Grand Traverse Herald, December 21, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 21, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Tm THter'* SMord.
M s:» ttM .f»r«oon tJ- J««)r !■
t>M MM ef Ox P*opl* «.
M br«.^t m ■ **Nl'rt •» «««»y »< ■«•
tMvMd prviMFItalad fMtrSM.
eMSUtf to Jitofl* MarM, cm<
•oMd MM Man MMd •" ."r
fMT MHito. th* vardtet baiitg on Uia
litMt aarlaui af OmM Tha oaa '
baan aa tor thraa Sara. ©Ubart^Oleaan. a yaun# Nan

.Tiarcrsc City State Bank

l.-adcra are livln: tn
W V PalrehUd U A neeAl of »'•<*« Ac onslaeer. Uewta Ec*.lna«. A 3 octock In the afternoon In elan.-;
<dr foltom.yr mtarre
A^kh heiyntcrta, aftorooon at 3:«. It took ; bf tbe Brotherbobd qf UkoomIvc En-, luxury.
MevermI «rf lfc*-B weiw nrr«i‘ied In .
urn. the project to aalerlaJiring I but at>out
la apraUnx <d her
alecly and the coBpaay to • llfeleaa. broken body when kind hand,
aMBUra board of the »6rafy aaao:J3,dn«.a.f..-.m,f.,.
' A T. HANNAH. PreaAaaB.
anxlona to begin Work In the apring could take chnrge of it. FortwohourT wheel of roMU. and. the round t
clalioB be emphaalied ber InBoeaeo la
The death .rf :J-i.aier ••ivU
Necottathma are atoo under way with ^ and a half aecUon handi aad many ■•mployea a tMlIoW (rfromea.
tbc aelaetlon of aneb wriUnpa aad pub-,
aa would taad to the npUtl- B. J, Morgan to pnrohaae the aa«»ni J alnagerh attracted to Jbe
l•ultons•nt. rv-all. an no-rd ii. mhi,-h,
boUer, englao and bnUdlnga. There might.
' “
ins of tie meinberebip aa well aa those
viewed the dteiortcl face Irf the Ilf.-! IJilU-Mllu Jiiv. it. aE-vl.? yeani.
wbkh were calculated to be laoianj
ifll b-. «‘-rillt.
less eoglDoer as It lay hnH imbedded of F. M J. met. Jr„ of Maple Orot", race, .U tto ssy «f i",r
SURPLUS. 4S27.000.
ealertalninc aa well aa InalrDCtlTe. the Island and during the building op-; IcM eo^r « I to
w-ro -rf .be city en balding A- >.*t nbirb bed to-.
There were maay womra preeeat who erailona for mixing the ronerote,hr«eine ^cd with fateful ' the luiv rh.we, was iLi- viellm irf a f.u- alm-l bx'f a cvm-uiy. Itortoc Uto
Tbe Mlaataalppl Vallry Ponlaad Ce- where the
with Hn.
f aa ia be aa taapiradton A Aoae

I,,..,™.., M.

lUlrc durlBK her reeldeeee la Ibli mcnl company, the .largest
works In the world, to Itilererted in
the company and many of tbe build-

MOV. aWi rtiy. who were deeply aSoetod by then
and Wn refereBcea to their old friend.
Durinp the serrlce a male quartet
At the opfBlBf o< the nomlaa'a aea- oonilitlaK of Oiaa. A- Bkelclicr. E. B.
aha af the aretiit court the teaUmooy White. Dr. J. A. Snyder and C. P
rendered the arleetlona. “Come
e( Juatlre Cnrtla’ eemrt. retatlre to the
aaa o( the People re. Jenr Tbainaa unto He.“ and “BeaMIful Isle of

«aa taad hr Altoraer Tweddle. for aoBiewhere.“
The pall bearort. old frieuda d Mm.
the MWae. the atorr aa told by the
Haire. were; H. C. Daria. H. MonyoBBf Norvaciaa. Ollbert Olaaoa.
Jaatka court csuatos the axel U«oe. mak Hamilton. C. K. Buck,
John T. Beadle and O. P- Carrer.
Mother of the raapoodeot nueh
A toac line df carrlagca bore frieoda
and bearUche. Beth pacasu of the


^ACehcral BuUat BcsUku lAse

• coodithia irf the arreek and. tbe j nw tvsiililng In the b|K< of Us right’;:

Inga. InchidlBg Ibo great club house,
will be bull! of concrete.
The Mantotcc ^ewa to authority
the mtaicrnnnt that the M. A N. E. d
Nile, tn -r> i'.C ^
eontemplaie bulMlng a branch
Wl.h a CTMb I. roli-d ..g d...n the cm' U,.. ccre.s- .to- bu.k, from tl,-.-I
.. _ Cedar, The company to figuring oo
tankynent.. leaving th- body rrf U-to:ha.l bu mtif.-n
cither the U. A K. B. or (be Ann Arbor
-. enmne 111'-,}
mllaay building n branch, probably
il |«Im and 1
tbe former, because of Ae shurter dis­

.'.’ll il.. ia‘.'.Ill

.....^ a.


™C. ,'S3i“

Drew drawn up nod bUAtlreNri,;. Hy. tb-,™c-.rfmtod ..fl:!. t,..l-,
Cauaa Was Net Found.
from hto »l...irirtrro was'
; boitb.-r. who M..p,rol iho rn-to.--nr
yooBX Ban Ender IndletlDeBt an In of Kra. Haire to Oakwood cemeterr. Froqi Thnraday a Hocord.
4nrta« thla trial hot to- when the romalat arere laid to rent
At S:S« Ibto afterowui. lhe coroner*
bealde tboae of her little dausfater.
Jury which investigated the cause of
who died many yeara a*o
the death .rf Loub Behtlnaw. the Pure hA nachod Ho was tokon Into th-i though It wa« at. ugiy wiomrt a..-' i. |.
There were maay rery boautlfa'
. dorlas Uw teatlBoar o( the tomptalaMdrilDcKc engineer who was killed In
aat the flrat day of the trial. She floral oSerinpa teat Id by sood friend, the wreck yeiterday. rendered the folotod blttrrlr ifaroiifhoat tke raadtaa. in Trarenc City and troB abroad, eon loartng verdict:
ST :iJ.
.. the latter belu« t
-jraotMT Oaone Croaa. at *:1». be•That Unto A. Echtinaw came l«
m Ua opauiax arianaent tor the pns- Urse amath of eonlhern llowera and hla death by engine No. Ul td the
4MS,-r«rleirtar Aa teatiBoiiy of Italax froB the Belaona Woiaan’a
Pece Marquette Halleoert cos
lai^e wreath of rloleu from
&MB BtaSord. the potlcemaa who met
leaving tbe track about live miles
^ two yoons men aa they esBe from other friends In that place, tofether aorib of the Boanlman Junction.'
Aa aaloM the fateful alfht, and Henry with eloaten of rare vlolcU from ber for aaid accident unknown U
Thrt tgories Infllrted «F‘n 'he des I
xarden. Included in the otfertnea
w. vaii:.;-;'.iv'bis --osi.-tl
Aehwab and olhera who all iwore that
engineer .were of. soeh a naliirv Ihst
alto, waa a beautiful epray erf ebtyaUliug-. n-nr-d-l
Ae yoans meu left Ae aakwo at Ac
must ba-.e
AattBOoy o< both plalnttC and
Id o'clock AU mnratn
an thla city araa a apray of pink
i^osdent dtod. later Mewtnc Aat
vnallgallott Into Ae death irf l.c»to
from the eiecnllre board aad
Fdubc Olaaas waa a etranck la the
L. W. CMrtU' under- left ankle was completely | ierj.ri~-s fer-Ae to-ull* ,rf l.U,.. - •
older mcBbera of tbe Ladlea' Ubtary
bis Aoul-iemph.:-* nnd tlu- e..m"i->t'i'y b> S"!.' : nt WlA the
aaaeelailoo and a tpray of'
la TbcMBi Ured aa be a«ore
tog jlirors suoro to: W. D. Wllrox. ders down llierally rook«l. .In ilr r'leral. There a'
from the aaaocladon. The tribute of
Allea SmlA. W. B. Miller. A. P. Hv " 'tu prti»are him fu- burial the en(
Id^,. 1tii.-ie«.lam
• A ahSrt InterBlaalee waa had after Ae Trareraa City Womna's club
mutel. John J. Campbell ud JAi
body was swathed In budagetol-ef
ighi,-.! • v.lMi e|re<.
A(ty4re BlaMea had been eouanined a aprey of earnailoaa tied wlA a
Relaford, the InvesUgalloo being bcir.t l-eltig elotheil.
Prole'iantt 12pto-..pal .-lmr.-b.
ta the opaalac anindwt. Aeu Attor- low ribboa. tbe club colors.
before Justice Amll F. Nerllnger ns
At 10 o'clork this morning the
n part-h »-b.-d.
Coraaeh Frank HoldsworA wu uuble mstoa
they will W taken ml
wbh .-■flulpnK'nt for • In.lcuJriit nn.l
AT ttn jefenma. atatlag A the cqxmlag eeuUve board of tbe Ladlea' Ubrerr
> be prereot.
Dinrnlttg to Newalgo'. ihniinal iratuing (or 11.'. pniilto. nbd
that they moat Sod. the reapoodent
Tbe entire crew. Conductor F. W.
itnni seniret will beheld ’girls' and l-o\V eliih.
gnBtr wlA Bailee aforetboobt under aba left this city la lAl. being a con- Rykerl. Flremu Fruk Meries and
An cbnrge. •'Why hare I Bade tneh tiaat eCflcer from isn. When Ac re- Biakemu James A. Briggs
d to Mtoalsalppl Ae organiaed
■MiiDBi e«orta for thla maa? Besworn u arltnBasse. Mr. Ryken llrst
•BMe It to a aertou eharga and a aeh- tbe flret woaaan'a dub la that aaetton giving hla'lestlmoDy as to tbc rale of
est Act to aonvia aa Inaoeeat man. of the south and by ber rare pereonal- speed auppoaed to be going at tbe timueeeedA In overcoming tbe proThk laada np to this point, la the flrat
of Ae wreck. Tblsjic said, he thought
ead prejodke against woman
Mtarga. you wlD have to Sad that h»
aaa about tweniy-Bve to AIRy milet
had ABrdar la hto heart
SB boor ud Ae derailment,
akadfAe Ma.“
tbought. wu due to the climbing of
a waa very- highly iWded
Mr. Twaddle. A bahaU of hli eltoat.
Ae rear trnAs oo tbe rail.
made a very able defwie.
R. J. Oee. round bouse foreman, t
WsyM CMasy Beak Bldg.. PETBOtZ
I ntooclates to clnb arorfc aad
Itor hair aa boar at the
called to sAtc the coodlilon of the
tbe aftantooa aeolon of Ae oeari At- ctal life, bedag very muA loved. Dar­ glne when It left on lu trip. He »
fmany Oeoegn Croaa for Ae prosacn- ing her last lllaeas ber frienda aad Ae engine wu safe when II went .
tka naatiaaed hla doatng aignmeot. aalgtabort mlatotered to ber rare wab aa It had undergone an ofUrlal ln"iK-•Iddag «p Ae Araed irf Ae argument great aSaetka and there was do lime tlnn. The break In tbe flange, he KsM.
tiaMt by Attorney Twaddle and clos- whUe Ae waa coaBned lo her home ww only about two ud a half inches
put. Glue. SUMO BolUr uid Acctd.nt Iiuuruto.
Ag VIA tM Act: That Ae young that there were not come of ber good to length ud would not cause (rouble.
Aea ratanad to Brookmeyer-a aaloon friends preamit lo case ber anSeriaga.
Fruk Meries, tbe flremu. Aen was
M anna aa Aa deed waa oommlUed.
sworn In and hto lesUmony first tectoaA aa dtoaied Ae dow babied him
He Oat the CaiUa
lated to the cooditlon of the track as
to prmet bla being followed A ease
Dick Donaelly la telllag a story that he could see 11 from the cab. This,


.-itv, mi™.


J. W. fiaortlin

male BsA ttiUiaii.r.

Eiiiral PtiellB











THOS. a. SPRAeWI A son, -



?ire insurance!

the ortme area disoovared.
Jadge Hayne Aeu before aa nndlcaaa whlto crowded Aa entire court
rooA'a capacity, delivered hla charge
aAk* Snt ntatod the vmttoiu cobbu
Mdar whkh the reapondeut was
plMd oa trial. The flret and graveat
' ...

UnaUatea wail Ae ready wit of Cap*
Bud RIAardaqo of Ae steamer IlllDots. Bays Ae Manistee News. Tbe
HlSBouri. on whlA the nrfrrator Is
steward, bad Instructions to call sev­
eral weeks ago at North Maaitou Islo tAe on board a herd cf elxiy
eatlle for shipment to Ala city for R.
J. Corowell A Co. Twice the steamer
arrived at the island only lo find the
weather too heavy for a landing. Fl­

ehuge. AA of Mtemptod pramedlAtad mvrder, wna reviewed. Acs tbe
cAtofe of aasauU wlA tateal to do
great bodily barm, tecs Aea the crime
c« murder, aaaaalt and battery and uffy Aa arrived Just as It was beenmlastly simple aaaanlt
lag darti. and tbc ateera were drircii
The lour coQBla were a^n viewed, onto Ae wharf. wblA brake down
aad aaeh daaeribed with soeh CacU as under Aelr weight before a singlo one
UDuld make the dell
taken on board. The eaiUe
mr about to reium
dumped Into tbe water, ud on ■

said, was all rlA«. ud a* be reurh“<l
the tender for a shovel of coal he
noticed that the sheet Iron connecting

gugway ud saw the engine rom'ns
after him. They were m
more thu u ordinarr rwte of speed
be ihonAt.
A. Briggs, limping and
from the severe AakeTIp which hr
Aroiigb yesterday In the wreek
arrived and was immedlalelv
He Mid he was on the flr
seal ud saw the tender jump

iMiriany WUve In Ae Ikdka' Ubre
aasDoktloB aa a member of Ae exa^ve board.
- |To the Adks prcMUt the aervica
uAs etpacAIIy affecting, becaaae duriU her residMee la Ala cHy baton

Trover*© City.

tliiiilto <>n lits totuiy frii mls.
!f yon tliiiik of ifiviiit: some
«f your marnisl chiMrcii

eH. We ni'pi'Iy Ui«' 's-si
till-forests atxl mills HffonI

Ao tlBC.'
William Hdwvda, a farmer residing

i«r As eresalug. ww next saun
p ww ^bc only rje witness, but
South Hanitou Islud bw caused a instlmony ww brierf. He firsi tieai.l
mile aolse and looked up Jo time
-boom In lull values on Ae Istond.
re Ae lender leave the track ud fall
^erel Arms were not takeu by the
prommera aa they bad sufflclent land Into Ae dllcb on (be riiAt side, quick,
Tbaae fanna not already Ukeo bav« ly followed by (be engtoa which fril
doubled to value ud Ae ownepi art on Ae nppotlte side,

t partlculariy uxioua lo eell evei
gatof to. Betoeaa. Him.. Hra. Haire
the advuced price. A few week,
waa apmt the ctoaeat toraa of laA
nmey wlA Ac members <rf tbe two or- ago (here was conaMerable proper')
for oak to Glen Arbor but bow this faai
aaaaed a rare quallficatioa wbiA drew elAer been’ withdrawn from the* mar

run to Ac wreck ud
flrat climb up. Aen Ae conductor ud
later Ae brakemu bni didn't
one else. He stopped w he waa afraid
of tbe engine blowing up hut when told

her frieada uhrr A tka of the attoag ket or Ae.prteo greatly laercaacd.
uB affaeUoa aad her aHupIlcUy of tlv<
When the annooBeemenl of tbc
lag waa cm of her petaoual eharapter posed resort first eppeared to tbe Rec­
ord there was some doubts aa
The nervku waa amduMa4 by thi whrtber It would bo a “go" or
Bto. Demaa Oochlla. paalor of tht However. It now looks aa though tb“
CeagrcMtlaaal AnrA. aad la bU re project is a certainly u cub bad been
ma^ Mr. Coehlla dwelt wlA great paid on all nptlaoa taken,
iilimhaila npOB the Aaplralloa rB^ puy was yery dealreos of obtaining
■Mmd by tbe life of Mre. Ualre
u utiu oa the lud owned
Ihoea WlA whom Ae waa aaaoelated. Tbomas Footer bat Acre waa a differ
He apoke of hm slait^ Urtng.
enne In the price aad wbeu tbe ageni
ptrarBSl quallikn aad bar lafliKBce nf tbe (ompuy. W. C Drew of Cb'
cage. M' tbe Islud (he d««l bad dm
(or good, ao
. Ha apoke of the strong been eloscri oa IhU panieular farm
However, when be arrived al Cblrego
attaekmmt exlattng
Hairs and Aeae of bar war ralaUrm and consulted with
to thU city and ^ bauUfnl borne Foetor was offered bis price ud was

that It ww all tight went to Ae wreck.
Conductor Ryken ww again askito
to testUy wbat he Aougtak
death of the engineer und be staled
wbat all had Aougbt srben they saw
bla poslikm. 1. e. that he died Instu'

ly. He said. “We stood side by side,
he OB Ae Inside of tbe rwri
ud I OB (be outside. When the eat.
brttoe down be ww carried back beiwwn Ae boner heed ud Ae cab ud
ertmbed tesiulty. 1 don't think he
ever spoke.“
Fireman Fruk Menes. who staled
be heard someone speak was Informed
by Brakeman Briggs (bat It
who was calling for help w be bad
bis foot cangbt ud be wu enable to
Ufc, aad dwA np% bar laflnaaee to paid tIM cash lo hold the opiluo. Tb« extricate himself for some time
Ubtury waodalke ud j Poaier term Is aa ei
managed to pull out ud climb <
WatoM'n stab wfearu
(he top Of Ae broken cab.
As tooB w efferu were made

Craverse 0ity IHIg. Co.

till' iimtorinl for a liooso as
u Cliriatmas prosi'iit. pli'.iee


n oa South Maaitou.

If our figures do noi s-jcurc th«; contract, the other
fellow is tt'-icomc to iht trade!

Santa Cl.-uia is mi hia.-mnusl erui*: to l»>st*-w-.pssl

lienr us in diiikI in codikvtioii with the liiniU-r tiifl-

BB the llllaola recclv^ orders lo didn't rrmemlwr aiW thing elw until h
kiad .Ae cattle. ITils ww done suehimself hung by the font nea
eesafully. Hpoo'arrlvlDg In Chicago. Bkhllnaw. He said, "We were tokt
FnaarM of Aea. Haire.
(The taaeial of Mre. Janet U. Haire Manager Bsryn Beymour aAed Capt. kxAtog totek at the time otetlie acel
(MtTto aa Thuraday at t o'clock RJehardeon whether he bad Tiad any dent hut I think I Hw him shet ihs
■hrolUr off. aa I palled for tite •indn*
fioB IM renidaaca of her breUar, irouble In getting the cargo.
anerward examln<-d the rail wher••Not tbe least." wu the at
^oa. T. Bataa. oa WaAlagum street.
the truck cllml«vl. bui found It wsk
■ Tbe'high rc^rd eatorulaed for The ateera joal marched down
at a Joint. I don't know srliai p<i<
Mrs. Haire A Ala city araa toatlfled
off ud I don't Alnk we wore going
to very Ardbly by Ae large aumber bla lairstralghl lo tbe air aad
ly more thu twenty miles u houof Bsmbma of Ae Ladies' Library aa- •niiy. bero-a the IlltooU. Let's go

fUrBBly oaa of Ae moat »cKvc a
bon a< Asse two orgAkallona and

Room 810 Now SAt© Bank Building.


who is to Kuild or
Repair property where
any kind of Buildioi,' Ma­
terials. Lumber' or Inter­
ior l''inish is needed, is to
havi; a cliancc To fijfure
on supplyin;; 'vhe ma­

Ae engine to the lender jumped
sud the next luMant the tender
Ae track, going to the right, the n
Inslut he waa suddenly buried nut tbe

ming out. Btampeded. Capl. Flnofan rirti side of the run.-, Immedli
climb out ifau vtadou
lied to go Acad, ud left to dto

etdatka and Woman's dob la attend. aboard.":
^ A the aerrtona. Mrs. Haire

Of Cbe man

Money to Loan on ImproTcd Rea! Estate Only.


w. L. Brpwfi. I**i»a«aa.

at lowi-st priws omaisU-iit
vilh qoalily.

Sfiutb Side Camber Ce.

Santd Claus is lym

ETOTMlS'i IS Nl« KK f.U' tin- wife nt Chrialtims
|l tl.:il. il itiok'l j.l.-l.'l I'eiip r Ton nr Ct/fT.-n Pnt.

Christmas is almost here. Don't il«:lay. bni -jc: your
Holiday Goods now. while you have a chance to select
the best of everything. Some-have. bought already.
We have a good big stock on hand yet. We have use­
ful and ornamental things from which you can select
your presents. For instance, a good set of Knives and
Forks. Pocket Knives, nice Table or Teaspoons. Cups
and Saucers, nice Salad Dish, good Water Set. Now
we have lots of things; if you would sec them you
would say that they are nice and cheap. Children will
also find something in our stock that will amuse them.
It may be a Mouth Organ. Ball, Pocket Knife, Rattler.
Whistle, Doll: best of all. hoe Candies,^’uts. Raisins,
Dates and Figs. Be merry and make others happy.
If you select your goods of us. you cin'i fail to be
pleased. We shall be looking for you, so don't fail to





Tills Wiifr

i,s .iiHi.f to kiv-p rkflti tliJin ailv.-r,

wviire just iiB loug ntfl

"'S'b' "f 11

not .-ont om-.iiidf 'as niurJi,
'•Wf ““'I

miariiiiUx.I ti'A

.Mi>l;c-till* l..y iiii-l idrl>jiy Tiy i.'.-ttiny Utran a
p-iir nf .kil t. ' Sp-i'i .l prioi'S for th- uext t/ii ilays on
llion:' fniiiMns i.'nrn. ciiiQ “Tiiji-o'»."

\V<-liiitc a lirsUt-lun Tin Kliop.

Have j^u evet tried the

I *ric***


f^oi^al tiger
Tbe>-1« the ben.



Caaaed Cera
aad Saimaa

Sold -mly


PAOt i



« nUMa bu. MlM asalMt th« «»1U
«f « ktt^ in Ito ho»» of W. R.
BUM at OM MlwMB. th« am pMlMiMrtf the Otmod TnvetM rcfton.
lo Ibe MwiT* fifBltr of tlx
tS”'«M corcrnaaai bolMiac. U the UMory
ft tb« srewtn In halt a centnrT at the
peaUI aarrtoe of Do^ Same la U>U
'^BMMOa dattag II
vara^OfMlB tka ■
iarM.a»d iba MnrlM at b
«m agpohdltare of acrrey
eoaraga on the part of Iboee io
leU the dsUM of brtdgliif the
of vOdmeM wblcb Uj like an almoat
lapaMaMe barter between the
alM worn and the aarrow eonanea ot
tUa Kfloa, about to become InbabUod hr thooe aeeklog new borne* aad
health la the retlooui odor of "
(TM irinrte* of Oraad Traverse.
WbUe the gold lever wa» sapping
the vllalUr (d 42.000 emlgraota. windlag Ibelr way along ibe weetern trail
la a Biaooqi eantlsoatloa of earavaa*.
a eeallerlag few who preferred tbe wir
demee* of aortbera Wiehtgan. left the
WA and aon^l a new Ufe In lia
deptbi. Prevhmt'lo Ibe-M’a. tbe teghn waa labablied entirely by tadlaa*.
while the aeareat
wae at HadaBac from which poet the
drat while maa. Rev. Peter Doogterty.
a Blaalonary. Invaded Ibis region, aooa
^OUewed by others from tbe eonth.
who grmdaany opened the door to dvlltaatloa wfalob followed.
The e«11est anthenlk data la tw
»rd to the mall serrlee in this region
I* foaad la the dlart^ of the late Rev.
Oenne H. Bmlth. a ‘
A artvnd In lbs Grand
TmTarne region In Jone, 1848. when
•Oder date of Jnly 2. about one month
nflar bM niTlvnl, be writes of tbe drst
Campbell, tbe govmury tf mall.

north, where the aeareat poalonce
MStaUened. Probably the flr*i aian
diatrlbule malh^n ibe Grand Travle region was Uwl* Miller. For
. iny yeara n»0 waa occashmallr
brought down from Mneklnac. The
poatofflce wn* not fonnnlty e*tnlv
llsbed. however, onttl mi. After tbe
petition nesit to Washington '
- 1848. no move
ilUafameai of n poaiomee wna innde nnUI 1851. when
W. R. Blone of.Old Mission was ap­
pointed the drsl poetiDSster, with


iwlag terasaa bordered with red nad Located In front Jnit below Ibc post- niml ronie opened this office te ltd
• bite marble. The form U of a T. master's private room Is Uw base- cooveali-ncc and now tbe ftekiwrlag^
Ax bone* drawing the heavy
vboM dlmeaskms are 14 by SO and 14lmenl lavatory witb Us high white | routes are esUbllsbed:
eight dogn were hnmenned to a no baUtaiions alsog ibc narrow, wind­
by 50. A. beautiful base of Italian I nrble tiled sralte aad perfectly ap-j Tbe Pealnaola. So. 1. J. W. Goble:
■ledge la tandem style, npon which ing. deecdate atretebea. U waa always marble sets off tbe anlstk eokwed i pointed abower bath apartment. Ixmg lAke. No. 2. L. Ihle: Conaty
to carry axes
were strapped the mail bags and luia
' 'would not represent the vnloe of lo IJte. So.
Bay. Mo. 4. Wm B.
piles neeesanry for tbeir wertts of Aiovels to fit (he uocxpecied predkaThe mala workroom with dimeo-i complete arraagemeai. Lending u.. Glllvii: Blaieham. No. VWm. R. Dnlwhkk mitbi occur. -Tnra or»u~
ravel In tbe wilds of tbe forests. As n
unknown ta the roadbed, an 1 sloas of CO by 20. has a hardwood floor ‘ from the basement Is a prtvaie lookouriiell; Sliver Lake. So. 8. Hoae Ollbeft.
mralsbed with every known,for tbe use of the postmaster, and
when two teams did
hurried consnitailoa followed, Im- ctmTenleare aad facility for carrying: peep boles are strewn along It* roote.
nd the peek train to see ihni oil
the work of rbe office. Two pri-wh. re be may look down npon the
^lately the cllpptng sound of the
well, for tke expedition stieiebed
e rooms are prorlded. one for the 1 workmen under bU rare,
Marian. Mleh.. Dec. 14.—Joaeph Kln.sonnded ttiroogb -U<c
an’s axi .son
folly a mile In ntmii.
aimtber for
IVl the
tUV money .' - .a...
HI* i*.
private room
»- . and
the easlom
uan ■ /
ser visited rclsilvr* aaai.a.
tkenlng the ekoIUng poitmaster andI anOtbCj
«s. awakeni
Ann Dakeo. a eemot la Ibe et
Is working ni lb*
coonthe boarding bouae of Hannah. Lay
ponding to the posimas-1 main U.bby. Ihe IS by 20 la dlmrai- j BBbeock place aoutb of here.
^ Co. at tbU place, was s vUllor st the celled a hasty retreat of some lumber(hr
a aorlal at
Hlcalon st Ihe time, end to h.-r tell the lag bear^ho departed wiiboot fnnber
lot of bringing tbe long-ooughi msil, ado, The lonely stage coach was never
enstoms collertnr * room has t«»| mnch enjoyed by tbooe prcaenl.
official Should
molested by tbe lynxes, bear*, wolves,
Polly one faundiwd ponn
vaults, w-blle three toilet* are.arranxed I
Misses Beaale aad Gerinide
desire (0 takelt.
strapped to ber sinrdy bsek end she
Tbe registry roon at a vault nn.ljon tbe first floor, aside from the main j sujiiey aalked to Pomciaa thta nllert
wtlked the twenty mile* alone, artvcarted on the one on the baaemrat
The ht-dt-jnoontwo' safe*, for here
Ing with K aafely.
the ofhee. lo,. s|israiii« rent Iris of a bt'iery of, Mr. Chureblll went loCopemlsh Ratbulk of the money
Hall eent oot by persons who were
11 rurelsh slesiD hroi.
The furni'-hlngs of the workroom in- 'Ixilli-rlenvlag the seiUement often cost the
elude »lx rural carters ctues an.llwli; rf|ir.;«ent ih.- romphne intnlihHts. Kd Ktuter is staying with ber
•r at high as fifty cents spieew.
three double cane* Tor Ihe city car | lug*, the only rattm to racelv.- otnwi siBter-in law. Mrs. Cfauicblll. ytalle HTbut tbongh expensive tb* privilege
rter*. Mailbag rack* are la plentyMng being the privaie'cionj «f1b.-p..f,- Janseris-af bis mill In Kalera.
ss alwnyi npprecisted.
In the winter of I85:-I. A. T, Imy. a
meni. Tbis portion of the building I* { Unuleum floor covering,
lember of the firm of Ksniiah. Lay
also rompleied, the "swing" room for) Pour months agu 3. W. Ilrawnell of
* Co., organixed In 1850. m
of the carriers when not on-Grand Ilaptds artv«d to *i|pcrln'i-ii'I
Wndnngton and was successful In
finishing of the * k and he has < agud 13, <
duty being located here. This I* ri
obtaining a postofflee tor tb>
fortably furnished aad tbe Individ
tlement at tbis point. The name of tbe
I-Siablishmenta free I Martin.
rloihea presses add to its eonveoien.-w. j
me at Old Mlision was Grand

Traverse, and wh^ Mr. Lay auggestbst Ihe name be Grand Traverae.
clerk not Ifled him tbsl R wonid
conlUcl with Grand Traveree and a
rramlte was bad on Traverse, add
lag City, which bat clnng as the name
<ff Ibe place detuned to be tbe metropollt at the north, the Ineldeni ably
nttraiiag the old taylag that It
developed lalcr Into a cate of the tall
W. R. Stone, Old Mimion.
Plmi Poetmaster In Grand Traverse wagging tbe dog. Tbe new selilement,
Jong held tb the name Grand
• County.
Traverse Ciiy.
Tbe mail, as arriving now. came
kitchen wall. He held office for lire om Uie toutb instead ot Mackinac
yecn.^PIre famlllee lived in this pns'. aad Saginaw, the route for ibe new ho were really qulat* numerous.
Two stage coarhes were used In
region; but Ihe terriloty auppltcd from
carrying out Uncle Sam's contrar.
tbU office waa th» entire noilhein
each starting from their end of ih •
' MMon. aeeoapaaled by hts m
Joe, a fatlbful Indian, packing it by route at tbe same lime, meeting -<<
law. H. K. Cowlea. artved at the Oier at first was nn Ir
Uwa mUthm oondneted by Hr. Bmlth dlaa. who wna taken by boat acros> foot. Mr. L*y Uking the first year s Poplar Grove, forty-five miles north
contract at 1400 per year. Before th> of Dig Rapids, where the night wu<
St Wnakasooville. (Northport) thirty
ay to a point near Sk RapI
expiration of the year the increase in spent and the return made the ndlov.■Dm Berth of this dly. with nmU eon- from whicb place be started on
mall doubled and a horae was thea em­
alsttag of two letters and the religions one hundred mile Jaunt. When he
ployed in lla carrying. Hugh McGil­ ingFrom
PopUr Grove lo Sherman,
papsr. Tbe evangelist" and 'The turned ho built a monster bonBre
ls then engaged to cairy m
Yoeth's Oablaet." evtdenUy tbe '
eighteen miles, but one settler had en­
signal bis safety and the postmaster
ind he cut tbe Aral road
aame ot 'The Tenth's Oompan
then made arrangement to go across (he seKlement. this leading to Herring tered. Ibis being Ibc noted "Tommy"
Anderson, pioneer, posiniaster an-l
Tbeg came aeroa* the bay, from the after him. Mall waa carried past
lake shore road,
alnateo la charge of Rev. poogberty TiBverse City twenty mile* and
black bear proprirtor In one. Hi* p--i
from the south led along
aad MtatBod the oame way. carrying brought back by private ^essengent.
It'nr was known far and near, fur liS
two UUert, one to The Evnngciur There were no poetage stamps, thr the lake shore, past IHilteball. Lcdlng- lopsided dancing was the Joy of all
lon, Manlstw. to Sleeping Bear Point,
tired travelers. To the crude tune 3f
and tha other a corrected weniber re­ carrier receiving 25 eenu per letter di­
port hr thewmitbsoalan laatllnte at rectly from the writer of the mlaalve.
his master. "Cnimpy" would wsbir.'
with the read madchy Hugh MeGiUis ronnd and round, dragging one foo:
Washl^ton. d which Mr. Bmlth
Wllllaai •Davenport of Mackinac Isl­
Dr. D. C. Goodale, who artved In which was never In the game.
the official ataUalldas. Tbeae letters and. was one of tbe later mall carters,
April, was appololcd (be flrat postman,
were forwarded frem Old HUalon
While fully ten mile* from a habliabla lontc being between hi*
Mai^laac. and from there went to Bag- and borne and this posloSIce at Grand ter. w-lib Henry D. Campbell, or "Lir- ;tion ode day the axle of Ihe heavily
Ue Henry" as be was affectlonatelT loaded wefckle broke, and progress
Inn* nad on to their deetlnn^
fo” tiled by all who came within (be was itnponsibl.-. Wni F, Harsba; Ibdrlrer. foimil a •b'ad piece of timlH-r. I
large hound dogs and a sledge made ot ebecring rays of bis beaming__
In order to qaallfy Ibe bondsmen. W. I
Ibln boards, steamed and bent i
end. while many little ribs were naiictl H. McKlIilp and Tbomaa Caller. Ibevj,"
tuaiod by the^nnuBl payment ot tb* aeitme to give It tlrcngth. Ugbtly left for Old Mission, and tbe Srai ma'1 *
•o^nmat to Indtana. the letter of contracted. It glided along the trail, arrived (or Ihe new postOBIee wbllc]
tastrnmioo to the missionary, intorm- capable of canylng heavy loads with- they were away, no It fell to Ihe Icil of whib- the vehicle < s drawn I
hag tbe seuiemeni thnt the coming ont bclnga drag on tbe strong, henhby the aMlslani. H, D- CnmnbcH. lo dis- first stopping place.
tribute the mall to those wailing. Sev­ John G. Harsha, a braihernf Wllllani.
payment wbnld be mnde nt Mackinac. dugs whoee baying progress was t
en Icttcre and a numl>er of newspapers who died la imp. drove tbe stage from
HecBlds were sent out to entry the
made evident by .the tinkling
eotnpletcJ the flr«
message to all Otuwaa In tbe region. tbe bells ttniDg around ibelr necks
Cartlllar to Traverse city a ntimlwr -r
for Ihe. flrat year for ttansporu- years, aad be suffere-l (i-rtlily ihrnurl;
No menlkm of mail Is made again though Jingling a welcome, wbich Ikey
tton being gtno. while the revenues <me awful winter having his fing-r
•ata October (. when Mr. fimllh aiates
lure awaited Ibem. A stop was at
amounted to but K.M. This was ex­ nails CroxFB off during one ot tbthat Im wMt by boat to Old Mission,
made over nigbl at Bearer Isb
arbors they'held a meeting ot the dtl- and. where crowds gnibered around pended for. an office stamp.
frlghifui irijis.
aeaa •Ho peUthw tor a poetoffiee aad
In ISCI a change at adminisirailon
All moneys nsed norib ot Cadillac
BcsSAigrr to hear news of Itac onttor tbe osganltation of n town.'
side world. The dogs, loo, nwelvod as caused a rorrespgnding ehaage lo tb-: were broughe Ihrpugh simply in bags.!
Man did aM artre In tbe north fur
postofflee and the assistant. Henry 11.
me a greeting frran their 1
mhay months, when Joaeph Tbaicber friends and greally apprecteled tbeno- (Mmpbell. succeeded to the office. Hi* tbe Jolly driver sedately sitting wlili
nrimd Msy I. ISO. with severa] let- tlec bestowed upon Ihcm. They
adminUtreUon showed an Increase in his (eel resling npon a Urge sack flll--l
teia, rotnralog again May 7lh for De- eeived often a apeclal decoralioii
biislnea* from 83.60 the first year to with gold, while the seat* bark of bin.
tcoU, wbcB be took tbe outgoing mall. ribbost from the master bHore enter­ $15(1. bnt aner a year's admlnlsiratlou were filled with slrange iiassengers.
Tbe day fnllesriag Chief Bbob-was-nng. ing hit vllUges nnd Ibe children took be resigned lo give U* udlvlded at­ Among the drivers of this fam--l
af wbat U now Omeni, arrived with
: delight In watching for their ap- tention to the betterment ot the road stage route were William Newnisn •-(
ane letter. Mall arrived at long Inter- l>oarance. After a pull of a di
racllliie*. \
Ibis city; Jerome Schell, now residing
enlo at tbe little aetllement until Dee. dogs were at ready for a ramp in the
a (arm at Grant, and WilUam Du:r.
During (he earlier days when
U, ns. when R^. BmHh snys he net­ deep snow when llberaiod as though
long resi
avallsUlc to <Miry Ibe precious j who moved west. .
tled tbe poeieffke bill for tbe
fresh from a night's rest. They
pinirhes. wbkb roolained the only 1 denev at Sliermsn.
yean ■Toond the whole 14.01.
•ui once a day, this after the day'.< roneeilDg link with the outside wurld ! After theG. R. t t. pushed north
:ted prevkiualy paid tl». so paid on Journey was ended, ns thrr woi
of friends, aside from the roonetso'j Cadillac Ihe drive was shortened
emiiiw tS-tl. Took reocipt for do good work If ted nt the beginning valuation represented by tbe moneys sixty mile*, but this was supposed to]
: »4.W.'- He nlec tinted: "Left (2.80 of their jonrney.
Inrloded In such, the aerrlce devolve! be marie in me day. and
' wUb 3. Campbell to bend to Youth's
In Uie spring of 1852. a squad of entirely npoo Indians. Those wb-i was even hsnb-r. After
I Cabinet far ibe eamot y«
twenty Indians, with the same number know iho faltiory of the red people, iWn of Hi.- toad north, the malt
Nine days later Mr. Wli
their thirst for drink overshadowed | riagetl from Fife Lake. ihU niakln-:|
from th« head of the bay. his mission
everything but their respect (or thy j the last haul U-(ore tbe opening of th-bBiBg to obtain aigaera to a prtitkB
Bible taught Ibem by the early mi*- |road through from Walton Jiinrtion.
tbr the ergaalxatka of a conrt
sionaries. The nsnal wanting. "Don't { W. R. Stone, the fir«t ap|>oinied po* $«WB to beealM Oraad Traverae. He
get drank." was often emphasised by* matter in ihe Grand Traver.o- region,
carted maiL
binding tbe oath by a kUs of iL-.-! opened the little postofflee in 1851 ,ii
Bible, often nothing more than a com- tfce kitchen of the log houv which h--l
Uttle mall artved ta the
hewed out of Ihe fun-ri by
mon pocket diary, and tbe case
the wlater at 1881.'antn April, \wfaen
came to the notice of the oSIclnlt oT a mall was kept lo a ralritt !>ox nal1—l
tlM following MBlemeal It recoded:
vtolatloo cd tbe sacred oath.
against the fall, and though tbe ofllci;
*TUe U the Aral BAD we have had
Tbe ebaages in tbe north la a com- wa* kept five year*, no «aJ*n' «»'
aiane,December, as It did aot arrive
parailvelv Short time are astonishing, paid the porimasier. The log hoo*<at H^iaae natll the flrat or second
though the population of the seitle- silll remains as a monumroi of the
eff Aprfi throngti Ihe nnTaithfalneta of
- ment remslned smalt, extensive lum- pioneer days, though a clnsier of lllacv
completely cover its modvft rain*,
i ber opersfioeB gradoally opened
Wlteber brongbt ihU mall aad re' way south through the vast pineriej j Tbe (oHowing is a complete list n(
eetvad 82 payment toward eairrlng It
' which stretched In n wide bawl far
the past winwr. also paid him 20 cents
the south- Roads were gradoally ioffice In 1853: Dr. D. C. Goodale,
tor two letters brooghi at thU time."
built ibroogb this section, tbe road-; Heniy D. Campbell. Charlo* H. M*r»h,
mile stnggilag meosengera arbed* being at cordoroylo give a foun- i Rev, H. P. Barker. 8. C. Fuller, T TrM with maU aad departed with outUlon to the awamp.T soil uDllernoath 1 Bates, M. E H*»ke1l, E. L. Sprague.
fom BAlI, several veeMis made the
. D. Campbell Contract* Mail Reute. ’ George W. Raff. A. V. Friedrich and
bar, aad they, too, always broogbt
For four yeara prevloos io tfce open-; 6«t>rge W. Raff,
maB. aamog them bABg the vessels.
of tbe C. R. A I. from Big Rapid*.. During ifae half century of the posK. Merrm. owned by J. HcLaagblla of
Ncnhpnrt; tbe Arrow. CapL Michael T>b First Maa to Dinribuie Mail In thelr Turthermosl point north. HenrT:ial IDe Of this eiiy. the postofflee
D. Campbell undertook tbe still bere-i-; changed ita location almoel as ofirn as
nt«eraM; theA’coos. CapL Neleon;
tbe Grand Traverse Bcgloa.
lean task of iraniportlng the bulky the change la oBlclAs nt Its bead orthe raakee, and the Cherokee, of Bamall poochc* and increased freight euired. After the appropriation -d
o( dog*, came from the upper prainfrom Big Rapid*. 1145.(*» war passed in congress the
no Mkhlgaa. tbe flrat steamer
eatar tbe bay. came April 14. 1861. snla on their way to Croton. 120 milev the railroad terminal, to Tmverre City, j site chosen was made ready’ a year
with provisions for sAe. ber owner. eonth of Grand Traverse, where tber. niaety-slx mile* away. Seldom a team ago last spring aad lo May tbe 'exca-1 •
Hr. Newtponrg. belag aboard. Sbe were to gel the U. S. mall accnmulated eniered'lbe long nretch and In winter vathnis began which ended Dee. 8;'
aUffped aeareely one boor, bnt brongbl there for them during the winter. Tbev the drifting mows piled high like an ; In the completion of the fixed home of *
rnnHi news at Ibe ontslde world, aad retomed pAt‘ tbe poA of the Grand implacable barter to the heavy loaded | (be city poriofflec.
equipage* used tor the arduous trip. \ The bAlding"1a of red brick. SAxdO,
waa a cbeerlag si^t to the iahablt- Traverwe rcgkin. the ladlans on
shoes with mall pack* on their back,
Wm. F. Harsha of tbb Aty drove | feet, npoa .a granite foandatioa. nad I
Mall, la order to reach the little set- aad Ibelr camping oniflt a* well. HI the singe (ram Big Rapids every day' limestone trimmings. Tbe mnia cu.--'
I tbe memory of Ibis: rider faring the norih i</nlsbed in'
ilrmsais. firat had to be broagbt from walking la Angle file ahead of the dog
out like "qalllt upon'^qutner sawed oak laaeliog. the Boon^
MaeklBac. one hundred miles lo Ihe train to that progress for tbe (oordout-




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A lurj^Amouiit of S«aM will cause you to buy n -‘C'olumbiig;'’ a small Amount of Cffali
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the suodard cough and cold cure for over
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Am*'* *• T*rm*ll.
«. pwmb««. DK. i*.-A«thorUr
Ut btm
All proTtacUI ffTremor*
U> AfTWi All jienoM Aui^eelAd o( to-



MCBlIaf pollUeal akIIaUoo.
Pr«Bl«r Wliu Mr* « *« pr«M»l City bat Satorday. y
Heary DeJIara of Broatvlek la
•ItiHUoa eoBtimm. imtII*! U* wID
ba preetalned. is * i^t W. tbe BlU- lUBK relatJrea la lovn.
0*0. Maacrn tranaaeted boalnei
Urr boipita] bare ibe (raiq» ehBr«c<]
Ih* pAliraU wlih b«ro»#i». woondlo* Trarerae Oty laat Baturday.
Mm. Wm. FatraBt and dangler
BeMlo of Baat Empire calM lo tovn

SofM M Fsee Md
BBck-Dectpn Took His Mom;
But Did No Good-Skie Now

•tat* Of>n«*
Ur. and Hra. A. A. AlUacton vere
CTMd lUpia*. Web, Doe, J» —
feotore or lira Onace Meell^ r««er1 l^Tetae City Saturday. '
p. i. TotiM. (be Maiple Oty atase
«*r *M tbe Addreoa of Ocraefiw Fl*4

The Cough Habit

the couDlry U tbia Ticinity and Sa.l
plenty of vietima. They are selling n:
iBce at S*3 ibai can be Equaled b>
sy dealers (or unebalf ibe price, li
SuperrUor A. C. Wynkoop I* »i
rmsk-fon ailcodlng a epedal ai-salun
of ibc eouaiy board called u> Iovm-:
sale the county irtnsurer'* book*. Th*; barlag been stolen from Ur­
ibe board will and a bard fu!.
tcUlag just bow matters are.



tbsnk'Uodtbal a (rimd rccoi
Culicnra Soap asd Ointaacot
euSered for a kmg Umc vHb sore* tm
mr fan asd bwk. Somtalonor* aaid

isf eoaplalnl.
aa In Uvo Tneaday.
' Oovenor Warner, lo explalalag tbe
lama Pelky. vho baa been »err IH
■Ruallon fa UleblEan. reTerrcd lo tbe vllb pneamoola. la able to be about
aifutioe MBoad lo Wlaeowla by tbe
>e boua. asalB.
aama qaeKlon. Qoolliic frtn> OoyCbaa. Blllmaa vent to Aim Arbor
ernor UPoIlelfa lonaace to tbe apea a bnalnena trip Toeaday.
dal aaaalOB of the leclalatore ot WloHlaa Orpba Pnflek rUlted frieoda
ooailB. Ooremor Warner aald the la town Monday.
name plea la made for a fair irtal of
Mb* Mabel tlall baa been belplan
■be Uv. Tbe portloa of Oo»emor La- Mn. Lalbrop for a few days.
rolletf# Benace applied lo the MleblBert Smedley of Trarerae City Ban,
can attaWtoa I* a* foUovt: -Wbat- dared la tovn.
vrar oppolUoo there la to tbe enac:Her. A. A, Alimroo *enl lo Trar-

now look* as clear a* a baby'*, and I
tcU them all that Cutienn Soap asd

smL Another cure
NMk CMOPod Witli SorM, Hair
Fall Om, WIW Witt Itoliiag

ne City yeeterday lo meet bla wife'*
Dolber. Mra. parka, of Howard City,
tbat the lav abouM nov be ■leeo a bir vbo trill spend tbe. winter at bla
trial. Tbl*. erery man of Intelllxai'
hbov*. came* vitb h (be riibt
itverOi Blllman made a boalnea*
make aaek cbaaie aa eiporleDe* *1
trip to Proremont Tuesday.
require. Tbe tev of ISM creaUac
J. Alien I* moTlng bU booiefaold

Team my neck was eorcred with aorn
oSTta-^ to to«g^hUy
bald spot, and the aorenca*. tnflam.
nation, asd mettaleaa itcbing made
me vlU. After a few applicndonaaf
Cutienra the torment anbai.led, the
sore* dlaappearcd, asd my bair grew
thick asd faealtby as creT.”

ooda to Trarerre Clly.
J. Ryanl vm In Traverse Clly Tuca-


ray fcomml
Tbe Udlea- Aid vfll bold a banar
It r
tbU aeaalop, and prob­ in ibe baaetDeDt of tbe OongreKatlonal
admeal at
ably further ebaaga will bajoimd bee- nbOKh on Balurday.Tye. IS. fiom Ki
•snary at.tbe aapi leaitae.Urge onaatliy of
One of, bte BCiK aKBlftenat atato- fancy arlldea. bome-made candy, pop-

■‘Ear oret thirty yeai* 1 eaffered
-from paisfal nicer* and an cnpcioa
from w knees tomy feet, and could
Bndtoftherdoctore nor Bedictoea to
help M. nntil I look Cuticiira which
eonedmelnezoMtlu. (signedjM.


re.1 aR*tni!i the company oo aroma;
boraca aod caltU- killed on the HB".
Id Kentocky. Tu make matirri wnrw.
H ^pevn-ft tbsi every animat kill-:
Uowt-ver worthlwi It may have b*^ti
I,.-fore tbe arritteot. iovartably lUurc: I
e ctolus aubsenovDIiy preaevie-l
at being of the leal blood In Ken-

MSittlnc by Hy WUteW Bed**
writes F. G. Hontln, of Oaklanden. ln<L, **1 read abont
Dr. Kind's New DiaMvefy. She had ^ a trlglitfRl
chronic con^ which three doetdn fhUed to rellere.
After taking two bottles she was perfbetly sored, and
today she la well and strong.”

lucky. One day in cooverseltuu villi
one of the road's eounrel Scott bi-.
tne very much cacliej in r>*/i-rrln.:
tbl- altuallon. “Ho yon ioo*. ' h-

crossing It with a locomotive!''
L. WbiU Bushy of Chicago, aecre :
iry in Speaker Cannon, It on<-'ur tin-'
beat dretaed men at the nallooal rai>
He I* a coiuiant eompanion of'

^ WEsfOM


Shortly President Scott -took hoVI
rtf ’be. Cln^nnatl 8outhe-7> road
tii:uilH.-r of clalma »-ere lu-ef.-i

reaifted (be ronrlualon that nothing In!
Kentucky ao Improves live slock arj


la more daBcerani to you* life than the drink, eocEloe
or morphine habits, for tt soon ends In Conaamption.
PnenmoDia and Heath. Save yoarself from these
awful resolta of Coa^bs and Coids, by taking

Eigbl beluv aero yes!cr>la) uomlos

H. Wartrar, «tie appearM at tb^ aum- drirer. baa recoreted from bla recent
lai acfiloD
br Inrltatlon
n- lllDMa and Is acaln oo duly.
plalDOd bta poriilM oo tbe tubjaet of
Mias Extella Holeomb paaeed throucli
prlnarr eltelloo refom leplalatlon. tovn laal week, after spendlas aom<Ha *a* Terr eortlallr weelrad by lime oo a profeaitoaal call at Cl«i
Maater Hertoo and other senber* ot Harca.
Ike OroBse.
Oorereor Warner ex­
F. McFill. Br, vaa in Trarerae CHy
plained tbe tealure* of tbe lav and Satnrday.
adrlaed a fair trial of It before eiijerV. E. CuBlaibam of Eait Kaaaoo

The Gewenniiil


OutauBImUM ■



:pERE Marquette


Tma. l«av. Trarerk. tit, a. r«4kv*a*

S. E. Wait & Sons and C. A.

gt-nrral rvuiversatloa. In'
S*-ii-n youns Ni-w York nilHIottalrv-.
I cUnuti-« an atiiHKlani came —Alfrr-J Gwynne Vanlirbil’. K< cinal I
Mr. Cannon. wbi> to acunewhat eare
toODi Kofilv. Iu,ik.-.l aruuD’l C. Vaiiil.-r:o!:. ilarry raui.’- Wblin-y.
less u( bis altire.
Ur. Bu-by to A
BBd wi-iil away. Almost ImiuedlsiHy Charics T. foul. Ogl.-'u Mills, Isa
handv’rae man. wear* a vamJyke
U'S |.ri'
privalo serrelan «H';
K Sexlm and ll’.ro.-.boarJ. and, as a rule, affceis a Rllkl'”'
the BiK'Ud.' liBW iiurrhiiMsI fur mwriy 31.i'as>.»si :i
t li’-anl
Mr. Cannon and Mr. Ilnsbv'''^*'
lay. . The se.Tolary • ii jvi i.f I-'." aer-s lu ila- miI.hiI. -t
Into an UP tovn hotel (he nth
l«is rs on ' hf*'superior’s Ubat elly. Tto y ha«<- «n;xniii.i-.l a
nlsbL Two men were ataoillDg In .
. ,
m. ,,l ,h.- d,-., .... n, .l,.m . ..... I'""i-I")"'
New mvei. n


hat ami lito !
*' nnee Itsjk up nnul niul a lltii' v
j.b- papiT Biiil of euurx- Uu- xtollnrj huIlL
seeieiarj .<

Secretary Bual’y was faul'leisly nlilr.
"Why. then*'* Bpeake4- Cannon."
tbe mas aniond town, "lie'*.:.!
hanitooDie fellow." said the sirangei '


b to sumi lo

the riix-iim'-.iil-'.j

be eerred and music rendered, also a
rall.T iM-canie ledlouH,
aboold reto Ibe primal reform bit!. Bab pond. Brerybody U cordially locaring at Bushy. "But who's llo- uhl
Ton ml(M aa veil state ibat It voald Tlttd.
'duffer with hlm."
hare bcM far bMtar for Ocremor
Prayer msetlog vaa held at tbe tho winter at llaallBRa. S'l-b. Ttie boyi>
Perhaps the bnrjetl working gov
U> bare rrioed tbe Erat Au
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ulllmau report Ibe wtvilu-r qulio warm ainl
ornmi-at ofSetal In Washini.-ion l<
Haa ballot Uv beeniise It vaa not
aummerllke Ifat-re.
Wedseaday nrealnc.
Prank H. Hiirlicoek. flrat axstoiaui i .
MlM Berlba Baltabery of Maple Clly
the poslmasier gen.-raL
Ur. Hllrh
latgre up lo tbe presmil time hat mad- rMted in tovn Ual voek.
iMpoHanl dungea lo It. and If lb<
Lake Aon. .Ulcb, Ih-c. IC.—W. L. lock. aerorillnR to the renirds. has
Mias Anna KItt of flood Harbor
ln« h*d bm retoed because It did no making her borne vUh her brother Hersba of Uoysc City U lo town vtail- worliHl tram » a. ni. nnlil (nlilnis’lt
tiree years. Ills racatluo in
•nil all. ve voald have been uoder tbe here at pteaeat.
time eonatatlng of two days ti.
Aaymern of rollng today.L. DoaBM and vife of Maple Clly
TMceis vcuaaig
BeK-ral tm-mto-rs of his eii-ri
b Ibe goremor was vaH rehas been gone two years.
eat to Trarerae City Batunlay.
c report of ibeBiEage leglaGreat Ix-iHity l.aily Commander: r-al Mali have <:ro]>|.k-d by ll;e waysi.1i j
Preparaiiont are belag made
m dtamelrlMny opand tree at the efanreb Mrs. Wslklna. la In lake Ann lh:> -xhausKHl In the eflori to k.-ei. o
wwk'lankliiK after Ihe lDier<-«t» of ih-' wlib him an.1 he to known In il.e .1- :DO YOU WANT FKBE CON.
0 Saturday ereolng. Dec. 13rd.
Hra. V. Tice b asMcttoc in Ward A L. O. T. M. Tbe ladles of tlie hire narunem ns the • perpetual mot lou, 5ULTATI0N AND CORRECT






cflRd tbe re

CulTor's store for a few daji.
It v^1 vhal tbe pec^ asked
fan. It vaaat vbat tbe paogle vanieiL
Bnt It Is tbe poUUcUB*' prlmBry '
Bmfdre. HIM.. Dee. H.^eon
turn Uv In force la Uleblan.
Biter, a brother of Jollas Bter, ar-Is the oplBloB of one veil noallSed
rtred from Belgtum Satorday.
to jadge, II -vai blind at lU birth, both
Clark Freeland relumed from Ml.
Pleaaaat last week, vbem be baa

brid a (sremy.foor boor aesaloo and
served an elrgam supiter lo bunor of
their disUngulshed rlallor.

bean working.
Mr*. W. P. Reynoldi and Mr*. Mlbc
no bond op In rad Upe and tormalliy

UcConnIck were In Traverse Clly last
Ward Bennett returned from Cbarle

torn' to Ibe people, -i
Hm Big Ineonia.

Trik last week, where be baa been
vorUng la the life MrlBg auttoo.
Fire carloads of potatoes vere
fbipped oot of Bknplre Monday mom

New Tort Doc.
John D. Boebefeller^ Btandart OH company carnUgv
The aehooner Beamea loaded hc^•
tbU year amount to t».000.000 and bU
oMimnied inLome from railway, gat Friday with aeren thonaain
and snaldUry ell eompanlro and other of potatoes for Milwaukee.
Bev. rt. Golden of Neesen Clly held
toecalmeaU trill be tlO.OOOto« more.
mas In the Catholic church here Sun
Tbe year baa bean a banner one for
tbe Standard. ‘I%e ca«paar avelled
Tbe todies id tbe M. B. ehnrtta
Ibe praEta cf vleadlly ndraacliis the
terred a chicken pie supper In (hr K.
priee of pHroleum to tbe eonaumer*.
O. T. M. M. ban Friday erenlng. Re
celpU vere abont III.
Hlaa Bala Reynold* of drawn, who
hme of Howard Mason at Barber has been vlalling sritb friends lo town
Cterii was completely dotroyed by for the past two week*, returned borne
Sn about & o’dack tbl* nramlng. Tbe Monday.
Hark Deerlng madela fauaincas trip
boase and bona^d gooda vere a
total loss and all ilbe clothes that Hr.
t and Mrs, Mason Mred vtre those (bey
bad on. Hr. Mason hsd gotten
early and bnllt a lire. Tbe boov- fangbt from the store. Aa they ba-l

to Bk Rapid* last week. He It e
icBpiailBg buylag a meat market
timt place.
While lakiag a Baabllgbt pkture

one erenlag laai vevk. Prof. Howard
not been mnntod tong they did not Kenney bad (be miafortune to bi
ham mneh tarnKam bnt rit they had one Of bU band* qulie aertoasly.
James Daly. Elmer Atklaaon ant
vaa destroyed.
ma from Tbompaosvlllc. vboae na
Tbe boose was owned by Mr. Tlnd«H
cf BartiW Creek.

There vaa no

FVask Vartto of team Es
He buggy that vaa given aw«y by tb-'
Otdar. Hlch, Dm. IS.—Mra. Bd Cul­
ver va* a Trererva Oiy vtolttr laat editor of Ibe Bmpire Journal,
the largest uumber of voles
A! Ban. 0«o. Oraarenor. Ina Toch­ earn. T5M.
A. C. Willard to atlD walktog
er. P. J. BrtgU. Alrto Bmith ahd their
wires and the Mltsaa MabM Hall and ernlcbe*. tbe result ot spraining hto
Cora Blmoas atteuM an L a O. F. ankle a week ago laai Satorday.
Rev. J. H. lAmbkta went lo Chlrngn
bnnqaet «t Maple oly last Friday
oa buslnee* Hqoday. He expceis
eraalag. A Bne time Is Twportsd.
•tom thU week.
Mra. K. Kessea of Glen Arbor
HIto TIolet Voice who baa been
pasaed tbiwigb bare enroote for Trav­
rioosly in for tbe pail two weeks,
erse dtp last FtMay.
Mrs. F. 3. Brigbl and Hlaa Ida Far- not moeb Iratter.
Pnu to barlag bit boose
rato did abopplAS to Traveroe City
Nlagaia atret painted. H.'Brink i<
Hia. Jahaaum has tMtonad froto an dotag the work.
Ralph Dally lom a raluable burning
extended vistt with her spolber lo
dog by potaoB lam veto.
Howard dty.
UavM Sberta and Utoa Ora Rosc'.l
C. B. BBUVJtn trsifttrew
ere married ai the borne of C
bctofor tbe A. H. I«iM Drug Oo. ri
bride's parento. south of love. Dee.
ssae dwy mst week.
Dr. BfMo Bt FeUawn. foraerty of Ber. J. H. ImmbklD oOicUled.
Ovite eocewragin'g reporla are being
tUa place. caHed.4« Iriead* ^ IhU
received bare from Ikiny J^son vlio,
J. Banivaa la cMBaad to bla

with bis brother George, to

"r:r.2d‘,hTCf “•"«“«

lol popped by (he depariment omit

tiaked ih<- walebanan In charye If In-1
If you are poor yOur UUUneDt
K. O. T. M. It-m. 6U3. Uke
{f you are diKouraged
Heeled ofAcen; ai lasl-regnjar review. ihnugfat Mr. illiehnx-k wn.ild to- at iii<-|is free,
o-elock. -Fo’iriind we can cure you. we will wait
Tbe Hun. 1.. D. Bpilford ^*e,; deparimmi a(»T
throogb iJike Ann t-n ronie for Flunk ihlrty;- eieiaim,>J ihe wairhmni-. 1 for our pay until you are well
-Whj. you'll find this piac-e op.‘n ’in- i
Come and see us; this b your
fort ■Weilnenday oCibii week.
H. E. Degen was In town ataakin;; tll midnight every day in Ibe }ear. ^Ust Chance.
We live to do good. Ere honcst
hands vitb friends and old neigbburv -Grtvi Beoti: And a goveram. lit dtbU week.
Bom. Monday-; the lllli. lo Sir. an-i
Mrs. Bkm Makes, a son.
Ben E. Gray and Roale girait


Satorday. tho <

with alL

fosimasier General Corlelyou ha.
hto own way of ip-’ilng rid of vl-li.irs
who slay loo long The mber day
caller after tranaariing

hto l>usini-<S|


All Run Down

Scott*s Emulsion
of Cod liver Oil
b just sud) a food in Its best form.
It «rin build up the weakened
and wasted body when dl
other foods fail to nourish. If
you are ntn down or emaciated.
it a trUi K cannot hurt
you. It is essentially the best
possible nourtshment for delicate
cMdrcn and pale, anaenuc girls.
We win send yon a sample free.



lUM of

iruint rbar HMom

srs fs^QlriO to IIC...WI

__ S ;SS,V

PrMM. Boa. Pral I

WiS b a common expresI lion we hear on every
* side. Unless there is
! orjanic tronbh
n can duress
doi^cu b
be remedied.
Your doctor b the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advcrlitcd remedies—
Sethbopinioa More than Htely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
up the system.

HototeU^'i.r ta. t'VioMV'ar'Snto


*'tiJtSV-! "Xiw
adcrev. Tmisvat'toirlStSCn

K..‘rri'nrjV'JnTSr’5fr.^ tore |««—
w. ar. is rw


<» *•»» •“* at
Ill* jva I
« oar t^t-laar


(Apr-'.h'pvw by

trf •
In u» Oran* frerew


—rat. Prrd M. VVaU'V.rntf-nO’rntot..
th. laatlra or U>r ..lal. «l Hun M Pim



•nra.'uaar tbra. t.,vhi tb* n

loare SIT. wi— Iv U» worara
«Mrarau-,.r Ihs t •
awl (hr hrerinc its

r.r.s--iii' V’.<».ir. RonartaWe Cores 5i'^-

. ?T
laiMlarasd <\>ontr ut Otud Travra^ fur ^

“’’''itoMii(r Diu sau.'ir.?:;’.

_______ ______________________ ^_______

cTTraSM- A rHm.tlr ran ra.T •»>•• vs. to--'*
ngr-lar: P har imV llf» »jifv lo thoaraiul.


Real Estate and Loans
127 Front SI., Honusoe Blk..

Traverse Clly. MIcI.

Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
We will get you,seven per Cf-nt per annum for .
your money and give you as security gilt edge

beed city sanitarium

riinitrare^Mto tbal^l^^wb.traUsut.



Traverse City real estate or gill edge farr^s in



Grantl Traverse County. Mich., where your
money will be absolutely safe.

to <rC.i


nr^l*‘«Tc_____ —

UUvti.v lor Gmunmal.
wW~ Trevrara. litj. Xlrtdo* ^

jlBURaiAY, DEC 28 TH

FrMTi 7:00 a.fn. loeriW p. m.





tptoealarT to our presenre wiilf'
Omudma'a Oolla.
Overheard at Chrlatmaa.
.. feeliog sanMwd.
! The ehlldren wore waiting to see tb- "I whth yoWil ktmlly tome a IHi:
’ll la Impoaaible for those who bare! CbrUtmaa tree, and the lime seemel
The way you erowd Is sbocktag."'
ihIncB. while Hr*. AIUd did a Utile
friends to understand the ao long that grandma bad lotell them Remarked tbe Jolly. Jumptog-Jark.
1 Deep down in Teddic * atoeklag.
aama.' <nld Arthnr. ‘thU pleasurr our
-Well,- ahe began, “wbon I
r round. They amply repay ns ftw
I prod hi ever, but I have
me.- the tfraaga
are of them, and wbsa they re- ItUle girl there were i
d U alaee Ucrcle/Frcd cave
t-jrn they seem ai^toeeeusnswe and my mother used
me that new one. There Is somi
In muSM woes from under.
of BiPla Oan* orlElaa!- paint In tbe shop, ned with a coat of
"^Tlmember one Cbrtrimn. eve U.ei"«»
1^'" * s.r
ca Id HolIaBd. The Chrtotma* ir®* *«• paint It win lode like new.”
was called away to see a sick neighbor I
Oerauuiy. The IWle Freaeh
This dolt beby Is kid and there at*
; mad leT my big brotber tu keep house. | -o. m.-re.v
erUsl the Parts doll,
boys and Elrif rUr.ed U»e faahlcn it a lot cd dothsu for It. but Bdna brake
country Life in America trtla «
ootblng flnlsbed for Pniu tone, of deep dismay^
kUKliU up their rtoeklBgi. The pSiiiB tbe bead. 1 can take money enonp
said as
poddioc of »i*laad *»»e Jack Hotuer out of my bank to c« n new bead. romc an Insilwikm at tbe Home of the,
- sbe drove away, 'll is too liad.'
bl« faae.
.. , . Rencue League of
of Boston.;
hers wr
_ Ibooch the ehUdr-m
That U a prod Idea, and a llule where nearly ten Ihoaaand tl
a hurry to gel me off to bed. and alfr “Be silent.'- s
jH»e due and pwar ercdll for their
orb win make these baem as ake as mals arc cared’lor every year.
rw." answered Mrs. ATleti.
: sm< to ihelr pareol*. ihw ■••o o*i»«
being '
Mce when preparations wen
whispering and fusclng about s long
Just then Hnpi caine le and UM made for a Christmas tree for tbs cbila viilt troD a
rrwn a pair of shining new sksi
Rupert hr natne. «bo n>e.
dreu of Ibe neighborhood who were In-;
„ornlng. when I pt.l my hand
UuoQEh the tows naklac Inquiries
"Why. Hogb. do you wish to
teremed In the home that the Mt^.
...oekln^ what do you ihl
mat wch child's Mdravlor. who
lemr asked his mMber.
with a sudden Inspiration, derided
gohl-led lip that eandy eow; '
Tea. mamma. You see I know nick
be rewarded. If sped. wUh good
have the cals' tree.
>«- wasn't thu; apiutlllng?
ants a pair the most of anything,
Tbe boxes of the cat. and the carpet
nad my old ones would bsrdly be Urge lined baritets lE the invalids
'‘'"■lour black .hfop. lt.mtd
. Tbe CbildArn's Cbriitmaa. .
T Ctb. in enough, but I can w-enr them
and la a
moved from thrir owh quarters
i comical ll'tb- darky that you’-ever *aw.| f»,.sr 'Ssiua Ciauf, al-oui thy vmik.
Hollud the children's friend U called
where the tree celebration
Then I pulled o-ji a pro ty little fig
Down dale an* up ih.'- hill,
Saint mdiolas.
Ura. Allen's eyes were a Utile ml»>y,
. On tbe fitxir of the
re whiiled from a sblagb'- M>'
l*ray,whlM"'r w lb'' 'Iri plug one*
for sbe kaew that of all Hugh's pet- were placed msay dishes of
On Saint Mrtols*' Ere- which
«,melblng of sn -........
Whu.e slurl.iiio thlMi dost fill,
core oo the lirih of Dccember.ihc little sesilcms he valoed these the moHi. bunches of catnip and other food that |
•hiy'volev will bring •urh'Mudly
When the scheme was U>W lo Mr. AIDutch children scrub their
ided hU wife a *10 bill, say­
while, fill then with darrols and
wh'-n the dieai^ra wake,
.. I ana etiecKS.
cat! iud place them outside the door. ing. "Here it my eontrlbulloo."
games,that usually adorn
"And lasi of all came an Indian doll^ rerrhane.- Ihevl! 'lo rom'- Wndij- .ie.-d.
Onrta* tha nlitl. Saint Nicholas,
The next two urcks were bury onu branebc* .of the C-hrlsima* tree, long made of a eorfl-eob nad busk. The
For,Ills rwitd birthday’" «he
a bishop, and drirlna
lugs reached nearly to Ibe Boor, and
1 the Allen home. Mr. Allen hunicl
leaves wore tite Indian's long, flowing
wfaRe horuo. passes
atarlv-d lo these were pieces of tUnkets. his h«.1 wa* rov.-red with
p sotne warm clolbea that
streets. He feeds the oau and c
children bad oolgrowo.' and altered crarkcta. surdince, and other dainty foniber*. and Ills Ink feaitires were
N>tar the rti> of New York Iheie J*
bU borne and leaves toys them so that they wouUl fit the Rysnr.
lorseli that cats enloy.
very fierce lnd<-cd.
a catnip farm -whlrb lias in-nved A
and candy In the shoes, hot If the ebud then she added a warm shawl of her
Even after the gaieties were all over
_ _ -J
i -My brother, -.
. qui’e
- • -proud
. . . . . pTOfiiibh- Invciment. ihi- product I--DsuBtaty. HU shoes will be found
for the mother. Tbe ehlldren and the irw •“
their work, and r-ally,' aald grMdma.jjng shipped in Unf' quanilll.-s w |«t
nnptyin the motnins.
so exclt^ Ihsl they eoald haitlb ures. II aUll lemalocd a sou ____ < ,
xew York d'y anJ
Bren Baby Bdna declared. "Me light to the cat.. It was remo^ to |
Spanish children are onUrety tmac
qaatniod wllb Santa Clans or Salnl be. Santa, too." On fhc last day they Ihclr quarter., where they cllmbMi

«*«M aWihyv/EtfMi •/ n«
HArmU r*m§ Mi* tmukm
I «rlH In


I will trjr

k* •• iMpnM I

«wi wt* mat '


M far M I *
t will trr to ba tovliito
.•Ml UmI to avwyMr
•vary livto*
If I avar fall la tryiito to «•
Uwaa tolitgt, I will *Trr. try

There wns a aeailerini: ai onn
eadi child becan . sortlac out ih •

“’■r r',;:. r:;;"";;;

MleboUs. They jdscc their trust In the
A ■enr. toerfT ChTtolaJa-to aU you Thraa Wise Men. who are. s^d
Kiris and boya.
IbeIr way to sec the Chrtal-CblM.
A ienr week of bolldar with Christ- Icaowlnc that tbe .Kin-Udeo worthies
aas EBines and toys.
win net fall to see the shoes
A lot of roasted turher. mhbesry
Indows and dooru and fill then with
sauce and plo.
A tot er aood plaa ptiddlnE tt m're
The NorwcEiaa CbrlsUnas U oae of
'^%ood and do not err.
feasHns lor nan and b^i. Bren the
Lei ererr happy Toon*ator keep the birds sre resonheroa srlih sheaves of
toys be Ukas the bM
pain. The ho»M are trliamed with
And fire bU poorer Del^bor
everpeen and the ehlldren have their
<Meaof aU tha rest.
The irtfts are .

popped com and made ei
everything was raady. The sled looked
:s new pUnt. and the tkate.t
tbono like silver; the doll, some
books, a box of blocks, a Noah's
and a couple of games completed Ibe
t(^ Tien there were tbe capi.
tsis sad other dothlag. and last

Let mMT oaa do aoasalblBf to Make o«Ny tied and wrapped, pvlns
lha anceU aaiUe
poteeque appeamnec.
And pliat a pMtr while atoae at the
wedeo the Christmas pfis
and of tbU yoar^alle.
bronicht by Brownlea, ealled *ul>
—Bntalo Newa
Tbmie. These lllUe peO|dc dressed In

Christmas eve Mrs. Ryan sat by thi-

Chrtatmaa .
Of all bappy days.
Wa like CbrIatBiaa the hesL
1 think all cMIdren do.
Fron tha east to the weaL

poirceod flrtt and boya.
No eoa U forgotten,—
Ha-thinks of each ona.—
Harrak far oM Banta.
For Chitouia* and (on!

Out In tha Btrcat tbe wind was boM.
Now who would house Him trtmi the
rhea npeaed wMe a stsMe door.
Fair were tbe niebes on the lloor
The Ox pot fortk a bented
■CMne. illOe Lord, her* ibato Thy

Who was Iba immb cE Ood indeed.
Vhe ntUe Jesus came lo town;
’ A’ith ox and sheep He laid Him down:
•eaeo lo the byre.' pcws> to tbe told.
.*or timi they boused Him IKm the
csn<> ■ •

Si la upplneo.l's^acnslne.
Friday. Dec. It.
What io you rappoae I want lo talk
o you about this week! "Chrlstmasl"
suyu one of the Snashlae boys, und he
has laisyi rigbt Ibe eery flret time
rwanl t«'talk, ahoet Christmas.

among the taro brmicbc and


tlnued every year since the flm parly
was given, and It really Is a . Ilubdouhlful as lo wbio enjoys lb* tree the

- ">•

„p..n,.d ,he ,«ik.r!


An the ehlldren rushed to set
the end of grand­


ma's firry.

Tahl.-l* an-1 porwlcr* ndveniv-d
I.* e;iro-> f-*r su-k-buu luvhc arc gveeroUv
and llu-v tlnn*.'. .etc>-acadcnibcyuin bvptofiaf
•c nerves la sleep (erashixt time
Ibrcrauh the use ci morphine or

Hb Queer Ouesto.
muse, (hr est* at^ kittens of tbe Utile
La»t ritristmas * emill hoy in New :
ones and their parents who are allow­
York rvfrived among his Chrisuuw ■
ed to share the fun with their fourno: least a basket eonialnlng e
. pres<-Di. a music l>ox that played thn-'
thing for B flrsKlass Chrltimas
footed friends. It Is a fart that
I Dine*. One evening lb<- small l«y sat ^
her. from turkey to pie; and Inside been proved, (hat the Introducll
^on the floor turning tbe crank of.Lis'
was also an envelope cooU
this tree Into the home has done
I music box. Hi* moiber was In the roomi
bill given by l^r. Allen.

Lane’s Family

re come oiii of a hole and'
music, creeping riin-cr]
n the lllile musician on i

fire crying. Back or tbe siove bung:
three empty stockings. Dob bad In-

e where a cal It kept,
slued on hanging them tber*. because
he t^d that perhaps SanU might bare
it faU «<-cr
a 'cats' Chrisima* tree part}." knowlDg nothing
something left over and would stop
dlenee. sal ca i: >- flooJ agal
And after the children have stripped
there. Sbe knew they woi
lime (he Iwy saw Ibe Aire,
Alee. and
empty In the morning ns they were heir own tree. It can be kept for
right on playing. The luiee grew wore
eeks In Ibe back yard for ibc caU to
now. The year had been a hard one.
and more coiiragwu*. and play.-1
and abc hardly knew how they were
dcpnrt. learlnt toys and pwdles for
about tbe boy. The nest night llic liito get through the wlnicr. She was
le llltle folks of the hous<
-----------jtic mualrian had not only bis ronsSc
startled by n loud knock at Ihv door,
I box for hl« friend*, tiut. like a geniTIn Stolahtl Cbristmns boxes take
-Ktaaing tl t Cattle-"
and after carefully drying her eyes
unlovely cusioiulous little host, he tad some refreshfMae^iiow and. AlocklApt
sbe opeacd It. There was no ’ '
ft-bearlnE nessenyrerrs.
A lypirsi
lireva'lls In ceruio far-away Und*.: ments-«..m<' cake and gbeeve. T’l.:
sigbt. but there was something
BClUh Cferiitmas Involves the sinx
A writer in an eachange,tells tbe sib | three mice and the lUUe lioy iKwanu-!
steps.’ She carried the basket Into tho
Inc of catoU. tbe bumins of the Yulu
ry prettUy like this;'[’great friend*, and
house and began
to examine the
c; real |«'ts of the family.
loc. body wreathed it>
,h of Monte- .
things. Before sbe had finished she
cf plnm poddinc. roast beef
was crying again, but they were tear*
and venison nad prose for dinner nnd
rusiom. After the Yule lim hs* lK-.-iJ
The Crest Tey Center,
of Joy this lime. If she bad not l>cou
aflerwnrd to the panlomlnie.
lighted the head of the huiine and Ih- ;
Tlie givsi lov center of the world U
, so busy she might have seen a man
Home and Ssbool.
«m who arts a* the iihcpherd of th. , BavarU. ^From the town* of N.ircmand Ibreo clilldn-n r>eeklng In at tlx
sheep flock go to the stables with can-htcrit- l-'nerili anil SoumU-ii:. comIndow.
corner of the' nlBC icnihs cf tl:- to?* made- In Kii
•nicrc were two happy hnwes InMFlaying Eanu CIsus.
Interior altonitiri! . Then they rtstiro ] rope. The famo-.i* V'rt-nch doll Is ros.lIbat Christmas morning, and tbe Allen
*‘Say. I think It Is lust too taut!" e
door, and a* .-arb bold* hi*' In Niiremln-rg. a* are also many On.children deeddod that playing 8a:
elslmed Arthur Allen, emphatically.
candle high, the ca'llc are driven in I mtehanical comrlvsnce*.
rWbat Is too badr asked bU ulsicr is the best kind of fum-Exchangc.
The hou«-h;>ld wife iliea; walking dog* and rat*, and other anlBelle, as sbe looked up from the Id­
»prlnklca a lliilr wine over the oldest | msl» with nalnrel fur. which, arcto-.lThe BItEa- Christmas. Party,
ler the was •rlUng.
female tif each of iSr dilferoni spo-to*
t Cbriaitaas. especially If (her
•Why. Santa never goes lo the Ry­
and. having done thl*.’ direct Otilpul 'rf ihe Ftvnrh capital
ans at all. It It true." be added qukk- snow on Ibe ground, it baa born a
They are jilcttirroque people,
kisses the animal ou (he head. Tbis
ly. at be saw a look of proieat on the tom witb US to prnrldi^a fcaai for
maker* trf Chrinimt* toy*.
unique Chririmail practice, and an
fares of bit younger brolher and
qtiarUn* have K-cn able lo find noifnmme* and r-ilonhw «if them aroIn
-I know it Is. for Bob told me
for H. nor have they l*vn ablcl gaged In toy making. A_ father, ft..':
broughl ns many gums whom H
to »pi tjir llmr when |i began.
| lurianr.-, make* doll boailK. and thc-l
a a rare pleasure to onte
Till- kissing rciem-my over. Ibefami-; other member* of the family imiai the I
111 baskets filled with cracked nuts
preaenU enough [> go around,*
ly-rioeks" like a hen and "cheep*- fiwfiro*. affix the wig and assomld.-;
fastened to tlie iteeu about
Bdlechickc-n. This Is said rerialnly 'the parts of tv*- l<»ly, Thf di-roreil.-se. A couple of marrmrlnme
Tbcn I think he ought to go to (be
lo Insiirr A plrnilfnl Increase duria,; I Itilnting on loy rhlnawarr.
irrol among ^e hranrhev. Tl
nor eblldrrn first and not give everyiheXwlng year.
[ toy* and blown clas* Chritoma* ir.ling to those wbo ronid buy them hunch of red pcn>crB Is tied above ih,'
It sbould hat.' been said that lH-for<lib ihrir own
mnoey. HHy. tbe favorite tiasfcel.
he fire It llphleil tbe Iron shov.-l and
We gtserally get out In (be morning
Ryan children are awfully poor; their
he poker arc hidden aw sy. The Christclotbes are tfain. and (bey aometlme* ahead of tbe birds, which are not very
s Pavarite Cbr>
mat fire mtisi I--»Mrn*l only with a]
look as (bough they dM
not have early riser* In winter. As we fill the
There i* a smal! Itev in * Katvo.
piece of wooil. A* soon a« a piece fa!!*.;
nougb to cat ••
baakel we call "Cfalckadeedeel CblrksCity b.tusehold who*.- mind ha* I-**- i thc-burnliic Yule l-u; eiu ' •*"Perbapa they tteoh.'' replied Belle,
, of the family pick* the Id up In^ e»-ntercd on the Oirl*;>na* .....................
tbougbifully. “You see there are a
week* past. .And ihe r;ri*tlit».iveib. and at Iho imminem langeriJor
.. ^
number of them, and their m«her Jaya. and then by the nulliaiehes and
ef helag burned carrie* It thus Into Ihi-1 dim
lakea In washing lo support (hem.
rhickadeefc. and we htmr tbe liliK- yard, and there drop* It. Now It I* a-take took .ven a more promlii-tt' pt»c-I saw Bob looking at the sleds down -rhlc" of the snowbird- Nearer and
certainly lhat no! wltriic can get in In hi* 'l)o-ichi« than did th- M»t oi
•t corn's tbe chickadee's ansser,
at the wore and i asked him If bo evduring the fe«ilv!'lle».
. [pre-.-ni* whieh he war hoptiig m riiec'od one for Cbrlsimas. and he aald. flret from the thick bemloek on tbe
The earcatt fo- the fe*»i—tbeep.leelve. He had i“*-n enum.-railnr f-No. Santa never Mops at our boasc.
hillside and then from the field below
Ig. or goai-i* roasie.1 whole,
m ! protalily the flfi-.-'h time
• I sink Sanu U des meao.'-aald Ed- Presently they are flutleriog around

the, earn si.-k-head.
ache, not ni. ri-ly stoj.* it for *n
hhur or two, It mnm .-* the cause
of liiadjctic ami Vc. JB It away.
Sold I'v all dcalm at avt. and roe.

fur snIU and wearinx fur pointed esps.
ettol caotlously to the doorwaps.wbcie
tbe uolbers hive pUred lltrte bowls at
rtce. After estlua the rice the brownie*

ChristmaaglvtaE. You remember
SoBsblno pledge says w* wUI be I
lo every llvlig thing. Now. dooY ymi
the baskets on the liushe*. Ulking
think It irould be nice ibis year to »
-Hush, balT. he itiiy hear you," bark to us as if they tmderetnod what
the way people used to do many yeare a^d HniH. -J guess be Is Just forget- we are saying. Chickadee makes m
M. like papa
Rnaplalat. no mailer fanw many
the oountriea In Burope* On Chrftl"He forgH* er^ time aa^ papa
: to share hi. nu's: be sits In Ibe
mas moralag they net only remember dcB'i.* said Arthur stoutly.
shrubs or trees, a hit Ixuween
all the lamBy wHb IRUe gifla. but
-Bnt It be took ifaibgs
elawf. and tings bis song over i
they vlsll all the anlm^* on Urc farm would not have as many for ua" aaM
. as merrily as If he Invllcd
and wiaMbem a UtsTT Christmas. In Balle.
land 10 come and be hbppy a
memory cE the Wnh of the dear baby
Jesus dpi^ the caiUe In tbe
answuied. 1 wish b* would take them i
Arter we have welcomed the winfi
where U was born. And they ^ve some. If we did nm get a. many.Iblnlswtih the - Inaugural ChrUlm*.
each animal ou Ibe farm a apeclsl
Min. Ancn had been a sliMt listen I feast we feed them all winter hm«
Christman feast of Ibe iblaga It Uked er. but BOW sbe aald qaletly: "Why I WTib chickadee comes the snow, and
besL We nay not all of us lire where don't you cbildm play being Sanu] with the snow come* the flock of sc
we eu de chat, bm even tbe BaaaUne and brip him’? I think be b mher; birds wbo regularly wlpior with

membara who live In the dtiei hare overworked.'’
| When winter Is In full swing wc pro
a pet dc« or eat or bin. and if niX.
• Why, bow could we?- naked Hugh, t ride a full supply of baskets for
ibm are tbe Ultle wtu birds
-Very easily. I am sure you bare i nnia. a few pounds of bempsead for
doom. This ChrUtmas'lec ua all re- many thlaga Ibat you oouM give away i bitter cold dsya and a hag of oaU for
membar %iem with a special trwai ' and (tat tbe Ryan chlMren would be i •eed-eaflng blrta They are all welgood ttl«Es to eat Put
;glad to get You-could repair anv-jeome.
t ha door asd ask mother for a, thing that wa* broken aad make It
During very cold weather the blac­
ky of Ibe soet tbe otea la Almost as good as new. and I will belpf Jays rbli the basket.
They swo.ip
ig fcr ml-..............................' down frrta Ihe idaes like Indians oi
line* plet. and tie It pa > yoa."
* branch of a tree tor tbe blaa
t brkki" a Mled A>a>*. Thpu watch ata see bow qaick- Ibnr. thmrlng up Us cap. -Well dp
b' the b)M will find ni Abont ihelr It: let's b^B right now'
■ VcTT well.- said fals mother. “Rr«;

sealpHunt. and we notice (tat a

the birds vanlMt on ihelr nppeniniior.
iThey seofn all human fririidsblps aad
irrai all our oSorls toward Intimacy
yoB ate to pollect nerylUng you an- with derisive crie*.
ad bear hits
tetas? Tt? It and tell the rest cE the wlUlng to give away, aad tben fe will Jay M the bUIalde
fidDihtnere bow
sec wbai cab be dene.
something not
CbristoM^ pro*Ai and tv
birds abbqt It. Uim't fim


carving it no rib of tbe creaHirt
'e mu«l
Itc broken. Oiherw-l*e a i
l« in wiorr for the family,
baked oo the hearth, and when the
spot whCTc II wag eooketl I* eoql each
tnrml-er of the family puts hIs bare
fAot on the place and is Jhu* tnvire-1

Chrisima* day when one of the old-

agalnsi blistered feet for a j-ear.

ju.l one thing. I ^t.k- turkey-

A Funny Dream.
I had I funuy dream last night.
As siraagt.- as strange could be.


has paid in lull tl] Jan. I.
1907, will receive a groat
magazine paper. Farm and
Fires do. absolutely
for a full year.


Farm and

Fireside is from 24 to 38
pages, twice a month, 24
times, a year.



offer, etsewhe



Wc call your
special alten' liun to a sample
line Silk Handkcrchieb aod
one of a kmdyour choice at



rei;ular prices.




-I told yo.i " Kjiid Mr.rjohbhT, a* h' ’

dreamed that I was Santa Claus

wred reproachfully at hi* wll'-lhttne!! ’
I tbe slal* of the crop where *he war 1 esme lo Santa's Jiouse.
iBg fattened, "not to come near -ih.
fWbere < e IlrcvDow. you know)
house until sficr Chririma*: Wh> -IH
tear a hundred thlnp
yo-j disobey me?"
Ana to'd tnem in a row;
-i just eauldn'i help li. dear.' *aM
A blCTCle with bevel gear.
Mre. Ocbble*. Tber hilled Mr* Pe.
A gUD that shoot* resl shot;
rosierdsy. snd I dW so want'
A pair of skates, a real canoe,
. *ee how sbe wa* dressed '
Were some things tbsi I brougfa'.,

And ihra 1 ssid "For fear I'vi- mlta-1
Christmas tt Here.
Tbe ehuieh bells are tinging.
A llltlethingor two
Tbe ehUdreo are staging.

Honest Sboes it Honest Prices

I’ll Icnrc Uls pbrkeibook well flllrd.i
Tbatb Jast what I will do."
Ot course it coly sras a dream.

the diraisy I'XikinE kind.

Bin sim I think -'would he
JuM.gTvai. if I was Santa CTan*
And Santa Oaos was me..
Jotaastooe Murray.


"Well.-hr .aid.'Iff ronid .miy hai-

A Hen to tbs ban.

3M F. FfMt Street

Every new and old aub•crlber to the Herald, who

nemiters of th< family a*ki;-l h.l.t.
wbai-ooe thing he wottjd r*tb.-r h.t-

and rhicken-and nle
Kanms CPy Je-irnal.



Tbe season Is bringing
It* wekome of cheer.
No,more there it sighing.
EMcb sorrow Is dying.
And glad beans are cryinc That Christmas Is tete.



one of ihe best ‘
lines in the city.

Warm Teet
mcaiii Icso nUontion from lho

All kiii'ts of

aiinrw for tlic IivIitS.



mmle iit> tu-nt and tasty.


RstUasd Oeualass
Opp. WhitlciR Hot«l. '

234 E FfMt Street




to be done wp Mowtly to pnatohoard
Uled. Oser the top U thee earefolly
■aper. Bsto Is tied with twine,
brown papn which aerrea for a
ilongeadtoleft. Alagtotssa spoon aad kaUe are then
leaed to each string benrtog the i
I OB top of the pb. and the
one for whom the pnekage to
I are asked to cone Into the toond a* hearth of mto. aad through
Then all the peefcages
They arc gres^ by tbe boat
or hostess, who reads a poem of wd- Tear after year slips by mad to added pot Into the storking. . When ft
tbe past. Bnl with each Chrtounas time (or ihe dtotribution. eato a
wbito eonUtos parodb
a Tbh ended, (be pie Is cot eve and day nor bomes and onr hlgblllled with the
with eeromony and the crust laid bade.
o from tbe s
Each gne« la lorn dips bU spoon In> fun will be Inercased U II be tbr
the pie. and tbe Snl handle '
rale that no one can gel a gift except
(sken; the name is then read aloud.
by pulling at the string, and that
(he reeefrer U obliged to open the
Chi Istiiiia Cvm
CM most nse the banda to dls?a(snglc
bundle before another Is aUowed
strings. It would perhaps be i euer to
be pie. As many of the presents od bleas tbe babies' stoekloff
AO ov^ tbe toad tonight:
put In only one gift for each person
Jokes, fun flies fast, sad
:tmc. Then, when all bavu got
who hare erer tried (be sebeme per- God btoos (be Utile ehlldrea
paekageu, a second batch to ar­
satisfaction Is gireo. Haay of the
ranged : then a third and so on.
larger gifts are neecsaarily left out of Hay tbe baby bands be bclpfol.
A -big bora of pteniy. suap»ode
the pie. These are cartully concealed
IxX (ho baby feet tread snre.
under the table udlU nflcr (be pie u Keep Ike sweet eyes meet (or heaven. the gins can be easily drawn on
strings. Is n slight varislion of
And the soft Ups true and pure.
snggeation. If preferred. In either case
A Now Kfsd of Btorklng—An aithe strings may be pulled one by
tractlVe aubatltute for • a Christmas God blesi tbe bsfates' stockings
sln^e person who has t
over Ihe land lonight:
Is a great Cbristaiss etocdleg.
chosen glftmastcr.-Ncw Tork Press.
rram four to six feet Itmg. The stock- God keep the Utile children
Asleep In the brertbfiro's light. .
uty be bung In a doorway, at a
Yutetid* Oslntist.
nr. or wbererer l> conrcnlcnt. It
Fee Ihe Christmas Tree,
The followtog recipes, from Good
DC V toy ns desired, and will be
s or collan pulled toto flsV
lousekeeplng. are all simple. eaaUy
much InproTcd If ilecornted with holly
or nisUeioc. To (ho atoeklng U
Oirisimaa Tarts—Tbe (oundaliOD
tacbed a doggerel terse, sUUbc thit ee.
Onto llUle ontamenls for Ihe Ir
(or these pastry lld-bits to ususlly puff
Santa Clans Is tofy much nished, and
ro animal crackers covered with
!. but since oely the skilled fen­
inc big stocking was bong
lal of gold paint.
order to sate bis Urae.
Strings ot cranberrito and pop-eora try. rich arid flaky, yet caslly
Tree Wllhont PreaenU—The
No other baUng preparation or powder
when looped from the branebes
glven: Mix and sift toged
-bldeand-seek" idea rea be well
ding teSj
heaping runs of flour, a rounding
blued wllb tbe dtslribolloo of gifts la an effrellve decoration.
has equal leavemng -strength
From heavy cardboard. crc*e«ls,
of taking powder
d a salt'
followiBK mseacr: From the
orheatthfei quaTities
of salt Work to a scani cup o|
Christmas tree a bag of candy Is hung stars aad hearts are cat. and eoveteJ
I Thuurandsof w..oir>.«.
butter wllb the lips of
for eterybody in the bona,
Care af Mrs. I to iVruns. iiundredafof Ihoa
ueoptos of colored paper inak. When the mixture Is as One as meal,
presents. A llltlc note allacbed (othe
CaMiartB la the Talk af Iter
iheirhcslih to I'ereaa. Mnodradjof
stand It aside an hour or more to chill.
bag of candy sutea that the preseui
thousands are pnUtng Farans Uoney
Circular pieces of cardboard c
Then Uke out half a cup and to the
to bidden to a certain spot semewhen
Mrs. Ida Caldwell, UK IVsrl air.vU, Wc have msay thousands of Ullen
remainder add cold water gradually to
about ibc bouse. Wheo be gets-to the ered with-brigbl paper, on which
City, to.. Vice-PrsMdaot Order of!
place raeolloned In the nol»-lt mny Btounted pretty facet cot from tbe col­ Ike a sllff dough. Knead slightly, R1..UX
Washington, writes:
K- ibvra to pulille prink whteb caa
re OR a floured board aad roll Into
be bdblad a certain phrture or under ored figures to the ^bl<
-I snffered wlih catarrh of the rre•r he used (or want of spoee.
lone. nsrrtMv strip. Sprinkle the pirswry organs off and on for thslssii
a given book—n second note may di make nice tree ornsmefits.
Ctourriiw-ossMaef A« sac* a ewrea
Have B supply of Chinese lilies slari dough with hair of tbe reserved mli- three years
blm somewhere else. Great ex
vesre until J thought to Was
eitemeni pretalls while any
Ture half wav round with, (he
' go prrrorf ff (Mb auA>
the aearefa (or hit present, (or be tor
core not to ei
flowers keep to a dark opm end toward you. roll again toto
tgMenmm apea rtulofgam.
thoogbU. Hone Cheer wishes lu read- felu a piece of candy to each member
Th« CWWrWs W»#M.
rslorrh, bay Pwatrip, sprinkle with the reunlnto
ne sod all. a ChrbUDSs the hspthe party (or etcry minute be to on place tbe first (wo weeks.
to t»e mcU of tbe UtUe Chlldtoo.
nns bedsy. for a day gsUM on iM
BagUsh walnut shells when emptied mixture and fold as before. Roll and
the most foil of God's greatest
TW Una Cfcrtsl, IS IMr sleep,
Dcray. calarrh, means a day nsorer
of their cvmlents can be fastened
fold twice! more, and the paslrr to ImvemrtamUr- ffi^tegof the woe reeoTcry,
A Day 0(8
Ms stoops to tbOK ssd tskes Uidr gift, Ihe gin of iierfoct peace, that has
gether with glue, toserilng n nan
ready for use.. Roll tour a thin shell derftsf esrtn perforattd br IVreaa,
come toto their llres. sad eeboee
We have OB Ilia many Uioaoaad l«sUsesls
before closing them. These and cut into various shapes, as bcaria, bouxU m bettie,
sooioUlIke the one given here. Wecaa
(he wish of Ttor TIsi. ‘-And Ood blea
His BStsl IMst to keep,
-if was tvAh (Ac gnamsf asftotecftai oolyglveourreodere
coated with gold or silver make preiir clrelets strips and dismonds.
a alight gllmiiee
erery one.from one place, they can be scatti
itor thtoo^ the MsA stsreesehes
of the vast array of anooUcIled endorse
Friut RIaaoleiies—Put half a cup of
about tbe bouse where thoac (or whom oroamenis.
menuwearrreeHrlBg. Noolber phy
lAs tatfrisK Mrdi ther wise
rm cotton batting Into Imlls the water, a cup of sugv. a cup of soedv-l
e so bnty sad no m
they are latended can stumble upon
r Uic IrriUUun v
slcton In the world bos reeelved soeh s
m tMr stsBd s»o« vUts. esulUn*.
whUe engaged In their usual
rolnmeof mihasiastieleltersof thanks
Tneptot barore the KUc.
dally pursuits. Any articles lntcnde< angecokw erope paiwr. Twist lightly, hair a cup of tori jelly and a .guarier
as Or. Homan for Fatuato
Aad «hes thep vshe Is the BonUkf adToralty that we seed beyoad our
ne't loilel table may be placed and lie with s bll of narrow ribbon. of a cup of sllciH citron together
power to express It the eeeape ealre thereon. Arildce Intended to make These are suite pretty on Ibc tree, and granite saucepan and cook until tblrk
Whes Oftstasj b to (he ^d.
like presene. Add the Juice of half a loieages is made exactly as lor pep-! took the bint and got a eMapar pres- Their eyes ore bl« with wonder
at Chriataiaa. Wc need to be young the motber’s work In the kitchen light look like oranges.
lemon. Uke from the stove and cool. pcumtoio. except ih^ before yiiu bv vnt next .-bolldaya, but. you acw. she
That we esaoBt Bnderstssd.
again and to eajoy the holiday life
sy be pul In their proper ptoces
be made from empty egg shelis. Cut
If Mill too thin to Ic i^m dook a iliwllb the cblldtea.—Bxebaage.
>ew gift diiben nay appear u
r> work It y<>u color It a brigh' | save.1 my feelings at the time.
circle of colored paper, and glue ov< (le longer or stir uoill fi^cned. Bake ■■Ink with pretmrvd encKtncal, and give; -ghe's Just the same way to paps
the dlDlug Uble. New addiUaos to
^ openlng. or s pl't paper star. Pari the pastry and spread with this mix the slightest pnssihle dash of arlduv and all of u>. Hcfmve hern perfectly
wardrobe may be hung to the places
I hare alwayt thooHii of cairii
a piece of ttosel cord or narrow ri
aretic. arid, iben flavor •Kh dreadfur moelUoe .d a
r»u one.-.
Betog too eld aad~wts«L
boo. to suspend ibem from (be tree.
Polish Tarts—Cut the paste into two strong extract of roac. Cut oot thejnSV rf those Frendi smaa that wooT
(ran the vtaeiaUan doe to lu o
were romeriy kept.
M and orlgla. If aaythlag belong,
A Christmas Tree at Broakfast—For Pretty bags (or the iree are mac aad a half Inch squares, brush with
as for peppermints. All Iwn.! go, and vhe made coffee wllb li oa Urn
' thin muriln to a variety of shapes. (be while of an egg. fold the coners
M mess Us All.
to It COB be apari fron tbat-aa a the Chrisimaa breakfast table tne ss
nay Iw mado to the same way. j (aide for motitbs. (Ill even papa *
I Ood bleas ss aU! With Tiny Tin.
to meet to the center, press slightly using a little arid when the, flavoring ] lW-gge,| her lu lantofa the ifatogr*
good line: a kind, foiglrlng. ebarl- oentarpieee a tiny Chrisimaa (re
*ns ^os we Salto prayer sad hymn,
toble. pleann time.—Cdiarlea Dick- planted to a pot. This tree may t gather and butiooboled around the together and hake. When done put to to from frail.
' | (living pn-seots at Chrisimaa to a
edge with brigbl-colorcd crewel
WkAe cheerily Crpn Ift> to Up
a bit of Jellr
estally aad toeaply decorated witfa
' soiiree rrf great f>le»stjre to moat pece
no (toristBSB wbbee gaily trip;
mndlen. bright bits of emndy and sllkollne. Stars, crescrais. diamonds. center. Or fold only tbe two oppoaltc
- ' jiie. lini Bcwriy all have a few frienda
ires and stoektog shapes are used. comers together, bake and fill w
ood btont as all. the eUrle rooad.
UtUe oraamenu. To each (date
■They who do their nMs no wrong.
Whereeer ore oor dear ones looadr
the freli errem.
•T.I give B g.).).! deal to .tore i-Jl m.
ungraeJons fsobloa of reesHvBut keep, at etc, the (nllh of non
le table atiacb a ribbon long These are filled with candy
Paper chains are a pretty decoration
Dt.t What to say to m- wh.-ti I giv
At htose, abread. please Ood. we as Shall daily bear (be angel-eong.
Pniil Taru—nske tbe pastry
enough to be wound several tl
for Ihe tree, and Ihe rhlldreu
Ood bicaa His osro os Chrlstnas dmy.
small patty (Ins and fill wllb the fruit her this,- «id a bright yvmng girl, n-'.^
Jo, to recririag ih«
Today the Prince of Peace 1s around tbe tree, and (e the end In
finished aad foM-sl ,rp , ••■rem; ,,o.,de«i thing d.mhles the delight <g
iree lie the most Important present Joy making them. Crel a variety of cream. Cover
ood Meto the gtddea bsada aeow
Intended for the owner of the piste. colored paper, and rut strips abou: which chopped nuts may he added- or fu1 mfghan that she had |wen making
Where laddy fatarth Ssnos leap and
lbs of no Inch wide and five dust Ihe urts wUb powdered sugar
ss s Christmas gift foe a fs»«lf-'
^ , g,f, ,pp„*totrd, and a
It may Indeed be more bleeeed
There Is much pleasnre and exclieHow;
person wild reeelvos with breriineics
io nnravellng tbe ribbon sod
Ood bton the bahy hoods that daap gite than to reoelte. bat when the for•Whyr Whst -ill «he«..r m.h.s1
Neapolluns—Cut the pastry I
luxary to not within one's hooeat finding the present among .the ,brnnch- to form a ring, then link the second
Htort flfaprt to toeir dtogtog grasp:
her friend, -bo l.n.-w that Hrien'.
a cheerful giver.- and
o( (be tree. Several preeenu may ririp through ftbe first, .and paste Us irlps. ^e. spriait with Jelly or ft
Ood Maas the yoelh with eager gat
ends together, nod continue until
,.r.twasv.ryfond.rfherpr.iiynt.T - ^ ,.t,„.rfu| r-reivrr Is hardly leas
ream and cover with nut Icing, tl
he allowed each pereon this sray.
Ood bMia the sage of' tengthes
ebato to formed.—Woman's Uagxsli
ut to the oven until s delicate brown,
-Oh. -hell «, It cost rod much. <«■ p„,«.,rorttiy at Christmas Umu.-Bxthe tree Is too small to aeeommod
George 8. Herriam.
lamtoh a few- wUh half nuts nr sprlok- re's afraid i her- spent too
At boote. abroad, pleaae Ood. we cry
r with chopped nuts before browning. lime over It. or she wonders 1 dhln’i
■tocktogs. with a liny SanU Claus to
ood goard Mb owo, -Boath say sky? At CbrisImaatMe the open band
Caramel Taris—Tut tbe pastry to cbdofti- dlffereol rckirs .toMead of,
Scatten lU bounty o'er sen sn (be lop. and bang oa chairs.
Ood ease the weary <nee who we
Some Chrtotinaa *«c«fa."
Gift Courses nt the Cbristmas Din the center Ix (be table rut off tbe (op artnoB shapes and hake. When root, shades of n«l, 'tr wmethlng dlsagtve :
A ennbertag weight of grid sad
tn the first plaee. doo t give duly
ip In caramel and lay on paraffine ibk-. Aunt ft'aniiy d-s^n't noxn n.
Dcr—Gift conrees may be made a (ca>And none are toft to grieve aloae.
Ood glre the woge no 111 taa ap
poMi! Iwi-Miits; or. 4n rdber «
harden. Stick half
For love to beaven aad claims Us nre of (be (Artstmns dinner. Tbe presThe boeeet loaf tar boacst toll;
.. sh>- doi-a'i know ho- I.
yn thtok yei are ol.llged li
arc nerved at Irregular Intervals, hlr. and imtxi! It flnnly In a Idnck i-f candled rh<Trics or raisins on inj> ho
We Booad the heartfdt prayeV end
wood, ftut on as many roinrvd randies
; |kmt give anything M
—Maigiret B. Saagster. the object betog to make evershyna.
"Mr mother to so, different: she ft. in<
think they are a regular part of the as It will bold, and with pins fasten
Aad brealbe -Aroea" ailh Ttoy Tin.
craJof of poprorn everywhere they
always tov.-ly atsuw i-veryiblng
Isw tjdvR only lb three who reUirn
Teothseme Lesengea.
baertoo says of gm-rnaklag; -Next meal, h-ben the soup should
Aa rasereatly. please Ood. we say.
What Is greater fun tor l.ii-y 1-) giv>v. her, and always
tth-.*-rhe favor to you. If you gtf a gift
(o things of aeeeuity. the rule (or a serred. (or example, a large cove... will stick. The tree will took ss if
ood Mesa 01 aU oa ChiWaa day.
gift, which one of my friends p
(ureea filled wllb presents c( snitalite eoTcred with snowflakes. Ttoy sou- trt girls than candy-makingr E>-|>e l.ioks at a thing, pats It ao-l prals'-r ll'r front an uaoxported quarter, dm'i
the guests can t>e wrapped, ctolly with a augcesilon of Chrii
and when we elrtl In a w.-re IWrle. rh-; s-J>d rsmiethiag bach by retere mall
may be placed on the (able. The
aertbed. to. that we mljtot convey
red rIMimi and sus^deJ in the sir. and thoufrttt* of the gruri used to carry our preM.-nis 'ar'mnd Ife- ItooT lapjrm yoor (rtosds (re weeks
oosne pmon Ihnt wbito properly be- nnoiual contents of the lateen will. •>/
hmged to hto toaraeter. aad was coorse, house grout excUcmnit. Thea from tbe Urger Uranehes. Gold and limes to come ihen. If these ri-eipes house -aih her. sayii.g they wtov r.s>rbtforehand thol you are not going to
r of tbe
• >0od Mess tbe i
prixdrMi.-to pan-Kh.
:-giro anybody anyUilfg''this Christ.
: eaUly aasoetoted wUh bln to thought.- the regular soup coarse will follow. sliver liniel. -whirh can lx- purchased, are carefully Pillowed delirious should be thrown over the tree at tb - dlt-s may l«- ex|>eri<ri.
"A l-'.s-enl totsKH o- a iiadly.made.'maa.
• Ukewtae the niatross. too.
sprays of
peppermtni Lpt--ngi*—S-isk
plBcushl.* WM always -Jusi the th;ng; IkjnV war yoiina.-lf oot elihie buntBlow, bogles of battle, tbe asarebeo
• Aaa all tbe mue chUdrea ..
hotly, coocealtog under It a -snippet niinre <X rlei.e<l guru iragaeao'h
she r»-ally nei-d<-d,' and Ihe
•>'loR around lu'he storo for the rhoai>!ages may be passed to each person
• Thai ttMiad the tabic go.
^t. wtai. aorth aad eouth. tel the the uble. This Idem rosy be csrriH for each person. Have red ril>l«-i>s several hours In two /xinees <X lipi-i pivM-ni I ever gave 1,-r. a ih>i«'<t.t>e est p<.,-irh- big thing that will mak'.• Aad all joor kla aad klaatolk.
1 It Is ail quite to vsse. .rtiiy made her say. thu igb I a goo-l sbowins. or -»<vk
long noarrtf cease:
out for as many courses as deeliod. redtottog from tbe base to each piste.
• Thai dsrell both tar aad eear,
Slag (be song of great Joy that Ihe Tbe fun to easily increased If somu of Just before asnounring dinner light der. wring it In s chuh; work th knew she eaughl her br'wth ai my ex-’ dsaiji d'dng the sam'-thing,
• I wttoyaoaneny Cbrtatnat\
irawaganc. ' Itf ench-a eoihPirt to, J»m i. t--j>d. a cara.- pfc-cnl to a
(be goesu each time receive empty Ihe candles. The result will l>e a gum with (be palm <X Uie ‘hsivl on
• Aad a happy New Tear.,
—Old jCstoI.
Her over the Uble the lop of the tr
rhite and elsetic. then gradualy work taste.'
id., give, Ic iLu,k.v- aad Christmas
Tba Che
should almoat touch It.
to a pound and a half of cosfeciit
"About . Six m.,nihs af.'-rwxrd sh-’ f-elmg erf is-aee and^md will go wjlh
and when the paste is fire
Among all eventogs to the year, and
An Inexpensive plan to to pile
told,me Ilioi »h- ha.: ■ s-.fl.riMma ■
of -I-- d..nt do anythlBt-Bw
-Pbrget yonrealves on Christmas day.
mound of red appW In the cvwtev
eompaei. arid s traypimnful of «
pfeM.-n's III one, r,.- >-i ilm«-. 7 --i-d
Forget yonrsclTta. and think of those all the days, there Is no other
with (his shear of Chris
Wboaa Uvm are foil of wants and tog like Christmas eve. no other day the table and surround it with a lx of peppermint. I'se this pMic a
der of ground pine. Among the w:
aid dough, rolling it oat-with
Uke Christmas day. Whether the <
dow plants there may be s gereoluni
place of flour. When you hsv-e
the day be dark and sunny.
Think <4 aUtere. aad tot good-srlU
or (wo with scarlet blossoms that wlil
d It fo It
ibq ihlcktHws of A quaitef
And lore (or all yoor glad Maria fill. aUll mnd fair, does not msHcr. 1
i make a part of the decoration.
ir, (..rib!
TinU haimter M the whole year difference Is sot to (be weather or i
«. but to that more soblle
(or the tin-tube or e-i'ier the slit- of n
moapbere'which, from generaUM to';Christmas
ue and whit- and s'amp out the lozenges. As
bowl filled with holly. What do theia. place them to rows oa sug­
threiagh all the creurtes.'
ared baking sbevts to ((ry. to a v
our toheriuoee from that ever tbe depth of the puree
first Christmas ere and day when a a ideas, give tbe table Just a Christ {dare. Itlieo the first lot are g*Bi
Country Life to America gtvea son
walling cry BUS loorii and not a commooplace o-it. work up the irimmings, roll 'hesi
ctevor Ideas for tbone who wish
out and use them up to Uie loR l>
igev of Bechtebem. saytiorerloading.
ge from the Umehoacced Chrisl- Si. Klc^tox
Orange Lozenges—Srek ih» gum
■ Another pretty effect la obulne:
TM wotifi. lotAts diSevenl Uirough; from a baakelfnl of evergreen tie. iragaean'h to two ounces erf orafigo
KfioniM from Rtsortcre—rprigbta, fl-tt up
IB Pte—T%e thing which to re- ill Christmas ntmospfaere.' However | wlU green ribboM and put a few ^ flwer wa’er.
them osc ns dlreeied (v
qatolie to tM aneeeas of the bran pie fretive or sad (he occssiOD. however | sprigs of hoRy In the bow of ribbon. | pepermiai luzt-Bg-*: flavor wi
tab. which mut be covered with gay or gloomy the streets may M. set an a square of scarlet satin.—Sr-1 spooafal of
some pretty malerW u disguise
Takt-n in «C'-haog'- on Pianos. Hiflh T<^»
whatever may M out aarroandlngs. levied.
j very lif ie temieric
former ose. This to thee set Jn tM IM Cbristmaa feeling to there. Noj----------------------$I-‘i.OO ttp. SoW on easy {xtyiio-ntaifdcMtul.
cealer of a decorated Uble and glftt
Ginger Lozeages—Make by first r>
Joel wfaeretn It ties. It to
The Christmas Stacking.
like an unaeru halo that gloriSes and
told laalde. The preeeeu
A JoDy device to take tbe place of Ipe. using a teaspeoaful of essence
neatly done op In amall paefcagea.
makre Aoly every good iboughi and the tree Is a big stacking with lu lop ginger to place orf peppermint.
IB9 KaaI: F'rert'fc S«.
Impnlse. srfalte H reveals to dariter re- held open by a circle of wire. T'
labeled with tM reolpteni'a i
Lemon Lotruget—Make tbe paste
sow appropriate mono. Layen lief whatever Is iragle nnwonby. or stacking la made of striped cAlIro
os for peprrmtois: flavor with oU of
«r preoehts and aawdimi are alterany svanable staff and must be- Wg Irooa and a few drops of acetic acid.
■atriy laid laslde tM tab uatU
r day abocka as as it does no j esmugh to told all the gini. which a
Bree Lotenges—The pane for rose


Ps-ru-sa, Used as a Last Resort, Cured Her o(
a Severe Attack of Catarrh of the luags.


[ SI^

Absolutely Pure

It makes the most delicious
and healthful hot breads,
biscuit and cake


Jhmmi He





• (Bnnnell JBroej

'(Bnnnell Bros.j

•i' 1

hecs Ttol2


tntboai aer «»bt Ui«
«l tkt bsne «( 8. Fnnklia
«l.r l»t «u a daei
aSalr vaf a carps
PiaakllB by hU old papUs of tUriy
aad (onr yan aco. «bea be wu ~t
BMMar cirlB aad aum.' aad alvara
bte poal et doty. SoaM o( hli pnplU
bellertac be bad eym ia tbc back of
hic b«ad M well as is froat. So alert
vai be that naar was Use sorprise he
KB*e the bora aad ciria aothe ot *b<
bare waited opwarda of forty yeara
CM eren. which Uiey did to the aaUafaetksB aad eejoymeat ot all preseau
At t o'doek twMT* coopVee u»k poaaeialGB of the rranUla hose aad Use
Usao was derated to talklac orer'Uie
old days 'whea we were boyi aad
Stria.'’ and the old red eeboolhoase
Mood down <M the beach aad was
baraad la the wlater ct tut and the
terra was Eolabed np la the U. E.
bboKh. which at that Urae was also
Btaadlas oo the Eaia by the bay shore.
trocted wlUi'lho saowa of auay wlaten since theo. bat for that afterWsB Urae tnrasd back aad all
yoBBC acala. oaUl the ;lllBaksa
brokea by a raairoa saylBc she
go as her craadehUdrea itould bo cotaiBf bone from aeboM aad she mast
be there. A stirer cop. UsM wi
laiereet to all prcorat, eeeraed like aa
echo frora the irast as oae read the la-aertptkm. "Pressated to 8. Prsaklln
by ble pBplIa im," -Hr. rraaklla seraehberiac Usat Maiy Pratt taow Hr*.
Deaae of Toba) made Use preeeaU
Hr. rtaakllB has boea aa Invalid
for aorae Use. havtac anaered a
■tiatse cC-paralysia aad alaca than be
ana catetty there la bis big chair,
while Ute world goee oa. Bat altboogb
his body U ladly crippled aad als
bdples he Is sUII la paasealeoa of the

Hr. Roberts was a etasrah democrat
and dong to bto pasty Uirou^ all hU
race oo the penlanla. A nomber
of yoari ago, probably aboot IKS. lo
gpraay with W. R. Sloae and Horrlt
P. Tbosas. he called a deatocrellc
leva at Old HIsslui. They drove
down lo the town hall la a wagco and
ig nobody there, held the caucns
la the wagoa and elected a full set of
delegates lo the cooaly cooveotloa.
The funeral was bold Hondey sora« at 10 o'clock from the Catholic
cboreh at Haptetoa. the Rev. Pr. Wll1 omcUling. Borlal we* In the
Haplston cemeievy.
The pell bearer* were all young
len that he bwl fceowa since they
ere lltUe boy*. They were Henry
and Peter Lardle, Will Prau. James
Iweeoey. Bngene Walt and Roy Drew.
The funeral was largely arteeded by
the old pkacera^tbe peninsula. The
Uon of W.& Anderson.
Is stated that Winston Cboiebill
Is to recHve tbe nnm of down
and roynliis for hit biography cd hli
lather, tbe UW Lord Randolph
Chorchlll. Por^e marvel how he has
found time to write It. considering
what a busy man be Is. Whi-n John
Horley wrote tbe life ot GUtlsloae.
rbich he recrived IM.COO. It look
him three years to complete It. and he
practically shot himself up for that
period, keeplag right nway from public

guet be held la this city oo Ft1da.r.
Feb, S. The birthday anniversary of
Unootn U upon the Ifth. bat oning to
(be fact that the Uneoln club of Grand
Rapids holds lU nnnanl banquet upon
that date It was deemed beet to hold
this oae a few day* before
auae of Ibe speaker* for Grand Rapid*
eoald be secured for Traver*
Tbe eommlilee has already
tpooded with several promlnei
speakers. In addition lo Governor War­
ner. wbo4>a* poeiilvely promised lo be
present, prefvmhiy upon
Others. Including Coagresssaa Hamil­
ton. hove promised lo be here If pos­
An InvKnttoa commiltoe was
tested to dMtribute InvIintMa* b
Is proposed tbe organliatloB shall
dude. Hr. Hasting* named a chs
man In each eounty. such ebalrmau
select other members from his cnunly.
followt: Crand Traverse, j: K.
Honroe; I.eeUnBU. A. P. Bnniing:
trim. E E Msrrie; HaaUlee. H. W.
Carey; Beetle. W. A.' Joy; Wexford.
Fred C. Wetmore; Kalkaska. Dr. E
Babcock; Charlevoix. Judge F. \V.
Hayae: Uitmuke^ U. L. Dennis; Bmmc4t. W. U Curila
While tfae-daie selected seems wise,
tbe committee Is empowered to make
sneb change ns conditions shall
rant it that date I* oot available.
Seaaior Uoffait has b^ In c
xmdeace with prnmlnenl republlc-




.....e,«™ e..;...r.j'rrss.T'sES'SJii;



Kit JISi;:;.:.....

Bill ^|i SiSiSi'SEEiE

. ..........

with ble brother. Jadgc James H. Hobarts ct Chkago, be was eoslag down
frora Cities Village aad the boat Antony
Frank and RaUason
stopped at (Hd HlasKBL The beauty of & L. Ilea, age P. 8
tteptssattraetedbla. Bebadbeari
lag Co..
«t the fasooe trattb ot the Oraad TiavWilliam T. Hawn....
arse ragloa aad thm be decided
sake bis bosa The two brother*
hoacbt a place. Oeorge resaIn
OM Hlaaloa bat the Jadge ap
part ot bis Use la Chicago and part State of Hlehigaa. County of Grand
at the
F. E Brown, treasurer ot said eounGeorge Robert* located on the peolnBula la tbe tall of iUS. Me turned hU ly. being duly sworn, rays that the
Bad foregnlng statement Is true
attenUoB to the enitnre of trait and above
largMy through hli eEoru Uie PraiaP. E Brown.
^ Faiwrs' club was otgaalied. r ; Treasurer of tbe County ot Grand
a Bomber cf years, every week, he
Subscribed and sworn to befora me.
woMld write reporu for the Grand a notary public ii
in aad for said county.
Traverse Herald. At heart be was a this 6lh day of D
December. I»bS.
Robert E Walt<
true Uteraiy maa. hU edootUoa aad
alms all traadtng H Ural dlractkra. He Kotary Public lu and fOr Oraad
erse County.
waa a ealtared. edaealed. kindly gea^
tlemaa of the old ■ebool. tbe traef
graUemeu that were ever bora Into
tbta worldi During hit many year* of
rcaddsBce la this regira be gathered a
luge circle of fidrads about him. ,
George L. BdierU was bora tn Kasimskla. nu Match IC. im.
kla does not exist new. having been
washed away by tbe.vagulra of the
HlsiUtlppt river, the river now
lag over the kite of tbe town,
father waa one of the fouader* of Ho
Kradre coRece at Lebaaoa. III.[^ and
after raadodlng his ccramra nehool
edttcatloa. be alleaded that ceHege aal
tpadnated. After leevtag college
began bis career aa a Methodist mi
lev. Later la life be was a mtalMer
ot tbe Bplsclpal ehnrcb and tUll I
he became a Cathollet ooevert by
After bU'arrival on Uie penlnsala
, he was iBstramental lo ancnriiig tbe
CatMIe ehnreh at Uaptetok. Prerioul to tbe eomlag of a prlaM. be pertermed
muif of hU nrrrlces as po»alble. vWUag Ibe ekk aad burylag tbe
dead. After Uie ectabllsbmeai of Uie
dinreh he would lemra Sunday
daeeee every Bandar nnill hU ad.
raaced age cospeOed him to stay at

Travecae City. Mich

Place of Doing Business.

Kind of Boslness.

a. rurier, mi.

tislor aad Hrs. a W. Lardie <st Trav•roe aiy._____________
Death of Osa. I- Reberta.
Osorge L. RabMts died at hU bone
at Old Hlaaloa PHday at S:1B
after aa tUacss <d only a Ultle <
woMl Hr. Boberta wu la hU eichty.
tfth yeah aad bis death
tMteral breakdowa censed by the


Min Eltol M CeAse.
in bto left arm.
Jbhnwm and IX-puiy Sheriff Charte. .
p.^.^rdse aftem«« gi 1
er a Hire., morn .
Cedar. Micb. D«c l».-A gnn fighi
company with a young ptno bl !
a comp’i.-atliia << dlwws.w which to said to bate occurred In PraBfc Al
tae name of Domine. Wxrsi waa num-j
the conviction and ask.->l ‘ baftlcsl..................of atleudtng physl
hero KMorray Bight
lag rabbits In the virlnliy of bis home, i ih^i
mro be laipoaed upon hlm.,,,^. Though bee bad bsdn eunlloe-l
asked the prisoner If he bSil { |„ 1,^1 '
They bad secured one and chased an-l 7%e
I week, deartb was unes- wfaieb resulted m Cucm RaMka bMag
to »ay why sentence sbuul-l
•hot la the fore Eager aad a PuU by
Other under a lug. Tbeir e^rU to get anything

Ike name of WItUam ChaholskI stop­
ivaUing aDd\boui
. . ' *" .
Judge Hayr.e i
reached for hU gun and drew 111 men through .que»lu>ning hr<mghi o-at I
„n y,,. j-mered the Traverse ping a bulles with his leg NHtbcr tafact that ihejinwmer^JiB^ Ml
over llH- log. ratcfali
e trigger
-jII.*!- and ginduaied
rldge was expksled.
ms- years nfu-r i*-o discharges,
|.-Iled fau I
Aeetoent in Camp.
last! He clslmed that bo enlisted for ser■!>>, shot miered tbc left
Fife Irake. Mkh. Dec. II —C. V«rites
rice in the Phillppim* but did not go.
below tbe elbow sad coming
for usefulocss as a mem
0 onmalze perm*. or fli-e Inches above It on tbe' oppmdli bev of the fsinll)
irc- was oil. i luugh
Coaaty Treasurer's OEIce, Grand aenily npoo tbe day ot the btaqiwt.
taken to {be asM-rted be slways gave iq the stated.
side. Tbe Injured man
’ .
mile* east of Pif* Lake. Saluiday
Traverse County.
December 4. 1*06.
He WBdkworihy Bi.-ml-e^of ih. in.. Boi.n ic> work. They wera teUiag
clph-s church of this city, and .!«> an
SeheM Without Teacher.
morning be was taken to «ne.
„..n...n<.„.,i,„ui to t-- impurnsL
r of, (he «-farUUan
Tbe Acme ucnDiil at present 1* with­ Grand Traverse hokpltal and every ef- ‘ judge Hayne ile-n c|i^ the law in
Terks. brcaklag I
■T iwri- ly. aa«.ihougb his itfe.was
fort Is being made to save Ibe km | this case, saying that nriihrr the mairs. TitI was «x.qnplarT In aarrowly misaed kUlIng Helmev. Tlray
out a teacher owing tu her own a
minimum w^ given exceot Christian foiiliuile.
had only bes-u at work aboni one bow;
In nuttag that she would resign from Blthouch Ibe wound Is an ngly one.!
Mltlon If one of her pupils. John
I lime which you have si-rtisl Imth hroiL. rs and slsu-rt; Alhr-rt R. „f,aad treated by Dr. Walter. '
Puldpher was intUIled by the buard expected.

and all weal to tte dlalag room where Name ot Person. Corpetnllon. Atsothe foUowliic raeaa was served:
Oystars. any style; saadwiehea.
aaha. ««ee. plcUes aad cbeeee.
The old papUa proseat were Hr. and
Hta. H. Oberlag. Hr. aad Hr*. Asses ^udJWbcrg.........

r. sad Hrs. J.
D. Maiehall. Ur. aad Hrs. H. D. Reay.

F. of the Circuit court y»H«erd*y after:'i
crush the retoJulkmary agltatkm at | contra^ Suit was begun
until near Um sopper bonr. was) h
any price. A genera] revolt of the |Uule~to gala prasession of
. . ■ —on
(bat .time taken from , tbe Jory by t H t of Honor: a
am* ts i:xpeeted ahd It U reporteJ , eriy. by rialming that n«£riy crac year
that the Ifuora at Riga have goee over and laierest
.............................. ..... ............... , The fnneral *. rsks-s will he held
not u< fset.
'from the bume ot AltxTt Manas. 317
the rebcl% The town ts txdag bom­

j A short etwilng •esxhio wn* held In i W.-litngtoo »t'reei. this nfternmm at
barded and U allrv In many places.
•‘‘•'11:10. tbe Rev. T. K-niom ««clutlag.
BMiln. Doe- II.—Courtc-r* from ih-?
will l- .l 1 Ookwaod
froDtles of tbe Baltic provtnera. Ruse rebels dynamilci coll court was the aiitacilon o^Trav-, Keoaston sa> r«-mWn..! t.. U- iilsln-i rhstyi of I. l> Curls
erse eUy and every avallaUle s.rat ws*' rigs^brouch their strore.-v. Aniil P ■ •' Ills father was at W* bedside when
a military train cairving rrinforcetook
Ibe mnaiaH^
'menu from lUga to Orel Over two taken while many were ohUged Jo
Ibe family w
who had been
bere and returned will be In AUcadhuBilred Coutseks were killed outrtgb; stand. Tbe orcaslon wu Ibe sentesclag by Judge lYederlek W- Majme of
ance at the eervlre* tomomni.
Bd too others were terribly Injured.
i>i*juwus HSU rs*n>eu uv payment.
Other dispalebe* on the casnaltles. tbe nine bartender* and proprtefors of
The morning oesslun op-Ued nlili
'u fol-'*^^ ealbotia who inM liquor to the the
Admitted to Aaflum.
reported to have occurred
drawing ..r the Jury m the S|r
George Cutyraa. formtriy ,|rtd »eeRiga. 700 killed. L500 High fchoul hoys last Uetober. and ease of B. Jr Mpron v«. A. Bthe imposlBs of si-aleoee on JejT.v Haellmsntel. lb>- ease bivoliing-two Stary of lb-- Berenth dtaliicT CUft*
wounded; at Hliau.
killed. W) also
Thomas who was e.Hivlcted Ststiuday rapnis. the plslntte clalmtae th- los* ian Fkideavor aorleilea. haa'bera ad
Dorpoi. .ISO killed. MW
i< Knrfhern MleUgan
afternoon of pivmeditated assault w-tlh , «
-•'•■r'-ided; Sbavly. dfly killed
t«" whleh .-sme
in Ui- ]S».S.-Sfl.ui I ssvili
Blal1> Ae>.
tbe defendant by «b>!<ng. nnd wlilri. reran
wouBdedi Wenden. foriy killed, loe
.sAs agi. be was
kvn III and
he Is *ll.-K'-*l to have ei«i»en«-d it
reglan. Gilbert Oleson.
d killed; 16d
Aerording to the testimony, the
spoodi-ut took the pUlatlC cm tbe
ssion II:he dHeuilaii' liv flndinc
night of Nov
tu the Isolaird Penl»-tng beard this afu-r Later h
AceWcntsI bhooting.
Marqurtte bridge and there under Ibe
appeal front jiidgmeoi ■luiugh bis lllne-> righted he still,run.
tinunl mental faallurinsilons on reH-hlle attempting to draw Ms shot­ feint of Itradlog to bis home, assaulted,
llgkius. subjects George Cvnker. »n
gun over a log OB which It was reuing rabbesl and flnally threw him Into tb^
Pyriniendent uf the pour, of Lwlsiia:i
with Ibe muxzle toward him, Julius' river - below, wbe
count), accodiiinnied by StrMer C
Death et W. C. Manna.
West, a yoong man about twenty year*' through swimming
t’nntie. judge
sdaced him
William G. Manns, age.1 -f ye«». there a* a r.-.tajAl MiSl^i^my.
.»». I.O.. I. u
■ safety.


if—liEi; aiiil


lililriEiEE IesEe;:ee

Se eg qu^ at
Tiavernc City, HIcb Selling liquors al
Traveiwe City-. Mich
^verra City. Mich
Yraverae City. MIcb
Traverse City. Micb
Traverse City. Mkh
Traverse Oty. Mkh
Traverae City. Mkh
PUe Lake. Mkh....
Traverse City, Mkh
Uqnors at

ret* ......................

mm ■





April Jg.
April 29.
April 29.
I April 29.
1 April 29,
I April 29,
I April 29,
I Apnl ».
I April 29.
! April 2*.
I April 29,
] April 29.
I April 29.
I April !t.
' April 29,
I April 29.
I April 29,
I April 29.
I April 2*.
[ May 1.
May 1.
May 2.


l)olidav .

Hare you »t«n our line-? If noL you bare minH one of
the good tbioga. We bare g ba&dBomd and really good
lioe of PerfuBK) io fine Holtday boUieg and bogea tbit year.
Not cheap, poor odor*, bat tbe very beet—tbe mooey fanclt
if not good kind. We have tbe Mine line in fancy peckBgea that we hare in- bulk—RickMcker’*. Wri^t’g, Cotgate's, Laxall'g. We are ture we can plenae you taatA
I’rioui tea evata to fire doUan at

iUaifs Drug Store

Hay 5. 19<e
I May 9. 19..5

a=r.SK:..“ S S S Mi™;:::"

I J«e
July 51, 1905


West probably reached for the gua | from the mdximum and mlnltmmi
'with hi* right hand told wa* half ‘ wb'ch I othj^tee would ha« tu.
little ...
Ida : turned pway from the mucxk. Ha.1 bis ‘ n,ir‘h-M*?bta*tb’r.""'^ >r mure
* tl
JohnsoB, the teacher, missed her whls-1 position been xligbily changed
perlng list from Ibe desk aad In order charge would proliably have strur-k bard li
8 of vUdstloB Of th>locale the mtoeieant who had tak-en him in the heart and lungs, resulting ' The
br.Mtght ,U-forIt. she kept Ibe entire acbool In lo in­ 1 almust Instant d
the rniirt the opening day and dUvestigate. Tbe ruse was successful
posed of liy the- ban.
guilty while the |.n>prl<-tcm* Who wi
aad the pupils lufurined her that the
Clrauit Court
vklslion nr
II.; of
takca bp a pupil wbo was for- From Monday * Record-,
kuo» ledge uf It were lei
10 be kept that eviming w-lih
Court eoBveiM^ at 1:50 Ihls^erl^
again brought licforo tlotbe school, but at a general punish­
after-the recess taken Friday,
rr the 1
glven Jerry

r. bartunment Mio Johnson still retained the nnd the first thing on the docket wssjThomas.
entire school, ao It to said. John Pul- Ibe
,j,e motion
ntotlon of Prosecuting Attorney ... ... Grant lVI*«-hart. who
pn-s-liiusly pliH‘l--d. entered a plea of
cipher stated U> her that he bad done cross ibal the nine cases against
• gulllv Wblle 1L.- «anic- role tn regar-1
nothing to warrant his being retained ] s,locn keepers for selling liquor lo to the propri-ii.r uu> <-vi< hi• Lirtecin Chib Banquet
(irani WlM-hari. wbo wx>
oeetlng was brid In tbe office of so lau and aa be bad chores to attend | BHaurs be nolle prossed. This to lo c-BipIiiXT.
not rtranixant of the case He vss
to be left without further orders from I eoefurmanre with tbc ruling of the therefore
E W. Hastings ou Friday tu
deeme.1 "not culRy." Judr:further step* towards the orgaaUaUon her. The next dny shs ngaln attempt. Supreme court that when the proprie- Mavne In cany teg out the letter of Uir
brief pnrate sedston in bto
of the Uncotn club whkh wai
liquor being sold to a minor In bis office where he Interrogated
posed at Ibe last republicaa eounty
fender as to ib--r wblck he:
place, be is not gnDty.
ralkw. In mdditkn to the mem.
After a week's time-the board met
At 2:39 this afternoon the appealed' that during
bers of tbe local committee aK»lated
of Allen F- Little ss. Julia Ran-, tbe Thlrteenili Judi
tb^ time and tei-eral others since
tbe' InsUgCtlou of a number af
nppolBled to act srlih that commUiee. those iBleresird nnd the yoong lad was som began with ao troubk In -curtog;
eoaun-oed. -'ll
- were aeveral other counties rep­ reinstated by the board, wbo coasld- . ..... VW. -- --------- --resented: Dr. E B. Bnbrorb of Kal- cred that even with one week's dis­ Circnlt Conn Comm
knska. Rcpresenuilve A. F- Bunting missal. If be had bCM over basiy. be Ncrllnger Nov. 29 In which a decision |
bad altetd.r bad bts putitobmem. UK* was rendered In favor of tbe defend. ]
aad E E Hinshnw of-Leelanan. E
> to receive
Harris of Antrim. Judge F, W. Msyne Johnson then annonneed If he came ant. Julia Ransom, nnd was appealed |'
- lo he pro-.
bark kbe would leave tbe school and by the plaintiff It to the outgrowth! |
of Cbarlevalx aad J. E Henden
It will be different than that -'
Friday made good her i
given lhe proprietor h
Wexford. It was anaalmonslj
yet to hear
ml by tbe tepreMotaUvet from the district and vetnrnh
single rase where the p«»prieior
Julia Ransom, the former, however, ot sa dtomltoed
the ontaMe coonllee teg^er with
not having any title except throngn ^muti^m'l shalTiouslder
> of Oraad Trarerae cmniy that
contrarl Itself. Tbe cratraei was
rmaaeat organlullon be effected
paid upon by tbadefendant nnill July.
and aa aaniul Ltaeola dob banquet
•Ig Death List in Russia
1901. ibougbi it developed that paybe held. It waa auggesled that
~I bereby *eaience you to pay a fine
81. PMMsbarg, Dec. IS.—Tbe elty*
made until tbe foUowlDg of t:ra> within ihtriy-rtx hour* aad in;
imall memberabip fs« be Imposed
today is Uke aa armed ramp. Tbej Jannary by a Mr. Ziegler, to whom tbe default ibervof to remain to Imprison.,
workingmen are tnraUe to hold meet- ‘ defendant had also sold property and meat lu the coaaty Jail for a pmiod of! .
Inety days."
tag* owing to tbe strict guard kept; be m tun paid to (be plalnUff tbe
Tbe cnae of AIM F. Little vs Jnlla
It ww EtoMed that tbe EntbSB- Bpon tbera. Witte to detennlaed lolraoaey dae rauatUy <ra Hn. Rmoub's ■BBorn. whM occuNcd tbc gttufiUoBl .

Beautiful Designs
in Silks
Regulju- 50 ceni goods

— A SPEOAL----

25c ud 35c
A Colored Silk Handkerchief for a
gentienrjan to carry in the upper left
pocket of the overcoat is the proper
thing--ours are beauties.



Giud Inreisc Hcnilil
MBM Mfr tfiMl M





«.«. Ai

«ooatf7. 1%Hr luta sr« sll rlgbt
but tbdr prtew w sH wrooc M
It U sIImM. th* Mbs rue* <Mt tber
? «n ftir IT* WM forttobM U> Ibe iot*-«rMrat for no. Tb« loesl d«Men
i wOl «a^MU tb«D St « «M M
> «**M« l«. BMorf Mcnlsc «
^ irset, «oaUl>^ K b«' veil to odd
I Tntrbrw CKy snS IsTsiUsale u to
' tlM prise T—RsGord.
CaruMUn FereMa.
i* svskaBtnf to tbc nsee*Mty of MlBi MM BMIU to prMerre
Ow toTMU cC tbsf eonotrr. A esU
tor s tonmUT wwUm bs* be.
SMd SB* will bebeU to JSDMrr.
(sH Btotot that ibe toratu of (be
eeaUj are of crest rsloe and :
BO tecMBlderable portion of
BMttfe. Heretofore, as to tbe OnlieJ
BtoUs. tber hsee beM recatded
tbs U|kt et a Btoe and ao-prorto
•Ms arte tor-tb* Mora. Tbetorestrr
eoBrntlea. ertalA «ni be held to Oitsvs Jlsa. 10.11 aa« It, U of toiemt
to tbe AaatMsB people a* there to
large aDOBBt of AmeHcSB sMUl toeestod to Caaadlati forests.
Tbto eotBUT bss slresdr felt tbe
ptoeb of s deereased fereet snpplr stui
Mtarallr looke to Osoads ter lumber
in tbs talnre. Tbe old B<rid sHo regarde Csaada'a* a freat tlmber rtoteboBM and tbsrefere sBy more to prottet tbs Oansdisn toreeto and preserro
' tbam to aatsrellr of *lde interest,
ereo tortog aside tbe doesUw of
Amerieaa torestBeau.—Record.
Three ChUMes Btmred.
life LafcA Web.; Doc. l«.-€o far
•as out be determttsd. tbe attempt of
little MndrcD to Ol a lamp was tbe
casM of tbe tarrlMe caiasutipl
tbe bene of Albert tneereoa tto miles
oast of Uto rlUace Tburedar momtoc.
An s.pear«U son bad gone t.
. .MtoMtsBMMtodHseeas. who Ured
tweatr rods awar. Tbe fatber
|DM to erort to a lumber camp at
oTeloek to tbe morning and be. w6. was
Abseat. Taktog a pals of water, tbe
mother wMt to tbe nelgbborto bos
get tbe b07 stopptBg to talk a >
lime. WbUe abe was talking, ber
' liBBse eras dtoeorered os Ere.
Mag bock borne, on tbe wai' Me dls•OTored two of the ehtldreo Irtog
!* Cbe rood terribly homed. One s
» Eead hot tbe other Itred for foar bo
It was talteo tp tbc Btirreae
PleoM of bomod ctotblng naiked
I tbe war to tbe lageraoll bon*.


feet from It laid tbe Marred bodr of
tbe babronlr 1* toOMEs old. Tbe two
MOdreo bad boea touM to tbe road
^1 t« rods from tbe borne
^t oiiblteatiwart.
Tbe back door et the borne bad beeo
ballad sp tor tbe wtaler aad Ibe froM
door was bard to open. Tbe Mtidrm
bad erldentir stragglad to open It and
bM bad a great deal cf trouble.
'it is enppoeod that Ibe fetber bad
Wt a Ittp bumtog when he we
work and the ebUdrm had toaad tbto
and la attempttog to Ell It epUled M
no tbair dotbea. The boase wi
tallr deotrorM and Mr. and Mrs. Ingsiwon are ntierlr proetraied br U
ahedL 1**r wteo wr po» people.
Alice, nw oldest chOd. was 6 ream
oM. Don. tbe eecood oldest, was aged
« rMia.

will be paW to any person who
can find one atom of opiom,
chloral, morphine, cocaine.
«her or dtloroforai or their
1>. Mile*' Remedies.
This reward is offered becsnM CMtaln npscntpulons
persons make false sUtemeiiU
about these remedies. It la
understood that this reward
applies only to floods purch­
ased in tbe open market, which
bave'not been tempered vrith.
Dr. Miles’ remedies cure by
their strenRihening and invigr
orating effect upon the nervous
^stem, and not by weakeniag


HIlM Medical Co., EDcbart lad

perfarmid br the Be
tbe pr«MbM ,«f a tew toBMdtoie
BiBva Bad carried a boeoel of while

1*0 DOUBT you are thinking about ii-wondcring
mat where you had better get U, wHat it is g >ing tocosi
you ami what >-ou are likt ly to gel for your money.

SQAW KNIT SOCKS in naiuiaome Bo»«. n ni^t untseul for
aGcnUcmun. Cpn.l.W.
NECKTIES H«>dsoiiu4y bowl. 2>..-lOc.
SU6PEXDER8 Handsome in UuM. fiOc

nti was edocated in EaglsnJ
by tbe kladn<ws of a Mr. Beckfont.
and be soon rivaled naeb M e lisacber.
e was the grectet.1 player of the age.
oart, possibly, excepted. In 17Rf> be
eai lo Paris rai ws» pcrfietly ai.jBoded St his Teceplloo. Tbe old
masiers. Haydea. Bach and -'Qld Salicrl" were ai (Ms Umc "gslog ng tbe
aiage- as It were, aad bated the newtongicd pianos and pUno nxislc. the
vs of muaiclrns and
aemcmJ to panieulsr.
What right, feryooth. baa tneee uiv
slarta to write mtrelc which Ibe u)<l.
en could not play, or the- world to
anufacinre planoi that they could
It play on? Woxart, Uiey said. »-as
charlaian. Bo-’hov.-n. an ImpvSK r.
and even SMulicri. “the .dewr cJivlr
;boy." was faecomlnc (atoled with «ri'' ig tbe new mnalc aad playing itie


IjOOjjer imtr. SATIN

Ml*FFLERS( Ways’) one in a box, alt colors. r,5r.

NECKWEAE new silks, oonfioed Ip ns for U«a pbee

UUBEELLAS -fancy handles, for ChritUuaa
SEAL CAPS tbo best, SlS.OOgmdo
BATH HOBES 4.00 up, see fhem




$1 Black HcFcenzeA PtlUcoats

$1.00 SUk Mafners

Made with thtop flounce and
ratfloa. (>nr apeeiid price,

In while..hlue and hlack. in
plain, bnxaded and polka
dot patterns. To close out at

Latest full styles, vulnc tip lo
S12.00,* Spwiol prUv,

$4.88 and $4.98

Infants’ Cloaks


Trimmed with Angoro Fur.
pluiii and fuiicy cdilnrs,
that are fully worth $1.75,
Onr special prioo.

A Wtrm Sh»e lorMolheis
Made of black Iwiver. kid
foxed, lined with red flannel,




5c plain white heustitched liuen flnisb Hsndkcrchit^g,



Style and workmanship displayed in these goods. We
arc sole agents for this celebrated line of clothe*.
Prices to please all.



65c LAdKs’ B*ose Jackets

r.S0 Ladies’PlnUiCipcs


Made of good Intovy flannelette, a good variety of colors.
Our low price.

Full 8wc*ep. Ang'ira fur triiiiuied, silk luster plush. Sjw.
cial price.





Ladles’ Fancy Collars

Ladles’ 2 Bockle Arctics


Fine Jersey top, wool linc<l.
first (|uality rubiwr. SoM bv

gUaaea a <pi<cia1ty.

7.5 doscD Ladies' Fanev ColInrs, tunt-oi-ers and stordia.
inclnding the new head<*leffects, worth 23e. Choice of
entire lot.

! Evary raw and old aubBcrlbar who tup paid for
tha Harald In full to Jan.
I. 1007, will ba glvan a
subaoription to Farm and
ffirealda ona yaar fraa.
9— offar In anothar placa
in today'a Herald.

Choice new Mixed Nut*. 2



Men’s SBite


217 E. From S'.

•|l- YOU’ IIAVK EVER purchased the Crescent
I brand. Little Governor or Little Captain Clothes
you have not fonjotlcn tbe good Mrnring fyiBliiiBB.

3yst oat Utiaja taei dtfortmtat, aad eaeb oat\
at a aaofag. Jast to Show Yom Bom lOucb \
IBon Yomr Dotlar Baps B«n.

While buying y
mna preaento ilo

Farmers’ Insurance

$7,50 fo $20.00
and solid satisfaction guaranteed.

A look through our store will always convince i
the most economical shopper thdt there Is no
trading point like the Globe Store.



Take our advice and invest in a L. Adler Bros.. H.
Wile & Co: or llonic-shoe brand Suit or Overcoat.No matter whether your taste is conservative or vheih*
cr you want the snappiest thipg of the season, we have
it in these celebrated ntaktft.




Diamond Riiiflo


HOUSE COATS All admire them.

leee Erst plasns' were only ftuir
five octave*.


k: l l l:

COAT SCAEFS the fibusl line wf bnve shown

acroffipIUbed wooderv.
Tbe genius waa yet unborn wlio
oold sweep sway all tbe Imperferon* of Ibe cariv planoi.
There are many good pUnos lodey-r
tid there are different aysteois nf
manufarture and dlstribuMon whi'-hl
the price o
_ piano*. There Jj
that will ap,-jesl to your mtire si
Ibe rsmocs KIMBALL.

Ir plan.» Th") are not or
<t as the w**t In every way. hi
reepecis than <ithe
fully prove, au
less than
prices are quite a llUle
nf other good maki
Their wrest i
and dlstri
AIX>NB. mal
ftf days ubiil (
make us a call, if you
to the


Silk 2r«, 40c.

ULOVES Silk liued. knit And fur UnsJ

1300.000 Mtb oaptal, wnU*


Suit or Ooercoat


The man who. morc'ihan ary otbrr
DMde the piano and piano music pup• Ba^nd and.................—"

Qmi Oif Rn hnm'ii Cnpiq-

CRT. a

H Dew


The Pianee Used by MoxaH and Ciemcfitl Ware Only Five Octave.
Mtoerabte CentHvaneea, Com­
pand to Pfseent Day

very common pianos of today. It was a
s of the aoeiety t
Several very gro
A ebon >iogram
romlsfaed aad Charte Banoo
flee clog dancing. A Bae itmo
to the verdict of ererycoe {wesenU
Ralph McClBtky waa to town 1
Mark OleaaoD of Kalkaska is visitiBc'frlendi to town for a few days.
a Below was la town Thorsday.
Frank Btmker of Fremont waa a
.bustoeaa caller here Tneaday.
Jeff Sbina hal pnrMaaed tbe “trot
Ung> mules of C. Gore.
Hr. and Mrs. Waller Hairle desire
I thank tbolr friends who so kindly
nsslsted ibera durlag Hr. Unrrlt' re­
cent lllnesa.
Hany Bonncll and family bave
moved back onto their farm.
Mrs. OvUirto of Tortle Lake died of
drMiy at T:UI Thersdsy evening. Shu
hai beM In very poor henltb for a long,
lime and her doatb waa not unexpoet1•
DIM Jacobt and wife vlsllcd friends
to Travetse City Tbondny and Fri­
day. ’
Hr Loro of Chicago was Jo tolm
Thnrsdty on bnslncsa.
LUlie Rets Jacobs spent Friday
X. iMake^s.
R Wamm- of Henry was to toSalnrday.
Orris Case returned Wednesday
TMlag from Cbkago.
C. W. Amidoc and wife of Omyllus
are here lo attend the ftmeral of Krs.
Aasidoa's slater. Kra. Gulhrie.
Bery Potter of Westwood is spendlag a few dan to
la U
Them will be a <
Doake s- bat Snlurday
eveadag. A flee program
Leslie Reyuolds was in Trar<
Oiy Xonday.
Xrs. Carpenter to very low. bavlag


■piN^ price.





Use Herald Want Ads
Has Opened Offices in t&e State Bank BnUdlnf

$10 Ladles'Ooaks;

$5.00 Hen’s Rtock aid Blue


Full length, made of all wool
kcTsey. .Inst ten coats left
of this lot. To close out for

A good, dressy coat, «il
lined. <<ar special jiricc.




j tbaaklag fO" for pour past patroaagt, wt whb
j pom X mtrrf Xmas and BappfBtm ytar. j

Of Auutc and Cbraiic Bbanmatiam. Arthritei Defomaat,
Oout. Spreiito. Sciatiea, Myalgia, Nearilia, NennJg^ Varioaae,
Ulcers. I'ilea. I'ric Ackl DiaUiesis and other diatnibanM
Metabolism, ficncrel and Local Infection. Skin INaeaaea, Liver,
.Stomach and Bowel trooblea. Long tronblei. Kidney aad
(lew iliffifultir*, Nervoua Exhaualion, Neoraatbcaia. Diatmaes of
the Female Pcivi c (Irpna. Panlysis and Canners. If you are
Ioffering with any dia^ and have been nnaUe to get tbe d
Z:__ I _____i4. 1__ A_____ .____ t____ 1 __ II -__I __

.tbal.Wiasn twswir
. Dee. M.—Chet Oore and
nlkersoa gate as orster


Plano Talk No. 10

Navel Oranges. 2
Mn. Hoaroe and XIae Wlncbeomb of
TraTerse Otr.
Mr. Decker has eeen a good deal of
tbe world, a Ttarerae Cltr bor. to (be
serrlee of Uncle Sam be baa Halted
CalUomM. OrepM aad Alaska, the
' EaadwIM tslanda. Ue Phllllptoes and
Itpaa. hot Mrs Onad Travetae Is
ahead of (bnaalL Mr. aad Mrs. Decker will make Moome Center their fetore bOM.


MOkET TO U>AN on real eeia-e.
JMB. W. Psichliv AUomer- Room
4flS Kew WUbPlm BoUdlOg.

Thafa (he way that piano partollr.
It today, was ushered to.
and was a
ac hlriorisn

g at tbe iwsIdeiK-?
ef tbe omdlaDag deqTtaan.' wbr~
Miss Kate Copeland of Deaiiaf. »i
nnlud to marrtsge to Ror Decker c

had anotfeer stroke of panlmli.
rbe telBOd Suadar aMool wRI i^ve
rbrtotmas tree ad tbe chareb at la-

~ 7rP---for rfarlsunaa.



lia ^ron« SB.

Tv^Mwmrmm Ot«y

n__ _

SHIES 483 MD 404 STI1E BUK mm

. $mjm

Terttn of a rroartnr.
_ awry of th* toruin of R*»-- 0.
D. Moor*, pastor of the BjjtUrt
choich. of HarpcroTJU*. N. Y- will In. He aaya: “I
te of a persiateat coo^.
Ur. K«. Oteu Dm*, «t Wextord
_ »m the pip/ I bad to alem
Mn. D.TM Htdw TWiefl «e^
, Oofwaitk UMl noapMrlik *'--

*ThSt' Corn* bw »««d hl» ^*»X
gii.f>. New Otocorery for CoasuopMra. Jttoa BM*dl *Bd Hn. Oni EaU Uon. CooeUi and Colds, which eoltrely
W. ■■ o. DM. Hlw Sadi* Brewer and Mt* B(
btnt taara for Cbkar> Samrdar
cased conditions of throat and lunjts.
■pend tbe tolldara.
Store Oo. a, F. H.
Ctood Beaur «d CopMiUb *a* to
biwn Bondaj.
pli™ 1«e^an^1|i.5, inarkntoed.
s onlartalnli Trial boUle. 10c.
Hra. J. Ba


A ear oo ibe Jaekaon BaiUe Creeh
H. Mix U eisUIng Ua slater, Mrs.
__j. Anderaoe of PJerport.
line made a rnn from Jaeksoei I
bloQ. Bonday. twentyJoor mile*, In 1*
____ ■* last week.
The Beetlng was well attoDded.
was serred and all bad a eajoraWe
Th* store and meal market b^og~
boalth.-ITOm one eaireme u,
tog to
Ideoce. were burned to the groosd to nnotber. when, If they would ooly
morning. Hn. Coyne s
early Satnr^TOrnl
' ja were noari;
M*ed. bat Hr.*2ae*ier
Hr. Zlegler ti
their troubles would all pass away.
ererytblog. Tbe people o
Prompt relief and quick cure for 1
Clly and rlctolty Md Thoi
and stomneb trouble, tic at Jcbi
ug Btpre C
drag stores: guaracfamily
Wail a 8(
teed. .
Tito HwaW*
them to more Into and
R ha. »ot booa- eortow I
clothes and other ifatoj
H-.Mtoo««BtolBto«.b.crto. they coaid go light to_ bouseheepingrlly on Mr. ZlegThe loss tells veo benrll;
nnd bad
ler as be bns a large temUy
on. hU th*
Cedar Bun and
joat mored here '
was doing weUw

Of^itotkm this week 4,500

toKi^lgbl Jan. L Tbe ladle,
will aerre tnjoer and also hsee a
ssotber pife t< ttli' tow* Of tbe Her- flab pond. Breryone to toelted to *iJ
AS «U1 be Mi^4bs Bersld nod
rm nad FMaMs.^ greatMt pobU.
mOtoa of Ito ktod.ia
Dnlted SUtee,
vfll be farslahdd. tp sU sobaeribert
who bsee paM W JM for the Herald,
to Jsa. 1.1*01.
glrea Farm and
a FMtods abatooM^fbne to erery paid
te Bdeasoe milMerfber te tha Betnld.
R1. n ted*adad.Bger. nad we doubt
ast vm be rwT.jdenstog to Herald

Bmpire, Dee. *0.—Wm. Darts re­
turned test Tuemtoy horn WlsconPn,
where be baa been working In a lum^Met^au baa moyed his taolly
^^JaiM^om rctarsed last Wednes-

■Is^te 4. a LiM waa granted
4*era* dhoroa treat kto wife, Clanb» WoBsasdsy sight.
Alisfsw A. a WUSOB baa began
werk os a ISM feet bridge nenma tbe
Cteggte ri*«. It will be a Idle bridge
amt the eestnet prtee wna tT.lOO. The
pItBte to sew being gotten ready.
yleyd SeMey ef 1
wiud to-b
tf the brUa-a atotor. Mrs. Mary Wntea.
St 4» Btet Bfbth slrsat, at t o-cloek
Ihundny afiemocm by the Bev. T. P.
^•BM.-*4**»wsrte-s V .
' gauss termer and the happy couple
vfll reM* ea Ui tent sear WUltems-

^ _____

Death HsIL
metewl HeOstry. an old pleaeer cd
(bl* is^. died U 4 o'elodi Thursday
■esstog St hla borne oee mile w
Egystoae. after an lUneas of
BMatbm Dmmaaed wm S« year* of
ago nad WM tbe tetber et eight chllaraa. nil et whoa are living In this
etetoUr exmpt eae. His chUdiwa nre
Mn. AUrad Osaanan. Hra. August
Metooa. James nad Odie HcOarry ut
tola diy. Btaphea sad Mlrteael MeOarn at Kterstoae. Mra. J. H. Ptiley
M Tolado. Ohio. Md Hn. Mary Sever
nee tt old Htssloa. Mrs. HoOarry
aicd three years ngn.
Th* tenmal wm heU BaUirdsy
aeralag frem 8L Franeto church
10 ohloek. tatarareai look plaoe to
2t. Franeit cemetery, tbe pall bearers
botog tour mma Btepbea. MldmeL
iatesa and Odle and two teasto-law.
Augasi Nelson nad Alfrsd Cntopean.

___IDO auir.
Where be baa been Tliltlag relatives
it*w Roeo and Jake Johnson
to Manistee tost week oo bnsl-

Ev«T new and old Bubeerfber to the HmmM. who
has paid In full to Jan. I,
1907. will recalve a groat
magazine paper. Farm and
FJrealde, abetHirtrty free
for a full year. Farm and
Fireside is from 24 to 38
pages, twice a month, 24
timoo a year. See the
oMor ^sewhere In this



For Cknts that
sold at $8.50 and

For Coats that
were$ia Black
and mbcttires.


For Coat that
was $12 and $16.
Aitreat variety
of styles and

Cloak Sale


ttlortb tbe name


Ten donan ooeai lonally depoMted soon becoroei I one hundred,
It doe* not Uke i aany hundreds
to become a ihoui land, whicb Agurc is a very r
dneas eapltnl or
cleus for a bauli
as a nest egg ■or old age. slekor
ness, loss of employment. ^

Hr. and Mrs. Mark Drering expect
te Inve tbe laR of tbe week for a fuure borne at Elk Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bloan w'
died to Traverse CX tost week by
le aenoui Illness of Mrs. Slomi s
rolber. WlUlnm Hsnns. Tbey reirned borne Saturday.
Mfn. Willard Wlekbam Honor last Thursday, where abe
Every new and old sub«lvlni
ecriber who has paid for
Fry I_______
lam waek at Intertocben with her
the Herald in full to Jan.
ler. Mra. Maggie Johnson.
1, 1907, will be given a
Hiss Vollet Voice, who baa been
vgry 111 for some time, to
subscription to Farm *nd
Improved and baa goae to Traverna
Firoside ono year free.
aty for medlCBl tr sstmeot.
The Rev. J. H. Lambkin retorned
See offer In another place
Baiorday frem i;nicagD,
Chicago, where
wbere he weal
In today's Herald.
to visit bis two sons wbo sre attreding
sAoDl thOT.
B^hsoa and Andre* Steinberg of
Frankfort vUlted In Empire tbe firet Traverse City Markets
of IMI week.
This roport la mad* up on WadnesA. F. BuDtl
dayofoaeh waek. Tha Herald tenet
Tices ef HIsi .. ..
raaponelbl* for ohanirae In o
Bensonls m stenograpbei



Tor m<B
Mon’* Emb. Sljppera..6'
Men's FeltSlipporawitli




For Coats in
Black and Fan­
cy Mixtures. 45
to 50 inches
long, that were
$15 and $16,60.

SI 5.00
For Coau in
Kerseys, Broad­
cloths, Cheviots
aod Fancy Mix­
tures, that sold
fRHIL $18.50 to
$2I,60. ' •

M OU HAVE NEVER had an opportunity
Ir in Traverse City to get such real Cloak
Bargains right in the season as this. -This is
' not a few undesirable garments picked out
from the line, but is EVERY garment in this
big Cloak Section, marked at less than it costs
to make them. So great has been our cloak
trade that we feci

For Coats in
Blapk and col­
ors, the very fin­
that were $30,
$32,50. up to $40

It’s Cime le Close Out
tbe Balance el Ibe Cine
If y»u would have the BEST,

$50 Goats

-Ail Tailor made
Suits at


1-3 OFF

Some big reductions in Colored Dress Skirts.


** 2SotQ4.00

From The China and Cut Glass Dept.

Hr. nad Hn. Sam Martin of Platte
ere to town on business test Thure.
Joseph Sbennao of Baranar
with the family of his bratber
Bhermsn last wodc. He wm
panted homo by bis Utile sou.
wbo bM bees living with Mr. ai
ThomM Sbermnn for tbe last eighteen
_ r. Jake Fowler and Mn. Calvin
Fowler of Potervllle. who were In.
Jured In a renaway week before last
have .boat recovered.
Chaa. D. Ackerman, non of Poatmaater C. a Ackerman of (his place, and
MUa Jessie Porter of Camph
s marvied at that place <
day.. Tbe bride Is a sis­
ter ot Mrs. Frenk Hlgglui and lived
ben with her for the past two yean
II called home a ebon time ago by

For Coats in
our fine Broad­
cloths and Kerseys, some all
satin lined .loose,
tight J and semifitting, that were
$25 to $28.50




For Coats in
Cheviots, Ker­
sey and Fancy
Mixtures. 4Sto
50 inches long,
that were $15 to


geoclc* that all are subject to.
With imly one dollar you can
Stan a Savings account with us.
We pay three per cent Intcrcsl.
compounded twice a year, or H
desired, wo will iisne Interest
bearing cerUncates at the same


tin nn


• 1

The world oI art has contribulal to onr superb ooUecUon a mulUtwlc of nqnisito
pioc^ Many of them without duplicute, any of wbiofa wonkl make most acceptable

Tor Qlomtn

.. ........ lends.
D. W. Reynolds of drawn arrived to­
ri>ni*'^No."s*7l'*wlll c
day to look after bis dreg atwe bnslnees at this place.
M*bee day to their 1
Tbs »«aaihs«ld noe of Hr. and
Mrs. Matthew Sullivan died Hondav.
Broiich h .t, Friday «-\enlnc. I>
Hra. Arable Cnrrte died Moaday morn- Dec. It. at ber home mar Burdlckv-Ule. »1b. All 8 Knights of Tent S«. f
about four weeh* uid Ibi-ir n on and all L-ady Mar.
teg at tbair boms to laterlochre of after an illness of
Her busbsnd died six
bowel tnwbis. Tbs funeral wm
te* a family of
s sre cordlall)- Invite
Tasoday at t oldeek tram tbe b
------ da •
celebration bdq imrtj
_______ ...ebael ............
ree supper prepared by
Fine prugrnm will U Riven
WM a very devoted mother and tbe
ae all.
draWB. Dee. M.-Mn. Dr. BoyUn cblldren
have the sympathy ot all.
Password required at the door.
bM retamed boms froai vtaltliii her
A. Lararus..
•oUter to 4itooB.
L. Bagleton,
Geo- Hodge.
Mra. Oorhett to better. She Ims n«m Tuesday's Record.
P. Kenney went to CndUlnc today
Chas. Parker.
base resy slek wUb peaumwa^. 8be oaW.
E. J. Hans.
WM gurasd by MHa Monto oLTravHra. William Wells and Hra. Dsncnitl. who bare been rlslllag frleedv
area aty.
to Cedar, returned to Kingsley loda».
An opecatlon wm
Mra B. McManu*. who bM been vl»Fluagto Bnrl by Dr. Holliday and Dr. lUng
Mrt- W. Hopktovof Ust Ft
Boyton Friday. Dec. IS. Floai'
slreel. relurnod lo Manion today.
' Master EUrl Nonon. wbo ba> been,
•aoh batter aad doteg atoelyBon. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter D*- .lleadlng sebool to ihli city. bM TC-\
turned to bis home In Brutus. ,
: wm. a UH pound glri.
Nste Putnam of Korthport arrived'
Then will be a dtace at Bllrer to the eity thU morning to apesd the
Uke resoK Moaday. Dec. fS. Muale by day while OB bustoeas.
Hrsdame* H. B. GOI and George
' HMm-t orehMtn.
of Nortbport are Christmas
<- MIM Zada Joaea ud Htoa.Bdna Robensoo
shopping today.
' Hoaroa wUl bare a CbrisunM tree
aad program at the schootheune Pri
Thui cried tbe heir. Aod ■
day aftonooa. Dec. ft
kisd neiefabor came to tbe res­
Thera wUI be a ChrtotioM tree at IngMra.
W. . Blckle left today
cue with a bottle of Ayer's
Iba ^oreb Saturday eventog. Dec. S3. Hate* Oty spend tbe btrtidayn.
Hair Vigor. The hair was
s to Norlbpoh
nrvlreid to
- Bneat Hare baa gime te Stnttord WHITboi__________
aavedl In (ratirude, it grew
-to *eate tegs for C U Ktog 4 Oo.
. Harrtooa Han to ahte to walk oat
loBg and heavy, and with all
assto. Ha tow bees atek with typhoid
The annnal meeting of tlleGut
the deep, rich color of early
held to tl
Umber Company will be held.........
Ufe. Sold la all pans of the
ogle* to William MItfbell. MS Washtogttm street. Traverae Clly. Mlrhlworld for sixty yean.
gnn. at ten o'Hock. on Monday Janu­
ary 1st. IMS.
Jamei------------------------- n MItrtien. Seeteiary.
N«*Ma aty. Mlcb- Dee. JA-Harey
K*U4«m of CopMBlsh WM dotog buslBM* to town Moaday.
0*0. Goddard to Grant wm In town Bvery subscriber to tbe Herald will,
be greatly tolarwted la the premium
^iSia*ltet* Cnrty. wbo bM b*dn tufI^
fPrtag with biood potoon In ber band.

I’m Falling


BcauUful pieces of Haviland Chins in dainty decon^oos; chop plates, waiad diabes.
spoon trnya bread nnd butter plate*, sngare and creamois, sab trays, cups sad asnegn,
Ion bon dishes.


Women's Felt and Beev.-r Slippers..................50c
Wopvm’s Btoiver Slijv
}>ers, for trimmed.... .76c
Women's best Boater
•luliettes, fancy iuT
trimmcvl in black,
broirn, jrreen, rol and
blue............... 1.00. 1.26
Wmnen's Kid .lulicfu*.
warm lined kind, several
styles.........1.00 to 1.75
Women's Ler^ii«,
75c, l.OO
Women's Gaiters.
60c. 76c

Tor ehlldrcn
Alt Fell Slippers, rctl.
for.................................... 25c
Felt .Tnliettes. fancy fur
trimmed. 65c 75c 86c
Boys’^UppiTB. 50c to 1.00
Misses' Lcpirings......65c
Children's bearings .. .50c
Boys’ Canvas Iteggiecs.
50C and 75C

Rubber Bools. Rub*
bora and Brclic*
iwesenu f
are nsttul.

Our Stort is Hllcd


Are i.lcnl holiday gifts;, beautiful Lonwclss «i» in atmrml sbapes. theexqniwto'
French Sioml in those wonderful colonnjte. Boh^.an gla^ witii the datnt/ftdd
tracings. BiUlon iu deft blue designs, Boyal Bonn m beautiful pattema

sift U»t i. m»Ic. Seeh
from The most beautiful cuttings that arc known; water JmtUoe. Imrry diabes. violet
vases, candelabra cigar jara, vases, olive dishus. tumbleim. sngari and cresmera, knife

works of fictioa. Ifost inOf poems and stories in tbe fint^ of bindings. The latest
teresting and instrnctivc books for l«ys and girls. B<koks full of pictures tor the littic bJ-ldU-re. Liuesi books for tlievti'c ones. If at low foragift—liny a hook, always.
"•.lust the thing."

Of Traverse City. Beantifnl water colors., .lainty bite of birch hark, all make the
fiiKWt of CbristitA gifts; no j«raon can have too iwyjnctiJros^aod tl.«c are such artisticpieccsofworkmanship.cach a gren m iteelf. Buy early and rraenberyonr
friends in a never-to-lie-forgottcn manner.

of iJl
give tlioin the l«t Christas they otct
nil kiwU
kiwis for the "LitUe People;"
th.lU. little dolU. dolls with Lair awl tbw- without, drdls,with_ arro and legs
move auu loose loai wuu i ui,,.
and th^ drums and wbistks

„d tooto to.,

. ;.v





Grand Traverse Re^'on.
’ Honec TO co«
i S T ^^-io«

___ _oius Rsnpp b rWUns 1
sbisr. Hro. N RswUsco. of Hannah
Hla Nobel Wilson and Ociaia B)
ere teUMs on tfeei r Dcisbbore (
Nlu Kloa Nyers Is wirtlOd

CUnDbell nod Nra Nil- Adah TWam eoU«* - ber loN
Jaiurdoy sbot^nc < lac. The tlme'au spent In |
All report a pleuiBi Use.
Hrs. Ed KUdee of Trarerae ai
the coesi of Hra Hebei Snyder

diMst d tM pyMT^ror«».
tcSnS*"J. r. Brl^l nf
o u b

e C«y.

-nie NIssc' Asnn Kelsoe aad Oeoi
Oreoi were TraeerBe Qly tUBou

Oer «afl BUB
! SOS Ora* sura On, F. H. NawAs w4
Nm. A
ABBOe Bor^ Wend- ^r.*sndTSri. Wm.'.Allr* were orer
, g. E Walt A Sosa. dras^BU, SI Mt
d Hr..
U D. Bpotord < ne boBie
be weddln*
Asros Box Is DM u wHI St ihH > ^ bottle. Try them today.
«d<Unc of
o their slece Tbm- "'hIu Habel Ayers of WUIIamHmrc
rotbor. K. A HmMggor. « B<V>« Fraakfon Baturdor.
wtHIbc osd czpeeu lo *o lo Ana
Asa Ar-'


Seor. and Mrs. B
u be b;
---------------------bar lor trentmesi u soon os
‘ren>« Poekort cuBe bc«* 8»t^y
«rU aty Noe
M. :
! Nr. nad Nr. A. B. DonsIdBoa. He•fler »pei>tfta«
*«k» in Ti*»Dee. It
Bc^ wu in Wexford
mdt *,tt^ to aMm i>« «Mk
; In* two miles west of Pnmlae. eBlM.
enw aiT with her p*ad»c«hfr.
Bcrf L««lt Bxnrcd la Cedar tut
Hleual MeOw
Hiss Hmud WUion and (nSll.r. pin* la
Earl Botton hu rwlar
Haldtett bM week with Us corn hook- [ saty on Monday.
Dm. 1*.
Dec. U
C- Oardner hu reiorwed borne! ^Haalln* potoioe. It the order of
Ret , W. H. HsHbot Bpest FtVtty S
from Bred City, where he bu been,
A Psawm aFM.
S^A»p|te Mpwetr »i ttotci
Beerrne U bur *«ua* ludj b
■inklnc artesian wells.
| pm. E Wheat, who hu been i
Mri.™Hat^' Hnmpsch
It Is a fcnrfui tote in M to |jd«
me oemet rere-. but 1. *etUn*^^0M oddlnc
all wlnler wlo rtaeumall.m. Is •
of her coosln. Mlu Nyrile
^^ryoopjon m nuadoft«
th-feTrarefseacy —-------—' witb o load of elorer si-rd -ntarsday.
N. W. Herrinplon and 8. B Cate mGeorcf Banker went to KoHmaka
wnded t^e meetlns ot the asrlconoreJ
with a load of bay.
Wrakoop. A. 3
Ora Fairbanks of TrarerM^ City “S.*S.'K‘i..p.T.,to™.to«
wg«.OMD«Ti», Peter O
«,.’nnd HS^He^^ere
« down after a load of hay Solar- next Friday al*KI for fSlssleW. where
O. IW> were Treveree
■tost MMI Baltow lor (b« pMt w*«kmends end relsUres Hr.. Hejlench
Hr. and Mrs. J. O. Crotur - they will rlslt Hra. Taylor's mother
bday o.
Trsurfe City Thun^y
of lut *e^ ***«-. B. Priy loaded a car t
I Hr.- Ju. Goods- tXf.fl
Bonect Grata wu a l^»e
s has been sul'e and oats eoaslicoed to the Hereantlle and ofhM relatives for a lew
caller tod«7•ome beuer.
Co. Trnveru Clir.
Tbere wlU te OB
Paee nod
nspp wu a buslneu caller
Joses Wh*c hu eichi ..
Mrs. C. B. Pray visited Traverse
A Tcrdlel of H.CT5 wU «lTcn Mrj.
srllh Tom Shone acoin.
• aty Saturday . .
City lut sreek
>paeh rpent Sunday with I
Addbert Rlehsrd jot hi* hand apuia Ot trout of BuBalo ocoloM the
■> w.Repid*
d from Cmnd
brother bi Hanlon
Jamme.1 In the ro*. ,rf his windmill cMy ot ML aemMi for injortu Te- ■track by a Ollla* nmb while o
nlybl. Tsey report i Ase^ltmok
Charlie Smith worn, to Sutiou Boy and C. W. Bosee dressed the wooad.

edred in a fall on a defenire Hdo- wood, and iboocb Us aoeh wu h
r oMple led (or WUUuu- loot ererythlnc they hod by fire.
weather and a Jolly
Saturday on business,
; J. R. Button snd wile hsve iwen
be Ured lea booio.
» will be tbelr (atm taonte.
at the slate Oronee left no lunrNrs. AhCU UeDonald. formerly ivlsliloe his elsler. Mrs. Mary Fulloe. wolfc.
Albert Nephew U tnoeh Un_. AIL...............
H Hf*—‘■' lo« o voloaMe prored
KUlU primary reform witb Oor. resident of Klnulcy. returned
at tbit wrltlBc.
r. W-am». They heard bb d■^- -TrBvirse City Sslurdsy. nfter a ihi
“^Jlm*WMsm loaded a ear w
Jobe Tocer
^lUMvWted MIm.Nellie
feOM osd swltebed back into 0twi;e week*- visit wlfb her dtufrixer. M
_,f Batordoy aad Soodoy.
toes lari week.
J. 0. Shorter ol Traretoe Ctly
Ralph Worden U wnrkio*
Mr. sbH Mr.. Nslhon Gritwidd of
Tfslied th(
-- bis trade, bloete
B in nor viUode Satoedey.
Hsteh's Crusiln* csllpd on C. J. Bork- ar Ur. UaiA.
^•relt Crain bu been worblu tor eld toldlri
mon snd wife Bundsy.
Howard Mawia's house horned
Charley Ktofeter. tarlM potoloee the W.John
Coon rt-uibnl the enil Of
o.vxr vaesor nturned from Gtawn lown lut Friday momlel: and Oev
Sslurdsy. where tc hu iKvn for some art cwo-thlns.
'*Orudiu Tucker and Hrs. O. Harsh thumb in a bay tatter ihc other .
Doc. I».
WB*e Trareru Oty caller. Suur
Ti.'h. Power au In lown yester^v.
Nro. Bmer Crain bu purchSM
went to TraTeroe Clljr o» "
The lUpllst snd Methiudl.t ebsrrhes
« annimllj) altowed
new lOBce. olao Hr*. R. 8. Payne.
dar lut week.
thedr Cbristmu exorcises
John Tb*er bu rented the u«
E. cm h. In Chleas.. on butaeu will hold etenln*.
Dec. !lor Nra.~PBsnle Hama.
Hr. and-Mrs. N C. Montmn "( 'hr Sslurdsy
Hr. and Mrs. Wm. -TrliHett of Wal
m It
!VA»T KAM^N. >
loon lake are here vtaHlog fri.-nil*.
Wllbnr Strt-lc.
. ,
How-S Thisy
Mli>s Adah -Thayer retained Sam
B. 8. Podkord pnrchoua aw
The Infant child of Mr. and Nr*.
- -------lut Fr
iB TiaeerBe---Obarler pnsaod away Thursday M«erThe dine eocUl bold at Ur.
___Ibert UfWla node ^ eoebaiifo
FuneSl oervlcoa «er« IwM at ell and .cnhrr poUUs in soalhvm Mlc
Hra. Lewi.- wu weU oltendod.
tf berate 1^ wU*.
me Sondoy, Her. lUrlbol oiri
____ __ jearllBs proceeds will 6® lo trim the Christmas
J. D. Brticbt butAerel
Fred mekcratm retomed to Je
ItMT loot week, two osort'm end ^
any west lo empire Nondny
W^«r wirteh browbt wtthln

,¥« “vrr-.’s-


... 8 K





-L •

WUbmit Htttce *



u r®

Nr. id^10. *otc



*Tdf*and Hrs. Frank Sinclair ot lake
toruined about Sfty at their friends at
Ann were riallln* wlih Hr. and
Bert Gray and Hm. J. Abbce.
Mr. and Mrs. Dora BarilMI am hare1i(«a plaeed on the market. Th<-y,
Hro. Wilbur Wilson’s son of Inland
spntdlnE B few days la Traveru City.
institute was held here
□cr»- ini
Hra- If. E. Gill eoterialncd sixiceo
inc-ulsy. Many Inlcresilns ad
Rekob Wilson Saturday and Sun- friends Saturday cvenli
Candy and nuts were past






r?he" K«rclur. '•C?

.............. .

I t • It • i.l • M • •


You can sstwhat you want here

.>S»«.ar N-w V—r Wo /kll.




jWalaf*tAnniock«r inat like ent; 3100
oan baT« the: ae«k
wtltcr ewe or «ob.
Uer, finiebed in




will Iwy a nii-o Par­
lor Lamp, just Bui-h
a lamp aa other deal,
on ask from $:t.30
to $4 for. Onr assort­
ment of lampa embraon oycrythioE
from the chfeiprat



Comb. Desks, up from.............. 12.00
Ladies’Desks, up from


up from.................... .......... 14.00

For s Rcwd solid
oak Mo'rria
Chair, back adjttstaUe to any
pctoUai. two^^
p ieco cnsliion, ]
moQB^ on ball
bearij^ caetora.
Other* up to


Buffets, up from........................ 12.00

Parior Cabinets, mahosany.


other style raekeri as

Sideboards, up from................$15.00

For a full aize. well matlo Cooeh.
u3>holstercl in Rood iirjde velotir,
heavy Bolid frame iiml Rood ateel
•priuRi. Olbcya np to $?J.50. includinR t'lTry Riatle. from the
chtaiioel to.llm vw>'
makf ail i-l.vaot present. It will be
u pleasim- to show you the line.

the market's lat­
est stylos in
frame and up.

hami lamp up.

' Music Cabinets, up from..;......


Dining Tabies. up from...........



Dining Chairs, up from...........
Parlor SUnds................... ......



them over.



ViU bnyoni^f ibcwc^e.

l-or a beaoUfnl Iwge Bead Booker.
fmt like e&l, veB made and fin.
hbediatheDMk .WsbaTeaUtge

and bam! cotin-ly sqmrato

too ».b ■».«, in..™..
t«a >toi

■■nn-T-* at these ned rtxkars
to oboose ti«n.


will make on eleitont pUl
ami IB acmoUiing that wiU
be appn.cialcd tor yuan.



Odd Dressers, up from


30x72 Inch Rugs, up from • ■ ■ - ■


Carpet Sweepers, up from......


Sleds. Shooflies. Doll Cabs and Toys

F(H a . bMutifnl all
(pouter aawtsi, band
polbbril Arm Rocker,
shaped roll feat, all
postt. spiDdlea nnd
(ttreteber* tnrned.
fintAed in the latest
sotdenosk. A cbm
that will last a lifetime.

We «U1
gnnt tiSB ^Bootbinatkm gams board. Get
yoon faetoie they are

«r9nre'Wci|Ar Until iSlHr4«^<TkW«

isTORES AT TRAviftSE Clfif,


AdAM trea the ftB
Harrr Borarar aad Pat saaria «aa:
ira or wood at (he trartfiplieaaiof
cot their
<» tbe Jointer k ' ' '
ravB two dapB la« veefc.
hue workta* at CU«ei
i mill.
Vtm. TMtea'B brother has }oM arrthU
H. Becker of
ti' place.
' *r. vbo li pen-,
rod traa th* eoath tor a rlali.
e. bad the__«rieBeer
Hra. Whaler ebDed oo Hr*. H. W
.eak me cf Ua boree'e
idina K to
"wb*ftSteTiMjwlplOfB. War
_________here ftoo
There are iwrea
boau <B the Manle?oTtie^hel*bbcir* aiteoded the
StTabb *e^ *M AetteerM hr
..................... The} are etopplof at ihe
^ermrr—- We hope ^.Trlhta*
viD «orh la h*rtw»T
J*5. ‘
°‘S?T:.Srte- Mr. Predertt* of’
- - tlu Bptrtt ma tb*t Weafe
BberaUB ailed a a aoBber of Olc«..
• «lll tore food »«h <*• »l

ss?£ijrs^.sasr..MhM JflMM mur wfll hft** •
OtWHUU'trM ^ Mpm tor bor

ntat^w tpend tt» d«r.


5i.SflrSJi ~

__e tv^kllo of UBf Lake U r
huTIeTm^tdpaiBita. Hr. aod Hr*.

d^r^ac we. lan«r atteitM
«ae BM ahd the
AH lialir •*»

Dee, li
*^r. *S*Sri' mi* lUiMd for the
MBihen p*rt or tbe mie to ipeod the






to Work On
WockI Workll WofktIJ

____ her* froB Banrca u. Miead the

° HkfeS^ MUIef «ae ouU* »tek
oeek. hot U belter.
Th* box cocUl held at the achaolhoaae la« treek bioufhi..................

the pace.' la
Loti oieneityii needed to keep
the itrottle, the nun with the stroo| body and dsar
brain win* oat every time.

- bBlIdtn* a gubdar ecbooL.
i.__ .r. ...I.. ..

The nun of to-day need* fometUni men then
■WKfood: he need* a food thataakaeaetlT—* food
IP mor* ON.

Hra. McOiBB. «bo ha* bean a«v[
_ *
uiac tor her tUter. who I* ierioueU,
U ha* come hcaie asata.
Jd aa.
1 • M here fi
from cainp t
d r J. R
‘^W* are laforaied that the Charts Joba RaaeoB l
_______ Mr. aad M
Tbe Infani chlli
Maaa fara l» *old to J. ■«*«- The
not rerr well at i:
• —*— —• to TT***f*e
* the deal.
Mr. «od Mr*. Mill)
a elaoth binhdar at tbe Clei
“uitle Erttett VaafhD ie *ulie alek. eiroBer. have more
own borne.
(roB ao aaWNd boameiB » P««^
Parker and HIM Uabel Cave-e iBrrted Dec. mb at the'
hoax or
of toe
the orMiee
brtde’r elfteT, Mr*. Good* I
u Mae
. . Welch, vbo fcae bc*B •
^h.^v. ^Klnner .^Irhjlln^
It North Mlltoe.
MIItoB. returned ho
Inf at

SSSsfe."sr; .r.'vsw^rssisj
n he •
yractMi U the Co

oij^ <
MB rUlted leUUrot I Ibti

**tr. BBh Mr*. AlUngtoB ■
UlBlBS Utlr Bother. Mr*. F

™« ^

•iBln vere Mred.
Doc. Jl. ItOi._________


'“£2“oi'-£r.'X-«. »-

i. who be* been help.
In th* opwilBl «?«
hm. hMiMU^ te imllBBA

.,-, M/a.
Mr*. Baitoa t.
Mr. aad
aic coeeU
foeeU <rf
oT W. R. 1PaHer
bars ai»
famiirand vUe
qtr Thor«i«r.

^ Bheman.

"M^BaHe LbaaoB. who baa
Morhlnc at Trav«w Cltr. retamci

That this U becominf known more and more cvetp
day is attested by tbe sale of nearly 400.000.000 packatetof UllMda ■Imesiit. the fincit soda cracker
ever baked. An enerfy-fivins food of sarpasrint
Taloe—soid in a package which brings it to yoa with
all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre•erved. TrmJy du food to ^ori on.


Rtal Catata Trantfer*.
guntoj*^it^»r**j.°£ olrSi'of "rak
Atlev E Thomat to J M. Thoma*.
QoUe a outaber fro® here alieodeU eM of •'* of
'**• *•
range >?.
%^!’'ir 8. lurkbam of Ataa<* the faman' laelltoie at Will'H. W. Tbomat and wife to J. M.
Thomas ae>k. tec. 34. town ». range f
M*Bdt ta PMoaker ihl* oerti.
-------Bailth aad damier J»
A. M. Cray to Geo. B. Ooddard. lot*'
33 and 34. block 3. H, U * Co.'t Ut.
*B^. Doe. II. to Hr- »»d Hr*. Roj
Wm. B. Wood* io Samuel I). Po« '
*Mrt? u'?Wklter rtolied her
ter. parcel*, an. t. town «. range It*
KAt. *. Waiter ahtf famUr. at Trar.
James Hnerw and wife to John
erte Otr the lallar part of the owh.
Hlet K«Ik PWer of Trarerae Cltr
Horton. Iota I and «, Wllhelm'a^d
alUBdad the raaeral of Hn. Ooo. BaaOra A. Carpenter to PeartloV G
S^irUleh «aa ^eld at th* Clark
jkarerac Otr. Batardar rven- peoier. patert. *cc. S3, town 3f. range
lac Dae. II, HIb Kai^topelMd^rt


AlthoBih Mine people Huy not realize It. yet it is
a fact, proved and estaUiihed beyond donbt. that soda
cracken-and this means UlMMla •toCUlt-sn
richer in nrascle and fat-makim eiementi and kawe a
miKh hUher per cent of tissEe-bidldinf propeitka
*b«n any other article of food made from floor.




* froB Peawtek FVIdajr.
Laura LMon U TlaUtaf her
araeddaufhier. Hr*. H. C. Core, at
TraretM dW f* a fe* dm.
Mr. aad Hr*. D*« Bln* Tleliel
Trarer** Cltr orer Sondarfrlead*
Hr*. Orr
- - child of
Hri. P. C.
are pieiu of her


VM IB the her for ihelier


to Olen HaI alao took In Empire
or the MBe dar.
tlor of tbl* place went

6l£ AttoB

"im OH hS h «Ht*o« frt*-"**
liter ha* E
r a week.


Whoever jroo are—whatever you are—wherever
yoB work- Uw—Biflcult*

“ar.;si" Ki-r;™™.





Allema^ aadJtor A. CWeker
oirieiauiic. (Bly
prwaent. Mi
cd the friend* belne preaent.
iker bat made o*^ 21"?!
fri^s here
and Ror ba* a hot
Oeorgta A. McIntosh to Carrie Bhep
who Join In wlebln*
ard. •% Iota 11 and 13. block D. Fife
life. * They
Ith Charlie Cope- Lake Lumber Co.'s add.
Mb* tbetr bMM with
land eoath of the Ceo« • for tl
Frank 0. Pratt and wife to Mary N
e plra
ter. where they wU:
ammond, lot* 13 and 14. block 3. F
me*t their many frie-----R. Birch I* bere from Toledo. Ohio,
Martha Seeley t
to apIBd the wlaler with hie family.
Ar^le Bhaaddr* ha* a new home,
■ »eti
H. H. Ollbert and H. C- Waiwn
Fred Avery aod wife lu Martha l
epeat last week la Traverac City a*
Settij. elk of seM. a«.y.
Jnror* and wUI go back to Tran
town 37, range
Albert D. Moorlned and wife
the Mhool here one day U«t week.
Adriben O. Ramw}-, etj of aeU. -'w'C
Hill Bireet ecbool li Will wllbool
3t. (own S3, range 12.
Joseph Blmau to Blemor Biman.
Born, to Mr. and Hi*. W. B. Baiey,

"S,."SS, „d «r, V»~ «.««

Hra. Prank tlolett.
^eL Min* made a badneta trip to
There will be n OirtKimn*
Walton tail Thuradar.
the church next Befurday
Fred Haallton has
erybody U Invited to et
*’ilr,^T?S'lor. who weol hnntinic deer
Mr. and Hr*. F. C. Tabberer altead- bare a good time.
ed tbe wnddlns of Hollla Thbberer and
Tboa. Fbeter rialiail b*r par- Mlaa Hair Ralcbt .1 Hodge Bondar
Bereral from here attended qnaierly meeting at Wexfor........... —
Law Saturday aa Eai
iria Btdhc boardibf hoaae a
the grooad Thuraday afternoon. Dec. 7 yearat. waa coming to
14. at about 10 o'clock. Oae child, a with hit two elder broil
shot In the buk of tbe neck. The
the fUtloo here ooe
frightened broiHer* rad up to Mr. Rutfront their .bernt while tiyta* to reach aeU's and he took the little fellow
the neighbor. The Bother had gone borne. Tht ' wound bled so badly Uii
worhlBf la the lamber weod* >•
to a neliaibor'*. ahoot a quarter of a they coold not tell bow tertoutlsy Ik
It U Dot known who did
Bile dletgnt. for a pall of wmti
T&i‘latM*h^ tdl. Bor
the sbooUng. da no one wa* in alghi
alao la eearch of h^ oldett boy
tat with Mfht asd paieeaf^.
The wound le very palafnl. The ghat
UK-F^t taa. .b^chlld.«
. MlBi BBIe HalTeraao of Trarer
passed under (he cord in (he back of
Cltr arrlrgd thia Boralac on the II
the neck and out JuxAelow the ear.
----------- -----------,-.jnt» are I
acd* aad wlH teach our aebaol the eoi
Will Cotdi Is quit* alek.
broken orer iheir kiaa.
ft* poverty social at tbe lowo
While working «i Ander»ou'» camp
‘it.rtd'l^rit and JoBtpb
about eight mile* we*t of bere. Clar Usi-Tueaday evening given by
Bonben of the tUe aaelac crew
Ladles' Aid society wu a very plrasence
CaiertaTOi^ arrired here Snndar- tl
year* of age. had bolk hit leg* broken ont .stair. n» pnioeedt tram the
•untoa hMInt eloaed Mar. »Mh.
per amounted to $1S.
above tbe^nee*.
He Ju*t went
Dee. f.
Mr. and Hra. Kennedy retanied
work on Batnrday and bad been w<
borne from ibair visit
in aoulherti
lag only a few hour* when the a
Michigan law Friday.
hai been quite ilck dent oeearrad. He la being rand
Hra. Glennie Paul and Madge Pad­
at the dy boteL
* boMert at
. ihia arlitaf.
visited Mrs. P. Howaid Saturday
lB*a :preached
It Teaadar *Whlai.
There will be a Chritimai
Aid' W OrMr'Miiireh
the Iowa hall next Satunlty
OBiTBe OodDec. 33. by a program given
« by t
tortr people

tsi &*40 of nlk of nwM. aec. 10. lunn

>. range 10.
lard Rntlilng. iir>i of eeM. ear. 31.
Btheltoda G. Davis to Joseph Mtx- luwn 3K. range 3.
auer, lol 4. block 3. H.. L. A fo. * Wh ‘
Rudotr Wledocfi and wife lu Joseph
BmalU. lot 7 and wH lot «. block II.
P. H.a 3'd
Cha*. J. ElmW to ChrUtopher J.
Oaraelt acd wife, lul 30.
BayPark add,


Bari J. Cooke and wlfeAtf Elmer E.
White, paiTcl*, Oakwood/ add.
Areble F Millet, guardian, to Kl

llefaiag. lorturlog skin erwpikwa. «i»
Hgure. annoy, drive one -wild. Doga'S
Oiaimtei briag* quick rellH and lawIn; cntei- -Fifty c«i* at any drat

Idia boeieeno

I of the Old Try and Try
Again Method of Sell-


K.^“ _

Cures luuhache. t
»i. He*

Why Buy McClure’S

j Milehell. pareels.
Harluw B. Cowles and wifo to How-



Eelertrle OH,

mar B. White, lot 43. Keala Hokeu.
Hlrgm Carson to Floyd W. Crati
dall. parcel, acc. 33. town 37. range II.
Itasi Hay Luatoer Co. to Tboraion

___ * ‘AampiVtw
_l «M1 attended and all r


1 ameitai la lb4

_____ btoSt
Many Ills
Throagh an error la procrraadtal aa ram have
with fMity dh
Item la last week's Umg lAke eorre- ge.ll ___ -1 liver sad i
spoodence was giren Inrtw^My. It el*. nurdurk Blood »li<
sbonid have read that Hr*. Rlchardsoa
M>Id iwii dp-ssed hugv. weighing 7Gt
pound*, for 340.14. /. ,

ing Classes?

IF BO.>leaae call an« allow o
to abow yon wbal we mean bj

HR-ST-t-THErkli-E. Ilcuaubule mtkdlajw pm.erlmathaBlra«
>r* <d reading matter,
numlwr. for over lliirleen hundn<l twu
-five b
coning anywhere InM
aitHMni* 111 a-tual bulli to twenty or twenty-five
Ur lu iwu dulbr. a vuluac.
SBCOXIt—t.X AI-ITV. The reading matter is wrillen l.y Amerir*'* laedinf
wriirte—Ihe U*l seurt siory writer*, (be l.eil wriler* on limely artirlse. Ihe hart
jwrilera'd impurunl .erialw •eth a. Schorr'* KemUiwwra or Bakeri* Kallroed
1 article*.

A Thorough Examination

have straightened b
of patients whose
lenses and testimon*
use of of our special ground
iats from those whose hudaches <we have cured
after others bad faile<L


The resdirtg matter In H.CIsiv'* I* nul only feed;

nui only entt^Minlag. amuwng. ■r.*ineiive and inspiring-il i* atou abeel tto
lyc lslii which yuu and aS Amerirari. are murt inlet, strd el the lia* ' Slu SuW
(he iieil iwri.-e month* are going to be w. iaporUnl ar the q<
lj« t. in (I
r«i1rta.l rates ami twlates and tbe que* ion of life lesirrniree. Both o1 tl
will le- diw-usted t.y autboritie* in an iaperlUL caretuk intetraliag

McQurc’s Magazine

inyourhome is Intended to work only fur good. Send fl-m* ludsy far one year*
^Iravipiiun, or leave an order at your Unk-Mura. Noiwahra and Deewmber frae


with new .uberiptioo* L>r iqub.
K. S. StcCI-l KE COMPANY. 47 JaM tjd Street, NEW VOEK
V.Mjcan.-im a gmnlinnnDeby taking ■pthebcaineaof wearing cnlamben (et
McClutr'*. It
Clesn and sell-respaciieg-a publication any manw. women wwnH
like-l->reirrewnl. Tbe nty I.
cent, tor each fil.oo cuIrKription, m addltluo
i to b.g cad. priie* fur the brat work. - Writ# lo^y fur foU porlletdxra.


Sr. B^casa'i^'reoh a taMBra'of

a Wloe wortaed
hMcka Bade hr
.Sa^nrplS^parv ^ ft win a graad


TWa ta a vlui qaeattoa.
It b fraught with taierew to TruAfter s heavy meal, take a conple of
ene aty.
Doan'i Reguleis. and give your-----It petmiK of only one at
aeh. llvw and boweli the help
It rannot be eraded or l_
A Trarerae City cUImb epcak* bere.
BpBihs tor tbe wetthra of TnrBne

S tUoelr
Aa. Hra. Ooddard Bt ‘^A Htlma't waiaaMBt le reliable.
Ah utter ctrangWs doabtful.
rlalttag wu bar eoapaar that erraHome ptoof It tbe be*t proof.
ta*^e id ahe know of Ibeatontag
ta the kll^Mi or of tha apaC^ ^ . P. C. thiflta. «f MltehcU etraet. CadMIeloo* wkei aad other eweeti hid IHac. a freigbl brakemsh on tbe G. R.
I, R. R- nmalng between CadllUc
*W ta bB-eellar. She aal rocking la
rer aav
> really
•y Pllh.
tere. Mt. Ooddard waa ta Trarer*e
ana be depmided npon to core kidney
^ nn tuBtae*i aad did not eap
complaint. Tbl* It my experience; I
^ nptU Etaordar OtMtag.
1b Mo^t hiB tMiaa Ob tl*
£ train. Peiftapa yoa caa Image the veara. and always enjoyed (be beet of
* - d took b* *01* when be cnBc hralth. until about two yean ago.
when my kldaeya either wrakeaed or
1 toSered tnnn:
Id aching Ila Ihe tftmll et the
_ , eiteot that 1 was I
a topper wM waltlog tor
a such an
A railroad engineer who I
• ig Of oyntera aad----------aa't Kidney PUIt adritedl
I try them. The treatment re- me. 1 etopped it. the trouble
, ____________ d by the rioir. T
returned. I reaoned to the pnii agnlo
h plera waa tlod be With Ton 7
tor o tow dart, ahotber ralapte tolI Idpet Again-" A abort enierta
lowed, when flnany I decided to take t
en by Hr. aad M
whieh WBI grenily en- ttorqkgk eonrae. I need eix boxes
a>. Then
fhen Hr. aad Mr*. Ood- Bine* th*k. and thB U Bontht ago. I
it by all
hare not notleed a atafl* ay«ptom of
• thw w«*
Per tale by



Reommber tb* i
Jrai then. At they lene* ihlt nelghtake pa other,
where they Uvml
e. 1».
yrart. and go awny amasg
Ltoy raa lank at (hat qnlU aad thlak
the kind, krtlng hand* that made
U-aadotihe BMypItamibaniatbar . If w* wtah to *» to Britanr tn 8«tmnl ttwether and of that parthsalar day acHool we win have to go at itSft
aod priMhlBg fallewtag. as the time
changed to that hoar.
*’5rt*kettofg It drirtng
, Fred Warraa has berti belplni
O. a Hraaa.
„ ,

DR. P. L WOIFE, Fini. BR. B. L tWSBB, iuitliiit
Butte A: 8-4te Wilhelm Blot

Travorw* CttV. Mich.

Mr. Man
Remember that STEINBERG BROS, is

Tlic Right Place!

now for-

There is but little lime left in which to do your
shoi^iog aod that Kule can be put to excellent use
here. Have you thought of giving good, substantial
gifts? The practical things make tbe !most accepuble
presentfl—and this store has the practiial ihiogs. We
suggest a few of our li[y»:


to purchase Xmas Gifts at p<H>ular prices for YOUNG and OLD
P.S.-BKlNGtN YOUR DOLL TICKETS aot U'.er than Saturday cveoiDg.

CoIKt fissil*.
CoHjilsM fiosdi.
Fancy fistos.
Dwcltlt*. Elc.

C o'clock, as the great contest will close at that hour.


l^itv Book Store


tmwtru atf, mkb.




America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,



whose subscripion is paid one year in advance, to January 1, 1907.

pis is the Finest Premium Offer Ever Mede by a Michigan Paperh
FARM AND FIRESIDE heis from 24 to 38 large pages, I I by 16, ^ach and every issue, contain­
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Anierica. There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
and read in nearly 400,000 of America’s best rural homes twice every month, 24 times a year, by

The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made whereby both the

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OIML.V ^1.00
The only condition is that $1 be paid in advance for the Herald. You will get the two papers for
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before January 1st.
The offer is open alike to old and new subscribers to the Herald. If your subscription^ is now
paid to January 1, 1906, send $ 1.00 this month and you will receive credit for both the Herald and
Farm and Fireside in full to January 1, 1907.
If your subscription is not yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in
advance for the Herald, and you will get Farm and Fireside free for one year. Remember, $ 1 .OO in
advance from old or new subscribers secures both the Herald and Farm and Fireside for a full year.

IllalsaMilfler'-llisGiiilAiiiliereiilliillnM SUks.


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