The Morning Record, August 31, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 31, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




artt tliraw the rifle away and taraad
to flee tfarac Ttnaira lay dead aboat |
KaiserSaMte Be the Dfeturb- the table. Banett taanased to raeape.
HeeUiaa Bcaaett wanted to kUl
ii« Pac^ in China.
bin aad wys it was only aoddeal
that be eac^ad.
Brenett U atiU at 'lanre. bat a
pane ie aearehiiis' tbe awaataias for

Two Houses Destroyed end

• Detroit. MhdL. Aaji. M^At
weettBfl or the Oned Lod«r of the
Kaiithu of PytUea tonicfat the folhnriag aapreter oflloen wn^ claotad:
Gbaneenor, Ofldai H. Feetbora.
JaererUle, Wia..: Viea Cteaeollor.
Tracy R. Baofla. Oraad Forfca, K. O.;
Seeper of Reeorda and Stela. B. B.
White. Kaahtrille. Tann., re-elected:
Prelate. F. F. OaahT, Santa Fe.,
Maater of Eicheqaa. Tboa. D. Meara,
.Wihaiafltoo. K. C.: Maator at Anna.
Census Reports Indicate Un­
BboBt •• o'etoek Xhf
W. SinuiMoa. WitminrUo. Del
expected j’lgures.
MU« or the aockiiw bM vhiete,
The aest hiramlal tMetii« will be
(Viw'rrpMtad. told Uwi ■ fit* oT held la San Fiaaelaea
oBrial doelarod thU momiiMt Ahat
WM is rrofcnw.
Gemany ta thr dUtsrbinit factor in RriMctdhews toaroH to na«r3N».T«M.
China at tfaU tiiac. Tbr eoorw of
B Uaia at 3at7t *rrc«M Owet OnJ Wood DUh
thr rmprror U canainir - thr U^ifnd
bos, d» wowa* tsdwd I7 lawted*
iitolni mneh conorm. and. while the
‘ rrealdcnt would be itlad to hare Rnilata‘a propoaal of w^dnirtiix froai
Waafainetoo. Am;. »—Tbr Yraaaa
ppBtoto. had air^7 Knocked Out By Corhett in i Prktn carried out. it U doobtfal if it onaa aanoonee* that thr popolatioo
mtobod the Kpot. BBd t^(97thiii|r
Fifth Bou™i.
|<" '' h«».pllF»d for unr tuir. of Detroit <a»S.7Ma* acainut MAme md7 to drowa the Ita
I Uennany has planned for an rktonaive «€ in iwa Thi. U I
vhiefa w«w forklotiiait Um- rntlt*
------------ I catniaisD in China, which oaotem- 38. n per crot.
tmr Mtd of tb(> faoweeeapted by Mr.
Detroiters will hr diwppointrd i
f ke ono ttoopa. Thr naperor'K aelretioo j thi.
•ed Mn. H. F. Korthrt^
ahowinjt, howrrer. a.''thry hul
It WM tbnn fooad' thM thot*
I of Walflrnwr to eomwd in China ia hopes ofm-tHmi into thr 3000.0) rlaaa.
my linlc i*owm hi ih» luiju.
aiid liy army onom to abow that
wrtfwai the flow that it wm iimeUrrmany rxpret. to harr in China nlatioe of Detroit, the emH. bim-ao j
Tbr OEM %Vm4V
■iblc to throw m •treem of watorto^
an anny adrqoatr to that ofieo^'o has completed thr eoont of thirty of ]
lb* houni Tor wh»l womod a
thf largest citir* in tbr United,
- »en« timp, the low pteewrr oabtiaWhile Emperor William .profemt StsM. Mwinp a tout of IAS4.1.MS. |
BBd; aad tor a thw Ibatv waa > no
to be in Ubr wiU< thr Am.-ricnn pal- Atmwiy over 30.000,000 ha. beru ^
Hproal b. Tbr HmUic BfMmL
weueet nU. Tbf' flawea apitw) \i»
irr of maintainimt thr' inu«rity of coonb-d and Oireetor Merrimam
Madlam Rqnaie Garden. Nrw York. the Chinrae rmplivi hr ooatinors
Uw flt* bed atartod in Ibr roof of i«p
entain that the entire po|wUtiaa
miideeopor J. J. Uray on «»i.- w«t Amr. 30—Tlw afumroni Lanfaood and farparr for war. and at no time ha. tarns will be ready for rattgrea* when
aad ibr nmr of ih<-ji-#id.ti«- of In-, witbal die mat olerrrty enwntrd hi- ladiratfxl any wish to alauuioo hi.
in Diormber. Enough hu
hw IHplcy on (iu* t<aat «-a» all abUuu*. fljthttmr fake, was eneompaMrd to­ militaiy activity. It i. eonaidrrrd
nted ao far to give amne idia
Tbve thr obotnleal onflino daabnl ap night. whrn. alter two minab* ami highly Imptoliablr. in view of thr of the renlt of lh«- eenaus.
and baew to<h>«ffeotlvn wwk. 'Sqos daer aeeonds of aflagpd flghtinir in prepaiatiotix that <h-rmafay will agrtw
Vor scHM- year, -the opinion ha.
afuw, thr atroaei of wator, whioh b.“ the fifth round. Jamra J. Corfaell. of
Konsia'. inopoaition to atnuidafi been preralrat that the emsu. of IWK>
fo*v had not bnw atroeit taiooxh to galifomia "knocked oot" "Kid" Pekin at tfau time.
lid .how a total po)<alation of 75.tonak in an ordinary window fllaaa. McOoy in thr imwenn-'or 10.000 |ico- Unit to disetmUt Li Hong Chi^. and 000,000. Tb<- ivtura. from thirty
lawaii to pnar apon lJu> fit* from amr- pie who had p^d ail thr way from flS ha. not rrcnlnl from firr proposiripe citii-. show an average ineieanr of -a
•ral noaxW . widi a raah that told toflS&n tmt Tlwiob was acoom- in that n«p^
Imoait 30 |.-r cent, whieh, if mainthat Uh> flro oairiaa had bixi. pot n> pliabed with iwatnri. and dispatoh. ‘'ll i. the brlirf hen- that pt«c-r ciaa taiwHl tbranghttoc the countiy. woul.l
work. It waa.qaickly all over with Sn clflnn was tbr work, ao clrrrr tbr Bbly in- aertirMi by a atrict romplilopnlation in the m-ig)i1>ortba flr«‘, th<‘ «<tiKinn' makioK "liori offeow and drfeiue. of both tann., anm- with die term, laid down in the hooil of 80.000.000.
work of it. Tbp onr/np had J«-« at- that ninrty oat of every onr hnndiKd last note nf the Unih-d Stah-i 'to Li
tb<beWdtod to a hydrant, and did iu nmiBl
t Chang, and that until thr ChiTomoTTOw tbi- Columbia will give
ttot and offoi^Tp work.
linf that thry had jDKt wiinrascxl one -----imperial govenuni-ut ha. brrn
m rxeondtm to Omena. The boat
the grandest biHh»ever contr.trd: j
Tbr fln- oridoatly aWrtod in thf
will have ihi. port ai ^:tO. and will'
faar of thr rMidrnn- of
KoriiiA. a matter of fact-,gnd os lntne|»wHty to ni«*r«1 hoatil
bflstilr atlaekK. give two hour, tiigr at Omi-na. Tb<rap, thooitfa Jaat how. nobody ran n3 praer emfrn-ner
hi- aasem- fan- a-tU be Mi
forilie round |
'plain. Ih-finr it mold hr rlu-ckrd it
• bh-L
-LMidon. Aug. 30—It i. not likely trip.
bad alBuwt analhlUlrd Uiia tnildiiw reeked with ovidonci- of pce-airangi: tlut chi- jnniKMnl of the Waaliiaglou
aad iIh- («r no ihi> rant ormpii'*] and lumts from time- to rount ont.
tiward hy l>i]d«7. Thr liouar
Tkr imneli whieii allc«ridt.r |xit Me-1 gevermm-jii regnrdiug I'hiiia will inwrat. onrd by W. T. HwIioik aad Coy to tba floor tor a oount-oat in thr | arriooily opptmil by any of tin- EnrOTHipiMi by J. J, Olay. wa» «ilt flfth roond wm. a riglif niqw awing, o|M-an imwer. «>xe.-pi |>OR«ibly
aliirlitly daaaitrd. owinx to ihi- rBl into Mcthty'. .tomaeh while the I many. It i. reeogniaed
Hrnt work of a Imckri Iiriinul*'. Ilnmii-r'K body was bent over ip an L lluU tiH- main work of the lelirf force
roapM with ili<- rffona of cIh' (in alui|.-. Met'-oy lialf idnUghieiKd out ha. already been aoeompliniied. the
n-i-led aboni and falling forwani
envoys having bn-n n-scued and IhiMr. aad Mr*. Nnrihrnp wrn- rail- eounlrd out. From iJh- first to the dpwngrr rmpn-Mi compelled to nnd<-rhw mpon Mr. and Mr*. Arnold wh»-n fifth round McCoy, who hail agreed gotlwh
n of a Itasty flight
tbr flrr limkr oat. Mr. Northrap led to make a neat and rffi-eiivr jolt of from tile ra]>ital.
It. stood up aad took hi*
bora at llw hoi)*- at f> o'rlork.
Uiat fnrtlier lunishmeut is due. Int
bad aaanrrd liim*>lf that thrtr ___ wbiph the veriest trin might liarr nnfartunati-ly then- tm- many crime,
-wUl not bc'rcfldf tar [
M danr-r of fliv, Tlinm had Uwn rvad>>d. Thm- ^a* no attrm|« on which tiir world i.eoni]*-ll<-<l to Irave
school viless'be has « [
MKIoy's pan ■ ni
eln.irmesa. Be nnpttuiidird. It is
W> flrr in thr atnvr ainnr no
'ptlr si imr Spedtl [
In thr woodahnd. whrrr thr hlatr ap- barked into earners and ran into
and swings which Tom Dpgflaa ooald Clilna. and if that cannot lie done thr
pwrd to liavr oHirinatod. ihrrr
have avoided.
sad had l■•<•n no atori-.
powers have no m<sui. of srenring
New.jistothr motive whieh InJ peace escept on th« t<>rms alir will hThr ImoM- u |*nriieally a total
dac-d McCoy to lay ilown. for lay wllltcig to aceept.
(timiiiunrd on foartb leirr)
down it a|ipan*nily was. i. that MeOoy
Many Londoti|a-rs exhibit
l.*to vert-iw Ihe whole of the eootes; btih-r chagrin at «<<'ing the Kumomat'* .hair in tonight's big gate n>: Ami-riran co-0}s\ntioi>. The Dallv
criptu Corbett i. to receive no pen­ Mail in an editorial brsulrd "Froden'e
ny mvr that which will come to him Bmpreas." aay. KuMia p-ith Amerisa
by muMi of his clonded riclofy and aad Fraaee no doubt hdpe. to form a
TBese Are slues. ihit Mrs. Kester of Copemish wae
two-years' thoacricml conitact made triple alliance and dictate to thr othwe sell t rreai mu; ^
month aAo contingecit ujion his aur­
power, thr policy In ti«r far cast,
olandwe taiTeoT heard ^
ora. over McCoy. It i. catlmatrd the which lia* Iwt one aim, thr conimll
garden Innight in round figures held i.datlou of Rmwian power- and infln- >
afiytUv'phnt good oj i
0100,000, and this means McCoy will
in northern China. Until
them yet
Uke what comfort and ootupUCitm hr allies behold a etsble gov«-rnincnt *
getNMt of #00.000 of Uncle Am*, again in power it would b<' madnes*
to withdraw Um- force* now iu Pekin.
i tvmerr PalM to Take lire. Itol
Tbe anrest way to *>cun- thi. will b.- '
the Joint rt-tuml by the iK>wer* to ac­
cept the liiIcnnediarieR in negotia­
tions with' tiu- cm|x-rvw and dowager.
V< Tb- iq-nUB* Bratod.
Another One Scorch^




Headquarters for School Books and Snpplie&

niHT MIT tuini KOKT


Cbe City Book Store
Has someUiuiff speetal to odTer yon
when sdiool begins.



cbanfie all that can be need here.
We hsTP tbe grestcet vamty of Ublets in tfaia part of Michigan.





Two pairs of Pants with every School Suit

Jfbout ifc

^alf Price...
If yoB buy that ontflt for your
hoj of Benda, you not- only
pick from

Only EntiK Hew Stock in Zraotrst


But you pay about one-half the price the other fol'8 Charge.
________ ■_______________

Boys'Crash SulU
Nice Dark Suita for Boys SI.SO
SulU with Veals, for Boys
- S2.00
All wool Sulla, splendid wearars S2.50


ehlldrtir* and ntisMT

eight«lUeigbt« jackets
Wo want to clean up what Ie leftover of our
Spring line. Some of them are slightly soiled,
but they'll do to wear to echool. If the little one
needs a wrap, don't overlook this chance.



Box Calf
School Shoes




'! i J

the window allL Tlie -window belag partly open, tbe oOcor gim^
it. 8be tbsh nsebed dowa Into her
i^i pnnktit for her. irvoltror.


m-mm mtii I ALFRED V.



AM Hi. VMIaM WKha Wiael-Mto


Ctiln', mism', Bcf's ml Vmth’s.
Bout TCTj .Iron*,

ot................»li7,11..10 tod *1.75
Boy-o ot...................*U0, *1.75 mod *i00


Yoolh;.»t..............»1.00i*l.40 ood *1.50


tVo c«i oaro yoo mooey oo yoor aebtiol ahoeo. B'e ham
cfaaa|ier liara if yoo waat them.

Trank Triedrkh,


The L(«der in Good Bhoes at
Tlw Old 8taaA

on >t,liil, ta.u_wlll rtuid *rt woiuhor—Alw«ji look weU.

Lodlof at. ............II./IO, 11.75 ood *200

Enraged Husbartd Killed Three
Women and a Child.

y Ur- Quliliy rtaff. .hr«y. nr


Oolwmuh. Mlrh... Angaat
Excitement can high here yesterdav
tor a little while, Mr*. Wm. Kesteri
tried to shorn t'-0B.«able J, W, FtaidGame called nth imiag. daikwm
Selmrg while hr was tryiiMt to arrest
her foe U-ing drunk aad filtonh-rlv.
................. « >? *
It l^fl>rars that ihehobM-ihai ifn.
Weybing and Furall: mx(m‘at>d
Kfwter oeeupies belongs to J.H, Read,
she having )•onghl it on contract, aad
8 f
Making only one payment. K<«d ha.
bly togei her out
wnus had Clarke;
nw kind of a houec she ha. Isx-n Grady.
kaepiag lately aad the coaditioo that Pitteboig
riw ha* Wn In heraclf for aevr^l
noath. led the aatborftiv* ' to eanac
her arrest and pat a atop to iL
Tbe oAeer, armed with a warrant. „
called at her hon*- aad the refused to 1
Iribimln. He forced llM-door open' a^-and ;
sad idtc fired point blank at his head, and Woods
bal missed aad only act the atBceT'.loh-ndand
bat a little fartln-r hack on his hi**'nw. officer wnit right home then.
The oeaaty sheriff' sra* tbmi atel
It It
for and between him and a couple of
t 10
-nlhBr. the deeprrate wonaa was taken
Bhiei and
oaA of. The ofllcen rrtac a Uttie
riAttlrii over the aituatiou and when
4Jaflotaberiff Knagv.aor of Manistee.
CMae be appealed at one of tbe wiadaWB aad stariLd a coaversuioo with
Mia. Keater and kept it up until llte
TO rag AXTi-PBwr aggrii
Mfller iboughtleosly laid one baud' on

Oome and art-

what itis—brinff in yoDraecoBd-babd
bexAa—we will boy or take in ox-

■ AM m-ewnnW SW.

Mmw SWowm

rruie TbermSM IHam«-1im
deter is 1‘arrardbra fut
or tYStm.
to lW Mundar S.«^>rd-

eooD wm

Jackaon. Ey.. Ang. aD-Maddened
with Jealoasy. James Rcnnett shot
aad killed three wobmi and a IS-yearold child at Howards IVeek. eight
BLlles from'here. James BariHVtt had
been faying attention to Bennett’s
wife aghast tbe protest of
land. ThU ao enraged Bennett that
he nrote he woald kill the man tf be
rter mw him In company with bis
Semt good pointa to remembor.
wife again. Mm Benneu was call­
One of the rnsay good points td s
ing at Banwii't houae at the time
Triepboae it that a message onaaot
tbe shooting took fdnee. A group
fail to rMrii its hearer ootreetly.
ooaaiartng of Nancy HwaML moriter
Another good point la tbnt it tenrii13-ytar-cdd malipoinri, nnd that everybody in
grsiBtMuster oF Mrs. Barnett, Mn.
ha edty cr ecmntiy worth doing baaruod Jaara BametL
iBMa wUh ha* a talepbone.



Boya- and Toltha' Batia Calf Shma. Kood
weateia,.,...-................................... ;..........................*IJ5. *1,50

•* LittleOeortSatio Call Shorn at............................. .....................>Sc
" Ximeo' SohaoIBboea,...............................*1.*1J5,*I


ya totone iaioBi, ruvciwii im.:

■Mus voi 1 m

Itot fauuaofbtooaavaipt.


. MiBiV, Ararat ». i

atfMtr or a to*«T rrmi:




be abu««butoebalkiaaUou_
«*• c«y chu«p
atoaaa of a sraop of Kew Kay-'
aa. Tht teat of toe eoaatry laa ‘



laetty 8t.

loaia ytoL will mceireVralltce td-

by Score of IO to 6.

Carp lake ia ttte torwito i

ooatioo thraayb toe loa* of her pone.

-------- ------TM ime byaad tba taiefaea

She wortu to toe parfcioc (h-partawtil
ofa wboteale lakerr. aad aee tor

failed lOaaqnDdlo toe appeal fu'
■yatoUty for toe Pilipiao with Bofv »•*•*»«—to Plria ixtoa toaui

to AprU laid bu pona. oeeateixri'^
•las. oe aoae eacker boaee ttoe i **^ ^ ***^>'?^
i« ap aa atot^
One BHCTtoir iftoi Bockwjohel tv- •"'•k

e iaadiapoaiHaa todlaum wlthi
to a prarttoel ap-. btU toe li___



aWaae aad
«*er be-.

wired a letter pntaaikid "Key
faroiahle thaa to
It UtWeu.Fto" It wa. ftWB Mr*. Albert,
The lrt« aad faatCorty. a wealthy aocietr matroe of
«««»-■' Rrbecoa. ow«ed by
J> pat ca toea toe Snt tiae tlat Eey -Weat. aad aafced if'jflaa Boe*. B"***-' toother, to to eaaataot de« hORdber thu aaaaoa. a£9 wtokel had loat aorthtoy. The yirl
partle. aad toe bou
a the «U> that (hey loat to the
ooald hardly beliete tlat her tony ** eplrodldly eqoipped for partiea

tBeaeqaiamai.U the HilHpp^ aad'for tbeHtoOiBuae that toe
dta ae.

toal, parw wae meutf. bat ihe wrolei’^*" <»*•*"• »W cto» •!«« wdu toe



:r3:^“^ s r£i "Si‘isjs.sstr.i'r s r

' !TiauiPwn'Ki>iMHmxeKiM.«>Ri>
' n- M—tin »M«d tom <M
. iiir ^ **• H*d«iteM«ain

■Miatf Md

lile in Kew .



d..acribtoe her prop-

“» ‘ akillful pitot and <ae

•tty. The retora hail Ivonyiit her
*»■« »»«*»
potae.frou riwida with ita oauenta ■ **
hrye bua. The owner, of
'tor Kehecoa hare aadr giKtol pre«re dolkr-bUU. two
.! paraliias for flahtoy la^fisMid erery
oeot pieces wreial receipts aad a
to offered f<* Ant claM
canto towriny her i

P*«>T«L BmMm m tmUn >»w drtx
«d •taalM «Ua7 body tjp». th.
oAx bx btm t^pp^ with U-ioipM unttMM or dw IMM dylM
tm to aortbM MMrifu,
«r th* ittenxiiw


. liianiea and tooae «

atale of rtsfto

<•••(•0 ^WONT STMl

MMaaDdlltciw drarwy affoR hx btcti

*“ kMP PUM with Umx p«vn«ttM. ud w ttw 1

II a a«le joU u cst ibAws out d |»i» Mtm, MM to.pSMlii liTni. Yoo nu M br the cot lUt il S alM
^ fad hwh bclcie it ii ptadea ill thaliak. Thajoie
'KBUubwd BOI to Inmp or biweb np. Tbe mtaal txmtorU
bbtomaUnwi aado—|M.fiO, ia goad heavy tkk;«aG0ip
fawrlhravy fancy wtoeorfick with imperial aUtohed cdffv.
Thia rat ia froai an actual photograph taken of tbe
mattren ■ it is no drawing.

y toa

« ^ b-lM «1«, U-. Si...............................................
B Will add Bateriqlly to
^i. r played, wtoo toe

*d botii

Here is die Swefl Sleqi, MeasanI Hian
ProdndM Mattress.

Ttove are aaay toreria ^lota
bare oaU'wrIy good
‘hi-*acilirt.a for ftiH ctoa


I good many plnweil daya for it.

The aoato to aoUd.y d^cuatic - |t:


ibia. thto aammer and while anine
-dly Tc^ for Mr. Bryan I
down to a eliw eonli-nt,
tto to- i beco ke|«
of them have returned to towi
«p ever aiun;. Fhotc
thtoyeu. yet « tofloenltol an.ljeie ■
^ ^ exeianyid and Mr.’Cuirr Tixi'^^ *•“‘total taii.y
-----------------exeianyvd and Mr. Cnirv las
de»in.e toylre Mial‘“* H>e attiartions of the pcetti<-at
itonatitottoa. with t
i-son ou the lake.
to-ymniny «" Bockwinkej a
•““* ‘^Itaxblefwtoe’utety .of'to,^ titled
(.'lareare Otvilink laa ao tor re.1 Vsrr Untrl uipr.
Maaa uid J)l*^
prutiwlly |
BTi-reil fmm
the acwtdeni whieh
in the
^ tiuaor a-aa cdrralab<d alnut town
ausi-d a briAen l.y but winter aa to
and a!?"***^,
•>“' K. B.
able- to yet aronml a little ami totlonit*tuai. on third, it wakall over. “
“ i ^“Pl*. wh" wen, wtll, the. other old . „
Is eujoyiuy JiiuMtlf ami refcainlny hia

For Cooking or Furnace Purpo^^^

Hardwood Slabs. Hemlock Edcines,
Hardwood Uippmes, Hemlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock Slabs, Hemlock KMlinga.

,m-puterwutoM.p{irth!r^r o.uW
Novolt wus to th. box f« the to'*<»«“«- ".ijototoy
Mblr deiuorral ever enb-rtikiiH-tl ito-1 vim-iblt-s, ami pilehtd B yimd yamt-.l"' »• *« t-hieayo had ditil at llul iK-i.marv elobyroonils.
\ B i'diok'a'

wa. kew* wttv touv cion.lneiM Ti
to tor tyitoo- lJim.l apoptto m ofby«ehUnfeimi«n'«'*•'•""»•••
••omit. ,.U-uty. to-my hit
fnpbkto aatoo^pI« toe paper, bow- astoeo
of flam- island. l.y, I-} • vi-nboil.v about x often x they (“*»
•“» vety moeli'
mrm. to bot a put ^tboaddadtodl- toe Am
wx a triffe
IttMIO tbc


«w pnbt^^


«4M for oapaeltp

I a aural of tovli^ire

rWi. slm^iblua!”^^
ynod man in
e important Uiau the wisest nuu. |‘he yame.
now Whatever it may
11..-im ll.-rt hit of tin-.lay Wx a 1
. llorrtaiitlydidB


tiu-n-while cltv folkal
bssii sweli.-nny with the beat '

AlJermai. Smith hx a Bne earn,tiny
«•!-.,«. rtxfcal to Xx,. .
outfit»i.m.« timt of Mr. (to.* and
A ^twto iha Wxbingtoti Star aaya hi. family iun. limi y,xl limx then~'-»c<‘mpleUa^^ .laring the h,.i w.rAher. ‘Ito- re«^

’_________________Sueoasors t.i Tiaverae t^ity Lpnbu Oo.


The Up-To-Date Photographer

• to toe h i

|«.ple over to th
and nndiwIpliiMd
■arily » deUeaia or to bseomr the PRr*>
> toM toe roloi
'-AaMbar sontham view it retteel
Voffc It nn> (
t: U U t It u 0 I •—10 | Un«a U. S. A- It may to^d'li^^
ed by tin- MemiAla tlrimltar. It ••.-mv,
card Ibtini syateih
. . . of
f nndiml
111 the eleriiun of Mr. Bryan and lln-1
IXI'III.I eNjoY.tni.i:
• Deed by the lllirary IS the matt
Oltoptoi aaebtoe to the fauU of alaadojitioo of bis view* X to tin- riyiiis
(tbonayh xdpractioalimlnxnf modical
«Myoanar«Bdy aad axperfaeot.
Vu yoan a toatilu aaebtoe ha> baea
toelodi* ak-Qi Luaud^lomi.
them toe pos*iUUly«f ,#«rodomiiito «M toroairboBt toe oomtry. bai to
Mrs. itMln-xv itlHMar.
Md al«oi
altuBi 11 .KKOOO
IKK (too pan.phl..
pampliIttR. It Is ....
ation to the Booth. Uomiw-uiiny on
toe Btoiplei baa been ooafatoe<l the
TlH-Lsulies'Atd-S-K-iotyof iheCon- :*^»‘^d tliat fhi. eoll.vtio
the remlDiiaaa adopted at todiaxpartatqaalltlM of toe former aa.. lilernli___
Olls by the recMit lils-rtv mavi-titioii.
totoeaad toe la|«o*.d laolUty
.1,., “^"•'•••‘^W.mKlatl
1 at lea-.i nine-tenths nf
it nays;
•tolon- u-hieh l,A. >wwm
-------------------------- y made pouible afttr
•ttlul would beeumt-of the in
many ymu* of trial and toe x|a»dlK.
'■‘■J-'It.-my.-ni mlnortly In (5aha and Pott..
lua «f larye aiacainti of
ntraioy. Klf-9 if fveiy man oai the islands' fol spots in or alsiul Travens- tlity. j
a Diary.
«u maabiM MX to. type by a lurln were yiveu the Hyiil to voft
vwx larye and ihe lieFirrt Day—On ihMiiiyfa mx; stormy
„ „
tff toyxix devloos vbloh affonl ab- libi-rty wonid I# overthrowr.._______
enjoyable. Tbe diseox •' WMtoer: dUaynv-alde nimpany.
MtlatouieaMey. Thto to to itaoif to a
wxMrtk Orellieks* birth-;
B««^rtl>ay—<^a|'Ulti v.vy admirable; l
fftoRptowofUMhanUoii hot liyo<-«
• deel-imti-ui of l„„- and offen-d ;
It at our doon which wciolil Is- a
iuinivter«Hr> nddi-d plexuru
rtiU fartbu and dtotrlbaix toe ^.e
, i
- • - •
Third Hay—t iij-uiia n-tu^ to tbe [
wbleb hx be«a aaed. while toe oper­
1 - Fillpinaay Ai:
ator to xtliny ap
After suiHs-r a
I the proyiem whit
raiuiie ro»e<-rt saieid- ainj til.iwnp the wlmle v«s.-l j
latalllyeat itoaorlptlon of the toveu- I^us i-rer been made m those
thoH.' island,
»’a» enjoya-d
with ;|IMI piTiW.u.i Tvj-elr-rt
tton woBid be atoMM
hx been Ihmuyh the inatromenlalilv
F/airtii Day—SuVMi llll•l|vx ut
of a amall baad of f<m-iym-r>k Kven
Obauvattoo of lu
pensuis.—L.*i(luii O'jtsk
the Chtoxe.
Uwtoen. X tlmy are.
akme aan poarey u Idx of tor toll!
and knowiny x llltl- of
Ur. Joliumoi bail a
h hx yiven ixliKMls X t^do, have advanosl

H ST^aTf


Ito limplJelty to farther iUue-

tmwibytoe limited apam
ptoaj ao more than toe




miy for cate ebmpoaltor amln- the old
t of xlliny type.
For mote
than three year* tbe Bewont hx led
the aawipaper. north of Uraud


Ida and Ita valx x a new* metltom
d by to# extant of its
cirealatica, whieh to priatetl to plaii
nyarwevaty day.

It. valae to the

merehaai to atoo iUnrtrateil iiy the
crowded adverttotoy eolaamiy which
hx often aeoemltated the iriatiuy of
a mpplamrat.

to. order



ia|«-r hx been onlaryed. two luehe*
Bikbs] to iu tonytb and

am- coli

n. the width, awkiny toU the laryeat
daily paper printed to norUieni Hleh-


.............Ilie’v havi
lU-d. To torn thm. rieli tobind..
iteb mold he m
add so moeh
wiwlili of I
the _
It aad
who iolmbii_____
aynlnst civltixacli
tieynv. in tinrtrhesi imnions
the ^rwiti
tin- n • ■

lln-y'an-in1 tin-majority.
They •


toe Kecord will not eondiH- iis<-ir to
Btoehaatcal eqaipment Ocmttnucl effarta will be made to m^e
thee- Murcee

mplete X
of the territory will

raised so Dial n hixl of U fivt.of
waOT ran Is- o1<uin<-<l. Tlie work
Die eliui<- wa. nqu]il<-Tiwl
switelilwKird has



Record hx .

direct told the




Die l«v-wluy nxuixiv. of Mil'

I. wi>rv eajoytoy a dav's fialitoy
(.Mtp lake, cm boani Du- steamer
Bi-ls'rra. Mr. Pi-t.-n^i wx rraehiiiy
not for some Hkiitny uiakle xd in do-


ynuped ilu- fixtore of the aiyxl liyhl cyhieli yave way. ud be
fell oviTlioard.

He nank a abort dis­

tance then bryan to swim.

He awam

afauot until a mj*- wx thrown to him
and be rlomtierrd uio the boat,

avuytotoff that a aewqi^ur tooitol


Kart Krlh-r MarrM.
A jitvttT w.-iMiny orenm-d Wntox-

to famlltor


Eitra Attnclin Cniai.

alway* been eum|d..,r aad no exp
to^^ed to Mxwtv op to»a.


Hoyt’s Famous Comedian.


"<^esy. Me BoyIn tbe NrftioDBl Sumw,


day eventoy at the home of the bride
lYurk lia. I«en l«-ymi li
ut Monriu-Uhikw. that oalieil Mix j Laic‘'Tetkl
Die silver s>-rv|«- fx |Par Adiiiital Leoua Hewton of that place- and Bert
state that the laelimM forgnthe^ Meble.i. to In- made fnin tin- silverVoln
aad diMwaMaff new* win be inor^- eaplnred on tlie |!|aalsh i-ralaer OU- L. Kelly, foreman at the Potato Im­
plement fnetoiy of thi* Miy. The
adMOOuatoa demamW Thi.
^iwl ttoloB. The tnml welffht of the
«lver to i«m eBareo. and the e.wt cc-tvmtmy took ptaee to toe |weM«ee
of only tor immediate ^Uir* td toe
be. X heret!5^.
conttartiny innie*.
Sou payee to Mx. xxpi <* Smiitoy.
Vbmi tbue wUl be eiyht
On JoBe ai three were Biider exm

«Ub toe profrtMive .ptoit of tor
.Itooud aad it will not he aeeumrr to


Mrortioo to Orrat Britohi 4Ui vex.-^
i bare alway* made tl>et«aadar

at lJOJ13.ayatoat j
y««r ago aad l.awUB;*toOMge.


taUowtoy from the Ki,

frea*. wUeb dutowii^
UB vtow* of axpantioD.

tbt Best ihichittt
In tbt World

o-pound iifur

Monday, Sept. 3rd.

fold relalive to what toalldyi-il to
be Dm- |■nUBOBBI ixBe of thi-


Mig c-Mrhr* of Mark Bax.
Will DraaU aad

Chatmory HaU««

tf Marital. O.jiaml Thaama

Uckrau-hiligblaokbaxtolM taka


A Larre Company of Singers
and Dancers.
Brass Baad aad Orcbestri.
Sec the Roagh Ridera Paiadt
See cmiesey SUde the Cellar Ddor. 1 j
See Beraard Sisters.
See the Best Hnsical Comedy
of the Season.



IMI PhuM. Hu. m

Blobher. the faEM aiaxiroala c

Ore* NIjgK*

serloas lark
of ayns-menl. within the demoeratir

Fagem Dtoetff.

Ontsvte kacin.- Ilux.; h-.rtls-fi. Hs. X.. IM

City Opera House

avuy maraiiiy' TlH-lo«d

Tbe jmbUe,


• D. Gur^is


<t Jidiu.1.11. drannsti-.


by toe naploj-meat of the Berrlw- of

toe world.



Blair of Prinn-ion, III . Mr*. Wolver. and Miss Pierm- of Wineli.-*ter.


________Opposite Hotel Columbia.

.i-sraj- -

•atoytaHiie reports Witoto the iut
Ms mouihiihU bx I

odtoe of toe Inter Orean from whieh
toe aavs to dlqueh«l «p to f o clocA


ii wor^ cm bis auduorik


l>-<-ii Imili 110

Dr f «' Li-sler. W, H. Foster. J. B.
Bowiti. Tony PohotnI. Hn. W. W

tuned wire raiminy


siwed 1.. vrnm ll.-x or U
red. hi. i-ye.. Isvid.s I. tm- l.|, ari-il ailb
•r Kli-etrie Liybt aerotola. \w-n- sn m-ar.ivhi-d Dial hi*
* PowiT (to. is eorapleliiig exii-ii«ive esprt-sSiun w;i* that uf int.-iiv- dullmx
lm|x.vem.-nt*Bltbe dam luid prtwor
Cowpiv nlway. apiAe in a -Umdenl, | <
linn«-. Tlie chute wd dam liave been

Kot two year* toe Beronl Im.
beee ooi.-,i for the exaeUsort- of Ita

lhaObicayo Inter Oexn-Kew York
taa combixtiw
ThU to toe m«i


Would tiuirkly li-avc you if
lir. Kiiiy-s New Lit
Lie *
iiu«nds ^<|f suffee-m .jave
have iwovi-d
IlM'ir mate
merit fiw stek xd
liiaibielii-s. They _____
''; F' 1.. lie
bnild np ydnr hwll... ,
ttiilv :

and new nuim-rtionK atode so x to; ,
Vk.unsae* rMrile*.
to ib<- dynamo
of tin-ir
-.-r- majLriV-l^bSiw'llliy^'’"''
majority—wben-ver iIm-t
A ensi'Iioii: iiuiait <le<-l.-iri-s that at
muiiyn-l of Oliieli ha. not y.-t l..-n Bin-d. Tlii.
Dm- em1 nf .-aril of f,mr |ia*U
Jin- i>liiU|..
fnim ;[.i«»i In l.iMi |M-r-~-i..
nynwtly inen«s>-d miwHtv and
loni.vl to Aiie ri.-a ami to llie Kiiitllsh
uumisilla. and wbiph
wbirb ad
Bibi|it. o|.|swtBtiily for a Intyer iond Dimi U ml.mlc-s Ohe tm-e «eeii Dm- nlade of
ailnlKin we haxqmili-d.____ now oairivil. Tlit- new switrUbtauvl .KnM*nd nnii n cmsl pan of S<«a]|and
will la- ooBiieet.-d np next Sadnay.
ami In-latii! fnoii welJ-.aii;..lnt(-<t<viaeli
Whim ibi-tK- imirovemeiiis an- eom- i-a Dint tek IlM-tn fr.Mii ti.n m )hii.
MWIil m
plete this will Is- rtie most exleiifdvi- and lie rnilli.-r aver* Dint
--------riybis ami jirivilS.UI. Imv.' nir-ad} i.ail Jonni.-}*
.dyes wlileli he enjoys in toe^ tliiii..s
armiitfi-i! for tlieiu tills yi-ar.
r tl»,PEI.I. IX THE ImiNK
■Bitlli of iIh-.# iwper* alore quoti-d

lyen' Beside* thto 11 will be BOtieesI
llul a Uyfau ytade of paper U uaeil. likely that their opiniims
whirb win be pnamaxtly
' taiDcl
A> III the past. Btoee it* tooepttou,

I'ntmtotlon wx at Tol-v „-n,. x.d the l.xt
‘ ■<»etoi«aU. H.T7 |sy cent.


The White Sewing Ma>
the market so
long it has proved its worth. It tjrlks ijtt itself. Wc are
thesole agenu for this regton for both
White and the
gueen Machines. They are made with both drop or su*
tionary head. Tbe gueen with stationary’ head sells for
$2ix)o; the drop head $33x£i. The While w’ith stationary
head $32.00; drt^ head tf3S.oo. Now we are shewing the

new White
Tairiilp Hotaif
Sewing Hlachine


And this with all the new modern attachments, makes it the
finest semng machine on the market. Here's an induce­
ment to buy now. Of course the best way is to pay the cash
then the machine is youii. If you havn t the ambuot then
we will sell on the “liltle-at-a-time" plan. Time flies fast
and on our most liberal terms the payments are soon made
and you own a splendid machine. If you can not come in
and see them, telephone us or drop us a line and we will
have our special traveling salesman call on you aad explain
all tbe details. We have sold more sewing roaebine* than
in any previous year by reason of the superiority over other*
and the fact that we stand back of all our smementt.

W dannah & Lap

^ mepcanpJt,,Cotnpatip:


TBS JWHStlllO aweM, «A¥BaS*.«t», WCHieill, MJIUT, ap5B tl. t»0fc

fna a WMpa axl immmmtij kUliid.
Hr wmt Udrt7-aix jtm aid •
iMma a wU«nr and (ovetilUmL
Ckaa P. IdnWbet*. wbo« m.
awara ta tfar taat U« efirtcMh* in
thr mUpplMa. m aKhat
Hr waa tr jrean oUl and ealtatrd at
Battfa Or<«k tatbr Tt«Bbr a
Unfa M« than a JTMT a«n. aad «B«
a mmmha t4 Vo. (X. 4Mh iateaCiT.
Mn. B. K4lthn>ber(rla«>actrHa^l•
ad to> fSaartMT froB Uw Kta
wlmrt;. tl
(nsaar with bar baabaad.
• wa« at D)r«« at tbr liiar Ibe terriMr ■wv aUilr aMsn««L la vltieii
ao taaar pmoet prrlabed. Hbe amt
her baalMul hare lacatod arrcval paylac elalaa
r icn«* a rlc
pbrka- at Aldn‘imcTaraiter aflmuaB. aad Batebrlor
vat throva ooi amt tnlaaaljr lajf^
amt tbr two honn klllecL

aay rliiac'<>f i.SlD lafaaMlBBU
Atofrito. Xaar thaa two ibUm of
rrtomt «aUt will Hare bi«o laid la
iwio in that rlikacf.
V Adribcrt Kyfcra. a nralclpr who lu
bn« wnrfciac menitly with Ihr trlr|dMar canc at A(hi<«. ttv^IvtcI
daacrrtau woeml Wt^tatoday.
liuraMti wottlac with hla> aecld)«tally ilropprd a lanw wrmeli frem a
helchih of forty fmd aad it
Hykm Bp»D tlw brad, hmlly fractor
lochU ikull. HUS~at<Utl<a UeriiuwL
Tbr ttrTeaih Day AdrmtUU will
iHdd.Ihrir aauaal «lalt- obib|> airrtioc
la Itala roaBH^Bc tmlay aad
linaiac two wnuka Tbr traUatr all
a|> tiB tlir fair ctinukU auil
libra whiurlty. Kvrry ttnin aaj aad the attMtdannr i> rxpaetml to br thr btfcert
; la Ita litotory.
Hatoaorl Ret|ip,'a larabrr of thr
I^tuhiir ftrr drjartiarat.'wa* planrd
Imlwrra a hrovy hand i

track aiul a |nat while aaaialtOR
atorlac the fonarr aad aaffcrad
ftacton- »r liU lirraal boar
riba ou the rlitlit •id*. He
blaeksalth. and Utr (arcratu my hr
VIII anourr,
%’beal la Jackme raeaty avnacr*
from two tu rgrtil latalH-U to iIk' aen-.
«aUr fiO lo 00 boabrliL
Home oar U iMitoolac
Braa^ roa^y. A aaialirr of tanam
have bail from o^ U> Ore heail cwch.
wad there will h- Inmide for the f<diuw <b»i>K thr job if IK' U raacbt.
Tl.r bodyofUIrrrlkBrt. theJ yearaid non of Joha UracK. mlminc ailin'
Moaday . at tiacinaw. war taken from
the river Wnlnrabiy a*
aamll d<w li-bmclaR to tlu- family
maaiaed all day Taraday near the
' apot wiiere thr little frllnw
Thr fart that there are nbtm
r«a maarrllnaa la'twrea lake# ia
Micdiicaii waa fully ealahUiihnl
^yi aliier. l^Mroffen on thr trolly
rar r«w Uull Uki-. when arar the bic
altik huh' nu llie C. dt. N. rallrnmL
alani our Biilr malii of tlir Ukr. mu
Dearly SU feel of Ike'a Uail lake moa
ater layligt near the laiirnad trarL,
with hta bmly nml tall In the aliik
hob; hriow. The trolly wir (nMinc
within (Ifly fn'l did not dialorh hi*
■mjeaty. He iiml umbuiblrdlr eonie
fr*m Uie lake by on w
Vente Holliday, who mml Uuy
Ooty from drawajiic at Hb I'-harle*
a few daya aco. 1* aow thi- proud
poaanwor of a flue wairh.




lajmlttototba Itoim mm than a^
athm lorn of adaaiatioa to wbteh paoptama addleted. If I damUbatbaa
mao la yropartloa aa maeh aa bodiaak.
I'd UU him Is m half Um ttma. Thli
tim aft of bany aad farmtab
m; caitka eomplaia tfasi pn|ile
m mhs Baa (or myDaltar
tact, boom of
pnetoto lima an wean thaa wmud
dally la Bio hathracm. U nan woald
lanwia Ibalr baatih. tome are (brae
tttmm tbry man do—tat, Inn aoap
ahne: aaooad. entbadda loom tan
(d tbe body; third, on rid ef
■t recaUrtkr la the matter of
^ aad nmali U nremniy te phydoal
"What are tbaoWcoBoM tottaatot
«d aoapr’aaked a irponar towbomtbe
miffiaal viawa were a renlatlcm.
‘Tbne aretrital ehlaotloM. wn tba
reply. la admowled^
bnn a mad Imtaraat raMotna to the
body Plnrt. It ada n I

In tarn wbeo ftr any rioarai tbny
■a aaabte to ptafmm tbrir foaotkuM. Tbe akin oadata all the evsana of
' atloB aad ciaetln io the ntiie
nn. aod for that maon ciea
aboold be paid to keeptne...........
twattby noaditka. Allhoach nmllalBR
IM ImpivtaDt fuoeUaat. pMpbv iadnd
of intMtlaK Ibia wiauMrfiil ooreriac
of tbHie. try hy onry mean In their
power to dsiray (L Amp dun
oleaaaathnakin Whoa tbeakla la rill
II la anhealtby. and ibe mgmm wit
tbe body oaa nerer be elnaaed by all
tbe aoepa la tbe world. Tbe eoly ataint.
biota, cto. m tbo anrfiee of tbe akin
that pooplv seed h> pot rid 'of canoot
ba remond by
leal otntmmt a
le Umoi. Aa far at rccarda
the iluat and dirt which naturally adbovi to (be body,'dual and illit, brini;
emthly and mattciaL are maeb batta
hrmbed off than waabtal off.

tor awa TUB Oappma eae tt

oTAliK AN-|> IM.ATt-cMtM.




The acem-f <4 -liown"' ^ .
naH^iiii'^ia rnrnmm m
Lineniu J. OartcrV lahwt nmaiAir'
hM* a Cln* TVam a kedr.
emrdy drama, an- laid ^al.^g k*,-; One of the mod popalar moii fa tbo
Mnbile river in Alalauaa. Aiqplc down town prodoeo dittriet U a W.
inanity it that affordi<d foran Cbrittie.
bowevtw. U«
^w,,,*wcv Hit temper, vjnwis,
ditiOay. TIk- Oi>i ecm ly tried of labs and there It a wickw nf the faiaoui. *** Rl*An>
Rluam IIn
b hit qyet when anybody at.
art thnwt
Suniiyndc -w.-ll known In alt tra>- bwt tbu woni --fTrx<- io hU pnmmoa.
-Cbrit." aa bit friiuxh eali him,
nulix-rntdn. the third act la a ricra' owaa more tradt biYwa than any other
of the “DiiUMil Hwamji" wbeiv tin- ___ in
__ tbe city. He also owna a Mock
IraililiOD nf the MialliiTU dark<-y lellt ------farminInl^i^ikoepaln. He TTCasily Inbim that llw Too.lcm Witch abide*, vited onn of hit Meodt. Fred Uefaney,
and where at errtaiu ttoge* of tlie; a tanaita importer, to viidl bla eoantiy
«> Iho darfciea ia bw number*
Mr. «icto^ aoeep^ and both
o .toriul f<w tbe t.lrand Central atob>'arm marmurinc tle-ir iiiean
on* la order ih curry the pood fa­ Uon in a boggy. (%rii drove.
Cfarif. be it aaid, tporb'd aa Imroaeuvor of the Vooibm.
latu >hlrt -Jnpt. in which pllUmyd a
llowt. Mobile' will
t Tbe frlcndt 'Wvo'oosr.were bowlHtoliiltTg'* Crand 0| Hoaiu inp aldug ITfth aveoue wboa «iriii.
■leii Miuiday Ki-jd. Sd. willi all it* who wat tmcAini; a eipar, rnddnly
original to-mry-. }T»ia-rtie* and the itaried. Ho bod ana a lady &U»d. and
eotni«'lciil lost of ani*l* juM a.:
im|*opri«ty of aalntitiK her with o
imduced nt the IVib-riiui tlxtitn'. «lcnt in hu month eantedblmtubt tbe

Tbr atamcr Cbiap.^ Mvived at
floD rcoDeitoo. from B^bp Kstorvia
al HooplpM. Antoff
B aieQ^ C. B.
U. 8. K.. aad H. C. .Pwfciw, a intoiMt merehaBl at rtha»lkai aad Us
foDLily. More Uw apeon of mio•famariew wonra aad. ebUdrea. who
eae^wd from C%iaa at (be
of tho Boxer oatbreak arrivnl 0* tbe
Cbiaa. All of,' tho yrnty have Imd
ihrilUap t-iIwiAeaeea wifb tbe rabble
in Chian. tiaiUar. exoept ia 'detail,
to tbiw of otben Who' bare olnody
reetclHal Ihr United flrntn. Dr.
forth beam a deep Wuoad o* hit farad
which ritowt the mark of a blow that
knocked him teiteelrat darimt the
flphtwltha imrtyofBoxaa.
Mn. Loara A. Aldeutraa of Harlfy.
Tnriier coontr. Si. D-. it atid to
of tho largrat ottbonlt ia tbr
coaBtiy- it oootiMe of 150 oerra
which an- planlr.1 tl.CR» tret beaidre
boaliea, and 500 praprvinoo. ^^
Following 1* on obatract
li^wetordjoacuat M. J. Cammipp*:. raport,
U. A. K. eoding Joar ». IMU. which
to the ia^vctra. it
not oomidoto or aniftma. Ibtol num
brroUp^ e.tHA; mrmbete in good
ttaadiBg. SR3.TTT: taoney in relief
fond. A>03-f3XM<; amooBI expended
for tvlief. kliet,)«n; apprqpatr valoi
nf laopnty owned by pome. -Sl.iOS,
It U now tome nxtv yrare tiane tlir
tutincM HBivlelt-C4ialit inhtTftod
her gmu fortoox. aad tn that timr tt
*Ik- lot diidributed in
rbority at lea»t SS.OOU.ODa
Winnipeg. Moa.. gprrial tayt:
A tornado deatrnyed the larger porof the town of Whilcwond. K.
W.T.. Wedneeday. It it not known
w-hethcr or not there wo* any lorn of
The wnrnr tionn ever known
tawed over Storait Wednetday night
An iiaroccne {Anting rink wot lifted
from lit foondatio** AnottxT large
building •■a* loni to piceet. .
Ttx- Weldon mine. Inated ju« raH
t U-adville. Coin., jrat totally de•troyed l.y Ore. The firi- atarted in
the cngiix- room, but tlx- engineer
n-maiued al hit poet until newly all
were iioixtod frvim brlow- He
fatollt- liunied- Thr
way out llirangh othmin.-t ill tlx- vieinitv. A large
timuHlty of gtaal jiowder wat remov­
ed Mtfcly from the Imtidmg liy the
mlncrift. Tlx- Weldnn mine, i* oae
the rielx-at |g«xluciTK of tilver in
th>' romp, and lia* I*-< a iiialmo*t con.
'n|*'ration *iiie>- liU. Tlu- Are
iHinii'd tcvi-ral other hnUM-a in tlu'
vIrtnitT. nil- loM i* about knO.QOO,
iuclodliic a valaablc plant uf awehbi>

is WeaHb
-Par «M CM n


Cb* traotrs* Off Busiutss CUkgt
tma normal JnstfMt
^ nttny ■dvuttcra mw <Mber pcboob. Tbcoaoi..
toprr»n*lrrtirr E.d..lodmitig((iT«lDdWdtoa«ttaBtNsn. The eltoora are taver too Iwj*. Btokwird itadnii.
are «it«i extra altairiGa.'
\ -*k
»«o«P»i*h more n « OMBtbe .Om
\ otiierkeboak in V montha. Do not be mWead ap a«Bjr Wee
! the^.arboolg -ia that the attKient moat to ml* ind hb OW.
•“•itw; JW tokioKtwice or ihr.-e (into to long to aa«
»rilDcation as wm, pn«oiino«l by the eebool.

C*» rinl Till On* Btgln StpUmttr 3.


“ "* “ T
C'/f. Docktrap, Prep.

A Steady Advance
Of pri<» io omrij ,11 Ii„„
ttu ao. ndd bft
nelil liraI,J. 1, n flood rapplj dt drtmrim
W - ftio -111
„,„ir ftll liu. >t lb. ill pXaa
u w bft.1 lira 30-1, b-f..o. tbo odnaw.

Do roB apprecUle a pood Uliir? •
We«ui save you money
1/ yon'U lu ns (Ipire wllli pti.

'V-bfty-'Uoor U lb. ri,-bl prir».oU bft. ftoooril.
b^-b.,ms ..mliii,, ,, oSfoT Uouft. ftad i. tbo
bftkioK J-I-Id, -d, per ...nt more loovi. tbftii oaj flov
on tho market.
Wingold Flour ia guaraateiai. Yoar aattaa
porchaae priut- ia rHonie.1 if not fnllj aatufabtory.

Camra aa -Winala
_ WhUe we toll
. heap, we 4o sol keep cheap gro.
Tbe faablooeblo niotilatlcm rewbloh
aenea. It u a pooriilan for n* h. oell joe a wiymir arttda, or
the doc haa taa-n lubliwtcKl are thn« la
to keep an artk^e you are txrt Mtufied with,
ihnr—ear aad toll erT^pinp. and the
•■faralloti kmiwn aa -wormdo Ukl^£^ carefnUf-w.. buy at low pricea, and fou
tW" Tbouch tbn law prohihita tbe
of tbe operatlim which
li«d to thtae mutilalioaii. yet at Iraat
two of thom an atlll rarricxi out aunvpMr timer-, own |day,
*“‘*’"**‘’*’*“ **^ **^
tltiooaly. ami tbe third, "wnrmlut" fhlrago.
may alan be practionL At any rate 1
j Tb.'^ha.l iwonoeded a Mode w ao
have aocn It d<aM in my yoaac daya '
Tlx- mo»i liitoxu* fnm cc«ne<lT
and the tail croppius <M boaat of
whleli bit* Uh'Ii in tbit ettv thi* rear
rraiuahln antiqaltv, and they aim had will I.- "Orlnx-*- Cellar I»oor. 'That'--^” replied-Chrl*. looklnp
their ralaon d'rtre la a aopmUlioaa beUrf tn tbMr i-fflnacy in pruvcDtinit mad-'
Monday evemtig.
....... tar .•ont/^
So«l Wowl” be yelled.
oem or raUm. flu long aa the tlan of
Cauar-apbrnt! It'a bhriilnp
Columella, the Bomaa writer ou affri- edian .4 the ra*t i* Jamc. B. Mitckle, : ..J,-,
enltun. the muliiatlaa nf tbe dns'* toil who attained nx enviable record iii . me upV'
a popular and favorite lanvdoru.
At greatly reduced prices. Those are real bargaine.
Ooncli of Key*' a few year*
"Have yon pot 'em?" inquired Ed.
> riated at tlx- war <
Aa be hdlt aa In bit "De Bo Roatioa"
Morkle has Ui'u in evfwv "SoppoM I tom in a ta alarm "
that Ibe abepbenU hollcve that if. a* tarpreity in the United Stale* and
“»k« any,further tliai |re]nniiion* are ln-ing mot^ for
tbe fortli
aad bit tolcnt. have been
I hri* had .tupp^ hi* horw. wintering 5.0TO United Stoira troofa
____ II,.
Jbtxpvl from tbe boggy aod wat eiecn- in China.
■MUA-ft. r-oxi
He ha. «mv,an.l^
Uki alBow(beliered to bo a wormi woald
•nx- new eapitol whiHi-Mitaiwipiii
liimaelf with a romtany of i
tolluw the pteoe, after thi* tbo toll
Smoke wa* ricliig from
Pedal* and Hanelleb.*r* --gc>o<i nfl«**.ehaap.
ild.Mt cniiiw aod- tbe d^,
d« enald m« tiuui oraoliy olever ei
d tl
' woistcoaL and
tbe' cigar,
tbe eanaa of it i* -ulamt to efftct will auriia** in
Bicycle*, e I Ooaoh
tlxrapano rabid.
l■l<tv moeii i* |ir«rai*nl Mr. all, dr<qip<d to ibeft f^nd.
Al LEDERLE’S, 118 Unioa Street. Bar Freat
Horkie iia* lici'n...........................
Trsveree City ...
1-- ! "Well.
..........I'll be Jlgger«l." mmleimed ilnl bDlhliug* of the KiutlxTU atotnL
tor mgm. and may aUll be eui.Ttaiirad fore and hit vcrvalility i* well known. ‘ Chrit. Hit tpntUn
oiid.witl co*t fl.ilD.OOa
:l»w atairt froal
in ocrtalB quartm. However thin may
— .
nokirvd ami Irortiod in plaem.
Sttwk|«rf. Bugbind. boant* tbe
bo. the Caebtoa of removlnc a portion of
"I>Thapt it wet tbo diamond,-aap- lBtg<-*l Stuulay achool in tlxtbe toll of many taecdi of dopa la quite
pvbd E.L
IDO*, and if It it demo with a view
■Ihatnoad* be blowod!” retorted ixwly -'-..lUi chihin-u lieing <a Uir!
to tbe prevenUoa of tnailoem. It it at Orlr latrwdweftoe la am*rid*/ta* (%rt*. ".Say. "bo ed.ln.1. "Ican'tgDto roll. The tvc-nl annual 'piorraaio*
any rate oooeldned meet detirabU few
to a aearao.
tbi'fann 1..«kin* liko IhU"
piganiic offalr. v>M teholow
tboas ant malt to ban a thort. Iduot 'tail
Tbe latraductioa inle lb<' I'lilted
“Oh. ihal't toon remedied." replied irav.-Uiig long dwtaatda'tu ioia
boeauao It Improvre tbeir appearance. Mate* of tho an-db'** orangi-. lb-- col- Bd. "Oet a n llBlmd ahiit ftmt If :ie n-alk.
i-ratoof* Dma*
Home doft tiavr tcarcrly any toll left. toiv ef wbHi bat onsum.*! *ucb large yoo'n- earofol, it wjo’t toko llro. but
governor. Frank H. Ptg.
1 baroMwemaM and dog fanricnlnta proponlont on tbe l*ix-lfte «•.««. wat m mnaeu'i aunke. aad don't pat tbe
toHok. i* 111 Honolulu. lioii|4-jiing to'
off puppiea' totU at a mailer nf buai- primarily dw to au Amertcan wuinan. *1^{"

. ,
Wostiingtou to i.'rfecl ehorgiw of
aeea. and'aome of Ibver iwiiplo have
harxli diolidg with nativet against
afaowo mo a f racmeoi <4 aioew attaehad Travrilng in the ,m.rlxeo »f Jlnbta.
tbo Koiy Irak- xe Uov. Leary, tlx' naval caiitolD pot
the amputated ptwUon n tbo "worm Itraaa in IWK. alx- InelJ.alaUy iniw ;
thmod In a Iriler to a fri.-uJ In the '
oot That It why many down town in K-mporary charge -when'the Alneritbe toll "
It tooald be voted, la apcaklag of tfaii rmtod Statca. iloracr fapmn. ibeo prodaoo merrhontt take don-n Ureir ta
. lOi* )ioii*nb*iua of|he laloBd.
faablcm. that m moocrel dog hat breo CemmlssloniT of agrb-ulturr. that tbe . »tuigaub<T*wben4TirithaKnnta]0Dg.
Ooi- of thii fratares of
U. A. R.
rrf {
d a "onr” tUtiu cortaa, or ompof Rabla were »f 'raperior
Chrit tsay* a>i apprectab. a hAe, bat
which atrracMyl much
talled.) boeanae It aiaally bad the tail qualllv to tb<ax' ralixvl m ll>e riilte.1 »!>«> bo it invited to a taidnoMiaaii't
allcntita wa. tlx- vch'lant’ Ueyelr
BborteBod. and aeoardlnc to aarieat (>w 8tot«. So ebaoee evpri'.*i..ii ..f laite ;
ffra«wlrh U aidvoTwlatcly marke«l.
eat laws, a man who bad Dorlcbt tn the proIwMy eve* wet fraught n llli rooro i man', rap and rod laDh-rn at aouvonin rood par.-, in whleh W old nldicrf, „
, , . prlvilece of tbo ebam wai nbllged te magnllkTnt reatatn. Mr. Wiiii.mi Sann- •'tbe thing'• guiDp too for.''-Now Vtorted. TlicoDorae wa. frata Hal- Pire«lta b» errat bi«, f»vxrwb**luiMary A. M.tty. of Oraad Baplda.
Viduw IiT y.«ira old. took earboUe eat off tbo toil nf hit dng. oo the pin dcto. then a* ixor lx elarg.' of IM' - Y“k Herald
writ tome time ahortly after dtoner thaL it a d<« liat oo tail Io art at a ganlcti* and ground* of the ilepartTHE WOODS BY NIGHT.
»f Agrlcultun-. bad alread.v de- !
WedaraUy artenioini from which «l>e rudder. Ik' oaunoi tanai game.—Nineof five mlhw. The wiiiucr was L L.
letmUi Ceataiy.
voted *»ine alteuthoi tu tbe Jmpn'vedied dioitly after. She had a Iwother
Smith of CIcveUoA who took tbe
of orange eulinre In lb<- I'nltcd .
Urine In (V.teualairK. N. Y.. a p
time ggiiu'. making rix' onurv in ID
- torat baker aad roofretionrr of that
SlrlaaKaODltam, known n tth'Bay- varieties from foerign enoairles. Thi* ., "flit still in tbe wood* at aiglrt «>d min.. 83i-e. M. Homcrly. K, yrar*
' Tlaor. It l« atalrd (Imt tie- aafortu «rdof India, wi^^ "mhfhty hunter" 1«OT.
to..— MW
I to. IraraAl •,. hi
" mid an old Umenat- old. finithfsl H-enmI. in »:5K Uf tbe
bO look and
„ IhiICB.
day. ■•«nd yoa will » .torteSv «i finished.
male woman had Utrly mid that ahr
bear Mrange things, not to be
wnald like h> c» tn her old hoine, IMI
in tbe Oetd of uraug.- culture. A n•euo eg bewd mve by raroB cbanco in
that her taolher no loujcrr vw<d for
qtonjr.. tont for ri-crinx-o* for prop- ^e
„„ ora,™..- .1 ... ..,

Mn-. ao dio wooirt not co It w
Arc yon insured as foNj as
d a aimilar fnt.
A Tmc StOTY «r the S«tnh.
atraacr colneldettre that only a
K01-1., mm;
He rado roond and round tbe-ttgi* M
Ton 'shooldbe? If Dot.
totuatra after h<<r drath a letter
»™i. m
i c
Kallcgi.tradii4U7 oarrowinc tbecirel* ookT wm I,™ l..r ,l.,m

1C ra ra The braoUfal. weird Ub<- ’
tooachl to the hooa- from ihU ;
atilatiartbewn Meat eoaoi^ to do- and to PO> a soiaU shipment <
call, or’phone «e
*- OOI of thi. dim, una-rtaln light loomed
brothar. inTliinir her verr eordlally tinr bit blow. Be bad only tbe cma young trees, all of tb.- seme variety
-Y the Jullinwirfib. tree inibcvulkyaad
to rialt him. Thr letter l•oUgt nil blow, and if be had failed to kill tba and well packasl In wi-t n
rmtnry.the Marveious Fire.
that 00*14 hr etpeeted fium a imih- li«(v be himaalf would have been alata. arrired tn Wasbiagton in fairly t^ d to..Ami.a*ndnKmnmialnthedi.Tbe explBoMEtOB uf tbr feat U that roodltion. Tbla wn* tbe original stouA ujKv. tfuickly 1 MW tbe shadow d a
! Scene.
«r. tl U believed that if it hml rrarhmug Ogani. which 1 made oat to be
from whteb bare «preng all tbe fur
«d ita daatUatioa a few Itoura iwlier tbet^domjM^ag ape* |beIt of a fox. How ricaltblly tbe aly
Bpeciai prioto-25.33, 30r.
■ha ttivb'Jy ooald bare been pravreijy.A*tl
Seats BOW oa sale .at the
draw oimi* and clraer ape
,7™ “• -« -"V- bra-u..* «.)».
Box Office.
Milmi lodce. Ko. IW. K. P.. of
«me* bowildra^ by th* i
t'allfornU. All <.f tbe ll' plant* were
A. be turaed, fat the f 1 Umehe
miaa. baa twe mrmberm that attraei maneuver. *n unlike that of aay
Tetophooe 112pUntedlaibcd.-partm.-ntgruDudsaiid
Mtrattan. Ihey are WUUam J. HirUirlved. Al tbe proixT.llnx-bod* fnea i_i_. „
't-v— ,
. ,
arm aad GUarr J. Kerrriy. HImem
la e feet. « inrbea hlffh and wel|rl»
ibr department and tbe
M> |»aada, while Bevoriy. arlih hi>
Frito the btoinnlnc of hi* toqoalBt- pRHUigattoB repcatcl at |m>ner liner- rraebd thr dark shade* aad -Tr~ ~.
S fiat, t iaelms helcbt. tipa the m
aaoa with FrankUn a mutaol lu^wl valo. Aa tbe anp|dy Inereased farntdred* wh-'u be cUMifieant) to on InMant
M 7t) poonda Tbe two are crarraUy •Bd a dsap offeetira eprang op befwera
I knew rvynaxd wa* oat aa hi* algbiof tbe
ftmad lotndber ia Detralt thia areek. tarn. Tba wla* Fraakltn raw at a
■""6^.->'V>*s.xu«fiiaffuv**axaiSt j
» parBloM whU moDam tf man Paul Joem
Itae.. X
<•« MrlUsM Bwfc'bnc, fSH* 1*1
r. * pethajB
to rah
wra, awl ia oo* Doble araiatm diKribed
fanner d bU eboiciNt fowl*. The
Urn tontr than many viduam eoalA
r niMlIseorem] ivaana condi- ,
a nigbt tnvelec. He makea bla
....................... ........... the.krwat fora "For (MptBiB Pool J«D«* rvtr lovud
oved obtorornMc to jac.tiry after dark. Smi* hi* auxm us*
We wtmld hav* the whole acbooi trad* iteveryr alaraiy. UeMce D. WllUama. of eito* totittoff ••—Molly EUlot flrawtdl
>f the trees. I«t tbr teiuna olwaya fadoee tbe birak d dayalaarteadto. MIefa.. myi; My wife
body koew the atory al tbe .C. M.
baa beam ao helpleaa for five yaora teOetaiy.
-Onr Animal Friento.
that ahe eoabl aot tmra over la bed
alooe. After «dac taro boltlra of
Sleotrir Bitten ^ la aroodorfally Iraiige Letiff of 1.............................
perfeel dreoi^
Ohio, mwd two Uvea. A Mgtatfal
try it oa iMt aim
Tbe Bev. V. M Mutrae, ooe of Ibet “ ‘J'YLf’
siamoaarira. wbow fate wW. a mot- ‘
aad doMon b«t *tradUy «w worn
Th«y fit bettor i IT kmger. look more ttf
1 Tweatv-alDe oOern and
aadl mrgml » try Dr. Kiiw'* Kew
le Inireratrd in the
, ^*1 ,i,p
1 to be the brat abora
liah and are w
Re aaciateul in fltoisiag a »y*- *«. braii
ia Atoerito for boya* aad «W*’arary day wear.
1 .riff
BaeAlea'a ArairaUf^
m,ling ftloftono. •'.J^
SelUagpricto-tim $u&, $i£, |ljO and (Ifia Nobettar
dpflra. Meabto. •boea made-far aato euMraly by tu fa thia dty.
mtoJaTfrji Sold Iff & B- VMt
kSB eMUto hqagbt aad
IFTOUWBH t to Ja itoM toy


Special Sale af . Bicycle Sandriaa.

iGrand Operalouse C. A* Hanunond
Monday, SepL 3rd









a (tor* for CoBstipBt^






SrSt.“t5£T!,ti I


ta. Sft










■ iwilfalii. i fti.,,.1 Iiiiiiii i iiiiil^B

m KMomre
yAiJtwto wgPicnoMfc

«duu> ecKTAM-v MOVE oomv
AMO ocrraucTivt.

s raitjr la cMmM »
« •( UOO kw M w

THiVttii ta«, mtMOAiii wmurt Awwif ii* ibm.
. a Itot of the bn/i>* <
sea of ynaaerdny for metotaM Uhd tom pndaeta

thr uueoo wmrOm o( Mr. ft
n-a iMtaMUr wwtkt enr m 1

kr «k> Mto mt fW I
O-rr urt «l««y
Oaa. mod acs •


or am psZm
t-'t-'---- m Ue.Oa^ OOQa^


Real Estate Dealers. Auctioneers, Tradei*.
Money Loaners.
Trwwwr— 0(*y. eaioh.
.% ■II Wron* »Si-wwS ■
16 00

4 m
1 M


.‘m* Mr nd »
arrota., oMoM to fMTto XtMT Im tbM tbr <wntrr ft.liMpcmm mt tte pmcm Um.
TUa is dedaitr eootcb aa a atattSrwtWr ar«. bewwt «ftk ^
r mod ikdoMiT wttk rr< ■rirn ud wttb tbrtr <M— UdM- dsB to case Mr. Btran la elected pnah
gvOoud wttb tbr (MdtUtat u tb>T
Oe wUI ranreiir coctsma la as«BoN.*rTen*saw-<taytl
laaiT eraatoB and iwe aU tbe
0 rrpmt M DHuIrr tw« cxMid tb(s ud M tbcr axM thrMcb<m (br «mnU7 taday. do not dMpoU power thatk prraidrM eaa exert ta la- Wheat
trad rrO. Tbr Ifanwm Cttr vUtUtm
dmammem tbr IHasbT «brtV M a
bnwdfd «d tnadm bad («r tbr aaka «T
------ ‘-‘-f tW iraMi pfopiMM to tmmtk
rerotd aa deeftrinc that Diktat be BtnaJ! at that e<rj —Brut
tbrtaiir Tbal M tbr pnpoalOaa pv»
fosedr roaU be fotmd for the tbr aleaat^or tbe deatlief hsadtvda or KonCB TO MY RATBON8-I. Mias
Seofleid. live tnnvrd mv dri makea. bad that wa of our BobUen ta tbe rbOTW Brraallfa. UW tW bear ta tbt
iBii wlors to Mo. M dihle street.
Tfaaakinit mj paonaa far their
pMan-. wmU amr a K» oti«ad bPwMa
tun of ptuaperttr
Tbe raltrd dtaiea poTeniiorot ia eeBhde in tbe pant and I wlU do m>
|e bramh awar a tlap taaact. TWr
be<u to 'jrire you the latest styleo
< watdd aadaaMadIr put aa rad to IMa
and proTea trlxHUan to Luaoa. and oar toes th«e
and a ffoed Bt in Ibe future.
paitindar ■/. tW
that tbetr rraedr was imm ibe oalpooe are doiei; Ibrir duip under tbe Bad.
tba wiMM roaw
aad that ibHr kwden
And DOW tb<- man who wUl be preatof the pnaetldes of
dent of tbe rnited ftutes If tbe Demoecaataia ta pM ta aa «
be M> doobt abi
taej wbw tbla Hevttao sends ta the In. aftM tb» Bryaottr bear aboald bare
r ptaaiwritf baa fabrtM aureents bta tnraiap- of hope and aliar—wttb hft Uc UnrUM- of free

trade Ude bale 0Mt dp that M aat
pita of UHL-Tkocob <;aa»tte.
“Keep up roar ®«bf be tari to
Arilaalda's TapUa. “Keep ao abaMimc dowa tbe mrs who wear tbe Catt­
ed RtatM nnlfom. If I am eie«tedrr«a
wW bare tbe maae af hU _ .
^ettatlea aad la ibr .eosnHloB af bit
rbetarlnd (Mali did wmiam J. Brrao
CTUJly nademaad haw near be
I>ld be foreoee tbe one direct, prartlof fall promlae to






Ctve odrW as lo the eooSoet of Ibe
oad ertllelae (he work •* tbo«e
rr the

WaMe Pt tbe Viper aod the me.
Polidn ctnlnlly gnardiog yoar
A Viper enterod tbe oflkr and. feeUOf
buBCTT. betan roractiv for somrtbUu
iateiMa ia itrictljr fint
to eal. At Mifth. aertne a Ble, be went
up to It and rommciKvd (uawlnc It
-niew away. <dd bird.- aald tbr retislaas editor. “You rant dlseut Mt
la. It wUI klU any ooe.“
Tbe viper, n-fualns to lake waminc.
however, kept on bis repaid until be
bad eoBi|dHi-ly swallowed (be Die. lie
bad ho aooni-r done Ihh (ban be fell
feck on bla bind b«s and (Ued.
And no wonderl lie had swallowed a
Ble of nryan'i l«<S ap<wrhra.-B» Cer- C.A.HAIWIMOND
klaa ID New York Hun.
New Plmoe *8.
r DenMCnUle lalhlaff paU*
Wm c HeA M. Block.



a Ihe price et allverr*




I Hen. B EllciT i
r of Ub- farmer
•ooibern men wbo make Nt-w York
tbrir borne and repma-nt Ibe lirRc In
M are apt to pt»va Oeatly aad DattrurtlTa.
trriwts of Ibe snutb. Uaa deriared bla
op)e«IIIOD tu tbe Kannaa I’K^kkct.
ne dcctam lluit tbi- Diiuormtk- party
_______ _____
llryaa la DetMcruey's («iidl(Eiie.rot bad far belti-r suffer defeat (ban aatbe reapooalbUlty for a Bryan
e—. o. Ainerkun .tabor aad indnairyTl tbe prtutoety. ahd aa sorb we batat
ITarlbeaaawerloak Iwrk totbe Uroio-1 bta name ataaeaMe of that atertlna.
etatv fr*e trade taJlff period tawlunlnir : time lesled Tleiuorrat. Adtal K. StevniWttb the etaettaa of Qrorer IVvetand ^ aoa of lUIOoia la (be bop>- that Tlim-.
and ewdlac with tbe rteetloo of WS- { tbe lonib builder and k-vetar of i
dectaiea In favor of leclatoUcui
Maa MrKloley. »’e ail know wbat I tbltica lenvalrtaL may look wllb
An do we all know | kindly eye ujion tl« weakness and er- npliulMlnR of American ahl|iptoR to
ir tbr Inryanltr | rues of tbr pualltanltDous alb-ped k«il- tbe fun-len trade- Tbe Unoocrallr
what would happen If
e proud and all powerful nnlloDal platfonn onxwiis such ItrI*lUrd lo hare bU ^■7 lb era
talluD and aUKRi-eta I m rt-nmb' far oar
bear ta| Itai
_ _
J vote will deride whether drapmat Into whirb they -were plonyrd
ar not ttaa tawr shall have bta way. i by a roeanlnpleaa motapbor-a borroTbe Rspotdlean party asys there li a: ed ficun- of qieeeb-at (nileafo (
Mf«( and benTVwayto deal wttb tbe I Wood bradu. l>ralo Iweloudlac eye
trust iMMt: thatthere are
and; fnl July day four year* apa-Ci
huire aMialble BHboda (ban tbe brar{ BhiS <A(fe.>Prrai Baxta.
. aiM bowlder method of aolvtof tba
--------------------4M piulilein.
What Ktodu *e. taeTant
I Tbe t>ra>aer*u favor a stable pev^ I rroueal for ttie rblUpplors. Tbe sab
. tan of Turkey baa a stable CDverw*; BeoL tbe rtor of Bnaata has a stable
a dseia* whether »
**: lorertuorm. China baa bad a atafata
Z I tuveruBH-ol for 90 eealuricu. Which
' Uod da they favor? Not a alnfle BiaBtab rtitov that ever tbiew off tb*
Bpaolata yoke ever poaarwd a subto
favertuneot wllbln CCO yruraa after deTbe I


If tbe sDrer qwestkm U out af poUtJr*. wby wai It Imumercd Into n po
lltkal ptalfORB?____
It ta DM believed ibnl Mr. Bryu'a
hew ftrin ta worked au ttairoDCfaiy aa

iMoMtaaa Cbaimtaa Jooes will took
upon bb predictions as tbr patamouni
tvatni* of (be Ueniortutlc campaVfn.






farm, uirbt
•tot bap. W
faralty peep
I tost ca Want
•r tor toaae farm
. B «m sight mDaaaoBA at tka aUy.n ara
totortwhd. Trade faraUy petmarty ■ mmU. IbtoaSMto
WAITED Ptolkiwr far ktoto paw
WANTED Trariima tonetalba fast arty aad Ufa*y- Ooad ffataft
toTrnmnifliW- ftritoPfak
tkM w. khhdto hU ktoda ot peoomtp
ftuH tnaa. paad bauaa. baiu hhd
ludmaiaadtog tkat eammtailah ta to
wMtoHI. A dhhdy term, low prteb
ba paid to oBBa tooparty taaold. It
you kae* aay other ptopariUao to WANTED PtoikiitoE
make go to tka aUtr fallow. Wa
oMaMQadar Baa. Irvul.puA taf
haam'lgM any ttaM to Itatah to
prwM. MN.aerda fuad « toat waa*.
fafaTtolaa abantbewlf waaailynu
buOdtogn. PricuPlto*.
■ay.itpoaaall wa wfah faraaibtog. WANTED Pui'tktoto tor koMm. Ms
WoiAthar tow wood torto ototia roomt. torn. poaltaT kDhm.-N *w
BtobtbMrust. Pftoa9itt.r
vd than wurk far tbat Uml.«(
WANTED - Bmrubaato far IB uau
ink •• mk fafaM
farm, ffoad bauM uad barA. wlad
Btraol. tow prtita BlfaPlM*WARtEl>-P*raMaar for property WANTED PDifa—fa»fa Dto*
■nUtoubaRL PritoMOO.
aoTMT Eighth and Eallraad avaaue.
WAWTEB-ifarebaito for two Read
tlx mnm aaatk ol Mfa.lfagi tofaDid. .
Baota far P» par maDlb. Price
lotoootel MIulkatrool. PriaatoM.
WANTED rarebaaar tor ffcod alz
room bowe aad tot oa aorMr af
lotoatet Bightb‘atr*at. large tot
Dpraeo aad WayAa atraato. Prtaa
OMytormt. PrlaaPeso.
WABTBD-Purebaaar far forty *er*
farm, good bonae. < barua. ponllry
far dtp pnptoty. PrttofaM
ka«a. AU good MIL Low |wieh
Priaa toOB.
UnwlahBdBaTd utawk giMi PM> '
•riba, wind •m.toak aibouMhhd
partp. win adl at a bHgbfa.
farm throe mUaa oak IMO tmU WANTED Purabmar far Mff aaaar
bara. It neua nr^ard. a hcruapototnaa. l aerto of Umbar, mw keaaa
tow. 10 aarw aom. M Mas togr.«
whole ot tola i-s-kd-faP-l-t. CtokwMd
Prise Pino.
tMChta, Mbaad ealtia. Mabaap.
add. iH atom aadk «mB paf
tMLOM fool hardwood and batotoek WANTED—Beridieari for tlOo.Oto on
mthtdowa. Prtoaaaak, DIM.
appraeud r«el aatato aaearity. Yon WANTED Pufubaato far tofal gift
all fiiiB liiiiitoiaaiili ilsiii idWaadar
eaa Mb* whole ar perk 8am* of aad8toto*taa*to.OrPnr PWft aMk
ittoa of tona.
Btoek. trap* aad titabar tor tba
pries to t^ ttota. WUI taka W food WANTBO-Borvoww* far warn* ot
•lOto IM OD PMMUI propMty aa.
elty property or oaah for Brat payeuftty
mat aad batoMS WMpar ym. toWANTED-BvaryoiM that wtahaa to
twmt T per aanu PitoaPMOO.
mU beam aad tot, tar^ vmaai tot.
boats aad u toot tot Oh Mafa fffaaaa,
WANTBD-Bverybodp to rammbar
Hat with uata
BOW. aatp parmaato. PiltoMi
that wedo bnatotottbrfaUy aa tba
tbaihghlarway. Iftbaro ta any tell WANmo—Paiebaaar far dffkt laato
almighty dollar baata. Mem of the
to ik wa wlU toll It for yea.
boBM and larg* tot aa Pafanala
toeparatlea divide aeaumutotton.
aril bamaat they baea
atraak gaad bar*, a Na. 1 pl«a af
aatl-lmat. oarpstaal money Maeblha,
baeaaaa they want to-aad
proptotp. Priaa fMQ.
cams we want them to. but all
WANTED-Psfohaaar fartotoai baad
thmgboar oSeaata bargala ^
of WaAtogtoa. atmal, EarffdA k*to
WANTED—PuRtaaiM far forty aeiA
uaa. Bligaat tot* to baSAfag. Mh
as tbe oibar fallow and wUl go
Bant Bay. wild. PriatitM.
agatoit lAagaag. Taka oar ebaaoto WANTED—Pnraktoar far IM aers
WANTED-Purobtoto far U imm. M8
all tba tltoaaad lima gat latt w*
m atom to Summit Olty. MeaUy
bmrtag fniH traaa, ■ aptly lavaL
taka ear madtalaa witkent pleading
the baby act
•ofl. lovol. Priaa PItoo.
WANTBD-Parehaaar tar boasa aad WANTED—Purabaaer far Bee booae
far Into aa aartotee Btot Ninth sireat. just off
oa Btata suaat w«n et u. ft a i.
ner of Diridoa and Brnomm ptraat.
Onlao. Hntoe baa eigtat larg*
Eight name larg* tok Fiaa locaPrirntm
teotto. aewar eeoDaeUoaa. water
ttoa. Low prior. Pnaa VMn.
WANTED—Parehmar far om af taafa
worim, pomp, good barn, tow priaa. VANTED—Purebtoor ter 44 fast
taommiatka dty oa Wat afklk
Prise lltor.
on Pourtoaalb atraat Ja*l off Ilakw.
•treat, mad arm. 17 roaaM, italtMl
WANTBD-Pufrturf for M aar*
Good taaattoo. Print ti(».
light, furaarn. good bar*, an afagaat
brmCmUtooa poalnanla. WOO boarboma. PrtoaffMwe.
bnlt mlto from WUIIam«barg. :oo
lag fruit truM. good bonae sad torn,
loaerto wheat. 4 aouaoata. » aerei
baartog fruit trues. Oroah run* ae- WANTED-Put^Mto tm M awa In.
H mllM Mutbofd
. eoru. Berta, bamaat. two wagons.
rom ooe emrsar. Prim tTOO.
A bargain, will uade tor city proper WAHTBO-Pnrebaaar ter Mu aefia
ty. Pries tltOO.
1 mUaa aortb at WIlUamtbaTff. snaWANTBD-Parebaaer for neat rmrim teat
and hemlock. All'WANTEDgoodlaad and maaUy level, earvoand-! bride toohdaUoa. tlx laiya f
ad with good farm*, will trad* part
largo totoa BmI Bigb|k Unak, wm
to. large lot. ^eti pau
ba Batakad to aboat la ffapa. aaan
dWPraparty. Priaa piaoo.
-Puicbaaer far so aar* farm WAI^
for77aero*. All:
—»Wyt mitas fram Hates, good balldtog*.
go(id iaaddoMto rilUgeef BlagPrieeglino.
irra nader ealUvaUea. eropago
bam. Priaa BlMa.
' WANTBD-PuiekHtr far kohM awl
wUb1 farm. Part caab. part dty WANTED—PurBka**r far a (1 toot let \ UxIU toot lot oa Wott VkPht air
Price tIUW.
goou pcoparty. Priaa •IlHi

The above comprise* a portion of the property we have for'sale. If there is ooChtBg .
there you wish to investigate we have other pieces to srlcct from. Remember, neighbora,]
if there is an>’thihg in the shape of real estate you want to buy wc have it An^hing ia tlwl
line of money you wish to borrow, we have it. Any kind of biisincts you want to star| io. s
can start you. Any kind of scrape you are into, we caii get you out of. Anything you WEi
done in the general ups and downs and ins aod outs of every day life, we can do for yon. If
you want to do. hire us^wir
us,w(? have neve
never t
VrANmNUTON STREET—-«-n J jhaven't got the netve to do whatCyou
lujdn’t Uckle.
the way of decent business we wouldn’t
tackle. II
If there is anything in it. C
h(mw barn, i lota, irnly fllOO.
is our
- . aim in life, and .people- to
do business with is what we want. V
We don't_________
thing about your religion or politics, who you are or what you are. whether yon like us |
whether you don’t, millionaire or pauper, we treat all alike and the best we know how. , i
Another thing, neighbors. When you come into our office don’t come in irith e ha'
h(Hs«p. cernev ioi
anotlHT 0taring motion as irere afiaid you were going to mret some one that wasbetlerj
wl(b twu
L only worse than ycAi are. but come right in in a kind of a humiity bang sort of away
a way aaii
aa if l
owned the earth. The old fashioned style like wc used to go into a saw mill, kiik
UNION trrKBET -;-Ricm faoaaa. whoop and a yell motion. It seems more natural to us and is stric^-opr way of doing a
ness; Let folks know you are coming, walk right over what you can’t
^n’t kick out of the |
iwn. 3 low. new. (mly 8ISU.
but get to our office to do buriaess. If we shouldn’t
be there <=it down and wait a I
NINTH 8TKKET-:-roum bouar.oew utes and well be there. If you should find the office locked any rime between 8:jo h
ig and S:jo in the evenini
evei Ig. Just kick the door in and make yourself at *
Btaoc tpMHtoiicm. cmly •■BOL
ways on the hustle, always
to see your Make more sales, have lar^r list thM a
a LONG LUT of Mben on
rest put together.


PAD lii«Wap-AU-I>loea.

___ _ .
Ml AlUer RepaUIC;ih.K(h. V(b. iStb, leib, Franklin
Aha to pool Ibeir Interroia la abort, be
00 to apotagUe for pro.amIn* to esIsL
Webster. IVdar. dinar. Klmwoml,
baa farmed a poUtk-al tniat tor tbe rkprraa purpow of destroyla* rwmiwtl-' tbe baaUWy brer to tbt Atatea to ttaa
Btatru Hnlea. Uatca. Roac-WadiSfl FrenE fl|Er*reE
tiah. yet oupda an a ptatfom which efforts of tbe army to conquer rebelwrrih. Chum. Lake and other ■trrei*.
toutoPaa that sorb metbada are dr- tlOB.
adWtaUrr to pemaal liberty and dao'
tl8 Frnix Sl Triepfaaae 901
plaee the ta to I plank In ihelr pint.
Bryan laalaia ee beto* tabeo <m ti^
by a poll H
eel romblnatloo tneanto W
to opiKwed to btmtotaa trttatt and coto«W htove bta-baarvra itaak McKinley I
has mo imekboar. that be ta a rvratnre,
tvmtroUo^ by those arouad bim. and | The
. .w.
Wttb tbe aeit breelb wfll ac^ him
WB to tbeir Mttoaal j
of abaktog the tol^bUr to plecro to piAtfon. oaly atata aoe-Atlf af the
”It will he, malrri- Do you wnn( <>h- of (be FincM Fuim*
Oh tbe raiaa
•eder to erect a Urum
in (hi* n-Rlon? Wc have ll. Orn
fevnerro o( -dMm|itand? Wa have
■.......... to favue ot: ------------^ DetDMtota
(hal anil aU the iatorpmdiatc tUMV
f.v oTforeton Itoleed ^
I «h« 1 Amerimn aUto fer the eerriato
i view* of oar of tbeir farmer
{dates aad ««U It a tocel qoMtloa
Mr. Bryaa made tbe ptalfatto epan



T. F. Hnnttf


Batabllaltod 1 B80.-(nct>rpomtoff 1 8D2.


John R. Santo


ptatform b “a wefl «
ato are arilhf wbaUy i

•m. why was U placed to tbr Kanaai
Oty pfatfonn? If that ptaak ta dtaboaaad doMa’i aaaa what It mya
. wpat toDH tbe paMk-thlak M tba IP-

penalty, aad tboae wtabtnc to da
I Um iMlIre tnnat admit tbat should
fata eptoloot prevan rnrh a aouire
danger w^ld he speedily removed.

In trirw of Hr. Bryan'* a
- ------------------ ----- to take tbe votes of aU tbe psopta wb*
have ael bad tbeir ataai* of ptPtpvttj
pad have the BepubIkmBe tbe patM
of tbe paepk wbo had bean p
ftach ayollcy wUl baip to extMd the
market* for the prodoeta of oor faima
aua. ptiplt ban are «
wa vnta far Mc^Ktotay far priililMt BBd factertca. (fad* amoria* a battto
thta yuBT. U UM the aauetoad rato- AtMand .far boUi and U» ateady amplymcM of AtoertcaB talgw.
Atfrlcva mrit^ bmv fram Abym
SdffMlIjMfalHtTkMTldWffOQtoBdllTM. AA h* **«■«<
ptOB- data npart tka( cstradvr depauha a(
BMl Bar* teaa ffbeanred to fow fat*






•iPrcssli* Pariors
iz“ r

dty BTCBBAtry real atatt.

Money To Loan.

Gianl TiaTciK Lifl GA
New *Bum* «.

S * * *





■ « • « pjmOtimUtPtrtUti

Bfaw A, B. * K. Bto^

.■ •'■.vV.ii. -.iti.r’iit.-i



....................... Ill........ ■HI.... I III.......

m mamw moSb, nuvnn tm, loeaiAi*, tmu*, AWitiT iii imo



nr—-------- -*-■

«• *nr to Md iw^
hMd« to
ttofc ‘toMtoc Ma'tto T«t *t«r7
SZariNto M «mk-tUf toM bw«
to* toto «f €*to«rtiiif to. totort
PtotoJwr BMwr OMM hto. iMWtoto.
MfcM tt iwnitoWr to *totoe' ttoto*
M« toMfto Wd tt >■ nplottad to Pmt-


ttot ana b* tot Mir •«
bn npcet* tt to to* an
iBtoMltBieir. IBndtttoa
to bar* ton* or te«r dtoaiint
cT M boon. Mr* a <
•r to Tb* Eta. Vb* aaditol toto. to
toe tola, pee tb*M •oaw bat canto
tool CBB b* Mt at one*.
joaucB that m IIIII *■_,
ctoaa to on* o< tbe naar totop that
• beef. Chtoa fion ‘
raartoc faptdlr. Bray *bcv ha*


And b* aUdea br tto dect-

Oeawa. one wbb to a giadaato .
■oed eotksr to ito Vahed toatao. and
Btoed blai to areonpoar aw to aa totond rtBoce; bn. tboMb b* weatod
to go. to weedd not Bufc* to* titp tonPU brcBDae bto )o** nld It ton* aa tortato tlB* t* toae* bona.

do not iMt arouiMl ibe bttob vtoe drartlbtof Miattbtoartbattotcr. Booctltse* tbe cMptaln to
•plniOB* br aid of dravtoc*. aad torn
•ane *bri>-b*« aiv bong on tbe ootcr


h II paabaUr Ikat tot «nlitK wmiM MW *qdy to* aimar ag aeeaa aw
■Mcbiigataek aprtgbt to to* giuoM
brfoee bla tML aaya B. W. MAMder to

by Tto Ehctfteal Bn
new, tor tomtlo* eonatota largely to
BBtodtuttag a atocl rfbbea for tto wu
■ot be a diaeutt tttow la cyllader uard la tto erdlaary ptonatoca.ttT*^tte
aaCtot that to*
ftopb aad la nmgnettolng petota to tola
tor mm leac Wgtor to to* toy aad that ribbon tootcod og marfciag It with a
tto abottaard atodew alwaya pototed pointed fu« as la dour In tb* «*aa of
to tot i*mr dliaUlu* aintti. Tto ree- toe wax cyttodff. Tto oactOatian og a
magnM naat'tbrrfliitomwbep one talka
Into tor lualiBiDent pcudoce a prnaa«d to ttalMcto from day today. A Mx Beat raagnrcle record to tor ribbon
foot maar' wmrid fire a Miadow at wbleb
___ I* glrm out _
aa word*
when tor
« degtew of 13 ^ rtbboB la afterward moved near a aim!
M at oar time eg tto year, of Ina
magnet aoliably mounted.
twafeetatanetoer. Tbla Itotru-1 An additional feature I* found la tto
- a* almpte. ao caMly earrled. ao ; j|^
tbr word* apokea Into tor r»ctoUy aat up. may wM bare begaa tto , cHrer can to recorded at a dlctanee. at
■MMrUBc «B^ of aatronomy. f« tt the end of a tdepbooe or tetegreiib
wim. A meaaage arrlrtug lo one'* abaenea win to Impreaaed on tto ribbon
aad caa to read off when oor return*
obrihk* of BgyptU* aolar temple*, borne. By orranglas tto ribbon a* a
ttaatob tore* no dooM were retained.
marely as solar amblem* agea after |
tbair OB* aa aenipl taMromeuti of ob■enkttae bad eeaaed. An upright aOto
eaieftdSy plombed atandlag en aems
d aarfacc joay toeiefore well make
Ant adranee opon the natural bertKB. A knob at tor top of toe *Uek win
be found to render tot obndow mote

way and arrmbwu tbc other, a- <1 vr-:
, alow-rotary and lateral —
rry year are. about twenty mile* of tlon. with toe neceaxary atop tor ex- added (o It.___ '
po,o„ ,t eeery fonrtcrntb aocond. Tto
• la a aplral
Une In an ■^maied pboUMrapb"
Itot of nil
Wlndyw. Ud(..
•r**. rare of eoagh. nr* cf attS toga.
(r. CWaitoi•. IW 8ir-I wben a poaUJre plate U pamed (broogb
the camera lu front of a lantcru.Mr. Ovlng to (hr tart that tb* peat bare
e uard rntir Comp
of rtrvi
nawr* la rbiti* bare bn Unto
(hr great eoaner .
Popular Seicnee.
blood poriArr. wi(b rxerllral
r pn op la 1
do pot toaimte to rreomnu-nd it
Carol BoeC* la the
for tto porpoae* fur which i( i* uwd.
l there
A. E.' WbKchouar aay<
ajrlrey |« Wleeto** TrUgrapbr.
wax -a time when the lu
ail mil
manUr*! ihal It eannot toil lo girr
Tly dltortiltr of ■ebdlBf Dwaaageo br
a* affirmed In I'rofi-nnw
tto gteate*( mdafacitoo. Jo*, ('omWln-lra* trtopapby Tblrb abaU net be mlng*.
1 tlarwlD'a (rralUc <a ~Tlir TI.I.-., ’ and
toplito br tbr wbnto worM *n>iD* to
that the polypa that formed lli.' gnul
bare brre aalrrd br a moot bigral
(airier reef eo tto ea*t cmx of auo
drrtor prearotM) hr M. Tomloasl to tbe
tralla. near Uno mike In length, from
*tare og W. J, Hobli. Iwrrafl.-r. nor to two mllra in breadth and S.(an
Arsd<tolr dr* Brlrecra. **r* tbe PaD
wberv all tboor having tia»iii<-u.
VaU Oeiettr. Hr lara al tto
fret deep, might hare fonni-d
with the Arm con eali nin* ihcni.
•Uttoa not obr bn two ti
ctatar that con be aeeo on the mo

Only toe moM reUaU* atonk teaarMseutylow.



TVl^oae 78



TmrMss Oty


Fire Insurance ^

PMPer eo.


MiqlstM a RertbMstera R. R.
sticaMoaUc nto. > .A .A > >




OtoN I* BA nUMarir ttin(ile Ofw
toSi totod de tto-«Mk. Utton
Ml flo MNtod* U* boo** BBd (K •
*u>d. not tbr vbtt* mdS
«M tonM to* Atomtto cobm. bn tbc
•u« to totototo *Joo*
Md ttdBM HTtott ealM -BBciMtlc
K. MtoL” BBd tool Bt toe *B»d TtoT CtoB*.
. Ir to to* dinct *aBltol>t. be MU nottc*
. tMt tt eoBUto* tto/ btoefc pato* and



TmlvcwriMHhmMa-.HUI twM-dallr



(tot* and daabr* prodnred br a a*rhaalr*l procen. Tbr range at tbii blhrplw>i|i> h*w yuar rkab.* clwMaM
yri —aiF>i»» wli* o. (w omtly dm^d.'oiM
leu iraitoiDlttrr to kept atware rattor tori- II oner k«(>-r
toryi' Hkirta
Miru and Totle
lew tbas tto otbrr. ao that at tbe to
k riTvti rorvfDl *tuntl.«i.
n-lrlof autloa onlr tbe code
wlU to reertred. If. bowerer,
404 Caat Front BC. Talaphon* 344
)T two contiuto* have I tempt be made to lolerccpt tto alpiala
1 hr mran. or a

tifvai OaueiT Brmi-dr,
•■dr, and tor i
' *
] itod blood. Ire
iiUrr Hir«Uta
' n. « I
p ,■ „
: DT. 1. i. lttKa&, OPtflUn DwtSOT

CaaltitlM 111 EHBhiitiM Fin »(StiicUi CHflliiM
Aagnen* tbe poitMee ot Iron, gold
«M intt e< vbtcb tbe mtHintaln* were
ierlgiBalir eompoMd bare eoatlnoed to
Md ttomaetre^ togetber to tbe fora of
pain vbicb we call aand. Tto mliirr■bigtot wtU atoo teU ron tbst tto Iroo
la tbe aand to tbe ton .iron that can be
tonad anrtrbrre la tto world.
TbIi Iren to arparated from tto aand
br a Btofoet.
rratraeor Oatea has
rt to tto rod of wbleb to faa.!(«• of MM abapad Hkr-tto
I of Trlllir'a mend TaffrBeallr ttor* to notblog that tbla piece
that PTcn among tto bomdrum roglBeen la Profnaor Gatre' worfcahop It
to referred to aa 'Taffr'a wfatokcra.**
Tto far* of ttoae wbUkrra li not
WHtb. It to compoard of a antoa ot
ecu* tlbe a boaercomb. Orrr tto face
eg ttoa* wbiakera. under It behind It
and abore It run* a belt of rabtor doth
aa tone roOra ao arraaged that when a
handto to toned tb* rubber belt morta
aad krepe morlng nntlnoaUr down
ora tto fare ot tbe “whtohera.Wton a cnrmt ot eirctrtrllr to tunad iato tbe (Mgnrt tto attncOon ot
-Ta»ya whtokrro" to ao atrong that It
ro* bold a penknltr lo front of It tto
whtokrra wfll anatrb It oot ot rour
hand la a wtuk. Hold a baodfol oT
gold ore doat lo tbr aaini- idacc^ and
they will net br at aU aRcctrd. Now,
U to Bccordlhg to a naioro) law that
ttoM*part* ot tty“wblaken-* wbleb eorga^ood to tto wall* ot the boorycouib.
tb* walla of (to crito. han> toaor tbooaand tUD« more magniflc attractloQ
tte toe* tboae part* of tto "whtobenr wbirb currrapooil to tto racant
celto to tb* toorrootaK fto when a
handful ot aand to thrown agahut tto
toft tbe- Iron Mirfc* and tto aand fall*
awar- Tto atlraMkin of tto gold partMa* to tto Iran parUrlni I* ao great
that tbr gold gor* with the Utm partlelaa, aUbongb tto uiagvrt doca not atM gold of It* own accord.
Tto nab of tbr tncial partlrtoa frotu
tto nad to tto rmbrace m tto 'wtil*kacT la ao rapid that panirks of aand
adbHv to tbe Iroe. Hot tto belt tolow
tto aand and •wbtakm.*' whirb to all
tbe time morlag. rdraara and grip* tto
liwi eoattauatlr. while tto aaad I* Ihua
la atMtor marbliir eallrd a magnM
Mtaagtor Ito trou and goM patHchw
are uiliMl togrtber wbru they tore
tto aaeblne. Ttoj do not irmala togMtor eerr loog. however, rroboaer
Oataa baa onlr lo paae tbrm tblMgb a
tttlfd aort of aeparalor. wfilcb to caito
' (tto flrn
oaa la ealtod *liu|ilr raagnrtlc arpatutoO. and ttoae gold and itoa apccha
gartenapanrabaoinelr. Bethnetato
at* tbM readr dor amcicitic.
- A oandlr Dartaa. g
A a* li nadr ot a qweial natol to
to* ahap* of a atar to pure on tbe top
«g a caadla. tto wick paaatog thruagh
a hel* to tbe middle eg tto Otar. It
ftareatt to* eaadle tram dtipptog aad
totoaeaUa toe nutoane* of Imetog tb*
Man. Mtpeta. detto* and ether am<Im coreeed with madia grea**-—Pop-

n la


that aa amiaarr 1« eiwdi*
lav UianMMd to a vuUtt of

. wllb tbc reaolt that tto s
moat to BlmoM a* irrtuUng t
would to -tapper" a* Lord Wolael^'B
|iUn ot apHrlng a phec ot Wind wtra
(tliat U.
nriauir eorw) at tnerral* betweea tto
poats of an'earmr'a tetegrapb. He
aayi tbla 4a mnU more aBeeUTc tbaa
tbr ordlnarr pUn of ratting toe wit*
iprreH'. l■r^alMe In that esae when b*
where tbr break li


is : 5 :




The Celebrated Specialists, formerly of New York,
now of Grand Radids, Mich,, will be at the





THURSDAY, SEPT. 6,1901).


8 es • R M


N» Muopy Kcsalnd •> BiMnwCblp F*n*i« lu < vuniiH-ni^'Tnwlsriil.

SSA '3SB8 s ass88«aAS

■ew Utr an«laa ttet.
A New Torfc DOB bo* pateatrd tto
life aarlng net brre partned. It
olaU ot a reund net aoppocted by a cir-


Pere Marquette



KUw a*T *T a rxaa.
nilarly anangnl laty wing* wUto
wbco mtrndcd tor ne can be toU
open t>y a trw meu. Tto uM and laiy
wlnga fold into a com|»*rallrely i—’*
•pace and ran be carrird auapaaide
nralh n'caR to a Ate.

It la a fan of e



Tltallty rmui rr|>ctltkm* of ataeck* and atroln. nya Prar- The Most SucceMful and Scientific Treatment of all Diseases
and Weaknesses Possible to Obtain.
aaa'a Weekly, and may to mid. ae tto
rxprraaluB I*, lo auSrr fimn faUguctbat I*, itoy may be worked till tbeir
’****' **'**''**
tnoiecule* faU to bold togetber.
Am 1. fomUlorly fcnowu. bat* ot tto.
rod* of toon and wlrra of any metal
will arpoiatr. owing to fatlgur.'lf been
backward and for
. by careful rzprrlmenlB. bow
fact I* made to appear that a
rdy extota for toU rebdltloa ot m
if tbr avrrattoto doe* not boede
I ear* K par a**l M aU <1
rupture, and tbla rrmedy la eery much
like (bat wbirb to applied to to*
Duceateuia BAna'**i*« i* *r*ry
of aa orrrworkrd buman fra
naarriy, reat.
Frattor edged Melt roeow ttolr
rluUty better tbaa oay other.
rourar. tto length of time requited
for tola leec rarie* wllb dtSereac met­
tle and tor amount of ntoto to which
A SCAB CCBB tar all **g**W wrakmaM
they hare torn aabjrrted.
Hard mciau. ooeb a* Hen aad ttcH
oar op oor and two Mar** time la tto
^imaai pBi* *r *••
precraa On (br otbePhaad, aogl metaK- Ufcr had. rrtala their cebeMe*
foRe leagrr and alao require


_2asass,"S.K=f?Jsrf.'rsss KSar.mrjatssrsn


CvxemtoAn BsetAi. vu.


wf ecABarrmB


ertt aaraa* ae



T/rsf V ^
Bank, «



la.a bower gardta to which toe paa'
r of Optoila aad
Ike aad ha* to tba



klflM. Modieoka 1* an r
*r. ato clan aid arerrmoruMrtj are arldom a* boawty, or i___
tag, aad aa Aoao a* abr ba* bad brr
catoa la oat amoag brr cattle and toe* m a* tondmunr. a* they appear to to
aatll bceakfaM Umr. After that ato Ito Am tlair yoa meM them.
Tto Kb Lmili dMae^re wbe raceutly
tato* a Mp to a tomnwefc. read* oi
amatrai a earagr blow W atm fm^
aad la tto (Hiaraoo*
■tona Bp tto______ ____
------------- dbarraaeb. Tbe hoaae. which






FOR------ ----

New INMWirey for lU.oM'l'nti


i* Bto ItoB Glide. .Ask Bor
; Bad b* wfll leU ^ tliBt
ic MBd* I* vbBt todar to toft

•P1*s Hl*tl,«>.

H. w. .vH«ua!iriS5is«.-ii^««y.

travtrst Cilf.




- -aLES


Angust 31,1900








.-..fesi ti-i


m Mounm iiiMift mwaw ow, SitWinAtf, nuBiV, AForar si, isosi

™ F"

King Out The Old
Ring In He New

aatw W tk«s Uv bMdtaa.
wBMi ara waaitag M(
h M nra. vrita. M easwMMImlr.

Am* an uomt waara vke 4n
to vaar 4Mt«d~rf0a. tton ai% a
«te itoM to WM TaBi at aar I
bat tto gnat toatorttr of tbna «
•B aal at 4>an wHbaat a e
wat a TtoL Bota* at tbsa<
to tafa baM taltocttx atatla_____ Id tbar M« trtamphaaL ttoa
wrar mar r«fk. tbrr aay. «tn«d la
tba daasata. srhsrr daat atoraM an toa«a«t aad r«( naa habUaaUr naort to
tbr w at flitors at aa aaiUto afa
a. Thar Uk*«^ can BtUftfact that wBBwa babtt ~
tka toBto fi

You will find bdow «>me prion that will mpke thiogi ring at thi. «ore lor the eeit lew
day.. Eveiything ie Summer Goods .od eyerytlingeWe that ha. pot been moved out.o
time to make room lor the uew, crisp, bright 1.11 ^s ttot is pc^ iuo. n Itom J
side.. Read carelully the RINGING OUT PRICES. There wdl be good, here that
you will want and be glad to get at the NtUe prices on them.

vbleb to tar mm tirlag
0«B fh» wetk at tbr i

Notions Department


mitokhMi. tbcac
wamA anraa that act oidr don a r^
knp tba dtiat oat at Ibe pom. bat it
ptatoeto tba tmdrr nitirto ftaw the rt
tacto'ot srtod aad am aad aa pnraatt
witaktn aad retarda tba laarttabla
daifcaalDf ot tba akio br tba laairb ot
tlna. That a Alnr Mt of aUk ttaaaa or
taco aaa beat tba akte alid aaoaa ft to
ba corarad srtth a aOcky nolaton to.
tto7 dreiara. linpuaalbia. That It r«s
tMartare with tbr rttraUtloa to alao
tnaself ooUkHr- Aad so Btadam.
eon la tba paaeplr of bar on oto
ratios aad akpaftaaca. raloiljr jrecatda
to tto a freab raU orer. bar prottr taca>
aad to 08 bar eosqaarlag wajr.—

Misses’ Tan Hose
A full line of sizes—were 15c—now iic a pair.

Ladies' Fancy Collars
Fancy Chiffon Collar and Tie. was $3, now $1.^5.
$1.50 kind for gSc. Colors, blue, pink and white.
A perfect dream ofvbeauty. Prices cut on all this
class of goods—ask to see them.

Chiffon Boas
I'bis beautiful line of new. up-to-date stuff will
be put in to sweeten -up the basgains.
All the $ Poasal.............. <........................
All the $1.50 Boas at.............. ............ — •• 98c
All the $}.oo Boas at-. -............ .................... -$1.50
All the $3.25 Boas at........ ..................... ,......... $1.98
You have been waiting for this—Come now aod
get them.

\*W« Vtllru. Wbo will star Uariw tbr nnalw mm Ib ■ diu«U»
tk*«r r. liutuB«'r«vri>H's BnvH.-'U(b« I>mlB«* of Ibr KlBS.*' li bMr ikowa
la a l‘■rlB rmihiB or ■«». kI.IIf .^W >ilk mbraldnTd M Mark aU r«llo«.
thr ram Imix of itir sam.- maiHTlal and danitatkiB. HIM AUaa ftimmmem
IM ahrkaaarar M taka^________________________

Tban an a aimbar ot torepla bot
raloabla llttto anMn with whlrb tba
tolM tabla at tba irtaa anminar girt to
atnys aqnlppad. No tolirt Ubto- to
rotoplata wItboM borax. Itaortaaalba
sratar aad mnarn gtraaa traa tbr
A aerrl -uw^tMid baa Imu aactmad face wttboot parchlOB Iba tUo. a> aaibj irbieb aiiFirtr atotbon ain; rM toasla aomKIiDra doaa
AN AHeMCAN WOMAN WHO IMFUI- thwaaHrn of ttam awkwanl -toadTbr wtaa auaiinar girl srUI bara
narbs." aniwa ap dauabivra. Nowo' ■«oll tMitttr »r fmb h-iWMi jakr p
da/B vbm II to coBBiitoml pualUral; on bar tolIrt tablr r«-rrr mon.log.
Wfeai Tw. W-:*. a—a«.i.^a.. kalcar tura woiMB to ha* old aail tbe trIU draw tbr Indaiiiuiailon froai prie
(torn Far Waona-^kr Ua^ Fa>. nalrm «t dra and taftt. vKb a daopb- t7 brat, si Wfll aa aubdur a too rtiddr
It wlU
tosa tspis a* chaprna—Mm r«. irr at go or |»nltalf 3X aatrlTali IbaC
rount ladr -m dma aad -ioakr oir mm tto’ akin or nails and If osail«
(Tiirrallj. lo ur notblK of admlma. wllb an oniiga sttrk will bindir
U bla trW«mB to rrrahksl »
to tbr tolld t>n>uf ibat gniwlb or Ilia rutMa. Tut In wal<r1l
tor tka tWtaaB katosw aald Ibat tba i ,j,inea are nU alwtya what tbr/------- to atdiiMikl na a akin toulr -r lakm laCMtotna WaUcrara. wttr ot Ihe Arid ‘ Hom-Ttr rouag asadau loar look, aba
>11). two t.wspiSiiiruU In a rlsaa id
toanbal wbo baajnao to
rbUia to n
toast .dn loualy Ur tbia that and an and |
rrerr morning.................... Ito aUkd fnrram la an A
aln- baa a daughirr Id btTj mlM ■•urcaller.
Ibird or tvurib araosa or i-»uo In ber j a lux ot aohl rrvam will fogcast
Aa a Uttla gtrf Marr Batbrr In plaf' > dnt. It la darkly falalad tbarrfora Ibat orif. A Htlh- rahl rrrani ruUrd oo tba
ad ansosc tba Boar harrala sod rarraat
akin and piiffail orar w llb powdar will
baxn at bar tathar'a gfoaarf toon
undaruklng lo rhaiimin do uwb tow anl imranllm: aunbuRi.
Pnat ainrt. Now York. Hoi ibat
dltlu taka* li'a. and N
ra girt *
IN-uii)ro)al la bigfaly i
toaar paara ibq. Now ibi' liitto girl
skn A’a oinhr Ibelr reapartlvr w Uiga. by rxjsTtonard mnoiiultn warriora wbo
a wbHa balrad aad regal Udr. wllb tl
Tbia rtfisiualiy ikwlraya tbr ludrx. liava drAnI tlmr lawta for yrarw. Cam
pbor atoo to rffi'cihr In kai-idag mow
Id to Iba powrr Udilnd tba Ilat- ! rrlalloi| to tln-lr molbrn' agea wbaa ciuttora away, aa wail ^ In aootblni
a tbroaa. wbo la koowti aa Iba *Ye- . (i>,-) an- nul In mutliieal arldtHwe. aad tbrtr bliaa,
is BtotaArek’ aad^wba. It to baUae-1 takliig aumr nua ator-a giri. bowrrtr
Tbr Hat of tolirt arttolea to not
eU sbr may ba. dors not obrlooaly at- plctr without a vial of llncturv of lirofmltbi'rliatwron-a aga. 11 It an tugab- Mln. It fluftraa tbr water, adds brtlkHu way out ot a dlBtoalty.
ilaury to Ibr akin and Imparta a onbtl
fragiancr to tbr panoa of tbr batbar.
All albli-tlc girto muot lealUr Ibr ralThe mcmia euadlato bHni-m tlrrat na of wUcb baxrl for (br o|watoa aod
fkUaln atui tbr L'uKrd Walaa extanda brnlaao ao fteqnant daring aaa-----' rr^ to tbr Kiigliab copying onr rat- OUttoga. - I'bitodriptala Tlmao.
; tumiL Tbai lb' "dourwiv baUf It ob-.
j Ulnlng a b>kl to pnired by a l«mk*
IpaiOTlbal aaya
A pfayatoiaa aaya Ibat dh-t to of great
“Tbf uuuaual oiiretactr ot ibe duor- Imponaan- lu krt-tdug ruul durtag '
ir ot Dir toiOM In ■ fmabkna- Weatbor. Kish, ebtrkem. vrgi-laldra
. a (sMivrrtrd Into a 'alDtng oof fisll are Ibr baol food-. Ureakfaat
a baa liaan Ullng Ibe local pollre- BboakI br aa light aa poaalMr and prlaI Mra wllb mild aatuutobitonit.
rIpaUy of mill. I.uncbcm sboukl conBtnw warr fliird witb coahkioa. kod ■lot of vcgelabk- aatod and a ligbt daa; aoW drliika and rigarrilaa In Ibr liaak- oert. aad d lunar abuuld Iw cviuiMOrd of
' ground made a must InrIIlug pirtnre.
, wblk-aiiiloivd irou|>r|>rrturuitnglo tbr
> ' B.|aarr now iLrlr u|i|nwibuIi
and dlarourard tbr talaot
dtltkw. Kuglai^ la rralaolly growing
Dxira uiKxmvmtlonal and la at toot do­ datigrroua to aumutcr Ibao In otluT aming tiduga (M-opI
aoUBL irrlnklug abiMdd br on a amdoryi-aro. but wbk-b noliudy dared lo do In Btr ptop atoo. and akoboUc llquorb
Mold Iw atwolutcly avoldrd.
A rraipoabh- amuanl '
Samoa Par Wbwwto.
got tba
ad. hmghi about tbr kalorr'a I9a^
tab A baif hour of vlguroua exctvtoa
riaga. liar title U Prtncraa vos Norr.
to tba munilBi. wllb ligbtvat lawalblr
aad abo to a powarfni inBumae la ibo Coantaoa of Almdoas arcupl.'d iha dotblng. fuUowrd by a warm bath and
gmal paUce at Ikrlln,
cbalr. Tbla om-lcdy wm Boundrd
a cold aiwagr. will maklr oar to rsliar htotory to moot Inlofeatlng aad tto more than two ptma ago wK
■Bwual. liar falbor toft Donaaettoot obH-ct of auppblag vtoMlac non
to UlU and liagan a oraall grocery boil- etommlary acbonto to poor dlatrtoia It
aato to Now York. Tlmogb to- was • to found lint wtom a aarar vlaltx a
a....yM.iiy nxTeaaful. wto-n be died la srbool aigutoriy llto amoog Ito-cblklrro
iioi ba Ian tial a vrry areall turtam- lo : pnatlcally rraor to •
bla family. Mrs Im. tmal*- to afford , raid Ibat Ito- fairr t .
Urn. Bulb Bbaffuar-b'tnk-r was tbs
tho ripatulre Itring to New York, bm- are for the moat part Blkd witb cbll- Brat
wasoaa to organise a club for tbs
dtod IV bor unto family and went to ' dreo wl
W. C. T. U. aanme Amerteans oe lbs
•IBttgBfl. Hare tba rtdml daugblrr olmul until llwy are artnally otrlckas taUad of Porto Oln>. Bbc la tbr pfealwarrltd Harm eon Warebtar. Ur aooa down. to. It to nhetosaly a work of drat and waa ncraUy appointed Inboramo amtoMador from Wnrloaibarf for tba a«w la detect aad towetor and soprrvlaur of (br pnbllc
ta Paris aad to doc couroa of lima ' rirludc cbm of Ulacm from acbooto. aabuuto of roncr. Aa Ulso Hbs
Xia. Ua aad bw otbgr dangbten w bare talmtos always wmada ao rapabe )oororyrd to Icrlsad aad arcurod
to Ibe social SM of Mly.
tor tbr W. C. T. V. tbr adoidkio of acltbs grealIt 4>eocb capital. (Hbcr ImsailBc tamprrance tosiruellon In tbr
portaat marriagw rainr alnuL
Qprwn Cbrlattoa of IVato la to tbs acbooto ot tbai roontry. *t tbr TerotiMary Itoibar. Ibr youngrwt gM. ImUt of arodlag a
to ooareatlon Utoa Mbaffnar was ap'
polDted worWa mlmloiiafy. liar lDa^
Pltacssi Umtor of mrawlrk llutotrla. ,
^ a—mmar
riaga abnot a year ago broogbt b
tuba of tbr W. C. T. r. aa rai
; IbigUud .\ltbuwb Oaos-o CbrisUaa asatooa worker to tbs person of brr
sU widower, wbo It
hMbaad. wbo at all tlmca tooda bla aid
u draw from Ibr
prraiaiy i
far hto wtfr'a ptoas fer tbr whits ribbright III
, I owing to llir a)
ben wort.



Silk Shirt Front and Stock

Muslin Underwear
4 lots of White Skirts to closexiut.
Lot I was $1.79, ring out price........................ $1.39
.Lot 3 was.$i.35. png out price........................ 8^
Lot 5 was Si.19. ring out pricy........................ 7qc
Lot 4 was 79c. ring out price...................

i Wool Challies, Satin Stripe
49c yard-worth $ l .00
3 small'pieces-left of these goods. What’s the
use to keep them—they must go, and 49c will
make them go.

I All Wool Challies
I 65c-for 39c.
3 pieces in this lot. They are elegant goods, but
we want'no suntmer goods to carry over, so we
price them at .tyc yard. -

pUtoa for woodas «
year eodtd OrL ». IM. Jafi Inaad
f »• MBtroad toUs- by tbr war oOcr. abow a total of rOriaais aatobsrlag SSUSI. or of
tbs woHsd «m«th. wbtob to tba
toaay. Then
alWd. Oaths
k bot tbs Pclncam *<■ I MM la aastal ttos to ropestod. Tbs pec
r waa psttoslsat and tactful aad i[ yonkm
wtkm of track
traek totd wUb toon) that
I tbs total a
ptaaalag. aad tbs wnidliig was csto-1 na total toogtb of tniwiffa lanagaaw
bralsd. Pnacs Ynmarn aad bli brtdt tbamotot broil luisi d Utoa T parcst
wsro boUdseotod to tba ooe wba htop- > n IBSO to iO pm atm to IAP4.—JUUad atoag tba rosgb sray of tb^aovt- wyltoetow_________ ’



Drotog ibctosgoafTi^Hb. itoB
am, to wbtob BBOiMO pasgls pacts

ad Ito


tatotoa to OHM u I

Black Crepon
$ 1.00 and $ 1.26-f9r 75c.

All the Crepou that were $100 and $i>oo and
$1.35 now on special sale for a few days at 75c
a yard.

Black Crepons
91.35 and $ l .5a- for 98c.
You'll have to hurry if you get any of these
goods—they are going like hot cakes at 98c yard.

Black Crepons
$2.00 aud $2.25-for $ 1.50.
This line is the hnest crepons we ever had. and
must be seen to be appreciated. If you are one
of the lucky ones, come quick. $1.50 the yard
moves them quick.

Cotton Covert Cloths


10 pieces Cotton Covert ClMhs. Everybody
knows what they are, they alse know that the
regular price is la^c yard; we want the space
they occupy, and 8c yard will do the work.

Zephyr Ginghams. 7 l-2c.
40 pieces light col ored Ginghams, regular loc
and i$c goods—to make room for fall stuff, that
piling in on us, we make you the very ,Iow price
of y.ylc yard.

Foulard Silk
We find a few of the 50c Foulard Silks left aod
they must be sold. Take your pick at 35c' yard -

Foulard Silk
75c for 39c.
Quite a bice assprtment left in this line and yeu
may have-them for 39c.

Foulard Silk
98c for 48c.
A few pieces left in this line. Here is a chaart
of a lifetime. Think of it! 98c silk—all new
goods this spring—for only 48c yard!

New fall stuff is piling up oh us. and that's why we are in such a hurry to get dosed out of all summer goods, and
that's why we are making such small prices.

French Flannels
New French Flannels have been put on sale this
week. They are verj- elegant goods, in dots,
stripes. Fersian. work and plain colors, and sell
at from 50 to 85c yard.

French Flannel
This kind is only an imitation of tl^ genuine—
looks quite like it and is a ver)' .handsome goods.
Sell at 15c the yard.

New Fall Dress Goods

We have placed 00 sale loads of new fall dress
goods, and trade is opening up In fin'6 style.- The
lading things seem to be Cpverts. Venetians,
Broadcloths. Ocean Serge, Cheviot. Homespun
and Camels hair. And for a dressier dress
you may use FopUqs, Freunellas. Satin Soliel,
Sil> Warps. Fine Mohairs and Mejlrose in black
and colors. For common wear you can get
Sacking's all wool 86-inch wide full line colors at
39c yard.

Novelty Dress Goods, at 25c.
We are showing a big line of 3S-cent stuff in
black and colors that is worth your attention.
Looks well and wears well and only costs you
25c yard.



Only one left—«old for $2.50. now................$1.75


arewptsd tba oimiilrr
~ !
r%, ~cw.
OmM eoo Nasr. wl
Tcaeb ebUdron aot to waste trIBes
~ i Tba •ron.l..
faracalri. whick la wtdeh they often throw away srltboot
him br tba ABBtrlan nniiaror.
grow was St ysan old. tbr liUdr M. ; rr k«i» lb.' key. I r onr wkllr tbr otb (bewht. mad wbicb If nrsd roigbi bs
g.»r wbolBU mostte latsr
of MS to otbrn 4f aot to tbernsrirea.
Wrapfdat paper, piresa of twine, odds
widow sMtkd down to Vienna There certala graal perrouaga allowed a pop- aad eada of rarhma klads amy do arrr■bs woa lbs rotfpm of tbr Aomrlaa nlir danoruor t« faalra ana apoa bla too a sscoad time If pot away nniB
sropssoc. and ba erpatrd bro prlarasB
arm. Indeed tba brareM In gear aal Urn ated for tbam arlsea. Tbr l
af Noarln brrowD rlgbk
baa retorsail lo fans. Bmar daoigns at ecoaomy to one that eogtat i
A tew yean after bring made a ■ai gaatemi and afttoUc.
coWraird, for carrfnl saving a
prtaaeao tba oos tUro daughter at a
lartob g|}li« possible. IloanUag to
grocer act CMist too Waklcner. A
Mt a Ties of chUdbood. tm abowld It
MtTtagr ta<wa^ then took place to
bs sneonragod. b« tbr wtor botl
IIMB. These two brlUUnt aod tactfnl
at to mnro arototUl bar tog of maeafces Csr rntnro expsadinuw
psopls woat to Bsrtto. aad to a few
IS mads la a iw** Imasd to a ealMbls toMoa that caaac
statVato: tagtos os tba asa Of ■


All thb Silk Mitts we have left that was 25 to 4oc
—Ring out price 15c pair,


Rainy Weather Skirting
There seems to be a big demand for heavy skirt­
ing. We looked for it and are in shape to sup­
ply the dernUnd. 56 inch goods; line of them at
Stand $1.25, $1.50. $2.25 and $2.50 yard. If
yor (dressmakeris too busy we will make it lor

New Dress Trimmings
The new trimmings are here and ready for your
inspection. Beautiful Applique at 50c. 75c, $I4X)
$t.25, up to Ss^XL

Spangled Boleroes^ ^
Very new and swell. Must be seen to be appre­
ciated. at $2.75. $3^a up to $54xx

All Overs,
In this line you will find Spangled Net, Jetted
Nets. Silk Applique All-overa, cream and black,
and Fancy Spangles, at from.$1.50 up to $8xx>
per yard.

Is anxious to tcoow whst thdr Fall Wrap will be like—Also haw they are nuSdef-Whst materixis are used, and
how much they will bost.

H ist—You will need a noblw Tailor Made Suit, consist
ing of a Jacket and Skirt.
' Prices on these garments range from $7.50 to $35 and

*ftd—To keep you good and warm, the long, handsom­
ely uHored cape (to be worn with suit) is just the
thing. Comes in castor, navy, brown and Hark
Prices in reach of all.
'! 3rd—Some ladies prefer a Jacket and seperate durt—
For this clan we have but this to say:
The Jackm never were ,more handsome than
this (ail, every color it brought into use, the style
is short except a few novelties shown in the lose
Uck or box coat style, the length being about 38
to »inches. Thdn comes the Automibile. which
-II the extreme style, comes in tong lengths about
45 to 50 inches, handsomely lined aod trimmed.

In addition to the ready made outer garments we want
you to knew about our Petticoat Stock
We have the exclusive sale of the Elite Skirt.tbe
prices are from $ 14X) to $ 13XX) each. The patent
band is the special feature of this skirt.
Our reputation on Silk Shirt Waists has long been the
best. The celebrated Skinners Satto is used
wholly. Prices $sxxx $6.00 and $ No better
'garment was ever made for the money.
We have a very large and elaborate line of Taf­
feta Shirt Waists, prices $5430 to $800 each.
You are cordially invited to examine the above garmenu at your earliest convenience.

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