The Morning Record, February 28, 1900

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The Morning Record, February 28, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Thud Year-No. 879



Sarr«ii(Ur*d to British With
Sto reree Of 4^.


ite MtMsttds o< tha fam Is ctarir* ct
tkaatfkUMh fwm at CUmtar
OnlwiB. h >w«—Uy —wa >ka Tagr»toriw.MtkMkMsopmlaf «■ M
irtwailltoa.wtttt»o»>artta nU-

tav«U*a M YWtf to Loi4
AMstottM —4 fa* trtwtoto- ba« tote, ate
TteSotovaato haaa te with tea
U to OoMIma tMr BSmto htoftaat tote to«r Orohtota UooC. bat

k*oetofBo* et Itm Bunted to
the OrooBd.

ate Wend
eoadU Bafte
Bte With



! Of Udies'

alhter e-Aai
#aHfDaito>a4*itoy teaaateaantojhM foa^t with p«r■Ua Tbeotote tba Baow la Ban
la-BaUar tetoatfnUanttT.
Tba MaalW ttato are haary aooagh
SliU the little prioee—
to f*«ra teat tea Botoa ara aet wntetete 17-fa touratearoi Iwrteaaartoa of rear 0**d aettoa, Sawn was raaalate fiota VUa Laka
thoogfa meteriale coat ntore
tea Mra« Oaaacal (te>a. aa rapetoa* bataraaaatetofftoan tela of tte
more—^not cheapljr.mede
• * t tea (i«aBda,ate hoUlar thalr liana of iMtaaaalac of a dtoaatoaaatrn teat
either—A IwA at the shoe*
watetea aaltea 0U7 »U* with kdp}« with ttealty ate tortMada. oeoarrad at Iran, nlaa Bilaa aaet of
Har■Ihnrr— ate aaaaad a rWi« af The aanalty Itola aootaia natoaa from
makes that pUtin.
tepaa te tea altteto aoteata aaaaaaa aUbrlfadea.
bort Bataa. a yoanc aoo of tba paat
«(tea Mliah araa ta Saath htriaa.
Oaaaral Ballar aaaina to be erantov
What to atUl man airaUtoaat to tea alowiy forward, eaeh day** fiphtinf raaalt of tea •
I attotelBftea
toil teat tea aartaater waa atea do
aaoapa from tea baralne balldlae, Mra.
l>adiee' shoes, mediam
tea aaettaotorr of Majnte fllU aa*
Bataa to rary low and aha may not r*>
teto ataiaaBt haa laaplrad Itha Brlttoh
-toe, made of nice soft kid
baart with raaawad aathBalaaB and
The fire broke oat la the raaideaca
skin uppers, mediam suk* snd
teBfalaa hopaa. Tba dtopatte fram
of Hr. Bataa. wbara the poatoffica to
heel, stylishly shaped sod
'flS Roberta to brief and aa follow*:
located. 80 far teranaod wa> tea blaaa
nio-ly titting shoes.
•‘Paardabarr, Fab. t7-O*0. Oroaja 8t*te Begirt AotlOD to Bo-,
ate all bto foraa* eapltnlatad onaon.
coTtr 9BO.OOO.
dlUonall? at darUcht. and te to now a
body waa eoneumad In the flamea.
. frtoeoar in wy eaao.
Mr. and. Mra. Batoa aacapad in their
••Tba alran»th of bto
wUl be
nlfbtelotee*. and were oompellad to
I Fwnlshad by the walk with bare feat to the borne of a
aoBtaaoloatad later.
•‘I hope that bar majaatir** fow
nelffabor a qaanar of a mile away. Aa
aant wlU eonaidar teto arabt aattofi
Denied MoUto of III Bnttoa Ankiof a reaalt of teto terrible expoaore. Mra.
tan, oeaarrioc aa It daaa a« tea asi
Bataa. tteooa health to very poor, to not
That Broaeoatov of tnfbam Ooanty
.T»f BajabaplU."
;paetad to U*e. The hooae waa e
Barninha BlUtfParU
“Lard &f>barU''
known to
Mr. and Mra. Bataa 1
Tbara has bban Bnab spa^tion aa
Lanaiac. F»b. #7-ttalt haa baaa Ucd
to tea foraa of tea army aarraadarad. in tea iBfhameeantyOlroaitaoart for aaay to thto elty.
Popular Shoe Houae.
It waa rapartod ottalahy ^ema dsya a»0.M0 afMnst tea FidaUty Dopoatt Oo.
aflo tea foraa aoaatotlaff of kooo man. of BalUmora, Md.. aad Oaaml Wblto.
hot tea aaoratory of atota lo^ war haa oadar tee bond of the farmer. Attamay
atoUd tent tba aambar to nboai Omoral Otaa befan tea *aU for the
oooB Bawhina. Oharfto Wite VosTea orlctonl nambar araa. aartalaly atoto today. Ita oataome wUl be
Sapport. to Mowto JaU on the
Mahfraatar. bat many hnaa beta watobsd with maeh Intoreat.
•toptorad by tea BriUah. <tey n faw
Mara Berlooa one Of Btfamy.
otear matter of Importanoe U
dnya ar> Oaoaml Praaeb tocA MM nte oonaeottoa with tea ntiUtofy deal waa
Aaaon Bawklaa. who wv arraattd
ntptaMonadataaaaanU naabata wara
,pplteatloaia tea Snpnme eoert Monday aturaooa oa a ebarfa of aw
anhao. IttoaaUmatad tent;, tea ftoaa
> mandamaa aaapaUlaf Jirflfa eapport. hOB foi Into a more amiona
adteaBoaratnenpllri^ of Lord Bob ffatot to rcqnlN of tea proaaeettoo a
dlAeal^. Bafamlabod baU for b a
erta to aomewbara in tea salffbbor- bill of parUeelan la tea eaaa acalaat
«to aoawar to tea ebarfa of
hood of 6.0W It to atotod nnoaeUUy Ooloeel Uattoa. Thto paUtlon waa
aoa-eapport, bat yeatarday momtof I a
teat Oaoaml Crao)a will bp aant to denied by the eoart, oa tea frerand
waa ttaarreaiod on tea^eharse of
that it wa* a qaaatln teat eoald not
Tba aomplata datnito of tea aurrandar be ratoad la the hifbar oonrt prelimin­ blfamy.
I aaama that Bawklaa had fane to lira
nra not yet raoeirad bat the [ foUowiair ary to the trial of a erimlDal eaae. bat
with aa anela on tea paninaato, attar
brief dtoerlptloD hna baan‘ raeairad: only aa aa orrar after uial.
Tbna says Puck in “A MiU.8uiiiha d^arud hto wife at Fite Uke laat
•aaaral Oronja aant no ofBear throntb
ler Nigbl’s":
fall. The oaele, who to a wldowar.had
tea Brittoh llnaa at dawn with a fiacof
There were no teiepboiiea in
an adopted daofhtar who waa aboat 18
tonaa. He wna token to Lord Kitehnnyeararrid. Bawkln* made lore to her, Sbskmpeare’e day,or be would have
or. to whom ha anld teat Oanernl Oronja
Oarpaaur'a^aion Has Artaafed for a and barinf it andftatood teat abe waa realized that two-tbirds of md boar
waa wUUnr to tatraodar, hartnir foand
a long lime.
folnf to Lonf Lake to rtolt aome raDalifbifal Social Seoatoa and
' 'a nod only dafant
Wbat woobi Ibe Bar<l of Avon
latlroa. tee two weal to Charleroix.
aadanptotn in proapaet If ha oontlnnad
Basqnat BUrteS.
where It to aaid that thex were married say if be were U> n-visil tbc earth
to fl^t. Be wtohad to arold nsalaaa
The mambara of the Oarpaatera’ Dae. te Thto feet waa kept a aecret and behold the wonders of the inahrlflTf of blood and to anra bto Union here planned tiw the ^aoma
Twentieth Century, the
anUI tea ehaife of
woman nad ehildran. Ha rcqoaatod
most marvelous of
aoelal aaaalon yet firan by team, to preferred by te^rtt wife.
tent they be fflraa anfe aondnck
which is the U*le.
taka plaea Thntaday eraainir. March B.
atarraifnad 00 the blfamy
Lord Kltteanar rrnntad tea reqaaat Ihto will be thalr annlTaraaryban^nel.
obatfe yeatarday afternoon, and hto
aa fnr aa tea woman nod children ware
With the telephone
the nnioa barlnf baea o^aaltad a ball waa Axed at tooo. Thtobe waa not
aonaamad, bnt laatotad that tea anr<- year. All tea oarpantora and eontran
you can talk and. re­
able ta farntoh. aad ao had to fo to
saadar in nil other raapaato be abao- tore of tee el^. wbotear memben ol jaU. It to naderatood that the cxamlceive an answer in
Jntaly anaondltionnL To thw Oaaaml tea anion or not. are inrited to th>a
natlea will oome np this nwratof. aad
«roa)a acraed. The Boer oornmni
beaqaet. totrather with tbMr famiUoa. wU) teen b* adjooraad Ull aoma
nt OBoa left bto laager, aaoortod by half Tba erant will taka plaea In Montnfaa
tntnre UoaO;________________
n doaaa oSean nad aaterad tea Brittoh ball. A ftaa propram of apaaktaf. racItoaa. Ha waa mat ^ Lord Kltehaaar. itationa aad meale haa ham proridod.
who Immadlntaly broarht him to tea
Miller’s Cash Store.
handutortmi of Lord Bobarta.
Ohaa. B. ThempaoB. Bretear of Dr. L
The craallaia batwaaa tea rtml gaa'
A. TRompaon. to the tety After a
ormla wara kindly; antnmaiy srapaabaMe on tea part of Roberta, who haa Baalaaaaof ■■ AL. Mate. Oa. Baacha*
Taarto Barriee to muipptoeo.
ftant ndmlrntion for hto enpUrea. and
teat nfara-lneroaaa of SSO.OOO
Dr. I. A. Thompaon wa* happily aurhrnra and dIntSad cm the part of OenOner the Brarioaa Tear.
laat aventof by the arrlml of
ami Oroa)a.
Tba aondltton of nSalra at the camp
Today mark* tea aloalaf of tee bnal bto brother Alharlaa B. Thompaon of
of tea Beam waa tarrlbla. They had
eea year of tee Bannab A Lay Mer- Flint. Mr. iRompaon only recently
ranaotimly oat of food akoapttrak eantlle Co. and
rotarnad from the PhlUpptoca. where
anttta. nad thoaa had bean antaa aa hto larfe foraa of tolaamaa aad alarka beoarrod in the Firat Montana reftrapidly aa kiUad by Brittob ahalto. are bnay wlodiac np tea baslnamof ment for a year, havtof been amosf
Thara ammnniUoa .bn* fires oat and tea year and preparinf to atari 00 a tee Ant to land at Manila after tee
^oves worth $2.2i) sell
aaaat of tealrartiUary waa badly dam
one. The haalnam of the peat taktof of teat city.
He broofnt for the doctor eeveral
afad by Brittob Are.. Heat of their
ha* bean romarkabty oattotaotory.
tee affrafata aalea bring aboat *400. ealaable tonTealr*. amonf which waa
waRoaa *rara baraed.
Tba laarar waa atrawa with eorpaea 000. The lacroaae ow tea prerion* a mabofony cane made from a pedeelylnt is tea broad Ufht and anbortad year waa aboat $M.0O0.
tal of a hofe orfan at Ceylte. which
and faatariaf. i;he woanded war
The Inorraae in the dry fooda depart­ wae deetroyad by tee Are of the Ameri
aaawfnl plipht- The boapttol oorpa ment waa about one third orar the cam during tee Aret landing. The
^ H bars Jaxon snap........... 2-mwaa inaafficiast to attaad to ^lam and prarioaa year, while the bearieat pro­ ehnreh to eaid to ha*e been built in
they lay ahont the laa«ar fn heapa, portionate Inerenae waa In the carpet tee »te eentnry. Anotber relic wae a
b per osnt. off on all
aad farnitaro departaMBl.
allTar Up from a omeiAx from the aama
lac In pain and many aadarlnf thalr
Mr. Moatafaa lotea for aaotber year I chareb. Mr. Tbompqon waetoacvanl
afoniaa In frim and heroic aSanea.
of food baalneoa and trill preparo to bot aa| Lgemeata and waa wooadad
The Brittob troopa Immedleiely on meat addlUoaal dentaads by tartoat twier. teoofh not aerlowly. He to
___ _ ,--------on of tea lalM tbara
to facDitate the ^k of antenatoatic over
PhUlpptoe lbaedarad by Lord Roberta to
wtmant and dalanda aa a piaoa for
226 Front Street.
teeir atwo(iao to aneeorlnf the woandelaroa bto totantios of rntaratag 1
od and barylnf the dead, aa wall aa
to ancaga to baatoam racy aooa..
earint for tea woman and: ohildrea.
Be waa a faeat of Oompaay M
oCo. Ah^bad by Telep- errotof at teemanqaet taadarad u
They wara paato aUtekoa aaA la thalr
draao oMld hardly be tadaead to aehoae, Teltctopk *
Boya' band and aniorUtoad the fatb«rTon wiU find a fine line of
eapt kladaeoa or aid from the eooqi
Beaton, l^ab. r. — TRa larfcat Bell j tng with oome atorioa of thriiltof exItolepboae ayatem in the United dtata*. I perianeaa to baUlaa with FiUptooa.
tee Brie, haa paaead tote tea hand* of 1
I, all sizes of Sufa
tbaTUapboaa.TaiatraphAOabU Co. I^boUxTSO AMO WMATB WXAT
toteaaaBarora beta'
Pillows, Down Pillowi, Cushion
of Amariea.Tha BriaOompanyaoBroUad
is holsf dona to allarlata tea WadlUoa
Aira branobe* of the Ball tine* oparatto to a Bad Mix aa to Vbo Cords, Battenbnrg
kttenbnrs materials of all
of the captlvaa.
. faU;Uai
line Belding Bros.
tog to Korth aad.doath Dakota. Mis
Ueaeral Bsllar. aooordinfi to
amota, Wtoeoaeln.
Wtoeoasln. Mtohigaa, Toxoa,
Frankfort, Ky.. «—The OamooroUc
Embroidery Iasboim given, free.
Aricanoa* and part of Ohio. It roprotee aama poaiUoa a* oa Hoaday. 1
ooBtrotanta for tea minor atoto oAlaat
oeata a eapltal o( ISS.OOO.OOD.
887 ffroat Stroot
aboat aU mlloe oat of uadyamii
haroUae awarded teaoflcaa by tea
proper and two mllaa dtotoat from
atoto eoBtoM board aad haro made
oamp. Ueaeml Whito'a moot
mmate ostpoat.
pabUaaa toeambaata. Tbaaa daataada
Aay owe wtohtog to lean ordan
wan rofaaad aad toJaasUea eaita warn
acaerdtog te the Oaatial Xawe aornaAlad to eaat tea BapaUkaaa Thto
Boom fCaaS II Brsais BlaM.
pomdaDt. tea aaeal gBH at Udyamltb
Oor. PnM ud Cm OH.
baatea stoat sfplaetoff Ksataakyto
The BoatOfa Storo.
are eooparattag with Oeaarol Ballarb
teapeHUoa eda atoto witeoatafoaa^ an oemaaottaUag a huM Anon
masHal aaUl tea aearto haro AaaUy
Mnai UU. a.

Shut off our WaU Paper Bale one
dap only. People could not stay
away any longer—the new de­
signs are so charming.

For $1.50 a Pair |



I sure saviif;
of a quatiar to a thiril. ^




The Old Reliable City Book Store
Hobhzt, Beechar & Thompaon, Propriaton.

Trsilier—WhslJo r
Pupll-Tbsi-B vkM pcopte siaf
og ta f0 tv steep.



Give Us


And we will giwo yon a good pair of

Working Pants
As were ever bought tor doable the
money. We meen Just
whet we eey.

S. Benda & Co.

or colored,
for men and
Pure wonted,
$2.50, $3.00.
Patent elastic
golf and
bike hosiery.
Xew oolora.
30, 76c, $1.00.

iRte^lSiRatea I It’s.Not Too Late

tNIHEBSlRt SliToun





[Keep Up
! With The Band.




School 6f Music

Tht‘*Uttn”tete worntR. 18-60.

Ha ‘aray. wUh


Dress Goods Special
For the Balance of the Week

$1.00 goods go for.......... '...STc'

Ude goods go tor.................K*©


65c goods go for................ 4Hc

4K and 50e goods go for.. 3«c


goods go for.31c

These goods are all desirable and up-to-date. Theae prices
apply to all except plain dress goods.

Rig Cut 01 Dress Patterus aid Remeasts.
We hare an elegant aaeortmeut.

See the Rew Spring Suhiegs in nnt Wiidow.
The V«ry LatMt.
All Wool WaUta at Coat.
M.-Call’s Patterns. 10 and 15c

None higher, none better.

OlBBs Block

Front Street

_ _____{

W. W. Millet's Gash Stare


To take advantsKe of our Oroat 8ele of Jeokete et
Half Prioo. ^^ile many garments have been sold
and the assortment is getting lower every day. there
are still plenty of Jackets for yon to pick froui if you
come soon—today if you possibly can—for all go at

AsaUadteariebtaaf tea.asoMstoato SL-l-?^'i^mr^-^*y*'**aronTi

And teAcbers who are on their

A greet deni omnnot be too ouretol in their
•aleotlen of footweur. We l^ve a line of

Welt and Hand Turned Shoes
(Both hnve heavy eolee). They are fine flttere—look well end ere oomforteble to wmh
—The prloe. $8JK).

Up-to-date Footwear.




Momso xaoosD.

9t6L Ban «a«t

ag^ana mofUr b—.t-wi «*■>
yffAymiCTTT • mono^
Sifht br tb» ll«a3»«»*
OoBEMyKbMi Blfbt tte w»b«i«« OOBPM^
•■a tte Boyt’Bm« Bt «»wa «o ft «W|>-

_________ 1 Ortiftjrt

7*0 fiftUMftrtkftl Lort Bobftrti
atbft flf« MftMBlBtbft wmrtor
While it Itea
■gliliiftftiBl tor the SoffUeh torcB.
^•eBebelpbftt BftBlfeet the (reftt«B ftdBintien for the WftTe preB)e.wbo
teBhi with aeepBftte eaerfy ft^ «re»t

aBOiftBtohoUft pBittM wbiekBftrt

S ,

*«LordBoberteft*4« mlCkt
•aftrtlac ftft4 «M thftt to wrt otlea net
iui itwftftftBBtiftf of. t»ohr»T*
am, «» ft Bperter etoftteftol. the
ftkm » hero of r«cofBl»ea «»*»€•
gWUty.. While the elece of Oooje’e
MatUoo 'wi fttmaed wl^t ewtol re................—telylediei--------- Ueaa be Bid tbftt the [Britlehleft
iwthtef e*tow to «Uwihe woftBded
pt the eeeiBT »d to provide eeeryeo®'
left ter the e«fleriii» eoldtore. wo»e»
aad ehlldrftn. ne Ttotery tJl Lerd BobaptotooffTBtl®port»noe. bftthtowork
to bftt iMt ber*o. An ftnpy at thirty
IhoBftftd .08 hB meBed ^t

apnad o(
ptnklB. oUne aad otAor IffMU
MtoBiiwa. la Elks' kall.-whteb wm
fBorohely doaatod toe tha oeoat.
ItoerfWftnwaoBbmet tbo eoee
phay prftBOt and to BO«be« of tha
haad aad tho eoBeton w»e ooe lof to
tohdadBore fdooSly th* Bombore of
ttitwoorfaBleettoweia th* iatlBftto
tiB of food tollowfthlp.
Ever eslaoe the oefmalBttow ot tk*
eoapaay tho haad hB alwaye bftoa at
thiit dtopeaal aad la
where tbe eeUttory arfaaJeattoe
fttod^MSio. lUeevideaedoffneadehlp
aodkiadly teellpf bBbeea faUyapby the e^lrie aad they
eoefbt to-------.----------.
poblle B»aaaef by ftvlBr abaaqaetla
booor of tto band. Tbe epread of Uel
nifhtwae tbe happy reealtaodit
a brlUlaat eodalSPBooeea
A8 uespeeted. thoafb dqm tbe ICB
welcome vtoltor, WBCbariB B Tbompeos. brother ;©f • Dr. I. A. Thotopooa,
wbeoaly !reeeatly reisraed from the
he eerved ta
tbe Fleet Montaaa refimeat a yaar.
spftrleaeed eome herd flfhtiaf aad
war in all its horma Be related
, of bto expBienoB, which were
ftftfftrly Itotened .to by the ftBoe
ioUien end moeielftna .
Oftpt. 3. V. •Melatoeh prBlded ae
toaetafteter aad the tolUrwIaf w®------readered:

ttoAteUftodlt to----- -“‘f. '-s "^tatere may dftye the
If; <aaaitelofthew»rwlUbeto«»ht. Oee
P •|hta* which
dBpec alaalAeftSoe
rhleh ftdde ft dMp«
•vraader of ChooU tothfttlt
AspoatheftiuilvB4^ of Ma

tFw,i SJJ^'


Ham Ooauuud
MnttatHur lorBaialrlm
lr« 00. ot MooMtoao.
O.B. Oordaor* Boao. tOo ortopfoB
wriMrlnn.bafo loM oloooi 0 ooaaaal WHO tfao Poaomotle Bofftaaorlac
(to. of Hew York, to drive airbt ftrtcetoa Welle. eUrht Ineh ban. ter the
AfttrlB Iioa Co. »l Kftaeelosft. The
■ftw York eoBoen to luUtatlac the
atoufteyeua for the Irw Co. ftad
Ghey hare eoatreeted to proride the
•ouers wlthft eepply of 34,000 y>llOMofwftterftBlsate.
The Welle ere to be aot lieee thaa ^
bftt deep each and work to to be atariodatonea Uardoer A Soee wlU ebip
«halr rotary well Arm to Manoeloae
bdfty. Tbie to the laraBtaeotreet tor
artoatot. welto ever fives la oorthers
llifthlfftoand with their aew rothry
drill the dm expecto to i make qalck
ererk of the Job.__________ __
Xtoa •ortrade Xaeaiaad'irin Marry
OeotfeTbemee of Ohio.
Ihto atteraooa at t o'clock a weddlay
Bill take piece et tka home of B. B.
Serc-eod Tha bride wlU be ;Mtoe
«Btrade, bto desrhter, ead aieeeof
Dr. 0. J. KaBtoad, aad the proom will
ha Mr. aeorfc Thomea of Bevenna.
Ohio. The oeremoay will he performed
by Bev. D. Ooehlln.
Boy ta CoBtof Who to BUd to PoaeeM
WoBderful Powfoe.
An nsniDel attraction to hooked
ter Btoiaberf'a Orand Tbaraday mod
Prtfay of tbto week Albert Inter, e
hoy ot ifl year* wbo U credited with
amt wonderfal power* o{ beellaf will
he tbe etUactloa. Be to oelled tbe
"boy phaaomenoo'’ ead to to etoimrd
that he work, the moit merve
OBBbytbe almple toyluf on ot kle
‘—-*- Tbe etofe cxbiWUoae
iemmtrattoB will be tree.
.^MB Bofeim Took a Oeld Bath
TBUrday Moralef
Fatar Bacetram went toe eioB to
the water chete ebost l d'eloek ymterdeymoralBC etthe Bmrdmen River
Btoetric Llfht A PowB Co'a dam.
vbea be clipped aad frit Into tha water
The a tote It aho it to) Teat loaf, aad
he went down with more apeed then
aomlort. toadlof in tbe den pool be
Be esecoeded
la ' ewimmlnr
aehon hat it wee e bath tbet be to aot
at all aasloae to rvpeet.

•ivte Any Pm
Oee pair of Udlm' aeom or elippere
wUh every pnreboee of losr or more
pain at the New York H>nra i

U tar* U trip^iru Ibwb.
WeaBd fatal dleeaer, U taken thoieufhly and la time, it will cure a caw
fall boore, and fo' the epuch that tol-

fo*» La Oriire it never fidto to fin
nlteC PriglWaadeoa

dlABd At

Littl* Tat-

6«pt. a B- Hon fftve the hoye of
theSeolor tym* • ^ totonitlaf
talk yaetBday after ftcho^ Oft tbe ft«b}eet of “OratBy." Thto talk waa to
halpthamla thatr lyee«a work, bo
- Illy epoft peelUoo aad
aad yBtftfB tor a epeakor. Mr. Born'a
talk laetod oaa aad a haU boore aad
waevftry hoMdolal to the boye aad
thw folly appraelatod It—lfa-.^aora
atoo fan them porsto^ to aek qaeotiem at aay tieea Md teey took advaelife of tha eppertatot^ A roat may
UafbaMe laMdeati wore^woafbt oat
n the two toplce. feetatB aad po*ltkn. whtob ware well Ulaetrated by
Mr. Bora, ead the
prodtably epeat and hoped Bore
tolke will be fivra la tho near
tetm. SoBw ot the Mpmktn tbet
la the Blfh eehool leetare aad maaic ooarB aad other epBk-

Introdoetory rmnarka-Oaptala Molatoftb.
AddreB of weloome-P. C. OUbcrt.
BBpoafte-Deff MeDonald.
ABftrleaa baade la Ooba dorlnf tha
V—Lieat doa Klaaeftn.
After thefBatUe at Saattofo-Df. 3.
M. WIlhelB.
EsperteaeB at BIf Bapida-Wallte
tDaebB of real army Ute la the PhU
lpplaee->Chaa B. Tbonpeoa. of FUat
B^laranaybaade-Bd-At '
Bow 1 fed the army—<hiart4|meator
Serft OeocfcDoyla.
BsperiescB with tbe rfternlte-L.leat
B I. Kaapp.
Relattone of Ooa^y M with the
Boya’ Baad-^. W. HaaaeB.
BatUce M the Beeraite-dohn Wood.
At the oloee of the profram Oapim
Melntoeb apoke toMhlofly
beroB ot the company who died in the
aervloe of their eoutry.alao of the membare now Brvinf Is tbe PbUIpplaea
The eaaelon wee eloaed by tbe readeriat of "Amaiioft” by the band aad an
addiftB of appreelatioa ia bebeU of the
hand, by WaUle OampbelL

HerB Drirea by Mtoe Bomnoa Threw
Ser Oat Mrar Eeet Bay and
Baa Away from liar.
MlmBmemon, who Uvb past the
flvt-mlle eoraer near Keat Bay. bad <a
;perlaaeed yBlerday evenlnf tbet
the win not care to repeat coon. Ue
to employed la tbto city, aad ia the
afteraooa bed hired a rlc from the
livery etable of B. Brodfaefea. end
driven to her home.
On the way back, the cutter wee
rerturaed, the yonof lady thrown
out aad the horB etertod to ran. Tbe
cutter rtfhm ttBlf. and tbe bone na
at a merry ellp eatil oat of elf bi.
'Pbe younf lady wae compelled to
walk to tbe city. Sbe did not know of
tbe waereebonu of tbe boree but eoppaeed that that he had cmoo on to the
city. Tbe cutler wac left la a demora­
ted condUioo by the cide of tbe road.
When ehr reached tbe baiT and told
the ctory of the runaway, tbe whareabouU of the horec became the topic of
Bast Bay saAaaced that ha wae ia
Mitebell's b»B at that pUee, and a
seat oat to briaf bim la. The
hone wae aalnjored bat the eatter
rae acoch the worw for tbe trip.
Osiifhtfftl Bwtol Party Olvaa by Them
.. u City Open Boast.





Sht* oT OdOWob Threw StBCnel
l^Afongb the Ik or od
with Ihewredrea the Pore MerqatMe
railroad MoBlay aftenoao wae that
the two eafflneecB were of the i
, Jim aad BUUa Cat
They aad tbe dreiaea jamped before
thetwbenflBea eoUidea, tbM b
theomelvee, althoafb one of toem
bedly wraaohed oae of hto eholdere
to the jump. Thewreekafewee
olearodnpnntU late yBlerday moralafBoadmaetor Davto, who wee oa tbe
oabooee of tha anew plow at tha time
of tbe oolUaloD, had a marrow Boape
from death. He waa warned bat aa
toetaat before tbe eraah and the ebook
throw him with tonf&e teroe thraafh
the door of the pabooaee Hto haad waa
badly eat aad oae of hie arsm palntally

eat ot aprtof Beaeh.
Bpriaf Beaeh raoort wUl reoelve
eiderable improvameato before tbe!
epealef of tbe reeort eeaaoa. Tbo
three pbyMetoaa of ledl
own (i have cent word to W. A. Deea
to proend with atone for the
meata wbleh will toolade e bowllof
alley of reratotloa leafth ead width
ead elao a eomplete water worke eyitom for the

llhalhnlnMhm j



^ ■\De

0^ rtw. o^’ETiVWLtvAtTwhAT- ^\'t worttv
60c \o A\.00 WV A» aVua
ATC broVttA IV qoth

hd ctu\t.

a.-vD. mvvwwv


Ociambla Biver 8al
Norway Ancbovic*
Norway Berrluf
Labrador Uerrlnf
Buflisb tromerty
Hiooked SturfcOB
flollaad EJerrluf
Oomnlle Uerrief
Bnulaa Serdlnee
FicnoD Uaddli-.
Gordon Finb Cokes

jrdtoertrd bj
Id b* of wore


. of LaB4bor( *

.b H'V liD*
i>puUr vvr

i DaUy t^uean.
A Carnatioa Pink
I and Swiss Rosea
no« rteb o4oT*—«rr}
Oewe BOC aor thvm

Wu iraebte

D bU Ibr vautrd leMfani. ead
Bur. f
naod. Irt>er*t K>lid Inibdr wbeul abom *i II .<0.
« ». *1.^.

Misses’ and Children’s-Shoes
Id sH WeifbU and Bbapea.
MtooB’ Shoes, sites ll to o', far.......................... ................ Il.oo. tl.lB. ti.*6
Cblldren's Hbom. sism B to 11. for..................................................ese, 7&e. toe
Oar Footwear to New.ond Up to Date.

A. S. FRYMAN, The Practical Shoe Man.,


“That Is

An Enormous Pyramid
'You are building." observed a royal visitor at .Ancient Egypt’s Court. J700, B.
"Itui it seems d purposeless kind of structure. What is it for*'"
"When the top stone is laid.” replied 'King Cheops. "You will see the point.”"That is an enormous stock of goods you are c arrying," observed a customer
the other day.
“Yes," we reply. "Com^ in and you will see the point.”
Here are some of them:

Point One—Quality. Point Two—Quantity.
Point Three—Style. Point Four-Price.




Are to be worn nion- thia
yoar than evor — the Iwite
baiuR made ' from ribboDS.
wc-bbiog or ailk-—We are
ahovriog Bome beautiefl in
Freocb Gray Medalione. Jet .
and fancy Enatnela -2-V up.

Such xa we have jnxt unpftck(>d are sure eellera —
Hwias from 5 to 7-'tr the yard
- Nainsook from 8 to oOc—
Hamburg, all widtha, from
dc up
(’olored (nice for
gingliama) from Jc np.

'Ve’re ahowing the newest apridg atylea. begiiming
at 7.6c—The Swiss Tucking
with shirring, at 8.6c; tbe
'same with beMutifnl drawii
work at 91.60.



Juat nopaekt-d aotne of
tbe handaomeat colorings ot
••liKK)’’derigna in perralea—
We abaU sell tbeae at 8c, 10c.12J<- and loc tbe .yard.

All of the neweet spring
face veilingH in colors and
patterns^ aa endless variety
fr<»m 10c the yanl up.


The ever i>opular, aiwaya
fitsbioiml)|i- "Toile du Nord"
ill pink. blue, grey, atripew,
i>ith wide and oarrow checks
and solid colors, at the oniform price of 'lOr the yard.

It’s Cold Weather Yet

Jacob Furtsch,
UiiiQ St.

Botli PhOBes, 34




TADHrsamM inOMPtoy.

nr Sbor vaauof UM-yoonser irvovretioe err

a S.V«\e b&q
Qfti A ^^TvUT ^


4 The
Y Latest



120 rxoaa-ti Storeehi.

Wr IT BUI ol Ibr brUuf Ui»( "bnyUiliic !• cooC
rooarta foMhcnwBOMcnwwrer."

Corteumptlon, I


Slater’s House Furnishing Store

Porruu oho baru^hr •


Whoopinc Couch. Aethma,

We jttxl received, direct from thh maoiifectDrera,
a large line of Mmple rage nod art aqaarea that
mtutbe SOM in t«n days. > Now is year time ■
to get a nioe.rog at aboot ftoc on tbe dollar, «■
they msst go. We hare a large line, aboat 90
different sfyles and rites, from 50c op to 916.00.
A nice ftaaortmeot of art squares from |6.25 up.
(^~^ben you are in aA to see our carpets, mattinga, .
! <ul doth, eurtaiDB. etc. You can buy any of these
cash and balance in w^kly or moatbly

I. female eompla
. . .
Only toe ai
>.aad S.B. Walt'tdn

v«pt. Berold end hto fonr lltUe ehUdren drowned tofrther In tbe foanderinf
of tbe berfe Wiley, Monday moraine
off Narrefenertte Pier.___________

Oae ot tbe moat aajoyalda aeeiall
rMU of the ceaacm was ths Informal
affair gtvra last aifbl by ths Orrmoat
aad Bohemians la the City Opara
Boase. Tbe party was yivea for "Ocrmaas. Bobsmlaas and All Other Good
.«rt of bi«*Mi poMibi. rraa. rire i
wwk b bUMUHy.
People." aad everybody preerntenjoyad
BvwOao*. Markham Bloak
amoitdelifbtfnlevcetnf. Tbe.masie
wac faraitbed by Mcrtaifa's fall orehastra. aad daDdar was ths erdsr tUi
a late hoar.
Aboat 40 enaples were ta attoBdaaae.
Mladiaf many et tha premiaani bBl*
cm men of the city aad thdr-wives.
Aae infaratal Oanaan laaeh was
Free Storaf e All Winter.
Bread dnrlaf the eatirp cvealaf. and
My work can not bs boat aad prim
80 oae preseat tailed ofhsvlaf a moat
thelowast. WUleaU tor year whea
enjoyable time.
(MU aad rat mv prtoaa
dke Warner'. UTiitt Wine of Ter
^vlieet coach tamedy on earth. » .n

Stood Death Off.
luaday. a lawyer of Henrietta,
. _ frave-difrrr. Be
« foMeda
Byx: "My
y brother waa
wae very low with
malartol^ fever
ver aad Janadl
Jaundice. I perto tiy Bleetrie Bitter*, anp
mneh bettor, baioooiinued
tnetr nee until he wae wholly cured.;
( am enre Electric Biller* eaved bto I
life." This remedy expelt maUria, <
kille dtoeeee fermt aad pnrifie* tbe
blood, aide diction, refulato*, {irer,
kidney* aad bowela euree oonetipation

The Ladies

Bell 'phone No. IM. Sortbara 'p'loae
Bo. .11.


H. E. OIOSS, Propt.

fSawtmn e(<W ■.isBdwl.


And ’twill pay to invest in heavy clothing the way we’re s<tiling it n^w. and keep it for
next winter if you can’t wear it oat this season.


Fur Coats

A Warm Muffler

Go wbep* you will—l<»ok
at the other rioeka — then
coroe here atid buy. Our line
of $10 overcoats aLe the aellera every time—Wv have bet­
ter gr^s aod we bare

Got aume that rather
than carry well sell at a sac*
ritii#—Regular *16. now for
910. Have an I riah Frieze,
fur lioeil with beaver collar,
will (‘loae at 916

la a “Way” muffler —
These cold days rei | uire warm
goods, and we've got them.
Thick how much comfort can
lie bad for 26v. More money
more comfqrl—that's tbe 60c



Ken's nose

That are shirte — Thafa
oar dollar white ahirt and our
dreaa ahirt for 9V*>^

A pair for every man ami
boy — prices tp suit avery
pooketlxxdi. ffom 6c to 50c.

New aprjng atylea nod
colon, from liTw to $ls50 —
No better stovh to select from

The Hannah & Lay Herantile Co.

ie'WtOPKU WSDNltSPAY. YEBRnAflT 28,1900’


8^ O. T. K. AT 9




J«t iiu«t jAUtLitiJt
W.nmam TiMth;
mmiif kilM br • ItHimg •aek im tfM
«r* wkM *mtnf*A ib« nre nUiar
■IB* Moactoff tc U« OalcvU AmI
M« tprisf «npM7. 4B WBbrfaM*
torTTUc le Um Br* WH atraek b/*
<«• Mwoe•sputt b*i»r
te aiMt BlM oop. •MPIM87 oovmd
. Mr. ad Mn. AUrad Theapm. tmIteli of CoUwaUr olaM ItU, ka««
im MteMd tMr •oMm woMtar
Tho<«h 8aMM 7* pMn
•f«r«. Ml
ly to bl« work ta a hardwan ator% aad
Mfa. Ttwapaoe atoaato lha faU
FfHhat J. E. Brows of thoMaU
Ufa tmk aoanalMtoa. Ufia# at BaMla

iPtlaad oe aawaat of bydropboMa.
•08a of thaa ara ralaabla haatlsf
doia. Tba flllan
Aad a pat asItoU ^aaraetlDad aa ba bad baea btUaa.
Tbad«waa tlad ap la aaa eoraarof
«kM BIUI. aad whna tba BlUar waa foaa
to dlaaar tba dot
e*v • h>CA
partiUoe Is a bta aadaotoBlttod asldda
byhaaftatTba Bari aoBpaay whiabta pattlaf
la tba plaat at Nawayfo tor tba 1
ataatan of aoBaot, expaola to bora lU
,plast U raadlaaaa for oporattoe abort
tba laat of Jaly. It ia aald, aad wbaa
tbatta aeeompiiabad, wiU bara s'—*
a at woA la tba o Mof part of
Tba board of Banatera of tba Boar
lor tba PrtaadlaBat Detroit bare intoodaaod a bow •faatsra ia tba fprai of
aa iBdaatrlal dapartaiaet wbara tUla
orar It yaan of apa ara traraad 1 la all
kiBda of dotoattie aarrtoa. aad tbna dttad for adf-eopport. Tba plad wlU
b tba baarty appro• of all Ojtro
Plaaa an baiap pan
ptaw aoofaatlaa of tba
daaforacato ba bald atdraad Eaplda
Marpbn-M. Abobc tboaa.who will
tba prorraB ara Bar.' Kaa
Blab Boyaloa, D. D.. of Datoolt, a
taaataa of tba Ualud Soda^ et Obriat.
laa Badaarer. Bar. A. 8 Barr, a _
r ^ Detroit.
aad 8a*. W. H. Bpaaaar of Mpaaa.
OMOftbo feataroa of tba ataWBaatiag will ba tba daaoBlaatloaal nlUap,
to ba bald at tO;U u tta Boriltag of
lha oaeoud day. Baeb daaomlaation
wQl Beat aantralaiy and a gaoarbl ral­
ly will be bald with a qwelal pragtam.
About forty dlffrraat deaomiimtloat
an raprereotad fe tba CbrlaUsa Bndearor aoelatlai.
Oaaaral MeNnlta, who died lait
weak, owned 4 ooo aprea of laud oear
Barker Creak, and bad jual oomplatad
as M room hotel, aad had the largaat
tmt aad game pnaarra tbara in the
•Into. •
Dr. Boratlo 8. Uy died Moaday at
Battla Omk. aged 68. Ba waa tba
Aral pbyaieian at tba Maltarlam wbaa
itwaaflrat opaaad •• a wator ear*.
Btolaam at that time waa aa aawil that
ba attandad to all paUeato for ^ long
tea UBBaalaud.
Hortbara Indiana tarmam will isiaa
aagar bnu tor the Wolvarlaa ‘ Bagar
Oa. of Baatoa Harbor.
A kalfa fall off tba kltehan table at
PaurJ. Abt’a borne, in Detroit. !Baturday. Tba bUde atruek the right aye
Of fln year old Helaa Abt. who «
flpyiagoa the ffoor. aud panbtni
(ba ayataU. deatraylag It.
Tbadareaet bliutfd of tba iwlutar
taaebad the Boo Batorday aigit and
aeaUnnad until after mldal|^t on
Sauday. briaglag with It a cold war#
that r^tatoTMl to itgnm balow smw.
luaOBlng train* wan delayed | froB
two to tour bourn Monday.
Mm. Jatoae /.iniaerBaa. a proalaaat woBui of Albloo, ia oe * trial.
Aargad wltb ■leuUug tba poCta of a
ao<ad wbtab coutaittad Moo: Mn.
ZlBBormaa U aald to bare beM tba
only panon in tba •tore at tba time the
•o-od laid bar pone down.
AlObaUaa ibt MotbodUu on dunday
w gso.noo
r packed. Them <
a debt of M.000. aad when eenirlbntioma ware aahad for a Pood of| anrmppaa waa tba reaponaa.^ batag
aoatrlbutad. Tba eeagragstlOa
Ibarrfnm. oe ea^ atraat and
apoad «2.000 for a plea organ. ;
daaeb BMtakoa. aged iw. I wbUa
abpvaliag aaow, la the yard^ of tba
Pan Marquatta railroad at ^iaad.
aUapad a,ad tall and waa l^tMi^r
bOlad by a pawing train.
I '


Umy 9wm fcarn OMy Attoadad
lattiattoa Ornmemy last KiKht.
Maatfy a kaadiad of laa tea^ Kaeaaaai aad mtmhtn et tka L. O. T. 8
waatlroBthto dtp yaatorday attar1 to attoad tba ialUatiea aad
oral good tltoa at Tbotopaaofllls Ikay
ratsraad on tba apodal toals tUa
aorslsr abort 2 o'aloek. aad. all laport
a Boat asedlaet ti»o. A vary lanta
parronlaca of tba aubw troa baro
I ladiaa. la addlttoa to the parada
aad tba lalttatloa earamoBy. la wbieb
tba dafraa taaa from Tia«araa
Taai Ho. t7i aadatad. lha spaaah ^
Boa. farry V. Powan waa aapaal
•or. A daaoa wat iadalfad la by

TbOBaatfatod tba WooNSb MMrnmmry rnaemj at tba Praabytorlaa
1^1 ba bald at tba dwrdi tUi
aagplat at 8 Vdoek. Aa sAAtm «•
'PoralfB Miaatoaa' wfU ka flraa by
tba mator of tba ebarab. tba Bar. Wilay 8 Wrl^u AU ara oordlally Ufitad. TbaCnrlatlaaEtdaafaraoeia^
wurhold tbair baaistoa BaatUtg tl tba
rAarab a half boar aarUar. batfataitof
at 7;to o'aloek.
>ban of tba Bayal
Beyal OlreU ara
ra^aaatad to ba pmaat
praaeat dhgora^
' ""
at tbair raralar mmtad. B^bsm
of iBportaaaa.
. Tbaraaitalto____
■ebook ad Maate today^aa boaa poM*
labmkwUBoat at I eftlotk tkla
aftaaMoa al tba mfdaoea of Mia. a Lg
OoMar.Mt Waablattoa Bwaat. Tba
ba la obarya of tba
a aad all an laritad.
A aoaial waa flfea at tba boata of
■raaat Diy laat aitbt aad a t«ad tlaa
Tbara wlU ba a maaUag of tba
waaaeioyad Card playlac aad gi
ladtaa of tba Pint Bapttet ebareh tbb
wara tba ardarof Iba arMlag.
aftonooaat 2 o'aloek wltb Mra. J.
Tba follow. idliehaal of sib Waat Bigbtb atraei
iar wen praaaat: Mr. aad Mn. Kalaa.
Tba ngalar moathly maatlag of the
Mr. aad Mm. Dlaa, John Oallacbar. Ladloa' Aid aoelaty of tba Pint M. B.
Bam farrow; Tboa- B. Batua, Obarlaa ebareh wlU be bald la tba parlon of
BalB. Tbaodon Dioa. Joha Defer. Bd. tba ebareh tbb aftaraooa at 2 o'clock.
Defer. Benrf Defer, Bay Blaskbora, It ia hoped that avayy member of tba
Charley Erell. Jat. Orabam. WiU Me- aoelaty, wbi^ laetedea erery lady
OlUb. Guy Broil. Joaapb Dloa. Aaaa member of tba eburcb, will ba praoeat
Blaekaa.Bda Bookmaa. Blaaeba Wood, aa a matter of great Importauae la to
dlbaaa Dloa. Ooaaie Banaa. Bales Ooa- eoma baton tba aoeiety.
tron. Idle Dole, Mettle Bora.
Tbarawin ba a tpaelal maatlag of
A Caw iBfltad frianda met at tba Oraod Traiane Babekab Lodge No.
boawol tba Mlnea Bsiiia aad
IBt tbla araalag at a;SO o'eloek at the
Obarlla at Blarbam Moaday efenlnt. I. O. O. T. hall to amaga for tba fanBloriaa, caBoa aad nnaic wan gnatly aralofMn. Larabaa.
eoisyad by 81. Brfon Inrlor a daTbara will be a maatlag of tba Pnlleiou oyatar topper waa^aerrad by Wrrnal Myatle Olrela tUa eTaaing U
tba boatoaa. Miaa Bmaia Obarlla. Wbaa Monugue Haa
tba f laitOm depart^ they left a beanUHaib Craw la unable to attoao to hie
fBl ring aa a aonmlr with Miaa Ida duUaa oa aeooant of fUaaae.
Mr. aad Mra. A. K; Peek of CM Web.
c A reeepUoe w«a gtrea by Mr. and •tar atraat. an the paraata of a twalra
Mto. Bryaa Mamy to a number of pound boy.
tbair frleada laat Saturday araalag at
ooaaigaatoet of Lake Superior
tbatr rtaidaoaa 08 Waat Bigbtb atraat. trout waa reeelrad yaamday by tba
Prcgratolfa padro waa One of tba TravaiM City PUh Oo.
auameamata of tba efealag aad a aplaS'
It will be aeeeaaary tbat aU Maoeaban pay tmtmmrn Ha 88 by Tbumday, March l, ia order to avoid
gnaam by Mra. Murray. Mr. Murray. peadon.
laeoBpaay with Mr. Tboa. Bsyea, la
David J. Ookayof Blk Baplda. and
abeat to laara tba elty aad atari oe a Mm. MaryB. Blllt of tbla dty. wara
trip to tba atata of Waah- Barrted Satntday night at tba home of
Ington. and after •loentlng in bnalaaae tba bride on Elmwood avaane. Bev. J
they eapeet to aand for tbelr famUln W, Miller ofSeltUng.
dnriag tba comlag enmamr.
LndUi of Amaada Hive wiU larvcaB
A anrpiiaa wn given MIm Bditb old England auppM at Poraatam' baU.
Balter laat avanlag by abMt thirty of Friday aveolng Mareh S. from & until
la They will aUodtapoMoftbdrqallt
bar fiiaada id^or of bar tonrtaantb
and give a aoeial antartnlnment and
birthday. After Uklag bar tor n dadaaoa. Supper und entartMnBant U
Ilgblfnl ridearonod tbeelty tba party
eanla. A cordial inviutloa ta aztond
drore to tba hoemof MIm Balter, when
ad to all.
an araalag waa plaaaaaUy aprnt la
and other diramloat. BafraabWHAT WlliL BBMOADOvVBaTF
wera aarred. The party


crc0TS II lecicrr.


Jullnt Brodhagea. Anna Brlla Pror•nehar, Paddy MlUa. Burr SUiby. >'loa•la- WeltOB, M. A. UBior, Floraaea
Ddbnn. Blhal BingbaB, Ira Langworiby. Blebird Maton. Howard Bhortar,
Clara Wall, Boaora Bllbart. Bditb
BalUr. iobn Wennel, Oaorga Parklat.
NaUla Bpaaac. Baatriea Bpeaaa. Pannle
Blachbora. Bngane Parry. Blva Pier■OB, Barolca Bobartaon. Ony DaLong,
Elram Bannatt, TU>y Sebofleld. Albert
Prank Nay wat la tba elty ymtarday
frwB BIk Bapida
P. C. Ollbart want to Fife Lake yeardty.
WillitB IlM of Cedar Oily wat ii
elty yntorday.
Arebitaet P. E. Moora weat to Cad­
illac yntertlay oa bo^aaB.
Mra D. C. Jarsaa of Petoakay wat
la town yMtardty to attend tba fnaaral of bar father, tbe Ute N. C. <»iattordon.
Mr. nod Mm. Q. W. Lardie warn
Obioago yetterday aftoraoon to attend
tba funeral of tbe Uta D. C. Parker.
Mra A. J. Bradtbaw wUI leave for
t&a Boo today to jola bar boabud.
Mm. W. B. Whtmora of latarloeben
waa la tba elw yaatarday.
Oaorga TbOBaa of Bavwaa. Ohio,
anivad in tba city laat evening.
Mra Obarlaa TbdaU baa reoalvad
oawa of tba aartoa iUnaai of bar tlater,
Mra A. C. Back of Bay CUy.
Cbarlaa Cllffa arrilad la iba city laat
n>gbt frea Ohio, to sake bto boB#
witb.hla brother. J. W. Cllffa.
Oanaty Sebool Oomaiaaloaar Oi
Benjtmla oC Ulaad, la la tba aty.
Denial Myera of Cedar, waa la tba
»lty yaatarday.
wiiliein Habbalar waa la tba dty

ba mmgn Seoaonr wUi Oppega
tba Baattag of ,8uy.
WaablagtMi. Pab. rr—Senator Bor.
rowBof Mtabigaa wOl bara tba Boer
tomorrow ia the dabateea tba matur
of Mttng QMy. Tbo ^Wta baa been
Tarlaj of
tadag tba pdadpal apaakar thaa tar.

Too Many White Shirts

tba prepodtioo tograathlmbit aaat

W m wr wrWt Wr wnw Wt M




Mo apnea to prataa of Prank Tuekar
aad tba other Baabto* of tba Huat
ThM paper eeMpllaaato tba Ud Ivldaal
otoBbara npoa tba ateallaoaa of tbair

Our Sales Slips
Show Large Pant Sales

H. B. OfoywB, wbo ta jaat dead in a;
. nlladalphia hoapltal from bUoougha. I
earrUd Utlem from Oaeil Bbodat, OoL
PoweU aad othara Ha waa a Brlttab
army vataraa and civil aaglnaar.
A Card.

It takes but a glance at our
pant bargains to decide a
customer to purchase. 'What
we advertise for is to ask you
to give these goods a glance^
They are on the front tables.
Prices and sizes are marked
plainly.- Choice. $1.46, $190.
$9.46, $2.90 for goods that
sold up to $4 60. Good for
dress wear, and cheap enough
for a working pant

•grae to refund the money on a 80-mi
botUa of Oreane'a Warranted Syrup 1
Tar If it Calla to cure your oongb <
eolA We aUo gkaraatee a t£-«ant:
botUa to prove aaitafaetory or moDay ’
' 1. 8 Walt, B^bto

Foot Ball.
Bvarywbarain Miebigbn, Foot Ball
rama have baan atruggltag for Ue
ibip and people
ament and antbntlaaffl
It hope tbat tbair
tbe vietorlout one. Bvarywbara tbe
world over diaraamara
a aontaeting for
tba victory over haattb, yet, even hie.
Often tba ontaome ta tenbtfnl. bat by
eoaanlting tbe emlnaataad raaownad
BbytieUa. Dr. Utlman. tomorly of
Haw York, now praaident of tbe Arm
of Dm. 8 S. ACa..oue Anda tbara 1*
no cbaDoe for oompaUUon. tiiat be
alone ta ebampien'of his own profaaaioa Snffaram of all dtaaaaea go to
him aad ara enred. Be ta a wonderful
apeciaUtt and tbouaaada live today
wbom be haa raecuad from the very
jaws of a yawning grave. Or. Ottman
lial invItptioD to all anf____ Iictadonaatovtaitblmat
TTavaraa Qty. Tbnnday, March tat.
aad will be la the private parlor of tbe
Wbltlng Hotel from fi a. m. to 8 p. m.
One day only oacta month. Ootaaultation and asamlnatlou Irae and atrlcUy


PtneUn' utatUismat tnlgbt.
^On Wednaaday evening February 2K.
the Forattam will give an antartainant U IbeliIr ball in the BrcMb
oek. All F<
___ _____Companion ______________
tbair bnabanda and vialUng Pormtam
are cordially invited to attend. Ear
A. A. Wall will deliver an addreai.
after which tbara will be a mnaictl
antartalnmant and nleaaant time for
all. 'Ibe entertalniDeat will begin
BMt Oumaam
be Hawardad Wltb
at X p m F. G. North. B. B. Weaver.
Priaaa Pram HU Store.
Cbarlea Everett, eommittaa
Banda A Oa have coaoalvad another
original idea to Inlaraat their enttomdined At th« Uttl< Ta7am and tbla Uma it will ba a guaaaUg
oooteat. The query ia; “Wbat will
Benda do aaat?"
The eolation of tba problem baa baan
enclosed in an anvalopa and depodted
In tbe tafe In tba Bacoai' oBim and
tba andoanra wUl be opened at k;30
Saturday evening by the editor.
Everybody to antiUad to a guem a
tbe Ant three eorrect auwem will <
title the winnam to 81, S« and 81 eaen,
"Dkift. Sntrj
U tba order raoaived. the pritM to ba
in mercbanolsa to tba value of tbi
T)a^ ATvi
above amounu, from any departaMn
lathaitore. ,
Aitd aVaV^ wvdt a\V
AU gnaaMa abould ba aant to the
advertidng dapartmant of tba atora.
They moat
meat contain la 1addition '
•olution, tbe eorrect aa
FlaimeLi...........‘lOc, ii6c nod $1.00
of the tender,
and tbe o
axaetiy H o'clock Batnrday aigbt
ta tetuTt
Bix-.>kii Sunday morning.


JV. Su\iaT\j £.\,xv6

50 and 75 cents
Don't forget our sale on col­
ored laundered shirts — All
styles-Collare and'cufik. Bee

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Book HavlawifClobBnJoyad the Story
of Hia Jonraey Arauud the World.
Tbe Book Beview Clnb set yaatar­
day aftoraoon wtib Mra- John Fowle,
aveeaa and Mra H. C.
Davta ravUwed 3odiua Sloenm'a bx>k
book "SaUIng Alosa Around tba
World." After tba 1
mant tbe ladiaa wara dallgbtfnll;
aajayad vary A

The linlen aarvleaa tbta weak it
Iraea BatacopM ehnrah will ba today
Aah-WadnaadaylatlOa. m. aad ?:»
m. aad Friday’ at 4 p, m
Tbaaa aarvtcM wUl be bMd la
tbe leetnra room U tba batomasv A
gaaaral Invitation ta aztanded.

Cb%riee Cole of Honor, ta la tba elty.
Aaaib of a Pivoaar.
F A. Clery u In tba dty froB Brand
Bmily U. Larraboa, an old raaMMit
A Mlgbt Of Taanr; j
••Awtal aaaiaw waa full for tba
W. H. Clark et Oaatral Lake, waa la of tba city. dUd yaatarday at the ago
mUb* of the tmra Oaaaral^drahaB tba dty yaatarday.
of Ttyoam. She WM tba wife of WUofVMhkB. Me., wbaa tba dbet&u aald
lUia H. Imrrabaa. and with him bad
- aba would die troB PaanBoaia bacan
Want to AalL
a raaldast of tbe dty alaea tba
writaa Mm. 8. H. LIbooIb,
r~ wbpattaadad bar that fearful algkt,
Mark Conklin, wao baeaBe too gay early vm. The fnnera) wUI ba bald
C.-JWobabiBr*:d for Dr. K^'aMaw DU- I tba bo9« of Mr. MeCloakey near tba from tba reaUanea. sn Wabatar atraat.
•orm^vd^'bad mom than oo«r butBiver dam Monday alght. Friday at 10 o'clock.
•a bar Ufa. and enrwl bw of Ooaonmp-,
Mem. After taking, the dent all ntabt I waa arraigned before Jattlee Brown
A Prigbttni iiiuBdar
PorUHT vw enUrely enfai to.*' '»!*; ymtarday mpralng. and given
oftM canaa
Seald. CntorBraiae.
•aoH. OnlySOeaad gl.oo. wS hot-i« *
aanteaoa la jail. Tba eu Salve wUlenre the paU and promptbaaliV Curaa Paver Soraa.-1'lcvm.
Mao mat Jaa U. Jdiaaonua 6. B. «10.«S wat aot-forUiMmiBg. aad be ta
ait aaiu
Ua; Corat, all
akin e.-upueiw.
B.'upUon*. bob
Wniya drag atoma.________
•rth. Ooly 28 eta- a box.
PUa care uo earth.
iteed. Sold - by Jaa. O
, Cura guaranti
S«n 70B difitd At ftp Uttii Tap- nratMii
. iobnaon and S. B. Wasi'a drag ateraa
‘ Pmmiib

Plaids .

->0c, ll.OO asd up.
SveUest 0^ ».\X

i. 'VO. mwken.
Two distinctive
kinds of

City Opera House

^OUT tDMv\8 In

One Week

CavveXs Monday,Harch5
' 9Vtv tVb^AnV.



Our Inventory showa a aur
plua of laundered white shirts
at 760. Our customers And it
convenient to buy the 60 cent
(the beet made) unlaundered
ehirt. and thus our surplus of
laundered goode. To give you
a Uttle benefit we put in a line
of these at 60c along with the
unlaundered goods.
Buy them early. .


Vuvt 0^ SiVonW


Ttont ipuVt ttvuAV


keep all grades and can
sell yuu a K»kl uoaring
carpi»t al 21k.'.
Linoleums ami Oil Clotba in
' great abiindiincp.

J. W. Millikcn

Supporting the popular

Frank Tocker
In a repertoire of higb claae rep.
ertofre aocceeaea.

Opening Play: ,

The Counterfeiters
" ri t*'n from the great
Kngliah novel.


Prices, 10, IS. 20c.
No Waits Between lets.

Best to be had in
the city is at

Shoes f
Half Soled
In 30 mlnntM wbila yom
WAlt-Prlc®» 40 And 60o.


See aamplee in window.

I. S. Frymsa, I3S Froit Sheet

To choose from.

6c Pig Tail
Havana Siokais
And others. Tbs *‘othsrs"
ATS not so good by a long
sad you wni Icdow it.

Sidewalk Lomber in all lixed.

I TrATAiM Olty Lumber Oo



Mew to B Utoef «Ba hBjrtoff ftftdftBD-

THE 0otm

/« ««v«r

la tha toiat M. B. Soodar atoool boro


TWwUlo<tk« W* PkiU» O. Ar-

MW. 7r.. bm mm «Uad tor ^ntoto.

«*lMd St «.•

IMto: f*.toO.«to , Wtof p«
iiiiig !■< itiriMliili-------• ~


itoto k tott to b>i
IHi ctoH to into to
r m» taro nrrlvtoff

tokavtoMto too ohMkporton tUo
to*. 1%kwiUb»tath«tofma« ft (WMkparbbL
Bftttonl toft pftrtr. ftftd ftU wto ftttaftd OoBr tafciw to..
wttl bo (toM Uft opportftat^ ai «to»ItotUwlftito Of UMir torrfitobw ftfti
tktoc of too terortto toad of (tet
iti7. Otbor ofttortoliMMito «m
fttoobeatorldad.ftftdI«MftM mIU ftiMittoftlL

rtortf ntoThto

Ikftt oartoftotoek *f wto. too oon
war BM bMft Aort to kto dtototet. oad
owft wlU havft to te kmffkt froM
^mat forto of tha Mfttoy. ft* it to
oIrtftftUy tiM
Uto tor ft toff«
mjarttr of to* tohftUtoftto- Ho ««•
Cftftto thftt Oftitod Ntoito ocpartoa girft


I wotkftd ft etorcr r«M ea
■Jaaovk WfttoMT. ft wftftithr oU Owfti
torMarofOtorkeoMBiv, Iftd., wbo baft

-Mtototood to thft ehtof of iMltoft of


oSwgtJj^to^r______ m-~~

Two NigbU Only



March 1, 1900. THOKSDirUD reiPAT,
liRii 1 nd i.

OMae Mobw frftw • ft. w. «o • p. a


Bora* BAnaor ibati

' to

Admiwion free. Door. opt. '
at 7:30. Demonstratuni mt
8 o'clock.





^ Fmtpoi>to$npii|ito

tomad. Aaal}Mft.J.


Boyl Phenomenon.


OIQ. tarranlralMalaqab* of ilMLlaaa Mfr.
C^.L K.OlbhoAfMa.

F°isi*a: ‘.ss's;.* s s.?;


Working Wi^t a^ Dap

waakoM into atrangtb. ItoUansaBa toto
energy, btato tag tdto mantAl power,
-aep're woodertol in bnUdtog np the
health. Only tSe per box. Bold -bp
Jat. O. Johnaon and a B. Wait.
a d. Bitowir. AUerna* aaa Oaanaallar at
Of Lav apaetol attaettoa to ""—'—
aateMWaaelDC. IllPmiat.

■ “sscs*

toUtogof to. dr...toll


who to M yaaTft
paaTft old, lirad |w’


J AUla»«aapal<lft*rrbUt.ttUi.
.ir Trraaaror.
■a niool ba paid.
P»lri Wurxburc.

K. J. Pbalw, aa-Blalatar to
Briuto. aaftnvd a aeHoaa ralapaa
IB Boew t. Harald BalUtaT^’^t
Mondap and bto eoadltion la aatr«melp
arlUeal. Ha hna baao U1 for aU waaka
I. bftt for two waekt
hadbaaa i
arad oat of danger.
M of toe Inoga ano^a
banwrrbaga aaaaad a i*piddaeltoa, aad
hia phpalalaBa fear be oanaol raoorar.
Bo roftto to roUtiras la VarBoat, Dftdaras Or. Waelzhold ia
attar auip hardablpa to the aofttb, Mn.
Article ftu •• fltisk aiid
Uaorge Fiold died to tba raUwsp depot
at Bt. Loftla, Mo., fnoto oenaBMptom,
wito'oftlp bar tone infant cbUdran
nra to Bk Often, a' Parto anbarb, raBering the Keyboard."
tftltad to tba tojnrp of IM panoM and
a propartp low of BMo.OM.
tft tbc Brilitb Medical JoBmal ia dlaI'a article on
Vtoaaeaa Mnedap ^ald a Wg deisoii'Mule and
which be
Bttfttlon to taror of world wide peaoe. i elainu
that ibe afarmiling locreaac la

Piano Practice
Causes Disease

> dirorden ia
Prtoocat Oaataeaaafta (JoUa Dast
OiwA) to r«aowtM ^ tp^oW tow S
cn.uwr oS ‘^mncrii^
:ber or not ibe eauac U dne to
Johaaa Haaltor. dtod to Daiatb. piano Icamai may remain a qnaation,
Mtoft.,aadaftppoaftd^ a paapar, toft bm tbcrc i> no denyiag tba ^ that
of nerr.
Kl-rt, ,orU.
b..d»l .W ;
imoDx roung girl
aad doUan with DO Bain to Aawilea. |erTtica!*^o*Uftcfre"to*iiztccD, *hca
JtonnUau ralaUraa to a litUe Oftratan |
are jnat croaalng tba tbipabold of
.iiiM. -m ,™b.w, p, BK.,000,

Moe>.JM Wt atraat.

tcssr‘®--si?s".f»“ St



MagneUc a«aler
aelaauaa PHW

Q^uf'i!S»‘sr”S!i?s?8s;;s ssrfesrsi^.siss.' ”

*—*' .daatt vTw^^paar vea wlebt bara bw raawfae wparfaai baaiiCkad'uwT



iSSS.'M L...




ABl'BECCBXfer aU arcaaX viakaiwii
____ rus. Paaale
______drUaaV- dJfordara

totp.a. Talapboea.Tl

Mtoa Anaa MeLaagblto set Dr. W. B. I at acbool. practice of oiaaic and anzietp
Ubiaaa to Ana Arbor ia loot. Kow i
It i> doriog ttaia try-

tbapara^oand rHto. ^lad o. an ‘“rilS^or


ooaas atoamer ea l^ Afriaaa ooaat. irregalAriila. of tba delicaia femintoc
. Bad Uriag to a barli hnt to Lolodorf, --------rative for pale, weak girli,
Waat Afriaa.
aad '
. atiffering .glib Uie ilia
pecoliar lo tbeir aex. "tbm ia i
mrai to becomtiered alifa Or. A.
Wa offer oaa hundaad ooUara
Cbaa*'a Serve and Hlood Pllla.
PHI*, It
tbc great
A. W. Chaae,
portrait and signature it on crerp
Otooep A Oo. Prop... Toledo. O..
Iboxof tlie geoBine.
Wa. the endaraignod, hare kaowo F. I Dr. .A. W. Cbaw'a Nerre tod Blood
J. Ohaaap for vue Iwi IS paan. and^
natore and reriuUte tbr wtoted
belterablm parfeciiy honorable in all blood and nerve cells, bring back tbc
baaioaaa traaeaetioBB. and BnaneUUy color to the cheeks end the roandoeat to
able to carry ont any obilgaUon made the form 50 venta a .box, at all dealen,
W tbelr arm.
or Dr. A. W. Chase Med. C«>.. Bnffakt
Waat A Troax. Wholeaala DroggUto.
Toledo. O.. Waldtog. Ktonaa A Marrin. Wboleaala DmggUto. Toledo. O.
Hall'a Catarrh Cora to token toteraalIp. aettog diiftctiy npon the blood and
•>l Kalka.ka. s III opea
aaeftOBeftrfaeaaoI tbeapatom. Priee.



la Ko 41V ftoBia UBlan etrm. AwrU let. C»ara
a. WUIIaBw. as oiMrloanal embalBfr Uaoaa-

CtotoMiwgtii n Curw-Warewr*

WfeMto. Wto* tot Tar Epra|>, the
beat coo^ rvtnedv oa-aarth. cores a cohl

tooftedayiftabentottoie. MandCOcta.

Sm ^ dlBtd at tha UUU TarSv. W. t. Batoi. tamtin Bnttittp
^diaadatthfUttla Tar-


For Fire insurance
Prom^ CBrafn] aad eoni
toft. Tba aBongaat aad o
•aetod to mp agaaep.


Ma.” Oalmaat Bto^e Floor Taratoi

MmBML ’Pkw'n.

John R. Santo,
tasHil ImriiN.

Wbo enrea the Deaf. Blind. Biek. 7-«"t.
Bbaometie. ParelyUeandaUCbtcw
le DIeeaaaa bp tba

Laylsg on of aands
WUI pnbltolp datoOMtnIe bie woodar.
fni powen on tha atage two
nighto only aa abore

Admission Free

Beau free; treatment on aUge free.
F>«altlrel7 no bop*, glrla or ehiidraa
will be admitted nnlaaa they are afflictad. The crowd! are always aa
Unto that aaftlBeAnoot be giren tobope
and girlf. Beoh demonairmtion will ba
praoeded with a abort diaaartatlon ob

The Power of Vitml MagnoUbid as a Healing

after which enrea will ba performed
■AltBl£l> BJUI. er ibaw aeterlBc ea tAei that will aatonUb the akrptleal, aet tba
to|>pyU«e. avare ef pbjaleal drUlllr. qaleU) aeriona to ttaiokiag. and eoartnoa tba
doabtfnl that ia Anloial Magnatiw to
«FB OLAKAirrEB TO CCKE aerrew de
Ienrea ______
t. PLOOD. oacr II
___ -bow bad. bow 1
CalU aaavmd praapOj'dar w atoaara a Mar den aad all oUar ay
CATABBUOPTBE HOSE. bmeUUi aad bopeleai tne ease may appearelfbl l^wa pbaar, a; Ball, ata.
.TUH- Oatarra, e__ __
bla at all they are amenable «
- irrfato. BUwd TblBU,BeaeaA.
nattom and they will
Oer. Ko U: laaldraee. Ko. Tl. Kortbere abna
Ariae and Walk
—oBtoc and reaideaec, Na 71.
DiaCBABOUfe BABB vetea la aratr <
■aa‘» and eblMfrB'f iliiffan a apaalali*. Of. llaa er Uc itetfi of BMara rrara.
ac« boon. 10 to ir a. s.; ( u> 4 aad T le t> p
SB.------------m. BfU-pbooetto



s;5sssjs5^?s«fsa:?i.'j___ ^a.'ssrtanfssa.*

domiaUr aalBale h* ibe leleai abd Boat ap-. tame), vbleb vlU (•eelTf a eararal ebeB^ Md______

Uw owr^^^te Valfe 1Drag etora ea VaioB
able, will br prea^ at
-a tMaaeObw III. iHa*.


tFUl CURES sssrus,

sickorUaeand wtob to be enrad ar*
Invltod, and a great nnmber of peo.
pie Will be treated FBBB apon tha
bdar —b«wnr.ny atoge. Be not only treau'the blind,
and crippled at bto privaU ofim
^£5“. TraeMeel eael C- O. S la aay part
ef o.e at Park Plaea Hotel bat nearly all
obronie dtoeaeet piald to tbto etrasge

P K c rp evfviTF tpy lep ■iitvrpni «ipn

Removar Sale of Footwear
Ladies’ Russia
$8.60 Tans.

Hen’s Box Calf and
Enamel Shoes
Ingres A Smith Make

Now $2.63

1-4 oflF.

Now $1.88

Ladies' Higli Out
$2 60 Skating
and Bicycle
Shoes '

800 Pairs of our
Pingree & Smith
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
New Toes.
New Lasts, at

Now $1.88

Cut Prices,

Boys’ Shoes,
20 Styles,
Every Bair at

Hen’s Felt Boots
with High Cut
Rubbers •

Cut Prices.

Now $1.69

Felt and Beaver
Lumbermen’s Sox


The Old

Kubbers to Cloae Out
Ladies’s Sizes.........26c
Hen’s Sizes...:......60c
Hisses' Sizes......... 20c
Better Qrades if Ton
Want Them.

Special Motioe
AU thoee wbo desire free $toge treatmeat wlU meet the Bop's Manager, at
tbr Qrand Opera Honee. Tbnmdap and
Friday aftcrcoona between 4 and •,
and aeenre tree treatmrnt tiekett and
•esU «U1 be rceerved for them.
Private apartmenU bare been eecored at tbc Park Place where all wbo
call any time commencing ihiindap,
March let and receive ooniultoUOB afwhich. If found corable and mac-

Ladies’ Box Calf

Undertaking Parlors


Wtio le ooinlDg with bealing in bto

tad aetoatofle VraBtaent of AU Di«
ef Hanktod Poeaibto to ObCBift


Bair. Family PiUs are tha beat


Tetk.aa aowaftba

AMricu Midi ud Sd{Igi1 lutttite if iBktjn, lick


.... .......


jffTCSssTSjrrr TW'
w*SKaarJ Sr-S'-‘5,r

-JaflMBCMTUU tom lift bod baa robbod BBwd.10: Von FroBt uow.
«t to,wo. ■ftaeatiy wse om told
WoliMr tbfti ftU Uft bftftks to tb«
oMBty ware gotof to toil, ood odviaed quiLORBas WAKTSD-Al oi
Us to withdraw bto dapoftiu. Tbaold
■aadidthU. aadplaoad to.wo lo hto
bad. Bnrglan antarad the Walmer
hoaaa and ormrad bto OMmaj. takiur
it from tha bed wikboat aaftkaDlsc
oitbar Warner or tail wife, who were
. p'™SS^-r
ftftlaap U tba bad at toe time.
bixua. CT aiMT Mrwl.
A diapfttob from Paklo aftT«: John
. Mta. H.
VOwiar. United Stataa aonaftl at Wartra. lOM.WBaM
Caepfoo. prorlaoe of ^haataac. China, ^]^^X>0-«loc
raporta that t.OOO actoad ftaUraa bare
gathaaad on tba Had aarrap for tba
. aaw Oaraan traopa. ; Tba nallraa are
datoratoadto raatotitba oOBatraeOao
of tba rood.
ror a
. abort t)wo
Tba hiftitonnn twldoaea of Bobart gUTTBB^IIB BLOCT^rw
t tor boUer dtah
dellToraa la
JaaJobftaeft. a ratirad drp fooda Morebaat, Uaefcala UalM^eutebedellra._
at Moaat Sb VlamaU M. T.. baraad
Moftdftp. The damopa to •lOO.WO. Mr.
Johaaoft. wbo waa aafaip to a big arnatofttr Oft tha lop door »t toe tlaaa,'' TP rocWABTlaBBfaaae«(BBpkladlaBro>
X elaaaeoauaalasorle bar abeaaa, lot or
oMda hto aaoftpa, bp toaftaa of * a«r- farai
eallaaB.fI. AUra toes T aad t
rayorto ebtoa which be tied to a b«d- Maraaainr On Bleat. TVararaa Oil*. aiAAMO
fltoftd. Ift IftMptog tm the top of ft
Votlee to Taxpayon.
otoTM door to tba groftftd ha wraacbad
r T-T
bia boek. Be emwlad orar haU
a aalla_________ lierrt»enUftodUatU>««*________
OB hto baiwiaaftd kaaea to the anew to
tba. bo... of . gftrdBar. aad afto,

TW CeiebBftMe Me



QftU ftt tbft

k ftt Von Cnu, IbsiM.

■~^DRs:B.r& C(T“^'ratd

Ladies’ Elds
Lace and
$1.60 kind.


Now $1.13

The Old


Fire iRsurancs.
h. L A. Building


John F. On & Co.
SacctsuR to
IraieiM Cit|[ Umiwi Ci.
TrimMCili, . . KUi|ii

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