The Morning Record, February 13, 1900

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, February 13, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






Third Ye«r-No. 966

aafftand Bop^ Thoitcfa
Bo«r» Vor«Ag«f

Boato Alnodj


Vortbpon to oa
—<-e»n>Ba Bi^ onBlvolo.



cot repmento ourneff

Oaf of tho Itoot ProntBOBt
Zoffnrsont OoBorols

1 taooKffer, Mr. A- 8. Sobart
— vbo hw boogbt. Bokl and
bang more wall paper tb«n uy

Will Pay






....... ..



} Xt less Than Present
Wholesale Prices.



Window Curlaina-all aizea—lOe op.




Ian Maciaren

Vou'rv s

They Must Be Sold
We bare on band abont 210


Every one this aeaaon'a mak< ■Iota of 'em with double seat and
kneea—eome three-piece aniU .1
’em. too-Siwadto 16.
and yon can take yoor choice at



Fresh Raked Goods


SS.SSElTiA.’it S?J!

School of Music

to mi« . good thing

S. BENDA & 00.
Id4 Front 8tre«t

FnabionAble Outfittars

No matter
what the weather is
The crowd! still come to the great

Fire and Water Sale
Overcoats, Ulsters, Cloaks, etc. at Rareili Prices.
*~7”Oo.o,U»«. U

Come acd Look It These Ecods.
Big line, Men’s and Boys' New Caps, values
6Hc, 75c, $1. *1.25 at 89c, 42c, 68o, 69o
.......... OAHPETS...........
Ingram, worth 25c at..
........................ 18c yd
Heavy Union Ingrains, several choice pat­
terns. worth 42c at................................ 82c yd
All wool Ingrain Carpet, worth 48c at.... 88c yd
Fine All wool Extra Super Carpet, cheap
at 60c for................................................. 48c yd

Rarialns in ClOiXS.
Rargelns lo OVERCOITS.
It'll pay |foo to bo|r now for aeitwiiter.

110 Pbr Cent. Off;
Bottom Prices.
W. W. Miller's Cash Store




naan of bl> sue in Uiebigas—
He propoees to paob our wall
paper department bard, and
make it advertiae tbo City Book
Store aa tbf bargain oentoroC
Ute eonoty. f Oor new etook ig
abont all heiie and we pride ooraelree on the pattenu and prioM
we can offer yoof

The bMtKttebflD Wpaff
ever printed—won’t ahow emoke or apota-6 different ooloiw7c a rtdl. Other papere, 5e op to $1.40 a roll. Largeat aaaortmMt in Trarerae City.

-Alfred Y. Friedrlcli




Tootovdoy oftOTBOOB o oorpo odoBWMd Xnah^ Lort SM* BMiA**d Btaoon loft (bo oity -wlU SoMtofy ▼iotiB Of Ferer Two Woofea A«o—
•t Soddfr Sirar wtth a*tba«lMa- Tbylor for Korikport. TVoyBrlUbocta
Filtptao XrMAon MaM Kootinr After
Bb Sooth BBfl Doetflad ttort It
o( OBOO (o oorvoy (bo roato tor (bo BOB
Woeld b* Foiol tc Baotot Amorteoao
•»iM Xop m4 TmI Srua-Asotto- Troooroo Oltf A LooIobob Ooaaty roQTo look at Ute btmdrrdo
bow oobi.
Forooe rrm Tboreforo Blo«r Attw^t
ba MU* ta> B«Mb
koto from Nortbport to Osooo.
bonAod-Oar Ftof Botood oa lolondo
X«4fmltk-«StMUM ■! Xtabwiy
abooM we are aeUiog nt oor J
Tbaro to atiU 00(00 <)oboUoB oo (o tbo
roaU botwooB (bU oity dad Ihaoao.
VoBllo. Fob. Il-fl aomber of oxXwdoa. r»b. tt-WkU* ihM hM Tborood willroB oloBc(ba ohoroof
iBonrroatoaolotoorrt^ boro yottor-'
%m M Mwt <ro* Owml BaHar W- OBrpUko l.rooHU
wbotbor l( wlH toaeb Proro- day. Itooy atot* tbot Oenorol Pio del
^ thm to » bop^M fMUor tbat
thar* arc Mrbtar daym U aura tor (ooBtor (araoenao (oSbUobo Boy to Pllor. the inuLrjrent Uodor. died of
oun aa OBOB 1 ><«(iaa. Bath towoo ferar 0 fortoirbt ogo In Ibo Moroag
th* Brfttoh foroM. Tb«
«Ml of Ute Moralet Moil bM Mat» woBt Ibo rood Bod boU Aoold bo wltlTbo Itadoro. nttor hit donth. bold o
loi« dto|Mt«h in wbteb b*
» ro- iocio pot forth 0 food dool of effort to
moaUngnt whtoh it woa rneagnli^
•UM Of tbokitnaUea. Bo 0070 thol ebUto It.
A (Bootlof will be bold ot Pro«o«oa( (hot It wonid bo fnUlo to oSw fnrtber
OoMnl Boltw fron Uie ootoot ror»iM (bo roltot of liMlroaltb m a thto OftOTBOOB for (be parpooo of oeo* rootolnaoo to tbo AmorieoBO. Tboy
forlora bopr. Bo o4<ta (bat (bo ooeoBd iBf wbot (be poopio of (ho town osd ibenloro dUbondod their foroao which
If la omnll gonga in
•((•■pt (o relloTo tbr bolM^rod tetm the onrroBBdiBf eoBBtry ore allUnf to
OTM aoorlp •oeexMfat. bat ot tbi> crlU- do to fot (be niod to tooeb (faot point. the hilto.
It to reported tbot the gooboot
00] Bottont Oeaorol Worrea ohroak They elolm tbot If tbot plooe u reoebPrisMtoB
the BoUb and
lro« ordorlnr 0 bloody tronlol ottoek
Every sbpe DBr-e;i
BolagMi toloBdv whtoh wore omlUod ,
eoBBtry botb wool OBd ooai.
- ----------------------hoc made
OB (bo Bw riftaL
u . •»P«riorityof
IB per
It to proboblo (hot duttoai Boy will from tbo treaty of Porto. boi» north ^ ■ e skill A"a
Btordlaf (ho (bird oktospU ibo
ry'e product.'
____ cl.
of *0 degreoo loUtado. and rolAfl Am- ^
oemopOBdo&t ooyo ibot «dtor(aBo(e)r
Eveirrysb-iH 1eximcied to eoU by i
gorI reusoa0 of
BO roralor nrmy of tb» cbaatry
thto b .tterecM (boas- \
r pads of pulre
Bay la tbo plaoo. ood tbot they oro ornon.
tire tor (be msBotuc- f
twoBB (bo Tnfelo rl««•rood Lodyomitb
Tbo PrinoetoB oecnptod the northern
WbBB VooIkraBU ;woa foaod wllllBftodo oomatblac to bolp tbo
Not onreusoosble tbea toMy
lalopdanndrrngornranwntorder. Too t
to bo OB .BBOBlteblo pooIttM Oroorol ootorprloo olo&f.
f every shoe to perfMt. toll?
' Bmllor fore the ortniory doe eboroe
tbirdeof tbo rtrbt of way wUl bo flylog on oaa to not booflanod, but
to kWe tbo PBomy from
tost tbo dtoappeo^Bf motnUBfo ood obtolB:od by the oad of tbo woob, ood tbaro ore ramon tbop Jopon iDtoBdod
tbo oxtromo roBfo of thoir foao pro- tbot by tbot Uao tbo oxaet roeu wUl to take (be toloado. Tbo aniiroa wil­
tor slocv (bst D.
dofioluly kBOWs.
lingly oataotitaUd Amarteoa forlaonr
tooted (bom.
goat olBAato and (^ tbo noth of^
Portaapoit woald boro booB peaoiblo
to hoTo thraat tbo oBomy baek off
•roktOBMs or .Dooraktoof. bnt l(
weald proboMr boro ooat 1,000 bob.
O'ff.-roat Thaortro bo to <be PnaBcnw
IfOMwal Boller'a foreo Imro only o
BOB OB (be Fora of Bd BronkUo—
ThoooThrMXolkoiko BoyoSopbrtod
Udyomitb rallof eolomB oU stfbt bo
KlCht Horo Boon Imaflolide.
Imprmrd by Brittob Xaow VotbBtohad oa (ho tooM of o battU. with
(ho obOBoao haorUy ofoiaettbo Brittob;
mralfootod Sbbtog About tbo Frocoodtog.
bat It to otoo (bo ooly orm? for tbo do- day OBd yoat4wdoj In (ho mo
Orond Bopldo. Htob.. Feb. 12-Tbo
teaaoefNotol. Tbereforo BBlior witb- woo roportod to bore folloo oa Bd.
dfBw. Aaetbar Aorea ottoapt wUl bo Frenkllo’o form on' tbo waot ohoro of Broning Prom boa roeolnd o opeeiol
the boy Tbondoy. Moor people went tram Woabington whlob' ofisloliy do»B( the OBfOfomonto bare sot boea to 000 tbo otronn opmlV In the bill Bleu tbo atory of tbo impruMmoat by The famoue English anther, writ­
fraltlaoi. Tbo Boor* odmU boory loaa aide. OBd roriou cboorioa ao to !U tbo Brittob of throe Eelkoeko boyo.
ing in the North American Review
U ooeb doyb boabardmoob of Sploa orifln o* odroneod. Some ore oon- The dtopoQb is 0( followo:
-Secretary Bsy boe reoelred the fol­ on "The Energy of the AmericBn
kop OBd Vool Kronu. Tboy eonooi fldenttbotUwaaesaaodby 0 meteor.
roplooo 0 man or boTBO. Tboirrooonre Some OTO aoro that o oabtorroDeOB ea- lowing ooblofram Amboeoolor Ckoote People,” saya:
to oro olrcBdr atroinod to tbo ntaioot.
ploalon wu reaponalble for the com-1 retoUre to thT Busael boyt of Rolkoo•'No man wrjtea with bis
OoBoroi Botierb spirit to, BBoboted. motloo, while ot 11 otben think that KoeounQ, Hieb., who were reported
Tbo moB only ask for o moot deo’s're (be mtnrotlon of the hiUalde by tbo rain to be in fear of ImprrBimeal Into the hand, if be can dictate to a atenotrial, bellerlnf tbot lo opito of difflenl- of loot week oonacd o land elide tbat British army.
no man dictatea. if be
-Oareonsnl ot Dublin reporu Itbot
(too and nanerteol weelcnem (bey
foriheoottditlon of the bUl
the Tice cobobI bu« beea to Strokeotowo tel^raph; no mau tclegrapUfi, if he
woald oBtweifh the odreiae cbooere iberr.
With (be boyoBOL The reflmenUl of«n telephone.”
Two Bxi .KU roperton mode on
ffoon record (he Ooneral with oympo- loreotigotlOB of tbo matter yoalerdoy. and Jobs Bushel ood tbeir mother. 'Ifyon are a typical, energetic
thy OBd traet.
and looked the gronod orer corefnlly. Done of whom hod beard oaytbUig ot ip-to^ate American, yon already
A dtopoteb from Aloddar iurer sUteo It to dim »U to bo corUU oa to Jaot
nae the Long Diatsnee Telephone.
tbot Field l^nbol Lord Rdbmrto.
wbot woa tba oonao of the pbonomeoon,
If not, a word to the wiae ia anfficflutodor in ebiof of (be Brittob forcao Is and oil oro ofrood that it to 0 rory
Sootb Atrioo. orrirad tborooo the »th otroan bole In the grooad.
aHto Doty to la VbW York
aad woo oBtbBoioottooUy
One woman olnimt tbot oa Tbanday
flute and to not a Oaaaidau
btoomrol. Bortotoodlbodampoftbo obo board o groot roaring aoand.
Mew York. Feb. it—Oorenor BooaaHlfblOBd brifodo OBd —------- lowed by OB exptonion, bat tboogbt nelt hM eome oat with a positive deeMoeDoBOld'o troopo apoa tbelr otoody tbat it woo a otrann pml of ttaaador. laratlon tbsi bs to not sad cannot be a
•oadaet ot K-w4aoberc.
Hr. Froaklln oaya tbat the groaad
eaBdldaU for tbs Bepabllesa rtes prw.
Miller’s Store
Tboro oro ladtoattoao from Botol la aUll otaomlng Friday BorBlag, and bo tdenttol aomlnstioB. In bto sUUment
ploBty tbot tbo Boon boro oaoomad. deoa aot doabt that It woo olthi
Coveraor BoaMvelt obys:
tampoearily ot looat, the offyBolro. A aaotoor or 0 aabtarronaon oxptoatoa
-Uodor no etreumsUBomooBld I or
tbo Be^toh rtrbt tbot flonaod the UndriMe.
woald I acoept • nomiBsUoe for tbs
ffoak OBd llBO of <
J. F. Oiltoopio droro eat to aoe the ■les proaldsney. It Beams to ms clear
plolBly tbo boot 1
^oee oloo. -Bo to of tbo oplnloo tbot 0 that at prmsat my daly to bare In tbs
tbo bboadeBBOBt of (bo rffortto ro> oBbtorroBOOB expiookm of oobm kind
suie whose psopis ebose me m govUoro Lodyomitb by tbo Sprlartold OBd ocoarrodtoooBOO (ko otrann opoaiag
Sebloi drift rent*.
lo the biltoido.
and arc being portly solved la thto
At the oomo time bowo Borneo from
Tbo book to not ao atoop that one ■uu at thto time, an4 If the people so
Rotol of o fartbor derolopment of the woald ^ opt to expect a laadal
dmlra I hope tbot I msy help to esrry
Boer flank morement In Ufb direction
if tbo ooil won tboroagbly aa
to m sneoassfal eoaelnaloa the work
ot Oroytowa. Tbto woald thrcBtoB’
» of tbu begun."
the BriUob liBOofoommsBiottion forte cloy la (be ooU. asd tbo aide of tbo biU
tbeoontb. Ittoqallo likely that Uon- to oorerod with a growth ot bnoboa,
orol BbUw will boro to leopo OoBoroI tbot woald otoo tend to Bioko 0 loadAnived la (be City Wl«b Hto Bride
Wbito to bold oot oa beat bO con while elide improbable.
bo proucu bto own pooitios^
Last BvenlBg.
lorn qaontlty of tbo boBk.
Tbo Boorm ot Oolosbarc ore aBaooolly oboot IS foot wide, baa olid or boos
Archie Hiller the popular ealeemsa
Freflh Lines
oetire and 00 for from bei^ b
thrown down spoo tbo orchard below, for the Bsmlltoa Clothing Ca srriv -d
In ore tbemaelreo tbreotoninc 1
wbot woo (be top of the bonk bolag at 1b the city lost evealBg wish bto bride,
ProBch'o (or Oonoro) Ctomebt't? lino of leaat M foot from lu flnt poailion. ont formerly Him Jsaette Boberuos, of
oommsDleotiOB. Aa the dtopbtebeo from opon the orebord. where It boo bariod Sonth BourdmsB. The bsppy eonple
tbot aoetioa oro oifned aemeatt It to •ererol omoll fruit tcpes. Boot*, aome were mprried st S o'elook yeeterdmy
probable tbot Oenorol Freneh boa fOBO of (born olx or oi^t feet U lengUt. ufternooB. St the borne ot the bride.
wUb Lord Boborto to tokoaommond of bore Iwaa pulled ont by the foree of They were eerved with s wedding tea
the eorolry brigodo.
St the borne of Hr. aad Hrs. E. K.
Tbo Boon' proflooro of Klmborley to
226 Front Street
From the top of the opoaiag to the Hiller. iMt evening.
nportodbr OoIobbI Koekawtobto be ooU iB the bottom to 0 clear, porpoadtoHr. and Hrs. HiUsr will be st home
iBenoalnc. It to OBtd (hot foBo for­ nlor bonk ot looot M feet high, oppor- to tbrtr friends st 50* Fifth stiaet. in s
boms Uist to slresdy furotobed.
merly ot Mofokinc boro booB moved oaUy eat atnlgkt down, ao (bough by
dorm to Klmbertoy and tbot o oto iseb a grW faUing body. Thto woa 27 toot
cna boa opoaod flro apob tbo town. high by actual moaouroiBoat, but (bo
From tbo Cope prtaa la.jdartred the water baoolneo woabod down oomfl of
BOWS—wbkb hM boon eoratnlly aop- tbo ooU OBd porttoUy flUod the ^on- Mleh'gsw Crop Brpert Bsya it wsa
lojurod During /sBusry.
Mokee n epeoinlty of j
Tba HieblgSB crop raport for tba
The moot proboble theory aooaao to
.'JuBory. F.olnly it mBatboBOOrtBC
oaterittg to bnllfl and mOBtb of Jsnusry Indlestm tbst wbosl
the OBd of too roototOBor. Thto feet be that tbo wotor whtob droiaod off
•ocUl partlee.
Bkoy oloo oxpIoIb tbo ooBooBtratooB of the bunk ot tbot polot ao mturotod tbo bMSUf
In rvply to the qoestkoa. -Hh whost
BO lorn » Brittob force jot Moddor
aoU tbot o olido ooeurred. tboagb it
________________ 'I
loom* obuan that tbo
raoKiaittrutu^ DIAS. aoUoftbobUlobouldb
■•yea.” and
into tbo oreboru. Tbo tbmay otoo Boutban aponUm smwur “yea.’
Orders deliwered.
loom oooto baton Hr. FronkUn’o ototo- W “BO." In tbs Bsatrsl Bounttm ue
Ma^Baw Voiffayflir ot iPiercmot
moat ttot tbo groand woo ottU otooa- uonwpaadmti snswor “ym" snd se 413 8. Union 8t„ W. S. BLODQOOD
PoMofl Awoyfl^toi^.
: Friday mania
maningoad doattauodto

Mothow Vorflnyte.o |
saswor “ym" sod »o “bo, "
Ir. Froaklln to 1
blffbly I
died ot bto
tbot (ban bos boon oliber _____
r or Tbs prarsUing opuloa to (bst wbmt
---------------------------------------- Lfday Birhi. oooxpleotoe tbot bo ooyo tbat
bo will huraffwBd aome tojary. OeadUkm*
ot tbo bffo of 70 yooro. Ha M boea o
raoMoat of Laoloaoa «eaa»y for II
dopoBdx vary Iwfoly oa Ibo
ftbogtoBBd (rill pormi
yoon. Bo Uoroa a wife OBd flro ooao
wmihor (bs( toUowg.
ood (wo doBfblan. The tamwnl
yiom wUl be bold in (ba OaiboUa
abiwfc»>teramwi(otii«foleak (bto

*sij*ri iwi

Oome in the morning if yoti ftsvr

Reliable DryaenXs, Carpet anil Clothiog Heose

The Shoe
The we wont to tell yon ebont is the *'VRLVBT
8 SOB”—Yon ohonld See it

Of t'le msterisl used in the manufacture of tbeoe
ehoe<ia equal to that uaed in moot 81.0(1 shoe*.

The Price
Hm alwayn'been $3.50. but to make ro«n for onr
opting Unejwe are clodihg Uiem ont at $8.00.

The Place

To tay Ibwyian aUd Inytking sins yon need in
tbe.tnntireu linn u

Up-to-daU Footwear.




n KOMtnia jtaooKD
■atoms omr

• [kicbioak

— mt— 1
■A T« T*t—
J. IW. 1

iKtteRMMMm. M

iited •


Mr. Bstaji h craAltod with
teU(«d is the wt U»t tk« <hU'
is the DattoersUe plsttorn wOl
ta -sbU trsrt**, ssd for tasr tb« Eapsb
Ucsaa BS7 d*els» scslast tr«tsh.
DowoMStk! oasrenrioi
be beU Im. ao s» to tska the wts4 ost
ofihaaslU of the BapsUlessa. Mr.
Mirss baa 0<hitmUy bar>stoi«U»
that aonaihlBC BMt ba dene, eras >f it
.Mto atasUsc

Pasri COrsbsa. the als jdsr old
refTboMS Orsbm» raakUof

Tko Wasltb et thsPtailipplsM.
Tbs B«ooo ii tatrboMft of the
^hrMMModittoBot tba( MssUs Praa>
•dlsf sawapsbar
%om, Ih* Issdlsf
sawapMtar Is tbc
Tba BSBbar ia raty ere«: tba raaoarcaa. ssd
baMaarstssMa sawa^msttar il cea
MM Bwh la tba way^of atattauaa
wUab wUl prora et^Sraat laiereak la
|bo lalaate It to abo«a ^t tba opporlialtiaa far UMaBtarpriaaebafaeiartotk
pdABarlaaaaara alaMSt InasaHaabU.
^wbaatba tolaada 4baU bare aav
a 40 a coeditiopiof paaeaaad
It of tba
«aiat ae that tba i

• yto - •
awUlfiad rooiaforlheia'
■aMefaaoitalaad tba caaratoaottbe
gaataa-wbleh wreau wMtta from the
Mfi aad toraata. Iba.-arilela aaBOBei•Ma Bsaj of tba iprodeoto of tba toJaaM vhleb oaly await capital aad
bcalM for deralopcDcat.
By raaam of the fertUMy of tba aoU,
•bpadaat wops of rlea.;o« wbieh there
an BaByrarialt(a,arepi«aaead. 'Bofar eaaa of aaaaUeat Iqnality: ooooa.
•fsalto tba boat pcodact ofOareeaa;
paCaa, aaparior ia aoaaa raapeei
-ftatet Moeba: tobaooo,'which la tbc
^oAoeM of Oacayaa .'aad UaboU la
tarn, eaa ooatpau with tbc beatpro«aat of Oaba: abaoa,t>r Maalla baaap, a
fplMbla fibre proaerad, by ao ether
•peatry: aottoa, oaaof tbi<iMtwcaithpMdealai plaata; ladlce.adye prod
pal eaperter to that of
■alMi wheat aad wanyeibw aca
•flba eepetable ktafdM torw the
vaaltbettbitolaadaa |
Jt» aadarsleped wealth of the for•ale aad aaaato^aeM retbas bl Letaa
pad the aoBtberfi tolasfie offan wob'
iartal oppertaalttea for fiaiartoaa aaiprprtoa. Awoat tba woeda aeaaUtcMac tba toraata are tba followiafs
Aala, a bard wood of dark aetor. aaed
Ii aabisat aaUBf aad baUdtofi asB'
Mia, a bard wood of l%bt red aolor
■MdlaablpballdlBi: aUBlataa,a bard
jrgpd, rary ;alBllar to abeay, oaad ia
4ha Baaatoatar<ol fiaa iBrailorc; apiMoa. a bard weed of a raBBtob aah
jpipr Bead la kboUdlaf partittoai
Pa«M*- Tbara are aaay other kind*

with a_____
eettariaSwbiab aba waa ridiak waa
OTwtaraadaadaba waa etraif-------

tba bead aad rcaelrcd aararal
aattaboattbafaoe. 8ba waa broa»bt
to tba alty aad Dr. OantrdnaMd bar
a F..WmiamalbUly o Cbieacok**
baaa plamd oe tba ro d tor Stnab
Broa. A)AmioUa of this city wboaa
treat laereaaa of baalaeM baa dcaaaad.
adaaotbw.maa U that pcaitioa. Ba
will taka'care of the tarltory aoaib of
bare while -Mr-i Amlotta eonilaaea to
eaa to the trade aortb of tba ei^, Mr.
WUllamt baa bad maeb erpariaace aa a
trarelfat man aad caatc bare from tba
E. C. FWhw Tpa A Ooifaa hoaee of
Tba local Ilwmaa an beiy rettinr
tbalr aapply from Boardmaa lake,
ao tkey bare giran ap all bc^
of getUag >oy in from the bay thto
Bopklaa Brea eapaat to pat ia
aboBt 4,000 rloB aad they pat t'
sad tan mea at work ibto :
lag. J. A Jackaoa who began euttiag
in Ibat wnk Baa one of bto in he
filled aad wUl bare the other
filled la a few days The In eapply
tor the OetUemen Brewing Co. to be­
ing pet la by ObMM. HwrllL
A boaBdag baby girl aann yeeterday
to make bw boam with Mr. aad Mrs
Oaoige Baebaat.
,way oeeetred on Frowt etnet
leeterealag that naeed omU
aadtaanst. bat did ao damage.
Mr. and Mia. PbUip Fatgaar et Bnt
Biyan^nJoIslBg orar tba wrlral of a
Tba Portia dab will meat Alt afteroea at t;S0 o’dodt widi Mra. P. IWhitman.
Tba raaarre east plat ter FkaayRtn
will go oe tbto moralag at tba City
Naira ataad. Tba prlen an tbc aama
■eat Powan' Open Bonn la Ormnd
lapida, u, U aad M oaata, $1 ard
Mlm Pmll to tsktag tba plan aa
taaebar ef tba aUU grade ia tba Can
tral aehool. In plan ef Min Bohto-

onaiag Aa Boly Kpfaii." “Infaet I SplUad Savaply aaana of KlA.
SyriakUag^ aad “Mu Made Oraada I After laadag bto dal^ farm ynte<
and Hamu I«ma”
!day momlaa Adolph Wladoaft ma>
ttekardl of the MyaUa Srrlaan ef Ala wtAuaadAat- wbleb p»nd dMa.
alty an prapartng to attaad tAaatt troM. Bto wagu wM.Uppad over ue
gnfttg.tberlag. at Oraad Apld* ^ asnaW qaartsof milk, lateedad tot
The best remedy for that tired fcelins and those
raary A
«bitter words in your mouth mornings is one of our
Os aeeoaat of Ae Ulaan of Mra Oof •
far Aa aaacaamaat of Tnram Say Mrs. Piuk WUbalm nnd dasghter
Cotton Mattresses. (See one in our window.)
Blra. No 71. will Apald A MA Fraaa Bdan. drove to Barber Ckaak Aadny,
It is the best mattress made for the< money. It is im­
Uaga at Mr. Bam' noma la Aa Fried, to *pcad Ac day wiA Mn. WUbdm't
moAar. ___________________
possible for it to lump up. We sell th"em for $9.50.
rich black.
WlUtom Oarputer. Aa freight aoasued DasAOff
Have all kinds of mattresses from $1.75 up to $25.
dacior oe Aa O. B k L nOread renirad a nran aealp ww
morale la tba yard* la Ato dty. Tte
malaHal fiver and JaBadln. I pata r^rtoAenAtankOBtAuftaatrU Uadad
bA to try Blactric Bittora. ui
off.atriklBg hA on Ae band lafl ctlag a A was MOB mnA Attar, Atoontlnaao
120 yxoan-t Storeeti.
aarera gwb aAnttwo laabnta iaegth. Adr an uUT ha wn* wholly eared
I am aara Bleetrie BUun nvad bto
Dr. Oaner waa cal tad •
Ifa” Tbto remedy azpd* malaria,
Aa woand.
kUto diaann garma aaduHfln Ae
A mu from CbarleroU to la Aa dty blood, aids dlgntloo, ragalatea ii*ar.
towds. caraa eonaUpatioa
> aaa aboat patUng ap a Aoot kidoay* and narvon*
dliaain. kidaay
lag gallery oa Aa Bntrnm lot on Ba*t traab^ female oomplainto; gives pa^
Front atraat Chief Bcaaie ratarred faetbaalA. Only Ac at Jas. O. Jobaton. and S. B. Wait's drag storaa.
him to Aa eowidl for a permit.
Oi>car Braa* of Klngaley aad Mra. Sr. W. t. fflgglai, Oparstiv* Xtostiitey
Mary BIma of thto dty wen married
got U) go, ud Aan wUl go aalan yoa cut
laat aruiag by Jnsltoa Bro^
FarcBteltodaeri an Oilau'* putie
ncAam-ifyoa n» an Aem, doa’t mA
Dapaty Game Warden Coalter ol raralsh
oar grant nla-aota price*:
Cbarlaroix wn ia Aa dty yntarday.
Ba baa been •ererely eriAstoed by nrerml local AArmaa who claim to
SI is....................................................68e
know a Alng or two aAat flab, and it
Wemar-t Sbon, Baavrr top*, ragalar prin
to bardy pcaaibla Aat be may girr
Aem a diun to Aow how meah Aay
know. Ba nya Aat Ae NorAport
no doubt mile It— prrtwia f
daaUrawAaold AafiA may yet A fs jA Yin
WotruaV vtolirp »iocir>By. nyaUr prIn
hsT* arouirhoreold--ir M>. ubr not 1
r try «blnlrT's i-«ii«b S;rap-We n»A f
broagbt to trlaL
AUmembanofMcPbenee Poet arc I liTn'iood’V"*^||
qonud to amat at Aa pnt room*
At* moraing at e o’eloak, to attend Aa
foaaral of ton. Oarltola at 10 o'doek.
189 F eat Street
Pmctlen} Sbn Mu
The Trarem Bay Bira Sawing Clrda win meet with Mra. W. D. Wileoz
at »9 Baat NioA atrnt Ato afternoon
a*, l^'doak. All Imdy Macnban are
Tba foarA dab party ud laat of tba
nrin will A rlrea la Aa City Opera
Boan 08 Ac rtQd.WMbington'a blrA.
day. Tbeorcbraira will udnror to
Is to treat our customers as we ourselves would like to be treated—
make Ato Aa pleamatntof Ac *arin.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store



will A a\maetiag of
M Ato araalag toi-tA eOnSaf B. W.
Baaflaga TArsHrUl A Importeat
baaiaam aad arary member ef Aa
peay to recanted to A-pmaaV
and Bella C

HMMatoM ef Iki Daltad Statoa an


OuF Platform

and with right down-to-date stocks, big assortments and reasonable prices form
our basts of getting your trade.

the Most

----ii^ATUf?E’S CORg.

Pfonoonml price-ont ia in our Lnce Cur

To Build?

One of tbe most importoat itemsjlo con-

aider ia how to heat the bnildlng. Onr advice

Uioa and Carpet department, Nice goods bnt

OB that aubject won’t- coat you a cent.

bad « great deal better opportanity to study

mre been trooblM VIA (OnWJnXonf^

tbe aaabrtmento are broken, therefore the price
ia but little object A os. U you want just a alo •

•aythmOtierr Kio* baarcMnradairtbrr«,

(decurtaiu or a pair get some beautiea at jottt

explain tbe merits of tbe different ayatema, and

vcf«or>rovBlaewh*tavar. Ivnaldllketo
ljdIcrHT»uirpflDa woman what I'elcrrKInc

price—not many, becaoae "Early purcb-

make tarefnl estimates for yon.J^Oor workmen

aaeta"—took advantage of our previous 'offer.

onderatand tbeir bnsineea aad perfect, satiafac*

(Jot a few ‘'abort end*" of all wool lograio car­

tioD goaranteed. >

A Cure for Constipation.


the subject than you.CWe an always glsd to

pet at 4oc the yard.


Lady Said:

Have You?

Little articles in the office. Don’t wait
nntil tbe last one is need—Have some on band

“Ive tried all tbe stores and tbe Peas you

—Save yon many an unpleaunt feeling when

•ell are tbe moat tender and sweet, just like

yon want them bad—Paper fastenen 20c a box

tboee.picked in my garden laat eummer'' Wev’e

—Tbomb tacks 10. 15 and^^()c .s dozen—Eras-

For buying a 10 cent

beard it said before of onr other canned goods

en L 5,10. 25c-White Faste 5, lOc-Letter

cigar when yon can

Sugar Loaf (3oru at 15c a can—Logao Com at

files 2.5c np—Wood rnleroc—Bobl>er.mlera SOc

10c—Indiana Tomatoea 10c—Superior Sacco-

—Bobber and flexible steel raiera 40c—AU tbe

taafa at 12c—Lima Beane 10c—Order aome by

bast writing pen* 10c a dozen-Amoid'a, DU*

telephone and try them for dinner.

mond, Sanford, Staffw<Cand Tbomu’ Inks.

get a

5c Pig Tail

Havana Smoker a Purse?

It's jnst as good


iMdaaeaef Mr. Merrill. 117 BntHlaA
etiael, by Ber. B. Keanedy, la Ae
Bow to Ac time to Ava year Bipyela
arnean of a few larltedifrteBde.
n anamdad aad daanad ap nndy tor
Ear. d. a Beam •to hvAnAg to da- ring.
Urar a awtoa of tow aanaoaa ee Ac
Free Storage AU Winter.
violet, plak Uly and daia da Boeba.
edd Aoology, dtooaaMag aeranl pedate
My worit au not A Ant nsd prlen
■adiaal plaato of tfobt ralea are oa wbleb Aa Chanb of aOhrlat dISara Aabwnt.
WQlanil tor yew w^
predaead, Tbto taeladae pamtiraa. from gaaanUy anapiA rtewe. One
next Saaday erealag. IBa cstjaete/
Tkaa It wfll ba aaaa ttai tba
wlU A “TA Moanma'iBmcb and Pie-

The fiowara are ya^ babaUtal. aad.
nbM meat to^toal raijtoUaa. bare a
fiallaioaa frafiaM Tboaa beat kaewa
Mfikb Chib—* roaa, paaeioa fiowar,
ebamiiara,. uaat-liai



worth.-who torn.
ThwawUlbaamaatlagef Aa Uni­
form Bank. Kalgbta of PyAtoa, A'a
araaing ia tba baaamaat of Staiabarg'a
Oraad forAe parpoaa of drill..
Whan M. M.^OpbIob arrirtd from
ha toaad that aa
■ntotaat la bto baalana bad arrirad la
Ac form ef a| Aby tey darlag bto
O. B. BextnwfbM opeaad a eeat
dialag room ai 114 SoaA Ualofa etrea*.
John Bgglt. who lim aoaA of Ae
dty. broagbt la a load of three foot
wood yntarday that ooatalaed aix
A aaw Almaay baa bna baUt la tbc
. jom> oeeaplad^by Uaorga aad William
Onea. whan lAa • fire oacorred n
The padre party aad bci aoelal of Ae
Toang Meab Sodality twUl eeear Ato
araalag. at tba acbod ball. AU are
The State Bank baa .jaat laatellad a
aaw aafa that U woald Arery bard tor
a Arglar to tep. ItCeomn from Ae
Mnlar Aff Co.,of Bamaton. Ohio, aad
snull.soo. It U-*of. Aa aerew door
rartotyaadtofltUd.wiAa trlplatime
lock inaidc Ae anew doer. -Ikto, wlA
Aa doable time lock oe Ae raalt door,
will reader At nfa a pnttg saaan
Ian la wbleb to atera ralaablaa Itto
u mnt modara nt^euda.
tke Woman'* Belief Com wiU meat
at Ae Arne of tMn.srraak Oaek oa
Wnt Front etreetlAtoBKniag at 9:U
o'eloak, to attead.tA laacnl of Mn.

Tba famoB>>ad ralBabla ebony ii
#a«Bd tbara ie treat abBDdaaea. Tba
MldftptT ^ t baantltsl wood; it to of
i yallowtoh e«lort.thkckly eprlnklod
With bl»ek apota
had ersata rad In oolor. A dye cIbB to
aalractad from thto wood aimtlar la
paler to that obtalaad from lafwood.
fM addltioB to Ibeae. there are naay
a^MH of difiareat Tarlatoea wUeb are
pf'eeeoedary ralaa.
Tba eoooaBBt palm to a beeaUfal
We^ rary ralaabla on aoooBBt of Ita
predBCtt which may ba need for
pprioM perpocM; It to
Ip the Vtoaiaa taUada.
Olban are tba konfa. cabosacro.
kart, and alpa.wblob are hlybly raload
by tba naU*ae beeaeaa they ^nraUh
Ihom with mataaial for maklar rope,
''hato, aBBtUac. etc. From the nipa the
aattrae ooeatraet tbalr bonaea.
A fnat rarioty of lamb, peeallar to
Iba tolaadt. are alao toand. Amoor
tMw bra tba nitto. from the ataam of
WkM the aaUeta make hate, kaaata.
Mto aad otbae artielee; the pita, the
iMvm of wbieb are aaed la weeriac
that very delleate cloth caUed nl^
pad tba p^ye aad tofo which are
paid to make exoeUaat edap.
•Imilar m aU Iroplaal ooaetriai the
pbUlplBai bare a larfs aaeortmeat of
Iralt The moat aommea are the ba Ctorltole.
•aaa. eemateUat of
ranatlae; tba Trarene City abaptewRc. 147. ef Ae
II—r b trait of delielCRU fleror; tba order of Aa Baaten star, will meat
AU araalag at 7 o'eloA >barp, fo that
wartderw. rrom tbpr laarea of tba than wtoktag to attaad Aa toettn may

SB axpaoaira tobrie kaewa
aa piaa to woras. TbW plaa to et a
'.vary delieata taztara aad fw more
pe^ tkaa aOk. Otbwj tratto aia tba
aklae, atoa. asatol. la^. fapyara,
iBBiany. toaaboy. acpagaaad lamoe.
TbaniaIbblaaaraaaUrpaB. They
IMsda tba aweat potkte and ■


H. L Ellis, Pnpr.


W Pr

a Rocker?
Socaetbing that’* a plefisare to owa—Ws

Money has a most myaterioua way of

have got a solid oak armed cobUer seat zodnr

finding a hole in the pocket<u*uaUy it’s at the

that mily costs yon two dollan to oam—and an­

t8p) yon’d ^nlate better if yon bad a pone to

other style, much better tbA seUs at W.76-

carry It ia—Importad Kid Bella at dOo—genn-

Ws think yon can dnpliente thU elsewhere for

tae Kooba 20o-25c - BaekaUa 25-Cnvea

possibly S3.5a If yon haven't sewi our chairs,

Tan Calf 203-Beal Napa 20c-Snake akia 76c

it's time yon did.

—Ladiea bUl Panes 25c~Chatelaiae bagsSSe,

-We axe the money savers.

Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.


l»I^Til or «05 OA&LUU

Xdtoratp Jfotta.
Hcaltb Oaltara ter Fabraarp It aa
^ OU BaitdMt PmmT A4^f Outer |
ezoaUoBt aasbor of tbit nop c <e
to ftrootloa* apt,tad.
Uopeatwitk pan i of PnetlealOoAlatn OftrtteU. wtte of 0»tM Oftrwtieo bp W H-c Lattoa. M D.e-n
dtpeoUoa wlt>
at wUl
|: OnlkM bMs AlMornvd !■ Ur(« »«me Front •Wftftt.ftfUr za UloMi of
rirea la tbe Cily
■ •Iz «ilM» UlMnOfCktOB ftBOftUi. Pool—od w— ftft old rorttet
atnnt fib ftaddlpoodre tract TboLfr.r
tolootod ua

W Dodda. M.
^ u4 pnmiam mi iwf «•««*■• of ^ dtf. dfto «Tft« M fOMft oU ftV
teoftf Bieo ftft ihft fttar, wm'bo ft treat 0.. ladlaaiao
A «»la of tArw fwt
•• odanod I
■ «w *Ue». ote bok ft tew taftt fros thft Ub« of fter doftiA. 6ft« *m » whkA U wldom «aj07od ter*,
» ftftrfte-.
OfipriUoB* ftOU ftft ftftUre of Oorawa/. bat oam to (bift of thairreftt aftwiftftftftf »pmk -of b«r
Hpptoato Priwrew of th.CoMMu,
ooftfttrr wban rooftcmmm ift tbe ftTrlBCobow.ap that mueb ha* here doae (a
Bbft loftVMft bubftte ftftd two obi)
B sno H«ftM-A ratead. io»y por- W-to direetloa. Cboa B Uep.m. M.
I AkOhftborrftft ft f«aM<« IftBftU of droB. ft MB U' FftfthiafMn ftftd I
I faU of ftarprlm Tbe D., nakao a otrup plea for BtLdorauoB
■ ftoftiUT w»r b0«M BftMd ten- dftftffbtor. Mn. Bmith of B«bth fttraftt.
waa pateod. aad baadrtet ia ooup wapo oa pranotire of pood
TioUftt. ftHftdMd Uft
boaltk. Otaa B. Papa, M. D . reuldawtp; Bnua Adrertiaar— era
potato oa OortoUan Beloaeo, Drop*
r ftftd ftftftftftMUd U ftftMpiBC froB Thft foearal wiU bo bold from
I hit It I
ud Oteoltp. Jaa B. Jaekaoa. M.
• kOftM. wklzll 1m ftO ftMl
taally roaldaneo tbio foroaoon at 10 peaap aad old alike aad to free
D., abowz bow boaltk aup beoblalate
or Ttolftsk UsftWft.
Mra BUa Mina
o>«look. Hot. W. T. WoodbooH ott farelal ralparitp; How Torb Hoialdwtenftboftift ftn sok ksows,
eooaidan Ooraatoao Food. pWoUUar- Tho pall boaron bare Kept tte aadtoaeo la a roar of taopbior Beddoro
tooora. “Bow I
thftkaftfv of Uft roorkoftftft
a dMftOB fro* MePbftTftOft Pwt, tertbrea boon; Now Took Saa- lapapoelalattoBUoa
ton eeatfaaa
ftZftwihftd tkft ftOfTOftaaiftC «o
■A. E. of wbtoh Mr. OarttMa io Obamiap Faaap Rloo siaAo a proat
f A> UdlarFM. »M«ori/ wlftte b»T« ft BftBbor. Tb«> an: Loria Eobarta.
na hoaoo waa paekod; CblUftteaftTirftttOftdlfliftUfor
P«n O P. Oamr. UH doftlft, F. O. Mairla.
eopo later Oeoaa—A oaro tattitt. aad
rotte Phpalcal
tfftlHiinirtiiBTTr OrMt
Obarlat trteh abd Mearoo Mon*.
riraaioH aad alorer Faaap Btoo to a BIpao of Loaporitp.
wa to a iarpo
«f*itelMftn afftlft pftekid ift tte
Mlaatod aad artlaHe addlHea to oor unoaatofSnrilai
' rtftteil r- thftt ihft MUwftftkftft aMftiBwith
for tbe
atart; Obtoapo Trtbaaa—Aa aadlaaea
Wfttelftrftd aftvml boan’te
aab] wt that to
P. M. BUbaolaa want to Bapid Clip that ovwted tte Opera Hoaaa from aoeond la Inportaooo to bobf that ou
UicikHftfft. TiwUr Oftf f«f7 kftft

nSftltetroirftr to wate tkraich tto laat aipbt on baalaan.
mbsr. $1 00 a pear.
W. W. Biebnoad want to Williatn- aad applaadad alnoot eoatlBsallpi
oMroMloft wiihoftt difiMlir- n*
Addrrea. Bkoltb Cvltvzz.
Waablnptoa P»t-Ne eaterlalaaMBi
barp OB baolBooB laot aipbt
aarlartTMaaaaCoft la
apirenao '« fItttoriBp r
B. H. Pope ratareod laat aipbt frost
tbb wmk to tftj ftft for palBUftt.
ttoa. Aaa
Foaaderofl O F.
Aavlftla Vaa Baraa oo«bU frait a thrao weaka' trip opoat priaeipaUp la j lateioubla
OoL A. i OaldweU. tho foudar of
Crowftraara tbUbit appU erobard of, C ileapo. Bo alto rioitod Oraad Bapldi
na)eetaro,"A Wonoorfal Btraetoro” lha Ipdapudut Forraoterm. wrltoa: “I
OMtraaaia far man oftlaabUi ia tba; dortap jiiabaenoa.
taka ope of Dr. Chaaa’a Eidnep LIrer
wvofftftftftftlBftt retarao, ibaa aar Ooontp School Ocnnlaaioaop MetUa to bo piren bp Prof. Tbonaa H. Dina- PUto at nlphtaad tba raaalt to wonder
at tbe Catp Opera Boaae tbto orra- fnl In prodneinp calm rapoaa, ud axpoftobtarBof tba aftato aiao^ia tba C. Orap laft loot erealap tor WUlUntaa8fttr7< Ha datotaa a aartala aaonat barp. where aba wUl rlait tbo aebooto lap. to tbo preouiaUon of tbo noa ol oallaotdlrcotioei. I regard than aa tbe
today from a tolwtiBe rlow-pcdot. and companloaaand eomfortortof mp latter
af aara lo tba traaa. bat not aa boob aa udap.
foara'' Dr. A. W. Cbaea’a Ridaap LIr­
to maotretod with brilUut teoRhtol er
la boaaaaary for a poaeh orobard, aod
PUto. tba only $aaraote>d core for
ba fata ft Aaa orop of Ant alaab ftftpiaa Mr*. Frank BLnlnll and daapbterapetft iperlnoaa of oorp
k'dnep ud haer weaknoM, ts oanu. all
atorr poar. aod daooe’t biro any Boadap at Mr. Bnabaoph'o eanp ooar to a BOW loelnra la tbo roaimtof arioaeo drarotou. o- Dr. A. W. Cbaaa Med. Oo..
N. T.
tfoabla awat flidlag a jaaarket
nt to Northportpeofar tba trait, aa maap paaah raioara 8. B. Son
Onat Orereeat
tardap oa bi
WbUa tooblBir tbroarh aa tfd book Miao Bttel Dana, who taaeboo part
below ooai. The Bgauw Store.
laatwaab a. BaaakfarBor. |»f Noi- of tbo ooooad and third pradaa of tbo
Bira, fooad too tlo odta batwooo tbe Oonlrel aebool, to qalta Ul.
ahaabaoq'ia, aepa:
laaoaa Ha taiabo tbap were .pUeod Du Sbortar of Cedar Bu. wat la tba tbe
“Tbe Ulnatreiedeoiut'fte lectarae bp Una ” Ctolmaaa Blaatle Floor Varetah
tbaro bp bb fatbar. sow dabd. aod el’p oa boaloeot poatardap.
Dr. Diaantore, Jr., at Obutaaqu laat
B. Sprapao Pratt to rtoitiap bto b^ unnar
ware both attraetiva aad inhara baaa tbora for Baap paar^atraeUre. Baaeena tobare tbo Innck •
i/mm Pooora, afad M poart; diad oa ar. L. A. Pratt at Au Arbor.
aUaiB boaod for Hi< Rapl^ Iron Mra C. 0. SniU ud daaphtcr Mat of uaktor^nud ^elpleoM alear seeWUMOlead. Ha <oai tahm jlU aaar e. are rtoliiap tbo Mtoaoo Boetor.
■oaMaa Croootac obara ba m an- F. H. Vinton of WUltoanbarp. wai
A Card,
anpiopad b a lanbar aanp and «aa aa- atthaWbltlnp poatardap.
We. tbe nadareipned, do barebp
Ralph D. White wat la tba dtp poareata ter a beoplial U B« Ba|dda
_____ :Oru._. ____________
JlaavoM beaaaa aboat Oraad Blaae,
Tar if It talla to care poar ooopb
fiofta«aa aoaatp. bare baaa ftirlakaa Mn. Jaatoo Buaat of WUUanabarp. eold. Wa alao paaruua a U-out
aa a Trare^ Oitp riattor poatardap. boUla to prore aatlotaetorp or nonep
wltb aaaa dtaoaaa tba azaei
refaadad. 8. B Wait. Bopbac A Boz.
whUk b ftot pat kaowa, aad a pood
barp, Jaa. O. Johaaoa. F. C. Tbonp- ProareV «
■nap doatbo bare bean rapanad.
ttoa. The e
a la tbe world repre
ObarlB Olkooft of CbdUlac. Waa.arl- I
frfm /A tocierr.
^ T« Ov« a iMd ta Om Day. lalad la np apuep.
dofttip Boibora aador a laaapatar.
i-ake Warner-’. White Wine of T*r Si-ni.
Ba not a Job avliabiar for tba railroad
he ben ooopb raaedp on earth. Sk ai<
MiMBieeL 'PbooeTS.
tba otter dap. aad two bean after ba The bona of Mr. aod Mra. J. W V cesta.
otartod to work bit baad waa oaapht Patehla waa tte aeoM of a reip htePP
botwaaa banpon aad oratbad to aadip •arprtoa party laat arealbp. Tba nrprlaa |raa arraapad for Mr. aad Mr*.
BtftjtBia diamoat of daciaa*. It Batpb CoBUbla, who an aou to loan
to lad bit daacbtor Mary, of too dtp. Mr. Oonnabla to aapapa in
wbon bo baahctrd aottaloc latfpoan. boalaere alaewbere. Mr. ud Mra. Oonwboaba aeporatod fron bltwifo la aabla ware lariud to call at the PatchMoaret eoaatp, N. V. Ho iblako bio la bone, where tbap foaed a large
teaphtor U Urlap oomwbaro la Mleb- eonpaor ol food friuda^ Tba early
portion of tte ereniap waa darotad to
eraatiu udeonandrana EsfraahTba roaidaalfl aloop tbo tboroo of
its ware aaread ud ibefoUowlag
Engagement Extraordinary
Braot Bap. Moaroa ooaatp. wUl aoi
propran pleu:
baro to bapaapeoal tor aenaUna,
laatranuatal nolo—Mtoa Oartrnda
ai—va (0 tbo work of tbo eloaoau la
Jolly. Clever. Frolieaonie. Vlvacioua
tborlelnltp. Uotaumnora teboonor Moatapaa.
Daet—Mra. Dayton and Mtoa Sau*
latea witb ooal waa wiaekadlatbo darn.
hap, and olneo tba rooaat eeld taap
Baeitotioa—Fruk Waltoa.
taaitd tbo trocalac o*or of tbe. bap tbe Solo—Mra. Dayton.
paopla Urlap tteroabooU baro
Eadtatloa-Mra J. B. Martla.
baop potHac tte coal oat of tbe wrack
America's Funniest Woman
aad traaoportiap it orer tbo loo to tbelr Bolo->Dr. A. B. floUidap.
Bate anmbar wu baartUp eaoorpd
btnrr Hoarlp ararpMo la tte rleini- aod
Who will preMnt brre for Uir first time a moat charming triple
the utattalanut waa a tearninp
tp bte aoeond Iron ton to olatp tono
bill of bright cOmedi>-B. made famous b; the
•ad It will not bo leap baton the fratva of tte plaaaano of the eeulep.
late Boaina Yokes.
wrote itaalf It tare to pltott for Uo A hllp party of the Ltoeola Literary
The performauca will begin with
wood la It. Alnpotbtr U‘o anotbtr aodatp. with thalr triud*. mat laat
wa of aa ill wind that blowt nobodp araainp at tbe boate of tbeir prealdmt,
Bead«B BoUar, ud eo jepad a aadal aod
Bi^len la tte tbape of blackboard opetoranpper.
To be followed by
lapalnn bare baaa “worktap" tebool
dWrtett aroaad Btoekbrldpa to tba 'Luterealap toe u. B-C. dob waa
anlertalpeddelipbUallpbpMtoi Baritaae of $10 or ill aploea
And oODclade with
FottauMr Pood of Ann hr^. bat lead on State otreqt A aery dalatp
ranirad ofieUI aotleo of tba oatabllte apread waa aojoyad. A mpaiartooa
■aat of two roral nail dellrerp roatca box. fron a npitariooa aoarea. anrnpiionalp
Ona poet to Dizboroand tte otbtr Hallaa. Tba popolaUoa aerrad' oa tbt raeatred aad after naob apecalatlon
a qautitp of
Mra Ana W. Wrlpbt and bar daaph- delletoao eaadp white tka ladle* u$tr, Hra Marah H. Uaoaoblro. bare )0P0d hapalp. _______
fttftatatad a traet of proand to Aina
•oDtta. bpoa wbltb to aroot now Wild. A rerp ploaaut urpma wu pirea
Mtoa Balia Proreaebqr putordap bp a
•••te of W 7«uc I’imaA. '
ware played ud a ddipbtfal tlna wu
A VlBbt of Tame.
niepad. Bafrubnuto ware urred u
••Awtal aaztov «a* felt lor tte
eridew of tbe brare Oaaara) Baraban tba pauto. Tba toUowtap wore pruafMaahla*. Me., wbaa tte deeM eald aol; Gap DaLeap. Blra Ptoraoa, Ba
Tlllia Brea*, LftaraOerllae Mra. 8. B. Uaaola. maa, Pat Orabaau Mania Kalpht, Bou
bar thatt fnrfal alpbv
•nretatebappadfo Dr KtaftoHawDia- Nub. Oosato Bean. WUl Mate, Albert
Banu, Barr Bllibp. flarry Dewitt;
oorerp. white bad
od bar Ufa. aad eared bar of Sqaaanp- Hapa MeOUlto.
Yutotdap wreTbobl^day unlrermcrelote nadlelaa to paarutaad to urp of Mra. Baa'Garlud. and tba
V ..-teraall Threat. Cbaat ud Leap Dto- treat wupUaButlpaolabralad la tbo
^ aute Only MO aad fI M. Trial bot- aredap at tbo bona of Mre. OarUndb
Mre XOe at Jaa. U. Johaaoa aaA A B.
author. Mrs. Oamalaa. oo Blxtb atreat
WaM^drapatoria._______ I
Thrifty housewives, wlde-swake cafe aad hotel proprietors,
c.( ■will profit^y atteud^n^thia aale.
QltaM'l tBUXlW IVHll ttb MM tanatftadimlap Ufa. Otiat Efe^ard* moi good quality aad that
da tew(rtoad*ath«bomaoe
our priced are unmistakably on the side ^ ecoaomy.'
State atreat Buidu Maaaaat aoMal
‘Table Damask. -Napkins, Towels, Orafthss,.MuslJn Under­
tethd mUa Minn Ulaft
wear. etc, ia abundai
Atanoa la Uum- lalnitabla«
aad te Mtoa Oortaaa BUva
> batter. Tba BoMoa aktrtdaBea.
A Fripbtfal BlaaSor
T§ Im U inpr* « 24 Iwrt. WUl oftu oaoua horrible Bara,
Seald, Cot or Bralaa. BaekUa<a Aral'
n Balre «U1 ean tba pain ud pronptbaal It Caraa Ferer Sorea.^tam
blsaad faial dUaaoe. If taku-lhor- U
Boito, Ooraa. aU akin Brepttou. tot
PQa ean « oarth. Only M ala. a bez.
Oar* paarutaed. Bold bp Jaa. Q.
JohaaaaaadAA Waltb Sag


I For Fire Insurance


Thursday, Feb. 15
Everybady's Favorite


“Nan, The Good-For-Nothing”



i Housekeeping


An Annual Event

Only 30 Days More
r a a om uMto bU re>eu bate, rualar eH*a NO^

$4.$0 This is
“c.’S’SSrtr.’v.r-r: $3.oo a Genuine
Removal Sale
jju-. au ,
baj’i too**, wnrj

This atoek moat bs rrdoe*


"Asaiiiisi:?- -" 14 Off
111 leaver aid Felt Shoes at
Oie-Foeith Off.

ed before tnoviog to oor new
•lore, Mareh 16th.
Oome aad see prices mad
he ooDvinced—Shoes at IsM
jthsn the present feotory
ooet—We can Mve ;oo frsm
10 to 25 per cent, oo new,

Lumbermen’s Box and Pacp

wp; footwear.

-^A Big Out Mad..

Mftke BO mistake.

300 Pairs Difords~l4 and
1-2 Off-Sea them.

Frank Friedrich
The Old Beliftble.

R. Kiippenheimer & Go's.
Overcoats anil Ulsters
Relow Acinal Cost
Win you not need a new Overcoat or Ulster for
next winter? If bo. get one now. Such an invest­
ment now will pay you big dividends. We are dos­
ing them out b^low actual cost this week. A good
assortment. See our eact window. .

SMh lv|iiK Vm lever Before Offered.
. Call and .xaniae tile goods and learo more of
them - Ever, one bears a written guarantee.

No resarra—ararythinz goes from the
cheapest to tba best.

The L3oston Store
First Class
Pianos and Organs
at ridiculously low prices
at the

If yon are tbiuluDg of baying a piano or organ
within tbe next year you will uve money by look­
ing at these bargains. Call in aifd we will Ulk it
over together. Glad to show yon wbetber yon
boy or nof. Old goods taken as part pay. Euy
terms. Mail orders given prompt attention,

W. W. Kimball Co.
189 Front Street.

H. S. STBOVO, Aenager.




Bld«nOk Lumbn ia .U maaa

■ to TrsTtoa. Oity lAtobto Oo.


•moxAX. rao smrtMB.




it EtotT rrotiEt J

|r A Jit jiLjk liLJiuiUlt AA*Jiua
ttoi OmwnX Br»*e toHafetaf toad proimv to hto oomM* offoi^
ladtoMtoVMfttoo. liio otertod bj
Mtxtoio omy oAmn Mcofod to tob
«ftamtoa itot too Mojooon ooootoovIf mwiTtoff ntaoMa »U Ucm BnUtb
At OMeofo. Ifertto Jordee. ea ooftumr. bto wife. lUrr. ood tbeir Bre;
MOtfee oU ter *rere e^/xtotod bp
«M Hotwdor e^t to
toMM. Tbe;
bodlee of the three werf toead deader.;
.Atooktoegaeplretatoe beeoMat
^etofid the hoeee erlth tee aad whoa
doaad. the aeshtfe of thefesUrhad
heoa deed aererel hean. The leek wee
«o la«re that whoa worksea from the
oae eoBoear atteaptod to eloee It oee
I br the etroaff
fnmti aad wee reelred with diaealtr.
A pefTol hae aaited two torcre wboep
Urea were aboat to drift apart tomfA
• Bietaka Prtraie fari^oea JasooriUe
«adhto bride, iarmnif Iflae OamUib
hdt. Loan, Mo.,
aaroatetodBBter. A p. While hero
'their prettr aad peeatlar roBOoee be«aoB baowB. 8be bad reed to the papm that her Wr bad been killed to
the Pbillppiare and ebe had coae to
<tolorado. Be bad failed to hoar fron
her aod thoafbt htouelf dcMrtod. A
parrot which be bed oword etoee bayhood aad which be acd MfB Ooedrejr
bed tanfrht to eej CamOle and Jaeq^ra
ocrMcfaad oot theee wotde ip tbc depot
at Deeeer aad broocht aboutameeUoc
retamed eoldler and Miet
waddtoceooa followed.
P«.i/ M attoodiac tbaiaoa their hoaejHtbe PaelllehaebeeaBatahed. lU
Kero arrired at Ban Praaeleee Bondar«ha aaUad Mayo and etaaBOd l.lOO
Blira to Midwar ieland.l.too Bllee to
Oeaa. then to Manila. Bha weat to
Yohohaaa for oo^ aad
B that port baek to OaaB. BaUtof
Iroa OeaB on NoraBhpr lOaba arrived
c« Boa^ale Janearr tP.
A projeet la oa footto BafUadUor a
dirret ttoa of railwar froB tha Citj of
Vrxwe to the Yeiataa paatoenla, with
wxtaeairc llaaa Into BHtlab Hoadoree,
wbaratha Brltlab covpntaant ie d>
poaod to r<«e a*eahalArwoald plaec Yueelan to I
a with the federal aapUal and
wonld open op a frrUlaacrlenliDral refioB It U favorpd br tbe roremmenl.
Koar maaked mm eniered tbe boae
, of Mre. Maria S. Bexwn. an aunt of
lire. MrEinler- wcat ;of Canton. O .
earlr Bondar Borolor. IDenlal Blanker,
a brother of Mix. oaxtoo, wae awakaned. but wae preveotod from cIyIoc
an alarm br t revoirpr tbroil to hie
faee. Tbe robbere oeeaped with a amall
amooDt of bootr
In BeoqoeW P- I- Anwrioan proapeetore are eeareblnf the moonUloeof
that prortooe for r»ld. Ba iret everr*
wbora to tbe tatorior oe blfb eleva
tiaaa are workinc rood- dioall qoarU
▼elaa. aad to tome plaeee In verr primsure etrto. Macb torrttorr baloefinc
to tko aarare '‘baadi hanteta”
Barer explored br the Bpaahh. >0opprr
Bad cold. Iroo aad Itcolte are aare to
led br the expe^a JBieb l«orottea oooBt their wealth in buodrada
ofoaneaaof fold.
An attempt waa made to hold no a
ppatb bonad paeeencer train on tha
JAtdblaaon. Topeka A Santa Fe Bator■ d^ olebt one mile north of Perry, o.
't. Tbe bell cord woe polled and tbe
vain waa elo wine down wtMo the ea;Ctoeer noticed aever^ ;maaked men
.ataoeloc near tbeiHeK.^Hc ^maod
%f throttle aod tbe tmla daebed by
the wonld be robberai«fbo made a tntile attempt to bvard U. OMoem am
la poraolt ot tbe meu.
Bear Cbief. tbe oldea^ chief of PeTa
Bow Bb Bat band of Re'
to Bead, fla t«o« one; ot tha moat toialtoetoal men of hie triba.
L, {Wm.
1 At SpftorBeld. Mae*:,
need tl. e well kobwo printer aod.pobItober. eommittod voidde tBooder by
•booUnc For yearo bo wee the part
of Clark
Clark W. ’*
--------JESrCimMlfdoedtworean aca *=3
pit ^OB^ do Lac. Wli, the>*dr
Si.Jeb Ocoa. one of the ^deet eitixi
ot the •taw. wa» toood frosaa to tbe
river Bandar moratofJ Mr. Coon had
boon mlMlBf ter «l boaia. Up to tbc
time of bto dleoppoamoeehe waa editor
«t the Food do Lae Deilr Mewa.


*ean or el«thto to ihiB eaea
t hBva. to dl the paet from

Btae Zdaoela Plrocram.
TkaTbM evade c( toe Oak park
aakaai. ta^tbp Mtoe Tkytor. had a
Baa Llacola praemm ywlorday afteraoaco.


aBaoxamtoae Tbe Ktodecartaa. Third
aad BeoMdmdm warn toviwd Tk««
were aboat seo chUdma prmeat
Alrncat a Miracle.
Mr. 3. B. Miller of Obonai>r« Fc^,
B. Y
•offered for Btty yean
with elto* and dccpalrvd of evor betoc
oomd aatll 1 tri^ Dr. Cbaevto Olaw
meat. Oaeb^ exrod me parteeUy
Or. Obeae'e Olatmoot coamoteod t
mm pUce. emvma aod eU ekto dtoaaa*.
MoaaW all dmccieta or Dr A W.
Obaee Med. oT. BeffUo. K. T Fme
wmpla box oaat oa rvoelptof etamp



John F. On & Co.

ODBC U4 M.J .7 yiBBrir

aad tbe c->et of aarrlee
-----------aa -tooh that tbe »oold. deabtlaab. not exoeed oanthli-*
e referred to the eoBBlilee m rnneb. aU of which woald be rqoall
oo Bee aad water to report at aext roc- ae aatiefaoverr to oar poopl
^ seetiac , .
|ae the eBoloriaf ot the
Mettoe earrtod.
Verr r «p(«ifnllr.
Traeeree Olty. Peb. t, 1000.
H 0 OcMHaou.
TV the H.morof4e. the Mapor. and CUv
Moved br Aldenaaa Bmith ibav the
CounoU qr the OUy ttf Tratmt CUp.
be reeelved and ordered

Orrlllek. Bactlnco. C mk a
M -je nooe.
Mored br AUermaa SBitb that I
Montacoa be craated perBMon i
botld a bam on ble pramlMe at eomi
ot Bute aad Wm
lotion earriod.
H vedbr'Alderman Montacoe that ^a. x- B._i(noa.
whoo we rndj-mm. we adj lom to meet
on Wedneedar, Peb. -Tih. IMO at »
o'clock a. m'.
Motioo carried.
~ raOteu of Ct Iv
Moved br Alderman Smith that the i^^aredit^


mottoo >f -Aldrrm«n Monucoe
CUj. prnieeato and Old Miaeton Elecdnir carried, i DoaeU edj orrrd
l^c B .11 re, eonpaar. iu
A. W. Rckvbd, •
City Clerk
.<u^i>loa:iOB te ceaniod apd the ,ireel. of Trarrm Hiiy and drBotoC
warrant extended.
lUTiirb'c dotlte and prlril^n.** wee
A'djoumed rcfoU
MoUon earrtod.

pre-enied aod read.
Oooeil held to City Clerk'• otteo Feb
7b>b< IfcnuraiWc. Uu Muyor andCHy
Tbe ordloaee wa
Council of (he City ctT TVunme CUy tbe followlag eomn
' Tnom beloc not enoo«k ald-rmen
o cooaUlote
conaUlote a qamsm
uamsm Conoell
piment to
m } oro- d to meet Feb ilb. IBOO at 4
At a law
To idr Hfmor.jbie u,t Mai
Mayor oi
o’clock p. «. at toe City Clerk'a tfB;e.
I of Tr«i
A W. BioiUiKb.
City aerk.
E« »— lfo.k. b. U.4 b. k
». b.r..ltb Jo >ob lb.
Adjiorned rerolar mmUnr of City
leeted br ikte eoondl, to act action a francbiM tor rlcbt of Aar Ooonill held in City Olerk'a oBoc Feb.
tor la behalf of tbia oHr la tbronfb TraverM Oliv for toe prepoerd Sib. 1000. at 4 o'clock p m.
m with a writWB oontmci Um Traverw CUr add Old Mlaeioo rallwarMcetiac waa celled to order by
aadexedoiod brand
br aad between Tbie fmaebiae pmcUeallr followe thnt
rank BemlUoo. awyor.
PraaoDt, Aldemwa Parker. MooU
I Oltr of PraverM. CHtr and H. D. pmpamd hr r«f oommltton to_ whom
to tbe porebane of oar farmer peUtlua wae referred
coo. Drollick. Beattop. Oook. Smith,
and Wriebi aod "
Oampbell br------------------------------------- ------.
Tmveroe City. Mleb., Feb. 7. 190$.
maror oad etork be aad are herabr aa- caad Bve kaadred dollam for frea^loe TV (>i« Bonomblr. (Ar Mayor onrf cuy
tbcriced toemptortbeaald OeorceW. from the etoto aad to maklac eorvnre
CouneU i4f the CUy <tT Traoerte CUy,
Batter on ne fnvemble torau ae paaei- end other toeldoBtal and neemenm exMUAlouR.
bln, nad to netda eonjoaottoa wltb him pnanra. aad fmrtoor that nooe of thU
and e£M B. O Uampball to brtociac moaer waa expanded ooUl attar
lily mport that
abont aaeb arbltratlea aa tpeedUr ae aaeae bad been made br tboee to an- _
aodld be ex we have tovmtlcated toe matter mlative
tboriir that ao diMcnltr would
_Loved br Aldormao OairiaoB that tbe perieneed
obwtoiac the rlcbt of 10 petlUoQ ot J. B. Martiook mlatl.e
reeolotloa be adopted aad paaaad.
war tbrooeb tbe eltr. we teal that we to mpalrv of wooden bnlldiac on Front
•treat aod would reoommeod that Mr
Motioo carried br roo aad aervoto, are rntltled to fevombla
ibla aottoa opoa
Martloek be mated permtoeion to cot
ca followe:
. tbU petltloo tor fraecblae. We are
toe entire bolldlnjr down tn one •lory,
Ym»—AldormoaOrelliek, Oook. Lar- formed br eevml prominent aod
die. Bmith. Oarriam and Wrtcbk
Bocnul men on the Pratoanie that provided Mr. Martloek will bind bim
Nare— Aldermeaj Parkar aad Kea- oeede for rlykt ot way tbroorbont tbe
whole towoeblp will be Immediatelr
iur MIU® W«Mi
To tbe paeeace of It [tbe eoaoeU'e -forth oomlnc when tbe fmoobiee U
reeolotioiI ] end the aeloctlon of Mr. cranied br tbe oooooil to enter tbe period of five yean. '
Very re*p“Ctto‘lT,
Better tolecteaoneof tbc Sroltratorv dtr. We ere further emored br Mr
W W.. Kuira.
I did ot tbai time robi^ tbei the mooer wito wbiel
C. L. GKKiui'k,
lild and rq lip tbe road will be proCommittee.
I pany. and obi■red br talm aa aooo aa favomble
of ate betoc o*
Moved by Aldermen Haatlnp that
itlen ii taken upon tbla petition. A
' oommitiee
.be i
teat to tbe Oonneil
eontraelli _
the report
of tbe
.......... ..................J br I
aald Beftor to act aaoae of the arbl- drat of tbia preaent month ci*toc oa
_ tbe valae of tbe tbU aeaoma.w.
tiooer be oot n
prveent water worka
rka plant:—
In tbU petltloo
and fmnchiea we aak loir with bri -k ktructare in 6»e year*
irai.—Beeanae be W
U dUqoallBed
dUqaellBad on for do
oo exriuaive
•• reco-nmnoded by tbe committee.
the termaofacrMmeateaWred into bat oolr aak for tbe i
Motion eerriod.
» tbe eltr and mrwlf.for tha tbrooeb tbe el
Aldermea Pvker, Mmtecu^
I'ofdatermlqinrtheprloeoftbe oor proponed r
Urelliek. Heatlnp. Cook, Smith
pmwDtwaier workap'abvtqanbmit to not boUt and <qul|
the people wltb a view of tbe ci^ par- ream tbe fmaebiae b
am nable to do aar
pearod and took pert to tbe preoeedlac«
(bemtofom, in U»7.) been to tbe cm- u la cmated we am follr aatiaBrd that
pioy of tbla eltr to formnlate plana, aad the project eaa be at once podbed to a •TATXMXSTOr BOAX3 0F PUaLM- OOKXL
eotimatcc of coato
ooato ot tbc aamc. for a mtkfactorr ooaelnalon.
wator anppir. to be opwatod br
AU of which to rcapeetfoilr cobmit- Tmverae City, Mleblcan. Feb. S. ISM.
nlelpiloWBOmhlp; wU did make aod wd.
We do hereby oerUfy to tbe Cronell
eobmltelx dlffarent plana of water
The Tmverac 01tr< ttontoaola aad
of eald CltT toat tbe toUowinc i* »a
aoi^lr for aaid ekr all of which have Old Mtoaloa Blcetrie bllraad Oo.
aeenmte acooont of tbe coat of me fr'.
boea eobmltlod tbrooeb aa aUbomto .
W. P. CnoTana.
on atmeta aod toe eonearociioa toerevt.
aad cxbaaeiive aa wall aa ocatlr ariat-:
tbe amount ot material oaed and tbe
ed mport to poor kosombto bo^ a^
^ AUermaa Baattofa that expeoae tbemof, and the atmet
totbepepptoof toedtr. P*mof 0^ paUUca * medvad and £tomd place where •neb
aneb material wa* oaed or
olaaa aad oetlmatm mport tbo nur* liamd oa Ua '
labor performed; alao tbe nombdc of
day* of labir pe'
performed oo aald etreete.
aad tbe aoooata doe tbe aeveml pei
value of tbe preaent plant, now nndar'
TmvemvOitr, Mich , Feb. 6, IPOp.
hem in after nomed nodcr tbe bead of
conaidemtloo. at a Bead aod etotod tV (Ac H«n«f^il>lr. th€ Mayor and CUy, payroll:
priee. I have ao knowledfO ae to how
CoumcII of tht CUy of Trutwrer CUy,
Mr. Raflor arrived at a valaa eo Bnad
riatme and aoeoaata mepeetfnllv mpvrt
wltb any
OcaalM ap • drwkik bp barai dl.1
„ 1000.

.um.isui.. ot th.

the verloae city fonda aa follow.:
coxtinuoxt rrxD.


tben'UDdcr oooeldetetio*...................

IRdvarcStV^abD XclWT
Work id eviwriarr.


atfromBI.MOtoBK.SOOaod ot i
alty. miloet have ao towmt. eithor
_____ or ladirmUy. at leant to a
flaaaelal pelotof view. Bvldantly be
wonld be d'aqoallBad to alt an a Jarer x.
to any water ororka qaeailon toat u
miebt artoe hem for____
for thaan maeoni.
. aad.
for what be baa aaldaad written of toe
worka plant, aad for tfcc

bo tmpcnnd, nor controet oppromd. mn*
Imabi^WMRiBC ,vote_of two-ihlrda

PtlXTINO ru.Yii.


w^aoamiTO y. tbom rcoir^o^

trull.Iqtdi f IMIuiRf.
Arrival and dvpanara et tralaa a* Tiaimte
Clw.taaSvM DMMbar mb. OW.

•ixoi Xortkvm -paMaTto: l£Sl^»r
▼ a. WARTIK. nj.lrlaa and eereMB. OUce.
af- l.adiM Utirarj Bulldtsr. B.iroboo.—~T\R A J

B-WT V.vrlDarr eo-reoa. at

Morr.naB.rR Trwiedla^AM e( al
doiB'.tIr aniaiala (>r tke lalMl aod wnM ap
Brnrrd iDMb-v]. Oar •*r nirki call. proBplIr
axradMl. -IVIrphoB. No. I.
. m. Aaiitk.
>. »l Wa.b-


' 'TK.r
Roqiilrr ai he ratoe ■ttMri. Wr. Ol.adrk tCO dl
T <»rr -Palrnf.-hiM-. 'T.r.hoa.. In fretu i
±J Hns-lka-soUjrr. Piei.r plraa. laar* <

^IRL jrAOTKI)-F<^ cwral^boMv^k
SIT XaafN-mUi
X»x A W.^^k
rpo XKMT -PurntabMI a
A nodrra coorralMM

*Tbr^4#a ■'tmU bae parter ear do Omad
ear abd eoaea OraM



lup^wOM^ to Omad Xapida aad tealraae
hM chair ear PL
-1 amJax ai

--------- -- -------------------------- Trarrrt* Clt>, Kirk.

IVD Fraat clrwi.

Hrt. Wm. B. Potfrr. 4S Watel


I aALK-BaM i

sr-ss, The Fen .Ivqiiette SiilnM

MW (Ir). •• a n»k


' «sa-

lit «

I Mra. P. Yaadn.
tor. Jl*
*« ai. aiat« so««t
BM m C*OB SALX-Ooed rbaMV f-o- m to «rvt a
troi X* boM. 1 baralbivcarvbeuarlwaalree
' « oe Km K'cath

Movad by Aldcrmna Baatlnc* <
tbe dtetement be ao
' '
be ordered paid ae n
Motioo earrtod.
Yeaa-Alderman Parker. Montenc.
Qmlllck. Baetlnca. Oook, Smith, Lardie and WrlfbU
Haya, none.
Mc^ by Alderman Smito that the
jmmittee oo Pab.le Llcbtlnc be mlocated
to confer witk toe _________
r Electric Llykt aad Power Oo.
teto If they will fnrakb Ilcbt
to* city natU May let, icoo. at toe
prcacat eoolmet prica, aod make eontmet for 1 year from May lat IBOO. at
mte raoeatly propeded by them.
Motion carried.

l» 00


have tbe aaow cleaned from tbc mttwn OB Front atmet from Union etmet
to Pa-'k Btrmt aad on Unkm atmnt
' am Front atraat to Blcblb atmet.
II m
Motiem carried.
Oa motion of Alderman Bmlto daly
carried, eqnaril

TBlTTaB DlaH BUKKa-Por a abort
JO «rr trill accept order* (sr belter
Mock* la ua loa-Uou to bejellrered la
and Poberarr. at fl.ft per load.


rllr or




We^toc Mlcbt aad Day

Ike bwiont aad michticM little
totoc that ovw WM mada in Dr. Ktoc's
Pomihly ton maUm of natebllnklac
Mow Ule PlUe. Tbnte ^le eknac*
poucx ruxn.
toe dMm of nrkMnder. nad bcovWcb
for tontr mmmmrf dneann. ann bona
r. bc^ fee tote maxtol power.
daly pvevidcd fartalmfciii^latkM.
imt t£n naatraeMac wlto Mr. Batter bo
actteiac ot ton nikteateca. nt nn BBtatlm.por nu me JaaanrT.................. |
BoldbrDracc<ow.prtoa7>e par bet- ronmmnWn prtcnnnpnteibln. nn nmkodiTWal........................ ...................• Ullte
cd to toe mlxUca rnb^ to, m
**Han'» thBOy HIM am ton baei.
ctorfxqnMaanna----------.----WMIb Mm «f Tv SrPtep, toa
' tondnUtonnldw nlnnt
Umb Mo
M&rxdbyAldwmaBadto toat ton
WMtbnannctod aad ntolM bn «r-




•Inf I '

“Ssjie ir

TOO WAirr lamraoeo ofear klad la Sr« !l» XUXapIdB.
X .rUaooowpkot'c'^t-' traTThon**. IM cr At TtamTeoOr


4 M


C&U at 31i Sontb Unioo Street
aod aee our new line of

United Stetes Wheels.
He imUe to eAv* Ibew.
AU mode mamatoed.

D. Tompkiaa dt Bon.




mjl^^rade. tiMfiSd
a Sjr2fa,A!sa;.''.2£^.w >UwOTk«(U|iiM
Mow OSea. Markham Bloto.





•t XWtttMMI

a. k Pou e ce. .w® eeptM eiiwt

ptoyere at that Ume, and now have T*-Ly to----------loot all Internet to a further eoocldem' j *r MUlihoa.

(ivicbi mmT
of tbe matter (exeept It be tbe
«r them waa to it) than be oaanot ai^c.

EnamelingSee aamplee in window.

-.AUeraej. epeelala woUeo
praettM. Peewe • asr 10
P. ^ ^baw emeitM.
MOTcaDUlv Oe. meek.


a tn dvldeaee (eee water worb'a
rMcrl) that be did made ae eetlmatod
^ae ot aald plaai. aad carried ao tb <

litntM Chy liatoi Cl
Trmrst City, • - BbUiii

Best to be bad in
the city .is at

ftier Wiu’tbirjr, Tree

to alt aad take part at
Se«tf eef Ototsanu tor Oauirb that
0Mta*a Icrevr
an imeary wdl nnrMr dCBtt»
mlermd to ABtooriem too Mnyor
naana of arncU aod oompletolr demace Clerk to employ.........................
lb# wb^e eyewm when ontertoc H
tfacoffb tbe mnooo* aoHacca. Saeb artMoknheold aeverbo nadoxeopt oa
■mnnrtpHcBe from imUMa pbyeiSnM, w too damaco toty wlU do to
lea told to too coef ytm m pee^
totemaUr. aetl^ dlmetly apoe
tiM btood aad maeeai aartaem of tbe
ayatom. la bnytoc BoU'eOawiAOBm
be aara yon c«^ too CMOtoa. It to
Wkaatol^lr aadBoda totWada.
jr. J. Cbeaor* Oo. Ibeto

■attorh elwilwi to net an eae of the

______ earvM.
Tcae—AMccm Farkoo. Maatac
OmUtak. BeaMsca. Ooak and Bmlto.
Movod by Aldarmaa Bml
Boa'xe aren eetioa to the and that U
BMtor awMBCol Ctt* Ooooea hold e«i---- ----------------- —■.a—I
worka dent, that the totmi
I aad pro^
toMtat m*h
met with the eUv aboald ha joW
tr^alarmaattac^ faU —
eairMoat totheffood
— — „---------------—
Hottoi aarriad.
'aeOoa of the tohabitoato of the eitr:
Oreiitok.*. Oook aad
aty timaevk r^ort for Aanaary
ad whea the Better ot
Mr. Bettor aew
Bmith asd Maror Bamiitoa.
>%• pmerated aad ca motiea ot Aldorof the arMttatotaln tha eae*
itae of
o( to«t
to<t recoldr
woaltoc »ore
jaaOook. dcly oerriod. waa mcoivod
reed ead opprarod.
aad arZff. I Baote^aowladca bdec
_ I. (hr Mayor oad Chy
«ty. to rxht aatecoaUed, tha optotoa of
of OuCUvbfTnmmm City.
loarlariaBttaxnereraicaarad. the dare-' elre ot oar coed eitiaine uaM^ npoa.
_ .
aad doiple. oi
MoUoa carried.
Boveo or ataarBoa Bemvaa—■
thiedu ta to be adopted aad Mthe eoBBlUee oa Bra aad water be aatboriard tOLBar^aM a ecUar plM and
aeprar aonto tor the aae of ^ Bra
r/L tra.
tree or
<w oownelttoo
ooBDoalUea tie
>to boMore
bordera aeap
maar boo
moa well queOBee w
01 «fco OOMOU if ttoo Ottt of !>•»««

Fin Insurance
L. L. ▲. ^dtn(.


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