly and euperalUlous: without
ImatlnaUon. seniltnen’. rtiH-sIry or
aenae of nurnor. rombatlne with xsal
anyihlns that would alter conditions
even for thr better aad Indifferent as to
who rules or usurps the throne There Is
no word or w ritten rhsrsrtecfor pstriotIsm In their lanyusBe. hardly rood
around In their minds and. hearts foi
plaatlns (hr seed of that sentiment,
but there are IM ways for wrltlnc the
rharactere for Bood luek and long life. •
This le a rather harsh characierlcatlon of the dwellers In the Brest Utddle
Kingdom, but It Is mainly eonArmed
by oiheis. and Is the result Of many
ysars' observattoa. It was written by a
woman who may have bean anoved by
tbe wrongs her aei has racMvad la a
land when there U nellbar raopect nor
eonslderatlon shown to womaa. and yst
at the prwsenx moment ts plunged InttT
woe unutterable on account of tbe am­
bition of a female despot—the empress

by the alUad forces that they bars SOtbe Chinese in their advance towanf
years the Chinese have beca receive
lag instruction In. mllUary tactics from forelgnera. mdslly Germaas and Ru»«
-arts, and have been Importing vast supplies of amreuntilon. tbe latest type*
' guns and Improved repeating rlAea, there need be no raose for surprias.
It Is said that Ibe bulk of the Chinese army Is equipped wltb spears anJ
nrea. >ows and arrows, and even the Imperial guard that aurrounds the
nperor Is mainly armed with these obeolete weapoiw. But' there Is now A
isplrlon that John Chlaaman has been playing upoa the credulity of his foa<
and that while be has been giving out for publication these a'birles of napra-,
ednees he has been sedulously Ailing up bls arseaals and srraorlaa aad
ling the best of hts Usnicboo aoldlen'. The Cblao-Japaneae war taagbC
mm a leeson. perhaps, and, though slow to learn in other ways, he may hava
been beneAted by the result of that war of defeat for China aad ever slae*'
mav bavr been preparing for thr next great struggle.

iKOta-TH OF Tine tklTeO STATKB. A aainfM aTATBMiAirf poMTmaf*

There were about 5.M0,0« people In
America when Ibe century opened.
Prwre bad Ave Ubms aa many pvople:
Oarmaay. aad svaa Aasiiia. bad tour
Italy bad
l^r^ttmes as auaay. aad so had Orest

The dupllratlon of animate object#
by nature to the form of trssa aa#
racks Is of eomparaUvaly cummoa
curraacs. as. for axampls. the fsmngg
wiUow portrait ol Napotsoa at Bt. HaIsas aad tbe -Old Man of lbs MoaataiaT
ber of
la New Hamp­
shire. The most ^
more people how than any Euro­ recent And Ip
pean nailoci except Kussla. which alone rock portraiture ~
comes from the J
British coast Stf .
Torqusy, where
there Is a strikI
proAIe cot
le red cIlRs '•J
wkleh. when \
bfoughl Into re- ’
lief against the .
sky. looks as If
It bad beeaehlS' . -human ^
body who haa •
declares '1
nbles In
outline the pro.'_______


port raft

As in the religious proclivities of the Chinese. Uie$’ are siud to be aome(blne like those of a oertaln old gentleman universally execrated aad Uken
sR In the following lines:
When thr dnti va> si
W bm Ibt drril got wi
ion# aa things go writ they pay itltle attention lo their gods: but when
These Chlpca* rarrters. shown la the llluslrallon. have Imprevet
alim of their noonday halt lo pay tbelr devotions at a shrine of tl
auppoeed to be In favor of the pnx'eedlogs recently Irutltuted by t
Titay have eurked their wheelbarrows In a row, piled high as
goods for Tien-uin. and have taken lurrts la vlsIUng the shrine,
■*‘'***^ barrows, by the way. are universally

aims, in Afi
Is tan and all
along the northwestern frontier of India,
honestly win­
ning the nu­
merous decoran beatowi d upon *
him. He was made a knight command. I
Bath to !»» and -lsuerly has
acted as an ald^le-camp to Queen Vic- |
torla. proceeding to Join his Chinese
I London



William Vernon Harcourt. tbe rate
n i-arIlaipc.niar?kB,- but If It bitf
n found m Atoerira It might, with
al reason, ba*-e been called that ft
General Washington, whom It srams M
resemble quite as much as Sir WllllaiO.

cry visitor I
..n ihApoi.H.,. n.iw
drear) and nion<iinnous irenery.
Itself U shallow and.crook*d. wind.
Ing about like a great through
I.•vel plain, where the highest hllEach of the I provinces of tbs OS*
locks are the gruves of the Chinese who have gone to the happy hunting
governor general, who li
The journey from coas: Jo city reveals little
Id. eve
lib- rmte-ror for the entire admlnUtrae
all about, mud walls, mud houeea. muddy water
d eolored
[ non—{MiHilcal. Judldlal. military aad 0#*
and Vhlldren, the last named wearing acarcelj s |- other roverlng than a thi>k
l->ch province Is lubdlvldad HUB
coating of mud. The native city Is within w > .11 of mud fared with stone. departments, ruled by prafecti. afl
while the foreign concession It separated from I by a mud wall extending
o distriota. sack
from tbe outer harrier lo the river


tun.OM.OOO e«;ery y


The feraats were asturv's Arst tern.
Idas, the poets tell ua Gothic srcbltec.
tarv. It has been said, was Aral tug.
geatad by the buttressed trees of a fo-.
esL It la not unusual in a new country
toe (he Orst set.
ts to make
. e of trees as
adjuncts to their
places of wor.
ship A steeple
or belfry Is the
cwlly jiart
J religious
structure, and
generally the
iMt to be built.
what more aai*
Ural than to
bang the bell or
bells to aa adja.
--------cent tree? The
mUdoo (atbera of Callforala did It. la
Mexico It was frequenilr done, aad
, this Illustration shows us bow a chime
of bravy bells was hung to a jree at
WtermafllxbBrg. NsuL aBdAbAags
than FK. OM of tbs sights of the tou*.



There are always some Impractlrsble pMlaathroptsts wbo want to u^t
“ki ‘ftroduoe into our couatry craaturss that are ».
tatty unhued for It. as.Jor lasuaoe. the Eagtish in>arcow. Another aozlous
animal is the mongoose, s aktlve of India about as big as a muskrat aad as
voracious as . tiger, which It was proposed to bring to from Jamaica, but
wisdom has leglstoted agalaat It. Jamaica's experience wai a
•ttOra for1u. That Ulaad was Infested wltb rats, and ao
which denned eout the rata aad i
I, ahJ ,v:r .
-rj-lhing *'»r
Oise that was aaimai
aalmste gmstler than a rat or yellow dog.
I Boon Jamaica had a plagm «d Ucka. owtog > the birds bavlag been devoured.


e pov.der aad cast caaaga. »

a by r<
vslled Itself of (he full measure of tbelr uaehlags owing «e tto

While Sir Robert Hsrt had for 40 years administered the Imperial customs ao
s trusted by the Chinese gtnerament tn.pllcltly. yet he could not Induce
___ _______ ___


A etm « TomnmL



'the rank of mandartar

show a military maodaria on a visit of Inspection to an outpost riding a Tartar pear,
chair, to which calls of aute are made. Htsse chairs ate carried by two or four mea. a
form Al'oirether this mode of eonreygacs U the moat comfortable In Ctitoa aad always emphtyad wbm practkkiiir--

Mr ]«■ IM M<» «»


m mimtr» mm. n* mn mm

8IMKE TCSSTTOBS. toimrs ommruNiTY.

ttir M ^OMi 19 «te ftr ttaMlPM



imt MI «M tW InmUrr wm MM

1 £L. M M. IM
iMrt <MMl tMV *• »*v M ■


F hare
* U aU
Mto toalt Uy with
I aot *o blf *1 . _
•* Beato^aaad. Uur. when they grew waa.Jealoea of Brato'* pood look*.
It wu that which cauM• ft all at law.
itoltwaithat whleh.Am
•* aria to* Caror <
•Brea if L W*___________ _________
to ae baadaoctor or brartf yoeth fa to*
■pmatoiaa toaa Beato. Aad Brato has
pk)ay*d th* pood totapa which bare come
■a na. Wbea h« west to toe towa to
4ifc* car* of my bostorsa, toer* wa* ao
aw who coBld aerpam him:
*to) it was chat he attractod toe attao*
ptm of Batofable when be paned toe
Sow of her father. Sbe saw fain, aad
' toom toe firm abe faroted bim. Beato
Sd aot kaow ber tbea. bet be eatr b<r
at to* wtodow. aad ber bcaety araoaed
to* lor* wltUa hiai. II* did dot tear*
uwa .util he foaad ota wbo to*
mm, aad wbea be was told that
to* daophtor of to* alcalde b* wa^ ao
•Pay diabewneaed. for be knew that my
aedUoD was Mich that be waa the equi
0t toe alcalde's dtopbter.
' *Tto« that llmr Beato west Into town
waeb. He froqoeatrd the bocpca of
fhoo* he knew aad wbo were known to
wa> and toer* be met Beutaafe. In n
pftUe time it was plain that tbc lore be
ton for to* pirt r^ mnrned by ber. and.
tooQpfa notoinp bad been saM. I knew
tool toe time of tor vrddinp was not
off. for I bad rpokea with the aliild* and had found that be was wililnp
toat hli daoctater should marry my aon.
eBai at that lime came (he drat atpn of
ffha traoUc wblcb U endiap now, fur
tahPt we did not know at flrst aooo beWBc Plata, and toat waa that Jooa also
■•alrrd tbe piri for bis wife, lie bad
' bown ber ertr slaeo be bad pone to tbe
•awn from th* monniaina, and. thoapb be
iad said Dothliip, be bad mode np bto
(bat she sboald be his. Bo when
Beato came and fotad fsror in ber ryes
to* old anprr ami Jealousy wm ronacd
Ptraaper (ban er*r In Jose.
niatteti blood in tbb wise tor aom*
•taae. Beato bad made ap bii mind to
•ay bothtap to EsUfanic oDtil after toe
want balihpbt ta holy week. He bad
Baas maderi capiUB of toe banderiUeroa
for the pr*«t flpbt. That, yoa know, ta a
kiph boDor tar a yooib like Beato, for
•manp the haDderillerbe under him wm
■an who had aerred aa toreadort and
mho bad moto repaUtlon ta tbe dtatrlcls
frotn wblto they earn*. Bat Beato.
tora«b be has Mwer yet been p toreador.
Bad waa a wme for himself aa a bantoriUkrf
datinp ber bad ah .
pkosrn wben'ke was In toe riop. Bo tbry
m4* him
•AH this only stirred np to* nor* tbe
Bad f**ltap ta 4oa*'s bean. Tbm was
M toanee for blm to win bopor aad plory
la toe preal flpbt. for be had nrrer foocht
(be riop sod bis naiar* was ooe thsl
. amd* blm resort more to aabtle tricks
toaa to open ^ta.
-At last came the day of tbe preat
•pbi and of tbe trooble whWi fuBowed.
OBe benefare were fllled loop before ereo
Ik* little Gpbla. tor rrery one was snsiooa
flo ‘bare a pood ptace from which to tee
toe preat ereot. We from (be moDDUlnt
asere tbm. Mere (bin SUO of os bad
Maces tr>rribrr. for we bad come tototbec and |•arrfaasrd our ersU st (be
aame lime. It was all by etkaner or by
a of tbe pood Oo^ for (he fart
p all sat toprtber was tb* only
Phtaa that «s»ed the IMc of Beato.
-I dirti'i know how the lllUe flphts came
mm. We paid uo attention to ibem. and
«tat rarue .pftrrwajd' made ot forprt
mkat Hole we did aee. At last came tbe
•rest fiphl- The bull was ot r of the
Ptaest I cTcr aaw. lie waa a roouMer
i pray one. apeeially aelectvd. for

» llx-y opened the do«r of Ua f
«ll pawid the eaifk sod look’d
I Beato adeaoeed avO war.d hU
a ebuk. flsoailua It ereo into the
Tfa<n Ibr preat heart
It B.-SIO «a« oniek and
•a one shIp and a* the InJI spranc part
Bdm idanted tw-'> of (be barbed darts in
. tala kbooldrr.
nt waa ibe flrat Mow of the flpbt. and
ffb* croard ta the beacbvs ciicere<l. and
fa* friXB tbe moontataa ebeerrd moat of
to atrsek the boll la theW torn, but Brato
wrdttrd tbrtn back, tor be was aot yet
Ibreopb. This was. where be made a mta. Bake, for it rrmied ibe Jesloosy of
mt toe l>0BderUlrto*. and Ibe towai| .
•took tbeir ride, for they are alwnyi Jaab
•M of t» from the mountalna.
-A«b)b Beato adraaevd apnintt the
' • Boa. and apsis, after b>- bad tapered him
oattil it aeetacd a* Ibouirfa tb* great beast
.tns iMaae. did be diiee asm darts la
to* great pray aide*. Rat be did aot do
It mueb
much dan^
danper tl
to hlmarif.. for.
-Be let tor bob ebarer so ctara to blm tbst
•ta* be finally leaped to one side tbc
« toe erased
IdI aabaal eau^t fala
his Jacket
to to* idfo.
» I -Agaia aad apta

A fllAritrl or Jnt'a tnm dmotic. K. C, aaya:
Tka defeat —raa u MtaMpfeta ta oattaCacMcy to toe haataf
M af tota pan of toa caoBtry. Mam
wko awn cottas mOta oar opcaly ife«
tbay win aoitaart MeKtatay aM Baom▼clL O. W. Ostta. esaktar of toe Flret
Matteaal honk and p«cald«st of to*
Chariotle codas ml^ aaM tosicht.-*Tbe tkfeet ta a food, asd R wlO
be eapperted by tbe borisem mao of
toe atata.Besecally. 1 voted tar MeStaley foor yeaia ago aod vIB gladlr
do It again. I meet former Demoersa
•vary dpy wbo wffl rot* tbe BcpsUleaa satiesal dtoet tola j«sr. Masy
baatacaa men wbo did aot vote at all
tt IBM wffl vott for McKtaley ta

iiiifii III---------------------■wmmhrtriymatK
ISM tkM k* woM Mw Bttto M 40k
mu kM 99 rrtiiBii tk* MmI tkst
m vw HtftIcA. «M MUM U tk9
i(to toM «w/btow«a tk* twiiiw iM
a of npfatta aM tamtk* kM It ks4 tmctf bM «w b«wf
^«Mto« 0t tk* baMMUm aM
l«* Btatkoa «f ooutracti^ • camia
Baa of fialtor* ora apampUflad ta Tka
-rmat m ummtm caw. Be tot WtMBka’a Bom* Conqmotaa. trao
kto kw«9 kc vtcM br M kM. tkokfk kt
acM Mt haw dao9 lt< aM thcB ptaatM
toa awcal to the Uk to Ik* ^aat ktaafa
-hroock the
aM. It vat a rM Mfakc. aad It «*•
aerwd tba prato* aad apptooa* (bat It
with to* aad of tM
eaaw the
^tiwald*. Aa to«7 wac* dra«ito« oBt
to* kodr o( to* baD aad to* paopto w**e
toavtef totor ptoea* a qawd of to* bepa
mt to* towd b*CB8 to toeat toaahs'at
•More than ad
VIEWS OP uaitmACt.
Baato. Tkcp wm aaftp wHh hka bacaaa* b* waa fna to* toeaatatoa aad
had wee to* fi**t ^ory. *fto*day.tokof tbe Oamoontte party before IBM
tax ft ftm toe naa Cram to* Aatrieti la
Wa b«sr TDang men aay, “1 am too
to* raOry. They would aot ka*e d«oe
Two-thlrde of tbe cotton mlD men ta
aa they dU had It aot b*ee for Jm. for
tb* atate win vote for McKinley and poor to grt mafriod." ml glrla, "Tba
maa I marry mnat be rich." Tbmarok wa* plala to aU tM b« had aet towa
ap to It tad waa to tola aray trytaa to
Tbla la good aewa. and tbe pre­
uh* a reveap* apoa Qeato.
diction of a heavy tneraaae of toe Be■Tbr a ttom Bmio. foU of bto toetoiy.
bladtoem. 8tUI toe larger MtbU that
pnblican vote In Koitb Carolina ought
paid DO atWatioa to tk* tooaia of tk*
yme wbetber it doea^ or not tbaapeakamtoori often donot taka an
boya. bet at iaat owe of then deaf a dad
ra a uam wall vacR.
honeat view of morriagA ao mattar bow
Beato tamd aad. eatto- tacUlty with wblcli they can be mad*. It ought to come trae in every eontobonorabiemaybetbairpurpaeaa Mosey
tap toe boy
Th* abmnce of any beadlop or mold- ere state. A tag gain In tbe BepubUcand long «xan
year and an tacreaae in perimtnting in (be ooontrie* of Earope
taM and tbe plalnneta of couimctlon
appeal more to (be constructive penloi
bm tbown toat mating for wealth is tbe
of a carpenter than to that of a cabinet from eontbem congreasional distrirtj pare road to a laa and immorai doa>*i'
to rtrafre it direet:
*Tlt* boy rna-awoy, and to* other boya maker. Tbl* aon of furniture doe* not woold be greatly to (be advantage of tie economy. It would eeem that tba
followed blm.
teqnlr* nodi flaisb. bat on flA^con- tba aonib. AVbat tbe aoutb act'd* is aeniible view to take of marriage is
•W* from to* moonuia* toonpfat no tinry look* all Uie better for cenaln a bettor abowlng of boslneu and poim- that it eosaammate* iifete toe poor
more aboot tb* matter, and w* west to roapboeas It may be rubbed with cal senso, more tangible erldeore* of and toe rich, to* Tulgataadtoo reflaed;
tb* tan. wfam we bad food and wine. It ail or rery UpbUy caniUbed. Tbe eollgbtennient and prugroaa. more con- that no single life ta toe perfeot life.
became m* to act tbc boot to lb* otom plccea. with few eiee|itloa*. are pnt Tinclng inoof of tbe spread of prugrra*'
The fotare ot mankind dapand* almoat
from to* mcmaUtaa, for they wnw all
levriopment along op to date wholly apon happy marriagee and
friendi ot Beato. Bo it was toat ft was topetber ai right anEics. They can
after anttaet when we suned npop our be atwed oot of plain ^itnff and. If Unea. In no way could tbe aoatb fur­ healthy ofiapring. And this suggest*
Jooraey to oar borne*. Tbm bad been properly planed, can lie nbtied as eng- nish a mote roodoslvp demoostratloo that tlMce aboold be no marrying of anno mdr* taaalts to Beato, and none of os peated above or stained in some color of tbe dawn of a bener and wlaer *oand pcoplu
fMFed treobl* aa we act oat.
that will bamioDtae with tbe sarronnd- order of things. Mote of latter day ; be imagte«d ibrnu that wblota briairi
••W* bad pone* town p*r- Inp fnmlsblnpa.
BepubllcanIsni and kaa of aatiqnatod children into toe world doomod to a Uta
hapt tom mUea and wm wbm the road
Oriiamental binges, lock plate*, etc., Bonrbonism ta the crylag need of toe ofimmltlgabletataery. toe hereditament
ptsoes Ibroapb tb* firrt etti in tbe rato. can be proenrod very cbtwply or can Bonto today. A rauring vote for Me-' of toce* wbo bear tbeir paratt' bardm
Beato and i wm a li
anffSKInley and Bookerelt 1a to* aootb't of dtaesae. Shall we aay that qoeaSons
ponies wm wUUnp
prtae in this eossectias too delicate for
tboa* of toe . others, TV-r*
paioted a dead black can be mounted |
f daiinper in oar tutad. '
furaltDre with serewa. Artistic
leave toS"dlS2^
*»«« to '•*«
twnH Just ta dm* to s«e • knife flash
e caa very readily ftalah and dec­
raised after it ta too late?
ta ah nptntard band. I tried to ward off orate any idece of furniture designed
Tbe Htuible vibw ot marriage ta tbe
tb* biow, bnl I was too late, and it stndt
view that
me ta to* side. It dU not kiU, as it bad
Tbe flrst illustration It a suggestion
qnenee. To too young people looktag
beea taieoded, Ipit It made a kiap path,
for tbe treatineni of a long wall space, free trad*, in tbe course of a recent forward to a long aad btppj wedded
aad I fell from my pony.*
Imotf^ toe blow was piecn Beato possibly lietweeb two door* In a targe speech in Iwbalf ot bis pet tbeory. lit* it is ot vital impotaaoe thai
Built acrosa tbe end of a long, spoke w^tb scathing sarcasm of tb* meat ot the snbject shall be
tamed and saw It. B* taw. too. wbal 1
saw—toat tb* man wbo stnKk It wa* narrow room It will lie found a great argument that tbe tondmer pays tbe toat nothing oonneoted wito toe inatri
Joae. Rlib a about he apraap after the help In adding width to the apiwannce tariff under our protective system, mootal venture eball be left U tbe baafellow, but Jose turned aad fled down tb* of It. If Iliilalied In chf-ny stain or Not that be attempted to deny It i
ard of ebaooe. Par
oad. Brato
some oibcr dralralilc color aud the cur- ] no! Be. with
.. that tbeir obUdren ate to be parents;
•I ealird. a
h*r-|alway* found among bU co-frec trad-1 that thaw lanoeseapefrorntbetesponsitains andjcusblon iua<le of a
irtlng color. It will make [«*.
era, acc-jiied
acoiiied that condualvdy
conduslvtdy provedybillty.
proved^biilty, aod that eduoation ta
is ineaniDlets
a aatlararior
:<>t^aud pleasing amnpi- fact. But tbe vial* of bl« wrntb were ' and training_____ ___________________
----------------- ,,.nra,
brcfluse ilic fon-igner i>ald qualify for paternity and maternity.
Brato aa fast as tbeir ponin could cany nent. Tbc cuinfunable boi scat iu tbe
middic. the cover of which may be the tariff. 1‘oor fotvlgner: tlur Aiuer-1 The yonng man and tbe young woman
them. They bo|MQ to ovenake Joae
fure be bad rum- (v because both be tod hinged, win iH'li* to make JIrt* quite a lean frw irud. rs aiv always more ran- wbo aw fitted for marriage are fitted
*Vato were oo foot.
favorite s|K>t In thehooac.
j eerui-<l over hi* bunlens than over for all toat a bealtoy.
"But be must bar* flvd with preat
The McuDd dralgu Ismore suitable ! Iboec of our own people. “Why aiiould , happy life demands or
: impoaea.—Cbaue*d or to
toe pursuit must bare been alow,
be pay llto tariffr asked bit fn<^ trad- taoqnan
badielor's room or targe bail
r tbef «
Ibe leodlDR room of a dub^ Tbe book- er obampioD. “He does not live In Ibis

, -___
they aaw a group;> of meo
ahead of them.
country; be gets DO benefitt from our i
Jaw* Royal aprra.
Some of tbem were friends of Joae and
wvernmeot: be ta entitled to no pro-' -Kipling ought to etudy Jaok," mid
DC were tbe po|^ whom ibvy bad the two teats ami tbn* have the advan­
'Jack'* tbemoat pieamoned. In the ccutsr of tbe group tage of being mon- readily tm>v«l Hum fecOon from It aod owra no aUeglanee ‘ •
a Brato. whom they had made a pris- If the entire acbeme wa* carried out 10 It. Why abonid we make blm eon- »"Tesqn® man on land « sea. and norr. Tbe reason for It was plain, for In ooe piece. This armopemeot would tffbwe toward tbe expenses of onr .
"If I oonld do it a* well aa Kipling.
tbe pround was Jose. dead, and with look very well if made up In oak Main- governnuntr
Brato's knife beridc bim.
“8,making out In meeting” was not
ed forrat green and tbe cosliixna In the
“Joae's frirodi were bislstli
dstlnp U
•nnld I.av*tw.n -nc. S0«1 ai.tbo Rcmoaruation ol Krltooa
B>-alo should be piren up t 0 tbem. t
laklng a
tbe poHra s •ere (aklop him away when
"When 1 was anriitant «ogineer on
Igbt wowi tbc aides
e up- l^y knew that tbere If carried < t In ligb
toe San Fraocisco. thew was a coal
............Jnsticvfn* a moaotalo man

to ttototo. <w tt wv atoto tM nkM

pir. ih.'uni .bidVMi« lo'mpiSfT'
hi tbc biwn. and tb*y -kaew. t«. that
pm ..r
,P, POP, ot

Jose dcarrved the death which Hcaio bad
meted out to blm. fdr had be oot tried
strike down
iteato from bcblod and
- ...........................
woundfd me by mistake?
ikcT Ro
- ibiy dosed
picture tt Is <|iiltv devoid of -VU. tbc be« market in (be world- j
ta on tb* poUra and tbe friends of Jose.
which tbe foreigner desire*. R'e set
Tbc rormer (bey ariacd and bcIA Tbe ontoment. Imt tbere Is ample siwcc
latter tbry brat sod drove away. .Then top of tbe iwofceaae for a bust, a .pair ; a price on a share of that'market, tbe go farther •"
than (he Bowery to bava tba
tide ' price being In tbe abapeof atariff
auriff wblcb
It him to me. of vnses or other decorative article
most gorgeous spree.
BboDid one desire to relievo It of its : a fair price (o the foreigner for
' "Bnt Uclargy wasn’t going to be *o
“And ibai I* why yoa caueot oce Brato plaltincst.
|wbnt be gets, or otherwise be would
He took time to think it
ow, TTir mu ta town arc making
Tbe arranpcuicntB shown are inex- oot pay U, and which
all oot, and whenever be got hold of
mack traafaic faecaos* of tbeir envy and pensive and eo'simple that i : one i time U onIy>a Just measure of p
American newspaper be stndied it. Tbe
They demand that be b* giveo wlw 1s bsady with hammer, nail
III* and lection to our own manufacturers a
up to tl
way the
trial, but we wifi not do
lour own laborers, t
’ may constrort them In
V knew that there Is no fslwc**
struck h
U. for wc
It owe* Its flrst duty.
tbem. Tlrty akowrd that by tbeir abort time. The Ingenious buusekee])"So wbea bis tioM was np. and 'Pay'
may find tbem ooeful only aa bints
ictloDs after the preat flpbt.
turnetLover Delargy's ffiOO to bim. he
“Bo now Brato It away. He will o
Tbc Kansas t.'lty convooilon atlempt-. went and chattered a private oar aod
il aU tbc
c trouble
It over.
aroond (ho country till bit money
That will adt be tong, and U you wtU
I Uf yon shall
' lU see hima when Icvei
ery bouse,
ibe sluipe of It* rooms. ' constrnrt a sound money free sUver was gone. Then be came back and reIf yea vanuoi stay. •» ^’tlK.
•indows. ------doors .and l>tatforni and. nominate a pair ot freq, eolUted. "—Now York Journal
.... position of ......------say. then I trill send for j
silver aoUD’I'
sound money cat
candidates. The
blT'wedding niantfls and the arranpemi-m of
tblnga will not mix. One ta right
|e**tnttat niiisdiitimiits. will suggest
take |di
and the other la wrong, and no amount
•hark. 1 have teen Ibe idi-as for new designs lu tiie providing
that In i
Juggling, wool pulling, hedging in tbe course of n day's ran?" said toe
alraldc. and il it all arranged. They are of convenient licokcBw-s.
jar evasion ran di-eelve tbejieupic. Those observant man to tbe train Ix^ as hi
to Uve bet-e ia (be moueiaiu* whL me.
[ who slncen ly believe In tb.- free and bought a paokage of wintargreos cbeW'
aod. at 1 am prowtap old. Brato wiU
' unllmitisl coinage of allver at the tailo log gum
tixiu take iny (fla(^’. *nerr will be no
"Yon betl" said tb<) boy. after tbo
(yuuMe slant Jus*. That. loo. b *rI of 1<I to 1 wlUinut swatting tbe aid or
lapwl la a frw daya all sill Iw riebt
I co-operation of any other oailon on manner of bis kind. "Look oerost tbe
id 1 will arad tor yi>u.“-l*blca«D Tnbj eartii should vote for Bryan, for he li way there at iliui woman a-cryin oret
Mamed: or. toe Doom of
i pledged to that very tbing. All other
Nary Jane.' When she cotno on tbc car
i citlxen* of the repuldir.
A SpellWwnd PeweMb.
what iheir provtous polltlral a flUlaltuDstoe’
Thriv ta a jungle iraditina ia India that
'lua- ua»r inn.-ii. suoui.i auu iiiusi uuitc.—'
. ...
ilpm aad U-opardt have an upbldlaa
i .olut thit Ilinn.l.l Utctv. -bleb. II b«bi- raJib ib.t b»vrf .b.’. cnoi oil
p3w«e of fau-inatinp peacock*. A recent
iped. The
-.e Amntrv
a.ioptml. would
plonge tbe
n.nnti Into ber face is all •troakedandatnped
‘ 'b tost tbta idea ba«
sbe '«’*'*
look* J**'
jest HI *
ro^v st
r a Ktate <if bnalnrat anarrhv.
>-d by anv'nco-1
the youth walked on. IvavCobaicI TyUrr while etalkinp a proA.V UfUOIXai. COHBIXSTtOV.
Cork wa. aurprised to find that be conld
oune very near to tbc bad. which; in- every family Ibive Is np|s>muilly for
Aetacrat aC.<bo KIKAen.
dei-d. seemed nnl In ooUcc bba at all, but bnlldlug on original plans. It Is immwIfcflu b> cyra fixed UD a tbkket near by. ibt. furtbcriuorv. to regubi.- tlw ex- ,
Miu Faintouarttat front wibdoWl—
Us’kloc ta tbc umc dln.-ciios. be preacniOfficer!
I. mil l^c porm.
iW»»Pta«i Jt'l"""'"'”"
ly uw a leopard creep nraltblly. on lit

—•that 111* tucan*
l-clly. nut nf ibe thicket. He BiBied bis :clalKirat*
puu at'lbc U'asl. bm was siaxlM almost will allow, but tbc IllustriUl.ins hers practiral results lhai tbe wlce of par­ wrong, ma'am?
Mr* F —Kotblng’a wrong, but I
-ut of bi> WiU wM-e tbc leopard nited presented are to aid peopl.- of mpdest tisan criticUm iP dnitih. ’nM> Dlngle.v
means wtio are not provided with suit­ tariff and the tremendous- figures of
•| touot. aobih:
able places for books and wbo are not our borne industry and eur foreign trit the cook not to l.urn the meat, as
Tb. mao iu tbe lertpard's skin ex|Oata- {In n~i>ofltion to carry out extravagant commerra onder It will serve In tbl* she di.l last nigbt I'm afraid ta—Pick
cd chat be alBi rs liuaked pracockt In
clcetioo as a mighty bulwark -of tbe Me Up
ideas In that directloa.
tuefa guiw
gold standard. rrotecUon and bonrst
Beecher generally spoke in a «mrerrdrd la pvttiop witbio bowsbat. bnt
incgiey ate twin Issuoa, logical comptoA Xew W-rinklc With •eefslcwk.
bad fr«dO<mily esugbt birds .Mrltb bis
tnents the one of tbe other. United rati.«.»i tduA.witb no great effort at
Grera pepper* make a tery gqod ad­
they make the K-pobllcan party lo- what is commonly dencmlnatedoratotr.
dition to broiled baefstesk. according
When b«i ro»e to a climax, however,
Aclbla-Roston JournaL
to exoeUrnt ruUnary anthority. Only
htaVoter-va* eqoal to any smergtwey.
casn of erdtairy (atattag do^ bc- the young and tender pepper* abonid
bgt rvcti biK I.Mjdr*! fas —•■ned to
Where tl WID K***. ___ _ excited aM brratolera. bat keep
When tLe n-tnrna ai« counted next cause him Bale affwt
ool. aud tbc rvrturativc praevss becomes be naed. Cut tbem Into altera, and
simple nioogh. Blare the pereon flat cm after remorios tbe seeds brail tbem. jCovember. tbe Hemoerata would do
Tbe boopskirt was in foil fitatber in
to pnt tl
tbe>r or bed will do equally weO
1596. Itwai then mado.of inn and
—I.mra cloibiac at the neck, sprinkle
water boner and a little salt to each slice operated by tbo Tammany Ice trnst.
eometims* weighed a* mnch m SO
. - vpra Tbc wiadewa. If
and Berve. Green peppers dipped In
quickly eflertivc. bMd weak
StttI RsawlBC.
salt and «aten as a reliab arc nM to tw
smelting nits to to* note. Be csrefal desplabd. They art
In 1861 toe French govcrnmit wTbe supreme court of tbe United
not to have
snmoaia toe stroag. as it
State* to sdD dotog bodnesa st tbe dw«d eevatal Ugbtboassi to be Uffbtad
beware of tba Mcda, wj^ldi i
{• •i-iri- toe delicate
by toe electrie light
aaas <M stand.



tBpMtaliam may bmt* a* A campolCB etoww. b« btter* (be har­
vest of *ut«* ta gaiwrad next Korsflebo-to* peopte wtB mogxtas that itifl
— s tol^ af straw.
wbtto ow kp^ bonwr flits to topsrtal In Its bwoty. In Its products and
In It* axfL Soeb a wtaBb of hUL
moantaln. plain and prairte. ooeb an
abnadane* of oystal lake* and aneba
Bctworfe at commtrc* bsartng rtrer*
nevsr before b*s>owtd npea any
A Every state I* an emptaA ‘
every eonnty ta a prlnclpaUty. tor
wblcb. rtu trae AmcricanA w« are
pttiDd. and for wblcb. u CbriationA

tbe Ood of natlonA
we should be deeply ffratetiiL
This domain baa been givm to n* by
t'power that ta bl^ tb*n#ny party
or policy,
dley. tbongb tb*
to* S
RepnbUcan p
waa called Into
into being in
la order to
t pro­
test and battle against tot dlrlsloa of
this mighty emplir, which Dmooctbct
declared, In tbe pre*A In Its platform*
an.l <>n the bloo^ battlefield should
tx- dlrttb-d. To this extent toe ebargea
ran aritb trnto be made
againai the Bepabllran parly. Abra­
ham Lincoln was tb* etnbodlmrat of
that linporial Idea and a martyr to tbe '
rause uf oae flag, ona conntry and om
Imperial diotlny.
ImiteriaUain. If It means anything
the Dcmocrary would have the people
b^re. iniidira an emperor, a dynasty,
a itlirotic. a crown and a scepter. This
feature of Imperialism, by no stroteb
of partisan mlarepresentatlon.' can ever
be charged .against oar honored prealdent and candidate for tbe prosldeBcy.
He waa tlic choice of the peojde; be
wa* bonratly elected In a consdtuUoaa) manner and has been ao loath to oppooe tbo will of tbe people, aa expreooid by legislation enacted by congrew,
tliat In tbe four yean of bis admlnlatrstlon be baa vetoed but four bllta.
He wOl aerve hit two term* as many
other good presMentA both Democrat­
ic and BcpnbUcan: bare done and wm
then give way to bta atxxessor. cboocn.
ns be wa* cbo*«. by tbe tree Totea ot
a aoveivlgn people.
Tbc iiiTlisan occuoatloo of Imperiallam. wben tranilated Into plain, every­
day Kngllsb. in tbc ligbt of tbc faUto^
made daring the brilliant administra­
tion of rretadriit McKinley, ta simply
tbit: Tbe Bepnblicnns declare that It
to American oovereignty by tbe treaty
of raris. Tlte Demoeracy. so far as It
has a policy, would have tbe master
nation butlder of toe worid abandon
Its plain duty, furi our triumphant hag
and bunt an easy future rather than
a working future. Porto Biro, recogntalng.tbe fact that abe cannot stand
alone, does not wisb to become an In­
dependent power, aud tbe only thing
possible Is/or the United State* to con(Inne Its Mven'lgnty. wblcb ta repubtlcao, or to Invite RMln to re-enter tbe
wrateni hemisphere and commence
anew In-r policy of misrule, of robbery
aud extortion from which wc have dellveml Tuba. To {dant tlie customs of
tbe aeventeenth eentury in tbc dawn ot
tbc twendetb century ia Democratic.
Tbla la the logical cuncluslnn wben tbo
of tbcjleniocratlc plat­
form is analysed. ;
Tbo aame Is as (Xjw uf the PblUpplne* as of Porto Blra. Will tbe Dem­
ocrats dsre to fix a date for the evacnnation of either? They are npder tbe
flag of tbe republic, and tbm they will
n-iualD. This mi-ans work and tboogbt
and statesmansblp for tbe people of
the United Statra, but it means bless- ,
lug and liberty. Justice and otiparinnlty.
for III* Islands placed under our core
by solemn treaty obUgsttons that wm
approved by tbe senate of the I'nitcd
States and argeil' by Hr. Brynn.
Metbods of adnilQlsiratloo and of govermuent are Icgltlmaie objects of party '
differences. Ilui ann.-xatlun Is a fact
It Is for all pun*”-’* ■- "'I'to “ •«compllsbc^ fa^'axjs (be nlnllltos of
slav.-rv-. an'.tl(.T Repiddiran measure
for wideb ilatt 'iMiriy was hated and
The iMs>td<- will l.tirn Uiat Imperi­
alism. UN eiuployed by Ibe llemocratA
mraii-' that they would have tbe eonntr> shirk Its duty, torn Its back on
.icstiiiy, count on bloodshed as lost
furl vl»- flag and withdrew Its {HotectiuQ from people who need it today
murv than ever before in all tbeir hlsKiry.

The charge of imperialism, wben
(•ruIM-rly transtoted. means duty. And
Ibe paHy of Lincoln, of Gram, of Barr bnw hard (bat doty may be.
cnnipalgiu. They condemn expansloA
yet wi-lro'me nawall. because Us one
vote alone enables tbem to again at­
tempt to overibruw the stable currency
of tbe coumry-. They decry "ImpertalIsm." yet shout tbemm'lve* hoarse, over
a Hawaiian •Trinre.’' Tl|ey are wdeomc to all the voles and glory they cu
make out of sueh .lupUdty and trcnCbery. wblcb will nanaeatA t>nt otvo dn>
celve. (be true .kmertcan people.
Wouldn’t you raiber oeU con tt 41
centi In Cbkngo than at 28% eentat
The former wa* last monib’a prtoA
.The latter ami tbe lower figure waa
to* Democratic price In JnnA ISM.
BrtaXr 1U(*ATbe Dsmocratle platform can bogond
.~n -tbrra
rra word*—•AgflH tb* gpftafeineot."



• *■*!■««*• ■ "nmi m4rrnm>^v»mmmr'
___________ _______________ _

Ml flf

DfktaMt. b« b«

«fen» wk»
MI1» av N»m
M |—f*~ CMkkMs fns the nwn
« tiM K«v T«»k ^ cm
«W foBowM Hm flC cttiM
ABM cw HvrodoMd: Ita
. liirbMgg sad tokrUM M


toltb tto el


trorii tre bare sow. Emt the taUor
aude cowna are aflected by tbto dtopesnUn to decorate, ud tbe altsfetbcr
pUla and ainple cootane of i
year* ago to ibe esceptioa rather
tbe rale among tbe Uilor gowoa. '
•oats of Ibe netreat gowu boat after
tbe uodeto of tbe dlrertolre period
bare bodkei differabt from tbe oklrta
At least tbe matertaU oud are pattenwd after that Ume in ttripeo and
dowen and made Into Lento XVI
baa^ncf or tbe qoalnt boieroc ■
loag coatull eads at tbe back, wbicfa
are altber gttbered on at tbe wUtt
lUe or cm U one «iCb tbe bolero, begtawlag weU op above tbe line of tbe
vmtot. like tbe one abovra In tbe tllnatrailoB. Striped and flowered taSuas
aod broead<<d silks, of tbe wstuaa va­
riety are nied for tbeoc little caats.
asd they are wont witb any sort
•togani. diaphanous skirt made of toce,
emlnoldered batlatc or finest mnslln
teaet witb Insertions of toce oaoally
Wbtte, eerp or cream in tint.
Another point in rammer dreaa,
wbicb seems to bare been cltncbed at
tbe races, is the eatreme popularity
«t mnallD gownw the mnal^ either
hand painted or band printed tbe situpie fabric aervlng only as an eacuu
for boondleos estrevagaoce.
Ibe use of taffeta silk, ratto and
black vUvet ribbon aa acceasurlr
trimming tloen and cotton gowns Is
mote effectively brought out tbto aeaeon than ever before. Reveta coUan.
belta sashes and rooetteo are made of
silk, aatln or velvet, usuany to Uack.
aod pretty effeets are made by not
the narrow velvet In tolUce deUgn.
One of tbe new Jaekrta with basque
It the bark to shown in tbe next
and finished around tbe edge
rova of narrow gold bniA This

raata bratolkt tots bw> rad anottor towu
• •* * -*•--- •— '—•* tta way to

OF FfiW.' JOWfB •'

t -mtm

SS^ BamiioMavkwlS
«M adMdt twevsBNtM
■hfifliy ta • •!*««. tat tattM
«Aebe MlMd UwMS AIM
taVM iBoAMMsad af stasbrliMiBS
Abost this ton* oeramd »tai ta esil*.
to s MM u Baton MenU. "s to«u
' '"
*'1m Mte BO
___ jil ■bsiiito ibst Tbb in ug- nbtr
ii II -------- • Btypou UfewUl risk
uetayowopiBtoB.' Tbetraubtowu
- uMtoal rruaciutloc for
____ ______> aupMtor finarart. wbtaA
WM tto araU mote of 3




WdM tt a 1 ■«• Iv.-

» ss£ U^Toa et sacs s Uto**

It to woitM c< mark tbu ito magtmnia wbo toqstosd tato tbu uUM
aoM tbu P»al ioou upmod gnat
MRow for toiriac bto tbr uu Sogerd,
atoboBib Ito ebargaot craeltyvutolijr
dtopesved BeMstBodtoSooCtoDdonot
oCM tbto. u»d stiboaib aSutiaMtiilr
miTed bjr bit <nra fuaUp bU frttadi
•sdaUebbonamtobsTt mtodhia!?..
_ , .. .
soldly. TtoMutfrom ihto iaivMict I
twMd ibe iDdiffonsM be Mt for Ue ^
^ aj^Sud
buire Usd Into bund, ood or# toM ,


bto Ilfs to so tobOBplubto a ooontry.
In bto rwentyioTrato you a gnU _
and fortnnata change oorarved to him. oig ,0 ti«»e to work so bard, aod 0 "‘Writ
Bto brother. Wtlliam, wbo bad emlgrU- • j, Bwrr’o bedtime fur a maa ta bis slxsd to VUglnta and died toere, left blm
| ,-isln be could get another pla-v.
an ssute Tbera to no doubt tbu Paul;
„ w«.-t do any good togromblc. and
"to afterward to want of ly ,o,.k him for better or-for woi>c. Bat
tat It most be r«m«to||
oobodf when they promise that
wu to w^t
any worse. Wril. that rising
ready mooev to tbe •
“iW^jniasi Iw ready and I may as weU pat
Cuuin it U, from I I papers prmervM ny bread la sponge.'
at Washington, that be might be consid­
80 saying. Mrs. namptoo1 rose from ber
ered It tbe faeglnntog of tbe war a man st'ralgbt backed ihair, wbkb she always
prundly slated had been part uf her
Tbewo years of bto life in VirgliiU ••gTsmlm<rtheT-s weddin outfli." and
ere obscan. as mtgbt be expected from tied about to prepareti^ for tbe
a maa living the Ufa of a pravlneto] row’s Uking.
eoanrty gutleman, which the records
The stroke of nUe breast blm.
eracernlug blm prove At tbe ontbreak told off bis beavy overcoat and bang it
of war with tbe mother oonntry Put Is Its arcostumed place behind tbr door.
Jooca hastened to PbiUdeIpblA ud
throogb Mr JoseiA Hewea, a member
of coogress from North Carallaa. got
trealiHl tbe oibtv foot sod
manner, tbriwt his feet Inlo willing slipla tbelafsiit navy of the colon lea
pern, drew a <halr to tbe fire and re­
was then be'made tbe aoqaalntuo
Bohan Uorrii, to whom be felt a paskind of a imrr tooigbi. Some lawyer.
tlonate gntltade ud affecrion. ud. nt
Penvtt he calls bims<-lr. up here In Oowhom be named as sole eseouvoc In bto lanibla county,
ouniy. baa
Das .oec
been wriUog to me
wilL Mr Bewes bring then dead.— lo know If
If I’m
I-t myself."
Xtoi Molly Elliot aoswelt In Cents
r. Ibey atot .
•Hlh. Ewy.
yon ont^raty;IT.- are theyY Wbu could 's'
IN THE FUTM**E'??rsw: Vftt&t goess notr Ungbyd
wua tbs OIri Wbe Bm«s Ba.oes e Tsv ber husband. "Y.
Will Us a OsUiaMe WtU.
Il’s to 4<«tablish niy Identity
"Oan’t yoo think it abont Ume for lawyer fellow calls it. I'ui lo.tell blm
Mabel to consider tbe rabieot of matrl who my father and gis
i, there to plenty Of time." replied
his wife
Mabel Is very ambltloos,

tell of. ThatV easy enough, for It's hc-n
Em T. now fire p-neratb>ns Uek. Hut
yon know, ud she to nsed to certain so what it's alwtR 1 can't quite make out.”
called toxarles that obe wonld dislike
"I» aiissvr it tuuigbt. It's late, -but
to give up"
-Wen. frankly. I think she to workHere's tbr pen aud ink.'
Ing too hard."
And from tbe mvsse* of tbe cupboard
"Ob. DO. ibe isn’t. It wiU do ber
good And tlBBe she won tbU case in appesrcl an Ink bottle and a nisiy ateel
|o n. iwilber of wfak-b was called into ac­
tive iwtricc pxrept on tfie rare neeasious
when one of ibeir absent ebildren re­
ceived B letler fruoi botae. Only a half
think of marriage to a year cr bonrWfore Mrs. llatuptua bad lamented
sex Yon see, tblnp have obuged
that brr buslMind was •■neb night kept to
g from his sleep. BoiIt now femln
_• sollHtndo. ExA belter half anI bad rams to do
witb ber matrimonial obanoea. bnt itto
very different now. very different in­
Tbr lawyer smiled next day as be look­
deed Mabel is not yet tbe prise tfaU 1 ed at the curionsly funned letters and
wish ber to be. ud 1 donbt If abe oonld read tbe quaint phrases. Bnt they told
he ran of getting tbe kind of hosbaod the facts plainly enon^. Esra’a identity
that 1 deain ber to have. Tbe best
leanwbnc Hannafa Hampton ponderyoug men are very parttonUr, ya«
and plaoned over what the lawyer
lid want, and at every borne romlng
"Very true,’’he admitted.
;i wlto the

anro to be sought a
, .
and most > dusirable jhnng x
otty.’'->Cbtoago Post

totan til «Maa hUlM b^M «tk
MatraxaaactiU^ataM MS |

BDaunao CABPB.



girl whose earning capacity to not fd. •
000 or #6,000 a yM. Mabel agreu
with me that It to best to wait until abo.

MaMMurhMtt tom
aratabMort ttaaoa ■
MMwhD Metoattoa |

________ _______ ,______ toe even ttnor
U hto way nd psrfofsj bis duttos aa
Mtofafiy As toeagk **DDde Zeke^ttoo*
ooads bad nevw bam board U.** lioc so
bto wife ««««<«»■ Sitodfol ef -ber comwas bapaMble for ber
---------------- -fltouwbraa aaputor
tM wttb her irtoblirTT and btoud M
ntog ebanua. for aa mxatcdly bad
bra charged ber to keep toe feod news
escret antU ttoy more saiety knew tbe
malt tost toe dare uet enlarge ra It aa
' tore
Hked. In ber
tor markctlBc
Uttle airs and eztnvscaaece.
Why sbeaU abe buy -Touad"
’Touad" etuak
eteak when

S 7£itsc±;^ipr-

why Haasok Htaptca
~ . mildly rremonso tanportantT a^- Em
• ■ U
to tbe
tb band
strsied. assuring ber a bird
was worth two in tbe buU. But she si­
lenced blm by saying that did not meu
when you were going to get tbe whole
bush loo.
And ee tbe days wore on. Dtys had
grown Into weeks and weeks iolo mmstbs
when the derisive answer came. AgsU
Uamplon leaned over ber tansbud's


tbe wealtht> soon to be tbeirt. Bal tbe
sroeds were
V bard lo eomprvbead. There
was tlnle doubt that tbe property bcloaged to tbem. bot so many papers were
>c records bad been so negmissing ai ■d tbe.......................
locted tbj
be the resuU |g rvrislm tbe lanA Bo it
wonld perfasps W as wril to drop the
In these resear^es. however, they bad
made aoolber diacovery. Elefciel ~
llamiliQO bad been a colonri in tbe RevoluUiiuary army and bad been enrolled as
a member of tbe original rificers,
eifty composed of oJDeers wbo bad served
la that war. Ksefa member pahl s earn '
amount 10 perpetnsie the aaaoriati
UrmlN’nbip was to descend in tbe direct
male Uoe. Bald Esekiel R. Usj .
baring DO brirs. blsioest oldest brother
iuberilcd a life right In this soriety
tbe writer took niucb pUssare in con­
gratulating Mr. Rampton un being legal­
ly enlltled to twIoDg to tbit angust and
le ludy. Hit name bad been tent
to the presideDI tor this state, and in a
few days be would donbfless be beard
from. Thus, through no fanlt of their
osm. bad ciae 10 tbeie brave aenls tbe
bard task otjbearioi a bitter dlaappoint-

•prtnkto salt on a wine ataln and "Emwalddsla" becanaeoftbe brilhut
color of Its vurdntc. wbicfa tfatongKrat
ifae year is a lively green
Tb remove gtuu dUlna noak and tub
tbe spots in water and ersam'oMMtbrMary, qaeen of Soots, faad red bato
For mildew Wet Ibe spot with lemon ud a crom eye, and in spite of tbe ra}nlc<- and eapitoe to tbe snnUgbt Or
« it be­
aoak In water with cblorMe of Ume. lieved not to have I
«w Ubto^Kwefnl to a gnOoti.
rrnlt stains may nsaolly be tvmeved
by pomtog boUlng water ttoUBgb tbe
"Poor Bidiwd’s Almrai
Banded U tbe last tale US

' »av tot water ibr»«b It tmUl R to

' ;


II. y*»! none «f Unvn would be any
»«. Tbongb - -____________________
of bto auric Zefcc who srrnl West and all
(be land be got rat there. You and me
have been wishing for enoagfa money to
get a little place of unr own where we
rouM keep'one borsr and maytw a real
AMcvncy cow. 1 gura we con get a
wbrie drove of tbem now. Come. Ilan-

ly firedepsflm

Oalaafi'i Butle




T. F. Hnoter,


to M

Kuater t BaomtiaBeli.

-aU tSlsear----------•— -

Praaeis a. BailA
.. orgu. Toms ti
ilagwi atrsn. bra
^ Vartls

• SOI Bouts ColOB at


We Have Ninety-Five
i Kinds of Soap

s usoal. Ibe woman broke

••W. ll. to ihiak you're
an swi ---------wbule city. It's
-----------------fur you. Of euariK'. youll bare to b>
tiisynr—a man -f yoor year*, too. Etry
Ltitlc dM I think forty odd years ago.
■at rj ever live
—..................... But giris never
kao* aliai they’re marrying. tVbaf are
you c •ii.g lo do alioot iti tiire ibis


-“vs:?-- ■

Ezra's inberitanre. however, bad 1
light iDQueoce 00 ibe people of RnroltOD.
for so s»uD as It-was uoised abroad they
straightway fvgan a searvb for warlike
ODcs-stori. Fonooately
- ____
be bad no rival
as a uvuiber
T of tbe O. O. B. Admissloo
to tbe bodyr was loo diflicolc. But dv
scendants off tbe passengers on tbe overloaded Mayflower were nnmerous. It
seemed aa if tlic whole population of tthe
colony must have sem-d it in.tbe eai
o ma:
who had brid oSre, while suns and
daugfaten uf tbe Ba-volution were dlscovertvl in every bousebold. Family
crests were unranbed or made to order.
Rusty sabers aod molb eaten tHny sad­
dles were bung in many a ball. And the
envied of all was a summer traveler who
returned from her trip "to the utber side"
witb a pboiograph of sn Eniriisb estate.
eiibcr at them could have
ve long
long « hich she promlly exhibited ss ber family
the strain. But. fortunatele.
itely. ia
than a week the answer came.
On Mr. Hampton's tvtnrn <me night be
ippoli. ...
wife, it came ns a bW-sving t « the people
of Ruralinn. for^wlibuut It they mlrtt
n.-ver have known the pleasure of seek­
ing sod finding illustrious forbears.—At­
lanta C’onstiiutioQ.

the ailenrc.

estalda dem

^Tbe president was beard from. Society
documents of all sorts puared In upon
Esra .until in a few weeks be bad
eeired at much msD as bad come to 1
before in as many years. The village
postmaster and ilannsb could scarcely
keep np wttb it.
___ o Ue lo'Jowlng Bvmb
Uf coutM-Eira became a member. His
Oiasd Tnverse cooaty
faithful wife would pirmit nolbing rise.
•eauecoaaty .......
be attended tbe
bearing of the
Jobs a LoBABo:
glories of that frslire occasion Mfv
DCS Wsokxa.
Hampton found some slight romp
ysass E. CssrsBU
tkm for tbe loss of tbe expected wealth
and official position. With braee-bcart
she tried to bring ber bniband t< ‘
SIS Front Bt..
Tblspbone 804 .
K opinhiD.
I don’t- knot..................................
good at being mayor. Tberv's less car
and it's ever s.. touch more- high toned.’
And Ears would answer submissive!
“Vro. 1 suppose ro. but 1 dld^waut th,

................................ - ■ of ibis

Waated te Help.
Mrs Van MUswo—VTbU am you
. Ltnle Danghter—1 is readin <S Inog
amcie brat bow to rout« tntkey
•■What It»r'
"1 tbongbt net’ time yon went t!nmmin I'd ask togowif yok and w'ile
Tpo was dinribotin traris '^I’d Mil ’um
bow to roan a turkey”—<s.>od News.


\9t. W. 3. ncflsa. Opanttva Dwtiftir

emlduot apcll. His hudwriting wu. um rrU.i.^ ri >c«r. rresrriaa s«s
also«o bad aa to give rtoe'to tbe rumor »e''p«*«es luw in t - >our di^o.ery.
that be tttod nndecipherable characters. ',"f
Iw very pn.iilalO.
toeoneeal tbaTac Vh„ i.o .k.
tw-v ri id ti
of i-onrw. it cannot liavo tuiirii woo!, and.
Of Enrope. eunld
as for vatioK. uby. a liungr} niuo could
t.iuna^ Is Uj bofw, hi> (nnkh civr ills cot alnJ‘»l a whtdc one at a ni<-al. It is
so small « ben full grown that it can hide
111 tbe <-as
behind n go-i m»->l ItiH-kvt.
Of moaosi aspect presented bimwlf be-: n,.j
utdiwA ihsi saij lAciid
It lakes iu name from tbe
foro the euipetos.
' IISBiSns W>1 ibe leotbcr a( ;svr grsB.lta
Franc- w-h-rc it is most raised,
....... are ynuT'
------- ------------- ■ -CTOds« this I
oot a profilal'lc sheep. It is a dear little
"Bire. I bad the honor at Brtrane for ■
evesloro for a pet, fur it U
6 moatbs to give writing lemons to ‘ su n ««)•!
and lietausc it is so rmail
nuisance about the liuBse. .tuy little girl
could find ro-m m her lap fur a Breton
tbe emperor, with rivBcity. "toongratsheep,
A. Uisrs FmsiTT.
f>ue of llus little createrc-'s pveuliari(Uate yon <10 your saccessl" Neverthe­
It gouU
ltd have wnmghi
extreme syitu«tliy with the
less be ronferred a|tciisloa npon tato oM
in Ibe
of Ibis feeliugs of its humanI frieuiU
frieuiU wIk-h i[ fast
matter.—Ynatb'a Comp

«BW jscarr aim loast-* muev.
But sf coat Is lo.ini in rarts for
door gaoMa and i« n.<i sla-ays of tlic
name mateetoi and •vi»r os tbe shirt.
It Is pretty when llnUbed allh rows
flf snichtng and Is worn with a, cravat
and n fringed acarf around the wa'
at Mack crepe de cbloe. '


wtoaa. Otoaaa.OUyOpaia

canto roBBd trip. Aboi
arauBdibe tolasd to tba avenlar.
Boat wUUeava at 7 p. m. Borafa
orebutra. Faro U crato lor round

U any |
whom It likas i> v
Oiueb pleased abe
anc-thing and shows it by laughing, t
alsiut with crety
liUIc sb«-cp will frisk< about
sign nf )uy.'l>ui if. on the enotrary. tbe
person sli^s tears the eympaibvii-friend
will evince its s»rTv>w in an eqoally
mbrlakaUe way.—ihrey Btories.

And none are pc«r atock. Soap ae jon kso* ia better after
being ORed. Ereiybodj who oees aoap know tbe atapdard ntkefl
when the; aee the nfime on the wrappera. We will give ;oo good
QM (or 6e, 10c, 2oc,
and 50c per cake.
- * .

JAS. G. JOHNSON, Oraggisl..

Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries
At greatly reduced prion. Theee are reti Wfaint.
AIM of posy ga< lamps'....
II aileach A let e( pocxei
M ^Jrtakiegvu
Alolol uwl bags.yoerehoirs.......
mHeaeb A let of Picycie
ie tltlret^pr, t>
A let of parreJ rarrtoe............ I.t to W<«rb A lot ef tricyete WTcaches ............It.meeaeh
A lol of Dickie leek paat guards ..
Ur ivr Lot of b.cyele etaalss. good mes, «e. gimcaek
Alctof olekle baad pumps...........
iteeacb .
ef MCTUle sa4dlet,coocJM«s.Me, llJteBeh

A let of pedaU and handle bara-good <x
Poor good eecood hiuid ladiM' bicjdea, $10.00 ea^.

At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St, Near Front.


The Up-To-Date Photographer


I Fiaa Uae of Niotograpli Buttoas. Ialat§iag of Ilf Hals.

many fine epigrams
provertis inD Bpanisb. Many of them esnn-l be trax
lasliUeO so ti»
pres-rve the
tcnwnrts and aptmvs
aptutvs of tbe original,
FoUowjng care a few of a longlisi printqd
by Moihvi)n Meiic-j wbkb atv frequently
beard lo the
ibe iwter republic: "He srbo
nev4v Tenrures will
ss Ibe aea."
"Tbcrc's no gain without iialn." "FUri
canaol rater a dosed mouth." "Bdiind
Ibe (Vo«s ia the dccil." ".A cat in gloves
wUI never catch rats." "To the hungry
nn bread to dry." "A bnnk that is shut :
makes nn scholar." ’The good laundRSB

“Xu evil trill
___ the s •
endare a hundred ytnrs." -tVbra tka'
river to paaaedAbc aaini is t<

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Btdswslk Immbsi In all sisss.


toeoMMra to TiRtw— Ottf Z«nmbar Op.

tm tib9ND ijovi.




“AmeiicAB” ’

PbeiewMBbe oC Att «bo Mnam
am In tbna dava ba VM Ml « ^
ItoB OLD DOCTOW WANTtO AN OBAt a riwureu bold to Fbrta to 3887
ceM to bta Com. • neat OP bn bock a
OCR nuAimc his son
b «to decided that tbe end of tba
dolac a raortoc bMtogM.
atoctocBto ceBtoT eboold
After a ««ek or ao be bt*aa to badU,
and tbe bMter waaol to it toe rvaatiy
ToraaBMyaM I
tos of a«reat catoloctw of an tbe stars
w«b which It to
On tbtre kfta of acsotfiac aanaa tbe an­
to tbe aky «|M a scale of
cle be pat's floor, valla, a not.
«ot. tben
then a
anytbtoc Btottd. ttot ft to little atndtod. X«t to
freat sbwe tbe baad n 0 vkbaUMOM Bibto atBOenta tbe spirit ot tbe
««ta( (M <rSl (M> to )«■•»<■ I M «Mri
ScMobea. He bad a doc
etdee brvtber to more eCua fotud than
Ak/ton tor FM I «mU M IW to «•!
under tbr baod i«B to ctdwi la kp.
la tba BtmtbMB put of Orlona oou- cxaccmtp the iaportanee of aoeb a tbat of tbe prodigal son. Many of m
■tore to keep him vans and cook Us
ty Utm a doctor wbo to known far aad work, for upon oar star cntnlocnea'de- may oot be pnxMgals in tbe sens
folk, and
peods nlUoately tbe evdre auBCUwe tbe yottneer brother. Few of M
a bn tdaakm at Ucbi. la aU_____
uy tbat we bare Dotblng <4 ibe optrtt
c MB oa lU- brider vaa vorib SU<k Coma ostonda llkvvtm Into dtin for of aatronomlcal acleace.
dw a boatoraa at 100 pdr OMt proSt at iRtoblalMaa.
Tbe work waa far too tok tor tbe of tbe eldrr toother. Tbe ekkr
A Mttk toam to CM BFM »• Wl.
4be parable, eotnea la frooi tlw field to
-Aa« Itoto* tto vtoUi'a M* tM MM «kW
Tbadaow toasnOeBaBaf tba old powete of ao obeerratotT alooc. Tbate- bear .inetTytoahlng over tbe mum at
AWto «M-to to >7tac nM m4 toffl.
foce tbe whole sky. from pale to pole,
OM to tto cM<f citoto (tot cM< <
bto brother. Wbm toM wbat It amat
Atoil> I to! tto tor (tot «c*t Ht da^.
eeai when be bocoaiM eocitod. for be waa dirtded Into el^t belts or soaee by a servant wbo acened to know
. ... .lay man o................_ . .
AU (tot to tofto4 tatotor atom Utoi
can to bare e Ud tloae. Ilia trade vest ttto Urii tfi VfigtnU. Tbe want thioc of approximately e^oal area, and each more aboitt tbe
down td Botbiuc. and laatend of three that cn be uid about thU doctor U that of these waa aoricoed to a sincle ubAM (ton
aanare meaU a day be liecBB to AU op beta an astowaaly hard ewearer. He •erratory to be pbetofftaphed. A tbe eon. be won angry and would not
rarancir* by ralins U* ova atoek—5
aerliv of teleseopea waa apeciaHy cost- go in. His tother. as toeing and tender
ccata' vorib .A mndr for breakfast and cvean a lijdf «bM be to calm, bat atnicled. ao tbat erery imn of the with him as wltb the other,
a ataoke fur ditiiwr. Beaidr* that Lone when be U esclud btoTocabBiaiy of to- work aboDld be dooe with the same and eniioated him. showing him tbat
Sburiy. (KM- of (Mir apreial brand of cuetimtoaiaMMwItbotiiarteaL Uasy type of Inetnunenb As tor as poasl- fai* mufor wa« fitting, and tbat it did
tooeba. Il.nocbt that tbe UIOB OB (be ctartqi an told aboat tbto fauoaa old bto. an attempt was made to aemre BO injustice to liici. Whether be was
’lU BMt tha tMutroMaati of a dv
bridee VB* baHnc more (baa bit Mare of doetcr, and this la om of them;
eonrlnecd or not o r do Dot know. Let tn

• . SoMttfuUy li
prooperity. One moraine, lair In Dreenn
Tbe dootor bad a aae. and all' bis athope
In Northber. Lone Sberiy put two beary tlmbera feetiooa aeeaed oeetaied lubim Here•tn Mlab.
& B. BL|PKW00D
aeiM (be rirt-r U-blad tbe
uleed that ttto aonoboald become a carer tbe entire sky upon the plan pro­
-------- bridee and U«aa to build a boaoe to doctor, and ifaat tbe fatfls’a mantle posed no leas than 44.106 necatirea are
tbem beam*. He pUnked vrer bto floor. ■boold fall fipon tba aoa'a abosidara required, and moat of tbone bare now
Whom dor* tbe elder tirotber rrprethe *WeeH7 Wm."

f arantli
been flntohtd. Tbe fortbor meaniro- aentT This lias ever U-on a perpli-xtog
tbro veat to tbr ritr Bat Ibe boy dtoappototed bln Wb«i meot of Ibe pimrei aad the dtawln* qwetioa to wbirb tarioua answers
cuanriJ and lidd tbem that be latendrd. be crew op. be didn’t wUb to atody np of a ran printed t>ur cauiofrae are bS(r ix-m givm. ranging from tbe an­
at bii ova exiruiie. to la) down an t-Slra medteioe Be uid be bad no Mete that
gels down to tbe opinion that be tvpre-,
aUrwalfc to eorer tbe rpacc ..vrr tin- rir- way No plane of life aaeiBed to fit bis also weU under way. One of tbe parcr belvren tbe bride.- and bt» uew uiooia. IdMto esnctly. Be tried tbia and be tldpatlBi; obserralories. that at Pots­ arnt* no partlcutor riam, l>ut a spirit
dam. CtomuiDy. has Jnat published t&e tbat charartrrtoes tnrn of all ciau
Of eoar
I that, and nothtne Mtitoad him.
yraptotiBS. tortoMr. or. to pot It pUlalr.
Bearing in mind tbat a iwrabto egnIf you hava a dwaUisg, atoek. atoru,
At last be decided be tnbd
thM* WAt
BUK^ WMltb M I clww
r III.' oily Authorillea. ao 1 West PoinL ' Tbu doctor yielded, and locne. It to eatlmated that this ob- oot Ik- eigtttfirattt in all its details, burn, or any other proporty iasuabU.
te catltor'liu trltli i^rety protpm ot a
ne of my d<t>oty inanhala
aerrntory alone wlU re()ulre SO quarto there 1* DO dilBralty in eeclng in tbe kindly remembarl want to write tka
paUk taaeni Is rdp I |»p|>asm) to pM
a tried tbepn
insarauee for you. and will glva ydk
Phart■bM. Tbt traoMc (Ttt «t>m to 4nw
roluBos to contain merely tbe final
prompt and earcfnl atteatiou.
“Oh. ibaf* all risbt.- ur> tb<- man on ..^w.
tbt IIm. for If I JDM In tblaci tlMe tbr
Only the moat reltabU atoek laattre ...............
esonina- teeulte of tis work on tbe (atalopie. ters. whom Jrant nndontXrdly bad In
4^t vooU BAturrr eark oUtrr aotU the bridc>'. “laoic Bboriy -.-(ta one rad tions, pawed tbem and at last
beeama Aiiucetber not fewer Iban S.00o.ono mini Tlicy certainly did possrsi
anee companlea rapresaatnd.
tbm-WA« uoiblnc left bat tb« town dtr. of hla liridje Itmlwra »p rallovd land
spirit of tbe rider brotbrr. and It
„ Bates vary low.
------- --—‘
a U 1 4kl4ur datr tbr lint lUac woolJ and Ibe oth-r end »o prirate bmi».' pr..|e anal eadec at West Paint. Eren Uw-----------tbto rncloua spirit in tbrin that Christ
eny If I pet bi> linilier- nn.-.l -If at old doctor wu pcoad and happy now.
wanted to-rondt-mn. It to difflrult to*'
U«b end>..tbe Ceule-mau nill have >
Bnt tbo ton did not do u well at be
explain bow Chri-.t could lunfcc (tod
Baastoa Dislike of TBnaeU,
- biaIa dif&mliy wtrwbool ualkmaod
had expected at Went Point. He tonnd
•ay to iht-ni. “All (tiat I have Is (bine." Plio..7>.
There are naturally a number
«r prohfbhul buinru: but if I had
“Tbe rk.ud*.’‘ uy* tb.' Briliabrr. and tbat tbinga military in reality wen oot iweeplne currea ihronch tbe frela. but tbi* to.only a Krcouctary feature of
tAntotl tbr la«- loutr on rt«7 offender I
at tbtofcs military Id ideality. Be tried
care tny depu'y a ricar.
Mtotld bare ri<«ed up all ubiou. |
tbe ianoaiy examination* and failed. bnt all tunnrllns bss lK.eo aroliled. (be pornide and may In- nn'
.-N..W. If Ibat yoniicalor bad kleked
UlBc balU. rV-«Muratit>. dann- bo
faai, and codele after I»iie Sborty with Hii heart was A^en. Like many__
. And tbraton—ln fart. Ibr wbulc oiir of
•*-'« A atoffto tunnel In (be I'ral may bare to-cn willing to grant tbeir
Iri lb(-n^ wnriT it o*>t be- other yoatb before him. be ooold oerer
Anilwr. TUr utual tbloc »«» t<> bUckbe di^rooe by going borne. So be |
It to a remarkubie tact that elalm that they were tbe \n»e children
rt-a. but (be man on Ibe
MU PTwybodr lAMrad of raniitac op JaU
of <>0.1. tbat he might condemn in
<«[peQaeA. bat tbr qaetotioo Vat vbnv to I-ridee. allbouch aa alieu aad a leo- made as large a fool of himself os be * dnrlng tbe Ttanmiberton railway InOODTOBOCTR.
draw ibe Urn-. Yua arr. U I ilidn't bUi-k- derf<k.| villi Dnlbmc to lire .01 but bto ooald and enlisted in tbe nary, at tbe [ •pcctlon the writer did not oheerre a tbem tbo spirit iLat took offense when
Mil cBOBcb. propir <VDr]bdr.l I waa ■or- titlire cril. waa the only law aUdinp in- Brooklyn nary yard. Hlsfatberreoetred ! nutocl anywhere, and even after eon- <>od was gentle and fortifing toward
baldtant .in my diatriet. 8.. I went to notice of his soo's rub aot atad Hid | tinning tbe inspection right Into tbe otheia Iban tbemaelvcu.
traa. aad If t
. kicked likr tL.___ _______ _______ ' lu UcPbatl and uya L “Uin. 1 com noiljtng. His heart wu too fall. Bni bean of RomIs. about 2.000 miles
Tbe elder brotber Is Ibe personlSca1 coins l« bare iny atvinc Heaulnc.”
McI'baU aaid oore Is the ricUaixr rotn
tii.n of envy. 1. We ran see In him
te««l era.-i.iUB." uya l>au. au wt- ael be threw a few oeoessUies into bis grip I more of line had been eorered befota tlie of envy. 'Envy baa its root
vHtcr vbm I Jarkrd bton V|> fur coni'
tbe first tjumeL This was near
brfiiic tbr tldcwalk wltb parkinc caar* to worii. maklnc oot a liat of (he propnaed and tbat refy night uvtaA lot Brook-1 be
a false aelf este.-m. it waa self conlyn.
Tolto abow vbat a atorfc of good»-bc bad to esUea. cambb-ra. lams, rrnoka, eteV, wbo
wnubl Oerer be ml* aed from Amber, to told him A story. He b««ged him to ’ Hor^ home, and It was w hile nvpond cell in tbe rbartoees tbat made tbem
tbe aamber of 2o. \Vc .called a orwlaa do aometbing for bim. but tbe admiral ! log to a presmnged Inritatloo from complain when J.-sus associated with
‘Tbit lob rr«aim tart.**
It was eguttom In the elder
Now In roar Ihrrr't any bnilcfaird pllOOTid do DOtfaing. HU heart aeamad ' >« grande Jtusae tUi the writer came
tHto berc wb<i dupao‘l kaun Amber cuard around my IliUj- calabudoe and ran broken. Wm there oo hope* Tbe adml- 1 aitoss thla tbe tint tunnel noted, after brotber that tna<l<- bIm toltlclso tbe
Otfcdi. I'd belUT rtpUin tbal'a It to tbr In tbe r-a.iirmen one by one. aatU we had raltoldblmbeoouldgolothaaeereUry O.OU0 mile* of orerland railway - merrymaking In bunor of iito bretber'a
Bhtrmrat mouiialDt of Idaho, betwm
retnrii- Tlu-y liwked upon these ac­
cato and perbapa •pcctlonDead klulc paai aad tbe Nortbern TadSc banrij-ST. beod-and berdrd tbem with of tba nary, ■ ■ bis
be dona Be ooold. A Busslan laUway engineer would tions toward others as an affront to­
railroad. WHl. aa I vai urine. I wu stuck whips and riinnk* of Ice tbioacb
ward themselves,^d they did so be­
Hir MrMI of Amber la tbr fall of <90. tbr strerta to tbr moniclpal boandary, promtoen^ng. botatlosM itmigfaiba sooner blow up a
Vbee aa EarllabmaB tantd ap from where we tnrard them loooc wUb a re­ tried. Tbe old dootor olntcbed at this ' make a tonnrL leating a yawning cause tb.-y bad a false ertimate of
themselves, rratoe of another to not
mark -Uut tbe world wu oU before tbris •light bopa and witbool waiting to eat chaam between tbe rocka with
toodarw knowa vbnv, dead broke.
Ion of us.
“Look berc.** aam be. “poa're citj Mr- where to eb«oae.“ One or two wbo ob­ anything be took tbe very firot train for "streaks of rust" at tbe bottom there­
jected we riiaekrd into tbe rirer to cool Waohington.
another Is not a depreciation of na.
of as a soovenlr of bto artirlty:
(dl. bat fur tbe most part they vest like
If wc loara in honor, to prefer another
All cbew things bappeoed dtiring tbe if be finds tbat after going to
“Well, look bere.“ aara br. “I'ca broke. lambs, iuHadlac Lone Mboriy. wbo
envy will be tketroyed at
first year of Artfanr'i adminutratlon. ADOuntaln tbe tnotmuin is not likely
r*e tramped brrr oot of lYaabltictoB
root. 2. We sec tbe evU and iaand. as emry om knows, Wtlltam IE. to yield to him. bis tostmctlona are u
torriiorr. and m partaer ■ B '
cimunrest It by a long detonr. Any­ Jnatlee of envy. It was wrong and nnCbandler wm aecntary at Abe
PiBa baa atolee ad dv dotbu
thing to avoid tunnellnc! Tbe primary Just for tbe elder son to coBdemn bto
vbat I're cot oa.“
father. Tbe father was not robbing
_________ __
______________aversion (o ninnels In BuMla to not
“Wbat made ron com beta, aa/ltovr'
would set onl os URleflshlng'esearrioni alone tbelr first cost but their snb- him to feast bto brotber. Even If tbe
*"2L^k bere.“ eap* be: “I rd ctraadrd r lyarfalns bar. which was oOknas of of tbeir own. Kow. it h^q>et>ed thst sequent cost: for tnuteia like bonssA Pbartoeet bad been aa faithful to Qod
la tbe fanniai conatir. vhb winter corn- Im and-aalcbt lead to harm.
they wars tost ready to go forth upon always have “something tbs matter as they profesaed to iv. Cod meant bo
-Take that down." uid 1. wenderlnc one of tbels little isuta when tbs old . vitb them."
lac oo. and I d hare atarred to death for
offense to tbem In welcoming alnnera
Ob tbe work I coold crL So 1 Mde for' if be-'d thank me (or runalnc bis enemy doctor arrived in Washington. Be drove ;
and In being willing to forgive tbem.
-------------- ----------at ..f Ibe eoanlry-toil not a bit of It.
the oranvt mipinc caiap.“
Envy to always unjust-unjust to tbA
straight to tbs boms of the seeretaiy of ;
Tbeva's licNhiaw Hew.
“AU riefab" aayi tbr ma
He bad on old aloarb hat. a ablrC orw
tbs uvy and fonod be wasat tbs Whits
Almost all of man’s inventions-have envious and unjust to tbe eurted. It
and a pair of boMa: hadn't aeen a -earm bto cheek! “I see
Booh, ao to tbs Wbito Hobm went tbe been foreshadowed by nature.
Tbe makes tbouHUds of Uvea mtoeruMe
aqaaie meal for moaiba: looked me baa riam In Its miebt for
dootor post bastu He inquired for hypodermic syrtMt with wbirb tbe tbat sbould be happy. Let oa. In tba
■trmicfct III tbr eyro. and wbat be Mid the erlldotCL Where did
tamdoa Black and White.
Cbandlkr and was told that be and tbs physician Injrru morphine Into a tm- Mind of iestis, lean to think kM of
M8S8 98888888 88
peesfatoal wars Jnst Marring fw a Asb- tieni'a arm bos iu counterpart in tbo onroelvea and more of otbera, and we
ked ap tbr atreet.'tben down.
lag trip and could not be seen.
( atlng of a bee. Tbe tunite) boreFU an will be IcH aenritivc to our own merlta
_ bla tboKfbta, ibee at me
At tbr arerace fanUly ubie bUrk of
’Bnt 1 mnst ms him. snbi It is very adaputton of tbe work o( tbe teteda and less likely to have our Uvea made
ler dinner coffee to slat^- tbe break.wctanl, •nhrexclalniad tba doctor. Or thlpworm. The principle of the mtoeruble becAnse of envy.
T're wriltee Urn* lliDra to tbe Spo■I coSm Mrrrd ia small onps and
aeoest . buOooo
is louua
found id
In cenaio
certain naa^
flsbea. Tbe
T« rBAYEB wartiau.
oaiiopB IS
'banr police to aak tbem to (ocorar nr banded aratud wttboat cream. Tbr ob­ He was Being hii soft sonthom »iKTOi»
Lpaper making Indnstry Is paralleled
Let tbe leader explain tbe purubla,
-Alotbae. 1 cot oo aaaver. Now I want ject of a alp uf clear coffer foUoeriac a
you c
1 asrv. la tbs building of a wasp's neat In and then have a voluntary dlacoMoa
_fm la vrttr.''
bratty meal ia to pruride a ellcfat atlran88 8888 8 • f,88888
tbs mechanism of a man's body there of tbe topic.
“Oo to that atoM.“ aara L pototlnc to ' It to tbe ayatem. and for this parpoae
li^fashMj'of tbe berry to better than a
«u MePbaO-a, “ric runtortf oat vnd
1 ooD. suh. and 1 will, safar and are Jolnu and levera similar to those
BULi axsDisoa.
decorliuu. Tbe Ktea.-h ondrratand ibla. wltb 00 more wordi be pntbsd tbs at- aa«l in engines; Tbe aniomatlc oUlng
r SnaSed me. tarard tai* bead awar.
tonisbed servant oat of hit way and «f sorfarra wbirb rnb together in an xxiv. l-K. W: xxvll, 4; BccL Iv. 4;
Vtpad hll ejea vttb oae Aacrr. then fared
strode throngb tbe ball "Whers to tbe engine to on (be ume pUn as tbe lubri- Math. ixTlk 15-18; Acts vll. 9, 10; I,
M ocalm "I'm oot that kind of mb.
•scretafy of lbs oaty. snb?" ba asked cation of Joints in our bodies- Man'i Cor- XIII. M3; Jas. Ill, 10; I Pet. 11. 14.
WIU roe vrite the iMlerr
tba first person be met.
j aervons svsi.-m resemble* tbr teleOf eoaior 1 did. Be bad proeed that
"Intbat rooto. sir, •’Mid lbs man.
la Its mode of working. The
Whsv la ChrlaUas Ufat
•era tboucb be vat only an allee Brit,-k coffee, too. must be made in a pointiftfl
: liall bearings of a hicyck- nr
U la (l.ilug faltbfuUy t-veiy (lay wbat
kber be waa firaiclit r>"da..aDil I liked
Tbe doctor rapped and walked in; ; gi-c not ao very disKlinllar n til.- ball tl>e t.opi wanu us to do. Koine think
nraicbi cooda In anr mu. 'Monorre. I rrenefa roff.cpol. or, at least, tbe priariplc of till* uicnail luitot Iv pr.-urred There stood tbe prsaident aad tbo seers- { joints -of Auman blpa and
if (iM-y attend to tbe morv imiiorunt
Slid a Alti-r prorided tfaroocb wbic-b the wry. getting
g tbeir thing!
tl"-----------‘ -lever was fore- duties the little duties can l>e neglected
| Tbr prtoelpir of tb<water may percolate ..rrr the sntund
"lamOr. ——, and I've come to gel .uojowed in the tong Ixmes of tbe
doesn't inatter when Sooday Is
cofl.e. It la n->t nrccoury. a« often aa- my SOD baok, snfal" said ibe doejOT. and • Mntn.w (Mdy.
post If ili.-y dysl uDjustly. deviate from
8,96 S 8 «8
tbai be had eamed
wriilns for nevathen bo told tbe story of bis son's mis- .
. __
trutb. I.NH- their tem|M-r. *i>4>k tbe un­
Wa.-k .-uff.-e tb.- berry aUall l» finely
papen aad waated to atari tradiac.
Dtsevse Oormm Is BklMs.
kind word and Join (he wo|-h] In pui^
emuud: ordinaty ctiadlas will auficr. take The secretary looked at him and
then at tbe president. "I'm sorry, sir. "
hot boiliaa nrtrr if a *iae Gua DOD. Al- M.
salt of pleasure. Such an- In error.
-On tbe I«idce.“
menT ISSifl8S8iifig;fl8S
Hid. '.bnt
labliKpxtiful of croand coffee to a be Mid.
bnt yoo have come at tbe
nnWic bealtb has BDtRrrntly Cbrisiian life la serving Cod In every
Now. ibv .iaiU-r rirer rnua down 4be
We can’t tovkaf
bother .ith
witb •xrK
sneb been proved by Dr. CsMgrandl
etip and a pint of water to crery four .wrong time tc.>,..r<-|
Vdc.of tbr Caleb with tbe towu
dsll)- act. nn<l It. to our everyday life
tableriPooBfuV Make il aot more tbaa
that ft-v.«to exsnil.v wbat kind of
fire tiiinuii'* Icf.Kv it to to l« aerred.—
,t£t. s°££ 8 pS8S«888
Hebt at (be foot of Mala atieto. loiainc S.vA'ork Post.
City Jhe other day be told bl* fellow Cbrisiian rbaracier and exi>erience wc
the town to tbe depot. There’* oalr one
and stopped
should <lo evimytblug heartily as unto I
coUeagne* that be bad made
Be Rated Cniertdve.
ddewalk. an that the wbnW rtowd to and
Tbs old doctor drew bimMlf np. look­ •Imple experlDienis which bad
tbe Lonl. Tbe Ma*u-r n-b<>m w.- serve 1 Rapri* '« a .
from towb baa to c» over oo the riebt
A rurioua raiK- of literary raadaUam la ed down at him. for Mr CbandW it
band of tbr lirblce. If* a woudra treatla rc-onb-d amuoc tbe curi.aitie* of the
Ri. ,^lri «.». «..,(, 'dneed him thst tbe fashion of wearing doe. 00. want luk*warm serv.n.a.
boaiBea*. aed half way acroa*. orre tbr Hrhiah muaeum readinf room. Tbr |>ro- not a large man. Hit old eyes fairly
Burl; will >-xert ao influence for Ills Lko'IU*;
srr. nas •> ( ao s-a. to*
-Middir of the Anila-r rirer. Ibere's aa laxnaiat ass a mao who baled Culeridce. biased. Be seamed choking Snddenty
cauM'. "I'p and doing'' aliouM l>e tbe
oa«le Wlwr* (be aidertaik lipi.d* roud. In the library to a tollerikin of books
Cbriatlao motto, iliroogli Chrisi. wboI cin&all:
Tbe tenderfoot (rantedjo trade at (bat tbat can- .b.^oiacrd to Culeridse. They
stR-neibeneib ua. Tlie rhristlan life to.
ancle. kirl‘bail rrprvaentcd the einmtr. euatahicd aa immroar qnantity of
only one of working ami exemplitbe cltr and tbe rIcUaBer eommirire. H* |w-DriI maes (a ibe puet'a hand. It wu yon tbe ebanee to kill a few msHly
fyftix- but «r walling aad hoping and
knew that the thine M* plain acaiori tbe aelr impoaed taak of tbto pdrilcnlar acoonni fitb> Oo yoo think 1 am going
be had Uken tbeir Ikln* and loidiing for Itetter thing* and running
three different lana. Ad ret that Bril- tead.T to So tbroBcb eaeb day a tow of to tiTMk my heart ao that yon can have
[atience the race that to set be­
hdier waa amari. He bad (dmoen tbe beat Ibrtc bisAt and rah oat tbe ootc*.
voh plaasureT Look at me. suh! 1 bate
fore you.—n. U Jarkaon.
aund for baainrM in Amlvr Caleb.
f'.'Bld any rerrnce on aoriety be more
“Y'(» ean't trad.-." Mid MePbaU. ,“oo rorapltie ia ft* almidc way? Was erer
UN* Seed •( rrorer.
tbe work uf randaliam carried .wit after a
H wiiBMiar.daa. it,MH.
A prayer that doe* not l>eaefll yon In
more (JuU-tislu- (sahion? -Now. If any Do yon tbink that 1 bare traveled nigbt
I8»s'ataak a.'R
dto't WBHT to. Wbo dora (be air___ coe hit* necetl.ia to ro into iBIs iaaer
Offering It wUl not be very brlpful to
tbe middle of the bridcr lielonc (or
library to .r.nault a book br will be
‘n>e rell.-xlve•effect of prayer
, atoo wHl represented on eseli skin.
The Almlshty." say* M. l-hall. “If trclehe.1. very annatruiali.iutly. bat ef- •re vou. rahi Yon nrs my servant
nf an lntcn?e*>K.r>' Hiaraeter more than
yon want to trade there, yoall bare to f» lively. Th. man wbn dealt wltb (br Wbo
>0 psvs yob snlszyi 1 du. sob! Wbo
eomiienaatps (he |ariy«iaking It. aride
take not a Uernac from bcarett."
Colerid),-.' uotc* (TBs'i tbe aalairetiaaal pays yob rent? ido. sab! Wbo ownt tbe
from tbe lienefli tbat may accrue to
-Will you iaterfereV
flrM eau>r of this capnnare.
boat you go off fishing iu^ I do. nod
otln-rs. Til* ph-a ia made tbat God
■ uya Mcniail: “I si»*> aot.' I
now. when 1 oome to ask yoo do get my Ohroni
l.,l-ruM niiol.1..
doe* pot oeod the service* nf any one
prree Interfete
oaiai^ in*
.. . . 'i: ixii. will!.- (Ills In a quatlfled
-Thaaka." aaid the BritULer.
In the'^PerBuBal Kecdh-ciloaa of.Bt>tk«T. exnrolned U-fore
Kelt day I fonod that Eaclialuuaa «a
> i« true, -here Is a aenao-lp whlcb
Edwanl*.- Ensliah mtuic rritle. to
that «d after sborol.srdm.-ut he found not
a plaak wbirb be bad cfaaekrd errcM tbe ertand
not only de*lrr». hut demands,
an amastus atury at«ai Crttlkahaak.
ancle of tbe hihlsr.
tbem. and to refine to to dUbonor Bim
wbo'ltBd hbcmne a ritdeai teetotaler ia
bto old ace. One
h.lrtrtght,«Toh bodr!"
IT’- n
and dtograrv ourn(ivaa.-FbUBdr)ntUa
Tl» old docl« «opprf.
V WetItodiM._________________ .
HU u,oh««T, lodud
Idm wUut
«be akin of kb toetb peddflns ligan :
Work goroaalv.
lf ^
“ For . uiooir oo .ord uu wcioi A,
When we work Joyously, we win oth.,
iut Presidsot Artbnr ssiA "Cawndlsr. *•«»"“« « speech. Uiltoetp wbo In“Hate a Bmoker aayake. a»l preacst1 mMTrti’d totor write that ord«. " •««« *“ shooting often become duH of r workers to tbe same service. As
•d me vHfa a dear, then atmek a match
wrote it and a iittio bter b*«rtng tad trouMed wltb holsev The men are always seeking emplonnent
•a tbe SMt of his breeebu and
I- ua tbe other ,bap^ bar* not
In tbe h« wo^sbdpa. becauac of tba
■^t. Pay (or 11? Not mat
;wucbed a drop ofiotoclcatias Ikioor for tbm
-e Britlaher tbooebt be wu
in discuMlnrtbre. bottlnt
ion. wbon esm w«e no. in a normal praise* of tbe workmen already the**,
:o me. Be
•o men wIU be led Intb tbe wort of
i saw a
Bsv id« a aii^ M
tbc barriffcd prtoooer. They were all amiliiig, bnl one of Ibsm
Cod by Metog our Joy In IL We may
I OB‘•‘bis
bad a look of gr~' ^----------------Donnal eats abould be wlHM^s for God l|y tbe way In wbJcb
groh.1 old faee. It
wo work—WiniBm T. Ellto.
Booimnsr FcBt-SxpfOM.
toa mna oa tbe bridee ^ two diy cooda


John R. Santo;

“Uneeda Resf


On the Bridge.


Pere Marquette



(tiMbyIdit IMIiHli





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