The Morning Record, May 01, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 01, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




■totorcitto alltoto MlfftnUy «<
B.a<taftoOtotooOM mmoHf m
tttoor toMA da, Atoofu Doif*
fto«U.»^«ptalto ttot Mr. Char

ton toMr • itoto ........


I el «to ^ IN

W7IWA. Bo iiiMiei to tto MphrtoaoHOTComttr repiii Mi to
ptof eOtotototoiM mtt
ilstoltoeltotoMi toi tototoi to
•loM tto Kavoei AMlktotettot

Hew Tork. A^fl *»- FUs
kuetod Denktom mi U tte m
MMd toalgkL FMa welffkei
penmUMiltonbhMitMa TtoM
Xdfii wee M meWk te nap wmm fim tto

iOatbgM S«lM aa tto

Mew Veto. Aptflfio Oemge Metei.
M eto Jett (TBriu loMkt M nanto
to draw a* Mm BntotMp Attune qab»
ttoiMitoM <
Itan «Ol to M*«fe
■k MM AfiB fifi-^-aaerto BM
baaidMlItoAM A. t. WBbvelllaw
> to Beui- tofM. WM wud hg tto I
Mi to «to» tariHB itoto to Wi«i
tocMjtor.lMliHla^tto «Mto ■Mfltoertolew tto Urn. m tok«
vMftiMiMtpiteaai muttnol itoriMtol to rooi toelto M M«toto eIBktoplie. 'TtotMUtorTieeaai
eeeM m« Sow swop (roelp ewtof to
tto kn to tto rlrar. Tto report
Mi tto aoper Mkei to
torfte. YM iHpowi of.
»M oeuBstotoo with tto MW aUl ewPM
tto river opeo oo
• tolto* •( tottUoM tor «Mt Wklto
Mi ttoM Mr» praipUr prutoA. ttot there ohoU be bo o'
A verp '
Ttoptofttoww for
I Mirrtnt, Jwpta ua Ancto Ad- reoiered bp Joha Beaato. chief of tto
«nw. 4«7«Bih MTMt; O.B. School* fire iMtrteMBt. Tto report ehowei
onft. Wticblarton olroot: C. T. Grows, that the totol
lor tto peer offrefetWoAtBrton oUMt: 3. W. KUlUm,
Woohlofftos olTMl; C. U Aakteo. Om* ed fiJ.MO-lS. ui ttot tto totel volne of
’ of the depertaMot le lit.otiMt: A. W. Johrsnt. WooUartoo the propertpo
street; Ckeare Meed. Umwood ereaec:.
<oo>edtor eddlUou dartofi Ue
penrotfisto. TtoneUel firee where
3. W. Itolehls,
Weehl^too etreeL
W. h. Aeienoo esd othen peUtloe weter wea naad nembared £2, boning
eitotoveltoeoWert oo the wcet tide chlmneps. t-. telae nleram, t.
The tetnl looMa bp fire derisg the
of Uoloe' etTMt
fitod over oad the aot>tfi^o
penr kggregeted fiU.tOOO, with iBeertv WM leferred to tto
of fit*,too.
Chief Benele eommeodB. 3. Marpee wee freotod peroiiaeloB
el tto nmplopea of tto deportment
tooreet e dweUtop oo tto
Btoto eai WeUtoptes atreote. et e OMt VHP highlp tor tbalr aflietoBep end
el ITOee.' W. L. Brows wm grutei sen! end thnnknd tto oenoeU tor their
aAorto to eld him U hto week dnrleg
areet two
iwoOlafie ea truth Mwet. to oMt the peer.
Chief Bennie nlao eehmlttsd n deBMtoeeehsP. Berta wwirMtedpertoulta U boOd e iweUtofoe llfth tnUed report of tto poUoe dopnrtmont.
U whieh wna tto eUU*
■MeeltpeaBt etore. eei
toiiphPehl wee peraiMoi tol^e meat thet vloUtars of tto btopoU ordiMBliaaM ea Moaroo etreet to CMt

O^todiMturt UM town and woe
rnnnUgntncoodrnUet apeed.wton
it ronnded n ohMp enrvm nad tto
cattotonek. The
whietle wna Mown repMtedlp bat tto
dUnotaaoeeed to gettingontof
tto wap. end before tto ti^ conld be
Btopped tto men wne ran over and
The vletlsi of the neeldeat hed la hu
pocket two eerde of the Meeone' anion,
one bearing the aeme ef J.J. Wilbur
the other C. B. Hedla^fnto sddram being Moekageo In oeeb
Be hna been Identified na J. J. WObnr
bp eeverel of the loeel Meaoaa.
A jurp WM impnnoled bpOorxmor&
. Wboeler, bnt the verdict hea not
pet boon reached.

Toreat TirH Begtet PnrtoMlp Along
lit of WMoonaU B MIAlgM BoUwep-One Peeaonger TrnU Oat c*

M drnnlm pUood U the eeop

fOMlvod' nod

to eempelled to tto UpUg of oement
nnd thet whore two ortnore aoetlons wore Imid oa e block pnpcrlp
iwaora bnlldlag new wnlto chonld b;
rcqnired to lep eernent. There wea
lo ihla. bet ea there
ware aeverel feeUrea la the ordlnenee
which were dMiraeble it wee adopted,
of the meoUng being ttot
the eommltlne on ordlneaote eoiild
oBw aometbUg thet wonld meet tto
diaientUee exiatlng-


■he weter
of the water eemmtokm, with Weheeld erto where eeeh ofileiel to
deemed e deelreble poreoa to eppoUt ward MeHemere ea enretp. wea ap­
proved. ea wea tto bond of Oherlea K.
tor tke keerd of pobiic worto.
The eommlltoe on elelme i
with 3. W. MlUlkon ea oeoorltp.
There were two liguH bondi up tor
leg to, which were ellowed.
The oeauBlltoe oa llchtlag reporUd eoneldentloo. Aldermen
nateverehlp to the reewrel of the light, wlahed them referred lo tto »
et the north and of the Onmetraot on UoeneM. atoUag that U la not prop­
hrldgn to tto corner of Ctet end tittle er for bonds to be poahad U at the Uat
etrneU nrenUg ttot It wnld to n tod meetiog and paeeed opon without fair
prnoodaot.eod to tto report wne etuto-1 eoaaldention bp the oommlttee. The
od eprolMtfroB e number of reel- Aral bood, that of Anton Novotap.wlth
Aeote. ,The report wee edopwdnod Nlcbolaa BboUmantot and Oharlea M:
■to light will not be moved.
ParkHaacaretloa, waapaaaed without
L. Aoker nppMtod before the eoebdl belag rnferrod. but tho othn. that of
Ivan Duns, srtth DomUlck Dunn and
with e vlgorou proloet egelnet
herding of oetUe nanr hu premtoae nd Jamaa J. Dunn ae auratlaa.
in ■toting kU grUveeea to deoletod tarred to the
that the hope who oared for tto ntUe five mlonlae wet token, nnd the <
atolc hla hena, eggi eod garden truck mlttoe votod la favor of eeeepUag
end wen dian^wetfa] lo hla wile, eleo boode. Tto report wna adoptod.
that ttop pUpad ball nanr thereon
fiundapa and < mmlttod other ecu of
> Wrtght
But TbereBeemi no Fonndatioa
■upportod Nr. AchH. end nftor
Mamon of Uonnt U Onbn.
dMr. Aetortto
metUr wea reforred to the chief of •pedal w tbs MHulac KaeoM.
poUee to •nleree the ordlnenee whloh
Bavnna. AprU tO>-Tto bodp of Mim.
prehlblm tto herding of MtUclaalAa WtlaoB, srlfe ef tto mlUtnrp
tto dtp Umlla.
Along thU aamc line A1
Aetardep, wUl go r
poo cnllad nttonUon to the
tto trnaeport Buford, which it oppcctof hMC U tto Fourth WHd. of whloh od to arrive hon U tto monlag tram
, eernplnUm nieholng made.
OonfaegM nnd which wiU oalpbc
Oarrteoa.hnd a griovenee eleo.
Mat ta MatMna.
.-^eeUiedttoteome of hh nelgkhHe'
rc ef'impending tranhlc
hoHUvadod hie pramleM nad lap
ittnno to arrive tram tto Unitod
MteUhtebnm Be did not care
end Buope. Among 'ottoie
maoh nkoot thet. bat did objeetto Imaglaiag vnU thing* la 8en« SUvnln.
u oltor toQow etonUag tto agge. tto Spnakh prime mtniotor, who nph dtognadel proneadUge be bn- paaietoknowaeerenf i^t M geiM
lUnd ahenld be prahIMtoi. FImUp MUOntothM Wood er tto Mttre
tto haoe were retorred to tto eemmltof the inUto. OeMcnl Wood
toees poeada who wCl Ueimetthe told pear oorteepemdept todep thet to
powto meetH to eee ttot tto
hednoalvtoBonporto '
regelatUg towU Neoforead.
elMwhoreof pcMent or Im^ndl^
Ttoaunal report of ito
pubUo worha wne MkeritoM U
Ibki Bi lOMeki
aai ehowed aa expo
be enre to gel eMM to “Dnrinet
t pear of abeai fiu.lT*.»A
Toe^WMl toeeg^ttla |
board nlao rnportod an
from the esartorp food of fil.Ml «l.

epito VBiaBlKidfi llmifit ftymin.

eesMl to Tbs Hnreiac KmoM
Mertnotto, WU. AprU >&-Foraat
fins raged ferlonalp eloeg the right of
wep of th^iaoooaU A Mleblgen nil wep timndeY end todep. Amea. Mich..
vUIege of too Inhebltenu, U wiped
out. end eerenl oeder perda here been
deetroped. A apeclel tnlo took the
IntoblteaU of Amee end Nathan.
Mieh., toPombine. Wla.. faraefelp. It
la nunorad that Nathan, enolhar tmall
town. U deatrowed. A paeeengH train'
on tto WUeotuin A Miekigun. which
loft bore Snodap morning, haa not alnee
bew beard from and U In the burned
dletnot. out off. Wirea are down now
and no Information U being eecured.
Plree are aleo bnralng along the Unee
oftbaBt Pul nad nloag the Boo rent
aa far wMt aa MUnanpolle. udnnlaaa
there la a boavpinU fall aoDS the dam­
age wUkbe anormoee.

beitish: ordereo out
Oommuded to Ueve Trensreal Within 48 Bean os Aeoesst of tba
^ JohaaoHbn^ Hxploaleo.
Special to The Horalar BmotiI.
Pretoria, dpril M-Tru
meat baa ordered BrltUh aubjeeu,
with a fan cuMpUona, to leave the re­
public within fwtp-clght honra. In
acquenoa of the cxploalra la .lohansotburg. Nearlp fiSD.OOO hat bMn anbaerlbod for tberallat of the vleilmi.
Mora tbu 100 bodiaa bar* been
ad from the dabria. Oommudut
Behatt haa boeo rallcrad of mllltarp
ahd has
gone oa oommudo dntp.



lE th« BMt.Failcy

Thu s aar Policy.

PBloa mu tt0fi»t lYyaiBi.
Bow tenUrtiiB.

aaadc happy A raat fra^abor—
Done May; What k U7 Bay a
Pboeograpb, Bay a Plano or Organ
at faetory prlaat nad yon'li kacw tto


XJ.M.Wc •

To msBy poople the bast ‘‘Bikes" Id the world seem N. 6.
2T)c to $1 60
"Bike” Hoe*
-Bike” Sweeter*.

IS to $12
$2 to $4
“Bike” B*ito
25c to $1.60

-Bike" Dnderritirto
New-60c-bnlf sleeve
“Bike” Onaatletts
25c to $130
“Bike” Oo*t Springe
10 cents



Childrei's Shoes
Boi's SolM Shots
Trim, nice looking and
substtnlial shooe—$1.00.

Will be rcceiml and placed on sale TODAY.
that has seen oar



Aje enthusiastic in their praise. The newest, most stplish
line in Northern Michigan, is at

nt laaUiK sin Eon.


Sl>3?±TXg "Wn.-i n-f-.g



TiMir .,


tt > . I

Our exclusive shirt waist department is an entire saccess
This is at IgtCtfaiutri;-,i!


Logu Hallaad todap fera prallmlaaip
dlcatiag ttop were Fulanaaranaed tto:
iatonct.of tto crowda prmnt. 8nldlenaraon gnard and tto poUeoara
r*edp te all nmargnnclaa. Bvldi
todap WM devotod to proving tto IduUtp of
and also
toohow thatfnaoa. tabcaaaddpaamlto
fonad to ttntr raanw nt Biagare
FaUa.M.Y. Pnrthv laqnlip ndjewn
od till Mondap nuV

M11 It nla .

“Bike” Salta

People are not cootwt with tb<
alow-go^Iog matbod* of their grand
fatoen d^a
riant anptbing,
want It at oner, and
the -tclepbooc
alway^avdtand tor tbe mMiag
bnt a word, and a mooieet
toplaeribr borne and officr.
leaeeand aiorr. lu toueb: and
one call maj be worth uanj montht'
Hundred*, and even ihonsaada. are
at pour oall. raadr to do your bldd leg. ,
--------lelay or itmaunder.;
veuaUouB di
Why net order a 'phone today.'
daspoota of Holland Oaaal Ontnge
Have a Bcanng-AUagnd
Baocial loTnaMaani* RacoBs. /
Toronto, Oat.. April 30)—NoIm,
Walahaad Dalmau. ebaignd- wlthntlitiiig to blow np tto WoUand oaaal

Erut Sih it opr Will Ptpar Dtortmit
Ettart t Bnehir Co, Propilinrs

Unlea* thep have the proper “Bike" costume.
We sell the proper outfits.

Thaaa prove it.

, Spring bMla, button, ell
leather end good weanrs—
•>8 oento.

tion MognrdUg It ObtnUeblo-OrMt

“To Hava and To Hold”
-The OraUeaun Aom Indiana”
“Kbu-a lOxror”
-DarkM Bnwla”-i«iper «ditio.-10c


Oeanine kid ekia oppere,
medium polee nad heela —
■OTwnl atpleo — ell en this
■priag'e •btpee—$1.75 velnu
—We bought them ohemp—
We Mil them cheap—$].S.5.

AmM,Vloli.,Swept byFUmee
Bad Othar Towxu Damagad.


New Invoice Books Just Received

Womu's Shots


U Bnrnod fiiatrteiead so tstermea eo Are eei water wee
eathertMi to eet tpoe e potiltoe of
" 1 to reto thereof of
tto OUp DtoUg BeU two feet
TtoAHBeeUp whiob eroee over the
ieeUctWll^ of com of Mepor aemll.
too'e eppetotOM oe the weter oenaleibptto
of J. W. MiUlkeo ee oM of the llbrerp
iroauoe. B. 3. BalffhemM oaeutMt
eagtooer of the fire A^ertaeet end C.
Li.OreaiekeeeaaUanaee. lender Um
heed of eMOtotauale Mepor BemUton
neppototed thMo tentlemes, «m ttot
there la now no ^naetioa ea to their
A little leter* lo the aeaaloo en
; to ttod*
•doptoi. BtrtkUf oet eoetioB tr end
Meklar e prevkloe ttot no elaeUro
oCeerof the dtp etoll oerre oa tto
wetar ooKBleetoo. Rile ie UUndod to
plaae BO ototnotloe U ttowepoftto

Deakbont MeaPp Penmed U Beeemd

tto Mittal AadAmt at Xlk

» nvtot «( tho toiuh
• fliitoiMtfiHtov too pan

TWrd Ycuw-Mo. 9»




Huhtlr.-da upon hundreds of new atyles, io fnnev psrcales.
M-phyr gm^'ilama. white lawna, elaborately trimoied with lace
and embroidery, to «itiafy tbp motst exacting—Priew from 2.V
to IK.U0. riilk Wsiata of good quality tAffet*. uoou- tucked all
over, otbera accordion plaited,, iu all Uip popular paate) ahadea
aod black, made to .Hi. liniahnd fauHlraMly—Price from $3.00

The Boston Store,

FOR nouskwy



Easy Shoes
in Icel
Now 75c a Month Easiest “Easy" Sboes and Oxfmis |ide.

to prlTBto faMiitM
PoyBbie monthly inSedvBaoe.

Chas. W. Kerrill

John R. Santo,

Gunil liiirMM.

Shoes, lace or button.................$2.50
Oxfords.............. ............................|1,75
Poiisale only at

McNamarn Block









TBM nomaoia noosn.

'Em*, T.'Bais


J. W. B*mw


t, to Mr. aad Kra fmm I



LmI aeoaibf WUUaaaBaltBor pro■lid a bos of lood taaaaBtdcante
tha bora of the Ira dapartMat '
thdrfoadwork UIjwaaaatlaga bad
IfatohlallsaBbar yarda y«tsrda; *

Alaaai &MO«lAtioa ao DeoU
•pMtod Ooet«t. to Vhtob tha PropaaWea to Hare a Ball waa


itod aad tbaa Baeaaaklart 1

O. W. ttallafbar. 1
A «. BAnn. B«ttsr tmA Itouc*- tteeof
tba Daetra Aaottee
wat la tba dtr paatard
Its for tba prodaattca
to tha atr Opera asoaa

«oat CiekalB VIU Ooat «1 Ba^

rere elietad for the eeaaea of IMO:
PtasUeat-Joeaph Seoor.
Viea p
tanordl^ aada
-Wm. B. MaKeltor.
.M. MIUm.
TraoaaTar Jeha Uloaaba.
Marabal-^aaaph naeh.

Tba Alaul aMdatloa of tba Hlyb
Oatolde ffi
aabool bad a lawry tlasa toat aeaatof,
tbaaeeadoa of tba esdtoMt batay Wm. Ptock.
OB tba Ttb.
Tbe Loeal a
oathe aeoMd aad
aa to wbatbar tba aaJ. W.IMarfehas wfH atari blahrM aaal yatbartoy aboald taka tba fora toot pruaya of tha math to C S. P. 0.
Om Cian-ui
yard teroa.werbtac today.
of aballorabaa^aat. Tba dlaeaaaioa
/eo Obartto oaM to Taatarday mo
warn 00a. aad tba qaaattoa waa
Uatoy to Tkata.
iat fro* Btofhaa oa Ua wbad to
daddad both waya batere tba Baattoy
OraraiBlkBaptfa the tawale baadjoaread.
aaMtoytPo aawlt far tba pspatoi
M T»>»»»w otr.
Wallaa Ofay wbo baa beaa attaad- Tba ^aattoa bad bsaa left opta
lac the Vaadwbtlt toatltota of Baato fc«B tba laartoaa ataattoy, aad
rOl. Team., praaaatad tba Bleb oahoo) ^saepwbaialt bad baaalaft off baPiof.
Tbe wiaialaa of bk eto Moetbe' eU
Bydar. Cbae. Back, MIm Battfa Qray AOd waa breayht to tbla aty yaatoralofteald
aad a boat of otkare took part to tba by KlebUaa Mortca. fanaeriy of tbk
dabala, wkl^ wasadeary wane bafbra ally, far bariaL Tba AUd k am of
tlM AaaMl Bapom.
Baas of Weslord.
twtoa Mta. Manaa dU not eons oa
Tka uamal laporta of tha kaada of
Back was tbs ebaaipkmoftU aoeout of tba aartoas lllaaai of the
Tha laat.daaea of iW waaoa tor the
tto variOM doptftmMta of iba dly
kail, isryely os tbs Inaadal Itoa.
other eblld. Mr. Martaa retaread to
1 to tb« aoudl Taaaday aeaetoc tolab wOI be (Ifaa- waa tba ebslr^an of a
Mewbarry at oaca.
took aJrhl. abow a rwrj rraUtTiac
petoted two yaan ayo fpc.jht^parpoaa
Tba prloa of tba beat potatoaa yaatar- of proTidlsy a saltohU^amsl Be«or|.
BMao of aSalia. Tha raport of tha
Tba Port Baroa board of oatiaatoi
ftra AUf <a aapeeiaU; plaaalof aad day ran yw) from to to II oeata.
al tor tba Blyb aob^ rooa. Ba baa
Aowa that aaaaUaat
Tha aoboosar Mary Packard la load- worked bard for UUs, aad tbai far hM antboriced the boadtor of tha city
tor $9,000 for the parabaae of lead for
lay laisber at the Orelllok Bros.’ doek. praoUoally notblay bto bMs
a park.
tha paat pmt. Aa aUaf of poUoa alao,
Mr. aad Mrs. Waltar-Olbaoa are* tbc pllabad. He dwirMi that tba aatarMr. Baanla ahoira la bU report that paroate of a baby daoyhtor.
talsMeat of the aModatloa be Saanei.
ta’s Awfol Peru.
IhlaoiV teOMOf tbabaatlstha aUta
Prmak Haaeloreky beytos today to ally aroltable. that there mlybt be
« ter ae eteteUeoa of law are ooseara- driee tbe wayps of the AdaiaitJtopraae
ley to tbe treasary for tbe parpoae year life-----------------------------------------aA. All of the raperta are aahaaftin. oempaey.
tlan” wen the ■tartllny words bsartf
of tbe seMorlal.
••i while tew aaay bare little Uaa of
When tbe qaaeUon was eUll to doubt by Mra. 1. B. Heat of Ltae Bldye, Wls .
e klodartartea departoteat of tbe
from her doctor after he had eatoly
what the board of paUle worka beta
Blnwood aTaaaa eebool will be cloeed Mr. Bnokmedc two moUoss; aacb of triedtoeunberotafriyhtfol cbm of
t abowa that
thia week oa aeeoost of tbe rspotnre wbleb was paued. that to ease a baa
tha padle work of the pear baa beeo
from oaa of the dipbtbarla caeca. There qael or reeepUoa were held, tbe ttebets Gall stones had formed asd
ear7aalaoaiTa Tka raport of Health
stantlycnwworae Then she beyan
Usotfainy aerloos apprebesded. bow Bhoald be oae dollar each.
use Electric Bitters which wholly
OAaar Aabton U *017 pleoalnf asd
When tbe natter Soally earns to a to
arar. bat Health Ofieer Atbtos deeas
cured her It's a woods-ful sioaaeh.
pforaa that Dr. Aabtoe baa tekeo
>ie, tbe ^opoiilloa for a raoepUoo llrer. and kldaey remedy. Cons
tbU praeaoUon adrtMbls.
■aah palaa to raaedylaf tba aaaltarp
aad ball wta carried with a naJorUy ol dygpspaia. loM of appetite
orlla that are alwapa boaad to aslat.
ftu oU. Gaaranteed. For eale by 8 E
Walt and Jas.G. Jehneeos. drayyUir.
Takes aa a wbda tba onlffolac adP. I. Wblu
MialitratiOD baa maob to look taaek
be bae racelTod a oomBonleaUoBfroa 8arp$sii&g OoffN—Zdtilt T$yyn
A it to tba terotaWe
Men Who Speared Bitae 0 bk brother. R^. Prentke E Wbluaan
o of tba taspayara.
of Bortbport.
had been seleeied as Bdtere Ten ye u Biklatn


Do not bSTO your books layina around
the house, or use a barrel to write
on when you can buy a

SiJ GiMin Oak Bmk Case
With a nice large wrliUiig table on It, for
$6.6Q-$e.OO down, 60q per week, will pay
for it. non cannot afford to do without
one, for there is nothing that furnishes
your house like a nioe book case—It just
sets off that comer.
26 different styles to eeleot from.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 S'xoxLti Staroot.

..Masterful Shoe Making.
In onr BBiiaiab women's ahocta at
11.75. «1.4v and lUiijladipa' Joli.
eta and oxfords at I1.T5, $1.4*i, II.
Our cuirtein madi- soft ahoes for
tpoder feet, for women, are the
beet in tbe cuontry.

Try Tbeiii asd Be Costiiced.
We also sell all kinds of hos­
iery for men. women and children
for ten to twenty per cent, lews
than everybody's price.


Beds Had to Pa7 for it

Mta Bsls Blaaley pawed tbrooyh
Ibaalty yaaterday oa bar way froai
^ bow to NapU aty to attaad tbe
■aottnyot tha rorelya Mlaaloe board
ofibaFrlaada abarob at Biebi
A. B. Wllaoe waat to tba 8oe oa bM*
B. V. Wartoy made a baalaaw trip to
eadniar yaaterday.
Belaoa Hoeay went to Oraad BapUa
Dr. L J. Tadmaa waa to the city
teow Seaimli yaatarday.
MWooltt Winsle, Jr., waat to Maalatea oa baatow yaMarday.
Pater Warsbary bad Beary Chrliala
waat to tba
Pert flaroo yaatarday.
Bar. A.A. Wall waat to OMUal Lake
Mia. H. B. Balt baa yone oa
MBtk'i rlait to Okioayo.
' Mra. Jobs F. Ott will laaea today for
' 0. & OarU it to OadlUae oa baatoeai.
Boa. U. G. Coreli west to Otmad Bap
Ua yaatarday.
Jaa Ztotwrmaa left last avaalny for
Kalkaaka aad potota aloay tba KloaI for tba MareaatUa
Taatarday aftoraooa a foil daloyatlea loft tor Bead Olty to attaad tba
■ipaWIWB dalayata coaraatlopof tba
Btoraatb eoayraatkwal dUtrlct Tba
party aoaateted of Uea-J. W. MUllbta,
Iboa T. Batea, Jadye Lorto Boberta.
■oa. W. H. C. Mltebell. F. B. Walker,
J. O. Jobaeoa aod J. A. Loraayer.
W. B. Faller of Pife Lake. U at the
W. L. Talbot waa to the city yaatar4ay.
Mr. aad Mrs. David Blue of Baplre,
were to tbe elty yesterday.
P. B. viatoa of, WlUlaatabunr. waa
at tba Wbitiay yaatwday.
p. Baads of Maataiea. was at tbe
Whlltoy yeeurday.
A- r. Baatlay of Bwplra. waa a
Trararaa Olty rlallor yaaterday.
r. W. Paaalairtee of latarloebaa. Is
to tha elty oa banaasa.
UaderMharlff Mania Browa of Letlaad-aadAG Oartbe of Borthpsn.
AWabareycetetda/oB ibalr way
the Btotb
oaattoe at While Ctoaa.
Oao. B. Ulyyiat. aapa
aaMBantlm fwtbaCltiM
oaa«aay. of Oraad Baplda, aaw ap
talBlybi tor a tew daya Aabtoy aad to
Ttalk bla wo'bar. Mra. Aaa Hlyytoa.

Deputy Warded FiaUbad tba Tear
With a Larye Oatch-Pisaa


Oeata Acyraffattoy Over $00—Baaa

Alamsl orator, that be toast decline to
addreM tbe yaiberlay If a ball were
denided npoo.
Mr. Book tbea mayaoBiBoaely atored
toreooaalder tbe reeolatloa proridiny
for the ball. Tbia motloa belay eerrled
Hr. Buck Dored a eobetltute prorldlny
for a banquet with the
This propoaltioD was carried with a
tosjority of four.
PcoTitloos were then nade for tbe
appolnUriBl by tbe preeldeut of eulta
iBltiee*. and tbe atycletloa
adjoamedwlib the ataoet yood feel-

Opaariair oa Doeb Lake Stopped.
Jaat oaa year ayo yeatarday, Mark
draw TMairad btea
aa depaty
yam aad Sab warden, and for tbe as.
tire year be baa bees dtreettoy bU es>
erylee toward esforolny tbe yamc asd
Sab laws, with" err/ yood raaalla. He
cloMd tbeaaasoD wltb tbeblyyeat-baal
of tbe
Tlie banquet will be held on Thurs­
of tbe deb Uw, from wbow tbe Sqm
day or Fridey erentoy of eomnenecasd ooeta ayyreyated over too.
-Dt week, the tine and place not yet
Deputy Warden Craw, followtoy np
a elaa that be bad roMlrad, waat to I kaloy decided^upoa. Epeb aember of


Hay 2nd.

Krsd UwlMWk-Mr-siihr

Edwin G. Jepson’s
^ttfboraU- Scenic

WUl Opsa Today.


The Oolaaba bowl will open today
aadar the aaaayeaeat of Lsodbrd
Bardaa. The'birsayeiEeBl of the
baildlny has beaa ewsldirably ebaayaad a dee bar
pat to. Tbe bar roon baa been ele
yantly feraishad. aewly paioted and
Tortarsd a Wiiaess
Ibisnss safferiny was sedilur-d b>
wttoMsT L. Mania,
■le. by . bs
ton hs yers this syldsne' -1 oourbrr
BBlt I ay threat wai
, >lybt
raw; tbea tried Dr King's Nr
aerary wbUh ya*i iailaai relief.
haeaaeadit to a
it seU______
e*-lds aod
------- -- abaet aad^ay troablea*
« It*
aloe tbe worat ooayb.


and $1. Beery
________ U. Trial liottln inr ai 8 B
Walt and Jta. U, Jobaaoa'e dray ttorts

Now in iu Ttb romacuUre
year of popular aui’ccao —pn>.
•oStod by

t Griiii Comfiaif
tf Ctrefull|iSeltcnd
Tba trrvfiu-«t play pvpr writton on a Huaaian
Britumhitf witli compdv,
Stroiie tn aoBDc and story.
Priupa—35, .lU, 75c; box aeata,
BpdUoB mIp tl box
Irlopboiie 112.

HyairiBg 0c8»a-LlttU ttTgB
. Wbb Xhdt 8b(w at ItTBABi.
9ba aale at Baaayb Gtaaary.

Bamboo Poles
Good quality and sell for 8. 10 and
i^c each.

Bait Boxes
Hig and little, oblong qr crescent
shaped—cost*i 5 and 20c.

1‘or either trout or bass fishing, sell
from 55c to 95c the do2«n. •

Fly Bpoons
A big stock ofthesqlimportant articles
—price 15c each.

' A most complete assortment, from
2c each to $1.00.

Fly Books
No outfit complete without one—sell
from 60c to $1.50.

Brass Line Swivels

lA\ue$'—umb kVe&
for bteyela aioibtof, tbe aobWaat
thtoys to the aByTAe Baataa Mon.

1 From joc, 40c. $1.00, up to the finest
combination steel at $5.00.

The “Famed” brand. lelF from 45c

___ .1 a plaaaare
I daapoadaat wow_.
_ rowcB. «-»* UUa. pair

aad Blood PUto Moaala, aU dracfbla.
or Dr. A. W. Ohaoa Mao Oo., Bsffalo.

Jointed Poles

Fhnntom Kinnows'ts'l;

Prectloal Shoe Men

Knows that the Fishing Season has commenced. As u§nal we
have anticipated the demands of a great host of ardent “Waltonites" and have placed on sale one of the greatest stocks of
Fishermen’s Supplies in this north region.. We aim to carry
the best of everything.

Steinberg’s Grand

aoear tbe ooate to the aattar. lastracttoy the depaty wardea to plead yallty
tor tbaa. Tbe See aad coeta to each
wan eayayad la ipearlay
buM off tbe beds, a praeUee that n>
ealu to tbe utoratoatloo of the -Ssb
faater than any other aeihod that
ooBld be adopted. Mon arreeU wjjl
follow if the practlee is not eiepprd. as
Hr- Oraw U in caraeat in bk efforn to
CDforce tbe law.

136 Front Street.

Every Follower
of Izaak Walton

nlybbaad after watUny IHH o'clock ! the yradualloy ctaa beetoy tbe prir
to tba aoratoy. oanybt bla ua, three "
- la one boat and loer la tba other. Tb
wen kept to the hotel at Interloabea
ter tha rat of tha alyht, then were
brooyht to tola olty.
Jaatlee Browa waa foaed and tbe

Pale Faeaa
■tow with tba ooler of health:


eaaie to -E
ty. Mar s

3V.\tV lA.aeV.Vivtodlv lor

attk Ih

tkVrt* CM kc uM in TcVcy 4m


A big line of all sites, sell from aoc
the dozen up.

A big slock to-select from, selling
from 5c each to 40c.

Pish Baskets
The very best of goods—prices run
from $1.00 to $1.75. .

A stock second to none; at] sires—all
kinds of patent arrangements sell
from ioc the one up to $5.00.

•All manner of sjiapes, that will cost
.you anywhere from toe to 60c each.

I'lain little hooks at .;c the do/en up
to big ones at 5c each.

From Sc the do/en to tl^e patent kind
that snap on the line at 3c each.

Kinnow Palls
The patent floating or sinking style
sells at

Line Guides
Sell at 30C the one.

Frog Spean
DifTereht fazes, sell frcMU 20c tbe ooe
' ( ' '

Tbe HaoDah & Lay HereaDtile Co.



lMut>'frr. ibi- expwt
•eatowB. AL Briaaa, April SO— bllltonltot Is kuowu at our.of the
Oaaanl Croaia and wife, aoeowpaatod grcelect jokers In the bosUK-ss. SoBe
¥j the genarri'a prirata ocerataig, warn Ue>' ago Mr. Srfanrirr was luuagliic
parBlitad to attend nUgioaa ainloai to on uptown lillUard roDoi. Boriaeat
n* itMMalvmMTotttofoaidlat
WaahiagtiB. AprU »
«-as Unll. bui a >ioaip>ma rliap <-anie to
WOU t*UiwM» to tka UatMl MMm petoito tha Boar datogattoo about to at Daadwood Came, aftor wrACrih^ aud asked the proprirtitr to get sane
had thrir Aral ride aroaad
»a Craw Hwopo far tha Uaitad Stataa.
one' who was "prang gopd“ «o play
aa experlanea which eoasaed to gtre with hUu for an hour cr two The
fer • W«Aal mte or (ka Orud LodM win aoC ha girao aaaaaa tb th
edotofawhaothograaab Waahtogtos tooaja Bueb plaaean. Tha fsateea wink was -ilpiiea" to -the ,"a tonnT
wfll ba raaalaa I aa todlrtdaato, aa Boar ooBBaador sraa foealrod arllh and hr r.*as lutrodonri. imt purpoaely
hto name was mnmhlnl no tbat thaaoB Eoetgaa White, bat with
potelat. wka. It la aharood. i
farto. Aprn s»-Tha OoiOBbfaa got- K-ntlmian dbl uix eaiclj ll. Mr. SrhariMOO fraai BiMjo
• a
that thag an aot
rr and hto lu-w aniaalntnarr i-oaaBior dal^ araBoat haa eateadoA tag ala goan the bhu-mI i>loj'. Uw latter grai-louslr al­
• or Onad BoMda. Md «hM t
ttaw It ia hoUor^ the woepaattra t^ lor tba ooBpltrioa of tha Panansa lowing Ibe expert to chaoae (he game.
• amatad to Oakaqoa. la-"Jski” woo ererg gaae by a few
' on theoooghig aadantaad tha aaaal
nM- style of bUlUrds arms
hria, April so—Two wnrtBra wsn pulBts.
IftfaaaPBdw arhtoh thag wlU ba
Changed, btat at atnigbt rail, rwahleo
AdMomay.rmaabv oTaotanor
kSUad aad two etiMn iajand la a
loMoirtra reafb rtdm. karii« a>diat- -T^-Tf trf iPilwi irf (llraatlwf thalr raaffoM aoridsBt oa the oaporitloa nrroBs or haUfUae the
Wathad inm taw* Tt. DaUaa. Taaaa. who
groaafa todag.
wai wTpwW whBi awpMdiatto haoo togtoowm lalharaaakto tiflaamo It
Boasa. April so-Tha pope this nMra**Beg pardon, bat I did not nnder■■■■’Mil oaialda bf pluftoc tote thraogh tha Arawtaoa paopto bg ■
tog reerired e aaBher of Vleoaaae ao- . stand your, Bntno.V
"Ifa ».-haefer."
UbaKwUfaa a tow wUot mmU of ofao aaUra Boar propogaada.
hlae. aom Italian pUgrtm and others. answered the "wlasrd." The other
•t. doaaph oo iFah. 10, tototoad 8a0orthatbA laagbed: -Well, that's a good one;
Thto dtopeaw of tha
dapwaUaad kaaiipheltowe wee taken 01 alter geatefdeg’a ml or Is tree—Krank V. Ires." They
r bill gn>w
WhOa Maadaiaai Adam aad Do*,
secepUoa at St. Potwabarg.
Then the
that wara eraaator the faridfa otar tha OaiwdlOB rrootfor MUKlo Otdand to
April SO-OoBBaadaat
BUUtiaaraaar Prwutt Satorday, tha
ba Boadg for Detoat a
p the Boer oamp
otraatua fa*« waj, pradi^tatt^ tha
DewKoataatto Voaioa.
c-uaod hlmsrir for a momrot. auil as
wowa with their teas to the water M
atodorp aad Wepenar arrived aafrig.
no iBrti<-utorati,-iitloii was i«k1 to lito
ttondM dawd.
toot balow. Both woaaaa wara aariAmierdaB. AprU SO-Boer pnee tnort-tiM-ois, )1h> r<s>Ri krTta-r >(111 lia<
Torooto. Oak. April ao-As order for
ooalp. parhapa tataUj, tojarad.
dalagatas Wolmraaa, Ptoebar and the toll <m his >tol<- us a n-mluiliT oT
■oatlor willUa ragimeato to take the
the "imic joke."
lUra^aa ta badotalac a oaalw for
Arid aag
oiaaaad todag bg
tha warkaUag aad ahlpplajt of walar
Brwa<l-heail«lli«.tw.arv tlM-riev«>rest
the troatlar die- warBlg ebeared on their arrival acd
eiaaa to tha bl« eiUaa. aad tha raaait ia
the women praaeatod wreathe of Bow. In tlw Urltisli ll.>ii«-li<»hl i-atalry- tht
trteto. oaeanaagthanotlaOBareoBlg
^ilta an laoraaaa to tM par aaplto elrlii>n«-. w lih bnuiil fon-hi-aJs Ii-.'im'thelr
era to them.
a part of the ptoa far laprorlog Ue
•Irlll iinu',' miirklv ituin (•lluTa.
ealatloB o{ tha Oato of tha raaln to tha
caUitla aad lo praparaterg to the asUtUa rllUre.
Fraok Goodrich left yrsterdav >
aari drill. Aatbadatoa for drill for ordered a promlaeat newspaper artlal
At Marqaatta, dra aarlp Satardaj oath raginaat an Axad bg the gorera. to ceaaa carieatartog Qaean Victoria baitoeta trip to New York c-ity
BuralBf to thd Cola* bleak eaaMd Boat aod Bottoa thareof pobllabed on pain of axpnlsioa from tha eoantrg.
Port Aald. AprU 80-rwofatal etaca
aboot to,000 damca. Tha baUdiag throa Boatha befon tba dates of aaof woat to balievad to be babSttt
waa oaeaptod bf i. ZtrbalM a groearj.
ibig, tbaaa orders caanot refer
plagna are oCclallg reported here.
and Bdward Kalboltaa tariaty atara. tha anaaal drill. Tha roallutioa
•odwitb two gradaa of tha poblle
rtadIgUthal, waraad bg BriUah One death ooearred todag.
Washington, April $0—The president
aahoeto opatoin- Thta la the saeoDd aad Uaitad Slalaaaoerotaarrinaraota.
tttoa wltblB a Booth thft tha aehoel tha Oanadlaa genroBaat to pnpartog Igned the' Hawaiian bill this afurBoon.
MlMroaaadrradfromflfa. ibejr oiat ,
sal abarpig wltb aag attOBptod
Havana, April 30-OeneraT Cbaffre,
pptaKtoaipoiaiTqaartarato toa Oelaa
Whooping Cough. Asi
Oeaeral Wood's eblaf of eUS. aaplled
WotocalDoatha hlfh aeho^ raoaaUri
Bronchitis and Inolpl
to the war departsest for relief froa
Conaumption, Is
bia posit Ion aod for fonr month's leave
A plotUarIp mi pbaae aoaw to light
BooelaUea of •gspaUg XtofesWl to of abaanoc. He has worked eieadilg
taaooaaaUoo withtba kimag of Joasince De«. Is. ISfis. In the trnptoa and
ahlB Kraaa aad hla aoD. at Riga, bg
daalraa a ehange of ibe setaethe toil BkU Tbaradag aoratog. Tha OpMal M Taa MeWRae awswo.'
New York. April so-Wb F. Miller,
oldor Kraaa aaowad to hoaa a waa
. Waahlagtaa, April so—la tha aaaato
Uioa of the aaaldMt. far it U raid bt~ this morntog Pailignw’a nsolaiioa aaoager of the Franklin egadleair.
faro ho toft hom ho took bit littit propaatog sgapathg for the Aoath wasecateneea todag to .Brooklyn to
ten yeara IspriaoBmaoL The
ohtld to hh arm, kiaaad It aod aald, African rapabUc aad “Baoi boprt far
■ftts <A»IUN RtME®^
'•Rood bga, pat, I mg earer aaa got Callaaoeoasof tholr datormtoed eoa- todlctmentonwhieb Miller to eonvieted charged blin with swindling Mrs.
twwttrsid %tA \u»b ttathaaa.
. hfato.''->Adrala Tima.
twt for Hbortg" was dofaaud, goes »o. Oatbsrioe Meaaermit of 11,000. There
Mlaa Uora Wtlritb baa dlaappaar^ aagatv. Tbo Alaska cods bill was are JO other todto
toeatbaheaaolR. J. Wobbar. who then takaa apaad was aadar dUeassloa
Uraa oea nlto aeath-of Howard CItg. whoa tba aaaato adjoeraod.
•bo It to gaan old and waa aattgod to
mvrg a Howard Oltg me who waa at
Coral Ratordag aaaloatlg lookiag far
g rarorabla i
her. tiotta tlwa ago aha waa aagagad
to bo sarriad. bet bar daoco died, aad
k«ta Baa for Ohiot Aaotioa of
aha baaaaw ao daapoadaot It
'BkkBh A ^Vta\ cW CoUotv
lx clvtcVb
Forto Bloo
(aarad aha aronld caamlt raleldr. roars ■ptcIsileTb* HeralBs Owera.
hx& slrl^b.
ora oatartaioad now that aha haa klllad
April SO—QarttoU Tripp
horaalf. HIm Walriah'a paraoto lira at
IKlx^ ^ot
of Aoatb Dakoto m^ ba app
Whiu Cloud.
Chief Jasuea of Porto Rwo- Mr. Tripp
tola WMbtogtoB aad called at the
White HoBSa to
Big BaUlaahip of Japaa Agroaad to Ilsrto of Mlaaaaou. who to hto brotherto-iaw. Tripp waaaCiarelaad DesoBagllsh Cbaaael.
eraiaatlt -M aad was appolotod cbiaf
PpaOal UTM HenlM BmotS.
Jastloeof lUkoia tcrrltorg bg C,cre
Loodeo. April W-Tba. Japaasaa hat- land in hto Aral term and mlototer to
Itoablp Atahl, toaa, to aahon at Aaatrla to bit aaeond. Be to a Gold
•eathaaa. to tba Bagttoh
aad has 80 ogmpathg sritb
fa taarad ahe mag heal over daring ebb the Brgaa wleg of tha partg. Praaideat
tide. A aamber of tags are tiglag lo McKinlg aelaetod Tripp as the United
pall bar off. bat ao far ih^ bare baaa AUtaa rapreaeoiatln on tba Iasi
■aabto to more tha big abip. Tba
a and he gara aattoAaabl. which to aald to be -ibe largeat faetloa to a totlag to aatUa tbat <
.battlaahip io tba world, was ItaDchod Iroeerag. The pretidant now derirea an
a Uttla oror a gear ago froB the Clgdalailg good Bau lor chief
paak yards, niaagow. Abe to of It,PW joatlMof PortoBleoand it tosald loots
teas dtoplaeaBaoi. which to aald lo e>- with much favor opoo Tripp for ibai
' oaad tbat of aag other btUinblr bg a plane.
haadrod toaa.
liCOdoa. Bag i.?a.B.-Tbe Aaabl
waa doatod at Bldalgtai appaMoilg
. dlaeaaea Mdnrjrs. Mr.'
Maas of Bav City, wrlias: "Dr Chase's
Llvrr Pills cored me of a weak
Teatordag'a Baoa Ball Acorn.
aching back and geai
«eral ill health
canaed by kldeey tronb!
>r > them. j
ible" Try
iple seat free for tia'xa. U cents, j a
all drarrtota. or Dr. A. W. Obilaae Med. If
Co.. Itoflslo. N. Y
wMagattoo WUlVolboSoeegaU.



odOfltoaUyto Woakiiwtao.

TO coew fttms




b £^w\s

There is
a Demand
We have received in the past -week several bund*
red£pairs — These include handsome (ancy worsted
stripes and checks, latest New York cut—$2.50. $3,00,
$4x0. $4.50 to $6.00. You might walk a long disunce
before finding prettier patterns.



We never

seem to get enough of an article
so much in demand.

cuffs—50, 75c, $1-00. Si.50.


exclusive Bnd

choice patterns iii these goods.
A new invoice will be opened
up Monday.


I ,l I

wild I'liingssf B Uet-r. .
OaUabaa aad Ooaabaa: Barpor aad
tSaiiu' t'<>iuiiil»iiitii-r tii-ury p, Pt.ib- If
' O'Oeauor.
li-y of Maliii- l> aiUlM>rll> (tir iliU n- |
Pittobarg aad Claetoaatl, ao gam luarfcoUte auiiiuil sinry .
coiiiili' <>l
days ac» he ami «<Hne rru-mls w<-rv m
orerlooklug llu'
Ki'iiiii'lwr woii-hlu
ilUK tli<- liUDii-llw ruki’>
I dHirii
WlUto aad
ucli (1
(Iiiarii-r mil.- of ra|ii<ls. XikIiIi'uI.v. <
i-ak*' of l>v. a|i|H
■tat^lDi; uprlKbt. ll> was irein- i
: vijtoaily. butI >i<.mh
smI| hto griHind '
Etotl aad .Oeaglaaa: Uawlag aad
Ikf ifiki- of lee
lee tl|i|<ed
tl|i|«< over the ‘
■•f the iiitgHiT' eawaile.
eawailf. The bu<-k
.................................. the water below the ‘
amMcas tmacra. ^
dam. ami It was MU|>poxil that It was |
•• •“ r ati ov.T with him. But a roople of i
*®,^.** " nilame* laier he wah s*'« u a hundred »;
: Omr aad; yards fnntaer on alive and swInimlDc
( for the shoivlie reoebed
PotryTs,4, ,, fltbe bank aafely aud smi
(Olsaga ........................
9 9 o'"
VSparlia and Yaagar: and Sagdtoo.
\ House aad ,ot on Waablagtoa street,, •
* . will aril on aaay aoaihly naymrntBoose and let on Ball Bead ,avi
Bhrat aad Fishar; Pattoa and AaUI-prise faso. a'mkU payBaat^oWrr^na
House aad lot. on Webstar

I .f i

ra-:--:::::: 1! \l ?



tm M>teu.
14,.b,rM oijra Ukd 5ES.’

jaasy monthly pagBsota.

Aia ia a ]


J G. Birdaall.


T>ress Soodis


The demand almost exceeds"^ the supply in many
choice styles we have been showing in the new pearl
and tan shades—We now have the invoice of another
lot which will be placed on sale in a few days.


Not satislied with our already tine assortment we
have another large case in transit, and the next few
days will witness some handsome additions to our fur­
nishing goods departments.
We arc always pleased to show and sell our cus­
tomers newest goods obtainable in every department.

Hamilton Clothing Co.


*5V\ete Qoodt mert tientr to\d a\
a SiovBe.T Ttlw.



e<l or negligee, with or without

To our now store.
242 Front street
Our New Spring:
Footwear ie now
open' for your in­
spection. Not how
Cheap, bnf how
Good, is our motto.
Our shoes are just what we represent
them to be in every case. 'We never mis­
represent oar shoes to" make a sale We
show the largest line of up-to-date foot­
wear in Northern Michigan. We want
your trade, a-id we in return give you
value received. Yours tor Shoes,

The Old Beliable.

*aitl» Wttl be tttt Iwsl omrtuxlVa MOU mill Vwe lo
«M.\e &Ttu ^or eummtT or ^qut ^tb&ua\Ix)
irese. T>re»e up tttt little oxet. ’^Jorar eVvlTl melsl
melerlele - ^out flque sVlrUx^. or xx^lx^
xee4 lx tAttte Qoo4e—M)t maVe mexttox e ^e« me*
leTlalh tttel Ate eevettalW «oo4 ttvle tftear.


242 front Street.


India Litton from..............................5c per yard to 35c
Persian Lawn, at......................... ..............40, 4.-|, 50, fiO<Fretich Lawn, very wide.......................HU, 7U and fiUc
French Organdie.................................:25. 2S, tjp to HOc
SwImMuI]........................................ ..................... 60, 60.75c
Dotted Swiaaea................................ :.20, 25. :W and 40c
Pitine Tockins............... .........................................25c yard

^x4 Vui^TeU ettkere.
^tter come lx ex4 \«ke
xlobk-Xo Vtdq^ lo elkew ym ttte yrade ">Come
wketWer 8«u wlelk lo taui^ ^
e^lhl M\e mitt oxVft be
live WWxu o)
tWlA meek. M
ilett u» ttte eAttte 4n»e 900^ ml^
wme^tel MtttoWrtftottTtt-

I have received a carload of fine horses
|jfrom Fort Wayne. -Ind., and can now offer
('some of the finest ever brought to this region.
See them before buying. •

J. W.

state Street Sales Bams


w Sffoirr tremet ^

tea* •< tte -nuawa lew. aaoH ud
Toraede wlU be and. for entta. to
peefercoce to otter matertob. bat teer.
lota mod fancy flenor-U wtO br poimlar
atoo. Pluoria wU] be In atripea
«WMt«r<laM U th« prwri^
than ctecte. aanam er plakto. aod
■Min. tfUft. Tmln bon« h»n sraya wtn prcdetntoai^. Tten wfS be
Ml« Mi^ ottas tkiMtM 10 1^
eoaae cteapee to th^mt aiMl
•eter tenrato the non nMUrootto
m of white win te the more'^peiy At
oir noMtly ooMratod Ito Mtk Wrtk of the ncfc eoata. They wtU be alaoet
deae dtUac aboto the watat. with
ttoolMMr Mow bdo^ wind dare bottua. Tberr wlU atoe be a teodlotudM M VoMnnr. B. C. Cm tko Mcy tewate ‘adnare'* ataoiildm. aad
•whvUk MMoClho iadtacoMho fhto. tefetber with the tight watot will
gin writ fornate ntn a ratter DQitaty
tervvfvt ct M ukaows okta- tka appearanoe.
Tte bottom vMtb
wm oHiMdy «C AMtaaMU aad tnoaera bee ben dermaed ag
M*ii Sordadi
Ofeu will dottbtleea
Ma had ton aa mM OT tko I
a^ Iha laiteM had ao mmtHMj top of laai aaaaon to pmrrmL
Mad har «hal aa Ifaaa a( h« Uaatltr MIgbtly aamnrer bouom girrw tte teg
a nater appaaraace that !■ well anJied
«mML taao haaaaaC iitn i1
to tte ipctag aad aamoMr mentba.
It to bellend that noiv nte a
wfll he won daring tte eomtog aeaaon
Oatvtathafranlaaaaaf aml^M than for many yeara. and OMtv atylee
w haM la two wm be popotoi .
dhlo lawaa.«hoaaaial>haldli«««ar.
Tbe wann wntber will Itrtog tte
madraa ttoa and by ibat time blgbcr
Hflaill«»hr.*‘tho .. .
*oBawTarkOMlnt iMkwaattrlo ookn WlU he worn. fHriiut tlea wlD
not all ten the bat wing <t»U. bat
Mrth to tha foBTth wm be made atoo wHb round or xqiiire
Tam‘'hlaae''hen latte park. Thto eada. Tbe |iolte dot lie. bbrk or dark
aowtet *'Uppo” to abeai 14 laetea loot Moe. white waa pat away hiat
toaadaateataiatetohlrhaad walrha wfU be In good demand acalii.
8bln» wUl be Juat a« telglitly eoWird
aboalA poaada.
tblB aeoMb aa they wetr Uki yiwr. lint
tte large plaid iwttcruK will not te
raadp for tli‘r~T-« traa PhUada^hla popular. Rtriim. from the iiarr<iw pin
to Chlaa, wUh aoo toaa of ataal nUa pattern m half larh flgnreH. and pliun
fat Japaa.
dealgtw are abown liy all telrtiitakrra.
A rite aoppar flad to aald to ten Nearly all iluiw fawy *>lilru ai-.- made
to be worn wilb white tidlaro. but tte
torn, made laaortbars Ehodaala.
enffa of the miup tualectol a-< (he ahlria
Uarel Eoffo. Pa., waa alawat wiped are ntuctu'd to the ganueut.
aoi of ettolteee Priday by fl»- Ptnat
Tlic enmfortntdr. Huri flni>h<il uixUdito ie the vlelnKy eaaaad the eoofla
fratioa. The loaa la eatlmatad at
TtexjBMa of swar-ilaad la aald to be
npldly kUUar off tluae of bar nbjaeia
aaapaetod of Brltfte laaalafaTbe praat waa'tb that liaa la
aaarriaa of Smdaa toatiaat balop danlopad.
A prajaot to CO foot to oeoaact Xactoad with Mortbors ^mpa by cable.
Iba Norttera Talaffiaph Oaspaay of
Ctopaatefca. Daamark. tea made a
, propoaltlea for a eoatraet.

ftonimv UMlitetotiTod.
noBrUihMdrMico nbu



«or. AUaa. ob landlair at Saa Jaas,
. fbrto Btoo ffrUay, waa taealnd with
htUa daaMatratioa by the people,
1 treat nrpriaa at the
laudof•rial reception, la

atepUelty of hta d

- 4. asdiDBat&atohlQtodaya. Citieaof
-•.000 or aore' lababltanU aa teon by
praeedlec cemaa. aaat be empletad to
two weeka. llie foar prloelBal reporu
an populatloa, aortalUy, atricaltare
■ed aaoafaewrea, anat be printed by
daly 1. 1903.' After that Ubalation of
opaelal laqniriea wUI be taken np
There to ao tlac fUed to white tfaeae |
totter repotu anat beooaplei

IttoaUMdttetcoel to leeTtof Philadelphie at the rate of uae a day
for Mediterranean porie, oeteaeibly for
mil^ fart.
^Incd Oie DcrttoMC i'(J<e'* remaricaMe aaecal iaal wMk aU the womra of
ton French arlitocrocy bare been artied
with a rage for baUooatog. Tbe Aero
Cnb to now arrangtog aome 10 aaoendDnB.ereryoa«indudln«Utiedwomcn.
Tbe e




SIS, *im isn't’
, }

UUtla, who owni a prirate balloon, {
WlU take part Boder an aaanmed name.,
1 polnU to Oermaey
eoae reporta of i

taaddlUanto three caeca to Uerlto.
fMaarereparted from Camrt.Sebweid-1
alU. Ttebee and Slorchneal, the riclune I
being young glrto and boya. The
mnrdrtere bare not been dtocoeered.
rttbougb large reward* are effered.
An InlercaUng fact In coaneetlcn
with the orerland traia which the Buthngton to about to put Into eerrlee
' between St. Lmto and Paget aound, by
way of BUUngk. Monk. U that for
nearly tbe entire dUlanceof 3,5M mltoe
it win ma through country acquired
by tbe Lulled biatoa at tbe time of the
loutolana purcbaie to F«9i.
ffapoleon Bonaparte, on behalf of
Pbance, aold the territory to uafer
about *\ cento an acre, be little
driemiiil to hto endeaeor to annoy
BagUnd. what a magnlfiount empire
be wua praeUcally glring away.

rearm waa euppoaod to be toeun
for a great many yetru doetoie .—
aooaced it a local diaeaha end praacrib•i local remedlea, aad by ceaatanUy
(rtltog to cure with bicul Veatmnnt
1 It tocnraMa SrtenM haa
aatarrbta be a ......................
>- aad tboeotere requlroa eonatl1 treuMat
BaU*! Ckttrrh
‘ by F. J. Chaaey A
Cto. TWodo. Ohio, la tbe only eooatftotoatbemarkek Itfataken
lie to dooM from 10 dr^ to a
. ^1. It aeto dlroeUy on the
Hood aad maeoaa cartaeae of theayawm.. T««y offer oae fauadrod daUar*
faeanyMlt fanatooiie. Bead ter

SHsia Tta CD to BoitaMi
tatopbona ns tor OMla to “llaAaM
BMela" WedBMday. U%j i.

tomso A3o> anof cn Ktnis.
by B«I »vte anprtclnte ••umfort. but*
the while, trarm I’ollar will te the
laauiouBuie thing.
iniog. noewa
Hock. nrv iii line
With ahirla aa far na eolor la cvoccnied. i
and. althougli j.toh. ».te-k and black
............u .....1.
amail .................. «i.t ...
and will Ih- <-onaldere<l |a’'‘fr<‘ltv correct. young



tba* flmoteh tbe Pliy PMhwny>At


bring and drtnklag are not to tbeak
arlve* gracrfnl art* and «ki not ehour
one to tbe beat advantage. It takea
toiiair reOnement, with y<«r> of earfy
tnmtog. to enl and drink before eultl'

Perted pMe Teoea Aow.
Tbe deuUa of tte export and Import
flgnm for tte eigbt moatte eadtog.

It you b

..................................... JtWlMtaftal




Tbe amtoomaat lotueu at tXarmto
aty win aaiof a dramatta UmA %ommraw tenal^. wten Mwto C. Japaenk
graaiprodMlkm at "DariM Bm '


wm b. ^.^uKSabma.... or««

Tka flat fa a moM tolmuMtoff cm.
tte preper noe of dureceat *iMMoa. bat
mtaor point* wblcb betray oar. Ike tar too ntocy U totfa fa om e< patotadopening of the month a trifle wide to te. tow. Imind bM^oatlto.
efally that _______________________
Tkmu an abiay.nlnaff damtoUa
tana. An lortfi^ Importt^on of •pMklng «r laaglitog after food baa
raw tanterfato for tte on of onr moao- teen takto. tte hurried or uevroua «mma. ahewtog to «ka tew Ugkt the
movement, tte monbfnl that to bat rwl Ufa a< beta the eppor aad to
Twy little larger than It ongtal to be.
of manafactorfd nrttelee. are tte otrlk
tte apUltog of even a drofi of liquid
tag featnm of tte FebnauT otateywfu.affo. MM ]
upca tte cloth, tte crvmbe abont the
ment of Impom aad expnrta. Tte tmplate aad tbe frequent iwr of tte aapportaUan of ‘■aitMca to a cnide coadlkin teU a tale wbkh au amamit of
tloo wbicb eater tolo tbe rai
Vito a company cf
agncoble converanthm ran btde.
gutotte aratneo* In enevcylng the­
amonated to tte elgki
^ ta the moMb a* weO aa to maidlcnttog
wUb FMmnry. IWa to tlW,SS7.T54. n to CM of the Mccwdtlea of tte U " pMv fftm to M
agalaat fm.7n.lMl ta tte corrupeadtog iDootte of tte prccedtog flaeal
Tkn ‘'ffornwr DteOk Awyear: an Incraaae of f«.OOCM»0 to tte Tberr abonld not be aa nmeh a* a aacralnc of raw matertato worked np toto gcMloa of anything that will provoke, ttoa" effmu too DrttoruUl. too famow
fiofabed produeta by tte protected to
or dl*gn*t. irtfalKWete ortn) Prmrn LmoDa. Jao. A. Kto
dantrtea of tte Itolted Sutea. Tbe ex- morr often Inatoted upon at bwe. there
far too pool Htaoa toe kltnf Kool
portatioea of tDanofaettirea In the oaar would be tone need of eumJ.m abroad.
woair«M. n*Upa«w
time waa fSCi.2S7.972. agalaat fSOB,A point of grrai lomiwriam-.- In all Bial’a "Goyoot Moihatean";
ypctooain cheap - a am dm* besv.
fCB,SS7 In tte cormpoadUw mootba aoctol lntereoiir*e I* proiuptue**. It
of Uat year, being an Incmae of fdl.- ahonk) be prnciInt'O in koejdtig apiulDt
mpO*UMA**r *1 lUBEmt Bfahto
000.(nu. whJtdi our protected ladttatifaa mont*. In anKwrrlug letter*, in r.-lurn> Qfartda Baa«rlo-> UaportatloM from
made and
to forrign oooatrlea.- tog call*, lu ai-kninctelglBo- gifts. In
Italy:—to all. Awblgraudorrille tnma ITOB BA
Thua tbe Importation of llUlDafactn^ M-udIng an appns-tativi- imi.- fur an atbetidoa itt magnlfleasUy cootamod and f atoe.
era' matertola Inrr^waed during tte tentlou treehed aud In n vpoitse
■Male prodneliea. ballola. dramfltle
eight luontbe In queatlon ftiU.OuQ,QOO. 'rltaUon*. T<*> ofun the- latter n
rime* Um **w rtw.
*.«* mil lr*A*Mr*IV
and ito- exiairtatloa of manufactured to,vnl for da.VK. to the anuuyiiiui- nf tb* cut. apeefal faatnraa and woalto of
Tbfaatuaetioa baa
la Inrtnmd ftil.OOO.Ww to the aame hoKtoMH, wlien a few iidnule* given the
tliue, ami ta.Ur uuili-r the ujierutlou of. matter at uni'i- would have i-arrlod a beu eaenred by the City Opera Boom
he Aiuerh-an prob-etln- |K>lh-y.
for Hay
eomplinient with tte aoi-iitatw.-.
In tlM- SS daya of February the UuA wedding gift may Is- teui a month
Tbo aame great eompuay. enppcrtlng
IMiriatiuD «r luuuufaetarerK' matoriala befon- tb.- w<-<lding. ll »hotdd Is- av
tsc. Mr* F. C. 1>B«|**P«, 411 sutb atSM*
amoDuled to gSTi.'.>:Hi.«iUI. or nearly fl,. eompanW by the- visiting i-anl. and the toe only origtoal Irfah comedian*. Mt r>
OOO.OUU a day, and the eiiiort.-iilun of; Ittcknge shtiiild te addn-sstsl tu tbe! fAy aod Mack, famoas torongbont the
mauufa.nured gooito amouute<l to $21.- bride, if a friend lu Ih-i.
entire land aa toe bMt expooenu of
230.128. ur. 13 louod terma. $] hous.'. nddresMu.1 lu ihe lirl.legitKim. If IrlA^ comedy, will be ueen at Stain |
for cv.Ty day In the tnoi^fa. lu Ibo It 1* bu with whom yon ar.- Iwsl ac- wo™. .. .
the exportat
im averThe fiitun- «-lrimmstan.i-» .if tte eooVOBaai.E-Ui*cb raoalcr *i>4 t**l*ttr*UI
o' ,o«iet. *>*r.ltil*« nmstow. laelAAtw*
aged Sl.luo.iNiu ]K-r <toy. Ineludlug Bun- pk- should liifluenre one In lb<- i-holcr
eootttrr. *MlTt**.l*l-lca. rh*in,
daya ami holldaya. while in tte corre- of a gift. If sliver I* c-buseii.'<16 not
Tbo Death MeMrd.
apbudlng luonlba of the iireenllug y-ear ortb-r it inark.d. but bavr tbe Jew.deF*
Ur«i wUfe bat
Hr. and Mr*. Henry Laidfa mnnn rpo TRAOS-Fw Ctr
_______ A b*r^B.
tte averagt- dally ex|N>rtaiI<m of niaou- nnini- plnhdy visible. *o that in >-**•■ of
faeturea waa only XKtl.TOO: in the eo^ dniilleatc's It tuny U- exeUaiip-d. There toe loea of their yonagoat aon. Jownh B.AU^l£SLhat£
■honld te uu f.'rllng on Abe |«n «f tte W.. who died at toeir homo at Old Mfa- jpOU OAIX-Hmmm^ m.
giver liecatis.’ a present Is exi-liangrd rtoo Sunday, of fatODeblUa. Tbe funeral
moniha of 1»C.(S. wholly fra* for Miiuelliltig that Is more m-eded. wUl be bold tram toe Oatbolle eburah
trade tariff miwtha. but A'fKUai.
aay* The Hmiw-lndd in ems-liiding thto at Maploton. at lo o'clock tola fmonIt will te aecn that the eHHirtationa enuunTBlIon uf some »f the atnall Ing undv toe dlroetom of Balpb
f uiaiinfaeinru* during the eight pro- eourtesl.-* or Ilf.-.
tectloo iimwiUm ending with Kehmarr.
1900, are di>ul>h- Iboee of the 4«ireour,
d toe WoMra. F B. Fb
spondlsg fret- trade tariff montlia end­
There Im* Iss-d ti c.mmI .bwl of Intering with K<q»mary. 18Wh while the Im- e<t taken In liaii.lmm.- »iuarr* of silk.
hor'^of tuanufactutera* uiaierlaU
uuv.-ltl.-* Id a variety
■o***. Elk Ksptos. «
to tbe eight imitet-tlou moutlia ending
watch and chain, diamowl pin. opal «**k. lm*b* at Laksrtev B
with l-Vbruary. lOOU. are 2.’. i»-r cent In
ring and a allk quilt.
A BABOAW-Ia id tuM toi* •* Flaet *aO
exeeui of thOHc of the
-AA- ------------ —«------- --------- Y‘------am
A Moan Oear Brain.
kUmteUAtoeformV 0*ll*tHeB*« ^
iUt Fel>niniT- IKW. and nearly double
Your beat ferttora yonr ooefal po*i
tboee of the eight frei- imde tariff
t on or hnaineoa unceeM depend larffely
CD the perflet
PC * action
of *our atomaeb ,rur. vm«*k*tia>i*ai
intha i-uding with Felmiar.r. ISOT.
end iivM-.
nw. Dr. King'* New Life Fill* ■■•n (ur twoi. nuAera. I
inufartnrera' materialK. wlil.-h lu the
eight moutha ending with February.
___ I
bralB. high ambltloe. A » erat box !
of tbe total
r****^ 1^5
o ut Id tte
, „ ,
eight nioMi* eudlnt wlih lehruary.
1000. While nuioura.-tnit.a. whi.-h in
iDoniliH t-ndiiig u'lth IVUmary.
u (raa bar tatm co'Br»w**>
formwl 24 per «-ent -f i|k- total
III tte
yaiCTTO-t'bftou»a M



faMUfant. Ttop

.gS“f.'Ksair as.«


" ssr.rg;




brim to l»i In 2 ItH-ln-s In width,
baud to of |>lnlD Idaek allk. and the lint
iiinnufai-tnr<-n>' luatiTiaU
tojlght and rimpidy.
exiwiirtatiun* of mauufeciured
The dert.y •Town I* Io«*t than It
In tbe eight
elgh nontlix • ndint: «itb
waa Inal year and tea lonre iii|ier. and „ lid*
i-iu-li year from IMki
lary forr I'll
.. .Illthe brim to like that of the
eilk h...
hat. : IJkn and tllie |R-r (-I-II1 w'lilHi they form
Od (lie t»T
Alpine* 4n i»wrl. bniwti. di-jl> and ;
of the
the tutul Imm.rt* niid
nin' eX|wrt*
b)ack wilt Ic worn, and a new alpine.

Card Of Thank*.
TgF. xxw coai-nrxo ruRaaou
of eoaihluaikm*. Jin- of a heavy
nofBoceCo. No.
giwsgraiii >ilk. a whin- lu.-kcround. (ire to extend thelrtoask* to the
niili .-liter .1 I'er.lati design of aofl bm of tbe fire danartoent. thes Bey*’
-lieiiilr.'* or iu pluk ami black. Band aad other* for aoafatanoe renderita for tl
blur ami Nn.-k ..r bht.-k ami whlf<
« a great *ncce*a.
ilrtnil ■l.-xlgii iiml pdid
tnhers ll
mill Uirdi-r or sutin *irl|>--.l Isirdcr. ^
,11 an- frlugisl ul«.u: ih.- .-Ig.-. ’ •
niil ThlEg Tenpe
will Iw ,.v„..l
I om. iihi
.. 1...,-D..
Thu *kvi.-h fi-uiM V.igm- «huw* unc
thi* morning, trtepfaope Ilifnreeat*
of thrir I1M-*. N.iililns isml.l In- mure | to "Darkeat Bnaafa" for Wedneeday.
.-tending ebd ..rigimil th.-m. surh »; May 3.
of doiu>'i>tli- luilu«Kmuili:iit<-. 1'lu- IuiiuIhiu hauilli-s arc
extremely long aiul itiu-k. wlil.-h .|uatl-'|17lllOB Uflda SbOM At flTBUHfl.
mill to Hu- vijii-. Till- u|s*n i
straw lint* will U- like tho-u- worn'
] viia>! l■,rlrl,l
ll'* iIk uf
I pint uu>l I'lui k -SI It whinton year. ex.-i-pt that the ^.rilll^ will te i«« •ii5.:n.te
bii'-kgruiilKl. Uiiil rhrusl lia* a
bruaO ti'.li'i Nitiu IsniliT. with I'.-tiilan
cotoring at*.'.'.
.from. .the. .Xe»v
. . York
. . Trihune'*
. . . . . renuine
. . -l
A Mllliaerr FbA.
the^ell dtv^ :
tira|a-* ap|*-:.r ii .miu' <>ii ll:.- spring
)Mi.e«^irfnlllili,-r> au.) <ir<- ivrlaiiil. .hiring and
aa TaMe IJaea.
uriglliul in .-n.-.-i, Tli.-lr m-.'t tn.ptilar
For ton *talu> dip tin- Htiilm-<t por|HT«-mjii<'m. Ml fiir as .-uluring U eonlloB of tiH- «-lolh III n tewl of warm
Tfcr »aa«e Bryaa.
ceemHl Is i, sra..|nnl shn.liiig ni> from
aoft watw atul luitHW and iirow* with , roii»Uli'nil a» ii whol.-, n..- Ni-iwn*ka imh- lu.nitv.- i.» tsih- gr.-<-ii, :i g:iiuul not
lb:.'hnuito. If the-li'a wa« vc>ry ^rong platfortsi to iiiifroKiius. •-v,-n If Inijm- .pill.- ..r iniiiir.-'s Bii.l yet
«r tb<-»tatn UB old one. add a fun dnqw , tout and. to M>im- i-'iM-niUito. vii-louu. su'lh i.-inl.t |sssil.l< I..........
of amiuonla to tte water, or mix a lit- It* griT.Hwt valno hi-*-lii tin- fart that nii-itt.
tic iwwdoroil ctelk to a |u»*ii- with wa- It ;li-iuon*inii<'* Uiai a ih-fi-al. four
' /rebue* •( l-•.klou.
trr. *i>tr*d It oror tin- *|*ii and t>ru*h yi-ar* of .i-ni-> noii and ^tlnly nud four
TinFiuu t- .-..Ihirl.-ss,
IT whru dry.
yom> of matnr.-r iliouglit liav*- wrought
Sulhiug i> s.. .Hiii- :is III.veils,
dr. Itryaii'B
For.-larct Kinlbi, ooi-<T till-*|Mit while iio noiWuMo i-liaugi- lu Mr
uHir-ally tv ttlii.'b lidvr s|ui<||..(' uml • luM-r sgMiis In
Wrt with a thh-k layer of salt. If thi* prln.-lplre-prlDrtplw euiphai
vari.-u.-s, la tr1v.-i, chcfa Dot dote at tte limv,
liitu-. toy th.'
ih<‘ «taiDcd
ataiued pudtoted to
li JK«.- Ualtlmun- AnicrlcuD.
nlUv siml w<m-u .lui*. ttlilt.- vt-lllngH
portion over a tew’i
tew'i and iiour
i>our telUug |j
---------------with bla.-k s|«.|s Iin- mm-b b. tin- fore
a-atqr through
It until ihi- «ialn dl*aii- '
pcwri>: till* «l*u un«wor» for ‘coffee I The IlK-oiiK- of iIh- i-tMUli prince Wt an<i .a grayish la.*- ..fri-ct In m.-sh.w of
bla.-k ami wbli.- thnw.l*.
Giminuy 1*
otolDs, luty* Tabu- Talk.
.Mululr Is gt.tug tu Is- t.Ty ntneb
oni IhU sensuii f.,r lia.-kalsHit cosnote* Fem Tbe Jeweler*' CIrrelne. touuiifaciuring and Indmurle*.
Knamcl lu bal>.\ blv ftmiH tlw dat
Tl**n; are 230 mllway Ma«lon» with- tuiiu-s. It <-»iiH-s loinsb'l t-ulur*. with
halrllm- strljs- nf white, ami Is donlop
gold inc*h purw-. and on It fa In a Mix-tullc radlUK of St. I’nul'»4.-aP of a goiu
out a idmple dnigu in tracery
bh- wlillh.
of briU%C*.
Tin- oumni.-r i* to Is- a la.s- M-ason.
u aurmy i
Soldh-r* in tin- Italian
pattorn In i*>cri« to owed two hour* lu tb<-1- tmiddle
au.l lace rnls-s are tflun- |s>|nilAr than

Korn.- are with tiamw
<> Tl^rill}
toy for a luiii.
(•ermattv hii* at pn-M-ui
pn-*ei ihlrty-nlBc ribten .iomingsNew>-r an.l mure worn again tban
■ Jeu-elry tl
tost ymr TiSi x
white gl.iv.-s an- light sliade*. such as
fancy for
>r aeftiiig
aefting tte
tl mby and The dlalllae greenish gray, fawuf xinc. vream.
moDd toffrtter.
BrocKte* whk-h bove tbe aembUnce mark, the i»rty of i
«r roughly panitnefed gob! Into arhlcb majority to tte via
Iv to te !ntr(Hlu< uu Ih.- ride* of
arc «ink earioui colored atone* repre- king Ua« retained in power
of the lUgbi.
t«dhA-# and Kks'Ve* and lu tte center
Bcm one of the norcltlM.
At livcn»>«l detail* of a saUtea of liM.pR.of ribbon by riiu*r who can
Cold bmcrtela are ctndded atron tbe
top with tnrquoUo* graduated from nilni-uloB* eeoaiw from dn>«-nlBg afford them.
were rriatad. The Mcmd mate. UenBailor eoUars. rfetnebed and cat no
eee large rtone to the center to smaU ry Oarrter. of tbe latnine Valono. waa
one*'at either end.
waahed oT.-rboaid by an Immenac that they almost replace a yoke, are
Newert dal framed leather poraea wave, but u luinnio toti-r a reUifn an tonovariou on wushabte snit*. and
■ome of tlMve are cmbraldered In cqicn
arc Tcty long, iwritap* rtx tocdieu. aad war.- .-arriirt him laid! on tte ablp.
m i a
qnlte aa narrow aa ntOlty would
Tte natural oocnl fcrmatlon. togeth- bole work.
Ruff* with loflg prndtvt end* urill
to admit
famouK to tbe have a plaee In fashion, for It to to be a
Cahoebon aetting of tte ruby. oap>
of the great4 Bean
acarf jesr.
year, awu
and us
malted and all
Pbire and mncnld ta the lat^ depar> cycling wortd. and « ,
wheel -who have been ao fortnuate aa
A of aenrf* vlU ba *
tore In floe ringu.
to rirtt thto Irtand bare called It the
Cyote*' poradbe.


I* rvarcoaBtr- MO rrarir- r
Oi*t*o«.*>—pro ratrtope tn
gtral ••TTMArr. r*r* e> Mersiae

JF \W WANT^or*^or*vki^
am rail u* X ■- AUr* r*Mi 7 aoA •
Mrr**>tUrCa. tatock.Tr*.*r«r Clir014-M

i-V-■.''rT.s'.'r™,:;; ■





at Traverse Olty,

Wednesday, May 2nd.

Come and see them—It WUl pay you to see
these horsea They have been raised on stock
farms and wUl be the nicest lot seen here for
some time. They come from Eoble county,
Indiana, and wlU weigh from 1200 to 1700
pounds each.
Inquire at Brodhagen’s barn.


1^0 eXose.

^ \vca i&'^Tess SV.VrU

TUX&h M W iJiA Wcks.



a deck sharply as to vent to the Vka-

M MMrit to Ito «tom wtto.
T» - to

■ ■


€to toM to*





tototoiv toU.

ltoUy*s baiefol busbaad vs* vateitog
tto ptonts
He had ibonmghly aoaked
(to scniniam. bm had <sl} a few drops
Ian for tto toganli. He deeMd them
enongb. bovever. f<v be set down tto
aprtoklrr a* soon ** emptied ••o the fire
e*^ sad fumed avay.
"tl'ster my faegonta mon-^dsrn your
..ked tto thin <-ierk vtathTnUy.
Tto man l«>Lr«] aluut In sarfirtar.
aav no one aad tamed nva.r oner more.
"You measly apukey fur •. hamaa be­
ing. da you suppose brcoalss bate water
Uto yuor drunken aeur' grumbled tto
deik. not BO londly.
”Ok be'* all rlgbi." asid tto yoonger

rd year old geranlmn. and you don'
vbal happen* to mia*."
-I wonder wbaP* tto matter with Mol-

tf*rljr nxtofltoT wbra tbc tv*
dtoka to«wJ l»to tW- hiA room of tbe
flwtk Hon Ui.
Tbe Ut»dic«p« OE

“IV, you think _ . _____________
a dendr
Jim looked ataitbd. -'KcmaeiMi'. uian." to aald presently, with 'affeeted a**nraner.
“If sbe were, that
brute would bare abovn It. She'. . ..
ply gHiii
ling bis brrskfsM while to waters
.. ________
.. rather, one plant.
But tbelr fare* wore a preoecopied
look a* they left tbe bonne that mom-

toWeh they gued ererr awnilDE
I r**' ot wbit#w»»hed brick
IMIIM1-- or tw better rUto that extend­
ed Cbt knilh of tbe eatire Work; ■ teon
•t blMk Ire ooeopn rsaetly alike ia e«torvctfos and all laore or tr*> Uttered
with howeboM eSeela. and. belov. *
rif*a ■vefM.'^Miieat |»re<l yard.
•rcrhead there vav tbe vooderlol New
Teric aetoBer aky—like (be iatide of *
bofr bcdtow tai^twtoe. ramUbed vitb

bill tbeir ii.nal klsaabh- pink, and ato
lonknl iHinbnilarly well,
They ilM not *ee so mneh of her after
Her builutnd cunlliined to vaah
tto vlii.l..v* and to vitirr tb<' plantaafter a fisbluu. He va.. it must be admitinl. iniiurtial Is bi« ine..mpeU-see as
a fl«vi-r sprinkler, •nibetime* neglecting
tlx- ■■•gniiias until Ibi- (bin eterk almcsl
eta of elond cotton. And (bei
'elH.knl nilli llu|uitrnl rage, and, again.
thelT waa (be giri wtUi (he ki
forgr-ttlne Ibe geraniimi unTil tbe yotm
cbaoka and (be nice smile vbn Il<
ger elerk l"oki'rl •ormvfitl tnnngh tc
tbe ttototoCBt directly oppoaiu tbcli
raeit tbe banl<-*t lu-art.
dov. TWr tot vat faatd-Uke ibHr bed*
vomig girl, not iioirs- (ban 14 and
—hot etery mot^ag. a* they vent away
bearing a striking teaeniblanee In Molly.
to tbo atotc. tbelr fare* v»rr a pleasant
the leuemeul rooms
Mile. And an that rauaed tbe cbeerfnl
*wc-<-|dug fttol dustlnc i
gria VM Merely ibe siriii of her and of
rren valeriiu;
valrrii.g tin- plaul*
|>laul: gt'Oi-niusly. do­
tbe aky.
ing work Molly bad fonn.-rir done. At
r: (bey
fin.1 the elerk. tlmugl
tlmught tbal lb.- booaecould are that
l<ii>;« a)«iit
bold bad rlM-n I.. tbe dignily Af keeping
ber rooflM. dnsting. brusbini;. sweeping.
. ,
ini-ii balr »errno'. ratlier—but
Ing the vfndova uotil (be panes
Uke (bln siMPts ff diaainud.
vitb tbe liair nioi <4ieek«
voar cool dre«e. of n<vl i«)lnr>
d-Oi-r mid iHit a doiiieslie. Oevaboved ber Irfia r>i
vUeb shoved
ab.iially Molly eoitbl *ii b, tin- window.
Iu-«iiig, but not ofleu. for tbl- day* bad
wonder. Uv t
Tbry tiard
^Toa n ertdi-r.
ime va»- Tliey agreed that
flradiutlly. n» tin- mitiinii? wore .m
<t be mere lhaii I't; that ber
ibe eooM not
tbeek* very like the red. n-d
T»tl n>iv
o.(» and
tor balr tike (be hrirln. lirigbt ceM:
vilhen-<l nun), nod tin geraniiiui look
•tao that her eyes mighi be blur, black,
on yelbmisb tii.l. ii, -.iris, oml the
toovB or rtolet. and Ibil m bat< rrr their
clerks arms* ibe way gnawed tbeir
ta.-be* and swon-.
The nii-laiieboly day* <uiiu^—dull gray
alia, dull gray yard parr
■ dys,\nd chll
-.e or Mamie or poasiMy 1.
(be yoongrr man aeoraeil aueli a
lien. Her name, be <f '
talaly Kntb. indlratlre of meekness and
cotoellnc and etoaDliness of anal and
> (111, ibia
mM to hito
m'if Monlinoi
“*lr Percy Algernon
....................... ... .
de Voir, of eourae ber name i« Phyllis
s Muriel Hand Ik
e is Main BUI Rmlth. so in aU
Ukrtlkood beta fa. Maggie Reilly »r Booia
•nanlgaa, in tbe naaie of Kria go bm^
Bat the yoongrr man rrfosed to accept
Maggie. He stood out for Rotb Riren
nntU tbe fatal diarorery was made one
. Bonday. TIm? beard ber trli ber next
- dear natgbbor that ber fauatianil had gono
to work on tbe Third aienue line aacradnctor.
Rath Riret*-Maggie IteUly was maty

For a week after t
r dork imUed.

Barb clanera as

rrptlCtom u tboai^ eai-h ^an
• atlit
it Iby If
One Balarday half boltday tbry ratoe
hotae early. It was a floe day. r<ry annaklny, bat. ovlng to tlx- freeh bream', aot
todtry. The thia derfc. thiokiiig o( the
.1 fMda and ninnlng' Iv.hA. nmld
vhleh bU boyhood bad Iven ej-'ni. look­
ed abaeoUy aenua the way. .k» bh> case
took on a derided Interot
*Xloae here. BRI.'' be said. “Lnok at
Molly's gardra."
Bin looked. Oa ber fin- eeeape
tvo flevarpota. one containing n i<egoaia
aad the other a to*.
I. both erlvrader vitb the aaefced heli and the bnsky Toiee vbo dtore hie vagoo tbmDgli
the street oace a waek.
"BegonUs.’' aaM tbe ihii> Herk. *‘niv
odd. I like theta, -ney grow easily a^
gaiekly.**Bot tbe rose geranium 1« w> rvi-et and
deUeate! I love to roil op Ibv loerca in
nr band and emell tbem. They rrmiad
me.”' aeU
-..f (ne
asM llu.
the e^eeer
youager i

ue-i«aiu-r inej ui
their floverpota the two p
the Bornlng beCorr they t
Ir return home. They
Of the aeren they anually l--hrtd Molly
la tbe act of vateriug the B.^ve^. vitb a
y green vattefag foi. her alcrrea roU> tor elbons. sbovi
and tannded (orennn. graeetiinr tr^rlito
tto (Mnttog lenvr* sriih tbe fin- “tttle

ikfands of water that Uaned rram tbe

ana thtog In pink. But tbe yotytger man'd

bnnd deaalng ( .
Ttat" aaid tto yxmager ekek. with
an nir of erptttoacs. ”U vbat a bnahand
■ to
“OenloBBd htor aald tto thin dark
angrBy. **Rt ongkt to have doae it long
aga. B« I aa gtod." to .added foegfr"that to'a Wtto decency to be­
gin.'Wan U late. That's
dear: Mkc Mb Map amend lirelr and
yonngto’ rierk. vbo
r. cnlled out to hb

‘ tottr


(■•Iwc acCiumv U tb* FMI
•ad Onmi Pvint.

. Smidiy

in ibi-ir pi-nelralUig i-iwer.
taimsl of the leiiedayo


.'oil colors Kbhnld In- elo«-ly KtudJpd.

abbuld never lx- umxI.
.\gaiu. bang­
ing* euvpring a wall ap|xwr iiineli dark­
er tbau wlteii M-eti 111 the roll. .\* bna
been raid, blue I* a ivxil, d<-}itv**ing

bcntlQg link only tended to iuerriiae tbe
numlvrof Its jialiioblc advantages, aays
the Chicago Record.

Jb-peelally ia (bis

Ibe caac in laundry work.

In many of

■ uuw uaed esoUlslvely.

color. Once. In xnminer. w»- liOMUby
tbe sea In a rixmi bimg tind furnlsbed
entirely In bright Idiie. Over wall and
carpel rliiiixl Idin- ro-xv wliieb reap­

the onliuqry laundry
thesi- Irons an- Ixiltip used to a eonaidfor tiuisIilDg off dresses,
Idons--*. etc.. Ill <l}x- works.
The ad-

peared Ip wluilnw bq^igltig-, and toilet

vauiac.' of elecirlc Iron* for work bf
Ibis doserlptfim Is np|virciit. ns the ma­
terials irouetl are.often of o very dell-

aiqium-uancti. S« gn-w»oin,- wa» tlie
InOuem-e thni a*, xix.n a* aumiier room
was vaeoied we luduivxl (lie landlady
to let u* reuiov,- from that “d.-iidy.
darkly, deapi-raiely liliu-" and xnnlei^

It wax n lexHuti tn-ver to be

It will lie fouiKl iijxm lri.-il that dull
tints xiK-h a* liliie^rjiy. gray gnvu.

vute and cAiK-nsIve nalun- and clcanllness and jierfcx-t coutnd over Hie bent
of tW Iron are- of ihu Jlr»t linponmnce.
In one iuatalliiieot tit LUu Irons used for
till* *|x-cial purix.-k- It tos been found
that Ibe gi-ot-ml isiat of working It

mu.-li Ixdow ih!ifi-r «!is In-u*.
penri gray, en-aiu.d^i-lh-ai.- lemi eotta, t'liief advaniiu<-s ..r ,-ieotric Ir-ina are:
sage gn-en .and olive, wiih uku-.- «r leoi I’liey SUV always ready f-ir use and
Iu the ,«sc of gas
onuiinentaiinn or xelf <-,d<in>il, will give they arc very elcau
auffleieui niiige fur niiy nmiilx-r of Irvius very .ifli-ir u dress which has
rooms, iK-IU-acy ,.f iliii r.-,|iiliv* deli­ Ixvn ihoroughly ch'aijed ami Jt tolng
cacy and ri-iiiieiiH-m In ii-.- .-.dtirs of iromxl for the hist o|x-rntlon r-x'cive* a

exeritenl lurHigmiind for r^miii* buying
little annilght. All ih.- siui.h-s ..r gray
greens and IdiWami
will Ixni.-r
suit n Komlh-rn ex|xmim-.

riety Is-desireil. In sel-s-lliig the idiilit
see diBt It I* Mm-ih. > „t i, iu l.uivex
and remove ilm |,nl|,. I-uvlng ili<- sli-ll
about om-thlnl «if an iarii llifi-k- .l Uop
and mix wj-ll tnc-ilier <me hirg.- ..r two
small tomnim-K. oix- xmall
Inalde of Ibe .•gg|ilaiu. a xll.v of gr-vu
peiHier, a fen l>n*a<1 (-nimtw. u ’.i-rig
of pnrxley and a lliile rail. Wiib this
of iHitlcr on top nud IwkKlntn Knatrr V.r flea.
A brapiiig cupful of lloiir ipn-fiTably
pastry Ilouri, a *alt*pooiifnl of xaU.
one-lhird to lialf n ,'upful ... l.titier or

xiiuit of din from the gas ir.Mi wblob
nty-i-ssliates iis tolng elrnixH] again.
U-uimIry bud. fiinliermnre,
that llie work liirued out by tbe fac­
tory ii.itius w lieu tisiug rivclric IroUB
N far it) ex--,-** of the output from gas
Iruus. nml till- plei-ework rate i-an conscpu-mly to- ilrupiH-ii. It t* also found
ibat Uic Ueni from an efit-irir-ally heattsl Iniimlry r.-ll can to- conutilled to
smh u uliviy tbat exceptionally fine
Work can be relied on.
.kuollier form

Womon's Wblst League of America,
April SOU). Ksighu Temof Mieblgao. Ana Arbor May IStb.

SorpisBiiie Ccffflg—Llttlfl TaTgRL
Ta Omrm a Uotd ui Oaa Dav.

of hunger •liio to disease, says The
l’r.ieilcal nriigglsi. Carbonic acid gas

ore lurtm-nce,l In such a way that the
nbuomiul Irritatlou of the plexus,

•'.C best cough remcly .ui earth

-i-, ,

Or. W.

ffiggina OpsraUTi Dsatlatry

Herald Centuy Cook|Book.
A limited nnmoer (or tale a; if. cents
Back. Will be mailed posUge'pald




The I|:lta B.lrala Sa* nsPlar car w Oran.
BaptO*. ana alceptr OrsuC lupiJ* ti>

mcc. which Kapida M CBlrsse.
Tr*lBsrrtrl«»*i laop ■ h*- .ircfr OIL
your home.
cioosiiu>f.T*»aH»pia»*ijJco»cB Stw .Mp
East Fif. luscsr Cklrsp'
'ilrspo uursua K*pia*sua ckaLrcai
bsIc srrlrti
rlrtae ■»f
P ■> S*» c»
ivsr,>* I* <•'** u*p,a. •tcU . tislr
Bspia* u> PrwvXr;

for npboUtorlng and plelnre framing
—New atoek moldlagi and mato.
'425 tf

npttoo Ctttra - WMPnar'a
White Whw of Tap Byrup, the

Tbe Pen lanjoette RiiM

best cough leinedy on earth, cures a cold
bone day if token in time.




air ami other gases, has been cxperlmeDling 1i> iliscover what degree of

valne of said bolldlng before tbo same
was partially deotroyed
destroyed or had b
decayed: provided farther, the
ahall Dottotharoby anlargod beyond
tbe aiae thereof befc re it waa parUally
xrbad become decayed.
As a eondiUon to tbe maklag of said
rapalra. the eonneU may require that
the roof of said bnUding bs made
slate, tin or gravel, or other n>
beatlbls materlaL
kalon may also ba graalcd by
the city ooaneil to erect within raid fire
Rmlu wooden sheds, or other like
; an area not «
coedlng 600 sqnar* feet, pravldod that
M nob abode or slrnetarra shaU have
balght of more than t, a foot from tbs

Tmverw Cj i t
« 1* *t
SrOrCBspM*. ItOpa
10 OU
Be it ordained by the eonneil of bvOrCEspta*..! 4 aopo.'
Trarcrnc City,
that an ordinance enty. t
ilUed "An ordinanM relative
ooixQ koara.
'ater charged w ith carbonic prevention of fire* and prescribing fire
ad,I gn* Miny Ukewis,- to- employed, llffllu,'' paraod on the loth day of
... I
tl W
7 IS
with advautage lu many cases of hy- April. A. D. lan. be aad U hereby - Ohlesce
Detteli ....
In which thenamended so a* to read u follows:
A* am Rspta*
Baa e. PermlMlon may be granted Lv ore RsptA*
tiuD present In the stouiadi descrilied
Trsrer** Cz.'WMb If 4Ap w;
' S |0
by Hic |iatlcDi ns a piaving seimHon,
A* Pne*k«tr___ ^4*>“l «up.»:
Ut to
••gnnenoss." eiiijitiiiess. etc.
__________________ shall be partiall
tioyedby flre, or other canto, orsbaU
Esireine Cold Dee* Mel Kill Gerass.
become decayed; provided tbs damage
rruforaor Dewar, the discoverer of
to said balldlng, or-eost of repairing
; _»» :_______ 4_»^
argon and Uic first man who liquefied same, ahall not exceed one-half of the ArRwvre'^ '

asr..:;.i!S3 ss::;


kenic genus to-,-au>e (lark at
when thawed out.

It la believed that

rwoer r«r Bemw lnc Ink Biota.
A new blotting pa]ier. by means of
which either fresh or dried Ink Uols
may be completely removed after
moistening with wrntcr, li prepared aa

A simple tittle frock is of striped glng-


four '


m-lte Hie fact Hull Hie teropentnre
was 31T di-grees below zero the nit-

tern, faatber aUtebtd with white aad
toriag a twM yaba of trbtta Mwm

6iud Ripids i iDdiiDi R;

• (*nto.

which is the foundatlou for the ravcooils hunger ofleu preseut In diabetes
forms of liidigcxtloD, may

lid kill the uilcroties of typbulil.
diphtheria, cholera gnd other diseases,
.k colon.v of Hk-iu was iiomeroed In a
flask of li<iuid air for IS hours.

flora an» onmiAXt raocKx.

and beet kepi

amtal oaC SeportErr c
Ml>Tesbrr (TU. ItM.

ilcc Wsnicr'* Whit, Wi..c of Tar S, r -

X.C. Banal

wUtc cotton braid, with tbI* are worn
and tan shun and a
light blue aatin or relret hair rlbbou.

The best fnrnUbed

Addrena B. A )

collar, sleeves aad yoke trimmed with

The Waukazoo House!

Ann Arbor May 17ib. Sooae tn this peniosnla U .ready for
Inter debolaaUc Athletic Meet, Ann bnslnesa. Upen the year ronnd. Hood
Arbor May Uth.
Bpwortb Uagne Mvery in eonooeiion with the houra.
Aesembly. Lodlngton. ^nly. Aneos*.
Bate* made known on application
For ratra aod Heketo call at M AN- F.
depotH- W. Cnontnghsm,

nmade clear g$00
Water cbnrg<>d with carbonic add
gas—in other words, soda water—la qnalntance* and fi
now pretcrilxxl ns a lutlllative for hun­
ger. es|ioelullr for iiii ubnormal tease

e-l w ith earlxuilc acid gai. the brniielii's
Uf the solar plexus distributed through
(he HiiteoiiK incuibroDc of the stumgeh

“A borscaboe. you see. got sredgpd la

M.OYIATT, Propr.

WlOBleaoJ r.»l.ere«j0eje*.
Bpoelal Batra vis X. A M. B. B. &

lia* the singular property of Icasc-nlng
Hie M'lise of hunger ami may profltabl.r
be reiiiciiibered Iu dealing with cases

f soft tlnUbed blue i>l<jue, tbe

Third Chair.

tbe De'mocratle state ooavenilon.
t Bn
- Bnrtw. tbed.
B. A -I. ^1 sell
eorsion tickets at one fare (or
roBod.trip, good going April XQtb and
I have pLaced a third chair in
May 1st. return limit Msy fed.
iDY barber shop in order to accomFor tbe
_ Clob
. ____:qnei.
Detroit. Ucksto wUI be said at one Isre odatemT patrons.
for tbe ronnd trip. Msy 1st, good
(ireful atteothiii uiven tn all.
turn May tod.
C B. M

lanl or b>lf of .-n.-I,. eol.l vi.tei lo
make a *rllT dough. Mix tin- rail wlili

rery |H>|iular earairy elWr.
He wa* Mug tried foi
drunkennew. and auuug other witueaan
was hi. Iri.1i orderly.
Th.- court, anx
loos 1-. gi,,- tbe otli-s-r every ebaurc. put
witness vllb n
ueversi tiuisumn.
view of ,-Ii<-iiing an,r fn<-l* tbat might to
in his niasler’* favor. When the otdivly


of li«-ater is the gaufferlug Iniu. large
New York at an onllsy of over llOi
tiiiKilH-rs of whicli are iixeil in lauu- 000. for which the pnblUbers dotlre
drh-> ami dyo works.
Theso beaters manager in Ibis conntry, also a good
ciiuiilsl Klidiiiy of .lU eleeirieally healed Bolicllor. Oood pay to tt rri(^lp*rty
luhc into which tbe gauSt-rlng irous to Nearly lOO foil pageengi
. .
, illnralDato
,tod covers
be beaus] are i-lacTtl. They are- very none paper,
buBccuieiil. as, iKSiide* toliig always bindings; ovot 200 golden lilies In
morocco bindings: nearly itio goUen
rniily for iisi-. tliey enu stand on tbe
In the cloib bladings, bells si
Workman’s hom-L without any ri»k
^preaaes mnning day and nigbl
.fruiu lire.
*0 great U the sale. ChriaUan men and
wombn making fortnne* taking orders
I'nrkonnred Water fo Believe Hoa*

■alt to the flour. Tills I* till' ximpk-st
.. of Ibt-i-icrks. -.............
form of iiSKiry anil ihi- kind most genOf Molly slunils-ml within ihein.
eraUy tiMcl. ray* Table Talk.
till.- Sim<luy. ji!-t hi-fiin-'(‘bristi
thin eb-rk raiMsI bi. win.low and looked
out. Ii v-n> a lirigbl. eb-nr day. foil n(
tweelB far ■renkfaal.
sualigbt. niuiosi.springliki- in iia warmth.
Following the KugllHli c-uKKiiu of liav
His eye* luel ibi- nneluiiging m-nnitoBy iDgi
; a |iot of :
af gray le
leneuii-nl wall, and a leown edme fast Ubi-'. the up to
Thivi. of a siidili-i.. bis cym
have bou-'.v xerve.1 at Aiin-rk-an InvnkbriglileiH-d. 9011*111' sinilisl.
fnat table* ami tu a pot of epc ial <le••Hill.' be silM. ".soni- beie.
rlgn. It may to as liand*»me :is tbe
Kill Weill.
” said Ibe thin rierk.
ill iiermlt
Rill l.mki-il.
Tln-n In iiirued I
and li-4il OIK bis band. 'I1i.- i«., being tbsi of a xteln without the iianelriks shiwk bands isinlinlly. roogratnlaM'lien not uxeil for liotrey. tUrae
torily. TlH-n ifacy- sinllisrdi-lirhie-lly kml
Jar* are iiiflixcd as rcxx-pia,4e* for jam.
hboiik bamls oniv nion-,
Molly aat in tor a.saistoiiie.1 pUr,- by
UKIe Olrlof «n«raer freekB.
the window
It w o. Ibe first time ibey
Two im-lt.v aumnier fnx ks for --liUhad -ei-u her in
« IIInDtbs. Rto
dxen abown by Vogue are as roiiowx;

s.^_______ i.-i. ••

t*,SLr,i=r.:Zs'rr‘*lvar**i«.x..**X «an,. *uo..x, r*r*t«t

VIA 0. B. 4 I.

The se.n of Imup-r
Ltr'idcMiR. Ry (be nse of waler ebarg-

nnprruiHIvna rnilMn.

If >oa rxxxiX lx tf 1^, 4
bntmm.h- •lit
ulll«**b*i k*c«* IIM
llw» .
, .,r
raiAMat *i» K**IIIU1*B tb*,.
l •L.rrtob^a tm.r>*HB*1ic1«.S *b4<ImImc4


A banging may lie l■sl^-lul•l.v lionatifnl
and yet In- unsolte,! to a certain iviom.
In general. It may lx- raid that iKWIttve
colori -brighi red. hlnc and green—

of dlntolex. iii wliii-li liullniiu (otinor-

the tm-mtirrs of the .-unrt martial vecc
fibdhi-fiy |ilea»ed.
vbo gave speidal Inatruciion*
to be <-allrd curly ennid tint surriy, they
argued to (hemarive*. huve been drank.
ITiipiag to gel farotubb- partieularu. tto
•dgr s-lvorate |inl a fiirtbcr qneulkra.
“And wb.v dM lb.' luajor, w»h to to
ailed eariyr hr aski-d
■ and lieraunr to toiild me H waa
. -ihb.
bfcaiiae to waa to to .|uern of tbe Mayl
eime the answer.
Thai setiied il.-f'ollhr’s t^'ceUy.

ILW. Eu . Or-srt> »T OWT.

Ladlaa. -Tn «aa tan oa H-tnaala oa

the flour, rub In ilie *bi>r(<-iilug nuiil
It seem* a light im-aly ]»iwil<-r. iL--o

-ri'ouimi-rrial .Vdvertlvr.



add cold wMer l-> make a xtllT iIoukIj.
If salted buiUT la us*-d. do imi ad<l any

ly light-*
And llien Ibe »iiit,-r fnis.- the sap ia




.F.U.- MlIU \IJf-|*llUI

simsliiny-tliey »«w her open the
low and gate upon wUal remalm-d of
tbe mnrderol idaiils. They didn't bear
ter sbrn-k of illsnia}. bin they
pitying -Ofar whlefa ber li(i* lade to rxprcaa her grief,
rresnilly her
iiid (»>k th<'
pot* inl.i flie room.
‘Too Ule. you fooir muttered the thin
rierk *aragi-ly. And he was rigbs, for a
forioigbt later tbe man retiimcl tW pots
to' tbe fin.
firi' inrape.
i-srape. The plains wen- dead:
iiaioeil To tbe rieik*
ily (he otomps lemaioeil.
tbe detsl was inhuman, the sight grew-

Tijer Givo K« Wnvwtna by J

.Usn seems to have no insUaettr*
knowledge of Injortous plaats from
OcarPrak Mr B
BiMw with us. tbe foOowttic practical twi.---------------------- ,1^ OlDCtaMd
polBU Xraoi Uood ii
Enquirer. Many of a pela
itet Oat Pork par »....
fmenied for the benefit of the maar
have purple flowers, and early edoea- new.a L. AOmBM..
wbooi Utcy will probably couecro;
^ no«r, H. U A Oo. Brav
4 00
Tbe eulor of paper for |»rfor or altof this color, but there U no natlre MmL H. L. A Oo. Boat............
ting rmmt abuuld be reposeful and naInstinct that warns tbem against soeb fdad. B. L. A On. Boti ..
mfunlaUiigaiid iK-Ter '
--------risks. CbUdren play wttb tbe polaoea large figniv^r
ons' foxglove, mooksbood and deadly
cetiirnsu la a uilsuke.
nlgbtrbadc and display no osturml
colur. a-remLlug <li-p<fDtA..oii the )ocafear of tbelr
tlou vf the room and tbo'luuoiiDt of while sDcb plants aa tbo dr^wort,
Uebt It receives, a long, narrow roon>.
hemlock and fool's {lorsley are ns at- OataporlnTM ..
Bgkted only from tbe uortb end. needs
ttarilvc to tbe eye as ibt- bamtaaa Cora por ba.. old...
a Uctater. Iirigtater wall titan n aoutb
parsulp and carrot, which they cloariy
room baviug tbrtw nr four windows
Man baa. however, an lbIn tbe find cam- yellow Is nccled. Silid
ctinctive dislike to the taste of nearly
cot ran r hardly g<n too tnocL of It all-poisonous idanta. A Ur|^ number
One of the firm living do-oratow corof tlicwi are noted for
md such a room with lirUlbmt gulden a quallty
yeOow. tbf ceiling only toned down to
cbtldren. and ia only acquired In things Whoav old.poron.
a tram, it
wbolcsume by adulia after experience. Whoak per ba. (new)..............
8neb a color on a wirth
Oata, So. 1. per bn. taew}.
Bonn- plants n would be almost Impos­
On. por ba
gorgeon* tiuui it renUy la .Volbsible to rat. as tbe mix vomica or
lag cab b<t mon- brilliant than the son- strychnine, with Ha acrid taste, and Potatoes, por B
light. and yrilow paint or ps|s-r ia tbe tbe monkshood, or aconite, from tbe Bye.'per ba...
Dcorest BlmlllMidc lo Ihnt.
tlogllog of tongue and lips tbat It PatUv. per A
Ill regard (u figotv. It Is a great mis­ causes. TIte flavor of pruastc acid In
take to sehs't that obtrtnlvu or con­ laurel leaves and In tbe bitter almond ncSin^Utoes. IS to|l4 cento. Field
taining a variety of .-.dors. The brat aeenia to suggest danger, but this Is ran IS to H.
la tbat Aboning a UgUn-r tint cf tbe tbo result of rducotlon.
While tbe
same or n Uartbonlaus color In eouren- scuv of amril guide* many of tbi
it. Dot it will OOB* np SKlllng ^ery
tlonal lines or nraU-aquev not In flow- berldvoroua anlmala In their cbolee.
lime " Oalnan's BlasUc Floor Vnish
rnt. Intact, flowetwuotconremlonal— we find that this brips man but little,
alihnugb It la raid (bat lill Ibe poison­
ous toadstools bnvu a disagreeable

Raked t-ggi'laui li.-lp* ..m when va­

Moor M a IMfl tfSa bBgtaC and aMl

fbc wall papciing snuem licln* «aea

cap,- mid the l-eo 1b.wer|sit-. .\nd Ibe idalils U-iil Ibis way m d that lK-f<
Ilrlghi. .l.-.-p, rich
tbe glai-ial lin-atb of ibe wiml and grew oUier fumlHhldg*.
yellouer mid fi-cliler. like bopebiw in
hues In carpet .if rug* nud fiiraliure
ThX Is-gonin |iani,-rilarl.v imf-. -coveringb d<-uiaii-l grean-r streiigili of
fens! from (be rode wind's iiswelcome color In wall than when ih.-.v an- light­
caresfc-s. And tin- Ibiii elerk. ■
er uml dnihw.
hi* ■•eb.t-ed die day by day. wai
A envui or .■nfe au Inii iiin- .s>i,.r of
htitnuns] OS to Is- slninsi - iin'
well ereamMl eoff,v.. llghl lerru .-olta
or yellow or idnklsii gmy will nff-rd
be bad tronldcs of Li*
geraninni w«. aim dying im-b by Inrtt.
leaf by b-af. Tliey drcodisl In b»k out
from-tbeir window i.
. .......................
rierk*. for they hated to vilness ihimiae of all tliey lored iu tin- great, rr



.jlldiag shall rimsln fo:_____________
fiveda^ aadlfanysaeh baildlag shall
net be raaMvod withta twaotr-foor

rs after the explratloa of the flva
follows; roroRs while psi>cr I* im- day limit, the rame ahaU be forfeltod
merted lo a *o1mi<«
one part oxalic to the city and be rsmorad endar the
dirratioa of tbs fin ehlsd.
ncid lu four |iarts alcohol until 1^ ia dirratioaof
WadebsnbT eartify tbat the (oroituraied. Tbe aeparato
Tbe paper Is applicable only
baring lro« for a basis, wb'Ue anlllaa
Inks cannot be roBoved with It—Craetttal Draggfst

S^^*^thrrity*ri t5!^ aty m

the Ifilh day of A

Auraa W. ]


J. ita'o^ Ast*,.

3.r. UOEtXtB^Acl


sms to Lt
l«| 117;
r.SP. M____....

:a !S “ss=i'“
•SS to

^ i

II ■


,»*i li*


Ill MI 4s









Emm Mrte ^d—
The nml lirdaiMd. aftlm of «ti
Med Iren, bnn or >ieH. I* one of tbe
■MR n—rol inrmttoai of Ute y*o«. It
I«1MI Tkiter HaA* <
h clMlr asd BM ex^oalrr la i
caa—. bot at the aatnr time. titiW . „
Mm* Worth Bi
la adontMl with lac* raoopr and *alWay— r— Tlila
■Brian a Bloak
li hanUr oeniw In kivpina with
•ojDHit U tbf UUor
While an loven lm<*lMwii a—rr
SMr*a^’ii*'"i ” “'“‘U"'bedroom. On Uila'Rii.iuM*"M^rThf Aala and KortHM- fori
i>rpt(D< nod l<aQ(
of Kairt Indian niani
DvCaiiiirf they I
tet^nlwred only wliiatn
yeai> rliat om on ili<- .tv<i>tem idatns
of N'onh .Viuerira the Aiur-ricaii Indian
Tbew iMiaind. arr mad^> np la
IWidcd *!lh i.lo< k and while «rd. belM srrea^. tU-l«mir^«!SiS[
prrr im- «,ay and Idari c»! of whlrj, l< im,«rtr,l h, dy-. |«,

>. ■

W^aBd‘'ro^'^klX fa™m""^^^ »raUi whh h abowa Jhroash ibe dye la

•’aTOfltr. of the naiural. Aw.tber pwiy wood hr itold_____ i
■■»>- la fari. all the iin,i wooda
-twre drwian* aii^aa an- preferred at jmweni for brMroam.
1-ll.wtT all that hava forntahlna.. Tbeae new lMl«eada ai*
rrliltoat tUr* wo»d<-u Hlain and Join®
whh-li wei* no dllBealt


U iMn.
Tbe eontasted liar umm a aoft mat- '.t 3n* U
• It If Bteleaa to adrertbe for a loR
0.and in tone, u will core a on«e
Tbe dwonlc biamww Invart
t’’ “ r“% «>
tbe oonnh that lolraw* tbe line at tmabte.
np with tbe aid of a eortcam-w.
Tbe wlae riri look* writ to her ten
befot* Abe Htbea for eenfdimenta.
■ Hoille* and frown* are UtUe thiiun,
^t they an- powerful for (ood or

roKnc,«K ket.lnJLeS
hrnM bed.


" "

EH’’ ^ -;=i«r ?•=

model. Of the
tun-d one !•• in Win- lairiKi'tluii
' ‘^laiH-b
liaiH-ly .-rM-lH of white
e fonhml, pal- i .
Navajo haK «. far eii-.JI,-.| iii» '-.S':
t,,j,-hwith blue mill (hlil In .-hi«<- bur- • “ **
der-omike anil In nowlee em In the iiunlliy of hi* work nml in
eliiibid tuek«. Th.- fnait I* a
cln-ulatlon of air.
7.f" /..v;i . !
"f 1^ l«tt.-nis
that hit
Ibldltw of ilie baeU th'« .j:heu. The
.. ...............
’ 1
•hi- sjToiiynt
siYioiiynt for the
«M-rl .lullt* of
•eeond l*of |iliik Uirfein uilnatidy luck£r-d lb Kn-ojiK illehh-rl try hi {r«Uier chtun Alik. nallD •
TUe liHiniN on w hk-li the hlankelM are
, % Ritdilus 111 white Kllk. TIm- c»]i 1« mt
_ _____ .
’-im|Mi-III Mrneiiin-. in
In a kiiiall r<iuiiil rler-olli te fi ilUplay a
to IliBleli npi- nla/....l at .1 »~.*i
|irora-»'. Ilf Wi-avllia llini- Alullt
^^cheiulx-iti- iimi liisli ci.llar of eimUariy
f«.i. Ti» „oiu „.i
i.„J ™£'‘ ‘Z ir i"
tiw kod will!.' laffi-la.
' ........... ...
and rtn-ckn of raryluK reuiovr-1 ni ulclii
I'llioW-alMma an. „„ l-lk. . . • # . t ***'* *"fh> *> HVotlC l«inllT. t.lll lu those
Blae uri- ull (n Ih- worn In Ainlns.tfooU.
and iikiluin. niih it.: >tifr. nrui itlfeail.
hIdH fail I.. iiuvv votfii.- for liiinl wear.
™i'............ i«iVolh-.lui- Iniu eh>--'ki-<l >iu<1 etrt|M-<I
and brui.:ih-<l alnr ihe new onh-r.
^ i which It K- nerally In Mhile of u llRlit
I.|. la.
aketchy luiieyu nml n|r]M';ir»
brohimnl. I'.tf ivunir; w.-nr jibilu
to work.
ciMtCne. iiiitiy eheek*. AUiUnKA and
1* •••inilrlerwl no ttiiihwlrahle for the till- luHitnit T^.hit> 4.r It..- ««.|
plain elotli- will all l*> worn.
make- hi- l---t hhi. k d.v.- hy thn.wlns
Tbe Itinidine of r-olorii in inmii' of the body I. nfu-n ver.r cntlefiil to the head. a niixtnre of r.Ki>ii<U .-•le r nr ferrnclnp* eiMi-ks iH reiunrkahle. Ilmwn.
noil- earth. <-vnil.ln.-.l with
■•ek «aple ftaaked shad.
. siven DUii white are <t
i.lke many cn-sit dlm-overieN. (iwt ol the plnnii |ilne. lute ii di—K-ii.>ii .<f
rw-k iiiaph- planlvK
for Nluid wit- arvl- mac. The i.niiiie a.-M of ihe Mimae
■\ Ur-n' eilk I'l-ajK'. eiiii-ri-<l with iJuy
no jnrtu a.l. eoul.l l«- liad for i
eniiiruhlmd |.ln *potii. U likelv i.. U>
arlapierl i L> ImiIIi eveiiliie
mid piomiut the |.lmikii.B. n fre-h ami «,p„y Mal.i ' "1

, fc,


. 10 frobaw'praeue*.
i ?■
BoKaoUle Oe. Blwk.



waa-awed off from the taut doc Mfwt I*

(re- k ............... . UK- rullL and h. thi- ' "n"''’•'^.
dind wa- |K-ar«l. afu-r which li



-trim ,d

J ' ll'-w,

la e-|K- ially lu.n.l*..u«- on ii.e edge of
ruriiiin- uml itonicre- and on upholalt-rt-l .•h.iir« an.l fooiMi.-il- in place of ■
Jin- Klinp ii-ually employed. The edcc
ta *ork.-d in the h-nph. the twint- In--'
lap iua.le (Ir-i, after which the bead­
ing i* worke.1 ..n, the |H-n.laiit- In-Iuc
•ilnc.1 to the i-dni- ia*i.
• U.irlnwlthac«ialaofl)lo.>*.- MItchea.
a the fourth clialn from needle mate
* oooi.smau
“Oil ■tlteli. over .V lu tm.-h of tbe “I*®** bl- own effort- f..r hi- color*. -Of
t -vdinln ■lltcbe* make 1 tx.ll atUch
tft"h-r will liml-t that hlaoket- e.ilore.1 with hi- dy.-- un- iK-iter
than Iho-*- .-.H.iml from the Jnlci<« of
idam-. Miu tlh-of ilie.-trilM nuickty *< till- old hlaiiket, with It- deep
tint- iiieltinc fn-iu .me tui.i the other,
wlH-n- the .-olor .-om.-. -traisbt from
the heart of a fl<>w.-i that ha- lK*n
iKHl.IluK In the pntirh- l.r.-ea>' or frour a
root that ha- ali-oriN-l It- rl.-hii.-**
ftwn the prairie loam, in preferen.-.- to
the new Idauki-t. wbo-c tiiln.-ral eolorlug I- apt to plv,- a hard effo.-i and carprroiKT Kwe.
r> the -tamp of n maeldiie mn.le artl«r over lu. iDereaaod by S throw oran. de.^Iouae Ileamifnl.
-a that ihela« I. llc|K-at frwai
roMli.-deNlfed fenytll.
Caadlek TIalrl*.
Th.- headlBg cotud-ta vf 3 row.;
Bemove the -talk* from a |»iiDd of
l'lr»i.- Fteu-n allk on th.- wrong a^, violet* ami tvfri-*h tlioni lu .-old water:
an.l nml.T wh .tritig work 2 <lool^ then aprea.l them oi. a towel to drv.
andl-etween rolU'l double wlihSehain I <-*<»k Iki i-Mnd* of -tigur t.. the autt
Mli.-h.« between eneb double.
.tali aUp-- remove from the lltv and
S«nmd.-Tuni am! under ench iipant hdd tlie violet*. ITctw ihcni .lown un*...a..,-........................
der fte-lrnp.moro lotheflroamfk-t
--2 roUjii
over ... I roll iu each douldeT
toll up once, (ben Iranafer
Tldrd.-Wot1; a double between ev­ cold «H*U. The Bell day drain
ery 2 roll otlicbr* with 2 chain atilebes bleve. To tlte »inip add half a c-up of
angar and cook BKain to -oft liall atage.
, For
_ tiK- ----- vhain 0 BtlteUea, Inf pot lii tbe flowera amt net a*lde for"l2
the Him mitch work 12 rcdl atllcbek.' lionr*. Drain again, heat to the Iwll‘*^ *^ *^- ''■ttlu^’.te* point and add the »loloiA Remove
*Pfc - or «Inchea from it and plaa- a from the Are and allr Ihe violet* lightIWle ball of eonoo on It and »athe¥dl» ly until Un- .Irtip begin- lo gteln. Ohm
with a needle: draw np tight and pour on to abeeta of paper. Hhake and
be anre that tbe themd la in tbe center aeparate tbe flower* cnrefully with the
rfttw pClCSM tatoe wwlaf lo a htnda and. when dry. pick them from
P«‘ the grontilated sugar.-BAnbofer.

^^^.--'''TWUow .n- raitmt chair-'that at*
. aolled with ace an.l u*c can I*- fresben«d and tintnl nm-w. acrurdinc to tlood
'. Oanaekeephic. l'lr«i ua-h off . vetr
, bliof doM lu allthe intjerBilceK Thf*
F With a iiofi. -mall, lone haired bmsh
tint the t-Biltv Burfarr with .lain of
tnimed ah-niu «w »i.-nua an.l van.lykt
brown. Ctvei care ntu*t Ik- (o
; reach and ea»-cr etery tairthde of attr* taer. TbU tn-airoehl -ult- wiUow.
which will recrlre Main. Iwi rattan,
which I* hardft than wfllow. needa
Am Id he fialMed or enameled. The
willow, after the Main la dry. may ho
nrntM Uke any other wood.

Eaqiire if

i 14 Front St.


a WKEfSi





©a® (
/Magazine 5e|^EI{

• l.-ii.-h ilial clrl to


Fire Insurance.
L. L. A. Bollding

of RAlkn-k*. K
•'"'.•n. .lou t l.ny jt iinlll y.mI know
iii..r.' 11I...UI it: th:U imiy .ml.v
—.liii.l II-I.-.-P III III.- a
II.ill '.Min'II
cimpli-r, -—.■l.i.i.f.. H.-idy .New-.
'••Tliiit nmpiiv .l,---n-| kn..w how Imfl- Ian.I. at ih.H ..ii.-;
w.-iii -Iv r.-.-i wld.- i.f III.- Ihim-. and he
cnlle.1 liini .mt ..11 a -irike."II.- mak.-s 1! -lip .if th.H Lind
I a wIill.-, il- I1-.-.I I.. In- n walking
d.'l<-giil<-."~t'lii-ag.. Trihiine.
■•Tlii-y -a. il jirliip- gi—I luck
•Thary.m .-an giv.- il
lll-t Ih.v v<.ii_tiii-.t,|^ flilni-.-i. i:c(«rd.

Tm -alt ,KWk and pUn-I
Tn, n*“'mr "
"I'l .•'■I.' '• mn... r-.,.. il...
the maple Wt]. In the -lal. and made it f 1.
km.w.. ..nly i„ ,|,(.
bitrle nlMMii th«- *Iiad. ami hv the Hmoi ***'•'"“• This n-d 1- .-rn-heil Into a
tlx- h-h nti> i-onk.-l H ua- Kuimundrd’
b.««.-.l -lichily iiii.l rnhlK-l ins.i
With a rr,*ml wall ..f-maple -uear.lj**'' "'r' . ^
Sleu Who heliwd eat the nw, -liudXf' “f*.
'» **
coi.k.-d III iiiaide Ktrup -ay It wn*
fahric.wlili a hdiK u.-ip.
U. A N. B R U.
Ihlim I.. r^-iu.-mlK-r for a llf.-ilmc Vf
Traverse Cil} to Mhoriiee on tbe fol
pn-*-m'n»UMlv think- ..f n«jnc whit.- “
'* “•’•e »“ ohiaiii a srtwier lowing dates anleaa otherwise notifled:
a*l. when cn-m r.wk rnaph' .-an Iw piv-'
ivllt-» Hay 33 and 2T. Jane 10 and?!. July *
curv.1 for c.N.kliiB -liad.
and S2. Auguti:. and i;-. Sepiember t
10 and nu and October K.
TratUi leave Trareree City at Srlo a
| aeral Tritoailao
m.. arrive at Uaniilee 11 a. m. Leav.
Till- rtlKo. niuMrale.1 h> Tin- laidl.-a’
ManU- - «orl.l. may he u-e.1 on any artlch- r.S 10 Vffnlrlim hra- ,.r plii-i, ortmuwniH. It


eklK. a* Ihe wniici iim- I- inor* definiM
by the nimintly arranced iN-lt or t- trf
nec—Nllaie.1 III the li*-viinl.h- bolero,
which M-eni- to 1h- a U> luc ti»niiine-nt
of HdPlIt.r. -In<* ut leai-i n -ucc<--tir>a
of It* line* Uenn-N »n uiAm of the luoM
chic iKtdh--*.
I'anlcuiarly fam-inailiu; liiiUor Jaeki-t- Nouewhai lu lN>h-ro effect
«i* thl* M-amni imivlded f..r the tlay*
whru one Itnl Uy* off lieatj.* wm|m.
Tbeae an- .-r l.laek taffetn ..r cU.-- *llk
and beanilfolly tailor Inilli In a irUn
muiary -tyl.-, I.nt feniinlMi |.y vent
orJUo of fluffy la.v.


y'*-« he
“'•"•’r. cravooel-WIn-th.............

Billiard Hail
For Sale

Bloak. TnwM Utt*.

n*r Metepkarlral a—k.
“I hiivi- Juki Im--d Nliiilyluc
tlilnp oyiT." Ii.- koM. "and l;aiu a-touWi.-l at the way w.- an- In the hnhlt
of cotne to m.-ial- for tin- ptiri>o*e of
flnitluc* tliai «vill .lew-rllHcliaruiK or ehar.-i. i.-rlKih-..
Biani--. we -ay oii--‘- vol.i- tin- a
tailii- rinc .-r Ihai it I* -livery. Then
Benin we-uft.-li'lo-ar cniiielNNlv .nne<l
roll, and It' 1- .-iiuuion
—oOcr Ana tT*ideacif. Ko. Tl.
RH-nk of )HK|.|e'* hrnnz.-l feaiur.-*.
■’Y.-*." Nile Illl-W.-n-U
T\B. A. J W.OTT -VncritiM,. eur*—a“^
brine 11 to iiimil. It I** <lulle
Kenr»ii-. Bare Tr—uaiwa—. of al
alJe.eoarsllr Aoiaalf br tb« l*lr*i »nd _ —- often
|MT!<aii I* a* InO.-silile a* *to.-l
"f thill ll...... ..
with lead.-li f<-«-u and
ikeir liter. I- that Joke nUiul iM-ople
whii lit.- .U|>|Ki-i<il to have eopin-r-.
lili.-.l «:..itia. JiK. yon kllowr Now. aa
BrcAbArrD'f ..r fboor-* >aIc
will to prompUf AU—dod to. KortbroD-yi... yon may Ih-.■oniiNintl to rtAlilr.
-0 pbsBC.cmer Jll.JiltCf; l«.'Mrrm pbooc
ii.-tiii. to... V..n on- j.iir.- col.l. Ah.
I't liirti hen.l away.
V. how n.mlit yon .h—.-rlbe Itn- If
yon were M tie liiiili.-l ll. ihlN -con .if
"I nIimiiM . tU; y.m a tu l>m»V
III.- ch-l repll.-I. iificr nliieh 1i.-Ui*cor- »ork tTWAAoitod lUSEn-oodairtoi
.-r.-l liial It w.-t- c-tliiic laU'.


A revival of the frilhil elliow Hlei-ve
will arlum nimiy of ilu- -ni-w ihln
Tin- Ion:; kleeie wiE 1.-mdmiie in bw '
nMnij-nilile. frllU and rwnauieninl c-ulf
over the hainl. The irrhi.--.. made w ill 1*. telnlnei^
on a few con IIA, .hi.let.-.l In a *.-clee of
.tnekafrum h.iM to the hljei. I.iil apref«cruce will Ik- clv.-n lo the c-oraace and


Tbe lore that dweUa In a nmasc
oold never ibrive off terrapin and
Mouic banband* would do «lmo« ^ OSmPtMiieadt^krDMR^t eSn
aniihlng n> trader tneir wivoe hapiiy.
DODOS AUotaar and a
TIh- only dliereon- between repartee
en.1 impudence I* in liw *lae of tbe
rho aay-ii U.
lUiin ever lie.-uiue> truly
ruly prat
ll l« u-ually tb.- help of a .levoi.x
••oiM wife
that U retUNmNllde for it.
.\c»^T urpue with wouu-u. Tie- man
B—cyioleac. OBa—. o
_wh.. Nj.lnh a yani aumuc -ilk- and :
_________________ __________
witiii«l»NnretolN. worNied.
Tkik a s BotunAT. md—** *at—u
In 11... com.-., for Uawdne- If. a
draw iH-iwi-en ihcyoimKElri with h.-r ! ------------------------

talk, and mmu.- ni-iujre ~ n-putaiiun
-1. V.T ihinkluc Iweai
• he>
tw» luit.-h.—Chhacn Hall

»0Oe heforr-. Tlii-y/oiv ow an«l aU bowlichluf, jroiu
Kimph'. iM-rteetly
bull! Uuh- -Uln- of •i-air^oulanl to

«m»Miiii o»n»-nta. rtTim.

If a mao docanH lone hie awe«heart
wb« be aeonlres a wife be la Indeed

”™ ,IS"i""■

<»U> trco WITH tAVAJO
baK hinc iMN-n weaving' l-l.iukeiK tvblcb
••an la- uj-erl nji»l effr-r-Hvely Id houae
dn-oratinn. rii.- an of l<hiiiki-t -i\-earinc WB« prolhihlr UrKl ]>ra< th-rnl hy the
PoeldOH. and with them tin- work
perfonnerl hy the iii.u. Tbta- ’
net '■teni watrh.rm-Bivins tli--Wli

Cigar Store

bnnday* May o ic October 7
F. A. MiT. itru.,
B-W. Ci
O. K A.

Snqihssing Coffee—Little Tsven.

Undertaking Parlors

lib blni.

.D0QI6 Business AGAIN.
I have had my buiiciiiiu
"rebuilt and put in yoed
shape and am now ready
to receive ell old palroua.

Good Line of Jewelrj
All KiDds of Hepalring.
J. n. MinriHEK.

For Fire Insurance
Prompt, careful and coorteon* attei
on. Tbe atrongeat
airongeat and oldeat Arc It
-urance eompaolea in the world reprMnted In ay afreney.

Jaum Block. 'PboHtS.

SuaraivUedi SaUtv ADavs^s.
"R,«A6, ’Koo^, 'SAacte,
Automo^Vt, E.\t. lAo&t
\a,Vt Tto TwVs oiv Wittt.

400&E ewt ma&t.





First Freeze

Clear Ice, from Botrlmai like.

$1.00 a Month
At «Bid«jees—same as la»t.year.
Uave largeqnanU.-y on hand,
■late a apeclalty of car lota

J. A. JackBOA
Roth •PhooBi. No. 7

Uealer in New and
Second Hand Bicfclcs.
a SpeoUaty

lueosi Petaodir
Nfxl lo Eagle OfBc*.

Il i* a lUUa early to talk aboBi iaa.
but wc have a larya •apply pat
We will fnrnlab (afflUtaa, tfaleeBrasr. with Ice waahed claaa aad pat in
thcrofrlfferator. for 11.00 a rooBlhaad won’t aak to be paid U adyaBea.

Both 'pboneaH.

ScVUte eeer hViovit.

a. AD. mUtetv.




BUnndk Xiumbn bi -U sIm.


I—MV •• Ttmwm Ottr IiimlMr Oo

EnamelingBest to be had in
the city U at
8m nmpI«B io window.



maaaMHa groia. ffiaagMl




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