Grand Traverse Herald, March 09, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 09, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


nuvcMM eiTv,«


be p«tk*lUrAbo«' »*«•«• wW« like baHat « ^ w i uu> br cmtiiw then «Se b«^ hoo 'er»«i. ««■
OMtoe te i
Aceordtag U> law. ^gr— wa»« otWta. Aad enmblag tbai be dW
Me A*te'MMA «u be,>evr
. hdp b-Atber bno ri(ht Jlrrla*, b le*. tbw ensliidlBalmr A»f» wben- Cliy CHrt 0»
Wttar, bot thmer
. to tar a« kaoera. tbe ebuta doee ao* legal doea**Me la bb oMee frwa the «» to aa eto at aeoa: b« B tbe wa« dear whb a deftaHe to»to»e.
bare MB0le «wa la. wiflBg the aada. Ato bow Vallar wat ham HU eaaae the potato to wc-^iebaage.
ow tbMi to the ae« aoarteta cai ibe ,mMeaiUl party tea aot aMde to la ibe«e .gaMa."-Bacbaage.
tRM bar anaa, aad gtovtag vlU to><athcr'a bean had. be kaew. beea
------------------- ^—
tbIH toor <B the eliy hall. The ^ appeaiaece wbea ibe waaie etok U
---------------- :-------' tn~*T*
Cbiaa*a Rraad Peiglira.
■« paper, which wa» exeeated bp the of- abom to petet to IS. ibr haade are
fnHiialnla| a tV-iT
yo« *tB Bgfet ai algbt of *’Maater WaUa-."
1 im iM«f dad elii—
Before be left tbeak Walter ferreted) Bat Mr. Uatos woat far beyoad the
Awa* the aaay eartoaa alglu In Smt then ooBmaadaoi «f the ton. noeed back a few alaotee ao af u>
|«aafciM, mow of tbe tao«< of ibc
«ba vm cdbaMr M loW the whole atory of tbe hard atnir^ooot of Waltcr'a praarnt. before Mike Cblaa. OMe preaeatc a atraager aa- George Toraball. eaipaln of hU ■a^ gale.ilse. Aad btdore tbe baadt
ArebbUbop at Caaterhary oabUre-,1*1. Mace Mike waa btirt-i^ptrtlagiwaa aWe to agalB fll hU oM jtaoe. pH* w AmerUaa eye* tbaa ibe bread «ty',-dUb. or Btval Aatertcaa BagI- allowed to get arwmd to IS. ererybody
Btay bare bad
vbk all ibolr beat fttnitare. aad laal 'Aad Walter. uudfiBg bapMly arooto P«MJ«Ta aad their setboda of dUpoa- meat.- waa Rmad U a die of men baa arrlted. ewribin* U la rtadi- „ experteate that woald dr* tboa a
_____ ____________________
_ aummer.
of then
tben »ot«
»or* aeaa. aad tbe prei1d«i
prealdeni of the eeBaie
fttaa Uelr own boitae,
ao tbe: iba______
oooatry that
bottalilag ug
*■» of'Ibelr
of ibelr warea. They cany
carry their yHknr
yHkiw wUb age. *ai^ at
fcellag for a Pieocb aondUt
a dlaaer party
M tlWlBM M> tootaad Iba bat.
dMB.aad Madieal utMdaaee for the tool that be had Helped hU father do, to oral boxea .trapped Iaibelr bgeh.. catly the »o.i bUuwtc
bUtortc of tbe coUeceoUoc bU '•.ucceeMr. the aew rlor preridea' i,
ta the New York trtbaoe.
rkthM'■•orthrdeed.—ToonePeoole.Week- aftoiwoboxa.dopeadlagfroaiaNk*
artoiwoboxaedopeadlagfroaiaNk* Uoo.
tioo. bear,
bear. the
" date
*- topteaber
* at* oace call.
'eworibydecd.-ToiiiigPeop»#-.Weekof tbe Uatted....
Bute*, who
-i eatenaliibd a eorttta bUbop la.i
Miailii -~a >M Irther.
-A.--.kk kc KkTkui wni a. aiir.
; .o™. a. kagiAm or ™ lan wu f7tt Tk. ...k. k«i». a ton. kij k. ob« «i»k» oc a. a™..; a Uk
a, aio„. „ kAok,
ak okA okkok ka. a- kok akOA
kr o .Uk> konc fan a. oak. kk taockao. U dokOok; IntenkJn. k noi » aokok .kjaa boivco. a.
^.0 bmak. k kok > rrieoA-o '
It. BoM Ml kka- luak «»•;
-------- -- -......................
"«"> “
“ ~vaaolok aa. k dak k ooo ookUo kk a. kra ol
„ kok«I~o« kd lo bkp
The Praaldiofi topolar NIeoa.
‘ Probably
IddkdMT tbe
ad mat
IdiMlod It dddUla. II U m. Wkd.; „«.ak. -na., dkor . Mn adia ua a iko dkk. ada Add I. .
»> MM «h>
MWU k IM w- kkM .la kk .add a kor wo.
popolar ywwg Blaion tone U li
WaHor eavUed M. pocket book'lo!,
‘ *■ ‘
taadesbr AadfW by toe chaplato aad a brief addre»
,ttrtai the Mytoi of tbe
. .oeua who vUto the White Houae U
orttodox tUaatrator. of Mother twMB George Tmboll. Biq:: capuan. by ibe TUa preaMeat. tbe dUUa- dSy-aaered ibe botUr beyoto aUttte Norab-. plaatore la apite of the ,o„ RoowrMfa pretty eoarin. CorIn the eltr oC Tlea-TMa tbeae in the Second Battl'n of HU Majoatr* gnUbod people gaibered In tbe wnaie
•treoi roader. oSer three dltereni eoth or Royal Aeaerican Region!, fort. U liar. aad. beaded by a coatkk M< k MM Mtli Miik: ma ik
0 be the OBC glri in 1
.. ■ .
kd.dK, .........w .d..« btod. of bread for aaU. Two of ihev coBBMBdlng ihe fort of Detroh aad i pnay of aewmper reporter*, they
| ^
pUtear '
tha aaeldear In tbo tell, bat ao
*“ •***
lu topetideocie.. of tbe owe pan. nad t a»teh In dignified proreoion
.aoaoidd to
a the
- Do 1 ora. .kd
dkka a ko iM
bgdgmMomdMtte*laeo.«»dh.hnd,Sy^?J^JS\2r«r .to
U . thin, ertop **ke mtekled J«.e. Steriln*. .erchnni, of the onnte rotunda, aad thence to the pUtfor. or « the UB of the gnort.'
agpaogad it a irtfltog Maaw. it Megted nw In Iht leeti .mM of ••Unrie Tb-»- '^to aeed. of aoaaae. that magic word place, of the other pan.
oo the eaat front of the eapliol.
••-Mn« the bUbop to nerrod
-Wlltw^th ih.t the Mid Cnpuln ^ The ,..ilcv- - r .to wiwcme
tto laittred mna. whb tod beea ter,^’
»» *»
Oeotge Tmabull. hy,-.-trlae of the nn- toon, clotbed In ibelr bUck robe..
-a^ to «i
coMlnaad laurmteably. aad
yenn oiu Of bU bem nto morn .tondy'-J^ ^
Boi the peddler', brand .bortty and power In him reMed. nnd walk «u on the plaifom. followed ^ u )anbt
* I.
Impatteat bnler Mid:
' 'tlag
iibg ber to loioftooe ror inem woea-,,
m .u. ....da-...!....
^ j^e
than hu
hU knmk«v(
metbod «...
for—-----------------------------aad i.
in <..d.-ai.a....t...I .«
— I
— ------------—
--All jou will aeed to do will be i« •
{they bare traiugreiwd any of ibe few
ibc bltoopa chair and
Tto next montog bU tether «M pni mriet rale. UId down by thalr
luttohip pvt. down hU
eboerity, “Coom. Wfiltor. l want yon to ,enohne tether. -If OoaMn Oocrtne'
to enrrle. three dk». held In n lltUe ly finUhed the Bnaqnette oothe tamlde und tbroaiA and. amid Ibe enibuMu- .
orrr and wipe
go wd ace tto borne and can I bare
^eg Iboa oB. nobody oouM.
of the ea*i eonaU of tto Ion. from ue uproar that UH* Mreral minntfw. ,au mouth with a Mpkln.’

-4d»|dacott’a. ptekad on tor yt« to do your touring
la Pekla. the capital of ito Celea- ibe gate
aear bU o
hou*e about 125 hau and Mace, ombrcllaa aad band-' -ram_
batler experted. i
New Cftamy to Pntateea.
lUI empire, tbe bread peddler, gener- feet wemward a. far a. tbe Bad of hu kerebiet. are wared atofi or icaced bU aMUuai. Boi the youat
-Ok. tether!- to exeMlmad. with at
Nature. Uahm. of the fact that good j ally come from the prorlncc. marlly Lott, wblcb be U
of by e’idly Into tbenlr by Joyookao-. (Airl- ann nctanJIy look tto bnler'. lnwie.1
boy-a deUgbt te owalag n -rig.with'from Shaag-Tvag. They are called Deed from Moa'.r Ponrlire. and
Id for oUe Americana. Reatoriag hU bat. remark for a aertoM order A. noou
-VaA- hU tether nM. anUlag. -You ,
mind prnbnbly. j po^ Mllere. Tbeir Mreet cry. -Tno- and in <
k ..Birr ad , a. praldmidla. «.» krddrt.
a. dl.a.
wHb aaeh a fiae ._______
potatoes lomnioe* fiBed with toto-nuntoa." “Can I rell you a pound rice, r
____ tto ____
_ walled
d by James Sterling onto | nnd. tarnlng to the ctalei Justice of _ Rebind
lUI hU
Mton, ttot I tetokmdmerToi^ ^
thlngs-ha. dcrUed n of break r U often hcnrU'umll Inie la (be .'d Capi. Oea Turnbull during bli tbe United Suie*. take* tbe oatb of ua-d.Vlp h.d’dronk and’pordoM hU
rt^.aad If yc« .^leme -of ber own tar grefttog an- tie erenlng. Their bread I. of command at ihu place, hath given. oMee n. reuulred by ftte eoBHIiution.
,, dfllbeiaiHy na bU
inra pUgaed «itth my eelocOoct you ea«, ,^Aar tnber Into gitfiriag poUioei. The when flour nnd bnked In hot rnpore. granted and confirmed unto tbe anld‘Tton eomoe tbe Innugnral nddreea. nn-rnfl{i,in wMid permit to eweaed
j have
hare H
It at
^ y^jio, ant graa*. or chute, to. de- duUngnUbed frem anoi|er kind which Jamn Sterllnt bU bclr..aBd bmIrd* j vrbieh. of eonrre. unly ibore aear ibe
napkin, nod wliwd tbe dlg«PM
popular U baked in hot pant. They nlu aell, forever, a certain mnall mt of ground J pi.tfmn arc able to bear. Bui the
genilemaaW aranth. imaglac
oereral varieties of »-po. or baked lying between hi. leu and wald cor-; thirty or tony Utotnand who can't y,
there flnahad over him tto meoUeettoa, in Cumberland county. Pen.ylvnnla. i gooda n .pedal tevoriic with tbe Cbl tain, gained by tbe removnl of mM ; bear the Mceeb are wilUng to agree ‘
— gdt .r*^
MM an ^ ibU of Mike Mln.dck aad la actual waat.; termer, are wopdering If tbe nee eo- aeee being an oval oil cake made of curtain In tbe repair, that have been ; with ererythlai tbni 1. Mid. and
mUeimble boreL
- egg: does oM meu tbe gradoal extlne-, ibe eery best floor sod osnslly eaten lately made .linaie and lying ad fol- every llitle
little wtte they toout aad
Of onr pottegre a prdcweor
—A-. ... —..KMk' HetbotMhlforamomeai.andiheo:ikmofthUrtlBedcrop. forlnyelk- "
» hlmn^ very friei
‘^Si ■■
ft * WMI
naked. "It will eon It-good dflgi of n« gran tbe peer pouio u obliged
KA- ^
moaay. wooY U. telberr
teee a toe more inaMloos than tbe po-; rvpguthm for good bread, and evl- freun the north end of hi. boue aad
aa I
a of SearMiaaoia.
- S^Sote tea ter awhUa.
a'catobug. Tbe bug live. Urgdy on itae.dentiy wish to be kaowt a. pare food extending thence in a right line {rant.
RtoMM hut Mr Muttia’*^"*
-twoity-fivc or fifty ^oVj tope of the pUnu. nnd can be eecn 1 advocates,
ndvocates. for In order to
lo enable cn^
ciu- ing the nren
nreet ..
n. hi.
bU boure
hotiM about
nbout »'
te- tom am M heeo him. ! >•>*. I wdht yoo to have aomciblng’aad polMoed. but tbe Ante attadc. tu, tomers lo dUtlagul.h their ware* feet nntU It Joins tbe Round Way ,
part. perttapA U It more simple tto read, by the aMe of wfaiek lay bl.
^ ^
JLTr^ MMwigPOd-"
vidim benMih Ibe ground.
from ihoM of other vender, they or- which 1. alte'd to be nbout nine feet.
Dalccarlla. The fmnure. there shoea. .A. It. was A)|sluii4MI|Mke i ;
^M^hnHI «toM'
you. elr.- Wnltnr answered.
Informatloa coneenlng tbl. new j anment ihdr caru or boxe* with ibe from the picket* of tbe fort loclndUtg ^'eRMfi' WhutatortntoibatwouMtototto freak of nature was flrei made known j Modem emblem. Tbl. condsu of n the Banonette of three feet m tbnt the
• A
I! utody temfly. and how nimk to would by a botahleal .tudent at the 'UBlver vaae. coutalnlng a branch of tto ollre pnMage left clear and open M nbout ■
, “! ^
________ *
_ A.
.a jMiwyivanU
i .n i ~
« «•
»«" «
it to ..___
thmn. ________
than um_It for; eigr.,1#.
brongbi —
tree, «.
on .w.
tbe _____
t > nfr which ..
I. perched ...
six .....
fed.'. ...______
The a
. sheep and goau. leading ca. nnd eee wbni to'^tlTfi?''' "No." '
. ; hto own ptonaare! Bat hi. tether wa.; .peelmeM faten arer
. In the b
cap. On eadi .Me of taxes whatever, except one .hllltag
the pariures eariy in the mM tto profunor, "It wooM Mm be
axMblted. this design U Inreribed tbe motto sterling annul quit rent to the crown *
^ Tingim mtr '
^d be Camkurimifi oounty.
monting. guiding ibcm by rolee or right. Tow bnve maaey caougb'. Just
In Utai iWito- -Pure nod True Islam." Tfaew Ma- it detnanded.
tela tto
oaburtoj^^ '***
^ ' o propoae each a ttom^ the p
bant to spots where the greia grows pui a daUar la tto old Man', aboes;
Tteamt rnfinfia.'’“*“^
Uon aM. ahorward, to member, of the • bomman 4»ldlere also wll a Wad oT -cflven under my band and «mi at
riebest. At her girdle .be carries a then ur will bide behind the butfae*ma the ptMa
Mr. Lintonobeerved ttofaoy^ abaent-Antaatal Society of Pennsylt-anla. No patty filled wUh m.gDMiare of mMt. Dciroli this 2?ib day of September, in
bag of rail. wfaUdt -she OlspeiUe* and see what to will do" Tbe atwdeat
rhrttodUfh- toteadneM aad eald. "Well, what te!oaa hs4 uker bekrd of ao ttrange au vegetabtos, oU and oaga Another of tto eighth year of the reign of our
among the herd, every one of whlM agreed to the propoadl. and they couBavMY I bit opoB the right prea- attack, oauide of plairt. kaotra to be tbeir prodneu. which Is called "la Sorredgn Lord King George
annrer. to lu name when called.
ccaled themMlve. aeeerdmgly. R’bep
U fee -or?paiaaltte. aad eanfereaee with tbe de. ahnnlng. ya cbakocl.- is a large rea..- Third and In tbe year of oof Lo^ God.
iad-«rtou and a. .h*
w a..i.M at.
The Mttle girl is li
-Ob. yet. Hr." Walter replied milek- panment of aerienlwre-1. to to had m cake or dumpling bnked to
hudrednnd ririyaLd^ ^
: ly. "tmly lt U eu much to lay out Just regarding tto matter.
Many of these Cblne«. rimfretions are eight.
hJSn to a Mv^ ^
CM. B .
-I.BM>l.oMvd~I«M,»«wk*t' BOd dBadMll B
tkkk-l» Bb,B. tn»lH. dBdripUod B.1, Hk.
CoBBUd..., Id CD. «0.k BM1.“ ^ ^
Sb. ^.1
•rer I ctoooe,
and tbnak. to no one." tbe nortb. It u grown for fta amall many foreign
iBdB. dlsbes.
tbe ta>u- B.
Mr. Union Mid atlfly.
UberL «bicb are good foCkteuentaiithem muK be ncqnired by culUvatton
Net fie Many Millloneire*.
, .way till sniuct. Ror ioacheon ebr toward beavea. He then pot on the
Walter kealtued n momont. and bogs. The bog. are tnreed Into a field bkore they can be tborovgbly appre.
There U n gnat mlsapprehewdon as ‘ esU a nliec of bread and drink, milk other teoe. Md found naothre dolUr.'
Ihea, .wHh banted, bntoa- werdA planted with it and allowed to root It cUled.
to Ibe number to rnmionnired U New wbiek tee gets either from a goat or; ||e hwked at if nnd looked all aitMnd
pound out the tele of Mlto'o fiMtea- up.
. . The average Chlnaataa: mU very.
York and In tbe world. Ohddtey'K'^eaw. nocording to elrcnmmances.
him. but mw no one. He.tbea knelt
a pltylag wteh In lu yonng'ttagc tee tdaat
Depew mM reeenUy tbki there were; Should nny to her charge. «*ay upoa the grauad aad rtounad tkaabs
much Hka any other groM. BcaUe* American fo
_ h«B« wr* **'■'*“ millionaires in tee ObUrt' .ter. the blows her born to eall It to God for tee MesMaga which bad
I thought, tether.- to ended, grot^ig la a lluie elnmii. It to time bakery and
ry sDopo are
According lo a kiwat enmmw.hack. At mmdown sbe condifru ber heoo confened upon him. Tbe liMeat at the pun teee. aeads out creeplag root sullca, wblcb few fend tar bptwrew.
agency, which l* pmbabiy aterer bent homeward, where tee cow. nnd cr. Icnnied tram tee pntyer teat tto



.M .M.Mjk.

..................... ...........................

MB..., „„„.,k™,„BDMd.B

te M urtora tiny Urer
B. kB kMD AM. n. «d»t dlMpdHi. wide.
t hi. boy could think of; . Tello.w nut giuM

ter. are usol to
» close
MOB them
D.«o up
op i..
like. culUvaied altet- One finds practically the s
ibVT ™



than ISOu.fW, Add teere.prou.

. ^

Tbe .dre** 1. shen. and Ibc ameb Iwtier this I. than ix> bare bid-

oo. .pooB. kBd M Bk. IBMm, ... OBIB
OBd. .IB. DM ^
figm, of • bare Imprinted on it. white
i. eatet by tee Chincre In honor to the *1. u
^ complete the coetomc.
Mrteday to tbe moon. A. aooa u tec ‘ooi is extremely small, for a maat ex-; There girls are at g^ a. they are ,hg_iarmer i. not devoid to bis.

I.MM MbMM for kU OM, -.«.M. ‘b-pB, DM. .BflB. kooo. ,o koUM
MNteMaeM: teotmh he kam bU non teu as rhlrame.. when they meet n
had ato latMded. nor.erea Imagtaed. < hard oltimp of Mite turn nride. but
teat he deaerredfi rebuke.
- when they eome In oouiaet with a p6little Into tbe tenrp Up a

teen ture. mic n .pSlI


v “"Tto^re are^^

._ ._. — --------—
' MU



***'*°"' ^1*"**” >-^r.m.klng
(S'teecee and helping in the |

>oy with Umt coadlUau. h. telMd, for
r ta
tee bey was too e
.-reI R to have a a
Ttoy drove ateuad to MIke'a, aad
Mr. Linton vra* hog—vty jhnrhiil at
n la whHteWtoBBd tee

It Is


boy bis father was sent to tbe Vieaaa gnined notoriety tor i
come te a pouto. but
or terre oad even afx to tee bard. her. po**e»slon a piece to k-nit yam to tee amoont to tbeir wealth. Some expoalUon ns Amertenn coatnlulener. for a Ktoreh to which,to fed a q«ur
Iwowa.BUtdIke inbera may be found la whkh It frem tee Umb about which
“<* S»** He took the whole f.mily to Eurape. to wllk every day grew beyond all «xottt good Mud potato.
- •
the poem. ' Maiy Had . Uitle Lamb." *“•"
Another mao may bare
during the suy to the pecintloa.-^ndinn.poli. Senilnel.
In oae field; examinad by M. H. J«- was mriiiec.- Mis. M.ry Sawyer, to
*“ ■ buslaem not nn- Roorewlu oo the eonUneni they lived
eoto. of Hairitenrg. toper cent, to tee ,8iertlng. Mau.. owoed tbe lamb, and commonlyr wppered
wppored lto be eepeeUlly y, orenden.
MieWpan te tto rreet to AMe*.
to tore
crap was lafected at tee end to the wtte It made It. nppenreaee cmI tee lucreilve. and be doean'i Mre to
^ German' woman who acted na
The Chicago automobile exhiMi
blaxoned forth„ll'
to anmre
to ctoe children a> teU time, ptouiy Mowed tent Michigan I
didnY field where tee chtifa wn. growUit. rehool greimd
____ “.’"-JT...
B.tbc dflgtnal eampetliloo.—Detroit Free Prea^
leii, to hi* love for outdoor sports and eome the adiomoblle maniilac taring
addad. and oa a nelghbortiig farm the entlr- yvmb of 15 j-car*. *
ocoter---to —
Amfrica. In fact, Miebigaa
M... ..MBUdi^odiBred. "I crop-wa. damaged.
Pbom. white is now Imown wbererer.
_ of personal eourage. So grret
-------eu^t to tore looked nRer you. I
al tee Bret fnm t^ man had plani- the ■ngit.h UacoaEe I* spokeA Hire
Sarti Wir* Ferwa a Rtone Lire.
was tbU trait, even in hU boybood. bad on exhibit at the Chicago auto___ ____ «M hand,
The people to tee eltle* tore little that be teamed to* read tee Niebclun- mobile .bow nearly as many matelne*
and aavar Mppeaed yon were In such od chntn-for his begs. Hoga. however. Sawyer afterward mot-ed to Fliebburg
thtohad bi MRm M» Mate ' tonlu. Ahd y«t. If I temMhi a moMenr oaU destroy tbe tubera. Tbe reed hi the reme nsie. where she marriK idea to whai they mlm in ibc way to gen Lied in Cemum within a fem «* gu the other reetkms to the United
I li; , A Jt|||j|j mi HIM ' * «toU tore known it enuM not be wonM'parpetnaie the plant, even V Nathan Tyler.
rbrep lelephuae rerriee by not Hviag weekn. and could recllc and expiton states eoa’>iiwd. aad tee Mfcbigaa
na to a MB*.« ^**<'**to'
every tahar were Mtea.
' Tbe poem was written In ISOO. Mrs. In tee Nebntea range country. TbUk the pnssago. much belter than Ger- nMtgtoetanra there repreaented aurahraway triiin, ’ ’Three for you. atri" Mlke'ua-; No ow can tell when buylag pou- Tyler was a womaa to merary tame.'of a monthly bill to U l-a«enU for the man ^wto tiu own age.
bered nboot half to thuee from ewery___ , Ate vMh pity. «*««■ "H'a only tee rite mb Mre toe. teat ttey are tafected and ate, aad contributed to n nnmbcr to tee are to a telephone: Tbt Uiest barb
A<fovortte game to bte at fbU Ume vbere tore.
Wdowa OU tee Mdei«rttboul.wottti*. If. vaallf wltere i^barPwlw teafa tubera. for the teulb weekly paper. In thore day*. SbeaUo wiredlae to go out to the village to wa. fo pUy at battle, with lU aolKbt only thte. bm tee MIebIgu surdtee. treat atrelght i «*• te th' teetcfr. touny »• i uaed ta^ Mven aU coanecUoa with lu tuber eoaiributed toward tee erecthm to Beiikleman win be 12 miles hmg. and . dlen. HU brother, a couton aad be tomobUca were tee flne« cm dUplay
to tUggi vlte hla UUM-'he. air.- be added’wtttfuHy.
^opfee tee MUgly enreoneed to Bnakre HU) moonment.
> dai Include 15 phone*. Tbe anl> corn used u> more nil ihe faratiure to. n wUb tbe exccpiloa to tee fortogn m“Ym teall go • •

,36^"MR Phflii SN you hare

--------— B..^
__.B .1 gtiw
^------------------------ green
-I'm aftaM
up aemUe
efaeatniiu and
OOTCaad With
wttb the dMt
drat to MS.
age. Md
aad ,.re,-Evte*»*w.
> from tee dete to
lorr-ioo oatlitor to my bMliMi: i maA taflavorgadtaslemet.Ifaayhaurelure over a new iMf. WaMer U tee kcoper lad rach potatoes U her mar-;
(than a oentury ago. a deed, filed ,
Mh M«” l^diM MM. -a«ho •honu bare your teaaks now. betteg. tee need not throw teM ntrar.. whra betralt was a mRiwr fMt trader Creek dimriet te
■ iRMhre UMA^but «aa rwfrn tem fofo h
an dhii i MR 1 Mgy fiMMt’i


-Tbcodore always wa. the trader *gnway





Trarerse Qt; State Baak

AI^ ClarkstoB imnits o(. n t
Tbn erenlBK wm« gji. oTCT to the gnm tn ckMpn.oT Hr*. Chnriw IrUh
* W ux *
MTom bltl.waa
and a rt*lm; en(t> '•f ,>o( (hr. more than avemce' h««1 h and
disunion of
ot nhe
-the prima^tL.
» Mad bj- Hra. J. R, Wfkee thank* ^»»a Blk Lake ftnage. for; aeitvky ia Hr».
MIIlw. who wat
ff thU dv Bt U«£‘ veMlac of Rer. fron th»
(he qaeml^
nanco tbeir etcceOeat eaienaitunaoi. Ah in- 93 rear* of alee Angnet 11 laM. Ur>.
i^rt T. Pfwaiwtt*
>•*•• »*'>«»
vltatbia wa* reared to meet with i Hiller rotalni an of her facnltlea aa<l J. T. HANNAH. PraaUmM.
OMth RalL
Urioc'tR *<|uanor U hi* MahU hM wire fence• received a fflfl dw
OUkwmj. Th* owwonr took
the nrw WIlBamiborg gmiMW Jane C fii wprr an^,^m td a remarkaWa dethe hand* of Charica
racoired TInarad*)- 'tn the vest e«d of town be
%. GARLAND. Cahter.
PH^ n*h. ■»« Ot the btmt
and 7.
CTvc. She I* apparenilv a* hale and
eorlodtr (or nu;
IB ToellUrtl Hr ^
and Aotoa ft(«ab of the death fdnr d««^ puMic
bcartr a* «he wa* Unj lean agb.
.^ li™
o wtnikrtb r«»l»e »' »!»'"• »"*"•
tBother. Mr». Hasdalioe
«•«>"'”><•" 0«..l<»«i
trmnww wu the laMailaikni

m.*t theboModbCT ibought to wwlr >»>• oeeeMlUe*.
John Beam. SteUa Atwyd. Mr* ^
r^nr^ni^f not »i'dhBthter. Mra. Hcair Mdire ot HII- ibouRh U w*» known thnt hl»
SURPLUS, S26.000
RWteh*. of ihdr »anr »f1«dfc not
_ . a. thU ^ the on«r; fare wm more ihw haU enprlW bf Ctjarles liteh and Hra Fiont Hoore.
nolhing t> known of the c>r- eoni gteurins which be would take ud Asidu from ihU an JateKailnp pitv
B tor the wuul ditch dig-

't»* ymr ft U» mcvtir* Md '«f 0« 0



denih. bat exrbnare for n cop ot
«iKe:to Hr.
■|i*ih^ iadlAaa. whore they •* «Be haa formerly *tUrered with loagfacned anatomy found iutteJmil
^ —- Hr.
JI, ’p^anta*.
Penning- heart'troable and the death wa* aud 'ojoihltw bj-plt*upe and a* he had
, .1,.. ^r. .Iieihin* to bl*<^ »' •»
*»••« dtaoamt never newn mlttena until two year*
M* for «rb«! year. Prr^ to hi.,
wa. a ago when he fouad a .tray m1..« and


widow, a^ 7d yeatu. and lived wlib aaicbed tt with another. hi« wanU in
. her daughter. She icavei the follow- winter Were few and H w& only In the
’Hoeord. mnd has a wide a
In'.hi* otir ana the •■rroBi.ding €»»«• '*»« c*»*ldr«i; Hr*. Heaty Mobre «d severert weather that a aboe
«TT,Wv aaarty *n bla Mfe ha. boea,
Wl., Hn. WUabeih Uow covered hi. f.xd
hMM made many'bcnt of .St. UmU, Ho, Joaeph giraub
0» Sep' ‘H be
w «t.ii. here
bI Pueblo. OoU, and Mr*. <2«orge Oebe- moralin: lyinc twl In hU yard. hU only
* ^
ladMw. John and Anton Siianb all of cotcring a ragged tjulli- Haelng been
Ooatk ml Hra Oeeta ' *
Jihl* tHty. They left (or Mllwanfcoe rlolenUy ill (nr (Orrr^Hght hours In hi*
taae HM. Hatch f—The kmg; pinraday erealng at S p'cloek. . . a • IndeMrlbahlo borel atone
crawled OM to die. A**l>taDce aniveil;
^ taea wnwd for a jwar pa« buoyed up i
Nancy J. Snithatra. wife of *od a geoeron* appllcaHoo of!
I toAHsthui CDorage and nn.werrlng' George Smithson, who |>a*md awa>- ,Mfiy pall* of water, made habluble
I VIHth down to the law raUey of ibe Tbnraday afieruoon at 1;SA after aflaiwasmall room*, nwlclog to filih.
fg i^ritTr I wa* ended last nlitfii ^ IWinit nine** ot n ymr and a hatf. j,„, another step wa» takoB., fur think.
a^ tha>lBst *l«ep.^e'wa** vIcH* of an nceldeni and gave
,j,ai he wa* on hi* U« 1>e*l of lUiw«a mother of' ber Ufe to save her child. In attem^-'„eM be diacioMd the (acl that be bad
w jri».'«eett t)f the nm Methodlitt • >n« 1"
tbe mtle one out of the
„pariy t\fiO» In paylnc
*U«ei where a runaway team wtWW^aecuflUi^.The ia*te of boman VlndMuM Hare* Deeu was htwn ln;b»"
Smltlmon wa* mm ahlfb be nxilved during hb> 111opan|y.,ltoBneylvnnla, AprlljHnieh
priiiMniek aad
and run over and received In- qm* bisnjait the nainral desire fur
aHI W hmrrted at the age J«rtea wbith bare reunited In her bimo hnd a week later he wa*
lijmmphDpet*, aainatructarof:4«A«h but for a yw her •uffering* |,nnchml npon the current of barter
the etale of Pena.ylvanla. bare been Inteppe and death wa* hiand trade In the milk of htiman WaduWl. »g*twhildreB were; welcome relief. She was btA ts year* ness, ^leb re*nUt^ In a contract, dl*te the oply Uvln»el<l
<>■>» daughter. The pm<|ng«r the bulk of his nestegg an-l
oae I* the aoa, J6ha.’wtth whom tbe'»«M»l wa* held Saturday momlnr ,j,<. |»o lots which held his home, the
^ ^ome for ‘* o’ekwk at Anbury cdinrcb. Rev. E. stipulation being that the benefactor.
and the remain*-(gc vldow. Hr*. Dora Roberts, utaould
G' ^:
X,i W uoled Camay of Haye* of We*lera :»«» ‘beu uken to Wln«*e*ter. Ind.. Mrs for him In hi* deellnlng years.
A, « . >• ^ m where
HeruiU Vint wa* taken a* a table
rmaylTMila and He»tcm Ohl4 of I.A«be Q.R-*
t*w Rutbep
RutheP;^ the Interment tak
take* pHce In the family j unrder In the boarding house of the
.mueh the most noted one, we*
lot. U D. Cartl* prepared the remain*; widow RoberU
and for three
Hra U. Haye*. The fnneral

looked bright ia a legal
Mi frea the Pint HethodM efaurefa
{light, but trouble* arose an4he again
Friday wmlng at 3-.ta. Rev. W. II.
I retired wlihln his (our wall* where be
The remain, of Hrt. Margaret h-,.,,.
nfteruoon Ju«-





STli tte“SonSi l^CIfy.


Tire Insurance!

PUtt Class, Stsam Bollsr and Accident Inaurancm.

day montag to Oil CHy. Pa-, for Inter '
of •ehool children, who
meat by Rev. Doeta. Owing to thcj,^ bedd enough to c«me within range
nllroad •aecommodatloiu In the «»« ^f bU haUery of «one*. kept piled and
(or the state i
ready for u«;. For seveiul wfehi
of tbe.depaitmewof"**’'"^ “
place *t 7:30 Pri
been uklng hi* dally* to and
day evening were anniilled and only a ^
BcarJjy saloon* and



Room 310 Nsu^tate Bank Building.

Traverse Ctty.


Dr.W. 3. Riggins
Cbt store that Fills tbe most Prescriptions

tl«- iin]*>rtmit iliim;* in iin-w-riptiun
>-liuinno oiii- call ouvl ns in iiiiiilily
ijiiiilily <if
<j driitpA
i»iU iiHcrl1 in
ill im-w-riuiioTin.

i-istelillII )in-s<’ri]>ti<»i*
- *

• pn-(or
j-uii ulii-ii
Rtiriteonvl Plmniiac

tii.'Ki-:i) cRdss i..vm-:u
219 e. Tmt St.

' Very l>cst of dental aeiTlec
only. Tenth year of pmeUfig:.
Your patronage soltclied.
New Munson bulMIue. under K.
of P. ball, on flonr with Dockeray's B•l•‘lneK* College and over
Singer elDce.



Jlmerican Drug eompan^
Albert E. CLonc-vsEV, Manager.

Traverae City, Midi.


TH08. ». eWIIACUl a ■ON.


Wayu* OsMty Bsnk Udg, DSTBOZt

fence will not slip. We also have a£ood stock

The two day*’ cessloo of the district
ranges of Onnd'Tnvepse ‘ coiiBty
was .held at Sk. I^ake


Thts knot



of Poultry Netting. Ba^<id Wire and Nails.

Inxerior Einishing


When yQU WAnt anything in this line come in
and see us.

|B-RAN»C TRUIDE, 146 Froot Street


Corasr Lake Avwut uai Tuth RtriM

!d. 0»«-

lur Ik.
(BC -W
city 1.;™
to ■
rr. F.«W d'H. R.PI.1A Tt..:”
r the staS of-J deceased leave* the foltouins chll-

Place Your Srder With Us

Do not place your order for field (encing until


Going to Build?
If so.' the South Side Lumber Co. at TraversG
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.
.■ ‘


$outb Side Cumber 0o.
Craetrst etty. imclt.

Not the old shoddy, but fresh from

of the eomliqc eaomipt

Hermit is In T-fOtmia



giA ur'Y.

Mt siRftnd la the city
Pridar morning
montaw at
at 3
2 otloek.
ottoek. ‘"wble*him and It took*a*though tbi
vr, Lake
died pridv
I which h«mwrinmeramaon mmt.rK>. IB.
,1,^ (unenl was held Sondaj only touch of
a as to the n,K.1 Iv«,- ‘•'■‘‘t ‘‘t***^
to lb.
dhe City tor the oeea„ , c,rier of this eltr bad
expense* of
•llh-il. “'.h
he win have tl>
Bariccr Creek,
Hn. Roberts refused to accept aov
tor Om local eoaaltMn Harr Dtinahi
- HMS. It m* «
that at least psMi u yuar*. pa*s«l away last week
he U at- or poiaMMary tnb

The funeral of Harris B. Jennings, and Hr*. ArrlUa Partner boOt gave
and Mr*. J. R
to defray a portkia oT the | who died at the family home. M7 West
of Solon read an interestleg
M-Raal'Heidwg of WRhfh street, .oa Tuesday morutog.
the “World-# Fair."' Selec
Dv-.. ai*wancfth*iKB|aadbaalBea*mcn was hM Thursday moruing at iii paprcWam- tM. gpwwiwg >■ >K. ftUbw. nf 1 o^ekwk. Rev. O. Ooohlln oOeiating. :t<<W tiy Hesdames Gardner. Warren
^y.r^r» rv^ .ia ...hi..
^ The •errioas and burial were under the
Robertson follows!
i hw» ,*.««! A«iai»«f th. O. A. R .Ull IM
aaA A>n IAA>i°I IMr <M.r «i n»d br CbmpUlb'Ia full discussion.
uc^ion*' received
8mm^ Bk Rapid* sang mo*'
^ly and a recitation i>y Rdwanl
Wyckoff- and Becretery left the residence af^r'the' tervli
FYaokllh and also on* by Mrs. Neal
i fuesU at.the board oflfor Monroe Cenier-a^-were met
the arternoon.
Mde baagast last week and espialaed Onwa by Rev. F





you have examincd'the CYCLONE SPKIN(;

h.«owd of from OM 'cnok. where thir *«•-hipped by L.


3«cr CeatiUtwMM llMtMSMUk

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

OMfe attoitloa to *dow than a diicV
doe* to water. Rut the cunimci which
into with the widow

' 'i » M>

Of 8BA80N.



.■r oUM nuwWUte.

A GcMni BRRklicBRdBmliwe


. the hpard for lU work dwr- *«■ ‘b* annulment of a contiatt given
CSnSM >yw. and <o^«t a '*F W» '« »*«• Got* Roberu conveytag 3^ In gtlt-edged secnriile* and
'f-.%’J|aMe|gwa* re^eet«d aeere-' 'be. mile house a^ two lou. hi* anb­
ury' aad'- J. C Hannah rwatoetad borne, the same to be compensation'
trwsaiar. both br actiamatiim. the for hi* care^and malntainancc for Uic
of ^U 'H
ueemaryh e
dhle to .
'eeatortbednaapaldlBlotheorcu^-' If H were posaihh
ttan. the amount to be aot lesa than *bible hlstorr of 4he old hermit and
hi* ancestQ-no doubt h wouid lead to
The meoUng wa* Mtbnslastle «od »be dTxh dJggrm of old Ireland
th* direetora devoid
tim* In Thou^ be ha« b^n a well-known flgdtacosstag the matter of ralriag fund* are in the orntrlor.upward* of foru
tor developmeet porpoaes. The amt- rear* Uttle U known of his ancestry,
-tar of baudlac was gtren couldcnble though as far badegw IMS be landed
boU a “ the shore* of daaada and (^
l-of the hoard on Thuiu- there drifted doa-n to the Mississippi
for levee*, but some idea of hta family IKc^
day mmUng te the
the purpow of IHtenlng to the (opoito «•" be obtained In these characieilsaf
-the ban- [ *ord* of bis. -tOI-ve eaten mosy a calc
ot commiueaa appoimed
‘ bnge leaf an' coated It a
«aet last' Tednemlay evening.
n.' K..A1 Uu >11. Tbin, )«"
abet* of th* hoard n( trade 1)0 cor- b* etvpt Into-t
diauy tevtied to be prestnt at all meet- abw and followed ibe vocation
teg* of the bonrii of dltueton. teas- <>*«* digging, iboagta ho wandered
much wa all are eaually lDterested.~uid MaaistlqM at oae time aad frfi
hr hnvtac a Isrgp represeniaUon many ihiovtagup etghir acre*
tel since hi* re.niluabte aafegestton* can be made by be bad bomestead^^d-Mi
cKhm mambeip of the arganlsatlon.
t'^u h* (xmttned himself to ditch dig^ tor Slag --loBie the ould dad dead 1
baud U now fi
. . of the mem- <«1« countri.“ be saM. and tagularly In
wesfc'nnf tba •
hentethceommunliyaAd theirtunog- (be moMh of March be Is seen on the.
.Irised enetgy >ud good Judgment aog- streets srar,:lu the Iceteound pare-!
> and aaosry croasings with Mb.*
teTAs UHM«h la
.by tha hasM M tndt daring tee «


When j-our head aches, there
is a stofin in tlic nervous sj-stem,
em, cenienng
centering in inc
the brain.
Tills irritation produces pain
in the head, and the turbulent
nerve corrent sent to the stom*
-ach causes nausea, vomhing.
Tins is sidk headache, and
is dangerous, as frequent and
proion^d attacks weaken the
brain, resulting in loss of
inAatnhiaiioc, epi*
Icpsv', £ts. dizziness, etc.
Allay this stomiy. irriuted,
aching condition by ' uking
Dr. rifles' .\titi-Pain Tills.
liiey stop the painjyy sooth­
ing, streiigihening and reliev­
ing the tension upon the nerves .
—not by paralyzing tlicm, as
do most, headache remedies.
Dr. Miles’ Ami-Pain Pills do

Co Begin With *

£bick Starter
Chick Starter is a combination chicken food for
baby chickens up to twenty-five day's old. Tliitn you
change to Chick l-'ood; here you will find the Food is
-a little different and coarser than Cluck Starter. Chick.en Food can be fed to chickens up to eight
weeks old; after this ytyu may use Poultry Food. Poul­
ts Food is i;heaper than Chick Starter and Chick
I'ood, so now you can use the Poultry Pood to the best
advantage. The mixture of the above food> is su. h
that it cannot be recommended too highly. They keep
• the chickens.healthy and make them grow bigger in a
shorter time. Hens fed with this food will lay more
eggs. \Vc also have Cracked Com. Meal. Oil
Meal, Fine l-'eed and Street Car, Oats and Corn. We^
want all of you farmers to bring your.good Butter and
Eggs to us. .We will pay you satisfactory price foVyour produce. Come at once to Cor. FrC(pt and Cass.
Welcome. Youff.

1 Uk« 1' cm wl cn 1 f—I li:* *:«B

wif CSSet**
Miks Medical Co„ Elkbct. lod.


est at

.-rd mv almnet tnmedislelv. SiTtr«
A R Cn*. Co_ BouiL Jlrn.1

Standard make &-A and
I'hcy arc strong ar


F. votrubA harness CO.

terial used, «od tellygwframeed in erery re^iecL
n«t ore made to a***-well a scQ.
“ They



finish to catch the eye: but are durable, coafortuble, and ocuL^, The cbeapeut on the market, quality coomilmud.
Once a*e<l and you will trayoo other makeT

i2s$iattstr*(L u UictoF Pctertyl.
Have you ever tried the

Royal Vlesv Tooo ond OoWood

Bopa! tiger

■ Tt,,



Ihc lot.

Ct»w>f On



^*ror«G DtermteG.


:: At tt1« Man of the ytw vhea ose
hean aboot tha pcoaiMta Mr traU
aad readc aboat the aiaet a( tba wta
ler fiweaea oa whe^ aad itaraa thai
the coadUhM er the «roand la lOttd}
to hare certain cBeeU apoa the eora

the Tauheart rirer aad Mewban
hanr. dfanaMe cd twcatP'aac «Uc«.
There te aearir tear (eat oT aaow la
the w^pda.
Miae ireae F. Btaaoel of Wacaer.

taoUIr ha« boea taklac adiaatage at a
M per caat Miria orar Market priM
Laat aprtag potataea weal aa hWi
aa eae doBar per baahel aad tarMcra
an oror U>a coaatrp laenaad their poaa (ar M mer fttw; thia a a^itad « tlar
laa^ wbea ptaattac tbac
Tbaa tkieta vfll we \ their wilwi Mna ararr
potato crop
■OMobody to latara aa why aothlag ,tatloa acaat «
ar atoTB. Tbepanadln^ooracr where tber
t la thia aKtioa o( thol^wr rataed aad aatwaly low prtna.
b the weed crop?
■t bT the iMcher, !af thetaJUag raiadiT^e aad the aoak-;Ab artlade «ratto t
are that thin yaar
I far eadi aetofaii-iingoCthaietiaoilwlU force the her-1 ecMUag tbughu which
h the low
r tar poatace aad the ettt-' aala WCMhv aad reawa the ooumc- ' pewaad throhghcwt the arealsK.
Hbrarr la that city. The thiac mehlna railway and the Aiaertena.
win plaat few ptaauMa aad the aaawcr. Asawen I uow << the water fllne. Ae aotn «a i PronpUr at • o*clodc the ertheaua
M Olbr BeMditt F«l-Slw Splea
woaM haidly be complete wttboot at Bapreai wpaay at Wacaer. aad her ■«»
the crop wUl be abort
No* SaMtb Md^SMT.
•pair of embroidered allh »oTk baa sires ezeeUeat aatltfaetfon.: Prhma eoTTOapoadlasly hl«h■toehlBsa fttn the feet of mm of tboae uita Braaeel doea m ecMlder her
R. B. Shaver of Lawton haa Ja<* ambhloaa yeoas maUeae who wore poaittoa at all retaaikaUe, aa ahe aa>a ordered a teaherae power iiacilaa ea- I' to adrertlae the town.
hnrd work, not srtiloa. pot her where slae which he will aae_ia plae* ,o(
The wolrea are raUlns harue with abe U and thM moat payoM ooaid do boraea In worktaf hH eighty acraa of
ta rary rapid indeed. KM j eotamas led by Capt. J. V. Metetodi
■‘•"taipp'iii.^lwatlM ay aambar wlthoal «d
the deer la the upper pcnlaaola Ula the aaae.
Kiapaa. He la the drat to latiMaed
oalywIU all the water that haaaoaked* aad.
J. J. WlIbelM. and after
1. What ta-tha OtSataaee betwaaa Into, the'aoll from the aboaer be, tapay pretty figorca had been mmrdied
Wiftiac aader date of Sq*. 7. >9°«. 'winter. Owlag lo the deq> enow itar, A Derrdehl poattry ralaer haa a an eaglae ta the eallnr* of tr^ la ■
tiB. Mattie ShaSer. of CaMberlaad. deer are eaay prey< for the woivjsa. H. breed of besa that be ougbi to gel 4 (hat vleiaHy. and the experimoit wlK /
shy Oht haOyeoHp in the Matter of btooQht a^ to the anr1aeeand:aitdooralermarehediheaoft.aedtietSome time ago I or- L.KlitaalacM.areterao Newbmytrap- petcni on. All wlaicr they have beea be watched arfth taiareat
hMft tho'-alaa of partlelea aad tWe ithnrwn Into the air. but tte fact tha: t fre ftrataa o( a walU ftoated down aad httaa.. nayi: -“Son
'theB water SI
mb art a^tn ccaaected; tnaafameA the aoaae te a Mptry, decpd aad fceeired
a, wbidi t need on
IMe for the watcr!whiri wkl^ kept ap imHl t o'clock; Ca
.1. D» the noil partlcica In day act I will make it paaatM
babe wRh wowderlittle
■My or ta snmpa? faplala the that waa In tt* groOBd before thp|
»“"‘»«*iS;55trTbid-tried .i.«___,
' ftapwttaee «d thli baildlBc'op cd pdr- Mhoamr came to em
and thoa a
alhd Ptayad.
remediea withM any'lMweSi what.
■ever, aad Catienfa came to the reaene,
ttataa tato harsala ta the movoMtht of; pammer ahoi^may aotaatly dry out
• w vwa to MB
tatoBBRP rotaPB^
State Nowa.
, when my doeton and all other rem■Ir «■« waaar.
' the anil rather than add u the watei
A WAOO job, the aalaiT of which It;
0»e jortor
Bmt ta water held la the fertile! popidy. tf the farmer he not wtae
«Mif MqShIa the rtaatioa of the otao onoagb to prevoat and. a dlaaater. by ^
»r the r«s«ta of the Lloiver:
HlehlgaB, te gone begglag. pealea aad acabe fcom^head tahfcwC
: « tta aofl pnrtlefeo to tho aabodt of CBltlvallag the Sold agala aa aocm aa.,«<>r
the grtwnd la dry eaoogh after the
>• «««^ <«• «»>T »*»« ’*?»*.*
d to tlw bakonr tOge '.

Fnt#He>l <D Fogt-Dgctsnxrf

. «


To Core a CoM in One

Why wlU water hoM man plant I abower. It doea aeem fmliak to cal- «»tha' work In the nnlveralty. The dcrfal, and now my babyM t
body me {amooth and clenr."
taadtaotaaollnwRh Ana panldca tbaa urue a deld again inalde of a weak, >• ''»ead of the
(SigaedlMra. Mattie a
ta«n thaM with aearae’panlteowraelpartlte?
parhapa. that wa* well cuiUvaiod Jaat ----------------------reaeart*la
“ '■ tha
i. Pieertaa tho Movamaato of-water
Mlhtaoa. Bew eaathe
taoM tho Mr* aartaee of a Md br• H U U>. M« tuiv U &> 00*.1M
■>'rf Illrfln.rtnr
thorn la a oorialaty tMt the wateri*"* » »an to dll the poetUoa. Tho: At tat twt tatga « uaasiinnc
HwMts Is to Uw CMtaoa.
needed by the crop wS^be dried-oat!««»
Bvery dtild Im into the wmld
.B now happens ta an opM>tBterI htio the air.
dally take natrted | ^
that tM frofiant hard ralap padt-ibe' Bvm the oat and barley Seldp
■ Bay;, la. the atndeota who
a noQ and braak down the ooil I beeome erasted over after the grate ta ‘
tor aevaral weeka at a time, lu
w edlaeUant or pot-1 aowa. In ate cate U ta often wtae! <»>«>' to diaeover their effect on the
ttalao tf no« ouryteffthe proeeaa tarjto rv#a haimw over them to bre*k'^"““
“lAlte haa aaeeear-(
aMoagk to Vlad tite teto the oltl-' the oonnectkm of the water filma at; *«Jly dm tiro of theee drug prorjos;
end mm^a^o^
A aaooaa-;s^ point taTenoogb below the eu^ *«»“■ ^Wne oh iteldcweed and oa Chi-, happineaa aad pceaperito. Bence
• itone to provaat the tea. of water. The i««* «Wa«*- The regroi.- offer u.;


dijiyof moibers



I Of water opwvda la! «»teg from the aavteg of the w»«r
I*n»«uat, yte.: the Cuttema
coendrapid tedood. An oooa a ■ th« tend la j will aaantty be found to far ootwvdgh I ^mg tahtog teaU. and to Ure atudenu; «of wa™bmto «th Cu^^
«V MMMgh Uw ptow ta aunod. A(ibetoaaoa Mgihwing ptanto. When the'^
and raeord ihe netlon of the ^tmS^thejRteSteteb°CM
jiaai tamn of two boraoa will |do«[anrface odl U vory dry. n reltor auy
" “ “•* W per day. The B>a4« te
«|woiT. P**". S«p neraa por dn^. U tho amouat'ori be aaed te place of the harrow to ad- poaitibn^carTiro^wtth it a heavy
- Itoi to ha ptowad la-lam the land i putage. for ate tipatmeat <a fltada BponalbUIty, whMi la one reaaon why
atoB dttaa oat no tar that the plowteg,of throe amaU grabu.
ta tons and the'gronhd breaka ap teto i
(ToTbe contteaed.)
Battle Creak, while eoupling cara. had
( the pUy
Bionaat Land on Raeord.
* prweaUmroi of hli oaatlDg droth.
la aatik oaroa. it ia well to atop tb«
The Carp tee Lumber
“Boya.“ aald Chapman, a few hours ouU^. probably on the «
plspr aa non aa the gronad >cstea
. whieb tentee a law mill at Blagham ■
‘be fatality. “I believe t ought
Btenae Iibaen baa had to oaaracf ehOmaUiedUttectlonorrecelTteglhelnot
to «o_ work today. All the ‘te aeveral ^^of^amaUpoa
r oeea a etrmtghl woth har^iurgeat load of toga ever banted u> . «omteg .tt haa aeemed to me aa if eooncil baa
U Cteateg tbp acboOU and cbnrcbeB and
tow. ailrrtM up tha aorfnee aad break-; mill te tbia aeetloB of the ataie. The eoBething wn going to hi
. all pteeea of nmnsPBeni. A meeting
TbUitega were loaded at the camp of the * *aa goteg to be hurt or
depth of
of a,co
aiooMpniro^t^bTPhinpHelioiorth:®**««**»»««BoriUngCba*itoaawaa'»*» l>«te by the rtUxena at which the
attartag wn roaoih the depth
« aiOompaoyopMatodbyPhmp^H^orte.^
Mr*, action of the eooncU wa.
roatata of taehaa and will there atopiat
• P««teu wn, draa-n np aaklng
' ttospBRfSSoW'uf the water beeauae
Irote* o2y ^ te^teL^ tor'“arahall. to ctalm the body, .ay, that body to meted It, mMton, a. U
the romalnder of the dl«ance. 7he'**«- kuaband baa had a prearoiteteni «« claimed that the ••"•»(«« ca,
lost were banted by Ale* Maaon.
tor the peat week, and the -cro all mild onea and that there
'Lit- t)“te danger of an epidemic.
Thero wen nineteen toga of grero teal word, be told
e woman. 1 nm going to try a ; ^ the coBBcil refuse to act^a breach
>«ataSnMd depend, of oourae, pan- bardatiod te the lot, tk« tega aeasui
and the.
Mto tor tato of the «oI] karnaia aad Sg'froi,’ troTva to tonnnk Taet'Vn ^ «toher Job wlibont ro mucj, danger ^ «cenr betwem, that body ,
length, mahteg S.I« fe« te all. The
"“e where I can be at borne witb cliltens,
total weight te caUmated at ahoni m more." Singular a, it aeeina. there
a KIcfalgao eongreaasan received
of the i
M evMoncea of aerioua tejary e^ the other day a postal card from a
IriMta «( aallB ta eyfladera aappUed | twentyAve tau. A pb
.*lto tnur from baiow bat wRk appar
Wbeu fouad. garden and other seed* ai bla rorileM
■ toik dpro tod lapai n to the air. it
Ralaad Henay Far Charity.
' Chapman atood a few feet from his veooventence. The •pelltog wa, unique.
;)iRpaSMBdttoLta>Wdaya. tba ^kdr
The. tag eharity ball glvoo ta the roar, lailten ta hand tad told a work- but tbe congtroaman flnally made' It
itata TflS teM «f water per acre
tot ctay taNBi loet. tn the aam City opna boaae teal fVIdny ovaBtag; man. "1 alippcd' white aiaktag that' out. a, follow,-. "Will >-ou piece eroi
i«* into of water per aer*. The waa a charity evoBi te tact aa well B4; coopllng aad I goea, I am done for." me anm. of yoora vaftety direrenu
the repiwt mf Uw owBmIUee - At NlchoU' horoUal be beroae nneso-! kin, of tour and wmdeki cedaa."
:>.^ftteSh MStan ta eeatial Mtahigan
dto towteg aotoba. May to Octo- ahowlag that tha Bat prooaada. after adoua mad died witbin a few hour,.
"lant It tunay that Proteaeor Scoil^' ^rtor tachtelra. ta hot tar: rrom
" MW aff water per acre aad tor the «lSl.tS. Tbe total raeelpu by anb- ubonld ran a dancing rohooi;"
"" .wtota mr. not br fro* SAW tona acrtte'lon and ante of ttelteta amounted' cinlaed n fair ctsed as abe put down
. pwaafn. ftftof the wteuriala and to |24>. Uw totel oxpenae PMAS. trov- tbe Mltolgan Dully. Uie unIvervUy-* AI I
■iiitairwm tote Into the anfth.bur tag a (Ttolt bBlance of PIMJS. 'Plftr collm pape^. In which taic had Just i
.'nss paw tha aartaea law the wnka doUara of thia aBouut tod alrrody
bero tanad over wCupialn MnnaeUt I apeeial teatnetioB ta the glide walu.
‘ F pad otaan. tbaa dotag no good tot
of the Salvation Army, for charttebN tbe different metboda of iwoeiep and te
,■ AD

------^May potbatafc
purpoaea. and kU awre Pro glm tho; Ue tedo^" She
- heaved

a algo ol g. ptakbamw T<
------------------------than two tone t..
nm of water p^tibly avallabte to onteate for tbe aane purpoaro today. > •atisded 4wUef. Iqwever. when te- Baa BSUetod Stol
aropa. It I, fyEdent therctora that The remaining aawunt will )ie re-itonnad that Use “Profeaeor" Seou of ' '
the naidowed mirtae* of a clay tateed to the bunk for em«gency!the fight faeteatlc and Prof. Fred N.
Boon of tbe Bnglleb department arc ’ have beea bron^taSmt l^Lvdia E.
iUb Stadana
at o«ual to the OB- toaHteble cam
Compound, and j
y might he mporProt fteorge. Swain has proven hlm•nd wtad te.lW eon- mlttee te toaige a detatted report of
May. inae nnd Soly; tbe dUtrtbuUou of the ftmda given roir . worthy exponent ta the w||« of
rratasaw Kteg aUrred up the Into hla toamibe taasous - Hawkatow by faU IngtThe committee baring the. etoitty nutty te eapinring a thief who had for
to n depth of one teto only
. The taaa of wntar ww redocad to 37U bait la . chan^ dealrea lo putaUely mootha been robbing the eloUiteg of
teto par bw4 on tha aandy teuMa and thank all tboae who-aubaeribed and popn. and leaeberu te Uw cloak room.
ijW WM par acre oa the day. -Stlr- to tkoae who beTped to make a auc-1 ta the Bay Qty High atoool. He dited .
ftag to the dapth of tars tnchea adll ----- ta ralilag thia ^leadld fttad.
pp electric wlrea and a potoeibook in '
torther raducad the teaaea SWA lona
■ I .
the cloak of a certain young lady lu pm acre oa the aandy team aotla and'
An'iHMl Ball af Co. ia.
anck % manner a, to give an alarm la
flP.7 tan* on the clay tenma. a aavteg
There ta Maethteg ta tke folda ta »• oSce -whcai the poekeihook should
’-dt.wm tow hWfc Thauspartearoof the eattenal Sag. when plaead before be toutoed. Three yomg ladtea we^
tho boys who tore martoad behtad Ua foond te thi room whro the p
-tto proeUee ta thub potag over aato teapbtag oaten. Utat qutekmis the reaponded to tbe alarm, aad tbe gniUy
.tore SaMa naeor nstubblea wfth (bate putea sad tetega tbe flnah ta exalte «*• caafearod when eonfroated. So
^ Afrs.fmmmieAnjc ^
'ftetateag tonia wbert tto plowteg inuci
Utrongk the advice of Mn.
to datayal II dow not take Wmg ateen Of tu uae I* te time of peace'aad fro two were naaware ta her dotega.
Lvaa.. Maaw.. whirb U giv
Iboaa .torrowa are artee and cover Urtty anto as the asauat party, gives
The Traverae Cliy Record men-- iromen
,rocnen abaolntel;
fro of eb
ibaolntely free
antottod te BB tour. When the plow. tea; wtok te the City bpeim bouae , ttened that we enjoyed Uial pity moro. Mra. nakham ha, for many yvan
tag ta done, later, ft wQI be fOuad that byHaBaab«amp.-Br^W.V, pwiy than Ormad Rapid*. There It a* maet.
• -wtove the iaad baa thoa beea har- «P0 atroag. ta the yonthfui vetenna. to aee aad the hoiela are Jaat a* good.
. rowed it U atlU bmIm aad plewa their friends and their ^rea and WberaH you #nd anything better than todar owe sot only tfielr htolih but
' aaeter. hwldm breakteg up teto
life to
belp'ful advice.
the oaa- thf Park Place, with Win Holdeu a*
Mnt. t'anoW D. Fox. of ; Cheatant
opy aad nattenal nrromofa ta ted. manager, outalde the big cliu»r

! ,55SSiASS3SS

SMU KM MS. Fors imB

r .



iaeqte cur-^prpgruB
The teatimoaiab whM we
foot ta aa».ltate to uet oS the varied .Btaro^aet^Stvea b
ilypnblub'mgfromgralctal wmnea
tto ii^tottBa tooBM be deepaat aadiUacB. At the left aide a pap.............
.. elude a ^y. a b
>-tato htadt aad aeverar
beyood a doubt thegowerta
■HS-taStoBB. Thro too. wMdB.are,<lagaaleepteg'hocerboy"waatenher
Tbe |day win be "A MW- Lydte E. ttakham's VeM&
»» ‘to aea-|Mad» rroUstlc by the atocked
ghth Dream." to to pw^
• ___ commence-Women, aaffenog from any form of
taaitotoptkta-----and knapaaek near by. Tto ftmii of avated tee Monday before
an- inritod to
taevattoa ta tee-.nuge waa ecro- me«. Tbe prtaclpnl characten wilt promptly
oRitalva inMapptag the te ta pteialy hidden with the awaa of ca- to taken from the' followtax: Eltea- Mnkham.
In retUTU for tor a<
uaatBmL Lnier.. t^ed nattanal eolovu, which nm only 'befh StaSord. Oecit OanatletL Maad
akaatalety free, aad to
I t

are Biter: reached aauaa tto stage fruat tot Oerromd. Mary Phraaworth. Alma werorn ton proved to to m
tto enl-aoBttarotf upsBd aroaad tha fivMt ta
h aad Aaa« Wee- thaagoU.

iLi;U ji;

has proven to he the most reliable


on earth. Users of Columbus Engines are our l^t advertisers;'
talk With them. When you are in need of WOOD SAWING
MACHINERY remember that we are selling the FamoueSMAL- .

Ferris Implement Co., Ltd.

127-131 State Street

Traverse City, Micb

your Health and STRENGTH with
• Sbuant, ixsigi. lad | „■■■■■> IninMer for WOM»k
gaRMa, omiffi!,



with a cheaply constructed unreliable engine when you can buy
a Columbus? The


it will p^y you- to give us a c^, as we have a 6ne lioe of Cutters,' Robes, Blankets

Bells. *,
If ,„u
you •
antidpate buying
a Buggy next spring, now ts the time to
gc. <»r rra«.n.ble. a,
CaU m and get one of our 19p6.Caleodars.



■ fv*-'^



■W vice Pfwiaqit of
M •»«» nlBote* «tur

'iPn «l4«it Roawrcit bad arrlrod a titbaler*, aad w »■ bia otra raoB

TIib Gouili HaMt CASTOR IA

atvinc tbe leader* of Ibe aeaata

ne mad Taa Ban dhnx BoaaU. mad vhlrh ha. ban

4 eloeks of the Miwtc;
I toiMr



•fow vl»>r 11 o'clock u4 **t

>i k m.- PiuMWit KeomsnH
, Mlt *A» INW tor


Touferd tbo oorth ildo of the capttrf o
to tbo TiM pr«Ment% toon, whleb W'


i»Ul oow ft»r ibo oMioc ton yoMi i


4mmum« of IHXorao. a. A.

S. .B04

• A^lUOMll of

oMtod-flpuilili «->r Trieran*.
U *





of tbe

aad jkwio-bafwwB acr»icb«* of hu

•!»m as b«- id*ii.-d Wlla


fMiBter (qtnr4 1o hlEh |EOriTii>

* i tto txplrttis boor* «>f Ibe flxiy<l«bih


* coofcnws.,

mlBtfton aad am-

toMikckio 1bo llollod Bioioi.

^Mrto tndiorin oprn to *ihw«


n:S5 a. m,—l*ri»Mc-ot Hooao^Mi«H«saudadtU>^Bi>d.

ala. ar«ad la front of tb* d«k

• ttoo.


jere of acoaio declaiad aeaain

WO-WIBR .dbrer.


%Vai*lBBloii. ecHpslnK


* that of McKioby s second Joanirer*With all lb.-vast crowd ot vl.f-





* fSaf* wore erorrwbere.

Tbe laanfura-

>;aU*4 prlrnacea. etc. aad tbe caaran-

«MM Of tbe apitol, where Pm
Mait ------------------------------ — ,—
at aMeeaMdeUvara* blilMB-

•: te* fMd
^ iwtmM.
taaa«tir*l baU. ibe gmdert ao.


t p.


Praaldani raiaraed

at Maw Tnak *li».

At 7;>0 tbe cHy

• «U1 be lUoiBtoated with breworka.
Napwten Baaf Truat.

Oraad pa-






Oaatorla^ a banakaa aab«

» for Cantor Ofl, Pato-

soric, l>ro|M and flnothiaa I



Tbe report dndt that:

The atoryb rerlrcd ihat Chief Jn*-. the everyday #K*Jni of wy nudlmn
^ in.urca an trnemt which can no< uacre atatnuic

,'flwm aad Uw Morria IntHceta 1. a after tbe tBausurottoD.




He reached



The- Kind
Tod Have Always Bought
In U For Over 30 Year*.


iTiUhd 1^T*r*' IB ctennpry.
Artkur Payer. <vm|iUuiud. «• law f*n

be di.uHnned




me Unhed StAter.

Tbe youns

• ; vB


of lawyers, mcrcbanis *ci.Mllalmlt|<(*ndUtatbeBanrii4.(praaiB
o„,u» nmbm*


. proOii

five peers, and .me o*

*v______ _


i^r *a

in-r ceni of the airat

.ccedad not Ions apo to tbe title and


Cbadwlck we*


; afterward

_ _
u« 1. U« .li CTIW



Hrc. Otadwirtt bail

.^FrfJ». IwiMilr.^cxdtcment
T - '

blMhday of




-........... —

tho cKarcti be othvrflw •*•*'*' wht; I
a<ti-r the M



the Oiadwick


Jory had «flr.«d


^ui S o'etedi.



080BATE yoiiim utmt




Oaneral News.


' diMrt pMarnani tbe ortb.


irtfijliT In a b
e Uiili- Is Inrtf

Piwrtdent.onsutc Milter, aged 86. who U* Ju>«,.

^ I Biddle, bhnadf an

ir ttaf 1 «1U MtbfeQy «i- ^

gonm easy-going' rtUcen* of Hui

anal* tb* DMee of pirntdent of tU no., ^^e organised a "Don't Worry'
OnlladfltrtsB. and wta totbe btrt afician. Tbe eeitlAeaie of
mr nbOtty. preaerre. praUrt and 4e- i bear, fhe foUawteg pledge;

hotel Ur declare itat ibc fairness of
'Jnsiipe UttK- In dealing out Justtee

“I hereby;


and bU religious ferror wnlle ccindnct““
equaled only by

t wui not ««k. fret,

bU aldllly to



r be bowed aad preesei obew the rag.n»i wU
A man has recewUy been in Dali*.-,
Ma Ups npen tbs open page* of Holy ‘ aaln sweet aad coaiemod for n wl
Tex, letmgbt lo WasbIngUm tbe atory
writ. AgMn wrt. be teced tbe peoa-of-lbeJlnf-i*^' Colonel “filH" Stereu Is a can-

IX loB. M U. BBIH to U» 1.TJ Bo, oc in mr —.1 IltoO|«.JoBt. I**!''.lto' UonililiMBUotoiulBOB..-.''



nTSJir^ brokem JL «.irS^»nrt l»?o -.cboUlc “W" "




»cii ** aoeteiu^ Sbmspenka

^lar ent tell .be trn.h


«Weaero**tM> ^altadoasnteagmuflomtiy.
, sOnlns «{ ’Tbeflter Bpangtid Banner"


of «outb Carow ibiMtlagya friend

“■***“’* ‘‘^ * ^**‘'


mfeaaar fUter's Mg choras. Wssblagion wbea they met “No Paas"


Phrsiebns tell us that all
tite blood in a healthy
human body jrasses through
the heart once in ever)' two
minutes. If this action be­
comes irregular the whole
body suffers. ^Poftr health
follow* poor blood ; Scott*
Emulrton makes the blood
pure. One reason why^

is such a great aid is because
it .passes'so quickly into
the blood. It is partly di­
gested Iteforc it enters the
stomach ; a double advan­
tage ?n this. Less work
for the sromach; quicker
and more direct benefits.


On tb* entatdns of ito crowd bands ii.vo,r of Brookln
-SB pinytai: cannon la tbe TlrglMa dured nnd rtter cbatllfiLr a few m.y bcrMUtttegl.tefro«*ehart..bWnWhere
' tahM aoMB tbe TtTrt
rtrrt aad
gpd bntteriro
batterlro ta_______
ta, menu__________
passed ^
on. “
yoe ’At ihe end of tbe-lnnrteon
On cHy^ Jolntefi the Mg guns of My Mr. Uaicer wM fromr artted the
of the beauitfol contrnu of ber
tb* moaltor Turilaa-' In the ralnie is ^lUor
1 Finley, “be |


_' msrhlet.

«Jtoiirbc"rtll-» from' the ^ a.
The eowlMtoa df iba.addtess was now^gaturday acxv"
tbs Staaal tor wtbi^orstten. dariag
wbtebMr. Boosj^ sh
_____ « to., acuut. .11
Ulto 111 ITlltoto.


a BtmsUn

« f.«t

t Inebea ull now on exbliaUaa te

“Herb." she ntd;- IS n benu-

marriedr aaked * lluJe girt.

pnto.1 a™. 1.. to OTtolic l.ui, llii. ““"T-

"No. my

StoitoMl tl.tol In Ptorti™ti. «-<

Mr. Mato M MU • into rtoi.ll..







"a^ ^ttel dm
ficturr ia iW ftorm ^

to&WTT & Bo«M

Ltotl-nito <• -toU-ni. * i«to. oC ..ton.. ..



. mmM to Mtotow. i MMt to Into.

Ctortoklp. to tor BMa.- Ml iltor.




MItotototolM. AlnM. ir

r ^tlrr itolBUi «r Bwy 8. Bor

-“"•-a'r.'Trar"’”’*’~—-----------' - ^ ^-r—



Opr Pacific masnaif m«k<-. ili<

trip regularly

mirtt'li* III liito iiwn j.riva'i-

'.cUViDi oiih au.ilBtoiy attomril i.n
prlvaif M.-i-rfUr> and hi.




mih-ap.- Ivr il- «lngl.- irip
't'h on-i.u>lochUlh. fanmnuoat .okI<1>r. .oU
niur-Il )B>-I tuBltotoiUB--! niiArflito m>->t«T-t ttorr*.
mm-m i|>ai
A l>. WH. I.-I».mi HriWy A tlorv.i. ««rl Urw
Vi' ot IU«
miiirt-, It. tt.i- wtn«uu. i.f i.uMn.-rr ! -• .-U nutto- C. Urt (hn- Ot
BOh. ItoiT A I V. MfODUi ...................... Tioffim
Oily. .r-iRdiodn
•f-onllO(V> mIh- ntototoi’..:
r..rtor«..! icUl lb-f..f.
«Si lilt, riftii iitl-- oitol ]iit.t--i
Trevi-li-r. .li-la>'-il m hbIbb a' fn-n Hrorv

U IMnuoiB oti4 I-. U-- |..11--bib»4Mirilud
iB tAi-»tlBA. Il.-il}. a i-tatiitii iw.. tuli.-v trom
EoaitMr o»l IB LHr->f Ti «fBn»
B<>m<-. •nram-ti ai iIk- ulMmcri^ti
itoti by
t} oo..
CilJi I'Uiaiy
I'toUOtj <d* lin • "
■— ------ ^


ili-rlarito. |i.‘


i-mi.l..>.-», i-ejA-l



fr.m. tin-



ilicm laiu ihi- natiini and thrusti-ni-l
ii. burn It down


SBwMiiliiii rnm^m



lanaataad Uada


----------- ----h doY if Mi

'>-■ *toM«. to-ito ar . llHlaai.

itoua Itol to to. ro-to. to to. ito Btoin«-Tto.»»B»Stollt.itol.a
lul mt tototo to to. aMtoilT. Am.

cisl i-ai for rlBhUsii full



Rtoiu to II. Ml of Iff.

et’en'one in poor health.
Sedtt’s Kmulsion does just
that. A chatige for the
better takes place even be­
fore you expect it.

«u child. ' said Mist Coaid. smiling: “sh.
was tbe goddess of wisdaai.~

TM. 1. «. to. TbI. U 11. Itototo raxtaf 1 aw.

■S.iS Jad«to«dP»rtai^


Tbe rallwoj Is.Uf-- lutn) Ua rmpM'y

JfllflllZCS pro.lus luMituUoi. smouc AincHca->

tend the eoertllntten nf tbe tJnHed'i^toe ttat. lo-lbe bert of my ability.'
- *

wwri ateiw-r"

. at &• PrvbaW Urtm. to

im-siiltBp tifflcer's

oMhe rliaoi!“T.
. J _ _


(luldfo^le .as appUudid l-V iBiib fide-


l&dHinS. nowy;
MMi akwlden. la frtbie\o prt'tcm U a PblliSlpbto eoort U F

Mf*tm«>rTatf ari- x-tdoBi

n*el l>> a n-|ni1illrau majort'y.

v4 Every

Mr. Murray If a Imchrior

Me wa-. ,|>.gn.tiwr anartm net

u> lb.- siwaker-* desk by “T*- tf.

niuIilmtllle'iBinw. The hlriup
id O'Bp’*'
a-fpiig lo



day Tor «
a *b.wt
shinr tt«.-.
<lb.-r rtaj


-t:iTi'b mkiiV
•' III the eoBulry. TIk-'ii

-his «mcs-.


whole, to r«s-.-i»v a mes.-iaj:!- from

Tb* Jnror* were aworn aad coon nd-1 nuti{en, «»mbi8 wJihln the domain of
ftak td the So-:


,I 1««,


an.v othrt.

m«« juror, art I
a md esttlo de^cr.! ti r.aiK nile. auincnUttally i


he ShtrmAc. who was acHna »-,
as. clia-rniali •f ihe rviOimltU'e <d Ih-


'pataed Hr*, Chadwick, wbo pave no, , Pres^oi 0*ear E. Murrwy of lb-

At i::SS

ic v.^
"« ln.Wmi.1 flTS.if"SE;-. . ___ _

...nd-la t^cn i .^

wbow eitibiyr of i»«iy i-.imiAr hymn*. Ihat **

the iron ‘ master iboAofcd.



rr iiir-r.'iii.i:""..::;

J,.„ h.-frvou.-attv-wn,.,.

ured fn-lhvr



Fanny J. CW»hy.


: Intlaallan that ebv was cunrcUiUK of' uamu^ A (Hilo, road i> said -(» pf}
light b»T* been »!»• I
ibl* valel a lanw’r iialary lUaii U r.-

I5?* ' " ^.!i^*^*^*^***^;**«»


Election Notice

b' “l«n the protrusIpD of a bin black .r^.iMwri Ti»»w*« twai

« ...11, «»'

eom-[tli*a to net apart Sunday, -v.

|«*rt trom thecomty Jail and shortly

^^JMhnrtb b^ 1

- -


posed „
a» rfrt,
sbe wa*
was esoorted intolota tac,w
tbe,the aeareai
Bwrow Sunday
to Ute-etghiy-flfib

pn ^Wins of

for the reacmdenL

d that reeth-ra

be In Ikne to participate la."



... .l»nln..wh poBto,
ol 11. »r.fce
H.1 m.. Ww ■" "i- '•e.'' “ !'•

CloYrtand. March e.-Hr*. Caaate L. ;f*oiUy «taie* and was e



SIIDK I. conocrood. Il la an tafult •« «~r. TbU l« la wHh tbe Mric
been ^poteted* prebendary In‘ the Crod ^
irtala —
_______ __
- ■ of
“■ luTpencbmcBt
ray* eilQip-!.of the .Anciuarv
sanctuary and
and betrava
Cbicbanter cnihedraL Tbe early sue- that abwnec ol a •
•nj baB-tm-ii mrcfullj rdmorred by the *i- lu* ,ni tn hM to ik*.
Trial Caa




amoce ipairaiBBII

'•« 8«<Jw •e^rr.l tbe laic mier. of

____ _______ «:«. n.trf, : rbadaiek vas -analsnod for trial I*-! enonnh to r


^PERE Marquette

Eiectiofi Notion
«*««.. ar*:T“?..“.“!!^
< donbtleas

fcIBrt ta'prealfcat by tbe bal-jw

- IL


Siven npecdal alteailon dorluR Ibeir lt«B»att»rtb»<»ir.'«.

^*bUmablc women have uken up
• prsettaal nenrvolT. The sis
■’tho fad of WMTlns ImlUttoo Jewelry. n,p„
aUugblor n^y
nearty « per ^
.pal aonc^ *U^«



c. L u) ay^a. ^


hm ---- ----------- -ihai IberY an- those whime pn.f.-.
*^ri^ .^^ia if '**'®*^
m.matoroth.Tdctle.i*nd.Tllo'cloc>. bich court,i..B . nt.-r.-d.
Prothe proSUW the prt^e car llnaa If.
j,,,. church of Bnsimi>oM.lbli- hour yci I mii.t bcll-vr c«Hlio--- n hi* chair. In- made a im-

_________ __

WCBTh m W.OM for mM*

It aaMnUate* tbe Food, t
iviac bealtby and natoral slec|k


Hon and wni



svj.Dt «Mea, fwwa prnaMaat


TrUaumnatr ■ HIM., iirnrmmt. bat tarn

It reOevea Tcetbhiff Troobles. cure* Cot

and FtetakaMT.



TtJa amf.h »r.«h IC..r

cure* Dlairbdca aad Wind


Supper-! Darld and Abl*all. nr. Meldcn sbjj:
buiuir. -|»r»ctteal rollirtoB and pracUcai CSni>j,,..
anav r.

|Ia controlled by the Sr»* of^Arwr.jij^

MMn aa*y.
S'*. «.>-«a41c*iafy eoaeert

TrUB kmir. Tr«.. iw Oty lur Vvtmrt tp


her N'areoUc
It destro}* 1^■o^

Ita ac« U lU |Tua

S. E. Wait & Sonsimil Jolmson Dnii Co.

. the Kaltonal Paektes coapw. wbicii,


It Is Pleasant.

eootnUu neHber O^om, Ha


■ j bnad. two qaarts of beer.
• 1 i»f^ “ the aliased _p6ea tnm- Pre- j
, pared by Oow^arioaar^ Oarpur*.!
• Uaae OaiSaM.

. i.iir.rt.<mihT.»r|d.a.n*L
Trh.rxh. nil rovMIlwrtVfd
Un «llk rah111 (..CrdwArr .d'lO km.


^Beairtliaaigiiathn; df

•! Hooaevdt today aeat to o

I JJ!-


nm b«fe

and CUldreo-BxnerleDee aenhut ExpcfioMOb

• plaea at • e'eteck, optsod by >>iwBtd«ai

W wb«a bona*. Wnirtad

. •

Eiqicrlmmt* that trifle wfUi and cmlaDcer tbe bealtb oT


• I eUI aroU tn Waablngtoa, will take
• ! t»d Mr*. Hopaetolt.

L^tTriad PliiiMH witw.

bfa iw*-

All Counterfeita, ImiMrtloas mtti ** Jaft-a».^noA

"SitUnc bx Mt WUtCa Bed”
wittn r. G. HaBU,y;or<taUud€ik IiuU “1 rMd aboat
Dr. Eag-a »•» DliiooTaiT. Sba had (rat a MiMfal
ohiante aoa^ whidi thiaadoetara Ihllad
-----------u lAlara.
dftar ukUg two hotttaa aka waa pa dyaared,aad
ta«ip aha la araU aad atraac.’’


' ■ iJtiiiiM- Tt ■«Tp4 •• —*»

---------- nn«l Whwin Modo

Mnal aapm-lsfam nlnce Ita tnfiuwr.

* .or. tbe i»ll«i pfoter^.m had been «

• lt%!S!-Pw»ideni rn» «o- Vtbor^bly s,«c»a.U.-d ibal i
•; anple.
* one Uase of |
tAjOWWd ^e die nod adnilaliTbe Hty Itsrtf
lewd the «nUb of o«oe to rloe-e looter from end to «td. BnitUa* and

r.mia» fj-4WdBT <-wr..crtafwninwat

UB« for over 30 Tatrs, bns borne tbe ntewUnre of

Ftt CMsnnioi,coMis ud gous

Tho panuh> was ibo craed.-sl errr




T took tbclr oath of




0 to rov Ute tku tiM «rlak, 00M1B6
pMMWOBto MnA DMUh. Save yoanolf from tbaae
awftal rosQlta of CobkIib and Colds, by takinff




VnMIOK oSoer



i- -STSSt-

eSS--sAr?2i^‘i£3; £sSfd*'rn

.to'aiBv. uiA aeiK nav nr A»m.


i ■
wrtUMi «•« iMforv. t aa Dot to Mhool
' to«« D« I «■ Mot foDllw «ML 9*Mj' iaa iDtan It ■ hard Matter <»r aw.
‘l an ta tbo^Urd arade at aebooL.’ I
{bare chrw bmbcri aad ooe atatrr. 1
iailk mm earn aad tota tbe creaai wp>»rator althi «ad atoralaa aad talag
ehuM rtgkt woog UwMtm
I la wood. nMWr BCBd ac a card aad
UiTK dp to th« SnoblDe nitM. W« vH btttoa. I bopa to BM tbia la prtat. t
t»wr men to toll . »UM tkto afff
an % rw'ti*. Oood brA
brueii • Util* toWf.
WaWw ;

1 «Mi tiruum


Tba Oraad Ikarana H«c«U Too|| .
Klnli*. Midi. iaa. u, 1M6.
fWki SaedOaa chib. wWeb bov baa | Dwr un. Bate*—t tkoasbi I woaU
ud !■ vrlt* a few Uaca aad tdt yna the
J wULIry Mkt
the larcaai roaag Baikt AsMbtae da^ aewa. We are «Dioc to aioee away
Mtf hM M
M« «
la the world, hat )aat melred aa adA-, from EUalia la ihe aiiriaia Papa
tioa la a Uat af elgblydoor awMbart cane bon- tsaisht. The otbw aKht
Ml t»r*^ •• «•
froat anoM t>>e padtt et the Roapa naoima weal «ai tar a.alei^rUe. I
lliiln IWiWb I »<« *Tiy, tfy
Vaa*T ladiaa aohed aad reoefratM aa icoiac to whool etery day. I hare
la Boopa. Callforata. Jaator aad aaakir ataaed oely «m day aad that waa oh
braaeh aacMttaa wlU be torawd amai ^ a day that f was HI. ky father hat
the.papOa. aad the uachera are ee- gM . pah- of tkit aad ao hare 1.
_ ap‘he work with MUer U geiUB* long, eo pjod-bye.
tho ladiaa boyt and glrta. Tbe Herald
Age U.
Owar B. York.
VQlk* Seaihlae . ctab, wbMA
Elnira. Uleb.. Jaa. St. IMS.
Biartei la a anall way about Are yaara

am going to
ago. baa apread until It bow
„ naay dlatnat r-al't a'
* •*
w* hoar
being • reeoMed la WMblag-; that you are akfc and hope you will be
Orwn ^California, and aa (hr,MMter eon. I waaoai toGoyne FhlU
•oulh aa Oeorgla aad Florida. Wher ^
m faUw laat Satorday aad.
erar thero are an}ugh nenber* In oae,l»< • ««>J
IAm M. I. e. satM.
plaee to nahe it prnctleaMe. bianeh'a p*I^ ^
KKleUt* are (Omed. atwh aodeUe*
Ollucr Tort,
bolag ireqaent mdoag the poplin the
„ ,,^5
ry aebool* of the Grand Trarerae
un. Baiaa^l will write aad
region. Lanreanrt aaceeMfol ao^lea
are bow dolag good work at St. ianoa,
toalght aad I an
Bearer iaiand. aader the leaderMlp of 1
Util# hwber u^ oonneac'
liU. M cane Of Northpon. wbo M,
T there, aad at
, «e aang a lew aotaa om of tune;
Ktag^. where the entire charge cT. ^ .
boar wa* roady to break.
Bay Yoriu
Me worit ha* been anddnakea by the.
Eadlabe bid away non tbe awen.
: Clay Center. Kaa.. E. F. O. 7. Jan.
'' Sbe wrang her dawa. poor tfilbst
la'ecnaeeilan with the braaeh Just < Dear Mr*. Bales—1'em a ttranger_to ’
Bet wa* far toe proud to weep. /
yoo, bm papa uko* the Herald aad I.
mt MCtod b«r bead ander ber wlag.
goes* you will reel friendly toward*,
. Alid peaaaoAM'to be aoteep.
a» of tbe little folks. My sister Tina
aad 1 want to Join the Baashinf einh.
I with ytln wosld aoad two buttoas.
OB* for aider Tina aad one for ne. i
bare Arc ridan. some older and tone
■ .younger tbap nA and one brother.
m iWegoiaaebooiaadwebarelSachol‘fl
B !«»• MX lootber ha. a dor UUa
■ igroyhotfad. BitxhN and bl* dog'
ip>rniM1MBni~-rr^ a 4oe#->
H icaftgbt IS raMbis one day la-30 aria' ^aWhtlMMjL wlm^ Me met • I H
■ iniea. Brother wa bit dag can raa

■ lukk U» WW. V. .11 kmn » mr
'-'9 ',VWbah**eM|WhSDoaaT
W .rtaddaga Cbrfatnas ere^aad they
A^Sr awar frwi "^ «‘gM,
were sUl Mi Ohritiahaa noialar Wc
eawiMMlIhto fowl!
gw Are doll* with other thiaga. Well.
Aood^ve. Mrs Bates, dont forget
lOyUhareUMaaawlT •
aboot the two bwiona pyon,
Age E
Baby TonpUaa.




■SK Jordan, Mlcb, iaa. S3.
Dwr Mrs. Bua»-^ thanght I wouM

■ do their ben—


b.::___ :

■ tapQgmd (nm iha Hoops reaomUoa..brotlmr aad alauv who want me toj
Saperiateadent Frank Kyaolka. a foe I write aad tall yon that' they want to
' mer Tfarane City Bey. writos;
join. too. Their name* are Mary and
**Hoopa Valley School and Ageacy. John. John U eleren and In the *
-Roopa. CnL..Feb n. 'lMfl.
oath grads Mary la thlnaen and la
-I oaclOM herwritb a- Hit of'the tbe eighth grade. I an ten aad in the
paMM of tho Boopa Vallay ladiaa !irth grade. VBi yoo be *0 kind a* to
tthSAag Kbool who desire to Join tha sewl n* a card and button aptee*. t
a T. F. BanMlae dab. Tbe rales aafl < beard yoo were atelc and war aortT to
MMAMa* wma caiaNBy aapiataed. haar to. I bare tbiao brotber* and i
partfealarly ta the yowagM onea. All throe alaters. I go to eebod every
were gtrm (lae ehotea aad thwe was ‘ day aad eo don John, but Mother ha*
•aaniagattadlrM«la.-sltkeughlsa been tidt and ao Mary has to stay
talk oa lAeoIah birthday I showed, home aad do the work. My teacher
that Uaeoln bellnwd la ait the ' was stefc Mat week and to 1 only went
of tbe ISanshlae dob aad told to aebool Monday. It la to thla week.;
that If be srare pree- Well. I «aee* I wUi bare to eloae.
. eat be would be glad that ao many
LydU Hayden.
Neasen Cliy. Mlcb. Jaa. 16. IM?.

that boya seem to detltfU la. and
•ttod erery day. My teacher’s nami
thmMBretheydMpotwIahtoJola. I,
u Mia* TbtnpaoB. 1 am la the (onnb
hope we Wiu be able to get some of
hare got a IliHc black calf;
la Dandy. We have got three
eats aadi a dog. The dog’s aaam U

My auMltes are reading, arith-'
AMsm ■««« Sndih. Bla SmIGi. »•,
. physiol,
''■etie. gmsaiarr

ogy sad apeUiag. B’e are eeren ta
oar flsMly gdag to school, live boy*
There ate aUtywlt
- scholars -la oue aebool today. Our
Darisangmanpum. Harvey Harris.
name to Mm. beual* O-BHea.
> go to
We have only hah a

Trtvem CH.v. R. F. D. t. Jan. 30. IflO:.
Dear Mrs. Rates—As I have never
tta lioraM. 1 thooghi I>
writitti \» tho
would uvH* yoo a few lines I heard
that yon were alck. but b<me you are'
bctl<* now. I am a little girl eeven
yoara old. i have one alsier; her naam
U Dora: and two brotbera. GaytorC
and C,
bare been gdng to aebool .

■ *—BMua
Wtebes Jtw op on the cutter.and a mile and a half (o go to adwol.
•aj- more (or a tong Him
Mb. — ■ ■
w .1
'isoo* ou^rid^g. Laat sammer we bad cannot go aajnaa 1
tma wraait immuoa. Wl- —
a^Bed aad patated aadmy because 1 burned my aakic obe day
Bam wnilar
bouse fld
^ Bteim
*“*'•' *“***“ *
»d U 1* very sore.
^ **“'•
in «« *« *tep on my fow. I would like to
Wteben and uiwtalr* and In tfie auMs JdB tbe SuMhlae dub, to please aeml
VKM wma, »ae Jacuon. pj^ «*d me a eanl and button. I me a card and buttoo.' My i*
HW7 Loos
hope to see this in prinL
botphig me write this letter. I goes*
Mack. Flora Maple., LacMda Maateu. '
1 rewmln. your UtUe friwndr
- I wDI done for this time.
Gladys MaUUoa. Bla MeClettoa.
Bo^ M. Deaoyer. i Your Btila friend.
: Myrtle MoKmI. Jtan Moiiom Kaalee
23. IMS.:
Ina Davto.

ifcrieks. Jeoalc Wilder.

Write a lew imev to yon ud tdl you
ib.11 „

Made city. Mlcb.. Jan. Mih. IMS!
•D.tcw-l am seated to

ThaloilowlimtakMilom iheBvBa1 go to sdiool erery day. <>«■ ,ci jn a ham Hme I » to school cverv
t »•
to Mtoa Rose. I hkr day.
«« BMwrfl ^Wt Aatarday. idU *«*«■■’«
We have lou d fun at sekod.
*" xoo ehd I wm do the bm l
MIVB vary glad to wdeome these ^ '** have tm pig. two brnnea.
broUmrr. • Tbeir
dghtymx Mdtoa boy, aad girt* of the ^re. ew4. one aheep and4h»e ms
Ctormcv^J MkMr wank, and are *ur« they wUI help
*"*■ » my teacher: Me to very Mpd to mv.
uvaaybofly. aad evcrrthlaf around
We will hope for Mill cowtry. - nease send ne a card apd
Voura truly.

greaimany 'Suaablne icueia. bw 3 bnvo Mver^

Age u.


My papa Ir hauling iog*

KeHto A. Lowto.

Tbr DW day be maraed alib hh rtilefi aad dcelar>.d kin '
aetr artlUDf le be ai pcDM vltb tbo BacUab aa toDf as ibay in**-.
•« hlai v1ili.i*ap.-M and 4<ft.iaDti. Tbe abn*rd rbIHulB «a» •
aatek to HO tkai ti -vaa.for hU (Bt«>Ta*t lo mad be ibe cap
aarrlba party. a«b aboai be capCrtad lo tfre oo ib* apne M»d
ly tema of CMMMkouMp a* bc.bad aUb tba freacb.
Par aerecal dreary, raloy day* tbe I
^X*np. aad ft vaa abaeat tbe nlddie of the nmih before they
raaebed tbr moaU of tbe Deuau rlrer. Here tb«f Imracd iha*
tbe Detnli ladiaa* were ail ta arau asataat theat. aad that foir
buedred «any>re were la aatboah. ready to attach iben wbm*
ibey tiw4)d pmeed ap tba rtrer. Bot PoMlae wa* tbetr MeBd. aad they were left to eoaUaae tbetr way aaiaoleeted. ,
A ticatciMUM. wa* aewt before in Detndi to taterriev Cap- .
iala Beietre wbd wa* la eotamaaO tbere. aad tell bin ibai ciaaaOa b»d aarmidered to tbe Ba«U«b. Tbe captala reeoirert ih>
new* wlib 'grtidi ancer. aad declared that be obooM reel*! tbein
- to tbe laai. ^Ile be eadearoml to aran«- the (ary. of ibe tcdlMi*
agaiact tbe hewouBwte.
Major Hccctk ihrri cent another aWateager with a copy of
Ibe eapittilstloa and a letu-r (run ibe Fre
cbler. directing that the place fltonU be gtren np. aad BeMre
wa* conipetied to yield, whirh he did with a rciy ill grace.
It was with cad. hearts (bat the Fn-arb coMlm pmpaiTd
to leave tbrir poet. Scab the proreMloo of boot* loaded With
red «^wly otaailft np tbe rieer.
bciweca the white (am bouM- of ihc Fo'iieb la the midst oAihC!'
gaaricn* aad onbards that lined tLc chore rtn cither cldc. whOe
i the caH> aide nnd on tbe other woci also (ante ladinn v«lagea. Above all. (rom the lop of the (ort. the PiMCh Ana wa .
flying, eoon ‘o 1*1.1. and never ucala 00 ifae^ western shoirc to l>e

FniilliSiiiB HfalatT






TTijiliBU?. •wm_A-TgyrB—.^T
Fttr ceaturlM the Eocllah mad tbe rreaeb had beea riraB
aad eacBloa. So here la the taean of tbe aew worlds wuidmaM
aaot aeeda be earried on the laaloiier and atnutalc for rolr b>
taa acraae tbe^Haaiie ao lang a^
Tear after year ibe Freacb eatpoMi adraBu<d lo ibr aosib.
aad year by year tbe Gofnah peaetraied tbe forcaia lo tbe west­
ward. Boat tbe Atlaatk coaat aettlaaeata. Tbe sreai rtA eoaatry lying aMg tbe (Miio ri«|r aad lu C
eery aitraetire to tbe dweller* by tbe St. Lawrence, boned la
aaow aad-tee for faatf the year, and to tbe New Englandcri
tbeir bleak coaai*. aad the edoniau all akwg tbr ambaafd;
loekod with longlBC eyea upon it too.
- So eantlng'down from tho north, tbe French began lo balld
Iboir fort* hero aad there lo tbe wfldemea* of wodda. aad fran
the eaH tbe BngHM aettlendota came creeping in. Oil the anokc.
from burning tallowa in nahy-A Uule rieviag rate blue in tb.>
Bunner air aU ahng tbe Mohawk, t^d in aad out antoag ibo
AlleglMy moontalaa.
There waa a eollislon conlag scion, and it was to be proved
by force of sms vbethor (be goMce
lilies oir France
^ toreted Ma^~'
MB eroas of Sr. George
la tbe spring of 1763 newt was brongfat to the BagIM crCoalet that tbe Freaeb bad cnisBCd Lake Me, and were pnabing
toward the headwaAn of tbe Qhl& Ooretaor (Bawkldic of \nfglaU dddded that this adranec n«w be atopped before It bad
gone any fanber. ABor awsldcring the matter, he dciemlned
to acad a mecaage to then aad demand tbeir removal from me
terttory which be claimed betenged to wny*—
Loohjng about amoag hU eommaad. be at lengOi selectM
as bla meaacager a brave young follow abourtwcBiyonc year*
old. mio. yoBBg as'he wa*. was already an adjutant general u
the VleghUa miihia.
By this time tbe cummer had passed and the winter wa*
aear ai band. WUb one eompankm. tbe young edfleer croatod
d the valley of the Ohki. and gbiag op
the AlleMeny. on the fourth of December arrived at an Indian
town called Vaa^ago. Here an Bagllsb trader bad loeaied. bat
bad betm aommarily tuTMd oat by ibe Frrwcb, and tram the 'root
of bto log caMn whIM stood mawng the indUo wigwam* and
flo(U(c* of bark, the French flag was flyiag.
Tho French Aoldlers roecivod tbe young amhnaaador very
klndiy. aad sent bin da to a fo.-t *(111 fanber up the rtrer. Her;
be found 81. Pierre, an dderiy oIBcer wlib a stately atad com­
manding amauer. to whom ho delivimd tho message ef Oorernor
Dlnwfddk. ^ Pierre told him he would forward the message to
the goveraoi gtmeral at Canada. Meanwhile he would bold pussosaloit uf the eubnir>' againsi all who might dvatan^ It. B’lih
..this spswer the messriiger wa* forewd to leave the Freaeb comambder. and take his way hack to Venango. Then with hi* eompankM be left the river and sirbcfc loto tbe iraMless woods.
That was a long and perilobt Journey, indeed. Tbe atralgbt.
-Htabed. ttalwart young man with his flne face and clear, ateadtast eyes, looked oddly, clad In a halMadl^caatume with fringed
leathern legging* and moccasined feet ariic wound 1n and nut
(be traclJtt* forest. At algbi be elept with fraten ckMbee on a
bed 'ot btmlock boughs: by day be kept anxious watch as lie
went. foTrfoo* is ambusb. and. in (aci. wa* once flrod npcm by
a growU« aavage: he was eompelled lo stay on an Island U the
Altegbeny until the river was fKsen oror: agnla through the
forust. ranching the Potomac, and owing back at laat. to tell the
■ovuruor of hto fniiilcaa Jooraei, TYic name at tbit gallant yoang
Virginian waa George Washington.
In 17SS, war between the rival naUons brake onl. and be­
fore It closed It bad spread over Burape a* well a* Amertea,
being wbat to known in l)totoiy as tbe famous Beren Tpart’ War.
Through varyliic fortunes the tide of battle rase and fell
la America during the next foor year*, lo Septonber, m». ih“
engilpb under General Wolfe otptnred Quebec, and In Septem­
ber lldO. Canada and all Its depenfleariet wm surrendered to
the BrIUsh crawo.
Far removed from' (be Canadian capital were tbe XronUer
posts of Detroit and Mlchllllmaritinae. Borne one muat goto take
possesskm. It was not an eosy task nor a safe one. AH the wild
country ibai lay hctwcon then and the English was flllcd with
flerco Indians. BUrrod up by these wars between tbeir French
allies and tbe Bngttob. they bardly knew where lo place their
alcglanee. but were b^nnlag to think ikM whoever prerM^ed.
they were the one* who woold anfler..

Among ibc mlUtary leaders to, tbe war Jut dosing was
Msjoi Robert Rogers of New Hampshire, who was in eommand
of a company kaoup a* Rogers' Banger*. They were a bravo
. oompaay. a IIUlc wild aad reckleas. perhapa. who fonMt quite
a* mack in tbe in^ fashion a* in any other, going armed with
buebet. knife, and .gun. and following an Indian imit qithe as
stcahhB'r a* the savage* tbcmsclvw.' Tbetr doeds of daring In
tbe late war bad nude them ramoii* all over Xmerlca. and ail
felt n lo be a wise cboice bben they were ordervd to take poa' iirSBloB of the forts In Mtohigan for^BnaUuil and tbe king.

It was on the twelfth day or Septemtx r. 17C0. when Rogeri
and.two taundr^ rangers tinbarkod at Montreal to Bftecs whale­
boat*. The weather wu stormy and it was the flnt uf Oeiob«v
before ibey had crossed Lake Ontario and raaebed Fon Niagara
at Ha wtblern uxtramiiy. Here they made s portage around the
tails, aad soon after eneamped at Presqu' l*fi- on the soatbern
shore of Lake Eric, while Major Roger* went to Fcri Flu at the
Janeiion of (he Alleghany and MoDoogahela riiers wnh di*
So It wa* under gray autumn skies and through Mill da>N
of raia that tlhey skirted the sbortw of Lake Erlr. gray. too. wlik
leafltws fore»U. till on ibc seventh day of November they reaMed
tbe monib of a iiIHe river and there made camp Hll ibe weather
eboMd be mora favorable.
It was not long after they had anitbod making camp, a
party of Indian chief* nnd warrior* were seen approaching. The
majtw advanced to fteei them, and they announced t1
an vtabanay (Ttmi Pootine. a great Indian chid who lived in MlcbIgna. nnd wboae influence eatended over all the tribes as far a*
In bis name iber demanded that the BagItoh abouM go-no fanber unt il be ha<l neon ibcm^
Before tbe day ckwed be appeared with mmb ravage pomp
and haashiily demalMM of Rogers wbafbnstoe** be had to tbs:
COUBUT. Rogers told him that the French sere defeated and
that be was ott bto wv to take poaacasioa of DcuMl He also
told bim ibat be deairad peace with tbe ladiaa* as writ as will
the white mra. Pnotiae Beu-opd aiieatively and for answer only
said: that be ahouU stand in the path of ihd tegtish onili n



n.«;. .0 Ik.
fbore on the
**"’ Rr"R*’*»-E£I!L.^niiiBht
ice aide ot the river, and there itov landed and made Qw-lr'
ramp. A amall company with two oMeers went acnm* 10 ibe
(ore and at tbeir command tbe French aoMlera flied out and toU-',
^wa their ama. Tbe flag which bor* the UUes of Fraace wpa
lowercfl (rom ll» suif. aiht-*towl> fluttered to the ground. Above
Yt triumphamily nwe the flag vHh the crimaon eroas and a* U>e
wind abook It from iu fold* and spread it oui agabmt tbe may
autumn tmckground like a flame of Arc. tbo skrtU skouts of htmdred* of Indian* renti tbe air.
aU Tbe power Of Ftaoec had departed
forever from Oeiroi't aad Bagland relgsed In her place.
Major Roger* with a**aukU pa«r watted for %
Inac. but Lake Huron was rough wKh wind and storm, aad be
yrfHi turned back. MIcbmimaeJciaac. Bauli Ste. Mailc. aad St. Jo­
seph kept ihelr French garrlaoa tfll the foUowlag aprtag. when
Ihcy. too. were occupied by tbe BritUb troop*, and ibt toBaneai
'of Mlcblgaa-ws* complete.
(To be CoaUausd.)

The flirpngirt Bey.
Cheyenne baa ibe strangeri boy la
:,he world.
This pbraleul prodigy to Koah
YeuBg. Jr . the son m Noih Young,
State Coal Mine laspestor of Wyomtng. and all who hare seen bto mar-

the arork keepr the men folk* b«mr
latoM nlgbt.
«B «l»* •• «»«?
«•«* •
elau In tho BonAny sehonl. aarve al
the tabic at the lAdiaa' AM I
or make a cake tar <|he pkmte. that
will melt la roar mouBi.—Farm Joar

neuaed bto f^i* of airength are as-

'^l^it vwrutlf.
cdlio and puUtoher oMS
Noth Young. Jf.. can raise a aeven.
* ertaln cdliur
tyflvc pound dnmbboU thlrtdeu Hm«
“• rmploye, that.ou^^ the ■
tot one miBPie. nnd a hundrad pound cAecHve 1ei*oM^he*ur«TT^gw|W.^^..
bea four tlmea a mlnute..feau whlM
’®"t word*.
Mr u> eipMla to
1 by any man ln;“>«>4 hto 1
r a eiviaJb mtfaA.
* him the mi
repitod: -rraiA.
And Noah Vooni
A gr«at •MW
teen yeara.old.
, people ta dm world might be bOMAM
Be to s modeM.
tbe fact that hy a like Erm bat kindly atUttsdo M
man, which aoconn
ry ubUlty I* not mor*
0* «*-»r
which wMiM
Widely kbown.
moan whiug loss than: Do ttfouy
Tbe bey was borti to Gtoaraek. acif.
WyomWg,'and to the son of Noah
Young, gt one Hme foreman of tbe
For WIhCot Evabtagn.
QMaroM coal mines. The tttber to
To make popcorn balto: Take aa*
d tbe straagest man la Wyo- tcaeapfal of sngar. a
at water, butter tbo alsa of a wnMIf
rnmg. and teveral yoati ago a
op tbe stage with Charles MItekell of boH untfl br«U*. Whba eoifl, ggav
Tbe boy. oonslderbd by bto over the corn, sUrrlag brtokiy. WBm
taUer at the Hme aa the weakllag of aaftdeaUy cooL form Into halfi tba
the famUy.. began t^lng sU yean dealred else,
ago. and siaes tbed has taken three
complete bourses da physical cnltor*.
SiirplM or Ftofsim
He to regular In hto hours of sleep.


mr. a day tor • period of six
do- *
:yeara ta
la purfccUng
purfccUng bto
Tbday tbe mitaetos of bto arm
I ore Just oMWUtcr of aa laeh leas
I than those of James J. Jeffries, the
; ehamphm heavyweight pugllln of the
' world. Tbe b^ 1* also an expert box­
er and peertes* bag poneber. He
i frankly admit* that It to bto ambitiob
^ to bMome tbe strongeot man in the
worid. and today perform* ream which
) be implicated by few alUctes of
the world.—Chicago Inter Ocean.

laq> no older than yw

Har Ambttio«i;
Teacher—NtHUe. Tm ^ralfl yw
didn't mndy your looson.
yoo do wlthosi as e
gi^,^ npT"
NcUo (aged *)—-Ob', hi be a
er and make tbe other gli4i oudy.-—
Chicago New*.

* Things RrigM Farmer Oirto Can Oe. “
Farmer Vtoeeat aaya. he bu kept »•
bbfl let who wOl
: watch and to aw« that all the bright
ifarmer girl* be know* can do'ttaeee Oo uoMe tklngt. aM dream tb«i aU
They eta sweep a room rieaa aad And thu make Ule,^aadi aad that
Uke the dust up on a pan wiiboot
senucring more than they had in the 0»* *««<• •*«* «»«•
Arm place.
He once knew a tanner girt who bad
a way of sweeping dast and other Chwreq Bei Rtog* After «D Toara,
thing* behind the door. He doe* not
The bell i the tnodern ekorch of
say the wa* not bright: but yoo caa Uanderaud. to Monmootbshlre — a
draW your own coneiurion. a* to what March bofH about 6ti yean ago—ka* a '
bc'thlnk* about that. She never made cortoa* hl«ory. Tbe praaent buHdtog
a good farmer * alfe. anyway
wa* er«-t<-d on ibe aitr of a p
And tbea. brigbi farmer girl* ean matltm rhorcb. had whllei tbe builfllBg
mu a baiM of bread and not have «as to hand a loeal farmer offered to
more flour tm the ebrif than ibej do In give an old to II wbirb was la one of
tbe pan. ■
' hto barns.
The offer was gtodty fleTbey caa sew b«nm« on 10 Jack's ccpicd. and the- ben torned oot to be
trottsers when be break* down, and the oritdnai owe tram oM fJsadovasd.
laugh while they do l<
which, after some 360 year*’ ailcnce.
can slip oF their aprook when rmee mora call* tbr people to Much.
CMpany como*. and nuki- everybody
— - ,
fttol cpmfonabie and at home to tbe Pf ‘be i:.7u3 newspapera primed to
partw. by tbeir brigbi way* and •!»' Germany T, per emt are to other toto ’
■htoy facet.
They can mend- ibe hoiea to' tbe
Neither frags nor make* live ki
Mgs or dara ibc bole* In (be Alaska, bnt toa^ an- (rcqwmtlr to be
nanUy a* a pt"
met with.
They ran take wbsi rnrte Dtek
The general depth of the Klagin
mtu “the poor .man* boruc,- the cane,
to«e brink of tbe tans to flour:
; sad maratonway af|er the oowa; irbaii feet.




MA TMUHWAV. HAaCN % !>■...


UGiippe is ^Mcnte Catan«
OM and ooe-kair iBcbea (hiek.I
. trim off tk«.«nnta. mooh o«t the Id- |
IB the beuttfnt eoeM U "Wlater'eiaUe. ]«sTlni a waU about «se4DBrili|
;Tai«,r ^rUs the -Grare and tooi ot
(adt thkh: bn^ cmereMirj
ihlaka Hermhme baa plared ImH# and oot with aofl bmter. and i
)|ODC caoDffb
offb at betac a atatw. abe •« ow enoatadee to a hot orea «atil ^
jnra. “Tta tlmebiovaed. FUl tha^ ffskdUr,
Th« to the iOT oTpvltb the hot on^ and acrre at;
U coocented, Bef
l^edeata) tad beeotoH a mere womaa., SeaOoped Tnnlp»-^>eri aad slieei
I There are timea to the Uvea at moat, the taralpa, aad oook them fa bofltog j
iaromiea «beo aac^ an ineUaUan->9rjmOtad water aaUl nsarlr done, then;
eommaml weald be littlas. Padaatala | draia thoctwcblr. «ad ptooe them to
kxdr lather Impteaafve. and moat oC tm; mrera to a bettered paddlnf diab.,
like to manat
mmat them once
oooe to a whlle.ji
while.; eprhaotof caeb torer with bread
iaad poae as eome aort o( eoperior he-;« ............................... and UUIeniiu at '
ins. We'rerel to the tbon^t o< bow , hotter taome ttoclr aitoeed meat to on
I Ob .wondcrtoff wertd must be inspired lavrpeemenO: poor oirek somcleBt

Y«Mt fenbata the food.


^ ' Ro^ Baking Powder saves heeitk

mat and tbr pa^sr, the ■


«. IT__

^ Saves Health



ABd tte wM-.T<n kaaW It 1k« M- *1 «W W ttt*

d »7 the bosj- to."
I to «e OB. a

■elrce as to th« edtoaer «( Bsma to
Hssor toffrippeerlu stosesBeetot
llen.JamaiB.Oaui Uoneedheel^
-ad Omaha,
Xeh. He hM dsns mnrii to m^ It
It U,
1 eerrtppnn pahUe bwi«s a
rrodUmas. aeradoems Penma

po*u. niKfl.e p<nrw* ee . <
e to the dtoh to which It was
' this 'Ucber plsae" where •
• baked. adontto«.ft with a dean white
monplaee. or .eommon eease frtood, imtoin ptoned n^r atemt tt.
ioaitt to say. -Tto time deacendr; Omne and Turnip' SeaUapB—PUl
Tbem'ls no rent soperioritr whidi saafl cape itaree^oorths tuU with
■ Itstir from the.throbbtoc atody seaaoned minced came, fln to
;nre abont as. and the mtoatf we as- the top with mashed tanips. spread
saae the air or **l am holtor than the tofw wUb buttered cramba. and '
thou." no matter bow craetoulr nad' teke natlPntoeir browned. B^. min-


-■•>'■ -

•, • Mtt,

aATn. wmmm

mm HAML nATO. •monsn •

m ■



“I am • yeete old, am hale and bwrfy
and JWraaa hu helped me attato It.
Twa years ago I bad U pripps m.v Ufa
J. R.OailL
Mr.«ltosli.l4Knia. wha nsMw nl
m I strset, X. W., WsAUftmi, lA C..
hu the bmtar ad batog third engtoh m
Abraham Uaeein. Hearrimet
“I had Uffrtppstve tlmsa helm* anlai: yanr medtaiu. Psnr ywm sea I
begsa the nseof Pmaaa. slnta yhtoh
Ume 1 bare aM tWtrenbiid Witt that

/W r-yjl


Clip eamM Ip CnUrrtL
Ko rm An


in] an mr'MT^snver lA
-»» *• thtm falthtol OTto

*:saiT tor anrone to Uke pains to as-,.0Dlns to taste; fonn Into era
................... ..... — -------------hto atrlTal at a Mfher plane «*
of' roii
rot! in
to nrcao
bread entmpa.
ennpa. nno
and try
try to
to a
a nice;
tttuto authtoff better It alwmn makes : aert "•
it wmae heeanae k to harmful to the
W no meat to at band, equal,
will know It Wlthont 1 .pmnil.le. of masbed m«»toe.

inlpA nicely efns6aed.wlU do.
a onnu you to eope wita ine trap-, i»
t___ «...
Imitatloa Pumpklu Pie—Two enplU and heep sUH albai it. but U Ith^fei, of mashed turnips, t
we briat

™ '

.> ■«s=:=-~==-ir™sS"“^^

M eve(.*'-Jeait OewgUl.

ugeiher, and bake In a.
Tbe taraipa to use In pies nr cakoti

m I. anaw u* . I

Miss Alice BleUte, Treesnrer Tennp
Womeo's ” riy of- t^
tre or six yearn s(^> I had a Cbureh, Mcoasha. Wto.,-^test.
••I pralcfully '
wv sevmespeU.J prip which lefi
wi.h systemic catarrh,
Peruns did me sfter 1 bad been
“A fricndmlTtoedmetotryjroorPe- sMwliliUsrippewlilct) left me
tens, which I did. ami wa.imniedtele1y
bcDcAicd and Hirad. Tlie ^lilid bottle nrttbcatorrhsl trouble of the h«^ sad
' lod the care.”—U. J. Ooss.
“My motheesnArested that I tthe It
to boiu up my strenatfa sad rid myself
Jadee Horatio J..O«ae, aartwoll,Oa,

wtlh au t


eaanowdou matt work at my
dtekutevcreenMUrnyUti-. 1 hnva
gstoed mue ttnn Mn pmwtt to
wriffht.«-«.S. Uaealn.
PdTMdM ■[« teM U Bl^ »M
rnmmt the Mgig BvMim.
Mtoi Alice M. Drmator.auX.llryanl
ive, Mlnnespmi*. Mton., wrltas]


miirr-eifceu regained ttaongh -the
summer and eomahaw 1 dM net gel
struagu I
t^luormyeellece fHsadi who was
TtoitlBgmeaaUdnmwyPqvtumaad I
did BO and leand u aU and Mve than d
- “JtBoiantjcnridairaftd^ anlanb
bat rasterad m» to peitost httl^ nad
ap the anUi* syslidn^-Alk* U. *
AddreesDr.fl.B I
of The Hartman dsa

seled wUh wuudrrfttl speed.
vUhtbcAnl y Ktoek Oo. fflic write*
*■1 wu side to resume my work
side of two months and I am to splead#
*‘Darinft the put winter of WI. I health naw.^-Allee Btelkt.
suffcrrdtorseverslweeksfrem a
One reason why Peruas
perinanestiifetnao many boue* is
tiistit .eaotaiU.Bo aareotie of any
‘•eome one mjEgested peraas. As a kio't. Peraas top
be turd uy lenglh of time
^ rcsof^ sfier wuUng m'och Ume without ee^iriqg a dras habit.

I to *row pray capfuls of milk and a lltUe sale. Mix
w her attempU to serve n variety of all weU totteiher. uxt bake in one
tetabtee, wtib notblnx to tall back crust io a barnven.
I. butTurnip
Puddin*—One plot of
. looktoc hUL Hew hlgi and rangh and terad or wito view. < sbbape. bodied |
mashed turatpe. one qusr. of rich
atem> It looked, and bow we feared It.
of sail, two
. of fitoper. one lenspoonlanunt ihre* veil healen


rlhestfaecnto. Aeltseaw hideews
,‘fftoatwtihawMffrtohad damhed ns
• in lu total clasp.
Mw»»*oaMa.ebttdfeB. whole towns
and vlUvs esmpfet to the bawfat prtp
of a tern Ue mender.
■ave yoe thr grip? Or. raUMt, bss
thefripffot 7«ot It se, mad the tollewtot truer*.

results.—it cure*.

of water i thing that will prevent ynar ever hav' tog this trouble agato. I call It the.

It to Mid that tone* the *

«*»* deUeale by turalng off the water ,1^
done and nicely toowned. place »k™
Hatel wu slidag np 1a surprise. ' the MhaCactnre and todpmcnt'to hniwhat they are half done, and fiuittlne

toil Ibis !■ Iiaib
* nnd cra«y and daageraw.
' action, nad to thercloraeapectoHyap- ths ,^m* I» ™te«i .ritk .nrt —ter ***
•?»«««>* «»«•
-Oo Stand by the Horn- besan Mtoa ■ ter from Siberia haa baaa pratokaHy .
flo ii to with many orWa perplex,
>«- ,pramlaie
to serve with couceaUntedi— _____ .' torever them and agood aprlakltegof Heywood, taking otn her watch.'abandoned. The tntta la that ano.-Ittoa.
•- -rr-J

HOW dartfly thpy loom ap be-.
u u one of the beat of an vcm ^
i *******'•
«»«»- °»y
»«n»^ "WeH suppose, you are starting down ttoa were withdrawn, and' epwa wme
» a e • a • e ,e * • s s . : tore «. what a black pall they aprand gtUilu to serve with same, and, u t*
V »n <»>»> «ar and thus form a nice to brrakfaat. but w you reach tfco sold lor beto to tha «my.


»•««*« ^•W wrtl kwrira. eplenrea eonaldm-It the

Butter mada to tha aonttorn high-

how much better '^'
• der. two tableapoonOito of huUertulIk.; • Yoa see aeveral ihtaga to do, dool, the higher aKiladci.
.. ^—UthaatwHh ^tot we have nothing to da „pnMd bad tastes wbM aerwd wlui
------ ------------------ oaeAlrd of a cupful of lard. 8lft-th -you? But you have lust one mlaate' bt-'CnlUornto the
hot mnahml taraipa sotoc of the moal
Try Tbto Tomarraw.
flour, aali mid oakiug poader togethc'. ,o do th«n in.
• prapoee to rcgatow. tt»M«h Ih* *«te.
^.tolg Mr*ratrtoay1tvttcthehfor«stUaglUbe«rty,anmlndfaitott.j^.^
^ ^^^g ihto vcgc-i
^ U*rowjr^f;^ ^ 1.^
-Sow. trady. begin! Pick np that toture: the wtoght «d print bttttgr. the
down to a ebair after the breakfast milk and sweet milk enough to make a j i
n ibe floor and hang It arnooni of water to bo to batter.
things are cioared away, and exclaim rnrr thick batter. Crease a MlUng paa ',
book. Take\he allppers from butter ctooriag.
tllto* lb a U( «C n paam that we
Fbollah. very |noltoli. wasting eur
-uiill. >»» «ro«
uttii . I'l
Ibe bed and iboec shoes from the mliThe had flavor oftea fonad to bttUer
togfMi ■anT PMM ngo. Thenathor_________
i__. ....
.------------------------------------------------------- '*•*• «f
room and pul them Ja the to torgety dne to orerrtpeding of «hv
'••It «*dbagt Ittaw. lmt that mattora ionratovm
be like a point In center. Cook eioeet. dood! n»*icfc n.*« towel from ermua—that to, kenlng H too tang bo,------------^ e^hbtter. a title hot-------- lued for this department from recipes
—• TM
“■* Bttto
vena baa
a been called
ctf w fear fcnbH; or'mMk. and inann with salt and pep- picked ap from various sourees. John |q bot oven. Be sure that the bbteult* the fanek of the ebair and *—-y it on fora lipnilnc
eadi other.
the rack. Lay those gloves
Bimply grnratoUug the 'hMer nad;^^
-----------------------—-----------------V.W.C* and
—H dsn^
per to taste: mash very mnoath, tore will praise the result of your efforu. —
osbbasc salad—One bead of e«b- ling ribbons and that coltor toside the salting and preaalng'lt Into aelM farm '
UUnp apply mto a beaicd dtob. smooth over wltn
Soccoush Cream Soup
there bew knife, and spread with soft batter:
hnge chopped floa t cops of vinegar, drawer, and close all the drawer*,
as soon as worked. wtD not prevant
' Craotons
remedy seek. It and flnd It: If there be place to a hot oven for flve minutaa.
, Ii cup of sugar. 1 cup of water, i labk- Quick, please! Take
that laagied mis,eUt from fonslng ontu saritott w
Pafwlka Bchaitsel
pUnd tC- Look and aarre at onee. It to much better
spoaofulof mnatard. 2eggv: ptoce Ibis of beddolbiug and
turn It amooUilyslowly coaled.
nmj «ril wMr the on,
Hashed PoUtott
ttndght at the thing that to bothering to cat the turalpa' la thia alicea. as
OB the wove and let II eome nlmost lo over the foot of the
bad. Lay the |dl-The dryer hnUer U Mde the bett
IM* to n nmady or tbme to non
istoff vnq to , lie awake at they aboold be cooked as rapidly as
B «Mre be OM eeek K end tod It. ; alAta. i^Take It apart Mt by ML aihj
Dropped Btoenit Beiisbet
I and pepper, and mU throw up the window. Good! J^l.wortced.
Iposstbic, and yet be tborau^ t
Cabbage Sato2
fftthtobe ^ttM^m^lt^^^
It. tok H all over. Perhaps hy ]
Mantton. too did nit that in om mla-. In the dairy ntotttar eow to valnaMo
wntonra to^ «.that time It will dtoappear of lu CM |
,^b to t«inra.
sange—Hake a plain met"
' to praporiton to the amaUiism of the'
unttod. .'»«>«
elr>hlw»>iBwil*r«r aemd. ButOoek far the femedy ead'
»ut a quart i acoordlng
-You stretched It'- toasted Hasel.: feed required by her to make a poond
Tamlp Pwffa—Choj| any cold
-f Wai^ene time lanndytog IL It there
the corn slarch bos. breathless with the race.
cf beuer.
anetor w*«nr Mil. ilrlhiMi. tronlAa. ^
-Not one aocond.- denied Htos H«y.
cotatt. Press ibrangfa a sieve, add i cups of dates wbk* have l>c«i wasbed wood, “and if my room looks tidier HBIIALO 4 xrumr come apom.
iwtee the qMnUty of
of niik, a v
y. tor tour ttere mn. Lbi* away from the troabllag thing aud
matted tnraip*.
e fonrth the qttn- » scant t.
■ •%u other thoaahta,. .....
____ . _ -------- -- . .
•t..* .r.,
uu— , ut
make new plans ud *. .nUEU «■ >
“*«•“«“" W.I..U w., b. Mddod 10 ,h.
o give the back- win be aeW for to setts a
thwq townttsily- ttUtore-Ja a ram- w<ih
U«. —IO . boll md
» at 1 I
ely, Om to not aug'fa talk or
Ihe Uma beans furnltt sulScieDi
cosM rMi anyhow, and that it to only
---------------------- ■Tell me. now.- and she took the gtri's Hra. hi, C. C. Bateg. eeattin f»m beet
recipes to the pepeier HargM Cask
pim Of wetry or grttve, bat go after foojuj,
.boof gnyttlag what- taMeepoaefuls of flour: roOJtomwlui ihickenii and give the soup a dciii Me. 1 and 2. ato mmif'mm reelttto veMtoly end oenare it. Then »
a UtUe flour, cut It rfamd with a aau- clous flavor. Serve with erouton*
Call or write to the Hereto a^
tonii^Uy isfagnd thetrauble to vas-


c, -riL^ n”, ±-'r ooiHui-robrj:' ri^^7,ri;Uir.:L'^:

b,...... »-d 1.



toBhnl nnd yon hamt added to It ucni hmk lBr~flfln ns rou go thnhtt '
enbet. and brewntog In a atow.oven.
your godmother, aud came right up,"
Paprika SchaltseJ-HUee. fram Ira she called.
<K— ---------- -------- TfllsU..........................................
And even when yma tod them
» P»l« brown. Serve at cmee. Tflls U
vaal of medium tbtrtmeea. cut Into
a minute later a tM^slain^d. glrtlah
•* W— Vb sniB eveiy gumuiv
poaslble ]n j, ,rtae and kind to be -r»rr“>ff *
plenalng dtob farjtrcnktosl or pieeee. My three by four Inttea—or faee peepmt out. and Miss Heywood
nflMtol. yoe.eaa SM no remedy
* for
Mi..g! Inatt, and An exerilent wny to Which ^
Sstt and pepper the was drawn ialde a room that looked
yem- «Bcm. to at toMt you eaa sm
Heces; roll la floor, try tight brawn as U a wbiriwisd bad Jun pessed
: m wttiiiy tbnt toly any mMna availn„ mwdHwt "t»k» w.. . taint
*«-. ol ; SuflM Tnrnlpa—pare, and boil on both aidea. Have yonr fat Sot be- thitwgh it
------------r miad the tyonble.
_ nearly
- too- fare
. whole
in cnlied water antll
pmtlng the mentto u> fry. Jn
-Horrible, tou t It?" Hate! agreed,
der. natog small wbUe tnram of nal- firing vaai lYto nice to pot n UtOe but- as Mtoa Heywood glaaccd about! -Ton
.b -« »if 4U—1 iw a auw
W. «« * «Bcc far wllb yotif flying fat Whya heowc. •««. i was tote to breaktost wltbooi
hHp tttoklag abont It, wonytag over
yaaa tto apbu on the ana shtHtey
tnm the top. also from the hottam to oover with water that), add a small 4«fag a thing to this raom. and iKm
•toadng nhont 'lL

make them staad flirmly. ecoop ont the;onioa. a few sheet of lemon, a hay I raah^ off to scbo(rt.Bnd motbe^Jefi
Ihto thto tot of ptoloeaphr and np.,^^=y?*
llfe^ ever away
: c«,ter. and'flu wUb a mince af eoM leaf, a apHg of panira. a deasmspooD- n all Jon for a teason to me. A^.
PtohttvMry MAcnHy.every petptog- _tothe boeom of
em yett. xnimt mtnt nicely seasoned, nad fla- tat of vtaegm and aevctml nod ahakv* ob. Ned haa bad that nice Hr. WUaoa
hr.'omy wany. jamy innMe. p*ee
r*r fan* galBs^ibe.Hvora ,ored w«h a mOe onion Jotoa or ofimprtkn. Oovar. and tot boU till the op fa bU reom. and Hr. Wilson know*
fmm Huhtom. wbntevar it to. dtoaect mlneed onion: medsaen with a IliUe meat ta leader. If the gravy boa# down thto is m> bedraum. end when I attetl
jK-totoiXOMt fimn emy vlewpetel.„“^'melted batter or grary. tie on tto top to* mneh. ad da little more wnter and Xed why he eooldnY have bad the
t • ItoMflflh
ilegnnili.' and
Itonflflh Ainmnato.
sto «i ~
' oUcaa again, and set la a bnklag pan: tat K eott naUI ttaAi Is Just eno«h tooiherUaeaa to dose my door, md-------- ,j----------------------- .
_ _
.______ _ ____ poor over seme bdiing Stott or grhry. gravy. Serve on a hot toeXcr with the ob. he raid—be was » »«u—ui •«mm ttan drop the;”"^ butt M the Harm
TW gag b»he oaUl tender. When done, gravy atratoed orar the Mmi. It to a tng it like thto-he never tbotwht!-.
' BmT spend anottorl
.Haeeynch tarnfacnrafnlly OB asmnC geod iMb to taste the gravy. whOe and.a wet hollow to a pUlow wtaitt
§|to|S|Mt-<L UwiUmiy^ tot tond nnd let it fly o’er p
nnnd of bettered toast, remoee the hofUng. far aatt. etc. A half born wtn had evidently been detag doty befora
top allea nnd pMtr over entt a littPe doforthto. (Paprika is sweet rad pep- raectaed HaseTs nnbappy lace.
foftSeflnry. wUttekaeUtoaHtoUy .fer. Itcaa beboeght at any grocoiy.i • -Hasel.' aaM Htos Heywood. prat-b......—.
BttndPaianlps.—Tkketwoorihref,«»tly.-H yoeTl take
S tantt yoe a




TU cm SBEET mnic

Was thr BEST

Tu tlie BEST

TwiQ be tbe BEST
Wlij Do( bny tbe BEST
And «Bg and play lb(i3EST

Middy’s Leadk Nmic Hnsc



;v --.-


nAviMi cm, itciim) tkavuh coinnr. ■■€»•»■. TmiiwoAY. »a«cm h nos.
d 1/ataitar thw aap other erfth i

«ic tkt^cMr. mttarOmkH
mmmtMtOn* * <kwi

al|M paan a«a ^tartar. Tta
•r—lat^ ■—hiw oC tta aoni
9. taockwar aa« B. K Btaward ud
ttatr «tm wm taeitad to tta I
ad Mr. IMdBvefth far a etat aai tea.
A Wrr ptaHaat aftara^ta «aa aaimL aMtaa^ Aa mua greop tad
tala till vatr «<»' Itaaad.
Mllliaiitt «w tta aMan aeaibar el
tta aaMfaar. Hr. Maward tta yaaar
aattadMf. Biadufay ta hatwaaa.
IM Mr. Ataar««,Hrad bd^M
tarn tata » pawa old Satwdap. Mp.
AitaWIP M OT ft. Mr. Btanta 7t

of ttaHatapat-

•aatta Mara told.

: aad J. Banieh. OMeers aad ■■abrre > tar hoata with' Mre. iaBaa Martale.

A Dight- The ftaatatere arc maltr drdkaied os Prtdap ereatag.
ta dppataatiat."
araa plarad atlealp oae page a( ralaa.'’
I all acartar reaideou;--Mrh. .......
Jaatee Mar- . The
dap wHl
tedeaatta to a rwptiaa
li^adhp the H»«cnh Laagae Batar; After a arW el other buMeea had i taUdlag ballt aad ocoapfed hp tAariee ;---------------------------...........
Ill iiWar w a great aaecaaa aad h^o »mi.^p i.ordie
n - BoaeathM tor aereral..peaia.
! Mr. Writ*-,death reeolud from rhm- ehir «rf thii dtp. Mrs. P<ra4 Hatarforth‘aad ao toota.wlU be girea oat affar
tadoro a large aiMiemm. Tta SaT^taS
^ta «Lr
Mr. lu-aathd made this aammaec-i aaitaa of the he«t: be had been a i of Blagham. Un. ftaak Daiseil of « o rtork ta ttaerealag. - At S:». tta
^:««t«>tbc Herald 8-tantapM»ral«.'--Hr«r from -taolar rheueaUm. ; Sole, aad Mrs. Altar, Broithhept of; prog,«a 1H b«ta.-me btaldta, •«
Ae aadleaca •eatv^TTroMtatot a. tta oart of PVMk While the actuaJ traaafer haa aol pet! *« paw*, tat wa> aet proKiated «oUl Elmwaod toaraaUp. :
.ta forrsMIp adeepu-d l>y the buani of
reeateat as to price . two weeks agOL Wedaeedap and mare- ^ me faaccai eerrtcce -wUI ta heM; pwblle worts aad Ibea tuned over to '
•Mr fMBv tfeit tber
tad ttalr
Mr. Baaealbal h^ dap Mr. Wella' coadltkm waa so aiach ! from tta resIdODce Pridhp aneraoaa at ’ the dip. Mayor Ph4[haBi will accept
MMf% Mftk.
ata tta auMT
ofU ta behalf of tta dtp aad tbea lata
tsnmt trtoda* ««• tta mmaMEf tmorbedBBdahoaiitbeboaae. muradap ; ficiaUag aad
wUl. be ta charge of W. B.; it over to tta library trasteca. K. U
taataiach as tta dadstoa
um «d tta Mtlr* «TMlV tad Uml
C „t^m oad bp wbv aad tta papm: **entag he retired edrtp. AtI •: o'dodc Andereoa.
Spragae. predhtoM af tta beard of.
nnmu did oeriiwtlr.twn m • to wart to rnmt of hU baOdteg oe
trustace. wiu thee accept It. Dr. A. H.
PPidap esonlag oao of
lianlMiirt (d tta amrtibM anajr- ttalea street. After diggliig ft r a tareaMpetbaeaelgaed.
Tta aewowaer win take pcaaeadoa <!««».•*« to tta father^ taddde
ItollMnp of the beard of tmten wBI“K^" tad tta ctMTd In Itasbter tta while the plaabor weat acroaa
rrad a paper on the **tarlp Tigmshlp SOM as the details ^
'•tale OTMlBC. while Corporal Btaflo- atreet aad feaad tta fracaetai wbldi;
o'doefc hte srtfe enlw^ls Chamber i »«*w. MIcb, Mweh
Mte. Ann LnmuT.~ mia wni tc folkiwed by
...Mr. DBani'o( tiaaMer can be MMPtata. The.
carried hla pan la great atape.
be thawed oat and
if the tick man needed anpihlta.-***'^^ ^tod Moadap at the home
abort nddrea^ M tta part of elUaM
Tiie trwp mer'pjay at Stottoae Barl^iui *
of tlS.70. Mr. Lardicj*tore will ta%oaed eome dap aes
Iber daughter, Marp. in BMaonla ot
« I
eo aatardsr erenlag. March 11.
moved tthat the dtp refund him obc‘: nista the mnsle.
hnlf. Tta mattaa was socoaded. Mr.
YauM Man^ Club Orpanlaad.
thought that If the dtp was to
Gl^ tboi
An eathustaMlo meeUag was held
blame it sshould par nil Ita Mil. Mr.
^ ItaOnlqacUictuer.lblecUp: an*-f. •*«™»^'«to"toda«lwbereber_bM;.wediotawaalfaeltalrtaJitfy.
Joadap ereatag at the resldaaee of
Ch^Roaenlhal has no^ ^ 1 b. WeU» •« aaaaper atSta pta^ '
«**d. leartag ber wlU a tar*e'________________ ^
OUlett moved that the plumber that
Bta. C T. Stoat, kartag ta riew the
hta «0M the work make a written re-; nooaeed bis plans for the fnta^ «e , ^
Company Ban Salo' ■maQ chiMrea with whom TwOnsra bare smdl need of tta
forvatloa of a man's elnb. The Brs< port to the water works superintend-; •tal** Omi ta wHI take a^ reel ^
she came to Mtehlgaa forty pears ago titles roaferred upon them bp rapalip.
hoar of the erenlag was spent ta raand settled ta Beasonta where ehe ha*. stace they rale bp right divine of
rtoas pteasant wape, tta toDowtag prosince
She <■ m the mother of ;gealaa. and they arc p
■am being gleea:
stood as a moUoo. Canted.
ohnr Worked Under lea.'
l>er2a.lM«..wtarebe^nthtochUd- Reil Marshall, the deputy ahertt who ’ tco«s nhoot nstag th«e tllha ta their
Ptaao Bd|9. Dr. C. A. Barbridge.
Mr. Ji^t said be kMW of tbli case.
^ Roee. the take direr
“»• Wto. At tbe age of 90 he wsi Mot and kUled bp Charies T.: dealing with the plain democtatte .
Bedtdloa. M. B. HoUer.
He eald that tta plnmbere bad
. charlendx.-arrirod muiadar and pro- anltetcU aa a volanicer fa the Unloo Wright'several peart ago. She was a srortd of tetlen ta America. Air OOrood aoto. B. Vertar
chrlstian lady and lovtag
mother.. belt-----Parker,
bp ——------------bis own wish, ta aa- V.*
ed to >___
him how.u--------many ups
hadto piun^ anwer toe ruo
^ «>
tee oa the *W.
Banjo aoto. Btaart Chase,
__ and aervod eighteen months..,
thawed ont and the report Mowed that bs)- FYMnp morning to esamtoe the In­ When. Us health shnUered, be was . Bunerml services will ta held ta Ben-; swer to a cable from hU p
trtahaeags. maai^ Bmnrthwalta.
: prors as plain Ollbeft Parker oa kls
,jiercer A Co. tad thawed out nine. take of the iBSp water works. A fonr- mastered ooL^ He eatocaoenUp rw j *»ta.
Vocal aolo, Balph Hnslettant novel published etacw his knight­
Arms A Cote ten. Hannah A Lap etmi- foot bote WM but St abont ten feet of moved to Ana Artaw, Mich., wbetp he
mta KdOL Rudd Titus.
hood. and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, .
panp two and t. A. MMingue two. . water and Mr.-Bose well bundled up to became a graduate of the law adtooi
Befradnaeatt of coBee aad Mad _
. Run Over By Trata
-when naked If ke deelrod tta ’Air’’ to
but tailed to
temperntnw ^letlv
eatat vara awrad bp Mra. Btont. Mrt. me city bad thawed ont twenty-eevea j
Sik Baptda, Mlcb.. March 7.- ,appear on his Utle pages. snM: "Whea
___ noek admission to the bar. In ISTO be
Bpragaa. Mra. M. W. Vndemod.
Chartea Depo. aged JO. a Pere Mar-',
the American proote tike ate ne I am
Mias Bath Bpeanr aad Mtas Bdas
Mr. Joint Skid that be wonld esk ^''pi^“m“i;,,
and thel
*“ ^•*’*«*'®-**»«
gueue pameoger uraaeman. »«* «», why ebould 1 thrust a liUe la Ihdr
Stoat, aftar whieb dgwa woe paasad the dtp not to IMP back Mr. Dunn
|^|r pump kept blm in
over bp his own trnia lodag and hta:.,,:,,^,.. ____ __
^ Boeeasnrp tn bit'
nccumuiarcu a omapeteace left had aad right arm so hadlp;^^^
aad tta netw eallad the aeeitag to naptblng. He said that while be dM:ii,,
order, aad aUtad the object for ooo- net like to see a man mend bU inosep. j ^StancL He remnlotadw^ drat ’
*“ l?S6 tame to crushed that gmpntaUon vas.neeea-!
' '
rraa aad eanaat aapraa- pot Mr. Dunn had never naked to haveUi^yiwMH dfteeo mtaates aad arrived' ^ Angeles, here to retIde.until hit
•tea of oMatee showed thgl tt e
hi. pipe, thawed oaL The dtp water ne^c wTaClLTof^n^!^;After the airlvd of (bo morning
eoarietlon that a
works has meen that they must keep Ui, bead aad eonWa't ta peraonded to' means In real estate, and
care Stfn switched outo
ibruttgh the breakiag of the taom of
dab has a dac ddd of naefaineaa In tta year aronnd and to keep them btttpi,e,i Where he found It.

i.'CZn^ the side track, a niantag awkeh beta*
this dtp. An organUailoo of tbe b.
pl„. D.H„ bl.
"Men's Club of Oraee atarcb" was
then aSeetad anf the toUowtag oBeert:
werb nteetod:
M. ■»*y *■ rkfimdcd to oae it must,
ihe nameraiu small bovs who habi . _
. _
^ beoomtag'
S> tbo wrong dlrecUon and
PrMldegL Leon T.
- «“*«' “ “I. -»■ “ir lbo«, U
M „(
ta order of I
!*“«•« ««•
VXJ Bon New
Dr. W. P. 8»«. I .™^U r« b-> ,b«. « U.r w„.
To I ■■■. •» •»« M--!.
'• »« tododowi to thetas ta sea*m.;
lu, right am,w
C. B. Wenep.
__ Y*y between tbe dbow
It la the pvpoee of tta duh. In ad­ eoandl and auted that be was agent j to watch a man dropout of sight under! ^
aad Harboi* Oemmluce ’
shoulder aad bU Wfi baud waa
dition to tta social featuraa, to tare for a born on Union street and that | the edge of a foot of adidliy and bare ^
0^" Pedro was taally ae- !token off at tbo wrist. Tta tajarta
PMere tad dlseunlona on live tMlea tbe dty bad thawed the idpe out to j but one chance of flndtag tta surface'
preference to Santa Mooten ‘ »«dleplaped remarkable nerve. Preof tta dap ta deles, aleeaee, llterstaK,: the curb once nnd it frose up again, again. Tta repairs, which are going
jawernmeat harbor aad brMk-Wtoos to the ampatalkn he walked
oaarc mtaorbu the qnictacss of the;^^, Tbe secrdaryihlp of the Call-^ ^toond and waited'imUl everything
_ .
winter bap-makes the time tavorahl?
was!leadp, chatting roadOp of the aeimaa as members and a geaetal
al aad
for tiear sight eeetiig. the lee mwrfr
i1n1lti-T1-n irr-rlTri Mr TfrltT *''**^"* ■•**'
K bappe,^. Ho
eordial tavlutlOD Is esiended to ail
I producing a. eoflDow which Is nore' ------»»•-! ^00
WWl. that
UMi, came near
ilbWb eoattag
-bWUblHW blm
bJMM did not appear to be moch affixed fay
Btaa of any age to ally
”1 Hr. tlibbs Stated that It lookd as'phasant to work bp. Mr. Bose saps
health; he returned from Cbteigif the shock and is resting very easy.
with the moreraGi to get the B
U»e peopte.werc'tatag bled bp I fish are scarce and If they have the,. broken
down bp hard woi
He U
gether ta commoa Interest nnd oom-;
me vote 00 Mr. OH-! fear of bis appearapee that the smalt
----------..— _iii :
n For Midler.
He is married but has no family UA very pteasant rccc^ilaa was given
XTmlor. 239 Pront street, oh Monday
last''Dunlap evestag' al tta bone of ^d hla wire. He formerly lived Iq
A petlUon to pave Rut State slroci
avestag. March Jt. AH Intmcstcd
Osath of Hen. C. M. Wetla.
ur. ^id Hn; Oteoo. 115 -Bast Twelhh Travereo City but Is now living ta Elk
•I from Cass atreci to Railroad aveanc i
cordially invKed to atiaA
Raplda Uls wife was Mias ' Leos
Smalts, well known ta Tiarcne CHp.

. *


201 So. Union 8t.


22B E. Front St.


H.Sariag this asm

a ta tboir {erritorp
I mniter la



». ijrr^

talk M tta.prtaUaal

dH^"; : “Li?“


Elgin C. Lewis,

Mr. WelU had been ta telUgg Btallb ;

e«Balo. reintrrad Salurdap oven-

led esUmairo of tke cost of paving;*as.odneated.aa »,friends ta Iho partor. Mr. Olson fbund,
am called,toitb.*- bp Uicj*
B'oat hont street from the west Itoe'®*'^ engineer and held-Impoftaat ptrU
friends with whom bo was 1
it rulM to ibc:'
to tta west 1taci^“^
goverameM OB
his former homo at t
dtp cooacU Monday eveatag to govern j
bor wort on the const from Muasteo |
and he wu soon made ac- i
tta coadnet of tta dtp water works. ^ Hgtde ttraet the ooeta being as (d-:
He waa alao mperln-'remaining gueeU.;
There wero forty eomo arfldee In
1 tepdenl of coustrndtea ot tho Fonllac
,,,^1 g
^eni to the din-'
tta eat of rates and a cuul Ustener
; asylum and of taportam additten and :
^^ere a sumptuous »npi»er ;
would have thouai that<^ they were
repair work at the Kalamawm asylum. I
followtag bring ,he!
he hMd M tta tnt McmMr ta AprU.

fh. tat It
appolnlc;! euperintcoUMashed potatoes, baked bce«s.|
tad St that U«e Dr. B. L. Ashton Md that -cm gueotteo that had caaacd
~"*'r»cllon ot the Northern
appbi. cabbage sdad. mustard!
a J. Bbsta va both preeeot MPm coaslderable discaaaton wu omiUed.
This was whether the dtp ahould
meved berc with his tamlly at that
brmd aJd butler, e
thaw out the pipes under the street or cnrfi.
remtened ta thU poritlta .ortedoakes and coffee.
tta rate paprt. A rejolaUoa was Uter
■ ■ ■ 1 MEOo ®““*
^ «>«
^ ublo was boaotltoll}- decorated
MM A Melted atahd In ngard to
the fall cf IMG. He was then appoint- ^,h p,Bk ud white carnations and ]
set of ralee that the dtp etao,aId pap
1A214 M
• member'of the board gf triuieee ;
,1,^ g^esu wore'soaied a
for ttawtag the dpes to tta
“■* *«»tt"ilon. and was iu presl»ght was taken by Ore* Olson.
Tbe set of rales, however, was not] Bitaminous macadam.
dent from that time nntli bis removal.. sertag tbv evening Bineb and rtrom
Eased. It seemed the anajoritp I wai'. stone curb,
acuSM ^
« too later, and
mdulged ta and mV. Olaoa told
ef optatea that they shodld be boned;Private frontage .......
"■ rtmani*^ Aogelw has been bis borne since
n<,rie* of ills life to tbo‘
Mr. Urdle.'a member ot the .Street tatenectlou .....
committee on Sre spd water irtlch
„ ,.f.I Mr. Wells was a nun of great abl»yte gu.-Mi departed at a lata hour.
had prepared tbente< mM that they
*‘® ”•
»*» alt declaring ibep bad tpcni a very
— derignta to eafegnard the dty:: Bltn^ous mscadsm. coBldM^ i*^
] powers, and tho apiradW work be ac-' -leasani evcsilng
» bad taent almom i gutter.'
fMk Mskira tta tact that «
...............................- • bU belief tai
•HtealB tta cNwrity and aaen
had aaed dae <
Leelanau Pioneer Gone.
artta aaatedu Ham to ta disni
AM tta «MM ta aaM a ttmo ler-rata
TOkcr. he nK nplJlr to bl. preloK-»lto. Krab», tbe
Ipal enter works M ether dtim. .Mr.
•bto abb TO. Ibc totoMtoto, TO -to. -I*.-- “ »f<»" Ktobib. • Itototr pto1 Deckeray then moved that the rates
A petlttea toon Stzanh B
r of LeeUnan county, died Wed
teem of sll wbw knew him. Suictest
I ta printed to the ~ '
igs lotta reqoesttag perndnteo
thM tta csmneil aad tta dUaeas-mkeht ] iL...
to ataky
them be-;
tta o lot U. HaBBBh A Lap Oo.'s adB Bad we beUeve that tta tav* aa opporinaity
. .tob to Ob. TO.
tora they were adopted
motion ^ dlMa. material to be brick. esUmatad
l.b«^toTO.TO,TO»rrtb.b.: »to-KrTOO,>
<A^12.000. to be completed in Angna bbrtos 11. ratobbc. to lltobkab TO.*-~*' b'
to.™ Ayi to.
irngmaajlag |—y»-r t Mr. Ovtau hrooght O tta^uer of tola pear, was referred to toe baUdIng bb. troir 111 b.™ Uto ntoSibrtob.
ragalatre'J (ta city ttawtog tta pipea and this: toMMCtiin with power to act.
: Ibto. inro. to tbeto TOtoUbto
i, ¥'»“;« *•'“ '-Y-t Tbo -rl,
|aeltB«B «f tta btoatejuaataeorporntad later. Mr.Ofhbeaald
A'H.Beaneiwasapsto<DtedamemTb. fUbtoto, U ITO lb, TO
^ X"
aMMr taar cf aorrow.jthat ta thoaMt tta rates tavered toe her of the hoard of regtotratioa from gelee Ttmeaspt«t ta the home conntrp. and i
wecgpoaedtoeaehpavi^ataf works aad not lha (dtitens. the Speoad ward. T. T. Bates. K. U
tm ftmernl of Chaiiee i Woila «-***“'«»
born to toem. Mr*.:
.. .
_ ...asthcMattomettei Simt. H. O. Jopnt tlw apoke ta be-, Spragae aad H. C. Deris were appoint- pr^udeai of toe L«e AaieJm ttUb-T
Murahte and Mra. Priid Helm-i
T'ita bmrs Mp as detiaeUag toam half of tta wteer wartau
, ad rieettea commisriaoers and -Pros-; ^ pnmmnrrt -_____ „r.iiiti.i of the'
^ dosirtag to wter tato the \
He asM that tta rates were dcsigaed : hom Oardner was appointed iperiai' Free Harbor League and '
intry they came to New York;
■kUy it tta eeeailoa aad ithe
Callforata Worlds fair
*“ Auburn^ K. V. where,
W tta Mp. Aad we wOl M to protect tta dtp. .-J^ce tta ciip;po)lcc wlthont pap at toe c^'Uhrarr.
bad taken charge td
plaat and! The dtp treasBrer*s report
•ten of___
died aikls heme: Ko. **»®*'"^
win ta
krwerad tta pipes, bnt Svn tape tad;ceptod and lied. The report was to •j'j- aito'Mato strUL early FT^ '®*MeH and Mra. Albert BrriOunpi.
M Biiitag wah tta epifit
not took as ttaosft: ^ tt and showed that the dtp tad' g^oratag. wUI be held at tta late radleft tbe east
---------------- ------------------------ . ta pauons.''heaaid.^2tA3»A» oe band on that date.
eYtert »«■». thtrntr^. itrited oa aa riqiyteSBtaa aad good erdw ta;*»tace we ara pnmplng
a' A reeolettea pladog the ^aas. tetl- Rer. Dr. Thompeon. paattr-of tta
■MteWt ^ M. Me ewamm«d|.«r IW mA coamimer oa tta dtp, mates, etc. <ff tta pa'^tM. of Wesi;g„,endentCkarak W Ckttet.dMMuteg.!«»«*
Hmgriigte fmal."
Two muitea galloM arsT Froet street from Oak to Maote to tbe; i«
fimeral thr
tta death.






•VW7 dap which stew aaihandi of tta dtp dark for anmiaa-lgy receired tta aadstoMe of a apeMr Mbom kH tad S&yAra dayn^gvaraseef 1AM galloM ter each taker'Uoa aad that tta A«bTOb<4i .
Chamber of Got

Our Hn» YoMig men's $nlM at $f.
$6.S0e $7.M $10. aM our Hue
m«n*c Suits at $7.$0. $10, $12. $1$

are made by tailors of fine clothes, and will 6t perfemly
and i^ive best sstisfaction of any suits.on the market—
at these prices. We hope you will not f^ to give os
aa early call to see the new spring patterns.

Winter Werebandbe
at Closing Prices.


llwlr VMM
UkrmHu. «1M U
fa. ». To ndtM the DanlKT or i
OHr MOT*. Md u' to «■
s ^ UPO «Mh I
Haaka baa be^stit a
u> nvf.i 0«ursp
HCMiud. bcfa of Uw bond «f
Uto taMn«r. *» tk«
DO two>9(ih ■or
Id bto te«t sftt All. then-. nSW Ar
At prweac. Um pftram flf the Tlbnn. «ko ahall lit elected
are ehar»ed «ttt tb« Mcaslae taken lo be
•lU \>r a I £ecaaafaa‘a
law and order Icapu.BAROAIK-Tto
ta»»'.««t ta a twok aad ^Ited arbea It to
to thctj^in- coter
the poUthwI arena ihto —----------. _
fetanwd, twi'la the future, another.......... ..
arelca vlil be pniTlded.
tr*»Htod electora oT tbe rtu. ib« J>roi>«"^ns aad UT lo dean «n the aJl^.>
There are but few hooka to the It- aUtaa or ehaaelns the dale ol the a«- atench exlfiliiE ai that place. They
hwr, Mr- MlUOnn boUtoc that aoet mial at? eleettoo froai the Aret "
of the better woreto appear to aerial day'tt April to each other date aa
form to the BMcaxtoca and oaa ba cM- be Axed apen by tbe comiell.
The back auBbera
Tbe propoeed
are eared aad wjll be bood. ao that freely. dtoetuMd aad some cbi
the beet elorlee of each yaar wrO be propoaed. but on the whole the
pretarred. Tbe patioae of the Ubrary Of the ooBBinee net with bol lllUe
and nulraad otaUxn.
at 8ntt»u, lUr.
are allowed to keep the weekly pubU-' oppoallioD frm tbe nembei* of ib»r
Hnt -■«•• t.»
r»r» of -wranirr nte*t— three daye aad tbe aootblr-eoDaeU. Tba«onmltte« wae,inatruei-•
«taU,e aaeaxtoea-a weMt. Soeh hlch t^e e« to pat iha work in^rup^'ebepe ic;5
U will pObBtatlont
’jDrUute NedicAl DepArtmeai Baraes
£ ABOdea- aad olherd of a like a«ad-;far ratIBealtoii .anil adopttoa. and thto
,toe nuOai
' done * an exrly date. Mr«o c
Btotoee. to the ol.yb “iT
d to a Tery while aay crhlctona or euaiiwi '
The library I*
almpla BaaBer. la an etorea toe alie which the publle may bare to oO.t
A......____ ___________.1_________ _______ ___ ,--------ae toe M_ tbe
Mimkeo etore. there are a larfe _iii
will be-pIveB a...
due ,attention and cmild-g
—wdiT ef ootoata «maea recelTed aad etatlOB by toe contnluee.
a ,reat aeeantdatloa of waBA paper.
Of to Boat atom, tocee two IIm> appear
sly—A xit-edy

M. D. sa'.s&-“.»rsi's;?.s"as

fininl Mcfet

year we >*«

£ii/» jSLaad fygW

-jjmilil awl Paper Haipg

la toe reealpte, but sot co to toe HUH-

tmaml baatoeB. TW Baiy

^ * haadaoma




AMB&IBike MBad tor 1»M:

rtfHonor. MIcb.
Ae aooa aa aa totator atalrway can
he hpUt. toe carpet ABNUtaMoi will be ^othar



AaTafOrBalBoettagoftoeawirtl J^rty-*^- Pri»»«au at dnwewto abirt to tbaaa taett to ,^
wai held el the
ta Tiaseiee City,

bbii. «n- sffr’iSrSKissf'


^ • are ae Wtewe:
Bee of
of toe
‘ Maklog toe'lera of otoce

store wiU be a aaMortiasa eaere. ,e ifc.

' ■"

t"^ of toe «liy tke propmle to redletrtci
tbe totylato wards, divide any ward or



will tn-medeto eni nib
IM A. I*. Kmibueal.t. s?»».»»•• IM.>“It

atizens’ Telephone Co. Stock
Hasifor )*ears earned and paid Ouarterly Cash Divi' dends of 2 per cent, am) has paid the taxes.

r You Can Buy Some

■ .




........ WRici;vS^‘^i^sS^SED ^^KE‘t
itiiK iirieliu-.-si le ii. r r.-ult, iti . v.-n wn.v 1»«>
il at miniimiiiM-x|ii'ii>K-. < >111 .jss uM. iiHtiti'j 7V. will tlfniucliU' amukit
tv'Utklsitf iiK -ii ••.n l til'- Mil'll.' jirteiMW wiH ii'd oiusiimi* an
lioHrV.ii!iu . Try ('I'li'lc ii-iil Siintk''Mil jxmf Imms ami noliri'



S. E. Cor. Frantand Union

Travarea City. MloMsan

Ivfon-oir renri

A eahm cans will ■>' h>4d i« Ibp T> vr.
Hail la tmic Imke loenbbip, FrUa.i. R>r- li

me Can Give Vou
The best for the price in

Feed, meal, Bran, middlings.
Corn and Oats
We buy nothing but the best grain and'you get the


ilAuthortzed Capital $2»000.000-Pald in $1,750,000
(n Service Nearly Nine Years. Over 20,000 Telephones
in the system.
Further information or stoclc t an be secured on ad*
dressing the company at Grand Rapids, Mich.

Wm GHXKT, Clrrk

■■ .

‘T^t?ni«r« AGB* FARM. «n.' mill



I to the



tri^ unrti sr Ms: ^Ib^^oud



taka.their dtoam there
^Q^^ vana ertae with their luaeb. A bath'
' '
j rooaa to one cf tbe feataree aleo of the
when kVenk Bteenii retorned t«
Hfpftlfae »Iotob
hone of bto brother at Meeleli. aft«-:
Tbe HbrarytoU bea aetdbUehed u abeenee of eome nonthA hii re
trta art whtia a aartala •>»«
Faaiy art to eoeh a popa- oepUon was bullet fron bl* b’rutoor:
rtaaalto to cVutrtrHr'
Bagaxlnee are
He was misuken for a burglar.
^ oflea a Aath old before the
, naa*- reada then.

e toe city


Knmcilsx; l«pt kinder KdateUad.
eoUt rm«vT.<= Mwot ninplr.bim.Mmvondemlhetiil.Tk.oe'




CiT. PHONE 158

I'ni- iiii|ir"v<-i!i| iii.

art M.'to’to^PMt"oto^
hllch. Unit be a fair writer. ruo'I '.Boaolal Attantlon Given to Coitmry
laurel, pleaxlp* and ecilre; worl. .

of (he ncr eattage Tor toe see of the clerta,
wat boagbi wKh boaei art want pa-

. ibMMAlV ««M> ^
pitS art tofmr aa« bettar dUMrt
^mim ir dbaAdW atoTB. art


pure article.



-art—toother toetanna, may Uvlully







i»«rt^ to^rtfdeata*a*f

erta^ b the boOadarlea of a


or aatoerwue ta the aa-her at.
'“iwart‘ oraai
'J“;wmrds oaa oonly he aude by a epeetol;
total act of
^ toe
.a^ legtototare.
The propo—d


—" I—ea<—It to the Cbvter fdaeae the,
^ ■‘^lentlrea—Uerln toe harts of the eleet-t
I •“ •»*soi»oftbeelty. "
. „ .
A Tb Change Ae ptortolra of the.
to ae toAhtoh,,^^ ta retard to re«to«tlaa dfi

electotoart manrtrof boldlBg elec, ^ *** ***! tlBne ao aa to coneaport with the proj***."
. *tolon of cite euu Uw.



prwrtde tot a board oT assess”• » -««
»««. lb-5,
.Ibi. B
libbn-; eletoed -1~0.t-o b, b. ™.»bbt.
Of the daaee ward, who wlil befora all
«ra of bribe loeal
toe dntlee
I to relhilon
at property aad toe
Itii eeiuiikiiiis
M taato. Said sssnson to■ oS^Ttoc
eapenrl^ of tbe city
' aad toedtxattofMs.toWsUtue
toe dty attoreey. to^
hoprd of rertow.
It U toe crtBkn of the c
» anlfona ass—
' ‘Whila H le tne that the agpertanee that a
rt aaeb BaanllB-rt atfto to MlehK property can be obtatort 'by neans of
Srt as haee BMrt •xpari-eata wfihja board of aiwees^ repreaeaUag toe
adB. —Wat tog .asethads hare aotmOre dty thag by enperrisora reprebdsaaBtlrdy aatMscUlW as to detaiUl^UBg iheir rvapecOre wards.
rtS daBtllBea rt to toeulta. geeaTsl ■ - Tbe ca—-Hlee was also of the oplo. .rtMiBaas - has ■%.!« naaUost toilen that, ta riew of the tact, that the
lin «* vert apoU strengtorted art; dty pays ab^ii K per cent of the
Hr—TWiii tbrwnpeiteeus until as|ceaaty taxee. the dty ehould hare a
e the teauhs desired i larger represeaUtk- on the board of
. aad
toerdore prohii^ lieWi aacarrt. This Is the Bpre t
t W the dlreottoe of pri—ary re-. rided. that tbe three asaessora.
I trf toe great body ot’gather .with toe ■
tedrttog OoT..aadi ward ^1 fad oMUUed to aeats
aad a large —ayorlty of oa the board of sopanriaors at tbe
of toe state /tc^laiure. eornty. and ttaall bare toe aaaie t>owfor Wiehlgaa tr latere and perfor—
ea-e dattes as
Otffbpptknttoa af tola saw syate- It . other -e-bere of that bdsrd. This
'i^'he rtrWiBM to eoatwrt tu'wlti gire toe dty a repreiMnutMB of
, isre^BBt aloM >he Uilrteee on toeboard of aaperriaore as
^haa far nUlbed appllad to agalasl Are- as the , dtaner aow
dl^ onoauea Aad.dlaMeu as they suods.
dastra K. art't—prorad Is tta
( To reduce the a Aber of tae-AahBM and tarme art details as the bare of toe board of public works to
MSBe art wtabea of tba pct-le to tbree.'wbo shall be appealed by toe
tebBaltUlataaded toearve ahalleur wayor aad oonAmed by tbe eooadl.
.V^art l^eal.
no tw. to be r—Mats of toe aa—e
J > '...................
ward. Also prorMIng that the mayor
Ubraiy «er biapleyea.
ertu be ex-oWdo a -e-ber of toe
. .4. W. unuken has ptnahaaed Are of hoard i-d cbalr-an thereof.
; Ibh book oases fro* toe dty Ubraiy.
«. To provide for saisries for to*
' «H* win be replaced by -eta] struct- .aayor art other oBoari to be Axrt by
— to thfaew baUAIag. for asa In iheooundlat-it loefeaed the fdlosrtba •braig for the benCAt of toe clerks lo^ e—oant per______
St'tlM MUHkea stare.
Il»y„r........................................ ......»Sld'
TJfe store Hbrury ta eo-ethlng AJder-eo ...................................
ggirts- About iwpnly.faar of the lead- heabers board of rtMe worki
WCrtCMtUy art weekly puhtlcatk-s Bach assa— ................
7. To tacrease the arSouat that-ay
fj, ..aa&alerfctainorWed withhU or lerted by apeelal assassMi upon
-V • rrt^. Tar tba -ea who are about aay lot or pra-laea. for any> eee im», , t^biUd. - -.....................................
a U.per cent t
aad fw toe ladtet toe DaUa- oast of the raWatlOB of ench lot.
Lodtaa Hb-e iannaL The..To ebdtab toe Ree—r's eoun
<.:a« le sn-glMA by the clerks art nrt eonter upaa toe yneUeae of toe
they «tah'a t ewala —sto* pes-e of toe dty jartrtictloa to all

i^*T!MA.7?!tox —BO





Mrt Md Economy




Boston Rubbers




each in- fimli.iK n-od^'


timid hoft • Plnt.«.



Smivenir Knives
(rivMi nwny five with tht»»*’
rtBB Ouw WIeeciBw

Att. in lln- pifmliif ;iii<l iiA’Ixt sens*- lll.•;.ll- «’M-n iliim*
«liMiiiuiiii>h {nun imiun'. Art <vinsi~t'
•I'li'iu:. S'l*hi.-ii
list.K in kiKiwiin:.
fains 11 jmul.T numl»T ufvxp M workiii'-ii iiii'l 11 un-iil. r ,iir"tint
of B--i.-iiiifi.-pmiiM kwwkslit.' ililull iUiy jiiiiii'i fiK’iusy in'til• ,
Tliwfon'till’fiiiislifd prylu.'-t—DKBALL PlAKOS—n-i-i
the «T>- U^i of the ,.m«M ,.Kih"^ «ri as
h> 111.’ iMiirty viHlMrs.-m.-ii! sifi. KMBALL PlAltOS l.\ tii.
W.ri.i'sim'at.-st musi,-iuns.

System That Saves You Mbney
TIi.-KlmbjUSTSttmof pl-il.o manu(a< a.i.i *.‘111' :: is
h P’rf.-.n N.’ii.linu' of -«-i.’n" . art an.l .svnh’Hiv. It .* ,i |.l .u;.
gyst.m wlmn’liy you wt tU' 1“-.! piftsilil.- imtsi .-il vain.; ; -

Wiiiiniani pri>-<t.
IVhm you Mart mil to Imy :i j.iimo. a p.iiiiin- >.r pi.%........f
e«tuar>-.yon i.-Aonly want to k.i.m M.itH‘ll.ii.^Mf tl"':.rtist;. .-,-1




gBBBanM sa3»anM


JUmost Cime


iiitr, iliir liialli'.* "f -wW’tim:



mail Papers
T;-i. --''-I' tli-it ••-■it;.-* !*.i.lari;.' .ill. afamriOV'Ilt o(
j. (-nKlikt
iV mill p'"i j*. nuidt'to ixrm—•
j.'i"! \v<^. till it.-ai-'iiHl!-'-r dll'i»firk"l U-'i.
• •



tlhit yym-m, liii'l jiiHl »l-t j-oo wniit

jr. .ilvi.v- -li'i lo ^i^o«•




m-d ..r jiij*- oh:».!>. or a |s.n... plnyvr.


Ask or Write for Bargain List
t If MthiT ni:ik<*s-athl S.-'-und-haii'I iT’Js .


; i msi & w.

Tqiiia I

ballWusic douse

City Book Stbre
httuut-Bucha B*.,

Smr, Prf, 129 TnafSt




nu». fe «u.p

___^__- i


pdBtMent oe toiwtr d*h and pase ley thie sarMos after a few dara’
owidei Thuradar the oMelal. diiUf^ rlatt in the cHr. rweponeWiie for chan«M m nrtoes
Mr. aed Mn. 3. R. Poach Mt thia
Bontins lot a trip atone the Pacific
eopat. Tbep will daii la BeatUc.
R’aah.. Portland. Ore., and sar cose


Ingrain Carpets

Couch Covera. full lilc. fringed all

25c and up
Tr'iiiirw, pb„

p=jSSSTtSSUnX «£

.™iopOr»a*.pW«.rtm-^ «»
^ SUIV M »•«»«■ “C MlAddle Bok*.

e Ciiy elallor iodar aid espccis to
retam toBipht.
Mrs J. Horale. Mra, Perry O»ro and
MIS Rsma Ocarina of IHachas are In

J. O. lUier flf ManWee oTthe Wmtes. Dai<» cospanr left thia-------•—
aRur a abort baain a trip to the city__

Ki.poer ,n. »«.
the cltr


«omlna after rtaltinr JJ^w^ •
at the Ixsie *>f hr. Bcott.
Strikea Hidden ftecka.
\Vh.-n .vour clilii'of tl*wUh airlke*
the likUloa rtick*
. If yoB.
Inc'K New:
d.m-t sH help flits Ik. Klncti
fs Cotiatispiktn. JJ. W.
TallsdoM Biirinas. Ala.,
d li«n»erj
Ik^nrerj .HI wlib pneo- ,
wnies; ‘I had

lU. under the
belter wbeti I be-


r:E’^rK'rS' °

me OB baalnsa nnd returned aanlti

j ^



,rf. ,bl.

House Cleaning Time
and Carpets

doaeptve r

m.n„n U. Mn«„
..-.n nly .b.. n^n.
cf J. n. Bme; «« Ui» «>r»fr «f
apriiee stn«u. vkHe brlaclnf i .h» ■oreli.a areonttanled tar hu’^ ®"
tQtsraweed at Jobnaon Uri« S«wo
««Uc BvidKjr •ftcraoM. illitped *ft« iBBahter Heleii. who wtH apend it
g^. o„g store* tvire
c r.fte
5Ac ae.i
anil fl.e*.
JM, Mtlnc her rWhl ftm «t thv tbort time there.
thm bottle lOc.
^•llili. Dr. O. E. Ch**e «» e*lW «-•
O. H. HeodetwoB of Copesiab. who
ntontliw i.> make
--------make aa rUH
s: «■#«*• the fmctnre.
'iBri been In the cHr fs Iwd' weekn. aa irtib Mr*. H. Johnson for two weeks.
. An Orid fowtahlp. Brnnch eonnl.r,'
.M n~I T hU .«,.«ni wnont
1,^ ’,o fnrm#r captured the lameat sceooJ
of HenrWw «d l?S3h .... «.
UK... w. mil.;
ever seen In BouUieM Mkhlxan. The'
dierce4 with enbetsie- ----- ddanshts Opal Is a two weAi
went *0 Hnicbea
sea.nredv almt-t totr few toMra. A. N. Ct
wut e<H CMM «o trtel e« the
Crotalns thU tsunuiF »•. arcouDi of
V. »«>»»•.
br the
Mr.- A. O. wnm~p « <».r
_ _
Cfeert«e RoieetbU. hjMertality.
Mr. tpieer M Mr. Ohembew
MartllBx sonallM.
Perry OHrien lefi this
,nd perilonlli*. To
•tar last erealna and retttnted again MtKkel’ TicI on a businesa trip.^
ibe«e awful dmaiwa,
preveni and cure
hli Monlng.

A. .P., Taller
.to.... »to..
and wife
.... to...
hare recently there
.to.,.. It
.. J...I
relSblc remedj. l>r.
Just one
lln. E. W. 0«m» « IttpM Cl« mrki
..'. N™
-Vew UI.IJIe PHI.-»■
Pillt. M. FI....',I
•(.to mu to,r.l>, to . rt«l mj.r
PUto. Cto»,..
...o.., ...M .Wrt .to, ,1.1,1. „ C.«tol Hjnto
.rtto. Mn. .. N. Bltort ct Ttott .Uto* Waabloatoa. Oreson. Cailfomla and sMpaiiun and UillouancEE." Smc. ai
Mre. James I» Monray arrived hose other weneni aiaiee. Mr. fuller la Jobnaon DniR Siore Co.. F. H. Msdi
.............. UEaer wnwera bibive. sr. »uii*t m juiuietju
i SoDii. BrugRiatr.


the tmiM «hUe hi

iMM-h MMMravp eodeiT ol
KMI the M
eit. M?«. etc
1. Mr*. ac«-

•M pofUe of the Ke«
• lerevell receptXNi te
notet Akere, who ir
> te MortlMpct tt retMtB
hwhtlh# «*kw w»«
■nBUi ]iTi oM. Mere Merlac
honor woe
hooh or iwm Ol 0 tak«
,i;«llp|)yMM which ahr la hMA hr boih

.■_-:'te-f.':a,*«WU hU Jl«_r«elWd
ae 'troM *i
Mihk. Mewnrtf Kdlp,r. h piMeaaor .l
fiehaa tfopklna walrtedty. ow thr
V«nnUqr« Append ea< tu DIeeeae*
The aiib)«>et U irented h erery phaae
«M • hot MUoe U MrM Dr- **•»
ilipalMnc lo OetaU anoeeeetal opera
wMeh'he hea neea Methofia o'
Mtertag tro« the evtewT

Srod this somlnp to atlend to baai- ....
_ _t...
bna ____
been. spendtng
a week
with v-.
sa In the dUy.
parents. Ur. and Mrs. Z. K. Hlaahaw.
Berpmitl Biointcl. wbo bai reeratlj'' She was aeeospanlrd by ber Mairr.
tarebaaed the Pattersn seat market,' MiasKihel.
irrired thia sontlRg with hlrjhmily
tnd will sake hla hose here.

J .
Mra. J, O.eDunean and Mine Irene _
Nethlna Ms# Dangwroua
Vonna nf Buttons Say arere Travcroc___
________ _______ _
TUy eaues today and rsum«l bom.^KnaTikS-*
Mra. L. A. Keiiyen of Mail Jordan
■waned through town this moralng on
Oscar Caadett. a womlsman
W toU... t™. Sc.ioto B.,. .bOto
«. Bto Mto lor .toto .«k. 1. to
I, „
■-toAtoto. to to, Atombicr. torto Mm
..... ... ...
Roy. who 1a III.
Miss Kalherine Roach of Central
jtke abo baa bccii to ipe eliy this
„to ber
^ slater. uma
Mrw n
O. IL • A Cuaranttouo Cora for PHea '
Ounlier. left thia soratog for Grand i>r«au<srrrintoi »<»reirrAS> <>W-iMkn-T
Baplda nad will enter the whokaale
•UUnenr store of Oorl. Knoll A Co..
and will ISO- go to RoUaad with a yat^^t—t pakt Ur I'ans HtoAMae Ce..M.
stock at pooda tor the Ots.
David tkiitole left Ihk morning tor ----------------- ------------------ -------------------Kalknaka.- where he will aptwd a few
days ytsKlng.
Hlnnte Otltoger wRI apenil
»«»day; in KcySiwe at the g«rei nf
Mra. M. A. HoeM kft Gila MnmtoK
tir Cadillac, where aha will • apen.l
btwe weeks vhdltog her three aona.
K. T. unie. who baa been apapdiBE
he winter in St. Aogurttoe. Fla., reuroad yeUerdny afternoon in order
o attend the wedding «f hla niece.
M1H Anderson, who bat bfea in tb.~
•Ity on a Sx weeks' vacation, left ibl*
tfiamdaa for Manistee and fmn there
rin go to Milwaukee and enter afton
hla duties as baggage saa .on PenM^uelie No. 3..
A. Setalou and wlfn called on their
♦ay hose to Buiiost Day to rtsli D. Q.
norts. Mr. Sotslobi has he^ worfcMc to a bank al McRaln.

C 3. SuwhB hreuKht ia a bis kair
^wfi^hsa Tneedar tnm aouihMU e>
da the Kemoee raad. The
1 toM wpa or hnrAwood aad Moulned
twdre hipa wbhA oeoled 4.C5 feet.
Ther WWW hMlhd «*«
aaStes «■« weew taken to the Bettoer
Min. One teas „pwUcd the load tb<
noitre diaiaaee. the eeas wciKklsp
|:'4LMe|ioiMdt. E.KM(Motaok
' teccaph <tf the load.

T.r' v;


The Opounl NorsM SaUeila pobUabwl hr the Ocatial tMnnat aehool
at Ml. PMaaaei. lildt- ia the laieai
IsddUMe to eebooi sacatleee. It u a
•aatir printed tweoiy<4*hl pajte sap I
f»HMe. full of atllclca wht^ will be of
< fMadal ipteiret V’nonnal pnptM. The
^ Mndlnc artkit In' the Phhraair oas
, her« '’hose OondltHsa of Saoeeia la
IhnehMft* U hr BupL C. T. Omwa.
MCMOrtr auperlntendeoi of the Tmt, era* cur eeboola.
Mr. awd Mrs. Will Dean nnd iWo!
aoaa lUy and Don. lefi Monday sorwtag tor ftmisnd. Ore., where they will
Make their fntarc hose. A large nnstacr ,«it frlcoda were at the depot to
wlA- them annoeut and heall'h la the
arw hose which ihey have choaePThM^ Mr-PgftoAMgjisM man of
'mihed abmty la thia city be knows
■ cMbtog of the coBdillOBa pt the
■ MM
aM has no eafseial tacnlloo hnt win
■.. tab* hla cha



.The two words are vcr>- closely related in the mind of the average
housewife jost now and will be for some weeks to come. While yoii are
in the mood we would like to have you look over the finest line of car­
pets ever stown in the city-^r this part of <he state: and rii'ey are all
here awaiting your decision. Everything is first class in ewfty particular.

Mev UBder

’ Oai$y * SUtaui. who hen heeq tr
i lUMte Cor two MOBtb*
__rtt. pOTChiwJ ih* »«•’
fin flMth UwlOB etrert

$1.00 each

Many^odtoii^j to ch^ Iron.,
Also Special lot at 40c.

Ktnadey thU somlnK after vltltlti!;
in the clO‘.

Pro® Teeaday’e Record.
Rer. J. & Khutros paased thresrfi
(iian thU Dio'olna'alts holdiat »Wvieci la III.- 8wt ,r.>.ii mlwloo cJioreb
Bd Ortonr of ktS fUM KIghth olre»i
Korthport.anrt wlllcooiiuct aftvicc*
loft thia snmlBB for Hesor. where be
will vlali for a abort Use.
MHt Martha KMley of Suttona B«K E. Hshaway.

Chwlitloti thh wMk 2,750


,um.t in

Crying to

Save money

WRhoal the Ijelp of a m\iu.s
acoiHni U a dlfficnlt maiur.
Daily exproaea soon wke the
money you iciended to save. In
the liank li Is safe from ihb
tcmiuatlon to spend. W.e l»»iuwHbom charge nTtogs lK>ok.>
and loan yon a amall safe to
lake bomr in coOoct your aaslagB. InirsfS eum|K»umteJ iwIm
a j-esr Springs depi«ll« mad"
«n or iM-furr the .‘-th ol ih.
month drn* mien'.! tn ni Sli.'

-----------------------Irlih-Poim Door I'ancl,,


Extra Large Size Lace Gurtnins,


$1.00 pair * -

25c each .



CraosrM City Stats

Wear a Pair of Our

Hand Made

PRMn Moaday'a Rfhord. ..
J. G. Shorter went lo Cedar Bun ihi*
soming for a aevml days’ stay.
Mra. Pony Miller retkruad to Cedar
thin Borhlng ■ aftw a
rtait lb the'city.
J. K. OoBTtadr left for Graad Ra^da
Ibis saralas to do duty on the tsvU

AsX Your
If be tens you .lo tike Ayer’s
Cherry Peetbral for your
severe cootb or bronchUl
trouble, then tskeh. IfbebBs
tnythlnc belter, diee lake tbtt.
but we know whv be will s«y;
for doctors bive used thb
coutb tnedkine over 60 years.


Saturday, February 25th


“FOR leos

Botli in Soft and Stiff Styles


They are made as implies,^

the same as if made to >'Oih' order ajt a custom shoei-hor.
Materials are the very be^ -carefully selected to
siand.hard wear.-resist water and still stay soft apil
pliable. .‘\'nd how they fit—feel just as comfortable a-«
an old shoe. The prices an- not high. Imii are within
the reach of all.'

$1.50, $l.r5, $2.00, $150


The Ucat-on Ha: i> made in the Knox Factory and
.^is the best $:{.<Xi Hat on earth.

See Our

The Advance
Spring Styles
of 1905


Cniral Lake wia tan a n»«-«l.aad
tonahaa 4 Wti «MMtea ifce ^ntm ta. ^
rnr tta pkfwaa^kta Norvar Pita STrava

Travers Region.

, mak BMr ud w«e J»nt SuxUr
v<th Mend* ud rel*ilT«> u Btt UUe- Oeerre Barsmtd nfui «U« anent a
Hat.« ; le* dura mat veek «iih WBi. Ov and
Mff. A. MBrrto mU hiotkvr tmunM -tudlT.
Pearl Carry started Moaday last t« ^
tnm OtiUtt. _________ _______ 'Soatbland. Arfc..
Mat* tWy bar* bMa spandlSB tbc,nark for Mrs. Walter StarUac of

retaralta Moadaf

*^ >lr. TMekar was aartonaly in- “tt'oec aad wtf. and tamUr ^
e and
and daoebter
daocAter BM
BaO .Bon. to Mr
- * d«!^Wtah by a toe «1! Ml*. »^Ota
w1tbfWr«*«id* sad rrinWLeh iih---------....................^.wtakla* la the Start Snnday w1tb
Mrs Jas. Wwrrea is on tbe siefe list.
lira* ta North Hilton
m nad
Mr*. W}-akoof was a Ttarers* Ctiy Was.
and wife
yrtt* atao> Son8«f - Will CarroU t;,, hoar rrxm Soyth

a^ta:«h Blac* last weak.
TSS*dta2TtaHS«- btMtal-rrlaHorieriday.
mS _H^.co»ui«.r


■Tjsrrrsio^«p. p

with rrt
.-.w day

Oeekar of Uka Ann Ttsil



__ _

.W . mm . TbrM


shot down Saiuniay !
allow relaylya ih*

rS«M Is sU* ui he Homm PhilUps ta feeliat quite poor- and H<^y to
**ktfj^a DnkM iMUad ta Mama ««?wn»e^ta sriTfeS SusJ!***^ * Our w« taa

ngy *

T tta tan« la taHmie are «»ir a« tta ta«**a m A
^^qbilea becune a taw i« Umm b>r the nojaecer MB^red ta' <b« Mshlr and lojniias itat^
seoBte lO
to Tote
vote npoB
nma n*
tta as»^«wi»«
BfMnaafco «i
ai cnrasam
f«-r Ha* wUefe dlrMaa .that •oat'
, i
tbe co«la« apriax e.ectlaa.
eorvorate MmHa
Yenra of taSering r*Ue»ed In «
.™,U. I.O.
Tt,, tB. .U.IM ,.™
Ml mtM >. In c„. . u. KM. W b, tb. bblMl,; Ul. mmUm PMb«ll-<« D—O'"M. -S. Olsi. Kaw- tottcb of the coterwor'i aisnatm

Are you mectiDi; with the success you desiref If not. why not'
-successfu! is the qualified one.


,u»l.y-Ub p»a ~aib.



Read what me.hitve done for others ^nd will do for >*00 if you wtfl let Us.

•■ -

Tmtvita fily. l|K*n J«« >«. !»*•>

PeoF. ( . R-lhn sEn tvH tty.

vUlicd ber *”MSrjfanSJ« Unlsare cd rblc*«o
and her tHter of HanMee-ptiended
^foneml of their nephew. John

L^^i«.niiio. o».b»deniAmold Msi'Tharaday. They repoet a' brodber In fra»^ City Bainrday and
noaild^ tad a lOOd tt«»r
Bondar She reports bta condition as

in. n.u.lh-1
th«- ivrftnl
her. Sill' ipiintsl jUMdcuHtry lu *l.nngn.i tj .ntn
'J, . __ 1..... „
inti iu uU iU tulrituli' di>
irill Toil
>tmr ^uiit-DU nl<»uc thtsu^iiiir-ti'. H.-r’maalr'ry ik U»jkki»-iuni
IfliU wliciu's thi’ isiiiistnkiit;; utfttiiion you n<-c«ml
your tnativetiou in tlint imisartrint Iwaitelt. 1
«« her
liso trmit-t > liiniik you
volt (or
fur your
vonr intr-iwl iti MH-iirim: n uo>i poailuNi for lu
l^neb'itioii. Y*«1 lin-iloiiiu a iins-l ijii|*>rtaiit woA lor iIm-coinumjiily.
(imt'-Tunv votirw.
L^lk B1S.SKLL.
, l*»at«»r PnwlortiTtbft (Imroh.

I >0 not say *i will start next month or next year*'—start NOW.

C. i?. Docktra^ manager
traverse Gfy Business CvUege

rviaibad U »"
KM Kl'lb.
will Cb«l,u,l,.ib„ »£».', -'b,,,.,. „
systm. pMs purr
with her last week, in
|,]uod In
veins; make* men
With Mr*. “irTScAlay of Cedar Ron Is vlsltlii*
me Iffinrovement to ber ^.1 women stroua acd hesTihy—»i:i
with mtaUeaa bare.
h. But,. as her condition beesme
Blood Bitter*. At an}-d
drug store
kIMUy raasaai- . Hit* I. Bahle. altar a week’s men^ Mr. Bilurke te«k her to Traverse bbaiKhcr »(b tion. rMnrpad 'ikU moralna
toadind friend- h«r«rtnc tent of school here.
Mr. and Mn. Bmory Oariins
i.ew LarKta. who went to Carter.
.. aoid kl.
hla houae
boiue and < wiiita5:
wiaecntia. laai
laat Nor«nber
November with the esexre all
>to_wlfa_wUl 1^ to,pactntlep of kiUlnsaU the wd— ^
"» 7««»e -»«>
•>««»n of A. S- Bar.«»ar* Mr. Wakekam:j
a none the wome bMter with the r
^ hum.



"" “~

The Colotat^ WaUrioa.
Colonel John M. Puller, of Honey
Si. Hnbar of Traverte aiy la
Tesaa. »
nearly met hi* Waterloo
•e. Tew.
pallor here.
I liver and kidney iroobie.
f*- Vln»»ta«». with tacaat letter, he *ay»I
•ay*: -1
“i was
wu nearly
Be wDl eroBB to tk^r^r^ljM. moved hm ^m>B_8ot-. ____ „
of these
eoaq '
____ eoia^au.
*nd. *1__ IS Bay and expect u .
here. They thoudh I tried my family doctor, be
Ban two pound nets and shoot IDO
B>e no food: ao 1 fot a SAe bottle
i- : sni nett, and If there are any
>oyr mat
sy Bih left gt your
yreat _
Elertrle Bluer*, which
the bf-'
Mar.S lla Good Harbor bay they _...
will _
try to «wd me.
1 ocuwldev them
the best
ma CltT. **t » tenrtd them. They are at prn- a^dklne on earth, and thank God who
har par-.e9f «Asas*d In putilay up a larqe
you the knowiedB* to make
qbanilty oTlce. so they eaa fumUh ,hem. ' Sold, and iroamateed to cure,
rtaiic. a tkalr cnaiomer* with fresh flth any Dj-tpepaia. BlUoosneea and Ktaoey
ttaa darina the coaolns seasonDisease, by Johnson Dma Store Co..
' BUaqk,..s» bss haan boldint
r. Mead* and S. B. Walt A Sou.
iUbbtt MM'iaM..
tjm twSato. !<
td "MIM.
potatosa .bb^
alace I&^su. at SOe a bottle.
iJaat fall for
prioaa. oipeeu to
Use iBnd about hatf of ahum frosen. Tboutb
^lk»W boa Ml been as aenre as IMH.
A mother utf In i
'fsve birih to triplet* laat wnk. And
the doesn’t beis«K to a child' euUnre
clnb. either.
d the;

Tiirtf kiiolty jiftM-inR olwttys «-.'iifnn:U llii-j«r!.-i*ecliv«-funiitur>'IwvtT. luiiiwly: Whan t*i Iray. WhereV' *Hiy» aial
How to liuy. Ill tlif firs! i>lno- "VVh«-:i tif liiiy“—iio hcRiT liiun tliiiii Right Now. It iS til this Mwaou of tlu- yi-nr tliai tbr tiW
Jinoe untsl be cl«un<-<l out to make room fur llie lutvi- tt]>ritu: fihi)Wu-tiU lliaf^tir- <-spi-cte<l dniiy. Juid wi- an- wtl^in. i*v«*u aniioiu, to
sacrifice iirofinimt tliey nuiy Ix’ movtvt. SitviiKlly. "WLi-n- lu bay"—Ibiy when- your pimn-.v caii In' ianil<- t.^Hwch <mt the fnitbrst
fur Bargains. Tti<- Iumim-lh.-it buy-t in sucb lurBrqutintiiii-s Uiiil tlu-y nui Undertiuy SmaJlBP DaalBfS'ffOfn JO to
20 per cent as well ai: muk«-« iii.v w.viiiu«>ii Wholc Car Load fn'j«ht n«v-s. is oiiiinuetioualily The Plad^ to
i- thi« ni.-tbo«! uf tioiuj bu-siu.-es ibut h:is ]»l.u-c I tis in :i cliis-i by .nirit-Iv.-. Ltsl. but not .L'u»t.‘ Huw to buy" Tlii* **• l«v»v.- tdU
tin-ly in yuir linmi*; buy ;i* yuu plp;iw. in <|tmiilitii-s l.nr_i-ut>;w:ill. mid Take Your Own Time tO Pay *bf bill. TThti- tt
no r>*I tii|H‘ aUitit our t-rtvlil ^yxii-ni In n- just tell Uie
tO.«'liaTU<- it.
*r»tw-.Sl« «wsy SWowta THm* Twumtoa WHta

It weald have been incredible bra'— tatlty If Chat. F. Lemberifer. of Syra­
cuse. N. T.. had not done the beat ha
coold for hla-aufferlna son. -My boy.he say*, "cut a fearful faab over hi*
-e. *0 I applied Buekleo’* Arnica
iln. which, quickly healed it and'
ived W*,e>e.’' Good for burn* and
tileers. loo. Only *5c. *i Johnsem-.Drug
Store Co.. F. H. Mead* snd S. B. .^alt
A Sons' Dras Stores.

" pooii^d Mini,

Ta- withdniwu ••

Onai Banins.
; » flkiTet) OQ



r. and Ml*. JOB MXmmm ban re-

i» Mydiim. Bsaaen Seoii. cf
tik^kMM,whd Mss bM bayhis i
-a tkli toeanty. basnw^i
___ — ikHeraametlaM..
M the fMMi

.WlUMMt notice f



Ou fveyylliiitt: in tiwttresieo*. truiii
phin oxct-lstur to tin- Uwf urmb-s.
fi-lUxl cotton mid luiir. \Y<- buy
tln-M- wiiy ii»ide uf «x>ni|i<'titnrs.

DiiionU xnnj- ^

t’ wee® the | • IiitmAt <«wi-

auy tUy.

nr-Matmee of Bavin preached

Bamboo Book

ticmyc Eyes Cause

music Bachs

n« Befectiye YlswB.

Mmcm W114 HOT cou nm stnptopis


defect in the eyes. The cause once
renomd. the symptoi^o longer exist.

oit P. V YrMJl.

•aMt 4tMt4 Wilhelm Mk.

One dollar
VlH bny .tny
stove (iiM'ur fliiorw.- ('ume in .vnd
sue some sei-omUlimKl slaves and
ram:i*s tlint we hnvt« jtisi Jis m*"!

WhktCtBl BeCirti
GUI Be Csmcui.



Ulasblaa maeWats

Several 100 piece sets to close out at less than
other dealers can buy.ihcra for.
SPECI.\L~A good ware, full 100 piece set, for

bit'iili'ii wa*U il«y l«U>r .’lO i»-r
(*111. A liilV'btaufltmSit to l-brenMfreii. Th nvluiv stork, fnim

$2.7f IW
Buy uow. |uy later.


Odd piece* and broken sets at much below cost.
Your iTcdit is good.

Cf0k, Raagts nai^BtaUrs


Dishes at Close to Cost

Only $5.75


____py ball at Tnvene aty.
• IBip'Deek. who bu beea eedouly
JMrttt paeomaU. is gr^ Im-


My ^k-ar Mr.'

btartt twojtara nao of H. noon, and apeat the ahemota in sew- 7 UIss Ida Gercn-ft. wko ha* been rla
my pood ««» J-"
foTind - q^lnt The iadle. were Ulns Irimas at this piaec. returned
M7IL 1, tht Osthiv' An infant efand of Mr. Mark died very asreeaWy iarprl*«d by belaS'boine last ww-k.
-B^HPTfota IB XM caita- i na^ta^^ ^ Rewadla for burial eerved wlib delteiou* ice cream aiH
M. Randalt of Rldfe View. «ns ic
la the; Indian baryina cround Saiar- cake ibeagh the boapltality of Mr*, ipwc last w«^di.
*day laat.
_____ Z.
.. load of yoimp people drord 1
-__ Mar.a :
e mtaldw ih^Saile ijalu
City Saturday nisbt. . /
Mar.S Sammlt
*25»ly. Her!SamHn ....... iHin
ffooiiemly. "Cie !■
MiM Baaaie Brntaons vUliod
•q. Tvwtaiat. »h«> ^
'ir^iTRawimta at Hannah, s'upday. ’ fteilyaafe
^tlyaafe an^
and li.lffren*
IT Mnaea vai a Tramw Clty^' nme U^.
Mr*. Lon Bowman apeni >te after- taP much
a tb!* j.lac
U. Me^
Meier and
ana famUr
lamuy eapeet
especi to
tu more
frlad* here Th
wen Arbir.
Mn^lr Martck
5J**i*T^ wss s. Mlama Gertrode and Mn^le
t A laeia- number of


The taw" .wIm b

Our Busintss is to Paot lit Wap for Your Sutetss


enj^a* one
' School ^meace.1 Monday ntorafier'a vacatita or four weeks.
r^"mwdlnS’M. M. the iiuieclmSatinslfbm^ this win- |
_ b Ml«* Marparet Hilton as i.acher.
d rendlnjc ataiier at a :. Mrs. $. Aimew eallod on Tro.-tida la
eosi. should be more iurdleVrllle last week.
tollk.> llr.
a and pnimalzed tban ft , Hrm.'Ja*. Itonn. who hta beea Ul. is

riM "'M BM.« ».-""U,
»». C, B. „ -M
____ _____ __

- h

Jin You Tullf Salisfied?

ia aWe to sit oy i
k with
BMard Wairen has
TiaUora Sundav.
JehanU.- Warm's bam boiM test
Ur and Mr*. Sohlosoa and daitsh- tJohai
(be feed, bis cow wns
ter rlslted Mr. Gay and (uaUy Sanday of last week.

^ ider Thursday aftaniaoe. .
I Wtartalaed«'<
The t


?W. C. Wlboa is euuiac ice far ser^
or !br tansM-rs
j;ThViU»« J..I
Usl BVM«*
fW-itaitm* was
^iayed b>
b> a
a very lara* etwwd.
Isti*Wheat or Ttaretae City

.VII Myl.'S. nil priei-s.
from..........95c up

Cart>efs and Rugs
No better time to buy carpets and rugs than now*,
when they can be secured at a positive discount of
20 per cent with just a small payment down. This
includes Hemp. Ciranite. Ingrain. Tapestry. IJrtissels.
X'elvets and Axmjnsters.
lot of remnants with
from 5 to ’20 yds in a piece at less than cost. Not
necessary to wait for a rugi we are willthg to waiF for
the money. Everything’ from the smallest throw
rug to the large 9x12 art squares to close out all old
lines at J, off.

Cbc Baser eiellMS Bar*
•VI ft. of dryiiii^ siKK*-. wvll made-,
sn'-b us smolior ilmk-ni »ek from
.‘eF to 7.x- for.

Oaly >S cl*

Picture Frames andTraming
We make this a specialty. Bring in your pictures
antf select a frame' Wi^C^ake them any size^^ Alj
Mre. Potts’ M Iruns only 7-*. c-ls
work executed by an expert ami guaranteed.
IXT m b


are flnaBcially able to
boy berc.

faldina St««l CMKb
tjiii'u- us«i a* rtiadi or artlw or
ronvrrtni iuto c-ittit-r a 4 ur full
sizi-IhtL All dtoc-i, no vixvl nlr>ni
it ihily................... .-..$6.76

Stores at Hk Rapids, Traverse City ud TbempsonvUle.

Smaller dealers’ cost
wooU aet its a fgtr



Miw tlta «• ik nkwam aM «(.!4vlBtDn. tkt cmm« lfr.«MMn.:»Mk taktac pktwM. Be «aek
tt-li MU to k«r IB aM tke kMair r Daeta.
; toe ete«« ton m On-» m» of the
T—toj’ ta-’lotoe of loc> ato «( toe bmb ead
ten* to vortL
K. H. Butm* vrill toeke e beetoeer
•n kMC BBd , ton. Tbetou P«tl» to BDeBdtor
; trtf to Trarciee
. rtBTB hM n»-' Uie w*to to PeiMker.
n* U O. T. H. toetolled toe
fMtotoBietoiiM plity ot
, TtoUO.
W «to» to vOOu to vwfcpto keto Uw<oBeen ror tbe rear: BtoM Ben*
totiitolto. iBbor to toe ^
«Km lett.
___ _ L. C.: BtoMto Porter.
L. C.:
toMBM toe worto ever. «to Ike toco*- AaeOe
OuBe. P. U
----------------------_ C:
... OltoCto
--------- --MelMrs. J. CailtosUB or Otoe Hareo b
opatar-' aaa. -P. K.: FtonOe BarUeU. B. K.:
tetor to kare too(to voto
» rctanad W AUm
br •«■
ir. WebbjB oa toe
tot stck lin.
O. A. Brtcfean to pajtoc it asd IS ato ~
Ir. aad sKs. Joha
______ boehel for patatoea
------ -at- toe
toeaUau- pickcc
d rrtathto ia toto ptoec taro
thto. vrkUe «erd ootoes tost 10 te It
eaata to toe ben toai aetobboctaK


“ “■


u2r^‘r„‘,s£?5ii^.‘5: “a_____

a. u.•”s.‘avJsrs^;2s?'.iKa«d


-------------- ^.toito^toe.taettoat aaiiBiltorto
u«r eoa ueorae a»
vliier of toetr
toeir todrfrtaBdsat
ladj frieads at toe
toe 21^1?^ton eo
takabtoendean that toe toitoers real- ]|«:

Orstera «ere

anred aad all ,



____ ________
. e ton—eoto as Deeu. i________________ _________ Weaftod caa aad vUl be>trlU aaka a tbe M. B. ehroeb. paseed aaar Wedo Leof lake
lyaiket far peodacti blade aad oeadar eveDls*.^ Mancaret Harai jc^teidar to peeaeh a Imeial eeraoo.
araatir eakaaee too vtoae -«t tom ‘ Daeu wae bora la S'aaaii«D ceoatr.
8. B. Cate and tatoilr it Botoa st^ ^
aae of 1* unded semcea at toe Coacresaiiooal
toa railroad baa arrlvad. to a toac poll,. ake was anrrted te JoMph Doeu. aa^ cknita venerdar
a '■troag paU. aad poll all ttgetoer. laatrocior af Oeratoa. wbo died In
Mania Bran na la ton PHdar.
■ ................- tril hareU.
_ itn.
Rera^ Baiertalaera

BMta__________ ____


Mr. B»d Hn. DeU FBlrbuke M Kk
Bititto vtoued St X. T. PtVB Met
Katotor Usdeetesr asd Mtos itMile
Ben 'erreiaatTtodMareb let « Tiav__________ psreate chl« oeit______ _
Atott Kaber b dravtac toe Uabcr
for kto Mw bora.


‘life insurance co.;r
Far OM Vmt EildHi« D«»«m>«r Slat. 1004.

% Bcato to nake tbetr rmnrv
to Tiaverae atr Satardpr. i
Tbe Meena. Gardaer are boUdiax a
r vrM BtaekUie. Tber ezpeet <

Loom to PoUcT^faitoce. •
AfPBtr Itolawna
■prtag as aeoa as toe frost
F grooad.
*a»«*ato ^ dP^ acreoed '
Palrhaaka I .» 4—.lit.
akiacle aOl.
omataBdbto PieniaB
toale^ log. here aae xSSSSJSdPnS^
asr last nek.
ToTAi. AJatti
d«f Beanea FaBd.A

am. I
ted to t
noe aatLMr. La
. verr sick.
Uratli ■
noted tamllr of Hares ofr \West*
rlilted frteade at tbU plaee Satnrilv
1 Ri(toardA wbo has been rui- AU Ml
PeaatrlveBla. Mr. Dceii leftt mdar
Md Buar
« aad
*a X. ■
iralag wli
vlUi toe renaios for OU CUr.
c A. ____ ___
aad fanl
, where sbe
‘ —••*
-- told
--------------- ton tola
wUl be
to ran- be- toroaak
aide ber buebaad aad eblMres.
(br Otea Atior.
Mr. Bcbran of Kennaee left Moba. K. BMliager
dar. after apeodlag a wartt vtoitlag
Oa aeooaat ?
fttoada for bia btaae.
loaeber. Mrs. Time, wae Baable to relog SuBdav ereBiac In the acbooS--------------------------------- -- — Got Bank wae verr pleaeaaHr aar-itora to bn ntoool.
e at Ban Head. Tbe neetlag
eoatradt wMh Mr. Dake to pot la tags, ptieed Jan Pridar hr aboat.flfteea of
well attend*'
tera Bklshad toeir work.
hi. rctottoae who cane to help mkke, Bf-SbertS ietk of OoWnter cap
(Iron of TravMr. an A Mrs.i. Jobn
F gnosts over Sen«e CllBwtartal ter t
d blrtoter.
ni toto aiMI at VODuioe'e ton:, uriTj. Te^y» aad aoa Joa^ Wi ^
*• ‘fc**
M;. aad Mrs. Reito.
k Gra. Reeve* aed Mr.
a a nieceto
nicM la raal'Tharada)-notalag
raal 'Tharada)- notalag for LadtagtOB.
PHdar oveaiag was
;ln a Braacb eooatrlake la manr rear*.
fall m* ntoBlMg!
taaalag i Mrs.
Mrs. Praak
Piaak DavU
DavU retaraed
retaraed Moadar
and Mja. Adan Stoter were tbe goests
------- ------------ r. a.
_ aitoaare—foil
It Snndar of Mr. and Hr.. C. U. DobBrffP I. e MoHW,
«« *“•
»»«« LeUad.
I toTato ^ Mfi. ItaaMa Be
*** ^ reoMptt were moot tST.
H. E. Gill Ion a vataable bone ton
Ifr. and Mrs. Jmme FOrtoo were
goe^ over. Buodar of Mr. aad
oorto. ot oevound arHred
ni- Hyaawt. the( ■rantssd Catartti Cara. Hr*. .
le Heorr 8. Qartnn oeialc will he
0 br PkraieJeaa.
Balt-iSt^nSJ^etointoB^^^-iK^Mto.*^ W. WUiS7wb5 iTi
March 2<ih at lo a n. at poUIr
oe at toe trnot door of tbe coon
IW. rtSJu.tST’oS £S '"About Ihinj
ibJr M«.u o( Ml.
„r. with the patent nedlelaes that,arc ad- how.
tbe Hotel Scott»«»« TkaiMar *wU*v4 lb ^nre eatank. It la as far
Rimer Porton. wbo baa been visit1“ ing
----------The^ere ftitoiraraUT ea*® ‘I*”* •'* •»
dUniMidI U
in;; i--------—
friends and------------relatives In Traverse
__________________________ ^
“ ton rajoable than toespgUstTbeli CUr for toe past two weeks, retoreed
Hyoa»el home Sunda)-.
We are tnfomed torqr are. otto Stlllow ralebrated bis
*' secret.
table pta}jiiM Agnes Portmi Is vUIUng tor a
_______ jw toe advtoabUltr af chaag
br giving a Mn^DUTa bMI last
>'* («mnla to all
few dar. wiib ber anal, Mrs. ,P. PorJag toeir rasMeaea to that fdaoe. bat,*l
h ilntit
f tas ‘
n hope toer wiU make toe wise.- SSto
, lu base Is toe valna
i. of Traverse Ciirtoolee aad eemt to New Weaford to
im. t A.'f(iehardaoa of acveland ®*’forlta anUa
...................................... _
, min^tritoriStoe^
<»««« •»“> a^oMtle and, visiting tor the past toonih with
Mr. WlIhMn. tbe eaneat btato aaa-1 ifbnr.H..T -T-n-*fBiT a tew Zn wtto . Uealag gnm «a balatoii. makng a nneie aed anot. Mr. sod Mrs. Jer
pure liqnfB.
-atoetarer. has the oaatran to balld'^.^ Mri?8r« Wilm
wbtto when
In toe rortoe. has retaraed > ber borne In
HrOBK. ,......... .......... ............
...___ depot, and will Uketr------A-....—.—

dtaesaeron breaibe with germAlllii
totosi work on It toto week. BverrSteve and Lowtol Stiles are peeling
Stor.s deslrorlDK and bealtng powers tom eednr posts for the A’nlley Lomber Co
toUg la shaplag about riikt for —
Rggetom here as oooa ae toe w
MUs Frankie Innce retaraed to '
oatafrhal germ there Bar be Thev have taken a conti
ptoaeed with bis raeldeoee la Trarae ettr.
Bar. George wae oret is Bearie
eoaatr toei week, belplag la niatotcrial week.
bin. Haadenoo SBito baa beea la
peer kealth for aereral wcMu. bm to

. •MM.m »


- •




"* TaMmIbs
Total Amoitfit Paid
Pdicy-HoldcrB Oxmx Orf«
N2407.494 77.


Brand Bew

Up*t0-Date daniess Sbap


ssTu'ff r

UquWito look-as tr averr M woeOa , ^Ir asd Mrs Fnd Haric.Ttolted The oalv natoral wav to cure this dlsbe oeeapled at opea. He wBl ablp oae
'umm one dar last week
diseases of toe res' f nUltoa cedar ahlaglw mwi
lubel PoUnaa
duitotera. Pitotorr organs Is to breatbe Hromei.
woto. , CtoudU andltoad^lS
This treaiBeat bts been so-----------aaecessmad
Tbe ini
-.......... I. of sll who hsvv
ueed It. tbai Ironei to now sold by S.
asder-war. as toM are elrettdr
arai thoaeand f«pt of taasbar oa tbe. i|^ omfir and children R>wi aad E. B’alt & 8«» under no nbsohiir
sole to refund too mooey If It
~ "
Raenell. went to Ttorerra atr Batar>|K™<'
ao risk wbati.Mtot Hall and Jacob Dora- ,
to visit tMradA
I «»•
la buying lyorael. If it did
beckar im» toarried Toaadar' at KeaopfroBManaaa Otp.
r to attend tbe funeral ’


Agala has a Wexford ptabeer
called hecee. Mrs. Anna. —--------M. Kl
__ . A CratsM- Wi last
of Hyomei and a dropper. The Inaoa dlod February St.
7~ o'clock k^Taea^ Boraing to
----toe la- ^*1*^
* llfetine: and addlto. asd was nngurailnn of Prealdeni BoeweveU, *•*•! J**''^* ^ Hyomei can bo obetery Marto
SSSJSS'W."' “»r
AaiM M70ooB_was kgn bi^C
nt n>dbb
mot Mon
tnlk over trade
in tba evooing.

home of Hr. and
cnedal partr
otoer aaaseideou were Indnlf
ilged lo. All rapon btviag had a
pood (‘me.
Some of onr neighbors are going to
move to Trarenie CHy this spring.
Tbeie are at least six sppllcanu for
each farm kaowu to be for rent.
To CuTW-a Com lr> Qua Day

-Ii is not known deflnilely whrtber
R|„piKwnl Hocb was ever In Kingsley.
i..,. — ot <b. .« ..Id. .rc .Uf.
iiUiiijg yieni^lve* on tholr narrow cscapo, as thoy think they havo seen iho
horrid thing.

Hut OHS)

Witt Tie SM^lNkSttchSMiHlIichiN Vileh is
Saaeriortaaneticn. Sews inner tisa a»j toier asAlBe iM-,
is Act better ttaa MB »e dote »rit>4. Ctil at tbt ibs» sal aaa
bwsrk. lt‘sepentedbTPumpHchins.Beaasatoae hsiae*
tethbetty Ar22 7an:30yesrslBtbeetoflsr«f WttdaiBw •

<3 a Daw Ann gg
son. George; df toU pJaec. aad three
mandcMldrra to Boom their kwa.
aervlcea were bold Tburs-

]^!‘pMMk 'dmk: JaantoT St. im!
'rttoi toe aubtaot of toto ekatto was
B IWli Wdxiord toarta.
mwm^ , .-i h2»**«s'^W^'lM
to toaecjw-sTT by the
■rtoaBa«ha»lofber}uapi. The
'K^rMpetbv of the «*•
y JaitoeU b«(nMr^*t^'-

ss “,if!S?.rs2s

----------------,.............. phyetoat
Traverae Oty Pridar.
Marion Abbou reti
,0 Monroe Centar.
Mra. D. L. toielgB ^ aafferlng fran '7’
L Walt A f
IT' k severe aitaek cf aewwlgla. ,

! '»■

>» T..—cu.

A Sagtaav. naii Is eulag'kU Tamllr
doctor tor aewiag a piece trf ganse In
ti*. Itt. . fW preitcn
teacher tn the Matchett school today, on which to nsk tor damages.'
At the village caucus held tbU even-.




to toaWrad aad

»™. jM»

It dtiat. E. B. MoUo baaiini the
k -Uda aad


is. w 11 ■ i* i

i srrso.?-^'^

.h4 r.jL-_i.Z*T*

136 STATE ST.,4

*** iriUiiM
Udaey I■ftiBoirts with the aUrndant aavat snaansfsaBu ea
- erlts of <
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Auapoeh____
tedny to vtoli Mr. and Mrs. J. Anspaefa
for a few dayk. '
fci.'lbey ran rmedy lu hoalto-dtstroylag
eSecU by taking frciuent dosee of
“'f- -i""
M. mo. WA.
a. A-A'5:;®.:;i:'ir.;,.,.3l'a. ;
t>wer. It
virsa her.

to? «M iata

tyaal»a.hs«n laid up for the

WE "lead, others followi
Ws h»vs JssS rsMTsdtwe eerkito'sf Bar OarrUawrad Saasisa. ever re swua-

.. tt.



r Iha party dPs. died at ber bum AirmrstWr-— rpaseau here.

Arthur DaltdR

'■■■II rhiiiaVH"ir***^'



Water Sale a Great Success!
Well Bought is Half Sold.

That is why the Globe Store does the business of the city. We always
buy gtoods at cut prices and undersell all our competitors We still have afewof the
S50 CASES OF RUBBERS AND SHOES which we bought at auction at less than
50c on the dollar.
THISSEASON. Come and get your supply before it is too late.

toe Trouble
No oae word better «
eondllion of the auSerer from went
Hiao “mlsery.-

a «f toatr aaM. I

rm toeSto. w Zmi tom l^^oappe-'
MM Wednesday at Grant tonreh. wa» tile, there are pains and griping in tbe
taigely attended. Rev. Harris ef'Sber stomach aad bowel*. Ue brad aad
oOdated. Tbe babe was a tavely bade acbc. aad the tolaery gora to
.sa'daylMt weto.'
Geo. LeaUe apeat Moada^ la ibav- cblid aod toe parents bava the syai- every orgna.
k-Btotoa Lnatocr sras a Traverse
rse City.
-------^ .
pathy of <.Teryooe.
. SirengCban tbe etoaach and the di­
Mortia Browp of Leiaad traaaaeled
A at ther af young peofde fram here graiire systam by toe ua of Mbona.
------ N haa Mt Joe Amuburtneas la town oa Muaday ^
--------- the aortal at E. Ooraelfa Sat- Tklt U toa only aiearato rmady
urtay erealag. They report a tae known that gires reUcf Mr atraagSra*
k tew days la Traverae acy. reura- time.,
• ing tke atomack aad
tag Satarday.
Mr. aad Mra G. Hanvn vtrttad it U toll prta
PMer Warxbus to buUdtag a hay. fHeads In Meeick Satarday sad San- tain care for
. Other medllaltrakOB aauon I
» toe man « uv wimr •UWT -%•
mraavmay give lempon
raadlhraOy 0B'<< his balWlng.
-^Kidder U working taTtomae hettoag digatt the food.
i Mr. and
aad Mra Dalmll
Dalaell toft Bntarday
Batorday CityCl^- <
. not
aot etreagiben
etreaglhea toe ctowacb.
aad that
tor tbe aouto part of tbe state, tor a
Mra hritoto XewMilr to ytoUing ber organ g«* weaker r”*■—
few weton' Taeattaa.
paraaia. Mr. aad Mra Prteat
B. E. Wah ft Bo
The womaak. rtub wtD -waeet wkb
Mr«. H. Eeaaady aad lUtta daughter tail draggitU have
MBtoa to baytog pMatoca
Mrs. A. Votoeoa Tiiriiir ifHmifri
of Trayersa aty have bora epeadlag U this maarfcable remedy
that thoy
medy tost
At toe Bweuag of toe ewmO bald aevenj day* with relaUrra here.
‘gugraaicc a
Btoara to miklag tor bia
toe Boncr will
YMeeday Bight, R. E. OBL Joa. L.
Mra Simmons of Kesaw CUr to be refunded, Mi-oba coats bet 69
M tor a few dark
eenU a box.
... AMcto sea the stteng
re toad^Mra^T. E tokhe’a an* tor. P. J. PtoBck trarr appatated -tamdlag tbe week at A. RaBaey'a.
JTwilktas Of Traverae aty OHde
Mia board of tostotraltoa are
«6m pleasant call
calls on friends here
- li*t
. ..................................
r Gasaoa. Ataos Evtlett a«d7-lt: E. one dar tart wertt.
be token bMoro each meal. Otoer
CBtopbalL Tbe trastew elected to tor. aad Mra o
J. remedies for stomato troabtes end in^e aa toe Mect^ board

________ __________
dIgeslioB are tnkca after toe mrai.
OasoM aad Amra BtfOett.
Mra Sarah Ramary Is mdte aiek.
sad deomuiote toe w»d food yoa eat.
JMes Vlrtaa Darn ww
E Cook Is laid ito-«ito toe rbeto bn Mi-oea used before raUag




f rSmCr d^ra*BtOe^^^

Mrraad Mra X L_____
rteade ia Skrama Jaet weA.
Mm toteb

isbed ato
w of toe cm ItaeH and


J 18 Front Strest ^

Traverse City, IHcb.^



»i*,Hitiiai>ilv. MAUCH >;-i*M.


» wky^ citer Um*. ««>.«•
ttat we »«T« HK wdM »u«c»Mrt «■- merm^i/ d» «t «i» *r*
TeMwtM e»r ritk
> lead br; raacb oat m> auub ranker tbaa we. *
dtwrtee to kc«i> tlM Ubninc **» oC Uwt r«*deavorcd to atnnptliih .»»« The peoi>le we« nuttM. Wtlte »Tfce toltorlM nper
«sr clir IB rtfir wk whetwbj- be to .emdtme fttan the ' oi»»nii*rtoii e«iiotk»» not w»tBS wood were prefer-1 Hawerd A. UunetMB.k or (be Mauiei- (aaam be Indaeod to iocada'bcre aad
,do batter tbaa la mar of tbe lat«olB*rMrto'ahD»eorhttowi>or»fo- thoM cooiHHow asd to Impreer the tWe. If an loattintloB e*p»arta« 200,aaa Grw Oaspaa>
vtdo tor hi*
M be would oilier- puMIe tbai If ibe board ww lo Eli ibr or St» mco «Biid be eecored that n«ed! “to cowMerlns the Inportaace of Htlea With the ar t<nr aOMa froM
-TraveHe Cilf ar a wboleaalc eeater, Sortbport to MabHUda. a Utse porarise be able t< do. After all It U ibe pUee U — decipied lo «U la our UnUwr. ,|t rhoaM be goMea.
w-udltloa of the laborlaa laaa which ; dir. ladlTMual lnte«« aaat be ahaaI adeocaied. K bonds
lloa of the
aUa- Je
------were used.. and dlstribatla* point, let as Erat lo .k
eEectt tbe prosperUf of a «V. Where' doaed aad the -sreatest food to thethe ample He<uria|: ofihe dtr so that; ai,jo»e of the dtnUScaUoas aeee.- trlba^rr to Traverse Cttj. t^ av ..
the larehacle Ends sieadr ' emptof finest awaber- be the watehwwd irfall eoairan* would be carried out. Tbe isarr. to o» a* hnslaea* aea.and as aa teriaOr ,eBlarita«-the EeM for Bow ;,
moat at ftlr wa»e* mU avewues of Ibe oeitanltatloa. I also're«w»endedPettaikcr board of trade Isaaed sioetolonsanUatioa If *e are to be Itaowa a* that eaa ship ibair aMrckaadlse a
unde are rifeeied aad hnslness flonr- W a caaraaioe fand of
be'or bonds and each anabee took what,tbe distr^bniiac point of oorthera fraater dlstaaee. at a profii^ tbaa tba
raised at once so that the board mUcbP he cotM. Aaotber plan is to bur toad :)ilch(ean.aod a aod ptoee to have ma wboleaalo {rrorer.
‘-ItiUt Jhese eonilltkms eoafrtaitiai: have aosM noiu? wi haad for i]lT*erei- la sabarii# aad piat it law pan lots ^ amlon «ith..
"‘Tbe soil in Grand Travetae and
■in order that any insrp may tmve a wdjoiaiiig cooBUea ta h nady taaai.
KS it Is well that sre have eotae tostead^'. permaa<-ni. growth. Ha basi aad whUe helag r^eclallr go<l tor po-,
:EeihPr toBi^t io eoatlrter ibl* awst
and sugar beeu. It is s__
itmneailoa: Kew lodustrlcs.
this grwwib. T»-tnsp]ve the cmfldoBce adapted to the crewinge( wheat, oafs.*
'How C*n We Secure Tb«?
or the |«ul>llr.'U:e'y must be'brtwd. Ub- core, and all kinds of fruit: the peata■•1 will not prcsuBie to answer this
• ral. uasA-inBh III ihi ir endiai-or to s«la U aided for the latter, aad la fan
;<itieKiioB but will onir open the tUsbuild up tbelrViiv. I\>ci>.e Jealourics one aeciine Of borthrra Mleklgap :s
rtuukin at the aab)e« l»r preseatins a
irrea mindeil p'-rMtasllilea mas’'agkanwledged by all to be the btuit
few of the Ihtafs which I bellove arc
lu- elUnluaied is terv any great good farming district la norther* Hlehigan.
oeresaaiT In order lo aitfact eapiial to
ran l«> areomplUb.d as an orgaalta- A prospenios farming •district, with
0-.I7 rltxikm. We. as memutw tg.the.board of sneh a rtkevstiy ot prodtmu as anra. .
••1 believe IJiat In some respects J*
trade. »houM |n>ll loqiuher as one maa while Its dLmaadu are not spasmodic. ,
is as nccesssrr to advertise a clt)' ip
is for the b. *t iotfrests forjilshc* s demand lor imnds
-order >n areure nrw ladtislries^ It !•
Arf the town. Working In this way. it uBlIlce a eoumo that Is I
for a merebaal or manursnurer to a
will Ik- eakler f,T us to lairTt-si new some rich End. wl.ieii wbea nbaiiatrtf.
0 inrrease
In our rlty.
a* la the case of some of the Umber
•Ther.' are many tlirkine. hnMllag >**da leavto ton towns dend.
lltiralRRlDllSlDi F0T*EMbtin§AOh^CitiZ6nS TNfiCt*
towns al labaiii u». but .»i>nate<| as'we
"Traveraa City i« most lorn
Urn Uald Dan o4 tha Eiaae*
't**** ■“*« »«•*■<• tltr kh»d
there Is «
pro. there is no reason why we should her

* * B0 to 98 ll8IO*-UnB 01 UlC flneSl
of goods the people ham: He most
the.beM known and largoal *hlag we mMt ooaiider here: hctoto■SAMIIMS Ewy Sarwnd
as good or. Iteiter valoeA
' town north id Urun.t Raiiirts. I.»watrd fore Traveree-ClU's retollet* hava
fctw «w BE.
than ttn lie secured elsewhere and
joBooeof the.miwi iM-antlfurtiodb's .d drawn trade for many mllre arpnad. .
From Tlniredar-a new«. .
• : well prepared repast. The followtng
nr ladueciaems most be
* 'Svwater la the w<>ri<i. only foriy nTr>,-'h<u..aB the rallraada reach out and the ,

TMtkehoarderiraileaBntialineet- was the ineau;
real and not aeiiilous. So Ills with a
.:frem Lake Mfrhigan. we enjoy durhiv eotiairy dcvelopa, tha smaller inwna
tag aad baadaet will result la grant
Ostlers raw.
m ord,.^ ,o attract new IndusI the seasea of open navigailna. frelgfa: »oad about are improvtag. Only a
■ good to Trararie cky was the unaalcelery.
busi prwtcnt advantage* or
' rales which cnalde ti< in own rair.cwt, few years ago. a great BMay farmers
aMW verdict of the J31 members as DiwUod aalmon trout, milire d-botel, {ndacements as good or bctier thin
lowiT eosi than any «re mmpalled to markdk tkair prodthSF ^ the Uble ai pJrk Plaor at 2
Saratoga t^lps.
- other el.le* can ihow. These advatiinland town.
acta la Traverse aty. To^.sirtvipg .
- orooefc thla, meroUig hfW dmcasalng
siked coM tdrkey. Beef loagne,
real, otherwise Indtu
top.thrae hoars aad a ban the aubjeci
tries established win not grow or bav.
•••Oiir railroad fsriiiiies are «in«p«5-;»o 'market bis produce M tke least
of tie maeUng. “New iP^iries ant
pressed Atekea.
igg been located here will sooner or
111 by- any lown to Bnnhem.MlehlKa'n ‘
aad eEort he will take kis prodae*
These roada. spreading out la etery 'Id the nearest atatlesL The aougtry
: How to Seeare Them." TTre-meetlng •
Tea rolls.
|„er wither pad die on of
dlveetioo about ns, enatde us to ivach 'mereSant. iwUlto kls predeesmr of
«U nw ail talk as a reaOloiWb was • Pot^ salad. Shrimp aalad.
h*ndieaps not foreseen In the lu>glnt' alipolntlns a commUtee to Qierry ire cream,
Aasortwl cake.
towns In a sbbrie- twmiiy yearn ago. I* not asleep, bw on
dtaft a hill that srill enable Traversa ’
-Our geographic toeatlon may lie:
. lime, and at-a much lower role af the other hand Is wide awake aad Is
oBer Induce- freight to merehants In tbene lownr ! buying hit gu^a at cheap aa tbe cUy
rtly to laaaa bowds; a motioo was
whi reduce freight rate*, ped awk t 0 impuUrhte ami adventn- and pan fanory
meats si^ give free Sites. Hhi dosing than the rllles from which nonbrrn : merrhaai. He (the ooaatir maiCkaBtl.
ggaaad that It was the eenae of the • luyor E. X Fnlghav> •«««> •* loro'- either oa the raw material or flnlshed o-4f city.
ibought was that hard work n-as nec- Michigan has lieen supplied la ihe-; reallring the changed coadKioas. tat
gusHag that himds he lamied pad an- master
the cvebing la a very ac-, prortun. Labor condUkms may be
ir.«x..pttoii of tl-k
past. Take for iBMaaee any to.f : | putilBg forth as stroag aa eflmt «a
if»ar tootite was carried that a cum- eepuble nmnaer. He begaa by rtai.;„rt „ to be an inducement tor fae ^
,1,,. „ti,r essary.
PidlnwlBg Mr. Priedrieh's aildress. wiihla a radius of forty miles. If a Imld <be trade of bla commaalty as
" - • ba appojntad to tomrtate a mg ^ut ibh matter to be coaaldered, jorte, lo torete here or the rheapaes* ,
,or.„y bnrir.e-n wa*
rMrlet./(< fOaiui cl raHiag i IS of vltaliiapretance to eveiTObr In and nearees* of raw material* used condemned, u.i the asristsr - ..r ..-Jt Ihe Traverse City male qaartei. com- merchant in <me ot these towns finds i Ihe city merehaal la to draw It awap
he It needing goods that can Im- pn^:fras him.
----- Traverse aiy. The people had Ubored .„d tocimies tor trantporilag them nn-nrior* ami iHulne** men\,
Sayder anil C. F. Hunter aaag ^sed ta Trarrrse City, if bewlll tei | ‘U’htle I am ool la,the reUll basl«ir pta board c< trade i . auw..-,»n.r u«
u»< tt,,,...1 ..9
.1. l«»i- ,
rnngvi':i-'-< desir
| btos. gad........................
have oaly bees a realdeat
of '
adraaUges were an that were adce*-‘inp „r CTiBiti Indusiriea. Wo have __ _ locale In mir mtikti W'e olso' '-Ml.<u'rarie~ trotn !-|l Troratorr." Tbe epbnne his order In liy ihree'o'rkVH

T%e awKlar was well aumded last
iKwnn wlvrrtUlng'oar rSi.v' ot^ a gi. ri^ selcctloa pleased ihe.aoilipnce so well la Ihe nfternooa. It will enable toe: thedly for Ihrse years. 1 believe there
, many apparent advantages i
avmribcaad It wan aa*areeai.cit>wd MIT be he helltned that Ihev had which would^ of rtilue to Ihe mannshipper m fill Ihe order to (hat the I ^ not a retail mreehaai la this
„,„yra,i„ns r ibai >hr applaiiKr «
1 A. \'.
J. W. MllUkcn.
mcrobaci will bare Mis goods ao^fwuo wlM mot adarit that thaaa.ikiBgad
ttat aaaamUcd. Uie
facttirer aad to make these known to
of the diy tbai
-Now OiherClUes Are Soearlag la-, later than aooa the followlag day.' oaadllloea do ntol. aad that h* la
him should l>c our aim. ,
(he larsesl lataraaia. tnra-«Mcw Industries. Haw Shall W* 8edustriei - Was the nuhject aaalgaed to important fari. The average tavrchaai gradnally working Into a Eltarreil
Tbl* bdartl ot trade t
araed wlt^ ihe vital quea-,
mm Thamf"
r..-t...t .K.-I, . ti,irn.i» In
In nnv ............ ......... ~ '
J. AV. Mllllkon Bad hV handled It Jb s: Is Bot catTytag HvT stock Of good* to ' clasa of (fade.
1 Steteas*.
e City la to
d several very plesatnt
coBtlaaa.-i^Inereaae la tbe fnpire aa
This organitatlon should U- the to
* mt-mher Mr. MHtikea. “b« the people and the
............. , Prealdriit A. V. Friedrich [;
la tbejM. we man gel la a6m» amkatrument through which the outside
j ,on
lak. ;i spirit of Hie peojile In the elly tbal
' -^dSal tM MBotlagito order aad the.,
utaciuHag ladostriea at osmw. I fibm linllil it up and put ll to the front. I:
the position, ihst luisloeB* is not ent WS^ml»keo*ceraw*rei*ad. ‘
believe ihai.Travme CHy. 10 |hiU
will note a* an eiample ihe city of
we have
gnffleieni tor the bc?i .’evei>,j..
her prestige l«4ke aVMndifiB^teniChiccs» Chicago i« not loeated In a
. •aaretosjra »»a*ert,
R and dUs eit.v. therefiire s
mast be ready lo
nattirtil plare fora rtlj. It U Inraied to
tributing eeaier. There are
■ great'niimlter ot eommllte. k
, chants la Ibeae lowaa.
a swamp, lull the itcoplc have built' fl ;
maismada by Stib-'
tahliahed flrma.who
-There is DO rraaoa why. With war
^..Haarea. The rei»rt Is
Bcw iocalloB*s or who wish
wUh to
lo eitabe«ab,,up U:ard lids I
iluit <tur
foratone tin' rii'ld. ft Ip the |ieop1e *f,
of the parent company. |„.fnnK. n,,. stnuigesi faelor iB our
localh». nrlib a
Ttaversf City that wUl build up
Wo should be OB Ihe alert and go to
efli.necttenl i-t it:, well*
! imie push and e
7, wo ahoad am
thorn with an InrlUIlua to bwk oiir ronmleri deveionrrent
‘ itot'Mlnro OB. kaaA. M' heeoate the HUB 01 Ihe aorihera pari
' He niiitiimed'by saying that it woald
city over rather ihga waiting for them
ri am writing chi*, my dear «ir. tor
: Of wMirvti to- d-iie ak^ jadlrl^ual lines bat
to us,
nnr encouiagement. Wlillc f liav- nn
Blnwv K. Wklto then aaag ’Teasavetld tx-s all around. People
order lo neeompUsh' results
'pimi fi'iiil*Elifi todtohao.
lag" at
uen- bi-eaiiM- ranliary'cnndliions arc
|||^ nittrod aa M
trmt nexl»- U im X»r9 .l.ul., I .n.
.h.inner la whkh ho
.9. take aa active intaresl la the work, he ur tlin-e ><«r* «f Ito .-sit;ii i;; e. great
• ,,f,- nn..i.tA Th.-l,* ihinn

w lUETHa” m

tiberse Qty Can SecuK Industries If the Proper
Inducements Ire Offered

^ness flen Got TogethE Uniiedly For General
Good ol die Ciiy

*naifflssiiiglDRDsReceM FamaUe CnsMeration anUlegis- veni«>»nirr

? *



lu- apparent In order to get the
Adjtftom eMMii WjBmff.
pe->|ilr. An all around town m'lst be
Adituam Omni! Wyki« of th« <L ''
toiHt liidiuuibs must l>e gone after
A. R.WSS presflit and was called npoE.
the memlien and.c;lilzcns as well that strong, uniied, uaselllsh Isufy of Im
liu: must be ready in lie received after
He bbU that the Q. A. R. 4
any grvai good will lie
to accomplished, ness men. Snch aa urgaairesiiin
a ». Ma«. paper mlB iBVOtf.
th'-y or.- '■•eitriil.
here Jafie 2A-21 woald OM all im for
Id nailed acIlAa there Is streaglh. To witbom any robesivdnei,* in iu- >r s::.i
rsilillne has iMUito 'two S(is of
piMMre Bliboogh it would be a tdepa.
'areare'tblB all factioual differ .-hres it* work must to-rendiirieil at 11 u liiu-e
BeraW. miktoiivl- an-! t'lai ws ats the luipolar way
are to ri»me to Traverse City. Many
must be foniolirB. No selfish or nl- which sill ap|H-al tatlK-eommun -.sir;■ i> 'raixImiI it is n«l the l>esl
of tbe .vHcraiU dealred to aea more of.
terlnr motives mi»l^ enter lath our c>f ibi- public al large,
the aorihera pan of tbe state aad (be
work, but al) must work logetbt^tor ^WishlBg you a u-ry ji{oniaii:<- and
lie ii-i-l til • I- that Ihe.lionds are perlid eoaMe timm 1
the eernmnn gotul of the ynliie com- eejoyalde ereniug and-regrciiiii:: jn.'
tortlv saUI-1-. The IcgtolSMire slionli' T“'

-••do so. 'Hr- spoke of (he vMeraiM who
inability to lie present with
I to-s
flrat SpMkar of the wrntoE He spoke
pars a -|Ks-laI an whleh would save
m«eb to faviw of Traveree wen- Ilviag OB pensions Inn still took
"The following letter was received to remain,
lihwrF atol ImM;
as follows:
l-ujlnu a sttvet nr park ami arriUns f^l'V a^ db-triliutlag t^al. ll 1* nu much iditosure to tbe eacampment and
by me from Hob. Amos S. Muaaelman
••nctoeetfnlly yours.
-We meet laalght, gealiemea.
ui 111.- i-u.l di-»lreii liv a round about •**> he did lea or rvea five yean ag>i.
made muy Mrrttcaa to attsmL Be­
-Amos S. Musscitnan. •aoy.’B talanr tram B
eoBSider and dlscu* a qaesUoa which of-OraitO Rapida. president of the Nawa> Si-:i8itir Moffat I and Rpptreen- dtrenHiag tm the J..lib*r* to carry Ih.r cause of thla. he asked that *a
to Bret- IMM.......
U of >1tal latercst and Unpottacce to lionat Grocery company, and member
laiive Mnuri.e tli..<iKh| that surli a hill *n«ol«. and ili.- iranspofiatioB ratii
He roDclildnd ills addri-ii
----- 7“^ every cititen aad.utpayer. one which of our organizaiton. scoding his
w.i:ii.| to- |ia«t-ei1. “
paol>-» tor quirk i.erv|pe. ami for ilii* for the veteraas.
ingabldopresent with lhat If any good wa* ' - rs.lllla.- I- .. ry carrtul no.l sees. r.-a«.n tespA-rlaJly during ih.- wftitn
tmts^ not beln:
tb. t.1.1. pnn
Buie Orgaaiser WlHtom Barey was
«* tonight. .Th?- seotlmcBis espre*
Ofiah tok
It and growth ofr our clt:
Itoi. It..- ^n-.-nin.-» carry out what tunaitosl tii- *111 throw bU«ltitalto preseat and waa'oallafi apoa. He
and wht --- - thereia are encoutaglBg and go
c ocaretu ••rrlul.

------------ 1 dty we are all praud of--------------Slated that be ■would Uke to sec (he
HO«.t7,fcopetoaeeeoBilnuei6«rowan<lproi ;»how*hat good niay beaccompllshto
"Aaoilu-r |NdDi i Sake Into ronaid
business men lo eafiMvar to secure at
Tba treanmr. J. T. Haaaah. ropori- per in the future aa tt has to the past. | ln «»>•* building up of a town by a
aani. .-i il.i.n. The deed should l>e erailon. Is ihai a Jobibng Imslne**
riieap railway tataa ^
aa poMihie with
«fi that from Bepf. fifi. 1*02. 10. March
"A few preAm her* loulth* haTc[«roBE vigoreus board of trade.
held i:ii:i: K ei-rtalfi amount
laxe. to- ca'rrlod on in Traverse Sity at 3
possj’we. Tbn
in's Views on Public
1.2»afi, he kia reredrad tt.fiOCuK and’watched it'devclop froio a mere ham-[A. E.
W7-paid aii'l 81-41 a eeriain amoiini lo lei-> expenae than in a.targ'-r city
a eaaaot afford btgb c
waSer. '
tt< ntals are.noi an hl|^. v»u ar<-rioscr
plM oat fiff72.44. leavtog a balaaeo of let aamsg the pines lo'lhat proud prv |

II the small iiailc ^
•fiEM to the treasurr. Doth repons ' sliion which It now bolda.tbst of being; Mr. Friedrich tbea'rcad tbe foHowAll I.laii., adoiucl should lie «.1i liis to your trade, can
wndtoff eouairy and for
mmo toeapted. Vhe aocretory then the commeretol centre <«f Norlhera j Ini: letter from Amos 8. Mns^man.
r-j-:. I b> ihe p«f*p'e and audi-.n! hv a a* wi-11 as ihe largi * r the reason that rtaaeu be rtquesied that the
atoted that tbe board hail 12I» full paW UlRbigan i’nd tke best 1:.wti of Ha sire ®f 0»»»d Rapids, head of the National
ttmail pommltiee. Muskegon.
tliai >on are
n.i m riNset
poarible. be fined at
to Ibe state. Lotaia wm that It n-talM
Creek and oue ..tber ril v haic followed tooeb with tbet^. anti ,n this way k.-ep
or tea days.
-Permit me 10 acknowledge your
this disiiuctlun aad prestice.
Ihe lumdiiig plan It l» true tliat Ihe down yovr pereeniagi- of iu*ses.
to reply, to a timaUon Oeaeral
.Daettoa «t Offcci
-Daring the past few years onr city kind luvltailon to be preseal at tbe
■e of reaching the iratU
— tTyekoff ju'ied
i.i.iid comiatite.. are sosp'iviou* of Is lha expense
iraui a<:
t It woald be Im­
aanual mceitog-of j-oor board of trade.
‘H.n-!- I'ui it Is Just as true lhat ibc) great. bMau»- of the rtilft-reoce in
Marob 1. It would have given me the
I. m..,.- i. s.l. u I.
I" .11™T.I.- .... liu....- C.
ramm^ coijposcd ot L K.
„ rrridence* have sprtiag w
'pleasare »o have been pres
tnv. li.c «.» I-.VI.9
1-.VI.9 CAM
■™.l ........ .

A ,™..
I. .J.,,,,.,
0^. Hosrard Maaselmaa aad O.
Handsome vat at a-our banqacl at that time and
be km.-l t,i l.u. a str.-ei. H- Ibptds In the Trnrtiins eanopt reach
,he ladtea of (be (I
fSarvor aeleet tea fiircctoril The toV■ aad KOludaiaUl burlscai lilWke havcji 'vgret .
r ihat I Shall be
-it. J the .-lainp!.., .if h.-m the u a N. Cadiilar to-f-t-. 1fit an ei|K-n*c .d ^ H-.aad tto s-ias of Veteraas. J. W.
gwrec the (Acer* the ri.*c* <ui nor 'nmta
I" vaioy.ihat oreasl.m with
wata rite^i*.
riteei*. Itotolr
E. »a* h. Ip,-I «h.-o It de*ir.-.i i,i .wtn- two liidlars
1.- I'lng Travrese Cmnaaocn eame mat with a |WP^
toilldlatyi. ch'urrhe* and ecfiool honre • fW- I
“> V* ««• 'Vsshtogion tor

,A H.
....... -'A-'
-—WI*, n. TV.rtXT..fcH..A™»
Frdditoat. E. W. Harilngs.
have addcl Mrengtb. heaair sal ai-l'ki- ‘Mne-iratloa-or Pre-ldem RooscTher.- a:- plaiu" enongli Im- .-very eighi oVlo-I !-« Hm- to vi-lt llie
P»wW««- B- J- m'fht*. ttaclivcnas* to oorvpmmpalir. lihor J-wlt. ami mim have here March J. 1
e»n<iu>ml..« n.-ul figare out it. oma. tr*doaad ■> - j.;.» 1-i-av.-at ihe Hok,_ ^
JMeoK Vire prreldret. James M. ^ whlrb tocivenalaly 1io,k- that at your next an
'll.- Uiouuhi that ih.- enablinc an‘he. w-ouU hav.-arru.-d ha,l lu-travei-d What th* Board efTeaE* Has AOBOim
MWtoroba* been th«_iaW of much of Iim!n««l- « »f-aU he remembered and cer•S',;uli| l»- the totl.T M-J»k.«,>u ha* from Gt»i: l itai'id., and hi* mlUam ia
, no cfieettona were all mpde by ac
i utoly ritall do myrelf the monor 'of
■boo.U 'l tw.c :• and Cadiilar -ntr.- Cart oolj^ .«• I a;» the anu-rtBl. oce doUci. “Tto r. ha> brea a PTOvtor Impnsaamaikm pad «arii of the sm-ccssfal
j being presreit if it is wlibla my p-rere.
Illa: liaa had irouhle with its Iwod*.
"r.irmH-l.-i-n i- 'h*- life of iredr aloo In th.e easmaaky aBNmg iboHTh. rr.-d't ..f Trawr« C; >. h..sercr. aad »h. n».r.- l,ii. • «e Job. the larger who },sw not Iwea ta eioM Moeh wli^
.h™. t».& -W-l
X .-91--. .1.™
ie OTCntog
1« 1 r. high
any ekanr.-* and ibt «cdup« ei •:a-l- cmloe Into Trav- the i.gsr.i of trade and the work of its'
ih- |.-.d»l4- .ant b< too rar.fOL H** ‘T—
to.are It. T»«ir..r* that .the board ha* arcomhave watched thto growth, and di-t-ri-j*’*
first Ere fiolDg etreied for two
opmeat that if we .-xiwvr this gniwlh;*
gn»wlh>i ’«»• » vkarter meailmr of o ir l«ar l
rior-.l k> 3 boo-iro-;s si'-rv *d aa okl Wnih- U
ti'u a «aj* «a»y io.tnrj plkhtri n-dK.-.*-. WhU# (hv oteanUa«a^ tbe aetmad five ftw one yeer: H.
Oarkey wI- rreye-i tor turkey and tr»te iaio.ii.-w 'lisno.:*, >.-tVicB u lloa lias Dot sreaiwd aay large-fae»n eoiutoae WI- mib: seek In
m relablkhj
reiablkhjkere In Grand Rapids wbea It was or
-t oml
& Han. J. T. Haanali. A. V. Priedririi
fit^lj peiilkiit hT that tf lork'ev roerclisiil fir.ii- J-ran i>’iy gi^s Jt.s' l«/tl<-*. or addeA *aaay to ihos* eat
w w u-.- trnii.™
w n *»
•"«»« ”»•*' >tflasiri.« as wU> i ganiged.s.-vwileen years ago. and hsi.
„A. frf tto-
jJL blve continued ,-n,,d,.y»«.pr to thr^beea oa tiu- .lireei.wate
- —
jceUoiss ir u-at daring lh.-1-j. t |. w .iisHti't to-a-lit to bln. 10 M-nd hint to a* rb-ap i« Tru.-fM- 4-jty a* -.•Iw plojed to our loes] tadauiri<v.'it I*
Hammoti. dW .i^t^me. joim
^ wWTiav.. ikva auroa.-l |0»v of the men drtlcult t;
le-ca a «eahMm
lnj'ia>.1ki^ and a turke....
/ wb'-re. au.l ----ui it........
iliae get quirt- trim 'hai here
...A. AAA.—M... or ...A
ftowaro Mureelmaa, l|. .4.
haUding opreatloas i^vetl.m wlih s.wh an on
<Hi the -pan
cJlier tnmldre. Uuid h.»i--* have !•-cu' niarl>*'’.\. Ski-l-her itea d.-Ilghikll ■••'s'^vvlee aiid with k-wi tveigtu to pi). patiMwe
I •
-- of the dirsrtore of

going on here .luring ih.- part few ‘ "> *•“ away wlih all Jeal. ush-s and pre ficbling riiy .tf tlut*.- |.ai ie-!iar k>r.-l.' tl..-a-jdk-o-inihr
major'',) *rf
'throw th*tl,.-a-jdk-o- • With
wiiti a re-4
«-4 'im.'iBi.- s
tlu- hoard
hoaid sod
sod Ma
Ma oScere
oBcres to
u» -srootiwonoai•miEBM.
;vent the tormatloft of OHtptes among
*d,oe*f>l .'..tou •-.-vyihitig
••.Mesaad. r ■ In r:-*pon-< lo long aad hi* •retie ibk way Of eiwcre 1 'in pllsh for Treverre City a* much goml ,
h...d api.:a'J.-e, he r.v|K0d. I abb ocl)
fnna .mr ..*d vtaadmuj . a- ihc mtaa* A our rttsrvwal woald
After the tfftreehre of (be ancece-;,
-Maav f'-el that wc ha*.- l^Mr-toak-j***^ m'-mhere.
aid aUx.- t«j.-.l an 1 a l,i-d 'if ail).*.a
I and if -Mak- a r<t«. •Her lie, - HI was tol y«t I e*iuii»: uodcrutar..! wh>. wbai
ful MBdIdatCR had eoaeiiided. an ail- log pnutress In ibe„»ii-«<7^r.ciloBij -1A*hca I was presidreit trf .mr Biotd ihongb Iwsi le kved.
known low- d l.j il.iwani E.-Mn**dmar of the an adjaniss. to u*. sh..;.Jd aot ftnoe, -Tbebo^-ef txade staads U a mehmrnmeat was mad.'- lu the dtolag that wi-l.avr made uon-.)l.ld-atl pay-! fireyoare ago. I toaad th.-memia-n-hir n.d to mske thrir
__ ThetotoMiloa was
___ ^pruBouaert lag. aop-lalnr
___ ^|>n'Mtortog
_ ..Iw __ way to-'raise fitotU Muv--r-i«t> Orucer enaiiiaay. He vpokc ai»a-lvantag>- to otIuT Ilnev of ln<!e:
dium betwaqa the
*f *ke comtov.-stm-wta.lnm dowa lo lere
than ^•n. The or ______
by Rre.Dsma* OnchMn tff the Congre-lhat au-have l«sabalWtog n-rideares. gaaigniioa had Im>« from time to time whileprivate sahstriiKi-,nsIsaaoib. ^ 0? tf:t- -Impnrtaare *rf Trev.-ree City
"Tle-n too. ihe wbtdlcsato grertv*' mwity aad aoch eaterpriava a* ,may'
sailoaal Ohnfeb. aad the gangs Uvn st.wes and uBeobulHlags and acgle-t-^ usedby indlridaal membere «w ellqwcv Twenty years ago.Treveree City a» a-Wh-dresb- CealHV aad l>l*»rthiii- i.^-rritoo to awe limited tbaa that of bc^i^lag Jneattoos. or suM aa appear
I and, log the hidMMi ^ «r «Mrt^|ta(anbprprokeU la wMdi tbo were-hoMcd
to anaov
Oral Wood tt-h
Uh lag H^L“.
other iiajggrtouiacs.,
I <*a aw.o^^daramigadoa to ba worthy i* aa ,
sd 'U
thq Oval
- ttt a. vetT

«.!LV intoned
isss “




".'"-I.", .1,">



•AacrthCT- null
wbh* «f »SMan. cT *M*» $Uj»*e W r«li*d
. ewunrwwl br Ui* U«nJ
tbe UMotnx- Ri^r tuntncM d: "No* }H a> Umk op the oUter eM*
T»r «W1 tKc PPM IP

*lmUt aad beJJrrrt ik*l Ur Wsh iMe
Mr. Wllft«« th« ■werf itat H %_
M r«l^
taUiUis. w.
C- tU ««r *r tke
th.1 Ik. dlyl
oiteniikiP w»» etortoirtf prtMPry. tofw topda MprJo^ IW dP««
He «.« «PTe **.r« aho-W bo* P » «o lb. P*«rt«Hl
M.iiHtaM^i rtMT tk« or- tm^r
mmnl tbPt p cMMhTrmiwe City. UoMpm
r—n lb. •d«PlP*w o( m T*»tw Ctty. A rtl. *p» tcl.-etod, tp ifce diy br tbetp pp*««1 ««»•*»• MctoiT «ploylPB ».pp* W* »?dd
foraioUie p ptpp
Iipi the anp ba» .iace uotMcil yow op to dPt.. Pot lortodln* the tax of pv a hair BlflloP io «psP* xpd wlih ir. b. i
t'm the port of t*i MaMdl«i. 1Ull«y rsompw t
H^Miah i»
tbb 'eltr b«* netted Uroud-Jut the Porth- aocreur} that oatop Uj tbe P*ci«ltJ Mb-r Br»- rtlK- le bPalaw. arc a* U. Inwoa* IP lb. ImlWlas lloe. or a o.^ of piaaa aad r.piM .. a
The T. C, U * M. toMPV.
j »to« ««. ptap of dJdritatloP ot U»
PM. mblk vedlPC vlib* rwpplfldcr be sdaptad ike unhts


«• u«»e «*

____, . _

^S a2^h^^^^r.p -!d^ o^«r^irr.>S^ atf W 3^ofaei.H«a«r«rtl..rytb.r lollp«:

«^(Mt to tb« cltT. aad
a^l Ip'
IP aad
aad Nortbpon
Konbpon vaa
*aa lakra
»a.a pp
oP.. aad On veston cooput^
that |[||l■^J ooMPiUU.* appolated to la bent loaked apoo aa a
lb. aSern'oT in.
of aaeb PB IP
.Teatigate tb« dccliPbHIty of tbe enter Cor tbe
erabl. ailcollMi to p
It de- dpetry, o«bM; to the oniinlted nppty baiard gire
'iMMtppP^ MvlPdPPtrtpp-bPtiprtpp. ttPd io
of a |»l-M«* «.*'
tbe« «H the fallwar eoputapy aad pprttr of tta water. Mr. Prod Rob- pro|m for the ----------iboae «hkb w. ram
^Ity wa. to de- eru of Kdamtoo <«ia. bn* « a «.t fnrit «»tc *blcb had eonMnabl.
JBmy tbe «ort of pwoorteg tbe right d p«Jo« to wtaWtab a papn aalU at ae ainli. aed on. who.. «^i*Wl»hPkttt
way oat of tbe rity to
A eowlltdb lie meeting to which all eft^* wet. migbt hat. renolied In a ratoaW. In^ M apt tn». tW tbe boerd baa Into Udbnaii eooaty.

- nppalatad ------------ ...... ................—-------------olM IO »ia*f n. loM- duiy. Ml .11- Mm. II.. o™.* 1.
1. tb. propvt asked a
The reauli waa a pMge of U. lu e
^''S^'mliiTTl'iS Su mM-TiU.
IO IMI.*. 1. ii. wo
■. Hr. BoWn.. lo b. P.10 in M.M oT IJJ.™. rtl.h .

-*'mia« .Blinrr. la HbbtwP yrt«
MS.rttPP. 0«l Wood INab 00.. tblrlem FCPra. KCAl7*.«-<l. WdMUcMa
CP- l»drc year*. #14A«OO.P(i. or* total
---of •SSAttao. «bieb U atready lUJM
p><»* ihan tb. rity.pald oat.
*-Aride from tbb tbew
paM oot for tabor taM year; Wa
Ot-al Wood Dbb Ou to 3U e

. .

«ddbrtaxtbUto.l.P.«.«PPaoP.Mly. dtUco. p>mi,« tob. caned ,bca tb.

Of tbi.
«ooM pod-bly ko lo eommlue. .aa laady i.. rtport, ao
bPPka. tearlpp
to be dlrtd.*l ,tbat tb« rtit«a----- -iw
psob« S3A, twtrtPPtm. Tbo faaaka rfr.
Mn. C T. aiiMi a»red that «U of
Piwld alao b»«fli by coMtoerrUJ dfibaaks b. mnuM to tb. oaaiWL
mm. end Carried with a
He tb^t ibe biiatac
• all they
Pre«id««i HaRlaga thee appointed
S. HaH-aad
eoold aad that tb. worhlnxmee « old J- W MUHkra. H. _


s ».-tiDK klHioM
J»*» M«ea<;a movr* that «rh
CHy. '
M t« employw* and $!4L»dJJ».
M. Ihou*
“Thew an- tblupi that bate beee
“The amosnts paid out for matnisls be calW-l s< oore. a oommlite. of B». m.;n>b.t p»y |lo Into the tn*»ury W
co6sld«*d by tb. board of trad. Roe. taR year wtrr: Wm. BeltonTdinT. appolw.d fr.« all eta.«w aed .nb- tbe .ectary .board r— .u- -a..
mM pay la lt<>» wbirb
iUi tot^bm' Oiben "projects haeo
‘Oral RTtod Uah Co- M«.-, «*mitte.a arranged. Then et.rj
but ib.ahaioCTof
tbeahmocof IM.aO;
«« »vil.«lamaa
W.-n.-Hlgmao Co,
Co- KO.Waw.
ia|«i tarinir
lacioty lo
to Urn
ta. Caluil
ot.i« aa«
aao -v-W xo a great *ay»lo o»r noilw. Mi
''--xdt sbtwld b. writini to aad b
It wa* deetded that tb. dimtom
em«i>. ogeretf. He oflvocahd
mret In the Paqpta’. *ariag«
I aimpty vltb tbb 1
.mailer fartorle* «. that the tmRam l*«ak Mooday momtag. TV- mwring
ately. ttSOAto, aad be tfls- toorbos i kwL elfu^'bere'for 'lom- id Uhor.
4aMn to davNop «w rity. and I taeUdaacy. Ibera hare Imaa dUBgailies
- renher. ofth. .mpU))*««if tboR eeoierrh.rttWb. rbaue.-J.
ooongnl the eaptoilailao of an Mter- tiona.^
> dhak va aM atota aatbortUvriy.
priac rwrtlrlhg a Icaa amosai. capt-FuHowIdx Mr Haan.R. C, K IMek «-»erul «
-itboM aay baMiaUae, that had
oMIly for toe maoufariur. of high apoke <m -Value uf IndnRrie. Inau a ho»« Wm. Ibiierr has Tt 0«1 ?T> whfdeeaU- hanlaar. ^ch wtrtld ~^^~Haw,
iWippree City baa prerided vlfli a<
vm).. of paper. Mr. H. A Hull vb TaiaUot. S.andpotot.Wood Wrh Co,
WelbrHlgaia^xim' pay? 1tot-,*a»w..r was y«, K. «.
oMagmtal TaM of tnm >HiOM to
STtoe ptaat Which wa. m.der the
gpbrtdld Tm.«bo Baocflt..
«; ta all. 351 employee who an- HaRIng. -a. the. «IW apoo.
mjm, mgr ladBRriai poi>datJta
^iilN tafp bemi taeraaaed mady h«mMr Matting* »aW that the eliy was
arithe. .l.-tghlng mw
, npon bb retnra gave H as bla optalon ^nper;
-------- lOo men that ir«l
. - wheeling, bat a eomblaa
voPhhlg paopte.
Itoat a papirr min project aa soggesied. ^-a few daya ago I hawK-oeO Into the ^fk fer tbc^ral Wood^bb ^ tbe ]Jb» wbm li^ am. wbm
•>«Mr IHitfd haa b*«a-baadtaM
nnd Most .d them <*to. bm, with th. were lammd to th. Oral Wood Dbb
bat* gr«-d wtWt I.
wax heyood Ibo present paaalblllilea oSec of one of our burineM
^ Uda taMaa. and wbw • good thlar
WNDpaey ftom Mancoloa*. . rumpany, M. pdrocaud tamdlisg tb. •
of TiUTcm etty. Sloee thmt.Bothlnf jwbllo thci* actml geotlesK* <
Mra. Uaaaah Marian., cm. of Uw
“Now U wnnld m--m. from the alnm-i«dtF f'o
asking Irgbbiurr to
has been done in tbe amtidr.
; in. and iorideota'll) tbb mcvUug wi
to ladMO M to look tbb
(tJ'. eddnt terijrai. of Oaktaod euoolF.
ftgnive. that tboso lDrr«im«*tt hate U-galli*- It and voting on It i
totaa FmiWy Ccwldirill
dbrurRil. During the conremtiuii
ha. juR rrii-braled be* taiaHy-toUt
ml.t that tbeo- was on. fhlnj: 1 aboald uoi «oly pruv.*! of lb.- beR g.«J <. spring ebnlmi. Tb,- tabuing imp
It hetare oar my
eefted latrr to
birtoday by a family gaihoriafc horShoe ^nanr rf like to «* brvogb'^>«« ao«l ‘«»a‘ wa. the .dly. but bav.-beto ptYanMill) »houW be talk«d with, b. would wde
;jtlm'A. «. * W. Rallamy Frojaab
fur the bonds. Pmtorta. have to br «■« «ip<riai«dtag. prepariag aPd
^ Mn.galill
t~-.t. 4b abla .lit The the leanll of the l*»rslia«il» we bad ■ prodiablr bt-sldes.
of too «rat prajfcu which Ub
(vmminn- nf ,brcc
<■ of n. arv tt.: P>oe after.
“It may b- that »
0« argi eaUed qpMle eoadldcr'nB
I required to more the ptaat ilntady made in tet huxtlun of mat.:.travHlag om* shiwM be api«>lated to preaedl,_ twrti of which regresenWi
B.ix». Ml.. lb. m»Mn ™ m, f”<«>."t
H 1<«M tb.. I. i.W.1.11. nocbim lb. f.i.m- «
■ ^ptiil Alpeat. Gaylord and
afltarilw th. eliy.
iMHray. to eMaad from Ah
Plnn* rvRdlBg la tb. AurthMS tn«LalTiniliiM Iil‘b2ir«“™“ ™r«»il”^bl'-Mb*•“ k. ).‘‘mk.' ' Tlr Tmi.iiii.a... ml.m 1 b.imb i» Mr. lUmibb. ibim mU ilmi lb. /..■ iBsnIa an- iu recripl of ap0dta for
■A. to Tiaaeaac Oto. T%la pro^
------------ ji., dwell on ibb subject. I am fraak tviUonal fei-Uag mtiR be guitM rid of a.
oar BOtlec.V
Icrpriim was aot deemed worthy of fur­
hrip from frhmd. and retailveo la
mv. the appol^uuem my, that I became moefa eethUM-d and it wa> a mtIoui hladraac, to^tbe city,
ther OMcwiagemeet.
mund. IbetiiTM to tocsl Plato aap
at a publir nuwtinr. the good thing. I cuold ujr ritsbod lie thru said that two forlln'coald be
that aloe, toe wur ataried tb. «ooa>
ttMimer AaoomWy FropcaWoo.
^ j,,. j,
^ pg,,. |p g-j
my mind so rapidly that It wan bought, oet? for fO.iMC and tb. other
or lt*a oegiecud asdfttif
“About thta time a commute, from m do
peopir an- now worai- off than at aay
gewtb • lakr D(«r ib«- O. R. A I and tb. F. M..
;ib« tMUrcDlb-bl Sbmmm A-mbUl
.. Tmr..A- ClU. '!«• ■ l»r.« .lib
tlm.- for .
mfiMm Il...k> 1
isnodta|mttogtbc ^i,ttm] tola riiy aad dactared that li»l» ,b,-ro bare Venn
mad. four InduRrtai _.... «bo.
'«>■ > hat. iwt k-» nuJ thta would make a flac park, bat it
i„ _^r ■
U A M. has opened ■ waa a gwul kicatloa for the eotabltata jgvvRmeou t atu-ak of ifem a* .w
•" sl.ouW b. put In lb. hand, id a com
” •
------------• The
— 0 total
total amoeat
amooBt TabedOF
Tabed.vaj proposed factorr. An «p«rt papn
It PMPtprMaa, wd Pdr para peo- lalhded.
_______ froiB Wbctmrin had a
pnd why tb* Tfarerse giATl.
*rf which was derpiud u.
ling With m«hm of tbe bosrd.
Tnrie baa Mt bMB'.the latetaMa of the nllroad. aad
and the matter was Utorougbty
To tbb query aIll|Wl-*3 for tbe beet eagar exp
that tbi
■X::;;»;iiim.Tl.. rwrou n Ton all Vaoa. baa. raamrl. Tbb
IWa .Iiwn
.ap.rt Rat«l
alaiw IBal

.....MO,m'C.s:c*;rrr“b:5rk:r;T^^ rr\“2;rbr“.; ™-rr'j'o.r,rnrb.^

Tha OM
DM «Mrt~
Mtaajaa Ui»a.
.waa appointed to cainfer with the 'ta
,rc- made for lu.
timber Is neatly
snjui . ilmi
boat ...
m. *»b —b
-lumni U»i«i -bUb
«««•>». •«« n ™
o»J U ... ,<m.b...l.r. mvl Urn
“•» mi -Ul U» pmir;
I- gcOUig our trade.
g Of tmda ooaM abt n* board of trade has taken under' w^nkf aubJ*« for eerioua eowldeia,b*t u rocived la tbe aatta
g Tlitolia toa raapototblUir
eoaPlderatloa la tbe Trarerae/i*“"der to aecuf* lu bowetcr. a
Thta mar all be
to a toriala «.. bb..
Mittb ailf tor top aam of cur. OM Mtailon ahd PealBRita ElecOtbera are mad. for ao cipccicd pc- t«t. but when I look at th. map ami
^ ^ waa-Sw Siwnta totrrprtac has ia Aoaaidering tto matt.* the matter ^ury g«lt« .mb
-e*. lu a tmUory. tt milca acrua.

sr~“~b.rru ^



urn .mm.

' iMkW K,.,ui imm. ,m ,b. mmm.

^ »ot dheouiage those dealroBa of m«nr-.
« lac toe aaaombty. aad toe board of di! by Ife* oUy immcIL Th* matt of the


r bar w.- would
be an Tlgiii.- but I bar. beard it nui >
Um«* nnd fmm dlg«**l bnalnus* mru.
“Wbita we nr. run 00 a trank Itnr
ean and wcut. w. oun^lves ha**
never had any trouble In gelling a
and Jt la eUlqd
c»y to’opWihaU «Mto M hM »«aUtm. aad proridlng also that a aatrt*mpeUng freigbi rat. and raa.Mtr It
a good imint to ship both <as( and
“Admitting lUi tbe tImU-r ta top
Uly pa«aiDg. yrt w<- rlala tUat the
•towrod land, when proirt-rtytTiltivalcu,
• aahHe maetlato hr aala towusblp promptly lalaed by
to* amit*. *o be
win Lrlog a greater rviarn 'iu tV eliy
tlSrU* toe pofJ- .am .befuuamo,mtofllmttphdge.
ta now localed lo FTaaVroTt. whicb iHiy ba.
toaato. IhabW.
fooBd n to bc a BMi desirable aeqaUJ“BegardlBg' the iwli. wr Im*.- lived
in Maine.
York. Kauat* and
|.t»^ tha Baglaaw^iMnolym
“The matter of firight ratea has freUlcbtgan. and know .omriliiv
m -to gaig
I cm to tSta eornnuuKy may be reaUted.
e before the board of
condUkrt. in m-veral ..tbor state* an.! aaBght- wtoe it is euted toat tbooaands of '
w. know ao ptarv wb«-re tb. una:!
tortner IS*., no wcH aa In wortb.m
r in getuai r*~
Mlriiiae. .He Vi im cyrkuK. or
dood. to deutroy tbv labor of y,*r* Id
nlghi. No d«-iTwalv.
froKi. and hv Aio. fioi alwayi. ..«■ .»
I > bl bbM SSr A.V:.|,b< burtbib mw,
k. tbl.
' ---------------------iwdk Into hta t»r.:s. brtor.
. urging'
ihrio OB. to MM If ibey rootain

ftto:«^>*U»|w(-ha«ta.bat ocobbc OPB .««.
talinmd comaaies to grant coatlraiiako or a Utontnla. as In
e for auto a faetary
!d the huard to
8. E. Blackwood was situated In U- <«mnan'
ihai Ibb- small
■ toaacintalBtfboeta
V ubd in *ui'
*tac*wood draited to loa proflt. Tbes. cooeeukins wm- A. V. Friedririw ll«l‘riiig' PraaidcaL -.ut'iifig «.ff l>a->in<-ss.
tolP Ip ttowe CHyrand to« htmttf;^^., ^
too fart r.^«alii.
I to PlUmalelr war
• ofoucbaprojci
****”'^'^®^ «*•*«« CM V mad. In ihi-rairt- oi Thta w.-raVd by subMTlpikrti.-----am,-----, tVl TravrsHCity Wl«^s houM-,
^ morUg. Thta wm. a aman Indotory new todustries. ahoukl IV omsuu. wry to Vv. m stair iVi I ha\. U.*-n V».- KnTwn tr..m year to ytwr until
• Jippalt WM U I

par lcular nrlghbortmod eroamd toa

^ ,u-., b*a«*a The coInrad
^ij^crc great
ftf-r.3tly (AT cif the owaera gt woodplies pitoed a Rlrk.of dyaaailte la a

. .jr.«naoco«Mit.>ftocU**..nni.-r.,t ^
un tbe part of, the members bot to.
rial at IV coPnei man's botae. U the
croud pn-urmt at ih. Imnqw-t »l«o*ed
ihnt Intereot had besa aroeawl. TV- mMri of to. fM'lriitaa thcfo was a
i.rridc eapioslao aad th. ato** wm
gnuslkm I* asked, why don IbOdlng'
ion g<* good tartortea and Travem. bluwa to pb***. Tb. gaeau iad.
ctij- nuif- BccattM- thta rity *has not tt-hto to. hoR plckrtl blmaeir ap oot
of tv (vracr of IV room V aaM nbad ib. yrlc. WUhoot m<acy U ta no
gortivt-lj : “Ah Vr. sn<d a M of
o..- irylnA A manufaetnn.* mny like
mab time, vt toat Ihare am
to. louw nnd may Jlk. tbe p$^. bot
b<-mart have moiwy and wjjlim wbefd aUnii IV poppiaeR wood Ah orar
b<-can gri It. Naiuml farilUtas ak*.
caeuoi draw iVusirk*. ualicd Hlori
Hvao 8- ttonUM to a pnmi
is a.vdrd.
He'l« o*r
IV oMcPto Wh*
ran- aw.i V w--d In tV md.riloo eaputred JHIf*«ua Oatta, aV tV u)A
of indiutrtto and only thane t VI would «« of' f vc brtobi-ra. all of whom ai**V
V oatnral In this ritrinmmriiL What ta ‘l» f*'” w»^ "V bring Hiram
i. wantcl ta an loduatry or IVusriVs Douiril of Tpaltaatl. aad anothrr.
uith'a aUpk output aad a su-ady <ta- A1r-xaad« A. Booi.U <d IV Detroit'
Ctopbllr Pnlal Work, and bmg eeer*.
rbu tamiiing i.n.|r>s.fl..n 1. a drilcVmher id <mmnm,,^
mere*. Capi. Boutril wa. toot totou^
.^miod. H«- lat.wwl Mr. MUHkraV *** 'tab' W at AlfarrilA Go, to
,.Kb, mVlbb ..... i-mb. Ummd Im «.S >“•••.« “."W ‘bb » <
purpuxto .«,■
w.rc ui.bbl
illegal m»l ...■ ml. m.
Flm. WM«
tot m rvoU V stopped- He «hHt<d bf hkwi In tV darkom and •*
_------------------.... b. .lb.,. ™»mml .o
'll- “Sk"
“• Db-M, Cttpl.
rapture as follows:
ir and took
naki' Truvr m' Hly
TV- lliil..- riwaiiany under Uem. Colgr>ai pride In ib<(av.* tamdiag »*«-;'-h*rd bad Rartd.1 May T. aad V
B. ft. I*r.ti .11.1
Mw^wi'rd buying taud aV voting »««"-htag dny aV right WKk llltto
. „„ tJZ
•' *
fur H aV
aad using thdo- mon.-r
moto-y "■*'
of gUmt » CoFf.riorira
iboufbt iVi Trat- ; May IU to a
.^.Wernirti.where iJtavta h^ .topped for
^tea ■ *tagb- night, hi.- bon* Vriv ak
evady tavw saddle I to uU bim to a
' nlhtoth* Camera to thta p*etlv.“*“"‘'™‘‘*'
1 *Th. project of toe mvufnrtur.'oi. factor? m ib.-riiy. at a
aa l *r*r ri*o. anywlo rc, .Vr. tv wtadowmctortta.
A~po^-moatlrg was .. The Advertiaing Campaign* dipk plow was broogbl to our uotic< tnformod by Mr.-Itxnnab. of g'-'Waad MoCVx pn-M-nt .so ailrartta. ai>
Or «•. E Emm ... .< lb- W-b-bm ,
-.-IM-b I'lm... Tb,
Me lh« CKy - Opera Hoai. m' ^nc of the Iniporiant thlnga actum- * fe* montoa **». TV proceotera; ‘-TTiv sainv y.-ar. Mr. wA. IWIinc*. %ppt'««»«-- Could IV Carta V pres .... I. -m. bibb .Imr .. do >«
Im.mb .-.r Iram il»
bfhPlprmcn to the nglen wrr*.l>Uahtd;by the Vard of trad, uas a ppeokerireral days in thia hjratlon aodi wV wa* located ni D-itu.r. au<l who JhtmJ. I apprib. m! tvt ib.y would tor .0. rmd ...

- '
“ -b* '™* «
dlnnr araa firatohcd by Og^prign o( advertising torvegb th. tiectored It to V tk. beu, luraihw* gait rvat-bvd a imlui «>b<-rr bt war topw tvt tb<- ‘mal! touos bring n<
E Is Bprngu. said toat la a f.w “"-rt- 'ha' U.-uc , l^ln-m raw fV
4 cxpmta to the manatee-' aiviaat of a M>uwnlr praupertn* with totthool doohi tooad for ib^ manirfV-; (*imp.-Hrl lo Valarg^ bl* plvi. wa* in- murL- iliau Uk .v ukr awnj j aiv f<r J days too VWXta- inri<«*l to
Th. CouK =Urat.- prt-Rd.^
L’ftoOOfhaeimvkrtovltod to wllgbua 'whldi wenivall ratnUlar.
tort-of iWplenHmt. TV board of, dOR-d to rtmnw bta'loratJoo to'ibis ers mih.v iVn »*p*h r».
tl:o didieatiou of the library aad toco
tauwu wrirtpnsif rioak.
------••• ‘ 1 al 'to**‘-fl<ri*iorato(*ai. mnnrrupnbdjpUrt-fur »4AWand BSlif woriU *5.*-A. t rrwark. rta-fore. •* may
V woat.1 Vra sotnrtUng to ray coo•'«»*“> ‘■‘®
r of • VbV merilog was calW to Jou*-! Thta «a. sl« rwiVd by ..tweripUoUt«. optlmtatV but I fral sore. nnJ ; cfring i * -.ui.t«n.
tart and aVuidcr.. bu*.
IbVtaesa. TV reonlt Of that mpC*.- them were tnk« on sahaalFlfan by «t the people of tV rity in tv pn»-i -|n is»S to. ritv maV a contran km* many bu.iu-s. mra In tb. Ra:
JVd If Santo soggerUdd tVf.racb 'V cirak falb-d i., fw.-r bl* boouaV
a toat oommlUect were apotaii onr cUtartiB mad widely distribniad.
IndustfT. but m> fiom tuj ,Hh ibi- Oral VYood Ul»b Co. to gii< agrc~ wi:h
wc Vve gu-s taard m.-rnta*' subaertV liu lor a 'hv raptur.- follo««-.l Olta-r uMh'm aecnHarT-s 4k* nJ.dOo of loepl cPLpItnl wmild Vw thi-m IM.iwi. *n.i n site worth g>*>
Mcrrinry should hV dtamounl-Tl aud w
t orrange arito tV tormria to while toroogh to.> aecrriarT-p
i- for surb f.-vline
fuuil. II. tbi>ugbt I
. iu lb. waj
KAecftalP aamberof vres V an hundreds were .oat la dlreeflen* been required tb swing to. vnterFrisc.
Bagnr Cam- w^ they would apprar to V toe « «*» drupprt.
tulti'. Alt >hli (viBpanr wanted aeriptb-n of tboM.- two <
Dp- In t..ocb with wVt wa. doingio n-ai!- Ikm'.ll * IS loo U) tfum tb. effreto of
d S.OM Vrea of beets. VI maR VorBelal. Th. Northnu MicblHaagIng FVtory MIratd.
s lo bemovid inr<-without expeuM- iJmtam and pendmlNn—
lag the iBsaraner ralaam. lu tV 'V lwigmarr o get oil bta bone, ao
began a .bort dfataaco
It Hfott e« toe vn of oar can TmuaiwruUun Camver aV to.
“Anotbrn- propoaUtoo caarc I
tVm, Wbyn ihty got tW Bat
--Tlfi'dipivtat—tV pcoalmtai.—
....... ...........
- N. G.
.. .........
s«m.:iog il«-B Ittcratur. rm lb. city P”'»v''••••
to lead ndriaehI, the total nnber
nere^ M. A
TUllwa?. Ounpany aaetateC.
beading----------------------------------------^aufaDtartag frm to locate
tVy found............................................................................
tVt to. com
Tlu- dlgmmc. I. vetr
to tola aecUoB .to to. dtatribnUon. and tV reault was In this rity. and a site waa aeiectra.' raeeedrt ih. amoaet iwlivd by con
Tb. oi.-1VR sees iV donougW.
and ha'vi- a committoc arai to e-jnfvr
»" ln»wtignn . TV Wlacoaris
Aaeod to pint dM apt V that Travrtwi.-City *raa advrttlaed all .The owners of toe plaU deatred tn ridcrahl.. in fact, ib.y espraded-ovn
Tbe p wslmUt *>>ei tV bol..*
with tbem.
T<-Sits<-nt wariilro Voting ItavU. nad
EfhUe toe toll aariH to b' or*r to. coontry at oo. of.-CV moat more from another rity, neater toe »4f.ta-*> brior. Ib.y tnrued a wheel . -if tota is toe forrert WlUoa. th.
Julias 9<Vrlnbrtg made a f«rwhumor l“
Harka.*. mMooh tV mw
toa raWagof aavr hceu. praaprtoua and hnRItogritlcaJn Mich- anpply of matnial they raqrir^. Tbe; Tbh nmoum was rairad byboadlay. most of ni. uito priEalbly toe rv!*p- on. remVks eoneeraiag iV-ned of 'rt>ops for Coofcdcraiei. aoJinthP■dtaM af the poUto with V dri-. lev. nod to. crater of a rlto trull ud ' srer. rated ratlctartaril.v . and iVy .“In tfch: Mr. WelU. •>( tV
WdlU- rion of tV dyapratV-srorid v*t«r the
boRilng f^ to. rity. m< Ice (^pt. Boulril was woendtR. Tha
vousd aV iUoeos logrib.r gata Cat*.
raPPlla. a>d to* knoaiedg. of our egricelutfa) rtuiniry. •»*<
and ‘he
toe eommra- gaaranjrad
to ciaploy not In* than V
Higmaa Co, cam.
a kufclhg for a »r*l *«m*. to to. IBR."
J. W. 1
I hr tm Bninetkm oeeraVd ctal oeater of aortoera'MIcbtcna. W. woi^Ug people to. year round. Tbv> loenikm.
induced to local. *TV mal. rariM then aaag a setae- tUm that .V mayor appoint n commit
* k»»l
'hr tamidV.
|‘mured toe - paHthOMtaa preacned to caMWt mt-arurw at thta, tV. tV ariggr'reqaired
at leaR tV a
of t here to consWeraHop of a free alt. ito*. “Vlly in Our Altaywhleh ua« tV of ibrra to draft v .-vWtog Wlf F™*
“< ««" C*ta- Boutril wn* a
TV eosi of-tota rmwH from ihU biS tt ta-sii. and are bril<-v. Qhat this todu.- which cor toe city IJuAm*. Thb so well rcrt.-lv«R tVt tbev had tb'slng and Vv. it pamril. TV blil. Vw- «rgatt cuRoms eoic^or ni.Drtrrif,
ml to to* Traeerae City Boird satocfriit to *tat. l Vi th. taadtog try couU have. Vea aVared for Tl.OF* aixurut was
atao mUed by sutnurip'
again, el-, tog aa tb. racorc, “Barnyard
.v«*. woold not bold tb. rity unlns 1;
Trade wm $Ml.n.«hd yom^ oOcra* acwM>PpicTa la IV aUl. uf Mtohigna or *1AV. Vi taasmueh ra tone was Hon.
was dnliud. Ctarried. 11. also trid avraV *uth». Since rriurstog lo
H P^ae goodfareptmeni. mmmesipd aramuny opoa tola Mbit- DO TUibta anraas Of tRumlytog tV 're“From to. abo... Cgnm wc Vd
Ant Wittelm.
of tV CadlTtaF ptaa of giring a smokn. TpellvU b. IM worttard a IjUta Vtaj
It It would -catlup to favorable tema and
fwtrikd ciBlred a
thoogt redding W*te rity. tm for toq
•at. w. wm Informed tVl that th. rity haa toantcj for th. V-*
Hr. back'a pavv taR oO ib<- and (rr* basqnet •
or tors* yrara Vs been aa>
■prTraniw OlF to wder • to. Vranugnof onr ritv. Thm'arv tbm wwf- Bnenl amaUar iowm ho-. Uoo of iV nbt»r. -ptaaia
to program b*i Ben WOhrim was caltad:batog barred. At that mrattog e
of-tor Dcom ua wMrii w grtaiv oa- cash aad gSM each. Ao- *po«-aad rrad hb Idea cf what Voold Vtten w«e appUaVi aad pluunr- Utttr
•riiw. jkUl 1 -wraiU sagsrai 1
M dU Travtaw
He raid tVd V e a A pra-/ raw gfrtoc all n aotae.
•ff »'■. HP«-fc> -WV a UMI. V ta


rimm- .7 ... bn.- « liM^b-b, '!Xr:'p™,,.,.ki. mm. I.u.lm
J»b«l»-ai. ;;SSr«5ir‘»''5?JSrf»S:
nn„;..,A™m to11.1m.
mwapad a»d a MF- gdoptad a iWtortlmi Hedglag TVar-«>'• ««3-was aecused a*A
asA penaa^




-....— —■

hi gesoral baa-uuff*>-d. The appeal .
for Bid I
lug Ihcioric* then-the rily cirnld maku aud thriMigb the
he FtanUb
• nrr
bbnj WMB* |.r»Ji
J.lkbbbb M ib.'
lii* .a
i—mbiMb ..«•
m > Mb^b,«
I aad Flalaad.VMfcAl- .
The- faelortes wont^^cosn.' by wiidiing
niiiadiBi m tb i
[reriy rtu^oodtog lo.tbe
for tbm aod tb. q-V.h- K are tb. ^
Si .
—....I- .aiium <b.
<ib..n* Mr
" u exm**®“ toot ■
p.o.,1. willing to go dfttr thm.
targe amosBted mpoe'y wfll be poatei
HaRlog. «»ld that hi. plaa -k. pcaeT cocBlry.TbR* ta a ontonW. ama ^
d aad

thtmgk to* and lor »tojto for pai* patyw wa* ^>,umigmaa Co.
Mto'#MHd^aMaMeo<>tcota at top gUtami of that .towft
toPoaad aad gnally deftat
,J;T,doing» ««P«hig city.
,b.. advMtajpw that other tow*.
orator toa Bw tJitoogh tol. milp and a
of l.^ ;«tmmee,>'»- ** **• toalgaed. aboold tola proF
. ,»pai«r',*rav In Tntv.rai
posmusml U woold U- <^sy. bot untor-yog oMart reairitad In ralslag ;„d ib* namihla. tmder which the
»*larialtae. to devote a poriJon
g.atUaK-n b. ir
.ir-mp* tunau-ly It did aot and to. matu* r*h «hMb waa oxpendod for
was to be operated through of toe aum to aecuHag.tbeCoagrega ...l
•»<! •'« "ri cnthu.Usm Wgfna tu.«^yod UwW Rmply Into a qumlua .d

mm U. 1 1«
ol lb.U *«.>
" •““""i" *’* ""
Ttavvrse Ctir baod» Tbb woold «abtiag Wii rie appolated E J. Fttl-

.i*=« for .Iflii mmnl... «1U^. ~ouiiy. .,™i IB.m.. • ,-ml ..J lO.

a>MU I. Tmrm. Chy.!






MIMv Wi™ H MM U>
IoUiMc M
■M. » -» ■»“» »™*1 „ ^

tlut th«v «rlB b*
biU. I. a.

tta. t»M- «B -i-t-rt-t Is WftiMa.
***T Bo«»«*Ute»
n >• r«w>re« that k Mlihiau tar "
vpam kta tadr <m t» ■■•dv
taur ta ktam u» IklTodoc* • bUl
A kaoUy Btata 4w«ttoB «m
. Hackkr'l iJnc (Mr I
Tba Burr ttoe
«kd 8(aSo«id are
nlu. 8d Ur tklrtr-tvo ItMa. BcsTb-" Uw Mmr, (b«
912AM bare been Atad acabut pboalaf -tbe adab»OT.
>a^ Ihe eteeaMr BtaAord aad (weatr Hbeta iaua caRed ap oeaual.ta thta wtw;
!B: toiallas 9U.4M aaalset the Haektar. ;*Helto. watniJ? Ha. fcr. SoaadAo SEJ^a
^ Tbe mm data. (aO wuz tUitb t. a Hhme?-aad iM aa«wt*am backaad that date tea baea aol tor DaHel “No. bat we caa idee Jt* the iartlce aM *
W State. Harabal OlkauMir of Oraod of (be peace: wUI be dor — Lake ^jlSa.
Cm Kapidi to |daea the eteaakera aadee uOdeaaa Hate*:
theba*rarrliaahe*oa«aaa»blp»'^---------------- --------------------------------------- SSJatwCd—ap* «maa Tt.wm.w
ewAyadlimet «y thai the Mtahlgaa Tr»aaportaik»
' nini -|
•! Mddp.-gg;*"'"*" "TgiHieimMimdiri


IIi— arl 'Nir tawotad aad ••» ae-,»*»««/ —*r« — «•— ——(wy; Mp
.^Madk. H»
the! pnwkniUk* kUemr «f Keai eattty. i tun O


ZSm «» Mta«ki Wk kOkktay HktakMrt»MO0fk»«kkdtoto.Ub^ in


J- '-~.»


d«.d br bo(h 8«ku« AHar


------- Borrow*.

Xh* Inrifarovod Au^o-«^»irl«®r





kdrtaee- fro«

•Miw *B k^ tbo VM kkd kw
^ Mi k>l kakAklt M ft»*
MpiUtab VtaMw bare bMk bokTi taaaee
ob M ^
MtaM kikrywM*. U >• baUeead
Sr « ^»ta. takk are IibUad oa


Ch«ta. B. Treki of New .^iner wkleb Mrt. J, W. MnUken
- - nave *Ollaipae*

H«rtf LMd"
To(k 1* bo tfcaeiiret of (be “
of* -be
.................iM will be fcM« w;
nrmllir BUta H. BoberU. ^ wa* min^
1. of New, ^
^ _________
Ber*. r ____________
uS»' eokta koc
VoiA, to be lateraal
Saturdar. im *•^^1’ M June.
at ..Mew Torfc,
Ata« O. Itanoa « bo: Jn;:
faden) ]od«e tor the aonbent dtattk*] J^d^
. ^^T^rtar PrcaMcBL
of Wert Vlntata. aaccaedln* iadge
' Oraee WlUaer. Saemarr2oha J. dadtaoB.
Ob aanadaK the daUat of portmaHtel Eitate Traaafera.
tar gcacral thla. bMmlas. Georca &
WarJ Brot. to Uari C. Bornloa,
Ooftdroa aaaaaaeod that- be woaM Bta of *c^. aec. 23. town S6. Vanpe »:


George Wetdaer to Mary STeMner.
«M HdM«e •••
*^*^ ***■*
■M ^ Ika tnadl (raa rort AtUar. rewdara Ho wffl proba^ agpotot «
n»MV MfMka me ban nept aetfag chalnaaB Harry 8. Naw of laPWiartAm v«k Mifetfai taaa Oca- SlMMolta,
WOUart iaekaon aad wife to Mr*.
, ------- —;r-------(Undo Gray, parcel, P. H.-a 2nd add:

TaetdayeTenlog. AU bad a good tune 7tb add: 9960.
Lewli Oeneat to Edward V. PalAMU
.-ttMTl: -T«b«b-

o2.-£su'»ssj:» -s.'.: Sm"-

SUrtiBif aad
Buuiuie BaUCTHw
Mo aiotoBory, Mo MolG. No SwIAoM.
ScskI or call lor calaiu^f.


Irttt Saadar erenlag while reuun i Myrtle T. Goodrich to Mark Ciaw.
aad ; lot I. e-21.4 feet tot 2. block i. BltcbI: lid?drift aad .the borae etarted for booe
J. T. Hanaah. el ak to Thontaa Dyer.
a rapid pcoa. It waa eangbt near
__rTiVf_ri ._^___
..A tou M. btadt 3. P. H.‘. 4th add: 9100.
the- acboolhoaac
by ‘c^iHTiA
Stareb 2.-Tbe alO- heldnntU the paRlea oane aloog. ForWar Danby and wife to B. A. Ptataer.
hr the woctMca to
lot 2. tMch 2. Wylta; tn.


l)noa avap vHb

idles’ Garments
The New Things for Spring of 1905,
at Spatial Low Pricaa to Induce Early Buylns.


Bar. J. B. Bodine. wife and mUeiaOH of »w%. mc. 9. town 25. rangr
daagbter Tara left oo the cariy loom- ,,. u«o

SS3i '» £S-^M::U,

«. «u .rtla,



band tataklacatilpUrougL the weet. town 26. range il: 9450.
etch baa graated him a racacialr Bntkner to Wm. Oreeoer. lot

Wa will have an oxoaptlonal showing of

llSJirSM ha. brt* ytaltlagll. block A Goodrich'. 3nl add: 9lA«

Ladies’ New Tailor-Made
SpringSuitsandCovert Jackets

her daagbl^ Bra Will Algalre. the I Wo. Headrick, and wife to LAtaard
h^hm ta«*8a
Mjcoartade. h>t'162 Onk Helgbu add:

™sssl*2i.«». CM.


bargAoc a few darnAlrord. .-16 feet of
feet, lot 4.
Hra, UlUe Crtep. with her aoa Uoyd
4 H.. L. A Cb.’s Stb add; 9tM.

fc'JS.Ii’SSf ^.rSS n -




, iB Uteri- raa. >ot 4. oc. 19. town 2.. range 12;
8. B. Curdy and wife to Aa«n Box.
■ nsnt, Mn. .eoH. oe. 23. town 25. raajEe 11: 91. —JA

» abonce of onr^' Drown A. Smith lo lubel. E. Rd—
larti.----------- -t WlUtaam-,,^,-^. „po.


i Ceneial
to W. M. Tboma«.
T2UAUoeAmoW.’whobaibe«ri»-; Andlwrf
nuff her panm. for
trojoeH. aoc. 94. town 25, langc-^
' '■ The aiort Pottent Tinworae City CHKaUtan Btono haa haatad the targert

IM tta toy lacelml ban today

■ Nothlag apolta a g

Albert' Mluie^ baoJed thelargett; Uh
toad OB the Habbeler Job to Uke Ana ,.
/Itclhint pile. aliBMt drire you eraxy.
!■ make, yon mtacrablc,
__SJ00 feet.
All My tang ---------------2617 feoL

MraCanra Bate, went to Cedar Bob
« rriday on borineu.

_jSr.nS^ RS1^^5Sk'5rttS b«'mto^ are dally deermiw.
amlher. Mrt. Harray. and
People are taamlng they can be
Frank BatM toft for Brirtol. tod, cored.
tuning the merit of Doan'. Oint



MMrMttlfwitaoa and Mrt. Vlota, Ptoaty of proof tbuDoan'. Olm
Lake drow orer to PeterriUe
Peterrilie Tttee-,
ynaw. meat
n»i wlU
wtu cure
wuiv PUea,
rum Bexemn or any
___ -etbd caeau of Itehlataa or the aklB.
Jhy atao^In. M. C. Lawla go Thnnday.
' Bead the tortlrnooy of a Trnvenc
oSaia Bataa eaUad oa Mn.
Mra. H.
M. iI city
City enuep.
'iu GoMla
C.-L<ewU FrMay.
D. A. Oreeao of 213 Went Ninth
There wai a good attendance at etroeu aaya: “I had Uchlng bemonprayer mertlag Wedneaday erealag.: boldc for atany cyan. In warn weaio
Tbm were 44 preaeaL
-* or they were panleolarty patalol aat.
Oeoege suae rerr nearly got klltod . anaopihg and when I weat to bed 1
tn Tueaday
TuePday by bh
bta load of toga get-'eouid not reef oa nocooni of tbe aftan
the annd bin, bat hal.; Station. Inml a number of avcalled
ting «tnck oa the
, enrw. but Doan', ointment I. tbe only
Mta to^be <yt .g.u
- -'
r Lake* Ann paaaed thing which gare mM enUre relief. It
hi. way to U
_____ h oar Ttataiiy.oa
Price 60
D. SpaEfltdh. to gtre hit ahndraa mitrtc Idaioaa.
I^rnse ru.iri‘Mi»mAiu \a,..
-TtalUag With: 2*, Ode agenii tor the United Sutw.
: Bememher the aame.Doan-a. and take
Hank Bataa haa'oottptatad hi. tam-inc other.
^ Bate.^ aoa Cart drorc.. It b nld that North Adam, wiu
orer U> Lataad Simday to sptmd tkO;^ tu More factory.-^ It wtU be
day wlih Mn. Atwood^jkfce aad to«-t^orod to n Kentucky town

ip'fltt Jaganeao lalantfT. Tbe Baa- ]
MM Brad tea. of cappUe. baton 9

kWaaaa fan.

B Braok%>


charlta .«.■■■*■■ to ao batter at?!

TfeaBaaataaa arc batag
lyi jiaaaii oa the cart by the Jap- tbto wrlrinc 7

An army of new. fivalta and beautiful njiriiiy ifanwMiLs, n vunliiiK many
ir styles. .lnrtBiTirt>d liy AiutTifaii
ainl nwpitiiig
visitors who conw any tiny this wc-ck or m-xt.

Waoy Swdl Hew Suit Styles
iu poUbts ami t-uffs. now leu
le« o’- mnttoii sleovra,
sleovra. many new
artw. liijrhly toilon*!. H
n samplo
samplf lino, over fifty dilfm-Hl

in skirt*, wi^wluster*
style. ramnife m,

Intn Idousea. now effects
stinotivoima and
and dnr.
•»*» ^ distinrtivc^iiwa

$9.50 up to $35.00
SwaU waiugi sum at Sfio

The Tan Covert Jackets


BcagUfnl Silk Skirts at SIS'
Black Mercerized Petticeils at
Wbitc Husliu SUrts for Hisses at 2Sc
For ladles at 49C to SSno.

J5. JT.S0, $10 and $12


De>Ur lmArt«M*ue.UMC»i»*GM«ll»eEulKSwHte.
I2S Cm Si, l»mm Oar. »ca

^ EMBROIDERIES^■’**2^41»

4c, 5e and 6c per yard

Anotliw lot ol lho«- vid« .■mbroi.V rif. for oouwi.-riu,. ll»t «.H oul ». .|okll}. vill I,- |.liv, J on «J„ tomorrow .1 Um «une .|>0cM
jirict-s; S30g 3Go* arsd ^3o



AdvafMo aale of


Choice s^les that hare Jnst beeu imim-kiti

gowns j;jri.S;sis:^



Wc- hare jwt |>Ia6ed on sale aonic of Uniyiew

• .yriox«ylr.^N„U2«HM«.^m IXo.
mOrclc. Umt’.,«ylm moOjJou.w,,

I omi p ifaa Sttiiig........ $1.00 •1X1.1.50

Tko .wj '>w' •mmlanl
llr tii«l you luow will wul, .o.l ^.ovo ILoo.nul,
^ satisfaction, at fic.Tc. tie. lOc and 12Jc a yani.


Choice New Calicoes at 4c per Yard.
$I.M,''si40, S2,13A0 Ud S3

3 ^ps in Unbicadied Coitw at 4c, Sc anil 6c perTaid.
A gobdhkubrf mxtou. 5Unl wkfe.ul oc . pu4
Sp«,Ul pno.w I^uil .o,,
extra wide SbeTUngi. Rllow Case Cottooi.ToUnjf. TowU. Table Liutaxe,
Napkins, eta.



JI, or



'The Or at BBrgain Beckoner Sale will positively end on Saturday night. Anything left from this

sale in the wayof Winter.Coods will be closed out at ridiculous prices.


.. W-.VAi. dfe t Ji. J -.WA.

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