The Morning Record, December 12, 1900

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The Morning Record, December 12, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


; Oar 50c Slippers

In our line of Christmas Neckwear you
will find very handsome colorings and
Si^jo. :$c. 50c. 35c. *sc.


ForChiUpim. BUckfell ip;
«x»aualttoe oai penaioau today ordered
reported farorably tlte bilU IntreLoadeii,.Der. It—A report has Iren b IrimiDed with while braid. S
leather aoW. UiMe*' nxes.
mm riok«M whm
daced.byBaaaurOallom fora pen- reeeired here from 4kipe Tows, that
WaablncMo. Dec. It—Tba-war de- Bloa offiSOamootbeach'to tbe wid­ Ceoerat Oewet. who has been enMt fcnr oat^hr Bae-BBioo
UA U»tr ptmeim. At OaMl^ Rot^. artmest haa reeelvbd a repMl from ows of Gaoetala John M. Palmer and, ^Vased in a fierce Imrtle wlUi
Upomfav U. R. WiiMB wu |itee»<l la Oenteal Chaffee of the iaeidest that John A. IfeClmaod.
fern- of Boen acaisst General Knox
oeoarred in Pekin In eoaaeetieB
ckwirv. ThU BMnlaic mctt
Dec. II—Tbe formal and a body nf Brilixb.
Brieht, Sd. mi Ml. J
fMBd tb> ittiUOB loiAed. tM mxbsU
^lenliis apeeebea apoa tbe tdll
,; in ewnplns and U haatentas to join
Waldenee. It appeara that Ocseral rodaee war taxea were made lodar' Botha for th- Cape Colony inTaalon. i bhtok far tritntDrtl. t-ei7 pret- K
■rt, M<1 li>e opmtor troBiC
^ t)-4ad«m.fol.7.-,.-.K5o.
fo«»4 atfftil ibIIm away sad aid, a; Chaffee did nae aome pteUy rhr
by Payne. Repnblicaa.. New York. [The report i« nnomcial and ia
crowd of awAad aw caaa la dorliw Unsoase in proteatlns aealnsi
ehalrtBBa Of the
Our Men's Slippers
tiaerlas and loedns of foreiirn
the ai«fat. (lad a rope mronad
Joat irerioat to tite receipt ‘of this
, farorias ita .

ban (be
aaak. lad hia to a Male aaar hr.aa*
hantlBomoly 0;
DoBMcrat. Virsinia. who mmor the followias waa received bf
foeliosa of xew Walder^
(old hla be roald eitbar iwoala
atated that the mipority favored a the Bvenlas Standard:
Mabrm.lerrtJ.I.'iOc, fi5c,.75c. i
pointed refneaM by Oeiwwal (%affee
lace ajaaip off .(be bridca.
tl Oa
Black aa.l colored §
“Tbe battle betWeeb UeBeral Kaox,
tedneios tbe reveane »».•
to the fact that the looUns waa belnf 000.000.
rmalaed to aa
aad Oeneral Dewet eontiaiiea and the ^ IsealLrr Slippera, SI. fI
done by late romera. who bad borne
At Paiatnr Labe, a band of ■trlk<
At« o'clock the botw ad^ooraed
chans*- sronud iareamntly. A
of tbe tennt of the eonflirt and natilStlStomormw. when the ever- The lack of definite information <n
dme noiaa ©twrala from Kaaa»
Vow WaUeraeo himerlf eiaea of the eelebratioo of the owtea- the vsbiert ia due to the bbomee of
Ultr. jut brooaht ia. Rmideate at. hardafaip.
.Moamiaeat. aad a(hi7 polata refoiad'
aial aaoireraary of tJae «
oonimBicatioo with tlw
the expeditionary force 'oeenpied
(o read ocBtBDloa opmtorc.
of the naticaul neat of soremment at ^ tcene of artico.'
T(tti|rl]| a party of atrl£m atonaed town.
Wmahinston will take place.
R/ttlalter> hot>e that the queen's
the Saaa Fe oCBoe at Sadalia. where
Vaahiaston. Dec. Il—In the senate{iroope liave forced Drwel'a men into
(WO Boe-Qiiiaa men were. The o|wr- Grmaral Chaffee hail prorocatioo for, today they a«Teed to meet tomonow; ‘*>e aoathwrrtem |iolnl of lie- triMan aimtir ihroBKh . tiw wladowa hia otteranoBB. but tesret U fell that
3 o’clock to mie pan in the cen-jansle between im)samble tom-nla. >
Pt^nlar Shoe Honor, f
to ret away. The airlfceni fired wr- be iLM<d thU imie in addrpaaiBC tlie
tnlal corrmoalea
where ila-.r may meet the fate of
Tbe old aUfid.
aral abota. One eaoa|ie<t. (be other J.
rhe oleoraarsBriar bill waa referred i Genital Cmnj-. Not a Tew. how- ^
B. CotaMork.'fell wooaded..
Pekin, Dec. 10—At today'a meelias|to tJie coBuaittn-on asrieollare.Clav. lever, exjiert' llial the aliiflv Dotcli I
Bt. LoaU. Dee. ll~Wldrly direr- of Oie mlnUlsra. called to cemaider if , Democrat. Oootjria. denonnoe-l the ehieftlan mar
yet poll his 1
rmt reportii a* to the procTeai of llte LiHansChaasaadPruiceObtaj^iaMl aa m.)oat, nndem- oot ..f tbe anire set V«w it.
j-rr’' /.
taHn»]iher«- ilrtke oo Um* HaoU Ke power from the conn to coodnet n.--; octallc and aliaoluelT in>VreaWhle. ’ This etmjatle l»-twe«i. Dewit and
were iwelrad at (be beadqaarteni
fora aettlameat. on beliair;Senator Hanna intended to a|a-nk Knox has linti in a critical ataffe for
Order Railway Telercapfaars In ilil* of China, some of the mini*t(tr» aul-i today, hot owias to UteacM ,«ei. ‘ ten days iwat. It haa Wn waRt-.l
oily. From 'Uilhe, Kanaai, roiuea ed that *h*7
aathorixed to tnwt, inoed Jtia retdarka till TliniwUv.
onder cirromsOaneea of extreme liar.1tne report of a bad wreefc, qaiekly with tisem aa
relWMeiilative* of WashiairWO. I>er. II—-nieie will: ship for Iioll. ccantaitaBta. The i«lfoUowail by anoOier near Ckwr Lalte. China, while others, inclodliis the he two offleUI iaqairi.-a mad- into di.-ra have liad jrticlioally n.. al.-ep
German miniatar, hail not received the deatlh of tiaear L. Boot of Briaol. jM«» have
»:)snl ami. fnaylit niirht
Fnw Widiita eaoMa oewa that a iaatmetioaa ia tbe
of tlie liuie ill heavy
Ra.. who diesi recently aa the resell a»<> <R.v.
All ileeided. however, that as soon of alletred injariew received by 1ieii>s I niioa.
oorpa of epataton had artlrad from
Obicaro to take the pber of theatrik.
haxed while a cadet at the West I ,rhe„
bora ' Qie Cte
era. while Catalman Kewms. at that tab miniataw. reoelvea word to airree Paint military neademy two yean I starts yon Koinff and von bo a Ion* \
the joint note fhev will comriiy. reinrta the 'altnatian farorablr
itime. ifyou imwiie (he main-sprinKi-N
U ialiuelohsve (hen
[of life with Rocky Moontain T.w. ! ^
to. (be men. A taeetlnB of the iteada menee neirotialioDa with Li and
Root today i
laid away. Mak^ your ^v.
of the railway ordm 1a to be held at Chin* nnleaa otherwise inatneted fay ,i„.
,.oard. headed b^ ‘ Major {.Giwt tnlirirator. Aak yoor dranriM. [ \
Kewton, Kan., in Um> bo]ie of indoc- the home KovenimeDU. LI .Haa* Oeaeiat Jolin R. Brooke, and ih-*'<WU«nT S HYGEtNlC............. ....
(•ekclioo while the asiBc tralameo to make eotamon caoae Oliaaff visited Gemial Clisffec today, bonae retaetwatativea adoiaed a reen '
ftolnif at a 10 |er cent diaaortmeot ia -larup. A “*
with .the (.•le«la|il>era. '
Ue says that hi. powers to aeffotiale : IoHob for cwartrmiooal itmalir
ftiH line ..r
tfaata Fe ofilclaU rlaim the airike with the forelitn eovov*. thonitli coo-: Wadiiioftoo. Dec. ll_The senate----------U Ttrtaallr ended.
ferred liy telejtvatili. arc al-olDle and[confirmed the nomination of Wdi...-.'Bicycle, cnamele.! at Finch s ll'll tf
Toiieka, Dee. Il-Tlie Banta Fe la
mplete. All the Kovetomoata have I). Byimm of Indiana, to he a member-------------------------------------ranolsK Ita road ae if tlie telewiaiihera
iterrd into the plan of a {wovialonal of the commimlco to revise and codiMceja France, whoee | fy the rriminal and iiriul laws of the
■ Btrtke were a thins of the paaL The
Itial French ter-1 Cnited SUlea
Ciloay shall be cxclndnl from the ]
^on. Dec. II—Tlie i:oasC|
apiioinW.- •• |W>miuiiieF
il — Praahieni
e on jDoiciary
judiciary io<uy
today made a,
tnher of aob-committeea

Dolphin today U in acii
»P-ifavorblcrc)mrt on S.mMor Formker’s'
Wtth the exertilire poiBtod. Thomdraimy offleera have! bill, iieodina. for ilw appoinimwii of
affima of Use (Mtler of Railway boen appointed membora-of tbe comadditional district jodjte for tlie
miaaloa. It U tbe tfiwlreof the aea- northoiti jodirial di.lrirt of Oldo.
I. la in active eym etaU to make the mle civil an far as
lathy wltii them aad obLv awaUa the}POM»Wvorder from their exocntive head to|
------------------ :-----

The assortment of Olotcs and Mittens
for men. bo3’s and children is simply grand

$ Our Chiltreii's Juliettes

25c. 50c. 7SC. $I.CO. St.,SO. SiJM. $2.25

Wilson Bros.’ famoos Shirts we are sel­
ling just now at
• Onk D(»llar
Uts of Sweaters. Hosien*. Night and
Bath Robes. Fancy Vests, etc.


S. Benda ^ eo.
$.S.OO to $20X0

IfllfredU. I
Friedricb ^


I pm . .

jf Silvtrwart
J Silotr nmlties


,h,»..» F.

,.| S»W aURDER IR « DREta

the demand, of the teleffraphera
I)ol|ihlh sul the
V or tv. I Pallhan rtM a VUkia
are hopeful that (IH-Tr neyotialiotia la tVhtrh Ms Msuu Use Kreabse Mi
will rtwall la the active aappon of
•sed-tvilhiuB (later m Trial
the tmiaairti.
I- Tb- M-nlna Ihentd.
Denver, Oolo., Dec. II—A Bkala
Feipeclaliiaincaaslaltiur of a loro-, Lincota, Neb.. Ih-c. Il—Atloner
motive and ooe coach conveytiw l<&anyan of Ilaatilurton. Ind.. arrived
TralaiOaster Dan and twenty non-1 >wre today on (■** way to Broken
anion teh-KTapber^ collided with a - Bow. Cnsler county, to assist in the
fast Texas ftvlirht 00 the (Tolcndo ft pmarcotimi of William Uxley
ttoolhera west of.DaWver this anmi-j vbanre of mutderiny W. H. Fullhart.
in|[. An eairinr and several tiara were i a wrwithy Caster eoquty farmer,
wrecked. Tbe ensuwor of tbe sucisl. Branyan ia llw leRal repr• ooald not see the slynal. in the/^iat. lof tlx-BUterWtlie dead farmer,' liv.
It waa first reported that inkers'iaa in Huaiiiifttoa.
• i The, attoniev telatea that
wrecked the train
[aiitfatofNov. SOtb. tbe aisTw wit[ QMed in kdr^ the attack on Foil
ibart. Rhe mw the asaamia oeerpow'er.ber brother aad kill him with an
Aa tm M«e far aasi
WoraiBC Howe..
the ax. Three later tbe news
IMsdal to rSe M.inHsc Ruv-wd.
readied iter that Fallhart.had been
8t. Panl. Dec. li-Tliisal
00 hia ranch with hU
.. • of the 1 .. ,
Faclfic head cradled with an ax. Iasi weeb

forTigher wages


General Oren

clares It is Void


JIrt Ypu Op to the
msrkf .

Jyolidap to



We have them

C«p Stock...
Latest tlooelties

Sehethn Oom

Bamum & €arif

»arand fidjidati Sale
C^ned up yesterday with a rush.

Usefal Gifts, Ladies.

Useful Gifts. Geots

M-eutiful kerrhi.-fn, Icup
Golf (ilov-a.fanc-y colon. .Kir.
FurfolUtvItea, •!.« np
Wtv.l fxM-iuaton. S.*- tip
Knncy wcwil walatA II.UIuji
Fur mrffs from kl.w u|i
Kceuliful la lu. 3:. nod :«hF'n-iH'li iilnt- mirton. SI-*- up
.S(>v<-(|> pin mnhluUA. Sm-.
iT..|lv roll-r lilottcr*. 1.-,
•Hill WBi.u. nii colons H up.
Nice t1i>»crtiira at W and "eir.
Iaw mrtain*. :<n-|aT|alr u|i.
Hnixlwmi.-dreseingaark., Snr
Fur Ihae. goel ow-i-, at XI.T:-,
Kid gh>vc-». all rulim. at <Or.

■ar. Ur
Fine handlu-rrhiefs.
10. |bc
H-svy J.lnled ruff ImttOBAUc
SinfAt-r-'o-mhiiuitian srI, Xte
Kill gl<iv<-a or millena, .’iOi.
Kanrr mton-d aliirtx. SOcto fil
Fnuiy Kilk vestn,
l»o.d night ahtria, .Vk- to tl
Silk mufflers. :<Or.
T..lar..p or cigar glass jara.|l
f'lml. or ploali caja. .’•Hr to fit
Howainl jonmrta.jt.’-- to #I..V)
ttilk i.ibIi. Kua|a-nd-n. 2->tofi0r
FV-v kwi-el..n.«l logLU
(ilBto Ink stauih tmly .Vw
ov-n-osla. all oilim.fi4 up
Fancy scarf pliiA U aad SV,



Y'i>u lake u» iTinnci-ii « li<-n
von |B.v Si <•> for thi» -hw —
Fverr |nir in warraiiicd —
Mx.le on ix-a- and . xlvlial.
laata-hcBVy and light tolc,
ki.l nlxa- lliat wear*
w-ll and fit. well You g.-t
lli<-n> of (h•■ «>l(l Rcliahl--

teUphone Cc.

time te think
about «

and attend our

Ko more--no leua

L—ipj.ftd, n_i.
the tronblea of General Marah an- not. mntiii-slion
yrt wded. ms Attorney General Oren; jfot in two hema-Not tomoraml Ptoeecntiiw Attoraev Tnllle are
hot immediately,
determined to fight hia ;sodaa.
, ,,
The attorney general ha. filed in ' The Other fellow ofl.-n geU Hie
the sntweme court a demurrer to
RiUflit Lave hail, beceoee
Marsh’s pie. for an order dirveting [ *»f .l*” • Telephone in hix place
the circuit judge to-dimniM the
of Inmiaeae.
against him and dischanre hii^ aad



The Pingree

If yofl wish to b<' so, tbe TelePeiMk lo isvaiMai;; pbose ix iDdixpeoeible.
HefMr the Ms^
in thu age. wil

based otf tiw pardon u Insufflcienl. '-------------^
It it rUimed (hat (be pardon i. void
because llw- n«niatiaD. iworided by
biw relative to tlie manaer of apply,
lag for iwrdona throng^ the psedp"
board were not eotaplied witt
Fbnher. tbnt the condition imposed
it impoaaible of (wfoaoement. Ilwre
-d o™.™l Mdd«.,; .rt,h F.llhm> „i«d,r.
being ao machiaeTy. in case of aa
utter refaaal to comply with tbe eondittoaa. wbrtebr Marsh eoald be
taken Into cattody to aerve bis aea-ace.
mvnaaw Kaat-huree hr Beni
The third point imited ia that if the
suaeXMrMaalei-Mr Me
pardcBi aad M^t
-e vaUd. it ia
etoeatial timt tlw suisvtae court pgc.
jadgateni in the east ises_____
, John McCormick, in tbe eiaploT Of
cated on appml and that tbe-dreuil
. Un.. ft-. Il-ibo.1 I«» rf <d.:
*"“■ judge i*oe^ to seatonce. for if tbe
ecaditloa U opantiTe.ihit U tbe tmlj
in whleb il oaa be amd.
|Hewaaaawlnf( lam oat a aide hlU'
I when tbe Ions railed, rateblag bU^ effective. Ax the matter now atatida.
ty-ai|rhth aaanal convmitioa today.
for tbe eoadliica
and clukiBffJtim to death. Be waa
aiagle maa. » yean Old. aad wm
soaaiter in tbe vidaity. baviac a
it lx beld tiaat tbs aaprctoe court caaBL Loaia. Dec. ll-Jao»b Staauff. Meads or reUtibes. aa tar aa U BOt ixoeeed to jadgSHat. no order
t*aaid(at«( the Rtampd Carpel Go.. known. As mm aa the aeddent waa ritoold be made farther 8m di—w
Dr. Fialiek
coMiittad saieide this morataff. Ill
daito'x ^iptal and there, shaald
bealth U tboagh to hare been the betdaatba
a order lekaaiBlBg tbe Circuit
Peter Hlgirlas of Grand Bafdda. jadge from eatoring jadgwaat or xta.
s or requiring him to dixetaige
Wfick is la Tnogresa a
of Mm Abb Bicg^ of
b aad hix xaretiM.
hnttbeexBbBB«eoa(oftbe Oiiiaeam this oity. it haw aMirtinii ia'-tbe
lale(hoaw oqmpaay to tbe apprr floor ichanffiaff o^ tbe Gitixena
tbe Ttmaeller Mock. A aew tnblc anbaate in tbe TmmeUer bloek
CMpt H. J. Webb of
boUc pat la and the eahaage 4a tamtbe groand Mor to tbe
Bay Uae. tame up bom CbMigalir

S5.00 to $2500


TKm^mw SAmnd.

P“f>on* BtortotoM

Bring! oat the cooipoxpr'i
grandtot conceptions when he per­
forms on the Kimball Pinna We sell the best maxicxi ia
•tramentx of all kinds, mod css
help yon to hare best muic.

v.v.inniijiiKo. ..Men’s Holiday Slippers,

I HoUit f>irfms
We hare ax tumal a Bne
line at reoeoaoble, meoa—
from onch oaken ox Colgate,
Lnadboig, Eoetmas. etc.—
Every botUe gootuteed to
be good. Posey bdkes osd
botOeo. It win pay yoa to.
boy yoor Cbriotm^ perfomSi,'st

WaWa Dmg Stan,

We have ao ^ceptionally fine assort­
ment of Men’s House Slippers ranging
in price from 75c to $2.00. We have
some baigaios on our "single pair” coun­
ter that sell as follows:
ltoVll«)«,d»ir581iFp«.l».................. ......... 7BC
tbm’t .1X5 ud $IM SUn-F. hr .......................$ I .OO
Boj.-.L00 81ipi«c.tor...'...................... i.xr.......... 60c

Front Street.

McNamara Bloek

/■UA, wntxanur, 1

nifaUiiM :


HIM tern*

^ >s^v


Iw 1mJ(
ISMWMt. whk* «M minwA
b7 * Ihi« pm»W ci tWMO. tW
tk* iii^w M


iw«U et iOm BMlud-i w«k tUm
tmiL Am^ Atm tat mtmj
pn07 0MNT giMw. w««nl Cm
Vtmm tata« bmA
*1»D th> lMhwp» —a don liMM.
8b»«lMkM • «tar of «a
«ad teiM. «kkb •!
. JOHMJ.HMOV - Cttir CIrcwlater tlttfa
iBtij emeotad.
MtoaBarltedwaa —* la leaatotogbar rlaiuaB by Kim Hetoi
tore, wbo aarrad Ugbl ref
»to to toe dlatog room from dalatoad laiatad totoa, alao tto work
wUl to eoattonod tfaia aflanmoa.

OmbI WkiM ^ UaiwdwMteIr
tMkad Mnr la U« iBRld* pockM
b«7»d tb« r«a«k<d^af».
vktt* OMMtal Manb to ttlU «a tl«
Mk, fa nAM «f tiM cvretBor'E «ahl
Mte «f toatoacr. Tk* atUtMj
flMiBl of the toalc baU* ttet lb*
pHtato Told.
iM'iilulii. tot
T«r- «M aad waaUac for • a«« crtoL
Tto RtoontT miEEmi Jwlto ttol tto
Itoto to ao aatofaiay la «to toi
«ktoh tto eaadltioai topoM^
(It* (p tto fBjwat at • ttap'ie la■toltoMto. caa to cafomd. alttoacb

aoo Babeom aad 3ite B. Haettaga. both of Bmamt ooont7,-wen
tooogbt before Utotad Statao Oom-

Tto7ar« ehar^ wlto alaalli« <0
■Bt7. tto raiae at wtatoh
eb fare toad to tto aam of
jMlr appwaaee before tto___
aeaaloa of U« anitod StatM Diatrlot
t at Oraad Baplada

Whito aU ttoM eeatpllaatloat
toap Manb to qaite i»obaiate Cheer
abU ttot to tto taecoftto <nadl> Lbarae'er larmar
ID etaoW Imew. ef Whlcb ft*
ttoao aomaatog hto oaw that liii
paidoa wtU •ttok.ItagatdlM of tto
PluOit tieitlr.
Ed Reich, wbo wm arreated-Jfor.
» almoR to the act of lotraUaglfram
oftta pardoa toard'o feaottoetaad
of Ito HMtUtoa Clothtog
lto«Knlt7 of the gfl
Oo.. war togaght befere Jodge Bob■Htodlyttoiartotto.
erta reelarday on the eharge of 'laroenr. to whton to pleaded galRp.
Agaiaaldo lai^t'flad
Be war fined »S0. whiob to paid.
aiMt to Oeaotal Dowel of Sooth
Ttoofaarice ander which be war
Africa, who toe oocapod from’ tto orlglnallT told, ttot of famaar from
Brittoh. Doworba*
e ttore. to a rtry aeriooe oae. UaUc
iotiiBM aad alway* 1
to a bearj eenienee to amtf priaoB.
OMdi to effoeUrelf ohidlag tto rig- Belefatoo
e la tor
IkaM of hto tCMBtoa. Thto time to
t tbto grare ebarge changed to
waa o^torad. aaro. tot bow to to,
off to ioto OoBRal mSia to tto to- .The good* ahich to pleaded gnUtr
wtoa of Cape Coloar.
of ateeUag were a nraater. a pair of i
panta, and four pairs of mitteoa-

Ma. held ragm

idtoattwor. Tkig am ta to!
baOt maa to make to poiUbletortto
am to
Mr milk aad tom;
Mto over titooB ttoltor Unco.
Hag tom to toe tmigkt yards
of the rallraad.


Christmas ProsonH

rtbakiad. will
Statiatka oC iatmlgrattoa for' the
montiai show that there to

away toom toe Baadwito idMda.DarSermal ralicB «C Lord Bctoca. in-1 lag tbs drat three meatoa the togaMare cf'JaiBBeae for J^an hare esoeaded toe strirab by orsr TOO end
to UiUikcR Block.
i mwe CUaem- bare gone
aa hare eome here.
. Bataiday aftar toa atteatonti
Treat, the oldmc Ueeoa in
Sw poUoe kam no tmoe of
the United 8totoa.diadat Denar
We have a large Hoe from -a good '{till spring;
n AprU A ITIT,
PbiUp Vocdload. wbooa Uay 17
and Joined toe
spring edge couch at $6.50 up, co a fine leather. Also
at. as toe stoemer Pries Carl, on
which be was*pntom*m.waa pama fine line of Bed Loung^es.
toeoUmt Uaaea hes been claimed
ter a oamhar of asen. bat Aden A.
tieet probably was beat entitled to
it. for he was ICS years old end had
e heat to Keepiag. end oHw woe eeneightyooe yean. Ur.
d and aenteeoed to death in Jane
Treat became a Uaaon at T»y. N. Y.
torn, woe beheaded Umday at Yencae of a oommlttoe of Uaaoes
mas, Swedeo.
appointed to ikeeiTe' General lalayAt Sea PnaelMO, the tzaaspm ette rritea he VlUfod Troy in 18H
Hanooek arrleed Ueaday trom UaAfter working as a leeomDtire caGOODS.
niia by way of Nagamki with a grae- gineer on the Batolmofe end Ohio
icamt. to emtiMod U toe bod­ raitroad for }nst half a century,
ies of aboat 1.000 milers end toldlen to{di Wert of Cumberimnd. Ud.. has
toe a flood Sbo*'
who eithar died in battle or sac- been retired cm a psoaloa at toe age
' Don't Judge too aboe by ihr i*cr. TbU ia u
eomhedioibe tayageeof dissese in ofTA In aU toe yearn Of Us ompiortoogaut: h'a worth oonai.lenblT more: in fact,
thh PhiUppines. China, Oaam aad meat be nenr reeeimd the sligfateti
it'gaaaaji. You ahonldB‘1 miaa this amflon’e
The Old BeliuWe One Priced Jeweb ’ stdih Tiel kid lace ahor. Kid tlpa. new BosHoaolula. ThU is the lorgMt i
injury, aerer had e wreck of any
-1 idB^oS laat, Jtew (.'obnn Imh'U rsteaaiao mips.
tor of kodlss bmaght home etoee <«he eeaee<neaee and at no lime <
wear and bold lu ahapp.
rmk of the Bimlto-Amerleen man <ff his crew killed.
M' Yici
A monaeat U on foot la New Ymk
»«, toTT****
■ iCRsand^l.C
II', to 3
. SI.3Saltd«l.l
„U_, .M—, <.u »«. h« - I- ! a„„
u«- u«. If you hare n dwelling. Btato.Btere. I ■ beat Boys' School Shoe ia Tiaveree
Cily U our dooMp mie. bos calf,
sliapeThe tngedy oMaded a plsas'
ly aad stroog. and the prior...
. gl..W^
It little taoilal of musioal Meads.
write toe IniRbunee for you. and wlil 1 Erery shop we eell mnal HI perfortly and gi»p ei.tirr aalistiK-linii. If nol *p
gire yw pr^ aad ciMal. uttM-;
•beg to hear from yon.
~;jastbeen eelekotod in the hislorie ti<m.
Only toe moat tellable Btoek insur-aertom Georgia on e
B,mie he* preeentod
Bates eery. lew.
135 Front "BlrM-t
Tbr Practical Shoe Man
haye po"**^ j Admiral Aletieff, a gDld-mocuted
00,000 I


iMiM Stick TknEnr.

$7 00 lor

Fire Insurance



A. 7« U-r, i. do ~lta»d
ci,lli.-ooa . .loilL. »«po, Telepbooe 78
in toateeotion. bat nagotiatUms are^^jj^^
lasolbed “Fw
ood«o.jf... 10i,«Ud.«ll, •ld;u.,p,aikoOoooIM...obolU.-

TtuTene Oily

Gmnd Traverse
Land Co.

of toe Toaag Uea'e Oiristlan aaeocU-1 ”
tloB. Tker wem only ro*«ators ’^

finally W.
ir oi'^ -.olw, .o‘«“‘'r
»; Q.
“■ PhlUlpa,
™“‘i* a sleoder
Join, wfamiail tin of them stguedi' oath, imd a rope tied to hla ankle*
lowered bead fomnioat.
their mmea to toe ple^ end pot oo ,"^
____ „.Jto attach another rope
white ribbeaa. They are all young i
,^,^i ■ ........................... ..
tie diain and It was heuled up. bat
H...T J. E-P
has organised a oompssy which
eetabUsIi at UoKnlght's Gap.
city named, e farm for the
of fur-toarlng enimala.

HOUSES for mle ia all parta of the
oily—all prieea.
PARUS — A loBg Uat of defllrahla
farms aud other laada.
FRUIT lANDS cayTtbe PealacalaliUproTed and mimprored.
BARGAINS—We bare them.

Grand Traverse Land Co.
will i hanled nii. '
-------- -----------^w Phoae S8
rearA CARIi.
toe undmigned. .do herein

H. to U. Block

r'LEXTTElC and Uai Bbadea and (ilobni
1-' tod Oofl Fiitorea. Brlla and Call IMU,
" IJaUetieti, Portable KtoTPO, Healing I’tdf.
Tea Pole. Flat Iroiw, Corlmg IroDS Incandeareot Lwpa, } f. p, tollOil c. p.- all nliappe
"olora. interior telrpbon»» for lioiise.
factory or atoreWe can wire aDjlbin;:




146 Front Street




.fOMM W. O-TT to OO .

BpH 'Phono No, -i:.

o .P»i;sn,s,r.'S'i^.^°TEL“ ” ”■

lannan & Lay
Mercantile Compaay

^ lyoMa^ Reminder |

The Display in.

Mm. ItlfBtaltori^toBC.
Un. Uattle ItoTar. wHttit Blraie
of OiBwa, died at her home
tkMO raoModtj. aged. I*. Faneral
awTloM will to told at the M. B.
chaiak at Giawn Tharedar ai
o’aleek. Her Uttle babe will
bortad with tor. Ura Tharer bad
Urad at Drawn alnee bar cklldbood
aad waa a taltbfal member of tto M.
B. oharob. Bto baa manj frianda
^ wiU Mgrat to learn of ber death.

getting a ihtu at eome gama On bto
’.borne to oanirtit sight of a____ _
-i^eb be shot. Ilien loading
the dead deer oo bto eboolder. to earried it to bto borne and had his brok

wi£t aeU
tickets on December ». a. »«. to. tl
end Jeauerr 1. aU good to
mUiam Dekkar. a ooBdoetw oo tto until Janoarr A ar
Mae UarqeeMa, who waa well known tore, to eU local ■tottoas. and
hate, died ea tto operating table to
Botmeworth boapital at Otaad Bap- Ato egeats for full jartioutota
ito Kcadar aftonooo. wtaile underH. E. UoeUer, O. P. A..
ffoiagaaBicloat. optartloa He wai
MyamoC ago. aad a realdeot of
0«^ Boidda. where to learea a wife
Md two ahlldren.
Tioketsaold Dea K-ti-it-ldgoodto rvtuxw BBtUJaBBBXT CAal
1 meotliv
le oCtomi wlU ’
•Mlag year. Alao

K"ghS.rsaL.‘pouu, -

Batata; te baiad W
;fec battor to Mm.
uS Om*DS^Mwbmm^
CIMitmii tadtai tr^

until Ckrtotmas mp store will opaa etra^ arsai^. J. N.Marttoi*
_______________ lllfitf.


Titoata will be Mid at oae WU7 tom

Bought a Job Cheap
6o spools pure all silk satiQ baby ribboo, all col- 1 a
44 bolts No. a satin ribbon.
peryard.......................... -............................. •••'
No.'s 5. 7.0. all silk taffeu ribbon, ioc values,
No.'s 5, 7, fine satin, pure rilk backed ribbon. Q A
worth IOC. per yara...........................................
No.’s 9. ta. i6, 33. pure, silk satin ribbon, fine 1 A
grades, wor^ up to asc. this special.............. XV



Our Window

Is but an index of the b^utiful line of High Art Goods
that.will be found up staffs in our ijreat China and Art



^ John t. Beadle A


1W. SUTER’S mm furnisbing store


1, which aiact to
Ooroiaor- 1
Don Dean aad famllf of Sottm
joateedar aad atraage Boj axe Tisitlag reletirei to tto eity.
to M7 la tlM> graat thmut of oolooeli
Frank Volnba baa gone te Petoe money in rearing laeeoona, ©poemms i „„ of xar if it tal
priiiat BOt a ibot waa esahaagod aad karoo bnttoesi.
' tto bjttaaden were qared maliU•totaat"Sorg«aat-at-ARns 8. C.
.<H.p PH '»“»«» refunded.
”,8. E. Wail.
Bogbee to Rosborg.
Deapres went to laastog roalordaj,
P. C Thompson.
to be premiM during tto ipeetol oeo- oonstmet line* reaching from »*t_to j jufc Q. Johnson.
. tto Toaag people of Travotee I
Hon. W. H. Footer will leare tbto
moentog for the sprolal oemiem of tto
togislatnxe at Uaalng.
Bee. A. Van Ankea d> Vaaderblltii
1 tto cil7 oo bto ear t^pld Utoa»n. where to was formerlj
the Oongregatlooal ehureh.
Ron. J. W. MUUkeo toft
VmmII Sleder. Radelpli areilick for Uoslng. to attend tto apeetol meaad Tiaak KiatoehTll.*had aa ezper- sioo of tto legtolature.
Ura J. Salllran of Cedar, to to
taaoeoB ttotojBatatdar ttol tbej
will aot oare to repeat. Tto7 had the oitr.
P. B. Berth of Omene, te to
Cent's Fur Lined Gloves^d Mittens.
alartod oat to Ur. Orelllcfc'a ataaai
laaaeh. tto Ooi.t. Cor a Sahlag trip city on boatoeoL
Gent's Fur Lined Coats.
James L. Kthl at KortlqNrt. to at
to Bower’a Harhoc. Aboai aoao
Gerdt's DresaSuit Cases.
wlad roM to atotoet a leale, aad to- (to Hotel Wbltiag.
Ur. ond Ura A. B. Beiltofer of
otaad ad patttog Into tto Bear port.
Cent’s Fur Driving Cloves.
daeided to go to tto NorrlRllle Uaple Oitr. witaemed-----Ladies' and Gent’s Trunks.
Utloo" lost erenlag.
d^ aoroaa the to^Fur, Plush and Wool Robes.
Tto wind ooBtinned to-toereaee. w
Darid Sleber of Sgfteas Baj woo to
aad tootr toel ftaallr gare oat. Ch«7
Sleiffh Bells.
the eltj Testerdap.
weae eompelled to hem the aeai
Baby Cab Robes.
e laraoB aad wile
tto toaaUi to keep ap aieam.
ffto UUboU laMOed theai. hat did from Snuons Bey peaterdor and at­
aot leooiRttoe ttoir atonal td’ dia- tended the plar in Sletoberg’e toat
taw. At laat tto Oolombto mw light.
ttoatoad-pot oal to ttoir reaeB^
While loading let* to 'Utamlton
Uadtog tto baU trooen orew oc '
township, near OeftTsbutg Fa,
Storeh Oo'a dock, afua dre boon to
les Woodward taoke his left
Ito atocm. rnoofa of tto time to
and started for tto boose, two i
a aoroIt7.

J That


Dazzling Display of Cut Glass


No finer goods are shown anywhere in the state than
we are now offering. These beautiful cuttings arc
the finest any factory has ever turned out. Our dis­
play consists of Berry l3ishes.1Bpoon Trays, Celery
Dishes, Sugars and Creamers, Salad Dishes,’Water
Bottles. Tumblers. Decanters. Vases. Punch Bowls.
I’rices are from Si.00 to.Siooxo.

HighArt Goods
The largest line of the finest Imported Art Goods
ever shown in this region. Never before has such a
splendid array of beautiful goods been gathered to­
gether at any one time for your pleasure and
profit, making this the great art MOtre. Novelties
in Doulton, Teplitz, Royal Bonn. Louwelsa, M«riagi.
Wedgewood. Ouri. Parian Marble. Bronze.^Tiffany
Art Glass. Royal-Worcester-Japanese. Toko Nani
and oth^ No finer gift than some of these beauti­
ful goods. Prices are frorh 50c to Sio-cxj.

The Cleveland Vapor Lamp

The most economical lamp sold, f^r use in dwellings,
stores and factones, where a superior light is desired
at a very small cost. The lamp we sell is the best of
the many on the market. The^rass one-burner
hanging lamp aells' at $3.50. The two-burner at
$ The Standard table lam^ one-burner, fulj
nickle. owtk at $5-7S- The full nickle two-bumer
(or $9-00. We carry an extra stock of
chimneys and minties. ,.



RiBb Priced Suits
,$5«) to $8.50.

. Etegaatly trimmed.
Latest desi«ito,
ages ^ to to,
wUI close each lot from

toltb llwMirftol orviiScb tb» Im« b
U to Ub>Hlr. L<«k*


Of ibp BUX mainlsl* (hat eaa be
tiard a rood qoalltr of a»k pliub or
Prcarb rrH4Mbo wUl prove rary doraMr and MllaraetoiT- - Uae tbe rooda
Ipeb. t.%. ^ epeeial taia fvISu w«Ui rbtea allfc. aand o( it fern tba bar
PtBDeUeo. wl>m OaUfomia aobla*
......... .and ihejr wlU raiwk an a
chartered sUaDer for Ha­
waii. Two wetite will be ipest in
rc^llue; the ielaada. fialaditi oeblM will be
dlrialoD I ioiaei bj -ooblet of Cliieaffo and

«i9 opMStiv *o beooue

wnr JdBiit iUpIde Botloni
a eoyare will
Pere lUnjaette and tbu eaUv the
A IVre Uarqoettr coal ear jitBped
Maelaat .te wfaleb Ofand Rapide : the track n«ar the oomplaatar/fan-:
haa fatieo iUcie the oonaoUdatiao.
i iarf at Grand Harm an.1 ctrack the,
XL a Peitea. of Mtan Reid, Che- f^lorr ofioe fall force,' WTeekldr;
bojrgaa. baa cloaed a deal' ia Gowllte one ,ide of the balldinr. Oeorjte P. !
•ematy. WaafalBctee. fur a tract of aaridffe. a diiceter, at at hU deak '
fndarood tiBber, which it ealltaaled u,d namnrlr caoped betax killed. >
to cot H».000,0» feet.
B, Jaaped from* tbe room jasl ib
Whaa tba aubor Bmnepii. caae'
' aa‘ tbe bad oocapied
to to kUlwaakea-friB) Oladeteoe

oiana. at uic (_
an fold to tbe g<
erirc ftOB th«_. -------- ---------Care, manatoctared by F. J. Cheney
A Go.. Toleilo. U.. contalnt no a>ereaxy, aad it taken toteraaUr, acting
diriwtly apoB the blood and maeoat
Dtek CbBpbaU want to ManedltBa aartaoe. of Ibe tyttem.- to baying
Hall't Qatarrh Oare be aare you g«‘
Ttotorday to adjaat aonia part of the the
gtnalae. It to taken inlemally
and made to Toledo., Ohio, by F. J
Ghener&Oa T4to>naniala-fTee.
ObcBiaa Weefca.
Bold by draggleta. fwiee 76c. patJennie Chaaoer of thla city be«Bn
Hall'i Faatly PtlU are Ibe beat
WlUiaB W. Obenay, on the froandt
of deaartion and non aapport. They AT THE Rt^MMAQE BALE ool
Ttod Oct. «, im. land Ured
daoted by tbe M E. ebateb Udlet
may be foand plenty of warm elotbtocetber leaa than a
togforraen. woBicn and children,
~ re will be another popalar
.— -------------- ...
---r^,u,a B-----thla ereolnx at Foceatm baU.
Evaiybody ie torited.
I Tbe Tillaid V. O. T. V. wiU meet
Prnnklia aa Iwtder. The Mib}aet diaeaaaedwlU be "Why Caattoae ihd
W«* of tbeW. O. T. V Tbe aiylaB will leeeire oenrly 700
peoadi of reniaon ae the raonlt it the
aeitore of the Bddlea and hid^ of U NOT SIMPLY REUEVE
dmr. ahippad from Hartford to codmiBion hooiei in Chioaffo.

I»r, I>. A ttorsint. dlrvotor of liarranl't c>inna>iuru. at I'aiulirldce.
hat liitfoml B uew gyiunattle
apparalDt.wbli-k Ih- <li-rlamL will tuprraedr all Bjmntiduin luachlmw jmTloutly lu
The iDDuai.ilor. at I>r. Kargciil lalh
bit new omi'bluc. •.n-irliNw <-v<Ty luut
Cle In tbe body IBwurb a luiltiral esy


and mntng nii.l t'lildt tUi-lr .l.-Amt.
Dr. ttorgitil itolm. that
chlv Intrvdiirvt n new prlnrlplv lulo
of ifTi.iwIUns laud ur water
veblclet and of a|<|>l.rlng.buiDtn |»w.v
lintlncp Ibe gresiett auenat
of wurk.

The mtebltiaato.a whole grinoaslBB
i Itnrif. It eontltte of a inlr of
lerert coaoeetea by four sdjnttable


ffWJlitodto toibito. wltb

apr>K-ket wheel. Tbe
e.adopled 1o Ibe propultloa
'. a !«!. a aculk a canoe or
a almple gymnttllc marblne.
Tbe iBTeolIno It tbe reeult of foar
yean of barvi work on Dr. Sargent'i
pan. AO exhibition «f inodelt waa
giTeo tbe other rrealng to (be HemeevfaT gyniaatlum.
Had^BOal Valaai.
riiief Juitw UrI arUnd of Ibe Cal­
ifomu taiuviur eooft Ui'klrd a
yoaagttrr the other day. who. in tpite
ct appearamet. will probiWy be an
oraaiaeei m tbe beneb um- uf tbiwe
Jottl. SlcVartoad, by way of wntolaMot
“li’t really too bad (bat yon poald
ant hare been admitted to the bar after your Brat trial, but tbm. you know,
(be brighleM men ofUa tall tbr flm
Ik yoB. tor." lepitod ibe weald'■Thank
vr. -I. toned Ibit time, bat I
be lawyer.
■;e U 0
feel cock-aalw that I raa-Biakr
; my second try."
• Tear cotiBdeoce It caameada
replied the Ju-tice. -bat ll la not
to be orer<OBAdetit Wbat

______ _____________

^wUlMttttomOmito 1

k b« U wOldtaa n

tnyn. hnlrptob

r«By aUM

A great, combination
of colors.



JAR O.dOHKBOV, Draggln



Dyspepsia Curo


Digesti what you eat.




pot "TO


|&3Si^iMake Your Own Gas
There’s Money In It
II Vosj Mow -To Do l«

nttbecaltoia whiiA they are eon- WATER OOLOB RECRFTIOH. Mlm
•nodwhea awaittog trlaL Tltqr Miy
Lottie Haritond wUl boU a
color art
•ribnts anongh to ftaes to
gpaetoly fitted ebaaber
private ate.
Uf, PUU Bin UmMd
Imperial PotaDtate
of tbe nobtoo of the myatie
yta. and Saladto temple of weeteta



latoi the aliop on Praot atrrwt. Mr. tvegaiua to *j«v ll

btotd. hadaBaUpoa. He waa t
_______________ naDlty-__________
to tbe laolation hoapltal, and the < tain Tm. made by tbe Hadlaoo Uedbaat waa faBlxated. The crew liare
Aik yoar drawflaL
baeo raoclnaledand tbe boat it qaar-; a Oallcn farmer ie harlax no troa.anUoad-al Iwrdoek.
!ble in xHtinjt hit plowing done, an
Bottobodyte laytox ap a twee of rf,
Bb of buried tiaaaare hael
Aiwi!™ w»niauw.
b, 0,, tlb l..b~ !•«» .b.» lb..
into, anowing moai for a .beadlag a
artU And oat when tbe federal nathor-: tnd of « fev old mint and i
k«at an.ln.h whl<-. end |>rvrkde Ibe bag
( the ; tanser'e bt^ arc dlnrinx up the with draa-atrloge. Uu a |>lece of thla
ttunl Bail bow* alonit the roatee in
while rellBlold talot (be tpola of aome
Ocatlot eoanly.
card In the park and aew It fatt to oM
People who barn tbe Lnap
A diMB MT«d the life of WHUbb
aide uf tbe Ua«. An u>ld card may lit
need Kooky Mdai ' ~
Brown, of 8l- Joeeph. Be ie an entaeVd to Hie 1«B or Ibe apnis eraeaaon imaacerb
broldrmlooBplenouf whlteUiien. It
ptoatr on Hie Three P’e hue. and tane yoar•drojwi.t.
between Boath Band and Btimw., a blaae in tbe'iUohiina Oentral would W adrlaldc lu mrer a idece of
paeteboard wKb Hie mibrvldm<J Uorn.
niaradaraixbthebada.dinaB llmtl^,^
Marrimll did aboat W.OOO aa II lend* a atlffaeae to tt and glrea ll
bb.wtotld be
if^dW n«|2S!xeathe ticket oOlcc and «*• tore Ibe appearance of a geouloe card.
tofce a Taoallon. The teat of the I
deatrored. '
To make a liretly liloltina pad. cover
ateey to told to Beown'a otm werda:'
_—-----------aUff ptecr of canllioard 0 or T locbea
••1 laally wanted to takk a few day'e,
A M oMa'. Awtei ivHU
tong and 3 inebn *Ue with nnbleacbed niuilto ami iben wltb white or annaUcud rtdt lb. '»!»■ bi»b
bleaffaed linen upon whieb a ,prrttF
j~. -1 wbiiri ,cT.
■?y:reqaaat wae tBBedlately«tanWd.K^II^ LB. Hont of lAme Rid*», dealga In riuleta baa been pali^ or
tbe train at N o'clock Friday i Wto.. from bra doctor after he bad rnibrukjetrd.
Catrk a pbve of ribbon half an inch
la wUtb down tb« entire lenrh of the
I tonndlee. Gall rtoaee had forrae<l and roVer. leaving ll a lllilr knee la ptocto
ont hate today eembwatea the re. .,t„ eonetaally itrew vwwae. Then where a auppoard item paaaea andet>
port Umt 'at 2 o'rlook Saturday i abc. bepan to nae Electric Bitten nralh lU Tbe dealga wtU bare 'be ap­
tj- train ran off tbe track ' »bleh wholly cored her, If’e a won- pearance of a nuBber of rMeti beld
ESS dowB by a bam) of ribbon. Kaaim tbit
I taeea on tbe train it wonld hare Apatite. Trr it (Sly » cento, upon a number of abeett of Mottlng
haem ray tale.
' : OBaraateed. For tale by 8. E. Wait paper, wlib mannwript rlveu at one
end. ami dalali wltb a rinlet ribbM
The TiUaffe «f McOrrffoc oontelae | “d
O- Johnaon, draffltae.
bow. -• ________________
aU ffTMt wldowe and aix maaa wid-1 Lobu Oranaan. while boring for
Wreaeala Far tba tonaata.
oweea. and the- Lmlairton Rewa aaya „,pt on bia farm three mllM treat
Tbe problem a* to bow we may moat
an ept^toic of hay fercr it looked of Soral Oak, tiraok a gat weU aceeplalily
and at the aame time moat
for tbate.
which teat hit Baohlnery high to the wiariy make a eboirr of (.'biietmat
Ohartae Ficedan. fatemin^ in a •
giftt for our aerranla It ever a perqaarry at Monroe, wa^tampptokUig one. uyt Tbe Ijidlet' Uemt
Jonrail. UMr additiont to tbe ba:
rraa. a pair of
iday. when it e»---------- _
Boo, of W, hold.
bBliphi ermhluo.
ihaitwad and he waa ao hndly innearly raw. Then tried Dr.
a- wbtok wltb oraaiscSial bolder
}BMd Otbarwlae that hto recorety to Klng'a Kew Dlaooreiy whlA gam cate,
abd. at an Ineenllrr to tldr babiti. a
, iaatant relief. 1 hare aaodlf to By linen toundry. tboe or daetrr bag. aa
, i It a* the grenteat remedy for Ceagto,
•treat car. waa raa d^ by a a^ ,
Throat. Cheat and Lang
oar Bandar algfat in Detroit, tnak-; trooblea. It will stop tbe wont oongfa.
tog both anat and a leg. Hr atoo at>4 not only prercott hot afaaototaly ItouTte l»
'tpend morb of bee letonre time In her
room. Perranta. ae a rale, feel compUmeoted at any endeamr on tbe part
Banrday Game Warden Dmke of johawm’t drag etene.
of tbe Blatrein to make a atefal gift:
Baittad. aeited nine boree ectato.
..wi___ - .
•tognboat l.WO poand. of rentov.
—-■----- ■ to potota oatei^ of the
hae ran to flrat tm tbe book and In oar Iboogbp. for tbe cook it «
■e wtae tn dtvorer her Impentire
totoe^md divided the mm» among
iSyeai*. fell dead while iteda. A warm wTapprr or any gar™ nraatogtoatUeSamtoy.
ant teady made, a art of aprana. bath
and neefal. raa hardly ton
John Shetman, of-CUBax. Katoiti'
......... - —------------------------------------- 1 Bevy alwayt prorce the rtgtat tUag
bto t«U
^qapla offing on hto ^ la. "bnt found «> relief tiUl
«nl baattog trip to tbe upper pnto_________ _____ _
•ala, and that it aoneihtog that.
arttb pi^ ttooe. ift
csie on tnrtb
jBMB prefer tonw flaffy gtfl whSeh.
idve to tte world. 3be dttoite tte dftlcaoy. to tBefoL i '
' '
R. WaltiBd
like a DtUe amelty mtoad
•t^eotto tbe aafantobed oonditlan

•srt for whet pronUeet n




- —...................

$3.50 to $5.50.

***^rik I know that 1 bare lr>d m
failed. Now. If
ii tbe tupreme co
nri> to pvaetlee b
e toga that ibe t
pats aw: tor wboerer beard of tbe am
premecoart htViug tendered tbe ttI—
decitioii twieev”
Dr. 8. Weir MltebeU. the
aathor. tt toamot tlw at a n
euluc. and oogtat to be tom
maker of riereriy taterd compilmeata.
At a reception be met tor tbe Brat
Ob* a weU-KBowa rhUadetphla lady,
and la erareraatloB with ber be apoke
of kto liking for the aorel -Craatoed^-1 aa glad that my awatory to
•adk- told be “that wlthta Hieapaea
of two yaart 1 can eompletely forget
that boSt aad ao bar, tbe_fdeatote
of leadltig U all orer agate.’
Tbe tody to wham be aaM
mu meat bi» agate iBdl a

- --

tiB €H umr
ta hba.
-^Ab. BteUmr be aaM. “U to

Our gas plants.are superior to any other on the mari
ket. Let us put one in your business plan and your
lighting expense will be reduced 50 per cent Do
away with the bother, danger, heat and dirt of coal
oil lamps, cut your gas bills' in two, or make your electric lights look dim by using~ our gas machine and
....One Night....
W'elsbach burners.
lOom-fe of
For investment purposes is easily within reach of
every’ merchant or business man. Tbe plant does
not not require any attention, it runs itself at a great­
Rusco & Swift's
er per cent, profit than your store, to which it adds
100 per cent, in attractiveness. People afe drawn .
from a dimly lighted store to a brilluat up-to-date
Our system is successfully lighting balls, theatres,
business places, dwellings, churches, factories, sum­
mer resorts, etc.

Carrying Their Own Band Coo't of Ooto
Made by the Michigan Gas Machine is only 50 cents /
and Orchestra.
per 1/300 feet. Each burner consnmes 2^ feet of
gas per hour and gives a 150 candle power
Sltdd ScMin.
We manufacture an endle« variety of gas fixtures of
■all kinds; also gas cooking stoves, gas grates, gas
logs, etc. Let us know your wants.

City Operji House

mmi DEC 15.


TnMJm al Dab|t

* PfialoDyai E.

D. CL.ARIC, Park Place Hotel.

nd nBoieroag bright, ^rk-

. 10, strand 30c I

^ ^ Jb. Btalltf InSD

hfL W. J. fflGGINSv
RsegsU lilUin. I
ferllre tad fwcdib 1

electric Pfickef KttiiKS,
J{az9rs and Shears
EraipintMuipri-EleMri.-. Ab«bl.l,«uniiUi,d.

Skates.......b««, t bm.,'. il. but ,u. >-u.
Carpet SwttptK,
Carving Stts,
Chtbes WHngtrs^^

■ V

John R. Santo







t Mdmxr<ri


tiioi;t mdok.

h ii «lr • <W Ton aim adTccatti
cf «te how* bMU»l
J* tararof M ten. M tb«t> to DM
teidlr a vOtof* to iba conaj »b«
thtotetotMof bnkb tmd bantj te
Dfltfuniil T« nv7 iM wtoi bto


*ton'tiltog.aDdncf7«eMdi ^ te
lUMrfare. TbeVnod
. .. .---------------,.to ■»> ****
told , tan aad praaDnllr.
tiDiDad, or
ar PM^ ttawnal
tlw wooO to crfb4
«Mb dpr oU vUeh ta* DM bees fM|f
arirtvbbad ta TbamtdwgBwn
Md olunctar tba taid *ood Hoor.
wfetofckMbMtivaUtoldbrtbacarpcBtor. to a mn* «f dtoMtofort Md dtoi^


an uriai u An.
tlri||iBal<>7 au^ aloU >° tontitliig or
to cxpnntos tta
patoi«-<topnd. liton«7iW»«*i»to
art, an a paintar'a pawm cd obarraIbB. fod tba flllTemn> briwara Ifae
grratn cr laapBiiiitTmiiilta rny
*------->— -------•‘imJo.fldt
i«r7« l>w> an) at aU tuiio*. Uie Uu ia
It patoUiiKniaa.<n)raad at MtbtoUB.
Bc«Vtfc^ drxTihleg hto md baUla.
* It
I «tn)d«bito Bjarta
> 1 wa*


iBapeaa Outo to a Oaor cd fanpittiT.

It to toada br irtotov topattat ttakfc-

liOD, to

MM <d bard voodoo a }diir baektag.
a natbod br vUeh Uwr ofauia a
toroopr aod mn dtoabtoBoor tbaa
vtaB a thldc floor «d bard wood akBe to
wad.tarvT«r7bBilitot faiava that tba
ba« dos to not OM of aotid tard wood,
bet oaa <d ivo tblcteaaM of hard vnal
0*to a ptee em. Tbendooia ar« aatalaUrwraoqMln. baoaata cbrr are
Mon troabto to taaka, Kn (be vnied
floor to M* daiabto, tbuegb a my ri-.
oaltoDI Aocr nar be laid to baH vuod
MMD-otfbtta ibidt OTir a touKh fl<ar
of pin. inrldliic tbavood bw bew
proparir aeaaoDrd. Or a ibtoan floor
^tatoidorer # parfMlr toral flooBalldva leeaetBMOd qeaTtrrriLwblta
oak aa tba my beto material t(*wm
Itoto to a VBMni wood and coau aboel
•l«al.000faat totfatoMate. Hapto
' and btoeb, vbieb are omrb ebraper
wooda. alao make ncrltoat floora. Ma-ttaa Mrcb. vhieh mar W- boegbt to tbto
atato aa lov aa flto a 1.000 fnd. to a
Ttry hard. tmooUi wood, and aakra a
Tttrdsrabla kiicbes flovvbkb dote
aotaUnraplikaOaargiaptoa. Narrow
boardt. Baaaertog aboat (wo toebea v
It* laid, make a moat daainbto floor.
Tba ridUfaleatpaeurtoaicbmhto >olBtf
with taaltlc* prectoioo. pUnca and
Map* bit floor add poltob* it down
vHbbardwoodtbaTtoitiBAerii tolaid.
aaweUaaflnlibtoKU before. Vb« tbia
to poperlr dona, taardlp a Joiat it rUl!
bto. and it to tbn leadr to be filled.
It to tbto ptooe* that ia ao oflKi tWB- I
tootad and «poD which ao Doch deponda. i
tt tboeld be a U

Te l^6*UZ^Wt MMIM

larrelr of what ebaare offerKl (u bl> B'
tiea wblla tneeUai
wblHt ibe Window* of an tou ireaemed
while bmn wm. ehaBirii«. end BOBetiiMwIiBt lie afeW trm Ibe topof a
teHiept. *lK«ld ba B*ar>d that Um
preartce of ndfriuina apan B>nanu of
iBie br >kH<^ii 8 wliatprrr l» tlllUHI.
0 ihrirwaru
waru aa
ai liiralaableiaie Tho^
who adopt it will be aore lo he levard
ad hr oftow fiodiBKnaoMnnda no nude
of far Kiraler toterret than they lud
iDugiaed. and it will eomtt tlu habit.
t ttwaiile
what IH<7 hare mkw in art Auvna ibr
drawinjB' hr Baidiael (ullwtnl
Thoaur Latrrmer wm Banr < tiridom.
of wbu rluim' pniwoKy) lo hiiu. Our
in ijenirutor wa« aiiwntorir <'l>it8Ut. i>l
(bmxr fuar yitina tnna in the lirea* <if
hit (ime tilt log at a table, uwl tbeiratlitachw bat rery alifrtillr vane.1—an ac
eidmtal sroap

at tbto imU aMrioa of
ttate. and tiA ttar woold
bare to wait till the regnlar 1
- • I body next rnw-. Dui
trip to OiBDd Bapite bevrr«r, Xaroc-Priadrieb mat aoMe of
the gntlaoea tot*aaiad ia Cba parehaae of tbe booda, who atated that'it
■sight be poaaible to gat tba Mter before tbe apeeial aa*to*.
Sareewl other citioa Is tbe atate are
to tbe Mine predinamapt aa Trarerae
Tolad flio.aoo taoda (or tbe
of their ligfattog fdant. and flnda that
rter deet DM glra
todothto. Tbeprtapeot
pnrriaurre of the boada bgra taew
tbe conieni of GoTemor Pingrae
hare a biU totrodaaad. ItffaUsiBg
\hrae bonda. and Major Priadrieb
uaacued tl
that tbe matter of Ttarw efty-s
-'a bo
bands ponld cone op at
No effort wiU be made at thii teaalon to hare (he charter aneiideA
Tbr MU. which baa been diwwa ap
r, and viU be
red ia (be itoase by him.- pri>Tbfaaoalyto tbe IfaiaUxtog of tbe
eeiioo to preridtog to (he iananee
time booda. .Benator
will oae hi* inflneoee to the UU to
the- aenata Any
dasiiecl lo (he obsrier of the city ariU
wait till the regular aeaaioo.

.For Sale..

A Name Twice Made
Famous, Now a
ShiniiiK Mark for

It hM bar* tbnaflht that it woold
be iBprM^teabla to get the banda far

n--------- taMiMdtoteU

; «-‘5U“JT2r^.


. ^mamsuL% i

Thaaariy pKtwf the enmii« vwa
QMitfai tarda and other M*ea. Tbaa be aWai< aari far iha
tbe larty ad>o«tad to tba dlatog
baa wiM a telel^ tanqMt wee

1 ia X flt. i»4l






damd Dr. Chaw's ladac heak aad
After the faa^aM waa dtapond of.
tbe eonpaar pMad ton iha onto
.tall, vtara tbaryren awtortolBad to
aoan ttac with'rani and toaoramItol maria Aftor thto they daaead
liO tbe waa na' hooia'
Many fine preaceta vma reeclred
by Mr. and Mxa. Hcrtb. wUeh leatifled to Ibe Mteata to arhic^ibey ate
beM by a boat of Crtomda.

N«m Pilb.
Nerw. Buto aad BM
neahta. Tbcyplac apaa Iht aeaw CM.
h« dan m a* dw iahtoh *-A. W.ThwtoihsK. batdweaot rmiiulahtha
pentafi aefaicaamraaf Or. A W. CW.
Kitoltedtstlw Kcna nitaeaiacn.
ai*d n iafagbic far bafld^ ap ^


Doht Be FooLeoij2i“iErt^'£^’«



CJ»nteT.Aimgj, ^

-tgAgg-1 o.



«-he an nakafsl-carnet ten.
^'he have aawiqi haadate.
C. J. Elmar, toaotar Of Cla* Ka is; Tbryieaeiech* tmm of bfaod iaqnri.
facrefla ftetelfl
of tta Oongvigatianal Sanflay ariwol. I B, smdrisg relnshiag rinp aad tagart
gave tba mambsra of tbe elaas a most
deli^tful game aan<er at bto borne
They seltlc irnssted ncrecs. tcpiaec tea.
on Webaqr street last eveatog.
Eigfataaa ^were 'iwMMt. toclndtog.
bcaidas the nmaben of tbe eto*. Mr.
and Mn. Q E. Mairay. Mr*. 3. AT. ^
MUlikes and Rev. D. OoMilto.
Tbe oooaiuD will BM aooa be to--j
AwmsirSujaalsto ih. t.M> *remt*»
gotten by any who enjoyed the hos­
pitality of Mr. and Mra Elawr.
Dainty menu cards were to evidenee.
bmrtog on one ride tbe list of edi-j
bles, and on the other, a ia««y calea- i
dar toribe new year, with tbe
of the clam and the
le Sunday
aebool ia
fine gill lettertog.
Following if tbe mann. V> wUch |
I» —• — ae *

aU presMit did ample jaatia-:
I emand
Co.- ^sk). iMotflxdtBse iBsencd In mflrtncfl>;7
EVANlt. M l>. OreAasiv rem'shr
t per hut. All eiton art

{ mi




\t;ill Ilic-baeO laMreU * >

Will Richard fell down (he eleral
kluft of tbe Metoaniile Oo'« oloia
Monday rrcDiag from the flm floor
to (lu- liaiiatuent, and narrowly eatwped •erian* injury. He aappoaed
Oat (he elecaior was at (lie first
floor, and ■•izlng tbe rope, be atepoff. His bold OB the rope broke
In tlie w»rk> (f Mich.e'1 Auttelnwe
meet w ith
lya'toinde. that hear
fall .Mnewbat. hot he aostatoe^
the Manip
eenu. Bring your family. ■
to'inir adii|>i<‘<l olmoal
hnii*rs (hat kept him from vorit
Biediii'el.rinmi iiatnre. and inhrrt inu*t ye*lerday.
of the uul>le rjunte of hi« |iToplieu and
aihrb haTTlIii. h.dt. A eub/a-lluppily
adopreil fnau lulnre >di<iul<l an itoprive
The Ruaoo & Swift Uncle Tom's
tbe luiuter if the en-dit dot- In iuruuMISCELLANEOUS WANTS.
(Kai. for indeed Ito' toete f.-i-ullp ut in Cahia Ca. which U to appear at the
emtiiiK nti iucidetit 1* far iteofoimnioo City 0|irn House Saturday. Oec.
than Ibe nhv and quick pt^ldtou of* althongh^e oldest on the road,
that in luliue which t« btled'to the pot- never played (hU city before.
pom <f art. and wh«'Ii ordinaiy ob
Mr. Chant, has spent yean
aerrerr w.mld po» l.y cr rc>t t |•eriupR
aa itlAititf ur imw.nli}-. Bomt inmcd witls thi* company usd thi* amaon
a DKWm with lata pW and wa* ha* be«A repecialiy earefnl to select­
M flllen ntnallr eeane br Ibe poand.
ing ulent nnd equipping (he show.
a to parte tcRn, and oar be thinned
Elegant new scenery and an excel lent Ire- Addn—.»0 K-s .V.. *. Hrod.«i. KiH,
> |BO|»c.(«nalttr<K7 witn tatpeettlDe. With bln. ' t'l) tnako that uentoe imnan• a brnah. nunoL " Aod he kept hie weraL—Luo- archeeUB add* brightne* and barmany, while unmerons specialties in­
•MU uM wB. lejunuB 00 the aixtface to , dm Arcfailect.
troduced between the acts give* life
polWtod off with hardwood abarinii* or I
_ ^
—..UP. Tbto flltorto allowed to do I
and brilliancy to Use islay.
tolA. J. Pniwl. fi.r lesai and iPtw-tk-al
I, Wbs a ODBt of wax to , Onrpra,m« hare beets at
J. trof ptapaml oil U yem prefer '
WblelTdUtriictod riciriewill erty
The lecture. “The Snnny Side of
to. Wb«ooiliao.edllabooldbolhinB6di""“**““‘“«"*
1-bcy me
■ ORtaiD amoBDt cf “drier."
i anabotmnatinn and ought pcrer to lave Idfe." will be given as the aecond
nismlier of the High School, Lfrtore
Ua beat wax I* a freiasraVlm of to- I ^
I lake four band-c I
and Masse Connie, this rreoinjr'by Brea. £11 SeiAi aij-rei. asMtsir^.
• 'emwax. pnipcrlr molted
dm'4.« .in,.,. I
Headley, in the City 0|«ers pja.MXT-il.ii-.
trgatber, and toI kept
byalldealm to ' »*!«>•'''‘f'*' f"M*
Onvia-. .\ notnber of go^ seals
TSebiafmiMakethat :
to arr-onipliifi
can Mill be obtained for thi* fine
with two Iwr gown lu conn forgotlcii in
No one on afford
S—i rto^wwl'. w»d.- Br.—- £11 Fneil ^
flays that a pM>ond of wax itogfat to rover ber cramped flugeie and »be givea-il up
_____ ____
__ wax
__ to todtopalr. Bowaii.nlungsoluiallytm•00 faatof aartwre.
After tbe
T-n I/IAN-AI jaiABij <•
tune ']
tabbed to w+to a weighted I ®*’V-*
trol. i^ltlt Rn'aaell'* “A Poor Helatowb it aboald be allowed to «laad to • f**'**'* »y«'tT to . very .we.
•srbila aad a amtod coat applied Ufoto ;
'!«»«■ who lidn." vae given its Sletobcrg'e
tba fl~- to r«ft
(be haircl.aii Uut pli.m.-jan* iiave de- Grand Ust nigiit to an ' aodlrttce \j^AKns--<i»<i Kin r.T «-nrt«i— '
W__vrrek. Enuulr^slimatsl.-Mi. 11-JB
Ammtoan fam(ii» al> '
IbelirnTr linings a* tojtiriona which fully apjwrrlated tbe hi
andpathoeof the play wbteb made
tompttotakem re of ,a'hardwo.d Data 1
Imoic wmsen. Roasell fmnoas in the dramatic
witbumas \bCBsb. This is a waste M i; *'"« "Orrism a>»i Imoic
Tbe work can I *bohave lalieutly trinl in.iHlorelbe This play in one whicli ap|wal* with
VA/AXTBS—<Mwsl h,*l>-v.gk to
nan of a brick bnrdcai f.r faiOjt.*>'* eak-e. liaa brnnghl great force to the ilaer aenrihi
I flanael aad then toorus. atwot a dnrldnl rrar(i>u against llew.
and the heavy skirt mnst ga—1‘liiladelbutt cannot ta p
Abya strongm I. while an ordi- phiaTime.w
grim humor of the oentin^ figure ii wish l»vrl via,, inlre.r, lilsrli «*!**■ wdr
the face cf the most advreae cirmn)Bonrahopaat i
_________^ carewill last I Tbegtol piantot in Ibaih-xl (hU who
kecjis up a moat intenae in­
In.|iijre .d
. toBayytua. It efaosld 1» paiwri first ; bad tqwUtnd onr (be teeth <f ihetcr-- terest, wliich does nM flag till tbe
•enm tbe grain of ibo wood. Tbra (ho : toe box for tonus at a time wa* going fall of (lie curtain. Mr. Atdeo Ifa—
floor aboald ta TlgnroBsly poltobed with I <*> be m«Ti.<d.
talent which
tbagtatoof (baw.«*L
Tlie e.«-i<fy cohimns .rf the fJnn.lay
I rrfleetion of liU ■
Fiaally a place of old carpet to laid '
bwl giroi it a two stirklul no
f-r wslk <4
and to tlie lines nnd etyle he
flows and tbo flour is poUdied imdn. : »i«e
plearing reminder of Rastell. pOB HAt^Tw.. B^nr|^lorell
ftto. A property twed for floor aboald ' The face of the weary mao in tbe
tapoUriiedwiihUwbmshoDeeawieek. »»* flat lighted apwiib joy. but as nhboogh he doe* not give to the part
It Boald not bn rewaaed tfKsMT th*q - be ImAed mu <f tbe window and «sw a of KoaJi Vale the |■ertDnallry which
fltaa D U^ith or once In two cr three tired ryed Wianan wIxTllug in a insm- nude the atlraction rurh a popular
■Mflflba. areurding to the amonnt rf boUt.r a fat. Im*ky haly. dia.-ifed full favorite. However, he gives a clever
WSSir on It. After a certain period cf *f holt.-t. cow * milk, loly and
ttoeit mayto'iii imaiy to Vrape tha ngllnea*. hi* face hanInH*!. and to- iouTTWetation of the character which
floor and applr aome kind of ttwtonr, : hi*w>d belanm hi* clinched ti-etk. - Re- ilensonstiated close study
al ability. Mia* Maud Vaghu shared Calrearret**'
(bw^ this shoBi
the linnoTt with Mr. Bam by reason Du»B*v« Hcresi JWWadswivtii arret.
........ iiit-rtf
of a niptirsttog aad gtaoefnl portiay- n....................
0>B tiAh^EtirUv ab<t> sad re*itrets.*i.-(y
Of Otaxm the bMt way oTpoiidang ! , PatiRit—! *>»o7dorto. run mike nl nf ilie oliamcter of Dolly, while E. r
M.-re, WtlsMBlciitkidr—t ' IllSa
k a Ifloor 1* in tbe foreign fauhlon. ! oat yoor praKTipti.m* inNLatin *o that Guy Sininglej was very strong a* Use
> Vithato
k attaohed to one foot cf a ; yoaoto<ieu<> won't kierw vhatat i*l
Tilllan. Jiui]MT Sherrett ^?The little
- , who gore akating ahosl : Doctor—Pumibly.
tots. Velmnjusd Mnrpi^te MiSin. Mil the SBifaee gleama likemarbla
Pattctsl— makeomyonrbi
larbto :' Pattctsl—Andy.'iB
ley. who impersonaiod the two wnlfs.
ible to 1 to MngUsb so that yoor palieeto w
displayed exceptional uleaU
toaoeairyeseepi to t
gave their Hare witli
m- ; D^*ci!!^V-UwV»An.
which was pleutog and fetching.
Iser ehamciezs were faii^well
****T*“.. .. .
j "Wh.Tare y.hs matongW. a dsnV lakesi aad on lie whole this anregna r^ age." Mid the big po- asked tbe bald regie. wto>*at ii. the lion is worthy of very Uromble ocmnaim*) uts^^e
m^htftaiy. “Attrribiyrapifl toot row. mblrmuaV hiimwlf fs S aideraliOD.
crepied llw gaJtoiy.
“Ub. cawf.' "• npUed
rrspUed tberantyUnb
L Angus MeOoll U able to be
te Man wbowassreitt^ to a«M . to cboras.-Pitisbarg CAnaiicl^Teley
ont again after over a Week of m
Tbe United States b* all kinds M
"Tm" .
climate frail that sf the Saban to tba
_ ______________
mm^ drerrt* «f Ariseia
(o that cf tba
1v«i____la. _.2j .V-.
**ftta aaiw”
; Amasai
a^ that
“Ata Iha cfgaritomr'
^ of Greealand to Bathern Idaho a.d
: M-Btana.
•AadyM yoar«adtottopapmv«r:
tu tha
A^flvabont paopls sob
-!-■*-e ’ te mwns yem. 30ii.UI hnsbebof m


feir-.’S;:;'” "■




Ofltoe to HamilUm A MilUkaa Bloek.


u awAyTtto.wartat




jni kinds St

• « • IDas a Brand Succtss
and'judgring from the expression of
■ the people they appreciate having an
• up-to-date grocery in their midst.
AionR with our flour deal we offer;

Biepele Repairing

Bicpcle Sundries
Plica Weil. •
B- Jt. Lederle,
m amcii si.

new mix nuts, i4c ii>.
5 Crown Tigs, 12 l'2c ll>.

Mflnistee I NortlieBstern R. R.

.’"“■iTjSa-:.;—--, . ,

Delioeif East and. West Evetf Dap.

sa, dui.v


. Enterprise Grocery

sm Sta
* A

Both Thones, No. 146.
I iS I'ront Street

' 'Wurzboi^ Block



Al I (S a It
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The Holiday Store
» » ol« «

Pebe Marquette

northern michigan






eoBBtr nmrt Judge at Bath. He la»
Itth. whiere & years old Bad nee of (be youngest sen
latoat aoetota ever raised to tb« beneb. If bb fatber
vUl taaob aU tbes latosi
- A and del- bad not totUted that bis peerage
taonU only he tor life Arthnr its
would new ba a iieer.

Bate of tma asfl ona^thitd fate to
the tounfl trip, tkflnta to be gold








Eltganl Books.
Dainty BooMots.
Btairtlliil ekristmas
Cards and ealendars.
Bboicc BIblos and
Btwitebing Collet
Britstlc Plcturts and
Pletun frames.
Tine JIrt Bklna and
nil Kinds ot Coys.
Barnes and
Bame Boards,
and « «
nrflstic novelties too • «
nnmermis to meirtten at a .
Ibe lowest prices tocr known
IntMsvIcliilty. eemebi •
andlaspcetibestock..* «

. U.I0 A u

« ' i sa

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What U Cfllflrv Wi«?
nnanhwtidrink.asd UapastUva*



»l^bart-Beecber 00.


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