The Morning Record, August 25, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 25, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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manat m







h aM nil Main.nfca^

Tnioiaa lo Remain In Pekin for
A While.

S^mW «o^ llenmc'Ercud.


Omaha. Aac. M.—Bdwaiil B. BafaA.
caviar ct tba '
mho «H «o myaterlooaly amaalted
and robbed in a PnliiaaB atr en roata
from Chieatto to Omaha yaeter^
mornlee. niU Um. H. li
able to teU hit exjwrtnoee. Oaiefal

rniiH fit Iff
Short V.’Mlc MAdeof th.o Nevro
UMJta Peek.


Mte Bare MktM.
Kew Orteana. A^. M.—tl ia now
known that OaateoSaivator, tbe Ital­
ian Muppoacd to hare coaamitted auielda by leaping btan the atMmahip

to in hiding aomawhew in thto Tl
Uy. and it to beUeved by the Unitod
Prom CiMwIaad «o Akm t*Hkr
StatM aeewt aarvtae men bare that
of hia waand* abow^
wwaUeoadaoS is ffowl'artao
to one of the anarahteu of whoae
that the akaU wm not cnabad aa at,
TrwaHxiffma Crime.
8Mt feated.
rtuw for thto coontry tha fedeial
witie* had been warned. SilThe bank pmlalently deniea OmX : NmAal tolb. IknnlgfimanL
' waa aean to awlm aahore below
Balch waa robbed of any moaey. ecAkron. Aug. 94.->Louia Peck, the
mm ax Amor. OhinM. MbM the raue eept ISO of hia own. takon Iran
Mgro wtMw aamnlt on the five-yearAeputamt today Hut a nob bonx-d potAet. It ia known, however, that a
old Maaa girl oaoaed riota and the
tba tajmaom lampia «i thM pUm to- mtebel filled with vatoablea of
burning of tbe «dty hall Wedneaday
«My. Marlsee trm taaded to protect kind waa taken from BaUA by the
evening, U now ta tha penileati
Om J«pM-e oOetoi* aod an rwtor- robbera. Tite deoiali of the bank,
^ iag at6ar. th* amrian alUded to ooopled with the mnrderoai
A apecUl
X ‘msM beioajt to eoate other nottoa. m aad robbery of Balofa. la amaational
Scores of Sm^l Craft and Sargnoon today, being choeen from
§ the United i)t»Ua kna bo wmhip at in erety demil. and myateribtta in \u
as Made Total Wreoka.
want of esrplanatioo and in the apfar and with Oapt. Aaron Wagoner, a
The foUotrlBic eabte hma been i»- ently otter dimppeacanoe trf the peraa foreman, an inceiTixJ from Admifad^RetteT—Tn- petiatpra of the d»wd, Inarinji no clew
-nod at lt.«0^ m. Shore r«r Mile* Mtrewa With iVrreka
kn. 'Aiut M-7be oibM U open aov to to their Idenilty,
AI 1.90 Peek waa mkrn frnaBOhe
Thtnx.Ugto Sadie* WatooO
All troopn fnini tbe Hnomck
OleveUnrl priiKw and in the cuatody
Imre been Iniidnd. Th* nwriiii-. Imre
.Yahoo-■< Y'artom I'hIm*.
of Akron, officer* waa Iwi^hr to Ak­
ron. arriring Iiewat9.19. Eaoortod Spertal (u The M<niu Bo«*d
The qtwMiOB od the .wilhdmml of
Seattle. Aug. **-A (errifle atom
by a compaDy of militia to the cvmn
tbe TTaitM StBtM foroet from Pekin
hemae and anaigneil befniv Jndge: at Nome. Angnar T. wrought dtoaoter
to Tienuia or Tnka hne been aeriouKye. he
goilty Jo rnoiinal along the water front and the beach
It ooRwidered I7 the pteBUeat and liU Only 126 BallcU Cast at the
lolt and waa aentenced lo the ja-n- i« all lined with tin- wreckage of re*adrleer* and a invat deal of |*emre
Special Election Yesterday.
mU .of all deMTijitiou*. Out of «S
r for lit.-- In 10 minuii-a
Ini beM brotMtht 10 bw.011 the adattwm lannches only five are afloat
iii* way to the tailrrmd.
' mialftratlOB to take tbU
and of ;s bargi-d l«u la-ren are riding
train Imving bn-n held in waiting.
-aTler matore deUberation It has been
the w-a, other* eitln-r *tink or '
A* Peck waa being placed on 1
dalmaiwd that the aesotlatloBB for 1'rrtalMxlhMllo-l‘nipaalltoa tVooMt ortrain a workman attempted to get drii-eii aaliore. Twenty Indie* liave
HMptmalblrrortbetaght Vote-Raha Mittlemeat of the qneMtion* gnm
been waalied aiihore and taken lo the
near him. buthe-.vhui plaonl under
teft. 4*t of the dUtnrlauiooB in Ubina
rtiomlaBad Kateaaioa oT-VheNr*.
for Identifloariou- Five bodarnrat.
A revolrer waa found in hia
' most take plane in the Chiaem cap
icu were wanhed ad.ore at Topkuk.
pocket. Tbe train arrived at Columtal Atd until U>
three mile* uorth of Kome. at the
bua at thia erening and Peck waa
qocad it will be neoeamry for the
mouth of the Kome river, and eight
. .
nof votiagtbe ttS.OOO.
for nmediately taken to iIh- atate priaou.
* Bmtea forcea to remain in Pewent axhote in front of the Kome
porpow of extending the oity
The city Ima reaumed it* normal
kin. While It ia reooffniaed that tbe
camp; three 19 mile* below Bluff
withdrawal of oar foroea froan Pekin water worka arau>m. called oot a Terr quiet, but the mlUtary will likelr be City, and two below Topkuk
light vote XMterday, aa it waa a few- kept here aereral daya. Mayor Young
tni«ht be
■thla ooontry. it U-aaid that tbe fiwal gone oonoI^oB that tbe propoairlon having demanded of tbe atate anlhorwould carry. Had thew been any Itiea that they be retained until Mon
aSeot on China and on Uie Obineae
wonld be bad, aa it wonld be inter- doubt aboot It. the rote would have «**Tbeen a heavy one. Aa It waa tbne
^tod by friem aa a retreat Plana
aw now bein« amde to fanilah them wew bat lU votea caat.M tarorinir the
with aappUea
Tboac; who wew watchtng the elec
Pekin. Ao«. IT-SvenlnK, via Obe<
titm wew certain of the approxltnate
foo. n. Shantrbai. M.-D
for and agalnat the propooirlott.
of tbe allied army aw ooeapyiaa the
Clerit Rlckerd made hla esri Flteslmmons Won the Battle In
Imperial city aad holdiait jmeitiona
at the palaoe pate*. The city ia full mate aa M for the bonda and 95
, Second Round.
of imperial croopa. Peitabo miaaion agalnat. When il>e ballot waa coontfofind that there wew 8»'
waa relieved yealerday and ooenpied
Our Tan ahoM ara
by tbe stliea
Cbineae loaaei
■alli^ oat tut
Thew were MO oasaaltiea Tlio negotiation of the bonda and
he extenaion of the water worka ayadulufr the defenae. Tbe BritUh oc
enpy the railroad atatlon. The road tern will now be poahed with all poaU badly damatted. Tlie city ia pa- alble ai«-e4 The water arotka com.
aa U Mow lteo4/ lo Meet
froUed by the military to pwveni pll- lUaiotH-ra aw wady lo/roceed with
■d Mato .Vaottof snton
latriBf and bamlng, which baa been the work aa .ooa aa tl>e money ta
irotair oo Mlnae the occapatflNi. Ani' pUood in tlirlr haada. They hare at
Men’s $;i 50 Uo Bhoes reduc­
to Th- M.eBlnr Bx-ned.
orionas aw eampin« in the temple of pwmnt only money enongh for the
ed to IS.50.
Seaoide Athletic Club. Coner 1*1.
afreet. TliU will be ptuhM in
Men's |:j.00 tsB sboM redoeand. Aug. 94. ^Inoe Referee Wiatt
very mar fntaw.,
, ed to n.00.
Oarp -decided, that Thomai. 8>mrfcey
'Women’M ti.50 and tS.OO Un
defentet FittaimmoD*'. on a fool in
.fiboes rsdooed to $2XK).
Oallfomla oeveral year* ago. the oailor
ha# coeatantiy maintained f'lui't he'
\^offlen’s 12.00 tan sboee re­
i*Wcv IW^wMA.
Y lar Yea
the Comiahman'i. maator in that
duced to 11.25.
Jumpod th* Track and Piun^ad
encounter and couhl again demimDoy’s $2J30 Un shoes, solid
Fifty Feat
Teoterday afternoon Pttfr Peter-, rate hi* anpetiority.
S9& rock—tbe best fitting,'
aon, a lad ileetared to he nine veara
Toolirtif in the ring of the ScMlda
nicest looking and longest
of age. waa injured in tbe amve fac- Slotting Club. Sharkey, improve,! m.;
veering boy's shoe* yon
to tbe Kience. in tha beat pfamicBl
Plan Paaemawa Were Ahoanl and Manx
saw—reduced to $1.50
heOame oaaght in the machinerv of
condition pooaible. again liadfiln opor Them taJered-Twii or the
Boy’s SI r« Ud shoes reducmatcliing machine, inflicting a aer imitunitT to demonatiate to ring fol-'
ed to $1 25.
Vletlow Max INe.
oua wound.
Tlie flrat fiiigi-r waa lower* wtaeUier tliere fra* anr truth
Children's summer sboee —

taken off at the flrat joint and two in hto eemtinued matementa To the
black and tan, lace and
Falla. Va.. An*. S4.—A oflier finger* badly lacerated. The aad^toon of ^ opecutow .Kitx
button, reduced to -50, fio
oloaed car on the RiTerriew line boy waa brooght here laat night by •immona oliowd In every reaiieci tliat
and 75c
jnm)«>d ilie track on a eteep made at hia fniber to hare hU injury dreMcil he waa the maatvr of.8hariey.wlio waa
mldnlRht. orertorned and plonmd HA- Dr, ilajHn.
pouuled out after twu.mtnute* and aix
into two tteea; whew it bang
•ooonda fighting in the aecond it.nnd,
<i KtrirKi-tifi. iMti.t r-oVvu hecauto of hi. Inability to get hia
ponded. » f« f alvYve the Fort Warne
railroad iracka
Fifty paaaeigwra
feel after t«>n aecond* liad been oonnt.
were nlniarA, moatir membera of tbe lNan>«et«4 ia a ( et^twr Srmr Where lie ed by RefereeWhite.
Elbe club, of Kew Briaiiton. who had
Waa MarOMea.'
the fight wa* .leciaivelv,
been atteuding a gathering at (he (4>irmi i« Th. Meralu
fought Sharkey came near aiwinging
Many wen- Uijawd. Via
The Leader in Good Sboee.
Berlin, Ang. M.-A Pekin dU)iatch a ourprito. He atarted aggreoaive tacoral Barry, aged il. of BwAver FhlU. to the LtAul Anxieger mra the bod.r tic* a* aonn a* the bell opened for the!
At tbe Old Sued.
mar die. Jeaute Lee, aged SO. ByW. of Barou Von KeOeler. the German flr«t round and a moment before that
TOP Falla, waa taken from the car nn- mlnftWr killed by tbe Chineae. haa motul ended he landed a awing
oonaoiona and ia in a aerltma ctwdi- been found in tlte Chineae cemeterr jsw that blocked Fitzaimmon*
tioa. The other* will wcoeer.
lear tbe place whore hr waa mordered. floor. The Comiahman was unqnea« found on examinaHoo rimt tiormbly in aome digtreoa • from the
(-UlU>rA ilAM HEE!>; EAEA rTKlt
death waa cauaed by a ballet wound effecto of the pubtdi. bnt the bell
to hto reocne anil ia fl«. enauing
in the head. The body will be reinoawr ^rho (otWfdnd to AfadM Lord
minute vrhld. he had in hia corner
terred in a Chrtatian cemeterr.

Hohacl* )«hot YeMerdO).
he reooAered aufflciMitly to enable
him to make a hurricane fight to a
AMSEwrv ron dkeyfi-r
•ignal flntoh in tbe following round.
Pwtoria. Ang. »i.-0<»daa. who
Fitxaimmtma qcice .again abowed hia
waa foond gollty of compUclty tn a
nt lamhm or Fraoer WIU Aok ll.
He atoo
plot to muder the Btitlab officiala
IVw IMire Warn URce.
illnatrated the ■cientlflc princirivxE
and abdact Lord Roberta, waa ahot
fighting becauae he arnijlul
thla aftaniooa tn aocotdanoe wtti
Part*. Aug, *4.-Uber my»P^i dangeroua omaahea an^frastepped
oratenoe of the ooon.
Uouhert la |g«imrtng a mroaage in with abort. aety£^ book* that
Some good points to rvmrmber.
. LcwiVm. Aaa M.—A dl^tch to
f gaaiftil amneotr for fWiMim clMrly made tbe Bibw break graand.
One of thv'man.T good pofaiU ot
the OontiBl Ifewa from Pretoria a^
Dtayfua iBd OoWl Pieqaart. alao
to Bfe to aay that there waa i
Tetophonr is that * mesoagt* cannot
|.«hat Cordaa ww ahot FHday y«er.five ;otfaer petamu auatenoe.
pnrmh deltrered by FitMimmosa
foil to reach it* bearer correctly.
high emm Afterward, the imper didn't take effect.
Whether it _
Another good point to thM it rvack.
•ays Loubet will tetlw from the the right or Ipft hand uaed and wheth­ «• alt points, and that woiybody to
itiu rmic th BOKOE.YVX
er it waa in tbe head or ia the body be City or oountry worth doing bwthat the blow landed, there -waa inea* with has « tctopbooc.
4 Md .Ynafiamae
<^P*Bia Webh wwlred a teiegtai^ enough power behind every punch to
Another good point to the eeott
.TWteiday that the Wpalrajg, the nsd. ^e away the phenomenal atrengtb of of time aad money*
a to Th.' Uomtar aeK«n.
der ahaft of the ateamer Oolumbla;
Anothar point—Con you afford to
Paria. Aug. W.-A Wg fit* ta racing wosld be completed la a day or two
he without one at home or offioef
I'Botdaaax Fifteca hooma have al- and that the ateamer would m

beeo deatroyed aad the fin U Ttaverae Oity ready for bualnem ai
OoBititmad cm tolrd |ame)

UNnc sTii n nr OKnont

m vm m loi i !

mm im our

Fmrtli Year—No. 1030


while you


at these




Wall Paper
at the


10 to 15c papers now 7 and 8c
12 to 20c papers now I Oc
25 to 30c papers now 20c
Allan SI lUtRUls. A Great Ctaice fcr Bit Btiniai.

Uikarillu SOc It $6.50

HacklitniM. $1.25 ta $12.00

New Ties, 26 ami 60c.

S. Benda & Co.
Sample PaOts Sale SflU Golar On.
New Shirts, $ 1.26 and $ 1.60.

Rilto Halt 25 CNti

We ore now oqulppiKl
. ..
with * high grade STEAM SPONGER which
erlv aand give*
dreo* good* a rich, *lghtlT look afterwurda—a amnll chargeu of 6c per yard i* made.g^Try it.

You’ll Soon Hear the School Bells Wiig
ahape-dunoff vacation—“hardly fit to be seen.” is tbe remark
many a mother makes jqst now. Bring the boy here—no msttor what the size of your pniise may be.

Four Specials, 45c. Si.25. SI.85, S2.2S.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.

Ttat’a tho prto* you wlU find on a line of
Kisses'and Women’s Bhoes and Chords
that we sold before from $1.8B and up to
$8.00—We cloee them out at one dollar.

I<M<Ueg^hoe Bouse of Kortueni Mloh.
Bew Shoe Store

SIS Front Street


» We Are Anxious

CORD GiWy I Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s
$2.00 Shoes.



to show you our line of

We do not dum diey're as good ai
other pet^le seU for $3x0. but we do
claim and can prove that we have as
good shoes at $2x30 as anyone h&s. We
ask you to examine them.




McKAUABA block •


I Koxvm noesD.

bmm tww«»
Tint OttHi to tha 09

Any LBul Iteu-Wlato TUated


M„fUntnay ■eyROdaOai

wtelfaCIto'atMte *0 u» adtot
tellliteli Tt—
»vWa mtod ttoan
• toraf teto MlU blfbae. Anaff
tbntbataat to fmn aa tte a^
II tlBltead.
ly k^HR tete mthlfii wnalrtda—*
lortetoaBnifitoto wt tba

tbe kUrer cnAra-af ibnon *{003
faded tbe ChioiM^ oosTepOtn b«<
JkUed to itniiede the cosstty. eo th«.
•olden crows of ImperbiUom wiU
bore ho lerrow for tbe people •• long
•iT proof of iu exiotenoe depends -<fae sooenlon of the Kcbmto
uid that tbe'gold standi
nld starre
e money owH'
neey ebangm ■

U of wbM
t thane a)gbt
ad tM third
lor, aaya that tbte te


b^ tottedMUteb^-tealte as

I Cough, AoOhma,

aUewteg aIgM bita, aad atrlkteg oot
OBMtortwo baaet
Anry dteagrawbla faateraof tte
tea playtegof Beynolda.a
toyw tbe lodapeadaote tuA bomwad
At oaatimi
fro^ tba Inetoelbtei
oaa time be
atrookontos Urea'?ary bad ooaa with
fall, after thru balls had
baas caiteii on him. and be made two
iuunsable errora is tba told, when it
appurad be made no effort to get the
ball. Hewaapnt eat of tba gamete
the third tenteg. and
Wyteg to throw (bo game away.
Itiaptotebla that it will nPb^lp bte
bam baU repatattenla the aeota by tentegt:
If yon haTi* a dwelling, etnck.stnrv.
Indapasdeata.... I OOOOOOOObam. or mt other poiierty tnenr*
TwlHeia............. .1 0 0 l 0 0 0 It—
able. kiud|.T remember 1 want to
write the insomnee for yoo. and wilt
give Ton |wom]ti and eatvfnl at
Body Wm te Cromstod.
Only tb.' most leUable stock insurPrank Sledar and ffoDCtal Diroeter
nc companies represented.
B. L. Cbrtcr will go to Detroit today
Rate* v.TT low.
with tbe remates of tbe late AnM
Sadar for ORmaUoa.
Tbte la thongbt to te tbe ftrat body
Telephone 73
Tmeeine City
rer taken to tea crematory from tba

ST^^partla orffsalud
tba work part la raal work, aad aU of
and attaatioB
wkkh la so Uffht atrsis on tba yonaf
tesla etUa to «y BOthtaff of bodily
tetlffoa. If tba diUd'a boM Ufa ia
it aboold te bla
ph>oS«al atroBfftb wiU ba ffR^y
•Bhanead asd hit fatora ffood tealth
aaraly ffwamntoad by a lata
A laarly olart Into pabik
nUfa. Ifwaonoldhawayaarof
para kladwgartOB work tba
weald te dlffaraaV bot tbk wa «
atptMt bara. Is nto n«, too.
It te tba tellaf of toaoban who haea
tbonffbt earatally on tbte aabjeat that
tba ebUd who baffiu aebool at to will
te u far along ia bte atadlta at tba
agaeflt at tbeachba bad teens at
in; aad what te
will te a atroagar asd more Uumm^
is aU of bte work. A waak
atadaat te a poor otadaat no matter
rbatbla grade may te. Oar telct
dmira aad aim te to make atrosg boyt
aad girte-atroog in health, la mlsd. ia
Oraad TravarmXreglos.
Two years ago Mr. Carter took the
Ail tbte ia aald aolely is babalf ol
wbatIballeTa tote tba.hlgbaotwal- remaim of bte brother Is tew. Dr. C B.
tooottteoUldras. I truttbat par- Biohmoad of Lasting, to Detroit for


ble to to her own worir." This]*
npreme remedy for female diaeasca |

Rtal Estate

iim-imo wpooNT •tmbk'T


U. O. Obnrtia

Fomral Dlrectir..


4R’3^ ulh I'lii'olHmC.
.q-n *11 Mritt.
Sunb.*TiPb..u. X.. l.y.


Story of a Slave.
To te bonsd baad and foot for years
by tbe ebatea of disease te the worst I
form of slavery. George D. WUltems
of Manehmier. Mich., says: "Ny wlfa j
hu been so beiplasi for e*a yaata that
abeeonld oot tors over in bed alone. ,

The party that mut look njMm tiw
jHMxaUy prosperoas condititm of the
Work and Bncqaet of tba R.A. M.
•oantiy u a menace to its political
A party of dlattegatebed BolUlre Both &00d Bubtn.
ynapecte. Is in an nnfoMnnate condi
SUvarm A Winnie, who haveparehMr to taka
ad the abop of B. L. Miller, on Onion
Mob demiTing of iiym}Btby. bnt a
tte Mark Nwtar'a dtffrw at the maatatreet.
IffBpsthy which shoald he devoted to
asd they invite tbeir friends to call
•Mato at refomation and not of en- teg of Tiarorw City Cteptar. Bo. in,
B. A. MTTut nlfbt. Aftar tba work
tommut at the ]>oUt.
iten wu a eaaqaat which both tba
local and aaw memban enjoyed Imly. The eandldatoa wan Xra A.
'. C. B. Danamoro. A. B. Borton
•qpsrteUBdtBl of the Local PoUle and O. D. Tiffany.
Bnhnnli Discamm a Maasttea
Tte comblnaUon of bcanty. wealth
XmpertSBt to Baraste.
nnd pealUon wUl not render a woman
It te saarteg tba drat waak te 8«p- nmaetto if ate Intoa tenrmlng mnatambor, wbca tte toiwnli will opw
^isu utml. At tote tteM. denbt
Ima tbora wlU te aiaay mUa akUdrea
Wa tba Htenralgnad.
to tegte aebool for tba flnt time. The
I a so•graatorafnad tba ma
toaoban an vory glad to raeeive tbase _________-.ofOroana'a Warraatad
tad 8y.
gsanlnni liule paopla and to train tbam nq^TaMf It tails to care ypar aosgb
a u^t
to tba baat of their ability.
Bat it is qaita nataral that aome par, Plntateas Inaataaet Oompanlaa.
8. B. Wait, Bngl
•Bta abonld ba andecldfd u to wbat it
m 6. Jobaaen, P. <
Boom 0. Hamilton A MUlikmi Block.
ktet te do to tbateohUdren. who have
aot yat bagaa their aebool life. &»me
teva baen teasa.toadvleaontbiaaA
ImparMBl matur. Bavlag uma vmy
toffnlta viawB apoa tba qaaaUoa u wa
fam It berate tbte city, I amfraa to
make them kaown tethabaaefli of
•By oaa tetaraatad te tba sabjeet.
a who oeese to ma baea two
Pint, at wbat age
•n tba ebUdrea admlttad to tte pohlk
aatenUT Saeoad, at what mm te it
‘ teaat for tbam to enter apoa tbte nw
Ufa? Tea t nuqsastioa teaaaily aad
Irtefly answared by tba acboel Um of
•iV aebool diatrlot aad 8vo years of
We placed on sale yesterday an im­
age ibaU bava aa cqaal right to attend
mense line of ladies percale wrappers.
•ay aebool tbanic.” Tbte ffsaa tba
We have never had so good a garment
oga aatraaeaat dva yaan. aad abild.
for the money as this and you will find
na who have meted tbia age are allg.
in this lot a very fine line of colorings
Ototoibe pablteaehools otMieblcaa;
and patterns ..(that's what has been the
•Bd It bceomat the d«ty of tba aebool
trouble with wrappers heretofore, poor
•Blbotlltea to provide room and
patterns) We will not make much
■ataetioe ter them, bat ebUdraa aader
money on this .garment but Are will sell
too yaan of aga have BO legal elalm OB
more of them and get even that way.
ton aebool.
Bewavar. many oaam of tbte kind are
mas with. via. aabOdia almoat ftvo
ymn oU, Uaka bat a faw waaka of It.
ta a COM of tbte kite for tba goad of
The Black Dress Goods Sale is a win­
tba child aad tor tbs
ner." llf you have not been here yet, bet­
Ste teoebar I sroald n
ter come today.
StetoUd ba asat toiebeel at all daitag
lat year that bate atartadat
(te opeaite «f ttefaU term, (tete*
toeklaga Hula of(teCrrqairad age.
Tbte woaMba batter tor tbe cUld and





Tlic Price is $1.00.




I have a fine Ime of all new
moulding, ao old atodi to work
off. and a first class ex^ence^
man to make the framo. Bring
in your pictures and ifyotare
not pleased they will oot cost
you a cent.

SSr StbR^iilte^thri

Bfiister klBdartBrtoo fffoda k aod



and that tte
lad is
. .
A ntto email orowd wu at tba
ittbatababaa baaa oallad
•(day. to a.
TwaUlkat^ park ;
wisa. Tteisatam af tba
bint data
liaUtea^^ ta.ttegB.
afteawMOB ailhataito. afasy M|y
ThaTwktoa did Ibt bul
bare tbte maate.BBd ^teh ww
_._idad by aaariy^ of tteu who
iaibatBsatf 4 toi.oBti
WM te tbo tea to the TwMsibaad ptotedaoaporkgama. olrlkIwaBt aawB mao aad aUowteffbat
thru hHi off bte dalteory. to
patoUy ffoodat erltteal tlmoa,aadte

•atteaffaetaBdBotatha w«r^a«
•teatUweBU ted moB OB third baao. be atraek oat
tte batte. dad loft tbo ethar team
Wtiteot tba raw Uoy CKSOoMd.
BBiagteB.ww OB tte alab for tba
acaofatsatlaMt. Tb work of o«r

Tbe oonntry it not yet ready
«arer the chair which hat been dtled
V oDch atateamen and-patriou u
Wa^istgon. Lincoln. Onsi and IJar^tooB) to one who appmU} tot aopport
«B •hcesBt of hit record against most
todoeldafertbalrUUla • imwUl
Cf the wiR legialattoi that has been
ifnlly. Bad
•Bacted erer alnee the boy "orator
esasy dottea prtoalng apan ma
•OBmenord to fignre in popUii
at this tlma 1 aboald gladly bare glTM
If Mr Bryan cared to be candid Ite tbte anbjaet a maeb faUer dteeeatioa.
sdly niwn 1 trmat that stoit I haea aaid nay throw
ffie art of aoenmnUting wealili than at loaat a Uttle Mgh'l os the snbjaet.
•By of the other candidates in the aad that wa may raseiva tba hearty ooeparattes of paranUte ear andeovor
told. Mr. Btyan is the wealtliie*’
abla to do tor tba
e The people today and to da tte baat wa
ehUdyteto tes made his money atece
•Bgatacion of iIh- policies against
C. a. Bon,
<Vhlob be declaimed ao vlgoroosljr.
8apl. City Sebaola.

Pietorc Frames

Won ajn

mmm MyMwi «•

la It

%mi brfon i> lb. blnoT »< U“
UaiMd SMtM iM tbe Mtfnl
SMtlwni ixoB OR nd pi« bt». In­
ker, eo*l ud eoke bm M Iu«b u il
k»o tees Is tte put nro re««>
»ot f« yen. If erw. ter* tbe prtee*
tew 00 huth. Borer before wu eo
lu»e •
«Mta ibtpped fm oosttern P*t»Jterrr tetme bu Bwoey kmed at
low isUe of Inteim. AH thi«
SBdrr tbe irold nsdud ssd * i»oteotfre tariff. Tet (te A»th wUl
•tey Tote slBioPt eoUdly for the free
asd tmllJBtted ooiosite of sHrer wd
ftw owde. M per«nlfle4 is Bryw.
fte wUI oko Totd for Biysn'* Philtfftat andCblsolikotUid.toenloff
. the KTv«t and RrtnjWortestal tnarket
to bor dottw

▼ASXBopnAauBszMxmfta I


>1. M
■M •U9W tfklWr »ak


MORMnre rboobp. Saturday, adgust 2s. imp



CBDpbeirs SeNid Haul Stora.
Old HeMsna SuUdlBi



Or. OabbJrvklte^k


EiiKm. K-'V.o'

«... t.

DoNw Be Fooledi



Fire Insurance
&•. L.. A. towll^lrtc.

Scliool Begins

This is the'great headquarters for school books
and school supplies. We give special attention to
every need of the teacher, the scholar and the district
school. Our schools are the best in Michigan—We’ll
help you keep them so.

School Books


.All the text books used in the
city schools and a great many of
the district schools. We order on
the shortest notice any book not in
stock. School books are on the
second floor in dje crockery and
carpel department. .

A splendid stock of both hard
and soft paper tablets. The cov­
ers are especirlly designed for this
season. There are three sizes of
5c tablets and the same sizes at
IOC. These have the best of-writtng paper, made I4' a wd^U-famous tablet firm.

Composition Books


These have become an absolute necessity in school. We carry
a great assortment of composition
and note books in both end and
side fold. They sell at 5c and 10c.

Alwav's used. It’s" hard to tell
all the styles, but we have them at
ic, 2C. 3C, sc and loc. Those with
rubbers and those without; hard
lead and soft lead, round, square ■
and hexagon.


That will erase and ixot leave a
black or shiny surface. Bubber
erased at ic. zc and sd. Ink and
pencil combined at loc. Steel
erasers 15c and 25c

Red holders and black hold­
ers, swell and straight, rubber and ■
wood at IC. 5c and 10c. Can’t
help but write with these.



Fine pens and coarse pens.
The Probate stub pen. the No. 048
Falcon for business, the No. 444
for school, twenty-five other kinds
IOC the dozen.

Wood rulers, foot long, two
foot long. 1C. se and loc. Rubber
rulers for bookkeeping, 25c. 35c.
and 40c. Straight liibber. hard
rubber and flexible.

Fools cap. legal cap. letter pajptr and half sheets, bookkeeping
blanks and all the accessories that
are deeded.


Colored chalk crayons 8c doz­
en. Colored led pencils aiTd oil
crayon for map drawing, sc.and
IOC the box.






(Otmfinaeii Bran fint papal

ML WiiMiif li hmnd m tl» dtt
(ortlw pn^oMdOMrellow*'
Bmun Htftpev •UR»d SO.flOO laek.
afM «« ftvit » ««riaw pofaHa W*dBMd«7 aifbL li it
the Alp.
mtmu will toon Mdi i00.000
OMoutfit Bill. M Mnutiac At
A ckM tmiat to tte Cm ttat
■M M«14 BM be fond to do Ute
wk «y«B «t two dtdlm |m Ay.
n« loM
femrt an* fat tlw riei
Bltf of Prwiiott reeent^ it eettaatted
W Mlm:-ttalMr4s AMt. HMM:
boUdiadt. lire ttotdt. oopt,
ML. Hi.on); unol dtd-000;


i n« Mmob Mbooi board tatcuotrftterr fma
•n h)mmf tor the d««th of Mitt Ana
MtOarritk. caoted. 4i wat alleired,
. Ip failBf* to iRadaate with her ola>*
arid pabile
The nal fact
ww that Mlta MoOuriefe waa to i«-

ooBditine*. and it had anthinc
irtth her celawiaeat illMw and death.
Thr hutd depanaMwt of the Prre
Ifaniaette ha* abDOBBoM] that
aoBiTnj hat raoHred earoatairemmt fran a iatire colnap of Dank
■rdt who ai*^ iMkliw for a loraiion
tar a colony in Nichiftan. A tjavlal
ooBiaiittrF of the inet bat looked o*er
latid annh of Gmid Rapide
H it probabU^ aeTeralhnndrwl urni
hrrt ad tVlr famlltetlwill atmv
tetnt in Uia<- for ne»t\^u«-.

at HUS r.

The ab5olutely pure

ROYAL—the most celebrated
of all the baking powden in the
for its great leavening
strength and purity.
It makes your cakes,
biscuit, bread, etc.,
healthful; it assures
you against alum and
all forms of adultera­
tion that go with the
cheap brands.

He«rii|Bintpwt abonfibnf wn-kt
Bffo the Orlttth bsUy held
ioa and all ate ire mam BMde with
loe whidt arat taken tram
and lake. At a retnit tlxten laembm of the family are »ick with
irietd ferer.
Daniel Otiflith died
Wexford eoBBiy hat .a sew bop. de•tnetire in lu batorr ud
>d peml,
Ip IUW<|A. WmUmA . Hall.
Wllllamt Brat, at Met'irk. rejiorti
ttet-a email red-boit or fly abont half
the alae of a kt^wel of wheat It work
iBft In the uewly-ctil maple Inmber.
When fljM diacoreted there wefv tix
ty-thm- bop* in one tmall Hjoare
etick I'cxl', inriM-t by lire feet tonp.
The next day Mr. Hall found «e«*:niT
two (if the bopt barinp tmall holet i
trifle larper than a pinhead, clear
Utruapli Uie ttirk. The inax-C It tomethitip new in iliU mtintty ad. al
.Aenph cnDtllK-d tOBMi>ailB»«al ipe*ai. Mx-mt to
tjoadlng. flyinp
•hoot mi»tly in the nipht or earlv
mominp.-Ca<Ulbu' h'ewt adr Ex-

AisiB takiap |im>dm arc low ptk«d. a> also rot bw
two mu a posad; bat tlsai la a carrcsJst poim sw4
a mden lbs bakiac powdet itapii—I to ss* la taA
aovai BAKiHC aowKb co^ too wiu.un st., a

xvMOMom or





Braalat by -Biddy QIab."
A eharalar pre-nanUa] laehaos
wuriraby th« -Biddy Clab*' iMt
araaldr at 6 o'eleok at the
MIm Clan Pond la koner of Mlm
The dinisp room sraa elabonUIy
deeonud ta white and rrwB The
mutol Md bay wladow belnp buked
with ferni, ad the wladow* feetoooed
srltb loop tpny* of feathery' bloeMm•delamatte. A beaatifal oenterpieoe
of maUra hair ferai wm od the ublc.
aad at caah plate srere while wax
eaadlee la pale prea ud .white erepe
paper acela. The eoarealre at the
plaice were* ->aid of b'.ae polnu."
eompoted of dclat'.ly mouled photoFred Morrie. a leadlnp dry pondt prapkeot the bride-to-be lo nrloae
awrrhaul at Gamdeo tiaed cani|di»r
ukea lor the oemloa by one of
inatead «f eye traier at a lotimi for
the dab member*. '
u inflamed optic. Loss of tiphi
The meaa, prepared by the ehefe
prerealed with prrat dlflkwlty.
whoeompoeetbeclBb wu u follow*:
Mitt .Mary Bodm Is.a (UkUnd
eounty heroine. She «at not on KyiT.«rs. with T.mmtn J.ily
ra lake in a boat aich h.-r aped fath'
Pln.bu FraitOstwiT.
er when tile rtom brake on Bnnday.
nn.wmia «sis<i m eisir 1^ s
Their boat wot nrertaned and neith­
er of them conld twim.
Ttie yonnp Tom iYoti;iab.
PrMwmd (ilnr>r
woma h>-id to her father with ooe
had and tn the boot with tlie other.
. The wind drare t^m • to shore and
Tboee prmat were the Nlmta OerV
both crawled ont’of the water nearly
rale Meatapae. Mlee Beorer
■. They lire on a farm
KaaauClty. Hr.. Min Moitu. Mlee
the lake.
Gtase Morpa. Min Beraam. Min
THE Hitiioi* OK Miotorni
Aaaette Barsan. Mias Clara Bales aad
Min Poud. rmalrl e. TiMUe. I

Of the celebrated L.& H. Derby-We »ie
showing these now in all dimensions of crown and brim.

Lamson & HubbOl

Fan Style, 1900

The Newest Shapes and
Are also on our shelves—^andsome Pearls,


Browns or Black—We show three lines of the leading
manufacturers of fine headwear.
“No complaint!

Everybody satisfied"—is the

verdict of those wearing qur hats.

Don’t Forget For a Moment
That we have many sizes left in Men’s, Boy's and
Children's Suits—Men’s Pants-rStraw Hats—Summer
Coats and Vests, on which we still continue our ex­
ceptionally low prices to close out entire lots.
If your boy needs a school suit you can buy it
from above lot. at about what the pants alone were



Hamilton Clothing Co.

PrcTCDted a Tragedy.
Timely information
g:*en Mrs.
rlllf. Ohio.
orge Long of NrwStralUtmr.
'Cd two lircr. A (rlgbvfo; cough had
loop kept bar awake o**ry o.gbv 6be
bad tried may reawdles aad doctor*
but sieadily grew wonc uni;l urge
try Dr. Kiog'a Sew OiteOTcry
bntlr w'bolly
___ . cured
_____ her; and
ud ebe
wyltcs. this maivclou* medklne aleo
cured Mr. Loop cf a severe sttsek of

Do It Today

Fall aud wiuter styles of W. L. Doo^lu abow
are in and if you di-sire to w«-ar a pair in tbi* btext slybw, which you will certainly be wise m'
doing—then'come early enoneh to aecure yona
^ size aa they are selling mpidly. The pricM are
^ stamped UD the sole of every shoe—one price to ait
I vonld like to call yonr Attention to examine the tan shoes «•
are t^oaing oat.
$3.00.-........ for $2.60
Mew Diecorery for Blood82.50.......... forll lH
S2.00..........for I1.4S .
They are strictly np to date in style and quality.

OF SEVEN CUBES, the Great Cante
remedy, ad for all dbeass* of Ae sku
ud blood, from Contact ud Secondary
Bnreh Oantlnaed at 'But fordu— Bcreredltary Cause*
Dup Mystery Sarroands Ae


135 Front street.

Practical Sboemao

Steinberg’s Grand

The mystery eoaceraiap the
apperanee of Caarlu Brenzlu cooUnBM'loprawdMper. ud Ae aaspidonof foal play eeemB msre ud more
probable. There Is rery prarc doabt
BOW u to whether the yoap man will
erar be found allre
Sunday morolng wiAIa
alghtof hi* faAer's farm, ud bstween
it ud Ae farm of Juepb Vmruba
The two places are wlthlo alpht of
each other, ud Ae ground is clear bcAem. so Acre sums to hare
bea BO rueoB for Mr. Bresiu A stray
tram the way. cepeeially u he had
bea airap the rod a grut muy
The roM bruAu near Ae poiat at
which BruAawulMtseu. and it b
barely poealblc that Ae yoaap
Aa dramatized by Chae. W Cbaie.
took Ae wrong read, Aoapb
Ae preuat there b noAiap that
would Aad A enabUsh that apposltion.
A searching party of abont 10
hu bau acoarlar Ae epaatry aad
ExceUeat Cast of Oafacters
making a Aorongk heat for Bnzlu
Beantlfnl Stafc, Settincs
erhbraauiai. Bp AUet alcht Ae
froiUua, Botrauof him
.Spcdal Scenery Every Act
harlag beu foaad.
It b dlflicalt A hit apea uy plaaal- Correct Wardrobe aad fTt^ertles
ble expluatloe of Ae mystery. Mr.
BmAa b not known A hau had
maeh moaey wtA hlai. a» that robbery
hardly bare baen raspoasibla lor
hb diuppaaraaea. Thaiduefhb
Mag loot doe* net appear reaecuble,
A view of Ue familiarity wiA Ae
Boaerved eeaA od aale Monday
AaM.AM. K. B. B. Oo wUl aaU praaad ud the fact Aat he was sea
ttahata 00 Frldu. Aag. t4A. Mudhy,
SBwniag at the box office.
Bag. mh. anft%aaday. Aap. UA. ~ Aatght ofhte teAerithome. Be tt
not kaowa A have uy eacmiA that
Priceo-25. 35. 30 sod 75c.
1000. Traiot
tarn Umtt B
ml UA. lOOO.
loauTbaeacuCUyatO:lo t. m., and
-----------wttktuluatMamttAa. Ban
Untheraaad trip, moaia iueluded. w tha rnyimerfcwiW'
aae yaa wiU hara a
he omm aklmmed off Ae Aea
rarledge A mriap Ufr. Bocky
_ __________ B! W. CnanlatAam.
FaA. MttebaUl
ala% made^ Ae M^ln
i Wonboig Blk.
TnTem Oity.


Tlw Bf. Her. Datel K. Tnttle.
D.. bitbop of MiMooii. will W the MePhartoo Put Will tease Today for
poett of Orace chorch t*ritli today
the «rut 0. A. M. OaA eriap la
ad tomorrow, and will occupy the
Chicago Vest Vuk.
poljat tCBBJiow morninp ad erenMenersoa
Put wUl atari this evaiup, i«eachlnp in the in
maty ad - iap u a body to the utloaal O. A. B.
ipmeet at Chicago, which bcpla*
eiou Mmday. Some ury taBitliop Tntil>.j will be remembered
ha the rlerpyma wiw dellreml th<- tamUag spaeehce will be mada to'. howem. ao that the eatarau
' addret* at diepiaat meeliap on Kun
get there as aooa as
day Krhool tally day. ib tin' City
0|wta hooae tome yettfa apo. Hr la a ' ponible
It te expaeted that abeet 100 O. A. B.
ivomineut tua in the Bpi>
ember* srUl lotre this diy
ehnreh. and liaa liad a very wide exle eeuiag Per* Mareas’tte trala to­
pi^nce. eapecially In the weat dorday TWe wUl tadade the
lap the iwrly dar^
Ae local put, ud wlA them srUI go
The biah<n> it a rrty enlertahitaM
•pMkrr. ad tin ime Arfhid mitt th< member* of the noeta at Charleralx.
oppartnnity to hear a map so |pomi Bast Jerdu. Ktapaley. Gran. Ihenp•onelUe, Maple CUy and other Alau
amt in the churcix
Dnela Du Wblaia lA oldnt 0. A.
'John Hadpe? for may y««t* a aid- B. eeteru A Ae Uaited Statea. svlU
Port Horati ad atill
CP at tAvMStof honor of MePbarat the council, u in (be city
au Pul
the famly of Abler
Would qaJekly lure you. if yea aud
It Halpa^ Win B»nlea.
Dr. E>8P'* Mew LUe PUU. Tbenanndt
eaSerm Are piotad Aelr mMulen merit for tlA aao 1____________
. . or* fcot ud aAu They make p«r* blood aad
Miff JolBta. Backlm'a Aralea Halra la build up your hoalA. Oaly » ocata.
the aa*t In the wcvld. a*m* (or baraa. Money back If ao< cared. Bold ^ &
aklB ennUoM ud ptiaa.
B Wait wd Jas. O. * '
-* *
Oaranaraataad. aaUhy 1
tad iaa. O. Jobxaoa. drapvii
Epedai Baiu A B. A- B. Boaloa.'

baeaby pim to wbaalma 4a Ada ea
Iba aacth alda A Waat Fraat atraat
Oaioa atrcai
atraat w------------- -----------M Iriat Froat atraat tram tba B.
R- A .L t. ». to Boat atraat. Me eaa
tar^ fattar than six mUm par bear.

Hotel. TbrM i
Shop Ud 0
terday-Xoi tfl.OOO.
Fife Imke. Aap. 14—Pira Voday deetrojed the Amerieu hotel, throe scarehoases. theO. B. « I depot, ablaek•mUhtbopaadadwelllarboaaa The
blaze started In tba bold, probably
from the cblauey flue, ud was eery
;diffiralt to check, with the Bre appare.
tas that the eillapa ha* to woik with.
It looked for a time u thoaph the
enUre bastoeaB part of the city would
be wiped oai. bat effecUse srork with
mleal ea^e of the Tlliape ud
by a baekel^''biipade manaped to
check the flame*, after they had doac
damage to the amoeot of about V.OOO.
part of which i* eorered by AsnrueeTbc lou os the Aamrieu boAl U
about The leae oc Ae black­
smith ahop, whlA was owned by Jobs
Shnpler. 1* about p&oo. Be ured a
port of bio tools. Thedwrlllcp bouse
Aat wee burned wu osrned by Wil­
liam 0<(f.
The three warehousu were owned
by Bdwatd Brower. Edward Uofl ud
B. B. Bapadorn. Bach of them con­
tained bay. bealdu which Mr. Bapmdora had a lamAriap outfit A bis.

MoBBd l.-6haikey etarte with a
raeh. leadiap with hla Ml Bob Alps
Aw^ and the blow lode on Ae okeA,
A flddUnp matAMMoed aad Bob
etmeked aaodw i«A with a rlpfat <m
Ac seek. Sharkey mimed a swing
and Bob's ripfat wru around hi*
bMd. and Tom etagpered Fitx. TMey
ellBehed after wblA Bob nailed Sbarkey on Ae jaw wiA his rlpfal ThU
draws another cUnAod Tom'booked
back of Ae estf. Bob sends a ai
cot wlA his ri^t ud landed his
left on Ae eye- ShaAey reached the
stomach hard with a right. Bob was
stoppered by a beoTy left on Ac eye.
The blow maddened Fit*, wbo niled
in -wlA left ad ripht.
ruslird like a mad bnll aad drtqie Fits
with a left on Ae jaw and a right
nndrr the heart. Sharkry Ml on Fia
and in Ac n|Tonr the bt-il couldn't
Round f.—Kharkt-y rasbrd. but Fits
»foj> him with his right. TIm- Miilor
ruklim Bob to the ropcr
lad. Bob was shifty. Kin siaggiTrd Tom with e riglit to th<- jaw and
hr lollowrd With a hmry U-ft ni
jaw ad wind. Kliorkry ruAed and
landed on wind, bat Bob was all
him. 41r laded a Irft on Ar jaw ad
tigiK cm thr c-v. ad dro2>i>i-d him
with a Irft cm tlir stomach. Th>- tailruAcd very groggy ad turning
aimlrssly. Fit* sp>]i]ied clow- A and
thivw off Kliarkry's swing, ad with
li corking smash on the- jaw hr xnt
the- Sailor ovrr rom}>l< trly kncKkc-^l
Sharkt-y wont down cm tho
boards cm his sick-with his iMwd
dcTUcwth. Beforrr Wikitc- startod tho
roar, lent Kharkry nevor hoard
ud Bob was doclarrd thr
winner. Fit* was sumiiuidocl with
sdmirvrs who yoUod tltomsc-lvs hnarsr.
ritoy nmdr a wild bMk
ring. KliaAoy waV lifted to his oorand rvxiTod cjnickly. Fit* crossIn tho sailor's (xitnor ad shook
iiands with him
Ho told Kliarkoy
ho had imt up a good battle. KhnAey
nodded jOcmaatly thc-ii left the riag.
Neithrr nuui Icon- n mark of tlio consave a •cratch on Kluirkoy's
mouth froi^ which thci Mood trirkh-d.
The stnns are now coufldoni iliai
Bob Fitzsimmotis will giv.> - Jeffric-s
t)«- fight of his life when they mi-et.
The liuildingw-as clenrvd t.-n minutc's
after tho 'battle liad tc-niiinuiecl.

tin latest Block

Wednesday, August 29tli.


PisitiTnIlf tltt Orlsiiil PiodtictiM.

PrUNtHil IWTvtei
“Tki Enit If tti Sum."

John R. Santo

That we are after your patronage. If the following
interests yon, please give us an order.




Berere brand
guarantee it.

Every parebase
of qur vinegar is
tesM, so that
we' can ufely
gn^rantee it—at
20c per gallon.

New crop, l‘-«0O pffck.
Sa4et picklea
20c fioart.
Sonr picklea
‘Jc dozen.


at 10 cents per

Brick Cheese
Only 15c per

5 oz can
at a price below
the value
at the glaaa.
Can lOo.

Fere Ipple
Strictly piw.'
Percao 10c

Eitract Of Ceef
our price 4^.

25 cents.

Our prices

are moeb
below actual
Yon can
save money
Madiog in yonr
orders to oa.

Sontbem fiesDty
bread. This u really a snap. Per can, 25c.
POBCbffff—Michigan pack io syrup. Beat quality we have
seen thu season. Onr price. 15c per
p can.

■W. E. T=r A -NT-H! V
Old Phone 850

New Phon, 119



The UBgfa ^odwiBg and IWr OonpdUsg Story of BmI IMt.

toy Mai Rtoirt.
Ibe Ptotn^ CoBMdj S^t of the &MOD99

The Night Before Christmas

APUTtotldtUaChlMrea. A PUy tor Middto Ar>i A PUy tor the TfapogbU*-A PUy tor A* Dear Old Folk.. A Play tot the JariA Editor. Oergy.
■^gpltooDtSpaeialSeaBery. fr.perbActtogCo-li.y- Storing Mratoal Featoiea.
Popolar piicea. K. 36, 60 «ai 73c, Seat, dow o» «A at box oBc^ Talephoae U2 lot aeata.
■mmwwww mmm mmw^
\ 9em 9frti£W9tLM

/f MMorr iTUia



OMtantlcBat AactoavwUl Beaaltto
Oiaat hnpmraMat to High*
wayaaf ibaStata.

Oaato U die Ant eitr (mated to
A- Mgyor rmak HamUtoa bu rw
toe oeam to aboir a dr«naer to popThe <MBi Jut eeapletad taraadtremtha maatlag to Uo toa food mada bald at
toom • popalattoa ^ a deOBUM in lea yun of atoioM tt per ________ Tba mcattoc was a eaetwa
to cmey yarttoalar. tba attoadaaoe ba*
i^torra.alltotofiaaMidOTad. and a
rraatdaalofa ptaettaal natara wan
that will baar trait to better
B lort-tr toe p
a half of
Broom com inwOT of nitool* will
aeaihtoe to control the 1900 otop aad road wto ballt Jut aoatb of Aaftoiw.
aup toe profilB of toe middlemeo. ataaoetofaboat U.OOO a mOc. Tiu
Tkt crop to Kanwa, Ketouka ud work wH dOM aadar tba aaparrmtos
OakUhoma U hat oon-third, that of MarUa Dodfe. diraetor of the paUle
of tba afttoaltoral demtooU o6e-half.
partMt of toe Unltod AtoUe, and
|A( AtoeriUe.N. C.. a (ilrl t»»V ha.
OdOM] BarrleoD. a praeUul road
torn bom to Me. an^JAm. Oeorpe
bnUdar to the tmplor of the foremVaaderWII in Baltmo^Tionw. VanThe work wu doM to toe
Aerbilt anuooooe. that|ber name will
eery beet rnanotf pcaalble.
Ao Cornelia Stayretolljt The little
A letter wu received by toe chairMtmUR-r.i. heir to a fortune of»S0.Lu Of toe ooavention from Ool. A. T.
BUa*. Bepnbllean..eaadldate for gov­
Sdward E. Balch. amUtani cMhier ernor to toe etate. to which beexpracatd tlie Omaha National bank, wu ued Ue tooroafh eympatoy with tha
amtoed a^ robbed on a aUeper on a
and voioad the hope that
BonhweMcra train while oomins
work of road Impn
rmn Chhairo to Ofltolia Thoriday.
program rapidly, aad that the very
Tkf iKTpetralor of the 'deed e.hmt ^tam of road balldtog might be
-n^ud with Bap in oadi and two
adopted. He oongratalaled Aagtoaw
toafU of «S0 tnch. betomtinit to Mr
on toe practkabtlityof toe plan that
Baloh. Not too ilighteBt cine a* to
iho Identity of the robber U at hand city bad adopted.
ocgaalxatton «u afA training ichool for 'Onban and foeteA nadar toe name of tba MicU8pam.b .i«aktogohildrai. io fit them
te mlMioo wotk here andvlaewhem,
aoeiattoa. Tba «
aril] be ratablltoed to Grenier New
t, of whtok Mr. B*mtlTalk by Hera Joalah Strong and J
M a mambar, aad adoptad by the
Howard Palroblld.
I tooaOerto of too
Jueph B. Noble. tatb» ol toe Ant
ilatloBtotoa aaeartog of natloohl
palygamiet child bom after Ihaa^^et andatota towe that will improve the
««a totrodneed Into the mormon Mt, roade of toe ttota aad toeantlraconatoa JUBt been'boriod to Boantifol.
7Olah. The foaetal eerrioe* ww atMartto Dodga aad OMpaal Barriaea.
tonded by BO of bU children. (M of hli who had charge of the road balldtog
wmndtdilldren and a large nnmber of demoaettattoa. may oomahtrato toe
aot tar dlatoat fatarate toy aome good
Imrt «l> wlvM, 47 ohtidren, of wl
road, tor tolaaactlOB. TbaygotoTo■9 are living, and 194 giandohildren. peka, Eaaaaa. froto the Aagtoaw eonu bat Mr. Hamlltaa hu tbatr
Xbe prinoe of Walee hu arrived ai
Wilbeltmdiobe. OaaaeL The emperor, promMa that they wUl eoma hara totor
pamibly by way of oompUment to toe and bold a almltor meeUag ander the
prime, wu driven to the railway .m- anepiem of too Good Boade aaaoatotlon
«i/»n in an antomoblle,which liad been
Aamplmof the 1
,Mt lo him by the war ©mee. u a
model They embraced and klued. from the Beavtr Utoada wwa aabaxltmbile the band played the Britlto Ud to the axperto toare by Mr. Bamilton to ace whetoer U woald make good
■ational anthem.
The geseral
Huln and Bremen, bnmed Kortli
that it to too eafLbat
Oorman Loyd .tenmeia. may be poridwrri by the navy department for aamplMware kept by tbe expert, for
A toud.llpoccnrred in Sailel.Swltxertond. An tnu aad it* garden and
oatbniidtngv .lid down tlie hiU.ide a
diataur* of U feet wilhont being In
gfae tout inJanA Two eUlely elm.
in toe garden were aUo moved wiUioat injury.
Bute of Ohio. City of Toledo. Loom
- Ooonrv—ea—Frank J. Cheney
tnahi*. both tliat he U eeaior i
mr of ttw Arm of F. J.Clieney A
doing bu.ioeuIn the city of Tol
Ooanty and Stale aforeuid, and tiwl
HONDR>:iTTOllLXRV*fm^h aad


Co U'fore me end .ubecribed to in my
December. A-


Bair. Cetarrh Cure i» taken intemnlly. and acW directly oa the blood
and mneu. .urfaCT*. of tlie »y»tem.
Bea< for leetimonlaU, free. F J.
*♦0 , Toledo,
Oheiiey *^o
Ralti br draggitl*. T.V.
are the be*t.
HaU-i Family Fill, ai


Aeeura Yoar Ptoma.
By plum crop U now begtoniag te
ctpea. Bradebawe are ao* ready aad
are vary Am aattog and canning
trait, will ba followad by Smlibe. Or
Inau. Imperial. Uega. bhlppr
L.oa>bard. Betoe. Ciaade pad
to toe order named, all of wbl
mood eaanlu fruit. 1 will deli ..
^lotane ^ere to all putt of the city
wtpi.Mper baahel with Are per mnt
<gf. Tbe .plum crop to mneh toorter
tiiao aaaal aad hu eoat me oaariy
Aoable the labor to produce it than
Cnrmarly oa aoeeoat cl t^ Iw
toea, aean and aaeaea. I bavanoUme
•0 paMa from door to door aad wUl
A. A I

aeto—e u

P- o.

Ando aad retara.
H. W. Caantogham. Agi.
Af. A- Mltehcll. U. P. AgC


tor^e by the W. W. l^baU Go.





Tbe Bight
toe totoet and gteateet ptoy by the
>mfal yonng Atbertoan play­
wright. Hal Bald, to abeolately true
to nntare. moat of ita aoeou are taken
from life and ooonrenou-dnrtog toe
r*. ohildho^ the aeene of actbeing told tat and aronnd hie
gimadfatber'i tarn. Moat of the char­
acter. are living today, hale and
beorty in old age. Tbe otmaeqaence
ii that Mr. Reid hu written a play
of living bumani^ and one that from
tto veiy parity and bomelinew i* m
true to natore that the other night
vriien the audience wu
old coontry hoouwifv mid Veil. I
come out tonight to iw« actin' and I
am aimp|»int«d, for them folk, didn't
tiiat'e Jut the way we folk, do
down at home. Bleu her dear old
heart, the memberu of The ttAght
Before Chriitmu - comiany were en­
gaged for'their ability to |«vwuc livtog prototype, of homely cliararter.
and virid picture, of ]«.toral ttpainiThi.' imtlifnlly luntroyod
drama will be aeen at~Steiwl>erg'i
Grand opera faonae umlght.

....eiday to toair botoo to fibleago
after apendlM cope weeba at ftmeu
Mra B R. HaU aad daagbtar rotaraed ymtarday from tba rerort at <M
KMo« to torir beau ia ■vaaetoa. UL
KateC. Qatotoa aadSalpb AQato-:
toa of Bvaaatoa. lU-. aad Vbaak H.
Apearmaaaad family of Vbaatoa. OL,
•topped at tbe Park Ptou yaaterday oa
thrirwayte too rmert at Omeam
Mra. A KlmbaU aad Mtoa Milk M.
KimbaU have rotaraad from toa aortbrrwreaerm to toair home te TbUdo.
Mra. Aebmora aad Mona 1 Aikman
of Redwood Falto. Mtoa-. etopped at
tbe Park Plaoeyaatoiday «a toair wv
to Old MMon.
Fraak OBaalagbam wu broaght to
fen Jadga Roberto yaaterday. etfaiged
with the theft of ume ot tbe clotbtog
of A. B. Speer of Paradiu towufatp.
Oautogbam vralvwl examtoatiM aad
wu reqmlrad to give a bond of A*00, to
detMlt of which he wu romaaded to
Jail to awaU trial.
Rev. B. H. Smith will pruch at tba
BooaviUe aehool hoau tomorrow at
t:Mo'etoak. All are laritod to Sunday
•cbool and tbe praaebtog aerrioaeTbe Womaa'e Forriga Mtoalonary
eoeiety of tbe Frteade ohutch are
arraagiag for a eUnopUeaa lecture on
tba mlettou of tola church to Mexico.
Syria, J^ma. Oaba. aad Alaaka. The
proeeade of toe aatortalaatant will go
to tbe aid of toe mimiou to toe eoutrtoenamedRcv. aad Mn. C. T. Stout will anurtala toU evealag to booor of Blabop
Tattleef MtamiarL Pariabienaia aad
otbar friends are tovited.
Thr InvlaciblM will meet the Mani■tm Atolelle Club bau ball team at
Popular Pedat tomorrow.
Mr. aadlMm. Fraak Ball of Stote
•tout are toe pareata of a toby

■KJoo VadU.” tbe gnat tvligiou
play, which will he prownted at
Steinberg’. Grand open houe on
next Wedneeday night. Aug. 88th. i.
everywhere meeting with the mo.t
irononnoed mooeaa Like the novel,
it i. dewribed u being exoeedtogly
heavy and beautiful, and. like ShakeBpeare'. woric., mut be oloaely fol­
lowed to be thoroughly enjoyed. The
;iou of theljord'. tnyer on
tbe stage by a ptoywright to a bold
attempt and a novel featuiv. bat the
dramatixer liu m .oiTOonded It with
aoene of ulemnity that it. recital
n mo.1 boantiful and 1
A vary plaaaant pteale wu aajoyed
It 1* univermllr admit
by tba Oompanloaa of Foroelete at
it i. imiiowible for anyone
, But Bay yeatotday. Tto crowd
toroogh a
of this gml
•Ball, owtog to tba rate of toa
play and not feel bettor for having mornlag.bat toe M who want bad a
witoeued it.
Ane time.
Tbe mambere of the Fraternal
Myetie Circle who have beea eojoytog
£¥£979 19 iOCI£T¥.
aaoattogat But Bay. broke camp
............ 'iy and returned to the dlv. *
delightful wuk bu bean epcai. mneh
A toige numfaar were preaaat at tha
of toe eueoese of toe eaeampmaat bedanwattoe Wc-qae-toag elab boon
;iagdue'totoeeatlring eSorta of Mr.
lut evuiog. toe aeeond -of the aeriae
and Mra. B. I. Eeapp aad Mr. aad Mre.
of club dancaa. The mule wu
foraiabed by Prof. Beret'e ombeMra. George A Boyi.
Bvaeybody ebould witaeu toe ire
wu vwy Ane. Aboat tO eoaplee
dutloa of "Tbe Night Bafrn CbrietI pneeai. .Tha eoculoe wu a
mu'- to Stetoberg'e Oraad teaigbt:
vary plaaaant one.
Theee partlm will be eontlnaed each The advaam eale U alremiy toa largwt
Aeommlttoewu a
of aay attrutlon whteb bu appmrod
Friday evealor. For next Friday
Ida 'for a parmanent
•vaBtog place have baea made for a bare this eeaeoa.
kllm Lottie Nub. who wu etraek
big corn rewt. to to followed by
ity la toe etote. Tha m
meat bu baan atorted and a graat Im- dance. Tbe cora raaat will take place to Ugbtntog Tbareday morntog. U
getting along aiecly. tboagb etUl very
in toe roads all ovar tba
weak from toe cflectt of toe eboek. It
bo tbe roealt of tbe
U pbobable that the may leu more of
follow to toe baU.
muttag at Saginaw.
her foot toaa that which wu amputa­
Mr. aad Mre. F. O. Oampbrll have re- ted at toe time of toe aeeldeat.
Toetarday’a Beaa Ball •amca.
■pul.1» ^
to attaad a eerprlu party on Mr. ahd
A party coeiaisvtof ot C. B. Deamaom.
Mre. M. McCarty, on the ooeaaloa of
tboirtetb wedding aaalveraary. Over Ira A. Adame. A. A Morton aad O D
100 gaeeu were praeenC and a benatl- Tlfiany are to toe city

V : I

R»«ud loMuo: Grinih ud fal dtoaer ut of ebtoa wu left u a
Jacob Babaubetg of Suttou Bay.
memento of toe becaaioa. The evening
eru at toa Colombia ymterday.
will long M remembered with pin
Walter S. Trambull of Old Mieaioa.
by all prcecat.
wu at toe Park Piau yeatorday.
A very pretty party wu given yw- ' Mrs. W. C. Nalaon of Lalaad. wu to''
terday afuraooB by Mtm WUhelmtoa toe city ymterday.
L. B. Pe^ wu to toa city yutorday
Saaaa. Fonrteen of her frleade ipera
preaebt. and a Ume wu sprat lo play- from Kortoport oa hnilnam
u. P. Traadway. formerly clerk
tog rV°r* wd having a JoUy good Uma
Neeto-to-waato botal. te la toe
after which dainty refronhmeau were
aHOicaji Lhaeva.
•mved. Thou preuut were tbe Mlaeee city.
Flret gameA A. Acre aod wife of Olea Arbor,
Kittle Welsh. Eva Weleler. Mabel Me4 10 9
aro in the city.
19 11 « MIebul. Beby Sbtlaoa. Lu Fcantato.
8. A. Smito, maaagar of tbe reaort at
KaUam. SlimmaU aad Powara; Croa- Elba Holman Cecil Kirby. Marion and
Bearie Baydab. Otota Bexle. Bva RlcE Ne-ak-to-waata. wu at tbe Park Ptou
IB eadSbaw.
•rd. laa Hmry. aad Lottie aad WU- yutorday.
Seeoad gameTb.; Mteam Ouuy are eaterutotog
balmtoa Sbaae.
aereeea Voorbm ot Graad Bapldt.
AttlMLttMALtoLMLlALmLmLMlMuAU. Mra. Kcbbler Lewis aad toe Ml
Kellam aad Fowawrrieke aad Shaw
U Forgo of Elk Baplda. ware to the
M9096 THE 8ES09TS
First garni—
city yutorday.
w( wtwtwt wevpr wewr wt mw
W. C. Natoon ot Utoad. wu ta tba
tuAlo.............. ...................... « Jh
Mip-WOUam Wtotor aad Mlaa Mary city yeatorday. :

Boffaraad Bfdoi;KenrtoaDd8ebreek
9natorareat toe ftrit Ptou oatoelr
Mrs. A TaUar BU gou to joto her
bubaad la Irqpwood. who te utimalway to Omeaa .
FrmlA Trii^ aad Mack A Rim- tog aad locaUug for tbe Oval Wood
baUet Chicago.are ependi^ a law Dteb Oo. to toe np^ paatoaato.
Mn. Capt. A. A Johnaoa. who hu
daya at Park Ptou- Thay made a Am
Smith. Baker :sad CNm; Merwto'aad
utrit of bam to Oerp Lake yaneddpy. bau vtelUag Mn Bert BUte. wUl luve:
A party from Oolambaa. tad., paaaad today for Milwankae.
W. J. Bayaolds. one ot the
tbroagb toe city yaaterday ea tbrir
Oomtorte tbebcaii itroagthuetoe
of MePberMm Put. O. A. A. wiU luve
mtod. Ita ro^. m or wSl Maaat way to Skegemog Potot Tbe par^
OM faee bright u a eamamr montog. eeaalstcd of Mre. iJoba A Crimp, Mre. tote meratog for a brief eWt at btecU
Tbata what Bo^ Moaatato Tba doca a A WblUridu Miu Nettie On . borne to Kt
Mtm Mtoale Kletb aad WUl D. OrampMnJ. L Olbm. a 1
• of toe
E. B Wedgee of Oolambaa. tod.,
paaecd torcogb tba elW peetorday M ooaaty board of aebool ax
bb way to apead tbe nmmer at Chu- to the mty- yeatorday. to
^TnohSi ^
with toe rut of t»!when aU toOM bavtog boatotox with levolx.
the Arm can call apen tbaat. Ms tf
MuCstorrwe Oattor
B S. Wottotogtoa aad wUe ret-rtv'


baad-wotk. Miebtoe-nade 6 oeot dgan vhh which tbe markri M
Aooded, eori Mmori aothlag to nannfaettm They are toe cbeapuk
poeatbieinidbettmnedoQt vithaeleekeppearanoeto look like e good
dgar. The eto^ to them to b^ecoorefnu doctored ap to taste Uke good
leaf. There to neither toria,Aiilah not qoaUty aboat tbPB.'


ts the beet Scent cigar Dow-a-dxya being tokL U
ta madeof e high-grade pan tobacco, of the Data*
nl faU leaf, handmade Into e tneamoUng Uetefal, teal tobacco cigar. PfuW-mgjPugi


from a rteit to Baatea Hubor aad St. itl^Frut St.
Mrs D-Coehlto and ohildran were to
toa city yjMterdsy'from toair camp at
KeyatoaeBev. and Mn Howard Mooro retarcad to Maatoa yratorday- after aa extended visit la toe city
Frank Vptraba wUl go to But Joi
dsB today to attood toe fuacral of bia
tarotoerte wile. Mn Jcuph Votraba.
who died Tharaday.

Talapbtee toi

HBRtir& BaunbiBglt.


to^?^ d

Cblaeu carry food

There ere about Caatoo Cblaeae In greater Now York.
Ttip ' emperor of Cbtoa has Just
pe.w-d kl. 30th birthday.
T*nDC-ll-}-aineo is ulil to be bexvily
acrentpd on the mlddie word.

Real Esiin Dialers
Tradirs, Meiet laiiars.
211 Froit St.

Tratarsa Citf, Mali.

British army e<ilmnle;< lo South Af- FOB SALA-ees-Two lots 00 BaetPth
rk-a have |ia..e«l th.mart
Btraei. clou to property. Good lorn■Tbe filil.-« li.vultui>t(- III tbe
Uoa. Price gtoo.
sluiN*r the Bank of BiiitUod is dialed
l»ec l!>. Ha«. ami i« fol- tr.V.
FOB SALB^TOl-Hoaeeaadlet, Wut
Front 81.. lot toxiao. lapa betwaaa
Pets Ufa end bou into tbe bui
Proat and Third St. hoau faom
heart, mskct yon well, keeps yoc well,
Third, WfL oa Proat. Good buifhat'-^-bai Rocky MoBatola Tu
aam leacatloa. win taka eamll
property part pay. 9I.IWOr. V. J. Stgtot, Operattu OutUtry FOB SALB Tst-Nlu booMon Webetor
etnet. Hoau hu elx roome. good
wall water, large lot, elou ta prop­
erty. worth hal will let go for
low price. «uy paymentaPrice


FOB SALE-790—*0 aere turn. SH
miiuofcity. Goodmaw boade. Itoo
baartog fruit traca. » aerm of tlmbar.'
FOB 8ALE-799-M sere farm. Jut
top of Broekaauy Bill, good fraau
hoau. good bora, about 400beartag
fruit watered by well aad
•prtoga.AU good land. A Am pleoe of
property for aome cm that araata a
small track farm clou to the rity.
Prim 9*000.

iBBiHMAK'IMl - Mix tk-b.^-M lix* f*
tnro-d sud t> r-«dT ' '
*------------••-v-inx St N',. ailI H.wtb I'liSai slr-t
pt'Hra WANTmj^’slI SI Ibr
n, «l W.-tH>.T«tre.-t.

sndr..-i «s>e. K., ««4illu tsfllil N’...
aei W.-.t >*.T.-cth«tr.«t.
C^« RENT—gew b'.a*'. Bao mb •tr-^ i. *«
( 1 sl^,hsT.- M-vetml -msll tesiw- for «1*.
WlIttsJi-.XKnfli1oi-i,rx->.it fsmi t-mn. I«i
py»^t. Iwlswv Bi'Sithly. F A l-Urj^luE.
\l/AXTgI>—Tv'dlnm* r.«inijprl.. ■.:* t-i
work IU.ws2l^4*''e'k’Bsi>l,u''~l(a>-^t^
I UrtT-VM-bw Mm
t nu.v wtu M
rt>rf Ciinusi «v P ■<VrreV..JB~-.

WtUtsm*. St H




evo MAS —CU twra (•>
sad ezpraw*. ^rasBiwt

FOB SALB-TOO-TS feettraatoaSutc
iireeijoat eqatof-Fraaklto atruL
Large ntoe boom hoau. baecmeat
oader wbrie'. alu luge rooma high
ulltoga. cleu to proparty. Lot aleae
arortb alt wa aMitor whole propmty.
Boom eeuM aot be nUt today for
lam thaa Sieoo. Thte property te a
bargato at price offered aad will be
uld OB auy term. .Prtoagiooo.
FOB’8AL*-711-ll aeru IH mUee
from ceator of the city, eoo burlag
trait trees, small ^ueasd ban
Ftoaatvtow to tka.^to- All good
wU. OwBu bu bulaem la toe
dty aad bu not time to look after
it, beau the low.priee SHOO.
WATCa TB18 UBT-The above are
bata few of the bargaiu we have to
oSar. rbaage cv ary - day. If yoa
don't tod aaytot^ ta tbe Uet to celt
yoa, eeme u oar oOee- If yoa avaat
to bay. We Waal to 8u Tom Ifyoa .
waat te aaU. We Want to Bu Tea.
We are alwayc oa toe buUe aad are
always glad to au yea. Wa bava
largarUrta. make more mlu aad
toaa asere moMy thaa aU therut

_____ WADE BROS.
, 811 Froot St.

Tr.7«rM City.

■ .•^-"^J":Tt«i'4VP?^^W

mnaBroHG mcoRD, satorpat, augdot 2s. moo.
tNK (

•5=r3Z‘* l|



i*» wt^arn^rn^ei^m —t iS»
«W AM mA Mm Ite 4U km


Awrag the ocftoa of tohrmewa w«k

Ike Kew Tort TSna of July 27 Mt.
t «i av Mt to Mp M aoM. oont^ Akfam 8. Bewm to qaotnd an anrh«:
“1 kUtore that the rleUlBB «C Mr.
tec at M rrik aad «Mdac KM Mate
t» «• wnhiM K smcM part oC tka BiyaikieTen wttk n BepokUen
to extotrttoe. would reoalt to wideM«» MM thp Mv for Gcetav’a ■

v-ts.*.i3r‘~ .

*^aataA-A Utaatioa «Ma I eaa do
MaMToot for cko board of aorartf mad

%M^dmtMMt raackt M ora aad
Wr orM*
«aM faMf of
mad. manortt, ,«a wttr la aard a(
tttdr BM>rr Wi» la tba fcnio>io|dM d
pattamL flo K vaa tMt wr
So adrrttMtamL TW am.^_____
awda. aad MM MoDoa aad
Wr Md'talM tkat «M woaU kt .
atuht. drIMtr Httla JUf. aad tkat abr
wimU litM tka catfio a krgr wad
l-iM. WMa abr done, abr ptorM t«
br kM arhat wa badMadaad M.
■hr pat tbr baUUt on a cbok aad
tbUi^KaaadJtoaataiMtbeeorar. 8hr
ralawl U taatloaur^ thro* app
rw the alia of tbr hukH a cwt’t
Ha waa a Ut«r btacfc aad wbttt
ratinlr wmoopUtr. aavr for oar 1____
Hit fa|o wat nuatlr wbHr, bat ea Ua
BBddf lip wa* ■ Uar black
kttk kapartal garr hM a aoot of dUttactk«. Hr kakad ralatir aboat tbr non.
gra^MM back la hia pUcr aad doaid


tr. *Yoa aar wkat a
»«,> ouo
for a cat. tf be bad bara M oo drab.
Uatlac all aiaoad iba

PoaaroiJr abr rUmad to tbr Uttial
nam. Bbr tiptoed to tbr baafcrt and
jMbad Id. ibn «nr .M art ar«r a
"Ororrr 1. .HU aalrep." abr «M.
.*Klrofgrr I aaid. *«h, tka catl Wkat
Sbr colored tbr Waal Mt poMble.
aanad bln for aarBabadr I -and
kaew." abr aaid wbh dlfaltf.
“Did I aadamaad pea to mj that kr

M W M< Ma M a HttW VtOe W; Uos. Its effect 00
Id tomt MaUr K. M 4o«a ia M
NA aad waM Mo fa** panM kMIr.
It aMMM MppHMd tkat M did Mt
•ad la catMlBC a apairov. aad thra
d P. Fitek. toko.
MU brnaa. tkr bUek laiprtU firUke Mr. Rewttt to an «
nad n gold DMnoemt. nnid:
aaaee. I tblak hr appndattd tl
that thnr wae a aetru brtwrea i_
“I coaUder it mp peraounl ^utpato
Ow aflrraeoa MM Mattor bad a caUca. gapfMTt Mr. McKinley. X waoM not
Mttonaa. aad 1 iadaeed her to nafce: ■apport Mr. Bryan ou (be beu pint^uapiolaa. The rm of thr fanUp form that was crer frminrd. and
bapprard Id hr awap, ao wr ibnc
would not rote for tbe biwt candidate
the labir togrcbrr. Mr. Cetonaa----ou tbe {datform on
ptoaaau naa. anl aa I loeked at Un
am a.fcrilag tbat I had ana Urn 1
when before. At toegtb It dawW
an that ba waa Ororgr of tbr ttotppa. tbat sbosld carry wolgbt with a nochoaah brdUaMwnrMlnp^
ctaos ol Totrra wbo, wbUe dJfMr dreWoe wa.
tertog radlenl^wttb PrcBldent Mctbr cat n:
KlttltT on many
r points
of goTemmep**Tkto to np cat. Toaaap, Mr. Oeto- tnl poUcy. at*
naa.” MM Maltoa add. aad Me ga<
ird bto rr-deetton na nbBDlotdy toaw a dHtoat took. Srreral tinee U_
__ antM
* to tbc widfarc and proo■poke te the cat aad called Un Tonop.
aad 1 eoeU but adnln ber afaUltp to le■ iMiii Us new asnr. Mr. Oolcnaa
took bat little labrru In tbc cat. but at irap of Ibliiklng, IK-raoorata .wbd ngrre
toagth be showed MM Maitoa
With Alcatii 8. Ili-wltt Id tbr coon
tloo tbat the fdcctioD of WUUain
Bryan would be notbiog abort of
MM Mattoo paand the card to ne. CBlatnlly to aU bustocBs toterroto. Dcm“They atwapa nakc nc tUak of a Uatp ocrato wbo coloqldc with cs-Comptrol
tor XTtcb'a atatcincnt n-ennUng tbe rrdtobctolb. poodtor <k>,“ she said.
“It U a rrrp flae pbotograpb.“ 1 Bald. podlailon of Itryan jiml Itryantom. No
“It nuu br Ptofred.toal work.“ aad 1 00c baa put th<- case ImTUt tbno this:
taracd It onr to aor tbr pbotograpbcr'i
would not support M?“dlryan
name. Arroaa tbr back was writtoa: on tbc beat ptotfurm. tbat waa «rer
“«ofa. Takca Jan. 18. I8BH."
fmiDcd, anil I would.not rote for tbe
Aa I banded tbr plctan back to In beet candidate ever nominated on tbe
ewarr kto cprr net nior. and kto face
told aa ptolalp aa If br bad Mken. platform un wbtob Mr. Bryan la mnilng."
“Etook firr nc awap.“
It to a Ufi4ong Demoent who pntg
“Then la aonr npatny hew." I told
njarlf. and tbr ant dap I aaU to MM blmaelf ou record ln"Xbto empbatto
MaltoD. “It to fannp. bat 1 doa’t khuw tnaaner, a Democrat wbo talka wbat
poar first oanc.“
he thinks and will rote aa be talk^
"It to FWa.'• abr answered, “and
If all tlH- liualDCMi IHmoeratii wbo
BCTcr Ukad it."
, Oner, when aourthlac was aaid about bold tbe same >icw were to ulk and
Mr. Cotonaa. afar Uiiabrd a Unto and rote tbe aaine way, next Norember
said. “Wc need to br prrttp good frlroda. would ace tbc rdU of Bryan
but we bad a arrioos qaarwl. and for Bryantom forerof and erer. and tbe rc.
ynn wr apeak t<rraeh other."
rirutlon of lYesIdent MeKUilop would
For arTctal wrrka I went around with he practtoallp nnanlmouii. It la tbe
tbr thtrr arento—Oc m’a,
' "
Mr. OcOrnan-a and Miss Multoa'a-Wrp e

"j: 7"'

r. 1 abaU nrrrr foegH tbr r:
ber facr and tbc Unggto tba
Dltatton at tbc death of I
“Ob. Ororgr!
t rtnonatrance. 1 gn aurpriaed at
you! Wbat MaD I dd to pou? You
ought to br puntobrd. but It wouU not
do sop good." A pause. wUto her eyes
wm fuU of f^meeb; then abr aaU aarigrlp, “The ->------ -

aad 1 tlM that Ororgr to proof that np
tbaerp Maortre^ Too aar bow atradp hla
arrraa are. He arrrr baa bad a tiwml
of Arab to rat la bla Ufa. I bare kept
tbr Uuaoaf watek oa hto dirt, fir to old
raoaib aow. ao that 1 tblak kla kabUa
an prrttp wrU fomrd. aad 1 doaU If kt
woald loach neat if It were pot brfora

--------- ---------------

to br kUtod. and U pou Wt do anptbiag
worse than catrk tbm 1 won't aep a
word." Ia a monrat norr, whb feral*
aim ineoaatotnHT, abr aaU plUfoUp,
“Oh. tbr poor Uttto btodr'
** . CMnasD called at our bouse often
tbat fim tine, and oner br taU to
'When Tre brrn here and then go
boae, h does aero looraorar to barr oobodp but a dog waiting for nr. tbough
HUgrt does tbr beat abr kaowa how, ~

h BB.Cttei

The way to wbleb the Itomocrabi
hare dodged tbe blow deUrered by
Gorenmr Ueoaerelt In bla apeeeb at
8k Paul abowa bow benrOy It went
. Here are Rooaerelt'a blunt and
ragtag wortta; .
“Study tbe Kanaaa City pUtfomi
■nd you cd^t help realtolng tbat
tbelf policy la tbe policy of Infamy,
that tbelr triumph would mean mtoiTy
Mi-tHtread Umt It to-aUaost untblakatito and a disgrace so lasttog
that'mure than a generation would
hare to paaa U-fon* It could be wiped
They aland for lawb«stM>Ba and
ler. fur dkabonoaty and dtoboDor.
for Ucensc and dtoaatcr at Imtae and
cowardly abiinktog from duty abroad."
Tbe answer to this sfartUng analgnment of tbc party of the Kansas City
platform to tbe printing of a few ptotures of conaptouooB liemocratic jmttiota Boeb as General Joe Xt'bevler.
Tbto of cunrau to not an aoawer.
“Under tbe Kaoaas City pUtf
aaid Goremor Itocnerelk “tbe Ilenioerata stand for Uabuneas and dtoorder.” tneiyilng ib«- |itonl; donuunclng
gorernroent by Injunction, “for dtobonesty.” meaiitoR tbi-' fraud of free allrer. “and dtobunor,” meanlug auirendor to the Agttiimido rvU-to.
8och terms cannot be pleasank
don't wonder tbat tto- Kansas City
ptoUomi pi<npto don’t Uke them. Hut
th-y an- simply tbc baro truth-—New
York Sun.






Ur^y.9- Koporn.wmwnwrwmtwwwwmw.

Pewe Marquette

*■1 Pressing Pariors


a ta=facsa-,2s\tt!

Elictricai Scalp Spieialitt,
Oinatibeist and Chiropidist

VlaMa Maas KIM Nqoare Fatriy in


Sbr bad bero rockiat protlp back aad
It was aftrt MM MaDro found out
forth, bat aow aba nrtdonlp pat belt apriikt aad Uatracd. aMtoAriw «
Geoigr's armt that Mr semrd a Unto
troubtod aa nnhappp in Mr. Cotonaa'a
premier. At toagtb one rrcalng abr spoke
out qatte afaropUpt “Too were tight.
Ueofgr. aad 1 waa wrong. A cat cannot
an aoBW anoad barr.
br trained not to calcb Urda X’rr tried
•VK drarP abr cried la a tear e( gnat it rrec ao nanp Unira, aad now
eoacm. 1-1 doo't brUrre 1 eaa atap Tonnp baa failed rar."' Her rpco
Ibra, and I an ao Beery, for rrarytblag downcast, and abr dU oM nr Mr. Ooto>'a race. I did. and I got op quicklp
Uer to Jure wbat 1 waated. Wbp dlda'
.1 rmenUr to pet It la aap adrrrttoc and toft tbr roora.
‘And aU tbow tbinga wr used touinar*
o*rr —tbr Engllab apamwa. poo
Plora.' Well, poa wrtr rUAt and
After earn coaalag t pmoadrd brr to
nap vkb BI for a Unto while, tboegb - raa wtnug." Tbat waa all 1 boetd ai
tkr waa nm rery doebtfnl aiU wUhrd I went oat and cioord tbr door.
It la a pear now slacr MM Mutton toft
■hr M worded her adTcttlemrU dIScras. OronK and Flora—1 sbnoid aap
firat latrrrtrw IX cancutua TMarap
Ikaa la oar ftrat
Tonaip and
aad Ml'
HUgrt-grt 00 hartao
her two reUag paaaloar-lirc
paaUoar-brr tore
k tor ber If- Ae Tonmf etlU ladulgrr la bii
Gwrerwed With
donratlcwa. be <u ■» J
M aad bar
her batted of KogUUi
KocUUi eparroarA
eparrowa. ><«
Among the regnlatiuna for tbe gor.
Ia.lkr warka that foltowtd wr aU got to
enunent of Florida by Andirw Jockbe Tcry food of her. Sbe war ckrrry aad
aon to 1K3S was the followtog. It did
tb^ HM*dl^£?”^ She tnd
«o Ctottod «ho Wnttor.
Oat hare tbe "consent of tbe gorernThe Mlewtog Isctdrat ewearred when
mbtoet oa
Prince Ororgr was atUloMd at UaUtas. «d:“ “That the United Stale* court*
rd tetaprr. Tbat
shall bare and cxcrHae th«- power*
to*. ReeaKkeca
would pntrad to S. &. la roramond of the guaboat beyond tbc limit of l\-nsaeida and 8k
Tbraab. On<- night be waa priucnt at a
baU, firew bp tbr eOerta of tbr regiame -Augustine of granting and recalling
■a or t-utumtooluns for lnnlcw|>* flrmlp ucaatle, rladtotlrr and la gantoon tbrrr. Now. throagboot Ua
■fuL It waa Tcry anntoc to Wr atap la Canada Prince Ororgr made Ura- er*. retalbTB of liquor of ercty <leBcrlptlon and keepers of lillUard tn^ttow
rack faloadtbtrUy nattnima, arlf rxtmadp. popular bp ________
rr to br treated aa
If PM ihlok tbr Badtoh apamw Buck and'erUrot-derltr
and to require of tto-ni aoeb surely aa
mortal, but Ibiibi- bootraa
of tbr they may d.-cm proper and ImiKwe
a Sar thiag.- abr nU oar dap. 1M laad
tbr colonrrs
. BOrTa wlfew ■
Wt- And Mr laid a book brfor* ne.
goeb price for Rich Uevnn- aa to ^-Ir
It waa • raltrd fUetca agrleakatal rr- mafonn to thto. and daring tl
•ptolon may^ ream
peft aad it wu about tbr fiagUab apar- she “ropal blcfanemd" aad
iw (Paaarr d&mmlcna). aad It reotala- gntbrd owr tbr prinea tlU M
ad. aonr «0D pagea of aUltotica. I did dmtip Uek ot It.
Wbrti anpprr was nnaonnert
^^agUah newspnpen have been keep
M ^ It lai, bet I lookM It throedi.
Ororgr took
la iim
bta uvran*. woo rraaouDaeo log a keen watch on tbe deridopinent
E«u» ail
aad to oaa pUer I tooad ae old tlatnir. ctc^jcgr
b(T attrwtloBa. Fancylag that tbr prim of Aroertcan ahipping. aud they express
would like aorar epatera. akr caUrd out to weU grounded ft-ara tbat tbe paasaiK
It waa a tdcfkn of a pooag naa. t waa a pouag aubaUrm. wbo was baailp en­ next wlDter of tbe ahip aubsldy blit
abaat to replace H wbro I oottord tbal gaged to tooktog alter bis own partner. wUl bring a lanrc American ablpidng
ha won a naall blacfc laprriaL ‘That “Mr. R.. fetch hto ropal hlgtincto some
toto aharp competition ‘ arlth Brituh
MU beOroevr." 1 aaU to npaHf. aad 1 upalrta, and took Marp!"
“Mr. H," a quirk eoBretrd poutb. Mlpptog In tbe American foedga uade.
•Med at tbr mmUaanv as Ororgr tbr
.Jined to a waKi
* «at walhad la Jau tb«L
A palat «• Craaldee.
MaU cata tone laatfctd &
aaU. ritb
.. a alight etapbaala to bto rolea,
■r, will pon
_ take
aoeae op*Wages bare bree higher dnrtog tb^
kat Orarar arened to be a aert of oc
ton te bto royal Ugboraa as qukUy m tost few years than erer they were be­
tkp. I an pot npiag fbackto arm
dtotkadaaptbiagtrdewiSlt I aa
fore to tbe United Bentos. At^ this
No one mioprd the rabnka raore than was tbc period when tbe largeM i
•tan the fact. Hr Urpt neU of ika
tMr. aad hto cyea bad a dull. atapU «■ the prtooe htonarlf.
bar of tmata wee* formed.
granlaa. Hr attack aaa aa brlag «7aleal
and wllhavt aap .pattKator tonreu la
Me. About two noatbi attrr Ororgr
It miglit be weQ for Bryan to arrange
■ad hk niuiin canete Un with aa a
<kaM <MT ew tW cat Hto naaaer platrgtosa. The large ptotea of tkto UtU «ttb bto pobUabera to get out a UtnIted
grew nore «n)p aad aalnated. atol hr y gtara arc Insgred <rbru pat to a wto* rditlon of ITw Beeund Battle" and be'atopt nwk toaa MM Maltoa aptked dow. aad when aap of the* is broken the
this, tao, aad nnaiked that Me gacrard
M chaM of air had dear hM wa. It
«aa a week later tMt Idtorrtetad wkat ^er the tookru plate rather than he
MoUd be paH In pttoe. Tha fimler in
IfidlAM fricMto of the Democntle
*^tt*aMa^borrack notdw thmr ^ oaewd^ gtora eoBDiTua to utflM
«—MeftbeuBhwteipaitoftbB taperlaUatic mndidate are forattog
•ed mini I tor tbr blida Ikto was a
Mt^ It Into poBsa of HraScr Bt^ oaldlen’ dnba to 1mp“ up
a to MM MM*
•* ■Wtoi(Ui of them to Tsttoa martial patttoOsn for tbe Nebraska
toato ^opiatoa. aad abr .
gip. (tor nntatog 1
Med at aa opea wladew wkaa Ibe eM(>
Who Pmpov VWrra.
•awa ware kartag tbUr toeaktaat. Bad* * Mm Dc Bidwb—Tkat was eery tnanr
- BMP there wae a etotoat cawutoa
^ g^Uitol «< mm adar^S^
I Mnd. aad thna wae
Me «KM hfttnA of (be s

A Mery la told of a certain Cttama
- that Mr.
te be balked ar b
of tM AmarieBB
to ba tend wUkia a itottM I
Bodety, dKy mrklBd
i tram tbto dor to tba little basiM
ua was I
of aByrerllkt K. J. F» ■■ artMt
potot of ttow SByiMiUe to HaiweBSiCM
—- intMalghlBBBraaewcCtbetnsd.
............... ...................
torrmutdtoy an beauttfal. for tt OmMer. Bad
to oa a Bttto Waff owtoakl^ a Boa to arc abaat U. When be Mnad
toe trlvtri aatwm of tM tmoMe be
_ 1 toe itOBse of toe
«btok a spackltog rtssr rant to tost aty^aayte be waa an AaKrieaa:
Melt to a rift of toe tonway kilto Tbe
-Btt My ordeta are 10 bald him
aaato to a dall. grayito Una. toe stoer bwiTaald tbe oIBcar.
ffina a Bleel bine effect, aa^ tar away
-Aad my otdan from the Calted
toe dtotoata of. toe kills blands la soft State* am U> demaod bla mteaoe."
“He mnM suy here aatu tt intta bla
CtBdatkM iato tka baa of the aky. la
■ajeaty to n-lea»e hlm.“
toe midM of totogmaof a landa
• Cttlle.1 Mates of America deUIa yeUaw ia erery e
Mnicdlaie relraar." qaMly
of tbe word. It to a Itepbamy to yul* rejoinedbisMlnlatiT
Conger, ^hnd we’re
low aet la a gympbuwy to blna
led to getting what we wank"
Xa tba nelgfabartog rlUagm toi
Tbe mlaalanarT was fread st
legend asm bow ttoymrUlobocm^...
low. They ny tbat whets too town wat
AntMUr toega waaa't a patotod Mom
in Ik and tbat oMMy aa oaMpsiatag
yiatw °
peddler oa bto nothm oaUtog
mw in thto aa oppartaaily for ____ ,
making. Be proeered %
(ff damaged p^t at a MmXgr otty. all
of too paint betog in Tarioua bnoa of
yellow, from bright ocaafo down to toe
Sdimbentott urOonnaa Plonk at
doltott baff. Thto paint bo oartad to
mad Ra^-wlto uaaal attrw
Sayrorille and oold at low ptlom. and
veMi auncMOB a* asma. Train wilt leave Tcavoraa City
mill with large prcM to blmacU. Then
tbe town set about palnUng itoelf yel* -- I0a.a. Uave Qmad Baplda ; p.
kw. Homo of too people poolad toair
intermu and tocirpalntoaDdr^nameoted toetr bouato with toe
Otoma ran to ttripea. and bartog
to) 000 tiBt filled in with toe rwk Om
man triad polka dots In chrome on a
baokgtouad atgrneatob bnS. with bril­
liant ufieok When too worit wm d
toe peddler’ omb« back with a Mg —
aignmenl of staring grmm. wtalch too
and with wbiefa
they painted toetr bUnito. Tbe nwnll
was fdeaalsg to tbe Hayrurmera. but lfurtb.*T. IVw*. Itk
atartUog to snob tew oottidata aa
ebanoed to JouTDoy to that town.
In toe eourae of time two booeobold«■ fekmd oouragn to break away from
toeprorailtngyollownom. One repaint­
ed hto bonao In rMin’s egg blo^ tM
(«bcr Unted bto a deep magunU, and
tbeao two bqtidliiga utood out
spicnonaly and ^ro Jnst aiongb color
tone to too rllJ^ to aooentuato in
amaxing effoeta tnyallow.—New York

Lato in Febnary toe I
analiug Woamera Mmto Utroogfa toe loo
la Hk Jton'a harbor and maka tbelr
way to aomo nortbera ootponta, lying
there until March 10. the earlleet date
on which toe Uw allows them to "go
lottaoioe.'' They stand but to MS nncll
toey meet too immanaa flohto of loo
from too Arccio cnean. Tbuso fiolda
often many aqaaro mlloa la extant and
fairly tocm with auaU. A groat aeai
hnnjor told me thM toe aca seemed
only oonrerted tarn an
mala and ico. Thu stoamer bruaka Into
tbe jam and fluaU with It or oklrto
along too edge, toe crow. £00 or 800 in
nnmbcr, taking to too floating ioe and
liriag there for days atid nights.
- ‘nmyoungsoatofatton aorapidly that
aooknfsayyoo can aotaally aoo toem
grow wbilo you are looking at Mnm,
Tbe poor croatnni are enaijy killed, a
blow with too butt rad of a gaff flnlabing them. Tbe banter tbeu '‘seulpa."
or hkina tom, inawting a sharp knife
ander toe fat, and
teity taking-uff too ■•palt"—sJUa and
fat logoUior—In about a minnto and a
half. A party of mra will “pan" their
pelts—pile them up to ton nomber of
about 1,000 and thrust a gaff with the
ship’s flag into the pan. Whoa thoo
are pans eobugb. thn steamer bruaka in­
to too ico and haul* tbm Aboard with
a dimkcy wiaoH. or tbe men drag torn
totbeTowM'l’s aida
^0 Nnwfouodland seal hnnten el-.
ways spoak of soaU an “swilos," and
for our word carry they aay “spell." A
master wbo had bora Ibtening to
amal huntor’a atoiy aabl snewingly:
"Swilos! XIowdo yoQSpuU swiM*"
"We don’t ^mU ’m,’’ replied tbe
hunter: "wo most generally baols
'mr’—Gnstar Kobbe in Sc. Nltocdas

Itching Scalp. Oandruff.FaJling
Hair —Tho Three Steps to
Progressive Baldness.
t DiaeI have thla hair or bald
: Bead

I Used
to Pay iOc
For Pig Tail* but moo.
I have tried


aad toe mkrobm that kill Ml the hair,
givm a new and permMaat gtwwth,
kaapa the hair allky. fall ot rteh «dor
«tn, will Dof injora toe

Pig Tail

Mma. LotU baadim the Boblnaoa

I mose lagrippe aad dread
toe blood, liver and Iddaeyt. give new
life to every orgaa. alao prove tbat tea
dollaia inveeted la yoer borne la eqeal
totwohoadred dollars at aay of tbe
and doctors will Mvartably eadotae
Treatmeauatyourbontt if desired.
Oonrae of treatmeota. all scalp
traablmor(aetalblemlehea.etc.. apee
Ml rates to eoamence at once.
Ladies hair deeming a apecialty.

I hsTe f»me to Ae omclatioa tbat Tk wiU bojr s firat*
claaa, delicknu smoke. Try
ooe and 70a will nsrer pmy
10c for a Fig TUI sgsiB.

The other KMk
Not long ago a well dru—ad woman
eotemd too saYingS bank In a weaterH^
town and told the rierk that sbowiahod
to doporit amo money to tho cnxlit of
Oemgo Gam pactIRooognieibg her an tbo wife of a___ ______ At greatly rednoej prieea. Tbrne are-rea^iba^iilBe.___________________ _
of that name, wbo already had an aeoount opmi. tbti olork rightly gneaaad
that too money In question wm to ichit
an aooonnt for one of her children.
"Is bo a minorr’ he inquired.
"Well. 1 gtiem Botl" raapooded tbe
dtqtorikg Indignantly. "That’s emcA lot of pedals aad handle bars—good ~tt ' rtitrr
toing we’ro norer bad In our fainily
- Foar good second band Udine' bic-yries, $1000 each
yeti .And if Oooegie Mows any luanin
toward it wboi bo gots old ennugfa—be
Bia't but 10 now—1 raekoo his pa can
tell him yams about mines axplodin
and shafts fallin on top of f<dks that’ll
•acUebimqutcker’n a wink r‘—Youto'a

Spacial Sale of Bicycle Sundries-

At LEDERLE’S. 118 Union St.. Near Front


An'orange grove In full hearing Is
one of toe moat dallgbtfnl slgbu toe
ro onn witacea. Tho troen arc a beaatitul shape if left aa nktuse made toam.
Tho linba oomo nearly to toe gTOund—
wo oloso that an orango pkktr gam andor tbe me flat on hU hack and oftau
eats 100 araagmfrm tbe tree beforo ha
aomea out Oranges ace nerm pfoked.
bat are out eff with toaors hariag a
spring betwoeo tbebandlm.
that has so iMn ou it is nawliVaad a
............ and Is Do^ packed byahiatdam
'Belleva 'bm. dear. I lore yon more
■ Ufa I awww by toe faraor of my

The Up-To-Date Photographer

I Fih Um tf Pkongnpli Imus. Eilat{ii{ if III KMs.

For Cooking or Furnace PurpouSs'
Munvm cuppwts laiocx stok won
aMewulkSmtar I* aU alM.
■M tB SIMW ottr Xioitar Ob


lanroiomi MCffffis.



emoAL noenDxvos

AUmcmi fifiadar. My


OttoaOMneQnftlMOlM mtTnamm

If.—1 anemia hMfNiliM

B Who baa gelaed s[
me aatBffflt cliff AMMO haU
cacMAaffMM, IMO.
rnmmmatj. Mlq^. Aag. at. mm
- ^toar^ by AP
»ho aees la BryaaMa a far greater
9W Che 3rawwbl*. tbe Xfogur « ' ~
■enafi than tlmt wMcb by nay
Mgyf 7*wm
bUtty te larelrvd M toe enoMananer of
PreaMent MeKtaley'a policy rr^Mtkfoi of ira rmter tomato and
lag ow aewty aeq^M terrimrlal pom
gravaliiig «f Bohan_________________
oeMtona, writre to*Tbr Tranasipc aa fael It, IMO. were road aad atorgv
tteaonth atm* and mgktk stroet in
TravoneOtty. Mieb..A
Aag. IS. IMS
riMirifallff nportthat we
'pad the mnUor end
“If an the trlMda of «atlexpatmMn Tb A W. Rickard.
that the poUUen teg
afamdd.Tote for Mr. Blyaa, be might apenailtDenet a atwe imUdi^ oa
and the board od pahUe works be laloH Bo. i«. 17 and 18 of R. A U
tom we abordd ba*e free
Oo’ ba S& lU Worn
free trade, aad tbeoe wrald work more rronlotract. The buOaiag ie lo be
erU to tUa coaatzy than toe S(mniah ompliden a eaady fanory. It
W. W.Bmltb.
. iU’’(aDdtaccebe_
war baa done. Cadm toe'Dlngley be ti feet front, br w feel deep, two
OommlUae oa elraeti aad etdew
tenltan to Uleamte
rate the
__ .______
„ tariff
•teiae. and u feet high foam gtada.
Hovod by Aldermaa Mpnfogne
* W kokteg la tbtt glam 1 MW aumtf
malarial aaed wQl be brick and
nerer before. It boa Mlmulatvd The
Bfone. The iaeloeiag walU will be of
reflaeted naariy at fall bogth. bnt tqy
oar export* and made a* toe leading tbe toliowlag tbkknem. to-wit:
lace. I nadoed. had two aegMrate aad
of toe world.
walla, 8 feet deep.
dtmlBot Imntm. the tip of the Dcae of Mr. Bryan abonkl be .elected with h^ ffouadatioa
•—.....----------- --- - ,„ehm thick.
one haing afaoai three laMim tram the
DemoenUe ^imgrcos. whicb would
tip of tfaeothcr. IwwaUttlebotfond.
Beeoad eteey. tS litoee thick.
mean a Bryan coagnaa. it 1* atartllng
City U
pertMp* etartlad, and got op aad loafcad to think of 4c.....................................
Tbe walla wUl he to^spradra'
la tbogUa^ but tba lUwtCB riiriAad.
The divMoB wall* will beof
be of tbe
folwoald. bare abent him. RbooM that
Oa lying down agala I aaw U a aeoood
tblekaem. to-wli:
tone COOK wirtooald be bid lowing
fflratatory, It iaebea.
goodby to good gorcramcoL
Heecmd story, it iaehea
“My advice to aD trienda of anti'
te Inei
litUe T
^ad thirty (W) iacboa above tbo of the.
than the otbar. I got np, and the thing
party which baa never

aad.romelted away, and 1 went oO, and la the
The roof will be wood qprerad
and that wa* on tbe quvtkm of expanport St aaxl ingalar
axrdtHnwwt cd the boor Iccgot all ahoat
' The cornica will te of m
akm. If I could aee any othc-r
other way out
Motion carried.
oved by Aldermaa Moore that ia
of thU dOrauna, I ahouM gladly adopt
p aad give
n la hereby agreed, that if this ap­
eonatrueUoB of Wetaaior atreet
mam little pi gaelf «
plication U granted, aad a permit te aewer. tbe englaear te laatraetod to
Tbla Boatnn moa abowa exceUrnt
foctable had happened
metrsetlon of the;
building, tbedlreeikmsof tbecity fir*i plpe to the Vs to bring tbel
■■When 1 went home that night, I aeoae aad aound p
warden will be followed aa to the aiu
told my wife aboat It, and a few day* Choice Iwtwecu wbat
Uriv totbe earface i
andloeaiionof all ebimaeys. aiLca of « convraleBt of euaeeting.
afterward made tba eaperimeet agala.
Auca, tbe proieclion of faraacea. boatYeas. Aldermaa Moatagae. Moore.
rhan” (with alaagfa) “i
“aaru enoagb the
lag pipes and all arraugemenu desired Slcder. Bougbey. Em
ight aad
ihiageamoagain, batl .
to te oaed la braUng such baildiDg.
ed in bringing tbo ^o*t back after vetea aball make nclalo Ui
la creating beat tor mechanical
ly*. none.
that, Cbongfa I onoB tried nry indo*. of Prealdeat .McKInby wiD diacorer maaufacturij
. log porpoaea. also for tbe
>ved by Aldermaa Moatagae thet
Irioariy to abow it to my wifo wbo
_eof a«b«f.
board of (.HWI.W
public work* te ordered Mlwirsas.
re Usto hsa lire mot te
Tbe buiidlog for which Ihh
waa aomewhat wotriod about iL 8bo
cnicees. K«. LOBU. Clerisesti. IiMUMeyaU*.
tte crom
the privet
is requested will te cm
tbonglit it wae a 'riga' that 1 wae to be
tbe vlelelty of the octore of T. D. ead UretaTllto.
Oct. Ui, ItNjo, The eatiiimatod ooat of A. MeMaaua. removed
eleotod to a aooond bra of offloe, aad
removed by the bagi
and bad money and to
eWOTU: slja41sla*<wr tOTtaOrsed gapto.
Motion carried.
that the palenemof oneof tbofaoe*
.ffndc STTITIOT ei 1 m p re. towwier «er
American people tbe nitimate decision
Yeas. Aldermaa Montogee. M.
aa Oman that 1 eboold not aee
raoQK wm acfixorab &BTB.
of the qoealloo wbat to do with the
B!? Coraw^^d. r. * t. a., onao Beaw*
tbroogfa the Imt tarm. '*
---- -- IDBEAT. OsOTb TrsTOTse taty.
Ahtamn U due ■e«M«;^daalnt and beTbia la a very romarkabic atoryo^ Philippines, littpertallam Is a bugheor.
ccQloc flcbiia. or witieti aa; nmbc
oolnoidenoa, we may «u—to wblob and time will prove It to he ao. Rryan.
kioUoD earrisd.
aur aaMr tw aeqoind for the astumi
uosan t
ri-iiur woaa
eomo tlgnlfloaDOewaa girrabythoornel Ism Is s terror and a danger only to 7V> tor H.mi-mJdr, lb* Mourn- ond <Hly sTATKMaxT
aod flowerr miwllu d^bl the «?«*.
death of tboprcaadoataooa after the be- he retnored by it enishing defeat at
Cuuncit of tor CUu ol Tnityrac C«u.
*Ki> r*v iioi
The Mare almoat
giiuiing of bU Koond term. I told Mr*. tbe polU next Ifovemhe
foverae City. Mleblgan. Aug. 1». IMKL
Linooln tboetceyanil adcedborlf ehe
We do hereby certify to the couacU
foatnre od the coMnD* that wo foe* for
Tcd He dotalk' Bbo expnrad
y aikyour I
r eeid elty that tbe followiag U an
araMea, and U M the mmUMe that the ■nipriao that Mr. Linmla wm willing
body to appropriate not Iraa than •
i 100
aenrute eoeount of tbe coats of rcpalra
.................I Of the ateere wUt be the
to employ amleianec for my oSee <dur*
y anything about it. a* be bad op
dlatlBdtitohtin mark of the antamn
leg tkr bualMt pari of tbe tax eollettcoll
the emouBt of materiel uto ud'^e
foahtona The drat rat exhibit* om the inddeot to anybody, and aaabe was
as a portion of tbe time It 1* expeafo thereof, end tbe street or place
Imagine Mr. Rryan electc<l president ing sraaon
eryfor---------------------of tb* aomnter tancle* la tUla dlrccUoa. firm la bor belief that tbe opUesal iliao te outalde
of tbe where «ueb meterisl wa* naei or labor
and Inatallrd In olDec. The coonlry Is oilier in cell
ollretlng the taxes,
' It ahowa a rtrj tweU aeaaido cowa of ■cion (whiob It certainly wae) wa* a
erformed; also the number of days of
In a state of unnwt and approbenBeapeetl
eapeetrully tubmitled.
mldbooKte batlate, wUh ftonp* of warnlqg l-neror again lufernd to tbo
slen. Rualneus n>en bare token In seU
. Peter Wursburg,
Rowm prioted on H. Thl* 1* atrlped eubJacTto eitber tbo preetdont or Ilia until buBlntos Is |>raetically at a stondCity Treeaurer.
nnmed under tbe heed of
and Inaertad wtth ecni lacc^«Ild the Wife.
Mov^ by Alderman binder that tbe
Btlll. An extra seasluD of tb<' new
bodice gathered ap bolero faablon In
.itloo te _
otly Xinooln.’! Tcselan ef tbo congress Is urged on the one band ojkI petlUoo
a verjr prettj waj-. The aieere* an

■ ocaiflimod
1 by IPrirato Beero- adrlsed against on tbe other.
edglnai, betag a eerie* of acallop*.
Yeas. Aldermen Moore, bieder.
Bryan flailiy yield* and colls eongresa
l«c* iMleraa. lace nefc coata, lac*
optnien that Ibo lllurian had boon togclbcr. It U announced that be la Boaghey, Reayon. Wright aad liarri.
and «Bbrotder7 by the yard, an moat aocn cm tor day of Unnfln'* flm Domi­
alinut to begin writing bl* message.
Maye. Aldermaa Montegae .
eagerly aougbt after, for nadar tbelr nation, and not, aa I haru aald, on toe
Wbat vrtl^t contain^ The- people TV. the i/imur> <bc Mopi'r nml CUu
ladnaaee eren a ababby gown aaanmea day of bU firat election.
cVeryWherfare rnrlous. and Wasblng*
Cemiril <-r the Citji of IVnoerirc (.Kv.
aa air of tmbneaa The UtUc lace
ton nils up with northern men and
Rr.'Ksis"- '■ :■■■■■■
a have Indeed a great laflneMe ra
ODUtbem men. eastern men and west-We. tbe naderrigned.
Wm. and one may ace the NmplMt
«n m«ii. all anxlun* for a word with rceldeata and laxpeyere, reepeetfnily
Of white mnaUna glaelAed Into eiegance
> A Wla. IMd NM Mm* OiB.
tbo president a* to wbat In tbolrWlo- petition that tbe water maloa be or­
With a aack laco ooat and a belt of
dered laid OB Ray etreet from nivieloa
Ion tbe situation calU for.
gala bine ribbon beneath It
■a that Colonal Wim
The nortltrm and eastern' men urge
The eecond aketeb, a lae« aonave. foogbt aa a mero boy in too loaUMn
n eonaervatlve eourae. i>o nothing fo agree If eald main it laid to Uke tbe
aapnaenu bnt one of the anmberieaa army, buoaino a Bepublioan after toe
add to tbe distrust of buslneas clreU-s, water therefrom aa aoon aa our faoute*
.m, ■#.
Tbo «leeTca end
war and ran an oinoooomfnl noe for Knock off souH’ of tbe war taxes and are connected and tbe plumblag eompletod.
the elbow, and an dnlabcd wiUi ton
let It go at that. Oh-no account
Reapectfolly hnbmlUed,
back ralte of allk, which nine fabric
tlon ellber silver or the taritf oi
Josef bieder. Mueiruk bnell. Paol
la oaed to line the aonarc, anlea* it la no lunger boUoroe in tbe duello
deuo- will be to-pay. Tbe western and WlBowlecki, Prank blodor.Cbea. Windarind to be traoNiamit A llchn of did In bia.ynungor day*- While a Vir­
oweeki. Michael ZI<
mutbem men and pariicnlariy
lacgaaellni da aolc, edged with a trill ginian to toecoructiU be i* not a native
Populists «(ge a straight out <U'clara* dek. Bchumll Cherrenka. M. Belers, niliOT: to
<d db^aame, completea tba anange- of tou Old Dutninicio. At that famona
tlon. Why hold back? Why under­
Astor Houan dlnnw a few yean ago
take to enrer up?. Mr. Bryan's riowa
Then la btriQy a dre« for day
bio by tbo eulogy Mr. Dr*
eteniag wear that la not now trimmed fM.m pamHl .
iter commiMloners.
ITerideot Cknroland,
tbein 1h‘ obtained hearty nnd heavy
IfoUnB carried.
Uuneral W. T. fllaraati, in too ouamo
of a vury intorvUng icpcusb, olludod to ‘suiqiort In tbe west nud south. Shall ?b <>K iiunoniMe. to< Jfouur aiuf f.’ilu the Ktsteaent be accepted end ulei
lie now'go l»ack on thoee wbo made
<'..u?tci( of the CUti of Truwrsr C'Uy,
a trip made by him to ('alifornU in
or aliaoet enUrcly corrr* tbe bodleea 184C, Tin tlio capo. t!u stopped off at him? ( Ar«- free sih-ur and tariff reform
Montague. Moore.
to lie kbunted at the Instomv of tliow
Oentlemen—Wc, the undersignedlax
that open orer walatcoeta. to wbMi Rio Janniro on CTiiistmae ere to pay
lielDorrat* under whose counsel* Urp- peyerv. reepeetfully
n*k that you order
they arv attacbed by reecttea of blade bU mipoctii to non. Uimry A. Wiao. at
gnveled from Wadewortb
Bt gr*'
Cleveland nnv'ked blmwlf and Tenth atreet
.Triret, where rawe of Inacrtloa ore in- that time United Staten mtntetei to
It to OsV etreet. also Osk
lemiMirarll.v tbe I>enio>'rat1c ]»irty?
Uraril. and ww tto^dubly ci
eet from BU'
How Would Mr. Itiynn eonu- out of a
’hat tlmo did
you-leal tbo mini*_ jvcnib street.
transfer from
! contingent fund
ter'* boMo?" qncriixi CokmcJ John S. t<wt like that? Walt and M<e butv he
Williea. L. Brown. Jamee U. Can tot)
Wito, wbn wan one
tbe gueria, inter- com<<s out of tlie present tt-st. lie la field. Wm. Ingeruoll, Mr*. Wm. Inger •1000 to tbe eredit^f tbe various fouds

aoll. PrancU
M. Qolby. A U. R
Rlsbt. W.
ruptlug Ueuoral
Oibte. B. O. Strong, U. W. Hill. G.
"At 0 u'clork, Christma* oro,
and hU wishes also pivvaU In tbe mat- B. Hill, Edith Holcomb, Au
August Sill.
eponded old Tenunach.
Will Helm. A, E. Pox.ThornU
Thornton Mitch.
"If you bad lost waited two boon ter of liu running nmte. What will ell. Ire Spenldisg. U. S. Thom . Jboc
the barrest tieV—Wasblngton Star.
longer, guuoral. I'd bare been
A. Tepbon. F. 8. Osborn. II. Bernt
make yunr acquaintance, ” <ald
Jnlins Campbell, Linda Monroe. Jam
Wroaa All the Ttae.
Two boqr* later toe young Win* made
H. Pbinipe. Bmaanei Wllbelm. Bdw
It is a good iblng that tbo IKmocrethi* firat ntqnaraijM- on tbi* torroetiial
the ection of tbooounen recently tokon
Ic party has no reputation to lose fur
globa—Watoington Poet
ordering eocment crom walk acram B: w. cVMnniaBAir'*JiIu^?JS^im
aeruraey of stan-unuiL l->cta an> atuls
On moUon of Alderman Montag^
UimLv against tboni. They are wrong
aly eerried. the netlUon wea referred Out etreet OB tbe north side of Froot
silver. They at«- wrong In prodlet- to the oommitiee on streets ead side- street te reconsidered.
Mptloo carried.
Tbe AaM Uctat Mric when Or. Ohal- iag dtstrqs* In I*orto Rico. Tlxiy arc
mn Tidtod it was B torribly bare little
Moved by Alderman Mootmrae that
wrong In pivdkthig the doom of the
tbe board of pnblie works te Itetritoted
baUding. Tbe cldcn wot* a grim aet
ropuUlc In tbe event of McKinley's n*
Council of tot City of
CUv to eODstraet a plank walk aeross
They kupt Undr bmaet* on their bead*
rlecUoa. and they an- wrung by about
Ohs atroet on the north aide of Front
till Ibu minuter entored. and they bad
1JWO.OUO Tbles In tbelr forveasta aa
Oentlemen—1, tne uoenmeo, rc Btreot.
each a largo stick in bis ;hand. wbioh
Motion carried.
tbe eiecUoB of their candkUto la apectfally peMtlon yoer hcmoieUe bod;
they n*ed for “ahapplu" tbeir a
to order tbe eonstrocUon of e eemen
tor^b all toe avrioo. Tbe mini
eldewnlk on the west side of Robemie 81eder. Bougbey. 1
wore -«o gown or banda Me ga*« a
atroet nditcent
cent to
w lots
IS ead 10. block
•ea Ml Bememhm.
rrry longaarmou foil of aoand dirlnity.
I. flennnb. Ley A Co.'s.ftrei addition:
>» rm tramhtt the ssnpluas. Bra B<
tv naifciwsi tllam frm
oeid walk to te four foot wide end
Moved by Aloerman Mootogue that
but witbont tbo *mallom practioal ap­
ebont elxty feet long end to ooet about tbe matter
«r of allowing the eonetrn
plication and witbont a netlge of feol*
W eenla per square yard end to te built of an fe foot eement walk on tbe •
tag At lanath Dr. Cbatmer* got out.
in eeeordnaee wiu the ordinance gov- aide of Front etreet between Park
to* diamal wetahip boLng ended, and
erslng the cooetroetion of
atreet aad Boardmao avcaae te referbU word wae, "If Ibeao pooplo crer geg
tke oommitiee OB etreote and
to buren, tb^ will live on tbe noetb
MMa Jeonte And«reon.
Vs mg» to
aide of it
8on Fnnciaoo AigonaaL
Oa motion of Aldermaa Mratogne,
dalff earried. eoaneU a "
The JouTTtal of SpeonlatlTe PhUoK*
a remarkable inatanoe of a
Tot «me MX «ri vwk V «n taw*.
Indiana wbo oonld ramomber fOTid rOT oon tssis Via n> iMhuw. Bot bm.
what be bad done on orcry day for SO
TVOTsh «Wrk tv bare bUc votM tMcart
. the Bodairigaed. relAmmooM.
apoetfoUy eek: armMBionofffeBrbomo- p. A. R. BATIOHAL BNOAlfPMKirr
-...... ”
■ by t*lV IViLlBkr Uds 7«ar.
t e dwrifing em tbe
•dge with narrow Tafret. and a lattice* menceto too noire made a
ret (V assd -Mr. to kalt.
Clti to Obiealn and return.
reran City
.week ef relret Rgana «« the hem of
seM build- --------included^, via thellorthon Miehs aiitSsa tar bnsCt ,
•MM of the nktrta, or Bne* ef tba tar>
K ») Mits kUoOTm to
Traaeporatlon Oompaay. TideeU
nv Ttdret are Miried down the aklit what oooannd to him on that day. The
about fisoa
word* oaed in hi* aamtirra often Wsdd TOT OTOT •mis tata (V «oU tr OTWLaonb HuntlngtoB.
taw to to tretota «Uk hsxt
mmA faetiiiri wtth fowtted IwUmm, varied, but b* g|wayi bad too ereeta a* •to
. the MupcFr ond Ct^i
sot. tote • thoosM toa toC* to tVn
M* WMn a* taMa nM tbo waist wtth
gwNa dWMtA ettofg wtth or wtthoM
aeroig—B. re-------yoB coMfilaMd yoB
— of yom-bon- IdM-tk
Not yet. II am eony to mj.
- ‘
OB lota
Bendy fofOatoemmu.
». lOsndlL btoAie. Henrah, Imy A
eix eo^ilm happy for Ufa
Oe-bmaondnAdltto to TrovoneOty.
When neta of a«y Mad gala «<h> bMiharemUl gotmi oldgeaenland
Mia DM2 MnalrB boa ititenctd froaa tnStaeMstos
. - ^ ^ naMpMla nn ~ '
laaiataonhd vU te planaaJ to—ot' -Ukressrew
' r*a widow cm my haa^ and Nw W a thtoV-to JOT as t>
all old wMtnaiHP on voU aa mw omo.
emmef LlMnla lathe OaMr,
»tte MIowiag Mimmi mkwy:
Ontbe day neadlaBed liaaola aarniad aa tarddRil the parihahn ef
whiab 1 wnae ant ard priotadAnaMy
aftee- Tbe*e an bl* owa wort^ i
■nrly n they ooald thn ba noalled:
“U WM ian tfter ray olacMaa ta
ad th« »T«r aM mn v»Mt mom
mtmr tte bw«A7 oC tbttr cxMmM. ISaO. wbcB Ae newt bad baaa oomiBg
la tblek and fMt all day aod Ihnolmd
The Mrto «r the boa tad*
I a gr^'homh boya.'ao Mut I
ad IMK 'iDVBfd pfetBR
wall tired oat and went hnow to
Mtse Mwdy hAi*. Mdett vith
»hkh iMcr vOI rMd to ibr fratt* •< raac. throwing nywiH down on a loange
la ay chaaibet. OppoMte wbeia 1 Igy






Pere Marquette






=iii ’




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