Grand Traverse Herald, May 25, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 25, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mi ORE

€tmh Mtnimisit Eeiralib.


you XLVii
aey.iHaeeCHpMaad ^Reetatae
bad ben! How are yoa eonseript? How are yoa tlms-woca aiaadard of tbe a
Tbe Are U barolng 1^, the entry ten atari la tbe Unloo
- lead tbe t.—^ RepnblKaa relaic*| <A bise. la the ceater <g *A star M
dimmed by trees* aad eeccealDB. Tbe
loaely treodi <
ja gUi oraamnt.
With slow and mnaaiad step bU federal troops bsd met with repolss Hare yes got three bnadred la gre*-ltbem*felle«s:
Tbe Aag of a North CoMHaa reglaad dinster la ercry dlreetkm.
BCtlag and* its new gor- To pony op aad payr
! glam eaa* where they are kept te the j m*l was taSaa at Aahavflla M- C,
AU tbe* be seems to see a* be Uateas Sontb
Is 1SS3.
the war wu bnmlful faaaaer of ^ Taylor Otsya | by flergt. Byraa Howard. c< OoiteaBy
to these e**.
Tb<^ eoaga they eaag 9* the old I wider each day. wbDe all the atreagth ’ abost orer. aad loafclag to tee ead. R was preesMed to iheot by .tbe tadl*
of Blag wmiarn cotraiy. frwas.capcamp groond.*’
'and manhood of tbe Nmth were reab-j tbe wbete Nettb was slaglag:
“Wrap tbe flag sTOond am. boys.”|lag to dam tbe tide of disloyalty aad |"When Jobany coaMs martetaig borne tared la Virglala by Jame^ Carpen­
ter. captalo la the Bernih HiteV April 3. lacJ. by tee Becoo^ MlftlgM
cried a yooag soldier who fril morui-; dlstaion. Then was born a seog
gaa Isfast^. It waa depoeltad la the lafanlry.
ly wooaded at Fort D*eto* * PW>-1 worthy of the ilcee and topic, k was ‘
Horroh. borrah!
Tbe most taUered stars aad bam te
P. itar. by J. P.
raary 14. dUt His last words were not eectloea] aad was toog ta Boete- We'D gi re him a baarty weteoms thee.
tbe moeenm li tbe flag of tbe tbinc
Carpnger. The standard
Horrah. bomb*
carried tome to bit frisadi. and oa era bemea si *re» as Nonhern. Dr.'
tataatry. tt aq|a
la tbe enter « eeeae U palated r*nb Vlnitiia
that Dr. Root fooaded tbs sOog.' Jest Root composed and dedicated H to the' The mn wUI cheer, tbe Wa will
oa a light blue fleI4. Aa American lak* br tbe Ponneeatb Htdilgan in'
bom* made desolate by tbe war. aad |
try Biaglag.
eagle oairl* la 4ti beak s-eeroD with fantry at Beaionrina. K. C. Mart* 14.
at a great Thaakidriag 1 Tbe ladln they wiO an toni dot.
-Oh. WT*) tbe flag around ms. boys.
demaostratUm In New Tote oo that I And well all feel gay wbeo
To dl* were far more sweet
A small eoatederate Aag w* Cafe*
Johnay com* n>an*tig bow."
-Ood aasieUog pre bare notblag to
With, freedom's starry embism, boys. day;
Is HlsaoDri by LieoL Tyler la Ukt—
-We shall Bteet, bat ws sbaU mlat: -Wb* this Crael War U Orer- was f*r.^
To be my wtadlng abeec
ta Ufe I lored to see it ware
There win be one raeut chair; ■ Booth, and was partieolariy froltfal in! *l'b a creseeW aad a closter of palAnd follow steers It led.
| parodies.
.; «•««> branch* was presnted
Aad Bpw my ey* grow dim. my bands We shall Unger to ears* blm,
mnseom by Hri. Hos* Tamri sad C j
Would claap It* last bright abred.
. - .The Plumtem Army,
While we' br*tee oor wr*liigj H*rl1y tails'the rmlo.
VanaereOansoe. It wa< captured by 11
Wild are tee breet* tonight
dhid t
a pbitsUMn emr ooaA,
-Ob. I bad teoogbt to meet y^ boys.
Col. Towns 4a a haad-t^band nrotm-iaraad Army nf tbe RrpuWc. WeoeA
! and tee Iteanti.
With wrer • sowid of fife or dtu.
On many a well-won field
U our flieelde. *d and l*ely.
itT With the enemy In oue of (be I the order deeignatiag Hay 3Bws
I Brave boys are they.
^ ko*dBC st*> to • DSfled bu
-Wb* to oar starry emblem. boyA'
Often wID the bosom swell
charg* arnde by the Ftrrt Michigan ^ oretl* day (tla* cbmtaed to MoI done at teeir country's calL
I of tee story '
I And yai. and yet. we cabimi fergci Catalry at tee laot battle of Dali Run.: morlal day) and eaUed ap* tee mcmBboottns.4be baftle cry of freedom.: Tbe trolcToas foe cbonld yield! How our noble Willie felt.
In tela sallantact Col. Tosrae mrierd | be* of tee rnei* to oseemMe la teeir
That many hrare boys mast fali,"
.ad welTAU tbe racaat rank* wl(b a B« DOW. alas. I am denied
The BMP wboee wasted bodi* dll
I waa *e of tee best coogs of tec pe- two saber sirota and two plstoi sbotihalla. marrii to tea nmatsri* aad
{nJUhm freemen more.
Toollifollow and yoall meet tee foe, { in the tbiekiiet of the fight
The patriot grar* «< the aation.
I riod and *e of tbe b*t sang ilnec tee woonda He rSeoeered from these sad] srltb- appropriate eeremoal* mnw
Sboollag tbe battle cry of freedom.
But 1 aball not be there."
| And npboM oor eotmurt hooer
Uted to perform
valuable; flowen npem the gtav* of departed
And th*e came the ankaowa dead. -yPe win sreleome to oor aumberi the and yoa will op* tbe heart and on-, la tbe etreogth of manhood's ml^t
hU eonatry.
]----------------------------------------------------soldier*, be did aerrieo for bis <
I Ono'of the grand old farorltbi writ-.
lock tee Ups of tee grimmest old eel- -Tr... nc Ml .1
loyal, me and biare.
oC .107 I'™ U 1»K bo I«5i-l7«l., iJ~l
Obblo. I. »^|7.,onlr «»». 1.
o U.I
Who died ta fererswamp aad tea.
SbeoUag tbe battle cry of freedom. «ran Ifriag. He win tril yon of the
made of .| try to
,q bl*
hi, d
, rugtnwoial. ttU
Ever more will deck hU brow.
And etowly ttarred of prtaoa p*;
Aad altbooA they may be poor, not a terrible belUe cf tbe Wilderne* and
fade. dlTlftoa, *rp* aad army eo*
grtiiled oW veteran# will sing It all.
- And. marcUag b*Me the othan.
bow hli corps, tee nintb, was driv* Bat (bis only sooth* theangnUb
■nan ahall be a slare.
maader. That y*r. iMt, tee Crsafl
night, alternating with -Marching !«««•
‘WS I* *
OiM tbe doikr martyrs of IHlIowt
back with bMvy toss. bat. reforming,
SbMtlag tbe battle cry <f fredoa.
Through Owrgta.- If j-oull give teem tBC li the center stand* g ll(.-sised Army waa new. and lu mwabme tarn•ght.
coafioated tee eaeaur. and bow la teat SIwp today. O early tall*.
half a ehoroa;
figure of a wotnaa repms*tlBt the poaed of yeoag men. There were an
In thy gre* sod narrow bed,
With Umba eiafrtaehiead and baaitog -Bo we're ambiglBg to tbe call from aocMd charge bli mmcmate w*t
-We've be* t*llog tooigbt
sodd** of war. Her head Is covered gray bain. duU ey* or b*t'iDras
down with a bullet teroogfa bis loagt
. OB tee old camp rtrnnd.
*•“* » high red cap and her hair
ibsa. These yooag m* tbs day b '
bungle with tee tea* we shod.
ttmallag the battle cry of treedom, and *Iy life Mough to gasp. -Wrap
banglog down her back. A red cloak i> '^steered blossoms aad'deposlied tbe*
Th* oo July 1. mi. came tee *]li Many are dead and go
Aad well bori, tbe rebel crew from me la the flag. boys, and d*’i let the
clasped at tee throat and thrown back u,
luli*. On tee IQte tear aw.
for 300.000 nfbre m*! H*rU thpt! Of tee brave and the
tbe land we.lere* the beet,
rebe gel me." Or mayhap tt will bo a
Mmbled. formed la Uae and aanhad
SboMlag tee bauie cry of fredeom.- hero of Cold Harbor or a aarrlror of bmt Mgb with hope teat the war was Wbo've left terir
U bare. Sbe.U leaning on a drawn u tee cemeterlsa. lestaglp pisring tte
woanded toog.
Aad so all hlgbt mar^ad the aarioa's naeed a trenried demoestratln of
Booth Moontala. Blag to any of these about to *d almost broke under that | Others be* woot
sword Is her left hand, while la-ber
patrtousffl teat was allied to inaaalty warworn esUiaas one of tee pateetic atonalng blow. Again the sne writer! -Many are tee hearts that are
ri^t Aaod she bolds aioft a atrmmer |
With asrer a baaMr aboee i
•ad «urly ladeeeribnble. Tbe flow­ old aoogs aad be will have a remlsls- was equal to tbe occsslou. and If (be
srMh the mono: -Wilcox True Bis*,:
m*snre was mixed aad the poetic feet WsltlBg (or tee war to cease;
ing teytbatot tee mdody waa catte- cnee ready for roa.
Womsa's OSering to PatrMUm.’
Prom that saiall brotealag la im
Mo alga. M*t the barp, gaeorerad lag. and before tee third rer* w*
et-Jan Before tee Battle. Hother."
denntb these word*
sev* smaj; HeaMsial day has grown to be om qf
anag. tee words of tee chorus were
“get there" there
of tee songs worn tbnad-|
fUt Stan aad >e large <me. At ber; the most Impressive aad aaefol «f all
or their atlaat, grim Rertewari
written In ereiy heart present and a bare in tbe north. Uke -Jost After ! tee matter with tee foet teat meaaured i
^ tbe dawn of peaee.'
tee hoUdaya. Tbe esromoal* laWith aerer aa arch bat the vatdted great rolomc of rich meMr went np
tee Battle.-tee poetry at poetry was,i lu music into marcblog time. Bight j
naBIb. -Alaba
At tee-woman's I irodoeed at tbe call of Logaa thtw
boy. wwmpeu
trmnped awwy.
awsiy, ««.
from tee thioal* of the mnltltade. as almply awful There was a studied I] bravely the boya
»eierma ooldler U -bUrchlng Ml foot is a steamboat wite tec yean after tbe srar Are reealted la
With aot a dower mto tho* wbleh all Jolaad la lining tee grand rally
eflort at rhyme teat waa painful In
'Tbioagb Oecwgla." the production of words, “Alabama RiTer"on the wheelpairtoUe
mg teotaa. The song was ■tram that
certainty of -Jlo'Hmrr C Work, la H«,
house. while ondemeate is tbe
Ob distant graras, ter lore oobU boy
oaahrtned In the- heart .of fe*- teat Jsired horribly, bat tbeae
throe hsadred thousand more.
rt iriiber nor custom stale tee iofl-|g( the
Mo gm that waa parer or trabr
ay*y maa. woman aad child la ter ere two great aongs of teat day.
by the Biot «rNorte. TbemarcblageolnBiaaoarTled
All tee aoogi made lor tbe period
aiors of tee aathm; beoatlfol. taapreeIt Booth aad It becaaw tee *e gr^ eorerlag tee war were not aad by any
sive aad auraetlrelp
ib aU.atm ^ tut the brash o( day aaag of tee Northern Ancles. -John matDA One of the nouble' comic
Brown- *ty dlspstlng lU sapremacy. songs, wHU* by Henry C. Work in
1 wslched-ter'bB* who had pasaad
or teU B*d*crlpt ratecriets song. IMt. 4Bd song oa every concert staire
Mr. R. H. Danm Jr., once wrote: -li In tee north, sras -Ballon Has FbllWith a rerwaai awa aad woadar;
-If yon look across the hill lop* ihai nia with varrinx sueess*. Since Bhe^i ^r,|, of Worn*, meaniax "Tooch me||, ,j, eoHraabsence of ererTthlag eallid hare be* peel belle? had we
Tni a bine cap warad la the length*eo.'' aad marked the flm general pa^
meet the northern sky.
man was "muttered out" tee “boyt" j not.- This ehivalrie emblem of teejcuiatedte disturb tbe harmony bP
be* told tea( the aimom
1 Ud*U« of tee negro* in
lag Una.
Loag moving linn of rising dust, your have taken a melancholy drilght Ut | rebenioo
captured si T1ptoarmc.:tw(i* tee peopb of the north tad tbe
Tfll 1 haew that one who w* kia of
riood rtsla'
Tenn.. ooar Island No. 10. in tee HIbs-Imia. Oa tee dnuaiy.^ber Vm of
ever yoadab,
Bring tbe good old bugle, boys.
Issippl river, la June. UM. by e squad | neb a cbarocter as to bring dooer tw
star* and spok* and tong whererpr
Wbar de amsu'a old pUatati* am*
Bad come, aad 1 ai
cloudy veil aside.
Well bare another aoog;
[or Hirblgan m* omddr ooatmand of'geiber tee p*ple of tto north aad the
llltb language Is spoken aad la- Nabber poo be (rigbteaed. dem U *ly'
And floau aloft our spangled flag In | Slag with tbe iplrit
. Ja*b U Richm*d. tb« orderly ter ; note, tee **i and tbe weet. sad earninto an anthem to whose
glory and In pride.
! That will scan the world along;
I geaat. later captain of Battery H. Pint i,, ,bmr bearu aad minds oa tea inw
nlama eadaaoM men would amreb
Come to jlae and fight for Dade
: sing It as we used to slog it.
] Michigan Ught Artillery. Lieut. 8p*-j
*untry and Ba one brootaaL
battle V t*t of teousaadt.look op all oor valleys where!
uiootaad atrong.
i cor of tee battery, detailed the captors j ng* mMalag smblcsa. tbe aCar* Aad
a TbM Thrilled:
tee growing barv*u tblae.
|wbile we were marching throagb I to make a raid on some rebel lAUert |
tee better claae of verse srritert de­ Doat yon MP de ilgbUla' flaahin' la
Oao of the t
may have be* a tlma wbea
de cane brake.
Of the war ta oaatalaed ta a beaBtUal voted teeir taMat to tee production cf
otttaewarperi^ But. poor
Uke AS tt we-* gwine tojbah a
Boia poem by Bayard Taylor;
aa tbs poetry nsnally was. If It had
"tMre aa a a^' the eoldi* cried,
line or two which tooebed a re- No! you U intnak*. -0* de darkeys'
Tbe oater treaeb* gnardtag.
Wh* the hMted guas af the camp spooslve riiord la aeblng bearu ll beagainst terir country's need*. | Wbleb our commissary found.
behind In their basic, undw the cush- <
ago. The retaraAl,
earns pwolar at *ee. aad tee airs
An' de boueos oa dar miiforta.
, How tee sweet potsioes
looking terougb dim e; .
being simple were easily leaned. Very
Orew weary of boatbardlag."
Arid, whar you "Too-ve called os and we're coming by
Ev* started from the gronad
observatloo of the ehar^eyed ,of them through lean of graUta^ a*
up in de
la tee Norte who wm
U !• aot at an Hkely thattheoallUd.m»d-. bl.«, Ud, .
„ i,
j Mlcblgsn I
fwlngiag Into line (be natinaal gaard.
dlon dM aaythlst of the kind.' There net too busy raadlng. wriUng
lay ns down for freedom's sake.,
Dat la our ale fM^y-pounder gui
pbles and received
sharp tongue; ui, republic's new aray. arilUaaa at
were Imdated eaa* wbw they broke inrqneetloot abotit the war. w* aiiig- Wh* de Bbells is mlasln'. d* wc
j lashing from >hc ol
'acboot ebildr*. tee (Aareb* oM
.. teto a *ag « trtaotph dnrtag battle Jag stoat it or playing variationi oa
wid ponkina.
Will never r*7sch the coast.
grtsst numbers M <
wb* tbe Ticury waa eoatlag tbair tee popdlar setodl*. which ev* tee
AU de same to make de cowards
So tho saucy rebels said.
The sundsrd M tee First Alabama. take of tbe rid armi* moa'way. bariboae laataae* caa be ooaat- bootelacha Is tee etroeU were wbls; And In the (ace of foreign (o* I
cavslry was captur.-J bv the Fount! tercd out. to perpetrate tee valaablA
It was a handsome boast.
'UMk out dar n
_____ to ^
ad OB tbe ftagMs of one hand. There UlAf.
Tennand brauMful Memorial day cirri
Tbq. war eoofs eong In the north >
are taataaeee, too, where wooaded
I Six hundred thousand Inyai men and ,
Jlay II.
and waa prerenled by ,nwal«--CnlcagO Tlmesilerald.
Look oat dar. d*'t you underotan'T, _J° rcekon with teeir host.
te*. ta the eaptome memtmt of dleeo. werolegioa. Tboee test-pMetrated to
marching through
people of Mictigau.'
teUoa. wttb the unaadgurtag glow Of tee aoate wee* very few and net msay; Bahyl* ha* fall*. Babylon hat fall*. !,.g
coming Father Abraham. 'while
On Its bHe f..-M twMvr small sure;
Tklng* to Remtfitetr.
aaetber world litadlaUag tbeir teeea. qf tea* were geoeralty soag. The
A*’ we'i gVlne ter occurpy de Ian'." 1
rurround «e large star. The rrmaln-: The most daring and flMpamta ACt
ctotM to tee eoemy's gtnia were
- aaag sea* wkkh laapM tboir
If look like wildfire aad eras much f
,t last the Noth had been So we el«rcd a ihoroogMarc
uvr of tec siaailard I* pink sl'k and oC the war by any baUcry «* be* a tee tonth to taunt tee "John-1 drolned of it# be« blood *rd still tee | For freedom snd her train.
tad* aad ewt thra wttb reaewed ea too booy dodging balleie And retain-j
ornam*'cii with cold frlsc'-.
‘crodbed by bcKh Ualqa aad eimfiB/
«gy tau) tba aoallet. bat Uar
leg gnerrillA flro to elrond -singing | nl*.” who hated It bkw brortlly.
gaplag bell of war yawned for niore Slxiy miles to istiiude.
Thr capiur*-*! fiag of the Twenty eral* to battery O. Ftfl* United
•*eb*l.“ The high ^setto of rebelj One of tee lopial e*g* of the^^^
t^lm tee "draP - or
Tbr.-e hundred to tec-toxin;
are few.
third (;<-orgia infantry Is the one-Umr Slat* artl'lery. and oecorroA at tea
ecblng I Norte. Issued to ;S3 bv ll«iy Work. e<aacrlpttog and pressing Into sen Ice Tr.-ason Ood before us,
' "bonnle Stan and ban "
batUc of Bpotuylvanla. Hay 13. JJA4.
aad -aadaogera
aaa bamaa Ute aad
wadaagera cast --------- -.
famll- i was ''QATpoial Sehaapps.- It was so ; ^ resorted to. Many and ludicrous
For roslsiancv was In vstn
Strange -a* It mar seem i>-e mim;, The ^graadrai
charge ef tee war Is
m* do aot go'wttb lar to teem tesa tbe-Star Spangled full of homely paiho# and coaialnrd
marching terougb
--------^ ^
Banner-or ••A»ertea.“-alteongb they such a graphic picture of tec Ufe i
Jmrk U amorg tec colirotion. Tbu ^edited hr 0*. Ril
to Ume imned those, loo.
; "down South" teat everybody eaag it: ^
-droning- fur tbrtr theme: The old general bated tbe song with Brldsb flax was lak* from tbe dome j Cropk at Fisher’s HUl la
1 do aot sat oat * tbe boUlag
unusually large. Only one.'a holy borror. And to Boston, where of A private dwtlll* b->osc <v-cupkd, 1M4.
Walker riaa of tba aptnl*

bg.! , ,g„,
g bucdrod -by s BritUh rctlden^i Fredrickrburg.;
ingbam'teat tee most important wre* of tbs
tba roar Md imoke of baUle is t*
e vast roerolUng sUtlOAS. where
I lived very loBg. however Anoteer^dnim sod fife corps passed him to tee Va_ by Ceptato Sfc-cle,
war with lAe exeepU* of tbe tall
atSH* tlm* mete urrible than
rregated tee gallant boys of all
which was sung almost exclusively ta'rcvlewlng stand where he atood for county,
Ibe Ninth UraU- Richmond was the enpura of Kcir
_ sev* _
Tbe battle flag
ag* and from gvery seetl* ef tee
She triVM me oB mil
.Sonb and with most insulting emmortal hours tlstootog
raptured bv Com. Oriront and Fort FklUp and fbct
"Wb* the boglw nog iroee
oonnuy. HlBbty mass meeUngt were I fl^u for her derpaitl* milder Bag.
Yo^ Coo- nwer-eadlng din. the tail rod ofmhe tons battall*
AAfl tee night dead bad lowerad- hehl nlgfaUy to AI
I aebtrikM * prove as I
scripir-TheloyBl North had not mueb^tone play* by the la^band Calrty panr F. Sixth MlcLlaxa Infantry. a. Ja^sop.
tbe m* aaak to rari almeat qkera tsin cf tec war and to arouse tee eidrlt Put now loag Ume she nix ramembers faith to-oonsFriPted-mrtdien
tee dovritallinx In with the same rid tune tbe battle of Jlatcn Rouge. Aopiat
Tbe ^eote
-c„B,prip,gd- eoldlers and tee
a iB Che hMJU af tee peo­
boy. down south, had-toss, and tee I played by the next on. to Itae. the
Small .-n^! t^b-t^erod
V* ^
ple. Glee clubs, bras* bSAds and dram
Abdi CO* mb another mni
poor fellow, led a bard life unlll they genera: got wiC and swore a grrot arc oo lu flvid of blue. Ii ha.
d tee Berra
eorpe* vied wIte eAte.oterr lB'*te^ -1 asarah all tay. no matter if derldeasonttraied ta
way tee misap. ronnd oath that be never would atuad nripes of -ed *rd white.
flaiahed teeir care* as prtval*.
no* nU shoot teem srera deetraeUn
and the
pucattanoftee d««era!. which ran as, stootevr National Brveaffipmroi antll
Another pretroilou* standard is terii
-----------------------and death. Dr. Root, to 'Jest ARer eSeet teal these aeags had opoa tee
j even- band In the Called But* had of the nfte confoderate anllle^. Ill
A flteaivpe
iranpe 'iuasa.
,u .mucu
K-- --S captured bythe Fi'fierote Hlctl-: Bridlert. like arilora. arafsrriy itefthe Battle.- ghrea a gtaiibh: deaertp- people was a practkal test apra their
-Hon- are yoa coaacripl'. Bow are you'
signed .. _____________ __
I lays a
U* of the eerac.
popularity and kmgevUy of life. Com
-Uaiebtog Throogh Otorgla" to his gan talantry July fl.lKl. It* painted, fera at religion, or* tfloagh ibsy mar
|pres*c«. That was bl* U*i daenmp- background ha* faded to an Olive hoc be rough and profaito. Dr. TratabaO
-8tm op* tee Md of battle .
pany sRer company. re«»>ebt aRer
Andi *4q4i-a to scUeep In der mudt. The provosymarehal's got yfln to
gtv* tea loUowtog a
regimrat was formed, and as tee brave; Tbeyklvramelian|iead.ioagbera.:AreTTtlghtptoeeteeTaay.
i m«t. tVhro ne« tee tone wax played g ijie center is the uaine of the o
II a. a dead march mans with two crossed eatitoqa. The
With *y srounded eoauad* waitlas
hoys merged nsray, tee new-horn
.. ..._____
_ tl.
-At a gateertag Of army otecets. at a
r«r tee atntog to appw.
-Oh. yob should
-not mind
tattered, emblem bears tee followtni
Bongs grwried them Wb every side.
hAsqns). since tto war, a vetana ■*Nor breatee another sigh.
Hany elaap to wak* never.
Tonefal «Bgo*_aMy«ri*Uve minds IriShThbr^^'^Udn
«d tril bad brat blRorlc
It da lron‘^".**^._'r‘.^!!.*^-___
Iron' Fbr yea-ra only grieg to Dixie
In tela wortd of atrif* and deate.
Tbe aoJdler'a test tattoo."SAlloh.- -Fbrmtagton." • Hurfrrari eral. riandtag at a UM# nsnr ■* wbfl*
canted tease scogt soatb. And bow
And many asora ara tatoUy ealttog
To flght and—mind yoar eyetee "oW- boys love to bw them to­
■diarl* E. Belknap, ta Mlriitga bore." -Perrtnvllle." -Chlekamaaga,-j a cbaptolo flaked a taeeriac. qotaUy
11 blm epp Brit n raw.
With terir (*bto dytog breaths.
taonemm trt^ Md dewy.
V« w (oldlen’ c»«TM todv.
TT^Tmn Heh with ronu iwMQr.
^ vbm tfee •otCMt
cUVVUM e ttAn ud strip* W So*.. Isi; te a»d «fd« troB> ■* to •*,
Au| tka pMitric'* ^ toMWM t
. M Jor ud Ubortr?
WMk* «l*pta^ to the ToMey. wttrt
tko *riieot Sprioc lowon «0Be.
W(M with ha* of Bosthen b*ntr.
'W »w»r fro* meoda ud bocM,
Or. NBMth tho BTBAd old ocwoa.
*«hm tb« eoisl bed* lie deep'—
Or. wHhto our KoHhm ehvehr
^ ohw ih* preeiow kindred sleep.
Let whoU their maiary nered. ae*-

times, and like diUtwaod.-ine* of H
n> 00 the shore, and ws* buried
tathoseadsfldoblhrkm. Botr^iew
at tbeeo -pleo*" erer «ot oolilde of
BBste e»tct. ahd of these tbsi
did. the good was speedUr stfled from
the bad, sad that worthy to Ur* bat
beeoaw part and parcel at the btstory
of the great eoadlet.
Horit of (he iBosIc now kaowa a*
"War Sow’* waa aot wriitea Shtil
rar waa almoat ended. The most
popaisr wrltera of nrasle at that pewere Or. Oeorge P. Boot. Cba*.
CarroU Sawyer aad Heary C. Work,
and the n*t femooa of tbe few war
I was Dr. Root's ~Bsttls Cry of
ham." It waa wriUen Id IKt aad
dm at a bid '-tally’’ beid in Uakm Sonare; Ksw Torfc. lost after tbe
drat can for TS.6W nea. It was anag
male quartet and toidc tbe loyal
throag by aura. It U nid by tboee
who were there that the slagiiig of tbe;


Ttara aima hondrad* of people who -They bear tee bagle paaltas forte
r Oca Tab
* ms psaf ra tarry, tarry
— ................ ....... .
taeef*]of tee hleestag. And. brtegtag Ha bBt
tpuUad ra^ of alee white paper with
d 7—
ton «««nreH
eaptored Cm—
from Pbeeat'
tt* bran* not*.

ptoees they *Uad “NaUeaal Od«* Tbv Hri* to tee roDtag of tec
* H«vie San *p.| rebel (oren nrar FraokUa. TeAS.>JM ' eharpty to bis ebast, *ve a aflRAiy
ca flodom's wtfe. ran Hmw.
aad -Aathsai*," -Battle Hymn* of the
,tarsdbrHleblgaabor.lnbtaedaxinsi4. i»a. hy the Bectmd WridgaaravIhnraiydtakBdey pat bimtaderpKoe
BapaMlo" and lodlcrtmsly pathetic Tka eoandtog cafl to arms, tee battle *Tca hondrad yrars now. .
mra yon conscript? Hnw are yoa ,fcg „ gf Ui, ,*rtljon aro among tee riry.
- drtvri dt tArte* klAds. Tbe tnab to
rfs-a a.nd dto.
*7 taw*
Mb* Mtei riofld. like driR ta A flood. Uko mecktag eebora with tee
MMy^uranA restment oy me ttccana MKo-1 wi
wlQ recsU (he f agoae yon take It rather hard,
. ^Br«n *«« to tee A«tece At Moh
tear coma. .
bte. I Bwise ynn're
*nw-pw yonr tanteani Joy.
t mtpm emity. baa teraa rad, wfelta nDfljB
deanlAte tkaaksslriv «( ISO. Ibir-jatoe*


L A.

. -g..


.Bade* of Tnw»» Ctor
m.m* 1K%A.t.CmnuntQn»*0K owe. pMMi ttov-ffc tkk dcr

iHiattoa ttoR (dttr e*w*«
««fem e( tMr ta tb* Mm VBlwaJO flt «bM> Hr. Onu to •
i«r. A«Mf M tbm WT ‘X
Mr tonw* «( tUt Uttto «eiMr. Mm B. t. Brtw «r th* twmrty et

* -Jt KltokMr Ot Or»t ttto
bni«bt •
mtoni esnototr to
tbp Mm M 00 WdwWtlcto vao a Btoe* of voto vt
BtoiiWi tbtt «M BO wimoA p«taei
■MM « 0 kMi toot. U «M.-bo«•w. « Cbtoaco «IM w It «w
tm Mm to lM«th hM to«r toeh«
bOaA. Ahtoc too fmt eC tb« “fool*
tbo«nUtoM or toM Tbo B
B ortoMOT Mlao M to tbo
I VtaB tb« mMB «MdOd WT
bfvtbor Utatod tbn tbor to at

im U-U Mtotodd
IM Oto «ol5, th* MMto T».
ovlw «f tW ftoea^MdlU tb* iobaot BbavoodlboaMtodMi
.Mch skM lb«r ««• BP to (b* wtr*. Jam or Cbtoaco aad Mra. tooof* toflia at atovood. Tbo dretaMd mbo
tegnll of lUptoto* VM ■tmd
OIM Of BMd Cttr took third TttoO to Mlobtoaa trat hto Coaadtaa taoMo
twoaty<vo yoan b«d aad oottled at
SovlM ct Bad CUr toptotod hU tbo bODCOUad to Bitvaod tovoAlp
o tbo oeapto haro otoeo rMtood.
p«rtor»UHO «f tbo tWNBlto m to tbr
dM Md eoalac to M to l;U- Uot ton Mr. Morpbr porMed a
bMor of But Mao MM tnU- town iMldeoM aod eaato M to
tbo Vtour. Tbo Maoral vat
to« oloBc to loiwnd idaotowhllo Bar
VaU or Uaa
- - _ - arid at 8b Ftaacto ebarc* oa HotMay
Domtos at • o'etoek.
KattoM MPtwapoob
itaka ot »i BapMo. who aoud at hoad
Tberoa aotof to bo aoMotbto< <
ProT. UoAlwar of Uaatotoe.
PTtoMMT TtM Ot M Jordaa. Pro- to Trareno City. Friday otmIb*. May
MaeraboM an eoBla*
et Ctoaitoreto.
toOBOr HatooD ot Bood CKr aad Prat. orer aetoral baadred atPoa« aad are
1 to crow over tbMr roeoot olet B. Ollbon ot Trarorto CMj^. Prolory to defMttoK T^mrarao City l«ii.
toMor BUOU ot Potookoy, torw
tbit dtr VM tbo oianor.
Comtoaader A. V. Friodrieh hu
patoikOT—Bebkopb. Montor. Vortto.
MBmwar. Wllaia. Tbo PMokar ■ eolTed a letiar fro* romwaodor Perry
of tbo Cadillac toot aad be Mya tbai
•boot forty.
Atetoo-^lvay. Pattonoa. Souoa. a apodal trata baa baoa eacacod aad
TWataor. Cron. Kina. Eofrmll. WaJtU. botwoaa 880 and 600 Cadillac MaceaChrtottoaaaB, BaBtdol. Srolt, Kaovloa. bMtaraeoBlac alonxU boaor «T tbo oreni: a parade, kaaMto Clark. SottoD ot Maatotoo vat
Qoot oad eetorutotoOBt bare beea arto bavo ootorfd tbo 4« yard rai
naatac broad lonp. tbo Itoyard datb. taacad lor tbo OTOatoc. Thwowlllbe
Ito tootball pwib aoorard low bar rod Are. baada tpooebea. eta, faloro
aad tbo Cadillac ddocatloB vlll kaov
dtoa aad tbo relay laeo bat vat t
OM be bad beta a moot toMW tbaa that they bare boM boro when they
tew yoara wortoaa. Tbo Haatotee

, _
h bo Iddtod ^ to AlHglB towtr. It to pnbablr a ttoJc

CMrtral Lbko Hao TtoMbloo^
'nrono CK7 tobonaw toabo aoilIt tb« Hwal fi«h
M «lto oaMi ato km aU tbo MaU
tnto. tobo tab* bom tbaa tbo UbB
^ tobo mar bbM Bad olbtf aob. to
tbo tob« »Mr thHMt Bl^ «n tbe
Otototl Xbka Tonfc. Traroroo Ckj u
■a toOM BBtornmota la tbU romet
• oC fUr tato
imMom Bad wo bopo tba UM to bot
tor dtotaat wbw it win bo wiiialdoMd
tba toljr«( aniT into oIQmb to ooiaplato to tbo aMboflttoi or aneb tatraedm ot tbo COM iawo at ehneo

’ t

tow.«.ou.-.•irnTosc Ctty Slate Bank


V. Wtoo. PpikbWBt- *«
•a«ira, T. Satitb. Scbalov. Oiaoo, MclAto, Bavktoa.
CbadOTola-^neaa. Caapbon. N.
Stoltb. Cbaloopka. Bodtord. J. Smith.
BaalatoC^ Motor. Beoobraacb. liortoon. L. Smith, Booo. Hampua. A deh
ocaUoa of aboot thirty caaio dova oa
tbo OoioBbla thli tooratoc.

torgoot crowd, tally IM aooompai
TraroMo Oty—Cbaabora. Cllampaoy, BoBor. Bootbrook. Notooa, Wyahoop. Hodso, MlOar. MoOtity. Paa^
MB. WbtoW, H- 'Aekannaa, WUttoc.

Ml Ma tnot bog hM tbtafadM Bineb Vtotma, Walkw. Bawa, TUoa, B.
ktoowavay. ST bnk or by wook be «karaaa.
Mwmra aaaacM to bare good oaubea.
Tba ootora o< iha Tartooa aekooto
Mi hto ntoMl matboda koM Iba Sth
ae thtoaaa «S that thoM who try to
lyavarM aty—XMlow and Uaak.
aaam wBb thp lav, aad lay the ChartMMoiga.oapUla.
MUM tor tbMr oaMomary bad lack to
Cbartoeoi»-Bad aad vkita.
Poteakoy-Blaa aad wklta. Jaaae
a SM Say tor tnatpaally to. Wbatk AhkoC. captalB.
aMBt tor the gooM it moat tor the
Maaiatoe—TaUew aad blea. Coy AlmMw. wa maid altbM ahbo Sth way.oaptam.

•aOV-rBad aadblao^ J
Smith, maaacar.


Itoe itearner UBola airttad at the
Tfaak ani PtoW.M
dock at II o’rtock with forty Patoaka}
IMm latwdayto BaoW
peopto, thirty ct
Wb a ctoar aky. toat track aad
aad the
■SM MkM toowd the
lalag CBM their co-wortora of the
High achool oompoaad ot both boyi
and giria. amoog them belag Mlae
Bath vnaoa aad triaad Mlaa Walroad.
who will be the gaeeu tt MIm S WUItoe int araat vm tba 4W
Mto. nt waa oaa ot tbo prattloat
t afor MW laa,” aaraial ptople ware
bMtd to My. At the ptotoi abot the
Mi pM away vBb MUtar ot Tiamae
OByla aetoad. At tba StAyard mart
thaea wat a eMBge'aad MUIer dropped
bdak to tUii pbma At the lObyard
■aik DavMport. the aeoead me
tom ORy tototod ud at tbo tea-yard
milk mDar OekArat plaee tnm AlWM OC MaatoiM. abe atoo talaud.
SMstoa ot toaat Jordan took aaeood
mK.SBiltb«CCbarteTMi third. Tbo
OMa waa :»Id.
lb tba naalM broad hiaip Caa
at Chbrttvolz took trat and Rnator of
TraverM Oty and najaaier ct Maida-

Byram. bOm Jeaate SMrta. May Bum
lad OMM SoaMraad Proc B. M
Bitot, who to the atarut.
It vaa eapaeud that they would
rlrw at 7 o'cBok thla mmlug aad tba
leat vaa to bagto at • o'clock aharp.
Mra. HarrBoe Bedford aad Mre.
rred MUler, vboM aoBt. Barold Bed­
ford aad JnHua Smitb. are B the track
. are hero from Petoakey
■bmB of Bebert CaMvMI aadtamOyThe Cttnaibla Mde kar.maldm ru
thU Borttag tram the vBter
lera at Charlerolx tor the track meet

-to Otr Htok oeboob cto- of WtMr. BoWtoK to atoe a flao toaofa
aad to blsUy oomaiad by the P<*pk
or hU eoMBaalty aad vbno toaklito
frodorst TUlu to WtUtoiaaborc
laey trtoada berv.
Tbo t«to froM tbo taoda to attradat vcO aa ties ttaoe who wore
aaabie to bo proooat vwo valaablo a^
^•tlful. atooajr ihM tiWa* .
a •rrr
teo Morrla chali
' '
»aod dtohea.
tbo KDOoto fnaa away wero
Mr. aad Mra. T. 1. Boldtoa oC Wanooa
Uke. pareaia at tbo arooto. Miw Cora
BoMiac aod Alfred Heat, atoo of Wal-

A Liviihg

•If -wa were to asaemble aU
thq— wbo have beea cured of
heart discaae
!>• hlilrs’
Heart Cure, aod who would
to-day be ia their gravea.dtad
not !>*■•
tdite a U^e dty.
WTttt a remaricable record—
a breathing thinkiiiff, tnovtoR
Tnonomenl, compoaed ot human
livea.—that for which every
other earthly posseMn is sacfificed.
«n,e MDes Medical Ca recejre thousands of letters from
these people like the foUowin":
Uamsp a>. 1

Bapldr. Mr.and Mrs. Malcon BllUasdl
danshtor Maud of Boyno City, Mra.;
Bmiaa Uwd of Ctorln. Mr. aad Mra.
c. H. Johoaon. Mr. aad Mrs. F. 0.[
Pmt, Mrs. Oora MoriUeld. Mrs. Ben 1
Kidler aod little daaabter at Trtrorw I
Cliy and Martto Oreon aad Miss L«» I
Croon of Bitoa.
Ur. aod Mrs. Boldins, amid a shovor |
Ad rice aod old abooa took (bo oronlos <

train for ihoir firturo bomc. !
sad pBTT-narod (*o bMlus *111 eomploto bis torm of achool at; w oC 1^I Heart
8prinr»ale. arter whieh. at the rod of I acoordlBc to ditoHya. irtth th«
Jane, they *111 be at homo U. ibclr
tboir beat of frtooda attood tl

bom OB Waahlar
loa'a Untadar. oae oa iBaacuntloo
day aad iw oa alMoeli' day. April 1:
ooe OB Tkaaakrtrloa day aad oop 00
Fob. 2. Btoond boB day. Alto tkroo
more boys bd^ oa oebor dateo.

CAPITAL, >200.000
.SURPLUS, S28.000


A Geseral BssUie Baum Ime


3 per Cest tunret at tlae O


——sfiir^ssisr—1 '■

Dr.W.3- digains


Very best of dMtal aervler
only. Teeth year of prnetfoe
Tour patronajis aoUcItod. in
New Manron buiidlng. nder K.
of P. hall, on floor with Dockeray's Builnesa College aad omt
Singer oBoe.


T of tbo tote Senator Orville

- Handoome TiwM PleUiro.
lag 816,008 to to be pieced either
Cbartee S. Qolcfc bai a pletn
eablbttlea B bla .mercheat ullortiB the etaie mpltol or in tbe rapltol
liabmoot that U adflBBnt to grouBda.
make a tioot ftebemap Uke bto rod
aad btke-tof the etroam •»« though
the mercury wae ont ot eight at elihor
ead tt the tube. It to eoUtlod The
BIM- aad U by oae of tbo beet paintera at ieh B the oeoatry. It ebowa a
Plat*Oiflm, etkam Bollkr and Aocldant Inaura^
leaping from a etroam for a fly
and the thriUi that go through a flabemaa wbM he gaaM at the -apoeUed
beaaty" are very real lodoed. The
pletwo IBoir bad a grMt deal to do
with Mr. Qnidt loeatBg B this dty
Be had It B
borne B Cbleago aod
Room 810NawStata Bank Building.
efur be WM throng work bo would He
oatbeeeoefaaad dioam dreaaia of ibr
couatry where ttaoep flih were actoalh
» toaad. Plaally. be eoa(dnded
that ae the treat weaMot come to
Cbleago. be would go wbore the trool
were, eo he came to TrareiM Oty.
Now he apMdi aA the time be
. , away from a foal growBg bualBCM atoof the brooks aad atroama and
(GRAPE rariT)
the Motnre baa indeed become reaL

' |itoU^^acrodivt,Ind

fire Insurance!

Aoicf to Loan 01 ImpioTcd Real Btatc Only.



OMtty »Mk


Not Only


tnd BoUdinr Ma. tcrUl but for all
kinds of finished


Bwt Iron and Wine ia an old and uacfol preparation. In thia,
Article we have aomethinu new The Sliorrj- Wine commonly
naed is replaocd with n wini- made from Ponii-lo-^mp.' Fruit
It ia n anpertor prepBtation. If you foci the noed, of a Umic,
toy it 7or per{not
vO! be beM the night atier comm
«a aad thep rtee vlU be ifty oetts
plato *—of Itoae formerty.
win probably be held In Ptoeetef-s
baa TheflrctpartoftbeaTeoBi
be devoted to a reeeptloo, a haagnet
will follow aad tbeo daBcing for iboer
that dMlre IL Bach member of the as•octoUOB to eoUtldd to Brito
guest aad eoM arember of tba clai
■W caa BTlte tvogneeu.
bacoUre—epragne Prat^ Ocorge
KUbonrnc. HBale Waite, Bobett Wal­
ter. P. a Oflbert.
Piottam-P. C. OUbert. B’llltam
Needbam, Jamw Loudon, Lee Honishy. BdvB L. Thlrtby.
HrrtBtlOB—Bobert WBltor, Helcii
■toot Mnbd Bntes.-Altoe Watte.
Cbartee Aabtoo. Bmo Colby.
RaU aad Muck—Ceotge KUbosne.
DduM Horgaa. IivBg Mwray. Mn.
WUI Snnttaall. Minnie Bailey.
Decoration—Sprague Prntt.
Smith. Btoworth Bale. Mrs. John Tnimaa, Qcnce HneUtiM. Robert Chase.
AerreMaaeol-^Bale WaJte, Mrs.
Lee Bonaby, Mrs. ChariM Renale.
RoeepUaD—Helen Moore. Bthel Hastinga. Bnlpb BasUnga, Arthnr Waite.
Hn. OMCgo KliboAroe. Helen >toui.
OUie Blrdanll. Loots Tlnkham.

rooten at the ChattoroB teem arrtred vtth tbeir lootBc dothes doaaed
aa th^ seared the dock. Amoe
paiaaageie vwe Oapk B. C. Pb
The IM-yard high bardtoa wwo'tbe thb CreacMl. wbo came merely for the
mtovaateM waro raatm twobeata. pieoaure trip. Mrs. m H- Pranete and
la the Snt baat Oraa ot HaalatM daagbter Alu Irfao. too. were pleaawe
toektrat. Badtord at Cbarteroik aao- seMen. Mlaa Cora Burr, teaMer of
CM aad wyakoop of Trarerae CUy dravlag aad mnale. aeeompaale
: wnUaraaburg. Mkh.. May 20.—A
tkbi. Wyakeop vaa 6 yarda
Rs. Mrs. Latole Shaaabaa. w
very pretty borne wedding toirt place
toad bat (an oa the etgklh
at toe M. E. potMBage to Wllllami
ttmawMlOotoeadf. Tbei
Vaader Wort wore ki
burg oa WedoMday. Hay 17. at high
watt to Bodge tt-TravoTM Cky,
day's ptoaaoro. Wh Riiib Bmcty noon: itoM toe Rev. U B. Carpeoier.
otoarod oeary bar and wca by tep arrtuod witk the Chartevoto crowd and pastor of toe M. B. chnieb. ooitod hU
yarta B U id leeuade white Khw ot oaloytt the treek meet The Oolambla daaghter Bath to marriage to Archie
SraalMM -had CampbMl ot CtoarleToB WM not prepared tor the auapletoue oe> C. Brtdtog of WallooD Lake.
''tamo to to tba order named.
coataa and had her lut aiimmerh gait
Oora Bddlng. alMer of toe
1to» twomae raa wmt m 1
otty about bait changed. The aanie
played the wedding
Band Ctoy. wbo wpa tram BograQ of oa bor upper worka was palotod oat toafeh aad to toe midst of a group of
, WaatolM by tvatty yarda U 18:11. aad to ptoMa BO new paint va< vtolhie. lovtog trienda azald decoratlona c<
MBlr eC Cbaiteroto took thbd. It la Cbptato Webb etated that after the re- Merry Mooms aad bloaaomtog plants
•M Omt Mnier at Travarao Oty waa tan toll evMlog to* work wlU be with toe Tteg eeremoey toe oupUai
dtowHMany toolad B tbo Bat 880
toe ibcalar trlpi are not was tied.
yarda bat the fool coaid not be bttUB.
team- vUl reutre
Tbe bride was very brcomliigly at­
gcorea. Mmer oaM. 1 woe fetolaf Columbia toll evettag at 7 o'clock.
tired to awam colored crepe d* cheM
Sm aad eoaU ban wca oat bat oome
Joba Uatton ot Botbo City *1U be aad oirrted a bouipiet of brMe roMa.
aao tocea boMad kkkod me B tbo toe new cagtoMr thla amaoa to plaoo
was atteuded by her twin alster
- (
kaaa.- no mark oa MlUea^ km to of Bakeoe Webb, wbo nmatai at Chh Roby draeeed to wbite and carrying a
MU to bate boM ptolaly rtaibla . ea^ TheteaBaiatogerwvwUlbetoe boequet of pink roaes. TfaegraoBvas
B the abot pot Maddoek and Mlso- oame ai last year.
diwmad to toe coaveaUooal Mart aad
HraCB----------- - • At • o'rtock toe Bai
atlMded by hla bfotoer, Ocorge
arrived oo toe P. M. with 100 eatoael- M. BcUtag ot Orand Bapids. After
Otr third. Tbo diaBaeo wM-81 e
asUe mnberv ot toe trtek tMm and o toe ceremony and coogratulailoet a
park Of huatltog reotwa. «T»ey were
was served tbc
Timmm Ctty m the lOdywd doth toot at toe depot by bueoM oad were goeau.
to ChaloMka <i Chaftoyab by a Tory taken <Mas atreernTT* aad all to toe
Miss CarpMtor. durtag her atoy to
a«arw amrgB. Bodfo took ooeead -dilTtog
WlUamaberg, has vow the nnlrenal
•fd Paodapmt ot Bond Oty third. Tbc
erteam and love of boto oW aad young
mMUOad to vwk M tba Ume
and has Mpedally eedeared berectf to
the meahara of toe Bpworto Lngne
. MU
Ktoc or MaalatM VMI the wBaar B
ky.'aa eM wad rw
let. who were sU bld^ to the
a ISkwrd BW-fcardle rooa Croa.
Itog. She to an accompUabed mealm «i Matotoo. eama B oaealM white juadattoeti
end easily won tbo akectlon of

«re. Trvmt St.
H. R. MtemoKALD, Manager '

Tmvt-rsc City. Mich.

6oing to Build?
If *0, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mil! work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

$outb Side Cumber 0oCro((nM eny. Illicb.

T F this month decides yorr moving to a oew busioen
^ location, let us supply the new ttore front and
fixtures arranged and detigoed to *uh your eonveni*
ence. We’ve every fadli^’ for turning the work out
promptly » the best price! .

Cltsena Phcmo. 32; Boll.IBP.

W.UBroum. Maltaatt.

Thursday, Friday and Saturdaif
' .Tunc 1,2 and 3. we viU sell s folly guaranteed

This ia a roior that *<■ guarantre- to give aatialaction,
and if you want a razor, now ia tbe time to buy. Remember the linn-. n-m>-mhcr the plaoe.

-RANK -TF^UDK, 144 Front Street

We Bave Wore Peas
than Wone^
and if you want the peas it will not take much
money-to buy them. We have more .-\merican Wonder Peas and First and Best than we
can sell unless we put them down low enough,
so if interesieed, come at once. At the price
that we offer Aem to you they will not last ^
loog. We have sonTe garden seeds on hand
>*et., Now is the .time to get them at right
priccs, We have just received a car of fr«h. fine
ground Land Plaster, a lot of Pari* Green.
Spra>-ers, Sifters, Corn and Potato Planters.
This is at tbe comer of Front aod Cass streets.



\\\- haM- 11 firit-cloM'^D Shop.

lYISiWAMC AUrcguUraisMmatO^SpecisJvsganiaaaBld^
Wa09n9 Bsdctaofdcr.pwapilT. Only tbc-vwybMt maDflI/krtirtC
used, and folly goaraniecd io every respect.
PUgSI^ That are made to UK as wen as sdL They am
msdeafehe^ mstcrial, sad gma a- Aarty
finito io catch the eye; bat are dmahle, cowfcrtable. and nre» Tbe cbogwat 00 toe market, gsabty eoosidend.
Once used and you viH hayno otber mate!

ntstausvMt. w Uictor Pcteiiyl,
Rare you ever tried the

oyitol *ric*r


Ctumta t0f»

Bopal tiger sma Ssla$0»
e toe best.

Sobl retlyby*a


MUNO nuvntt msjialb,
.nlttee be Sastnctrt to tanatuata ^Uan

mmum «r *


m the pockets.


{itiB time to Uaa aad 8 lajof tba SI
.w^ bDtaiOB tbaeMld-.^. F. OU ft ttUr voaaM. He had Jest strcealfe
Tka mjtK bcndf of th*
^a^DK »eaua« toese Taqetie- aaoatb to tear the stars aad «rtpas
flmwi iMBk as te^aur 6tm'
mats that hr P«»P» «*»«• this bodx i flew tka sUS a»d wrap tbew aboal
wmm avvravae *r Ote heart o( fvperalTtoLedlato a«lrt be hto bodr «-a^
*. Tka i«reO« are C. A. Hawtakto aaalast ails etanpaar. ttelpreppad Wa-aH tea aW^ post i
1, A. Y. fWatort. 0«Drga W. Imtrt der a uaaaad awaited death, ho
> and J. M. HMII- eeeatr d«k to teUb OU ft Ce­
quickly, ter a baOet soon pierced his
this aetloB.
Terther, that inaaBiTeh as «er tor- bean mad tha flag th«
• Smvsant Lftryd rt the Btny^rt
ler rwrtaaea was based woMr oa
tew that ktockketdan rt the bank
pwposttlon and Oiat tha 1 Hew York. In the
Mtkic as tomtp depeafteer ge on the
rt thU dty hnea In their far bis disne In a almltar manner and
b^^ rt tka wanv tnasetar. la'lhe
------------- --- -------- died a stoilar death. SodldSergoan
Hgfet rt this tka stodcholdeta rt the edOBBs not sUted oor portUoa falrty i
that tbey be raqaestod by the eierk to HeekeU rt the FortyHhlrd Hew Teek.


Of this IM sras psU

to' the captain as the promised rewarf
and the net tbs mayor eeaaeeatei
I broken tht
. Hlsfathm
who had come oa trom PltUbnrg u
dalm hU eCeets. mmoosunlsd asf
-the mayor fined him *17..
Haym HoCMIbb Is tf»i «t rrtaUay
thk asperienee which brteU him whee
a (iiUTmsnUB In Vasblacum; Itoe

Tka Snt baslpees this xtonm
the report of the flnadee, ways and
. WM fnanwtttrii at which thoa the
fiaeplas faaak was aeeeptod.
Up to the tlM rt lalBg to pTM
nt^r rt tka OU dam was sot se

Wounded to donth. teptraied from hit, -u't an apple: hare a biter Nn. sir.’
wmrades to the fire swept firtd -be-' i mid sternly. 'Don't yon know who I
•Friday kchaol canvaatlM
lines, with both Icgt; nmr 'Dont know yon fram
.he eeml-annnal Bnndsy adool.
rentloB rt dlstrlrt Ha i rt Laelanan Brnnehad. be crawled Into toe Onion; post, sir.' 'Well. I sm Coni
coanty. MlrtilsaiL. to -be hrtd rt Baat Unae on Us hands and elbows, drag : McCleUaii.' ‘Is that sor Then tak<
gtog tbe flag with him br hU teeth i half of this appla

OB. Jnne 2. iMft

Ho gave toe Sag back to bU reglmact j ftere a senator .I'd hare to give yo<

A bin tra BMsle eoitBtr for *71^0

and died.

tanka eaic rt Oaorga Draper rt So*tjr. who, troB Harrti is to An*.
m a patient la the asytan.
, BMAln* to

Ball's ■Bln*. When. In s' det- j

800*. Orlstt choir.

hare siren

a re-

»oWB ttee to aeeora a bead from the
FUrtUy and Barety aompaay.
The seretlet on tha oonsty bond, as
attlad in yaaurday^ Baeord. wai
laaaad by the inpamaors. This u-


in operation.

Ores Bflw la Slrbt M»kc Success Ass»ed
Can or tend tor proe^
of fncu to be true. Car

It to all

Iraa than 60 sbaiea.


skin dleesse. eocri cofcriag my ^
Beck,aadrtie^ ficsbe
•ad they would swell, sad
aed^t. Then they woaU brai
open aad Uood sad matter ran oat.-

Act promptly.

Prim. ..biert to mlnm.. .1 uiy tl»

withwt notice.

las Sui rrrmt 81n«

tag tt was (oond, that tha county wap

DevoUe^semeea lod

toe rirer.

801^ Bast Kapaea ckohr.

His eneaUes s^ere at U«,

Solo. Wm. Bright ,
Becltntkm. Bthel Bykar.
Song. But Kasaoe mate «mrlat
Song. OrfeU choir.
BoetUtioB. Mrs. O. W. PmlldL
Song. Bw( Kamoo choir.
Addreea. Ber. Beqna, Trararte City,

arm ha Imposslbla to sacaia a bond
Soag, male «nartet
bom the anraty compaBy nntli tha sa
pBcaat has bami iBqoliad short aeeordlns to tta ragrtar prooaadare rt


Song, Bart Kasson choir.

Oeti.'OarfMdk Trtbrta.
1 /with th»

Tm..r»r Kly. Mick.

snxirty rt wormout. pa»^ M In


Reasons Olby
Tbe HeVicker Antomatio

and son of John Wlntbrop, who war
foreruor rt the MsssschusetU cohJO)

Gaaoliiie Engine-is the best

a broose ststoe of toe younger Win


tonip was unTellefl. The mcmorlt
in haslneu la not so much hit physical
stands on Balkeley square, near “Ti
eoBdJUcm as tost be has lost to tome
Anllcelirt Barring Ground," whereli
extent toe keen judgment in s«sirs of
lie the remains rt the earliest cllUen
high floance which -was rogardod as
of New London. Tbe sutne slandr
almost Infallible and which bsd result­
on a grad'i bowlder said lo woigi
ed in toe aecnmnUtkm rt one rt toe

taasi prapoalUon It was finally de- dent. was the orator at Arilngion,
let toe i^ter rest ontfl where the fiowrri were ao protnee that

sand mcA, whoaa Uvei were mage slg-


goTernor rt toe colony rt Conaectlcnt

A iUwT Is current In WnU etrert that

he conn of Bmpress Eugenie, anc

- cMsd to

Thgasniar Brawn's sorety bonds es
it was aaM they rained down from
ka -aaeond. J. T. Hannah adrlsad.
hraren. The teackermoMler aaM
nsawnldCthabcmdnnUltolseortdba that occasion, among otom iMaotUnl
neaomrtlshpd and thU was sgrMd to.
And until the new bonds sra eeeeUed
-U sUenee Is ever golden. It most bo
Bsd apprared the Bute hank wlU
here beaide toe graves rt fltiaen thou­



Oeneral Newa.

Use Herald Want Ads

naoMvrg, eesnnu. lUhlajg, hi

the other shore and eMaped. After- toe field to fllriiee him.
waid heravirited the spot and faronghi
At How LMdon. CociBa on* Mar e
tbe Bag tap to restore It to toe rcgl
toe two hundred and fiRy-nlato anni
ment—Hew York Proes. .
Ternary rt the founding rt toe tom
by Jbhn Wlntbrop. tor many year

Tbe firal foraml and national obtwenty tons. It Is tbe nrork of* Bek
Btato book did not care to release toe serrance of the day ww the occaskm largest fortunos in America. It it Learned Pratt rt Boston^______________
rtrta and ooonty rnnds until they
of mwA fine oratory at dtSermt amid that rt late yean Mr. Sage has
"A'llnk'wlth the m«~brlMlonl period
ralMsed tram the state bonds as-srett painu. blit looking baek orer (he list made a namber of inrcMmenti which
of the second French empire h*>
•s the eoonty bond. Tkeee was qome rt speakers it will-be seen tost only
remored by tbe desib In Psrii
ses-i been
aMaBdataiandlng as tn toe moUre rt few safklre tbst ooeasioa. May 30.
tbeirt toe Via
thk aotloa bnl as U was a partly bos- ; U68. Oen. Garfield, afterwards presi­ Umnua place hU losees vritoln

' tonw the enstodlan rt toe fands.
Tkle aftaitiooa an appUcatloa


we make him go three' timer

Teiy been, hot he Ranged Into toe ; ro„od." The truth was Ihst Wtnstoi
Ber. waio’. dived to toe bottom, placed (be Chnrahm hsd
flag then under a sume aad swam tc chatter

kssaenrad on thh eoonty fnsds as


FortT known on Meet.

AT COST OF *4.50

a* Argyll was once »lt
^ a*co( and noticed

toeOy dispoeed rt this aftenotm at s

aewal boed tn order to allow Troasnrer

Over 700 Acres Rich Mineral Lands

H DM S« «o fiMd-Ww
tiwrlw Wow.

mnnte* as bard ss be coolf

captured br toe confederate* | „mter why he was ranning ahme
Dieennslon, led fay BImer Pa^nrO.
extraordinary way.
“OV sale
Paper. Bast Kasson Snnday stteel. and each time regained by Vansnai In i
haad to hand straggles. At last be j
omsicr. ihrt's Lord BandrtpT
DUenmies. led by B. P. Darts.
Bnsinest and re»rts from tdioolt. broko away with the Aag and reached j churchlU i son. When be talks tor

rteie^ In the meantime J. T. Bsn■Bh and the othere asaodat^ with
Urn cm the state bead rt Oeiinty

ma SI cm Creek. ArtzfiM

aw Dv •>!

the whole rtlU'"

Charles T. Vanaant eartled toe col-1
orsrthUr«clDenilDthaliufortnBau-),Q^ .

From Frtdayk Baeofd.
A« mik-ap to tbo matter rt the
eamuy.tnaaitrark bonds was'setUfsc-

Traaearar Brown

The Grand Traverse « Aruona
mniBg Campany

pente charge, his ooltme] was shot, be ■ „-ouod toe cildet groand.
eohool. Maple City.
^ three Uiaes sai'
Dfaenadon. led by Ber. J. P. Whlto. bore him from tbe field sad then re-1
turned to rescue toe fisg. Fire times.
the duke mked toe ha
paper: Ortatt Bnadny ncftool.



I euppoee it ym-





-I taw a big poHeemaB standlBg os
the eomer acting Id a snspkdona man

He held one haad bdilad faU bach, ar
the state fisjt. He kept it
der bU anlform during hit long tong If he ware emeeaUng aomething. Jntt
heart torti. tie coenU bcod rt Treas- was taken np by thU board at their
and at his death I
« fcowa and SA tadadrtltT hood tor former maaclnc,
tisjiee was snbetlt^ad at a eost rt
W. H. Greene bore Ike col theref For an Insuni be lortced
1a K. Oerelaad.
JHD bf Hoarea ft kfcWsUw. aaants hr
ors of the Thirty•aereoih Vlscaosln In startled and. then, qnlckly farini
1a J.Tedman.
'a saratr oenpasr. Tka stato bead
“T. H. Oiais.”

raiqdks as It is aatU feitbrt aellee.


night when I was walkiag down Pens
sylraaia arwne.” said Mr; McCIrtlan

prwrtit this matter to the pnbUc as it

PMK9: x:


I she was famous for her great beamy
_____ jj Urge enough to have sjSho figores in Ynmerhalter's eplendk
mayor who lately dlsUngnlslwJ him- j plclure. Itecameroa."

Bmpress Bu

1. One.thirdtbetiiimbcr


sous hlstarie maiden leaders rt revo­

tent sudden orerioml without glncking.

lution and revrtt She crtls herself
"Le Clioyoone Sorgnr." aad Is a dirk-i
B.rod. comeir young woman of 1£. gift-:
cd with a magnificent voice and a cerlain measure rt cloqaeeee

She pro

claims hersrif the new "Red Virgin."
in succession to .the Isle Louise
MJctael. and preaehee roprttale and



II whah



Tka aoamttttat on claims and ao- deeds rt the Anglo-Bsxon raoe rrom
aaortt wenminwiilad that toe co
Aglncoart to Banker BUl. ItwMMKfa
taa an brtUingi aad grounds be an- an tnfinenee which led a yonng Greek
tkortesd to por^ase eareBty^Ubt I,PM yean ago. when ho heard the
rtialra at M apleee for the addlU
rt Matatowa, to exclaim -The
apace obtained

4, Owing to tbe quick governor, engfato will gtand 60 per
6. No adjsrtBMitg to

get out of Older or ptuxlt- the iqierator.

7. Automalic carburetion.

of the McVickor AutoohUc Gasoline Engine.

\Vc seU ll*rdws>«. all kinds rt Fsnn Ms.-biiitry, imritmeola _
Wagont, Buggms, and Harness.

sangnlnary vengeance.

elsloos. An ttallan named OariU com-1 by Prince Murat,
mitted snldde by jumping Into Ihr; The owners rt a ibcsier lusljc*
Ivor, which flpws torongb toe i strucled In Goshen. Ind.^have-dbcldeL
A reward rt *60 was oBcred few^i to call the boose the Jefhreon ibcwlcr.

To Core a Cold in One Day

'backache, *'The Blues”
BotK SyxDptoms of Organic Derangement tn
Women—Thousands of Sufferers Find R^ef.

pat at ILflfi Mid.
Tbe talwboae system has been W
tom ehangnil from too last arraue-

Brave Mother Blekerdyira.
Mrs. Mary A. Blckerdyke. or "Moth­
pywi Mde to bare a general paid er BItoerdyke." as toe veterans re
booth to the ODttit ipom eorrldar and
iber ber. was a rematka'ble we
four Boarate syntau Instead of three
among toe hnndTWds who nursod
■-as prerlomly agreed upon. The artoe elek and sronnded dcrisg tbe war.
Baglater and treasdrar cn one


More eharaetartstle aneedotea ee

Uae. eonit room and coimty clerk on
CM Une. Jndge end Jenltor cm one like, sromanor toe people. At toe breaking
and to* anpevvlaon. sorveyon end
ont rt toe war sbe was a
in toe family rt a Cleveland gentle
r will be a
When she
togt refnee and o
nnralag sbe rspressly rilpulated tost
Mr wSl net be BUwed fay toe Ott log she was going to take car* rt eoldlen,
koom Mt the boom wut be ellnred
not oScers. far there world be plenty
ramatn aaw^ at .Iho unrttas la toe to look after toem.
O. R. ft L WMce. Tbe toUowtng re­
toa OayoBo HoepUal. down In
port was made to the board rt enper.
Memphis, she msde heraelf a^ power.
vtars tola (Minin* by toe odA&ttee



Bowottoedowehrarwaawnmy: "It
■eemsas tooogh my Uck w ould break."
cr'-Oun't spetoto me. I am all ont of
wwtsT' TbeseslgiiieeaetrciBariuprove
«>>«* the eystmnroqnires attention.
Backache aad "Mn bines' ara direct
I tor diet and elcanllaygeplooM of mn tnwaid troable which
• la rrtMaee to the peUUaq
If an olBoer did not do his duly wiU eooDrr of lator declare itself. U
anted to this body by 3no. p. Ott ft U bripiag W. she very sam bad him may be eansed bp diseased kidneys or
^ Oa end Hgeea fay
od to anotort ecene rt aeUon.
: Birt at o
was uotolng wo good for her pa '
g i^]

cemmluee on reads' aad btldgas i
pest toad they have m

Dear Mrs. innkbsm:—
> Vop«sl^ Oao(«m(


tweksebs, tadi
--.-..jilroubbw. Isi
iycoRd I•Dd~j^lbsbatrtfa

WbenwcoienaretrotiWedwitoirregnlsr. soppriwAnl or painfnl mrni.trus- '
tiuo. wealnicsa. leucorTbces. dUplsccment or nlcvralion of the
tbe womb, that
tanUv aoteru its enrativc bearing down feeling. iBfismim
toe ovaries,
.. backache,
oscacnr, ibloaUng
they needed sbowod her oommniid of l po’'e™t»v’C -C - L-----------fUtnlMwwl genera]
ovneraJ debility,
debllitv, Indij
rvoos prostratorn.
then In force obliging oon- years,
Teers. and toe ---------------------------------------- set with Boeb. symptoms as dimness.
vnleoclag aoMlen W do Burslng. Sbe | tost it is tbe most universallv saoeeta- (slnttiess.lassttndc, excitability, irriuinslsted
not fit for the;
tor wwmn. Uisknown to
- atne:-to-bcanclMdy. "ail gone' ao<f -« work roinirM rt Uom and rar-l The faltowtae letter, from Mrs. leftraTm'frelingv blues and bopelw
rMd toe day. Her narec* were contra-1 Holmes nod Hra. Cottclf are amooe
SriS an/trae re^Sd^Lydia E. I'm^band wom«n,.,wlio. under competent j toe My thtjtosft
hamsVvgeUblf Componnd at once redtrauon. did the wmk well, AtWr all j
a^ bar eOerU to get Ottm all, pound

^\mto Unkm sttwet hiM*% ye

6. Autistic v^ve

Thrao an dclngivo pomU

ooart room and 100 yards of cork



An electrical Ooreraor gurtknteea 10 time( as qniek as any

tbe rooovery rt bis body. It was found Tbta will be the first clty'ttijl^ couns poem toe mnsic rt wUch can

a few days after by a river cJbtsln
and try to pay such a iribute to thrust
Ig-r- for fiMvWM auu bond to eorar never be sung.
ory rt too dead actor,
dm haad on which Mr. Haasab alao
1 love to believe toat no heroic a search disclosed toe eum rt S130.SD
vns CM rt the anntlea. Both appll- saertfioe U ever lost; tou too

bands will be nady for filing.


ebaoim of aajr kind.
The.great strike at Umoges, Prance,
bas developed a inecoMOT to toe ts-

Siad krtora toe Baltimora oompanyk



tods, or eompiicfitod me-

self by some curious magisterial de-j genie was rcpreicmed at the taneral

sUcMt than speech, and whose deaib

catloas wID he retoraed at soon at aoers of men are moMed and Inspired
poMlHa Tka board rt soparrlaon
what their fatoen have done;


ooBS. eooentrioa, ttuobling


No better than the best,
But better than the rest
Try one and be convinced. We do
Repairing also.


"That tbe Q. K. ft t. B. B. be aSowed tke supplies rt toe coantry araond ;
ttarely™* tertinmny is convioefai*
Ke other medicine la tbe world has
to Mare lea bridge as U U at preeeat MempiOs wm exhaustod "Mother'
MraJ.d. Uolnws.rtI*rimos».K<i*to
rceeived such, widespread and uoqual(O'Mr as on fanner meUm ts con- BItoerdyke" bad no way to get twttef.: Dakota, writes:
fiedeadocsemeau .Vo otber medicine
has sneb a record of cures of .female
mlik pr eggs. She srsnt ap to craitrai Desribn
' 1knt U wUhln tweoly days from
■s.' _ _".I “■
' this darn toe fao. r. Ou ft Do. wU
clmr away all loga. rotated etc. from
ted rt «0 e«r. and 1.000 hmm.;
thatr mlU boom that toe rirer
Before sbe got thiwoA (he____________
kavea'tree and neob^nctad pai
a dairy «nd a bsnaqry and was petfset-, S?
totgsis anything abont ber symptosns


rt III watars ter eewerage pnrpoaei •- ------------- ferithoir products u,, torteby keeping toe river at lu
test rt toe ttM-'4be was a great fa­
aal leval ee far as tortr boom. h«s vorite with Gnat and Sherman.—Se­
ete,tsmmo«rael aad eo keep It. torn lected.

.kia?! totHJSK

Soeries rt the Fieg. '
Vkra Bnrnstd* betted the rtamijM ■». I

Mrs. Piakhart. address Is tx-nn. Mam. ber
afivlea la tree and rfteerfaUyxivcB «>
every tfiar woman wbo asks lor IL
Heradvles and medidDF have reetored

•Farmers Supply Co.
1ST-135 state St.

Traverse City


f- '■

|t«i wAiniTHuatt

«tftMTfiAvaMaMCKAt& •mUMaMyTirAy a «ml

the E ieteiM?

CASTOlilA Wfin-


Ben KBierrerTneetae OUT lu* JoMaflB Bik BMiUa *>4 IBmM ■ »wv
Stectpori'. lUr lt^T¥* .«•*»«____
DM«U» «lil> W. H. 8>n*U.
BeKtvtft vU(« kTrinri ha* ta4v m-|rT^
faaw opesed a place M Mutiwai la Ika
WlaUer bleek aad vBl ceMacta tenFor In&Btl Uld nhlMrea^.
eral palaUas
and paper
^iTTadm^ — 1' or
** the
“* Batlrei laaedtac CUM Pala:
awn kaa«la< bnsi<aad tbe MNlalai MO MIovan kare;pr^naa.
Tk« VCMil U thM iliw ««
MM acalterad tkraaM tbe Jaactaa.
peerr and tbe CMlilac
aumlT towtl tbe MWtk.
Mt «1U Joaraer to Tibeerae Cttr la;
- A.pwwbar*, Mar 1»—Tar «*»■
lUnhatl. MldL, Uv
aaiMiBs <«varu w« t» eb«sUUW Urti! laitUdcai af Bairetan ipwaahtp., apeelal tipla oert the Orand BapUt
d tadlpaa raUwar. rrtdar ercslac. cd
iam veek. the tUb taataid. iaarlac!
aBrabMlib. nlaaaM (bat heIm»M- baah uaia. dM 'H
|a( <:W ia the taoraiac. OoBmaadar
to tba esipWDr tbaiUiain• Pertr and hU teat vnt be the gaeau.
vdtebM tor biB to procMO. Aa eveaI or the asrlna to«B teat at a baaqart.
tac POISf Pr^t* 0 report tbat the a0<
iTtaeacae Otr hartag leat In fha re-|
adtal i»B autered. a narroea breakOaath at Klnpatay.
■enhera, aad the^
Jar. Blob, Mar M.-M~.,^‘
tolloand hr after-;
Bottte report
IPMaler died at 1 c'doek lodar "*?f**' “
«» place thl» laliel^ erery
7 haa ladnaaied to be
at bar
poekage oT Rcott'a EnulaloB.
Tran itmrtm TnrMw tur iniMnaa M VM
^ the I ^leaaraat or tUi Tillage, flbe learea!
d (TOM dair u o
TlBmantrUhafiahonble back
la on- tra^Marfc. and It U a

.... av>unI j;;” ’'
-1 lilac teol On lU
cuaraotiu that SeoU'a EbuIhanKb haa ha«a tbe
We SJitpwt m
la tha BWnlag. Tiaraiae CUr need
Dipmiiaria on «
alo« trin do aU that la dalnnl
aUa afesMr here. It l« trell kaoara
tor It KotWB* better lor lung,
thal>» salerad from kldaer trouble
throat or bronchial trouhlea in
Maeeahrtara iaartag Cianatadt and tbreeghInfant
EmulMad and a maKnUae baa been er; baaa fn* OadlUec.-CadUlae Kem.
o^jt'ifta bier rorata eo the tar
rdcniBeBefdtlKKteateBt Besb..LhtfArotro
tahMbed. Twodeelbthaeaoeearwd.! At tbe Haganbartc aaliaal abm atka mfttbd at Usea to aaeh an a
bniMara hAOWB to thonedkal
HlMa Cariaau aad Claim etreaatat. aad t Ann Aihor Toeedar night Ibe alAews
CbM lia had to hr carrM ahoat
other eaaaa are reported. Or.>atteoipiad a rough hooae aad a partr;
iltMahM, Bat tha Kaaaiaa «o—i
•tadhhniaair to hit poat Ifhelanoar SlepIMa ot Leland ii there attcadtag j er about led roread their var nadtr,
I the emraa or tbe aMsagerie teM. Bae;
pen Mil'll-ea tha rea at battle to glee
I pwrea or the (Krcni quiekir rtoaed Ue.
op hla cwBand the adBlmUr amid
ncaa and LOMSOrSlXlR
I aatnnec ef the nulo teat aad tbeu a;
■urglara at ba«a Ann.
rtmr* M Ii HUlc abort or a aaOodal
taeSate SifnabiK ed
LAte Aaa. MIM. Mar IS-—The aa- eqaad ot them dtore the atadmu out
■MlMilMii BoMateanakr haa proead
T Hlsi!
U he A taalu m ea orMnlaar jaad looe ot Ataa * vW traa eatarad at tha pain of revoteeri. la tbe taala
dasMbHoe U lek that ha via ahoa aone tMia iaat night aad ahoet tS ual a om-d of
«aa takau ftpui the caah ruglaiee aad „ loafa the- pertorBCaa. hut the an-' wrote, aaklag who afae wa». Ob Item .
Bouaeer atated that anr diatnrtence i lag be aeal a lender mlaalTr cn.ibr
BhODld BnJaateaMkr he eaapMled tbe aM nM^ea. Both tba each regM MKTa the «aat Me eonoiaad arm dr Mer aad tbe alet naMlne were ttrokea would t«UI to endaager the Hie o(: ortgtaal. arho raaponded W a apirii ot >
aad II looka Bare like a piece o( airfte wboerqr wu eaklMlalg the wild anl-; fua. Then IKUe £Ba Cupld got lb hi. ;
aad after that there areia no. work and tbe girl eaa» tight oa to
track thaa lOhherr. A pair aC gtorea
have heea tonad whieb Bar aerre ai
afteraoeu aad atlllaed their eoaatr h<«M aad three dare later Uey were I
afi. Mar
oewtad OM tanaa aad artll pa
fair ataau U eaUlag wtcaHoa to UelmaiTled.
Alera Owtlnw Killed.
a aaertt aa a»J arairt thaa< ta.«
! Appareaily aa oil rein bae beeo acManila. Mag lA—Pale, the oaUaw rarloiu attialUona.
Bad Laer Maper. ettarear aail . Mure flhMt whu but been puraued tor
FbarfBanuiaudaBihableasUelo-irideauUr Upped by (be well oT Ui-,
ter aamBer eMtaget. shaatad { Mineral baU houae at Pmi Horoa.:
jtha Iaat two weafca oa thu lataBd cd
tieu tbh memlag after aTV. u .^iJQlohrtioefauadarcoaiBifldef Qeu. ta BM Baaa lake. Lake eoeaty. MkhK | The tauU houae bad been doted
*. .lUBBard kPaod. hBaJhaaa klBed. Ulc ^ are abortly to be ogaaed tor art- aeraai weeka and
"Itow aurelTing toOowan era being dcBCBt at the gereroBaut laad aMca |«entlr
'trailed br tha Mope. AtthehagM- at Maraoette. AppHcatloof tor eutry trader at the^otel Harrington, camr ,
A^ <C the uprtBtag Pale waa Mpocted ot the lands win be receired on and ». tbe flm euateaer, Ue puai<!
. ,
: brought torU nlmoat -pure crude pohave A followiBc ef *]« wen eimied after Jane IS.
B. Beet ed whoa harp bean kUled.
. Thar* la mUe prebMIlftr af aep OPP*boll team ia tbe eariy-*T0a In Oak-' Bceeuab Inalsted <b getUag bit baUaMMa. hauBW. end Paerr ena oiue
laad and Llrtagtiou eoaatlet bai Jan .ad Ucn he was aorry, as It tod: Ue
carM TUfurda rtw atrtha m a IhMi^
touad in AlHscM's Jewebr More {attendants two boura to get Uc
For flhr I
prfhapuat. ktaduitlM ppaaaidatrika
So-, ot tto old M.U. ; oo, « u. .U. -d b-r Tb.

baeua. April a Iaat. tha taamatara have
lunu Who were tans la the earty days the oil fled apread aad tbe putnpln* tuiroarid «i:~ro.d y rota»priai.prroro»
Of«f«S25 a^52£i
MM ia wagaa MM.M0 and tha am- there waa a hearr tan ot hallalODca or Ua natlooal game rwnaBbered Uecontinued. The pr^^rtnorr
pluraim aathnate tha abrinkaga la bee- AMrtr aa large aa Mckorr aeta at trophy and Insatuted Ue aenitJi which the baU hanae will at pace seek to dc {S—«»g.“aav^
u.Tra^Si Ctly.llleb- MW
bWH aad rmHread aamIngB and ether FlMt. Maar oallari w«a flooded oa teeuned In lu dlecorery. BaU to Ue; *ekip the flad. which U now enlauat-d ’ rod u»»t
iw.atrart. A eow gimMag oa a
Baa« at naarir MOMWeB.
Uringaton : at ihtny barrela a t^ay
• CaUeago. Mw ».—lAal night after eaoani lot la Oak Park aabdlelalan wsi eomtj man. now forgotten, put up tbr ;
acomoblU h. lAMaatlr
MtUBdad ooutaeaeaa betareaa the
gold toll as ariropht to be tottleU for
bean of
raatdlag la the rleUltr were by laaias fttn tbe two eouatlca. .» , aouaty Mr. and Mn. Joseph Oognall'' u*'
MMb w the anan. the loUowlAg b
aUgbtlr aboMed. After tha atom tner- ward Ua end ot Ua auaau MlUard .jro„ , 1 OMsmoblle ranalioatfroin ' ~
. BM AAAeaoad hr the enpiapen
eadMUdA. wA wUh t^ enieptloA of ebaM on SaglBAw atraal tat heir* bad Ue ball, then the Pontiae team
wlUT their aaow aheteli and rteaaed want to Mnfurt for Ua biggaat game
Mat niattBg to theea^aai drtrer
their walka. It It thoagbt that tha of Ue Buriro and attar a bard straggle I
hall dlddamga to buda oa trait ueea. wiu the Milford Giants wraeted tbe I a fe« b
NrtUa VOaoe. aged M. alipped awar prise troB UeB. Pnotiae was nercr
treui (ha eoaatr houae. two bBm froB iMdad after thoL The baU i
. Many of Ue Inhabitant*
atargla at alght aiM neat Boralag aroa Band aa a trophy la tba Oakland;^ Uundorainick
- -eatnick at the flrat
drat slgbi-----------------------------------slgbi SpwnMi
M Madged la tha poHer at the open ftmad at Sramoa. toaruia BUaa awar. mmatylaagmUUmiuner. Only t-o ^ an auto and tbe machine cres.^l
She Mid aba bad walked Ue aatlra member, ot the old rtoortoas team rc^
^ locomotlre.
V. ‘S,; cSSi TS,
dirtaaea aai) aaU Ue weat awar to gat maln la Pontiac. Dan Dowling, who
„ wa,t.HSS^'
plared trot bane, and Michael OrtMn.,
^ t„ng«k.l for neat yroi '
tba cBBpulaa o( tha tortoUnra o< their
uW by sasd inonooBBHtee waa unable lo flad uoartera .eeoad baae. now of New
poetUoaa when ther atraefc.
M bU u tto staaau a.
That'all doalraUa aoo-oaloa
bacaaoB Ue Arhalter Teteto had on-1 Ballard.
Mn be rrtalaad. aad that no dlu
gagad ail at Ue accocBmoJaUon torlkuown: Florence Bartiour.
tetlfB than ha pracUced ac
waU. OwacqucnUrUemu-iaeld. pro(aaaoroaturalacienee ,atUr'~,^^______
HMoa Baa ia tUlug Ua noaadaa.
- : 8-u Somu «b».. Yp-toU, Obu.
are that sen who hare baoi guUtr ot WU. .m „ to AU A—.,
Mm»MBi daring the atrika Mali not
Foraial dedtoalorr eaerctoca will be Walter, right Add. Chicago: August
be amplorad.
baM to Ue new federal buIMtog
Thao* t«u were eoBTered to the Orand Haren Mar M- Aa eSOrt -wni j catcher, bolh at Sault Sie. Marie,
BiBbar ot tba taanaatm' enacatlva be Bade lo haTi- aBoug Ue apukcri; aamn ot Uc plarera
WUItom Aldro Smith I ikmawerotoand written OB ibctolU
eoBBftteo at an earir boar raaU
in-nor h.»» ihiY.-hWT. aotw* u fir^by i, *,10
m«rtero>awralng A proteat waa Bade ngmlaat
ecu maheu and Town-' A oue-pouad toby girl bora to Ur
.d and Soreraor Waraer. A bmnqari 1 wUc ct Joaeph Melretcia et Turner
fwlll be aerred to Ue ereMng
par eept of tha eapiaai drirara ahould Cuttorbugaa.
of Jorro. A. O- 1 »OB.
The rnnsiant. whirr and click of mill killed by a Grand Trunk yard engine “*'',"®ttroeT
------ —.......................
)w takw >aek. tbe Banagcri ot Ue
The grmy-halred taUer ot Btmer
Mn«k bis bakery wagon on a m to
-o «■'
-- “*7 p~t-.m.A
^ ugwnrr.
oaBpaatba to pick Ua «ra. Tha ex- OUn. an Awtto towmUlp. Heeoata -----.a----- --- .fc. -.1. -h»,. Wsb b.j
pi«B eof^an lea did BOi recede.
how aerrtog a Uiriy days' ^^o^ d-rTe lame. Monlt^
amlenoe to the eounir Ml tw aaaanUTrouble In Raaaia.
Waraaw. Mar IS.—Two poUea todar IW his Btepmatber, aakad of Joatke
Powdcrly, formerly grand a
BeaiMU to be alkiwto to aerw Ue reA romance which bad It. loc^lon
ioc«^«loa Irt
icr ot
of the Knights at
of Labor.
Labor, Ito s
su|o««AO* nALB-iw«it to. i—
BalndcrorhlSBOB'aaeBteuee. lie said
young man's tnlltog to lore with speoU to the swltcbmen's conteotlon 1
thalr BuapleMas. la trrtag to arcM he Beaded his aoa, a big. siroog fellow,; to Uotograph at n girl wboB he had ................................................................■'
■' ■'d’T.iVro
raid tbat If
tha oMewi Ua aaa tolleBd a hdim to do Ua ploarlag-Uat he hlSBaelf. Ue pa
bad Mraaat brokan hto back at Ueluarer
whloh had baea eawcaaled In hla work.
But ua JasUc* told him hla ra- rlage tH- Eniott Lorering of Phtladri '*ke ^y from tbeir oppc,a«.« t
paUat exploded. The woUIngauU quaat waa lapoaalMa to grant and he] phto to Hlaa Boon Crammell of
nrmgart weapon-tbe charge
•two dapoUai aad a Jew who haipaaM maat return to Ua farm and gat aloug ! n>ouL -'Lorartag had corraapooded “toa labor Is afraid of Uc respr
U be paaelag were Wown tatoTragUe hett ha eouM.
J wfth onoUer girl, who aent
dtaua. U la heUered tha
wma irtag la wait wtU the boBb tor
Lorertag'a bean gave aa Uttog poaaibir for Ue Panama .
tioad In Ue (
the gDTemor geaaral.
Moaaatir. Tnrkar. Mar IS.—Aa ea- that palrolmcp .racenUy 1

The Kind Yon Have
Alviays Bon^
Bears the

for ;e«r PMKllMi

2?,‘7tT::3jr?u‘is,rrirrL'*~ .

For Over
Thirty Years

sm 4 MWE.




PERE Marquette




nSi.'Ms.s {'u'isla.'s





. ploakB of
deaU of teu peraoaa. Tha auUeBeat
ponce tangle. Ommlaakmcr
ot Ue bcub Urowtv hai bean lacraaead br Ua dtacorerr ot Urea oa- Ihltog- wboae^ofllto was declared vmeiploded boBba la Uaeltr. KaBeroaa cant by tbe eonncll Tueaday 00 the
not qaalltylng. has Bled hU
arraata hare bean
oaU and wUl flgbt
Taylor rare Uc eondaet ot eettata dr- Spriagfleld. O. Hay IS.—Hn. Daytd ba fully Inreatlgs- '
if prerad the oBendcFi will
Klaar ft Uls efty haa baea |
paaaloa ot M per boaU. bat wlU am Blsaad.
Alma conege atadents
faagta to draw it until twelye yeara
trw dale. This unnsral raltag Is dua Wright hall Tmcaiday ewratog
to Ua tact Uint aba draw a penstoa ried away iba dlntog room allycrwmre
Ue clipper at Ue bclL Tbe 1»
tor twtira yeara on Ue praaohutloc
Obi bar hmUand. Darld Kiiar. wu. atndanu who board in the hall breakfliad. He rac^Uy died here alUri*»«e«l ««lx «« eoBea fad toast, but
halBg toeoght home MU from a Dea- <b( ...............................
rar. Oohx. haapltal.
or a toweler caUI tbe s
Bouraad as dead tor t«
daeMc to raura that bd^ggiag te Ue ^
yton. Boat af whkh time
the ItoU hUss In
t a rata aearU fv
BIU. a brae blaU bear which has- '
tertertaad Ue tarmen to leweri
Saalt Sta. Marta. MIU. May IS.gee tale eouatr. araund Oraad and |
LMglakro. tor the past tra yean, was, .
. Henry UaroUe was shot nnd idJIod b> caplared to a trap by two sbeep berd- J
' Oowga Scut, a toraaaa to a honbar an, Henry Waraer and AtUar Cook,, ^

C5«r; S’—Y^crt


ss^.ri-rsisr.'a.'iys &

2K "S5'i.S';.S:Y'T -.-ssrs: S”RSi^'S“i!£'5

Windmills Sold oodor verj- best Sta2ii;„Sa:Jn.,t,a'IKai'S SSKSSfS
piA^ntee-ioth Mill ond Tower.
Every farmer knows the
wood wheel windmill;
it ___ w«*i»na#«Y>«
last longer .than any other windraiU made. We also sell Pumps. £5'.^^''“"
Pipe, Fittings and -Tanks.


•toteento a

lieand It?
W«r mell Haidwaie.-all kinds of Finn Ha-:
I. WA|tona. Bin;Kiel. ai>d HhnMBO.




4 the ; deal, bst ta tbe qaletcst of ways, wltb
'>; bb'W a UUle ■
dtnD Md biucM •iBooda.l
ta ^
cap cakes alsa!
sbcasdbread tatonll ngaatea.
la a»T VMLT ptta.-wlUi a Wi c<,
to tbe depth or eae- <
ettroB or a whole ant aeat proued tal
ii«unrtmof:glatb. Bpnad. wltb eofi there ypa aa a poor UtUe mesial .
oTeach. Or bahedhe batter
batter and brawa la the oveSL Baapaelwboa wary aoai Is tasad tato the
ta a flat sbeet. aboet haU as iwA thick
spinach to fteecast aort of rabeUloa
before baUac. aad wbea eoM cat tom
taste, add a Uttto butnr. and flU Inio -dreseed Ilka a Art." ■* be earns op
saan dlasoeda. sqaarea or disks with
, a eookj cotter. Brush orer the eat i
DarbiB the eaalas weM a atria of wattoMal radpes will he,.«»»aa la tbe eases. OamlA wltb a slice of hard I bis* fsney skits with acan.
safl■Ida wUk white of eg bataallshtlj! this dspirtiwtnt. cantribated by Oraad Trsata bsuiilrsaaw. T»*a red------------------- —
wltb two tauapooafals of sosar axul pea. eevering a wide raafe ef.dalatla. aa all given a ar^taaUy aasd in the
“A Maa af tofnaam'
j for top caata. Whk bolk aiw wora tha
asWe for several boars. «p tai variea cawatria Irem wMdi they went breitgM by the eeatribOeca. or by
Atxkla lime <g tbe vaar ytotme pro-- tat sailor eapa of mataftol to aaUh.
1. and thaa vrtw try than
hotvrt laag tinted a deikPU abadA their reletivw and friends ta the eewilrtos
vM« food.'aedWhe and wale la most or the Ugbt Wt or strww kato wlth roUsad daeorate wlta nets, flerre wttb! amy ba daarsd that they ara tbe real •'thing,
palaiabta form. Tbe feOowtag reripa. tag brlas. ad bands of talS ittbaa or
es or tea.
ye Bake a Oeaaa.
i toa until they are acarly done, but ^
The cake mUtore stay >e oaed for|
i, ^Ven as It wooU be:for the last two or three mlauta let''"' cookiac sprtag greeas give a va- leaiber.
For beet eatu. Uia same atyto'la
fruit puffs to he served b« fm- da
y Ireland, where bake oveas are' them boll rapidly. When they are tea-, view of aetboto for aervlBg ibea de^good, the'daierlal aaktag the dONr
Pat a tableanoafnl Into b«'-; mui used as In tbe days of oar grand der quite thrrmtb. which maybe Uetawedlbla;
Blop serge end nntatal e
tered cops, add s few spoeafuls
.In thU eouatry a bahJDg(koowa by probing them with a fork.]
treaborprearvedberrtas. paohaor:^,jj,_
u passible, would be ‘ poor all the water from them laaedl- tbe aarket. Daadelkae any be had: linen give ptaee to white, yltk perhaps
aprlcou; add aaother tableapoonfol of ^
^ y,, aistapaa lb‘ forthepkUag. Boifa are eery hcaUb-';a sea^ tie.
bauer and steam in a etaaety covered j pmee a quart of Valeria a bake <nec allow tbe steam to eaeape. and place ful at Uiis sosai of tbe ysar. aad ibc' UiUe gtrls' coats are an leag-tbat

for ooe hoar. Serve wiui;^^^
^ medloa slxed oaioe sliced.|them
tma trivm. high over ibe Bre.a boosekeeper would do well to artaage to. they are eltbce esaetly tka taagth
that they appear abnemt dally Ppoa the; of tbe drea, or JuM a'


^ ^ Tbere is a quality in Royal
a, : Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and they accord­
ingly endorse and refcommend it.

CMdam b tmf Tnwm aoB»seB
HUO. '

with nay preferred BUlag.
Chocolate nillBgr—Soften tbra
poaeiWe. eliher in a bot napkin or ta a
Dandeitans' a 1a Creme.—Pick tkei Una trimmlium-deep eoOaia aad
■qnaiea of eboeedate over bot water:
|„ ,neb dish,' ta which tbe cover la so placed
and add a cutanl ta sugar, a table-atntsres and lay atouad that the steam can pass off. There toaven from t
B beavy cetug m a Bacpoostful
be no delay ta serving them toed water; Take them up by tbe.e
noTAi ason eoa«eif eo- new vosk.
milk. BoU for littea mtania over bot •
they are once taken off the baadfol. dripplag wet. and pot. with! tohtag—are wore by aloe oat ta tea
eater, stirring occaslonafly. Remove! ^
faulUe. always prefer no oibcr water, tato the inner veoael ^ yooitotaara. and make tba frasbeot.
to the kprere ^Ulo
from the Bre. add a leaspooafal ta van-;
oorertog U with the coals.-them served In Uttar skins. Soma
Ula and stir until thick enough to
mesdqy for ibieo ^rs nad It I kinds will be en«cl«ay bailed ta tie with bolltag water: cover the taaer oaU.
spread. Pul between taywa snd on top
enough for a Chrlsunas twenty mtanics. others ta not Iras ebmeb. and cotat test for ha» an boor. ■ Tkea eoitora and coSa by tba way.
Rab tb« itwvc* ibrongfa a vegeUMe | are eaatly taadA anil eltber a good safe
ta cake.
' dinner.
than three-quarters ta an hoar.
prcM dr a culander into a saucepan; | plT AooM be bad or they aheoU nta
Apple FUltag—Grate tTO large ap-:
. '
beat ta aiabiespoatal ta buuer, a ta-l be tadulgA ta at all. fur la tbtdr freakpies, add tbe grated ttad and Juice of•
n.*.i« «w
; apoodtal of .ogar. salt and pepper to! nen It tbeir d
letntai and one capful ta sugar-j
trtsh Stew.
otatm bww.
I Juke, i Up to Bvo yewi old. an aects ta anti
Ptacc over hot Wtacr mad'cook for flve
TAte cold boiled beef, at ta .«*l!; Take two pound, of so^l. thick
: He would hare clveo us a lancer aop- mlDotca after It begtaa to boll; Ba:, pieces cover wlfh cold water, boll, mtutan cutleu with or wliboni fat. aad. nt t • tost, t
! One Prayer.
oonfnlt! ape and bcBaeU ai^ panatoalblA bqt
i ply of bands.
ta bot cream to wblcb.has bca added after her flftb birthday
... whltasta two eggs toa stlb froth.'until like brotla then add chopped!
j “ItJ>,aasy enoo«h to be aiast
anmnd tbe little girl asndllr gradaaies
poor them over the bot apple mixture i onions. potatoca.'siiia]l piece
with will to tan where the suet
slowlr baUng all the lime Beat uu-' season te taste, ibleken to kull,
“ke also four pounds ta good potatoes, bot over tbe Bre. (urn oat tato a beat talo stiff batA (Hausad with grot
• ; steadily and s>-stemaUeally. wl^out til ps^y cool; spread between layer.
ed dish, garnish with sippets of fried bows ta rlbboaor an occaskmal qalll,
trarii ’

earrylBK the BwrroW# bnrdeb of work, nd a W
At tbe ein of By workshop door.
brad and serve.
with the exquisite new Jlagerie bats
Irlta. petatoes.
I"! •
yea will be aniprtsed to aec at aifht
as tbe exoepUca.
Not F11ltog-®oH two cnpftil. ta rug- i Wash and boll potatoes with jackeu; h • tUt tayer tato a iai*A^ sauce
Aforetlae t prayed v prayer
as TOO look hack orer tbe dar. how ar aad one cupful ta water, wltboni I oo, add salt to water.
: ^ O'- stewpa^sosoT^e^ wash and boll ta bot oalied.. water. ] White Aboa aad stoAlnsi are man
y«r tba Starr aM tab cf aanh.
BtMb hu been aceoDptUtaed. aad wltb
Drain when lender, nop and soi^ with while dressm. wberavar pesAUs:
Bat pew aiwra wlsa and with opeaed half tba aualB. aeotal wad pkytieal.
water wfll form a soft ball wba gatb-,
______ ________
<»“ ">'• Ptaaioe.; cover it with another with sail, pepper, batter and a table and tan shoes and otoekiags qre tba
of roar former aetbod.
ered betWea thy flagtaA
^ I
IrlH, BolUd PtAtaoea
Ittyer. nnd proceed ta the same ^ner spounfui of vinegar or tbe Juice ta baff ■, beet for the hard wsar of ptoy, aad
-nicai. when yon to to yoor wella lemon. Sevre bot.
\ are wore era by the Ilttieet tou.
Ba. Ute white, ta two e&s.un.i:: PotaUms. to boll well ‘tatetaer ..
oned Dicht's reu. -CeBialt thy war
Dandeltan Salsd.—Ftck tbe young
Some stunning dr........are mada ta
sUff. Pour hot syrup over them ta a ; should be ffll ta the same sort and as, ”***'‘'
Boto tbe lord,' and yea wlU wake
Olve Ba tay work to do,
fine «ro«. baling all tbe time, cen-1 „..rly equta In si» a. may-bc. Wash! 'j;;* - * ^
^ *"' tender lava ta tbe dandeUa. wash btoderie AaAalse—Just tbe slngte eyefreebad la tbe aornlas, with a nlad
and toy Jt lee water for half an boor.' let Tepaied at wide Intervato. wkhta
And paaea of the taak waO dcaa;
Drain, slake dry aad pol tUll drier Jie-; to so effectlTe.
Tooth of tba ^prlag and tts MoapoB- rotdd and re^ to order tbe day's spoonful ta rantUa extract. Spread .clean with a hard brush, hut nellber
“'*• *'*
ddtiM arlcfat’;
tween the folds ta a napUB. Tare tato I Bot whaieavr tbe material, let yoar
betwea layere and «. top. Each lajcr, «oop nof apply . kmtfo to them ta u>y
J^7 ,,7-,
chilled bowL cover with a French {trimming be ta ibe olmplaat; aad make
Asd tba Ught cd tbe mo^ aad snp.
U sprinkled with blantatad almond, or way. even to clear tbe eya. Rina: '*‘®
Ood broke oor years to boon sad days. shelled walants. cot smalL Decorete ui^ well and arrange them compact-!
droilng. ton tbe greoa ever and : ereryGilnc with aa eye ta toondettog.
Plaaasre of UtUadblafs
That boar by boar,
over ta tbto. and aand at tma to tbe' -Gkteago Recotd-Hereld. •
the top wUh wbtae nut moats.
t, tala aaueepan. so thii they may not *
nat paver may pal) or aad.
Aad dar br day.
Mocha Fllltag-Beal two tableepoon-i its loose ta the water, and that a small
Aad tat la ax/ bold so leaeer told
Joet lolat OB a Utile way
MeM Wtaam
tatotabuttar to aeream. add gradual-!quantity may anOce to cover ikea
r “Sptaaek 8atod.-&on splnatai and,
Thaa tbe boaeet baad of a frtsBd.
Wa aUcbt be able' all atou
m enptal ta powdered sugar. Best | Pour this ta cold, snd when It bolls. «®r «he tall quantity Itare. bul tar hslf soooa with batter, pepsr. aalt and' The Mahreui woman, ta wegiare toTo keep qalte sueox.
lemoB Joke, and press into aballow i dm. bare tbe repatatkm ta btaaff medal
' lot aa tbctat is Oma

smopth cream and add gradually throw ta about a large
Sbtrald all' tba welgts of Ufa
have eotved tbe probtea
PtoDr <d dcaaa that t had:
Jl of cMcnec ta ctafee.' .an to tbe quart and simmer tbe poia
possible. Just before serrtag. Biimold. o< dodeetlc paoA
Otre aa ay abara cf a worM tnos t Ba laid aerea oar akoaMcrs aad tbe —New IdCA
hollow oat little round Aaea ta tb- ' There are tbiwa thtags la the worM
futar* rUa
oranges will often li-mpt an taralld's several cold waterd. lifting U from tbe
Latae wort! aad batlad.
I With woe aad atractfe. aieet ns taoe
eater of earA' and flil with maytr ' that they hare tbiagbi for. Beeansa
Invalid Cookery.
taste: Take a plot nf i.ningi- Juice an:l water earb lime Instead ta pouring the
to face at Just ooe place.
nalse. Gsrelsb the Individual satod of thls nccsissrlly almnle life, they
Woma tbe world over sre beginning a
j quarter of agu;i of sau-r. Mul.ic-n a water off It. Add at least half a c
[We eoold not to:
plates with sratercresses and. eggifind themstarca looked upoa as ideal
o roaltoe the crea
lAltietat®®® ®t
'® the flrst Water, and
^ Oar fat would stop, usd m
dm ramiataa acoremg lo nygiaic
orange Juice nnd sugar I the spinach stand ta It few half an rings.
Ood lays a little on u every day.
rim a MahretU unman fttaks of
And never. I beUare, oa U1 tbe way
Tbat sot that tba day la t«M.
der. taralp greens. Boll onffl very ta | her baabond. 8b« wonfetpa Mm. Ha
lll-e - •»!.
ujfSTil ...II 1,1 Ul ua«. l.«:u. T«...
Will bordens bear ao deep.
APd (kr task U aUU aadcae.
ta bar god. her prteat. bar reflgWa.
ooe must Study food valum and sup-;.
. .
- .... --------Is
Twas not tklae. It seems, at oil:
Or pathways Ue to ataep.
a simide ■nold'and wba toroed oat on
Saeond, she iaes ber AildrsB.
Bat wa can fo If. by God's power.
Bor (o tkM It t^aaaad to faU.
‘niltd, she uia intsrast ^>er Jewgotag to prove tlssne and oerre
served with the b^o long. Very little water should be used a plMler dress wltb pepper eaooe and
We only bear the bnrdea of the boor. are
Ooe aoiBik to at4r tky brata,
garnbh with
hard cooked espsTo
------------------------—. Tojelry.
buUdcTA Pnnientorty
• an egg Is palitable. and lar- in
B. It for. If s large quaarity
^ when disease
„ white ta
pc Kliatle. come upon any member
Aad t eras tky bean ta vain.
)he pepper auce. soak small red, ‘Hiea three and no moTA This to
ta the Umlly.
digestion is m.
be drained, from It, the potaab
■Mawbareln aaook IbriorB,
peppers ta bot vinegar, cool and bottle. 1 berdtfA No wtadar she to aaffletontiy
the diet be carefully studied and,

Its most vsliiable constltuenis
TataMay a baba was bon;
A friend ta Home Cheer has always amiable to be called Idol
planned. In every bospilal nowadays
A Variable Cake Raipe.
those who arc r^vslcsclng frt>m tevei may lie lust A peck ■uar l-o safely declared the most dellcloas greens pf
Ba aball do tky wUUat taskt
TUa redpe aakm a tood cake, not there Is a diet kitchen under the per-;
cooked with Ibf addition of only
All thy kswuops be sbaU aA.
sH to be tbe young trends of tbe
-JO aeqiennive for. everyday eons amp- BOnal anpervlalon ta a trained toacber > Fresh bread should s
That Bey oT^filiiL'
be given' tablospoonfni or (wo cf water, taking
Aad tba answsra win be tlraa.
moo oarse “brake" which g
Uoo. and yet dainty enootb tor tuesU. of taralld tcokery. but aa
Wa ebapetoo otic girls and carsCoUy
‘®-1 »ben the digestion Is Impaired. Bread catr that It cooks ten'slawly.
WMgarUt UtMy out of ketvaa.
abnodanUy In the woo^ on tbe pata- guard them a^ast nswenby boyA'
'» their own families:
The method U to make a layer and valldi
ma ahpQ ba no naabltnc feat.
tulA Not ibe fern tops, bot tbe reg­ bot. we toave tbe boy to cbooae for
a loaf cake from the same mlsinre.
ruUac wbara tb«r ibonld ba Heat Urns prodndnx two good eaka tn tbe
ular brnkea She gathers them before htmaelf bis aaaoctotes and btoMbtovm .
Baabail beM ao broken cine:
tbe "fiddle tops" nnrolL and cooka mats.
dae and effort required for aiflnt edwioa of every h^wlfe.
Iooghly in a double boiler.
long cooking wastes both the bulk
Fiiaoda Aall onto hia be trnai
them as sbe would any greens, and
oae. The ake U moist, keepe wen for
Of tote yoia people are beginning ^ ^
can bo nourisl^cnt of the dish.
Girls are aauraUy walwmA BMrtto.
Man ahaU leva bln: talsahoodW aln eoTcrml days and has a fine. doK
her family and friends are dellgfated companionable. They via . tbeir way
Shan Bot abstter bU food aaae.
tiala. Follow the direeUoas orv'illy. nblnrmllahaa.aDdauribuieleas^ue,^j_^
sploaek U cooking, or iu green with the reynlL
But the boy.
Say SbaU nerve Us ara with litkt.
nsiax a balf-ptnt cup for meaartnf.
voa, to tatritThis
etaabar aeoUa hia all tbe alKbt:
g tbe beat grabs, and aUll s
Cream bait a eopCol. of buiter and out paper die. the doctor is in a great „
^ dls«,lved in a vecy^ warm
ts and fetal none too
Saaaar'a pwa aad winter's storm add tradaally ime eopfnl of ftae ti*»°other advises her friends to try the „„cb at bm to hU o
HalpUa all kb wUI parfora..
door that swings
lated sotar. Thts pnaaeet « tender, skltaam a rtgito^aslve diet, or «|®i gber with a dull knife. Pulling It In a greatly assist In presenlng 1U color despised “plg wred.” which to one ol
, tU aooatk of >07 for tba
^ ^ta boy, abe«t'
dtilcpie cake. ,Oaarae tranalate
food .tan, to tbe best mediae Uqnid, ^
^ the most common weeds ta garden «»d
ais Ugh aarvteBto toraaa.
field. Sorrel Is also said to Bake a de-,
»a.» ^ tbovod nsor tha
ar will five a very coarse«ralnod cake. iWx alaoahonld be given 1. all
let. it come to the boning point, the following
liciou, satod. .
i fire etawctally tor tbe boy, abogt tbe
dl^Uo^TlX’ll^Tn ay ^rslnre
breamed Spinach-Wash the spinThere seem, to be an miUmlted field: c,
ba to n« ta a cor
.ru^x- .!u ■
^firr this It should be carecarefully ss directed, ind cook Id for the ixporimater In gret-os. If;qm] greeting—is wbefa ba aobt not .
• What to tba work 11
.ns In
.niM rnoT^re U!
• very lltVe .ater nolll tender. Drali, there sre any wbo have made furiher
When the batter and wear are well


ling paper alt the fsi should be rv chop fine, seasun to laMe. and return
Udng. to Ibe
plac• Baike I lift a aaik apon tba way.
moved, it is then lo season ano ,□ ,he fire. Stir in two tabU-spoonfuls
In g long continued sickness the
Ch.H-r woultf be glad to hear from
to gat. a boy-tb gat »
tat tbe whlta in aaother bowk
• A kiadly word, or a ekaaty amile'
,„f i,u„cr »n,i i»o isb!<-si>oonfuls of
Stroglb mu*t be kept up by svBrient:
Beat tbe sntar. batter and yolks
•That bas lletarad la abaa bean
When an egg lemonade Is desired. It cream. Sen.ho.
ltd wUl mixed and creamy, add an nourishment, and. It to of tbi- utmost can be well prepared by tfio following

Spinach r.itr—Cook Ibe s^lnaclwa*
other capful <K entar and beat again Importance to give food whicb to dt- rule. Bat oae egg
Fatailens Fee Childrcm
! he will kare it. Tou can't cbala him
• Btralibteaed a path or a areoked
thick, and' descrlBed al»iv<-, drain, cboii It very
Stir ta tbe flaveriat. altker two spoon gesUble. palatable, ta the right I"*®-'..,,
F^too and comtn-in sente hare away ftwm U. He wanu Ibe compon•
of sugar. I fine, and beat in a isblespoonful of
- .kl*
rub of any flavortag extiaet or ibc
agreed over styles for children tbto j lOBshlp ta boyA and aotblng wUI take
• tichuacd Um wttifct of a weaiy
pepper to lasu-: |
the right lime,
iu iHnee.

’' Non add the Juice of half a l<
Or. try a blendtag of llavors. a rale ab Invalid sboold at five or ‘ beat it agaaln. Lastly one ru;
sJthoueb fasbloD demands, U tbe rime of saldstaMm has M in• lato tba akadew «t aome^obaY'
si acb of n
ranUla aad tarn- limea a day. lasiead ta depenillng ’' when tbe beating should Iw repeated
that ibo rut of thing, moat be eased year hart that tbe Joys and

teaspoonon. aildtag. tt deafred. bi
lust so. tl ool) the .-toboraie Ideas ta hopes ta yoor boy eannot eoUr tato It.,
• Bast arra a ttoy ray of n^j?
fe-en manj trained anrres sre Ignor- . , ,,
st.By .hipped .hlic* r
fui of almoBd.
irimmlng sre nmlti-d.
tbe bey to to b<- idtied. bta eo sre ym.
^±7 ^ci^^
' “■^roughly and q«irJ;iy.
Beal tbe wUia of tbe pggs to a sUB am' ta the fact that ta caees of »‘®k-:
RuOes and sasbee and frills tbe —Hllwaokee JoornaL
^ '**«.«'• B'cbange.
i,u,icr...i i.-a.idln,-; dish.I small girl . 'II sUays wa- more or
froth. Put four capfuls of Soar lute ;ness water 1. moreasaitolthsn tood ,
i i■
----------------------end l«kc fnr 'wenty rolnui.-s. Serve «< less. alUtough simple Unco anlu for To dean granite porn la wWek food
tbe sifter aad add ihra level tospoon- OrteaUmes a pstlent doa aot roUsc *
The HasItMul Bpineeh.
®®rc ta the di.h In which
Home peer's text this weak to fur- fnto ta’baktag powder and tme ta mU. bow moch bis recovery depends upon
I play and ■-v.-rydsy. sad simple wtaile baa burned, pnl soda aod water to the .
■tobed by a good frlafi ta this depart- New add to tbe coniau ta tbe mixing hto drinktag a suffleteBI amount of wa-; Sptascb is cUfmcd lo be the mmi reta-cd. with 'a .bit.- napkin pinned
crhal's trimmed a grai pan and let It litaL
mat who to ae of tbe boslest womra ; bowl on^cu^l of cold water and beat ter. and tbe anrae should Uko It upon rsloablc of all vrgt-iabWw m scconni n.-at!y al.>ut it If iS.- outside silver
hand This to a very
tbe writer kaowA Her work keeps | rlgoreoaly. Sift ta htaf tbe Boor grad- hersetf to supply a.snBdai quatalty ta Us msdlcinsl s^d tonic propmice dtob f‘ n..t
bar oceopied tram moraiag iMU nlta>t; oally. and add another of aM water, Ice water taioaM never be sdmlnlv It to excellent for tbe l.ver. and If fre«- ®'ve .s> m wLL-h to us.- Mt-over spin
and moch ta bar Ume la tbe erentag I the rematader ta tbe Bar. ood lastly tered. allbougb oftratlma p bit ta Icc ly ata Is said to wo»k^wopd,-rs lo *ch. T.vj cupfuls will bereqnired for
eleslring and beanUfylng the complex this
Is epat to
oat tbe morrew's I told ta it^Uy tbe ttlOy bata whites. held in tbe moatb is allowable.
Frail, aaleas It to perfectly ripe. loo. Sciatlms have proved that spinSploacb With Sags—Took the
splotasks. With it all she aerer bas
Grease Giree layer oka paOA pet
trowm Bar ereas word for any oae. and toor tablespooBfals ta the btatcr tato ■bOuM be cooked before It to offered U) seh and yolk of egg sre preponldo- sCb as for o:be- dlsbre. drain, cb.-ip
taralld. aod as a rale in aerrieg aicly richer In digestible and aaslm- fine, aad svaxon to taste. Molsteo with!
■rfWBplIthre all ehe aadsrtaka with each and ba^ ta a brisk oven flfiew
fresh fruits It to better tn extract the liable iron (bsn all tbe most renowned a thick white sauce, made in the pro-'
opeAtog of worit w a friad. sbe oold: ' To <be batter la the bowl one may JolM and give that oIma
ferragtaont dtobet. and aasnredly if a mnloo of one laMespooifuI each cf'
ofta a seHous qnatUn what tooto moat bcAaken. this to a most de- Sour and bniier to ooe ci-pfttl ta tallA:
“TsA I kaow yoB are boay. bet when add a -captnl of fioored. seeded ratotaA
Spread os small sc-mtes of i.aiiercd
poopto ask yxM abai it. «ea\ say *Ob! or ant matA For a paran cake am a to acrre for. tbe Inacbn that arc so ilghtful forai ta whk-b lo take ll.
( am boried. tamply baried with wmIl' capful ta the not mats and a ta- nseeasary to a eavaleaccot. Eggnreto
Tbe crispaess ta this vegetable tnaat. making a slight deproslm m
Soytag so makea It ao. Never affirm [ apoonfal ta etaama.'and hake ta
ABd beta tea som poll opoa tbe appe- makn It very decepUve as to the qnas- tbe center, sqnecte orer a few dro|>s
sir W. M. •TKfTi^KMS
wbo bos a list ta ealn- Uty required for cooking, tbe sbrliik- ta Icaoa Juice, nnd plate a nicely
aoeh a thlag. It dependa-atlrely up-;obloM mat ter thirty mliiutaA Fbr a
cm oeb aa ta os whether we or our | leaf eoeoaaBt cake, odd half a capful Ue* at ber command to partleutorty i age being to great thai the taexperi- poached egg on top of each. Bene all
ln«reduo<fcory ^rloo mmo
work are the master. If qaeKta(ied.iof abredded eoeoaol that bas Moked
In aach caan. try tbe tol- enca eook Icrartably prepares too Terr hot.
my Tm. l-em bosy, bot erembtag Is {baV an boar ta htaf a euptol ta milk. towing recipe from grape foam:
small an a»Mal. Fcr three pereeos. at
Splnacb Satod—The cooked spina.-!.:
poUg alaegall right.aad it will all be-Bake aakea_oatsialag trahs or note
two taideapooos ta grape Juice leoK half a peck should be prepared, should be wcH drained and chopped
done ta dor time.'
[ la a slow ovoa
tato a aberbst glaSA Wd add to it tbe SbouM any be left it will be era bet vepr fi-c. Seascr. to tasir ard marta•The ream you are Grad to beeanse! Half a eopfsista greond Aoeotole. ^By beota while of me egg. a Uttle ter tbe aeeond lime li-to served, as re- > ate with a ptoto Frach dressiiiA
yoa are trrtag to do mmbiag at ladded to tbe kaUerVrea agoodeboe- seragod tor md a very tttije powdered: peotod warming over gives a rtebneas Prem Into a.mold and ■« la a coW
gMA to j>oar mtad. pooaeataUme.'ototoakAaadaaexceUattrtattbka sn»r. Served at once, this to aatri- to sptaneb mneb saperler to Its taste piaee onGl time to sera. Tba ton
—.J ta - a -....
_____ I.
_crisp tstodec lextxmc
tba tt^igs that aeed to be doae Bret, may be prodoeed by tbe addiUm ta ai.j. ——J
g tbe Latd bad meant os to do marej Ubtoapoenfta al ebredded aoeeaaat



MmakI l*r


rs. „


IMo^af on 3^1^

The Newest Rower Song.

Micncurs leadik mme oMSt

. _
vt |
a 1

^ ^ r




mi TWO
nuvBMi OTY, «muio Ttuvimc coukty, ,iiicmi4mc tmuwoav, hay^ im.

■■Ml IWfW. tk* ImtHl "t
^ JMkpsR <HK «M • Tn?WM
CRT tmmmtrnan. m4 ck* ok)m of
ll» toil «u » atai baM for MM t4«l
•npMMMet to tb« atr' aum vbleb
k»«aMnta W aUllM M a PMM
v&M tlw MV «IM« balMiaf whkA
b»ita%a|t<n«)a>M. TheMMr*
via N tMdr tw MtM—BT IB tbiw
«•#■«■« Mr. parur «m B0T* to t»
'■iltotily. U «m be a toable gun
vttb a aioM a booto ua ahoaa u CM
Wa^araMt aad a fau atack to «n»a«lM.M
oibto. SMeial atoNi
totoa .^ittoi aaa toaar Mom to MmI
■bHitoll ware tobaa badt ta WecUyert
aatbaWe^ttoto. ,
id the lavS. W. Um hM V
fMM'babtor. atober Boraatk aad
tortoVtoil^.HevnieaadaM. .
the bate aad the Vteto atraathnaab
vaO^^aatoeto^aaea Citr ba^.
na Ola tom vlB be ratatoad vltk
toa aaaitlw to a aav baker.
OhwtM uvnaea. the ovaer. aad
tear vUl leave to aboat tea dare tor
Ttotoeto. Biltbto Oelasbk. vbere be
VtU ID «U» baatoeea Mr. Uvrewa
kM te *■>
Tneena Otto
iw * aatobar to ream aad toe I
• tone BHabtr to Meade vbo wiu be
JMU liainwiaaabtoijeafabyv ‘
btoi Maab aoBtiae to bto aey Iccau

riaaM Mato treabia to laadtog
toa prtaa oaa good abot. U It bad
baw perateaUde. wooM have laaded
tba Mtte oatdt bat M It Vm (be retog ooee taitoad their tails for
Mfer aad btoter ahoale.
Mr. Oorbeu atated (bat toe eatlre
atoool were to moacter alee aad be
oaaated tM la aIgbL The eiK was
takea to a rfg V teit etreet aad atId a large crowd.
a tte big d
baaa anrteaa Itdb CadlUae ea tbeir
aaaatol tiBto fHdar aroalBB tber vU
tad Tranrae Otr prefiarad u> glre
tte a eerdtol leeaatlaa. Aa the vlato a beated eeateat tber are eaUUed to all the food tblaae that the
Mta to Tiararae OUr teat. Na
on. eaa lire tbeai to eae e*oato(.
The eneattoe etauaittee act Moatov eeeatoc to the odtoe to t. W. Haato eaavMe (be detaiu. Aa ai^
Mcau vae eoatoeted «<ib the
little TaTera to faralih a epreU to
the Olr ote booae fw bm leat thaa
SM people, aad (be wtont eaeualttoM aM alrMdr at work to owke tbc
; a aoeUl eaeeeaa to ererr par-

btra aad tola to to be dimoawrued
BpoB toe oecariim to toe CadHte Maecabeee who expect to eoaM b«
leaK *00 abtiag br epeclal trato
Tba adtee to weleeme wSI be
gtm br Maror a. V. rrledrtck to bli
capaeStr «( major, aleo as eoaoe *
of TcaveMO atj teat. No. tn. The
ronovtog are toe eommUteee to charge

BccepUob-J. W. Baaaea. ]. W. MUUkea. John Probert. Mm Lmaager. 3.
T. 8blelda.-W. W. FalrMlId. Jacob CarKob. J«ba Helatoeh. 8. Baada. L.
teeo. a M HelgM. L a OUbart, C O.
ttrtcrtatoment-T>r. a a Mtoor. M.
a BoUar. Or. W. a Mooa. a W. Kas-

Baate-a . rraaklto Oeo. A
Hodgaa. Artbor
Paiker. Clartoee Lardie. Bd P«aM.
Jat. Parker. Oaear Pox. O. a Beodeld.
Wm. Slmoadi. CUroon HarttK Chas.
ntoB. Jtoia Whltfoto, George Bdgar^
WlUtom Neiaoa.
Daaoe Archie Poremaa, I» H.
kgleua. Ntoaoa Oorej.
Parade-Oeorge Edgar. Joha Xtog.

Uato aad eooetted to tba ball to TrarBTM atr taat. No. ni. Praa there a
parade wOl be torwad aad tocethcr
Baaaea Thandaj eraatog at I o'clock.
Vito TraTarea CSty Maeeabeea toe
vbola erovd vill Barcb to (be Otr
■ad to Traek Moot,
I boaea vbera aa aalerable eaA ter freai Gteae aoaatottof to
Hneat vUi be dm to addlttaa rwm Moadark Raeord.
Mrt. A U tenlaaa, lira. Cbartae
gatardar areatog at 0:1t (be excarBaitoac, tore. Mataberf aad tve bora
ate (tala from Baet Jotoaa palled oat
arrtrad to the dtr
to (be atr otea booM a daaee will be to toa Para bUrotete rards tram tots
ea tte Mtoaoari, ttoath tbeir daattoagtroB to roTMteia^btoL To. tooM dtr bMrIag with h toe cap whte
tiM at the titoa to leartog Ch)te> vH
who dealro to daaoe eartler to toe oVerM bj toe teal High otomol for
toe MatotoM. vte tbar atpaawd to
eroatog there wOI be glrea opponalcr, the wtaalag team to toe totar-Higb
M toe daaetog wlU hegta earir. ItU echooi meet btod here gatardar
rtoaaaa tatarmed toe partr at toe eipeeted IbM toa aotger wUl begla Homer Maddoek to Dost Jordan woa
Obtaago deek that be had
aboat't o’oloefc. the program to Mlov toa meat for hit team, taking three
to dtoktoarto oa tlie tolaad bat toar
Good maak wlU be •rau whte eouatad dttaM potoU to
eliatii tba Mp Mid OB arrtrtof av
fwaltoed aad piomtoeot apeabart fam to teat Jordan.
Ua tatoad the aotUbfatkia «m ftrea
At toe opeatog to toe afteraooa
from OadUte aad Traveree Otr wUl
toato to to# atrtet «
deHvar abort addreeoae, ne teal eeeste it waa platoir seen that Travtod aad ao oaa vaa alloved to toad.
gtie to too Cad- OTM atr won oat to It. Captala Hodge
Ike Mtoeoari bfoMbt toa paiir to tbia
Ute Mawabeee faltr M eordlal a re- vat oreivoiked aad took oalr third
totr aad Xoatop aoralac Kn- Bea^ oaoUto'M toat gtrea too Trai
to tba laala to both bcrdle raeee
to«M ratmed to Cktoaao via toe
while be woa both prelimtoarr 1
. anlr ^Ma Muteto, vhUe tte ra- CMr MarwaheM to OadUte toat not- •ad was oaaUa to aaur la tba tSOWhlto toero bM alwaja boM a apirit
■alte sMtoM to tba padr datodad
datoi cr Abe rtoar raoe. both to
toatroag rtvain' botweaa toaM laata
•a tmto aarti a IMtto laa«to.' Bn.
toate toM ate boM a feaUag to toa wblah dapaadid aa him. Mute ot«v


wcrtto hlaueif ta tba dOOvard d
aad twomlle roa aad was oaate
•altb the mlto nm aad did not eatm
tba half mile.
B«t toe vtoalag team' wotted bard
for ererr pOtot tbej get aad U tber
were wltooot gtoaU for toeir weIgbU
toer woald not bare been la M. Tte
tea watch Hopped for good eaitj to
the aftanoao eo to eeraial eaaee
time WM takea.
A aammaiT to toe eraaU aad e
aera waa as ftotea;
eiO-Taid Dasb—Miner (Tiavorae
atjL Shaptoa (BMt Jordan), and N.
h (Cbarte*tox); tlme :U1A
oatog Broad Jamp-CBmpbaU
-(CbarieTOix). Hoatar (Traverae Otrl.
neUmier (MaalHae). tpUt dar
teeead aad third and flipped for tte
Bteal. nelasadr got it;
It 7H‘iW-Tard High
ee). CM
t (U
aad Hodge (Tmreree Otr): time; II

raeo a»d eelar taoo: t_.. dtr:
(Bead Otr). Lavlaoa (Omrlevelx), toIrM. toe abet pot. low kaidte high: At C a'ehte toe ■
aadMarpbr (PteMer); bHgbtSttH hordlea and Mtt tor eemad Md i
• tetes.
or made hr ^Bev. T. >. OBte to
tflO-Tard Path Cbitepka (ttoailetoe CBmte to CMH. Tte BOggM.
voix). CampbeU (Ctertevolx). and
wbte 'wM wtot prepend aad thnrDaveapett (Reed Otr); time MM
(•H 7 toctea made hr Bop vyakoop
loatb brotea br Beoam Atomma
them betog that toe' attto Bandar
•cteol eoaveotte weald be tetd tere
feet six toctea made br Ladecle to Kov. 14, U and Ik Be tote cMtod
for lepocti from tte anwtoattog earnlOOS. tottea tar Hooter Aster
mlUM reponed toe foDewtog vhkk
mlae torn seven iactea.
at toa CMtral dooMto-.
------ cme-half tote, made br Ctoad 'tea aad wfll aeleH aab t
Pemad la 1*04. thrown br m toM cma Chairman. B. J. Ptogham; a J.tenM,
baK tech br Amtsbatodte and teri Rer. U H BtaaHJ. W. H. Ootd(m.C. A

Tb. U.I

ft, .b. b, —1

.......... s

Owtog to toe fiKt tote Patemkar
dMat artiva aatil 10 o'clock toa i
tortotlr aa'b^Md a^l^ tl
it aauepd to toe 44hrard dM
rannlBg brand lamp.
Keaaedr to toe Asbair »

took flrH Bad BngvaU to Maalatae
L. aged IT. of IM
took eeeoad bat was coacbed to. tbit t
BIxteaath etinat. as raUevad to bla
tetog him toe tdae^aad MlUer.tCbar- Haalnea ........
... 1* wheel hr SB aa
a Wdar
lerolx) took third; time. It.U.
algbt bacaan be dMah hapgca to hare
Bhot Pat (It toa)—Haddock
Battda. Maatetae-t faH sprinter,
Jordan). Mtoeaar (Ba« Jontoa), aad barred fim the meet beeaoee be had
ndiBg OB toe oHa
H. Ackerte (Traverae aij); di*- been cm the track
walk cm BaH BMkto su«H la violatonee tl fbet.
(oor rears. Daring toe afieraobH Bat-' tom to toe ettr todtoaaee. Baddealj
r—,- w . ... vho
IdAYard Daib—Oatepfca (Charte- ton MB aa eshftdt)a^l»raM>datt.
voix). Hodge (Traverw Otr).
la 10 IJi tecoada.
asksd him If be dMat know that be
DavcapoK (Bead Otr); no time taken.
breaking toe law. BraHagum
Tbe high lamp was a hoUj coateHUkeo.
ed event bHveeB Btitocker to Bead eald that be aiA Tte atraagm te*e
PHe Vaalt—Horpkr (PetoMer). Citr aad Lwtsoa to Charlevoix. Tber
'that be was an toLwrlM (Chartevtox). aad Behater both lamped toe ber at $ feM d laebee fleer and trtgbtaaed the rooag
(Reed atr): bei^t 10 fa« t totoea
tr. He toaa aaM that H be
aad it vaa rained aa teA Both eoaFtet Ball Punt—H.
atx timet bat eoaM wobM give him «l It wooM
(TraverM atr). HeLeaa (Reed Otr). not clear IL Tbe bar WM tbM-lew- •ppeartog to coon tUa moralag. Braa
aad CBtlnapka (Charteroix): dtotaaoe mad to S feet « laebaa aad Btecker togtoa dMat have t*. no toe i
lU feec
Heated ItjrbDe Levtooa tailed.
•MtopTlatcd hla wheel and
Maddoek to EaH Jordu. who took
Hjto tt>B-«owW (Reed atr).
Tbe matter tea reported totoepeoatoergm (BaH Jordan), and Bar toe high lamp H 6 fe« « toctea laH
rear wae ao “rmUled- bj toa crowd )k» aad Batardar toe wteto waa foaad
vail (Manistee): ao time.
cm Float Hraet. bat toe suangar m
Hammer TIvaw <11 toba.)—Mad- that be eoald aot clear flve feat.
Piofeeeor Tice to test Jortea aaM r« to baapprabtedad.
dock (Ban Jordan). Mtoeaar (teH
Jordan), and Bauto (Reed CUr): dts- •fur toe meat. Thli It toe Hxtb latar
PrepMlat tor Mata Cawveetlaa.
High aeheol meH mr aebool bM eaUBce. m feM 11 to.
Tbe oteers aad teachers to toa vanttO-Tard Low Rardte (flaal beat)— tered aad toer have mm flve.'
Tbe whole man was falrlj and good ow Boadar achotos to toe cHr
PMereoa (Haalstae). Ctompbell (Cha^
levoU). and Hodge (Traverse Otr) aataredlr coaUHed aad there waa no
evMeaee to rovdrism amoag toe eon- ckmte Totedar evening, aliacmt *00
belBg preaeat and ealortog a faappr
teas Throw—Maddoek (teH Jo^ taetaats daring the darTMverM Otr took two ifota, toe (toM. Tte sapper wm served br the
dan). Wtotere (Tiaveree air), and
ladies to to# BopUK March aaHetad
dash and football
aar (BaH Jertaa): dtouaee tfk


J. W. B whMpititeiiidtte AU
JahsHH derma
Ptoaa’ h to ate to tte bam ted moto
bcaotlfal farms la Otnad Ttaratie
ccmair. It MaalBU to flOO amte d»
OBder a Ugh stale to ctoUvatlte te

CkpL and Mn. B. B CteM afttM
cKj WUl eaMbrate ttelr «oMm wad­
ding cm Mar *1 aad to honor to toa
event toer have Meaed a latge amnbto
to toviatMas. Tbev were marrted pt
Ashtabala. Ohio ted lor toe caHsMair
weddtog trip look paeaoge cm a Mte
ateatoto Ur HUwaahae. taktog dtoik
wtth tote M be ante a ttea to
hctete. Thar left Um boat at IttBom
hoe and tote tba Mag temtoai Mtt
toroagh tbe wOM to Wlltettl OP
(toamm teiu. Mtoa, craatoM
trod eoBBtii
nur M 11 II
aboat toa ■
A Northwaatara roaU
rt to
•aOlad at Nortoport
ta toe Mtarpagte
jteratodad tl

otr TlteuM M- to BeabcU veal
to Oatrelt IMkttr to attaad tte
tod'«Wtoa*«nM todge to Maeoaa.
Mtoadr to WWIa
to toe teal
todga. veto to Itotrait UA week M a
tegtoafrai too teal
aetotota aad mataad aror tor toe
gnad todga Jtetog. to Moetagae.
who li abatraak to tot 1
toltua to tba ted iodga.
Tba btota M *eB to Mtoeelawto MaaaM tola watoi aad toair
teir oated wtto toe ooMtog aaau
at Detroit aM Ckarlotta Mr. ead
Mra Oeaala toMte to AcMt aad jL to

Slaves to Spring Catarrh l^ored to Health by Pp-r||4ia.


Oup. ter toM «le wbat H provod to
te. WM too a«k AM too Ugbt katelod
teearaad IflAttamMt too
Ma (to at tod Wo aad toe te

MBtek'toBMtHV- aeWMdd
. 1vtoopdMr«ll>lBUaatPM
barlad aad Itaad toe ritet apcA Thli
tome tte fan atoateated to laadtog toe
wip Ir BraflaaOr paPMag tte sMii
lawaida Shan wtete toe laadtog wai
made ante Ote bMlag to a aHa: Rs
walW M Wottr Afir
1, tokkasM toreW
paeptedtoaiaHr Mevea toctea akd
tolteaato aaMM the Beter portloa to
tte bate Mlateea
A HtBpatetel to »tohaa| ware
teOte ta toe tealtow wabr near a
tte batew Boato Dahm etroat bridge
. 10 O-Hote
Ttetete^M MdtoaaadWMMC
* dtoitoa Oorbeu U
tte wtoner W fm t
■ ttattjdMtete.BiM

Takes Pe-

u a. Baater, Bx-mteber North OsroUan
1, writes from tbeCaMoeOBeeBalldtog,


gara te tta te b
tooeatoto totor^Mtl
mu, ate dg Wbdaeadar. itanttr
ead VMdtor a tte dara* aaaate to toe
■eaakte ead teaa wtt be btod. Oa
nweder tba taladto taaapto 0^ Oraad
SeeMa will btod A MMtol abftoa aaattog at Otattolto ead a tpadal trato
vn ttba ttatt amtevaUa to too

Ttoa toMtoar nah.
Oe fMlar ttMwl «blM teit
XMepa. vtIA iMir aad toetbar
attptoaaan bialbw at Bo««a
W toer Mar Abnaetar IM mr
JohaaMV dte A epear wM
aated Ml toe Ml teM a aoed awii.
bat-to toair atom to toad blai toe
beat waa ebaatt epato b*d too atteawt
tatordar eveatog
a^ Mr. ABdil ead aavanl Maadp
vaat oat MdM1>»mobaaoa’a doto
ttoOtei^. ThUwtedooe
art «bdiH a tewMoa tmttateort
BaBf tl am wMo baek. wbMk




MBrnur Man


■very way."—TUlj





_mLrdlaBerHgef.nmadB»»v*tortoAflMtl ;
M Oaaghters to tade^adiaci. write turn
♦Vkavwaaadfbnbiiaia’tortear paMAtete:
aad k toMS am narttetor
, :
nMe M atedmm wartttr «od d» ate
tete M Mte a terae aanttH laac. M J oMd fe
tesw^paart mrU a grear itettrUoMA
at f ate M( ahto fa adited aote a »nr (oto.

"4lr ttMtt' Seva ente Formt ttr apeMfi
paara paar wdtt esnadbaf Mtott aad / dtea

A...... . to totottttp M te

~ '

rated) torcasarrA
~Svarr aprttr toad draadad teaMM ate I

; ‘•ffSMarvtepartoBteandlaeeartoa
iM»ii"Hatt af.rininn iiBegBlaaySdM

^aBdMmB.”-ApteB HiraW)

Mis.WtoalfiedyVwar.a_____ ...
eprtag weather. This readte i
IB t ncoat lensr tram am Tto Bt., tatUnAOrsHaeps:


One. K. PUlmera, Into IM lieu, md
D. A ArctlMrr. WHM Creoe om L Bl, H.
w..waahtogwa, p.c,Mtoitowi!
"t hreoght forward Creot wlator lato
TblsbelltoleaatodaM.Maeailptelspdag t Hckealag ease of catarrh which
A WBrdgtAirku.
vmial. ate has tolsaa. not as toe rasah ate fmans ragatar sleep.
WM mafctng extotcMe mlteraUefut aw.
to the teerhlage to toe medhal fntsr- OdMddtWgr.
•Abowttwe years age my eyitem wii To tboee who have bees attMtod with aaUl 1 WM ladaeed to jty a bento a<
altr. bat hM hsM leaited ta tte httte
tU raa down in tbe sprtog ste I tbeagbt ebremte catarrh we wUh (e isp toat
Oete betae to Peraaa rten toeflmt IwoaMtrystesmU Pwsae weald be apclagaeaMaSerds pern a spleteM op'Aa immtditm impeweemeatyave aw
of aapmeHstaaee to betagtog bate my
bepa, U aot raUaL 1 fcsptaptoklteTe’
pereattotoemrlag. Takslleesardlag
‘M tba ditewiims ok tbe becUa. Ote
IS y«m tosr have titoddllI Okie teeteMt tbrateb toe SM
tte appreate to apctog M a tetUe eeane


U to tte bedr aeteadMt cm

.... ...............................I ,

«fol Msaltto tbe dspea

aprtog. Snmetblag m braee the an
tovtomMe toe beaia, eite eliaaw
btosA Tbil riiaiie alii dii Ikli B la

•I ahau teeammate U to evoty one to
oedto a team, ate know teat 1 have
eoty to take a few denea to fontewbM
I tofes a eaM ate 1 wtt Man be wnr U.V
-WlaaUcte Pover.
noa maM an*

NdwH nm-OmrnrttfUybOare wae darlte tte wtote A tear* dtete to Jtemte nwr ml
. tetaewlaroarGppc"—)«r- tejatototote DMttrtoammtee

wyea bate titod ttyeawfll mr
• It peHtealy tte bte



I. THUM9AV. fuv a. nm.


HodlMBtol. let 1*. bM & HL
U A Oe.t Ttb odd; eseatn aMtb M
(aati Mid.
Ptaak S. S^atMtbora aad w«a la
A. r. HoaOMStd. lata lS-14. Week C.

than ami taCnv tit iwattl i
>M d( (b* &Bil7 bad tteo ft 1
HttlB CM wntad U> abowH to Mn
trbe bad tom* vnr 4o
CCtbtr thar «m Wd tbt kdoat. r
mite drt cot lha »w» and nccM
that tb«r takt it oM in tba rard. Tbe
bor «aa wIHIbc aM ab« ataitad oat
k B. H . U * Oe.'a Ttb add; ^
Ha had not yat ata«ad aa tba baltel
MnK* U» in tbt back. Ht M»ad J«»i,
__ U Bmtsrday to Kate C.:
ahotaM bear after the acddi
The Duia «M it alBoat crated vlU, CnwD. lot U. Wat a fart otM. bloeki
_tM orar tbe tad aCalr. She did net i
BOUkar aad wife to Joba W.
knov that the «u wu loadad etiW.
Tbe taaoml «tQ be toMOtrov flKiralac Slatar. aeli IC aae. M. aad awl4 t*
•eM.aee. M.raBseli: «T.0H..
and the body ubta t» Ht. nooaut far
S. B. HopUna. coardiaa. to SeiepU' KimballPtUIOS IBd OfOBS
Death ed Mra. 4. T. Craok
Hrt. Jobs T. Ctaoi. toraarty oT Moa- A. P. Haelimastal and Wife to Prank j
Mawartai Oay_Wil>
aoc. 5,i
roa Oiotar. died Sunday at the bo«a B. SebormerhoiB. aH of
wwnthJpa. ittf bar daacbter. Mra. WIU P. PofUaa. tova ST. range IS; tSJ<K>.
Wmia RbodM aad wlto to Geo.|
at Patoakoy. oT eancar. at tbe aca of
White tbe had baeai U faJUsa Bbodaa. eii of neH. aac. SO. town K.j Since 1»T tbe W- W. Klmban coin-1
; paay
haaitb ter eereral yean, her oondltloa taaca'lS; tUOk
Oeorie Rfaodet to Willie Bbodea aad j grade planoe aad organa.
biiti* dw.“' tti taTprorWat that vaa net thencbt to be eeiUna natn
Mtbln a fa* veeki. bat aba fhlted rap­ wife.
He, 0% of ne^k. aec. »). town «. g^.cteia maierUI and <
qm*. tenehlpa or r«la«« of
tS: Sl.OOO.
InhaWtanta. sot orar |» idly at tbe last, aad deaib.eaaae peace-!
a A. Jncfcaoo and wtta to C. B. tkllted workmed are employed and lhe!t
«ts be awnprialad: erer *.#». sot tally tn bar ateep. Her eon, C B. Dye.
rimnlb la a plaao and o'lcan that U |
■« teat than ll.»d. HU. or Uoaioe Ceatar, and hie wife aad Taylor Coal Co., parcel la Tra*erae
^ ^ l«a than »fi». H*0 U osa Mr. and Mra. iobn Horton cd thla dty. aty: SI.
B. Bdwia Wait to Blebard S. Hopfmt, ^ ■annar at iha Obaarran- tU Meade cd the family. v«r« with
■pt the ddMhall ba andar tbe dlraeUi
Hanry -Marah and wife to John
eoosetl or the eity or body waa broucbt to this
Wdlaisilir aftsnooa on tbe 1;U Q. Maiah, Bwti of awH. aec. U, town S«.
pWd^ trsateaa ad the tovsablp.
Tba Kimball i
R. « L train and was taken dlroetly raacelO; |4U.
xltairallOB of tbe bert tnu-.j
H. McClaaky and wife to
ehiaata Slrilta OaMlwtea.
to Oakwood^ameterr. where she wat
IhC^aed U 4ha hoped tor poaea.
Interred by the aide or ber haabaad. Balpb J. McCloeky. aOBtk SO acre# off
are Indorawl by lb?tead-||
be Interred by Ue aide of ber haabaad. wH of Bw«. aac. IS. towa SO. raagc
Arlfea at Cbleace baa takas a i
ts df tbe wofM. Over B»e: .
tf Ufa. Motaday it Utreatosad «tao died BOToral yean a«o. Tbeie 10; SI.
toOMOdaBtaererybaUdlw todeatry wat a abort aerrtee ai.J^ «rare. Ber.
Samoa H. MeClnaky tad wife to BUt-1 saadred thoaaand of ibeac ftne InatraU tba d^'waa tlad np. <%lea«D hat J. W. Miter oOelalliic.
abetb and Balob MeCluaky. o^h
■nntaMiired ud
aWarad craaUy la tba peat oa acooeat
Mra. Cram waa bora In New Toih. norrt oB wH of n*H. oee. U. to , I menu bare been :


II. i.»iocU.: Ik


•nm Pnmi

suit It tiM But

J. ,J. TWKC30U,
TrlkvarM City MsrttwtB.

Tair Dealina...*


«r cMkaa and It U atatad that tnanad
t«rauac. V
____ / la aotaaay ratTOfraUag.
Ilito atrlkn voald Hdoad to the ttadai
dlMdy oOSad Mth tba Utatbar ladnMry.
UtMTfr or naa arqald ba tbrotrs
wtMa. The kwa that tfete w«mU
woold ba Mormoaa. Blnoa tba atrlke
« tba tanmatos bacan. tba bm bare
liK orar talf a ^Uow dolten U
white the baa to the dty
Dada dirertad aad other
la oror IM.OOO/JOO. Tbte wat
^ by tbe taamtlart alone and to
a Untb of tba toai that to bound
I astao if tbe atrik* apraUnM Indi-

whore ber oariy life waa apenL Bbe so. ranse 10: Si.
' | wld. la thla aot , euacient gaaran-1 ^
waa married when SI to Cynia Dye. lurtln Elllnwood and wtfe to Lena
of their splendid martat Barely
and eome tUie after Ua death married Koch. M S7. Stoele A Spenwr’c add:
It U and you will make no nteUke
John r. Cram of New Totfe. They tiM.
came to Monroe Ceoter In 1S81 localBoaellne A. Wilbolm to Laob Clyde.
omo in aad boy one white tbtc
Inc on m Urm where they Ured aaUI mi n-ts. bMck 6. Wllhrtm'a add.
lemoral aate la grtag. on. A1Mr. Cmm'a death. Slnea that Umeltuud.
A»u I
The deeth e( Ah*
Mra. Cram hai made her borne wUbi Anna M. BIrdiall to Mra. laabel
r qaKs a noatber bare been sold
dy.>«i .
Cllfferd Kennedy.
her ehDdraei. She learee toar aoni. Tounc. lot 7. wH lot 8. block fi. P. H.'t mad eereral tpokfn for. Tbe rate lasU
ehcee-MnrepeliUn Ausinesa
Bari of BaSalo. N. T, Oeorte B. of 2nd add: Sl.OOO.
Spakane, Wash.. Bmoty C. of Denrer. jury M. McDermid to M. Belle Du bat a few days ntore and yoo can save

__. ^_
_ n B- _____
__ ___ r.__
Colo, and
of Monroe
Cen­ Bote. aaU of
aato. ___ _________ __ a tot of money by bayliig BOW Come
ter. and oae dnochter, Mra. W. P. Per- mage 8: S4M.
klna of Petoakey. There are aleo
Milton A. Jordan aad wife to Minnie in and let’s talk the matter over aad
ful B.
atep (AUdren. Oeorpe Cram of Loa ‘Brnneoa. kMa 7-8, MoiA 3. Snd add. ace for yoorarivea Jam wbai we can
WHU him ler partleutsre
Ancelw, Cai, and Mra. Herfaect Hor­ Fterawood: SMW.
the SOKial Summer Session for
do (or roo.
ton of Praaeott. Arlt.
WlUnrd P. Bllsby to Byren B. Bel­
this yeer. AOtteeee
— ■
• >y^ Record.
knap aad wife, parcel ta TraTorac
W. H. UUV. Sakt BeMias. Dsirait
City; SMO.
Wylie Cooperage Co. to Hn. Dnrid
'An ItaB et tarsp teportnnea «•Cox. lot 7. block 4. Wyile; SIW.
d with the woik
tbe pranaot
ElUa J. Cox to Joba A. Wade, lot 7.
na thnt wtn be «r* bearara werj Charles B. tlya of
Mock A Wylte: S8M.
M. B. Hiner. Prop.
> tneraaae to raina aa tbe tna Center. George Cram of Loa An­ Joba A. Wade and wife to Wm. H.
A fo by. to tbe paraage of tba bUl gela^ Cal, Win P. and Wayne Per- Cmlor. lot 7. bloek 4. Wylte; tSOO.
The Dterelt Journal has made art phl^ MtoblasB la tonnally klet. tbe three eona aad grandaon. Rev.
rangemenu for the exclusive pnbllcsJ. W. MlUer. aa old family friend
Dr. Albert F. Woods of UBeoln. Neb, tlOB in Mlcbigao. beglOBlux Usy .-<i. »f.
e Secret Hlslory of Today.' wrtiand Mra. Craa'e tonaer pastor, spoke will repreaeet the United Suies gorby Monsieur V—. an intercsUcioal
Aa eomplotad and piaead before Qor- weeds of eoBfort at tbe grare and tbe
lent at tbe Intematloiia] cooferTbese ■torlee, wldcb
. aner Wbnnr tba aiata bl^way Im- masto waa farnltbed by Mra. John
by tbe king of luly tor | rcrcal tbe seereUs of tbe great powers,
mibx dark spou la
. fMMMM UB wm ra«nlra aa apftro- Henon. Mr. aad Mra. Wl P. Ktnaay,
Uu m
et an
me loieromuon..
iBtemsUans: I “4 pMlUCS.
I****' have

been forblddeo
pHntton of itaty tbonaand d'ollan Mtoa Kanaer aad Merrya Kenney.
ebamber et agricaRnre.
cooppobllraUcB in eereral
jBmra top stotS tnaanry for tbe .nectt
' Real Batole TraMfetn.
'aa< ^tortbar paymatto rHnrda Mlltor to Iftmn Pierce
S44S. Mode S. Bayside: siSS.
Qoaaa L. Wondertr to Albert J.
4c potmd. S3.50 per 100 Bm.
Prracoti. Ma l-tAA7-»-St, a M. &
and It O. M. H. aad pnreal afc. SS.
Day. May
town to. range 1»: SS.Iwa
$lJj0 per 100 pounds
---------------------1 All Sgenu win sell UeVeU to points
Eli A. Wtoten and wife to Bari J.
Card of Thanks.
| wllbia ISO miles of selling station si
OookA ato lot 10. block S. Ooodridf*
We wish to extend our most sincere 1 rsu of one fere for reond trip. Tlckeu
8id add: tlOO.
leaks to our neighbors snd friends, on rale May S8Ui and JUth. good to retl.60 per 100 pounds.
May :8-I
J. T. Haaaab. et aL to Floyd ll wbe ao fcladlr anMed us during the I turn until May 31st
and death or our betorol bus i
SaMb. lota ML Mock A P. H.-a Sad
O Cur* for PItos
band aad (ntber.
add: tSSO.
Mra B. D. Howard aad lamlly. !
So. Union St.
dhew OtoBdanalBg aad wtta to
.CMPU ot rand toaeoremrtrt and plant
te bait aatbdSa «d ioopantton >a <me
maka ior artlTlty and gtre
Abartbm aad tone to taad tmprova- Amy B. Cortto to C L. Oteilldc.
mmt mwinti la allaythma c< tba gaardlaB, taaaa SO tart of north end
lot 11. bloek II. B, L. A Oo.*a lOtb add.
Wbl Wander and wSe to Baekley A
DongteM Immber Co, aw3S of aoto.
Aa aet ol'SStS^ ot this K. A town SL range IS: SS.
atato. twiraaid UanA SO. uos. aad
Omn U Sweet to O. T. Hrtmee.
giran Immadlala oSaet. aeu apart aad ot Bwto. esoegt wort 40 aeron aa
toarn SS. range >: 0400.
Herbert Montagae. admin, to Mn»
ea Oaekar. wH lot os, all fT, UiKk 1,
. B.'a Srd add: tiso.
gravwi tofratn. Wbea eltbar of tba Howard WblUag aad wife to Aaabora «abm Aall tall on Badny. tba ttomy Miknle. IMS 4-S. block 4. H, U
faOawtag Monday aball ba dean
A Oo.'s 4to add: Ssoo.
Benda’s stodc moved to
Globe, and owing to the fact that we are crowded for
•UanMT Day.'
Itaae M. Wtaate and wife to Ailaa
room the balance of this high class of merchandise will be slaughtered.
P. Uttte. aato of BwH mad ncR
Oton Ailwr, MkA, May SA—UtUa swto aad wK ef tw%. aac. P». town
Hay. tba AraaroU daagbtar -eg Mr. S7. range IS: S40A
Honrd C. Adams to asrl a Adams,
aad Mra. BBward Ptabtr. died this
Uiaranea at S o-ttek of dlpbtbatia;At nwH cf aeH aad aeto of im% nad tot
-Sbato aammar bama on tbe North Me3- 4. aec. lA ton SS. range 10; SSOO.
Benda’b $2 and $3 Stiff Hats QOp Benda’s S2.25 Dress Pants to
Moa totoad. Mr. and Mrs. Platacr are BH<b j. Adame, gaardlaa. to Bari D
close at...........................
dose out at..................................
nald'mti b( Oton Arbor bai apend Adama. awR d aeR aad aeR of c*R
Benda's $5 Business Suits to O A Q
tbeir nmmets on tbe Istead. wbbre aad tot A aec. lA town SA range
Young Men’s Fanib worth $1. QQo
close out at.................
PMnr to n member c< tbe life ear- SI.SO0.
to close out at................................
Mteblgan Trast C&. trustee, to
Warn. Tba family to aepadally be
Benda's $10.00 All Wool Cassimere
ben J. Kratdehrll. ae^ of nwli.
Wrad at praaeni aa Mra. Plibai
'and Worsted Suits to close
Benda's &0c and 75c Neckwear QQn
^wo otbar ohOdran are dofn with tbe
-to close out at................................ 0574j
out at......................
Atonaiad dtoaaaa. Mra. Ctoranee Swsojhia ta ntoa in wf» tba dtoeaaa aad ter Adsley, eH of e«H of a*M sad
kbar. too, are barlBg a aaetoae time cf aH ot ael4 of e*H. tee, SA
Sold by Benda fur S12.Q0 $15.00,
■niUg tort one daagbter last week ST. range II: Sl.OOO.
to dose at......................................................
k«m tba dtaanaa. Dr. Blaptoki of Le- J. W. patcfln. gaaraisa. to Myrtte
faad. tba oodaty eaeoaar. to an tbe a. Darts. eH of wH of neH. see. SO.
towa SI. rsage IS; SSOO.
Boys' two-piece School Suits QQa
lUand and enertlag oeerf eBort
Benda’s 25c and S5c Under,
J. T. Haaaab. et al. to TIcter A. Pat
wonh $1.75 for.............................
wear to dose nut at....................
tick, tot SA oH lot tl htodt 4. P. H.-a
te far deralopad aad three deaths.
tbd add; StSTAO.
Bebda's $3 Silk Dress Shins 1 4.Q Boys' Boster Brown and Norfolk Suits,
all beautifully trimmed, worth 1 QQ
TIetor A. Patrick aad wile
Ratal Sheatliig Aaaldent.
'to.doseout at...................... ..
I Baaor. Mkb, May SS.-.Ioiiaay. tbe A. Bmitb. tot SA eH tot SA blc
$3 and $3 50. to dose out....
fHoaroU ecn of Artbar Bnab of Rh Snd oM; SSOO.
Benda’s 75c White Dress Shirts
Men's checked overall Jackets, 1 A ^
ftotta townablp. wae abot nad kitlad
Bebecen TalomstelB to John CUrk
• to dose out at................................
worth 35c. for..................................
kiMAay atteenoon by Qraea Bmllb. aad wtfe. lou 0-10. blo^ A Oak Paik;
FTad W. OMUB and wife .to ElUabatb Ann IWwIer. all oreept autb 68
Smith to the daagbter ot Al- fart of lou l>-S0,JUMMghU;
VIb tusih. *bo recently moied
Bilabatb Ana Pawley to Mary P
PIntto. Hrt tatbar owned a tt enllbre CoWrai. all except north gye« «f tou
fUa whtob babad loaaed ta * amatl
W. The 1^ bad bean
n breast back

In rboortitg a drag etaies thonn^ and known iwliability abouU be the ^motK eongfat lor. Wo have bnea nr
bonineae in Trnverae City for Dmriy forty ywm. W# ue tba
ptotieerilnitc^stotitbit T«^. During oM
ymn we
bnTe given reliable serriee aud mnintninM piMo oonfidenoa.
It rtteta you nothing extra to aecure the bembSt «l o«r ycug of
experirtioe. Tliis experimee may be Tahuble to yoAi it w3«t
leut U; 0 guuraiiUv that voor intuaUa triB be proton^ tai e«.
ury way It yon favor ns witb yoar drag Undo.

S. E. WAIT & SONS, Druggists
B. E. Cor. Prentand Union

Insure Your House.

is insurance againtt decay.


man" Pure White Lead b tbe only paint that

gives ^wolute ittsurancR

No other house pato

compares with it in this respect.


Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

Elgin G. Lewis,
Olodl Cwitie

' “"■'Aitss:


Ask Those Who Know
Aikyonmeighboga wfaermo m old idsa
—backet bowl—oootraptwp\Wlled—batter
toialing Mpantor—what triable THEY
have, then aak yoar neighbon, who wm iha

Bndhia^$ ati mnt
emum mt»i


oit akt mtMi

226 E. Front St.


Wb.ttr<mUe.TH^h>K TtortVlar
Get the right sepantoc. Let ma give ytm
a catalogae, or the big aix page paper :be

11S andl 17 Statw Sowwt



Jist a Few Prices Below to Show Ymi How We Do It





118 Front Street

Traverse City. Mich.

is the family that buys their WALL PAPER
of us.

The reason is obvious.

In t«Iec^g

here > ou have a host of patterns to choose from
and a pleasing number can readily be foond.
Then again that question of price don't bodier
at all.

Ours range from 5c a double roll op-

wards. and each and evxry pattern shows good
\ alue.

Be sure to get yours at the

0ily Book Store
Bthrl-Btttttr g., Pnp>-

OmwK Otf, JBh*.


t. 'i*


eal-vUeh opaaad tan sight wfth the
Hewi arrloed la the cdtr thto mor
trst wMcart. Mr. aad Mrs. Ktog are
, make a abort vlait wlU trteada
Miw & B. Mwia aad unto aepbaw. Uartsr Member* of the futltal aad
tor tom- yean have kapt «p thair U
!t**t to the auul coacerta.
Mrs. Ralph Aadenn kft this montog for Gnad RapUs when Ue wUI
Mr*. M. J. WoBe ef Chkago. .
ctf Ue BHrer take racM eocU U the
w hm srgnatotaiwn to bar taamm
dtr and the Me b a ehamliic reear puled by bM daobtar. Mr*. Charta*
BdtyW. yoyea. aad eUMM, DoroUiy sad
tadr ft«* Ou*m. Thw »m mam
r Ur. >- c SBdi.
evntog to opead 'Ue
maoB ben aad at Korthport.
a Samtag cUy Is uv
C a uaee that the t
Mrs. A. U- Barm aad faaiOT.a IV OCM llhve a TUe D9«IIL MH. O. B. Laae of tha OM Mtaatoa stoUag
nee. evemian. a o^en ■■■■*»
of Btod. Orta ud L«e. aeeoMUght boue waa tha vtetlM of a palntal
toeg yoo feel u « Bcthlag bet
ideat Moaday afteraoea. whkh
itle wonld cere It. Z. T. Gray of
Oa. wrhu: -My
. .. wife bad a
the canae of great dim^M. Wbno t*r*e SUlag. phaaed tbroogh the dty Calhoaa.
ta the aa o( cloalac a docw her UUle thU afterwoea «a ihsir way to Etoil- ] very aggravated con^ which ke|k
tager of the right hud wu eaagbt to la vben they npeet to Bake
ibe UcA
New Dteeov^ for Ooassuapt^
the ef»c* aad the force of the awtog•
Mrs. Aau Hsastoy ud little mtcoogbe and OcMa. wbkh-----------tag door was u great that the tager
.. 01.1. b™ ’•
wu eat e« by the edge of the
StrieUy edntlllc enre tor bnmbUOre the ooold exuieeu ft. iamsborg this aftenon anee epead-:
>d La Grippe. At JcAnsoa
, P. H - - -


0«Mr -««r«
lur ITU. «t U4 tirgriin b»
Bot. Hack S«we4r c« tka )u*uT
MetkodM cBstcb. The ITOOCB b


. Trial oetUe lOe.


ClRiilitio!i thil w«ek 2,750

wfth Mr. Pottoy, who la employed i
the tna worhn
the beak wKh whkh the couty ehall
do lu haaktog baUaeaa. The aetlu
wu taku at tho apeda] eeaaiae of the
baard'Joat held aad ta to aacmdaBU
with a aew law nder which tha beard
xatu the enatadlu of the eoBBty
Death RdL
The fuetml.of the tote Atosaader
M«n>hy. who died U hto tow* realduee Tboredar. wu held M< ' ’
from 8L Pruda church at « o'ctoch
ud a large attcadaaee of frtwdi aad
■liitjpM of the dabeaaed
prueat to pay tholr toat toku of reuoet to the dead. After tha aei
wbi^ were hdd by Pr. Batter latert took place at the Oathollc <
terr to charge of H. U Carter.

J. X. Haelt—trt.lSt e»eB«d • teal
Mn or the Tonac Oord BtUa«e hud.
Hunfactartog eompuy of Mul
^ }
wu a paueager oa the Fere MarKn. iokh IbHer. vho ku hm la goeUe Oa Tneiday u roate from the
the hauUal.«ar aoae tlM taetfrtac SCO hotat to reapoau to a a
traetaeBt ter ihnmaUeai, ta iaprar- odved at tha 800 Monday _
fram Mre. Batey Infdrntog him of the
aoddu death of her mother.- Mra. E.
There «U1 be a ■
Bhcrk of OnCkhma. The deceaaed wu
OB a abort vtoft to her dauditer. ud
whu Hr. Batey toft home lut week
the mother wu to good health. Nothtog deltolte to kaowa of the eu
Mrs. K. Bren v»h her little grand- her death. The funeral lervlcea
dauhter were pa«aageri cm the T. C. held yeeteiday fro mtbe roeldeaoe of
U * X. thla R^alax wtfte the teat ot Mr. ud Mra. BaUy of Haatotee.
the taaMlr, Ur. ud Mn. I.ewli Booe
Otoee tnu their home at Bla^am tot From Satorday-a Record.
a d«ra ahontuHtoe Bmlly WeUa of Rood
Wbu the trwtew «d the kmanodce: pamed through tho dty ihto mornlBK
I «B.ker rttara from a vtolt with hor
deter. Hr*. F. Orooer of Keawick.
HIM Aau Haaeon ud brother
Theodore Hueoa of Snttou Bay.
paaeed through the dty today en
for Big Baplda where they will enter
the Perrli edunl for a cooru to nc
faitera are eute^plated,
Bial work.
Mr*. Ad Stowe or SotUm* Bay cao
I Oeene HaaktM aad him ABBa TMUa vMhuletlr aarrted tharadar dowa to the dty tblB Borelng for
afteneae at t:te hr Rer. T. P UIIod daya trip.
Mra. Joha NoUa aad Mra. E. Klih
at the Ghotk e( ChiM. at the
of Cedar came down u the early train
'«( the giMM'B aether oa Bear
aad Bpeai the day to ehopptog.
aewaa Oalr the lamedlaie b
Ura. Della Cba*e
Lake AU Rtamed this raomlng after visiting her
elater, Mra. C. D. Rice tor the pan two
The HeaMTial dajr esrdaea, Tueedar. Har M. TrtU be beM u uaal ea
Mr*. Muwitoe Ragu of Custer
tteeuBtytroaBda. Bcweem-.» eaee who hu ben apeadtog aergral weeks
ar aterm they ertu be held In the atr at Korthport wfth trlead*. passed
epara hoaie. the nanaceawt. Wtl- throagb the dty Ui* mratoi
kUM. BHtak * Oo, hartnc Icledlr do- route for borne.
. .
Baud the BH c( the ball for the
left this mecatog tor e short .«f*U with
Meads at SomaUt City.
At the rccvlar neeUBc of MePber'
Mtean Moatagne and Tbompaoe
•oa poau O. A. &. last week farther eompuled Mtoa Marian fUbba to
airaBheaeata lor the pioper obeerv* bcM at Maydeld thU mewntog.
aaee <« Memorial day were
,4a«ce Lorto Boberta traa aK»lBte4 torom Mondayb Record.
■aiakal cf the day ud a prc
Ug^ tniUam Cole of Bverett, Wash.
eaeatatlag ta Oomrn
airlvM to tbe dty Saturday and after
spudtog a few days with Hr*. H. A.
Langworthy. ahe will go to Nonhpon
to uend the summer with her mother.
. Burr lATdle. vho la the mm------- Ml*, aastemight.
.*«C <Md UUahm, while plartaf ball SatMr. and Mra. IMrid ScoU of North' arday aftetBoea with a crowd ot bora port arrived this momtog over tbe T.
Ml la raalat aad hreke the boae U C, L. A H. M thdr way to Detroit on
hie right leg joU above th« ahUe. • bnalnem trip.
Xedkal attutkm wpa aaked bomthU Mr*. A. V. 0«u ud llttie
Uty aad Mr. Imrdie wai made ba ofm- anghter ftpeaUne of tha SoUont Bay
tatahle at poetihle In the meaatlme
UtU aaUatgBM cama HewUlbelald
-wp for MM time.

Dr. Jamu Cauvu of the asyltim and
Mlu Myxton* May Moon, daughter of
Mr. aad Mrs. Richard Avery Moore.
to the Holy Trinity chareb to Philadel­
phia. Dr. aad Mrs. Oauvu will be
-Bt bOM" to tbdr fitaods after June
M at tbe Nmthant Mkhlgu aplam.
Sspdy ShertS C B. Btolmel of SottaM Bay arrived la the dety TOtoAar with Mr*. Joha Omge of (be same
ptoos whom he ptooad to tbe Northern
Mlthlpii uytum tor treeimuLThw
wwe aooDWpanled by Ur. Sorgo and
Mid.ThsmasAudrewtodc. UiwBorge
for over eto mUlha sM six weeks ago
tor hnthand ptoeed her ta thh Ann
- Arbor houRai-tor tnatmut but laniand at taprortog aba hu aUadily
grows . worse, nanusllsltng her re•oval Crem the home to the sayinm u
' alta anut#uy thretoenei to take her

We Trust
If you ire..gufferiac frofu
ioipart blood, this blood, de>
biUty,MerToiisB.en, exh»uii.
tkm. you sbould be»ln At osce
vtth Ayer's Strstpsraia, die
iriUtyou br
in your 11^ Your doctor

Compoleory oddcnilon wDl be
geBenl to Cape Colony to throe yurp

From Tnesday-s Record.
Mrs. H. B. Maihcwun of Btogham
la entoylag the short trip to the dty
Ctoerod for Aetton.
Whn the body to dnnd tor adhm
lasrs. DavMsu and Jsantagi an by Dr. Ktog-s
King's New Ufe PUIs. you cU
to the vletoUy of Cedar Run tedar tell it by the bloof
bloom of bealtb on the
i; the brlgbtneu of t
with dshiag tsdde sad an that goes
the srxueu of the cleah and
with IL
the bnoyaacr of tbe
Mr*. Cbsrlu Hiller of Sottou Bay
arrived to the dty today tor a day's l Walt A Boos drag stores, iS eenU.
stay wltb triaad*.
Mrs. BUaey Keyw of the Clover*.
mona. paaeed thicmgh the dty this]
arternooa on her retntB-from e dxj:
wedES* Vint with her deter. Mrs ]
Henry Bullock of Puwtncket. Rhode |
tslud. Mra. Bullock U lost recover.;
tog frtun a three month*' lUnee* dur.;
tog which time sho lost almost her en :
tiro eynlght but as her hnllh gndu .
ally Improves her dght hu returned i
vUb It- She U well knerm through. |
out the BorUiern r^ton. having tor]
Tbe proper place (or money Is
many year* resided at the
la a ole bank—where you are
Korthport, when abe auirlod, hc-ri
tare you cu get It wbeo yon
maiden same being Mlu Bmlly Brtwut It. we pay 3 per cent.
Meun. Chartu H. Nelson Ud Oilaemlauually. cm uvlngi d»
tnaii M. Duse of Korthport wese peeposlu. or Isne certlfleates at
neuger* over Ue 0. B. A I. tor the Soo.
the same'rate U desired.
when bulneu ud pleunre will oc­
cupy both tor a abort bme.
Prs. Bbediu ud Wllltams of EU;
RapUs Hft this muntog tor Orud
Rapids oa a ahort trip.
Mra. Ueury King left for Sagtuw
thU morning to nttend the Ma.v feell-j


tht Place hr


All Silk Umbrellas
Mucli Under Price
This is a chance to get a nice colored elk umbrella at a triBemore than the cost Of a cotton one. and yon will have a dedd- '
hRndsome one ar a very moderate cost. The quintity b
limited, so do not put off your buying ti» long.
Here a what they are: Paragon frame (best there is
made), steel rod. natural wood handles, strdgfat and croidced.
Colors: Navy, brown, green, wine and f^om, with pretty fancy


white border. We cooM^er it the best umbrella offer made for
.some thttc, and you *fill say so too when you see them. Wq

Cravtrs* CHy State

Put umbrella on your memorandum.

have priced them


TrkdrWs Special
Shoe Prices
Wc haven’t epeoc to deecritx! tbe ahou, or tell yo\i of all of oar
“Spednl Priced,” but you know what it means when wc adver.
tide “epedald, and theac pricee wc are quoting ure too templing
to remam unnoticed.

What are oopsider
the beat bargun
*re ever offered.

Women's patent leather Siioea, (new
styles) manr pet^le uy thev look exact

ta! ah,
light er btepf
aelt, • ivgubp
$2.SC palae fee

Women’s gtinoine Kid Shoe, with style
enough for drem and good cnongh
weer for every .day; is a ^ f 1 fi
regular $1.50 she-......... ^l,ly


Woman’s Ki.l Oxford, blaci or tan. with
good style and plenty of war
bonght them at a reduced

Women's potent Cnif Oxford, mmle in
the new style (without lira) blacbcr
front, and is rc^r u stylisli and u
nice etting u oxfords ^ / C/I
that codt $1 more, price ^ 1 •aJ\I


I If lief

bosk (ran

Pul Into
your hue lehsoos in
cooking. Put in
your flour bia a
sack of

MARVEL flour:
more easily and rt less expense than any odieg flow.
Serve yow tomity bread made from MarvM Plaar aM
tixyll never erant to eat any other kind.
Marvwl Floer, aldmigfa better, costs 00
nr than ordinary flour.
Buy a sack from yow grocer.
Use'h three tiises, and then if not sMistoctory, your grocer will n^und jow
monej- foe tbe flour you have osed.
If your grocer doesn't sell MatvcI
Flour be siQ order it for you.


. UttmHCA.UCnsR.Vb.

Good SliKWt.bhnd turned, with strape awl Iww.............
Hotiae Slippera. made with a good {dain comfortable toi',
wiUi aliapornot.......................
Wemon’a Serge Slipper, the coolcat, imaicat thing tor

men^s and Boys*

Hen'a Satin Calf Shoe, atylish for (Iren.................... ..
Men’a Kid Shoe. Very light and easy..................................... | .60
Hen’s Satin Calf Work Shoe, good and solid......................| ^35
Hu'S Evening Slipper*,embroidered............................................45
Boys’ S^ Shoe, good lotdiiag. good
. d wenneg .
Boys'CaU Sho
a, can't rip them .
Yoirtha’ Calf Shoe, aeamleaa, can't rip them....


JHfred a Triedrkb

-and tbe result will be tbe finest bread
y 0 B have ever
made. Every
member of the
family will tell you

Good nri-iir-ige -to Ea-b
When you go fishing. You want things all ready cooked, all ready to
eat—no time lost in this way. More fish brought home.



Potted Veal, Hashed Chicken, Pressed Pigs Feet. Vienna Sausage,
Corned Beef. Lunch Tongue, Potted Hanr, Hambei^er Steak. Chicken .
Loaf, Van Camp's Poik and Beans, Country Club Sausage. Prepared
Sauerkraut, Alaska Salmon, Monarch Lobster, Imported Sardines, Lib­
by’s Dried Beef. Van Camp's Celebrated Condensed Soopt. 10c Cans
Mock Turtle, Vegetable, Oxtail, -Boulfion, (Jutt a little hoc water and
your soup is all ready for serving.)

0l*rv, SMIOM.


TMVMfeAV, «AV K nm.



Grand Traverse. Region.

aeeoMU ot m> andt rale.
the Ladies' AM aet at Oraat char^
laet Wedaeadar
Mr. Goddard.

Can’t Ten See the Star of HopeT
IF Tramsomuis

bad the *
(M paa<Mwirtit«r.
Mn. Jote lAtUr has Mea at a».| tava feJi fpM hartbrak
tfor her slater. Mrs. F«
hoaplta) «i Tmarar Otr tha
HcEcUches. Ion of mem>
'•Is t>-- better.
Iftttac at AMcpL
r vbllr Its Is TUtttac
tivd-a Setardar aUM. Har ... —
inS.^'Mv tfMlW lor fear
r j Mr.
ory. weak. eye*, com eyca
r. Boekser.
BaekMr. who
' 'becw worklac | A rerp pleaaaat ilae was bad M tbr
Uml We wy siad to b«w afce Is Iw imceotf to r> *or tbo beneftt of tbe
f«» M. M. Web* for eon# Ume. basjboase W-Mr asd M's. — •ee Brls
jloftUaad Bsaeb
Baodar aeboQi
defective risioa
Beerrbodr eeao aad help as hare a
Hafb Bord Is fDortnc
» eieiioiieobp at «»»e Grand! B. V. RHI
HHl 1s
Is «Blu
«olu poortp pel froa' ol thel* AtssMs wmu tbefe fo- a
Am Ms tarm to tbe center east M i goad time.
Ibe ttb of Jnaa, Bapids BaMnets Collate, arrlred boon. tbe e*e«s W tbe lalpry. he leeelred prise borer wamlax. which wi
BUM. »b«« be has }en betb a new
S<^ «1U
:coajdwe eecM. ._Mr.^ Mn IBrtp
_ „ Ne-thland BMCb Satotdap for a two weeks' racalkni.
to. Tbe tiro bsUdln* wHI make a wltk a ptale
lie* in the knowledge that
had retired for the alsht. but
and eehoian are!
S^af laiHoreBnt la Uie street. jteoods. Tbe parents
were soon cn a:<d ready to raealTt«p with Mn.
ti^etfTbTttoe'S^td the*TotJ5^{
UUs Alice Art*er ckiaal a-----others are being cor^ by
their cnesu. 'nte ertolM w«» epe®*
Cttp schools we'e antmalord at Mn.' Lools Dean has letnnsd
fsI tera
terM ot
et aebool tIasi FrUiIT. The
wearing Dr. Wolfe'* Spe­
te plsUlBa and with caaes. A gm
«lolbe taefe Beth wID Uhe their '
Addle Gibbs' 8a«-dap ard Bnndap.
ach^« '
• aAMOoa
tune la reoeral eras bad bp all. tboae
I. A. tamaa baa pttrebasedaSlaser
Mr. and Mrs. Lmber-Marp arrlred; Map «.
cial Grouod Leote*.
■S. »aaM mr, srha »ltb ber faao •ewtac MCblae.
from Grand Rapids Bal«rda.T and arei
— •
• • - Grant ehoreh
baXd.. reeeiitir retaned Aon Mlstln.
Map tt 19W
beiat wannly web»m»l bp tbrtr many
to t
ipil, apMt a fev daps «1 fatsi sreek
friends here. They eooiemplate wt-;
Bltiafioned of the toarsw. i
with bsr>alatar.hlia. Wa. •elkMt.
An apple orchard hai
set out i
Sonday eebool coorwUoai
Mw *t 1»WAi btttp as a bee II ererr reeMant oo tbe hill east of ibe ebon* by Mn.; „„
Kssooo church. 1
*j*J.*WortlTer has bU Urerp bara
nu vaek cods the school Cara.
and M fladlap trade toed.
1M aebool eessM is balDs taken oapMad
The store boUdlnc of John Wooster
The maap Ataads of Mn. Prank
- - r the toode.
Saplh are ilad to see her base acain
orday ereolnt. They hare be—
^Thl^SalHee «t D. HdQaeer ar.d T.
I week OB t
Without Medical Aid or Surgical Treatmratt.
' IcoklBc ao well after ber sertocs
Mky apeat Saadap Is the eoimtrr.
.. etk« at Ann Arbor
Iff. Svaboda antertaieed eoapaap “dT^T'Hall of ThOBpaoBTUle baa.
1 Remove the Caute. Nature Cure* the Symptoms.
Prod SUaner baa W«a asrap for the
Mf: ^ Mrs. Oriaw of FOattrtA O..
Obariby Baird ot Bbennaa li loadbarakeat-elaidiig at tbe botae of M. Id(
a few can ot potatoes.
lew dare.
Rer. Sbellr tare aa cBeaUeni dii- time with tore eyes.
A. & Biitham 1s sooc to be a reeleooroe Sandap aoralaa and reedred
dCBt of the towa.
Teerifle Raec With Oaatb.
Bartoti ColTlB of ITarene City eras
Tmvarea Citp. »neh.
•utte AI S-dl« Wltlrelm Bleok
1>eath was
. ^orch.
maUn« plans for bit
Jm. Boatsaaa retaroad Tharadap bare reeendy
Mn..Oeo. Smldt of Pranklort
ris.. wime BofODCh slslud bU dousli
writes Ralph F. Perasndet of Tampa.
Hew............ ..............
A^.tetaa Harbor, where be hM •
AtaK (Oiatlres and Atends <
Pin, descrlblas hU fearful
. ....
rata with,
• Hw. fcy*?* ^ •”* **'**^' 0“'
”‘Sar SaMi was sreatly surprised j p|^'
robbed I
bean disease. Vhkb
___ la tbe ceneterT Mat weak.
*%?S"tiSrBlwhAin COM it Ml» bn. U~oe 'tbe 'kro^ tottr
Tbafsdap ewstlac by about fltty of bis | May <t. 1*06.
ot Bleep and Id ................
all n
t ia We.
aeailp-eTerr dap aad will aooo haw IB( plans for hit eom^w to opea a friends. DanelM and paipes were Indifferent doctors a
lowbtr yard.
rerai lnediclDei. but pil no ^neBl.j^
dolfod In aad all noort a )oUr food
^^I’ai^l^Tflewetaad oC Trarerar
until I becas to oie Eiertrie Bitten
Dm* lake resort Seadap to wUaeas Uaie.
atp elaltad Boodap with Mrs. I«ew- in
Bo wonderfol was ibeir eScct. that ta
the ball sniae betsreea Orawn aad
............ ................. - HoTma--< Prauae.:^ n *. Carteum.-baa started
I felt •
“sw^o^.'aiaa Ifn. J. ToMskr. Wfotford. At the eiese of tbe elcbib
Mn. Abraham Aodenoo of North ““
Umtap tbekoebre suiod 1 to 4. AAer the
trip to the aoothweeiem suies,
snow atom ia the nUt^ Orawn bad
brotber. Marila Batch.
•* iBTeatifatw
Heads 8.x Wall* Bans, dnissioros: I »
John OasD tp«t Buodap la Baptrc.l tlens te to be
• JB tbei
"uTr SS. ]»0E.
thedoctor does not think ampoUUon
I. A. Umaa M delBc cktV«Rtw work
-'^Miyeor Am aake tdiet,
* \will be necessary.
lor K. A. Nelaao. ^
Hermaa Pnnee rlsRed friends l
Aaka Wacbo aoj Oao. Oorpeou are
OoM Harbor Saturday and Sunday.
Tbe Maner was nuinlac last week.
iC for
far K. A. fMsca.
' '
Irr Wolf of Kepmooe rtiUed hla
wcataa has alfoed a eontract
Blood poUon rreepa op tow.
lor roM or X. A. Malaaa'e store for ooe pareata. Hr. aad Mn. Jake WoU. Bon.
toto* dtmlb.
year. Mr. Nelaoa'e fotka are'eoUx to dap: ae also did Mrs. Oeone Koch
BeUe Rlatac. Minn, c----- ------------- --of Hodie.
More to Oraad BapUa.
{frimid drcndtolly iBjured bis hand. I
The Lndks- Aid aoeiet- will meet
Mia. Browa aad tMllp were TWttep
which swelled up like blood poisonlns. V
> ker daackter. Mra. Bom SomhwoU, et TriU Mn. Newt. Jamlaoa y Thsnday
Buekleo't Arnica Balres drew out Ibel ss
Onaa, Seodap.
benlod tbe wootid and .earod V ^
Bpirester Downey rrtor


... ^


IF orans. WBT an




DR. P. A. WOLFE, OptometrbL

a Herald Want Ad.

Security and Satisfaction ar« found in *

There are to be cxerdees oe' CbUdPsa-s dtp at Nonuand Beach Soadap

iwln* and mored hack to tbeir farm |


y j. cmfKT n CO.. ^


‘'mi? a J Dean kad eblldten of La-: SSwlfflSfpSi.«tb*bmk

and other reliUres at Kankakee, III



eOeryone sKouId not havB a well furnished home. Otir plan of selling on easy payments makes it possible for you to furnish your home oempl^. reg^dloM
of your financial condition. Just a small payment down and the balance at your owp-ceitvenience. Many a dollar la wasted through trying to do without.
Our stock is the largest and most complete in Northern Michigan; our prices are thetpwest that can be found. The fact that we buy for three large stores
snablos us to quantities that the smaller dealers could not handle. This enables usto make a fair profit at prices that would prove a loss to others.
200 StylCB

esteiMe siesie

One u

No dot, DO dirt. BO
odor. jBittbo t&ing lor

Doe't isil to see ou aediam
priced line ranging tmD



iug without faeaUDg the

Oily *z.7i

mm*. A^oewahip-

Same chair wiili uood
^radc imitation leather

Dining cables

neBt just wrived.

all styles, lowcat price* oor aaaortiDeiit cmlrmor* ail the
latest dorigb Icrs in table*, a good aolid oak table will seat
ten peoplo. Only





ed back, just Uke cut

laygeaeklor do a b^-


yoo are looking

tot Knisg

■fcn'---- 1

from ^ best asBortmeol. '


OpsojMl—A'lot of Dinon
iusUfto coL sbapnl saddlesHt, higfa^

-Other* from 183.18 upu

anbassed back posts ami •piodlM.all |
turned finiahml is goUen oak


Only 90c e«cb

enable* yon to^ get jort

Bnficts and SIMoards
Hie city's lieet aasortaicDt at the
peopltt'a bnt price an elesant *oIi<l oak
quarterrawed Buffett, darkgoklcu finish

whiU yon want to pay.

Picture Frame*
mailo to onler, any Sbe, aU Style Monhlinic*. WINDOW
S^DES BHidc in all sim. AU work ^neated

small Payment Down

Only $I2.S0


A bEArilFI'L Sidel«Ltd well,
made, haodaomely fioishid in' rich
dart goldmi oak. larsp fWoh plate
mirror, o n I y-• I m.7 •

J. w.
•4wrww •% *1


12.00 to 20.00

Only $2.2S

Urlaaere .

An exceptionally &Bc^ line from g4.7S up.
See OOT 19.50. JMOjiO
and $12AO Couches.

PaHor Stands
The most enmplote
line of
ever ahora here at
prices that the smaller .
buyers mn not dapli*
veto. One a solid wellmade..all ask aUod, rich
tlart ftohlon
top 2ii24




A good bemeb Wring­
er. strictly


Oai? S.7S
Tnb Wriiufert.. from




Machine* in 12 diSkfsnt
styles fri.>n) $2.13 «p.

morris Cbairs


'what you want at just


Best in the City.

Dto» of tlyk* m
ohooee from; thi* f^



Dinina ebairs
Chairs boy Thee* yon osn ehoote

Baby eabs
45 differesil stylus ot Baby
Gsbs,6o-CsrU nod Folding

wood Chair, all po*t» and

shaped scat, hinh emboss­


Our lino of Steel.
BaagMVM DenTtnoffc
eottpleto tbu DDT, A
kfge su4u1d, high
gmde Steel lUngo. kU
pti-M peaked, with
high cM end nearToir, digeiitly nlBkled.

beanlifd wJUl


Tree Beds
Hnmlred styles, any
size, any color; evety
iron bud in our sUe k
k'uan&teed to id'<’
(food eerviee; « ir>»»!
I size hetivv Irou

Only $2e2»

Til-' easiest eittiu* Chair
aokl. ciLU U- adjastei] to any
posiihin B-'ffitmiBg aa low
ti-s $1 V..
Don't fail to look meronr
m->ma)otL line of Carpets.
Kq(.’«. * bleVMh and Linolenm

Id fiuor roreriiiKB, laivc
eoouefa for an ordinary aixe
room at lew than oosL

Easy Payments

b TNUMOAV. I»*V n. 1ML


^ss.ar7.£&s:tsrsij£ Shi
WMMr 6eU ft Kmtmd
■tt-lleacM fl( Km

Mn. LoBto K«d«aM «n,to T**t-

Mra. Waltar Oer^ ai
Ur hi TrtwM Chr
uri Bor:
tba aertoaa inaaaa arjtoad.

brweted at tbe krtek jard.
Clart MlSa of Bora a

.'People with Weak Stomachs li
State of Oanger.


ache, earlakle appnitr. aaite.-a, aaaatat at tke pit or tbe etoinarti. mUow
ekla. heart ban. tarred taaaae. otoeih
leMaeea. aad cwwen’ deUHty. H aboaa
that the eiomacb ha» bewe oterworkeC
aad weakrtial. A Atty reat box of Hlo-aa tablete «HI tire aolek aad apt*>ly
Aek 8 E WOK * SoM oaerrf Ike
BOB relUUe dm* (naa ta Trararee.
ntr. i..'»how you (be-atroat-CBaiaolee uad. r wbU-b ibep aefl Hl««a.

Kearlp aH dUease aeTsa tbat ftaC
uaoeUl Satardar altbi paaM by Uo oaeleof Me
todSBcai to Ike arOtan aato eatiaaee
^ oorca doUara belaci ad Lolaad dartac tboir yi
• with tbe air we braatke. or- Ikroocb
i Mr.
of Ttarcra
BWa Brawa baa baM arrioaaly Dl, oar
ear food
food <•«
Tbk rate of Mr. aad M™. CUot
.......................... .
tba paat week.
,'t u tbe atomaeb aad dici-etivr nraaar
«0T* to m UUe ocalaad WM totally daouered tr (re dotklac Co.
kM M« «0iu M. M ____________
* - Tajlc* or Haatm ban bo^ be weak, ao that food due* no- readily
.oorter Bickt. Tbc kaa U (arilr eoT- The LoOIm' Aid aecMr not Hat
iber will coatato
.. efl*)__
ar«a br tataartaoe. Tbrr bare tbal woHc wlib Hra. W H. Banben.'
for tbe
feraewtlBa aiaaa. an Mee
LeroT Pbpntk aad Pted Pierce
-----------------------------of tke eoBBoaltj.---is ikelr.
Hr. and Mr
. 8 C*rmm
-MtaMo ti1» to Toiado.
dUearU aerate . to prow aad vread
boUdJaa * bare. we !a
jOraadrlUe. OMa.
The weteM Lnaber Oa. are eepalr tbrooab tfc* whole tratem.
' Mdra Waraar H tlaltlac at b«r wMk.
cctr C____
back, -•eum MAvi
Bort, to Mr. aad Mra. 8aa> Clark, a *aitor
r IkM
tkla wear
Miila^ W«l»Mr. *h0 f»M0«
bp' D, Doaoraa tt rlaltlaa at Noraaa
■ u Dellb.
Mrd: tke^MM^MUio voTii
^^Krt Brewm
wwa baa
hM aoM t.
a. ' tbe Dortben pan of tbe rllto
I TiMt bU daBcbtar. Mra.
a. t« ja» ima»r. k«i M». Ates
r wni be a T
tbe: Bartel at liberal ter»a.
to »0t M »*U. '
(namli^ieM vU bo bold «t U chorek mdar eraalav for tke elaaa dtalrable mldeoec lou aad tl
la tke rlllaae. bebic 6> br i.w »«
to4v, Bov. Bodbte of Moatoo
13 OAV9 UOADSLtodlee’ AM aortelr. laeludlac | wltb a KMoot oiler back at eacb !•
oftcUtlac- J- 6- Brovti to ehorso.
. Jaloa. Wexford. Beadoa. Raai-; aad a-w '
Ibate cart bu Kob« to CoooOo tor
I ncfvl Uio wwfl and moat liavi- it. Money u no ol.jiwt 1
V. iBlaad. Qiawa. Rke aad later-. (rooUac
a TtolL
Mark CoakllB of Lout Lake li work
dwB aodetlea. wiu bold a (oareatloo
Hro. Ben Tbosaa H 111 at ihU w
haTe made nintiacta with two o( ihi- Innn'wt wesden mtib in the
H* •hndd tert
. Moeroa Ceatpr ebarcb. Juae S. a!u«.
tUn Raeera’.
5jisf one for one.quarier biood and thft'e-ctBhtbt hlooil. and
^ diaaar w*ll be eerred le lbe{ Hlaa Mr-tle J<din ><a« aaenred a
tor aoTcral rak* ud U t
k on (he eew dam i
Graad'Raidde m Mlealady'to
. retlowa’ dUlBX ban. «'
the other mill for all tbe lowat irriuliw 1 can ij«L I must have
! (reaMos- Tbe piles are belat drlreo,
tor'B Urt8 aUMtdaa» aad a p
Morae-e dwaa-tai
« « CrotMt'o Bin hM.MWir
ToMdar la
Harvey Meet of Beitaer worked for
in all thirUfen ear-kmib of Miehicun wool. I am therr-fore willUm Itordwood e« wd tk« ere« aad pnCtakle (aeetlag.
: Bd Quatfe aad Ed Ro«er, tost week,
int! b> |ny (mecs-iit a |)oam1 morv than uny otlier local Imyer
Sefcortor had tbc atefor- vOI CO to W. Dow* alU tor o tew Mar St. loooto; A few of tbe yoon* people epeai
loBoClAi Irak kb l« iSt rafc. Ut
ereeloc with Hr. and Mra.
pays, and if you will Itrint: dm- y<ior wool, awl »lo not tirul Uiia
be* home .at Omena MnMay
^Tbe WeWOA M*»0
Oeear Peteraoo left Moedar for Lu4- * Pn“k
exactly ao I otiy. l am wflliujr to jaiy from $1.00lof3.00foryodr
Kata Brexlaaki U aaaUtlot Mra. At iDptoD
to work on tbe ear tenr Maa-;w^Mi
laaoD la boaaewert.
troolJe in cotnint;rrhoev.-r m-edo a oheanr. l»y notidiine
Albta V'Ifkochll came in tram Trar- **I.’I^InBaB ipeot Tbarodap ta Trar- tax a Meaorla] day proeroB for Mon­
hand, can send me liis athlnwa and Imw Dutny fleecea be
a. a. Com la taorloc A eewtot «Uk erae CItP oa Sa'orday.
day afternoon. Hay »ia.
Harrap Plwatt |a procrwaatac tahas. nnl I will atmd tbe abeaarr. Alao. 1 would U- gind to ban-,
Hn. 8 Downer to repapertajt bi r
Toraklp aad tke doctor belterea be caa
house. Mn. LOU Bocen Is belples
you rail at my warebooae and tec Uh* wool 1 am ReUini;, aud
wire«raem^mMiTa l3rort^ aare hla atta.
Mn. Pkaay fMaar u rUUlaa ber Thoroday.
you will find I am not Uaffini; bat need tbit foil {hirteen caroat. Mn. AtklaKB. for a tew daya
Hasrthy Methcra.
Cbas. SwatcMh sgeet Mobday la
loacia. Brinff your wool and your money it rwdy Itw you at 1«
CkariM VUkoehfl aUeadad tbc daaee
Trarena CUy.
'l/^^^^tr. TWIM who wi­ •1 baplf* Batarday rrealas.
Hotken tboBid Always keep to gooi
% kl«
oumvs to tbe pound.
Re». ld tbc fbmcr.ooMcn Itaow _w|at
adlly beank. They owe U to their
Tba paoide here an la a otatc of edt»loerrlMo ererp aliaraate gaaday. tlldrea. Tet it Is no uanaual alcki
itoBaat owtat to the tact that Mue hoM
tkla oaa.
pCrtlea bare beea rUltlac here .-from
. .jt K. O. T. M. M.-a will irt»e aa- (be SoQth Maalioa UUad. where there church. .
eoacbinc Ttaleetly aad cxtalMtlox aD
otkir of tkelr “r»d Use- aaaeca - an aerenl raaee or aaJlsaaiit dlph- . May a. J»05.
(be opBptoms ot a eoMomptiva taoOKN HAVEN.
denep. Aad why aboaid tbto daBcernoa
fTOaoe. ooeoBU— .. .
coaditka catoL daa«erona aUfce to
her HtUe adckav. dolt B«u^ «««b
‘ aad Mn Pnllek aad dauebter
wlthen Dr. BoaebM'i
to aowtb Moatw HUM SMt WMw ■lac peaterdar da aeoaat of tke at
Oahtac oa Trarenc lake SaiorI Syrup would put stop to It
Mn. }. Helm
Halt bar elaur. Hro. PToak
ealtad^' Btrok.
Jacob Harrle Ot Cbleaco arrired last at once?- No Imother

aboaM« be with
iad.. by tbc inaeaa ef a brother.
week for a visit wHh bis motber. Mrs. out this old aad tried resedy la
Hairlaae Watdaiaa waa dowa
nae wlU proa
Arthur JohaeoB at Cbicaco spent a ly con any Ina*. thrtiai or. brewd
The recBlar BoatUr buataeas omc few days at the HotH VanOsfaod. Me tioable to berself or bv eblldrea. 1
wai (.Maple aty,
tax of tbe V. P. 8. C. R. WM held I waat to Traverse City, where be will
BOBfk or cold cab be spew
on Honda rtolt bis parents. Hr. and Hn. Erie
tbe O
‘^Sni Si'cwSiv
by Gennaa Bynip: oo
aS^at Ftfc lAke aad wreal^ aad (he roUowtac aSeen
„._soaa and coaxesthB of
Johaaon. of TwettUi otraet.
rtS^sirtk i
electad: Preaidm. Charles Berry:
la kc»e for bar raoBtloa.
B. J. Mtltor baa pettAaaM o
Our Ktcal floberaieo hare eo)oyi>d broBNilal tatje. It
,.B«)#gr Baotla wm la TrtrorM Oty
aaay. aad (ivei
spleedH luck eal chins V
-----W. Pbrraac^ drinac koiaaa.
aacreurp. Hlaa Pearl Dame: treasurer. Bhlai raat to the eoiiffa-neked
na UtUe doB^tM or JOB. BBtth at
lake. Jack
- k illlt
i lltOB and Blesle
^^umpWre. New trial bottles. »c;
tka lAdOK ter^a aaetoc alatiaB ^aS^T^ aad otatcr Carrie opeai Hiss Ctort Tbonas. The Misses PeaK _____ _______ ,-jr Bnaday. aooe
DBiae and Ulltoa Raaier erere elerted of ikea welchlBK lets than 10 pounds. torse alie. Tie. Itor sale by 8. B. Wall
SoBdar la Trtverfc chy.
ii ««iu ni.
. '
Ihe C. B eoBTeatlnn to
~ stace route has been ehaaaed. Sk’scM**'
be bMd at cedar. June Cih aad Tib.
a or SDiac by MUIer'i HUL Hr.
llsi Ubble OnetaS and Amor RoaD will drive by wav of tke MarP. tr$jrtaqa, t^ a J«rt CaaProfesBor Sule«m« Levi of HlUaj
er ware eleetad a« alteraatas.
erwaalap rlke bKdce al thal ill soon make a trip to hrto U> [
Bert TteBM Is III at this wriUns.
td Mn. Dave Banmaartser U imoMtraie" befon tbe Aeadetay of j
Grand Ranltto tbto week tor a rtoli
Halied with tbe family Ot J. Medktae bU oew cure tor tnbereuloals.!
Daao aad CBCOr Tlmnday aad Pri- Tka Hlaaaa BoaM ----- '
witk nlatlves aad frieads.
■ ■ 1 Mra. RoaieBudairaek
by meaaa of lodlae la>eetloas. tbe com-;
Hrt. & B. Flood it III at tbto writla*.
r.raee Kl% and Hits Boberl- poaitkiB of wklek to a seeiwL Uel
marelas i
Rer. Barbert arrired borne this
imen passed thrmi«h town
Bnta drora to OHa AAor U»l ^
t (bat forty to fifty TaJeettaas,
A vaeBU aSBlrenarT precrtB aad
Hn. Laoham vlNled with win brtas about a complete e«re.
H. Dar pliBlad 1(0.00# valldirad
aataUaittB of «Seen will he beid ta
pfka to Olaa lake taw — ‘
Mra. Wm. Panaiit
Hn. Oeo. H. Bartb, a be M. R. ebarefc Hay flat by the Boror^
To Coro a Cold la.Oae Dap
la nry III at thli writDOUBT CANNOT CXIBT
Oaa i. Barth. 8r. called oo Qao.
The “COLUMBIA" Dry CelU are the kiiid you
**B. N. piekard returned fra Letond
Pack Bnaday.
ralks « Nonk Haaitoa laUiid. bat
Baa (obaaon haalad wood to Maple
Proof We Olve In trsvene dtp■bould buy to ignite your gas engine.
Ausiro-HuDxanan Ambaseador Hca-I
The W. C. T. n. wiU bold tbeir rMHow (BB doubt exist to the face of celmuller It saltlBX aa earnest effort
*^??r A?ia wortda* tor Bar. C ^Mjratlw atrthe borne ot Hn. B. such
Grand {mze awardini the'fOLUMBIA'’ DryC«1U
enW. WOtbuBC on bla plaoe near Maple
have kit (Oreramrtt transfer him
lirty^ pew memben wen re-i«donement of a npretentaitre 9t-T
at tbe Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Sc. Louis, IMM.
-B WMblayton to s’ Europeaa poet.
Id uito the Bpwoetb ‘ leastie on U
that Maaata.
------ .^^rraMarTlB peTtitaaM
Tbe ellmaie here to Ike winter doee
___ toy eveatac. A reeepttoa will be
« acraad to artitiow t
thia Boroiaa
not scree with him. and. moreover, be
Wb aialtoilaod that WOI ChtE ta- sivea to tbeir boaor s' the home ot i
taado bcUdiBc aaetbar booM oe hta Mtoa Jolla Miller oa Baiurdsr <
asbie Bbda IMe ta tbe larger Bnreraa cStlea
- --------——tak. Bahaa
tokto taste tb^ to tbe Amerleac
n k.
I tka (irad.
Kidaey PUIa
____________Id rat to Maple aty aaeii. Me. Ronanra of New Tort.sixm^.uu r
»y performed
Dealer in Automobiles. Launeb-Abd Gaacdine
a few dart of tbto wertt to Iowa yto- t ni
tlMt oaa doy laot ww*.
ItlBS lalattrto rtd friends.
-------------I foUy to suffer from that horrible
' , Engine Supplies.
Mr. Wartburtaad tamllr an mov-g poaolbly help me. After trytos medl- ptoxue of tbe alcbt. lichtox piles.
lato tbeir nPw rooma over the sa- eiaet from Mber maaafecturen suar- Dou's Olntmeni cures oulcklr sad
. Mr,aad
daoabter tacli
OtiuR'B PibBM 5*1 «r M.
- Trapam
aaleed to be sure cores fo- kidney
isnently. At toy drux siore. 50
aad BMthatT Mra. Martto. and Mra.
Bobert Acoaa left tkto week for conplatot. after fslllnB with prepanEra of mpire vara kora todap rla- WaabtaxtootlOBi of mr own: vbea I bad almoet
Meoaortal amwleea wUI be beM at come to the eoaclusloa there was wmiaa OattlBc. caotaia of the paao- tka CeatroMtkaal cboieb on Baaday saivatlae tor me. when I eoold t
Uao laaBOh 'Aaarittoa WOodar." took
cure myself, it certatolv speaks w
"A*oatoB meeitax of tke J. C B and for Duoa'a Kidaey Pills wheti ib
T. P. S. C. R WM beM to Ike Conxre- bronitht about tbe much desired
whan ra haDad fra.
CaUooa] chanta BuaAy eventax and a .suits."
Mra. Q aorta Bslth aad lltUe too Of very balpM and tatareattac hour wo«
For sale by all dealen. PHce 50
.iMMort taadad bora la" —— ' ^laaL
cents. Fbete^HtIbl^a Co.. Buffi
tbatr war to Port Oeaida
w York, sole aceats fifor tbe Call
O. M. Onne opeai Bunday with bii
talhar, P«
famUjTbe -A.
~Mr. Coulter of Charlereix stmh
daya nf thU week to town
I take do other.
too iMt eraalBf wlU H
Irw. Fred Bordrana of Letond to
Praak PUher aad Bd E
bare. He took tbe reat------------lieraM May uth a
(ttoad a daaea. Thep all mamad
at the Toxntor moatklr baataeM meet- rma. proposes to csUbllshed a Preneb
are omch in favor and wr have sold n great mapy-rW^ Itave them in
taxoftkeRpsrortkleaxue: Presldeat.. theater to Loaded, at which beraeU
ei iBMBnr. shTwaa tba Waad tUo momiBc.
■n. DoMey aad ooa Balpb of OIM
all colara an«l liw**. Browyi. Biai-k. Navy, (irvy, White, etc., at only
Arbor abaot two amiki
aka. aad bar alatar. Mra. Mmar. ef
'bMt^rtS^tM .ravorao Oty. ware bare laM weak Hkthewa; third vice preeideat. Mrs.?'*® O—oao rtWiy.
-l:-----------------toat that tbor eooM rMttlBc i«laU«aa.'Mra. MOlcr raaialBad Jotaa Netooa: fourth vice presldenl.|
kaaciM bar tbera. aatll Prtday.
Will Gill: aeeretan-. Oeorxr Lea-) MBW-mr-m-------oiTaM—
Mtoe ■W—M CBM tm CkMaco to Mra.
lie; treasurer. Mra. eeabury: orxaatoi.; HW QK T« C8E 6ATAM
bw'bra oa Ntwtk HaBltoo e abort
•We have handrede of others—v.-ry handwtme akiita al
pMTl Keanady. Delcsiate-------' ( an alek. She wm Ukea worae
. coBveatkm at Hs^ I
___'dUd. fioee ana<‘ Bd PUber'a Ibor Mtot Nellie Steele: alternate.
Ilia Miller.
Tbe early summer whpa tbe wraiher
Hn. Jessie Rossmaa of Leto-d to
-■ —Hilda le Kueat « Rer. Harlbert and i '
Bconm warm and teliled. Is Cie beet
Better akirU op to tlO. S12 and $15, cheaper akirta down to $l.-iO,
dlsd tost P4dap. The chUdna an John BtaSord arrtvM '
me of tbe whole year to treai ea$1.3-’>. 5Wc. etc.
We show a spleiidhJ line of
stok. also M . Plaher. but K to .ataea. Bearer Ula
irrhal troubles with the expectsiioa
or MayMd atm
............. dtoeaae 10 BDder
control. It vistt with triesda.
of complete and laatlas relief.
two other tammee.
even'oae wbo hM catarrh of tbc
Work to prucreaa ,
Aieadto to Eehiv new bulMtac.
bead aed throat abotild know bow
KEW W.kSH SKIRTS in Duck. Linen. Pique, etc., at 50c, $1.00. $1.25. $I.-VJ. $2. ri-'iO (umI $:{.
h«« vtolitat mends. >
nd euro li by draxFifty new i imbe^we-e received foollah it to t<
TBe eoaaty etebth trade exaatoa- _ _ tbe'Gtei
al church on t (iac 'he stomach
tioa for Olea AHior towaakip wm beM lato
Bnaday. Ji reoeptlon will be plveo to
LtotO recently yo ir ptiysicton woaM
ta tbe aekeidtaiae here ea tbe &lh aad tbeir
' ' 'hoabr oa PHtay
PHday eveatox
evealax is
In the . have said ihai th*
the ocl) way to ctirc
“ li’^ adviirttsing oo the side.tlial is a di«th «r this mimtk: Harry R. Dunbrille. ' if^ pariorw by
by tbe rtarcb membeni catarrh »would be by a chance of di­
reel benefit to the people. Krer>' fifth dollar apmt al thia
eemdacter. Tbore were tea tppHeanu
1 T P. R C K. All the membeni mate, bni now wlib Hi
tor dtptoBai; Oleo Art«r. ' '
atoft-aecttyee free a pretty duderakirt or shirt waist or a pair of lace cartnins Y-nir dollar might
als in ;
to be present and eojov • “"T a heallh-xlrln* cllmaie
I by bre
locamaiw aad baa laeud
I erotlnx ud l
be the fifth. For inatanoc. if Jones »i»-nt $1. Williams spent CkOO. then you (ante alon^next and
.tox i< a few mlnu" tour times a
spent $1. your dollar wouhl win—fire dollars ii* -uft- to win one dollar is lisWe to win—Why not
soon cu-e yonraelf
• Bart
Ida Netsca or Olea Arbor
Everyone wko has catarrh,
taki’ advantage of thia ot^yortonily. when the goods arc jnst as choice an>] i-b'-npi-r than moat stofica
ceasful la paaatoc tbe el^rt crade.
a teadeacy to caiarrfa. abould i
Marlorte Camvbell. danxbtc
are offering:'
Last Moftday evealiic the eealor and- Mra.
mel BOW. tor tbe bebefit will be caUedi
-B. B.
E. Caa->bell
Ca»->ben eni
otaaa, tocetbar wlUi-CbaHey-BBle. leave a few Id hr- iinie ntavm
twice as qulcklr aad Ihe dlseaae^horpnMM at-tba-Ra^ ,*
Ibab- teddtor. 'Hr. Dambrllle. a little day afterpotm In hon'
oiixbb eradlcs'cd fee
The comnlete H.birthday. Tbe Unto
^eat tn xaaea. afte- wbldb Utkt m-r
laMirmaobii aad daii»
Jim lee enam eoUal wm held ta rreahmewia. csBaisUac of Me creas and tuHcleni
Ttosadky lor oih e«AlhaU-toet eveatac tv t*^« Purwedts' treatmi
- > as KatoBaatow Ray-i
pane of- ralilac Baaey to defray the
teUme. a
«. itwfci-


tertMK. mi^

”?*SSiS JJtSni rtHv tna •

“ai'SSK _„

sr.ra.’Si™ wS^ts

wool- WANTED!


'KlfflBfS%“53&-5SS r,as'i.rJK;^!i.'ss^:











The Sew Accordlan Pleated or





Sunburst Dress Skirts

$5.00, $450, $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, Etc.


Udics’ Corsets................ 25c

.■geyst.. daes.

Tbe aotlee ot tke time sjsfl
plaee wUl be ipvea ta the Henld. Ovw
(11 WM taken la. .Maar tSaaks to all
who assisted taw........................ May so. IMK.
aninnoa caftTBH.
Mrs. C. B. Dye aad Paal bi


W. Porter tank a trip to
Mra.t!^ Ml Frtdav ter her home; cured of cMrtt by Hyomei. If U
I CuateT^er spMdtax a week to';^ not cure
8 K. Walt * 8om
rwa tbe c—t «r Mr. J. Haywea atai)««l retara jrqwr moDsy. This to the
f etroocen evideace they can offer as to
Mira Battle Woolser clos^ a "ic-' ibdr faith to tbe remedy.

Dry Goods, Cloaks, dothlng.

SatBday aad Btndty.
-------- -.-.e

priM. fay Uft « Iw. um. Irtm^ oc jW«t ComwU. Cm.

Men’s and ^s* Sbirts .......25c

3 Pair of Good Hose for Udies, Misses and anldren. for................... 25c
Ladies’ SoiDBer Vests, bi(b neck, lone skeyes* worth 25c, for only............19c


Trarerse CUy. Mich.

va, Tmm»AY. iixv ii. im


.. .
noon at the Mnpi M the nta at Miand

BMB—BBBBBBBBBBB—Mte' ragon of tlnaan are ■nhlag tafw

III, «M tB

Wm BUaa kOlad U o«! a fav dara
a^ that ■eaiurad « feet 7 r ' '

aSSr tnia her" itiur. Wn iteiri
TtTwrwiI Hr. Or*» of Tnnna CUr-


. Any who hare relics tr
ilnlagiotbao^bla ;«
tary of Michina are
« «wrgad (o atad'boflar. Tht IdantlSad daadArr: inuto tha a
laao-llan ftoann. Prod Sehndlar. Jonta
rw nsaatady wm ha ^ aatgna that Adalmt teleatron- Maty to pay the frtS^t aad take tbaiOnria. Prod Orwndlay. Bdwntd Band
cnlM toward the and of Jane
eg aH anh nlta or rac and i
May H-:A dlapnlM
only be a partial a
pnndf of the paopla oa tboy wia ««I
Pntetaw A. O. WOktaaon la data
be aBDwad to ataet ■anhaw. TbajTT.T*^

Mta Carrie Haney.
Yhetr^traaaanlBtollMooaL It
Akoot II «< tb» M«d« of BtM teefea aa ttoagb «e a«re fOAg to Mra
b*r m plMtaut
a. Ifar tt. IMS.
•t Ur taM W«d>Md4r T . _
tBarch." Bar. Hagh I
teor «r ber UrtMv- Th« e*Mtac
«M Mt lb Mie u4 gu
By Ordw <g Oontalttaa.
Wat mdfMd tUmom at Karftald
■oat anjiM ti»» wu ua.
JOiHSiDMi Knbwle TWUd MMd* la voiklK tor Wa. Lola Bawliw.
Qatta a aiiMh* traai hara attaodt
Port Oneida BrWa.
to TwwM atr
ka oganlas at Daok laha r
The May friwida of UUia Bahrena
enrtwd Btaday. Tha Bnalaa •
Qaa-OraraadV------- -mn be intareatad to tarn rf harmardlrtata ata» IKL Ha gmdintad la
• of luting nnd the tea-1_________
Tiaga to Hawley Babb at gpnhanr.
dtaa <d ■$< ntaig trhh JnaUcaa
H. W. Ou«r cpent Prldar at h|»
gaehtary aead
Woah. The wadding took ptaee at the Tokio. May tt—An odBdnl roport
■oner bane bare.
r, Dorothy. I Brown and Brower of tba UMtad
Sglraatar Davsar at Hodga waa a boow of the -gTOM-a -alatar. after u been racalved tron Said beadgtar-:
tbeS-yrowsAddoagburaf Bar. Bdwnrdj®****
Btaatro Dapew
lUar at tha bme ad lrvta Savitaga wUcb the yomig eoople rapnlrod at ten abnooncing aethral I
»»*eT B^yne. Mr. WBkMI>M* jalta
Plaaa. Itaab, wbeta a bawly by Wnaalans on the Jnpnaaaa poets ’r'agaatoree Bapoctn indicnio ibnt the Bsaeb (g Deipbt lad, dM early this
i Bi«i.ns aaaaawd the oBanatre In (be Bornlog. A crowd noon «***,n«ad;
-MMBapU* «»the goasta of frtce<U
^ »the pnUnt oHat ta
^UtHaftaalUaAthaahJtUat. fomlohad bona, altnatad oo n IW----July 1. 1K4. Daring Ma tarn Of adr>
lot. BwaHad then.
' JCMKi^BartWNcrBnitliBBWtf• Behrena
to n WoMwIae girt by ^
s of Ro)e«r«“*b?»jKJeryo»DallBa.Tn™».atthealghtaf^: rlea the potanta gnatad here tnereaeMM «M th* (MM Of Utm WUWred
froa nhoot 4SAM to note than na.HodfM tMt.wa*.
• raoetrta op to lata, nicnd lianlag fron Um ehUd'a ■oathl"'*'
J. TbntiaaoB. tha H. A K. B. _—
'gagaaMtite The Botalan losses
Mn. -B«b«t B. WUur «Bd m
thto ananoen.
la apaodtag a taw dart at bU hoBe la
I was erereone. Re Is atU la a oartoaa, ~TmrcrM.atr wtf goeMa et tha :
;troa le^ tbaa Sfty toASa.
Trarataa Cttr. Lavmiee O'Brlas it
' SC Patarsborg. May 2L—The eonwWalttf JbMUr laat vaafc.
trike ta 0« Again.
ailhic (ha poatUoA dnitng I
WIU SeoU aMt Stndar witk Ua
«A \4ie niissniii

rraak Bardr TMied la
Cbtago. May tJpazcau at ngaataa Otr.
tnornlng 10 delirar material to the fair! oays "I hare lost spent a waHi In Har- InaatBg. Mlta, May ts.—Tha thirty-1 Oehinboa. O, May
■Berta naa| All tba heating, batanie ■
Ttlla IM SoBdarMn. T. T. CripMC aad two AasgbMta. A. TMd U gaita 111.
atrika boond *a-t bln wbaro dtoaipaiJaB I. i. fall away. I drat anaoal meoUag oMha Mh*Han; wore killed and naay bidMIasi don-1 ^
- tgn << Boraa Palfa an gaeata
. - «< ThOBipaaaWu Ball ~
^ gad wife <or a fav tera
ran for tba Bd-ictronsaa. tbentark and noaie yacbU,; Pienaar nnd Hlnorleal Mdely wlU be ngad by espleota of n Rocking Valley I
Tfila la (he haveiark at the paatoaea.
^ JaUoa pnta at Wngilay «ai la towa
etolly the laat are erowdad. par-1 bald In thU city Jana 7 and A Aaitatlroad loronoMro nt 1:45 this after-jnoM,.
B. W. Daretaatti wept to JontaM ward RIaaa Lonbar
. U.8. Wattar It gg«w1ag wltb a aaMr. aad Hrt. W. P. BamoMt aod TT
1. too In a
toWlr of Butra atoitad frteada bare
mansed Tnoodar.
bar. walked out la a namber of other
traa a rWl at Tnraraa Otr. Bar UtBar. W. H. Harhart vlU j
enaas walkoota were reported tor almU^aadaoKlBamd Holbraok.------- MamorUl aatnoa in tha M. iTctmch
llar raaaou todlentlng a apread of the
7:S0. atrika to the lumbar IntaraaU of the
’^Wr^dMMorar at CadlS
Itad Ua aoaidMi. tha MitBaa Ha
Barly .trains todsy broo^l to Chl.
'Dbtraer haa tatmad la town loot Friday.
«roi tha Fawla a*ool at “ “ •■Hr. and Mra.''Prank McManna at- ' esgo sbout ISO atrika bronkari rrom
iSk FMuar ct CadUlae i
and ClDdn^. Joaepb
tended tba foaera) of tba tornerh (a-'
ct triaada tor a lav davA
a Soatb
Fraakfort last Btada.
oday. C Viols, mtotakea for s strike bi
frcM Sharon,
A. Baaaor hM rauned fi
______ Mra. Geo, Rnprlgbt of Boalb
aty Praakitort risltad at R. W. Deraroaax’a was ssssulled sad robbed enflr tbU
Bobort a WolM of
monitdg and Frank Voelkcr. n press
gpaat Snadar vltb hit pvaaiVt
Maya. IMS.
Bod aeddoot eecorrad laat feeder wu shot nad bndly woBaded
Bnaday anernoen at - Caae'a enap. by H. ntxgerald. deputy sberiS.
obont throe mita from town. Blaactaa
Chicago, Hay t*.—teeriS Barren
The atAaol In dtatrtet No. S had _ Smith, the lby««r«ld daagkter of AV aaU wbeo Intormcd of the action or
Tary pMnannt tlnta laat Prtdoy aftaiv tin Smith. wbDe playing with a rile.
:art- Joint coancll in deciding
xm Thar bad -Uothar-a day.*- and aecUeatally oboi and fcllM .Johnnie,
tba ll-yaarKM aoa of Artbnr Bnab. toeoalinoetbe strike:
tboaa The child died before Dr. Mmimds,
ly BtaBi that the troops will
wbowaalmmadlataiyaamiBtaad. eonld
called. We hare fonnd li
arrira. Tba iBQoaat was held at 10
d vftb lea ciaaa and o'elodc Hoodar. and the rerdlct was dUkolt to BOlatnia tba peace wUb the 1
'tatal abtaUng. Tha body was learn of poUea and depaUca we baro
Tha aeadal at Oraat ehaieb laat
II to Mt. neaaaat Toeadai-. for bad. and now that iber* la a praapact
don't want one yomteU. cut them op and
Taeadayawntiig vaa a ageeaaa. Orea
d. The baraared parenu bare
Ml *na talaad.
beartfell aympatby eg the entire of ao maeh great^ a body of man
make them into gaits for yony bojs,
Ona-third Off on all Appliques Cnr this ta days.
mat Wadneaday aranlng a goodiy
betaig ta atrika with all tba cbaacea of
■nbar et Bdan HarWa yootg
rioting that It atallt. it will be oct of
fiifda dragged ftr ^wpaeladlr to
Prognat for Iba Bondsy sebool eoa- tba gawUoo for u to baadle the
help bar ealeliigta har^ birthday,
nthm to be held St Pouer's school- troobla witboot aid from tbc mllRnry.
MEN'S SUITS in »n. M. 35. SO, ody »o
had a plaaaaiit
Mr. and Mra. O. Ramai apant a few honse. Jana Srd. IBOS.
ss the strike spraado, I will be
O' two dt a kind, not ezaetly the right thing
Morning Beaslon. ,
daya bi Trararaa Oiy laat veat
>:M—Davotlonni sorlea.^ J. & eompanad to aak tba gwreraor of the
for a wedding snit, bat extaUent for working
Mfg. Malthy and dtOdran have bean
stale for aU. I bare don all that! am
roSattfan hare
soita. Begolar $5 and 16 goita. To (dona...
.Vorda of srelqoma. Jnmaa RadellP. able to do. ata the proepaet now It
CMocswm haa MTtteaad f tea
ha« ooramd baggy. ^
that the thing wfll go away beyond
Bar. mneh and vtA rlMted at Hr.
Paper. ■'Balalng tha BUadsrd ia ear the powera of my oBta.’
Bateidjh ana day laat vatk.
The rtaiaal of the ezprdbe compnales
LOT OF $7.50 SUITS m in gisw 34,
BMar Mathava haa bean praaehlag wn banrts.*’ by P. D. Taylor.
to rainatiu the drlren enased all acmart aronlag tha paat ■work In tha
35. 38, to go at..........................................
Mta Bohrer.
AdianUat ohnrM. lha eongragaUana
goUatloea to be called oB.
RacHstloB, MUi Edith Bftay.
are good.
Mr. and Mra. WOaen vtaltad at Mr.
Wwarch orer pala. Bornt. cats,
tpralao. lUagt. lastani relief. Dr.
LOT OF $12and$15SUITSinsigog k X4
^M?^JJI?*tad n big legging baa
Tbomu; Bcleetric Oil At any drag
34. 35. 86. to go at........................................ UlMW
Mta luSMeU «UI load Kba W. C.
laogaa aagt Bantey aranlng. A (XHtsidenUe ,4eta-dian we paid for them. Nothing vimg
Hay tt IMS.





That will make the Boston Store a Merry Shoppingr Place the
Rest of this Week and All Next Week.


Furniture Specials



3. R. Batton la arortdng at thg ahlft-


**ilWWekerd drora to KiHraaba SatBua Watoon la lending a tar with
folntnw for tha Chlenco ntarkat.
nSrd K. Banoh (doaad a rarr a<M.
oadadBl UTM c< athod bora PiUay and


up to 35, all kinds of ttyka and fabrics for...

'the Um Store*
Tour 6ood Ones

___ tat
OrVaJI^Jvtated to.
Mr. and----------Prayb pnnnta nl

^%ta BMndha Braea. aha la (anching
'Ug JSaathige^ apant Bonday with
Mta Bra Thnrtall. vbo
nehoo] la Ua Sooth 'dlaMet ratnnad
to bar honw Prtday aranlng at Trarana Otty to rtalt bar paroou.
O. Watoon it nl^t vatehlng at the
On Fhbtnaka vaa dawn Mat Ona-

Mr.-aad Him. WIUteTTay rWted relnriraa here Bandty.
Arthar Thompson was a Tnrerae
ORy rUtar one day tat weta.
May H. law.

CalrlB Brooks aad Him Hand Bates
ware the gaeati of Mta OoMla Bates
Tha danee at WDI Baton Batarday
rrenlng wu mrril attended. AH kad
aa^ tta*.
lha Lake Aaa baaaball team did not
come orer to play with the Almira
tooB Bnaday. Bnt tba Atalra
ptoOWd with a picked alaa. Tha _
Bteod n to 4 la taror of tha Almira


Lot of wash salts at cost.
Takes a choice of a banch of Veatee, Norfolk
and Doable Byeasted rioita for the little fellowg,
raines from $1.25 up to $2.00.


Cettsaads Pants
The kind that'i warranted not to rtp—look
good enough to sell for more than one dol­
lar; but that’t ^1 we ask for choice from a
dozen nice patterns.

Best at the price that mocey will buy—war*
ranted not to rip. and to give entire satisfac*
tioh—only fifty cents.

Lot of BowTioa
to close at............
8 in. Leather WalleU
at................Haff Price
Big lot <rf Pnraea
and Bill HoUert
' le-thlrd off
Cboioe I

and 31
Suit Cases. Grips.
Bi^ Tninka, everj-thing for tnveling. &t

ipeciai Low

ntoHdiia Shirts
Black and all the choice patterns fancy col*
_ . ors <xtra good workmanship on these, and
full wees—a very complete line to select
from—choice of My of Uiese fifty CMts.

'Tfdice and firemens' brace—the kind that’s
different from the ordinary mies sold—let us
show you the difference—as good as you
used to get for fifty cenn—any color twenty*
' five centK

Mrs. Lura Bgtaa aad VIoto lake Fri*^grs, B^Bota wuosU
uSSTorny Mm
__ itUka 'ontbaanearal ...................
nro^ anr^__________0.8-Gray.
Mr. M to B Gray,
OtTfia wtR tathar at
. _,,BM'a Wadneadar.
Mra. AnMa Smith of Ttar-

A potato bayor from Dairolt wu
teronab oar rtekrity tost weak baying
powtrai at tba anmU aam of oltet

Sherman & Bunter
236 e. Trout St., CnotrstOif



In Black and White, valnes
from 3L35 to 37.00, go
for ten daya at, 3.48, 3.98
They have the . last senaoa's
el^-e—their only faoit—
and not a bad one at that,
u Toa aee u many of that
style as yoo do Ibe new.


^'rhara wUl be a daaw at Mr. Stmt's
Mat Batarday etaalgc. Hay ITtb.
Mra. Agaw Bata wu tba gaao
Mra. Lnnra Bata Bonday. also her
tatakter. unia QIadyi.
Tboro wtD be maatUtg ersry night
at Orton this weak. '
Hr. aad Mrs. J. Karr hare reUraad
tram Ibdlana, wbara they bare baas





SALE A STRAIGHT..................... 4 Ul ■


tha aSdhH; tros Wabotar^ nllL
A. orVMrbanka of Tnraraa Kay
rtataad Irianda hare Sonday.
Mn. Oeinabu Botanara. vho has
tatting MaUna In “ " '
d botoa Thoradar.


with them es(«pt their gisea.

Mercerized Waists
In- nent and pi^y pattema
and demgns.
32.00 waitta gD for...i 1.48
33.50 waists
25c, Uk«____ ________
Perc^ Waistg worth from
60c to 31.35.

This SpiCe^C^nct, all hard wood and finiih- 41c


np to

Ladira' Oxfords wwth
32..10 and 33.00.
And many other*.

For Summer Gowns
Lace Stripe Voiles and Plain
Etamines in Castor, Eoyals.
Drabs and Browns, good
teine at a
yd. gpecial........... ‘»/ C
Yard wide Crepe de Paris in
faiorw. bUoks. ocion peel
brown*, eitn m- 2a>*r
cial for thU w^..
ne moat stylish cloth tar
this aenaoo's gown*.



W‘•^.'>.“4 .'^*2 ^



Thi Mahogany Fiaiahed RO­
MAN SEAT, large aize-velour covering, in aaaorted
colors, this sale

Other Parlor Lamp* at 4^

AMERIC^ w‘^HE!^j-only nro left, ^,50


hllLLINERY-AD Patten Hat* from 34 to $10. go at loff.
• ■r Uii* ten

ALL ROCHERS duiiag this aak go at ONEFOURTH OFF.
________________________ _
PICTURES............................. ...ONE-HALF PRICE


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