The Morning Record, April 22, 1900

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The Morning Record, April 22, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




BiUldi 0*la.< ItroB* Porttioiist Wikknnrra.

ThtrUas DmOm ■*«• 0*e«rr*d VUk
i*r Vcrk — a«WMUM DccUrad
AfolMt 0»U1* r
■^wMitoThi ll<>r«la« BMW*

XztudBd iB
Xfforts of
Unltod StotM Witb Xaltan

HmU*. AprU II—Tte* hoc* k**a It
1> WUck telh* bp kaboolc pliO* ken d*rl*v Valvwaal Ballet that the Attempt to
YFraat $100,000 Frow Babl^
M. W«. Dri.«r»»lk.».<«kl. |b*w**k. OMU* bmcki bar*, free*
Fnrte WUl b* Fattla-Balterad Utat
T>. toftb^*»o*tkdk—* A<B*r**a»*
UOeWMiT Bap Baeoaoto Ba Will
m4 •ItwaD't MoMMd U- bM k*« AaeUrad aoiBM bU «»Ul*
OacappZlBbar Ftaaa to Naropwa
Prt*Mt«leo4 aappli** I* th*
Bette tUo* this Aap Hodars

.UM awfiMt




Louitm. Afril

April tl. (Onpprtohto^Tm ArwwlBanuaapt tg^lnd tkn
*«llu o! rwlup to t*ra*/^i
PW»Ut*Ij UUi* inl*(«*t \1* Bnropn,
cklrSp boeana* tk* old world Aom aot
ospaat tba aaw to aaeeood la a (as*
wbara Buropoan dtolomaa alerapa
taU. BaoeaM U aaeb a tblnc a* the I
<tOB aaalnlBUatlae wraatlaf a
pabalaaiial bbib is bard oaab from tb*
•ubllm* porte bp aap prooaa* whatever
would tuflite to
Aiploaaepaad to win tor BoereUrp
Hap a blcbor plaoa In Boropaan
matlm tkaa that 'held bp anp other
BUtcaoiaB of ttti* reoeratlon. Earope
ermoalb'zw beneTolaatlp with tbe
Uo t d Btat«a la lu efforta to anfortB
It* J-ut demand*, bnt alinoet Boireraai
b*U*r I* that the ertoi* wUl proea
abaolBlMp wltboat rttulV

Tb Rest Shoes for Wonii


You Must

ioky*B Xz Oo
Mlffbi r«»ofi ttel Um Bm
bMT7 iWl 1» on Ik* BrlW
BM OaSa»4 Hta Ubtty.
with poor ahoea e\-erv dap.
MfvtoCNu one ia Mrfect, bat iJl want
WMkanlrMB. 0««r* ^
perfeet tiiios
Tbe only
lodv W- Triad tor Mardar In Fraahtort- ■*
aboea for
•VM Ik* BriUik tU B*w». Tb*
Wa* lb* Frinelpal ta tba Bbootlar
Bmkb lmp*rUl Yeo»*MT
Aff<ap Uat Faaaarp, 1b Vbleb
*NU t MBMd lnt**lf7 w*^lk* FrtLTbre* M«b Warn KtUad.
- ney b*h*rt4
1%P7 lae*Wd lb* Borrt os riMcW t»Th» Mm*U« BwW
tt* b*lrkUM*r Dewtttdorp **& MUit ia not an ai dcient that
Frankfort, Kp.. ApHl *1-Ei<k>a•d lb* M0»t lapartwl klU. whleb Br*
Oarld 11. Oolaon^waeiojBlUSoroeii* SLotw hav,- evBTy
troop* h*4 *l«b» b*J4
shoe virtua and no sho*
ot warder la the Mrcolt
trw *l**co o'clock thU •or*t»t «*lU | 10 o'clock tontfbL The jerr return
fanltB. They »ir«> iimde tliAt
tesro’clo^ ihi* *fUfw»o*. wh** they edarardlet notofruHtP la IRwlnuua
way. Ten aivliv,. aiz<«
war* ratsfoiMd bp a* lafaoirpaad Wild ebeorlor tellowad tba annousoeS. widths AA to K.
tbrw baiUrtM of wUUarp. Tb* Brit- meat. Oolnoel OoUoo took tba aew*
lab iB'futrp bd4 tb* bUI loalrbl qaletlp. Poraeveral dipt Oolaoa baa
beaa on trial for kUliaf Ttaoa. Boott, a
iu Europe oi Aiuerioa. Oura
, 4^1 11—Tb* foewar Llrataaaat le Colace'e rafflt.'ity
I* tbe only Traverse (."Ht'
■ *V WopMMr ■ptoto* ■•Bt of tk* Foertb Centnekp VoIdbstore in wtiicb Sorenis is sold
Objaetloo* Bated to Hapateat of lxtBtbw*r*ll>Ul*d udl
taara. Tba traredf eoearred in
Pwld**i Bi^b of tk* Oraac* Fn* Oaplto) boul bare Jaaaaip 1* At Ua
tea Allc wise* to United Buwn
BMW t*iB*d- ord*» 10 Ike b«»b*r* to tarn* tima two other wan, both promlArwpOassralnOBba
beUtlcbt tb* fmlBdiMricM Btmod aaal. wwa aealdnatlp kUlad aad tear
B|UCt*l leTa* Kermtbc BsrarC
W*p*B*r. L*aTbtB*d*M n«k*bw«.
Oaa of tba vIcUw* wa* O
WeablnBlon. April 11—Opposente of
9b* Boar* fdl bade t»o mUm to tb* U. Badpatk of Ohlaace, wboaa !*« waa
tbe ndmlalBUaUoB hav* toaad a cnimb
OMl B*d tb* Brltbh occcpiad tb*
of oowfori in tb* atetewant tbat tear
Tk*eoB»oaw*altb at IbolaatmclUniB**. ■aatatuaptad to eearlct Oolaoa of arwpeffiMta on datp is Oaba have
•Th UUf li Plit FMfMr. £
allowed extra pap. takaa trow
April ll-l ► ■ -Wb«i tb* r*a*PBl
Cubaa (avaaaea. Bewaterp of War
dtb* BrtU*b«oa*op at
Boot admit* tbat tb* at
•mb** Pnt (Car** ttldlaf) lk*p toud
tbat Oorerpor OaaamI Wood of Oaba
M oSelal volBM t**a*d bp tb* Brillib torwoMSt. Tb* BBtkon wm toaor from Imadon Of Oaath of tk* b allowed r.o»; Ooltwal Bite. aBIfac
collector of tbe port of Bavana, BS.OOO;
IU}orB blboTB BBd EtalBcloo ei tb*
Taaaaaap Leader, Bowevar, B**
Uaaeral Ladlow. wbo wa< fovercor
tot*Ut«*BM d*part«B*al. Tb* ’—‘*
maio* Uaoeaflrwed.
raaeral ofHa«aaa,aad M*jw Udd
wbtob wa* iMBCd la ll*e. propo**d
teaaanrw for tb* Oabaa iroreramabl,
pUat tor tbe. eooqB*a|t of tb* two r*
Undo*. April ts, I a. m.—All aflort* Bt.OOO each. la all, tba allowaneei
$1*000 a peAr. Tboae
BrabBBt'* tore*. *orT0*iid*d n*ar of pour eorreapoadanl to aaecrtaln
WapcMT. oooaUu of es oUacr*. 1600 eomotblaif deftalt* in refard to tb* awouats ar* aUowad tbeae ofleat* be*
• tba arxep>
rawer of B.ebard Oroker'a daatb bar*
■tea BBd If CUBOB.
UdrsBitb. April il-H«B«p drisr been wltboat raaalt Nona of Crokw'* •bfllelabt for the aupport of tbe bou**wa* board at latarraU lodap In tb* UndoB friend* bare beard of hla death holdi tbep war* eompelled to malBUln
dinetiOB of Bnndap Btw.
U **• or *r*a that ba ha* bean III- A C«aU*- a* «xeonU«e ofioar* In Cab*.
rp Alfa*
man witb do** bu*in**a ralaUona witb
■MteUhMd for an bonrQrokar told pour corrwpondant last made tbe allowaaeM aad tb* eablaet
of a«b*ru* AdTaooa
nlcbt that tbe lateot be bad heard approved lb actloa after Attoraep
L^ad^ April M-Tb* w*ck ba*
traw tb* Taawaap I«ad*r wa* that b* Oaneral Wripv* bad civea the c^lnlon
loBllp BO iBtorBBUoa
People are nnt eoeteBl with tbe
wa* wall a taw dapa afo- Ba added that It was not to oonBlet with tba riow-M.’^r Btethod* *f tbelr prand
I of tb* 1
«f tb* I
that be bad beard nothlnr alnoa. bat law.
Bnntb Africa. It la nnlrmaUp awanod
Tb* ambaraaalar peini to tb* matter
When1 tbep WBDt aaptklnf, tbep
tboafbt be woald bear at oaoa If
a* entaln that liord Bobarto' ba* oobonce, *nd ibe telephone b
Orokcr ware 4*ad. H* aald. howerar, b tbat tbe atteaUoa of tbe adwtobtra- want it *t
T-------* or U OB tb* polat of eosmanoat band for tb* meataee.
that b* would not be aurpriaod to bear t'oB waa last weak aallad to Ite InabH a) wap*
Ittek«ibnt* word, and a moment
lai tb* mals advaac* of tb* Britttb
bad newt rarardlnr tba ooadiUon of Up W aUow Oaneral Oik and Admiral of time, to plan tbe bome aad ofBoe,
aiap. 'hil* ba* bpMi blnd*r«d bp tb*
Orokar-a haaltb. Be would not *tap Dtwap exua pap for aarriea* aa mam- tbe midenee and ator*. Id teueb; aad
*^iBiB*l rainfall, wblcb, bowi
her* nnlew tor tbU belief., bnt aald ban of tb* FbiUppto* oommte on. oneeaUmapbe worth maap month*'
N tor tbc d*lap bp raworiBd
ba waa pglac to Want*«* todap (Baa Tbea* ofll ten aarrad on tbe eomatiwloo
auBdrod*. and
tk*4a«r*rofa waUr fa»la* on tb*
dapitotodoct. B* Beta OKdmr bad and wbU* tba other memban war* at poar call, ready to do year biddinf,
Ua* of marcb. Bobarti' latanUoa* ar*
wada arraafamaBti a tow dapa aco to paid laUrte oi VO.OOO aaeb and axpaa- without Taxation* delsp or munoderaatlrdp a ■*!!** of apacalatton
aalltor Maw York paatordap (Satar- aw. Otb and D*^ wan not paid anpWbp not order a 'pboM today?
wdanib tel
BnBdl*.ontb* BorU. and Brabant dap). Toaro
toWaBtacaBatardapniBbtellcllod no
m tk* aoBib. ar* Boopwatlnf to
r*plp. Tb* tal^raph oSe* V
UmW*p*A«r. Tb* B**r*th*r* mil
aatnrallp r*tlt« to tb* anrtb and up eloeatearlp.
The Botbte moeelvad Fatal lajar ca
toBBOMid to jolBlBf tb* wain bodp at
to trptoc to Save tk* Zdtti* OBab
CfoaMtad or wUl b* eat off on tb*
llB* to BloMBfontais. TbabaBcbn and
l*dptaaad. Bnllar U appamntlp qalct Fred Bardwlck Bbot bp OfBear* Wbo UpM.-t*l U> Tbv Mi>r*lac Rrcera .
bat wUl aorelp eoeparate wlib Boberta.
WalkertoB. Ind.. April :i —The five
Tb* latUr'B rirbi wlac BaMrlBA
peer old daerhter of Obariea Wlaan-1
B*tbl*b*n or UarrtaMitb woald tbiaa- apwUI u> Tb. Mi^*« Bwon)
baupb wat boned to death todap. Bir'
t*a tb* wMt entraao* at Van Baanan*
UnlooClty, lBd..ABril si-Durtofa clolbc* oaucbl fire from burnlBA nib-1
BolUrba* alraadp waaMd aft Bern* *tr*at &rbt at 10 o'clock lonifb*. bbb. Berparalpsad in
lb* farm* la tb* dlBtrtet on tb* ***t botweaa Frm Bardwtek and a namber whose bed she ran for amUtaaoe. wa*
plda, abowlBC a pcwalbllltp of bl* in- of eompanloB*. aad ofionr* Bani* and badly bumao wblit the mother, who
^Mtloo after drlrlac tb* Bow* from WalM. whoratumpved. to airaat U*
exUnrabbed tbe bl*M wa* fatally
Natal to Lalni* M*k of antarlnr tb* crowd. Frod Banlwiek. affad <1.
tW have jaat opened onr soda
VraaStat* bp wap of Van B**b*b* killed bp tb* ofioei*. Tba battle waa
fountain ta tbe public for this
paw. Which woald tbu be mad* *a« flwoe. follp »0 *bota belnc Brad.
Taawrdap'* Baw Ball Beorsa.
aeaaon'e' trade. Everytbinic ia
tanabla for tb* dWaodeta. Tbi* of
RpKkal W Ta* KevBla* B«ard.
freah. cloani and neat. E(zg
nonm woald b* Impocalble aotll tb*
■ANiarBB Mor iB XT
xanoxAL ucAui'X.
drinks, phoapbate* and delic*
■ala bodp at Bifranbart bad been
drlvaa back, a* aa adraaaa toward Vaa Baa Withdraw* frum the Xn*
fous ice cream aoda,>ll np-toal Baae Ball Laari*.
bpaM batora Uat wa* don*,
date and properly Berved—sU
andanrer aomanaleatloa mtb
BaMBtaa I* oat of ^* IntarBalldul
fresh flsroraSmade^rom pnr«
teto and MUj Oallaban aad
aae Ball Learaa Tba doelaloa lo
fresh fruit jaiooe, at
Ibarapenaef dfbUat from I
mtbdraw waa raaclmd bp MaBafer
Mad aafBataatlp ladlaaUa aa ndn
Wcltwa after tba
feMUMotlbalatt wlajt of fb*
Ouada had klekad ofw tba traeaa.
Wa* daetdad that Banlate* netOd aot
BflordUwbaBrFBrpaaB* for wllaac*
tbat wanld b**Bt*ltod,Bo tk* MaBlate*
HeOtotp *Bd McBalre; Bawtop and
taaailaontof IW
rar-r*— Bnatas Wal^t FlMabad
wUl orcaniu a btRwr tod* Phlli ■
ta Two monnda bp OaraM* Forbaa
Botteb.................... ..............
6 6 »
Barkardt aad MaFkriaad: Dtoa*
Pp**t»1 leTM »W«IM lM*r*.
Ibrnato. AprU tl-U took Carwa*
Fortbeanmmer. famtafcto«ordai*
ForbM last two roaadi le knook QarMow aad will da»v«r lea ter
•aca Bmllb, ebawplim baatam watfbt. irUlUa S. TaateHf
•at of bwtaaa* tMigbu Bwltb wa*
AMUIttoramoMBl. Forbrnaliaplp
mida a obopotnir Moak of bisTsstostonIbOfpAtBB
Oriabratq d Slanr D«nd.
tbat ara jaat rttht at Waltb foda
•PtcU ten* »*r*l>« ■»*>*.

• •
* .
Msnlab. April ii-Bolarteb Vofal
tba oMabmtad idaiar. la daad.


Always $3.50 _



Thini Ye»r-No. 42S

City Book Store Bazaar Department
We have jast retired io onr baktar Bome seta
of Tableware from the celebrated Wedgewood pot*
terin—eatabUthed* in England over two centuriM
ago. We invite the public tjo examine them and
get prices.^

Robin tSeeshet Co., Proprietora
Stores at Big Rapids and Traverse. City.

"Htt" SbIU,
“BUe" Upi.
■'Bike' SvBlen

Mw Glots

Hrv Scnnidm
lew UtoerYitf


30c KNEE PANTS 30c
«**• Dl all *e*l Biau-riaU. If jour b«r



li> avr* vf paau 07 a pair allh



wnp them, aaeUer pair traa Km* ilo oe



30c KNEE PANTS 30c


S' T,Mci->

nr .
^l'il?Nrl la

This is an Aea:oi:Hnrry-




We’re Now Showing Very Swell Effects
In Man’s Spring Suits...
Checks, stripes, mixtures, plain'weaves, etc. Cas*
Bimercs. Worsteds. Cheviots. Sacks and doublebreasted square cuts. Prices $5. t6. $7,50. $10t
$12. $13.50, $15 and $18.


The Mouarch
Shirt '
Just' v^bat the name
implies. Reigns supreme
in tbe sbirt manufacturing
world, for fit. finish and
exclusive patterns. It is
not equalled anywhere.
Try our Monarch$1.00
colored >hirt. You will
not wear any other.






Misses’ and
Wait’SiDruglStore Children’s Shoes

KiiPRDRlI aneHOtorioer


e*ar aad Powara: Wttoee aad DO-

rilhi&g T»ekU.
____I. raaU, baakala. Um*. laM ^
' Blaa, bonk*. Ma.. at Tatwaa'a.


SUTMdsg OoiM-UttiB Tbyba

Dsmit-BaCato. toto.

John R. Santo,
tmnl luiruM.



Sell cer Uie If Misses tid ChlMrei's Sbtsl
ChiW’i bnttOB Bboet, 3 tod....................... /...j..................... $$0
Child** Usok aad oboooUto abces, lae« or tntton........Ktt, 76o
We have an ekeant lii» of OhUdten^B £«d Shoes, with
faacy vesting top*........................................................... $1XK)

McN»m»ra Block





Koa. J. a, tM(«B WHtai Boa.

naa m amc* o» tu
«Bjr(rov»ua days’ trly to 0hka(«
T. Batw AJRk i. w. BAsnu. •ad Haa York aad apoa kla arrtaal
land tka Mla»ta« wmmmmim

W. BAXKn, Wte u4 MBMfrr.
tac U« propoMd taUwmj Uao fm
tU* atty ^ VorUpdrt. Tk«* '
<ii» luin iliiikl •i|iiwaii1 II to (ki
iBMatlOM «« Hr. Mmtm nfardlat
tko MW ikUmd aad !■ ilaw e( *ar>


awfll ba of laLaaatBf. Aprata. im.
Trawaa 0Ky> Mtelfaa.
My Daar Wr-1 bata }aat rataraad
bMaaad«adyoar latiarrrfibaTtb. 1
Botiaa tba te«>rteyaa aaka Un«a(d
to tka Trarma Oty iad Mortkport
BaUroad wkte kaa raeaatly baea aarvayad aad rifht o< way praeartd by
Mr. Taylor.
Tbtfa ta BO ^aaatte ir wj Biad bat
that tkla toad wUl ba ballt, aad If ao I
tklok I aball ba tba prlna Bovar la te
apdarttkisf. I aaaaot wy t->yoa at
tbte wrillBf Jut wbaa tkafradlpf wUl
aoMPtaaea. bat have ao baaltapqylD
aaytBf that avaataally Ua read wUl


rMMlOMl OobtioUm

EiliSK'oSSS^ K

r. W. MAVtrs.
BuMnt lakM Uttta >teek la the dr•aadiot ika aooairy «poo tka aobUm porta. All of tka r«ot powe •
te*a kad alBllar aspartaooaa aad tbair
itflam laad tkam to ballara that Uaali
• m wUl ba cqaaUy auaeeaaatoL

A praatioa rasa of baU waa playad
yaataiday batwaM two Blfk aaboal
aa.tka fliattaa» haaBafteaaaoadbyaaeoraafltot.
Mr. Bordawot.rifaiUkv. Mtwttka
aartea aaeteot yaatarday. Bla kaad
aaawtaaaatiwi wttka.;aaw. wnktka
rtaalt tkat tka haad waa apllt batwaea
tka aafaaa.tkaaata*taadlBf lav
wiMt. Ba waa broafbt to Uta tliy
laat wvaatac aadj bla woaada i
draBad by Dr. braaa.
Tba W. W. KlBbaU Oo'a. afcaay
kara kaa )aat raaatwd aoaaa baby
yraphopkoM UtOa “vaat poakat adlk
tea" of tka talkiar Baehlaa. Thay
earaciyto t
Mka AB^OraUiekla daafamaly
lU wiik apta^ Baalayltta.
Tka aoaaeU wfU bbM tOBoarcif.
Tba ahlBffla bU et D. B CkaadaU A
Sob at aiifhta Stdikf wUl atari apte.BMrtow with a fmU forea of Baa.
AU eld aeldtara.
tka U. A. E. poat
to Ptaet at tba poat r^OBitbla afwr>k, to atted tka taaaral
at t e'eloek,
of Oevrada Barfravaa
Tka BVBban of tka Woman't BaUaf
Corpa are rrqavatrd to Beet %t Uraafe
kail tbl* afuroooa at 1 o'clock to att cd tba faoeial of OoBrade Barfravrai

II H mj iitnittoii V. -Wl
I '"■“P «1 be . »»Uer 1» M..rate le ebeei two .nebi. eed poeelbl; ' >e»lb'e e«Jee.j Wrie«dej eeeelec
>be lore pert el ee» week, wbre I lOr tbe rerpoee ol oriMWoi e eieele
______■ ..I___
All leelAbi__lAA A«A le..
' ap with yea la aod flea dab. All lataraaled are Ipwill taka tka a
vltad to be preaeav A mid
foatival aod coeccM are bclof arraafal tor tbe Uttar part of J'
J. B. Ptbab-ni
F. B. Labym baa received from hU
While la Cbleayb Mr. Haaaah waa
allad ppoa by Mr. .lobBaop. who m- broite aeldler U tbe PhUlpana latoraaUd ta tka projaat to raa plPM, a hapdaoar neBorlal eharV
aa alaetrle Uaa to Old Mlaate aad aaAtLrlaadyrat^daytbe Bapabl
Ubilab a atraet railway ia tbU city. oapcu alaeted dileyatea to taeoopavy
Mr. Jobaaoa bad baaa aoUfi id that tba
mvaatloa to be'^ld thU week.
.ell had rraotad tba fraaebiaa for
Joe Broatbrta. who baa beep employ
tLe aae of tba city atraaU aad that tbe ad by Frtd Beebtal for aomc time, will
ra .idaata of bba PoalBaala woald farBovewUb bii family to dad lilac to­
aldi tbarlrht o( way batwaaa bara
morrow. He baa porebaaed the aaloop
aat Old MlBte. Be elated to Mr.
formerly owoaa by Coraellpa burke at
aa'i tkat ba woald ba la Travotaa
Otty Bail weak to farther the project
Aa old flimra of tka bloBderbp>a
aad that ba woald thaa go to New
York to lataraat aapltal ia tka aaler* varUly U oa exblbUton U the cifcr
of C 8. ChvU. It U eUlBed tbat
tbe fPB U IM yeara old. aod it looka
erprydayetiv It la of the dint lock
V irlety aud ia owned by Obarlea Been.
Maatlac TaaterjUy a* Vhleh Biapi
Ap elebt fool oeBent aide watkalt beWare Takaa to Ttwb Blaetrie Uaa.
lof oOPStnoted U front of the Doion
Tbara waa a reoalay BaaUof at Old atreet enf me boaae. Tha walk will be
Miaaioa yaatarday artereooa to pMb Tl feet U leaftb.
tba propoaad railway aatarprlaa.
X. Ulbta aad J. W. Patekla. aiMaban .Tbara will ba a apeclai eommualcaof tbe ao»paey. were praaeat aad ad- depot Travaraa City Lodfc No. 37;. F.
A A M.. toBorrow ava^^ for workU
draaaad tba Baatlaf. lataraat ta the
projoot baa baaa lacraatlaf aad tba iha third deyr

DatipA. BiUnOoee •aaaalorfrott
■aw York. r>*** lt«nt aatkorlUvrly
that tkla la a OiBopraUe yaar. David
hM bad cxpiriaoMha a prorooiUoator
Uyaanrooo byabd ifwaramaabir
aorraatly bit pndlatloei wm attartr
tot aUtbt of wbaa \be vetaa wrra
raaldaata of tka paalavalaara aaartlof
Tba Federal Labor Union wUl ptert
awy afl«t to Bake Ua Uaa bat<
bU afieraooa at 1 o'eloek at tba C. 8
Ta^acqalual It Oolooal tUaoelo tkla alty aad Old Mlaate a eare tkley,
P a. baU.
riaakfort laai airbi wUl ba. a Wow to raal‘(iaf the fraat benadta to ba daFraab Allor baa Ukan tbe eooiraet
tka Kaetacky byataadar. It waa Go)
to build a bouM fbr Oeoryc WUkUa oo
Ooiaoe who ftfoiad la tba akooUaf af1 to aa
toyioa rraakfort kotal aosa tla»
tba rlfkt of way aad to raiaa
An Intaatdanfbtor of Mr. and Mn.
a«eaBdbaiM«>kUUac bla a»aabot: whataver faadt are aaeaaaary for th«
down two laaoeaBt loohan-oa by ae- parpoaa. ae tkat tbara aaay ^ no kitob W. Millar of Mayfield, died at their
atoat. Ik addltto to woaadlaf-.'two ia that rayaid. ThaaoawlUaa la cob hoac Friday.
Kalkaaka bat daeldad to erlabraie
poaad et B. 0. Ladd. B. X BrlakBaa,
r. B. Browa. A. B. Parur. Jaaaa Bar- the Fourth of Jaly Is fine style ttaU
WiLUAM Juvuoa Bbtak projaaM
bart aad Mr. Bma Tha eoBn^ttaa year, aad will aUo ealabrata tha fifth
•aaaatolttbat tka Mto>c»o datoafor
rood BBaure, Already ever StOO
•ill tea ao Use ia fittUf aayotiattototka tJewDeratk aatloaal eoahas barn nbaertbed for tha parpose.
ttea aadar way.___________'
Matte doM pot fat away troa bla.
TkaButor awnUf aopf aorvicaof
9a ia aBoonooed to ba praaaot at tba
Maw Rerlkara P|^oaaa.
Uraca ckurub wUi be repeated today at
atoa aoBvaaUoa at Port Baroa asd It
Tha CoUowlaf aaw pkoaa* have I0:ia
■ haUavadbybUfrtaedatbat tba lo- baaa aaaaaetad with tka Bartharp
Tba first ra^j^raal of tka oast and
ipIratloB of bla praaaiaa wlU ba aiffl. TplapboMaxabapy.: .
eborna of "PaUaooa" will oecnr to­
atetteankatha MM
>}T B.
rtU au WaakiaytoB morrow avaalaf at tka boas* of Prof.
Freak Frladrljb 111 Frootauu
C. O. OorbvU had hie haad Injcrad at
y. M. BlakBlaa. Jobaaoa block tha aiarob tcetory Friday cvanlnf■ fie
Toot. Iaa«v 4t» Baaa atraat
w*a aaaUUpf to move aomc eare ip tba
B F. Boafbay. «4t Wabitrr dry klip when bU kaad wav eaafbt
■atteal laafoa aad dnariaAB aaaoelaatraat
b-t«aes a ear and tha wall. Tba band
' tte will ba (ivaa. TbU will ba ap- ^51 FrodPraU.ProaaMtlaf Attoraay
waa badly farataM and piereed with a
praelated by lovet^ of baaa ball a«
nail, bat no bones were brobas.
aacTB eaa ba bad at aifbt of tba aoBf
OoA attaaate. • rlafi
day tba laaMare played. That
W. P. Jrotaar. til WabvUr ft.
For a term ol Taan.
toto i<>'v«rapble aervlea rroalvad by
B a relfkaw. tet But Froat
Tha W. «. K<mbnll Piano A Orfaa
tha Ean>a>' ae to S a. aa every ■
Oo. kaa laMM tkaatoee in tka Markham
lay la already Beat af with a treat
1(8 Orati A aiUatV JobBMB block balldlnf, Ite pruaenl quartora, fora
daal of favor aa
aawa of each day U
til Oaart k»ai.‘: Baftotar af l>Bda. t*rm otysM. makior tbte the permaft?M to tba pablle from fits to a>
friar-: OmntyOUfk. s rUfi;jpeatkteqtariors of tbeeompany
jMBia ahead o' the arr:val of«ny other
Jndfa et ProbaU.< rlaft; Oounty aerthwaMleblfan. A aarl<md of pte
■eralBf paper taaahlac aortkara
Traaanmr, s rlaya: eoart r rom, • not aad orvaaa will, arrive brra U a
f« • days.
Bobv Prtea, 819 Wabator ntiwet
Spreads Like W.ioAra.
J. O. Jokaasm. SIT SUtb auwi
WhM Urnfi are "tba beat" they beWb. Moody, 4U WnUlafwa
coma "tba beat aslUn<." Abi-aba<n
Htra, a laodlnfdmrttev of Be:;eviiic.
vajr. ■. SlroBf la CIrcalt Ooart.
LaneaotorA Nlattla, boordiaf O. writaa: "Bieeirlc Bittera era the
Tba tlBa of tbe olrealt eeart wa*
kooao. m Oam atroav
bltiem 1 Pave ’-apdled >n
yataa ap yaatarday with tba eivU aaii
•.>0 kaa* why: Mrei dlaJ. W. Mimkea*a
pefle lo ditvdrn o* stomsek.
aflhaBiataUialatanuwe Oo. va N
kidneys, bawela. blood aaf
- 9 Btraaf. All of tba taaUBoay wa<
.V Blecirle B.tier* tone* pd aka
^kaa, aad tha aryawaaia WU ba br•maeh. rcculatea liver. ktdoeya aad
yas iDBortow Boralaf et lo o'clock.
* Duriflea the blood.
______raa. Pec re caret
Ttoeaaa frowi oat of aa applieatte
It but.di '
toaalanraaaa.pdl«r tbatwea Uaavc Xatarcatlaf CdauBcay at New flint M. mt'adiw.
r Ufa and vifw Uto
'aya-.«.m. Pute
B. Oknrok May t.
to Mr. ttreay by tka oowpeay. aadar
any waak.^^’kty. n
Tba oorsor atosa of the First M.B
jBtoiala eoadtttea aad wlik aartala
la, <5. I •bn*,...Vl-ne
cknrub at Yuba wlU ha ^id with approftoy* oaraatead.
Ihaaatt fava two aotaa, ayrrcyatief
• enruaoaUa oa Wbdaaaday. May
jn.M. la payBaat for tka poUay.Wkaa
l«:U a. m. Tba aarvUea «rui ka
toa palto eaBa. ka alalBa tkat It waa Uokarfaot Bav. M.D. parrul. VlaltSvaaon la almost kara and Tatmaa
pat whAt H waa ripraaaatad to ba. aae Isf mUteteiB will irariakftn apaarhaa
ta peaparad with a alee line of
FtablPf Taekla
toftoad to pay ter IV Bavaral alw aad fooi Boala vrUI ba tn*a%bad.
4^ petoa are twvolvad. aad tka aaaa
Tba Udiaa wlU earva p bol oUekm At
totowelit BoaaMaMbUlataraav Th< ptedlaam at »e aaak. Bvarynaa la
prieea that are parfaetiy aatiafse
^ WM Mad la iMtiaa Browa'
tory. Oall aad Uvuutlfata be
jitot. aM a aardM taaAad ia tavpr aiaaa
♦o*» yon bey.
yfllr.BMBt.' -TtoaatoWtotkaa ar
yaatod to tha etoalt aoerv
405 Uate Rte
Pete raaU. baahalt'tebeaka.ata
' SrsrythlBg fnsL
g aad ytotara fraa'af






Bup.«l>f fcP*-LltO, tmm.'

Xnak XntaraM U tka UBwewtte to ba
■aid U tkla City Meat
Bvprytklaf poUU lo a Urya attandPBM at tba food roada eoavMtte to
ba bald U tkU city Wadacaday. 4^11
Utk. Tba BaattarwiU be bald »a tka
■trooBof tka new ooaaty CMn
hoaaa apd than wlU ba aaatUf aeeomBodatte ear a Urra fatkertef-BnUaaa
l*adlpf tarBara aad bniiaaB bmb la
Qiaad Tiavpra aad adjoUtaf aeantlaa
and It U da^rad toat tbe faikarUf be
rapraaaatotiva la ckazaator, whieh Ivl
already PBarad. ABoaf tka aotod'
K Who are toaUiar with road
baUdlar tkaM wUI ba Joka B. BIob.
BtUldoflhy City; A. B PalBar- of
Kalkaaka aad-rraak F. ttoyan, a civil
aaftaaw. pnatiaal road beildv. aad
adiwr of ••The Bead Makar." a louraal
detotad to tha iBprovaBcat of roada.
It U aapaetad that tba arnttarof
read ImpmawiaBt ia aortbera MlebiImpetnat tbU
aoavaatiop aad every bndpeaa atan
aad faraMfean avaUl in tbe food work ,
by belpf Ipreacat to bear practical,
Batbodt dUcocaed and to eoatribnu
to tbe dUeuMlou aa well.
There will ba BorntPf and afleraonc
and tba profram will ba ao
UrUlniPf aad of vital iDtorwt to all
powpeitr owaen in tbU and *ad]->lDlof


Two Baryra Wul ^iMd at tbe Dork
Tomorrow tor Ou A Oa
The first loada of Inmbar to leave
tbia port the praaeat aeaaoa will fo out
from the do; In of John F. Oit A Oo
The barfce Mark, and
Putter will be bora aomi time tbia
•veolnf. and arrrafemceu have been
PMde to load ibam both with hardwood
la a day. The Ismber will fo to Bittonboaae A Bmbrae Oo . of Cbleayo.



Is the best Rocker Oo tbe
market* for the monej.
It is soKd golden oak. has
two very wide, back slats,
nicely quarter sawed aod
embossed, high arm. cob*
bWr leather seat, only
It is a bargBin.
We hare over 300 differ*
ent styles of rockers to se­
lect from-


Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Froixt Stareeti. •

Two Best Shoes in the World
For ladies the
Jenness Miliar

HyflMiic Sboea
Th-y fl tbe
feel as uature inleuae.i
t^TBly tbe flreel line to Tr»v-rae
City. Oar peru-ia* Unarantee
of rlfbtoea.-itb every pair we
*ell. Ove aivle
the world ever. Sl» ,Vi le tan
and buck

for GeDilemeo
W L Douglas Shoes
I'Dion Made.

sbo** «r* m,-i* fr.jn

Priat S3.O0, $3.50. $i00

We have tbe eae-naive af n:y in tbte eliy.



Practu-al She- Man

i;f5 Front Strert

Going to Have a Going to Have
Flower Garden? A Gardao Patch?
Two things are nccessaf>’. I'lrst
to prcpare'the ground. Second,
plant the seed. You'll need a
hoe or a rake or a Florist's spade,
or a little shovel: We carry ab­
solutely everything needed in
this really fascinating work; and
And then the Flower Seeds. It's
’equally pleasant to plan what to^
plant and where to have them.
Ever grow Sweet Peas, or
Nasturtiums or Roses, or the
thousand and one other beauti­
ful flowers?

What About.

Your Lawn?
Want a pretty white clover?
That’s the White Dutch—it’s a
small creeping perennial, just the
thing to make a thick, green lawn
Want to go farther? Your farm
paid for itself last year. Bought
your seed this season? There’s
the Alfalfa or Lucerne clover, the
Al«ke or Swedish, the Bokhara
or sweet clover. ITiis is jusf the
thing for bee farming.
Cijmson Trefoil and. the Scarlet
Italian are the annual varieties
and make most excellent hay.
The mammoth Red and the Med­
ium or June are the two most im­
portant for practical use. i

Nothing nicer than to raise
your own. "garden sass." Don’t
take much room either. Never
tried it ? Do so this year. Grow
your own lettuce and radishes
and beets and beans and peas.
It's great sport to go out "in the
back yard ” and gather enough
from your own garden for dinner.
It has such a fresh taste. We
carry a most complete slock of
ail manner of package and bulx

What About
Farm Imillements?
This new centuiy demands the
most improved and advanced
implements for the wording of
-the farm. The farmers aVu the
great standby of this region. We
cariy a most complete stock of
all the needed farm working im­
Jones Lever Binder, the best
on the market: Jones,Chain
Mower, Thomas Horse Rake,
the Plano Horse Rake, the cele­
brated Oliver ChilM Plow,
Floating aod Whefeletf^lTarrows,
Field Cuhivatora. Hoes. Rakes,
Bam Forks, Spades and Shovels.

Tbe HaoDah & Lay Mercantile Co.

Tgg MORy.MG BiecoKu snypAY. april 22 i-wo

out soteiii DU

wmmwmwmww ^wrmx

k NUF W Bk W W Ut Nt N* >•< jk m »


4 Oaat^ W. Sarpraroa Pai^

Alter tb« Mit Uw eprieff dey*
lrw«Miltie«el tk*




OawfB W. Harfrarra. a

€(9e !•

to pto«


_ _

•. dlod paatardap aVhia rmlda^oa aa :




*• ^

W.rtBoTMitk atroat at tka act of • 1 **




at 8talobtr/'a

tkkrafloa aaiarata^ of

It >etftUp

Faraart ptBpftriat


■aPba^ia Poat-

ft Urre PM «Mt la



Yaawroap-raaaaal la Ckarga af

WUNiitmWl AMt i*t AuiuNAi.^

« b. tka^t oaa of tka

BkdeaU *oi aaaaad bp Moodi~^ f’*-”


I^aia U. *»M. or lmi»f atf. aapaaia to atlra •

thla( oat o(

B. ba.^ aariooTlftu'^lCldS!
T—t-|iij I III NaTrork,

prwiiitUra for walft. «CC* Md fr«iu.
vUak IM ha* j«M TMtirad a pfttnt ob.
Ba feat ftlTMd/ boM efftrad







dm ia OkMda aad TUlaofa. aad aataa

Wr«7^»u ^ Mda U» ft food

ts tkla atata ia IMS aad aatUad la Blair

tba rSrbt to aaD la Mro atata.


Naaroa, aka arntW ottar aUaaa


harlac BB



artOlarp tM^laa.

U la oMad tkat taap TO par

•aai of the ahndna of tba

Ba vaa a vaMkar of a MlAiraa kaV
tarplatba war aad m«

aptdaMla •(

^•'*“*“* aaat half d«»

^atv. wlwe t wa« ptil>1i«iilitg a pa­
per In ibe hliiUand*. I ronvlneeil a

TVrll. If I raa roaviaer peb that
attaatloa of tka peo|de do read tbe adv«nt*lna |«ree of.
haataaalpileal edtlaa 1b tka
m} luiprr. will poa advtfrtUrr
aad tka fact tkat it aUU get. warrllp
’ -xir roonw. I wlU.
1 adrenlar
08. fraa aaaaaa to aaaaaa, la tka boat wber^rt-f I Ibtnk It will du aop gwd.’
“Vbe Doxt dap 1 bad tbe fullowiag
wwtBWMdaUBM itaoald kata aa aa
line murk la tbe mont obwan* earner
mlaar. Tka atorp laaaa tkat wlU of the paper, between a ronide of pat3t tuedlrlor adrenUeiuenta:
Ball obt all of tka apapathp at aa audl-

Blaraa paara ago ba rcaorad to tkla aaea for Ua barolaaaa waUaa tka karo
wkUa. at tba aaae Uma, It «U! raliara
citpwhara -ka kaa alam raaUad.

“ ’B'hat I* <.\ibN Roinp to do about

“Tbr Best dap ao manp people anDoped bliu aeklne wkat the! une meant
that he brgeed me tu explalu lb.- laalMaaoa taaaSarlarfroM BOQftI fftaiaa
ter la mp next i»iie.
I i>rnm)««d to
U. A B. at tka tlm» of b<a daatb.
do *0 If he would let me wrile the exJaat Bl tka tall aad of tka wlBtar. Tka
Two araa aarr'ra kla>, Joka Baa- oa tka moat hlgdp-wtoaght op dra- plnnatloD and d« what I uld. Ur
•OBl daalar* ftfo oaUralp oil of tka fad
a»tle altaaUea. It tea plap of rob- asreed. and I wrote, 'ile l» goliic tu adaad ftra aa»ka to proaara aap. Coal rravM af tkla oltp aod Maloolsof
aiaaer. aad pat kaa bo dell aad draarp reitlM'. of -tMUrM-.’ And be did.”
Blair towaabip.
atoM* Bad faraftoaa ara draga oa tka
Wt HU tbe Ilex •( ll After AIX
Tba fBBaral wlU be la ebarga of Me- lapaoa. It taUa of JUaaia aad tke Baamarkat. m»i fftslliaa apMtd tkalr otobOn
a n»ti ■«- lu.ib«- wiiulow of
PkaraoB Poat aad-will be held froai tbe alaaa. earrlea poa (0 tke loterlor of SCla» arooBd tka kltcbaDatoraa.
-Baptiet ebarabaiS o'eloek todap B^r. barla. glma poo blatorioal feet ia the a CTiiiuir.v peneml -iHni tluit e«er.\ lliing
Mn. Marp C SpaoMr. auta llbrar'-ftk M>IJ tliefv J>y (U.- .«ani au Irlali
W. T. Woodkoaaa wiH pfaasb the Btat aeaeptablc form, permeated witk
BB. wtakat to raailad tka paopU of tba
lan •eon-red.
erarp dap life of real flrok aad blood
faaanl aeraraa.
• hti .run sell nillkT uid l«-. '
•iBta that pariodieftla wUl ba g^lalBUr
people. Tke eeel U. la eecrj wap. a
••Ye», " Mid the
raoalrad bp tka atota fraa llfararp for
moat aoaepteble me. ^sd tke eUriag
"1'lieii Bite we a yard." uid I’al.
aaalB tka
traTallsf librarp oork.
will be on tba tame elaborate acale ol
-All riehi. xald tix- *l<i>t»iiau
Bberifl dlmpaoa ba* retursed I
Daniir ^ paat pear » larpar Bomber
bae alwapa b^i
Ippliip bU Anger lii e milk eaii ni bla
W MBOalsaa karo baas doBoud. aod Imla wbara ba took K: ward Clark for>
feainra of the prmmUtloo of \ *1 ■1c be drew ti a >aril lu Icncib <-0 tbe
>atha- dan<
kB»a boro aaat to laoUt«l paru of tka aaalghteaa
•unt'T. Uxiklufi u|> irliiihpliamly at
tbUplap. eerr all alt waa Srat-eaC. H. Bwk<
1. he naked:
•Iftta wbara mattaro of tkla kiBd ia
I baa raiomadfroma plolteo.
-lui you »ant oDythlowel**-. *lry
Mldom aaao.aad tkap hara bam aom elalt to Iowa.
“Vo.- Uhl Ibn: ••bul JUt r.i»l It up
Berl8L John aod Cbaa A. Foaep
Mr. aad Ura. B. B Wbiw and Itula
traUfoDp rfoalred. Tba atoek la Boa
n a Ml o' |ui|MW and i'll ibLv It b<ime
bare long bam ideatlSed 'la comic
aaarlp axhOBaud.
atata papa daugbur left paaUrdap for Maaeeleu.
>prad Haadap with Mr. WbiWa <^ra. Laat aeaaoa aad ibla ibrp haea
•akoolBraftteMt oa

aaaoaat of tka

« aaat U Via fraagB;
MePkarmta Peat.
bM waa a waaiker
of MePkaraoa


W. O. (trap, btakaataa oa tba Para
Marqaalta. »aa ktoa^ \ > hit keaa at

aaclBBo rrldap ia bad akaod.
OB bla wap to

bit boardtag

Wai a



O. O. P. Warner. preeataHag attor





Mg a jeWalad oollar
■liar tfottrd



OaSaat Mala airaat,

where a

WaarialoeratlemUeoaBiaacoi In tbe
waakad lato an open aewar, Mlae Kid-






teataoed to wbara tba aawer ampUra
late (te rlear aad la .boat Sea mUataa
oat name tka dImiBBtlea dog drraekad
aadpelplog.bat •tberwia.



a&d ltl«a Kid-

Aar waa tba bapgiiaat woman in KaiaMtaao wkm brr aohed aad wall ataked
pBodla waa reUrsad.
Jote Blalabaek of Uma towaabip.
Waabtoaaw aoaatp.' reemtip dag ap ao


of Cbarlafora




• At Dowaglae tba aeboota bare beaa
At Marqaatta tba a

to the Meal

hai^t of Mdc-

■ aooadlBg a weak ia

Mime* Sadia Dwan aad




patUrOar from

elait at

B*lin-ra. rea fe<e dan'

gUert,C iroon.



ware gnea'a »f Mlm Celt. Umlor. fkap
Fridap aemlag

ibehoBoof Arthar S>BM->o.



and aard pUplng being the mala teatan of tte eenalng

Arm In arm, IIh-j marted
M of iIh- gn-at umi-n
> In Uu- b
"Ha* It not eunie
> iiaoB ae I prnj.heele«l lea yean*
I). Cal>rte)l<-l' hr

lahleti. aa elie eli>|i|M*1 to amilu gaie.
Evru a* tilibert.lud .aid. ilwre luid
IVIh-ri- tbe office U.y



Beacon la alBoct here aod TatBoa
bp-epared with a aioa new line
Of Fbbing Taekla.

Prieea that are perfectly aatt
torly call aad iaeeetlgate b
TOO bop.

(f'S UnlsB H'eeei

■ ll■r(lcnc<l tiiwai
lard tbe t m-

Bearlat fever, *

araBcarlp loo eaiea of *boeplBf cMurh rbange* of time; hr knowing ttuii tlie
Aftp ease* f qtrtalee aad abial twmig
^»h of Ibr o«cr Imy bnil Wn

aaarlot favae.


,peteokkr« eIcBad ladalBttalp aad It it

Uat all ateretea jelll

•loaad aad



waariagi pi


gold, teak BOtee aad cbeate


tba old

; MlaBvaoUBlDaaPBpaep bartad ia ber

Jut before death ate aad*

a Wart) ti-it] to tall af a bit-'
ter lr>'tun. vxivrim<-<' which te hniJ la
a Uiilr place la ite'far west. Tbcra
a UlluunJ uii iIh- ulgkt wbro te
aalii .knriuua "1 vcmare«l to euggeat
m tb- cUalmtaa af iltr .■ciumltir^


' '


Bar btebaad. Jerry

d ad aavaiBl peara ago at tka age of IW
oow being workad



Mlaiag Oa.




^d aaWare bare etui ratraia from oe-

...................... 1*00

$1200 FAlues foF...................... ....................................$9 50

Foof rrpeailnB your Imure. but tte!$l2.S0 TalttCt for,.,

I o. *

The Temple
of Fashion


traUng U that you Ua.I better rcDrai It

Be WM a aloer la the old MlaaoMta

ways find them ri^bt, at


«hai evcolug. I migut iwpeai my lalkiw*.^ »•»■

Waaltb. wbleb »*• dag ap ta tba arm -wV teTm t W otj;i:;h.r;riirmr:

and ptiee. Yoo «ill at-


tte rb-mrai. baUiig (ikbIiivi

Kar will la tovor of a blind alBtar are
A'wa (Bteatad tba wbavaateeta «fb 1

new spriuR hat that is


«'nmIu<Hre tu .uiufori and iw>rfi".-i

I» Ibe DMilD
•aaa wae tbe eaaM of lx The oM am
•'Otrum-e t»
Iclli-'* wire
waa tke father nf alnetAan rhin- wa* marll.a iirivat*. i:al>i1<-l
wm tbe fatnar of niB*t^cklldfBB, *^,n i.^.k- tlv allci».-f.
Btoa of wbOB ara eUll living.
••IVrlly. Olli-ri; il,c
lytlayer I* ho.

Is Dever*coiO|-li te without
the RladoeM that comes

SBtisfsciorf in fit, style


Mrt-w.ii gluiui GIB
iltc room In cmlW. variety anil
fuelotl. Orlculnl rug*, fulrtvV iliizxiiiig
•bizxllliB .
• in fix-lf fu«jn.lflc-u.v. .vrer.*! tli- ,*.J 1
dpad Ub.-U banl-w».l il..>r.

The Glory
of Spring

from tfae'poasmsioa uf a

Tlsbifi^ TmUi.
P^m nela.. baaketa.
IjBea. leader*.
MsaeiB. iiDm,
■. ate., at Tatiran’x tot

la Tea t ear* Meae«k

bj hand, wklok tiUSa ;Zir
----- ..ri<-a-l>m*

while wakiag biereoadx

A Yovnr Girl's Experlgne*.

('lark, ui n» ■ drli-gaU‘Wbeo the
BUb>«wt uf candidate* wae Iwing 'dlecUMcd. tbU gi-nlleuiau aUOoUUi-ed Ibal
If a certain uuiiimailuu •'ae wade be.
would l«uh It.
-Very Hkel.v." Biiili-r
bluili*! «>nt.
"Vuu on- B»wd at bollt: lu your o-llgiun yuu l*>lt itii*
ltd* of tbe Trinity.■' Thci-ouvenilun
broke iDlii a roar of laugbier. In a hicb
• be cli-rtMiuiili tulm-d.

mabolaaaad Orantaa Saoear diaconr- wa"‘i;«'Iw
:igy lihiv
ed two iBall pool, of watar in a aoev- etm-ke of a i-iKarcit.- tvhlcb lie pB*
Bald, wbiebwrra tba rmaltof Ibe orar- *...... .
Srwfrr m a nearby Uk^. They maght
vulmm-e uf ,. Ih.w .ha. ked. ili.-ra-

«teaealeea\ rs poaad*.
JaS tv winior
_ ..
BoUaad mUk peddler, dropped


wa« made . . . iiulUleal cvuvenilun. In
which a u.^.. guUbed rultarian dlrUii'. 1 tb'- t. •• wa* Jaiuea Krecuian


biunx-.-.! uu haid-Uitinm.-d
atOl a larga aeia 01 tee ■oaung.aroand chair*, aud >h-|it '.111 ib.- tiwr while «n
la tte bap and faariwr.
tityy. he i»*.w rw|e>M*l uu twK« i cu.ji.
, lull*, lu nil ex<|iiUll<



tba Oklaa.o

tba Maraaauta Ox. retfulitd pattaH

Mo aaab tampan"}h-l.<>UI Ibe olUri- buy uli
_____ tlttijT
tan bu baaa kaowo la April aia^
I Truly It haa Dlllwrt."
Tba poalUoa of
>wa ia Fri-


nut dlvlilr eieruliy with you."
perimpe Kti'lcr'a tuuai aavage rrUirt

fTwa la tba abade.

Aapb waaiber aoadktioBa. for wkUetl

apeak eerp

grmt tka perfnrBtnoa evarywbara



dawripUoac of tkoae naad IB 17M

tadoSnltalpaloiei oa aaaoaat of dipk-

2^ature's cuR^

of tb la at.

traetloa, wbteb baa bad great aaeoeu

kl) daiifbicr'e nerve* were l••^^ll>lr «>'t of
ordre. eUi waa tblB BiiC.Wfail.; tt>r |.*>l
nciiiv etnided brr.aod *t>e
aUefiil *1
Ueaunl IlfiAer-* Bendy B II.
night, lirfiiw aUe b**l InXrii uua lawtage
Ida patierdap afuraooa.
Ooir when tieiietal Hiiili-r WM la. of Olery King ibe ebauge In lire ana *u
Uial atir cmild b*nll>
uken f..r Uw
Rearp Tbaekor raiaraed to WllII
emgreiui be nme In bb> plai-e nnd geo-!
>e girl, hlie la mpidly growing «> • .1 nnd
Kig. her eviitnleiwn I* nerfcri, etid aha
bnrglaat aToalBr aftar apaadlagtba lly liiglunaied ilial Ibe nx-nilMf wbo,
dap In tba dtp.
wag oeenpylof ibr door woe tmn*-'
C. B. Bftaa paanad .Uroagb tbe eltp greulng tbe-lliull of debate.
gaDiTal.** uId the taemlwr. in renr>-«. rijio
laal night on bla wap from iafa
(rem altmdanoe apnti tba
daadap pruai-bful luueA-y-you divided pouf’, ■
time with mi-."I knnw 1 Old." re­
aabool aonecatloa of U-«di aad umen
plied Ibe grim oM •arrlor. -bu| 1 did

war. mtertalaM

«U aaaaoa ball which UIIIM with tte


la tbe larga citlea. both preaa aad pab-


ry.. came to tba altp ptaierdap

MeOiUof rraeemaCitp. Pmak MtBik
Ork reocleed a erlap


elf It with Ml^ Minale Babball.

ter pet and t ff*red SIO to aapeaa wbo


AacUon- at tba Ciir Opera


Wo tkoroagbfa’a with boae aod wata*.

4ar waa verp ataek oertarM at ImiBg


N. B SlroBg rtiuraad to Omad R tp-

farMOfmm war. at work

wapof a awlh alraam of watar aad w.*


wgi bare u>e plraearaof aeelag "Tba
Boaaa OB Moadap. Map 7.

aep of Banala eoaatg. waa U tte eltp


' a of tka aompaap.
tta poodle dog 1


Go., waa la

Tkap’l.ft him tba Blip ptatai dap la aoBaaltation with
Manager llarrp.

taralag to bar kotal Fridap algkl after


Bamtoa. atata aoper atea-*PPMr bet. Map 9

Wkeo ba crawled OB bla

Mim Kathrpa Xiddrr. wbo waa at


jaterUp follow the et>r«grB)rBt of Mar

tbe Mleblgan Telapbaar

haada gad kaaaa a blmk aad a half.


la B D Sialr'a great fnror cemodp prodoeUon. "Who U Who." wbleb

daniof tbe eloetrtaal doparuaeot for ** ■«*l»tergb Oraad

pad, wbo airaeh him Ib tka badk With
B tlab aBatlag ooaeamloB of tka aplae,

banded tba brUIlaai baoeb Of plaprn

K Baggdon otrifa
.. peatord*p.
ei .p


Ferj|ria atOby Boob 1

taadlag-Obartae Uaatatte.
Baadtag-Mra. Laamdar.


Spring Style, 1900.

“Sapho,” “Tourist,” “Golf”
Are some of the new things in light colors
that lesding battsrs (oursslves among
others) are showing—We shall endeavor
to keep our sizes replenished in all the
leading shapes.


evury tnaa who has previously worn one' of tbem—
Il'(i perfect fit makes it the most comfortable derby
On the market.

HamiltOD ClotMng Go.
But in a new locatioo, on Unioa street, op-'
posite tbe Masonic block, where we wiH ro
.. business until our new buiJdioE is readv. To
induce our old customers to bunt us up. we
sbali, for tbe next few weeks, almost give
away goods.

Why! do yoB thiDk of ladies' Pataot leather and'-pop CiIIm
Beltsat lOcenis?
These lielis are new and up-to-date in every
way and are worth five t'o ten times the price
we ask. We bare plenty ol other goods, too,
l-hat we are making big cuts on.


Tbe Sellings Beik Bazeer.






New Style*.

ObMoe New Tbinci u Ctiild’d Solti just reebiTed.


Plaao aolo-M-a» Albright.
Bwdiag—Fred Dego.

SnkHt SbmU

Lamson & Hubbard


Tea foUowlag peagraB waa gima at
the BoaUag of tte Oeod Ttaplai

: ^kile our hat tales for the past two
weeks have surpassed our highest antici­
pations—We look for a stul greater rush
now that the warm weather has fairly

“'**“*^ ofthU-ap
oommlp Uagh!
taara. aad eomedp peaae following ap

fM OalUorala to maka tbeir hone.


fclada. ha waa aUaenal bp foar foot­


motbar aad alatrr. wbo win leaee aoca

Winter Gaps
Maks Way For Spring Hats

BWB Ui iba iDO*i empheilr wap tbai
It paid (o adrmlm'' said aa
(oerebaol. Bsd I bad tried for a Iona ■<•&*
blm 10 Inacrt bb admtiiwiiM'Bi.
- \>b. It’* bo near be would

aerer read ademlMa «(B lu a paper.
aod B
elae doe*. 1 beile^f to adrrAia
.. ikdiig. bat In a wap thai wlU forca
Itaelf UIMB ibe poMle. Tbea ll paT*Bat la a Beweiuiijer—peliaw: Plvnp.
bodp wbo read* a nrwajiaper dninp
Ibe advvrtltlng lapee a* if tbep


Frank Friedrich
The OM BolUble Shoe Man.

Wb Hare fcieil.

Nev StoFe. U2 Frail


e' j^'?'^^: ^' •»-v •



owuMom bBSTzoa tooat.

oThaoavb iba Xrek iced Xetapml


The dnrtlpiluat wUtih ben pnvall-

S«iv EmlM Md OftUsUB Ute«nteYate»Mup^l {r<M Mrthvs

ad hitbrno io a«Mtu of auiyery af tba
beloQt ladicied 1^ baUrt* mnat ba

Bmeloaa baU la Oraaft balL

»eya tba tosdob
Tbr reiuerksblr cbrtyn^f
rareni yrara in ibr dlbmn.Ta^ nloci-

Tbaaaa, "to*
•asday aebeol at II m.

■xMraiiMt wblskM. 0»t«ki*r b
. ««Miuu^ M Oftnbftf• ^ Fr*Mh
^•vpfsmicl «mUsu W pr»dMt i«
' nunuWa SMb.



ty of tlOe buUrik bavr barn felkm-ml
to rbenfM
r< tuaikeUb- to


: to tba pablb n

attaad aU Ibaaa eorrioaa

niM ot to* fahiMupM nllroAd MfMt
••lu Mrra»*a»



ipro«2MnMpMt to



MM«r« • Iwyo

of tb* ir«A! ftt pramt oorrM
ibp r«Uro»4 to tbc Pm4» oOMt froa
■tboMbdbotppl nUaj.
LrtUn roiolrod byl

Maday tbbool II m.

B. V. P. U . #:«.

The araaiof aarriaa
aarriaa wUl
wUl 1ka a tan__________________tba
earrlea to tba old
old ebana.
ebana. Bhort
addnataa wlH ba flna by aanral «

•«( oommarM »t Eio do dMorte. :uSomlost.




.teYOfwotPod to ooawlbote to
dbh U BraiU ou or


aaccB (I



dtvo pomtBOOt

•dkhtWUow of dpMbk


4a ea*»r of thooUMtklp Ooodirja.
Sia troa dopai. Mp« tiut tbo otooaon
iBroaor MdTMoaa.
an brtafiar k.iM

mow oa





nboooUadad at SoatUo asd Tkeoat.

maa anaaa.
Holy Oommaaloa%i »rto a. m.
Moralay aarrioa aad aemoa at IfeM
a. m
Baaday Babool at II m.
Tba ovaalay oarrlee oiU ba omUtcd
at tbt totior b
tafftriny wltba
with a beary

wltbls ibo aoai waak or ae.
rrioe tba Bmter matb
Fottofta aarvaaM


to nport to

Loadoa an

tbaU. auoarior

nos. lypbai favor, ebolera

Wardeoanaeat cffliltla bava bnn
«abMd roan ba«f tor




tbt aobtiilneee

'^ttaearaay In tba PoUCppiDM.

tba aoldiara

Imponam atructtina bare been In tba
llnr of tbr bullri. tu> barin aaeoia to
bare rraultrd. In am- ioataan- a bnllal
ratered oo tbr rlyfat cldr of tpe nark,
pbd Ite point exit t^-lB astltnllar |av
altlon on tba nAin c!da.
Bmiia dl(Brali.r In smlbiirlbs atid B|»-akinR fol
iownl, but tlili p^ucil off almost com
pirtaly to a var>- aljon iliua
la anotb
er eaae. from Hie vlinniUm of lUa
Bparturoa of aiitranra an.1
and re-

detTor attp.Mi
«arrad witb maat aod bsetata of tba
V. P. 8 C E at MCp m.
B»r 4. A Wal. iriil ffiVt a laotan
anpoaitbllity of prorldiar nfriffaratad
B "loflaaoM" la tba araoli
boat or aatUa oa tbt boot aadar aslal__________ _________ ._..i«d to
oot-aad bear tbit laetora. Bnalop
o-bayiatatl o'clock.

raiuiM caoK

rrrntful ronvabi.cru'^'
In y.-t
otlier fatunre. from the ■Itiintion of
the aof.nd* and fr.nn the fn--t iliai a
moat Obatlnate eon<ll|«l«nii r<>l|n«-ed
the Injury. l( !« almoai eert:iin ibat tbe
mloo aaa perforated, .ret no |>eritoD>tla
Xot'ilie btat remarkable of
the effiTti of tbe Maiiaer bullet la the
rery allytat Aiemorriine.' reanltlny froi
tbr tune. There It yen-

B«>. BareUr 2aoM. peMor.
Cbarah. Oor. Oak and Fifth atnata.
Boaday aebool at 9:4S.
Pobllc worahip 11:00a.m.

80&—'Ibree hundred jaids 44 inch cam^ bajr fioish,
New Ptaids, strictly
atricUt all *wool. in the new Helio
(iraTaandt tan sb^ML onr oioaeat -price has been
c per }for
Monday'■ fast aallii^ ■ • •

Vlnnilitveo. and Week'a Mlll>. Me.

-11 — Eleven patterns of mocb finer (rrada of imported
wonted and camels hair all wool plaida, in oeaotifol ctimbinatioDs of wraya, browns and helkia, a
bona-fide $110 value, for Monday’s quick aelliiiK at
only per yard........

Capialn Cbarl»a Hlyalwc basa.-.’cpied
Ibv liivitatlub or Ibe iXmiOM-ri'lal dub
to act.a* one of
ny a doicn for
I- mide^u
riilti Pom Te. formerly t'orenn min­
ster to till* .iiumry. who will reprehl* yiireriiiiij-nt tn PnrN. «. IVler>tmry. and Vli^nna. ha* nitlidmHn
ill* two ann* fr.iiu lh<- Wn>-lili>t;t.>n
puliIU- arboul* and will acud th.-m to
Harruwr. Eny.



A M.ft <-«in Ik UKiiallr hard eneuyb
Inr nriitiar to tba rliitii bahd
-to liear.
the laft. we are JnvtiQad in tlilnklny
After pat»lii
piiB>liis it* naitpal lUiiiln amUiat ibr btilW ic’lltl baro
Hi>' l.lliot. Ik ln.ii(
etomaali. but no a/mjiioiiiB of nn.v
roiiHimu'M-iiKc for w
it ot (l*c bn*
(trcinnlBB vitl.nm any
InroD'vnlenrf ami bait n npM bd<1 an-


aball bj

. Uw
Tba flood »bteb aomnaaead tba
nartppart of the waak baa alnady
«aaaad. at a aoatarvaUra attlnta,'
tally fl»,«M.000 loot la oaatral aod
•oatbara KlMbtlppl. to aay aotblap of
«ba dawarat aaautaad by tbt rall▼aada Tbaasiaatof tba loaaat ban
jBOt jat baas tally nalUad.
gaaaa bUiaokalaal b aboet to ra<*ara to bar aatira laad. 4 riotla of
«rip aad dltappoiatwaat at tba laUara

elran bole tbrouyb It trltlioaT any
apUatarlnf or wlib rary little. It baa
occniml In tba rear of iba boafla of
tba akull. In loauy naea. arm wbra

lUO—One hundred jratda of 40- inch atyli^ Zybilioe
Plaids of tbe bOfflt Bhbdea, onr regular 65; reluea,
for this apecia] sale at........................ ............48o 4 yard

roDKTesMuaa LIMleflidd of Maine
waa the aou of a Pm- Will liapUM
rleryvffidn. wlm t-hauiml bi> |Mrt«b

iliai a MaiiM-i- bullat paw-

M> marytoy preae&loy tamta.
Saadtr aebool at thr atatr Umt.
Tetsbertof tat duudty tib'ml woo
nay attend ttrrieetai o;ber etaarcbte
tb.>a .d be OB bend la tim^ to look etmr

la doe to tse fact that It U abtolataijr

bamorrhayr. aod tbr iuhu na* able
aboibar tiut)
yard* after racelrD yei



nhalr bc»M.
ratori to




maaalat or typbold (ev«r osoarrlap

‘oo*pea*d w

Apardlellarltatloa ezteadadle

Plaid Dress Goods.
500—Five fanodml j«rda 40 aad 36 ioob wool tilaid akirtI14;, in T«fT deairable oombinatioss. Onr reynlar
60c line. ^V* p'^ce for our Special Mondajr Kale,

Uyuiau £. 1‘elion of lllyhyaie. TU
owr in year* o
old and U KtUi'an acycar bf
tb« aufl pant of a lliuti err perfontt-d lltr practk-lny' lawyer,
_ vaaa b>*r..r.»upr<*iuv
aad oo idiportaot vnM>U berr bare anrurti
tom. tbr tbock at ttu- tloie of Soflic- ewuri of tba slate, luo ulie« away Iruto
-tloo of tba iBjnrj- u but allcbt. and ra- bU-bume.
Ncnalor UarU of Uiauesuia i* an ln‘veterale atuoLcr.. ami a* tin- rulra of
tb<- M-uate (n-milt MUuknic oni^durlnc
klatuar bnllrt travaraad botli italyhe. ali-rtitivi- iu-»iwa. In- ofeon take* ret
paiMHi In Irooi of one famur aad bablnd Iba oUit-r. Tbyrr wa* var)' lltUr

Evan wtiau a bone
been bit tbr bnbrt may make

OoraarWaabiagtanatnataad Board-

The Boston Store

'aaouodt pniduccd by tbrm.


an c^laUy Ufltad

:mMaoo (hot tko uablpst oostsUo of

Udy Menx. wbo luade a prreaat Is
Lord Uobert* of a Iwib-ry of alx yuan.
Which COM «3ii.uua la now aaadt&y oat
clotbHiy. tobaciv. aod other conifurU
tl- Ibe Hrillib soldier*.
Menau-r Hate of T<
that while In uffiir be
be',bt» nercrarcepted a railroad iwao. ilr aiwaya paya
full rate fur hi* iH<-yram«. rvftmluy to
take ailvanttye of yuveinmriil concste

Kvrt-.v lime a |n-»J
f.K-l- ii.lmtiiitt Kif ll.
Tbi-rv l» al».-iy» m
a i<-h'ur*


D ■■an l>- bnpp.v mil
Olb'-r |>o.>pl>- bniqi;

Polyellnir In *onie note# on tbe auryery
of tbr war. ami tboae o'lnlny iiuder it
will baldly be eonnied ai "loeM^a'
when It It recoynixetl that twolblida

Skirts of fint- all wool fab.
ric, made swell and finish­
ed right, we priced all sea­
son at $8.50 and $7.50. for
- onr Monday’s special

Tbe iiU>-\p«K-t<il aeltJniil happt'Di
diumr at a boan
B tbe yuld mrv for flnam-lal
oilii-r witboiii Hi’tlic *nm<- iinie helpini; biiiiKclf —('lll•-tla•> Imilv Ww*.

rerSbet* ytU4« I FTynaflTh. l»<>Dce ot pUia .kirt., mooing tTom 13.75 lo *-..00. ^ ^

•to oaoart a paaatoo from tbt btaarloao
kportfamtai. tba ukaa a flloomy riaw
! •of Ufa.

Pirtbtpaattaoothtba qaaaa

ibat baaa uaklsf bar owe abroad.

baarlaat wbiia tatla.



miib parpU tUk aad bat pold alaaea.
rbt Oarmaa raaboat lltta b aald to
tera baaa aeat to Taka. Ohlaa. to make
* waralbf daoMUtratlosTUrty-tbred Japaoaat

eoatraei la

benra, wbo ^Irad at Hao PraoeLaoo

tiro waa.kt afo oa tba Balylaa

M 'ay. mui retara to Jppaa oa tba aaxt
taUameroe tba flaata Pa

Hat Itarioy

«bat port.
4 barflar rabed a


la the

t of Joba HeodrUkt of Boats.

-^—‘-'-1- •—krlnylbtDolta.

mtola to tbt wladow.

m tba maa at

'At waa half way tbreayb


lot tba

Mtab dotra, boldlay blm aaUl aid eame.

Uto Slbarb -bat bate

Clam meaUay at »:M a. m.
Bpaortb Laayaa at »:4S p. m.
Bar. Bnyb Kannady of tba Baeond M
E ebareh .will eoadaet tba tarrlcsa
bnb mornlay aan avaalny la tba First
M B ebarth today.
today, at Be*. Baaady la
Ttnrtday-Oeaaral Prayer Maatlay
at 7:10 p m.
are moat eordlatly larliad to attead the aarrioaa.
aacoXD HRTBonttT ctivacu.
a*T. Burb XDBAMir.kiiMor.
aerrloM oo duadaylyer meetlay Tbanday^enslry
at 7:U.
Clat«-for ttudv of Ilf# of
day erenlay at 7:l0.
‘nttrt la BO



eama a tuta S3

that Mebraakaka-

yeara aye aad waa tba

■■Ot larye aorm oa
my' lltUt
danebtaPt bead darcloped Into a eaaa
I apOB i» fraai of aaald head" writes:- C. D. tabUl of
"bat Backlaa'a
Salve oomplauly cared bar.''Il’a
Womaa pbyablaaa ban aaUblUbid
a rnaraataed ears for aeiama, ______
thaialraa all onr Riinla aad tbay
talt rhrnm, pimplec, aorea. aleeia aod
ban aeblarod a raapaetad poaltioa
pUta. Only fl&e at d. B WaU and Jaa.
,:de«aa of tba« an employed by tba
. JobntoB. drayyiau.
^ovaramabt bad

o'ba bardly


Mtltiad to a poaaloa.

last year art




fooeapj poaltloaa at aoaetry payalelaat,


phymleUat for tbt

neor aad aa tarfaoat for the mnoleipal

By and b) U tbe (lutb that lead* tO
One maii'v faultii may be another
man'll virtue*.

MIe rumor
4 raaamy ooapit, WfUbm D. Parker wortnl bay.*ml U.e limit.

Mitt Oatbartat

bat been

May Lntley. of
[be «au*-ace.

* Baltlmort

4'Ohio aortbboaad train

atar Wlarbeatar. Va. Thartdty'nlrbt.

aad traiamaa aiabitay.

J.nve *pcak* itironyli the ayea; tbe
U|is are olber» lae onyaxeiL
- *
l.iv.-eayl.-K are as hard to catch a*
tlio<w on our sliver dullars.

'.The bridab pareab oppoaed tba match.

All the w-oriir* a Ktaye. and the ma­
Jt mVuler..who wai atatkioad by ap- jority of the a.-irW* an- bam-sJomi««.

nifltatmeet at K^rattowa. boarded tba
.tnta than.
U b a mecaUrd feet that 4imi loan
•woman can tear ihr


nb «aa

aloaa and

csamplifled la

The hour of auti< >i>ai>uD
la often
lore phaalny than tbe iniiant of rw
fool yet* credit for wisdom
he doi-an'l lan-aena wb.-u be appmlsiea
tbe brlybi tbinr* you *ay.

llaplea reeaatly. wbaa a thief attempt-

An eyutu/lK a petwoo wbo tblake It
md lerobMn. HnrfeeaBd bardaaybter _ wa*te of time to Helen to wbal Mbers bare to «ay of ibemaelres.
mt Boatoa, at they wan laarlar a ab^
Many a wan while awaltlsy aa op­
T%o tUaf triad to aleu tba paiaa from
portunity til i»»»e n» a hero........... ...............
-flfn. Bartel^ who promptly took blm wife yet up etery^ mornlay aod ilybt
by Ike iknat. tbnw him to the gtwnA tba Arc.
•ad. neonrlBff her property, with Ike
About tbe time tbe friead* of a mod­
I rataeaud blm to est. anasaumlBy yirt lieyln to think ahs
I* cat out fur au oM maht abe fools
-ba of.them
yetllay marrtod.—Cblcayo
Tben b mon aataarh la tbb aaaUoa Dally News.
the eoaatry iban all otbar dl%aaaet
Tbe botiaca of Havana are made of
MtiMalber. and navU the latt fair
•rnra waa aappoaed to ba ianrabla a native sbitie that k* very aoD and U
BBwrd Into shape rather than cblaelad.
The walls are from three to four fert
thick and tbe airbUevtaral style U
.niMf to can with loeal inatmtat
taooaaeed It lamrabla. Beltaoa'baa
■rorea aaurra to ba a
and thanl< I itqalnaoonatJaatteoal tnatmeaiBell'a Oatcrrb
d by P. J. Obeiiu 4
la tba only eetmtitaalg^al ir-rnn

___—----------------- -

• P. 3. OUVBT 4 00.. Tblado, O.


e t.

aeetn* (tfiaallile tl

reylon of tbe In-art la.ib*- part «lilrh
rematna monnlly rulDemlde. ami It
may pcrbtp* l>e r<nin<l pmeilenble to


eooirlee a >•^4RIplatr which may Iwworn althni.i Incninbrancr ami ydt






Brava, fit rreel

P’f.jt'-/ i-r.-n-wv

A auiKl irirl lor aeafiwt hueeewiy» the Cblcayo llorord. It
:;■<> WrM ae.rulh Ktreel HfK.A
would Dow ap|>ear to have p-tohed a
w bi-rv
Httiie at^
tlaye *
here It ran
ca) lie eerlouil.v conald-j ^.irst-iKaarSK v *Li^y^

----- --------- -

for- bl* records ln*tcad of itie
rtbtioo f
iMual pbonuKraidilr wax oyllmjera.
Wbcreaa It I* noce»»ary to plane off Maritaac uiaaa


the plioDoerapli cylinder.
OOKSAiy-LoocIi reuBler
tbe ateel rlldion need* only a doth to ^
_ e^^lrt.
OUIBV. erer lhl«a
rub off llie writlny. Tbr dlUlculiy here- aounirr. abeiTiay.uu**.

tofore met with lu this direction waa

Id rtvordlng the aic.«ee on the •«*,
cylinder.-Tbeoretinilly It aeemii ea»y a Aiin..a.aa*h a Laj baU*iB«.
«i>f .j
ih.^ut practhall.v no value ap-UsswaaH lot. corser Itlb anC
rMU. Tbiaiarvnrriiaatv P-B-I
.1. a Lay luUrilaa
10-11 |
paniru»a v.-ry smsll msyneiic neclle. j
If Influenced by il.e rurreut of tbe tele- Jr
pbnue w in-, puvertl. a steel ribbon.

wbkli In turn runt over two cyllmleta.
ooe Br.i ci... s«w muVh ^
Tbese cylinders conic Id toiu'b wiib ite gf
i.cirrr eaif. tie <isrs*W srvear
ione. Loren- W-ub’._______________________ *tt*‘
miyaeilv ucedlc. and ilie work Isl 6
Wldle 1 pcnwll U talkliiE Into tin- tele-' |MR
pbone lUc wseneHsm 1„ tbe «ecl rib-


aa<l kn

bon i* Infllleuved hy the- i-hi-lrU- needle wi. UnwBrllirb.
to MK-U a d.-cr«-e llu:l a prrf.-.-l toes-

>cat4r ud
IIU*> Hii hK.-1-in*

uye Is recoiHlrd
If It I* rcjulred to
La^i .! iSt iod
re|iroduce the wortl* sent over the civj. u>o*'».i c* Wr.i from
w-trr. It Ik only n.f,-»Knry to let tbe
ltci-1 rll>lK«K i«M lK>fure
itie electric------------------------------------------------Mure tiiv
eicctnc «*K«n-m»i., .
As «
Ibv m<-«Kayv baa W Uouw. Kik U*
bcanl Ibe sim-vv
Ii ran I*- wlrH<d -r".'“hkIw a> Lab,
r laElrumcnt la A
Ksyi-b ayalU- TTila aim; Eaki rrcwi >ir*vt
’ ij|io^(X)rT oa roR axuc........................ *1
iwel-tor Virata* load, or
tlw talker 1*
at tlir otber cud ibprv la only Ibe pbo- »«sm. Aaaiy w oaw

hava b«sa an artist. Amoag Ua treasnrva at borne arc tba ranou* akclehM
which he made wben a atodeai at tbe
aetoemy school*. !>n>bably one of th
BHiat IntereaUR* of ibcM- .knehe* 1
of alink
girl awmeoaivuti«
of age. who was a model at the acbools,
hat wboac beamy in Uicr years aaCBiad for her t

the hand aad naan ot

Hear Yourself Talk I

Prices From



O 1^0 ,

io Ik

^DRva In ib« extent of forcoi laad oa i*
tbe Nebiaaka plala. Mr. Bcmcy

*“ ■*


while tbe width of the timber belta on
the atrMma has also greatly iDcreaaed.
The keeping out of Ibe aeems to be tba



g4necat cause of tl>« spread of tba^_______________wSray*. aaato.aaislbm*s aaS
SOHO—>7 to b» Ueisoi*. aaS
trees. Two years ago the osi
asB>e author
mwUlosslr* os April B. »
showed reaaooa for U-lterlDg that the
.Aoy ssrtlM wioUag vomttmaaor to varM*
- •— --------n Ul» llov
b* aratWod vuk
pines of western N'elirai
iskaUessov tar aaav opoa Mo.y ISL
vanclng eastward, where deatroctloa
by Are or cattle Is prevented and when
Ut. mu bo pnaerawS aeeoe*tjw«aU|*^^
enttlag doe* apt proceed too rapMty.


Yuli Lin* ol Piano* and Organ*


furward avhlaacc fmm caotvm Ncbraa
ka which show* tlianrec areas are ad-1 fpLAvyo


$5.00 Up.


111 tbarefofs

conwntcDcy of tbo* betas able to Ivava - pu m rroskUs
. aortS.™ paoj. a
a mccMrc fur a iwrwn
iicrwD wbo 1* away Myroaivocs___
from tlic rccclvlof
,i;«OR eALR-Twevam frail lam. 0ta*i*4
f oav BIW irM fro* hoy (hot* oa Brawvry
|Tood ApplytoJ.O.Laaawattiiy.mrbwohoti.

ably tell of an advsmv of
vaUeys. aomi-tliiieo a mile
It la probably dun bad Forbes Robartaou not become an actor ha woald


call* up. aliouM iberv


court} Ri

We show more styles than any esclasiv* house in the
city. We fit your child from two yeara old up to
tbe full grown heavy weight.
Special—Men's all wool fine velour cassiniere suit.
double breasted vest, pants cut upon th# latest

Borti.7* PoUini v.por
B»iac»su»«.at A LMcvortbr'. i«rb*r
rroa. .irrM.

raoclng there with some rapUlty.
are supported

- -

There is Clothing
and Clothing.
None of the
‘Hand-me-d owns”
here. We carry
clothing in strictly ■
up to date materials,
cut in the latest
fashion, finished by
the best of tailors

Suipuslas Coff*e—Littl* Taven.

tba ttata of

mmtilayly rapid alaet tba nlliray wat I4lb admitted Icto tba Union.
«o«pIeUd to a poLal that aerrod. aad
4 Horrible Oatbraak
awtUad that than ai

let wotinda of ili<‘ lluil.a eoiiut fur almoai noililne.,while tlioanaf the eb. tor flbcaa fa ta A. 8- Frynia.


of cnayrmt, aotwlth-

amadlay tba fact

.wl AMca.
>D yrVb’.d rp bv Uia Da Beert Mis­
lay Co., of Rlmbarlay, to prevent tbalr

douien. tbe. liver pnd even the bead


Nebruka amony lu

fonnd that m !>e abot thrviieb tbe llip

Our entire lot
of Ladies’ Plaid
Skirts, to close
without reserve
at less than

proof ak-aiUKl the voln of .vuur v

arally a Utile baTnepiyala whirb aoob
eeaaea. and eourilearenee eiiau.'a.
• Tbe term '•irminil»''r a lll aoun ceaae
to bare tlie fearful nlynineanoe ableb


For Sale By W. W. Kimball Co.
Wo Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And none are poor Bt4>ck. Soap yon know is better after
being aged. Everybody who nsea aoap know tbe atandArd aakea
when they eee the name on the arrappeia. We will give yon good tbIueafor5c,10c,S5c,35cABd50cper eake.






owdara UiBBB. tt Bpatlir of the bbUbb of India In bqtIi
«4«M B< r mrnntu
IUb tBAO u1 nutftc Bad wteBUJ Ntfstery. oaBTCBBctoB actoaU}' drfMtrd' Ue «ood
Ur Mbi* atodov ot famlM band prr- iBlBttilaM of Ub cBvsnuu uffictato.
pMOBJb. Ypt Ur aoll IB frrtnr. Mot* Tbr oaUrre. with a aort at
. bBlIrrlag the atarcHr id
m Uodf of «taln BFB *TW»B IhBTB;
la Uet. BTBTT erop In Ub world c»a be food to be a vitolatlon 'of tbelr doda.
iwlBBd In tBdta. Bat tbr B»at. otbithip- ealnly aaw atarrmtioBi appraacbtng and
«lat«d roBBCTT to sab}«ct -to Ub rtcM' madr nttw or no B«art to avoid IL Tbrr
' ot cnmaiB. From Ub a»o«- of the liav^ IrarMd tbr OBcrat of Uvlng upoa
the ICrUlB dellal at the notblag. bat whoa that nothUd-falM
Item It to tbr oM. old bUmt' of fa*!
BOUtb tbB BBdTB CO«Dtnr
and plagwr and want. HllUona of thtor
ratoCan. Tborr arc ovar
««»wla» touaUT 1»
In­ pBO|>tr Itvr upon > cent a dar. But Uer
dia. NbtoV PBT ««t of Ub B«UrB pop- an no Ulrklr Mtlrd that Uer awana
alaUaB to acrteoltaral. Tbr land, bow- errr Ub ptolBa of India llhr laaocta. ' * * the dtoromlBn of Ue aUoalloa relative to South AMea. be baa doae a*
In auch a dlptaeaatlc manner aa to give no effranr to Ue Called Stataa.gOTBvar, to not IhM by tbr propto. bat toiw and wbM tn otbor eountrtca one or
uaeta ata controltod and ctoltlraiBd by night die of want a alliloa nnm Buffer athmeat. Wbaa there to a diapoatuon to make petitleal caplUl out ot every
iba BriUafa poBBraaMiit. TW **maa wtu bare. rarBaaoniiw anilpaUr (or mod
totaaUoa and whan tba Boar aympatblaarB la Uto rcantry often ladnlge tB «»•
arn faming tnptontnta bandteapa tb<
U* iMw" iB India owna pothind- Tt
native In hla farmliw. and bto indlCerlabarm lliw nowban. or. raUrr.
ancB and tauito* balghtan the dlSBBjrwbBtB. TbBf ■« fro* P»«cb
rutttaa of the Angto-Saaon refortn
plaer. taUav poaaaaatoa of Uto
or tbab aa Ur ipirtt *orBB tbam. w6> have been laborlbg for the upli
c. and bto naotolb*
Tbr mtiB (aru nr* uaually oaljr lag of Ue black IB that coanlrTtbiwB or foar anwa In Bxiaat and tboagb tbelr ■uffrrlnga arc baroad dleataa angltob latbar than Dutch Wood, bot Um Urre are otany d
■ for and fam. Itob bknd who are woHdiw and Agbtlng for tbr Bc^
ara laaaed lo tbr natlra ocTicaltartot for
one BMBoB. afiar wUcb be UMb hit Ine oitbeot atlrrtng a hand. Even the
hand on a MW Mrm. U Ur BtaaoB to wcalthr rajah of a famine atrtokm dier»d. tbr naUrd nakr maurg.lfi^p- trici will adnaDdar a forttinr for hla
poft tbelr (amllr.^lwarB -a prraonal gratiaeatlon wlU a ihott
prollflc oBB. par tbelr taaod which arc moUera atarvlng ratoerabir ouwlde hla
net lafvr. and prrbapa toot a few aa- palace walla Tba. mob do* not •
BBB. Sat If Ur mlB bolda ^ tbrr hare tboar walla, but takea what It can pick
to lace BtarvBtMB. Having ~no bom«a op and accepu Ita aufierlngf aa the gift
and no bold upon Uc aoil. the Brst la- ot Ibe godi. Tbe Bagttoh governracDl
baa done a great deal to mitigate “
atlart of
of famlnr la to deaeead on Ue large; auffmnga and gigantic
rittoa In tbr famlnaa of UTC. aa in that | Itln havr bam art la
of Ua foWowiag jmar and that of IfTA [ and time again. Tbr death rate, conarId-1 qurntir. baa been aorarwbai reduced.
Ula waa iBvarthblr the eaar. Tbr road,
IBB I but thr danger will not bv rolf
aidra iwamad with emanated
vtolrO until rii<.mu,oa imgaUo .
aad wonrii and aurrtng children.
*!■- I mrf cataUttabed Umtugboat central InAlUough the ~ ' '
C of the onerrtala
Imperative ordera that all mam of >«la for Ue h

i»«tt * ««• »“*• •»d fartnc I
I «rltW«C IB Uw Uf«M Ot (BBllM.
fUd KbBUb4
Ow B<^

! Of tbe
Views of Moot«{a WUe, ReprcM
South Africao ReM>Uc lo tbe Uaile4

M ftafVlB* «UUMW te

rtmuMK Seine •«' ittt riMiNr'oisTeic'





l\v „ ' ' ''.iVil-n
■'A' .





_ a ..................................
o dtorum tnillUry nffalra Bmidea. lt_tn<IP r
ly. be
about ala a reka for communkalloBa from the Tranavaal to rraU him. Thant
came Aral to Bruaarto and were Cbm fomarded to him. Natarally. aueh otm^
monkailonr. braHng more partlvularlv upon ^Mnatle affalra. did ant did*
door military rundltloDa or probable m«vemeiite.
•Tin- relief of Klcnlueley and Ladyamitb." aeld Hr. While, “aara not tw
rtons reveree* for thr Hueie. It U breauae <.f the effnn tbrr have on thff
• I baUeva
. be regrrlted.
n anything rlae i
wavering f
the Indian empire at tbe preaent
tm ranra ago. wban Uird Roberta
«M the mlUuiT admlBtotrator of the
grant .^tle coianr of Kngland. Ha
taradnw tba aver Uraatming danger of
A CaUtira of thr food aupply among
tbaaa terming mlUloda of blacha and
gn»aattd a moana «f obviatlBg. or at
toaat dimlatohiiig. auch a danger.
The plan Robrru ■ugamlrd waa for
tba govammrtii to rotabllah a large
imhar ot emrrgrm-y
1 mitad for 1
wan walked in tbe wake of lamlnr.
Although Roberta waa at tbr Umr one
Ot tba cabinet adtiqrra to l«rd DuSrrIti.
tba Tioaror. bto auggratiana ware not
•aeaplrd. and tha blacka were left to
«halr fate.
Tba tairet diapatebea from India reUtraaanda of aailvaa are dy»art that
ry Xrvm atarvaUon.
lag in
I couytT
up. (be rropa ha<
> dried U|
fbllad attrHv.'chlldran have b«wo abandabid. men and women are lying about,
too weak to walk, atarvlng id tbrir pit-

a or fallura r the cauer. It waa brMrved from ibe bn
the Transvaal. Our t_______
r another fall bark upon our airongbold*
r excellent. We bad kuppllee nf arm* and pruvleiona. both for offaaaa and
- and Ua «r offener haa not yet b-vn >i
drfener. That a
rawn upon. It * quite puin tbaf Ua Boar#
Crnalvr aiurra have not yet t
the war for a hmg tUnr.


and Aghting among tbamaWvaa for tba | dretltutloa be taportad to tba proper
of that BUD parched
ev-rn Uough tbr room
atray kenrto that (all In tba duat. >autborlUca and fixed Anra upon mayora
ayora But Ahla.
heap up until parhapa ewn June, wbm t Over Uto anetant ceuntir of tabled land couacUa
;Ua pannltUng
panaltUag daatba by gtor-:
gtar- . auch aorks wrrr foiabcoming. would
the annual *YneBBoon burat* will come j waaiu, ruled by one of the moot affl-1 ration in Uetr dtoulcta the atrmngc i take many yean.



In rberk
Who can trll w hat may occur la Afghanbelli U* and embarraa* Ibr Rngl
_ ago
_ there
llltir Aurry on tbr CaBadlaa border at Eatoun* Not long
Boaaibly that did not amouut to murk, but It abowed bow many
may occur which might trouble areot Britain,
what to to be tbr plUB of e___ ____j. I abould Utah
n-hllr I do Inott know

, Britlxh advance before R
Ibrrr wIS __
be .................................................
no atubborn
reachea tbr nelgbherbood of Pretoria, allbough a aumt-leoi force wU be In tbd
field at all timea tu make li impoaBlhlr for the Riiitoh to move forward with
any apecd. They will have to fight at every point where ragitlanea «nn ha
a»«e.Mr. White waa aaked If It were likely that tbe Boera would have any fofo*
In fottlAed placea tu realal and poaolWy coma behind Ibe UrIUak ilnaa.
Hto reply was: -^e>Boerm. being in a rMUrolous thlnoiily. would be IB
danger of being oiiUIanked by Roberts, and. while It might bold aema of bW
army In rbei k fur a time. It would not meet tbe actual purpoae. and a portMB
of tbe army left to hold a place In a counur practically tcfi to tba eaemy
would be captured, as waa Cronje a army. Probably tbe Aral realstancc of any
dlteenaion* will be made at the Vaal river. There are natural line* of defeOSa
In ibto itHghborhood. Even here tbe Boer* may And It advantageou* to wlU*
draw, for thr large army of Roberto migh..............................................
might be able to ouiftonk them....................
tbe impregnable pnoltion of the ?Boer*. and here the realsUnc* of U« Bod^
onlv he stubborn, but effective.
’Tbr advance of Buller 1* a very dlffiruli one compared In the advance oj *'
RobertA because there
tbe natural rampart c
la I'oniildFred
will be able I
s much larger one of the esseray.
trying to the force* of Ibe British on tbe high .veldt. The •rssons have a
gfral effect upon the rarapalgit*. Tbr men must live in-tents In bad weather,
which u1ll make It very uncomfortable for Oietn
T have been criticlaed for aaylag that Jehaoneaburg m..uld probably be d*>
stroyed as a prellmlnar)- lo tbe defense of piolorla. <>f curae. when war accure there are certain Uira to be obaervrd. and Urre *h<uld not be a nttdliSg
dewtnicUuo of property. Johannewburg. on account --f ite proximity to Pretoria,
•ill make an escelleat bnae of attack for tbe BrUtoh. Il will furnish burrackg
and quarter*, ■torehouaea and a moat favomble bare of supplle*. If left IBtacL
It would make the campaign moat romfoetablr srol charming for the BriltolL
The buildings srouM be uaed for Ue aoldiera. thus avpidiBg tents and diber
enemies. The bunting o
rence. It has alwar
erybody knows that

aa has bam:
n Ollfantafonlela laager by tbe Brillob.
bmoet Ue burgbetw In that laagvr. when unpleaaaaUy ludnacud by BilU
ImUata. bad faimtobad hlmaeir sritb a very safe and eetefurtaWa bM by ■Unto
tafclbg uue ot the mnaU Irun mining traehs ef tba ptaca and ovirtui-alig R.


Hera to the nutagupk at Braaldeat Kragar rtf tba BoaU AMean B^uhUe,
[Bad. as tba uairnmnnilaal who aral It to AmmMa ubgsrrad. “by tba praamt himaq^. amh om baad.“ Uha agvmai atbar giuat moa. 0am itoal^
itwHOag li BM (ba edaarmt la tfak warM.


An Abyminian tester to a vary atrang* sight: Tbe Xastee of the land af
Xing Heaetlk occura Juat eight doya aftor that of tbe dnUaed world and fal­
lows many days of tbr seviraat fasting aud. la (act. tva days of total abaciaanrv. Tbe Abyaalniao clergy than ufiMafly aanocnot tba raaurracUod ot
Cbrtot to tbe emperor, wba sits, sopportvd by cuskhma. ts a teat carpeted wtU
tud aad gold uta. Tba tent to put «p on a large platfum. aa that Ut empagw
may teak out orur the agaemblail gigulacd

f was burned for that r

daaerlbed b; Ibe English htotortau Orvene a* a dtograroful and wanted act.
cannot sro how thr Biwew can be experled to furntoh tbe Brittoh wtU a vary
pleasant camp. wiU iJI Ibe neceaallle* far prosecutlhg a atega wilhU such •
short dlatanee from tbe oapltal where Ibe maJo defease to to be made.
'The important matter (or tbe Boers now to time. Tbe lougar they baM
out Ibe greater will become tbe aymPaUy with tbe Boer* la all parta ad .tbd
ITnlted Btatew. The people of tbe TBlted AUtm naturalto^a:-------- --------- *—
• will rtoa. Bvtd
j now Uto feebag ot aympathy to growing la
l BtrengtA But I tbifik tbara to autb^ tag like a well organised campalgB la tbelr bahalf.
Mr. WbHe-s altenllou a
on fit. Itotriek's day. when tbe Engltoh paopto outdid tbe Irto* li
of U>- green.
lab by
tbe Irtab
by. Ue <
wll JMI 1________ - .
ha eald. "but It wiu aalurally eefbtiae Ue soMier*. »be Wsbsk
Uamaet and tbe pneata vtD not be caught by the
Ute for the aubotaare.
“Wbatever may be tba outcome of tha war.- oald Mr. WUtk ‘it will bars
a vary farreacblog effect. It arlll tend to streugiben the mlUtary power of Bagland. It will for a time eoasHIdatr tbe empire, bat 1 tbiafc H Is bound to ba«U
a dtatetacrgtltag effect. It wifi give rise to proWema that wtU ba dlOtoaB to
Bolva. r%i cuhmie*. knowing tbelr strength, will make detnaods that aaaosd
ba oemgdiad wiu by tba beam geveromeot. The inrrHable K-adewy wID ba to­
ward tba indapendenca of tbe ookwlca. and it wtu be dMficalt to 'oMaft thli.
~ Itaetf this war to bound to have unexpaeted results. ITndar tbe
yellow Jowrnato and Onmftim tbe chameter of the BugOah
Tberv wOS ka a
to be «
gmag e ehaage. find that tor Urn




**?*!*” **

, avnirf Hi* Ml *M
-----------A pUnm. /VMM V CMTi OR

■ ssrjis.'

MMlw «s»r to biM. Iv bU M M-; A TRAVEUNO WARDROBE.
laiod a mmtMi hr bad <bn>n Mei bia
------------Hub- MM MMb »flfa a ort^M of Mtftat.
OalMy «*wa
vatbad imrMr (cnard rirki Into bar i'
0«u m4 P4rtlarbw. vabiM ar«M. AM aa«* vow | It la oTlm tbr
that Uadreoma I
AotHaaM boanJias boQara at atii^
tte i«ea «a)cUr. bat


WMYWOlie».lM*:tPOORDETeCTnra ,
^ * baaraaterM. teao haw thaOwiM. '

tUlja li b IM oMM h»ta«Md aaB .

leacbana aad atadrata
4 iter advaaufra
tcahilBg uaax abon furvn-plaraa — Wrtaafcid hi, ofinUm. •'To br«i« <l«r iMk
«M^Tptr«wwhie*ia (BMrfWkJte.»............
i I1UII.-4 an wilboo' eixettiop miT had tteaSbt aMthrr 4o.a ' bmto af cloarte ahd wdrobte- -nua .»mot« w plajr.
tmte te
Main. B» had teM ttrtec to Jfltir
«_nM4aHr inmeroaVot
>< ttkct Wm t>»r M tf«r« a abort


• lad had term U'.'f • - - "

t»- - .k..


>” wiwj w tor iJtacxMr oi

‘.:ri 'rrjs:^

»M din. Bm la
Uorr plrcva ran be 'Wrovd.
.------------ ----------Ste >o<A» <a a thlM at ate
a at4ttvthwi for ttevw that wOl «te asd aa tbcae may nabad; dtffrmii notnaaoB.
WmLM fl to te re th,.V. t.
)5?*" *?^.^*^*!7*.* •
rlacr aU tbrar diaraltba;
rdtanirtmaiJca the atadcai wOi dad waLta It to.te M ibtnkn it oupbt to ha.
aM will follow than thsMy. Uto to led
Tter utntel nf abkb tbia
««cb a dlffatteit Iniua In'
wmrdrtite-.U madr la tealsij aunt H- tkai. aad when tearaad b« win'bar*
ftlecca lor
for au
aU iimea
ilaaa aad
Tbr «*>r ahoaW be a dart ona. procra
“At a detatxlea tte to imuHnu «
ao that It trill ate anew tbe tBrt. aad to aalt all uatea. .
team in aatrapplnt a nan. bat h*
tbrtnatrrlai aboald be aioat. ao that ft' Ercry player ahoaU bare fna Brr
will Wear wrU 'fte oibrr *iBfre«i.. M tre abort pfreca irady t» play, of ««ek ptaerally cadt la a blandtr whkdi
eota." to nar a etillMry term, are a dlffotvat atylea. aa. for loatance. a
aoead hy;patatoa. 8ted>MM
atroiw latb of wood about baV aa laeh mppy tarmatrlla. a dieaav areales
ilaeaaa dk
Machar raar aofUy. aUpaad aa hti
aoac or InUahy. a bricbi Uttle
onea dadttot that te or ate to pviliy <e
•naaiaa •own aad aUTwm aad after aa ihr
■ uMr. for bar «oiek eye thick and S fart « teehea or 3
tretal cord ntaanrba. a dainty
ilnty romaata
«r bar- taamt and worfct oe that thwwy.
aad a chain or
•laaf tbr carrUor to Bob'a rooai.
caroUr aad parhapa a rartetlaa ca a
I the wbolr j
Bah lay. tlx frte of
Iiha to to alatsd at ter poahioa aa de_.
poOaw balrad. atnid
te one orCaaloD
orCaalon when tbr abort tea that aba to anahle totnauaal bar
Boi ttete Ut
The teairttaJ to Brat branaed wftb a ' Tberv la
dteated. aoaod nalKp.^
L_>: u.l1- I-I..
»*»" hita • Mnow om'
*■“* p"’^ y^ fnrod. u it to idMitiiy or the attect IneMUpatioa
BebaMkfd and atraSani
yoo ptojSj^m wUI hr Inrlt•teakina down oiaw him.
ed to pUy, wbea yo« pv to laake rtolu
batv! M> bayr i
“WoaMB araonn ttoltra in mnnii«
pa Beceaatlnc for maa*a vaya: hot. thank
di. *H>h. tey dathnfT” '
or when atranpen cu»<- to are yon. down ceimluato of tbeir own aeqt.
. . Ood. te had PM OB odd boou that nwraAoBielliMa theor Iprltailuua ate plrco woainn criininal will latolead a worn
. IV.U
Itet: «h» BO loocer frit lootey in her
a littir
hdl~Md aa
091 of pollteoeam How do you know detectiee ty workinp on her enaiiy.
I'.'LI-Jir~~ ,rtrf.
anri. Ur
(M cored,
cBcro. too;
lao; bla
ni brart war ‘
- - A
*”“•**" aMatet ffo*
wtetber lluwr pevplr mUy like lunaic credaliiy or tympathy. and, went of
«7aA»d tte iW.
or Dot? It yo9 are au iboupbtlraa or
if the deteoure br attraMlee aM
There naa lime and
Bat ate knew kl< Batnte ai
Uttkaa aa lu Urpln no dm- loop. Intricate
I oriminal 1
tetehrr mM if te did not nind ate weald . e—well, a not atrnid to ha poMroBA Tba prnderioc bow I
to tetter fur dMaetlee work..a*>d pritorn of Dr. Klnp>a How OlKOtm for
miatakr wltboat aatwyhiK
to tbeni. they will rllber llairn to .
H a wutnan will wll ont a
ooMmantior. eoopba and ooUa. M*o
7 iST'^l.^ ^
preamtiy onnher. oo ter way
And Bob nM
uot of poUieoeaa and br bored to deatb and cbaaply at tliat. re^np apiai tee rtvea nwny over tu®a
wfciu aoe IIOU.
•• •'*' diraain* toon.
hr waa. and w/ uu. wa.w
or itey will inicr\«i lUronelrco
aex lo tarape pauldim........................... bnUesaad bare tha »ikitofnettoa of
door, “Oor
— yoDr
yoer tore bnola.'
Cfctokina what ^ly bair ate had-lt fob
knowlpp It has emd thonaonda e«
“1 atntiiUrd orrr IL t hard
vemlnp oo duiueMlc tuaiuva and your, —Kaw York H-rald.
to a teoc ptolT ricbl hrlow ter wain. ^ ^
H down outaWr.- Tten ate waitad
----------Aatbma. hreaehltlo.
finale will loiemipt allpbily ibto
Than ate khaod bbn ayala and west.
in rrtppa and aU throat.rh««t and laap
ate heard falbrr arrmrlnc auflty to
tvraoiloa; -kly hosbaud duea not llfce^
And wtep te wa> ouhr *tirr hr maU
them. tYou play very uclL my dear.i
A medical Junrual nrpw, avoalUy dtoenaraatvenroly eared by it Call ea
ooant on lauUiioa B«i. pnt nn aad wan
S. B Watt and JbaQ Jctoaaos.drw4«*d anoBE tte Uttrr of uolf
.No. be will not bare an ooluo la the etionsb. that in the pment cxtnvamnt riaia.
and r*l a trot trial hottlA
and portmaiitpaBa that U
eipeudinae it: b<iti*« balMiuR a littla Bernlara'MSOeMdtl. Bvrty hettla
fcor. Thm.te took np b
Bui when io deabi ateut your andl- rataiey atomld te told ont In arrauping
and. peltJni It «n. rrcftrdrd
tuia brpln with a ptoae iliai cao be for a aickroum. bmlt tin tbr »uuuy aide
la tte mliTor triib.cxHn|>lacfBry.
played Is two pr rtitve uhiuiea. a and equipped with at lama tte simple
d. for •
piece of -decided charac-tur which will means for iMdatiiei oihI care of n aick
be rare to Intereal yuor tuwrem. and perouii. VmtllaiKm siKMid tewrli cemn Mer to rrjoin
illed«.ttemo;row fte .^ !^of i«
*"*■««) waannoap
todcrod.' Tuc tt^lls may U>a>f wnsbable
«"•'»"* hmr- below. It u ibeo tacbnl nlwrr to the alup while they arc Ibtervalrd. Wbrb
crial—paiut tiiro oroibrered with
yuu bnee Bblahed. yuu w lU learn byi
behind tte bubhUn*. atremint bark of the laih. wbkb ba
■Tpniuf latb paper. Tte plumblup
•I>««1 UWr. Ibe pWe vioualy corrird with tte aai
natertoi tteir words and uuinDer whether they
tte room. It W«^ V. .rr M.r bad ,M_l„„rtooa roon.. .itb It. bandw»e „ Ih^cunaloa
)bl beuHiuf but couecniout to it
•orkof arthaa jMt .teoa toanM la
It ahouJd be explain­
etto of the time b>h1 muury invtwted How Yorii at aa onUay of ow fiUO,pi«i^: ite bti.d'b-;-wiod;i7?^s ed that tte uMierial moat br cwl abwit piece to selecl next. Tims the abort
hullruniu. aad mieuul p^ 000. for Whieb tha pnhltoh«n daain a
!!r ^
b. ««« .ee tte dr.r old pardon
p« Ua ana roond her waiat and IdoM
„ , ^dW: tte Iot- Bar feet wide aad three tinea aa lonp
to ttito eaaaUT. atoo a |
lonKpoul cc au apannxmi wbora oad ia
actoaa aa the toib-ihat to to nay. abool otae
au erarrgrM^- uot nnttaul to trail bn- •oUelior. Oood pay to iho rlpbt yortydnot For Laoto.
feet kxip. TTie tacfcinp to ibcD perHaariy 190 fall napanapTaotontoa^to
may I
A fad of yuonp wuuieo
furtnetl on ite ihiW fret lb tbe nlddle
niaMiaawd oovera and
I the family tl
Mndtopt: orrr too poldca UUr«
of the top IlD* of the ouitertot. Uoira la tbe wearibp of pood luck charm* Uw cajqymrul of 'th
- ttol ditty.
and M »br trap waa ■*
at tte door. are next luaite at reptilar laic
ou ibelr lorpnetir chain, or wau-b
KeP aat dm . . tte Oder of tte tea' By •*”
aerrain. aalbrrrd in tte ball to -i-„, .Jl latb and the screw lo bpoka ral«. They ttuai nnmber exactly IS.
to Ihr
Bella at•"<* -•J rod.pred. Bob ^ ^
alpht; piraoM ruBBlap day
iBM^ed. Tte rorrt or ebaio to couniemrt evil iDdncorea s<i lanBiBopreattot^ciale. Chrtotlaa maa
. to la neil atiacbed
to the tup edpe of the lar have il»me Itecumr that all of tbe
tta war wrte one BMl te Urk a^
her toifa
tolfa by umwm of small aupiem. and pel auperamiona. whk-b ate not cosporcb-aloor. He n»ld nut Wbri
u women
, ........... .................... RspUrroBoDoD'. Oae ehrtoiton woprawned wttb rloty! Other pirto- broth tte
HimkI to the yuunp Ity any means, are
fare distioctly
loctly for Ite mtot arniat hh

hii tioally brnas
rinita are ratleoed
fougpor. Wr kuow today that a tooefa ■ana madr dear $M0 to foor waaka
an had raw. and-wrll. .hr would not let rrra.
by the Inpeolnu* Jeweler. of |>*t«it leuibrr remom tbe abor frma tahlrr order* amtap her charvb no*
and the next tnomeul te aod falfarr abown
the two lop comers of the
kdcnrU think. 8te wMird ate bad been
makes a tyirtety of eoUectlooa atrvrt nan. exrept in caau of walklup to qaaiatacoM and fnanda. Writa aa. U
.Ul that reinaliu to be done
iuat IS In every daiipilox bnneh. aud from hfiunjono
may lend to a pcriDnneoi pay top aoalof
fwwanMn awail"tte7 irtte^lTT te **
*'* '*"* **“
<loB te waonpr our banlacaa and took
ibf New York Tribune. Some ofiThattm*'
mlyawal if raif skin suit, the paverraurked tl___________
ib^VriTliS; fo'tefo yood. Father «-«.rird,tb.t
The nX
'W® «® “»* tbfea
was back apal
ebarma aod tbeir eapeclal vlr-|n^,„; that low shin* an to te nw r*ul after enr large aurraspondenar, which
iinrkreper wa. xlrmc utlafaciioB and
In Ite iiiitldlr of tbr bottom edp^
• o* can a’teod lo right at year home.
•aid Bob ate
wwry. tel ate knew
. tiF KtniuMF wmr: xlmi spam are not AddrsM H A. Xhermaa. If Bast FUher fur a lllllr puoaa. _ , thm waa rrery prxwpert of tte cor- that to to aa). to sew (br llor A In the
the llD« B. The ward- Amrihyat b««n—l-oyalg. ornlap. Z ^ood form, exn-pt fte men, aud that teN^ airrei, ba'.wraa Broadway A
tteTteMllrT w«u'l7tek 7.''lf'd^^ '^WvthTn
A Owl- land ahooi an tba
o smart tbinp for tha
t-tben <x>.
4hb wa. IndrrdI ipJli/^Ro
r.c Ctekfd
hack tbr lump in W Ibreal and aat whh , M|i.tiRr
The dolteia ate bunp on tbe hooka
AUtiii Up-to-dstfi
r mrmm
r/ra atukally •-.•-kl..watobiup D_l.
BoU -.k.
who ‘' .
to aewed oo tbe botion
tSTlHHeT^ The aide *«cb '•
Wkitii aM MMBUtp.
toaod in Ite window rxamlninp hto n- ahahTMtBkrW'toTrttto
driaks at Waii'a Soda Poanlali. tttC
edpe to Ibeo booked over by neana of
Br who nefclrsity tojom bis health
AI tte hate tte lamekaeper’a four the rinx to the last book oo tte other
Bm torirr a* abr would the rouU not
-bey bad end of the lath, and'finally, to exHude
itpiy mnaito bi* puwm <d Hednp
■io reme^ eqnala WaBinsll WHITS
the tNMBlblllty of any dual enterinp.
•a ter minA B.di a tewdrer In W.
wocalro'.wtel. to Ibeir faandv
i*L And be who uijum bis eharartw
IMP or Tac Snvp for bhto torrl*
tbr second (lap la faateoed orer In a
, M/ Wclcommp evil mfloMMo. U (hereby
d Rob with aundry aalntra
-and total disMsm If takM fhor>
Bob lanxbed and earr
Uunioiiiip aadll pn-aiac.«Til npmi tba
fMy and ta time. It wUl oara. a ease
a penny csrb. "Tuu mnat krep up
£1 boura, aad lortbeoonph that toi'
«nr«aa P
era La Grippe I', uever tolto to fi*«
lecrulu to tte tepimml by
Paprika la a la-pperr of brtpbl
:io( Prior, ge- sM 30*
That Th'Mb'pp BaadaMa
who had been lakinx carefml ala rte*'"*
> >>f-"
color, which to not ao hot at ted pep
a** P*“te. .-.--J
inraeu ..
at inr ,*uud-|
arauu. | ..
LOtoa -Tn Mfijiay w tt-tetnlfi w
,bd tbea ------------------...
!ooU qmtokly loaea you. 1* yoo wod
Ite pair ws(-------opreed.
and pee. hot i__
-Brlk.r te cxrlainMd. -tyhal'. up ■-te
hat It wflt acme ap amillap avarr
rlinibrd to tte back seat uf Ite rsTt. In atrenptb
Kefi} Yoo look a. If yoo bad arm a Far
time * Qalmaaa BlMtte Ftoor Varatoh
tte houar. «
atmehrye. fulhiwed
her aur.
gate. imimI whlta rmtn a -i-rt ...
• . I- ~ Thro hto r/w^
.'i MO
■ * aad Borenoa head- d •
-.7 ■“»* cat hit tendkerchtof^aiid
U ha* ap (mponant place to
i Four leaf rtover-Lock- C.
at tte tlpht of (hU
Tteo Ite bi.y. rberted
Pm*raHuB of eartoua natloiiai
tbriaor. «>‘»haa
.kMR M. w ... la .im. '
*“»» “
fipartal Baloa via ■. A H. B. A. H
Lack at pauiea. a line cooe-;l>re- e WaUnadJ*an Jubnaoe. diwttto
thtof of tbr
serve* from akkneea. #. tewwred In _ _
’------------------------Womaa's Wbto*. Uapae of Amarica.
ptoaa-ITearrves from acchleot. la : FoT ShoOB gO tfi A S-FtTmAft.
Detroit Apru lotb. Kaipbtt .TVmto a pbaDomeoally derer faaLJOD la tha Poppy-To forpet grief
plat of HIchtcM. Aaa Arbor May »U.
11. HollyJLl'ritosslists
Coaprocnttoeal (notkona') Soma Hto*
tivrreome. all obstadea. IZ Aurerpna OBmpfififiOd CbOOdatO,
', speed.
teU-<itUde In tte right path. IS. Ha-1 ‘ d-ncoas dr>m •( #.i*'a Bids atoaary Society. Detroit Jaae ItbI - Xu the yooap malre off lo (te war!“'naie roatiral. Aae Arbor Hay l?th.
xeloui-LoDc life.
| Fw»at*»i^ , b
Ots f
In the hall Perkioa tte'c
»mt u.ner
itar Seholartic'-Athletic Meet. Aaa
Throe are each attacbed by a BHlr 'caMM nptloto Ctofw —WartoWo Arter May t&th . Kpworth Uapna
k* ^37?“'%,3*'roar,
ryea fiathrd and tbrir volci. ru< tel tte
peared fare. “Oh. .Ir.- te ertrd reproachebaio to a eeoiral ring. The Bowen
Ladtopioa. 3aly. Aagaak
ftoJy. Too .buoMn't, really, air. t
Wkto of Tar tyrop, tte Par tataaaad
“dud krep bun.tiehaiKcn'I at M A H. A .
are liKwaed to a plaaa locket and tb,. ,7??T_r"*T.i”'
wwntdo't hare bad K bapf-t. for worUa
ort bit Botber’a
B W CBDBlnphaB.
tto.“ te said pathHlcally a. b.. Mok Ite 1«,m“
r knew ikai tte a>ea
ir lirrt '
' '
jift or
ill Oeiolls or aervlna.
r than
There should te a piece of bread
T* Oor* a ceM n Om Bay.
■ wbilr Boi
___ _
toll) u|w tbe liapklD (out wKbto Id at
Take Warner'* White Wioe of Tar StTwp
Hr did not know that Ite
d rumi- duww to him from tte
each put
lie best CDupb mnedy 00 earth. S «•< 1
ranpemeat of tbe
> to te tbe
Uueaia lumedtolety unfold tbeir
Or. V. 7. fltogtoa. OparaUva OwtMlf
• of dUtant toada
kina plai-e ibeiu to (be top aod the
piece of bread al tbe left baoA
'■torrled inwrad »f off to tbr warr*
hb.ri>.~ r
EtnOd Cdotorj Cook Book.
jfre oerviil to (te abrtL ^ a WMeh Can he Kamvdlad hy .tbaUaa oi
A lialtad aaaiaar for *uir *; rs eaato
plate of cracked lee. aurrouaded with
WUI bamailad poatape paid
______B., ,br ,u,|oo sraa reacted and tte U«
oarroriptoftbeaetaa. Addre«,no
wreatti of wuter err eras.
Brmld. Travero^-Cl-r. M'eb
Tbe aoop TtMnse followa tbe oyatera.
hto own trnp. and rarrM down _ .‘2;“-, .'“.rillVrt.l
ami Ite flab coorae follow* the sonp
la tba
course. Tbe knife to not used with ibe batiTa* a ! (uapat—w
waxr auuner tban ihi. here abould tevr j
fi*b conrar. oeltber to It uiwd wlib tbe o
M lolk* enjoy
t thetr well.
happmrd. Buppuaint be*, kilhd. tod 7*'
“•*entree nutoae It raniwt be divided wttb- mmed reatf
Per fol to rMiaemlirr that te waited on
II .. uaually tba kidney* which firto
AliMf tte U« moratofr
Tho Teydee.
Only oor knife to now placed at tbe t« o"*
•»'> «**“ backactea.
I haT6 piaoKl a third chair ia
-Ato'l te chivrfuir aaU klaty. the
TV-eoyder wa* a latpe fitoh ia
my barber ohop io order to accoB>
which imv cullerird Ite btohro rtctnaK
____- remove tram tbe body tbe toai' oUteiDT patrnoa.
which wtee removed from Ite laUr with
bmsd. flat Uadr.
kWfr to tok) beuUe Ibr ptola
ta her haad.
pfcr rxHaiswd fatter. *«a |«h
a ««w dowar Aad bit rola*
rg^tery. for te fry tbat.rr- ,

r»Jrtetltte^«rwm btetaiS'^
MatWr'ateanrwWMattbrnar. Bte
Fte dm tte bhetoaraph and loaM ap
at falter with a load In trhirh rtpraate
aad aoma miacted. aad tbra .aaddraly



!Si gy-;'*-'--*-

For SboM go tc A- S. FTTflua.



W V" •^Ik^'^kBtoUrd'o-.^r ^te d'rire.

t Cm U


iFJr^7£T^^t' !?a*e:Srrj7^w‘“b:..--.b!?r-h


i..? S.S r,;


SufftHlllg Cotbte-Uttlfi Ttm.

X Hi. ..j f.™.* ,„b; ;^2S4':.7,'b*"'5;;™''bS7b:

'■Job"!, uiTssr,"




- ':rirr‘nr:f,r.r‘=


Burpisring Ccgw—LittU TsTan.


Dr. Cha»e> Kidney-Liver PiMi

Third Chair.

cartrtdxra.'' IVrhIa. auswered pHmly.

Dtlmr mother had drewed.
ir up bravHy t!
Oa». thouich.. her
lipa bad
nat was wteo ite aonsd of Bob'a
■htotltop had reached her ran. Bat •
then loTtox pride bad fia.bed tato ter
ay** and etekrd down •arrow, Her boy
was hmte—hrnvr and tmr—and doty,
ate knew fob w«tl would tod him a


of tte rarioua art <d btodtomk* of waoners aad etlonette reprodared by tte
Karty Biifllih Text aorirty. apeoki of
tbrw rewel. h* folkiwa; "ter ye have
voydrn ready for to void Ite morwrta.

k your Ireurher knyfr take oC
I put them to your
Toydec. and then aeiir ikeos downs
<«te dteMlaa
__________ ______ rivooe
agi/ne.- ,
Wkf would Ukr to have railed to Uai.
Few *llTvr ooc* rvoahu bat seof Urge
aaly Ac was fnat a lliitr bun at hto ap
amrent namoerm al kto oou'a departme team vnyder or dtotes whirii haw prubfHB KKWnr WAum sown.
B«t. after sA ate iboaxbi. hr wa* oaly ■My brcB ao Bscd ma/ atiU te aevn. of
atohtoa to knows ^iwa here llluMrated for early aprtM
te muid not know
Aeon: hto hrraat had not pillowed tte III
CIr oanny head to the yean fonr by: te
had M ertrd with
whru tte Unto
I Tb. «rk b
ftti hM Ukm ihalr lint aastrady atrpa
urty Vary
Ho. .HI
J look wen
horvd that day. ami hew fwood ete had
“B.t.-cvfdr«l dw
pirtTyMTl lhe *" *
»-•»»*" miftorr. with Ite
pBltadberaoB: He wes each a fine, hip
have toileted bamto Htber of tte aaaw or
hahy. She had placed hte apalast a| «A**er any yemenUy te weulda'i
pSalr. and te had kwVcd up at hw wHh aMhlat bat frcMi te«ad o hto tabla. f*^>B riaUh flnlahtd with aamU pit or
•aaad eye* of wemtor. The*, ^eo hat'-ThUadelptda Xarth Bwrima.
aUTor butMOO.

r«w.'b*t:,vjss --"i e

Fbrics and ooi opoon* are aard for
the froBen creams- llrn*rbalil

pltolde that ibry vao be dratwd asd
ptalinl iota tbui*. bows, efc- Upfal
loqur* an-abn bnUi up of taev straw*
' - A pla teaetirpUy
chartna of a frvsb. j
roaatsto of a four tewr**] eJoevr la hul
Wuc voaaMd art wiibto tte curve uf
ctrapeoi Id wboh* pearl*
Yevy myttob fur haia and toques
Ibr new vrluuUor straw to kbaki coWr.
iMoaey. sfi::y lonklnp merrertoed fabIcB are amenp atiractfre conoa draaa
Bbuk ailk fiawc■ef^sqa eol
teta arv exin-andy
Moat allorihg are
whole prari* lavlalbly

>— u- b-., 1- s.

»M >te hU»H Which .Hi H>nal»on«r>sa»t»wpto*e*.


EtES EUfillEG Hit
by makiapttatl Pref.J. W. rtianmaa
kldaer* atrooc hralthy
Tbcy core ftriKhtb diaeoM. ^rapay.
diafavtca aad aii dtosaam of tba kidney*, pnt
“ r ead btodde. aa,«aU aa ^mato boatof


----- -- could BOt-tonighlaa ap. aad
(or fioa'
tea yaars 1 waa seoer tian from back* |
tetribie paiM. Mr. Atoaandm
--------------^-*idOf. A. W. Chaara
tbam. and am bow cattoely'fi
btefcacha sad kbiaey dlscaac.*'


Dr. A. w. Cb^ KMMy.Um POto..

fWmpiiy, Sufcla. X. V.

opUetaa. rm

hare bad my baildhuf
tvbnihhDd p«t ie
shape sad sm now resdx
torreeiresU oldpatnM

fiooJ Line of Jeniiy
a«, « .

, «

. .


the morning record,

TWCL>' ro; TiHoec w**o ksep lent
AND mom WHO 00 *»ot.

■ M «feM «OBn enoli*.
ta f*ai MArnrf
•vawtaa I


M»d 10aw A:



_________________ _______ ftorfcSwjK^^ htolld>*i»»»ih.

, trn mu-

•. ^.«MM

-------“ — ---------------« of

Mi. tUl.

baa iDtiL
... P.„«I A...
f'aiTutl ruimn \iA^i caiTur
lark boxea wbicb U ptaeed at
rand* aod oibrr ptaera eoarenl
ibr peoi'le wtw> are to be aerred. Tbe
pntrona wboae mall la depoaited la
ib.. fact UW,. .c tcufadxl MU •

fa,. Tfa.


ta o» mfa



a* He*, a. *L Borto.
Tww. OitTM UH
«M. 1-14.
the topka! tvfereiu-e la CbriaCa parabtk of -Tto Bo.^al Marriage KenfL”
makra a maniage fcon for-tala
abn. «e oeod* forth bia aarrania to
•*“** *■'*“"
*b^ ^
.111. U, CMC
oftbeeaat. Boi tber wonbl not eotofc
Tbe aecuod nme U-aeB forth bU aerr- ,T*a.w.E.bW.».»aM.
tril tbe iovUed gneaU that aU 1/ MoAalMa^aMMMa'iM

(Uoi-d m ongage B thetr nnal occopndrilrery carrier from lb* rear, being
dirlded into two aectlooa. one opantog thHu. Some of ibem even took bia
oerranta and miatiwated them. Tbe
op nod the other dowa. thna fnrolab-,
hi. ae.
mg a obeir for tbe coorenlebee of
eatrler In aaaontog tbe mall and tbe

:■ Jss-r:?:

tavn tair . pmcMo, r™. Ita U.

•MM hr




Broi and ,
highway* and
and gneota
ami ibhi.
Bin. Tbe
Tbe enar
enae te
U on
on a
ran therefore be turned bg
afford complete protecttoo dBriBe
daring i ed. be tow a man wbo had not do a
■ioray weather. Co far it ha* met
. For tbla necdwin ~cc— .1X1 I. lUM, fa b. n-a
.. faat
tmmt at
a. tbe
«h> apan.
loexcuaabie IoeglFci Ibe klag
a pan of tbe aerrtee a*
had him taken away and thrown tote
propriatlott* win permit.
auiotnoblle 1* abo eoming lota ooter darkaeoa.
b*c a* ao adjonct of tbe poitofBee deTba king i* Cod: Ibe
poniBeoi, rertalttl.T to no other aloficBeWdoeaii bold ©qj, gefaler probn- tbe otarriage U tbe ttnloo
edatllliArtt •aetoMj^wBa.a.i I •• 4 jM r la J ►
bimie* of betw-At to tbe/wUcle people,
oaya Tbe Antomoblle Uggaxloa. Ttar- tomlog and to to i-ua>utpmatcd at HI* ;
•acood coming: the ft^ r
tbe IrntnueoB* ptovUloo that
made for ihaor «bo accept tto Invltailoa to coutr to CbrUL It may
oot only tto joya that atoll come
Obfirtia|»««‘lUf avtiMl inarrtage fea>l
of tbe iJimU, bul all ibe Jo.'ou* bene- D*
poltotoa, lanartof afnlaai a
it aad
(te aamaH M m* l*t»« aa« aaM •*■; i
At* that c-ouii- to tollevvr* here and
I wrtb^ .tor ar itobi ealH **M*»lr i
hasffcw* SRd tone tors aoilbcreafler. Tl»- bl.-a>lllgr of. Ibe go*ctoa. atoo itokexa m nil tbe tondtogtea^1 BIX- ofieo repH'Mutcd to tbe Agnre ,
to tba Onltod Stota*. Fortall
of a marriBKe aod a fea>t llem
two armbok arc coiubiOraL Tboae Al*t uea OOto *Mt ta Wpli-* Dr*a mar* <iat*taa
by* to y*vew
iDvited. hot «bb rt-fuaed to qome.
—• ted M netabaf*** ..
itoJew*. Tto Amt nrrvapt* aent oi
an- tbe lumcbvi* to tto llfotluu- of oi
liortl. He accoud arc tliuae »bo pr
aaltor block.
dainted itogo*|e-i after ('briatV deal
and n.-aumwiloD. <>f wbooi Sirptoa aud
Jaiuv* -were killed. Tto buniloc of ibe
city a tto drviruclioD of Jerumlcui liy
tbe Uomau* A. 1>. Tu. Thosi- laat Invttrtl ate tto geutlleii. Tbe man «bo
bail uoi on ib«- wedding garmeU repreaema iboae wbo profen to have accrptrtl tbe iDiliaikA. bot bare ooL
Tbat wbicii iln-y have not au It Hgbteouxm-n. ibv root of wbh-b la faltb
aud tto Aower work*.’ Ttoy are Inex-


to rimnf Cm
•pwvfBM of mwj bctta; brtaf to Ifct
boOtof polBL (bM Mt olsmr Mooiy
two boon; otTmta MS eooL IfSoatioS.
R of In. ftnn
cMor wNb wbttM Md aboUi of cgs*. . .
WWa KtMtod ostf rm«t •«> oofTA oM i
o ag It Wlib briek. A wnngbt
too Jrt« ofbiif 0 teiM «wl MJt iod *«“ ***" B 13 faet long and boilt of
.wo oDaoDela oonootAd bj i■tt>« hni*
Stnffod P1DM1 of nouadcr.-Tlke WM nawL ThU wb aet np In a OBall
ehambor emtntcwd of brick, aod tbe
SBou f»o> 0 floandM- vol(bls( !ZH
pousd*; MMOB with Mit and pepper ocdamn wai loaded br lereta. Tbta
Md a few drop* of onton Jatee. If d»- done. U waa ntrtoaodMl bj a 4 4 iooh
atrod. SpMad 00 one balf of each fll]ct farlok wall laid In Sre olar tnorUr Tba
' ma*lwd potato wall did not fit icltmty atMod tbe ool■iM, nod ndrantago 'ra* takao of tbU
to Sx tbm aam|dB of foulbla tnctalA
Which oboold aerea a* a gauge of tba
of butter, ooe-foanh a leocpoonfut of
aaU and a daib of pepper. Fold tbe
other half of eaeb flOet orer tbe potato,
eovar wHb cmiBbA dip lo tbe a-blle of
tbe acr beam sltb Ivo UblapooDfnli of w*t<T aod acala carer, wlib
cmiob* and fr; <o deep fat. I>nils oo
aofl, paper: tbeo Inarrt a ibon pli'cr of
Btacaraol la tbe pointed eod of each
flUot aad eorer tbi* vltb a [.per.frllL
Oaniab with ietooo and i.rale)' ao<i
nrre wtib onion pumeorinmatoMore.
For tbe latter slnmer baif a cu of
tonaioM *itb a >l1ce of oolo& a aprl(
of paraley. tbioe eloOa and three (wppcrcoma. a bit of bar i<«r aod half a
tanMMMMfBl of tolt 19 BlaatRB. Fnao
throncb a alere aad add to ooe-foorib
a cop each of batter and Boar eooked
tocetbcr; then let boll ten mmaiet.
For tbe ooloa pore«. to one cnp aod
a half of ooloo* Iwtled aod paaMd
throncb a airre add ooe-lbird a vap
of emin. tbe jalks of two on* (tbtoc
Bar be oinitiedi aod aalt aod paprika
to ta*te. Beat .loffeiluf iboroafblr
•ad retool wltboni boninc befm
•orrlMBrp TlBbalea-Beoi all exf* uoin a
apoanful can be taken up: add a acant
taaapooafiil of »ali., ooe4ourtb a tea-apooafnl of pepper./30 dropa of onion
>Blce aod bar etip and a l.lf of rich
Bilk and vtralti luto bimeied liuiliale
BBtdi Bake aundkiaJD a pan uf bot
water abooi 30 inlouir* ot until tbe
Blziore li Ana to (Iw touch, turn from
Che Bold* on lo a boi platter. i»or
aboni tben bread uute aod aprlDkle
both tltabalea and Buee «lib half a
dap of Soe ct-umba browned to batter.
Bread Bauee.-Cooli a tllce of on
iM acitfa a ctore or two and half a cap
Of Soe twfdd cmmba ftoto tbe eeotrr
of tbe loaf lo a pin* of milk an boar
orer bot water lU-niore tbe oolpo aod
rtoroa odd taro taNaapooafnlii of buttar aad a acaoi half leaapooufnl of
Mapte Sugar Tea RIuchU.-SIQ
ilQ to­
•rcber ooe quart of olfted dvur.'
taanpoonfal of aali aod tbrce lerel ubteopcoBful* of laiklog iwwder Work
into tbeor lor'vdl«’aiR (wo tableapoonfala of batter aod ib<-u mix to a dough
witb Bilk or milk and .naier. Cui tbe
dongb nntil llgbl aod apong}-. ibeu pat
Ml tato a rectaagalar atwvf wHb tbe
roUtng pie. apreail wlib tuapie angar
SbS roll op like a JMlr roll Cot from
(he end lo round* Rake lo a battered
pan aod arrre boi wttb buiUT
Orange Ple.-Cr.-aiu ooe-f.>nrib a cup
of batter: add Uiree-founli* a cup of
oagar. tbe Jalce of an oraogi- and half

Varlooa aamplea of atone (wmerm nod
other maurlala wiwe aUo plaotd iu tbe
obaabarwitbintbeoolnmn. Ttaiacaatnher waa.tbau Ailed with apllt Arewood.
which wa* lighted, aud tbe doon iioBOdiateljr walled tip with alaba of plaatar of
After tbe Are bad bnkeo
ont tbe doon w«re broken in and a
atream of water tnroed into ibe room
from a 14 b.ireepower Are «-agina An
oxaminaiiuo of tbe room uext abowod
that tbe wall* of brick, laid Is portlaod
oaaietiL retained tbelr atruigtb, wb.le
BOB cf tbe Baierial ctoeo left in tbe
abamber bad btoo dratroyod. Tbe oeillog bad been Uued paKly with plaawo
of iMti aod partlg with terra ootta
tiiea BoUa wr*e damaged. Tba iocloanre aromfd tbe iron pillan waa atill
ataodlug Arm. ibongh otHtiwR of tbe
triokwork a-ere clippMl oue loch or ea
and tbe Are clay tourtar wa* largely
wa*bed ont of tbe >oiiiU. On remoriug
tbe cnaiog bowetar. tbe pillar woi
Imutd .to be anin^ared, eren tbe pniut
being niiBocwebed, and ibe foaibla pitig*
oelyabowed a tenipemnro ot 149 daginB F.—Eogioetrlog

Cigar Store
Billiard Hall
For Sale



lUFrent St.

?“r^’J^tll!Cash Capital$200,000


imssnisvjsr sstlcstO. P. CARVER

Fire Insurance.

•rBAL HAIL uaurniT
eling at a conaidorably greater apeed
than tbe airvei can aud enabled to
reacli |>o1ui» by far nion- direct route*
and without oiimerom delay*, tbe advantagea «’Ulrh Ibe rebicica poaani
for city poBial aerviec are readily apporroi. nn the other Uaad. wlib rural
flee delivery ilkcl.v ^ long to bthome
ao rstaNlabeil fact In all the more

Ifa E A Butidiat



Dialer ia law aai
SecoBil Haad Blcfclas.

catting out of Ito mau typlAc*
oal dooui of Iboae wbo pndeaa
Cbtlat'o. bat are ooL
Tbe appilcallou of tbi* parable to tba
« Bp«oiAlt7.
topic. "Herring Hod Joyou*ly.~ I* cat
'll) luadi- (iuil. in larlilDg tu u com
to rbriat. invlica u* to a fcaot Ii
Vaw Offoa. Wartrhaw B<*wk
tall* u* to a marriage ctdcbraiton. al
Kffxt to Eaffle Offion.
) that by \
way* cbaraeterlaed by Joy. Tbi* mat
riage ftwai n-prearato ijie |>lemeodi
Tbe Beaton Joontal glrB wltM
tgof I
erf galktaka. «
I'liaUled to cajny alio
blctaltig* offcrcil «o UB Iu ('brl*L Aud
“dingbata. " Uoa wiiur wbo apent bia
.. iiniiiB for quick ec
where do we *ei vc more Joyoutly tton
boybood lo Malue thiuk* it tucao* lo
:'*«-lr cit.v coimio*.
V Mcrvea uuat
opnnk, beoaiuw bi* m<*ber when getting
L'ak-a •(. la * Iv* Uay*.
Tbe uae uf lue aoicMnoblle for poatal
* a friend oo «cH-b ■ Wnil**!., aa akperlatiml rataalB.w <
]y to ooa tba tlipper
•ertice iu Ct-rmany and Praiicr taa
Iu Hie mme spirit ctaiaa witu *(■. htaptatlaiq r<mr*.
pot tba‘'dlogbata"
Iona aliKe pn»*nl tbe experimental
•erve <;od In t'brlM
bnrfaan aendrtuy em
that It tutnu* tl.e breakfart blacaiC. *iare. The puataBre auiboriilc* of
which tbe atodMila diapena of by aUok- ^rWn aonie lime ^ pm Into plac­
ing N to tbe andar aide of Ibe Ubla, »1«> n"* •'*
Louixll automo- tl* 4«wp at tbe marriage fetal of tbe
Best to be had ta
tbtowlng 11 at tba buwU of olb«r ataand aopuccewdul •*• tbe experi- Lamb.
tbe (Stj is at
TUE rtAvna mi:lti.xo.
danta or eatlug it. A Coi.ueetieof ptipU | «‘*«^« «h*« anarae addlikHial.,aumber
■tatm.tbai to loocivepaiit.hmeot at tba *>f the veWcle* «etr aoon after oedeiLet tto Irtider rxplato tto iarablra
baodaof tbo lencber U known b “gat- "1 from ibr mamtfariuier*. Tto ec- aod tlieo ibrow ihc meeting open for
tibg the dlugbaiA" Two HfatInM- t-Tinieot In Mertio ao comidetely dem- voluuiary |■rti<■l|■llolL aeelng Itot
6e« asaplw’io window.
pblatia agntol that It mMiJs mow^. aa ••B>irair.l Ito encieocy af ito motor Joy to a«?rvlce Ib- parHcnlart) empbaU tba aentaura. “I've got tbe-dlnglM . vehicle for tto work that a number of •Imd.
___ otber Urge rlile# In ilermany ImniedlI aiu.c atAHtoa.
for iU" fiat Ne
iklng,'aiel.v tonu pret«niiioa* i« Introdaee
1 LTiroti III. 40; Neb, vlU. 0, 10; Pa
Itb Malu* that it
tndaotbem*>7rtiyaMioar*ioridawltb ib.-a.vent Tbe Ftwii goverum.-nt XVL b-il: Ixxilx. Ifi. )U: laa. xxxv.
tba niBtorual olfppar. lltafroui aoch.taootootyregnlariymaklnguaeurao- MU: llab. 111. Ih. iti; Uike x. 3U: John
"imiannHii*" Uiailho Ull tteaof ,oor 1 «‘'inobllr* for ibb iraoaportatloo
XV. Ml: Born, xlv, 17; l>bU. IIL 3: Iv.
It ta a Uula early to talk nhonk lee.
alBKsU Ctamiopoliun Tbasoag. baa^Uir maili In Faria and oilier Mnre
4: I TbcFoi. 1. <1. 7:11. lb. 3u: II Tim. L
bat wo bavo a largo aapniy pat no
gniwu. Wo got "bUxMrd” from tba citiea. Imi^lia* rrceoily onieted1 ao
III John. 4.
wea{. ••kBklax”fromibaauntb.-‘bcioB“itoav.v wacou*. eacb equipped with
Wa will famiah tamillea. thi* aairTbe LtaM mt Hl*t>rr.
froB Ibe ambition* clriea. •••ernnk" ' nim- iM.i-aeimqjr cnaollne eoginc*. for
aar. with toa wnahed elaaa aod pat in
Imagluaiiou la tbe world'* eoebastev.
from tbe ecoeutric miitdi Iu every part-: the purpoiw of carrying mail lb tbe
lb* rofrigerator. (or II W a BonthBy It «c |iui form Into ibe furuih-iu.
of tbe onourry.
lutry. •“pauiaia'' from Italy,
aad wM*t aak to bo p*M to adyanea.
tto volorirm aod life luio tbe
“cballlaa''' from Knaua Dtngbnu U
color lulu
Flex Ib tbe korfbweat.
(lead. By it »t- drcpim our Borrow aud
gotog to be a gra I oouveulc-ooa
Tto fvr ibv dax lodnatry In beigbien our Jo) By H bc turn w
Both 'pbeoe* M.
the iiorthwcfal la deacrilu-d a* bojicful we lonid) iDiu whxi we will My li
l>v ib(- Uioneapull* Trlbuue. I.a>i year circle liome with a bain. \Vc aec OoUe
mcm ympie lutagiuv toat ^rsBiiHic
tRHi.uUO acre* were m<wu 10 tbi*
SEK,la-lt ■« they ore. Hy II we tore
vbdoD aud |•a^e^D of thiug* nc wiab.
We live •'aflei Hu- iiallern aceu ID
OUGbufalK-l.. Ilyajnmp.lnibepriceof luouul.” The iMliiK-r aud the puct do. WARRANTED TO RUN A FUU
The yooug luau d(■•* when he seek*
SEASON WITHOUT REFIUJN&work, a wife and a home. Fvery iiu
doe* wbi-n he tirjve* for bi* llcelibowL Ca)U0O</S/)fff^/^AfAAK/OV7M
Tbe world doc*. Tto *un of (he Ideal
" ■'R SALE BY.
tlOB. The a
■ihlDc* Hirungli (to'da*(.
Fun>|>c «-a* -aglow wlib imaclnailno.
•eatod In By agoney.
^ ,11.,..^ Tl..
cai".l.„ Ihrlr
tcgi-nd of hero aud h-geud of hbIdI.
atntrtaa on almiM exaoily
'Tbere wen- epic aoug and folk aoog
and atory. Imagination I* that Irreatb
n ituM- air obauiber. «
by which all endurtne llu-raluTc Urea
the grated rind, logi-tber with tbe
ponctnred. they
,-|,iTgi,e tto farurdn i.f tbe mate and move* and to* li* Ixrlng. It la ib*
)K<* of half a temoo Bent uoill littaL
rolled t?^ aanie OMOtB a*DOW ^ u^rkei lo iliat extent for what waa
llgbl of bl»l(»rT.-lkeldeql._
tben add tto tontea yolka of three eggi' ndopoed.
formerly a wa*ie prudoci. iVltb the
and Ito white of one beaieo ualil ligbi.
•erti anil tto
Bake Wl'b one enun
Wlmn laniy
Ito farmer* es].ert to do well raUin:
coM. eorer with ■
■Md tba ymuico. “that Aax. The Fargo eon.-em i* to manu
•It Up
weredlamtmlug the affair* of a ceruin
t^ollOy bealrn w^lte of egg* and roa'i^'lto'W «»> 1 ihallaeaMl
_ t ■> —.L- •facture hlgfa gra.le Hneii wriilng pa- rurlrtlan -diool. Ttoy declairtl. “If
■p >« 19 BMOCba
per*, and ii U tollered iliai If aueb pa­
we had our way. we would come In a
■••Jadgp. kiu yon gtmBa
per* ran to maite from tto cemw grown (•odr and (•iill down tbeac balldiug*
bov -fu' I goeaT'
' la that teglon all kind* of lioeo falMiea nud lake (torn airuy. brivk by brick.
Boot aooie nice. Auuiy boiled poB•oaa with a fork, wblpploc ibem ap
1 ...r. ta. --faran to made alao If (he*e expecta- imHI not ooe^n-m.iln^*'
i.- «n,,
tWHir 'rblle bot. Have iwd <«g« well
Aldwiralk Lomber la oU slaM.
A yoaag Hlnd(K>.^o bai^eoed to
■Atiaato CuoMita«„nie,i for North Oakoia.
beaten, ibe yolki
lawr itolr remark*, anawer**! prooipl
Mloncfaoia to* iinpe* of ly: -Voo migtii do that: yrm might t«ii
aad norttori)
e wbitea toing
ly. tbe
tolog lanl.-o <o a Alff
ip Oil* new ID itom down. «<■ Hibt u«t one Ixick wa*
froth. Beni tto yolki
Ik* In iiglrtly lo tbe
lasSBOffi te TteTte— Oltjr Lumbar Oe
BOObad potalom wlib mH and I
Fnarl Pamao^Toa. dMr pM« U vrgy
left aundlnr ii|ma another. But itoce
I of boner _
Jo my _b ______
I* a pBwi-f hfbtiid tto brick* tbat
ilaofcrvom Whip baalway* give*'me a dollar for each
(Wnooli devtnvr. bonvver mnrb
in a creamy heap aad then yonr I have rived
may wl*b n> do an.~-\ll*aSnDar7
VaU* Yoaugrr. __
view of Ibe Worid.
Buffer from tbe elertrtcliy of ito ti
Pul the mlxiim- Into a aaiwoTta fa,,« i.r. ix.»,
pnh over tto Sir and etlr all. togrtber ?*" .X" •!” -r-r
(X*m iboroogbly boi: tton iitr* It on a
Rev. P. R. Clark, pivthletit of the
totor. and ito tree* then hlootn a aec.Still in boaloMB iiitb* old stond. House nod sign psiotAM nad in ii atand till qa"*’ co*d j
-------ond nine. Tto rbreiDOtaon the aide of I'olicd Soeirty of cbritHaa Rndeavog.
iug, pnpri hapgir g. decomUng, cs'ciinining. (tlsstag. Dstarsl
Cm the potato fWrir UXo roniuU or I A portrait of a_____________
the nveooe opfuwMr the tram line Iw- oald a good thing n-centlr:' “At oar
xxi finls^etf EMiuintcs
suin, M
M«ar*« with a r-niter lay (hr iwuw appotMtly ibeaboatdarhladoor a anld. “w> lancb oar chOenkfa lo a greaaed haking tin. bat do waa fonnd lb IWT la a BwUa Uka have to Ito ordinary way. droppma dren to pray for our tulmioMriaa by
thrtr leave* to late oainuin and !>)•>*•M allow Ibem to lourh each other, tad dwelling,
UeBdeece lOAfi £. Froot Street.
aoBing only In apriag- Tto eiectricpi nnme. nnd evrty algbl after ttoy hare
hake ta a qah« oien Wbeo they beNo. 16H.
_ _
CBirent for tto tram* paaMw onder- aakL *Now I toy me dowa to oleep.'
they add. niod Ueo* Mra. Logan and
ArtOMT them M a foM- ■* •
kaows stala aad aadm- wMa tramd and U oippMad u affect tba
Bentob Lngaa to
troM Ncwo-TrlboaA


laeast Pataiiat


UndertakioR Parlors Rjpynlo



- Aiddletwn.O.





A5; On CiA'^/CfSM/K



For Fire Insurance

::!”X talari.'';:,



MMfiML Tbwrs.




muffooD cuppinES- nemiock stoie wood



I Painting
and Paper Hanging'

i ^ ^



^ .1






MM» *Kh
wKfc Ibr
ibr MWMl
sottad QMlltT.
qaalltr, food
_ .
OUR 00OO- »<»»*«n«»lilp»o<lol«w»»coof tbp-popU>r“pe^
;0 OUR
Wicnra, and mj
KNrr noftoft.



coionnc of *CC> for e«jn<^ <• •

bMB. iaa«
lba« «i
«fl M Uimkm;
rMr «v b«M.
ot ^ ll ««« "
«-a. MU. m.i tM. *- ----------

^ ^T-TTi'l 1-nr--.r rartmrtj. Umm
,r„ .
Whk > ttmmm mt
t .dorMF n*. w. «%r^r
rrrat- ilTirirl

b»» Of b*. ool hen la tlw Ad•*»» ’‘•>0*' P>'0(4r.
^ raw n^

«aniirp ba» tbo bimtnuo or tb« naigliuwd poUrr Af AQipla prMcUea
;«m«n formica oonpriiitun iwt« mete
lpowrrt.;!lT prvrrd than la knit nndn------- In otier to Romi an iDiraiimt

ruoatrira for an^ BAppUn down to Uta
»na«tit tUaa. to It rMaonaMr to taur
And pWwtaiaoi aow
woum IBTT
hdr» MW
c^baMI Kot
At alt Xbr. k«tc of trad.- U tbr other

w~-r-------- ---------------- ------- r-------

(900 WiaacA

wuTlW facioclM a«t.««! aU
^ tiBi.' when the inwrat p*iUc7,
_______ the Iptrodoctlon of saiDco Into ibr BaaAnH-rthaa
• »aU<7 uf the failim of the repuMle.
:»rl.ri U. .pplM 1, tk ItwWW.i™'
’V^So.;' wM , •« ~Mc-U<«. Ot n>lUl«. -pKUM.^--------- '-lo tbnuaaada of Aawtteao *Taetas.~
aporuknown aad
aoiorod bj tbo chUdmi of thta and
othar cooatrtea la the praaoat da;
la; too
well to nerd deecriptlon.
^ dlawreiT my he of Utile
rfad than waa dreanted of a aeoeratl.*
A qwatloo ta ofira naked, boworar.
^ llw reaaifT nnloM ea<«ura«od h; ^ Aaiorlfana tried for

AiDortof tau ;aarm. oaparlaU;
trUuiti) legtalaitoa la lieu ^ farora- arrontpllal
thia wliboot the tartS. and can Jorraitea. aa to what the rabbit
iPPIt o,
»lp reoAomk- eoAdlltoM
the path <
_ nn,
ban baa to do with Baaier. Varr
prMThe art of kalitlat l<r A row of aetrcka of man; proia-1 ^ u .m hi.
..L -i.L.k .*
>4|pe la a taaililae waa laveatod In
b, (oirya ' 2ataa^L
.Knalaad In ia«. aa.1 a llitl.- taler the ;^ruJ.7ta-‘Vhkb mlMd
wotdd lower pr^ ' ?*?!?* ‘‘‘
J*. “
n;th of tbe Uetmaa I
•nthor of that U.rnitl.« dtaeorerrd a ^ThTlSSi rJ?.o.
-wa; lu -raabtao"
raloe u««
tbeoi „u.
acalu -b™
k,■- .HA^
mtratatil web b; addint to
hcea clfored of Am
^ hand^iierdlee ai tbe eoil* -r the row.
aoo aoii looieo. uw mue asimai nenu
«hoa ahapiac hla rMb ao tbai when
into the boote OO Batter err aad bMaa
b _
baaotlfoll; cokmd «Kga-for rxKl rhOr Hr. Bill
drrn." Whai n rrolk"reoalu lo Oadln*
ftnminc. al.0 ao ftadiah lor.^tloii. b«tbeni when inonirng cornea and how
n ITflA. allHv atik'L tliue (he ctllrf . lue iieniiu luiuh. iimi iiic
*•** annwl* that a rabbit could
llm.ierie. In rooaertloi, wIM. knltllnc
remeijv f" IJu illTd•“
"**•- •«“ <»«»» W
lave Iwet) made In ilita .onnir;. Tba ....
.____-_____ ,AtbebabT’
' to
dtauad la Be knit ^a frame run br

fan" Ritwu urifr and mait^ Thia lai
* “•"‘n-l-'W ••mf en rarlaiioa In
ki.. -Ill Ik™ ikiKik. m to"?''JiS
1A5H. ac-amidubed ibe work automat- ^
P~tec«ioo oni of oar fiatwl a;a- ate., ao tiylnj to -mamma't oerrea."
iaducInS heaitacbca. ptoatratlon and
other like Ilia Ucatilnc fnn^ebow
aide the water--baa
coo ofira dl«wmaa to born doiee bit boute rather

than keep It In tvpalr. Uadoubtedl; tbo
«hiae. It bad Kullab and Preach pradwhk* .Mta^ nn^elo^
Omtaa method
«M1I It a
“ of
.. the
T AmmlcAA
rr Dieaanrr
beliic to all diacuatlon of tbr Porto

I. tblcrTm rttr *rST^


orer which a lorrl; to; rabbit kerpa
WAtch aatll MCb child ctalma lu owo
10 the aarl; dawn of the da;, when, acoordltw to
ancient tuperatmou.
tupeniltiou. “tba
iw aooeBi
eraatarea of tbe flelda and bilb aad
tbe atiD daiKwd for Jo;r2H44. llereworribelbiref.clom.»e-l'*^^i^J,'
I Ibot brlu; back to tbemaelTee tbe
Half a doaeb ;eara ago -Americno
Vhealioll; apeaktns. of a-hai li now a
old ita;a of p
. Tliey wonld not diHdren wonid bare been bewildered
steal Iwlutir; In tbir runatry. tbr drnt an; IniroductloD of n rabbit among
«ntar kuliier. au-am awl tbe ae«1ns
tbeir Eaater glfu and could not hare

s: s:;r™'T,' ilsirsi::

J'n-rlont lo tbal ehange there wera
war; f^w AmrtIcAn makes of ad;-JTPO'
taitau. ludi-ed tbe writer, though In
dnudi with the trade then and ever
Aloer. ran rail to mind bnt two or throe.
One of tbTM pmdueed Sne 'irgutar
made" fnralA l>oth all wool and meriSo. « bU-bJD winter weight* retailed at
Itrpm Sa^O u. »S or more |a-r gamenb
Tlie best »f Ibetu wt-er cuusldered to ba
AbOTl ns good as en.-k Ibigllsb makaA

1. bnt later bad eatabllsbed repnia«kWB wbicb gave ilM-ni tbe preference
Snr man; years atul enabled rvlallm lo
•mke belter proflls on Ibein than on
<ke Amerienn make alladed to. be4W«Mi Ibe wbolenie prices of wbkb
amd titose of toglisb good* there was
Jem dlffereDce Ihou at mall.

d-kK ..dkun-i.. K p.'
enkm Tk km. Urtor, U «IU I.

to aing at Ibla araaon. Today, bow-.
aver, tbe rabbit la generally Accepled
ns entlrel; onbodoi.
Ad old legend run# that Indra. tbe
national and favorite god of ibc lUnak.Kk dlanlwwl aa a fnmtablna nllvelRi

.-■S -^
MM. O m> .kOdi

, of Ihr prlrat. wh.. mM:
akaiK. f.iW.

tt be doubted If sneb eriide apecl•ena could be found anywhere In tbs
Afnerlenn market today.
Fbr Ibe price tast named soft. dean,
we* ahaiied and »«4I made underwear
«nn new l>e hnd and In a great variety
of kind*. Per summer Ibece are rtnl
tan*.' sinootli. eUMic. elegant
It*, aadi a* enuld not he bad 80
ICO for three times tbe present
laoikltu: tlimttsh
k last anmiiier the writsw conntral more than tn'kiwi* of win-.
Act wsdgbi Am-ed gnort.-eoiton, wool
^ and evea Mlk Beeced-tt^Mttlt at from
J-B8 cents to n. nanny of them of fas
n«am.v. Willie abere were h<wla of
wbHe. gray aed fancy goods of single
’'''Ttegtnre, all dran. neatly ma>le and
knndM-me good*, at tl>e iwiite price*, a
gMd aliarv of them In llw SO cent dgaa.
Aa a furtber evldeoce of the trsmsnRaw devetopmeat of this hnslAesa. abnBMr underwear taHter rareotl; told
tbe writer that he bad SOO anmbm
at nnderwear, wKb a Mock of each. It
ta bellered that aU W m«ri; aD of
tUs vast eoHecUoD waa of AnMttaAB
■auufaiiuit. OsntTust for n moment
Ida aeanl; supply of 40 ytura ago wtth
- ■ > Af tba gft.

I nrapad ool}

I aerat. who awd
U>»- fTHBrmr'naUI
lldan- and hi. pro....................................>><iihI blu> voi. and. ntambar(• Mth. tkrIB

W lI.J'-. 1

----------------- •

B matloa.

IA Son's Self Sacrifice I



recpolir la Pranre
FYanre a aiaa
Tterr died recpoiir
ronntd pan of a atnner hitla-.
wa. the h« of a lain (he .•oah-rrator; of

tVbeo ihe.r .erwralnl. Jeea

tb*5.T^*hlle Therood weat lo ro>*<raal>nra. tie w.tit lulu hoalD<-« atMl uartled aad faronaht hi. oM falb.-r t.
^n,nnii iil..
«< rr bom. ail of wbimi died etre|K the! »tpteiUw,UMIU«mmuHe.Syj^iii*iSL
Henri. Jl. TWen-ud haramo a ,
fjeat laU.uad man. Ur wa. eboaea prro-j
»'"« “ a Mlenlilir atirletr. anil bin f
t na.
in t
kroaUe uf ______

p<K+el1«* of a moom.-r at a funer^ ^
f w a. bripln. bi.
f.tber In derontiu fraroh nbea M.
1( .-ame to pant
Ulat. « weahly mt*. ritii.d bit dtufh- read) a>mti..neO
bbtorr. had
teltina ne<
while U. 1>U* «a. amin« “"•"■'•'d hh way,
la, f„r derormbm. J.-at> mw tbe well
'retdinc irtatrrial
P.K-h. «br»k whlrh be carrird. Jeaa
- ”
nf ihk Itnilpuul >t the Wr.trMu.m«tLin... .
bi* ni.tun) lu (>«.• bb leburr mometit. I ema ■ m oRn ^
io l-ukiDa oret the pictorial periodk-aJ*. ‘ H IM A|\A K 1 F" 1 J
. ...
............................... - and otw (lar hi* alumtion n.. ttlraeted b-l Wf^l * • ^



Tamiin'. d-it in ibe Rn.- deepeate.
railnmd magnate, and an forth.
“Whit aitn did yoo pluBderr* asked
"> «"><<’
<>>«i wat Jeon Uonioa.** j
Ja<n.m Remrin, ooe of bi, eompnatoat. '*7^';!__________________ _
i. a«oa>paa;i
"Wa. Ii ; who mrred Ibe man In Pem ..Then he read ibe word.
ited a. be rawd. ^

Good wbeeU tor wle ebsAp
OD tioA or for ciAh, at

v—■ <!«>


hi* .rw«.
frtrod pnirea
neere4 m
.1 toe
tbeunwume lime—-and
up lom iM I


JTk." '

Itl SoaU DaIm ■

be wore for hb life. Tliey toroed the cnlilratp Sowrn'— That t
... ouLe ...................................
... in
In aa f.Uii«
fatbiiin at Per.^-!fl_.a «k«|a., »d be w. wound.-d
altahtlj. jonb b«»luit*
Bome «tw-lti.r Jeon'wa. .-tpiupril. con--rf,,!.,, if ,bi, |, Jean, m; fatnrr blWOfl HIMl
- . "f'be
„erim.. tod f-nt fnr tl* ream n„a... it I p, and IdeiiUf; him. be wlU
pay btndanmely for tbe keepii
ly i»S Jmo
iript ***“*-' —^

Uclulw. whep- hU father ttU!
worked and. fmj»ving mine briekt frocn
tbe tear of a furoaie. hauled mu a pocketlw* cuoitlninc wreral tboaaaod
proeeedt of
rtiW liorl
f«»«w 'he rtii-'
- of the
..........Ibe ivblwty ..f V

Priwm an, time m
arrre uai hb neetmrd'
Rirrrin Went to Htraaaburg
t,ad lakeo t good look at M. '
-Ji,.-. my man Thr li.p of tbe
Ibl.d bnms ..f Hie right band U gone. I

pi»^ like a cemetery elibee
for nukkly siviulnug wraith ur safely depoaiting/lt." he aaid.iu bit father, whh a
triu, ,
"•* **“•
hnill. wilb dark <viw|k.-yU.u awl vurlluE

pit'll;!;;,drm'‘”Ah trat
|i,. » j|i p,,
btnd«.m^-at deaat
grituri franc.- I win wrer^ return to
i*„.j.. I will retire to a quM pUra sod
niarfy. WJ.y buO I an. only 48. U.
Ikwiuuulina. run bia.( set luur carda an-

w waUmo Dw
« Dfloll U.
W .-Kik- K. ykf-

iji 1
ssBss itBssasaasiBs'

Tbe wcifdt uf The Herald are ehlefl;
iDlen-minK. however, at abowina tbe
leiu|H*r of tbe free traders. It It ntanlfittly their Inienilon to Ukeadrantace
10 aHae ever; ofe
was praying for fo^. A rabbit pity. ^
J^bthmld*'-:: ^fla^g.'!'^
portunit; to advance Ibe Iniervsla of
tag hU dlMreoa and haring notblng tbera wa. a wwr on bi. fora- Tb. m^^venitw U ^
1 the
fiee inde aq
dae to give
dve bim, tbraw tlaelf Into tbe bead Jo.t under the hair, which cnld be b^'wTa" dH^mora
lid not morn nutate
nod] late. Kto
IndOKtr; tieftrui lng pulley. It beboovea are that It migbt be ronsied for bla Maillly made lu .v.neeal the
ton saw thatit be wa* eicited and wanderb Ibe ^.0
ic mark. O
tbe iKotectlonUls. tberefura. lo Ite etor- benefit nnd;.ybe graiefnl Indra iranw da;
bum to quh tb» i,if
heart bim ^walking hb
nail; vlglUot -and to resist rigoroual;
a« nt work when nearly all Bight. Hr arnl to btulaea*
ever; attack, bowevrf alight. p]tM tbe
'It «la) i« nsiial. In the evcoloi he
aysieiu on wbh b Ibe prasperit; of tbs
_k’*lt> left Ibe bouM-. au<l bis son follow•RMfgfSalttS :S88
Atuerican people ilefwfid*.
ed biuiJ Hr sa* fai. father mraf a maa
A Taiiad Dollr.
o bi* fa- jp
sdjaceol *<«*!. Tbe two talked
UateriaU; ho. 88 Ibreud. floaa and
as be handed him exriuijly The *ou beaid an outer; and
amaU piece of Udcu.
- . .
aas bU father strike Iheer or four blowa
Tbe wbael for tbe dtamood sU|
take ibb money nod. hide it for ,i,h
*,.apon at the other man. wba
deUcy Is made tbna: 10 long p wliItb »^pa^^
' fell. U. Therood stood over tbe proslooey in bb pock- trace form and atrnrk three or four mora
Ur. W. K. Oalmrne of ADsunla. Coon,
«e side. ^ drop- blows. Then be turned ntray. rasbtd
and a-rapreaeitlBilve bnalneaa man of
,o the wnlUlathe toward the par* to which bb borne aiood
was a dil for tbe reception *yd entered It.
Itiai ell;, taalllle* In no uncermlo terms
of orders.
He knew bow lu eeeover It 'y.


lo nwpect Id tbe luagnlUHle and the
»str to de on.
sulwianttaUty of tbe pn>a|H-rity wtalcb
••I- U Th,
vnueed toward Jean,
ilverin said;
“Seise him! Tbb la Ibe mueilerer of resaioB my sun trft tbe house, eridently
U. liusr'
^ him. F-srl; ' '
^ OL.bOaKWOOO.Q P AT.A. OraM AagM*
Addressing JraB.


aakiiagtiidcaatka ;stt«8H



™ -r™ .

kmnilc.,. .WL .. k.ri, .. <k wKik'
W. -HI—.Umm k ^ .... .
. ik-ik_ ti.k iikk 11 r ■■ ■ I t Akk. *'•1' fitrfbi'r atul aava. ‘ .kclualt; I

■ttaoed. Ibe lowering of price bas been
(at tuotr RdIcnI. exceUent all wool and
mcftno sblrts and drawera. regntar
• tande. mnlUng nt «2 aplecv and npverard.
. lUet AOriceaMe Mill are tbe rbangea
'evAAgbi In tbe more "popular" ctamm
yR OAderwear. A kail tenoleo underabln coMlnr •» a dsAen at wboleaAta
'AAd (T-Ulling for $1 ao Uiriy at 80
■ trenra ago w-a* somellilng frightful. It
Aplieam) to have (leeQ made of CArprt
nrool and bnrdurk l-ura. and ibe aeAmt
■wrere great, bulk} ri«l^. The cotton
BAdeewear retailol at rs) ersila waa an
4)11;. aog*.e gray arU.-le whleb would



.^lo««Ud.«n.JonMo«l,W b«.'prtc«wo«ldhaTo<«.ttaanJt.b. t*,lf«.
. U Cnnpa. ,aad with OO I Tbe w«t foUowInf Eiator Banda; m »•« a. m

HI...., - I- kkink.. r., b..k.


toM IkJt -UAiMo Of «ilMt Joat aprontISf AboOO Uw t»T0A» COrUl W* «M
tfcy a«UR Uoi
tato tha UoUin* pot »4 MM
t. W:
tba Taka' csfa. that tbof nilcbt !*■ ^ Mi ta. uAy
! Sreoo la aevotd with all crowiaf
0«u>an lattod tha mO or hahaad madr
BaglaBd la cndlud with—cb« » w
----- --—-------------------------------^
____ t.-.
' • •‘'A
“** twwn. Hi' tn<* o<> aoih-e
«rat docoradoa of «**a. prtaMtil;.fUd ~
m ST hS
wfw*7^ a"^.

etc., niaklac
*hd tatpodailnf riM^ ttc..
war. tvitb no daasnvoa rotapetltloe tbm ratr an>aaHatt1.|o aerva aa Eha- **a.. aui. mi ivr

.. Arm
n—. apidlcl
.-..iLki t.« k.i.. 1 s-idj"
Khwo lariir.
n<«ni Iwloe tbm


■ vter. rrMAdr «
t-Dttsi-d aad orjdml a mall )>unh> «r tOd win.. Airor
.MIHdaslbb vtae iW prina aaM. appai, mlr to tW vurld at ta. .
' **Kia. w'rbirtL »ud >>•■ ui'M trMB r>fo
I LarbaiM." Tho laadliord ■rtapp d Id tbr
an or draviag a <ork and aanrlrd. n d
Oaoioo drrv a ttdl of MUa uot of fais
purkn aad huErd a( tbnn.
“Poor 4mb. pour Jracr”

^ ytth mt'. At^
tte ttrfB



the rolled KiBirw." It lanT^raAge
tbai Ur. Osborne bas this klcA. There
4 a between, close. Hr and ent <
are dvubUesa men iu every arctloD of
IbrcAd. Aronud tbia make a i

k. k„, kr„ ™

Tui r,.'Vof r. r^p

ntk"'ir. o7kl'.ni'«t^7Uritv ”a'i!d'JITh **= ^
1 d A & p With 3 d a
o-k ...»>o„.....i^«-rii.;.liH^tnihe
»««••<•*>••• d A Uakc laoflbe wbesU.
Is lou orvupM in
em by middle picul* of lb*
Inslsieat dcnuiDil* uf bU ever lucren*Ing Imalnrws to liave any time to Iwdk
the l.u.ine» mindltlon*
au critically
linen In tbe desired al.ape ami buttonl^hlMsIbe railr^i^ral? the ^^^■‘of . *'•'• 'I'b 'be Ooai. cau-blug eacb pkot
ih. o.tmtrylst«viugjBMihrramcci- of Uje telling. Cut the linen from baiwrlcme Hull hi* scrtlou I. having and
®dgc and prvaa cntefully.
tiiat lil* *e.-tH*n I* DU marvel, oo ex- i
-------------------------n-iUlou. Is ool even In any way UDUsn-1 AtDska •• Wane Wite Wash iblesa.
si Id that It 1* enh.ylng a luraaurv of
Pretty stocks to wear with wmah
un-iicrtlT never enjuyed Iwfore. Prxk Ablru are made of ebambray oKUnsn
te. th.0 b a gieat Iro.der. It levM* np mndraa lo a solid enlor and tnaet with
...I II k. 1. kTkw u.nbu™
k »

“V..,r am, rri™J. SI... T.™.,.. k.
tbe mUsiBg |dece." uhl Rlverin.

k.. I. u.. rn.«mi.. r™m

... ...*.1 .k ...K
couiiiry np tu « ptaite of marretant
pent; never Iwfore rracbed.

free nhtp Hamuwn.

buml ,
for luilf a ecniury Into trying to adjtm
tbeir uiariiliiK-polklea lo It. ttf rooriw
tbev have failed. Tbe Brillsb have
galuetl. Dot by buying Ibelr abips
nhmid. hot by peranodlng forelguera

.or .o
lo attempt
to ^.tw
etmipHe «..D
with .os-io

Tbe Pen laniflette KiM

rUk l~.,S

“ >"
jj xberund lived oa honored and re'F^naUx ®< ■“ ‘‘1.
Wluw ritiaeo.. Before hi. death hr pok(eased hb crime, llw guilt i
sumed. All hi.
-rated. A* tu t-anl 1




pin of the flan .which abe pn^i
Mr band. Atierwsrd they o.sdc
Ax OrS Emplds
Wrtan iM ^
Tir‘r*r.B*' 4^!l;r““.‘'nl‘‘ie’[iS^rd“Mm
‘ . fe.W..ncv in my bur...-, llb dem.od* and
to m
hi.! 7^. k..
ro*-. 0.1,.,
drove Z
my brat mret“It i.
. .h.
the lodge.
O.U., kgk,’
be gtanaatm
of your
thrv*iM.«» o.yy lif^
U***'* *»Wcta«i» mu.t bsw luen -.k—™ meeting I armed niysHf with a kniCv
--I™.-' —
iiiieiiiioe of killing him unkw* be

11 m




.„ ___
- -s"I
' '
hi. rapavioii. demand*
Psrarai'lTo Umm.
ThU was a falsi blander, an
and slew him "
Omen U a very decorative color, but
B ta a mistake to nse maaaea of It la t
Ji. '
K*l«»eHai.d s.hI bed repeated^
, ,j^d napect. For n dlnlna ^.7 ^
» .ktx-i______ **»“ fbdied by bis fsiber. returned aeon

"How long Ir*i1
aa u
nod wall pttwr in order to get tbs ham
— —Ji.
effect, and tbe carpet abouM always
P in tbe Koe Kt. Usnr.
n positive color In the room S*a
--------- ------------- --------- - — — —
“INwtf raitvOK ttr
allaiaa." says
tnauoce. wilb red paper bara n dow nil day and shewed bb tprih at tbe e pn-mioet
Ami It b true
Mch ted carpet In two sbaitaA nud wBb ehlUlitm. Hb master wbe« im b-fi of a that wbeu
not gvLta bb food
lbs sea by buying Brtttah bnllt ahi|«. tapentry pai-sr Uv* ^
aai orieotnl
orieotnl nia.
rug. morning Bong aa old coal oo the fw and . the -Umul
tlnre tliU fraud
with dark blue ns tba pradomlnattaff ^
Like all oiherTree trade HteorivA 11 1a tone.
tbe ra
. . _
n .KtiidMi and k auare.-Xew york
One of tbe beat tinu for tbe globe of bJ*hb' iMstcr^Mld ti
Mall sud ExpreoA
n parlor tamp la yellow. It srlll.giea n Impuaity.
•M It Will not rwewet.
If tba eoudtTT could noly foegel tbe
WOami taw. Mr. Bitaa ml^t tall back
OA the tariff taaue. Aa tbe case stnudA
bowerar. It would term a preriy for-; Abonia o« aats a irwae, oat urn paper
.rak.... .uolllBgl: . ..
loiv lasoA AAdym tbeanly t>rmocratle, abouM ran op to tbacoUlag aad RAtak BasBie.
I Of clemrau that atiBatotr and aonrish
preahtoat tbe country bn* had Iq, 40 , off wHb a pletare raO. A rteb cranml Jn« befor 0 a’rieck Oaatak
•t tba tba body, ha* a moral as weU as a pbyau aad tenad aa old awmaa, lad bracfitl-SaUle Joy Wte-ta Wam■
, -- ------------------------------------------yearn «na eleeted m lL-Oa*4go (N. witb a daab a( gUt to ran
l mttag btaqd puddiag aad ditaktag aaut
Bsms CompaabmT-1 nmsA
• cbmrful ter tea papartaf.


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