The Morning Record, June 30, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 30, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Morj «f
AUmapt of

bM bOMWiO a tow
■UvOMlte Mwa. MalUac li kaowB
of Utmamf oolou OM«va tbM U
■lonod tor
rtoor—d to Ttoa
Ml with hM«7 iamm •mi withoit

kMwio* iho elhar nUif <oli»i>.
Thin M 1«.0M torotfi tno»i li
Ohiw hot lotklic to kiowi---------Ilf thoir whMhMto or loan or
tethiworUMioaitotil/ w U thof
otortoS Ikto thi litortar of Atria, tai
wha It to naiabaoa that PoUa to
tetOMhoodrodaUatioathi aat,
»hi ittor ahiaai of Mwa troa that
OkOlanS Aiaorr KM Vltk MoSon
oltr ahoa thi Aaa
Axmttmi Saaoatola a»a mm
i^Uaff. Tm alj hoa torthitorotriBlatot««Mwto)^tthi Chtoaa
tho tloa Vatu laUortic lata
altba li Pikla a raiOiar a aonamii w TM iimia Smm.
aat towirfl tha nat.
Umim. 3n» «-Tha toraiffi oSa
ha titraatla trai thi
aOhitoothat a
o^nd froa Pokti to tto» aitom TaloDssthof JsmM Motal at Tla TWa to thi aflat that tha
fartofli Blatoton oro itUl at PaklB.
:atyrs Tsstsr4sy.
dtoatoh to tha oelx aa of aoaaa that ha orrioad froa uhlaa. Sirmek hv a talliaf Bioek WUla Va-



BRITISH ATTACKED Ihmfm tar Evenr l|to
BattUa ht Uadtoy. i


Bpm^ VBtoh MapUah


VUrooly Atlockod AI
Inportal Troops.


aaoodlttoa aid
to of tha feralfo aiatotora
ifd pthaa who wara la Pakla to eoaSlato flUaaa aaarlB afala ao7 that
thafltofMhaaMUai aadar a Ohtoaa
aaaort, hat thto aaoat ha
k Joa M-ThaadairaUW ha
thaleltowlacima AAalral Sayi
*'t hon ratofad toXlalhla with
OaJaa U two atoaato am ay adaaacod fwfd hy tha Boaata war* ropotoad
with iMldtoihii tool to tha Boson,
hit MM to oir tana. Oa iaaa U tha
■OMM attookad tha Mala at Laap
fhv la laifa aaahan hat
with haadnda klUod. Oar
Ion waa in ItaUiM. Tha aaM aft«MW tha Bestn attookad tha ifiard

iatotopMtoil tM

atatlei. B<-

kUiad. Two of
WMiiid Wa pMhad forward to AattocaadoMaffadtha amamj Jaaa u
aad 14, kOltoc m. Than wwa m
aoa oar alda.
•Tka daaMaetloa of tha raUway mada
farthar adraaeo by raU Impoml
oa Jim 14th to> ntara
to Yaap Ibaa. to orfaalta aa adraaea
ly rinr M l>akto. Altar too A
tram Laacraag two tralaa toft to fel­
low wan attookad Jim U by Bonn
aad Impmlal troops from Pakla. who
toot from 400 to MO kUlad. Oac. loaa
a too kUtodaad 4t weoadod.
tntaa Jtoaod ma at Yaap Tna tha
nma enatop. Tha laUway at Yaap
ThMWMoatlnlydamolUhad aad tha
Mate of totmorahto fonoa, short of


Bom XMtsb Off By Hsi4

Oniai to TM Bwama Mawd.

laadlac Ora a tha Soak at Slk Bar-

Oa tha pnrtoaa day than was a sklrmlah aaar Ilokabarp. to which tha
BrltUa last twokUtodoad tear wooadparty «rfE

mk Ba^ Jaa M — Jaan Metatm. aatoerad hy tha Blk SapUto Iroa
Oe., aat a aadda atol rloteat dath
whlto at work m tha doek hara thla
Ba waa oalsadlac on tran a harya
at tha Md of tha de^ whaa a boom
whloh aappartod tha on baakat. breka
lattltot a haary paU«y Uoak toil ttam a
hohtotaf aboat as faak Tha hieak
watcha aboat 110 panda.
MaUtjm triad to flat oat of tha way.
hat tha bleak aMMk him oi tha alda
aadanahad him to a harrtbia maanr.

OE im mm
Bly String of Bsoera Coming
Vrom loaU.

wha thoapht that Ufa was axtlaat.
Bat ha ralltod to a tow mtoatm. aad
tor a ahert tlma waa oom
Dr. Oaaattatt aad Dr.
immMid. aad did alP that aoald ba
doM far tha aaflarar. bat ba tost sea­
ls stow mtoataa aad Mthtop aoald,ba doM to rally him.
diad abaat aa hoar aad a half a
Malatyn was a maa of aboat M
roars, of flaa phyalqaa aad to portoat
h. Ba toons a yoaap wlfa aad
liUla aoa. Ba haa baaa a raaldaat of
thto towB moat of hlallfa. aad haa
Uthaampl^'Otiba Ibik BapUU _Irc8
Oo. tor a loop tlma.

Ufits'$2.00 Shots
Sommer atylea—black or
tan—nioe flttiop and durable
-$1.60 n pnlr

ChiUiei's Shies
Black mud tas—bna aew

pooda-6 to 8, SI to 11,12 to
2-96, 76, 86c.

Chillrei's Shies
Black kid, bottoD, pat­
ent tips. 6 to 8^48c.

Bank Bay af tha Boat HaaUap—
Bmt Beam Bnr Boas to Bortharn


ap Baaa WUI Oeear

Atolapramwaa ranlred ;
from laala, atattop that a strtop of
raoatop horam woald ha ahlppad into
that ptoea to taka part to >ba raam of
thsTrararaaOlty Drlrlap aab, Jaly
trd. 4tk aad stk. Than an atoa
apasdy raoaan to this atrtop, aad
thass with tha aaraa that an alnady
worktop oat <m thanfaS~G
ISn. will
maka tha flaaat rb^ap n
Tba porooa tor tabv.naato
itop areata
h^ baaa toemaad to SIM, aad
raaatop maa will ocevr each day.
to the moat aaeil roea maaUap arar aaao to tba
aertharn part of tba atota. The ratriaa
to the trdttiap aad paclap araato an
aptora^dly. It la axpaetad that
aen ninaan wUl eomo from Mi.

Lradiag Shoe Hooae.



» 1
. Watotoptoa. Jaaa
l» - Admiral ... aaaOlty............................
Eampflb poaltln dl^^ that tha
Pattoa aad WHaon; Katoll aad Back■ toaalo tototetonan aot with S^•oar haa plna tha aUto dopartmaat
ponmaaa tar alarm thaa aaythtop
noataad fnm Ohlaa for woaka. U tha
a aad Pewtn; MeKaaaa aad
raealrad by tha Chtaaaa
Oallad.stk toatap-rato.
mlaMttr an of ralao, tha mtolatan
mw Mt la Pakla. Tha atota .$apan
moat amtooa that tha mtoMton han
lott Pakla aad an trytop to naeh tka
•Mat with a maU paard. if aot all
k 0. (DaMUwaakaa, «: Mini
matdmid baton thM. It to pomlhla
t^ma may hoar Mthtop from tha alolea of UmpAnaad 4th laatop whoa
iiari itoad a to A faaor MBwaalma baaaonod Mtoampolto'dUatary tosUea.;
thayamithapaards han haaa


Old Reliable City Book Store,.;

A SoiKDir FREE to Enii PuclHser.
A larper or bettor aaaortnnnt caaaot be fooDd elaewbere—>
Haadaome, exetonre patterns—aeweat telora—It'a impodoible
to get diaappointed here—Every abirt flta parfBot—50c, 75c,

Bmootb or roagb braids, fancy or plain bands, narrow
r otherwiae—for men, boyi, gtM—$1 j0,.tl.25, $1JX^
75c, 50c. 85c to 5c.
Here yoa always find the beat there is at a little Ism than
others cherge for the other kind.



BisiMSs i

Tfrctaaatlyaatuaa dlAnlttaa that
woald oiharwlaa lead to '
' of B a rh time. •Sort aad___
“Ark him orrr tha telrphooa.'

No othnr stoi^o onn or will giwe- yon tho
Oomo todny and tee thano aulta.



oo tome p
Many people do oot eaprem thu
aalrn dearly is oomapendaoca. bat
man can peaarally make hiioaelf s_
danlood it yoa eon pat wlthto apeoklop diatoaee of him. by moaaa of th«





ebaapw hla mind, Booeeralt wUl maka
MB apeaehw to lodlanaaome time dartop Septomhar or to the early part of
Oelobar. prckably at ladlonapollo,
EnuTllto. Tern Haato. Yart Woyao
aad South Bead. Ika other fin eltlae
on eot aaleetad bot Aadaraoa will
probably baooa of thamTBB OBBOOB ASaOEB
d to a Fop 85 Mitoa Berth
apKU u TM MBniBC OMord.
Lomlon. Joaa 90-A dtopataSi to tba
Tlmea from Shaaphai aaj* the Amertaaa batUa ahip Orapoa raa ashon to a
fopafl Boki laland. U miles aorth of
CMao. The Mwara. Jardlaa an aaadlop Mtlatoaee to tha atraadad ship.
BaaArada Ittoaedad Opastop of Bes-

•aetartoa Otftopa to MaaUa.
apMkml la TM htorolM a*c«rd.
Moalto, JSM S»-Baadnd« attoodad
thaopoelapof tha aoBtoetartaa e»llepa han today. PraaldaBt Qaarroo
praaktod aad tout
d Praatoaat Tbft
slaalae. who ai^
of the Amarloaa c
Tha Amcriaaa
^ridaato^ toStSky MSantato TI^to
tooM tha
ligaUthaproatwatUpewanaa CMi- Ualr yosM days. Ue. Ask
naatUethan arrlfo.
•maoMloathtoplikMwaaf tba Mt>
Satodby OUam moba. thair dtoapAUleealtradmaatoMan i
paaraaaamay romato a myatary for
tbolr eommlttom or aldaa at
oaea aad ban thaa raport at a
Tha aeoditieas of tha tost thna toptobaholdtoO. a P. a hall to­
araaha han ahowa how
morrow moratop at »:M o’clock.
Chtoaauhatoototadfnmtke mt of
^ an taktop ptoea«
rrorU by

•W^o I nnm e aao^a.

Irttar haa baaa ob-

.... ..... .


4 th..

All M« ip-ttJate-styles, this siisii’s naiifacnce, at list

Oathartop at tha City Opara Soaaa
tha Braatopto tha tatorcata
of Imw aad Order.
AU^t tha ahuehea of tha city wiU
rrleaa tomorrow
araatop. aad a omm maatlap la tha totorosta of law aad order will ba bald at
tba City Open hoaaa at ?;10 o'aloek.
laambarotaddmaaawUl ba plran by
laadtop maa of tha city, with aapaelal
rateraaea to tba oaforoamaat of tba
law la ralatioa to tha saloons.
Spaelal maals haa baoo amapod by a
is now in order, and if you
Wp ohoraa eholr. aadar tha laadarahlp
i good job. done %ith f^>od
of Prof, aad Mn. C. B. Bont. aad this material,
_ .
- . come and
me before
Plttaborp .............................. • t
will be a plaaatop faatare of tba area' you let your work.
1 have firat claae workmen and
*’w!dAS'Md ^I'nir'; ipimUuJ Me- top.
and lin­
seed oil. ^lora to suit you.
Slated ter Tea Spaoehm to'ffeaalaaa
BroltaDaula'aad F«iU; Niohoto aod

attompt to naapton tha armory
tailed with-haary lam. Bampond by
tha larpa ammbar of wooadad I aaat to
, which
Ttaa Tala fora
arrlrodOB tha mxratop of Jaaa u.
Tha armory waa thoo aracaatad. My
teraaa arrirad at Tlsa Ibto oa tha Mtb
Oa laarlap tha armory U
with An.
■‘Tba aasaaltlaa to data an; BritUh,
Oriath aad Oastor: KItaon and Par•1 klUaA Vi rroaadod;
hUlad. u woaadadi rraaah. 1
10 wooadad: Oarmaay. It U1
wooadad; Itallu. s kUlad. I wooadad: **^JS'‘aad Ecbtoaoa. Oairtcl'aad
a klUad. >
AMkaicAV UAeva.


lilies' $1.75 Shies


a iMroaaod to $1*0

Oaahtar tor Trorr

Troabla at ladlaaa]
toned aa to wlthdnw toward Tiaa apMial u TM Hmin tMw4.
iUa. J«aa *ft-Mlehaal Blah•<Oa iaao 10, tha woaadod aad
ardaoo. lor two yaan eaahiar of tha lo■ ai—ritofcrtham won atortod by
aal oAaa of tha Traroton laaaraaaa Oa.
halt, tha tonsB manktop akmgalda tha
of Bartterd. Ooaa.. waa arroatad torinr. Oppoaltlea waa osportoaaad doralpht apoa aa aMdarIt mada hr tha
tap tha wheto aoana of tha rinr from
maaapar of tha ofilea, ekarplaphim
aaarly arary rlltopa. Oa Jaaa tt 1
with aBboulaauBl. Rlchardaoa
mada a alpht mareh. arrlrtop at day
talaaaad oa a bood of Malthor ha
Upht efaoolta tha Imporlal ai
aor hla frlooda woald say anythtop of
at Tiaa Tala, from which a haary &ra
■ Attara daaparau battl* —
Tmtorday'a Boat Ball Oamaa.
atom of piaa. arms aad a
■pMUl M TM Monlaa anard


Black kid. lace or butt^
Dice ahapea — $1.96 n

Ida-Lana a Yaac Widow and tothaTranraal yaatar^. TbaOaaa parrtaaatap tha plaarnpalaad

Fonrtli Ye»r—No. 98*

Fireworks, Flags,
and Hammocks

a tmiya Oaptan at X4n

Bteak-BovaBtin Aston to Oraapa

haa raealnd a d^toh Into Lord
Btborto ohowiap that tha Boon an
atlU aaUn to tha Draapa Blnr ooloay.
Aaann aklrtotoh took tfaeo to tba
atopkkorhood at Ltodtay Taaoday. Tka
aarad altar a haary roar paard aatlea,
UaBrtttoh laatop toa kUlod aad 44


Men*a lina satin calf bala and congraap ahoea.... 8$e
Woman's flna kid laoa nnd button ahoaa............. 98o
Woman’s ftna black and tan oxfords.................... 76c
Woman's sUppara and bu^klna......................... . 96c
Woman's Tsstixig top kid laoa ahoaa..........$1.M), $1.76
Boy’s satin calf bala, aoUd......................................$1.00
Youth’s satin calf bala. solid................................. $1.00
Man’s eanvaa bala, laathar solas............................ 98o
Kan's fins kid bals,>aw atylaa............................ $9.00
Man's tannis bala and oxfords...............60, 66 and 76o
Man’s bicycle ahoaa..................... $1.60, $2.00 and $9.60


Naw Store—942 Front Btraat.
The Leading Shoe House of Northern Michigan

I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Taila, but aince
I have tried

Pig Tail
I bare come to the oonclas*
ion that 5c will buy a first*
clam, delictOQS smoke. Tty
ope and you will nerer pay
lOe for a
Tail again.


I “EASY” shoe
r-— May l» list the Shoe Tee Will
It’a a Yary good shoe at a wary little
price. Th^ are mada tor ladies’who
want SOLID OOKFOBT, and are aU
that tha name implies — an "Snay”
abde, Lacs or button — $8Ja Ww
Bale only by




MOBHure jooomD.



i. W. lAm

f. m. MAmam,. MMr

■ala ad Oaltaiy Tiakala Win taka FIOM
TMo^ BoMlit ate va»A
Tbaaalaad aoota f. thafaUacyad
tka Otay Oyaca BoMl. tka taaapltaa
ad tka teataal Qaaota wQl b«la
^oaMtatpHMtfFkkd lb m. at tka
g»Bawa ttaai IBM wBl kaanty
ttobala aaM M thM aia oaata.
aa»atiiiiHii My
•->- Mwdlay. Tka
aaaib. will ka aaomt aaa aad aa paroea
wmbaallowod to aaoan.Mta thaa
two Mata Tka prtao wUl ka M aaala.
TkM will ba ao r.aroil
■B tOfl'ri.wrt yyf j
a tna aad BkM
■■.•■IM ft.
taryaiMbotandadca Bob.
y aod aalarad a plaa ad
oa tka atatna od kitaktay a
kamteaahadalrMat tha ooraa
boMaadTiataatroat BapaU a
aad aaata a.oaattag to it.M.



■ «l AMMM7 0«Ml Otm Of tooll Bto. Iforto to o trik•loMttowonhA that efM«L tor.
Clmtouol^ IM) *drtoor m4 U«
MIo OM proBtod kf kto wtoo oounI
Avtar Bto tors of aaM.|Bto opUiou
‘ «olmro kooo rooafoM w fair
mA lapartlal aad tkoy kara
Matod that Mr. Qrao to aanM wkoro
tto latonato of (ko atala aro
MAtkaikto to«al kwwMc* to aaak
tkalthaoaoato oaa rooooa tta max
na kls. Ha wUr*
fMofooAauar DpmakaUe
WkU aa Ua faU atnafUof tha Bopak




PrcftlMbto Md^ospai
AMalHaoM^TM.^ at M'kM
•nM^rkaeMMtwWa. WmA



•! r«*«rh DcMvat.




Frtsli, Clan aad
So Good, aod thoo
So Chiap.




SailSa fanlly. At Mcaai tkare
■a wart
SiaOtwaM or Crooiaa.
Hit W. A. Bla.a( Miaakiat.. la.. 1 o.t daa oa'


■Ul Etmn
LeOrMk Wt

a*- Beberu CKTiMUia

Itrayiay ila rieUm. to a type of
----- Ipattoa Ttoa potrar of thla Ml-

wJii* ^rK“yto?r^taVuta

OMd .r. Baadrodi hafo Mad it »■>
M adrira aad aU aay It atm talk
nito an a .to aad eariaia oara. Beat
«ra Tbroai. ftatat^ iMWlBBakta ' la tka world tar SiaMab. Ueor. KUBaolar atoa Ma aad tLik, IMalk- aaytaad Bowato. OitoU aaata at A
tta'lOratAB.WaltaaddM.'S.Aek • A Watt aad Jaa. a Jakaanto dr^

When conaideriDg with
what to repleuiah the rarayeo
of time opoo the*umer
gire oar Rrooaiy a oall.
It will improve year
petito to aea*
aea all iSe
the i<<
tfaiaga we bava for the table.

BMdlA Block
FhOBC 14».
Vrost 8t

Ti4ali Sfioinf.


Taacaa san imtoini,
. Ill eii sinlj^ liai.
(Tm cii san rwi aopa.
Inch san|wnCain)i

Itay ■aantaiy Mtoa M. 8arnywa.

PMdiv«Ba(Mi7-ito. a B.
il^Mtaiy Mra.3. A Me.

I.A ABraikaa
Dtraotw tartkfwyaara-Mra. J. M.
ad tka taar dtetataoa
ThaaaaaalMMtaBoftko WoMito
Ciab WM bald yaatarday aftaraoe. an M tallowa;
Tha riparli ot tkaoMaan aad kaard Rtotory aad 1
wan Aral Uataaadta aad with tkair
Mlawaf tba yaarto work aaO halpdal
tar tka tataia, wan tall
iManMaad kaaalt. tha
tbaatakUrn. Mary A. A BakMa. wkoM aSMt worii M praald.t k. aaAoand Tka alak haa daaatad a yaar to tka
w la arary M.kar of the dak, ya. atody of AMTtoaa oaklet aad tka
ira. tar IMO-iaei WlU ka of a Mn
aralMktorayert. Aka
*a atok Motlaya of tha yaar bad ra­
« by tka alak
te tka aaaaal raeop-.
a yl'
aad triwta of the
alak. the doUybtfal ChUdnok Day pro­ ktyb rank a..y tka alaba of tka aUU
to tka taackora. aad It ye. lato Ito aaw yaar ot wmk
a happy aod
totkolattar. M wdl
twain Malka of atody aad
aa tka drat two ka Mda a t
aaaaal toatarr.

Will-tko pome harlay kook Bo. aa.
ot Tba toleklyaa Ttanllay Ukrary,
Mo. a. plaaao ratara at eaaa to 101 Bay
Tlia ooaial aktha hOM of Bar. aad
Mra. C. T. «teat laat oToalay wm
tarred to. aad Uo
aory aSalr.
tatqBoat nrtow of ika prlatad ^
, whtob woald briny to Mad tha
Oacrya 0. and Addle Wbaalor. both
od Aayall, wora Itoaaaod to tarry yaa­
Tka atody claai. la parllaataaiary
tor. aad Mia. C. B. Taylor wan Aah
and art
Tharoday. aad
apadla work ara alao aoway tha moat
Mda a flaa .teh of treat
kalpfal aide Imd. of the alak werk,[ wUl ka A plaaaaat rafaroo. waa ylraa to tka
Aa aaaaraiea teCk
rlvaa taw arrow by tka Boym Bead.
AaoTOM laataaat of oar fioirtk aa a The fan tar tka roaad trip will ba $0 BUM Fadaratloa aad tba faithfal and
vaald powar to akowa k7 ika aaaoaaot- ante.
I loaal alak wm a
«aat %ktx aka praaidoat of tha BaMtaa Bararal tnat that akewad arid
Ska apoka ot tha yaU the alak
iMpartot Baak to akoM to atoit tkto
hara hara aada la tba poyrtaiTyaaM Is
apaatrj to aafottota a farlkar iarpa aradapikaBoi
.eTbaraday by Bd. tka aaaa, daaaay aad gfia wlib wkleh
laaa la aoaaoeUoa wlik tka akariaa QUkart aad J. 0. L*afworthy.
tkay caprcar tkeiBMl'
f»Uwap, aad to aeaaldar tka faaalMUtp
«t aotablUklBff kora a Xaaio-AMrtoaB Tka ladlaa of tka Obarek of (tortot laya and la ooadadlny bald: “Aad all
wUl araat a booth aad aarra ratraah: tkia. ao loajtpraaalbly e^aakla. to aot
naaia oa tka eoraar of Hroat aad Unloa tor the elab mamkera aloaa, bat la anMoaa aoBtrtkaUoM to oar laaUta- Biroato tka third aad foartk of July.
iloaaly iraaaMtiod to aU who My
akaaataado aodar a B. OardM ♦ Boa ka*a baaa pat. .M wltkla tkelr aliele of taflaaaea,
a at aay liar la tear aipki kaah artaalaa wal^ ao that aaeh mamaar may be llkeacd to
alkar poriod la ika bUtorr of tka tar tka Aalriat Ifoa Oo. Aa aooa aa a OMtoal orb fro. wkleh raya of ttybt
•Mtry. Bdaaatte to raaolTlap lia
ry arrltaa bare tbay will ndiau la all dlrectioaa Tba valaa of
ly^l^ara ot tka predta of
bafla work oa tka oaw-alpkt lack waU tka Womb'* CJahaaa oot ba mUMted
aal'aaMtlMwmaoatribato llkanltr tar tka aaylaw.
or fontold. Loaf after tka Ma^ra
ao Ika aaatlMi far g
Aftor acaaaa laMOftbe mjorlty bare paraad from tba asoba of aatleUy,
tkelr kOBlArut ladooBoa wUl yo ea.
of tka elty I
to lot aaah oaalaa. waa dadda tor wrtokad aad iaemaed by tka eSaru
pa aaw Caetortot kaaa apraap ap la klMalt
wkatk. ka woald k.p hU
■oath olaaa tha Uaflar tariff ka­ atora opa oa the alyku of Taaaday, tka bran to brarer dwde aad iaaptrlay
ta a law thaa wora a*ar araatod la Wadaoaday aad Tboraday. Jaly ird. tka kepafal wUb qtroayar hope, aad
that aoattaa for r
polattay toward parfeot la all
apkar. ef biMa life and aeUrlty.*'
i of $0,000 aztra Tba Clear Makan* Uatao of Uto city Tka aaaratary. Ifra BIU W. Porry
kaaaa to harraat. tka Kaaaaa wkaat k. roMlrad a elreaUr fro. tba later- •,n aa latar.ilpy rarlew of tka work
alatatop to aa taeldaat that will aot ba
lay that the report oirealalod that tka of tka yaar wklok oallad to
atlUaod ky tka U
beildlay trad, loekoat bad baaa toot .bay plaaaaBt aftaraooaa apeat by tka
Mmbara la tka atady of tba ktobad that ladlrldatl aatona are wltb- alak
drawlBytroBtkoeaaeeil, tonatrueaed
Ualtedhuua The report ot the troMthat tba kalldlsy tradaa eoaaeU aaa nnir
ebowed the olub to be la food An■BloHttarMt are aa datarmlaad aa aaeial
ooadUloa and the other reporu
a Urcaoauaaaaaad rartoraulB ualtad.
were equally yratlfyUiy. Mra J.
Haalaaaa Hoomo to MUa Slaborau
Oraad Trarar. Lodya. Mo. $00,1. O. A. Moatayae read a report wrlttoa by
OtapUyk oa tha Foartk.
a F. wlU appaar la tka Foartk of Jaly .tore. Addle L. Uibhe of the erbool ooaOhalrmaa BaaUtoa of tka daaoratlap parada la fall rayalla.
iltted Tae eo.mUtM ba« rtotted all
• for tka third aad Foartk to Ba. traMla dnlr. all wbo an to the yrad. aad while AadlBc a^w
toaalait a alraalar oalUap apoa aaory- Ukapartlatkaaaralfaloaka walk to lUaye they woald like to eee «Soe
body. kaalMO .aa. profaaataaal .aa Mat at tka OUy Opera Boa. tomorrow ollykt ebeaya mtde la. bad May
aad BMafaelarara. to daaorata thair at t o’eloak.
worda .of pratoa for tha ad.Uakle
plaa. ot katlaa. aad raaldaae. aa Two
nethodt in Toyae la tka aekooU of the
y aa pvalkla. It to daairad by tka B.
rBlntrto Llyht cUy.
by tka aoatoltua that TrararaaOlty aad Power Oa. yntarday, aad wltkla T^e park qe.tloa wm referred to
oholl praaaai aa alapaat as
hoara wan la plan aad tha ear- aod the ladi. were nnaalmoo* la the
M paaatkla, both tor tka krodlt ot tha rmt tarkod ea. They nplan tka dmlra to bare aoma permannt aetlon
^ Hyhtalny takaa aooa by the ally.
atty oa well at for tka plaaaark of tka ----- -------- .------- ..
atoltara to tka oalabraUoe.
Taeeday DlfhV
OSmre for the enauiny y.r ware
Alraady oiaBy el tha am wiodowa The ladepeadeat bate kali toa. baa circled M followi;
an kalar aad It to aatared aaanred the naa of tka Twelfth atrMt PmJdeot-Mr*. Mary A. S. Boberte.
tka daearatlooa will aorpa. aej- park for tka aeoaoe. aad wilt ban two Kirei Vi.-c Pree«ieat—Mr*. W. D.
hot yam. ea tka Third aad Foartk ot Tarnrr.
Jaly. Tka t.. wUl ban a decidedly
dUfareat make ap from that wkleh met
to afatab aaro. Froat aad Uaioa the Twlrlera reoeatly, and M.a fa»t
ataaotoaraSttohadaod will bi baop work to eapaaud.
_________ '
Tha adeaaoa nie ot aeato for Bryao't
Flaaoad WlU tha maaalt. ^ Oomedlant WHl open at the box office
this mpralof.
Yaatarday ikadakyatea to the
latloB aod otkera who raiunrd
■ weal yonay widowe west
(I hAYe found it)
fro. Oraad Btpida wera plaaaad with keieh''
eome ewettb.rt la taa eaai
Ika BipubHean aonlBailonr. Tboaa iBBylea of tkelr yold<
Idea curia, they
who aa.* reaiarday «art> tl»a J W.
That ia what the people aay
miUkoB. Hob. Fraak Uam lioo. Jodya
wheo th^ aee our
i, B. lioemo. i'gtlBMter O. W. Btfl.
line of
Fraak Frirdneh aod Tbj>. T. Balca
AATarUMd* LMtar..
A. t<MNl ilrol «>r lut t‘ Ih'Ids rtiM-acW
Od ai tin- |>rrarut uh>uh-ui mu I'evnlr’a
pnkabto |H-dlrreM. l.lkr liriM-ral Joukarl. hr to vlaliDrd n« iltr <to«4«iMlaot
ad a Ftaorh lluytHtiot family. Ill* aaaaariin wi-rr. amirdluc U> aoiur, t%lOtalata, who. at tbr tliu* of «hr rrro•ttfoB of tlir rdi<-t of Nauu-> l>y Louto
O^luilll. iB IfiiUS ClUlfTBted to tka
Opa aod sciiImI iberr. The oriytiial
PM* of tka raully waa Croopler,
aAleh cradoally aMumad tbr I>atck

I Yl. PriMtaat Mra. A 0.


lit StovB
No mere flanger to operate thea a lamp.
Any child can light and use them. I have
a full line from a 3*bumer low stove to a
fine laige 3-bnmer with oven. Little-at-a
time payments

Slater’s House Furnishing Store

Tka attMtloa of aU tompeiata aad
Btomparata people to dirtelad to aa
> by tka Good Tam
plara to tkair lodyaraoM thto anatoy.
Bow aoBfB WlU kaaeay. yood maale
aad raeltatloM aad aaw tkoaykts apoa
tha aak}aeioftompar«aee. lee .mam
aad eaka wUl be aemd aad a ecwdlal
waleome to axtoodad to all.

ISO S'aeosAli Stareot.

This Week
We Open e Sele

That will compel your attention—und an
examination of the valaea of oar .phoaa will
•arely thake yon a purchaaer.
Id tbii iaaoe we will' qnoto oely a few of
the ahoe bargaino.
Tkaaehoolto aaporlatoadad by I
No. l—196pairoof
1—196 pairs of ladies’ fine shoes,
aboea, all »zee-a
mpomoa «0.
Kytelka. formerly ef thto oUy.
variety of styles, inclnding ton bicycle ehoee—none worth
Ian than t&OO and tome were formerly fS.50, for................ •1.46
Foaod New Toath.
Mr. Lamaal A Towasaadof MyceoM.
ahoea, atzea 1 to 4—a variety of rtylee—every pair of good
I. Y.. aaya: “I foaad new etreaytk.
ilb la
gnalily—a special snap for small feet—moat of thM eold
for $1.50 and $2.00—to tempt j-ou.............................
It reaiorative for i
Foods aad kallda up
the narvea, make new. rich pare blood.
il drayytsta or Dr. A. W.
186 Front Street
^ ^ Fntotioel Shoe Xam
Tka Bacoao haa )mI raeeind a eery
aaat, kaadpatowd proarnm for' tbo
elootof exaretoaa ot the Ft. Balkaap

a. B’K'STJldl.A.JSr,

Base Ball
We will have-or nothing. That’s the way Traverae City al­
ways does things. We have the best or nothing, and'we
say the be*t way to ehjoy a game 1b to get Into It The best
way to get Into It 1* to have the right sporting gooda. No
firm in the city handles a finer line than we do.

Golf is Great.
Long live Golf! With the interest that the golf enthusiasts created last year
it will be a prime favorite this season. Here are all the articles wanted:
You’ll want a Cleek; costs you $1.50,. sbwill the Loftfpg Mashie, the Niblick,
the Lofter and the Putting Cleek. Thi_____________________
le Silvertown Golf Ball________
sells at^......
35c each
or $4.00 the doz. The Spaulding “Bramble" Golf Ball, 35c and $3.75 the doz.
The Scotch Plaid, Caddy Bags,' leather trimmings and leather bottom with

on "short notice."

Base Ball is King.
And the King has many willmg'subjects. Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin ev­
erybody "falls in line" and follows the ball club.
Are you fully equippied with all the accessories? We’re selling everything in
the line of Ball Goods. Want a bat? Have them from 5c to $1.25; want to
call your attention to the King of the Field at socand the Louisville Sluggers,
85c. Base Balls from 5c to $; have both the Spaulding and the Reach
League Balls. The American League at Si.c» is the best dollar ever sold.
Catcher's Mitts from 20c to S3.50. with one of the best on the market for $2.25:
Infielder's gloves from 25c to $1.50. Shoe Plates. 2jc the pair. Be sure to
for Spaulding’s igoo catalogue and price list of sporting goods. They ai« free.

Fishing is a Sport.
that is very "catching." The longer you fish the more you want to. Were
here to help your success. The greatest line of poles in the city’ from 20c up to
tKe finest combination
The Bamboo
poles are 8c;
8c. loc
- Bristol
.. steel
-- for $5.00.
----------------------- ,-jles
and 12c. Bait boxes, big and little, oblong or crescent shaped, sell at iscand
and 20c. Flies, for either trout or bass fishing, 55c to 05c. the dozen. Lines, a
big assortment from 2C to $1.00. Fish Baskets, the ven* *^gc^s from $ijx>
to $1.75. ReelA alt-sizes, all kinds of 6AKeotarraB8tMiiMitB.,A«m MX up to $5.
Hooks—plain little ones from 3c the doMn to « «tadL Miam PaUs, the t>atent gating and^sink^style. Sells at

The Hasnah & Lay Mercantile Go.

■ -.-iiFtaffmirniWtoiniiwi







Hm Bmh

ProAtkbl* and ftoBpvoM.

i« tk« taM OM «m ta«to T

ip-Mti. J. H. He-

MM*ia*olivT<atot«v at Whtok
W. SAanr 111 I II
r TiMwit Mfo. ». q Pail*.
««tt ^m»9
M MV MNH mM W tkm w* MMh OfltoM BuMd-Mia Mtoatto B*- Lihnrio*-Mn. B. 8.1 '
9. W. liWW, aMw M«
daato* Proaldwt
Tb* aaoadkMttorofto* Womb'*
M vOl te »hM» M m4 w p
dab wa* bald p**t*rdap afkti
«O%»*U0W^ to MW* Mt*
IBa rapart^af toaoMoM aad bwM
WMto TVfttoavlUWM •
tWwOlto — fMiiwM.
«ar* AM Hatoaad to aad wtth toM
rartow ad t^a paar'a «ark aad hafpdal Mav* oM M*MM-Mia 8 «.
■BBaatoMtortoafatara warataBad Frbtk
latorMaadbaaatMtokMkbM ad Utaratora-Mn. J. a Morpoa• kaa aad Toatordaj FaM to* Blab.
B«.M tor It.
Mio. Marp d. B. Babarto. wbaaa «MTba Aai ka* daualad a rmi to too
HTF aoM bMra Jadca Rab- «iaat waHi aaprMMit ha*
jaad aa[torad a ptoa af
Nkbarcdto*Mab.Fa«* ;*Mkap of dBarleaa aakfiM aM too
«. BAO<Aa»


‘ar.-sais-ssr ■

Tni«aoiMMte«f J
Ml Otm of Mt Mo. Morto k * trfb
atotothowortoof thoi oftd*!. Mr
Am k u oWo Uc»l odrker ud tot
ototo M pottto tv kk wko oouttl
Awtai hk tors •Oot.BSk oftolOM
iMoalwv* bM MtMltod M tolr
mU Iwfwtkl Md tooT kov* dora•tntod toot Mr. Om k wntol wkw*
to* tatortak of to* ttoU or* oom*
MitoMkk k«*) k»owl*dn k totb
tool too foopto «0B r*M* too MMt
lapItoUooalAoM* to kla. Ht wUl
«*U*oto*i*Uttemrtkoftoo Bopok
AsoTooatottoM»olo«rfTowtoot \
werU povtr k okowB tv to* OOM
Mat toot to* potidtrt of to* Ra
Iwprkl Booh k otoot to *Ult toU
OOutry to o«rotioto o fwtktr lorp*
loaa to •eooaetloB with to* ttbortoii
akUwoj, ood to eoBoldor to* foMltUU/
a aotoklkltor hor* o Roioo-AMrtooo
Mob foatrlboitoa* to o«r lotUtotino a( toaralv to** b**o Md* oodor
to* pMoot odwtoktroUoB tooo «t oay
«tow pwlod to to* hUiorv of to*
MUitov- BlMOtoto k roeolvtoir Ik
laU ohor* ol tk* prodk of preoptrl^.
aad *a««ottoe wOl eoafrfbok Itbkallv
to to* otatlMBt for food fo**rai
■ooTCOOi votor* wUl rwotabtr tkot
wro B*w foctortoi to** *pr«Bf op to
toOwathotod* to* Dtoflojr toriS bo0 low tooo w*r*^**r arootad la
toot oooUoe for poor* pcvrIooAp.
iptorMot of
karrtot to* Koaao* wkaot
orop k■ ,OB
OB toeidoat toot will not b*

atlitoad bp'

0kotra»a BoaUuw Urv*oCttlooMoad
BaAoM* Boo*** to Itoko Bl*borot«
DkplOTO OB to* Foorto.
BokUton olto* doeoroUof
aouitU* for tk* third ood Foarth U
Matof 0 Blraolar aoUtof apoa *«ar7.
kadj. baalOM k*a. protoaotoaol meg
aad ■aaBtaotaren. to daoocoto tbair
piOM Of butoati oad r**ld*a«
alokoroulpo* pottlbl*. It k d«airwl
kp to* eoaaiUtO* that Tro**r** OUp
■hall prMBt 0* alvaat
a* poMlbU. bath for to* «r*dkt ot to*
attp aa w*ll a* far tk* plaotar* of to*
rWlotB to to* o*l*bratloD.
Alraodp Boap of to* atore wiodom
''tea^kalaf trlBsad and It U oitored
toot to* daoorotloo* wlH torpo**
tolaf pet atumptad barr.
1bar«wi:lb**ome taaodtaD* *tr*ct
daaoratlooh Tore* baaaillol baooert
to ifetob >oFo** Froat ood laioa
*tra*t*or*d ikhadood will b» huv

tp aa toa toarca of UtoUv a
hataatoaohadokarat too
to* alab aiaatlaff* af to* paw and raCkkaadtoataatraat. B* paU o to* flkrad pl«a*aatlp to too aaaaal r*a^
*HkOMoatlvto* '
Itoa to baabaada aad trtoada .ad too
•lab. toadaUfbtloiqhUdraa'd OV proyoa aad tka ipoapttoa to too toaebar*.
Will to* paraea harlaf book Ha ««.
aaaadly that too latur aa waU
of Tka Mkklfia IWvaltoc Ukrarp.
Kal.pltaaarataraataaaatoiog Bap
Tb* b*B«flu r«e*ir*d bp all who alTb* *aalal attoakok^od Ba*. aad ■aadad tberacaUra
farad to. aad to* p
Mra a T. Stoat '
tRqaoat rarlaw of tka prlatod
rwpplaaaaat affair.
whieb woald brtnt to adad. to*
OaoMOaaaadAddlaWkaaltr, both
of dapoU. WM Uaoaaod to kar*7 paa- aoap ealBkbl* popm pl**a at tk* aaaBtoBi
ot to* dab.
Tk* *t*dp claoM* la pwUaaaptarp
Mr. aad Mra. C. B. twjXar *r*ra flakaaop*. booMbold eeoaoalea mad
tap at WUlloMbarp Tharadap. and
aaadla work ar* olao OBoaf tk* ao*t
Bade a flaa catok of troat
kdpfal aid* U*o** of tb* elak work,
da oaaartooB toCBarlartoa wlU ba d ploMint r*f*r*aee w*a plecn to to*
Fl*BB toaucrow kp to# Bop* Baad. Btaw pWarotloa oad to* foitktaljtad
Iba far* for tk* roaad trip will b* 5*
It work of tb* (xceaUe* board of
tk* loeal elab wa* eoaaeatad apoa.
%Awwti tmt that akowod a«ldaao* Sk* epoka ottb* fain toe alpb
of kaelap ba*B dp
btra bora mod* la toe pa*t few paar* la
.aThtmdap bp Bd. toe aaa*. tiaaaep oad proo* with wbleb
OUb*rt aad J. O. Lo
toap exprcat ibcaadrMln to* meetTb* ladl«B ol to* Okarto of Chriet lap* oad iB eOBoladlnp told; “dad *11
wUl *r*ot a booth aad *ar«* rafrato. toU. *9 iaoxpr***iblp rajoable, k not
BMt* 08 too aaraer of Front aad UaloB tar tb* club B*ab*r* oloBc, bat U oa•tioak too third aad foartb of Jalp.
OMlp troa*Bittod to aU wbo map
within tbair elrde of Infloeae*.
a B. Oardaar d Boa ko*a boaa pattlap la loar olpkt laeh artoalaa walla te that *a«h aeabar map be likened to
a oeaml orb from which r*p* ot lipht
te to* datrlB Iron Oa da too
>kalr kiihlawp arrira* bar* tk*p wUl radlcM la di dlreetloa*. The *»1bo of
B work «a to* B*«-Blpkt laeh wall to* WoBO*^* Club eoB not k*
foretold. Laap aftor the aeabar*
for to*HplB».
dtwr a eas*M aaoap to* Bojorltp bar* pOMd from to* esea* of acttrltp.
wUl po Off,
ot too dtp B0r«ltaak.ttw** d*ddod
to Ut «oek boala*** son dedde for
klatfolf wketoor k* would ka*p U*
dor* opoa oa toe alfku of Ta**dop. to* kror* to kr*r«r deed* and iaaphlnp
Woddeodap aad Tbandap, Jalp ird. toe bapafnl with tuoaper bop*, and
pointiap toward perfect ideok la oil
41b oad tik.
•pkarco of bnaoo Hfaf«a'SSlMlp.
Tk* Citor Mak««' Ualoa ot tkU dtp
Tb* •aereurp. Moi. BU* W. Fatrp
ka* roo*l*od 0 dreaUr troa tk* later- par* 08 UtcraaUap toriew of to* <
BtUoaal baodsaattot* la Chleapo. elat- ot to* pear which
to Bind the
iBf toat to* raport drealatod tkai
B*ap pl«otoBt oftaraooM apeat bp toe
baildlap trodaaloekoat bad baaa loat
elab BMabcr* la the *tadp ot tbe bUaad that iodlridaU antoo* or* wUh- torp. llurotore. motlo oad art ut tbe
dtowiap froa tka eaaaell, k antme on d United butc*. Tbereporiof tbe treoitoot toe buildout trade* modi obo nrer toowed toe dub to b* in pood flnbbIob* toaraof oib ** det*rBlD*d a*
kl; ceaoitioa and the olk«r report*
rer to rwaolo naltod.
pirea wer* eqaellp pr*tlfplnp. Ifn. J
ttrosd *rro*wa* Lodp*. No. <00.1. 0 A. MottUpne read o report written bp
O. F. wIU oppM la tb* Foorto ol Jalp .Mro Addle L. Ulbb* ot the *:bool 'eoBparad* la fall rapall*.
Bitted Toe eoBBlttee hk* Tkitod *11
Bbo* TraBolB dtalrca all wbo or* t» toe prod** and wbll* flndinp * few
tok* port la to* ooraleol oak* walk to tolop* tocp woald Uk* to *ee *ome
itot to* Oltp OpataSoMtoBoi
It ekenp* B»de in. hod aonp
ot t ddoek.
1* of preik* for the odalroble
Two now uoaotorBor* wore raodrad BClbodk in fopue in to* MhooU of the
bp to* BootdBaa Blrer Bleotrle Lipht dtp.
OBd Power Cc. p**t*rd*p, aad wlthla
The pork qneatlon wo* referred to
hoar* w*r* la plaoe oad toe oar- and toe todi** km uoenlaou la tbe
taraad oo. T0*p raploe* tk* dMlre to have *ome peraoneat aetloh
troMtormar* baraad oat bp Uphtolof tokea toon bp the eitp.
Tocdlap alphv
dmra tor the eaaalnp peer were
Tbe ladependeotko** ball kaa ba* circled *■ tollo**:
Prekident—Mr*. Mkrp A. & RoberUiteared tb* a** of toe Twelltb *trMt
F.ikt Viic Fiee.daot—Bn. W
park for tba »ea*oa. oad will hoe* two
hot r*B** oa to* Third oad Foartb of Tumt-r.
Jalp. Tbetaaawmkarea deeldedip
dlBereai aoke np from tool which met
tb* Twirleri reoeatlp. tod tome f*tt I
work U eipeeted.
Tb* odtoDM lain ot *e*U for Brpea'* '
Oomediiiat wllhopcD *l the box olHce
tbit merDiop.

Fl**awl With tk* Beanlt.
Y«*Urd*p the deicfkU* to the *UW
aoBV*Btibn and otber* wb» relurard
If *«eet pounp widowk want to
from Uraod Rvpldi we-e pleotad with •ketch' kome kweetbeort In tac lunnp
to* B»publi>!*o nouinottonr. Tboa* tkDpIre ot tbdr poldea enrie, tbey'd
bettor take Roekp. Moantnln Tet
who «*B» rMMrdap were Uto. .1
it M*dielae. tie. Aek poor drup
MUlIkto. Hon Frank UaiS'Uoo. Jadf*
9. B. Moomr. 1‘ottBMterO. W. R«ff.
Froak Friedrich aDd'rbjr.>r B*U*
ddrortked Iwlur*.
Cra*>* •< t'ren.'h

A foo<I ill ill
iiiL U Ih-Iuc <-t|ieD<ted
Od 01 ilii' iireM’Ul uiiiiix-ul mi ('rvuje'i
probable tMillffre.'. l.tke tS.-lKTHl Joukart, be U rlnluinl im itio (leiM-eudBDt
of ^Freorh Iliipui-Uiit faiiillp. Illiaa.
eaator* were, •(iurdlup t«
rtolat*. who. •( tbe time of tbe rerocaUoD of the edli-i of Nauie* by l^ula
QwiorrBi-. In
cuilarated to tb*
ttpa aod wHiled ibere. Tbo oriflnal
of tbe fanilb

Seller koUl'
Bertwr Weller B
rketwee A B
to.te B A
<.r***ea Jeo
Orrtcii &«*..

Bill J*e B
■Kraerr f D


r BakUfkh
flstia. k a
Tb* power of tl
Br. Klap'* Mew Dkii wp wBto wba'lp
aaMa;. Baodrad* bae* aaadlt on
1^ adrir« oad aU aop Itaamflolk tn PUkataoaafe.aad eartataeat*. Beat
la toa werid far fltpBagk. Umt. Kidaapi aad Bowak Oiir*s eaatoatS.

B. WoU aid Jaa. a JokaMk drop


(1 have found it)

That id what the people oay
wheL they eee our nice
line of

Fresh, Clehs and
So Good, and theo
So Cheap.

When conoidering with
Phot to replenish the ravage*
of Uipe npop the ‘inner man'
give oar grooery o coll.
improve yonr
petite to see oU the g<
thing* we have for the table.

Mr. W. A. Blaaa e< Mawakader,


BMdl* Blohk
Phon* 14B.
Frost 81


paVtM fw iM-iMi wUl ba af a ■

Ika «aaallaait week dona kp tka elak
Ma Ita oya*bHM hw fftraa H a
klgfe toak OMsp tka elak* of to* *tato
and it pew late IM now paw af weak
whk a krlpht eutkiak far a kappp aad
paroo* twelve Baatk* of atodp aad

tMcii tin pwlHll
In HI tin l)W too
iMNiun nwaaiw,
iHtH tm pMiCaHir


No more danger to operate than a lamp.
Any child can light aod use them. I have
a full line from a 3-1>umec low stove |6 a
fine large 3-bumer with oyen. Little-at-a
time payments.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 S^coax-t S-tureet.

Good Ikaplar* ■atorialaad.
rb* attoatloB af oU tompersta and
latoBparota paopl* k dlrtctad to aa
eatortoiataaBt ptoaa bp the «3«od Tub-'
plan in IkkirtodparooB* Ikk *Tanlnp.
Hew aoap* will b* eoap. pood muale
rueitatlpa* and new tooupbt* upon
to* aubiact of UBpenaoa lee .a
oad cake will be **rT*d oad a oorfllal
OB* U aatoaded to aU.

This Week
We Open a Sale
That will compt
m—ud an
examination ot tbe volne* of oar aho«a will

Tb* Raooaii ba* Joat rewivad a *erp
anrely make you a purchaser.
*Mt. baadpalatad praprros for tk*!
In tbia itsoe we will qaote only • tew
of toe Ft. Balkaap
the shoe batgoina.
iB^iaa ladastrial aebool ot Moataaa.
Tkaaehool k •aparlntaaded bp Frank Temptation No. 1—196 peiro of lodiee* fine eboeoi oil aizee—a
Kpatlko. foraerlp of tola dtp.
variety of styles, incluaing tan bicycle aboea—none worth
Fonad N*w Tonth.

vlpor aad pool
K«rv* and B
to* aerrM, make new, rl
to MBk. *11 dmrpkt* r Dr. A. W.
Cb*** Mad. Oo.. Baffola New York-



lesi than $200 aod some were fonnerli' 12.50, for............... 81.46
Temptation No. 8—Over dOO pairs ot ladies' and miaaeo’ fine
snoea, sizes 1 to 4—0 variety of styles—every pair of good
quality—a epeciol snap fop amoll feet—most 01 them sold
for tl .50 and $2.00—to tempt you........................................... 98o



186 Front Btreet

Fraotleiil Shoe Van

Base Ball


We will have or nothing. That's the way Traverse City al­
ways does thinge.; We have the best or nothing, and we
say the best way to enjoy a game is to get into it The best
way to get into it is to have the right sporting gooda No
Srm in the city handles a finer line than we do.

Golf is Great....
Long live Golf! With the interest that the golf enthusiasts created last year
it will be a prime favorite this season. Here are all the articles wanted:
You'll want a Cleek; costs you $1.50, so will the Lofting Mashie. the Niblick,
the Lofter and the: Putting Cleek. The Silvertown Golf Ball sells at 35c >each
or S-l oo the doz. The Spaulding "Bramble” Golf Ball, 35c and $3.75 the doz.
The Scotch PlaidI Caddy Bags, leather trimmings and leather bottom
tom with
studs, ball pocket and sling to match plaids, sells for $3.00. The Canvas Cad­
dy Bag. leather trimmings with wood bottom, ball pocket and sling to piatch,
sells for $1.00. Golf Tees, sell at loc each. Other goods not in stock ordered
on "short police.”

Base Ball is King.
And the King has many willing subjects. Like the Pied Piper of Hamlin ev»
irybody "falls in jine" and follows the...................
ball club.
Are you fully equipped.....................
with all the accessories? We're selling everything in
the line off Ball Goods. Want a bat? Have them from 5c to $1.25: want to
ill your aattention to the King of the Field at 50c and the Louisville Sluggers,
85c. Basf Balls Irom 5c to; have both the Spaulding and the Reach
League Balls. The .■\merican League at Si.oo is the best dollar ever sold.
Catcher's Mitts from 20c to S3.50, with one of the best on the market for $2.25;
Infielder’s gloves from 25c to $1.30. Shoe I’lates, 25c the pair. Be sure to ask
lor Spaulding's igoo catalogue and price list of sporting goods. They are free.

Fishing is a Sport....
that is very ‘‘catching.” The longer you fish the more you want to. We’re
here to help your success. The greatest line of^les in the-city from 20c up to
the finest combination Bristol steel for $5.00. 'The Bamboo poles are 8c. loc
and 12C. Bait boxes, big and little, oblong or crescent shaped, sell at i^c and
and 20C. Flies, for either trout or bass fishing, 55c to 95c. the dozen. Lines, a
big assortment from 2c to $ Fish Baskete, the very best goods from $1.00$1.75. Reels, all sizes, all kinds of bateot arrangements: from 30C up to $5.

The Hannah & Lay Hereantile Co.






tntn If t$et£rr.


orMioMiaAN i

, to kto

Wittaw*! tottei^



i< tto ktawfvMa <


■••llbatuitaramtM I

^il—ill— bwtbtof Ik* 4

hM fcluKiw aU taM Wf««l M
JMW «(tckt
fWtoHHfcfc «

f«n«U.toteto Ttoiltac Mtotlm to
imam, «M Mbbil •( ciii aal a

«M* la tbat «llr Mwna > aal * ^
WrifklBlaMa Uai ba
tow'ua a—W ol a
■M «M Halaal M taow kto raUU—
. •■iBltfalktaioftoMU—akaa ateaa-

bakiaalljfaaaaaitoapaUaa aiattoa
Aa aa-Hartot c< tkai el^ to- laifim
aal tba paltoa ato toaaaUfaUaf.
^ ■atoar a« aaaaria* faad Mala Hbat
ttar ara raUtof aaa«7 br <

■.-..iu, 1.

«d) Ufttos aartaea aad —la ia tba OraaBad.PMeta Balia
tan ar a aeiaw at toa aam tlaa a-----

Captain Fowler to S ft. 4 to. to belsbt
•nd walKhi 340 poondt.

to tba heatoaatalteea
Vb—MUvbaato aat topataaoaBba
lotbaatoaof aiiaUp
ataad at. to oaa or iMr« croapa at two Braal aad Battar
bibtod or baaUa aaob oCbar. Tbaalfar
Bbapad ear, fanUiad with a BMtor aod
Teaato aad raapaaaaa
eainiag tbe aHtnaoto. to attaebad bar! •
antaltr aate tba omiar at tba wbanla. ot tbit part of tba tnaattaa to a ewy
aothat tbawboto
■aaibla a ooloaaal bird, propellad, to- totoraatiat Baaaar ••Motbartwod."
ataad cd by wtnga, by nrolTtoc wbaeto, Mra. Bauai "Tbe BatotkB of tbe
tba lifttot aaifaoB of wbleb are oqd- Mother to tba Ktodarrartaa." Mra. W.
amtlTaly aad acaataatly dareloptog J. Hobba; "Tba Mother and tba.HoBe."
Tarttoal aad bortooatal power. Tbe Mra. J. W. Patobto; "Tba EalaUoo ot
btid'a DovaBeati to dyliif aad tbe too Mother to the Taaeber.” Mia C H.
-to tba
Bora: "Oar Boya." Mra. C. /. Bboer.
"Oar Qtoto.'' Mtoa Jesaar.
Tba oecaelon waa in all waya a Boat
aeation ebangtri to a rotary notion
daligbtfnl and proflubla oar.

Into toa watar. Bto Botoar
aad allppad tototba
•at drowaad to tba Bt. Joaapb rirer
Aboat alfbt yaara a«a.
At Oneway, toa three year eld
Aaafbwr of Mr. aad Mea. B. Btaaa fall
lata a ktotU of baUtoc water aed wee
eaaUad to daatb.
Aatogalar taatara Barked the big
ratoatora that aaddaoly draaebad
Coldwator. Jatt oattlda toa olty
llBltanotadropaf rato fall, faraan
aet batog deUyod a atoato with tbair
•etlitotoabayAaida. TbaratofaUto
tba ally waa eery heavy.


« f‘7.
It U tbo puoallar qoalliy of tbeaa
wbeeU that they do not. a. night bo
■appoBd. dleperee (be air aronud than.
Tb«7 rather eittart It toward ibeir rap­
idly moTing lurfnoe. ooudwuliig it to
apowetfal atrram. wbiob panea down
oblbioely through tbeiroyllndera. Their
Teloolty ran be made to eorpoB by far
toot of railway trains tbni toabltog
tten to ronqoer oonenry wind* and air
oomasu.—Miei Helene fioaftotiB PopaUrBoiBioe Mootbly.
m baa been reomded In

Bobart Whaator of JUatoa. atai# 00 aooount of a aeTcio- pain In hU
Bat Ibo onfforer wai anniod
elrmUlatfertoaOiMdJUpttto 1
that (bare wa* nutbing the mattvr. ne
erat. to \m toaalty for a faw daya
then paid a vtolt to bto dentiai. who inIlia. iW. Tmaball aad ObarUa
famed him that bto teeth ware parfeotXraabait war# |a toa al^ yaatarday
aadatop^d at tba Park Ptooa.
called upon aa eleotrielan be knew
ByaJordaS^,aed C. 0. Staalay ot and a*ked bln If It were poeelble be
oonld have any eleotriolt; in bU isoatb.
•attoae Bay dra at Parb Place.
Mia. W. 4t. taabbeler of lAke Aaa la On esanluiug tlivtrcib htofiirndfoand
that two metali were u«uil to Hz tbem
to toa elty.
p. H. Viatoa of WilltoBabarg
to to a oonporiiioo pUtr. To Iboee netal
wire* were then attached and eoaoeclrd
galvanonuter. Tbna
Uie iwui
teeth were
— elty
- -yBtgrday.
to a gaivaDoiauier.
luuu uio
W. 8. OravB wa# to fibB OBBto i „_j,oed in tbe paHent’e luootb and tbe
yeetorday on baton— _
nototoned with aaliva. No aoonWUllan B Claae pad F. B. Mapm of. „
tbto done than the galvaupmetvr
Good Barbor ware \at tba OolaBbto { ebowed qoltu a largo current from m>
it 1* aiatrd. y>
[^•Lrl of Maa^. waa at to* cane nlotawUon aud aevero jutn when
long contUsned upon *o icDiUive an or-

Agaag ot hOOdloB* Btde life miaarablator tbe nMMacart on too Ann
Arbor ezearalw train to Tolado laet
Saoday. On tbe <iv7*dewo tb« rafitoe
behaved toeauelvB fairly well, bnt on
toeretani trip pandeBonian broke
___ jandkaivaa aad revolvert were
^y btntobed. aad for a tlBc It look
ad aa tbongh warder might be cowBitted.
cent bottU of Oreeaeb Warranted 8yrap of Tar If it falU to care your rough
or cold. We atoo guaraatoe a S5 cent
eiory or t
rafanded.’ 8^A Walt. BmW A Boi
burg. Janet O.J

Tba realeotton of olBeere for tba O.
M. a bleyola elab vraa bald laat ev»atog at Oranga ball, aad with It were
eomttoed naBtrau aoelal faataraa ot a
vary delightful btod. Abont 60 wera
praaeai. At toa bnalanitoaatoon II aaw aaabare were aeeeptod into toe clnband
oSoeta weraeleetedatfollowi:
Pmldant-Wm B. Poole.
Vtee Praaldent—Olive Palgban.
Beeralary—Beale Pulgbun.
Treatarer—Arnold Cook.
Altar toe baeinete eealoa a very
pleaaaat time wae bad. gamcaof all
klnda were<ptoyed and refreahneau of
iae orran. eeffte aad «^e,waajnT«d.
A band ol Jolly aouto tide boy* and
glrto la Babe ccatume Vent oat to Pine
Beach laat evaaUg. Tbtoe were about
*1 la tbe party and tbey all bad a fine
Tbe parly drove about tbe city
toan to toe beach In a hay rack. It
Nellie Lardie. Daily Creaay. Ida
Otoly. Lontoc Hack. Mayae Poboral.
IdaCrraty. Alice Wait. OeorglatU Mar-

a^SS 'SraUito
fro. a
a '
ba*k frosn
pj„,a«red tea from tb# caddy
BaalBvaitrlpto Datroil.
«nd tbejAt.r from tbe Mtla liiooltoBtv. 0. CakllawaBt to Horthpari
, 1^1,00 dipper, aa a
. addroei
.........-bafarv proaeb waiter ponn l>ot milk

to dalWar aa
and ooffn.
*Ba v-tf»T“^ oBBSty Ckriittoa Ba- 'aBdatin it eatvfally with a‘ eboMB''
dMBWiobf{ bamboo. COM ead cf which to ■plir into
—all alivera—PUtodtlpbia Udger.
HnA Btodbaa baa ratarmad from

Return Engegement.

Steinberg’s Grant
Opera House.
One Solid Week


The Best Reiiertoire Compeoy
on the Road.

Grit, or Trne as Steel 1

Oenaumptlon, I

\ The dmN HONCOy*
Ci—W ^ W tMjm,

When the goods came in Md w« saw
wkat excellent values we had received
from the manufacturers on negligee'
and full bosom shins.

Open Your
When we are-allowed to show youj
how cheaply tve shall be- enabled to
reuil these goods. An unusually good
bargain in Madras Cloth Negligee
Shirt at 50c. - 75c buys from a hand­
some line patterns laundered, bosom,
two collars and cuffs. Our $1.00 line
embraces the choicest patterns negli­
gee and laundered bosom shirts frofn ,
the best and largest manufacturers in
the United States. You will do well'
*to see them.


opee* at tbe box
Advaoceeale of
cIBee xbir ID-'-nirg
-JO aod 30 Cl
i Popolar



Take tb« ccoatoc.-’vririaal
I kwpi rva wtol- .Oer trod* (

beiore llie Fourth--

After the Fourth, and at all times. Know
you all—Here is where your dollars go farther; here
» is where your choice is not obscurtd with off thm^.
[ and where your selection is almost without a limit. .
We fit the baby, the boy. the slim youth, and
' the stout heav>>weight. and save you money on every
purchase you make.

1500 bright, hendsomely made children's sells
Irom 76c to $6.00.
(rup^to-date line Touth's Suits at Old Fashioned Prices
It will 1 f pay you well to investigate the t^lues
:n’s suits. Our $.;.9S,
we offer in men’s—----............................
............. anti suits are beyond boubt the greatest
values in Northern Michigan.

The Boston Store

1 Secure '3or ^owrseV^
Sot \.\ve SourWt



by tbe Romani «ba learned_____. ..
Oraak atoo. married a Roman aMataT *
and lived iberatt e< her life ataRomon
amon E

rttba I

edM S
Bfae- V


Honda;, Jnl; 2.


tonohla, toa ^bvcd of Palmyra, apoke i Jl

taakage from toe gai pipea of :
agaala » per eoDt ot tba total a

BOW bar baalto to eaaallaat" Etootrio
Blttara to too beat blood parifter ki
Ito tba aapraBe roaMdy for eezoBa.
lottor, aalt rbeoB. alccra, boito aad
raaatoc ooree. It ttlBelataa Hear
kMaaya aad bowala, aaoela notooaa
. halpa dlcatltoe. bnlldt op tbe tlrcogtb
Oale 50e Bold by S. E Wait and a*

Traveraa City Tent. Mo. «Tl, K. 0. X.
M., bald a dcltgbtfol daaM after lodgb
laat nlgbt to Fotaawra Hall. Abont 60
ware preaent. The ladlet of Anand*
Btve eerved lea crtaB. aad atiawbcrry
abort eake.

Mn. J P. Q.llapto rataraal t* toe i^^twl wlib evcrytolug Ibtt ntan.lng"
•hgtroaeaTUlttoBBakrllU. Indian*.
Bulle cauio .« Ihu cardijBlariiJ Hr- Ulll*ayto will raaala Ml'afooe—"cxi - nttusyoaraennan.''— ^
toar* aavarBl weak* loager.
Barry Beaeov baa goai to MaaprioBa j
■oklM TM to Ai

vWt wtto raUttvaa at Lalaad.
Dr. W. B. Mbm w« to latartoebaa

..BM fNB Sr. D. B. Oa^a
WaaUto, L X. Ha writat: “Blaat^
BUtBdbaa aarod Mra. Brawar of aarofatowWbtob badaaaaad barytaat aU-

A dellghtlnl aoclal party waa flrea
laat eeoninr at the Fork Plaoe. to toe
gWMU of the hotel aad a few toeited
yneeu froB tbe city. Prof. aoreVe
Borcbecira fantobad tbe BOtoe.
OoUeiona retrcabBaata we^ eareod
daring tbe evening.

Loe MliebtoJ ot ImUbI, wa* la to*
elty yeaurday ea boalaato.
•topbaai^Mdtoofttld Mtodaa. wh* lltonatriea ami Itan.
ia bona as bto mmnm eanatloa wa*. at
Park Ptoa* yo*tord*y.
Mr. aad Ni*. Hama*! Jawatt will arrlra OB tba OhartovoU from Obiaago
MBorrow to apaad toa auBBar at
cried witb umb *BoeMi that IIh' patiei
Foraal Lodge.
Am prweribed U tu moDy at bto fricutto.
Mr. aad Mra Jobs Dtogm. wbe have It to almpiy to keep yooreycaopen vrbco
be*8 vtoUtog Mra Dtoga'e brotow
B want to go to alecp aud cauuot.
aad aUtor. W. A. Marvla of Lake
MM wb9*o brain .to toe
t( active will
tbe ey« aud vainly
avaaaa aad Mia. LeBoy ~
' Ttoi vny clwiiiR
Blawood avaaae. aataraed yettorday BUdeavor to
at thu eye* ewmi to cemmutraU’ thn
_ giWBlag to tbair bant at Jaakaos.
nnial ficultitc on busiiM-M aflairn awl j
~~Joba. P. MaadhaB froa Ml 3l
otbur dUlracticnuk T1h> Ihcorruf 1
Mary'* daBlaary, OiadaBaU. O . aad Pranrh gdiyiiduii i* tlint if tliericnniur!
Headbaa frow Aataaptloa imouuiia will tlx bto <■>-<« npuii *01001
Oallaga. SaadBieb. Canada, are borne ^
towlow. ..r wu |
toravtolt. '
| on th« <luikiii'MiU<'lf. Iio e*Bri'li..vv hi* I
B. U Neaeog jf O’.eB Avber wa* a niud fr.iia ttomKliiK ilmt j.ivrl' * »l and ]
Xravarae City vtoltor yretorday.
. divert •timitlou from hiuwlf. Try Hi.' 1
Mtoi Pioraaaa Tboapara
““tj j
I...... . i_«
mUb* with tb*
how m»<MU6rlon.1y your ry.- will
^ froa a two w^k* OBUBg will
,oor-,bouKhto Ik-kIb to uk. !
Uailyof a»v. W. K. Wright at L»
Stro«Kl.- to kerpi
' them o]m-u and fixed u|Kni aii ulijerr, 1
F.J.l'jrtor of Ulaad, waa la tbe eith.T V'«l "rlmagitiary. and Iwf.iro you
I aware nt It (b« nraRkrlo will liave
alty yMtarday 00. bntiaeu.
M. W Oaiirwool waat to Sbbb i I BBdnl 0)1.1 hl.-.-p B-ill to< vK-toriona
OUy ycaterday on baalat.o. i
Prank Uauaett of Isiw ..h—
i Onod w-beu Cardinal MauniuK waa
iB tov elty yoaUrday 0
jaeachlng iu Romw hr n-cogiilaed John
Q. C. TbecBpaia wait
omouK hto liau-uvni On ibu Inpwt^fday.
otanl he deienuinrd to preach to biai
J. 0. Wrlgklaadwltiarato* gaaaU Md dwelt with a* mnrh force aud i-ffect
•IMr.aadMr*. V. B.' Rolaad aaitl:, aa
be doold ou tbe
ciurea of tb«
Bttor tae Poerth.
■ Virgin to oar veneration.

Utol as aU-BBtad alaoiwa to a*


Tniu « a ktto. calliac IBM |l«r tito

MO w half baud a ateaa road tbroagb | ^ toiablp, at tba bum tlino pennluii
tbair p^oparty.
: of a blgb Telodty.
lOj wj
Tbe Tbe
tbe Utter
. Barry V. dallb o( Obtoara.
tbe Ui U Inwaaerf tlM


a tba akUdroa
artBast of tba
aabooL Aftar

tbe waltla* crowda at tba rarl*
•aa brtdfaa to Chicap> tbe other alsht
tte Mtor wfc>.»MWtto»ttf
u tbe ateamer Oeeaoto paeaed to^
AMm «w to »tMC *kj
M tbs tawM «•■•
tba rirer. all canard by tbe Bwnbtfona
fMMb«lsOllMd.MleOB- haaatUaU; AaMraWd with aadar. taria «Ue and betobt of (be nan In eoi
i^nMUr to OMpnM itM kto la Ifal vv aaliaaaa. Tbaaaaawaa:

jteB. WUU ivTOlTtoCfond the


gaa. OcfbaCbaaar. Rbada Banaabacp.
Tal Tbtolby. Jaak Broaltoat. Qaada
Otrtap. Aalpb MaCUaky. Uoto Wabbar.
mil Baaato, CUala TMtpktoa. tbot
WObalw. JIB WUIkar. Harbart Sob-



Kimball Pianos
and Organs

ttiiTO to ttoto» mi to i\\ mL
m Mto »Aw» tr«m

eai r'ut«
v» «>
Vnt to to «m*4ra4. -J« »»l tot to»*. tot, m
cluto •X tot vtot:
-\kr»T» TttxMXitol,.

"\SD.l{CvV\AkeTv I

Ars nasd by mors people around tbe world ^sa say
other goode madef Why? Bsosuse they srevths product of money, brsina and 48 yesrs sa^isrienos.
Sold by the mskers.


W. W. Kimball Co.
IM Front Strsei,

m. w. STBOirO, Vsnsgsr





f fnvffnrf JTMU

It ttotT trttia j

nM ntM
Tk«4MMiriU9nMtla tka »««t.^yaU^alDaWlikto ■wwy «< b«r
Urlmt M» w««h
taClMOOM. _
4Mda4aiOBll«M«tkof u* aitr
i(Ha.—4FaU—iliipmrM n(^ «MyM»UalfkltniaB. twtdmt
Mat MU tat« tka ■eaalaU tat<
Tka aaaaaa e« Porta llaa «Uaa tk^t
■ of Ika»
Porta fttaa’a aofaU•artpoi
■ fta4oaroBUa:ia*a4: OUaa'a. IM.
AMa froM Toaalai of aottoa fooda
farakaaad for asport to OkUa. tka ealp
yaaoaaaaf aCaat of Ika tmWaa U
CUaa-aaaa to ba aa adraaaa la tka
yrtaa of taaa raaclac baiwaoa IHa aai

IwodMUtnatMat of Japaaaod ofiatetoOB I

k«ariaaa kaa kaaa paqalUad kp a
Oabaa iarjr. Oaaacal Wood wU lawtftala.
Ika Beataa Traaaaripi talla of a we,Ma wko waa oe aaaraa to aaawarlaf

orator taal aka oMoad figs oaa dlatriat
lata aaptkar la ardar to dodfa kka.
Tka ofaaai work had kaaa ooapUtad
*- la tka diatriet la wklab aka aaUbUakad
kv aaw koM, aad that aba oatwl^ltad
1. tkoBfh at o
aldarakU axpaaaa la kanaU.
orta fraa MtaaaaoU

•ad tba Dbkotaa ladlaau tkat tkaca
kM kaaa ae praaUeal raUaf troa tka
loaf aattlBaad aad kUffkUair dioatht.
•ad that tka wat kopatal aatlMtat do
•at eoaat oa kaU a arop for tka tkraa
Matw tritk taaaral aad kaavp ralaa
wltklaa to* daja. Mara
taOUoa aow ka*a kaaa plowad ap. aad
alaak kaa kaaa tanad oa tka flalda by
Maplarwta. Dadar tka boat aoadl
Mbm, ■lllaw of Dalaik aad MlaaaapaUidaaat aapaattka tkiaa atataa to
aataa aaaafk wka^ lor tbair BtUa m
tMad, aad tkara wUI ka aeaa for aklp■ of tka *^biilai

Of tka total »,«04 aakjaata. tkoaa of
Mtlak allatiaaea ara 1.7ft! U aaBbar.
aUboatk alUataa of tka Daltad Btetaa
atlU yrodaelaala. with l.ui. Tka
IT ara dtlaaaa of otkar ooaatrlaa.

ba Bald Bara Tkb Taar,

Ooaaty OoaraatloD at Boaroa'^aatar.
ffof tka
kaa of tka ooaaty ffaeday

aakool i

I bald
1 jMlarday


teem-. doAcwe r
■lac* at IVUL*.




barof lritoda7«abMbj.thatMTMae-



Aaan wa tb* Adrtee mt Hte FMM4. tba
Uarr' Ibr fuc*i(B
Utile TwOm. bat ta aMwIy Dlta
do«s darad
<• the aacrad act!
palaled at tbe Keewit a« Hla W.
g( tka auB t. —_______
* ' W*kBar-CalD yt'Dnair.
Ua wajwrOnk a kaadriO. a i
ICoprtlgbt. I»». by C. B. Lewla.1
bnach uf tka dua«. bara laodrd ft\<m
X Tbaa pBiitag aoiae ccBesrpatrh on i
tkair aUpa. Wa cvuld aal tU-m aU aitk
aboe for fwrtm eenU rbra dot little ul
ckopitieka U wa au daalrrd.
Tka kapnaa-Mod rat. »oo of a aaor._J eaya:
p^ why d>« J >«
aal theai. tkaol
*'Haaa. where rkai der crowd r
Why do you boibar d
_ .
*^ly two peoplee coBee la today.” I
IJ Whaac—Ituo't -diatjaaa. yuoraalt
(odoiMkar of Ibe auUr ayataa. It wU
“Where That der peeaoeasr
tnrHy aoiaa out riebt.
Tkaar foaalca
,rin der poorboUBe."
darllt will praaaatly raturv to tbair ihlpa
“Look betv. ny frendt.” be aaya. *
aad aU wUl ba walL
adrlce you Tbaa
rhia all right.
Tka Eopma-ltatan: Ob. bold
a bIi you rbat dot yon doet
nu body a a
oadmund der peoples la dit conotiy.
! Out llu-lr b<^ oKa
Bbaal you come by my Uilur shop, and
yoa rhlO tee dweaty mstoBera. It Tbaa
iBparlal oppUbnaaa. la tb« firat plae*. all la baeaiiiig bow. LK toe gif you aosae
lOAK) brads would apriof up tor aack polateta. Put oo yaox Banday riotbaa
ooa rut off.
In tba anvnd plaea. tkay nod go down by der city half
woolda'i lat as.
“Bow ahatl1 dot help By .pe.
Tba Empms- Ob. ob. ok: To tbiak I
“Dot Tbaa By polaier. Ydu msM go
I bs bailM la By own palaeci
' ‘ ‘ at
.. aoase
pUooa and
aad leek
‘ '
ftiraltare and aay to doee
dot yoa rhae
e a cobblee. If dey aball gU
It^'i-t ba did.
yoa some eobbllu.
obbllu. yoib.BbBll boy yoar
> Empraas-Aad you poaltiraly rw gooda of dea.
D. One band ahalJ waib dot
lo cut off tbair baadsT
odder. If dey are •
IdWbaat-lnusl. diatl

Tba Bbj
LI ttkai
ibongbls or tbaa!


7 praiw
ata tba oaaltr of tblna: Kbortan Ibaaa
ra-auoagfa: I bar
baran't tba baart to do
The Etapms—Why. you poor little ply
tailed rat. has It rune w. far at tbIsT
And you really Ibink Bc iorelyt Tabe-bo.
LI WhaDc-lAireller than tbe aarrvd
larquer work In Ibe rarden uf tbe tbrwo
Finer than apun ailk.
S«-ceter than tbe chop auoey of tbe gods.
be dealred tbaa appira from tbe
holy tree
of (’hln-t'bio. Bapma. yon'ra

la a bolj.BaT.D.Ooeb

wwrwrwnwwwc wnw wrwc wiWC


trr tor Blowdc D. wARNsrs oompouhb
- oroa.
eenady. aad for all diMata
aad Uood. from Oaotaat ikd



tnX hyiaaa.

Tba Eotml tribotaa «a
ad a Malta

kafflBBiNr aext M today cTaalaff. Ja’2
Tka Bprwp of May


A tm &ffmositntteB

aald *ot

OroBtka fMtaWat; %,HlUo«of

I, aatrelaedaarffoarltaiaad bo«qaatotearwUOMCroBtkaLaAy Mac- ad Bryaak C

of Croabad Cereal OeSaa Cabo wUl ha
Clean at Baanah A Lay UattaBtOa
On. an tba week of Jaly J. F. Oar*.
Taaeday, Jaly * aiai

Oraad aad tboroarkly aajoyad a alerar

fasUy. WUllaa Haokar; ac


otkar plaoa of rooaa from eooalaa of dt- BtaaL”

of ••Orlt,



booqmaa from uld

trlaada. Kta. Parla.





alt -



tbaooBpaaykaaoBaaMaro popoLaat


Tba pall baaran wara F>


Biyaak acfraffatioa kaa

eaaaad. WUI Aakar aad Claia Powle el itad tklB ally aaearal

woU ataffod aad tka varlaaa paria eery

tm aad B. L. Oartar bad abarffa of tba

woU portrayed-


aampaaykra wall aalaewd aad aaeh

The •awbera of


Aod Float Dnperiaa, flkdc; Boat,
mg, and eTerTthmg in tbe Una ol
rieaa a part aapaetally adapted to hla
Mowk Tbltr
arhareaptbil'.tiae.' Batwaaa Ua aeta diaplay deotm^jena ogi be ptv
oared if ordBMd betoew lf«&I tkateaaaot ba
dssr, July g, of C. F. Make
._^d& BaU'__________________
r. J. Obaoay A Co.. Tnlado. O.
I make anything in tbe above Una
Mrad for tka balWc. tba oadaralmd. bara bwtwa P.
from a ehild’a flag to,ten4oot tlaJ. atmar te tAHaal 1ft yaaia. aad beane paper balloon, in haman, aai*
Tke MtataMk BrldaBee,
mal, or regular form.
aMa^B^ea^ otat aay obU^Uoba mada
W N. Edwarda; BspUat Minla
Note—I offer a priie of a free
tSalo, M Y . nya: “I dopot has
’’’t^A^oa*. Wbotawla nroffflau.
ilata to proaoaaeaOr. A. W. Chasa'
for anything tbay want to
WaldlBff. Ktaaaa A Marrla. Wbalathe amount of ten dcdlara,1CflOBOX
It kaa enrati
lae after IS
aala Drofffflata. Tolada, O.
line of aigna, tfdm a rimple
BaUk Oatvr^ <>»** <•
aad tieqaaat agoey from the terrible
anUyrfe^ db^y apon tba
float akirting to a ten-faiot nlk
llekloff. I akall rreomBCOd It aad aaa
______________ aarlacea of the ayatam.
banner in gold lettering, to the
TaaUBOoiala aaal fraa. Prlee 7fte par
botUe. Sold
- - - by all
lucky Sunday School or Ohnroh,
riataor Dr- A^W. Cbaaa Med. Co .^BnV
Btll'a IkBily PUla aro tba boat
falo, M. Y. Free Miaple box tor ataap. Indualrial, Charity, or Fraterna
giving .the order
drawing the number for it.
IzlPK tba talary of tba of Oraabed Cereal Ceffae'Caka
. iffael
wUl ba
A postal card addresaed to Bos
a tba flaaal yaar, aad- gran at Bannsh A
• Mercantile
_ M.ri. i»i.
>. all tbe week of Jn!
8. J'^^'iSMwill call
in 4

Ba it ordainad by the Coaoeil of TiaertM Cltyi
SaetloB 1. That tba City Bnrlaaar
.jaU raealea ao aaaaal aalary
Twalea Boadrad dollan.
Sar. I
Bald aalpry akaU ba paid _
.JO aad of aaok Boatb apea approral
of tba ooBPdl.
Baa. S. Aa


aar, Monday, Tneedsy. Jal!

F. Makepeace.

.. Coisaliitioi Ml EianiHtigi Fraa aal Sirieili Caififuiiil.

Tbe Emprew—Ob. Wbattgle, bow you
Batter! Too may ktaa By loageM flaaer

arooad ait bU good dotbea oo. dry ahaU
baUef he Thao rich and keepa Bfe Baa la
bta ahop. Dot rbaa bow I built oep my
tailor ahop. Wbea I doo't haf fife dollar
b ay pockac ptople bellet dot I rbaa


PoMfol at Mn. HgtMak.
Tka foMtsl of tka IMa Mto. Amoklk
Baltrlek •• nttaodad by • luffa mmm

. 1901.
‘ May ti. leoo, ta
will, Wbangie.
I leave it all Id ywir
■baoda. Tell ae again that yoa Uiak aa
iaaanadUte affaek
YbeU. dot loofca aU right to Be nad ■
A bait hour birr U 'ft’baag panaea la
Wa do baraby aartify that t
tbe eurrUor aa be learee the iaperbl wlte, nad 1 put oa ay black auit aad
ffolar ordlaaaoa waa paaaad
taka a walk. By aad fay 1 roam by a
andleere ebamber.
QptueU of Um elty of Traeoraa
U Wbaat-Ala‘t I a pootee floee dbp- plaao Btore nad goce la. Dot mao bowa Ibe sstb day of Jaaa, A. D 1900.
I gleea yeel-CVeeiaad TUla ^ abinUea uad'^niU bit bands, nad he
A. V. FaicitB)
Tbaa der abeapeet piano bouae la der
abowa me ten pUnoe,,jiBd
) a pblluaopber la a
^ HU to atk mr wife diet. UayU wa
tta acre deld beUad a U«<orgU mule na- ■kaU Uke eight piaaoa and Bebbe ooly
der a blaaing June bdo. nerd not worry
forty aarea,
If yoD want some paicbea
to any great eileat about the berealifier. rooral
« your beds ^
-WbUe ooe of
if our leading poItUcUaa
by my shop, hly prim rbas low nad ay
rUaa 1 b
was bathing In tbe Bill i«Dd
pond on -nieoday
Tueeday | «oib g^. nod I talk oobc politics rbile
last bc waa swallowed by an alligator, yoa
Shortly afterward Ibe aUlgiior crawled I
“1 don't like s<^ abokee." aaya dot
the Unk and died.
' nun. aa be lookf mad.
"If you don't
hare tx-.-a praylag for rain Cor j rbaat some plaa.iA rby you come in beiv
days and nights, but somehow or , ud lake oop luy trine.? klaype you rbaa
other tbe wind doesn't seem to be* In tba j looking for a mouib organ at bfe centat"
right dlrettlon.
He says my frendls better put me In
Tbe tuiers orer ben- arc not as dan-' acme ernay bouse licrurc J do damage,
geroua as tbusr in ('bins. In America .'and Then I goes nut der door be won't
they do mure talking ;ban figbting.-At- abpeak nor i '
o rail
Uuu Constitu^n.

ECo'baal W3xl1ilA«, Xr«b*7r<ex«e Oi-by,

THITBSDA^, - JULY 12, 1900.

SkT«70Ur Mhl.
KroU A Caae will faralab atatal caaa
for dapoalilaff aabaa aad pay la eaab
or aoap to tboaa wbo will tava tbair
tkam. Talapbooa aaw

OOaa Moan Bom

Oaa day oaly aaeb atoatb.

Tslkliig UsohiBM
for aala by the W. W. ElmbaU Cb.

Woodbine Cpttage

•epoag Her Con
-Joelab.'' said Mm. t'bugwater, who ^ 3? l‘‘‘ldfr beat in der world.” aaya
was l<N.kiog at the headlines in 4be mom•»**
comes oop.
... 1.
e-kf.____.....1... 'Out sums

Pleasait Roams. fSiiadyUawi.

ekarah aad

sziatate Street.

..V ... aUiut?"
*[gelber. utid dey sbau't sboieH of each
“Yon wouldn't lx- able to understaud It ®dder.
He vhas hraxa binges outsldo
•I should■ show It to yuu,” repUed Ur. .. J J
ocan Inside,
Inside, uud
uud your
your ice
■Ktaadad aoaa Um afo by tka city If■ '
•■If, written in lea ebert
cents a week. lf\j
■MBriatloB. to hold tka aoaaal rally la ChugwatPT.
cbareeK-m. and l.rt, of tbe fhioeae them- • »baot a bargain, here she vbaa. I kn<
Ult ally- A laaatiBff to eoaplata tba
• can't work U."-4nilo.go Tribune.
.PcI'T down from *70 to *H.S0 to elw
I for tba rally wUI
“VbelL msype I like » boy frerteen
-bald la tba Cob
inyer—Tina puiM-r ss>s Chat mire refrigerslure.'' I ssyx.
Den dot prlr* rbas reduc­
are stIrsHei] by tuusU-, but-1 ilon'l brtka eeaoly. llete It.
ed to $KA0 apiece.
Vlis* you building
reefie«» new Oaisr'
aatMoaroa Oaelar, Aofut
Ur. Uiij-i-r—Why tiut7
“Ob. ti.i. I Thss der fierman cobbler, 0OOX WatCTKO-abllsoD
Mm. .Uuy.-r- 1 ik-vit see sny mice
II aad !A.
you kuon-. uad I rbsi looking around a
areuixi nb>-ii I |>lay the pisi
......... ibsl's
. „„
, ‘vrt**-- ff r-ii do p.-e.i>e«, mil me. 1 shaU
Daatb of a> larly Sattlrr.
^ . your »hix-« f<ir seetly eents.
^BUaakatk Kakla. wifa of feha Kob a News.
But .did yon want some refrlgentom mVAItTRD-A gin toe men
'^^dlaydild towaaUp aad oMoftba
W No eookiog. Hood wag . tm wmi
Wkat Was He Ther* Fart
.piaoaaaaoftha roffleo. diad rbmraday
beerata stresi.
“Dji! yon wa nt *ni»e m-w aulear
“Well." said the old mau. VBlII's done
«ttbaa«aof M yaara. HhaUawa gndualrd In I.atia, Um-k an FmA"
“Ixx.k bet*, Dutebtoaus,'' be aayi
don't like somep.xly
bMkaad, aarao aaaa aad two daaffk'
“Youdim't aay:'
■ daaldad to aoeapl tba

. Mrs. H. M. TIKBLIN

M°K E.'£."!lSi.r.T“' ’«S'

Thafaapral will ba bald froaitba
fBtbolle ahoiob at MyBaUat 10 o'rleek


tka olraetloaof

A Waalth of Baauty
U ohaa ktddaa by aaatffbtly PImolas
Besana. Tattar. BryalpaUi. Halt Rbaan
olc. Baeklaa'a Aralea Salra will rlor.
Ity tba taca by earlaff all Skle Brop^’aoB. alao Oaia. Bralata. Baraa. BalU.
Faloaa. Uleera aad worat forau of
PUaa. Only S&e a Jbos. Cura
taad. Sold by S E. WaU aad Jaa. O.
JobMOO. dranlal.

pleasaut a Hi) lo iKe In la that ibore
ar* lumay "tuoadra" tin-re.
yoo ar.- lltprary. or uiusl<o1. or artUtlc,
•r. ladnHl. anyiblng a-bataoevor riar.
- you are anrr i» Bud a llitlp rougeolal
world and aoclei) davoW to your faoMir funa of an.

“Tnh- ns g»p.-L“'
•Tnh“Ao obat's be n-duln of uowT*

lung niid let biiii

I for ..I.
>ale iiud

ggggg he cures IFTER others Fill!


Tba Moat Saonaacfnl aad SoiaatlfleTTWtmaator Alt DUeaMoad Wm


Tbe ateai widely aod tsrorabJy known npoclalisl In tar (.'oiwd ataies. His Isag iiiiirtaira,

^j^APTXD <lor»
fteat belp.


■ and b**< wacr« lo
I reaalred Ure. W.
and WelUngtoe.

r sale rbrap lai
ter. "bot be Trill pull through."'
I*ulir ei-hos'd the sick alUnrdi-peuds ca
my exUlenee
a puU.''~C‘hieagn
t.. S.

BmU OtBtvr Ooek Book.
A lUoltad aaBbar lor aala a*, ts eaota
Mob- WUI ba saUad poataffa wid
oa roealpt of tba prioa. Addrtaa.Tba
Barald. Traww City. Miab.
Card of Tbaaha..

of Ibe

Victlm-They cdOl yon a
Haaor." 1 beMcTe?

------------- ^.or agalal area.


atellyapd, OBAFnSS. 1 can ■ per eani at all enaes
A.^rldM . Haay daaee eaiod la oaa traotmL

OHIO *OU KTBS aad grai
•ili *««»•-___ _______________
_______________ EHD nOSITTV* OVSB

don't go ondtr' be ahoul^ uod be don't

right? :
you aeare <«)> a»me peeaueatY"
I telb bim bow It rbas
s by pianos ^
refrigerators usd i
ealate,-etnd he-luoks toleraa und ahaket
’ bis bead upd aayf;
“SomeiTpBi Tbaa wrong. T
tinge Tfaar wrong. I belief you shall get
I a t'ootand dollars’« orth <>f peeaneaa, bnt
you don't get a ceni."
“But bow aball I danewr
“I gUfS. you shall keep quiet und sblay
by der shop. I nee
«ee now It rbas
rbaa ihefcrent.
You don't look some perwness alxrut you.
.1 -----------Vand nopody .U-Uefs
yoa rha. .
a rnnoiantg
for nMermans or haf a poll by dt-r
dt-r polves
force. 1 Tbaa aonr for you. 'Uaaa. bot
— ckn't all become little tailors nad

IXPOSTAirTTO LADIBfl-Oa.OTTMAN. nfwr ysaeo nl aae«iSM.bM ITlOTisiafl

' WO-ft*

TZrbTtVKI)— Oond girl lor general bouaeVV work Apply in Mm. Charles Bcaeolbal.
Wsahlagioo serset

. . .
uy my
from yuu. Do
>u like tx-tnenl patchea
or aballI I sew him
bim nn?”
e peleba-s on
_ you If yon

let me abpeak tu him again before 1 rbaa
oe der aid.-sbalk
I goes borne und takes off my Sunday
clotbe*. und pouty queek dot little tailor

Ueod^. Tkaaoay aad Wadaaalay.
Booda will yira fraa of eharra to
ovary porebaw aa aaafal aaooTOoIr
«diatrlbatad. Itk
tklv yoa oaa't do wltboai at yoar
vSfaat. dlaaw or aoopar ubl*.
Bwfbar ao aaattar bow amall yoar
y ba. yoa ara obllUad to
a BOOToalr.


SkLX Oaod Jerwy i
txBIre tlrh Bilk. I

e Bril-1
"1 »ball sell you a palat* for dot.” be
j aaya aab be »hake, bundv “im >-oo Ilk*
on that! a
* boos* on 0
o Ibill mil 40 rooms nad a
nain Usemeutr
■ Ix-lief I du.”

of Xaakiad FoaMble te Obtain.

oed. sttqni. ri-

rare of eblldteo—good i
Kelley. U1 Slate ,lte«l.

„u,l J

^ *°'Maybe I like to buy's boifke for *40.“It ai>i»ars ibui
DeuM- quamliy ut
Isb nrmy in South
• «'.m.ler if tbe
-ndly a

Jwu ItaTwlr 8iyt at Bwda'a-Today,

..._______________________ _____ to tbasl
Aba ataay klad trlaada wbo ao ktadly
•aaiatad at la tba laat alekaaat aad
dUatb of oiLT daar wila. daarbtrr iaad
JoW blMab.

gc^ cook, ai i:

you like 10 burAUD or n<>i?"
“L>e you like sonir ef my liuby tx-ment
petebes or Pearl eoli-x on your shoes?"
He doo't atuwer me. He tikes me by
^lab niorlee.
der arm und Irndn m>> to daMsloor. nnd
Oett^ius- UiTi . cuUH* <dd Shark.
|x>oly qon-k I vbas oudl.
Let', swiui unay.
It looks to me nxh If dot tailor touU me,
Ibioud Uotupu*~Why7
'. always lelllog '
‘ '
bmne vl,.'-.. I im-et. a
First Oitopu
pus--Oh. b'.
II I u
I ***' estate oftii-e uud 1 U-llef I aball try
about tbe time li. eaugbt
tbe ■agasiu<-s:“- Aibuia t'eusiiiuitaa.

X* ottthaoaiqnacieraiiaclloa U town »
N K if want. Laelaaan eenoly. Joho Verly,


01»CttAff«IRO maMM eared la eeary e
, CATonnaOPTU nose. breaehlUa a
la^treaMaa. eaaaad tram eatarrh. gaaiusi



I BALX-Uts n aad r. Oak
juBth-wenieemer ol Femsteeali

pmpenylf W. Patehla;
preat atrMi.

Nonbaws store, nader
“ •-------at ibu aSeo.
itALl-Cisod wsrb boms. IJQD weight
^,r laqaltnefN
Lucas. HO Webster street
■OR BALt—aobsn and Icudrt^ta-wewteeraer
Bobetau bUsABJoha
* - «

Htba>'pZMd*^i*& X


TBB Uia^6 TOOOrSi gATC.tPAY. JUyB 30, M0»
rm wmm\ or TKt mjm.
«• BMMi «« «h> fMh
<MM M d h. MMi Mi
7m MMk. .4 OM tki tMH


TH» <M» «i> tta

f-1 ^1 kk iiit^ir— voaM mat tMf.

■MM tto «n« •■« tto M M

I—antaw tea Baw te^Wau^TMa
tetafcwm. tba. aiiakteaa ^ tea
rblllatlaaajaad tte Ateraa^aCiMa.


.tgjjanLaap.'S »s:C£r;r^’^trs

L Now tteft^ bad bcte ■•(NBtirob'
bar WUaoa tartS awladlefor/a darkwfalrb eoted te feh, aDdfcapscttlly by ote Bilbao wage earawa who
trktDped tbk attwa for workjlf haply
ttey Bigte flad k )ob kt SO^ta per
day that ttaalr wlraa aad Qlttle OMk
pertab Mt for tte tkialoe} waa aora
MkkU. bkt that 4Mkt ««T7
1 the ttad of igraet, wMcb beloc
wM all I k*M tar kty pan.__.
prated tt tte Calted/ Otatn of
Bkt I ktkAM tha kMfhatk MriyMa lata.
kk« X tmwm that vttb a Uttta ar-*---------2. Beraaoe. foraooth,.baada of mitttlaea of tte aect of'free trade had
rernio the whole laad from Oao to
aad robbed
TW ial^ air at Iba acyh o<Jr«k«a
tttteoalk-------------------- wage earaera of tbelr harreata of joba.
AM kiiali" tor Pkkh— Oraar trhaa ha
laad Ik tha cHy
a. For tte free trade PbUiatlaek said
M hMk ta dtebtba «bM rm»t- Wttt vaaddy te odhad far nAwky
aa they nqnlnted kaowwith.- VtthU a taaak a^ h^wM
with ^ Mtadaam
•Mte hk lavaM chair ha waa &a ta «>a.M ^wrolaM 1 bartM a tte owk' iagly with tte right eye. tbe left
watt a^lla «r waa with bat Uttla fa- an of tte apparaatly waata
' ring tightly oloaed. let oa deprlrw
dm. 7^ aaihoMmtd Ub to try atm Ikt tte ndlway aacOak aad
locb comaMB people of work, aad let'
lamr iiiiikittai Iqaclaaau wbhh ««r«
tbelr lota te cast In exceeding unplcatmmtt Jk Mawa of tha old daator'a
ant pUcea, and let torely dndee and
MO troB tte baak mod paid for tba plaea. bMOtlfnl aad featlre . Idlera ea>oy
d( cowte 1 taU ayadt U waa oaly a loaa
ta te paid back with fakaroaa iktarwt. cbrwper forebn tabrlcA
4. And wbeu we bare tbe ibaakt
dm aad ak«Bi«a« at pathbenn. bet It waa oaly a kkaatloa of kaaplat It dark
wb« ate batta ITa a Bighty awloka
" tte* tte <tecoT«ry a tight place, and bare polled rery
av Ik^^iDd aball bdk«
. I waa a di«raoad ■mocb free wool over the farmert’ eyea.
________ ____ ... waa pabHtead to tte and tbe people are ainiog at oar feaat
Imidiw. world. At tte aoUdutloa of ay dtetraeC- of cbekpaeaa, peradrenitire they n»ay
td frtenda I waa aot artaatad. I tarsad forget tbelr empty dinner paitt and
Ba bad
abm op amM tht htea ererttelaad
tbelr empty atomaoba when we give
bfila wftb tbah aokkr. rtaa dad Mt*aa
them large quaatitlea of eloquent gab
awl bad lost bla way. Rr waodatad ok
to prore that work and wage* are bat
kkd aa. aatU. Mddaoly. te «nlta aeianlae and ctimla. while cheap foreign
layaad. WW te Roliaad arbna te waa,
ha toaad blaaalf lytot la ite wane fraaa
gooda are really tbe weightier mattera
at tta tm at a giaat traa. parbapa a halt
of tbe law of trpe proaperity.
' daaao■ yaidf
yaida fiOB tba
tha btebway. Ua
Ha wi
ap a parw for bo aad aeat me tbrokd.
а. Thna did tbe free trade PblUatlaea
adU Calkt and wrak. aad te foekd
Thaj are aa booeB lot. aad tber* wai eoeourage each other. tblaUng .Atey
ko lanyer any boae for ae ibera. 1 bad mocb lengtb of office tokl bp la
knocked about for a year or to. ftadiad attwe.
kkAatarkd at tte paUai aky. Ha mw
r aothlax t do. abd Ibra t aaak
б. Albeit tbe mighty men of larael of
^tbkMD waa wphUy folai down, a^
tbe aect of the protectloalata rone op
ba IkdiiarMtiT wondarad bow aoaa te
VOkU te tokkL OkcF ar iwka te a«aik. beard aolhlag from any of lay frtcada for and pm tbomaelve* on tbelr political
triad la riae. bat aooxte.w te raulda-t
many mostha. They arc boaeat folk and muacle, and they amote tte rbUlatlne
Ma Bsarlca to bark up bU dealrr.
arc onite right In caatiog me oK. And an. free traderA and there waa a great
Pldacotly br brard a Ugbc wteatb rap- yon aee. I waa right when I told yon it Mangbter from Dan even onto the borMly ftowlkf louder, tte wbiatla at te*a- would do you no good to know ba'
den of Bcerabeba. aa a man might
bady who wai approachlDg.
-Bit down.” aald OwteB geatly.
travel from Ualne even unto tbecoaau
•‘Tbare’a no toretta iwaag ta that
of tbe PaclOc.
- “
1 Donbaiu to blwaalf.
7. And when develand of avolrdna and from By coUege—froa
pott fame had left Jcruaalem and bia
artlcd rodee ae ll
henebman, “Auanlaa wnaon.” bad can
.. atopped. aad a'lDOBeut later t
wtet it I* to feeMbtt you are iaoraUy bla garmeali about bini and departed,
faee teat abore Daubaoi.
cut o« from both your caootry aad yoax then did William, who la caUed McKin­
■ua btowaed^faee, tte conattyineti.'
ley. tte non of proaperify. mle In bit
Tttoped aan of aearly
‘■I know wtet It la to be pkyaleally cte alead over tbe wbole land, whlcb. beeC' aald DuateB wftb a Utttt tmitt. Be
aignifletb tbe United
pot out hit tbia band. “Won’t yM
itea of America.
laof B^1
^^t*S|te^X>nBbaB told kU fattet
...................... .
le proeper^ou'a awry.
'A bad aun.” waM tte aitnte eapit
Ity that ye promised us? Yea. vciily,
lit. ‘n>at perbapa a Uatlag leeeoA Jal
we have waited mot* thaii six weeks
rrlagle.eb? fU talk with the boy tea.. nevertbeWsA all tbe work^ have not
row. I're
a little not crack wftb that
W> goad; tech aa bad aa taga Xcocky oW dint myaelf.- And te Cborided aUght- started up yet. ^
S. And tbeyBwlved nttny. for nuicb
He MW and talked wftb Benton akoA people wUt nft bow tbe rubber Wilaou
by laatera ll^t. Qwe. Aar^a ao-balp When ttey. parted, te ttyned^t^Dtm urlfl bad ao ^epreaaed bnaincaa tbat It
torU. I’U btre^otteeTOO cm By tedi bam. “Good atnfT In tte lad ycU' te i
ould rcqulreEtpoDiba of time
Mwa to tte-boM.*_ me be baa never
■ a «nt'c
ouraelvei out of tbe mud aad mlrc In
Before iMiatem could fraaM a pcoteaC worth at «---------MonacA Going to
w leaea t,____
than which tbe free trade Phlllatlnea bad
tba atout Btraam ted geotlf rated him toaorrow
and U coming .ever
here. XU atDck tbe nation aud atraDdcd tbe glomi baebad bte atalaat tte tree and write to Breed tonight and bare bla |ak
rloBi old ablp of ataie.
tbre iiuklac aoddeoly bod eaagbt talB
sharp pole at that did bomet of
aiwiad teeiega aad bolated btt> oo te bla
10. Ilowbett. In due time protection
btMd back aad at oace ttapped oB
aert moraine a^---- -------- and proaperity were triumphant. And
Imaed tc tbe wbeeU revolved, aud the boiler
-field tight.' te eaM aa te pta
Hon. J. Baffingtoa Breed, tbe eminent ftrea biased, niachlocr.v bummed, smoke
down tte gentle ladtae, -and kick yew
Uw, Wboae glittering ablk- Uoed from great vverjbody
laielllgiiiit beaat tt tte. ifte tt tte pace
could get work, wages w ore raised, aoil
grand and glorloua prosperity, such as
eery atroag,' hM X>tiaba»
tte earth never before witncaaed. Sood•talHnttT. -nod
'and yon know bow to naa Aaaocler chuckle with dellgbt.
laa. Voktetire ted aome tikiB-OaU up yonr friend. fitinBy,' te eald. ed tbe whole land with riven of glory.
11. Then rose up tbe freo trade Thll-Tre got aome aewa for him."
It waa good newA of cenraA lawyer Utlaen and tbe aorebcada and calamity
/alraagar. ta tte gym, cm tte grldboa Breed, backed by diven cauaeA^od pat howlei*. aaylng. Snve ua anyway -or w u
tte aawwt to tte llaty Prlagtt to as-hb. 1 Ibakght aor oiad Doahatt. *1
•aak Xwlea la tie
'He’a going W pnbUtt a ataft
S ^b^O^ n^rrirT^
The monthly atatement of tbe compover htt own name la tte teoe p .
'Oim. tte plucky boadred yard* that roar txoable with tbe buk waa aU tmier oObe currency tliowa tbat at
•Mr crlad tte atrauger. ”l*re heard doe to an nafortanate BlanMerttaadlBa tbe close of bustteea May SI. HIOP. 4he
•t •yoo all right. Olad to know you." aad that year good aame bat been band
AM te gate Daabaia'e ckleat a trlMdly acmiy re^wtabUtted. X'urtbcr than ttU total rtrculatlun of national honk notea
«-aa gSm.4bS.0Ki. an Incrcaat- fur tbe
te baa pkU
year of g5S.4:i4.S:i.'V aud an Increase for
'Aadyeor aM
Boaey. reprraeaUag ooc-balf tte pro&ta
aririag from tte aale of tbe ttuB that the month of gl5.210.5iB. • The clrcu•W."teb
brought about yonr trouble on one ctedi- lattoD, baaed on rnitfd Statni bauds,
ttaa-«o publicity b to be made of tte was g2taOK>.llT. au ttcreaae fur tbu
Btory. Ain’t Brete a bomBerr And year ot g5G,7S3,H53 and au Increate for
be Unshed again.
tbe mouth of glT.02t.U55.
*«MtoB Tripp.” Mid the ttraacer
Baotoa took the good aewa very
Tbe circulation aecured by tevrful
teoetly. Then be barehly added. ”DM Stately.
money amounted to gST,398.772. an In­
yoaeaerbearotH»»b>ceIq^ liUlgiT"
“What wtU you do nowr 0
crease for the year of gl.041.172 and a
ateed blB at te preeaed hU band.
for tbe month of gt.Sll.3Q2.
. ^
attd tte etreM
-Oet back to OM'a coaatry at i
Aad dha Mere waa a Utltt «!•
Tbe anwoM of Vnlted StaUa register­
ed bonds on deposit toAffil*''* clrculatAe aea ttad drt«ped fren algbt aad
lug notes vfaa g27C.S2U.lW0 and to ee•Tfo," ated Benton. 'If* te
the tbkheattc doat wai upon ttem. longer. I’ll go to New York ao.
core public (k-potItA gU3.KS3.5B0.
I^U tegaa ta twinkle U ibe towa *>^ In atrenh." He tamed to DonbaB'a ta­
iwT A tm pale etara aMle toto Mgbt tter. “Bow can 1 thank yon?” te aald:
Th* Baa* Market.
abort (te darheniag aea.
*Toob. iKubr” growled tte ca^talbt.
Moce IBTb tbe ijoputtttou of the Vnit-t waat to kaow you better.” aaU Daa- 'Don't thank n>e. I'b no aendBeatabat
hctt preeeetly. ”1 waat yon tw pioatte I abonld have been aa hard on yoa at old ed States baa Increased 100 per cent
and tbe production of cotton 300 pet
e at tte hotel.”
XSingle. I anppooe. Thank
_______ o you ao good to know Be.' CleMaad Piatt Dealer.
cent. With 200 per cent more increase
tte atraager a IlMe faHtcriy.
n Ik Mmt niwiit- I m4 «b« 1 Mt
Ay rMV« tlMcht tt wmU bt
■kt M MCkfc »c • pUe* Ik tta lock!
bkkk. U Vk« k Mukr. 1 wkM't AtM
e» tbe w«k. *t bkd kMc bkM









change your atlad la tbto lanilmw that I aB an ac-

t who chance t
Piaaw aad tte ocetb of Italy, a
I dad them Ml tbem of tte at
jt kihulag Monaco. That, tt fact. I aa a
otaerer for a gambittg teO.’♦^LiBlll Mt W coBe and wee i
atOBOW.' grenUterl Daahgm. bat Baatoa
«U oatcaMy^
Vteg- Bkt k pa9r M mea wftb laatma
aa Mtf «kBwM ttfbt ef tte bghta of tte
battL TW weet )nat atartttg oat ta look
Mr DokteB. T>ey rotted a qn«r Uttl*
iMMgk Moot kt tte atnmgM poaacd tteB
T1 ooBa.' aaM Baotta TittP wto an

Bretywbere men not tebngttg te tte 100 per cent, nad tbe quantity oaed by
army formed tbemarivea law eoBpaatta
take part tt tte

JMtew Ik k IM Mtlw nylht Mh



•wU* abipw at BaBS,
Tbe experteoce of the United States
In tbe pnrcbaee of veaMtt dnring tte
war with Spain abows the natloa fait
wbat cu be expected If we were to
iwly npoa foreign ahlppttg with which
to boUd op an Amarlcui (?) merebant
marikA As Amertcks merebant martte to be tte real tblng mnat be
ilnM#ren bnUt.
pmectSoo bnilds eonUiem mlltt:
tittiefore proteetton epeakers aboold te
acatbuvd all tbrongb doubtfni aoattera edfamonwealtba and aecorB If pe*•Ibh-. tbe electoral rote of three or fttor
more eneb atates for McRttlay.
great apoetle of protection.

rookie Won’t Bavo It.
Tte Idea of bnildlng op
Ote of tte largest works of maa's
baadi la tte attlftettl UKa or
merchant marftie by tte l . .
thafa aU. Tte gotttki jde kittnd tt Xadtt, at BalpetanA Thb
free registry of forrigs buUt ffidpa tt
aald to te tte ter«Mf tt tte <
entinly repiigiiant to 'the Americkn
known ta the Mt tank «g Dbabnr aa* paopte. No woDder. then. i» poUtkkl
kMd tor IrrigMkg p«fe«A «mot kB.
party tt dlMcaM In dtasd tor tne

T\k. W. k. A W. A Msea. evwalBVOttt* else



. OBess. OMyOeeto

■WM^^^VaotlSA knows

EnamelingBest to be had in
the cit; Is at

See Btaipkg in window.


s»d eUldres'* dims— a apMlaity. orBc*

Why Gd to the Hot Spriigs?


A ■- auooD. onto is
a, dsr *t
U ktsek. Ualla aaavervd prewMly
alabt Mentera'paeee.B: kaU.M.

aaffkrikff from any form of
obtt or kidney dlaakUA
obBdty. or aay ebrokle dttaasa. the brat
treklmeai Jttn nan galU »be Rota Hot
It It aot a cheap bath
or taka affair, but the lateat and moat
Bueeeaalat invention ot tnodera medical
Utt oaring many caaea
all other Jkulboda of trMtmant have
faUed. It eoatt ootbiag to era tbe apparatna and Inveatlgate itt aurlU It
tt la oporatloB at my offiee la the Tonneller block. 218 Probtatreet, Traveme
City. Mlub.
R- .B. Pl«oi>. M. I).

?v ntaid* -taon
SpM VaruUh.-


Okltma't EUa le

T\m, A j. soon .
•J -Huraae'.BsrD
Uc aalwals \>f
by iSv
U Uuoi »Dd ■loal sp
Da; or elgki
~ g^pbSl^iK.
a**' rslla sroapu;

FBieial Dirtenr.
Kmou at 4M (iMiih I'atoa gkroM.

John K. Santo.
GBBBfil IlSBriBn.
Wartborg Block

■irtol. Good bars la :r«BS«rtlim for jwGesU
t'alU ird oi Bi«4SaeoB-« iw SSsso'v sate
•iaUr> oiU b* proaoil; aliesM to. »
ore i^DAoatev 131. Xtisc*: Nurtbeni p
rvoUrar*. ISI


Pere Marquette
Jsoe IT. im
ooiMo aocn.

•uvet. BeUiielet>iH>MMABI.
ciur., .1
I _ ........................ .. w .W,
rrcwl ttreel. TrsTcrs* OUy. Mick.



________ ______ I of Uw Uolve.
Uuflak>.rft>rr. ISR. Hperlal aueoiioB rlwi.

1 Ukrfaor Spriugs




TrsvaiaeO;. ..t k B .11 ts S OMt K
rOrekaeiA*..’... IU u . 4 lUil o» |3
r llrd ihMUd.
1'^ >6'4 tell ttioe^'
tt « oe{
4 W> ,|0» T I.V|I «b
, klk) IU W T Ik Ste

fi. A N B. B R. oc.. July «tt. ipoo.
. MUtlOa. w^vd
Will aeli tickets Jnly 3rd and «tt. r«-1
*^ '^^"****'•
turn limit July itt-. at one fare ihBirjr
.......' __SHON«>< kt™ rraocrt a u<„iib.
ronad trip between all sUtiote oa tkla: OL. irarkrroT
so>l unrss Trim* *■
line, alvo between tbit. !.nc anjl cuc-lfor*
neetioot in lower MiehUran. Trains |
wiineave Traveme City at &;S0 i
t.T Or* KspUk
u:30 a. m.. 3:15 anrt»:lop.m.. Jnly •
fw Manistee and Honor and T:30 p.. ir.
for Cedar City,
’’^aios will arrive:
from Manieleeand Honor at 8:50 and;
11:00a. m., C:15aud Ii;S0 p. nj.frt.lnj
Cedar City at 8:50 and a:4S-p. m. This>
will accomodate you all ho inatu-r;
where you wish to nelebrale
tends play ard all jMi.
' an vark at klgara> feeaiaie gradr. n ' <
H. W. Cuei
work a aeKtaUr.
F. A. "ilcheU. ^
U. r Ki’gLUtH. Anl^Or^l.^jrF^?i^*yrt
-New Offioe. ifarirham Block




u it wl
time " Calm I's Blaktlc Floor Varniab
8 B Wall


T. F.Hootor,

Graod Kapidt'ft lodlisaRj.

A Qreat Diieovety tor Cbno«r^“l
>«»( ualau at te»»-

WixiMOK. Ont.. Jan. 24. 1000.
Dr. C- 1). Warner. Dear Kir:—I have
naed yonr Comuoiuid of Sieven Core*,
tbe great cancer cure and blood ouri8er. with excellent reenlla. I do not
healute to reoemmend it for the par­
lor which it is naed. lu effects
timeao manifeal tbat it;
a ah'
oanoot fail to give ibe grraleat aatla-. ,
Ci-MuiMoa. < .

(aD-stM. tBsOsetJuBrinS. II

HbbR( I laumhaBeh.
I hHve hb(l m>- builtlinu
'.‘ebuilt Aiitl put iu |;o(<d
BliBpo Awl aui now ivady
to ivt-eive all old pMniiie.


Pere Marquette
Sl’SDAY. JULY let.
Lease Traverse City at 6:3
Leave Grand Rapids 6:30 y. m.. Mnsktgon C:«5 F- m. Rsic g2 Ou Grept aiiraetioas for Kueday visitor*

Good Line of Jofolry
IlIKiadsof REpairiiie.

tl7 rroDI Bt

Or. W.

Sggtta. OpkigUTe Oebttttry;

The Waukazoo House!

Fire Insurance.
L. L. A. BoUding

xeor-tlvpor-t, kCiori..
Tbe bMt furnished and beet kept
house on thii penlnaula is ready for
nesA Onen tte year round. Good
Livery In connection with the house
RatM made knowa on application.




in c.-. evm.n.
Opp Ksflsr

Bing! Bang! Bing!

yatoe of ^ boOM market.
and were for tte moat part very w*U
armed. It was tbelr task to wage a
gucfTllla warfaie partly before tte fnat
and at tbe flaaka of tte dlSereat armtti
and partly at tte noBmnnlcetioBa tt tte
rev of tte Oermaaa Tbelr attaefca were
made by sorpriae or from biding placM
and from ambaateA
Tbe boaeat German aoldUr waa all tte
moot embftleted by thU betettor of tte
frakMtlreare aad tbe aatioaal goarda
beeatue (bey wet* wont at need to baatily aaanBc tte appearance of ttoCetwlve
peaMDta by (browttg away aad bidttg
tbelr arma aad gettttg rid of evtey badge
indicative of mUlury aerrice. That oader each rircnnkatancce tte Germans
gave >aboet ateifl" to aurii Mtown take*
red baadad will be tboogbt only teoaouMe. even ttpogb It U quite poattble tbanl tlBca ttaocent men may have aoT - *
—“Pmuco-Oetmaa War."

It jwk teve % dtraXUic. tooM. iMm.
bHB.«rkkyolbw praparty lakObMa.
ktadly ramemter X-wkkt te wrttoMto
tBHraMS tor yoB- AM wtll fttayn

U:I5*. u. l»le ba> ekair rar tt Otaa*
KatMU*. 0.» ». oi.iralB ha* buRvt aarler ear
ttCbicago. 4 Up. in iimls ka* utwpera tt
Train arrlrtu a> * :*> a. m. ba> nttiyM trow
il LobU. lodlaaaealln. Leubirill* aad 4.'iarlnnatl: also dloloc car fraai Oraad
TralB arrlrlBS a> Htt j m. .kaasarler ear
Tow Grand UapliU
O. U LOO*WOt>D t . _ _
‘ AMUUUT.Acvat.


For the 3rd, 4th and 5th of July.

96.00 photoe for $3.00; 91.00 photos for 92.00;
93.00 photo* for 91.30.


And 9 Qenaine Plattnum Fhotogmphs for 85 oenfo.

• 1*1 IB
I id 4 U
U Ar Uv


Fine Wood


For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Mdswlk UambT la all lias



Si >:

SkarmaaV Ml



Mon t> Innm OSy laakw Oo.



rilESDAr, JULY 10.

enwoe apoe the beach, a lady atoad
waltiac la the rkiiht drawtac roam «(
the hdoae to whkh ahe had beea illrirtad
Her veil waa down, and the room was
half In ahadow (rum the heavy enrtalM
whkh drapaa the wtodow. bat (ar aU
that ahe etartad when a map croeaed the
ball aad a CMtlemas. hk hair ktphflr
tiased with pay. catered.
She had eaak back on the eofa. niim
(ramc aairerrd with contfam.'
‘’You bare come, madaaa. k aaeweb ta
BV advertkemeatr be

tw UaM ^ *ha «IU pmw SB

>mt a-wm evwwmde* aod awOmd
Ob tb, awadMi. naa brawn aad bwna,
-Tb, uum, main wm aad.
SW^ ripv. poMbn •


fW anariur lane hni
. Tb, dawn oa th, *

I Urn to be ihtn eaaity
ooU be not kaow it. even (hooch it
bounded above hk very ^vel
“Sydney: yon herer' he ezrialsked.
Ah. Mrb. CUytoB—panhm me; for lb*
■otneat I foraut"
Then ahe Inrew bach her veO.
.yearn bad made little ehaase. It wi
same beaulifnl face, bm prowa very
pale, and the krely mouth qoirered as
ahe. spoke.
I rtrry wound, r'ra (bAbaeaat,
In Ukr lb. Dial away. \
“Beliere me. I would nut have Intruded
«d pne Aoodi lb, mini MK, b(lrbl,d
myaeir upon you bad 1 dreamed It was
Aj tb, auaUcbl makan radkaat tba day.
-you who bad ipaertrd the adrertiaemt-nt.
, I had Dot even heard of your marrUpe “
! “My wife U dead." be aiuwered. "Bot
suy." as she sroe.- to*po.^“TeU me
n, darkiMw yw walk k will vaiUah.
It hsppens that you a
B neceealty.
.. aed on >Mi lb, bripbl aus All imU,.
Mr. Clayton deadr
Tb, lOpbt Ibat BieruuMk you ii draUbp.
She obuddervd.
Tboepb lb, lipbi k ib, aaci dawM not yWi
“You mkUke." she said. “I did
Se paiwel. oh. kov. jcl a llld,.
Bt paltnil and do eol
-many hlr. Clayton. 1 am Sydney Veruo*
.. O U
■_ Mi______^_1I. 1_______ I
“You did out marry himr'
' “No, It U a woman't privllepe, you
know, to rttanpe her mind, but my aant
waa very anpo' and at her death she left
me Dotbiop. Your advertkemept attract­
ed me. I iboupht 1 mipht learn
little piri."
“And yon will nut learn to love my lit­
tle uiotberieea chUdr* be asked. “Aecep*
tbk poaitkm. I bee of yon. Mian Vernon.
; It k only that you should see she in out
I ktt to the merry of Buraes'and that she
“What would we lire on. Max?"
W some reSalop care.”
•d Sydney Vernon, plancinp down arfer yio it waa at last deeiikd. and Sydney
decant mornJnp drvaa. with the pkytty yound the oW emptinesi of life 8ed all
slipper just i>eepinp from beaetl
beaetib ita her-heart aod hands were full
hern. “It’s all very well
rartmw the I
ghe rarely taw (he marter of the
pracllcahlliUet i>>f lift
ui luey an- tome- bouse. Ooe day when she bad eotered
that, and I have oo some errand Into bb study she had
vldeuee of econo-; seen hanpinp over hit desk the fair, pScon y.
your part, and I am qnite aure j tured fare of >Iabe1’a mother.
you harirnioe.”
“llnw. soon be learned to lore apsin.'^
Uax Bayard t
■ •
Uy at hk ahe thouphi.
“Aod - mtutacbi- aa the ijlri whom i
bad aaked to be hia
answered mm.
; or prai
Be bsd knowD her loop enouph to ‘
learn to love her witii oil the stn-opth of aide of the luvcly lady
hk preat ht-art, to worship her beooty. her loyal little heart,
to follow her eonslantly with hia eye^i, I
“Papa ia Ul." ahe iwid. “Did you know
knowiac but one wish, one hope, that she it. Mim Svdney? Won’t you po nuts*
tht he bit.
, him like you do me when me k ilir
tad she fancied, not tltopetber wronp•-Certainly, darlinp. if I can do anythat hit love hail md some n-turu. thlDp."
T eye* bad liripbteai-d at bis eominp.
.knd with tremlillnp step, she descend- voice bad learm-ii to weleumi- bifur ed the slnir, niid eniereil bis room,
nnta he felt he must end tuapeuae and
Pur hi.ur» she eat U-*ide him. ebanpinp
«ome aasuralMv-: the more m that a the coolitie l•alldae^, upon hia brow and
Clayton bad lately come upon ibe fnoninp hS» ft-n-red idu-eka.
------- r. a rich aod ehildlew widower, who
Matiei had eome softly in (or her pood
eridently looked with favor npuo tbe nlptat ki*«. then be bad. fallen asleep,
beUe of tbe waterinp jilac- and whom and ahe bad feared to stir, aa she mlphl
her aunt, under wh.«e ran- ato waa. if waken him.
not Ibe youup kdj h^lf. luokM upon
.“Sydm-y. why dM you not marry Mr.
With favor in rv-turn. /
, Claytmir’
“1 have never bad ah inc-ntive to eeon-: Had he reiilly tpokei or wa* It her
omy.” Max said In Wawer.
”l bare own ibouplii-. which formed the qi
live on and^fecd my hor*». tioa? So. he wa. awake now. bit «
kail by rlphi b. aankaM.
and jaalica aball triuiatib yat.
Snd CW Bowm at tttwiam Wall bampara



Our couotry'9 flif. flat of
Vberc'sr toy foW* cxpa^^Ihuf) mutt Ut frw—
iAt i^oiPCt abroad. 01 ever n>ay it wave
O'er mao eofraoebiaed. fin as map sbooJd be.

ttiUie anioQr raUghtPBod poopl,-. Tbf cxamplf <.f .rrien! At)u>iu mlctat W
.•in-pflooaL Lw In (he bean of Europe the I>utch mwUlc eilaird for inoro
than two n-oiurin with rapariou, moiiarohi all arutuid tba U.nler aod ita own
people dirMed ai to the true mt of poUlieal K*i>ndsBty. whether la divlae risbt
or hotnaa.
Aod for aearir flOn rear, the Sa-iaa hare malnulaed a rrpohlie
aralnel pritieelr itrwd aod the weaka^ of buinau oature.
T^e Wnh of true tfrmoeraer la Atheoa waa la the time of Solhn. It wai aat
hr hchtiae. hut vaa afterward aared hy the airord. eapeclally at MaratbM
and PUu-a. I•eri<^ea, the abialns
Urht of Ureee.', maUiabrd <le■ey in All.ea, by the over­
throw of the ari>to<Taey and aft­
erward In the aUte, wbl.^ united
with Atbeaa la the petiid of her
Under hi, iafloeutv
and iTitb a ayatem of pufAilar r>r
want wn-re fouebt aue-


aafully, i
. and the common peo
pie ahared fully in the ceaersl.
The Crat creal rlelory of the*'
Swiaa palriota
saitt^ Nov. Ifi. ISli That ^y


a leasae of tour foreat rnalona forntedna perpetita) eoafedets.
. ____ ra day a
ed. and llu' footed eraey fouicht fur llbiriy
l.SMIIand aiaroa la ISSN.
NapoleiHi fobbed the ftwlmi
i-llh new alli.fc, adu|ded
which warn TaHfifd Aoc. 7. IKir., the
ly of the iireaent repubUi
I- aniiiveraarT wbieh the whole
apeakiiK r
r k Ma«na
Masna Chni
fharta day. Jam- 15. On 1ba<
It day. 12i:
ilbertie, waa wnu
_ _
_ _ _
npHrinr waa due to the yiac'N nnnaralleled ent.-Hy,
y. rapacity aod it
Aft.-'-------,fter Irranlina the rreal....
rharter he
aobdue the ^triot party, but
tile lakh

Prann. ,
il at the Hate of the Americ
In 1774 the
r XVI a equable laxatkm.
;• and maniitaHure* and the ahedhion of Jobherr'and
.................................. late l<-pii.|Btore, railed the atat.., penerah. whirh
iuid.lieen extioet 201* yearn, waa iviiivok.-d
and met May 1. JTNt. Tl
mandate of ihi, larfy. In which the thirrl eatate.
> IHaiple.
werful. wa» f..r revolntion.
Lafayette rommaod
ional puard
the national
until be was exiled by the extivmlata. The battle which eataldUhed Ik- eoaatitulluo waa fousbt at Alray, 2. 1792.
Sympttby with the Preach revolutHin <\wtt the people of the Dntrb republic
1. for Napoleoo impoMHl the monarefay there
The I>otch broke loi«e
from Spain by reroluthm, and the
. .p defeated
_________ ___________
John of Baraereldt wan the hero
f the Netberlandn. Hr favond

dntioDa had cieen aorfa a

I coufesa; but. Sydn»y. I ^
will rhaupe allI that, di-ar,
I vtn’t per-.
haps pive yog, iall (be luxurii-a lo wbkdi
yon art- accustomed, but you ahall not-lack (or raraforta. that 1 prumiac you.”
“We'shobld he miserabh-. Max. roimr-‘
able, bath you and I." the piri aiiswened '
bttterly. “We have not either of na been 1
reated in a school of iH.verty. 1 would

le of
liberty —....................—
In 1701
-- ---------------------- a loop one. and the fat? of Poland waa
Pale.1 by
Oatlly neale.1
the aUianee of IVaavie and AUatrla with RuanU.
The Ptvueb alone eami- out of thi- widi-spread n-vohition of 1848 with
trinupb. In Italy the pairhda fonpbl and loat. noosary. whieb deciaavd Ita Ind^teadenee of Auatria April 24. 1840. foupfat bravely under Konaoth. but ttaaaia
lolned her aueietit ally in nappreaainp the patHola.
In Cenaany (be rerulutioa
waa guirkly aapprenned:
Ireland'a preal.wl rehellioB waa that of
men eomia lied Enpland to nend Immenae art
abortive, and yonap Robert Emn
)lexii-o and
cc la 1810 to rel
dklatnr, and fotvipn
preiwnt repubiie wa,



The aword of tieueral Ran Mar­
tin. the delivem- of t'hile. belp<-d
ako to pire Peru b<T iodependeare Jnly.^ 1>C1.
Caba. the
the ktt of Bpaia'n Americaa eoloatee to throw off (be yitke. eoter-

ataned P«4k 24. 1805.
Amooff the acorea t.f aataea >ew>
crated by the rrpnbUeani of Sootk
America that of BoUvar ntaada
*“*”™*®hiphevi a« a fiphtlnp efaaiapioa of
Vbrrty. He foocht for and ruled over Veneaoela and Peru, feuoied the repablie
«< Bolivk oat of aorthvra Pent sad waa preaidrat of the republic ot Oolombla.
which laHnded TeaenueU and Qraaada. the kat named om^ hk eooqarata.
BDdaiid'f dedaratkm that the Indepeodenra of the Senth African repaWlca
ahall be dmtroyed pirea the world a apectaek wtthoat a paralM-la the bktorr «f
swnsflea for hberty. The Boon have been free for (r.iipeweratkas, whb (be '!•
cttRloa of foar yearn, between 1S77 and 1881. when the Ttasaraal waa______
waa aanezed
Iv Ba^asd. The Otaacc Free State became a rapobtie in 18M
4 by
the rolantary
setka of Eackod. j

JA and Majaba Hi
Un. Ihk date


The Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Amusement Inh^tution of the 19th Century.

........................... ..........
"Oh. Kyilney. if wc bad knowri—If we
pire you only kiaac*. Come, bo aeesibk, bad known! My
darlinp. wa. there aal.v da
aud lot ui la-pood
!, other rt-ason>
------. Was
it because you lov,al
Vera.,'" be
h.. exclaimed. *-t
Frienda? Never!"

am Btarrlnp. and you throw- me a stone.;
|q bis
I^k into my eye*. Syduej. alraipfat aad In that
lelf cmtrue,
\ and
aad an.v
an.r yon do not love m>
me. aod’ ’
I press Jf hu"beiin"airibeac yi-ara, and
will po away and trouble you no i_____
....... "
Udinp from her chair until al
ahe f.-ll back
Tbe loop lashes drooped low un ber
D her kne,-« by hi. *id«-, with her
•T cannot quite sty that." she anupon ber hair.
asreted. “btit I wilt’ say luorr. I i>rom- W'hi*|>ert-d:
iaed last nipbt to become Mr. Ckylon's
“Ih-cau»v 1 than love you while life
wUc within six months."
Max Bayard's handsome (ace prew |
A month later there was a quiet wedwhite to tbe very lii-s, A look of deadly' dlnp. wb«-n. after six year • erael waiting.
taper, minpli-d with somethiiip like lohth- ; Sydney made th.- life bappiucM i
lap. CTi-pt Uito it. Sydney shrank from It man lo wlunii she pave beno-lf. a


as from a blow.

“Don't. -Mux, don't
cvoldn’t help it. I am very
could not help it!
e rept-alcd very alowly. “Could
not help what
a-hatT Toyii
fast aod louse with
' tbe
SScBt^bidder? Which'/ You
Borry for whom? Por the ntau youJ led

in 18^, wbiefa apread
and Italy, wan auppreaaed by the
allieaee. but Spain loni her Atm-rlean eulnnk-o In tbr- ntrunrlc
luapin-d by Kow-luako. who .had

bury i
“Xo rlplit |K-rhapa-that'I admit,
auswer me nil tbe same. Por the i
of all thmo starnnp year* krtne k
the tnitbT“Beeauae 1 did nut love him," she anawered; lhei.-”U-cou*c I found myaelf

Three Eibgs, Half Mile Race Track, 1,000 Fentures, 100 Phenomenal acts. 26 Clowns, 20
Hurrioane Kaces, 4 Trains, 1,600 Employes.
6 Bands, 60 Cages, a Drove of CameU, IB '
Open Dens, a Herd of Elephants


With these words he turned and left
her alninp on tbe atmi*, the ocean mak­
ing ita low moan at her feet.
“Ob, if it would come on and on and
swallow me up!" sbe wailed in echo. "1
lore him, I loro faint!
Max. you arc
right: the man J propose to morvy don
deserve the pity. But yon-oh. my leve.
ir hate! I

iadaed with ebanpe.
“If she had Ix-on hut true to bcraelf
ud me.” Max Bayard had thought when
_____________him from bit native land to 1



di-ep regret. thuC in l>n(li their livi-* tbej
ifw.—Span- Momi-ul:
Power of Rank.
One day at the Kn-uiliu In Moscow
Miss IIa|«ood, an .\niericao lady,
favon-d with an nmusiug nianifi-stati.m
of tbe all iK-rradinp inUueun iu Uus.ina
life of “offii-iar rank.
While iookiup at objects of interest
abe ijiitirt-il a large. haudsuDiely bound
hook flaiikc-d by p-n and iuk <m ii side
A* sbe
- the

le o]H-Ded
iwun-v iip»u her.
............ .____1-d
“Unn't touch that!" be said perempto­
“ttTiy not? If you
not wish people
to look at thia collection of ancient docutnctiis—I siip|K»e that it wbai it is—yoa
should lock it up or label it. 'Uauds off:' ~
rtorted ibe aniioyi-d lady.
“It isn't ancient do-utnem*. and yoa
re not to touch iv” he »aid, laklup tbe
book out of berhaads. “It i, strictly re­
served for the sipnalore* of disliopuiibed
visitor*—crowned bends, royal priace*.
etnhssuidiirs nn.l thi, liL-«“

i I'C;::

The 9 Nelsons, $10,000 Challenge Act.

'T:B£] -A.lTC3-SrjOS, A-R7R.T A T.Tf=I?»a,

The 7 Stirks, Bicycle and Skating Experts.

10 Principal Male and FemaleiEquestrians. 10


that he bad fallen heir to a (ortane which ' onswered the
Blpht have challciiped Mr. Claytoa’i

lu magnitude.
I tbe powerful oflieials
“If only she had trusted toe.” be aaid'; who bsd oinde sn appointi
hltterTy again and again la the lonely'th7xn,t.rV:au
lerWsu lady
L *

The Greatest Performers in the known world are with the Great Wal.
lace Shows this season, including;

As she went

e could
learu^to bate her.
A year afterward be mamed.
was very young and very lovely,
»... J.nlh. I. U, clur. th.t
rfeeer trlrred. and oven as she

attendants bovervd reapeettuUy
His wife to ihe rear evidently irapreosed srtth^
bot there friendlr i.
bn b.M
bad been flisdc end tbe official
lay with bad
kad departed
to hi* duties, the
^ ^d pillowed on hU brmi another
auti^ph ■albumlnrit'ed heT
(ace^uld come bet ween and .dd her “illustrious" name to tbe lisL
nild tbe eares^g marmor of her wordt
gj,o tefnsed he entreated and st IsM
w^aonod tbe echo of the "ml^t have .
drapprd' her to the tabic and ptooR
,____ ,






guard over her while abo wrote her nama.

The, Sisters Vortex, Triple Hevolving Trapeze.

year after their marriage, be laid , ber
away ia ber grave aod took up th* b«r>
BottT*n." be cricl. “ay* tbe typg of tmttat of Rf* again, with tb* added
f«rt wtwnanbcKJd."
At 10 a. m. daily, ia the finest ever put on tbe streets.
aUdlity of thee tiny infant daa^ter
•And you are the
had left Urn.
beod.” the faltered
“We are tpterd oat too
"Wanted.—A lady to ■


splendor. A Triumph otArt, Money and Good Taste, withrlmvkh
Spectacular^ Effect, and Greatest Profeaatoeai iWom

FOB thinkr be wr

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