Grand Traverse Herald, February 02, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 02, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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m ^ HeraM.
She «MC and Wr
<ke kcre.
flair Toic* vaba^liag Jli^iUr raa»
BM iKfa-M tbaadK to melodiaf. ^
f * Or paChi* ia tka acmin afce aai«:
& ’ OaM «Wiat old MBsa of oUea pmt.
ud hw. or grU( aa^ «»a.
'^ 'l^’A44n| -Wa«d vltk tllror «hIot.
«ai4M «faR>9g)i il« «*e<^ re­
■ J
: Idle. Im and Iras

>iut' bare

Uie Mai of atasle

Bound taai*, dlKorm at ber feey
Sant.twoc that One has bone alt pain.
■-'tmi moor that, boa has
Bat riaea vtttarloits froB the Cross.
And tbMdiar’^ ta raptnroBs sinia.
UTe's iertef aad toss.
anaaOinto bat svapi the ker*.
IK. torlns loach, and
Asaia aka trotoad aveet asotodlat
la leader aoe«a of tons aso.
Ad an bar UManetp’ haartp were
. tbrnted

vV mtli vaptnrM ot toV'e aad woe.
- flar tbdaa. whoaf. wlaa of Ilfs bare
■ n» 1#^ bOBl of amslc know.
—Irese Pomeror Shields.
Staia RBrmar*''lRstteM.
'‘"■.fmmt ilmndar'a Raoaad.
•Me ranaen' laalltnia opened
bail wltb n
a H. MeUidleB.
«ir tba Oread Tmvano aaso
■Bpd the Bwctlac t« orriei
tbeSrst spaaluT of the
Bnia ot Marleite, who baa
work In (be dairy budaalde tnmi opm
h irtvate oieamefT tbr algbteeii
. Mr. OUla dMIrered a am- able
n ‘Yka Homo Dsfry vs. the
nr.** Be mild tbiu.
L ns a whnta. baefl a

f-m prablam wWoh

i »p agtiBW by the
i' «r Mber suu» is
4#ltot oil MdaiendiBg notices anf
nBcftag to pay expeasev
tank tba thing oror.
fMaoT oatflts arc
that no erwajBenr cpalc
toaguodanrpoptiT>nv were even with all mms
as tht,
first of all. be educated

:;sir«t HtfMM: “Bm»T »altT man
ba bnfl aad edaeated (o raise the
^ikt.«lnd or BOWS and this U tn two
, Tho flnt. by gstbeHng tbi
aMc na^ nslag a borne separator, r*
iHBing at bomn the fresh akio aHk."
' TMa. Mr. BiU i»id, seemed Ibe mar
>nMBt«bbMrar gad hU renaoa was that

_______________ bottor. an «j
Ad generafly a targe iarmuarai.
rnlifm If «naa tmly waa gathered the
etawing canid be made by a nnatl
BMoltni. «ogbw.
‘ : - Tba tame bnuer aaktnrwma takes
V TB br Jr-N. Stearns by ibe opunlnt

jSflllTtn that It must start rtj^t
irilM. have .the right cpws. bred to
MitiM. nlto tieve Umn fresh la tin
faM. Una, ton. as much rbaidilDcyT a>
pMitbin ‘ Alan. a. proper place to
Manauartba bntier mtwt be bad.
-t : A tobg diarbsatan on borne dairy s
'-,'tgga osterc4 la and various (pinions
"were expressed’bX'a nnmlicr present
nad tt w^ gOBcrally cnoeeded tbai Ihi

CBOUB) covomutm
,Tb« next paper u-as by J. K. Steams
'-aHUlanmaoo Oa '-Tbe Orchard Core:
I OKp^Ata.'* At oae i
a^b «area ^ nowed' n* U peaCt
WfCbatds aa a pyorenttoa ot the "yts
tows.' Oae parttoolar otajeetton to
ff* te that it U alBoat Impoaailfle to
ght It aowed ta time aad the rye wealc
'4^ oat the graond. He has uaed lyo
atCamon ehwer and oats and for late
Wehrs has used .<mis, If It is a brarlas
ii-: Mghard tow the oats at the lau enUt
. YBttoa- ifo mmstdeeed It nf great tm
|i«ttnce if the groend is eorered wIM
. fldmrfhtng tinriiig the wlqirr.
■•Btaama sras asked the eaenioa ho«
.’’imktgR mice from bothering the treo!
mops were In bni he nalc
I be 'ttd. aot sow np to the trank
M (he eala wnsld «ut ipov nader th«
-Boeg. bcanehia. «ir. Ugjoba «C kaln
BMitrn fast &«CU*oe by mice. He put
«ld| of maaitfe cm the land thmi ausrai'
^jp^yy-etop of tiorer aad left It an'
k made a flee aaat for ftrtd »t«-. H.
.Bad at one (Imc vhea peaches wore
a «ai«a crop «bteb he cn
^^l«m«a was dae to Ms enrer ETOWU tf
ttnfag tba exirvaae fek
was BjiMt


aaonsfa oats for aa calirt
ao oBl7 sowed aroad the treea
ia Uie spi^ the aroand lumad op
mellow aad Bott aad tlw twft of tba
or^ard aocaed Innpr and bard.
the aftentooa aesdoa the
(ion box recoired Aral conaidetailOD.
naesiloii harlBK been esterco
tc vat* aaavered br W. A.
aua. The flml anesthm was “I* tber<-.
any core for cot worms and wbai Is
lir^ His remedy was to beep'
srouDd sitrred up.
'■Does it bun cMves and
feed them areen sitatte iy he sprini?"
He said It did.
, ' y
t. N. Stearns then toiA np the nobieet of '-Insects and DlsessM and
Their irenimeai." Mr. Bteanu sal:!
tba all Important nse of spraylns foi
foncus vaa to set there flnt. Sap
never flows before March Z7.
yflar be sprayed, one row Barcb S7 and
asaia April 27. the first ralsinir a
fall crop and the sreond bclni; de
strayed by curl Mf. 'The flrst spray
ahODld he of aolphstc of capper.
He spoke at Irapth on npraylnK foi
Insects on both pnudi nnd pear trees'
He ndrised siiraylnn fnun both stdosIn the nailer of pUun spray-ina umc
antboriUea adroeaicd shaktas ireea
Indae Hninsdc’l. In talkina with a fnut
grower years luce. m Hr. Stmnis said,
had cbaraeierisUatlly said that the
cnrcallo escrdteil better Indemeai
than the average man.
E^tHdodi for spraying for sings
was then taken up by the speaker and
he t(dd of his cxpcctences In spraying
where ibe tipper hranchi* wore left
Bnnpmyed aad praduoed dwarfed
Spray mrawbOTries Jan l>rfui* they
blowiai. The spraylnc sblntton Mr.
Stearns' gave was fifty bnrrelB of
water. Are or six pounds of lime, four
poands of snlphate of.eupper and six
onnces'of Pnrfs green.
to enestions Mr. Stcarni
adrUed growing nartleu pears and
yintUng in roid storage and gave bit
In fancy growing nnd Iho
floealton was
him: ir veil into firing Dartlntl
peart could we SUM get |3 n barretr
Hr. Stearns said that ho went orer bU
pear orrfiard twice a week to i-stcrminato 'ijllBhf and went a foot below
where signs of it were etridem. Spray
Mrij- eaongh after the blossom Is oB
to get the pofaon up in the calyx bofor
the inam gets there.
In answering' the tpiestioa in regard
To the pnnlng of apple trees he cited
bis Mperience In prtifling
for graning and the
which were obtained by the remainlne
branchec and Ihmigbt it applied to ap­
ple trees. tw». The pi-nning of ni>pb
Uma coald br dene Si all^t any aea-

Paneb said, children were not taught
to rereir tbe aged e«ott^. -Fathere
bare been scot to the poor bouse, ont
from homes that should have reverbf
blm. -Do we teach our eblldree what
a bcanilfui .thing old age Is? What
little things we nee that seems ebUdJsb EbonU be nnotanerred by tbe young
flM mother Is always tbe oueen of
Ibe home an<l hu the maktng of the
Fatbers end asaihers should
also be made loyal to one nnotber.
aenetally tbitt* is apt to be a laxltbetween paienia. -topecially In tom
homes (be parents are apt to forget
to tidy op Just becaase they are tired.
man ihinkeih in his heart so it
feeding and advised that
tamed ont in the uHnier time at the.v: he.' and a man Isritpt »> think he cant
nn> apt 10 be alfeciod by partial psraly- afford tbU or that snd when ^ Intel
ti^-U too etosely housed snd te>i« on years Tb^ pAmperaus times M here
ia too Ut«. Swictime it wfllbe too
th|benry winter feed.
Tbe subject which seemed to raise toe but bexiu now and flil each day
an Intense interest thmtgbtMil tbe with nomHblng bright. With the
American cblldien.
Ibe stibjcct of colic
among horses nml its treatment Mr. they should be Uugbt obedience,
^ler gave bis trenuneat of spasmodic the lesson to be taught is begun young
Mic. which be said cltBcr.'d material­ enough anyibing ran be taught In
ly from flatnlent colic by the attacks teaching truthfulness, must be truthone's self. PracUce and teach
;; periodical. He described Ibem
good nature. Good MtnredQCsa is
ticTcr so anparent as when It can l>e
lerfng at once oilf- iiuncc of barbados; uw-d when ibioga go wrong. If you
nuke your home a bright spot It will
alloni. either In bslf a pint
seed oil or wrapped in tissue paper like affect others, like the dropping ot a
Idtl. The pin. be said could be given pebUe into water when lu ripples
hy drawing the horse's tongue well broaden and widen and reach far oa
out. dcpcuiilng the pill at tbe base ami and OB."
The main leciqre of the ercslng was
li wvHiId invciluaurily be swaltowe.1.
In flatulent cultc which is n.eoDtittaons then given by T. Is Keeler of tbe
Blcnl department of (be Mt. Pieasattack whltdi Ailmits of no delay fmStale Normal and In tbe subject
tbe aliertatiun of pain while waiting
(nr the volerinary surgeon administer which be cboae. "Some Cbaracierisilcs
two or three traRimnirfuls of soda or of a Good Teacdier." demonstruied that
tbe Inilb ot hU theory
half a iraeup nl Jamaira ginger, and
\nittamsbarg: But CarSeld. Blrmley
school bouse. •
At Ibe morning session a lancc and
latcreatcd andlenca greeted C. A.
Tyler ot Notiau-s. secreiair rf (he
Mirfkijian Uve Slock Sanliary OnosgilsBton who epoke upon the subject of
Tbe Feeding and Care ot Farm
Horses.- In'place of U W. Oriatt of
Auburn, who was unable to he ptesenl.
He spoke at the care and ucaonent of
ibeta- boats and Icgs'and gave several
tesU in re^d to flnding out tbe dls
position of horses. He also spoke of

either, Mr. Tyler (bought, would glre
-MAKTHO TBB BOADS gRtSB.P. a Reyntdds ot Owosao took the
subject -Making, (he'Roads Better.He opened the subject by saying that
tt east 25 eeata a ton to uanspon |li<o
dace a mile.
In Cblppesra eonnly. where It was
the way

In this riiy had the ploaanre trflisten
lug to ao able and magneite a speaker,
oae who bblieres all he says and by
mere foree of will, compels bis sudb
alsa to belto-c. llriellr outlining
his talk It may be divided into five
snhjorlt. which be considered all good
teachers should bold, good health.
siroag 'penoaalliy. ability
and thorough

roller. The roads wore so bard ami
the first cbaracuristIcA Shbukl
roualllBg from (bo scieptiOc building
of grave) and clay and strain rolling consider this as tbe first thing to be
looked after. Have found 12 per cent
Ibat nUns
«yd nul affect them.
Thh system today In-the county *>r trachoss coming *from cousumplive
nde Eposalbte to elect a |d>ar. Ignor- fatnllli-.R. Too many young men and
nt^ pgtbmasicr whose 'kijowlcdgo of- young women in iho schools do not
road bunding was nil and ibe one re. -rest enough. Their ercnlngs are taken
lief ho thought XDlgbt Ih- obtatued b* np whh amusemenis. . Tbe iracber'-good roads sehools.-. This, Mr. Rey- duty is loslOep nine hburs every night.
tM,bU ibouKht. wn* really prartical. PropiT exrn-lsc amt pr»i>er h*»d. ibesr.
be said, would give giuvl hrallh.
He tbaflgbi that no tuVier rnsds wero
The sobond eharactcrislic should be
ecsonaliiy. A good, siroag persoua:and an appropriailim waajnadc. Could
ity should Im; important. -Wbal mak-rs'
SCO no reAsuB in lime of peaec why
a good p-rsonaHiy?- was asked,
United 811
’ cirti enginerrs conli
licve every leaehcr should be a mmte:.
Prom FridayY Record.
not come
les^ end asAst and irach the
sboald wear gwul ckrthes. They would
(be moraiag meeting of (be fSerm buUdhtg of'good roads.
hare a beticr inOucBce. A third char­
inatltute the foDowtng ofllcers
He'siiggeated. too. thal narrowwere reported by the eturaiuce on tired vehicles l>e ili-barred tram roads acteristic should be'Ibe ability
equal to an etBergency. SomethlnB is
an'd eleeiod by aertamait was cempoIsoiT.lo flae bnmd iSrcH
to come up at any momem Wblcb
toy wnul.d pnekand t^ify the roadA.
has, never come up tiefota.,
PrtaUent. D. R: HrMuIlen..
The atsack which Mr. Reynolds
Secretary and treasuivr. E. 6. Ladd.
foiinh is'sehotarsbip. toil In ihiR
made upon country paihmastcrs
Chairman of wuninn's serilnu, M».
IK- particular i lctoerii, should also be,
brought forth a spiriied dofens^. from
F. M. HamiBood uf Carfleld township. growib. Mr. Keeler -aald he knem of
“\*lec prosUeuts. Arme. 'J. \V. Creen.
who sold be had held ibi pusiitoi and teachers whose first year was tbe best
Bates; Jfecob Vagner. Mnnrae (Xnier.
aside from that had spent dayj of rat- (or ibcy wen- (rash from sAool. Ilni
Bnid Bm. David Kiws^, Ttarer^ C|ty:
knowl.-<lgc miTRt niniain growiii.
liable time In ntlem^ing to fltui some
meiake. U Daker. m- lake: Gs'busy fornicr who would girc his Urn.- He told ol-n fellow top-ni-msn. Patrick
held, aamosIlaiTi*. KInley Hammond.
for the isifUiun. He ^fonded Iben H. Kelly, who graduated from llic V. of
Lh (d Travdhe ('ity; Gtnnt, E.
altiy. sating ih'ey had ni'vcr-rct^’lvcd -M. sficr one years siieudacci-. fo!
Chnmploi): (I'rren Ukc. Gca Jobnaon
Buything but Jtlcks and curses and yet towing tbedislricl sebooU. because br
Long lake. B. E Surrea. R. P. a No.
liosscssed energy and grow th.
the poaliion bad to be flUed.
2: Mayfleld. E O.’OIbbs. Kingsley
The fifth and Usi cfaarwcioristic ii
Mr. Madison Iboughl the fanners
Paradise. H. Speer. 8>tmmi( City; .to"
would not h»si' anythibg'if they wi-rr thamughness. People in every voca­
Wall. Klbcsley: I'enlimila. H. K
lasoil and oblig.-ti to work tbetr road tion in life wbtwhair do things. "QlVi
Rrlnkman: Old Uisston. W. & Cray
A tracherV' be said. -Yrho leaches
tax. ti¥». and In speaking of gravel
Archie: Cnion.-G. Httar..n(<-4ake:
roads be said ih<- main trouble w-as In a class so »«-ll that no one-can Im­
Wbltowster. ¥. E. Soars. Elk Rapids
pulling Ibe gravel 4in loo sofi a n»d prove ap.-vn It." He dusriiU-d U. T,
r. Travirsr
lYnrerw.' City. D. J-Ennli4.:
bed ami Ibv surOteo layer In llaeif Wasbingtuu 'as a bumeU-ss lad entering
Hampton, sleeping iindi r the sidewalk
being lot. ihiti.
OoBBittee on iiragram. Mt^d Hrr.
the first night.. toicr be atietiftited
Dynin HuolfU dcfetuled the
enter the scbnol, was denied and after
E O. taUd: Ur. and Mn>. I^iwi-ll StMirs. em.roads'iu refetoicir i<
Sotaert Barney.
vehicles, sayiqg iliai they never ent a a sreond oppiua unity was told to swee.t
The oommlitew. rceammcmU.d lliai E rut (or the nnd always flllwl tbe ru;
which be pcrferm<-u
O. todd be the delegtic fur tbe sUly behtod the vebJHc, but be admiite.i five times ia sweeping anff slx'tlmi-s li\
ibai tlelMii wm mudt more in use the dm^Dg before, he asked for eotu
Tbe slate glrcs racb scer^nry-eWei here twsn wvtons bautlng logsj also
U towards the ps.nnenl ^ «-xp.mscs.
Mrs. Arvitte A G.ardner then gave f
being the Imlustry. inKtcail of fattnlns
,The secretaiy- ihra Jiarr bis reimt and he thought with the -pB««- wbleb
wd Imtb tbe prvoldi'Bt'bnd wre^ary Mr. Ri-j-noWs sunm'ricd for the north, the nouirbHis "Mr. Spoopeudyke who
toasted their espt'imes Which were there would U* trvwNd In kttetUag th- i'uys a bW-yrle.- and for ten minutes
intte large. .Tbq fe«ai colloctod
to!!^rts with ibeJr heavy loads of k«- tbe audience dolighted in the reneral
ilrrtei It.
toe. 121.: expenses. fSG.tA Adwindr^u, nf
of tbe
ditches.' This Uugbsbie tn- .mjx-ap wtakh her rlvld ivurtrayal garo
A letter from I’fafewrot-l.Taflr:rra.i lerprvHnlton of tbe'gaud romls qm-.-v of hU downfall and grot rat smnsbup
vy the secretary, tnilifled the sortet ibM) ctoeetl .the dtseusslon.
in riding it.
kni the stale-roiiaibup would b^ held
Um. Arvilla A. Gsrdarr llK'o.gari
'pnr Boys nnd Girls." by
U Datlle Croek Prb.'28-Mar^ 3.
Ibe reeUntloa "I'm Oolng Back' ab< EtIU followed this but he opemed by
A molsUfM waa ggepated by the tbeiboaghl which -It nrabudled of the remarking that the
meinfam of the InstUnte In ceference
to the'nmidtBg trees,
Hh taken all tbe sails from Ms ships- Hc'»-hgaln tbe nse 'rf the' emm cnairy from the eliy life was grcwily spiAe ^3^^bc aptitude of many coHcce
•hoiHie w-hleb bad bmm denied by the
i b> the
graduaiew wbo bad t<K» lofty idtias to
bmtrd of supervlsanL The secretary
bepracikbl. He spoke cd what he
gx-gxnto 8SS»Kt
xresenie,i it add ai a rote It was ailopi■e erecihg sesston began prompti; sidered the id<al school and ilie iflral
td and nderrod to the tmsrd tif st^pen- nl T D'efcicirwltfa an tnlerraUag Ulv. teacher nnd pat morality as tbe flrst
PS "The Farmer-s W«e aad Her Hns-One good moifaet- btaaad.- by Un. ('. M.Vnrirb of Arms wortb a buqilrrd school mnima.- nn«
«d hff tbo eawnlnoe aimolated to
She sakl no bum.- rtMfMJw- femd- example Is more than precept. He saU
a^ the lowpn for tobUag (bc’cine- ud aiibnit torerand In the Ideal btoie ''la.ehtoBS. -Wc want to wo lire aad
lay Instjiulf*: life ftske. FUe tokc:
act that (bey will see more than pre^nninMila. town ball; RTbltewaivr,
eqR, We^va ben tald-that aff mod


men attribute Abeir saccess to ibctr
early good training."
Following Mr. Stenras' totfettnUng
talk-nnd tbe general
day afieraona. W. A. BRla gave a taljt
oa -Fbtage crops for Ibe farmer.- abd
ibU subject evolved the subject ot>so
teris and tbeenliivatiooVit in c)ot(*r.
suied by several spcakeiaie at
tcndaace tbsi tbe clover was the plant,
which gave to (be soU tbe bneterta.
While the object of the bacteria was
take nbragen from tbe air. Mr.
Keeler, of tbe State Normal, was asked
explain to those In attendance (be
•cientlftc preparailoB ot bacieria at
Wastalngtoa. He saM that Dr. Moore
of Washingtan praflared smaii pack­
ages.-nninbered 1. 2 aad 3—and that
was to feed No. 2. mod also that
No. 3 was for tbe same ase for {Jo. r
Upoa anilicalioa any farmer eouM ob­
tain two packages or the
bacteria -and each package would In­
oculate four acres of soil. Tbe package labeled No. 2 waa td soak for 24
boars, then add No. I. whit lor (be
length of lime and (ben add No.
3. Tbe w-nter of this preparaiton a«ald.
so Mr. Keeler asserted, laocolate
seed by simply spraying it and tt wool-l
live for a year oa the dry need. If tbe
soil was In need of Inocntoioa. a start
could be made by -using s buhel <K
scdl. From this flve times tbe amount
and flnalb several aeroe eotrid be
crssfiilly tnoculaiod. ,The rule-of bac­
teria in disea^ applied ibr same to the.
ptont bacteria, as there were speclfle
kinds for all diseases, so ihe-e were
specific kinds for tUffcreai plants.
Bactcrln which were lor legnmluons
idsmsi as brans were, eonld not be u(
In Uubgrowih of other plants. Jb-.
Moore eoUocted SUtistIcn and found
that Inocaiaied soil prodncft] 40 pei
mm of clover, SO per eca: awre
of potatoes. 200 per cent more of oats
and 400 per cent more of rye. Tbe
dlscnssion’al^dlBctoaed the fact that
stover wap-the crop which-made the
.potato and corn crop. AValte and whlU
Rtover would he beneflUed by the-MWic
bneterta. as they
r ot the Mine
In place of Prof. W. H. French. Dep
my Supt. of tobllc Insirueitoa. who
to be present. V E Keeler
of the State Normal at Mt. fteasant,
s|nke of ibe BUbjeci. "The rural seboo;
He Mid tbe mala, problem, as be
looked at !l. was ccntTallcattoa. This
would do away •siib halt tbe teachers.
(h<- seboUrs would get eotbttsiastn
from the numl>crs. and tracbeiw. par•■nls and BCbotsr>. would enjoy Ibr sys-

(bo iBstHnie npnaod by the dteomtoa
1 oat and dragged oat bad amannaswertag at the qnestloa whieb
a ebaia la
had beea ptoceff In the
box. timra (b«T *y«»
dragglBg atoag tbe surrey. Ibb
P. E ReraMdA to hnadle
4t‘* waa takea ag iheB by. Oomfott seettoa eoraer nad <»e at Uw qaarier
seettoa. Mr. Aliya mU be wanted a
fcatf tbe seettoa poata
Th« statra of nunois aad kwh proeora (ban the ratlrc rast-|4B placp aad ehaigcnMe to tbe aecttoa
canHnent. Every stale In the resUenu. In oar imnicalar caoe be
United Btntey peodocas com tn com (ooad a (arty chwin narvey to coaoite
:1a! quantities. Texas atoae. tbe (any cbnhts. Aftydbrae links. '
‘Tbe center of the acettoa mimt flnt
home of loag honied steers, negro
iyacbers and encU. prodaead W.bOO.noo of aU be estwbUnbnd. Mr. Aliya naU
eompais work Ud caitsai mure'
bushels atone last year.
.Tbe com crop ts not sold In Its taw iniable than any other thing, la Nw
state. It means big faaraa, bords ol EnClaad tbe compats varten (matystork wbto) In turn aakew fertnixlag four pMais In one direction. wrbDe on
which again produces more com. mor» tbe Parifle coast tt poinu in ibe appor
barns and more-nock. MilUons of site.
Tbe diareal variattoa oT the aasdto
bosfacls are ground into meal, tbe dry
pitb even is nsed for packing and cork in tbe wraiera betonber* varfM (ram
Ing of Imitlesblps being ibns Immane day to day aad atoo rarica ia Mammi.
from slaking by ctosing up tbe botes being the toast In winter and to aton
wbesever a leakage oeeniw In the hnil. nbjnet to sadden vkdeat vartottoas
Tbe bulk of ibe .Midilgan com crop ninmaad to be due to SHgaeUc
goes out of tbe atate In feeding.
■totas. tocntlon of ere v odWDWt.
Professor Shefleld. he said, advo- causes. 8o He. Allfn sayq they caane
caiod tbe braedtag of-protein wbten trouble. .
Is round te tbe white Ineer fllHng of
a line baa beoa asubitobnd lor
the keraeL
years the tow of ilaluUoa naIn speaking of tbe fnlteninc of ani­ shBfcas It. brace if It to wrnag
mals Hr. Tyler adrised feedlag tbs tHraoR.Um meedlt troabie mton.
the shock, afterwards tqnilnfi NatataHy tbe moabera of Ue laslltate
U Hr. Allyut
did mot «se a
bogs in to clean up the remnams left. knew (bat
bat the moreXexpenelya aad
IR tbe flel^ by
b tuning in eight
ogs an acreW oorn
can be ratrn up reliable tasirumoet. the. transit.
Mr. Allyp slated ibat'campoM Uae.
etween six s^ seven
however, iwyjte rto« to distoaea. bat
wbo advocates busking by not to dirvwtln. He atoo ^oke ot tbe
any other way than (be basking ma­ ironirir that the Iona at tbe aamy
chine to bcdilnd tbe time. Uz. Tyler asaened. but MmetlBM It bad to be of the rdsd and this c
iroobie in maklog deads wbkb road,
At (he close of bis talk a aptadteu ■’begtaalag from - Jbe oemter of tbe
dtorusstoq took plane-betareen a half road.- BO to JAM a tow was jbbbm
itozeb member* on (be acreage (d making 11 a $250 lae to.nat or ^atfoff
northern oorn fields and their yields.
ac or wUaean tr«a ar'ibe ooranr
Sereral farmerw nroae and said they P«»bad raised 1M busbeU to tbe ana and
Hc dosed by depioriag (be mort al
others teoke'lB with Inslsisnec to the -road butdwiw- to oardeasly glow
laeccnltloB frmn the chair and they ing ap sack tomts aad advtosd tba
in (Bra aald tbelr com crap teouldn't adag or gas pipe imbadded hi stnoa.
ran flfty 'bnsheto to tbe were nnd In tb«
midst of the spirited talks H.'U. HotTrans tbk dm fe KiUad.
called upon for a recltwiioa
-People tallt «r 0
and gave Mark Twain's idras on growtb of tbe timptodl jaaghk** mM a'
-Farming.'.' The nqdlWKc was kept la, traveler tost wedc. -tort they rarely
only ibtok of Utev wroaderfal vHalUy aad
r whieb was o
quieted by s second reclinttoo by Mr.
flft growth of oar own domesUc.trr
Holley and be chose tbsl uraiiilfa* ta Ibis conntry. There to (be pe^.
negro dislMt ^>oem. 'jtbe Four Tfbr for 'instance. Rip brawtom (mm a
clers.- by the lloosWf po«. Will Csrte- tree, ibnist Uem late tbn gnaad mitb- '
o« nay care whatever, liad btoJde -of
P. E Royaolds then bc0n bis talk three mnatbf everr oae of thoac
t—Monty Crops for Fbnnera.- He branebcf Will have aeat oat a aasa of
was talking a. the Rceortl went to. roots and be. derelopiag fast tote a
tree. I have last paaaed throogh s
ibhket of pepUrs In New Totk. statu
At the m.>oting of the woman’s sor- where trees ot nboat 16 feet In bc4^
In'touching on the subject of stud­ (ton: Mrs. RttoenMtn was deciiwl pies stood no dnoe tagetber (bat a mnn^
ies.' Mr. Keeler thought .aritbroeiic Ident Ip (be place of Mrs. Ramidcll. coald barely push bto way betareen*
shnubl U- rtimlnated from the firvl Mrs.'j. W. Dickerman was ejected sec­ (hem. They were nU (loarlshtog.'healgrade wod elementary- ngrirulture ret^. It was Toinl to coatlnoe tbi- <by ydoag trees, .wftb good, tbJck ■
sughi: He .thought every school woman’s section. A pai>cr on thing* troaks.
should ply stieuUon to.gardening and
Uwtolaaa Hurebase expo
-To my sarprtoe. 1 tenraod IMm my
in scbtiol garilons.
sltion was fead by Mrs. J. W. Dirkcr- galde that this whole llttte grort bad
Of the school in ')sal>elto county, ___ followc*! by rerliailons by Mrs. .prang up from brandten ntnefc Into
taught by Miss Nellie Woodward, he An-llto Osnlner and Mrs- A. R. ildtee. tbe ground after a wi^ niorai bod
spoke In glowing terms, ttc slsm-d From Wuntoy's Record
torn (brm from other trees atoag tbe
rarden ol Imuee. radishes and uiber
The ctosmg boure of the Stnte Farm­ road. A cUl/ more wonderfal tree
garten truck, and sold H. clearing $25
ers’ Instil iito
u-tbc catolpa. known to tooet born oa
the .first .v.->ar: later buying one-half ai^ ’repit-ir
w'uh Inieresi. P. B. Reynolds, aeeoant ot lu tong bean.
arxr snd paying lor it from the sale
half hour ulk. dropping many
The oauipa has such-a teMATk*
I'hdr -vegeubb-s. aside from l-'to hints to ih-»e pn-sem on "Hone,
able vitality that even a tree has bens
worth of picTiirei. and a ll>' chair,
rut down add tawed iato tongUto
(■riip* for KarmtTs ■■
iracbos. Mr. Keeler said, the chib
He said that Mlcbigan wm* um « again and again, to nirtke root aad
obierve., T6 take ifcc siiliJeM la the
si<*ck ralslug or feeding state and Ic sprout and finally grow ap into gopd
lilgbCT studies, he adrocaled a rwral
eonjteqneace needed elevator faeili- ireer. I Mw a feace to tbe middle
high school and the rural schooK
ile*. He spokeof T..IV Terty of Ohio west that eonstoted of a etral^ row
should have even better loachers ihau
who. wiib forty acres and only ibiny at brantUnl catalpas, each at tbom
the city schools, as the rhlldren ha.
this andi-r eiililviiioo. ball
f««t high. The row mas
good » chance for obislBlng
pi-rsis'cn'ly raised clover. potsto<-s so mubenwUcaily straight tbat'frnna-'
knowledge ' Tbe state sehoul
ami wheal. I
deied bow tbe trees had grown «A
riessam. he said, tiitned out only 175
espeetoUy as tbe row was neoriy half
iracfaers a year, while Il.teW wer->
The main thins in g<lHDg <m tba
mile tong. Bo I rode over to them
needed in the rural sebooto a year.
_iarket ir raise and sell thv best. A mad discovered ibsi 'bnrbpd wire was
He elo^ol his dikcusstoe by ruloglx
fapner should always know the exact, siretebed from tee* to tree, erideatly
is the Michigan song Wrd*..saying
u( every pound of -beef or pork or j u « divtoicn frace. Later 1 met (bp
(iiry were the farmer's friends, as an
produee from thr (arm. Some method | owner of the land aad be extobtoed to
Increase In blM life'would help the
.boutd te .devlsyd by which tber; ; cie bow Ibe trees bad come to gram
Inseei problem Bni how to increase
d tic onion'm mciti
mcihod smoug tto I.|n so perfect a line.
ibem was another problem, as they
i “'*«»>« U:"
•*** told bn, 1
had three enemies, snddee eilmanc produce raiaers. .
Byron Haelctt ot Klngolcy spoke>( wanted to raise a barbed wire (mmej
changes, too maev rats, and the butch
hit silty bead <ff (lock and .aid; -Am! along the line-of my property to pnr
tr- bMs. The Ftattoiics on the death
of song Mrils gave 5b dtmtbt to every fecdJbg the year olds and calves c'orer 'vent my cattle from straying. 1 WBt
Coasiderins the popntailop ot hs]^ oats without tfarashicg. wboniiinto ihcwods and w
hra^buckwtarat liru and mill
feed. kM at vmnll eaulpas. i
Traverse City a-W lh >ac. meaning 4
a family, and 2 eats to a famli/ made Thene three brans wore miicd with size. We ebopped the r s off. Mavbosheto of .sliced potatoM and a
g a pedated eod nl the boat; atod
the eat p^toiioc 4.rdsi In Travers
iwed tbe rrowBS off dean, (has mak­
City, these demoytng 2So,(>oo song conple of pails’ ot hot water. VToatd
bird.. ‘Th- H«ng k!id deernase In I" like to add com and want to know if ing stakes abopf eight feet tong.
we drove Into tbe gnaad In
ycaiw. be Mid. was 4» j«ct cent.
The butcher birds, like the Sparrow year olda Wish to flaish them for fall the row xbto you aaw. and iHBCbad •
lived In raws. etc., wbero cau could market ^and Mfp every yea.* ta feed­ oor barber* to (btos.. IWMe e( aU
not prey npop them, bat Mr. Keater ad­ ing market In tbe ferdtog bcHs.- Mr. moatbs tevcrf'staka bad begaa to
rised potoonlng them by senttertng Reynolds tbea told of his experiooee In speoat, aad Mane tbea tbe tease atnkra
petooaed wbeni Bcreenlngii in tbelr pri­ fbedlngcorw to calves. He toM of be have gropn into treee."
e to feed eon when tbry wero
vate qaarurs.
the pair-,
Bebop? OnamlsstoiMw Crisp spoke oi oaly a tew- weeks oid. Also sagRsten
ceairattsattaa of nrbooto aad showed feeding, oats with tbe com. cspeetoliy ladtoa paper, tbe itoctol evgaa at tbe
(wo chaMi hi trfereace to tbe iaranab to young cnits. In oslng libtecd meal Oerokee ancton. to tU yearn old. tt
bmttoa of Ibe sdool tax In WMlewnter it M <mir femli tbe. stock bat also tbe to pabltobed at TnhlegMh nt the aattoa's (TptAW^ Oactelf to prtoiad- ta
township. ThtocnaM. taeMia..bc«vcr> ptoiats to it to a heavy fertllUcr.
E H. ABTEtotorty strrreyur. etoned tba Cbenkae Inagaator Tbe paper to
eome by eentraltolBg- Tbo dtotricl
-iki- lastlUMe % ^ -Talk «■ Borrn- fartlJlM to deal ta poOttos. in oont
ARautooK a
.■ '

dr pabikaitoa to abooi
Vbea (bln agn^ «*• aar^M



-> -

Inverse aty State Bank

here. If you employ anfaeoae to lo I - it U pnipoeed to dredge out a .Mg
After e»rf—« a rear of Ul boalih Mr.
ir ^ tooM rajur the baler, lavir ibej- hltcb to a log it ba» to atore.
cue yoB he will eharce you
to ditch »car <OoMwater for ahoai Iwedrc
.«a.toHcwlB» are the imradrawbjo.’w.'yealawtthen tithe WlcW*a ontla« breeaet of the old Paei*e._ . The.e hare eaw» here that arc aixwea
feet hHig. They have a daaee hall S2d-> far doing -u aad II a maa U av mitaa tu affiwd .better water Ocinilr^
^--rW-ttoeFhbranfrtweofeowi hoiplul It. the bop« that aa op« eiiaaie vhlcb u a <
wuodaman he tut to pay ibem for lo- land to rcciatm a {arte aactioa of land
----------—- JJ*
Xtt» wwiM b* of
to >«»■. H- twMO lb« motaiw of CoUfoniUV here, t b« floor of whirh If a Mock fros:
fli'.d m.v <fWO iaad anil - A Baginta maa kickod oa pa'-las X T. HMINAH, B
ee. I will eorreei that a Ihile.
». it
nm *M<:
•«».»«»»•< br bU wUe. bu porpeit-i
ood lb# ■olw. «mi
They dance <«e *e< oa the Moeh aal ran locate .ntt( aa wtdi aa aayhody.' one rcat to the toUsatr keeper no the
S. OAMLAND. Pwhlaf. .
y-------- Ctefta OidomwJdRii^wr.
Oideme«.i4aa<bt^. Un.
Mra. Dirt*.
Dirt., otH
aod brother. V. muoxu of W**hltB«OB. »bere a p^•^
reet of the"SiK*r la lumber. Tbey 1 hav>: golte a eumber td homuBlFadt. bridge, bat w^ mofr than Wi:MBa to
^■—.. -Li.,.- ^
B. j*„j. The opwwtoa arts partoned fe«. a^JHi aad romparattvrb ever
do not get aoow ben it. lumber cm i torated a-t* . but I waa; to get the beat get o«i of the coaeegtH-nf irouWe b>
Sr!L.' ftntfhmbJh Vwe l^:'oa rrtdar awrols*. Deeeeber Wtb teapeaiere la found; where the lui
.rn ">•“ ■'■■■««'
Bnm..Oar«rt«: mmtr Rich- aod he leaaed away oa New Tear a ctw. peaeb. pear, pmae ainl roar T.„b.„....™ ,.,m »!!
ftfty toga to get e tboBMOd
th..a*an.i feet,
feet. I
Ranaai. Orach L^e; nortfuf at aeren oetaek. with bia (^Mfcod apple aboar^•»'
■ling -that
log rlitoen ton ■nng
L-lt tlfdlhe Lea* Lake; Joaeph , wife, two hanghtera aM a Imaher at atrawberrr. the .grape.
^aacork Elkt have dc-rU^ to apen.
they »ald had 5»i.ho(.
ar_ MiyiaM; Joaeph Logie.. hit badalde.
the neteoBBd
a dot the .>r
"I lell roo^ U •«».!* l.< g.-i Umied
The bereaved famllr hroaiAt th- Ule bill ata^ and raUer*: whereIbc
A Gesoil
J. M. MBkllB. PeolBBuUi
'itWtawaWf: W. l>. Baa- hoabaod. father and brother to tVbm -• *rtdet> augs«a aparkle la the pebWy
e^uSm: D. M. Wlnlefa. flral water oa BuBdar aftefhooa and the re iBouatalB hrooka. at ther wear ihrouga
W Blaghae. aeooad sialaa were eacourted to the aaddeaeo', the gold tiadded c|t!anx ledgee; wherr
SroM COMeama.
wut: Arthur IMprae. ttlrd «ard; KbBe hr brotlUr Mawma.
the lacmaialB foreata abound la eaiai
VMMfc MtilBar rboth sard; TboBaa
The ruaenl.aerrloaa were held frota vbue down deep la thv ragged ran
MMm, nrih ward: «atwr Thaaker. the BelMrtd chnn* oa the folhiwins poaa ihe a;reama aSord a apawaing
n Botlwr and Accident Insurmftce.
--------- oacar rUtMb. Blair: Adtore Taeedar. Ber. E. Cotaba of the Lulhet.. pj,„. for the Boral Chlaook aalmoo
the apecfcled trout, wht-n- all t»
the fuaeral an
llarttf■ IkM Bar: LewU Perry, an church
mmUted by Rer. Foiter cif tbv uire aeemi to hare cunaplred
rth Uht: Flalflr Bamoad, OaiBell
Reformed chnreh and Ber. Warcham Mae for the comtoriF aad eawymom
of the Baptln of Wleblta. The regun^ kind la the fonaailoa and ra
Death Rpil.
ware laid la the Whitewater Hcty of reuouttea of her lleldv. foi»*t»
I Z. UviagatoB waa barle-i
I. the eanrlee being canwtMT. brother Maaooa uf the hea»-r and mlaaQil are*: if you w.
Traverse City.
Room 310 New State Bank Building.
la lha A(»e eharc|. The fuaeral wa» lodge haring charge and parformlaa *«h-----atliallTf by the men la a body from ,bp gm him over the remain* of ;pur lot la >be great rmiwua or Bogndm oaap where ha wadiad aad about',hem departed brother.
Hrer rallgy* of •cwibwrmera Oregot:
Inrir rMBg'maa of hla owa age ware
George W’. N«al wai bora Augnat !9.
k you long for the •cenery of at
•prmal The pall baarera were al»a ign. ip BuUer couaty. paaniylraal*. luly and the air «>f brareo. water that
.hit fWifi^m Thera wen a aumher He waa the flfth
nine boy* aad had u a««iar. iced by tbe mighty glacierVery beat of dental serrleo
< at eteraal 'aaow.
the glfu, three atatan, Uie oldeai being' now the of tbe
only. Tenth year of practlca.
-oaty one allra. She la aged about <d. hauau of tbe *tanled deer, the stately
Tour psiroaag* aollclicd. U
■ I
Oeerge W. Naal eallatad at taU eoua. «ik. bright pinmaged Urda aod the
New Munson hnUdtnc. uader K.
DwBtd limoa. a ploaaer of lolaad.
*blnlag trout of
df P. hail on floor with DockeriUad at hte boam than on Thoradgy of
before the reglmeat left if you would be Uled t« j
ay'i Bustoem College aod 4*«r
ante a** of «- Th« tbe stata. Afierwarda be i
Singer olBca.,and
.CaammI waa haM from the chuaca ^ ^
^ strength, the------------—
Our prwcriptioo compoundiBg it carefully guarde.1. Iwt an error might
;•»' lamad BatwBhy pfiefBooe at l
Wlaconsla VolooUar Inlaatry. He of aatare and aaiitn * Ood. then seek
be made and thereby betray tbe confidence }'oa have in the RED
.•'dm* la (Barga df W. B. Aaderaon.
^ Hagaralowa. Md_ before they tha ghftloBa. Inderorlbabl.- Caecaden

reeelred their anas. He was la many pad you may revel at wUl In ihi* vor.CROSS.
WtghWaan BrnRh WsddMf.
bard ftm^t battlm. among them pMirt of all that rest*, elevate* an.
A eary pcdtty mldwlater weddtag
>|opa,p|o, AaUettB. Cedt. roflnaa. aad you may know ih.- mroa
man mtemalaed ThaiaigT ilfht at the
Oetiy*' igg of the ereatkm a* you
n *«rt «os WiUwi*i Bi*e».
utUia. Cba
fh«w of Mr. aad Mra. P. M. Hamlla
^ .fterward la the New York dreamed of It before.
t*x ci*uc put IS Mrigaa**.
)10 Maai E^ih ■«•«. the groom
^ jj,
|h*n be weai . ah iau aad more li Oresoi;. tmls
.•’hEa* a w«bid>te TOMB ■■^®*'*;’w!ih the JOtb amy.corp* uader Jo- ipu gneew of the Hactfle *iai.-»
c City. Mkh.
AiantT E. GioerstkY. Manager.
iteW d Datroit, Uwla W. Bmlth. and
Hooker In Ibe Army of the Cuai- sneaUied with all that 1* loTeUe*t i.
tteh»Ma.aeery«harmtagyottBglady.b«iand aad wa* la the battle of "MU* regetaUoa and crowaAi with tbe idl-.
,Mlgi UUak Wlfhtmaa. Tbe eaiwmoay
Ridge. Reaaaeea aod Dana*. tsHag prodoet* of her mine* la »1It«c
Waya. Owmr »wk B%-BSTBOn
Mh pattormad by the Bw. Hugh Boawaa wounded and afterward* .pd gold.
^ tt the Aabary M. B. ch^ la gi^bargad at etplratioa of aerrtee. ir.
ite fcaoMea flf« aamhm- of tateUre*
-wiacongln. July. WM.
Priaads here have recelred a Iriie.
imad to WieaoaflB la IS«6.
from Mr. Van Hynlng. from which th.
m marrM to MIm Stale 1. foHowtag'etiraet* are given;
..rin. wmA *fwi «>iv» ■- T----------------- ^ am well plea»ed with the oountr



Tire Insurance!

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Money .to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

r •


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Cb« Store Chat FilU tb* most Proscriptions


the Red Cross
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American Drug Company



r “n?-rur::


adaeorated he -weat into tbe lumber buaiaeaa.
ibow here for a a B than there 1rthhmm aad wed- ,pyom Peabody he moved to Bralamtl ter
j, wamtlapoa. I am Its mile* true
ate. afterward ..
In Bpohaoe ,„d

>%ate or «te aapa aatMlal.

_______________ _


Whltowalar he mdd .the• lamhm da

■Q 'SBifteSr^irg."^^
M their mathma

•“ tte -o^. for . wh, have

•A « BMaro on She oaai
tn -■.I.
I an la trblta. Ue
,r,|r. ns *__■ tittle
naf aMTA*
ana lae ornmum ^
la tte petal! of aa Amerteaa
teMBr fM. MMb Dome Wyaknop.
of the bride, wai the hrldeamald
MI-OfM 3mm. aleo a doaaln of the

Wh. Md. hmhml hwT charBhig tn
a* hrldt'a roaea MUa Wya-

beYoreVean *epack oa my back aad «m, la ih.
j hare g« a .urveyor . chal.
I will see what«aa Bad as e
B gel In ibt

aoW to hh brother. U J.
In im he waa remarried h.

TH* eroamtlBu la faal a brief history
^ reapeeted dtiwa. InfliiwtlB!
aad lot4d by all who knew Urn, He
had a teadm; heart aad eeaehy te am
farm wa. repagnaal to him. Thoae
only who teew.bwt can reallae the
The bereave;
of aueh a i
liy have the' dyepeet aympathy .

OB flee acree of land here than be ca.
..................... .......______ w_________
out here to buy a place ht

I wriod

' *





and over the Cascade »aaau.lai.
*rttl make your hair «an<l oa rad
place* in them.

friend and a it:

«a«ple dfi w« wife had bees opokea
Letmra Pro , W. J. Van Myall**..
._____ . A------------.I.A *._Ua
te'tte ila*. Rteh KanaadT. the bride Bg„or Herald:
and groom war* radplnta
gome of my friend, wanted to.knou
teirty eoagrotautldte aad good ’what kind of aptooeOragoo la.aad th.vMtea. •.
gnawer mu* ha Oregoa M all klod!
After tte eersmoar a robataalhu pf » puce. If you waht to behoW ..
waMlM npter waa aarradtatte prat- *Mert. hot. paattag. palptuilng ti.
tUy daaotami dfaflag room. Tte menu !»,*,««„. mmiess sommer hwi.
•; where thf Jnnlpm-U the only vegetaOoM hoQad tem..
tktn and the acream of the eagle, tbe
growl of the congnr. tbe howl of the
Prme«l ehtdma oa tettana leaven, ^ote and ib^cry of bird* of prey are
PlritMa.. .
the only m>und* of life. eon.
OoBaa. ' tto the-ipot between the Blue monn
' PVuHMlad.
tain* of easten Orwon and the k>n>
•uawharry toe cream, brtdk form,
Aaamtad eakaa.
- If yon wlih to dwelt where the great
* Tte Blalag room waa la charge of mung hllla and deep aprlng water*
a Tana Wynkoop aad tha aervlBh caamu are covered -with 'the swem.
mn«MhrtteMl*MUIaPMcnon. gpe buntdigraa.. lo emerald m .prian
TMaa WBhalaimpM^ BmarUwalte nad full mt all the *epla, browu and
aad Rroala 8mBlrowalt9^^
yellows the reet oi the year; where
' VTtea tha gdteu bad Balriied glrlag
herdi_^^tttc. h«*M aod
attUBrioa to the aBatn of the dlalas
mder at wfil. finding abundant
room tte unmiifBy waa
paatur* tbe year
year' romd. where tbi
vaiioB* lalmned members.
pore spi
by the.
■ ar« onl$ rivaled
Mr. ijfd Mra, BmUb.wero tte roclpifeet above
earn etfiuar beauttfol prouohtt. mo* Uie wa level: where tbe ptclun-sooc
uf ttem bring toUd tUrw. la addltku. no*rt»y U to toe met on bu native
ttey roerived many congiatulaUoa. pMth. sombrm. ehap*. gaunaei* anu'
aad good wtahea from frlmid* from a •par* all lo evidence, and wbeiv Vn*
I from cle 8am Mill has toome* galOre. i<
ouat of the alotm ed th* g,ren tor ibe asking, thrii «Mae to tb*
aThey wfllremriaXere nigh, fertile, btn. windswept, often.
•mratgl day* aad then go to DetnUi. 4rongbty regioaa of eaaiern Oregon.
wtero they wtU make thrir tetae at
if you desire a elimate wbere the
tte Oroad Uataa teiri for tte wtatak. lender row* bloom until New^>4af
Mr. BmMh to aa adliortol wriiw on m. tbe gardens and b^-igaln In
tte Orinlt imnal aad to a talented luirii. where the msfiTYnd mlsileioiywme man. Mlm Wlgbtmaais a youag Uw Boston and auOdentelr (etas, tbe
Iniy' wtlk a varr, large eirrir nf friends Oregon wfld grapes and endiM v*
u wtah ter teppfBUSi
rtoty of amnses trie with each other tn
Iteguamfromoutoftherity wen maklag k>veiy'-the forews of ev^e
Mr.ateMn.O.A.Bri^amc(Grawa. gnam. oak* and maples., with Ite*Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Btaait ol l^roe .ag there a warm leaved laurel wltfc
trunk and toranriMo of fresh aalmon

lint, when at the approarii of the rainy
srosou they have shed iheir hark.
TW many old
trfoaBa to tthU regtor wber* the greet rivet* ahbuad will.
>ld triotea
«f O. B’. Krou mm Btod a nhorl tlms Ash of every deneriptton. where frnli
ago la Wlehiu. Khtomn. win te tator «>f all.varicrif*. save those of the very
eutod la the roilowtag otmuarr. whle> tropica, are grtnro lavtobi)-. than hto
apteated January it. la -the Whlie- yoo to the v^ley of the |fl^ Vii-;


We have a very complete line of heating stoves fdt this
•eaaon of the year, and if you are thinking ot bnyin^ one it
will be to your interest to
and eaamine our stock wd
get oar pritxs, fat we are olTering a liberal dbcou&t on all
heating stoves for the next flO .lays.

aoth^ig about lumbertag. A tret-'
1* teg feet lArough the stumii I* •
small tree here. I did not tlilnk suck
timber could grow. There are place.
*«* t* 'bo coa.t where they carry
»>«h tH«n. ‘«» <•«">»' «‘.t th.
You may think 1 am lylug. bat
K “»*■
Th«f do n« nm
“> vkM'log*. They um
»»*» *>»■>• «« “donkey*.- They nn
««■“ «**“v*. They go lo the »nm.
•« • >««* ««" doe, then-, but whet
— -:
. J-r-tt-


\\*faei you feel Unfrxiid, tirrd, |
nervous and irritable, your vi' i
tality is low—jouf su
nerx’C energ*’ exhaust'
your svstem running down tor
of power.
The organs of the body arc
wwking poorly, or not at all,
and .you are not getfing the
nourishment needed.
' Tliis
'liis soon
Jimpoverishes.the blood and in­
stead of throwing oil the im­
through tbe body. 'ITiis brings
disease and niisciy.
Feed the nerves with Dr.
Miles' Neiyine, a nerve food, a
nerve medicine, that nourishes
and slgengtliens the nerves, and
sec how quickly you will get
strong and vigorous.
nrevloua ta • rro-nl stuck «C t>-j>b(Md
le»-»T. IJUt sRer tre rrvtii«T from
fever. sB* WB* much -sorsr. snd vnuld
bsnltr voelrai henM-ir br:sg rir-—siInsbr nervoui when I'le l»«< rJviG-d.
ate MS rwy rcrUm *t nlgt;t. s»4
never bad a good mabt» r.*t. 8)>«
sIfc suWertO siim'Ii from nent-uF h-sil*
sehe. l>r. toUec- Nervine s**x ret-eai-

144 Fr«'nt Street

Co,. EUuirt; Ind



Costoiii Sawing and Pinning Dona
Traverse City H^. Co.
earner Lake are. sBd 10th ri.



6[oing to Build?
If «o, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy -y^our material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Crautrst
Side City,

Not the old shoddy, but fresh from

Save Your Stomacli
Never miml the wiapprrt. \Vc"can’t ;;ivf you
anything for wrapper- from Chase v'v Sanborn
Coffees and I'cas.
^’ou get your value in the
goodh.” ^■ou can't 251 better coffee tor any price
than our C. & S. S'eal brand Coffee at
Vn is
sold for fifk all over the countryt. Wc arc agents
for C. vS: S. anti wt: are in |K)sition to
>'<>» this
price, 4acriftcing pyrof our profit. - Try a >arnplc
order and sec for yourself how much truth ihi re l^
in our statement. We have other gratlcs from 15c
to 35c per pound. Wc grind eolfee to order. c6nrs<or fine.


reel, and at th* *nd of thevBrM week's
treatment »he *r*> w«aderf>illr• »ei-,
yeaT*& Osailaaed naa of Ncrvta* be*
romptoUd bw rouro
Jril ChetTT SU Uvaw.Ute. Id*


i.awdu.W Wor

pj^ ,
,he Black Butte goM^lne
1 tel
and got *


rillt aad f
rv* 'Ajilh
that mada tte happy








Standard make. b-A aod
They are strobg at 1 cbeap>*


maaetoorde, prooptly. Oaly tte-rcfybrot mg'
terial Bed, and fnlly gnsaBteed in Cfeiy rapeet.
TbaCtre made to OM ag wen ro triL They are
not-made of cheap material, and ghroa g Aa^
finirii to catch fhe ey^ b«t are durable. eemfoR- '
able, anti neat. Tbe cheapen on tbe market, quality eomnderod ^
Once used and you win buy no other make.


126 Stale Street a UiCtOr PeteilyL
Have you ever tried tbe



Jio^al tiger
Tbev are the best.


Sole rody bf '

dtoO Kammto ^rarodi

u • Wi*
*(k«. Om»« Tnrfne

tats as Uraer ebanitde tbrooKb wblA
ly and more rapMly.

«oor lliMlw iau> lk« nratertow cUa.

utay soUs urer ooe-lblM of tbv apace tstlag career.

tan M « k»is<lM ten «»»
■Me^-iteUtac «r iht imien. yet »

Is left lacaat

vkkk few of as bsv.

tbanseU* When we come to dlaOown
fanher tbao a Itooi deep into the oarto

many atua'tlng parties.

would tuna be ien racaot.

' ’

Hiro the-t

raois and air aod the panick.-.

We caaDoTan so to a foreiva

srr paebta


of poeumunla

pulDi U ibas^o soil U nut noarlr

•ve antOcs sbowlof bpa aatwR bai

wdid as we bad aapposta. Iwi tbai

tTTMged UKen la ibe soli tor lbs

:bete It abundani room not cniy Ttn

■rowtii of ptaau.

water and air. tat for ibe entiaoc.

Tbere oesi f<rflow'

tk» (Irea.

before our attention U called

aaawari 41recUy to ne U you are ooi t

wide ranatioa In the also of tbe sob

pcbolars la tbr poUte >cboob.


We know

that ibe


ara you are lo taaad then to ibe teaeb-

patlictea themsrires are simply piece.

ar. wbo will corraet tb« annmar aa^

at rock, little bits of stones sround oC

«aUlBs aa4 wltt tbca .torwan! to ne

»f Isrger ones by fbe ncticn of trusi

Aa aooo as the aaswen can be care

ke or of water or of aH ibese forces

JMmra .ttiasa to y«u. wMb nai«|^as to

igan. one ncoulnted with' this kind of

Aaotber aerii

and bransfat down ftom the north b>

ifa ameua, tMa aaptfaer cumins



sro«tb .tas 1^ tiwatta. a flaal ex-

«ta> pass ft. a eenlinte will bo u.

vtB be Biraa. and u tboai

Later aerlaa of articles will cot

ar ibe JeadlB* of artmaU. care of or-







ghcat sheet of- ice which.' at one
lima, corered


ibe face of the

he had gone all over the raiisir.'


some capacity


wlrti a


tifying the skin, lor cleanaing the


ttaj. Pond


ihinB would pay satin.


thla eras unceruln.


‘Abont three months
from New York

by Uaj. Pond, was now ready lor. tie-

ground up the anrfaec rork and
made onr aolli from ibcm.

veakimssei, sad many Sanative, aati-


aepUe parposca which ns«U3y suggest

a panorama of New York city urdereJ





Ibe bill.

At last be said.

In a

public as a






and appearnnoea.
Some of bate been too c^d-hloo<h.-d. W’c must
ibem are an large that we call ibepi. dlsgtilse our enUTtalumentaiiUi a bigh-

boalden, otbers we can aSmply "flelr.
ftones." while tbe great bulk of ibt-ir

kalun tgnst'shoa l.

of ihe dry dirt that eotutitutos out
fertile soli It

up of .parUcles ex^

-eedlagty amall.

We must get used.

standard fill again beeai e normal.

'who were in tbe war of tbe rebellion

Saginaw Evening News the other day.

Several bandred dollarr have alrt-ad;

existed In thera emnll partielea.


been aubacribed. and It U.toped that


tbtnnb and linger.

than a bondraltb of Vn iadb b diam
between a bnndiwdib of .an Inch
and n . tbonrandtb


between *

tbat.Ti woald take three thousand of
them to


an laidi |o length, and
ti tbey-reoBlrv

finally tbaae'so
2S.MU to the Inch.

soil there wonM be thirty-one pound*
of the tannilrod with diameters ta

Tbs' mat

tween a bnadredlb of an Inrb mad u
thousaadtb, and Ic-tbe cUy but thir­

tmealBfa thraugh wblta tbe iooia of teen poundM. Coming lo-tbe still small­
pianu caa eitar and of long ennun- er particles. BO small thni It woulu


Uke from 1.000 to 3.000 to cover a

..^|AHch water eaa more or tbe raoileis liaoar Inch, a bundrad pounds of ih<
. aMw. The elUes wbl^ we have ria-' saiHly noil Voutd have forty-ais psonds
Im.^. made np of bnltdlags larg-

anil the

^y tblny-tbree

pound. .

When wc come to tbe really amaU par

aad' Miiall wUb sirocu beiw<
Jh^Mdi paitiOea eery in alse and bare ticlea. so little that U.OOO ot them
r^i^^wayt between tor the traOc ttat placed side by aide would taiely reach
■tat- tak« piade in carrying on 'the an Inch, tbv sandy soU wouip MTc,
baalbfOa of graving plaait and prepar­
ing food for them.
mtj nra

The stieC^s of a

level. or.'approKlmaiely so.

vhliathe ■traima la tbU kingdom ur
'in '


the points at tbe

127-131 State Street


will soon possess a secund River Siyx.

Traverse City, Mich.

i It ii* located up north of Bay City aiul
... headline

Not htagago Ruse Cl:y people baa Damned Vp."

Women in Out Hospitals

of an Inch and so smnli




of Ibe wel^l of each oi
tbeae sofla la made np of gtmica largo

ta tar tram a a^ mass. It 1s full ot


log aaipmcr.

might U‘ Infemul

Let ns see wbat

aa they are. there ap- bundradib of bn Inrb or Isrger. In.tbv
litiinde of ebaaneh. clay tat slx-poiuds. Next. In the atnii}

. mnna

the memorial will belA place the


From n beadline appcnrlng in tbe

feallBs as we preaa 11 betwren the

Id-A hundred potigds .of ttae.aand;
Aa tm enter tbe
■oB^-we note that, to onr eyes, armed soil Just about eighteen pounds artarltb i
we may made up of grains with dUmeters of „

and of all alsaa and abap^


couple ot loral business nx-n bougM

secure the erection of a mooMpent i-j
r tbe Greenville aoldietv

> anaatawiy taagglng.

I ibo par&lea of soil. ebanneU

flag comiM-iiturt- out of bhsiiu-vs.

a earkmd'uroll at lu reals per gallcu.
typhoid fever, been nearly cooked
. ,
. i of IHius. but the SianiUrd people Im
death ta a vat of boiling water and'
mediately got luisy and through
ioat four children, all til one year
cal firm, l-- cem o'.l was suM for f>
cup U sarcly slopptnic orer the oilgei.
rents i>er gallon au<l the Ihiii* oil buy!
Subscriptions are being aollciied i.
^hen tlx- lulce ~

proponton of the weight of the soli

cUy. svenUnpy without much grltiy


this trust could «lo-ln rise way of p:i(

Yon fanve teadr realised vhnt a large

take two samples of soli, one s

ITta fertile sail teems with life and b

octopus ibat gave them an idea wkai


u far ns the aoppiy of pinnt food goes.

sandy loam and the other n heavy

3«ntbl^ coaM be farther, tram tbe Uct.

,, 'an experience with the Staodartl On

It 'was “I

John Ucnon of .Menominee Ik thhas low n finger, broken a leg. had

cf the toll.

ftwt Ibe idoa that the mailers com


000 of tboin placed aide by aide to span

np of paHIclM as fln<> as that.

^Itiidog the soil are simply dead dirt.


ffloai unlucky man in hflcbigna.

tee them, but they are there apd fonn

HERE is what you need to protect you duVing our severe winters. HERE is your
chance to buy right. We are closing but
our entire stock of winter goods. BAR­
GAINS? Yes, the Greatest Ever Offered,
pome and judge for yourself.

li was finally decid-!'

Invade the frlctaly

things 60 amall ibai U wtnild take ii.

tat aoiuir half tbe weight of dry clay


cemed too near,

ed fo “lotc * it across the MUsfppi
PraptaeUc name!

It takes a pretty

lAt m banlab from ^ minds at the


Any place wlilii-.

Use cod of the chapter.-"

That la pr«iy amall


tbonBaad miles of New York citv ^

tenth ot no InAi In diameter, nor ever

linear Inch.

.4r' ittn flOatit Aaacrlbcd ysally look ana








.‘here to exhibit IL

tberafore. ‘o tblnUag of things nul
a hnndredib of an Ineb across, but ol

^ V'



name of

the Infant

A ektaer cumlnatloa of this dirt re

imln entrance to tha kln^om ami

After niut^

cvolvta tbr

whalwecall dirt

eesUs Uw fact that orer half the weight

pm to pietare to paradraa Jasi how.

sounding title.

aft so small that they go lo^makv uj-


Cnticura Soap combines delicate
emoUient pro;>ertjia derived Irom
Cutieura. the great skin ettn.-, with
the purst uf cU-aUMUg ingredients
and the most txlrv>blai' of fiuwcr
No other meiticalid suap
ever<l is lo lx- eompared
with H for pri-scTving. purifvinu. i-nd
bcautifyHnc the skin, scalp, hair, aod
bands. No other forctsti ur .louusUc ;
toilet soap, h.nseier expe-nsiie, is to j
be conimridwithjt for sll the pur- ‘
p^-» of the tbihtf lutb. ami nursery.
Tlius it coinlifnea in one sojp
ill skin sn


What was to be dune*



poses of the tcdlet, bath, and nursery.

voice. *T never dreamed be would iak<

itee^ advlsaWc to offer .It


axAbers, as well as fur alt tbe pur­


Here was trouble and a lut <>f

Prau aras speechless when be sa*

It brongbi

great amonni of this croand rock

whitcuing. and~
snd soothing

offcnaii-c perspiratioa. for alcerstive



in talking tbe mailer over It wa» ni>.

«hR nasd the bdp of osr Imagtna-^


anno}-ing irritftioas, or too


Maj. fkind being on business, n

It aertously.'*

W# abBlI bars to


red, rouph. snd sore bands, lor baby

Tbr mAiJect wa»

livery, ata incioslsg

baary, and. as H mored southward, ii


drotmed and w^thoagtat no mort kboui

Vto sbeot oMee was very thick

lo And ibeM panicles of .nil aUea.

IT. srr.

To Cure a Cold in One Day

id tbe.stopinng of falUng bair, for


Knowing tbeae facta we are prepared

^,, ,

g I

alp of crusts, scales, and dandruS,

great I«


IVait thouchi

rrn and middle asetlons of tbe aute

I- win jUta to W.

eunten-wy teena aUJ
aaAo lo a
. art-Uiiaiau. AAln«« A. f. ttafLuai
KaaS MsIB atner. Tiaaacae <3t>.

ra Ointmeiit, the grunt sVia •

wbal a kit of money It made for the

from the north nod left It In the aontb-

• and the rsiara o;


MOlfons of tbe world's best people

for pteacTTmg,.purifying, and beau­

Aplesa win ^ ftreo lb Unsa wb*.

M Anrt the seholan ol

AN.mut; Ui n<-BK VAKK. a-»-iWlFtma.
taraa iSsa-last kmt ol i>4aioWiearsik 10 return to^bU street, with pm-

ilous crowds It drew rVerywhrrr. am*

Wbaa the eattre aarlct Is coapleted. a


I did c'M tbksk of h6mv or family tmiii

uc Cnticcra Soap, avMsteil by Coli­

Near York diy. aod u>td uf the tmarn-

Jy nnd moved eontiaiially sontbarard.

durds ata oibcr aaHenlutral lopto.

(ta pap«n-

i left, the crowded <»r. but rbe pastor

SoM WliHmr Civilizitjoii Has

Id our utAce one afternaon. Mj-

Interested, and a-oadcred

setlng togetber. Wc. tlio lire in bllcb
soil* made up of amnU pieces of rod

: wroav a aay way.

Hnthway writes uf klr. Praii


scarcely entered the soil

Yob are to seta la the

hMltad orer aad oorracted. I shall


likKfc euid
-rvtai. n>t.iT.U
is>4.iT.u IwT
{wT anaW ail
> atbu.!: -eKar.- U.WK

r hlv
! wile had rearbed her dusitnaUBB and

|ian. spoke of tbr lime when as a 1w>>

TUi papar««rlU~ iwblUu

If yoa


Parts of tbe

plvaxfi the
well ttat be repeaird ibeie

Sale OreatartlM theWaHirs I
PnORterOtlnrSkinSoain 1

yiT Pond was lellhig ranie of fats art-

ud growth of roots as wrIL

aa esanlBAiioa covertnx the lastruc


racftnl ai the theater.

Toilet Soap.


Abbuit/ ano

He aras taih the ISmmn AUwly wbe^ Ihe prims donna dieC

Wbai wv waat lo lean wo tu t

U *s propoRfl 10 publish



' with tits wife atended an on-htiira

The World’s


more, Henry Ward Beecher (as leet-


)fit do toots force them apart.

a«r owa Jam hotan aa<l tbeli- aor^



Jiary A.

etosSAy -locctbei. uren. Clara Louise
Lbaise Carey.



bereaa brought ont John'

rbe» are nerer disturbed by the plov

, MOR iBUmiUc iblan. eiota by. 1*-

tta qtaatltas.

TbeWmld^ Greatest
Skin Soap.

Lout he en­

temlly. and while with
Anna D. Otekeaaon,

thrwDcb ib'e eyes of iiaaBUuatoii. tee


these aervasari

fen. D<il orer a ibird of ibc'apaci


wlDwr. tat

During Ibe dvll war.

■bough too yonng for a addler buy. be
Newborn. N. C.. aod loinea


we Pad less ata lesa racaot space the tered the ibeaulcal field, la I8T3 he
flunber wo BO. aatU at a depth of fpnr acted aa ageai for tbe faaoos Bergen

. OUw »IM«- !>■«>«• '<« «n&ed witb ibe


^o la eoarae

fn» spinal meoingllia. had an Inter

tkeldffHrlBC i» lb« fn<. ufN»lns Uw

Com at wo«k. qr the " - - *


Ctelea H. ftatt. Wbose death oe-

«be air and watw caa more atore free­ enrred at Jackson aPer a Uon llln<

mr tMkta. ncta^is siddy wh»i H


•Ute Neva.

leas vaeaat apace aad wbat tbare U
He«M will

patm a' •««««» at urtfetcs, of wbieb


hundred ponndt. but

Appalling Izkcrease in the Number of Operations
Performed Each Year—How Women May
AvbJd Tl>em.




■r . *^v--T




Note that

nvariy half the wdghi ofltbe day Is It,


jmclpl^. while the

or tbe ptiita' of tbe tartmi. imndy soil is eomporad printfimtly o:
grains with dlameieta v^lng rnm
They ran In in
lo ano-^hi-.,oJknn.
•rr of an p^Ue ^Ises and vbapea.
i campers- randtb <ff an inch. A* we sha.i hi
later, oitr whole theory aud pracile.
of cuHJvaUoa. our wbuiv trcaimcot cl
Ihe soil depends on the relative slw
of' the soil particles.' lYbere a soil t>
composed Isi^ely of sand, wc^ mu;-i
adopt one sci of croprrand ai^-i 4u«r
adopt, ont' siyle of caMJvatlon. Wherv
the soil is ’argely made np ol rla> w
bxyi- isnolbcr set of crops and amxaebi.vIl-

uf .cuIttvffUoD.

An almost infallible remedy for diseases of the yThroat bad
Lun^ known and used the worid over for almost a century. -

and tbe, day would have forty-clgbl,
Do not forget those figurn.


Givy ^ll>»u]<l roui.-ralx-v 11
... ......................... W"mrn lrtcd,nn€! true rctm-l.i.
aod girls, who are cHhrr awaiting
The fol.«:w;fig,h-it.-rx i-atmni fall to
or rcooTcriog from _ arrioas upeiw- bring hope t-j H.->|«iHog v
Mrs Kr«l Soyrtrl. 41?-V. r.ith ?>irect.
Why xhoBl.l IhN I.M1IC rtoe?-. Sim- w^Ni lTiiladolphis. ra'. ivVilo.-.
ply becaav? thi-y have avgIvcUvl them„
^ari.u and w,«nb IcubU-.
reodiU-.. *
are certalnjy on the- incrraw among «nHrV...iufur«ivi r lh*.U»ri -utbe-women ttf IhU roilnlry—they creep and-wsriaii irould* and 1 rtold ti-* .
npuo them unaware*. Imt everj- one of •■hiM O) maiuritv, an I wa« a4vi.^<.
sHvi.* ' Ilia- an
11mm-palicnt> lathe h..%pU»| Ws ha.l ■i-rati.«i wa.n,y nli-vh-.j- >>f
plcntv of warning in that b.-aring- --oiiM wu lanr u> ihmk-i ;;'>*ag«n
.Wn-f.-cliug. p-:n at Icft ore^ght of
•he womb. norvtftisv\linu»tu>n. pain m y rt.hli^'-nmnnui I■ and I am i
the small of the l«a>-k. leu!-orrliifj. li:/.-' »--fi
tnlenev.displai-ymrni. of th.- giH J*^'niiB'*olil^l a-i.i—•ail
____ ,h or Irregnlaritk-.v
All of IIk-m- «ittcnng
tn wtI'v y «f-wadv.~- as
ai-mptoms ate ladioaUons of an un- .von have d-iorio niui for r»-‘

W Mi

"Tol. I



. .



we.have all cons of

rlay and wand,
U bat
Imi In
alTof. tbi
bnlk of the wrtght Is in grains Biaall(.i
than a Iboavadth of aa lack In dUmCt.-r.

When toe sand

■ hen- are

reUtlvoiv few



/bmll as one iw-vniy^lve


loal^^ "^rtaeiifa'^r.n'rrrrevrithlrT.gntaobliged to go Ho the b.v-piial and
mit to an operaihm —but m
that Lvdia E. Piakham'a Vc, _
tas eared Ihonasnus of
,____ ,_______• ____
• • operatioa*
V^DRO fnxn anrgical
WhcB uomen are tronhW with ir-;

X-lUv uu n». M.t
«a.l 1 had an ahme
ahrvw- na
r« ivfaa
lid Imvri ibavran.i.-raia
................... .................
^jtolnwMtrT.I.ydia i; 111
■Mr is*brt-*ant«l
banr* V.
V<«e«atiiv Cuoi|>«ir»l a-a la.* rrv,
nn-l It ir4 aid' anal m» rr«a>
Ion diad*nvMtBslrwrII.'

it will pay you to gift; us a call, as wc have a fine* line of Cutters, Rolics.; Blankets
and Sleiyh Bells. If ) Ou anticipate buyin;? a
next sprin^now is the lime to
gel one reasonable, as wc have a complete line on lilt; iloor.
Call in ami get one of our llKi.’, Calendars.

loams a torge prui<ortlon ..

-3*1, E
P nlvbam'-. VrgrtaV.le Co.
lb. ttia: ' pmind at once rnnuvn soeh Irtuihles.
tneat or nk-eraiKm of tta
benring-dovni l<-eling. inOammi ttioD of I Ri-f a*e in bar aay other medinae. for
for flat- «ni need tte lw‘.
^le in this .first (eaaon.' tbe/^ren
Mn. |•inkb■-:l. Inrites all-I'.-b w
nleorvi, general dvbUiiy. iixii;
nmoutii of vacant space in nil auilr esn
are hnwt

- j
' *toI write ber
Ilevadviue and
and nervons pro*llktioB.
pro*liytion. or
of ihe tiulk .wiuxanrn
la«u-.:n>edieiSe hare restore-! tliou.auds vritbawh avmpiosviVvdtujiuAs.
•lode, exuluhilitv. irriUbBIJv,nervous-(health. Addreu. Lynn, Mav,.
cf the anil partlein.
the' wtlgH ts made up of-theie smal.

■ -

E WlkMl TfiKtilik


mktuk...............•..... 11 iiiAi j - ■


trnntit men Mers M



: 1-



The greatest money saving store in Northern Michigan. It has

given hundreds of Bargain Sales but this is the last one we will
ever give and is by all odiilsthe cap sheaf of all sales.

... . .

Mtdft 69iii0


Out of Business

Gii.»to»ovc lo.l«s»ejtr. Tou oir
tore «»<her,W»timitr like llii.10 etn leooer.
JMtnt. I(youtote»’«ioiier-bom),itbt it—W il--l<*Jt «»>el«»

The Store and FcxTibw far Sale <

Ws Sak 7s Tinal


........ '..........2f

7%c point U light here, to elosc tlris
Bto^ oat at “ortinarT" calc pHcec '
woQld take 100 Ions. There It ne thne
to loos, to itet eetUed in oilr oeir field
In time for &e spring trede. .
TV make ihlngs more In donhle
gqWt Umc we haTC cm, and sl*abc4
ptirea unmercUnlly. They wUI go

Dress Ywrselpes hr a Year h Cme

Wtat fb* Hteard sod Dtrald
D»Pt Saf:


inch half wool CackmeR!....................... fie
inrb black-moot Ofealte Ctoth............. 17*
ladi all wool Black Tt'klpeord...............gfie
ineii «t: wool Panama. |1.U salnc.. .7Se
« Inch all wM Black awine. $1.00 t-aliaefi an wool Black Cheviot, cheap a

»r.t oiT

n Mg Pay Von eemt a Hundred milts le Btttnd Chit Salt.

Wu^Bls daff Prkt

Dress Cambric .

- The' fcilii Vt qool. m only "te imaiica." The qo'idut eo onJ tke heivid' j-of Imj
VM betur fo ilil^ TbemoilcrpanforiisntoeololtL Eraiy iUy »o on deubri hipi ii» deod




Ismtstock efLImnsi

Staple Boods.

blnebid oib ,

.M'lftdt Btewiicd and Uahleaaied Unen........... 19
TS^lMk Bsc gaalU^ blanched Uocn,. pnre Un^
■fm W-i*..for ,0.........,
n». sue fine gnaiitr hlCMbcd Kaplilnc. worth^

' Gonoon mUUte Yiro. i«r iWclo Kiit

J Where »e mention one price you willind a hundred more just as interest­

We dhn't make one rent profit. G« rid of the goods is our aim.

jCdisrfe-fd Cost Out.
N'4 a lot oT old. 1
e staff, bat. the
fary newest. Utest ctylea and standard
BO^ The and WJO vaiuea go at 1*c. Sfie. 48c

I Twits’SweaUrs.
ti^Roal....'.......... ;................. |td4g

But andermar
for next Winter.
idiiW i.fl.- n.vx^l 1-ad.^car pk’» at. ..:9e
KlUlH<d I hdcrwear.;.......... fite
.___ .k«i
ChiUrM's • Wtart l-nderaear. all' alw».
wpnh nplo Tfir. fo rto«. m .........3»e
CiAjv emton Hetw T’ud.-nnar. l3ri.-c
-............... ..

Dressing Saequts.
Pretty Bderdotn


Sfcgm..' .

.............■•••••:........... 1**

Small ^uw from .......................... ............. Sc up



Tbo knife cut <1k.pc In theclothine departiqenL


eu^n Extra Pair 9f

S Cats go n

11.76 and ll.M Kerfe-j
ram# po at Me.
Ib-w IJ.OP Kmey Pnnla go
at sias.
Srin and t3.«0 Dress PuU
go ni S1.S8.
94.<»d nnd SI-60 Drefs Pants


SI.‘f' Caai-jis C«au so at

After Eleven Years of Saccesa in Trav
crac Oty the Seston Stsra With
lU Lkrge Line* Will Dicccntinue Operation*.

Mr.eklns« 3 go at Me
$;.:>> MMkinawx go at !£.»

.^MD8ie«IY that wilt .00 quick St the fiolim
•UdiM- niacji r................... ................
. siatolea* lk.<c for .............................. .. ?c
TTOUJ rira-cwi riw............•.• ^
Heavy Fltt-ccd iisbd ’Hose tbal

hHsstq'BlackWi^ KaiKV worth 16c. to KD ,

word Jce*ey SUiit Hw. wWrth '

.SK ^ ............................... ......... ifc

ebndrsB's Suns
Children's Bait*. Il.u> and
91,*5 values r«dac«-d m aSe., and laoo suits rcdueod to S1,4g.
S:.uP Stilts rodneed tn fii JS.


l S2.4S.
Chtidm'B 1n«i AU Wool
Kersey Ovrrrvat* to tM city:
ibi'.v call them worth elaa
wberr M.M aqd 910.00, la
idoge. SS-Sfi.
. rhndrvn's 94.00 and IfiiS


-Overcoats are bad property far us, but :

Ynath'j Suits.’up 40 IT.r-O .................. SMS
Men's Suits for........ V...............fisjs

a iDch CnbB-n.. Is colon ud l.l«C'k..I5c




Uibere tbe Saving i$ Big

II.:.e Casvo* Cuata'go gt

« Inch alt wool black figured DrtM Goods

We came among you efe\-en years ago—strangers—witfi Hmited resources,
but.with a lot of pluck, energy and ambition, determined to win your confidence
. and patronage through honest and conscientious methods. We succeeded, but
we have reached a point where an 'ambition craves for laiger fields and greater
opportunities.'^-Our, lot is chosen—our decision final—we arc going to pull out
of Tra^rse City^juA^ soon as stock is disposed

Traverse Cicy will Ik-k' in a very
cbort time one irf It* tuu)4 gueccssful
mm. ,
Ctkariec Ilo«cnlhal. the pnpricibr of
the Uiatnn Store has deehled to die*
continue business iicrc and 10 sei'L a
wider field <il nirerailonv- The liiitliiIns onPYont i trceL which s an ervrtoj
pcclaJly for the dry .gond* ami clothln;
hudnccKi -wT lO auld also.
■ The blR F'ori will he closed tomorro.w In {trepamitcQ for the wlml.iip
rale of stock, nwl the date of r«.s.penHis
will l»c annotinivil lau r.
Mr. ItorenthnJ hn.« In i ti for macy
yenjs one iX Travi-r-e fhj'ii mn.=t inc
^csrfiil euir iirorre-‘l\e
lie lian bulk up a IcrBc trade wlilvh
extends (hr hey.i'id the'rj»Bfitit 3 of
Traverse City an ! the Boston Slorhas, for many years, been a favoreu
’tredlni: place for thoUHaod* of iteopic
In Northern Mlchlpan.
• U tfas ele.OT years aco that Mr.
Rosenthal came to Travemi- CJiy and
lOtilillK bllrllK-fS In tllK V
the IIoU'l Svhllln: leiilulnc. l.aii^C,<»>

de dehill siteees.-i and exjiaji^hin
of• uade
mandt-J laryer querters and wiUnnit
.fear irf the fniure. combm-d uiih falili
in the groatb and the future of Trav• erse City and vicinity he erco:«<d the
buitdiht; now occupied by the Boston.
Store and made a lame ibCrcnsr In bif
capariiy. keeping one of lie fincfi
8t«>res tn Northern Michtcan. Mr. •
Iltisenaiar* aupccss In TniVerse City
1* dac to his sreal pen'onal t-nersy.
bis cxccpilocni abiIlij;,inhU panfeetar
lines of business and bis..up-to-date
business methods. The people of this
section ha^e found the Boston Store
good ptaec to irnile.
Travorre City people will regret the
deiinrltire of Mr. Roscotiial. hut ar-. assured thai.bls nbllUy and hvislnv-iv'
methodR wiH enat'le him to evtablliili
himself In a lantrr field, wi’h ance—:<
equal to that which ha-« characi.-rIred h!« career In Travorre City.
- Mr. IbK-enihal' Im.s'letn piiblie »pir
tied jliid alwnys aoincg tbe llrui tp Itit.-rcsl bllQst'lf In public enurprises .
He ha« found It to hi' adrauiagc i<
peek a -AMur field ar.'l lias plans wtiP-li
will h'-ef-viliate the iirmndiatc cios-tn-^
of Ins Ilu^ine^s la Travtcsu- City. tVliil he f<-eis It his duty and tor bfs Ih-m Ir
• tmesi* 'to )<»eate risewhiTc. h«- hk'
nnthlnE Ion exprcs.*ioas •d Krafitn:
ness n> lln- people nf TravlRuC City for
ibcir aid tir his for Ihelr *il>eral patmnase ajtd confldoocc In tin
Button Slcue
IcasiDurh as bis pllns have already tnaiurrd hr artll imiDvdlao-l) ctiH>e oitt
his entire etuc), Ir.rtuilinn flxtares and
thc.liMilding. anti wind np ihe Sii'iec.-c' a* soon a.‘ pivs'rlblc. At- wjoir as titstore rc-opens ihtrc' a sp-t-tai .
. clDalns out sale: In which, every ihms
- in the Siore *111 |«oslllrely'l>e
ef price
Jiricc t<
tp Botv'Mhc gnudh.

In *t<^k n-

V-mth's S-'-.'Mi OvfTcnaiA


Mca’i Sul&for................


/ At! Sulla up to ITtt.OO and^AO^at 91M0

Men's H»-rrlnel><>m- Vii-:iii;i O-^t-itpai..

VouUlill notice

That we are not quoling as many ,___
_ uiual.
. -..... In many of our former sales
there were certain lines we wished
;d to reduce or close out—now it is an entire
stock - not one thing excepted. Say. it would take three whole newspapers to
ome anywhere near telling you of cvco'thing. YOU MUST SIMPLY COME



Shit Stustlitm

XI Chslna Out PrU

It Itn'i a nuitvr of ksvIuk a
fr«- crmls on a jnlr, bul sav-I-last of AoUai*.
ladles' Pal. Coll $940
Shoe* fur 9t.«8.
ladler' Hnc Kid Shoe* for

:> „,| X-.. T.». M...AK
ri.-n ..x-TJ. K, .................. IS:

.... 2=

.•.•i.r l'.pik SUiwif for. ..,.29-.
Wo-.i-and Silk H.iOd-^

pt r,c. C9c—wor.;i i;p J-i'
I Jo S.R'vt Hc.
0 !;-r>i fur ,:... .25e and SOi
,-.x 1'.... H... I..,........«XS.
Cbolrv' i>( all o'bcrrS'... .9t.s8



--.ij fine KM Sh.i«.
ladb-s- 91.T5 Kid SImrr for
.Ulss.-s' 95ifi Pnt. Turu
Shn.-f I..r »!.».
MUai-*' Kid 81^. McKay.

men Win Bw

Belts arc reduced le abent
half price.

46c. 3l*c and :i6c llandkerrbSefp ell go n; 25c.
All cboairi r aradM go at
ibb aamc rate of ndactlon.

Kid Gloves wU! be closed
$140 Kid Gbn^i-8 $86..$158 Kid Gloves S9c.
'81.60 Glovra at $1.18.
sa-klndr to close at 12V^
fib- kind tn at 29b.

Here Is where the men win.

....rk o< CoilX
F.irolv-hmsk n-iU In- maii. -'

0^,r‘‘b.M Llc-^n r..Il.vr-* 9-.
i-rlai i-'v Ti»-s UiT 27c-


1 I.-I


Crimmiags sad Catt

-MiTB’s'-Haneu" Oafords asd
Shiic*. pateetk. vlcl. velour

n-'all price |SJ>9
n,nr $3.7S.
o»r \K-bi 1740 Enamel
.S)n..- f::r 92.48.
rM:.' J,-.
Vld -Kid Bbocrfor SC4S.
V.-. SaUo'Calf
. i>.,. 95.13. ■
A'icl Shoes b.f

Trlromlngr. Iom-a and Bmbrn|dt-rii-x ar«| marked dovr
all tbe way fruin 74 U to SO


Sf.Ti' rri-II .CT sa.--i>-rp f"r 5#c.

"t*?; ...... I.,I...,,
W- n-- I.. jx>- r-;ilr-3 Shir:>. r> c«c-;l
M-n'- iii-l lp'V«' P-.f See

war I-r 59t.
■ l.uo



Bats aad Caps /
r.“>. ■ Rill

Kvury piece cloan, dastrable
gooda it will pay w^ to lay
In your nprlng supply as these
Ihlngir are aolng to be mcM
ranre tbU i^rlag thaa ibi-r
have fur years pML Bear li,
mind itiai we are WH q>i'i<!.u;
prUte 111 bourn tniie but lO
vhwc out atneks. 'nu ru sill
be no IhDtta, tbi m-Tc yeti
buy tbe better W- lt>.L it. We
have 110 I'-pder- maikod tow
to iialt >011 on. iVa- must eloae
ii.n |iiai RF quick av ptu-fible..

no Inflated PricM Cere


M.i,-, ’.V..,! r:rlii:i sj.'« r*
di.r,.| ft-.i-i 91 ■« t.i 79a.
M-i:'. fl.'M. W..,!
fi.' i

*It‘s an insult to votir good-judgment to inflate
the price of a coat from S1-* to $‘2« and then cut the
pri<» in tu'o to make you believe you're getting it at
half price --otltcr things the same way. We arc sell­
ing cn:: -going from the city. 'Our prices are the
lowfs'. rver put on merchadise of worth. Come and
see i f \ oa tion't -find it so. You won't be urged to buy.

,d 1Sc.
vac. ^
r ISc and


r>atier'.-To'i.- s ifi-„
Hat-, f... 78t.
I) )onr hai l.ri- M-rini
E.P- W.n cuD-.P-rcl.

Wo doo i q!to;f £er-_-a. ions'! feloes of a few ktadefs 10 bilr-K MTO In wl'li ib-' h-n.- n< taaldnc op <
:,eltc. There l>n'i a thine ip ibe-tunw that
lini not been-cut down in price.

Men's 9740 SbUi fur................................... .fifiJS

Men's 9I"."0 Sulla^ ...'.............

n» ‘Vs’



ttlll'f f'rr . .



About h, we are go:c^ to
Iet«« Tfavertc City—g«wi|;
a better location, we be-

Traverse City, Micliigan,


UA 'nitffMDAY. rtSKUARY % 1M&.

Worth of Up-to-date, High Grade Furniture, Carpets, Stoves,
Crockery and Housefurnishing Goods to be closed out at earliest
possible date. Every article cut to the cbre, nothing reserved.
The greatest opportunity ever presented to the people of Traverse
Cfl^y wid surrounding country. Young Folks contemplating going to Housekeeping in the Spring better invest now
Yodrrcfin afford to store the goods until wanted and then save many dollars.' DON’T HESITATE. Get into the game
While it is going sQthe.

^^SfOO 0
Carpets and Rugs
- IXe



This three-piece Bedroom Buite, worth $!^
to close out at the ridtmlou^y low price of “ ^ %/• W

«0c All WopU cot to ckMC............. Me
AD Tie Bstn 8ap*ra cot to ckMC STAfi
Tic BnuMlt cot to cdooe.............. Me

IS.iH) per pair cut to ____ a.....$125

„„ pH«d u,-;UWrB™»d,it,pto rid.

$t.roaaA 91^



«.oo Cortaln c«l to......tMO

*t-« per pair cutto ...................... «.ri

«.« CurtalM col to...........«5Aq


•l.oe TApnirr TaWe Spreads.

Maar alDcle ennalas and odda aad
einde at tow tben flrM coat.

etertee :...............

Door raacu. 3Sc to...................

bMMoriat soods CM to m yd.

KHI Shades .................... -................ «B

- A lot of oAd otK sate up rugs la Tapeetry. Vclrets and i
^ prioed Mow •cmaf COM.

Tic Tapeatrteo at...........

Water Oolura .......................................lie

ilAi TapcMHae at................ TSe

TearSaadrsd Meektrs, motris
CawiraSemm ehairs. R«c(p>
tton ebairs. etc., Ptaia and Upbeutsrad to dost Rtaardlcs*


INOIIRIS CHAIRS op frMo........



• B^SO


RcetmoN cHAtm up


Diainfl Chairs
1. caac and
ruty : lyies la wood,
leotlicr soata.

A «•! >rf ala for yoor choice of five paucraa of
•olid oak. raw scat dlijvfj. Uiat aoM 4or *U0.
«&!■• asrl aip to tS.rM).
lliKli. grailc box acat dioers. quarter eawed oak. '
polfatk fiahb. aei of Mx a» cb^ aa



Me Vetow and Tapwutee Cp-

L**c Bod Sot* ....................

ROCKCRS, op froM


S4.M Cortalax cot to.........|A7S

I7.W per inlr cul l5....................... $4A0


eaten and

tteaaAAn to 91S40.

FrioA OilMa

«•«. t4JS

tapestry Portieres

Irish Points and

•uo VelTctt cut to ti0M...>'C..7»e

•pootai 8M/r«o.«u» *fc«..Trr.^y........ ................ .............We



KpUlnKban lace CuftaJae. SOc pier
j^. cut 10 ...................................... Be
»JJ6 per pair cal lo ........................ 7Sc
ir.oo per pair cat to...................... HAS

Carpeu cut to cloM>....Se

Me aad SicOnalioi cot to eki^..1tc

white they last
A few kitchen chairs at..
>OUOHK91ike cut, witb wide cuvei] frames, daw feet, 88 inefes i
5 rows ttSu, gturantecd steel coBslniction, velour Djthplstetiog,
“ dose oat price............................. ................................................. .........................

^4 Orttrtlin Caktes

UAO Velour Cocchet, to clo»c........$4Aff
»ltW Vekntr Cooebca. to clotw.............. $7J5



Coaches, large nssanmnit. iu

plain and toned, to close.......... >___ ttOA9
A Tow Adjuitabte Bad Dlvaas, In tlgureJ

........................ .................... 414A0


Velburs, rega^

419.00 and



enainel.<- a
................- tieiisn. ii i6




"*» isthtcimt
Ca.BiiyChat j '
SHtl K«ia«


gombinatten gatca
• 3.9S
Udk> D-'.ke rut
• 3.90
l.ilirary c'an':- < u<*to

$2.75 aud Op
A lull oiu' cablBri with 2
: drawt-rs. I nrsi and I uouldliiii
i.iard. cut lo cIum

Klu-hra Cabinet llh-;
cut. 2 biaa. nxisldlag
brjurd - and drawer.
44.75. ■

\ f.'w M-ciioual Ucpl.raev' a' :■


HEATERS, Coal or Wood, Below Cost


1(3 t'aidiftel Ita^
Bura-f. H'l.*** regular,
close. 42&M.



grade Heater, reg­
ular price $:i7.00,
close out price

N<i. T13 Kruatl L'oivcrsa!
-lb- n>ott baudrocc ba-u
li'irncr inadc. 45j.“<'. lo
clase. 4S6A0. ,,

Air Tfght Ucaters.
7BO High grade. Air Tight
Hcatera. cast top. screw
dtah. hMvy liaod. to close
Not sis Oak Pcnlntular.
like cm. U inch B» box.
httcps wood or, csalT regular prtec.'fSs.'-O. ctes: eat
price. 414ASu

No. 4H. Noble
PcRiosular, a hi^h

. No. I»4 eleganl 1(3 <«j
value. 1 eluM’. 43040.

Tto cknc at cheap pt
No. > Bora Steel Range.
wHh 1C Inch oren. 43S.0<l
ralwe. to ekisu for 41A7A

Buffets ss cheap at ss
Ritehes eHpbeard*W.fO
X tSMW. IZS-Oa and tSS-OO.

Olsss Haad Lami». eompicu-. ei^h
banter aad ehimnry.....................J9s
"White Porccltin Dinner Setr. liH)
pieces ....:.................
Decorated Parccleln Dlnn.’r S*««. h")
plcun. full slut dkh'.^. R'-n- ^batH•.v
Priced to otese............................ 46.95
All *IS.'-i.p.-ic-J t.i c!->«c..488S
C^tleco Ut>c<.reted T"iU( Ate tirtccd
«o elute'.............. ................ . 5145


IfTy i/

And SO other stylet at t

A t)cantUu: l‘n<- of Sk-cursicd lAapt.
op Iran 11.00.
Ail IS.Ofl. tc.00' and tT.W lamps
priced to elate...... ....................... 43.15

^^Igb grade meul top B^s a>


Tn • StIU Otk SUthMti nwr/f fM.

At prices yoii caa i reslM.



dplucc l•srior Stii«f.-in tnabiiRanj' fiaicb' d
frstne, datna>k uphoUiering. worth
priced to clo-'c .. .................... .......... $9A0
&-piecc Parlor dali». la Vs-iour upboliU-.-ina. isahoiraDy flcisbed (ratsw. reguisr
to ck'JC ............... .........41A75
0:hir* i:ii to
at BlBlIar n-ductioss.

Camps, greektry, etc.

No. 1 Oak Table like cut. 42 Inch
top. IH Inch Ids. floely aaiahed, value
t).00. to dose, $5A0.

t Bad. .Uks««. «Hh heavy angle
at toot and head. U IMnch
. heavy BUniL white ssiaaH An-


to close a^ S13.75.


I.xrgi- afesurtmcnc ul I’arh-r SHitvs and odd


. No. TJd Rvw«i.«v>W. td
•e|.r.e. 4S(L0a



No' s««' t’eoinsaiar. Jlle
cot. regdUr price IJo.wt.
has been uted i anaths.
eksc out i.riec. 4Z7A0.

So. » Com. with 14 t!




Zme Stove Board,!

No. » Roarer, c bote. eaM sUe
range, with 15 inch oven.
riiber <nal or wood. sMd' reguter
for I23.M; used bm a shon floe.
wUiflasc; for
C iiM Stove Pipe..



Tbanter of tbe FottaMe Maada.

1JM. K.-Tb* •*»«•
'■ Mpt t» eonM*1"y Tb* •ofk»tt
r'«sbi.Mt«4 mM dtaplrh<« Iv
r I—bWe
WM«M. . Tb*
». h te—CTte4. wUl IHMH
mtvm, vbUe the Pat:

wfc^wlUwtbfmte bw^


tba'BMU WM AIttrtct.
i «•
te a
IMM?plM«Wttrtkcn. Tbattril
•• bMMM BMpIrtBoi OMt ibe «n>
UMilmnwily. l*t«f
H «u kaowB (bat\ t
tbe <

-Peawie far Weelera Mlebt^aa.
JIattwM. UM, Jaa.
Wkite Rhar Power cacaaaajr ha* ot*
aeaead verh aa be da» o»er ibt.
Wilte river, tea anea (Ma here aad
•oven altee ttan WbttehaU. Tbe cosmv I* caatuUna at tl.MO.000. ana
vbM tt* pMat Is cwapleua 11 w«ll be
aae aC tbe letcM bostoeie eeatore*
la tbU fan <f tbe sUte. 11 to esi>ecle4
that h «ni be readp to Iwmtob power
vltbla a rear to tbto eltf. Oraad lUa
Ftenoat. UcveHa. Wbtlebali,
Moatacue aad otbor adjaceat towaa.
agiHr dan vQl be a slxt)r4oM
stractare ot ,*.800 borte power, Tbe
r dan wrUl be tiBOO bwae power.

UerUD. iaa. «.^Prtaee Btel Prodcriek. tbe katoer-s socoad eoa. who to
m at FetadaB with lalaaiBaUa
the luoge. tt wor*e today. Tbo
«Mw* wd* at btt bedatde aU alsbt. Tbe
kalMr left lor Potadas tiitt afteraooa



The IGnd Yol Have
Always Bofl^it

aai «ptpt Ml 70V Ctooale«M.vUhtteOBl7en>tttt. ftrlMly MMtl^ cm tor Cosete ui CoUK



Prcnoics DiaestionaKn^^
OjMiJdontow wrYfeatfaL


AlmoM la impair.
««vtmiodMftovu• gtru ap by two phjsleUBB



~ «^tta carraea troMea oaea aaa

' m "'Mawb -nMr veakM
MM ar aaMK aai a aabahUt al
. ^MM tbb' aBMlate veta WMtal^-

Tbe etitttm ■lifnt tbe weppe aad aiiemptad
M«toanr<b*W.-«iMa lae order was
am lair*. AH tt* wertibop* aau
iMMwMMttad. TbtWrlMnar.I aad •ordas all
.. A iUMtiw Inm m. Petcnlmi' liM *:M p-ab. «e a ae*a apeacy. refWtt «MI Mbla’ faetacy aad a laise
bare beaa aat oa tie aad
b Jaa. 31.
tta tMaitlM la tb* Mto tbare be
.«PMB tbe etronn aad troepa bare
' Bp«. matted Tfc kiKeMtoto. Jato 28.—Tbe 8t. Peicnit o( tbe MaQ «aMB.


S. E. Wait & Sons and Johnson Drag Co.

protnjtjd I
1 TtccToy lo iBdla. i
other cliUett* vt the AUin».
to wbicb be bad aspired ever stacc hto Irlme fir oi
Uaeta." Tbe murdcml man r-s? "be.
death frua anliusfa wbUi- rldln^
aloas a Uwely road mad no c:?w wa>•CT foond to the assanln..
iblny leticre louad In the archives oi
Pope PlB* Xsiopg not Ijellcr.- In o.-p
pontond. wbicb bear tb-.
bl* tt a ptHtai
ilaaeturo^bt Kloe Ciiarlw 11 aad an. utlkin. A brother
addrreaed to thirty difercat atcBbcr* cicri; at Uaatna'. one of btt
aristocracy, Bvery uac ol keep* a larera at RU-sc. another dut-s
then eowalB* a rwiu«n for loait* ia||gtlns a: Talsaio. a third kc^-i>k
taaMBs fnan d&.mw to kM.wo aad aiore^ The two'idstm who ascl to <1..
each eoareya tbe foltowln* aaaaraacc: Ms bossttoFtil:;s foHowt-d him tu
~Tott are tbe only one of »y frleadt R0Be They do not Ihri- In the rarican
to wboB I have cared to address »y- bowcTcr. bn bare a few rooms In a
nri^t part of tbe c»‘y. wbrr.- they do
•eU abou tbe aaitter.'*
tbett own work. They can iioi call on
Ueary Walter*, the art collector, b*
the pope wUboat prerlotu-ly aottfrine
aaaonaced piaaa for bto ae* art r*i
DIsleil. tbo mettro di
.)ery U the auai arUtocralle pan ot
Amlisssador Meyer. Tnlicd Si*t«
Hr. WaHert already
mircseniaUrc In Italy, ttattts the dni
oae of tbe larstwi priraie mllurics la
notof car la Ronit-. One day he
tbe coontry. Sercral Sae old realibe kins «n la It. aad feellns that Uw
deaen will be nacd to sake raos fo>
ati well as laatesty was *t his hide,
Me.aew bulMlac. which wUl bo a »c
kept woU witbln the speed llinin>. Htt
A book that erill be' e< Bweb laicreet rlas of xa^-rieH wftb a coun la the naiesty said cotblne at Hkv.
to Mlehlsaa readrn Is tbe me oaUtlcd eaater. It 'will bo coosiraeted ol InJI- inUnaied that they were taklax lome
Tbe ^lertea aad tbe
aad PoMry." receatly
tlme in ari-irlng. Mr. Meyer tcsilr <«c
letied froBtbepreiarfthellleblptB'bn
will. It Is. aaW. repreaest ««on to ercaiK- nsiwnsltiiutyasa hla;PallUbiBC Co. at Lealie. Mlcb. U tt a raloc or
ed that U tbey oiitdlstancvd ibc trl
a baadaOBtely (otua ap book cd att , ueary Dexter, t^ nliUoaaln- Nn‘ cyclist* drtalled as xnarda the kitis
paaea. boead U bl« doth 'and eoo-! tork poblliber. I* aettbac up the e» wonid be wlifcout pratcciloa. ' Not at
talaa a tac collecUaa of poaa* by If- (^te td -litt aon. Orlando l>. Dexter. an." said Kins Victor. drawHae a small
lUcblsaa'B popolar poeu. who was Bordered la tbo A
rcTolror from hi* pocket; ‘ with tbl* 1
It tbeB betas rach well kaows eixteen moat^ ago. has aiucbed aa can defy anyone!" The httycUsi* *[ra as..............Win Carleloa.
F. H. Tapto -aBOsaai prortoo to a meiagrtol eUt rired half aa how after, dressed.
Mr*. lr«M PoBeroy Bbtrlbi. Ben Klac. i nr. Dexter has plrea 820A.«iN is tbe SRUB and uot of br«*lb.
Mrs.-lAUaRowBa. etc. MnadlcBt baU-1
Torit Historical todety, to. Ik ' Louis Hoock. a Mttsoari conuaciOT,
tea* ptotarea of tbe sn-lter* arc itl»*a i used la tbo erectloo of a new ballo . to
„ aaid to be tbe only man
___ ...
aad the
Ineladc* •**« Wocia-11^. -wben the bolldtor tt oompMed ! b„i ,bc Uie Ja% Gould In a tiwJ.
pUca. All tbe wriire* tachttrf la the , ae ba* eUpuUtrf it latua ebaOin «!uoack wa* l.ulldlng a railroad i
bett hare bepi frepeoat oOBtribeton j broexo ttWet witt this tasertpHua . touthwestern Missouri. lU-cotiiracu
tapsoalaeat period^ or publtthw j-Brtcted fa boaor of my «ni. Oriaado I
. quanthy of old rat,
cf beoka. Mr*. Ireaa Pomeroy Sbleldi p. Dexter, who we* assassinated by > |
to weU baawa In ibis pan oClbe state, j cUi«b ot the Adlrradacks. a bo was t nounula road. Tbe rail*
her borne betas lor mtay yeert at i
_______: <toUTpr.y) wt a certain Umc. Th? rails
Moerre Qeater. tboott atttee ber —
came, bni after the eonirar: :
rlaie'a aaBber ^ year* asi> tte bar'
Uoott laid them and whoa Goiiit
aJM apeat aacb time la tbe south.;
nasded pay refobed it. ba!iliJ8 bi
Seswatere of ber t«caw appear la tbe ]
fuaal on Ihi- breach of con;rart ’by
book, all caitfally ototMk aad sbowlas |
Goxid. Suit was brought llourl.
tbe taried aad ttaratl:^ styK- of tbe ;
won by prmiaE that ibu raitt '
writer. 'Uer pocBtatv loo well kaowa ;
not delivered on time. GonlJ was ......
to rwaden df the Herald to a«fd «om |
10 -take biB ran?. |mt be d.erltU-U k
aeni. a^AM bat fbr a namber of yw' , _
■ ,
I wonfd not Ik- Wurth while to tear ihitt.
' Fat 18 of great accoimt ‘ ^
eolamnA and ber writings arc onkiycd
lo a babv : that is whv ^ B*h» Gaui«b. the new ,.rvm..r o/
by a large circle of readers.
IV «
. .
. Auatria. Is-pracutally and
IMlbiee are fat.
-If your natnrelly l* a man of ahl^y an<l roret-

:rr riir.r^s:rs"::;



dtores as fat whut it does
immediately tpr

bOOe and. HI U s c 1 ev r at

-rchaRwoi^v ^
' aot CfV ;

thcV afibWCU 1

tUnttlastua. Jaa. 28.-CoBnal Oee
Dr. Gailtager Bale an Interesllnt (jmc of need. Ttl^'are
gfil Witt# *l SC T*#ter»b«s oabtow istatemeat ta the ammte the other aft
laday: “Tbc|«Booo. He ba* bAa a •caator *laet happy bctaUSC tlltV are

reodTee.mi. Only ooec ba* be socreodad In 1 ^jnfortablc.

Tb*C fat SUr-

>t W,lt<a tvt wartb



IVn l|Br..u Jodxc- wa;. r^.b-d uj*
1. .l.-eidi p v.-ry ik-kllfh tiu.-»tloB
jt w.-fk. An aiiorwy refaiu-d to pay
>r i«attt urderi-d b> btt wife. sayiCE
Si. IM.rilt.irK. Jan.
—A ai<suyif, iba; be w.mhi uM my r>w anTthtoe
Iron Id.- from rfa:-.» Huil the U«kiiaL J !*i was ct»t a,ii<!ce».4ty. *nn- atiorncj
^ ^
easualtl-s in «erc.- QshUiw at Siad.-! »a- ra.*! acd the coart Rol o« of It
I«S. foti’!i trf M-Jk-Iru. Jan.
wm- 1 >• J'fttrinc ‘bat «bcv
forty-B-.v- au-l l.*a» mt^a klfttr. •, f“r ar-.iui..
aad wniiii'lrrl. TTh- raptw^Uh- tdatt----------w« Bxnt dlScHlt. 'l l)''Rnseiaits alM. I
took i»o J»h'4><-:o prisuavT*'aad «a|. ;
oLuasuio CATARRH
tercsl moeh nrns, r.ibi amn>uuitk»cu ,
OorUli Jsn. if.—The Lxika! Antzlxi-r
printt a di
(ram Miikih-u htatlo
that Kun>|)-:kiii'. .adj^cci-and
qwB! CxIitiCR have a*kuaif<l !hi- pri>-1
portioBk u( a Rouered tmaaso»>stt w1i:i c|t*{ Ckhi IiIb^
TTii« Imt- “J * . .
eth Bides. pi.»l»ai
brery hiSBei. .,n 1,-krth
Ilk. AonS^t no dhlnrei Kw id Hx-rMSAw
hotly fpofU; In thi
St. Ivi«*bon:. Jan. *T.—Knntpaiklu
reportins vs tbir rv-Bumption of tbi- oflensltrc hr the Rur-rian-v t«i tbe aotiU
of Mukdoa sat* la tbe risbl ftaak
— _____
TSatv two Hun hamlats wmv c^nplod : »w.y'Mif.»xppp,“-S'. 57





ffliSliSsriMlJItii ____

andjoeretiU-csputredIt tt anaouni-ol that G>e third (Uiti:
eqaadroB »il! .-ail tomorro*.


P. IVlatere of
and DsBli-l n. Aa*oa of Belh rui- wero '
roaiuioil in raarrixs< at Larslcs Moc.
<!av iilKbt- Three year* ago tbi-lr fret
warrlBRc tttil; place. SafC^aJu-rwaro
An»e;i ... '-ir tUc riillippiMf* a;i a;
nohll. r. K..r . wr a 5«ar ti.e wife
heard noll inu f.-'im '•'«> and nur tc-.
curisl a d!v.)rci' Aii-'‘>u ba« Just rvturned and Ih’' niamapu
Tbi-y will live ot IMhn U-.

Many Trareree City people
being cored by VITONA. tk.‘
wonderful lllo* and S'omaek
mnedy. C. A. Bugliec Drug Co.
will refund tbe
to a."./
one'not ntltflel^icr urtng

pwrehased from;.. ..'tbii^y


......... bottttt ef VITONA for

------------r“.;|n>unds their liule nerr-es
randcushfonsthem. When


bare latM tbe atrlkA The
•m aM wkttr works are opcraied b}

Msrauetta. M



jr pwrchaaar taila ua V|.

IMwl is laMi canty. «T

TONA has. faHed to beneft
him we hereby agree to rw'
fond the iWMoy paid us.
.Signed -,..f.............. ...........
<• A. UogW
cx;.ialn (be n*< :i
to any rme »fc” r-.ij..-* (n thrtr
More. VITONA li*» cured more
pco,.|.- than an, „iLor #mllar
rimedy. Tr
today. Yr>*i
take no r; d-:-. ^ha'-v’-r. Ask



utwt :ud

tre> to*. ^


B,t.l Bt-1 mu»~r

pmmtTC oBDD;^«AT*or

> mtAw Id ircM f.

I, ih. Bwr



S “iVa «l *iiT^*.ev- “S.r-'pi'
u(Tnvvr» Oli.Bra
l•r.»(l} lO* nr»>«».<.f ibk pvtilMM

r-’ -ai


To be Uben for.............. ...



Oonwbittsadallawtbr pmUor dtoy meP

which........ paid......... .» .........

I toWswsPML OM*

«“»<■'''« 1“ -*»«ria tb*»eoamry. hc is «-utirei>
wiibout furttico He commi-ao J blk.
ccrecr as kit mhi-r in a rcboul. Lacci
be tea* made- the bred of an lastlin
lion for the eJumlua of poor uoblc ■
men'* *<kn» Ctditlng in omiIsci with
Ibv kiag. In- was B|<|K>lUI<-d Oln-rior ol
* ntUltary an.-lcao in
royaUK-rsqns hart-.bc*-:i t-duca!
Theharun *ul>iK-qui-ntl> wa-, made (utn.atcioTpublic iDBini'-iIcn. ami in Uuo nun*
■o'be pn’iDlor.
lik'Salar UubolB oFddabo «ae t'uiu-d
ataies markbal ibere diu-inx itc tern•
■f I'rom

large roll uf rntt-y to buy a ra'n'-b. bu.
fill. into. )h" baud* of a well known
year*. "The day the preMdeet of thei tbev are scrawov tliose gambler; who gc.i him into a poke,
Tbe gimbhr bet t^.oc a bBs.
...41. PMcnbarg. Jaa. 28.—BreryibUii! onh<
ih.d Stticswlgacd tiat VtlL" **to i ,
rattod him $12
bwe. 1^ irac* of the dl»- Dc. ttoiunger. "the etolmaat died aac. nert-es are Jitirt at every , and the li-ndtTfuu:
. .
M»om *C tbe part week. One bun va. baried by ebarlty."
' ancenlle tO U C il.
gambler. Bbovlng *“
in hi* 'nraccy. Ti
Stt ttomaad ore oat at Ware*, bu;
Lord Carroa. who hai Jngt been re .
-tonlihmeat of cvcrslKwly Ibi-1< h
.t^ areae dtotarbaneea ot aay im appednted vircni} of ladto. tt^ yrerv^^^Sitt HI ScoU S Lmul|ttia*ee. .There U praritoaRy n*. old. Twenty ymn «s<r-he w*» a*- sJon. It is as SWCCt dS dcrluDi raw the rette. "Wbat bu earth
hare you got. anyway?" arkml ibe *n>
Irttd toft to tb* bakertoe u Waraaw. .atotoat private ee^tW to tbe toft i
pttoed gemSder. "A pair of Uags." an
^ btttdred tboaaaad bare rtroek at uwd Salttbary. It tbe foltowtos ye*. WholesOme lO them.
sacred tbe londcriuiH. staowlBg ibea
tMa*. ItdawotMated that 4.000 bare ite eattred parltamesta* eoMcrraUv..
• Say. cm." B*l.l tbe gambler, lornlai
SoMd for froo tmmpU:
Maa amitad. to St. Pcter*b«rg aan; meaber tor SoaiMort. and omitoaeti ;
to a frlesii, with a look of disgust oi
tp ttaTrevUeea.
aaiti U3B. betdlag'varloiu mtottiertoi'
btt fare, -nell <tatm tbty'fe g*«od —
Maaadw. Jaa. 2*^The atri^ tt ioBce*. U the toierxala of a rtnenuean<"
MltoB- Half-tbe Mrtkre* bCre re loua pavUamewtatT lHe be travel^ exWTfrvcr
e>er^ bCB.w «l
Twenty additional park« to n.
ttllaii toi work.
'tcsrtrely in onler to ^ulre r
emit«n >j* ttij.
Il2.ii0*.oe» lo the aggrtitate. a.-y> mi.e.
. Sl PrtCrMtoUi Jaa 28.-:H 1« rtaiei i raphleal knowledge ami to aolve
Set^t^Botone for to a report vd »re brirnugfe prwvi
that tb* ewmeU ot ■aialatera baa <♦-1 miil preUem*. HI* travel.
•. BnlBkoik, • inlikor atats. M t hroA^
IWada Itwtka C'eatral
dewfi tu the board of ekifmaxe* It X-a
YorfcatoM teattonperiadlftbew toWHifiekbare. f
A Ull to the P<^ Rlren l^laiarv
doetartog for todepeadeoev ander ai
['s^*a» i:.4*i*o...
Aokirriraa pnd.-wswrtc. was klUcd.
Arewieaa^prenow.aad la the tuliuwiies year


A. r tooktljeto^TplJacSr

tt’bat' be kceat and social influt-nev. wbic'b i;

«.<>«.»« ' Tit.. Itkkiliiiv >inhv
ine ueaitin oaoi



^^^^iCASTORIA •sms.

,aby is scrawny, S«.us

“':5heir fat is laiU-A for



for THin

ShtoB aa aaytaK ttat tbe «erera
iiwi nni-------tbe fact that a eow toMre caacab to sooeeed Seaater Wil
I be ao leaser ttlbbeU MB M. Stewart.
fbape ao Gcramn jooraalttt ba»
IlM Ibe peputipaue* of the peo^
boea boaored as Uidwfs PlctBe*
iSbia tbe «teel* of tbe eoBatry woulu
un tbe rreeat oecatloa ^ hb
Wnbday. He reredved btwi
;.m.- ♦atarebarg, Jan- .38.—the eat
Ijwa eoasniatoiory meisace*. laciod
a a bicn
IMfaa ttat ibo POT.reraBent Intcadt
Mi ■■rill a a*Bber of tbo worktaa old faUtafBl comrade of my faiber." At
BiMlib dmaanto, todadlag tbe eight

ywti kn.r. Tkaiw- Ilk. ««

For Over
imnj Years

------ wma

pi>«MUT«nil ud ku kid w tbnm tiwiH. •&
—laOk 1. ETUB, CODtariaad. ad.

te bead;

WasbIactoB. Jaa. tt.->Tbe
oa aaval
adapted a* It* pracraat'oa aaval coaBtractloa tbe balMlaK of two hatUe
taiu 4Maadad w U ■an. Terrarbtti Bhlp* o< l«.oeo uat caeb. TbU tara»
baaba la atbe atraau.
- tvo
» bMbs
--------- dova tb* adffllbtot'raUoB prasrau. .
___ «laactaatpaalca>dtbedaM«e
Waaw UeawM Pam bal
*5i5^^«y. «K>a»alab laatlya*
loala. Mieto. Jaa. 28.—Tbe PnWe
Cratot Oraape. after auMb C
-MUaa adopted
•Is a«eafa aatf «W
toUcFViac reoDlntloa: .
•"Whmu. Nearly aH Irada* M orcepatkMi ere protected by reaailnliifr
Jaa. rr>-^Aa laboard; aad.
*^ertBa. Tbe larawr has no pn>
mi«. TmvaarataHborwItbwuon fraei uaaUUcd labor bi tb.
Tbe «lt7 la ■nnrtac •«« aorftdd* aad aBoas tbe stack; therefore.
J<e|N«Kr«tf a Ikaa* »aa4ad la
.KeaotTed. That the eecretair be
Meta Ae« la tbe bMaad to benbr laatrwied to preeaat a
eopy or tbU reaoiatkw at tbe fanaere'
bBB«ted. Tbe ballet*
lastUate to be 'beM la loala Jaa. ».
Bad exiMM-laaldi
aad arse tbe appolnlBcat ot a comatktee to arraace with Seaaior Tcoaaa*
< lTM #lrirr" oetanad Uat aigbt be
lee Watt to latrpdaee
(« erottoea aad tit»)>*
bOI at tbto eeealea of tbe Icttolatarc
natiBC a beard to ewBtar aad Ueaac tarm btborm.


Vif] iv‘ iSiMfmn **

of tho tSroak tad wo woro olmoat

Waabloctoo. Jaa. SJ.—M»f. Cbcklb
aiad a. wtker of the Tarbtob tafalater it dead barer'


Bears the



ttnt^ ^rt- ly-rw^ **' tk.-

lotV*WU-.V in

KorvOay. fJ|*^YSoa *' ^



l/Mgr««l. totetet
, ttel Bte teote ai* eolM
po» tkn Ote awwe ore mit4
4teia teVteO too SlM BOt BOOMC
v «ro tm te«M WM UM7

«?r£5|« a. >M<. .m pMt


i*'**WMI tteoate' ttel .'«•"

Priiar. tea. n. iHS.
.Np* PiMbiii pOMte daw Met
^iHpr nartla, -Tranirae Citr. A. P
tte; HP. IX L
f viMp.lM^'Ateartteri

ateaa or tte saw paptert ten
atead tt tear are to aaad tte caidi tea peeiMnt atwr flgahib
MNP.' Ma. tteg aea raara-to kaep
irt tku raptrti m a( aopethlag
liare bap mtag te talk about vltb
roa. tv MPa tliP.
. W« wteter s^tte-aaaakliMn do
■rtHi«Mr.aar<te«wMttoBs7 Do rot
^ tte aaide awar la a drawvv boa
; ao cvefaUr that roa ftegri all abota
-'tew. aad aoBMlpea arai forget ibi
PgMar or MM we waat i<m to b<
categal of tteWaad aot let tbep get
Ipt or tea ap. but wbatoev m Ou.
Oarr vate iOcc .lo ten jm pot tbs
;gaa cas an tbep art read tbe rules
Mprr rtr- If roo are afraid aome
tkMg will bappea to ttePt. eappoM
fm irr tell
Cat oat tte rolt*
that are prioted at tee bead of tbl>
gaga, alga tbca. art paste tpea os a
glaac rt catdboard aad psi'-ttep ap
aa tte wait it row room, v la tte ahtlac rbap. Perbaga It will brip the
*dder (oiks to be kappr. too. if joi
V hare tbcaa wkeie ibe» caa tee teva
' Art if roe waat to patet or draw pie
twua oo tteoldea <g tke card, v pacu
l^t pltt^ M. cot flop papers
V ote koote V seed cautagae. tea.'
win he preitj. taa. Yoa apr imcp
'ter wbai a alea letter Aaat Ime
wi«e tkta departpau a few weeks
1 «xla« tte rales pretillr
w ran »r u, aad 4a pov nea


We are bBriip eoUv mreatter aom
teas we bare bad tei^wlBtv. alteoogu
It dees Ml seen as tbodgk CbrUtnas
has psssed. A whs ao mrara Chriititpi
Bight at cborch that we nsed a faa aad
aU tte wlrtows wete npea. too. Tbej
ted a rewl alee ilaie at tee tree. /
Too rwdueitad ne to tril ron abou |
nr trip to ^ G
Oair. There were eter- i
aa of as. We w
■anboat vaj

Itan, t»fl M .hm ^ 'Iiam ixtt
^IhML Art If yoB m*r <k« bwtMf
tittn *V. H wUl M» JWI 10 r«w*iINT tte praaiMii roo
mmAe. uo
M «iU get otter ten «u
Uric ftecrente. co
Iter vll> *>bT
to Jehi, I0& Tfec MC* Soteklaon bare at fhgarirrilie. Tbete mraa a toad
tk«^ »rr tke luu4»lor Ue vorlA trill of fenilteer that wu to te takca to
Loos Kv. We au ow dteav oh
date In tee bot atu. Wc did not aocc
to cook aartkiag. fv wo had laate'
Gilts Pier. Mkh,'Dee. SO, IP04.
Dear Mrs. Dates—I tboagbc I would baakete wUb ns. ^l-bea we got teraort
telte a few 1^ to rou. 1 aa well eatijte Mr. lUitle drew op a pall ol
pad hpw reo are tbe aape. I sp vU- water Iron tte river aad Mrs. KriiltPr papiaa. I have vaeatioa u sad Mias Darls wasb.<d tte dishaa. We
PT sebool. 1 got a pair of ribbons got to Long Ker about 3 o'eloek it.
tiopprasppa. IgMaooat.glor(>« tec anoraoOB aad unloaded tee fV
Uliser and tkea sre set sail again with
aad a cap, aad puts art
Next Tarsaar l .wOl go aa .enptr bosL We wnii to Uule
pelMoi. OB Jaanarr 3rd. Uj! Svmaoia bar Md SKbored. for there
hat I teank r» fv tte card aad bui- wu a sfona canlag up. Wc bad sup
loa. Carrie Willis is ar teat friead. pv aboat S art teen we all aai around
Krt tet Carrie aad I tbaak jroa for sad MUs Xnrls saag eanpatMUaj
tte eard art pta. Uelea gave ate five aad lore soags aad recited tor u anCMIS. B. Vllek and I waat to Pilot. Ul btetlpe. Well, teen wc did aot
know what to do. tor we were aftmU
Ha Is ar bfMherda-lawy't feel
■onr fv r®« baeaoM foa are ao aiek. If VO rtd down on deck wc woald gv
( aa.ta tte third gn4e aad Mist wet, rt^-tbe eaplala said that be dU
aot telak It .woald rain before midKiilsbtlsMirtaachv. I harp tee*
four tarps. Carrie wdUa Uveo pigbt. ao none of w took blaokeu aaa
She Is ar frtrad. and lar down oa 4«te. Wc bad ao store
tean got u> sleep when down cane the |
true oea.
Prop row meads aad inw Suaablo- rate and rou bad outet to sec u ntsb
lor tbc ealite. Tte next nornteg wp
" Bessie a Korarik.
P. a.—1 am gpiag awar UiU poro- Bice aad clear aad wr weal to wbu it
lag to Oraod Bipldt. aad w(H «>vt Cor called Ung Boat post te tee Gulf. Wt
wcot out la ibo Gulf twi.
PUat Taaadpjr aorsiag. wm ba la
Ttavone CKr tkte aooa. I asst stop or three sailboau aad one large aiean
gat raadr. The oair telag 1 wrt or.. We laoded M Hodge's dock aboai
woald gat well, and 1 hope nr 3 o'clock that poraiag. got off ibe boat
i^pk dteov oo alipre. Wo can*
wlah will Mpe tne. i aa U rears'
B.-B. K.
bate to the boat gadBIrs. Kettle aoo
I got Itees and sat OB Ibe edge of tec
Tterene Qtr. It P. a S. Dee. 3d.
ban Md Aabed. Wc eangbt lots ot
Bnr Mn. Batee-rl wanted to write eatftsh. hut iber are s« good to ml
roo a Isuer, bn l eaa't write, to Anal
JBUa la goliig to write fv ae. I want
to laB reo what I got fw ar ChristI got ibree-blg doUa ud a Uule
troak of Mateos aad a set of dlahoi
tail a little waub aad a book aad a
Mrtr oaae aad a new dress. *1 hare
two uule btolben. Harrr. age 4 rearm.
art Watlae. a^ Iti rev. UarTy v.d
«o«M lUio l» Jots tte SateUae elch.
i ws
PIMM and u » cud nd buttoc.
PteotokcctteHmld. ItepetevKi
loe tWa la prlbi. Oood-bre.
mil pour imi« mead.
Age S0»n Ruhl.
A(9M, Mite, Dee. 30. IMM.
Dev Mm Balee—Kov I will write
jo ran. 'It M vaectioo. Mr blotter
twa tte BteulM. tet Is oiaost orer
«0ik tteu. QsUe s ooniber M tell*
DogtaTotte MOsies. iMdowato
OMdrs Brows's bouse eisitias ter Uto
avaiag. l sriil leU r<» wtet 1 pit
fv CbrtePM iweenu. Aunt Lurs
M a haadkecteief ud a atriog of Willie KptUe took tee rowboat aao
beads. Uaela-Walter ao« ne SB lak took his pMbv out OB Ibe beaob art
wan. Mr pasva gare »e aa opera ate bad a alee wade art goi aopo
Mr paps'te*® •« a patot fBwttr abelia. We all slept on date test.
nigbL- In the night a hcBMl of milllets were idaring arouad tec boat aao
Mr. Kettle and tee captain got up aai
Age 10.
Utra Buaoa.. mwBl out 1a tbe rowboat ud caught
oaongb sriih a cut an fv broakfariTbe a«t poralBg we surtod ioi
bnev. Wc were all prm? ranbumtH'
aad Ured. When -wc pit om la U»
It. so I wDl write agaia
alnb grade. Wc bad ao awful nom Gulf tte capulD took us ail uhor.:
hare-last AvB- We pored here last and we gateered shells aad weal In
April. I do aot like It here hs wMl v bateleg.. <Mt. it was fun. The watet
Just u warn M It could be. i
f did ta Mteblgaa. 1 wish jt>o a netn
y la nr nwuth and cres. It wt^'
ChrUlPSt art a hapiv New Year. It
is dtaav ripe, ao t wIU aar good-bje. awfullr saltr and made my Ofcs faun.
You oouu' sit In ite watv and ibi
waxM would cartT roa up oo shore.
Edttb HUU
Wa got hone alwnt half pari tbrem
Cedv. Mtek, Paa. 1. iMi.
teat afiernoea. It wu a flae trip. 1
Dev Mrr. Batea tapnlr U writwish ail tbe Bnublnen night take
tag rou k teCert I thougfat I sroald
aoefa a one If tber alt love ibe sratv
write to rou. aad mdab rou apd all the
a bappr New Tear
1 got. sane alec prcscau fron n>
I aa goteg to sebool teU wlntet. t an
frtcote. 1 would lUcc to bev fron
olx reata old. I an la tbe accost
of Ibe Snashinc girls If tber
niadv. Por pets 1 bare a epit. cow aad
wobld tlfcc-to MTCspand with a,Floea calf. BaPRV hu a colt, cow and a ida'Slri.calf and a dog. The dog's nane U'
I wni WUB ron all a bappr Nc«
WMte. I wUl bid ran good-olgtaL
Year. With loro to nr friends I will
Lewis llaleied.
Cedv, Micb, Ju. 1. tttis.
Dear Mrs. Baieo—Just one r<wr agu
wrote roo a iettv, but, I an ren
ProrciBoai. MIMu Jaa. t. 1»W.
■ornr t hare -aeglccted ia wriMag u.
Dear Hn. Baice—I Ibougbl I wooic !
ros. We = are having,j-s^nion now
Ov icateer's aanc is Miss Uaaeon ot wriie i'Ou a few liaes to let yon kaok |
Saitoos Bar- 8be has pne bopc that I am well and hope yon are tee;
I did not write >-on fur a loag ^
dnrlag neailoa. Dear Mn. Bates. 1
an vetT noetT to Ufl rou I did not co- tine. I ted a good Cbrlnnas uii.,
ilton Terr nvb v I hsTc been I
Yew's. Mi' airier
sIckmrUba-tedcuIJ. Uitlv brotbv is j »• Christmas. I an going
well. He Is golgg to write you a let* “ ‘“ Hie fourth grade.;
Papa to still to Idteo. On thelThcre arc about .SS whuton Ip ihej
CUi of Jae'tprr last my papa met pith »M>ool. I bare missed 51 days' school.:
guess I will close for this tine, i
aa aerideaL' He brakcha leg art dU
ideved his ankle. Pa|ri4s gulic Ian- good-bye.
Art OB tec 30te of iaaurr Ust
Janci i. Horton.
graadait net with a terrible acctdvni r .
she fell art brokei her left Unb Injw^jy
SomnU CUy. XHte.. Jan. 2. ise;
a. Otaadna bad to
i Dev Mrs. Bates—1 tbeagbi I woil.:
emebes fv d noaibs. amTtee bu to
like lo be tne of yoar little Sunsbieer..
^Ik with a eaae bow. Drotev ud I ri would like lb £a\e }<hi send pp s
dM all wc «M)d for grartma.' M>
[eard ud batian. I an eorr.v y-oit bsv. I
auntie ud Cooslu
w^e Iran |
r to vtsli. She Stayed 11
every day aad Jll;*- b>
ooc- week aad teen was called
leather real well. Herpsou- L MSh
Maher hr tee serious Ulacda of her grey Speer. I am la the foartb grade
Bother. 1 hope to sec ikU is print.
My lUlie imnh.f Is in ibe fim g^dc.
Frup a little fiaatebe bog.
The people I suy srkb take the IlcfBalapr W. Halstrt
aid aad I eafor rcadlag Ibe iltile Sac
-FogvtrMue. Fla, Dk. 33. t«M.. ahiao letters and I b<v>c to see tels la
Dev Mrs. Bates-41>b learte v print.
weu art I sfcieerMr hope u wU tee
Yov ilHIc
'Age IL: ,


. Fw1fkmihlwsart«tb



1717DSJB yT^Al<rCCB»~'VT
Wbna Hie sereatocatb ceaioir had Josi iwMshpd Us halfwar Park, there glvcd'hi tee airteu
teetoat Mtr ot
. Bouca. PrmMo, a Uule Wbdt-ofrt b». whose 8fe was to bare a
grant deal with tee hWnq of tte new woridperoas iteAffatoUe, ahd togcMally that :^ of It la wiieb we ve iatecealrt.
Hb asBr was BolKin Oaraliar
M teJk.«ad bla fhPily wu CPS
crthc oltouartweatteieaffaBMeB; A briclu bey he was. fort
M kte books, which was k mahto thlM U that day when pugr.
cm of. Ibe rite. dM oM know bow to read v write.
The wiW Merles of odrestare aad dtmeorerr wblcb cape
book to msec from the Apcriean poeaemitoas roosedN^n tb> '
boy's soul, u be grew oMcr, a gnat desire te becoatcaa cxplver.
art at the age of iwcntr-tbrec te took his Uiilc fonitao aai
sailed to
Here te presently cape late poueuloa of a large tract of
tort OB tte Bl Lawreacc riw above Montreal, and oa It be
foaadnd a aettlcuui art balk kiptcif « hone. Fv tome tipe
te applied hlpscif to the learalag of lodlBB tonguggra. sod with
sate aaccras that In two v three years be bad nutered alu of
bto all the early explorers, be dreoned-bl ftadlag a way
. *<ThSS
u l|lie coaUaeat to Cblu ud Japan, ud as tbc wasdering
ladtou from dlstaat tribes cacu art west oa tbeir vMu -M
curiMltr to Ms hope oa ibo banks ot the broad riror, be ««eatiooed tbep eagerly about the toads te** bad mm la Ite Tv
•oPbwesL Ai one Uine a band of geneea Irouuuto ep<-st tkJ
mrialv with bln. art fron Ibcu be leaned of a gnat rirv callM
Jke Ohio, white rose to their country aad flowed to the oCcaa.
bat lit course, ibcy said, wu long. !i wvilit ukc eight <v Mu
awnihs to mate its mouth. Like Marquette, he Judged that this
river nust cppt^ Into the VcraUIno Sea and « be tb« long
aoagbt for wv to Chiu. '•
All bis ankittoa art dvire fv dlscovnrT wore aroused h!'
tbue repar.s. He tucccoded in inteCostlng the goverav of Can­
ada la bis plans, tbea be soM his eotafe. art with Ibe proeeeda
bouMit caaoes and engaged tnen toaecanpany bin oa bto learte.
At tbis time a corporatioa of prims at Moaireal. called
the Seoriaary of St. flalplcc, from m-bloh tbe menbers w^ atylel
Sulpittons. had beard tnueb from ibHr ladton tollosrera of great
tribes of urages living in hesihon darkacea la tbe soute»<
art dcoired to send mtssloiiaries u coorert tbev .So for this
porpoM they flued ont u expedition. cominaBdod by DoUlv da
CaaaOB. me of their anmfacr. On going to Qnebae to prosure bU
outfit, he wu Induced to ebanv bU ptoa^rt go -with La Salk
to disoow ibe nnkiKiwn river. Anoihv priest named Oaliav
sras aeni with bin. and with tbrir lllile fleet ot canoes aad their
Indlafi gni^ and canov-meo they, mrlih La Salle's eenpuy. cm
tbe sIsUi dv of July. 1«C9. omhuked flop Ls Cblae. the bone
from white Ls Saltr'bad iusi psried.
li wu a rongfa aad perilous jouniey op the St. Lawreaca
river, with its fMmlng rapldH. lu bidden prrilr of rocks aad whiripools Md Its fringe of paihlCM foresu coming dewa to tte
wUVnedge. Tbeir only food wu lodton corn..eruahed MsireeB •
two stotiM, and l-jneilwIibracMv fish. This wu ealen wlthonl
ealt; and Ibe Freoctamen were 1
y aad ill wbca. oa tbe
fccoad day of August, tbe}' laaehed Lake Oatario. white lay
sprud out like tbe sea before ib«a.
A week latv they eame to Irandeqooit Bay oo tke sootfo
era bbore of ibe take, and renstoed fv a moub aatong the hos­
pitable Senecas. Bnt the Indians did not-wlsb to foralsb them
wjib gmidw to proceed oa tbeir wty to the Ohio, aad u lroqoo!>
todiSD Uring at tbe bead ot Lake Oniario. ogertog to stew thcp
a bettv wv. they left t'bo Seoeeas. art coultog akmg the ahvc
of tbe toke. pused so Bear Kiagats FUls that they teard the
;dv->f >bc cataract.
On tbi- iwraty-founh of Beptenber they arrived at aa htdlu rlltoge nev srbvc ibe city ot lUallMn now elands. Wblls
bere tkey beard to tbeir great surprisp ibal two Preaehmea wertV a neighboring village.'' They baateac44o poet tbep. pad toofi]
me to be Loals Joliet. rriarBlBgffram^ nuacoewfiil uieppt
to dtseover the copper mines ot Ihe Lake Soperiv regkrn.
Joliet chewed tbe priests a nap of (be part of the °pp*~~
lakes Wblcb be had visited, art told them of tbe ladton irfbra of
tbai roglua who wefe living in btatben darkaeu. They at ooee
dvMed to change tbeir ptans and go on a mlsskm to ibev ladlau rather than to thue at tbe soothwesL
La Salle -tried to vrauade then to copltonc with Hn. bat
to DO purpose, and tbc party wu dlvide<l’ We will follow ttao
two priests to a little space, u In tbe course ot tbeir Jonroey
they bad qttlte an latefeltog adveaforo oa.MiebIgn soil.
Before they setnrated s rude altar gf croued sticks waj
erected at tbtdr'esmp'on the banks of the Craad river and Doillcr adnlaistered the saerancot to La Salle and bis foliowert..
aad said nass.- li was tbe iast day of September. «*ben the roT tbc pri--»ls entered tbeir o
float down to Lake Erie, into wblcb the riw enpiled just be­
low. while La Salic was supposed to return lu MoetrvaL
BAtenAbe little fleet rcicbed tbc lake and they uw Us
wide expanse a mus of fuaming. angry wavet under tbe grwv
autunn sky. their beans failed ihcm. Tbi-y dactl nv go funbeit
SB they OMde a camp wltbla ibe forest n<-ar tbr shore, art pre­
pared io speod tbe wlntv tberr. Vltlle tbe fine wexihv iuied
tby gatlKKd Stores of tecstniiu, hickory nuts, wild plums aal.
gia^. They bulli snug cabitu ud made tbcmrelvet eomfvi*
able fv the winter, white they psrsed quietly in shooting game,
of white there wu an abaoiianv. and in having rellgioua ser­
vices three times a Veek.
When spring came they erected a crou. aad placed on I;
the shield of more, art wnb mvb et-rentnay took fvnai poo*
sauion of ibe country in (be flbme of Lcmiis XIV. Then they
proceeded OO tbeir.voyag^ which prored to be a very docomfortable. art often a pcriloas one.
One night, worn ont wUb row'iog over tbr rough toko, they
landed aev Irtnt Pciee at ibr wcsieni cad ut Lake Eric. Tu >
tlrt-d to-properly secort- tbeir canoes they toy down on tbc sMd
and sk-pt tbc sleep of exhaustion. In tbe noratog ibe.v foonJ
that tbc wavrit bad swept away r>me -A their btmis and lb.- greai»T |iart ot tbeir haggav. which tln-r bail left nev the waive
e<!ge. and among It wu all of (beir alutr scrvtre. They were sDceiy
STi^vcil apd could think uf no other rrasox f6r ibto happentog
than tint It wu cansc>I liy the maltro of the detii. who wub«d to
blndor them, in tbeir tnUakwary tato.w. The mvt cf ibrir pew>
.der wM wuhed away ciso. aai toeWng fneau to defepv
toitb agalast evii'rjMrits and eril laca. ibe^ svnrd notbisg lu
be done bat to aiakc Uirir way u qnieUr u possible tack to
Tbla'ibey.praeceded to do by toilowiag ibe aew war Jo^t
ted Jvt jmmrt ow. throogb peiroli river art so avtb to SaaU

9U. Maries Bom aftv tbep eatcrad the rfrv. aad ktote4 wtow ‘
DiMt BOW Starts;.
Hera they teart tte gteewtma of ladgasrtladmi who hrt
cope IB wdraklp aa Med cMCteami tv art wMe aanar teMk m
a powerful Maaltoo. They bettered be bad apeclal eharge «c th *
aariptUM of tote 'Brie art t
Meodly by gtfu of form, tobacco, aad other ralaUlc telaga..
This IM wu only a pmoL rough ntooc whMk bore a y«M
reeopblaaee to tee bupu tstp art wbkh bad bua paimrt la h
hideous lasbkML- Tbe two pcteais were at uoee nnriMrt lhat
ttte wu tte dera who hod caused the tau e( their'alter iin Hpa.
art teatr .wrath beeanie farhns towvd tte boerid ip«gr.
la tec blattey of teHr ionraej wrUtea hr oac of teap. te

-I k«b yea to ibiak wte hv wc avragrd on ibis IM.
(White tte Iraauts had greatly rteeppoodod as to tetoorl tte
tana of our cbapeL Wc also aaribaicd to li tv ararriif of pro▼Wpos we hod bea« ia ap to the preaait ttoc.' la tae. tbero vM
oat a awa rf os who wu aot filled with tetrad nf thto (tev
deiijr- 1 waaceraicd ooc of av axes to btert to pfoeu Ula atema
god. tbcB toriag toabed two oatKtra logfuber sMa by sUa. wo
carried the laigaat piece lo the middle uf tbc rim art tbrpw It
, with all tbc rast tolo tbc waitw ihat_ha.^lgbt never 4n> baani rt
aoala. God rawardad os immedtoiriy fv this good ooUso. for wa
kUled a dew ud a bev the same day."
They then proceeded oa tbeir way np tte tobwi to tte '
Suit, wbara tbay Toort Fbtbcr Marqaettc aad Dabloa. who t»r'..
a guide to B
foaaL fv white plaec they departed aftv a day V two. VJotM
wu tbc fim wbito maa to daveod tte Detroit tlycr. DoiUv aad
Gallaec wera ibe first to amke the passage by canoe from Uiu
Kris to Lake Htoon.
Bot aoaa lutoad of tbc hircbaB comm with tkric duky
cncars wMdIag Ibrir browa poddies with alaewy anu
the atroog curraai. tbe Mils uf »-white mu's ablp wsra to te
aeon teiaing snow white 1a tboaa art oa (be blue waicra af Ite
teauUfttI ilvM. u we abal! prevxtiy learn.
(To ba CnatlBBad.)

Two Steanpe Draama.
s a stir I
Wbne Polly Hv wu fast aMcep,
.tbc aais. They raa aboat ta an ««•'
Carted up ta grandma's rbalr.
Aad dreaming at a lovely doll.
With eurly golden hair.
Ttel to tbc way they talk to go(#
AU droaaed la wbKe. Just like a bride.; otber.- sMd Naaale. -by rabUM IMP
UlUi allppen and a, faa
jMiconae. or Totten, mgether.”
Art tertkcttelef, bv lUtle toot
t Then all at once ibeW* darirtte
Weal boub4^ asleep, began
'Hie place where ibe tbabtos• la/.-Art
To dream of ^Ivca. art aeediv. too. itegu earryiag them down teatar UriB'
:tbey bad be^t ibom op.
y-lboras apd •tnara
-Too light, art pltia. aad IKHc wups.i "Dav m'Sr^aaW
m^T^aald Bifle. TTbat Ba
Art aeulos fuU of tiiags. .
you anppose
they....did (tet tvfAnd so. ibougb Polly May's own; lie sky was as doar
me .
as warar'ai ever; bat too f*“~~'~’~
Wu ideaaut u could bb. siv Kaulc saw a gray -«iat VMfo
Hv pov. onbappy little Toot
ag ap from tbc oceu. (be wiai matt
OB woke hv op. you aee..
oat aad ia a very few mfoMM Tte
ky wu ot ercaat
AM Bablaa.
"BM. Elfic." tee caelalmrt." tte
*T>. -Kaanlf! .Nannie!'* called ISflr tau knew ibU ww coaOag." .
"Do evae b««« ud aoe thue ut
Tte dev. (flae|w linto Ibtogh"
nulag aboBi with UiHc grains c «M eta. That wu nhy tkw
rice In ihtdr mootbs."*
meked Acte babtv away la ute •
Nuali! sprang from tte hammoc* iuiry.ud aai down beside Stfic oa the grar
acv a targe ant-UU. A stcaay pv
BaUcroap. whoa.tte .telMmefiNte '
*te best art prauiaWi''.m« to tte
had. saM. eate oac bad la Us vootl eorid. was very OJ. . .
aometbliig that looked Uke a grata «.
She ted towB aufog Mae tantm
rioa, white wu laid vary carafally oi ud a loute telt-cooked one Mi
the auuy side of the bill.
'rtged In ber AtM!..
Those are aot gn^ of rice." sab
Papa was away, bot all tte raat
Nannie, With a Icarart air. They an tte family Were walobiag wlA tavfoi
ut habtos."
■yra tbe pov aaBerfog ormtmo.
-Am babtos!" cried BIfie. "Why
There wu po doewr fv aatefik. M
tbCjr kara M heads v legs; aad aav Au part of tte caaUry. tet auafti
a» laowa, aot wiilte.''
If Ae adgbbqrs camn orv art triad
"They aro aot bahtoa, Just tbr
•ame." said Kaaaie. "Mtag^Orabu
Tbo pouBdod oa Ao ootalfla.aC ter
told ns all about them last Friday. Or -hrau trylag to braak tte tarolp.
you remember Ac coeoou that I pai Aey poshed aad Jammed trylag ba
la tte lumber room laat tall, art tV sore it. but aoihtaig did uy Boofi.
buUarfika that came ooi of ibrait -mly ban Boitmap mve art atom,
wm, iteK ve aot cocoons."
tad sbo grew worse
"Ob. I tee.- said BIfie. "Tbe uir
T gaeu Che wS) hm lo go." nU a
come oat of tbov cocoons u tbc bot mu ai iuL imlexs boom ooe darra to
terflics canto from tbue <wa bad."
pot bis arm down hv AfoU art pill
"Yv." said Kuato, "art a cocoor te tnralp ont; li aaeds a prauy aafiO
to called a pupa, ud paim Is a Latte wm,too.-'
word wblcb meus baby, no they an
Mluto wu a ull MAd. ateh a toag.
ut babiet."
'Ala am. She Wed Boueraap deoily.
"You know wbxt funy things WlUis art sbe eosid not tev i* tera bv
'Olabc Is'always Myiag." tet eoaito
ncd. "Well, when Miu Graham aalf
-I rttl try to get tte iaratp," uM
papa BMont buy Willie asked ttlbr Mlaato. "I do not thlak Baturap
rill bite me. she kaowa me ao mM
papples. Yvi should bat
sod always aaost to tora me.*
laogb. Mias Graham stood luoklng at
Tbe mes propped Bottoreap'a mootb
grave and sweet aaiil tbe room war VU art beU ber u atlU u poeaAto
pcrfccily qnlet—yoa know imw lorelj
Mlaato rolled ap bv etocre art pot
sbe U. Ellle—ber hand lato ffouereop'a muA art
"Yes." said Elfic. -T always think oi poabed down ter am Ob. bow tong
the qaecn of Sbeba when I see bv. I art unpteaaaat pov Bauorcop'b
am so glad I sbsU be in ter room »eai Aroat wu. but Mlaato did mi buP
"Thee when we bad fiatobnl lauM>
Sbe evuM DM-grasp tte intsip,- bot
ing she larned lo Willie, smiliag u il Ae mored art paebod U ao it want
nothing bad happened, ud said iowB Ibe right gay. art the pet eW
: There Is very good reason fv beltov ; wu saved. ,altboagb fv several daya
' iw ttau puppy i> derired trues imps ! ber lame u'd bruised tbroU bad to M
so ibai is (hi- reason a dog baby ,li ; Uatbed with Unlaoeai. art boadagad.
caned a poppy.'When papa came borne tte Bltet «*
'•Imagine <mr fcellags. Eific. t Toufl*his accident and beard Ul aboat Bte
d look Ulu Graham to the face. Uf , erenp-s adveatare. be said: T fodi
Nora's Aecks were the eotor of tb.
ery proud to kaow ibu I have a
reddrat poppy yon «^rr saw. W« , ibravcUi'Irdaogbiv. I thlak I ri
h#\U't tongbed to sebool since. Ve» lave lo give yon (ba very heS calf
tentoy. when Dennis Matoy wu read ' Sotteroep has fv your W7 owm."
tog 'Caaatouea' bo said. There eamt
So. one day when a pmty ilgbt
a bust of tbnnder sound.' ud aoboJ' Mown ud white calf caav. te wu
etea smiled., gtvaa to Mlule She aaatod « Itolw.
In Hu- meantime Ac ut babtos ba- md called K re^ lovingly her owa
all been brought up aad
V baskin. 'dear darltog bosw-"
in Ac bright ran
"I SBppuse they faring Am op tc
The Child In tte Oiaaa.
take Ae'alr." said Elfie.
The ehiyrWho- Itoea' la tte tooktoggiass
"Yes: Hiss Graham says the uLtake ihe grcstvi care of tbeir babies Is always waliingf lo see me pass;
Thrir BCUS. away nadcr tbe grons I She aerar semt to m art play,
lit wa'chcs tborc fv me all day.
ve <:ivided tolo a gmt man- roam,
art V Bighl Ibe bUiet arc earefui:} tfof every use J gsArt ase,
pal away to ihv Inorrmost roam. 1 find her pratoag oat u me.
>oe dar wtea t wu wa ud ertsA,
Tbea la tbe mornlsg they are broeg*
Ipto tbe bs'.er rras for tbe day. a:- Sbe stretebed her mouA ao very srMa,
U It ia rety warn aad bright they sr< ( had to toagb—ih(« she did. too:
Sbe Ufces to do Jart wbV I dm
carried on art Wd to tte srm."


GHAN&Tiuvcmc'M^LO, -rmnnoAv. j^muakv 2. tm.

M •• iiABK. •*TM..AMoe-« tc«e*





ao* a 4aaR>T of M owe of s»rr«

autBK-*. jra»h. peat aod <panftr iB'

tbtok ihfT Bare fulBlW their dmy at

apple*, aad place 1b a

rafeMBBkers U iBey RaFCM-d la p^ar-

lOB rtnd. M^leea
(a ibe oTi-o vltk^ Imoi

aBd AlfccrYctaUcbt . anu

It our be hard and



WBh'tu Maadltoa raace «r ccaaMeH
ABd hope or lUan to be.

Wbea the affite* an- quite

sort roBort' (be apici;a. and ^il ibe

r or -Grueiblr,'' like *o naay bakm'

Jolct: of the lenoaa.

panaL.ihea'aUai. torn Into marma­

be DO eloads in atabtr-our a ctoad.' I aa Uabt. aad of sneb cimsltiaeaer a.-

lade pola. and ih- down wblte still boi.




grren shoots of some kind are no:
prrTTided. the cat win get tbe aa^to'
gus vlne^ and

the wmbraiu pbiiata.

Sow a few oats In tbe

two pouBda or subacid apples ftsd pn*

la wbkb aowwive* o»e that ptonac-

People Are Especially
Uabie to Catarrit.

a fer Huabiada.;.
A eeboul to teoefa hitehaads howee- j
lUfatlun to be nuldiabcd ht Oolh-^

bokiaa pawder-la ibem into an etuflieled saoe^n with apt. It ha* U<a tqtcncd by oar uf the !
ptni «r rwen older aad os* pound Uochers- rinbi irf that efty. aad Its of-1
bM MKh^nlce Job—lovelr river, no | never *» fender and
motn a» that
Wbea the oM onea paaa avar: '
ficial title fv -The HnsiMaii's ITcpara- i
and. aifCra. no ctiMidm ao atonor: tolae^ with cream of tartar aud *oda. of crashed haaf «ugar.
The old daya die, tot the llcht Is the
slowly for three boors or loagCrruBii tary-HMuekeeiong laailluilos. ' Ttito |
erwylhlii* nke.'
J or with e«a aloat
Tbe beat |«slry fkmr aboald also be j tbe fnili to very i-iCt. lhc*.Ma*e*e It U a rcwlt of a remark made Ly a lec |
what.* aatd
Mr. U*l«i
. I* the (lawn of asedber day.
turcr la CUcago not long ago ip the I
^hia ol’ river U good enough eompMy used, for altboHcb what Is known aa i —am
cfl«t ibsi a mtnAn sboaM no*, marry ,
(or anybody; an* 1 voaldat swap.Jobs bread flour makei tbe awo-iest. boat jthtongb a aiiyc.
I Some aar iWe world^ia « «oM. ocOd
limid. It is not so goewt for eabt: aa ib-F |
Ta Havor .\rpl« Bdt.c -How *say ualevs she keew Mongh aE^ ODanwith ’li' presideaL.'"
bnnsekeepers litve tried the -lltilere.1 dal ai^r* u> eepperr her
matry flour. The tiour abonld be sift
Bat fl-a alwan hem Wtcht to Bie.
tueiai-cry. )5o rbo
t<d art-ftol lliB<w..aR<l ill deHtoo- alisc: claita.Drjn .Irqi*’ «:r caaiHes lor flaverOaiiity Gowns far InvaMa.
'MTlth ftf bearthattaia Are* aad aranu
ThcoMdaysofsHnpInglntnanoMjcaVe aa ofuti a»>ly m aevon Kmc*. fag .nn'1 ci.|i<riwg apple lauic-r? «u*- onihen decidid ibai It was a i*»ir
wrapper- when ytm'ce tired wv
ibi milk l,sadileit vtlhcrrmn^ lialf pi.iimd ol the drop* 1* siiffiHeut rttk- that did not wi»rk .todli way*. They
por Hi* ihina* that arc y%t io be.
aDiI nreii 3B iaratid, well cnongh to sit! iutiter and sugar.- it must In- siirred for nlmut eicht quarts 'if btiHi-r. Stew made op their Bia<>* tbal If a wtawaa
Abd (ft non labor I wait.
prutertly tcader,-|ib'k shonM nut ntarry wilhmd a aaowtedgr
up. enjuya, and is actually hejjicd. by' In slowly. If it Is ponn-d in t<io ra{>- apiii.'s unul
And UuM la the fkoMa 1 hare aowa.
bolBK ptwtliy dre^ed.
I idly tt wtil sundy curdle, and Ji. k lin^ ibrougb eolamicr. sweeten i« rail tiu- of hnslniws it wax im more than right
Pot 1 know there ft trWh Ib the
4, utoo^ I luisailde to make cake of fine, grali. laale. add r<-it •m>p* aad cn-jk for uoc ihai' a man shouhl be tlMirottghly ft
Borne day none <ne will
iaa at ywth— ‘
a curdlad ralvture. Bvur milk, hour TbU is woiih a trial. Adding u miliar with toii-.>ehuld ditlk^ mi that
rahall rose Haw eome^^ own. aad preach Uit -good cbecr td pretty
t the women itf ihi- howw wre uneloihcw**—pnmeh It with suet enthiie- with soda, always makes a flae. deli. lew Ol the •frtqi* to apples wiiile ifaey
It Khonld, iKiwarrf. be p«-r a.^^iewlWR wil make n dl«h Hhdi t. •nlile iliniqgh lllBeKji iir for otbor rea­
Bone aar tbla vorid to a bad. bad taam that nil will siraigb|way fall to
lms to liHikntltT 'he lirunetllr affairs
work aad make up rest rulic* feiily new. After sour milk has st<ic>d von rtrneiivr i>i \be Atttlpcn wad
- husband tancln Id ti.hi srliotd will
to cluHT ihc h«ari» ami set off the (cvi-ral day* l< imparir. a btiier or oor. 'friiideximc tliau rJrli pivs-erv<
MTH'a alwar* ieea *o0iJ to ««s.
able to lake tiff lii* mni. f>ui nu an
taoMy la.'-ie to eake or any disli in —1A II-S* World.
With Ha arrora there live dear fcoato* foeeii of all tbc wcaay invalids on oar and ntre for the h'lusehold.
list of antfiaintanecs. A dose of'barai- wbirii it la used.
that foralre
Kterr l>tooeh wlU to- taught in this
icas rwnlty I* one of tbe best «d lonica.
Aad bw for the thiaea-lo be.
Pour Ways of btrainQ Cheese.,ue M*h(>»l.
Most i.lnnw is 1o hr
which 10,1* al«al 6 w id cenis. is HiDri. nifk nr well, there arc sure to
*l«la werM U not old nor odd.
Tl.i- Kp-m-ti itwiem oi oniiiilng il»e Inlrt on the coiiliiac. Oier the cuHaary
IHXI fur wlilpplny while* id cspii fiilie times when you're glad eturngh in
TWa warld to not ead ttor bad.
*-'!s and .'-niihg diuti r wiili baled di'pxnravni two of
!>eu cooks ffia:
cak<-. I'u'.eii i-d iH-aOTs are nui Kor.d
jr roA'toob 'a the IlcbU fontritlBS the fiiag off am-et or ercalag ckrthiw and
wlib aiar.) ««iuld U' found in Ihe't liy aer.- liirivl.
for calw. ihmisU e\e.-iJent tor ■•'■atlrv, I ami ebcfse fimi.. favor
tuxariate tn k>ow>. goft tbings, that
AnxTlran h»ii>et.<s'pera. The follow
fc»bi-l dr.-nsljR ami for other piiipoat n.
lead UtCBuelvc* to ati.-r etirofort.
And aar to roar aoai. -Be aJad."
I in;; i-i,ripen tor (^■ dlxhi** an- nil
The Snawhall Bcavf.
Ho mil iM-ai Ike whiles, bill whip
» t4Te.
Tb. im .*U. 01 lutloo
nmt» make Ihetr. ^delii-luHs wben stned. eitln-r vrilb n
nty young feirl. who tir in U- mar•Well. aoo<H»ye-

A saw rrfTBd tohaa mt basi


1'* elad ym-vrlCako nude «<ib

lb l—slut rat™.

„«■ .1,1,1.. o-ii-o .1..- tmh

Mil. o.,.M «rl~ •II, ,P"«
LU.1 ™i. 1» I. .irk- lb br.,. iui...,



tmwbia. but
li™.lbiillb™..»I.B.™inrt.nll„|.. I.



Tiiert- ha* n.-.ver beiw a winter wfaeo
miHfi^of a fad.. They.are not ibrnwc

ture Inic small latts and 'roll them In

kawely ovmhs> abonhler* ixiwaday*,


scarf* have- b<H-ii w> iiopuhtr and


bm are UB-xl a* a-sort of trimming

U'lag worn around the nchk. ctuxstoi
dtolned on |«|x-r awl served hert. Tlw- nvur In from amt tied amaad the waist
cheese uk- I mtod be oUl and dry.
as to bang down the back la two

to do U.U quick'


Ueer fiHl rll.liMut mttre than anything

ac origiuul dcslgD.

Ihnv eggs iuiatei^ktiir. BhalK' <h'' mix­

vi Uicin wUIi tfcc bah !•’”**' cnmdic. bYr them In a hot fat
air cells. It to a deUcare brown. Thev

' j whlcli iBCor

■uadi! from

not bt- icr td a iceiKivKiniul rmrh id sail and
laprika': a<M tn iM> the wblie* ol

mutt -be carefully *Tohl-

bare, from their llnrt «tay*. j
b«m ajmrt .d k-HO «rq..c. wherever i
there is'Bny attcApl *•

M etquUIMy doinly searf. which

silrred lain tbe liaiier with a miory, IdUbu U IbWoa. Ih.

:n the moat latiFh ..f -a^

ne-.i (•iunUi,.Ii3* in her trousaeasi

<ili-t-se itvil* -S asun a cup and 4
half of AitK-rican eiiecae w l h a qiiar

-IkwI'- whites UDlil Ihey

tough aad'hcavy.

Kaeques and robe* alike lake on an

rrivy i-alcrt «ir wil Kmdie- a ml bimilt.


Granulaied sugar Ik Imh ler than pnw- the !«(!» will lie heavy.
irbwcajce. It »*,p«r.T and i
Si'S”*" Curranis-Spired ei.rraittx
Imakea a Hshierrake. Kven iiioRBh th. i»w '<•»•>- ‘h h«ai.le M-ned wtili

king eods.

They trim up a plain wfilsi

Thto tanw-itlar Mumlall

scarf wa»
«*tertaU an- used, a rake cani««ff^ rtve- and erl*|. wafer*.
made of white mootseXae and aowt^
If tbc buli.r and i Ch«.-se la
on all over the foimdatloa wv-rc lano*
of hutler. font laUleiinowhalls «»t the material at taiervalx
Sana,. IMS
Hw "" |.™„. „
Spoouftil* uf efceese aud thno tsMe- i'f atogii two Incbet apart. Thc»e snowObobi* ,b ns ru ol tis. 11111,1 bblii
i,po,„„on. ,r
iililU wl
iialtv wen- p-j; on »u as 'to bang Uiuse^
osiorl.1 .hlbb.flnsn lb S«r
...s; „ iw„ !.«s, s ,.f . .oa.s".i"i . bon ■
l> amt fall gtarefully. Tbert was tui
KlmoBas-lmih long and a3>nrt-*ri
long Wmwm. hayo long sasbra. -bl^h 1

amnilDdcto j-onr movcmCBta.


Iiirali-'. who la- Jnst tailing.
tp tn heil. pruprK-d np wllh pUuwi
a ahrdya be ignored*


id Boni of pKNl chebr. tf

tSMM carry an their daUy work
£ ta gihllc life.

rbeo's DoihlBK so csNBtoriaMe and aatIrraciacy a* a

kimnao of


aaeque toagtfa. Ii rhoolit to- *IIp|m4


A«d aoraly sowhere I*

htwiUi. tbe wrong wV. wUh tbe Uroatl.

] ^wmllal a*

Mgh hack' comlDg well over the ehro:

Tta, have all felt the

• «*ltl Ima »ta»* wher* tb* proprirtor
MMTto hasleou with a (sown oa hb<:

iMi. gad yet

Mfe la gtwtol to a tioletol Iblag.^ The
BMmm* sift* down through the h*adt

I your tdirai.

of deimrtAeBts to iho clnrfcs. and ^von
pna K along m an' wlth wham they
woaie ia tmliM. The following from a
daily imper sighl


ptniaad with

nigb proiecibm

An the khnou Mew to



Hqnare slices atuvni nn Inch



hi- a aihon.t IkhI.v. of fire, hut fbe heat

ihirk add xcnopllig out th<- Insiiif. h'ar

xtinuihlug warm on ii.-r fvUira m the

iiig a wall on the »itlcs ai»1 toUioin i

kduse aftr-r the marriage ocirnumy.

thei oven only mndrra'ely bpL

quartnr of an iiieb ibleU.


take shimhl rts(-w> the top of the |wi. toow- wbl.
before It bfowB*. and tare




Kill Ihexi

-heeM- aiixture an.

Bev. J.?C. I’arker. VUr*. N. V, wrltesr

Ml taking IVruaaaadM^ i
.Mla> It wfl
my hear lug tsye*''"-"
I Junr
Strwui aad Vi(araaa
ttOl. Hyrheu
At the A«e af
malic (laia*
______________ _ arr all gone
-sniiiii .].au
di'sk t,N>
t.K. liighly
i.igbly 'of IVruna
k1 i>..y w 111 n eiglilyH-lght
ciglilyH-iebt yexVii old
Itualfloeh-iy of ftaa Fraaelsen.wriica
evil **^ It bw Invtgunnwl lay whole
from Sill Turk street. Kaa Franetoro,
•'Bitnol hut tiiink.dear l>»-u>r,
■UMwIth ptoaawro (baf f gtow
yr-u must f«M-! teiy Ihsnkfnl lotbe
doTOMMiUmf/tofMa. My Mftr-.
|..v<iig Fatto-r that you have to-eo prr- a-M-,r7ki irimiw?
.Ht.Ml IP lit .-, ami l.y vour ektil to sneh
to.-r.iuga*>»u havelwen iu>ufrcring Htbebcukmtmm
lio af/ «a
llbulit ageihe joo~“«-' i *
Tlly liMi
funelloo. PeroBB rurrrels all thi* by
It* .perlfle iqvCrstioii on all tbe amooos
memuraae* of tbo body.

To Baitiah Dampneaa.

Itrownto ihe

Thi- possllimij.-s of kcrorene^ill fo'

rh«v,‘c-An..-h.T nov.-l wo.v

ricanine ri"

kitchen siiilr arc amnv

the oven u-^JT to au.ld. uly tquae<| ro iOf verrljig eh.-.-s.- f..r at) after

ihing w-'oriii eun.'i.n-rlitg l>y the houvi-

that Btlroft veaelu-s it.
______ . ■. —

tetHiKc to to moiil.l itny lall* ot «
;tage ehce-i
ami sir.-i- ih.-m w

w ire w hu.wael* tn k.-ep rid of germs

[whlpii.<I creni.r nml a ittn ylte.--

The tifl wn'kr 'like masiv U) removing,


Cohccrnlng Wem«n.

Womcn- have htwme aa lndls|M-a-Icbang.--

BtlltoAtion of l.-icinine nr-1

pidille Vi-wrk In llc-n

■l.iiildi- leiiler

■ bar may raiiM- t-i.-kness In tlic family.



A duster fitted loin a bantOr la excctlent for doatiag high thing*.

easily U- haaUhed.

Tlieqilan I* lo pul

An excrllcni. Iiansh's* fai-v«sash'Is
made of a wry -wv-aV aolaixm «tf Kp-

a hot nr bucket of ihne Id iho eup

WMU walla.

boarl or wiormsmi, as the rase may

and mb on the tore Wilt fir;.

be. .“nie lime wjn absorb tbe damp,

Kerosene Oil for the Gink.


•-la Juoe.lMil.I h,»l tu> m-um-of hearentirely. My hearing had lio-n
Some* list Impalnxl for weteral yrarv.
tail Hot «>’ynn‘-b atl«"el«i toll that 1
eoiilil ledd eonverto with my friends:
hul in Jnuc.lW, my a-tisc of hearing
h-fl me Ml Uial I cuiihl bear no s.iund
wIiBi' V'T. 1 «*« al*o tfouhh-d wtUi
rhenuisiiepains ta my Ifmbs.

praetlenllr Ofe'esx. lull the itamp na)

l’•u1^tlg tiT.-i-i ir.niu'

should to- turned •>ff> pake

trimmed with a fancy border uf <h<-

UlUc high la barti. fifiishes It.

mii.M•ilipv ti-lm.iihig tin
»a tmiht- wcwji.

Pe<D«a Is a Tonic Especially
Atfapted te these Cases.

case« of be .v! h> euttinp ihi- Ijrenildri

Wrvn iutkiug a eake .there ahimlcl

taken that K ilocM not fall, aw it w ill of!

' Sto*. aad the ifaaaffliLla hi* mind (hat

Jhd BcMeagOT hoys and 4*Hm7 »««

acrouni »h.mld thr'«*t-d. wit ntul

bntier lie luolieil.



which wtl! :tatb proiaet ibe idants and

Fbr tbe martna-adc. peel ami con- keMiag l» the iaieat; aad most aov'cl

**Al thii aiODm^BV aiaa caae In:to ~meH in tbe ntouUi." la the eenar,


Onrta* tbo wiater aoaaon the

Cook tiaUI Iran-.

la hat aa boor there wonl jdeUeate aad.noist la textutv. a* well

aeed H.


poltoaed hr ir*»-

frah brtakiy with tbc aoRBr'Ikad the feed poaay.

toker. and auadattre dt nothUa bat
1 tM. oie fon‘ ttr tm. Wp bIb-i notn’
tola—-eauae tatol time, aa' we dost i aawdast.
A«« cake sbotfld be

'Mt H% Blwapi been new to aoe.

• utoN
mmi •oO'ttd,
atav-iW, bc
b Ue^ Ja

be ai complctel}- a falhireU iHecr uf mu>lia and the slnjcT wvHl
a hoary une.

A «rt)
Mm Mi- iM. <

praplc. aan

writer iB-lbe ?i« Tork TtfiMwe. wto.

ici a peifmlr Usbt ^Le.


Ctecar. a tuartrr of aa caow* or ckwra.

Mew to kWee CMim.

Tliei* arv



and tbua r.-mler the air qtdfe dry. Tbo

IVtitr a UUto t>n tto- haadi,

TravOers in etstern Gtberla jwrrw
soups in atirk*.

Tb<- soaps are froxw

lime must be n>ocwed fram itine lu ; nolid ax >tnoi.*, aixt keep fee an lailnu- as It htoses iis imwwrii.

deflali - iliue: MHk alsu to (rort-a aud
snld Iq Uh- pound.


B^on Oellght.

T»v> cup* pr criinilde-! IdviB-E hnad.


Th.; lid of a teapot obMld always,
be Wt tv that the air My get in.

! uli.- <wi> c-pe* bt-Bl-

This prawanis rnffattans.
fhi- areiinrdlailons anrf the riixl
ixt of U CB. one quart mllV,
rate, tff cunnu'. applies 10 a coRW
1 qyiec'Tt
frim •Ifh". Wipe the sink
meiifxl bulfcr. one cnpIiO Bilki-.l drlid - pni.
se.-k with a Clo'h dipiMul freely
fruit. Mix 10 a xiniioiti baiirr. IlsV..
x gortd Idcx f.w mciidiag a boir la
i.eruhfne. th, this at nighi. luiil lu
unit firm in ibe e.-ui<y, -Oftrntoh with ! „ i.|pi,rcHs l* t.. xtlek im very Bnaly
C.11... ,.t imliw
....... 4.. .. 1.1..X e
A., tuwM.
hem .l.u«a.T..w1
dlxwitw-d A 1
teiBou satire.
Tlii* ii> iK.t as much wespyas
■ariilftil of wa hlOR soda down Ihf
i tiani.
irolii |,!|>c. Tbih will ri-au- tlu- ira;i |
Economy in Table ttoen.
When ailing invt-llag or-vbMilBg. a ..
.;iH lb< whole pipe. Enaim-lwl or rinc j
^yiieJi tahl.iMmlix an -beginning t.
iamU.- lit isfM' niiinlla cnvidopea la
lath lull- may i>- ci.-.-m.-d In a f.-v-,
hi ,hM,pM-.:. cm i*« „r ihrve
whirli ii> xllh wluves, rcihi. haadkcc- r
- of- ftr.r- end and tiur- sMc aad
inlnuir< l.v nilihinc wiib to-roM'n.- and,;
-Itiei-. neekUca. Wc.. wHI keep tbson
Ihen.iighu w-lplrts wfierwanl.
i rehem «h«a. Hri* pnicc«. will chaagifnim m-j-nnis, ond they easily
-. ■.•;
------------Ibe placna of the ft>lde. nnd;will.add
foiiiid il <-a(di i* ataiiiKl <« l!x' uaiNew Objectlofi to. Oemeslie Service.' r.-w lif.- lo ib,' rlMb. tv'rrieiies ami
Till- tiiisires-M Ilf a >-ii> Uhl hs.l B<l-' om. I. : li.'iiltl i>-.- trt«li-il la tb.* san*
An Improvt-I doiilik- boiler rob bq
■rilsfd fill n girl for genetwl lx.n«

raadi- Imoj a e'ew l^yilc. a lia Uiritat, .
wofk. and was showiRt; an appllrn;;.
aiid ibe .'pp of a iin Irali roa wilb A I liii!.- ihri-c-yearold danghivx
tilxSix- lisd tox^
bide la It. liner tlx- bwe|u4 oa Ibc lia
II ill - iigiliag nlBlslcrs'in i.'uk
itto-roi ln,|li. r pr.aiixiiixi-» of privi:!.;
iti the kriilil•ulIiag walisT.
list great famlliiiti': .1
afu-rnisdix ml. • veniTig* ou>
v<x>f •loill.te lioUtir IsMaipl'-ic.
: ii'iiiug,- ugo, thoilgb«sto- ■-• iru^d
ioito-’l a-- iBungu ilx- two « ei.roqt. In three tisc* have
..ii«d).li_. a yoiin-. mfp ,*lx*
b^ liitrudiw-vd In Prance. By meaoa
Uev u>--i ^ir lajk'
girl wwldenli I
uf this tngraloMi- nmlrlvaftce
.p;>:i xUe raid »i;ii g>--*i cravit l> etoinx-lr may-grodoaliy
I e.aai lo .-it ou m,. own l»x.ibe ^luIx- of ili'-ir aoacq, tbc 1
r...iihJ*. tn »dd r. 4’ fix- Jt.-wUB
»pio a
iiiiuu-llan-ly pot liii down.
gnrvful aqaillne,
•i don't III
uion pf kwon -111..- >4x.nll to* »"«!''
soda-te a«Hed lo

I sorli.'. the atul •■ach gram kiaudir
-cr-iitiiry laitT ihnn In |
Remove from-l'u-, fir.-, datl
‘ran^i- and Kngtaud.
t.'hlu-rl 8iate“j‘ ,. ^
drain and t.- .iiu. ’HMomsIbc ‘Mrs. Wigffa* and hcr and skirt that roaich. Those alilrts
WS^I Monagfiaii of Chemnltt, In btot
ito ilii'.lSri-lo ft ilt--M rii-i»i>-iiimade v.*ry full, luit m a Wuiw
.pprristaU'-uhcernilacas. tbc readiag
...™, „,„»«i™i..n
,l,,.T,lu. ............................. r.mll,.lt.,«,i...a„l..l
■ .">ohIfc hM rocHrod full Information; band aad trimmed a Ihtic. on the same a,.,„ C.,n,„«l..,., ,.r roo,oo
.nd ,
aad. as a wtter of maaeulinc ertoJU. geei-rdl llnea as the adcqu.e.
L.W. r.,,-k.« i.ri.-ni II.. ^d..l,«,». i
tt to ptoasaai to know that ‘tort.
very-g.-ntl.f .«>■ a Isuir.i imttl
^O*' now and then cornea Ui ihv lilUe JahoH. act on almost like a
as.shuwlBg Ibo progress of wmneii in
" thi, shell U .-hlpp -t. 'V.M-1 ..ff lb*
mder a high -alnek. arc hcroming.

rhel't very c.-n 1>. m. n t .
.toe *Thcrc are men tn harnUe imtlitoiumade with mile adiusislde
Ii to not t v«T> woman who
(Whli'-M whol.-.jw ih<- vi.ik-. .ij.Kiidli
' who wodM be vghtable to high pUrc.-< cbeoito.dtew aty pcrhapa'lhc most rat- lain a |s».iiion lu the liermaii iitirui
. ritif 111 ail
mu, Meke
for some rcaaoai.* romarked a ciiixen Isfaklo^y dr all tn aa invalid, fur if tbe sen lee. so strici ari- the giiv.-nimcni
ovaJ servDic ilt>b, wliii h
li should towho baa a geonlah maala for fdalrr room be chilly a cbetol-oMir Is Juvi rcgnlatlnns ropertitig ag.'. rhararter.
ihoni-.tglil* healed. Sp:ii.kl.- ii*
' people. Tlowb by tbc Hfer the other caough proieHion: If it‘»-tot. warm Ihe ediicailbn Bftd health. A gm.-mii^r
wl:li salt-ami jx pp,-r and idafr
itoy I awt aa oM fritow wilb part cd lUflo b«*sc ncMt Is more rorafiirlahlr' ra.sllral rxinpln.-r i>n>noiiix->-s upon
Uie rlo-. fu,er Uu- i-BB-- s'uli 'li.
OK band cone, who migbi to dipw a
iburale hninglag rohes are V 1“^ the health, whit* mitri lx- p-rf.ct; >lie following sauce'apretot ealary on general prineiplca.
toed—there-f aw rcM In U» mvcli ageniusl not irxeccd llilny m to- inid*v
- " -'I lia’f 0 mil!
te*hhi fOMMCotored riew irf eveolhlae
«rieiglil<H-n'. and a gis’d -on^Mmm ri-lxiol
‘Tusa lad fcatbera.'
•IHunful Ol ie.iii -r in s .mue-'nii :>iel.
that fBM*a talo Ua lleM of Ttotam. On
have .«)uratk>D to n iiriniary -nquisi
••being dressed for vtottors" to
adn feaif a iaiiR-ito«>iifnJ of flimr; i-iir
(b* MOt I aased bim ‘Mr*, wngc* of
|A>rcessing all dhese quallfiraHnm.
extra broad coNar. perhaps iwl
(ugtdhcr until smuoih. ciMikinc ihiM':'
‘iba Wbart Boot.' fram bU laaplriBg icraed after the obl-taabiuncil «hawl- the woman eantlldaie >» ellgihle only
mlotitos; add o«4*3ojTiii cup of water
oaOoi* oa Hfc.
cDltor. trimmed as nweb a‘» ynii like. to a ptriliimt' as asslstam in the tK>»i- and ibe^'iifM- ef i«-n k mon*. tiim-.ig

“Hr was cooped np In a Htilc bit «ff
Tl.e Taacy coUar «sm-be sHpue.! oi;!
aud ito hlghesi salao’ «to caii co;i>taun,-.
Nevi i.iil m a >i.a4ii- r
a dtagy wbarf-bpat o^. aloag tbr
. t..iu-i labli- »f.. • a linto can ' 'be l->IHt.c water la whieb robtage Is
over thepta'aBr.rolf-iii
a. .—A....
moment, and I'“•1’^ f*"’
rot*-ill u.
1<I- 0,1 roll, ihi-ei- >li:it.- of .•.-i.r,' >;<:
rtowr: bat ad Wa aarmad
-d into the vl ihr Uc.- and ■ "» '*• c ,k-!. the grera cuior of
.rm i. bi a gown pmi> !b™|J',
i|iiaa-i>v «>( euipx i
matebtowaly Udy aad
^vr-rv Bight - It Wilf no) ,miy roblmm .sill I- rHaJasd antMmt hSTTrotmgh for Umjwt^ psrttrular of h- ' *"
of imslnors are op-nt to vw i
divlf 111- iliiauiltjr.ilf fel.-.-v
Wblto I was walling lo ae
l.iit solu-n 111.- tO'iHi
Whltelaj. b-ur be rrquirod tor-tbe bcdltag.
her'm.«i faxtldlouAinH*. 'houah the viilc.i ..f miCTl«o-.ii J...........
t altos
satll: After ihe IlRuid awl S(-*Kiiniag artnimlT"
man. he ave me a ebalr-poilshrd
ft ifKf 11'
ri-1 w,,p’, _Tts> rnochsixiB wMirowaotbcrobbagc
aK- eqiicll.v >irkt. a.
Tfu: ftUiiily enroller.
. ■
4 Bill'd ■'I«d. lor alKMSl five iniR
Hke a maboimay suir tmalaicr-and
B-.-and.t!»n'i- a iwi'* uiad.-.rfj'" totsdne y. to.w,
t-hn.'rer, arc employ
K lewHrre *rf btlcv-day »H-gilgoc» to
.«nlH li •>< i;-nrly r.- •Iil*’. as h.
ca afi'Pwn
wltir Tough be^»'--ak caa bc madefcmlc*
A'our liiiiuxaud
aK- «:ow
Ibai they Tari'-n «t the lliriwi. iw»i.*a.:
, by the folV-s ins prtices*: Ponod tbor-^
fjitrr hxAs a trine-riled all-c leleplumr M-nlce of
of bangibs. k«ne: Kvea kloK«aiB>. tn
(kit Maraing.' I said.
^_________________ ___ '
‘ oughly. iV-i!r, *ud1«t to a hot sklllag.
Gi-niiaa empire., H to sisie.!. u«i*i
many Instanpcs. -are
fasic-ucd wH.._
* ‘Kaw. It daa*l.‘ aald Mr. Wlgg*
ihibt mix;'’•"'•latoi;
gri-are tbatf vaei. half'
l^g Id lirriio. l-hv Ix.uts
Hoitscbeid Hi'nts.
gfwMf hrtohly oat of tbe wtadow hooka, while tbs- rrcitlcvt of nacqocs,
l>otl'Mi llhitocd oil.'lardy, pipieg hot, ohm. Md do art;
A Claw Can Garden.
"‘• -i'
at least
niw ,e a'lDW ns.m Inok Hgliti
Tte rtvwr’a all rlgU—there's beea^ all aliv lanes awi1 silk.
J. M ,J
ixroder. »
an i
'1 "C'H the blood «ou« oot «■
■ For liti!- rl:li'ln"4 r.r aii lavalt-I; firtir .
wHh a pretty riblum'at tbc

lot of aMiy tomts a-eoin' pa*t ins'
The highest w which h srommi caa I “ ‘
“* ,"b‘
r:r..Ol rlU-cd beesViax fted I U>p.'ihea rtOSOn. (flU and C«K* l^ll
I bearyf :
of putcriais an- good to j
t /•
rniee. I.
cnri.'lnk make il..- -^..01 Usi. doomed t>x kecp ckisc
now. (banileg up the Water, toil, It'll
draw. la -Ccrmao iMi'pbooc tdBcc*
*1'(rrtli.-rware.jar. S'land It ;doac.
y 'lav
•tav<'a H
xiono di4lTic the chill January
make ibem of—tor wtotec. prof* ‘ ‘ '
aMtIc down d'rrcily an' be a* clear awbleh to raid fo afford a coorfiTri-:
n ihe firo. ah'I beat
1- rofgotx-nyoBr-plo fiir.•M by
clasf csti :;anJ<-B. a» a.lvoroo-d
ibiag with itlcoiy of wui>|
A row pidBio iu the larJ elieu fn
a bML Tow Bcwr wee that river took
.fc lahto llviag in CtTwany. but 11 to a tow 1
i are dia*• pt-l and tbe juuw- IsvrwbaiaG '««» of '
wr;i-rin t:x- CHtferver. wiil lx- foundjgcul
Albairoas is llgfat-welgiu. and at. the ......................... .......................... ................... .
m lag tiodehutmwai t'ri-'-'Wi toimlag.
had-oD. aircc. abr'a a bea«y.‘
ipareil to that uidaicnl iu
a riia.ssn. ««-Tcr «rf f;.;.-r.-.i an-.I d--|f:.»v--i m.-i i.vprvu«ehlj anmUamaieil.. yoni pic. Ml tbe p«a a tHU* oa the .
Yinlltoe-bcaritime warm, while cfiall
Saw llnxr atel MlrvAgth by maklu
■“M‘c bad a log last wigbf I cobeiaxr .iixh nuy l e «»i- |Tb1- - itk- tc.i rriCfaltUw cart-gr.-a
wea, MTicn.doic. If yc'i
frnsflcg- «<
su^: liglii. Ao
tten*d. • . ■ ■
not d^tn- tu.ji’iDovc tbc pic from
aetpps arc good.
mtxnl with n rmail quantity orervara tbai lH'4 a. plain i-nde. «irh a- fni'-. ‘ anJ I r_:.l.'-d t.a wix-a ihc bwita, 1
- ''TU*!' be caetolmfM. •Xaw. we
'vlMeoi are pBi.l-a> high ns
rwnx. lall lamSdcrs. torge fiicklc or 1 w.-, The more robhiafc the touw.
I ri:i- tma at^xmer. do sot oei H flai'va
lor water, an-l spn-art on tmlte..
enks la deltraie coinro or In sav
dhiilX That ain't nu fog; (bal-a Jro'
In Germany, however. It mtu
——------------- jibe tabic, -jr tM> rroat wtl sweqt. IMI
To ke«.p a fnili or m-.mI ^afcc muirt. vIKx-'toiUk-v with tbc necks cut off. or
Oanucto,! smi
amok* Bt down m tb* water. If:! islcwbms.- wash
inxihl'F^ wllh hroncbftto . mix oac xM<- vf .(kfe pan. |AactBK
a ctmUfix'R-rr randy Jar. PHI it tv
with a
and btonket stuff* U^• blowHiditf#., Lawa! Wc donl have
tily phyektaa dqrtag : ^atosabfag Jmlw M ms (bat alf roa cirwlihlaanlBCiiiro'mUiei^witl>«-arfh.'i»lii->i in the tsmi
ao fucs worth tatoln' Bl>oai «m tbto
lay a' ritw'ef S.-0-J*. coeti. pc-ax. U-aaa. an unmamlly severe aente aiiack.. H* 1 cwlaie frer-y under (be pxnriver—briid'tni rtrnr i ever sev.
Ba«ir:rtium-. c.r—am to the glaoi. j din-rtol her to use glycrrtoe wbimevev j Knrt Glcheri. g wptl.knvwa ebemtot
o* oMik* aroand here, but if blows lyp«L Ami. loo. Ihe.wwl of wear «
add nnotb'-r loch of »di.
Tbe) affi :tvd by that [HtcuUar dryyycas' tVipimuivl. Ccraraiiy. has briiugbt ^
lie taVtw l«o;
Smoke d^*! stay .uowfaere saeqtic wit: hatv
iiu3 vf Ibe Bcods tb.TT UtbCiib" ihruat tbal
attend* bruachiito.] opoa the laattc* a aalhtllotc for lea
Itopeorn. atmoBita «ir i«ia:o' ^l;»i
1a ebaoixiag both ma-|
Atf* ft«a don't huft aaiblB' «4lhtT.‘
ts U Wtmwbe If pianied in iltolFive lirtM ** glr*»rinc held as tong i which, M I* saM. to larir and aroM y
urc oaxil}'
raii'xl if smaYi qaanti: ic* .>r!
' j
;C^ Apnje Hecipea.

“Two anch deci.Icd set barks nihcf lerlal and rijie.
paiwr 'bag wi'h sroqad4 *cicnenl tbal each seed U to j ar peartlcatoc to tbc muuth. with Iii» ; cqta.l* ikc btat Oilnew Mfka. T>a •
A llehf-Vclgbt wool roto . made api
Afiplc Jam.aud Apjde Marmahdr- .them .are pit Inx
dlarotnap-d tue, htd I made <
If iwoixTly made.'rirpoegh walf to s>-^^<>a ibim' asyl thea plain Kfghf. ami t!>i process of swell j ckisii*!. nrovtsd iadi-ed a wondertai alJ. iprier, hewever. ts oftly about onatblrd
thai II will waab aail eiroa tode«-:T^«'tw I’m* oAiitoeffort. ,
lag. SBroa>lag and sTOWtog-np aadjTbe doctor fanher raid Uiat cqnaijar that of Cbinettx lea. M>-- Wcbm
Vo- : k:i:U> 'KaMhonyiahit-Mta'MB.
•.^ter swe^-ix.s
■"Thuac a
titoads look ax If It might uUely. can be irimmcd peeitlly fay cm- ;ate - RTivallfd
-fiowp COB. be watrhixt (bruagb all Jis parts of^^yrrriBe aa<i water dropr<‘d! qwm ^cral mooib* ;to India tM
KtuekiBK sboultf a
A Kt'
a’'dmtfjwnu'fs .
—V- UMh ibeyr i asked.
broWerisg il la wash silk of ihe samo■ ijibe
ito Jam.*Ih»w
wum«. gjTlog a tor hrlter Idso than totu ibd laoulh wmiM rv-nevc moeb iycar. whew be studM tl» oartag aad
«4o«4sr repotIf^ Mr. Wlgxg color, and wltl glee ^eral iI«ms tbc|of eyr.- sugar 10 six ponnds of appt.-i. itori- waabb’p tt- This waxblug ha*-a
Bfferltg to'USaca* where fet^h wa-iproparatlon of’, lea
mmrttto pFur*.

' ean'thejwtoeonrt grau-d riod afiwojt»-ldoc!ae. pur.wsc. A wiockiag waahed cam be farm*bed by iiaEro of bo-xk dcservice tbM ooe t
a qaanor of aawaace.U wbtoe*biiafa It te aw^a*n wm,
pfqBt 19 thb BaaCoHne members of the

SoMo women pitffer. dastcad of a

hOMM «hsr« ihl* gepadaeni is road.

long robe, a iwOpUwe affair—raeq»c

II iirarly V



.^to'.a.'Slicp^ad tane. ‘ISbaw,

gtre.—iicavcr root.





nuvBRMi enrv. oium travenu coupfry,

r tttiBr tajMa Ib
«lHn be Baa la
ta .a■
MpSpi «tMA kto W» MMlaC OBlr
«»e lea* aad a part af

\ w iB

jrpflaai to the aaeMaat be
«ldi a eetd aad-thla baa

•tfMt adjolitaw tfc* fBctorr •* Vktor
PMrtri BAtt® wwt. » w 7*«ln®k>«
lot u4 «•• tkBt wui gtre tPte a M»l
«seo)«t iewatloB for tMr kiiBloMa.
TM eoBtraei
pethn vlth the aeothaair feeds to
■■» «ui be t---------—
«iaa 'iher reMb hooe.aad prepaalieu wa be oeneaeed IraedlateO
^to tfaet a ta>»etarr telci haUdap
aboat PtatO feet la dtBeaaioaa.
TUs Bm vUopae ap boslaeM bare
aheet the Prat of liar aad ahlle the)
do sot aak aar hMtas ftas Tn
dtp tbap will be aMaled la their pr»

air, MMCth was eiawlevad at the
jp it friaaPa la ^ dtp. left r their plaat here throoph the board «f
IMI to Ml hie poiite at the aaftaa tnia; ThSt vlU be a Talaable ladoato Tnearae 09, attboaph aol a
«f Mil to IhPlaaa. petap to wort;
iaiBa oaa. hat It U one a)lh avaderta)
otir the hftoebt
■ - ■ - ‘ Itto
a Pna t^eh daearves ererr eaeoar
mM froB the people of Traeetaa
aa« will doabUaaa racatra It.

. itoB


‘muMOAv. ramuARV a, ^

at aader the caiaa «
her <Aanh work aa aatpte P^ hi'or
Mn. Jalla LaBMol and Mra.
It D. B. MeMallea d the lap baOdlap «a the wad i
gaatalw a Baoter aahool dan aC
1 fee Coraoa had a dUtoaH trip raont*
fartr. aaP todar thrr naad aa the old­ Orand Tnverae Dabriaea'a Aaaoda- thehkaik. Thteaphthea
Ij while eadoavortar to ranch
en BaaPair oAool la MUAlm/
d the letter's panata. Mr. and
Sha vaa the Bother <t aeraa chD- tneertap to keU to Tnearae 09 thb <
MB. SMeer SbaSer. d 8ohB. 'Thar
rear It te up to the I
dm. three ■
WBie dlraetcd to the ahorted land, bat
aad bat one. WJIbar r. Btoete. ear Tra«wrae 09 to exteqd the aecaator i
Coaad the drifts rtwj had. The herae
joece d haBsa haada da the I
Tires, aad he reaMea oo the old hoaM- aid to keep It here.
fall a aBBber d
«aa do U each laRthle
Kalkaska and AatriB ooeaUea are brtetoe
stead at Northport. Twdea praadPtaallr the carter brake
oblMrca. aerea d Wllbark. foar An­ both after the Beetiap aad oCer-ftae j peadea.
drea d Mn. NewMad Steele, aad two baU aad aprab to aassBe tbeyee-; Bat this was ad the oalr baUdlap la 4oara. The ladles plac
the hoeaeaad atrappted to the hoaw
d Mn. itobert CsMbdl. who died a adnu. which b qalte aa iadaoMeat | daapar d the Sytap dadera at
rauaaraat d WSUaaVCHede ito «f Mn: Joe Sice, oeer a qaanee
qaanei d a
few yean apa at Northport Sixteen to the a Bben at the a
Bli?^ldaat. whera she aad her
acraMthe atrad was la
and als preat-pnadohU' aaaaeh aa there b ao aeoaM traa the j aeraBthedradwaalataMdaaatW
spnkcC. Thedaaeara iB^ d paiap with the TBt A targe ; boy. h
drea roond oat the dve pew
Mra. LMcooi 1
slnplr titttap and the adrartlaeateda! Cotae 4 Ben kept it <
which have leap existed:
aaaMe to proceed farther, bat Mn.
For aeertr two score yeara the Ber d the praBltuB Usb aad the ooatrtba-! aged with water ..
Sataua SteM had Itred with kb wife tioaa d praathtBs are the oe9 aoaraaa [ backet brtpade aad aothlag was in
at "ShadyDOok Oottape*' Jnd aader the
she was fiaafty obliged to gtre ap tbe
d the Bartlag
wMe apraadlap braaebea d UOl trees.,.
d the aoathd town, where raeaa mad j Mr. McMollee dates thb year that wUcb conld not bat eaaae a ripple or red-d tbe trip.
*the offleecB hare had ■— ------ “ BerrlBcet thronghoat the crowd erea
t. aad that the pi
at eo critical a Ubc. AlUoa Baaaaalowed their rtotoaa prowth. aaBole«titce. OB Satarday, was tbe
'oae the
ed, though the pktare was aerer palte
They woidd rather tolls Ue crowd on the rod d the d a very hesTy fire at S a. b.. aad*
anplete artthoot the aUboaetted
Flag thab i brid the ateribg la Trarme <39 aad Hampeeh koase wonid aap9 theb
d the aged patrUr
It b up to the bnalfeaB men to Bake backMs aad “M tbeaa fly” was node- d George WhHaoa aad an Ita con lento
•aiung Ibabeddaabea.
d the baekeb aa It
For tan yean Mrs. Steele has been It poaalble. Tbeae aMeUagi are d
bliad. yet the aarer eoaplalned. and Taioe to eoasaaen d dairy pndecu down like a parachnte and bnded oa > As there was ae fire la Ihre store
aa wen aa to BSkert aad the Bidlngi hb head like a hsL He locked pals i or b d aroaad the warehoaac Ue oa9
are profitable la naay wayd.
fd a BOBent bnt oubkly locorered |poaaibb axplaaaUon.d the Waae was
hlBseir. 'While thb ervwd was bar that sparka from a paaslag Fere MarTerribb lajuriee in MUI.
lag their tronbba, aaoUer crowd wa- |«i*eUe train Ignited the baUdlng. tbe
Fraak Kaauf. an empbye d Meworking like bearen on Ue 8IMl.s, warehoase bring near The uaUa.
» lad erealag.
anre'a eaw bU at Bad
Walter Voice, while a»jM»en dlacorered ft
terribly lafared Friday Borslto at
Roy St^e. mad bb^wlf*. who ooeapicd 10 o'clodc br tamng fraa a ledge lata ceading a ladder wiu a pall d wntar i Mbs aad no cBOrt conld be made la
e ctUer Ue balldlag e
the boBe d “grandaw.” After Mr. tbe anas d rerolrlag Baritlnety be- was abo atnU by a faUlag pall d
water and anplriety deloged bcaldes
Steeb'a relbeaient flea eetlrp Aarcb I tow..
One end d the e
e was used
bring knocked oS the Udder and pat
work, nlaeteea years ago. the eoaple
Hr^ Knaaf. wbo b eaployed ta the
Lardb d thb etty
Mt the old hoBeatead on the ■ootheni edging Bacblne. was atteaptlng u>j eat d the gaae for a few BOBiata.
cntaklrta d town, and tbe eon. Wllbar, walk oa a £x< beam, whk* was Just i Tbe bat OB tbe bnUdlag. whkh b wbo had d.OOO buUeb d poutoea
rained at to.OMi. b eosplete aad k stored. Tbeed eoat hla iwaa9-(oa'
awnrad oa to the
abore the «"—« d Bechlnery which
cottage la town with tbe tather. and rsa the saws and not leaUriag' the corered’by a UAOO laanraaca The ceato flat per b^ri aad were lasared
AaHe Hob Mr. Lardleh
the two faalUee bare been alBod la- terrible dmacee which he took wa* hoaeebold goods d Mr. Wanbargifor
tore oorered Ny fif.DM laatoaBce. the i potatoea Ue other ead d Ue wareseparabb throo^out tbe yean. On
hoaae held Mo baaheb d potatoe.
Friday Mra. Martha Steele, ihoogh too
owned by WIS Selkirk. 4M bntbeto d
lU to be oat, went down to tbe aged

OaaA af Mra. B. Ptpele.
;l«orthport. Mlefa^ Jan. SL—The ae
dadad Jhbo d Northport'a ddeat pL>
aaar «*a rtsiiad hr the aapd d death
tad alght at i:M o'dodi. aad Ade­
laida Idadart Steele, the Bother d
Method la aortben Ml^pB. »aa
honM oat aad beroad, ao aUeaUr aad
that fev knew d the TlalUdloB ead departnre. eseept ea they
Tlswad the drawn abades and sUeat
Mpb h»ei aatrtpkt sad fav watdAn d the alpht.
Mn. Steele ^ beae atrtdtea with
preefama. aad
thoa^ It was reaUaad that the ud
d at the aaeWaat pteea* wae aot far oC. her death caae uaeiHag.d|MI tothar ware pemedlr. fdtowtap her earned aad
BiMri 'atPMTsrda. Tbe Botharir eotldtatloB ta her (bIj eon.
■ Sea the hones br WQhar. to po hose aad took after
k tat Iher ware ad la- Martha, his w1fe.-who. too, was Iftap
■ aaiJtUB the wapaa they tartooalr iH with ftBaaBoaia. He bad
■to M *»• aai«^. ««1
raa^dd the bedside d bb Botherh bOBe. where eickaees had
the Ban down Into tbe frightful trap. ^
eatered. and after adBlnlatertng to her
waata, ntnraed hoae aad was taken apace tobh was Bmked on one aide i aiii Bother^ bedside, bot death bal sartonaly 111 with pneuawale.
by the flat aide d n rerrirlag pnlley '
praaedid hlB tn the hoae.
1 pbted aad oeeapbd nnU Ue bat d
The laacnu.
fnatnl. wnien
which aea
has neen ar- _ .
AdelaMa Both Steele-wa« the aped ranged J.ct pa Mra. Steyb dratrad. -a

~ sr

- w..,b..

plriallribodlUfMeral.'-wmbeWd.2^ J^'^UueaSL^tto!^***^
, m«theehafehTharaddyatlO:>Oa'”^*^^J^f^*™^^
ThU b not aU. •Braty
bone for aerenl laehea wet bid ben
to'j "to buroM aerteellr drr and bS ^'■ «^.b to BOre oat
------------------ .77::.
mma, will b. I.

-.-to. ,. ~:i I was wadgad U ue Ure belUag aad
u» ..Ue.. w„w tnriu
' Ue akb off bb right leg aeariy Ue
whole lengU bebg boned bare with
'' inatltute.
A two toys’ seaalon d,the Leebatu * “>• faction, while, aa be fell be wa*
OoaaM **f»era* laauiau was beiaji«*dd down on to a rerolring ect
at tbraea'a ball. Buttons Bay on
*I>toh burrowed lb way bte
Ud tbaraday at which |
‘tosh, tearing nn awful--------Fraak BhbUtca d’ttto dty spoke on' Hb ealU aitraeied the attention ot
. _ ■ - 1
: *
begu by ritpbin
Mcaore |mt k-*
It was
aose littleii«i.
tag how Ue oeat d bullto to both H*c toon he conld be extricated
kBg aad short haalaoa bad roads cool d
BBUberr had to lb Uat down
ba lowered by towering Uc preaent WJ
Mfittag token-ofl ud pnUeya
Ugh hUb aad said that be erca 'tettOTed.
II «w«w. „ . auur «, * ‘w »l wu mwa, I, tbi, ai,
eMaaay'to go around hUb aad not at-!
respuded u b)
UBpt to follow section llnaa as m ' I>r. Swuton. wbo did e»«7thlng poealttaeatoet. Hb called attention to U«it>l« to allcTtatobbsaSeringa. Saurday.
Mri Uai It (toata more to tranmiart a ewaUed in ^
bushel d w^eat toa'mUea orcr bad pbtely oorw boU Ilmba ud body the
roada thu''lt would coat to ship It paUent wu doing aa well aa cooM be
ftoB the state by nil or water to Ur- e*P^ «>««*»>* muy
I ud Uraaloni which were toner were
Priw these aubleeb Mr. Hamilton!
*»®dy ud add to hb adweal on to talk d the qratsB d work- fertog
Mr. Knant to a mu about for9
lag out Ue highway tax and ttioe^
hnc a fnatSy briag ned
adTbed Ue coBBOUtton d-Ue hlghway ut into eaU.* He uld in Ue Orud Baplda He caaie aorU to oka atatee Ue states are now help tala work for the winter.

-WhBe thrir week la eon fined iBgeiT j meager, but ua preachers ware to.Ue j good wmk at the taatttute to Uto chy, doae
ii I iiiiTfiiiti fanitobed
rnmuhee^^ Bnmmlt 09. Feb. 7 aad I: FBe
M (TiBMttagBaiMnak (hair piut to'district.
Irund able papen u sab|eett whicb goods d Ue. beuUfully
hose ud the attoaUoa d Ue crowd iAke.-reh. 3.
^ askppnfi-wiu Bnrhtoa9 and pra; It
. ,____________
iMM ^ aum
plooeertog «>»♦ the worU ud 9tw, jin. 1*. & Bahle'd
iBttoaa Bay which had quickly gaUered,
OeoU RelU
Ijir the TMT finest kind d Berhlne re- j fUrieUu ulrit d the wife amertefi-; ^aued arary ona with a bc^t lao-j tamed to sarlng Ue fixtures
Mrs. Catberfae Fudge d McCracken.
''ttsrif. aad her early edacntional tf^.fUtlu. Nn. J^ White d Solon gare j seloeB oa the first floor. —
of Mn. WiUtom X
tog aad aataral ahlII9 as gjpfiaker •_______
iOoBS d Mabel, died Jaa. SI. 1M6. at
PHaabrMr.Bchayta-whhManaaediwarebtoWt into a practical oar, uJ her thoaghta 00, -Mobs laflueaces.- | aged as badly as though left to feed ■ k„,
^ _____ _
«B (ha Mghrn Mpfie d Btoel aad Mus j as a result. Ue dntlea d Ue praacher i-whiu was Bore Uu eaioyed. Hob. 8.: Ue flaaes Uoa^ Ur stock d liquors
' C. Oanbe. ow d the Boat ai
largely sared.
> Loutse Martoa. Ue sweet tittle ^ycarfal wlto as writ, aad many a beauttfol: (arBcra d I
/M Ue
The eattra populaUou d Ue sUtoge edd daaghtord Mr. aad Mra. MlBer E
- oa Ue graands and a phone White.-died Monday afteraoca. The
To Trarane 09 to* eaaae d Ue little cne*a deaU was
Her «hn
that he; Ue firh apparataa. but It was ert- Wfiaal Briilagltla ud tbe ead case
ReynoldB aad l.
aa tha yean laid thrir aUrery toach ; was Uomghty' <


Wlltte Sradtett. (be eon d Mr. aad
waa scat to hold Ueap-'Mra Orta Brackett d Acase died «aparataa-aatn farUm erdera.^ The de-|dar Baraiag ftera a enBpttcBtton d
gnrtmt. howwfar. was not needed as tha Beaslai Tbe barial took placa
.K BBS wicloB to attempt to tare tbe
boDdl^ and Ua band brigade tnraafi raaktoaoe. Bor. L. & Cmputar d

ehAi Nonhpart.|lrKtrirr1(IUBfi|W- ’






dared br dtora.
the baDdlM wi

ratasd at »1M aad ww wt
The adicaraed aea
court eearaaed pa TaaadBP M- l:to
e'dodi ko taka apthaaBsireawa aad-

d Battlbg daeraa. A eana d pnpaatS
baaaa d Met. the lelMar babs tha
First Natloael auk d Trarana CBr
ra. the IbwaUlp CM ttTbwaahlp. was aba bta«gM to ««•
Henera Mr Mn. Side.
Mrs. Leri Soab has raealead
d aa Btlra9 aaaxpartar
cd boaor, which raSacB
iuoa (he raelplaBt. bat
tag d tbe beat W. B. C. Aa
appotatBaai baa ham raaatoal bp bd
lioB the aatbaal hwigaartBi aC tto
W. B. C. gtrlag bar tha |
atbaal liMirtiw ,a< ]
depa9 aatta
Ocapa. Aa l
BSBby d thaw. B.C aad O
Boaunlk M raaU9 daga9 aaM
aperior to Mbhlgu
Tha |
abo aamiab bar to a
O. A. B. coarutba at Oum sut
auBBar. her aipeaM yHigjMi h»
Ue aatioael W. B. C

Mra. Soab hu aM*a« a
ea taapeelor d/aotoe b thia •
d the atau Bsa bar saad toi «
work has wna bar deaweid ii

Sak of Second Hand Oi^us
is ao« OQ and ioclode the fcdloiriag i

Bored saurday. Mr. aad Mra. Warn
bnrg will Bake ttclr home wlU Mr.
ud Mn. Danlri Bust tempotorUy*

ae. feU from tbe to «f
1 West Front street yes
. ^
urday ud tuSered aerara bratoea.
No bones were broliu ud u tar as
could be deteratoed be enSered u to' tornel lajBica. '
Tbe baUdtog to queriloa to Nubauerh meat maiket which to bring
Bond. from Baadolpb ttreet. Mr.
VudeHmg bad gone ap oa Ue rod
to ctoB- aome wtrea to order that the
ball^ Bight be mored eloag. In
•oae Manner Ue teem Ust wae paUIng the bnlldlng nerted and larred
bto from his potitJac. The Ulaney
was knocked oS wiU the aau but
widow d Bar. BalBon Steele, wbo
laekOy did not strike him. -The Ulmdied April U, TMt. at Ue home,
ney was also not damaged much.
whara Ue teeU*- wMow has slaoo
Mr. Vuderbnrg wna ttfcu to Ui
Hrad. and was bora. MarU 8. ^SM. at
home ud u examlutlon wna made
New Haren. O
by br. E. 6. Mloor. The fall made
Natanlly d a literary tarn d-mlad,
him uneoosciona but when Ue physirsMBi'w Iarga9 re- Mbs Landert tuned' her UIcbU to
cton arrired be was oonadoaa ud
Iwi aurm thay eu eohod teacUag ud was a aneeaaaful, lag the Mmen to bnlld good toads. {
rasUag as euy aa poaalble. While Ue
ttSnrtaOttyMtaOh!- warkar to the aaatsrn aehodto. uUI (The pnaent goreraor d lUtooto has:
NorUport. Mich.. Ju. 30.—North- i bruises are screre ud painful. Uey
harBairiagelalBSwIURev. BalBoniiaeenUy recoBBeaded legtolatlon to
aaU BghMr. la atoUlaa to Steele, u aeneat yoang MeUodtot IMvor d good roads ud Oovanio>,pon was Ue scene of a dtoaatrous I are not regazded u dangerous. The
.Warner, too. had glTcn Ue matter hla; canfiagratioa yesterday aftenooa Ud I aeddeot occurred at Ue corner of
‘ ttshv «m towMF kalt a fican riao^
Turning Ueir feces to the fietda d:hur9 suigiort but while MlUlgu:es e rwult tbe new Seellg blodc. the i Elmwood, eveaue ud West Fboei
‘ MdlMS^fiiMlalHa She will nan tWB
>e west. Ue yoaeg couple, wlU ae--(said pnhlbli Ue expeadttare d .only brick block to.U9 Tillage. Uee a street,
ardor ud trae QiritUu apip j BUeya for ttuerna! tounwemeau the; amonlderlag heap d babes aafl the
Will Inapect Local Grupea.
STflut tn dfcMMnii. two ab
IL aiTlrad to Mlchlgu Ue year fri-1 togtalatara would aadoabtodto Piece < aekwii ud home d
Tbe State Oraage at iu last uauai
lowtog their marriege. the yos^ has-1 baton the rotere d MlriUgu to be u | were also destroyed,
aeaaioa to December. 1904. amazed
band iBBedtoteto Jotelng the Miehl-iawered at Ue polls wbeUer or not the] About 3 o'c^ch smoke was dtoa system for laspeeUng Ue woridags
gu coBJriuee. which fine to Ue ’ caaaUtatlon coaU so be changed as to; oorend oamlng out d Ue back part
«r the Tbrlous subordinate grangea of
seu9 aotUeasecto.
w csBprlyed Ue ea■ for good roads. ;dUeupper.itocy, wljlch « spocupied;^
MBB tha SM <r May.
tira atoto d HMilgu
d nertbara Ohio.
i*i«*tgMt which sereral counUea have i meat d el^ rooms. No one was at
ii IM Mr. aad Mn. Steele atriTod now afi^tod called *the coun9 u3 {homo as the taml9 was at Ue bom to Ue end that Uey may be made
anttorm ud more eCeettre.
to TtaTiMM Otty. whehe he ^ '
>-'£oad tow,~ ud be bettered :d Mr. aad Mrs. Dutei Baaa-mt the
C Lelbrud d Clare. Isabella donty.
MjM at high CMP u Bnahlilaia. and • paatdBto. aad atoo Ue app&totment; it YintumTnfi the norUera eowUemoi !«Uer end d the riltoge. Amoa Ban
has been deputised by State Master
AiMlaM II AiOhtongDhnagrowBte d pTMUtog eMer d Ue MeUodtot ^ tow^pa to teresUgate the Barits d j l«t ud Bert CampbeU to>r«t to Uc
Horton to riatt Ue graages d thU
BSMiBabM yfuBtlani TWy ask district, which ooBprtoed aU the torri- this law.
| door ud fouafl Ue entire ai^er bees
Mterylytagbetwi a Uaihlaaw aad Mat;! Aside fraa Mr. HaBltton'S paper P. {1
u to fisBea aad aa thwenly ouUci county on Ue following dates: Long
Ma- **: Pealnsnto. Jaa. 31 ud
> \ kegoB. aad though Ue territory wna , a BegpoMs. C W. Tyler ud Mrs. C. was Ue back door, which
’•^ATiBe Mok! hi
Trarcrae 09. Feb. J; Eft
SUMBUa ihMr >
Urge ud faeiUttoe Mr trarel hut u Fartoh. who bare been dotog-soeh eut oS by


rates 91116

Bento wan * ahnrgu d B. t^ CBrtar.




We ibow are fully goaranteed. Priceg nnge
from $1.25. $1.60. $24)0, $2A0. $2.76. $S4)a
All oew patterns. You can't mbs getting srimt
you vant here. '

Ojif uftdenvear Uoe comprisei the best fleeee
lined goods at 50c. a garment; double bade and
frooiL Brown ribbed wool, 75c Grey all wool^
double back and front; blue OF red all wool at
$14)a Fine Umb’s wool goods at $1A0.

OsSaosnsOMfiMdsts ontr«M
Our goods have all been bought in tbe last
sixty days. Our proBtt a^e^^g^l, therefore
we can compete, value for value, wiA any
*^pedal sale" goods leered you.




j; •




aad a larce (bow next
o.lbeer«otithMty.*talW«Wt«?,lr»toB pbIW.
tCMit m'ltii kaowMBf* Upt
»** *■.***O^'ttied at tte
Uwle BDaMTHBa. etty. throe m-•> .
F. W..W1LSOK. SesMary.
a«iit of tb* nrktn w lavaoMUc.
Bat «Jth an tke BtopdrtaJ mi ■«« ir»«. *•* <* oodtrrt. tm
Tbe Cbleago Dellr Rertew U i
tlta tallBi* at tbe sutte. ter It rary am pnlM.
Blr Cbleav^allT voa can get for n
9»boUr Wfli be a tallaia B « aot at—----------Borwr • yvmra
lor muL
ala laoatlie. S
At] aaiaee vMO pot ia <»e data aaA for three mtetha. All iBitonani new*.
taadr X. tbe Baariaa paopie vUI caln
dairy magailae featurr. eompteie
ifnifTbtnf Ae bam at labor wm Jnd^ br acmpmrUoa.
raarktl report*. Send a dollar to Uat^v
Boboatnadlr ba ebortcaed. the «4acaJ. O. Hoppe*. eUy. alae cotrteo. Bnt Renew. Coca-CoU Balldm*. Cbicagu.
"• ni

ttaa <r the mam will be Bore gee- oa ooCk. eeoead
'ml and. perbapa. tbe people wIU be eoekrol. «rat awd eaoood oa bea
-I woaMel bother my
oa pallat aad aaooad «• pallet.
' None (sf 'em are aay good.'
On the otbar band It win fire RaaHarrlaRB Barfeaa, city,
U the way Mr«. Karr Hohbe. wboae
a ebaae^ to ba*i»ahly ead tbe war «m on eocbrel.
buabaad dererted ber. ba* eainaaed ep
I la order to naeU the tatemal boabtee
Bamma. ^
data Ibe Baactillne end of hutaasKy. She u
Baataau were all put la
malbttsaam» Iaad tbas r^eve the eavlra of tbe
pamlyied aad in a deslliute rondlUoc.
__________________ gnat has at bbatC aad traaaar#. If aad jadged by cotBpartaoa.




Joatkr Oot.r
iotr at
of Aa^ hybor beeajan- <
peaied baton bias oo a ebarpe
lx- i I
iaa dnak. ~t aee.- aaM bis boadr. ;
-'thuisaeaaeafatullMebB. We will
lei TOO •bine ta the county jail for the i
aeai few dare." A* he paaaed behind i
tbe bar*, ibe prHoner reaailted tbai i
be wa* cer.atnly eeUpMd tbU ttae.






ttim • SSSU


is cndod. Ibai wOl tbe door
NiFUBUeAN JUDICIAL C^VtM»a« be opened to ooddenul
r,-«B Bud
^ inda aad Japaa
aad the
tbe Basdaa
Ranatoa atrikMotletlabanhf iiMB thataivpab- .J^^ ba»rLcoBpUabed Boch foe
UHS jBdlrtal oaBTOBtloa lor tbe TUr-__ _
aad bK tbe hmsl beaeta^ laBI^
«< Mleblgaa
wOl be thia coo»UT.
wiu bb bold at »«lalra la tbe eow
^ AmUm „MKhtU tinMCI,
Mada a Good Start.
«. u. uet. a u atuk IL >L. in Hi.
Of -f-fr »
♦«” n
Tbe MWilm l^latare ba* made
^■BMato icf drfotl Sadga at (ba Tbl^ an exedDont atnrt in tbe dlreellOB of
WMlk t^ddal dmdt ai Weblgan. to I primary reform teglalation. The Tar-boBlWt^MtbogaomJ alaetkai. ap oer blU paaaed tbia week In both boaae
MtUpitobabaldanUnBrstllooday aad aaaate. wbkb prorrMet tbai tbe
ITSrt. A. D, IBOB. Tbe «*o«laa ,drcaK}adgeta^n.keconandO»a.a
-- , aaM drouth tbe aam-eoaiitlea be Bomlnated by-dlr«ToU
__________ _____
B patt
paobUtFte ep- ef
Of tbe
tb. p
people. t.«ie«^t^-^^
MOad la idi eodvaortoB Vre aa fbl- asd tbe Ug a
boaae and aaMte apeak well /or tbe
primary refoem aenOmwt la both
. r.___
CMarwnU eoBaty. i
It Unleaaing td note that Ooreniof
OnnB tmene eoamty, twentrone waner baa apokeabighly of tbU bill
and wUI aign U wliboot bealUtloa. K
LMlaMa eoBaty. ten delagatea.
la galte likely tbnrtbe apnCnent mnniXMIoBni»*ap«a.JUcb,tbtoltib feded tatbeeoaddaratkmof tbUblM
u an index to fnrtber le*Ialatlon nk»s
tbia line. It win ba plenalag to tbiA. B. Doogbertr.
people of tbe Twenty-eerenib aena
> J. M. Hai^
lorial dlatriet to note that Senator Mot' ' •
felt waa one of tbe oameat aopporter*
ttmaa B. Cbmpbdlof tbia Mil aad atood againat tboae ^bo


" »•*«•
«»«» I** «Hed a eet-rteti-flulck kdseme.
!vd la getoneaianai h«. ba*
tlngiawaj' with the money wb« .-ihg«‘««t ««« °f »»•«“- -A SebewainK
«»an ree«itl> bon*hi n ticket on a
cow for one cem. He won tbe cow aiwl
Went Urre. «U}', two enlrlea. aecond “W U for »18. Thai t* mlsbty near
OB cock.
Don't fall tu atien<i out rut price inuc


Tbe BwtoftbaneartlrteewHiap found
in •a
an pdBe three «f
1*^ *•
«ry Prat Bmitb onv
MNa tbe pMbef the work. Tbe aerie*
«a rwa Ibtangk aenral laanac aad
Mta bdM tbe enttlaet treated will



[Ba. Poa!(.bridn:
28. im. Baan awardel

.. n .,.1 BMm n .11 ann^ «
Admm. nod mndaily to ywag
' M a urnin who maun to be faroMm
^Bsimom'wtm: it wiu be an etto' aMen. a noraal training ta agileaV WlUard Lnwooa. dty. four'aatriet.
atmly ns-wHhnl latenaely Inter' SMlagrandliigtoyoaagaadolA ttU Brat an eockrel. eemmd an otrckrel.


May we not be ytuir dru^stsf

B. H. AHra. dty. one eMry.

W. B. Melaoa, dty. tweatydbrte ca. tries. Arat oa cock, aeoond on eockrel,
J,,: Sral on bea. aeoond oa bea. third on
a of a rwee-'
oa puDei.
Snt oa pmi. aacoad on pea.
liUeG }bat vaaM orertirow tbe etu:- "'*
J.t, OBBion. dty. three eatiles, trat
l||jriiill|l It H ddlapalag and
third OB panel.
^SrSMM to work. Apparently «
Jeaeph Tbomna. dty. Utiee enfar milBMiadwItktkeaHgbt prom- Mra..

-trtea. third oa eockrel.
WMta FtymewMi fladm.
city, three aatitoa,
tb«m Tbe teamma of ti
fourth oa codcrel. Brat
trat c^paOaL
i Ad
P. W. WlMcm. dty.
ty. fear
four catrtaa. aeetoBaimiat am tewreattag and wcU reaad oa nock, oeeuad oa cockxd, Brat
paBstBOy. .
la thn flrat piacA there was aoo»
PVaak Ihidney.'ltalkarka. aae aatry.
tktag ta eoataad'wttb that tbe United
UM «a .CockidL
sn«nr Laeed Wyandetta.
B. L. AsbWa. dty. three eatriea
MBttSB la tha laaUaaiTe erla^ ^f
aahlact to roynlty. TTaiiifoTlr'‘n r~

Taidaima Qeaaa.
Mm. Joaepb Tbomaa. oily, two
BalBlan Haroa.
E. H. Alim. dty. tbrae eatrtca. Bm
oa pair.
Bpoelel FroaUiimm
a IBS direr cop oBered by Geo. U.
Balea. of Cblcngo. lU. puUUber of tb«
American Poultry Journal, few tbe beat SCTTLCRB'FARES TO THE SOUTH
Bsd laigeat dlspUr Of one rariciy- w-a* '
^ li, W. B. Ndaoa. of Ttavorae City.
Reduced rate ticket* on aaleBrc
Piymootb Rodia.

SnSssiSK.%.".?X"S“ 1'
Pere Marquette

#1.0» la edab gl»eo to the Indy ev__ _
blMUag tte blgbeet
won by Mm. M. 1, Park, of TTavers^
City, on Black LnngBbna pallet, erorc
tl.W la cash to (be bigbeat ecoriniE
mble bird ia (he abow was won by B*I1-,


Cash Grocer
Beat Hay C5c pa 100, |li.&0
pa too or halt ton lou.
Strea Car Feed, $120 pa 100.
Fine Feed, $1.20 pa lOa
Shell Cora pa bn^id, CSc.
Braa. H. L. &: Co, $1.10 pr 100
BocMteat Bran, COc pa 100.'
Middlings, pa 100. $1JB.


;8tau Busk Beildiaa. TmTcrw- Cily.

T)ic bcMjpr tic pria in

Feed, meal, Bran, l^fHin^
Com and 0a»

50 Ib pads tor $2.75.

We buy nothing but the best giaiA .and you get, tbe
pure utide.

226 E. Front St.



S: T Mwaou) FnantE.


WewMtotbanktbeedimofthr'TlB HNN StHIp G0.| DCM.
T JeuriialB for .
tbdr danaitoa ef (bdr ataadar pootti
attry '
InagarlDee to be given to prise wlanera
as toSows:
AmerlCBB .Poultry ;ouraa!. of
I. llUnola.
' Fkrm Pnbllahlns Co, of
The Pouhry . GjMetle, of ^Top6ia,.




Tbe 8eathpn Pbnda. of Atl.^
Tbe Paatber. of Wi
Baceeaaful Poultry Jouraal.
cago, DL
Tbe Rellable .Poultry Joumal. cl
Qufacr. ID.
IfbklBg the abow as a wbule. we
ttafok u wnaWa than last year. Tbe
waatba was eery bad. betag down be*«"» Uie day of entry. Tbi* canslag a lot of yds to be kept ni borne
Id the
u n foytl pertoMge tar iw^ Jlnntoe. dty. three eatrtei abow rooa>. The birds oa
25^?oS tbT^S^oe^««r third oa fockrd. Br*t c. puileL m«Bd befog mry r«d epedmena. a
dm rnaairlil -jit b' y-V- -fr— **"
regulring a wrid>t'standard. A great
. hato^ Wfof!^ mtttr- C-B. May. Banalr*. afo aatrlea. Brat many were cut badly oa wrigbi-------■!_______ ■ «>-- I.,,...
nn cBcfamL aeennd ca am^rd. third ea Oae very Sae bronze tark^ bolDe\tu^
- the a«de of Rwda beiten Uwt tbe
' foar fottm “Uule fbtber." He max
wrigbt. but bad to be cut Bfieen -pofou
*i„ «--------- tXmrwtm
----------W,____________________________________________ ._
«them with lead but
Jamaa Haritt, dty. eerea
ca- oa weight, thus canatar fctia
jual below third pfoce. Bamie wa* uuP
faihetrat TtalfoTfri If rsfl ‘t - irtfUfot be bad a perfect -■ ^
<>*»«>>«atrfoa. wlUi Uie geee« aad almoat aO rockiela
ffo ao miRng w their
'<>■ co^t^ tecoad <m pkOet. ^ ptriletv Can only lay thb to tbe
third tm paBeL
backward aad eold spring of j»M;.nn
d by the
« «f the fladgre
D. D. Oo^ dty. ,iix (totrlea. Brat panic* wa* full;
» Ue atanArd.
waa dhat 4a twrdt
last year.
Ompaapfo an B« yet armed aad bare OB nen.
y 1 Bladt Langahnna.
1 hare had sereral inqulrto* from
__________ _ __ _____________________
G'lUaid Laweon. dty. three •cniriei. parties exhlbiUag Unis on whidi tbera
falpnaa, Bor can ti wUbptaad the
oa'cbd:. Bre^aa baa.
waa no compeUUon. nnd do not aoe'
aadfaatf amaaudmen. Whea the
three ralrtea. why tba did not win prize*. 1 wiOi
nnie for the beneflt of those that tboe'
tojw. coaa tbose fo the froot laak $>*1 on cockrd. box on paBei.
.is n atnndnrd that alt bird* most come
a Boarn aad thoee fo tbe rear
Dr. Slum. tity. oqp entry.
up to to order to win a prlxe. oo antfaipaBa. Brick and paring atoaew
Iw wbdber there Is coap.-iittoa or
«• tmifoia vaapeaa but tbay «
W. a. Netaoa. dty. three ealrles. not.
^ faast vaUeya of lead.
B coekreL Brel on pulfoL seeBirds u> wlo Brst prize bum *core
tbe army weoM Join them. iTolmhly «•* «• F«U«- ninety potot* or belter, w win weo*<L
aaaM of tbe ragfoMafo wodd bare
Mrs. Jcaaph.Tbomaa.dty. twoea-. righty-serea pofou or beiier. to wii
BSifo ao had UealMkm made a bftfor trie*, third tm pullet
third. elghty-Bve or beatr. Same tf
afcowtogbuttbefolUfory waaaqkapt
Staile Cemb Rhad* fofond ftoda.
true with the pen. We wdd the score
to rfok the prniWbmew meted qat .to
Hr*. Joseph tbomas. dty. two ea- of the tour hfobrot ecariag fenaldi
rehala. U the hepaa at wtoalag bad trie*, aecoud on eockrel. Brat on pul^ nad divide tbnt b.v tour. Add lo thaf
bMB brighter, perhaps they wwM 'lM.
the aoore of tbe bigbeat male : if die
baek dfoobeyed tbe ordera to Bre aad
SIngfo CBwb WMU Legimrim
reeult to not ito or more they caimot
MteaB tbe awb.
P. N. Stuart Bdlalmjlbrt'^uies. wlo flm pea. t have acated this for
Added to thane are ainny minor tea- Bfat oa cotonl. trat. aefond and third tbe beaeflt ’of the begtiraers fo tbe
HiBa. Hula to not a muted pattoa, oa pallet Brat oa yea.
poultry baalaesi rhnt bar,- iskea aa
detire part, aad tried fo make wa
» hrii Ugethcr by the tbfoaeat of
J. L. Genua, rity. tbiec cautoa. toow
■how a aaecees.
aaecess. and thfok If these
The people are not edneated ap eecoad oa eoekrri.' Bret and third on exfatbitfog wlU auefully stady Gwtr
to naff smemmeat ns yet. They ccai'l pullet i . score enrd*. and next ^vear Bt up tbelr
hi trusted with nvefoe fo tbe govtra-. C. J. Blaicr. city, eerea enirto*. Bfot bird* nccorriingly tbnt tbera wUl be n«
aMBt btu are not Ttt ready to Mrikr on e^. Brat oo b«,- second on ben. bird* dladunliSed tor not coming
apt Jet thameelm.
third on ben nnd flrat ca pen.
to the atanford.
The pBTtrnmilt
aim adotber nJ- W.'B.. .Ketooa. cMr. eeraa entrle*.
I beUero ttot oar Jndge.'J. Idi
Wtage over tbe people. Tbe news of third o* caekral. aecoed oa-pallet.
Nntgbt. wn* oae-cd the fairest,wg
---- -----------» rigidly supK. «- Alim. eliy. one entry.
bara ever bad. and the WNa got InAbjl
4 OQ that the p
•coring )w«t ^iy what belong^
tba a^lre were kept 1a k
Irrlag C. Moray, eliy. tea eatrtra. them.
le of the Brat oa cuOl. Brat ea hen. third o«
. _ the
palm tor ihric
T posted ^raL aeNtod oa bua. third pa bea. port. aad. wtohiag them


$. €. iUatt $ Sons.


SIAO la cna£ to (be bigbeat acorinB which are GIVEN FREE i^b ordew
female bird la-tbe abow wa. wen »».
third oa boekrel aad eacoed oa pollei. Irrlag C Morray. of Trwrerae City.
pnablet us
IS to give vou
Vliu iliosebexuillllOi
B. J. Mof^. dtyi Bre eotrtea. third on Single Comb Brown Legbora hen,
preaeatv WRITE
------ ' TODA'

r oaggaatod by Pttd. •


White thnra le Life there le Hope.

*"*»'•'”' «« "■' - SKifW On.b Bron LnA.n. b«.
th«, tt deaerree.

Any tlrae to x gnml tinr to begin bvlkk yo"r drwps how. Kow
1 to an f^xT-Ull} guiMl timv. bccauav you will ihu* U* naaured perfoei'
aenicv- and fair ptiev* luniifrutlrv yeur.
MV haw a guiKl drug wimr. vbm* that to eompirte la every detaU.
Our M-niev 1* laoHetti fo all tv*p«ta.
- Our price* arc reaaonabk and ntikv to aM.


ilient/for route* and rate*.
A Vnlaabla FMtu*a.
primary reform laglBlaUoa two yearn njrmeatb Bock eockrel tor bigbcai
Dec » Meh 1
H. F. MoeUer.
TbellamlBba«lnetbto^a talJhna been rooted, mad at tbia ana- *corina Med to tbe abow wa* won by
able eaHaaafdrtkdaa by Prid. Clinton
T«»erae city. J. J. TWKDO^K,


Vour Druggist..

Roben Barney. Jr, d«y. three enWee.
j. L. OaotaaL
Oaotoau dir.
dty. two eatrtei.
ratrtea. Brat
«b cock. Br« on bets.
T. S. Staan. Bellalre. Bre antrlea.
aeeood on pnlld. Brat oa pcb.
Lawrenee Newberry, dty. two en-

. LewtoZiB
"T fL
Jr, dty. twoentrie*.

G R i .


WE are making Cut
Prices on Pingree.
Ncttleton. Mayers.
Walker & WTiitman,
Packard and Tib­
betts make ef Shoes
for men. We are
also ' filing

GradBflte Medical l>e|»rtmeatBaraes i



Palitm iN Fmr ilHliN


Boston RulllHirs



shoes at' a Big Re­
duction. You should
not miss this sale : : *




L'. W . BozObv. l-cda
Addtee C.



Bbiafnw BsaggnM



and pnd nM«t>bu-k<xidP

nUr< and prL-r. k
^. Tfamn* Cny.

saU «m raay Iwtaa

Tb-w nr* ezly eem.


FraolfTriiMlrich &Co



pimxo I
Ilk Dr TL<Kl

Chn-U«* and Heo«r Pstntlac
Special Attentl^
^ Country

nunnERs nuenEws

bam. -e> bolUiaca. anxl mllL enkanl *tnl
- - Thu V a lau-*Bt& fur


Quick Work

Dew HcveJties in


By Expert Jewelers
This season that arc strikingly*bttutUtil and aUractivc,
WTien a Man Wants
His Watch I-ixed, he
Wants it

7a a durrf

-’^I'ia'h year seemingly, moke beautiful designs of
X'alcntines appear- and this is no e.x.ceptlon to the rule.

Prices from Ic^ to $5.00
Then we must call your attention to something




That’s where we
help you out.
Specialty of hoe

new in th'- line of “ukc offs” that/ are pot as bad as
comics but are full of ■‘ginger,"
Ilie new things are al^a^h^to be found at the '

Watc^ awi 3*tP*9f


J. n. IttaiUutk
217 e*ft Tnmt St.

€ity Book $tore

Cnwm Off, JDfig-

'' I


Moek ftt« wMek alte
of irt ehlWnto «f Mr. Mar «to.-

■IT WBly^ UIB» to F««*JT «hlrtrr»«uw««i*i»*«rt.


ire ttaws to Mirch.

Haw »W

CSMM'xrwt esteat. tber ««rea (aallr of la- April Mto.
doairiofM'tablt* aad asbttioiiB to aetmT. frc» Jaaaary l»to: »«t out wtv.
t^awl: A. Ua to *-rrin. where their eteris April t3rd.
Xa jxae the hay remalaed tmea ia
ari OaftoaA,
-m ^ aueaded arUh More autcrtaJ J*7*. »0 »<»•
day*; IWI. 5* days; 1862. *S days;
__________inf.lro«IYtooarT Hto:,weatO.. txC3.aotfn»ea: mt-CPdayshafore
^S^^±JZStiS’ *■*■“*•
la April, m:. tb« fmmUy oiarted April tord.
jtiert the bar: 186S. T» days: !««. »

n’?*" "
f«B Praaata with bare!, auMelcLl im.aoicf.
:..,rrr-:------------- ,o par thHr pawa*e to tola . 1»t- trow Ja-«y ITth: weal oat „c. „
»f^Catjamt«‘n»elM»E^^^^ ^
achooaer MV »rir—-----MM Adto^ aEGIIJI



Siwl^ for Ooebec. a>MWna there
^ ^ teatpeaiuoat royae of forty

'irirlaathnLartthoot auactcai mwaa
(fR _______ _
.A •e^^A.AA r'l... ..KA.A
i hriftoabya
of Mraad My. John DMt*
aer aad toalr 8*c ehlldya. Aaaa
Mary, Aanri. WllbeHaena. who laidr
hawM toe wUe of Heay Campbell;.
Aucauta Julto. who married Ptaak
Ouupbeil of Bitoer Lake, aod
ertek WUhelm, famlltorty kaowf aa


-n.. B.,to. to.,,,

»MJ. « toe.



ARer to- cmnoar. tW satoU wit
n« UBBal weeda* at tke Ti»*»rw
«MTD to • biwu»al.««4dlnf'«flMr. Clt^DiiTtosParkncocUttoevMhH^
:karater to toe oBce of ihr-oeere-1
7 vub
i ott ni
I Mat ntoat wrfcrr

basr salad., aashed pcaaioea. oyslrr a. M Cook. Ed- Lootaer. Fred Pnut.
|T«ty, ullres.plcUes. celen.torcreaia. W. D. C. Germate*, E. R- McCoy. Tom
aaaor<ed cake*, lernm jeUy and coKer. ehwae. The dliotwk {Im« eteeted ilte |
>Oc«* fonbe coniac year;'

aroma wl'l takea


,*y„. yc days: 18T1. 5»
da>w: U73. 88 day: JS72. t07 day.
r^^d* at f«

layt. nt day; I8T.-. IW day.: 1878.'
2«>: •«* «“ Cf dws: 18TT. IW day: 1«8. are


April «th7l ,i*y; ia«. iiUdays: l8S5. S3 day:
1885. fiw Jaauarr 2Tth: weat oat
jggj g«
April SPth.
day; 1S8S, to da.y: iKtx'. -i day.
February lal: acot out ,g,, 40
,0..'’ ,5 .uy; i*M. 6t
ApiH 22ad.
,uy: liH. is day: iWS. 72 day.18*7. frp*e Jaanay =lal; weat out ,g.^
^j.,. ,^9- j, day*: lys. IP
____ lt». 72 da}>: ISM. SS day.
ISfn. 5S day; isd2. 29 day; l»3. no:
, >«•
J“"“Fy 2l«t:
fcw«w.y niUh
Thew d«» all relate to the we*,
18». 1^ Pebruay Itoh,
_____ , ,^A k.. .aj ... ,k., ».rt(..e y


W,U iwrwae Waat.

omautoriiire. hare had such a faror
able iaorcaae in beshicss that aa «•
paatbm u( their capaHi} Is neee*Kary.
Aa addiik.r lU2b l« heln* built ,p^
side to be need a* a aiock
ranm anil aaotber addlrwB
> .
he i.alU
balU fbran
rbrae enamel
The company Is ntrticd with work
,d.I iactoaslne orte« demand more
periort facilltie*. The ad.miooal room
Will eaahle iH-ai to handle their busi-

Secretary. Pr. J. R. Mania.
‘ Aaalstcnt aecr«4ary. B. R. MeCey.
Traasnrer. J. T. liaaaah.
Saperlbteadaat, Fd. Lauleer.
The plaas for the roaias :mr are
elaborate thao may prerioaa.

- --

lachrfe.^ Ml.r t|» b*a
_____ ____ . tatt
• aliio
• — mattocea "•
two week*. The date of the rymlar
neetlae haa not been decided a« yet
^ *>eslaBlas the restUar, terie*.of naitaee*. It 1.-toe la*<aiw« of'tto-aaaoetot«B to make ihit,
‘he baaner year aad the dnrinp part.
oue .rf tb.-a«»t aiirarrive place* lathe
dtaie. The daanetol rci-wt of the a.aoriaiioa showed ibat It was to eacel-

Ayer*« Cherry Pectortl cey
taitUy cures coufhSt colds.
h cemioly strei
throttc tnd «etk luBgt.
There CAB be no misuke BboMt
this. Yooknoviiistnie. And
your evn doctor viU' uy to. s« si"wm"S5wS


”” ■"•■ ................ >-

i io ChkaRO t i> weeks while



»n» u;,

« s.

to w

lietoncinB to «. fyake. Jwl we« of -«ep» were taken toward .Jolnlas the totora who are tempted tNjmd the
the city at.« o'clock yyterday taoTB- Mlehlpaa *UtR eircuit. The asorito* limit* of a weak humaa aaiare aod yet
las,, The k»» wa* 8I.2M with Bo to- of the rirenlt wtil be held at Port »•»» «
hoaorabto fbte*.
out **«aee. Jle will retmlU It at ouee.
Koroa neat month aad ypre*entatiTW
—^' '
There U aonte mystey In cooaectloo , from the kteal aatorialioa wlU he io
Poiaaaa to Road.
OKI with the orialn of ibe fire aa iraeka.aUradaaeeaad It U rey proimUe that, rorbap* w dool reallte that awnr
palB poison* oriatoaie in your Med. .
Icodiaa in anu
and uui
vtn u>
of the
place were
the tocai
loeal asaocuiuua
aasoelailoa wui
wDI *uia.
>o>p- ••
H tbU
•■».■ (nw.-c
av.v (ae
iwi> j
sane day you —y feel a twlapo
found alM) no Irmpty whisky bottle. He u done. It will mean that the flaaat ^ dyspepaU
will eoartoe* you.
anlRM three FMka ktocy to Chteaeo.
18K. frato March fth: weat out
Jantay KMh: wcut
had fust filed up the plaee for an *trtn« of taorae* ever aboarn here will Dr. Kina’* New Ufe 1*111* are enmntemBfoUBde
e ■"
an ak^Bees due *'*
eleclrtc llRht plant to llghi hi* home be brooch, here thl* aeaaoo.
.ewMsh to pay her paaar uadti;e*ted food—or aMBCT haek.
1R97, frote March Srt: weat out
,^37. ^rotc Jaaiiay 70th: woai
and had last lOktaUed toe. water wheel
Arraacetaenu are alab betoc Blade
i JohmuB Drot Ga.'b. F. II.
here. She waa breast to TrarSaturday alchl. He dtws not think for a food meet to be held here duriax Heads' aad S. E. M'all 4 Scaa* Drac
April 30th.
' CKy thea by her farocher Aufuat. April Srd.
1888. frote Fehritty 27th: wrot out
Mareh 4lh «nrt
.that anyone set toe hullfllai: OBttoeon the aUie O. A. K. eaea^ment la July Bure*. Ty them.
The father aad eldeat 00a. Aucuat.
punMWP but may hare accidentally lo eaterM the a«any ricliors ihal e- ■
y.rth Wtb.
oeeared emptoytteu la the mwmiU of March l«h.
18P9, frote P^rway lat; weat out

caused the blate. Thlnt* hare been will Uln lb> riy.
Oodfrey Orelllck. bead of the OraUlck.
April Iflh.
GreeivClement Waddinp.
tiken ftOm there Irebucatly.
faaUD. who wa* aawtoc timber for
19M. troM Febnray ITi^; went out
^ pyiiy wfdditu; was soIeDnized a*
Cot By Broken Battle.
_ . ------fUaaah, Uy A -Co. Tbe faU of ibw
April I7ih.
iK,. iiomc of Mr. and Mr*. C. ,C. MoyHerbert Redel. the lUUe 18-month** '
. CimriitfOIi thU week 2,900 mr Aaaa May waawedy to joaeph
,„i. fn« mruay nth; weal o« ^a Sunday-ftrmooa. toe cootractliy I.___
‘*‘“.r SI- --.I SI__ Sts.-.-. Dtotmi Men
I. .................................................... .... .......... T«‘“j
*•“ **':•
w.„ Rnv flcnm «>d «7l^
“««* oT Dr., Kl«’. New Disoorey lor
April Hlh.
panlea belag Mira Ray On-cn «>d W7l- ^
^ *ercrely cut on the boBaurapiintl Cotmh* and Cold*.' »nd
tMS. froae Febmay 13to: went out immClement. The happy couple iiood
hv fall- other medr----- ■*- - ^
tovlta atUmUou to th*
Mareh l«h.
, parlor la the cottier which-had
long and; soccmaful career «f
lU bariaaaa. A taceat par- *M**«_tor*. whkh w
1MI3.BO ice.
A with smllax and e
this fcbak. cDvertog a period fli
by Mr. Taalah. Mr. Beitaer built tbe
Mrs. Retlel and their little babe, who ,i,ro«h
Liina the repttUtlon of
b i^n
year* Oat •
icb have been soeeesstully
. to —,ch lb„ „.«,. U« ..TO.
. .... .,
«s . ..
I* ttoir
only ob,M.tototoTOotlito
child-wey saesis of Mr*, rto.,toi...
remedlei «.0
OBly aa rvtdAmr of c
« Atail -n
or over 85 year*
year*. A
X disease for
It. Ur.. AmtoU 1. ™rt„a,to»to
imi ol IncreasMa
aatt .iB Rllshta adin«. Twenty ■•■ *”^*^'** **“to«eied of hew^^ae
1903.froee FVbruay 1st.
protection, to you. Is ,ohr a
bride wa* sitended ^ Ml
■y aad
of aur clD
Nd t_____
^»c„ -to .su
I la a period of 4T roar* ibv uoylan at maid of hooor white Cbarie*
enaactol coodUloo
coodUioo of thW
strong BoaBctol
the old'oonaty. The followtos year'
:h.-lrhome; While with aeveral other joil^-i. 'r^r'Bucklea’* rctoed'toa.
t—*v- and It* well «anad repobay has Froaen fifteen thaes In Janu- clement acted i
Ilitle ebildrcn the Hole fellow stum- other* are mere tmitatloaa. H. E
I Mr. Beitaer and hto ft
iatk» for the rncMt liberal ireatatent.. coaristoat wub aocoiB.
jefep yro*" «t Cedar ww to the «»r: ed a piece of land and setued down to
, Lied and toil vrith hi* face acrom the'
Lniken Bias* and a deep itasb wa* co*.
r t'-r Mr. Kolas to much later farmla*. The pdace has slnee been
arc asMBT the praeUeri advaa^
prmarratlnr af the lioat kaowa as tke oM Beitaer torm.
his upperdip which reached up ta»o
proportion of divorces to martoges offered to pednaa. both
mix ud
Mr. Teatob died to the tmt 18M.
r nose and reflulrcd lour aUtebea to
t, one to four.

preaeai and proapective.
■ to tlmr-----Three per cent, iatcraal paid
S__ ysikably dooc more for tbe flahec barlnz been drowned. By accideat h?
close. Dr. Oancr of thl*'city wa-„
on ravines account or certlflmm af the raghm thaa aap athar man fail tram tbe dock ef Haanah. Uy •
and responded prmnptJ*
a Guannawd Car* for Pile*
ratea a desired.
« fMar' fhr the paat thrae yaara Oa. aad kit body waa recovered By
Be haa plaatad l*4t» a TMT aad ah day* later. The faatfJy baa beeo num
naly >aa H ordtr IbT« SfiMfi mare bered amoac the ladtmlrtoaa early ptobleed* every - time tjie little fellow
^-------«k*. iiiri^ to -'
i'Mera of Travwraa City and Tleiniiy.
hfl Mowly
' and a torn'Btitoher ef older (celdenu
arrv.unt of il.
Leul*. MoThe panel of fedeWl Juror* drawl. I
ad»Hore of Mrs. Yeamlo a Imihcl? No, ofiourtc not, and neitbri
tor the Oaltad Btada court la armad ' ub. Aa latereeilBS atement in tbe
RaMtostoctadM UwaamercCOBorce fuai^ hfatoy to that they have all
I had JaU W. Oaartade at thl* remalaed la Ttayree City elnce Brat
They did aot ac^ cwmnb lor the
eatlre family, but with the eiceptlon
1883. frote Jaauay 28ita; weat
at Aaaa May * e eoabledH
' .April Tth.



takea from hi* j»m-n note*,

“Ss-li' to


Start a Bank

Can Vw Stuff
an €kphant


Cm Wt Ctll
Ycu tbt Storf


waa told at reel thl* afterla OakwooB. after Ue laat fuaeraJ rtiea ware aaid at tbe boam oi
Bmitk Ofiheer F. P. Uwtoa «•! f
dat«htor. Mra. Jamea Baker. 43=
aampie af Mty water M »- VUor C.
„ , o-rt^k.
ftaWma at au Aihor Moaday. While
^ Dema* Coebito. who omeiated.
tbwe a»* tmly Mk aaaaa «t typhoU la
readbiK of a imaaase of
. fbe c8ty M ^aaiM. tba.bMUk fHMf*‘:aeriptnre by a Benile. toachlBg tribute
«eWUM^ Wttatmialretato the
He apoke of her early
aourae c> cMy wfiw eiWRlF. The oaaet.
^^d tho eamevt ea^ In which
•la to varioaa parit Mribe cliy. •
abe was held by the large circle of
ftlMa whom ape cathered around hei
■ M.W A. Ito iuliil*ofo'r^«
BenrRmem’wto ChrlaUan charr. NtK 4. ^-•Mtoemm of^rw
worahlpped. he aaJd.
in the Utberan faith. wMch was tb*
chnnto cf beraailrlty. la ITasala. and
her drily companion waa her Bible.
t aa cpethtloa for the
In ipeakinc of her home circle, he




aoecearinl.».4ol^h ^iRi^
Mra. Baker, aad towhln«ly rtpaired aad be aeeto
toned M the Bbaatlfri bond ol tender-



k oar Ur^ri in ab fmaO a n
Theae who ire ceonODical win cotnc and;
aee kx tbcniaclvo.

Spethh *
ta'HuHft* Wtrm eittds
Ura's 1C l» Let
tap, .food quality.

Men's Fell Boots
and Rubbers, a f(«
pair* left, at


s auletty folded ber bauds aod fell ai
last la'(he .peaceful re«t. which wa>
toachlaa fuaera,




Wo* Warm Shoe*.
hunoB or tore, they

W(« Warm Shoe*,
best style*, etii to

Woe. Felt Juilettes. for trimmed,
sold at 81 en. tor


7'outb's Rolled
Kdge Rubber*. <licbcat wcarleB.


1871. fraae Pehraary IMh; wm e
The htotmr «» the family ct which Manto IMh.
Mrs. Yenlah was tbe oldeat child to
1872. from iaaantr Pslk: w«M oat
«d dls^, April rkih.-


Wo'» Storm Rul>1«T». you7i pay C»i
for them at oth.-r
. place*.

Children'* Rubber.
—.sizes 5 to l"S.

Wo* Warm Slip­
per* for around the

Men's Pat.
-Shoe. (Buiran
made . In

IBfl Iff ITffR



amumu tw bt aim&

uncA NiwwnK






. 3k

. ,vh.e--

Men's Hravy Sock>.




SpmUito Usjiasi


Youth'* Shoe*. >
ytol price, .

Miss«*' Shorn, one
of nor best lines, a
81 2= *boe cm to

Shoe*. Rise* :

ami SinpH
Off UO WE FU8-


ilo}-*' RiiUbent c

_ Herald to as follow*:
-I. Of tbe five to be aammaned by' death,
)gsa (Pe any from ou^t four or
Daecaacd wu hishly reepectad' to e,, nliet: Ice weal oat March I2tb.
Traverse Cl^.^ rietalty and leave*
itM. ttoae Fritruary iTih- went m
to moan bw ftopartare the toUowlBK Harcta 3rd.
chUBfan: HeaiT of Db» Ftoariaoo.
|**j, rro«e JaaaaiT 3*nd; went w
Prank ef Theoma. Waah, Mta of nutk lath.
fT'raveeae City. Mra. Mary McClory
i&d2. froac Febraary »lh: went«
- cf Ballard. Wash, and lulto. wife at April 4ih.
— '
' dame* J. Baker of ihto «Ar.
. j863. no Ice.
Mra. TdRtob wa* b«n April t, 1836.
1M4. xttwe Pebnmy Mih: went o
to Roseahers. Prasria. cmatoB » this April' 25th.
scoantn to May. 1»7. The name year
trose Janaaryr ITih: weatiy
was married to doaepb Tentoh. Aprt «h.
mha was emp)ay«d at Oodfrey Orel
i866. >rtttr JaaaarTr SMSr^i out
Itokh mtU as a mechaalc. In 1857 Mr. April 6th.
nad Mra. Yeplak acttled oa a farm
lac. froze Baanary 26th: veu out
'•Nth of the city. aoP kaowa at the April ifth.
SaastN farm, and rimai tweaty-Mv
issj. jrase Ffbrndry *th: weat
yeara apa tbe hmlty moved w into. March iTth.
oeapytaf a rastdeare on - ^veatb

Men * VekMir Cali,
f.ew style*. iKKiphi
Kiu msny of tbt* line
*0 have tM*'B cu.
from in


,t ope*.


’ -Id o’etoek OnaBay aidbt at tbe homeot Him Kveret. Meant*. Bkelchcr and
her danch(cr.Vta.JamMJ.Baker. 433 Sayder. aaoB “Now the day Is'.
Stole aireet.
and.tRock-of Ape*.MIB. Yealsh had hem alrtaariy III


Women's War^
Shoe*. BOO.! cermfor..
able 'ooe*.

la Shots


Wc». Jersey Legs

Men'. l‘i I'let Gal’-



These overcoats simply have no equal for the price we are
asking. The well-dressed man likes .<b have his overcoat
look different from the ordinary. He will find it so here, for
these are made by ^e most expert tailors. Our sales are
rapidly lowering ihepiles of the most desirable sizes and
styles, so come quicklylto get the overcoat you want. We
are "men fitters." no matter what your size is. We will
prove it if you give us the chance.







(he SI.,':
Uk7.0 H-ien t«
>c TbP Miaaie Ta.v-lor ta hbn.'ebOid d«UM.
^^^T'wuT.Twwd ibc p«or i



NU« Sbonck rtoitrd bor •bat. Mr<L
Mif Pokwka. la« weeh.
Stza. Jaarc ncad aad daai^er Ba~,
U»«r faUtd <w her .Mtrr. Mia. T. UWbite. tan SatBnM.T.
Mn. Mm .AmubuchhT sad Mr«.
tieunte S»>th calW «* Mr. tad I


QraErnfTraverse Region.
: Md Mo. Ontw. Mr. sad Mn. Me^
jMopId sad trMwd tbdr

cntedaliUDeai br

The hc*<! .wee

K. OtW»«

Jt that ho h»d toirtt
to ( •

and go t»

It the prorfl
and «T.I
■panrMr*. John AiaiabBrhW called
psresu, Mr, and Mr*. Coiir.. borth
edaf. on* (i«y tan week.
Taerr Br^« bar.- been Mac
Tvpalrme to tiwir mni by pattlne In a

fll tooat »o »eH how W
The plan poddla* was

«..K<«b i“ STr.:
F-red So
Scott Of GibtwviJl*tWuhI
Mr». Fred
a^rei;»e City ■ few
relative* if 7^
last *-<jek.|
- Mrs. U. a. Ti
for Bns«ft£l. 1
; YMdtvi&A


Oande Oa^ wen
___________ vZn to U.e BeH 1h*e-

,. .


ba» btren »pendtai: a few dajra wHb
h« p«ou.
I«miu, Mr.
Mr. aod
Md Mo.
MIA 8.
S. B.
B. Toa,p^
Totu.. j/wST^arS^.-'l^l tte. mlrtor
khu. ^
Of tbit Blacv. ,i« itno- ir. cm^h o«v of bU auper# laat
... .
>■ w rrcoveHab frotn ■
Ed Cum
Carrie Hoburs »•-«^Un«
It vUlUac Wead*
Crtead* In
In ’
«„*•. ..blUt^ to leavx.iQ* kl«
IT* jleV.
Traverse Oir,
hatoe In Otisvlll-laff •Prida,'-.
‘Rie bilzurd <if last week aa$ oj *
--------------- Geo. Ta.^lor Ifcon Uir FicJ;.ii«i. -,
srr as t-i Flop all loa hanUag 1st
Dan <irt*lh is cotdw: *<s-l for >lsvfc. Tb* mall did out a
Otoref B«n^y lt*rtUnrbc»»r-'He _
.. ^
ram Taylor with hh »«k1 maeblne.
t.11 threeda>* last week,
. W laid up With rben«..« for.B^O.^;^^
r of Glee
The work. Is tlorr w!-b a sawMne «*
is aiirkiae
ir. and Mta. Bngeae
lies from a rbflt of abooi
___________"^iSTbay^relannlaht and wc will Mtmday
We.hlasion and Orogon
lo laTiaket pim
Kim U"^
Aa e*piti«.oo
Ttarara# Oly.'
.^bn set our Toe
Ice »w'.""8o€nc
aow. Bocnc of oo. els
•»* wrvk*
two mea ppti
a. A. A. Aiuodio®
Prtto-' nelBhbor* bave alrMdy eerured Ibclr*
* arrlTod £2w
bItaK a week with ber 9<itb<
‘•I*- ly ecaUM.
U<ti Cartalcha. ll will
laid np ftir soar time. Hv got sraii
«•* Bct-'d 'o »» lo KtoKifey ami bar*
. purclmse of about
s (if Sue ai..r.d. Six plec*-» wer.' taken
i-d to th.' fax. and caapht cold. ahich
^ bUeye.

pb«>e MOpav Mat w*efc
#e«0r Lew waa .» the .Wt
hul w<xk.

.T5»ild.L.'n, Jir

s2 . m7bo«e W the M. E
Ber- Rleley

D C I n What Dr. Paulson’s Patients Say


p; T. Peicntoo of Fife Lake a aa to
; woat to Tiwrerae CUy ihia vlctoliy lant Wedneeday.
Mr. and Mra..Bcr( Worden rf We*i
Ihwrhui of BiBpire iW •
'*•* BMd. lad., ea?»e laet
Baturday w
( of Uai wMft ta iblOlMeeaeod the wlnlor with her pareola.
, y. Cbanee of TtwTorae O
■>ita id town Batarday.


Urackell died Sunday momtos It 6:30 •,
a. m.
I of the ordtaaiT wm* -BwaldOiwTew-odw*.
r irtrcel Saltmlay; J. W.
MIsa Martha Bui-ok. who ■
eecn on oor
Smith di-- -----------------_
-- . -- : the ilinees of

t ie •.

rSi; .si; stxr

>=».... »•,

amovnitoK b
are i:1ad/io
cd and orislnat.
iilad/io bear (hat
that she i« sumewhat
Mr. and Mr*. S. Avery vlalted it
Veuer iat tU*
tti* writlnk
Joeeph.'Dohdoa lost a horxe a few bouer
Jaa. m
vieioiiy Thnraday and Friday,
T T. a.
Spar- daya aco.
Mis* Amy
o<w8. to Mr. aad Mia. Wealcy
Oeo. ^loboo i» very aick at
Mrs. E. WItbey Is eofforing from in- Whiier and s-me to l.. r horn, iaO<a>u
' Una. a st.iw Jaa. *sth.
i^ler Pierec aad...............
Mr. Caipeaier
Caipeeier flamtnaiory
flammaiory rtinunaiism.
dark «rf Btoiaoala
. _
. Wtn. Wlltwr
»“•"* »*> ^ ftainiOB
Mr. aiM Mra Osear
adlltoo; .
peat Ptsdayircaitlllat
__________ _ .
to ZMand Bator slowly.
r Urali' anti Ai
preamtl day.
Mra. Charley Pierre will visit CadCcuir-bin tail'd on her

.., M
■{s >

Mra. Tboa. DUto.
and are. • mm.
wa. fiRtver aad Camlly apeat Bttnwttb Ibolr paiWBla. Mr. and Mr*.




Tboa. KIrt of ClIU Wer capect* to
work for P. Nemcskal wlib his team.
A. S. Frtiz of Maple City dft.T.t
thfouKh our aetohtowbood last w« ’Mdllne mail lioxc*. for wc are auxiim.-»*.guinc the niral mall romc wliii-li
will coannonco Feb. ISUi.
.g«are tltnher nieii are falili'-,ny hsollnp timber dnrinir our stortuy
Mlher aad are ke<..|dpg the mad^
the arholars. who appn'
ntqvurtunity of aiiUKlInp

VSV™ Sir


Ptokaidwwe ,

Grave Trodbic Foreaeeiv.
s Mkt Eatorday..
rrswevo^to *pv>w o»*«'w
It* Inn Uttlc forestohi. to tell.
______________ Bi Wwe ptoaaairtfy p*” “
ihatwheB.vourmdmach audllverarEtaMWMay erertof^aboui;
” ^|“'of prank ‘■“'•ly affected, grave trouble r, ah.e.l
?*r iSna™ nLae^a, «»•<«
lake the proper motli.'lt..’



Cate aiieti.lul

it. Rider liaasazd. t»< wuhne. bar
b<w« hpiniot.-d by (be BrHlab imrera-

.ha, >tate
.late to be ’'tbr
-ibf iw^.psitv.believe, that

meat a «Hn»l«kmer u. totto»m *-1=

the slek ^ ibe universe.*’hiEvd he ftutiftm hh

aad report utaia the cnadiiioss «ad

i.-:' haiinp^ taktu^

Thomas A. MeSeal. rereaUyraised
d, m,. ouniiy of Kapsaa Mat« p^ler.


“* belief to this cinvlarin* wv


tuis have iiirt?.! til !f a «iai> sun,

ha, a blltoo*

lri.m Kaara* and tnvtd.: eaaiwatd juri
Kaasaa to acato

rhaiarier of the aartonllutM and M.laatrlat aattletoeai,


Mra. K. Skli
Sin. .«-«ek .o«™.
I^e Abb 8u.e..s(.

Wmi» Maba is .able lo be aroimd «>'*
agato after tavlnfra siege o? -E. M
ihe bouae
DrugRisu. auMV a Iwule.

1 Traxxrsi

iThrs.*- M bottl hon-s.- on
01 an- .-ortitolly
.adirs arv l.-^ll^>ted it. l.rlng




. A newly

hut startlas i« 'he w.wlward. il>e

diMtaDi’c •


pre|:i.ety. ih*

<d lb.- erta.e o( the tale C«ll

inade a arant lo defi*/ Ihe «•


■w nimltvire 1« Wra
tort a load or new
taking 10
to nis
bis oonic
home ren-nuj.
MnUtae fnnmM* ww* renerted the ^“mg

Buffets -

A »■«'

reWstao^hrerriU’ve'l and perfncH;
- by
- r ..........
.Arnica Salve '’
Rlvenbark. Jr. of .Norfolk. Va..wrlte,r
-i burnt tcy knee dreadfullv: ihat II
bllsterod all over.
Backlea’* .Arnica

waa drank, refresnThe necldMti nl D*ke’a mill la«t
The eonpany'woek waa not aa eMious aa It might
Had to acme flne music and have -been, or Waa pt flrvi feared. Only
and to add to the plcaanre of one map was sorcwely Injured and he
. little eeven-ytmr-old blu- i, goitbg along nlcriy.
Work Was
niece of the bride.’ stopped ter repairs till Monday, when
ciaar. dlsttael voice Ihcy
a day and night run
•Mflad the applatMe aad pmlse till they catch up.
naeteed. The rrestx departiv.
__ _ Is In need of
N. W \V.-;.-Jord
tbrna many year, of baprine** tout taw mill dad we ntnlt
- small
but ver.* Dticklcv 4 Douglam otter
site fmut daace lor ibtin waa b^ >» ; acar the town to parties who
wh will put
I hall tost eventoK.
' In a «ood mill. 6ob« one hern'bp.
Vtaber glTM a IKGe bIstoiT of will be badly needed when the build
mnie on Manb Maakou last win- lag rush oomBeoces,wlth
the oiieBing
'Bences with ihe

«l'>lring them to have iheli building*
at least six feet from tbe rallrtAl
Tbe raUnvad* have serv.,! tto
, “ 7
expense will lu- so gyeal timt Uicy looking anumd fi»r a way li. got out .d


r aeverely cold ft
I aays Mr. Carlson osraed



Rb ;/

A l.lg t^riely. aU _

Jlrm Rockers
Reed Rockers
$ew*fl Rockers
morris ebairs

............. ........... ............. .
p, h. Meads and S, K. WaH « At.-.
Elevator men at St. John, arc much
^ p^„,

i Over '^^ditrerenl
Ryles., A . solid wood
^ir ;«t like cut finHhctl in golden oak, for

a new Uw re-

CentifVial Strain.
. j»te y men

,• w v„
/ strain because .
.«>»•> *"ban

aad physloallv aCIeeilni
badly an.l briPglBe on liver atwi
ailnu-nl*. wiih the aliendar.t
consti|vBtloa. lo** of a|'i«’it
aii<! <
rvw i^jT^ Wta) yr* »wt'«> *l'«pK'S'
Tiey oanwK. ah a ni
, .••coniinnsl strair..” I
>ilv ii* healtb-d<:^t^IlTi

Tb fbe ■w»rtse”S™»«ToiK..g^g5LU*,tJSiivSl*!^

lie and «raak at acuae of tht
ttmt «a aot freeM and tbr;
ive toad flat, to December whan I

Boards j Chairs

d 4^ at' Sanjtolod

S^^dteOH bet<m tbe floor
iSu OtooB , and Mrs. ,er
her home at Kingsley
I, live here. 8lN: Sunday.
where abe '
O. A. OrlRhan. tbe.Gmwn hoatlor.
_ a. to'Mn. Lee’s,
i’». wb
baflaad to-the bed. bat able.
i Tneaday lookAt ia'bd»ai Abe vrllt recover. This - «tta<A ahe baa had.
r>:^^vmy BimuaBi areddtog took i«i
_________ , .
flay at the home of the bride to hopes are tatltoed Cb^ago will U^.'O
:.'o mfewea
pninMa of a tew friends. Mrv..|no,tag
Mrv..|na;,)Bg tkto waylnafcw'
year*. Glenn
' ‘3e fe.OiaOB aad Hr. Jacob Van Bna- ,o^ bo depended upon to do his sbar.WfM praaonnoed man and wife. jn Uant dlrectiop, too. «e I* eouiemAmiiaa X Fltber.
.gating •
a tnp
trip to
to eionoa
FKwida u
to a
a lew
a aaTXi



Ahe liver, -limvilau-, the kldD<->».
allby U>dlly funrUon*. ;:ivi-':
spirit u» one'* whuk- b- inc
tCe J'h.vsi
lhat "f
or menfsi distres* caused by ih
' iial straiu.”
Trial liottle ol
. . .
FT'iwer. :lc; fcptilar rizr. T.’w.
*a1c by S. E. Wait A Sons.

PliEer would like to thank Mr.
A l«Aut>tuIgainer n&wei* oxk table, piano finish, largi:
aad Mr. Morgan ter tts
to brr. She wouM also
ateWconaettoas to the
I to taat weekb Herald ander Uc
hr *taUtara 4f«vea
Romeaikanad." TM.aatoa
TbA Mme Aoald
Aoold iara
i«re Md
B. FUtow toatoad et Mm L. Mf.
a vetonvn of the -wat
ms aad waa
F. Sto
war wHbl

---------------------------------Sraoka. Ftorida.
«n«]d toli MW7 very toletm '
ef kla aoldtor Ufa


»he rentiiion «d fmmlsraaU fro*i.

HOME expens£:s-.

MM bda»ter a Vteli'coldMt for thto^nter. ^ iher-.^rom bis pipe iffilu-d the straw In a
'iBOaaier reciaiered 7 dcfpxca.below, mattress, and owing tn the liigh w’Id’I
wlfla «r W »all ca.w
The anuMpax acare ai Uake’a talll ^ the good start obialncd by ihf
am at oia* uavea. a laay ns • tatoe alarm.
iBprovln*, B4 "««• P«rttoaliy nothing was miv.,1 M
bftr ymn. wap panlyaedi. Bd Oonatoe is.atawly imi
rmtXMt ten-aner
he *—■bad Meddowk
'ts bMfdiW took
’ - Quite natsB



Kalvattua Army la the Called SUie*

Sustaining thf liomc represents at least two-thirds of the average man s expenses, therefore Ihe price of every
article purchased for home um- should be talcen into serious consideration. We are in a position to furnish your
house complete, or provide any of the many Hide necessliie.5 at-a much less figure than other dealers, owing to tne
fact that the quantiti'S In jvhich we buy and the freight fates we receive on full carioad lots saves us at least 20
per cent of what the ayera^'c dealer has to-pay. We figure on the same.perceotagc of profit as other .h-alers. The
good result is mmiial.
k^et the lion's share of the )»usiness and the consumer reaps the beneUt of the low pnees^

'■.“S “niS. ’

Ml Qiai lake is saSetoatly
not waatare' Bi


My- ar.l 'Mr*. F.
rttv test wr.';,



tttTfijmu mr.

A. L. TRi iJ.mi I.

rtwrixA and then takea the name JOor '^hr sn^at .AmerleaR cftiea. Theiraatew

. Wkitf t
Jt^h KreUz is uoaliU' lo retnm to
huTrSthto wo;k on account of aick- City cwlier last,.

Prh. S brine
Chrtaiton Bndeav- '
................ II be apcclal a
a foil bouae
would be welcoared ®""'
Sun­ ,
>y eveninc.
, ,
Htm Vkda Klowlier baa entered the
cvinvcat at Provonwmt.
uenl a few'
Mlaa Ethel HaonMniree I* boiDA .
from TdavmA
Tfavwae Cliv
City, where ahe Ha*


Dr. Panbon has alw fnt«(I

toy wife with glasses whicli hie x ery latisfactory.
The sTorm of la*: week coniina. s.
ihU n»>rn:iis.
-Mr». Jolt* Wbiti and Mr. and Mrr.
J. W. Ilkskt-rman aiu-nd.*! the. farm.-rs’ lBsiii»i.' at Traierie CH..' last

rolds aad aor.

LaaTciin* ^hakli..............
and Hi nry Undrner also
Miss Anna Slmnek Is alK?''e '-’‘‘‘^nl^a^Ti alurkT.rit!ie“ta^


i- ’*•


glas*« by

Wotfe’s brawJi o^ and if 1 coaW «» have them do-

l.’icatctl 1 wild not lake $50.00 te Uteoi.


** J^**'*Wblte ^ ^*ISi stos to t

....- -


I wi^ to state thal I hire hi4 ray tjet fitted
Paulson at l>t.

owly jutoins.

, ten tiDB a load .



InM week.
last work. Wnpaitart^ ^ a .fv.-r • tmi
.laj law

Or. Pauiattn aasiata mo In my Trav«raeCiljr

Mxvjon, Mkh ,'U‘n-rvuuK 15, X90A.

u the Dixon li

tif III
Mlaa Elizabeth


...... -

Q 12 II y

By cnocealtog It abont thole potwon. or aiovlitg it away ia
mug*. Jug, and Jar^ by aowing it up la akiria and lick,, by
». In copboard,
Idcktog It under carpet, and enurhea.
eopboard, i
•rthrir money and

Itoliteml lest w.!h Itolf bcuing caaora.


seal ten


Only $9.25
solid oak uble. will seat 10 people, duly $5.’J5.


O’dun from H.S2 »p.

By dmtoriUng It to a good rwUabte Iwnk, where lid* not
only aafe. but meadlly camtoa a mo-lrraie toiprva.

A deporit In


to abariatriy aMe. eaa be dzwwn at may Umc aad'may W
iflaito to draw inttrcst. -

;«4orM m% Ta-aiV*i

OI%y. Bile a*(B|»t«am roanttf X»*orwipmo»iwm», iSiietwI^maw.


•Uff of«r Suter.


ii. ji Lrru..



^» yipyr «ldjl>o< Wtu> Tn« W««»«r U ma»t]j:
‘^V ,



Aft«t BoMIm



Or- Sr‘

^ <Um^ bav# oAni te(«d Iron.
i 'Kooi UTte*.“ N«rlj
Xbered wiih more or leu
................... Jobs' looi^.' poor eppomr. dry. hactl«
MhUnB Tnwt..........
c. inww..
lu. ..14 oi ..14.

S*SSVa .11.
QI0B Ben*ir« • fe« «J«r« aso. Mrw
*a*Ur htte
^ cJo.^ op ».«• mllUneir
neM tliet« tor ifcr viotn- ODd vtll liri
i». .1.




!• Um TIm Vm Nm4
••y •. E.
A *am.
—wi«v «n> • iMaMni jrf th» «nra

t« Hwte Cfty c«i Moadv-


^ .limb,. „,mi .mb. uml I..I1.,.



5,'TS.T5:;- -.I -~ sssS‘r„'4-';-‘:ss



«0 Bpa n*W •JUBWU «n«i tuyiuuo.
fc»»b,l.WM.~llw to.»..K
tooslr lbInSi KUt *» quu
«. H.aaf.'. ■HI hr
■ dha beKB li the atacblBerr.
ro hMr wT n^igr.
d. n. Maa^. who has reached the

Chaa B. Kenyon to WMIa
uu-of ae^ of oeli a>«. 7 town 57.
- .
«Sbp 1^^^
A CiMlillac imriness pan edwiders a
John F. Mlllor and wife to Francis baseball toam In a town a ne«-*>Ji>.
p junaoni. nwH of aeH. s«. ,7, town Ho saya that It not only furnishes «• »««' ”•
John F. Miller, et bL to Francis O.
lUasom. w% of n«W of w‘V4. *«•. 7.
-7. range 11: MtW.
WdU D. Miller and wi

people, but advertlsesi the loan an.l mono in elrc.itatlon by bringlaK
proide in .fn»m dlFereni wcitons if


,1 Htslge. Baiurday night. rtM» 11;
_ bom rlsli.. .................: _
Saren. has
Kw. lb F»~. DJUbBsa 57. rsige 11;
i>arci I,
retaroed aome Prlil
------Rob LevHt siarti

today. U fs aneert...
rtb.ate of aeU. aec. 7. range


tw Mr*. to;'s..»i'bub
Ur. Scott and otl>er ffieorts___.
laTrarerecCiiy for ebonla wcek.ahe win.


CHl «.
Same at Elsewhere.
9 ati««d to boinchold duties
staajiyy aching luirk.
should not haw a had

h« been feollag »: ««o.
nldn'l n the kidnoF
Sr® hJ? tS^tarJuTtor W qiUiTpoorly the past week, bat 4s bow
Wat. H. AdsU to James J. Oonu.
lift ha. hem W taraiw for -«o ?--------------^
’^:^‘Ktdncy PHJ. make ero.l kidFad Mm Oew Beevm ww?
'hoasas M. Shane.
U a Trorersc city woman who

ss'b.”i^-£7.^rKS&a^"g.:; i
-v. - *.»" .=•

4 5*.
or 7.5 web«e
Very B: Uadarwoo^I to W.her
Walter S.
scrou my back
ICC. #, town S».
bip, .rere especially severe when
,v. ^^^1.;. uu
«f»; n»i
Rev. ranee
range Sr
»: itSO.
busy al
at wor
work: 1 was nerrous ami bad
Meyer hrid servlesa Bandar erealBg.
John K. Smith and wife to Thomas a.lwks of heat^e. dlzsln^ ana

«e Wilaey
p Oaode
Wila^ and 6«are Domi- >«g«* »«
■* ■Ointa.


BOW able b
who made a .oar of
r iit'»Z2^.^hiiskl”c^
I, MlaaemM. >e^a.^
him there's no


3ic ^
for Cc. Sc and 9c
mite Outing.



Boy’s Kersey, Cassirnere and Corduroy
Knee I’ants, forme
50 ladT.'k. yours fo
Mcn’sblack b'rieze L' Istcr and boy’s fancy
Overcoats, T.OO val
for...................... .
50 Udiea' Dress Skiits all trimmed. $T».00
values, yours at tl
All our ladies' :i-4 1length .nnd Butcher
style coats, sold.up to $iuuo, 2.97
sale price.............
Ready m.nde flannel underskirts, OR/k
nicely Jinished, fore:ed sale price OOt.


- .. $2.98




af^ammlt C««y'»V

Chas.. A.
’ <Mr. 80dl« «w a ^rene CliT vis......................... -

un.ed in btd in the winter td .»7. 1
had a physician treat me. 1 obiaiiud
aome reik-:. but wa. «... well, w th.s
Doan's Kidney
MIU anti they bU|uil gie Ifom tbiI am
Snd. 1 n^ four Imse. in all
so well pleased wiih ihc results
I do iK« besiiate u> n>eoraiii.Dd this
,, ,
dp ,o 'long."



nememhrr the


4- I'nl ■ ttsi f -Ihsin'K—ami

. Oeo. W.
of Lake City roeemir
Etta M-TUlapaa^ 4o Jud^ C. Til- defined Tc-eleettan after serving twentown

’V“” “•, „

pareela. Icaae, see.-19.
,b :Upaugh;
ii: - .............


ant t«na Werf0r.i ^’r^.
Mra ’c. A
Kohl oeterialnod
eotwialned abom
Jodsw C. Tniapaugh to Etta M. TilJotUda
slztetm of her lady friends at dlnaer^ lapaugh, wH of acH and lots I. 5. are
‘ ■ •• la naabtlng il.ThBrsday.
.11. town H. range IS: WM.


m the ta^v^\T?y ‘
T'”***'"''' ^
Odd Hotiee
The brick h»<idt brtoagiw to Mr, Upangh. parccta. sie. I*.'town H,
p^, of ,««»« to Travera* City
Seelig hnroed to the gromi5 Sunllgy mute t*: P»*. .
the M. it aneroopn at 5 o'eipck. It w«i bulit
iMwlnDI.^. I HearjtR.
- tlrodbagen.
One-Of the best known ueuspaper^
> yeaia ago wd was <
i jraKodar manias.
acH. set 19. town 57, W the south Is the '^nide" »t Ibmn.
N. C. Its pubUshcr. J- P- Pitman.
by Peiw
Pete Wnrxtairg. who Ion; range I#; »»!««.

yy___ ______ i
hU bonscbtdd goods.
George U 4b.
Stlgar to Henry G. Brixl- Heads us the following Hipping wlio
rty .4,
all of
y with Mrs.pnl-.'-llfh:
______ _____________ _________
‘ ‘
of'H.Tomtl. the
li CampbeU. TTtey attribute the origin
Oscar Slmpaon and wife Jo Prank- -troatmem that cures catarrh with
hW brdlber of the Are to the Utebea «ov0 pipe. ;ip a. Wright, lot «. block 7. H.. 1- * stemach dosing. We ran speak
The bunding was valued at *6.000; inhighest praise of its remarkable power
b.*"*TrbibKo CiU .uw. ror
MlM nw'ec,,.Col of Uarhor
Thomas W. Saimdm to Wmiam
thw”Tills i^ritm is mailfI buvlnc
...» u ..-..M*
—... _j>rtn» Is the guest of Byron Woolsey Tompkins, loi 5. act 57. town M. rouge not as an adrertUemenL but In the
Bcatt. who raecatly Buwcd.and family.
H,: 93.OU.
Interest of ihoac who snBcr the t.H
BCWO. no

Mias Margaret Anderson of Tiav
„ turb of that lerrthid ill«-*se. raiatrii
A. J. Qarrcu and wife to Geo. B.
a.r^roed .0 bar home Satar‘
«a «'o.llng .he rilpplag. Mr. Pitman
;j, Madison,
“ a week's vlUl wit'j
Madison. rel*
ceH <d
« seH.
«e%, see.
sec. 15.
u. loaii
f.rtiouiug loityr; •
■at Satarday. Feb. day laerntag. afiei
Mfk. Wilson add daogfaier.
“1 .•nclu.'c ..
Qnlie a dumber from
NaRhptfrt ntat- . oio. W. Raff 10 4. M. Tbomt*. lots paper. Usiiol loilsy. Vrm will
a NofthpiRt
a Tromse City
leaded ihe Farasees' lasUtute at Bni- - , ,
« ori«« n winnio- f">® *•'**
' d»-riye to push
? Mlaa DMay Mids iwnroed Taeedaj-tons Hay Isri Thnraday.
. ' aening ttf Hvonul a*
«>»tag from a aeverol weeka' ristt •Mesaro. James and MePee. IroveHng add: »»ni.
! am using it '
'iiRh retail r« at FUe Lake and WaV aalesmen.'wete here Tuesday caUlng
And that It giri
n spreadlcg f
ge o( this su
P a dr •noib FroMdon. a eon. Jaa. 5CU. from
iw«.nc oil. *1 mur .Inraloi
r * Jehn LnmbllB «r Bmplrc la vIMUw how.
—------ .—
----.., --S
cs-.arrhat tronbles of this »ra
.rr-rrr jdaw doing »tem

" rs wa..
Habit leads people in do strange mb of the y.<ar. bare brden-d a iarg ihlBg*. A Bay City man who Is la the Hock of llyomel. and sell it undo:
Several children arrrom-^of ycbpol. . _ .
at. horse* Bisht and -Ruaraatee to refund- the m<>a. y K
_ _
I with Ihe mrosles.
^ feeding hU horse* night and
roHeve. The eompU r o
. Mias Emma Wilson ealerUlned aer- morning during the winter with the flt costs but Si. aml.rvjja >»ulc% e
C. Triw> “Bi -ho ttaverae Cut «•! 0l her
y frleods laaifnmr*-. nU of a lighted Unicro. took gregt be obulced for 5t* cents. Ask them
4 Mawie Al.- fwlBsTo trim end light it---------- _.
sell It. This remari
lleato* the air yt.ti breatitr.
The Bcrvlre ____i T. C, U A M-. i>‘hrr day aad carried li
City wU; light the way to the ban.
ahoni between hew
Booihingand healing the miitro.:ii men;
air passages, ami makinK
ThU -...............
.d lbf,wOr.-i 4-a:
mla and Instead tM at least,
GongHs and colds, doa-n to the very a eodtpl'-ie
'. Iwod the
Mrs. R. C. Car
IhKnqdt Kiagaley ai IS:4E il
b borderland
ind of eonsnmption.
consumption. yteU* tu ratsrrfa.
i nratly tnnr d'elo^ when K atraiber of friends on Tbatedny evM- mV
blag, healing lanaener* .if .Dr.
Fllad and other gammi were
1 of Saugaiucl.
.rhed her*' ■
'ood's Korway Ptne-Syrnp.
lyed, afi'T which a bOanitfal lunch
I.- AacnOBh made
is eega;^ Ir.
<.UH »f
Brownima la aarlmuTy
Prone Woolaer has dosed her school .
Ska -«M iSanniBg to start for andd retar
retaroed home tw her vaeatioa.
ly years
years and
and dMi
dWal know aboni ’** KalamaifflO river.
river The cate'.
lined sereral of hU
rk ThnnAsy to <risit rriadves
llugli cScott entenined
his 'or^ay
iiiW York
amo-jDts to alioni a ton a ds.v. an.l
lends with 1
th ride ms.1 Thutai.-«r btu that does aoi 1
Fae e<
ahlppe.1 tu Chicago. al»-re i> bring
r vanoas^amrfe s ,herc now and is grtt
grtng to stay ho '
threr eents a pano'l.
|«M«®kWSkht|. in ati

« to fc-e 1.

Aderiae Wail came to KJags been 9u yean old had she
wdav to riMI ndaiko.
Inn RogMB la qalte ffl.




Per yard for
Bleached Sheeting
soft finished, dur­
ing this sale.

All our summer and winter Shirt waist
values up to $2.ri0. they will go -1 Krt
quick at l»Sc. ISc. 25c and........ *
Women's fell shoes ami slippers, QRm
this will be a hummer for.........
Good warm comforters for this QQa
sale............ ..............-.............
A whole suck of Rcmtiantt and short
lengths of Silks. Worsted Goods and
' Cotton (ioods at your own price.
GRAB BOX NO. 1ft Sc for Boys’
(iifls all wool Hose. They are worth
*3ic and 25c, but wc nt^Mi the money.
GRAB HON NO. Jl!—2Sc for Men'.
5ftc Fleecetl UncT^ umlcrwcar for tb»
forced sale.

Have You Been to Traverse?
Have You. Made Purchases Lately?
Perhaps you are one of the many that spent money here during the past few
daj-s. Ifyou bouglii here and j^ur ncijghtor bought elsewhere, or your neighbor
bought here anti you bought cls'ewliere,
it no: after al! a ttmyyou owe to yourscH
and to your neighbor to t omijare purchast s--place the gt>ods sitlc by side, let them
speak plainly and truthfully who sells thtj chcApcst and givc.s the best goods?
If you'll compare ours with others, wc are confident that j'ou‘11 say STEIN'IJERCv IIKOS. are by far the cheapest.

\Vc have started our

Great Slaughter Sale
and prices on nearly all winter gooils arc lower than tht;v ever werr—all flic new
goods, all the choice-st stj lcs in this ^big establ'ishment. have been marked down.

Meav}-flroccvt underwear for men,^___


SS“=~'r s
WTtiro Shaker ElannelT^jard...................


liood Colioo neecetl Blankeu at. per pr. 38C
Cotton neece.1 Blanketi. extra heavy,
extra large 11-4 aixe. worth $1.25.......... 75c

worthtl.5U.«..4....................................... 75c

Othto, v, toll,« $0.00, $8 «, $10.00
$18.60. At to tatter piKo jmi C«| Uko
yo« do»o. or dl doto ta to «». tot
LoOid tol-Mitao.' aim toth $$4ta.S 1.05
»,".*»"h$7.ho«.............'.............. 2.46
Skwts wroth $7.B0 at........................
Chlkbaa-. Jackeu wroth $3.50 to $S. at 2.45

men’s Overcoats
The b«t $6 OvercoaU at....f.;.. 0. .S3.60
OveieQafswatth$r.aod$7at......... 3.85,
Overcoats worth $« to $10 m..-............ 5.90
Our very bea $20 ami $tf Ovocosli


Priets SB an OHattr eioakc
Bavt Beta SlasH«il to thg^^m
Itoe Tonil C»u lU wto J7.50
to $10.00, u..................................... 4.75


The best Koee Pasts ia
bm|i at the
price, aO sixes, at .................. ...U.o... 45c

“ 1' e”-

Hrv. Mr. Deeu spent Tbarsday la gp hack for. He hat .koowa k tOr a
Farkar arriveJ Traverse City
1^. .qi^ ^o aoe of it CaoL
oidma. to vlrit
Ivaa srott was nlrosadity aarprised
. J”

by a natty oc bis irirods Friday even- *1‘'*rF*«t*ng. « Lord Fleml^
CumWriand. whicbever you choa«e;
m lfer.And Mrs, PUUp a>m■Mra.
A projed U on fnot at Teewnw-;:
a dnnghler.
- ___ _

.k.i, to eaubltih. a steam heating ptant i.'
Im. Jasah akan vrent to Mi. Ver- o'doek Monday eveninr
i„ today <0 risk ramtlves.
^beea Ul but three days of i
e Hhana-rMuraed today from and was paUently -waiung for the ead
toto.»to to.™ -to to to„
•“• ™™~'

■ JJiTi




*li. OUi


Per yard for
I'or short lengths
black and white,
gray and white of l.awns. Dimities
And Shirting prints
standard prints.


Ttei ^ SS a"?b? Mm pSik“
M« Marsimn and Mm Wra. Chase
AtuUtor General to S; Jt Hanaen.
««t ee^4 of a-H- ■*,
are b
in A. 8.
IS, town 5C. range S: I15.SS.
Andltor Oenerol to & K. I4wi
iwhiai friT Tht -."natug of
L<ee Olbbe aad wife are «
of nwK, see. 1*. town S«. range
^^AWdOicS^Jl. R II vjaii from Mlaa Ardle OlWm
iwW tttlas far ttaja town
olhbs asd wife wo
. ,. «...
Clarence I. Mariia to John Faltel.
. who haa bm qnlie HI. here Snnday.
Jot 3. sec. 34. town 5C. range 15: tSi
-j be ebont acala
-----------ChrisUan r_
Hansen. eH of ntf^. see. I
Ulu Hattie Hnmpseta bas gohe
b Fannie Harrison,


At The Globe Store

b the talk of the town and vicinity, and jud^nn from the large crowds we are Ac­
commodating it is very evident that our efforts and the «*'«««
appredaied. We have no leaders. EVERYTHING AT
ighly appn
goods are thoroughly
itain------------amount of stock
.LOW. Ourobjeetb
to convert a cci----v-into
COST AN!) BKto,...............
- .

cash and with the succes-s of the past few days, shal
a short time.

ratsc rsiCES vnu. sine «e caowas ocs wsT;

la Brd, « dittgliwr.
___ 4-,^ iffd wife ittfdt« Crotman. c^ ot ■^U.^eec. 6. wn tc. CTem. Tbti 1» the °"?yA°_?^yu*
that aireiuibeoa tbir atomacb and dlwttl glre
tb«.AT«aT party Saturday erwtag.
gMilre orsasa. to they can and wtH
-Feb. HtbHP'

Ml Batardar ermlac..^^
Floyd. ..
K. —
Beach atteoded aerrleai*
Kinan W. Tamer to Chaa. H. Miller.
Birtcer Crert Snnday.

.V:.;::".'.".-”^.. ,04». m ______tablet taken before earh
.be i-ny add:
>« »•S5MI.
»•««'•will rciDore all trritaUoD. Inflam■
, ............... jJjny
.----- .. ktoom. «t al to Prank oiatlon and congestion In the digestive
D Kalkaska o
Joseph Kroona. « ,a|. to rt^ ortent,
and su atrengtbeii
them ths:
___ _____
of Bitihta aM hare ewawyed » 4»j «« «c«b.
Kraapa. pareel. aoc. Sd.towa ». mnae they win estraet ,rom
from the
the food
food all
to CM wood for.the hrtA yard.
q ^ p^,
attended charcb
sees to make good, rich blood, flnn
WHlta»«b-:ta Sunday ■ ^
‘ Julius T. Ilaaaab. rt al.
Weaiey noaele. and a soand. healthy body.
P. CuaUtfd. et al. lou t. 10. Uocdt 4.
50 ceais. and If lu use does not nP. H.% 4th add: $SM. .
' •• rigor, vlullty. and
______ ___
it dfSoos. one of th.Chaa. R Kenyon to John F. Miller, health.

F.;iMa ^y coaNeud tbe Job ^ bear Kingsley, a
^ -*- sad ■__ ^ay teaam oe the week.
waTiffaW ro t. s
Mlsa Mii*l Oibbs of Traverse City
riwtoay IwBrortaBemi vlalfed.rnla0re« liere Friday.
_______Htc% •ni; instead
South iStfdmM^
___I they letend t
The aawam fm abut down Frtdw
ttd Salutdi-----rday owtng
“• —^rtSSlTlSS
ThS'dhiiSTwSI^'lnttoe to begin
w. sawing agata thts tatwalag.
___ _______ _ _jlng eostom
Mr. aad »fra.'Um Uolllto^ Mrs.
•rwaia-»a wow veteran frank


- lag nroanlmd


' To Cura a CoM to Os>g Pay

ywt Tliis store—COMPARE YOUR PURCHASES—i|!si1ke-«ily

Steinberg Bros.
Traverse City. Michigan.





UlMl it.1^ tri
I prorinc* •<«««(.
Tb« ritr U qnMK todar b« sat>r fliessransiBclaathcrPom^Mna-

■*»w*«:r** ~

^ wiK'

CSM7S5ui...'l«.<« »0W .«!
iDiipliMiin. M

Uk«t it) a

•»*«»•. fc u. ««.
■■ “
Soht bMtTM* sraOanM
<w~. «" »«•*

aaa tvMty-oWK .
St. Pcterabonf.Frt. l.-lt (a oSoiaV
ly aaommeed tbai P. N. Oovnovo.
privy cooaacOor. ba« bow apf)oltiir4
■lahaer of the Itecrior to aoececd
Pribec SriatpoUb MlnUry.
Uhoro. ladla. Pi*. L-Ooc o( p
party .or RaaaiaB otteera rlaltlai; Cabal
waa a^ drad la tbe' «r««t. The
t aytaMHc m^tW. aatlOBamy hi. tinkhoira.
tf •« oi


- lurLStnr ‘

Oai m

■»*- -

8tst* laimoer CMintaBleeGr Tbo».
D. O-Urtoi tH Ml.n«ota <ia«

to .eopt tbe *c« or hi. «B«. Yhlrt
(a tko phM hare arnmuod. u ow -,«sdtw « bo-’F^Mi
iho las* w
$16,000 a >-«ar. Mr.-OlMca-^a* lO- wMiK. I
doM act bcUarc the
c h
Uw which »ao%^
Ala mrt with Mr. and
M- aaiaJT and clerk vr*. Fraak OMIth uc Wpdo«>Uy and
1. or t£e opUxMa that the lee. hcloa*.
to the *Ulc aa4.>nt.l«ra tbr» taw
p^i;„n .gtti.h'tae takra tb
(be atatc itrasnty. LavI year the at- i.r~c«ntinK ttni hiiiulred ennlj t.l block

,™.,'ttj-lSJ 'Sr,; V

Viidiing ui:
,ao..;o.- brioDsed- to. ihc Rtaarwee
*' *'-'*"*
eoo.mla«ionor. l«.« .he ■^aeuailwi. ''^‘j^pVqd mV.. ^rU* <'hriMopbcr
lake IMIK- with the declahio. ' •.
ontmalhCl a nuaibrr of trhr.rt. Fri-

A,M«ri. and W. W. .HW^r. have had 1 '’\x'c are iJeawS to abte tt^v StHs
Mr. yoerii wriJr. SieUa «mlil. rt i«prorins.
AO Mr.' Osborne in thla peaKctBaaly
Marine nty people areacUh’InC .he
raahtoa: "The <
«.j.,odeoo.mrt>„«rae««i.«a.. .holiebmwt of .he hoar* of public
Trilllol aad deli!-«.aie lie aad l«nd *..ri:A Soaw are tatklOE *at
yon aa a maUclnas andcaiataoji IHr," .»*«dtifiaK the eiir ebarriv and Ih-™bi
^TWwabont jaa. M.-Thd ali^
SeatM ta Oa^
la «dlapatat ia^ dl
HoDor.Mkh,Jaa.30.-Le«l.ihe2V What the aaacrti™ a-aa U of no ru;i»r- in« a vma*e asain..
With «jn6l dlRBlt)______________________ —
BBH have vetarMi to work here. M«- reaisoM aaa or Mr. and
' S. ». Cer
«nr aad Ppiaad are U» «riy dlatrieu
^r Hoaor. was aeatded to death
dahhwnaa aaae.Rotarday altewoon by fallln$ Into ~
ilBE from a typical b'.aekEaard .aaJ of tV Acne and tVi:
l^nav. 3aa. 30.—A arioor aiaie «d p»u oT hot »aier. The aftemaiia
_______ _ haa la^trocea*
are ckMPd. TM Otrlkera jbj, ^r hot watefwaa ataadlaa .»n thr
MtiniMinlas Wil«^
Boer itiwlyfdr ate. vrbea the llitle boy Ver>-y.,ta treaid by me »ith tho
inaplrias miwilasThe rr»Hav ovwini: «e»nm ma.V.ffcraah, hJn. ».—TV ^Mlal re* rtanhled aad fHl hhckward law Ita eoatmpt la which I hoU the aaihor.
mtt'w le.!
' vi^h a
—“ •- .................
-------‘ht* awldlBB eaaiea.a. TC^rias aaeh
Some iBiltena from the wwihwe*.
g„„r, Prorident C. II Fj.« '
frlKhtfal barna that ihoach Dr. Shltti- weiit on a aisht-seriaft taar of Waeh- had chant ■ <• (ttaycr aud preise i.-i
. ——- — .. ------------ of ^ of
ABB waa hurriedly aam iBStM IB OM of tbe'WK'BrftimWinep
n«. C S. Bl«l<>>' rare an n-l
i^ vtortodNi bor* IMih^toh. TV
death pat W o«d to the ehiU-s Vroied to tVt pntpow. They lls.eaed
^'^^Ta.ill.t’vi' -Yrin .
mebtfar cafferlnjt duriaic IV nljtht cravciy to the man with a mnjapVnp
xv Viur«a.v moral
•hwtof te«n «f TV paroau are complrieiy praotaaiM aa be dweribed the amar placee .if ia opened by a soas eerrl
Outturn 4n tha alrodM. which they rw thla la iV aerand death tJ
.ewet. At the-rod of the >«ireey one
«' t
ftmm w ft*.
ia five moaiha. Uxr haanfc ib>4r fc« oflhe .ra.eleraaamBMSl U all up thns;
J- «• ‘rri-n.
. r. . VMiy prewfla. The a«u.
haV Juki ive woniba aim
tV analveraary of the death oi
Milllken. itave a talk iiism prttnan
VftMMH Mft tVala aea MMtora of uri. ^
tine which .icroainoa'lly rtatehed him.
»»’rk^$anaMh*toi»|d6aMria ••• paetaS
the fiiaoral serrteos will V held to • Funeral w^lMsat.iVftroWterUi. tw^pria'^M'^l’iSKnV^^V-^
aurtnihwowl of a raw marrov afiernoao at t o'clock from church ai,Riih»-ar. N. J- werr Inier- and ilearj on My.Trip to Ih.- Weri I»
' . Two rof-. |P<. hoaae. TV MU*ra Hecalr. Jeulu rallied when a veiled woman Kiuidoaly <.V**ant»oB . ai
Jer.isai.mi. 'Tb.
«M iwhimwiu apd Dora Maaa of Tni-erno City com
r....... W.I.!f
Idaiiir ev jpg th\* laonilae.* Mr. aod Mw. Ran
of one or the moarnert an.l riw mp]r kiof) yiand out eloar.i'
hay to a efti.' .^n Man. thrir parehta. at Traverte |A the Btroet. Her act
(d tbs vlvlon
City wUl V here tomorrow to aUeoc foneral party, ^nly ih.- woman .nitn
A nomlnatins crarmiiliee was ei.;t


____ __ _


V tow* ■•‘-vmicfe to tb« ha»0tT. the iMbclor or the iqaactarr*' haa be«a the
BBhJect oC OtocMtoa la cartala 4»
adcMUM. We tMah that both
vie* tesetber are hapfOer—br a )oac.ahm.
----- — •
W. Cl—
-OnniTSIa Hoatler.
rta.'tirer. mah Buck:
hlartoa Orach.-a Kalataam tahorw
Mr». Pbllcaa Cciian: tapcrMiee^i bam i haia. anodabad. Ciatcra aad
on Liraamy be bad
taatod. bet ibe enan rcfiMed
to muow
alloalaiHW to
«tnt tur
tiir rtrculaitoa
hiat pay lor. Uwi
.AlkJO Brhors. Lr«3 OrcCB.
.the piapertr. Tealcrday he pieked
Ad tnvltaiMci from Bate* tor the .Ibe
ColMe- hta aara. woooaaea aao a.aar «.»•
tMi takco amoamiDS to $3.i:.
iBsa aad carried them oB with bl*.
«« ibe crnerAl
Tubbs Peopu-. jTcrerttne that ti wu taipoaaihM Tor

him to take
WkH.*. '
•SiaiH.i*-'»h=*r ikai we l<.*e TS
r*«*»rt «W dJfbwaed.
srhoofe rrnartcd.

i" "«

!SSs;'S!S-UiL.‘K;£E: "

V after they
^ “X*'

The m>—
UaM viU the a r.MvaMacMl
actoa. the rircr t
The eeaiMor la ddaHas thiasa ao
aaraaaoMbir Mac tiao. the »oa(0e
tUak. aad iher have aoki4 tba board
oT amlct m hanr hlai np.
«f ti»*^V*i

_____ _
agTSpai M«Sa


Snndsr «+.«.ra>u7.- aitract

.laadafd ,..c
rhiStan »vin*‘^-rthc*ldwl‘<rt
■deal.(>( oJ,t
our SSToSb?^
*SS'^’S^tTl£S‘.Stp#-V -n"
_ 65^'nJT^'i-iT aS
a.iTma ^ytV'T»IidAr?^aii!t'to»^
WaarlJ< Carpwter,
— *' **fj ****** *
S.^t»ry pro.. m.
‘ '
’ ■■■ri;n>*nT'wAiAEK.
Wtmam^h’iiY. Virh.




Gancral Nawa.
Senator Money tetla a aicry nt the
af the trtbnto a Mkaaiaaippl mlaisier reeennr

imwdi<l.ilin$ilftaa -afrtiarn at Tnr- with hanowfaiic dctolia. had Voa daly
«*A iinteacd CBplolied la tV total papers. The
, 'riersnaaB was tnond to make the
___ iw. Vh. 1.—TV airik* moro- aUforltmca of hla towaame® a anbjoet
■klR.XM»w>Rn>rinc« coatlnoc tof mrayer. He knelt ia the prcroace
ly *U the employee, of hta ctadresatton aad besaa ferve*'-

d ha.l ...A, .. n.,,*
lc<( her oent.' With a scrtWTu
rite .gavw thaac. Vf the «her woman
. carrlase ..*1
Inio. a
and ..r«^e
I’r «c r.o.
idly awny; TV tcUed womM wa'.
Mn>. WllVa UUkltis of
who U Mlnjt tier husband for divorce.
id IV chUd tfaw her Vcar ald daupfar. ft had been placed la IV emretrf
Mrs. Brewer, the 9om.-r of the fsBcrai party. TV cinch la wUirti .to*
mother IW Iwro h. r W the railrwl
atntiM. where eho made rtose Cocae
tiov with n train for New .York. Ibi
crodtnn.ber pur

the traverse Gty Business College
Wilt organize classes for Normal Reyieip to prepare for the
June Examination. April 3. 1905.


afieronna ee^vioa
_.. ................
.,__ _ was c.iu-iH''
hJ slnalmt. to chajie ctf Re-.-. !H*:e
«"■> ‘K choir. Pr*..-r I
. Fife. Ulaeche CnriKn;. ':

Wc woukl lie ;;Ud to heir finiin all .who .iesire to take Nonnsl w(^
Yc extra teachers, so that we

devote necessao'

Now IS a good time to take up a Commercial or Shortbaod course.

Send for Catalog.

a Day Sire
yoi.lm-. Hm4 n. i~.i
eu.n Die M.on—(>.m.t>
> -Ir.r i-nwi <C B tti ei


: -ts-i.

commence at any time



to>^^ dftnet,

C B- Dockerap, Prop.

tlir k«Wl<l> •»•««




llic Wtittc Evert of the Year.
The Usual Discount Will Be Given
of baying ber rnniiin titokr*
ec .BOM of tbe nady made ^imesu tereeau’a.'atttK that are sold over the cooa>
W today, tmiworod metboda of maaaGtotore.
•■Hebmes ftit iaftead of catting one gaimcat
at« time ent dosena- of iheia, iajoond tewing
openlmn wbo arc MuUnd ia tbe wotk
tad .to Bbtl^ dm. SkBie>l doignenaK batyall
Ibe time pln^ new Um of bo* to laMikm aaow
new ^meat tor ay ItoLy’t Wardr^ Carmous
mcvftto in well ligbicd, «eB rontilaied and nnilary woth shop.
To tbe woman wbe bn« ptonty of time At
d'ttpoaal. wshmg wiU «m uke tha ytoe* of the
da^ yrmemu taUiianed by bs own deft ftagen^
bat lo tbe bo^ booKwito who has a hnadmd nd
•t to att^ to tbe ready t
Atonbotmimtord.' Eadi aenaan Ate lads
<i and qntlitici better, aad at
yttoaatowv thaa nba eft. fiat her mweriab and

This white event is watched for by more and more people each year, as they have faith in ilu- Millikcn
methods and know that our white sales arc money savers to them, coming as thc> do when people arc thinking of
and-pUttniog their spring sewing.
We are gfung to make this thc.greatcstwhiiC^leiD the history of our business.

Stocks-arc in splendid

coodiUoflu ' New white goods of ever>* description arc hero ready lor your insi»c< iion an.l buying,
white ii included in this sale.



W«-have «ed etpccid eft* m seiectag «m ftwfc
lor thu seaaoa. Oat dcciiiom wm not hmed ea
the mere looks ot tbe pniieiit.. f^oalilf came first,

Table Linens. Napkins, Towels.
Bed Spreads, all White Cottons,
White Dress Goods, Wool and
Cotton, Muslin Underwear,
Embroideries, Laces, and Handkerchiefs.
All soiled aod mussed-Muslin Underwear from Ixst season's stock will be sold at

About Our
Under Musims

^ per cent discount.

tbe ftoisto^ of the gaimenu vat osefoSy loefced
iot<'. atid we are mrc you will agree
bs that
never .have we had • more picaiiag aftortmeat ct
.Utirty Urgerie,thBB wc oSa yoa tbs Mnoo.
Kveryth'ng ia brigix aai mw. Pab mot deaa
(Km maiiaiy work sbepr. Oar a*« owdarwaW depamnentiatlwtearef afae/acw b«9di^ 'is
with mow wfake gariocnu wbfse tfatrt ii ptosty of
light and nem. '^*«Jnst k

mail with ye^r

approval. We ea^Of'ttvkc y«t to view ttos
sptoiriid ibowiag. We tod sta* ym vOi fied
mneifaiag to yoor Kti^-it not •« shall b< ptosssd
to Ibov yt» anyway.


•utf TMvniii muiCai;



rr or nAroM otrr


orr er nutvMi dbr

- -




••) »» ■ !• I
M> : M ». W* Ml




i iis ii




,S SIS liS

a la




• ia?i-;a.:;SS“ iS

Kll i




a la itfl

fS ‘S


S is IS
Tto Wert MicUsn matt Mr •«
b* M4 At OcM Uaatit Bittimlm

i$-sa tu* mr

A JtmmrWt maa wm anlna«d br
Mi (rm« tk» aba> aeralv
« Md -ittrirt (Macs aHv^ tMt
Ikr MMC. vWb b* mcM tfen tarn
Ibr Ua« w l;tS a. a.
Tia im «sn a tbi mmm attam
ttam tW (nh Mt. Ocaua aaair U
■'■frarcd ot tbr coaU’ avp” ga «rcaait at “tcHuwa."
MirrMlaH at Uanti CHr taro
tlaaa64tjm la the laak am a faaraataa Itr thrMr to br ImU tbae •«»•

iK-sri 1 •Uil
j bt>'_ii>



it .111.1

! 351?S . ,.£


■ t*

s e'.: :s

MS Sir


ir,..s s'.s u*3

S3 iS.SiS'ES --■...


5 •






!lP iPi
III 1 11 I

*si ■■ -

:v^^ r

A la«c teM »MSlwir vfll tooo
bo b«m br Ibe BmPA Bbllnr «oaptnr ai rat nom a hta«a tb* la
etnotac im«kt batooa.
Albert »Md. • tewr Urtic aaar
Dbiwd. Uc4 «r •• «wmaU«KaM
laok. HrwUloMbbaMbiMBiw.

sS s 8i:

Smu ■’. ttf K«ah S •< La t.««TCa


II !l I I


>£ £ S





4«« a OeaL Tbc «M
brWilMlility a^bM





i3 IS 111
gat j 1BS S'.S
S iS tS
SiS !3 Ssyy-'-J

» Sis-Is

S 8l|f!
. £ £iS ;S
i£ S SiS «?!

ft|l. 11i i-i;ill IS

iJ8^ Wlllf


it "“s'"


Ji 111 is is

a-a** tiT




r rr ‘T a1 ran


a iS iaS

\t *S Si£ IS









i i iis ii

s s s s



M II . ..??
L>ia> a A »

TiiXAflE ur □




a 1a
« la


1!L' it felt

es •»

ii if III iiii-t
TawnMlt B Startli a Baar* a Wat

mSJi « 11 Eis is

fi aiS


E ti\i it


muot or VALTW



MV-i SS- iS

8 SS



i5?^ ,‘l : Si- f!

itT 2}S “aS*

A retoirtitblr Cart bM btea A
•Iratod Ibat a atb nam.toH
tbc tor to tbe btCloB of WM at (bo
doer, rmkal alala* rtafU et ibe
lake ■ porta coiMf AtrtrM. ewpi
to a toto a «acr. CarMM apdrtBMU.
aarccist ocrrrtl vaobt« barabata dba
Maed br oOrtaB at tbr tamm Barmaaat. at Ko. i^O^at tbr^Vm
aratk atoe. 4JM Cert to dpOi. aad
■birtag vttb (b« (tolaart B Btoto'o
■rd Jaekoi abaft to tbr dliltorttoB ol
ban tbr drraBt tmtoal ahaitto tb*
Wbrtd. Sirrl lialla area- aatyrtitol
orcr (be rnn «art«n at tbr abaft
It to aa abailau aatot
aM dnrrad br baratol arttb a mdto
■BBT (be tbrtada baMlac (ban. ••
that tbrr atartad anigbt lovdM Iba
eamr of tbr aartb. to (b« Itoa «< tb«
abaft, la erm cate, boaartr. tba
MUt aajtttai aad todbad oa tbo U»
bartas bftar lantog I AM to zjm fart
Tie «



a 1 • *1 a ,


rvfMto ^ Var* to bmt tl Von


liii iii T

Sa Sa iS
la *a


xvraaaaTi OanaasaaeMI Wa




. ala

S?S:T, w
II II3 i||iiipr.'|

UKfii v*"* *'*

r^S.JS .8 SiS S8
5 >8 8 S

• «■

r*nr BanU'a IbM Adtttfcai


f lit I #*TFf n i i

T . ,
'M 4*;KSKja..,

»a *» mi
Anr Baaaah’> llK«ad AMlaia

W- ■ . 3®l! II I i i i


tnrtbrr wiib Utfrt bmto. torto
aad abort tveatr UB^«( iMkC5»»
Im It abort «3.«M. vKk taMI laal^''

M £is is!

Bnyaa—aV»»at AMlUia



A tone bm bHiagtot 10 iMtrr



TWraUp S X«tb ft Bnf* 11 Vn4



is: rriTfw.






■M«aa M H n»' «• ta- aoK- xm.
migii la a laialMifc rt« dtruttM*

s s

^IKdMbd u look teto ti


»M A4Mtoa

a i-S SiS
___ ________________ jv: C«1«I


«an*B|i«Srarthaaa«atV«i ‘

a at CMioa Mate
B a la

, iy>raw»aXortkaBnc;^aaia

iimHi l°S:





B'S s’


5«tba«aa a *««

•CHuaouxjB A,









■M ^ tht «aaa Mm (»lr «■* to
dtoaao to* bdrtotoWtr at k
JMM Mr tbto 7«w.


:i :i lis !i'
if 1111 It;

a B IB

■on MaastUr brtec that tbr drba»
ttoe or tbr talU to (bair dawmrB
paaaaae ««• toooaht abort bf tbo
tattoo at tbr rartb.
Aa Adrtaa farairr baa far«r bras
Tbrj rrerotJr gM toto bad baMu, b«
aBtortog tbo emit or tbcdr ova rCoru;
L'r.. paddac botoa to
laid rest■ aad alppiag
tW «
‘Ac faracr acraicbrd abort far a n
ad> aad dfcidrd (hat u br bad ••
barm* tails cut «dr vUboot datoice (C
tbc bone.baeoaidcatairtbeab^tl
baaa* bim. Tbr ivecatioa vaa aa»
cmloiir prrfotmd. bat (be baaa barf
iftiva talkr and refitao to tor at atf
Lapoar 1» am to bar* a aew laCb
iwddaart AoWebldasOtatnlvnl
rBaaian tba cabBrarttoa-dC a aab»
alaattoi brtdi tMtWtog.
Miaa Larta U. Harlett. «< Vrtayir.A.
ba* aaemided to «rHto« tba t«rd*4
prarar oa iba faacb of a aUap vlih «
eoBBoa paa. That eaght wt 10 ba
hard, aa that* art oalr rlcraa tettera
tt tba tvo vorda.
I^to Kideto oCCorasaa haa Bade
a flgbt or ^ra Bootha* derattoa
arttoat tbc rssagee ptadaeed br baraa
. to a giMltoc rptoatoo. aad aov hactoi to abov tlgot of treorarr. PbrSfetoaa graCtod lt» ptoeea ■of akto apoa tbr rmg bor*a toga, anaa^ bodr
aad toer. Tbe vorti vat atpartir doar.
at prmrttoaDr trarr draft vaa a aa»
ecat. KtobcTa bfotbar aad Btotar vara
aaarlr tktoaod aUra to lanBh tbo
aoroatarr gnfta.
Chief of pnuea Marx of tort Harva
ha* vriura to the goraraor «d ladtoaa
lateBlag Mb of tor craM tmttortt
aotoirdod to a girl tabto avar Bob
Port Htm Mat verb hr aa »odl—*
voBaa autr ageat. The girl vaa baadr«fM aadjfS^braagb (ba atraru bad
Chief Marx vaa Ten laiWjiWt vbea
be heard ef tt.
Tbr rlllagr at LMaatd. abort Mae
artlot from Oxford, altbanh oalr tsrlag a popelaUoa of abort 4M. to tabidtr eoBtog to tbr treat aad pmtort
to Bake Haetr babaa tt Ibe (atarr. K




us, TMUMBtT. pmuiuir x, i





^’■'1 ■



:.'S.i: V,


sS SB'S' ‘"


A record for' years of carrying

Geod Goods at Uniform Frkxs


The iconfidenpe of the public has been acquired
by dealing fairly and adhering to the
truth in our advertising.


. ;



Pur goods are always marked in plain %ures.
From these prices we will make a uniform i
discount of


r;'% ^v. •

Ur- .:4 b:

Twoity-Fivc Per Cent


’ •■ '


on Mien's Overcoats, Boys’ Overcoats,
Children’s Overcoats.
^ t B A Lot of Men’s Suits,. Boys’ Suits, and
: r
Children’s Suits







Or One-Fourth Oil


' -p{.-




Here is an opportunity for those who haive been
delaying their purchases, to buy cheap.

^ r

















B:-r :b‘i:B-44^4 :..v.,:

§■■■ j-i




■ -i



-• .■■ri

w> %mim%t ^ttuVis.



ValOfitiae Dar. OW aad Mom
j thtov Umb tala «
Mta Na^ mA M kM* M ost M MT kto MMfow otM M kalr aU^dlr to tk« taak eC MapUag tk« mIM.
Btq aoother oM laadMBh «i to pa.
' i; ThU H the etaaoe vbee Capid hoidt ooa vhoae eUp eaae Sm to the top
on rtgMjk It int telr, 1 Mr. IMY attaakad «ltk mV- **«■ ka tooud ! The npper was a e
hit bae U to to be the «M bcna rf
, IhtghcanlralaadBa^orthe oochu-lwMM'hetheealMtfke.
- nit
r fraa bead to lOot aad
mum Mr. S*MKS yrapow.:
Per May yean the poRoaeaMtot
perfect.- Bat H
-u n. OU to.l»iWli« «
- -OMMNAr.ltoyntktiklwaMUm
i»t paaMd eod the goeeta. with Maay 1 aary to watt for the day Itaelf to bm estlM aow vorfoi plateolcany m wed [ the dtotrfot hat Mnptod the «M
MBSMlig to yw»r
of apprectotkA. had de- Me lariggik of a feetltal. aad far laatiy ‘ ae ardenUy. ApbR^rtate ealeactee fa-, <harM haOdlBg at the eoc«er « r
4 MUlde AmcM ti MMSlretY
11 aad D ebaeta. aad troattoc LoMMaa
for paitlea an
panod, that the real eeeat W Ike erea-' vaMe befOR F^braary 1*.
awane, auada
ataade tl
the old Wakrfer kaam.
emhtemt. beam mad Coplda, foretaB whooa plgalBcaocw la eiplafaad hr a> awMaa.
tag occurred.
•M rtikt.'’ Me Mid, .*tf AoM Mar>- Do JOB expael to locate a a
whattoeomtag. 8t Valeatloe la Me tiay acil af paper nmoealad wttUa the; which atMa the dMth a( Ita a
Harry Staadtob,
«Mat acseau Mr. Haddock t«M*kt.l the tart ot her gowar
I hM haaa aead aa a law haOdk
HaddDek.:the partor.-made a------ --- ..
...potroB must ct lore, aad
I>-ni-do aajrtklag roc Bke."
• whea the,
Harry Made a raddea Moreeaeat "aadbereittoyaUo»aa-«aMSroa.*idfaom>7. which be baetaaed to tell i pnmrtotely ralea. Sboe htoiory grew, why. aad great f*a
h -afjlovealefc words laserthod oa the pm1 eMgraaa has apgroprtatat the 1
that MBaad afl the capida to the roots The crowd had BOW gathered attmao! to Margie, who waa loHartog a me loot rf myth aitou the hae beea a Ubm {bg,gicha&^Ver«e read akmd.
to hlaah. aad aet all Ike aUlaM <d the the two, fargetttag Ihetr owa prapoe-1 meat fa the dlrfag fmmt.
is SUed, wShfirTthw dayo the aM Wihrfar
ab la the tut**"-"***? deBooemeat of, "What do yoe ihlakr* he whiapered
Mak kaarta to galTariar
At Mr. I oMltedly. *T wma gotag toto ihe parThe merry faart of SC Valeadaah;M*k «*»*«*«•! 1-^

'TMt erill do," aaid Margaret, her
Haddock's last
bright remark tlw aU | lor. aad there, oa a sofa, mt Ant Mar- Daylaoaeofthe tddaoi fcattoals aa \ rhIopM. ■
hr the iKia;- ____
had beei | gaiw nd Mr. Haddock, fast as dose Om esieadH-. tor U caa be uaeadMdtl
•• Mtaehad to Ue^ n they I Wehatar Uead tbara. Oea. Thylar had.
tioa of her faea. praaaad agMaat Har- laagbad. aad Harry.
eoandrams appnvrftta to | la ism, ban a

ryh ahooMer. *'Nev, let me go, for I
paraop te tba roooc aad a gaaas-! aolaly aa hto 1
to the' be had bto arm arooad bar walsL The i good leaaoa for tbtaktog It was an oat- ‘
maet drefa for the party, a^ ao moat BOW steimed forward and
part of h to. Pm aare be mw i dqt, fMUra] keaptag paea with tke ‘tapweisat sonea to kxala tba right j Notkiag was kaowa as to Ma asMiML"
Aaotbar popular cartom! mmib ob tba aacMac potfaeal «aaa-ni taU yoa what. Mr Haddock." j ta«. nd yet be made ao more to atlr. j joyoaaaaas of apriag luatt Tba tote ladlrMaaL
Harry abtvad aad-na Iffhtly ap the
Isfcw^adi tody toacBd to tkaboBseitkmaaf tbeday. Ha was aappeaad to
Alri. A aiaete or t«o latar Mar> -beeald.-yoa'rearWaaUjmadeamtoind erea looked aa tMmgk be eipee^ «m ta booor of Lapard, goda of Italy. *
tba party Is to be glrea a gea | be to sympatky wRk the gnerai paftaka, aad ao bare I. Toe bare a par-i ed me to ootae la. Tdl me aow, «j pameUmee asaodated with Pn of An; where
Oa ,*i.
this jday
tba yoaag ----------Bomaai"
Uean-e'ile. Tbeea aretaldtoaboK.|leyoftba wklgA Mrt ao daSalta dea­
Crat locktag badt oaea more to atoke
lt beldrew’ tba aames of the yoaag gWs!»4 as each tody wears aa aproa u>itoratloa Cram bla was f
la rml
' •
oae for yellow. BTmt do yoo aay tc; to
nto. ---------Toot.aleter
aura that the rooam were perfect
partaera-tbeladlea betas; headed la this booea. Mtoa Margie from the goddsM Jnao, protador ol'*totcb tba tie Aa sends, tba gaatfo : After kls atacthm aad toward tbs dna
The attaatloa was tble. "Ant Mar' aoniae—- bowtaa Sret to < Cray, aad yooll soon hare aaotber women, aad on mstlagday nA Bo-l»n flads bU raienUae by matAlatjcf igft the jmbHe mlad was ta a olfta
garal wn gtrtagA bonaa party, aad
ta BtaiT Ota tat R. Itata
paid JoBO tadtridaBl •
tie which be draws from the bos | of
OB youraalltag canto,
bad of eat^ lavltad tba yoaacer
-t, tta Mttam tattta tta
atraight Afid to tbtok RY aU my dotags. etmrt. The , aarty ChrtatlaB Wshopi !•»““•*«««*•
s at bar
' capital aad the statoo twoaly Odd tvwlahlBc to lead the flocks tato new: to *ntor the day U fan of
d «n|Y Yalaattae owa. Hv borne waa a Mg, oUfasb
toldA preearred the pagan fata days. tloBs for a boateas. aad thara are few , aacaa ta faU Mast. sMhtlM h
d. latabaag boaae ta tba oabarht
Tift kaarta moraUy pioread
Am aad tataMPSfaaaa. aad
, rarely. "yoB bare gone abaohNdy daf-j girtag to them oaw names aad dedl- games which eannot be adapted U
of tba city, aad ffat tba place for
The eonfeeJoaers prorlde main
them tbroogh tba whale astmR «fl|M
I fy. My Atmt Marsarat Barer has come eatlag the fesUralt to new patrons.
mocrynaklag. Aad this was bow It
A wild burst of ■
bmd toad. All thmafk the «plW
J; to aaeh taUtaSta terms n this with
foom the party at this p
(ba ftaaftttara: plah
aad nmmsr of IMP tba Mat Hftftftk
> ta the period of one ereo- u 01. w d »- vu™u..,«« . mwu. i
Harry hA gatood a foothoM aad was
the Rftta dad mad#
of apfonAtag cirti war piapdt MftR
.11.1. tat UI a. 0W> <,> cutaita

ftft S nft sMfr cmr fta aesaa. barbome. Aadthbleolaohowllbap- not to be dantod. Tiare was the ops heart may be tooAad. Cek- tkapoliS^Mrt
••Gn* akmc with me nd see for |
^pp^ Aar*«ar. u to saU that
NlftUy tba MbM BA A IM ftp
Itan«II - B. ta» !,« b, a, btaJ i „
„ „u,taox i»ltat llrtw U hiatod asamplea of hrokan attaAIftptft pdftft Iran aaea maa ta tho parlor at twUl^t Man Ant Maivnt
nthamfl ta tba bema A WAatM «a«« M bta ttatatt tb. ta« b.11 tt
CtaMIo u» Cnta. wbta
---------------------- r;*lrt farftad* garat UfM with bar ant who weald their eyes to their
tones AaftftAol
tb« ta«or. Itar. ta. rtaOr bo «x.
.J,.,, raleatlaas. for tba aamss «f Ac heroes
galat hr benatl aad he was not to be doomed by
kM tt Wir a • *,(, M «»
compraatoa te A ;
trr tar.
3-^-------- ---------------------- ,
or oaly attaadad by hired aarvaata langhter. Wttboat watting fw farther tata fbr Mr. lUMrcb tal llta Mir „„„ „
oa\ aaetbar. It it the was A to tba
a aaaiAa aad MAM h
tarn a™»,.«l«,U>tatotadbl tta.
|„„ubrd. .tarn. tarUd. ,tba berotaea
^ ,
■HL Tost at
to do wtaat fate.«Uta rrt^ nUI tbr'J'J^"'
m. wan *a*y load of each ether, aad Mr. Haddock and ptaetag tkolr bands dltattatar vrtaUta U .blrb tbr>
floor A Ae
nw to be flaflflb
Mmsafat. or ktorgla, as eha woe most­ togathar. said witk asoek solemnity:
labA Webotarpnpand Me faiHn
ly eallad. had dadarad her tataaUo:>
"Bleos you. my children."
TT bad BA orertrawn the facts. And ,In time Ae marriaaea in
baartAspA Jardtatataa aAt
aalll hrf yonge*
Tbn be gntlx drew Margla aside
•toter ooold take'her place. The U
fort A my lUe"
that bar aaat might a
crae. uae aay tae news
wAuna; bA rlolaU are always
‘If ear plaa doant week aow. It the most amaziag boldnesa, cried
‘ CUodlas. who wsi excaadtogly angry.
aatorM bar head. ladead. toat my fanlt."
It Vkleatlna be pal 4MC to a womaa-s heart, nd woald-bs osM tlaw aaatataiT A alata I
Mm iiemet ahMrd to bar yaath
"'Oar ptonlT momarad Margie
to gmt
«t flaaaaial
flMfeaa. The aflflM
••A>me rtgbi
We bare aomo |
* dnageoa tor dtoobeytog the tomarpn aft aa," "mit e M Tlaw of the mattar. aad
"whaurm are you talktog aboat? If ! thing to tell }Ai.'
y A his aaw taftea mafla BMftn
As a result the priest
r to banaK as Ae
ta SM*^ of a Mg Daroaa any 'ptoa’ yoa.o
B bar aaat bad
yoararft Too know yon did. Harry
! fore the party wO] be a faeorita ai
Hnrr. aad Msrglastepped la AemM-j PCI A wadding a oonpla. andbon the berotoa of any romaucr. Ae
Now, Aerelyear, aad s
h tn to aa area farioUy. anai mn &«• h
die A the room, and gnsad almost, ukep *o a prtooa |rtiere he laagAtbad I
hod. of eoaiaa, kmg
aad abenad oA A hk taUa.
s la Ae gayly daw
the emelag A rAreA
Until rirfly tba oatagea Aapad
frieads to liberate Um. MA year o ▼OTaet.dartag
rated garton a aaw sccse
_I-.. taMtata____ __
be a MU II dtatag room staad M H iia la IM flaps
oaaMM. with hut oae actor. No cooMr
k u Aaoa. I ^
althoogh aha bad always pie met nd hoeored bis nne, sAfat 'A the mseatlA A wM wiale tbabeai A its OMAloao -«■■«, Ns MMM
had Hai^ aad Margie left the room
Igtoaa wtaflowa taektit
fl tofa
___i bisea considered a stickler for conreu riles were pertoeaied. and gradually^ was.
thaa tba portieres betweea the partorsL
Always Aa day to (fanght wlA pos- j atoad yard, wbora a fhlM tree ftfaM
----------------j Ae day A meetlag was caltod St YA
whleh had bead hdf drawa, were _.,,ta
^tas;... -ta
1 **^- Haddock cleared Us throai. UaUne s Day. and was u oCAsloa f« 'alMUtlM A entenatameat for As ^ its branches oasr a fleoMala leaf ftM'
woasA; dry and half batfad OBflsr tka raklflft
! "‘*® ptungA directly into buslnee. ; «Aahge A glfis Ad little tokns A

asod mu'eteppcd oat. fookad eurkme
who daslrat to give a party wlA small A poatu. HYbaur «ftn Rad a Wtfs
ly aboat aad smUM dgalftouUy.
"So thath what the yoaagstara are
"Let's have Aa waddings right baroj,agUn. "A yoe may Appcwc. sre—we da, cpippgpr.
;AA Ophelia.
foutata and OMra wlA hM beoRi Afl
Bp to. la ur be muUsroj oader hta
«b. Ae deuce Uke It all—we're go-, Amonr A) nations built uran Ac: “*too4 marrow.' Hi ft Vaieattea's;papers did OOM A his BOA ll
tk. "Very walL- We ahaU see
"flemaeaa m for
,aat work.
to be -marriA rery soon. TAi'..
uils day Is bonored. to Praaee '
I TBm; wttbeat at whai we shall see." Thaa be. too. west
NldNrkaal.ara«iclas up the atalre to drasa for the party,
“No Uma for uieban •ftiowerUta'
"Quito enough, sir, quite eoouA.- Heory IV-.. built aear Turin a mM« '
' An fapswaHa Uataty.
aad aa^ the eptrtt of oM St TaleaUDo atotaSto.
to oldA Umea SL YataaUnaY day'
Skid Harry. Immensely enjoying the tod dcdlcaud the stnirtBre to 8t VAted Aowa ta the pariora aatow the 7
Mealoo and Oolaraflo mmk at Mftl.
entme. Ad ta,
at MC
her tatatataX.-l.ta.
as ■ «« poopl* a 1
----------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------- -------vutataC--.
HIIMS ta“^
la^sdll'Yalaa. capida aad tba ptaf^ baaru swlor
e cariour ' dldriag the boaay to bartooB •
and this call batag parmjmtTe oar beat wishe*. you and yooe :decreed thatSAh tody sboAd draw by i: "Papys' ntary" records i
■mattktoeary lag OB ^alr attrar ctrtaga.
i oa fta
BwnaL Ac
gu^ ^pUy {bride to be. Our rery beat, sir! HaTeBt | j« a torar or ralenilae for Aa year. [ castnms dortag the lAgn A Ar "mw |
•ehrab oak the t
led by Mr. Hasaock and u,*,_ Maigle, A? Aad. sir aad ma-'-fti* udy sras to fumlsb her kntoht »T nwcarch." Charlaa II. Thus Mr., I
w«s A ta Al'^Ks ftoty.lAuBt
ar^ wto atepftad boM^i
to ^ad. to rery gtod tba: :
fnppton. tnr it... >»•«, -»d n.. ! Pepys aaya ta.hta diary a ValeaUneY ' nl. m tta ratara foroM tba bake
and mvMy and
pmead Aa^aArai in Ad ' j.„l„,^,begoods«iacto set Ae wed-: Aij*t-Oas to prewnt Ac prim sron !faJ. 1**I: “ThU mdrulag eaaw a U , ^ museatar oeatrarUoa DM 11
WM the orflsr A Aa..................
boor. The
i™ --------•■f*'-. ding day at A early date, and that I by his .skin to Ae tody. Hcr. too. »ywllaY bedside (1 batagdraaaad my
, Mnth aad
la|p Aa itfm e
ta tbalr pretty «»»■ 1 fanOon when "palrtog oT* for Ao ■ tare been iastmiDMtol ta suggaeUng! crigtoated Ae pretty custom A glring self) little Will Meioer. to A her tM-: Aa “honey bearer."
T>M crop M
i 10 HaftyY la
ao:;bAqAl board, the to»Ue»A coar '
Ido.tii.Iew. for eilch^BA recalTA a «tfoe Ad brought her name written^ walled by tn
ptatoA-aad ta
ftjUKftR RMneagS ta ha aUe
offering bto arm, which the ; Felice ut long courtship mymclt The I bcantlfnl Auauet from her ctnaea vai- <>pan blue paper tn gold lettan daBe;«opokta of gnat argatetM, Wbaa
' » Mlftli tka amotka mbtck
;fact that your engagement Is fo A a'anttoe.
| by himself, eery pretty. Ad we waryiflOad Aa abdemm
oMiaartfa kSTbaart. Perhaps the aamely. Ae ktodama A St Valaaitae ay garioiyy aeceptad. ^
to Aa enjoynaat A lA toast Ae I brief paa shows your eery Aaaneail Long bAofe Als the Ay was a sort >»A well pleased wlA IL><
far eoica at oaea. to pooRg paopfo ta iora. Margla. ta tare
affairs A Aa
t SA A ambsraotead boaay.
A loUery by WblA each girl diaW ! •>» AU year my wlfa’s ealeaUae, aad 11
an MIMA a wtaMat loeMag, parttaalak. iookad IDce a lirlag Moe- the lauromptu Aopassls, w^ piac- IJodgmeat. to fact. 1------"
Bat Harry was I
sd ta his .some mA wA WA to A her valaa- h win <o« me «. but that I i
a M the iMf. «hSa tba plak gfoa aom ta bar dren adntaad taritoly dcally ttrgotUm. except by Ae most
» by Mr. Haddock. wA haj ! lioe for the year. A numAf A men '»>*»* MM «»t »f we had not bean
a Sgbta Ift areod her with a wttk daCodflt, aft bar sAt
acton la the taoAt seeae. bean gmalug. open aiMibed,1. at Ae: Ad maids would form a
Utor he Ads. *1 flad,
I party, takBtataiy aad reftly bsAtlfal la a gown
-By tA way." mM Harry to Margl.!.
lug care that there sAald Ae A*equal Hn. PteroeY UtUe girl U my ralA | most betptaM A this ckaags A too
A peortrgray rilk. wtth a dash A ptok u. lo. «*»,■ -b-;»:
BumAr A couples, and each COM would’Use. she Artug diawn me. which 1 dlOeo are carefully attsaAd A Aa
A bar Anal akmg wltk Ac rick taco
to A beta, aaywayr
upon i was not sorry for. It easlBg me 'A ‘ ofber aala; aad kapc ta ■fflAita ow­
Toung nun. you
that formed bar ooUar. bar dark bah
-Why." replIA Margir. "he b Ae ■ Ader some delnsioB. ftiss Gray
ls be someAlA more Aa 1 mttst Arc ! partmauts. eAcra, ettagtag to Aa saA,
a billet. All these billets would
friend A the Hartmaas. Ad
' mysrif Ate been engaged to A mar- rolK-d up. apd erery girl drew a man’, fireo to others." Of Mlu fltoart. wht ’ they b^ down
tabad WlA- a^sUrefa toaa^ algratte.
- _ 1 brftare.
^ 'too. lAt am Mar riA for Bomethtog like a couple ol, slip, erery am a girls slip, to tAt became Doebeas of Rlehmoad. Pepy< 1 TA Ats. as Aay aaad food, apply
l foaea poor TAj^hA^ mM Ad A. floor j
aW to know Mm _a long Uae. ^
tm -y side rf mb A tA young men dnw a gtrl. wrote, ta daacribtog Ar Jewels. tAt; toalr mcmA. to Aoaa A lA Imto
wand far daariag, and Aa wbRa .Ac | ago, wbea she wn a girl.
induced ns to keep It ud each A the girls drew a maa. By •&« Duke A York was aaee-bA raise-! baarars." wAa a allgfct nalraAfn A
Aa eon w Slafar NaU
faritaa enjoyed this faeorttc
"Raw ^^m whnm was a girt. ,
ayetythlng is aow stmlght-, Alt means each had two raleBttae«. “»e nd preaeoud her a Jewel rallied ! tA maecMa fonaa t----------------------ask ha gfap with bar. ru— paattme. Aa oUar aaaa riiaUad add rataraad Harry^ Why Ada-| you teU^ ^
thU^- but each maa was obUgad to hold to- «t ««». or W.OOO. Lord MaaderiHe: which are UekA rff aad eaasamad.
____ ______ hkgftIL” aony mood atm aflftiad aad grew yaaag agata.,
m thaioooear.
jlag a good Uase to anaoonee our la- tA gtrl wA Ad drawn him to prefer- was Aw a glrer in a Jewel worUjThaae aau are need A Aa ntltn A
' faftlW ht Mr ilP a hrirf Mpe
By and A. bowerar, Ae daaeare A
“WAtfw?^ Its AaocoBaaqaeae^j^,,^ence to the one he himself Lad drawn. f:»0- Bring drawn a. Tslcntlae to ' Marioo as demft to AM fanta, Aa
as. «tlh aaaw SaObara
aartad Aa floor aad begn gamas.
Harry flundlsh. flguraUTriy speak- FortuA baring dlnded the eompaay
• errtnln obllgntlen on Ae, poary AIng eMraetad A pfMMBf bm
_ which waa tb«.aa^ potttag
tag. faU down ta a heap.
into couples. Ae young man would doaopi. Pepya wrote cm sabther rnl-Uwaca Ae tooth.
OM Ae ttets. aad mtagttag Urf crowd
"Mhfgla Gray." ha nM wlA sa at- i “TA MoiT -to ail yours." A aald. .srear Ibe hlllris on Aelt I
tomptto A
*tt ta aald that;
A had BoflWenUy recorcred tu'seraral day..
PA flC VotaMfooY Oa.
' MhfSBm Bfaiad la f
to Aeirfy he
W aad not maa, were made f« ; .peait.
.^nelcbod. At noe Ae
Ametlmes mottoes
drewu Rock A.JewrU, increased A Ae ring; A pretty gW b Ar own rataattaa.
' .^M«at MHMtM.gat aMrrtedr ibe might eaptore. TA dead mart A done
tatrigoM cf tore. But I A Alnh | j** gellitalad. I consider rnlreUA with Ae names, and from Ala sprang »be haA made lately as my rataaUaa-:
LoreY eyes'aoaa driact Aa peM•Nfti. -ThwkjkrdlSiatokaowr quickly to oraty case, as Ae Bghto that yna
Ae moat uesopUatleaied -parties the graataat Tunetm of sts- Ac cintooi of saadtag cards aad prea- gift this year.a T^)4toy Mona aat Wkb;«aa.
>*- Mi Milk, af oaarM.-.
woaU A oa again within a quarter A yoaag woman act but that I lore
eiety. Margla. let us leare These peo- eats. A great an taflnenca did tA dtoaonds. With Alt aad what sA,. The old flams aaaa mem
pel PSM BMtT. "HaY faat the ama
a mtoeu. TA fan wand hOartous. 'Are you
A added haRUy. ao pie to their moR cartabSe «Joym«rt." coaimoa people of Bogland thtak A had she raefcoos that sA bsA aAra glow.
.yudm. M i-uv. u aad as tA Ughu again flashed on tA tag MergteY eyae eparlde omtaonsty But Margla tastoMd'opon ktastau; loagad to Aa day Aat maay npenU- £160 worA cf Jewels o( erne ktad fai U ta a gnat day forlA
cSSA-h aMaam aad eary Paai af—<
acaae airid a madiay A voleta, tome —"At tf you kA toM me they were her nunt Harry thoufflit tAt Ae ttaas Are grown up Ml of U. aamg <>Aer. ^ I am glad cf ti. f« ft b fit: ubritar.
k vnk ol lA a( anoas. M—"
found OB tb^iold frieads we might Are made ti ee ktaaed Hr. Haddock, too. At A nerer Aem Av belief tAt Aa Bm uamar
^ aB w- fahlkiii. 1' «M^
easA to bring Aem together as
T sex that <
TA word mbapa.
^ _J|fad MMftNt. St tan tkrewB
|^>iftftr M the pnacaai of bar
time A a tanM< grant-tA wltow.








am. 1
rbstagfa to*a«tA


Mairy. T

-I--. - -.M


eAlta Mr. Haddock, palttag
at tA fallow sUk of MargieY gown,
waa baaid to aay dliaaUy ta Ar ear:
“I mty. Marnm. <A jniBgRata pat
O a acAoea to gat Ma to propcM to
doa-t. yoa jtuaight Ba! hal what 'to ao
Atak «f Aatr
•Imaltaaanaalj wlA tbta tamaik.
mato ta a "etaga whtapar," tA alee-'
trie Bgkto Ad oma oa wtA a otaddan
brtBtaaea. aad. Margla toned to b^


Itshadeooagh toaeea
. fataxa bashaadina lo get
RkAM Paapic to tA Worid.
|- TA apHafU i
•an at that profeoaloa. lei aMaa—
| ^^rriogt.
Are bay leana. and pin oae to each
TA Ongn Indtaas are tA iJcAa.' deal of rrrnA **■ « pnof. T tout can what yoa aay." talar-3^1 eA dU not acctot hA to- corner aad om In Aa middle of a piT- PtoPM fa lA-world. They Are fa.-’ TA ngaaiie oarer peCa tm
nptA Harry, “I am trytag to mfte a »i^, Ifargie. ‘it Appniril - tow npoa gotA w bed oa St. Valeo- dOO.odO ta.a etate bank and owa IJto. ,ooe ralea^ from lA aama
maiA' hare An
far a year;,

;ttee-s ere. aad whaterer man the OM acree of bad. Bach sqnaw. bnre , Tbrnaldaoll^ei
and ^ know It. hat yoa omr'caltac I -u*:t begin tplllttag halra. Mam ! mag lady dnismwl of she would mar-, aad papooaa I
m {lA ■raletfaa; A ta atogya n «
wtthta a year. To make
Ae fa;
iCaraL" fold Ifarry. "laeaapt
"I aeaapt Aeagftlt'rr
c Ae
— teat land to ^reloe of 64.000. aad
"Dear, dear!" aaM Margla. "I don't 1 ud not tA letter of Aa faw. BeMdee.'R>fa> A* bur boll an «g hard, taka : tarast oa-'thatr atasey gtrre aa aafloai
TA lorer «A makas Ma t
-ana ear match. TbaiY all righl^- yca seam to forget that you said to- <Mt Ae yoa, flu tA spare AA sail j laeame of 63W to each member.
^^^Roppadoffaaddaaly.aadA .ubtai sapper Aat •oormatAta as ■•WAaagp-abeUAddU. tiPCotofaff
'--------------------------Ar Hpa
A asA lAy were erea-redder (Hjat,- Say. flcklc nmld. wIU yoa A
twd. aad not -speak or drink afterTA three Important wAotatatee e<
Afore. -Harrr
« waade. • ^
: ward unA Ae awcNe In Ae mormtag. AaatraA'-pmdmm 36;aMJM bMbota
"Are yoa ctagyr Aa oaM, *Yr fo:»A
- ■"— ahjt reply, bat I diad
Capid. haring at fast "jdutoudi AaolAr way for Ae fair oae to da-,TA yfatd to each acre la New_____
AM do y«a AIA yoa a^ tolklagr ;iA axnltaat Uftt ta hta eyft"was tot j hm
' opoaoagh furtf pnetf-lfaA .thta tmponnM qoastloa wu toiWalaa ta IM baAsta. la RaoA Aaa- tAvalfat
Hr. Haddock. BMa pi
lA worid^qMta mcaatad Bam Maifae.
m- aAjeai
.X.., ——... eettled bImaMf eemfort^*YrNa Ae aaaMa of sereral aaftart on taalfa 6J baAsta. aarf fa TTaat too- aU0 UM waBad
ba was. floabod totAtoflsafifitead oaelookat bA btora sA sa:
{or a rmdfato ffari M» af papm, »8 them ap te ofay, and! traBa 4.* bsAala.



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