Grand Traverse Herald, November 23, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 23, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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vouxkvii. ^

wti ias they OMffer by beiac farooght. ■
been a trial to go from tar to door. ' haa driven them to the atrim. whom woald (tody their old i
btamor did b« abool her.
In n amdand hated the other dair
T«i citM>m»y o» OiwwciT.
The trig bouoe was very aotay. Thcithey keep cniapany with the splnnlBE filing booki! One hardly ever hear* i Bhelley. after riaillng him B Italy, a Baanfanarer toM this aneedufa of
Mahateo. are not ae «i
of a apelUng oehonl nowadays.
; wrliea. There are two Bsstkeys. Bve
ioba M< Pe'« •at Robm mud PmU
ly and inaks
cased and aaosbi for at tra
Ood is Bb vitdom.
theB «IL
^a. eight dog.
lea bota^ .1^ the laieReitaKw Hanna, litsnwurtad
were banged atong the eo.'
in the l>h<hMlelphia Balbaln.
• MdUMDU. u4 Peur *
rMon by buaj- baggagemen, while aiii.
of tbatr fatbera pnaalw
Bcasior lUnaa. like aU good ama
beTora t ever'taw a keroasw lamp.i ielci>IWBe and otber things have mado^ the booM> like iHe master n( li." as-l
denu swarwMd fr and om of the
BDlmt a pttatbtr. and PaaH-a kaaw. waaKbr addition t« aoac (rat or aeror.
rooma. laughtag. JoUng. and aH In a and I remember perierti* weg tbe ffrst; the farming folk a good deal Im d..; Moore aayt rf hh. visit. -As 1 gtoped
. Bril or food, aa tbe <wa
i ““t
Tbmaih the crowd diUled iheao two iirry.
WUlo or oolorod or bood'or tree—
FrUl at Ian veotartd down stairs I had hwn in losm In ae!l a wagonkiad
mtle errands td and before we bad pmreeded wmny ] all sfirts of good Meas the the bertmJtrta asd Peter aad Bobert^nd Paali walla, aa llUla neileod a« two atrojr and was met by the undtady wholofpn?dnre.andheb™iBhib«neaboat|other'sm.Hand
Ood. la Hli VMOD, created tbes a». ebOdreo. bet aUbonah atmoUcad they
into a ttar .< the foot of th- j a fhW matebc*. *ad in the erentag | e«-h other when we went to town. ^a
K) oioaiit BBsaifne. Brcrr-jiy load' I'm wore to a fiat- all the neighbors were inrliod In to and used to belp.mcfa OJ^ more In
Oat of oor^'a droeaU mlaeled «lth tuns was BO deUsbtfOL Tbo gay carrfagea dUed with brlcht drcaare aad tie -but I've rcBod all my rooma «| «v him strike three or four of ibeia. | times of sicknrM. No one «er heart u«dk wbkh tbo Bcythc was nerve al■T wish 1 had Hanna's mottay aad
ime this after-j home folks ibuogfal them too danger-1 of sueh alhlng a* a trained annie ^
Oat U Ufo’a eanpoond o<
<a^ btaric coat*, the wild eolle*e yelU
^ed lo touch. A pair uc sand wasps he was la the poor beoar.i,.*dlh^"trankrs jn« iTrojotis lo have arouod the boiue. Wcllbe country when I ^
which pierced the air ai freqaent laterRather amaaed. the gt4atnr tamsd
dWn't have a candle mrtd ai oor boose I bosne. No matter how sick fo(k^
PbablowNl oad abapod br m vtU o< rali. thedwraa froatkally blown aa the
to his oBre. and osdmd tbo boff to
tallydio eoaehea with their leana o(
be brooghi ta to bha.
.» -.iiJl.' -«.! •- «» b
."IT -pHiu:. H-.rUol-rt
And helpleod^ Into lUtTa btttorr tear bonea praaebd off op the bill, all o-wr. .. lb.
The mue fellow eaasa aad Bta.
waa fall or chars to thew two (raab- tileolsh an ell can. She ran nut. i The wbrte bou*.-would s»«ll of
always sore in be oo hand when etall-1 window, and he had a favorite glow a tiny, embarmsaad Bgare. before thr
dad lo get Into the fresh air for a mo-! ‘lie days we dipped taller.
Bon br tke law that empeU mea
lea iaat a-rlrcd—in the churchrard. which hU shreird and kindly miUbioaire. .
and ak-ay from the eiaah of stone! Th«i tberri w»s ibe <rid rag carpet dren were bora.
PMIl.—(aoeb a friredoua Utile
pariabiooers we-e asked not io tre«-| ~ao you wish you had my mosMT
And lint talloreoa has
for no eedato a Uttlo girt) stroilod CrtCkciT and roar of \rtees. Her ma \ loOro. said the old lady wto bad Urn
ble. He- pelted everything l>oL UaJ^ t waa la the poor home. oAT'
a as well
I made
first yard id car• the
•iowlr ap the bill In the woke of tbo flUott she wa* leaving the store when;spt*eo. '
d Jenny Bptmee used to . spider; tWs. for mme ineaplimble rra i the Sraolor said -Well,
against a maa who ««. Just l>ei I ever had. I ent an^aiyjjtnSc
3oka aad PeUr aad Bobot and Mai. gay ibroag, (101 cairying her band
wfah come tree, what would woo ur
aon. he always derested.
Ood la Ula wtadena. eroated than all bag and osibiella. Carriagea cott entering Mutual ifSiloglcs followed, rags and wore the earpeifwilh
-Weil." atnavered the lad. The
poe. gloomy sad au>r«h« a* he
amay and aonay waa not lo plenty i: and at be «epped baek to let her pass i hands. Hart work It waa Miil« at tb -• r m and boys. Very few peoplv | seemed by eoat^ and freon his wri'- am ihiag I'd d^woold be to gat you
JobD waa the baad aad baart o< bla
eoold be apeat rdr anything whl^ the light fdl on hU face and Prill loU loom bcntlng the rags
. \
ihouriiL of ttuying rtmdydnadc
clothing; tnga. (ftcrUhed some iroplea] birds. out. sir.",
one* mom foand beraclf looking into'warp with the t*r. Do any of you ?b,;.............................
CDold poaathly be dtopenaed wiib. And
This adndl answer
plaasad Baa
wbleb ^ kept In a cage, and petlel
way Unated a»d besorad. waa ooWo
then. too. (he dldnt know wbeee ahe the eye. of her fri«tU of the morning. I member old -Coforing Ann." a. w-:. in tbo«. days, ^eony apmw m«le the Tery mtiefa. He bad a.favorilc eat al­ aior^U^ that ha ralaed the hoy s
“Partoa me" said the youog man.: usetl to ran her? i remember her rery j elotbing for all oor men folks, and her
aad creat.
waa going.
wboaecmediiritop«eye.onsome>cll. She u«>d to go .round from j tongue would nin as fast «• her needle. so. whirh was allowed to Jump upon
Peter waa made -Baatt lifa'a boi
Nm ctob waited with boapiubir
aheolder and rub and parr.
bad «>en before, ereo It hcifann to farm coloring carpel chain or,Sbe wm. as good as a new^pre u,
opeied doori to wdeome her.
* T"-............. And nerer enee dreaBad that bla ml
)rens or anything | fetch and carry news. But times have tbo& be were cnrage.1 In writing
pool and a place to lire, to work tar dldo-t know who It was.-' but I'm in a \ Unsey-woolsey
Vd.i" t-a .
«i. -to.
j T»
~ 1. ». 'r«M
ly.—Farm and hirepeekoftrouUlc. The fact is. I'm lost.','be farm.r folk wnnied relorcd. Had diani
vac hit owB.
h. muM hi.
o« dhT It
U“ hhhimll.. W. P-hh
Bobart, real alorr aad bonor raeeiTed. her bodm and room tt po(aiMe and ju
~1 am sorry'.'' murmured Prill, "butja tongue itac at both ends and fas-'side,
«( the coaid. She looked rcry
became Injured, and he aeat lo Oeaam a (trenjMr tere myself, i onlyjtcncd In the middle. Wc always cifrail and ahe waa. ihoogk posieaaed ol
era for a phystelan. The Injury waa fit any etiBsie. aeoaoo. or liBc of day.
Pals of Croat Ita.
sme today. Perhaps aomc one In ibe j !><«ed to beor. and did temr. the-----a aerioas one. and ekeiT morning his As an esample of hto onmderful ver
While Paal-of tba ^tawea of ala took grlB UttlG spirit o( penliteace which
ortea carried her throagh in place oT
satilily. a friend tells the foUosriag
bla an.
•Tm alrmld It win Uke a mind raad-l Ann'came around. Scwctlmw she special •pet was Caesar, -a snporh first queslioa
phyakad’ettength. She bad been 111
r eagler One ‘morning, story of an average day in the life of
And pare ap bU Ufa to tba aarrlce e<
der. that had been with 'How U
:ve' would boil so^ for IIi:.
and that was why now the money that r to do that, and even he wonld have
Ibis atrenuons man.
who could ta
Not many folks l»ll their own soap! Dr. Kane 1 one of b'Is Arctic voy' niOne Dkomtng last week he started
waa left mnat be ao carefully hoarded.
noi-adays. but when I sras a girl no agts.~ On bis death bU grave at idle-' for this dUplay of aasicty. laugfalaglr oor with a rag to sell oo eoimBisotoo
It chaaead that tbaaa man la Ibdlr Baf'for the long weeka In a boeplul
one ever Ibonghi of buying a bar «•:
markrd by a marble slab tra told bim bis eagle was dead. Volulre ^or an installmep' hoime. He soU tho
mod. paariaaawar,
was very much eoiaged. and never
but now she Boot
rag. and then ooBe faoefc and ibao
rroia oonb and Ita eoWieta. oil died
etied o see.lbai "
Ml to sapper and forsol to ask Hie dripping, and every rerap of fat way
took oot a clock, orhieh be also dlssnake ereiy eeni do doable du.iy.
uw atre Ur.

Who made the voyage to the Arctic
She Bi^t ban walled another year landlady's name, or the name of ih -|aavrt! tor soap.
Jobs wai Boomed tbmaab the taaatt
Bums wrote an elegy on-the death posed n(. About aeon he was railed
regiaos wbh Dr. Kaoe.
aad lireadtb o( tba land.
.ahe was yOoiiB But here the grim street or thejiumber of the botwe. and | And now quiltmaking has gone oct!
And was afterwarts the lavc^ie dog
PMcr Ml ■neath tba bub la a B«rd- UUle spirit, inherited perhapt froB here 1 am. boi where that house. Iind- When 1 was a girl li was thought to be
he tamenls that hone ever csbc n«wr which he dU. A
of the chUdren of Idicwfld.
pioneer grandparent, who did lady. etc. U HMk- bangni If 1 know, someibtng of a reflection oo a rfri If
Maa band.
' !>( burled beoestb tbjj(«ooe.- bim -as Mame deid."
I'm ashamed io ask. and what can I she dldaT have about fifteen quit's she
Bobm died wltb the pralae oc the What waa to be" done, whether
One morning, f young unfledged
Pope had It in mind w erect a ntoaBade her detennlned to carry out tbo a*V. nnlcsa li's to be taken to a school had pieced and quilted. I had suteen.
y he prradiH
Lord on bla tonfoe.
sporrow was fojM on Jrtm Wilson’s
Wbl^^ waa MOTletad <t Border lonrdbertshed plan. Sbe eoold do It. for feeble-minded, which aeems to fie' and I began to piece some of them omcui io his dog. wiib the tnscflrilon. doorstep! It wag lakea Into the boose, a sbon aermoo at
Bounce." but It was never
' when I was sli ytaiw old. I used to
way. ahe eoold try and U ahe where 1 belong instead of ooUege,"
at ooee was aeeepted by the pns drevr- Ibe boroe back to town, sad
He loe*ed so Ure^ and ahbappy and , have a regular «lnt of so many blocks 1 gone: he feared people wouM think »
7obn and Pefrr aad .Bebart nnd PanL failed! Bat ahe wouldn't. No. each
filled If ■» oftemooa for a candyftaor.
altogether disgosled with Ilft^ that. a day of patchwork. 1 had one qull' I • „tire on “O tare Ben Joasoo."
The purpeae of life waa tnUDad in splrlu do not laH!
and ere tong was perfectly domestl- maker, wbo was taken soddsaly U.
Vp the tame hill on a paraUel elroet Prtll pitied him, but the fun ct the: with three thousand scraps It; The dc^ appears awho pet la otbre caled, leading * life of nnlntei
In tbe t-vralag be worked flOB ria Uff
UMo all.
eni the hero of this romance. lie tltuationover^e her in spile of her-j took the blue ribbon three years in, households. Emily Bronte s eonsiant
o-elook la a harbor tap. aad
Mm aald or the atatenao. *«ow did not oiRril. iDitead he. fonnd him seU aifd ate kamed up agalast a eon-- auceeariao at our county fair. There j companion was a-rather large, strong peace nod proaperliy for nearly
that boor tia asMalghi oM tm
yoarw. It wwoM peek aqjl chirp wl
MU atepping out in a lively faahloa In
line a>|
la I “ • '
It liked. DOt aofrcqoenily aesUtng
: :Mb WiPaUr. alaat rRa waa onlr
tune to a iwoetep played by a band lo
Nobody i,ncl a bulldog;" h*- was named K'-ep- «he folds of Its ]«-Rm's walsicot. MCroat of a theater. As long nt the Joined her and pastas-by smiled at riio' and-liervingbone pa"vrn.
tractrt by tbe warmth it-found there.
Of Bobett, “*nB well wItbliU Boal, It marie was In bU iar* he hurried
Jolly oproar. Her laugh subdued, could set neater, finer stitrhes than q»' {or.
He; -But what doM yflor father
ia woU."
ci-.aries Kiogsley had a Seoteh ter- Then with bolder stroke of ftmlUarlty see in me to ohjece toT*
though be knew nop whither. onOl he ttuL^ a would keep ebmlog baek.'mother, sod she qullt^ all the feaihtiilbUe Paal tbar adaal^ed to the toe (oddmly bceamc aware that the baud FTtUlaei her a’lts to work and tireortt-' er» and herringbones herself.
} rlvr named Dandy. He ' waa the rec-1 it r'ould hep upon bis shoulder, and.
8b<-; Tie tat ara Uythlag In
Then, one hardly ever hears '.f any JOT'S eompanlon in all his parish, picking off some strnggUng hair from you. Thai's Why he ehJWIa.’--<BI- if
had Slopped playing and Qtat be wm
eago Dally News.
hot aad out ol breath.
; when I was n child at borne my fatbvr-ecturea and school lesrans; aad at woold Jnrap away to Ms ram. and. de“Bllgglns puu a grcM deal et
down his solt ease aad wiped y^ adrmloe youru-It in
What Bade tbeat differ and who waa bla forehead while ho looked eboot | -n imt mywU
find. it'.i; u<«"l to kill six groat fhi bogs Just for j (nrad of ite- famlly during thlr-! positing the ireaseye. with an air of thought Wo his work."
On bis stone is the V trtompb. reinra in fn«h ermqoesl. . "Vra," said the oaicata prafiff.
n use. and we had only six in' t«
hlB. He aftal hoDM^i a place to Ward! that peaky
f,nilly; We «srt 10 bulchev along srriptioa. "Pldcll Fldcles." - CJoio I quite certain of welcome."
debn aad Peter asd Bobert sad Pank asd morn at once, for b'e cooldn't af-1 You see. 1 generally beg
“He works ten miaatra aad tan
keep mraeif
Bucb aeeoimts as thm- show os ihs' thinks taol It for an boor aad a qoarJ In November, and it was such a gnsit; are also buried Sweep and Vicior.
Bod la UU wladOB created tbes an. ford a hotel even for n few dara Hj nie. and 1 do know my
-nid mu iMve vtmr name with event ihai wechlldroo were affowed to[ ABumg the dugs at Mrs. Stowe's theoe men and womra. wbo have fdc- T.~—Tfashlngtoo Star.
had orortted hart to criw the moacy |
Oat IB the regten of Indatie Uj»t.
which h« hoprt woald last him the landlady’" inquired iVlll “Oh.U'*!' '*' *«>'”'■ from school*that daj-. were the mamJff Carlo, the Ne^otnd-; to^ maay scene* of Betitlon*that Cl­ BdJior: -Rltai's the aaUer wMt
Wham the aoel ol the Ua^ aa
the shoe dealer wbo Jott wrai OBT
through the college year and then be yes my loggage Is marked. My tame ;Th''“ •" **"' fwolng the neighbors' land Rover, and Ibe "pun- ni«gr*r nea*. bad
pare aa the while.
osed to come In and help make ghd' strominn.
I vine touch which Co'eridge deaertbea
Oat wbero the apHt tbroogb narrow would work all somper and cam •<»» Is. Hunter." be said. Prill's' lipi- stuff the—aaMlngers." as some fnlks) Doga., however, have not been the: In hts “Aiiclpnt Mariner"—
tnort to go aa>itb.
twitched again. “Very appropriate. I'm
Bade wiae.
calU-dtbcm. We msa.-a reguUf frolic: only pets. Cowper kept aoae tamej "He prayeth wdl wbo toveth'weft
Ho toBgor roaorts lo deoeplkB and : Hora-as opposite a anall park whew sure," she Btunnure-d. “The only 'way
“Writ, be rays he wrote. 'Oar iBOM
mo nee Is tor you in go from bouse of that part of the pig work, oad ‘ bares for twelve years, and “Immor-' Both man and bird and brast.
a BlDgytHtJe toontaln spouted a feeble
mighty greasy work It was. We used i ulized them In UHn and BtgUsh. In | He prayeth brat wbo lowih brat
apeak for iIhWIvm,’ tad la ta pa­
bnoae and ask for ynurself. If they
^Oaltrtoi»theffeabeansolon«we«- trickle of water and asar w^ he
All iBIngs I'Oih gn-st and aBsIl:
iblBv galloh oaken cask] veroe and In prose.
per it says. *Oor abora squeak for
stood he noHcsd a renaaraat. whlcn seem W know wbo you are ami tell you
For the dray Ood Vho loveth ns.
tamseivra,* tbaia' aU."—Yoaker*
Tte fiMdea asd faith or a aod-gtres made him soTiangiy b« deeldod to stop that you are noi'ai home, why yon ran
He msde aed toveth all"
yon have found yoursHt. | folks never e Urd or pork on their | of li e ffgeoa*. M‘h<n I first e
Uere tad have a Inta before bcglaJ
—Christian ^dearor World,
smoked the garden In the morning, t find them |
iisi go. and I'm sorry 1 n give you!
.’wbo «aa detanabM what ^ange nay atag the hunt to.- a mom.'
perebed upon the wwll. walflog for
ham. Cdsioms change.
•uitsd by WaONo.
Prill by this time had al«k laacbed J roal help. Good evening.”
MUs Sarah Jaekoca. a wot
k they d
Who ever ih.-lr breakfam. for I feed them always,
le ra«M> yoirk from Iho otbec street
MB aad Pets and Bcfwrt asd
In my ' upon the gravel walk."
log Bear todk
aed had also noUWd the restaarant
John may In wtodes nad goodBeaa In- •ad aalSed-thiL.f^acraBee of eoScc the only thing to he done." .
young days woodebopplngs were eomCUrles Reade alv> bad tame btrrt :
FrUl ran liack 10 the houae'and Ml', mon. aomeUmes a family w-ould have' soonlme* a dro.m of them, wi“i|
which Soated out of'the open door.
Paler lojolce In an Isdalte peace—
' bare aayiTilSE to do with her faBoraL
Boi with fcmlnloe temomr she de Hunier commenced a sys'emailr In- a woodehopping and « qullilnc iheiwbleh he would *p*md an hoar gamBobert Miy lean that the irstba oT ellart tho lempuiiod and seated ber- qulry for himself, beglnn^pg at tb.- same day. The women would qulli ; Iwlllng Ilken lKij
Tbe'drtver of 'he hsa*ro. ta poiU
..^ lories,
brareb. aad Tren the peraoas who ,
Gruff old ftr Johnson sai-very Ita
berxh near the tUimal fotfth comer house. He seemed not to be out a quilr. and the mra would tom In
* si_hl« wl''Aiw BCj^> tbo aHril' and l««e In the
ar« lo be woBen If ta
tala aad took her modeal loaW fran
------------------------- ----------- 1... . I.-llT. T". n,™ b.
I*—»_____ _______
And Pnsl Bar bo btaaiHd with a boUer her. She had Just flalshcd and was. the block and rang the
T lor ta s*v
Afu-r a thereVo.ild be a big dibner at noon, to market for him daih and boy 'ji,, ! unborn. He could
The will *eu aside
srattarina the crumba from the paperjahon delay ihodoropeoi-dand he lift- a g.»d supper'at nighi and a frolic la
oyster* Hodge i.rvd to rilmb oo hN ^
vice* necessary la---------------------Tbaa the paaalaw of Ban bpd
napkin for an inquUmvcqaulrTrtaho.ed bis hat and began to ask his Mcree. the evening, w-i.l, no rad of apolra and lap Md "‘‘“"'•‘'J'Bir John Acton, ib.- Drfl-h comblB
-------_ , tai^ehed and-audibly commented typed Inquhr. "Dec* anyone by the elder and doaghnnis and plo paKse-I'“smiling and half-whistling.
et tad and s-a f-mre*
In aa>
Miss Jaefcsoa
upon her ever stare ahe sat there.
• naipe of Hunter live here?” when he around There would be games, oridowvt bl. bsck •*“
,i Naples, wa* in hi. - if. .
p^haps a danee. ar.,l every on.-had r. tall
At oo.- time be bad the aotta ;
have been crossed la love more tfaaa
eBMgrt from the raoianiant,-lo«^; door. Though her eyes w-ere demure. , good time. I dont think iliai farmer 'hs. b. eoHd no. wr.t, unless the m
[,er isdv.u-..'. dr.-.-,
she moved to ta IH----------- - Tbple/cyce I ------------------..
^rme .he point of . pin Into
«.w.aeA bod contented.
her eyes wererev------------------------------------------------danciog with mirth.
folk* are as sociable
as .w
they „.e..
usnl .«
-o sas ivmg
lying on hi* ..l.u-.
lUi (arm on whieb sbe livos. bO her
had always a ^-------.polocitej; »ome
j ' -l will osK" the repilej 10 hU half- be. They don't visit back aad font delighted
met tor an Instant.—ta'Tpredently
______ _____________________ .J.»*l( A nn,
tbroagh- h
-Please be oealrt." as much as they used to. We never • white one * the sUbie and a black
-mnieat handed hr r a
WrttUB for ta asnid hr tUm Chat ran'OMtd Hash ot'r
senani who hat bnra with her many
He dnvped Inio a hall chair, too
between them. He stood a moment
_ J_ . u—.a ‘
Wio naley.
......................imp,, fiad- letler- from her brtaW. ,s Preoeh .- - - - - “ '
Oototar. A BHB and a wOBan. both looiri*, up and down the street an 1 i weary to tbink. If be didn't bcleng j people c >e to speiul ihc- day without' his nirae say* of his
Aik,, r".
.1, M A.
then tamed resolutely 10 the right and! here he would find a police station and.'sending
rooac. both good 19 tortc at. b
lor some time, and li* reer-lpt Ita-i I
Mode of Solid Aurtz.
off '
' give hiptaelf up to be uken rare «t(. log.
hapvy wltltthe happtaeoa that ti gb
stariled he*..
Graham eonacy Jail at ainoa..ln !
Sbe leUnreIr picked up her bel<lo6-! The landlady apixwrrt. followed Uj
ithUk that fanner folks used to be dres^me ber compani nearly all day
Sir John Acton, forseviog poulbi!
to yonth and to youth only.
« ctambertng mi my Up
Arisooa. Is the atroograt Jail la ta |
.. .............................
They were booad (or coUoce oad inga and followed, aficr a few kindUirrUL "Ob. It's you. is It. Mr..-er:bet..r prepared for
whliI writing-. S' oibvr times foodworld It eompriaes four large eom- j
worts lo the squirrel, wlw for all hU Huutef. Your room I* on-the se^itd; paay unexpectedly i
they alighted from the same train
pantni-niA Jtewu from ta solid qoanv |
: the Mecca ol ihclr ho^ They -were bad Banners. sremeB a sen of friend.; floor back, right hand side of-the ball I knew my mother abrs?* pUnned It'Jing about .
rock <g a bUlslde. The eaUmaea la '
moment be had r.wd
not aoBoalBiod. ladoed. taoBk thoy- After a long, wearisome walk, night-! 1 hope yotHl find jhlng* to yonr lik-Jso ihai she bad a pound cake and plus j sell before, the fire, clawing the
ibrougb a Imx-tike vraUbnIe balK of
eojojbad rUden aide by aide U Uw OTc^
' dashed off to find Kelson. Tbe ]-uer
heavy sume maiiciory. and eqalgped
had company nnexpectedly.andweimrai.crowded ooaeh. they had oearoely ao- manyblgboartinghonsciwaehsbool-iyoutmngori^op.'
with tbrtv sets of steel grates. Bone
tkad each other beyond the net-earary d* «*di other at every tom in a «d-‘ “Lost—and fotouL a fresh fresh- never thought anything of hitching up; Together
lege town. Star was to wait oa table, man," hf mormcrt-tl
be passed rnn,
'li"- ™. I." «k» t.ibM
l-AA HU .S.u™ AIM. A.,1 of lb'- most desperate btmlnals oa the
eooncaios of his atad aad b
soothwot border bare bAa eeafiaed
— enanda add do anything sbe cauk) on bU sray op suit*.-Thanks to you."! sixmd the evening with
•d pomlosioB to abate
the battle of the NTI* rt-tulled from
1 iimnr bow we used to go that far given tidbit* from the table: sbe slept
AHrt, ro,rf»i.r.
____ 'ta ta Cll/ta Jail aad so aolid'aiid
jrara was taorbed la drea^ of tbe. In eatange for a ahare of a small
Old Days e- the Pann.
j and lanher to iirmd a ringing reheol in Beoit's room, and had a wiatow left;
now Ule to be BOt. Uved. had. (tay ‘ room at tbe back of tbe boose and her


....... ....

! taiaed there has ever oacapod.—Tl 1 made nineteen bondrrt pounds ol! or a apHUng rebool. My. what good' open for her nl^u. that she might go j
re) mMfoi 'in^ oottsce'Beals, but ahe frit she was in inek aad
butter the first year after I was mar- aongs we used to have, and bow folks, In and out; she waa In the habit of slt>; ___
g bappUrto berselt as abe
and nmde! ried. aad 1 was trly nineteen years S-ouM tom out lo a spelling beel One ting on a ehtlr and cu«ng the
packed her'SI
Treraled Par.
things boae-Ukc as only a wootan can.: old—made an old stone ehsrosebort woald eballrase snothra 10 n. every dog that
_________ corioos pets.: wish your ot-ighbov wen. Th* more
A prtlce report was reeeoUy. teThe landlady bad.bwa kind and bad! with a wooden dasher, and sold somt- spriUng amteta. and they wodd see
. .. ten eems a pound iwWJch school could spell the other! When at crtlt-ge. be wrote Inquiring' yon do lor your neighbor and help him celvod ai/ta goveraBent hraddoar__ seemed sutprised at her reqoett
eomnanr of <rid ladies! down. 1 can sde'the old rebodlhouse'tor hU dogs, and adds. "I have got a | the more y«. do for yourself; for tb.- lers in Canada from Heiwebeli tsisad.
ter « plaee where ahe could work and aald one of
U around ^a quilt
In .a New Eng- ^ now. ita'ed. with tallow candle. Mid, new friend,- tbe finest in the world, a. greater the actual achJevemrat* rt In '*» Ar^ oeea^Il wra s^^
atatol. Frill mile knew bow •ItOuf
. tabereci
mHabonof1 Ml
hitched j to
In his
I«n be; ooopermtorp tt their butloes. of buy; some M the reembrea of ta Northmany oiben there were wbo would be land farinbons^.
ta 'tree,
......................teg; tag all their supplies ctrapecaHvely.: wratera moonied po(>re. and trerettd
Dear. door, tare old stone ebaras!'' tUc aadta eriiaoUKiuscrull of prstt)- '
eoaridered qoltea prir-; ta fal«* to pretty brisk: tbe rais.'or seUlag all tbeif produce to ta I.OM Bflce by
tottos by
It would have been outer for her tt o«ld'anotar tody. «*hat backache pro-: 1 know It
cfaoore aides for tho apelltogjUnre and aotty: ta BtoBkeys I barejasBe Way. ta greater ta ptoAis to water; and JAM mllra Ig «0-. h took
she bad known, fog srltb all hei- tndc- doevs tay were when one oras all | Dcge
•ad triomda mopt bmMl-o«l
iM km U« bon UM
k»«M u>
>». mM —Ito.j-UO.
OTM tm «.q» W tt. lb.~T.
' •ett-naly she dMat know tat aboot peadencePriU


Orty as they both aUri^S
Uritt to
b thMr
\ feet when the oution waa efted dM
thoy flaMt a tank at earti^ttaer. sbe
oMUally eJa^Uag “a stoau'-ta.
lesa pMUely,-a noad!"
iwoader If m over use bim o*htar
It M.ta girt'a araui aolOotpiy



• 'k' E .

tolloirini; »re ann* nf Ih^.
■ CtarieroljL. lo; KfBt. GO:'------------- --- .
Ot^ TniT«r«e. M; CntthH. »; Kmlaman. ll;<l,*ctan«u. 4I> Manlato.. 16:
OeauR. 10; VaoBam. 12: KAlkatka.
16: Wf'xtbn). IS. IlUaoli his ml tv»
no Tmenn tva. ~e
Thi refluntloB
U ter from Wm e<Biip1««*.
Bo fir smi hiTo hm nillcn'^ to
gotten i»d uklii* Inio ooMhWntioii
ite'fnt tbit mar im -itvlas vl'b
. trUndi lad bare nida no r«litiT. (b«
• BUBbir la Tory rlo*i‘ lo 600.
eorly MMtIng.
Tba tartr nietli* it the oprr*
bom JbU reorBloc/vu velLalu.«dc<l
nd tni a mrotlnR^fllM with eaihu-inn. Tbe apirii ot the wire eoavea• ttoo ba* beeu tme of latplratlon mad
ip Interest.
imereo. Tbe efforts
rtfoHi of
Of tbe
ttie preo
P«»idcst. which hare been tmllrtnR (o
mho (he convention a vuccoss have
been abtmdanUT rewarded.
All ofBees and oaatnlties hare shown this

Jrt2S'm''^had*iwh*iem^*”rt«'t In
sakloR the meetings one of (be best
M tbi history of the association.
TJio sgalar prograa wai opened by
tbo Aer. Gardner Thnll lo dttroUotial
Bfiile itntfy. the these being 'My
AhUttlet. ' He nhorod ibtoagb IntorMUBg Bible cbaracten that God ukes
tba sodMi, qnaasislng pooplc and
MM them for bis great purpous. siKlag Sem sigtatr Id hit sight. The
Lord looki not on the outward man
bat sees tbe heart and III Indies,
ihaa ezaltlng. ifae siemingir woak.
Hr. Thrall Impressed the thought that
mh has hit laleni and God «»l lake
and nse U. Imagination Is a faettiir
emsoa to ail and miy be tiled to idTintage In the Bandiy school. He enlargM upon this theme, showing bow
0 picture to the ehlidten th—

UBR. Mil tfiMorne Tie nate dtor
by a etat brtaatejr ooi tbe polfti.
departntot leekf the ab«4fli.
•hut'ouu. traailoiu aad aafortuitaies.
Mr. Allen called apoo aereial to
eire r'-on talkt on tbe lafaleet.
JudRO Grant of Maalstce care (be
am talk. He cxborlAd let your up.
plies. Rct a nperistendeot. get tbe
A reprewsiKIre. Harrv MlanforJ.
from Berrien county r«poie4 work In
biB CDUoiy sbowlDR a etnd Beaera] considered a department of th<
Rrotrtfa ftom Us Inception In IMS. Tbe bnl (1 shw'ld he the whole ----------. and to forming
n(nrih.«r menberpbin does not corre.
speiiil wUh the irrowfh of tbe nor.mcni.
8iitv to seteniy mrenUons
are held during (be jw and this work
W Uieie
much • fieilBg. Jvvos SaH?r/ Fife'
Me.' white an offering was taken..
“Ofwat Cooimiaaiou."
' A ccmmonlcitloB we* reed by !
Aim from Marinette prison, telling of
the «’ork doae Id tbit ioilUuUoa laJ
laklDg the osyen of the conveni
Mr. Allen wis very entbusUstic
teillng In his remarics regirdlng
detriment of Bundiy school work.
The pastors of the city were called
to the pisiform and given an expres■km of ncleomc by tbe visiting dele-

The last addrew of the evening was
given bv & F ScFi or Alhlar. wha
apoke foreetuny upon the T.reat Cotr.miraion."
The Brat motive !v the
wHiatog power of God s love. Living

ritual nature. I
this Is as true of spirit’
other winning motive U
lo reach Ibe hoal>-en. There are only
seven missions m Africa
In Inrlla
3J)»D.0<M pc-ople died in one yearfrom

' ■brought
Ughl ’
**Tbe Indian cbolr of ten lodiana
and China U ignn
again called upon to sing one (rf tholr be^d belief, Tbi
lis abows the crylr.e
eamU meeting songs which (hey dh need for al<f and
half of only oac:balf
srtth such effect as to receive a hearty
the globe
encore. sinRtng "In the Sweet Bye and
Bnglisb languar
•wo evening
’rimary Werttef*.
At the menting of the primary and
One Of (be glory soags
Iniemailonai wother* IWM in the '
Torrey-AIesander meeting was Ming
eloRlng, tbe Rev. 1). foebl‘1 o' Fii
G. U
on -The Primary Program"
dnrmi by Mrs- Fox
OvarJIew Meeting.
"Primary Wortt ir the Township"
A large audience atienied the
was then takes up by .Mrs. Fred Wash­
low mcetll
burn of Bejitou Harbor. In whl^ ali“
gave fine mclbods by which the work
ba posMbly e
may bo brought up to ihe higher
in t
and then give It^fptih
inspiring a'ldresses. TbBlandard. First, hy personally vIsIMdr
tpkia be leeMt.
Rev. Geo. n. Ha*eh 'ook Ihe scripiur*'
each primin' room and Cteas
|f>«is Ctmir. .
reading from (be fifth chapter of Rev
tosmshlp: second. peraonallR attend­
One of the
Of the eoBTenUem was tbe arrlral o
The Rev. C B. Seen of Albion spok •
organltlng and malnTiInlng In tb>b- flC Indians who sounled the pi
fourib. of the effec' rho cnDve.olian will' have
B and sang In their nwn tonn.'. lownship a primary union:
upon all and suggested the text. 'Tier
le nm FWiDl of Every Bleeitee " bolding a molhers' mee'ln
therefore, that artf scattered abroad,
! dlmnlon ct the Bev.:
went everywhere preaching the weird."


. ...


of each Mhoolln thb lownship and
e.vBlty c
wort (lone.
vowing the gospel ih«i gU-nlg Chrl*
After Primary, Whatr
It to men In penumal cimversst Ion.
"After (he Primary—B'bat
Childbaed in Other Lands.
the Bubiect of Mrs II M. Hamni's ad­
dress. in which she emphasised the
great need cd organisisg a depam>rni
to follow tbe primary d
______ __ of (his section he r
Is like putting the llitl Alldi^'-from
(duariy of the impreauion ■
t house to cold storage to put Smyrna, (Tsinan, along the ses ofGal
thmpttfaaitlme. Ur. Jaoo'
Into the
he rei
regular Snndav sebooj llltw. Jerusalem, (he Maderia IsianddalMd at Bar View and at
that tbo chil- and Mexico.
” Bho. sngaeited
drrn have
•e a Place by themselves an l
Amqriean Girls Favored.
_ja Bm trying stoee to teach hh own
recommended a dny school teacher ns
The Rev. n, K. Warv^ said' eve-,
bmBIa Tbe (dd bmll|ar hymns are
the best equipped to take (he elaas, at
girl who lives in America ought lo
Mad la their serrlcei. bringing the
thank the ls>rd at least orce a day.
Ui«m AS to the people
Girls hxa II to i: yeSra are sold 'r
BItypi to be wives. A man may marry
Mr. Jarob* rr>
three or four and he ran buy a wi(<I In ibla
n Buder her
mile ones who have
foi I«a than it would cosl him to buy
a donkey. "Get a glimpse." said thSunday school !
mended ih^ igwk. After Ibe Prlmary Rev. Wa'+en. 'of what I' is t.. Iw
"\aK an excellent .one (nnn girt O'a woman |r a foreign nriehlBi
Sonday acbools In this part of the
wWch'i draw Inapiratlan aad belp.^'
-atati Another of the eld hrmna was
'otter Bryner cdndactg-l
aung "I Can. I WUI, l Do Belleva.'* the
-Told ef Early Days.
5^ie Her. Cfaarln Jacobs, an India
pnuRBer .fyom Nortbpart, was glile
iBfbniliVtlr weloome tit he araee i
laaak n few words.



rbll to the lunlnr <
At Baptist Church.
I ttneeB-alnvle an-

In the absence of Dr. I. S. Morris
IMdlng, H U. Hamill took charge of
(lio meellnc at the Baptist church
ibU mornlof. (be subject being "Of
Beers aad Teachers." Mr. HamUl said
that the Imporiaat thing needed by al!
presmi was a spirit of consecrstlon.
ife declared there was a hunger in bis
bean thit a freat wave of consecra­
tion tnay sweep over the conveniioo
through lh> day that the work and
loBnenee Uitis far inantfest may be
permauGnt aad a real victory.

Uie Sonday school tew dwlnddaf
by Fred Waabburn of
He gave ten reaanBli
oMT he beSeved
red tthe. tour dMtrwble.
a larger perBrat was. It rcambes
y aphool wtuhers (ban
Mar other waiy. Ii gives them oppor
IMIll II to eome Uta tench with the
fOBa ««ffcets throagh mate apeakert.
R MMmonul heeain^or (be Ihoragghnami
(k» York done. .It la an
Mail time to orgaiae the tewnahipa
It' Wtaga tbe toarnMIps into eloaer work pertinent to the offleera ao4
tsMb vUb
the Ofoalaed
work. teachers ot Sunday school.
Mr. Kamlll asked those to respond
I beater support for county <
le whose Bunddy school (he church oX- rtt.helfMlb^t
Bcera attended Sunday school
Mr. Hi
SiSSw^ touch wltb the eonty worit- a particular pofnt or this that it
era and is deUrable beeauae it Is a their duly not their privilege to do s
'.' Mdrce of inapimloB and antbustaam.
The pasto^ should attend the Snndi

school. iM him be a leacbc-; as
.Ml-Blm. Rar. McD. Howasro of Maple i rtgniw feumher or as teaaer In i
aiwered the quesifcm "Wbai exigency, preferably
teaaing. il .
tonaers’ tralteng class. He should be
famUiar wlib tbt chltdrcn in tbe Sun­
day saal and study them. When mak­
• ^fTBtri’abi^ «r hera«r ^rt^’utc ing pastoral visits enquire fbr the chil­
■ (w- C- T- U- The need of the hour >n dren. When needed be should take
r work Is o
organitalldo. the tbe plan ot the superlBleDdal of tbe
■WMblndn leage U:«ot
Sunday achool. On the pragrapi even
GaiMBtMbi the dOuOirv.
..... wm...iday. Sunday the pastor should have some
•ikui la a fertile laid for sewing the little pari. He abeuld attend Bad an.
iMMkikune ffWh.'Elated Mr. He
dust the teaaera' meeting and he
should reerult the Sunday achool.

the iroQble.d Qocstio&s of the delegate* brti
reforms lit Suu"•.r*.!"
------ a amir and puiil...................
Sunday saool. mve a Sunday aaool

aty state Bank'

pd in liM, In Syracuse. S T. Il <s remarha. swytog thgf l;e wo-U exdctv.' That the ftores of the great lakes
' Uy a man's arganiaatioa.
^e-the rntmlatht jacb-on a fata ehasglBg la shown near ToWeo.|
.,_tlas that ai* daralogad in a BlMe
next -vwar:
where Immense sand dasea which tor i and ou Saimday will run a apedtil
Haas are those which are watad in
Hiu Scripture timding and dernilcm years coantHCd the abwro with TdMco| tralB to Ana Arbor tor the MieMgaothe buslneas world, charaetata giimadwas
by Rev. T. U Rbqna. marsh, are rapidly beteg Washed away ' WlseoBsln game.
ad to iniegriiy, aoWUty nod truth.
Thai is wfav men kkonld be urged to Rev. BlsscH foGowtog la prayer.
by wave aettoa, to form again further!
come into this Bible work, that they
The commhW ca rwenlatlauu' ifri’b'U. ttiflwood Irving nnettrered ^sj-. ;
i^^reeHTe this importat cbara«er
i abbeo the pr4ken( -kijiter tevei,;
portMl through Rpr. Howrare. cmbo-lj
•wlu how
how moth
much hlgh<
higher the sraier ]
* The ^Baiwea
Btblq povement '
tag appreetodon and gratiradr to tne showing
reaching many tbouord men.
in Lake Huron and Bagtnaw
cltlticna of Trarer** Ctiy for lhelrj(*"
How nhall tuen be .wont There
o one method that may he used to all
pliably, thanks to Messrs, TiHlar aBl-_

non TtaiKterY RwcA.

Ked addves* on 'The AmcrictB
telling manv kiorlpe of Un-a In which
he broaght out the many good qualliU-ibat tt|e average boy has. It !,• hi.
hetlef that they are better miislclaniban girl* and IhcJr voices sweeter ‘u
He yiosed with Ihe words:
"There Is a lot of good in U.>-s If you
give them half a chance." The mtis'c
Id charge of S. H. Myers of CUi
. I. Bboni a doxeii IllUe girts assis'
tog in the slnglnB-'
Vesterdsy Afternoer.
Harren of Three. Oaks yesterTuoon made an earnest x|>|ic.:l
fi nds for the asaodaiion purpose.
Id .personal
pledges beluu
and coogniulaiions to Hi
j gra<!
uaies of the Normal Training si
Ulllan .Strong and Blanch Smmg o'
Kalamatoo. who took their places on
tbe platform. As repmemaiives .-t
such a moremeBL Mr. Hamill said n
^ a treat honor. This movomeHi
young women ' represent .this grva'
with a fplrii oTbope and/prom
His words in these gradmes wen
helpful and inspiring to effort.
Bunday Bchoal Training.
Prof. Hamlll gave the next address
Q the prorram, "The Sunday School
Training Force." He gave a general
ouillm: of the dlfferern Sunday school
movnueDls, uaylng tbai all shoiitil I’C
united in Interesr
Mr, Hamill .give
some toteresUng renitoisrearee. filled
with a quaint humor, whlcli was voii

Tbe diMlea of the superlniendeal
were next reviewed. Dr Hamltl be­
at this progress Is going on in Sunlieves In having at least three snpery achool work.
imgndeou. that one ma;^cp Imo the
Mr. Ha^ll is jjarilcularly fitted t,.
place of the other,.And'slso atd.dlvldlng ibejsapobilbllUy.
ho sras the Aral superintetideTu’ t>i
H of the other ofllcet
Sunday iiehoo) irainiag schools in ihi'
,h, Sundv school
were as clearly
world. From a small beginning It bas
helpful meeting become a force.
r. Uamlll'a HearMr. Holsaple presented a staiernerit
cut sialemvtiis of those duties
.at il had been decided that here­
Indelibly writion on the mlatis o:
after a regtst-atlon fee be nald, wlilrV.
earaesi workers present.
consmuie a-mambersbin in tie
' convention. "THs me* fho apLast NightM Sarviee.
IsjBg before lime for opeutne last
evening the City opera, bouse was
packed lo tbe doors and mast- leaving
to attend the orerffow meeting at
SIHnbonr's Grand./'iMpIrtng music
played l.y the orchestra flihri eve.-}- succesiA] convention of the State 6ui:

cbolf. “

tel an a
ren-fhe Instrumeat alone will do It. .Dn not urge
- boys (0 sign whose volcet ate aangIng. It Is aboui as natcfsl ui give lit.
He aildrea SMeapeaie to study as lo
glee the Sumtay school pupils only the
old hymns ioalng. Tbe Sonday school
mnale shfudd be cu>rh>dlo»s.
dare a new song simosi evwy Sunday. uue with an’klputioB of the treat day Srouf^ cmvention. "Hie Intere.c
when the voices of »he large choir was ax nteMt^ u at the opeoln:
Itth at
meeting and the erowd' was unpre
The ofSeers qt the dmtide Ilf D
uted thelrrlmo« efton id keep th,
Nmnlng iht Child.
Mra. H, M. Hamlll loH: the platform
. . .'
__ . i "••““.os <U'
or (he tuachen' uft
Bllend acbools. Take
utory • jrachlng
dlreHly from (he hqiik. Coe topical • „ ,d„T.
method and lec(n<mHhna for an 1 u a fa’.lntv.
failure. Formation (s berter^tn
adult class and the Ri wnj; mentkmel rWormaiion.
rmailea. so begin with the child ip
wa'rcolloqav. w..
; fiiriLlng H-«raner. She ruoke of thof trwfblng-gH I wonderfni
tiie'ai;^^^!^ have

children—thev- never
- I.
i faUh. ..............
me aiurtv.
thought tff the
MHd. let him
hli ibtng for bimsetf ibei<
•lew a mile every Snaday
ng Men ttTiy? How? Who'
Ap^ Ibe lesson, know il thoroughly
Jho auhleei ol an eicebeoi ad
yoBfnoIf. Uye prayer.
^ by the Rev. Gardner “
MOM* OaBartmept
Mr. Thrall snokew the
■ The boim* depariment war the next jgeaiaibm. This movemeni


hrongs back after .the hall was full :
xverttowtoit. aad a mnscngtr-wtis aer-


Meredith, lo ihr NaUeoal FiHd wArk-|
era who were preronl rmcl *o sU who
to any say'cd. toward lb"!
anqpesa of tffb cooventton.
-Bufiday School Ewtenaion.The first address of the evening a-n'
given by Mr*. Rryne.-, who had berom.-1
< tamtUar figure on the ptotf'irm aaJ
always welcomed mow heartily. -^>in-

11-1* ta»e»* Aw.


1. tut. Bsak Boldin*. Trsow*. City

There have come reti'icil. from tl.-’''

W. r. Ji-nx. Ib"w



woTli, from worinnwr the cradie-r-di,
efalldren to mu}* endeavor wl:h ih-adoh ciasiec. ‘nisccjtes br« errn: ;
devHopiBfmt along theTtha.^ Siicr-av
school Uteraiure and rr.-jwih ihro'icb
Chautauqua and lemires and la lo-tr,
movements and also -In eontributienx. ^
Pwiple arc beginning io believe In thbI»

'ag mo;.-

litcraliy than heretoforo.' li hss a'*o
mche<l beyond our own-roi-mry.

Dr. Miles' Kcrt-ine brlnj^
refrci^lin? sleep, because it
twHifes the irntv.irm and re-'
moves the conj'cstioa.
It ik also a nerve lniHder; it,
nourishes and stren^.hetis Cv-\
ertrirerve in your body, and)
creates'energs' in all the orp.ns.
Kortiinjv wilt give strength
and ^^taJilv as surelv and
<]uid;Iy as Dr. Mfles* Nervine.

I,*. Eimun
enml Mn DV;.22i';<¥S-ae“.SFa


v.-orkers going to iiiher !utr:i. i.> ►'a.-t
- J-sU r J MAC SETT-FmrIW. Ill

•the mov'-mcni.
Evangeltttlc Force.
Flircr" was Prof. H M Hsmiti's
JoH. Everyone was surrj that it
lo 'V his last addre.5* in ih.- eon

Mr. Hamill saiil Ki- muuld I'l-ar

with him the boipit.iiUy'lie has nccivcil in TYaverse City. He w-u!;' i


i." nam not ro r-vridi-pl. 1 am now .tiklnc 1!., --------o-U om
-V mu' U lrnI"T<i*.rJ.''
Hl:.*CRY SL SMITH. Vndrrldil. VL
nmbmia win bspoit.



Uiis. tm


tCcntih’U-d <1




W. Milllken. ih.

Chair for (be
e evt^tog
evt^lBg amid
a wariui
of handkcrehlerw aBd^Jraad ctoppiWgs few Bfqwopi lat.

« Mnr». Tn— 4te.
■^rily pmirW- R»


- -




239 E Fnmt St, QL ftow m




WayM Orator Brak Bldg.. DBISOIT

Tire Insurance!

F'oR nrMK

Plate Clasa, Stoafr Boiler and Accident Insurance.

Doors udWMps

Money lo Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

You’ll need to keep oat
tbe cold this winter.

Room B10 New State Bank Building.

The front deter as well as the exposed windosrs of
tbe home should bc.storm proof—for comfort, and it’s
not c.xpcnsive ip make them so, if you place yoor or­
der here.

yon bverreil Inat Winter yon
anruly would put np tliis seiutoii
to kes'p out tliG i-old? Did yon
get it—or tbi‘malcritiU'for ifr
‘•If not wby not?'' Thus ynnl
hu ins'
Inmbcr to make- yonr bonso and
premiaea OJtnfortablo and lioaullftil. na Well.
We U-apotik
yoni i>atroa%ge.

At this time of the sea>
Ison we take •orders on
I and make for later delivI cry Storm doors and wioI dows of any sire.

Traverse City.


traverse city MFC. CO.
Oauni Phen*. 82i SbII.


W. IwBhwwn. Moi—Brl

Swib sue Lumber Ce.


Sait, Salt
ear of Rock Salt
Just received a car of rock sail in chunks. This
salt is dug out of the earth, fourteen hundred feet
deep, in^the Slate of New York.
Everybody who has an animal that eats sajCshould

liKFOKi: V<H' m*Y VOT'R

il will-tuiv you lo
aiul exatninc our uiock sad |;et
-T prioo.
Wo have .\x«, Axf Hsi>.lk*,^w.

>lau:s. (.tntI^omlinu'
’ osiUni; ISlooU
for $1. ^Vo h.w’ llie tam'rms 1
., ,,___ _I'rM'-CroagciU
oagciU St^w made ••sjjpcihjly for
-Midii^nii tni'U: iUid fully ffimrantfcil. If yon want a
first-chiss snw ul a UKvieriitimo-ieriiti- p
prt’V u’tl a Lmobtiriuan's
I’ri.l.-. M,;rP»r- Aie Heri'llo:. are winner*.

F'RAfMK TRUIDeg 146 Frost Street
UV have a tirrt-cl iss Tin tshop.

place a chunk of this salt before it. to gi\ eit ^ chance
to take salt whenever it please-.
it is cheaper than any other salt to use.
We have also received a few ton= of fuie ground,

the above named anicles without uoubic.

Oil:, non
u4 CASS Sts.

• Have yoo ever tried the


"Tmmm and CofV«i«

aug a«^ as Ihey'have seldom sunr.
bkore.’R la aafe to say.
dedt, totrodured J



apirii so contagtona that, the aodlenc

Mr. HHUrmaDd. tbe reitrtng preSi

Ss>35sr £2/


"The Sunday Bcho(S! an I'vangeU^’.'ti'

if you want something pure, •genuine, that will preserve
"The aoeg aegviee sras all that a soe-



probabilities In all branetres of It.--

movement mere and are

----------------------—-------------------------------------- ----


extreme aeutb ead from Canada fe:field

) per Cent tlknrM M Hau BeHrtI*.

If you cannot, it is tluc^4tfS~

irritawd or congested state of
the brain, which wiil
day. Schcfl niTimsioB" wai- Mrs. B.-?.
Dpe intoncrvousprr(s‘^UoiL
ner's subJeH. The Runday sch...: I,•••e ••
ature demands
Itoan about 12R years age Kr.w !• !r
important aVtood; it
a place for gil. tor the iiabc in the
rt of her buildin-f and
cradle to the old saint who I* wai'-in-..
10 V called home.


A Geuni BnUBT BntMM IMse

You Must
Sleep. Don't Decide

same kind of salt (rock), for salting pork, beef and fish,

sirrs'lee abMid be. full (rf fire and n


ace frilhelm iJlk.. Ci;z. Phow n*-1


They Xft ihe beet.

Cuttuetl Cera

Sold only by




(ConUawd Pma Fue M

three daya aetUiic up bornere that
____ ttMVbaroltWrUotltoBeaBs
laat uedt. Tbto to a new dc
(d briaetos tbu uaeber toio tbe Cbrto- were
pannre-to t'he line «< bcattoc apptritlabUto.
Shoold tbe eoos book ftoed to the atiu. and jn<totog from (he way they
Siadar aebool be atod to piarer mo<^- work to BIk RapMs are a deeded

to tlM b«*rt from the etoolr. Ho
•poke .pproetoUrely « tke rotiriw tecT Mr. Meredltb-^.
«»d toeenlsc pTMldeotWbal beat lime tor boldtoc Sunday
to betliiBlfts hU •4dro« ptw, Mr.
Hu&qi Haied. -U Mfopc U • frteBfl
ct the 40C. the Utile cUU ud (be kse<l
■M vbo eopftdei to HUB. be U blem.
cod dertrro «a men to be etred «»4
«*wd*t* time when betooftbemort
,^tee. Ood *»to »/Bm» «o tn-e
tato ibe UBsdon and do bl« vork
tiMTc.. Tbit tepwUBt period for


eqnalcd ttarousboot toe aeriea of mceltocs. Ail were gtre


iba bnlldtoiL A polieeman bad
Mr. TuIUr said tbai
aad rMMBted Mr. McDennasd
and apaak to tbe peoirie about Ue lore .upon bla heart all day lo spenk to tbto
of Chrtol. aad Mr. McDermaad aald conventioB wbat be bad aerer said
fealta*ly that It Iraa too drat time to a conrentlon before, the spirit arome.1

*'Mr*TUrro^the*?*M* R R. a i . Mr. a^ Mrs. Wqi. Mrtttoley ^ Ben- '
dl.T, wm. hero tost wrok a««ltog w|»“
aflaiis at toe depot.
1 Mr. and Mia. A. E. Morrill and faniTbero will tie a tproial meeting at. Uy.
lb'- Graage next Saturday ul^l fori tK'allin is 1
a.prospvrous farming
tbe loluatlon of candidates to ib.-:bertog town
lird and iourih degrees. foUoaod by; ...................... Only last year iheve wHr
of bay and grain shtppeJ
____ .itace. Now toe condltloBS
Robt Carpenter Is re-r HI s
; are reversed, tbe fanners not oaiy
have plenty but there are many cars •
hay. straw, grain and pothioca yet
be shipped out. •
• ucsriel fever
Nels Bye did buslnro. to-Troveise
Mrs. KimLall U very much Improved; aty Saturday.
: and ber friend* all tome that too Im-,
' ■
proremeet will be pennaneet.
Miss l.ewli spent Salurtto} aad SunAnn. illcb, Nov. Ifi.-J. I«.
.toy with fpUgids to Beadon.
_ ' HarU-l roli’nied i« Mt. Ptoaaanl U«
Ralph Derron left Monday for ChL Saturday, wbero he U maUhg hl» .
: rogn, where N- vipi-eta (u wv^thl* ^ j,otne at preacot.

bU esperteiice that aoeb a toliig bad to prompt hltn and be cotfld not dl vj
bappaned. aa a pollcemaa calltof upon obey Its summona
With such feeUag tbat dry eyes were |
a mtototer to apeak to tbe crovd and
'bo Mked for a cbeer for tbto action, •a eseeption In tbe audience bo told

Cora HImebaugh left Tuesday for a Qn^Abbe’and Ml
: vUli wlili.lier i^areDU.
• i at the borne of the ti.._ . .
F. E. V'beaten of Traverse City a-as; j:, u.>S. Best wishes go with them.
I to t.m u Tuesday.
George Verol.-. on.- of Lakc.Aun's
------------ ;-----------------Biervh^ta. 1* in town today.
Cev.E. Hbbbeter 1* MadlDg puUlofP>.



loon. He ts getting akmg nloely
toesy I
umbrr of soldicm and ibelr wirei ^
to Mr. Wellman's to celebrate;
Irtbday last Saturdayi
rtha Hunt: who bas been Ul forj


toTTOwlng relatives
Barnnm * BaUey a mrena »e past uejWntrrd and Etl-elyn Dcake sprtt acst. is TlslGag hla atotsw. Mr*. O. F.


merman 8v
Mr. aSd b
capo arc rli
al ttis place.

e o( ida ■<
oifcWf to tba vaiitos croud onuldc

ya toe bantert grt
e toe daya
to toe aarab enai

01 Lvdia E. Ptakhmi’. Vegetable Compound, tbe rSSSSt‘JSi'S5j“S?'eSiE;
(bout Womm.-. Bemedy lor Wmum.-. III..

tdioolf Mr. HamlU—•:» >• ■ «oo-l
Hcaor. Hlcb_ Nor. 16.—Dr. EUla ol
boor noleu tboie wbo attend ebsrdi
Bcnxonto was to town last Saturday.
atoo attend tbe Boaday •cbool: tbea
and Mr<. «• L««ar retorted
II to belter after tbe •errlee.
homo from Baldwin
Urt. James Wrse and rblldree
important qaeations
friends aad relailvea near Bmere attaS and anawered by Uwmc rlfJttag frU
ptre tbia wir«i.
ai^m Bondw’with N.*i:iyAPd family.
The MetbodtolAid society will meet
at Hra. Thomas' neat I'rtday aficrn who bare be« aiailoned at

top to to afelldbeod. Tbe smt
ten dale tbetr career (rem a cbild. tbe door and bare dooe toelr duty
'^'o UKbodtaUaad Coagre^iiloiul
eaaanr TrtUen vKbto ua jein of tbe tattSfullr. The readatlon was aeeep*.- Aid aocleUea Will meet at Mrs. Grilford's
«d with entoutoam.
bold In toe
II be moetl
As after aervlce waa held
Mr. KamW pttMUd hto trabjeet la
this week.
oal ebon
BUramlre iona.'ghlBc aome bcaatifal ately after ibc recnltr acaalon of ibc Brery^y tovlu-d
to attend.
Urs- Au
Austin. SunBore, to Mr. aad Urs.
api«tod pictaro*
to ObtotnU bit ■aaodatton tost nlibt whleb for
day. November i:th. a pair of
warmth and ferror of fecltos waa not
Talkad to Cromdi OvtoMm

Tbe funeral of Mro. Uda Vedder.
daughter of Wos. Amidon. was held

bo M. E- ebarch at InUnl.

is datoTtog the shlpBsn of potatoea from tbto polBt
Mlaa Grace Lucas, onr tensor, wtolud ber parwnu to Troraroo C3ly

\wallto. Mleb.: Nov 1C -CafI Bye at this place: Price M c««ts • bushH.
ifk Saturday for «"*kegot> and ChiA C Wyuk.wp of
rteo. where be will visit hlS^ed on us Lake Annlles yeslerd^
He ha* -had a good crop of potaloeeT^Wm. Young, presldeoi of the Benito
and Is now enjoin* the jgoSv-da -f

and Mrs. Van
A Smidav school lias been organ------------------—
aq,eh parts of bU Ilfo blstory aa would Blarlcom. at tbU idace.
lied, with Mrs -J. 8. King aa superifi- •
John Wombtand of Muakr»», aged
vbieb «aa etren vlib a terror.
Id Mrs Venn Barber-------- "
-80. Who bas lived a bermit life Car ten
He tpoke of toe troe aad beaudfni show what too Sartor, tbrongb human town one daj- last week.
Kale MaHlB visited ber panaiu at '
grontoO a divorce frimt
inatnimentaUty in the form of a SnuMr. HannaTord of Tiaveroc City wa* j
Thomi.Ho..vrn.- Monday evening
day sebpol woman bad done for blm.
to town last Saturday.
lag to Trererae Oty.
Jobn Jihnsop. who has bees aick •*hu «»«»■
Ethel Clark was at Traverse tl'yj
No other female mcdicineRa the u "rid bas receirod such widespread
Mldnlgbl bad aireek before fhe ata'o
on the gain. Ur. ^ mazoo.
»-bat enrol baa ihU meoUng bad?
. -.............
with typbuld
last Saturday. .
•skM Mr. UcIMrmand. Are we gotog
Mr. aod Mrs. Charles Norris <dj'
‘“w'ifc^^t^r'bsv ourUa roeord 6f cures of female troubles or soA
le be teebergs or aball tbero be aad crea then tbe audience seemed cc- Frankfort were the guo«s of Mr. auJ boats
of grateful friends as has
inciant to Icaro If there was a cnimo Mrs. Ooorgo Weaver last Sunday.
e baartf of

feHtos wbicb bad

Haay aaawered tola ques.^ of Bidrttual food left of which they
tton of -WhB wni you do?" abowtog might partake.

Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Cbmpound.


that renewed effort would be too re­
sult. and a genani axprassion of n
feeling of Cbristtoa feUowshIp since

rramaiiTt rrmandrit far VrrTck



Ynl.n, Ulch.. Nor. 1C.—Hick . Htillll-.'
i *»“

“"'kfinK his cabbage^ in ,

\v..:ib. and ™DrfqueDi..t.pme Wcakn.w... and la p-caliarl.t adafUrol to

It has cured a
Mrs. Joaeph Haas, owner of the
. It.!
tlic oorid hi
, the rtcnia in an catly *tafe of Ucthis jnud eonrention wu mado by mall boat plying between South Maul-; gore farm for a lanto one Xn
and clpcbi tumors f
island aiid Glen Harbor, ptaac-11 ton. where
I MenstraaBon. Wenimet* of the .Sumadi.
through ibo city Thurtday on ««..
Thacker are aUcBdlng ift
During tbnrn "Bpnrto From toe An- inrougn too e.iy
Indiift^tton, Ill-aUng. FJWing. Ni-rron* |•ro»lralK>d. Hcsdaelie. ISenerol DebUrlL*' as toe progrem pot toew; ehort way to f-'rankfort. where she u-UI Wugej^j. school ebnvenUun this week
formal COmpUUit wUh V. 8. InAlba Allen rtsne.' for the'uppi-r ntanllv ..... -----------------------. talka from nmay. toe sUrrtag eony.
-^orJ.O. DelUngroof .toellleaav-ivcnlnsula to bun: deer and^olher Invitreralesthc female sv.sicni. andri is Os luirmlesa as tvslef.
-On to Victory." waa totcrnperded. toe
in-" Fee-liug. rvlrrme lassitude, ‘•dost |
ilqniuklVTcmoTca that Ik-ariti
rbetinmilrip. Fru-k StafJgst reree being song 'On to Jackson, tagcrewfornegllgencclnnoi
■ fr'-lii'g. rvc-iiahililv. Irrilablllt.v. nerv
care" ond ••want-to-he-lcft-ilo
Kansas a sltort time ago. Hess. Bluiness. Knlnlnt-ss. sleep
risnclwlvurtbe "
which brought forth too Cbaatauqu
family there. Not aa.ils- and headache. Th<-se arc sure
[- tt oskneas. or m
nhito from too congrt»«ion.
.. ,-proted back ^urday.
aiHlritic always oires. kt'lnry Comp
whleb were loBl -------- --------- -------------------addltius to Mr. Wi-tcU'a houEC and Hacliaelir.trf either stv. the Vi-pi-iul.le Ceunpound ctivayb eurvs
dooment of too Boat by toe life aavlbB i
Thosu'woincu \vhori-tii--e toudx-pt aiirthing else ar<*.iv«arded o Iflii
enclosed whleb is large, roomy
Tbe Ber. C. B. Beoti gave a ronitog
of Frankfort after taking
Iking the •
mwletii In
I thousand time*, for they gel wbat they waat-a cur*. Sold hj Droj
in appeantoce;
addna npon "Tbe Value of HUstoaand :Mrs.
Uoyd Thacker has rviuni^^flOT i e»cryubc«. Bcfaae aU oabsUtuiea.
off. conslsliug of Mr. and
------- , I
—---------ary Inturcal to the Sunday SchooL"
m. Mrmct. ••*! PS
He aald It bad boon aald to blm. Tbe
- -------- .
win, Uii-m from ■ watery groyc.
> 7at.'i wrok I’l-l.
* Sunday school has uudoreailmait
».-re berk Friday on a huniiug t-X|n.-iligro
Friday;, toe day of tbe great j„v‘er nioe'hiliidn--d bUHhrlK
bushrlh of groin.
I mot i-d inn>

1 ne THM6T0 FWir




It baa boon llngerttig In camp alorm. the paAy
Roy McKu-------, .
-Itbls being onlyn inrt
i«rt of
of what
what bus
bus been
party left Empire with aup-j,
“mh!'.' Nlla Wilbuii lb ill wilii dlpSar for him;bl» brotli.r and family of Tiuvers
.flhri^hed this yi-ar
pltoi; fur three famlllua and other val'i-'
1) Mr. AtduH purchased bis tcn-a<
Mr.'iad-Mrr. Kulvlun and family "f
give a
ablea, among them being a aalcbel con-j>
"4in.- Heniliui Ladk-i.' Alil
- Mr„Phill|« biKlead of J
I. taw in tpoDc
Fife __________
as Mltai
_ onr
-his. ^
l>le social
*>«tol al Desk's
Ihwk's Hall
lUH i
ulAlngfoar ICS d
sUlcd to
our last
werlddilaa for too wporid tbat the Sun- and a watch They arcre picked up by I
John Boyd. Elk Rapjds. is driving a , vtnln«. F.ven RiSy Invll
Mr KuOli anil futuily of FTemoiii arph-ase lifluf pie. .
day Mboni-shnnld take bold upon this
bed (or
(or (hem
them well ujiotHhe c-nieiery lot.
too crew who had watched
Tbf'«da‘IwiTov MvKean pud fnniily have
^ aad lift.
tn lil'-'ftirti-i.ii ef Frankfi’f wa^
for hours at i o'clork to the morotng.
spenriimg a'i'W da>>. lu Tra'
t>.,zuetl uf M Desk, and tomlly
Aay suhlcet which occupies tbu soul having drifted pcaflT thirty mile. 00.1
hy ilie TJ:!irf'.la«.
to tu throe reletlona-tbtoktog. know <a ihclr coarse.
’L«,na Holy of lUrrioltu. who
Til.- Inljo.d Grarjtu ewitvs*nuartag and wHUag—bas an eduentlre raV
Mm. Haas sWIwI to the Herold that I the guest of >ll»s Lulu Castor for be«
if ti- t-lus" ami th'- txcUcmeni cro*.
(lays i«st.
iwst. rciui
rclurned lu bvr liomi
ne. We sheaM UU more to Cbo dilk
picked up when about three ieru!I days
11 the oyster sup- niute Inieme. Mr.. Itsrii' bill.- held
unlay morntoB.droa of (his groat teorement and eeiffu sola plllo»>
third WPd la»t m«-i-tlBK l»»t tiaid, -from
shore «td after--------,
a. ,.w«.
a.— —----------------------SlulJor . .of
HstTletla I'f;;;
; Sttr tallies,
:les. thth.eomage mlaslonary tateroei to toe
bad lodged them nafely aboanl
Krldiy evening
■w 111" M>la pltki
maklCrochild. Sneh a etody wlU .toadi blstory toelr life boat*they made no effort
- • lu
- I' town
il ret''uroed home'Lfutody”
IJi-yiioMs came bumcon a vfro .v, 51
aad tba graat rollgtona of the world •arc tlrotoaU boat or lu conientseon- j
Mr , aud Mr.. John HuUWe of ManF--ldav .
iiu' t'j. a:urc meeting, hsvtok bad bn.
isiee were the guests of Mr. aad Mrt.-! “ J"' St'le. tin-' been, spending n '^..1
altitog of a cargo, toe value <ff which
n. Pruyne a le* days last week.: , ^ **j'
" .11 inlacd.
sit mad'- un pyogrem work, hut U 1.
cutallcd a loss of tl.lSl. TTie boal, Mrfr Hubble
tubble irelumed boine lo Maals-.
lit Ryidu-rg auil famll.v left MnO- csiB-.'"-'i that quite a lot uf m
toft lo toe mercy of the «cria. drifteJ lee Monday rabmlng
Riglil fur
1,, breasht
by bu
„ i„-,hro 1- day nirfit
for Chicago,
CliicBSu. where, tln-j
tlu-j n..;.,
h..:., »ii|
-t,reasht to
tohybuihis)<l<-.F. U C Brid of Jadmon road the ro—

ins party
f^-J g^
make lbeir
Ibelr future home.
s-. Sa:ui.ia> evening.
ev.-ning. The,
The .eoiur-;
iwoniy mllCB.
mUCB, nnaiiy
ffnally OTcrtamuiE
oTcrtumliig alter
after • The
poH of delegaUoaa. which sbowa tbat
I F'vlday ev
»uec»-.-dlag I-.
I", t'. .K
kror o' n. nolww *.d
am. °
''' r"''" raverje
'•""■'i -uro-ok.
-------r-r Many tn-w memlnifP '
bi'tos aiji1e-j.
•koar enough
aaniifk chore
alwM to
In be
liA caught
Mitpht by
hi- the
Ihc i.w roll
1 irrSr------- ----------------------near
Ill" alle'-'.'siiee ar ..d and all
|l|ir II
UBdertow. where toe boat pack In ‘’■*J*C. BodI left tor Manistee la.<; j |l|
h.-lplug lu make
week tu spend beveral weeks to taking! ■«
liyUL II
thirty fod « water, ibo store betog
Quactlon Boa.
dowb and tbe bow out.
‘‘‘mIm MoIlto FrankUu reUinicd botnet fill IllirUL
'Ac .qualloa box was
-After several mcasages by wire to Wednesdsy ovenlng from an exu-ndtsi
Itig i-umuna Graniio.
too foDowtoE persoBs aaswerod toew tbe United Stoles life saving toapccinr vliit to KaUmatuo. Unstog and i Mi,
probtoaa: Prof. Hamill. Mrs. lUmlll. at Frankfort Mti. Haas'was notified Orel other cUles In suitiherti MyliiMim. BryWa Rev. Throll. Rev. Sooti yesterday of an appointment there and
E. Uuwms".
**The ladle, of tba Hopie Aid soei.-'.y ;
.and othera.
ahe hopes to t£-o tbe matter aided, will moot aiib Mrs. V«iry Gill
wo as m_lnl*tero keep
Dfsday aflenwoD of thU
whan U sboold be out ftgtattog toe bai­
lie «f the world.
Uito aa anre las the Almighty baa


... ''■""'ss's

FROM S3.2S TO S7.00


SKm Dm

3^^ ^esc'dtys ahonld bo kept aa-

on the other hand the Untied Stalls ^..•shc^^en-^men"’i-- now eonfe aavero claim that they atarted tol,,|p,c,i ami-approve'l 1iv the Lniildhu:
oOW tbe HI fated croft to Frankfort j eommtlt.e. It I. a flu. iiUiit, eqriiptH .1
but not much headway was mado and with up-to-date in.acbmerv “f ' '-;

How Anil a ttChb club be «
account Of the hrovy sea they s.vci|.V-‘,,,tr™
aad bow led. and who ts enllttod
up the attempt1 for. The colli-eior. K. M. Bv.-ri-i.. icoma? Mr. Thrall naaweroth-All meb
Tbe bnat.named Rriiance was lu» tbl. wci-k niskliig setiKmeiii-.
Mwkliulder tor tb-ir
-are welcome to come regaidtoas of.cot- stx weeks to service, having been buili «*“> .‘'•n?
. Tbe leader should be
a of reaoureves. o
maintaining interest In bis ctoss.
What would >ron do with pupHs wire
could but wouldn't sing?

Mr. TulU.—

CbCDM toe. right kind of music. I
which toey like and they «ill slog.
How can mtsaions be Uughl to
Baaday aebool?

Mr. Beott—'m teach­

er aad aupertotendeat ahoald agree
on acme mUalonary inicrost which '
preacBL alao study a mtostonary book.
By torev kinds of classes meeting
with pastor or with teacher, atocftng

iwico a asonth. can a amall Stmday

expense of MM.
and U n

She ^ roUed 1**^^ "

„f ,h,. Coopregaunniil

Sores Covered Neck and Cheeks—
Itched Da# and Night-Nothifi^ Did Me Ar# Good-Was
Growing Worse.

too ndven-' church will hold a bah- Nov. rt and
:aH kludb uf fane. *ork and f.-athti: bone tov«-llle. »H1 bt- for salt.
Tbe lailk-R uf-the Metbudisi eh'tt.Vi
111 give, a Thanksgiving dinner. Nov.
Bik lupld*. Mich.. Nov. 1;.—Minitnuih. to the M. E. chereh luiriurs tor
Loube SebnIer rotureed to Grond Ra>v {ihe
the bonent
bonedt of rej*lrtog the i>ar»ouag'
The regular mecltag ' '
~ '
Ids \V0dne~lay. after qieDding
iM.'sociels will meet a
time here with ber sister. Mi*/ A. E.
..IdimHb- Friday -afie
-. Clara Coldsmlf
j noon at riJi’. .Ml menib.-f. art- r.-l
Many took advanlagt-' of the ebea.i quested lo In- presenlv twpuclsHy those]
lU-i to TrovreA City Tuusday and'who wlfh to take upxhe reading rlrcV.-:

UU* Nellie Vaiider Wide, of Ukeaide. N. V.. wTfting undd dste of
April 18. 1904. .av.. "I do wi.-b you
wvuld publUb this letter to th. newK M that otbera aiUHnng a>^I

ta wit^n dwful
skin dUesx. rerrs cov eriug iny
ncck. andchcckiScab* would
aod they would »*cU.
»i "

dd break
and-nigbL Then they
mslter run out.
<,^^0 and blood am! nu
Wro",,«S, ro ."rod ,b.
pual Michigan stnto''Sunday aebool r-w day* in town Uft we<k
' 1 ww* growing worse when I tried
' E Uillwri-Cuticura K.uiedies. Tli. Cist

school hare a ttaehcn' Irotolng ctoss?
Ut. ManiU—Yei.
^i-dDi-sday to the CK>.
ur u .- W.Atonl Couii- three boxtkOlCutKuraOintmrot.and
Mrs. H'Hsob Cole, who 1ms b.-eu ,
Telephom c.mii«ry, three bottles oi CuUcnra Bcaolmt, t
TTir reptM of (he *]Sto>u (be rvsolatttm ooneeratog rogsU^ (ro was spondiaglhc past two maotb* here.i«slbeid a mwtlnc lai-t Thur»aay . v.-nii.E weompHielyvurcd.turned to Boyne the ftril ol lhe-week. j“^ «r™u^
AlUvl Bacfai and Benila 8'«>ckl»*l”ri..:>torand
A l•m■e.■nl wupper will b. »
Gallery, yes 60. have retunied from their bunting trip
The fee wasT*^-d from.ffvc with tour deer. They were- .In the
woods cast of Stancvluoa fttst two tlays
i-clal mev-tii:the Maccabees
when each secured all tbe law allo*>.
purpw of enjoying a gm-'
the purpoi
Is h right for mlBlsi^ to play card*
time.and rttsiilljng a Hill.- i-nihui-lBsm
or bHItonH. etc.? Mr.>oodbouse-U
embers. They
■he ue
Miss Lotlie McMullen went Wednes­
to }bst aa right lor .a mialM«r as for
doing tmth. n.-puiy C-om
day in Trovene CHJFerr} ihvB.gave IhtcooErogattou,
Mr. Mid M ro. Edvurd Egan left Tuevtk add^
bmt aetoed to luervaae mlaaloa^
day (or M'hHc Ctood and olhce aoaih,
. .
cStortag- Hr. COdOtn-dtot' toe chU- ere points where they expect to rema'lh .the purpwe of laerearlng thrir mem
dm tstoroated. They wUl giveas tbey (or d period of two weeks. During berwhip Sir Knlshts R. A. R.*lBron
Mil C A Lake were-ehuaen as canUieir nbseuN Arthur WTinerc nqd hU tains and the commit Is or from no
motber arc tooLlog after the -B-righi uniH Jmuo-v !»t,
■ ——------------ IS
home where Hr. and'Mra. BOB hare
been Bring.
- ^-nduo. Mirliro Nov. »i—Mrs Ami'o.
Hnpleian Bros, of Pelbtoa. who
Boitnrf has gone to Soeihcro Miahi ;
have tbe Mtchlgna ageuy (or Urn Corlo spend the winter.
^ win lawdutt bnreef. wer; In t
and Mrs. Harn Uoauell bav-C
Bball It I* addpiedy FYom the first

Soor, US ytmx, St aa

CAU 10*1.00.



AT COST OF $4.50

Itamoars, Eexemas. tUbioc*.
ami CLalinics Cured by


Until you have seen

We have it in the


••Quality and Satisfaction”

A lan?rhnK>nt.tof5«Ewi]icaiigt‘yot)tobny « -CoIuinbusr a iiiian smomt of Cffat*
iu-fii'.-l will save yon munydolliirB.

fnl acsliug, os is psoriasn: the lo«
efhsirssd rruseng of tbe acslp. ns
in scslUd Iho.!. the Iscisl ^sS^remenL -sin
as in pimples and ringwonn;
,ufknng of ioUata. and
„s!rty of wore-oSt parent*, as to
„ijk crust. Irttot. and aalt rbenm.—
demaad a remedy of almost reperhuman virtue* to receoifnlly cape

^------------atony of


There is only one


127-135 State Street

Traverse City. MUch.

K NEiiUJ^ T»rtnMeAT.-iiove>i>cK n. im


tbaa twatee rebtlfwt. to aar MW'm

; Off«T WM

U b UBderataad that thb aetbn w*i rounod hb a-l/a ai eaUete. Sba vat aaeiea which are m« borrifrloc the
takaa an rtputH af the atata depart- ibe danehter at bit Oreek pibfeaaor hi world. ^ «am amaminoa.
ve^Hmt aad arms for defense
" mam.
: Ohk> Wftleyaa tuil»»raUr. Tke^^ «»o
OavtnwMtrt It Amaaad.
isJrit. tW Mlwrt Aletlw* aad Brnet. of onr mother*, onr sUtert aad «.*
St peiertbitTs. Kor. 10.—The Bcr--;
— -------------------wire*, who are there beneath the heel
anuaeni b aiai»b and aemot part baebetor fM. kllai Craee Btepbaa- of the detpot and at the merer of hli
alr«M at the sroMb at the btrtt
from Ommt aoo .liat b<>oooe editor at the Uadi- bir«tnst. There are se.oaP «ril
a dovs. eapacted t

V.IU.. J“

eouM aaanmcl)^. Kait, Novt. «hlrh uted to hare Saaiscd Unolita la Ruitia todar pad
the bond bat an orsanbailoa of Ibi-

___________ tewarta the atrlkeft. it U . ««»*• ^*^7 "e Hwr ko^ The
Senator Tom PUtt baa aeen tt.rapoiM that WHte bat attempted lo-Bew adlier hat chanced it.4^ ~Tbcr are,
. .
------------- ... ....
ptwtldent, and aa a reanlt exfIoreTnor
Odell, hi* bluer tmemr. mar be d«-

Arthal Lake tt to b» coatoUauiad ter
Ute eteoUent cdiale* of ber reritadoa
and tbe manner tn which toe deOrereJ
K. ahe haring woo the medal ofwed
hr the orsanltailon. Ooy MlUer. the
popelar Jartmcior at the miage aeheol
and eloewlon leseber and tmtaiCT of
Ibe iBreaUes. drilrered a very topebing and pathaile recItaUon. baTing tu
orlpto d-Jrlag the riril war. Hit
tatlon wu oatoyed by all and hb
terftil doltrerr wu unexcelled.
A ebiefcu pie tocUI wUI be held by
ibo Ladbs' A« *oel«r in the nto ‘

.moo>7 Ibis year more thoa Ibey paid
-to ttaie tuet. Alpena and Hama each
had aa exeea, of oror giojM aad the
.cauaitot wu IIUSSUL the aadltor
;gt«etBl to dbewtatag tbe Boaher to '

StatlsUaproTstkRttbe ehsuoss sT 700 dylar oT
Tkrost or Loiw troables, an 9 to L
Waste DO tUBSiTmt ears yonMMsesso with

.achool dbtrieu that eawant ate for
jteaciei,' taiortra all the tocaey tbry
rtealra from the •Ule oaid he tartov I
I tocladtog manoaJ tratofag to tbe par-


'pokM for wMto ihe-priaary tooary

FM eMSNmiy80MI$ un 6MJS

telllag for M


.? »»■-


. “ss-«

eatabUshmeat of a aaloon fta tbe
earb. the crown prinem of Sweden toge or htibb two «Uet of the ti
and Denmart. and all the mlert of the SoavTcr. tbe batoahmest of the utoon here bu only atimiilatcd the batmailer Oetaan ttai^
IBCM of the ahoe merchant, trim Sadt
C. W. Post of Battle Creek, addrett.
Use rotssh trip to the rlllage of
inc the Nathmal eiibeat' ladnatriai mith for Ybe “■BTWwater- and Use ii>oaaoetUkm.. of which he U preaideW. s-lgorailag -togor- b KMaemhai hard
Tbtvo moron eteeted' In Obk> latt saM la 8(. Uiob: 'There it not. «t on the shoes of a foa- of Pomoaa'ihlrsty brethren.
y beUere. an organbaUon
H. Nephart-t mill will woo-aur
B bbor orgaabatloea or Bgbt Il­ with a erew of ahoot ten men.
Biuarl. DaSr. 8. Grencr.
ls of tbe cm.

reariiL----------- — - ............. - -Ubao. Rnatla. tried to alart a Jew
baMac- A crtHed osicklr formatl and btmaelf and familr freedom dnrinc the
imebed the afldah U it credUa
dar. booad him in Iront orerr nlXbi
raporied that VMhtr Johan bt«
Mr. Ramtcr lUlI carriet bk abacUct
tnmad addtax new pompllcatioot t<
Bboat with bln on hb ttardlt.

baa one a>d Gaorce Kompan ot Bel^

St P-tarmmrB, Nor. 17.--Th. gmv

gvuing ear, tu il
aU three are dcmociatt and bbor.
We want to tlrenctben tar.h
Era Barr, the teacher here rrpo'>«
oa hU par- and build them tip. Wo are ^t
a Bne attendance and alt papUs doing
maeb m>oaed.
The fraseraal orgaaballont are web
KltchenW* love aSalr of hit tkau at vc arc to a labor troK
here, tbe
roath bat been dbeutacd In BacUth iDBtiiaUOQ that sccki to coneruhe Itd the Graiun-rt.
papera of Isle. New- be brtthrs hit bar martet."
of this Til
Hr. W R. Harper, prfcldont of Chi:
aSoetlon oa two old aanu. abtert
hlsmottcr. HU h^mteat dart la Sb»- ea«n) unirertlir. expecting to <Ue with­

aral atrikt mewamtnt caminuaa
«rwir In an alannlnp manner but no
aarieot dbardert hera or In tha pr«(ln.
___ __

aaa are rapert^

erHss»ois«1UtoK.TK,wf«tos: "I
a fssrfU 000^ for^moate yUA aothiaf weald
[ took Dr. Bar’s_________ ^
It eursd » eosrh sad ssTSd stfV

I rica. U apendlnc a brief Tacatem la

traan appeal >o me niin
m. BdrlsIOK thm
retome wmIi and
he woold do oU potaU)<e for thorn.

eeyal damalna to Uia.paaaantry b rw
9ardtdaiilr«Bhair«Mrinaati>ra. A
rapert aart a unbn.Sr tha ptaaantrv
numbering a mHIlan membara baa da-


: total of esuseaoaa la the thMyebree

a ttrciw rtnee ta aaUoaal IccUbitoa. Inc New Totfc appotoimentt
Iter Wllbelm vUl eelebrate hi!



; the state reeoHad to prlMi^ actetl

di^rtei. b ahvady re«*al«-l as ccBsnlt Plait, and no*. Odell, in nmk-

S," IS.Hi.



roomaa b tree from
time, with one exeepdoo. Ambroae
Marks, wbo b aerionaiv 111 wUh ty
r Jerter I
ereddtac Phb. S7. Tbets will be phoU form'.
eta all the war fnm New
*V>mODa b free at this Hate tnsm tk
creai doinst. WlActm eepeett u
.oa team la lUl.
lOretuu. TfaraaghThe tifeleta
a *^Rer..4r. Raoter. after fortr J«an of Itora the kliwi and aoama of Bar
of Her. Jones, aow a retired
ttalr. nolUM and Wnriembarc.
dergymaa Hrlngsat Gnad Rapidt

Iber a-lll reiallate


ithree of the oighiyehru emtiat of


I at republican bota of Nbv Yorh.
Rooaereli, It it aald, via bereoft'-r
M pwple senetallr:

AadtRir OfmkfBl Bradliq'

pared a ttatemaai Bbovtog that thirty*

erbnftdredt of Weidi, la the mabtt- the surer Uke-raaort.. It b gntog t
WMiUngtM. N»*. I*.—Tb» eralMrlnnSB^ oiw br tke eb*IMc«r. bat
of KUblnefr and Odebai. Port
Admiral Oirttef*i flat-: aceepted !i aad opcard ike i9i»e wl'h.
sMp. haa bam ardarad U tha MtisiS lahn. Bobcrta tbes aaldi ~t *'H AitbuT fell at a pmbSmmt far the
hmarMTOa of the JeWlab people, aed
aaa far the pwpaM af-pMins losblcNe m *9~
PoMou. Mich Not. 5«.-A sltrrr
• Cibnatadi •« cue ot danper te Amer-lo«i vltk an VBSalabed br«Ak at IW.' the fafTaf tba'drmttr of ibo BaOmn. mHal eonim. gfrea by the W. C. T.
lean oNImM tKera ar 6L S«aitburfl.j TJimertor<le« PatUaoo «< Obb>: ofA )wa( ri> Bonlr vtB rblov:«h« sma- -O. ar tbb Tfliage. torindtog tha JvUct

; Trial Botflas Fra*

S. E. Wait & Sons and C. A. Bogben.


V k.M I II.

Uri'i B.rHaKAS!«iA{ib?3SSr^

again this week. '

S t I. E IK G«


etdad t« aalm the praptrtr and the at-

•re. riun. M .

'IVHV ■■ Ik

vl(-<-^ at :..tlM.rIo.-k. S'jbject fur next i,*!!
iplendlJ ,opk uf lhc'volunt.wr
^M.lty . vveniui-.
Blpenllss choir.
rr-tir—- •--^*r------- •' ■nmahu.tai
tl-ref It
Rraewed ImThe r.‘su!ar mld»eek
IV fully a
KAl .\. c-jl- I
h tuiH-rinteudnit and pufor.

H in a few weeka of cancer. U clottag up
. Robe A Kesie- ii f
w8> to ibeir care that he cooBded all fab Btaira aad potting the tmlrertliv
tetae and now the ixaaantry
the prcteataiiona made to him .after (o right John O. Bock'cfcUor wlU be tbw «» doltsg a Sdoubtedly win he i
aaetlOM b attacking and burning tha
tommooed to fait death bed.
In Africa, alto
aad the firmcTS
land are paaaad la Iheir cetBpaar.

totoMOfto-N^. _

>ugli rtriwa*. t)w»K«l. TiAtoi. Oinl StoMA '

brt^'nunwofrki^l^kkllvuyj TnA

The laio Edward M. Paxton: former^

Crawti, Mich.. Kor. lis-Ooorfec Del!
C.ibr. Mleb..'NOT. \4,—D. H.
r Trarerwe Cllr Is drivloc H. C.
mMpn)o*>«arK. Ireaadt.
’ rundac h'u l>eeo tjn.Run', lam a< Giawu, londing logs.
>klng after buMneu In
me In ivwit looking
John Scbriiriii has-Jsii retoroed
froto Trarenu.- CUT. wberr he hws tereits am! incldwally laktog
been working. He tie her.- faaniing trip*
Mr*. Eric C'a
for a tew daTB iw a vuii. •
r. W. Riynoldt hat gut
aUrted the.- of Glen Arbor passed through
Ian TImrirtav. cnroine.for Tra*
• la Iwilaes* al Crwvn.
toy win ;nake tbvir
C. Thompson of Trarerte City
bar ttarted a. hariicr obop at Crawn.
In Iowa TharsJaTho mat market b atafting up
lidtnc is Traver<
. a
after visiting rclatiwilq Slaylv
*^lartlMiB Harr has' 1-ern ,k-k for City


..tba Proas. Unlim State, C«.ul Hee-!

^ ^ ggrUrttaf-

rf i« rear* to rt.

arc la ihe botplialt in want aad.

onim. . KbhIaoT. Kb*.


^ Other plaeot xaSered biriblr'
, ^
. TrUd to Kill Ocvemer.

Judge Paxm wat a wcalthr

, It It cwtlniled that hb propertr «W
lOach SS.UOO.OOU. lib plan b to bare


tbote poor boy, nroperly cdueatcd.4»
lanam, etc.
no iDtcfaailoiml. Iialian

Lonioa. No».'Tt:d-A dbpaioh from

Tmga. Ruaila. aart aa attempt waa
Hombert prbe" of &60a franet for tbr
: sado to aasaattaate the gorernor of
to orthoIK. .1* » «■■«««« »"»■*«' pwic .b»», re. «ouJ-b.



c»no.K. r™... s,n.


• ■“'«

U.1M BUI« o«l». Ib»«pai. 1. i
tkf rej w ,kk Bklfle


ban t» case aaebtaneo »


.—o, ,h.«M,kkkUkkk con""”«■


itapobgr. '
J. E. Kltbre. preaWem of Dmry eoi-


next eoaablerr in Rome.
;tiaadt on Orarr enmpas aad b oecnAl W recapMoa gPron In Parts »« p]«4
byUlO minuto
................................................CO Of
jgr tMjtr Coimook a ProncJi, dll With doaatloBS ft
: maalripal ootmcUor wbhed to coapU-j
swat aa Stclbfawomaa aad her proi'r'

■at of Cbngo and r


T>« mother wore a fawn-!

colored imwB. rtia gtrt belag to ptok..


B,Kllpatrk* haring been

Rke a ttroag -nan:

He Ukea

for chOdren 'which are a tra.UUoo In

ahoot aikhrtlea. boat'

ncet. aparrliig her famflr hlttors. TV !>)«■
maichet and Jhtoga of that
AIMreah woriet 'whbh hare been
tifc— 10 talk ot tha aaa or gnu or ened down from graentloo to ger..
gtow and other tblagi that make tlin- ctmtlon. The aeUior. who the
M mee thodder and tm pale,
rmmiser them word br word.
abort, ha b a Mte-«bo needt oolr a
. pair of Urine hoou. a long award and
a romantic had«to^i] to be Use iir. br her to the doeheta' mother. w*o..o
tag egaasde «f a ^ <dd aea Sghtor ton pasaed them oo to her children
John Roberta, ^e
bUUard a^ gtandchlidres.
ptojor. hu Jut r^

TsI Ana. dowager mprcM ot China,
One M he wu la a hu aneh ewtnragant
foadneat 'll
amall citr oa the hfg bland, when a -Sowen at teetot to be iacampatlbk
local player eoletetf^ bUUard
trlih the general Mn that the 'b
to Anttralia.

whefo Robertt wu. Tbe beat man did bkiodihlrtiv old woman,

la her pri-

not know Roberta. Some of bb frteailel rale aparimentt abe always tea
wbo did pat np A lohe on Use An- |c <,f ite moat beaotlftU Sowers aad


wbo might be able to gtre him a few: uoniut, aBalrt of state.

waste. The action
iclion of j
. LO'Ab 1#I1<'A. ,
more of-r^ secret than ihe|.jf iimui
compo«tion of flie Emul* Htart-vl
•' -lmafce*s In town Muttoar.
Jereph S'enak. a farmer living na
sibn itself. What it does here.
dlc4 at bU home-M-edt).
Frank Lathrup and xife are t
it does through nourish­ parcBU
of a new arrtral In the faml
ment—the kind of nonriah- Rmer BHIman i* en-i-natolng 1
StillwoU. a former rnlduni to i:
ment that cannot b^o4>- place.
.hnaa Koaeon speat Taedav
tamed in ordinar>* food. theMUk
home of G«v Saltern.
No &5^tem is too weak hr Abrrt CartiiapOB hu
uelatgniKon- la
ta ihe
Aepm. t-jr
delicate to retain Scotjs ,po*|tWu
, eeedlag: Uarrv- Thompaoa. who ha>
Emufsion and ^tl^ go4d , teoa.ffomotrf.
r White of Maple Crty t»rsei


The peoTlacbl wu

w'hea abe

OHX W, P*tt-ll
ARnmry tar A

aothM; | mq.>| pagma to th^ regard b w

right Ct^ Ss Ibto Miar ha had atew Umi wmdl of SoMth
Vhii-al mau jdtj bl» tini *:rvke.


wwm to

ti a bai
Be, piano la ihc bcBoe of Elm
n bft w« k
Irovaek dM thorptos to
John Bright and Umllv. WRi Bright
apd tasity aad M-, David Brigh* -r
Kataoo sprat Staday u gneru to r
B* I^St.
The wood* ahtoit here ojatato mors
haatcra these days thaa thora b ^me.
Howiwvr. -Krane rnmr In wtrt fnB -in-


Mew Tnck.

-I bare permiully fcwi ao leta



Some rta.nifeirto-err. r^y or. heatttSi-A f:sIilo.i r:8tc£toscll th-.f. ctathsttiu—lhcre'5 «Hch a differcBca
bctP-eeii Ibe faihion-plaU: and tbe
loolts cf the suit after be gets K oo.
Tba fact U. any n
; get fine [*k:tnrc.t cl clothing. If be’»
[ willing to pay lortbeir.
But making tbe clothes live up to
I tbe pictures U another tbing.
All tha ilittstratiens «t Clatbersft
* CkiCbcs an drawn directly tram living
models cUd la tbe actual gannents.
They arc practicaily as eaact aa photo­
graphic nprodnetions. When you try
on a Clotbcraft suit, loataad of
disappointed >-ou're pleasaotiy surprised to-end It looks as well on you
as in tbe lUustratioa.
fry It—with <»c of tbeoe Harvard or Yak aotbentt Over-'
■Is—the Harvard for consctyatlva buaiaess wear—tbe Yak
for an oU-round. gtyUata outcr-ganhent. Qaarantced pore wool, in ptoio Hadta. ood Muea,
exfords, and fancy cktbs—»iO to SJO.



• loaih aad ngaetted Roberts to pH? u'known shat courtier,, prlaees aad bigh
game cf 1B6 wtita him. Bobwt, repiw-d ufiebb daily aead her the cboleut
■that be wtmld be fSeu^. aad at to a ««ertcgt cf pbnta and Sowers,
handicap he agld ha woM teaerre the
tenwdeaa. addieutag

.a by«id»

V. Ibe ITCOtkM pUl '
B'irlitlier ha* t
J. Sulllran
Rapids on Sail
Wm, Reorie-t»f
Trare ■e c.ty ttantann] batlDet, in Iowa Thur>day.
Mni. J<*n Nbbn and Ml F DHan aad cblldrca thopiH'd to Tnerte City last Saturday. .
Ml»» EJ?Ib-A Welib-r arrK-nl frur.
Traverse City Salurday for a vir;*ll‘. Itt-r parent*.

and vitality, and repairing S-O in TrarcrKe c<:y Monday,

nillan. Ther whbpered to tiseir an-i tbe tame U trr# of ber
antpecUagebamjtoa mtiheatftngerlfc*, logo at the theater aad eeeo Urto the eoroet wat a rery good ptoypr.lgr^t andieiM*-

Pro“toinm»« i»w

«n7.r'^,!Ahd.!7Trt twfs;

—That's wliat a promises
druggist s^d of Scott's
,-lllladf.“ aald tho eotmrilor. “Jtwrimcied bat *oadar- Hebapopabr
?^cflr .danghtpr mlghi well be called
iswrer. a nailre of Warren
'1 Emulsion a'short time
^ pink of beaatr." “At. moaabar. •
^ .g* fui that be i*
ago. As a rule we don't
, wat tho tw»r. "nw
the llcwi domocTV to wta the maror.
use or refer totestimonials
terr. I
fear." "But no." tald
alt.v. He tan twice before .for the
Prceehman. whose kDowledge of EngoBce. bni wu defeated. Thl* in addressing the public,
Uth b aontewhat IftnUed. T speak bnt Ume he defeated .IlMmaa Wllllamt.
but the abore remark and
Ibe troth. Indeed, all mutt admit that
le repubRao' noaitoee. by 744 rote*.
similar expressions are
e borne from Travi
madrmobMIo b 'Uc pink And ron Use
Wlbon of Monument. Col..
.....................- .
drab ot beaair.“
while oat abootlog with her hutband made so often in connec­
Bert Sm>-dlev ft Tra> i-ne City t|>em
Prtaeo Loob 'bf
October, accidaatidby abot him. tion with Scott's Emulsion SuBdav ,1th frieoil, in town.
Enoch n*ni-i» ill ,1'ti Janndiro.
amde aa ItoaMM hit U New Tori: I'l^aifal that he m^-4ie bebsit
with hb maair beating and democrai eoaM reach^Bre^S^anaged to canr
Mapic Cilj urn- In lou-n Sunday
b wart. If ibrre b aarthlag taob- him fully a durter of a mile up the occasional
note. Fram Bora, 10 M- and Mr* A. Uenieltkl.
biib abont him It can adt be delected cteep moantala aide te the nllnal
Sunday, a giri.
infancy to old age, Scott's csRev.
tVilllan;:o* KoMon
to his maaaer of greeting. It It vholo- Itor. where the itboa on the train ftactook the train MunUar morning fe.*
hoaned, aa It be meant erery word ol Ueally algnalHag tbe Brti train that Emulsion offers a rcliaWe
where he S'iClide<l IhIt. and be docs: tor there b abeot him patted onUl Jt stopped tp'iake her means of remedj'ing im-}M'’E^vrnt:
Ifac iWplicIi)' itat attract#~
id^d hcr«elt on botii^
.proper and weak
and oae kaowa that the greMlag
gcantoe. The prtoee looka and talks
doa 1. pabBidUng a botb ot ttcwlet mint. r«tonng lost
I daa^ter.

‘fTOStari'gf -

__ ______

Barl.r a wak now and It a litUe
^‘uiaer rairanl aad wife of Oia Ha
worse today.
>wn Tburaday.
Mrs. BSe Bor: b tamo facUer.
Walter DcWlii b very low with ty­
week with her parents la t*r tr-*np»l«»I .*t*CK*l. tb* if, «f Fuetj
phoid ferer
te-rerte CJty.
H. Anibcoy I* pcRine to a pool
Lonlt Donaer of Pleasant Grove
room aborc'ibe hlaeksmlth ebnp.
■a* I-- town rriibrThe potato mxritct is narly cluto!
Mr,' al:d Mr*. Join Ek!e of Glee
lhe**bo>crt can’t
cartMrs. H. Barnard is M«se better. .She Arbor ptaaed tbrowgb here Friday.
B. H. AHTn of Travortr City in
ve-v m with h^ dtaeato
aaeiol buslocM Ja town Biday.
ly. the tl
Ma."me Si-lllvan
Lake retcri Ik rompleti
R.K>ilHirrn eJub of Tror.-ree CUj
te pota'o buslni'U
present on tconent of the warehimM-*
ircutt l-oS to
being fufl and the buyers being nnabk
Qnwn Is getlUng i
to procure care for lAlpment of same
rrlee for legs nnde
John rricberg hu be«m at home rb
Itlng his famllv. and re-arned
work at Walton Monds:
Mti-ed Ui


the standard cough-and cold cure for over
75 rears now comes sL>o ia a




she we« to NIagan rnils. aM sade! They t:ie< la sato to cosfoct her.;
a rtp of tta lUaa. PorUe Brat Uset paUl Ue age« had an iden. Pros aa
Mtoe boy.
she MB her MaT.e hcsa wiU fcerloitoerW «:r« ta banwsrad a preRr j
bgUsh. and they eond ooc taft
amm KdM.
a-to heeted he rery don that beteeged u her Ktitadmgb
his. ~
to his. P1-trrr inretod with ; ler. aad »h<w the ro«»g At—che m- r
TtoTene CUr. B. F. D. «. »»». 4. im
ia ttay were talklBg together ta Cst
0^ I totold laacnage. which ii a .rery taaaUfS Mary.aMaleptMUhgrereey otohi-Isade to ondseataad tta'- she ccold.
UejVtew^ gta #taoghi.tar> it-her aoha ceased aad she ttoi,
rdi. 1 IBM to taarnirr -ttat only Unto ckUdm aM
rcMtMlMtM*. warecptaMeMM rery eld people eaa aedetatapd. a lady Ue wooM Uke to SM lirt. MSm tta; asleep.
poor-wasaa who bad made narty.i When manSg came tta doll was*
cast- aUg. an- tar bM BtoM to Hhed efery «
klUeu Uoaght Chat her Uttto daaghur gta aad he- soitar atartad oae ben-r- • sill-ctospcd u bar ars*. 8ta pSped
tirs sprtagday to Mr a rtoii u Mrs. wUh it SI-day. and aptar*«tly aii|
t» M to aetaoL Mr mm
Mary wooM dearly teTt to hare tat
iboncb* of geiUag back to her trito |
toUrlwOl. htaatannMttB In her yery owb.
Oa tta oatSttrts to the etty they-irtt her. Herrtpj days passed aad then
.. jM bet Ike ftoev to M CM '
•T Ubk I will take Ue gray eta.’
little base. Orer ita Ue little Apsebe SR. with tta dolJ
«M< 1 tare ertctoe • toke toOv.
laU (be tody to the saa. aad Ue paid
sill la her possersloa. was seat bark
for It aad look It away to a hto «*• poraii twloed roan tod hooeysnUles.
h-bea tta eblid msetad :
way sTixtoe. The portar took tta kit- Md ita isrden Bad some larxe. oM
he IBdlaa easp wlU Ue twetir doH
UB away Iron tta tody, and pM It la trees. Mrs. Mahon and her dasUter
Naaey were sewtaa oa the porch. B her chnbb.e hands it sade a grea'
u'e arat by tar side.
sswicB SBOOg this, and tae neit
1 deel thiefc t told yoo that the Nwsy was otoer ihaa Mary, aad sn. lay ^mother eaate MU the child to
kicteb's Base mi Hagto-. Well. Mof- ata COSd bSp her soUer wiU ^
let yoo
is undly reevtoed and
Be was very Boch frtohiemd. bacabse aewtag. which had » ta floUbed,
tape to iMyoBUc ease. lasM*
day. BatatafoMdUmetoiake^i^ hoiT«USIy trea*ed. and through b*y
ta moot now. My teaetar-i mase to he bad Berry been »way Iras hU
to the barb aad tbow her tbef'i^- s: the tr.ta was persaaded to wane
Mr. Kaaaoa. | as la tta toanb readra. brottan aad stolen before la hto Dfe.

■MtC. H«*>

rw«iv fmv
I irtl try M ta * htpvr « ■
Ml Mid MM «Ni«Htr femv
" MB «iy M M mu*
mb hM «•
4f-l warfM !• trylM •• «•
«hM iMHA I Mi t»r. *n

•Mk. W* M« #m «M *« m IM
«• «»M Mlem <w» • MO.
M MMMn. We M««
tor coM
,M«rter Md toe *M » to
- Msaen. Wc hope T«i «*■ *««
The B. T. r. Snaktoe d«b «tfoO
smiM to A MicMor deb to 0«M
gMOr. Ud
M Btod to Mto dl
M bojn M4 BJrtr i«»»

Ag» U.

W««b. r«i im u>u~
irtUtoecic. Magnage. paaenphy *o-l
_____ .....
Ue 1.^.
lady ..W.
who S..S
hadj1 .kMM
Uere. Ue bto hied dog and the genita lewder
■pMltoC- We hare bad aaew taere al- Bnt Mrs. ADdeews.
boagbt hlat. dU not hear hts. becaore; tocM cow

to tte tut MMber d -Ike Uttto oa«y. It to a Bae day today,
.jKgMae.- M H to taBed, Mere U the tootber to la Proromooi today. There
Him. Maboo bad daoe ven weU. aed
lou cf dock* areaad oa Ue lata,
Mevtof •ermep. taeetoc ttat «»•
icas aUe to keep a cow. She soM
tte Kbiihto et OoM
A' las they got og Uo train, and
iw Uyro Bock* of wUd gene p*at
ItoBWrs •» torto* eM htod to Ml.
U. My scUer hai tweaty-Wo walked aloag a bfaatiral eoattry read. Ibe sBk. 0d erery seutor -Xnacr
ae. We hare three bones. e!«At ootil the:- came to a ssaiL-astage. eantod it to Ue people wbo MUM i*.;
tsr- cbickeos. and Nancy i
on hare uSOtf^ aaU a
-A toB thlBC tappeeed ToeMey, mie. twWre staep. foar hogs,
aad IKIe soU tta egg*.
ataet -StorttoM.' tta todtar m be- iaitaya aM aboot one handred chlck- •etiage as Mrs. Am
And fo lust because Mary lor-d e |
sdjB. I darr
toedectottaeduore. It enwIM eet
We hare orer two Biles to walk Han. her dasghier.
lU'le <*'. Saitey!
Piito tdta taedBi
edueeMtadMltotoepefidweboot I bare an old cat that to sy yoo hare, bocaaoe there
and her moUer had come to lire in ike;
tawM Vice tor*
i yaara eld and I hare an old hea D( them In the
MreMWtaBroerMd. We berted bet
taOBiry. Instead of la a:
Mary came nmaing down to tta gaio
Pmmm BMem
UitaheefcyofdeMwowiata're- atxyeanoM. 1 hare gooe to aiSool a
Se»- YoTk teaesen*. Flnm- j
We had «M bosbfds of pou- > meet her sassa, and was dsUghV
My Mater Jnlto is going (c Bd with tta "Paeity kittle.” as she aad MuTie an* ssUl Mary's poi*ta«tlOB«.
-Tta toltar m wee eo loMtoB
jet «« let ktoi •» wtor to Mr. Chech
. She to seven years eld. I caa't ralied It. 5>k talked to It, Bad you ■Itbough she has grown np oor-.
resesbe^s the Cat toottoak of any sore, so I gaess I win may ta sure that (be IclcteB ndertTipetantli'i to lire «<U hto tele,
siood. aad ms rery gtod to Bad am* snge. sad sometlsea tells th- lire
ihlek ta MB fed »0fO «ta*e thew done tor this Use. aood4>yr.
WUies wbal;gaad a IHile stuB-xt rnt
kind mistress as little Msry.
Tta PftalBiM to Miyiito.
pros yocr Sonshine boy.
-Mamsa.” aald Mary, ‘what maker 'can de.-'Bat'sblae BaUeiia.
Jascs Honoa.
FInrt. tta iiTtat. WtaWertta «M
Kittle so hardT’
Mr*. H. M. rW»er. oee of tM coM
m toll iiiimii II------ Htaor. Mich, KOT.«. im
M«Mi er tta BtaUfse deb. eroto (he
. Vaekta Dooms to Etireee.
-Beeansc he Is snBed Mth swdost.
Dear PraMdsat-I hare not wMttn
John Quincy Adams oace tdil hor j
Tta ftotae deeto. to*.
pUs I iinnlnr HtUe etotr ehMt ta yoo for a leag Use. Yoo said yon dear.” said her sassa.
AM Uiditiwk gnamj woe.
;tcr ctoM-fUMm:
vaSM as W write a story nboot ow
^ UUto eto-yeer-oM Preekie had been pets. My brotber Theroa has a dog. Mary, “aad I as gottg to kesg his for jBOW Eumtmns. He aad Meary Clay
■MtooB'e to tbo bed Brtal bun.
aaJ U>re othe-s were I" Gebnt In
A .mr dtoO thtovk MU MBtaw
Mttof retr ettU far tatoe ttoto. ee W totaoerer we hare’0-01. Bcraggi. the almyi.”
As for MnBle ta grew rery **4 « Bclghis. as eosmisslotatr of tbri
ami thtac for hla. erMeatty Utak- dog. has hto -sat Brst aad tbec tta
,T^ to-to. Home tatatota tta Ml
IBC. wta* ta empitoed Ue »ettar by UttM. Ha MO SUM ap tor hto seals. Is ItUle stotiUs. aM always stara-J United SUics. saking-a ireaJy wifh|
Briiala at the dose .. • - ■ r.-sr j
Mary wenld
Hto tMtata BMtotae to Btatoie.
aaytiU. -Oiondpa to (rowtaf old. Will Oae day sassa tad sone meat and tar crib at atohi- ladeed. ---------------i(jren»
A aoetad Aditot ta*t to ebtoC
tad Mtbota ber of 1811. There was to he a big
Theeoa waa feeling Setaggs
goet. with UP dlplosatk corps pr*y- j
(Ttaiik* to tta Heow) hto Um
-Yea." vaa the reply.
fctttea nw chat wheaerer Seragta tapper as wllhom UuBto.
the music to ench aaikin rep­
Ooc day in Deeesber Mpry nad Mof-Win pMidtta dtor
BO. Boot he Btood ap aad he
resented was to be lAsyed
Up band :
t were ptoylng out to
The eeit to Jeetaoo. Bho toetotta
-Tea."so tta hittea watUed anJ
. We MO « Mbtk*. iM wta Btato
when Mrs. Andtem ealled Mary to ih- The bandmaster ease itotur eomsiv
wm yoe die. uor
peetly soon she atood ap ioat Uke
bouse. Msiy left Mure cuadlag on stooers and asked fur our Natkwal Air.
HMSMUMk tad to Biht.
Seraggi aM of ceorae she gei-aene
big heap of fiiow. and ran “It to ‘Yankee Doodle " said Ifcey
) -tAiBk that was real cate, dee’i
-Yet, I tuwoae a^- hto -other
taieUy to her solber. When she "YankPe Doodle? What it ihs'? KTicr«flnd It? By whom ms It piote haU she ssw
saw an naly yrdkiw
pUed. '
^"rhera to a Uttlo saulrrel b«e US to
n obt of ttaj
the yard. She foMbl pesed? Cob vO)i,fqrBtoh se with U<Dtalh ttolmi oer ehjif; MB irm.
•Thea.” aaSd ta. -itare wooY he aay- Marly last. Mn. Baacroft to tasUg
Not ratta. Thpv ww-p *1
Hugle lying oa the groand. all tore
Ihtag bat (tod bM Baato Ctoai."
hts She hat
their wtt's end, li“waa anothpr kind
ta tar fcBce aM ta win go ool and bleedtog aaw-duta from a dotea
OdetarrlUe. Mleb.
Ucy had come to s-nle. At
rents to his gray skia. Ob. ho wMarv
Dear PreMBabt-l bow take U aad gta a out aad sit np oo Uto stta* cried at tbto. Her sassa irtod
last a ha*r>y ibonght came to Ibpm:
pMeaaio of WTftBw yoe a few Raea to aMoackU. I Uiak ta to rery pralty eoBforv her. but Mnry had bred the Honry Ctoy bad a ctoored hov Mth
,ta-yoa kbow taoro all well. oM hrpe kboagh only a.tad aqalrpel.
little kittle so wall that U almost faoke Urn for a servaui..aad. cf couiw. be i
The cesoat plaat Is eeslDg here
p«a bM eto
Uule Bbtahuora ar«
her heart to Ulak of aot hsvlhg her .aid whlMl.': and. to coutsp. he knew '
ttaaa-e. WetatatwoUtUepoPtBee; btas to a hH of —art here. When
ptoypaio MT m<»rr. For poor MuBl- - Vanker Doodk ' by bean. So *h*T
« are Jack aed Bob. I bare
for him a-d I'r r>-ot.:*-m uas
Otaw tta DtoU ABtett natoon
ms too bady torn to be mended..
Itair ba-w are TOm «M
It bappeoed that (hU was the we»: aotoed. Tta colored boy whlsiiei) aid
«er e^rrcto MU lOtoimiiilr Spec langoitgiobd-oleroryday. tattalUe.
In which airtstnisi case, so Mrs. An- Up faandsaalto- ptoied down the air;
Your tortog Bunsblitor.
PtaM WtoB> Mta e(«tattta Bey.
before night," saW Mr. A-lims.
OB. Re to froto SaiMM
Yankee Oeodk' was ee* to so maay
aad try to ge-.'aaoUer kittle like Hui
P. .S.—Mr. Melatjtc’s tamne burned
ia cedar two week* oM
She spent a whole day. saklns pans that you would hsrtlr have
. 8« ataetolM alBB at tta tMtoek Ufe. oayed wUh-r elater. WOhare-Ufoa Ue other day. Tta chlldreo lost all the-rouad of (be stores, bta there were knoa-n It." A-d 1' rame o> i the next
beraoa aad eight canto aM four idga UMr story books aad pletare cards. BO more HuBlet. There srere bNUtiful
ibp pride aad pomt tnd
aad toratoa alwap oM iwmy-iwo UtUo oracle lost all bsr boods ami furry ones, and ugly ft----- *-------ce to a royal brass band:
HtBCSt Shoes Bt Hnest &ices
gam WdL 1 WSI (Mae for Uto time. She bas bat one little red coat. Bhe Is
had heard to s kiltic the cdlfleailoa or the inalcbiy aad n
3 yean old 1 Ulak. She say
MBdto'aatoftry. when war todem. wtUloratoaU.
biltty to Bniwe.
but ahe to noarlT. Nettle It li. Frankie
Ptoto yoM MBthtoeglrl.
AM Ue MM to aa*M iUd tta deWT
Al last. In desptar. Mrs. Andrews
to 10. bat abo« as targe as if ta
started to go hose. She kaew th.-:.
Dell Haloed.
- Then there to Hetuy-he’s
Mwae Blto oat tta iMtartoB.ytm. Trararae Ctty. B. r. D. 4. Itor. II, 1*83.
Marr‘8 Cbrlstmat wpold t* spoiled by
A stoiy ii tojd-bv c Indian ager.'
lb«M>t perhaps som W the Sun
Abd GtaM. tta taro M war. appam '
Saar PrM*an-l hare a pet ««: era would tike u twd thes
tar sorrow pt the toss of Mogle. and of *'ow a doll averted
verted aa Indfao war.
You 11 aoon need nibbm and
Thee HayeA by Ue bariowe* »ar*iB, Ma aam laDaady. Be caa danw tta
cgnia aM B. B. popew or sose^Wns- She was'sorry that fta could fled ,Oa OOP oeeaslan Gen, Crook was try taka walk, laatp a atlek and play haO.
WlOA •
•ocis.U) ke^ you dry nod
lug to send a band to Apaches bic“
Doea our prealde« awrore?—V. !. J. bathing that weald do. She tuned
Abd e newer-nattaal life begtot.
He ttocar to play wRh a tobacco aadc
mik towards tta train, when a poo.Uelr territory, but eoiiid aot catch
warm. Hiancmtar wi* kwp
QardeW aad AfUor ootoa b« U dew. aMawaahdlahaMtawgiapeaktor
(Indeed tta president does, aad st-; esan with a basket
them without kUiing ih^. and that he
the rabbert thaf^M ann* to
rBht tta tut to aieto atb tta yaer to a bota Be eaa Bb np'and beg and be hopes KoUle. Fraaklc. Grace
did aot want to do. One day bis men
wUI ga oat and try 4a oaieh. Bab ta tta H«ry wiU be remembered by
Kivc yoo a.itisfnclion.
“Pteaan. lady, wool you boy a kit­ capured a little lodiao girt and took
tod. I gatoi ,Uat to bB for dda time, to tta BonUlaers. “Do it today" to a tle* -It to Ue last oae I bare, and
her 10 the fort. She waa gulet all-dij.
goo4 aotoo to a case to this ktod.l
no- your iahiuaa bar.
Tkee OerdM egato to *
saying not a srord. but her beady i.lac;llUle girt is so sick at tanne. an
Bk BtaMA Mtoh-Jfor„-lPO*.
hare bo toooey to bt;? seaiclae fvr eyea mtehed evcryUlDg Whe-j nlghr
llcKialey eaidaa oerJMtoer tor.
. Klagaier. Mtah.. Bor. 14. im
Dear PiwMdspt—I wOl now writ^
ber. 1 lost tta otter one. lady; she came, however. she.hroUe riosn aa!
Opp. Whiting Hotot.
Dear Piotlde^ .Uooght I wooW few Itoos to yoo. t as gtoag to ti died tost year. }aat at UU time, please ■ aoWw.! Ju»t as soy white cblld woul*
writt to yoa tad tdl yoo 1 as wen and
bbeat sr ool lahhit. It to pure to buy tta kittle."
yob an tta ease. I annt to whits with ptak eyes. It to very pre«7.
Mrs. -Andrews looked al U* Utieo..
wAM today. Tta traabt ofltoar waa (i wRl nta sad Jssp atouat and aom aad saw that W was gray. Jn* like lit­
Prato thodaya of ITto.
at oar aebool today. Re wDI be work- ttSM It gsts out. Ooee It got eta aaj tle Mnflle. only It was soft lusteM to
tag at oor. aehool aen week. I, like ws eouM BM Bad H taUI tta aeu day. bard as Mogle bad been.
as gotog toto Ue
I (etsd It by the cow
•T think I Mil b**y the kitten.” sbe
Hhw Baoitara loi^ aloM lait re- aaeobd book of arllhsetie tuayrtow.
senttoc. I go to tUool erery sahl. “Ho you sake them yoorseur'
Ttoera were etotees u aUool today. -day I caa. but t mtomd a whole week
-Yea, sa'as. I made Ues an. U>We are gotbg to hare a Chrtatsaa tree
A was MU. Osr aeboel lltOe Katie that ■ died nted to lore
oar aeboel. PMaae ared Perry and
Mr. Oco. U Crisp.
Item soft like this Mary aM Rente FODocT a wrd aaJ at school today. My tsaetar's
Atter UlVtog to.the pbor wootan for
bnttoo. Tta ttasea W U*-<
to Mtoa Mae Thosison.' I «ke ber_ ; a tew minutes. Mrs. Andrews took hev
Wtae roar prnltobt wae to Oraad oar etUool an:.J5^tar. Min MadWe are catoig (o have
addres. sad then went hose with the
BapMaa «MT wwka Bgo eta boeaa
iaoa. SUoton; Jeaae OIbba. Bddle TiSBhagIvlag aotertalasebl at o< new fcUtle.
rorytotob iattvaam to a UfUe ebU
i4«fc Daabe Dee. tta Taylor. John
aad I as golag to qtesk three
Cbristatas moraine Msry fousd the
Acva pnd gtoto whtoh to celtod tta Ytoylor. Piaak Itolleek. Shoo Laee.
Wen. I win
new Utiie aad cried with delight-!
-TtoighU of Pond Motawa Onb.” If Bydaey Lace. A-oe Bogart. WUHc Ula letter does -bot reach tta waste- After a while Ue and brr.mother put
yea MuH aw tta loir, tdaht-fatad Boa. Nathan Petrie. Dn LiU./ttanah
boplag It wOl BOt. I r seme nice warm clothn lam a box.
iRVaMd <ldi wboMoeg to^tt.
sate, as ever.
aad asm tbcm with food aad toys for
woeld Ihlak that they are really :
Petrie. BUel PoIloU.
Tonr Btushtee girl.
; (be unie siek giri. to the address that
Khl«era. whether ttar hbow It or
Age ?i.
vEanba -Snier.
womaa had giren Mary's
• The nnatara tto anraya trytog to
Age IS.
Btbel PoUoU.
What a happy taristsris
Klagsicr, Mich. Nov. «. IMS. Isti
eiakr other people happy, which to
SossR aty. Kor. 11. \m.
Dear Prestdem—As I have not writ-j they bad. and after It was all
roaty Ue Tfty beat e( gaod toaoaers.
Dw rrsMont—I bars a pet do ten lor a<Ooag time. 1 thought that I; Mrr. Andrews f—d work for Mre.
xee haior. aad ttat to aotoeUlne erery
would wriW few llaeu. There are; Mahon.
obe «twr eaUhhn hbya «« klrif try
lor ber seals or wbeaemr sre uD b*rr UlrtyJour achaterala school today. I, Now. Mary klmys sprat hto ««lodocreryday. The deb poblUtae a
Her aas* to Bromto. She wiU go to aehool emy day I can. For petal mat. at tta ara^bora. ao this yea* .
radilnK lltue pap«:k''dbkh to to- Vush asatact ths dear aad come to. I
I have a dog. hto name to Borer; two;wbea ahe was all rrady to go. ah-r
Miad crerr-work, ebd yo^wooM aB eepicked up poiatoraYor grandpa today. UtUe kittens aad a mile ehhtao. I.toefc her new klQle. whom she calllel
toMtalt. ItliafoBTp^p
As -Uto is Ue Brst time 1 bare wriUea. have lots to fUB at aeboel.' 1 am wri',-] nurvy. aad pm her la a lime basket,
1 wMctose. _
teg this totter at school. My teaebefijao that the ootod nto gv. rat at anv
Fram your SnaibtoS boy.
Lola Holses. I Hke herj time while IhPv were on their my.
u»e on tta core-. SlMoad <B b
Age 10.
Howard G. KelSM.
very such My atndtes are foofth i Them she kiaaed Mogle (Mrs. Andrews
fdeted like tta HeteidJII to written
raMer. artthseUe. geography. lao-!had seoded bis as beta she eooli!
SussRCKy.Ntar. 11.
coptoa aaBe
made 4 HM coMea

Dear preuldoii—We base a pet caU gtmgeaadptasanahlp. 1 Mil cteae br aad >rai tom H a hex too, ai»*l tbe« Kswrti of ibe ^rellata «< Ue
per hast
trilteg aty age and base.
;.B wc^i
the vv^-sboet- tegtaber.
TheBC macittoes are carried IQ stock at our *hop and
data Tittle
Htil atodea aBd-eceandraBi and her base Is Lit. aad we eaa ptatmr
Theagk Ntry tad a bramlfql
Floeraee Whitman.
hM^ol tbonghta. Om of the editors arms aipuad her beck aad pet ber. ten.
can be gecn in operaiioo “bnzziDs" wood.
lie. abe always loved Mugli- iust thr
MiAasM tad I saraod 111 a piece. We
to ^ paper. Kea
We had a chlekeo
to write
It was a lovely day te Septr-btr Ota Ukteg Ws out to h!s box. an-l
; clah
etoh and trii
tril tthem somethtog about lor dtoaer Suaday. Anson aa
thu “K. O. O. M. C..* aad Uto to wtall«fsr tp Mr. Pemfs^jM got
whra Are HUto Wtitaa, eacdt Mth a
neck. SOI btel before s*-e went to slera. and
o bare taghteea pretty htaaa bell ce f
apleco last Blghl.
hn aSYmevery sorateg she wisted hbn
ctaMKiA. The saa ^ owned the mat day
0(m Mtoa BMoa-Tan aakod aboBi cat that w3i catch m
the year Mary was sevra years oU
bte* MBM *ba bb naUBb, bbd «C come.
o«Muh.TtaMWOfhtodtoKBtah«ajptar aM Ms wOl R


The Government
****-^** Canatfn






J{ubbcr time

Rswland nsualasf






- ...

-* r.»

Tic Best
aBl sold
^ at tbe



That are fijjht as to col­
or—length—Ot and price.
No other line in the. city
coQuins a better assort­
ment ol values than ours
—see for yourselves.


N«« Um
(Crtr lilouaac ihrooiA tV telw Md nc». BMt tttfl verr
w ore «J5;i hotea. A FAMILY REMEDY.
tag ftsd eookUc id h«T im Thuka-t TV rwry t
• i0r Bo»«* w bit «f Kbilu hWBbd
stnaic Writer, t
tb» «lab. Wltb tseb dBlatlM fow •
the ciMl Utekfw irepWre.
diSenel taror. tie %MMri««e ihu
M. Kritaefc«aa'U.j
MMWlw«u>oeMn'«itb loribc
Kow«l^t U aelW iffpriMo tfi'Oood floMekeepiac. 1 hare atood hr
MW, ud Vbow iMf cT U« 1*
(or other ahi»es) ot brwd. BMter.
Tlalt a (am aad asdeet a tetk^yito be:"*' <>< those ailMi hwnha. asd the'
iMTeMd br that kbowtedp*?
MribUe ow *«V®d
(aueoed for--------------------Tbankaslrter;---------------the awes-! thooght
wfaleh dmlsatad
all tV food
-A b<MU« «ar hare » be T«y «»«!. PUew W ov« tuuU ehwao------------------- -------------------------------•laple lbVt Drinct. There aw tboae aelta. 8w»e with eo«w.
Hbte poWi of cbotee U mmHt the
«hodo80t™«ertatobrMB*etb<TWi.- Chreiw B«ll*-Two r>B« ri»e*e. alx imicber abep. Here three M * widelabl* to
hr* Ooae yiaar erw.
not aSWd to do It 1* the aaMP teTlih oUvm. CsdUk watow weau. Chop rarlety Cwb which to ariwt. and the' ■odren ateer. abd twod yow laadoa
way that ihetr rich oel|*bont do. Thia oUrtw Encly. mix with checac. anil treyre wUI do b«:re—when the Ixmc U«i to th^ preMriag of a^dtoreit a nlitakc. for wbicfi ihrir pride la [ mirid toto amall balU. RoU lit ground I party la to be a large owe—to pU^k oat i »Vle diuer—by aa own fiwplaee.
s ao xlapte."
iMpsnrlblo. The very heat iBaebm{ButMUan(la<rTeoatbe|iIat.-wPhjtwo best weichiai; eliebi or hl»e< "Bin their Uriag
I thtny I oyer ate wax beatowed spoil aahtJ.f
• pooads apiece than to order an older: V^T<" W.
,06-Cu. white
fowl <of double .ire.
that .
an! Wax It T Let na aea
I tee hr a dear old lady when I bappMBd I Harieqnla oanowiciK'w—^u.
wum-ii iw»i
..^0.. n. M....e-re.
to bo
(brooiOi the tows .Mj^d gtshaB Mead !a slice* a quarter.^ tbe pis feathers, thea pal alew apoonwhieh she llrrd. asd stswK-d st her St as inch thlelt. Doner orraly. pise- fsla of aleobol la a asacer. loii.ejr^Io »aeh eolooy. after the awfsl hard .
besae to dad her about to eat hreltag ose allee ^re ih« other, whlieiaad bold tbe bird ot.t the Baiaevfonithe Brat few aeaaooa tire eosi ,
I ample «ea‘.
I aad Rrahaa alteniately. uatn you tav: lag (row aide to sirtc to sinfe.lff all' *®tt* of Ib^ laercaaed ^ asMlag 1
t •We had baked cuxtsrd. tea and|allees ao arrsaged. Trio oSibalt*. Roaovo th-.41 sack.^ cat >»pW«r. Brea in tbe darkeal darr
aaadwfchea: Sorely a almtde esoogh ro«h odges and cut tbe fclkrex fro®' off the bead close 10 the bill. Jlua a »
«»*«' »'t<’ to V had by aU
;repa«: hot Orew was a dalaiUrea* ofluie side. Each landwich irlU roartst' shatp knife around each leg lyi bcloa who were able to hnat. east a Uae or,
aerrlatr. a eeoreoalty of bosplialliy. a; of alternate airlps of white and browa,, the joint, atyreliir only the akla; with •« a on; and there wi. slwaya nwre,
g aany
of tire alnew. «eoni-«anKlBie. - ------- -----s i a fork draw out ai------- ----------------ramth of cheer about tbe liuie lahir batlag Much the appearurv c
as poailble lor the huieher wlU do it;«» aommer there was a one supply of
; that liagera la my memory
Ihoogh | late sM white layi-r cake.
ter you): cfBck the booo below the -Ud fnUu-hocklebreTli-«. blackbee
; It was years ago."
,; proit
Froii Cpcktall—One
Cjekiall—One cup granulated
plums and----------- ■“

[sugar, two traruoB water, three or- :j«dntandemoltilieleg;whe*d<mein /»•••
pompklnx. beans. 1ind peosj^lii
Hf«nsa#orthrThanka«ivinBTwfkay. aSgiA thre- banana*, one i.acup tbb way the bit of boae is wsUy r^^
moted after roasung. teariag a cloi'.
«>7 »»"' Indians. At tW Bra
As Iho rtebaeas and Bawr of the tar-' aileed pineapple tnot^wiydi: one teaturkey uo lu breast■ ThankagHrlng dinner il«:il
Joint. Turn
key depend io*a e
and with a sharp knife silt the skin .Vym which grac'd iM' hoard were
on the dresalog employed, gtw ears* half tenenp of Ma^^ino
'liJt: over the backbooe from shouldm to «»"
madam.. can pos- (
jshohld be nercised by the bouse- three tablespoons johr*
the md of the neck: turn over again.,I'™'' Thanksgiving dln-i
five mlnh.^'s.
keeper In the netcctloo of the lUffcrem j iasmr and wilor ter fire
looses windpipe and crop asd draw,
They ofourse.
Insredii'Bls ol wblch It is OOmposcJ.'tet aside to tool. D.ei- the fiuit—etthem odl; cut o ffthe neck close to the ’
<«*«. great, spleadld Moose bird* rftAAOKARf, ex-fiovernor of Kss,Thu following texted recipes wiU bjleept ibo eherrlre. wbleli a.*c iefi whol.
l> xax. In s letter from 1ST I At., V. R,
ifmind to romfalBo superior egeelleocej—and mix together as in salad. ■■^;.,'xboiilderaaadU>-Uasldetobe«»k«ll**t«‘'‘»g
Ran the foreflager 1a> superior la Bavor Vs>hing<oa.d>. C.. wTlIre:
Iwlih a tmali outlay <rf labor and ex- this pour the »y^u^ and lastly add the. »«''
into tb. I.c«st cavity and loosen heart; to that of the tame bird as the pec
,pense.a*atUa*f»sse«tagihrchar»!Btape jalce, Berre rery cold In sher Into tb. i.r
smsll slit below the i (ume of a »Hd strawberry U Barr ibsu
____ as m tmro I- IdooiH.,-.
» wmbtebsd *y wy IWradi, wte»
end of ;be breast bone. Insert the
^ cultlvKed ones. Besides tuc
hse> hCMflted hr fa MS. aW tew
I p-re.h.y Stnfflng—Brown tiro table-. Pecan Nut Sanda icbea—Tbose sand.
gers and loosen the membranra. r.ras?! “-r. «he colonist, could alw.y. depend
Ic faaaW faSM fa gnu carafaw
! spoooftils cd hniter in a granite saticr- - srlches are eery temniing aad dsjniy
glmard-the Urgest object !<««> “esr. panridges, pbea«u. all!
: pen, adding two outeo-i. a clove or gar-. to servo for suppr r oa Thanksglrlag 10 be fell—and draw rieadlly outward; vwriMlo *d dpek. plg-tms. quail, pto- l ’ xr.
rurrlr, a promiasni n
............. .................. ......... P*®- , Mr. Jar
H welt done, the ir.tln mass of laiew ver. uiip.'. woodcock, hare, squlrril; , chsut of M-.airesl. Csa.. wr.ire from
Ilady U a friend v-ho ass b* m
This Is Clad ThaBkasIvInB'*..................
Bnv. cook thee
- -micutiand'thcs
.......... pouf.iu pouf ■ siniiih! nral Is r iiui.vd. Or sx
! gri st «>rrow. "To U- fnre. it tan come
il organ,
organ. can
e«i be withdrawn
wtihdrawn Intact.;
“«■ _ ___ _ « ___
Here'k a song to banish sadness,
the salad eoursc. Rob tinsl
be. (la a cuptcl of rich stock, to which has, <
wblch now seem
abmiid. firtim M
‘ yoarPsrans for catarrh
ASd tho POTMC plemnro bring.
. into yoar life and it is bard
b«h added a pinch of carry pow.der to a smooth paste one Ublespoon
come. ,0 'fishTtha W »d abun-j
“i- '•
LM a 8U oot bearu with gtodneai.—! dear heart, bat coast your merelea.
d«ree of t%e roteni.1.0^1^ *m »~f
Swaat aa that tha asmU sing;
child; count your rnerdea. aad they Have rMdy half a pound ofpartt tan-[buUer. iwo tnUe«ooas of grated
Mna MB rM*h a now of beauty.
I wilt keep you ao hniy that your aor- dertoln minced aad foor un applos • cheese, a salUpoM each of salt.

' Liincheon
or Tea.

A fc» small biscuits eariTjr made with
Royal Bating Powder.
Make them
'sm^—as small round as a napkin ring.
Mix and bake just.befbre the meal.
Serve hot.
Nothing better for a light dessert
than these little hot biscuits with butter
and honey, marmalade or jam.
■' You must use Royal Baking Powder
to get diem


• When he would the rijriit obey.
rot the paih of talih aad duty—
Loads ua to TbnnksglTing Dnyl

'row win be. « pot fonte'ieo. at
I other iagmliciiis and c
igno.-ed for a little vhlle,"
for twenty minuter sep^ioniug wit*.: of pecsn out* that bar. been passed |^
the floe quality aad eheapBera of' beplesxcd to give you l.l. vslaabl. ad- ,
a goo.1
all of HO of kslf a teaxpoonfni of sai:. u aalispoos- through the BI’« chopper. Spread Ibis' -*1 r skin. l-bU ihi body
JL 1<
lilt idea
1 irefor
i wire grsUt.
. Addrre. Dr. narimmi, rrerident ol
Bere-a a ^ of praite and ^adBCss. j
Pot God's glfti ao full and fair,
ror the baulshmcni A sartiteas,
For the loss of grief and care;
I Iblnk W them, the Ihlugs which ti
For the Joy that BUs with bcaaiy
re. .he hack
Toro the Ho. of“*
the Jobn**
1««: "All CSB SOTI IT
at the tUllcey and IhM St MCh
.................... —
- '■ »«te1a
^ All the hotira In their array.. .
SwMUliDrwelog—Gra*c s»atebreair
But while we are ctmnilng our own
Do wsR .find tbe life ot duty '
P'^- ' And at th.t » t-f-r If I. I. 1n.lm.trd that the
] bleulBgs. let us not'forget that .re arc o the amoant of a quart, mobtenlhg ; Risneh and geniiy <iry in the oiwu ^01^ mL TJt ^r^^ae 't-- «
Brings Mch day Thanki^vln gIMyl responsible ter Ibc happiness In the
—William Brunloo.
lives of oahers. •
Bveryliody 1. happy sayway. And.
Ttsnkfgivlng Dsj-Is the one listinnai fi*iival vkirti lurr.s r.a
Thankiohlnn Bena.
i Thanksgivtng and ihanks-iiriag go
oppusi-e Wlog ana hack
‘n par-';“‘P*' <*«'»«■
leeer pan of the turkey ti asborne life. It i.nMB day oteeelreiartieal aaJois. Ii i> r.«i a axiieuai
tll' l xUtehes a qoarter of «. Inch

(here -> ''
apart, taking the first sHicb above and 1
■ddUlongo the vcgciablJi be-,
annlveraan-. It U not a day ceicbrailog a religious even'. It Is a dty
the very [«» grumbUng. although th«* may
Ibe renira one below tbe bone ia the '°re named. Tbe ladlat
of nsiore. II is a day of tbankscivlag for the y.-at * bisiory; Aad It
MMwh tfa monilag found the twllWit 1
xceoBd toint Ur«w un the twoendeof i *rsl. uuighl the eoloolsta BOt only “»«> cncwing.
.sd the taif>smiiiu.met the blast;
<>* iBooghtfulocs*. id gimtiopem. of
must pivot on ibe household. It Is the one great festival of our Amerlean Ule that pivots 00 the household.
lisrs siy that 00 the way wo. wtwe lovittgncns lii word and deed, towarl.
^ typical Thanksgiving
happy ter a day.
^4 all with whom we come in cootaci. IT
grown In an the summer Bt' to aaskt^Slad tbe heart of man. k Is not
And UMOgh we mooned tbe wtaur. we hare sot always doM this, ther^
MB be BO better day to make a bemu­
a rtartotts' feast. It Is a table piled high. amouBg the group ot rrdUckVe lme« the flowers of May!
lag young and the sober Joy of the old. with the treasures of the grow­
Lot's atng a song «t tbaakfuIaeM ter sing than Thanksgivlsg day, asd with
snch a suri. we can make wvery day
ing year, aeroplod with rejoletegs and iBlerdtaagi' of many feeilviik's
,1. .-.11. ib™.,b ,b. aT.«-| Ibu Mm ™ »1. PMM, (».. BM-,
^ ^■
bMRs that inly beat;
as a token of graUtude to Almighty Ood.
' ' '
Brat U we mimed the mooatela top. la the year a day of Thahktglvlag for
onrariTta aad the whole world.
Remember God's baanty la the year. String the'pcarls ot HU fa- the Ttllar^ sbadM are swost;
Tor. Hide .the dark parts, eicepi *0 tor as they are breuklag out la
LM's draam that Ood does best!
thought will set la motkm Influesees
light! 01.0 tbU one day to thank.’, to Joy. to gratitude,
TMuh the tboraa be at (he hnast.
beyood our
We faall dream Hit dreams of aUenee. whieli wfll cxicad
MU. M ,b... .nrlr i»
o» « V. 0M«;^^

Time! Wbeu there wwi lea* fermslliy ““
‘°r n”*- ““ “«“•
An MBy'thlsg* O Power nriae.
1 with one well beatoa egg, three lahle- oven sulBcieai shelled almonds
:«.d more solid fun.-When tbe famll> ‘™‘*‘»« “'>'‘0''^- But who U Uwte
Fer Thanfafllirtn' By an' By.
Pretty Thsnksg v.ufl Ornaments.
prcrkiud and every las. rils I
‘ generous wedgo of
-To teank Thee for them glfta of' spoonfuls of ereain aad half a cupful j measure ooe+slf of a euptul. Cool.
Tkara's a Mia’ la tbe kluhm
At a Tbsnksgivtng Ultincr 1 onre ...
• p„„pkh, pie do Tlrnnksglslog day? la« asetted batter: then add a level tea- then put tht-m throogb >b.' food chopMakM ye wsai to hang arouad;
tended core husk doll, si re usij te. |
, epcd. i. would be rank h.-rexy to dxPtar summer's •uBsbtoe.wlBtct'stBow.iBiibonfnl of *a1i. a saiupoonfal of per. or. bmer still, an almond grat.
IkeraM a hnsUla' an' a busUla'
car.lK, These sro n.i.htrd to
n«k><n>»W. geldcn-tiBMd.
For lumns that kindle. tbonghU that srhlto pcTper. two ubte^ooufuls of.Beat three eggs. wbiK't and yolk, t,
• AB' a ebagpia’. chegids' awnd.
telneed parsU-y and a Oaspoeuftil <«r)i gether. until light and iLdek. A'ld Hiproverbial acre-;“ “reasloa.
ttereB a aamethla' warn an' idammy
But wbeu Shan lutiaia tothls.—
iot thyme, cage and-elaamoo. tVhen : nuu. ose tablvsi«oii(aI of mi-lu-d hut^
^ . sorire RV-B JoUlty and good will'' Ah! na TbickxglvtBg day. when liwm
fiuo west. ,
prln-ed a. rwss ti- dolls "hussy ^
To «h»av Thee for tBe thlu^ 1 miss! • thoroughly blended, srir la a large cup-1 ter. ten drop, of vanilU and sudSflcni
Or a faddla.* aa-a toed 'an!
..ohappv th<«ght or harboreil t From north and from south, come the
[ ful of well cU-anert enrranix.
pBstrr dear 'o mix ;o a soft dough. sklru whli-h. as the bostiss said sax
neret a cake that hit* yer eye
For all youag Fsnry's rurly gleum*. ,
Mushroom Stuffing.—, Roll out quite thin and cut into ineh literal slang: The uhle presented ' gnjdg*' raelied into nothingness In Ui",
idigrim and gueri.
la tbe cellar, ge^tla’ meller.
> with lie*.'- 1IH1.« gimlal a'lis
New Bigfthdpr
If y-re mean enough to spy!
^ bis ____
dreams. ^
*toek and, slmma tor an hour, have a entu-r of this sha|H'. all the l«'t. ladles Handing guard a. the rlhres. A* y,
IMS'S round
HopMBBfntfllle^andpleasureskaowBii^i^ ^
for the mcnu-wbsl family his noi fts,
n„„ ,be. capaciiy; Th-;^ uM broken IloU of affectlM re- *
®** w** * Ph>t of Moiled mush- four-lachei fromjuilni \a point
It are not gim. {,
a ..V—
fresh marshmallow,
I .....................
' IX
■_________ ;
................. half a^cuptnl of cream each lay ---- ----------------------------- . draw
* Js tba Md
moihir oacr- more.
“““'^■•‘■^"'-isauoe, adasb of eayenae. a xaltapooa- over It th-iwo jKilau. and pinch thei one niue mite irom .ne ismuy custom, ^tatever. Was th.-re any end to the ‘
y*fceu teit It. y« ken amell It.
tearpoonful jof drmly togi-thi r. Lxiy an lorh apart 0 M fry
Had J. too. shared the Joys i
It s around ye. fur or High;
in d modcra'-.- wo.1.1 K.I Mk I... lo. ,«
Would there have beea'a h
Thao's a brrwte’ an* a siewte'
«l.f ,wl«a. fiM 11. KK. Wb.l
Potato and BigliBh Walnut FllUni^' oven until pale hroa n Wb.-n i-eol ih. dllk... .n. U.O
An' e many Ulan a-dohi'
,«M Md „„ „
^ l.rKW.K. K. n-T
Coulil I bave fell Thy prcsx'nco m ar. Mix thoronghly togriher cme quart of [eaady'wfll shrinl; sud fall, giving
' Fer Tbaukaglrin'. by an' by.
«Tmi cUI. I««i 0« r~l, HIM f» rM.
' boiled, masbeil and sificd potaiods. on>- cake somewhat the appoaranee of tiny ..rry o.. UK ,b,.
-Catharine Young 01*. la touih's Had r posressed what I held dear?
^ K M. l.dl.K.U /d UK
„„»» .Mr'
[quart ot grated bn.'ad e^tmbi, one basket*.—Table Talk.
My deepest rortune. highest blUt,
I j largo eupfu! of chopped EngUsb wal |
creak-beneath its ioielous kmd? Ti". Dear, gintle^ul.-d WhltHiT! Who
Bat the Iltile dre**-.'? ol tho dishes' ;ven thought of It si! is enough i >, hut be could have wrluen these lines,
I uui*. a tcupoonfei of poultry ansau.
j lag. the Juke of one tart orange.
i.lraolaii- Ibe appetl;- of ib- v-rii-illso descriptlTe nf ibo last dillrloui
hide itM' kno'js or H» drumstick*, gwv jaded iqiicure. Ob. Tbaokigl.ieg Day[tuoeb to tbe ideal Thanksgiving dlflIht doxxen iis Bowers.'.be laxiy itixho* of Ye Olden Time:
: ner. of an. Ides! Thankiglvlag day.
■* * * ******* * * * ;arlcf ,tores t<r?tI(Weg. palb to balie-. -Bg.. G,ec:;l: the eggs .o .nol-tmtuust !.o!! f.xr.ou.;-. Take the pre- their garnixh—It will r-nS}- you vet!.
.-.-. of' May Ibere be more ot yvni la the land
How ulirs-bapny w
X -X ><x.- X .re xk ; A PoAvr that wiwks sboif m;--wHI.
the nuraii,-. ss-0...
ir..- mi.- i-- ,^r..l ;r,'.t cr nu;/o;. .be point of s Do lei !bi- ds> he a dx} of real thank, .the group that fathered arouu'l'I ibafftbD
iBuatb of .Novimher, 1^ the year
’ JVfVKVtf ibt
CiMriSlin uails me fipusrd. Iii.nsni s;ii|. , light ghd dr.
, isnie n- .li- o.- fit- .k. wor. dtp ti.. giiicg. for iheA' lx a Joy we caanot Tbsnksglving ubie: How eager an'!' of our Lord, Itex',. o, TbsnkjiglvlBg Day
oxervxrimale in kavlag
We gel ro used to the many litt'rf'^Asd thea mr heart auaias to this.—
good thing* sUKi«15var-Ye Oldt n Tlmc:-D«rolt Trtbiin^>
faWrtnashra whieh come to us emr To thank thee for the things I«iaa.
,our tlvar one* aWt; and then, of
—Thomas WentworU Hlgglnscu.
.11, ,™
• .M. 1 UK.-BdlH I. . .»K M«K rufd.T,
,or'oUcd, or a<ring them on a thread, «.M.,U»Kd.r..hM.«lUldr-U,K„_
taksu for granted, that It I* well ter . .
„„Mreb « tb. cran. .MbdI.j .b.i ,b.-.
.. .—b will rtbe
fult ot melted iwiter; when Blerty, *ad, sUct dipping, suspend them to •bofM....,>b™...d» ,M.,.K,ax
to paute. at iMsi our* a Vrar. anj '•
b,..,ota.. -.b.. .IM,
bros-ni-d add a cuirful «; t.rcsn rirek hardim. W.;,a erscgi- an- used. ...- MbM IM llMbk.anb,. IM Ibdlr b.1.
ooeni them ever. Said, dear oK' R^nltng tby Thinkf-eivlng fts.ivi- one baj- T«-af. ti!': a\n,nru!,'if styained'

jnto »<Tiicn> and dry H;. rx test has b'-vr. a tsHun-. Give ih-» .if
i Ue^ Marjorie March, srlling ter the toma'o acd S ilc-.dv minevt carroi rr. c sliTe, oi in .a warm ro<im. r:.'-rlla'iKkoepcr. says: /"
,Cook slowly uc.n 'be liquor U, almost • -tea xtocld he xti.ceit Walnu'x at •,
"For he homo ThanksgivlBg party.'abscfbojkOemoiv from tbeJlft' fad'gsrflculariy nin: pr-pared ln -hts wny ’ ''’'^*1'
baaor bodlre and beam
lwhi'nweiree6ttDtingui.oiiTWe«iagJ,|chai. fincriv«l^P half a pound ot *a«
Fhdge-Stir itio a cup. oil'*’*'
hi'glad of the .•i-rSast crumb*
li-vcr. f.:>- slmpk?: oftlliuirrs m.ixt ta'..-| sag-- and * v»^UnK.'.aaU.aad pepper, milk a pound vf ample xiigsrilna ba. !
t*hli-.—table Talk.
holldag touch. LiH the tarkey'. , Jur. belOH' 11x16? Mir iti lightly two' btin hrukcb U'o small Uiix. Put Wiv
■■■ ■ -- ■■
idnim sticks tie lippul with n«y apples.| copfulsof xtfled 'oread crumb’'.
ibo fire sod bring to a boil, KlrrlLg.
The Thsnksg.vins O.ancr.
[Lot flowerx grow their way across thei Rite Urraidag—Bull faah s i^irful .-ff frequently. Cook until a iiuledrapped I te h'xuseholdx sbi're euooms of the
\I table
lablv cover, if
If there he gaests
guests or mot. rici'i'add to iMs thu mnm>w ohialncl jn eoM water hardriis. Take fram ihr • P“«
eheriihed and sacred, the
boiled bei-f henc. half a pound fire and beat uaitl granulation begins. iThankcglving dinner U mueh th
I There aru Uis of ln-auti K-fi cllagia?
o wimtncr's skirts a» xh- stefs
of fried sail porit Chopi^ fine, a^- uien poqr law a greased Ua asd mark fame in food aad tervlce as when the
Jtae tnumui wall Into the #____.
fruxt *..iof win- apoocrul.of hisck pci’per. a f-.'w dreps (g,,, squre*.
h-reai.groi<-graBdm'iibcr gathered th?
lev's pasture,
wv must clatch them | of uiiasco sauce, a plnfa of summer
Creaia Walama—Taho urn poand'. family aroun.) her uhle asd feasted'
as she passes.'
savory and a cupful of hrowned bread' nf whHe sugar, a tracup of watav, am' them ou ’hi,, day of craUiude and re-;
Put tbe ompty bird's nett OB a fewienimbs. Moisten lightly with h<Tf buU uniU it thrcad»'. Ftevor Uheralty union. Tbe tarkey. roos’ed to a turn.;
iwigs as a eentcTpU'ct'. Btied wilt [ xiuek «r melted huitrr.
vrtth vaallla extran. and thea uke 1* Banked oe either ^ide a* of yore-.'
fntii* uf blwtoms and h Ktbvbotn"; Sweet i<ouie SluBag—Steam six; from the Bre aad sUr aatU whU* and I *>th tbe groat chicken pie. and whole
taUe is D« bfltbteaed hy piMseJ large sweet potatoes wiUi tV skla* creamy. Have walauu prepared; fa»r. Vegeuf;i.w. pickles. Mllra.
teem ahoot. Pot tbe Thtaksgivin,; I oa: peel, and whDe hot mash them,
the candy into small. r«m-I |
plum pudding, mlaee, pump.'
ita apple* hoiiowcd out. lastead qtiaga wvmdea spooB,-*adadding hfaf'Mhes. press walnuts laio tbe side*.[•‘I" and custard pire. ami. raisin?.!
of regular bonbon dishes. Uatng them
' ' of m1>, a piach tt diTfdreptagraaBisied sugar, and pot aside •*«erowa and crowd (he
with that frioul of the doeora'or, crepe
Uhle board umn las ia tbe past), it
paper. Give MCh dish a garalsh. Flare mMoatel of pepper, f
s with pIHay. .Oa this aeeasloal
the Jriiy to bardM ta a Turk's bMd
s faformal as comfiwt'
Ua. aad when It ti taraed oot sttek a
1* aad ^veateaee will attow.

„T.,; .™r. “.s;.”.-■ ■"«r,"T " TT' 7,;“

rv r■'x^av'



AT camnix nos.


m -..->

<c>®rinnell ®ros.©


©aratieirjSie J|jeiralt».



(he tVfilty of Bates and Wiilbms.|
hb funeral Birmae with the raMtog of rMt to Oraad RapMt.
bb wtae fUdaoee. the|r Bret asplrahare Ibed here for o»er a year.
the twaetythlfd paalm and -A few
Mm. Domey and aon Volney of Oba barg. IsthevlctoUyofBaies. thcdU->
. pr^ WiaM WiMiAf.
gtog has sti bsca completed sad U«l c«un tost weak by Baary Kessou «(
The oBir kaowB rebtlre left by the Uou toward noble maabood. and <a
Lake war* to tosrn Wedneadoy.
A fl«l«t wd t!ffi!>te w«d4iM took
Sarlor-handrada cd hoaea hb naw b loved.
was between }M aad m boabeUj Qlea Arbor, who b about to bo a doJohn
ptecaoo wedMdar Ib the 0»rtk o{ deemaed w»a a brother, Abkbs Mc­
He aiQdbd bw to the o«e* of the (ather-s bouse are many maasloos. He
to Ibe acre. Tbo greater pan af tbw! faadast to a W.OM damage suit
OtoiBt Of ibU eilr wtaoB MJm MbM Donald. or Canada pad bb wherry MU Boa. Seth C MoBatt and formed a also rpad a portioa of the fineoalh daagbtcv Ethel.
Bemiceasd Mre. W. P. Raj. I have an been saarkated at from M to j htoaght by Map«^ Paalim
IIWB Cook. dMihier of NoBh Cook of; aboou are aot known near enooih i* partnership with bim In the eariy chaptw ol ——*
Mr oochllo began by saytag tbai nolds and chUdrea went to TfarerweiWeenu. la the victolty cd tS'llllamv admlatatrator of tbe eaUto
Wetford wu imli«d to gi»rrtB*e vilk reach him by wire.
The foneral sraa held Bondar eightbs which bated antil Mr. Mod- IbU waTtL brnTas^ of the year' aty Thanutoy and retfimed Friday,
jburg.the yield did not reach quit# that I Lundgrea to Olea Arbor, whoa. daaU
OertOB BrlfkAB tt th« BMDe pUce.
(aU's doath to 1W1 «bUe oerrtnf hb to die for It WM the harvasL -Weet-| ftotrt.* Bonlen to TraverM Oiy wa*tffgnre being oe an avetage to IM,-------------------t to the wiwagtal I
ne-Mpeotal fektsro of ib* artmoer afienooii at : o'clocfc fnna the h
dbirlet aa repreaentoUre in ecwcaa.
to the
At Barker ^ , dltog to madletoM for iho
*M the Tael tbU U>« likPPT wpl» Der. Dctnae Cocblln ofO^UtiK. The Mr. Bobena conUnoed to ibe bw bnal- I»ciandplaafortheeBdthPUghlhc|inBmplrwWeiiu»day.
wore Btteoded br a bi«U>*r,Bad stater aaine qnarta^ aa aant at the hnsbasd'i oeas. abo takto< op other boatoeas to- ^It of tiring b such that men do a« 1 Mrs. Harvey Noreoak. Mrs.s):. B-« the yield was abooitbe asm* and the
Fiaak Tattle, a p
... I . .
faaeral a week Sfo eonatoUat of H. A.
otmA, iheBtoUrt
tercsto af (aaportanee to the dty. Re plan for tbe ead to life. Tbe sadden, W(rieoU attended the Sond^ ^acbool
no woader that the pouto I near Dowaglae. cuf hta throat because
grooMiwi was Harrck Brii
iber of the large manolae- end to the life to Lorto Bohans to tbU
bis wife left him. He may recover.
to Traverse City bai week-1 grower la happy ibeae days.
While hit wife, Mrs. Eiib Brlfbawi. Bans ■^•alter aan».
taring trm known as the Folgbom dty la bowing the bead to all to rev­
George Johnson left Friday
WM the oaUPB or bMor.
eoapesy (or several erent sorrow. A few days ago be was
Death of dudge Roberta.
Cor Hmstlags. Neb., where hb bvotberl'
Beth the bride and bar matroo ol
The entire citr wat shocked and years. He eras abo s stodtbolder and the embodlmeat to We and aetlvUy, Tony u staying.
imaftr were ■owaad lo ereawi erepe.
saddened Batnrdar br ibe newt of officer lo the more reeenUy ergaabad now his lips are sliest and bis eomA. F. Bunting went to Traverse City j
The eerenoor
perfomad br (be
the death of Jndfe Lorln Roberts, Qneeo City Brick company and was in'
Bee. Thomas P. Clkwi who oied the which was caused by apoplexy and terestM to several other bostoets en­ come to pay their lasi tribute to the Wedsesday oo bustoesa.
Tbe Rer. J. H. Lambkin weal to
tmaHral risf eerenaar. Mr. Brlsdeparted aad lay tbe bodyjevertoiUT
paralytb after aa Utaeu of only tour terprises.
Travi-iac City last week to attend tbe
haa b «aa of UM> rlMac rouat
AD active reosbllcan all bb We, be In tbe grave.o( Wodord whoae worth Is tweoKiibel
"Judge Lorln Roberta was bom Hinuicrial' atsoebUoa to tbe peston
was promlneol in'the work of tbs paRy
to the Grand Tmverae district. He
thraacboot (he ooaatr whlb hit wife
to boib dty and county and^i
will go from there lo lonta for a vblt
b ooe of the belles of Wesford. her
ored many times by poUtli^ rocognl- to tbe nortbeaaiem perraf4»lo." eonetrlkiH nwntnlrbr^f to her twb altwKb his family.
ilon fraai the party to wbKto be was tiooed Mr. Coefalis. where sto»s «<
Caleb MUIct. tother to L. C, MiUer
tar amuse the eeremoor todar appear
out u> MlehlMB aad the Grand
always tsltbfol and true.
to GHto Haven, died at Milwaukee
Ilka a double'weddlsr Tb» bridal
' Various position of public trust were Traverse region has bad lu share to
Nov. iS. The remains were brought
MHe Ml imiaedlai^r bar (heir home
bdd by him. among them being those (bCM mes and women bom In the
I hoaptUUe weiJudge Bobens here aad burled lo Wagner cemetery,
of proaecotlng attorney, eonngr echoed
Dr.Bbank was to Traverse CHy last
and clrcDlt conn com- wu ooe. who was steadrut ln his pamlssJeoer. Upon tbe organUation of (liotism. When tbe call to anos came.! Monday on budaess.
age. the apa
Mrs. Julb A. Banetoft to Aral »
the city he was elected Judge of the
New Law Werke tafell.
ill with Jyphoid fere. Dr. Shank
to a fervent loving metber. enlisted
Recorder's courL holding tbtt tollce
The new oompalaory ednoatloa bw
to tbe Second Ohio cavalry ubere the to Ibis place is atleudlng ber.
the time to bis death.
tea been to aOaet only a moath. yet to
datb and danger in tbe service ap­ Mrs. W. H. Beeman and Mrs. F(W
Oi«Bd Trareise eoanty atone over SO*
Becman to Otboro were Empire vtsU
Hieing to tbe civil war. he was a char­ pealed to him. •! wu with Grant' sru
eWdran bare been plaead In sebooL
tospbiag songs ever orsTburadarter jDcmber to McPherson post. Ko.
Oonnty Ooaunbsloaer Oeorga h Crtw
Hrs. M. ftarbesy. wbo hu bee* qoJU-1
written." the speaker said, “but a
1*. 0. A. H, serving
made public Batorday the report of
ntfor some time it esmvaleaecntmore
several terms aad holding other ofOoontr Tmani Officer F. H. Vtotoa (fir
Bees. One of hls lasi Important public wrttUB anUttad -1 WM With Bberi : Aboot twenty-five doHars worth oi
i the Mtb.
Asdgo Lorln Rahtrts.
were stolen from the teplnwas that to ctaairmkn p, the (lu.‘ whose aide Judge RoM^rU wav
Thb rapprt shows that the idBcer
Judge Roberts seldom related bin es- Lumber etoupuny's map in Platte last
Ms travMed over MO miles on otBeial boon. He had seemed to oDUsnally executive committee to tbe state O. A. perleneco in vmr except ainoog hta old werfc between Saturday night an-!
bnlness eonneeted with hb duties good besitb and splriu lor seTersI
comrades hroung tbe camp Ore, for Monday morning. Tbe thief hu not
The MO chDdrea who were pboed to daya. and was at the Wc-quc-iong club flIled.wUb credit lo himself and the wb<to the war wu over be bec^ a yet been found.
Cjrhrutmas Bells will soon be ringioK. We
- echoed were the chUdren of todlSent last evealng. where, as president of city. At tbe lime to Ue great G. A. R. man to peace. No one-can forget
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Boyaton to Bad
encampmeat held here In 18M be wu
paraou who did hor ears whether or the club maoy of bU spare hours
offer a few suggeations: A good rule to fol*
fidelity and love to bis service and the mplre were In tosm mprday.
BM ibclr cblMrea were educated.' It ^ spent. tVhlle playinR a game of bll commander and ibe moring ipMt.
Old soldiers, ibelr widows and chll- soldiery Iotc that put a dominant note
Itfw in selecting gifts for a man is to buy useful
vmy probable that many of Ebia anm- Uards with Dr. A. H. Holliday aboot
in bta we. The flags It bta aad be be- (11 tbe past week wlW billow (ever U
^ woald never have goee to sdiool 10:U p. m. he was noticwl to stagger
toilc to be np.
Ueved in every sUr lo Us bloc.'
. articles. Everything .for him here except
"n^n allhough many of them had had aUgbtly as (bough attacked by auddea
Mtas Arrilla Orooer Is on the slek
Mr. Cocblln Ihcn spoke to his broadare
oUr a few BBoaths Bdioottag and the
toothpicks and boots.
ilos which came after St. Dt. FrsJlck of Maple City, (s matority of the »• had navor ______ Within B few moments (be pension which keeps th^
Wc war when be. after emtering Ober- tendlng ber. —;
rmthiid tbe atotb grade.
doctor and Harbld Kneelaad saw some­ Ihclr doors.
Wi Bowes txlHgbt a bisne'while b-.
Ho kept is close tooeb .srilh the fra. llo ctolege. graduated in the lUirarjBabdea the MO there were about thing was wrong srlih htm and sptang
class of isri. maTTytng one to bta clu«
m piaoed to .aehool who bad uanally to bis support. Hc-wu laid upon tbe iemal and social life to tbe cUy and mates. Miss Mary Stevens, the
a J. Morgan.
baM kept out to tb« taU to «rder that Uble and usked (or a drink to water, wu president and prime mover In the
Wm. Gordon is sotlously HI M
where bis dtoigbt yeu and moving to Benaoola. where
Umy alffht'woric and who only auead- saying that he wu -faint In the few
lo bare tb£ yoong people and es­ they conducted the Bcazonla college this wrlUufr
ad oebetd la the winter SMtoiha. Iheae saooods that elapsed wbUe It wu
Smith A Price bf Travarae Chy wen.for a yuar with success after which
N. B—Ask to see our Wool Knit Vests; all
«S) not atlapd the fall year.
b^'brought taa grew arorae so ra^ pecially the rmi|g men find a toelal they came to traverse Oly and ea- In town taking pictures from Prtda;
Wly (bat he couM aeaicely swipow home. Evety young aun In the dub H*wl the cliy service u icacbers- Dot until Moudny.
colors—our Knit Jackets somethlltT'lMfw.
-----and be lapsed alue«t linmediatcly into wu-a Irland of “the Judfc" ks be
Miss \1olei Voice wu in Traven-v
three rooms ai Ihtt time comprised
pedne W heaa baary at first and at
. The tmbulaDee was uffMtMOate^ called. ^ be was prau.l (be Bcbools. which were J(ul becoralug City a couple to days last week, taking
to Myie them “his boys.- A promlocni,
p the fiiiifian ai« woat to complain." snmmoDCd and be
one to hta lut lodge visits was listed as graded :boota. Of bta work mbdteal iraaimwt.
he saM, H
tadoobtedly deeraas. bbme where evcmblng that skillful
HIM Mary D. McKinley to aare!
u supcriniaadcni Mr. Oocfalln spok<
Tory toon. The chUdraa that were aad loving service could plan wu done to the meeting of tbe Knlgbts Templar. glos lngly. his strong personality being wbo hu taicly returned ^om OnrjeotHe wu aecretary to tbe National
piaoed to aoMM are ehUdtaa who
r him. but be pever regained
an iupIraiioB to the bon. and young lag. India, where Me has beta u a
otherwise wooM bare hac
s and passed away at S:M Proioetlve Union. For many years be men to the schotos. He played out­ mtaskmarT. will lecture In the M. S.
hu been a member to (be Congtwgaloose to l^t aetr own way handl- this morning without recognizing
side afid worked luRIe,“ cooUnued choirh here Friday evening. Nov- ii.
tlottal eburth.
-Mpped by the bek of even a eomme m»ber
iber to the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Morris visited
are bta srife; «r- Cocblln, "the schools have powt.
aebaol edneattoe or wMh oaly half
1ihlrfy-ave yetis a ruliltmt to
the SleepAg Bear flfe
... m*lltlam''1t. and daugbten Hn. but the object to their work Is the
nmainira school adacatlon. The parenla Bonben Hlebtgan
saving Btatloe.
same, and the young boys And
w« heootto more atuaUve to the bw Grand .^Trsrorie refilon wu better Uon F. Titus to this city aad Mrs. and young men and young women
Mrs. J. Van Waylls to South Hanihonaftar nd that wUl cauBe t rapid known or held a warmer place In tbe Frank Orio Batch to Chicago.
Pair dealing u pnetiemd at this filon: nwaiis BH>n than suU>n is visiting with the famlllw ••(
today have reUlned a kindly mei
Tbe funeral to Judge Lorln Roberts
iBtltaf off b afipcMB." V
haarts to hundreds to frienda Judge
to the teacher of twenty-five or thirty .bns. Robinson and Mr. KelUe ai';
The repon far the stoita mohth liobefU wu bom In Tmmhnll. Oblo, t(?ok place
Sleeping Bear point
years pgo.'
' *thowa that the bw b an exoMbat
ns tair dealing stoada (or tbe heat goods that «e coo boy at
U. 184S. His aarty boyhood
Dan Prau to Almira wu a bnsIncM
He then spoke of the great revival
Ihbf and (be mV b moaay woU to- wu spent at hta home there and cren
thelowaat prices <muiatent with basincoa nf^i it Moadi
aUer in Empire Friday. Ha will aoou
; when the Rer. O. H. Spurr
jroalad and money thol will bring bb la hta youth he evinced Itae determlnfor tito moat careful and ootucieBtioaa aemce that (bemod*
tfndragatonmakespoadb)e;itisaempiifiad(linF in die*
During the put few years Traverse
Uon to suceeed *hle(i marked hta later
ruling motive ot this store, that is, to always give fcfit eonlife. Always sudloot. altbongb full to City hu been called upon to monro
Thursday. Friday and sdbrday at hta
D&e took the stand (or right
Her Wiiti Oranied.
sidenUon to the crustoiDOT’ iaterests.
Wo wd spirits, he paid clow attention the kiu to seveito prominent cHbens. fen-enUy than Judge Bobens.
borne oa Gleo lake.
“As lor God. Hta way Is perfed.' to bb stndifsa. walking three and
and none to those who have gone bc;
one wis more merge! Ic and helpful
If the dead eoaid ««ak.
B. a Drew U buying potnum ugsl«i
halt mUes dsch way dally from his tore have stood higher In public .es­ than the snperlnusdeni to tbe seboto.
Ml*. Mary Qroer, who quietly atapped homeA»4he^sAoo9.
and simlog them In the Hotel W»i-|
teem than Judge Roberts. .ThU wu
He hu said that that year w
0«t from the UUle borne at 1» Bast
When be wu barely 16 the civil war forolbly shown at the funeral sctwices the grmtest and >»l to bis whole life.
Tweifih wtraeL Friday night, just after bn^ out. La|gc and to fine physique,
Tuesday. The CtmgregsUonol
. the atmper hour tad Joined the bus_____ ________
ao-! Leaving the school room. Mr. Coeh-1
^i-r paTcoU. Mr. a
was seareHy.
be had no diffiCnUy in passing
who west Into tbe great beyead nation and enlisted m Company D. commodate the people who desired to' Hn staled, the deceased studied law |
^ Payment of West Kasson.
. ^ eae week ago today, would have Becoad Ohio eavtlry. being appointed,
loving tribute lo their' and bemme a partner of the Hon. Scab
The scboonc-r Seamen loaded here
■■td them words for the way prodded aide to Oeueial ffberidan.
trlcad. A profusion to boauUfnl floral • a MoffatL'thls partnershipI lasUng Saiurday wKh puutoes aad turnltn
tar her Maker wu Just u otae Wished.
offerings wu arranged about the al'erj-nalll the death to the latter, To h|k (or tbe Milwaukee- market. Oa a-rrecord wu a brilUahl
nr three days bar death has been
sympsbis impetuosliy aad <;oarage carrying
count of (he lateness to the season siie
qMsUea to Vltaluy. u she lay tmeohtuceessfiilly .through dtagers rasgalflcent set ideees demonstrated!(by which he always eiteodcd to thd wax accompanied by the tug E D
aehmtly awaiting the
ilenalEcd for Judge;
Judge soldier,
soldiers and widow.
widows to his coir—•' ,„
which woufd have daunted other mee. the affection , eoienalEcd
Helden o.
Of r.
Frankfort loMod for from the boor to her hn»- Modest and uniftuinlnc. he could sel­ Robtru In the rarion. organlutumsi and they always found a (1100(110 1111?.,
ipan>-s saw
baad's dcaU. Har demise wu direct­ dom In tatcr yesrs be Indoced to sp(mk i wlW whicb be wss conoecUd.
ly atUlbnUMe to the sbodi to bu hnsFor nanr r«r. Jntor Roi—t. b«. i Mr. CocUtn nid, “
t, .lo:.
of bta experiences end'll ;su
hand's death though she kept op anui
treat when he-----— -----------Fitb
Tb. d,n..F l.^
the day to hta funeral but her tired
lips rtiiiitliTiliT murmured “I hara tasl
. a good himband. I have lost a good
■ man: l want to follow him." Mm.
““rs^vS'S .he mtlrv.ron.:««:;ri::d'“' ""
Mbit Oo« Greer wu
That will cause j'ouJo be truly thankful.
Gt-oreeWltcetJKhimso.rrivedBatBirth, having been a wative to Maine, filcL being dtacharged with honor at 1 The emter seciton to pew. «u^;
UteconcInsloD-of thewar. He,at once enpted by miven\y-flve members to M.--1___ ^
r„h»r Md1 onlay to hjok after tbe buslaess of the
where ahe married at the age to
ui. ..did., I.U.
j Fd.™. FO«. Kd.
O ». «... r..
nigktoea a man by tbe aoM to Dow. ,
in l»7l from Oberita college. On Aug.!haired veterans who experienced ibclhw^s i . g
i „
xessm und C. A. Cot* toGk-n
bar maldw name being McDonald,
good aeatA family. Sba wu boi
Fred Crattof to Traverse CUy i<Hay i. im ud WM Josi OBB month
yonnger than her hmbsad. After a
While the Empire train was awticli
Ola SBcmiks marriage her young hwbtad died aad lefi ber a widow.
buys any book displayed in our west window this week,
•he wu asaitied the secoad lime oa at tbe end to itato time to Traverse j members to'Zhc i score-to men and i Time.- "Lead Kindly Ughf ...»
and the assomneiu comprises aRTMi variety- of ktods
grade with ifce
Dec. 17. Un to FTtoerJek F. Greer, a City, ^ere for eight years he was sti- oui alto
tF, .K. ~.™«.nniivi'Crosalng Ihe BaW sang by E E
I to aehooU. Deriagthat|(
siylt^. Remember they are braftd new stock and
earpenter to OlodMm. Maine, oho
who were -popUi to Judge _^Eobens White. '
aoei entered the cl«(l srar aad ten tlaie the »
The f^'bmrors were solecud (rouj brakes became loosened and the coaeb
include many regular ySc lad 50c books. A chance,
bit yoang srtte la Ahe care to her what wu practically a amall country-whaa he wu sopertniendeot to the Doag Judge Bobens' oldest friends iiarted from the grade. A ear load to
to stock up for Christmas giviag.
jeebooltot^y tbi
lou stood on the track aad the (
graded twelve-year
ttot the call to arms And Jolaed tbc;
cars collided, badly damagtog th
. leavtaMbe stater is eourse with large buildings uhd appro­
^F-ii wblefa bad. boeo leceaily r
keep tbe borne. Oa jke retsra at tbe priate nrranadlBgs and tbe foundation
pointed asd pot la first class shape.
etaoe to the war Mf-wSad Mrs. Greer was laid (or the present fine school
srlU take several days wtwk to pot
In raholng order a^tn and means hii
Wtfor the west, where they settled at. system which ranks with the beat lu ‘ chinch a short service, partlripaied U
only by tbe betmived family, wu taelJ
8L Jaasa.. Beavers. ai»d remaloeJiUtletw*
__ ______
d, honorable tsacber. I at tbe family resldeaceimWajhlngtoa followed: tbe^remalns'to their last rest- the freight caboose U betog o^ i
mere tor tea yean. The hathaod.
lag place ia'bakwood cemeteir. wb«c | carry pHStswers i
' tall the need'to affiBaUeal whose iDtercsl la every.poplU old aad) sUoet. .Both serrlee were eoadscled
the short service readmed mathed the j Joaettoa.



Our Ideas W
Tafr DealhUL...

Dmttltti «f C

Jt tbanksgwing
Book Sale

City Book Store

ttr Brhn C».

. Travetse Oiy's best ctataess.
te^CUeafio, wbaro (bar romalaed h«;l»»“*»
^ hundreds to boys aad|bl^ tribute to' the -worth to Jodge
s few
retsialag to MleUgan' fiWa. now men aad women. sfoUered - Roberts aad reviewed hta coroer u
<m the ________ whar' 1
part to the United States., soUtaa-. edaealor. lawyer. eUlzea' and

nig Petsta VlaW.
The reaaw tbai the nortbeta Hichigaa potato crop shows on average of
while the mate only


tnr^ Olf, Kict.


B TRAveme




hcimlo. thumoav. NovensER

Detiott hone 00 Pridap nraniiiig aner trolt or 'st. Clslr rtrers In Canada or] Oov.-nior Warner end pertp can>e t.
s brief nioea*. Mr. aad Mia. C. I* to P»l“to west of Cbleacs or Mllwaa-i Hoogtion fnwi tbe wbudr ait.r tUdr
Wlliacp wore there at the UtoeMber
,„i o»MUrd tare. Oo*«l
deeia FhDcral aerrleo wUI be bMd at gotop NopotoMr »tb aad soih.* Be-l oboteh. Thm r«ted tbe ceOe*e d.
tbe bone on Soadap afternaeo aad tbe tol» llsaf®oe«aber *ii. Ask egoButMloes Neb^ sad tooh la tbe sJUiis;
bsrisl wfU be at nc Rapids bp the
H f- Mod'er. «
h, jh, oeealng.
side of ber (stber sad netber. Mrs.
WWtaep was a deoghtor of tbe Into F. Traverse City Markets j
H. Grares, owner of Omeaa resort, Tlila m®ortlamadauponWedr»ee- “
»wi ss
aad ebe bas oMde loMp friends dnr- jdaporwaohwMh.TiMHoroMteaot
loi ber vUlte (bare aad In this dtp
wbo win bA^eoed at tbe
bor death.
*Rj Shakaspears’s Bcneet to ttis -Hesveo
Mr. and Mre. Bd. Lake of Lake Aen
aofferod the loto Moodap inarnla^o(
ntcwtt m CMdeo Timos-Car.
IJcDoothedd dsughter.
Flaw During Winter
Months. Etc.

2*. n

WE Dorr KNOW n


gin] to
li'cir .ougst*.
Tonr klee of a
(iood KoUlay
Ui* ta 1 k it

... „.rPiano Talk No. 6.

■ ebwMtwWfk Movetfto


Dress as Olellas Vou Can

iOMi eitrnni

ittigt lArtn MwftA

IViik tt*
«r Jtta*e
Rob4RS THtWM car loiM UMb«r «f kw
mm «MMMd dtStasA lode* Bob«ts hM esr M»7 7W» bMB McatlBMl
AIwah «UbutoaUe. aaer•Me Mi4 «WMerT*U»e m i^H. be bdd
• pUee iB <be easBeeitr vbicb w
«MMe and fsUr leMrred. A*«ui»erv
mumml «( tbe dtr m»oo)a BAAr
jmr* eco be ^liied tbe eCeettoB abJ
tttu4 «t aur vbo an ao* oar
baat bwHwa oua >^a him tbeis
wakaiaad aa'laaptmte wtalA hu
•BM^tfceai to nettm, aa« trow biw
aim mitbd immw gt uutfi. iDteiriir
A* A Midler bojr et tbe
td be cDBMiided tbe edotraOm of bU npeiMrt aod eetabllabed
• raeoid (or eoance tad brarar
aUA (oOowed bl« tbnwtf (onr rears
Ot band aad K>ral eerrloe (Or bis co«atrr. As a soldier be saerMleod nneb
aad dared ibiaas vbkh otba aea
vaoM Madda at For bln bis cobnam ct Herberaoa poot a. A. E,
bm a tender aCeetha m wen as es^
tana, Jodie Boberts baa era boea
aatf«e te tbe post aad open aap ooeai«M where tbe poet was called upai to
HBder pBbUe aerrlce and dltplajr
Adab Boberts was most ealuable as
a« aide or as director. «enenllr beag
tte abder a eecb...............................
fPdrtb was reoocolMd aad Us

bU at ibose wbo were anMoeb to be eoBpelied to
bMirw Us trlbtmsL It was ooi
or Jodie noberts to deal
wttb «C«Bdera agatoat tbe
bat ratber to deal with
u to Mbt better

Iba leaders is tbe o
»attaeni| be eaOored tbe bluest
rded tbe Mobete o( tbe meal bar
i^ .pm ai-mo mri

a to sn la Sbp co»
Ip, btt JMtoObaa of tbair worth
d bp Ui e^ saoe la eoab tbeiL -

• ww



oot be' oeeeassip to uige
obsarrance at this dar opo( Mlcbtsaa.
we ebared la (be geuer tbe people or
bat ta'ouup waps-we bare
^favored bp Wrlae

Tbe «■(«"» SOD of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
wnuasu of Long Laks diod FHdsp
from bean trouble. Tbe funeral ocoemd Satnrdsp afienooa.

a fully nliv

•300,000 cash cnpitol, wril^

Farmers’ lasurance

lo be derived from, evtm tbe crude In-1 mrrr nsUrp umad Vp im- -v»«w «>*p' »•
«rum«nt of hU day. a. tbe toltowiu,.ii«-^^^
sentlmcnisl aoanet to tbe
Mrs. Matilda Htmsbener, wife ot K
Hsasherger. paasM awap Tueodap ai
1 o'cioek after onlp a sborUilnwK
srilb quick eonsuDpUoB. Sbe would
i I'pon ibst blessed wwol-hMe'nnutlon ■
hare been 32 pears «M tbe SOlb of this
aouh and la addUion to a husband
%tVtb thy sweet :
sbe leaeoe a J-pearold eoa. For Ui-‘
- gently swapest
two pean sbe bss osdaber bao)s rtotMC*' Supolp CWBSSBpAA
The srlry concord that mp «( con­
with ber (aibcr. Joseph Idataer.
Gertcdd Uhrashlp aad la sddlUBe
Ik) I envy ihtjse Jacks that almblp losp
her hnsbend and eblld ebe leaeee ber
To hiss the tendw Inward of iblne
aged paroau aad the fotlowinK
brothers and slstetp: FOrdbiaad
Wlillsi rap poor lips that sbonid that
ward, Hearr. AiaeUa and Bertha, there
harvest reap
being tbm brothers aad three sisters
.U the wooiU buldin-s* bp thriv bliu-nIn the (smllp. Tbe rnneral arrsngvrrw C»»^ «ith ■■»»- 1^, Ills riBBdiL'
17«*0 the VIrgtasi!
Wbile biiyiuK your Christ­
1 .4 fanlilon snd H» place era ^,
Tbo roneral of Mrs. HalUe. wife "t
'aosii.v nken up by the' Spinet, aier inas |>rosents Oo 1nut (nil
Oiartes D..ODpUad or Wexford. wMOi
stv the fiiM* line of tfoods 1
the llsrwlcortl.
held Toaodar aftoroooa a'
In Itoo a reasonsblp fair llsnadnr.i i
am now abow ini'.
o'doek from the Adreatlet cbercb
<‘0*1 one bundn-d guineas or gSM in
one of the largest in atteodsnee <
•Nof » o w. Ults our monoT, and a grand Ifarpstror.l
bUd la that township. The Ber. Hogh
Keanedp of thU dtp oMclsted.
those wbosttRBded being, tbs
soon os you oon- sold for satin'* lo SIWH*. A grand Harp
Uleord looked III.0 our presool -1*'
o arrived
the bereared busbsnd who
v.-nirnll/ c a it. grtiKi iiiano. only H bad Ian
rrom Berrien. The
buy KaUhtrs of UanI*. one abme lUi- other. Tu en r*
la charge of the Ladles' Aid soricip <>r
n<ge Ibtr-e wa-n' lour string>. tbre<'
Monroe Center Mctbodlsi cUu.-cb sn.l
Jewell? e( ever? ducripliu
iiirwd 'in .nulson and one an uctave
Ladp Maccabees ctf Wexford, wbo
hlgb- T. and B hml stO|« like an ontnn
Stlverwire la cre^t vaiiet?
all attended In a bodp.
'i;., ronple the .iruve* locrtber.
Caught in Corn ghreddsr.
: mn Ibe l!arp*icord wa» ocilp « live
ltci>sir wv>rk ntbl liltiiiif of
Willianstnirg. Nor. tl,—Buff.-rlns
insonimeni. iben-forc *ro*U I"
i-bssi* a ajaviulty.
terriUs agony sritb bis arm betwooa
■•atalc aud very frail lu oonslniclluii.
two rollers, onlp a qoarwr of an inch
Such nn InMntmt nt wiinld be of no ns*apart while steel epikea clawed the
ibese days nqr would it withstand ibo
flesh from Ws alreadp crnibed arm.
irllinatc of ihlR ctnm'ry forlyelpli'.
Z17 E. Front S-.
Louis, tbe ]C-pear«ld sen or Jolm
I hours and remain In Ida^•lllR contllibn.
Lcltcr. stood (or ten minutes ibU
' 1V> you know ibat a plsuo U a goo-l
morolng aatil the soglae drlvtog (h-;
^!oal like a hiitnan Uoily. Fnbj<-<i
con shfcdder, was stopped and
, thetiBunlsm. Miffening of ibu-Joiiii-.;
IvUDds tsbout forty vsriellesi
versod so (hat the maimed arm coolJ
••Ic.* Keep your idaiio auay from ,
this pvar. as we were unable fo
be remoeod.
danlp ilraugbl. Don't .net 1' next

supply enongb of many, varieties
Tbe bw Wat worUnx aroood tb<an oiilfide wall If it can Is,
last year. THE REASON for
■taehlne. which U owned bp bU (aibor
I lloliT place It where it will get ilii‘>|
onr Immense sales of candp is
and wkidi eras srorklng on Henrp
: draught from a hot air fornace or an ;
duo-to the fact that we give
Bnlior's farm. A cob bad gotten
j overheated rowm. • It te a aplrnUld lde.a |. 226 E. Jrent St 20iSo.UbIoe
roartJ boiwocai tba rodetn wWM ni«
I to place a Jar of •‘"or lo ihe lwittom ;l
SWEETS for the money than
about four Inches -In diameter and
; "f your idano. CKitcrially in boroes tlt: i ||
any dealer in Grand Traverse
about four feet kmg. He reached
i are bcaied by hot air furnace*.- In our : |
county. .If you ore ncM fshiUtar
belnsM ibeoe to pall tbe cob osiand
: lamou* Kimball Piano ynuH find a. i
with cbcKO goods yoa have only
ibe tpeUrrougtat hit mliion. dntwlug
2! n>F H y E. niniu;l^le.l
' idace provided for this* All y«iu bav- j;
40 boy an asaortmeot of nor 10:
bis arm down Into tbe narrow space.
‘ to do It to let down the front low. r ;
Beforo the maeblaerp eoald be etoppo-l
iwnerand set the Jar on Iheltollom.;.
wttb others you are paying 2<4
It bad bom PaBpd la faUr swp to (be
When the water evaporates, nil li upj!
and 3')c per pound for and the
elbow aad terriblecensbed. The bones
story Is told.
broken and tbe teeth hadterrlbly
Special oBcrings Uii* week in *cy|
ton the Ussues, the ana being rlr
-OTBIS ABBtratA-Awsac otbre
eral stlghllywscd upright piano*, rome f ■
afrinh B*p b* —rurewd IWner
laailp eealped.
of which are like new, to close at Sll>i!;
!"U n*K CTn'she*;
The aoeideoi bMPeaed at « e'elosk
to 12:5. Terms SIO to Sio down. IT';
Ob* Wire, Volb. h'rSMas. etc.
CronuW'rd ftsu.
■Is aarnlag aad Dr. U armntao of
'o ltd monthly. Vsed cabinet planos.b
Tnroree City was summoned. The
; fine condiliort. to close at ti: up. i*av-]i
wll.i ctn-Une.- ,»on, *
bop eras made as easy aa posslUo but
! raetrts to suit. Also a number <4 good j;
Beth stcr-* doted »U
lUUon wlU be aewssarp. He will
t-quarc pianos, all rlght for Iteginiiets. ‘
be brought to T^rerse Cttp for that
to riose hi much less than their resl|l
pmpoae lenlUttlaad Dr. anaataa wiU
n o thn-er^tbod baad and a
tloa of the arm.

!i'ilC,!!,,A. B. CURTIS. AGENT,






Fur eeals aud Fur Ciacd Caats $» is $M





The Two Cash Stores

Wo ate aelliui: tiLMiito for tbe Elgin. Fanltlrta, Signal. H.-nU
nml Kuwtoii ShirtA ; l-tHlcnr-wr in all onh«. ,«r tp 5.00
KincOMeKWUlovva....................................... $1 tO 2.50
Fur linul Driving<Jlov.» and Mitton............... $ 1 tO 6.00
W.wlmMittonaaDJGlo^or Mcnam] Bo?a.. .26C tO $1

Dat Department
Aak to Me uur Tama and Tov{W« for chtUrciK

Boys* eiotbfn0

Present Prices


•taek Wfes «a«od.
In the burning of the barn by Jam<«
BadellSe who resides out on the state
toad, two span of horses and a colt
were nvod by s narrow margin. Mr*.
Radclllfe was to the barn when ibv
orertoPnlnc of s lanierw tUrted'ho
Du. firy Uoik. m VhlaM.and sbe'luroed her atlcntiuu
animal istosed


> Itare i

span I
Mrs. R^lffe I
beforo .
leasing the
tbe iwo^
iwo^fiFlatt horse remain
.. -atU her eye* were so badiv
burped that ebe walked out snrrwar-I*'
without bcinc led; the old fact remain
Ing that s horse will not Irovr a burr
Inr stable unk-ss iU sight is covered.
Mr. RsdelllTv was sway oa a btiotlu
trip. The lose was about gJO«. ^


timi liU perft.-etly eowU 00 nioreibaii ill-fitting dolbeg.

Elgin G. Lewis.

H.B. BARKER. Prof.

I ivTTfoato or Reefers in IJrrx. Huwian <rr T««nal
aiylea..............................................................$3 to 6.00


Usrixad. vsnlinT nT th. xIutf

bsak.ik- I«.k« ""OwMb*!
PeiffiMARQtlETTE n»Bi«>l
escffi" V■'
H«», Mnn- Ritn.
BprrUI .lo»r
.a™n.k,«-: .SMS
to iiulnU In the Southwest aud ttpuiMSulpl.isMi
.111 I. .. «l, .1 .11 llrlH unecs .,1
D the-fullawlng date*
r Sib and Ihili


Of AeuK- tuid Chrouie Klibumutbin. .\riltiii^^i Ik-forunii*.
(iotit. ^pniliis, Seintica; lltaliJia. Ni nritic. N'currsJijja. Variouai
riecPB. I’ih'-*. Trie Acid l.)iiillii-sis .ui-l <>ili. r ilistiiHsiiKva of
Mctaholiein. (iuiicral ood IahsiI Inf- -ti-m. Skin hiBcaaca, l.iv- r.
Stomach ami Botvd invaUtia. Lnn;: UTuibl.a, Ki>im-y nml Itltulcler tliffienlliea, Kcri'ona Exbaustion. K'-uniath-nin. Diw- isi-s .,f
the Fomiitc I’elvie OiKaus. I’AriJjaia Atnl Caii'-. rs. Ify-man
tufl’erinj; *'ilh iuiy tlisi-asc-iiiitl luiw Urn uuuble to ifi tlli' ih arrcil rcaultgl’y tlnii* tr<-atiiiL'tit. call .Till] soe tin IXictur, Couaiillalioii Free.

Use Heralt Want Ads
IMoawtmKkam Bloots
tMT pfrorv« S*rsaro«




K-P. Wiuims.

er mp hen^wad tbe Great
for the State of MleUdk. a
ami iMdw In <xmd> Conn f«rtb*.Mi«BtT
I tbU tonneeath dap fS Hot,
fte pear ot our bard W tbossand
Ahandtvd and Bre and « (bo ladeICO or tbe UoUed States of
a tbe«oe beadied aadlhlnicUi
for return
Frul St. Warner.
24th. Ask agenu (or partieuiars.
Bp ibe Ooponor:
4Ml . H. r Moaner. C, P. A.
jtoeo. 4;. ^toeentt,
' Secreurp of Slau.
Tot the Tbankagivtne bolMro Per*
Marquette agenis will sell roand trip
Peoto Hell.
tkkau to an points ia Miefcigaa. aa.i
iBMp O. Wbitaep at De> to pMdu in other states on conaectw o( Mr. aad btrs. tog UaaawUhlnaUmltofiUasUeaor; •
atatloaa: except that ticketa U
C. U VMtorp nr (Ms dtp. dial at bar roniag
will not be add to pc4n« en*t of -n.^. *



-It>u,9iMlwiMkAtoUsf4i-lijivUutu bail that ?oa
uni durM? Ator f"ti“«Ti**Ttf ulUrv*]] Can’l affon] to dron tlut
U that'* Udv
C#L it ia evidunt that yoa ba'ro nrvor
iitAtlu Abu, U(|{MiBlMau.ot, .1.- Adl<-r Hruv A Gv'a Bocheotor
maduSi4t«aii^Ov««F(»to.wliieb wo nru MlliiifritilBie«^iutoU'ties evgij gptiMiy. Wotarito-you tu mqkii their aaquaintaac*
now. (‘ome in (or au idlr^uction.

Diamond Rioflc
Bobemian Barncto

Has O^oed Ofilces in tbe State Bank BuUdinf
aad are better pTMored
«Tor beTofe to edocate. galte ood
n whom tbe datlee aad
de^re. Preerpis of n<nlHp aod the
law* ol Ood are bclag tausbt to <
a>Mee la erer iaereasiiig nombe
A state free maB.pesiiieace a^ v
a p^de eoatcated and proei^R. ..
enianeei of the faror e( Hla> bom
wl^ cotoes cretp md pad perttet
t^poa this dap let tbe splrU of charhpted trateittUp prctall. jKtod wonts
speneu aad fclod deeds dose will sdd
to |be happiness sad fop ot all and
« all caosojor thsUp#ping.
Urs and our ftresddea
fcnUp thank /Ood for


For Sale


690 Acres Timber


Ow* mm M'otlowm:


C»u)|tlwU' uew atock Drugs. M(*licim« un i Dru;:!’!*!"' Stiudrio*.

Jvl per d*T. ct.-VI*V »
...uvuisaiBK thw.h«h»-b‘k—Vw*! .•l»-.4^a.^4«/p■•rt7-

‘ \Tt

T«al vslB-



f UJO)
■a <4 nU*M«;


Pre^ptions Accoratel; OHupoanded
by Registered Phirmacist.








eiiber aad ihU iitokea the cam aU the


Beiwto oStotala are eoniiderod

hOB«nt aAd wll be nutH erUenee lo
ntot* toi»mpr«*to»tlWe. The eapboArt
the cootrary to fwntabed.
betAK bolH Mttdly iAio the booM .I.o
Wm. Joyce bA. bestfli toeHa* tor
BUkea It all The Bore myeiwioot a* i
tbe Buckley A Dongtoa Uimber O'*,
wooM be bard for AAy eiterter toBato Art BPOA H. U the CAM to aa aoatb or town.
reponed. there aeeAM to be

and the mall nenttcrod all orer the
dronnd by troto No. 2 aa it *«a
by the eairter. and the «me mto
ret Bre to tbe depot. A hole about a
1?"' *«'»'* *•*
(tube rooMwhire the Bre wA» «tltn*Blahed.


Mi> rane ntiT la reporinl a lil'U-

Mwanny etomt II.

Otod Pretn •«»« Wewnd.
Hn. CArt Brower. Alrt d» >-»Ar*. <*T
c^aed her larte


mach aorflw »d irooble. died Saiiir-



ItoBcntmmd l.-H HaturtHy, MIeb.. N»n. tS.—Hoe. Sli«T...f„r Westwood.
an bas. novt^ hark from^iir'Ie
peartol fen-r la rtimtUd ai

llAyBrtd. «boAe-t«ro .(tempi. .( «ul-

s ftf Cest ROml «TUk iWfOEiit.



tide hare


Monday noon the maU aack waa to«

W K. Wllann baa puicbaaetl a farm i

breaat aa.l eomlOK oni at the back,
gfee bad }uai reipraed rrom (bo GtaiiI
Trarerv hoapital. where tbe ha.l beea
eomtoartax from a former Attempt,
The direct titaao of her deAlb was attrihetltole to blood polaoo. ghe KAces
A' httoltoBd And fire children.


fimernt will he held lonKirtow nfi. rfrom the tonyOeld tiiiiteh, and
il will take place in the Klnsalecemeierr in chanw of Ralph An-U rMPi,

lOwn Tut-artar.

arlti a K. II. «■ itl. « lUrmony, We, j
hi* -rr.V Ihf Iia*i fit- y<*ra. Iiuw.-ver, tw j
ailEhiHM Kiati ■>! a eoiinh
an houre tau Tiijaday.
ive lal.en 1»r KltiE fc Sew IMarovei
Quite a namher from hef athtidfl
('••itt.nnipiPiTi. wlil-li liAB aattil mthe Bnoilat aehool eonvenilonA* Tiiiv- from *i.Ttfmr Itmc iitiui.l.." Hia miilh
■Ih t>a> a Nail lt>» (or Ur Kel<l.
erae Ctiy
-r> deoi
iliai hiiiE iMiilile rmeo
Mra. Elmrr ibtwman waa called
phi lie Iiiimiti
Manton WeJqe«!,r hy the d.wth uf t.**' ("• a-ol tua to cur.' ii
Qiileke»l relief---------------»>«■ father.
prlee Ihe and
Mlaa nofA Mel.(Vtn I* the poasemor oo'—tl a' Jobnaon IJrac
nr a aew urun.
M<wtl« and <*. W. lloRlwe'’' Ih-iK
!l laatle P
riaude Wonieo an.l family are mov.

CtitulatlOT thti we»k 2,925

crvahed by Cre.
Weiford. Mlcb.. Nov.

Linoleum ^

(be aide lr»ek while the engine and
Ax* .tood on the m.ln trnnk )u« a

Jnry law week-.
PranMe PrTguaoa Is the gticKt ot h-r

W. K. MUlwd ud B. AIIC* ot Yuba

■bort dUtanee ahead of the awitch.

friend. Viola Worden.

ro(«n>ori Toewtojr from a le. day.'
boAllse (rip .1 CrABiferd, Apper pealn-

Down. wa. ttandlag nt ibe end of tbe

Mra. Warner ar.d Mrs. Scott are etv
lertalning (heir alstpr. Mia* Rmnn

fKAie tbiiv bondtof.

Por ume jeaHm the brake, tailed tn
iMCft nd A dee doe a. IbHr .pan. boU«n the rofrigeratorcarandi

■rtA. TWbAT0fwAdeer,A*6*-|»«H
fiM the bonh wood.-

-oak- wero

KaneTbe Benrton aelino! will glvi- a shad

naed. whwe U

ifMU h*»o beao -Rwrdy Oak.“

It la ihoucbt that be wa. th

before be .track tbe groond.
SencMnt AtnoM. who m In ehardt
Tbe ytmac man wa* ahtaya pleaaaoi
flf 4o UnlioS Ststto «or»ltto« wttee
and AtAbte and had, made
hH« titmc mociiha AstL routrood 4hto
frtooda Among (be r
ini and wHI opei sn ofSco here
: nniu Chrtoimat.Ai
, la^

Bcrfnant Aiwiild llkca Traverao

Clip bettor thkn W .bUic


' irbtoh be ht. been «AMei>o4-

arrlred (a the city BaiurdAy hi 9;l-

#Kh sppnAdleltto for



lhafts qaietiy.

Mrge iraet of farm land in WHdon o
8. IJortHnip ln*l week. They lAien
fewnoving here'noon lo make their

Mra. Ella Dtomond vIMled her son
Aoteow in CAdOtoe. and of eoorae that
teW bay waa SB aUracrioh- Uoiher
>. Jamn ^1- AAd child both are doing well.
or VanBuren
It h> aald itet »nie irf tboae people
r been la the cUy aereri! wta migrated to, the nwie of Waahington toai qirtBg lo gatber tbe wealth
lytng apr»w*-ab&ot,Are.aerion»lr conpSTOS Thmsdar tor Mnatoh.
W they: will pnapect fnriber. ablrring whelber to try 'walking hack,
le here they were
to Michigan or wa|J a little longer an.l
get BO light in weigbt ihc wind will

A mrrtfrioua hiitiyentof at the home
Of Walter Man. two mlto. worth and

blow them baek.
Monday will begin tbe expert work
opte (be books of OUT ctHipty. While

BO one to charged with crotiiednr**.
«aM of Acme. I. caoilng mnrh talk ‘P
(he people are dlasaltoSed and want 'o
no welghborhood aad aWtoogh
Mriwil wenrty two wnaka A*^ wo «*pl.Mtln baa yet been advaneed «■ to ita ;
(Ifn SAtorday afl^fwoon. Mra. Hnll
aad bar ttougbier. Mtoa Mabol. were at
Miai Mabel waa playttE

tte €w»an aad aoddenty. w) it ia iald.
In tbe

Uiehon were platnly heard to iwUIe.
Mr*. Utdl wabM *»r danghter tt the
ted beard it and abe repHed that she
ted iml Atilber (bodskt any more
teoui It. 1a A abort time tbe ftitllag
or tbe dlahoa wme tefWAfad and In a
tenrt thae again.. TbU tmnaldeiably
frtgbteaed tbe *wo oeenpant. of the
tonte aa to tbe meatittM » had becune dark,
, Tbe ewpboard to abonl Sve or ati
ton bigta aad ia bnllt miUdty Into tbe
wall of tbe bouM. -Mtoog a tom®.

is Your
Tbst’g tdo bid! We bid nodoeil It wsi looking pftRy
OilB and faded of late, but
BsniraUy did not like to speak
o7 ft. By the sfty, Ayer’s
Hair Vigor ia a regular hair
grower,.a perfect hair re­
storer. It keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.

Mr*. MnU went to iKand; looked Inride.


See us about Carpet Sweepers, just receivetl the best
line of Sweepers made in the world: all steelrnothing
wood but the handle, from $2.50 up. ^

nouREims OUT
SoM over twii-e




'Uiiw >■«*> a* ill forrrsjnnilitu;
last yiNtr.

.tnrtr Savings arenm v-l.1. us.
We- pj.t ihree |,.-r r-ni lnr.r.-i.
■..... >-nt ...
.lesir-d. v.-e- «U1 is-..- Ini.
lu.Hiliig - T Ifl.-aie'. ni itii- >an. •

lx»lv t^ePBivl: tie*'
eu.totnors evi-ry

Whyy (<>m-






They irWrwod Friday to gel


the mpboard


.T<u liollars-ofcaslotislly d.-|>o»i(Ml *000 to'cumew »n<- hundred.
It doe* ntit iske many hiiiuireUr
lo lie.-urde- a ilmiiKand. whirli (Is

vtoltors Si’oitoy.

Ml Into a lltery barn and lodge toora i.'

«e dtobea In


Hany Bomell and wife were Wallin

rrwSyTor ^imtirSI there.
Sam Wllllr. baa a crew at work reTwo fWatrtn calve. t»cm ihe aar
wl*!------ aMmiL .on Tbanrtay
miivlwg Ibe Collier bnlldlng to the lot
bKi^t the on the arenne where It wlll beconver'-


260 yards In all, four good patterns. Ofif*
^'dtrery heavy, regular 40c carpet, at

unable to do any work fpr.(m> year*
and certainly Is worthy of ihe help.

-Seller* of Ttongnr. Mich, pnreha*ert i

4btlt«ly aneoeastal. abd^be pAltoAt if

Ii^rain Stair Caniet

BacbsEl k Rpscse. 206 Frost St

There will lie a wood liec for'Mr.

neertng, corps.
C. J. Pierce, L. B. WIIIU aad J. A.

iln optTAikm waa peffenned by Dr.
Manci^e that aneroaon whieb wa*

lin't Ihnt
Come see

iclal ErWay evening. Sov. 24ih,

the afTvlee of I'nelc Sam In the engi.

«hOM they wer. called hy Dr. H. U.
Outtr. AttWdlat phyrietoA of Jollu.
f^aaimh «bo bAa bc«B aerloulr in



llicii eomo talk
^toIi\x-rw w i t h

Ilarria next Saturday, fume, everyMr. Harr^a ha* birn' wick and

aptonrllla, Mich. Nor. Mr. ADd
Ur* Koni*ka.
Born, to
JnitB. D. Johnson teeelved a
from hi. grandaon. Harry lUule. who;
la at Oolnmbna. 6.. wberrf he entered

St. »4.

in white and Arabian. 2. '-t and 4 pair to
a kind, and worth up to $:i.00
pair, at-


A fZg^

Fine Lace Curtains

Tuesday evejrtjiR. Nov. »ih.
The Inland school will give a shadow

hto body- aBer he felt, mangUng

until sold.4^...........................................

w aoelal in DeakCa ball next wees

grado «amc down toward the main

track It wnrted back, eaiberlng i
la 3. W. Blatcr'a adverttoemwt ol ontam aa it came. The braVea
■moraday. Nor. id. there waa an error bad bla baek to the approaching <
la Totard to bedtlas •»<»*«».
tailed to aee or bear H. He »
aUlhr wlKhoa to eorreet. Tbe wordr horribly crushed, the ear paaalng o

Extra Heavy quality and and all new
coloring and designs. Ci>ic kind.


tnulnc down to R. A. Brlcbam-* Salem. Mich., were the pnewa of ilieli
Boclot BehoeWcy U the Uie^ »«»
nS otMT wartiiootea In the eenier of b^ber. M. Iteake and family. Ja*^
b«r«E (be ■edUaU fiAleraRy ^

IntWediy. TbedoetortoA.peei.l- lb« rlllaie. .A henry refrigerator car week.
Oeo. ilanoB wa* In Krankfmi irn-.Ito mad hM whee torite ses adTfor potatoen had been ahtmied onto



moved lock

ins liaek on their farm.
Th.' nn::snal *.iebt -f the lioB-anl
M Deake aad aim Wilfred wer- Ih- lacili IjMiK dowWTSetiti. r ro.VT
Trav-r*e City rlUtora W.-ilneaday,
now to- «ei'0 -to a menV^r "> l*arl».
Elmer Bowman wa< ln FranUfori
Without an laatanfa warttln*. Hudaon
Dowaa. «n M. * N. R. rreinhi Iwwke- ■ hU week OB Jury.
A OiaatirOM CalamHy.
it W. »wer-« «ibWM
Mr. Hnlnie* ha* a-.I.I iiia mill prop
It m n iIlMalrmiaealtimUy when
man. hml hi* life eruahed opt at
toAM oMiiak Bp «>e (mItBr?
eafth. 1
(y here to aome porii.m from Tniv- ...
ihia atlenioon. He wan 28 i-em
and conwlpall™ ha“‘ wR'Pefl u awa>.
for tjie new
bBlWtaKace. married ao.l hla home wa* In
. Pi-nmpl tt'liefean I-- hart In l»r, KIiib»
.Ur,‘Warner gavi-a dance la»l «wJ- x,.« j.if,. |>i||,. They hiiilrt rp >-«iir ill.
Manlwee. where the Imrty wa* taken
•m H<m. H. B. H»d«» or lUR«io»a
afur the lAqnett. The Accident w«* neaday evening aithl* home- All re , g,.aiive or«ani...and eiim-ll••trta-•h.•. dir.
EM MM «PMW 4B«*etor tor «*■
in a s«yt time.
*!“<•»»• colicr eon.:li«<
eery pecnlltr M the youn« man waa
Phi^ po« oMU* eW. the vtoUHenry Itaiion wa. la
tie»u» be M (be aird WedneedBy tn not danebt by the bnmper. but. by the
AAd «f one car Abd (be tide of Another. Thuraday on tiualnea*.
Mr. and Mr*. Clayton E. Deake .>f
The yatda are In the form of a -Y'



------------------- --

day from the eteel» of (be Auaaboi
wenttda todlrted nro week, acn with
tol iBteni. the hall eeierlDR her



Uisbntimtun.1-itittl.etimc<.f y«Tryotfghoiri.l w.-nr btnvior cloOiinu.


will liml BOBBwUtinK U. pUiM you.
\V«- •.ion'l .-Ifiim onr closing « U'Ufif than any other
■ I ti><
llie Ixtot tlint moiicv f*ii Imv—Imt bere IS tbe liitfereote, <nnd a most
cai-b Store onrrit'S
' muko .-I specialty of sbu» otbor nrynsdoot

Tl’a time lo Chink «>

Christmas Oifts
Buy llselul Bitts. ClKV’re more

marm Shoes and Slippers
Are something that everyone can i

Tor Olomen
"Fo«t Wirm*r»”
T«lt $bo«t.
Tur CHmmcd
In all cdlar*.

me many (t»en wbo
liotcription. iintl nl! want «(«!. xtyliaii cIotlifB.
\S e hnep a elothiim
elothinu Ktorr*
' ' ’ “ ‘
that pl.-.w* nijil fils .•vcrylxxly. Tlwi is wbv wi- bftve
linve AO
Ao mnny
mnny a

tbo nhote



on-. 80 otTcr tli08<- intlnccau'iiU.
ant in'-


FAUanawinler Suits tlO.OO
Fall »ml Winter SulU fij.OO
FaU Md Winter Salts $13.50
FaU AnB Winter Satis tl5.00
V, Fall and Winter Soils *18.00
Fan and Winter SnIU *20.00
Fan and Winter SnIB $22.00
Fan and Winter Soils *25.00

r— '


56^ to $2.00 4


i«-sMtlol nl oticc-.-now ihftt our stock is sn lant-; -wh.-n yon oiost- -wb.'n

ynu want to bi- well •IresA.'d vitb Uu r.«t of your
Out overco.-iis abow the
alyl.- ...
of tuilorinj;
smallest tletail l.u* la-on
e lliuhusl
iliyiiuBs o.....
........... nrt
.... The
...--------tin- bnU.dis. t!a- iiocketA. the ooUar.
lookorl nflcr. tlf ’lidiiig. t1

For Ibe men

Y..U can bnv a 1100(1 ovcrceat for $«.00.

Tbeiw waa wmbla/*tolbie and

tbu^t.-rcatcAl Imea aro from *10.00 to «.‘..00.


yr.n wish wr have those at $1" 00; »2fJ.lX). *i'.. $:». *:». *t0. $ |.^ iin.1 $.'.0.

tee la report to have aaM. "Sow
teabe again If yon ate golog to. I'd
Hke to oco you abake.V
At that intuni tbe diate
id the
Ihe rntt!-‘.
move and oome together^d
waa hoard agalA.
A ItenraI tdasher
lylHg on-top i« the cupboard, which
pmtoria partly Into Iho room, was a*




Fur lin'd (.vercoaUitlie *wi.ll(.st ami warnifst ovfHmoU that will 1* wont this WRtm
A korst y «v.t. w,«l acal lii.«i. for *:i.-.«0; aI ketm-y Jlih-d with Canadian mink,
natutal color. S'lO.OO: a k- rscy with Marmul liiiini:
f-.r *ii5 OO.

SOC. 7SC, M.00. I.M. 2.00

A lx‘.anlifnl imiwrtol ovcr'vrit lined, f 'anailian tiiiiik

cut Mtectlon I* btlttr n fow huy tariy-


olUsr ot>llaf.


for ^.00; an.

it’nt».rud■ imsiuldotb
'mtaddotb wiUi
willi Canadian
C.-iiiadiaii mink apil j-.-nuino
Kcnuino crtti-r
otti-r «®llar.
collar. ,for
_fqr *ltW.
aretwo otbrrs. the finoAtiwcr *.i'1 in ih.* city. for gl.V) and $1*5. See these ItosatifplorcrnviU at once.


Stenrbed that H abnoat rolM frow
IM place.
Pram that time <m there has been no
timUar deDoastrslloai. Ur*. Mull wai
at Brat Inrttoed to believe that an

alioat this
Oon is Bnblrra

wetohhnra ftit H is any way nr

AAilcte AnylhlAg nnosAAl that ibM.ry
war dlarordte.

Thera *wa not a paf-

ilcto « srtBM

bhnrtag *i .tbe-itee


WoVf ROl tlf eery
)««l iiutki’A.
In sIkiw
itii'ui 4n

Bachaat te Rescoe
Frx«t Si-







cftANo nt^vcRse

msiuuo. tmuwoav.

wevEM»e* a*, xtm.

» tn< tcaebcT.
Sniuur and Bandar
Mn. jiRm faael'iUliad at 8aiaBUr|
Abo-ji t*eeir
hone of H'. and Hr*. aUbt tbr B*r»t
of Hi*. Anna Klnaatar.
Albert UlUtaaM i< a
It an-'
U etiaa aa enmt ai a «oaM*a. 1
lOtrare* dan iaat *aek.
Mr. and
Charle.r Klnester AT* der tbe tore of ibe
i TbcM. 8. ABB&. Hfr. of Ue *-Ba»
Hr. aad Hi« Praak Klep *
' Vera SntUi last S^terdar tiigbi to \
[.eandfr Hnr-. betpina On., Man^lman......................
1 bnic-ber i»
I; Heaa." of baatrenvarth. Ind.. »
; Into John Paarl'a bnasr tn tbr____ __
tn booor of l.ea
Lou Codmar did hnslnens la
- BanSail.- «m;.
artio h»a
baa bwi
been narltia
narina r«>>
rttb Mr
nnreaaooable. *bea be refttaed
;, cure.
, *tip
eaa day Uat Week.
Thr are
. durtiia
Came* and
The fam«e<
«er\ haer hnsklBt
w ibe doctor to oprrnte on fala Me.
Hr. aad Hra. Hanrr ____
tbr sasairr.
and mate
K TO CORREftPONDgNT*. I abere (hpr *111
lor a dar or mi.jdaoabier lAtua and MUa OaUmer rla-- were enibyd dorinj: Ite earlv part nl i com and p'ltioe tbeltjrorti done Be\feMlo trouble, -luatead.*' be Ay*,
and wioier tuppilea fur IV H. Oar Fri- ‘
r and ibM «b to
sr and Ball ^Le; l,ed Mr. and Mn. E, O. Ra*Hn«» Snaiibe erenins after *:.!«i the .pieru'eral «eie »een «ort;Uit 8o*daT
coarladfd to try Electric Blrtare.
dav and took on 4*0 sacks
in tate to> una.
All c<
; rltr (o the Pad
■aw. *bere
' *eee serred witban 0}«i* *cper. a“'t,
Bo*» ha« piirciared a «x
•0 slek. abc rould
ttia HtraM
,I brrdhfr
«ataca>d " "
Hr. and Mr* Harry Workmaii tWi-’ before iravlas lor their bomea U»e p!e more l-or*.-< ftu^U ttrerr ftarn.
I. and Are (&l phyMr.
had faded to rellcvv her. Afte.
niklBK of SlcfceraoB J Kueau were o;»ieted and in a If*
Sot R>.

-h■ ---------- lanta dail te"fh|i{
Weninl Krmlla vaa In Qltti Arbor on :
town oe.- day law week.
laUoe Eieciifc- BKter*.
«ord« Thoma* ”
they Biar%
•^e aaaurmi that Itl ^inda* 1«. Friday.,
Kridar., where
wheie he met.
Gn Habaen
New Wexford
wan a'yoom; man wilb a pair of ylov.*
Wro. Fimat of Bast Rnfdre vialte.1 leetly eiired. and eaa DC
whom be ha* not recn ‘
, yfdlor mi “'*•
the ’“'orwnan
Workman boaae
borne Friday:
Fridav i from tb«- boti and boste**.
la town Wednesdar.
her boasehold dalle*.- '
■d by
HIT imny-\*o
ymm. mr.
Mi^ mcmii
MenlH h
Ir*. Rnldnie Hswlev loaves today rbtickt^] last Samrilay. Nor. Ikih.
Ih. br
■d f.
Miner Kelderboose of Port 0»dda
rirux fo, F. H Moads and
rrnprielfir of Ibe Hotel MrKlIiben.
.for a u.-ekV visit In Romeo. Mk#i-. the death cf Ur*. Hatile Cojreianrt, Sbi- wa* Inftown Baiarday.
*- Biurhee. dniRtWa: pried *dc.
Ttavente CSty I
P-daioe* are Mdlina for tu cet.i* bar
o Kow York ; *a» a m-mle r ul ....................................
Wi-*f<ird Hive 1_ ’
- — - land all Morerooma are blurked *IUi
<r atany
many r»
relailro* ibere
M.. aim a memlH-r nt the tVr*i I’n- barrt'Is of oil here Bandar
wate lb vlaitl^r
I At.!
She was l.eJoved br all wh..

•i'«x v.uM»ifnsuu UMM moved W< She will be aoenmnanlcyl ... ...........
Tbe sefioid will kIw ai
seMion cid tbe-aaltHm of giBBllw tar
Bert Own of^Und tns here one |
her nephew. Freeman Oiroi t. of
Tliftt^ann* eiren at Shalda'a hall
e. e.r a-d wm !-• *adly ihtaed
elal Ba.urvl.y evenlns.
•nlns. !Novnnber -S.
I>nrral *erv1« tontorToa ufl..., ,r*. req.u's.ed
ManUtee Fowor On. tbe priviHRe in
brips ■
Home tif our nelaalmrA are 'mm s. Ryker pa»*-M away law Wodnenday.,
Adyentlti eburch
n.i -any-ei.i
ai.i *►./> «-ni
>-iii MeAr.
rtam Manistee rirer (imiy mlF*
--------------The. infant >an of
l»al*> OrmMl. aM Mr*. K. Ulllman <if Cedar In liaylne a* late aa Nov. mb. Wbo ^be h.-ld TliurwUr fiwm
tie u»r I ler schOiil purupso*
shove Opdiliac
The Manlttee Nav|.
the Friend* ehiireh. Iter Zlmmertnau
hnried yesterday 1in Ofnn’
took dinner with Hr%. II. WIMuKbll can beat 4bai.
Mm. D H. IJay visited
eailtiB On. Oldect*.
(d Ihia maco Siindny.
loEIeUlInjt. aioilMf.) by Rev. Amncien.,
Frwak Mimme of Iien» lia I* vl*l-.--etery._ mUertaker’shafer hart rharse (
Emnir. suu'rtav
il B.l.-r Hnlnie* e
MiT. J. Henne *|>ent a lew daya In
Min 3ennlc SiiHivon of nurdlokrllH Ina relaUvf. ,ln this place ifaU week.
-Inni* of Day
'fja ft
flly law we.1;.
1 Is Ut town today
— .
Qulie a niimlwr fn.m ibl* plaee a)
• day last wet
Hri. Avery fell laM .wooh and laNext Saturday iht-f will tie a wpod: tended the sia'e Sunliy school con- - Horn. Nor. U •
Basfh I
JarctI hor am. Miss Manx
X laanialinc belo cei wiioil foi loth the ehiirrhes. renikm held at Trav.-rw City Ian
d ehtifeU
At*., -1..r IL
_____ __
____ ...
brr in her ho.ise.Hold
AH wbo f<H-Mnierrwed <-orae and brlns wi<ck.
lea's Atolea Bair*. Iie«r*d-myle
Trarmo City latt w<vb.
'Tyave Ham- your aawsand axes.
Miss Rose Wriehl

The Misse* Ualiel Wi leh and J.«sie
at#, ftofu
Miss Anns Raseh,
M Wiakoebll van In Prnaemont e
itsnee at Lee GIbbt’
mer aiiondert
Mr. anti Mr* U. W Farrujii of Cl« n . I.insen are vUiilns wHh the forraef-i
the hoiel f..r Ih.> nsi suBi-‘^' rtmnlQC sores, which notbHp e
. baaUxiM Friday
-Baturday niabi.
Havi-o wow- In i..wii >.-Hienlay.
^ iioelc. Elmer \V. leh. of Acmth Milton, venilon in
Mr. and Mn Wali.-r SlirUni: .if Kit. They men.
Mo*. ».
W U. Carr
apnai the Bf*t of
Wm. AmMnti. I(■ . K on the siek lisi
(Uplds weie Hi.. nU'-ws of Mr. and tioo.
b ber daunbier. Mro.
Mr and >!»>■ A. K. F'Ht v
' t>ri*nt tif till.
Mr*. WHIlum fairy Kimday.
Oeitrwrte Jl-nrii* war the jriiesi .if pi,^,,
ifan AUeo. In Traveiwe City.
Triiverwe City SaiurJay
II. and f
Uoro. Nor. iC. Ill Mr. and Mr*. Ire
Mr. Oook made a bnilacM trip to
Mi.s Keiiu .M-inroe n-mme.l linni- Edna Karvev lio-i *i*-k
Mrs D. A. t’levei.e nnrt HI.* I
T»*aaae tUty Friday.
Aflsir line day fiom Travers.- I'liy ThurMlay. where
Mr*. Josle liisard U'vMiIiie rel* „ ^
Rullitan W'.‘
Mn. Clbaon ol Royan Fall* U here,
'l>e>-a visUlns relative*.
live* in H.inoiasi w«H..k.
the nM of her am. rharlea a^ tarnMr*' Wary o.-e went 1* KIk Itaplrt .
A* faniiie
Bfimr Iwci and eMeory (octoHoa at
ber brother over Riintlay.
; Friday in attend to bur tlauahler Ma- from Ksriln law aaiunlav ev.-ntne
IHy rity fMid out nearly tMAAaa to
*Y)Qttn a nnmber of elilldr>« and iir\'
Mr. and .Mrs. Zlnnn.-nnan have iMmi i ilUa. who is nick with trash'd lever a< , totm tan away, ilimwins him ont tif \
eial 0O«n pf-oph’ were on tbo nick Hat
eoiertalnlnetmmpany from U«BL*k.-i Ibe borne or her aOTer-tVIil ftrlmaley, the waodi. lit-was noi serliHi-lr bun
Hat week and not all aro well yH.
Mrs Walu-r B’own'a brofher from and Treveree CItv.
Ml«n Rosa Tvrill ten Iasi week for Inn was iinil*ert some. »*erry Kidrt**. •'
Mr. Tan Blinbet and latnlly, who Wlneunaln vlalleil her last week.
Mr. Strldiland had ihr mlarnanine. Qab Axe. where sliK^lIl visit with her wj.o wa* with him, mn .m ih.- _ ..
................ .................
Ilmd near the Nosam am ia«t nqmN. Avery went to Tr**eiwe City on to lose his best h<w Friday.
Inunt diiriiic iht- wlniep-iwmtli*,
iniir<i<-Af ih.' wanon. xrel.he.1 il..- lin>->
ntfw to be noar hi* work, have mnvnd Baiurttay.
Tbo lopir fur the monilnc tiermon |
.Nov. •<.
n*.l *t.irmed «*-.■ i.-am.
: haA lOdbelr earn bniur.
Mr. and Mra. Gooto Hodee apent
Ot«k ftsurn.rt home fromM
, ibe uiM*er |s-fibi*iila
H<-tb*-. noi Ui-e j
Mr. nul Mr*. CHlItMi Flaher. hU ■ Sumlay at Fife l.ake.
Biinday mornlnK Is •'Salvation for all.
Mrs. wm Cnik.r of
;'lb'eoiinirv ihere
ootbor. Biwer and niwer-ln-Uw made;
p*md tianillitMi ha* parehaaed a new
iher. from hr-t- nii.-ndrrt tb
o Trevors.. City last I team nnil barnena.
inday aebool
Slaie Kunday
eouvcoOi.n nt , erw-Cliv vWitW Mr*. I'mlor's sl.i.-r. •
W. IlreaebridBe nnd wife visited al
Trer.rse■ City
riliv last
ISMI week
.... .
............. ...........
u..e., T ll.iward's vi-jMentav
. Siwii «, Mtrn.. rnaay. an
Andrew Fisher drove
aa last ' JJ,,*
a few lUjfa at that piarr.
W^nes^-, ftuiiniinB Th.n*.iay.
moved Into 1». <5 8h»r :
r. ills
His I “ k DrisEno
0 vUli rolaI brniber IH-rry eami-• home
with him.
: ,er-* h„uw. not the laifer’s, ■■ niair.l:
a »sikt-u i-.xii,^ juintwllyi itllowwl |
'dlvw.. Mn.WBrnes* rou
and Mr. Warenas Friday.
: Mra. Darwin of port Cneidp la ib*
n hi* lam this w. *. G.«.'
Will Williams and MHaGUdya Roar
CMt d( Mt*. Frank naber.
of copenilsh soeni Bunday with Mr.
lUv. H ilamp of foal* Grove. Mleb.. Vus»elm«ii will mov
M>a. devfiiin of llaplo CUy was and Mr*. Irwin Rawiinsa.
fiimer pastor a< flaie*. epi'O' a few | bnuxe varaii-.l liv Re
bore Hat FridAr aAtk-AEbo display of
Mr; and Bn*. John Panel are novliiA days of'laaf Vrerh vUlilnB his man.v
Mrs. OH
MmbM.^aad Hdiaa^fdoaki.
40-Wexford today,
friends H-thla vieintiv.
ralb-r one
Jobn Hrodrlek. who lias Jjoon tjiille
Rev. Jeaao Harwood went ii>-Soutb: ft <5. In
siek. Is Bt'XIne better.
iiMlay- lu assist the jiasior
jiakior ealb-r Tb"r*.l*v

Miss L'rey Kneel was a Traveran tbere in a »erW nf revival m-s’ilneh.
-'11** Ma-.l I'mlor in TretHe will return Ih lime ir> eonduel his:erso
: erso C'l'v
Cl'v Saiiirdav
eveninir. •'
Leo Winchcomb.of Hodne bt vlalUne bRual acrrlre on Sun<Uy mornli
' spendlna sevcrul week* at iMi'bnm.
aUa for that work.
Mrs. ................
A. C. Wynlioo..,
hla airier. Mr*. Irwin RavIlBBa.
A. H. Vr Lean
Loan of Bay Ctiy It:..................................
brother. C. U SosHy. of till* 1
fbarley Clay
Vhrwr Nachaxel of PofUaad. Otwxon.
Harry w'orkmai' waa a eai:
■t ITisillOE her
' waa here vlaliitiff with bis airk father Bommlt City- Baiorday,
pHoe. Her chief object « loBTlnc...........................
bct‘ ealler law 'Ttienday,
aod m»d.-^T4.^l.b.*, by y.J fb.-i.ryA
- for.Bv« or all wneka. He left for the.
The dance at Jake Oleli'a Saturday * Be, ho
however, was lo ci
he -j- Mr. I*i-iii-nsill of Ovlatt »
t 7%
naroday. accompanied by Jt*.- BiKht wa* well aiiendeil and a Rood
tbvr. »
very 111 a
ty urwntsts. pries rie prr tntUr.
Mins Vera B*|>e*. r.reyn Briar school
Krehr. They eo by way of Chicago, time renorted by all.

<9^and Traversle Region.




T.JS, '„V


( i I ft t t I 4 I • S ^

a abofpiBK trip - ~

........- - -

to .

vntlwi—|l. BBjr m '


Wltbont notice *




Hm. w; Unlio. r C. IV.inoi«l, Wm. Lood™.

r11 i,t (111 It 11»11««I «i 11111»11

Molidsy Ooodi


iro Arriving by Nesriy Every


Our floors eire now so crowded with staple goofis that there is no room to display the new goods. Cfldt ttICdfc'B
Reduced Price Sale was taken advantage of by many and still the stock is so large that we have determined to
Cendnue flje Same Prices for One More Oleek. Don’t fail to supply your furniture wants now.

fleecy 1^ lop Trosty lUsk^

!ssy Psymen'ts
Stoves and Bcavy Furniture

Ik wlint we nrn moat dfsinnin nf moving, llicfef.ite the rut in thf*.- during Uiii one work will He--cte;irilj- 1»- 'l.-epcr than

\VK AHK SHi 'WfNi! the largeet linea of ilMtinK Stove*. H-m-goa .nn.1 (’>.k Stm.’* rv.-r

i. in Xorlhem

Our iiOBinr-Bfi in tbr Cnrpid dcparlaienl ba* grown to
sneh iirrtportion* that w«- an- ol>ligr«l lo show and rafT>' in


«,™ trmrf W l™r.i„
p. pH* U,M
m lo toop


otu. oor o.ool.

Kttv-k (wit»- the amount of gcgnif of aii> other cariaHiicnpH'
in N'lrthem \ficiiigan.

new ts Veur, Cime to Buy

Bn)-ing gowl* in time <|UAntilicd,

not only givts Utc ixmstimer tho wli'anhigr of a wide nuige
of htyles mid paltcma, IhH it ttao <-Balilra oa lo offer prietw
ilini liavo. in tin-


iiniveii il.'-ma<'lvi-*oor lioal Miles


^ R»«sT*r7^BI«,k.t.............. sac
Regular aj.oo Blanks..... .
Regular $k2S Blanket.......... sec
•0-1 00 oo Uiroosli not potke lior u, ont ji™i siodo oil
.ool l>bolnUi th0«. pt, ™
,00. Irtur Uno. .wool, ,
an-pot root oo..

nir eights


lo rliooae from.

B 6ood



pri«‘ from

$ I .OO to s 12.00

AB «o«, XlUl»*t pricf oliul. loort .1,0, poo
ever had an onioKnmQ' to Imy at Juifotv.


pillow ntft.Vi. ^

Sbce^'Pillow gases
and Bed Spreads
. In thot owyUiinR tor tb® bed in qmmliUo* and nt
pricca that the smaller denleri auinot nnwtwrb.

U Uie chenpeat buy.

Tho diaronnt on tlicse atovoa
■OW is'worth laving.

BtAiHt eranttes, laaraMf,
Capsstiv BnuMla. Ugfvtta
and Rxniinstgr*



■ • > .U money m. any of liK-ae.



$45 TUBE for $».50

$4« Tsise for $34.75
$30 luieesoslv 20.50

Buy non

full liiH- of an atz® Buga, from the small sixe tiiro*
mg t.< the f*st gfBfle AxBiinBt>-r Art Srjiuirrw.

Other Beaters
Including StnnlySiks. H«d and
Soft Coal Boincis, ^mbitiatioa
Woo.1 and. Cf»l Stoves, as well as
Wood Base Humere. In lactvmy
St.vlc atovo >-ou may n-nnt.


.\ll kintla,



Mot I CVxika. for tbit
- wci-k.

Bmb at a Baiaalu

Rl Vaur Pijtg

Stores at Traverse City, Elk Rapids and Thompsonville

mattings, Cinoleums
and Oilcloth

, Ifinngradeaof floor covering, at-Jes than octnal
cdEt Many of Uu-se are large <>noQgb to fit an ordiaory


' -.-S *•

*^itoZ^[h?a^ *< T«fw av u
ywrttiiK * tfm 4«n *«!. Mi*, win
TwilSlt WM hriE ml.W Bettner



!rssr«i b»B™ ~ «w »•'



—--------------»0I^ CENTER.
^■Sr Dolbm aveat a frv «ar« lau
Mla« Hild*«d Dockmr. «oceiM
.aS^rttebUbl^ ON»r al TrDT-ida.^aitb

r:«,'s.5r.« r„ ™,

«d *lte A. A. wnkaa.


po«. a ««'Itee..____

outer term



Food Value
of a Soda Cracker

UarrUa *a» bwjrtt btne^'
The eveBlDs
0tber«« at be
Gonla reuned fiooi Oraod been the nast too veaka Ice inaicuaotir apest and as orStM
teiUHK M cddl- ------ T«T “’“•
She i« bat UttMSietter.
■aDoer eerred. The rURera MR
M*» Joe KebtMfcn
tkiito bU^ ««J »*“« »“»«■ •»'■
Ml*. Doffr a 1Dler ataad lo rrutod bet M. «ho hare been alaltlnt te* ateur.. rrarerae CUr eaDm Satoidar.
Sot. SO.
Hra. Band Laboata. of V
tnmd laat Sundar.
UceM il
Mr. sDdAJrt. Mortmo DoR* 1^-^
Sot. si.1 ID TtDTe
rtbSar for a tUU to Otand Baidd.
BeatOD Harbor aa.I other ooIdu
Mn. AMD Box w*«t to Oiuiwtt
left for IMli^t
-- _
» Cora Panliv. betaa her acboed
Vm. -nhbltu- fanllr M*e *««ed
iilBT to anead
^«or notber last Sunrdu “<1 viu
last fTridar
»r>ea<1 the
thr winter
winter with
Dtt« daj*.
ao Cltr la
Miut Bertha Tyer baa been Titiiln;
to. of tbl*
Jlr. Hart

riamai IKT lirotbcr. Roy Praav.
slUr iMUoed In .Boat Bar. baa uore.|
SI home fo.- tbe past three weeks.
ito too SetamUt''. bonae.
Mnt. ESlen etataa left Tboradar for
’’^tolnb Smlib of Travr?»e CUt. wbo
“*Kr^ M" n P. Tarlor diaro
peat B few daya In town, retnmrd a visit of a few daya at Trarerse Cltr
tba elir toil TburartOT.
_ ^
with ber daorhtt*. Mi». Bar Dunn
Sdn.. Umrr Gbertne and Mrs, MIM.
Kedow. who ha. been
were di4estte» to thr Sud^
olie alek. la better.
Bon 10 Mr. aod Mn. Oeorsc ^
KcbOOl fonveniion a' Ttati-M Cl'r
Hr. Ww, nroan. wbo ha. bm v
lOMdar. K»i- K. abor.
Mn. Chaa. Dauumdt haatyoD W
**Robrti!'ja»ea and Bert Lannin all
.1.A (iBO^ her ntern (rata Detroii. 0be
»4airaarDl*»< w«*.
left last Baivtlar for KalkasfcA where
la iBBreaiajt aoeie now.
II town IhU w
TMUlBf fOen<
'^MIw^BSe^lIrdfc of Tiarerae CUT
DO drorr to a
Cbarile Ad.
Las iewn vfaUilnc rtHatlres al_tela
d^iadte* bow^
M-bJ. 1. *tete ^^Smaar*. Martin Brown and G90. place and OM MlMM-i,J«,3l<e paH:■________
throe weeks.
Sfye dfore to Oood*IUrtior »<oodw.
re«U for wblla^
teMt a
a*«t last week.
MTV John thdaus
CkarMa BtMr of Trarorao CUT i« to
y aUri
altohdMs the 8noin Travfw Cliy
town for a for day..
rith a toad Hat of
^^Tht «-*-«■ €MM at Mr. Dod Ur«. ornalae Kov. 2S arlth
------B. Blarkwood aad fainllr r---------- day sebool eeevchtloa.
lABala e.
of Seah-,
ehailrr ■einbe?'.
Ur. unl Mrs. WlU lAaain
- C
-It Dale,
m at the
Wnrter UTlB«Moa,
■awaata apem-Randay wHb rtHaiiee*
aad Mr. Olaamer rtlpp— —. .
the sapiwr t tee conn!SI ibis plaro.
tee aitBBer nilnota and toi am far a.
A few of the selshhors paibe-cd at;
•be boma of David K*«4B teat SawMta L>ana Dardenbaceo. wbo ba.l day rvehlas and enjoyed a nortel dtel |
..JOB or North Maaltou for the saw- sad taffy pulL
Brfi^t bosbDBd and
^ naamuoar took pUoo at teo
JftbTwdrt uoibw Jo ter
na in town Bainrday.
time Cltr. Dt*. 2. Do not H**«» the
Tlio mumc ly eoDvernkm of ib* .-.,
Nov. M.
PraiBKBla Towateip Sonday 8riX»l
■oTpaaaad tea neUMl
Moore has hU reaWenfe well
Bs«ela>lo«t will be hel,I a< thr MapleMORTHMRT DEPARTHEHT.
under'way. He Intends to ofcupy It
Baialst eburte. Dee. 2. 1905.
|0 o'eMck. Kons servlee.
Staku retoned Batef^
Reriptaro rtwdiav O. J. Bepeoo. .
B Orf*0B to apood the wiMer with
Prayer. Rev. C. \Y. Chase.
Mrs. Reelle I* wy III a< this
SS?V«* DO ^<ac*nt floawur of dark
MuiOr. .
-Rhl>-ins the Standard all Alone the —-■
'“sirs, noorce Da«e is, visittet
B weartn* tec eoB»«iK*^ ^
Trav<esc Oly. tbe pitw of her daa*h- Uae of Sunday Sebool Work,- G. II- “—
bobpM were utaueDdod. Tberbc.
( Cbrtotinaa Gift.
u itehlae l<
fha tofirpanior
«- wfUtem Darrow.
doae lor bor teat SMdtrtn,!ia|.optne at eaee la the Cbas.
luu ihink of a aif more eertalu -Tbe —. ...........................................GecH-ial dlaeassloB.
eoaM da. Ilrw Cteraer M
Charier I
L. R. peek rotnroed from a hantlfB
aecepialile than a year'* nub- Uche.. Doan'. OlBite«i'
t-dn, <n
Idre**, Oouno(

■■ Ctwpanioaf ocjcaitt—any nkin lieblBB. At alt drap Thotaproa taetec in ati.
script Ion
Mr. a
W. H. Hurlbnt reiurord from HolMplr.
Kbr flaally save up and died peacefnll)
-EvanBolistle W«trk In f-e SaocUy |» therr
mcaiu Bay tbU weft.
la ber daukbicr Kailc-a annv
SS^^VwdDMda CO a Thankt- ney. a daubt
Tht* Ladle*- Barefii welety o' the School From a I*afltor * Scandpoiai."
Rd T ■• wd■ made a trip lo TraverBe
The fnaeral
left the
aervlee at tee ehureh.
Tha Funaf*l af Mrv CaUtvan.
an« ^ked tlSmiRh ii. did not wish 10
H. E. chorth nave a tMKeal ^ vf Rm- C W Chi*?.
baose OB
montlas fur
City F>
. mes ^ Joa Anals drove to ‘nat- tbe home of Miv A. Baroa* oo FtWay,
Muble. HaptiM Snaday aeboal.
\ Traverse City, where tbe P
naan- and roelal borj.
"w.^ ^a! AB^Thouas Pray were
' CoBHoek atieailed tbe a*■d ai 'hteh
Hn «a»w3^K«Wt aty aalMd - - • ■ TUUors Frida)-.
so-datioa at Ttpveroe City thU weah.
laawoad uade a trip to
Rmon* from sci-ool^.
e*.Ary to one. ewjoymeai week b>
UoaAy morolnR.
) ,^_e line ot rir» tollowe.
Wltliam Volee h** reroroed borne
Mrs. .tnnGalllvan wasborn InClarrm^ ,0
Trarene Cliy Friday.
-Wbai Mewt Itnprw^ ^‘loS*
hi.TraTarae City ditrla« tee a^The l»y Itke* 11. lor It reflect* in tt»,
Ireland. AOer IosIde both ofi
nwea a«d man- :
r the past fbv week* bulOns p«a-l State Suaitey School Convention*—

-.reSSL SSk VlU a tell eiMt.

®‘lX?'fS!''4aDku« -»«-»■


Yon hive heard Uul some foods fnraish fat,
. other foods make muscle, and still othen. are
tisstK bnildins and heat fmmiiE.
Yoo^knOw that most foods have one or more
of tBcse cletMBls, but do you know ttut no
fc^ contains them all in sneh woperly balanced
BEOteortions as a tood soda cracker ?
^ The United Sutes Government report shows
that soda cracken conUin less water, are richer
fat the mnsck and fat efements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and beat
foTBung properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why UfbMda •iteeult ■hodd
farm la importaBt part of every meal They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodtacss and nourishment being brought
from the oWto you in a package that is proof
agaiBft air/moisture and dust-the pricc^tetng
too small to mcntimi.

,rssjsss;jaii3s ^%srx‘s»“^

atjrBlSu la auT bav *>«-


m SSSUr.B«1 iu» WadaoDdU
•M «D> herirt ID teD OtboHe -

sv.-'«-»airr£3 SRs'SSi


trip Bataev


'TJti:''wTnffrrt Jeoae tookMa
Soaday sebool cooTontloa st Trav

Mr. and Mr*. Wllliaia Tboa^ npent,
few daya of thl» wertc at Trarerw

^'lirv peak rotnipcd from Sutton*
The Isw salt before JasOee /
Bay tetn week.
M«-miaMR bdeiatJBs. Mn. Brower
Proy tost Bainntey was a^r-*
Rev. Herlbut aitcsdod the eoavenk to tee tJrw at TraTcrae Chy ihla woekFriday, tbe 24tb. at S o’dodt
At tbe J. C. B. bn*lBoaa meecteK ter
Cedambns DMaler Bade a crip
fWlawlBSoeiccr* wereidarted: Pre*.
lore, aba beeaaM
Traverne CHy Tbnrtday.
1 _____ Heht. Oladya Dame; vice president
ii IiTnwliri — bar nMOtal tmMtes Allee BoteBler. wbo has be« Fred lUialla; nrerrury. Opal BlRri^.
itopk the for* «d. a aaicMal uaala.
rlsitliK friends in Kalhaska. rctaroed tfMBurer. Martel Wrlalcy, Mlu P^
K^rtuTmWmpt at eolM^rtie..
bone Bainrtter.
tv.«e has bcco 'appolatod as Junior tuiMr.
Hy and appeared ..
HewteBM Jassaa aad Edward Kab)
_______ .ter aar«»l weaka. wb~ Traverse CUy F
Eaiunte) evt«lB„.
spent a few dt>-» of tbl» wi^k la TravCbarics ButioD is buUdiac a nc*

'^’Mbm'Sara Tbomaa attended tie eaoMli Cora Pray aueaded tee icub veoUoB at Traverse City tets-week.
Mra. W. B. Jobnaton mierialned at
• ^.mh. EheleaTwabnabaad era- instlime at Kalkaska last week.
Ororer HaBwmd eoogU a eot
dlaaer Saturday.
t udUtebteroandtwoa^tOTOin
Cdonie Covyeow attended tee eon] • Man. as well na
vearton at Tnveese Ciiy this week.
were eallen hei« teat week.
iJidM'- AW soedter
soeWT act
met at tthe ,
borne of Mrv John on Tbtirsdty aftc
I g So Traverse City far «edl«l

Mn*. tv. C 'Totnnkin-.
n. J. Beam.
Mm. Lerov. tVa-ren.
Mr*. H.E. Golden.
Mrv. (kv>. tlaiel.
Rev. C. W. Cbaae.
Mm John Holme*.
Mn. M. J. Gilmore
Mr*. Crnbh.
Ur. C. H. Jamieson.
Mrs. O. H. JainUwoo.
Orfar Nelson.
Mr*. A. 1
Mr.. .V.
A. ju.
M. «UK>m-e
*. Joba SmUb.
Rev, R. N. HolBplr.
Mr*. Cberi^ Secreiar>\

.... - si£rssx;*ri:»”«'*

sample cofOc* of ili.- laper to any

Berkeley 8

b.I- I f.^m. Mis.
Mis- Ncme
Ncille tteiuvsa.
Wbp has; (he Have bteac Wpaei. and Ib-a thr,
V home -Ul sumincr
...................iw*-: nJurito released Booera vm I
................... - •
*-J. .aklBE tl
reeoEalzaacc. D ' ~
Rosiou. Ma«*.
Hv..d, althousb *
.aliei! fi.s more tea-' a fes- wiwkfc s - .lesK" opiici'.

Cteua-Werm Weddinn.
-Mr Frwot J. Cloe*. »oa^ Mr^ a
well at i
ojjye' ocn,- aiteaded tee cotClout, a
Ur*. Maihlas
V___ M. W.
thli wrlUas.
' veoilon at Traverse City tela week.
X H. Pray 1» iniUtet a atono cellar
Joseph Wona.
nauEteBB Bobertsop left iW* week
at P< .Msrr*
danscroua rtmss or alcoholic; hood* of h<d>- matrimony
r Tnverse City.
Tbe COBErocaltoBal church will bold concofiloiui afe laken inti, che sinm-^ chu-rh at llaanah hr
llih day ef N<» .
•n H.v
................. ...................
titter saattBl laetelnB 1" tee eterreb aeb when
parior* tbe 8r« Monday In December.
' l^aadVra. nc^liural^baTr
iftc o( Hyomel penetnlCr, 10 the 100*1 ' ijen-l-iia M‘«* Re p Cavhch a- l J'DIanor will he nerved
a few days
Roy Bee v
Tbe WUUamaon farm has Ix-en pur rcmoie n-IlH of th,. eoK.. ard throai. r sudaboeb were ehaacti as i.ii.u-.teat wcaf
ANc* the c-reehaaeil by a eouala of H-*. Rober. apd thus LillR the eaia-thai Kcrtas- maid and bt-i- roan
Mr*. 1
boals'tlie Irritated mucous tnemlmne., none a hroakfasi w*-( senerl at ihe
horec of the bride'*
bride* parems,
parrais. the sjc'w
Mr. Mooew and lanilr have moved and Elves complete aad permaaen:' home
” toO»Maeey’uttoppl^iDBrl
W. Browei
heinK tbe narr-nts. tister and l.rotbr-out of tee Leteie coUace. wblcb will be
pe-n anlH Mrs. Chanb is stroa*et
Jark SbnOer
IbnOer tea* State t
Hyomel I* the simplest, most pleat •lof th.- erdom and .urv-nis of. the
occupied by Peter Audetson aad fam­
bnntlnc trip. iB'
will mate
ily. wbo receatly puivbaani the home. ant and the only Euarwniervl cure for'bri-kemauj atm nest man. ai.s 3 sister
E.A«>pat Troaary.
Nov, 21, oalarrb that ba* be»-a ilti*wreTed.; gim bn'ibiTs and Jov-ph I-us.
. A. a Richmood of Ciaad Raproinplelc oulfit. II.M: eiira l«ltlc. W | MnUi was Mr. U Easel. AR't nnwwtee -------------Buest of—
8- Caris Is 1,.—
AorJal Mt Pert Oneida
' reals.
fast lb. bride and ernom took a t hnrt
her*, and oteer ^tlvev
-Hiere^I be a foot racial siven at
V«r .ale by R R. Wai' A Son*
,„n i„ SuLlo-s Bi. lUneham.
lUael Ktridor nf Tuatla 11 1
wllh her slMcr. Ur*. F. C. Tal



Coosilt an Eye Spe­
cialist for


Eye Troubles

5 fS__


one aad J. O. CrOinor retonied
li^ceaalajt-ritn their hanttek
.Thrrbroa^t iwo alee deer with
^ Anna Punon la

criileally ill

' 4

* sffe Dtej^ wit down from Tiwt

ii^Eroi. includlas some of
Obitua-y of Mrv Cm Browar.
,heir home a. ll^nah
rs. G. w. tnr of Grwad Rapids;
Mr*. _

UltPhcir* rocltatloo*.
Itatloo*. will Id-n-nIren-n-'
Ur* tterl
tkirl Bwrt..-r. whose maiden . 1.. Tbev Late mans f ..tme
Bpeat a Sew day* here too week -wUh
Che social
iname vras Mis* Eunice Sowlaa. wa*, them m-teb Joy and hapflnei..
4 bcforo
ber hatband, wbo la trtlef
a) horn Oct, Sril. IkRS. and spent her Biri- future life.
Ui*”B’r«cy EUKMt l» vIbIUbs rote- Bood lime Tbe ladle* will he requircl | hood dar> in the vlclnliy o[ Jackson.
hrluE rriroshment* to m'l Ibpk MMh
She wa* married Ih IxS.t 10
tlv4s at Otwad-Ratfldt.
Mrs. Carrie Shepard rtalied frirod.
!. 00 Beeres of TrtOtrt* . _
were horn fire rhildrvn.. Mr*
Mr*. Laura
.It can be
ta Trwvorac City a-few rtey* tea sre
BriSBs of New Lnadon. Wl*.. Harry
Criy CH aent Sir.
Fred Wlkei te K««Eatey ara*
Emraoc*. Misses Bessie aad Winifred,
town on bualnesa last wefdk
To cure aa tchiai; lACl.
-Emmon* te this place, aad Gcontla.
D. C-Hutebins was ap frotBAtedll
The imtn* of rbcumati>m.
' wbo dit'.I In intanry'
laitocant indulwenca Often Briitgsi
The .iredoai feelins*.
ru..- *■* marircij a second ilroc lo
*“m^p!t.' P«0W»-6d Mrv lUehon
You muri roach the h«h—
at 0:e Raiibis la
vialiod Louis lUchon at Traverse Cliy
. Uartcld It. April. 1SS9.
(-a*cs t;* t
■*‘de,!, A son.

■tee a few day* te*t week la tee pei
Mi « Jtev. M, F. Baphuro of DowmE“ura. Vanteabur* to 111 al H^-bome
of her dauEbter. Mr*. Chet Thayer,
Hr. Narettttel. who baa been apeadMe a f«?B- days here, returned to bl*
home la Craad Rapid* Mimday.
Tbe riee-ic llehts vrill be triad toB||(bl tw lowa. It It boned teat th*
0^ will be a »-eor**. a* tbev are
WmOteteE teat win be a Rrcot baaeEt
U> the inwn.
■aben-DafI D jrortetofoa tea KtnE«SUaaell leRriiu liooB to vla-

-1!l‘"T?i^lnG^;ad Rapid. 0
bpf------- tee tetter pari-^t last week.
~ Ttes potato bayera hake bean enmm » pet «r. I- wh^ to Bbla a
■gtet panlao of tbelr ate&
gnUte and Erawi U>«e of Bammit
CUV kaso been vtoliteE tfate' uuclc.
^teTucle. MOV Bit RapMv
d te eteabiWi a pteknemlKE Of Haa___ ________
i»t week to laveaUEBic
and tbair ettee tnanaser will be hero
la hbout two weeks to looktbe tronod
It wni 4mM^«


The coaaMucAecA of vtolatlOE phy»cal tew arc ofin, as imid«A»»a' a* the IMS
■. V ;
, ncowFor
«l rule. The laBoccnt
from n
er has been la ponr hcali
I ladulE«ac« 01
sM lOi-al %Yi«nl r
I_____ .1...
MrBerlas.1 aaturally
Leroy Haxara of Klamc):
1: and , or six year*
‘-iBOd 10 bains .<|ry ilropo
buBlnett caller to town teat —
— '•
and t
troawav'. I
are 00
Frank Caatnv and J. H.
o' a
c ln.Mi-1 hlo tahiae_
ibwlck 11*1
atrcniH at ki^-,.................................
Mr. aad U...........
pUced at ■ private troubled with rteumatlsm
dtwirucilon sbe was p
of Mr. aad
Ci'- and hCri to painful at time* that 1 could haid'y
mental state.coaUnue at my work. Procurlas Doan *
«yttid«l better diir'ns seve-al weekvl Kidney Pills at V droE nto'.. used
fo- -o-.-s'iIll ‘t wa* deemed *afe to grant hcr'lbcro wi'h iposl sailstacior.- retail*.
Moao/^riBin osSate ahd'^l^ dewirc to reoirn ib MaMl- lJ for fariher'Tbt.urti I don i s*j poslilveij that the
MTV K. i{. Scott Is asaln c
whifh nromout the ac-• tecuocrwilon before VHnlns her bus-;rcmed) cured me perroaneafty. '' 1* a



*^’?Caa* of KlBEtlcy wa* la town.
’(s tbe whole dlEcstlvc ttwri^aml^
DODE those from here who aiieed- ^e It postlblc to eat whai -.......... .
.... ...
. . Bnltal
Tviumot ber mtalaI and 1
and when
:e wpeats for tbe L'alK
,, ...............beadacbes. 1ndi-' life by
shnorlne. Bbr lingered t
If you suffer vri
_______ Whllrtd Hodcea am!
I weeks, tcuilcrlv carwl for bv
* Learn. Ftatei. Doherty and Ctailon. flaioicnej.
-member ibe name—Doan’s—An-,
illy and friends. bavlUE *noc it
Sumbv alto Rev. and Mrv Burdpe. All
britte' 7^ ittc of I mouteBii
report an excrilrai meteteE and a tae b!U^ 2d
uIai». ml aoeo
Just on* tablet oat' Inp of N
lime. Is out- "ai'ocal ailment,
before each meal, and
The fu-eral serolcc.v w^'ch
The flrtt entertalament in tee Hlch
k Blood Bltior* is te- national
• -1 and I
Sebool Lectnfc course wwa glvee Sai.................... ....... ................ .. ....................
-- -'ll. It steengtheas the *tomunlay evealDg by Mr. Carltela of Blc
SkR RfWait A Son* to show you Here cxiremclv impn-ssive. A prof.- arh memhanes. promou* flow of dlRaidds. . The hall vat SNed aad all thi^rot^ Mdro rtIrtXJ *en:5oaoftbe»OHbeautKuIflower*.ertr,ce«lvj. Julro^. purities th.- bkr-l.
I voted Mr. CarUale an azMlMi «Revonlito I' i atemt lartmealals of the resard «nd builii* >v«i np
talaer. Uuakal nambetw were civee i«.o^
lavmpathy o' friend* *"d aelEbborv.
------------------------------by F. C. Tabberer. Mias
Winifred cares The risk I* all lbci-t.
'AH tbe tamlt- were present wiib the
"I hjee be<-Q soroewbsi rostive. but
Ihidi^ and Mr. nsd Hr*. G. B. DoA aaaeifle fo* pajn—-Or. Thomas- esceprion of Mr*. Briges- who was ar.- Doan'. RriWlet* gave Jaw the rcsnll*
Befcterie OU. mroiateai. eheaneai llii«- able 10 make cm-nectioas le reach doslrod. They act nlldly. and regabetc lit time
te«e the bowels p^ertly.-—GconroJI
meat ever deriaod. A bog^*'-----iKianae. flW Wala^.Ave_ a
. 1
Mayflrid. Nov . Si.
-air to Aaaattoa far » yiirv.



fceilon. for It* cblldl^'* pace and T..r
,hem. Dan. Mon. Katie. Mary a prironet arrefted as a vac. Th»m H
Its medical anlcU'.
/aailJohe. The.- ibi-n moved back to',he oOcmi tried to arrr*t rate tetter ,
On iTc-mt Of
tee yearly suiv, Ocuoii, where ihty
*or two ^ ^
,h,. *Te:T
ceniuuin pHe,-. the poblUbrm fceittl to
then they moved from netrolf to
— .■-_____ ^-. .
•.el,x-lber -all ibo remaimnE | TrawTTO Mtr. Mkh.. where t-rey lived tetTlB U-bijW tee ban.- Tlie. 041^..
Issues of The Companion for 1903 and ,. for ooe y<ar.
yiwr. after w
hich thr-)'
thej- wows! baled Somers lam-Justice CoWnBBUJ ,
the -Mlnuieme--- raV-nila- 'e- 19*1., on to a farm in SAJon imnshl■
lA-- cotin and Somres irW to l*ave dar ^
HthncraidK>d In twr-lve colors and EoW ,„g„ ^nn;y. sb'ie tlw-y have Iln-1
Full illu»tfated annoimcemriti oMhe ibiriyAhm- years. One ioE the Judicial prom-edlnE*. A haan- ,
new- volume for I9T><; w'll be scat with ; daoebter wa< Itorn lo them 00 lac tii-jl row followed. laMea. chair* anl i

WeeuRraotee to core
Headache*. StraisbieiL..
Cross Ev-es and Restore
ftsrfect Visioo by the
use of our special
- ground lenses.

KXAiMiNAXidM wmmm

DlCP.LWIIlfE,ftl|i. DR.B.LPtOUn,llttlStllt
Twarpa Onr. KMt.

Suita 41 a-A 1A WUholiR Bioelc

MIV ward s Ne^ Novel arte -L. twain tea Lawyer.- Notable Marat
of a Prom-^rrtg Ygar.

Finer i>ieiiire« thin ever. .•’O'e •hori
I or the Il/e of l.iiteult, gri- I
lb.- lh.«; Century. Evci) year ft.: artwork la the maEBZlDe,
qiilsite TheCteHury ht, tu-n aotably rUeeesteuI ta
slaCKUv- rx-prod.iciloi. of woit bavinc special adantion to eol'xr
prlntlBS and lit- nlaa* fo-- than} ijnioue (<*t.-re» 1" ISf*. Christy*
M-rU-s«.f piciur-of th- .vm-ricaa slri. In full c*»or. will apiu»r dn-tos lb- * -UT
Jack Lon.i..a, Myra K-llv Israel Zancwill. Jacob A.,Rib. ATicfRter and msuv ote-r roaMcrwollbe ...m will have *l»n storic* la the
l»-.d Cantury. .Ann- Watne'. - tose -Sasan Cless' tiorte* worea dDtinci eomribnibat 10 American bnnyor. hts wrliien n aerUI atorr ^
Ih- Tolame Mrs. W*iil-« new aov«L -Fcowick'* Career.' hagin* la the
.Vovemtsv nu^-a notable ... at. To road Mrs. Ward's brllteni teady
«t iW rif"-"'"'uns WestmoreU'i.l jalntrr, as It oafoM*
tBOntb I»y
monlfc. is a pli-a»;>rv alooe w-i: worth the ortce of Th* Cahh^.
Seermd, it 1 intfrest and lmTe>rtan«-. »*oly ro Mr*. WanTs new_
Kill, whirb win
of LioccUD-s life wtn bs
rij.rivn (d <t. legal
the year. This
ctl. iu Us preparteM
srbr-tarl;.. exhauwity. an.l ot la-t-luatluR Iteerttl.
itbor of .reie. tas
a K.A York Jaw;
Kfcdcrick Treror V
.n, Ib.b
been v-fified -hy ih
ile-r* of the llliao>s tt*' apd oTreero .it
T etcml
James Bwiag. and
il.<- minoig Histi
aan who woirtd keep la loodi wbh the b.-*'
For every tr
md'boasbl. to eeeiy faaBly. Tha Cantury
in Atocricaa litcj
'«eouated. better deny .
a D'-cevvIty. n. Can you-afford ivM •>

' ~ ibllltr i DOWT THE miEtl PURCHISE OF THE TEM!




were boneht tor $S,m fhe well known firm of Stem; Sholil & Co.. Jackson Boulevard. Chicago, manulacturera of the
famous GOOD-CLASS brand Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, decided lo go out of business. Their stock being placed at auc­
tion enabled us to purchase $7.00» worth of this high-grade stock of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing at STc on the dollar. This
transaction is one of the greatest importance to every man in the vicinity, for it offers bargains in Men s and Boys’ Suns and
Overcoats that are positively unmaichablc.

WAIT! OH Nil tiikl It H H|iMjBrem lotte6reatKtSi*p n


For these clothes are the
standard of quality and
the bestthat can be made.

Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoatsiw tart ot WATGK4!

At the time this paper goes to press our stock is not quite in leadincss to quote you prices.



lj«i WHltotaX •TtaEKT

HoslHkt Unoi anoiic the hraun I (nc Umber (broniUi (h^ eeunirr far
•• *11 are mi*r ttwniTlwl their reepcctivo Hrm». tmaereieod
(be wartaer «*ihw la bnalriat
| that the Utter btmtrhi a ii»« of a him
tenUns poiaioe* to aurket. ph)wln*.jdt»d aerct from Ollrer Broadway this
taHek tar aad naktac Ihtaim "rurlc" [week, but dhl ao; learo the price paid,
. I Mr. OifflD if able to drive out for a
Hidina Toime. who If etaplwtl m>«b<m dWattoe. tboueb »tlU rerr weak
tbe atore of Foiift A Saaui WiaXord. i n~u (Mark doea mot Uapmve much
■MBl Thuradar and Friday at hU fam > and It iiaahle to attend aehool,
Sw. H" tateadf to move hU family ; Hr.CbappcUUbavlaRatarnereeimwiafortlaltanaarftitiira.
lire. Coi vUKed her pareaif at Doek
- Tba aadUta aaS^ of fam tmpleMU mad ptodoeta-aad live eioek^i Uke dnrine the week.
Hill Street .aebooi )a idialac a
Mr. jenakaer-e on Taaaday waa rory
«Rdl attended eonaldoriiie the bnty
—t— TbeKIlakneri have moved to i
Travarac aty and the ■oold wiabcf of ,
ifeelroM selsbbora 10 wjth4i«a and;
the aaraom deidrc for the improvei
of lira. Kliakaerif btalib. wblet
the ttoae of their l^laa ihe f^rm.
Rellaf that comes from the use of
KelaoB Doeil aad wife have mored
plUv or other cathartics U liettCr
ifetolTbilllp UltehHI't bonne for th*.
lhaasnfferiar frbm the lesBlu of
TongipsitM, bot relief aad edre
may he had «the tame
Mt tad lira. Harry Dowd are teptiw aad more promptly, for .
Joidv over the aafo arrival of a
Maily boy taby.
J*B Oiaon U hanllnc bay to laterUabk for 3. Oatoy.
Ftbafc Gox aad bride are keepUlt
Uaenrafor eonattpatioa. and the
beadaebe. backacta. aideoche and
bN^ oa the farm rrcmlly pnretaaaed
CenaiBl debilky that come from
til Mr. Crala. Prank la poltut to pnt
consUpatioa atop wbea the bowcU
IB l« for bU father thU wlau*.
do tbetf proper work.
■rjA J. OUer aad dattahior, lira.
Sold by as dtakra at
AinbU. drove to Wexford ba Friday.

ha T. MrCiirdy. who wai apecUt
ael to the bha*d of aiiptirrieorf.
aaya that the aetlon of i''e board ii
apendlnc IM.OW) more on the ne''mUawaksoy eoiiri hnutu- than wax Ianfhnriu-cl wae aaalnM lil« advice.
A nenlon llarlur sftoiT put «as»liu'‘
in MTV W. IIoBne a kerosene tan. M;*.
Hoftae a^ ea«T»n« a lamp fllUd alih
the atul when H ntplorted aad *bwav badly binned aboui the b<ad.
WiB. 8. Rliake«peare of Kalimnson
haa hten appolntiui 1>y (to«m8nrter-lB-

aniB anOTArai

aitai-kV rexuli of fata atrenuoiix ct.nlevt la tbc ^y^tehyta tlrvv.Jkst ky.«»
IjYele-Harvaril fi-rvbmen same last 8al-'tai«rw,mvae«alhe mu^atfkirtM-. A,
---------jurday Theodore Roorevell. Jr.
ICICHIOAK ItTATE UapP OFTICtj joWlBed to noderso an opera: ion oo bit


broUier aad family from Oklahoma.







______ __ ________



.fuduui cireolt « Micbl-

’*»• •-

I dvovaiii si» rtviiur^ Wi«

8nll>a ' TuwB

• IfUdi


“ ‘ aaSs^




T6HM8 OF couirr.

. t lo »«to U d

RlIBKilS .w;a.

Laa^s Family


- -------- -

.._Ia. I) iau,(aor mnaiba rron Ust dsu wir*

(Wrt «» Ttu-rf»y, Om- I
A.i) tan. Slid no Konti
Msirli. A. 11. ISK. »t I - . ... ..
I.^>SM.UMd.wk<V Ibipo'clmto.

rteJ'-i iiii-aiii..s rk i..i-«. i


Another snfiall lot of-

Taffeta ffihbons

Pearl Buttons

JuBt the thing for your Christmaswork Nos
8 to 80; at 4t to i 6c a yard. * Excelle nt dual­
ities at the price.

Go bn sale Saturday

J ^ DOZCll


Winter’s Needs Must Be Supplied
Why Not Supply Them Now?
^^^VERY ITEM in thii advertisement is worthy of yoor carefot
consideratioo. Advertising space is too valuable to tell you
of things that are not worthy, either in the lowness of price
or some other recommendation that places them hhcad of other
dtings. We fed that ire cannot lay too much stress on the quality
and price of garmMts in the Cloak Department. Every one of them .
h selected,with the utmost care, both as to price and quality. If a
Cloak, no matter how stylish aad well gotten uo,^ in our estimation
will not stand 3rour test—that is wear—then w$4o not buy it. Some­
times we err in judgmem—^and show, us'-^buyer that does not—
but we stand ready to make good our customers’ loss in every case
These are some of the reasons that make the MILLIKEN
Cloak Department what it is today.—the best in Northern Michigan.
Another important reason is the enormous assoi^mcnt we any.
Don’t you think it a good plan to weigh these things in your mind
before deciding where to buy your cloak ? We have them from $T>
to $48.60. At any price yoa’ll find them right.

Moire Silks


ArAfilylish. In some places they are hanng a splendid saie^
Whh ns tom have gone slower thpn we like. Your, dressmaker will
..^mish they are-and the m^y
tdl you ^
many gcxxl
good things >*ou
\*ou ccan use
them (or. Wf have placed a quick moving price on them:

in. Bladi Moire. 69c raluc, for 49c
22lo.iBiack Moire, 85c vilnc, for 69c
22-ill. Biack Moire, 1.00 raiue, for 85c
27 in. Bbck Moire, I.OO vaine for 85c

Two Broadcloth Specials

54 inch $1.0il value,

27 in. TRICOT I-LANNEL. both plain and fiaked.
per yard«...................................................... ...............
Another lot of BETTER SKIRTS, worth $1.26,-


... 26c

This is the best petticoat on the market.



We want to say just a word about this. It is almost itnposslble
for dealer-i to procure Underwear. Mills are so far behind wUp
order*. Cotton is advancing all the time. So that it bchooy« the
person who has Underwear to buy to do it now. Our stock is com­
plete in cvcr>- way and we can lill your c% cry want in this imeLADIES- BL.ACK COTTON HOSE>40c pair*.
!! paii^ for.....................................................................................



Ki.» Cotton IJIankots. a little better than the average at
the price.................................................................................. *................
114 Blankets in Grey. Tan and White, the best tu be
found in the city for................ y ’ V.'.V................ ................... »
Kol>e Blankets make nice Christmas gifts. . - *
27 in. Outings extra quaiiiies a splendid line of patterns at 5c, Sc and
lOc yard. ,

Bed Spreads
Commonly called seconds, but you or no one else can find any ii^rfe rtions. We arc closing them out at a remarkably, low J .jJq
If wc received full price in the regular way they would be $2.
Motha Mittens, just the thing for riding, driving or street J^,gQ
Wool Mittens for Boys, extra heavy and warm. 16e. 20c gg(b
and................................................. .......................................... ........................••

ORANO TTiivEiwe MER*u>. TMoitBOAV. woveye" O.

Ito*, la^Aa Htbaii'lj
In bonor el N»n
»>}’■ nrw UoE Huhao Vtl. tonMilr
' tiiece CbMTlct of D««ifc»rk. ■»«i U»e
noal MMiort ecennoA ttU rfiemooB
laIto«lms (be (anwl eceetUMe of (be
£abw------ • NenrestaB —---------(o vkm be dadered be.,
wold dedtmie bl> vbdr life lo work- I
te for (be oeffete of Korwer. HI* 1
MU. it U declared. «UI be "All forjj
Konrar-" _
KMt *e»l# Traitafera.
Anrti r. KaftMtBT. elmH eoen e
■ BMtooer. to Ov U CbaampBey.
art. »c. if, towB ». nwu (?.
Ptaak R. Kaaop to Hany C. Codd, I
«H of Be U. eec. J6. (own M. rmo«e 9. I
Albert U- Torrell to MlOBte E. Toe I
fell. ee!d «f •»'i. »*c- ». I®” »-• I
range JO. ■
Raebel Heloti (o Oeo. W. Htdeti. I
M < aeree of *«% of
* te«m SC. range il.
Ws>. lAiBb» aad wile lo .Philip I
Road). paroeU. Week i. Oak Park.
Cta*. LawilB «» Cba*. E. Lannta. I
Saute. ,«f SberuBB 8. Bogera to I
Leuaa Taataamtarr' J|
Uargaret Bmltb to Ora B. Pteroe. lot I
14. trior* f. Ooodrteh** add.
Bym Belkoap to OaibeiUe Bm*.
'• paia*»,Tra'r«aeCftf.
Haaaab ft tftjr Co. to Wm. V- Haelj
aka, lou 11 and 12. blodt l«. H.. L. ft
• Co.-.tBd.
aoMpB eiervae and wtfe to Wb. P.
nar*ba.toU II and 12. block IG. H.. Lft Co.'* 2sd. •
.. Edvard Cawrie. el aL lo Wiu.-r. |
Haiaba. parcitl. H.. L. ft Co. * tod. ,
W«, A. Lae to Hyra* Ctai'pool. nH
af neV of evli. ace. C. teva 27. range
M. Belle DutloU (o MBIT N. MaDer- i
Bold. *eM of oeU. •ae. 14. town If. I
Ida ChsMBl to Oeoera Voang. loi |j
lU. Oak UaWbta.
BUHriUda O. nan* to AddUoa «. I
Only. pami, tugc 12. |l
Raefael UmU to Cba*. UbbIb. a% '
« oK of cti of ewW. oee. ». town a.|
. lanse IV <
OtaTWood Dtah Co. to JBo. CudBey. »w44 of BcU, ec.
o 11. town 2G. |
range .....................................
Wb. B. WllWagtoa to Vu. U. HUrr
- and vUe *lk of BwH of *w44. eee. !S. ||
(oara M. ram* 11.
. Jacob Cantwell and wUo (e Joalab
W. LasA 43 foot oEOBd loti 1 and 1.|
• Wock e, H.. L. ft Co.‘a «A. .
, Oo*. A. Canu aod wU* to' Haoual.
•R-Br«t. lot llj bloek U, Trareri..' j
■ ^too. W. llWerto JOBbleit Bougbej,

Jnfjc by Ibe Curtains
Whc. .

Only 26 Shopping Days.Dntil Christmas

lpivisi.pv?iS.......... 14«

MO* for aolewltig tbeia from our gimo.-i
auortneat. and the *p(.<cU1 prlee* wUI
isusnallr allrarilrc. for we arc
g to *cll-^
lod SOc t^naio* at,-pair..........Xfc
6«e aod 85c Cartain* al. pair......... die
Almost every customer thut'entcr, Steiuber* Bros' bie.busy s.,me that is jmsted in values, passes
Sic aod HiSd ConalBs at. pair... .SSc
eoinmeut on our re.uarkabk! low prices. "I don't see how you can afford to sell your goods so low
J5 aad |I-W Curtala* at. pair... .Me
yo^hear a hundred times Aday. "Why. they ate asking a great deal more (or ihe^^e goods
11.75 and fJ.oo Curtain* at. pair |1to
ItJrii sod ItTS CnrulD* at. pair «1.«
in over town" It is indeed diflicult (or a woman acenstomed to big pnees tOjdbmp^nd onr
|.r<K> ard to.M .Curialr* at. nalr atH
t„nder(nl (ow prices. Here i. the seem.: 'When yon bear in mind the (art that w^avc the smallest
22. T>wDii ft.oti Ctinilna at. pair tftW
expense in Traverse City for »c do.
$4Ju and SIJW Curtain* al. pair aUS
»C.0u au(l »».0« Curialni aU.paJr S4A9
Ruffle SwiM CnrialS*. loss enoogb
and Bood width, wonb COe. aoeour low price, do not seem so amaaing alter all. Isn't this easy to understand ? I-or tomorrow and
rial for Uil* »ale. per oalr.........toe
Bturied Net Curuini. worth II-26. /
nntU Christmas eve we have prepared some extraordinary values that the econnmical shoppers can t
al .................................................... tbs
a«ord to overlook. Here they arc—give them your closest altcmion:
Door fMBd*. worth 35c. at:........... TP*


' Pay <ash for aU our soods and sell them at aU times at the closest possible torrln of proUt,



A Savine of from


to 55c per yard
. -. n
t)« the v. p- fittest, choi«*t. moal ui>-l*>-daU.- ai'jteunl«.\
ic v.-^ fi

Dress Goods


4c and 6c a yard

Spcdal VuludS in Hml Bass
and Puiscs.
LXw'l fail

25c, 35c, 50c. 65c. 98c.
1.25. 1.50. etc. up to 2 50

KBit aawls. Tonnes, Tams,
Fi^lluiftrs, Caps, Elc. tamraU almoet vvciy day koopa
the aaaoatBinDl bnubi nml aUmctivu.
Pretty, i^p-to date atylce at

25c, Sbc. 76c. 1.00. 1.50
. and 1.75.
A Bh» line of Baby Hoods at 25c. 356.

worlii *>-V- and “‘k- u jtml. •it..


Brand new patterns, great variety, plain and fig­
ured. best 12'jc and 15c qualities, at only

at. per

9c and I Oc per yard

Extra Lar^ BLANKETS, (nil IM sire.
SoelhetOMEORTERS. wonh la».


d«:coratc«l Disht
Now we ar^going to give away beautiful dolls again -many of them and as pretty, if not |ireuicr,
than last year,

. to all
.11 .v._
h•«t vDii
fT(>T iiv
the w.knsw
other nrt.--knr9,TM
advamaces tthat
you jjet
by iraaiiuy
trading Here,
here, we win
wil( uiv_________
give i Doll ticket
y or two before
___ y written. The
worth $l,'i;tbcncxt
larcUt number will receive a $1'2 doll, the next a $'J one. the next three each a $b one, the nex
sS^ch a S3K one, the next twelve each a
one. and every person bringing in (ortv >'=keK wi]
iSeiv“» SLM doll, and wiA Iwenly liekels a doll not « large a« above but sljl .1 nice one. BON,
CAN SAVE THESE TICKETS and receive dandy upholstered Sle<is in place of 1 lolls.

Olid Winter Waiataat loM tbnn uiickera' tost-^ Tiie net'll styli-s -tin- kiii*l Wi-

Cotton Battine
Buy Yonr HanJkcrcWcfs How

Big rolls, worth TJKr, special per roll only



... 23c



5,000 Yards of OutiDgaotts.

lew, ap-to-datu atyloa.
■ to SCO than at

Dress Goods '


Over fifty different choice snappy patterns, in both
light and dark colorings, worth 6c and 7c a yard,
placed on sale now at

, Wb. K. ftalrtbtBT fo Hart J. Bartv
-barr. MB to and n> Mock: 2. OooOiMiblrd..L
. Pwnr Nwaab.«t aWtoOee. B. A<-j|
Waau. arli of ae H. ooc. 6. tow
. JiB.aabBui(ftalio«yk»kaaekal.jl
•lb tfaali. aee. to. wpM'A iW »• I

Extra Holiday Specials

SALE OF sToacnms

W'i- cou’l duptii-nle Iho v.ilui* nt Uii-ec
priixs ibf Iwsl we over hud-the lioet
(■'w-f sliowu by aiiyimi-.

500 Doien Mew aod
Dainty Handkerchiefs
S»i-. 2.«
at :ii-. .V;. S-. !0i% J:lib-. 5k'.

Ask to See
Tile Liidio*' Ib-maiitcbrtl Uiiin
rb>i-r» lit :!«•, tlic''Mi‘n'a Humlkercbicri
at 4e.
J. tbAllbili'Irfii'*
tlu^bili'lrfii'* Hand
Haudhercbivfc at

Ic and 2c.
Pillow Tops al 7C
dkert-mi-f* for I’iltow
Haudkurebi^n for Kimoiiaa. lA-aulif'jl
Pi-rsifiii tltwiimw- 8c
Hmidkercliii-f t\tnUre «t lOc, 15c
Kiik ’<-rfltk-h*^al 26c.


75c. 1.00 and 1.;.25

Ert.ryl«3dv who a liiilres pnlty linens should take ndJ?aU«e of .this grunt opporlwiily tojBvn

Uka-Laatber Oo.
. «MUarOraa«etoead K>
■ltdbg WU to PMaU, J


WWI* bamlBf learea Mia. W». Bor- |
iwll of Dc^ wa* fattnr bttfMd. bw I
toothlag bidag eotlndr baraed froin I

•■5SSL‘‘i3iry“ii”mriitm““‘ 98c

Iwpiily to thirty [M r

Wm.1.Unit.hmUaUCmill $3.o0.nt..., *.25 __



UDEV Fti^ WIUPrEhS-Thoiiii. BUIslyli..nil sire..ind "nloni.mirUi $1,25, al- 98c


Fifty RK.MSANTS of BLEACBED UHfcH» in2.21«Hiaydl«igilis,U-«alifidinU«ma.
worth oOe to 'Xte II yard, ut only............................... ;........................................................................


TABLE UNENS-TVoril. Xk- l.. Hk-:i y.-irl, at............. i........... ................ ■•••-••.......................


TABLE LINEKS-T2 iuches wide, sinviul nt..........................................................49C. 59c- 69C Etc
BEAUTIFUL SATIN DAMASK—|k-*i tl2-**-<iunlity. at...................... ................. ...................................

. '*' *^RUBBERS||


.SACa*5T It ROSCOe |j

FISPCEB gmoilas-ciitiire .lykw, goal I'lltor., .Ixvial rnliic at... 1................... 4Sc aii.l 65c

wto .UNDERWEAR Sv&i&JVi'r :Swi:r
; Meo'a Hvujy Fleeced rn.lunvcar nt... •
;Lndk.’H.«>7Ribl«lT«dcrw,;ar. worth
3oc, at.........................................................


l|Bo>Viind Uirii'Heavy Fluvv.1 1,'iiilor.
" w.eritl ................................................... ..

» a cUaa by.itself. It
goes only into tifc
homes ofpcople who
arc able to i^rcciatc
the need of the best
reading «nd the best
art for their children,
it hu been an inflacncc for c<
the .lives ol miitiutf
of boys and prh.
dmee iwpe 'mm4'
■frii fft gWM^ ftoaiePs
Oo fMi Saftw ST.

- BetctUalrTT.
>>6c«e> wilh
Snul te (nil jj»v.i«tu» Md

IteCaAny Co.


TOWELS—I'anr' Turkidi Until Towelh. worth lib- to 1-V. for only............. :...............> ..........
Satin U.iriiask. Ilnek, ami Friiigv>l Towf-b, l.-;tiitte«. wortJi Wc litnl

trtlly. •; ••• •


A Stron£ tine of Wort Garments tor Men mid women, at It.oo Per Gannent.

ST. NidlbLAS


NAPKINS-biirgf si/a-. th- kind thnt'wash irii-e. lino quality. Uisty drsigiis. l"-«l ever shown
at, |* r di.M-n.. -..................................................... 98c. $ 1.40.' 91.85. $2.35 and $3-10

; A goal biueti Cnsli. vtortli IO-'N;' i b' a yiirtl. for only.................. ----.........................................

Dolls with Real Eyelashes
Beautiful Dolls
VDolls with Supple Joints
Sleeping Dolls

Dolls in Winter Wraps
Dolls in Evening Gowns

Over a Thousand of Thpse Dolls will be Given Away at Christmas Time. ..

The Store That Gives You Most and Best for Your Money


CfUHO nuveiiMi

heralo. twuwoav. wovemecw u, w.


«her Denote'! buMnen ami you will find busineas will be all right. There will be do dull rimes, and money will come your-way. Stop grumbling about and belittlmg the other fellow, but try and lee if you cannot
doiommhiogforyoomelf. Let the other feUow run hi! burineai. That ! what he will do'anyhow (if he undemtands hi! buiiness) and he won't even thank you for your aaatetance.



Hotel .
April 24—Farm ..
April 24—R«oWf«

J j.!.m-n»e.m........
r, : jw,t!-nuu«o«,m»im.

. «1AWM



July 17—Farm................................

. iijaoiio
. tiAtW

July 20-faim.......................

'. tlA«0.00


. Mxne.00
October b—RnWenee .

October •—Farm .

JvM 20-MOit M


The tbove is a correct list of properties »old and does not include any of the loans, of which •« have made a teosiderable number, A portion of the above property is property that we have sold differeat
times, and always at a better Sfure. One firm in particular has been sold three times during the past five years,-and the last time sold for double the price we sold it for three jrean ago. 1 he same applie? to
several different pieces of city property; the increase in value being occasioned by natural substantial causes which arc verified by the fact that the same -property cannot be ffUrchased at present for any less
least one hundred per cent profit within two years at the fartbercst. If this is true, what better do you want, and what better could youfind? We can show you that thi^ is right, and will be verified. Below
we give you partial list offroperties we have for sale in Travxrec City Md the Grand Traverse Region:

hKWiton. still they rent for eitoiigh lo bliow good Iniwsl on i^ liivi.>i.
alu<- of lhl» I>r
olber fritaw% ebu» to nakc aoineUiliig.
.r thrvt'
ould not be Eurprisnl lo see tbU luopeny sell for
threv hunj
tor. per tool fpmt within ooc year. Von *ay. render, that to a wg
prupositfon. Perhaps It to. but we hare seen a mlshiy alghl wrangrr
tbitigs hkpiwn on Front street property in the part five yeaiw. One
thing is CTsrialn. this U about ihe mort desirable piwrty tn -Travertu
City, and anch being the eoudmon price will cut very ibsU figarc.
1» a queslkai of cait you gel ii at nii> iiricor
«-<• answer, you can ga*
it at a fair price and at a prici- that will ni-i a good proOi In the near

Lake arenne. city. Coa

Call for price.


fuinre. Call for price.
, lai:—Six room bouse. Lake avenue.

S '=€



**"jUdlaoil airvets, eUy.
twenty m MaiTIt/"*

mile* of

Will make jwu cash price on this prop-

Lot flfty

foot on Bandolph. oot bnndix-d an-l

This will be sold at a bargain on eaay icrms.

T)H abwa M a partial IIM »r prapar-

bought for oevenly-fivc per. cent ftes

f^ero depot, all wfthin a dlatriet of

Passing north en Gar-

net wsrrant it: snd it to * mighty

reaenting a value of about a quarter W

firid to State you go by new residences

peer day that each dealer does r«et load

a million dellare.

on each aide where five year* ago the

a car.

II to nothing snuoual for these

lyao peooAle with each person w you

boys went cut te the wood* to hurt

buyers at this lime of year, or for the

find tliam, alwsys with tho one thouglA


next three months, to pay out twenty

dlauncc cait qnd woaL where ieos
than ftya years ago you wadod at this
tkno.of the year in mud. Walking
aeirth on Union atreot-maksa no dif-.

pats by residence after rssidsnes erect­

but pmne wHh lis on

a abort trip

ftrenee wnether on walk or atreet—

Wa wHI begin at the

you have your choice of cement walk
or brick'payomont. either of which m
good footihg lo comparison to tha

proparty now eoverod with nvedorn

jrefan planka and mud of five yeare

brick.' Btene and marMs


caattoa about two hpndrad thauaind

age. And you paas by‘aeveral new
modem brick and
atone atructurcs
oaeting to the tunc of about one hurtdrad theuaand dollara. Coming te tho .


bridgo you pM over a. eafe. new
structure In pUet of tht eM rack that


you wilj aee tM new E^le Preoa build­
ing, a fine twootory strueturo.

A few

ro* 'tartber weal another twoaton’

Crossing the G. R. A I. railroad you
come to tM nevriy paved part of Stole


acre** > Franklin,

ing with the Traverse City Manufac­
Mnd dollar tnvedmcnL

North of that

thousand deflare in a tingle day. all »<
which to promptly deposited in Tr*/aree City, either banks or mercantile
New. Reader, s few word* about our
advert'Oing. We are hot bidding fgr
trade by mnrcpresenutien, oerther by
flattery; but are placing it before you
a* it look* IS US. honestly atotmg lo

the property «vc have offered for aale.

you whd wt actually believe, trusting

the South bme Lumber Co. a quarter

New. Reader. th<* la-but a email por­

and believing that the future can safe­

tion of the progreas that Traverse City

ly be judged by the past; hoping to re­

ever IL


^ million dollar propodtien; next east
the Fidghum plarrt. rtpressntmg a
large capHal: then the WcIlPHigman

ha* nude during the past five years.
The dcscriptionawe have given can be

main in the cHy and trotting we may
enjoy the same reputation (or fair and


verified by traveling ever the route dc-

At aowth end of bridge yoj


over e long dleUnce of finely paved
atreet with'modem foaideneeao*F^


eide. ceding frem three theueand'tq.^
Blrty-ffveUwuoand deUarepach, where


farther a pesifleuring mill. Jutt north»

five yeare age you had grovoi in the

of that the capning factory. Just north

dresrL broken

ofthal tbs gda plant. A few feat from

meetly vacant lota on «ach eWc. Turning BOdh on Maple etred you paae


7Ui, bth. tth.


dank oWswalka and






than the


Wood Dish:

cant five yeare ago. new covered with

cory. Oowm'^o the bey chore the rahrnnd U Northport. Then back to the

mUe oed te Union atreot. paoeing by
toe recldencee every fifty fed of the

State bank building, paoeing by large

way. ontA you a^in come to Uniest.
. when teeking aeutb a tew fed tha new


advertioed for




E. ffth drect Croeaing the C. R. A Itrack we pam by what five yeare age

fact there are a number of large irk
vedrrtento. among xvhich arc the two

waa vaealit property ocoupted by olao
pilce. rww covered with firm cottage*.
Ctwaaing Aariow atreet wc paae rtwd-

. ways striving te do by other* as w*

rospicL and ahvaya conducting youraeff in cuch a way ^at yeur'fncnd*
will bo aattoftod that otetotonee runtfered you


net thrown away. White

tharemaypoaoibicbea fewkickarsand
mud slinger* that may cUifu that the
above to not exactly a covroct Mato;TSitA ef our methods of deb^ buslneas, wc take prtoe ui the fact that
any dealing u

« will vsrify

You do Ihe same, reader, and yoj

always proper,

qnd chvsy*


Petertyls. Vieter and Tony, carriage

would they should do by u* Gf course
wc meet an classes ef people, ecra-

ber we know nothing but buslnesa. w'e

manufacturer* and Iron workers. Trar-

sionsliy etriking some enc thot surtt

ftover hear anything you say abaot ca.

erse City Iron Works: the rww brew­

in with the supposition that «• are
•toosy," and a great number ef timet

and ne matur how bod an anamy you
open to you in a busineea eiwy, the

may think you are to u*. our pflkc <s

where five yeare age gram and oak
tract ware all there were te be aeen.


in fact « we Were lo put m -II


addRiens Traverse City ha*

they are righL bemetime* they •Vim*
ua. occastonslly, te simeet a finish:

Turning aouth en Roao atred te Lin­

had in the way ef advancement and

then, again, aometuse*. eccaslonsMy.

on property to the aamc to you a* te

coln Btrosl. then cad en (Ancsln we

they dent

ethars: eur commtooton on any aaic

paaa thros«h a Week oMets thd was

•mprevement during the
pad five
years, this paper Would have no space

purchaasd aboat' five yoore age for

for anything doc this toeu'e.

In re­

When they denT they

eightren deltore par lot Or*e hundred

gard to the country surroui^ing Trav­


a ptont rmantiy censtrocted and caee-

aid twolva of them; alt. or about all

erse City, ge down te the markd d

wc dadge before R atrikee ua.. bems:

ing about twonty4hro thouowid dok
tore. Going north cn Union you paoe

have boon sold d an average price ef

any Gmc ef day. frem g a. cru to 6 p. m.
and you will find from six to twenty
produce dealere ready to buy anything
in the produce line, with tbe money to any ether person. Our price

holler; that'a Ml the
tsrecfi that Clara of pcogto and eur-

ward actoel en Union riooo boferc yoo,

and North-

to the ortent ef net toeing your ac:f-

will always find thispfficd correct amt'

donor*' Invcotmwts.

•oaldae that in tbie

dock, and tho Menlctee

«i mind of preserving your leW^rKy


age. ttw Ott Umber Co.'a milU Cald­
well A Loimon’e wagon workn. Northore Michigan TreneportaUon Co.*e

the trad* a* it centea, dealbig ba near-

in the future as in the past—a reputa-

aqxtore dealing among our cutterrtore

camo diatrtot to Hergna>a coM etor-

IWC or six yoore.

chetoc ef cuetemero: you mutt take

tiofl that-has been earned by yeare of
hard labor and honest endeavor. aL

ery. the Treversc City Bottling Works,

Of caursa. if «*• bed

eur choice sre would avoid that claot
of poopfe, but In boa Hue Owra to no

It >a net overdrawn, neither


We arc rtow en

'fellow a 'VaL*

is the reprsaentotien ef the property

then beitner'a. all large eeneems and
repredciding hundreds of thousand

atfoeta, all of which were mootly va­

o few fool M I
torge brick ^build

gredoct warabouaao. all in tao tom

man laka factory didricL .Commenc­



turn wept on birth etreet. pataing

that o'notl^f milling plant. Acroaa Bay
atreet tho^etoreh factor*, a quarter
■alot that

corner of Lake avenue and 10th street


at any price in any kind ef a trade.

five yeere age v(nbbled Uke .e duA
walking every tims a pereon paMed

•roe. A AmletWa new candy toetery.
A little

where five yeare age loU were o drug

turing Cc, represerMing a stoty IhOte-

brick bolMlog fonnsriy occupied by
btraub breo. * Amlotta'a candy fac­
tory. A Utile farther west btraub
a thtoemtory brmk building.

pats nest reaidcneei en

per cent of their present value, provid­

you drike the sooth end of the Beard-

acres of Travoree City ttwt about five

Turning weet on State you

have been purehaacd at leas than fifty

ed they were dill vacant property.' At

doltora. Faaa wool on Front atreet a
few rods and looking over about forty .
'yoors offo wma vacant.-preporty, and

Cronlng Caaa we

ed on ioto ttol three yeare ago could


. better paae K atong and hit thq.otfier

erce City hat.

mattd tht actual uonditlena Ufroundbw OMOopropartica. Fcrh^ wo have,

Two of


would norbe there if the buBWeet did

wHI no doubt any that wo have evor-

apo vacant

at their command to pay for IL

are net there for their health, and they

drasra tho actual facta and .ovoreotb

oald contore «»• yeare


Is about os pretty an additien at Trax-

Catholie church and aehoet plant, rafr

tody pavad atract. aatending a long

occupied by fine eetUget and

dcneca; drecta are*graveled and this

MtiMA aurToandinBa, datlrnbimy. etc-.
of WFW of pm abovm prapertlra you

pli« out on Front atreet you tod a

nornar of Fiwt and Union.

■ ninrh'dtvl lo dlsooso of Ibis property. To any pereon or uumber of per
sons assoctoted logetbcr in w eoByany that «a demonatnua Utey are
(Wimble of managliig and aucerssfully running a bnatnraa of thU kind
Ibis property will be aoW on vtry raay lermi. The
fflYcn will bt
rash reiCT. Bet time will cut bul very llt'le Btore. as the owner uol/
dcslres the regular ‘rote of iaieroat (m his aopcr and n uarety that
Itrinclpnl win be paid la a nmaoaable time.

ing ead en 10th drect you paas by the

about one hundrod reds aquarc. Step-

around the city.

•lotT frame atrectnre. iwcoiy feet byTorty-nlae. naed aa a haiaaaa aboo
and adjoining thla tn (be renr nre drive abedi ctrar to alley. With tbe
rral estate and Inctndcd wllb tbe property to nfl the pnMipfcemilla of
«bc tonerai sale and livery taro In eestrel MtcUffnm. qroatodng of about
one hundred brad of horses. sraenty-Ave Imgglew. single and donble. aev.
s-ral backs and omnibuses, ifreya. euUeri. alctgbu. haroemet, rotea.
btonkcu. uiivin.
balim. etc. All goes in wiib the tenl oaUte nnd alt goew at
eal ertate akMHb In otbur vorda. wre eat the
the value u
a tmslocaa that baa made tbe owaer ouo
price In (WO and deliver lo yi
ly for
le srraltbiest i en in this part of tbe state. %Vby is ibia propert;
Of Ibi
devoted a not imbcr
saleT This Is the renaon; Tbe
present owner has
of Tears of hiv hferto building up and ninlnUinlng lb
g ao
lo^ asMxtotef
quires constant atlenllon and be. nalumlly. being
with the business, (htoks
(hlaks no
ao cme
(me can handle It ao wefl aa htmaclf: baoeo.
gites it more or iraa of bis pcraonal aitentiun. which Is required la
other business enicrpriaew in which be is engaged, coascqacntly bav

rthan their prttertt telling value. Turn­

In d^ribina lo-

ttoa wa hare for aalt.

handred dollars per
oniHUU acres. FOr grain and wmall frpit.
Bret ctoaa; In fact, w^ie offering this M at about caohalf lu aeual'
eaah value aa an loTestancnt la snod for at leaat flfty per, cent praAt.
within one ytwr. Call for price.
1402—Same aa l«vi. only a UUIe farther out. Jaat aa deairaUc la every
and atl considerable leas price.
Vhiriy-lwo fo!! front on State stnvt. depth otie buntIUl-Oae bundri-d
d and sixly.flv t feel, with lollowiiig improvements. One iw«v1or>
fraao atrucii
truciure. anaot oou hundred fpet front on ffute atre^depth
clear to alle: OeMtraeual

ewtrel piA of the leading city in Ceniral Michigan, eonsequeutly mlgbi
Tt^lly tw termed >be central bnslness kratiuo of the Gnat Gra'sl
Traverac region! The value to bard lo eslima’e when the poilolDce go-. ■


ISm-BMH^Bghth street, eloe; to corner', of FnnkUa and Blgbib atrecu.

Call for

I.nys Inst over city line I

UUS (O nsviuiv SkT! ...
! center Of eUv than Brae atreet. where Me aeU lor three

' l»g—Six-room bouse, newly fluisliW. large lot. flne bOBt Itost Bide. U<w .
price, easy terms. Call tor price.
(—Hodcra home.- comer of Maple ■tid'NIulb siri!.Hs.
jwing Inipruvetbeuis:
Fine lawn, alx-cw
• hnndrvd and JUty with following
iSvbule house, divided Into laundry, c
storage f
Furaace heat, piiweeltor mod (oroacc room,
leading lo Wtekco and h
ooD. Hot
bouse: wired for^iccir
- srmlks. .slODC founitolion. large barn, as well built an ai<'rage li
eomplete home' In desirebic loration. this Is Ju.l wiuH you »
For a c«
ip-Ktedaie. Call 'for price.
............................ —'■'-II and up-'■
Newly IL
t front on Btaie street. Kas' line is wot line of new Cweru
■bent bnfiding lot. Centrally lo.ated and nearest possible loratiun u,

o< nnarea and forty-tbreeaere farm, clfblcen Bile* south of cil.r.
m kSSrt
mdcr cnhlrallon. about rorenty nera. eeeded. Two
______ 1. —ni ..nten Ilxmi ■nd ones. Two EOod I


Qt—Lot one. five acres. Union Mrae<. prolonged.

a truck and garden farm, also jioullry. look Uils inrrnud rail for prio .> ISStC—SO-acrc farm, eighty rods west of klor, at Monroe Cenler. oue of U,e gat
den si»tH of Grand Traverse couui<.- About sixty acres under culthc
Hon. Twenty acres timbi-r, Water«-d Uj rr,v-k and spring. All g<«.l s*ui.
nose to ibaiD road. Is soud gipvel bed. nlnjul five aiTk-s from whie'i
township purehasus gravel for bIgbWA'- Good orehard. Ijirge leu-rtwmi
bouM'. Two bams, drive sheds and other oulbnJIdlngs. All s.->-de-l
newly but sixteen acres. Tlito is a most dcwiraldc fang and acloalb
worth nbeut double the price asked. Call fur price.
ia>i—4irt«t mill, building two aud ooe-balf s’urtce. storage for three tbuiuuinu
bushels of grain. Good dwelling. Full roller process. Close to Trmtetwe CUy. To a praciiral miller witli capital thb Is a flral-eiaa. .inr«BtmcDi.< Call for price.
1»*—Three-room cottage, large hvt. newly milli cement block founttolion. Bart
Side. Fine Utile bone. Etosy terms. Call for price.

Good aUdoom
iai-« fbal «■ Webwar atreet. with Wl
bonae. fooi Ut*. ceweot wmllu.. Tbis to deritmble property. OUI for


... jrerji;

the past four yrarw.
a offered for sale a
'baadlVtbrproiwrty won
. me about purcbaalng It oorwrtrea at tbe price U to offered.

Call tor price.

ISri—Ten acres west of CarK-r's inlll. Good hooK. small iuini. All piy l
track and gasden soil, wlibto ohc-half mile of dly ilmlui. If you want

i1S5i'J^'^cidSie. Woai Ninth iraoi. elly. nny Uei front, flue

wIiTSii It be ^

Clerc in. small barn.

S»S—Ses-enly-llrc feet front on Washlngioo street, juft easijif IIom-. Lan:'-'
- ^
ehjhl-room house. ntodcrD. all furnished with tine fornltnre. all <*rpcu-l
with Brnaseh and Ingrain carpets. Large barn. This is mosTwcidialile
for paj^s that want bome compli-K'. Wfll U.' eolil at right prid^ Call ,

Good bcfldiiigi. both hou*c and barn. Good orchard. Jnsl ih*.
*«t» few dollar, property for one in cur-


Traverse City will pass In (runt of'this property at least
In addition (be railroad dellierte* will all start Iron this pomi.
faTBcrs that get their mail at tbe oCee will alt paaa by this property.
The whole iraAc of (be torgeal psMUrace In CentnU Michl^ will pass
by Ibis property at least three hundred days rach year. We do not
doubt but what. If count was kepi of each person that pataew by Ibis
. properrty durlag each day of tbe year, and every tinse they paaa by count'
ed as a different Individual, the wnm total would reach at least twenty'
ffve thousand perwuns each day. as numU-re will paas aioag Stale street
In Ibis oclgbborhood flve. six and even ten (tmes a day. ao (be ntJmaic
of twrniy-flie thousand paxaera-hy raeb day is not torgr. So that, taking
all these thingw into cuuideratlun It Is bard to IHI wbat tbe value <
nal esale of ibis kind to worth. One Iblng Ik

porillvely the very hran of Traverre City. Depth of lot Uio alW-y; oi-;,
htilidred aud hUiy-B»o fwl. Buildings are nut what Is debiivd fur lbl»

wHb ^'mte nrani and
Hr. Jkicb. Bplxy
hundred and twenty acre farm. Leelanau
awci f!"iitT colcivatkM.
honae. also larpc barn: good
oltiYi ■
- -----------------tSS ncraa
_____ vlrpln
IrplB foreat. Bidldlnta and tUnber worth piiec aakod to.-

v a* the CkMerauMSi

-to Us uew uoarten, wbicti M

KilOvu ruuBK. pood rundilluu. dcblrwUe iucaituD Calt for prii-!-.
1»2—« fe«l oa Stale Htrcet. one hundred and thlris-iwo feel out «f Casurucl. about two bundred and ftfly f<-e? of new Conruoiem bulldlnc.
new Ocn-erttmeiit buUdloe. Thl*
awaUI Iran: two bWcka
lamed «IU edp> mwrty. Jnat Uic location fi
on r>|»t|r
•e In n«ld«iee property. Hard to beau
flat and for
,3der culllva
lUly boaring fruit tree/,
tioe. All Bood BOU. 8rac Bnc cclenr u
u all ncceasaiT ootbullde Into cKy to c _
Owner vtabn i'
. Call
. the
rUlage of fUnctlcym’city llBlIs of
»M—Sa4*r« farm, one-half
Forty acres
y aem
terea under'CUltlTatlon.
Grand Trarene
_____ tlpiljer. Odfad proi^r at low flsure. Call for price.
12SS—Fine iMeni ^denw.
But Ninth Btreei. elly. Fitly foot lot by one
rect deep from lawn. Cloae tn. DealraUo property. .

They holtor when they're Mt;

wrong way we get struck, but Hbrdly
bver heller. Whaf* the uoe. they only
iaogh at you: Juai maka a mark ef yOu.

t for tho MRbif.
alwoys hoogry for trade, atways raady
to matt you en any logKimsto proparltion and afwaya ready to maka


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