Grand Traverse Herald, October 05, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 05, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Pages 11»6


wl'ih Us little cniicbes; of the dingy

Don’t Much Cor*.

room* where they bad lived; of IIiUj
Bertha's Ockness and doalfa. Then fol­
fdaee -!• ruDBlnj; down,
ntai Uie Held* «rc bare and veedr lowed Ibe fourney won, and tbe gmt
hope and lay with which they ba<I s^iand ibe paloi l« Mralaa brown.
.TteBt bam to and ibe reaaon. you can Hod upon wbsl they bad
tVbea a f«nn li rxUos ocedy mad Ui«

•ee l( cvery*bere. '
T%e owner bales ban! labor, and be
don't nueb ore.

Me grew very bot ud roslless st

CQodi are eo^tlnr otalb, last, ud his hark began to ache
When the owner* nerer d(ul/em. but Twisting about so that be could lo..k
)B(t tell a diMul tale '
out of hli low. euriainicss window. ib‘
And abeui the bard ilniGe bellow—the boy gaxed Into the waft dark of the
reason, too, U there.
Tber lack In ihrlli and method, and
don’t n>Dr{i enr*.

•pose," he

its snug resling pbre. where It may added cTOsitly.
have bin for ball a hundred years, for
"How shall I do tbai?" asked Donah
aught anyone knows lo the contrary. Asgerly. "Will yon show me. pleaseT


Detroli a short Ume ago undec tbe
auspices of the Detroit branch of the

Nov t Came Praaerv*.
aner each riia to tell tbelr osm stow.
Wltbonl t >»br the oddest and one' a^ Ibe hidea of'palntcd canvas will

:Iy rrtolcd { of tbe most iorevesilng "wild game"; not sanriioa deception..
. strange occult experience* of hi* ’ preserrea lo Ibe worid Is that arhlrn
This ebberwte nrehaaleal f— pre-

••aiep In here, bub: I ropkon Ikln llx own. as ccnneeied with work done In; bat been eaiahllshcd by Clarence

The bd Arveyed bis |>nzc- with Inter­

U U|> for ye." growled

est. turning ti over and over
shell was uhkiag (p shspe- ud about
called "our fA>m."
• And «h. It iKD'i our farm afier all! ' nine Inrhes long. G’-.-.-yi and mossy,
bo moaned aloud. "If I could only do like tbe stones among which It han
something to help!"

>nicD a etore U lotlna cn«u>»l the

belter reglaivr the

lodged tbe obicci of hit euriosliy trom

These forces. whate>-er they rosy real-1 the animals are made

eost ye a maiu-P-of m
An' so ve won't tell n

serve was fllted up by E Nlelioa. one

of steel Uii thU bvenlor, hst given Nr. Nackay

It be. are called "invisible belperw." | where they are propelled along 1;lile. eminent aaUs^^loo. and the mlllionMr. U-adbeater cblms, that w hen wci iracka by cleeiricUy. In this.big pro- air.- owner ha\ l^-n Indulgtag lu a

bln so long, it tnlglil •-a.-^lly have ee- lK)xr" he resumed, the process's
taped the eye of a carcles* observer. Uitratton lelngAi l<

sleep our souls lesva our bodies, abd ' serv^ there are one or more fashion- j succesnon of suerewsfull shooting |iarwr. "Ibe true men within, go out inP> able hunting parties every week, yet .ties aU winter.—Detroit Tribune,

-It's as heavy as load," he mullered. ^
rtblly s
"I wopder if the ftoai is gix>d to ewi." | stammered the boy. "so I ean'i tell,
will] that be puJIe.i out his knife and |


Ibe tigber spiritual "pbnes" lo the ' kay, the muHI-alll.lotutlre, on bis gTval of the head electrtrbn* of Ibe Totial
way of helping pi-fsoni In dlalres*. ] esuie near Hosslyo, U I. w bore all of feli-graph Co Tbe Ingenious work 'rf

M.-iillog his spcclncles

the -universal ether that Imorpt'Oc->ever a drop Of'blood U shed
irsifts physical matier. ud (bere we jand women have their adyeoturew with

"Oh. ho!" said Ur. Jenkins. "H’s

can meet -and do rnoei our dear, dear [ mechanical te«sis of the. forest and!

Insert It l>vlwi'
summer glgbl. all alive with winking edges of the she!!. T'<ec reaiiin-with­ wagged his old head wisely,
stars. Near the hoiiron bung s-pltncl. in. having ho mln.l for a morning call, w'.-m hack in his chair.

friends " This Olghi l.t called golugl Jungle. Are real bullets at them from I
Into tbe astral plue. and It Is Ihcrel WIncbesteiv, end- iboit blood ribrtlU

Some fhi
vack lot ev.-ry mornjSfl. TT»ev
'here Is


nroand ihe doorys'd. Tbit
"Hit watch. mebiM'; guoss Dt:Bl»r'*_ ifat the soul finds Ihe oppyrtunlllre j w!1b the excitement of the bunt, but
wl-y' osemhing looks so like Ibu
lo spoil my knife." got 'i-Qi, banl ail' same's he glis to help others who are In their waking I they never take a life.
ises. and who are In duger, 8o|
In the wildest pan of Mr Markay's
Ten Blames
ihoiigblfully: lots of oitacrs 'ai's smartern UcKrnabout''
righi tinwa g«»l
ale. Tell ye. Dunbar knows how o git says }ir. L*adbi>aicr. and airtopos is ] large .wiaie several hun.lred acre*' ’•f"'"'
. When hi* eMbee are soiled and nnsty
booting 'be bouse jani would kei-p everytblus
folloirtng story given ns bis own '
me." He rioked hl» eyes, almost fev)-'your mansion, my venerable friend.' bnd cheap!" And i
I turned I
and be’a saUsBcd to shirk.

Choosing his stoutest blade, be triei
' 'When he claims the world Is ycUo« Ing the swin flight of the groat earth j
1'U splendid If we have a ll!lto
ing one of ibq angels, or "astral help­ struclod ihrough the game p/eser.i.
mdle through the vast and ablnlng again. This time ihe edge* parted i down for another nap.
aad his life Is bleak and bare,
It cnMses little kiveams and makes a ‘kixtut l.-n or twelve to ru the 1a«n,Donald
meapwhile was ^Impbg
‘The wind sighed
aofily Utile with u Indignam splutter. Thi
Bb name U Peter Tumbledown,
Uui let us give him a im now
bd quickly followed «i> his advantage wearily fcomewned along the *i«y
••Ope day Cyril and 1 were tfavcilnc :'wtndlng eircull through hill* and vah
be don't niiM^ care.
lieiri rtiad. "Most liki^y HI never bear of through the anral worM When sudden-! leys, trnw-rslng tn all a distance of, •"•I 'hen H «'• '<» be « orHty laneand Ihtt c«>ol fragiwnee floated lu. with ud In another mobeni tbe great she
Iv lu‘heard the eh o'a child In pain, i *everal miles. Tbe fsllwa,
i, ; some buslrt.-s, all alone U-t ns a,-H
thing again." h< was ayirg??'
a poacutui eotind of crbkeis winging In lay oiwn. It was richly limsl •i.hl
The Worth'of Tell.
MV moved in'the direction of the eomplciely hidden from view, ul i'b* ik<l
‘n ■ *b»e and wee bo* •,
at last, soothed and motherof-pearl of Up- dalnilifi possh the ihlqg again." be was saying
.Yin Boblfwt men I know on «ai
sound, and. coming to a lonely rilff.' •’bete Ihe nature of tbe. ground ,!*:“««' “‘••ee vim ..e w ilt pul Inlo n
comforted, the boy slept.
.ble shade of rosy IIWc, mehing Inlo himself delvctfCly. "And I've rp,
Are.Ben wboac hands anr brown
.Hts mother sras.kindltng a lire In lb? pure white, aad Irld.-sccni wlih lift­ in sending It, nearly nil the money'I found Ibat n hoy of in or M year, ba-1:
'hat tremube humcr's poriilon It;
" eomes to U- "hi. turn" aaln.
With toll;
tsllco ove- it, ud CI.1 an*.*brul»cd. ^ w«"'l
l-owdlil.- to toe the track. I«>^eri- aiv w.- when It eumwa time
cookwove by the dim light of the ing tints of pAk. green ud dull blue. bad saved lo (iiiy a new algebra.
Wbo. backed hr no aneoetral CTar<
!ni<-fdiagg>-d heaVliv ii
early tbwn, when she beard Ihe noun I The hapless oreupaat. looking
•ciltfis root,-Let ■*' fringed with bni.hwood sud eiB-lclothes on wa.h-,
was hanging lo a pro>w-iltt
Ucw down Ibe atwds sad till, ibe
• .
—. •
Aa...,iWa I.A..L -a-A a, aha
of Ikioald's crutch no the floor. I.ot>k-| Ilkna great oyster, by In R de*po|le.1 ! o.-xt ibree or fner davs
s help him quickly, or he'll dir.' ex- l>ukmca
place 4* n g4hi empty forest, a'llhlf*'^' Tb“' '• hazdlv fair '
l•lon.«Im sulkily bolding
afit-rnoin) found the lad on his way to
ing up. abb saw tho boy's pab
-Atd^wla thereby a prooder ftne
glut tri-e*. bills ud slopes ud riv.t-! maimge to 1m- around where we-eae Ilf.
kept kerret.
Donald lifted. It.
the poslonee.
"I saw that in order to' atop the
Thaa follown-hlnK'e or srarrtor’a n
I a’ tbe wheel a llttli- when wife Is tired .
tiln Nje R
started wijb snn>Mse. Within
•'ll might be there today." be whu•Why.'Donald."'shf said, "w'hy t
bleeding it m'ouid be neccsaary .io have
But when the motor power by wbk*
‘•re h.av. dav'a work. Wv will
(•cred,. a n. rvous cai.rh’ In his breath
whate’er tfaelr
J awake no early* It isn't 6 yei.'
Jog bollow toy a.sitiall obj.v
1J.-CI- of
phialcal help. -Oncy us must inrjii
‘1 know ii.luvrbe'r: bin I wanicl
same delicate rosy hue. gll-'ienlng roy"Any mail for NcKctuJc. bey? Wall,
the animals are driven ts-wet a> worh j
•" '““e
»»>? “ *Te*« ‘‘“•I
teriajlzed. that is. m\iwl lie made vis
•c for—fc
Tn'carre the abno or ■•ear tl
help. Do you think—do you suiipose
aloeplhg game preserve awaka|mL’™*ff;
to the ordinary, world, to tic the
—that ! could make Ike -Are
,«.u. aln'
|■lntc• I fe. As tn n shooting gallM !-•' n* bsw ihr polaloe* for kitchen
bandagia sad so that the wounded boy
where TWbblu ud pi»i make a maaT“»* « • nl«'c where the wife eu wet
And Mr. Jenkins looked shsrply
large a* a ripe marrowfat pea.
. They «*ar npea their boaesi brow*
might be sasured by sa-eing ^e one
When a man aol* fraved and rusty
sad so H»ser likes *u work,

Tbe royal aoal and stamp of OodI

shining In solemn golden splendor.

reslstril stoutly-.

-I too am on h-world," he though;,
"which shini-i as li sweeps along. God


-Make Ihe flrcT

Than diamonds tn a coronet!

nlaet and

bolld tbC:

Ood bless them:!

for tbelr bwarthy

Rare -wnmcbl the i^ory of onr hgMls.
—The Technical World.

breath—"It look*


Tbi- ton of -his siKTtarleR at Ihe


"ll'i. postmarked New York."'he


maieriallr.Kl Cyrit and.

siay»] at bis vide to K-II him what lu

- adlolnlns room be could see Ms father rod ud get me a dosen fish for break-'
aad motber.sUUnt near the table. HU fast. Tht-rv's plenlr of tlmi\ ud fa­
mother was mmidlng a pair of trous- ther'll lie sure to rwllsb them .with ;
bll of baron."

•rs. which be recognl^ as betongin*
to blmteif. . 8be sighed ss she glsaced

- And so Uonnld i^seoily fouml him
la B dbeonraged wsy at tbe big htskei. wolf In the ■bsirKot^th.-.pInk dawn.
There was a vague, srarm amvll of ripe

OB a piece of paper: preeenily

breeze that was bnisUlng ibf- mists off

paseed\Uib orer to h|s wife.

rees by the rfv.-r bank.

scurry across Ibe srenes to u-M ih- ■>•••“> «»""•" r'reicblng or wiral^g
aim of men ud l«y*. so lo Clarence i b-r«-l| lurewrb over tbe l.q. i.f nftigft
Mackar'a.prcsecTo dor-n. of animals fblo.

Manv a womu has come to bee .

do tlu- same. Through ibe op<-n places
and in the dense woods anlnula dseb

along at biiA speed.
The railways run .in u irregvlaelllpsc. and nt the end of the run the
tnit-k on whii-ii the animtl Is mounted
passes over a switch wftich. «x>rklnc
aiitomatially. Rhui* off the current

In short, wbro good tilings nee going
around. whV not let them



If molaaav* is good for uy- .

body, will It not awumen all tbe fofki. big and IlUle?
Hnwtore these Ulbigs at >xmr bonsc?

The ulmal cointw to a slop In a sunk­
—Finn Journal.
en pit. In which the-marker, wbo it

also the electrician, is sralllng to make
Ceminp Rack.
careful, rciioris of Ibe aim of tbe
The wkiHe* like tbe Norteman. nrTbe family were Just sitting down to Bccdh cared for. I hasicnr-d to go lor -hunter*.*
i-onilng bnck to New England wnlcr*.
single flshl Ibe minnowR ate up Ib'i ttelr early supper, when the door flow (be mother, more tbu a mile disUn'..
bunttng presene,
foend her at home nltoui her dally'
III so. bu^I found-"
open and Donald btirsl in.
imslaugbr* of tbe wbnlc-r.
tjorl: at the time, rmt gjvi'ng a iho'nghr «bvre an- wfaoMlog todges. none Of
“rbepe you found an appeilic for
them noarer than l<c> yards to ih-„r
st* BMford, but
I )ii-r son. She ruuld not see me, bu
breakfast:' 'lnlemipl<-<l
bis moifatw-. "bow moch \i
opening, that havv lu-en cm aoimg
,hp|r „,i i,
longer in

iitsHy I urged on ber the bo.V;
-for It Is nrerly, Aii.l. Donald,
Ill' fnihcr ltH>k'-<l IIP In arionlKb
the trees In the rmiV- of the railway.! gn,,, oemniid for illomlnatliig pot, will you help Jaml.- ud Tiny a oj-n: not unmingl.-d with dlri.l..asur--.
Wh. n ibe miHhtraire snd his friend* p,,,,,!.
periiap. imagine (bat they
-lil'le with tbelr alrcsRlng'
i "What ilo you know alH>iit Mr. Dungather in test their skill as mark«-l,in
ttorfertly sale from the bar
e tad biirrled
di>’Ills I bar?" 1^ demaitd.-d:
then, with u
go and And that ^
take op ihclr position in j poons «t the decendant* of their old
mother's bidding
wltl.oui u.dher: glance at his wife, be addcl l.ltierl;
boy.' »he finally lUvlan.l. dreiiplng her ^
rticM- imiilons and awnit the esclut-^ f,,,., jq Hs-rta-h-iiTi*- Bay or In uy
he bad sudd.riilv resolved toi"Vnu Biav as well know; n.-ii wc.-j work and sunlng in ibe direction l'
krep bis dlscoven' * 'ecret for the will see the mortgage forecloM-J I ow- was ieadinR ber.
whclienri pit a> one end of the
>ln) -S90O.'
-When the mother came to her boy.; ,mptical track, sets going the little |
*1 uy rate may of (bw monsters
Breakfast t
' Wllhoui a word. DonaM laid an oiht Cyril vatilshcii. but not iM-fare she hail
m some animal, ud Hits animal. ,„f |pe wito have luum wwbat aabore
shot h'lniRLlt III'
telRure arrived;
letter and a little slip 1ft i«per befor- seen his angelic flgur.'- Thai night ;
„„ Its lonsj,,,^.,.,,
bwalutuu and mor*
room, anil, looking otg-r fals f<Ills falber.
wWlc again In my spiral iKuIy. I re-'ropcv.. through the wods and hl1U-!|„cl/ oni-> have tewn iaiu.-n for ih-.,
books. drew out hi* Physical Geo
" 'Mr.'Donsld McSeOzlc, Dear Sir:'
loroed in the humble home The moth-1 n,,.. punj^ have nn rbonre to sce^,p,,|^ *ca s.rpeni from'tbe ptoxmx
raphy. He turnip the h-ave* burfledly.i
^i* father, then pu«>d"
.look er was relating, story of divine lmer.!,h.. p,„, c^ing nor cu th£rgue«'„f
..p^r .
"I'm sorry, mother, luii I didn't get

he- boa hetvod. and :

be kaowa."
SHo came bari: prescally. a pllcher

anuaed MaL ' 111! nibbed bit oyps oY frothing milk hi ooe bend, a sioot
aleapily. then sat np ta bed! The door loaf in the other. "Drink some niilk.
lE bb mtic room Hood ajar, and by nouBld. boy." she said brlHkly. 'and
the tlsbi which aUaained In from the eat a morsel of bread: then lake ,vnur

like a

csa'i b.;, thougb: pearx gre while, an.I tinii.-d Rlosiy, "an' 'fUSany £ O

tbov eome ogc of the'oe-an. and yet—" ptlnt.-d, up in on- rorner. I^ i's
fnder my direetloh he look the
He caref>-l|y knotb-d the. rosy won­ that's where we si-m that.there
dccki-rcMef, from Ibe boy. b'lund It
sighed Ibe boy. disconsolately. "If Jt der Into the-eoroer of his bamlker la-1 week, ws'ni it? Thought }.- sai.r
a'd his thigh, ud with a stick
wasn't for my nnserable lameocsu. chief, hi* Bogere in-mblliig with exelle- yer pa sent that"
It tight to slop the H6w of
1—" Me slopptMl short (ti cboko dowa rneot: then. tbruRtlng ihoAreat sbells
"Pioasc give me Hie letter, xlr" erJe!
I. The lady saw and Ja-ll the mina sob.
lulu till- pocket, he pirkt-d np bis flib- Donald, hi" fa.v' white with anxlcl;,IMcriDg lianOs. ud. rousing fnun bis
itig tackle and rlarled for home at a ud Kuspeos.'.
HU mother was a wise wi>nia
brisk pace. Ills mother looked up as be
-J. rasalcm erlrkeis!
fd lam _j-ou stni>or and fright, nsld l6 the wbl'e
turned quickly and ru down tl
entered Ihe kitchen. The boy'R ibln goo<l ef you .wax my boy." began the. flgure at bla aide: ’Be j-ou an ugel
lar Btalrw, wiping her eyes wlgi
her -glngbaro apron. "Doar face was gkiwiug wiili liapplocss; his old iwslDiaMer wra.hfiilly:,liut DonaM
'No. only a 'l>ny come to hNp you.*
b^ri." Che whlaiH-retl, .a
a sudden
deli- eyes sparkled. She stnili-d. well salls- was already om of hearing. Ibe pr.renlicd rvril.
The boy's Immedlaic
rarntih stealing Into
rlous leitre safe In hts pocket.

ThaSaerwt of* Claim.
Donald McKeiule awoke with a
aoma untmual . soond.. had



has corny over you. cblblT "
-I can never do anytlilog lo help.'

, • Ood bless the noble worklnKniTO.
TMo {sar the cities of the plain,
Who dls Uie


"It IdokH." said Dtinald under his

Why, my .

pyway to
rather hive yon aleei..

And bricbler are tbelr drops of sweat

••I don't warn


Tbrnts It b in plsln A^rai.’ be plumes of grass ud crowds of brightMid srearlb.
fared flowerw leaned over the narrow then paused and ran his finger rti■Yhls 4* whsi we owe: and tbb b path, while overbead the birds poured
Hr down the page.
wbst I ealcuble the eluding crops forth the lumulluans Joj- o^ ibe new
"IVsris are small bodies fimnd
woBid bring In. Bm It's no-use; Don;tT. The boy's (see •brlghlvned; cither lu moiber.ot.iM-ari,*huII>-. or hi

incpiirinply. -\rtiai—what doc

venUon to Ihe wondering neighbor* I ,p„„ ,Po ulmal* an-likely jo aiqv^r


She told rrf the while flgure rdie'hair in .p.. ,I,Ue opening-. Tbe devrilaRhest,,,,,
seen, ud how h-r boy bad r.-fused ’ol.^^ss the first .ipcnlng. 100 yajjh ,
ici her remove Ihe l«ndag- s becauw'
,p,. fbooUng lodge. The "bunter" ;

,p^ whaling laduiirr


h.."noap„.d. Even if wv do Ml
,.irtiy<,vit» gas we cu hardly

bar won’t wsU n-dsr «ner tbe tenth; be drew a long fu^tb la delight.
those with a naert-ouf Ihilnp," he nmd.
Mr. McKenzie, eonilnued—Tbe he said Che kind ugel l-.y bad
are*. ,„d .*,.n. the. rapidly rimvlns I rcurn to burning the oH-lamp of. imr
be mitnnurcd aloud, "how 1 “They nre formed either by dlseast-. s|H*cimen which you sulimlit'-d to ii- them. The phypirl.n Who was cslicfl- o,^rk crosses the p.-xi opening, fhl*,
Wc haw plMUy of llgbi. .
lose the tdacer by—"
-love this plaee!"
provi-s. after careful esamtnailon, to laier said
" 'he t••n'« had
^e Hroot* agalfc.;
characlcr. '
After a long pause during which h<s'
-Tes. I know all tbai! Ab. ibis I*
He passed Involuntarily.
l>e an unusually flue jicarl.* The lex- been removed the boy would have ble...!j-renn .p,. ,„mt H may ,1-c ihai ibe ,h..„,h ,,Hess whale nil will al-..
mother examined the psper. u uswsai I want!"
euriy head, ns the flrsi hingrilfollnt
.lure and shape.are taiililesK: the. to death "
mechanfral animal goi-« dlmctly to tbe]
rem«iuie to tx- u article of cmn- '
loo* pucker between ber tired eye*.
-Round pcaris. .
very «limblc. If t Hiaracu-risties. logeth-r with Us larg,rat- abol trom iK-hlod'tM low eaf^ern
cBEteri ,
Mr. I>W'II--ai.i-aT-e leUk anorber in-i mkfk"'. who idephon.-s p-eulis to the-certain porpoae.,-SBo«03 i
hU father apoke anhi. The fact I*.
horizon. “" be anld aloud. I»•>!* cok’r .U’ g«*d
si/c, romhinc to make it a valwab:i eldeni o
tivlslbU: ; ►h's''lnr ;-lg'
Nary. It's my bull. I m a dsail failure;,
his tterfoo* eyes shining |a theloyo--1 «“*•>'•
increa*--* v.-rj rapraiy •vtHi g- m. I’tidcrsiudlnc from .rotir Ic-tic;
iiig alons.
F'-llowlng n
everything I ever put my hud to haa| light, "^rieaae k-i me help!
I dim-; :'I"'*''fL'f- IWnitlfiU wlnl.-tiniod i-earls that you wish n.
.if th- same
of a larg- may rom<- a i
gone wrong, though Cod knows I’ve:
know what J epu do; thou knowcsj.
we enclose oiir check-for ll-J-c. Hoi* |
Everybody ■ man tri< s his
tried!" The epcsker broke og «na I sJ!”’
•Then he tnirnii^ m«n hrowk rotikscl. Ont'valtiwl i
Ing Uiaj.’hi- *111 prove -aiMaclnr., |
-Rffiullboy g.i.
N- ji. tl
denly wllh'n tmeer choking soun^^ln'
along, hupcji as bright as ibe wmnOA
* very truly, lliffan' ] >l.-cplrg I" an laii-r r.situ
His par- oj-cn rtnway a satage-nxe in* tiger, Sc«i'ri«b coast, have shown lb»1 wbll- ;
-Al* throat.
I leg butterflies flltliRg through his In icr.r., Qiil'c a nember Cav.- Ux-ai^
ents w-.-p-away.-and II.. iioi Ih..light of' and a tfiird "ll•lDl••l'' i;ir— Ink luni 'h>- force of breakers -In Jbe German
Donald knew Utttully that
A, Mi_.i ... k.. —k.ik ki. _... .-.—...J.. -k
“‘s waj towards the] I-fdd i'' Ohio, Tenn'.-riv K-ntuckOIBV .le- uken a« alemi a 'on :
ih<- ulmaj. r.-web -l.s sfci-li. r.’ l
aognd llkw this Ihal-.^bnd “wwkooed* I margin'of ilu- rive
ud T-xas. and also tu England.'Sc,i«:
roused him. and gufl.x! him to a win-' pit 'Jk- ma-k< r il-;> r. •.-.ris be i":' and a half 'm exerv square foot of ;
Um. Ha IlHratrianalously for bl*i^__,
_ _______ I land and Gennanv1
Siignr river ihcv callixlzft-DooalJ
dow. wh'er.- the t»>> walk.-dthe li-dce ' jii on*- th*- tn|uri-' tbc.> have reo-iv.-d, siirlaei’ Atlantic .breakers fall with a '<
-Mid' la
a .Wlsoiinsin,"
.Wljoonsin," aadded Donald.
aboil! three ton* to ^iIhNo,
outside, only on., f.nt wide climbed
There animal* are made irul mount“Don't say thal. David." .he
I'..':!'i br«J«i- "Wh
•Why tn>:? Sup- |i
IMt't'it -diisn the i;c«^’-.r khaft an-1 oh th*. .-I with suet. skUl that
l» almof' lot- square fry*'.
earnestly, “a mu -who Is so good, to
"" *'
tbituld blr-a^vi
Id Kov.-fpb*;r, itjt. during k heavy ,
r was It. i>crbai>s..because of tl
rolling dow-n
veruda .owjL CvrII alwav- gukllng |.o.--l'.le. «-ven'at quit.- cln—• lmq»ceo loring and no kned isj***^
All... I.
•while slfine*. fur atl the wor
rheok*.Then tie
'!i.- him. rrotn lor* h< slid cb.wr. th% post, in.ti c. iK-llcve ;ha’ 'h.-v aiv- po' n-al gal(. bogc hlorkt of EianlA- ami llm-h failure!
If tfo must'lyse the i
'. which lay hi- I trying te-takc oi.r far n
whni.-..i.,iry.and in (H-iirlii-laQr.^.llaU!
of the i.-at.-'a. r'acbed a
l-'-ai. ami llv gu'.ii'm.-rli^nitni. tt,i vi-ry r'oile were WSSbCrf .1x01 like
..Ill,.-C.,kii.«,:«" '“"I” '
liuTis, It was
c He-- I'lvmouib br.wkwaiiv. carried
iu'wbiev'Cvn: -row--; ).;ro i>-.- ucu.-i!»; lake. to-., og, .Itffer.n- aoi.^nx!
ir,”l plam-. U;l
,y from h
Other and the cf.liuren.
. . jbrawniig nnlsUy .over shallows »• ; ; kept Ibe »
>br irm-ks •« wblc^ ’"'•I'
wnll nnd strong—all ' '
Ithlck with futnes; sometimes,pausing,
nis.-':.- by a Vis mo'ber tremulously. ' I' wxP tak.
i-;ghed nearly i«i
‘.r mor’ mcHVc rrf *>0s
the torave voice tret
J tfSItll
well. I"”' Rklbcrip.g;-Itself Into deep, qn}.-| smart tap on the Wgv ■t Hu- littlCjffiii Ihrniigh colb'gc: yno (.cr.w how;
* limb- and Wi<ti- *"“*
"Yet. Dotiald. poor lad!
wo assy as well make up ov minds

with th*' l““'*- where the cows Mood flank ilix-p ‘ window tbrong'li which b

Mary. wife. It's all of a

real! Come now. it's late,
r. an^ o'clorii

Donald was a patient fiehermaD. b::- •

comes easin' the morning.

lo-k iKi-mnl!

eas'wiait to you bate always longed to go."
" this Is all' fur you ami fathc'


"Wen, my aon.aii',whp

lAn I lie

nolherllbis motnlng bin most tempting bai;. you?" he Inquir-^l
lr< n-v«I..-nilj
luir.-yl li<
Long after hi* father az
single fish. Xibbk -„mail ain't In y^fa-jd wtin'i u. I.or
had gone lo real.. Donalii lay opec-i fnli’-d
plenty, b'ut not one goisl.: a speK."
eyed, hto ifilnd liavellng back over bis ^>bere
IS >taro of life

—every cent." sy.) Donit.k with an Im1, oh. I bate
rom.-hing m
"Thi-r.'s b.’s mor.

mad" of 'HM-r wire

ha- imr- must it... (alUn

VH’.I wiHi esnrar,

A'bua (hr iMiy l:midly •'iipt
he nTywii^lotis flgiire tliat
:o his asrit'anci- mizb; bsv
Ugel. ■■Idi.-r people --^k t

n-.r-'hiol ’ll "l.■lullng '
of ■

I (ifuiiII arm
>r n»; »vns,v hit\;.iaC",_aBd bf h


The first thing he I sbnn-. ImuelitoiH. bile.

-^.1 Itnow 'ir •'said'
■"•said' Per»oti*ly
"I'll try noce mure." be said in him-] "I wui
nail a t.fcv utl—.1

An accoujti ol friendly iuierveotlot
•’which »avcl his own life Is gUrea by

piX’!*'.;-: that tr.
mllllonalr’- r '-»a
" rtx-k;’ rv ■!<;h" fi-M magf.

nf qnees. spicy smell*, 'ud full of Ca«-i hif;book: It rtirUMl ud wriggled al«ut - yoc liu. Mr. jen'kins'

at?" ilett'audt-ai Mr. Lca-lbtB'v: ft wa. cn an 'ixecedister
ingly wet aii.i •ionn.w.^' that 1.-

daaang nooks nnd eornore.
.most invlUngly as It aUk Inlo th •
"Hnmifli:" .said the old g.-nlkmu,, ]
« ">
1 COB never forget th.- slore!" th;- clear water. Donald's nye followed ;i ^adjurirng bis siovtacli-*. "l-yi im’
: 'here's j

i-hcl-of'em It". . hto timbre!!, pullixl down dose In froD' ,. >i,]..,.h,.,rie<t u-| mn^p

coaid remember was the lit tie village I

<4 West Roxbury. Me., wberr bis fa-self, as be |<rocixle«xl tu Impale u ea-!.U1i«n y.

suit' no' !i

ttiCT b^ kept 1*0 villai^ store, a ptore > Irem'ely pink and active anglirtrorm on ; a thing

tnaji. w^t I

I know wb'-rv was pkMdIng aiung a dark street with

nililsiii a' H

c arrideni-. |in-aef|*"i fr;<m’ t*«-

I ri-ar-ni

for lunU*."-of him. Sd<iri<-ti;y a.voire "Uiat *5-',., ,j„, Mgekay c'lquc mat
see the shadow.. TIBany an'
JeweK-r,'. Xr-W .VorK.'.'

right, a* t
MeKentlfs knew full well a. ih.f of an' IndSn
dlsIlBdly tbe wgene came l«rk lo him forms of a crowd.of tSny fish nipping —Hiimph’
tVhnt's la vsmr package.
'’™ ’
finding out Ami as a::, traebrr, supposedly Uiousand,*-of olk-s
,kj, n, ,
-the sma.riti* laddgr: bis inumphamidainiily at ih. hapless"wdrm.
bv-t ao i
months.way. ti-outed, in hi. ear. "Bpnng
shout a* be reaebed the top; Ibco th"Ah. you rascals!" hr cried, "ihat'r
Donald tremK.vf wiHh aaiieiy ,„j ''he worid km-w before
ladaald to hinsselt with a shiver.-How; sharply; hu could

ezashlng fall, totlowed

for a . brief where my bait i,' gi.lng."' Then he fatigue.

snare, by darknemi ud obllriun.

"Hip stopped short, staring bard at some
■hi* feel.

■ Noi long


moved lo Bostoa.

that, the

n the sbaHow-'s near
"What a moanroos'eNir.!

"MuarF t. 'r wtiai i« ir. i;r;

•r* of the postmastri.

"I* ibai t

1“ aroihcr mameai. he bad pulled



-Ounno as It-to." gnimhled tbe olJ BOW.—Detroit Trbt'sc

an paUifitll.v, Wfij^lbv point of bts eriich he dls-jlkm Yrnma (hto




”• !a.h*i m-ha<l'loi."

O’ It-ost ,
Tbei" ran 1.- fyw thiOg* awcV’H-!
.vno'b- ryj&g to a -piAker 'bu suefa uni-apret-1
•hoi of
U’l mystwrioitr bitorfiy.—Gbrtotlu ' .
-• sway Endeavor World.
'One i.f ’S'- greatest M«m*vM-s »jf Up- '

DonaM U in collegt

happy memory et Ibe big. noli^. public - oS his sboc« ud stockings, and
mu. "bat it's my rale to tew folk*
rebool, with itaJnag fligbit of atairt. | tlraplng caultonslv into the water.: pme cdoua* to uswer
tsbicb he

was *-ii r.f-b'iM wl,’-!. Ib«. c«ngre-i

-Iii’o'a r.pui.-id laugb'w.!
,t,,; arii’c - ili*trr»svd wsm be aaw]

’ roontry is that of i-nl!<-gi' eilbeatiua.

found by
And rk>~ald?.

famllyh wonder what It is lice inside."

Dmald bad u mt-j

Itr Mm
h’ hi’"-'



he asked, reachtnc'.as If U- ro*cr-:
:* pixvlbus boi^ fsoin t^c eorfoiis I

An'tHtislrat've Taut.
tr. f)alo*w-ai u. pn.-acji #r Veoffwi.- ;
,'nt" orra-M,!!'. lor was prevantot
II l.•s•oiog Jn-' l•asas'rln'yII owing i

CharWi* tMdbeatwl'i

metal chimney pot crasb>-d it

> There are

iSC r«lleg’-s ud

- siliet. te which are vorelled


buds and wrecking itself at bis fevt. talnlv bit b
tboiigh It got MUflenii. reprtweutlng an Investe-i
re of mor- capPat of *JSu.<an,««u uu to vbirh
The warning voice of his IndlU friend, awny, likely I
.into penioos are employed as tudibe says, bad saved bis life.—Octroi tal wownd* >or atte' ft to all over,
in Sews
.t;xi drer and olBre wimai-tvnse hark




Ulch.. Sepl


on SAAM (M 'd timber At the
M.—Hln Imo Co.'s docL Vcdoesdar mad aalled

» ...m,


Tnrerse Qty Slate Bank

Cbartes Tvrner. bnbu at Allikio. b
terrd arm with rarl-utir acH to wr

., shoot fifteen ycarr r*(

-tcympatbj racket, bm lat.d.d In p
Roben Wilson baa been maUnii lm-l,w1tb the State Board o: Charities kn^:
bo7jusi »wnJI-rw«J.
provements ca Us rexideace ln~K’csi | Corrections, and ststca. That be wa>
-^ij has Ix-cn dune wblc
i wbtre Injured men I-.' »..I hate u;
> sHloB as bocAkeepCT «lcb tbe Svarcr-'
" to heal.
Tbe recoUr mooihly Decline of tbe Almlia by ptilttUR a basement under; ainased at rhe wonderial and ml<!tan save the ririin:. She is
ly T^pbooc Co.
, Harry gfaum has rcUrned to bis Woman's Cdmetcry ataoeUtloa srlll be
Iv and i-x;ir«-»s<-s /Q\a-^ n pre
st^;be)d at Maeenbec hall neat Holiday. laive wins, plasterina and ^Intlnp.: npid dcvdopineiii of the acriroUere
4oUes at Deborr's bardai
ter ur.-tfci.i^at Wlf^ewrjrtbi:;
farm bouse.
He has much to, m a
tfter a TadaHon of tsroor three weeks. October J, at r:Sri p. m.
Dormaa of Uuskeeon bas lakeo » po-! for Tr«*cne.CUy to flBisb out ber car-

Tbe Kplkasks Danrloa club Rave a

Sidewalk buildlDit being prarilcally

Prof, aad Mrs. Horst arc In our city.
bcDaaiifaciurin*lnre!.atl.«i»i '
M'-’"™ •'>
parly Tburaday nl*bt at Lcbner's over for tbU season. Street Commls: 'Tbey have a larse Dumber of pnplls in
modem eeutpm.-m aiiich i.|"*
"tbrake f.^ a
opera boose and witb Cadillac moslc ■doner Maxwell It now devoUacJiis atfamily !o«lrer..i among tu rn.
. . tsca,.-l dmtb by narros «a
Henry Wsylandcr moved
to dance to tbe evcftlac waa wtil en­


i----------------to Olen Arbor today.
joyed by all.
' lx iCiM seiiinc tbta£s la readiness
lie will I well rmploied and f>
Mr. aad Mrs, C. Kryiier were at! pet In a pHb at l*te apprgacb of
: Quite a number of
take Id tbe (Hilo exrnrsloo Oct. lih.
'work. Co the whole
| muoldpol dock.
Roy Wlnale U at Milton Center doM. L. Lake Is down on the AlUntIc i Tnvcrxe Ctt;
HIsb Herkimer of Uetrell has
foployed by Mrs, H. Childs as trim­ ittx some carpenter work for Oco. F. coast takltac in tbe xtabts. Hr experts * best
- rfpons to his
to bf Rooc several weeks.
—-------------------mer In her ollllnenr parlors.
Jas. ZelBler of Cedar Roc has Sold |
* Rreair^c.
Tbe Rslkaska Aibletle club Is now
Miss OelU Davit, formerly of tbit
Wllllamsbum. Mich..^tI.
well xlarted la tbelr aiicmjd to liare place and well-known in Travcrkc City, bte aiore bulldlUB and residence ic J.l

Toi^ Lake Tueially of tblx week.

a {Tmaasrum and have tbe room, expecied yeaterday
which they reeled of tbe electric llRfat where »be has

CAPITAL. S300,000
-SyRPLUS. S27.000

202 Will,.dm Uik.. Citz. Titvine H-

A Ceaenl Btflktflt B«um 1^

And Other

Mrs. Lavion Ultebell. past president improvements on his residence In L*jif Ube find aisjut I ocks k sud Jiemd bidi.

J p^Ccflt aUmfl « nm

All ftaia in artv disease ^
nerve pain, the result of a tur“

'iiulcnt condition of the nerves.
burning, .agoniaing
pain ilial comes from the prom-

J. J. ^rWKDDL.R,


attorn^ at law.'

aso-n a*.. PvsU IWsk K::' Trsvwra

ncfi'e branches.
ir>- II
nerves, is rienral^. .and
is .the “big .brother” o: all the

'Hobbs' business place U receiving re­ ' of the Rebekab nssenibly. left yester-; Ann. preparatory to moving Into town i lying, imi-'<n«eio-i<, lb- di-l n>.: i
Other pairs.

|eonscioniBres -unlil S o'el.wl:.
pairs. The old surface of Ibe walk, dayfnrJacksonlosHendameellnBofjtorlbewlnier.
Dr. Miles’ Anti-raJn Tills
Dr. Sblllldsy Is finish'ng up a liulirt-i Bunee. the ph.vsielat' at Wieiara»liur8.
wbjeh was Retling very pour, lias been ihe'lxard -of control of :hc Odd Pel- i
rarely rycr fail to relieve tli^
dilpped off and a new snrlace out mi. lows'home. and to Onish tbe financiarjlngon Front slrcei for a btrW shop. I stales his eoudlikm I. veiy rriilroi.
pains by soothing these larger
ivi«rt for the yea-.
S. E. Degsn nl Traverse Oly was in ,-This morotns he is «ne..n-«-i.r.i!- ii^A large number, of potatoea' have
ncn-cs..’ and resioring llicif
1 Jacob h'UfcoBCggttr of South Haven | oiir losTi Inst irt-ek in the Interest of'of the time.
hedn hruuchl into town dorins the
has lieen in town for some days loMt-1 the New Yury Ufe Insurance Co. He
He ly ihe ton of
1’. Sntallr
week, aad altbouch the buyers seem
ilk ■ pnii
Jng after hIs business inton-sts here, i wrote up «e»-eral wiilr !i. : f.
j Elk Rapids, who has brn-ii sumujim-very anxious to buy. the price silll re­
i no
0 bad
d after-effects,
MUs Rita Walker ol Mancehma U1
(«o I.....................
mains at about S» renls.- The buyers
arc a reliable remedy
. for
ir cv'PO’
- got Into a strife-over one foad Tues- n,
kind of pain, such a.c headache.
. day and Pudney went up to -tti cents
I.T. Broul-s of Almlre Kwti'bip. hml i
baclcache, stomachache, sciat­
i'N.. Claude Warner has Is-iai s|>etiillng a ; nsrnts .-cs'k.- ir»m ileaih uslay. Rbica. Thcumalism and'ficnralgia.
to gx< tbe loud.
Briukcr.-a'hti has ‘ hit-n
porrion-uf Hie wc«-k al his mnn neari..has Tk-en Hi Mr NUiie tim,. And tl.‘
lliey also rjittve Dizziness,
F^B A Grey of Man^luua bivc
loolt an uvenlnse uf HltI fer orer twu ciun'h- In a
ly 111- phypli-isn.
■taited an Insomnn- pOcr In the
. deppoadi-ney
The vieamcr Silver Spray, of-the J
............ .....................
Ualanreftir sum*' Hm.'
Car-.Siebness, and Distress af-,
rooms over the SUtc tank. IkiiK sr<
Llttk- TravenW'Bav line. »sv at th-r'-tiur prunipi nciliin on ilic jmri W }.- ■-•>' 'a*-iu-i «ii-l«.lli
ter eating.
cabbie biis1o<i-:B meii a^d bustlers.
ccmehi cpmpsny*, dock ycsUTilay an-l i SWUl^y ss. efl her.,,
" ' . : had paid >be felt Is-.tvr and
.••n»r iTii,r.y yean I hav- been a ren• Feini has. been In ibi' Ituslnvss for set
..I ib,.I,

oral years and Gray Juts Just reslgoed i«l. .
GuB Mayrr. who hss been wi-dkiuK • mriri- tiSrn.
• i
“ '"I*"
a posltkib as forcnian of the Uancc,si Rapid aiy the nssi stimmii. has r. f >>' I_ Haldhder is .-ri-etjus a -iil-. j daUglit. v. Ml-.« "B.-ssf- Eniin.i:
Ions.Herald. .
turned to Elk Rsiilds.
j walk alongsiile bis rt-sidwu-e.
, , friend's ho.ise fur a Vs.l.. T
Onaare Whlltdicad of Dridgeparl
■ laskeii Ikt u'luT dsua'^i-r. Mi«s Whmi
Cly de Hawley Is aigain at hunif ai»I!
Cobh , has beni-secured by W. C. Free-'
BENOpN.ftiii Kminutii-, lit get the ael

....------- ---

flwn to assist In the rtmpletloo uf hW

braking .« iho night rin «ui .tf ihl>!

Bring machine.
Mr. Vi^llcbcad'
urell known as an capericooed bxnii

place. During ihe summer he acted as
lirakesikan on ihe flyer iA-tween I'e

this line or business. Having built

toskey and Grand Rapids.

Mb raacblne Wbop In Bridgeport, and


MiriT'^.raT. -Mr.



Ml, a 4-ur(i t.hl.-h l b.-' said way

,m Ih.- sli-k Ha'. U

Ilcf and aliK- to lie around.

/-VOTEIX A CBiw, Anararre aaX (1

Giuul Pracllti
slw>« hirer* Iie"’wle' -«'*dl»g'. IX'-mwv-by -----'

Rapid City. Uloli.. Sept.

' cblDcs.

Tiijneller was calkil in Ik-nibn llsrlmr ‘


tbe first of the o t-i-k.

a montb.

Mrs. Burge:

''kome U at Svaforlb. and inln Is I
.flrst trip then.- In Si i-rors.’


-Hm. P. M:. Vising U one uf iW :
fottnaaies to bo takc%-stck wjtb'tbe

; working the pan yi-ar,
Mrs, F. J. LaCIetir remmeil WednesE. c. Welion ,of Miukegun wai

Mr. Heaton of Sl-.-cum 'p> iii Sundaf
in Ih-ndon.


lAbi. which were alwai'S al the service
Mr. Dyers and biyiher of Thnmp.'i-iiat-ir Glk Raphls.
of the public during the hot summer
j_^ltlman Bdgerl.e .of Traverse VMIe spent Saturday and Siiuday kt .-.
dan Just passed, hss been closed for
s vlslOng her niece. .Mrs, A. L. and held meeting* 'at the sciipelucuis(he aenton am) Wm. Coxen. who j
Lcallc McCqmiick has ri'iimrd Lably conducted tbe same, is taking
id^r* J. M. Blakesloe and Wexlurd
few days of lelimlv after bis summei
Cora Hin'ebai^ ha* rc'urn.-d from
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Guaioa-viilted al J.

D. Ladd's over Sunday.

Anna bill ha* relumed from nrpwn
E. Danforih and famUy of TrnvarsCity silent Sunday w lih ' Dr. Doyd'.j where she ha> been wurking.
Archie Dlckltuu of Frankfort w.-»k Rapids. Hlrh.; 8epl. 2u.—Ser­ people.
town Tuesday.
Borne pf -the bn^'s " gave Frank Hesvices will be held In the varkiui
Glarencc Martin of Iniertochcn wn•y a •etrnide 'Wednesday night Xi
diurches ^undaj- ax fullows: Al l
■c eatel, It It reported that Frank a buslni-ss'caller In Ih-udon Tue-sJay.
H. G. rborch the amnAng subject


10:3ti win be "Ahnndani Supplies.- In


Bessie Pickard


Bert Doro's hufH- ran a»-ay In tesn


the evening tbere will be 'a special about three weeks Bgit.
The iioiald crop isjaTmen*.- in thisservice for yonng
peo|i!c; snbjec:.
cciion of iheySgiiinlry and i8e cum
• Diytlns; What Fori- rKachlag
crop wws-Tieier better than it Is tli>
■he Elk lake chnrch aIt l';un p.
regular wrvU-*-* v
Ih- belli at the >^r.



239 E. FrBDt SU CJL PJKme T«

THOS. fl. flPRAeUE A flON,



Payw* Cmrnty Bank Bjd* . L'FTBOtl


The lee cream parlms and soda foiin;




has been there for a week 'paM help-) yolney Forire/j- In turned T:ii->j1si j,
lag to cD(e for her father, w ho Is very J from Chicago, w hen- be hai. li.

to be around aealn In a few dt.vs.


ALL K1*E» or OUT FLOWrita

Mr. and Mr*. Geo, Mapes left Tdr‘ ,

Mrs. Toum-llrr | day for Kansas.

town Tuesday.
visiting friends in Ovid. 81. Louts
James McCormick IS -working fur
- Hiss Ploreocc Rodcr wss taken sick Gland Rapids.

Mr. Hanse digging poutoci,.
'a TMr days
with an attack of fever
E. J. Gsunders relumed Mondny
Mrs. Hester McCormick U working
and bas been coD|incd to ber litsl from the Manistee conference where
UmIu Hsnsc.
since. She Is much better and rkpecis bo has lie<-ti froid the past week.




seorehed off. hat no ■scrioiis Injury -s-vl
G. K.lfestili,

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bur*
illng In Canada aad expeci



arternqnn. got Ills fare quite lad)
illumed, hair, cyehrows and e.rvISMhi:

. baa made a life 'sttidy ut flying mn-

F. M. PAINE. ■

and sunt li,-r out of ihe room

M'S. I.ens MeUan aid JIrs. Wni.
Duff UcDonahl and C. B. Cubing- Harris h-fi Tuesday for s'visit nllu
Bmchlnc iff bis own. wbleb'was quite a
ham of Tiavereb City rogistdred at the rrlnjivtv at .Mden.
^ Buecem and be bt« nlso helped In
Lake View House We.Ine#dny,
i.Htie Arthur Waters, while playltu
ooBstructbjn of nume ibiny9\e
fusty dlBerem macblnee. He owns « ’ H. Aliiuni Is In Dciroll and CTeve- with (siH-d'-r and malcfacs Sun.Iai


; I'ldson .was-prorur.'d lu' gel




J. ff. einllilt ^'■.'2£IE'S.:Ktr

: - Ssmkms F-L.ORIST


It ran clear liota.- Ix fur.- i;

wvu causbL l»i beyoml M-mc sllgbi
Injuru-s to the Imgav iiu liai-m

■ Mr. Bratrt starliil tiuia'o digging
David CminUiB<ini a scaffoH on his liig poia’u farm hvre Tu'-sii.'n
PMtbytvrlan church at 10:3U a. m.
aad 7:30 p. m.. ylib preaching at the Inst Satnrday wbil'e doing Mine ear- He will empfi.v rfiiio a rr.w of mi r .
Flossie liariun ua* gi Graaii Sim
The Har­ peMler work: He fell a'H'Ut-eight feetj_

Tire Insurance! — ~
» Plat* Claes. Stoam'Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Money to loan 011 Improved Real Estate Only.
-Room 310 New State Bank Building.

Traverse City.

Oiir lii'itvi-rius
nnule "on


iiiiiil«-r :ir.-

timu"—tliu lim-


iiprei-to m il'!, the sltilT iirmiii'l




your building now—
if you would get the
roof oh before the wip'
ter weather setsjn!

(^me to us for what•, ever you need In Lum*
ber and Materials—it's
-never a case o^.wait
foryoiir orders to be filled here—sKH'k is kept iip to
the limit at all times.
We anticipate your wmit: i and supply Them at the

tiiyciur lions-slmii. sior,- "ir
Infj'. It'A .'1 wmttur of |iriiiu w ilir


■is U) }«■ {imicliiul. nn<l luirn'iii:
miforsi'en jiclili-iits.. wu


Clrixnns Pbona. 32i Ball. IC

imr wuril, .\s fur tin-!iiniis-r It-'
9«-lf. iiletis.-aiv for yoiire< If.


/ . .

to pri'1-s. jiloiis.- ih'iuir--.


- Sputb Sidt Cumber Cc.


•Yuha Chiiieh at S:M p. m.

vest Ht«e and Missiim^etilv-al will
be celeliraifd at-lbo Gftrmaa Refom<-l

striking on bls-beail and ^inidcr aaT

Mlaxions at 7;30.
Al the Caibollc and ihreeqiDriefr'pniinds. also a 01church Ibere «dll be low
at icnii cuBilH-r that weigh* thre.- and oneB. m.. hlKb mass at i«;3" a. m.. devo- quarter putinds, and still some peupl*
claim thai nonfarm Mleblgan soil l«
>laos at a;»i p,-ra.
FrwnklO'Uricn (rf^icrw CPy. dls "nu gpod,',

irict manager. au|l W, J Berry of De-

In Good CondUlon.
W S. Tucker, ►'«!«• Insin'c'iur ul fa,t<irl'-», work .Shiqi*. Iipi.-I* and s'ori has Just eum-deti"l bis work tor li.deparWini in thi. city.

Mr Toek'. 1

Iinkw tu^bj.^ H.-Iaid fliBi be flpd* >l.
eondiiloDs to ijn- l»sfii)iU»Bs wlihuius Jurisdlcllon in Traveyae Clly ni'ie',

. Mr. and Mm. Ix-wts Way returned.

belter Ilian be ojipecied. dgd in firs''
indti state riipeffnivailent bf the Monday from their western iHp- .Mr. etas* Rliap" in evyry r«'«-i>e»-i. He Oiu;.
Mirhigaf Bell .yiephone eompwy. Way U Jooklng mcll imntlderlng thej
faeiorles In -mu«l <xc lleni conflwere In Elk R^ld* Wednesday nnd
' cbnufit-d the tcipp^e vOci- here froc,

- n rommlssioo ofllre^a salaried one]
■ wMb Ollu I*owcr» i* manager, as hen'

This will Snake li ncresMry


breaking his miltar l^nc.

Thcre nre two potatoc
by the Rev. R. A Hcwi-andcomniunlou tlon In I'bc-window ai TinUiani's drug
' Ensltsb sermon on Home klore with a eomldned weight of three

ehurcb with a Harvest Home sermon

’hJogM wbirli lie



P a i n .\


leave Paris, T. Richardson of Interlocben. who wii!! Smalts, e. younc wan of :i- »<ar>. t.r
a*e. work-iag for Wililam Jark.-*.
Miidylnc durins ^ conduct , barber shop a


part of the buUdloc will be partitioned I Mrs. 8. F. Wilson, will leave next ucek j on the Copemitb Kews for several i dinner be went out In ih.- field to nil
jV®™ and Buer<^-d--d IB ciitltg aU.ji
oV and naed as a readine room for the for UetroU. where she will Bltcnd Uie' months past. *
Museum-of An.
D. 8. WlllanTls puttingsubsMnils! ] three sh.^k., M-. JaeV.-.-a cxjie in'-.
uietulierp of tbe cli-b.
The cement walk in from of Miller


Neuralgia. :'Don1 Decided

about two and unr-bs!f mibn oo'ij!' ibi- past two years. She will make her 1 naSs.
bume in Boelon.
Miss Jl.vrllp Berry *» tome vUlUng.,«W af.wnilnmsbuns, wn* a tirlim <i
Miss Mlrniir. daughter of Mr. nnd i her parents. She has bene employed eoaptrekv ywicrdey. _ SLonly al** t

company, well .equipped wUb all



-f'l, »",■


- ^6?T#r. Powers to give j'lp his jt«, a* Klondike pakseoger. I« in Mi.-Cb
“!Clty makek a showing <>qual lu'i!,.
Yxirol mall carrier, and he will a> once taking lui.ihs of a few weeks.
t in.the
Uender bU rcslgvrioa. 'Oliver J: I'd* 4\:e have oulv had one frost la the
i-h)-.-mr Ihan uiMiy oihrr efties 1
BUbMltnte. will look aftcMhe rooi.- .Rapid* Clij vaHey white Mnner-loiLr
IIS *l>c.
.mull an aiipolntmem is made. On ex and Kalkaska have Jiad heavy frwrts:
Speaking uf minors employed. J,
amluailun. O. W. Anderson Is next In
Male* that he^Jin.I* Hie facorie*-I .line for the posilhin.
Ibis city as fro* from minor
Thnniday, Jacob Kaiser, who IlVes
lAk.- Anti. Hl^, 8e|it. S7.—ilrs. any town which he li^
• about three miles snurh of loa n', tin .
Jnilge RattiMiell nn<i Mre, J, D Ayerr dIseoTCTed only two ahder ape Vbos
loaded a fine new traction rnglnr at
oi Traverse Cliy were the guests of ’discharge be required.
•' this ataUoo. He iiurebased It ai Grand
Mrs. Burpell Ixst week.
Mr Tneker stale* that he was *nRapids lasrwcek. for use la his IhroshThe dance erage seems -I0 bare prlse.1 tn find H'ki emphiycs in on


pan ut iberouniry. Then- local fwiurim.*. and the.wages up 1
.BBcblne «f IS-bOTse power, made byj,„ ,<,nie three or lua
soelaU each I'Jic.average in ihe sute.'
the Baffabi Pitts Oo.. of Uullaln. N Y.i*.^
• ! As for fc^ie employes. esj»-eia1lGuy M. Preeilee. atormer resla.-tui .-.Fanners: hiie t'belr
iru erop cm piece work. '
> they ar.
W-----------V. ,
_ ^
digging po- making more money than he.aferag-g to »4h (( '■ <aiiKs. The average >iry
appswrs J
idfilon. 'The liM employed
whipping his wife, is again la hot
liHi bushels per i
Uctorlc*. which he relerred 10. Iter, this lime at Newaygo, ntn-re hi
B X James has bnughi a larm thm' tmtslik of the raiirdnd*. boat line,
has beep convicted In the cirnh rone mile* north
_ __
of ___
Lake Ann ud Is buUd- dock ‘wortteri and asylum emphy/e*
or i«,b«xlement, .be amount b<-fna |
rhleb he considers a very good peMr. Alliro*' new house I* about \ eontaee of fteinrv^ woriilng peopb
B dmrge Re|>x <ff uXirolfw
Mr. .Mill us I* a m-w cuft|.-r a town .of this sire.

Is pcricctly harmless to I'eop;.-, if-Jir-j- rlon’t. *u down
on it. Tanglefoot can be ii>c'l by anyboily tha; 'janjful., ,h is great'foFbaid headed peopl' —it 'Ion i make
the, hair grow, but 11 wil! keep off intruders if they ap­
ply a sheet on thiiir head proper «ide to the scalf*. It
bnjly costs’dc double sheet; two fora nickle. and >iill
dieaper l»y the dozen. To be had ai .1*. K.’s. wame
old place.
Other things that we mighi-mentiw are that our
Boiled and Raw Oil is perfectly pure, that oiir. cement
sets like rock, that our lime sla< ks svljltc and ma’Kes
more monar than other lime, and that you are invited
.to test some of,these statements at out store aniix-per■ haps you will sec some oiher ihing* that you will want
'to take home with you. I.»on‘t miss the place, corner
From and Cass.

laid CASS Sft.


I* w!i;,tuil.-riii" yf.,i
h b.ti Ji laniiiiutuj sl<-* l
l.irriJ, i.. !• |,;st,-; uriji1 «'
top I'-'i-r l>n.-bk. Btronu '
ll.r l.-st
■St 'I'll.;.,, gun romie. We als,.
.■„«,l, l.,: .1. «■•• r.ili *int .VO!l U.tli i:i 'piulllyuiid'pM'f.

, :-t"fs:ii.i,,!. g.„is -l.ftw.i),



:ds. !l.-.lgr.-htlyr..biu.d(^1.xs.
roUK.- and

l<^k I

F-RAIMK -TRODE,M4^Fr^ Street
\T I

brs: ,'!.ii>i Tin Slioji,


Have you ever tried the

Twais mneJ

J^opal tiger
They are t'ne be*L

Csaued epru
pad Satmpa

Sold 'voJy by

rnmm* p-rann* Sarwwa. I

. ■-ii


was to ntvl a fi-w fr
Wtivn «b>^ > I'lirv
K1luU-<li I'afTbani^tJast iiIrIi: fxuui s l>u-tn>'.-u utp 'o Sv«' Koropi- Mod} :uc ca'IivdrwU asd ruts- Not. K Tbr ratnuit'K-t' is i-ouixrod <c < • « Kbt>!i> <lk] ihk
In lit->'V
A Btrangc HiMsry.
C^t-r. - The happy rou'ii’• iy„rk-u. |or>n aRer the liBsiD^ of ih. ifalDp tbe clwilr school -y-^ma. wUh Iba-TTbe crooraori. of all ih< »ia-o.and let- l ilkyot the niamre, -TTi-re Is no :
Al^lh • RMtnorj' of tbe put Bvo arrlTod sh<- founrt'iho room full of
Siore preparaior, to rnotlDK to ob>ei of ic’mdadiip n In Am^irti. rlioHp. sad
r.-uTeDi» .d He cwaranly,- he .slj. -ibat after Pr.-oP' ■
rmr* aoir and icitb bat Blainp* or tics who Bate her a verj hi'nrty we^ i
if;3; a, in. the bride and smom , t'hattaaoaaa. Tenn.
Most of the eaibedraU sui»poi^he»e r;«irte!
ri-Jjisliia. '
• .
■ ■l.-iit |ya» die. Mexlm will l«te any .
. fp^l Prank 8i<>aniii of Urslck i« travrl nime. Owlne to.their faniasiki attire - “
» l"•^ne already ibas rttiimed alter a day* staj In ib< *eiwil«, at wbiffc ib- ehoir
ar- ,
SK yoiia* fUcsicea ate asHtna the l-eiii-r «p\en.iii.on ibaa - ibai whi'h
ins tbrougboui ih« coudio' ^rnloc bl* h?f fnmds*''hui'*’ske'^!ioon*'i'U^^^
that ihiTc wen. some In the rrowj
They wlll^ l-'^ciry,
iHtMi a co.k1 puhltc's. I.o..! ^i^iloo impllr -f lie sVw IWfefil. Has*, lev pre.sil* In the *>iifh Aianri.-an cowllrltic as a
St<«niR' hlslorr is lndcwd lotcmt-:
before. Am>«B
Cos. It MtiDS that i'bca tif aai. a tad thoM; whom s‘-e a ThmiLffl
ai J»: Jo-eph ratnpaii avtdio...
«c-r«t Mr. and V
br a-a* strlckro witli sarja (ortr aart
The l.rt.le I* a well known Traverse |
Mrs. Charik' > elm Mii Alciander
his «ro«lh partial!}- atoDted. H<- «a- Mi«.A
Alesander, Mis. Orare Jpy. Ml« hi?'lo L.
It aad vhilr rcriiper- May llofferU, Mr. and Mm. Hay
nutnbebr of frinids wh.. wish'
atinc from the disease
‘“'1' hipplnes.. Tbe aroum U. it'
haw dan
In sludyl« J"*«rT and i
' ^..................................
w‘?r Wa"ers,'Eirl

. Prof, sad Mrs. (I.-ir l^r.sffen *1.' ‘.5 rtintkleratdon of iheir stgjjtes as tile *ebt«,.l. tatine

aeatito tbir'trte«.-

Slorpan l>arV 8wedlsb BapHu Tb'<->-‘ choir boys. ;
leoin'r}-to l.«ro all abisiit ite naklti;:
Ktaanl T.«;e IVwans
Sabia Rosa. .
loclea! eol'ese. who have been i« the,
f..auBi*»lunrr y.-Parlan.l of of rononfabiV-. The porje'--In tt.i- <-,i m bis will In.lsW .fc eremallon.'
nionihs,; tVash.nstoa. fhalitnsn -f the natbinal pr.>eed«re U to rspiMiie China-. Indu.*.*, .teclarUj that >«i .hodlll re'Ua .
CftiraKo this mornlns. aei Wiiipii>i*.e t<? tjatslder the adtiMiblltiy , trial d^etopmect. Not «w;} win Cheir
,4 surrww and h ft a pan tslnh. '
the coIl«pJ oi-as Monday.
i *>f cfiuiflns the date of ih. e..ienioiiv.,;o»erapeii! .-ij-se. thnn -in develop {„. * fuo.i f..r a diooer.'

Mrs. Alec Hebe-, and SP.s Kate, for the inauanraiion of the nrealderf ,,heir own, tsiert.
,he bns„#ts-. hotel bill, and m'.lnail la
moflc. fn tbe litter lie iMseame pre- mihs Mena WrIsbi. Miss Carrie Cox. dwl^‘MfeIn,umnJr^™JyMd;‘^"'
Uier of tl-.e Vnited Stal.-s, has l.snW a cUt, laee. b-ut tb«r .. mW. will •- reflcleni. Years...—
went by ---------------------------....................
and he suadilv iMt.s !..>.»
I'lKlIke, Mis. Id-tia Pepper. Is very
,...rv siiree*Kf^l
..iree»rfnl In
m hi.
hi fleld^

Ml.. Karn-will vit^naWeCIty.
Ifor a melius of the -..mmltlee 00 ;
In ImBanliu!
.bbers. l.-.t Is
i‘r '.tf iP'.
Improved bn: In.twd
advan-i J- «• Tbotna.- bljd Mr. IVV.indorf.
^rn “t.e^rwe
Instead rif taklns
The otii o! town
cue.ts were: Mi.«Mr. snri Mrs. Vli OUtome and. Mr.!
•. ' than
thf ro-elie.. s'
. kn«wl..l*e
|M«.w.ant fitdHxi; .1 ebnrrh
.-hnfrb <d
The arranpenien'K wer.. all on the
Thore,. ,.f I . .,1., ...
, „
I_ . . . -... - ..
I .
______ _ Ma.-y s
1a*eofhlK.taIeBt and seekln* a iilali.-rt
M«T. jol irihi. r» lne:l,o.U oT splnniiie •>»'!, HaltlB..«^..Vlsn. .he |,w la hSd-

tour around the world nearly ten year, j
V'ltie table w^iild'-a.lsfy any _
a*o he threw up his Job as operator of { rtoe that she knew ptT biisine.s |i.-i. Flom Tboraday's Ronord.
the ««m »ll|o^ In the Barnum show : ,.hle rl.ith..* covered the table and o',

l>r. and Mr-. A. W farnswofth aR-

ibrounh the . oy today .01 her way to
! Mani«l«-»>.


|lmll|l HI inydlll H^h •'»'= frortr
RMfWMiA Bnbbilb^MAla
i.„,n.vhanis raiir.od v the ai;ei.eii^|e'
--- -------

Mrs. Ann, RuB of Elk pass.’1 ^

:le In Cremona.
Italy, his
alter, ^ table deroraihm. iKdng na.iin-: “'‘n
1 fmm Sutton. Bay. where vlu- has beer
lis attei
lion waa
ras attracted .In an old violin <of
Rev. William Elias of Barker Cre-li u,.. luegi of her .c*. flus «uS.
the Orpheii. model



He had l-n-,n enniit.vr h.r tjear

the ehureh

‘ ‘ ;


EnKland. wher.

.'whi t* ,h-..

mint physicians prescbibe


* niwiwiwrtw . iiwusipHarfc ^^ ,ia,.d,.i a dlHt.anee Iw - • '-"‘l-f
'.d .ullemi pid"
a—— f*fnfchmni*ti
1 mie. aroniid ilo-worn
AI.r.i :U-o-,
iiiif' In full r.-dni.'


hk.. two .io.,Ti atii-.i


tlurmana v
_ I. 8t.-i
Stearns mu. 1" this.
u^[,, 00
ness of her mother.
.|e-nd Sunday whh r.datlvrt an 1 •
The wonderful power of l.vdia E.
Jl- I-".•'wlaii.le.-ap.-pard.ji.
In Wexftir.l
eoiui- of
- aome
Mm. >1. A. Murray and son. Clare, rri.n,1...
. Piakhaa.-. VeffeiwlKcon.fK.uid over •. at Wliouia park: .P.oi Wssiie. a
ihnuly. b
ty and ezebaneed. be save, a.-r<u<
1 BUerl. while dloiun an
Mr., J. r. VIm-k and iit.b-«.n.
son Jot.
Jo< I
diaraaew of womankind i-not
i- nut befor whirhh.-WodtHtu d. b.V ‘ 0-'W other dw. 1
. of the same for |i. Thu violin . wi«
hiDi'.idl. .lid fiOl
........t..r lOk Rapmsand Ciiniml'I
taken by blm into Russia. 8wiisorland.| p^sl
Prance and Anally liroiichl >o-lbelt,e«m
.................M—...M..i„ remain..] ...
to], Mf- Md'.MI.s? Bldj^wl, who Yiitre
Imk.-..wbere they will visit her amibei
tvonuerful bmiu
be Imk.'..wbM-eihfy
.; the most tvunuerful
am! n-e.*- card.nlnc.
Mias E«e J.d;
tilled Stales.
/I tell the ...ay.
1 b-.n vlalUns MI
Mrs, Henry Zemke. and.a ilsier. Mrs stAret.irewr diw«.vered t.. a.-i diivrtly. m fifi) iilm' y.-ar- Mvxk'.. Iia.l flltC-;
ASitwauk-v |c sald tu'l,.tref’l. relomed
In the winter of 18S9 B'eanis- f«i,| xhe In.lted fri.mds remained untlllSouih foh.n »tr«
W. M, CwniuroD.

^.'la' the„|M
ume In Creenfl.’Id.
|nd.. Ibis
ere froaen 10 badly iltai ‘t betame j ^
hour: and ail Joined In voiIck j home
an.i rig,ir7
■ l.fnr.-ihv itni.-..| l•lv^l.l;'m li.-v^'T'o- a»n»e.-plan'.
Julias fiteinlSrs went to l)-:mieio.,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crane ■ an.l
part of tbe fool proper.
■ iday to spen.l ili>- b.illilays, Th.’ Jew- lUushi.-r. Marjorie, aemmptnlPd b' ' .Marvelous cures are reporUvl from'
KOlher with tbe (^lOueM ‘hat be n
-travffi ibrouBhout his life in a mah
. I .Ann Afhor to r.u.imie hUsturti.'S at
• vkit with ih.-i: 4,,^^ witnevn-d coirw and phvsiciansj
condition nearlv erased tt.e man an i
aereral attempts were msde to rommli
I rniK-rsliy of Mlrhlffaii.
’ |.aryn:s. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crane '
, who have r.-.-offtiisrd the virtue of.'
sitlride. Tbe last tpu- was with a
Miss lAivefn Ilunles. who has. iK-en'
Mrs. f. H Zimmerman n-tumed to •«.vd:aE.1hnkliBin-sVrffeteb!.-l'..ov3fl-caJlb>T revolver and wlifa Ibe.eri'
WM of MIss.Allre Walt, left th> j,,.r Voim-in Maeklnie CJtv .0,lav slier ■
*9W>* «>> C‘*o;
AlSn-clork Thur-daymornlniiai tl..hewe of .hi iwie ex- sut.h .,rrr. i momlnc for her home In Trout Creek;
“■ Maekinae cil> t.-ia) alter ovriii where ills ^ae.
home or the bride. B'a Fifth
upper p,
vtsli with
.|f physiulaus ditsl to be ftwuk ii>d^
With fnvnd.
frivnds and r.-Isearly life Is a blank to ihu wanil.M-iiiK Miss Blanche, only 'daiiRbier oT rltyj,
■ lUd Mrs. C- R. Dockerav
I>>rkeray ami
and jnes:
- jf’.aud
. -• l.uiidr.^.of
Tour grocer ia bonc^ anti—if lie carea to tio ao—can tall
Musician. After be bail recovered hi> ireasurer M.‘ E. Haskidl and J. Lane *<,n fayrtie. lef this mornli.ff for ■ sir- fk \V IliiimBn and fitnllr w'.o
‘t«»«*'*lly prvBurilw
yon that bo known vi-ir littlu about tba bulk coffoo li«
phydcal aUencih'Sieanis started plav.
bells you.
Uow con in kuou, wLi-ni it unginull) eamo from,
In* on tbe streets In the summer tin#
and fats vlfilcrs arc sp>>ni at MeMek.
bow it waa Uend.^1—or With Wh»t
for Portland. Ore? Om. na.
.bronffh the H-v todav li-lnpon t..elK5»acuro. TUJollo.
Stearns Is a tdllful nbjert to behold. CoDBruffailpnal chtmcb bulnff the
—or wben roaatodt If yxni buy ymir
He wears 00 eovetlDff of any kind over
c-e lotne by tLo jiuuiiil, boir eo»
fleiatlny mlrisler. The solemn rinn wber.^he will make her .home with
.^^r reiornin .Cin^^
of 4 Ilriffbam .
the mntllBied atnmpu of his feet. Hh
(isjiMt jinrity ami uniform quality T
face and bands, are seamed with deep
tnhoBf>r”of theha^ov tweasion the: Mrs, Ixill Funircs left this mmvftim i ':•>•
McCjuKt. ' Tvrre—nlins Ih.- Park. KUcbbnrff, >1». wi
wrinkles and a wraffCely lumr.l enver.
***** *
Ml rhin.
He aajw he will live K»l


..... .



TroHis fliat Strike Home

'rears. Thu old violin with rblnv
Swiss bells picked.up In Swilxcriand.
hanjn and VarHm* .other muslral In- Inca nlra’stns (oil for the former Tl.e [> J**” Abcrn of Cbampalffn. 111. was I Bffeuls for bln paper Id Ibis cl’}.
ctsSlor utenuein-ulA-eoieitin, afu. an,! mV
.veaotfwJ .UuffhtiT b now uUnclt
ULIns it for a
linenui are carried almut In an old^. Tl>‘><here thls.week, vlslll-jt W. dannht.-r..
snak- wmkievs.and
gauiing u bsahh. .
.' '
—■ ' '
. makwrokn^
•wheeled c,.
cart made of drv •roo.Is music was . funitshfd by MUs lxuilse|)Mr«. Q-^nt Wlsehan. who has Wd ,
■ ■ his
■ ■ extra elotl
■ iblhis;
Howard. Miss Leah. Ikiyer
:r ami
and MU<
UU<, kirk ^.r four-wH-k,.
• ,
Ganeral Netw.
• • iIISk Bdrorote it a. a ,«wt rsliaUr 1
4WO mbiwioMrs. Clint Richards has returocl.
,w ,.
» -i
,,• ■ eiB. in nlfdbewsr. to whv* wumm arv ■
hrirtal pan.-'from Millinfftoo. whixe she ait.-nde-i: "hen ih.- kins of blara has <,n Li- jsrt,Bndslvr.ibcw»« doc from a *mril lot and Is can-I d,.K..i,,|pd tlu- stairway they played.
• the funeral nr her mother. Her father, full nspa^la he Is snppt.seil in repr,-s.-ir
\ who tiro troubled with imln-. '
folly tsrapped In old rwf flannel rlolh*. Kennel's "Merry Itays" and ‘turius the* dothoa Miller, reinrtinl ,v
bur an.l an ouiUy of trti,tv‘iban'll.ia-"i,<«Hi.
fnl or im-^larmenstniutiun, ifloatinff ■
It is Irtraraed Iq Ivory and atnmg «
cen-mocy the same was played very hr bt quite 111. but ImpruvlnR,
Jb.i«.Tt Goelel. tbc'-WTlI-known New. <"r flatulcncr). lcueorrh<i-a., fallinff. in-t
rl strinim. The
old•nan As an

________ _____ :... flamtm.lumcrulivratiimol’theuur
iMUt ntcU’-y ma‘n. has fllivl opplk.vtt.
r on violins act ____ . .
ovaiisa troubles. I
'^The bride was clad In while sllk
xr of'thonffht sad appeara
f RhTwle I
carrleil a bouquet of while aatc
h all of the makes and Hetir
‘ tion, nerei.u prn-tration or the bit
in F. Tlltis.
khonid Uke
■ .gtaamt Is playinff about the aireets chlBun silk and carried pink asi
tBlB week.
H- Clark
of Muntana In Ftfib 81'eniie. resuir^
to p<-Huet
h^th andatrouffth
Albert Haskell, brother of the bHde, Missiou. will reiuni ^fiirday
was the best man. The rine Iwarer
H. A. Lanaw-urtby returned -thl- New.k'ork.
w'.A'ork. Ir neartna
nearInB comiiU-lloa:
comiilHloa: The jrtUkinff Lydia E. Pin
I'inkham'a Veffc
was MlsK-Charloite PriX, who rairfed moroiiiff from Suitons Bay. where ht-xotal -cost will 1h,- al.iiii $;..«ta\ont>. n M*nn”jr^“'t‘'..“^
Agiwaably Surprlsad.
ISnkliam.aitl.vnn. Maws., for furllirr
the token In a spray of small asters,
ihe fair,
; i. iipi BO. larse
Mr*. P. C. Gilbert of-SBC AVesi the rina beinK in tbe eeiitur of the largtwo o'hi-ni fnwiailvice. Huiirluff person haw had
W 1.,
f.-iv Ih.
a wider
eapreienoe in '
Serenlb atreet ptenned and carried onl esi-boe. - Tbe arremony tix>k place beVllllam Core heiurned todsi 1 in that nelBbUH__________ _____
, ...
.... Hie la-ncfil of
. .
treatinff female
female ills.
ills. She fins ffiii.ii-d '
- a very aBToeahle siirprisr liH ev.uilnk fiWe a Brest batik of ev.TKruun and from Suttoib Bay am! Wncham. where ;nuui tvi«»l> *f luij of ihum.
for her slater. Miss Ethul Thomas. I
Ub,' spent a few days with oM frii iid*. 1 - Itei. «.
K. Hratenabl, h eior of .t;
w?mro??u*ld nik for an!l''f,Xm'T,x
e concltiaioh ef '
•Srliroeder of Nor,fi|*in . Altuiii'' rhai>ul, Wn-hininon, has ro adviee if-aba tvanu to lie atruii; and
-Ml« Thomas was Invited K. spend the | rcfrovhmi'nis whv serve,! bv
Ohas. Rinwinihal arrived ii
eveolnr with her sister. awppminB she
i Btbul Bavase,
, |iiirni-il nf.*-r sisiidinc t:
■ ,.iBtbul
"• •• ”





■ImBth M« fiRvor.





For Om k

ifcurn OF A cnmBy. uon

....................... '5S.




acecMlty j —tlnrw



In each pa^kafro of LION COFFEE yon get on* full
pound rif i'ure Coffee, luiiist ujion goUing (ba genuixm.
UAon bead on every jiaekage.)
fSar* tba LionUnwds tor vakaafata pramtan.)


If you are going to take advantage of this sale, come early and get the Best Bafgains. It is an 'opportunity to
save some money on goods you need this fall and on purchases which you might otherwise delay until next sea­
son. We are overstocked and must unload. We are making PRICE THE INDlicEIVIENT.

Hlance Over fbe Followitid Specials:


Spike Tooth Harrowt that wciv »H. no«..................................................... 1 2.00
Spike Tooth HairowatliM trer.*»12. now........................................................




Tooth %m>w»,tli»t w,.r.' $10..tiow .... ■ ■



DrilU that were tttH. now.......................


We harea few at .... ..'............................. .. .







Tlte Famous "StmlelAkfr" that w,- have aiw.iya eol.l for *:« td
$h). now......................................... ............................................ ..........................................$28 00


Tmrt tl„„


................................ asloo

^11* ^SII^ Truck that mis $:«i. liow................................................................


Wagons lli.7t a.i ijavi- al«;,ys soM ;it $t7 to $‘-7. nov ...------- $40 tO $70
Fine BuWjFt Tire Top Bugsy, was

Land Boilers thiil were fl*l nnd fJ'i »iv m-w piiin; nt.......................... $20.00

Plows thaisren* 112 to $17. n


One of onr U*st Tiip Buidinoti ibal was $K>. now.................


9Q.-00 .

One Top Itucsy that was $70. now...................................... .. ............................... 62.50
(hie Cut Intler Som*y. wut $12->. now.........................................................................
One C«ni>py Top Spring Wmron that w-ps $7-'». now ;.............................. ..
^-A KpodTop Buix}- that Wits $50 must go ;it............... .'_____ .............................


A'Lot of Second Hand Goods that
are Going '‘birt Cheap.”

The above are only a few of oar list of Cztraenlinary Bargains.' Come in and look them over. This sate wili last Only Cbirty Days Conger.







tbaeeec of.Btiiy yean, is the dangler Moeasarr to lowrr a txiai by ifce ayfll
Limaa Oodulw Robiown. 2a of the AraoHcan diplomat aad hl«- nary meibod.
The body of Mr*. FTance* Ururtknir.
oM. rbo hu jQfl l]««i appointed Uirlaa. John Latbrap Motley, and the
^tdl ot be depaniscni of moance I'lT widow of tbe late Sir WllUam Vernon aka srai found in four feet of water in,
Pere Mafquette lake, near Lndlnatop.
Haretran. one of the
WP^alrmUr of Oklafaom*. ha*
and speak* Idader* and atate«mcn of the llberwl; Wednesday. It It snppOMHl »b< f
The Gazette PrlntloR company of
iprror Fyancis Joseph, of Aisatrli.
dod the recent army maneorom Pontiac, capital tltn.fXM). ha* Bled at
head cd fh« BHtlsb admlrsdly. roCDM
uf a fanllr of nallora. lllajiTea'^rcai:at hU horse for ibrve hours In a Holes of ineorpomilon. Gnv<-mor War.
lorrd tnrlro ItaciugM

nuat or ihpm flucniir
A. H. U-o. rewstir appointed dril

arpaimndraifaer and drenehlnc rain, in *plle trf retooofrom 'mt-rtlcal . advisor*. A*
are holders of stock.
What mlehi bare been a M-riiu»;fli
resntl hr eauslit cold aad the doctor*
revtoyed thrmsrlvtii by orderinc him;
nanvwfy avened at she Gal
a • hTc^an.
I bed for (WO nr three days.
[ Manufartnrlnu fa. Allil'in'* latp'-t ii
Amonc those who rerelTCd the hon­
IHrerlors of the MrtrtJiKiIiun Op-ldoiur}. «arly Thursday nmniiDBL A
orary drw* of 1J-. D. at Trlnlly col-


Se»«t Turner of Lan»iae will y i lu

H. & I. E. TIME GUtO

irtama for the Sas Pablo Mtnlnc Co
place of Fred I: Walktr el r.*u-laa* bruuslii liaeh io*ait<'.
.Vn'Ttie-C«)n»rera^.enai rhsrrb id Cht ;


'4 TilMe AuJSsts. s- preesl^ lie fs .aw tor.

r«. m



The„ tsvelei.. ba> bis-n «itho*.ii a*


arandUlbfr «*e»> all dUti&inilahnd
naval <Oiem. HI* falhnr, hiiworpr, !•

It OneTifne-r-rDortOrt and Onir

Bills SIOO-fBa/crew Worse.

Diililln. is» month, vs* Mr*. Mar- era eompany In New V
The ilriiR' non- ut Oe.-.rse Iiismtmd
Ksn-'.ftym.Yhe head of VIdorta eol- bo. rim*lderlnR the atlvlsahllfiy of
k-*o, nelfaiu. who Terentiy rrlebrsird fnrrins the reslenatloif of Jame* Haz at Ttt«Mila ns broken Into W-ds<~
bnr liiblloe of Driy yrar* of an<anlyr fit Hyde ThI* la becasiw so much we, day nlchi'and «t:. .lou-n from h..torieiy ha* attached to Mr. Hydv money <lrawer. A luiR on Hn- rn ih
profoaalDOal Itfe,* tom aay of Ddcam
• lU. *1 ta* X..rin
ll.r • '..set lieu-, in
ca.' iMy ot Trms.-r.» fuj. iisstsl Trsir'—
r.mory.lli.-bmii. MiU<'..sri M-.Ml-tsKihr

During I

cate for taofton. For years' ahe ha*
■Ircssod ID men's clolhes an
Uty worked her claim'herself, dotn^ forms h

F. W. Oliv. r Of Ri.ii'h Bend, ha-.1summer sojourn In the milted a proisuililon to ili- I'onHcii phMirian who l* much In- 'conticll (n biillil a faetofy ni make iiiiin
■ epilepsy In tis dlfrereiil lire* n fiKfl. will* If h<\«n got son,.-


a wllt'y moralist. A millionaire whtskv nlRhl."
Her. PbuJ'H. tJnn. who
dealer, amucaat and pur*e^trond, one

Tbe suderinc which Cmirur.v Soap
aad Otntnu tit tisi-e allcviainl among
thcyouog, and the comfort they li.i\r
allortUdwoni-outuudav.rrinI inn ut>.
have ltd to thi-ir sduption jii .-ouul.
less bomt-s as luicelesi cunilires for
birth humours, milk -cnist. sculled
bcod.ecicmak. rashes, and cs-i-rv form
of Hcbing. acaly.
acaJy. pimply \k
skin, and
linmour*. with loss of .. ..............


___________ •
Min appotnied pastor of the Cmtral pastor of the BaiuKt cliiirch SI Moikhonse that be had bullL "Tell air lf£ih(Mlei church. Kansas City, retuni- goo because of a row over a r btireli
. cw -h.rt,.
irtat to call It. won't you?- hr said. *4 ed only s few wgeks sgo from a'lrir
«,r 1,1.
am hestiailuc between Oone'ball. Pwo around ihe world. He was accompaii
»-™n„ h.vr I.™
I ™"'- f"', »■"-hall aad Stanley hall. What do yot led by his wife and by Hr*. Unn'-'

Mrs. BlRelow tald caliolyi

"1 abould adriae Aloohall*'

M ,hD,. u™*.

^ber. During (be Journey, which or
eupinl a year, the parly traveled mur.
than tn.diKi times.

Rhv. Mr. Unn re


I Mr. and Mrt. W. H. Northmorc of signed.. Ihe Vasutrale of a rhtireh a'
Uttede. Minn, has a nenutnc (encT Maryland. Ho. so that he could mak<
voice. No one who haa beard It dObbit the Joiiniey, hla object being to mak


Edward H. Frenrh; who a/o all«;.sl i„
be practicing mi-iilclne wiihi.ui 1.


' - -

Every Ilian needs
a Cop evat al
^.Cbis Season



widow and fuiir chlkken.
Rev. Friend Ilie! who a.--

- day ibosmd'hsr a pbomraph or a new



Cop 0oat5

To Skin-Tortured Babies
and Tir^ Mothers.

Japie* FruuiT of S- wlKTry. picked a
svauhlnif for prospnct'ws and minors In disease* who had
7$ years. Curious to know the defailt. quart af ripe- MrawlMinit-* fniui hi?!
or^ t« soenre necessary money
nnunial a case, lie imenlrwcd garden Weitm-sday, The pianr* (Kite ^,
says Hat she now talcods to rest and
rMower. llavlOR 'InQittrcd con fruit Ism sprlnLAnd Ihe ricund crop '
enjoy (he roaulu at hw. Jonjt year*

ccrnlni: tlHfermt sympioais. he |in< was of fuil.r as frod qnslliy.
prtratlon aad tardship.
Albert Knigfai. of near Alpm. y-n- '
Mrs. Pt^tn^ Bipclow Is a favorite eecded: 'iPld she Rrtnd
]a enicllah aocleiy. At Cannes, in Lon> much -at n'uhir The old nan c« killed j^K-nlay Jiy a win- hroskin-::
whenvopera'ltag n ffnc-lmiliynR ma
. don aad la the country She Is equally sldered for a minute and then n-pll
rhine. Hc.wa* r. .vear* old and Iciavic
Ib^ular. Mrs. Rlyclnw Is a muralist— “Well.

sad l. hens r S|T>«SM|

ts wl dsy.aWbnr. 1.1 i«> Ur»n4 TVsn^s,
* ,
; tee •,.



< men T>an»^Al'*da*i-i|,

J r jgxt*. 1(41

eouFt'ha* become congoeinl

Sarrah who haa J»*t nnld r mine iiesr
f iiawihome. Nev.. to an easitirn syndi­

J.e.,. h M.ier .■ h.vtev Ble; in

sdd oral*'-. UO.S .

MraiiGeoi^ H. Tucker. Jr.. 3J5
Gne^ficM Avenue. MUwiukev. Wi*..
ia a gratelnl mother. “When six
moaibs old," sbv ssys, '* my liRlv girl
Weighed a pound suJ a half U-sfllsn
flrtok. lAiia and Hebrew, and U en-iha» lei'll be-ende'si.snl that h<- ts i have disaareed aert Crane asks
- atbinh. When one tnoulh oldasrub
muted in l/indon In eompictina Ihelaveyse to servlnc on It'c Is«n1 with William Hieks. ot-ltullv. Ih- ai<i*diH"
formed on be
her isce. spreading until it
■n c4 the Chris­ Mr. Hvde.
owretl her from brail lo
The'rilil royal honse of Hesw,
tian lUblelnio his nallre (oMtue.
ouber be
u more Ol
A whool nf domesilc arts, in which German prlndpallly. rarely lost'
ber body.
stsni. 1 ti
The ance at Yiisilanti fgr ih<- year Friilay.'
the *>rt* of his parish are flilPd fouhe retsHve Irrlow the age tif T«.
it lieean
l shut her evts■I'
to sleep, tjae
praelksH diitlis of a bonne, hai bn<o landgrave Alexis, who. died recently, The |iH|>er ha* lieim i-nlargii) ■« a -iv "''i,
'uHcur. Soap
esiahlUhcd by iter. Thbmas J. Gllleo. was Td. Ihiringibe nlniCecBibcenliirv cnlumn ncaspaiKT nn- sjid will le, i*- tnouib s trcamK-nl »Hth CuHcura
and Ointment made* < impleu
rector of 8i. Mary's church. In Paw­ fonv or IKiy memlx-rs of the family sued woiMely.
andi as Isrgs. stcung,
and now my chUd
Hoverniir Warner ha* iHreriivI JiMc - sad hcsjlbv a* anv child of ber age.
tucket. R. I, II has provhn one of the erossod the Mg divide, the .vouogesi
Dmill* of Mt. Pleasan'i lo bold rmirt The doctor's and «frug bill-- wi re over
having reat-hed the allotied
in the-OafeUnil-lAp-er ilisirln by n- one buodred dollars, and niv fuby
score and ten jmO the uidesi IK-Ii
grew worse sll the time. Then we
This wontlerful longevity Is pnsslblt quest of Judge George W. RmlHi. wti- tpcBl less ihsn hve-doUar*for CotirepreseSt* lhai Ihe buslnosv- nf ib.-^ cnraaadcnnd her."
Aw intercallsit character oM
Mczican UrtiaBwaBaa.'Mn. Fersntna

__ j sti
Trsioif.ui ..tarlYlT *ad Fryrinn Hsva

-- -

ibe ->tslf cS toAv Hen


Rnhnuna. a faII-hk>oded Kaffir, n Ihniiigh disclosures made In life insurallalr*,
Aceordlns to report,
ttaraae until
Heory Moreanlhati. Hie hanker, who! Crane «
aay a |kss, a paalor and a patrVu. a, n't
tif o;.er*.i
o|)er*.' faesare
srholar ‘Vho ha* mastered EnEllsh,] I* one of the rhtef patrons of
raesaiv M wire tenre *ravine



3=.In Ui. mUb-r at

C I-: T


PERE Marquette
Is >«*rl K-n I- a«. tad.
Trolr-Wv*Trar*r»-IH, a*<ifllaia*
T'^"- OrwBd luiod*.

X o \v

If it turns Gool.
need ii. Wc are^||rtainly ftflnrinu some
ffootl coats for the
mone>*.' A medium
weiuhi coat Ls.alwaj's
in demand; A nood
serviceable coal (or ; :

________ _



Fir-TawLa':* llSliw:*!' OrSTVa*" mJI
il*C.,ai .ai*a*l«'E P U. . for lb* |wri«i*- ut
.•luariiii.- «b. *bsrwv and roronrai* .in'i-.r
.it to. —miwtr tv a {•-n-id n*l *ii*^n«
Ibirty yracffnin tb* .lat* of ikarsidrsliaa iif
, .i..'b>n**. gi.. V. I'*r.. aM tor U* ttwi^ -sbar i.BBiiiw i.r iK]*.rtanar that viil
;*r.-|,i«.i*a la I- iA.aml

iuwd Aufoat m. itu:


•»- -™n, .

<’>»™ S Money, of Giaivl Rspl.l'.
Brl 'av ciornltic
Siiir.-; ' ts-yfi.

•onse* at Orend Rapids. •
' ! '‘‘’'V" ^
Ella* Bush of Davidson, ae^i! V..;'""'
.*helr.l.u-!ii.-v; urn! Ita*


•f*''*', lmi««rii-r-- .if. niaa personal'InvenlgsHon nf the rerig made a wager of Fl old/rion.l i""'

, tW he cne'd walk to Flk-i.. m-vx u
tralnl& iiilcb It )ia* nmelved from lous worW.
begun.on.a n-w de„« ai
her teacher. The yoani; woman als*s
Pope ri'is X has gone in for s' mile*, and rtutro home the same dsv.'
'Mlddlerille to Ivplsrt- the one hurne.1
her iraor aeleoHoa*, In correct leiwr sianling new dopanure. His holtnest
last Jii-e.
ranee, with perfeci mnaleal ubefo- has thrown himseiC warmly in to the

Hat: tH'hatinef


€xe«flft4it Ualuts

l/~tnA'i'RRr KAUC-ln rwraosM* aWI hr
V_/- nnu' -I- an urd*r and dartnaoT tb* nr.
l.-u.l I.«-U> CoOBlyof OtoBd tYwr-r-*.
; ,n rhan -vj . ii. tb- -la'* .4 M*-hlgpM. nod*
-’.-l.lati.l „n lb* i;ih .tar ,.r Juu*7A. Ii. WS.'
a nsta.r. -ai.- tb-r*in i>*aduic. »b*r-sn

It. esMlally alDce (he four mnnili

'hic ennouragemenl of aibleHrs In Iialv
ranee of Ulai Northmore'a rotee .ls ever ilnre be ascended the papal
from B flat ta blRh C. a fnl] tenor throne, and ^w he is actually going -i
sciowaneaa and exquisite Ixamy.

tanice. Any attempt ai makinit hcriinA

III an aiilelir rompeillion

anpraiiu In the same tange. or eoninl-

e preeWis pi .'be



Ce-.intt.h'4<ts' tbs !>r>tlsi- OAn IB tie nty
<JT>sii-ni..-(.'ltT..iB Ihe isih Aar lA N-i.leei

He has glv4n over 200 gold and oHT«’
Dr. Wdbeim OAwald at lA>lpzic. who prizes for (bqprompegilons and it It
.under Ihe new Btaaageinecil by whleo even said that he latcndi to. ^presen-

One disen^ of. thiniHws .. lor, m thv .aw- ibou-aul hnaJj.-U
chlidren u tifrofii]:i: in ndultf.<. •V'r-r.i.yr.
uniption. ISuili liavt* pcuu____
Hood ; Wtl,
mm- lot.

^nard and Germanr will cacbanfe In person at the Ilual event of the pro
Weasora is (o lecture at Cambrldic gram, which will proltably take plar<

Inette- tllisoasi's tlirive on l.qm»r»Tisgthst hr ms.-tie sulhorurd.
rr . ,
. *Sn]M3W*irrU SnU IKVIIMII to l*-il SI r-nrstr '
rat IF llie best nienns of thnnu-f—i e^id wsni m -wi-i iv.i —i


fur half the comlnB academic year. U In-the CoHile della Pigna.


lie ofie-,

etssmtlslly a leader of men.

He tio* sdrlses elderly oartllnals who<are in
Ibe pcrwiinal maicnelUm which aitiaeu ellned lo look askantv ai auMi ho<UI>
and Inspires people: he 1* siways a exendsce to p> And•waO'h ihem in ih>

d liver oil “rhl^'iJ.2~rlrV. <«l.-rrd. n-.l I'n-l*.. ihr
makes the best und waithifst
bmnns nrsBlilliMItWIi.srd Ibst ib-ie-slet
fat and
kino) wuO ti,mur,smlslle>hpr
mi.-rconiiii- llifiir. eod lit -

in ksM—tst*. an rc-.sln-ll. ss-i-ArsI

1tiUc in advance-ot the i^rity and
he has the power ol cxpirsilng him­
self In such a way a* to inletcsi and
eonvlBce others. Ills influence 1* not;


State' Naw«.
Mrs. Daniel Bmwneir o0valatnar.or

couBned lu his pupils. Then; Is prOb- was ailaeked by *4ar|le^wk. whlel
•iHily no man living whose optudor' Imlicilitrd lis-4«i?nni so deeply Into hci
bare so imirb immedlalr wclybi In ih- hand* and arms that It had to b<



l'liy.*»r,u-.ef sr.yltl.vrl».*hj thr
■ ursrrr’.r ttk-vniiiiSiFi-heuMneil-..TSI'W
Andu>*runh,-r«-l«fwl. Ibst.sin v-eit:,«
er 4.1TI I...tl0i- !•. Iks tn-vnie- lli1>t.-l»<t in -»!-l



Cwimlr. tar*- rv-—e-tir t" »snl


MitaioAH. ckn.nty-f drss.i

— --... .. ^

naniversary of hi* pastorate on Sun­ Canadian custodia'olSeem. The latiet ncrofnlii niidoonximiptinn. Mm-e
day. Rev. Mr., Power was Garfield's held np a fast Ihroiish frcighr for ar flit, niori* weijrlit,mote iimiiiKlipastor and prCMhcd the funeral her- honr and s half until the dead porker nunt.tlmt'swliy.
moD In the capRoI. and anoibfr one of
hac k'o J*bn Huron fron;
fi'iiJ for fnf .‘i:iniplc.
his communicant* was Jiidee Jeremiah Sarnia.

ssil nln> haul—i sod Si.
’erU-wt. i it K Wsiw«r. aoda*<* Pt-.lAir
wr u< tbr witatr uT Hsrths e.
If sod flUns tlir pr-ettlon. dnlr rerl
.....................s Wr1ciii.lin-I.*«dnr ■•in
ernyms sw'stv einrr tbixy- xhsi thi> roun
s^jndicai. sjid.:<rririi>r -hosrrer s.r. th.
Black of imntrf*.
l-VBlkH-rnt >si.| .lan-s>r.l SI ih'itmr-I l..r
A'hlle riding hi* bicycle. W. J, Ish
SCOTX^BOWNE,' Chemists dralt. ul wki; sr en. mtillrd l-y Isw Je iv
. Indicaikms are not wanting .that his am ot Northville struck a bnggy box
b-nt ibr rrsx *-ist* t>. .au-t <1.. 4W-AIS ^ Street. New York
■rrordi c to tn»
.,f iwmost eraotou* majesiL King Edward whieb
tiieb C{tez
C|tended nut Tram the aiilewslk.
*t*Inl* IS r.l-tl rs-- tn-ll'- SOii OT-* id-d
60c.*ia$I.M ti
of Great Britain amrlr^d grouv oUI


The la^ Ineldem In seen by passersSy lying besl.rti- Hie
proof of this, de|iWmble lend.-ncy walk, lull all w<mi on. as they su'e
come* fro^ Ct>«es.yiiore Hie king ha* poacd-'li wa» a drunken man. M'her
a royal re*ldenc^.^Osboree bouse. Istiam was -taken rare nf it scu loiiml
Some repairs were toV made In the hat his sk-tiii was'fraciured. He dlii


and peevish.


cadets' school M-ar by and bis not regain conseluufine** fra- several

majeaty asked to be (hewn Ibe. plan*.

Tbe^rchiiect aem wlih the drawins
had a wart upon one aide of bit
hi, m4je*iy.

George and EilwarJ De Kiep ol
Oixsieiwvllle. who have been In the vi


Eli's Cnm Ells!

cintty nt Sagola for several week.*,
grupt annoykoee and he haa d<
gathering ginseng, have secured Hioii:
that the architect be removed from 100 pound* of the root*, vwluril at $i
chsrp- at the repairs. Bveryhody lu a pound.
It Op-n* sad I'laaa^l
London It langfalnfl at the incident.
Mis* Cornelia Bennett, daughter o'
Some of the comic papers have gone the late Judge Cornelius Beoneit. aaJ



' In th*ror*Ssi*i. b*s—gled f..r tlM- brsnnanf
•sutpeoaon.iiDdlhsI tBi m-. of I ui>n.:li-vrm
:St IstFufMd d-eeil-.'.slld sU elh-T taTmu

CATAR R H' bit't


Trsrenv lYtr, nti.lshev iw—. if snr eb-rv
br. why tbs t ra;ivo( Ih* pvtilKiBnr tbuuld

And it-lBfnrtt-min’.erol lFit eold iwii’1ob-v
'glrrlHitaev l-> t‘i. i***.*,- mt.Mpft Ta ss-d
U ^ l^_p-nd.«ryU^d tuition. sad^I^hr
I tirsnof Ibarwir. 1' esa*th-CIrnfi'I Trsi.—•
I ardariu h^paUidW .n ft
ni*d and i-rruiv-U
Travsr—-. J.*r lb-**
■ v-vi-l da.T kJ hear

I i.t»**n.t--tk.n-i«*»ir finraad Ivdsiy a.*.
1 in u.»n iM-ntr-*irb--n.vili.d rang* >*a v*.i.
I ibrwn v.-i airr r .a-d —rtinv lit>- thtt t> Sva
|r.*t.. Ib-r. • I i.rlii |vraU*l vilb tb* wwUi
I and >.i;lh.,bai1*r tm- -r .aid'.—ti.ia task*
■•vl and WW.I .luarn-r-lirny' Mid —-tb.n :
-liaia*. . 0.1 ta ria.-- nf l*viniuar,'*udlsjniiid
ib,rtr«ri w r.. H taod «.-*• or koa. aJJ la
firand Tt-ai* r.* r-raiif., Mi-bigsii.
r.nrt CvmiaiviHdi** tn aad (nr
• Iraad Tra**f-« I'vuntr. MM
I'fnill a mi.* >K


The Best
and sold
at the

kkkkk: wai.krr.
____________________ Js.i..-.n>nur.-.

remove them.

wakL ■

b.«a-1. laV Ihi, id*- for JadiGi tb* •.;*tUI-unrt far .old nmoly. ua
Saturday. in« 4*h day of Movqinbur. A D. 1005.
a> t*n
lu.-r in lb* f.a-nuan, alljgan wurb
** in*. I*, n— .giitr t'< rwl«* fh* otaoWat do*
t.,*..rr.|>aam*nt f..r (..lanaal. iat*r*<> andaoi- III tbv- *•*»-. of Um loUmrlos d*
I *.-n1**i 1*1— 1 .if Lotid 1-1 VII
I r-. .-u.iKiis at lb- vivibvivi rnrwr id U.*
i-Wvih.If ..f lb* .«tbv*.i .lUBfSOT ,d tnninci
I iv*rty->oar. in tow tvrsty*vmi aortb al



IK llie «tsii*st nnd mo»i on'ective
Mrs. Brownell
form liver oil. Heir s ii
bird to the gn«md and
nntnml oriler of llitiip< tlmi
Rev. Frederick D. Power, pastor nf *iamped'-K lo death.
KhotVK Why S^-otl K I'.imilsii'ii ithe A'enponi Avenue Chrfatlan church
A (lead bog in a. car cauwd^l kind*
at WaabtuKion. celebrated the tbinlHh, of trouble between rniinl States ami ot«.) much v.-thie-nt otl eoues of
srorid of chemlsls as does that of On- killed ii


X-iilr-i. tirvnbs *11.s Ibat 1 Otall **11 at
l.aUu-auriion. la
huw laSSw. at iW».nb fr.aii door .d tb* aan binia-. m rb*

These machines arc carried in stock at otir -shop and
can be seen in operation "buzzing" wood.



'-.'ST.'if,".“K '.LCal*..




To Cure a Cold in One Day

so far aa to exprwsa regret at the detl- Prol'. A. F. Wood. o( Ibe Central Nor­ duiHl _t-*r^J^r*. kirrull
csile state of the king's health.
mal, have iHX'n married at the bom.
. Balblno Utvllo* of CHy of Mexico, of the bride's mother-at Ml. Plcasana well known .mteiiluer. vfbo has
John rnrdy of MasonvIlK'. met with
1* iVonitcCaan
.IrSAslaled (ole Spantab some ol the a singular atcidcni. a He was'tume i
host Anmrieaa poetry, hat been ap- ow too «■<» an Jhe saw Inside
h^ omJTfftbr rit?
-C* I rlTo CvS
pblnled to the Mexican embassy sUlf mill, and a-a.< faorletl ibrougb the iron- cwjat^ oo tb* IMS £*.> Id Svmvml.v. A p.
at Washlngtcm. He will accompany plated rooT; The log flew JW feet
Ambassador Cawus to the Vniwri where mrdy was tanrting and-bit t
lo the leg. iiri-akiiig the Umb slmve the
Ex-Stsie Senaiov George Plimkri' knee,
Of New York, the man who JnsHfled
A new dertre for the low<-ring




his sudden aeceas to riches by asseri- Ilh-boais t* being experimeniod a Uh on
tag rhai he always took advantage ol the D. A C. steamer City of Cleveland.
]l Uordvrrd (ha. tb-> U-h i'jit ,J
A. D. taCsBl t*n u'l-Idvb IS lb* fan
••boopf! fiPafl.'- It trellered
Tli« rosirivance is fastssed in the da- ^u^w^ar. h* aiMl te iMVvby <
beenflirt'd pcrmabcnity from
vKs and two-men nan kisrer the
II la rsnbw
that a
ties. Ills fortune Is vstlmaled at «e»t Yn two i^tiie*. aad can stop h at each
I »^«di
rirrw a million.
deck, in Ui*e same manner Hat a
LAdy HarRrart. sriin has arrive! vsklor U broufffit lo a ataaditili
at Ke«-.To*(t from Benrpc after


From four to alt mei





The children's friend----

Drives out blood impuriticA. Makes strong nerN'e and muscles.
Gives tone, viulitv and

•-rt'ail la said B>uns%r-.-r a. rao.'

a.'<-r*r.ant*d fed tb*r*fn. lb*



rr -d
u jjtBim.


Vtr. y

■ !-,7 •' ? ,'|

>AV. ecrescR'a. -it^
Imporuhce that the two srat^ed {hcL* as brave as a .Hob: but wrhb that steep.

IhfmM r*M MttBmBmm
I ««t vr «• ta M hippr M I
Ml «K Mto
WCir M I M
t «M tfr ti kt IMl« MpM
mt Wa« *• iiwikiM Mk «•
•v«y rMPt tktM

I valU el their m»u.

When *e

parents drive awny.


coward, hot all
•That Is. of course. After your work Is bright color lied (nan bis ebeks, and

bloc at the akr. aad a Kraal reUow cat
Kls mother>esluied for ao Instan'
with Kreea eyes. Ooe rat. a tortolae
But only an iosuni. Sbe bad been
•hell, vai like a inasr llfje old woyoung herwelf. and not so very long
Biaii: sbe bad iraeeled all the way
ago. cither, and was tuly able to real­
(roB Bwclaad. aad bad loat ber leaiise the superb b»ss <i-ch uall
per aocoewbere oa the oefesa.
Welt, we •H'l al) ihe cat* ba
stairway that led
of the cat house. Up stairs were
pussies lying on eusblons nad sKUng

eess to know when It is safeU to dtad when not.
About two weeks bgo wbe/l^neer

done. Yoo may play, or read, or do his kcad whined. He knew ihaTibe Stout, wbo bolds the ibru^'^on tbe
nothing St all. Just as yoo like
Instant be left the ridge he would
flyer out of here, climbed

do it U any pan of (be boose from
I hr iber eune roBnliv '<> <ke wire
aide to cellar: aad you may have any­
doors, ud (heir BKiroe let cm
thing In tbe house that you like to
cone out asd be iietted.
There were beaotifol allrerr-wbite
"PJam cake and mince pie and precals, aad <bu nariced wllb browa as.|
aerresT" asked Rob. almoet breatblessoraste. pure wbke cab with eres at

op ibe mile lew

the crowds aad tmder (be eagtae< but

"Ton may do encUy as yoo like all lew blm'
day tong.- tbelr mother bad told them.

He uneomfonablc. and (bat might be
a lesson not was-e<.'
"And as moeb of anvtblag as

want." she said wiib such a amHe as
In the sun. There was a little boarder
caused Rob to flv si he* and give her
eat there, an ordinary gray and white
such s bug as marie the little mother
klllen. wbo looked out of place with all
gasp for breath
Ibe Angoras.
He seemed Quite al
So. when the carriage had diaaphome, however, and 1 think
pes;red. the cblidren turned bark
eery happy to hare such a nice place
WIM aiABtk Kam. ti
Ihe bouse, and. standing, looked into
to suy lo while bis mintrett took ber
each other's glowingjbecs.
suBBser racstjao. The other cal
"O Rob!" for'Marjory was tbe II
Ntwabar af wiambara Man«las 8apC were not n bit propd. but cuddled dowi
to find her breath, "did voi- ct e*
beside blB rery prettily. There wc>r
your IHe bear <i( anything so perfect
wire rooms up stairs where sick
ly lorelj ? Wbai Mtall we do fir> ~
puasles stayed, and we found
I wish that I could give yoo some
‘ The LltUa ChliMn in Japan.
curled np in coBfonnblc basket
Idea of that day. But It wuuld take
The iliile<klhlree la Japan

slide down the roof aad be hurled to! his cab and found the kltien sltilag on
the ground. Yet eouliVfae sit there for] the seat. Mugs Jumped down and ho
six long btmrs with tbe merrury (along, (bought the car was gone nnUI Ih •

then already dead with mMAod (right, him. when wlih a start be found chc
—wbai was to beAcMf-^old: be had: klilen slicing in his lap. swaying sUU
bow Void It was IlII that | ibe engtoe and plating wiib Hm loose
moment wbeo all
II i^Mui^w
i^Mi.gIc>w went out of sleeve nt bis Jumper. Tb<- ra< hsil no
his blood. U : usi beneinqg stuu. at permit m ride on the • nglw. and ye:
Indeed It we<
Sloui didn't see -bou he routd stop she
Marjory' was crying down below uaitt'iapin it off. and K was out,of the
"WTint ‘else . could l>e rxpucied of a quesilur tn drop «i out of the window,
girl?" Rob


balf-scovnfulb', ,6o Mugs rode back to Moberly. and
when Sicuii eame bark to Kansas C.iy.

even at that supreme moment.
Now rbe sun had dropped-behind oM

Rob beat one hand at s boarded Vbe Kaiy fast mail In m
'xnsBDer and tbuk a trip lo
lime upbci tbe sblagles He knew that,
if his bands became numb and-Tffsi. Parsons. Night befni-e last |i buarde-J

their hold. It would be. as hr expressed ; the Wabssh cnglur. llke-an old
It, -all up with him.-, fie tried hb ] man and took a llith-run down 1
best to think of some means of oerape, but could not.

Mnrjtrry bdii rnr. !

crying, into the hause.

Vrly again,
A> H. I>. Jletrbct sins at .work mij

it wn* dresd-’ihe moiiB'aln back erf Bufeniui HU'.'

fully lonely:
Would he ever, ever! Jbbnsca. Muniana. he came epor
narb >bi- ground allvr. ever sw <hr - coupk -of >«emg wlldray<. a'boti’

LOT 184
LOT 188

bright kitchen with Its'glowing flri-< Isrgr as rommtin iioctse cats,

LOT 230

How could Marjory leave blm; . Thiy wen- sleek and baailiinme i

all alone. In the thrrlblr cild and gath-'were olavlng ami frliklng like oi
erlDg dusk?
! oar) kittens. Having no weapons wlihi
But bHIo: there was Marjory coming | him and l>e!e: aiconipabled bv' his

1- -■‘“"4’

Hs-BDS like -l-ve two little hands


up the ladder which went up the steep.
KUpperr roof to the ridge.

It wa

That U what I aaw a few days ago. and



raw. Wi

stcepcat kind of a sieei< ablogled roof. ously. an.l there Is alrtady a real af already nam.-d 'h- m after 'h<- eh'ldr- i
one Mid ao more have gone'up feeilon tvelweenshe orphaDB and ilielr ol Fr.-siii.ui R.*.seveit V family. Mr.
Poolers cai imniwllaiel.v looV a llkins
or down It
a ladder than he foster mnihe'.
iaagiar. The boose stands on n pretty
lo it)e cmins when they w.-re br.»ucl'<
cou|d have flo^ fnlin ihs top wbeu
Charles Farn'swonh. of ABybroitk.
-stiMt lo Omnd aaid^la n pretty wonderfuL superioritr. tare alt veiy
ii> Hie huuK- and mi..-.' 'Ii.-ii'lias, n-ir*- l
•re. With the ladder H ^
Mass , has a eai ihai is the moUiei
y^. with trees and'tfosm and gteen well la their place. .Bui when it comes easy enough, and with a ' head
then, IS‘■Id ua-js1y.—Exchange.
. family of small hitieniv. Recently
gws all nbeni it. and ly^lnk the cats
I eme'TBencr''—a shrug of
steady as Roh'a there was nol'‘murli tbe mother cat went to the barn
like (be pretUnees uMuse each wtuders eompleied the sentence
danger even when be left the ladder
An Eskimo Parly Gown.
young rat. which wbe rOek In
don (and thWe werc'tM of wladowsl
and svaied himself astride of
her mouth and carried
Whea an Ksklmu young s"had a tat la It. lookiW.pnt. Tbc rnUridge, which he prcletide.1 to ride Jlkt kittens, and has since utirxed and
. a liaU she U s gol-g.-nu* slgbi
liTss of Ihe bouse and lbtarais and all
to Marjory, way dnu
Y.Mt did no' hu.iw ihscared for it as one nl her own (anftlv.
tbc kntens, said I et^ go lashSe
-low, ft seemed (efrihly dangenni
Friendship, and possibly aSccliOti they bad .Isncc* in hor oun'ry' nvil
Then there was siseh a^sbt All the enongb (u tell bow very superior be is.
id she begged .him to come down.
ave sprung up beiw.>en a ca: gad a they d.L and a irav-cl.-r r.-jsirts Ju
tnu Ww I was a fHead. had they and bow %ery Infertor you
"Why. It's floe up here." cried Roll, large wild larroon at Avery's higglng fioiv a Is-Ii" wa- d;e«*vd on such an
CABB raanlBK to greet
arc. Wbai
pass that yoo will grow In bc- laughing down at her.; though for my camp. In Thurslon coun'r. n.-ar Siai- ocraKiob.
wonM you bare done? I sat right lleye both staiemcnu. At least It sms
part I can*( possibly understand why ’e
H—■ dress w8‘ seade of the tn'.-'-dnwawa (be Boor, arid dnieher than a
0 with Marjory.
looklBg deWo all that great distance
One morning recratly the ramp cook fines ol a seal, 'split and 'w w-ed -to
wh^ two SaCy while hm«s were In
But whea that meek expreaalon iHd not make blm giddy’ To show bow
eard the eat DRwlng at the opra geibei. This makes a transpar.-nM}' lap. dkoihiT gray one was oe By
e Into Mar.iorv's. tweet llille face.
rns (for Rob had often and kitrtien door and purring In an tnviilns- garmen'. sRil the giri iritnm>-<: it wi-'
a tounfc was et^dli »g j Rob relented. "Of conrse yon know.
often ridden the rldiic licrnret. he bel"vcttlgallon Rhowed tbo
<B his hind legs perrlag in my ear. niarjocy. that girls caaaM l>e expected gan going up and dowa |2. H be really
his from feel oo the doorstep in j worsitd* an.l fringed It wfh s-rmi
Alter I had told them that I was Jusi | to be-weli. Just Uke bi>ys: they aren t r ere on n' horse.
apparent tndeclskm'at t.i wteiber fres-rol tMsads.
Her ilViusen. were whi"
«s glad to see them as they were to | ikde that way." Then he patted her
Bst so eager was he I'o prove tq Mar­ dom was worth giving up for his newlard made "f 8lbe-lsn rain-leer shir.,
aar me. thair mUimss. took me lam «. the shoulder moat kindly, and wen; jory bow safe be was, that once Ills
Every day stnee the coon | and *(;!»* of bead:. Hsqvy neeklae.'*
aaolber room where them were eve | wbtetllng out of the ittom. bte bands loot flew out. and In flying hi,' the Udhas eogip to the conk's tein'to pisyjand nendtns of bead* and inVih .it
BO many lliUe placm paitltkmed bis pockets' aad
fcls bead well
bnrd. Tbe ladder rested firmly in with the cat. and present lodleail.Kis I animals buna araurd her cee* ait:
with heavy wire, where Ibe Mder eats I thrown back.
the gutter, but that sidewise Jar dis­
(bat be will toon become entire:' lover bee wfaoaldcrs. Snow-wfaHe glix.-s

V It sraa sued with the bapplnit.fauss(.
most eentenled pussies yira erer could

It was a day or BO aRw this conver- lodged ft. sad to the honor of bovh
Bach eat s room was about sis fret) sation that Rob and Marjory were left children li-«aver«<l (or a moment, then
■Otiarn and had a window with a baneb , m borne alone to keep bouse for the went inmbUnc ovei. and fell wpb.s
nhderjt.-a^ oa each bench sal aiday.
cat. There waa a pan of water la each; I

Their ftiber and motherVfasd

load Uiod to the grpund. '
vlsli grandma, lee Bfles over
For an tnstaai nelibsr of them real­
would not be back ised the (nU meaning of tbe calamity,
before ten o'eloek. Marjory was sticb
was Rob who 8t»i uaderstood It!
a taaady little body that she was quii
"Marjory;" be said. In a voice (ram
capable of gettlog Rob's dinner ani, which all bravado bad. vasiabed. "bow

the inaas* was a sprig of catnip. In
others an car of cooked corn. I tuppoee the eats liked It as we like
Tbe catsr didn't mind brlag shut
ut off ^ St
supper lor blm; and ns for Rob him-tbemselvee beeamse they had the wln> nettsba cdHA be itwsied lo feed ibi
dm to look Mt of. aad they eoaU •
•'dreaiorsw.'' and ersa to milk the
aU the other caU ifarougb t


be l>rougbt the kitten with him.

Grey Top’

She-was nm cfylng now. nJ>i;«le eon. Mr, P'l»-irhi-r dtvid<-d not
an eni ..dnstory In. They went literally from at- sbe belil'someibing In ber'bands. Th- > mi-dilli w iib them,
to cellar: they rummaged it-.iuug! pretiy In>w And arnm which I'nrle Its-, ler with the ibuihcu. wliii was protiahl.
t we don't intrudK'takca prlics in cat abows In Igrgeriltrunkj of quaint old rJulhlng: they vid bad bniugbi h« from Niagara ^no> rsr away
lutcad of mahlaf In to where
Tbe mUlress of Ibe cats makes a
last summer! What ever was sh<-go ,
vniliam Uakir
dres^ tbemrelres In fantastic
All day ibetr nwiber eoabs her balr.
seas of raUing them to sell and
rresial some exrltemrtii a'sM.ri o,c ■
olng 10 do?
tomes, and «le their dinW. Rob
was told wbicb kittens weiw Ibe mot
Tlie mile ehlMraa cd Japan
I.ook out. Boh.-and catch Hie Ilni-V ago when It lolled (be: Iw-II ol lb" \V< >
valuable: ibe cbeapest (Just think of blue Mt with brass biiiMs. and Mar­
Wear mliteiu on their feet:
jory wlibiB an oddly made green silk, she crl<;d-chcorrully Juki at that mu- l. j-an .-Mthi-I^Srhu-rh. on Oax HlH.
as Wonb fen dollars, and on<
They hare no proper bala to go
silburl. n( ludfMai.dU.- Tbe bell t»l
white klttea was worth brer a bun-, with a short, narrow skill, tvliich
A-wBlkincon the aiirei;
Then RoIj iindrretond It' all. Maijorr aU.di ri,.- si,.-,. r at. onll-ary ...... .-|
dred. Don't yoo'lhlnk It was nice tha-. lianlly too long fur her. They bad
And wooden uaia for orenboa
drew t er bow. and the arrow S|ic!. bi-U. w-llb u .-UPI-T that weigh, le-..
they bad such a pleasant home.-and mince pie and the plom cake and the
They dent object at aU to one.
falling beyond the luiru. and having v
aacb a kind mistress to lake care of preserves. But one ntKlreable (art In
(railing string behind li„ Roh-cabg'a'
"Llltlc wnih-.- it. the at Ik ralh-.l.
all this was thal they did nut
Clara N. Bates.
The little childres (a Japaa
this, and pulled tm a clothew Hue ap liki-K spafr.iHK. it'd went bnn'lng
abuse their liberty.
Are fearfnUy paUle;
tbr beUiv of I lie'link-cliiirtdi .yenlc-:~ dop-l think mamma would
a In Japan.
ney alwaya thaak tbelr bi^ abd
Bloming BiKl'It I o'ek>i-k. A spar
« to eat more iban. one ;.iece of
our H. Y. P. Sunshine Onb boj4
I He cm tbe rope: It k in ihe tiaai.
row nIUKi have lieen In Hi>- bi-H to star:
and Kiris were lo vUli a .Klndergartea miare pie."'Marjory uid to Dob when
fiefore they Uke a bUe.
easy cnougli afirr ibai. Roii; with, and r.'N-ii the cat ma<]>- a Juiiip^
be offered ber a second. "Sbe nc
In Japan, this Is what iber would
And sa.y. -Von laake aaapM eo<
knew bow to make, a noose ibai would; tor H the iM*l,l-tolled,
doe*.■It Is nine n'riork 'on a sunny a
not yield loAny-amonnl of Kiraln; nn-l [
The stringing elatUH.-r tht-n atitact.lag. and the teacher of (be "Source bf
al she said that we could have
quirk!) fasKmed to a tiny i-ap-iU . me ai'enlion of ill-- rai more lliau dhP
Wifdodi" Kindergarten walla fo
wc warned." protested tbe boy.
le.- momeB'.; the- sparrow, and "Ul'ile Willie'' began
coming of her link flock.
m I dim'i-ihiBk I wan; any,mot
grouted beriOe 1,0 play wt:h It. The bell yrnlndinl st-t
esently the .door slides bark
Marjory retomed. "Yon sec I am golnj Marjory.
■ | eral limes, nod the ptople living'tiea.'
/ ‘ To keep the rain away;
rosy. smDIngi fares appear, and to have ]nsi a IliiIc piece of plum cake.
He did not say mJbh. but weal off I in peered thru
1 iheir^w-imlow* j..
And. srhan yoo p> to ace. yon’II find lw6 figures rind lif gay garments fling Bui It's nice to know you can have It i(
and fed and mtlkiM ihe oiws. B«i[mw
li'a pM>ar walla they lire behind.
IhemseIrcB gracefully down on
you do want it. you know:'; sbe added
when be was ohre mon- i» i£'e wnm.;; ibuaghi It was Ui be au early m-inilii.;
mattes floors In saluUiion. "i
Tba mtle cfalldrbn In Japan
oogy kitchen, silting by the Bre. listen-'^'nrvleej-whlu- others suppostel
Hie» bava'i nny atore
Then! when tbe costume pany wit ing to the ley'wind shaking the wtn-|Hjme ore was In iroubte
Mr Baker
Of beds and ebalra and Mlor tblnpa: trelcea. Uore clatter of wooden'
over, (bey. ailll at Marjory's uugges- down, bv- turned suddenly to MurJw.hnvesilgaied. qnd fodnrt.hls pet cal In
Md more glad voices crying. “Teaeber.
And no npon Iheddor '
i.lOB. folded all the dresses and i
who wys
*he table.
“ ]tbe belfry tilsyins wfh the-bell
e-bell rii^•'
Tboy nlu and alp tbalr tea. aad Mile. yoti are early, yon arc early" Iwhirb l.i and laM them a^isy; If no' Just tn ihi
Alay." he said, looking,
tbe Japaoete way of saying “Qood
And then they so to sleep awhile.
pretty order In whk-h their mother had squarely and honestly Into be
Finding h, r ucsi Ir.vaJed.
ilng'f and noon forty bprs and
-Harper a HmKaalne
arranged them, si'll In a manner
iirn<-.l to him at ti e *v
hen. owned Ia tksirge tireen'i
men's elf-:
girls are trotting abom Hie roua. or
showed that tbelr Inlreitlonsibnd been
e, "I waul to .Veil ,vou
dnui. near St. Augustine. KU.. raisi-,l
lOBblIng on ibe soft floor, or sliding
Friday. Sept. »l.
vefy good thing I think li Is thai-- the echoes anil tbe sleepers tn that
from Ibe backs of anrses^ moibcrs, or
' AU the euBBhiBera except the preal-gJrU are not like—some—boys.' vicinity B tew mornings ago.
But Rob’s advcniiinnni splritalstera.
dent look (heir vacatioa thla
Id have been Kltiiog-on the ridge
enlly eame out; and about thre..
.\n InverHKBii'ui revesitsi the fan
What a bfgldrele they make as Ihet
Now It ber tcTB aad ahe U la Cblof the him HU iIiIh moment, if li had (bat a cat wl'h a Utter of kittens ba-j
settle ibeiBMflves for morning praycr o'clock he Iflvllcd Marjory out to mv
ca«e thla week. She baa had lo pet all
blm perform some weoderful fyats.
i liken possi-sshai «l the ne<d and roIclUro' Chan thinks
the copy ready for thla week's Sun­
wblrh. he Informed, her would make
Wfcieh senieiuK^waK not, |K-rhap/, ‘ laioed It desulie i)h mi kei raised by
ke to
shine department way ahead, and ib«
ber band stand on ^d.
quite iseni-ei. Iliii Marjory uniierstisstl; ,h, chickens. The hen's ;iailt>n<-. AnaiMd the
' la why there are no letters thla weelt.
thev did
It tfas. a (IrtarifuHv It. and lilushed with ph-asure and hap |y berarne s-xhatiut d. and
true God, and everybody agreed that be
w when ahe eoBcs bOBe. the rerr
day. and little Maijory had
plness.-Juiilor f, K. World.
rairche.l and tts.k a r.-K.Tved seat
live In the temples of Tokyo!
S<«l thins she Is going to locdc nl U tte
the cat's tack. She Uld ber egg .
or all Japan, but that he Uvea In hea- keep dancing up anil dnw-n st first
pretty letter box of southern pine,
Some Cak 8(er«a.
and lovn Japanese boys and glrU
Mde for (be Sunshine ediior-n desk
by blN chin from the elotbet-Une. and
sum of ibe*:en.
((which everybody knows the
Deirb'l. of River sirwi.
- by one SunMne bey. Hnrold KelUe.
lood qn bis besd on ttgi of the Ipr
While Vho h.u waKyryIns lu oust Ihe.i
the temples cannot dp)', aad be want's
Danhiiry. Conn., ha* q aal which ;»
of OcDnla- Sbe bepM It will be
which .had formed lu the water l«rrel.
cat the .1,1.'; wa* terrilil-.
nil the PQOide In the' world lo It
nursing a lamlly of -five U'lle. giaeet letters froa ter boys and girls tba;
and balanced himself on bis Klomach
S' iu s */.ap iK.x In ih.-''vu<-h.-ii
him. and so-be stays close by them
squirrel*. A'few day* aeo Hie rat gave
they Ube letters, not the'boyn and
■K the well-curti. why. Mtrjoiy
of the farm hoti-i- <ii Johti i'u»l.'r. near
the lime, and takes care of them and
birth lu five kiilvn*. but as cat* weru
gtrto.1 wfll be npllUng orer tbc aUea of
found benelf srarmer than she i
N.-ury, Ky.. i's a family of six raiT.».ii.
helps them. O Fnku Chan, wbo hi
the box
Iwlng nurM.-.! bv The family -rat. afior^
been In school long.jao/not quit
drowneil. ,
Ibe lit'lf aniinal* had'tarely .-KoaiNsI
"O Rpb'.- ahe CfW3. "Please slop!
erstnn)]. and^risTturaplain (bai^c
Next day Mr. lX--il>el'K «w loiiml an
- Piral llee fbwsidcnl Clam Baits
dt-a-h ai 'lie t'c-'li ..f a cm—<-i *anber home the'gods live on a shelf and You frighten me to dcath;"
ertihaned famllt of Ifitle gray squirrt-lK
erenl to Onnd Ratitda a Uttic while
wblrh.Mr l'd..h-r wa» wiirklns- TH-"Jost oiie more, my dear." Ro
have rice aad lea offered to them on aIn a hollow tm- in ihe wnuds
A* the.
' ago. and yon can't gucat what she tmy every tuomlni
moihc- ..I Ih.' riwcoun* was hill.-.l I -.
plied: "and then I'm going lo Iced ih- tnulher was iiowhen- '•< I*h-aaw! She la going to (ell you all aboui
saw. li.'lnK tiubh- u, osoape fn-ui
It must be almost brought 'be kciitrrcls home, arit^a* at: ■(hr
As the kindergarten Is the only place cows, and milk.
- •
--- —^ —
li herself, so your president must slop
here dkW of these desr cblidren can four."
oxp.Ttm.-ni, ther were given to
tnlklng and glrc her a ebanee.
Mr of Ihe heavenly Fnther..Ar tbe
But tbU last wWs the worm o .
old'cat for adoniiou.
adoniiou. as she w„ s(ili!'‘^;|
Lord Jesus, as mnrh as
Rob climbed qp lu the roof of* the mourning the loss of her kl’uens. Th--'
INd you erer see s house buUt Just taught them while they are in srboul.
tbr water pl^>. and from tlierr- m
,«4., .1,1,
I— •<•■ ■■

E- .


far morempaee than I faatv to tell

ilop'i think or bettc r^e.
■X) noble, dear wanaa.’' ebay nay.

for out Not a playbeupt'.. but a real
borne where th^ lire


with ibe'setilng sun? Evesi whfo bis | train tad gained full speed
All bb>
(aiber came borne.—If be were noi; aitenHuD'was on the track lo (rcoi of

■ writ-- cows.

Bo It w I with n feellBg.of great

am I ever to gat dowaT'

of lawii
fawn SKin
skin were
w~- oa

. ' ,Imade
mau.- oi
a her •--ham!- Hiig^ a Ktlle black and wblie-.kl:-1 The*e fliiiog pirfecity aad


l.o(s SM. 2:$f'. -2^7 as advertised arp ntw sold

LOT 196
LOT 211,
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

These are all early selections and arc the

Handsomest Lots io Oak Heiglits
addition is now largely built over, ahd good lots are
obtainable. Tjiese lots will be sold
cpting IS2. 1S3. lS4.-which must be soL
geth^. All must
for spot cash, and the price

The wh^>l^_^nch- of

if sold at one time and for cash dpwn, would be

Ah (he price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for 'choice
of lots.

Also Ooe Acre Lot
in Birchwood,
Fronting East Bay ^ rods and runni^ back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot tn this beautiful suburban spot.

ten. returned to the Union depoh in atente.1 with sivlp> of skin from sotn Kansas City 'he other nitf t froi Mo-J tBlmal—perhaps- 'he ' seal. T'l com
herly; Mon. Mugs Is a traveler.and Is' pi^'e 'bis elalRTale outfit this Eskisti<
reeognlied a; the depiM mamd. -.

' Iwrl'e enrri.d tn he* hami—nm a .I'O-.-

one aboni the depot aeem- p.I entu—hut a font eagle (eath--r
know when Mug: appeared or bow she fact. <H>c carried two. one In each ban I.
goober Mme.

To sa>Tliat Mugs it; whit* she waved a*-she danevj


piTfty't^ld be sliMchlog a |m>1d(^o dooU Ibis young lady made a rbam
wbe enold answer that qi»es- tbe UmU. Iiht the depm gnldes and en- 'ing picinre- At. least ihe ynnng ga'tian? So long as the ladder had-t.een glnetneg don't c*ri* ojnch Tor V-aui /- taais ^ her ret ihoughl <he diJ.—TV tWe adthia la^ of bis 1^i Rob wa*. They like Mngs bcefliue Mugs llke-j initl Tribune.
' ..

123 Front Street



For BreeJdoLSt
or Tea.
A few small biscuits easily made with
Royal Baking Powder.
Make them
small—as small round as a napkin ring.
‘ Mix and bake just before the meal.
Serve hot.
Nothing better for a light dessert
than these little hot biscuits with butter
and honey, marmalade or jam.
You must use Royal Baking Powder
to get them r^ht.



Tbey above all

o’herk are the dispensers of happiness.
A chrerful face like the auasblne ban-

Ma aays I Just deeervea

IsBus Iho storm cloud*. ' A cheery
smile hi a benediction ibai uncon

To eat 'om all:

'Caiiie I can p^l the pearite* fine,
acloutly drives sway tbe frowns ot Ih::
A«‘stone the ^pGS rlgiit dS the viDG. angry or duprussed. ft Is nm Id-cause
When -we're a-Axliig 'em tor wine

U the tall.

i U-nderesl

I wash all the cant oul dcu

the eyes which jteaelralet ip the soul

Thmt I act a hig lurwn

driras away cares and (ear*.

On a shawl.


read for tht NaevM


Pat sptee* In a llule bag. ie.!

u the vinegar with sutar aad co»>.
iniiCthe syrup thirkm.. pu: la 'h1 tee mlanti'f. put nohn
» and cook the »lfup until mluc-


1 one^f. pour otcr the melon anj .
A unall. delicatr- se*. *Ttpe-(rali anc! (papes ai
Ir aatortxl specie* o( red ra»pU-rr>-,
Celery ..
Is .excellent—aad

Ptrkknl Caollflowerc-Cul «.h.l bead,
The (ullovine (rum Coud Hooae-1 *hleh stows • lid. «a» nsed lo inakto«;icn»—tamajoei
lib piece*. wB*b. and cook in bo>.
keeplDB Is only tlroelr ta parts, bat Isj.ti, dellctou* prwene Probably
salted water for Bve minntie: skim out
> exeelleet I
rulllvatrd rarieiles t
Ess Tlmball are sood-aotl arc ao Into cold water, ^es put Inio g1a.» ^
Home Cheer sive* It In hill, troattus well, it require* no eooklae and I
I a* well known a. they sboeM t.' can. O' Moall }sr«
To two quans ci(
that the readers will flad it worth dti* told keeps perfectly. Carefully ex
I They are made simply u( milk an
rinegar add .
plBR and savliiK (or
lb aad---------------------weUth the berries.

,--------------------------------------------i csss, .easoaeil wl'h anil and pepper, leqpful of White «isar and a naif <
Picweitrlns dllTers (rom cannias la i poanj ^ berries add a pound o( *usar. land baked like ctm cuslard. Serre on ' of whole while mu.tariJ »e«l i*l
•er or wir9.«S
‘•‘'‘Itbea with a Dover
beatcrjoejlcaiely toasted
wheat, boll and i».ut on the caulliloa-er.
[time required
cooklnj:. The long, beat tip- mixture
e BfJtinris
; the Jar full, and screw ..a the top
[flow cooking essential In pjyY^ttig (rotb.v. An honr.
■nr-.'.}«ilng lo all
r th<-perrons. Pie l«[ 'Plckle.1 faulifloser.—&-psrate In
I tends to impair tbe Savor and darken be required,
bad—and sc is rhli fake. AH frleD small rlii>?.T..-.r noweri-t*. Have mad.v
ithe fruit, so 1^ is advisable lo make do It conUniCuns’y.
is’y. Wtaeii'tNds
WheiilNi* doBv
stuff should be atolded. • Also --msdefa ki-Hl.- ,.f lv.lllng sarpr.. adding \s"
I small qiianiltln kt a time. Clean aad put It Intojderillied self-ceallng glass dlshe*;'—stews, hash—and
gravies.] tWlnontuls of the quart. Prop
j n-clgb the fruit, ailowlng tbree-founhs Jsrs. Fill almost to the brim.
Sngar s&utld be used sparingly.' Tea' Iw the cailhllintcr and 'bull for three
I Its Weight la sugar. A* a general rule !
n layer of melie
aa.I coffee are not to he thought -itt. ■ mtnuies, tiu-n drain quickly.
fourib of a cup of water or trait adjugt the rablters and screw im the and pork sboald be blacklisted on- the amount of liquid required to cover
Juice, to ttutb cup of sugar; cook on- covers .ll^tly. Wrap with brown pa­ llridy.pod .fake the samp noantitv of vln.til It splDsf ibrcaA. Ihn add ibe fruit per and keep In a cbol. dark, dry pUcc.
I>> not rooDne yoorsclf entirely to gmr. To.-ach -viart allow Ihr^bliiitfaad conk gratiy aotll thick. Whop the
cooked fniil and \egeiati|eA
.of mace, a hall i>"uce
nustnril see.t
preserve eoinoicnces lo thicken, put It
Gel -r^igb. sie«-ii.'fre»b air and ex- and two luile ( him ,«q.p.-rsJ Wrk
Concerning Peaetwk
on an asU-stos mat to k<s-p from
n that raw fri-lls and vegeta- canliflowtc in isrs
imll the .vinegar
Bi aad Fireside girc-s-lht- lolkiwscorching, and to avohl mashing Ifae
itlie idckl.-Ural nxiirle on pultlng
fruit stir as JMtlt as piwsibic. Whe>v
I .The cooking of any food causes
stal. fatiilflower is a lll|tr dilli
p.-achesdone put Into small Jars and seal as in
ibe.wbolcif'’<ml'*l change.
Tills is'destrabU-i.euh lo keep, so sliutiliMN-'. fn-qseniU
We waiit peaches I
salts, qxtminod. if signs uf.mnuld an-fotut l
year around, for they
To preserve frblts that l•<■eomc Sbt’
drain <m s
;«me. and nu r.roll lends llx.-lf to
by' long cooking, as, fpr liistance, ber­
b-Miie again.
•s it.
4. inecesw
■ pufUng up " process better than
ries and plums, pour mer the frati
Indian Plfkles —Tii.i all Hiti^jarj
For canning us-- only the morff perfeei i
botllng syrup ai: directed above, .and
,i two-o.,ne.-.-«.rt,
misiard mil!
frail, and it should tiio be overriis-.j
let It stand In a cuul plaep for several
Abliut one i«iund of sugar to one qua*: hours or ovcr'fliRbt; Iben'draln off the
and 4-rmtrn-. --ne d-pm .if rayt-nne
of waler will -make «iough syrup for]
Juice, citiik again until thick
I prac'ice df using .more p.q.per, twooiincL-.'of vnit ondaquar-



l-mnn a tlav.
. t. T ofa lioubd of pi'Cl'^ '--nlc.nt^
A qunrl t r liol water «p»t too hot-y Gradually mix w-fih this two q-iaris oi

procoH, rttvpc successive Umes. the i *"*
can. slnce-the kernels wdll add i;rmilly

fining to cyery cloud.

JIa «nd me puts up pnaerves
Bvery (all.



PfOPtt IK ms aijr.
iMr.r. 1-. b,< i.-.., t-|,rk'..f
-till I'liy ll-srdel ll>'altl'.,lnlk>-uiiln-,
«l’" h l-)'-'it--ii
sfT-j.rd.-d hint a
ly ^-i-i-.fiunity ,1- r .
n-itins the l.-«
eaiir •>( l-rev- niing
-and coring diM-s.

Bb airp'rot silo/the tr
""l-i -KS-Tb,._________
' iwosr rttectii e meti


Prooervin- Time.

Wrap each iar >Ub

dark paper. Ubel with name and date
Maswcll-s Talesalfe Sl''«e
umTuI. ma»l be nslTom-' laad kerv la a cool. dark, dir rknei. lovloc escelleat advice as t
Ir Jorooe—■ spliic «U ■oD.biDr, cnc^ L'alaaa (be wealber U brlKbi. (air ao i iai aad taeaul help Uf ibw n
fal from rert gtadBeM, bcsailfal, be- isBBbln}' 11 U imelea. to attempt the..- wjib tbc sreat Americaa di»
emuec brl^t.—Tbomas Carirle.
Pni!' bead! i

ottDlviat m pnMem ottach vitailn.
(crest so Che cesBmuiifO. M ttg Mlow
pslth of the poor-if a larger
ts alw'stA a que*:i<Bill epiy I., ibe citylyetllrjsisl-ult-rillseii.
ssiisfa-'llen to ms lu flnil (list
Unr-' p
unmber i f w-irking pisiple In mialrrals

lu Ifao friili. 'Have the syrup bulllng- with half a lem-)}u-^l<iltUwisl ,n|. bv a vMegar. caver tightly and'M stand lu
:hrtv days. aKiiatUig
rfanilly iiinll-,
fcoi. then pul In the iieaches. it-i Ihi-1 pim Untie Ilf gra|>e Julet- lall alisori■inr. li ha
r before-fir^iueni
ri»ay ,f<TT an.v
up. then draw- the kittle in the back-oi
s lire--b-smlirr
kin.I of e.-itettblff
wish to plrkbIbe plove. and let slew until i.-nder. W» will
• t-perialiy
from Jwv)
rauiltluwk-r. ciieumbut not until ihc-v.break Into pietx-A. quUi<-J aeni.-s fur one w iio Is on Hie
ol .-Martli .>f III.' besd. Inng* aird
if medium
verge ol alis<diMe ncnotis eollaime.
liers. Ktr.. singly or In \-ari--ly,^ TTil- •»t.-;.s- l! anti l.uiijlns up the geOi-rsl
-I-O b,„l
n. «i—J—,
A- well aircl
la'u- ^k-kie Improirs wi(h age—SeleetM.
h'.-allli II eantmi fail l-ui pr-ire a help
and-wash three onan* of eholo-:
J»t».»>'’■ **eei and ch-nn. ilien,
equnlly lmi«iriatii--oae with a-good,
au.l :-te—-ins t- any c-ninunlty- whe'is
Same Oellelout Rellsh«a.4k
-h- m,a ...................... '■ "»
"»■ J—
It ■< grn-rally sil-pted sQ^ neil. I
overflowing; wiiw the iniiuUi of the- vigtmi'is’ cimilallon ,nf pure air
f.lmiU--. Saur.-s/\<-I. etm- anil^.;.
four pounds of sugar In aliernale lay­
-hare fi>un-l It snhoni-l.relislde remedy
Jars around wiib a rl«an cloih. then
a.' si:flir|eui sour appl.-s lu welsh sn.l am i-l.-SASd to tted-wse U.f-C. li. .
ers In a granite keltic aad stand aside
AiK-iher tery Importaih'thing Is «
rii4H.iip,dk. Doll sl-twiy wllb one pint Tsylut.
place over nigbl. ' In rthe screw on the lids iiniii nlr-llghi.
There art- a n-mUer tif t-xct-ljt-ni reallsailon ibai “all'* w-elf and Hmi mid n half Ilf .vinegar-iiniil reduced to
Address I>r.rt. It. Ilarlmsn.
,morning add the Jnlw o£,tw-o lemons:
ways of making ^-ach botler. One of the trials and troubles that come to
<"jo|i fin.-.-lhcn pmmri to h ofTheHsrtiHsab
cook to ^ thick presene. then can and
ymi and yonn* aro simply the things
I lhai you are to Work
1 rVn ....An ....InA




Of all i«ople. however, the wile and'
I-l«.sB.l,td sugar lotme jKiiiod of fniii:S'‘®'"”S- INot-es? J»elt>
Ibe mother should be cKeerfuIl Iho
tbive-tiuariers ofa poiiu.I, of' W'd «"l dellclooA.
iiaed Uigcilier. using three quart* c
a ch-ar. .................................... ..
tAUiri; i.
gtoui'd.raisins and tins ounce of gru-n i
A friend (rom Ohio, who whs Ilsl<-'n .
Than ma sbe sngsrs 'em right Ifaorc, happiness of the husband nuit the chll- straw berries lo one qhart of goii^cdnm depcQds upon her. If she 1* low,
butUT Is d.-sl»-d. 41 should bemadt-luifW'">
'h-'V ni.-lonBer cut and 'gingi-r; scld t»ti s.imcra of sail; fmir''"u t.-ihe ronyvrs'alkju nsked ilf-lili-r
In the (ail.
smail-qnanitilees al.a timi- in a pore.- ! “»1“- the slluaMoD.,ask_-dlvine bunre* t«ch (If muBiard semi and tami.';.".t:-' had cut niiiing ap --wH-l.
splrUed pad mclsncboly. bow can the
Equal liarts of rti>e guosebrrries anil.
Ufa U aimply full of bliss:
htisband come to her for sympathy and
lain lincl k. iile. A Wfar matiypr.-J.-gi^Hlrteece •"■I »vt eararally to work,
tin.:* and otu- iHitiod of briisB sugar.; ko"*"' plums, pitijug Ibeni.'bui hwt•ri|>e red cairauis hirm anidher excelFruit * the tblog.
that silri«l off In larg- quBillUrsJ
'<■ fHwii is tbe (Irsl IblD-r Add tbe apple pulp when cold, cot-er
nragemfoi la bis business wor'he skin on, and i-nhlUE ihem -iip
■Dt mixture for preaerves.
It's (he wotit Imerer miss.
n sk-e|>—and . So and It-i sund In warm plaett-hir two 'in tliai tvny,. Bbe sal-! ihst iht- skfn i
saying if bas a bcH.-r fla«.f, ' iptn'-vHul-tltcn
Red raapberrlea aadeiimtntsmakea
Hear me sing*
hfs undcnal
days, tbt-n- lioitl.,-.' 'Tlil* iraproi'tit (ri«'em» to give a plquaju flst^ which ,
well-known and favorite eomblnallon: fflskiag large yuantlR.-s trf butter, j
I like II so. so Ha uys ii> me:
sometimes lx- very harassing, and be
tbe iwarhi-a sl.ouid be first Imileti t..;
*bo have-the nt^.
kept for two pr tbrti- monilu. l-rf.prei'-'ery tme who has .->.t lastUl ■linu
;'-Be cBzernl. dear, bocaute jrbu soe.
a nnirh on the range
realltc ibsl Ibe cure ll--f w lihln; tbt-m- using..
may bo tried atmn
i dtvIartKl fsprt-inny gnsl. ^e al«»
Ton'ra ttarlni nobe (or Dad and mu
uslng as Uule wate- as iH.-ttl.le, ili.-i||nl**!* f*"-' l>“' 'f rlr- • rhutnt-.v f'aur.- Nn. J.-i-rho:. flnv.told I\f K-r fut..rHt- nunbliarioo .iif
In lbs spring." In the large'keiili-. an,t'>iir.-.s|
"‘"her i-opU-- w.-re ten nuDcfs of I'alrins, ihri-c ounot-* -.f l''•lnl■< and api.l-> in makmc appl- liui
TbmUiUe pinms I stone with care.
An- lake the skin from every pear.

«_gioomy ana spimie... he is all
ir *hP Imerry and brigbt aad Insfsu that fh"

• A hapeoo IfeeXar bortM,

Tbe Inflalie tender sky.

worrioe be bas are trirlalltlee and tbsl
they arc'sore to ^Ust ifaemtelvos to

• Tbe rtpe. riob Uotf of tbe bora•




bis liking or to ranUfa Altogeiber. nlb»ild



Tite chara ct tbe ffoldenrod,

• eome q( in eeU II aotnaa—

And oU»rp call It Ood.

thret-qnarier* of na;'®
Allowr .bre,-*,o.r:er,

Umes out of ten before be is really
syrup cool; the iwtcbes a few pieces!■"‘'‘t' l•<'«•'■* '« the peacbi-i
aware of tbo fa«' he bag forgotten
butter an t-xrcHcm flavoi
at a lima unill tliry at I- clear dhen i *'*'^*“*'
tbeid or tbey
they bare
b^ve d«
dwindled Into intlg- lift each piece out sepa--------_ ! One of mi-friends adde.1 a'liille
Atfieanoe. ‘Hicjmoan:
that despair fork or skimmer. l>.Bdense thf syri.p i S**'- “>J ’•><'>''» “
‘•“"‘ rbuilds njntrbroodlD,
when quite ihiek strain, reh«»l.‘
In making nearh pre»<Tves, us-best be removed by cheerfulness. adding the frail, and after boning seal I atom the ttime ampuBf of /roll aMany a rase of ratlsnebolU has devel­ In Jar*.
- .
I stipar; if the preserves are ti>' he' seal-

• And all over nptpad and-lovland

seeds. as tiii-y wilt lii-l,i
■linvr--ip —ilien utH-ryihlng w-oiili!
right. Whereas, ibt- thing that i
.'f-vlnitGr ^rom burnlng.-,ana
j apple-.
- ..k.. boia .ij
et t-ry pound rt fruit:
ihlngti Jow as they are and go to work I
i tasting buiier I
and to four cup* trf sugar a cup of-wa­
way! 1 used par) bolled^Iow n sweet rider lo
ter. JHtsoiwe the sugar in one-foortb


oped In both men and women throupnB gloomy ibougbu and i
yielding to low spirUa and Insignificant

jrLsrf' «c emu's Mk

Pear Preserve—If the sinall ^el'v"J up. less can Ih: os.-d-

larg.-' patvtl and rorfd'.sour '-'i. I.dlowii.y the iisusi im-il.oil
paring It. Ihii adding i

Add five

Tbo snhjm lurni-d to ih<- i>»<ilng up

of ixtars. which many And Insipid D •
■ hey an- tmanotl by Uu-mselves.

If gtind ridt-r vinegar. wa>> Fiiggeeuvl by on.- thjif a stnai:
sitnuK-r.all togeihi-r for anjq'‘*“"'*>' ft canui-.!' git.-. .,
20,1: just III.- ii.fd.-d lojirb l.i tuak.- .tlio.

and w.-ddlhgs—for fun.-ralt and Umt.-.

hour, then
..f grtai sorrow—U a grievous fnlsbottle.
takf. Is iberc anyihing In human lil.Tomato Cliuini-y.—!'e.-i
thai I* of moiv Imporianco Ibatr
iw.. dori-n rtp(- t..mat.N-»
healih? M
surely nm—nor h. th.-r.-i

anyihing for which

Add a lliil-

«l,», M-UTO,, ..J

while onions and o
e net-.l i

jpoars by all. A' Hlile'
it fin-! I'hU'Siqdu added lo freshly sli-w-<-d ap-^
do/.-'i I pie sauce Is als..** dcllcluu* rimlblM-

uplol of Mill.-.1 j

' .
-----------. --------- wWhRlnB.-rw-


■ Anm-d .r-o uC Hi.- Krt-ali>< dHten^.-u
In'ihe tinl.-s oC .lur grandmuibers. nnd

pears are used, pare them wllbunl re-1 water to tbe sugar, and boll up Jnio

V.I.I.U. Pld-l-k

moving tbe stem* and Ittave whole. I n syrvtp. then drop in quartered peach


1-Pll. Ml .I-.M! i™

ifiis bas iH-«-u a "cuoiiiBny dl.Jr la th.. rnmily of ll»m<- Cbi-.-r'*-edii.d- (or mo--

dlsposltlgn. Some peiaon*
Large-frdU should be pared. qitaricreJ i *»• and boll genlly 'until the fruit l»'
five way to grief over the death W a and cored. Proceed as with pearfi pre-! >e°<lvr: ibbn remove, and place l|i
igj'lj.-ral generulion*. Th<- iirotw are pn--.
loved ooc to the exieni-of aUogetbcr
w hich ar--' "eru-d In the iisiul w-ay. a bauiKal of •
r-. .A thinly sllred'lemnn for t-verr , glasses or Jsrs. Pencil Jinj. or -marma- s nov.-liy t-.
chang.-l dng.T rvo' brok.-n in small pic-c^ Ih--^
pounds of fruit or a bit of ginger: lade can lie made In tbe-ianii- manat/
thU pickle, ui
Pill 'Ih.-nr thriiugb- the fnvtl Ing <-<jok<-.l with ih>- ^vnip uniU ilu-'
may be eonk't-<l wtib the preservi-.'
the fn-lr should l>c liollcd to a
citciigib.-r*. nbrtiis of faiilll
inshlne. Pre*<-rve«.—In Ohio an I; pmp Ih-Ioiv putting -in the syriip.
chopin-r w ith on.- '|s>und <>f ' sm-dod giiigrr ■« i h-nr -an.1 p.-rf<wtl»' P-nib-r.
carrms. rui-up hearts of bard white
Others of the middle stales of abou;:
Peach jelly U exceilcgi. Init t-i get caliliage. Vnsp and wax lieans. small raisins, two achlt.-'ootoiia aud Iwo
They (Hatreas all wllb a^m they
Cmvned Gsr^n VegMsble*.
.HUity^ of garlic. Turn the comptHinJ
«me bilitude. tbe beat ofthe sun|U to j.-ll— Ihf-re'i the rub. To silver skin onions. ra.Hshos.
In etmtacl and afificrihelr fam4..-sn». s'rlug, a« u»ual.
- ir/Airing
lually BUOrlently Intense In tbi-| remi-dy thl. difficulty- 1 acid rhulmrii, gre-n lomaioes. s few- green prachee ^nio a sann-pan. blend and add grad-,
Bnlwer Lytloa declared tbai. "II
B by tbeir p
tearfaf eyes, rbeerless
llv-ll ill pT-m'i) ,.d wal.-r *nUI ImK
summer months to cook such amallj Siberian crab or grajw Juic.-' lo ih.- p-jlled tw-rbre i|u- siont-s have formed, ualv four Ubl.-spm.nsruU-«eh«i( grtnind.
tbere Is a vIrUie In tbe world at wbich
glng-r. mustard and salt .me eupfni
q'lart add tp« Ubl-k
fnilu ns berric*' and chrrrip* to Hipracb-Juiro with fine resuft*. for the
: wo abonM aim It It cbeerfulbesa."
rarlous kinds
..i,.vquuner ’•I-on'u'- "< f.H-)lcu mlnand n. half Of b
thick prexerre. tl'lii'n this Iv i>osslh1e.[cumbinsilun nm only make- a fine
■ uilered.
siuWbim s.-.-r
o| Tw-pio-rs.
1. r. .-I isK- the Jars ready, can
of a leasIKiouliil of .-a’ -the.must dt-llfliKis way vf preeerv-- flavored Jelly, but a nice looking.oti' . nlBii, gsrlii-, 1 >crii£l/li. Th
lid be one
aualaled wUb grief soon enoosb lu
inimnllatvd) . having Ihv Jncieunml.grind, wlib naught
tables ir.-' tid
and tbey should never sllui^^em
full to (.v.'rflowJBg wnh-the .«aii'-l
vl.iM-gar. Il•.■al slowly an
natural a
lln burdens' pad brigtaten tin Aerlous
me-.-] .somi- piach s.' :-up. »
ce signs of sorrow and trouble In
.wob!'. T"- iiAC later on.'drain. hour, rub tbrougli a i
nnd flavrir. and keeps exceedingly well: cIouk lor sbfrin-iK. piiddlng-saiie.-v and jinm;
„ n,,.!,
r facei. Tbey should leach them
uii.I .laik ill a llllK-iwaief nf.lil aU-dc..
luio wide miRHh.ll Jan.
To'preaerve small fruk In this meih . iw-aeli Ire. Tills cun In- made mu ofl
pn.-|«red' -vital Impartpnce of chi-cTfulnes*
Kt.r I-.FS >nd llina
111 the
od acim liige. perfect fruit, not o*-er-; the iw-i-llng* b-tl lii-.m ibe lK.-*ctn-ii rtiaj m-,,
plain. *pii-.-d. hatr
never varying happiness and ami­
with -Uie preparv.l viigHabUFruit Celt
clean and weigh It. To every :
In the biitiei i>r Jam. In i|iU cas.-j n,u»i,n!
....... —.......... ......
Uvatioa. t
- - many Illtl*
cable disposition.
A Traverse City hrF»s»-k.i-p-r wh...—: cold -wn'.-r ctipialnJng on.i t' ..JKSrlJul
to locale It in the human body; Uerioae* have first lei^ed there wety pound allow tlim'-qnarlerH of a iHiund; the in-arhes should U- washed h.'ror.-i,,rt i.irk!.- ..r ih.. r.-ci..* for vm.-gs‘hf al. to >h.,- pint and I.-t.|i (,;.-r(iijw':

If mind and heart.'I lu 'Si-i. im the cmc-> and r-'r- v ►!ldhll.i-,|
=»V!? « tireserving kef , s.-..!., ,n,,
'th.- Kernels with .hv-Hon of vluegar add .«'» and ..n.-.h*il'1
People are jpoken of as bi-lng - cbecp
It eeems almost trite to eitesk of tbe

pbitotlaa laid uptm every one of us to

be obeerful, sad yet we an need an oc-

neglecting tbejlviog. They sometime*
caakMtal reminder. Mrs. -John A. Logan
profess great faith In God. They kqow
■dreg In Oe Datrolt Free Pkee* the
they act na if
(Mipving cuMeat Uttle talk along this
tbey had no hope beyond, ibe grav&



tnt and llchi-tMarted.~

th-. Do not ,.r^- dv-er IW.- or six ■ rians.
skins, bulling uiiiil
u.itil sod.,
N>(t., then ViraJu
Virain I
rilZ cwr^lw^
.iHtard. oh lb-,. I
lioimds of fruit at a time, elw- It will ihrosrh.
s.iu ...
.............. Jlotnt-lh.-«-r. lalwa.i
throagh *
a hue
bag *s
as rnr
fnr Jelly.
t.i ol mu-iard. .................. ..
Ing-beat an;
likinal by Its own'wclghi.' ev.-ry pint of the juice ihr.-c.f-iiirihs ol ihf.--- .noir-iir-e» -It slic.l1 while gingei
$upd aside UDill the bouum of Hh-la pound of sugar. Boll up Inio a sjrn-i., „nr o :n. - of clov-pp. on.--hBir an uiinnkeltle (s cuveml with Juice, thru hea: Im.iiI.-, aAd cork tigbljy!
No duly Is mon- obUestory than Iba:
. -I-,' i
II slowly to boiling, Cov .-r, Imll genilv ,
There Is iiolbUip mor.- delicious Ibsn \ „iic.fouri
of cheerfulness. -Whnl Ibe t»n is to
I i»I an ouu«- «.r cay.-nii.'.: ,T2,,2,^rt<-s' at tl
ni-' ijm-', an.l '
(or fifteen mlnnies sod remove i^- pcncb pk-kles If' made i>rojH-rly. I
„ur.c-s of oe-i.-.: e
nature, ure ibe cbeiHul persons In the
i-iis! why. using
* maki-« the jelly it
scum, then pour Into shallow- plates have made mine by th.. f.illowlng Tul- -trnc
house and by tbe wayside."
arm!- Julc
to the depth of about, an Incb. Rt- for the last few years, and
H- fire i., h.-at wh..•iTiibinaHoB l.j—TablyT
1 move
the plates lu a table
Unw- AMtaAin... <• l.< -1
.In the
io. sunau loarv
IV «i > u.oer.
i,j„. .miUinc
l^«o«ns.ous it Is.
I fan«0';o.csi spot In the .yard and k.i-p them i
P.-cl good* tre.-ume pcacS.iirperlc mli-.l'-'b i
l*^**;'------- wf'tomsrttlnsagteamjwher,- the snn win conllnuiUy siril--- leave whuk-, and I'-U.-e In sloa.llUb- (K>ld i-in. gar. an.l »ilr uni
mianlng of her trouble, bav.- cllmlH.-U

or as being "eheeiKaa


up to kiM away her'tears, and doulrt1e*s wonder whni they mennt.

friend, recntly, Mffw wenU need It. ,a thin eovermg ^ mosquito ncttiuc.ilon of three poiiuts of sugar ......... ..
:H..w on.- Ch.eriul face lights up and t,u,iiK-rivd the frail, and siaud-^uan of good eldrrrvlnegnr. Coll.ih

tbe thought .rf
tbe whole aspect of a coagregalton;






danger from nnts.
the nlternoon


vin.sar, th.-ni
,,k,- r-om ,i..- «r.-an,
and add the uiher'

laBrpdlo»»A. Wb.-n cc-l. i«-ur m
: “V- ''-""ve the .scum, and ,*.ur t«Illng - sioni- Jar an.) pm i
Af-oui i o'cinck In b.n over ijie frail. Ix'i ihli
ai msy l.c n-adv. , Th.-n f
-«;^Xontems,pf!nlRbi. then pour the s
very cl.rulj
Oiiqi^a’n.l pn
one larg.-dish: peaches. rc-i-R-at t



Plen^n. way of to l^ate. a* l-rfore. Continue this from the Jar. «d drain, thyf. '.rtange |
the“ r
■ i every one. Never Ukr a doleful view
process nntil It l«* a thick pre- m layers-with spIc-a. using four-Uble-|„r.-H.«<l Hou*ok,-rpin*.
;of ihlngi: then no
acn-«. which _lti fsvurable weather rc-1 spoonful, of elhnamon and iwvi tablr •
: street to avoid meeting you or fe.-I
quite* aboal thrrf, days; but be sureis^nful* of nblie cI6ves to on. gal-;
Four Coed Pigkie Reespaa.
'rial his peace of mind 1* destroyed by ._
to give ample time to insure ila keei*: ion of (nili. Rebeai tbe syrup s-veeaL .'Uriv Hcl.m flckb-A-Cm six l;iil»
• ■-f interview. The clear sky and [ ing’’peWbv -Whro .i™*'
o. .M,- l,..,,.r
‘''■tgelher into one dish a. beforr. th-r. in:
... . cooked b ______ _...
.................... .....................
- graietnl than
lani wttaoui hentlng Ulo small self-: tbe center. II they are to be sealed tr cover a: once with vim-gar
In *.i
rteering face and pneBOnce ot
aeallng glnns jar*. Cover wKh a layer glass Jar* tbev should be put in • kei- hours drain uffThe vinegar and me*.who reOept the most
the Im^ o(
of melted psralfiBe. adjust nibbsr*. j tie on tbe stove, brought to the Ixitllng , ure It. To ope quart of .inegar ad-1,
, Cod.—CbftstlBn inquirer.
.screw on Uds nnd tte n piece of cotton i pulnL then filled Into tfaerifrs. but tbey i six'cuns «.t yus*r..and we lenspooofu! i

, .
andaddstothchealth- ^
ftilness of the food.\^^

gretemi tba

the tops.
•Ir rovers

SieriUxe both | wiinceep nicely' nna-al.Bl If covered ewh of w hite ciores! nllsptce.'n blnd-j
before nslngl with sy-n^.

, X.

lof mnoe,and twu inches <>f.sllckclna*-i-

'<3rinndl Bros.®
There's a Creat Deal of Pleas- ^
ure in the Ri^t Piano
As-Ul.-'r > Bothlaceta-lhal .SW-. «d nurti ).!-a-Jr--at
anal tf .rou t-uy lb' r.*bl wiU 1a«i l-/f
Wfc-.. .T--S flruTw bt tb- y-wri it s-t>. j--v w-ll b* -uri-nacd .-- I-Ar.
bn - .-TT littl- It <-»u Wh«r dernsr- -n a«ay vwm!'BA-J.
AS-:--ni-lsl K-fc TnnUrrwl.- pnor. II l> :qav Ilk-thc-.s-ng isne-'
—t..buroB*UiAii»a-» from . rntubk mAk-w. Bnr.rPiA.'
>Aiiv<«n.'(a IrsT. a rrostsb'--mssu/AAtur-pr..


wiu ui;i-


• 0nnneU JSros.



f ;• ?







Uirir borne I Manitowoc, f friend*
Mtu Harriet -Spencer of Chleaco wril of Dowadar for ibHr former
Grand RapUa. Huwt-ll and j kk-klnj every Jump It took fen- over a' t* m-w SOaSci a
Pnttr Mem* WeMing. .
jWoek. The windup ww*,tbat i< jm d-t«Cu. maklttj
the qoi«^t\>( tbr boar *ho baa been a jurat In tbr boraa of home for ^.tea clay*' stay,
Mr*. John Bloak
Mr*. Martha DuujlaM left for WayMe*»r*. Bujene Walt. Alfred Porter,: riebi over a hiiehlnc po«1. br«ikln*- feet.
wed4li>«x'«as »i.lrAli«l bt" * o'clock. Mr. and Mm. E. U Sprairae fur neaii,land. n-berr she is called on actnum ftoest of Mrs. Jerry tisilbik^nr*-j E J. Brinkman. A Miner and Murray ‘and al»o d.ilon damace m tt.- buur - ' Mia* Pwocle Blackburn
TeeMtor BoroioiE%t MC W«wi Srvcotli a }'<«r, rrtomed to her hooie loda;-tbe aeriou* llltfeaa of her jrand- day.
I Tompkin* were itT.'rJroBi
Mra. D. M. Brtjht »en> to ToWo
Old Mission the .horse IcrlBa driven l-.v O'ca.-.Traverse-fiit fhl* tBomlnn.
•traet. vbcs Hlu RtnoM Oldi wai
David SraKfa
.iiitblcT. Mis* Xeva McOlkhael.
Saturday to aiiead the bail name ahJ Sielm.-l
osllcd tB marrtatr to Jrsae Bar) tiol; to vUllAirr dausblrr for u-n daj-a.
Miss Mary Minor left over tbe ex- i t>m.ver, Mi Frhlay for
Meadame* Julia Wilson and sUie-.
iranAact a little bnsinraa.
Ji>ho t>ti enJ familv >)>en' Sunday
»d«y. 10 tbr prrfenre of tbe near relallrra. Tbe borne araa brijbl to T. M. West, and her danishter. Mr*, cninion lialn fur lunit. «bere ahe will j frleod* In Mllivaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ret will
.nn-l Mt>. J'’hn HiWker of h»s eompleo
antoati follajr and ferns and the' NIda Oilra. Joinr<l the eacurrkiolr'*
leave tomomow for a'ten dais' yi*i Ias-IsW
'«I<‘ Crr,;k m.1 har MM triephunea In
Mr*. 8'ella R-vuli of Sutton* Bay In town Sunday niaht.
bapp7 eoopl* »ere aiiroded by tbi for a tea days' stay in Ohlca^.
at Elkhari. Ind.-and Chlrapu. III.
t-nhi .Cl.-veland nf lAdand-*'?^
bride's slater. Srbil and Joseph Reslj- ^wls and Maman-t Skder Mi for j paased ihrouith the city fur a ten day*'; William W«*l of Cleon ;
The mutirs on the .teamer Od I '»*»*''*
Remalna* ce>* irlp here Monday,
nol. while Mr*. Lyon rendered tbo a Jrip l« Chleaao. where they will i way with Grand Rapids friend*.
Pi-IlDW, rori-oily dl*alded. have 1ks-i
whit.-, .isk
Mr*. Alfred Jobe and children. Alma
' ■
weddlBj BBtvh. Rev. Tbnmas ITIIom risk friemd*. •
ipleiod and sEe ha* renumed , her ' The Northern MirhlAan TrstiMsins bat. ' »«-,-n found
fuun.I .-isl.t
.-icin tee^Tow Ibe
Mra. R, A. Dailey and two etildre
etlldreti;and Herbert, left North|mri over the,
officiated. A veddins breakfast ara«
imiisoy Is pUnIni:
VlsdC. R. * I. escumiun fur a len d.y.'j Spencer. .Mich,.
n days’ Vlsi
aervod ImmcrihUely after the ceremony j left ft*r Chlcajo for
their wsyehousv.
war>-hnuse. The building
her childmi.
; I. ven:
•‘^rW fever.
- and Mr. .and Mrs. Hollldar It-fi for
Mr*. A. G. Bowman an tn.clevc-; Ur. and Mr*. Melvin Palmer of Sal-. Wm Burwell of. Carp Lake «t>eBl.
\hilr'wnod hiininciij. nn t
wedding trip to Chleaju after which
they arill make ibeir home in thi* riiy. land to vlalt her ilaoghler.
A party of Second atree. _.
,rf.l,bo™ I » 1. t... lomi,. .1„„
, »•»
Irt. Hn. I
They, ware the rodpleat of a numU-r

Idayfur Peiwkey. where they wlH;
«f wedding preaenia. Jeaae. Holliday. and friends lofi fur Cbicaao. oons'len day*.
------- —. Mrs.j Mrs. John Groesraej- and daiisbiers|mtlce ibelr future home. The good;
')r.. la tbe m of Jetae Holliday. *r.. whom ...*
li ft *11010* of ibeir friend* here go w-ith
Mf"" Ed Hl^n* drtu" |
brother of Dr*. A. H. and O. A. Holli­ IMertyl. Mr. and Mr*. Tony Mikuls.l Adelaide and GUdy* of Keawlck
lhrvei*art,19ul. inUorlMSaiorfHlow- }
------, downm-raT
day, and la employed at the Noribem Mr. and Mm. Vencel Kopaeck. who: for a len day*' stay #l Cb'elaea.
Michigan asylum.
l will spend ten days in tbe Windy City.' Paul Barth of Omens look advanJa*. Lawrence, qmd svife are ^iif't'he

{ Mm. B. J. Brinkman and Utile *00. tsgp of the anothem excurakin to visii'lsick list.
—ixwly among brroder*. Tbrvbsil to b
Pi-rrin U parking bl* household;
Railroad AdeldwiL
jOilver. of Old Mission Joincul'tbe Pere;Tolod» today.
| U'bi. Ttimlpa^ and Alma and
tbespresuofeoatagioasdiseates. Tbe
OM Ocaastid cacta
eacb year by tliiiafectiag sritb i
An unknown man was kIDed at [Marquette for a trip to Marlob. lowa.l Uilu Cleveland Mt today over the FVeeda visited ai Williamsburg over pxsls preparatory 10 mOt ing to I’olo:t i
Cliy. where he enters tbe employ -jf,
White Clood Monday n^tbt la a peeu- • where they will spend ten day*.
1 S. R. * 1. for a vlalt at Crec-nvllle fur Sunday
liar manner. The accident was wU-[ Messrs. Benjamin Wllsooj Pran'ti tea da.'-s.
jo.- Ball and wife rt-lurn.-d to iheli -the cement eompany.
Landlord Sharp of ibu .l^ \>w '
by a number of panengem on Ropf and Frank MIkula left for a ten
Mr*’. Morris White of Noythpofi home In Evan Monday, afn-r a fes
Hoose returnisl Friday frt& a hu>i
(be Pere Marquette iiwln which ar­ days' trip to Chicago.
days' \i*l' hen- with ridailro*.
netfoll I vl*li tor l<
rives bore at 10;4S p. m. On aeeduni
Mm. Ann-lia ril.-y uf Honireal. Can. nc*s trip to Traverse City,
Mm. J. Kovar and Mrs; A. Prochas- tbU tnorning.
of tbe accident the train did not reach kg. sisten, will risH friends at BraidMr. ancT Mm. Max Sebroedev ofj U the guest uf Sandy Ball's family.
- -Mrf. .4IUOS Duroucher and daughter.
tbiselly ualll Il;4&.
Noribpon iiasiuyl thnnig'b the.cliy oh: Mrs. J. Ill-arid of Sharon vl*li-. l >11** Maudv. will go to Chicago tomor­
wood. IIL. for len day*.
While tbe tnlQ was standing at
•frlruds'here last
row. the forotV-r for a visit with ftk-nrtj
D. C. Thompson «ill take In Cbltngoi Ihi-lr way to Grand P.aplds f<i^a
platform at White Clogd. an unknown where he will visit gTandka'ightcrs for days' stay.
'The houaeholjl goods of Pete Miller
young man, who had evMraiily been ten dsy*. Mrs. E. a Clark ot SuTlona Bay well were shipped'from here last Friday
drinking, approached the baggageman
Hiss Maude Hagadorn aceompanl
to Ovid, where she will spend la dny-s <o North Rrancb. Lapeer county. Mrs.
Samnel and Gerald, went to
and aranUd to belp move a heavy Mr*. J. V Morgan and Mm. J. 6. Jotan- wftli friends.
t Miller and granddaughjer, Alla Blue, traveme City Friday to apend -th"
pteee of mlU maAtaery ibat was 01 aon to Lakeside, where ibey will
C. SwansoB'tjf Omma went to Chi-jat*o U-n Friday. Mr. Miller will fol- Jewish New- Vesr, reluming IikIsj.
the track. The Mggageman paid is go to Chlcsgo.
engo. where be will spenil ten day* low In about len days.
John Bosley bas purchased the In­
alteaUon to bin but tbe man aitempi
. Dave Beebe of North Branch mqde terest of G.-orge RarsMlh in the ItotiMm, Anna Mcsl^ek went to Chicago withfrienda.
ml to life tbe iwtatne. It was to for a visit with.relaUvee.
Haggle Barnes of Nuribpon a abort visit with old friends bere last nie Belle cigar factory- Hi Hnnnu< i
'baavy (or him and fell, catching him
> arlne. Wl«
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holliday left for
Grssd Rapids to spimd len
beneath and croablng him eo badly Cbleagb, where they wllLspend
n-yiar-ald daughter of 01->t
dayi w
with her brother Clarence.
that deal^ wai tnatantaiiebus, bl* naefc time.
Dropping died at her borne on the >«*i
being broken.
Fr^ Smith left for a ten days' trip
side of eoBsumpiton. Tfauraday. -ThTH0MP60NVILLE.
An inqiwai was bcM and It wu n
■ Obleagul where be will spend
Thompwjnvme. Mich.. S«-pi. 30.— ' Myron Hareourt^of Kalkaska visited rwmHns were hiieriW lo Maple Croi '
eaaary to delay tbe Irak an hour
Umo wlili.relstires.
Parlies from Indiana are looking up Ills nieee. Mm. Grace Wgggell. two o.- •dMery Friday aflemooiL
this aecoent, No one aeemed to know
A myterioiis blaze originated nn if-.c
Mm. E. J. Wilhelm.aad Hits Mvllle farm land* here.. They seem wHl tfaree da)-* last week.
pleiMed with Ibe cru|> oiillnok.
the man wbo aaa between U and
Draeka areni to Chicago to spend
George Scott of Seam la vIslllDg,iit second floor of tbe Owes block Suiidai
Hr*. Teen Vandercolk. while tempor­ Sandy Dalis. '
jmars old. Juat prevloua to tbe acci­ days with friends.
vvenlng. Prompt nctlon by the firHov. i»uch nicer your house will I'ook aU winter if you
arily suffering with mental aberration,
dent be bnd pnrehased a aandwit
Mr. anfl Mrs. Thomas Hrim left
Johnnie HcClelUn of Ihst Board- men prevented serious damagi- Th‘
have it decurateti up now with attractive
took an overdose ot poison. Prompt man spent Sunday with Boy Morrison., loss on the building which fs only
(be eating bouie and had only eaten Carbandalp. Kansu, wht-re they
application of ri-medles saved hen and
about bair of It wbee he jwgs killed. vUit bis mother. Mm. Agnes Helra.
Mm. Ida Shanks vUlled In ShaAjn sligbi Is covered by Insurance. Messt.-i.
He eilll had It In fils band 1
BMley and Av.eriU. who oeeupy It. al->
Mr., and Meg. JeSs C. Petersen anJ she 1* recovaring rapidly.
over -Sunday.
her mother. Mr*. Arvilla Gardner ar- A little sou cir Thomas Jeoklnt fell
The Sunday atAoorconreaiioB'or Or-, suffer Kmall losses, with no Insuranc(Xtmpuicd by Miss Con Hiller of Not- from the bakony in frara of John ange aad Buardman towoKhipS will be! Mrs. F. A. Bruit lefi for her home !•>
Hia. Kalaer ffiewnd Over.
I, Ohio, wbh bas been a guest Smfth'a residence, a .distance of fffteen held In the Spacer Church, Friday. mcagn Sunday aher an ememlc i
■nte adjouraad preUmiaafy eiami- In the city, lufl for a ten days' irip t-i f<et. ud struck npoa the eement aidi- Oct, f.ih. A'finc program bas beeV visit w ith her non. F. M.Breif.
walk.^irnlsltlg b>tn severely upon bl* prepared.
natlan of Mn. AlneTIa Raiser, under Chicago.
Samuel Blsnebstd took the stramr:
eharge of home tteallng was beld on
Mr*. Charles Ruffle and mother. Mrs. head and knee*, but he Is In a fair
Ur. and Mm. E. Mooreman were In Illinois gundsy for Chelmygtn, H-!
Uoaday at » o'clock in Jusilce Ner- Newcomb of Norihport left over thi- s*ay to recover. ' Kalkaska Mraulay.
wdll reinm UVdnesilB> on. the .MI-- |lBg^sconrt.aad Adolph Kaiser, who Pere Marquette for a ten days' stay It
Rev. Barara of the H. B. ehnreh ha*
The CwE. hold their business meet­ souri..
located In <wr town, iwheru he ran ing We.lnos.lay evening Jo the churrk.
was on the witnaM stand at tbe ad- Chicago.
F M. RiMworlb left Sunday for Alan
lommeai a week ago., took the stand
of Nt
have the benefit
a good orbuul for
Thn-e Jolly, hunter* of this town m on a buslqess trip.
and too, when it can be obtained at reasonable prices
Bad oontlBoed his teatlmiHiy. U^itiPot
his ehlldren. He will fill the pulpit went liear bunting aliout ten days ag-v
Pei4 1
F. R. Wllilsm* retenu-d Salurdtv
tnteiwst to Ibe case eras brought oui
■ jtliococriiigyrar,
I. After
front a wei-k at Albion ami KalaiD:i
■like we arc making. No excuse for dingy room* now.
by eroa* dtamlnaUon. It was shown
Those who left
the G. R. * T.l Tom Tborodyke wa» up. al Honor
re place they procv-eded >0. surely. We invite your thorough inspection.
that eo Feb. It. itns. a flnal aepam- ere: Mrs. M. G. F^t. who went ta and a frleod gave biro a pig. U was up tbe hill In search of b.-ar. Wbej
E. R. Sly of Ray Sbi^ and E. )I
Uon was effeeiad by tbe imnies tntfr- nieagp (Or a ten day*' stay with plared In a box sod Ibe bik was (a*- they bad gainod the hDI they- spii-d Hr. Sly of AriusktT, general manager an-l
eeied aiklbe reapondsei. Mr*. Kalagr. friends.
lened under Ibe carriage. When Tom I Bear down in Ibe v-alley. They at on?,- ireasiin-r. resiiectlvely. of ihe p:!*;
received tSOO as her abare of the dlnMm. J. W. HilUken and Miss UiU arrived home he found the botloia of ; opi'ned fire on him. After firing iblr- PiuTland Cement and Lime Co. w-i-i■lon aad aeparatlon. Later the bns- Thacker, wbo will vl»li at Detroit and fhe l>ox' liad fallen uiii and the pig with I teen Phut* al him bo fell. It was then here Saturday to aiimd s mi-'ing i-f
band swore be retarned to her. taking OllveL
He finally located the pig and got a ; '.bey b«eaaeoxgl]ed. Rllly ran so fast dlreotom. O C. Atwood <if PetusJkn
the blame ot tbe art upon himself for
Mm. JHin Danfoiih left fpr a tea fanner (o bring it In. The fanner put
orer a knoll, plunging his rifle as also pn-seoi and -all 'n-turm-v.
the dmi return, but upon her for laier days stay wiib Grand FapMs friend*. the pig In a sack and ensduie to iM* Into the kaml and dirt. w-bUe'Atfri.-d tMde Sunday on the su-siner llliuii- --'
K. h)arku leR fur a ten day*' stay place the pig ate his way <ml of the ibooghi )i w-as all. up and climbed a- Last Saiurda.v' the remi-tii ml;
meetinimHr. McCain eras called for the' de­ t Detrdt with hi* cbHdren.
sarV and again was al liberty. W. in-e. Tbecw was nothing said about irned mil SRI liarre!*—the blggep
fense and his iMitmony was ImmaMra. W. K. Van Sickle went to Cht- Toltim finally found the pig' and re­ what Dirk did. He only helped tell tb - days production In the hlsiory of Jl. tetkl. Mrs. McCatai took tbe ataad ago to spend ten days wUb frfento.
lumed 11 to Tom. who placed It In a story when they got home. They'trW plain.
aad swore that ahe beard tbe partlet
Mrs. E. fa. Lewis and Mr^mTHr*. nail keg and sealed It in with cement, it again yesterday, but all they eotiUl
Tfacaigbi train out of this place wa-.
dleeastbig the hone three weeks ago K. Ray Lewis of Oviau-l^ (01 Oeea- as the only way of keying it.
find w-inv the track* of iheir old eu- snlally wrecked on the Mahani
at the house of Hra. Kaiser wbo said Imer sad Lansing.
The new managemt-ni at the Central
branch Friday night and eight car-j
-Ton.know tbe horse la mine.' to which
Mm. J. W. Vannosimd antT Hr*. hole] are conducting a fine hostelry
loadic-of Iron ciimpaai '* wood «ei -!
be replied. That la all right but you John Harvey Ot Burdlckvllle left for -. and are building up a cod trade.
dumped Into the dlich.V The wreekin-r
know that 1 cannot get along wllbool
with relailvea al CtlPeter Johnson will begin handling
crew from Trtv.-r.e cSWch-ared up
the hone op the farm."
the w-tW-k and the train reacb-il hnThe respondent, araa bound over^
Mias Ebnraa Harvey and Mist MInnW grower* wilt get the top priei'Tor theiriMlssourl > Charlevoix. Petoskey and Sunday munimg.- Boles of Btngbam left-fora Chicago eriH>s and are insm^ fair deal*.
| SauK Ste. Marie was largely patron
the Illinois left the Elk
Hiss fieva Wright 'wenno Chicago
Rapids duck she hail on board over •-Sulten, IMy. Mich. Ortor.a ten days' stay with frteili.
Kessen <'lly, MIcb.. pet. 3.—Georg.- 1100 paMcnger*. About l-ii local
iaor Marcu. Hoyt mad- a
•Ig Fall txeuraleiv
Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Hegemon of Sml.tb is bome.irom Copemisb. where MS aialled rhemselves of this last
The fcwl great touthern eiOdos of Central Lake Joined.tbe eouibera ex be bas been ai
In the depot.
opponiinlvy of the •ewsnn 10 »h«ii one
eccnrsioalsts tefi the rity over -two rurrioB for a ten days' slay at He-jHIsa Bdlih Grinc
Crin>e>iyi urned Friday celghlorlng
Several here from Omens. They .
reads Tneeday monlag at »;^ibe 0.
I with
h friends
.at continued Iheir trip 10 the Soo on the | Ibe n-w- bouse -of J. Severson,
R. « i. and Pole «arqoellg.:b^ beaJ- j. W. Oohle *(i for a ten day*' trip', P
steamer Missouri, among them Mr,| . C. D StanH-y and John M'aller drot<lag with Iheir buman freight fqrCbIca- I Saginaw.
Carl -^happel made a husineu tfiJL, and Mrs. Martin Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. j to Cedar City with four hor»«-* MoVOl-NG MEN'S
go. Ueiroll. Toledo aad Orsnfi Rapid*
Mr*. 1. N. Brelghlun
Grawn ar
New- -Wexford Tuesday.-.
Sam Cramplon. Mr and Mr*. Claude; day. Th-> siml one to a party'fror.
polDls or imermettlate atajldn*. The
Btrd. let.
Mrs. Cora Clement and children of Watson. Mr and Hr* Charles Blanch-! Bingham
weather 1* roost prtvriiiodi^o travel- for Coopem-llle wBerethey- will spend | Springdale are guest* of her slater.'! ard, Mr. and Mr*.. C D. Dr.i Simmon Sebauh. Jr . of Proiemor.
, Ing and everything on the Jr^n ser- tendays.
"iMri. Goorgu Heffelfingt-r.
laBd.Mrs. H. Bench Morst. Mrs. Mar-‘dld buslnw at the i.eeIanaB Coual;
vlce ioday wa» at its be*l. Pj!kity trf
Eugene Mix hdt Tfauriiday for Trar ig^i 0 lAckey. Mr*. W. R. Carlisle. Savhigi hank today.
room and clean and well ^rnlsbed Rapid* Irti with ihe.exrtirwlonlst* for !erae City, where ho ha.* scoured a po-, Ml*» Crlbbs and the Me*»r». Mliehel'.
John Wahl kft this morning for v
coaches made the trip di-altable ud
ten day*’, stay at Grand Rapids.
i sltlim.
I Carpenter. Ms'xwell and Spinner.
ten days'tripio Toledo. Ohio.
travel ess/ One-o( tbe drawback* to
Mr*. George H. Lathrop and Mr*. D ; Mr*. Emma Simon* and Mr*., Albij The siram bar<e Robi-r'wt-nTe wM' Rev. Fr. Heu**mann of Prowmoi s Is the crowd- K. Turner <i( Bdgewood left (or thti. j Brimmer attended ihe iwHfth -aanl-j-at ihejron company'* dock FVlday and was .In town on Monday.
ed coBdlUcm of the heavy trains w hich, home In JaekAui.
| lorsary of the ll O. t.
at Cq- took on im.OOO feet of hanlwood lomH. Hyman. Traver^ CHy * bon
low time and become hives of dlseouMrs. 6. M. Brown left for Grand-: pemlsh Thursday
Sb<- went 10 CUa Haven to com dealer, was In town yesi.-rda;.
im. but-today all aneb anticipation RapIdA where sbe.w-lll be tbe gUMi of: Edd dbenuyer
and family will leave; plete b.-r cargo aad wi|t-g«tn Chicago.
Rev. Fr. Eage.msno wen: to Travers.
of dlaeomrort wa* eliminated and ibe Mra.
----------------------— —..V
[Wednesiitj-for CIncInnatk.Whm-they; The
Saturday be- City Monday.
Pare Harquerie service Is not to be im­
Hr, and Hr*. J. it. McCasmlek and !vx-)>
Iheir fuiare home, twwn
-keme and Old HtsiloB; Morris Send "f Detroit, aaebi ftSIZES EOR ■
proved upon, being
two riittdm left for Jonesr^e. where ; They are a fine pvupU- and soi^-of tbe - hws
____ ____ __ V___
___ '.'slaughter
______ _ ..._
of one
_ _of ...______
tbe oldtwi German
_ -naan new->qisp>-t
ble.J Tte trait
they wni spend ten days with TeU-:be*t
reU-ibest muslctan*
muslclant In town and Vui
.- be j the innocent*. - The lal'er won by th-i In the stme. came on Ibe train Ur
roomy and made np (or the eomfori f tiresji missed-very raoch
-j score of ? to 1. and not until the.nintb.! evenlng^and expects to'drive to-Nori*.
L H. Gage ot Elmwood left tor a ten ; Blanche Brimmer vislied in Ccqie- . inning did th* Acme boys get that on*. | port and L-land from here iwia*
- G. R. fit L was made dp at, day*'stay at etroli and Adrian. .
[mlsb Sunday.
j Braischi is l.uiidlng an add!-' Cha*. Mtiler ta* »oId bU barW-r »bf.
Nor(hpori.'li* nprthero (eminal aifTi Mr. and Mra. G.W, Mining and
Mra. J. Long o( Twin Mountain was iWn to hi. house on the ea.i side.
to Tbeo Steff.n. and Mr Mlll.r an:
0 coaebea palled-Itlo the depot at! four ratildTenyreai to lodla. where they Jin town Sanirta.r.'
! OUree Laliadie's oompsny playAl wUe bate gone 10 theft new home
» o'etoek. uklng 0
1 more hero [ win spend the nevi ten day* with]
sritV WlllGmith
Will Amith and-famRy
01 Thompson- "In Louisiana" Friday evening knl'
Smith ot Trav«T*c Cliy
their patem*. Mr and Mr*. Hagarmaa.: vlllo vtsiied his'pateai*. Sir. and Mr* ' -lunoceot Mary " Saturday evening a: a day bere
.working fur thv inierv.Ur*. J. W. Moreland and mi.-Ear:.| IMvId Srollb.
house to small .............................
aud^mre*. J of the"^Ri
------------,■ i» opera _—.............
up at tbl* point with four roaches.

n days'
au:^*t|' “—^
Of' Jerome
left for a len
Harold and John' O •...........
l,ear>- of Cleon ‘ ...
wi-re desv-ning of.....................
mutdi bette-j Mt. and Mr*. M. Piknev have gooAmong the Pere HarqoNte vxnir- Jackson and vicinity.
; were guests of their grandparents Mr.' patronage tban the? roeelvod.
‘ to ObU> and expect to be away vi*sloolsu mere: Prank C^dby of 5ST , 'll. W.^lth left over the G.R.4 1. and Mr*. tMvIrt Hlekev. ov.t Sunday
Lem B. Smith shl.-iped a carBmd of'-Ume.
W«t Tenth atreei. C. H. Johnson of I for tlwrolt aad niiil.
J. Cttyneof Frankfort I* |p town vK apple* to Si. Paul Friday.
i Joseph Sieimc] Is having bis boov40; West BleTPCib stroel, who tooS| A Cohen eff Nartfapon left over Iheiillng his mother aad other reUUve;
John Naekermas left Sainr^v for! repnlnted. The work is being dun
advantage of Ih* rate* to aileed ihejG.yi. * 1. for Detroit, where be will
• - - •
Twenty-first annual reunion of the oU; rl*K»» daughter. Mr*. Dante.
. wbo have t___ ______ Jl fornare.
1 -eThe greatest excitement oeeurTtec
Company H. Finn Hlrhignn eavalry.l Mrs Bd Garnt-tt'nf ihl* city aerom
B.tpeotnng the summer arilb Ibeir, Mra. O. A. Wright win leave I since the Leelanaa eoonty fair wu a
being held at Uuwaglac Ibis- Week
jpanlcd her slater. MU. Mabel Shot jdaugbtet. Mrs. Henry Wilkin*. h*je’,W^nv*d*y for an exiroded vis wi th I ktekteg bone going down main ktreet.

No Traoo of Usoaoe


3lu$f Cbink

Ulall Paper

City Book store



tfMmt atf, mkk.







.Gnum Tmcrec Heian


H. 1- Melcirre and ilitle
•if Brand Ra:i..;.
r.t> !art .-vealnr. Tli"!
''shoved that the creek was foorteeo p,»»ea avay la« Biebt at 7 ocloek.
‘ fed beU>* the school. Whea he ver.-; The riiniTal vi!l be Phday afieniooB ai • «U »i»it
a ^rt >iae a' ihe iiom<
} r>-'s parents. Mr sni
the boioe. Ber. W, H._

, .i,

irteeh —■ —t-w
ODIy nloe feet helov —w*


Don't Cot Fpomgo:


the Idiimblmt out. .
,: h^ pwk
R. J. Hereer was present and aald ;
«WII »*» COTsnli^J. ii bnJcc Insld--

M Enough AtpnA'
Senator FUrfaanka
repubUean eampalKn at I
Ohio. toU the poujilv 1

enoD^ aloae." ThU va
MDsfble adrtce Isasaiuch aa the ropub-


Haiuilton Cluihins f

= «e; xr,u.“”'- "■


ilART.'& .M.MlX t



llllbe matter of larlff It isarso wise. u*m.the walk'.was mini, two
to “-let well enough atone."



Eutt^ Is' care whriber they had a walk of nm



- fbriy ycarg-fbWTomy. (as tsHHi payBtslontly wrong on tbe money aoes-


n-. a k .



oat ti{

,th<; way. .AH in good.
. bhaiHj. and ra a n y
mak«f.i to select front.
*S: Clark, Chuii^o
C ot
i;.i to y.
CJouyh & Warnn.
and othet^ -All
marked in jilain 11:^uccps,


flal>.‘.0a' '-vail <\Vl.ithl. WTtbW

Farmers’ Inserance

Sio.TO S40
J-iasy terms if tlesi^rd

Traverse City Markets
This report'Oo uponWeOnes
day of each week. Thj>Herumi»r...i
responsible for cn^ses in price..

EN-S Grays > MAOl

Sail BRins Samy,


. uV.iu^roih ’‘lofi!'

flee trade system
'“«"">'•>* ■e'hv-.i
Many otber examples might be eiled ,
b on «l?«' •‘We »( ‘he kire.d
to ahow why the pooiile should "lei !«ot even a erosswalk, hr Aski-d
It ariion
wall eiKiuRh aloor'-and the domocraile,

. psny lUeir Is the bivl cUle of auy. FOr


22b L. rroBtst. 201 SOaUBlM

Fc.1 Fair Tro.trviety;

l irsi tii-iomcr ;;c's
first choice. Kvery
one. a Lar;;aia.

-G. R. a ir-g|p"


•i uXvrji.*t I !n. itini

.. CO.MMENCINC>.i*'t Wl., lura.A-'t Til



a BtUng exponent of the faflary ofa'and 'beoth.-rs wro willlns i.. tay l»- .............. .



QmiGifirin lismiMCHW.

Cbe-d‘e^r?eR'f^r': :e‘iiL'‘^v

hates are the most pcnldoiu form of: wna pp>M'ni and brongbt up <he inai- I
Deatn.of Mrs. Walton Wdsen.
Elaolmlnntioa possible to nnceJre.. ter of a i^cvwlk on
: Xurlhpori. MlCh. Sep'. Jl'i,—Mr
council bad pasM.[Wali.iO \V<'-«>n.'Who tup- N-n rridea
By allowing inllroads lo mate re-] said that ibe coimei
ily lllsler Ihe 'uUi
|s|tesolulion lhai Ihe walk l>e bullbates to favored Arms. <
4nsb.ed enUrrty. It Is believed tUatjaoon as the pn>:ierly ownere paid
the pnblldly and the panWimcttt' nxmey. Ho,said that after rarcpil Ini.he found ihsl three h 11 winter and wai* r
s has rooted o
wouldn't .lay i‘lut-lnB 'I'c Biva'-r


V... Ks.

■ XO

---------- ------$5.00
: G. -R. & I. to RICHMOND

Anioiie and that It cuuM lie ct'laftj.^ p-hlcL ther will r.'T.Ue iD (bw
work Those-nreseei
fv.m u.|l .rf
' Professor W-ledoofi ot Califoiula .eit
orcere,i oom
s MarEef-riie.\V.»>.l,
Joseph Klaaren of ihe S-c-rkI ward


We Win; Sell ihe OrS3I1S at .Host anv

petition from O..G.'Mlllar askins

\\V undofMiU'l.V; -IT. nulstH «a> :
uie term .rt J. H Radcdiff. . l.'vsi' !Js
Rev. T, I'. I'llott of- .a. few day. ago. e.' U
« and mlKDse of Binds The. metier -was simply left In the
w.>-k of <hi' INs-K Kast AiiPiVtt Jh'in
bands of tbo moimlltce on sewers to - ITclaied
Irtgser. A larc- fii:mtn-r .jf-e.-.nmu.::
report at tic next mecflof.
iDiaatlimUoaa. but a
farmers w‘n- i>r<'se-i.-< »n.l aU.vei
Alderman Orlau reponed .hat sov-1
ar<'afiy w* *
eral First ward residents bad laid j Wam>-r was I ..i.' ..ri Tbiirsday
.. Mde and
pipes aemsk Into (be Fifth want sewer I o'clock. ReV. T.
I'll'im 'oHciaiicc i
: by which tb^ can be
and connected with the trunk in thnt'
' done away with entirely.
_ : lived ii
■wanl. He thouebt that Inasmoc* as;•"
- Thai It srould be wlae to "ha sell
the nnh ward n-sld.-nts had paid fiv j
•- .enooKh alone" Is shown by
Wiedecrt-Pa) Wedd.rn,
{ibo trunk.that the ward vbould bavtI that tbe "beef traiy- cases Ini
At the borne of A. W'lvd.^efl uf iir..’
I some compcwatliin from the outsidersdtjSjccurred ilie wcddlac ..f bl.- .l-tn.;
;vp:,r;a; tJ, R
The matter was refem"! t" the fewer
Clara, to Cha«. Palmer of (Jrawii Tiie-'i-muiil. iu'i- 'i- •
eommliKv. ♦ . .
day afiernoon. The drcorali.m. tr.'t ?’ Tick.-Is cntsl fe- 1
^ ptisbed to a elose noivllbs^mnit ibe
City Enatncer CaMwcH reporii-d on In Vfalto and purple and dainiy te'resl'. fortnaihui ••: an» fi
^ tact that every possible oBort has licen
dP-^•• f. I» Uskule M^ver for. tbe Travece file Mill­ ' ments wep-serviu]
pot forth b^ tbe packers
Immediately after iliV ceretnor.v '1, a-r
• .'an.y Kapid..
ing' cmpariy. He nahl ilial the cl-y
I .> ,V-.t.
bay and aa ultimate dbnlsaal
j had bull! a sewer tor Siraub Brother
ta addltitut In .Ibis four BKnbers
"‘^klnj i
and. posre'Tul
Ann were forced to pay heavy flow for '
bceoiitliig rebates fromsallruads. R-:



rifiimffw .mn^hercar

that the mailer of eaicndlOK lat*Tul
Uean party has done noihlm? to causaar one to
partlcolarly Ot-tdre
a aew<T Xo. I. dlsirln No. « Id' IcTt In sun Douglas v
tbe bands of 'be 'Committee uo seven
o'clock from the hi'ine of bb> ptrenti




Uao Allan's

•w. •vwUss^ .W^vti* SMsaS

j-ea: klnr*n-'--'fd«r:ns
ui'.'I d‘«'h



HAXnSOMPifT sal-# <{i^sbova


. lat; dcaib.
porary siructore which -would do'uniil
■••1 tbe Second ward sewer was built. T-i :
Mrs.-HtDoab Hubbard a iHtrftel.l
■•i take up aod relay the old piplnn would tovDShIp did a-f.leicber :« a'. : 1-'.
'her .!r«'L
belna dat.' i« Brisiri:
“* coat between lion and.. tISd. - .disease. She was U years.of axe and
In be wmdd buy.
, husband. Jaine. HaWard and
! three dauebic's. Mrs
, back the material for iso.
a«ke:l that In-j
Rosloa Rasioa of Travers.' Citv
Fktber Sbeetaan I
. M.
«"• Valeniioe who Jived at bom
■re Ptpin- ■The fuDernt septice will be be al-; a( : o'clock in ibe af'cmoon from ib"



, ..wJBach.
Death Mall.
trouble. CfastlpaikM.
Nortbpnri. Uieb. Sepi. ».—Orlia L.; ueatmeot fr.-e.

• the city he bad told ifaeta to |«t
• M,er bdo, the noor as the prolUe-


^ .’I ,

• »»
Is n«<>ai
Rsliar roe
i«r woman .

T Ttanriv ■» »»»—» aw « -.heir. b«- Aik«d r*1W fnMi the City.
----------------- - ,
J Tje dty enclOMr Mated that after \
leoasultiiiK the proSlet bdooetog to

nn I
HiTbusband.'tValien Wllwwi. ■!
that the (tame dlsenw- almm four yv-ar:
and Mr*.
unler-dbe ttelk bulU. The action wa< il-hnma Wi
yaml a sirescinded and the walk ordered
po the ebst side of Oak sireet from tV
alley nonfi of Kiom sireet to Scc'in I





1 l...-• •••'•'..»*«w



IVIu»ie Mous*
A Trial WOl CeiTltce Toe

M. B. HARNER, Prop.



Uoa and when a man who was in ar;
oordanee-witb tbo party's views on Street. Mr. allied also entered a'
moeeiary matters stood for cdeeiPia. plaint abooi a walk
which had lieen ordered built luU hell
be was always ovt-rwhe
' up through a mbundeiwianding. . tented.

Elgin C. Lewis.

V. F< . .ho at va


A petition for an arr ligbi oi
} corner of nfiewili sod
-.far the beAelli of Frrrwood and the
Aasbd conaldrrnbir al the meeirng of Fourteenthjnircei M E, church was
• tee cUy eouBcll Monday night and an;
e«on made to dedermlnc whether or:


not a large amount of paving could h* '
.^e next year.

This Store will be Closed All Day Monday, October 9th, Owing to Hebrew Holiday:

the committee ok lighilng.
p^pion from C. W. Whci'k.ri.
pp,„,*oo i„ <wt a slicet-lror.

It seems that the rve- •

.^ed on lot IT. Idorkwa.* r,-


WnU ot eighih street are ready lo,forrod to the commlllee on fire an-!
fptve. WAshbWon street wants tJ. water with power to aeipAve. Onion street wilt be paved froti.;
^ petition from the Traverse Cliy
tee bridge to Sixleemh street and|cB„,„g eo„,,„y. 8,„Bb Brmhen. *
nnb SIIWH will bo maesuUmlrcd.

A-*] Amlotte.

ihe Trav.nae CIly


, throe Mreets will bring In a large num- f„nipanv gnd H. nr Alley asking lor n
bro of the expense in ' fljp
„,.,r the factorie* was


. the dty would bo heavy. The ehartt-r „.ferred Vo the commlllee on Are and
■ mtwidea that no more than four mllU: ^^tcr wiih power to aci. On Aldi rn be raised
< funa and
oiiu-u-* motlon^hj/various
- apparently the only soluUcn of the
.................... ..
............ o look up ihc. mauer was that bocdn could be issbed mosl needed-fwnfro in their awrds and
to lake care oT It.
report them to the fire chief. .

For you to get ihc benelii of our Great Offer. V<>u stiii have
-5 days in which to secure enough tickeis for

Mayor Friedrirb ealM on II. O.
City Bigloeer, Caldwell's peiirioo
. Joynt' Bdperiniend.'nl of tbe waie^ for a leave of aheeora for one w.H-k
works to see if the appropriation f.c was grime.!.
water tiorposer couldn'i be rcache-l.
A peiliion from >ibe ilu^/


. Mr. J.i>nl said Hist to parotR-bshinx. „,Bipany „k[o* . „uale of glfsi
•• tonatroeiand lo imvc El^ilh eircei hi,
■ Uvlsloa stre.-!. It would be neeesary
-U> lay Iwelvc-lneh mains. This would

,,ceD*e wak referred lo the com-.
ways and rmwns. The cotu„n Aug..9. 19o«. ilie

• imsi In Xhe 4..'lKhlwrhood ol gls.iK.i
^ UU.

^ad beeirAMW on e.mdi.!.«i

Fifth sttvoi woalil only be a ,b,, „ ^c refunded If thrir stock w.i«

—all outlay. A xixJnch main was. ^gularly assessed and .axe*
I S.'Tenth

Tbi« ih^reoD for one year. .
would cost rt eco^ foot laid.
Tbe (ommiuee oa Ore aod water
{ was also-Tvry necw^i^
i to
lo lay
tay a
a main
main ,„,„.mme^ that the water rul.-»le
1-00 ih« weal side ■• Je for a Ere dl,,
for ?'..k(U

over Ihpiv.

This would

Thp offer'holds good until Oct. Mist, so you can easily take
adt^f^age of the opportunity.- With every :W cent purchase
we gi\ a .ticket and with ‘.il* of these tickets you
get the dishes free of all cost. For 5H tickets you can get a
prctty.Gnderskirt,'a.^uii Case, a Poll or an -Oil Painting.

eon. g,|ion. be four wts a tbousand gal-

We are showing great quantities of

? IW**®.
’ lonr. Adopted.
The city leeasuAts r«’noh showei
a eommunieoiion from, the rltv si-


i te-dopartmoni fund would he alnint that if ibelr .I«h1s dltjn t read thai
Tb-v way the Haiinah

tmy mmpanr


U'T water

wtwVs will quU ahoul .u en I ready,to gUV gnii rtalm ilin-ds. was rerand ttay be a shtall amount atai«d.|eehed a-d dbuj. .
' The poHce fund

also l*e ahead i


eommonication from Mie ciiy enV

. somelblng .«-er $:«o. The*.- weiv' gineer .laHnc that it would eosi 12-hno
;ww.dy Mtlmai.'s prepared by ih.-com lu buil.l a roadway and fill In. along
' mlnoroat the aiigsesltaanf ibemaynr the riv.-r hank from Ca»* to Park
« ihAt each
e wouW know eireeti «as rei-eiu-i ana Sled,
- tmw It stood, nie report of the e
mluro on etaims and aeenunis t • land walk* e


Dinner Set liiii

Wiih 99 Pemijn TicksU.

* tbafa* Iheend of 8ep^l«r. thecltv lorocy staling lime all tbe properi; had $30.67126 on, hs^. The eommli owners in block 34. original plat.
; toe (B Ere and walvrVjported that the uwoed lo Ibe-mlddle of tbi- »iream An !
' > tbe bad oa May I.

This BeautifuT


VVcg!veal;ckc'-wi:t!cvery JScrarctass



at prices ver>- dhicH in your favor, and there i* really no rea­
son why you should not call and make your purchases here.

,1bk-kera.v Mating that the properly
Rev. Pr. Sbeeban was present and owners owned lo the m^ddle of th.I^e a’slaMneat m regard W the ,.ream and stilt wanted the alley from
rower al the' we*i side Catholic school ran*-to Park sirve: was rec-lved and
. He stated ibsi he had iMcurvda grade (Ik'd.
.from tbe city eoglueer aod tbe nsc»*Alderman OiUeit slated that H e
' sary piping had l.ecn put under the Reeonit ward dldnY hare much ftonev
Door or the building a* the plumta-rladd fur that reason mot^ that tbe
had been assured Ibai the «ew sewer 1 laeaeF for flIUug at Ihe Oak str.-e;
wonM be deep enough to caro for 1' bridge be taken from Ihe briitge fund.
. Howercr. when the temporary sewe.- f Oa belag informed that It ewldn-i be
was started. It was found that the done, he moved that It be taken from
aww^wA two feet too d«ep, A ebteig • the general fond but them was no roc' WM made so that tt enierad tbe suhrd :'oad.
aUa hf tbe bulMtag Instoad of tee: Alderman Bverett mate that there
M«b. aarteg the cHy aboal $$$ aadjwaa a man la the elly who co^'re-





oity, micmioaim

Hurried bjrRer. Tbomaa Cox at bl( craved vbo had ritmi the Breaier)j
residence Tburaday erening. Frank share of her life to midst. TIf
Cox and Hl^''Elora HcCombi. Tb- floral (rfferings %-n- Inadequaie lo ti—
S5 dtuen Tape GirJle CoreeU.
Itfy to the lore and high eMvem wbict.
in n^ite obIt. all obee. tbecamc
she has bccD held t«ih Id the hon;"
and drrle aherc rhe so long Oiled i
qnality as you hare alwnya pfiW
plarc. imennt-nt wa* the Korifapor.< ^ a half tloUor for. tqKBini! price
Cards are out a
a-a» In rharge ot W. .=
rioge of Grace Alice, daughter of
lodcntOD of .Traverae City, .an old
ton Corwin NcttleloD of Alberquerque. friend of the family.
NewHexlco. to Roy Poaers Smith >t
Nortbporl. ihe ceremony to be per-j The little four mrmthsold
formed In Grace church. Clyde. Ohio. via. <rf Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Urisg*
Oct. 10. A year ago Mr. Smllb left bU I l-htfi Bay. dle-i Sunday of ehol.-ra
S per Cat AUMTcd n tiae Demtt>. home at Nortbport to care for x-famum. The funeral was b< Id To
younger brother. Arthur, who was tuf-1 day arieroooo from i hr borne,
ferlng with tuberculosis at Alberquer-j



15c Each

39c Each



Tnnnt 017

BMk.TnTCfi» aV. VRh.

CIrcuUtlon this week 2,900



ton. who will give up her w«tera ,
home apd Join her furtnnes wlih Mich-' rtBUli«l
igaa resldenu.
| hnd

Letter, died at 9 o'clock Sunday morn-- Discovery for t'unMtmprbm. Coucl.iDg at her home ttear Bates of a long;«nd (•"'dv. which ^.IM-iy eur-.l
«... l.,elierwas bom to Xinandatgiia. Ncw ^.,,,.-; ,,rcrA-nis grip and
York, la IS5I and mrrved to Marsball. 'At Johnson Drug Sior. C V, F IL
Michigan, with her panmu when but ' Mead, and ?.
Wal' « rinn>. , fVt, She lived there un.ll .be was
]9 years old then,she weal to the stale I
at New Yerk where the married John
G. l.«Her. Sept. T. ISIO. and In 1871 church will uipcm their altnusi
mage >«lr at «t; R,nitli fniim vir.-- '
they mo ed
r to Grand Traverse eouolr on Saturday. Ori. 7 Tfaox- vl.hlsg i
mile north of,Bate*. They snM conirthuto «0I notifv Mr, itamum •>
this place and moved > AcniL' an.! 1 the Eas] ride and Mrs. E. J 1
lived there three years when, because
fr Ibe poor health of her father and
they moved back and enret
Plana to Get Rich
for them and bought iJteIr plarc. where
Are olten IrnVtratcd by mdd.-B
they have lived since. The dec«as«-rt | brcsltriown. clui- to dyypcpsla
Itesldes a husband and eigbt i fl.'im!'™.»'
ebltdren. the inolher. two sisters
broiheiT. The children being
girls and' flv« boys. Georgia
Newcomb of Yuba. Elsla Crompton of
Maple Grove and Mary E. who lives s:
o: Delbert D. of Menominee, n'a.-.
Freddie. U-wle and Joe. all llvlug
AIlKri Slnen. the Brsi of fifteen 3.!
at borne.- TTie funi-ral services were kcRon saloon mfti to lie trlikt
held Tutwday at 2 o’clock at the Acm- leged Midatlun of tbe SimiUy law.
eharcb. Rew. Jilr.' 'ftist oOclatlng. iieen euiirlcled.
under Ihe direction of Ralph Andersoti.

Darinir the ojkwnir «e nhall havv
somi- extra gpfciaU^alotsg. Here
ntv a ft-w of them:
All Wool
\ em-tian. color* lirown anti gn-en; j
in. All Wool MiittHvs: 42 '
in. Sharkskin, colora navy and e.-irilimj. The*.- twoil* w*ll rv-)?ulurly
for 50c. Opening price.

38c YARD

Fiwk.KvIlr, who II Attenaiog ib«
How« MlUipry Aeulmr >t Una. III.,
ha* boea appolated tint aergeam ot
the flm ooBpaar.
A marrtape llreoB« wai lasued Mooear anenooD to Bl|a«orth Kalilead
•ad HIh Anna Bohrer. both of Klns>*
.E. L. Scott or 1015 UBColn «mt bai
eoatraeted with Ura. Agnca Pleroe of
lot Waabingtoo siraet to building a
. mMeaee (or her at 7U Waablngtoa
It took bat a few nonenu of Aellberailob for the Jury .In the Harr E
Sickle *t. Italpb K. Jameaon eaae In
CUwall ooort Saturday to glee a }udg.
nenl In full (or the amdunt of damageii
aMtod of court. ll.OM M bdng-the
•netni aiknd and awaided.
‘ne<fnberal of Dorothy Hay Clark,
the Infant daughter ot Hr. and Hn.
Oeorge E. Clark, of Sokm, wsa held
fM tbetr bone, nine nllea wool of
thU Uir. Monday ol II o’clock. Inatead
frtHn the Qreea Srter aclioofhouHe a«

Thief Haa Confeaaad..
A young man alioul :: years of ag-'
as'arrettod at Charlevoix for biirv
lary and Mimdfe Chief of 1‘olirAsbloo of Ihl. city received a messago
calling him there lu Identify varloii.
articles which the ma6 hod In bU,
Ms conriating of opera glasses.
glasKM and a conglomeration cl
mile toilet nrtielo. which were siiis
posed to be the property of Charle.
Prochatka of this clly.Tliey were qukkly Identlded i»’
Chief of Police Aibion'and be soon ol<
ulned M fu'n coufesaloD from ibyouthful burglar wto drew a skUtf'n
map for the chief of police of fats foot
iravels. exieadlng'fn.m Ctand Rapldto Cbarlevolz. indtcaiing by markwhere iio obtained food.
Ho entered the realdcnce ot Cbaricv
Procharka Wcdneiriay. Sept; je. ant
exchanging faU old hat and shoes
ome found In the home he ran
sacked Ihe residence from basemeti;
Biilc and enierod the wine roon;
and drank aercml quaiis of bei-r. aside
from eaUag bone* and other eaUble.
ibehoaae. W^le there he took ot
caalou to wHTeTn an-autoinaph albimi
the secood effort In this line being hi
the mue note booir whtrh Chief o;
e Ashton carries. Tbe note L-li
for the Traverse Cliy iwlice tesd-<:
"Have been troubled with catarrii
Ihe bead for life eternal, which hacn robbing me ot all energy, as w^i
a social barrier aa well- as an ol>aiarle In the way of iryWg to do con
tnued manual, labor but not belnit
ifrald of Ibe same."
Jle waa brought before Juflge h>M
'rick. \Y, Mayne al Cbailevolj/MuD
day and senleneed to thy-WfKlMn nrormalory for fiwnrone to fifteen

. J. W. Slater relumed Saturday even­
ing iron a trip to the State fair-at
Detmk. He olio vlalted aome atock
(artni wen Of Detroit, at Ann ArbOr.
He claims to be wllboot relatives
Jackaoo and HUlidale, looking up
aone tboroogbbred iiocK for hli lam. Ihotigh hts it-otber It in an asylum ut
He aaya that Ibe State fair at Detroit Council Bluffs.'.
waa a great aiRceaa.
Funeral fiarotcaa.
8. L. Olney. an einploye of the can- NonlipoTL Mich-Get.
■Ing factory, tuiutn«l a deep eot cm of Hre. W^loe WOaon. who died Sat
top of hi* beOMl Tburaday ailemooe. urday morning at 7 o'clock at hvr
He waa working In tbo warcbouie and
[- from rheumatism of the hear'
a heavy box (ell on him. rutting a ga«h
held this aficmoon at ! o'clock
betwew three and a lullf aad tour from-the httme. Rev. W. H. Hulberi
Incbea long clear to Ibe bone.' A* pby. oiecUtlng The house was mieil wlU.
atclan wna laamoned am} Ue injury
large mimligr of frietidii of the dr
dreaaed. No aeriout reeiiHi aiw antici­
pated but thg Injury U very j^lnlut.
Route SwsrtuJi anff Ofi^e Arcry.
the two bora arresteil To? alealln;
ehleieoB from Jame* Bia^ an.i
Olbera appeanri la Justice »'rliDger's
cxHin al. I o'clock SaioaJs) ami
to simple larceny. On
reeommeodslian of Couniy. Agent Hlllaker the Averv boy was semeaced to
(he iBfliuuisl Home at Laotlag uoiii
be Is 17 rears old and Ih.- SwsrtuQl
b<9' was released oa suspeodod sentoaeo.
Jadgo Fred R. Wslksr of this chr,
and Steiner Oanhe of Nonhport. wbn
left here Moudar lo sttnul ihc rist*;
aasoidaUos of probate Judges at Flloi. ;
arrived home Thursday. tberunv'eiulnD(
cloclsg lait oipnliui with a Usoqiiei
gtvo* bf Dr. C. B.-Burr ot Oak Grove
boopliat. Several little euirrialom-m*
wera given the membere. cipeclallv
pleasing bclag (hot given them >ene.-dar BOO* wbleh took Ibe-torm of e
Bouo luBcheiw and program rendered.
hr the Inmue* of Ibe deaf and dtimbl

For Lung
Aycr’fi Cherry Pectonl cer*
'ttloly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis,consumpriod. Aod
it cenaisly strenttheni vesk
throats and weak, lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this, Youknovitistrue. And
your own doctor svill say so.


every Person

Just, wher.- till- r
went, and you can l.av.- vmir
bank book balanet'il any time
, without w.irrjing .vi.iKwelf rirk
Moni-V .(eiKislic! In our Sav­
ing, .k'liartmeBt up to mud lo
eluding ibe 2th uf il.v motiili,
draws Inlenat from the flr,i. -;i
the rate of ihree'per rcul. eoniponuded twice a year.
Mont-y; Is -af.- 1.^- Bn.l .ra-.i
Im- wilt-drawn any ilni,- ■>

Craotrsteity State



.’ll in. Grey Fatiey,
:n; in. Urey Foncy. *1.7.5

j _ | Q

Fashionable Now York « (ir-y ie
l^ueen. Urey Panatna. plain ami
fancy. *X. *1.2.-, to *2 rya
PUi.l. at., abo aai™..],
Wi-havetbcoi iuii^plemlid
liae ot
BaUBtos, «-)C, *1.2:> and ll.oO.
You will dwny* find the nothings
. that are ri«hL here first.

■fa;e. J.ilm F. Diav.., a promin-u
:.IU| wesliliy rlvi-r man .d H.-bv.t, I’a.,
.► .bad aflt-r a long Illn.-M of ea,,c;r.
Ii,- 'wa.* known a-: the •'flean of ,bv
»ii.-r»-a>t " He wa, a cbl.-gate to ibe
t'hlcam. conveutloii tbai uomlnaiefl
l.iiiei.m In

(Uben Vdu Do ^our.
Potato biadina .

Fall Opening


Thorsday, Friday ^d Saturday


»V la,™
i alk..
room ,a tb,. prt .ot lb.- ooaaUr. aa.l
>b.l»..^i««. Tbi. ,l.,»rta,.,„

October Fiftta, ^ixUiknil Seventli.
Mode Sitorday AnersMii ud ErCBtar

When riewiiiK the splomlid *bow■ iac oa tb.. litat «oor Jo aot lorort lo
j vil-w the off«TiftK* in Carjicte. Boj!*.
I Cunaiu*. Draperiiw. Linoleiims, i-k..
Fasbion’s Utest Models
in Uk> ‘‘Daylicht Carpet :
11 n* Americnn styh-* the tcooDd fioor.
Tin- latest Fari*ian
await your stamp of approb-al. We know tiiat in of.
ferinu yoii tbe*., ^xxle we hav.- the i«t thit'ig* to Imfonixl in the 'manteu. lliat they will imvt with
your approval we f.w‘1 vt-ry *upe. Not only arc the
styliw correct btU llw <iuaUty'i*Ti|Al. which i» of ti»
much iiiippiteDceas the stj'le. - ^ •
Here are fijftpExcejrtionally stroni; number*:
Thcie will lie fomxl Ui U- rit’ht not
.Sniy in price but in .{uality and sm'.
KemeoiU-r the Biz.*, ijuality and fin­
ish hits much to do in roKalatint. tlnI lihors at
$7.50, $10. $i:,. *22,.'i0 up U> *100.
price of blsnkcU. We have the be«l
stock of tbfiio Mood* we ever t«rriftl.
Co^i one* at 40i-, 7.*ir. K*>c. *I tip Ui
I2.1B W<»1 Gnm «:i.7:> to *!o.
Thi- makers have put out a very aitamiX-o line
of rhihlr.ii'8 trannente and we ixmlii not resist lny>
ini', with fbe riwult thiit we. never hud aiioh a wide
selection to chon*.'from. Even with on udvam-c in
material we sernreij such harmin* that the price* iir%_
iowi«r than ever.
The mosf liesuliful line to be fousd
anywhere, prie>,t at *1. *2.i>-‘,. $2.f>i)
itn<l ri.5Q. RoIk: Cbt&s bp the y.inl
1--K-. 25c and :kV-yard.
w(- have the l>esl values we.cvi’r had.


'«" •TJ'



We request the favor of yov presence

Some Rare v^nes

Think whs- uii^lit ha

Not over *i\ 1.1 u runtonuT.



$12, $16.50, *^5



At $2.95. $3.75. $5, $7.50 and $10

Fur Lined Overcoats




And FaU plowing you want ap»r of good

iUork $boe$

Don't forget to look over our line of

met lUeatber $boe$
- . These are all made of the
best of- leather, high top
with gusset tongue to'keep
out the dirt and water.
Seams are all sewed double
to keep them from ripping,
and they cost' very little
more than you pay for
shoddy shoes-elsewhere;
We have sold hundreds
pairs without a complsim.

Low Cuts

Bigb Cuts



A bt:autiful, imported Broadcloth overcoat. finc3 with Canadian
Mink, witk genuine Otter, collar, sells for One Hundred Dollars.
The lincst M’ercoat ever shown here.


.•\nother line'lmijorted Kersey Oiercoai. lined with Canadian MitiJc
with Otrer collar, selN for Ninety Dollars.
tplcndid Kerhcy coat Itiicd with Canadiaii'"hhnTc, natural color,
l-rici'il at $75.
' '

I .

A fine kersey overcoat. Marmot lined. This is a beauty, sure,-and
sells lor $«5.

Here is a line Kersey coat lined with Canatlian Mink, natlirai color

for s*'>o:


, '

This style of Kersey overcoat, wool, sea! lined, for Thirty-Five Dollars.
It may be a iiifle early to buy an overcoat, but will surely need otie
later, so we ask you to stop and let us talk style apd price. You
may hnd just your overcoat: for no firm canys so hnc-aline. If
you don’t,want to buy now. come and look, then when you are
/ready you will know where to get what you want. It is a pfcasure
and no trouble at all to show these beautHul goods. .

Remembpr that these overcoats show the very’ latest style, and arc •
the finest that the most expert tailors in the country can make..


oi*rv. MMioiM.

Hlch aefaoel at Tr.
QaatT Rarrow Tmaabla.
I Tbe eoaniT fair wma a pnuld «
. uul Mn Bia au« karr g

■- '^ib hla pamia n’^*
--------- are
_ _
- — jet*bIt tea bad habit lotaonnw aaytbhv.
Oar acbool rommelirea i
:ceaa. Many from here attoidad.
Dreiocv. O.. OB B riiU.
with I borbood.
. but the wurat (blB( you «nn peaalblp
Fblllp Helafertb Mid to'knL.boe «
Chark-y • ---------- J. Jr.. I— ^—-----------Hra. QuacBlre of Haalhoa. Canada, borrow. !• inNihte
>Vbra aick. lorw.
iber o( people froER IhU plaaeOa VlafllBK
vlafllBK her
her oidba^r.
ouclH>r. Hra.
fala dHrlBf horaee ai it waa klelind bi araed Rapida
aad Tlclaliy to nait rrl-1
A a
Mary'brervy. winry and worn ami bv tha
one of fala larpe work boraea.
IttlvM. .
Maple CM) IBft FrtdBv^Bl*h- rka^Doa. for a few aUva
palaa and pula08»nf dvapepala, bllMisNOTKt TO CORRCaMNOtNT*.
the prowl pomu of a fine bof.
Richard LeaeoDi ef Weaford H via-j
Tbe Silva
I the abow ilven b) Mf Haro
Hr. and M-a Wni. Loc
Blmllar InIvtry woak eert««andaneB la r«B J. Hen drore lo TraTerae OV ittnc bit parenta. Mr. and Mm. H. J. ’ Hlch.. to ph
Bluie KivKi U vla^np her: Bkantapira). III . tomorrtra
al«Mtoo latata ma. Airttiiaapaw» Tkuraday bad mnraed with a aav Lemeool.
-a R Vtai,ychl1
.1 that
.a... pHew.
..Wm The} will alao , 1
aoiae otbee fain before retumlns.
, ''.,
rrlallrea ai
your aymotonif. bat By for
tha HaraW afliea nat|l>unrO' la haul
Bebcna Sbelly. teacher of
Tbe dock U done and iblpplnp will
Frank Alkateoo
bauUMp number
: atop ID CtakcaKu a few-dara
rellad in eiea-irH* BUttrs
Ha-reValle), went doam to Ibe aoon ronBeoee from thia point. The for tbe Semeakal L.iiaberC./
Hr. Baker and famii) are manlnc will flnd acre and prrmaneoi lorwaatrain l< ae«' her alaier. Hies Florence >i«ainer illinola win slvai a free ex-1
A number of people fr*m' h
fpom the bnma- i>wned l-i- Mr». OrlAn ’ tnlnrwa nf all voe' imublea. and yarar
thaira Mi, tbay max ba aMurad that It i hoac Sainrdax nastOK.
who went
areal to tbe'
an al!
all hi tbia
thia rletnliv.
vVtoKv. jAcae.lleeded the Levlanan cour.i)
Ily. on the train, wrbo
rmcinn in
lo that of Hlmm Lan 'e. a fbon dU- body win ana be bairdeoa^ by a load .of
^wIio^haabeeOTUltatady. 8b- and
Baiea. Yuba. Wimamaburi; and EaatlSnttona Bay, la
i Seeley.
-........... Nonnal
wchoo! to stady. Sh- Bate*. Yuba. Wimamaburs
■anra- wea: of Ban-*
: debt diantae
Al Johnaam Dnu Stoic
Bay. from
. and.
1B| Id Tmverne City for a wi-ck. re-, .m
iI Bay.
Arme lo catarlmoii
Oct. .?
Hr Fred t'malli wwa a.i.-reoax- bv, Co V F H 'Heada and 8. B. Wall.*
An-K alorea. Prlara Sfle
. .. _ .
_ a cellar au­
1 Jackaam laat Tburaday and
i .n,_i
la hixiae.
Uura But1Mid.
BuHMid. -wb«
-wbi> ha.
baa been | dayw wa*-in
araa In a
x aerlim*
a Uum
R<Md dialrirt Ka. £ baa ballt a tool
Hr. and Hr*. neldUilt Wataan are; "
Minnie Valleau aad three little ■" Hra J C. lidter. an old^MIdent of
arbami In Maple
Uapie Cliy. came,
rante , ta
la belter ai
at i•.'•■M-BM.^ItlDK4ji^^Ter..
line arbooMn
hbed aaar tbc eoraar weai of B. J. apendins a tew dan with trlenda at(fl,„rtier. of Wexford are vMUbk ai Grand Tmverae. paawed a«t Sunda:
aai Friday
. .._____
BaBarartSouth HMtoe.
;; H.
momln* after an lllre^of nerersl
H. JJ. l..enraol'a.
f>nk Store* ■If
Ilf Gmnd
The hn.iB.-:,** tn.i-iloi:
tn.t-ilop id the V II “f 'be appfO|.rtBilim
approtirtailim lor ibe tome
bomo Hr
Batiacu Beaneit aed family atart
Hri. R. C. Gardner waa called to
pe,ci,e, - . ^pe
now. but we nre month.; FuaerdlaiTbc church
in* wlih her parent..
parenia. Hr. aal C. E. tor
. .
ibe mooib of
Uniiber will l~- feeble minded, meu emnloval at the
Toeaday for a »1«U wl'h irUilyea In Tmverwe Cliy Wedneaday on accoom I
a'very hlsb price a
Ml*. Alia BevWy m.iliutto m-- iof tbc aleknea of ber danshter.
Quite a number from tblamlace

Grand Traverse Region.


ss' s-i:;;


Mr. and Hra. Saul Scott of Time,
one City viaJled relatlvea bora over
Hlaa Emma DeLoBK of LHand vt>
OrrlD Undacy drove ^ to Tmvome
nl at Mr. ZimmerBiao'a over Sunday
Uri. Philip Scbicblel la oa tbe alek
Cll) Tburaday.
Our villBKe w-aa aaddened laai ThuraHorace Hollla of Trarerta City (a
■ HHa \>nu« Voabars I* on tbe alck day evealnc be tbe new* of the deaih
vlBltlBc at B. J. Hoyt-a.
of Hra. Mooroe Amidoa. wh‘> died of
llatramqpla. Hit. Amidini baa *peni
Joba Brudrick baa purabaaed a po­
illns hi* parent* tor a ..
__ _
tato dlKKcr.
■at of her life In and arouad Maple
iduraod to Boyne City Saturday.
Mr. and Un. lewln Rawlinra were City. She waa a mile paai « year*
of nae at ibe Ume of her doalb. Sbe
Wlmford callera Si
WelllnfElon MtKrraoa look a
■maa and ' U-aiea
brothora bealdi-* a buabapd
f Uy to Kalkaaka Prlda>.
ShulUcr were Wexford call-1 and three atnall cblldi
Oct. J.
aympatby of all.'
Hlaa Ullle rrlak aod breiber Lowalli
j*ra Saturday.
■ be a:
Of Jtortb Mlltoo. apmt Baaday wlU
bere attended the
! Joeepb Hlcbeb.
Hr. and Hra. ^Itl Oae aod famUy.
fair wl Sutton* Bar
[caller laat week.
Ray Waleb. Frank Jobnaoo and Wll
le dance frlren by Robert Wedow law Tueada)', Wedaecday aad ,Ttiur>
Ha CttrtU look In tbe excoreloB b
i‘ >eeeoi1on held a
Cbarlereti Banda*.
h.ti i*at WedneailBy evenlniE for I
hy all.
Ml«* Flora BelllaKer baa been en>r Old Uiaaioa a
lew oaator Rev Richard Yoat
“A Mra. John' Faael elaiiml Ini lerfalnlnt two ydon* ladle* from UMr. Hockemuin w
Thare were not ven many out aa II .
d laat weak
ta"KuehT^as^lme^borV? awmS to i
aarence Workman a^d Will WallAlmnt 2S of the youn* people of till.
Hlaa Suale l,rntca and
I. Cland •ajoy themaelve* and aie well pinased j w^ SummlfCllv el,flora Randar
I place
Mary Traiep a very plea*
Oay went un the excamlon
with tbe oaator and fnmily
E. 0. Rawllng* wna In Tmverae Cliy I am Irinbday party laat Saturday
roU Sonday.

Hr and Mr* Coiikllarare barveatlna
Airrlriittiiral ball waa well alli--l
S. C. Horae returned from Detroit their onion* on Ibelr Inran near the'
‘“A Mr*. Ed Ttiotf and Ml** with peoph Friday etenlnR
V pleaaeil with 1
eoe day Uat weak, where be baa been Boardman -Iver
*''**'? EnRel visited In Traverae City lo Frof. Man) All
A daoclnt party wat Rireo Friday
erenlBc al Will Vannaabon'a.
Hr. aod Mr!, Welli eelabraied
twraty-Hnb waddlaa atmlrcnaTT
toib. The ereatoa
apeet arilh elorlea. muak aad
Hoot by Hlaa Lain Holmei aadI WlHIe
Hodpe. A bouBilful aupiWT wan aerred.

MU* LUMan Halat^ ha* returned
Ml.* U>nl,-FUher, wTio t* aliendliiu
■peat Bunday with Ulu Rena Hone.
Blalne 1. tVbl'e ha* been flrtnK on
Hodge fora two weekK’.vacatlun.
rrbool at Traterae fliy. »peni Sa
Hr. and
Hra. W.. Joebotut and fbe Elk Itepidatoy run durln* the'hm ^
Cbariea DeaeJia it on Ibe alekj day and Sunday with her parent*.
dattabter Fay of Rrdbeck. Kaau>. vl^ w«ek. but baa cone, back lo Tmverae-i H»«e ouarlerly
dusrterly eeoi
N"*' Sunday
lied with Hr. and Mrs. U. Rlllara aim
ral'ion wilt IM- u
^-•torber relailvca at ibla place.
l'p«al Hobbs
Oet. 2.
The topic for thi- *ermon U "New '
;r naif at her f<
lament Devotion." Afl are Invliiv

tended the abpw In Maple City kIvi-b
Mr. I.iirini Leli<-r.
Lelier. who
w ho ba*
ha- l>een
lieen j _
\ —
bv Prof.' Uaro of Leland.
r *o ranny tnnnihi. |ia*M-d awav
Cote foe Cancor.
Jullua Pmnar .uf L
.early giin.lay moraine. She ha. been
.-nrfaee cancer, an- now knoa-n .
urdav and Suod
^ verr (laiii-ci Kiifrerer. and <-veo at
° " H>. I"- i-unible. bv Bneklea'* ,
IhU lOae.the la»i ilio *111x1 of «a>tn-)lalOt —i,,
Wall.-ra. td DuSeld
John Uapu and
dauRbter i^bt* beard-f.-om her Up., alihoupfa ber j'«^8Blve.-Ja_.
frail - wr(t«:" ‘•J'liail a cwnrrr urn m* lit.
made a trip to Traverwe City today.
body wa- rarii.,*! wi.b pain
s*e baa vear. iRbi aTrSfbiir *—• "■*■ n.
The thre.hiTK tnarhlae beloDKlDC to a wide cirra..
.,,„.mt .• ,!^VA'^ra'^^^S3y*r,’ ^
M. Baacb and Move Kllway waa moved .are. to moura "her ,o**. a. ,heAa. p |,
to Good HarUir today. Tbi-v Intend lo
Cirand Tra>,-r»e rcKlua a
•If* and bora*
*ic at JobUMm
do more ibrvsbInE In Good HarU.r
lear* and wa* knuarn far
SIPTC 1*0 a F. II Heads Opd BHerman Praux-.Tl.lied relative*, lu
Iwreati--I and . ■* u'l
Good HarlKM- Sauirday and Sunday.
the heartteli ---------- **
Hr. and Mr*. Jno Hurteod did biiil
everyone Funeral iwrticea Tneada<
BCM in Tmverae C)i> Saiiirda}.
S o rloy-k u. m. at Acme i
. Hlaa Alice SlaKK
IKS .-pent Sunday vl<
-V. Tu.1 of WillUiu.burc oBI
ItlOK w l'b Supbii.
. h. Iia,
closed Frld
account jf
■he funeml of little Evelyn Sbalda.
' ttalrteea-mobth*-


laid i» r
:iitl.‘ darlliHt ■
he li-aiitltul flower*
I'ronahl by her many frlendt.
A preHoii* one from ua bs* cor
I* aimed ,
vaeani In m home

I t t « I's I t i t« t • I I t I




(nimpouodwl •eini

It I I • I • t •
bv :
witharawn, 107 •

anmi^lyi nUowu}

- ..|


WItbral H«Uce *

Ot^^ut T-Jwle, <-.*uiiy ,
Floyd K. Beach made a trip lo Tra»arie City Saturday.
Charire OlendennlBg and wife drove
ta Trayem CHy Baiurday.
CUE Cook drore to BIk fiaplda Wedneadny.
Thomaa Pray went to Bk Rapidt
Ratnrday apd boufbt a new borae of
p«dl Fbirbaska.
Hlaa Cora Pray waa a Traverae Cily
Tlrltor Bainrday.
Hr. ud Hra. Bki()eT Undaalaaf arc

J.-W. Smith an^ wife vl
of Jackaoo U vlalllns Care ai -Elk Raplda Siindi
I. Harry Clayton.
.called'on Fmrk Johnson
Lake „,ad. u
"Parente day"acbool last FrhU}.
buw n
Bunre'K aoa and famlly.are
btm from____
Tiii-y'. worklnK ni the Deira
While will ICO onI the excnrolon
dnv: to South Hnven, and Ur*. Hoxl
will fo 10 Gmnd Ledge.

Elliatv-fr. Sntllvan of-Cedar ypent.a


i.ov*' ball pame lH'iw«-en iC^
be Maple Cltyj___
e of 1C 10 IT In I, ,■»'
0 Trav. J

iple City.
Bixby n




C. A.

Haiamoml. Ca«hiw; J. M. Hu."—’

IX. x» XI It______ t».
SU^ihon Uutrier. TJ, O. Crntber. Dr.
H. B. (Jbmcr.Boaj.Thiri. •


aaiU'i^r l>.i-l



Oct. ?.



H. S. Holl. J>nMi(lcnl: A^. Friedrich andCliaa. WilhpIcD.Vic-

iT s t I I « t $ t II t I

$ay, mr, man.

I I I I «.I II 1.1 I I I I ^1


Da You Htalizt Vs Stoat timt ?

BetU>r bo lookinjt around find lt*!
' Winter siovo l^ltvljiud wLihilinn Stovi*. (^)k Stovti. iiuil,
lookiac tlon't nuclfct to lo<^ over tin- l:irt:c«l itssortnu-nt of Hcali
the atovibad thoopportnniiy
inRos vou over had
thoopportnnity t<) insijrct.
We antwo-tliirdi
buaiiito* injour vicinity and WE WANT YOURS.

69 Piflerent Styles Besting Steves
Yon miriil layttcr mdte yonr aelcction from this mammoth stock- aetf tet jnst wtat ym mat
• than to buy aomothiug-elsi-a-hcrv that you think Bky ERSwer ihe porpose andot tbc suim- lime
a littk' more money for it: Tenr premiss fer felsre ptyneit Is lers) tesder vitb is.-

J, w, 3l.ate:r





Q1UWD TWAVtWy HtmiLO. TMIHWOAY, 6ct6»ek «■ ^

Mn. Hcrriu BlcfcMt. vbo ha> baea
; «pca IB hU nsrc
lb« boor* of
nCla MM batter at tUi «>4i-i J Ftaak 01^
monMd teU sBd * n. B. SaCont^'.
Oohirado. bare Bora
. HUI left bare tas.------- —--------------------------------------- —
r. aftOT^u n-l
Bar. aad Hr«. Wa. T.:
Caaada. Tbar bIovIt lannrrtas.
tato 0.
red htto t. Gllre<-<
TTia Ladle*' Aid er Cfaat aiet alib.
W. HMc* ba«
jdn. G E. Breot I ■t WedaaMlar
Wb. itdBBle of Wieeeealk arr1re>) i
Mn. Halse* ba» ratn-vcd fma be.o vaeki whb Mr*, t
' iba ftiODda of Mta«
, rtoit la aoaiben MIcbisaB
Bbe re' BoDMa lUek tatbr'ad ai i
. I poni a cood itmr
Sba ear* the p>
or HameM , Mr. aad Ur«. Joba Bshl
Itiac Cbe ecboele In
I! uto aiop li rrrj poor ibara tbi* r^ar.
aad her brotber RalfA •
ti of i ‘nraredar arealot. •bare
Fraok On aad Eana HrCOBba vere
He breocbt
Elbal and Alia Craadall e ■r SuBdar-ii ether roma of
Scbbel ha* elaaed for a
aatkn at.
„ _
- r T. Cn
Tber t
......... ................. ........................ and ha\e tber
win be vaforred
beat vKbei of a bo«i of
who leavea todar for c
elll hare a aaia eo Oct. > vara aeeeataniad by E. Roddy and ;
Hlaa yiaiafti Crmaer «
ba and bta Botbar and Marcle Cancie
HUa Neftia Fme al SaBBit
vlll leara for Ln AnMr*. Robertaoa I
R>in Mr* Dixon-. t*oI daaebier. Mr.
er IroB New TertL
Bmaall MtttleMt. vbe sabtbare
We hope >b- Inc care of a Utile sk
Hr. Lt«b of Toalon. DL called here | laic M« bone vlib bar. to bl« father at

U« I'ridar.
I Detroit todar.
| tteaca or cIlBale vlU do bar aoed.
Tivm Harte^
Claa and Jaa. Rica vaoi to PraakHn. D U Qudca coaa to Graad [
pxiord nar^^
M>Ttle Baker of «-axlOrd
fort Frldar
, Rapid* aad Banaor for a Ivo veak«' |
Tba mile no-or Harrr Heade la'rialt vltb rela*lTe«
Mr and Mr. Menite. visited a) tV

Hra. Jaaea PntiiaB tefc,ibii
Mr*. Tbom Laaaln returned Sundi
Coat.- yamenlar.
tna *or Breon Ceot«e her
Tbe pnplo a - tmir UiraablBic a
weak*' may »
-OB a ivo
Tbere va. a nterarr nocleir orteaa.
danicbter. Mrg. Fleecer.
I Dbki
am town ball last 8*<n'-i
- - - •
- barinc a o
«Uta Si meBber..
__________ JB. Caae«________ ,
M.r, K^,„;elec!ed ofltear. a» follov*
Ml** Uxbartax tbe roof of tbair brick I
Ben Gberina
.... ben Ktoupar^,^ Dunn. pre«ldeni: MIm A. W«l»oii.|
Tbe HlMet Anna aad (Mrrte Bur» >.
.~»i. I ."ecretaryi Mi. E. Clark, ireaaurvr.
dtek veat to Bea»aola PrUar to .pa
aanirdar and Buadar vltb rrleod.
itbe eacuralob lo tbsSiaV !

tovB t^r and reaelead 7<e per biul.
...eSM hi
*!. cuir CMau,ecm bl. foot ,bUe .
d for It.
Tiah vlih hit *l*ter ii
Inc la Oraen lake ivo weak, aau
Tbt I
m Ida Harel went oo the eaciir i
biuud pulaoo »et In. caueln* bota
inar aar.
xloa laei Sunday
Sumlay to ibe S

Oeroia DoBerlr ba*
la Ladle*' Aid
Ali! n
it attaadlBK ---------*Aaol--------------’ excbamie
floor for vf
,.U late illaeu and I*
-------------—------------Mila* CllBora Wedneadav afternoon i
-eo. RaB of Trareraa
air I. vtrtaK of ihM V
> Benbn fVerlnatoB Oc' If Mn I
Hr. Blood ba* orsaaixed a 8«ida]Ulba tova fbr tba QlbU electric llfbta.
Iki. Ixlen..> tiir
•cbootta dixtrict No. 4. All are corOct. 3.



ssr.'s: .- .........


invested in a packSge'df

Uneeda Biscuit
teaches you many tnilfis: -


That soda crackers are die best of all fixtd made from dour.
That Unssda Biscuit are by hr the best of all soda cTack<era.
That Unssda BiscuH -are always fresh, always crisp, always

national biscuit company

Sallr Tirttrt to‘att«rt'8naW*a^ i
Wynkoop ba* hU-pfirrfa oearlr f*°" ^ pood time.
repilon that was-beld at Mr.
eoBplated. - help* the look* a
of tbe
'ster WUtlam* and II. Warr-n l>.v
■* laat Wednesday eveninsi •
n-trlloi anbonae.
liiulna poiaiuee laat WtslnviuU*.
Chrai a.-r-. Nt
' T'i~Ja.> and 1 .'.■ines-ta
■haraand family was well ..
HBii Pearl Manb-of South Kaaaoe
Ni*- Ssdlr LUii'iti sa- the
r Id fryanl'ini !**«
. TI
Ill'k- <rni|t
nip IS
Is nxmiT
Ilrtter than

w-rk urt-ur tbe an
eaUad an HI** Carrie Waaner Friday
Mira .\CTii-. Forioii over San<
Mb-s. N'rlt, 1
. and iher.- w'lii is-1
Ci-Hle and Mary- Dsnsure
—-- "7
N-ndvl Bunriav sebnol and en-rek M
■llllltMl to Trat. h.I. 'Bkr I' I-,
. -piar uf piuk I
Will OrlSih and Pete Dari* drove
iv-t&l a vrr> m
Mrs- R<mssea<i
c e^^a’nTra ” weraTlrS
*' Traverae CHy
om near Empire today to look ai -u
I >.}ably ia<> no
- h her chll- f
Mt..Geo*Harve> i*qulteslck.a*ain.|“*^;;;;;,‘'*;;;^„^
lob of liBber.. Pale Dari* and Hn.
»j dten. Thresr e
Nell Value vlll nin Iba camp

I Will of WlWam'-imrc a- learher.
. . ( an- Ihmt berv anu , ■ r.ree
fed »'ir.ira.
M'a’ier nn-f f o-Oa Baker: wrsvtn «f
Pivoils* Wine has I'-ft ihe trfdekyat.l: Traier>e fhj and a daiiahter In «Ui--: - Clunalic C
they appaar -to ba vtaiar.
Bverali. CralB has porcfaa*e<:
idKbms : Ir -Hse tV-w-Ti
b<* infant
dauttier oT-M i ‘"’I ’■* ‘-elninR hi* fathet »n the farm.' bu>an .Bb<- has flfy .Eranilehildren
* Influroe.- of efi
Franres. the
mmt-nvto. o-iuoa'is »f pnn>I*s and
baa been III fra the part
K'lnk's folk* valUnl •« H War ; aui eishie.-n yr.-ai i;ranOrhlldrrnila veat for bia^aUe loda)-. other boTM and bawy for bU li
rs-n- and ni>r>e Iran
Xwb- iDoroviBs
,ren last S.mdav .
The -wnih nvrt ..t
- i.-smtUn
loniotlip mnrh •orntrann. Tl
fir pail-ti'’.i i~
. Bkc baa bee
Mart Btker of Kalkaika panaed
n 'bl mivbi ar
'w t..iraurr .4 dahhas.
Kelt, loaded With litm'befor!
rhcier-wmiams has Ji.w harve-h-d «■ "Id
laltTieii a- Bud Ih- rk-b p«i*rni. '
, aarinaail.
o tJ
this week
' a profliaUe crop of rioter-ssl
Tb" follow< ■.mrortu ina at si'criiu! rot- tuHlrr vt b*tm'- bv
•M lUKife- -f while
Ed Buorr aa.1 fkBlIr vlll tnorc (hmnRh here ihi* evaatac ca hi* vay Cbleaco
and Mr*. Edwards of Traverse; ridd *as flft.en l.i.-hel. from s'v
ncr of -s tloos IMT
diaiwibio. and a r*-fular
Flsiinaasn. Isjuqnrl .<C
froD the farm lo tbair home at tbe
astrr*. %ll*s Ke*
Cltv we’e la town Friday

arres of yronnd
north of ranio i" m-«
north HJ. rynai. Syrop. IV
Harbor •* noon a* tba hoote 1. v*
Hn Ubble Myers of Ohio, who bat
Hiss laalvl Carter and Mbjt Jeiinlr,
Mis* Ida Bbunk wa* hrane over 8uii-|i« riy-.t ni wa;
north-, the monidis 1» — ‘ ' rorrain in
been eliltlaa be*- BOiber. rUiled Baa F^rram visited at Hay's ramn tor aid*)'. •'land Bfjrfli-. Mr* Kin*.
n Firap. e
scsnI i,i:LL>
to ivivatr cro...n«‘a railr.«d.
Myar* and tiBlIy. alto her ton V
' ibai n.-akrnlus
uc ano Mrr HeWKi K > . is.:la<'rt'aml.pui
lew d*v* the bast week
Mr*. Wbieai and her bWnbe-; Mf.ilortc- arro-s ralinmd. thrsvs- n„rtb
and faailT ai 'ff’eai Almira Sandv.
, Miss Maraarei I»*y h*s l-n-n ill the Wlihiniftoo. attrialed ebun* ar Trav-j »c*' ab.iw*.,!.- rleln of ,Pi rouKh .and deblliisiinc nUjti » !.rsl pUn'..M' at.,! Mr. lUlcllflr;
Will Oriaib noirt hi* KVaeie farm
Ri-.tlAs Pishle and the . thauoiou I Urtyiut ‘ r n*ddm con JohnnF FtonI pick Ihalr Vloter apple*, aa they a
past week but IS DOW ItnomriaE
erse aty la--.| Sjnda.v.
. to lllair town»hio 1ln<JohniCameaa and I*■ bwklnp Bp a 1
l.u.n-:. Tri-raaie
due to euaebisa. ihr Rri-aled' liaiie-r i
H. !)ay* elecrtr lieMtoit plant '
R‘** vlslled in Traverse CHy!
K.^.r Walt-.-, m fc'.oioi.i lia« i
all ready to pick.
eatloa vtaen
II Mart a poulti
vas .eoinpleied Tburadav nishi and >< 'tv'T Sunday.
I vi.ll.n* for a l-w day- with Nr ano at)'! <lr.-ad of. tb- —
Hr. and Mn. Gay ToBphias vest
_________ L____________ I........
Oer. »
i Mri. Jertimr lurt.41.
sic>!qw-i| b« takioc <J*r I Mllb>-c ■ i
raioD Banda
Mr. and Mn.Charley KlBenter at*
i- V.- an.| >{r--V.iiua of Tra'v.-r.- man Syrup t.lwrwJlv an-' reaulnriy. I-ymprib:a a-foUut 0
The Wet
t loaded with ctahs aajpleklBS eraabarriaa fttr
Ullwaukee Friday,
J lade a plrnsant 'call Bondi
iday nficroonn. cllnte. ;<m «iij fti,,; that of Uv.tbun
The HItte* Millie Hartball and Kl<lay Ti>itrd at 1). H. Day':
MoH Sieven*I aod
n.ari.-« smiih of .yemi
me l< biilldinv''uind*
lint uinds of r-<m-iini|itlri-* there. Ibe ft •
lie Ooldan vent on tbe <
Cetne to Htmdrcda-ef Travera* CHy for Johna 5 Co.'
, IReBlBRtaD and
Mn. Marcalliu arp
an ari-h eem*-n'
len- who a
at* Iwn.-filed and revaln str-nx'.
r. and Mm. CeerEtr Ralf aad. M
of :1 Tnreraa ai>-citUan today
elatern. Tfi feet Irmx.
r-ei wbl.- and At* I
; Nditon Oore aad Too Ouateoj m
Claude Orlaii took tbe llllnula fc
IS feet .leert, |i will hold
d S'"' barrel. Trial bottIra.':S< ; rec>>U<
Tnvena aty- havo tmoe dolac aoa*i
Travrrae CJiy rai SaiuMav
West Almira, after
of^ai-r a
palBIlns at tbI* place
Henry Cane of W<
; For sale by 8. K. Wal*. A
Mia* ReU Couk of Glen
Spells tif hea<tache. tudearttb. back
.Hinton Wllloby 1* TlaltlaulbedlBer•• ■
K-emds-bm- of Kt1sina>v>) 1,
eot Sunday aiSoola oo tbe pealaeala' 'HeaKhare,
■se aty «
Sumeiimi-s rheumaitc paint
j Idaow iin-l.-fniiii**! by rai*.
Mix* Daalela.apem Suaday at ibe
^ H. ILanyer Kwi a raluabla cov
Often ui
. Nr*. Le..nard Co.'nvb- u( Trpverr-'h.-r, Vbdri Mi'’--r.- danchier
boBc of-Hr. ajM Hn. Joha Mills. Ht«i I '**'
cv'flns l» the eon Hold
All *1*11
Cilv 1. lulling for a lew days wlili ................ . Mry F-«l kl'ilei; ■■r.Blau
oil IsIsiKt n
Hr- l..••:l■Cof• rad*t.wTi.-l.p. dt.-d
alter i
IhAn's Kidne- Pills ciire all Iddnv
Some Bebi. Id potatoes are Of s N-- kbuft Illneor o' on.- WI-I k tednA *••
tflgm three yean oo tba J>oalii*iM
town T»
tnraed borne Hoaday.
t e-ialliy ami a*, sowd m a dollsr. mom:.* and two .lat* old. Thefoa.ra
Her* Is proof In Traverse CRjr.
Bey. Tyndall U yltiUnc aonb of
- a-eW Wt.rtfc tbe dlKfsIn*. wrvi<^-. were hrid a' fi- Fraari* Oct. S.
rif 71S''Web«ier
Elk Rapids orer Sanday.
i..-p*n .IlKElnj! M'lnda*. rh.-rrl. W<r»day. Sep- ;si>i Fon- II:ib
strevi, say*;
'Pains acroe* my imek
Albert Nenbev and family have
ww.i f..r i-e.l-r s'.rl*. Iinh Peart Jo... Trt-Bisfn Edtn
and hips werv e*peri»ll} avvere when
reoved Into the Oeo. Manb bou, aKrJ Oara I'B.l'ir a.t.-; abusy at work. I was nvrvtiu* and bad
Ai and dneo- Bl XI
and :«ll l.‘V:er»
aliai-ks 01 headarbe. disr.inm a^
> Fbnon> FrI.lay evt-niiiE
Many \< ry b.-».u;fui rrii.m. . of u.tGLEN ARBOR.
Wir*. ihe tiMiii-; V > re as fo'low*: Si.ra ■ "* ('•'sailon*.
Fierce, one of the L.
' a «tio.l Mme ihey know i'r »nd Mr» Gani r. • *o :.i-ido*-ls uf of Booth MaaitoB. after
Bvemi Crain add
sltoj the abort absence, retarned laat Wedn<-s- prosirat
at Mr and Mrs. Forv* ycblte fhlna asi».Mr aad Mr*. Jack
4reo, vfao bave been tUIiIbc relatlv.
IBtor't paretiia at So
b eiqaet* oi
wime rarnajton*.
day vltb a bride
Bora, maraed boHa to Grand Raph
home raltef bat wa* n«ts veil as tb*
sr-e intl.B.-i*.
Ml*» Jf».le Fleh't. I.'olei; wh'-vl. Mr
same trouble continued
bother m8. H. Utnyer>a* cone lo vork for J.
Hr*. Wm Bak.'. 'w.i large U*.^'u^and
_r. and Hn. Platt Bonn
Bamom Bade
Tajter oBTtrenbreahlaf maritlne. after
. Mr. and Mi> l-ot
,,,-av .d
trip CO Tnyerae aty Batai
of bU honey and aaitlniE
__ ...
Cblnn asier* and |ern*. Mr. and
Martin Brawn and W. Nelaon of Le•
- -I. who I
Mrs Honsch, Uiuun.-i of fl-mer*. Mis*
land wene bera on batineia one day
pleaert with the reaiilts that
Th.' lotii pit supper end datiee- •' Carrie H*C">: Ixiufiue' of p:nk an>l fdJtAERS wm.y CO. Trrae** Oty.'mdu
vho ha* been ttopplns *l'b;n„.i,,„ (,,,
r hetliate to recvmmead tbU
It. and Mr*. WIM ElVaids' Bniurday
Hrn Vm. Bpaaldlni. both ratuned
who aulfer* as I dl I eveniti* wa* well attebded, Tbe.guewi* --------- 3=------------------------—----------------------------Tn»<^ City Bannlay.
did luFtiee io tbe n«.t 'lie asi-l bs.-l
lita. Cart Brower, vbo baa bean
For aaJe br> all dealers,
« w'-y .-njwuiblr lime -A- ho. ami
Gu* Currandt reia
very boor health for aospe time. In
ects. FoBler-Mtlburii C<i
ho*t"Ml. and Xln- -Hdwartb »'■'
fli of
aiienrt the funeral of .a brother.
aalelde Wedoeaday last, by taklat car­
Joseph Valley of Provamonl called
A< ye! IM-! Bay Ira-;
lolni-l tl..
Several fmn here attended Cbe fair
bolic arid. She obtained the polaea beta Monday.
at Buttua* Bay.
Thre*- Link* Farmei*
by rialBlnc abe vlihed to apply it to
E. Haro and rOBpany left Tneeda'
Eric Carlaon. who baa been in tbe
■ '
a trooMcaOBe eora. ibeo aeat her
Cby, vbeia they save an vo­
employ of tbe Lumber Co. here for tb
-Hr and Mr.. Adam fi
dauebter from the room for a faatrii to
lt tn Aicricollural ball. Many
r and Me
paai loar .yearn. left last Monday ft
dav wrn- the (cnesi- of
Harbor Bprtapa. where be baa sceep
Philip Thiri Of Elk Raul
reports of tbe fday, .
ed a position with tbe Lumber Co. c
eoaepb Harp and vUa of ^lerlrll
tbat place. We are anrry to lose on
and but that tour y-outi*
spent a few hoars In tova-Voaday.
of our Rood clilteat.
His iileaaai
8. Brockgtaar vbo spent tb
family are here yet and may remata
hat oCert-d ihem term*
durina-tbe winie-,
se'llemenl. hui the rase Ik not •ettled.
Mr Toti.en uf Maple Cli> came over
iirl. ! -Jan.-. K. M*'-*r ar.,; F-ed ih.ii.ic
Mrs 1. C
. Mia* Anns Cbrinlaneon yiaiied May
A a Traverse City
ne day last ve-k with nastenerrs.
■OB Sunday .
Sin |of, Ea--- 'l.s'l TmLlav
an ID
McKeac over Baoday.
vHItor Ibe■ ftrsi
of Ibe weak,
Cranberry plrklny commenced on Qiilni
isey IS floUiK .as well as could bejSlMUlhg
Hlaa Kellie TboBp*ae la bavloR a
Bert Brow
troint and vHe and Hiss OI|t*
riedtwo weeks' rneailoo on bccoobI of po­ Loadyran ditire to Tnyerae Clty-Hon- the Walker marsh lasi w«-k.
To-lhe satprtse of everyone Mr. St.
, one 1«. iFiunda. in i
tato dlCElnc.
Sba. acMimnlcd by I
eler la able to be a.n-and valkins
bar brother. Percy TbbBpsen.-fItlteJ
HlB Rebecca Jscqoes flf Trsyerse
Stile* Id Acme. ac-r.
St Jamas Crandall's at Kayatonc orar City made a bosloeaa trip bare on aronad aaaln.
IVe have been harliin very nvm
(he M. E- {i,...i«d .|.,,well nursTf
vealhe*. ...
vlsiu-d a f«a lay- wilt. -Mr a-.l Mr
Hn. Vandervon. Mr*. Thompson
Mn.^Bi* Lee and dauRbiers Pearl
c 1
and family and.Uen Hollkiay were hi
- Kate did sboppinR at Trayei
lyamai Cuaranteed «a Cara My •- E . Tb'-- Sor'he:-n Tran-poriii I'jn r
Trayarae aty Saiurday.
aty the

-rat of the ve^.
Wait A Bona er Money Refunded.'' d'x-i-'and aareh''--*e *' Aen.e Ik r
Hr*. Raecers ve*l to Ohio today oo
... C.
.. Nelson
are .yrT.i.-.,
ol a-, .'e,..oi. ll'erf, .1, tb-.- l-.;ii>:;ivt Mc-Ua*.W.
and ^wife raiorned
corrnb-" J Tk-y will U-eJn buying
the Toledo -----------• Tueialay from
a visit at Wauketba. D. H. Dfl*,_^^led here, Saturday en
The ooDulartty and Increase 1
eye*. a.i-J i.i.-l i'.. ,i
WUI- Jackson
■ wi
- ■
s to Delroll lodkt !
HIst'UaKSic HarilnB,_____________
vho bra
wmlK-ring cai
vIslilBE frleod*
at .Cbarinoix. raKateSulUt lB>wU.UJniC:
nah of medicine
S'-cb as<otilshUini[,^‘;/.;;^|
Hn. L. K. Gibbs and Mira EUiel burned bsme last Baoday.
of besanni.
cures hare l.-eo made by this reinedv |,
xrtty-M. f Gibbs of Traverse aiy^^^cd frleliill'
{-)•□ OusAand stm Leander
The Old Time Methodists revival* ihat^ the proprieiet.r* have imborlre |;
her* Balurrtay.
! tor Wwtybur* and wives ■"
at Hii* place
well Biu-ndMl.
Oel :
snpBi Sunday
Suaday with John
on Pridap ft
raftd Rapids, where he will f-pend
Buarant.-e Iba! b will enre caiarrii ITl
Oswald Corde* arA sister Jon^pblne
w davs TlalilnK.
it doe* Boi the' piirehaser ban hue hi ■
• '
were Traverse-City callers this
___ weak.
Mr. and Mr*. W. A.ifccm
Mr*. Van No«rand lef, y,-.
Mrs. Frank Posslna spent Wedaesfrom nre Uke Saiord^.
hk-ago. whe-v *b>- will \i»
livoaej i
■ city, muipiny In the evab- ter and other rtslalfte•U (be only
Mr Hall was her.- on.- day lay week send* by dii
CIVarat* Phonw No. 3ea
CbAs. Hoellln and taaniM now occuiiy I
Miksei Kathleen and Vktorfa iTack
r Ibe filann ab A lAy | remote part of the air najsaces. _
_____ _ _____
'HrouEb >
Sulla At 3*414 WllhalmBIOCfe
Tj-av«r*a City. Miph.
Mr*. J. A. Tripp * bouna^ BroveBOsl''l Travorac CHy are In town this
Johnson. I
aamlc ai—tha' drairov* all eaiarrrjl. <-ra Mlehluin
arenbe. .
! n-eek.
msnutariurer of Traverwi t
perms in Hd- br-aibnig '.raan*. ec-;
Mavni.- SUiivat. .■nvr'arni-l nt:<- .d
Tbe Perrtaerun stallhni. Hiramar.'
Z B. Hinshaw and R. E. Chandler xacied huslnesa her.- a' 'be s
riches and porlfl. * the l.l.ssl with addf-’ her M-h'r.i Irietnl, ure.- bun.lnv

• . left Friday for Manistee, where they
b.y the Klnsslcy Horae
tiooal orone. and makes a t>ermaaeni;
Quit- a ouiplier from he-e atiende I
111 lake a oonrse of traatmeht at
tlon. was sold at anctlaa last Suar-'
funeral of
•Maple. City aad ecimplete rur.- cd catarrh
I*ni(. Mar . . "nT.yaliim.-s' a' -Map
a Saturdav
The eempletr Hyomei «.mi eoci.'m.- i... ......
Paier Bollo 4ld boaiaess in Trat
W. W. ...
Arthur spent'
Mr. Learick
Gibscia moved
' eoasisu
Hr ami Mr- VnnWie bfi this a
Sainrday at
ene City Balarday,
from bqrc to Glen Arbor.
can lie carrb-d lo the vest poekei. | Me for a
t., Ui.-lr son. Ha
Mia* Eama DeUcuu;
^J. Anspaeh was In CadlUae Sain:
Rev. l.ambk-tn of /pm.
firdlctn.- dropiier, and a hoMle of j TbompsoovlUe an-l . from Jbert?
evenlnr for Maple City, where she will
y <o| llyomvi. The iBbaler last* a llfetlme.ltake ih< excursion ami >top for ■
^LirntT Maxam visited friend* In Fife j rtsli
risli friend*
ft^di fora'
Hr. Mclntyro'*.
'' and If ci-e iwtie doe* not cote, an ex r time a- Ml Piea-aLake Sanday.
Hisses R.n
Hr. and Hr* Wir Fa^i
ran' o» 'l.u*iTw lOT'tl. of Hromel'can beobiaJsedi Born, to Mr. aS>F Mts. Mike
HbMw Dahl HaalpiM and FJna Mad- dill Iaiteeded
Mapifi* railed on Mr.
iralAll Far- for :.<i eeats. Ill- the most econoxaical brick. Saturday, a biij.
ram on Sand*, last.
j Of _
all remedies
I*ed lor tbec«r*{ Herb Cv k U pr.ignmi.' »' c
'"•a... I-., .-n-. l.m..
»UI lif'ti feev.ce. laiof catarrh, and
e only one i
the M. K- church next Snadas at 2:S« follows Nature
Jerry Sullhaa bAs i.
■e married yealer"• “• Sunday x-honl *fll convene ,v treating dlseaai-* o! ibe rcaplratorr mill macks pt>ot
T<. have even a •tmi.|e.ea-‘- <.f Icfi. h'ar- burn, •p.-k* re-fore Ibe
Nelaon drove
Hatile aiy Friday. ,he end of ibf nneitnt Etcryon.- U 'orwas.
Mr. and .Mrw.Erorai Timkerare ri- «. »iion I* to bav.- -inside iBf.jrmaie.r
iTf'd loncH-. ,:i-*|.|.-Mioe*a,
*Mlas Cavfbv* nnoBi Sunday with
jeocdlallv invited to attend.
Breathe tbrooffb ibe I a baler for a;«log at 'b. Ho-o^f*
Ho-oof •'iBerinx <
.;-av*», er l«a.-i..a"'<•. 'be slom> '
*^a'fSi Brot- - .
Rev. Lriiaeoi bn* moved lotbe Nor- few mlneiet ftmr times a dav. and' Hl*a Anna Cadtaam
triKil.le'In tbi .
'ed> Ibe heti- <if Ml-ona
drove to Glen Artior
of lhl«!roWiorcie*l*ke.- H.-aad falx etilma- yom- catarrh f» cared.- Tbat'* all. .
vUlted at C. Sillman's
Wsdve siMeiB I
ble wife «r.- greailT missed tera hy ; If not cured. S. E. Walt A Bon*'vm! 'Air*. f;ftruil*l.. wh.

Ranlds vestemay.
If yiiii ra'-om rai .at.-!,'
th^ nmy friends.
refnnd yottr money,
■. jmv ncail. ri-i-iog •
re* 'Id MU.m>i> III. 'iptan-tiuilli .ifferwt byB..i
MiMCnvIlnce relnrned to her borne'
■tael, BOnari- an-l

'waiifcct. n'fjrfi'vr io

>• piirt ii.
Mii.-na * .1 tikw:
la Frai JennlBCw. Ohio. Monday.
'Hillard RrcAk. while worklnif'iat the'
eaeJ; day wlihn-J'
A brallby Bran
WU n
i* B
kiss IB
ta niB
hU <JW
B IJ atmoM).
.1-Iftlb-Ubiri not
Fiord Davldaon Roet to Cblcnco lo- State Luml
siomarh imed* Mi-sna -aliiei*
Dber Co's romu I* Granti
(BBC It! Mr. aa.i Mi,. D M'Q ■c-r
s ceMnlr bi-ftrfe sack
Aay to mama bla stadle* ta veterinary
bead wlib a IlmTi,
Burdock Blood BMi'er. i ilHbi* xwk. but L ecnva’.'s
a'.-s-rtmi now.
week, ^in« in
, tbe Leonanl A RIc* Seed Co have
eatenaieed rte
M eina Madlaoa aM XMhl
lie Raiotflay
”*-”*■“**“ *®
! been drawlnx them lo New Wexford.
■old wo aatoytme a mn
tel Mreiy. wlm le.
Dorn tbatr,Ari»ol ^ea.
Ramsey baa fciBS U
Atk 8, Er Wall A Boat to abow yoB
ier borne la Giito
of tradej'mbabo
trade ,Wabo lo
to viall
her alater. Hn. E
r. I
When 'here are palna or itlrtfrav.^e guaraaiee oade* which ibAr seO
!n hnnnr .if (be Jewish .New Vrar.
____ I's way. orer I
Hra. Hoasle%as toee to Jaeb
; tbe Bflpbailer store l< rioae.1 and Mr isfter ra'icg. b'ad arbe«. beirhin* -if M!e>-fta. TWa ralnble iimtdf eoitf
euatomer* were vaMedirielt rriailre* there.
G. Haren U boUdlac a
*a»c*. a sour laste la the mu'i'b. dl, . jo-j Bathing nalera li restores b*«it%.
! aW »f*. Putytei are out of town.
Bapl. 30.

TM* ehureh
paloL aad H looka rerr alea. The vlodov sasbe* are to ba fitted black yet
la alee a eounand vban dooa vID
ibnrcb a*
If vM
le l^le*'





1 fWn*^ t


s: ■'- Y---------





V. lAftaVp^dsX

Ulby Suffer
loss OF MEinORY.




Permaneiit Care is PerfecUr Fitted Glassy-


OR. P. A. WOLFE. Pfip..

OR. B. L- PAULSON, Atiistaat.


Herald Readers’Chance for Profit--^Everyone
Ought to Grasp this Opportunity, f



'■ -9


«>AH0 tlUVCIlK »

vUI pUi. rvtailrea;
UD.-tedtntafQrMm* ■ Ib town

nMkfon-oD-ltotivO^niianji, OO.
—Accordlas to >b« ZMtans adrlec* lb«
Tnnash mlalsien bmre


J. K. UnUl. 1. C). u> Karl J. Cook.-,
lot IS. tdodi T. Coodrirb'* add: tl.9ei '

: jo-r9 .^r^OpeiOn^
-9:m.. Prof Heeler.


Angun Cerveny to Kaiberlaa Km
Reading." Isek. w%i of *e>,, aer. ». tom-yrr^
U*m Aliem**
retarned jyom Tpeaday's Record.
ranee 9: n.V'
Frank Hollenba|A of Central Lake : ■ |
|..:3i._!n; t>-lmennlssloo.
1). e. \Vyok»-i> an.| wHc InJtdB M :
tbe city visKing reialives and'
-"School Room Sanliarasolved (o order a jceoeril muu
Slearn,. im 5. OaR Helght»;/g^4JT,
BBlen tbe ArmeBlaii n.-ro)olioaaiT ««i- guestnf Urs. Hnot.
-Mtchael J. illaua
:<>«—•primary I.BBgBa;^.
Miss Hdea Stout
roed from her
.Mtaa AHen.
Ulioo la stopped Inmedlatelr.
Ur*. Huxley left Monday for Graara.
,1>IB Sbtwlau. parcel, sec. !
ion last evening.
Zettnnc aar« tbe Anneolana
where she will spieed a few day*.
I range II: (I.T5J- W. I
rviuroed Saturday even­
ling exen-laes.
dooiped onlcts iBlerBttkntBl public
The grange coatest Is growing
Cbas. KrtiBim in Marlin She>-lan.
ing from a trip to the stale fair al Oe-'
raiher Intaesting. Mrs. Lambs ii<l
;ne1^ oi ne'i. ^. c, !< town
it tUI iBtlmldaie the n
is now abool 2tiA poiois ahead. Mr
common B.rds."Hu’.l-:
farms west of Detroit at Ann Arbor,
; Jno A I>-r., HixabHh Lee narr.-i
nasia' side will fovnlffa the progrsi
Jackm and - Hillsdale, looking up ‘ 2:45-5:00-In,.Tml.M«n
osLwis.l St°‘****'*' ^
Bobbad reitcWca.
for Hu-next mealng. Many new men
somt-thoroughbred* for hlHaim. He;
Roadlng."i*'* '
Aides, MIeb.. Oci. 'Z.—After an e
bers are being' added, the atieadaaee
dilng reeolrer doel with Posimasti
la larger and an Inieresiing program
Ariaenlyi psirian-fa
and InforBWI falm tfcit tbo •sUan

Urv. Holmes ot Cleon, who baa been


at Wm. Barton's,

borne aaliirtey.
> Urs. Eastman of Kalamaioo la the

Rguller. tbe two uoknowb ■ni wl
foroUhed cacb meeUng and the conborglsrlced tbe AMen potloBce made ■teat In.prorlog a derided aoeeess in
their escape in tbe darhnen abom
Its object.
o'rloek ihU ntomloe.

Ten dnilan

Uiases Mary Smith and A. Bale* K

Mesdamro Franrr-, B, Snow, ns !
delegate, and E Somner an-1'


Mary Dmiaven. dUtriet delegate* a

moocr and 155 in stamps were eeeop


R. r.. left Ibis morning f^t

' * Hs.iV'^Tombu.!^'"


l-ancuage -

Hotneslead wert- in loaivMtmday an l
Boyne Cliy, where they will ro'ti with i
PoMmaater and Mrs Roaalier live from here wem to Traverse City.
the dis-rlr» convention which con- : 10:41—II :5‘»—"Nalnre Sftidy." Ptv<f.
atoofslde the puslofflcc. Mrs- Rusalter
MrLellan and.son. Wim>^
venCH tom<irro*- morning.
i Kr-rder.
waa awakeaed by a dull, henry report were in Traveree City Monday
Mr*. S, Fdlgerley left for Rapid City!
wbleh abe indeed to be dynamite. They anil a doctor In regard to Willie's eyes.
Wadneads* ilfliinnnn
•bad both retired early but Ur. Bossiu r ' Leslie UrCortnIck bas .reinftie-1 today where she was ralbsi on areonm ^
of the nines* of bi-r pkee, Mr*. A. 11:5«-‘I :li—0|-ning exeirbe
dkdat bear tbe noise. Sbe called him home.
- and wltbont siopplDg to dress he aeSlella Uttrlx Is vlaltlag relatives 'n
enred bla revolver and arent oatsMc.
nouthrni Michigan.
As be esme arouad In front of ibe
boUdlag be noticed ihal tbe trout door
was open, loalde be saw a man at the

Mrs. Hattie Rhodes la on the tick


Or. Siever of Thompsonville was

aafe with a flash light In bla band.

nra Tuesday.
RoaaKer flred tbroagfa the atamp wtaMr. and Mrs. Delky ot Honor i
do* at the kneeling figure bat erldeni- vtaitlng at ioe’MoIxon's,
ly maaed becaBae the ataa a( ODce re­

Mrs- F.'A. Van Sickle and three chll-|

" “ .

weeks In the city as {><c guests of her |
mother. Mrs.

A. Mosber.

Mr. aad Mrs. George Krahl and little
daughter. Myrile. left tliU momlng on
rron Saturday^ Record.
day*' visit to S’. Joseph and |
arovad oa the otbei’ aide. - dis be went
'liases tmogpoe and Margaret Camother polais in sombero Michigan.
alpag Ibe bollding a man on tbe otbtr
a will l*ave for Ml. Pkasanl ■"
Eisle Rlrk—I and Miss Edni I
. to attend the Konnal,
side of Ibe street. er|jdent]y a watelicr.
George Johnsoo of Empire w
abol at bim but missed.
a consider-1
■ Tbe man OB tbe Inside of the b
K-latlvi-s and friend*.- \
able lime
lag ran ont with a sack and joined bU yesterday looking after bust)
turned iha flra.

Boistter ran from the bull’dlag. goiag

down Ibe
M. Drake of Bendon spent yeaierbe cliy.
. Idman or hi
Teatyrdav. a«
la that. They drove south. ShiTerias Place.
Ul*s Jnsepbinc Smith of Charlevoix
ta tbe etid air tbe poalmaster teluneil was In the city yesterday beiween
to Ibe
vniliam Lloyd of M
Rapid City this morning
dty yesterday and i
slraagen were aotieed. They acted
nUnray. Ur. Roaalier baring called tor
help. Later be bean! the noise of a
•amra and jodged that tiiey escaped

BDspidontly.bnt as Ibere waa ao proof
that they sroie ibe eriminala, they
were am molested. The abertS arrived
at % o'clock ^It eMraIng bnt there
srat no fnttber clew.
Tbe aafe was' emnpWtely wrecktbe charge of dyaaiaUe uee dtt> open





Mary Jane Wolfe, erne of tbe oldest re«Menis ot Mrttaera Hiehlgaa. pataed
away at 7 o'clock this. metBlag at the
aga ot 70 yean.'

Her death w

peaoaful talUag To el^ after four
weary weeks ot Ulaeaa. ' '' Mary Jane Wolfe sraa bora at' Oreru
Laks. Allegaa tmaaty. Nov. 14, USS.
ber fathM^ balag tbe Rev. George H.
Smith, tbe mlaaiobafy. who waa
flrst ordauid Coagregatlml Vln
In Mlehi^. Ob Jmie 12. 1849, In
company srltb her pareata. she toNortbpoRlaaaaUliigTeesel. Fran
that tube on. wlib tbe eicepitoa efm
few years' residence la Ttaretne City
and Chieage. a^e bas spent her life
' Ob July 21. 1851. rte waa UDiied In
B^rface to.Payaoa Wolfe, wbo died
fotir yearc ago.

Sbe la inirived by tbe

following eblldren: Mrs. Alvina Bmersoa. PhlUdetpbta: Mrs. Ella WUaoo.
-Dntroii; Otarlea. Bdsria and Blrncy.
all of Chleagn; Mrs. Clara B. Joyce.
MlaoeapoUa. Hlaa.; Mrs. BiU U. CrIe.
sbaber. Chicago: Mitt Mabel and Miss
jcaale n'bite. Traverae City: Uri.
Jessie W. Biabani. Trnvene City.
Duriar her whole Ufe abe was very
devoted to ber cblldreo and wbea she'
passed away. Mtb. ariCBht^er. Mr*.
Joyce. Mra. Brabaat. Ulaa Mabel and
Mlaa JeaaleVere at her bedside when

' E C. Deloi of Manii
city yesterday,
Urs^A^ "
Ddtv a* gucsia al Park Flace..
Rcn .Ashton-has returned from a
Iglt la Deiroll.
Dr. W. S. Moon, who snfferat a pat
alyllc stroke tome time ago and who
has Iran vUliiag his parents in Iowa
has returned aiul 'is very much Im­
Mrs. T. Johnson of this cliy left this
oningfor Cheboygan, where abe will
>eA Ibe winter with ber dangbier.
Mra. J. Clune. ,
J. King of ZloB City, wbo has been
In the cjiy oh business, returned- to
bU borne this morning.
• Mrs. L. J. Wilkins of Ibis citv lef:
toy Ringsley jhls morning, where she.
Will spend Sunday.
Mrs. Jennie Klger of Irvington, In'd..
who bat been spending some time in
the cliy-aa the guest of A. S. Dobson,
returned to ber borne this ooon.
Rev. John Redpaib .was called from
Omena ibis morning by • - • .era.
passed awai
morning after a iwso years' Illness.
TSree years aeb Ur. t
King, wbo a-as tbe
urf^ibe vill
village. lo»i bi*
sight and has bero falling ever since.
J. E Webber, teacher of the ichobl
tia. Is in Ac riiy today.
A. W. Rlrkenl. who wcgil
reinNbrthporl a few days airo. reinned

Mrs. V


of Trarerae

City and


aad store the oldest .^len U the
Grand Tratwrae regb^ iHer death
oectired at ber summer/tome. Birch
Beodoa. Mich.. Oet.-T..
Lean. ar„ left Sautrday^orning for
Aldea asd Westsrood. ^eiv he will
vWi jxIaUrea.


Ults Maud H. Teller, wh»/^as b
spending the vicallob-wflirher sis
Mrs. A. H. Greearien Tbursrtsv momlag on the steamer HllnoU for «jenwood, III., where she bas accepled a
poeitlon as teacher - In the reform
school for boys,

Erasriis C- R'ile* and wife to Cy-I.
. [lAus N.'ronlipr. M* It and I*, l.lorki

Five Finlanders were caught wlfll?
j. SulHvsn and* iliTb
iry-ing to enter the lilted Sta’e* al »iari«I llm- lawu. on their place.
TraverM-1 wund ^aiid_yslstro^n slid < v«,at.e p.r..».«



Georgian Bay region, tell* a gotxl If.,,
T on himself.

la a



A. J. Wilhelm.
Commercial Printing
Rll Kinds ^

. BerUd and Record Co.

The Man Who Wins WeaHh
U tbe nut wbo edaettes bimself (n modem bBsintu metbods
.\a w(-ll utu-miu It) i>ru<-tii>- law or ni’vlieiiic nloiiK tho Jiiu-t.

\Vt- Uvit-li not only tfu> (uml’imt-iitul )>niit-ipl<-a of hiiaiii<-»s,
liut thi-«liort t-ms to oikI aure naulte. Wo initke oar
•iQil.-als oxpi-na an<l <7kp,-i1>le irf tximuiaoding tlK-i-ipcrt'taulfiry.
Sutrt Bglil ntit] sueem is half atfaiimx].

Let ns teach

short iiiiitti.
ti.1, lyiM'.trritinK.
ig'utuAnglii|>. book-kca-piug uud the
IS ifUier <x>i)iuu-ri-uil hmitclipa. urxl yoar fatuiv |tn«)K-rit>
will Is:
.Scliisil in Bfssion.

Stihleiila can tnihT nt any time.

.\sk for fre«! e.-itai-igui- or «-hH at <x<lle|ft! oHio!; •


Traverse City Business College
2;5‘211 East From Sin-ti.

Ot«-r Slng.-r !Se»iug Machine (rffe -t


KOTICE—Owinfe to the Hebrew Holiday This Store will t>e
Closed All Day Monday. October 9th.


Johns Island he foirnd # sailboat wpii | Wt^wday
which be desired 111 t>xplore the neighborhood. and be made terms with

. .....................
claimed .. ................................... .....

*l>otlrraeti are enjoy-ir.:
tie ouck biiniins on Carp Uki- no*'.
Tbe ne« urn rru-ie No t, Stanml of
b’re Ml
Moodav *Hh*
. .re
Thi* senict- wi'

i;: srr | “i-irS s"i

<I flliish<-<r S'
sails were bearing '•lown on . them. I and' sowing to wheat
When near enough a man waa seen Hi
^’"ul 81:0 forjclov.-r and ilmoil:
n the 9# acre*.
thnliow waving hi* hfO'lH vlgoroufily.


1 18 Front Street

Traverse City. Mich,

The few prices beJow will give you an idea
how we sell' Clean, Fresh, New Fall Btferchandise.



W.AISTS. t-.u-

t-ljl.-.- n.-w mau-riitli. ai n «via« bf .about
.-.lie half.

W. MlUer ta Philip R.«rh. let

MKX> .»I2 .7ND nr.

rlioiiv of uliout one huii’hi.i
(ton lo,...........



OO.Cf/ , '''PMKX> -IXI) MT.-t-KS', I,.lTi:sT FAI.I,
1 .\rSiii iiig aaviii-'s. >“'■ ftriis- .
2.V .,..1........................ ..

$1.98 i
forMen. aoM i-verywL<-Jx


A. ‘T. and W. T. Fopler of Brodford,
■ Tbe M. E Qnarserly meeHag wet
a- are visiting their brother. A -N.
held Monday at DeakWbell and Rev Foaler of Bingham. W T. Footer was;
1:45-2;l»-Rrlm*ry reading. Ml*.
'Tcrgitaon of Ttavcrac.- the iirealding
pioneer here forty year* ago and
2:15—2;l5—'-Some Qaalllleallon* of >v **■'’.
elder, wa. pmwai
this 1* the Enti time that he hat been a Good Tf*Cher.- Prof. K.-i-ler.
L-xm F..Tit.iU.el
W.ioOeo. E l*tii>
Mrs. Babcock of Lake Ana ntUoI hack In that lime He eqiroatcid hluparce;. Ttiwrse ClD': 2»-t '
^menda lb Dendoa last week.
a* mneh aorprised at the change*
MIeb. Trus'
n .fnstee.' to ;
Mrs. ^(ie Barton left Monday t* that he noihed.



An. W. J. ^toul win Nave fur Chi-.

Julia S Ransnni to Jiio T, Bb-harvl •

,k, aoo... e.,..

family Saturday and Sunday; .
Messrs. T. P. and C. A. Copel»ndfoumy. school commie-.r.-rou*,*. par<-l. Troetr*.
BIU.^«rMpn IRiurned from Graani left this morning for a s.hori hunting ,
T™verse City.
. . City;-22.5.*.
•Batarday nkgit.
Mackinaw City. '
»8and*y Pbrenopn.
and Mis. Henry Deaton.
Mr*. J. M, cniet. who has been at!
S^. 29. ^i^hter.
Ihport ov.-r Sunday with Mr.Cillet.,
„lu.wn 2«. range 12; 2.5SV.
•J:2«v—111:15—Nature SinJv;
I* in Oiand tupids od bnv
lie business of loading the lumber, and Why? Pnif Keeler.
Hannah. Lay £ Co u. John T.miai.
barge HarUn for a J. Pickard.'de .
S-;iot Ss. block
L. it C... r 4>h add
Miss Allen:
tvcnney la .spending
Uiaed him. rdarncd home today.
dawLia Cfali
Peter VtlrTbarg of Nortbport U a.

^ “■•^'hlte CkMd and Fromonl. whete she

l. Ipaiiel, liiti.n.iehen; 8J-i


normal at Mt. PlesMnt i
The Indies In the iiarty thought li-wa*
BOYS come and ask about our Ian',
Misses Margaret and Imogonc Cama salutation, so.they wav’-d their hand­ account for boy*. .
on. Mis* Uealriee Ofei-eland. Mias
Hamilton Clothing Co.kerchiefs. Finally the strangers pii'l- sept 30-tf
Laura Van Valkenburg and Mias Flqred' along^.- gsked all manner M.
etice Shelly of Suttona Bay. who was
' Real Estate Trantfcrn.
Jhe boat.
-d by her father. Rev. W. A
J. B- Crt-lllck Co. Ill Jno. Kauer. I'epaotji, ud Anally whether-the liam
12. block 2. II.. L A Co.'s 4ih aild.
had anv Hnuur aboand.
Then Rev
Ted Ronthafd returned to Ann Arbor
Itannali McLaiighliu to ikiardmatoday to resume bis siudics at ibe
f «.
ban.V'were Canadian revenue ofllcer*]’'•
Mist L. Wejta left for a short vlsU
Nathan l:
looking for the indivlduay who oWne.!’ „
I Keyaiooe lodsy.
;lV-nan, parcel. Trater*,- nty: 2Sm.. lioat. who wa* wntu-d fo' smjig
Mr. and Mr* A. S. Rose of Rose City
• • .Nathan E. D.-gao and wlf- to .file,
gling liquor to the Indians.
who have liecn at Sutton* Day as the
_____________ ,
iw. Power atiil wife, parcel. rrav.-r>.
Mr. add Mrs. Mnrra* Hoyt.

relurxred to their home today.
Jntpiratlon Institute.

visitor In the city today.'

.. Miil.T I-

I"Abd 11*1" funs.
!tlr>ner ^re doDc


layaard la vlaltlag rdaiivea


•^wm Rhode*. Who ha. been workinc iISS^JtlTrSS

Miais Hardy was Ui Honor'bat week
Mr. aad Mr.; Charles Miller of SutTraverse City Oct. ic.
ton* Bayjta«edthronKh the City today >* and Ifr. Conduetbr. Prof. F: U
Mr.gair UidSFrank
tnk TTet
TTeatgale of. Pre- fora vl*ii la the'southern part of th";
Centr^ Nortial ^hoot.:
mam a«d Arafte* DIcklac
Dicklaan of Frankfori 'sregpRhe ffeatt of
b Drake and
>f M.


Jno, Vieinlia-igh lo Jacob Caviirb,
>1* i-l and 'tc.
2II-I -ad<!

for the Wtlle Cotiperoge compsav. (.«“
William Perry -was knocked down ------------ home harre*ting his fall rnip’-.
-Fhi-retipuo n 1* 0
and kflied by a car on SutUh WashingCEDAR.
______________ __________
street at Sagtnaw.
He tried i>
•r ikr^n*
i hjwnn* -'I
of isid
mU peutrjo.'padtSirtbe'
petiti^, padlSt tbe heir.
Cedar. Mich.. Oct. 2.—Ray Thacki-r
cross in front of the car.
war doing liiirine** hen- ft.r the J. T, i
Lapeer is sll mixed up over limK
Beadle Harnes* ctimpanv Thurfday.
------- ----Slandtrd wa* adopted last spring, bui W. H Clow ha* siane.1 the c’-rtar
for J: StiinviD.
1 be,
ut Ibe prtlUuaac ibuuld

visit with ber parents ai Gills Pier



- ..inr-sday to Mr, KImbal
ear.- of Mr*. Gregory-* mother. 'Mr»
1st ilay anil uiKbi ’he loni.Klnilisll. who i> quite HI.
e pile-, Ns.thlng help-i lie
Ml*. Scitt li ft Tu’-sday for a vjsil!
fXri.. r. B. Thacker will leave in ihc
nth relsilve* at White CIoik!.
i<~re,l ti
pi-rmamvi'ly '—lino J..hir It.
d. a month's
V^sll In
Lawrence Ki-nuey was a Traver..-1

•livviillor W.xl
Frank Hall left today for a two
with typhoid
wceks'-way In Coldwatcr.
ii-ifd lien
Mrs. S. W. Eliot and family left toShill
Harsh phst-irl- lesri. wi«ken i|
day for Howell, where they yill visit
I’liiilc eii:i''lpa!!ii:
W. E. Wllsiifi rpeni Tnesday and'itm^Mr*. Eliot's brothry. P. J. Allen, tor a
■l.-raifv-'-a'ily. I'u:
Wi-dp'-sday fa Traveix- CUv..
UM- stomach, cur.- ronsUiiailim. 55
Mr* Emma Johnsdn of W<-xftiril
your druggisi for them.
Mr*. L. .B.'Bissetl -left today tor De­ vtsiilng b
. -Mr*. Elmer Uowmiii
troit. where abe will repreneni tbe of Ibis p!i«I
OPR CHILDREN-S depsnnKni 1*{
Keed It
mlsalonfry aorlely of the Presbyterian
I l»-ll<-r equipped than ever,
0 anil
I eelrt rdhit
HamlHon nmlilnc f'u.
church-at Ike state meetiags of the
ere In town Thiirsdav.
and Fun-lga MisUtile Nils Wilson it <«i the »ick
k 11
Salmon Brown is tn town lonkliici,
*ionary aoHeiles. which will be in ses­
sion Wedaesday and Thursday. On after blislnes*.
M, DeakeVas'll
he way home *he will visit at LanflBg huslness, Frldav.
and Grand Rapids.
Edith Sawyer 1
PHday afiera’Htn.
night. -•
. • At . MMOWOT u
State Naw^
Pe.hsle oO.*Mr. Hetrick I* eu
*'■* iSt’rtmrwi!^ Ot'y^c^
i^dsy or <n<r
Enii* U Oregon-, a well known mu­ from JarkaoD.
Tbe s’oees b.-nsic dealer of Saginaw, dropped dead a:
at 8 ti'clM-k exrcp! Saturday ^vi^lVw- '
OUdwIn -bVlday morning. '
aflir Ocl. I.
The dental offlee* of I>r. A, A. Welch
Till- sireeis.ln
; ; im twmBSUjelila* tbe petition, dolr ren
,,*.a,..fW.UK AndT-j,. ,,r,,,n^ ibst^jm.t.
groveled and oiherwl
and Dr. Roy Alvord were rohlieil a’ pp
I, , I
I mrstloo t.r NSlil .•Ule Wist
erwDleil p.
Battle Creek of gold U-af lo the
Dount.of tl5<T.

Voa aitter
^ cIciUMa fronactetUac
o«: yoa have tbeiB
matte b>- a talter.
>1 you set them natfryo« ahoiildopmM;
gat Cloibcratt CloUieg.
IT >ou get them tailor.
Jo«i shouldstSShZ:
iodSa C telhcraft Clothei,
■n»e\reaaoos in both
casM are the same. Cloth.
mtt Clothea are ahanltilclj
la design, style, lit aad
fin^b.t« ibawarkot toad o>».
tom tallofa.-TTtey lWi|^-|raa'
absolutely all-wool tabrfcC^ wiB
wear better aad rwtaia their shape
lhaa olac-tenths of the castom.made
dothiar-and coat a RtMd deal less.
The Clothcrdft suit shown In the OIbs.
tratioa la the Cornell, an cacacdincly swHt
dauMcbreasted creatioa that has already
Uken tbe fancy of thousands of careful drea^

mnee ri.: gswi.

IV-ndon. Mlcb.. Sept. 50.-W.-E. Wli: I =
hi. farm
Mr. Halnen of Ob
priesi -and Mils StandUI
Wexford were linslne** caller*
Il*-n- .
, STRENrorSscbi^l suits



brother. Jaatet McLAugfatln of Sik
Rap«a. came to Nonbpoh logelher

o—Reading. Miss Alh-n.
_ .................... ......

Slates court at Martmeue.
Blllman fc Son. hod r«.n Snlfka
the ligi
Sidney Haywtmtl. thf young man ..imylng p*ilaitfl> ant! rve. imiaitH-s
s. St-er*
aed Roach,
: to ;* ci-ni*. r>e
Id .55 c«-nt*.
who wandered away from Jarkso.t ''
lied by Mrs. Seers, passed ibiough
Frank Rrighr
- city this morning on their reinrn
•d from Ihi-lr vacaiJun and
Han after
a -short visit
at NonhNorth- meoisl aberreiinn. w^ found Friday li commi-nc’-d work again Thiirstlay. 1
port. whe-e i.hey-locsUied ibel--------pea
wc-ailn-r ihl* w.-ek Is flne for the Isi
seed hidun
ll. of BayClty, Jti.i "’'' ■“'I 'h■.v•ar•- Improving ih<-,ii

ber spirit sraa roleaaed from fts bondMe.
From MoDdar't Record.
Dgemeais aA time
.Among the student* which tbb '
will be ai
*711 furnish at the corohig term of
Anrilla Powers ef'Konb^n.
Mrs. Wolfe, Mra. Powers.


dren returned las) evening to ihclr,
Grand KapIdB borne after spending six .


«• U. «
lean 55>roog« 12: tRsi, :



...................... .................... .....................

* t'*'


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