Grand Traverse Herald, April 27, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 27, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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boou and rtocWnsnnnd pat ■rfO»« t»»«*Wek
mm an,
Da V. Bnon.
la _
teHr tamed
IBS U cot fOB.A radte Mock. VhlA *01 beep
not be T«rr tot* at.the;fm nnder bn tar «oat agnlnat ber fm bUk. 8mm M tbeae MM Mateo« bn pMeoik fnratas.
U* back Inlowa wai* bodjr mUI ibe rt«alaUoa , *ben lafo ike wMer. Wateefalte aoar that aka beeaae a niaer ofTh«B he
-Hmx Hurr Pwni. mB iMif*. too.
by aa EagUah Mten. The tek
or tbtt MUrr! B«e her*. Don—' . • «oUd oU«Bcc. U be
end. ihe; vm mtond.
of a aaaU tabe, a whkk la '
'-Ob. tbefe*a Etb^ on the poreh wit- ; nbovM not »m tt.
! wbw noowod i
lag to B*.' nbe intemptoB borriedU.i The mlnnten pwned slovir M tbe pmcticMl apon ttHwi. bat they oorer eeiTei to npor bilote they reach the her a pair ot the gorgeema matarea; placed a ataatr 'gaauBr a* *
bMtMa. One of tbeae wateefalU ia a whll^ .oa a eMt to ItaglaaA She aappottad la aa c
•Harveal boma! Harreat trae!- •he'taartea logged ‘along tbe hot. dnotrja
__ ____________
______ The
BO drawback to a‘thoaaand toM high, while aaoibw h.broogbt tor gtfuorer the eea. mad tar: aH by a QtaHx f*d. To the town ead
nbricked ao they
r»—ft the__________
boooe.' highway.
poored down
Ha' Tbe a
to her feet, with one hand etching rnya. Kai ant at hU poet'tfatellng party. The n»ee Ifc not hate mor** than XiW.
aose ttee chertebed caretaily ererr . of thie labe. whieb la catered rta4«
oo hi, ahoalder. The wagoo lurched. Uke a gimrea Image. oMirloue aUke to to ’wait tor them. They an not rety
Ai may readily be aowoaed. the little pMnek that the pab^
“•v *»r ^
radiam.^ eiac
f. foraaed of two fcmg l«a««a a
lala for the bird*. I
like good ^
drowed down again, fluahed' the blUtnfag bm and tbe preaeace
Igiaoerol wmlkera and oonid mot wta a' ana la wlator lUae nerer roacbea the tH abe«P*ol
. showed them at poniuy atripa of aihrer. la attnebed.
and laiigbing. and began aeattntag; of hla pretty and uawIHlng paaaeager.! craab at a cake walk, bat thea eanitwo or three lltile hamleta toand la . and laatty
hay orer him. He did not teapoad. • Tbe alleac* waa aaddenly broken by ‘ keep op whh the proeeaataa. oren IT, »hla wcnderfal reglot High op on the 1 abowa. where Mte carried edf priaea of ekatricHy It timniltted tbraagh
pmy aU tbe eapenoM of tbe actlriiy of tbe rMHam teto iho :
bnl sat with arerted (ace.
a nonn of aoba rrom Dora. He writhed their hlpa do appear to come aehiBgcii aliaoci perpeedkali
plastered keepteg JM whole brood Beefc. ThU; taarea and tbe latter thereto •



to tfarowlBg etoaeaup taiotbealr. aa: aeeo^he tittle farmatroda of the hard/ earn her ttreUhood by thU moaaa ahe »el. ...........................
it will not bo long now. Dlnoer to to
••Don't o»r. Dora, darilag!
, womaa eoald aaabe - ' -“■•
the eteetrte
be traaesmlly early OB aeconnt of oarlbrate. a MTtect bemat! i don't know well aa any profeadlonal laggler 1 ever; Inhablcama
of ti
and tbe iMvea taft i
-Blch Joo DrnaoM. be malm char party: the men are gotag to tbe bow to treat a girl, even when I tore ■ Mw-tbree. four or all atoaea. with' are aliaated •.IWI feet above tbe frown.; nle« living ratolag pearocka.
---------berao-youdldrii^liorefuacine '
one hand or both bhnda. The? mal.e tag tea at the baae of tbe preeJpleea ,-Then, too.^ ihe . add^ 'TMoewkt TbU simple operalloa la repi
He waa atlil alleal. aad she pontod.| Bat—bat—I havea'i refuted—y—: all aorta of Sgttrm with a atrtPg— on which they etand. Tbe p«^ who lire to aaek an eterahy oryeara: tbey orotaatly every two mtoaiaa mitJl tbe
klathtoinratadeer. beam. Reese, musk oxen,; owa and oceupy them are neoeaMrUy do not die eg Uke beas and coekereto radlam to e
Boddenly the abrtekod again: -Wto.iroo- I—I "n'd coosi
>e iaadanmuaadseeaeaBdall<he.Mh«r ;aUnee. k to compated, witi occwpy
1 frocD alipoat all 1
: dogs and the lOfe—and there to <
Nat Bniaer! yon've pamod ibe gate— marry—1 didn't tay—"
olfcathered creaturw that one haa SM.Pee-yean.-Prog F**«- .
lu to!-.
'•Dora!" he ^k« aternty. “Toil' (hlag they taut do to perfeotlon—a wo ' with the worid beoeath.
H'» gway bade Ikerel thd&n you ace
: I about, bat are good for a centary—
play with me any longer. 1 man will change her coat right front tbdr homea la poaalble. except
mttat t
•Irtfa Ment of Steal.
c'lUr » 0.1 rtll. bUrf. nr
"I.dMat want to aoe It." be mW,can't bear it."
;of your eyea. and there will not be the pr«lp»oua path, which are braet at (blak M that and thro go .w ----------- - .
________ _
j I'm not playing now. But if yon-iaUghteu «uggcUloa of ladeBeacy In every step with danger, and the aacent farmlag. aad sorely tbe prond. placid
got naa agea
-What do you meaar die cried.
jyou doal want to uadccktaad-or iflibe act.
or dcaceat of which would aeeia to be and .lately exlatence of ibto gorgrotra
-1 mean thnf'you're nM goMg «o get; wn—Ton think I'm goSng (oaay •TesV; It moat be remembered that a anow , Impoaatble to any Bring creature iOBa bird may well be coadnHve to *«tePh
rWe aroa
away from me Ihto Urn. uorrebndi any pl-plalder~; bonae coariri. of but one room only aHIe than the moaatata goat. Itlt.ofdara.
myaayl* She nobbed the reat oa hto ebool-!,ad most of that one room to lakea ap aaU that the chlldrea bom and roared • "And what daxxllagly beaatltal erea, Ad la the TiriBliy of the v
gau nave
“I wont Itotoal 1 wool ltatea;“|der.-Lt>uUe C. Strong, ta the Honao-1 by the bed. »hlch to alao of aaow.
on Iheae perikMie helghu
bare m
to> oe
be vvee
torea iney
they are.
are. i< no
go not
not woDacr
wonder uiai
that — .
*Dn* caaa no kwoey ftma faeabta' She thrttol back her bonnet and put keeper.
' It to not often that a woman baa oc-'tied to t^e iiaieto of
both haada ovor her enra.
• ----------^-------------icaaioa to change ber ooai—once or they ahouM fall Into t^c fiord be^'
j ...„-hMagp« aside. Lbst aammer a wMcbtpa—bat If the doe« —Touag People'a WeeklfT
He drove on pnIMiy. vUh no attempt
, twice a y
Worb of Arctie Women.
maker discovered thto ewrioos blrTa
ly bto admiration, lor
lo coex or compel ber attention, down
while i tuclh has been wrltifB ataiui -ahe cannot go thto tbe privacy of ber
a«m. Mleh had been bailt ta a Me
u. p.1.
exn kmg hill, op tbe other aide and Bakimo i ten—their aWU ns btmtero. bodroom.for her bedroom to the coat-; A cnrteua phase of weatera life to
ta bto coon yard fey a pair of- volMof
around a eoroar.
^ ftohermeti and In the management of ronn bedroom of the emUre household. the haakeriag of folks for a free feed
crons desire of tbe manichones, aa they tuned their heads, the dullea and tbe labor of the womci:. So that ia wl!y. i preaome. tbey have
give it ...
to .......
them. Oat _
la Pj“
•olety «g waub spriaga. WhM tba
with aa lapuiriag loM;. when the Boon; jhose Mads.
acquired the art of maklac liRhuttag Colorado, ta tbe last yvar. a series of ■•tanmeat must surely coaviiiee say birds pad Badgei ihMr ferend tbe
Aad hmrgmiMd l« be Joe BniecM'a
whtoOe blew at tbe vffiage. 'Tfa all
geal of Ibeir time to oeen-; change, of costume, la public, so a» ^on feasU ha. kept tntemi and a ‘ **• ’*“ beamy and art and not wsrehmaker smwrsd tbstr Mtooe mmt
right.' and they plodded atoag aober-. plod ta sewing Add te riaglng. bnt the' not to shock thuee who chanced to-be
a( tbe IMMIe of Ibe nairerse «f natare.
oa the onroason- Bakiino wife stags whDe abe sews, and . prcaeai. All oa/ ever sees to tbe arw


ihcratare no Ume to feat
, ' coat polaOiT^tn apace for a motnen:.
Utle,' wilgglc
W] ........aad the flash of-^,^,, Ctoloindo
people have beea ta-j he to bM^lful.
, «be does not have lo make brtad.; ihen a .........
never lor^tlag the digahy'tbat flr.
»«imi«rl flying
Bvtnv through
ihniiieh vited:
BeM. without dtaaer. •
1 because there is ao flour ta thal land, the dlseara^dI gnnnept
DMm ant, obMlnatety .atopptag berlaeliber does abe have to wash ami I the air.
cienwood—Free strawberry day.
iappawl '—Detroit Trtbmte.
4«rt. and wmtobed the kmg .odle allpigreas the baby, because the bato: The womea are bent and sbuemak-:
Jaariion—Peach day.
1 Portsmoutb. BagtaM. Is tbe pmi
• tbeoMl—
by. then another, aad be sbowed ao wearx no ,elotb« and ti to neverjert. as well as tailors and maaian-: _Rod(r Tt«rd-<toauloape aad water-:
Killing Weeds By Poteen.
possessor of a dog “dock babd.y. %a* Mm «e itoaet hla
alga of roteattag. Once be tnrned, say- washed. Nettber. tar that mailer, do makers. Boots are made of sealskin ^ q^iob day.
A aniqup Bsodevn tavenlkw to that' -Jack.- at the aaloml to caltad. la
tag politely. "I'm afraid the ana to Its parents wash. Tbe baby rests, tbrougboat. or else ihr legs of sealGreeley—Baked potato day.
employed on Ibe 'Guayaquil A Qalio aa li
I tai tetrM. obd
making it rather' uncoatforUble tar while awake, ta a loose hood. Its legs' skin and ibe soles of walrus or ook- Brlghtoa—Tomato day. •
nllroad la Ecuador, between the An* bu grcaieM dMcbt to to batp tto M
yoB. I am sorry 1 have ao ambroUa." spread around ber walsi.
; Jook skin. Before being made up tht
c»ii. Rock-Apple day.
dee taoMBtatas aad (be Paeifle csmsi. 'rm the pier. DIreetly a tering Nfe'
The Eskimo wife accompaales her sklai have to be uaned. tbe hair
Loagmont—Pumpkin pie day: stUi;for tbe porpase of destroylag weeds U thrown from a stM
fOm* baek! MM kackr (hey
the aoowled an aaawer.
hnsbaad on all teurnevs and oa all ex- scraped ofl, and then ^hewed to makt, which woald otherwise overgrow the ^ r adiUUy U hto moaib aad rwaa with
They Blade several tnroa. mtd shs|le«d«d huaUag/xcaraloas. Her ser-.them itoft aad pliable. -The chewtag
instaaer the frail or vwe- frtick. This device cMutoU of a tank n a#tbe mod wbo ■
aoted, bopcfnlly. that they seemed to: rloea are needed ta repairing clothing, can be done while they are walking;
,^veu away to the spedalty of car flUed with a aMuUoa of aneole, Ust. Jack to a mm ■SIMag worker.
be gotag ta the direction of the tana, i ta cooking—when there 1| time for. sronad. and
» —- --------—----------- ,oe Odtnci. moiNT woo
« and aluw.'whleh to aaed to spiny (he for be tahas op hla pnMUna on thd
He wns givtag It Bp? Not so! Toher'
to carry
ptoce like
.. aewtag does.
*" ■ —
• uieui
u,^ vu
^n -uol
(bat w.'woeoni.
occasion. rf..f
Everything ••
aMattea. after ...• “• lowyiii,
• » —" J
'r —
f —......
i ^Ml ■
s o.*
—.o- ■ .
itton. they floaHy emo tmt ta | aharo <d the load 1a summer, when' an Eskimo woman gtH« vUlilog. tayj,„ve money at a Ctdo-; beea prepaid through a careful pro- uMblag will taSoee him » taav* aaill
I thg broad road, headed tar the village.; everything that cannot be packed on ,icad «rf taking bnlillng with her she
oa that day is considered as ' cob- of beallfg and dtoanlvlag la ianKC the day to doae. Tbe'Rag has aarar
date It
“Too're Just aootchlag
..— — .
... ....y™ — —
....... I•»mply taecaate be liken I
Dfeiik foahafl baiA bar aaabouet.
o» k Journey in- wtnier the f.-ct of thto pari of her work platalv.
<|R-girDod. on strawberry day.itank. Fiom this tank thr aprayiag caaae be btefleca K dodea aoataer
'^all. yoa've acuiehed
■ te laakad
daa up.
an. wtia
wHh luruTw
furtive mumutm-,
admlia- enough," he growled.
wile sit. In the sled sometimes, bu: for her teeth are worn down nearly tu
sugar go with the offering, ear to filled aad the Journey through time by tbe a>es whoae get he ta.
^^:.>jte>«ttfeMalwait figure«tvta| the-; Being no near the nocm boar tbey
ahtdd of ihc tV
But they are very strong,
Junction grww piles of i the tropical belt to begun.
ta the huge lodd ofji*g
people, bat ficiw. down doga. If tbe Bled to heavy the hus-f nwertbeless. and when any M the*- ,^che* are open i6 tbe rash, and ■ The spraying device to propriled by
bave to take a long pull aad a «„.n i,ukeis may be takea as soave- steam aad coastois of an.'engine and
] the road a crowded wagoneUe whirled ■band, wbo drives tbe team, may sotne-J..proph..
ll bad to bMp ahoat dtaaer aad^ toward them, the tennis, party tram l «!*«•
bto weary limbs oo the sled, siroag pun they use their teeth.—W. «“«p,„ AlJ*
noeky Ford, uaill thto year, a huge tank rtsUng on a flat ear. From mM wlU a m
D pile np the mel-'meendof thetank a .rtgbt-aagltd pipe lavoMod tbeir whole femnae, a
t «M d«ny. but tbe made
tbe vtlage. ,She Jerked ber boacetj iKt tbe woMan must not. When ike H. Glider, ta Ladies'Home journal.
H was tbe
. ■taMMttmflatoobadtaf joujoTer her faoe and tumWfed flat oo ihe!tlos»elrooat and thesled movev Btoa------- '
oiu. cantaloupes ta one heap and wn- paases downward alauM ' to the tag to over »om». on-baarov"
»tortbeta*taad.-;bar. nwaalag:
; iy the women are tbe first to don tbe ‘ Nerway^a Gueer MounUla Fanna.
tctmeloas In pnother. and at the* word grouad. aad ibto to termtaated ta twn ef various pabUe wmpaalea. TbM
‘ taj "Oh, 1 woBldat have Ibrna see me!harness and help pull the load.
, One must travel far before vnrwo- overy.body made a dive and a grab.! by a horiaooui pipe projeettag ool-oa tbey pal taalde a dltapIdatM oM bat
I. a Bftle
Wa mlUlOB doUars!"
When a halt to made tar the day the; teriap so hardv. frugal and Indattrt- Tj,g '^ul, ,ras that a great many either Mde of the mils. From prrfor- box. ao shabby that the moM eaperth rautafi lb: I wooMnl ha»e| Whea they had pasaed, with gayiiaen build tbe snow iat. but as the «as a race aa the people of Norway.
smasbed. Thto year tbe ated noxxlM at tbe end of thto Iasi eaeed borgtar might awUy bave lgLWM never; bM,t„ ,1 piB, f„r aederlliig them, ahe building progresses the wiMqen elosv, ludnstry. frugality aad eoduraaee are. p,,„
girded by fences aad a pipe the sirliitoa to eprayed over the nored lu- Periodleally e«bM tba bonImM a( bap. But mercy! bow-j ,ti»|ghtened np with blaring. dieeks ] the Interstices of tbe snow blocks wlih I all needed w win from the will and see
banM out by BneadantM rank growth of troptenl foltage. weeds hand or tbe wife opened tbe box aad
law gel up (borer
and tbe fire of UtUe 1a her eyee.
soft eaow, aad ta t«t cold weather: the seaaiy Uvelltapod with which tbty
lead fiovrers. The air broke system of .roaatad over iboir wcakb. fefbm tfeoy
-Ift tbe silliest, the moM ridiculous ; they idle loow snow against the sides, are content. They grow ibvlr o*u ;
arotiod Oreelv>’ they raise po-'the Bigtoe snpjdtes pressure wUh . wew to do ti thto
^ MW *TU bftp -yno «>■' ke slid to thing I ever beard of! And you're the' and. If need He. over thd top. with h, eoru. make their own choose aad spin t,,oe, wujeh are said lu be the big- i which to umlniala an even dtotribotloa ^ Mthtag mei (beta gasc hot a IHUe
meanest. meansM man alive! I should, l>road. wooden shovel, called a poal- their own clothing. Every larii of
ta ibe world, and they rotoe mere of the aotettao.'^
heap of dost. Rou bad gM taaMs.the
think you'd hate yoaraelf to death!- jderil. As soon as the hot to flatohed Norway to cultivated to Its oimoot «• bu,bei, lo the acre than anybody ever
tTic train crew gpaslsta of four or |box nod devoored almont every seinp
"1 don't aWre in great wiatom or | the srasien take la tbyoklns and other imcliy—that to. such ponluas of the
befoiv. There great stacks Ove tneo, wbooc duty it is to attend;of the pneteas paper.
teb .ante ahiWm M atarm. and fiwy- perteciloiL" he mumed. aerenab'.• honseboM effectii. which are very few coumry *» will Amit of colllvath-i. ^ baiica potatoes, with butter aad to tbe eagtae and regalaie Ibe valves'
-----------------------a tbnt abe new could do H. diferiagan.
I la nnmher.. and simple, haviag llr«t Nowhere ta the entire country to there
,ree to afl.
; of tbe tank aad determlae the fiow of fftob TMI I
___ • ta tbe Blrerta. os welt as te Cypnm
n M tml Mined the top of the tab
"Yon kacrw bow I've looked forward beaten off the spow from the skins a single 'foot of soil, whether ta th.Apple day to a new one. sad a cheap- water destred’. Ttesfe
_____ _______
_ of
Mm»br«. WokUMk ore fro«aM(tf.
r hand!
ta hto.
—i Ififi
.— her
—-----------— — to thto afternoOB, and what plaas. with a short stick called an auowter. deepest valle.vs or on the niwt preciplfestival
than any
the others,
3W miles.^pJwtrMvT
toote Mroaly- and. he paled a,w,-ve made tar it!"
; The waman alro pdts. up the Wa.^tons moMStaias. which to
Douglas cwiBiy to tbe orchard bek of «ry. cMduci thto war agnlast rallwsv ^*** —*/* *®
of moeqaltos.
amder hto ten. bM otade no Mga' -h you hadn't ayatcmatlcally dtoar-. nooe lamp, tights H, melts anow or lev with the utmost caiv.
Culiwado. and they have aU kinds M weeds la mneh tbe ■
M the tsmalt her loach aroused Olthto, rangnt ao many of tty ptahs I might i (o make water tar drinktag or to cook
Such Is the careful busbaa'tiry of the ____________________
the' ortf^ry' *i,erer spriakles br«d I. tbe^ MigbhorboM of *.taref yours."
whh. erects a drying frame over the Nonre-^laa peasant that-almost every Brlghioa's
tomatoday winds
ap the dusty' illy ihoronghfaree.-Ex- ta whlcfe their tarrae eaa be deportiec
% well aware of
tt a , “Itb ao fsmtcmptible. your trapping* lamp and In'many .«her ways makts blade of g^aas is treated as if Jt weiv ,-Hh * ogb,--* g«,d naittred one. Two change.
, herself gvaerally useful. Her place la as precious as a thread «rf gt*L In .ntall bodies ot men each wearing u
------ -------------------i ho. becomes a laiaery for them.
hte ta aleeteil fright noUah. wtth1
-lou come voluntartly. Pee a rWii the hat to at either ead of the bed. stead of eaulng U aad then sproadlrg -pon^,hl:< ►all. line up in batHr
fievnge and the Loek«t Olaaa. OoMBsb are f«od ef moegatto tarror.
•«:^ BtaThM my hay when^ please."
' which to only a platforin of snow that U'upoa the ground to dry. as do th.
bulwarks of
Uvlngstooe during hto cxpteraitans and If a few of them are pet iMoeasb J
-Ton don't mean-" Wt they were occupies nearly the whole Interior.and fanners of tbe falted States.,the Nor- ^ ^ tomaim-. ’ A. a-Vignartbe
pool they wUl eff«»aally ebeck. eveb
I. be had t
enteriag the vHJage. and tee crouched | Just ta rr4t of tbe,tomp. so that tec weglaa mountain farmer, hang the ^ begins. Ripe tomatoes aie the
parttaalarty the womea. 't** If they do nM completely aboSte, th*
oat of aljtat. He
glre.ii it coasUiii
coastaiii and
ud earefu)
careful *•- St*»»
State on
oo lines as soon
stwn xs
u it to enu jn>:
orr*voai. ,ik»w.-d.
allow.-d. and these 'cos
Interest la bto looklag-gtos.. H- Bulsam3C.-.^^rBt«'s Weekly.
to did not; con glre,ii
ebaoee tar himto RD
tbe ilAt stop,
aad when they
bad left *----------------(hr tail--------------’ icntlon.
' as the Americaa
housewife ^bangs
h.r be

Irf- employfd.nil
•--1 the
AMr signal
.-.-.iim I .V qnh
- .r
have K.mvwhal Ibe
A Weederfel CeM*
abe Aad set far him. and ate the «aes- boose behind tbem ahe began, plieoaa-; The man docs tbe hunttag-sod much clotbro. Hrrt and there In tbe mouuwhich to about the time mil of
h ourselves of wbai • There to a cow,' uys Frof. 1.. H.
thm ^.bbd been femdng tar WMka.f|y;
, « the fishing. He drtre. the dog, aad tain country rope wire, may be srea‘ the t^nanu^-s
tomaioes bave
bave been
been smaKhed
smsKhed oo *•**
lellneas. Tbey CBMe ' Balky la Coaatry Ufe ta Amerfea fer
tte WM BM eore Umt tee was rttey: -i was never 0 hongry la my life!: does a great deal of the other hard extending from tbe ^ountala sides of
bodl.w. The artaj
frequently ted asked few tbe leokiag- Jaaoary. .."ate to now It years Olfi.
. M fee hoMM: felt aba was eertain that i rm
work; but. after the but to hul'j. the ihv mountala tops to ibe (armstrad..
they made- ‘ Lost year ber roeord was iT.dfb
; abe fiifi BA wwt to five him a nega-j -Toall know bow to ajinpatbtoe'dugs unbarneased aad fed aad every-, as ih.-y are called, la the Salle}- below.
<jj,npfi ,lai* of r«otart with ripe'
.........................' -whfie 'I----wasjpagaged reading aad ap pounds of mOk. with
; tee vlabed lo poalpoae I wRh the pow. then." be saggested.
thing aiade secure for the night, hr Thewe wtre ropes, the upper ends .rf
This year a
H: baoMss. (bar* wwa; -Otbare,- and
-Ton don't care how mute jm make caa turn ta and rieep- No •» (he wife, which are Kmi u> rigl
right among tho tilspr,.,,..;, ro th>, i. to . teiunialto of
TtaW <»« “'i
tbemse^ces tbeteia were ya, -given S high as « poands a dor
tea balag a ban coqaetta. was cojoy me inffte. and ^ prufaas-to-' She Kie has W dry tbe for clotbtag he hav mat rocks and peaks, are aseJ for lUttsiovs wih every vislior. Thom
vneav first seeing
tag baenaU and dU not want a definite; btoke off la aome-eoafaakm. caaaetaas Ja« taken off, by plarlag It on thr slldtag down ta bundles tbe hay that
c*nnv! tomatoes stuffed lomaiues *““tag and ridleuloos. 1, that tee? ud sbe will probably exceed bar farteMWe.
; Umt ^ was too near tbe brink.
diylag frame, whi ro It ha* w be'has been cat In'places lo whieb emUv
ta bulk or slicrd. «id
rsaord. la Mber words, here to a
WKh mMb skUl sbe had playad him
"Tea. r pnttaas to-love you.- he fla-^ loraed from time lo-time, and wben.mea accustomed to scaling proriidces
ki„bop- Bread and butter arc *(«■» Wg« pomfekta leaves.' *1 hove cow that every taoMh i.radarri bM
- oml evaded hto aflorta ta Obtain an opv tohed for her. “I've never triad to drted It baa to be softened.
could possibly climb.'
suppUcl. and there is ao limit upM “*
*’ **''■ " *
terttelty to bring motteru to.a arlalA I hide U-rtUtd/aappose. after all, there
This sbe does by nibbing *ach art!The Notwegtaa peasant is>owercr.
number of tomaton each may ash ' prvuy. but am spuUed by tbroe high <
cheek-bones' -See how my bead shoots
;ahwmMOthtaiBohaTm; tee Mtecncdjto muentedof srords.lought tohare efas as-^aro mode of reindeer sicln be- occBstomed to dvall^ with Ibe prob^
tnWdta.' tongh^
v.K-Jtcrtefig a MHta aateaaae would patbaps-.understood wtihoui hiring it said, twees her-bands. and chewing the terns of llfe by himseW. As a rule, be
___________ „to held
fair ouriy
ooriy alltbe time
lime ai-ibrir
fib fete teMl. and abe loved the awdte-1 Vouve shown me Plata enough that It boou. which are
.n-wal- has wiihto hto own resources ml! Uat la coanectloB .<n.
own Jokes.
Agrieoltarol ;
e made of rial «■
wilh the
the er«.ir
aluoe to hare a shown by tbe fact (bat Murars era
teWt’of the 1
. need. Even bto There ar- also horse races, rough ridto naelete. and yet— be baited me.1s skfn. If any of these artk-les re- hto tamllv
i>wB fcatom ’oaro. now seat out from tbe amtoalum
was asleep. After seboMs aad labemurtM ta atfltaln ta'
•ariteaehad daeinred that sbe was rM ao la- before abe goes to sleep or wakcr wife
tair naassuaieot. or tbe ctitaens'
to the taat load cf ,hay. now:different as rite bad afeumed to be.
rorty. before her busliaBd..lw* to get terial spun'ai home. Hard as to hl« miilee—generofly the laiter—pay ex- twtottag bh atoHb aboat la various the faimers tbe primary aasatetals M
, directfciBs. be remarked te himsrif. (ertlltoers and tbe rarimte raMfiroto bOteifil .to greeant you Jota-i "No.“ be eoatlnned. "I Vh« Mfv‘t ta, op aad do ll'ibca.
Ufe. aad Mmlu-d a#tare hto means, his pensea Thcr buy.
■, Ibg oor (oomli peaty ttta afttroana.-: words! Dots, you toow^ lore you dc
The womea are rery ktad-hearted aanSaac.few eBongh to enable him rote*, all of the supplies dm glraa by •Pteple soy I am agly. and bow very meota «f tbe dtSeraet crapo. tfela
mMhod. If more geaeroily rifepted
: tea arid, cadttlng daws ta the boy att votediy. with all my bean' wib you' ereutureo. tboogh. and pfieu sacrifice to Bmlatata himself and hto betongiags the growers, la the cose of the Bocky agly 1 (te. Indeed:'erea fa tbe OoMad Sintea, wated be af
bto flpag. wMto be Mood easily and be my wlfer* He turned to her wlth lthelr own comfort to Amt of oilier*, te enmtnrt
es. it to usaallr b
Waroad By Rata.
ndVMttga ia Maecttaa wtih ea»erifl, firmlr. gaKIng tfea team throote theu deep (enderneas in hto (a& and tela- Often I have come <«ta a snow hut
1a oitler ta tally' apprectale the ^ _
the growfer. caa dtopoae of
^ ^--------gate lato fbo^ nod.
lag ta bto serioas eyeswhh («e( almost fruxeo with (hr e»l<! stcraaeas of mountain farming ta Xorital, c™. U.
U. dl«.
"It-ftm wl^.te my pa«a«*r.- be re--Oaestas can't marry." abe avad^.
and my haada would be so odd and way.. It to wr’l to view some aottUe
med*na(ked that the rou
Kol ooeJwMa was over ti yean ef
, day. Tbe mei'^noileed
pUad. sttttag down beaUc bar. toutag M
" y MapmMheVs akce taat a very
stiff th« I -coaU am aatte and .»»- examhtoa thereof which, caa b«M be •
scampering eat ta great «^;aga In iba S*A**» maptafie. wbtoh
. tea hoMM. mrw tbey were teroBgli.. cloee eeoalB.-be eommealad. '3ot t nMve my shoeu aad stockings. Some , sees from tbe deck of tbe tiny-steamer
iitaE to'a really dellgbt- feera. ate laktag wsrotag fied Joal ta 1 leok ptaee ta Jopoa test yvoc.
oeght to thank yeti." be sretaao. pRu-^oM Vomaa. wUt a heart as big. as ber wtaeh travel* thritagh ibat ananf th.'!
tor Ur groat beoaty >*•*CoBhatbe. or-mllh Mooe.-to Mdng
; Sot -Fro proorised Harry Boyac; rally, with a nRher waa sarita Toe body. wduM nettce my ooDdhtoe aad *aa called Nacr Fjord. Tbe fjord to so ful .
wbero they bod bean-ante a
ftjn^ Cnf»aata^p»W wb be(- < mltet taiva hero moroAarte te' your
a my raMef. She i narrow that every abject oectiberalie and briOtomw of tbe plumage af tbeae ,
toaa ta talie (fee itece of a
-iWRb «e a ctemM a
afitel* ^kntenl
jWmrM tetic tep Mitags, fenll aC my: is Ptataly rMUe. Tct few M dte a

' ssir'sri'K:':..



Ifcl Ma rTf- «M Mt M IMt ^

• Oty.^tar

rr^ r.^W”

Ckr MM Itftar tk» McM'c rwtlilMM*
ta til* Mraiac trttt immM ubMUop^
MM* U»e;ui4 r«MM Mvti**. Tb*r h*»«
that *n^»hwT don U« pik* E&:
wni t*'food CD* tTvm there
«o4 me sdefte* Hr. •toMter n*Md ter (W HeraM tkn
•nal^ MMh cm* MMl^nr*d | eo*ld to«Blt* th* wmr- TMr eook
'••AdlWwtHita«:■»<»»tteopiriMor* M J*M «M*ttr mm
-m)«b «a*.«MlBnH*- Both f*«t *rere:o« th* UtcM* asor
__ ________________

f.» PMC. -WOBtoM apMUl

BM. victor L. PMfcer Md wtf* Wl ,
Mh aftmoao (Or Wexford, vbeec ibrr
wtH ^cBd BMter »«» frteMli. rct«-;
ia(-M*ls the flm o( the week. .
Urv Ebb* HuMcrteli left for Kliis*
t kr Ikla MonlM w ePcM Ea«tcr.


WedBesda7.^lT ». wOl be Wood-

~ .4>wto^g»w»«y mni —«» *»Mt! b-i**** m tb*


(M«idtho*h0«taaMI*tanlac*iMBd>Mrd*S i«*d to hoe M bftexpeet* td.
that date
BriW* ah* <Mld raeoreriBMke thoJoorMrhrc^ur ncjr
ootit-'’^ elpbt band* cUl be befc. WoodhwoUdhoMMl—itrM* Mr.
Mea froai Frankfon. Maaiotee. Petoet
kar.-Cadlllac. But Sordaa. Cbarierol)
Mkidi or MM KUbfM*.
ThoMpMami. Ifane^OBa. Beed CUr.
mmrn fMtory «• mMIrc «rMM Ktibrtde. *«*dM. MiH*Kt«d
KaltTMko, tfaatoo. Copemtoh. AMea
MM*|cdtho*e*aoB‘*nM. TM;d«Wde *o*e tl»« Apr»u by «m-,
lAJba Bft Bapid*. Beilalr*. f^rthpon.
low dhtoywr will Mptwtk«»riio«Us *cr«i«l ooaeaM|-MidMVBir
Bay. la tact all oatroadlas
AMU*I «M( tbM
loot aad
Md at
at' Mid
and pnbablr
pcotablr a •«**» *SPr*t
> tdciu and Tllla*e* dll be her* <m that
|M« TM MtM of oora *1U be ««• phtae. NoieaMM.othjfc thahbeocxJtMMad for Md IMM W to «M aere* tag o*cr tM Mtofc««M# hi* bMtbM. I
a ha* reeeircd a letter
--------------------------------- bat proMoit ea* M MriMM aadMIlMM.
■ ™
frm JoM Carmody etatinc that he
. aMartto^ to tMBMMdaad Herald i ioM Blbrld* CM t*TM
M tat—; dll brio* hi* Bpeeial traia of boroM
. .'To*MMM*dlfetMfarm*n.
. tfcrM mm* of JamM
^ , direct from Cadlllae to tW* diy
K ft w BHatMe. ftalt 4rlB alao be mIIm aoiUh ofv^
haadtod ttl* mr. Lwt year oa ao-! jo«m ■»> of « ‘
L i, ■
^ I The Woodmeah apieelt] race I* to be
(MMtBratock<tf ttoto. Wito*Mhaa- br»e aambor of
a epedalty of the Ttararu City Drtr.dMMttMBntpwrtMptoattoaala addicted to the use of
' tng Park a*9o<Halloa. Mch beat dll
‘ w--------— -----r be a laee and tb* foUodas f* the way
B« iM. ttov as* more MOdera aa- baTao rh
, the race Is to be oemdaned: The
L cBtoary ii bhhw'tatoailad aad dth the | fn and liked to come
' boiae dnnlBE the dm heat goes
V «ew toacktoery the eatpM adfl be:<qieM
' the barn. The bone danlns the secMMiy toBiMMlI dth a aaiii< tojway*
diid h«tt goM to the barn. The hotv^
toM. B M« h« dMM -to a .*«
Wdaoeday M told bj people
to the bam.
flMk^Md n*u ptoK «« aaoagiM was cotohs* to theefc to eee lhe ^"“«“^“« ;* ^ heat
IM-toM liMflWM. The method of show. WMt be did prerlou. to •: 16 U jjam ^
haring Btode the fasteei mUe get*
MaOtoc eenv heverer. dD M abeai aot kaowa b« about that time be;
Inftmaaey. The one oot of these hMi
ft W toctkod of baadllas’ earn* toto the Coliimbia «oto) and t*r
; wteMr* banag made the eecend best
tatcred aafclBC for a room. HI*
i Hoe g«* Bseond money. The one
r S^BdMtMtopBhy dUtaeafre waiMeedlasaadheceattotbe
___ , i ol tbeee bent wlaaer* bating made the
henMB umj >Tii Md thirty mea amt to che^ IL He
' third bMl time get* third bed monvjAny, and on belBg^bowa to ble


coBpIe bigelber is. in i
then t*'
^vcT. lAit artPi- bpr rri-nwy frron tl.#
rank blastdiemy. H 1* u|.
produce Isdnhttsblp evidenceI of liie: iiSuV cu"Tn3 ™nM^7*5«0« p*!^.
Bilr Pi-n-Ki* wtirn t?ip i-apt PSCiPtl.
iniib of their siBtemeto*- When
woBsnn dny niter dny see* her httobnnd
* borne dronk. a husband that
bents her. knock* her down mod puu
her in freceent fenr of her life. 1 aa>
treaUBPUt »hr »ri>« wqmO'-rfiidr ImveoeM. CMtUnoed use uf Ner> iiM hu
ftiat ft to her right W secure n divorce
ooodrtPd her enUra
and that po man V woman rhuuld
point the Aager of eeocn nt that wcOe. toll*** Neodne to asW by y«oP 1
man or bold her Is any less ecteem
for being n dlroreee. or for femarrytog
in caae she Bnd* a proiH-r oppor
Miles Medical Co. Elkhart. lod

be etlM-for tote bra*kla^
At T:46 the Clerk ealle^lm and get- [
Uag ao rMponee. ealjed again. Again
Jea* C. Petersen, ardilteet. 1* maktohleh dll be tdnel- there
’• *»
Ing a *et tf pidlmlnarr Bketche* for
tb* door a»d walked Info Ui*roo*n.i,^^ propoied three-story MaccBbee


to take bh own:
Oebora Family Reuiiten.
pdliMMfe n MtoMIMii we ttoelfut I mtod taftll be was led b
He team
learn t«o
two hr
brother* and one; a happy family reonlon took place
it to ell We: H*
tlma he, to addltloa to; in (he dty Friday
to totoR tM; alstpr. all oMer timn
Tll^atofchlBh totBfisweet !bto father Md meuier.
!I fkmtly
being eight hrotbera and stothe Uudn-j
s of the Oeborn famea- biM ^ailhwft' vd UgeMs ter)
Mr. KUbrtde pnrehased
k Wcadr dmg Btore. He ^ ny. n. T. Osborn of Brmacfa conniy
««■ tar Ihi tom-h
iWM In the ntore between 6:» nnd 71 arrived over the Per* Marqnette for
'liiMb dir ftoasy Utoby.
oirioeh that eveadag nnd nppeweO to'fato*«r*t riait. neeampanled by bis slatPtolltoi **eMet« at aa etoty bear’ be pwt*ttly calm. There were n nom- ler. Mn. J. IL Blich. nnd Ur. nnd Mr*.
TMBidar kg Ito*. Chaiton Feifts «f - bcr ef owtamen tn the etore and Ur: u. H. OUbert of Monroe Center and
m-rnUk By Bbwt 1sea*e et her , Meads nkked him if tber* wna some-: niao Mr. nnd Mrs. Seth Osborn of WexgMMr. itoary feUMy. et liererftig. Mr.. thing be wiatad. He *aij that he was! ford. The party were met at the depoi
eng a btofber ef Mhn and to uohxnT and conld welt. After wait-1 by Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Osborn
MWtoB^tWlF-dMMBdftyitodn welt: tog on n tody, Mr. Mewls took hU thee lapatred to a p1
haWn ffUMw-y.tias iiettoa ef tbejordto. He snH that a«tond of hU a familytgiOBp was token. The faatllr
. wanted ftoir oxmm of toedasnm for are eqieclally noticeable as all weigh
dSMlH teito'Utoey was bon IninuM bone and atoo ndnka ef wor.
D leo and :«0. and enjoy life nt
MfHh. Vtow to IIM and at the age] pbtee.' Mr.'uMds got tbew and be tU foil.
to NwrtbpBrt.|gtoebaaitot
•- af-n-j___ ____________________
-____ ________
where be eeUrad Che caqiley ef tlK' sauin percbhSH. Ibe trade awoeaUng
Froopecte For Wheat.
MaaeaBt OeottM edapaar. geaesbl ,ao I1.SS. He 'Bnt -pradaced a fS blU
Fred L. Souter. who repreeeaU the
' HSnhaaU. It was there that bis war-: aad tbea some mail attrer money ask- Walsh Be Boo Milting eompeny or |^oito Mlw Maule Keyes, daaghterj lagTor betgar and handing Mr. Meeds toad, was in Ue riiy two dors tort
ef VOtoa keyes of Otobnn took-ptoee. I the flAS In ttonage.
week In the lotbreet of hie
' Ja im. Mlawlftg this wuttogc tbci At ynoag man left*dbe toltowlng Boater has been making Trnverse City
: ttoo «lton,AagaMa sad Aaan. Of Mrs. j note whfito Iras tbnnd on the dresser: for aJxieen years, oace a month As reg’* H. 1 frtisr and the two brolber*. John < "Dear rister—Ftogtre me for what I nlar ns the moon deto*. and Stnlea thsi
. and 1tlr1w(i1 of Nr. Utaey were united | bare done. -Ood blew you nil." The he Unds bat a amstl acreage of wheat
ehnd was bora to i not was signed. John. .
tbit spring owing to the past two
sons bvetaglng So poorly not only In
I« tola elty. la UM^. Utaey I
Wueb ^etugc Burned.
acreage but qtialliy. BMghi and nist
Id Me totoaeettae at Aoribpert j the wrur UUIe cottage at Walion have been rital enemies to wheat
towlaiw at Otohaa..toa^-|Oy*d- and ocenpied for many yean gowem «n o'rer the eounti?-. Mr.
BkbMa tkreejiWa later. < dariag the enmmer aMpibe by Hon. D. Sonter aays. pud as
iHahtf aMdebb
'ibbatoawl(khtoAaBgh-;C. Leach of Sprtagfteld. Mol and »
fanners turn to other and safer chan
Itar atoon hw aa
warriage, .leaving here!the property oT .A.. IL Hubbell of nels In tonalng. He left for bis home
tor Lerertag.:8prlagde)d was bnrnedTbniaday after. et Holland to spend Baiter.
vfhwa death took ptoee. Mtehael Ut-V noon, probably from eparire froia
aey toft Tlwrsdar afieiaooa for there passlag trato. Ibe wsi to flAW. pert'
ead Hra. Faiks left Friday woralng. ly insawd. The hunUy.'wbo bad been From Friday's Bacord.
^ oenpytag ft dnrtag fhe winter bad
Ml*. O. K. Woolf aad mile
OW Stoto toraM* Bsbaader.
moved oatooly a fewbbste before i: Clyde, of Copemlsb. wbo.have been In
aonerjeangbi Sre.
the city ns the giieet of her sister. Mrs.
J- c; Toong. fm- a lew day*, returned
nlMainai freight diawa by aa aatl
After Oraatf KMasymi
this morning.
gaaiid gtor
IwreM who bad ant yet,
Mrn. J. W. Fmldenbnrg of Copemlsb
srtatar eeat. attracted eon- Odd Frilews tom FrUav tb* detegaie* returned to her home today after
neat atreet to the gtaad earampmeai at Battle spending ten days a* the guest of her
aboot t b'riock ai: Creek woie tostrweted to taytte the eo> daughter. Mrs. L. E. Moore.
tber dtobtod *tossg drawing the' eampmeat to thb city
year and to
Mn. H. S. Seeker of Blaghan to
*Bfhoeoet* teadod wftb a poor Btohard make stimig eCoru lb briag It here. «•«., , buslnee. call
anay at eontauto tons toting of beBae- la addition to the taritottoa ftnw tbeicfty today, where she I* pnrcbi
g n_
boM itoMto. Ghtekeaa. who ogled ot the; todge. tbe delegate* wlK gb armed with .•ppiy ,or her boarding boose.
------------------ ,
the an larHatlou from the bonrd of trade' Mrs. Dsa Snlllmn of Bingham is In
M thp happy goTbdty and (he city oooMn, '-St * pterioas-fhe «fty today a* the goe« of Sonth
dating of Mr. aad Mrs. A. toerilhg a tavomUe seetlmeet toward colon street friend*.
Mtogte^UOtodanghtor. IMS Both. TinmM_S9:..Wn* exprasaed ^ the: Mi*. K. F. Clle. aad bw gneai, Mr*.
rwMto^dUad.utfkgnboad nt n toerty
It 1* ^ Mkriy thniijuM wristoy of Xortbport nrrtred to
Btonley StanKer da: »t wW be held hey tn i»ig.
jthe dty this mewniag; where they
fpent tbe dny. retaralng again on the
i evening trato.
CHy| Mr*. JMb Dougherty and litUe
op ataket Driving Part BMOctotion held a eseet-, ttoaghier. MareU. of Chailevoto passed
paw* near W«*. ,^ tost Trtdv to the oMbe of Dr. J 1 through the chy ihU noon e« roote for
— Fraakfon. whore she will aptitd
Easter, her mother. Mr«. Jennie WsttbraoBh MW aM M-i
<ke tbr«* day*' me^waa decided ;*om who fa here In tb* faftwrot «C tbe
tried roadways to Ibato deatinntlonitomn;
I L. O. T. M. M. foinlBg them umovrow.


' Frank Hackey. the dnnnhier m ^ rich
.ItuBbermaii uf ai(anfW>->Us. IMod.

talitv is ’low—j-our sujmly of
nen-e energy exhausted,
exhausted. and
Jod^ R. B Fraaer. of Detroit, la aa
\XMir ^-stem runnh^ douv for
ffetereicc dih the Detroit THImdc.
lack of poa-er.
aayn;, -la ao cotBitry la the cortd
___ . organs of the *ody are
•ad ai BO tlBir Id the htotory uf the, n-oiidap |loocl.v, or
at alJ.
world. BO farms I koov aarthlaK aboa) ^and jtm are not gdtih^ the
It. tami laaiTiaEe rrer been rrcard*i: nour^inent needed, lllis som
by the Uc* of ibe Uad as anythtiia, impot'ertshes the tdood and in*
•ot a dvll coatnet; to be ki aiide stud
Stead of throwing oft
oil the iitrtiDder eertalD eaadfttoas. When I so- purities, distributes it all
through the body. This brings
1 ,-ona« and rtrtoon* woman drtvm ti
be altar by her pareats to be maur, disease and misery.
Feed the nerr-es with Dr.
the cUe «r a dcgeaerair. diecaMd
maa. ta order ib«i *be may aco'-iire by Miles' Kcrrine, a nerve food, a
nerve medicine, that flourishcs
the match a' Htie. aorial ^podcUm o>
wealth. I cay the maid Is aiade by itie and strengthens the nerves, and
see bow quickly >x>u will-get
derir. aatMor ministers <rf <be posprl
strong and vigorous.
iDoanoe that God has }v<n>-J sorb

, haring made the beat arerage.


rmose CBy Stftc Bak

odUk RapMo arrtred i* the ettj
lOdajr for * dw'a W-

One arm BhleMed hta'tofccj^
ha* ben made that
i While hi. hindkerehlef jwaa Preeeel j
both l«to h*. been
■ /-»--------- — —— --f tddely ngblast hi* aonto. HI* f*«:aiMxiInted and It 1* lor this committee
-■WB^tottlhPt ddnaltoBMHM.l.
,wu«io4iW0tared nnd be had been ,
piemen 1* making the
fpy IteatoM to In re-idMfOraomhtlse.
If the bnlldlng U'bom. It dll
from the Natfoanl; Oaraaar TfoMswo^ and Bieiig; ^
handsomest and tb?
y « AMte*to.1to...ictoaaoa»er*«nmm<mbd^ fhe bodjl,^ modern in the city and dll pro-. W YEhi.15 Am « MRP. Af.tAkMi to CWWf, ooderutcRs o«»E;
pn^K-r- ■
n,l«mml-,»MRmiL »> Rp»M mm «~™i i
IM RUlRMMMT M A loor Mm. boltH ot
tor drasrlng the plana for a
nt Wexford. The
tl bare n cement block
will be of fmme. It
-bot hir funiace.



g5,*Ed"T,.3“S«*,'Sf- ^

Tire Insurance!


Plat* Glass, Stsam BoUar and Aqcldsnt Insuranc*.

CAPITAU *200000
SURPLUS, *25.000


F'L.ORISTI Ac«nisutt(Bm»i>i.



Dr.w.3- diasins
Very • best of dental eerrtoa
only. Teatb year of prnctiee.
Vour pammage •olldled. In
New Hanson building, under K.’
of P ball, on How «lik Doekof*
aj;* BupIoi*p» Cu1!<^ and ovar
Singer offioe.





Wsyn* Osoaay Bswk Bk%, DBTBOI£

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
Room 8tGN*w 8tat* Bank Bulldins.


Trav*r*« City.

Cbe tort tl>at Filte H>e me»t Pre<cri»tton»

Spring Medicine
and That Tired FcelinR go together, but soon part if
you get your ntediciae at

m e. Vr*ml St .
H. B. Ma« IH.SAU*. MaiifiRiT

Tiiiv<ts<‘ City. Mich.

Inst what you want In

here lor any purpose, be*
cause—ii*s made from
lumber we can produce K!
Rough and-------------I.)ressed Lumber,
------ . 'lopriog.i
Shingles and Imanor
Siding; c«leiling,:, Lath.
homes and
idf^Uc buildings are a few bf our


W. L. BrewD. Mawajm.

Clti2*ns Phone. 32: Bell. I<

Being to Build?
If so, the South Side Lumber. Co. at Traverse
Ci^ is tbe place to buy your material. Shop
and min work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

Seiifl) Side Cumi>er go.
Cravtrs* eny, iBich.

Lime, Cement, Cal.'Piaster, I’fastering Hair. I’uip
Plaster, .\lab2lstine. Muresco, White Lead. Paipts.
Oils, Varnishes, or T’aiut Brushes, we have them
for you.- OorLkneisthc best. We guarantee it
to give the best of satisfaction. We have a Kock
Geiftent ’l-Alpenal which is always uniform. It is
tested before it leaves the factoo’. It is liglit color.
noD'Staining, and of great strength. Ask fos prices
on any of the above articles, either through mail
or at orr store and we will explain.

aad CASS Sts.



nwly now. for iIh* lirsi of May will poiKi to* In'm «ml
y.vp'will wfinl to
Inntl. I lw«* « vrr>- Uip
uhM roui|i1rU* o-tco-k from whiHi to tiinkt- yunr.it4ix.liun.
,.Soiin*'iii’w iJiiiiE* fliiii a'ill iijl«*ri«l jiAburtimt. <Vbbp
ill jiihI ifpl your ciullif nml Imvo ll n-ndy. Flkw, Rada.
Hwks mill l,iii>-^ nml ••V'-rjihiift; <4*i- y</tt nwxl.

P-raNK TRtJDW, l4<i Fnmt Street
\Vi Ii.'ivon fiiwI-riiiM Till t$lio]i.


maiie ofdjeap material, and ftaea * DpAy
finidi to cstdl (he eye; but are dtoxble, oMort'
able, xruT nut. 111* cheapest oc the market, gsali^ coaidered
Once B&ed aod yoa will bnyao other make,

126 Slat* SFUL % Uictor Rgtcrtyl.
Have you ever tried the


9oyml *riK«r T^mm arid Oof^w*

Thtf.are the best

J. J.

CsaMtd C#m ^

Sold only-by


Kromk ^rorsto S*s>mmto.



MtoMBM. inMlwr tufi U 4wt(>I
DM drpteds Oh ita phr»k»l eoaOltloe.
Il» teUhB Md «M* «( MOM Ud IsMty W iU oaKpatfUaiL It my ecw-!
Ai»«r xm.
eeot m Um or
H> (te wnicftitai Ot Uls hat Are
a M «h» «<17M wHI nambcT h%h M forty aw entRtkf'

>to|KdMAlato.he«ltorralnaMeto«>tjcU"Masa 1ladder to fatinl her home.
eutofaa that pataiera pronOaed
'to tto aaatoat to toUtm! to cmm and didnl to ahe decided to
..........................All the netohhort


r' n II . r«lf Ah»—ianm fiw
tyh-oroM rew win ngwy "x
Ei^ Lsilf Y«i« — Ooctori

aeed to WM;» Rhode* eBheinehlp. e«tt»^ Mr. Fhbn wu thef au and oRved
pate |or SO mOee eUi ud tO ttSiet Bncllah fkvorttc' doe*
ae’Mu-e hlarm> toar yaua' lutme^ to 0>- uatouat when toM whht «u vutod.
•ooth'orClMTesBe. ln»We
iMWe Ui»
the cUj-»b«
etty the worry «boui her
(oa> of uow «ls> broke awtt of the’ Bsefl ft alL She U wa bother hy i«-. ford ^wlrettlty. He la U pnwent an- • A yoaa« Uwyw «C New TofkvoRT
. electrte H«bl ud teleahooe polto.
|»l«l«U euwoia* offeor*—Momoim prrte*
t a Itoabnaa
nf i rewr ’em. If ehe protmed acaiotf.har- Mlek
Ibr board oC pMutai twrlow hare Iwei; I >»C «>
a a vodcl of «
by. rounlnrtwirr’ Waraee|tbere rcUy to oler to ^ It for her. brewer of Mflwaakcc. hu bcu aemai
«td secreury or the Interior Hi.eb- He»*eeB In the “metlae-hutoea* oa a dorr .a a( Imciioe
j«-tce man ud
I» wrote. 1 a« ■aeh ^totdd
' cock The realuatiOB* rcaaltad tiwn I tweatyVaw- I-«*K aso he *ot h down tliig W renu a day tor hia awvku.; by yonr r«st^ bat I ahoaM bate to
w^.^di^^^»d to.o«*actwi«ee- wiai he doe. not Jaatn. he *u pnaalfe JntttoetJmre.’ take the muy. Aay iectore that J
knew abrtot ■vrnaciar' thto<a no- aoart a cbnauble iSpptue* to aaarcb eaUd-deUnr on the aatdaM aantlaaed
“**■ htoaiedto BW» wnoeatiaiea anr- body know*.
of one More tutor. He bad been In- wonM eaaalat of tfx toliowa: <
, pcniyimioa ud
R. C. Plau. of Crtiuae. Mlrb.. haa’atrotoad to cee-ihe Am ama he mW-iTbe addreaa to a good lawyarr
in . S>w Jeraey refdinent that nerer
Ai a matter to )aadee. the preeldenl

Wan Un^ to Cure.
CDCCnn V niDm

remualed a a Scott. Jr., fomcrly i


or .he


Ranaa. City. Mo. poatoOw. B««
wa* dlttotanted fpur yedra ago to cotinectlon with ibc loaa to »8.t»0 to a reg-1 I
iatered package. Another clerk, John ’
A. Fbgg. wi» threw asKpIdon on Scott. ■
baa been coBTleted ud a
ally for aiuaUng the money.
W. W. Canln to Philadelphia, a
■eaTfe. Curito. a

itoi. Wnuam M. AratalTtout
. rupatoodjtha bwf khown to the older realdenui
toattiauB aato faUitoCtoratahd and pn»toeat to the dohi bad anfctvd tmOdeacoey aad
Imocratic pany tkroughoot the atato. patofen^tt toag year* fte» • tor*



aae. a^ 1 had aput a lot of
witboat rccei<
Major Armitraiig waa for a niaaber to fermaaytcmedlca
-- acal)
yura editor to the Cleretond Plato
If tba hmanre la allowed. Dealer. He U mppooed i
w 1 Id*
4k|M)y..the sRro«*n will bclgeated the rooator at the emblem pf' were tolUafout, u<
from the tor

- Tl>5^mrntos np ----r
MAI. M AMS AAtofA toto the air u an- j the D lurauv t«L..
MAMMarwru-aaftaa altragu. The;
ipb Dototo'emautor agtot
atbotie, aad
agMt at;
dear aad I am_rnwttk secretory
Secretory |i bead and teaie
tlM4M AMtol wv to tp hul tha aum I oarama.I.badafalk with
W to tte Aalto u toto u pomibto. TM< ™«.Ur.
cwtly. i^gardlng
^ordl., the polRleal [
am^ i| a« u tha toad aa faat aa
AAAM-M Itow ander. M too daap to ifM Secretary tall ba^had large prlr-; ^ toot Ci '
- > —
aaWtoL MA Mt H toio Ike aoli ABd well
■Mai *Ilb It aa aomi aa ^We.i„.
ou to the dimetora and man-’
Ihuh Ite Aaaay
AadhT to the maure will.
will ^aett ^
of iha orliioee
OrlDoeo oaneaaaloa.
noneeaaloo. bold-;
bold-: hw
r. Vur.
Pay. Weadm.
Weadm, Uaaa.’t
AMtaiAAtetoO Ahd Ka orgaak e«m-l,a,^„,„ri|hi totheexpkXtolton:
»t\ II A« Mcarty dacay torn the | g, ^ tl^ ud mlaanU iwcwane*

mstoSadtemu Th.btokofUte ,g,,ggppe, orlaoco m. Mr
mrnm AMI ba rndda la tba wlater' oQ,,, vu putlcularly
belefTio AiidlUhtog.BonilBfEmpUoiis
■ • A«t#a MMto AbanM ba to aaVb It. air................................
Aom and to«ty to ahaorb-1
preddeni Caatra...
wMh Laaa a< tlAir. Corad •
USM^Ai®*** to t‘»**«to*luylmoea that bare artaea c r that
by CutlCMim.
>«AM teSteblng away are {guy arlae la conaaeUMi
Bathe the aSeeted parta wUb hot
•w^' . V»
[e^ttoe and did a« wut Mr., Bowen.,
Cniictwo Soap, to cleum
toAM.AAMfl^ to altrogea arc tha AmrrteU mlalairr. to) Interfere In • the enrface to crimto and acaka, and
liMAdMoM Ua maiteu In raTbU.-.»r„u.
’ Jte bak war. naturally.
[tell- .W ,<^PAPebaae to faadiag ataAa
tog, imiattoii, ud ‘ ^ — - ud
m .«•*« AteAgM. faadiag them to ato<» rent RooaereH'a retorn.
e to
HcBrytealcr.foraaumbertoyaart. SuSTtbTbkS A atomic ait i.
ftetreat. Wla. U dead.; often aoMdeat-to cure.
le wa^OT yyear, old and wa. cuniBg,




«r. ««. S£.‘^£s:2S^£^l£ffl?S


' Par fltty yaan tha CltoRritofsia M kAM

>r to Auartu tea bM At
MAO lows and far M ouayranaou. N«a«hara
atoOH dattea to o«hal mrM to 0«mI prtooa.
It tea towaya teas AAttM*
toartot prtolt. Wtefavar
M aavad ta teytag ctoU. or la b
to ttoma aat to tte prtca. Tte Oa<

I atottevoryl

picture at hU •bare of bli faihefa celaie.
tale. \n»eo
n oeo ar.
Mr. t.Cnttlo
o>>id wu
waa <u
In oi
St. Pe
lerabura a. mtol.ler to Rnaal. i^nrleoU-i
ahip waa formed between HTiti
Aleaaadpr “•
IL Whea Mr. Cur- i
ilti'B appdntaMBi expired, to 1172. the]
exar uve him a magniSceBt UfMUe |
tol patmiag of hlmaeir. Bloce Iw retptloB hyAhe Carlin family U ba« Ix'en
the BTcnteai pHaed article In ihelr ao(watral home. Aftdr the death'of Mr*.
Ciirlla vr. V. CurUo propoaed IhAi if
the picture were idven him he would
renoiinee all claim* «o any further part
,of the dilate of hi* f«iher. AM-r
'months of deliberation the majority of
the heir* urewMo the eon's piopoia-

try to mate tte a
every gansut to gAarataaS. tte gnaeaHldA
la pat late avury aaH aaff ovareoat. M M a AaMMa
emrtract bacted by a towa Mtiy yawa aid, Mtt
acapta capital ud a riptoMlBg M tte trade tkaA
■adna Ma wvary ward verth fu.
1 ta gfva yaa
GMberaft CMttea are fa.
gnltoar vabw la atyk, fit. «aMi am* wear ttea ;
ua sat M any otter duliaa at tte aaaw prtaa.
STVte la whto ttrat I
WBAM M wbat matea Mas a
. VOB win ttad AiB bmum


When “Oklahoma Dare" Payne war
a boy he llred on a farm In Kusa*.
• Hts people were In humble cJrcumatancea ud-Dare'a ralm<-nt conslitc<d
naiey aaek wlih hole, for h'n
head and anni. He wa. deeply Ir
lore with a neighbor farm girl. On.evening he ag;nt over Ud aparked the
while .he w.» milking the mw.
Bbeaai^ one aide of the cow and he
par ceat at- the oddeet u well aa the-oWeat mani~r----------------------------------------------- aquattad
(he other
he could

on me
ao neaocoum
k«k look
• •'
«*t«r. f{. V. former ecerctary of .tote, ■
In the eye while sh^ mllktrf. Dav?
He nauaHy alept la the;
^ ,n eein'e
bis love tor the glH growing mp^ i' - fe|
i ^ roUed'up la a biapkot. His menu ,tO0«.«w; will be eonterted by the “Hr- » affected the u.y In a peculiar
»^F*“ •»'‘^wW»an'dtbe ■da"aghlw.
^hate Satnedar.
, . ______ ^«P«
rt tea. ud h<
_ 't»elf
I ha hoagbt tor, ■—
fg, “
^ loe
^ ouRat«sa
»*• ® "
-• - - - - - - - - bo„
- - - ncuuer «nr wiauw ur
'AMa .am
.tod Uk. fall -he.L;“*^"’
'« toe petWoa tor lu admlulon. V^Heace he sW. sure it was lore. Just

.ytrf^ ’*** he waa one of the famon* fVe- gy the will the widow reertre.
»»•-» ‘be .wnmtion wmt the
expedUloB which made the drat , noogg,right nnd the Income of a trust ‘be giri remarked; “Darle. the <*lf
**!'i®f««1aad trip to OallfomU. A patty of;
To the daughter Is «•
too hack to your sack.
AM AMAAfU affect u oaattw. ^
had preceodod them had been 1 bequeathed &>.«» ud (be lacome of
pyuk Moaemu. a traalcd lleutcn
killed by the Indlaas.
, a tran fund to llOfi.OW. Some thirty ut of CfaarieB Prohmu. the theatrical
f> «a Id per out to alP- other beqnesta arelnade* Abotrt tint.-. ntanager. bolds the only Job of Us kind
Josrn a few ovvBinga ago vtsUed the (hni Is left to cbaHiable ^lliiitlunii. uo eanh. He Is known as "the moetr'
t aaaaaUal Memaat to aon»
New Tork a
whkh be naod < and the residue of aU>ui
gnj arranger." HI* task Is t
>1 fl.oon.ooii
. wa teall caaatder U Umc.
la piwalde. and waa reived with kom to relaiires In Germuy. Several tights of the the;
U* atei the urtklea tol**^* btmor. He U nearly 77 years old.; of these are ralallvei of Mr. CookV
,nd women, who eonie aen«» il>.
^n to! Aa^
pg^ihUad. but aUU a strong mu. and H Ar*t wife.
a«a ,o And .belter under Mr. Fn>h
------------------------- ...— k«wnela.'to yri • true that “Jonea pay. the
The heaVlmi
heaVimt snow
snow ever known lii man'i cxpanilve muagerlal wing. H'
•o Wyoming has broken c roT telegraph keeps at it ^1 Ibe lime. The Fn-ncU o
■At l2?5§i*tM tato ord^j*”***^’®*
■*•***'•••• .
bTatew^UfiJ to^^*‘
Ur. who wa.
”T*?^”f^.ialao a toaMor to Albuy. ud the fedI bad s'
good ttoM logelhar swapping atortes.
OeneraJ Jones ww eiSonel to the atotb
IBM baSdtagn.-la lime. If a
to Borthern tnopa to reach Waablng'teMM AlMlM aad wUl aot bond
ten. aad the Arst to shed wtei ^lood.
ret AaAlrad beraala. wW no.
m IM Am frtobk aoii wbu la BalttoMre. April If. JBU. the u- After Yffifff
Dlreraary of Concord and Uilagus
___ ud atotlraled, It need*
wkb water ud Agfala to I77S. Ii ailll remafna the
fejJ5;l:ta laiu* tba water wui be pride to hia Ulr.
Pitoataor Kart Pennon to a recent
Mn. Martha Pohlmu
- 6S Ch.-.!..

To Core a CoM in One Day »:%; 1 #



of Eqwrience, Advise* Women In
Rcgaid to Thdr Health.

xit* from the
teaar Am partkiaa will paaae of Oxford aeleaoe. The Oxford;
AAM^ IttnterMla to softeieni profeaaor of hnmu anatomy and the; uioekleyTrainingKcbool,
Hipdbastda la the bottom bttbia a; Oxford reader to Rgypitology bare late- at Itilladelphia, ud for
ditr mtantee. Ao whan day ta sttecy ly glrm a raty almple aeries of condland rtontea lo bruak down Into toe tions by whkh crania cu be classed, H^Slul^ritStteletoSJ
.oMI. tb^ddXte to ItAM will ennm It Into aknll* of negrald. mouegrald printed below- Bhe has
ta Aa an Pbr this purpoae aa auKh Peamoo baa applied these teats to a »be advantageof perw^
M tow ta ato tana to slaked lima per talriy long series to admittedly negro
t aar
ha affdad to rery ttkky Clay. ■teUB and a falriy long aerlaa of Bag-! »d wbat she has to
mwA Mll.iiW' •‘‘"'M. with toe moat aurprislng «sr be absolutely relied
M. u H U , >~IO- H. «M. 11.1 -of lb. .bid.
„u,„ „„„„
___ PtoatawlUnot grow welliBtei^btePulatlon Slightly more thu naUrtedaasbew-mb. They
Mfeb Tb MI whether tte anil - Ml per cent are elibef pnm negroid or' can regain health In the
m;ter at the dmggl.f. mmie m. 1 panlalty negroid, while to u ouiwart- J^TeM «cH MrtSTfl^
M btoalaankr. Weito?Sa 1 »r pnt* n»a™ifl group npwnto of
plBM tte nUBto paper against IL' P*r cent are notuei^Dld or mixed
Mm, Pohlmu writes:




d lamelr to alowlr de-'CMicrfOraaovel acfaool to CTUtome- f.
■alter. It to aeeeaaar- i>T ud utbropoiogy.'’
«mrto^Tf^ that my
Mr to AWbably asid; atlll all netk
When the TltombarrAmertou Hoc
Ihy at the tteamkr Pen
atoutto tbdfr eagaluttaa. Teat par : York Friday from Kamlmrs. ahe had:
Ugalarty tte “tiNsay* Back.
i on board the larpeat number to paaarn *CTasdteii».yet liBdS
The Mams aa biteor tands are aome-' grrs wer bitegbt to ihta port
tteoa aoM and need the addtUnn to^alagle ateamer.' fhe wbtoe
Hbs to aorraei this aonraaaa. Tiy | Inelndlag eabto and steeiwge.
ftenlore. an aaOs hy Ibe lUmni paper I fAK. Of thaee :>8n were to (he steer,
teISM diiAAtod wbat to apply ta tor! age. Only <mee to the imat



The Bt'uiia Stuck is mi-IUoK away-4akc warning! Since the aale of Uio Benda stoedi hu oponnl.
'Hiis stup* hoe Imco eloriiH^I by an urniy of abivinl abuppota daily->wbo omuo gnd eoma Again.
\V<> have liml lo iucivaac oar staff o^aaltsiieoiiU- to meet thn denuuuL The n
O'utaHig opiKiTtnuily Traversf Ci^* lias ewr awn. Follow the crowd.

Yon HflTC Not Heard of Anyone Tryloi: to Compete wlUi Tliese OflCeilBCt,
Indeed Ifot. imposslPie, Simply Se.
Bendn’s 15c



Benda's liSc and 50c Cb|M.

B.-i>d..'sl.V Linen Collera.

Bonda's 05c work Hbirts.

B('ii<i;rs Hh:

Benda'a 3.5c Neckwenr,




. J.V iiud 25c Bolts, Bcnda'a
xlluloid Collars. Bewln's J 5c Shield Bow*:.

Wm bny

Benda's HOD stiff HaU.
Bondn's $1.00 Odd VusU,

Beodn't 50r white and colorod Kbirta.

Bcnda'a $1 stwl rod I'm*


Beuda's flSBO CaMira.>rr

Im-Ilas, ReSiln's 7.>c bhiek


eoata.BtoKlA‘A $12.00 Bliu-k

antcoii Kbiris, Benda's II
work Gloves, Bend’s 75c
Nerkirm, Benda's-tSe and
^1 iHglit (towns. Bendu's 11.00 work PanU.

WUl bay


Suitg-oMt patterns,-Beo-

Clay Worsted Anits,Bcodn's

I1S.0U Fanry Worsted SniU, Btoida's$1200


M.00 M. ii-. robte Mijiv™t..«.lf,bi«...............
M,»'. nibl Bo.™' ,1,.i,l«b-„.btorp
bO«^. K..OO Pbiili U|. to n yr «»•.................


: oerkam tltaeo oo bearS.
Memy K. CtegbaTy

'.^MAIAA to ftAtaOs taaitm- aag to eev bad (be dlatlaaion to being grtonatcA
from; from Bovdeta ctolege to

, :

oesB. fatotoe
Irritability. '

lietiihi'a $:{ <*hiUren'<;rtuiU.£or l.4tl nml...............


her Own is <me trie«l and true remedr.
Lydia K Plnkbam's Yegel.ble Com­
ta, aaAl ds>d that pound at ooe* refaoves such tnmUles

to aid to lUiSM when the aieaner Bulgaria, of. wbAaBIrew-,.;—
Wtere tber«<bre:tbeaaBeline.bnM|tattoXJMpaBaeB- JSSi'S
lAt AM Md inert Md aeeto tba get* la her third rtaBB quarters. The
f^ tore foaod tkat U .una
. lime to voyage to the I
to add. Whet*, u the; marbahie to riew to her htavy paaqen-.



RwfiTs. Young Men'a $14 New KpringKuits


•liL. Wteff a baarp cMt to

CMit Out lln BEHDI STOCK .HI. OH SlMl.


aod Ibe mnaey is 2^;
aaved hr T.ydia
Aiaeoan known to medicine.
itnkhmn'fc Vrgetabir Cool|k*aDd.
It to wen Icr wnoenwbo ore >11 to
ptoeement or nkemtbm
of the^
the wnmb. write Mn. I'tokham. at l.rira. Mass,
in brr great twperkwaa. wbkh ravers
kw Ufree and <


Now Owned by the Clobei.

Benda’s Old SUnd


An slmeii infiimUe lemtoy'tor dbeua of Sw Tlawit sad
LonOk known and med dm wnrtd over ior timatt a enntiny.

,-lBta pototoa Ibtta. or tt aiay be! Atotoat 17 la tbo taBonsctaaaat lAtt., are beta with am* symptom, a. dtorU AmtlaL

lf:toF4te 4MAA aa toue ttee ; fte MB to FtwAartak CM to Boeb- H* & PMMi VtoMb Cl..... . .t





Cura Yonr Cmigli

M at fCM- •»«««*f»B>el Mtkor•ttU

WlM Ffm afcirfnwv
U*di«. MIefc, Ap»U tJ.-Tk* «!*»


laremllac tb«- d*»«rwr «M tqt tbi
r eoapuy in tlM eas«.
t■'lW eMtor «f

ftwn hriiifla* Ui® »»tt to eoltea ua«
tar tbc rw» bctwm ltf6 ud im
ta the oflBioa lUnd tbc eoun mj*

Almost In Diypmr,
*<tar UtObdangtitar wu giTWop by two phjskiuli
rtth oeaniMptioo of Ute the^ aad wo wero almost
^ diseorory. After (Udag tear bottles she was
figimij eored aad has had no throatiroBble slaee.”
A BYLER. ComberUad. Md.

(bat be dMbU whether the tiaiote of
U^UoM bat aar appUeaUon te U»
aeUoa and

adds ibai eraa

if (be

atatato waa apidleabic. “The

t to LoedM


, ar fneh fiaod oa tbo coupialmaVt

''jUealn.*|rliet-Adla|»t(bU>the||«n oBlil
WMMal »Bt»

Bears tlie


Ttir nilw«r •-.

»t|toiw#* <**u«l*d tt« «** »uu« »«v


The Kind Yoo Have

Ateirat ftod}eat<J

iml before (b®

AgaiMbe osdaton rcadi:

tall waa

a«dkr-Ml ICaamak bar today for I on tbo pan of the autc waa beeantc
«tt w ta ^

>, cuana

Batnan la a tar«o>feadaat aad tf the elate baa in-ca de-|

,E. Wait & Sons and Jotinsan Drug Ga.

- litod^Vt dincur Bonb troa Ka»- eelrfd. tbo dcfeadant win not now be 1
Tibll|Ur It

o CbtBb aad la peralttod to nae at a ahlc-id tbo iUpe <

rKSimb Sienaton of


rt on tbo (Inirfa Indneed (bo e


• mnnldpal oaoert. The board <rf hcnltb


“That tbo »nipanr:Ol anrl^ce.

The health offir,r.


------------ -

-- -

taitare to


H^.iiows. and

e tbc defcDdant; Tnx

«u dw...... u.,.


J «i o|«UM.nv.« of ».•
Tbc eumpany waa aranled tbla week. - Tbibplnniki>a tom?
flic an answer acrei 1« one oC tbc bertaadiu-.ri ptt>
- |« that (be Japannao ad | thirty daya in which
icncuvc ram., tn thU ...wasbip nnl
I take the lalUachro and 1 to tbc Infonnatlon,
a awtred nt ifto'^;
------------1------------------- .

By. I rqwrd.
h bey aad «aa»ic tbo enemy.:

__ at Kinpiloy.

Bce (d


Mte of

cuJUva.lon l.y


_ _ _____ ^
.. ........................
«w u..r.b of p«ldn»d .liver ,d.u-..
1-rborn Imrkd toere I., An,..rr-«. ...
»>» f-*'*®*

toHowera. rM.o 1:..

b,rd lawr

aaaa aaat. «ne mQe north nsd Ibreo-! the fmlta of their htoor nre aOw aoeWj''
Onaitera mUe <ait of Kingilto' >natl ina new lleNU where they ctn take lU-? .rf AwbroaoS comrade* werv' Ull.*;
nond BoalU.aa.bccn -U*.. I m.;
nl^t at BUal^t. Ho Icavea a wife, i a trifle cnaicr.
The nrinhUir:. and i ^di
ilM ibi-m
them "t
«r ®r -Alton. Me.. hU pT-ioaiiiy Xu-. '.:
daashten and one non. Tbcj mends in this vicluiiy will mlu

irdirw ftfaaAf SMbeb oochto
k'bftt WU jBlaad by Vtoo 'Ad-

nJ win be Snndny aftomooB at fined eipoc^ly tbt>ee





M. E.

a£„'5™’ij-.s5.s!i SA
.•• IB tk* 0»«i W
or, u! Hr.i'.dTrBvcnr Ba4 S«
hB>^c«vU'd widi •». the.





to tbe o-cioek.


b!t Tw'jrbJUiVlu^^M Mira

b U..
Hf w™ ..
.0 ,W.
W,.n bltn many votos. i.rrv..'- »i
Cblcaso. April ii.—Cbargfiia (Cms* *«Bent ibl* year ihai the price
•iRrih',! nKiBicn li:
nnlawfu} MaaipuUUon of pmbablr rd up S rents per barrel,
fgrkiTf If. i
bnt laatant ac-1tnnfla of tbe Rnnlublc Life AMV-Uf,;. eeniiment cxprtwsi4 ai a mectlny^*'

_»tf tbo rraecb iovam.^^.JiSWwAalttrtoBodJeat.
toitormrberi- <

Troaaupy Department




Klf^rtey. Mich, April Sl.-Kcrbort! .iblcb Mr. and .Mr*. Splnnacn perl>oaec. aged 4S. di®d at bl» boac two tormed tbem.ctvcs apd tavtcs
:ittf Uid by lervire J^usi.

the pryetl®''



at Toklo dc-ltbe eoBpbO&ant

wi. uoi

i« V* r> «“arc<-. and fami- n- f.i.“




m ma«Kvy% pan wmt deemed «»
« ol the Onlmi c.-meo' as*iwla;i«>n at
—ora today broaghtaalt In United States I T^pjedo Too»day is carrif,Minn cir-Tt.


a^^^^M.iena cwder ama therefore


*onri nminst tbe eorporattoa asking T);ig ,,11; make ihr- priw in Mirh'jmn

Mf flntUTfi. Vn~i-«'

bo i^aoed U tbc aboat »l.f7 per bam^.

tbe eoeean

:>'■ MM •hMM kl^ loadoWwM to salber {


HWHkao aafl aaU for Kam].

fivory famv.’

la Mtcblsna loxopt one tt ruaniBy at’

Throat Coughs

enpaelty. aad the eondhiin Is about
Wbabtactoo. AprQ ».—Tbo eoadi—

the BBJ,..
aanic ..1
In other sta^.

A tickling in the throat;
hoarsenessat rimes; adeep
breath irritates it;—these
are features of a throat
cough. ’Hiey re vet}-de­
ceptive and a a>ugh mtsturc tvnn't cure theni.
You .™t5..^i««ng that
tull heal the inflaaied
inemlnanes, • enrich the
'hlocxl a"d tone up the
system ■

The tT‘"

the tarrr— '■
**• | batty U tb?i
l.anvl« win
a ebanse
wonc a:
. .-T iraund
^ siatej tkls year
a Aanfe
for for
*““<***«!.. laewBcovcnnriyfmrVWtnd i>y
phyalclaa atated that the dlfUarflthod!r.-

’AmAI reach (bo aecae,


* Mia than thno Oars udi

m ksMa me eoailac week:

^ew Twk. April u.—The BrlUrt (oce oMbo *;cs( mw of the rtwn

’ootted aa nlsalac and bet crew ofi'blrii eclipsed an\ti;ioK «f tfcn Mn;
p^bly losi. Thc|®vor aeon. Gonln^has prwoy himsou

at Mma aaya tbe Mtfaalan

!i?V. «'•« •

' •

•'<r' '9h»««Bimi«baL

DUirsiiifu kwito

|icas <d ito nurthwesi, and jirobahlj

____ *

; ateamar rtwhlldil has boot ofllcUny * ^<T. imtc an cvhliniinn at Lak.- Unde;

tM*m. April «.—Tbe latost

^ M^,k; va_ Fob. 5 tor Rot-.

«>“•' ‘>f
•“ ■>••*
k a Keami bHlon ^c.Urokt- all |n^-viouR nwnrdt
terdam and I
cf boldins a team of hnrses. fjT hi J^
anUalcd tfilnsi sail
Ijeld a u^an.
tog in tbo abtp. claiming It «r^ na-

C aonkward.

^aenworiby bat the Britlah cnosalate on «nc£ arm. Couln bu received i>c«
la too «l^t^ „ Norfolk tnaUicd that they go nndcr crnl eood ofler* to .travel, but Is no
mitlM to acecpi.
pw. «
The. fartncni nnmd' nlMOt - Batik

tM aak.ta aMar to deoedw tbe Rna-

l compaay (rcim S:
___________________ _

Pwto. Aprt M.—A dltobtto to toe i-ge,t

is, just such a rcmetly.''
It has wonderful Healing
,jd nourishing ,ns«CT.
Removes the cause ot
the cough and
system-is given hew.
■ s^ngth and vigor

it to nnp-

a' number t»m to New York ond ,}n
icn««d <am

bands lor'the suonuf

tbe eommtuee of ministers. Tbc (armm advaaced.!tbc lareol ii.<

baa taalcBed.

»2r «• Bumab.

that M. Witte, presh

tended to

Reports that Wlur In- n)cn to Balile Cteflk.

Ron-.e of iti.n

breanse be felt that! have work^ for a few wisks nod ar.

Cincinnati. <Rilo. April ».—Rudolph nnd tkirplne »mt.
Ucybolte « Co, banker* of tbU city.

A n UBi. iB- 111-- » Uf u-‘t-



•> lU'.VliB-i U1 Ihv la. Innl i>i


Friday tv.o mo;i

gOp-AfJ PiirlStrscr, Srw Ts'i
JO,. J’j f/.M.


A: Jrtffort

arc reperu-d as batinK Uft th.- farm

that they have aeqnlrcd control ef tbc Ana^Arbor rallrond.

Tbc deal Is Independent of the

(Sadanatl. Hnmllua

A Dnyton-rcre

:.:|iSs#=:iSSH=~3 Did You Get a Bottle of Vitona?
ttOB Is cnsicmplated..

Cbicaco. April i-—With the ai;
It of tbc plan of the lr«dcr>
’4<toa sgtoilron to atrive gt aay a >-; to Cleocgnt N«r oprioo vlrbViA t
kei went to piece* this ^>rnli
^.tolng ami
Tba Mtlvc*

wera highly

pleasad i a pnnlc on tbc board </ trade.

■wrttbtkeirtoiitoatBtb®prk*ofpr«.topcneda« HAS aad dsswuxi to ll-'i;

' *» '

' iaadon.




SCOTT ir BOIFSE, d,r,i:l:

picyer and sold tt.'iaklne
the \ ;

‘ akBoto Prtorik GocbtoCblaa. April
H.—TW eetopMe Wnaalaa' Seat left
TTmtiH riT oa April It at mtdtm.
it mm* iMn tnMtorii>i« «« htojd
otoalaea. tito npiMoed tbe Rnattok
iaat,«aa cmasefl with a poriton of^


k’J ■

ty'« ! ae DO kaner bad tbe eonfldence cf tbe! sow Jumplnp out. 0ce Llh'w t.r.uis-;i
I c»r have heea current tor aense time. 1 dowa a bln load yf bay l.-r \U

Jlti.. <■ l.;-v-r ;; <jf J4l»r.-ltaIK-.a.

Scott's Emulsion

London. April 21.—a dispatch to lUo Creek arc In a perit of Iwut.k'. ,« j!I-.

idaaa aa tba oaaa toewtoa of tbe Jap-





cbartcr.<fuml®lK's free wa*on» foi-«h.’rii>.;K)sil
mMwandtbclsiH «oun aaya:


For Over
Thirty Years

Price, 50c andWi^oo

fbaMaM tf MliHivbwebU eenetaUt rMM oa tbo rapreteaiailcna of de-

BRtm **nat 1 liiMijt tt

' suhse<|n(iu>y' «> rtwriitag the d»!!r anric.

Wild scene* were wtTnessed o.-.

aerman.tbe board'oftradc'toaon-tnRtbos;-

ORlMr .apnrbcr tdporia at Tsiag Tan tempts of Utg.longs to ntfUmd.
hkwlM blrttod on April » In tbc
----------------- -■btrnlts cd Fontana a Japaneae baa nf .
•*»*• "»»••
' war towtog nntRber baAr damaged..
A oommubcntlae to ttw RIr Rspi-i."Tbnoplaion to sOabridbatotbal Ad-; papers contains good adrlcy ms ft-i

100,000 Regular Size $1 Bottles of Vitona Free
Vitona is Guaranteed the Best Spring Tonic in the World
Weare wUlirRtotake all the risk, bscause w^know what VITONA has done for others. You have
everything to gain and nothing to lostv VITONA is positively guaranteed to cure that Worn _
Out Feeling." Malaria. Rheumatism, Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Cenopal Debility. Neuralgia,
Indigestion. Eczemia. Sciatica. Feirrale Diseases. Nervousness, Heart Disease
and Kidney and Liver Troubles.

irini Tom. wfll not risk • gmini bat-' knrs:

FEVER? r, :


|n accordance with the *irtri.

tie bat will ooatlnne minor attoeks of clvlr Unpruvcmcni *t find In vari
nw^ ns tbe one wbleb it to' bolleTOd: oas pUec* ibcr.' I* entabltobcd c no.,
Icitlac. wbk!.
took ptooc a> the r««il( ct which the‘tor mnalcli
iivaane man of war was dtontoed.
: has proved
to. Itotenbnis. April It-The toirc Itt resnlto. The payor l^e. a ptoc-

Krary Pprloc <*• 'T'"' <■
bu*. in UU toUuciianc''u; v-BM. ',;;m<tUwwtot*>.Uy» I
m—rBl •>: Bitotof. totuuB folly lu.laiB
lUr.-l«> Bm KprtBS Tiiawto i
UXV.CU. !iB.rtaIrrrUn<-«l«t i«B»- .


o bas twen Informed on good or two fw.AB^>wtob. •»d cvery^.bc
and taligloas

prisoners will be

nlntmsd Obartly.

pro- —yards.


Mrc is,

np' imwwr.

«4s l%e totnrt ntoer than by <aWhi- Wto, the nehooto wvn


The gownment has; ptooe*. cem* In tof a share la tl woceod >y ptoCfful meth- • sllritlag



—,»K-uw Tbc Ttiaut ry«uM<r wUl ‘
;• rie-B«*y BbMKUh'tj-fTrainiAalMVJocr .
I VIMBIB. H *>« ban- »n cvnA B frar P ,1, ! -^
i bnttl«ft.'Vitau.£:lriBt ih. raupu, 1. vm«


ilsmtosed an

'tolldrea migbt assist lu the

to-or Stolto t»y O'. A.


X ntiS* *. ■ pBvriy Tpyobl.- MWidy
mnd bo; o«U uBwAWdy n
tot pmViioB. ...tonily rmm: tov* has fln*
Bmdwtto. Wbo4.<BCa«w
»»U«UliyBiri«le«r Xooto.
ywiraf-tmclanento. MBrep■wUlt-Bi. toMM*
r'or B Ua^uto S>» llto tontla to



•toMMit Of the Sertpfo-Mcfine Preas ;-tomatton aettlng gtUen sprclfled da.
aatoorlty that amacity to all polhleal to expected to ••ei.wb up" cverywher-


; pvAs-v IB xto Wmvl ecu* far- • tr-w n

Dwus OO.



' nilTiri^IB IM tpatoara j
wHrr-ly .iai'Ct"W*b- mt* nWalaCrr

Jmadto. AwH t».-A toapatcb to toe 1 work, a mwttkml wn.v to ^ucnic tie
— — -------------------—^ — 'utUe
who wUl be oor fatme’







«MT no. 1 tali*
tar Vttrt te UliilJiM.
f «tu wrUe
a mr liaM b
. y^mr. Hs rrM.
lei roe Mtnr Utat we ar* wpB.' ftto i
<Cmilaee>l PnM Un VcakJ
ibe «m latter I kave WrAtM aail i Sara lAiteR. lictQesi to rM Cm,
wUt UT hi do MW cooi. laatatke’*lae«liMi.Uia. I aa wrtUac <M*
aa M kb eM kaaw. ao
eceoBi reader. My KtidiaB are ^tt-l tar wKk a borrW pea.a» raa win
atwre tkr fraiBkt ,«*•««.
arlihaeUc. reaiia*. apdllas. Mr ,<Itt W wf1Ua« is aca #oad.
HwertUe t
(eacW-a aMe li Mr.. Bn^af. Thw1 wo abtere aad two
m bcatbera. Thek ^
ler a fc« dare,
“Tke S'lree MedaJ " THrre are 41 arv alacteea adwMta. W* taro tM-l Mea are UOIaa iai Marr Mi Mar^ «ere citaalaa «a. MM
Molan here lodar. Tb«+e are ao ;ir cdiickeM. a dog aad a eat. Pkaae iH aad aOerce. t aa atarMc wtik Br la,, pn
while he om uta he raa I
■aar *lR >«««• >" ^ H«aU. and t •rodioea MrdaailMttiDa. OooiKhrc. i am tMe Mater. I tUak I wni elaae
that IMI <«M:
senerailr rrad ihwa aU. J hare iwo -fMai roar mead.
\ aew.
fma Soalh Bahota aad iher ei«e sp;
iatolne Urta* ta tuwa. Their aaiaiM
■ >
Bor Glea Huteii. j Toar Saaahtoc girt'
■Lake Charter, la- aad th«r
are Ida aad HtleB. I hate Ma of run
; Agd HP.
Cei'Uodt lardle.
waated- MM to *o oa with the*, eo
aJHab Hdlac don hUI* with AMrajTVwvenv CHr. Mkh, March.IS. IMh
Obot. Mteh- Fch n, IMh
barh bo caaio Jeai aa the wash water
Lautaer. 1 will be gUd when string ' Dear BteMdeat—I thaaght..! w(mM !
ihboitht J woaM
hot. boi ibe iroeetteg wagoo a
,he.lMpU*Oower.,Hi»be!.me.lMll.Mtorpn; «i
-^ieV. Pkow ^^;irelMtd:
he .0.3 abowt
. lbBtrctwograiidaBthere.Ooelia>iathaBaathlBeclob;
pICM •
trad me a Urtic* and Mid. I am a III-, iIk- iravebn. aad aald. - Sball wo gO'
llrceonOaiptekeaiidoaeatlUBOB- ineaeard aadbattoB. > «• to acboM ^ ^
with ibomr and te leas iban hah aa,
*btee etel{. i rrory dar I caa. I ttudr readteg. wrUp-ata oM. I like i.
I waat to Jote
CO lo church aad Sunder achcioL Mr boor we »«re oa the nmd agate. We
lug. arlihmrtlc, g
Pteasv SMd aw a cant and buii<
e» »ont to Nobraaka to aMuul uitrtouk our Uarrtteg Wends st
Xge II.
Howard Kewmar^.
(xocmib). I bare throe ateters *nd j J*«l**«* •
three s«ar»'term and lam galte Cherokee Cliy and campedsfor the;
..V-. ***^ brothers- My shiiert names
Trareia* Cltf. Mh4i. March L. 1M&.
bw. I ibtak I will p) there alghu Kest morolrs all Manat makfour eoT-



«i «*mr «r

■ iMH
M hM M MfjM« Mi «•
V H t Mr
Ifi trylMt «i M
jite Miip. 1 rii Trjf.^


ter fanr jroam old. aad a brwbor atet
years oW. who leases ns gliia. » go to,
leehooiandBlsaedanlroaoday . Th-^:“*“^-toads were so bod a tew Weeks ap> ' ^
■thattheyhad toknow plow It otrt. My


t, WijiiiMiiiV. imL tr. 'im.


Slaries Fnoi Hidi^ ffiMcy
Far IficUtaa lagrs aai Orii ]





THE MEOC OF ormotr.
AU tbe high hopes whtcb ir
d tbe hearts of-the oMoers
aad bcmT Pun UniTM. wen-daabed I 3 tbtigroand br tbe Md dofeat or Captala DaluOI's d
It at Uieodr ondp. T
Augagl aod Septomlwr rtonu net am alter bM the aea
hB as in the muatbs tbat bad gone befan-. Btti M a
imaspd sail the lurrsi bogaa tn ahow tbe^haagteg cotorn of m
loian. the iDdtaiis'pi last gr^-a weary ol their teog siege. whM
was aptmrobtly a<< nearer aa sod than aben ibt-r naaaKaced U.
IVt teord. looAbmx a tenp- lorn- of irsoM nader Malar ««•
'hias was'on fts way to Iktroli. they wm- out aaltr sure of their
uwa’satoty« ho sbuaU arrlvo. So they MaMcd that thsiy
sbotud SBC. (or pwe. aad thru go lu tbelr wtetcr haatlM
gruumls. H would U- ea«r In Uu- Hirteg isod iH-rbape' tbe EBgUah. then taken by varptbK.-. would tkll aa|g
.ttetlms at Usw
It tfas iwrly la tlHujei wln-u Wa |skoomo«-ath.iUM- te the
. UJibwa cbiots. esAK- te the- Juri aad otr.rrd Major Gladwte the
pijH- or peace. Hr mU ikai br rvyinseaud the- OJibnms asid .
Wyaadoti..and ibai through him, ibe-y wished to say they wpre
■orry fer all that they had done, hoped tor feegtreweeu. and
brggnl tor ptsce. . Ctedwin wns hot dcodrod hr these hnBhto
words, but ibooght It test to act as tr he bcUered ihea all tar
tboM-wns little food left for bl> men. and ao clO«-ly bad the la
dlans sumauuled ibom te tet*- that It waa tmpoulbir ter thcB te '
pterttn-' snp^ les.
SHU. be would not alouluirl) graal II
bod a irw-e. To tbU Ibey agrrrd aad beotUma lor a tlaw nip’
eeased,' which state ol aSalrw Oladwin Unprwied by stMdng the
fort with prv^lwluas lor ttn- winter.
PMUlac and bU Oiuwas alone‘ictnted'tti be friendly onan
te neemiilR. Tbr} ArAl uis« tbe foraging parOen fi«B fha »Bf,
%'benever they could, and ot^erwl^ made thsBMlTM tfunWm
soRK'. itni it was not many wuMTbteon' the great lodiaa dhM
crei^vcd news that made him rery nncmluttable. It wM la Ibu
Bhiipe te a^lctUT from a I'rencb eomataadant of note, waarteg
him tbaiIt be rpuld not now or te the rntare expect funhw naMM anoe from the Frmeta, and that be and bis wnrriorw had bMter'
be at pewn- with the Bagnsb. slaeo no good resnhs eoald CBMt-'
ftnm lenher War.
l>oaitec-a dteappteatBent wap hard in bear, bat ladtehdtee
. put on ah appeumiwr te peace, and s*wi frieadly .vaNa .
to Otedwia. exprvsslag bte hopes that la the future then *saU
be friendship between them..
The winter eamt. ai test. Md u sas a loag aad weary nar.
In nil Mk-hIgM Ibis wns the «Uy spot where the- flag of Bnglaad
waved. Tbe forts at the flantl. at Mackinaw, and It. ianph ftefc
' dc-sortcd by all but thter Pyeoch tebateuntr. The ladteM Wf*»
scattetwd here aad their-In the foresu.
st>. fm the frown b
U»- east, lu locdtound LMe MMhigan.
1. un
u the weut. and iiiiy ti i
from place to place as ganw grew aearee.
H-bea spriag came Md ibcy hcgM to retam te Ihter nmmer butnv mi the OettulL bostUliln were mtewed. tat wniy la a
balf-taaried way. la tbe sammcj^r WUIteB JohaaiB. th* Bag
r, arrnaged tar a grand coaaell at iflfltoto
te all the IndlM tribe*, nhlch Isteadcd nut dniy all af the Mlcftigaa coofudi-fscy. but the ingutes, and the western Mtea aa
ter as the J^lssisslppi. after which a new poscefaJ afuete aCairs
la August. Geaeiml tlmdstm*. with three thniiiiiul anl.
dle^ arrived st Drttott
ttott aad reUeved Oted^
and his mes ina
I, and at test this te^tea •«> evw. and m
tar as MldUgaa «i
• tor
a lime- St an end. .

bitjh bark esm»f doritig there sionny Ooo man te o"r band. Mr. Challfam.
tern. I ho|H- tp 8«W tbi* letter ^siud had bad. a paralytic stntk«‘ and *s>T„,c™, OU. Ulch, «l.rob 14. 1»V In Ibi HtmW ^.d' - tbr Snabhteors trarelteg for blr hualtb. He drank
Dear PnwMcat—I tteidgtat I would rea<l It. My be«l rvgards 1° tbe Sun- (roB -tbo spring wbik- tborr and I
like to>dn tbe Sanshtee rteb! Pkasi-1 shine el-K
tuuk a jog uf the water al'b bim and .
—^ Be a <mnj and Iwtioo. We hare .
Rom AIIm
uy tbe tlBC be had drunk that ]ug of ,
got two puppies. Their names are, Ktogsley. Mk*, March 1. IM5 ' water hr eouW handle an a» to cbo,..'
oh* and Cbloaoi. i bare lots ol Isa
Dear Presldmt-I tbonght 1 would Wo nied to r
playing. 1 bare got ti
sistein and .^le yun a tetter 1 wouMI like i railroad aad otK- day while t
three brtehers. T^ oaBM in loin tbo Stmablne ^lub. Pteaae ntsid caUag dtenor
PnacU. B^. norm.'perry. Nellie and q,,. « ( dnd bntion. .I am te Ibe l’> us and Irl^u-nod my little hroibt^-r
an 1 am- going la send my letu-r , ,^„h reader and my teacber-s nami who was playing on the bewh beside
KayatoBCn Mich. Mandi 1. IMS.
St are j, cort BcoBHd. and I like her rery »»>.• table, lit- made a Jump for —
Dear Prcaideai—I
like to Jote with my alnier Nellie. My stodtes
i b,„.
oiiie, to go to aMoul. and white tending on tbe other side te
j tbe BnaMtee club. My brother Joined reading, arithmetic, langnage! My tel A BBg ter the hsaulftil trees.
1 the other day. on pteane send o»e a: ter Is getting long, ao I will clooe. hoptk,..
M' “•

A BBg ter the fereat grand.
iccdcc. Now we reached Ibe SPOTS te
:«ard nnd tentoo. 1 bare a ben. a eat! ing to aee>Utis te nrint. Cood-bve.
:nm fla*Wn of Ood a own bandy
WaMcmar MoeblUig.
'he Osarl^ Horn well I nm-alwr
. and twohsuhetw. I go to school erery j jYom your Snosblne girt.
d Bto
^ grtde <d
Bis emarles.
di«i: we bare eigbieen scholars te our
Ago 9.
Wo rroasod orm
U^tte Ctees.
miTM IM ihehBBly oak. '
fhir tMcher-B
is Mr I
Maydeld. MIeb..' Peb. IS.
Eagle and the Baek«or tha vagte. ^ aylraa t^wen.
Br»ma^he nt^te your cKy. Well.'
Keawlck. Mb*.. MarM S. 1905.; Dear Wlior-I ihonAt 1 •'""•'J
as we went.dowt!
far tte loniB of lh« oowcMd oloak. 11 will elcae lOr tbte time. Oooddiyc. ! Otmr ProMdeot-I am a Mule boy

“«■“»•»*« li
a danonly tv* ysars oM ami would Uke to Herald and I tike to
Pag* asked ^er |dte
- flpr tMrMilM te nrtn F*n.
be a Snaahtee boy. 8o many te ibr I bar* my card op te my rooB. I goes.. ^
omll dB<^
Age It.
little boys beloiig to tiu- Soashlne clul- ' will close for this llmef ao good-bje.
ti y„u caa •
n»:n|Ma ^ • dtoftaw realm.
. Mteh.. March «. 1»U.
so nIcMe eend me a botton. 1 cannot
Voor Sansbtee girl.
, .^rely can , ‘
. flw)MM.^«kk. and the
eol—1 would like to Join write, but By miBBa Is writing tbU
AH« MorMo- , »j,i, ,1,^ other as long as them Is no ;
TBAMltt.- Mwate .aM atiastg.
,; the Sanabtec eteb. ao please send mej
! hafe
bee" *o school;
MapleCtiy. Mich, htercb 15. IM*;. other way." Tbt-U-am U-teg qul« and .
Mn«lter«toh '
in cmrd.nnd botton. My brother Joined only on a visit, i Nice lots- cf fun
down tbe
fhrthpjiiriNty aMteCh at eat*.
the other day. I have two pets, a eat
coaMlng doww hi||.
: few lines to tell you that I waaM like mountains as fearlcM and brace as .,
Mr ^loatBt ihorar and grim.
Md bee. My sister baa a cat and a
ito Jten the Sonsblne club. AlUmugta ,ne .mmsie-- co-id be. a-d reachod,
bca, W 1 will ctbae for this time.
•: Booeoe Manna Mebcrt.
,hi, j. tbo first time lhai I have writ- ,bc bottom all righu but snU «he was |
Ago 8.
l^yan Hosiroe.
A HW ter the palB.
—---------- -V
' ten to yon. r would IHw-to see this 111 vrrj’ ghPt the bottom was reached.,
Kingsley. Mich, March W. ihoi.
KeyMone. Mich.. March ». 1M>5.
' And
tTM tiHt gii^
I Dear Prsaideat—I Mw-a Snasblne
Dear PrerideU—Bemlee toM mo .^jeherV name is M'l*. Tilley. 1 like ,^bmrp torp tn tbe road and on oat- side boUoB this Bornteg and wish to own that you wanted me to give i-oo tbr
„mAcr very much because sbe U ibc bank was high above as and oa ib^ i
one of. them,
will aetHl me'Mmes
- . eo M yon
,«■«• te all the .»oole
.*oole Ir Oie
o,e Ban-:
,e. Please aead me ■ card other sMr only aboal one foot abore
Of jrw cards ad Imtlas 1 wiujahliie dob. so I iboudii 1 would
by return Bali. Wen. tube track It was down, down wbet* It
try and make the sasblae when t get j >^ti a letter, too. Well. I a--------------am sorry
Is nil as aqr letter Is getting se^mp,! ,s .ir It was sure-death to any
c tor I tell you. but 1 think four of IT jxmng •,tong. Pnim
living thing to go orvr that tank,
: people bare left the chib.
camped on one side mil nigbi nod th>Fay C teivejuv.
log to get them back agate. I think
Leoard Darts.
Ice fpse on our wakomi and the next
wtlt hare a Bice club burv after a |
•»*««. Bto'cr IstenJ. Hleh
day at noon we camped un tbe otte-.
Kcydteae. MIM, Match «. 1*05.
while. We are goteg to toange thei
side, and as we went down og the*
meeting nnd hnve tt'twlce a month.
Dw Pr«Went-l thank jwn ,tor. n nitninialnswe saw a laigi-ttrld te colsaw a Bonsblne button aod wish to Bemlw and I are going to see at. cd.! Pi'l'v
If*, white as snow and lois uf dartaes
Jote tbe Banstatee club, l bare one lady this wuck. She h acarty deaf. I Christmas from .Me«t. I pi iw.
Plrkteg it. and the grass was green
;ldUen Bid six Mlekena Will you think sbe will be glad to ae* us. We • rH-d. a doll, a gaae called i
• other likes-tminer
’ rend mu a buttca and card* My teach- triedI to cera
pemon to
- »-vlo o«;'UI»ge. a xalr t-bbet ard sob
I er's name Is Mr. Bryui. We
onr with inr club, but they dont acem as If' «“tel tovs. a rack .d ma-Wos.
We soon caaK- to rote BbIUi. Here
we caaped from Friday Ull Mmiday
lUneBer very Boeb. I go to tsdiool
they CM handle H. tal wc arc- gteog «o |
jevciy day. W* bare twenty acMolars do Ibv bete we «r. wliH ll. Wr hav«gmadma-s artd tad a vc-nr mt-rr.. morateg. Thew 1 saw a |«H bteek bear
teaurrooB. I bav* om hrteher and neariy Ml papem to .end to you. We; «»•*- My Auat Pari came np Christ- wMk a pkhet ami «li^ to a Mater, aad papa Md. mmmmm arc te will Bcnd them thU week. Would j-on mar eve and siayed all day Chrlsima*. shani) rote to aun hlmseK ?tew wn
(hanrsti: l aa ttrteE to kea hovw : Jaat aa soon send a pht for ni}- braihcr My biwher got Join as many preaen's were gteUng along toward the liUnoi.
ifnr na. As ay tetter la getting long.
Md uteter. Wtllle Md toreaa Fteebcr: a* t dhl. My grandma gut a bad fall river and enmped over Bnnday «n the
\ I Mill dnee. hcplng to are this In print.
They wooM like to Jten It. Well. I ibU winter and Is qnlle iddL yM. taClrnnk of the rt*or. cioae where m canlOoDd-hrc. Frcm
goeas J will have to elore fn- acme wc bo|w abc will be better aonti. 1; non was sunk In ibe war llBe. aad
i Age U- .
totril Detente Dsvls.
gncM 1 win have to cloac fw this Ubc. have to go Md help her every da>. - two of our bead being old aoidkrs. wc;
My mamma and my brother and 1 go mod to hear grmi stories uf the war.:
Olea Haven.. Mkta, Mgrch 1«. IM6.
OWbta. la 1
Fischer. Ttorrrtsrf
walking almoet everj- daj uo the mil- c»iS.?Ptelly when some aouUwni sol-,
Dear Prnsldent—A* 1 have never
P.MJ \V«. HL,-lu tare emndam go. tat dlera would cisil cwmn. ns Ihc-y Oflcu —■ I
snlttM betom. I will now. I read UhHccr are ihc names at all wbo have the egnnoi go now. Wt- wen- obliged did on these camping grounds. Monday
SMShtee letters te Mr. Honter-* HerAfWil SL IMS.
^-^Id. He has g«fe to BooUand and he Joined «rr S.nnshlne
w >»IUK. M.IUIK.
setlc. language and drawlag.
the tlOrd grade and aa eight years’
old. I lire te the noantry tiro mites*
^tmatasn. 1 bare lols of fan sIMhig
li»M downhill Ptem^dm-jcanlaB.1
bnlliB. B’ell. I must clocc.
Tour frisrd.
Box Ml.
Dorothy Oranu


<Tb be contfattcd.)

—V wc had lived walk un tbe gnnnd and gu to (h*

«». hi. „p.r rtll. h. h„

I have two sIslcTS.' We wook!
Uke to Join the Buoshine dub. Pleai

Bnuieh, Myrta Branch. Floyd Holl'- ,fc^,.p,rt«T where we eouW slide down night afier l.aviug the river wi^
^,eaiy*lB.- Md a half
Harvey HoUldaj. NelUc Rl^,
o.i on. toe ta-. 1 gte nicely sU.i- - nm]wd at a pteev etelod Dutchtown.
iK-sale Avery. Allle Brower, Depnleeji.j ^
colooel looked i.p and and ih- n.-xt day wv cnwwd om

sou«. ,* siem te uae
BUnm. Harold Bilnson. CbeMer Pu'-i^,^ m.- and ho started towards me cve-tk :r limes. Ai T.-*att*naa papa..................................
all (hU time until we nn
man. CbarUe t'nddtaek. Ralph UaDi-!.B^ took bold of me. polled mcoC (be wMd om- burs*.--and traded
‘ Charles. I.A•
gold. Julia Manlgpld. Rosa ChauUy.i rielito. tumc-d my slelgb over aad mul.v
Now. wbeo we leave Lnul M I Will
Hay Smith; Chai1h( Smith. Russel )„ucd me in toil- snow, barking and
All along this OtaBirTtoew: wash**
von Ihe male* *e car
^wers. Blln mtgmfiler. Jowi»;g„3,-i,„g „□,» my uncle Lee eaaw to
«.•* That'to wta. they „
^ack to MichigM.
Beegmfller. pic Wlkox. Ellen Mad-rta. was ihr matter. ,My grmulpd
trade te maklag whisky whI
f.ouls^. T,uls. Arkansas,
,uald Cteonel
Cotanel was
was afraid
afraid 1I -oeW g-j «Ulng It against‘he
_ ,ssld
against *he law.
la*, and .t-g-jvit- g-jvlow^dlaua awl
.ml Itack lo
Beene te the peopk;
pvopk; bare not ai^
a^ In
Id throagb
throagh toe lew
because- th
the Best
Best time
lime .-rnmeni
.Tnment de«-etlvt-«
d«.-«ln-i. were
wen- bunting
bunting them
them meatgaa
the nam p. tat. nnan- going to.
w-, I_____
a... ______
Tww Bte^
he toui.
took Cokmel
Oteonel o«»i
o..i onon- the Ite- h,
ThU part ter the eountry
If any other
SuaslrinL. Fischer. Secretnty.
wouM He down and coax CTMdDa to
,^rj rungh -and rocky. We saw a- fc,e tni o! such a trip
Jessie.B«ecBilH.T. Pres.
go back to the shore, but when be wa-' ,.umt«r of plaef> wIhtv rooms had
y>v,m a Bohshlae nlrt '
Bemiee BtlDsoe. Vice Pres. on the snow where be eo.-w ncs «-ib|,*ie4. In the rock* and a lu»
doew With te-ary hangings and
Traverse City, Mkh- Feb. S8. I9M., throagb toe Itx- he would trot along alj
Mi.|>h- City. Mwh, Msrto IS. >M5.
me to .he clear Ir-,..jiocks was all yrai eiwld suwJtat
Dtmr ProaUent—As I saw ao mMyj right, till r<
IK-sr President-I thought that I
slide «lwwn hill -elos.a* if It was anyitilng but a big
llUle letter* In tbe paper. I tb.pughi j Mato. Now
wuuM write yon a few lines and lcl>
^ .
would write too. My Grandma Acker to toe kouM- when- there is no le>- si
II and hope yun are
cro»„.d lU line Into Indian
‘ ■
lakes ^he Hcnl||. We read Ok- letters all and Colonte ih*» ooi i*y nny ai- . y,-„,
te toe oik
'I c«
- "> setaol «-Terv dar. I
iwery, wetet. I go :o tbe BousviMe fention 'o It. but wUI play all anraml xorvlioo and we
jtcbool. My leaeber's aame to MUf.
» other dif.
,u^.be7dta ewr^
-* • eard mid tattow. 1
Plummer. I Uke her very moeh. Ffcr »‘-r « horse or |da> te
Dear PreuMeat-l have Jnst seen
wagoiiK Close wm-tn r gnu carry gnu*
,p« ,i||
,n tor this U»v.
r seems l
l•»to«choM•*vary4ay wbem school snahlae butUn this Boralng and
pet* I have a dc«: hi* name to DM.
*»>-* «"1 he
O..H I torgot the bauoB.
kespn ' Last term our teaeber's
, hope that yp-. will se"d mr a buitun j and a cat named ttek. 1 have a pair!■■r;-’
Harry, Urrejoy.
ut.i am siecp.mncli
• Bddls Petu^a He to ay nacts. aad e«v.
ktt-1 te snulrrel*.
>^irr«*. My papa caught thern^ The snow to bvgtenteg to go oC and g,.
card. . hire no pet* bw a ktt.i»f
Klogsley. MIrh, March 14. I9U5.
lluk- birds-------have--------come. We
Mw inai uigiii.
night. We
two uay*
day* in
—---«»e irareied
iratneu iww
——---------...-----------------aad be to going te lento aesl term. I:
.to*; We have fun j tost tell. I have tot. of PtoJ^htogy. I ■------ --------r-----,
wonM Itoe .0 Jote
^ ta.ltatecoud radar.
down h«L Pleam; mmd me a
*««■ «»<''»• «(« *»i. of oto«|
and bad tot. te
» V. r. Sunshine dub. 1 klndij
^ tat aad ft to a cm. I had a sitter b«
^ b^taa.
iblngs. ■I would
ww,., like to he a Buntolae;I they did ttna, ' We bare had' eblckadtw. a»d other tlrds
birds here aft
aft wimer,
f„ryliig and fo tell gates to go
“*! «>»«'•
girt. Mease send me a card iad but-1! »*»•
wta Beteah May BalL 8bc WM a year -*•*■”
Weatar Omrwx.
^La« wlBU-r «•'
we »»“**
huae tarad
brosd un
on ibe
ibe ,|,rongh.
..____, T-______
•. the Red river
Roe Darling.
ton. Good-bye fur this time.
We cros#^
' * ohL- Mhe was my taut pet. I have . Ollto Pier. Mtoh. March 11. i»i5.
Age S
Haxcl Oiattoli. ; '*«•» n»ar the bouse and this wtei.(:'-.gj,ded in Teia-. Paps and MinKeyttonc. Mk*.. March to. iPtS.
^Mt- tn sHdteg on tbe erwtt. I pee! ^bear Prveldtot—I totwcht I would
tee picked m. «tae<d tbe mdl atiJ
Dear Pre.tee«-I bate mS wi?Uea
------ write yon a few IIiim tu let you know'
made b in a tall and It dried and wa* 10 >cte for a tong titee. I teard ifci.
bow- I am getting aha
and hope you are tbe


tsr lb* tdrdactad gtre-nhadc tor
Rspcoe Vaaey.
ehUdrente-^aarstocome. If yon have
not tteaMBdr H te ttae to set ool . i
Koysume. Mich, March •. 1P05.
treeflnAihpr Dar.aakyourfcddKrlfi Dear Preddent-H bare read many
tffift later. perhaM after Wadhtoe tetters and want to read
se tiBc next sreM. Have a : «* W
tme pet. and ao
s dad fcdla- bftebsrhnstwa I saw a huium and 1
, the Itee after bnm i with ytp. would uend aw- a toMtai aad
-csaili "The Boiuhtee; rant. Good-bye.
Tna te -mJ." Tbea write and tdl. Age 8.
Jenerlre Dates.
te to about It. aad let mi aec,
Keysioae. Mich, Maito lo. 1M3
WMeh afdwd has had th.- best time.; pg., Pttwldeni—This U Ihe ftn-l
TMe-11. T. r Baatotae dub wlU send tUne that I have a«n a Bunshte* but
a pmtyptetma to every school wril- ,o._ w« you a«d ate a card and «mt
lagwsabouthow II knpi Arbor Day.
Our Itaeher is very kind to tw
His aaie te Mr. Bryant. H'e have fioi
OrtelL Hareh 4. ikA. |.ndiling down hill. \
■rtbesldttrt -f would Hkc to
Agv H.. ■
Sl-ernmn Conroy.
t.,iibe Btotshia* dab. ItoMc eend^ a
aad bMWte 1 WB aevun ydarateU
, Keysttme. Mich, March K>. 1M5.


.. «v i,,a. coK»... .p,i» .,«jh

,.„p ,p.U.P „... u,.

jmn I. Ge«**e:". I go to school, nlmott eweo day.
often wa'ebes them lor aa taur at
• City. Mink, MaiTh f. »«5. brotber-B
Rom aad Mtenie. Boa U i Hy ttacher * naia to Mto. Coral
time, hot we all will be gtod whoa
Vv Zo^aapen aad staye-:
to very kind
*.^.**. f?..
married. 1laBelevefiyar*uWamlte;P»“‘“am teeveti yar* ted aad te !
mm 10 me. .Igo'toe
go 14he lOiw Is gooe and we cm fvm ami
flunday with a man hr toe nam.

toestehermto. fhaveltoeepmeJis-i'-^^;^*" »v-rft toe «lNgmy in'i»- wood. aote. Writ. I’m ^ Hnnier, The- we Irov.-tod te .5.
Thtotstheflrttteuerl have
^ritemne* more my letter
.Berness nn;ll-we rcactad take
Dulgh. 1
.w *«*«*. Paatee^ttoten to the SansWoe cl«h. I think ,rlll flpd toe waste taakri. Goodbye charira ta narir to
toe Onlf. Wc
taveted about IKK miks wflbooi see-Si. Jaarew. Man* IT. Ito«.
Then we mopped at Lake
cteaac* are iMfllag. arithmetic, tanYours truly.
Old MIsstea. Mich, Martto «. lto»5. | Dear prcuJdeai—I aa gte year* 4.:d CtarWu aad stayed two. «- three
ajwUteg. wTttteg.
IMta Browa.
Dear ProsMeat—J srtU now writ* a.and wmi a card atd hattoa. .r*eni week*, aad one day we pit ready and
My papa ha *«o b«m> of hwwa and
three amoths.
- • ‘
weal to the eoaittT.
cattle On bos hur six ston • day.
,9^-taMljlr't* loteg •-hank 'Mtafl;


wi!l etose lor tetos ■time Good-b><.
Yoirrs iH’ly.
Be-u'*- faifpeotet.

Thunna IL Ndstari.
-***taCUy. Mi^, Marta ^ 1*^
Prenldewi I themght I wMM
»rtto a few ftnes te )«n M toll jwu
■hat I am gulag to acM no*. My
uKtaer's name to Mary TOttBL I
rould Uke to Jote the g«bln* c)ah.
Will you tdcarv semd me a cod and ‘
uotioi Dual toraet the tmltoP
' ________________ ^IteV^by.
“ -'BcMteg-Thl* to a
catch, which I
two at the ptom*. odh of whuB prm
roars a lest la mind rcadteg- SoUflg
toe company te n MrCle agd l■■^■^l
Ing them to Jote haMs. each aM
gratae Ibe Wrist of bto left ha^
welgfabor. be aaeetls that. If 11^ wtti
choose some object
- i and

ob>«. to.


while Ibc object to bring choea. BbM
come* te and Jote* toe circle bated*
afcsirinte. t«U>M (he crapanr
falokte toe object. Hto tttefiid
* ^mrxTttita
„ luZiTlL^mZ;
*« •••
ietrer. The “*lBd reader then ahnounces toe object to the gurprMa af

' that he I* wlBteg to donaie.. (he fatAt a gifee tegnlait
After thM

Nortbpun. Mk-b, March »>.
liar President—I rveteved jny anl
wd button soBe Umo ago aad toMk
vou teiy mimh for ib-a. We pre all
,elL I go to sehtal every day. I on!)
ateOed elerea days this
aad that
bteaeChrist 1

li:' -I'-iv

Age T

ancaher tlgaaf to giva. and eoh uM
rvtatey 'be package fee 4ba hotifl.
The; «rc ib«a opetad. eta ta bM.'''
end exfelblled to tbe COBpaay. «Wa
ibe tme who bromtoi the paefcag* Bate
irll why b« Vlsbed to give Jtnway gad '

i I kir


4rl»pla(V«»uira«foruho>rMa.te Mrrea o. » fat Haiior. •« «p
ahalf«tw«boan.ha«lBt««r7«ftc«.[«vaMf oa
aad fcar » ga»rt*ed
ami fBitec tke tet feaU boar drtfcc-l wWt ifrlci «< P*r*J«y. mety l«aT«*II whf t«) oaacei or taetr poaforad i OPT aacb *!«• fla«f • a-laB. «»*W»
asUaf Vick a caMeapnoafkl | tetCaao imi.
of povferad Mite. B«r»e *«U> a »ood
A Baal FMaeb OtialetrD*^ »*»•:
cn«T aaf awla WMa.
aafklr. fnt. tie roka aaf tkM tke;
BaafaUMk-Cat tfce mUvkj wWlaa c( tk* a«v: to tbe i<Aa afd|
taito piacM sallaUe for tk« caWa. aw'a tahlaapooafal of bofUm waler,

RtoM lufiY urns


o cataaa. Witt part ■
AMrte aaea. «Bb »
•aaa laitaia. with boOed hMa.
rrcacB diiiBat whk aardtaea.
White aaaoe. tard boUed agga aad
paraW.wUh balled alaoh- .
«aaee fiaamte. wbb bakad ctad.
Melted baMer aaCa. wftk ■aekerd.

OHriattMcsMing«Melaa«^ of aatieaal raaioee wlir be #-aa fa
,daanrtaa«»t. t«iurmwta>yltaad Traveraa ......... .
Theft r«b
weed la the
ar by
’*•? fc**-#”.!* tta ^rtrikotr^^ky
told: that
tkaatafw mrtbaia
b..(Ur them » w that ibc!
aad all lo taate. <
- Haltre dhotri Mace, wUk c
I that «kay are the raal thiao.
ad aaSdat water lo cerer: |air bubUeaakall dot be bcokea. Tara;Mgr be
oyatera- lioimilrfcpeT.
place a top a mall caloa
oatea etack
atack with -I caicfBUy
eatefnlly teto a fiylas
fiTla* .paa. la
in wblA
wbW* I
___ ____________
' ifcea lickliy ktel let dry anlfl galie
ligbUy and
aad codk'la ajhaa
a ba beta i^elted
reeked a large place «rf
ot bat-i
bat.; ____
^ Bonr,^ one cake; briule. Haro a kettle of bottkC alted
______ oorer tlgbUy
for An InealWh 'Tray.
alow oren froai two aad a half to ibrrse. ter. ®et where It May cook rery elow-i
___ _______ .,
'yeaM dlo|«aler r^y aad drop tbe noodtea la;
Ega Cnntnrt 'Beat the wktiea «T
boan. Wbet the meat to dooe.aumlaliy, and wbea well browned oaooemUc ,o,T^
, ,1,,^. iiaewnm nfik nad'bpU aboot I* or » mlants* brtekty.
to a »Uf fiotk. add a Bute
the grary.
; eet U la tbe orco to brown on the -ancient tallk to Make a Hckt «ea» ! Iben inm all Inte a ootoader aad
^ two Ubtem»af«>b»
•tcok ■‘Poefcer—Take a piece of ’ other. Bead liaaMdiately to ibe table, In tbe BtUk
dnl. Tt™ ^ o.
heap-citiakle OB noMc batter
IB wbfadi
ronadeteak. doable It and new OB two! The omeM may be railed by
~ May ateo be aead for faractag. Add
■Idee ^ a damlag needleabd twlae:: piag Otoppei meat In It cbopfed celful or anil. Ixt it ralac enmbe ef noodlen bare .been
laallr a pint of I r Mllk.ttRto by mebof raUter tariy a nmall onion nnd n: ery. grated efaeeae, or. V a •'
. weU. then add two well beaten egg«. browMd- They Mare be eerred wHM
tbotoughly ail «W while.
cold fouto: add baU a nidni of let to denlrcd. by
lODo enp of Mclled butter; beat.'nil roan meatt or cooked dried praaca <W
u a paa of hot wadry bread cmMba, and nil aU with a aad foMlag.—Bontoa Budget.
tborongkly and work In aaBcleni flour other fraH; U atoo mod with mtaab.
yma, im la tbe center take
baW enpfot of rtewed and nialacd to-j
ggind-Beinrate tbe wkllea and! to make loconitoleacy of btead dough. | Noodle May I* atoo boiled In dear
^ ^
a «nl plac*. Ttto
matoem aalt and pepper to taate. Pntly,^ or aome biwd-boitod egga Cut! Roll out Jalo llet cake* oaokaU ladi koarftoe for aoodte eoup- ^
» heemifai nhitn eanard. ictlr
“ -------------■
« a. thick, cut Into dlaMoada about two: pvpoM they are cut rery flae. Left^ added.
tkto aluang laalde the -packet"
into UtU atrip*,
aew op the open aide and hake to a ;
Bub -fke yulke through a inche* aquarc andtect tkfgn on board* orer ooodlee will (arm a ctlfl Maae
^ tof-Bwter thick •-iicca cf
with entod
Mlad dree*drcM- in a warm
warn pUoc
^aoc td
tl rmtoe.
rmtoe. After they when cold aad bay be Ibea cat into
mm, U
hot aren anUl akcly browned on botbiatcre. Mix to n pam wbb
the yulk nnd white
Bidea: when tt beglu to browa. baate,
well and ahape Into ball* are abonl tirice tbeir orlgtoal thick- < iliee* and fried
of an egg. enwfully prenerring the
with one taMeapoonl^ of Melted bnt-i
atoo of aMall marbles. Spread new dr« to deep rery but lard and as.----- *,ahkpe of the tprm.T and benttog tbe
ter and one of water. Make a aancej^Mne wribcrlMped tettoee learet wlikjtkey ocaac to the lurface turn lkc<B;
laitw to a atn froth. Turn this Imt*
onpCal of ftewed and itratocd :
dmaatofl. aprtakie It thkhty with 1 and fry light brown. p»e kettle mn«
white orM^ Ibc bnttend bread, then
thickened with
they can flent' fah« beef Irom tbe round, cut Into
round yolk
, ...........of egg*, dropping' be roomy enough
After they are
ibree-quartL-r* to uo« Inch thick.
.^li aad pepper over the
■poontnlofflonr.addhnlfntenapooD-lMreral balto'of yolk pa.te ampog
ful of engar. a Wt of emit nnd pepper.
taken front tbe CU *Ul powdered ■ugar'
imo very but new pan aad gtlr m. vj^te and ael -to the oven to brown.
Btoh the Btufled -poriM.*' tnni tbe
Egg Keau on Ttmat—Sepante Uiu, on before they am entirely oonL*
' g. to nenf ptocek all orer qulehly. then -n^, y ggiaty aad agfettotoE.
naee orcr and around IL and. If yon wbitm nnd yolka of tbe required BUM-'
^ add to two'pound* of beef 10 aUeed
Bgg Tun—Take tbo vfilw of nntegg,
bare nercr tried It. you will be tpj-- ber of egg*, tearing Ibe y«flks un-l
C«"** Cnka.
«,ten, about the «Ue of egga and let and bent M to a aUff fmtb: bent tbe
prised at tbe remit.
broken and to tbwehell. Hare ready 1 Make the same 4o^ a* for ^ mj, alamor. eorered tlgbUy tor aboW'^nt Into h. with a snnnt i
teked Beef Hcart»Boll a (at beef as maar round* of frtJahly unuered! Boughnnta. toll oal on well buttered
boon, adding boUfng hot watar
^ ui slowty. hanp baaring
bean in salted water until tender. Pro- toBH as there are eggr. Pul half ofjcake tins about onekalf Iik* thick.,,hen needed; When nearly done add,
u.,. g*tf , enpfnl of hot wnpara a atufing cf one la^ o^,
aside to na. for
and let raise. Melt one cup of butter..^id paprika to taste. When doac
q, milk: add a llUle nuta«.
dteived flee, two cold boOed potatoes
be -liquid unon^ to torm a

... _
j Jjj. tbickea with Buflteint Soar to aprad
Ti^lt kaU «M«e to va—Tea. it akall climb, asd by and by tbe i#er «UI cbtMP^. two rtopped aweet peppers. |
aslly orer aarface of cake. When
eresHy grary.
neuwvTrimnMd Hair Rlhbsai,
«l|v ullbve—*
: vcar <a lu broaM tbe
M fO'* •ndatableapoonfnlofMtocedpataley. ^gnp oa tbe slice* of toast Make Uttle
well n4i|^ spr^' ODitoe
a new fad whkb cumaa to M from
..LItob mat Kift'Wc tbe hart! loydiacM of lu own Baafcr filtee.
lo abderna^
. i^^^^tenna to hair rtWmns UlMMad with
Mototm with some of tbe atoek to bollowa to the centers of each with the batter mlxtnre andlftke
and T
My an<eaMboasbt-Ko cloud
__ OTcn IS lo 20 Mlnnue.
r^T '
flower*, for Itule girls Tbe Milto Vlanwhich the heart baa been boOed. Staff ends cf tbe abells. drop to the yolks.
Mlnntcu. As noon as
hare lu eDrer :
the limrt and \rnke one.lwnir. bnsUBg cprinkle them with salt aad pepper.! teken froM oren sift orer It libera!^
^ \
your rfftalirr* y,., ■*•* •^**'t** wear tbclr bMr bnldad
to Ude from the eye of
It (muenUy.—Oilcago tnuw Ocean.
laltb tbe tMder biw bmad.
tbe top Bhtdf to an ores whl<^ sbonld
My nousd-tboaebt—Oat of'alt the
1,1,;^ ->■>«•■ •"» po--"
~ -p* To Cenk Cgni for Banter
enough to brown sUghtly to;
ends to make them IhA more dressy
on »la oocaatens. This to 4 tad whteh



IlcgnlfiMiimg Polder
^ houK
ii^liopndDoeat home, qiiddy and
. fine and ta^ cake, ihe laiseii
cake, cri^cooldea cndlers. crusts and
auffH.ddidiicfa the ready-made food',
fcnnd at the bakeafacp or grocery do£s
r-l^is the greatest of faakrday helps;





»-««». ,sssz<

My eUeaeoaottgbt—U atlltoeta the
kssUrs of splrU and matta- an aeaomMtobed.
agato to tbe OgW:;
ai^^Mbougbl—The darkness ntbe I vkoto tka shtnlng of the stars, the pale
■ploador of the

who.toeMtbtflat«‘UoA o' ■fl’Me are bnrled wflndertnl
! gOHlbUlttoe valttog naUI bamtoer asd
nre eeer |«Uwlby totclltgenee. shall ni raal thrir stra«tb'aiid bcanty. Brery
of a sculptor-or painter
^ faith, Hto to- :.Ms ^ aew Buster to tbe nflnnto of

_j bacon, ham. grated
eggiT Perhape these ways may be:^^ *‘U»
»ew to you: we And them pleamnt as
Ituuto'moee makes gn agree^to but
»p>' •“
TU. PUh I.

•oa taiuered cake Una or pie platea. let
tbraad a needle. Take poor rihbmi
they most be quite crisp and i
raise, then cover ctesely with sliced
e arUAolat d
applet (cut into eighths), crinkle *»«»»•»•
B color, or of a color that
with washed cuianu. astoll bit* of but....____ ______________
e with tbe—
tint_cf y
ter and a reiy little sagar. Bake in
Potato OuntpUnga.
ribbon, aad eqw them. baU aa toeh
tons to nerre. Take one egg for each i**«y
eremhtog elae.-Oood moderate orea aad when nearly done
Ootdi mealy potatoes the dsy before' ^p^t. tat to the two ends of tbe ribperM». Separate tbe yolks from the 1 Honsekeeplng.
pour "on soine good thick cream and ualag. to the skin. Next day ped and non. When yon tie the ribbon, on tbo
each yolk TMT careful-; Ea Tlinbales-Break opm tour flslsb baking. When done sprinkle! i^nte. To two soup ptosei full of
n,, ©mai^ted ends bang
ly tote a sagtairate aaocer so as not to egg* Into a bowl, add half a teaspoon
grated pouioes ndd.fonr UMeapooo- ^^ a* long as possible.—New Idas.
It more sugar.
break them. Beat the wbltea to a atW; ot salt, a saltspooi) of pepper, and. if
ful* of flour, aome salL grated, nnl-.
froth, and All tote the hot cups. J liked, a few drops of tmlm Juke. Beal
cup of melted bnUer. rix;
New Style to Hairflraening.
Zwiebetotote (Onten Cakc.l
blended. Iben
iitue aau over loe
the ymar.uoi/
yolkslooly uu
%m p
/ion,rh ‘...hw'e*S®.i**o Whiles well boatca: mix well
Girls ailh well shaped beads
! into the Middle of the; odd gradually a e^p of rich, new milk.
. roll out oa cake .in.;t««ether
with a ttbleapooa; col off,adopting the -eorooci braid" eoWarc.
r O'cl.
troth In each cup. Pot late a moder­ Diride equally among tlx well buttered
Diaie* sllghtlr „uing the
JPi*»cw» Ikhl
molds (edmman caps will
ately hot orfln for about Are mtouua

Tbe ydk will settle down Into the aerre the pnrpoae). Stand them to a
white, and the white tfliould brom a pas half flOed with hot water and
l^r™. -M mIM, mm
m U.M
,oj„. ^
little orer the top. Sene Is the enga Uke to a
' ..utS
to which they are cooked. This makes mlnutea, or unUI Arm to the tench, K,lUir;po«ro™r~m.«..anH»i :
w wUh equal part of-cream and salt
SoulKan With Marrow OampUnga. i
« yoaagi^, a* It to rimite
a rery pretty breakfast or sapper dish. Tara «wl carefuny on a heated ptoiter
ttt i but 'karmliia
charming, ahowlna
showing the
tbe oMlIha
emtilha nT
to taste. Bake to tolerably bof oven
Cat a s^leee of beef mar
------aad la miuble tor an entree ^nner.
and pour mound bread mnec.
(he sire >f u
*k*vtog* i “«•
ly cups
Bread Bnnee—Pour one and a half
.ml melt .lowly sad pour off the ri.vr' •'
**•,*•“ ,
la a pan of hot water as yon hare peri; cups of hot milk over hsK a cup of
A..,. C«-.
.... A,M
b„ A.O,- -b
aoDs-lo serre, and set the pan oa ibe! fresh bread crumb*. Cook in a double
M toM »I
Kd ,r>M -UA- bre.d .™ml« .Mt
store. Take one egg for enrit person- boiler for twenty-mlnnles. add a tablcCAol. «. M. ».o WK ....
Beparate the yolks and white* of bstf spoon of butter and scaton highly wllh M.r, M, ,owU»r for o.otoU 1«».
gaged The braid* are then
of them, act the whites' to one stdA silt and pepper. Browa half a cup of then stir to one pound of sifted flour meg. salt and with one labiespoonfri
■ads Ba
and:«e.. iP..u««ful of finely gronnd of cold water fora* tow small balto :•>»«««
™ braid* m»I^
My buManlty-tbau^—Wo are i
Take the whole eggs and ytHks aad brand ernmb* In a tsblespoon of butter
^ .."L
^Vjtta AUdren of one dlrtof Father, who beat together. No*r take one half cup 1 and sprinkle over both Umbalcs and ooU «~1. lA^doort wlib iwoou .too. ooo Mb to dtooAtor obd boll I.
• ! baa bestowed upea each ot os a share
lUk for each, pat tbe milk to a | sauce. A* a simple, dainty
lb. .lA ol . oilTor donor, brltof ton.- Sorrr to tbo botolM
, ^J
,bo\»X UR to
of Hto own dlrtoMy. ' Because cf tbto ■xacopan and stand It to a pan of boH-1 dish tbto 1* -------- ------------toberitanee It is my duty to brip lay
wBicr. When the mUk to hot stir Good Ho*
lob ool lo boi U.™ to" «»»')■ '•
,b„r otoM .»« ot to. to,
• kratbeto and atoter* to And and nnder to the hraira eggs and sUr ctmatanUi :
nrlbor. tor otood to drf. won. raoto .
LIvor l>ootolto,A
tor trod to lor* . tondo.-nto loo.—
; stand threaten of Uie;
fur s couklo Of hours nnUI tbe surface; q^.
eatTs liver, aklnaed ■■•‘ ^uatTte fl^'toUah a^tM plawd
until the milk Iblekcns. Add a plnrii'
My Cbrtsl-tbon^ — Grathiai glad- ot salt and a dash of pepper. Turn i l,bw are very nscful la health! ka* become (Iry to tbe tour*, thet g^upd finely to meat chopper, four i
to ibe braH w preara^ the cootroM star te •
sea that He. ny Bldor Bra&or gad tbto custard tote tbo.cnps - each cup ,^1 slekncas Hot tomouade to onelkske I" moderate oven from 7 » W
rtski or same quantity of «alc;,„or of the beat The hair .abouM
should be about hqjf full. B«t the
^ remedlea for an taripleni | «•«•««» They wlU impwe if kc-ig la
soaked to milk, Uree UbIri
^one pompadour with tbto
nna-MbL tba inisunt day. vhleb • I Teacher, by tbe esample <ff RIs
r^2r ' leea we and tallbtntoca tm«> ’daib. whitoa to a sUff froth, and heap cmA |
*30*1,eat m cares of'
•'* •»*»•
«“‘“o taiUilon. bot mn« be aoft aad almost

(aught me to nadentond andltopira to cap fall. Set on the grate to the oven . i,jnooaB« For malaria, the “Roman'
ke allowed to brown In bah- ^
gn„ ^id ligbUy fried In bot- ,j
^ «q>.—Detroit >oqrn moment to brown.
! cure" to prepared by cutting the rind ' »“«•
tor. wime nm-ly chopped paraley and
■ O. Wbittkr. i Uw perfect teter He bn* alUtned.
r»«d marj«am; grated
nunm« ^
-------------------;----ter than a glato boUad one If It to L„ ,,,^0 bulling imill there to only a
Eon Hoodiea.
ground pepper and aalL The whole to
- thoroughly mixed and with a table-.
Byte that -la a
boiled li^tly^-tbat
la. Ml boiled 1 (i half pjgl.
_ .
know >S Just oomMon erary
tbe early apriag. It Is one lo
V V^Mg,
Button, but MBtion that on a cold alL put the eggs tote a panW coM ^^^n before each meal. This ha* MT. Beat the egg* sod work In *ufll- fcpooo dlp^ to jeler. first todled out
rieni flour to make s »UB dough. Ttk* an<l drvimed l*»boHtog salted wsler. • ^
U) death by Jane,
baantUnt "abeat of -wtotar’s day will make the *»d hum water ahout'icn mtontca before theyjcyr^ obstinate aascs wbea quinine
about onc-qrerrer of the Oough at a- Slowly cook W U 16 minute* or unill.
,^me war a*
................ "I,'' iMBd -Ik an ex- band gtoe more than one anil of apBOOB as the water •begins On
to bnbblh toM
set'' -\
^ ..^hig deUdous lime and nrifont to tblcknca* of knife cooked ihroiigb. Pm on hto ptotior BKck*. but are net quite re popolar.
M«a. tl ah Mwlete' that adMUthmal! preetotlon wben be reterna to hto dtoblade. Lay •kesc •»)'•?«« «* «'<*2 m<I “Prtnkle with bread crumU light- Many of the gown* that hare cbechlH
MflV »«iM spoil iL
; aer. aad t am sore be wlU sv that for th« pan on a idatc and take to the j e^^colate to a* foHownf Wlx a-beap. waUi* and plato shirt* or vice vena,
j^pooui„i <g eoeoa with a little tableckilh and l« dry until they ran he ly browned In butter.
}lo:iia* pov abd atltl
;-mutten-UIs good. Hare»WwnMer table. Tfaeao eggs served directly;
frided or rolled up without sllchtos
All lefl-orer dumpiliiKi. are very
aovpeadem which match
qtantUy of —
Ibewl. Tbto qbsaf Mmllba
:«f mutton Imed; All to tbe enimy with from the boUtog water win be biA aad !
silowlag ilito proporllon to each •tegetber. then pol Into narrow quancr-, good cut la slices and
-Iftr JPiater oCwlng.
: this stnBng. Peel tour laigc tmkms. will tore from tbe shell like posebed |
Pique Is back to favor, ahd wUI be as
itrup. When this ha* been srlll mixed. Inch •trip* with sharp knife; sj>r«
9agr riata ChriaC te Time.
; c«t Uem tote quartere. and threw
much used ap Haras (or ■ummer fre^
Alrred Bflgs-ntovto the easiest | p„„r m boiling sratcr and set on the
i Tim BMMHtDhgkt to .my MfSff to ithem tote bolHng water for^ve mtotor.chlldren and adult*.
to boll for five minutes. As the
>V IAlikl«M tWtnrioKMinad iridiviea. Drain oS th^ wMar*\nd reflU way of an. Batter the gem pant and
Tea should never ^ boiled. By' otlvesatefled with cheere-, *Hh cold
Childrens ckKbe* Ihrrslly, revel hi„reBeoed tbe ^oeriatc will
the svML Una ricteU. the pan wlfh fresh water. ttlMn the drop an egg Into each one. Pnt the j
dotag ihU an exlrscttoobtslood from -tongue.
iribhoa*. Tbe ribbons, which «mm proAhnaMMeni IBIoa. Out of the ^dark,'. second water boU^ pnt back tbe on- pan la the ore* until the eggs are set!-Bit require sugar.
^gten kid bool* which barR tight; tml of dampm mtd | hms and let than boil nntil,^ Meau- —from five to-ten mtoutea. Th«Mj
become quite harmful. -Hie
'single, double or triple-frlBs gad Into
mar be lifted out easlLv with a t
hardened by getting
time take right or tew ange
-re teavea. pnt
—- OHvc* 1 stuffed wiih pepper*, srltb toa,UM. are rurbtohtog both Mek and
spoon and pIneM upon a hot platter or i B«on them at once and rub (hem wlih should be well
' enrib was.than tote hofUag water fg^ve..
• epk. When msking tre. the
, bbi hall*
bMw mri brown, and to! tbe rain andiaies. tbea dry them. and'Aen the snoea of toast. If aerrod with bam orjBtstor oil.
ah^ IMW wnhtMd tim nmiote. cad, oatons are^one chop both wy Bnety. hnetm Inst^ ot Med eigt the pans ; one of the best ptoces 10 store bian- tbfn emptied; Into (he pot while still ■ ■
■ ttoy Uadea of gnm
a vBl
vID pierce ;i Now add six odnocs of brand ornmb*. s nmy be greased with the meat fat— ; gBa which are not bring nred to und»y hot-pat the necessary quanlty of tea,'
about one teaapoonfol, of hot fat to '^ matirem which to eonUnuallr slept!
ttotaid enmt and teNund ncaiTet of;«nxt cf pwer and •RoULnMl
, ,pon. as here they are kepi eoo'ttonslly and .at once pour on the fresh boiling
tndte.ipraofl; a tnlde wUk tood foriounoe* of ehoppod anri. Bind the each paB.-Clrt* Coapnnloa.
water. Then let li stand for five miawell aired, and need little Vxtra exctnalam.
IwhOle wUb two .weU-bofiSto eggs.
corured with a co*y. aad «
Hy mi^onght — The trotn Stood gkew«r the open cods
m^Mwdla^: thrir tonfloin dead; tie with tape or string lak a sanL
A pruniit^it Cbicagu piqier line ihta^nay
clou and fragrant cup ri tea that will nwlagtog to tbrir bciMh-' compact sbape.>oata« the rides rather capariallr appetUtog. Few people, glass, ammoola should be placed to the be decldedir-benefleiri.—BoMon BnS• toqflbed(tader,-aos* to tonsem teelSMdth of howaver. cook them to any except the j water to which It to to be rinsed. All
d tram the hid-;tbCjolat. Pnt It Into a Imkiag tin. and oM. criahltohad ways. The fonowtogiriam sbooM be dried tounedtoiety. and
i?uia Matori. topmost twlgw: bake to the Bsnal way. aUdwtog twnaty raripea.ebOeeiedterHome<nteer(rom:nat drained. .A rioU dipped to
The Fltneu «f Things Cdlbto.
variety of new i moala and tabbed Ihotooghly ■» a
■ and soon great emcrijmtontee for each pound ^ the
Aivie aance. with roast pork.
bfAW , of lletroiu are
»rc »nn.,yri^atTniv.
tad Mtrri ways to unit all tastes;
1 coat ooUar wlU- remove the gr«o*y
.. je City. Mlc-.. (he purebsM of
Mint saaee. with roast lamb.
BnUereupa. or. Staffed Bggs—to ; took. When the floor doth gew really
i with melted butter and .water. About
WI..-1. a firm like Orint.dl br.«. rvter* to
Oyster aad chesUnt dreaqtog, with
throriqtmrim «t an hour ifitee R H
I boDed hare. Remove riirito «* dlity wash tt ,wltb rieaa warm water,
ol w |a« u.ufoMiukc and bxk tharsesHmaals
raact tarkey.
.cooked pn tote tbe dripptag paa wtth
B as they eaa be faaadled. asd eutiaddtoga
by Hie t' dnbibty «( tbe i;v>n«ell boUM H aiean* a
g<k.d deal for tha pianua. It smsu* that Orinncll
lUy. ase a Mg toft
Walam catsnp. with ventoon.
I! piece of the white from each
> that to safe ivr the <
Cnrraat Jelly, ailh roast goou.
ly dry wltk a dry
end of the eggs: cat each egg to half riolh. wipe psferily
itandle.—71>e lYesto.
I* of water
Celery ssncc. wtth qaall.
left wlB
smoothly and wUh a teaqwop remove dimter. a* lltUc pool*
Tart grape Jeily. with caavasbsch
the yolks tote a bowl; marii tbi» rat ibe cloth,
smooth whh a large spoon, sridlag one
When It Is Bceesrory^U
Orange aalnd. with roiiri chicken.
taMespoouful batter, erne )eh* ire-idow* In damp vealher. nse a little
Cream gravy: strawberry preserves.,
ipohafn! made mnriaid. a 'aaltspooMimMhytated spirit, aad you wOl polite
with friend chicken. .
fnl of pepper and two of sail. MtsHbe wtadowa to half the time.
Celery and onion dremtoi
ugetber aad SR tbe .spirit evapnrale*. apd drite the
mare alI ito pen.
off Bl tap whk jfli
that M life. My body4bmtstri—Btoen tbto body
its von out E wm sban‘to wonderinl
■cm, and Jot'an
and Tiried Bastera.
bl—That out of temp«ia na:!^ hath
veaknen and ignorance; out of
aonow, worry and pala. 1 nn aaeh
bonr rise to new Bastera.
My woodor^booibt —Hare dumb
anlBala— those whom so«e poet calls
the -spirits to prtson*^^ Baster?
Are thoy.teR out of the grant eebtm

. >^j|


i' i

............. •»!»

V- ’









iac. the eeeotac la a deli^tfaUy aadal
way the party Ml thia tnoralas la re­
lay*. ready to repeat the trip at aoac
near fatare Uaie.

moved the early, motatag trala eouth. >ectad in get that Mat«^ This
ThU UalB earned Inigbl cart aad. eorory b dtocribed by. oeaeral :
eoBBMed with the aortf. tmaad tiaU ager Wenii at “a gold mlai.- Th
oa the malTUne. thereby eaahUag tbe Ineace of tkU maiortal oa the k
other gnmnds meaat cheaper produrtk)
^ th» MiniM Barv^ A. LMc-j<A"MAB^ um'Uw BnwM rcsidetiM; pkrsieUa wm called toattead bim bn : ored irMb a Made laoklog maaa
dealers to ship frelclu aonh of here the aetabed material.—Mlehlgaa la^ MUH-iatail*.
I aaide man a bad bralac os oae aide of ' tea lee
; A special meetlag of tbe dlreetore of and obtain delivery the aaM day. or resior.
• af Ma a» aaenra feada lo datrar j Mbna WHhelB vaa ibe onlr local: tbe bead be auSered no
the board of trade wai held lo the at the taiest tbe toUowtag aMraIng.------------------------r
aad OMtoadn BoberU. Udder, Be waa oaty M7S higher than ; Uwable. Two houra laur'be
Oead Finaneta) ghowring.
> are the «on-l the lowrwt Mdder. .
taken bone aad renalned In bed all
Aapovarement la laade of the laar- OMmetl room Tneeday Bight aad Ihev^ .fader the ehaagie effected, however.
waa a very good alteudance. There wai Mr. Mussetmaa stated that Grand RapThe aaaiml Grace ■ptaroIBNIWW mini n«^ tor the day.{ la addUkn to the none enrblog. all Baater. which was alto bU birthday, riage of Lotnard A. Grmytoe of thU
noch of latercet dlscusaed by the ids wbideaalMS eoald iay goods down. Pal church was hrM Monday eerodag
Vto pnL W, &. C aad reteraaa of >be blddert Ud on eontbined corb aa>l|Uonday be waa at fait oOee afaon at Uty and Mitt Nltn'MIlialietb Oottoo
eleeied and aiher liulaam .
war viu sltoad getter which woeid leaaen tbe eon otininal and feel* In bit otoal health. ; of l,odlBgioo. tbe happy enni to take
tbe paring abont 14.000,
-----------------------; place Satorday. April ». at the home of a location of aa iadonry wbfeh has wholesalers in Traverse CUy. He ar- iraaaartsd.* Alter payiag every AoHar/parTtaa m a body.
WIM Orgaoln hportamaiTa Aandatieo • of the brtde’a parenia, Mr. and Mr*. bees under eomalderutloa for aome .gued ibsi.lbta eoadllioB of tbiass was out»ttn4lax _aealnst tbe church, the'
'Omda ttaaraa baa haw ap^was started with a kolaaro of
Pred 9. PoBter, atate repreaeouilre Mdward Oottoa.. Mr. Giayaoa U well time: alieabe {mtaSble localkw here a detriment to tbe basiaeu iaiereris
Now a R. A I. Behedule.
Thr idukSge la the 1
of of tbe Wnchesier Repeating Anas and farorably known In thlt city where of two other aitracUre InduMriea. A of 'Traverse dty and urged tmmedtate about $31 The guild reported a halim Bw. IdxU, Whieh win bo Bowa ea
special eornmltuw was emoted to ^oo by the board of trade. The mem- ance of im.lT.
Iha- ptrio taniMad by the onvrty » tbe G. R. A I. which went into e*cci euapaay of New Haven, Gonn., and ^ he has loag been eoenecled with the
one ^ tJ
bera aaw the Jurilee of Mr. MusselThe foUowlaa vestrymes were rie«11^ plaM a( the OM BOW oa the Meitday, Itavn oni the early n«mlu(r' wboaebome it is Lanrinx.aad 8. Oole. itirinaell Braa7' auiaic faooce and tbe
ailngs ai
Btao'sargumeal. andlbe seereutywas e<>: Scokw warden. B. L. Bpragae;
train which hat been run frocn here: ttate, repreneotatlre of tbe U. M. C. bHde is one of tbe tweet social tun
«BWT IdBW groaadA
lustrocted to oommonicate with the Janior. wardea. H. C. Daris: trearorer.
for a long tlmd, atao the 1! :40 train in company, are is the city greeting old {of her borne (own. being tbe daughter C. U Crelliek were appoioled
frotn Iba south. Both these cralnt. friendc sad aequliouaees. Tb^ wfir of a retired butlneaa man of the city vesUgate aaoiher one. All three of efltatalsof the G. R. Al. aad ascerulB-ta R- Ttias: seerMary. H. B-.-TadTOwhere a tai^ ^lal tundlng It reco«- the projects appear promising, and U If an improvement in tbe nerriee could dood: George a Blar. lUfph Haalett
Mr. nd mk Charlea Battna <d Ml were a .greet conreslence, espeeblly , ranaln for tbe big sboM PHiiay. '
UdM ertaae arc eery aiadi wonted the train going out in tbe morslns . A meeting or tbe memben of the! abed throughout tbe suie.«MUt Coi- ; Traverse City can funtith snBcient ia- not be obtained, or if tbe campaay bad and Samuel Oarland. K. ta. Spngae.
ww tlw dlwBBtarasre «d tbair U- Tbb truls waa a great convenience to i Travene City Rod and Gun club will, ton appeared out long ago as one ef : dncemcata there ta a likelihood of tuc- ; Other plana which might be of heneil <-'■ B- W.-iler and Thdmat Smnrtkwalte

' we»w elected driegairo to the ooaswn-'r
mi«aMd«| Mffr. The boy baa hoea butiant men as well at the travellns ' be held at the Park Mare Tborsdav ; the aociety lieauUee in Ibe Detroit cest In locking one or more of them. ’ to the ehy later on.
Tbe ditctttaian ef these propositions
All these suggestkms Were aal- tion which wiJI be held 1a Oraad Bappublto geoenlly and tbe bulneas men , evezdng ltd- the purpose of organlalng 1 Free Press and the Is woriby of tbe
brougbi up tbe mauer of the propoted mtaledly dlscaroed and evidenced the >ds in June and taeoa F. Titus, H. C.
_________ r MBme that bo hat hoea fat partlcnUr are cdtaplalntag because !a nunhers Michigan spoHmen't asso- dlsilnetioiL After the cemnony wUdi
bond issue, a special electloB upim detrominaiina of the board «f directors Uivte aad J. ta Briley were eiertsd aithwim «Mle bla Mther thteka be of’the tfiange. Traverse City it grew-1 elation. It U expected that at the necort at 4 o'clodc, tbe young couple
lag rapidly and Ita bnalseti Intereett' moeting Mancelona. Petoafcey, Cbarle-; will return to tbit city and later make wfaleb wUI be held May ». it was rec- of tbe board «f trade to bring tbe ef-, 'eraaies.
r eC vtU a giai
iBneaalBg In proport km and changes | roia. Bast Jordon. Kingsley. Cadillac.; Petuekey their booie, as Mr. Oraysoe ognUed that until throe bonds srere forts of the board to bear upoa the; Tbe followlag w«e the eoaimltwro:’.
and disposed of Dotbing could be railroad* o' »H>ee hw the Flaabctel. Leoa P Titus. H. C. QgvU.
In tn4p,>ewlce to decrease MclUUos Manton. FrankTort. Korthport and ' bat recently been appofated Ibe manare not appreciated. Tbe rallwa}- other enrrounding mwna will be repre- ager of the branch store of ^rlnnell done u> loeaie any new Indastries. Th? benefh of Travene City's Uirinroa ta-1 Samuel Gartand: murie. Ralph Hailed,
secreuty was instructed to Isane a teresu.
1 taeoe F. 'htus and George B. Blae;
company may have eofllclent reetoa to '• sealed. The Mg tboOi will be Friday, Brot. there,
letter to every member of thr hrord of
-...I ■ —
I rbarcb aad xioaiuU. E. ta Byragne. M.
aat «d Hkaot aakaowa to hte make the (dtange but It would aewn ' but many of the clubs will be here tbe
trade, urging each one to exert bis best
Death-of W. L. Ouatan.
W. Dlderwood aad H. C. Uavb.
Cadillac Auto Party.
MmM. Twiliy aurnlag be waa that lapnrremnt aboold be the rule.. night before for4he purpose of orpmefforts
Wi 1.. Grotan of 4tl North Sprnee;
A merry auto party from Cadillac ar>
MM idItMc raady a^ laMaad of going
Thrown From Hla Bupgy.
rlred In tbe city Sunday at S:30 In that tbe lioard <<T1>ade conlf be' ^ mrvet died TueMiay algbt at 5 o'cRuTT-MMM tha
plied with anficlent material -wiili after being III for lour years with eon- - t
tow of Jnseph Oherlin
Vhlie drlrlag home Saturday evenlee in the Bay.
«dbt to iba boan «( a anghbiw and
While iigbi sail* were the order Sun-'who had driven hit new KImore el^- : which to operate. The method of dta- sumptina. Hr.GaBtaawasaw«4J.|uiown.HUsiaaary ualoa of t$ts riiy the
adkad ter a bin Ana. Tbe ether boy tag at S:S0 o'clock S. S. Pratt i
BMR't at boat. Nelghbora ww the thrown out of hU bnggv on to ibe dny- and tbe.laf^M wore etraw hats tees miles dos-n the pike to meet them. barslng tbe passible proceeds of the dttaea bariag lived here lor six years. ’ churches hsve derided to hare Saaday
proposed bonds was diecused. aad the coming here from Burdichrille aad . aperial mlrokiMry day. Baaday afterMKtaa boy gelag toward tfae railroad paramenl end bedly stuncud fbr Batter eenrieee. Grand Traverse bay and deliver Ibe keys of tbe metropolis
smys and mroa* commltlee of tbe haring origtnallr come froag lodlaaa. j aooa at 4 o'eloefc there wiU to a y
ttN* lad later be waa aeea ea tbe short time, being taken dp. uncon-' in tbe morning was covered with a into tbclr kevplug. Sixteen occupaate
seloOB. Mr. and Mrs. Frstt and Mist; qnaner'af an Inch of ice. John M. of the four ^mdous touring cart en- board was reqoesied to consider tbe.
yrors. 4 moaths aad I peon's rally meetlag In (he Pint M.
tmk wtOi a handle nada hb am.
Oenrode Spagtte were In tbe bugs-1 Spvdding started out< Sunday a>oni-. Joyed tbe trip of forty miles, and they nutter anff make a recommeudatjaa days oM and In addHIon to hta wife k. ebarrb. In the City opera boase.
aad as the fcat would not 'accommo-' lag to fleh
— In the bay and ran
so Int
left CadUlac about 1:30. reac^g the to be submitted to tbe l>oard of trade leaves one son. Claud. The fsacral 7:so pi. m.. a mtastosary mroa atroUag
Baritefa VMM Pr^jbeer.
Park Piaef jati'in time to enjoy ibe
Ipaee of BL PVan-. date Uree Mr. Pratt tat on iheir tap? ilee only a short dtatance otr. He »
service will be this artenioaa si 3:30 win he held. All the rbnrrbro will
As yet there has been no deBnlte from Ibc Asbary M. B. chbreh. Rev.:
at;while driving. As they i
unable to gel Ibrnngb and cane back sumpUious Easter dinner wbirb
,prir serricro aad nnUe ta tMff .
eda eb»A
Itb. a. hr a lirglar who made^ Ike Beardsley shop on- West Ftonl' 8. C. Darrow and a party smned t<i equaled anything in the suie. The suggi-stkin as to whether the proewed* Junket liavta of South Boardman of- meeting. Willis *. Hotchkiss will be
t iOar aroasliig the oect strest a man on the walk dropped hi?' return Sunday morning rrom Lake. party constated
Hr. and Mrs. of tbe bonds ritail be bandied by the Setatiug.
the speaker at ttoro meetlags. Mr.
■Itepteg RNMB. The borg—
' KoicbhIsB has beea a mtaatatwry la
wlndow bone w|o Jumped'aside at the noUc log. At tbe euitunce of the bay a large Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. IHggins. of trade or a tpecial cemmtasioa. Tbe
Fin* Bed ef Shata.
Africa for gve year*. He 1* a very.
ways and mrons commliiro will take
•Mek he Opaned to hreaUag the catch: and the anion threw Mr. Pratt out on fleld c<r ice was enc
The Staadaid Portiaad Cement com- iwerestlag eprokec. Whew be wro la
tbe matter up for coasldentlon.
•BialB.TCMa«tleMahMcmthe «ut-j to the street, taking the lines with |wnt not thick but it
pany. which ta building a plant near Uj], enj , few yron ago he awtrod the
dMh BacrtBatly «m snapUng to; hto. The frightened hone started on got bnck until the afternoon on ac- Cobbt. Mr. and Mr*. W. W. MlicheU,
H. A. Musselman of tbe Husselman Charlevoix, has *mick a bit of good • people a* few aprokeni tore dome. A
nheh «M aaCt. wkkh was two enoau I a wtM nm up West Front street with foont of It. A schooner with all' aalU Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Haskins and Miss Grocer' company Wsed this oppor- lack. In boring a well on the quarry aiiTer cullactlOB wi|l to takra to defray
MB and ae he ehtarad the latama-; the hciplees tadiee at hU mercy. 8er- aet was caught In the ice and at ibc Mary Birge.
lunliy to urge the bo^ of trade to use ground, a ten-fapt stratum of Srat- tbe trareilag expenses of Mr. HotohIts InOuence in behalf of better frrigtat etass shale was strock. flfteea feet, kipj.ppd ^ egpearo of opera koaaa.
Mg f«B<a he awaim a gawt who waa MWi rigt were on the elreet bnt provi , wind waa very light, whea the ice
Tiro Baioree. a Packard
Be la tara gare the deaUaJIy all were heeded tbe tame, started oat the eebooner weot with it Northern made* up the touring ve- rates, and better train serrlce in and from the surfape- The sample brought
aMai BM9to aHar vae Aiaaato h«R «ay and kept the pace or managed to >and drifted away stem |nt.
hielM. the Nonbcn making the quM- out of Traverse CKy. He apoke more to tbe surface abows up equal U chen^ Osiune Gtass of Detroit waa In.Bah
mv M had htoa
opaa Bwertw aside end allow the fririitenw) | Saturda/ night was quite cold aad est time, the Packard the qulHceet and ropoclally of the recent chaage in the leal qualities to that of the Btawortf^tie Creek last week cracklsg Jokro
mpaay ex- wfth.old Meada.^■ Mini, the mid- bocae the Tight ef way. He nariied -eMy trill and this caused the Ice. Lan the Elmore the ttirctt, After spend- schedole of the G- R. A L whkh re­ quarry, from whlrh the
* iood hte escape.
BMBbb-aras the hna at the
aBMav fHBtt whM the vtattor. la
oC the sfll
the outride aad theac
lOT bU. bid « BMW cnrb. vbicb ii lUdtoon itrcct ob ih« nm bat.droi>fwd ' rwr this i)r>« ibU conld

^ « A. a. Dtmnam «v nr- needed at taterfor.> Tbe apedAca-i ioto a trot there, taaklsc the real of carted aa'Ifae tM dW act sia/t loleate
BIMB ywr vUi b* toM 4i A«b^ Ueea read either Beret or Weetpor. tlie trip qaletly. Mr. Ptati vaa takea i tbe^har abtli a year axo Taeaday. A
L Bn, Ha(b SanHdr Mlm ____ 0 that the board coeld bare a lato the home o< Mr. Fonaape where a : year axo Mooday the bay waa adll eol-


Miss FJta M. Miller, oro «f Wroto
iBgton>* sortety gtais. write* from lit
F.tfveL X. K.B'Bebiagt«ui, 1>. (*e as
" H7f* ptaaser* I roearoroead
wAdro tor cueerr* to Cto J

Pe-ra-M Caauiaa «• MaraaOag.
Then are s gr>-si msa.v eaurrb salsa
ta Ibe w.irUl. The Bw-I to Ibeia sru
lr.»-«l *wi*ta-sri"ue, Few to tbewisre to
• ttMllsIernsJl.v.
MUs Hsrgret Fatoy.dS Adam* etreel, Trey.N.T. wmes:
Ilarrh rem«dle*.- ropM-Ully Ito o
-H> hare stsedPUimaa
ie row IhrofiyMrywaraxadf
ttmOy tor yuan ead / Aro,re»y
om rory ptroied
ptoaaed -j prreerthTO iri ito to-riro*. reiauta aerasaar fhMircaradaro toewtarrh to fto/ewn whee-xhe dartors ^v* mp J
r«rotae. rotam.

Clwi Up By p»ctars—Cured By Pe-ni-iw.

would ralM a lot of

and .at Ito ead to that limeI my eoagb
roagb bad I, whUky. aud Mtor asretoKS »>»■
•rotlal prorrassi hy wbleb Pei
. _ _________________________
disappeared. Biy appetite wh* muck better and 1 bad gaiato tea poonds aad
I “AMtr^ fiewdsses to Ar raro. / to>!Th*|mUnil tbiak* to I* totter right
iookfd Ito piciur* to bealtb.
TtorapidgrowtboftbePeniBs.M*diA Baelarta FreaertpOam
Ijawar. luafevrwreke.boweier.todta'
rine CM^aay is as pbrnoroensi la the Ftoyesrsltr. Hsrtmaa used Pefuns mktytt.
'IrorersbtamUtake. Not only I* blsro^^
twsrMdtfdr’dafton-; but build* np tbe evstem, aad is tbhrctoc a grand medleii
hariassewwrtd as tge aalvwal popn- in his private prscUro as a fegutax
] I tarrh »<■ hmirr. but to to* an(USnd lbs
Hrity to their famw remsdr, Peraaa. peroeription. F* had ao thoagbt of *5?^; '
baidt to rotag ssroe aatnAlc. This :
grand BMdkiBe.
Thi pimit eSJ^Tnambri to aerro. maaolsctartaR it or toverttetag it ro a sad> wish to add my toUmoay
to the I
aademployro sererul bandied people. Iproprietary msdlrlBe tinlil there was a
. maay olbers yoQ bare."
Peraaa is not Uk*'n many oiherieaaM *e popular. It ra
Ro otto* mtdk-ino Om in tbo world ' demand made npoo bim b.v bl« muy
nachro aayiUag UJw the etoame to rn«wds. who riaaMwsd for tgr origlaal
Catarrh is
Peraaa bus no tod eSetos wpoa the
system and gradanfly­
care to treat ra*estoeslsrTb at a)l.
tarrh^ ramorias iW eaa*e <>f estsrrhi
ala-Trri-r-iluiWI.--Ba rwm-1
'fherearea multUnde to Iiobmi* wheiv
roytadcTtaed ihaieaa toarodlattol
_**^ «*■■ gT
was adrer- Peraaa ba* been nmd «C awl «m to
broae at a modOTto ro»L saeb a remedy I ' IMroF d^riri« d rintff AMb


4M«nlMd by

tk« bMnl

CWT! aoi*rt. ,CWte MeOMT7

pm\Mc^ AOrcd CUipfU;

Th* Mb <nN* tb« «uttic


for lb* b«t

n«y we «an *U


I® •■1.

J«»«* J-Dn4*aBC,'«»i«y f

r*ir'J, M.'huWtoMeri; rw«llw.

or lauratt |Myab(» a. tb« dalty bai-


, «ay.

mwk A RoMMoa. R. W.



Tbe Ftr*

MoCtara: Moithara:

Otered IH per «« for .^eenie
dally taiaacn aad $ per cent for teat ;, Antoe
•UbIaA _____



MtaA*^ efeaaite.

AM oBerod

On Mr. Btaalianra BOtloa the

jelly depoMUHT for the eoniax rear.

(dgr of Oraad RapUs, throagb


MUm i<<«

arMAU^e <NM....u.a..;.K.T.

_________________rtable. of Calboun ro-imy have beet.
Toptaka, John T. Satuhan aotlfi^
all dof» found maiuT


ICNE 158

1. W. tiaiM

K. Olbbs was graated an estea


Vou ean*t
$eH Smut

Alesander J. Hebert. Pstriek Bardea

car line In the city and reaAln*




Tbr large Guelpb Patent Cask com

According to the new or-


ptsai. located at

wlabora% rust mwn-. _Prin .
"•rbool uaibi rs should seejlu\!
can s- the Herald and Recm



J. J. -rWEDOi-K.

Thu Kiuut iToi> in .i siitifit- iff^ ercraiits



ttad^^-aBerr than HO loeal mer- tloos Nor. l. ipos. aad complete »bo




1 to draw trade BaebyJaly l.lPOd.

tn«wth»-rwitnrt on

TWeaires hlms^P ^ ,be sawmill department will

The plan; atz months' exteBskm
' Start within a ___
raon'h. to r
taa.Ai«MMM<me aad aiems U> be;pegiBotas aad me year', eaieaskm on
Urge stock of !<*» has been pnt it.
moal%'«lth ctfaaUeraMe faror.

For , ^e rtme of eompletksi.

and It will take onill late In the fall un^y man In New York who w

iMlji. a parchwr enmibd from a
The annrnl report of the ctly library _ —t the cut oat.—Mlehlgan Ureetor.
-W JMy Btlles'ahd maktag wa. preaeated and .read. The report
dag IlMAM frtAi ^(ad that daring the yeap<Uie library ^
It Is bcllerid that as orsanlsed of-

trmm «a tke list Bseatitmod had beco open erery^weefc day from'
------ ---------------------------- «n«iipaidiR
aMmkorhla.milroad lira, wpon pre-

5 f». 1. b«« ».a. .o P« Oi... t™..

.. ,.. at. and
w from T t.. .
o; t.h.
in. or-.
the reading room bad bees open .ai: «•«»•*" oot^
Bd.1. o( U.O n»J mv. oot oxi-r. dn
to the aauTtary of the hoard ^iguadays. On April i. there were LT:;::

. ._-rTl_______ __________ _______ , 1



from M

to tH mllet



Now the entire A»:..r
’aie Is approschlng the tl.<*.H>.o<«M.<

V______________________ Th»an»asl me«M« of ««■ «*.kiK44pr.rt

«'Kl«> »"

lor .BM. IB. tn~»o oooB

S. E. Cor. Front an« Union

—.,^.,1... 1,..,^, „


T ®*


Ibr ChlcsKV,

Ulf Can 6ive Vou

'-w sEHresHTteows

A>-rliiM»«S VtHUcuB-er.MBn
ledor fMnut^
M.-Bsrly riut Tsrwty- YwwriDBW tn fs. aswB la
;mri <:

™« *“ '» fW"'

The best for the price in

. own of tI7 bbB huUlM , ""wn.. I"- “«
«- ■"
™. or Wi.' T».«. 1^. ^
'"f.""* Bim «. lyBir ri.« . „B-

In order to tacrense Its n
Ubnuy thoold be lades catalogued.

argolf ;

renaoe the tnufree asked s

ko hnod or trade wlli

appl^iion which bad been


I I 11 II li liniSI r I >msli n-nt^. InusirB
Xn.. X.4.'. Brim. BunUr kriiL.

My son WES sOicMil rltk


Hb- FlftaSl.

MTOsi July ]

We buy nothing but the best

bnew. wi4l teali -fBbe.4

la. 1»™ «n

Tte Balm dan*- n>M trrttsM la- no.

' gnged-to do the worii aad tench the


b oRy on an enml hna. wMh; jn^rtaas how to do IL
1 -St- -.—
n..siiw^ aad
On aoooasl tV a lack of money the



or.„r,r .BBIr.-| .o .hr

r books as they wmid Uke





Bo; slin-ps stanillog n;i. tO ri>rcmlit«n to prwwtx laMrrislmssgsiBx

'. bat dnriag the year maaaged to ptir-

• snlngagslnst thv mil.' Shu gsvi. n:.


k ptmll lis> c^furmed to rir<-Bni».

; torical and a like nature while 11&
IS and books of a like



U rsu^e




tbo rilr oT Trsyrr-o Cur.for rssatl&saoti sad
sllryrsa..e. 00
ue bt>furyu

-a Herald WartVAd.

0 properly keep up
n of at

»■• o-^.
BW;besesesed»os4- gMsWouM borimea^ Tkr elros esw asd
«nr other adrsWndlag the old ones. Money
BI.0 «M ror 0.B.T UBbb.
^ A deUlM report of the boohf la the | jU-ri-smoe brasi-Mi.- Tb— ««


la all there

C.7H books oB the abeires.

arc, 7s^<nir.s>BiBai^. ta i~d^



‘ the yrar (here were 4f.4tt glrea ou*



lfyo» e»cB>sl


oEDsn etsi*
- - nr tbs Prutisls fwt
Bl Trstrrm-. bstdm si



^teok chlB-tr^:**'*®*^

showed thst;

*• * hnlaace on:

thM wtBk ted cfmtcd ■
^ KMAl. The report was
«i«elted aad died.
Da Mr. Wienie's motiee. the amneii
■the Ites of a large
I to the boenl of educe
af trade.
I. A A L Hr ' ^ ^ thirty-two candle power efecet the Grand,^

meMrs. eepedeUy the gro-1
end pleM goodo la PeW i

dap ^wacirweelc. The'VlerwId is not Tn.sdsy
roepoftelble for changes in prices. »tSos

rthneTrewee City whole-' ^
le ague of the grant dlter.'
-^tet wnek I made a nmilo, to. In-,

He turned the


railway eompeoy end to mate:^

wirrady been


iMDftintera the teeUWee tel •**»*•« >««*^*‘-* the action of the
It Is n^irtim'<> regard to tb« matter be
The mtolon was carried.
On Mr. Gibbs' avKIon the board <.

t««ay cMpnay for the Mh <

”■ OfBmi to pot

the matter to a moK


ipffcteerd at trade «ma be a great


SI.501.W 100 »«.

. 'SMtm Ittttl
»1.30 per 100 pomhl,



Kimball Piano

8«»M GarUnd aad

. ;:S



“I!31 (TV- tIarslO. s

ouv«r>|.B-r .•natari sad rtr
U <-alsM in osKtBwrusi; ..I Ursnd Tn» r~w.fnr
40 gw psrxTM. IB Wr4^ rrBWwea tv wd <Ur u!


I-. 4t

ri:£D IL WALKCh.
. Jnder td t-rirtisU.

Kimball ,is Ibc Anisl's Ideal Piano
1 h<; very
number purchased teven
every year by an
apfroviog i»iibUc—greater l.y half than any other
niakc- fully attests the truthfulness 9f
pf the
th statement

^1 So. Union St.
226 £. Front St.

r . Oir. jM ttet-R ts int as Importaat **““»' « sureties, was approted. el

J'____________ _____________ ■ -J -

»IA1 i«r 100 i>..iuO«


dragglet-s bond or 8. B. ^-ait «

stoto^tte bnalBtos men of Trarerae,^

•BniM'tan auti


In the tons run merit wins in Pianos as well as in
anything else.
Hy reason of their wonderful power, sweetoesf. depth .
and sustaining Quality of tone, coupled with great durability, agreeabl
lable and responsive action, the

DO yOl- I’SK

Olo^l Cwfne


f ^


at the Oak street luiersecUoo. oac

«&aHeee that In mnften ofthte <*

» ss.'E.rsssJ:’


eelocsie.' ,

wN^^tbemetttrep'-‘^>^-0'«*«- "Stecetheetandthei';

■ OdI the board -tasinKiail Its i

ElEiit C. Lewis,
. r.^pooBd

EUnwood erenne ecbool bmIMtngs.

At s -

■Traveran City AUtrketa.

The dally ar^agewnama^ the Mrr .
r nm«ih» mma oa the o. R. * ’
There are 437 petJ,Bf. RM- raemniy tahBnjJ
; rom'hnd test year fSS books were re

Bdde^Md that the’

and yon get the

pare article.

I.B. laqsinst

Msry Dirkerson. .god Of. of Cb rc

;; tnntMs haeo not bm able tp bny a*


Feed, meal, Bran, middHndh.
Com and Oats


ttf an ed-i*^“>"*
' he was laid up for Bcreral days.

nMn tniM glean by

Travomo Clip. M.otatanm

.» .01 b. ...I »
J«l«- «»;■"- ’’

i jrs’.r ,rBi.Tri.“ t;w.. u^wB„.B™e_.B. o...

50C a pwnd. .

tempU on the tires uf its

I, the library ”*

lan^ to

it nt

Only D.ught.r Cunm of rfcS.'.tniSI'.iSSSn.'

rbl» 'H B plBB ; HBKB
to IBb fonuBl opeBloK tooB
tt»OB«l»rBl<W>.;H«,. T«m w«. .wo .wom. to .i. U.TOI* IB. ol hi. cU.

ichairi at a


S. E. WAIT & SONS, Druggists

Tnrni CI4 Dillnit Cnraq.

af l>» mwrhnalt that It « operatJac

, rfrwoM


pntrulkTaiim. ami. on.

tie in rrtU'itta! leo-kIhivisA (V..B

full etrvii;rtb aifl

I Butted and on **^>0 ®rst vIcHm was R. E. .fllen. wh«i

from i ss. the morfng

OiMflUpIdA-nal It U statsd by amae, peb. tS. It was


«V>lLtp-' -Worth of hts:h-ifTnd»- Fomtakh-hyth- wttpld hnv.-


to thA cAy tnm ^ Rotnts.

}nat yrmr

net hHW of

live milDi« (tolinrv.

Btam aa. e&W Bsol. BolUias. Tmrenr LM>
ptaa li aawaKd ttroagh the board of o« oaie. hi win bare to begfn open.-

ti.R 5b.! tracks


Gii4nte Kedlal DepartMt Barecs

ward McSaaiaia. eBretlM.



and Aatoo W. Bartah. swiies.

B Of tine In which to conplele fah.
trado ewtualoas 'for wry

day ia.iilh *eek ftoa aay dlreetloo OM Misskm,


depnty .bertcTSHS-

E. O. EUU. N. HDoHataaiel and Ed-

taafc aad this bfwb win be the '




free ei- »ad Edward UcSamaia. earetlea.

eoatraet was gleea to the First Na


1/ wiic»

The JM»owiii« were lofrrred » the



«i tbe dally »■»«■«««— and 6 per aad J. M. Haenmantel. aaretiec.

;«&t for tamporafy Joaaa.


mrtS B«*«a ■

Hr takr. . i

I«foWMr. Attiai Cami«u

Th* ITop»r-i aad tb« 8UU bauk and ««*anl Lautaer. aweUea.

•^Ihadthnaaebld., tH per wit. pay- .


I««bJ odricc witb-

e*»»-To*»f •

rv^oadrat in Detroii Frw Prrs*.

■ of tb« dty aad tb« )ov«ai ist«: aad -A- B. HoMlnantel. aotvtle*.


Howird TrtBUeg *« tMinir » Ow*»y-

tiouortfeeeltf «mo|>«o«d MOMay-.
TboM Md« we»*

iow »h« Tow b(»^ «< M «iw-


D«iy *


s «f
te Mhn hoU of aetten
« prrtnni Im- ''*^ coostohle bond of Grorgr 8mlU.On Mr. Millnr's'*moUun the


wnrks insurance W»s tndei ed rented,
the nmooDts of the policies to' be di-


^ «.b.Kti.. ,«BW. .■■■■■.■
SIrrat west from Union. .Igned
Gf MbmltUng to the tupnytng„ cirpeBter nnd oU>.

Rew Jlrrhials


Kimball is the Nalioo's Favorite

furred to the nlderm^ of the Thlro
inkrtte IHdH srerth of bonds (or pnbelrate will
le eennril room trod, iho
eUUms nnd accontits were ordered
nMduion of the bogrd ot

Mechanics' Tools,
. Cobblers’ Sets.
Harness Makers’ Sets.

The spectnl committee on sidewalks

• eoetnaed Monday .^ported reoomiuecidlng that a walk ItemldgnteJno.BcnBh»nwnsglren tte coastructed

on Eteenth

street be

—**** *“
*“• *««
»”« Wrlslon and MspU- and also n
MM^ nt the prtoe glr«B to the Rsc- walk on Dtrlskie street near Eterenth.
md. |M.tI2. for both strasti. The ms- Ad^od.
UtdaF-will be NelsonTlHe brick with


rswoluilon coofirmtogjlie tfrerr

^oM^ stone cwb nnd the width ol ment toM for the iiaM
of Froat
iSrSg m
.the Mreot, both )obs. win be lo«r-lonr street from Osk to Mspto
Mspto wns
was passed
»?« •"* curb to curb. The board
folioirlag saloon
The follosiag
I ■ I I ewh av.wfw
sureUra were
H ,“1 r apiaiv,
and otter

be MM os . Rnsf Front

«»« If snThdnKury to the property
there w such a decided




Fred Warabnrg. John Lnuiner anti

J, Pstertyi. sureUes.

Frank ftiwdimayer. Henry Wtebsea.

sms at and A. R. HseKmastei. snmies.

OS Mr. Btogham's

FWdlMbd LMiner. Fi+d P. Bought^

Garden Tools,
Hoes, Rakes,
Spades. Shovels, etc.
Food Choppers,
Family Scales, etc.

in WALL PAPER are now being shown.
The conceptk>ns shown here arc the finest <iesigns
and are confined to this store alone.

The showing

is far ahead of ant-ihing we have ever before at­

Come early and make use of the oppor-

-lunity how oiTcred' for choice of colors and pat-

our warerooms. forpablk
Moreo'. cr.
letti :rs patent,
_______ 1 ri;-.«-d- Statesi letters
showing the
f 1 -M improvement
-------vement in
in Piano
Piano buildir
building—diplomas ts■ ■
sued by ^Tcat World's ''
and moretbana
hundred fac-similc, Icllcrs indorsing the Kimbafl pi, the ----J1-.----. Jix-ing
ano by
People of vvr>' moderate incomes
easily own a
Kimball by taking advantage of our eas>* payment plmi
of purchase,.



Easy Terms IT Desired-IS to $25 Dtm: $2. $5 to «1Q noatUy
Oor prices on Garden
Seeds and Bulbs are

City Book Store Kimball Music House

eM»«.B«4<r e»v FHft. tmtnt Otr. lUkt.,

IB. B. Btrmtr, Pnr. ■ 129 Tnrni Si.



tv -■'

eaont br tiw Womk^

4tj(eaar«mteto WeMraOr*cos.^brMkiw Ike «ub b « viBtev.
ther «a toate pormommOr. tko«k «n»* *n*
macntte dcM to ^ aUbe. w «m iMvd the
ft» ti»» of i»e«in««
out drmBt w Mr. OOror. »bo «fll late lb-‘ ««P*o*». 8- *• WWW* wore I* Jw«
tw*---------------tor Om «Mucc oMIrt. »i* «. Wltaw
««f adogwbiefa
- - b UDtM^
Mn. AUee Mon^toa and Httle ««d proBably b
cotwm. bM Deep tacfOMod to MW W. grandeoa. CWae, Mt tbia Mblac for i'e bad MR toslde.
KiagakT. where they wJUbe-lbe, A* Mr. Baaeot U toanabJpdnasorer
Tmr* Baker, «bo bai a rib bnkM ri>u d M ««. wuou. mukun.: I to.iklCT- «nMl«
tut ,b„
br baUf eroAr^ to tbe aWI by oa* W
Mrrf Deaal* McOartby of Chief’woaM aecnra* Mr»e awnnlWowoey.
tbe -*W d**part*«U borw*. «o»e«*!
towaod UvroOKh tbe dty tbli taoraiag'««««•
«t«aur Taeaday W«bt aad hb a»Ok ea her* way to Fife Lake, wban abej f»sda aafe ta tbe baak.
tkm today doe* *ot abow aw* cbaan
Win be Ibe gaeat of her BOO teM*.
. . ■■ _
fWtbelMtler. ti Is brilevod tbal be 1*
Mia. a. W. Orep and daagbler. Ftor j
lalored Mieraatly.
---------paaead tbroagb* tbe *
li^' hope
-AweriCBb ToeacaW WateM" ,*rtll dty tbU »oniag oo ibeir way WOler ^ ^i»"'^iSip”ioc:"hr.
Nea’ Dtwwr
gtre an *Btertat«»e«» at Bwua* Bay Arbor, wberp they wilt nake a fbort j eaaUbed. apr. KV*
« tbe aaaatag of May 1. A Tcry «a- riafl to Baanet DaWlea aad wife.
<***< of bta grave.
Mrs. i. B. Orecn aad little daa^ter. Odds.
terialelBC yroirram has been prepared
IbU grrai specific r
oo4 batr tbe foods vUI be for tbe beaa- Msriorti-. nf Boyne Fall*, wbo have enrvd me. ud ared my We. ' tUnc^
of! then. I bav« aaed K for over 10 yean.
ttt or tbe Oatholie ck&rcb. Tbe band been in tbe cKy as the guest*—
tarrehra ttansi
aad ------ ..
u lad by Wntie Paybe. eoraetiat'. acad (rlends. tail this tnonlng for FVe ' aad
luuic«.!— -------- . -----------^ on a vlll.' to her ‘p^T.Ia Re;.7.: for coach*,
eere throat* er ««ldi>:
t years.
prereaiire of poaainool*. Ouaraateed
For a Bootbw
yean ptvrloits to
at Jotaawm Drug
Jobs Scanlon of Bagluw mnraed I
Ws death. Wllllaa M. Baftb «W
Store Co., r. H. Meads and 8. B. Wall
(otiaty aceot of tbe Coldviter stbool. to bl* borne' tbi* maealag after making I * 8oM'drag store*. Trial hoi tin I'
la regard ^
To IK the ToeaBoy eaoaed by hlr
death, J. W. HWtkef baa bees appoint >0 the pavlag eontract which be will roProfessor W«lek*elbaam of Bertlp.
«d to iba pdaoe by Qorenwr Warner. mra tbe middle of May and begin ,oae of tbe greatest livlnc autboriiin
or* opoo.
Mr. HlUkar Is a capable wan and wOt
n *pinal mealnglilA »y< the dlseabc
Mr. and Mts.'J. F. BbankrI reurned Is dne to a microbe which ibrive* only
-0 Inland this moraine after a rlsll j in wiBier moatb* and wilt disappear
with a broiber. ioba
,; with tbe approach of sammer. It U onMn. ClarcMO Sister went to CadUi known in tbe tropic*.
iae thi* tooralag for a few daja' visit
along tbe sbon* of the hay. batoac tbe with frlenda
Prighttoi Btiisfiag RriieveA
J. W. CHS left for a baslBMs trip to j
locariOM balag one U tb* pwanp B»t
Suffering frightfully from the vtru.
Bootb Of SdUoa*
aad oaa la the Petoskey this mornlag eapectlng to rewltb tb* ordw^ made
1 lent polMU of andlgemed toad. C. O
ragioe of Torch Lphe aa the other tarn again on Friday.
, .Oiayw». of ^la. Ml*«-.took Dr.
Mr. aa«Mr*. Ama WAardr and
Aon. and aerefal large ttaeu are
gdrtag.up den*o saxAe atoag the «**t Mis* Kate Korotny of proremont mH.” be writes, “that I wa* cored."
p..««n tbroBcb tbe dty today oo their Ail rigmaeb and bowel dtsordera give
to^Sc and two (S'tb* aappartc aaSer
tbt bridge an betag ^awirad la order
Mar 41b, tl
pert to no into the hotel boslness.
MbUa 8. B. Watt* Bons'drag slorA.
to *afea a Mwaga waF.
It at'tbe f
wUl be an c
Borglary at WHIlamabarg.
OariMd ebonb. tbe proeoeds to be de­
ReaiT Bowrit orMirtbport. wbo ba* rated to paying rbe rimteb debt. A
Willanubiirg. Mkh.. April SS.—..
Mrie » perMBoat loeatloa la Maatw. dM pragram has been arranged, James Enneat's store was entered Iasi
^0 realdeaM test
b Rby .wbteb wUl be glrea by tbe young peo­ night, the safe blown, the cash regiater
■iri« Wbo wm oenpy U
ple of tbo cAorch. Admission. sdaltA robbed and a gum mariiine opened. The
MM. taowaa *)m eUtdrea
IS oenu; ^IMm. SO eeau. All are burglar* only M«urod about |I0 tor
aerdiaUy larited to attend.
tbelr. work. No clue.
The eniianee to tbe store was made
■Jrii bar-baAdSd.
„ - • . , ■ A BoeUag af tbe paMor* of the rari- ihronffb a rear door. Tbe charge used
wm ehnebes of tbe.clty, tbe Bonday
to blow the safe was plaeod In a brie
a ■■■■den la* inat Bade a aAeM aapertaieiideBt add a**Uh
drilled near tbe knob and tbe force of
taa pJaaBf^ A % CMBMlii Hbmy
Md tbe- oBeer* of t^ dty Snnday the csidoslon blew tbe door off aad
Wlihoui the help <
m iBTdBW dFtoobfroB4A w
Scbnol asKWlatlon will be held at' tbe
lore It into pleee*. Altboagb raloablc
lacnlt matter.
mxonni Is • dlS
Tnaaday orento
- the store.
MMn take
liallj espenar* won
May t. to make pheparalba* la regard
tbe Inicriorof the saaie was but allghi' M iW; VtOaMOei ilbiary and a to tbe state eoarcntlOB of -Bonday
the hark' it b> refe from the
ly damaged v>d none of ibe paper*. «o
......................... *penrt.
P «C >0^ lalMii of Papobr •ebooM to be held la this city this
far as odoM be iearaed. are gone.
Savings deposits tntde on or
BMr«ad Mraa aad Baay
before the Cih draws tnlerest
Mr. teesi has a new cash regtoter
taelariag works oa
from the flret of the month
and tbfa was nnlocked. The burglar*
aten aad aMo a
mi .n*n» w w>«fnr*i **>d miss
Drcf In and see oir safety
took - the «m*ll change, probacy
vault deptrunent Boxes only
Uoa Bobiamm of tb* same i
amounting to $3 from this and then
two dollar* pur year—You bold
wen aalted la marriage Wedneaday carried a gum machine out doors. This
the Key.
at Stao at the rasMenee of Bor. aad
was broken open and probably $3 more
Mn. Hugh Kranedy by Mr. Kmuiedy.
•cenred. A ease of cheap ring*
Tba bapw cooplo were attended by
evideoUy carefully, laspected bat
Mr. sad Mrs. Cart BoMbsob aad tbe
none wore takoa.
Aiding paiw ML *ot BammU City at
Tb<: tools witlvwbleb to do fhe Job
t o'clock, later retnraing to Wexford,
were socurdd at O. P. Marsh's blackwhere Mr. and Mr*. Dari* will reside.

tor m

JMM Oofvi for ormtta««.


Crfing to
Save nientp

Crmrse City State

Mr. aad Mt*. A. Otobeaaky win lean
for the west Batarday morning. Last
•MardayBonttg Mr. Otobcaricy made
dphlsmladtogo. Monday be Mid bl*
botme to Jaaios London. Today be be----- -----------»i tomoeww bis foede
liffU be oa tbe dock ready for sblpamL
Mr. aA Mr*. OlobeaAr will go east
brat. MSltlBg la Hew Tor* aad at Ni­
agara Falls and then start went. stoF
plag at BL Fail at other pedats. They
wDl go to tbe coast on tbe Canadian
Radflc. tbotr Saal deaaaatlen 1
I. Wash.

FniB TaeAay'B Beeord.
. Mra. Bd Stowe of SottoBa Bay a«ArM la the city this monlag to spcBd
^ day la a baatacea way.
f Mrs. Slgae Petencm retnned fnai
a SbOTt Ttsh to Battoas Bay friends
tbta Bcratag.
Mr*. OMiade MarUasoa of Northport arrlTod in the city todsy for
short stay.
Mrs. K. Tanner aad aOB, Walter,
aad Bleee.' Miss Mary Tonaer.
Roebeoter. N. T.. aad R, Brtndmgar of
a«B«r ten tbU mmlag tor Alberta.
Upper Oanaia. when a petwrnM
cattim U tooked tor
tboee la tbe
party from berp.
«• - IMi^ n dl
^ tSlm «BiA tek Wlaki
Mn. Laara P. Daris of Maac
was M tbe cRy this mMalag on her re___________
omt Ot! fim
from Detroit
and later a tIsU to
wBk wm not tabo bmg than M state Vr dangbter, Mrs. O. V. Adami, wbo
Ws been lU tor Bome
Mr aad Mrs. W. G. B

seSSSHs Fm:nin,


aM Atngiilag bait


You eaa trugt a nodioiBe
teatedeOyeanr Sixty ye«^
of cxperleoce, tbiak of thnl
Experieace with Ayer’s StrBipttiUi: tbe ori^al Stcp»>
INfllU; themroiiteM Ssnapir
tbeSarMparOlaibedoe«Ab eadone for thio blood,
wnk oerveSiieaerBl

Jin You
With tbe shoes yon
have been buying?
Are.thev whsf they
nbotttd be! Are they
•made right? Qo they
wear well? These
are the potau lo b«
considered when
buying. We gnaruntee o-sr shoes to l»o

ttiMk Sb-9.
Tbe be« wm* shoes
made./** non and
easy w a fine Wboe
and jriM' wUl keep,
pBt the wet.



-■■ '



SOr Wcml Dnw*
Go^inmixtorea at


Hie two anicle* oC weariog apparel chat are
occupying the mindb of the* women thb sea*:
ton. Each 6lls its oWn place; the taflor made

mens cn boys’
imnts, lllc kind,

Lace Cortains
per pair

for the street, the silk-for more dremyoccaaioV^ Yott will‘find nothing Ver 4iri)etter


samples: only one of a kind. The supply »



$6.75 to $40.00

CurUto MiwKb.
86 in. wide, all
wbita dots and
atripea at 10c
and «


The season may seem late forborne, but itlstbeinne.


Shot Salt

Cold weather prevented ;^nr buying any earlier and
now it must be done. We have never sddBoroiidi
paper as thisaeason, but we have tbouaands of roUa
the froest of Wall Paper.

It’S a Tact
That we sell more
sbocAiban any other
store in this region.

d hsve pi*
(hem oo sale at
prices that are a big
saring to yon.

Because we make
it a point to always
buy tbe best, .and
price* BO more than
you pay- elsewhere
for ordinary goods.

mea*s Sana

Baad Skats

Got a dihing room to paper? The room,you are
in so much-we have some particularly fine WW
either S or 18 inch borders and the prices are 15c. 20c
and 25c a double coll. The bed rooms wanu»~t.
diioty florid dMigos and stnpn^Have »mn fine
ones, n^w ideas, tell for 12c 15c. 20c and


Bougbt your kitchen paper? We ore showing tbe
finest Hoe of new patterns for the kitchen you ever
saw. They sell for iOc 12c and 15c and are juft
what you want. The bath room want* tbe most san*
.tarypai^r that is made. It U the Tile paper and
our new de<ignt all sell tor 50c the double roll

Made of solid leatbor for work or In
good stylish i»e« for
dress.- at onir



tl.25. $130. $].7S


mt$M9* Skats


- Made pc good, se-Ticeable leather and
good styles. We
defy you to epnal
thi* shoe anywhere
at *lAP-oor -price

‘Hie kind that will
stand the wer nnd
keep , out the weL
made is caH skin or

Good solid shoci:.
good wearing, sixes
5 lo S.


No dne shows a finer lin.-fit Tapestrip>; every com­
bination that can be iinagined can be made from our
great stock. There are nine and eighteen inch bord­
ers—a drop ceiling or the two-third- effect, and tlw
prices are 20c, 25c 30c, 4ll^ 50c, 65c. 75c and $1.00.
The parlor and sitting room need 4arker. richcrpa(-;fs-wc make a specialty of these Hnt-s—striped in­


grains, duplex, crt;p';d ingrains. cn.i-.?.eil pi'jsh, Span:^h leather, heav^

ITS HOT a iCCiDHrr that we’be always bosy



conventional dt'ik'ii?-

pajA rv new. llotal and

Tr.ies an;



. 75c. $100 a double roll.

Jimd a. Trkdrich THE HANNAH & LAY MERCpiLE CO.



ideeten at

Yon hare pnid
$l.riO for DO




anym here than those we show. Yon get tomething exetuMwe here, an nearly all our aoits are
adequAte-to meet all demands.



Cbikbee’a Ooiton How, TTty
BiMcial vslnnaat
IOc and

•peeial Tblue at
par yd 6e, be aad



8w«r .


Tc<wt‘linK. SUik
gpociiL per yd.


€et Headp
To buy your Spring Shoes.
Never before have we been
able to piye the people such
good ferviceable footwear and
at prices that will mstlce it pay
to cone miles to buy of us.


ei-r-v, mhiom.



I •>««•«*«• I • I • j
4lsser with Mr. »»i Mn. immm JL
Mn. N. a Crt**, vMidir «f ». wd
ieks Wood, f
IT'* bftll tut ms-, OsBiL
th—J-tbrn-Bmodi. WWUA-IL w Inkmt
K. T. TbryTt Ure U nitedetfAI. os i **:
• paused CiW.
dr«s by
fourtm of
Mr. sad Mn. Robert Mwrtm ^d'tbc brUeY
---------^^-----f-----------schODlBMtM to ker bowe twt mslSf
for SB BMUr psny. Tb* time m Rsfld Oty s»d Mr. «M MIS. VHU^ !
'[■■A'Qi*PI« ilwm
.^dMMBtly opesl with Bsale. •tscbv MoSLa W Elk RsaM*
« albvedao
T%o KMMM qnwterty woettssiud (ncB Tbn »«re «1k> tre*t«S »Wi Mr*. NqU...........................—^
bNd n rob* chnrch Iwt g«^.;to &rt«r en*. <»»dl« Bud stee
Kidney ttoaUe.ofttm enda Hual^.
^ ***^
fr«oU»eBt* »ad sU esjoyed Ur erestaut by chooBlas Ue ricbi modteine. K
—■- ■
W€W sUesded., ^lyr
; SsaweJ
who «p«U »h«-WH. Wolfe, of Bear Grove. Iowa, cheat­ •
ed death. Meaays: ~Twoyeanas»:
r- ____
MU»Ud».CsTtt»Ttehsd»ithMr.;terw<thi«UU*«isadJrtesd#liilodiA Daradeva dUdS
I had Iddaey trouble, whidt oumad me
g* ^
WjUto,RamistB»«tBST Mdf Ma. rrtursed to hU hoae here isM
pala.,eBff<rtac and aimtoky. but.
^j»j^»w.h*»«s g^^jjrdBysadSosdKT. ^
^ ^ ,m«v- Hit stster-ls-lsw.
Oeorse amddental tniartea. aie BodUesh Ar­
1 took Etectrtc BUtei*. which effected
............The bortb wlsd ta» drtres the tee Obee.ssd »• niece .seoBassJod hlBi.
■ "P
»»r meesur. bst to cose wd«y.
mmc Al«er msd rsioUr. who hsve nica Salve. *'A deep woBhd la iW toot, a oomplete core. I have atoo found
from an aeddesL" wrtten Theodore them of creat benedi in ceaeral deBiAtiele. oc Ooinmbim. o_je*aMd mo tdBty and nerve trouble, and keep,
r»I»I««»I«»»«»«> f t
matai^on t ' ^---------- ‘
Kt**fti^l«?AriS*a* Salve qalekly
hnled It." Soothes and heat* buns
Mo. A. Mssmk at Sou
nke ma^ Sie at fHt*—^ Orns Store Sons. dntesUta. ctmtutea fbem i
-----of her
. F ■
l Ute a»e» of Co.‘a. F. H. Meads. 8. E. Wait A Sons'..
!T* eo----eo bIcAded
the hiahssa^ wife were
tocMher wIiTioTe siul Mrmonr ttai
» »d me for her
- cciaii»e«Tr.
and . U
would hate--------«Mie HarMi. who hu bMS te | teodlT RfedBeedBr.
ifaou^ hhim. The family have Che arm- j
•ta their
1 to tea .cents toOle Lsraos of SuUos* Bar ca^pd : pathy of all their ft
; double tbereavement.
here this week.
^r. and Mrs. A. 3. A!brt*ht moved Jo
Charlie Aadertos and family hate
iOce AraoW to atoo h
Fife Lake today.
Bwved here from Omasa thto week..
Mr. and Mrs. Dana of Loos Lake.
. 'Binioar id imro wiui
Ouarterly coafarenee wa» btdd at visited at Mr. and Mra. John Bowden's
-. _
An Bnawr etc bwii wna^bsld at tba-, eU Lake M. E. cbureh la« fiatnrtay Iasi Thoradav s»d Friday.
Mrs. Huldah JeSnaon. who has been
S2 n »P«W_yw»-W*P?i^ *! home rf Bmer Chandler la hoaor of noretB*.
for three or four weeks, to i
mS« > W» daachtes. Mtoa Clara. The after-, ,j„ ji»„ Oee and danchter Belle
• J?
1 Boon wad apeot in came* and muate., *uended the Sanday «*oo| eosTOBitoa tanrh totter

TYavifie R^on. sr



JSrr .'S: --------

be witihdmmes

«ydcy.* Z.

$ i« 111111»T.


Wbat You Can Do in S Woutbs

^ S«£^

W.V *. -


aitbe traverse Gtf Busfn^ Ollege

”} 3V5i_------------------------------------------.-to-i ___
bpter Sunday ns: p ^

The aortal clren at the cha
■day nlctat was well attended.
and family,
iohn Daai and famUy look E^ proceeds were t7.0<

are preneat and a yery l^jtoaa' *'Ho^aiti i^olr;



Bury; '

Oosolt an Eye Spec­
ialist for

anejart of etekneaa. j
“Bdirtd the'


• -■

- Belli ■

Eye Troubles'
Wt! gaaiuatee to cunHeatlachc*. S t r a i s Ir t f it
Croaa Eyta'awl Roatoiv
T*erffct Visloir Itjr thi* use
of our fppcinl Rround lenaos

jChums: Aoore aong. chlldm.

lS^«£i5y7ai;|;^oi U.Srr«dm«»r. Hi,. I

/s > E. Htnshiw.



Dr^ P. A. Wolfe,

a AJQana. Whotomto!*
iiaewaitto.OPt-i M^ Darwin of Port Oneida to hare:

Dr. B.L.Paalsoii,

You can complete our OFFICE ROUTINE,
BOOK-KEEPING, improve your ARITH­
You can complete the TEXT BOOK on SftORT
HAND, Take several tweeks of DKTTA-TION,learn TYPEWRITINGandliiiprove your SPELLING, PEN­
And your whole expense will only be TWENTY-RVE DOLLARS
Come and see us at once.



We Can Save You Money on Anything in House Furnishings.
enabled to do this by the fact that the quantities in which we buy enables US to Underbuy and thereby undersell other dealers. Aside fron^e .mrte^
»o.ail business of our three largo stores, we have a large wholesale trade that enables us to handle all staple goods in full <ar lotfc By wing this are opt.
Wiy gM to® lowest market price but the saving in friBight alone means considerablpLL'T^O BETTER PLACE CAN BE FOUNB in Northern Michigan to nroke
^r epplhg furniture purchases than right here where we guarantee better value for the money invested than you can get elsewhere.




A Sighemae: * hok. sta-1

(W jost like xmt,
Ingt. plate ^aaa, tw^.
.small drawers, <me lined
lor nlver.and one large



From SI. 25 tb *27.00. *A fine lot of

eiToir. will Ituni either wood.or coaL
handabmoly liickled. jost like rot

•VtU seat ten people, at 7.75, HJiO. 9.00



Others from S2t7.5 to SkMW.
la finished





and $10.

gtdden oak

^ yoor own lime on balauoe.





We«rc shoving on'elegant fine of all
^ ronstmeted-at 8:50. 0.50. JO.OO and
: 12.00. Those were porehaacd expre^y . ^
Tot the trade that vish« to .oombine'hMnty and utility-, h
sign and perfection in conatrnclion. Others from 4.7.*i to $:ta


Carpets .


Everythinc from hemp to the best'

70 Different Styles of Oiiifiid Cbairs
»nmi IB cl. Bp.

h IkiB wortomt

grade vkOTnister. -

will 1,

lor yon.

IDerris Cbairs

Art Sqm

' .

e and room siae rags at

haa to pay for them.


of pattmia ip smaller


eluding erery style and grade the
market fnraisbea. '

An aMortmeot of 40 different stylos.


Comiilete assortment in nil grades.
W«- have LinoWiii in two awl
four*janl istteras and can cover
any ordinary room trillioat aeohu.
Several remnants leas than coat.


jost afaont what the average dealer

Serml £ffera>t styles to Bek«t fnm, '

im M is liooil


Pick out



.faMI<rs nursery ebairs


nants at less than root.

.yoor caipeV^uov; ve will bold it

Oil eiotb and

•A jjooil straw matting at 9c per yd.
Serecal short ends below cost.

JUindow Sbadas

A firat class Sewing Marhine. guaran­
teed tti every reajjecl. Others from $12
to S4.‘>. Don’t fail to look ihsae over
More bnying. Boy a
and let it pay fordtadf by paying as the
ntoncy in small payments' ^at if asTea
■ .

Folding floH0arfs
Frooi 1.75 to $20. .Tnst receivivl another
big shi}Hne«}t ot those popular priced OoCarts, ranging from *10 to S9U for the best
. eumbination of Iteeoly awl strength ever
shown here for the money.

A fine Une of gente* higli grade in0.jmo.lel
wheels at bottom prices.


, Kllc MFra^fflm rarad ^Ho


We prid>‘ onrsdres oo our dispLiy of rockets.


is by far the brat knd largest araortment in North­
ern Micbiimn.
Ik foond here.


Any <-olor, any grade... We make
a specialty of odd sine oortains.


$16.00 niys

40 difforont styliis not! aizra. at
.that.miinot lie dniiU(«tcil b}' amnlliT

cp to $30X».
rmirtiomaiy fine



Jnst a small paymentdowu

Cook Stoves



Any a^le or any ^ieed chair can

CoMiier Brat Rodier. vdl made, voth $4J» (or
only......................... ........... ....................................... $».75

rv- • - ___

Buy Niw, Pat Laltr


________ __________
- ----- nrr.«if tfc7'-—’*“***^

3 o'oloe* to tko Ofief

. A« •-<* taT«o<.
MIliiB—lT WHtllg ■»


” b MeCwMl or llnmw SMiw
-mi I riifii-T --•— *-*—“r
MIm A40 TteiwAnnad BKU«tr
Mn. (toocst ChtoAr colM

■ Ti«r«rw CttT <

Wm. 9vT toke Au tmmX
»m0m «M Ur-mm. B. H. OIttwt.
I to f«lu n vlth


KIUJ MeUu hao tan ««t7 olek (bcj.
' ‘tat w«ot wWk ofyi«p*»»- tott *» to-

eortj mwdar

«M« tWteMnI or k«- grw

r. ata an. O. D. VlUota* I
1^ wttb J.


____________ ^iartkj at Trariraa!
CstboUc ewetarr at tbto »toee. tta atr Biwai taator with Mr. aad Mrs.
foaeral tatac coadoeied by “
teior Banoa

■B«tota>U or Itodora. Tta
Ur. Tolbert of Tl
atoara toon two or ihraa

toi^wota (to i.W. 8to
bare Btair »• toln» to tare « aav
, rMailvet and Meads at Ota Mace,
w«B la tta anr fatoro. .
Cbaa. Flataer. tbe 'caaaty sorreyor.
ABoaEauaAjr was at Trarara^ atr daletad tta well Mr A. 8Mfaert began i
snnerlag i-ke iqt w Kielu and

l^^aUa^Bta^*?mttac at
ir. nmrfiatfrswat. '
Dara Romt aad Aithar 8a
taek la tta aoctal at Bnoka
nanHlar «mta« sad raaoH a
ClWord Batoun to woridar to W. •adKellto Pac^ rtaltad thelr^£•;•®^fS,'^£.^^L. ....

Leonard aad Bart Roger* vtattod
friends at Good Harbor last Friday
aad Rairntor.
Miss Alma Weiss of Tnverae aty
spent Butter
DMUer SSaaday wltk ber Maur.

. n they a**« w_____
(xm. lu siar^

«MS sk«i-Biiu:. M«ic* ttK 1.V ■wrtr «*»-

Ttarr .fr .<l«r xtrselsgr. is •.•■* s V.gmMi(tm Its ■naJutsBychoa
AiMUre. »M are isM to ew bsiitoirei b«kM.
Itoby.- SraS fat a
tBaadiautr: KXcu*.

Yormont Farm Maeliina Co.* VoHomm Falla* Vt.

to Good i

a taarity oT Ctodar


rand' RaUtnn aiid oca aide are
.mrwMtoti ------- ■•• balUtoc
(taoaa orar aaar Btoplra.
wm Harray aad faaiUy tara atorad
la tta taasa iataly Taoatod by L ‘

Oenie OIms and Mlsa BreenBMiUOtorsMsaCswee i8TOd0wiwoeadsaM.
Ayr-** - Ine SilBBemaa were borne frem Trav-i
Tta bait gaaae tatweaa Lake Ann: ^n. janton M tartag her boaMicraeatv Easter Soadu-.
aad Wytto was* to S to Mrer of Wylie, j newly papenC
Ooow Mtal nad tatoUy toft Lake Ann
Ttare waa 8 TWF pMaasat dasM at
Ctoasie Cbadwtdi's ytUAdd eoUeet-

AMar 8a^ aad Noak Marah
w«i« at .Trawao aty ose day tost

I M tk* MtoOd


Robert Ktogto and Tom Maey wege
QMie a aaabar fro awnr rtctolly at-1 floor managers.
Mr. and Mrs. Abaer Loeakv
Artbar Payaa to worMag la Tranrat teoM tta baB gasM Saaday.
Wa wsee aU pliwaad to ac* Mrs. i caMed to Traverae aty lasL we
reek by
■ COM FOanNO words
Mgte to worktag Mr A. Atkla- CbartayBaMaabtetotaenttoprcata-Ube *eHn»< imbmm «{ thetrlag Saaday. Wo hope ata aay onn-iMrs. sVhois.
taa of tepli*.
, Many a Traverae City Hen*
tlaaa on.
! - bwe« Prentice left M<
Monday Mr
Find Tben^^Sa.
Mr. and-Mrs. Bam Myers aad cbU-^oiea Arbor, where be has i
drew ware over at Mr. aad Mra. Boae'sjwith
I with the Otoa Arbor Lamber company.
To hare tta pains aad actaa of a bad
I The Hlaaea BlhM aad Alu Ctaa-; back retoortd: to be entirely free Bom
tatoioiiiitoial III
' daU aad Bor Whaley anendad the —dangetoas artoary dlsoitoer*
Mtoa MMCM^HaiOBK oTlA^ la
opera at Trevetse aty flatarday al^i. u etooagh to amke any kidney aaSerrr
tta laeM a( tar atoMr. Mrs. U Boas.
-------------------------------. Mr. aad Mrs. Will Prentleo ataai gtatefal. TOJMl bow this grest chsnge
Wrwry Hetard oT Latoad spent Prf- homo
la Tareme Oty tatarday.
iSnaday with James CraadaR aad Mm-^eaa be braaght aboot will prove eomdar la tawa aa baMatas
Mrttog words to hoadreds of Traretw
Bob HoweU ata iBBlly toft Moeday Ftaak Utltor of Uaa. O. Is bere 41y.
aftor sonM basiaen uanaacur. and Mrs. A. Thani entertataed oty readers.
BMtaas fbr Maatoa atare ttay axpeet iooUng
|«pa(esaamberofthelrJrtenda8autr.‘ Mrs. W. A. Merrill. <rf «1 Wetatcr
to mriw tbdlr tomo^ la tta totara. tioaa.
Will Fbwto I r oeeoitas his inew day night. MaMe was forotobed hi Kraet. says: "I suffered from aiiacks.

^Ea Ptatar to able to ta oot agala.
afMT tavlac ban eoatood to bto beaie
by Otaeas^ past few da^'
III! irMwr-^ aad tabdraa. vbo
tata tatoi apaadtag tta past few days
----- .
Mow ..
_____ ____________ after tartag
apnt a ltar taya wltb tar paiwta.
Mia. Barrowa Oraaa aad daogbtar
“ ‘ to -reiaraad to ttatr boae tat
City SatBTday toorelag.
- -an. Andrew Ktal of I

M a KbMt at Bote) Beott for tta past

Miss Lam Bates to tta gaest of _ _ ------------to antll a late boor.! prerloai tojaktog Doan'* Kidney PUU
Mrs. C. P. Bata* aad Mrs. Algoaia . Joe Gatorno who has been Isld np. u,e irooble became very serere. I
patM Wtolaeaday.
prtth an to|^ foot for the tost week..oo*CT suffered so In my life as I did
u>.«heaabtethaakatoairwta<tnm, nerrouaness. headache* sod
y doaaiod to htm. It was very other dUiresstag symptowH. I ws»
ilmaelf and fato-. on«n to'd u-i aed my bark ws» co«in Ttnverae aty
caller j iiy.
- - -------...
'tlnnally weak aad aching. Doaa'a KidlaM Wadaaadar.
---------- ,acy PUli Mtengthened me aad reTV Btogtog tost Toeaday ereatog
moved the dlsiresalag aRment*. l conTOwan.attaad^tat vmf^tah^ VreiaOiiiitoiitoMi ttoned the treatment unto I thought
We would like
ev^onetodoao. ^
Simdiw wIthMr. ajadMr*. Wreteot at could not wish for a beti
Arthw-Hookor and Mater ^y
North BresMi ware the gueeu of their
^ ^nu>e at lie a bushel' For sale by all dealers.

__________ Oartrada, ratanad 8atar>
day creatag frato Meadota. UU where
WMTW& tocwatag Mr Tiarens CMy to apaad a tew
with bar slater. Mrs. W. Sanow.
__ m Maod Ptob« Veft Tboroday lor
a vtolt wtU retoUraa to Indiana aad
Mr^ Ctaa. btotoea ‘to piaataaUy
tday anenioaa -by tar
. wta cstoo to apaad
_ _
. jtb ber. A boastiful
TOper was aerred froto
faatoteu biMi^t and a eery ptoaaaot
Uae eatoyad by all.
Walter We oon
toft Saadar on tbc
atastoer tlUaols for 8qoaw taiand. His
tatoUy will fMMw later.
Mrs. Apers ot HaUb's Croastag U
HHWiK » ««r>Aft 'M* iNnciU « gaatt at Mrs. Vaapalier.
Mrs. Btaea or Hatatota tad bean tbe'
MM oC ber dugbtar. Mis. T. J. PiaUdt. tta tost we^'
Mtos HatUe Wooiaer oC Lee‘s Bay
spent Bandhr with ber pnranto.
Mrv Wto. Onytea. aecnatoeatod by
Mrs. Jane Wrtoley.- tacat PHday to
Trarerae'aty. *"
Mis. Perk apitot Friday In Bationa

%V» r.Slis'JiE.'JStsss

» « iSs.T£f£r!;;"5.4K


Mlaa NeUto Gardner to down from
tooth Boardmaa on Saturday.
Dr. aad Mrs. A. J. Soon of Treveree
Oty -srere the guesu
friends here
a few days too week. While bere Dr.
Scott traded his team to Mr. Brewer
for aa anuMBoMto.
MV Bira Mutehlre-haa gone to AI-;
tosan to loin her Miber.
Miss Porta Gardner has gone to CadlUae for a rlait with her staler Grace
and to witness thy pcodoction of “Bostce Brews." .
F^ M. Thora aad Clifton NeweB
lade a bnslness trip to Trarefre Cli^
tost week.
Mis. Pardee of petoskey was the
gneo of Mrs. J. P. Mktoa tost week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Medalle of Maaeeloaa
were giteaU of P. Benoetoe aad fam-.
Ur too wMk.Jack ShutV amde a start rtMt at
Antrim toft. week.
W. L Gregory was to Trarerse Oty i
Vat Jordaa.

VtoRtog 1.


aral weeks, bas retsrued to tar hoaw
at Battle Creek.
Mrs. Crswford of Gread Rairidf to
the gneo of her niece. Mrs. Etta
. .Ben Markham of Grand Rapids, who;
dis called tare by tta dekU of bU fa­
ther. M. Maikluua. has retaraod borne.

Mrs. a P. Mills to rtOttog tar

daughter. Mrs. J. a Hodges.
Bora, to Mr mad Mi
April Ibth. a danghter.
Mama EDM has returned tram Bay
Oty. where ta has been receirtag medira. Da«e Beott toft Wadaeodai teal trsatmeat.
O. A. dark has goae to CadilV.
where be to aaperlauadlag the crecHbtardangk- Uo^ a Sag realdeaee for hto eoa. O.
esrtUto Wk.
________..______ ..__ a Mw daya ta
Mru. Malrtaa Aadenioa has retarecd
towa to* week oa bnalweea
Gria- ; from Gread BapMa. whan sta went to
aefl Bros.
take her areadekUdrea in Join tkolr
Mton Ume HoBtoeh toft Moaday for 8Mher. Mrs. Rra Aadonoo.
a Mw days- vtolt with friends4o TxavMrs. liabeUa Jesanp to the gaest of.

wm apaad ibei


nies at Cm Creek, Afttna

Overi^ll Acres RidrHIiiiralLiiis
Fewty known oir Mges. Power nant in opoipliaiL. -

Ores New In Slrbt Mike Saccess Assured
Call or B(««] (or pro*jK>ctaa, WcgBuanlcc all osr
SUK-k ijar vaioc. SI per ahare. Wc will adl for a abott time
traosni^- stock ot Ak ik>r aharr, naah, or S5c tier ahiire, loo caili,
aud ten (vnts defermi and to tie paid from tfiridnidg. Ko win
1(«8 than TiO ahur».

of facts lu hr IrUL* J‘jtt..fn1 mnnufremiuit

Act promptly.
vtlbcnil Doli<v.

Prinw subject to ailrenee ui any tlBie

Trareree City, Mich.



boad of Fwer WarsbariL with Cbaa.
8. Notoea aad Frad . Wtasbarg as
sarattsa. tta band tatog tta aam aa podad to tare origtaated to U»e pad
Ttay atoo voted to par- lag roatoL Tta lea* to beiwM two aad
a ear load of ofeat Mr eeaiait three thoanad doilare. Mr. Keaaaua
.to 'aidieldtd whether ta wRI rebaUd
------ Kettle Ntdaoa to idaaaaatly ategneoraoi.





'Hip-'li^Vickpr Automatic
iQaaoUne EsgiaeM the best


_____ jtoberaor the K. O. T. M. c
a daaee la tta towa baft Mob.



Aid aoetoty gaee an
_Bd«w aeaW at tta ham or Mr. aad
Mk M MMJMmi erealng.
Mrs. LetUe Brower Is rtafalat
rtenda la Trevene aty.
la m
of xae
tta twwois. Tta rales Mrs. Geo. McKee aad ckildreir tar<
Mr drawtag books are tta aam aa
ttar tare bsea.
Tta Bee. Cbanaeey Vaa Aakea. the E. C. Skatler spoil Suadar wHk bto
eraageUst. «m bagto a aartae ot toeet- famUr at Treyerse Oty. Mlaa Vth
lata la the Oeagrogatlooal eknrcb. be- Boaoe acoompaaied him tor a abori
• •
- •
April «tb.
_ Udtos’
_____ ’ Bno«t
Bnota ^ftr
tare a dtsa jmM at the



The Grafid Traverse S Aruima
Ffinind Company

129 East k>ont Street

ter. ptohrt
m days.
lea time.
Frad Maaseap of Suttoaa Bay apeat
..Ddy Bpickard. Ctoreaee Norwood
Tuesday in town.
WURe Lake of lalasd were the
PbWp Kgaier of Letoad apeat Moe- Md
of Cart Bates Suadav erealng.
day ta lowa.
Bert Haywood of latoad la mortng
Walter WUaoa passed a •aUftoetory ^^j^ShlTOay
fhrai. He win term
itoalbto at Oraad Harea last
. aad baa »aatar*» papws.
• -----‘ ■ Moaday i.............



Shirts SOc

Shirts S0C

€i>erp Young Wan

'of"parte. ‘2. Ko piiL'cams. (Mmtriea. iambliag
rods, or comidiraU'd me.
ehaBiam ol any kind. H.
An tdoctricftl Aiorcreor gnanuitfwd JO time* as qnick w any
otbor. .4. Owini: to the qnicA goveninr. engine wiD stand 90 gcr >|
ctmt soddm overipad witbmit backing. 5. No adjoatmenta to
get out of order or puzzle tbe ojientor,' (>. Aulomatic valw
-action. «. Antoinatic earharetkm. Tboaearc ezdngive points
of tbe MeVieker Automatic Gasdine Engine.

Wr sHI llsrdOT

IslaUnsUd in Clfis

Sbiif Mwiiisment
It's ail about the large assortment of
good valacs we offer in negligee shirts .
at fifty cent& Nothing else quite so
good has been shown here «<e think.
These arc made with fanc>' Mercer­
ized or Mohair bosoms—handsome
.patterns,' with or without collars or
cuffsl Fifty cents for your choice of
many doMo pattems.

All fisars Coverad-Easir to Raach
Tbat'a another fine point about THE
Tin- ireara arc reiy rim|ile—and entindy

An Ato^sttly Sale.

A ciiHd css play

snf<-]y nboot oroii oneroiioiagat fuU^ed.
Ail <>th<T aeparatore are different Yo«
alKaild inspect the TnlxilBr. Abk toe for
a r:,L-i|cig ahont thiUD.

I 16 and 117 State Strwet

‘'Che Dm store’’
i36 e. Trout St„ traverse Off

Sherman & Bunkr
Shirts SOe


wool- WANTI
n.n-t ha»T H. Muocy fa oo oLjoct- I shnW
siul (in>r in Ktf-i-.n and FaiLsdrifikia. I msde CMUacSs «ilia V
ruolcn nilK. Onroill I bs,«
bsiv i-ontracted
>*a.a*o |«amls of tta
bb..l anJ 3-« U<mi. ainl'ita otfa-f >>111 far si! tl«
■s 1 ran gct.’atxl I am aurv I \:an <-»i»|icr<r w'itli any..! tbr uiegvto
■faaler* in (he
V Viii<rd*Nf
Vi.iird Nf
Then I sif. MBe if i->«» d-«i'l
lo-sey larel
ifajler and gri u.y {Vice* ai>d |6 vuacce lo the piMU>d,,yuu will he tonwey .
ami yao will Iry iiMTcast yanir lock. Ir..a n«ta on. Afao I w>H have
a few l>ancli«» whi>1> I will wiemin* iti4he nex. paper. Wu»l ka- Marud
lueaniwsiMl e-reiylindv VMB* In hehappy aft«r grtliag Ihseprice. ''
and dao^ fafivi la cone- h'* ttayvfae y-n> are after md the w*oi a
1 sto slier. ^
• _



73p-7»aE. Front•»»«


awbltasni AutotolftoM





BBH (OK lii

AMaAM ar «ot» «bo Bara Jaat? ..
MBiBMiil Maotf-Sar aaMMoa at tts^ii
aalnit Bom or oorraetloa. are look 'i
W «ar a Battle Ciaeh Ma ^tb a aur. taai via prott BT » n

TlMBH- Bcimrte OB. At aar drajt


m« AlfetMB li *«tllK <* • •**
bu* Mr Jw •«««.

t-“ “>»«oi»

aad cnala a (Ualwhaae*. They did , aboat tke rtUa aawant. Alrahol U . ,
ao aad vete aireated. and laatead of Iaa> fer the bmtt aM vi|l da «ood
ABitno w^o »«a« aar of t*!c taaa*
TbeMlUU* aflaMla, whtdi ladteate; Tke
flf f«! ccV «M« «ptr*ct, B, U * C^ Jft vettias i« daya la jaU drew alaecy ^ vhea lead la laodertUea, IwoeUlaot STSpUBia „„„
WM Vmm
OLiited br poor dt^etlo- _ week stoaeaeb aad Wparlfy^ dlaea-, Ubtted Staiea.
ttan. abouM tar.looked after by the aee I ttwirtawrfact bae bM Ttahtas
^<Mon IBM Srater «a “* ^.uiki T. HMUiah ud w»e i* 0~. mat at tae Mpeaie oTABe coaaiy aad ^ dilaka be
d br...
tak^i* iww 1
genae aM Uk
of the rottowi
W. 1U>. 9r.. pVMl. MC. A tows 27, wa# acaoilled. The uOcerb. Ji U saW. oae drtaka oa Sateiday after aMai» to be preeeat.
taken betare caeh awal. will aa SlOe. Art.
lac allttroacb
IJ: #7M«.
■ tbe auaaaeb aad diciwUe* pleaaed with the eoadlUoa orf hie
«Ubm aarf IiMor Mlkrlk to VlBcr^t KoMrT
oraaaa that aatutal wetebt w«) be ..
bM ttn---------------eiilMlMB*r W«MltMiwi
ww eallcra
atoted aad perfeA beaHh aad aitvnicth,
u4 wife.
of rwK erf oeti. roc. la,;
tovB ST. nace 11; St
VMpcMl’nL iw Ath
Atk S. R..vratt A Sob* to abow yaa
ralae la prieea to ijo lato HTcct
“ a> —
“ ■ U la po aaanai aittn
ro4t*ta 4nm Ti«?rrM> €!Ur <m
■a^ Mlk^ to
aiK} (be
IteMMftMU MwnuMIM.




tbe llH»«a nataatfv.



AdiiA RIek ard w«e lo Ae» Pul- ber.a»d father, a few ealle* aoHh
eoofch or mid eaa .........
■aa, pBKAaee.4vUiWD U, raaitelO: Kalkadca. Bbe ha* iravck-U more or wed by Ocr^ Si^p; ao cu

. ooacoatloa <rf tbe
. iMi elttce ebndbood.
broMMl tob^ lltaakee expeeiotaemlih aad wtte
UOB eaey,
eaey. aao
aad giree
Rtm laaiant
iaatant reuet
relief aaa
-- I^d U siBiw
‘‘ t
.. two
. Slo^iiK. e« foot lot 4. Oak Hel^i l _ *C?» the wRh a^ aave tbe life, refnabiac roM to tbe eoagtHACked


: ‘’Si.......

Rta. L. Brpwn and wife to B.;B
-lilaor. KA S. bh>ck-«. Traeerae City;

«*erte?»7& »*«***

Oeoeire W. Mltlor aad wife to Uary
BDrii.>*'^S!^ Mr*. TboMiM. a; 0. Heoaaaaer. POK bH of ooM at
aad Mra. Bdwla Oeaderfalnc B»U. aM^b, town ST. ranee 11: ISSfl.
e City fSuy liaSy*
ttaSy'^Oibbe to Frmak C. Deemoad,
lou IS aad IT. Mock S. H.. L. A Oo.'*
Aadtaw aad Ora Pa)
tbb ardcRborWI
**!te!*AlI» Mdpber to Ployd Smith.
rawly «o««ra
................^ toti sand 8. bkwk S.Oak Park: S3M■tear D-------jtowBer
the aafikborp. Brerlym and wife to MaKie
WM rteUi^
> A. MelbaBB. aeU of aeU and ntt of
seli, bM. 21, (ova 2S. raage 10; |^.
H. Roondlac and vlfe to Heary \
ana ■! tMm er rauM I
teteH^laaorkias Hui O. SWaon j
»»• ««. I®*- «•

is one die Eldest and besr known
' Windmiib. Sold under very best
Buaranted—both. Mill and I'owet^.
Every -former knows the old
wood wheel windmill; it will
last loaj^ than any other wind­
mill made. We also sell Pumps.
Pipe. FittingB and Tanks.




i £!?&»■



Skill SWlTttlbrft


The -COLUMBIA” Dry Cells ue the kind you
should bisytplgmt4ymif'8r^^K<o^
Grand prise awarded'the-COLUMBIA" DiyCells
at tbe Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. 1904.


A. O. Phlrtabka aad Bert Shot were I SowBhaa Saaaaoa to Mary 0. Jant4am from TrararM City a fev dayi^^ to arm o«>ortb aide of iwU
eeWo^'the AnA



ll: HJBOO.

Ml taok away the baraln a
lac bunaatty.M qatekly c~
—----------r> n> ta>a>

J per too.
ViboMt Robiut tbd wife lo lal#i>r $7
^ O
A^why aboaU tkU
eatat, daag<ma alike to
MlkVOc. pareel. aee. S3, town ST, raacc
d chlid. wbea Dr. Boaehee'k
beanlo.1 Udy. wbo wa* with ibe Rl«w ‘
11: 11.
Sarah Jaaa Boauil to Cora M. Weet, l
....................................... ............ ..................
lot 24. Oak IMsbU.
. Caddea drau at New Toik. aad vl^:oot Btli old aad triad TMaedy in the

»*“«* » =

HovaH S. ttaaaetl to WlUlaa Headrleka. lot IS. block K. H,
BapbU riaitad ral- Ttb add; tSM. .
Joaepblae Barts' to Rbbert Barta.
nvl4 or no% aad. aH of sw^ of m%.
•t to Tt**- ace. SC. tm tS, laage iS- SSM.
k Mea few Oae. P6kar to Oao. Hontaoo, lot 7.
bloak 1. lOterflrr; SCSO.
r to ibha W. UIDw.

We Kill Ear
re. all kinds of I^rni Mncbh»ei3f. Id
j. Wagons, Bok*
idea, and Hamaw.

dealer in Automobiles, Launch ;
Engine Suppliet.
Tnpme City. Mich.
NOtfoeB's PhoBA MS or 48.



‘m w^ibSte ite pwwy

ITS or iDcnoaK. c

S^H^EEriL-iBjc: r-:

that fO«iK.« to this 8(ori>

- Tomorrow, Saturday or Any Day Next Week,
n Inj- max in |il«m black, brawn « wuaBlVnicq,wrath lOc a pair, for Dul.r 3e Only one pairto c ,-caloDcr.

S, 1. Hi.

to P. J. Bali. aU

We Wait Everr

Wt'nn-giMBgtoirivpyi.im6m«*oftbf srenUvt valoiv in soiU
jonhatx* em sceu. I%inkofUt

-Double Xee.'t.

swEU sorrs for o,uy $6.oo
of Omaha ba*
that a fmaao or SS.0M.Mte ABBS XfMw I MS has bm bMoeatbod to bn- by
a ScHilU
UOsrA wH ta tom MoaBilaer. -'Hcrea had
and wUbi-d
a Cab. V. W. BsrbM aad C. A. kadvahor
her hW vife, bm abc R-fwed
satSararar-OMy tatarday to
. wain
------- Mnrkaa Wte tbe gts
blw tvtoo aad warrled ibo condoetor
arriy to iwind at a pieanro rein to Bpaadlbt a fev
aulior then wont to BonUi
Ote AHwr was lo 'Afrtea,. where bo boeane iBmcntcly
.. ■,..r •'■■_'■
; rtcA la a few year*. He died recently
MM apwii nanaay ^
. .... oat daathwr Bsiai*^ refn»ml to wed him.
' H, Soinb Maattoo


’-•«>- ci-i. ■ itokoM

Botib Iteliaa. where be wfll taapect ,
• earpo of lumber for J. O..Ke*aen a'

Araatb HywMl and B* Cured of


^tMOTbMl Ifoubte are Wom


howe «f P^J MeCnti?
Bn. Wm. Faraat ofr BMt Bmplrel'
>1 (toturrisT am) Rondar In
nnd ooly. aclenUte method for the
A aawber of ebUdren _
treatment and c«ix> of casarrt. UHrev
toyed ao eat bunt in Ony'
ly* park <*|n»u Simply pnt twenty drop* In tlu<
little poeket inbelce that caaM« will
erery outtt. end then breathe U lor
|wmn»- ,
three mlnem. four timen a dav
Jna. Keltie *et<'rned borne
; No danterou* dree, or alrehollc coofrom Snnth Manitou.
owl l«- eW.
«• • labeler, the bal«Bir

;.r-SS S-rr »-SS:

r Hi-nm*!


tO Ibc

view Hr anna* oMem^tan h*v , “'M'- •“»* «u» fciu. the courraai

o fire
le by tht.-remadr. J. 8. Kxeem.
Mom Btatt of tapire b«d tbe mir• New

York Ufe
faftana to bare hi. hand creabed le irm«urar of- tbe
Oi»u>anv. wifi««: "iinioict has
the »T. •
cored my Aam^lrr of e.




' •

Two OAer Big BarctinviB Nea*s Sato nro tlioae vc Pill
offer {It $7,50 and $ IO They lire the etitud of salts sold
in iiiaiiy uluri-H nt .$12..'il
- >.-i0 nnd $15.

Our Yoiuir Men's Suits at $4.50. $5 and $6
jire i^lly jnarwls aMljf^aircs. hud nn'fqnal In most shits soW
.1^- otiMT ntonv at S7


Wf know that wi- have the right line of

nnd we areanxiotis to have yenknow it. Onr Ki»e«-Punl Suitu"
, ,
whhikinhk sent niKlkneiv an-nunle of goi»l cloth uud mad<right. Ton can't help Imt like the patterns nii.l the way they fit. In the world of Boys- Clothing, they are rajletl -Tramp"
Clothe*, nlid they art-ivnlly Trami*.' We offer them nt iIm-k* siiM inl prit-es: $Z2S, $2.54, S3, $4 ltd $5.
A fewndd snits fromWij-b tisaorliinjUn of pivviou* lines lhat wi-n-$2 Jin«l $1:j0. we in-ckwng out for only MOo
If tbu iaily is
looking feV



____ =ras^..
SSriw*5'..r7rs3LVia..a r

She e:ni find it here ;ii ;i ..-nnt saving

w.'will sell the T,^-iiewi-nt rreatioUF in Ladin-'-Tidlnr-Made Snits. worth $12.50 tn $1.*,.
special fhr only-,.................
onl.v%................... . ..».............. .........................
Swell snil*. wcrthSlNond $50^s)v-«-inl for only................. ........................ ......................... •IV.OO .
Beantifnl Snits worth SSTumd $:i0. special for only............................ ..................*.................. •MO.Oe

tethdarof JUtna. A.O. tooe.
etamtor-d IB a tv**—


Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Special at $9 and $10.

Brilliantine Suits at $7.50

ELEGANTSKIRTS k'!.5‘sV5&g7oH ONLY $5.00
Swai Jiacts at »S, WJm;: and *10.
Xew Colhirs. new Caps, le-w Belt*, new rmiora-i-iir.

CraTeaeltesat»l0,*r2J0 'aiMl»15
Xt*r goods in every line we ivrrj'.

' “JJJ-‘

Fred U, l^wh and wile to BIcbard , xhe ootooMe Hremei ootflt co*U
llnrtbot. W e. Grarer Park: fSSO.
. tmi onedtdlar. aod i^hc luhaler «i;i
Haaate B. Tbent in Arthur ATny- *“* • Mfo*b»a-taP<bere I. •xlScicnt
Hyoawt tor aorereJ we*k«-ire.tmmi.
tor. parrvl.: tl.sM.
. U the atott erentmtrai raiarrbkl
ottle* c»'

llau. « u. M

Some stonwonid rluiin they an> worth $10 and $12. Lut
Bon'.t. We do claim, howercr. that thejperfect fitting,
right np-to-datif. and have the stvl<‘ nnti snap to them thatyon’il
find in other soita anywhere
....... elao at tb«'
■ prii
• ve offer then
in this sjiet-i.-d sak- -OXLA' SIX DOU^S.

The Store that grlves you most arid best for your money.

-rRAVmmmm orrv, Mioet.'.


mAfri) TMivcnic MciutUi.

tmuiwwy. awil *r. iml

. .
KcjhrtoDc Barer
Wc ^ rrrr tkm |irl«i)c^ to krar
IMoc the
Mrs. J. YT. MIlUkcB tvil w sraw'aW
■tirnoA ‘-ftalMoc
thr -Btaodard
------------ LewU.
_ nklca 1,
br Sadi*
He eaUi
ar. aod Mn. Brsmot calM oo Mr. snr m trer trip
*• aheoM lire an to nor bewM that a
aW arm. J. HarUn Bmdar.
» s-n- rr aU :t»red.
»(>w ilrorr lu Trttorac

, Afu«r •llfosT «xl' ractoi boor the Mraawr «o«t4 out ha«v to Mk .iT ire
_aa oprard olUi wen.-e^ri«ttoa».
jack»«.Vjt^ April
ibu,CTi» iw «S.
»UM Of ^ ekuiiet*. Tbe aobjcet nnA
' ‘
doe Raphael Is aMe M be o« aealD pfotYf br Mr Herr
Dtswaakm (of
Ick aw «^vcd!Mvc town in to Uie Jarealta •!«> ai |
aner a aertoae llteen of'three BMKhs. -tphi-bustoess of <Iu> <to} aa» ib<« to
Alter slaatoe *-Wbai a WvadcttHl
..I, ,,«« « <koi nM u.™^ Wll)il.»o«« C~W l.«~i«rt«»U.
^ '
oiitor. Tie th<-me of tbe dv *tos then Saflw." a coleettoo vaa laktio of »sa:

!«"■ r»'- “• »
“A FOrvarJ M«ret»M—Batotog th-- iWi Sshwa. Mis. L*i>a Orertt iiMke
aoa BteertM to tnwj rer* to Jort a trifle better de«awl
•Sn.'MiO. TT»e Brr »a» «t««l
a (ev vorda i>) wajr of iBinxlneiion for
ami BteertM

*a«tover Cbnpbcll alinUitis aff.tbe' Omr umn ti etrictlv nc*. Ibt nil Staadard All Akax Hie {.tee."
WroC "III Orfr Oo-n Hcarti." br Mrs. «te pa|"t; also took onbscripUoo* for
tbeblMi raruaecaltoiftw^oo^ »»
StoftoMlho wUaeooat’fofl^- Coder the Lead
P»«*»e.lo il
bead of iBlaeritoooa
iT~ tSi^adm
tobeo oet. Next tbe oil tillo-reoefceekcd. There aa., __________ _____________________„
Main tboagbt betox JatoW tbmoii. He oaM we aboold 4u
la eriw to a olar^e to the deacriptkm » P«n»f. The «.vc»lT-are ««v»rt. derrtoiped fanoln* efloour. added
------------------------------------.....r tbo siaodart to oor more pereotial work, aad atov spoke ol
^fiPPff^tflWe drelea Here; tbereof. bat etMeoiM od
UU n.J,l .M .K Myr ™ . b«ru .« ..d ,.k. Clrl.i u o.r
The owvlcts we« or-!««*«Mble
aortbrrB Ulcblgae, makes
M a<
• ntm-iim tbe BMtie l«M has eared to traeel ftrr bat MS read books Uie wtodows.
Tbe TOBihfal irtiri- «»«*<>-. srstemlaed fl
TBidd growth aad penaasaBcr of tl
place aswred. Tbe Uantotee A Nurti
________ few Id Bomber os bat,
■ ' *:
lent will Bland sirietlp b} the
ea stent
Stott New*.
•sWa dtUi^satlgato (be Baiter.
----------------- of Ibem read of tbe laods
Ibi^ assare us that this, to e.
eonnt-ewlll fora
Chloa; April *S.-Ad-' *bW' ‘ktr base Boi aeen. SetoMa
a KatoBuioo dealer U btowlog eon- ,|oa wltb,aBothcr pew rund. will
lino lo Alpena.
■ tair;S*» Wteen readers ahead tt poetrf. eidetahir brer Cettlng a stock of wind- a dli
Among the new i
R war aHwi^lt* foTBcr bariog Mil and the totter Blllaebaaa.
r tvadj- for occopa
bap between I and e o'cloek P2*' SMIgtos was awap beblod wii
Tbe new steamer Oeo. H. Rnsael.
-t Boy L
owned by tbe-onchriw
Traniporta- PHer Sbawfrh. Osea'r Shepard, James

W April n.
t„d humor,r. haring
bad flfip-oBc read- own.
— - of cicremnu
Clcrelaod ana
and namoa
named WllUasas
toadsd with rice ftwn , ere while the
m QompaAP Of
one of the new adr oBc of Arirolth most pitiBtomi.
bond tor Japan bare been;'
of Shm
uu> tiIrty-olDe people
influenllal bustocsi men. was sue-'ibd wm'toin'^b^^^w'ships betteglRs to
of tbe opportnntlp to. Msfullp launebcd at the plant of ibe tog.
John Wooster of tbe laate ptori- - -'
<UM Ut


•!« u»

wiSj- .««, .u JlrU«I .. Mlow.:

earr 00 * fev wordi aloag thto lloe. Stoidos. “Bpet^ Avv! Speed

Foorih. Its«' * ChulTh.- Rer Ri<ainr
nw _
l<elnx pr<-* Bl. Mr. Jrite bolac Itooldest- naa at the eesirseiHoa. war
asked to Kitfe 0 few rctnaths, foltoaed
b> aeve-al others
This eloaed Jhc owscattoa. Tbe
the next coat
tvartaittoa not bring
piaOr for tbe
lultr deeUtisL as the Ttnr will cotxte.
Belt ‘oeartt-r,
St^e Harsh. Secy.
To Cara a Catd in 0*># Dap
ipa. LaxaTITR WOMO qCTKgS.^^Mto

ErnToTSS^SlSSS- i5t£


BOW pretwred lu ac.............. ................. lUbUc along all Itnn
anqutobl that 42.4n botdia were gl»eo
-Prinlpal Dutch of the MtmheBon
tt. Ad-!— — — -------------- ----------tp hwgl«q ctety IdWlstlon. this mean that ererp
___ schopl to looking
loa lor
^ • Htgb
tar tne
the uppei
upper i

■toll of tbd aamlog TaonSlri bto p•^ woman and ritlld to Ti»veraa Clip read ctoasiaon anspeeied of baring bhikeo
Mlu- ntieoitos. .Toso* flawhip wm m no pnnfe of four nnd one-flfth |b,o his ofltoe four limes within the, The mill slieof Bro
i Mb obMc^e^^i acmmltog to a ’—|Bf« two weeks, scallcrlng hii books."; wl»soir^ rieai«l
■SP«W»Mst .
t^ public Ubrary has to offer^hepeo- iAber mlsrhlef. Dutch, who came 5l*Co...thu«® Imring the bred for ad
pie to hooka. Traverae CUp has a II j^m the east last fall, had tried to dliional plautog
Wsot Mm Beach. Fla;. April
1>»rF Oist U map well be proud of as w^nt the Jaolora tnmi givlOK their; C. A. Brigham was to Traverw I0i>



' tei



a rery dlBeull taste thaf eannri be a very absituee subject
ited by the refnl the tbclrcn
eoatsto fcWC works of flcllon all carefoHp aelected. For the lorcrs of Jure
alto ffetton. 1078 booka
I^st eharaetef hare been provided. Of hlsuny.
(here an 48S hooka, hlogr^. m;
ware), »l; aatare,
aUases Md


Brvman who was over-. There Is s floe nro.«tUton fo-,«tie
g,, ^alr tunnel:'^*
hardware b-slpess,
dlsaater six inau.
ago. and wbewe |

imnlea tooktog for .
aired of by the physleians; grist mill hxatloD? Answer.
j, g„Bla hosplul. H hack" at work. " For grain, bay and pouiww this vh
^^ough he has not tulip reeorered from, elnlty leads the stale,
effecu of asphyxiation. He re- ’ The JeTinic D. Rlr<- Reed Co. of De*^bers nothing of the aecidcni and,;™« Kr.'
raeogat«^, fomir friewls w«b dir-.^^Tflve ci' loads Af con.rac
,p^,. aggnpatlni: over ibiriy elBht

y seektoi:
ar toveridapileatea. US. encpclopedtas. dlclltm,a 6.70O acres of land at Rik- meat—toveeilsaie New Wexrow.
arfei. etc.. 183: scJencf. 1C9; music.
----------------------poetpp. 6S: wit and hnmor. 14: gemj of male. Tbe oompanp win use ^
bundap iesnl eonventton,
hound magaslnea, IW: pamphlets. ,honsands erf acres of pine plain land ' RepoH of tbe foriv-sceond quarterly

,g ,60 oonberm pan of the ««u. ;

.tofloasandfromlhaMtooffcMIogiies' X mpslertoua floi of a falUc tall «.I Friday erentog.
«>d» was reoeived.. The targte num: «-r»-lce. li-d bj
ntartf)7 daattoed I her of boohs glren ooi to any ono dajrtrer near Cotoma was mad<
slic sM-vlrs*. roiuliiced
»««.«.m. „a,™, witacr^ Rev. I_ B Dissell ol Truyenie City. b)
•I lb,IT»», .r™ ,a i™k. ™w»i
•.which b<I.U
ranknr].^ ...
„ . ^ror
The receipts from all
ling session. Saturday, wa^
opened br pmviT aad preise serriec.
^r J H Lyon.
Lj-on. '
mdnciod• br
After singing “ITht-rt- He lx*d* II.
ollow." B
n frs- earnest pra«el> wen
to aO toterrited -In the wulhiie of, I
lURhu-r KrnnKmn- . offered. A
Mrs. John Shaw and dauxliu-r
M In i the dtp tbe number of patroos added
City nalk-rs Inst >«’’
during iM yoas Will be gratifying, vh
onlil April 1. «7 new names had.bocn 'StT Rosa Rnsim of Bast. Ray has,
added to the list and they are still rotutnod home after spending a feneamiag drily. The total nombm- of dam with her parenu. Mr. and m>
patraw ts aiw t.m. or orcr „bcCharley Routsoog to woriclng fur i
(oarth the popotoUoo of Traveue city.
aot laeladtoi thF aarlam. U to doubtfU H Jaw towns to thto atttt ean show
M —« a aereoBtan as thto
n t ' ik„
waa rioa wait pauMOaed. TheriUad-

'||r/-iod Mm. W. Downer of Key
stone afwnt Snaday with her parents
*1 HtM Place.
Albert Monroi- and Csmlly vislleu
ntoilvea here Sunday,
The young people of this pimee at-

fg Monk-Canton.
e Bhli la
ik'gftd New EMtood.
M mbt M Msttod where ho fell
t MM pMnrright Dtan
it tba ptep aammtolcd
h Joeepli Jeffenbn more thaB aar
)A UtodoD bis sueneas was phesoosoaod be could Mu otoyed moeh
IT (bon he did but oftor go abanom
yeniu he waatod to eomc
pM ^ ma^a gtsnt aucnemi to
rw Yarti Md tram then ouUl bow bta
I^Uthm bM Ml tmiitnwUoodd.
•aoff IM«s Mrittr.
I. Mteh. ApaH flC.-The result
r ««te npob the ctmatlto1 remoriag" IM re) uf eute and Far Ugh*sr»a torpe majority (nr Jta adoption,
ow a blU to pcupot«> MthbltohM
|«.Mw .nM.flretaM.
depnrikaem diraried by. a
blgbMP ooihatotfaMr and
ottwsauT oMial waistfor «M dtotribnUoo or «uie aid
.bo (owbMIpa In eenatmetton of tonda.
Carle of-Dotralt. wbo to a
tods ewthustost. prepared and 1s
the meoanta. which bos been
tor Blp of Almiu
I «0t^|BMs fIMM a pwr tow ad
^ .
had tlTMM appropriaI Jflr WvaMlp rid to two pears, to
.CttlM to oaebair of tbe ooat
af.toot M owead Mx mllta of rued to

The Holmos ai|to
to. sriil^ *MM the bouse aod U
jlifm to toe aflatt affairs cmmliiee of
«M seaato. ,4e*otoa. floe* collected
iMsr It to’apffwdritodr taod. aad U
Ifl hMaM la MM » ap naui action
totobasabadcmiMapbllUas. nnlews
MW each tow Sbepld be eweted.
□tore wuaM-M JW WC* fund and'no
■Mhliiry taristodW|tg«<.
YSw aaanri n^tort
tM cUp iibnMtoi Urien «dat. tar ik« year
I t to^lir toKTvwilng.
rtmr. tW»l peorie n»d
aMto ia<7« sbMria mad the
dam ^ aUMun-. Oalp 3i:



^ The Herald end Rixord Co. has jutt refteived a
lat^ Upe of samples xif beautiful Commencement
Propams. Some very low in price, others more
eUborate cost more. Principals and school teachers
should see these early. Call at the Herald and Kec^rd.ofbce and inspect the samples.



TWrty-ErghfBoHars for a Good^op Buggy
Nothing better ever effered for the money in Northern
Michigan. Like giving them away. Come in and look over our
immense stock of vehicles. Now is the tims to buy, at the

Farmers Supply Company
127-135 State St.

Special Oiferiiis in our

Wc Want You to Know
Here is one—Drop in and See These Specials .-iJ;-.

Furnishing Goods
I)n-«s SliirtR «ia-.-iol i>i.........

, Km- MuBliiiNiuhlSbipK./it..................................................... ' Bit.- Mtulin Xiebt SliirU ;it...........................................................
-.$1.3-> Monlito Xiffbl Shirix at.............. .......................................
10.t.«, iVt?lut4mow.m lu- .tr-timr for-.......................

Wc iuivj- ja-lcj-trdAll lircki-n m/ch. uiou a few loot nraaoii's k*as1>
uiKl irfTcr name to rlo*!-tike llito.


Lot I at S6.9S III l)ii< bwiunDi‘-iit .ir<- KuilR wortb-uptu
fl± •xAiiMBtitiK uf inusl woratis]«.
Lot 2 at $8-95—tb-tf you pick from wti-nl litiiK uf BuiU.
«'>rtli nptofl.'i. liiiiKlMriDK- iMitcntH -vs<v-Ueiit traan-r*.
Top Coats at $8.95—TIh-j- mv nc-w. up.lo.<bib-. ItninJnoiiu—vuliic *=Ui «ikI »lf; cliuU-.- a liik- tliAv L*1.


XKW XECKWEAll fitMu Xiw ^oii iK.iri, - i-n s

$1.00 a Rip

2.' Boys'BlouM Siiito.nuMi.of Sffir.-s. ('lu'viots. Jric-, rnln.-$;i.T<>tj, «.eboic- M$ltt^

.1 SI. Jl.60. ai00. ai jo. $J.OO to V..OO X.. oUn. Innt ...i tli<.
timrkt'l HO ynaal.

lK»ity n. in nnn. nf ami »v will nimlijr n.11 npm

On, inoguilkA. {• « liuol aon uni it .on Inuv

not writoeayoWiCMtnu't it win be ffcll .tu .

m TMIEUE Gin CMlillilMO.

.ilUSSINU L'XIOX SCI-rti lorninn, JI. Jl.jOninlJi.iO.

The ''American B07'*

With, a purt-Lato- ut S4. or
mun- in li>y*‘ <’loili»jie Di-|rt.
wi^is luuuthV Hitlnrri|>tiuif fht lo this si^eiiilid

lOc a Bnttm

^wn for u» under i-ontract id the Urauti Trarcror
n>gioB to be tleUrered
Mui at our factory (bh ai-n-

io tortw


' that we appreciate your business and that
are ■illing to niidic prices
that wHI interest every man who believes in taking ad\ antage of a vood
thing when the opportunity comes.

I lot $t I1T..I

.lUi.lwy,.offi™U»,*«Uofc yo.


'represented in our stock.

I lot auh Diuiitli-nsI SbiriR; aithoat roirni. y>- \.-ilm------

noil, “nie 8i>«J Ib no* «n heiff pttody for dwtributiou.
and *e are writing exntncto daily. Come and m-e ua

Traverse C|ty. Mich,

This .spring every new ami popular articlo of Men's atid Boys' apparel is

Mi-ii's Rnrk .iiid nliilt- atri|a- m.rk sliirt*. -tiii- kind, at.

We want Seven Hundred Acres of Sweet
Com, and One Hundred Acres each df
Refugee Green String and Red Kidney
Shelled Beans.


QotUng Dept.



• Both Phones


Boj-h^ i*<» nud
Huito.-la-nntifal fabri'*. fiirfittoTH. fcJiO lu SS.00.


Oor. F’roin^ «nal



The Boston Stores
ing Values In
Silks and Dress
, Goods
' Mtadif^i^mUaUkHiMlaird
» Udi io ^ Umd( TrtaM
r lodi aU altk Uadt TUToU
8006 war....................
Yard »ida Uaek TaffeU SUk
FaaejriUitt^ SUks.^.....


tolaebBabataiimk---------X lock lilaailaaleJ Motudr Id

• Wiaeb«U wot Faaaiaa Salt-




stock off oor hands, we had to replenish in every department. This store is now ^nst like a
N E-W S X O R E * for who can boast of such a clean, up-to-<late stock as we exbwit today^
Onr buyer has been t6 the market twice daring the past month. Rather late, we admit, but it has proved
to be to our mutual benefit instead of a detriment. *The manufacturers and wholesalers were glad to
dispose of short lines at liberal discounts. maKng our late purchasings positive adranltage, as nearly
every department has been stocked with new goods that were bought at onder-prices. These new goods
are now plac^ on sale at prices below actual value.

New Spring Suits snd Top.Coats
of Exceptional Merit

WHUnl CoUm Cradi

New 8uiU io the next, ouliby pattunu lu Ibe
giry colorinpt lb»l arr iu vogar tbi» kpring,
at fcpcrikl uailcr prierv

3 3-4C


S Nvkli^. pur. Ilu.. BO»l-w.i,hl



U-n from oar Uoiogoat^or-UaBincBB Sale, ia
aw*3I.M. seonly: r«lne» raage op to
SK'^wcMlat tke extra VC-

200 Suits




Uoya-allodldcaU d(«m aboes


. .
95c :
Sample Sho« at a Saving of One-Third
Ucn^ftll patMt «oU lUaeber
Oxfords. SI ralMX, U«|dc price
Udle» tee rki writ
Ledk» *M Md pMNit iMilH?
- kkocB, worUi SI. cMBpIe price
Si.n ewl........................................
Led ire' pAlMV- edit Ulpper*.
fiuMoM-tefoer •trmpe. iTMtli
*pUitXWfdr««e. fl.nesd...

f CO
1 edV

l^diearlci Kid eOd peL roll
Oxlorde, Willi mat kid lop. 3.IM
nlM». CMiide prkc............
Childree-BaeBpleeiKMiB luiBad bBlloB. wcdfc keel, Swc bihI
Wortk oBc-tklnl more


ilUldn- aBmple rid kid chwr..
•oitd. klaes op to b. spriae. keel.

Mag:n1ficent Spring
Yor eerecBl yeer. oeP Uimocry depBrtaesl be* b
repeUlioa ul being {xthUiB % hcBdqaBiier* of floe si

n of the moat beantitnl eteaUom. ever
I'aViaad. Yon wUlflnd the faabioMof
^ to grace w
Kew Yeik aad ^jfo^pUcated la everytklag but price
DieaaBaU rMge ia price from 91,00 to 919.00
Street Hate fiem T9e to 99.00
for tbekUlemiMM. Capa and Tama Mr everybody.' UaU trimmed to
FMriFHlalatdarL SaifobeSkm gaaimateed.

You Save 25 &

New Things for the Boys.
(itirChiidn-na lk-|>artmml. tltongb greatly
mliio-d duriai
Bg 4our Milr in IVbroary and
________in btill
atill lai„.
larger tlian
it ought to be
and yi-t wr had to rcplei
plealbh it with new.
. Ui-daU- lincb.

TlK KantwarwitlBraid
Is Not Surpassed
letn in
. >yof 3 yearb np to age •
I Uirce-piei.'c buita1»r Uii-.<Ik>uI I.’Jk

New Hats and Caps
Tt FR Emy lad aa« Cmiy Nee.,
i All Ibe popnlar Spring aliado mad
btylea. ‘

! Caps, 25c, $Dc. 75c and. |l.00.

$2.00 to 5.00
Jb li-n fr

Me. f4S». i.48, tM
SI.W t. SJjN.

SKIBTS-beaalUal tbtaga

Fur Mark and Woe
rillNK Art^F
bcvHrt bolu for a^
y^nn ic
at aincty-fireernu.

la Mebabe

aad porlecl Mtlag •


8II.K COATS la varkw fo.
leNflka aad'

Tlicy o.
ialb in browna, b_______ „____ ____
extra special valoA for the prices.

Skirt Special
rirat come, drat arrved. Thtybe madeof aew faacy aalUaga aad
vary latest rtylea. for ladlca Bad ) KA
rnimm. a regalar

: SILK hlllBT.WAIMT t»UT8 for r.9o. •io.OO.SIf.OO. tl&.« aad ffia.O




Men a Dtcmi Wool FanU, tLM.


i CC
; 90 Jacket. Kllk Him
tiog. wltkorwitboal

$2.48, 3.48, 4.98

5.00, 7.50, 10,00, 12.00.
e for Meu b tVorkloy Panla;
Me for Yonag klen-a Working l-anU.
■ Ue for vhlldreaV Strung I'ant.*.
MwaCorduroy I'antN Me.

a earing of oncdklnl oK Ike regalxr


a VA SorocUiiDg for (be dnibsy young mcD. Stylisli new
wcarcs: fit and wear guar«ato.-d. buqglit al a
hrary dibCoUBU

. 4c

Tbi» tlepartmeol U iMiiv Wealed od Uie maia door aad muiaiM aU Ike ww ersa*
tbMiH io n«dy^o-wear gooda. aod an berctoforc. oor prices ore beWw eompetillaa



price from 39c 10

Good weight dark oeliagB
lOf raloM..................................
Yard wide blcmdwd «xKtoa. good

Pretty Spring Jackel;s> Suits, Rain Coats
and Skirts

Wc Imre :« Y'uoBg Mea'a buila
l<4t orrr fmm i>ur laal bate: regu­
lar fs.uo. r;.«i aad tio.oo valoea:
good, darayic wool fabrics, to

r ^l-woOl focert Top
For Uru'b i
, Coats.
Ao extra fecial value.

.......... 3!c


Sn W?I2.?I5

$4.98 and 3.98
TOP COAT-^xtra Special For Young Men
S£“? $7.50 and $12

- tegaUr lOe valeca
Kew 0>i

Caltaj Wr»Plw«


IhiD't take our wurd for it. Come a«d
bci- for yooTself. You know a good Uilag
wlicu yodaeeil.

For aami. woman and drUdita is now ready for you.
Latest btylca. deprad^c aboea at IMcr Frly—»
MeakWolld Orain Work tttxie ai.39
Me&'sSolid Satia Calf. Lace. Prem Sboe. ax.89
Mea'aCair Bboea in Ulndrer cal. Vid top. at.39

Wa.lFi'KII SPKCIAL-Uood (laallty
dark pereale wrmppeaa. caped aad
trimmcd.fon rutte. opeeial

Mcb'b Tuk Wool Faory tVorated HuiU>. io
the oobby. btylifli. over plaiiK Mhl otripea
in Um- urw grrya, kaad-iuxdc, pcrioancalkUyiag qii3liiic»~a guaraatced kariag from
£3.(81 tu S3 in oil t-m-y Suil. We rcceiTcd
llteBc Iwt iici.-k and arc Ibe bebt readymade
H-qaal to cobtom-uiade clotblog.

Unoi. wortli Tie, specUl

-jr Kobb, «i.un. lb bb..


K ioeb Sae. whiU dimltim la
—Nmidtb aad stripm.............
Urreeriami Skirt V


Mea'k lirrT Miiiim; -Meoi. Kauey Wor»tcd SiiiU. Biagle
xad doable brra*(oisal to Uir »T.M
kioil wbcD bou|iil .. «<1.
price ------- WV


neot was hit the hardetit
Our She
of aay department in the bouse, two
thirds of the entire stock was
sold and we bad to re:stock


lawae. valMB ap to Itol
New Cambria Batiale
Rrw Uehalf Laetre la ckeeke aiU


Under Priced^

............... 5c

Paacy Uwa* aad ealieaee


Hit Hard

wonh |3.

Rare Values
New Wash
Goods and

. ■ a I-I. 'is grander than ever, for the bnllt of our stock 18 new. Our “CIos-

This Sale


4«ai«i' vid Kid akPM. «n nud

our best to sell out in tmtk,
I I but found no buyer who tawT
mmiey enouch to ewtiqt
deal. So we are bere* and i
asleep, either.


down Walntb. a eltee'vnt of a naDUfaeturur. b-alui-n rangr Bp to If. weprier
them 99c. 91.99, 91.49
TIiCM- WainU are >4ri«-Uy oMoMlatrnew Uiin apringj Comf'varly if yon want
any of itivm.
lmatbraai>n«tl waisteSOc
l>UI»4SINfi KACQL'Bbaad Kimonaa. aU
priecb up to 8.00
.•.|■KIAI.—tfood. Faary. Lawn Kimoca
liemvtitebed llaadkerrtitefa
One doam forSSC
Linen llaodkrrebi^OOe

Spring Neckwear for Ladiea
TbibdrpnrUaentb newly atueimd wUk '
Ibr very iatebt aoveltic*.
la/OVEH-axiicB ■riarttan In the MW
Spring abaJlag. me fo 9IM9
Fabric moves ;3<- to #1.09
ll.tGK ia ibe tateat derigw
UEI.TS-Everytbiag that la ndw.
SPECIAL—A wide, all ailk brlt. abimd.
goU bbduea. a t»«art artkde. fS«

Lace# and Embroideries

Carpets, Curtains,
Stoves, Crockery
Our entire sccomt ilfxiT amt alt the ba>»ement is devotcO to
; ttiU Oepartment. We eontimib to sell for the very lowest prices
: that have made our store famo^ . Cask or credit io these de*
; partmenU.

uF usr^'

New Storic of Men’s Fumishiitgs
Mca'a Faary Elbbed Uaderwear. Sprrial
Mm'a Bladi Stripe Work nhirt. Spraai
' I9c
ExtfatiekTy Ulnr Twill Work Skirt. BpetHal 9»e
Hbeeat SUff nr Soft Bonom Orem Sbiru.Spe. 39c
(^Ttt Ofovm. per pair





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