The Morning Record, March 02, 1900

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The Morning Record, March 02, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



TUid Yetr-No. 881



oflAdycmtth Hm Bms

ma»r» Amr ft—iiy ViMotiM
tM Ct—t BrtMia to faMwtOoutoy Amad
Wvw fiw fna ttoa Soar*-;
LoMm. llM«h l-Tha toM at Udj
•aUbl—taM latoad. aad wMla tto


aaa —«al aOatn«<tba
tattraa jatadv


Tmm Old.
I T«tlidkr by a Aaa«oat^Tdto*M«ka».
waM ladlaa H*kl* Waa Vttk

waa tka taMtam of Ika aa?7. tha
Mmav7 faio»—^ad tkraa Una
miamet tka Olmkto UiMaaA toralaa
aad ta: Saay Taan a (tea Oaaapaa*
taakaata. aad nld ka laBaalad tka
Jadffmatof tka kaaid of aaaatroatlaa.
Ad—nl Oo«m am—d tka foeanSortkara KUkifaa'o oldaat elUaoa
■aadatlcai of tka aaaialaiT- Baapoka was koaored U l^ama atyyaitortay
e( tka aaaaaaltr M a larga aaaal fam at aa lateraal rooaptUa to MwUaatkataaaattep»an<- taa kaU. Maay eld pkmara aad dU ■
lac tka aooa, aad Moat eaUBaiulle of aU, a
lac Ua raamt aad «
lieiMitk has aadtad am man laaoBbaroftka local m>toBon wore
«Ma aatkadaam. Tba paatataalaf- tcada of tka poopU Ikara.
tett a( Omni Bate la tbafaaaof
• ka* aieitad r«at »dOaaUl Wbippla, fatailUrlyl.kootni
aifatioa far tka moral aad >la kcava
ttnopt akd kta daal aaaaaaa in raaobiac: A. A. MeOoy A Sob Have Sold Tkalr amoarkielwioaofMeadaat t'aele Daa,
waa oae koadrad yean of a«e yeatorte kaai««rad eity aad------•tore to W. A KKIoraad VUi
day, harlny boea boro oa tba flnt day
aftkaB»«n kaa kroafbt fmt ra)aleDarote AttoatiOB toVoUtoeo.
of Morcb. 1»00. It U doabtfal If tbera
iar^roiirboat Oreal BrlUloi
Tka dtapatob which braarl^t the UdAolnporUnt boaloea* cbaaffe waa Ua Biao io the ooootry «bo baa
apaaoad tbe aioytadotb oeaUtry and
laratsofieUl aad baa baaaM*a»(>br
UoOoy k Soo diamd of their (r«;t |
baadahipa aad rxpertka war affix:
"LritlaumHi B'
atore on ProBt atreet which they hare , *«oeod aucb a thnlllitp oarnr.
Daadoi aid. with ^_________________
eoortucud for the__________
paal Bine yaara.
Voatrrday'a event baa been looked
—OiOta m.—OjB
-------- ‘ forward
to lor
a week with
tka Maul oarbloaara and a 4o»P<*ll«
1 deal wae
la tka altar-;
bytbecloeal devoteea of
iltb luteicbt., .q.. ..j ^be saw afraer uwk
Uwk ImBMdlinoMdlI tbe red. trap aad yaa and .the rcauit
Tka eoutry between me
me 4<* ^7-iaU
heraafU-r f“‘lT*>o««“‘ toe expeoutione. Will
amltb to.clear of the» eBo4T. I am
'Mnrrel. who U an iateoae admirer of
aovUroB Nellborpe.
eoadnet the bnainem. baa bean
similar baslaem in TbompaoaviUe. Ba Uncle Dan and an aatboalaaUe sporttWbea tbe offieUl aanonnee^Bt waa raoeatly aold oat hb store there aad maa blaaelf. tpnad blmaelf U preparaaade Atca ware AoUted oo koUle and oomea u tbb dty aa a yood fleld for iny a royal feaat for tbei eenteaarian
and Bb trtaada. A -loBy Uble yneed
•tkor taildUiri aod Oaoeral Beller'a fatore baalsem.
Meeeaa ana ievarywbera reedvad with
Mr. MlUar will auke exUaaiva Im- tba oanire of the haU and tbe followlay
eabaUBtUl menn wee eerved:.
tbe^kartleat aatUfaoUoB. Tba lord
myor telerrapbod ooMfoto—Hone to fntara. Tba baUdtsy will be remodel­
•mraU WblUaod Bailer, ^bea the ed, aew paper vriil be buny aad aa ea-Brwwsari Bauer
fOdB molved tba oewa at. Wladm tiraaow troat pat ia. Maw flxUree
mtU. tkebaUaU tkeearfew tower of will be pat U tbrooyboat, and' tbe aaIkdoaotUwereraof.
tira plaee fitted ap U the neatoet poaThe aoeaae of )oy tkreart^t Aav- albla maaaer. Ia addition to tbe aad tbe foeau aod tka hoaocad vet>
ted wkao tbe aewe of tbe relief of pcoeeatteek. Mr. Miller will pat U e eraa were la exeeUaat trim to anjoy
Aadymtk baeame coteatly kaowa lUo of boohs aad sutkwary.
Uaele Dan eame to tbe^eity early.
have BO yarallel U ike m'emorUeof
A. A. MeCoy and B. A McCoy wUl
by bb elooaak friend.
kkU caMratlOB. Tbe Jabllatioa 1b remaU U tbs eity- Tboy wlU eoaI«Bd0B BBotBrsd BroBBd thf MaitalOD ttaae la tbo pputo and appio bnalaem, Alex MaaoB. with whom be wUI spend
Bom AtDooodMmaBdabloekedtka with wbloh tbs atore bai laierftrod to tbe remainder of the winter and tbe
M—foe CenUr. Re
auay aoproaebee to that frim beiidlar
exuat. They will be able to rive
Ufly their entire attoatioB now to the baal- walked five miles of tbe dbUnee to tbe
city U the momlagnibeam took
bC btulaaai mea. tka aiajortty earryloy
aad win iaeraeae Itt volame.
tbe two ia eherye when they reached
UtlU UbIob daeha Mevar bdtora wao
town and many were tba eonyratcUthareaaehBaalooMlatm.
tioBs showered upon the old Indba
UAllolUm of BofUad daft flaw
flybler and hnnur.
•VBrywkare. wbUUea tooted, belU
Aflnr tbe odmpany had yatbered In
Bbimed ead erowda paraded t^e atreeu Bapibie ^lU Ureat'y Bnlane and
the ball Senator Mllllken called thtm
tectocpaulotUeODCt. BatiaeM area
Improve Tboir Obarcb. At a Coat
to order aad '.tbe Uble wao toon ecrttveaBp. aebooU eloaed and vaaaeU
of About $4,000
rooaded. Uncle Dan oecnpylny Ue pact
draued akip.
A very ImporUat meetiny ol tbe of honor at the head of tbe board.
A dUpateb frt*m Lodyai^Ui aaya:
••A portlBB of tbe foreaa of Ueaoral Baptbtebnreb wao held laat evealny AfUr tbe divine bleoslny was invoked
pate, bwdod by Lord Dqndoiiold'e la tbe ebnreb parlon. The eobjeet by Bev. a-DoeblU tbe ynmu fell to
bone, tbe fall foree of Metal earblaea that waa op for eoMldemUon waa tbe and qalekly diuaeed of tbe yood tblnya
•ad oevea eompaalee of oAer rafi- propoaed ehaare in tbe bBlIdlny. —4 Whan the mcaVtrae eonelnded they a)l
tbe head of 'tbe uUe
mBto.amoBrtbamBomeefthe DnbUn there wao yroat anaaladty no to tbe
aed> Laaeaehtrea. have eoarae that aboald be pareaed- Ae a aad aayarly Ibleandu the old veuraa,
reaebed ibU
aad raUad the aelra rmalt of the Btaetlay, darlny toe eom- who b oanally Ivory retleen^ abont
Thay earn# tU the toad aerou tkb KUp Iny eammer tba ebarob wUI be re­ retorrlny to bit paat adveataroas
river aad eeet of Oaenria bUl. ■BabBort modeled aad Improved tlU it wlU be earoer. Tbe ytsodebeerof bb birthday
mtotday manUr bmffbl tba lator- one of tbe flasat atroetaree in tbe eity. aad tbe manlfeet devoUon of bb frieads.
Two ptee bad baen propoaed. one to
him to relent and ba
mtte that Oeiiatal Bailer expeeud U
MUeve tbe tarrleea witbla t« bean repair the praeeDt boUdlay. the other eatorUined tboae yatbered about him
•Bd eomqaeally >be retoioia« waa to eeantolely romoAa) It. Tba former wltb tonebea of tbrlUUy eveats in bb
grnt. Aoaoral Whlu moAo prm»: woeldaoataboat$l.k00aad tbe Uttar Ufa ea tbe plains aad U tba teaeto aad
flImtenUyeatualdtboadvaaoe of $4.oea. The teUr pte waa adopied mOBDUias of tba yraat went when
t^a Britleh if aeoomary."
white men first Invaded tbe frontier..
Tbe propoaed ohaBya will provide
It It were written aad pablbhed tbe
tmU tbU afurDOoo asothor dUpotek
from Bailor, dated Melthorpoe. auted fo> a bandeomd brick vaBeered boUd- etory of tbe life of Dan Wbipple would
that ba bad retnroad from Ladyamltb. lay witbaseaUny eapaeity of eboat road like a romanea of fietioo. InsUtd
also addlaf that tbe eoaatry b free 4tt U tbe mala audiaaoe room, yallery of aetnal exporieneea of an ordinary
aad parlota. wbleb cas all be thrown mo^. Bqrnon tae flrat of March.
from Boere.
.A memaco from Beaabdrr autm uretbor. In addlUon, there wUl be a 1800. of hardy New Bayland etoek. in a
tfabtthe Brftbb aoder Oeaaral Oam- baaemeat aoder tbe oatlre etroetare bomeatoad at Praakllnville.lCaUraninie
that wlU fnrabb am^e room for Baa eonntv. N. Y.. be beyaa a career which
day aebool aad eoeUl yataerlnye. Tbe was filled with adventare and exc'tcOBVBT AT OBABO AAPIOS
balldiny will have steam beatthrodyb meat. Until the aye of «s be lived
with hb parenu and then aUrted oat
• Admiral Will TUlt the faralWre
Snbaeriptkme wiU be ukea atloae
to axploto tbe yreat weat, then precU
City la dune.
> proride la eaab. After
Ur^to i cally unknown. He bad pUnned tbe
> wi^l b Janmey wbea bat 14 years of aye aad
tbe imptovei
Otaad Bopide. March 1-it
Aos Ooscreaemao Wm. Aldw Smith poshed. Bad at the Ume of the dedieastart wbea twenty-one.
■ erat reoelved here uday anBoanclng tlon. what rmaalos of tbs lodebiedaeas bat bb father peranaded him to euy
that Admiral Dewey baa decided to will be divided Into abaree. and each another year by tbe olt«r of wayee ol
Oltit tbte city derior tbe flnt week in Aamber of tbe ebureb will be allowed • Id per month. Be etayed with tbeold
Jaae. Tbeel^ UcDibneiaetlc U mak- u rabaeribe tv ebarm. to be paid wltb- fi^lks. and anved every cent of bb
lay arraaremcota for ibe eeieereUia ioflve yean, with laUreel at « per yeer's wayee then with that asm end
Aarlaf tbeeevaraldayeof tbeAdmiral'e
Mn. Braadfoot will aolleit tbe i u, amoant of proveoas tavlnys be beItUnowpractloaUy amaredtbat
ibereoftbe ebofoh for tbe »l,ooo ^an bb lonir and tedlowjonniey alone.
Be traveled w Beffalo and from there
matloe will be eeUbreted at tbe ei
It b probable that the baildlay op- embarked aboard a amall mUboat ^n
time, maklay tbe yraadaet oalebrai
eratlooe wUl
aboat the flrat of Lake Brb for Cbbayo. A lony trip
tet the city bee ever eeaa.
' onder trylny etreemeUaeae. Tbe
eel called hp tbe tea and tbroayb tba
•TATB errs TAAf.
etralU of Maeklnae aad finally raaehed
a Tariffof Ifiicbieayo mmfetj. At that time there
a Oe. •arraadare $lS.' ware bat- two eteameca oo the Oraat
MT.TB of Aeaey la MUitary Deal.

Ibkea. aad those were ran oo Lake
Weehinytoa. D. C.. Marsh l-Tbe;^^,^^ worn ode very Ualynifleanl
Dauoli. March t -AUotm^ Oeaaral
OiOBte reeeUed tlt.««7.Tt from ibs'
to tbe Heouover tbe
AmaeOaefKalamaBoa.the ten tortf MU ended yesUrday attorJoorney to tbe U^t West.
aokaowledyUy tUt the
toe bill vrae amended by
Chica^ wbea Dan Whipple laadad
aossy oaote Uto tbclr hands witboot daelay tbe tariff lo is per cent aad
maklny tbe Uw temporary, and pnseed there, waa bst a email riltee aboet as
*kat is now the oortbwmt
Tbe toUl claim of tbe euU b for ' by n votpSf it: to lai. The Bepabllmansyera wwo snrprbed at tbe eomar of Travarae (»ty. Mr. Wbippla

Big Blizzard



Keep Dry]

away any |longei>-4he now dosiKOB areTso charming.

Fair «inalily

Womg's Rubbers

The Old Reliable City Bdok Store

Good qnaiity

35 cents a pair
Children's Robbers
Ti to -1

Hobut. Bseoher Sc, Thompson, Proprietors.


13 cents a pair
Men's Robbers
SO cents a pair


Neat Patterns. '■
Spring Styles.

Tber are here
and are beaeties.

. Popular Shoe House.

Mothers of boys, age 7
to Hi. should see our new


Boy’g Suita.


«2..'i0, tsm, KJSO. 84.1)0.
»4.0(l. 8-..00. *i.00, 17.00,




All Jackets now^Half Price.

Thus NRVS I’mrk in
miT NiifLl'e Dream":
There were no t“lephi>iieB in
Shakespeare's day,or he wouidiiave
realised that two.thirdK uf an hour
Wbal pould the Bard of .\\n>n
Hay if he'were to revisit the earlli
and behold the wonders of the iuoomine Twentieth Centnry, the
most msrvelouti of
which Is the L-lephoney
With tlie telephone
you cau tolk and. rec«ive an
POBTY KB'0X1 is!,


Handsome Styles
* In rii


Plain and Fancy Spring Suitings
IpclutliuK the popular plaid backts. Prices .*»0c to $2.5U
a yard—Just opened.up and plaeod on sale here.

We aro olosing2oot>112of oar mos's boAvy
goods, oonsisttng of


Miller's Cash Store.


j Keep Up
I With The Band. I
Some Prices:
Stoves worth $:i.40 s«ll
.at.:................................. $2.72 •
Sbives worth $2.25 sell

inis I
lOcal.......... ...................
M bars Jaxoii soap..........

S,- $
Wm- f

6 per cent, off on all


Bu-........ ) SHOES
Risset - - - Clirenie Black Velnur Penn leather




.\ll are strictly first-class, the very latest styles—most of
them ars leather lined. Former prioee wore $3.60, $4.00,
$4.60, $4 76 end $5.00

Onr only reason for closing them out is that we do pot
want to carry them over for next winter.
Bemember—Your choice for $2.98.

Front Streot

OUu Block

^W.W.fiHler'sGash Stem [

22C Front Str»t.




Too will find a fine line of

Stomped Linena, all sizes of Sofa
Htiowa, Down FiUows, Cushion
Conls. BdUenbnrg materis's of aU
kinds. A full line Beldine Bros.
Embroidery lessons jfiven free.
8S7 Front Atroot.

by tbe eUU i (rsawal, te ap to tbe hour of votiay they i oa towards tba.Mbsbaippi dote toe
oUimed only a majority of from three joamey by •toys, railroads belny
kaown. Be sroased tbe Mlaelaeippl on
first of aU. bat the Haadesaoa- to five.
a* ■aBe baraefervy'* aad tboa traveled oo
teMs Oo-aadtheanraty eompaay are
Tba Uw ayalaat apa—te $to U say
by ateyo aad on foot nntU bo roanbed
wauia od tbe sUto axeept tbe yioat
bald to be eqaaUy rmpoaalbU.
teas wool Uto effect yeotorday. tor tba Wilde of Mbaoari. bb deatUaUoo
tbcoexttonrmaoths itwUlheaaUw- bate tbe Mbaoari river. BbpUmnp
hhd OhUdrsM' Sasetoy r-ty
falto apw nay fish ax^ytmalUt., to tte time btey to oxytore that
(Oeattoood — tUffipaya.)
ymtoflka. rod rite asdsatera.

School of Music




Alfred Y. Friedricli



. Bhnt off our WaU Paper Bale one
day only. People could not etay

Womeg's Dibbers




/X/y'/' /f}

Daa Whtppl* On* Handr-l
Washtactoa. Kai— 1-Tka mermwrj
Adainl Da«^ aad Baar


When you buy shoes of uv.

We have the best •

wdlon sale here.

They are made by the Jay B. ’

Reynolds Shoe Co., and we goaniite*^ every

The prices from $l.5u to $3A0.

sole, for $i.0a



Up-to-date Footwear.

McNamara bu>ck

THS VCmnSG RSCORD. ITRIDAY, march 2, 1900.
m Mosraio BsoosD



M BaaUaat Fasad Away Tstor-

L WtU Ayala Oaadaot »•



aesa tisa rMtlar with har
Mis HatUa OaspbUll of Wabrrad Ram. who iPtaraad
ayefroat aoi Bprtaya. Arhaaaoa, haa ateratraat.
W. J. Berry
tbebi^aahop fomarly
Warn » Bw A«D 1. w. basd
B. Shew of
owned by Us oa Ualoaatroat. of B
I. w. SAsn. aaitor
*■■■•*• Loatawhohaa aondnetad it alaea Mr. of the Westeca dtotrtet of the Mlchlyan
PMklUt thaolw.
wiU oootUaa Telephone On., paaaed Ihroayb the city
thahaainw tbara. aosMalay wlthit ystorday on their way S «f*ndr RapIda, payiay Maoayer Barry a tMU cb
H. D. Oaspball haa lataraad fros
Merlhport and la preparlny to neelya
tbe arbltratorawhojKAJo^di
KaoUBClAPt Miyht to BMwt aa Or
tbe calna of hto%^ worha ayatos..
i. O. Janaoa «^t toOenlral Lake oa
Ahont 100 worWny saapstlatOraaiaaslaataTaW'
oitera ball laat niyht to taka Aa
L E Pack of NoHbport. waa la Ua
li^iaary etapa toward tha oiyiai*
olty yaatarday on baatnraa.
tamtABT Bat
of a Padaml Ubor anloa, aodar a ahar.
Mn. tarah 0ns of Moeraa OeoWr.
ter of the Asarlnaa fadamtloa. R. E ta^aadinyaabort tlaca la the Uty
Waaw WBB pMoet mi dirwlad tbo amltlay Mra. M E C Balaa.
MUlaC M tKa (TMt Uta. *Apluto ■aaoor tfproeodsra aod It waa '
Jonioa F. M. BasUn of Monroe
tk»t mi baa baaa la pnapaet for naar eidm to aasd lor a ahartar. Tha i
Oenter. waa In tba
ywterday on
•Mthi aad (ha aaMar haa hafaa to Mary papera wUI ba hara la a tew
iakaahaaa. Saaator MeMiUaa haa baaa daya aad tta oryi
E t. Bnobr, of Snttona Bay. wa
aa«a apeo tha aabjaet aiM wtU paah tha
tha city ystarday on bnaiSM for tha
afofoaittoc aa npUUy aa po«ihlc.
E R. Daily LosbarCa
fhoaM (ha traa«r ataatioaod baabroC O. Btaalayi manayer for E
). W. BlUikw haa Jaat baaa graataa
galad a modan eraiaar voald raplaoa a patent oa a
deciac Ddly at Battonc Bay. waa In tha <tty
tha eld raraaaa eattar Miehifaa, aad whjeb can ba attached to aay atora. ycaUrday on Ua way w MUwaakee
thataeUltlaa for tha haUdlafof
Seraral of tbe arUels ara in naa la the aod CblaayA.
aUva oa tha Ukaa woaU ha broBfhv city aad ytcc rood aatiataeUoa.
J. tl. Hodys of Fite Lake, waa in the
tatotaqaWUoa. TUa «eaU add aaThe Janlor Workara of Qraea ckareh elty yMterday on bndnaaa.
will seat at the hose of Bar. 0.
□on. C. ,0. Coral want W Grand
Itoot thto afternoon atso’olom,
Bapidt yaMarday morniny.
TBi eitjr of dt. Loaia had aU har nnanya apoelal laatan work. AU i
W. P. Orotaar me In Rlnyalay on
alana aad taaa for aothia*. Baoast reqncatad to briny thUr thisblaa.
boclnau ystarday.
twMot tha water of ^a MMaaippi QVrmiasAUyv and Willies Murray
Oarid diabar of dnttoM Bay. le In
hara ahewa that It haa haaa rraatly wbo had the laU< arynsant on Froat
tbe city.
iaffovad alaaa tha Chlaaffo dralaaca etraat Wadneaday. appeared before
Out Jobners of Blnyhaak. ws n
Jadya Roberta ywtarday aad each Tnrers City rteilor ysterday.
plead ynllty todlaordvly eoadnat-Tkey
•mxM ooMtHB avmm
waraaaeblna^ya.iO and eoas of M
Ottsaa VeOioal loeUtnte Oe.
Dr. B. E Ottsan, wbo rlelu tbla
wm ha at the CIIJ Qpbra Hoaoa To iantn.
Mr. and Mra. WlUlas MoOool ara re- civy ons aaeh month, le now tbe prra.
aarfow Braalac Wt^at taU.
loiaiac oear tha arrleal of a daarbtar. ;dent of the Ottsan Medlsl Inatltnta
- Word haa raaobadtha attf that thr
• Tha yipaiaa will ylva a parade on tha Co. of Mskayon. ThU U a raoryanl•IfaiaawiU aaraly arriva at tba^^sttloa of tha sUblUhmmj kaown m
sala Btraaw of tha elty tbla ~
pelatad Uaa. thU aaaobw. aad aaDm. B 8 A Oa whieb wSlnmrpont.
at l:th
oa^attbaCItj OparaSoBaa forthr
TMcvaa City Ohaptar Me. lOt R. A ad iB leW with a Mpital atoek of «M,oraalBC. All ahoald rfait thalr aaM., wUl hold a rayalar eoaToaatloa ooa. Tba naw wnpany will watlnna
rt-|-------- bat Ukewtea look waU after
Ita bneiaas la Mukayon and Dr. O.ttOBlyht at ?:I0 aharp.
•U thalr poaaaaaleaa for Zi«inta. ZkaTha sashatB of Oread Ttacacaa Ba- san WiU ba a rUltor bare ersry i
faroHa. Praeoala aad »ba hoaatifol
■ berelofora.
BhBffktar of Zaraa, radalaa, ara Itka bakah Lodya. No. IM. aro leyBOated to
. at tha L 0. O F. haU at tm tUa
•Utha raiteftha flpaloa.Bot to ha
A ▼etana Tenor Binyar.
ilayto prapara to attend tha fmIraaud.
Btanton BapUal ehoreh boasta of a
arel of Mra. LareUa whiah wlU taha tans alnyar 74 yeata old. who hs soy
•oaca.faaey driUa aM etbarfi
0t aatartataBMat will bo firoa dariar plaaa at tha raaldaaea at 10 o’clock.
la tba ebolr for nearly M yaare la difIho aaaalac aad aU who iattaad will hr
The Wosaa'a aab wUl soot at
(*rent pleas. BU rols U olaar and
waUplaaaad. ThaaiaaU prleo of toe
aloek tkit aftoraooa. An latarstlny »<nooth and aao b« beard abore tbe
oaili will he eharrad for adeitaotoi
proyres oa •■Art” wlU ba yleao, Ms. whole choir.
a leads.
.dhahalL The drUllaff aad maeh raloFinch. Be srred tbrs yaara in iba
aWahaloU prapariac ^la aatartalo, food nkaaiael of tba aim wsr. U a prosineatO. A. X.
BMBt haa baaa obad'rfalWfiraa bP Mra
nnaat laat alykt and a bar apd a yrst ChrUUan worker.
J. B. Martia. Mlaa Dowaiarbad Mla»
is asnrad iot to-'
Jnlta Gannon of LaOroas, Wit., eyed
alykt. Tba adslaMon fee of tea eenU It year-, bs died In yrst etrony of
ly to enjoy
>y it
jaw. A direr of wood onder ner
BiAtWLjauiL liL mittJdiJdt itudif wUle
er nail wa'. tbn
Laat aceainy a baby ylrl waa ad
r loped in tbe feial n
£¥£0TS /fw avprcr
to tba fasUy clrela of P. a OUbert.
miarwrwnwwik Tba Trakarae Bay Hire Bewlny Clr­
ela will seat ihU aftemoonat t o'clock
of har frlaeda laat oraatac at whiat. at with Mra. Sbllaoo.' oa (Inioo atroet.
tha hoata of Mr. and Mn. B. B. Brack ocarKana'admy atora. A tall attan
aa. Dalaty rafraabmaobi ware oeirad dance la aaked.
Bari Tyls la oontead to kit home by
Md a pleaiaat Una eajoyad.


A dallcbtfnl faaey drav party waa
1 la laat araalay la MoaUfoa hall ^ a nanbar of bora and ylrla.
A lac time waa mjoyed by all. Mnsle.
daaelay and rafreahaanu were plcaaaot faatoraa of the acanlay. Tha Mtcoac
-Saaman aad diodcr acted aa ebapeLaai eraelaf tha ladlaa of the Baylo
miaa aad Mr. aod Mra. C. E Thylor
vara dallchtfally aatcrtalnad by Mlaa
I<OBlae Vadcr, aaalatad by her aictar.
Mlaa Oapitola. A Ine anpper waa an
^ad at the Little Town. Later tba
fpaata weraantertainad at tbe booe of
tha Mlaaat Vadar eery plaatantly.
alal plaaanraa were aejoyad, Ipelidiaf
■nalo aad aolaotloni op tbe pbooo-



Tha homo of Mr. aod Mra. Bd. Pcaaa
oe Wabatar atraet waa tba aeone of a
.|olty ratharlny Wadneaday aeanlny
tha oaaaalon belny a ■nrprlac party le
beoor of tbe Hat blr^day annieeraary
at William Ooerr. brotbar of Mrt.
^aaaa. Many framaa and amnaamasta
ware Istrodnaad.toyatbar wltb rafraah•aata. aad tba throny of happy ymra
arara wall entartelnad till wall alony
late tba amall boon.
A daUyhtfal aelect daaelay party
waa yicen In Marunybb aaadomy loot
aanotoy by the formar mambara of tbo
Wlooea Clab. MarUnyfa'a oreboatra
Innlahlny tba mnHo. Aboat twentytea eeapUa were praaaPt. After tha
taaea the party partook of a dalleiona
iPPOhaoB ta tba bine nom of tha UtUe
fpeora. roUowlny wat tha van
Perked TCetertei. *r Beef Ac

le on tbe loay
dkaasM aerrtee of tbe Mlchlyan ‘XUaphone liuM haa naeesltatad aa addi.iodbI booth In tba local axehaa^.


. Whooplity Couyt), AS
Bronohitia and Inolpl

_ CTos:

W. C Brown, tba bayyayasan who I
waa ipjaradoa tha M A N. B raUroad'
Wadneeday. la in a raiy oritiaal oon-1
dIUon at ManUlaa
Bert (iannatl baa jnet raealrad from
WyoaUBy a larya at mbs of
tooth, wbiab be will sonnt to ba wora 1
M badys by the sesbera of tha -E P. '
O. Eka In tbla city.
ta Btalnbary'a Grand laat cTanlny, to eae A. C
Lssr. the yonny 1 tynaUa tbealer.
Thaaiaya dasonitia
factory both to Mr. Lsts and tha
andlans. Beraral anbjeeu were treat
ad on the ataya, and all of them were
apparaaUy beoaBud.

I Tha rfoiilAII MMEDY*


Tbe dt
tbe rst of the aoatlnanul pres
bewatilBc General Crooje'e defmt aad
In rlmlenUy abaelny Great Britain.
They dslare that the Tianeraal has
fatly demooatratad Ite riybt to eoswitb an
entlS to tbe mo. They enyyst that
the bst Wp fs Ute Boare wonld be to
eraata a direrelon WfaiDet Great Brit­
ain elswbere and maintain that it le
the duty of Barope w latarraee aad
“and the mst Infamone of aU wan
that Bayland bs ars wayad fs prodatsy pnrpoaaa.It la rary hard lo'atand idJy by and
asonrdaar oos anfls while awalv
Iny the aniral of tha doesr. An
Albany (N. V ) dairyman aallad at a
dmy atora thara fs a doots to saw
andps bla child, tbaa rary alok- with
in, ba
tp. Not fiadlny the dsts
...word fs him to coma 1.. ___
Us ratara Be also boayfat a botUa o(
Chambarlaln'e Coayb Remedy, which
he bopad wonld ylra eoiaa rallaf-'^l
tba do^ ebonld a '
• -

Jacob Furtsch,

±, ^55, r-JslllBiM St.

sow Bttv ODiBr, sthaobUa
wa osuu waa
ws bbg
« <—

Columbia Rlrer 8al.
Norway Anebofita
Nsway Hrrriny
Labrador BerHny
Knrllib Cromarty
Umoked Siuryeon
BoIIand Bsriny
Domstle Berrlny
Roeaian Bardins
Flaoaii Baddls
Osdon Fiab Oaks

Boili Plioms, 34


A FiaedMh Attam.
Ah attack waa lately made on C. P. Cbambarlain’a Oonyb Rrsedy
OelUar of Cberokee. Iowa, that nearly^ aelybbora atd friende ecUl I
Mt| Bow
B nmtprocod
fatal, it cwBie
came ttwvngu
tbronyh dw
ble xiakid-’ asiptani demand for It frjm t^t
■airy. Ps si# by 8. E Walt,
aiB back yot eo lame ba maid
Free Storage All Winter.
ypsady halpad bib naui oe u-wc
My work ann sot ba bant and pries
No ranadr aqnale WasitBl'dWrBnx
Irta Bitten which eff eiad aneh a
-Vote op Tab Stbcp (s thb tarri- thalowst. WIUcUl for youOali and yat sr pries.
(Va a «a" aiaa.
ui<u.- blaand fatal diaaoaa If taken tboroiBecur-a oacMeoba and kidney •roa'dc. wUr nnd la time, U\will onra n asw
(srSBia the blocd er-t build, np y er in U bonrs. nnd fstha conyh that toibsitr. -•aiyM; at *
G Jot.4i«..o
mo ti. E Wait'edra^ atona
ni Plants

r« tart U

■ 24 Itm.



Tha many friaBda of Mri«Patrlok
Olnno will be pained to laara of her
dsth which oeeared at bs hose yaeterday somUiy at 4 o'aloek. Tbe deeeaaed ws aixty yeas of aya aad hs'
been a Betters fs eeraral soothe ud
hs desis hs been expected fs the
1st wsk.
She Isrs four aooe, John B. of Cbeboycaa. wbotsmslyowoed tha Froot
StraS Boos la tUaUtT. WUl. oaaof
thaOaMboye. Gaorre. and a yonnys
aon wbo Mrs at bosa, aad fire danyhtara. Ms. Halys of tbU city. Ms. MoMaas of the pslsnla. Ms. Howard
of tba Upps Paalsnla. aad two
darartitara. MUas MayyU and Bertha,
Uriay at bosa Ms aBaa*a youyast
aUts aad a aaphow. who Its lo WUlie. arrirad hara today. dohnClnaa
aad family ara aUo expaetad from
Thafnasal wUl be bald toaeorrow
Borainy at 10 ^alook from St. Fraaes
Banks RonU a Robbs.

Sample Couclies

Ite nt all said fet-Wa tan 22 liffaraat stylas ret from
«.75 to $37.75,
A full Spring couoh. 24 tempered steel springs, up­
holstered in thel>est grade velour, for $9.75.
A good lounge, with bacx, for $4.75.

A Nice Line of Bed Lounges!
A nice 5-piece parlor set, ^ood grade velour, imita...^ion mahogany frame, for $19.75.
A fine lai^ leather rocker for $19.75.
You can just as well be usijfig these and pay for
them out of your spending mdney.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B-ront

p. B. Gamaoa, eaahUr of tba beak of
TbSfirllla. OhS. had been robbed of
health by a aeries Inny
tronble until
be triad Dr. Kioff’a Mew Dlteore^ tor
Oonenoptlon. Then be wrote;
tba bst medleiae I ers need fs
sees sld or a bad eas of Inny
tranbia I alwas ksp a bottle on
bsd.” Don't aoffer witbeonybe, eolde,
or any throat, ebst or Inny tronble
Ben yon sn ba enred s asily. Only
e and l

««»«•««• »»«»«aHa»« «»««*»««»-

I *5


• 'SVsuMveXs



rvIfoC a
of LanCbo r o lato.

’• be^e Just p


Oalay Queen.
Catraatlpa Pink
and NwIm Roaea.
Pise rich odora—Tory >a«lDC—

Coar asd err thow-iao tnmUc to

S.OH5 ttUset.
ewVv -PoVk, -Urti nt


tvtn mW» ni tVgVn—-Btitu
qoot& ,T« nLceetuvqV^ Wt to sd—SoV>
edVono tdtn „ood tW Wei on \UuVl
Vo V» VdoT.





“Little People” Important Items

Demand all one*a attention, and their
wanta should be carefull7 looked afterDo it now. .

To be eoDBidered.
Yea’ll used them some timE Why
Bot buy nowP -


Dress Suit

The ce-lebraled Bubeus Infant Shirts 4 |||^
- tbe merino f>e]la at.............. ............... U UU
—the all wool from ■t’Jc np.

Some of the newest styles fron........ 0 1 OK
to $1.’>.0U. Tiiese sre used In^^ly ^ |
by the ladies now-a-days when traveling. ■ Oar
goods are union made.

Wraps around the liltle one’s btKly, A
held with a safety pin............................ Z WU

T)u-ribiH-d undetwesr sells at..............
The children's fleeci-d vests l.*K-.
The .lerwy Union Sails T.'x*.

•Io»l imp,ok«i the tine.1 liiie of liuni ft r
bandkerchlrfft from
to.ll.2T) for tbe “party ” style.

1 A
| ||C

Baby Cloaks
Made from eider down ure tbe fincat A
for the “iHtle people”............................ U UC
Comes in cream, blue, canlinal and fancy stripes, sells from 30 to tCk.

Hakes tbe nicest dresses for these A
“little people,” sells from...................... U vC
D> lOc the yard—comes in stripes and light and
dark solid oidon.

Infants Hose
Some of the smallest and enteet yon A C ^
ever saw, sells st..............................
the pair—in pink. Woe. white, crotm.

Infiants Long Cloaks
In differsni materiala and sizes—saves
nil the tronble of making—prices are ^ ■■
from $2.00 to...;.................................... f* | QQ

The gri-atest variety ever seen - for.. ■ A t^
you can boy a wearable pair. All UwG
prices up to tbe tioest embroidi red nt $1.2&.

Don’t go without one when.................. AT '
or .jOc. or 75c will kevp your bend warm Z 9 C
tbe rest of the winter. All anion made goods.

Got some good union made linen col- | A

“.......... .........1 Oc

or three for a 5insrter. tbey’rv regular 90 and
25c values-

Are warm goods—buy them from___ ^ v
to $3.00- Theneare the mea’s mocha | QC
lined gloves. Xothing better.

A splendid assortment from................ a v:
lo .50c. ^UVre showing th**. goods of y 9C
tbe city. All nnios made goods One locA
•and yoy buy.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

jtmwwwmnpivvwlcMT lyiin
* Ul I lUf
■Milk oma$n h*M sc —ikcuitj to
•(wuuteUfdiMMM. W«wum
twritarj btar. at Ike ■!»•• k«ltk
eobtu fUe«.U
mapomi. ekeeU b* tkMMffklr
iMledMidelMd. am6
1W rwer (PcloM Ike plMM rct«T«d
«Blm «rUkia Ike cownlM Mikari-'
Wkw«k«O.S.*l.pwN4kr tnla
•rrtred thta mot. » kobo «m feud
•loirod 0M7 boliTM tks tmdar Md
' tkohKr«c*<M>. Boww Twv Moriy
ftOTOT-honoff rod* la IkallylllOT
elMT fro« Ofoad ftMida. Be wh
lakM off tte waia, tkawod oak. aad to
aow M rood a ••kobie" m ofbr.—OadfllMlCaU.
A« lUitolM WUUaa ffetOTkeb aad
I at > 0
*aj awralar troa a daoM aad <Mad
Iktor koM la ralaa Sotblaf »m
OTvad tr«m Ak« «xt bat mo Aalr.
•Throe emll Maok«ea beym. WQUo
Parry. PblUp Myekrtot aad PbUio Rtoa.
■ad# a braro aUampt to waador aad
howl tnd^ haaton or eowboyi,
batoaecoododtocatUar oalyaetarai
Bollaad. wbora thay war# Ukoa talo
aoatody by tko akviS. Tha Wya left
tkair kosao aoM
tUaa Tpaoday
aad BMiialad tkattaalraa laafralirbt
«rala.rldlDrao tar aa Bollaad. flberlff
JtowMtotar Mt Wadaaaday to briar
tao* koM Tbay WUI ba aharfod
wtlk traaaay.
of Ua Braalaf Mawa. dalad ai Maalja
aaJaa. N, aaya that ala mabenof

■toalar aad are aappooad to barn baaa
aaptaiad. TkraaeftbmaraMlaklfaa
imam, mmm^j: Oaem A BAbbm of Da
toalt, BobartT. BlaSord of BrUfapert.
aad Gaorffo r. Millar of Mlloa.i
Al Baatoo Harbor Ibara »aa a aaal
la( at Iba Hotal Baatoa Taaaday arao'
lac to dtoaaiia tba faaalbUlty of eoaaolIdatUf BaaUMi Barber aai .Bk JoMph.
Tba oplalM prarallad that U 81. Jeaaab
aroaldaabttlt to taka tba aaaia Para
MarqaatM tba altlaa woald aalla.
At Port Barm Darld M. Rebaaoa.aea
ml a proslaaat loeal aklp akaadlar,
waa baraad ta daatb early Wadaaaday
Borali«. Tba yoaaraaa bad baaa lU
aad bad takaa aa aleobol b^. It U
praeased aponUaaoaa esmbmUoa anaaad. Wbaa betp raaebad bl^ ba waa
a pillar of SaaM.
Tba bird eolleatim of ibe Ualraralty
ad Mlehlraa iaalailaa S.M» aklaa an-1
MT« •oaalad apeeiMoa. aWim 11laatratlre of apeeial fa«U. aaek u protaeUre QoloraUoo, albialta, parMtUan
ladMdoal rariaiioa. dlekiomatiaiii.
differeaeo la pUBaffc oorrelatad with
ace. aeeaoo, aa*. ate . bat btea raMBtly laatallrd. aod a aeroad aariei' ll'w
trallre of iba Ufa bUiory 6t typleal
rapraaaBtattraa of tha aereralordera of
btrdaUla’proeroaof iMtaUatlos. le^
tkaaa yronpi eaiaral aarroaotian «ra
taprodBaad la det^lOllatM Soeyila aad LofM Oraanwali-acad ll ud lOyaara, roapaetWely, ware oo trial Weduaday tor plaelac obatracUoM oo
Miebican Oaatral traak aaar B»pIa(toii. Sep
•1 laai- Tha boys placed aplkaa aod
etbor plaeea of amp Iroa oo tba ralla
Jaat to aaa tbam flattanad. A Walo
waa oaarly ditibad la oooaaqneaoa.
Tba ]ary aoqalttad them m aaeooai of
tbalr yoatbfaipeM.
llMOraad Baplda A ladiapt Railroaa oompaoy repotto ihajtbaftof
Mor^ 8100 worth of tocflar ^«balaa at

■ -—-

j ,

k AL A. A. A. A. At A. Ft A. A. A. A. ..
A Marloaaty paper aaya: the Beat
Stork Oo. aupportioy Mr. Prank Toekar
bare played to crowded bonaw at tba
tha Oliy.Open Hoaaa alt tba weak and
wlU cloae their aoyayament tontybt
with one of tbelr bmi placaa^aoBtled.
“Oomradm at Saotlayo ■' Mr: Tndiar
^iiotororiula ttarlae City aod hu
..a-a'plandld ayyrayalioa of aatora aod
Mtraaaea with him. Wbile all tha
parformara are yood la tbeU , aararpl
Itoaa tbara ore a tew wbd daaarra
maotlon. Mtoa Kau Plu OibbOT. "tha awaat Imh tlnyw," oarer
fstis to pieoM with bar wloalay wayt
aod awaat rolca. Ber aoo*» are all ita
iataat aad wa didn't bare w Itoiea to
aoMtbiay that bad been aocy here

aa to Barry B Parker, tha fwooiaat of
oU Babm. Marie PiuOibbon to ooa of
la tha boelnam aad nerer fella to brlaytoy down the boaee Ber m^ op to
A. Ba. J -Olty Opofo Boaaa. Wa acdld
woak. aomMoeloy Moofloy, Moreh
P^taao 10. U nod 80 eeolo. ^ta oe
OT OTia at Olty Mawa Stood.
.A. B. DePloeot.adiU»rof ihiJonroal.
• DayleetOWB, O . seflerad lor> onmoer
o^Mre from roeamottom la bit rlybt
obOTldarandeiae. Ba aaya: *'My rlybt


aoastry aad hMt CMO. Attbtopefat
baaata baatar aad toappar Baatad
Oaorca TMkar aad tkay mat tbalr lota
baraad roMlead twm Iriaada
Bloaa eoapulou eatan yaart,
abariac tba daacara of tba twaata aad
pUiaa aad tadarlac kardaUpa. which,
had be haowo thaw woald hare datarrad blayrom ataklac tba aoatmra
ThTtwe trawpad tbroafb
Wyoatac. Dakota. Iowa, aad Miaaaaou a^ aat with «aay atlrriac
ladtoaa lafaatad thoaa
lacioaBat that tlmt aad daapocataly
ratoatad tba adraaaa of drlUaatlM aad
tba leraalOT of tba territory by white
■aa. Bto aKpariaaaaa wlU the ladlaai
by aatold daac«a
aad aararml timm tba mb ware Mda
oapUrMaad ti
ap la balr-raWac baaa la wbleb the
laracaa ao«cbt to daprira tbam of
ly tbay
B aad aaeaaadad each
Um la aladlac tba ncUaaea of tbalr

leciralt a barlal. Baaiwad
'vaacafal by tba atroedty Daa WbtppU
attbacraaaof bto awaatheart that baaeaforth ba woaM make
war OT tba radakiaa: aad ba kept bto
Tba aiebt of BB ladlan waa
alfoal for a rifle, abot aad
Uaela Ota doaa aot roMiobar hew
•aaay ‘-rood lodlaat" ba to rMpoealbla
Tkto to IB aabataoce tba atory of
tba toacady of Das Whlppla>a Ufa. bat

Bzplorad With Brraoat.
la iHt Wblppla Jolaad tba aaplorloc

aad beaad la aloaa tlaa of trlaadablp by
Tba aompaay
aaplorad tba Salt Lake raflos aod
araotaolly eroaaad tba owootalotio
wbot to BOW declared io btotory to bare
been ooa of the meat daaparata oodcr.
takiBCB. lodlao raidaa rafoard to eroM
tba mooBtaioa,barloc a
of tba aaow capped raalaa,by tba Oraat
Spiriv Tba loorocy waa aooompito
howarar, aftar foortaoe moatba dermUrn aod tba axpariaoea of tarrtblo
aaffariot aod tba brarloc af cBtrema
daatar. Mr. Whipola to prood of tba
dtotiacUoB of barlBC baaa a mambar of
Pramoat’a party oo tbot mamorobla
Boaom Ifriaad of Sit Oarcoa.
Aboatalcbl yean bafora tba war
broke eat .Wblppla mat tba Moobtable Kit Oacm. Ibay awaek op a
warm tnaadablp wbleb amtlopad pntll
tbay ware aaparatad by baloc aacifoad
to diSaraat foclMSU to tha army.
Wblppla aad Kit Oaiaoo beared maoy
bardabtpa tofatbar aad booted lodlma
oodfama eraro larceoraoof tba Urcat
Waat. Tocatbar thay mat aod foo(bt
•araya baada of Slops. Pawaae, Cbow
aod nayaooa iBdtaoa oad ware many
eaptarad-and tU-treatad. tboneb
laeaplnc miraeolotmly with tbalr
lirea. Tbay eroaaad tba Bocklaa to
Cetber and It to related in anthoriUre
pablteauoaa that Dan Wbipple flyarad
aooapioBOMly la tba odreaturaa which
yaratbaBOtadaeonlapd ladian fiybt
ar 0 natlooal repouthm.
Dnriny hia forty yaaraln tba wtataio
eooDtry Mr. Wblppla made ala tripe
lUina aodretPfT
itaradtha Army in SI.
In isei Wblppla aoltotad In tba I'lrat
Iowa rayiownt of rolootaare, ondar
Prceldant Llnoolo’a flint e^ for 7S.OOO
mch- Be eoltotad for three mootbi.
bat remaloed la tba earrlee four yeareIt waeat the batUe of Spriayflald that
l^aeral Lyoai. who led the rayli
waeabot down by the rebeto. Wblppla
alao flyared In aeraral other battlaa.
notably iboaa al Piltobury Ltodloy.
Pea Rldye aod tba cai^ of VickabBiy.
Tbeatoiy of Dao Wbippla'a adranterOB* Ufa woald All a bly rolame and be
rary aaldom Ulka abont it. eseapi oeeaalonaUy to bto moat laUmata frlanda
Bat ba bat treqneotly ralatad certain
•ranto watch are of a moat ihrUlioy

be made ynod .t promiM aixl |
i W»kU.lLjo
reply was re<Tdve>l froiu Ibe Thtototba
I ba haa I
•tory of a WalL
lofoniilns ber of ibe fai-l so .xmrteAao^ lacidmt la bto earaw la tha ooaly—and ineloaed ber ebeok on tba
aame hank for tlte aniouni of the overwaatto ralatad. Aftar aa attaek by drafu ll is needless to oay that
ladiaaa oa aa aaifraat trala ia which ’ p|.u.un7 noir %-ar arot u> ibis drp.wred {i(i.r mnlodlDC her that «o crrrdratt
s bot a ctvdli ta be drawn upon.
or mad# aaptlat. Don WblppU appearad BOOT tha
Aa AispW WiiBiiily
“Heani you were marrh'd. fleorper’
la looklay about he Botteod what apMertl«l the da/ U-fo^e
pearod to be a bnadia of raya. CSomr Chrisinus. By ilie way. I think yoo
okamlutlOT proead It lo ba a b^ met tny wife years ayti."
••Indee.l; Who wss eliey
earafully wrapped inakawto, aU aa^"Iiitii'i y.itf .reiiifiiilsT that dsinty
aclooa of tka fata of lu paranla. Be
lltlle Htlvelts siri? The one wltb-Uio
earataUy ratoad tha Infant and earriad ra<n> wslHt, uuDrt Ibe Idne eye-r
itiobtoeamp. Be aenybt tha bomaof
irne. We were Ui the
I-ISKA at the bieU school.
abalf-braad famUy aad baryalaadfor
the little one's care. Ba yara tba fam- like t
Ui . »w .. lArct u> Atrara
left tba waif with tbam for mbc tlma.
-y.mi wouldn't. Klie wns « widow
Be aabacqacatly wawbad tha oaraarof! with Hve Hilldr.-n wiu-u I mnn-ir.1 ber.
tha babe aatU aha yraw lato ylrUiood.'
iHuinds. Her wstot
i.ny ,
and than womaabood and aaparatad
■ liiii ber Ih-iiiillllfnl tdue e
bar only whan aba look ante bar.
"llM.leii Is-lilnd hbuk »
aaU a compaalra far Ufa. Thto loeldaat marked a briybt apot la tba life
mrried her for
by the: luiiiilsnme |in>|M-rty sbe holds In ber
O.W.. nanie.^^_______________
8 of bto adopted ebUd.
•‘mil Wm rHAlllre.
tkeaa are bat- a taw i
Tbe Isle Hnll Mr.MIlster some year*
Wblppla'e adaaatsraa aad many
aqaaliy ibrUllay could be toM. Bat ayn enierieliMTl a vlslilnir At-n-iiilst at
Ibe rnloii <‘Iuli iH-rnn- Ha nniHliramsbim to yo (Inil wllli ikie I'seltle. and dinilii: Ike I.
lato mlaata daiaila of maay of tbam.
eveiitllK—a iMirtlenlsrly r*'W,« «De~ '
miidK-.line nlilmsii'sl reiusrk <T>iiveyA family of Oeotraarlaaa.
Daa Wblppla'a yraadfatbar waa a liiR the hh-a ihni fni; wsa nil esn llent
iTindiK-ior ut Aonnd. The siiemlst
itaiu of tba raeolatlopary war. Bto tiKdc .■VT-iul.m
tills novel ibei.ry luid
fatbar earaad la the war of Ull aad askisl Mr. Me.MIlAiiT on whni li was
Daa aenrod la t^^r of tha raboUloa. hasiHl. - "«ni plienenieiia wlili b we
have nil oIhhtv. d." reiurued the p ady
Mr. WhlK>l« daelarao tbat bto yraad- Jnrtsi: "on mi • ventiia like ihls we
fatbar Head to ba 111 yaare old aad b a hear the foitli<irn i|iihe ilUlluetIv. iiill
when Ihere l« no fuK we ••nnuot bear
fatbar. iilyeara.
ll ni nU. "_______________ _
A Bear Maat at 87.
Uaela Daa tails aoma a iiiay steriea
about hanUayyrluUaa and elk ia the
Bto Iataat bear hnnt. howarar.
In tba upper paninaaU.thraa years
Be wooadad a larye black
bear and ba aad tha animal came
toyatbar. Dan bad a batehat with
wbleb to defend bloaalf. bat tba bear
took BO aotioe of a llitla tblny Ilka
tbat, bat prompUy atraek Whipple a
blow on-the aboalder with Me hnye
paw, aad aa Du deaeribea it. "larncd
me end for aad Into a atraam eloaa by
loaj'fff." Ileacrambled oat of ibe
atraam bntlat the bav yo- Be was
anabla lo aaa bto arm for aeraral dsya.

TbaU, of M. madioal faealty ba*
P“^ •
tkeSaaior atadanu Haraafter if any
one naylMla n eaaa In tba boaplul ard
is aoa prasanl to mrtotsr at the prop-r
b o*. he will stand supandea for three
moothaand hia diploma will be with­
held for that lenyrh of time aftar tb»
crmplrtlon <>f bis oonrae. A arooo l
offr-we wi'l m-'r -i- '*i>F’. -in.

Bfl7i jn dinid »t tbs Littli Tattn f

City Opera House

■o Ose for ffold XNygIny.

One Week



It takes but a glance at our
pant bargains to decide a
customer to purohaee. What
we advertiee for is to ask you
to give these goods a glance—
They are on the front tables.
Prices and sizes are marked
plainly. Choice. $1.46. $1 80.
$8.46, $2.80 for goods that
sold up to $4 60. Good for
drees wear, and cheap enough
for a working pant

Frank Tucker
a repertoire of high eUai rep.
ertoire snccOTeea.

Opening Pl»y:
Wri ten from the great
EoglUh novel.

Prices, 10. IS. 20c.
He Waits Between lets.



50 and 75 cents

Don't forget our sale on col­
ored laundered ebirta — All
styles-Collars and cuffs. See

Hamilton ClothingCo.


Sale '°"2L

Cloak Department.

Sapportibi^ the popular

The Counterfeiters

yetbar they yore porsoU, with
A Chid,
of reaenloy tba ylrl
aad OTanylDy the erimaa committed by
d the money on a ArMO.
the radeklna. Aftar a kmy ehaaa '
• rranted 8r*POf
ladlan band cime lo a ataod aod Tar If It tails to
year ooueb or
cold. Wa also yaarutee a lAoent
owaltad saeaaraucr
iheadvaoce «n
of vanr
Taey unatad tbam with dartoloa -and battle to prora uiii
bald ap ue ylrl ua protoetloa ayalnst
uleatatlon. 'Ilta daspaeata men feared
list the coaarquanecs of aa at^k
would ba disaitrous Bat they wore borTbe Bant Btoek Oa (the Monar -ha
rifled whea the radakiaa with braUl ur- of Repertoire) will traao tba boards at
to torture the ylrl ba- tba aty Opera Hoau Monday atyht la
- ,t BmBtoh eomada drama, •Tbe
foro tba ayu of the woald ba rcMuart. OmT^UI
tba eapUra
wu mordared in tba moat bofribla epoelattlaa. Prleu 10, lA u
maaoer, a aharo euka belay drlraa
tbroayh bar body eaulay tba moat,
triybtfal aaffeitay. The man praclpl-l
luted aaatuek bat
T* 0iM*8 • OMM in Om Day.

Our inventory shows s sur
plus of laundered white shirts
at 760. Our oustomsrs find It
oonvenient to buy the 60 oent
(the beet made) unlaundered
shirt, and thus our surpltu of
laundered foods To give you
a little benefit we put in a line
of these at 60c along with the
unlaundered goods
Buy them early.

Our Sales Slips
Show Large Pant Sales


fake Wancr's Vt*hite Wine of Tar S/rur
waaaorprieai to raesira ralitt almoat lot tba mniSaratytil baloy left wbara Oee beat eoagb reneedy on earth. V>
l■s•diotalJ■ The Petn Balm baa baaa It had
hod teUaa. Tba man aabaeqcatly
aaoMiaat oompaaloo of mine
naeuAdao U affaetioy tbelr euapa.
Wbipple walked baek to the ^t! rwaotaUataei i« Qalatot'i BaiM
wbara tba homrtmk plau aad atlar:
diBldAttbtUttltTAT- a tbraa days' Journey ranabad the pUae. ^ ggTt 9n diB»d At tbi IdtUi TatTUa body wu still there aad be proynif


Too Many White Shirts

olu>.AM.a.a h..»ru«l lot ~«il

Duriny tba yold endtamaat la Cali­
fornia Whipple triad hto lack diyyirc't;,
for tha yellow meUi bat ybt Urrd of It'
aod tnraed bto attention to huntiny
elk. which WM far mare, profluble to
him tbaa aUricy for yold. Be talU
atory of cbaalay some elk one day
when be aaw eomathlny ablnlay
H» found it to be
yold and chipped off a ehnnk and pat
it in hto pocket. Later on nt nn Many
ofBoe he enshanyed it for SUM In money.
Be eniod so little for yold thnt be
nsTor went back lo the apot where be
yot thnt ao easily.
Hr. Wbipple came to Miebiyao after
ic war and loeatad In Ky RapUa.
Bo came to the torand Trarerae reRlon In
tan jMra nyo. Of lata yearn ba hu
llrad with Hartoa Akart. fire miUa
A PrOTtiar trayaly.
nortbwaatof the elty, bat baa aowi
The mcar terrible uparlaooa. and
Uken ap bla home with hto yood friend
oaa which probably afleotad bto entire
earaar. beaeldoa refam to. aad then Ales. MeaoD. When he came to town
yeaterday he eo&sented to bare hto
almplyio rafaranee. rather tbaa
horrible detalto. Durlay bto earlier ' photoyraph Uken. wkleb he hu beraB the frontier Mr. Wbipple be- totora declined to do. Bni he wUllnyly
aeqaainted with a charxinir went to E N. Moblob yallery tbto
time and wu “took."
youQf ylrl. ihedanyblcr of a aettler,
Be tosUll hnle and hbbrty. allbenyb.
Thay were anyayed to be married acd
both looked forward to yaara of wed not u elroay u ton yearn ayo. He to
dad happioeaa. Bat tbalr plana were reryfondof aralklny and often walk,
traatratsd by a Upyedy of the moat into tba eily. parUenUrly on poanton
dlny oatnra. Hie eeiUement day. Uet MMday. aftar tba bury
where tbeylrl llrad wa. attacked by lo- uow storm, be tramped from Mr.
claaaaod tbayirlukanoaptira. Wbip­ Aken' plaee to Moaroe Owlre. a dtople wa% baart browa. oat bayatbarad. taaee of 17 mUea aad
to bU aide toor hardy honlara and to- woru for his trip.

fiSd‘(aaSa^Vi“‘^o BSr*'ond;~P»«'^*^ «*'rtad away, tba body


It-was otily a dainty little uotb frem
a woman th^wlt.jt. hot It .-anaed a
yentk- rtpple of m.-Ttmeni autonp tba
armnnUnts aad leUera of an nptoav
bank. The tOElimUou rateo to w.iman. and the prr>lden( baa often nmarked that the women rtepc»slioia
were Ui aoBie re«)ie<-ts men- eareTBl
lb tbelr bosInesM nu-tbod* than mao.
A few. days cRo ttie dtoeovtwy waa
made that ibe an-oani of one of tba
women depoaltors had beeu oTordrawo.'
a few doilan. The usual ootiO’-etloo

Two distinctive
kinds of

To choose from.

5c Pig. Tail

Hafana Smokers
And others. The ‘‘others”
ere not so «ood by a lo&g
Try one
end yoM will kaowlt

Wa Blilt have aome verj deairahle gHrmenU on hasd
and moat Bell them at once to make room^ocjjpring

Cost not considered this time.

98c for Jaokete—This takes in an aaaortment valnea np to

$3.68 for Jackete—All Itaaorlmeiit which sold at *7 UO, tt^.OO
and >11.00
$7.48 for Jaokete—Values up tu >r.‘).uO.
Look for other big hargainu in this depurtnisiit. si

c.r Kalka-dia. will oiW8


! John R, Santo,
Gcnral lisiraiet.

Undertaking Parlors;

InKo tiuseiuli
So lull 1Vetoa
■>'**>- Aertl Ut.^ Clara :
a. WIIIISDi-. an Til
etates *l>b bln I
£ acvuTia.
j Wurzbenr Block

H IWisaqA atv4 Do 1slo\»


SaaVets, C,a\i6S,
M $«>es
AA$wt^ ttikk ow V\caa ata
T^k\. aVba$a. tAte^er tAtV$ Vit tkt AAUOtt
«t \a\t. &AT
fAcet meke Vk a tHT$ ’
■ '


a Aioaaaaai aaaaaaaaa AAigianni $




Entifc ^»atKu«tW»iiuiuilJi
TmMdAy’* Mors to TifM Md to*
ladtoa Twitoorr «m to* 'wen* **p^
teaadtorMf*. Six todu* of aw»«
f*U to to* MHltotT- tfatokU fro** *11
M*tleM*dItaMtl«* Medmatiof roto.
tofl Mto *M». bto ao Mtortol dM*c*
«M toM *»*• to *M«rb*rrl** owl

aUy an uitcMwloaaUe liar.' Tbaa,
after mr hroi««l heart had not lata
preiiy fair .-utKlliioe again. 1 prepoaad
to MIm White ami loM bif that. whO*
Bhe vaa almve all the deartwt girl to
the pwld to tur. 1 feUWt only proper
to coBfrw» thai I lifld loriNi eight other*
at ra^noa ilnMi. Aad what do yoa
thtok ah* <Udr'

W*eiy*«*r*oaB.O . after aaftertag 1*
Mto* fton Baotol Platala, h* woald



Wkat^ Toor Wtm Vorto.

on toe aklB.<*U sianM of liver troobla.
- - — t's Mow Ufa PlUa gia*
Boay ahaakv Blob &m

l!isrb:.“£''.srSLS'JKs; strt SfTiSwi......

g5£525-*=r’je-. «»<».£
b>.Asaa.. John F. On
p. fsas'^ss BSTrEfS
w. lijssssss;-


-Bb-yriM, Wslckw. Diawoea*.
in. (ioci>.*ie.. toashv. *01*



WorlfTa Qroatest Kidney Cure

li'k • kiuiplc uaiier to tret the kidary.. You uce.l nut con*.uit a dociot.
By atking yourMlf three quettioni yba
can dcterciinc. wbc.uet or not yoor
kidney* are deraoxed.
I'irM: “Haveyou Uckacbeor weak,
tome l/arkf"
becond: "Uo yoo have difficulty to
orjnatinK or e loo frcciueut desire to


Wsll-fi WB
M bit* A A
Vllllsws L o. H D

HrII Jp«e!l
____tc lAurs Auu
Crosby Mlaols
Cole Allcr
UiUistiB* nsxfle



mvB’n and ekIIOrva'e dliiaeri * epecl»Hr, OfCrt-aoDre: KtolOa. W.:< t«4 nsd T W Op.


T-kB. a. X FLOOD. OBoe In nr» Tenoeller
Jj Block Calls aaewn-d prawetly day or
Blgtt Nonhira'pboer.Sl BclI.SOl

For Fire Insurance


Dt. W. J. mggtoi. OpiratlT* fUntlitry


J • Lad» Ubrary BuilAls*. Bell pbone-OfOre. No. 10: resUIcc'-c, Ku tl. NonlirtB r-benc
-«ar» an.; rctiocorc. No. 71M»



- -

- iload ylPl for yrn»rs1 : H" OUp'Dsn Is Wsii's Drui; awnr on r*>oo
oarr. AdoIv ui Np«. 8 ' sir-sv. (iood bsra In ranDM-ttoa 'or yailrots.
Bsuds.KI Esst KinlliliSUOTt.
lPti^s|^BrodhsrsoV o^.fbsnr'^ »l*
______lo. KorWSurthrm phoar
rnxAMB n ASTxn r.
i.inibST i-w U..I j '
Ilip lo Ttsbsrss 11
mlU isUsyflsId
OHy. fur rAPileulsr. ln.|«lp» I Hlrklysn Wfr. I •

YTOB B4LX -UuB-aboM ftt>slt«rv. I will dis
ptMolsll we heoaMsld «oods ss tarnlBb prensrstar, <•> rvaovsl trsBClty. J X.
Kloe. W7 «tsw strwl

EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at

i-miBPliseod for tsie. a. J



Fire losuraoce.
GHkO tapMi t tadiu Si.
rclod depvtan *f tratze at Tr»v«sM
City, to eflwt Deeewber mk. !■*.

■ample* in window.

' Half Soled


In so mlnoM. whU. you
u., i, .... wuit-Ppioes 40 and SOo.

1. s. Frunan, 135 Frorl Street



JomnBlod. 'Plmi:.

L. L. A. BnUdittg.


w*rte(hlgbMtpe«ibl*gra4*. Pls*i
V*w Office. Warkh*i* Mloak

Prompt, carrto.1 aad eourteou* *tt«a-

rzsti'bBsro TtsauialUps
alom'slli'soiiosU l>> tbs tsMl'snd most snrod niPilKMls. Day or olsht eslb proai|>iIy
•urtod. rviopbonp So *

I^^ANTgn 1

' NrlsoB
Mrs Torn
Mrs Msry

oent due on each advertised letter.
Gkomx W. Earr,

How e Thler
We offer one hundred oollaraMward
or any oaee of catarrh that cannot be
o«irod bv Bair* Oatarrh Our*. F. J.
Cheney A Co.. Prop*., Toledo. 0.
We. the underalrsed. have known P.
leney for toe ImI 16 year*, and
sve him perfectly boaorable In all
bnatoew trwnaaetion*. and Ananelally
able to carry out any obligation made
by their Arm.
We*t A Traax. WboleMle Dmrgiato.
Toledo. O., Waldlng, Klnaan 4 Mar­
vin. WboleMle Dniggieto. Toledo, O.
Hall** Oatnrrb Oar* U takea totomal
ly. aettog dlTMtly upon toe blood aad
mneno* •nr(aoc*-of to**y*t*m. Prlee,
If you b**c bidnee dtoesM, you can T&eparboitle. Hold by aU droggiato
Uke Dr. Cbav'* Kidocy-Liecr Pill* TMUmoni* 'a frM.
with perfect confidence that wbat ba*
Ball’s Family FJlla are toe beaU
proved ao ahaoinu core la *o many
UioMand* of ca*c* will nol fall eon.
_ jswnptkoa Cuiw-W«rtMP'»
So long a* the celt* ol the kldn^* at* White Wfiw of Top tyni^ the
net completely wealed away, as in the beat cough mneily on canh, enns a cold
last stage* ol Bright** di(ca*e, Dr
and 60 eta.
* Kidney.Liver Pill* will gle* \n one day if taken in time.
a vigor and •tmgtb, and make
them atroDg, healthy and active. One pill
• do*e; aye * boa; at all dealer*, or be.
K. V. CbtM Medicine Co.. Buffalo, NY.



1 Win
HIM Usual ri>«pl<m by li
: lierul li or Ipo.IuiMI si Hcl-l Wliltirr

Ihird: “Arc^tbere deposit* like brick
duit in the urine *(trt u ha* *tood lor
twency-iour boor*?"
In it* early ■lage* kidner dtocaae to
racily cored by * few uoxe* ol Or.
Cba*e<*KidDe).LiecrPillA ■ prepara,
lion which ha* made Or. Cbaie tomow
througboot the world for hi* woadcrfnl
enies of dieeeac* of the kidney*.
Mr. laalab Manigold, pall
-wa.- N. Y.. wrrtee: “I
ety bml
bad case of kidney affection
•ome lim*. and doclorad in Tain
eain nntll
Dr. A. W. Cbaac'* Kidoey-Lleer
leey.Lleer PilU
my notice, and
bare compete_ . irw) me. I .
piatoe of their

praaMl** h*alto aad eatoift** a aataral
•ad aol aahealtotal erbelaf of to*
■MBMeh. Oeady era* aorar faralabod
to to* Oaltod Stot** army bator*. altooafb U to eoaaeaiy a**d a* a raboa
by to* Brlttob aad PraMh troop* ia
Joa^b Olaaa. a teraar at Blaadald,
Waat VirfUla. klUad hi* dabrbtor aad
bar lorar aadto** eat hto' owa throat.
Olaaa had forbUld** Albert Marah to
rtoll hto daarhur, Ellaa. a*t*ralnr
how*, h* foaad Matab ^tUat there
with hto daathter. fl* ordered Marah
to laaee. aad apoa hto refuaal took a
■botcoo aad drad at him.: Bllen apraag
la froet of b*r lorw and reoalred to*
eharye i* her toroat. dytoiy iDaUatly.
A aaeond ahot killed Marth- Glean tb*n
kiUad hiateaU.
' AtBadlM, Oal.. ala* miners war*
•atombad la to* Big Oaey Iron IfeaBtala mta* Wedaeaday. iThe eapply
mo* to broken, aad It to faaiod to* m«a
wilt die of aaffoeatloB. The reaealag
party to oommaaleaUac by kaoek* and
«oaada. It to belierad eome of the im.prtooaod bmo wUl be roeeaad allee.
BMaa B. Aatooay propoaae to talae
a faad of dMO.Ooo for aropacaUoa .of
woaMB'e righto deetriaea.

Trarerse Oil), • - Hielii{*a

stUecord cBlrp.

S?5rIfs;,';vo.. iL'r„VE.™~


O. ^2.‘S;iSK=a.''.£?).tt

k * Biryrlf- Bkop. ** L'Blee
'll. arrpeMor.

WANTglk-By vuuM

D ™due>w<l.
1. St •Awe ligbt II ''
*e<. AMrentl i
Wmgrm Boobjeer

Advartlaod XwRei*.

& Go.

Iranrsi Cilf Uaku C*.

Baoktoob Anlea Sale*, to* b**t to to*

■ of dOMWUlMl oay bfoltottoo toe bor JuBp*d
frow tb* *«eeod floor to ibe groaod
tohnr. H* moBOfod to til** o todd*r
to to* wlsdow obor* ood cTO*btny
toroBfb wito hi* bodjioatUtod to*
MwbM* of toe fomlly to |*Mep*.
At BoboIoIu. »ft«r twelrc dej* p*n'tar wliboot *«B of toe nlero*. three
OM** were dticornred ood *U Aided
letoUT’ The ricUmi weri two Cbloee*
■MB end * h*lf breed wobub. Itte
olaoet eertow tbet one ^ toe vietta*
eea* to hii deetu torookh eettof iofeeted food froa • CtalooM *tor*. It U
orobeble toe cue of tb* womee o*n
•too be treo^ to loUctod food.
PlAy toiwof cBBdy herd be** **Bt to
tooeoldlen 1* toe PhUipplae ieUnd*
brto* ooaalMBiT detortaentef lb*
■ray doriaff to* U*t tor** soslb*. »sd
torr* aaoBau to to* aoldler* U Oob*
bad Paerto Btoe. TbI* I* doM \pea
to* edrio* of to* iMdi*a| *• w*l) *•
l.e* ottewa of to* army, beeaa** It 1* a
phyaloleclaal fact toat \d to* tropic*

ss!3RSflsc«ekse«kii l^ssflt


Sldbwulk Lumlwr in uU biuM.
Was the Heartfelt Eiclematien Saved__
of the Beet Who Were ReJOHN F. OTT & CO
lietei or Curei last
8noe—OTi to TrAwer** Otty LnmbAr Oo Nieht at Sraed
Opera Hntst
The Fen lirqnette Eiilnil
. .u—by TBE BOT PBEHOMEllOll
Is better than a penny earned.
NVe CAB save yoa many.

Mraival Wadaaaday. i
Irad two ahotaAl Pra^aat Oaatra. bat
wttfeeat offaeL The fpraaldwil was
aftarwari aeclalmad by to* popatoot.
Ikaoltytoaowqatoi. Oaaaral Oaatroj
of V*a«*a*la to Oe- i

„ ««


*.rz; i

torUUag raaoaaa. aad attor toe fury of
to* flame* bad been apeaA toe bodies


neaiTtod bim oni
fora baadiwda of oar b*at aUtona.
aad b* wa* aani to toe 1
' Tnars era many so oalled baalen Wboaa
boapltal. He will
‘ work wiU Botauad ibe u*l toai toad*
rtadoat a Ive year old
. to lower toe proleeaion. Naiara ha*
boy who w. I found almoat daad o
thto boy a power, and If be livee
third floor.
I It will make him ooa of Ibe great men
We have eaved many doetor bilto | of tba oootofy. Leal night anffi
jiacawa bogao n»tag Cbambar;ain-a ,toa* hobbisd apon tba •tog* left it
Oomrb Bemofy ia our bom*. W* ke'p
or oratehea: Mta'>'wiuiuattoclroaaea
paraa botti* opea all toe time i d
that had aol moved a limb
•ver any of my family or-myeelf bagia
- rruutiepar.
•oeatob eold we b^n to.aeelbeOoigb
1 Uamedy. a* a rraait we never have ^
toe bgartog
eoad away lor a doetor 'iaad laear a
rMtorod. AUtotoaad
ii^Vdy aeVer'faii
* groat deal more -*• toe raaalt of toe
- ------------------------'Uhtoto~Mrr~ft
-- ---------------00'* woodertal power
iaMfta^y a madictoe* of gmat maitt'rBoy P«

,'^”«^b, 8.R. Wbll.^^

^ Tr.TO..Cll,««lri-

. iebitT. bnd hi, pn.bie MbiaBblb.
«“ “• «i-» .1 p-b Pi.™ boifi b..~. tt.


W* hav* BOW to oar mld*t a laaato*
• Mignatto Ma*Mgo B«al*r. and to* »«»•

Removal Sale of Footwear

ooiHo aooni.

Ar Ord Bapida.


L* Ord Bapiaa.


L ..rd rri«lU.. ,h. IWrf I•'
.> tb. U. «bor ot tb. b.Mu. rrlearai.r.d olb«< lb


C t. ttWKWOOD. O. r. A T, A. Ormud Baplia

maeulk I'Btac Stmt.

iwvolaliOB agatotl Praaldanl Andrade,
who fled from to* repaUtc.
At New York Wedaaediy a Baroe flr*' TOZll^ht At 8 p. m.' th6

• KMWt.


woold make any girt wreick
bn rm going i« atady the next on*
' .................................... to tan bei

■«ar Pm, tod.. <toof% Hard«n*k.
to* UfweU OM of |lr. aadlln.
JvTf Bsfdwlak. ot * fit* «rM*b At•tooyto tooir tm\*mm. a^nd to* li«*a
of kkVotof oito tor** yimag akOi
wk* war* *to**toc to to* jipp*ri»rt of
to*ho**d. n*roof w**!»*orl/raadr
to teU wbao to* tod dtoaowrod to* tr*.


Who. When Jost sboot to alt down. *oddenly caoeliHled that buriDeaa called
4W th.-nj elaea bm-. One day a fanorr
dn-w hlmeelf op and Ml down
aqaarriy. He didn't Jnmp. be dldat


point long eoough.*'

ItotoUtoaHiMi o»*r to* toaftof
to,«*9tototofmi oo «to»oMo.oU
too mttii a* to** l» fMK7 "««




— *-••



Tbrre wa* a Ut «f few* ippcMto
Itowtoy'* drag store to T------. Kam.
asd aa n proved raavenieat to tonng-,
•n It ora* broken doau nme than
oo<-e. The owner, after potting U to
_, order a aaeoacl tlase. faateood a barbed
#7 wire Ol the top. Th«w was foB for

Mow M a Itot of to* baytne Mfl
«t ■i*ii*i1a¥ Int |ro**i1**.
Bcote*l*lB Tto*

i nn erne mu
m tuttT tTMia ^


Ladle*’ Bussia
$8.60 Tans.

Hen’s Box Calf and
Enamel Shoes
Pingree & Smith Hake

Ladies’ Box Oalf


1-4 off.

Now 61.88

Ar Old Raptte!|

Ladies' High Out
$2.60 Skating
and Bicycle

800 Fairs of our
Pingree & Smith
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
New Lasts, at

Lt TLvevee Oy.i

Now $1.88

Cut Prices.

umiES ill) ioniusmi l i.

Boys' Shoe*.
20 Styles,
Every fair at

Hen’s Felt Boots
with High Out

M 1*0 •'•leek a. ■

Cut Prices.

The Old

m ;ir

I 00


i:aisafe:l : !i I _
■ mbb.

J. *«■«»

Now $1.69

Felt and Beaver
Lumbermen’s Sox


LvObleaM........ '

Bubhere to Close Out
Ladies’s Sizes......... 26c
Hen’s Sizes.............. 60o
Hisses’ Sizes’...........20c
Better Grades if Ton
Want Them.


Ladies’ Elds
Lace and
$1.60 kind.


Now $1.13
The Old


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