Grand Traverse Herald, December 28, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 28, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


tatara bafara bln.
betag alerad Wardea Palter ratet
M tall by
; rate iV (be priwci|de> of teB|
ebarmtag Trarerae t . ____ __ ,. that ha had aarrvd Umr (bric unde^
I Me wa aiw* toteretaed to U
vbo. daring tM geart the hw Ilrad BMiher aaaie. tM a:rza'- Irla^Mr. Btoodgaod va
aanitg. a
of (be
here, bad made a great aambar of etaber Tgaan ur TggtaL aad Mr. Paller Ilcaa and bcld many t
(hen b
...................... ........... ta that ate alaied that be vaoM look ap tbe rac
towabip ad iaa toe
the rouB
M« « k«r htmt IB HlBdMlppL Th«
aball meet with aoC
ord aad place the taformatk.a ta tb.1 atlrfactloo'iba:
TM goong people were tbe racipl' taaadt
Hr. iMaaoB at a U'er date
falloAt It Ukea froa tbe UM
In Ibc
eata of maag beautlfal preaesta ef cot
Rhlle aiIt tbe erenlag meal Mr. Jobneapadiy. He wa Jus-m of (be
«OM BelMBl. MM. New^Bota
fOB aaw yoaag
roaag WilUa Qrltas. abu bar
m.bip tnuu
mn. J*Mt McLbm ttalre. «Ue of
grewa to man'
-rnro bla la
d »u|>rrlsa
CMpL n. A. HBln. dM SobEbj. DeI ik\t cit>
carccration. T._.
Jvor twelve years. Il<- va a
last tprlag
. _ he
1 an ondcralxi-d
CMtar Uth. «t her hemfn OeoMl
e worker la ibe Mrrbo-lut cfaar:
youth looking about H year* of age.
-ly be alf-‘ SURPLUS, S27JOOO
Beaaanttr W oomlbclgbu*^
cnigrowa very atuaied alga of hl>
taw m«xta BianrlMrB ^ra (be
;r.dd.alo.- «vorl::.,ry. rtocm. waami welgha at tca<t iblrij
4wlh o( h«r «how Nt*
MM •
March. Frank
■ aad a bait before tbatr lUrtg-olz
•ptaadU «Mr4e aC klMlr. aoble MoEb.
> of grace were op. Are zaore had CScToh court, abnwa
H*r dwmlBE -McfaU «MHttaB bbE
'taw, llow-x- m.w,xk...caura«
forward vKh ibelr $200 each. Aa pounds of Increased wcicbl and
btawetan CbittitaB Ufa cMaart
i.!i«l, H.-.kaJ brim lines aluno. h
Miuwr far Pour MuaVrad.
'. Pierce bad paid hit dac getter- noon M at liberty. Me. iubOMin auy*
to bB vttt whoa Bb« CBB* la oc
Tbe Cbritttnai ezcicUea for Ibc Sal- dag (fall taakei ll.toO alrcadg reealred that the Inmaret hav,- an hour each
Thm «BI B rare ecBblutlos la ter
I - Gad.s.-n.i: V nuu-.laSleiU ttv rrHI-,-- - 3perCesiaU*ve«MnBKDetait>.
day for onidoor eierrire and iIm
tba Hbrarg tnad for Vbiiie
ratloa Amg ebUdrea vfll M beM at
c« pevar, bnadU of alM aad
number gather <n th.- groundJ( so. it will rmcro-.-t ymi to lofou- rmsi- Maro.u,HU-bajL<.-ciiotM bameba Kev Taar'a day aad 400 tbe puKhaae ol aev books, etc. Thoae aad greatly Bjtiy the
' nullcg.
taat haaBUp bM ton.
! Orir,-.l
ih,. Mtuto.
nrldera they arc more know that it can !«• stnj>l'cd
ban been nai oat bg tM eoi- rrbo paid (bla afteraoon were; John geiber. be
«at B UacBrtiic UIbbs* vbtoh
OzeatBMd to tM toaaklap petat aU th«. dtara to tM poor tblUrea vbo
and without any had after­
-maapa and foniiadB «< tM kaan ber (bat ataag vltbla tha doon ef rMer. Cbarlca Tosseller (or Too
Man. WtbOTiaca nbllna Bad BB' Trararaa Cttg. A tree farulahed bg Ftaeb. Albert . Norotag and Peter

ger of lonurtig a dr.ig hal it or
J. O Rtomlgood died at 1:V> ... _
BBibttaBlat faith la 'Pioeldeeoe abei tbe KortMra Mkblgaa aagluB knded Waraberg for -fMak Koch. There are
Saturday al the homo of bis daafinrr-. having your stoinarh •I;sarvHb aveeta aad ooeteciloot to the de­ im more get ta be beard fron.
M». Rar Ithug. near Wlinanfburm He rangctl, They i«ysitively <y*.
Thu afleniaoB the caae of Hu
U«r harototo dariap the trrlag ardeala light ef Um gnungttera will be tbe
wa laen 111 onl.r lai Wedni-rday aai Uin no ojuufn. morphine, co­ -203 Wilhclui Jllk.. Ciu. rbono ll'/
ler of atliactloB. Tbe apaclal glRa do- vg. Huelliaanlel va< atlll ocenpgiag toe raua if tils doaib wa« congMIoa;
okBUeacad aa*Uatod adBlratlca.
«■( ibr^tsln. Ills demlro ra-l a wav.-' caine. chloral, ether or chloro- j TRAVFllSK CITV. MICH.
ef Mr anflariag. vUeh
—_____ _____- ..organ va. A. B• wadneta over the B.-lchborhis»l fohn inanv
foiun. Dr. Miles*
in waa eoatlaDOVi. aM~ onr had «a
Haellmaairl <ni.-r the caiiial lint of
be wa uBircraally ifteein-sl and re- Ami-I’aii
itn Fin-t relieve p
• •• •
raJued at »l«0.
ahaar «of an. aad aafaniDf «or
nly a sense of rel
Mr. Btoodcuod wa l«-n In Sch> and leave onl.
aaeoarapantet aad ton txw thoBe of
................... -.......................
Itia harie county. N« * York. March -I. !sr-t
The reason for this f* cxplainc-l
aa vhoto aha talMd -bca eUIdrea.'
mnralag iba prcrloaa large attend- When he war 2 yca-r of ajo bit par hy the fact that headache comes
A Otaan of tha Putora.
arkoto ah* torad oalr taaa thaa afae dM
aacc baring In tbe meanwhile dvln- gats moTcd to auuibern Miriiican
Tbe followlag toreig dreaai appearri
thaaa *M vara biw&d tp her fag Uea
tabere ttw (vriy ycare of faU life wro
*'*** apent. In ftcpic-nMr, IW2. bo ramo
KMUz lb the nra Uke Hooiior.
tf'klMhlp. Bne OB bir iBBt dag oa
A abort creslag actxioB was
to tVilllamabun;. where be hna wince I’ain Pills soothe and strength­
aarth har iboocbt for th« mtta elah. vaa vrittea bg a Walt» eiitaen:
laat nigbt In which argameiiir
en these nerve*, thus rctnotdng
-WalioB la to bare a aev nflnad heard bg Jndge Mainv for lb>- Kairor
of vhloh aba waa the enMBlaar Bad
July 4. lie va marrh-fl to Ml-s the cause. -Tlicy are liarailess Grtdnie Medial DetMnmealBgrBa'*^
Knlicr dirorre by Alioraey
—tbe MaalBlae A Nwtbwlcra railpnaweat. tfatided atora ibaa v
illy GrIfBt. Ilor death oociim-,i
......................• defen*
Aukt. 22. IRW*. Blare bi* wlfo-s draib w hen token as dirccled.
read vlll meb bare about
eovM aspraaa the ton tM Ml
______ ...
br hi
........................ la daURt
1PM. the G. & A t. Co. U golag to Ibc zaJI now before the eo
terta too bawu ef thla IKUa bead, ^eae Bieva lu garda troa Cadillac
lomey fee of tZe was granicd tbe de- - lIMeart-t five siFtcra.'Boon. Williaii
aa (hit ta tba eealcr
of >hl* ciiy. aad a daagbtor lu mourn
tall moaeg
DDCg vlU M dctermlDcd hU liwF.
Bat la tha «
Oraiid Rajiidt aad Macklaae. balag other
Ills lari illnr-.* waa VTy brief. On
* eBaaad hr bar death «a
m Bltoa BOKb (d Qiwd RapUa add
WeJaeaday morning hw aroae m-ori
took baok BBd aaa tbe reSeetad beaatg
aouib of Utrkliiac. Ch
From Tbnradat 'a Rirrird.
Ingly la bU wrual hraTib. nii>.|iir-»
B( tbauhtfoi aeu aad deadi ef pra- Seolt la about to aell bit pinpert)At toU afleraooB's aeastoa of ('if
d blai (nun WllUamsImig fmtii,
• ->*100 ehartig had geoUeaeM vblM
r ter a large drg gooda atorc cult court dadge Uayoc aurpended (be . .. I-. j-l.-icv bo rotornol al-niil ifi»in
wi'b a VKi!#-n* h'-vdarh*-. A- aU'ri--iiMbaa M hahare that an la vail vitb aad la golag to bog the Siekle build­ senteace of Jotu-pb Hnrnretky, Grant dta« iiaually aupllod In Mirh' oaM--|
bar vM ta Bv^. WUa va ataa her ing and pulls a large drg gooda aad WUctaarf* bartradcr. vbo pleaded fa<led lu give, rvliet Hr Biiure wr.^l
pat w anald Bot vital bar bacta to her gmeerg stock. A dna la eonlag fron guOty to telling Uqnor to alaora. antll eallod wlui. on hit m.-rund visit. |in
bad of aidMiBg.
the ao«h part cf (M atate (a pat la a tbe aezt term of eoart. ThU vaa don- ab'nnci-d ib<- trouble roupi-vtioa of lb
tralyala. ---------------aceoant
‘ABd tha theaght that It Ma eoaM grtai mill, atao are egpact to hare a
mm« wiCMSal
aabd • ■aaaapa n
aev depot, aad a taw mill la to be pat- roadllloa of vnaeban. Mororeakey sufferings vBib-d.
lata goaraatTea. i
nae and a half mile aoatb of here. was plaecd nadrr ir-oe lamils for bis
0 craaberTg marth haa rbaaged appearance nt ihc next i.-rni. Josepii
pan taaa M otheia far gw torad
htaPb aaka.' eoam to eaefe of thoae
nta aad Ibe partiea eapeet to ez- Brothers pnid bl.x One la-s| alsl
aiet Richards taaa aut yet done
arho kbav-her vaU. vbOa lean will pead aboBi MAM oa it next au
239 E. Fmt SL, OL rkoK m
Ob aaotina of Prnrvcntlng Aitoracy«raraaalhlUartMia aad planl tbe Walloa take vllh
fa bevtaaw «ine«.
treat aad erect aome aammer cottagei. Croat tbif afteraooa toe case ol At
tavtagtliaa of bar eUldlab Uadtord UttlePeU will eaUrge bU bert CaanlaghaiB. charged

Mm had Berar teat tbair fntai per
New orpicE OVER peoples savings bank
fBM.' Har anaag aatare aai ealg people—to be readg for the rvab. proaaed. Sheriff Mania lirowa to
him lO'Lcland. when be will bare
har a«B Ilia with praatow btaao Alto there la tome Ulk of eome of tbe
ataad trial oo tbe charge of atcallnK a
B*M Bldg , DRTEOIt
tab bat aataehad aad heaatldad the prtaclpal atom from both Fife Lake
rioita rained ai tlTS.
£«va ef ttaaa Bheat her; Bov (bare aad Klagilrr eoaliig bore. WbU
leased bere^ breauac the Leelanau
artah vbtah ctaad «poa aa Ilka a taoe- ptaat to Icata here, trbito tbog aarelg cooBlg crime la alleged
elirred at a pnor dab-. Tbe violin i' vbea tbeg ace tha adn
taltab. BBd va kBov that Oad doaa
the properly of lo-lo Svanout aad waa
JHl tad* to toaak tM Ktaag batven railroad acrrlee tbal eaa be glrra.
Ml at WlUlam itot’ atoon
pad Tbara.Vapr to largat tM: WaltoB M toOBiad ta tM eeatar of IM
where It va uk«g.
Haw ad-aar wnw. IM vRb Saaai farming eouaiig la Hkhlgaa:
tbal Cunniagliam
Cunr'- --— told
• ll (or ir.
ited. H-tha
and just bear in miod
d ear tonbig patbvag aad tM larmara are aol bothered vllh
that for the coming new
■ af the Sartor van oet- weada or grant vtbta a radlnt of iva
a mtau bar. aa Ha avaiu aM a half mllet fram'berr. We bare ailed to show up. The preweat
will carry the
Bee trout ttroamt aad ang amoont cd aat It a aev on* oo <M tamo charge
of exeeptiona vaa taken In
ReooiSIONMrStAt* Bank BuRdlns.
sanu: well avoned stock
tmall Jaekplna aad ve nlae the toeA J.bill
J. Twedriin v« a
of Rough and Dressed
largeM crop of baektoberTtoa la tbe tel eat* and 1 will be carried up 1
Lumber, the same excelaad tbeg aeU tor about U par tbe Sapreme e
bvabta: alao bar* a large ertto « Hag
-- - ---------ttaSCT lent qualifies io Unilding
ii.'Ci&E&SBnKn Materials—Do all kinds
I everg gear vhicfa
_ _ tiblur, aa. John Partadi (
eoallnaed oxer the term. A decree
■area price. Rabbit abd skunk an divorce vaz graated William Clow
of Mil work as in the past—apd fill your orders in tbe
ta tba King In all
Clow, (be Itoler having deaertcil
Hb Ma«g. Hag Ha vhaa aM ao plwtlful. also maakrat and ____ Kellie
same prompt manner—
BBd they bring targe price*. Property ber hutlawd after Miag taken back
SanU Clana is ou Lia untoRbfBOg aond poar baba tm the
alter the suit In court lazt spring.
hat abxadr adranaed aboat M
Dual cruiae to Imtuv :;ood
The maralng tpaaloa va* given over
atva aad tatob« bearta H deVatod m- eew aad trill atlll go higher. Thm
UiiiiKa on hia many frioixla.
largely lo modoaa by ailorney* on
aUeav Mag Ha la Nta taader
which have been pivvioualy nr
If you think -of uivinu aooio
Mtotat tha toaalg Mart af the bartat an only a trv more dcalrable tou for caaoa
gued or are aow Iw-foro (be court. Ateff yonr marrii<il chihlri-n
feataad tar evl gtM marettal Sartor aata and BOV U the time to bag befon loraey W. H. t'ndvrwooi] apircared bt'
BBcdber raise. Taxe* are rerg low (ora the court at t0:20 o'clock wllb
the mntcrial for a houau oa
«Mh Rta tatatta vtadam oaa
nf Cbriatn
red to Trarerae Cttg and Oraad
Cbriatmaa piiwiiL pl<Me
of reaolnUoaa im the dcalto
Iw 08 i
____ ________
-Tha 'aaithlg taharaaele' <d tbb
Otiamva Pbowv. S2i ftotl. !•».
w. u. •rswa. ItaaaRM.
tioti iriili the lirmla-r timlRWta Chgtaitaa wmaa
We aii|>p]y the lioat
cliy aitorncy* being present during
r«l bg IM atoh af tor«« oaaa to tM
iiiilla .iffonl
IM reading of them. They w.-rL- av
TaatoklamSmttb WMldta»
PMiatory at TVanrae ORg. Htoblgaa.
Misa Hlaale Lnolta Tompklaa and
•ban M vaa irnniaMalad fipm hne
Hayee. apread upoo the court records
with <|nality.
bg har haihaad vbo vaa totaed at Cbl PTaak Sialtb. )r.. were aeltad la atar ad aullable enplea to be engroaanl ui
ta\kg Mr aaa aad other rtaatlraa.- rtage at tbe home of the bride'i pat' later dale aad prraented lo the (am
S0Mth SUt Cimber C*.
eau. Mr. aad Hra. Cbarlea Tompkins. lea of IM Bumberi ibna eulngliod.
B S. Prau appeared la toe itartz vr.
Tit Lake areaue Dec 20th. The
Bartz case and made a morion ihui
eenrnoay was performed hj toe Re\-. owing
to a posslhlliiy-of aa amieal-le
Hugh Kennedy of the Aabury M.
setriemeai being made be derired ih.
eburrb and
suit to bi- eoallauvd over anmher term,
tre made a good staves
.. Rsat hotoa to Orazice hall Wadaaada.r lamed iato
which araa done.
tbould be mvta-to Izata
« (be conlnctlaf panlea.
After eoniiaalng for nearly three
Dae. M. AMtatoit laapecdor Oafunl
oVlot* tbe party took toeir dogl tbe caae of H. ,J. Morgan va. A
long ariiile and do perfect
Ubata B. Hudaoa of
a beautlfut-------while---ved- R lluellmaatcl over a hundred dolUt
---------------------nrark whiU tbeg do last.
tarmad the aaeaal Mflelal laapaettoa d^ beU Buapended by while rtbbitts. wood altereailnn, vaa aertlcl bv th-m4 taur talkrved with aa addraw
Tbe bride and toe graum aurad on a lory rendering y.idgmeoi lu favor of
Qag&ty aad Ecaaewgmagalleem vhle fur rag and thel toe plaintiff for gM. Tbe jury tvilrlag
tM aipart^-aa of tbe elrli war Vbl
Metty borne vaa beaoUfal wllh flow-ilor a few mlaatca before the announee
vaa Ittaaaad to bg (M retoiana a
era. taraa, leaea aad lUiea while tbe meat. A abort evealog aessino
fMabora of lb* W; *. C who (armeJ coraer Id wbleh tMy stood vat MnkcJ held wbea
Atarff porttaa «f too aadtoaoa.
high with flovm and fcdlage. tbe
^Iflthageaulne Jewel Steel
^ ^ making a daligbtftti eon\ Range, a Mri saver. made ta
Aa adttetol laapawor ef tha poet Mr. Iraet
Holiday Goods now. while you have a chance to select
lo the colnrad Woaaemi. Tb>' thelai«cstStovenaBtiotbeta
Hadato taalad (Ml ta all hit tvmlg avdema and Impreaalve riag aerrtee
the best of evcr>nhiDg. Some have bought already.
WorU, It will have thh trade
paart amsog tbe m>u af the
uaod aad Jnal prevloat
We have a good big stock on hand yet. \\V- have uso.1 A Rierk and the auken'nzme,
mtmy the atraJna of -Hc»
tL atolto be band the -bogtTbomaa Waa OM OReoder.
-Lj “OCTh'yCTSTOVEWOkgS-fatuag oM aad tvtaaaa aad caitag
RherlS Charles Jobaaon rv'tiranl till
fal and oroamcmal things from whtdi you can sek-ti
: T east on it. Don't arncpt a
JRtta lor partlmeatarg Uv. bal
ceremony. Mra. Hlllor played
your presents. For instance, a good set of Knives and
suhe-utea >wj waul hrar
tor the noetal tlma HePlunoa Poat
Jerry Thomas lo IimU. whirr hr be­
fv.-sl bi.l».
bridal party atae renderedl^delA gan bla ladnermlnale acnienc. aOer
F'orks. Pocket Knives, nice T.tble or Teaspoons, Cujis
Ha. II vaa wall ap la dtaelpitae and
I'a wedding march. Daring (hr
ptadUvea to tu ralea. aad wall eDillland Saucers, nice Salad Dish, good Water Set. Now
Mira Kutb Hint of Old MU- «“t'cii.|^la Circuit coin Tiievlay
«d to a great deal or eredtt. aad M
nraa mm than pleaaad ariih tM latated marder. Mr Jnhnaoa, who waal
The bride looked very dainty
would say that they are nice and cheap. Children will
areompanied by Uepoiy SbrrlB C. E.|
bamtag in a gown <g white
*» • fteraurioBary mewura.i
^ Imaradlatelg fMoviag the addreaa t^e trMmrd with lac ud ,hr ,
also find something in our stock that will amu»c them.
vAlag to private khowl.-dge gleane.1
^ noB vaa etoared and like the aadIt may be a Mouth Organ. Ball. Pocket Knife. Kattl- r.
that the pristiaer van noi aliogrlbn
laBeantag op of
^Ihe |.rtde. wan bridesmaid, and afar vllllag to tabmit wlibuul rffi-rt loj
t rtaltoa r
am* dressed la dove eotorad nua'a veilbegin hit term, (hough be made no aia tabtoa appaand
Dates and Figs. Be merry and make others happy.
tempi to ereaie trouble. He vat haadd vHh an that par
If you select your goods oF us, you cin't fail to be
Have yoB erer tried tbe
»*lB Of tbe bride.
enffed (be toUie yourney. tbe fart
It af tba htoer mai
Aner (be eerrmimy deUclout refteab- caaatng him to Idoara . ap oa the
pleased. We shall be looking for you. so don’t fail to
TlK«r "r^mm •nd CofT***
leau vera aerved and (he pdob<
c^to received many tlacere raagrai- Mbods vhM M stated to the aheriff
la charge might be employed to ob
Itaeir bemrlr^e ^InsuU, thiy'weiej
C»BBta Or»
rrlraae fnim hsadcuffa. v take
I a beariy. warm aad very
off wblle baviag them n il
A gtoei^ aad nwtaag rote of tbaaka
tad Stlmtm
*to ttrfa to tba tadlw vbo ao abig
I Aa aoev as (be prison gioands were '
They tR tbe bam. Sold rally by
toiMtofa tM aealal daUas of tbe
aad race
#rMlB| .asd pnxldad the baaqaei
locating (be ward tor iacarabie Ic-l
atao la '
fatai ekiaM the rrenlara Mienaloaaa* priaowra. The rec^thm roc '
.tagad for a<
~ like aa opt* tuag Iwok to t
empiary yonag
B aad haa a b
Prtaoner. and upon toe new prison

rnrcisc City StaU Baiili

--- - ------

At tM beaM of^^BBd Hra. Bratamta RuMeO tm Bata Bantith atraet
Thandag araBtag.(MMr. J.W.HUtor
BBlIad 1B narrUga tba Rar. Bnata
W. Wood, pataor of tM Metbodlat
^iacopai (bareta at Kiagileg aad Mia
Martha 1. WUaoo of Trarerae atg. A
lev tneada aad relaUna ttOB EU
apMa vara praaeaL
ARar tbe eeraoeag a boaateoet asp.
par vsa prorldad bg IM beataa vbtab
ae greallg aatorad bg tboae praaaai
TM Rae. aad Mra. Wood viH apead
Cbrtatoaa vitb trtMda at ibair oM
boaa la BIk BapMa.


Head Ache

I'i-* -naSSSaiMtasir-*









Tire Tttsuratice!

jl’or Ercrytjoily

Money to Loan on ImproTCd Real Estate Only.



Craoerse City mfg. 0o.

Santa Claus is






Ho^at tiger

J. J.




“ilf S5'3obi«Bi 1.1. ». do

. In OUcapo. -Is dae to u alleged tall
Hiss M. Bra Thacker./wbo has bees ta the Uflh rate computed ob a
teoebto* school al the floo» arrlred cf half-baked ataUsUcs oa blitks re­
home this moraia* u> spend ber boll- ported. tabsc. ta reality, tboosaoi
baUet are bora each year le Amertai
Mrs. H. M. Oaidlaer aod tear ^
that are aerer recorded. As u
drea left for Alma tbU anralacstance, take the tchool erasos ot ChlHIM Loer Hanmrd of tUa dtr wOl lo be spent
ud relaitrcL
speed CbrtatsiBB Is Oraad Baplda.
ea«o tost year. TbU ceaaaa ab
Mrs. Bose Brooer aad little babe
C. H. Bcally sad Lee Smitb of Bk
arrlred ta the dty ibU afteraaoB to that la ihU dty atoae there were <t.Rapid* were Is tbe dly yesterday.
uead^t^bolldoys with ber da»*bier. PPO ehlldrea bora darta* the totl three
Mrs. L. tt Komey rctsioed to B
ycara. tbe births of whom bad nerer
doB today after a delt le the city.
Mias'Btonch Reatlie ereel to M
T. T. HtaclBs of Haolsiee iraasact
Iona thU moraia* to spead the
ed healams la tbe dly yesterdi
days with her nade. Chief of I
carried the art of bdag
- - • •
rer of WIII- with aerruts to the highest degree
Mr. 1
.tniHkC9 of Gadiltao e
_ the dty to- of perfectloo. She had a secret sys­
Mr. sod Mrs. John Klssar rotsmsd
Ihelr tray to CiBCtoiiaU to tem of tube* leading Rom her sluing
tnsB Kaim.
Tko sdMid «hUdr«ii are feetlac esMrs. B. Toamau et CedaY room to tae klicbu ud nereuts'
passed Ibronch the dly ihb moraia* rooms. By mesaa of these tbe was
pMsUjr MTTT UU CbrMaa
OB ihdr way to Klncsley. where they nble to hear aD muaer of nneumpllTUt week sods tbelr seboid Mrs
will spend the boltdays.
" C. Hart of Honor wbo tru coll- memary references lo heraelf. Sbe
____ IbU eliy by the di«lh of ber enjoyed this ttrategle adruiage rery
C. A. Nelaua of Korthpod
brother. Wllllooi Mann, retaraed to much, for the was alwnys baling her
icr home this moralD*.
Mias Harriet Kodak left this Bora- srrrBBls toto the courts, and she slept
Mr. sod Mrt. 0. Beard left today
la* for ColBBbBi. Ohio, wbere sbe will with a loaded rerolrer under bee pll
apsod their boMay with frieode
spead a holiday raentlon from her low. for tear ct assaulnsiloa
• •
of Maelitee was la tbc duties at J. W. HJlIik»-A
George Herring, chalrmu of ih'Mrs. M. aBe
looklac after boilsMi
lac. It belBc ber slttsestk UrtAdsy.
Clly of Utodoo Bevtrtc Ugbtlag Co.
AU teosH se ttee.
IS. giTCD the Salvatkm Army tMto.hoUdays «... .
Mrs. B. D. LemoB of ibU
Mr. Meek sad MbOt ore calac
' Henry Bwli-r.
u to be used to eotonixlag tbe poor
city weal to Vkkabor*. MIcb, tbl*
cl and Herloe of the cities in the rural dlairlct. wh
Bsclosw to siWBd ChrtsUBai wtUi a motalBc.
Kara Wlnir of tbU> city
bo an
Hlh. U. Hook of Sottooa Bay ar- Wilson of nil.
oelllcr gening fire acres of ground, a
There la to be a Chitstaas daote at
collage and farming implemeats. Thbolldayt wltb ibeU paronu.
tbs towa haU BUorder al^t BeeryMrs. Mary Crum at Qrawn retaraed seltlcra will pay bock to easy Install
Hr. and Mt*. -Jcil* C. Peteresa win
body laeltad.
enjoy a eeoUy turkey raised at lake .J bi-r borne ibis attemoon oftrr BCDU. Mr. Mcnlng eoadncls > soup
sprading a few day* in the city u '
There will be a CbriUnas tree ai Purest. III.
kUchea to Camden town, has built
gnesl of Mra. HuaU Calrln...
HIM Maodc Faller left tkl*
ud endowed u Inslllutlua known *>
Mrs. A. H. Mllllkeo ud son
Oraad Rapids, where she Wl
Mr. Blake o( Beadoo a ■ la Iowa CO the holidays.
Northport passed Ihrough tae city
the Haven of Rest for the gentleftHk t.
day on tbelr war to Ft. Wayne, when- bu furnished many Salvstloo Andy
lin Mime
MltOe Oaidlaer wcat lo C
they will spend (be bolldays.
shewlU e]
Nr. OMa of Oraa Lake baa leased __Ibli BonUas
shelters for tbe homeless ud Is a
Hr. ud Mrs. Roben Asuu
tbe holidays.
large benefactor to Ihe mciropolltu
8eo»dd of the Hapletoe port passed Ibrougb tbe city t
acbod left today for Pdlsloa to spead log on tbelr way to ObartevuU. where hospltai ftua of London.
they will spend ibe holidays.
ber bolldayA
Senator Hale ot Maine anyt: “1
Dr. sad Mrs. 8. 6. Smith win i
Charles Muns. ruturaed to Qrud have one regret, ud 1 trill lake It le
tbe bolhtaya with Hn. 8mitb-a a
Rapids this muralog after atleodtop the grave. I parileipaled to tae eon
la lUDsdale.
the funeral of Wllllaai Muna.
Mlib Carrie Meu left IbU afici
ferenre held at the while house one
...floyd CUaeb. wbo bare beea
Mrs. F. Vu WIe o( Cedar paued
for DUwortb to aikod ber holidays
through tae city ihU moralng on ber memorable night when il was decid<-d
or three days la tbc Hsaasb A Lay allfa frieodi.
^rs. H. J. Updyke left this raonlac way to TbumpsoBTlIle. wbere sbe will to order Dewey to late Hong Kune
eoasaay lalerests, returned
visti reUtIres orer tniristiau.
ud proceed to iunito to quest of tbc
... Ctadiltac 10 speed Ctartstmaar ’
cato Theraday aneraoea.
ud Mrs. Ben Murray ud daogh- Sputob Ocet. We puirted over Ihwltb friends.
Mr. Uy at tku Uae. Aa elected
Josle onired tbit afternoon and
Froak Yonasan ot Cedar pas
matter a loqg lime and then decided
tae holldayi
to the presideaey of tbe Traeerae City Ihroufh the dly ibU monlas oa
upon tae fotin. -which read substnodaughter.
StMe Mdtk. soeceediac tbe tats Jalh way Id Honor.
Anv Flaber. l« '
Itolly: -Proceed to Mull*, find sn.11
CUrk left today for loalo. where
T. Haaaab. Mr. lay states that be beC.will
tpend the bdidays with fdeodi arrlred 1a tae
feai Hade tbe Host iboroosb aaoUns. mad rctailres.
wbere she wss_________
. destroy the SpenUfa fleet.' That was;
I have pondered over It a gn-al;
UCB of all tbe aOalrs U tbe eailcmt
Mrs. M. 1
_rt. WIilUm Lelsoa sad grand-, many times, ud. to my mind harci
spend tbe boHday sesKio
latMeta here, sad e^eetally those of
daagbler, Mra. H. C. Gore, ud her Iwn' wondered why it was ihat no thought j
.i«tbs book, ood fads eeerrtfalBC la toast
children >Hl thU morning for Fife was given by uy one to what Dewey j
Wnilam______ _____
abtiiBMt eodltioB. redeotfac eredti
Lkke. wbere they will spend the bollmight do after he bad destroyed the.
OM thoao wbo bore had direct Aorce was ta the city yeatarday
e( that crest losUtotlaos. Hr. lay **Mr.*aad'*Mt?W. H. Olbbe will leare
Hr. and Mrs. Otto Salchow, jr. U Spuish fleet, for Ve all believed lie.
wOl kMitelt clee close cersoasl suea- today for Oowaclac. where they will today for Ceainl Lake, where they would destroy It. It would have been!
ecovOBy-s ii
Vm to tbs
tatetwm^^ rend the winter.
be the goesi* ol hU parent*. Mr.
wUh »ietal referaoee t
Mrs. Otto Sslcbow, er„ for Cbi
Mira Pwl Woffel left toda;
Hi win__
here acala
le early
earl In Jaoaary Rapids, wbere she will speed
-ud return to Hbqg Kong.' or -leave-ood ot tie«seot taterraU tberesfter.
‘°Mss Edna Miller who is attending Hulls at once.' Had he done'so we
Mr. fay espreaei crat pleasore
be Hlcblgu Seminary at Kalamuoo
have saved the mnlloat we have;
> ta U
e dly yesterday os a eoest arrlred In tae city lost eeenhig ud spent on tbe Philippines, and to ad­
airs oft tbe Hsnaak A
__bare beea eoadition to this treasure we would bate
•moo left tbU moraine for
deotk of Jnllu T. Stanwood, wbere be especU to reasala
°'ud Mrs. Ralph Waraer of Hu- hod spared to us tae boyf who lost
I arrlred to tae dty this oft* their lira during the PhlHppina InI to Tcmato during the holiday *e
^MS^ristSTrelst left tbU Boralas tor Reed City, where she will ton. tae guest of Mr. ud Mrs. Uni surroellon and store.”
Motaatyreesot This win eertalaly speed
Joseph S. Nave, a Ctocinaall mulllWilkin*.
tbe boUdoya.
Mary John aad brother Walt- mllltoulro. will be appolirted super
The Hlase^i^e ud Leone Way
NorlbpBt went to Grud Rapl< toteodeat of the clly street cleulng!
win la tbe fatare days with relaflrea.
■ mornlag to remain during tl
hare with tbeae
Peter SoBQMSt cf.Mapletoa has bolldays with Ctaeir sister. Mr*. Robe deparimeot Mr. Keave said he di>-l
tae office in order to give Ctn
fOae to CadOtac today to spead CbrUI- 'toasoa.
Mrs. WilUams Rorburgb ud little einuti the clesaai streets posilUe.' ,
Bu day with triemdo.
?««■ Ilmiadar's Beoord.
Hro. Anna Byaid let^ Ladin«toa tu Demald left this monitog for Reetl
Purdtm Clarke, new director of]
^Oeoy B. Pray reuraed today from thU moraine, where abdlHII Speed the City ud Big Rapid* where they will
Itelr^iolltan Hoaenm of Art. to
ramaln dnrtiig tbe boUdsy seuaon with
bdldaye with friends.
Mrs. P. R. L. Cart retaned to HiaMUa Berths Baefal left this after- relatlre*.
New York, hu announced u anoav
. tataa this
Frank Steresk ud sife of Old Mis ____ girt of to that tostliu
aoon to Bpead tbe holidays at her
home la Elk Rapidt.
ilOB passed through
tion and with this fund u a starter
tog on their wat
B. Kawktaa of the peDlaaata left
■ they ylll
It relatlre* daring 111 start a oolleciton of reprcsenia
this amralDC to Uorelcy to spead the
holidays with rdatUes.
ihe faolldaya.
ve work* by Amertan ariista
Mrs. U- A. Gould left thU moralap
Howard E. GiU U Kortbport arr|<
President Rboseveol hu ^t
hSM are U tbe dty today OB bnalaasa. for AtaasoB. where ahe will epead the
tbc city this morning from a thi
Mrs. faases loke of m RapUa to lemalader of the rriater.
reeks' trip lo Cblcogo. Grud Rapids Mist Sarah C. Provost, principal
Adas bar Chrlatmaa Btavplag la the
MUa Ada Bompu left for Blnpham tnd other polnu. He left for home tbe Cove sebotd. -Oyster Bay. wblcb
tbU mornInc. where she will spend iU afieniooa.
his ehlldnm tarmeriy altuded, a geoMr. ud Mm. James Scott of Proretbe holidays at her boase.
chock to be used to boytog
Mud D^ir«fBk'aaiflA“Mria'ihe MUa Laodn BUaell left this moni. Doat passed Ibrougb tbe city tats
dty today.
In* for Like View, wbere she will re-, ooroing on tbelr wsy lo Multtee Christmu giflt for the pupil*. Ur*
Mb' OoodBU Mt today to spend mala durta* tbe faolldaya.
where they wiU spud the holidays Roosevelt fomerly liougbl tb« prostbe holidays wtth Us pareou at LonMrs. A. Hall went to Orud Rapids withth-------tadrson.
tbc poplls. and tte prcaldeat
Aoa. Tbreaio.
Goldsmith. Pete
thU Boraln* to spent thw bdidays
Hiss Otillto 0<
played tbe parb of Santo Clans and
Mra. B. B. Lewis of
with friends aad relativea.
mith of Sautes :Bay aad Mra. G
Mr. aad Mrs. A. H. NIcboli of Grand f Trerersi ..City,
y. l>left for MSw
Rapidt arrlred In the dty tbU atte^ this morning
ig- when
where they will
'he burial of an ass." Jemntoh
Mrik Oettnide Ross at Suitou Bay Dooa to spend tbe hoHdayo.,
tbelr fuinre home.
___ Reinrkc _
. IS, eras the Rllilicnl dcecrlpilcn;
la apeadtac tbe day la tbe city for ber
The Hisses Kabd Bampse
Mrs. RllUom
ud three cbllNom Harkee were to the city yester- drea of Keswick"uV^
Knwick passed 'tbroo'ghT^
through the '*“• «•>* Rev. Charles M. Glffln to Ihe
day on a short sboppla* tour.
this morning on ihclr wav lo Wf« Methodist Episcopal church ini
Mr. ud Mra Albert Kroapn o
Penlnsnto passed tbrougfa the cltj
CkvtUU MM t* AnadiB W«dfr
to Tlatt wIitNw. HorBMkwoB
b« ■■ ter M Ogp»
Hr. B»koo«k'* eoodltloo kot
bMo iaftoTod. His sou ha.f bs«
SMt te.
Thm VM qatto » cttWiv M
Ala mtrs BnUsr. rrMU tn«
BsMM «slM sod oibsr frt^ esae



re BBkaows.
SaJdy repustog to the pocket irf oa ud oibvrs srill tale port. There wtD'
aid«»t hugtog ta a resiaoraat also be a maasier baU tght. to .which nble eagngeBcota wooid^rcsoli tram
apparaacM. Little or ao aach
kllcbca at BUabeth. N. J, hu been tae partk-lputs wUl war bUtortoal aach
beaeflt has beta derived, so now tae
found n tUJOO package of dlamoods
. _._Ui.._____
oeeraloo ot pirio. BUttrlaas have decided to ton tom
•U Renats of tae kind tadUled. >
lhai ttavM H. Cnmbtea. a PhU*4el-1e«w* Eva
phis aotoSBU. dropped, never dlseot-.'brwied wita great soleBBlly at tbe
Ueuteaut General Sir RHUamRah
ering hU Iota until some time after, icatherirri uf 8u FrucUca to Madrid. ler. who has reUrad trosa' the nilllah
haring rracbed iba age limit qf
wardL The ratnnrut proprietor had The ardioal ardibUbop of Toledo army,
c;. was recalled from Sonta ARlcn for
picked U Dp. ud. whhoui esaBlalas - wlIl ptcsIUe m tae ceremoalo, wblcb insisttog to the borne goveramrea taat
-Be patange. slipped It Into the <to*i !«IH be atieaded by aloe archbUbop* tbe isuer did not realise tae Aghthtg
sin-agta at tae boer*. Hto war '
pocket awaiting iBe owner's IngtAry.'ud funyolx bUtaopoprior to tae oalbniak of b<mt
e. Dlumtoaied Bcaorlal.
beautiful buoie site In Pasadena roused tae Baltgolly r‘ Imperialists
known as ('annrllia ha* b<-en sold tu and were naheeded. Hi* cumpM*
L. V. Harkneis, tbe Sludant Oil magbeing clicntoied taroogh that ttnte. note, for ttbn.on. On the
•Alng congress to save from deetnic a bongaluw lo whirb Helen Hunt
frtgnta Ctoistlimlon- The
neroU U snrmoutcd by a large dram-kscdler. basing his coabeod of sheepakin. upon which U »
rlnslna* npon aI wl
wide egperleace of
may yur*. find* a--------------- --- _
palntlagtrftae battle between ibeCoa-ibe'ib Altman, annually disburses
dendes of Ihe day a marked lacreue
•illutiun ud the Ooerrierr. It wasjbOo to rharlis. l-rubably iJlisGiMid; in tbe toleJlectual life of America. Not
signed yesterdnj- by Governor Doug. »JPi»rtr dlrwily ud lndlr.,tly moo-j only have buslnros and protv-aaluttol
than uy person llv.
las. Ocvcrnor-elecl Guild ud the mem^ cbtritli-*
H tlotw ixii muu ihat sbo gives a
her* of the esfvutive eouncll.
such snm* a* are rvcorOiri <■(
efelW ud conv-gie rharitles. »
When King Alfonso weds tbe pretty Kuckefell
l>rtoces* Bvm of Uattrnbrne. Madrid
s rumance uf abwirtilac
will4k- iranstormed lulu a flower garI Ibv-me. He also finds a growlag Op
Wsgua loads cf roses and other
■n ut really good poeur, a (>«■
Auwers will be broughl from the noalliIll-Dry lu pay mure attroikm tu book
provlnon for the deeorailun of the
reviews ta perktokal* of ackauwledg
or y.-ars i«-r>.«is of cd standing and a deovand for bonqp
. The fowislns In Madrid wilt
g bar*- Loeii iddalo. if venous Import lo be "toad to" Ifi.
wine. There wilt be s' huge cottoli-uK-d ariMs at stead of - read tarougb.-

Tk Herald and
Farm and Fireside
Both One
Year for $1.00
Farm and Fir««de is Issued twice a monih, '24 times a year, and has from 24
to 3S pajies each issue. It is profusely illustrated with half tone and color 'pictures.
It is ihe best farm and home journal in America. Thousands of dollan are expend*
ed annually for expert advice for the farmer, dairyman, stock*raiser. poultryman,
fruit-ip-ower and }rardcner. It has departments for the housewife, fashion pages,
patterns, good stories, puzzles. It has wit and hgmoV columns and a Young Peoples'

This great paper is given absolutely free for one full year to every subscriber,
jjew and old, to the Herald, who has paid for the Herald in full to jan. I, 1907.




Park teachers, left ibis murntot for{ ^t»>''‘rted.or land frauilr against the
their homes (ompend tae holiday*.'goveniiiienl. He (ftaracierlie.l tbe al>
Hiss Wright goes lo Mt. —
senee of the ntual enlogi*'lc service*
and Miss Place lo Owoeso.
Mrs. George Baker ud
ighler. :to the swte as -u awful silence,
....................—--------- . for Ktsvl more awfiil than uy word* of shame.,
City, where they will enjoy their
Fred Paljst. former praldcnt of the
Christmas turkey with her pareoia. Pabst Brewing 6n. ud one of tbe
Mr. and Mra. Augustus Roberts.
best .known Billionaires to Wlveoasin.
The Rev. James Wau-sha-gesJ
the Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids, ar- 1* studying agriculture at the Ualver
-------- -le city this monitog and will Idly of Wisconsin. He recently arena loalrtit lo spend
qaired a flae slock farm ud hu de-....... - the taml^r of George
Ralph Thacker. James Mllllkeo. dded lo go Into the business of stock
Heber Scout. %nitard Hut. Arthur ralsjng on an eUboratc ud scientific
Walt ud Morrison of Yuba who are plu.
auvodlBg Olivet college arrived home
tost night and will spend their vaea- A house fully furnished
>d atMul the city.
Ihe wedding gift* to Lonlse Hargnre.
Mrs. George Mathews and Snow, dugfaier of Mrs. Thos.
stater. Miss Mande Uurdge of North■ with a bntfaer. J
port passed ibroogh tbc cltv ihta morn­ Platt, ud stepdaughter of Senator
n taeJr way uto Fffe Lake, whera Plait, who marri^ Fructa J, Caring on
tb^ win spend tbe holidays with ihelr mody of Mineapolis. at Mew
att. tae Rev. aUd Mr*. J. Bu
atbort M taU"TOnrt?**fw hU*b^e
city, yewerday. It wu MY*. Piatt's
SlillwelL wbo hu been spendl'ag
to Eltoe rtere be wlU uend tae
wt^s In the vicinity of North- gift.. Among Mr. Ptati's gifts wu $1.daya.
port ud________ _
IB gold coto.
HU* Cor* Scoield returned b
tae city this Boratog oa hi* retnre io: The hoi
hoose to which Preridoil Roosehome to KtogsUr thU Boralag
at Beltalre. where be will re-fTelt wu boni, ai 3 Wm Twenileta
P«^la*_*o»e ilBC to tae city shop- '• lahome
with hi* porutadnrtng the boll, street. New Y-ork dty. bu bees purMiss Peart Catoes arrlred In the dty
for It wlU be rastoreJ
thts afternoon troBFiaiiklsrl to ape •
u attariy a* possible lo tae ithape to
tae MMoys with bertUter. MIsa K
which It wu at the time of the pretlMargaret Kaley of Snttons Bay
dent * birth, toctodlng tae furhliuie
to to the dty today fOr a bujiday rblt dotted by Yukee* ud are maklag'and.flttlng*. ud then pruuted lo ybe
wita^her dau^ler, Hn. Margaret
them very profitable. With their ttrtfllnaUoa. Andrew ftaraegie contribn-.ed
Bdworda Haiaon of Bailey arrlred in ODdlndaMrTtaeyhaTeptittaenativMllo tbe project.
tbe elty to be tae guest dnriiig tae
j To be fcdnd to a medical coUege
boUdays «g bU atoter, Mrs. Ctareace
Cweeron HcRu Wins- '■ piekllag vat. yet tae
low. formerly t»ral oU to tae presl-jooo on deposit to a P<
dul. has been relieved a* eaptoia of | and the owner ol jsjw worth of rul
Mtgtar. Mra. W. & LsMoo. or*r tbe the Mayflower aad usnrned
Harry E. Mc­
Bf tae new prpieeted erateer Charier Carthy. who wu rmxnUy kOled by
Find Tancfaa arrirei borne taU m. which ta to be tae flagtalp of tte loUto* from one of tae worW* fair
w^toapendklabelMayt wita hU
buiidiiigt at St. umta taat be had
auoRr. -who were aO at tbe depot to adfle sqtmdrea.
-Hack of the utiaaal alarm
greet him. bcipnd lo bdld. MeCartay wu tap
Mr. aad Mta C Moore aad dutobter,] race saicMa.- anid W, L. tvtoia. u- pnaed to be a pdaper. His igtatlraa

stra. w. SI. mail
two SOBS
William and Lao.. went
to Gn
Itud RapBrrrMd Mrs. H. Wat- Ms tbU BoniB* tor the btOldi
are ta the dty today
Floyd Jones of Are
who hu
been la the dty for some time retnreed In hU home Ibis Borainc
Bert Mootagae U hoBo from
tapralac to teamla aererml wewkt.
ea*o to spend Chrlsimw with bU par
Ibm. AapM Otaey of Charterdz eats. Hr. ud Hr*. J. A. Montague.
eataa tbU BoiBlBc to apesd tbft.bal(r. W. Cnadall ud dansfater. Grace,
Ay with her dater. His. OertI left
UiU morula* for Stuwood, when:
they will tpend the holiday------ Mr. sad Mm. W. A. Oraree. who
Mlat labelle Oallick
to IbU
bare ba« *vtaUlac ber alatar. Mrs. ity
thU afleraooa for tbe bdlday raymy. retoraad to MuWeo this kUoa
freo ber duties
Mr*. C. H. Webber >n
Mr. aad.Mm. W. H. Fanbam aad
■to. ■ «l|IUne passed tbitascta the city today looU
to U*Bd Cbrtatmaa with her mother, day* with her brother,
Mlta. Wood, at SUftata.

Until you have seen




aba wm Make a abort rUIL
Mtea*aam Wonberc and lit
bybor arrlred la tbs dty tkiia mo
lac frosB tbtir Nertbport b<a>e .
Mtad tte boUdaya wKh tbelr Bade.

MfKmcbsi and daapbtcr of Leiu'd*
to the dty yesterday, retontas
Wia.*&*^ Day ud’tamtly of OUn
Aihor. acwpealed by ber slater. Mias
Baade FairaaL aad ber eleee. Miss
AwsBle FPrmat. who bare beea doliic
ny CbrIatBU sboppMc ta tbe dty
M pa^three days, retaraed boMe

tM BOOB M bar way to her bene In
dBrieroU trota tbe ttalrentty <C CW«2|A«beie ebe is atadytax doBBsUe
riam fctaidarTR^d.
B. B. OUI of Northport wu la tbe
elta rederday.
try CfBrim of Ktapsiey was ta


Examine the sample copy that has been.sent to yon.’


There Is only one

We have it in the


“Quality and Satisfaction”
nical Bill] VarahUr We aatwt-r. “Atk oar <

Too ask,-Arc they IfUahlff,
w>iDg**C*lBmhn*'Em^MS; t)ii-y arc our lu-st aiTvi-rtitaira.''
A laigt- aoioatit of Smm will cansu yon lo buy a -Coloinbnsj'* a amal] oumut o< <*-—
in fuel will *8Te yon many dollars.


127-135 State Street


Traverse City. Mich.

ftandard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in a'





inmUt Im ■•whurU

>rt »M hi* •my,

MiMhi dM|>l>M or t* ^*cfc th.


________ <ra^'-___
hetfHe* iwaUitaa today.
•I. patmboni. Dec. ». 10 a. a.—A
Bsaber e( faetorto* bere are irorhlas
today, duaiita tbe goaeral Mrifce. The
^bM tbe ailaaUoo
Mrg bat adrlCM
I la SL I

TwAity-ttird ttne>,^ tet iiuler
tfartli Hrer tU* awmlaf. Two hoBdrM tetoren wer» tbnM lato •
•uJe but flaollr (be ire aeo were
oat aad tafen to tbe botplu}. Tbe
1 vere BUaoM by the udImU

Stale Neen.
Bmptoyca of tbe ensar factory at
UeDODlaee beU htsh Jlak* when tbe
laat or tbe W.OOO loae of beeia were^
tlleed. A pellcewMa ataUoaed o
roof wai dreeidted vHb piUU of water
aad foreed to retliw wblle the whiatio
wae blowB erraiioafly

to Ibe Itovoa Vraaiya aeranl ttoui« ancued in aachUts
e Roia^ -aiid POlab hare slolea acarly the entire slock of
ChrlBlraaa ireea exhibited by a c.. .
at toe eounboaee oe tbe weal aldo-il*
bad neartr 100 In atork and over 100
aad SUMS tbe Bajiuo aad Louia *■
were token dnriac toe nlxfat. and what
tmoa lo Ibe LitbwWi repablie.
were nM carried eallrely away worn
aboni (he street.
SL Peleiaborg. Oae. tL—Tbe haPeople are besinntof lo doobt If toe
roblBs led Ftnilse taW fall at all.
pally Bfteeb of toe red breasts were
i nnmber of people oa Aayeje Tuesday and they are nn.11 orer lorra.
Darin« tbe
iher they seem to be ibrir
ax as to toe sammer time.
WlUle. lat like toe comic cnppic
mat kid of that name, was «<ai
harry for the reterinarUn, when tbe
tamllr tow was eboklnc on poUtoe*

at Ibe home of Jamas Wheeler a<
Ranland. WlUle met toe unaroi
ptoymalet and eooB forgot toe «
a plate to Urlag fun. Heantlme—Jnat
cdMUtte twrdn ar are icady to lola
lola tbe
raeoiatloM BOTeBdat wbleb
Wboetor a
epreadiac Rhb«iaml*c lapbrny.
tbe cow.
and whea Papa Wbeeler case horn*
■oaeow. Dae. 2t—The dedaratloo
of Mftlal law baa Imd BO eKoct on be hufUad for tbe doctor and then
. Ibc atilkere. Tbe rerolBiii
* for bto Beal* aow.
pnctically la poaeoeaton ol tba city
One bnndred doUan for a bride!
aad a uaBbar of fatal diAathBro oe-,
oamd la tbe atraeti beiweea tbe all- That li vbal Rynart Oanl paU for blr
prelly RnealaB bride of SO years. Tfa.'
Mary abd the atrlker*. uaay coaflri and her Bather, bowerer. tay
•Bitb abope bare beea pUlaibO.
tbU tbe BKBey waa bB a loan. Tc
BL 'Pecenberx. Dec. 22.—A poUtiei}
tbe loan baa aercr beea paid. Teen
•Mke aow bat beea declared
wacad la oaBBOa with tbe ladacuia] afo Qenl aad bit rriead. Carl Rcean
llred on tbe Ruaelnn froniier near
■tylke laaoKoralad by tbe labor leadOennany. Roaenfell wai married ani
pretty daaibter. Alma, then
•aarehUshU hare aftfa bees plaeal
year* old. Gaol came to America,
to.»aalUM to
Nwraky Preapaet
- allriihtUbiauwasalBalidBBSlbStbe took np Jand to Dakota, aod marrtnl
la wife died, and be wai lone
•dip Isto ^ritaere to eaee tbe etrlkan
Lens ihen a year aso be learned
•I* awe to brtot aboat tbe ckmlns at
lie old frleodi. Cart aad dnosb
tbs NgUlBi plant*. Tbe puile amonx
tor. were to Owoeao. PIcnHac tu
tM P^fltoH oodUaata aad r
Mlae Boeeafelt would ibee be of
.M 'nM are aetartaiaod to i
BairiaceoUe npe Gaol vrete tbe fa
tber aad snspeated an aDtonce.
•t. >otenbBtE. Dee. 22.—Tbe atriktent alaas a pbotoenph and tbe Infor
n ha«B arrusod to lapade toe dl*r
n tbai be *
pstirbtoc df ratoforeetBaata totbeBaJdaily, to a
Itoprerlaoto ^ hoUtos St. Petanbori
to a p^ aad tytot up tbe taBroadt.
tMl pelf, tad
rortMb BUltary tomdrtetona iweemly awaatad ware ttoaaaad yaatantoy to
prospecU. But toe fl
•wM to tbe eltye elaotrleal vorfct.
hi* wife and yonager c^'lWrea sUll li
T^ lUOBplly jotood tbe tlr(keri abd
Rusoia wailtog for toe thibar to rolw
teifuaeil to wtwfc. to Oriel Ue
toe mosey to bring them hare. *would uke SlM, and he laggeeted li
tbtoc that
e I lay handa on.
Gaul that If the money wore loane*
Moatow. Dee. 2
get toe balance of bU famll;
lyd.owlac qramatby «i(b to* atrlkera.
Thn* tar toate has beea so serlooa bere ho would bare no objection to lb,
Aficr twenty year* a well-to-do dil
HoUag. bat to owreral amaU eoHllatoaa
!D of Port Horon. baa become con
tlN peaaaau were wild and a nunber
setonee strkAen and
autpriaed to<
Pstoma officera of Sanila b;
tasdertoi ibem 27 wbleb be aaserti
doe to Ihe Ci
Vatotoftoa. Dec.,, U.—Pres
a* coBfboaed tost twcoiy yeore ago
TiModotw Bameeett wtkapMd Cbriab while a lotldenl of Barela, be bat
aaaa qaWUy wito hi* tSBOy and tbe
mg^d a watch and chain fron
dldtribotioo of Sifts >111 ocean tbe Port Horen. The money was eredttei!
■mains bean. Hn toe aftenieoa be to toe eiBsrieaee tnod.
wOl ride toromrit tk« aoboita aad toe
Sait will be eonuMcod on behalf at
•Miry reads Family dtaaw will ba
the wert Bide scheot district at fiogl
aaw agalaat Ihe coal eomponlcf wbleb
ore undermining toe alroeu. pubik
It toe. bnlUIngi. paries mad other pnblle prep
home of Captoto
Captain Oowlea.
>boae wUe ertr. under authority of tbe eoanen.
la Bnoaerdt-a
rdt-a alMor.
alaior. later
lab to toe erenthey claim.
Bafain af tbe erentot
Mbit at tba Wblu beoae.
WltBara Will be Saeod.
2X.—Tbe Hsfai of

Safe robber* bad i lot of hard work
tor Dothinx when they wrecked tbe big
steel aafe of Webster. Cobb A Co.,
lumber dealers, at Baton Rapid*, with
nltreglyeertne. They got nothing, a*
toe era nerer ireree Boogp U
Ter night. Tbe office was badly

Louto Roman of Bay Oty. aged M
traai dctirwcUon oP deterloratka iaaftried to death from on ulcer on fait
tmad la toaoptakm readarad by
tofwey Oeaeral Hoedy. Tbe sorers- onUe eating into an artery. Tbe Bret
iltoed of hto danger was *bre
meat win keep iu eyeea AUmny. and
me bOM to an with blood. A
It Is eonMaatiy aapatjted tbat any eftet of toe legtototnre to trant fran- doctor was called, but Roman did be
cbtoao aerienily aadaafartas dbe Sow fore be arrlTed.
OTcr too talB wBl Boat with speedy
aattoa by Proddawt Baoawilc Becretory Boot to BOW toMMattof wito tbe

Attorney Oeoenl Bird b* re«aeet
i Senator Burrow* and CDogreasmati
otreyead to IntrodtRe a bin lo re
ere toe atote of HirtiiCBa from the
paymeot of 240,000 falerect.'cUime.l
to be doe toe federal gorenaci

.—DarU PUler cd
OdBwaMr. Dec.
_ bmber. Thomas
OSe I0M. with taU
ptflerw tfobaoB.
. dl
died aoddenir tola
Htoa Winifred Ferrin. deputy city
borne of tbe laRcr.
el^ of ML Clemena. la eoappoy wUb
aererel other todies, taw a mas wtan
bad IreuUe to Bartgue atombto and
plale.' Darld wa* a anloe reteraa sol­ tall on toe Ra^ RaDway t^cka di­
dier Md a raaMaat of Coldwalar.
rectly In frooi w an appreoeblng _
Kow rat*. Oae. 21,—Vire area were The ladle* sR shrieked except Mtoa.
baHedand twaaty etoen were hit by PCrrio. who retoed forward, tetoed
, r«ka.aad bnamt by tbe coUapee of »»“ by toe collar aad polled blm oS
the tMsc work to the Peankylraala
lalBeasd uaad. ai toe loot of Wat,

(aeon eouary: tae OUtct Jaiemu In
Ibe SbeoancD Foniace Do’* bImIb tbe
Hesaba nace. Bl. U)i'

Be Rw-lirtetne SsO^ hr
TvsYesn—Docters and Heitf*

for an boor.

ebarxe of the nlcbt sfalfi. ww ec
.......... .......................e that ibc bUds
■bare b etmnriy alamlai. Tbe op Id Ui oSlec aad did not dai
era era boMiat barrleadea la tbe eoBM oot. There were alao pen
ta aad an praparii* (or aetire re- oaeoimlera .betwaM amte of the
90 to tbe tnopa.. Siroeg patrol*
asd UMH-foremao, tbe former takim;
adraalase of tbe tJIarliy to erea np

partal Uoopa hare letakea
fraa Ibe rerolnUoaisu after i pltehed
tattle Uatlat Iwelra
rebBit defeaded the place aeeordlai u>
aedeatlie mltltary metboda, prorlac
tbal they were led by BlIHafT ezperU.
Tbe aiuBber id eaeaaltlee.U not kaown
bat It b cenata that tbetw are beary
leaaee oa both aldea
Hoacow, Dee. SI.—Ap a Tanit of tbe
tfWBWe (olioelac tbe Inaaioratioa at.
aaaa yeaiarday of tbe new Beaeial'
etMke. Martial law bat beea .
dtood bore today.
•l. Patareberc, Dec. 21.—Tbe ellu^ la tbe Baltic prartacee eoailaeae

Woodfaada. Me.. a*y«: -My etsier
hod a tBTtote bsmor on her aboBldeT
wbkH aha wa* etohieen tuosths old.
caumsf iatenaraancriDEtortwoyeer*.
We had arretal rloisora, sad tried
ceetTthins, but in spite of all me
dad it kept aprewiiiiR. One day it
would scab 0m and toes crack opea
aad a mtery matter one from it and
tocaEabawooUallfaDofl. Jtwould
be mw inr a time, then scab oeer
again. Some one teeoeiimeadtd C^a boa of Cwbeore Ototmea^anda
ofCwtienreSosp. OKwaas ebbefterafter toe Cest bath with wa
1 ae^ aad an api^caboo <d toe
..atmest. Uefore it wu haU pme we
■nw a marked ebaage for Uar beUcr,
and ahe wa* entirely cored, witfaont a
scar bclat; left, by toe one box of UintaantaadonccafceofScwp. Bryekla
ia BOW entirely clear, sod *be has
■Otbad a sign tif trenbie since."

100,000 MOTHERS
IMly Ml Other Mothas
That CoUenra Soap ii the best baby
eosp in toe world for cleanaiag and
auifying the akin, and that Cnticara
Oiounert it of pHcelcM nine for
eoetoiew cbd heaOiig itehiiig, torture

cSewofCwHcnnOiatBKat. preyed
by a warm bath with Cwlicars Soap,
inatant reliei. and refreabing
'•-tortared bobm. a^

SBMra which nadcr toe manageof Chnfle* A. .Nosbclt. built uo
Jnoet of belwMP 2U.OOO and 2C0 000 annoolly. will bo reorgutoed oi
much larger sreile with a capitol
250.000. Tbe company moke* a a
dally of getting gold and surer out
enrpeu used In. dcnttoi or oiher
Beea where gold or aHrer I* un
Some of toe old enrpol* yield aa higb
oa 2200 worih of these Bctnto.
marriage. I; was done. The Barrioc
foltowed laat summer. Ihough ib'
bride wa* ditappdnied In Caol* appearence.
On Tuesday
toe youns
rife applied for a dlrorre.
chargea Bon-aappori. The bm
ray* hla wife ba^ Banctd him for
money day and night aince they

CBfB Ydbt Cflutrli

______ Ollrer laiereeu _
eoal land la tbe CooaelItTlile. I^.,
: ibo OllreT iBtereru Is a
iBablp Doe betna b«ni
at Detroit for Ibe

I the
limesume iatetesti
variooe parts of ibe country.
B Oltrtr. <me of ibe principal bolder*,
diedihiwe weeks acrr. and tbe *ale}iot
made eSacU the st-itlcmeDl of bis estote.
Ciareaee Walker, aged 12. hre b
aireetnd at Kalamaana. charged «
fergtag an order on 1, W. aimmar
local hualoeB man. for »2 T5. sign
bl* mueber's name and clalmlax
nee* on her pari, making her In n
c< the money. The arrwit disclose* the
fact ibai Cuuniy Axenl Mcrrel has a
serioa* case on hand, ss yoang Walker
seems lnconi|rlU<- to Ibo .t-iireme.
lAirlng the past throe years ho bae
Kicden 2« Ucycle*. over SO olhor anlclre. pawning and sening the enme
ben poasible. He appears to U.-e
0 ctaHwefaonsioh uf rigbi or wrong.
Two bundrrd tbouanod doUmr* are
> tw *pen' In toe eredlon of an open
beorib «ieel plant hr (be Uke Soperlor corporation at Ibe goo, arcurdioc In a UaiemoEl Ly G<-neral Uanaper
Wniard N. Sawyer made to ihe new*
iwpert. Work to to bestaried on (he
pri^eei at once. Ii will add Urgely lo
lbe.Cprceot men employed, and
make U poaslble to use ore from the
HHim mine, a prnpertv of the rompany. and generally handle noo-Hn*in lie mannfariure of BceT
The new mote will mak<
iispany practically Independen!
ihf euispany
of AmericanI ti
mine owner*.
IKira to dir.
IliidM agalniu Itself orei
aeauon of isaiilng bond* for IJii.
jr a water work* eysiem. Aflet
liaaatrous reeoat Srve (be *oier> a
riic orher day and there w*« I
on Jnpe 20 aulborlce)
ihe'gag j" '
re of the t»\- »bow- dnty it is ..........
pnytes prou
• -- - . |„ pprt’unB ihHi I
Ihe etpenup.
Planlly VIIIIlage Clerk Kal|to Wileux
imr l<i l
<-onrlu*loo a*
a crowdi-d elrxatiir.
-When db ifce house a.IJieim loT" IiIrregular.
ed Ibe enurii; I'wo solu haring
,b: asked (be ••li-raior rutiducii
; KasB'l adjourni
U-gun ai Ml. Clement- One to bi
. urnrd......... " ..................
said be. “Nr. t
riltoge rouncll aaktng a mandamus >e |suia of.PecnsylisDla to npeaking,'
compel Wllcii* to oxecuie the bond*. | added, wfaen-upnn ihe menito-r r.ii
tad Jp ibis a- order lo »bw cau« itI be would go home anyhow.
—• entered for Dee. fS. Tbe wwn-l
is nn lojunciloa Saked for by.lC
laxpoyer*. who say they represent
It Toiue
OtUJB iMstor ((D lu
2lie,G00 wotlli of pniperiy. lo resinin
whar. the u
11, clerk and rillage pmideui iToo're looking rety glum,
j Xo wonder.- wa. the
le btorl
tbal wealthr Mr. GnUluB,
altxllng orer the giiettlon.
Anna aTeemin, the Hasllng-. Heb-.J®""-''"’.Icacher. who loM her (tonre.l .••Incl.rd!
l» It
jamea.McCotwiIck. of Hatdngs. Ulrli..
“Vitt sctIoul
B-diilne fre
that the would watt for him until Ur eeiit him will re
core bim in two day*.wax free, afler. hr had confihmed to —Ciricagit JourtiaL
larceny ai a Kalunaaao borel Ian
^ ___ _
June, had a wedding on Oirinra** a*
planned. afliT all. MeCoriBlek-. moih-1.
«-t.l-uile olum
er. who to wrtl-iodo. rame to hi* *H
and paid all toe. rent la ibe cote.!
Id* '<a.r In 'Umd.
atoni tsuo. McCormick l« ml once m < «b<»r qnlcku.w. uf bumoroito pr
loin Ilia hridMobe. whet had Ui n, (lou uiM nrarly ai4Ww>cbed

«ts» yottP Long- IrrttRtiott. nUvn yoop Son ThmX
BMd driTE oat TOOT C^nlo (Md. with tbe oBly eep*
talR. aad fMotly Beleatlfie. Can for Ceaglif aad CeUK




JUmoW In DoiMtr.
.-Ow littia dUfUar n> Unn ni br two Wmlelm
_________ —..^Dr.ElBV^


yrtoe, soc mad di.oo


S. I, Walt & Sons and C, A. Bugbee.
AddlUmal cTMcure- Ihgl ibe Indi-er
tinate ».-nienre net r
riot klodii I ■ •
■et-lr-d by somaI of Ibe
ib' rlreull Jiidgi-s

under Ihe act.

Ii. lunae


amm.Bg -


coiiw Hi-

Judges would .»es-k lo eotirme (lie mini
mum and maximom w-nleore* sriibin
narrow llnilu. we Judy, tor ilulanre.

I. wire* am*-to. MB.
2T*m. hmT* Trar*fre(!U| mMkiwu:
Bxlog a mlBlsiiia lu-ulenre at oio- FlT<Bliw(... tMrt.i, r.Mu.
ew>*.n.iiB. ...6ms m
M-V imd Ibe maximum in ibe Lame
case a year and a day.

Sf hor



*"«h'-an lylw wa* the ctorgymat

city of.
II fk-lrnli, aiinrnt
Haroueile. The ci

•e P.-r.n in ilu-i

« , cal<a.“-ll»n*T-. \Ve.*ly,

Baturdar. ttin Thirtnenth di
Janu.ry. A O. 100D.


f the rterk
b«. He ihoiij
sectWe on exliunder her ekmk while *h<
Itoiifig wllb blm for Ihe pure
* cheaper copy of the good bn
taking a chance
token he su.ldenl


il.» . m w*d4Bp**.

ww ngMe

»; U UlCKWOOll.O.P.BT.*.

bu teamed that aotne
Cnias require Car difigr.
CDt soil rtinrt Others^

Irb she'lrtsT^J Ol-w^ reiridSICTSai:
door ahe looked ll‘^.*'i he j
If her puiThase.
Tr*-e.w ul^d.

■cgne crops tteed differ*
He kaoB^that a treat
deal depends upoo right
plantisg at tbe right
tone, and that die a<A
IBUBI he kept cftricbcd.
No uae of complainu«
in sammer about a mis*
take made in tbe spring.
Decide before tbe seed
Ute beat time to remedFwaitii«cotiditiansin
the human body is be*
fore tbe evil is too deep
rooted. At tom at« evi­
dence of loss of 6esh

Irene, of Mennmln.-e. now [
tog in the Khiupplaea. would! >t'l'["‘'SS?*,*


xr: i

xoldlers were tiff diilT aud were en-'QT»tk or Ni(-aiaA2<-ODBBty
(oyingalatk when they wtox net iiomi. Q.
One of Hie w.imen ..<!■. IS* —...—A'.;,-?".™ ‘f.
of ehllrtmeni expire* in a ;
little Jap
the stole* with bln


«. y___

General New*.

..T^nt ...dH

rtiooU be taken imme*
dietely. There is noth*
fog that win repeir
wasted tiesoe more
qtu^y ^ replace test

Sir Henry CntDpben.Uuin.Tman.
■ordlng to th" DuBdeee Adivn,~.,.riMT ltiow.T^re
-- ■ ,
t>Uk*. t„ th. iresum t*we-*x,^ i*
i-ems to bo the Btw prime mtaift-r
of purely
Olilc. strain.
[>UbU<lli>l t*
ala mother wa* a Banatxman of Non.
beater bar father neitled there
Sreitohd and up la Abcrdwiitol
(be Banoei
lltlle but
here to II
rnry ]k ot:i
aiber tad i
«h to Glitmts ... _
gblaad bUl*; both
nele. who btint up

.d cUy
hears hU
e.wbcB freed from • j*
o Upiwii** torn Mred**!,

-I e;'

y»* u*y.


409 pMd Bueal




Scott’s Emulsion

up tbe body when ordi­
nary foods absolutely


M book *
a whiise


to the Acre


II. W, Unmls. a Genera, N. V .
* Mr.
I'iioulc My* ib.ii h
Tkmalee. wto «ay* he fougfal one
la iiarTy with lieau Hole
.......................i for I
ufler * '
to la fonto and tay* he will *oy by Iho :‘ritannel “^"T
*>»* coutli.rni.
Perx- Moraueite tiuHfbe geta a Hear
bad bem n rooeh one. and
une or compenaailcm for about three-•!»““ >“d raRenHl gmUy durtog
qBarien of on acre of land In Cnmi) 'Mto *‘*'’>* ’'‘P- "‘ (be^wriy toadbell lowsahlp. Ii appear* that wayfed at l>«>ar tbe dran. lu ttreUing
hat* In the 70-* tbe old Ixiwell « i *Uo« Ibe railway atailoa chnucvd t,>
He regard* toe Barrtoge
Haaiing* roadbed wo* pd( acniM thl* | a1o|. bef.we a prluied nutlre at Ute
limply aa a burleeaa propoalilon.
daring he paid 2100 tor hi* bride.
An immreee deal hi the iron In
»•* me
he largett In man r rears, has Just U>wl» ctoliim ^ rl'i^'i 'o?'**"' was ! -X'L
glren- That tie tallnmd alre ha.l
vojup--'-------------- ---eea dosod ai B«fanahn by W. P.
^yder of PitUburg. wboho* been ns
nctoted wito the Ollrer loiercsu
ter toe Arm name of W. I’. Snyder &
50. The ralue of the properties InTolrto It between ISO^i.OOO and 275.-

- Cuand mntee or SOMh RgreN. aied
»l. sccsrrd a lleease to marry Mm
Florenre- Rebecca Payac. aged SS. whe
to hi. hotekeepre. Crauae was obUged
to berra* 50 cw»a to aeeere the IIcetre. He had but 14 eeirla la hto
I pocket when be left ibe office. !•
I which be gars up for tbe core of bta
I ii a.-n. ireriag Mm bot foar eeau wHh
wbics to begin 4il. foarlh BBtHaMBtol

said to thuai:

-rnTjat Jame< liS.r d-d-wf*™'awwe.eo.*.-**,,*-,» .ud »»«--

of Teuietsee and Robert Adii
of Peria«Tlnato somehow or
lalred rei
reauailolto a* being Ihe
eery poor speakers. When wither b?
gin* Bpeakdag the galleHe* bereauempiy about a* rapidly a* thuagb tbe
------tm ire. Mr. Adas* began

J. Twgnwjt"


Real Estate and Loans
irr Front St., Hontatue BUl,

IraTerse Cllj. Wch.

Properly of All Kinds for Sale
and Exchange
We will get you seven per cent per annunTfer
y<iur mooex'and gi\-e you as security gilt edge
, Traverse'City real estate or gilt edge .farms in
Grand Traverse County. Mich., where your
Aioney will be ^solutely safe.


r - -


»«»■• I
- !
I «n
•M kM !• *w>k*«r mt «
M I M«r-MI la krhg to «•
«Nm ttilafk I WW ‘Try. try

WOT aatoCL UTM, ti



*il1I^ro"^St Ik. iiaaat.




trsTsfr r“r
I. ok, aadt a pretty
VKh early brlfki hair aad ayai (aU
• oT Jay.
Thar aw «a tka nr to yoar booaa,

PrattoKOT yott trio bear that aodi

ae 10." they cry: ■ta kayo
uaraM tor.
Itor tvalra laac wartba. ladaad.*
TOT tollr aU WM» totokaa hU OTatlatMboart
AadOTIaaghe: Take heed, take
I aw fhtber CbrWaa, I brlag yoa

-Aad r-*etta^ boy. -am the llUle
Not Taart-

Clab hr C U Dntae. Bwd ct
l>aar ahUdraa. yoa bare aot beard
frow wa
Bliiee I toM yoa aboot iUUe old Peoay
aad the UtUe eblek«.dee:
AU UtUe paia, *a lore them, km them
Tot aav^wUl.hqym them. I hDOT.


Dear rttndraa, I slab yoa all a netTy
ChMatmaa aad a happy not Year.
Wathi^ the Buahlac club, oyer 4emi
etiM, tor tbew ve |lro a ebccf.
' Itoar iek. poor aad aad. (broasb yov
to|irnn torpot their voe.
Aad ypa all fed ao clad aad bam
on It. I fekov. 1 kaow.
Wbea to aebiwl yeaB r>. to aad
fa«lecthe«hni wiBd aad
Toor fooBc btorta boat Uebt; year
cMafci have a beanhy. nddy



Weomo Ka*F* LJ0AOT*am
<* aaythmc mora t wlD
aad wbha. TOTra iaa wM mlaeOTra wtto av baa*' tataida to yoa a
Fhr toe past foety year* Sara Ban-.
aad my ewadpa b nperiataadaei. wtdt yea aad oil the f
ham Bgiithpose has been kept by a
tey do to totambool. wbkm trasemerry Ckrtataua aad a happy Hot
roman, ia lUS a Ughiboosc was erect-.
y be deSaed aa ■
Tear. I remmle.
ac-ba b irwritad tow to the Towh'i
<d two mtlra south of Santa Itortra. v
Toar Baaahtae gbt
Joanal* .
■ beta aad aU bare a
■at President FrahUto, Pierce appototBeta KoeariL
?d Afber: J. WUUams to be the ktap.m.
recta tayi
oma Tmw»e r*«ii»
toe otoer b Tady-a.
to IKS. arar toe etae of toe OvU
Md tlrto •><
aorta of very tow aad ohaeqalow aawin eiaaa for tola time, ao cood-byc.
war. Mra. Jalla F. wmarns wm apker. Ume. troa OUtorsla.
why tt to who a boy deaa toaaw. be laya bto right hand upea hla
pototefl keeper -to eoeoeefl bee OTeAcB A
UUa Nooaaa.
bond, who bad fltofl. She OTs had the
aaytotag a Id eolb It a lake etwyewa heart and begiaa.—
ABOBf tka food tklBto Ul* vMk Ktocata. ■- r. D. 1. Mklu Dee. t».
1 wbta a dog deea atae- “May tola graetooa oora prate a
Icmgest service of any ke«p» eh the
ww aa citaopa Ml or Iciim 1100
Dear PrwMeat-1 bare tag though: totog like It, It to wroog! Now. to«» moat happy aoe *or toee. alr.“ The
eoeat. She ha* bath away tram her
Hn. ttoaer^ ■etoilwi at btertateL of Jdatag rfae Boaablar dab. bat aerer
r. the boy who Hret wtto my sfBeial retarwa the aalotatom. aM
poM only two nlghU to Iwentywevep
W« kava raaay
dU, bat will POW If yea will picaae maater aad toe. and help* aa do toe
Q. Name toe eapltal cf Texas. .
>. and rarely MItd toe Ughtoogp
tead me a card aad botioa. Ptaaa
excepi on Bnaflaya.' whfm OTe drtVM to
Me to oiwayi taiiag people, ‘'WeaUat iboe roneAsafa thy a<
awd my brotoer. Cbaitie Tb0or. aad aad they taogb aad any. -What ■
vani several stamps srkb whkb
Santa Baiharw to attond Charch. The
■end letten lo America? As th
lacar It; eo foil of taa;'
r risra <me bnadted and seeehtyOar edd (rtad. C. U Donlaa. vbo
The “whIsUtog tree.- or araeia fls
fret above the aradevel. and the
I fool them hew mad they are! mayst know, my aoa. Abdallah BSi
kM «mua to a* iB roan rta fay X bama.’ Wad. I gooM I waaot tolat
tula, to found to Kabto aad the Sou solid white light can be sdb arvOT>
- ril teU yoa aboat aome of my toket fli. Ibe glaas mer^ant od Ak SeraL
akoot tka eUeka-daai. aad aboot the if more to wrtte, to 1 wnt dox.
bow they lorned out. One «td abldiag at this moment at CUcago. dan. Tbe Arabs call It -snear." or
mile* at tea.—Ciehaaga.
time dec. PoBBT. pnaalBod roar
TOTr wooM-be Saathlaer.
pipe, because of tbe whlitltog soonl
Bigbi I coaldnt aleep. aad all at once where he Is vIslUag tbe grand
Nettle Taylor.
ibooghi of a good )oke to play on and bli family are dcalrous of eom- that 11 predoeoa. and tor ipeeUc asm.
A tMaappeifrtiofl Kto*.
1 yea a Nor Tear poam. Sara
af -ffsuila." a *ord also meanjag pipe
manlesttog wtib bim. Thoogh 1 b
tbv whole family. So I pit
SnltOH Bay. Mta. Dec. I. IMS.
When Klag Ednrd vtoilOT Italy reQCh. It eama tola waek. aad b
(w flute, has bees given; h for ihr eratly. says H<we Note*, the IKtle
aleep to toe wood- lelf know not bow lo write, yet hr
Dear PtaMDt-l tooogfat I wool
itad la oar dawrimtet b
chamber. under the floor, where
write a few Haea to you. Pteaae tea
Priaewa Yolaado waa grretly OTeMV
wfll all ba latereatad la IL
lUiactarer. oktllefl to that an. aad ' iBsens infest lb? Irer. and depnsii ed to toe royal rtolior sad .very^sm» a card Dd bottom I would Ilk ttoey made a place for me lo go tmi
be hath prooilsed lo oblige as'tii this their eggs to ka *00010. K gall-Uke
Ibe aleep.
— j ions
to iofai the SUBiktoe dab We bar
loos to s<
see him. However, to face great
Aad aow.-daar Saaahlaei
aa .torb sod
aad barked, aad vbUed; and matter.I disgust, sbs was so OTjoely coeflned to
_________ ______ year. Are we all three hotaea aad #re eowa. I bare four
acted aa Ihbugta aoipelbtog waa
-Very well. O worhy sir. but how to dlamcier.Ts produced
tbe Dorsery dprieg toe visit that OTw
goUg to try harder thaa eve^to keep alaten aad three bretben. Oar t
of the. shoots, and when the larrac aerer raugbi a 0lmi»e of him oHtl
msny stamps dost than desire?
oar SoBtotae pledge thll oawlag year? er’t aaow b HOT Con FMlaa. I am At toai my matter got op ud a
hare emerged frooi Mtcular bole* to one moratag she etoded her keopen
the door. 1 went to and laid
precious 'Jewel, hoi
one «( u eboaU try to to toe foorlb grOTe I am tea yeara!
(htokest thou I should take? Ooe will Ibc aide* ^ ibe «heet*: tbe birir* -and hU heWad a chair ta toe room
olA For goto t bare got a dog aad under ibe uble to toe nice
ba tooettol aad happy aU toe
hardly safAoe. as be dees not toiend ptayod upon the wind, prodoc* a whis- where Ktog Victor and Queee Brnta
aad bealda that. tboaU be 00 toe look three <mu We lire oa a Ibrm.
natll toe
to elosr.l illng *nuad equal to that prolarcd by were talking to Klag Bdwug. FMSOacar
do at loan eae’ apodal tolag
aomcooe anmad. Prlacc neicr made Therefore t pay Ibec. give me two." a sweetfooed flute.
nil> too quees spied her.
every day to make aoaieoBc happ>’ gaod-bye.
The “cow tree.".to wo railed beense
fuM for noihlng." Then my
-Bxeellrnt. execUcal! Hero they
-YolaOTe.- «b* asked, ''why did yog
From yoar frtoad.
Oee'tolog'woald aot be rery hard to
master aaid. ‘-B’dl go out and aee." are. Mav I reqirosl Ibe sum of furr It yields aa abundant snppir of milk,
Katio Betpilat.
dm would nr Aad yd It would mean
deep todslnns are made <n tbe tree
I ihougbi I abould die laugbtog Plasters in payment?
SK people made happy by each of iw
OM HlaaioB. Mich.. Dee. 10. IPOS.
B I heard that bal I kepi alUl. and
“Whal sayesi ibou. my gralle tomb? from wMOT the fluid flcArs Into v**
darlBg the year, aad gueae bow maaj
Dear Piealdent—I tboogU I wonld
Throe piasters I always paM—never The -cow tree- to to railed becaasr
la toe ooarec of toe year. H etery wrlta yoa aaotber letter aad idl yoa toc> got ready and areal 001. '
This wu but a year ago. when
.. . . wbotoB* erer takea toe H. about my peu. I bare a Mg dog Oacar carried tbo laalcm. and my
To ol>iata the milk, deep Inctokm an-1
lastcr look hb rorolvcr. They boih Abdidto was al ParU; even al-^“
r. F. Saaihlae pledge were to do tob?
PC b Doe and a klllle aainad looked behind them every atep. and
•Too are «oRe right. BffradL but oade to the tree, from which Ibe fluli
There are 4<H1 OMBben eardlo
Ttge and a caU. Papa get mr a
lolo rcssols pibred rvad> to rc
have changed. They Met
Jdst Uke yoer peadu aad
there b no naow to
reive il. This vegetable milk to W'uiir.
today.tlplrthat by m aad you will be a
when they came back fbry bo'h
"In tcry sooth. O appl<- of mine eye! somewhat vtorfd, and has aa agreesH.umlibed at year piealdal wea
Boomed mad. -You rnacal!" my
Tbrei the tharwf Imth. been laeros' flavor, and an analysts of It shows
wbea ibe did It. Tern. It a
said. -If you orcr fool me
ed?- WHb ibU ihe Tuto prodneee an lhai It to very mneh like lb.- milk of •
1 that our StnuhUe deb had am dd eooagh. i am looking for Santa
Co-uqb sv-nins are all cheap
but It )-nu should get a
Bade <me miUloe, four hoadred aad aaoi Cbrtetnaa. I bc^ he won't that again ni tbreah you wllbla an lotrlcaiety knou’ed purse aad .draws
s na Ihe slope of Ihe muanlsin
Inch of your life. Celouir lie llflcl ' irth a bundle ar r>S!>er mnocy.
nlkmofci.ugli rynmlluRdonoot
aneaty-Cber tooooaaA alaa hsudred
chain borderiag on Veaesada. rare tor toe prioe oTa saOT boctfc
up bU foot and I went preliy quick.
“Nay. nay.
aad elctMte peofde happy la jad
The -cloth tree- to tand at Ola
Oac of oar nelghbora baa four ah
oaa year. Ua*t H worth inrlagt
belie to the Sooth Sra. The Imrk is
ll-.tle chlldreo, and I oftra play a goo-l per; thou must pay to slWer-1. Dec. II. IPOS.
lokc eo them. U*hen eae of th<
••What. thou refiisest paper! and taken off lo long strips and put lo
Yalorlotoeei. HIcb.. Ore. 11. loas.
wberefore? Is It not good money? ■oak over nigbi to runalog water. Tbe
wrtUag. 1 thooght I woald write, too. a piece of bread and buUcr. I
Hln Bate*—I am gotag to oebod.
■oaktag sofleiu It. n IbSt the Inner
the hem couth core, tot weaM
payam la toe third reader. - Xy leacker'e am twelrr yeara old and go lo aehool
have made a bad hai^-for cm*
t II. I wag my lall all toe Ume as mcni? Well, since ibo-J decllnosi 11. flbro may.he easily separa'ed from the

" mr. I go to oebod aearty etery day. I am to the ocvcnih
small lutilc of.Eraip . Italaun fnae
rest of Ihc harfc.y.Tbi- tibeiv are pii:
will pay Ibec to cvipeer.''
stop the w-ung oragb sad ssrea
grade. My tcachrra name U HUs miich aa 10 nay. “What a )okc!eeery day. My bnWhor'a aarac
life, whereas tor cough ••cure''Uiat
Ooc day I weal up in play with toe
“Nay. Blfendl; we' lU<- no copper
Wdli. I hltoad ibe umr aehod Jerrr
OlBhl aad my aame b
oof cure to vsirie than
TuHcr doet. t nw hb Inter to'tho children. Wo were playing lag. and either: thou must gl^ me sllrer.Wayae Thoaipion.
S.Jd by all dealers s( ace. aad floB.
ihioagb the bouw. Their molher
“Sllver? Bt my beard. I have li by side iinlll Uit-y are ai least IJ toek
Herald tbb week. We are gdag
totertoebea. Mleh, Dec. U. IMS.
to width, aad two or three layers
have Cbriatmaa ezcrcbea at our adiool had Joal pot a largo piece of meat eb M. I pray thee take this copper, and
Dear Mlae Bate#—1 am> well aad
of 'llbrcs are pul ooe ppoq another.,
platler on ibo klicben -uble.
toon sball have some addlUonal.bouac. I hate Irorard a piece
)pe yoo an the tame. I am gdpg to
Tbe tibce adheres logruhcr to one'
grabbed II and no off and atoJi
■ I eanaot do li. EffsBitL By Allah
■ebod every day. I am la toe third tlOed -fArbUBBa at the Poorboo
piece, and tbe material thus formed to
ud' tried to gti
cannot, it -to forbidden.'
£v*ry new and old «ub>
grade. Mra. Hager atked at to
and laid the would-kill me. t kepi
-Wall. then, thou ihall hh^e alircr. beaten upon a stooo>h piece cf wood
pcrlbertotho Har^d.who
buer to you. My teacher b
nntil it becomes a* ibto u muslin. It
of her way aad ran araaiid wag- Here h 1s.. the latest golac to epwk ChrUtmao.
has paid in full to Jap. I.
gttg my tall, and barktog, ~Caa‘t pou
Accept my nvertorang thanks, my to toco bleach'OT la ibe dr for a-tlmv
uolhti It goteg to eekeel etery day.
■ a Joker bui sbo coatda't.
will rmcetve • sreat
exqnisite lartle-dove."
He b la too foarth grade. Wo have write to you. u I hare not writtw be­
playTd a Joke on Oscar. I
iMpsazins papal-. FArm And
fl aekolan la our oefand dot. My fore. I am a little 0ri 11 year* old.
The “sUngIng tree - of Queenslsad u.
I'l turn out aa I expected,
hlUy! J
Firms de, Absolutoly froo
mother ti coming to aee the cfalldree. My craadma take* the Herald aad I
plesslag to Ihc eye. but dsagernus l<>
of tbe family go away. T aJtaya
for A full ysAr, FArm Arid
am • yea.-! old. Tbb b all I can read the loilrro la It. I bare four olo. lie by the gate ud watch for them
the touch. Iis effects nre eurlous: II
write today, ao good-bye.
Flrotfdo is from 24 to 38
>s great pain to the imon or ani
ten older tbaa myaeir aad oar liro'bbark. One alghi Oscar at
From yoar triead,
mal that bu the misfortune to giu
er younger. Thrlr aamoa are Kallr. away, and I was
rat waiehlng
vaiehlai; for him.
him and
psges. twloojk month. 34
Aaw reterww.
Haggle. Jeoaie. Wlonle aad Waldo. Ihotiiibi It wao a good lhn« to bare a Chlaeac ChIMren Love New Yaai't stung by II. but K leaves no wound.
times A year.
Sm th«

OO mark of aoy klod. And for months.
Ther all beloeg to the SuadilDo dnh milr fun with him. So I went up the
lalerloeboa. HIcb., Dec. 11, 1*05.
offer elsewhere In this
Maggie have wrtttoa to road sways,
Barept nt-ibe C*iIdc«- New Year, afterward tbe part stung to painful to
Dear Preddeat—I toooght I 'wouM
me yoo a tew liaea. I want to lolo
B la HOT Wella. Wo have a tboaghi he was a stranger, at hard to catch a gUmpac of rhildren In gvHs wet.
too Simtblae club. 1 am ftpag
My Btudlea are arilbmetic. growled and Jumped 00 bim, aad ai Chlaa. Uttk beggars will ran braldc
'that have
weak a pleee oa Chriatimu. We are
geogiaphy. pbyalology. opd! M as though I was going to hlie fcli
for miles to earn ooe -eaab." a been siuBg by Ihe tree, so maddening
gelax to have a ChrlMmai tree at the
effect upon ibem.
hare a ahephrrd dog and la-o
He had s big stick In bis hand and copper coin wUb a square hole to the
OB ChrUlmat.
ktttena. We did have a rabbit; htj before I knew whal he was going
> --angry tree" grows la Nevada.
middle of |i. worth Ibe iwrnlleto at a
From yow frleod.
-B California and Artoona. When
Jack. Wj bad him nearly do he hll toe ore; Ibe trad wlUi li and real; but children a hn have pareo-s
Alton parti.
throe yoara but a ebon t
re for them coca to be kept in­ to tbe least dlsIuOTed (his highly sen
koocked me dora. “There. Md fel­
find bIm low.- be said. “I'U teat* you lo growl doors all Ihe Ume. nr only allowed ’o sluA tree OTows Its asger by ruffling
anywhere. Wo were very aurrj. aa
play lo walled yards sod gardens. W<- up llslravcs and emllllng a.dtoagreoal me!"
Ume I wlU ratio a few iUei. I wev
am a good pel and as tame at a kll- The stick cut my hnd and made
to say to each other. -«"hy.
.-Philadelphia Timra.
Ibe y«ry mack to Jola toe elub. I •
■n. I will eloee for this tlme.
big bunch, and for over a week I hi where ST* toe cblWrea? Haven't Ibey
golBg to Tnrerea City oa CkrUtmi
aayr Bil at New Yrar's we fuua>l
Yonr lorlag Snnshlaer.
the hradaebc all. the Ume. That ra
Weeden »lw«s In Chlaa.
kare two mllei to walk to atoooL
BlaaeOT BtMgo.
my laal Joke. I made up my mind
msnnfaetnrB of wooden shoes to
am golac to apeak a piece Cbrtatmaa.
there was tometolag wroag about holiday (d all tbe y««r la China, when aaiurally a eoariderablc brsnrh of InNesaoB City. Mich, Not. 7. !«».
Prom yoar triead.
Dear President—it it a rice dav them. They dldo i seem-to take. B.> everybody bangs out flags and.colnn-1 dusiry Hi Chins. Tbo flaer sad more
Mariorr Saxtoo.
gave up trying lo be funny.—Ei- lanienu and rets off firecrerkers. (IV.- costly kind occupy the sHcnilon .
bore. Wbra I go to trbool I ran sit
bnrroaed our riistom of fireermekt-rs
taleriorbca. Mich.. Dee. S. IWS.
iporiant sbopkreiK-rs In the priueipsl 1 . T***^!*** *^,7117 t ' 1'I'
table aad have a llitio chair. ehange.,
for. ihinFnurih of July from Cblaes.Dear PTraldent—l go to aehod aot
It I bare a little rolt aad two
Yvar'f.l AH Ihe pimple pal «m tolrusu'd
am to the third reader, hly leacher'a kilions and a dog. Tbo dog's name Is
Weather Hlcta.
very lost cloiher., aad ihe chil­ kind
aame |i Mra. iUgar. She it a good Carlo. He to black with a white ring
Walrb the sky for what arc ra
dren Ibe btsi of all. Jaekeis aad iroas~ er. I go to Suadoy acbod 00 around bto aeck. aad I have a oow aa.I nares'-ialls.'' These appearing a
« of brietii blue or green or yellow
Buoday. I go to aehool oo Moaday. a horse. Please send me a card an-l ear wraiher rhow toe track of
warned by the poorer elssg
parple. ifae hoys and girls so much sad Ihe mgmfaclr-e of these it the
racOTay, Wednraday. Thuraday aad button. I have a slider at borne; her wind -In the sky. A rnsy sunsei ke tbsl you can ealy tell them apart work cf praclilloacra of more modc.Friday. I play on Satorday.
fair wra-ber. A red sky in
Bine Is Luey. Good-bye.
their hair. The boy's, of eniir*.:. sic skill. They usually go from place
Yoar frlcad.
raornlne forHells l«d wrather. A gray
Aga 6Oinclo Harrra.
sky in the morning rarans fine wes’h- is braided up In a pigtail, sod ibe girl's to place. When ibey ttod suHshie wood
WllUe Koabell.
Uke A'bd. R. P. IV 1. UIcb.. Dec. ll.
done Utp on her head w lto silver they begin Iheir labor by'splHttog It;
toe first streaks of light
near Pretldenl—I weal over 10
». n, 1»
i- t.wn alvve a bank of clouds |i!o<. nr, If She's a very grand llllie up ir.lo Iragihi about cue fo« long’
Pranres Itoll's laM rvenlag and she
Dear rrorddcB'.—1
II *rite y
girl. «l:h gold or Jade. Thus dcckiU with shify knives, l-w> rorigh suOT
for wind: If ibey arc close
otter. I am wen a
lei mr lake toe Herald lo rrad aome or OB toe boriina. toe weather will be out. tbe children go walking with their then they proceed eO ibelVwsy usil]
ime. 1 go to aehool ererr day I of tbe lettm. Two of them are finm
to genrral, soT, dellrate relovs prood pai«> and mamnms. am
tbey flail a customer Oo (hat sus­
caa. My teaefarr-a aame b Hr. RobKaael and Daisy Id ibe sky. with ladeflnUc forms of go to The iheatcr. which Is a rat
picious mcettog they sit dowa at ibc
Brogta. I wUh to be a llitle SuBabto- clouds, mean fair wratber: gaudy,
for them.
I side of the road and proeead to flatoh j
girl, w pleaac send me a card and nual eMota. sad
Perhaps ^aeae eblMree have ae the sboes sceafdlag to
desires |
bunco. I used 10 lire al Unllng. Wr
g-o name b Sly aad my caVo 1
inmrtog plays together, but (■ ■r a1^ ud the financial cspadly of the buyei
rain, and probably wind,
B|Kg. My dog b black aad ^ cal moved up here one year ago last SoI0-* as If they were bora grown —esehange. ark. 0oomy. blur sky Is windy
.veipbor. I like It Is-ller here than at
yellow aad brusn. I lire in
bright, light Hue gky Indkaies up.-S:. Nicholas.
raaniry on a farm of SO arret aad
Uasiag. I go to athool every day. M> flue wraihiT. Generally, the soPer
Blessing to* Floelu for ttic New Ycai*.
r farm. I have terra dolb all teacber's name to Eddie Petieagill. ,I clouds Ieoh, toe less wind (but per
la iraitji:;c through lli‘- s-.ulh ol
Jvarr Moeh al Sea.
my OTo. I bad a doll wbea t .waa dvc like him very omeh. I think my kl- haps more reiai may be expected:
Tbe (ollewiDg are womc answerr sc.. Frsnro at this tcssob wr rhDe>*d irn
reara old aad I am alar now. I woold T la gelltog long. OT gooddiye.
pad toe harder, more "girasy.- rolled insJly given the other day. aceordlogt'”*
ciiriiris cervmoey si'ached
prom your levlag Sonshiner. 0 )oto toe Sueahinc club. Will
lunra. or tagged, the airoagcr the
the Angotta iCa.) Chroolel*. by a this S>lv«-sier Bight, or New Yesrsi
ICOTC xod mea card aad buaoo.
Sva D. Lewis.
coming wind w«l prove. candidate for a leacbcr'* rcgtiflcaic: eve. It wa* the blessiag of ibc flock; '
My faiber aad mother are well. Wr
A brlgtl-yellow sky. at suasei pre­ q.- Name Ihc presldeet and vle?- and herts of anlmalt. wfaicb wre^
GUIs Pier. Hlrh_ Dee. U. IMS.
If aebolan to aur aehool. Wt
Dear Presldral—I win write a few sages wind; a pale'yirikiw. wet; or­ pr'erident of toe Oiuifeddney. A. drireq by the praOTnts of the sur
BflRnt Skon «t BOTest Priea
Uec two weeka of •cbool yec My, fai to a IHile
Itara to you. 1 am well and hope toese' ange or copper colored.-wind and reJti. Rooreveit aad Fairtan'ka.
baa a horae. Wr baveal any
r lines will Had yon belter yeU I These are Pome of the tnesi tmpor.Urthplare of Coluir-|'t'"*
Cerranns id'iodUIpv.
9OT or plga. Nut a borer, dog d<I a
tnt pnlo'<i atxml wratber whieb bsw ir. A. BoBtoi. Mast.
b-M aome cblekaea Weil, my lei
irih. I am been scl'dcwn to ibc books by old and
q. Prom what port did. Columbo*j‘S>‘*
getUng pretty bmg. ao I will
I Three herds constitute.s grester
■ladles ire exprrdenrcfl atolonnea. If toe young tall? A. Uanbattaa Island
tae, boplag to aoe tob leUer la print
q. Give toe date af toe diswerv | part of the wealth of toe limple mbs’,
eambera. reading, spelling, grammar jarinsmea wDl bear them- in atled.
and geography. Once a week we have
of Amerira A. November *0. IW«i.i‘'*»“ ®f
"*ta, a*^ every Sew
JOTm ytmr torieg frieoA
peomaashlp The reads are qslte bad.
q. WbosBtiledOsofgla? A. Ow-iTrer's eve they bring ttar frecw-iv
Hurt Loular Oneklla.
token nniwarea by bad wcalhcr- Bto was settled by a company' of in jA“'“«OTto receive a bicsslng f-.r il.c
A in\T tvf Warm Nbora for
P. S. Pleate aead card aad battoti We hare bad a little aaow. Ltn it's Harper's YWg People.
liouse w.'.nr mq}' av« a (loirior
gulag off- We ere going 10 have a
tnsas to iflM.
J EC* y*dr--l-mie Chrenkto.
• Him Hoael boab Cooklla. BeaChristmas tree and a program al our
liilL , .All kimb of wiata
What was the cawe of toe Rev-I
------------------ :—
mota. Mich.. R F. R 1, Boi. M.
school. I alt wlto Mary Kelehick aad
young tody. vlslUng lor the
plailoBlary war? A Tbe Reroluilan-! A llitie torOTyMhCdd miss, while
footwear for men al the
Porrla. Dae. A IXB. ftke her tret rale. I am very unto tbe eoODio, Was atonne
ary war was eaased by Amerira wani-ihar motoar wn trying to get her jo
priceDear Prealdeat—1 weald like to Jota Iseky. I tost my SuBahtoe ptn aad to the approach of a eow, Bbe wai
enjoy freedom.
J sleep, herame toterested to a peculiar
he Saaahtoe dab Pleaar awu
did py sister Detsie. I eartoar a two frigUeaod lo nm. and. abaUu her
card BBd bauae. Myteacbs'ai
eeat stamp for each, ao pleaae eeod
w) at ibi animal, she aald to
cricket, dear.- reylUd the mother,
ppp. WhlUng Hotol. MbaShaak. She it a good tw
each eu. I have a deg Md a vefy Hevn'toa*:' -Ua down. air. lie
-■rail.* remarited too UtUe lady, -be
Par pett t bare a dog aad kktea aad calf tor ny pfla. WMI. aa I caaaot flora!*
enght ta CM btouelf cdled.-


Tea aw tdtlac ready tor lUeh ballla, year era roar to hoc.
, V yao^ya to-tka motto at tbo Suboktoa dob you will aoceecd, I
I kaow.
.Uet a^ erne la 0(a aaadi at da'y
Braa Vltor daatk they will crew.. I

D City.
K Uke Aaa. R. F. 0.1.
to. BotuesBay.
a aad CbarUe Tayhw,
L r. O. No. 1.
a. Perrla. QtlU.
^ Uoalte CoPbila. Beatoala. tl.
I. Attha Dayla. lata
:>■ Wr ptari the laai week of the eld
' year wHb a coed Hat of aew memhera.
Wejrtl 0ye tkam aU a glad wcleawe.

Kent’s Balsaiii


Be 6ooc! to
Your Teet

Rewtond Dsugliss

N1|br cakw me diapterad:
is • bmr»d«mtc Vartetr. bat as
obIt roeaotlr Ibat va la Aa>erlea bav«
added that bolMar to oar ItaL the
cakes are ret to btwr kaova la as.'
Tb« toaU (aaer cakM that hare
saeh aa auraetlre appearance oa the;


BoU two eapfnla of sugar
ter cf a cqpinl of water aatn K win
tlirad. poor to tte getoiU. odd a icoppooDfal ef vanilla ate beat nsUl
Ukfc ate while, atlrring to vottoas
> ef coadled fruits, cot small,
td belweea ate oa top cd cakes
npeaslre eaea to bar- Tber <_____ with a few of the whole tmiu.
BMdi at booie, tpwerer. with leas thaa
half the cost, and ore not at aU dinrtottlswsp:
Oyetere la Many PernHL
caK u> BMike.
■mate salehsa gold. TWestdtaaot
The saoplba with tbe R are weU
pmVmlY ewtafi. ate aaottm aaW M
la the dm place. ca|r two esculent dec ecap. aad tbe opstera are begtooaghL
kinds of cake fora the faaadatlt
Blag to think it is time lo take to deep
ThIaaaU la ADlrdteUad with,alttor
aajr aBadrer e( IhnerdooUac ca
er. la many l)omea i
aaaielr. spoase cake and poend
form a^lrome addtiioo to a
Mittal ta iteffsrail, aaTtte*^
Tot the klac. foodaal Is feed: I
Ihcp arc served in bat one a
Then oaolbar oMd to caaght ate a
waps, gcadally as a aoup or eaealcool plaee, will keep for a Ions lopod.
oongh derelops: OaOKh sprwps an rwlaw U roB do not with to ase n all at
sactsd to. bnt they giva affly tompmarr
tf yoa woBld ealv tbe oyster lo tbe
Ft>r UnUns the Idas, porrfaase fuUesI, says Farm aad Fireside, twi
lap Jan or cdnrtas paste. Ttiep
Impodaal rules should be ebaerred it
d eonghsprapsaad
ealp tea eeau sploee aad will last for tte eoedilBg and the scrrlng at them:
rears, as >oet a dip of a toothpick
First.“never orercook them, as b
xiior kins for a lame cake. The nae- makes them kalberp aad inngfa; see
owgb grows worse.
ul ediois arc red, kaf.s'W). ormnse. ood. alwsys aerre oysters as soon ai
Then ihv dwtor is laUsd ta, oalp to
discover thsi the paUiml to 1a lbs first
-kiet and loae pink. Other oseful liithem to Ston'd
stsgreof coammptloc.
ruins them.
ttu w*p-1hat Miaa
few strips of aagoltea (keep it light
Broiled—Dip la.melted boner.
Powell, of Aurora, It’d., breamr. aieh.
eorkte to a glass fruit tor), candled » with salt and pepper, and i
Bht caught a cold, ate M coosldsrlmi
jse and violet leaves, Itop stlver<nat- orcr very hot .eaals. Serve 0a wellIt serious, asglsolte it, Ihlaklag as
i eoarecUoaerr or seed candles, and
buttered toast iprinkled with ebeppa
8 sBgar. Witt Ito panley.
Bowovar.iicInagU her toaaeloosly,
cake cutters poo can
ate to two works shs foate bar hsoltt
Fhacy Roast—Pul tbe oyslera in
to asarloos eoudllioB.
pretty shapes, such as snaares.
dry spider (not loo boil, aad shake
Portunslely.Perniia hadbanhron^
eeats. heart ehapea, surs or dlaraoods.
about OB tbe store ualU they give mit
to hrr uoilM. ate aha took a eoorsa o!
Pound Cake—Cram half
'siBedy before II-was too tate.
Hquor aad are plomp. Bme oa but­
butler with the aaBe'noanl
a wash thr cough ate rold ware
tered toast, scaaonlng with pepper,
nr, bM the polks of, five eggs beaten
salt, butter and a daab of mare.
up light and Icmoacnlo^. a cupful ..
Panned—Drala one plat Of oysters,
flour, tte whiles whipped till stiff, and and strata tbe liquor ttroagfa a very
A Haw Vaai'e Wlah.
dish af mace. Beat hsM tor live
fine ateve. Pul oBc tablcspoonful of
to which a
TWt wlah for ptn;. that past raosb Map to the winter of mp bsart
mlaotea. spread oat eveolp, to a large
butter to a spider, and aa aocai a<
UrroS gentle radiance steal.
baklagimii. half aa Inch thick. In rismelted ted tbe omen, shaktog tbem
Ton March ahead.
tag. the coke win he over aa Inch
Ate thos B
momeol to absorb tte bolter:
Oadawtad. sritk the Kbpa at trad
ttkk to aa even sheet, maktog It )ott dredge Immedtalely. then, with one
Shall Ooweis aad trait appear.
Thrfirsl stop low atd coaanmptlea to
right for eolllng into tamll shapes.
Each season brtoglnc bsarea's glfto
aeotd. Tb* Best St ep is a failure te ewro
poonful of flour, some pepper, salt
To wta itfe-a bread;
Bake the caek 1 aa moderate oven.
PC-RIHU Itpromptip. Tbo third stop is ttvdoTo Ueas Btp baimp pear.
a little mace; ad^ the strained
T» waar a aaiUa a'an srbM tears bo
^>0Bge Cake—Beat the polks of six
velopmrnlotcatarrh, which gradaallp
—Cbrtstlaa tedeavor World.
bramca cbroale. Ths fourth atop, iba
ER UBIU ttkk and cramp aad gradWitt sisha aasak
caurrb begins togp*
imllp attlp In one cupful of sogar; add or stir them about aaUI the edges curl,
Margaret B. Sangater, wnilag for
>OB-totee ate the and serve oo buttered toast.
To dad tair Mooes froM last jmfs
tte Womaa-s Home Oompaatoa. glrei grated rlad of half tte lamoa. 8Ur in
hrwwB Inaras spriasti&
hea tonstunptloB In iho first sl^u.
ithered—Prepare as for paaael
he fottowlag totereatlag occouBt of grteuallpoi
Upea poor wajr;
Atony Urns darting ihvprogrtaaodaa*
I tteai
tarrh, from tbs flrr t onmt of tta aold to
Tto nap tbn wofti «( «aaia g«Me br lew Tear^ dap to old New York.
Wbea I was a girl, before New York egga. Arrange for baking tte name as
InalaetUsmeat toUislungs.Paruaa
aad kerptag the pan covered while
bstrlied upoa to stop tta dlaeaaa.
A bit Mtwe pap.
shaktog about on the stove. Baprtkt
If yon hare tafcaa a cold, buy Pamaa
A Ht anre atroa« lira add tore mk forsrard to New Tear's dap with come cold before they are cut or iced.' make be used Instead of pepper.
delay. Oua batUa to tta hagreat deal of pleaaaat anUdpatloti. If the fondam Is made tte dap beta
«riu attars
Bteamed. witt .Sauce—After drain
gvrtlldomcea goad ttaa a half
The flrst foot over the Sbreabold was It can br melted to tte creamy ei
mm dap today.
botusa afbrr tha catarrh has
tog the oysters place them In a dl
for with some eurlosltp. Who slstenep needed bp sculog tte bowl
fastoaed Itself oa tha Inaga.
In a steamer, cover lightly, and slei
la tnriUal fteids nap Tbae ttlak w
of the outside worM efaonU be first to a'pan « hot water. In ottog dlfferen naill the edges curt. Have ready
. Ur«lr# pas
cater tte boon with the Brerrp mlota- Una el tte aame time, divide op you ponr over them a sauce made as I
Wa hava on file Um
mcelals from paopla
Hiss LUiiaa PowvU. Aatora, lad., writes;
ttoa. "A Hm)pp Now Tenrl- We were foteaat In bowls for the separate eol lows: Beat three egg ycHka ut
Witt tore of beaie aad meads
alsraps ratter pleased if It happened ore aad set entt to lu pan of hot w
"IMsprIvltsmgtito severe ctttf front gafttvmpfogf wwf ate brtag cured of catarrh of ttaluagi
twine abMt ran
light, add to them oae cupful of thick
Wa can give our i
tspsar start—
cream, one level toaapoonful of sal
gllmpaa of Iba vast array of «
.leavtme. Bat It bang tbmta tor two works, whrm
who brongbl this greetl^ aUbooRh It fork, top aide down; lift qulcklp. Id
endorsemrats wa are raeatrlag arery
aaiupoonful of pepper and
dM to'tRtM-. sal peace of Ood
be rfooc. as my eoodMoo was sertowa.
verp apt to be tostete tte milfc- drip A Bmment and place bottom sl< little mace; brtug last-to the bolltne
so macbaboutPennaaadin/npmbrl^/beagbtabottlr tnontt. KoottrrpdipskdaalBthaworld
' tofaMapaa,
, with hti.roap face,'broBsed and down oa pnraStoo paper. Any furthe point, stlrriag conslantly. Ilefore
has Tecclrad each a votoaM of aatto.
—- —------- — ..—- irral
flashed bp wind aad traalbor,
decocoiioa li done when the icing hai pouring this sauce over the oysters
alulle latleta of th aaks as Dv..Banmta
' W
—Tbe Ottftook.
arorteoiyui sigom hcalib. ■'-iJiUra PtmoU.
csuTler ef tte aewspaper, who brooght become cool and not. To Insure
add to the liquor which has been
elaborate meaaage to vers
agatost Btreokineas of color to tbe fongiven out by them to (he steaming.
Whitt he tapecteo a gratoltp. This daal, stir it
• "Tha Naw Tmt tins bafoia ttni
vet up a fi-rmenl tftat Is. well, painful, the fiau She bad bore liberal to hoc
These attractive IlttTe cakca may carr The dish containing the oysters In the (ers of an hour, or until they arc
llghi. Run ibem In a wry hot
ti> say Ihe U-ast.
la ttclr ttola tte eolor-aebeme you
had eecarred for tweiro months st
promises of prtrlleges la tbe way nt
I4«0 degrees Fahrenholil, Bent iho A little sail added to ibe gUss makes aflereoeos and algbls off. She had
sbrotd. with glsams of
have plateed for pour eatertatomcnl
hotter and a single slice of onion In
ll more palatable and even. If uo
cpeised. and with ac
even gooe so far as to extete the boar
Rosea of Caehmere—Cut poor cake spider, and before eliher has begun iii
propbeep or other of what the i
the girt's return no thooe alghta.
rooDd ahapea. dip to a falol tin
brown ted one Ublespooaful of salt, mixed. Have ready btanehcsl and like it If d- iermlned to du so. as I
year mlfbi brtag. Oral was mp prWe roac-froatlag. On top of each, w
and lo agree lo her using the sewing
ooe-lhird of 'a mttspoonful of mi
ch'ipiH'd fine iweiiij-four -alpuuiil*. ttavo-proven by-experience.
t*ea to etp flfteeath year the carrier the ielag is aUIl son. allek to coBi
mschlno after her work waw date.
cayeune. Blend w,
1 the cri-srenls liave iuvn ll
daily paper ame to bm aad
The BOW girl acemed ploassd. aad
laaraa to look nke a fuIl-blowB and ted one plat of cream.
for ten mlnuii-s .drau-ihim lo Jhasked lae to arita the message for
■he mtsims was begiantog to bops.
aad for Its stem (hruat to a piece as the bolting point is reached i>ut
door, brush Ihe lops wllli the egg lulthim. Mpel
9 and I were n
They walked bark Into the dlalagof angelica at one aide. Aaottcr aiple
quart of oydrrs. and cook until lure. MprinkI,' thickly whb almomlt.
eye lro«iljl<-s are due lo vrakoes.* room, and tte girl bad aeiuallp re­
If than It arer a Use wbna hope totereeted la lotting over the flies tf of rote U made with the help of the the edges curl.
push Ihcni bark nnd.laVo for five mil: of llio tauwl.-s and nol to any defeci moved oae ida from her hat. Then her
te ttai M Important «veat pastry bag. Fit to tte flaett potuled
aad (tear oprtas to Itfe with mnnwad
Fried—Drain well -select" oysters,
smile faded, and a quoatJea Bmtt ap­
tn tte rislii jiaclf.}n many
rl«er, tt. R « ite bectaalBc of the abould bn cmltied. New York being tube and -pipe" aad preo ttroogb
and roll them lightly to fine cracker
■ • Ally a Dutch dtp, It kept for
IIh-v B1ll^el,-^ ean lx- eir'-ngiheai-il l,y pealed.
Ielag made as follows: Ptaee l
MW pear. It teens so sasp ttea to
crumbs, then dip
"Do pou do pour own oUwtohto'r
care and ev< i-ri»o. WL>'n qiille joiiog
ODbeatea wbitcssof three oggs In
drop the past with Rs nlstaken.aad
1). R>II
II again
to crumbs u
mp eyes inullded me. up I went loan
large bowU add two UblcfpooeraiB
atari afn aaaw. nn troable with as
well coated, and stand In a cold place

Wwr uui a.
orullsi and wa* fined with glasra.
eonfeclioBers' sugar and beat for three for half an hour. Have ready It
It that wa nadaettee toa maeh. We lap obligatory oc
r biiui rnillk. says a wrlirr In
Mr piaas tor a pear ahsad. aad wbm BMurateg to roeelve calls on New miuoiea with a pcrformicd spoon potful of deep fat (homo rendered leaf
magnrtiii-. Thiw Is auilHrig digre.had ii> w-»r th«n ever since.
a dap aoatea. at It la bornd t
When one and onehalf moro cupfuls lard) at that stage of heat when It
In Ch-ar ibr (arlmnsic of lime Some Jime ago my two yonnger
of sugar have been beaten In. add
aoea or late, whkb seena fall of trUla.
Is a blue smoke from the middle that M-ttli--< al.iiit ihc siffhs of glass dn-n liegan to cnmplala of their eyes.
■-Stndebto'.'' repealed Ihe girt a aec1. pickled
heard of llte follnwiDB ir,-aimcnt
gradually, a tableapoonful
*e toae oar bold. It we rad'
•e enough oysters lo a frylng-has- rases or plirht-ra. mi wtih 1,1111^'ond lime. "Du pou pat ail the atti oaUre eadr aae dap at a Ua» and make salad, cold torkep. fruit cake, lesnoa, joke. Wfcea the frosting
to cover the bottom. Imtoorse mllk. lei stand iwmiy tour hours, lielgilug ollierr. so I irliul ll on Ibt-lr'
cmply and wash nnd they will lx- : <yi«. In a rlmti lime Iheir eyes Ibe Ubb- ql mnilllmo and itretck for
(hat dap tbe rarp beat aad ebearinst ade. coffee, ate If the people of the enough to -aland alone- It Is ready to Ibem to tbe fat long eoough to bn
, nr do I have lo shuffle It aroaadT*
dap wlttla ear powar, net tooUac hm hooae were ao laellacd. wine aad egg- nee. On each cakclci press out
rich golden brown, then Uonsfev
The famllp are -sirwteta'" te car­
lad every caller was larlted aad If poa want many, have the "n>
Iiead firm, and hxik
ward to poteUe iroaMea a week.
them lo brown paper in the open oven.
A clinical Ihcrmnmricr that had MMtt. a paar la the totarc. bow nw expected lo partake of tbe feast. Only dlSereat shades, the first few a Itgfal When all are fried, lay them on a fold­ mine cloudy was llum.■r^.ul In th' i.-adily at a coin held Ixdnre you to ol oow. aad will liaUI thep get a girt
aimpitr the whein matter wlU be tte todlea of tte bouae were at b
rose color and deepeo tte tlal for sue- ed napkin on a platler (both hot), and liquid a fr-w hours and came out |»v- your fingen*. ilradiislly more lb<- coin wbn’Is willing lo watt.oa tte table aa v
>w Year's day. aad tor that
eat. Tbe b
ceaivE numbers of tte cakes.
i* only ffuir Inttes from
aama. Ttea ererr dap srlll be
gaiplsh generously
with parsley, fcclly cU«r.
» woman was seen on tte street,
[the eyer. ih"-n mov,- U imeg again to
bs«laalac ef >a new pear, a
Filbert BtowuIcb—These are lIUIc Serve always with fried oystora crisp
friend had tb,- nilsruriui),'
n of men hurried to aad fro.
arm's li-agUi. ka-plng your gage rivet, aiird.-N. Y. Trlboae.
paar.** Over and arar aaata the Qrat
luares, coated aides and ttqi wtUt
cetcry-or cold slaw, aad for rarirty-s
her hand In wun" wsy aixl
ed on it all Hw lime. Then move the;
cram fratlng made In the following
TBt*Rpr tails aa to take »e aaihau riaget flilad with men whirled I
lomalo Of cream borscrodlsn
me quite raw all oyer Ihe pMln.
wdn foim <«e side i.> ibe other at
thoatkt tor tte monww. A racal aad there, and bp the lime that e
The while of an egg.
New Year Jifigla.
the arm' war badly swidlca an I
arm's Inagth, then up and down In the
wrtiar aapa that tear ibM^- aal
I of cram: halt a cake of
; me a rose and bring me a rlag.
very painful. She pton-d the arm aa I
sam<- way, always'l.. ,-jdng the head
tm»w tboasbl' an the aoarat of all
Chorolaio and filberts
d bring mo a llulo plum cake,
deep pall of buiiermUk an i
Two New Year Recipes.
rtgid and making Hie g-yv-w do atl the
tiaabto. aa shteeea of mlad and
mashed to a paste. Beat up stiff, dip
my deartea.
H-n- aNiiii fifieen mlnulcs. turning. Thfoe cxerrisc*
bodp. Trae It Is that If we fill oar
the cakes In It. sides and lop. and dreThe old year's onL ate the new yeai»a
:rapi«-d it. In a toa-ei.. witbivi.
p thewy
mtoda with thea^ of tore to aU aad OB tte aoeond ttf daaoarp. when wo- oiate with a cluster of three whole roqaired arc one cupful of holier.
dry ltig ll. In aboui an'hour she r,called
hnaldu them In reidsi
treat la tbe pewar ef the BptrU to toke
glace Alberts and a leaf or two of
I we must here aometttoff Id
luRK'd ii lo the hiiiiennilk. and re­
nraln. ate often do away wlih,
care of a«r aaaWlsk ear UrV will good wtttea. ate diacuaed tte plnaamake as cheerppealed
I the nck-sflly W slasts-s —Btehange.
abed saeh a aaaahlaa areondjif that ure of the dtp before. It waa a happy
Dals(e»-A leaf-grees frasUag or
Poke qp tte fire, higher and Mtfier.
ued for three or four days or iimll Ibe
wa win act oalp ctese the shadows Ume while it laaied, bat after a white, chocolate top and aides will make a dissolved to bo water, and four Ublc- fever scemr-d to be sll ool of the IsLight
me tte eaadics. ate draw me
spooafnls of
aiaway seeds nixed
awap tr am oar owa tools, bat brtac aa tte (dtp grew large aad dlsianoea pretty background tor the -daisies."
fitretthln'.tbe eunsto:
Chop tbe bnucr torn JOied member; thivi.»he made a poul­
magalfled, aalil. tastead of a nieae are made of blanched atoraods
dmar la place of ^oam iato the liras
Afier Ix-lng without' a g
for a I Old /ack Proot may hint till he’s loit,
he floor as for pastry, mix to the aug- tice of bran WM a-Hb baiiermllk and
of as whom se naac Aad with each a town flUed Witt fflends'ood acqaalalhalf U cut In iwo and the point­,
ora Karl,... ipan-’ ' Dot he never wOl find tte wap to.
bealcn eggs, tbe-soda and h >i applied to the st>rr hand aad
powar wcefclac for as aad oar kwod
ed ends run toward center, which Ir
rtays it srii
lent ass »ti<,minc sn sg,g,lirent .orerf
that's Cl
tlrcly hreb.n over ami th
eaaa. 'harm oaaaot toaeh aa. Let as Ital, with an aorta aad ooaditkma of flaUbed Witt a drop of the yellow foo- aaier. and the cold water. Hake all
I. '■
lo a dough Ibat may l>e rolled out.
ttea make a new raaotra to Ure oalp people, tte coatom of New Tear's colls daat. To bare “BUckeyed Snsans.a«

a dap at a time aad to derate ear eadrop tte almoad petals to the pMlow flour. Cut late the shapes required, pniron by drinking qitaniitl'-x ni
amtoi to maklas Itei dap. mlaete by
foudanl. lift out. let drip, aad anonge ind bake quickly.—Lades' World.
patronirej a cream. :•
mlBsta. a glad dap. Bartow amp
Tssamh Night Raelpaa. .
to dalap shape oa cbocMaie: top with
German Nut Homs dr Crescents— and could get Itit fr.-.! cvwy day. a
cama. Wn eaanat atorape dad it In
The obaervaace of Twelfth Night it a brown center.
Heat a plat of milk 1a a dbuble boiler: I
<Md sometliiK-s
car bearto to be merrp. Bet ire caa •most uBkaown in this eonatry.
Stars of tbe Orieal-These cakes
drink two quarts p»-r’day,
fire, add ttrm t
always And peace aad tore aad a eoM thoorfi it U still quite enmmoaly kept are cut to star shape, dipped to while
taner tor la lift that wfll Usfateo tbe in Baglaad. aad there are many quatot foadanl. aad sides dotted with tte M!- •poonaof sugar, oae ublespoon'of but- ’when takiuK this am-umi o ic .lock liu: i
sd halt a teaspooaful of i
care for mbrh b]her fond, and meai.|
bwrdmu for oaneb'es aad others.
eoonected with IL Ii is the
On top. .trace a pretty
lukewarm ted a compressod <especially, should n.n ^ iivid. Th. '
Usase Cheer caa glre lu raders no twelfth day after Chrlttmas, ate la aetou detiga with them for ailrer
•see bnaUfel wite for the nmr pear ^posed to bare been origlaatlp a stars; for goMea slaro. dip to yellow yeast cake dlsaolred to a quarterOf a Iprotein areded In th», sysK-m Is sup-]
Ipiled by the buttermilk. '
ttte that this life mr be them, dap
fraatlag and decorate with dots of am­ floor, beat eouttononslp for fire mih.{ipptemeni to iae!-l
ber jeflp.
ttre add slowly taffldeot Boor Ibach, and aH the fat*, starebtw and]
feoattog was kept op bbUi Twelfth
Parislaa Heortt-Cut to hear,
Ike a soft dough: knead uatU ll
4lelary. it win I *
A Uttle tmidtosr each dap
Night. wb(B It was brooght to a Moae ahapea. Ice with white fondant tinted
lu tiiektoeas: It most act be as ■
. eo- lo fifirea
To ail who bold am dear;'
Witt ctabomte fenUelUea. Amoag them violet, and decorate with dyatalUate
pounds per momb and U.e .q*iirn;
A mue tweeter la mp hoot.
betog tte baktog and aerrlag of . vWau with angelim stems or dtroa; RKaa bread. Corer tte Urol, atan 1 p,
Tiikco in cxcbaogr on Pianos. Hirft Top
place. ;s Fabreabeli. forjwlll retain tireqgth ai fsr health'- •
Map 1 badome tt& pear.
Tsrelftt Night coke to whkli a beoa
$l-'>.00up. Solti on «wav paymoof If
IltUe eestar half wap thra hours and s half. Turn the j ier than when afflicted -with caxyslty. 1
ttitmgh the hearts ate
O. map mp stes that pialaip aae
lough caretollp ou a fionred board: doj No drugs need be rreortte to. but o
^ Uag or qoen. of tte iwvelrtea. A txiwder made of chopped anto ate
Mp aatthbar’s faalts. giww dear
bul roll ll^tly In a oheet may eat as masy vegetablcw. except i
wiitar to tbe Naw Idea Wooma's Hag- died
• violet or rose petals.
IS9 Kavfc ^ron«
Te das and snare la tapaatt
half aa tore thick. Cui to creeceaU^ pocaioea. as is liked, aad ail tbs frah { .
aatoa gira tta iMlowtag recipos for
Tuui-Prnttl Fiuiag—This to a MAs fades the pasalac peer,
to a greased baktog pan fruit exeepi oroages. that owe cot
Twema Nitet dalBilea.
tooua flnihg tor any
tar span
for. Bnt. bewAre of orungea ta c>
te «te ehn wtolar trade fire wap
'tekniT atete Uteeapotmtols of gmatiB tett oold «
tSwer tor aboiu three quar- uectioa Witt milk to aap form, as Ui


A Msctter
of HeaJth

Neglected Colds Lead to Consumption.


There is a quality in Royal
Baking'Powder which pro­
motes digestion; This pecu­
liarity of Royal has been
noted by physicians, and
they accordingly use and
recommend exclusively.


\i How Pretty MI
Powell Was Kestoi^ to Health

Mmmi Ht emt^9 UNt

'(Bdnnell J5ro6.'

'Onnnell 3Bvo6.

Pates Tto 12



... ...nis

tod by his dep. I oae dau^tsr. a brother aad sister, la* wUch ruKbsd the pairaaa of the .
'Tbe bride has a host of trteads la
aaikm for (ha few a
> vlisll tor a cenaeat la Cleon cenretery.
----- ■
the th^
:hU etty. where ber bone has bees, aad let to Semeel ePUer.
I Uok' place. Tom
days' raab
b aa the small qaaitets aa
Hr*, nomas Casper has I
ler AoUaa at tbe asylua brlaglBC ber
of aU eotployea B the bulk
CARNAOE 18 FRIOHTFUlt larce ctrde of aeqnabtaaen who Noah Cook koase and lot oa Churob
Tbe funeral of Hra. H.'SulUraa ofl SL Petersburp. via Oduaaa. Dee. tt.
Joha Taisuaa waa Us klep bee
near GarSeld avenne. wbeci the borne
an k>lb to aee ber teare. Hr. Ceiap- suwee
le blve and be vraa obllped to B
Tbe ChitsOias exerdses d Uw M. Burdtckvllle was held at the CatboUe] —Tbe strike here has
ben Is a draoefatsmaa wttii the Bolvar
two anba and loop slelphs to pertonn suddealy became balky aad Ihea with
& ehirnk were held Satnrday alphL eburtb here laft Weda^lay at 10 s. ed la the defeat of (he strikers. Tbou- bU duty of playtny Santa Clana to the a second tbonpbl veered off to one
side, ihrowlnp one occupant of the rip
The ehardt was very prettily deco­ m. nie Rev. Father Odden of Nessen.| sands of sea who left the|r pcwltloat
- a Santa out. and atriklnp a tree near tbe aidereturalap to work owtap to the
walk broke loose from the cutler aside
Hies Jenatc Hyen left Friday evan- Burial took place la ^ aew Cathollsltoct that the strike eammliiee ii un- roale No' S was more tbsn^riS tram damiptnp It.
• the entire ofAce outside
Tbe other two ocrqpauls were
Hoaday aneniooe Hr. aad Mrs. J.
< to spend tb( Ohrlstmaa boUdays
eoosequccily he worked
rown oul aad Hr. shUaoa rceetvad a
of money. The onposlilon of the pub- all day Sunday with blv mall aad yesE. Qoalfe estertalaed Hr. aad Hrs. srlth her paienu at CadHlae.
Albert Reasbe aad eUldree, Hr. aad
yra. WlatevBnte. the none, wbo
Dendoe. MIeb.. Dec. *7.-^ Rosen-I people to refnse to nmke eontribntkms
Mrs. JaiBCS HeHaskey and eblldrce. has been nurslap Mrs. Cotier,
brook Is la Kalsmaxoo. called therejto (be atrike fund and this U..........
Hr. aad Hta. Will Hiller. Hr. and Hrs. innwd bsine Monday Bornlop
by the Ulaea* of Mrs. Roseabreok.
tb« Biala causes for Its appsrmit fsllMias BobwtaoB and ¥Jm Daris vere Jobs OeaUe. Mr. aad Hri. ieha Joba- Crand RH>Ms. .
d a Jrire ft
Vletor Bartoa baa rettned
. mra svioailr aCmied than tbe aea and aea Biroa Brotberun aad
Wilbert Oasser arrived borne Hod4* under arrest. This Includes
• rouiei
southern H>Alcnn.
otbers tbooeb Mias Nlmrbra and Mias Mrs. Joba Tompklas aad daofbler day from the H. A, C-. to spend
prartleally all the Intelllpeni men
deittped and ear
M«le Gale Gleasfm of Wesiwi
amonp the strike msnapers.
Buna Bad Kenaetb HdiDes were qatte. Hay of Old MIsilea. Tbe tine was Cbristmas vacaHon with bli parents,
able B extricate himself aad It needed '
A special council over, which (be pin* which could not lie In
■he puttol M his frirad. Elmer Widrip.
enloyed by all..capecU]ly by the chll- Ur. and Mrs. ^ford Oaaner.
01, also Mrs. O. H. HeMnUen. '
the use of s pslr of alpperi to cut the
preaided bss decided
Mrs. OolKwer. Mr. sad Mr*. Vickery, exsr
Cbristmas dsy. TTil* 1>
with tbeir CbrisUass tree.
Hiss Hasel Brodlae rsturacd to ber
. pusrti*. over
bripsde of voopa. Indudlisp
RsOTtd Ooad in Rad.
b he bad rauaed.
Ublsns, Culrasscr*. Hnssars
borne at Norib Star Saturday to spend and Mrs. Honbel of
s and
drn- ds^of all tbe bolliMys wbea
AppareaUr feellaf watt at ItiSd Pri- Hrs. K. Waibore of tl4 Bast B^bib
tbe CbrlstBSs boUdays wtU
The new rate wWeh dlseonllnse* the'
liiMiM. n.*,.
dar nlcht aad foasd d'wd oe Satarday street cave a very plaaaaat Cbrii
Will Carpenter nns la Traverse aty. OtrloD to crash the rprolt In the
eounOnp sad welphlap aad cissstrylap
rarm^a inmituu Ostas.
ia tbe peeuilar eoreatranaaM wMeb dlaaer. Tbs Ubie was laid for twelve.
Hiss Sylvia, wbo was expected last WedneiMsy.
London. Dec. 2S.—Aa Bxcfaanpe
ocaifnmtad tbe boosdbold of Many Iboae fraia outside belnc Hr. and Mrs. Saturday, tot tbronph nome nlsnader.
Patterson of lolerloebcn hsS' epraph company dispatch (raa _
mailed a p ml deal of apparently 19-20. The followlap am the data* for
Barr at m Vest BereMb street wbeo Wia. tortlett aad faiBlIy of Nortbport
Petersburp says the bourse nad tbe
staadlnp waa reported to have arrived moved oaia Mr. Olds'
less Ut«r o (hecarrirrs. the quarnearby rosmtlsa;
hb Motber, Mrs. Aaate Lonk» was aad Hr. aad Mrs. Oscar BaKleu. also last Saturday, did not oobu uintll
Cssrius RenacT of Milwsnkee Is banks are closed there. Desperate
.___ .hleh faeroiofme were Anirlm-EHsworth. Jaa. 21-28.
occurred Itriween tbe ti
dtseorerad dMd la bed Satarda}' mom- of Nortbport., Mrs. R. HeadersoD care Ttaursdsy eveniap.
to Wasblapton by the Ipos' ^ Beiuk—Prmnkfon. Jan. 18^17.
home for tbe holtdays..
aad the rebel* at Moscow. Tbe
, . dlseonllnued
n s pos
luikaska-Kalkaska. Jsa. 26-27.
master betap
SI the
very Ine selections oa tbe piano,. Hiss Ora Hooper of Battle Creek arMrs. B. Bowman recHred word Fri­ Inllonists have apparently been
Iona Bay. Jan. 22-tt.
The reports have been la
cessful' aa the area of tbe revolution
tc favorite vocal ai
red Saturday eventnp for an extead- day of the death of her mother.
Mr. Gleason and little son relurned la pros inp broader
Washlniftoa a
ed visit with rdsilves and f
». er..-r.burp. E
26.-Tbe troop*
...S bst EIcbth street, for tbe past
Hr. aad Mrs. Joba Clark d »19 But
0. A. R
Ray Dodpe of Vanderbilt Is spendat Moscow bsve securod
rod panisi
p, ■ ■ c
two weeks bot rosterdar dme to tbe: BUbib street pve a very pleaaani
The folloiqlap Is a lUt of nffleer* of
Hr. and Mrs. Clark are the proud'
of Ibe city but
after all reports of their msU___ _
bnate of ber sea. 8be was
CbiisUnas dlaaer. the table betap laid
urvay host of Maple aiy for tbe aaelslen. Hiss Bmm and Hrs. Wssfa. prandpartais of a baby pin bora to
with the peoceal report of the eenual sulnp year;
et draper bot was (eeUac better tbaa for twelve poceis.
Hn. Hmltn Detnu of
offlee of distributloo.
im. of this place.
anal tast alibt at.l wbea ifae reUred. prettily decorated will
Mrv. Perry and Mr*. Hamaef of lo- ■Istance sod Xn.i
Uri. Myron Horrcl and
At U:M ber bosbaad. Joaepb Unnler.
PriWwm at Cedar Ruru
Zoevo with snltlery f
l.ylc. expect
leave tbis lerlocbren were to Beadon Wedi
Junior V r eomsander. Louto D»
Bpoka to ber aad ibe aaswered bin ^su wore Mrs. Pearl d Ht. Pleasaal
msrcblnp liiwi
The Cedar Ran scbool pave a very
cveninp for a vtali with Hn. Solonoa
-loaslnp eatertalnmeiii Saturday evenratr aatonllr bot
and Ur. aad Hrs. Wilson of NorlbpoH.
C. Mciutyre.
ber la tbe
The other pueeU were Mrs. R Hender­
- tor Grand Rapids, where they fact of pelle* has bsm infenne
CbapUln. H. C. Cate.
present. The proprsm opened irlth a
Cbristmas dinner was held la the
« frooB ber body.
son sad too. Mr. sad Hrs. Poast. Mr.
tionp. •'Cbrisims* W.-lromc,* by .he Q. M-. Wm Blckle.
cabee ball Hoodty noon. Tbe dta- will spend the holiday*.
tde^tOTM from Moscow that th* I
O- of D-. N, W. Herrlapl
Mn. Aaale Lamler was St yean eld and >rs. Hoore. Hr. aed Mrs. Keoas
Mlu LowU Is boardlnp at Hist and wounded In that cHy number srbool follewul by ihr address at weiwas
O. of G.. Joseph Price.
' -Ils* Graoe Moiwrosn. The
aad taares Co atoara bar dMib her and Hrs. Frances Sssllb d thb city.
AdJuUnl. J. W. Oleker
Sunday scbool.
I holiday acrostic In which
kastead. aoe aad daosbter.
> UcOomlck and family, who
Ibe letters of the word Cbrlslmaa ap­ Delepate to stale eacai
The new 'bus horses of iaav4 B
fBBara] was bald tron Mr. Bori^ realpeared on caps worn by olne-cblMren Dapo.
Pruyne caused not a little excliemeni have been vUiltap here the.pari week.
I,. Dnimer.
daaea at 10:» Meaday ncaalos.
a few days apo by ninainp asray fram TOluraed to iheli:. borne la Wexford
Bdward and Drahy have move
by Marie Upbsm followed
the depot at Moslek. They
me another leeltallqn. "Poor
Bendca for tbe winter.'
Oval Waod DM Co. Changw.
!. Bmer Bowman left Saturday
UUle Joe." by Bessie Corirttl.
Cbarlca Slfkklaod Is booe na a Halt Slopped by rpnalap Into aa d^t-locb
Ob aad afur Jaa. 1, tbe ceaeral ofThis wns followed by s drill.
Amtdon of Boyd avewue
iillchtap post, breaklnp It la two paHs. for Msaten to attend .her mother's
Roe of tbe Oval Wood DUb eotapaay frocB Boyne aty.
Twelve Uitle Boys .Rp Wlibinp." and .passed away Saturday morolap. leavfuaeral.
Petersburp where It tasUIed
Hiss Ivy Hoormsn^^brlslms* at the tap a family of five eblldrun and a baaOeorpe rillspeaph has sold his In- threap both borsea aad Injurlni; oae
will be kwaM ia tbis dty aad TravLula Reynolds rearmed Thuraday
BO they canol pd It out d tbe barn for
Hospital." After a soap by the school band to mourn ber loss. 1%e remain*
extent. A ndm^r
dm^r M ret
ene CHy will be siriety MeatUed wUh tered In Uc saw mill at Bcadoa
from her vlall at Grand Raidds.
were taken to Homestead (or burlaL
of troops St Moscow
iw refuse to fire on Boy's Speech. " Miss UUie Grari
tbe iBdesOy. TUs ytll reeatt U ex- Bd Lowery d Traverse City.
Mr*. Allen was in Traverse Oly Ibe rebels.
-ITie funeral was held Monday afWrteastre adveKlsUis tor ttU city, oa a: Nate Pierce Is la town,
then pleased the audience with, s eooo at : u'elork from tbe borne. No
St. Petersburp. Dee. 27.—Mnllny has humorous roclUllon entlUod "Ssnta •adder Cbristmas home waa lonad
C. SaiBiBerSeld's hand Is Improvlap.'
naU eoaeara at Piaakton U tbe oely
Jeanlc Cook of South Boardmaa Is
Claus.- Hiss Gayle Norris nwiled. la this city than this borne where the
HIM Zada Loveloy baa poac
factory alallar to tba Oval Wood DIUi
Bmrlre. Hleb, Dee. Z7.—Ur. aa-l ^readlnp the holiday*, with broken ooi amonp (he Bailors oi
"Cot tbe Best of Old Santa Claim" aad mother lay In death with flva Itula
Buaslan warship Abrek, under
rawB to spend the vacation with ber! Hta. P. Bowes drove to Traverse City
oeatpaay U tbU taabUrHide Mis* Marie Lspbam then saap ia GhUdien without even the Utile pMU io
maad of Admiral Koralloll. and Okea.t.
Twwty-twe ytara SfO. tbe Oval paronta.
ary to th« day. Thv IMhar baa
Oettle UcLena of Grand Rapids to aad-Utroe torpedo boats lyinp at Ubau. ftir pleqainp manner. "AlviBys la the
Mr. aad Mrs. SUtekland d Wesford
Wood Diib eoatpaar was bon down le
inroriunate aad the ban nseas
ina R. Saato of Tfave e aty was the pupit of relatives hare.
Orders were plveu the vessels to proire wanted.
Delta. OUa. tba
Rlpa 10 cooperate with tbs
Wm.'Oarpeatcr was la
ayde. tbe lltlla tvrtmB'Vn non
Ids to attend school.
City ThursAsy and Friday.
agd Hr*. Frotf B. fftnvOMMi of
W. CbsmpioQ eaopbt a' « poend
The crew* refuted to obey Ibe orders,
K. P. ttoiley and Mr*. W. P. p. Sbeldoa has been very
■SRetal ones «ki retalaed at Delta. pldiwel last Satarday.
however, declarlnp they vrould d^ttoth- My Soul." "What Some Girls Like to BUlr townriiip died suddeBl|t WedMnReynolds wore the peesU of Mrc. past week.
lap apainst the revoluiloslsts. Tbe of. Do" was the tlile of a drill and Marie day at 7 o'eloek of bean trouble.
J. H. LoBcaachse eras aaeratary aad

wUI be baU tomorrow
Mr*. Alex. Oleson retnroed to ^er fleers were powerless la face of tbit Ltophsm recited "Chrlsimaa TMlaps’
tnanree’ef tba ortctaal eoa
Thomas Sherman Is vtsiutp at his »tne in Manistee last Tuesdty.
•soorllle. Hicb.. Dec. ST.—Tbe
refusal and the ships arc still tylap at la such a rleaslnp rnsaner (bat she and burial will Uke plBM at HarflHd
sad leiaalaad wHb tbe aew eeapaay
was called bark and pave as an eateacbera will take a vacation of two boyhood home near ^ranae.
Mr*. H. B. Peterson.was a Traverse Liban.
la that eapadtr- As be was taal
Hia. H. Mlanaupfa Is
aty rlsltor Tuesday.
weeks durlBK tbe holidays.'
WHb tbe detatto o< tbe bnaleess;
Brest, Dec. 2.—A French cruiser
humorous resdiDp was well renB. M. Kennedy of ' Tboa
Oae wbo kaowt, says It It lurprlilnc her Bleoe. Mr*. Crawford of PeterMlB o«ee was left la Della and all
Oder Admiral Aube ha* taken aboard
d by Mr*. H. Ware* and Mr*.
oronpfa, Canada,
was ia .towD Tuesday.
tbe asDOBBt of rnoeer seat to Seats A
last ibne montbi. Gen- Ware* also favored the audleace wl'h
Wm. Daller aad children of Pearl
Roebock. Hoatcooery. Ward A Co.
W. H. Tlnell bss rcslpned -hls posi- eral activity eunllnnes amonp (be ves­ vlulto solo after which came a rio-i
ete.. caae te that dty.
ske wet* la Empire last week.
lap dlnloRue, Tbe Mldelpbt Ghost. "
lion as operator sod pone to Ann Ar­
Mr. Loesaaekar will not ehaace bis elc.. froB tbU nilaice. One who pets
Henry Varan purchased a wtedmlll bor. where he has aetfpted s position sels of (be squadron now la this port. which was ably acted by O. Hooey aud
Taddaaes to Travarse aiy bat wlU ra bis wapes la a place and bays of mall of Collla A Fry last week.
However, (be maritime prefectnro la- . Moonaso. while Master Fraak
Has ReWpMd PaMilaa.
with the Ann Arbor R R
formed your conespoadent today (hat ernmaa appeared as a pbosL
MlBlB-Odta. His eoa. Fred H. Loec- tder eoocerns cannot be a very pood
Dr. O. F. Sarpeat Isft Tbnraday for
Hr. Phript as Saats Claus was very
Dernlce F. Archer. Jr. forBerly of It Is uncertain whether any other venacste'. will Bore here. ^ Fred Lone- tlsea for any vlllape.
pleaslop to the children nad after the New Yam state to enpape la paaerat
Oeo. Heedd U home train (be Otaad train here one day last week for Trav­ this place, but now of Hsn. i
aedter Is aiitstaat oeeretary end will
beside Ibe Casslne wbieb sailed presebts bad all beat dlldrtbnted tbe practice.
Dr. 0. F. Sarpeat aererad Us eanRapids Veterlaaiy coUepe, where he
business la town last week.
yesterday Tor tbe Baltic will sail la the thlldren pstheevd In one part of the neetloa
have active ohai«e of tbe office.
Georpa wnce and B. R. Dailey arwith the Nortbera Hleblv
Hr. aad Ur*. J. C. Rlaard left for
bouse and pave their scbool yell. "Rab. lylnm. where
tWa ebaace tofstber with tbe ad- Is BUlap hlBvelt
be bss most effldeatlp
red from CUotpo Ust Tnesday. Mr. Gtaalie Fall*. Washinpicn. last Tues­ near Tnture.
rah. laht l.anp Lake lownsblp, rab.
dlUob e( the two aew Oorllas easliMs to side berwes aad cattle. Oeorpe will WHee retnroed Thursday.
London. Dec. 27.—Uerebants here
rah I Where, oh where, can you physician slDce July. 1804. His very
day. where they will spend Ibe winter complain they are scSertop seriously
at hlBself for tbe profession before he
aad tbe tea cMbaspla laadilaes v
N. E. Depen of Tnverae City was Uh their son, VIncrat and wife.
lor him a bom of
6. hurrah!"
lapreaaed tbe werklac force forty qnlta.
» lastttutkm and
Fraael* Joseph has purefassed tbe
DekMi Hdeaer Is coietuialnp a sls- la lampire on buslaoss last week.
«r tfty paeple. BSk a tbe Oval Wood
jnt bis depanaro
Hr. and Mr*. Homer Brewnall Bored meat market In tho-Cc^ell blotk. Tbe Rossis. They are rroelvlnp no UtfeDeeth of Mr*. CarpeitWr. .
■h him
. . 11
anecaas ia U* iww wmk.
nab fMloty of iao
raatloo In repatd (o the sltaatlon In
to Cedar aty last Thursday.
for nsiaias.
Wstklas. a
to tYavwM aty.
Rnssia as all lefter* are carefnlly cen- Bendno Tuenday moralap. bcarinp T.. where
__ _______ V- .
crowds at tbis Uste. as It la tbe time
sored and every referooce to poHUcal sway one of the most respected of reel (be peaeral practice of medicine with
d year when tbe bdlday preaeau arc Inp tbeir loa Bert aad wife at BIp Rap- >e Disriple* ebureb this ' eveninp. affairn is cat cmt.
dents. Mrs. Alice C
Ibe leadlnp pracUlbmer. Or. J. F.
Ider 8. ,l^p of Grace will conduct
Baracs. sute seasler in» Us dlsLondon. Dee 27.-The Times eorro- Robert Carpenter, t
r happy Qiriatmas weddlap
>e meet Inp*.
Oeorpe HUI wos arrelpned before
spoodent ni 8t. Pctcrvburp wire* that
s aelaaBlsed at blph poon Wedi
A farewell parly was plvea la bis
Joetlce Kortbnip, eharped with lar- last Tbursda^or Uaskepon to spend
C. -B. Hodpes, president of the Bank Is reporii-d that a military terrorist CalviD, aside ...
a brother. Wllimm honor at (he Elks club oa Twadsy
r at tba borne of Mr. and Miv Trabolidai-a^lib thdr dan^ter. Hr*. of Copemli*. and wife, of Fife Lake. U
’, " L,7
Htt trW win eoBe off next
evealnp by a anmber at bis moat lon discovered by (he au Dexter of Itilanl.
a Caras, Ml North Oak street, tbe Tbureday.
D P. Roche.t.
were visitors at the home of Mr. aad tboriiles. FlfiyarrcsUw
For a number of y, _. the deceased Umatu Irleads.
Charles Carr iv workinp In Ducriiic Mr*. W. J. Racbow
a seml-Invalld. and two moo'b*
she sufTi
tar. MBs UdBda, aad Alexaader
Bro*.' meat markei.
iruke of paralysti
A Pretty touvenlr.
Arnold Meou of CTblef Lake Is apaia
Presidvm Minets.
o wl'h a seeavHl
Oaavbdl d eOirelt. tbe Rev. Mupb
Miss Mabel Riefa, who has been at
Tbs' Mlrblsna Trust eompaar Of
orkinp'a* operator
Tube. Hleb, Dec. 27.--«eeacBp tbe
Ride helpless.
-WashlnploB. Dec. *7—The follow- DC wbieb left
KaCMdy of tbe Asbury Hetbodist required number. IbIHy nemea. tor tbe icndlop school at Ml. Pleasant, re­ depot,
GiBBd Rapids tolways remembera lU
The funeral .
Inp sutcmeel was plvea out at tbe Thursday
Christmas tims with haadand Chariet HlUareh of
nap and Hemortal
1 srlth Hap clatloe Yuba aiftool has (bus seeured
Methisllst ebarra at inmon,
miBod. tae.
lion here wHh her mother, Mr*. C. Rear Lake are visltlnp their brother While bouse (bis moralap: "The pres­
souvenir*. Tbis year they were
ident's nitenilon hsrinp been called to
cpemetiis bv-lnp in charge of Her-1
rsiSBeay be^ a conpaay of tweaty- s bsudsome premium pieture. «
F. Rich, who la eooktnp si Hotel We*!- Lonis this week.
n form of beautiful bookleta, eu<
a dlsanteh from Raker City. Ore, to vey Anderson
tva paeats,
mtliled. "A Yoaopster la Furelpn
E E Brown and wife of Graad Rap
Mrs. WbestoD, in aa accidental fall,
FraapUj at the appolated boar
n. W. Reynolds rcinrned to Grnwn Ids are vUitlnp at William Woods' this the elTrei that a siibseH|iiion was
Ltoadb.' The story of (be lluie ooe's
met witb quite an Injury and Mr.
Lively Runaway,
stout to l»- sum-d for s wetldlnp pres
happy eoaple atteoded by Hite Rai^ Wheaton, by mistake takinp wronp ycelerdny nfler seversi days here look- week. ‘
iiavrsy Hondsy afternoon si .7 travels Is prafunely aad bcaoUfotly Il­
cut for Miss Roun-vell. the presidcut
Maaiti of U Rapids and John Caiop^ BCdldne. almost proved seHout. 'nme- lap after hi* drnp store businem.
lustrated with fluarhalt-uae pictures
The Cbrisli
Wasb■Uted tbal while he deeply spprecl' bdl d CUatoB. tad. took toeir places ly lallef. boverer, saved him.
Mrs. M. MeCormlek and dauehler
of sei-De(y.
sted this evidence of pood will, hej
wbDe tbe 11111111111 TOWS were taken.
rrlson went to Traverse ft today to vlall with Hra. D. P. teamed Saturday ^olpbt and tbe tree hoped noihlop of Ibe kind would be,
Ibe.BUalBf d Headdanba's mardi City Saturday oa a business tr}p.
Rorte at Musk-epoo.
was loaded with many beautiful plfts. undertaken and Id fad "bo wished parWllUe and Rov WeUhaaky of East
Mrs Oscar Brewster of Pontiac 1* llenlarly that the proposed eolIecUon'
Tbe reHvml moatinps held at tbe
M. B. chnreh. etotOap FrUay cvealDR.:
visltlnp ber brother. W. J. Raebow. of funds should not be mnde."
powead la white sHkjaeU and carrM
well attended and eonsiderablr' Ukdr fnlber.
this week.
It STBs the plan of tbe orlpinaiors to';
btMeh itaas while tbe biMetmaM iBlerest maalfesled and a poodly auraHisses Ruth tCheeler and Grace
Improvement association Is
opened In each
eras pawned la white Bwtss men. ber or espoused s ehrisiUa Ufe.
Becker, tuacbera In tbe srbool here, sirivlnp to work band In hand with the
bengod beiiii pink
Wm. Alplre. wbo has been aheent left Sstordsy to apeiut ibelr vsratlon fsrmiap community. Tbe Islevt convmrion*. stats
their homes In the southern pno of
the last
weeks on
L of n salllnp siiiion treasurers, wbo would in .turn forward
Icsd d the eeasen. ChrlataM pi
buslaeaa trip to Detroit. wlU be borne tbe state.
The locatloo pf tbe It to the secretary of the treasury at:
la imsfiisloe betap need with pretty 1 a tew dv*.
Ftaak Horan aad family were
sttikm hero is a eerislniy. provldlnc^ U'asUapton.
effect with bollp. aatlaz and pink and
A Cbristmas tree aad exercises pueals of Ur. and Mr*. Tbos. RoUI<
the aeroape raa he secured. Tc*ll;j The subscriptions wonM have eloso>l
white eareatlou.
nder the anspiros of the Presbyte- : Bast Empire Chriatmaa day.
Mrs. W. H. Horvla went to Traverse
A ccccJiitiati jrou will God it easy and pit^table to
will j
riaas. wore held at the residence of
boiinteoos weddlap breakfast
H. Ftfe Satnrday evailnp and an­
tx! the dodsioo to kt tu topply yov drag atore nec^a^wiiiR t
awved aad laiar tbe happy eoaple ffUI other «sa_beld at the M. B.-cbatcb meet from a speciaUst for oar; troubb perieneed. stale that It Is t very -pref-' been about MOO.OOO. to Uve been;
1905. Then! ii crery (muoD for mbUnp *ncb a tegolitUoD. Ottr ^
tnreed over to Mis* Roasevrit no 'the
leave for Delrait, where a home awaits Mob<^ enmJap.
Mr*. Howard Keaaey has beea daa- UqUe and dpsirable crop
dsy of the weddlap. tndiridual sub-;
•tock i* tbe larceat in -tbe city, «nr
are a 6oe M Dcmey j
tbam. Hsny bsaatlfnl and aefel pret­ Last weHt closed the 4rst tern of perooal^ 111 at her home on Klapara
preflt of 1100 to 1160 per acre Is
aeripiions were to have been limited ,
a boy, we
'Fe pee
ffire prompt, coutn
coutnana and r
eats vreve raedved.
sand I
the Ynba sebeol with two weeks vaca- street for seversi days bat Is Hlpjitly (he averape. It is hoped that (be acre­
The oat d towB peests were Joba tloe. and win raopea Monday. Jaa. A better si this writlnp;
ir pricea are right every time.
age Btay be seen red, wMefa irill proailr
A. ChBpbdL brother d tbe spoa. IW«.
Mr. sad Mrs P. Bowes entertsinej help (he farmlnp cammnnliy pad the
•oet Olfic*.
CHalea. lad.; Mr. aad Mrs. A. H.
the followlap party at an excellent vlllape as well by bavinp tbe hxaUda
In Traverve aty
OMBpben and daaphiar. pareatt aad
dinner at Hotel La Rue cm Christmas
sd Chrlstau*. was
alster d tbe preeia. Bk BapUs; HUs
Sbenaaa. Uleh. Dw. XT.—J. D. Crtss day: R. S. Drew aad family. L.
Mrs. George toierbiook died at ber
federal buUdlap.
Uds Caras. Btk Rnildt: Hra. B
wns la Banyca Wedaeaday <f last Bodies aad family. WUI Morrit aad borne Wednesday nlpfac Tbe immedi­ where, with two extra carrier* and
Bi«Ret and daoebtar. Bft Rapids; Hr. eek. lookBp after boslnest latereats. family, A. B. WiUard. Miss VMs
ate caase of death v^ bean fallaie. three extra clerks, tbe tons of maT.
aad Hra. O. O. Fowara. Bft Rapids;
Un. Roeaie Is same bstter. She has Ha. D. A. Reynold* of Qrawa. Hr
Itie faecral service* were beld from ■aner wero atm piled U^ la tbe
Hr. and Hra. Nell Mnnro and Miss been vary Qt. oeagaed to ber bed for F. Waker. r. Petevnun and tbe ifleaes
workroom. No e*tla«t« can be had of
isaa Haara, Bk Rapdds.
several weaky.
I Ruth aM Esier Lynn of Gtann Arbo-.
(be vast aaoaai of asoriap matter
RWdM W«™ Rol^ A
D«tl^ tk*
benr o( ^ 4AT
u RWBbar* on Sktardv
praatnted by ^le
bnie poUoota*. doe. It li auirt br
tb« atusdlac pfarsktesi. to ioUag
ftcAIca^ wbleb (onsed » portioa of tbe
ioadaoa prorlded at tbe store as they
were oMble to ipare tbe Uiae to take
dlaeer heoe. Nothtai bat bot coffee
aad hoBO eooktaf was panakaa of
aaMe fron tbe pkkles and oee of tbe

----- -

__rr..___ _

___. __..



B 6ood new Vear




L*ttube fWf DmuMg la t9^

$. €. lUait $ Sons

Cramis* eilr's Cvadtag Drag ptsrs

■ ftr


Gmd Tiarcrsc Hoald

Tbto taet ebooM be r

James, retorned t
nday for nn
--------------- n e<

Mm. & N- OariBk..._________ rea d
Tastto spent yesterday la th ! elty
"*ddbi took fi./... vltb Mends, reiumtog borne
This import Is matao up on WotameS'
ten Dlita liti« Santb tlnali^nrilt
itaajrofoech wMk. Tbe HamM le riot
H. .Cobb aad wife d Blg’jU,—
> a holldar edltloD tbta rear vfalch It nppoaed that tbe gorenuneot
xe for cnanaaa In prtoaa.
traepf attacked General Ploieeiel. tbe ratamed to ibeir borne this noon after
credit to tbe office and to HaataUaoe. i( eoaetau at Iventr-etabi pagei
tbouU of Horalea an on- ’’S^kuS^fpatoicr’d
prtaied OD dec book paper, vltb
1s tbe goes! of Luiith Hogan d Ml
± tbe coast aad eiabarfc
B a cloop. endearorlog to r
> Plata to »la Geoeral I
at dltmltted by tbe gore
gOTcrnor ot Puerto TlaU but refuted
e hoetltoc upper p
Joba Cady and vife
tbta clir re—............ ..................
to gire op tbe pest. Another ibeori turned to tbcir bumo tbta neuQ after
ta thst Morales It Irytog to erutt Seari
MeCIcllen le Ctoetod.
Domingo br land to readi Hoot<
Nev York. Dee.
Tbe otBelal CrlKl
cooM otrote* ta NevTork eboDtrtor
WatbtoRtoa. Die. 26.—Word vat
wniiam OiitHoc and vlfe of Cadillar Py»—-yr batata............ .......................
eelred at (be n»r>- department (bei
maror at (be fact eteettoa arae ieandl
to tbe elly with
, ,■*
the guDboel Dubu^ae. under coamaad
reeterdar bp the cnoatr ^rd of c
of Ueuienem Command<T Zrebtelcr. '^Mr.Vnd Mrt. F. w; Jobnton .d Elk-all
raaoen and above (hat MeaHlan
bat arrired at Poerto Plata frtpm
btrt, led., an- rltitlna the fnnner': i
ctared KOjei: Meant. m32. i
carta on the fo^'hern tide ot £..
parcalt. H. Mord of Stale itreec
Domtoito. Bbe vill be expected to preMUt Laura A. einti and Uaiibeai^^
*rre order to................................................
Wise bare gone to Kalkanka to tpend' ar»
a fev days.
Mr. aad Mre. Frank O. Belch of Chi- SS'<
eago arc ibc pictia-of Hn. Beh-Ji't ''kick
mother. Mrt- L. Robert*.
Mr. aad Mrr. Jacob I'ife «>f e».-l SiT
Bigbib ttn-ci an a'toecltog (be «H- tolta
Hearet. 1.1.706: lTlne.r4ll. Mehnotnl
dtog eff Mr. Mlllim It the couetry lo- >S^„,
-^eClenan. 6.127; Hearet. S.tM;
^r. and Mn QiullDr of Cndlllar.
Irina. 1.4M.
PreaMent Uorairt abdicated.
Mn. W. A. Bate of Mllvaakee an-l
The total rote vaa tUW: 224W- Preeldcnt Caeeres vat called tc
Mr. and Mrs. Cfonri .Navarre
of IVm4IA
prealdency aemrdioe <o the copMlIn- troit are spending the hdi
Uon by tbe eabiDci. Motalee It vltb Mm. 8. C Deapres a
Mrs. R. Cray.
a haad fit remlnttoalrtt'tn Ihr Inierlor.
Tbe Abodeen (Wash.) Balletin bas

all day N,. leaf's day
- :
----------------- -

MOSEY TO LOAN oa real cMate
Jabo W. Tatcbta. Attorney. Room
t<« Kev Wllbrim Bonding.
si f

- -

Traverse City Markets TRY A BHIALB WAITT AD. “



«( rnmUt OR tM nrsf at Ue Oaltad
iatw 4oTt«s «iM rou- Moa ta doM.
^imUb( toUli OAOr UMd)«< Ictoro
k Um bidocr of elTUIatiaa. Ii b «e»
to kaoR to totod thal nueb ot U>e \aln«
0( tb* ptotael at the bnn ii derired
Im tba oMUtr at (be AmorMu eona«wr to |iv md prteee. KloMr•icUptoontettbe prodoeti «t Aner-j
' tM toitos a?« told to (be femer*'
Atotolem Mtohbon and tolknr dUMM bad hie totaitot to (heir oobUb
m* •htmj to bar to •iMoot u m
w ta bto ova aWlltr to toodneo. When
tbora ta «orfc to (ba mill and to the
taetorr and dova to tb* ntoe at belter
vaaoe ibBB are paM to oar other eoan
Ur tbe pradaeU ot the Aatertoaa tern
MB be toU at vrodtabte erteee. The

Tbe city Is qnirl and tbe nblnet U ex
erriting lit funnioot altbnut Intcmip

aatroa at the Aberdeen'
- vhlch vat offered Bgattog (herr.
ned v<

total toU at all (ha prodoeer* of oor
t eeanrraroalUed.Biidallbreaiinedar
lani expcrlT *etad be to tbe proaenraUee at a na ones la boeplui < Tt. haring purtued
ttaMl poller vbSeb hoe oeatated iheto (or fire years alQi ber .
rieetlon of nunlng and hariag
harlDg been
M ta tbe aptaddtoi ot a poUileal
BBscted vltb aerernl botidiala ,8be
paftr (broofb vboee laldanee tber
pleased vltb tbe appcaraace of
Aberdeen aad enjoyi betng ao near tbe
bare proepered.—Itoeerd.
•Mg pond,- Her admlalBtraUon ot af' - I at the Aberdeea Genoral boapItaL
The Mtoatlea Am/.
doutblese be along tbe Ilaet vbtrb
To MBT people (be Mratioa Army hare made (bat Initltnlton s
bta ao otber tapObeaaoe than a little odly popnlar."
baad at toea tad vonaa atofflBc
oataad vorda flttad to popular a
-«a tbo atreet coraera. «»>e atop

From Wednoday-a Reriird.
Bert Spafford of Cadillar
rlly yeWerrfay.
E. N. Oilek of
toe city ye«i<'fday.

J. V. N'eidham U viaitlug
rclalive* In toi-rliy.

stalled at riierio Flata.
Morales Is n-|>nrled tn -hare been
vnunded efter he left Santa Domlnga

C.. A- Bdgeomb left today on a b>i»iesa trip to CidlUar.

city yesterday aeecrdlng to a dispalcfa'
received by the navy dcpirtment from
the commander of ibe Sempion now ct

n. H. Dame of Nortopori was In Ih-lly on bnrlnid* yestrtday.
W. 8. Cnok of peloskey wa* In tli -

K llcibsim-t of Ik-llalre wvs a gu,--i
I the IVhlllng yesletdiy.

to P/esent

For Gash Buyers




•- z'

k tUM.-r .sm-lls 7TJ
k IVuiUry F-uud.
•■s .< BIWU1- . . 1,7;


Th-' man »ha, -ir->n- Ilian any rdbrn
piano ami .piano mn>.)i- pop.
niar In flncland amt si
all oyvr
■yy-r tl
tli>- conllnoni .vav »lii»lo ff.i
llonn-, n.'.r.
I flghiivn b.!,r..n
tip. 1
Irb forms the la
all moli-m . piano vOnaias
powers i>r,
aiient with tbo family of George Tola-r. vhlrh tvf|oircd rimridoraliUNetaon d N'orihport wa* In
Cleneoli V s cduc.-;le’I I
toe elly yerterday looking nfier bus!
nss Iniererta,
|:r.-aU'sl player .if Ibi-agr..
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. F. Wunseher ban- j 'Jo
’Noiari..■|«i«*ilily, Y*ri-pled. In ITknh'-|
•inmril from a week's visit with nls
II 1’sri* aad wa» .pcrfertly a*
Uvei In DIaIr township.
I at his /recepiPin.
The uM
Tlfcoma* Wheeler *|H-nl Christmas ai ; master*.
«. Haydci Barti and “old 8i

lime “gaillg off
Bollons Bay with his daughier. Mr*.


Every new and old aub-

Piano Talk No. 10 i

I Kvry ynOcy tovta by tar-eoM <1<r U
lpr<a--l-al,y tar .-a.v rf lUuta UtaMa..ll
i«vve,r,,», .iTeawa «ta tar l>rur
Ux- aua«,

has paid In full to Jan. I,


he Pianos Used by Merari and Cl*
menti Were Cnty Five Octave.
Miserable Contrivances. Com­

ADO.COO wsh capital, vritM

iFarmers' Insurance
aerttaar to the Horaid. who

Jorilsn was in

It is repotled (bat ib"

C. Lewis.
: 226 a rroBtSL 201 Se.Ualti

1007, Witt recetvo a Croat
magazinopaper. Farm and
Fircai^a. abao'viloiy


for a full


Fireaida la from 24 to 3B
paRoa. twice a month. 24








I Ai.ig«-i .Ml *n
^ ..l.l.irlBnllyl r»i
l>r tavMs-tasIlr tc


' ttnh cbixit tal*. a*

ta ,11 rp

, pull
Vill •Iccilde h>rs.M (<c IKo
, --wW.e'.iB trader..' -.n tW wile ra-W
•>« •■'aiMl. amijix. *r *dd>,w Ix- ttiv-y.


that port. The dispatch coeflrms tbe rliy yesierday traniarUcE buslnes*.
messages received yesterday by tbe
Mlaa Alice Cribba of Elk Rapid*
navy and (be stale depshmeols tcgaH- ^tent Tuesday in ihe elly with frtenri
Mr. and Mr*. C. A. ThU-y returned i<>
lanedona lods)- after terenil dai*

)Mtaa to tbe aoaf* nnd tbe eareeet
re Imi
-aradi ot tbe apeafcera and nortoc
10 the pi
plant darle
imactoe that tbe atreet aerrtoe
and tto oae to tbe baa eadi tbe voet prepared and__________
' ot tad paopie vltb tbe tad band aboat
tbidr OtaA Tb«a atreet eerrteea and It the tolMUen to^’
■ted not Uter
fdbtae toeeuaca to the ball, tbe
. vill be l^IIe
Ooaa to tbe atonerv to oone aad ,iaof the ptont vill I
pMt. aM bat a aaall portlra of tbe
baay dapi ot the ebldlera.
Tbe nev Henareh paper factory
Ta tbe ffalratloa Amr. the aeoar boadtoga. vblefa bare bean ta eoun-e
of eoattnietlon atoee otrty last
tada al .a Ufa U an open tax*.
vill be eompMed vKhla tbe n<
w tbe poor and (be needr aad
or three veeka. There are four ot
tbOM that bars arrted aad
a ttbair teat
r (be ibai7 rockt
paper coapaify la KalamatOD;
ipdeere. The
The mi^lBery U nov being delivered,
vapfprM atopa aad to atren the aecea- and about the middle of January (be
tattoa at Ufa. the notber It 'gireD work at toetalUng U vin beria. There
fMMw tap dba. ttttto abOdran. too will be three p^er making maeblaee:
and It trill take ttotn the early anmmei
aaW toWta toaree bto voraont el
to get them la plaee. Tbe Uoaarct
dad 'tom avar vUb a better pair.
paper mills occupy (be site of the <dd
«M vho has atoned and flnda all doon - ' lO allto. (be oldest to
tr state.
D tbe
etoasd. oaekt ont tbe Satratlon Army
kaeaped WTille Heua# Bui
aad to itaM a ehaaee to mead be

Every rew and old subafribtar who h,s paid for
me Herald in full to Jan.
1. 1907, will, be Riven n
aubacription to Farm and
Fireside one year . free.
See offer in another place
in today's Herald,'

■r in III.’


- :Qim Ci^ fin htniM e«^tr,

sas City are tbe guests <
Mrs., if. Montague fur the holidays.
Mr. and Mn^. Bert McLaughlin <
Maple City sp<

., , _______
d Northporf. and passed thi
city today on tbeir return bo
Hr. and Mrs. Harry Parker of lanalag arrived Saturday to spend Christ
aa with Mr. Parkers motber. Hr*.
•. J. Parker.
Mrs. Leon F. TiKus bai retiime
from a
•k's suy In
D Chicago vii:
her staler. I
O. Balch-Or. B: L.
to Cadlllae
Saturday • spend Christmas ax. win.
Or. WolTs ofBcc
III be closed until ber mum.
Tbe ttev. T. P. tnioB left P



We Wish

this morning.
| rtalng gi-nemilnns d musiciaiib and
and nr*. Hugh Kennedy i CIrtnecii in partieulai
spent Cbristoiaa a* ibe gui-rt* of hi*; Whst-righi. f
parents. Mr. anil Mr*. John N. Kcotoe
... .
nedy of Wexford.
manutarime yiauas iliai- tiiey eunid
Dr. aiul Nr*. Artbur MvFail left la--; li'il play ■ni? Vnlarl.- Ihey said. wa>
evening for Norlhpon. where iftey will a eharlatati, iPvihoven, an imrs'*ier.
and even ScKubert. “the dear eJiulr
aiiend the Masonic baaqael- vhlrh boy." wa* becoming uInteO with wrfUke* place this evening.
tog (be new musk and playing the
Hr. and Mrs. Wlllltm I. Wilson rpThai's Ihe way that pl>t><o psrilslly.
tcroerd to ihelr Kingsley bomc today
a* we know II today, wa* >■ithered la
after spending the Christmas'*ca*.-<'i a kill a hard llm<- of |i ai
with their son, F. W. Wilson.
very p«*ir <-ontrivance. ■ One historian
E. A. Klldee. w>0. for Ibe past three say* thni. to comparliwi to eve
lOOlh*. baa been working out ot ih>- very enmmnn idinos of t<
“niserahl.- marhln"."
• elty. has returned lo Sbarna. af er
Tli'-s.- lira planns were only foiir
spending Chriidmaa In Ihe cilr.
ati.l five oriav.-*, Wb.'o ihl-y reacbod
WimaiD Sullivan and wife of Grand Ihe llvi- orlsve scale fl;e.,- rh.mght they
Rapid* spent Christmas In Blair town h.vil aec«iniii!i*h<sl womler.s.
■'he gl-l|ftl* wa* >i-< nnl'sim w'lio
ship with the family of Firdinaad
11- itniperfer
FVomboltz and returned this momln-;, 1!<ms of the mvlv’]
iiy c«s’.1 pianos trxlay
Mis.* Ruth Herrtfleld left tbta mamdlF-ri-ni »vsii-ni* »f
tog for Boyne CHy and East Jordan,
manutsciure .vcd di-irilitliion v.’hlrh
where she will spend the remainin':
lo wllh Ihl- price ef
■lay platK'S. TK-hdaya of (be htdiday season
appeal t„ ,-nur ei-T"- nr-'iicl'y

To extend our sincere.greetinipi to
the many friends wito have heli>ed
to make the pasPyear an agree­
able and profitable one to us.
The succcsi of the year jutt
passed is an added incentive to
make this new year still more pros­
perous*—a year of increased busi­
ness and a >-ear of more friends.
We can promise you our effoit
to. give you a better shop store
scrvicff-than ever before.
We extend our thanks for the
many evidences of good friendEhi(> and wish you an exceedingly

service eondueied
. and Prof. Cha*. M.
AieBDoer. wno bate recently made a
BOuI vlnnlDg loar of tbo world. He
will return Friday.
Mrs. H- J. Robertson d Hendon was
Lelaad. Ulek, Dee, M.—Her hus­
hnbaa We. Tbe tatbariaaa Bod food,
1a toe city today on busineet.
to* lilt.......... I are oaotforted aad tbe band varktog in Cbteago. fata last re­
Mr. aad Mr*. Jacob Sllbbllx returned
mittance d lio sent to time tor.Christ to toe city this momtng aftey speni
mae tor tbe Illtle (nmily. ber bouse- ChrUtmaa at Nortbport wllb bis
tov aor rice bat oattoids a
bold goods, eloibca and aU ber MrUily oats, Mr. and Mrs. Peter BllbblU.
Mrs. John Burd arrirpd la thc clty
potaoMloae deitroyed by Bre. Mrstola tnoratag to spend a few days wlib
IMV. tbd Batratlaa beadvtorten Cbartaa Otto aad two lUtle eblldren. frleada
a babe of only seren months. tb«Mias Hay Slmll left tbta noon for a
m a b«r place at tbe ChrlstiMe beetrip
to Grand
Rapid*, when; *he will
hPli tar tba poor an botoB
be; toe
the gucai
d frteode.
fiadp. Tvo-dan ape ntoetoea bae- bdag eared tor by Lcetauso county,
Mrs. P. S. Deuane of l/ong lake:
Mrs. otto aad ber little children passed toroogb Ibe elty (odsy on her
Mta vwe aeat ont and tbto year
vcie tieeptog Batorday morning about' way to Acme, where she will spend a
total wtn be US. BbUnatlai tonweek Vito frteads.
ta a tatollTr tW aeau that <00 hearte 1 o-doek vbeo tbe mother was awak­
Boo. who spent (heir Thrisimas Ms I'na-le lii Ihe gimi K!inl.»ll r*n..i
Hn. George BlodgMt aad daughter
ened by (be gasping aad choking of
wm be Bade (lad to Timrerne Qly (be babe.
Tbe house was full d left tola afternoua for Alden. vbciv vlib their children, Mrs. Alex Camp-1 l‘''”‘“;'he r.-piiiaileri and tame eapiinl;
taaae by tbe army vhidi does net
they will remain a week with hi-r beH and Mra.
Mrs. R. tlinvler. mtrrnc.l 1
■' luijv a
"ra. Waller Dewey,
ilbt vtu veapoet but vagea a idtont. “ratogBeiwV‘’Tta
Price and daughter. Frau- home today.
lime to gather her bahle* to her
Itad aever endlag batUe vltb aU In
WiUlam Mill* of 'SaiiJt RIe. Mari­
breast and flee oot Into (be raov cled cos. left today for a week's
aa Bhe was to but her night clolbe*. Mr*. P. 8. ilrlnkenhoS
ta been vIsIHng hU daiichn-r. Miss examlnaiici
Wbea (t to conaldered that (be veik A high west wind va» bloving and a
rived I
Gladys Mills <d Randolph siniei and
day from Angel
koae here to but a rory aawll fraciloa rev mlome* later, tbe bouse
slstcr-in law. Mrs. Nary Nelson of.teni ..f ni.-.ti-if*ei
Ume In the elty with frleoi
d dl«'iM.iii|..u.
burned to the (Rnind and bad il _
at the oelaal voric at the army
s. Victor
;AU>NR. mal.-« -hta i-.slhhIbis moroing Cedar streH.
has braaekta aB erer the world
IV Grand
. vnere *ht- will
Mrs. K. J. KmidM-n of Norih|H.rl ar
•'='>> ■»"" '•'-ri-oiii*.'
fpoad some time
aaay eotpe to the large dUes. II
cremated vblle Ihey
lb herparuni*. Mr.
NeUtobon promptly took charge of: and Mrr Hodge.
be eeen that U is Indeed a mighty
Riiarani-.-)J. $17-.
and Mn. Joseph Zen* and stater, her slsli-r. Bertha S,-cwald, and ni.-rc.' pl,n„. Xcw I'ian.
the mother aad ber babies and no ill
amy aad to doing n great work tor
J. Jake d Bast Jordan, who
lO *|N-1II Manbs ITnirsfka, who speii'i Clirisi-i »P. t'l njouihlv. organ.- tK, up.
effcels fdiovod tbe exposure and esVO». a work not tkooivtleal but prae- dtemcBl. TTic couaty Is now relletlna Cbrislmas in ibe rlty
.. leris ul
lasal Konhpmi.
js.piuro I'iamp S:'» m-, *;•
ttoal to tbe (dlest exieni.-Reeord.
their wants untfl (bo husband and thelr staler. Ury. E. N. M<
Moblo. rctnmeu
Mr. and Mr*. G. W. W.-idman and!
home Ibis afternoon.
totber 1s heard from.
One of •
Friday night Mrs. Otto roedved a
remmanre d lie from her biisbaml. Sunday ft.
rtide family reuniud rtly. who aprat iheir Chrirtmas to the I
With tbe patatog ot 1P06 late ht»- She did not cren hive lime to pirk came In I
; of Harvey Aicrr
with their sun. II. W. W> Idman:
along vlin shea he, hlmnlf. who was supposed
tasT. (be people ot »hls coualty Bod Ibis up and It was burned
d aJoni
the rest d her ' '
In New Orleans, arrived ott the and family, munx-d to iheir home ihi-:
, abaadaai cause tor sdf edupntutothings
gs tbal were
iDon train in lime for tbe turkey
■d from the bame
Uea. There has beeo DO groeitatlooil
1 the Digbir
diuaer. He n-iiimtd this afternoon
Hr- Bud Mr.a. C<-orge Ilaa.- of Sdtoanon and (be year has bek oa<
es bad on when
the Are a
iBdtaDapolli and sill laii-r In toe Hanltnu Island, who *p>-ni Christ
ek return lo Ihl* elly. where ho-sill
tff anparalMed bustoeee acUrRy. all
hr BImey .. n bis family and all leave fur Nes- In thi* cliy with her parems, Mr.
•taasffs hariag keca paaeed both as to
Orlean* for ibe wintor.
j Mrs. J. Carter of ;n| West Twi
Totetoe aad proBi. Tbta Is noticeable folly covered by tavOTMcercarried by'
Mra, Klteher of Maskegon, who ba* sirtH-i, murned home ihl* morninE
to tbasvsao oor aa it ta ataMet geo- toe HaeUega agency at Tmverw Clty.
lOD apendlng Chrtaimas with
via Brepirv and Glen Haven
dangbler. Urn. Hewclt. relumed helhUr foond that the year lust draving


»n. wrai... r.~.r.r,- m' lim,,





dappp Dew Year






ta a date has been ahead d tke predullBg one to erny way.

In beirte Domlnge.


I. Dee. 26.—The vat de- spent Chrtaimas at Bnft
Wotorally tbto eia d pn»pertty has parimeni tola mumbig meclved the triatlves, morning home again i** Mary Norbetm returned
oIlovlBg dlspatcb from Ataoeiaic Col-ling from
spendine Chris
ertur ot Caatoma Edwards at Santo
wito her stater Mrs. O. Helstei
Nimiugo. under today's dale: “Cark>t
I tota rigid bat e
F. Meralee. prealdnit of Santo Do­
His* Time Duma* spent Chriaimaa
mingo. dtaaatlsfled with Ibe cabinet
SBtions Bay with ber'paronta Mr
left Ibe capital last night with ana Mr*. Ortsve Dumas.
G. M- Dame and daughter Gladys
. Uaoed. The tormers. who are y« toe “ few followers. Hit tan
Join toe Jli
a In oppee
N baebbeee d tbe coualry. are adoring!I?..** *"
Mlaa Mary Olesoo spent a few days
eoonict bfr
tween (be two tacUons 1s immiaeni.; Ito her parenu at Nortopon returnlo thU city ihta mornina
prehably la the vlelaiiy of San Jnan i
___ P. _
Lang of Monroe Cent'
Btoleiltlee bat d toe luxurtea d life
Tbo. taduwrlal claesei are also well
etarieyM at good wages sad aatarmlly
tkey. too, are bugs caosumen.
Mabig Ikdnatrtee are developei. _
norw betore aad toe oeiy toiag that
emdd have aa adeerw offoei oa tbe
MOatry ta toe Baaaclal exevaeee.
a tolMial a« b
laee tolVe -;c<M '

____ _

Mr and Mv*. Fen Murray h ft i|,i’
aftenint* for Ik-llaire. wh.-re th.-v will
vtall (heir daughier. Mrs: R. Munn.


Miss Carrie Oadbam. who teaches aCedar, returned to nils eiiy jodiv

yini: your

owtog to Mines* and vilhronseqiicml’
(he Kchcxil for ooe week.
reiiimiwl this
morning from Peioskejf. where hcwetii
Saturday on aeeount of ihe eerio-'
iltnesa of hi* rtsler. Mta* EltaalK.-t;-,
a nurse from Ballte Creek,
taken in while amending h-r
atoter at Petotkey.
Mr. and Mrs. George Seward, who
have been toe guesia of their brother.

Motica of Annual MantiiiR
MOTTh Martin and F. C. Affoll
rak Rapid* were la tbe diy over

Emil Hatoer. who ta employed by a
Grand Rapida firm, spent Cbristmaa la
’—s.. piswiaeni of Saa- tbecHy wito bit parents.
Mblag dcBatte u gtvni
t O. ltadd of OW
menia. bowr*.
Tba the city (May.

I iircsent*
t« Ho
Ho ipit full to

Has Opeoed omces in tbe State Bank BnUdlns

I- tlie (im- line «f L.'<s«Ia 1


im now eliovirig,

Diamond Rings
Bobemian fiaracts




Of A'.-uta- an'l Clironio Rlicamxtistn.


Gout. Spmini. S- iaticA. Myalgia, Neuritis. Neuralgia. Varioooe.

I'ric AiiU

Diatbesia and otber distorbancea of

Metaladisni. tii-ii<-ra] and Local Iiiffctjtm.ihkin Diseases, LiviY.

Jewelry of erery descrlptltt
SOTcrwire Ib treat Yxileiy

■.•ttoinach aivl Bowel troubles. Lung tronUt*. Eido^ and Blml^i-r diffii.ultir-s, XervouB Exhaustion. NetiraaUi<qiia. Distmsrs of
tbe IVmale TMvic Organa, Parolyais and Cannera.

Repair vorit and fitting of
(flotsea a apcvialty.

217 E. Front SL

If you are

•offering with any diatmae and have been unable lo get tbu de•iml tt-aalta by drag-truaUnCDt, extU and see the lAwtor.
saltation Fret*.



SAY. eeecMBEK a. iws..


r tte Hotel mtiuac. la ao« tntTeUna
•preaeDUtire for tte Otelat Coffee
ad Bpfee eoapaar of DKrelt. o.
tliia aeeUoa off'lte coqbIit. Hr.
ConplOB tea tbe wbole terrlloiT fren
Onad ftapida aortb. on botb aldea of
tbe Btale. He win etabe tood.


dreulatlon this week 2.975

Hr. aad Hrw Fred Ollmaa aad
daasbter Oraede are tbe coeata of Mr.
Oiteaa'a anat, Mra. Crain, of Pernwood. Hr. Olteae waa a former Ttarerte Cltr bos. karlDs bare tweaif
raan ar>. aad tbia it bli Aral vtali
bare ilaea that time Daring
yean be tea been away be baa uar-‘
eled ezIeaalTely. apeadlag a nnaber
of yeara In Sou'h and Central A
tea M well aa rartona parta of
eooatry ate be baa many lalerei
reatalaecBcef of bit experleacea.
■tala Newa.
A rteaca meeting yteladled tbel:
old lore, eo Wm. H. Bbellon of Parma
and blf dlrorced wife. Kaiy Booth of
Spring Harbor, tare been remarried
after Are yeara of aeperailoo. They
aia S7 ate H yeara of age reapectlre

b Aas Mt bMD enaUBwr for.tb«
Boy ^ tewresce of Lapeer. ag»i:
Bermld u> eC«r a pmbJbb to nbKrtb1». U tbe new chief ranger of Coon
«fa, bm tko
PrankRn. I. 0. F.. ate la ibe yoangeal
poMbfcen bA*o ted tt Mesrtnc a
peraoo ever elected to tbei office.
Initiated under special dUpnuatUa when 17 yeara of age.
Wbl Satherlate of Bay City. Icnowa
Vmember from Kawkawlln'
aMtter pMO of thi« inoc of tte Ho*
the le^eUtnre iff im. baa been >
ramed charged by ‘nerery- Brot.. Bay
Aa «fll te MM. tte Harrid asd City money lendcra. wlib obtaining
ftea ate FlrtaMa. tte irralMt pabli- loan under false pretenaei.
Emery Myers, aged 28. as escaped
oattei «r it! Wad la Ite Ualiad Stataa
will be fnniUbad U> all nbaertben
d with a ebotcuB and revolrer.
vko teve paid la tBll.rar tte HeiaJd. aad voerlag tbal be would ner
to Jaa. L U07. TUa kItm Ften aad back to tbe eayinm. pare Aberiff SWan
FlfoBd* AboolaM)' me to norr paid
try ebaae near Charlotte, bo
IB adtaaea nbatrlbmr to tba Horaid. Anally captsred.
Tbe petty aeaaalu tipoa worn
the itreeu after dayV and tniul|e by
own men at Ana Arbor, bare
earned aereral yoeng Iteiea lo rewire
carry a
packet of p
bandy when out alooe. ate some fel­
Hawla BBltb, daacbiar or Oeorpa low U golm; to get It If tbe conduct
Boea. Miaa EBle Roblni
aoa. al Woodward's lesuuias'.
was golBg to her work bofote daylight
wbea a man Jumped ont. grabbed
Vie. C Palmer bad two remarbably and teed to drag .ber off tbe a
Be beerea FiUa^. These were grown She palled out her Wpio end atablicd
te ante Tbarerae cotmty. coming Um In tbe lace. He released her and
from Bear Klagiler ate alttaongb only
Saortiage. drmsed 4M ate SOO ponnda
n 'of Oor
ranirilraly. Tte meat tea aa exIt a aboemaker.
tnmelr appenilAg aad teoder appear* gardener, bicycle r«er. bnnter. Aaberpaiater. ranter and a half doton


Him will be your opfortmdly to bay good, reliabJe,

lenuirkAfafy iow priced—
iwiced that mean a good deal
to tbe boy«r wbo iriabee tbe
moat and tbe beet {or their

Thh is one of the best
sales that we have ever
held. Read the prices
on Qoaks and see what
it-means to yon;


Our Annual Qcan Up Sale

This will be the selling event of the season. The Christmas shopping has left us with a great many broken lines,
odds and ends and short pieces. These we propose selling at a great sacrifice in price rather than to inventory
them. This means EVERYTHING In the store that comes under the above heads will be sold at a price reduc­
tion that will clean them up in a very short time.
Dress Goods, Silks aad Velvets.

Tible Lioens aod DonesUcs.

Eveo'Odng in theM linua in sliart pioccB will be
markivl at One TbM to One Half 00,

Broken Lines of Underwear.
LoU that wo do not intend to handle the next
•oaaon. Tlieee will bi- doted out at OSC Third ta

B«t vnlut* al nyular pricea. I‘riec<l now for
this onle at Oac Ihlrd to Ose Hair OB.


This will be one of the best sales we ever held In point of value to the customer.


For Conte that sold for
$S.3U and r.1.00.

For Coote tliat aold for
$12.00 and $16.00.
\ Kreat variety of stylia

Wortby oftbe Name

13.75 .
For Conte in Cheviot aud
Fanqr Miztnrcs. 4H to .70
ill. loot; Sold at $15 to

For Coats in Tint- Brondrloth anil Kersey, aonii und
light CUibg. \V.- r e $23

This is the best opportunity you ever had to
buy such garments right in the season.



but every garment is marked at less than cost
to make.
It's a most extraordinary offer, and if you
have ANY use for a Coat now is your time.

Some Exceptional on^gs Id Colored Dress

ALL suns 1-3 OFF


rw ftyviits
V^NIVO lliwt



$10. Black and AlUtuiea.

Fur Conte in Black and
Fancy Mixlurt*. 43 to 50
ip. long. Solti at $l.*i to

AllSnlUOne TblrdOff

Choriote and Fancy Uittnroa. Sold at $IH and

For Ctete that were osr
beat and finoat ganneoU.
Wiiro $30 to $37.6a

$50.00 COATS FOR $2T.50

»rvba«rerh ea^. wbo wa. a,
«d last week tor telling lloaor
two arms ever will—and be her
ffnmiMa aurn. ite oaee being tbe putTorture c
>ed more and does things belter a country, aiaio or territory. Tbu>. bl. i
eomeoflbe Jerry Tboa
pmiHar. He ii neiilior aj The Rory of t
uiriiire of Rev. <
tbal be did when he bad two arms,
■■t tlie Hanli;
namlaatkm Toeeday before Judge put him OB his meiUe. He aeol
member of the great Atocrican family.! r*P»*''
vin.-. \. Y.. will li
wailam Umlor ate was bi
In bis tether’s shoe store, maaag»; "I suff.-ri-cl auo:
tte Pebraary term of O
a ij.-r-^i»i>n> c-iigli. r
log tbe reiatl port, while bis father atknte to be Axed at UM.
111 be a man aliboul a country tiiiiu : suiting fniin le grip.
.. . I had u> Blivp
tended to the maUag ate repairing
>d. I irt<vt many t
Anal cIliteoKhlp papera are Unued to i filing up In l>ed.
L Wtea hts tether dM he set
LttUa Paal Sbefmaa. tte frmoalba.
wtthmit relief.
relief, until I iw.k
lilm In ibeiiai..v
: dle»._ w^mit,
learn tte shoemaker's trade—with o
j King’* New Discovery Convunipaid aan of Hr. ate Mra. Bmorr Dai
! lien. Cougba and CoWa, which entirt ly
paaaed away at tte home cm Fltlb band. He Invenled dertees to aid him
HeUday edition.
cured my oough. and aavpd me freni
•traat Taaaday morning at 10 e'cloek. ate be did aa good work with bla left
The Michigan giaie Democrat of, conxumptlon.■tiar a taw weeks' Ulnaea of branchial hand aa any aboemaker with two
Cadillac lamed a very creditable hull- *«*«' «>ndliloc» of
pnenmemia ate spinal troable. Tte taaoB would not let bia loas keep him day teltion thU yrer. c««.laiing of,
IbattBl wlU be held probebly Than from enjeteae bia Ashing and hunting iweniyffour page, of advmlaltig atul gif.g; pripp soc and JI.OO. g.
day nomiog at > o'clock al BL Pran- outings, so be suned to learn lo shoot timely reading, with a bandaome col Trial bottle, K
Mi ehareb. Pt. gbeebnn otpclatlag.
"eroas-Are." using the stnb cf his right ored Cbriinmaa cover.
> as a rest ate becoming one of Ibe
1 marke: ha« been
Aldmman James Ollleu aad'aire:
t sbou la that part of Michigan.'
Annual Meriina.
Mfl on Thnraday tOr Dundae to attend
s being hauled and
The anniml meeUng of tbe Eaat Bay!
> a telUed tpearmai
the foneral eff Mr. OUlett'a mother.
- 0 43 cent*.
amber Oompany will te held in the “•»«’ lirtnring
Mn. Imer Stayton. who dief at PelU.................
64S Waah.
treat. Tr
iy. Mlchl, ton Toeeday at tbe age tff $7 j___
Mad Chaaa.
and also drove ten
en.o'clock, on Momiday JanuTtey were eeeoapaaled from Waltoa
1 In mad cha=e after
ary lat, 1M6.
9r Mrs. CbariM By <ff tUt city. Hr. horses. He breaks his own colts, and
. .
«ua extreme of laddlum
Jamei B. Haten. Preeld'
ate (rains
B.nolber. when. If they would only
and Mra Jadkini of PellitoB ant. _..
' good food, and keep their.........
and Mrs. Saymond ol Seatb Btmrd- frleeda Between tab stord.
Jiar with Dr. King's New'Lll
Life Pill-,
making and Ashing, and colt breaking
trouliU-s «onld all p
Rate Wbil. Bam Burrwd.
bicycle riding. Fergnson found
ChristBBs .at tte laU was qnlelly itel be still had Ume lo spare. He
Portland. Mich.. Dec. :;.-WhII-; and Momach -rouhUi
and pleasantly tpcal. but two prlton- vested In land, and sri ont a peach or- Joaeph Hauck ut in the Kitchen of We ' I>njg Store f'n ,. y. H.
«• being there to partake of the chard, doing all ite work himself. In
nr Pewamo. IwaBtly r.-adltrg n
* S''"'-'dreg i
Chylauaaa turtey prerMod by Sheriff iha orchard he set out 100 trees, and
>or. bl» tiara containing 2S'!
aad Mra CteriM Johnam. Ctertea tbea planted tbe orchard lo strawber abtyp B
aO hla.agrlrulinral Implr
Ptene. as inmate for a six moaifai’
buroins. • • *
But that U not all. Ferguson ..-M..
Mraa ate George Mteteon. corralled went into pollttes. He U popnltr. and
Ncigbhora. fhlnklng Ibe entire fam•atanlay nJgbt for being orer dU^ hb friends appreciate bU brave strng- y wax away, began to break In the
ardarly. He was let wet Tteedey and gle. He has been elected looffire sev-; door to xecure buckric. much to diaiMMed kiatb to leave efter eo boon, enJ limes, serving as coastable. a> Kurprixe of Mr., lUuck. wbo had uci
taooa a dlaaer. Yoaag Pierce aeemt lowaablp treasurer, village clerk and
Llced tte Are.; Tbe losa lx ov. r
to be eajeytag extrcanely good btallk rlllage treasurer, and he now is toan- tS.000 With no loxurascc. AU the xbeep
ate late the beat gplrUa
ship elerk.
Tte tamber camp of Jerry kumran
T-n dollar.v occxu^lonalb' dopoxi.
. iH xoon l-e.-nmox one himdred.
ioeslad three miles from Maplf aty ley of Httskegon was read there was
It d.H-s cot take many hundred,
erai placte uader ctriet QBaraailne Joy In one borne In particular. The
to l)c«)mc a thcHisand. which AgSfoaday owing to tte prevalence of chHdrtw of Hrv Nellie Kent Gibson.,
ure 1.-. a very rexi»-ciablc nufavorliea of tbe mllUonaLrv's
dipbiterta la tbe camp. Three caeca
, eleui for a buxlm-xi capital or
«f nre throat have‘been reported tn aidow. recefrdA in all ibeauin of »n,-;
as a nert egg tor old aee. tickfOO. Cbaries Hackley Gibson received I
near. Joss of employmnit. or
camp. Tte last bring anataalty
any of il.e uafonunaie roniiatSJWO ate will use (be legacy for an |
rare, na giva arrr to tbe
gencie* that all arc- xubjoct to.
the l-nlvenliy of Mtchi-I
I lavaMlgailOB It was
M-Ub only one dollar you can
feooaete diphtterla ate tba gnaran- gun. Cbaries is Just paat'lO yeara of'
start a Savlncs accuutit wdh ui.
Wc pay three per eeni Iniirest.
ttae tallowed. Sereral ether expos- age. He was bom November 8.
compounded twice a year, or if
am hare foikiwad ate a strict watch at Deevel. Col., and has lived lo Mus ­ Tben tell him 4bout Ayer’s
desired, we will issue Interest
<»Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
ten be kept oa Ue memberi of
iKaring ct-rdflratet nt'ihe same
Bk>r la (he High school and all! bei hov it cured yoor hard cough.
grteuaied with the cteBs of '07. Hu
Tell him why you always keep
Tte bat Side Crowd ebartered
work# otg of aebool hours la the Haekit ia the house. Tell him to
•ouple cf deep sea -gotag bob sleds ley public Ubrary as a page.
Wedneaday eyeelag knd drove o
Jno J. ReUnsoo. now of HanDa. but
ask his doctor about it. Doc­
Arekle. Tte sMIgblag was goo
formerly of tte Soo. U a amn wttbool
tors use t great deal of it for
-.eepi In tme spot but the boiaes didn't
iiry. Roblnoao came to tbe Cnlt-j throat aod iuog troubles.
tare iteir wlaterfootsrea r cm. c
ed Stales from Osnada a decade ago.'
Every new and old aub^'ffunlly they want (wo etepe forward ate In 18K tote out his Arst natural-'
acribar who has paid for
^nteemebaek. After the atevalAl
bailoa papers. rsaoaDctng all««ianc^>: ^
the Herald in full to Jan.
towa k^ dnadag was itenlged In and
British sovereign. Later be'
a rery* pleasant time was enjoyed. went lo tbe PbntppiBes In the serrlee, i
t. 1907. will be given a
Ilowerdr. wbea It came time to oerve of rncle Sam. Bobinson now wrltos
aubscriptlon to Farm and
-tte rMrate meats it was dIaeoTerert tbal he is aaxteas to become a fullFireside one year free.
that Iteoe nrrnisirlii were -nu at tte Aedged dltsca, but Is unable lo take
See offer in another puce
'We-neritoag dab teuM. Tte party, oat his Mcoad papers, tot tbe reaarm
In todays Herald.
aiTtred ta Trarerse Cby about 2 a m. that the PblUnrfBea do not coasUlale

UID (SIDE soon BE­

Have You

a Friend?


Auer’s i

c best fu
ft be bouj{ht. Should be the most cheerful
room in the hoiluse. Sec the beautiful
.■auiiful furniture
wc have for you.

are most necessary. They save you many steps. The styles are the latest,
^he^rkm^ship t^c l^l. We have them at $15.00, $20.00, $22/». $26.00,

though smaller in size, are so convenient. Many
. tunes
. you can use them
better than a Sideboard. We never had nicer
ones. Prices arc $1».00,
-•-----$2S.00, S2'J.OO. $:12.00 and $3G.00.

The largest stock to select from in the city. A fine
te si
six. foot ExtMsion Table for SC.7.J, a better one fbr $7.50; other grades
. for $9.00, $13.50, $10.00,
$20,00. $21.00. The $24.00 and the $262» hativu the patent middle pillar leg.

any style you wish and the prices wc know will please the pocketbook. '
fire chair for $4.50 for six chairs; something better for $5.50,). $8.00 and
------Extra .....
fine solid
wood seat...for..$0
...25. S9.S.5,
.. _____and
$14.00 and $1C.25.
The finest leather upholstered box seat chairs for $21.00; $25.00, $20.00
and $31.00.

to keej) the pretty China in, and so preserve it. making it a beautiful orna­
ment and well as >afe reposi^ry. Prices are from $IC;50 to the very best.

The finest in the city at $2h0, $5.25, $1050 and $11.00. If you woiHd preter a plate rail we ha\*e something very fine at 15c a foot.

: Ot*rV. MIC



tog eore Sagiii. Tbo tonx
>agb>i-|%eT were eorprlaed while bere b?
Suodnr Sciwal Canynwim.
Furdaw* Hgtatltis
hit In Ue feed mUI and Oeo
man- bOTlDC a eaiter bllefaed behind Uelr
Dole D*vii: Fiin. ven DUra; lusr pled ht* In tbe ram miter.
:Horm^“Jf*w£du •1^’**
Hr. and Hr*. Elmer 'BUlm
CfarletBOf Id Traterae CUy.
Mr. Ztemraan win *peai
.rkww fi
u>d Hr*, r. BoblDM at
M^ln* Srwataa. »:» O rtoek.
: aired my dlwaae*. by Ue oae of Bee
Mr*. Ne(w« ho* *i<w u> Matnaiee.
II tpind (be bolldart *lth
Ur. and Hr*. Smesi ToUcr andI Ur. I ftr the bolldtr..

mud Mi*. Johu
Ur* Joa. Ro-jMcao apent Cbi
iri... I
Fred C>r1»on
n apindi
«pi«d> hto (Tirti
moa ta Tfirerve Cliy.
I'y with tale pon-nti and
j * Urge crowd at Um '
Fred Tire wo* t-.
oi tree at tbe chnirh
“r ‘
The Fincher t-iHk on a part of a
A a»e pro*i*iD woe elTen a*d ;
Sold, under gunrMra. r. Bright wo* a TnrerM- Oly: kiad of luniWr at StJUita Manlion
Manlioi and
. Ho^me
to do the name for yon. by Johnahmoer Thursda.e
’raxne otcr lu Nemen'i dtick on Tburw
c raoimliu-e, non.rngr
Co. F. H. Mmdt a
Mias LraUa Baker aleo did dtaoppina , day io flniab loaSloE. Frank nUer
8 E. Wa*i
t a
Sona. otiuii
dnutgUtA at S
l r«aie ore- <«< her
'alwtile Try tbe* today.
.- i« eprad ...---------- Hr. d»S Mr*, b^sad iomllr deAfter a eonple »rf week* of ranBn^
Mr*. Forilne ha. gone to BonlirkAherwooD Seeelon. 1 30
' Hr*. Mary Oberloi; en'erlolaed
Hr« ic astead tbeir iMy* tboak* u>
*• Cby tU* momtag to (wnme
whole Ohi-rlng famll> fur CsrlHBaJ
the HMMbw tost or
dlj a»d.
>rk at the BD.Iiie«a eolle
SIB to Ur asmoDdlBa SbosbIit and
MPr. and Mr*. Ralph Jameesri i
Hloaet Oerlle. BSIe and
daughter Margtrel uTTraretwe Citv
Foneh .rf Shepta.-rd U
_____ and Urln* UitdlW ■«
«pem Chrlilli>a.i with r.-l*Uw» here.. tb- taoinc of P Von Wlc.
jond I-T»*k. <il (-bBrl.‘«uU. bare be.-n; bo* (crured and maintained*le« dnya ago. HN. Diwrroa (he Trarerse CItr Klxb
Mr. *0(1 Mr.-, F>eiii. '}!i-ren» nr.« »f« and for tbel
Mr«. Hmiilc Ul-inwhlnc t
: bis guo
>. daughlee of a aalfey Xin.-ral
• • ^iBrmallly. -_R.^i R. N llidraple. J
for tholr 1
eoi Mrrow e
•bmni m b
I ■ Ur I
Ur* (Ancrick trf Sonih
Mr. H. E. Hebert and!
dior uf ibe Americna raeolsUoa.
Tlio Cbri.inia. tpor
(orriwj |iar«eil ■•RlManll a are fa-Tc for Chriaiiaa..
.rie. of
nr tbe-Soo
.hn.Jtno .re rUK ’ *^2. t'l«U»«w.
daughter lATlna
Satuiday. Her lather.
„„ -I HIM Amy niher I* (pending her porirclly. The church
eh «ra. I>i-aiiilfally ;
Alil yngti las' i-voaing «*. very iin____
j Ing wUb Mr. and Mra. A. W. Mebcn.
ChrlUmu voraikin with her patetii*. I
hi-Ky and evornrren. pleasoBi and a hi-ai'r wind sail rnnw |
Aaron Hall. wa. ukm priaoaer fay rhu
. Dm. ts.
Mr*. Wm. Rvlirke and children are
Hoy and llarel (ihering .pnoi Cbi
Then- wen- two t-v«. uoe a> tilihor
onn. RaVs hall was fllbsl. the la-oa-'
UriUsb and fur a Uniu laagutabed ta
Halting at Map!.- mu wlih Her. and
eou of the plaifonn and a fln-tdaco leIin tx-ins iho M-limd .-vhllpiiun and,
Mra. B. Mobr, funner paeior here..
aa Bhgli-b jail.
Mr. and Mr<. Kail Hack ufTraverae Iwewn. The ehiiru* .inglng under the
w Osrlrtma* in-e*. The procram ■
Un.. Wb. Wdli reiurned from
Hr. and Mr*. A. W. Melwri on- l•nin•
aiy Rpeni CI.riMtuas wltb redaUve* at dlnclkui ^ I iv-iton wa. a apedal
IV Bar Iho srhuiars. fnmi !!*• Iaii:« ii
- e ibe-hoe
from Orand RapM*. wbele Hr. Hebert
tbi* place.
featarr. while ilii- i>ru|:r
Iho lltll. bds oulv *11. y.wr* iild.. Hist Mr doosUrr.
»w»cT. Hr*. CharlM^Oook. la ottoodlng the veterinary collegr.
-saMsacCur UWs Ida Pairaat wa*
id I heir parts p.-rf.eilr. -He r-s-ila '
Frank Dtmner and Reuben aroeimer
A Fearful an*,
no* with
Thtwe who were aot pn.ioni ails*
«». the drUI. Iho
diabiKiitv. and >
opal Cbriftnia. wlU frleoda at Reed
Hie ireL
fearful laie lo bare to «wdun>
UirchllKhi drill all .n-:o|v.-d lond and'
S rrtaro^ Solurdar
»r.. V, a.
Ible (nriwre of pUea.
applaiua-. Tho ...lo by Mrs. Ih-d-ly.,
Qua Kelicta of Trarerae City apcnl
Saiunlay evening U spile of the *ioi
irnlhfully ray.' write. Harry Oolaao.
wlth_ Plano areompanlmont
by MrA’
Tbs. HHoea
____ ___
Jee# nmo.
Lwll* Chrtaiina* at home.
and (be rblldren all dM well for V
td Uaatmrlllr. la. -that for bllBd.
Ihitnbrille. «*s Bne and terriieEaw-i
i remue apam qiriatmai
Tbe young people of ihla place
iillle prorlke they hul.
bleeding. Itching and p——........
plauae. Thi-n iho np.-nlnE of U'>xoa.of,
B and
and Bmwtee
eatertalnad on Chrlxinaa olgbi by the
Urrio WlB.ianley Hailed
Ur. and Ur* IT
liutkien'.• /
e-K-tke Idwt
different ixTsonik but,
J r;
Pteree droT» a wef
HlJoei Laura and
UHna Undley.
Iasi Thiimlay and Friday.
Co. ha.-pn-Ki-nled lis employe, wiin
ding (boti
hull.Uyi- wilh rolailmni
made.- Alw> beat fnr cul^ burn,
Broryonr present bad a good
:ic a ueioiv' wind a ahon il
rJubboueeai the l«ras ua S.-ilawa* and lajurte*. rsc. at Jubaooa nettg
Bid** MrA*Sia OlWm spmt
Dec. **.
Sinre Ce .. F. H. Heads and B. B.
tAristMOi at the bone of Hr. and
•e etrvel. Unring.
Walt A Buna, dnigglal*.
ura. OoWd baa been very akk.
Mra. lltiiiibrillp. Ura. RS) and...............
bat I* some better nt thJi writing.
Mre. Ilalilr SVwsioasI ir- sixindlui;
ilv*. Kolli.- Hormi
oihers for iraklng tho oiii.-nalntui in
■ DW.1S.
Mra. BHmrr of Nrmnm City •
the weok vIrilUig frlendK al (iHsti. |p*n<iis a«d friends li
Frtflav ui
a grand «ocres».
parents *11
-............ The
The pai
■ w a few dayi.
U. A. Oulvor Is ranflnod to hi. U'Ji
boJi Rainnlay.- II. r sHior.
S nr.fe, I
.1 and imnid nf ibe pruri
I. F. lodge at Wexfurd
tin branrblilK.
r rtall.Irvn an- m.kin: In
pper al Kupp'e ball
Ulas Affne. Uabn of Tratoiwo n<»i C. Anilerauu
______ _______
e V. Moodr sUendM U« fai aloek
ling. Oeer uoe bun.pending her vacation wiili her par-:spoud Ohrirnias.
Ebe« la Cbbrnso loat weak.
DeiRBiU BJty be .
no. Hr. and Mrs. F. tL Maba.
Ur- and Mrs Alum MliUb-t). Ur.
.Wa.O. Bisler <d Union CUg s»«u Arad people bod oupper (here. A good
bora lost week (he goeet Uiae
entoyed by oil. .
Her. Allingtpn could not be. ptetM-nt and Ur*. O. R. (-Uypool tnd rhlbln-n
.In Ibo »m-«8 of Now York city pi
W. H. noon and Pmd Skinner
•the Cbrl.ima* exeiefee* -Saloi ‘
Mr. Bduiond Oaut
>boaaa pal in tbeir boneea loat
ning on arraum of ihe Ulnr*. .of OiriBlinaa with Mr. and Mra. Wlnittn- pans are killed by vehicle* at the ra
inan]l;) <
Ulaa Ida I
-V of hi. bi.y».
loy. alM> Qrandpa Ellla.
uf one for every 4ay In (he year.
Hrt. Ida Pslrer ralaraod trem Char- a Ctartatmoi
Ur. and Hr*. Romlngioa of OriaU
Hr. and Ur*. W. Stanton arrlve-l.
loot Friday
pent Frtdny and Saturday He pK-sia Saturday night from Nopsrm Ctly to
(be pareeU wdre there ai
r Ura. Kewsii-ad.
Spend Christinas wtib Ur. and Mrs. T.
How'a Thla?
Hr. «M Hn. Orm Woodward od
Alma relky b> able Id In- ran again R. While.
b» f»w ore apfodldg the .bolidar*
Coon Snlfka Is ranlln.-d to ilu- hou..Johu
- - lAuiaor
I-Kiied hi. parenis nn>1
Jtth Hr. Woodward-* btoUer. i. R.
pvuv i^srieMBie* viia cer •mcr, Mr*.
.. _________
..-irnds for i^few day. lari week.
laaoo. at Inland, reiuralng to her
Mra. h-raak Meacbeii'. muibcr from
Ur. and Mrs T H. Wl>He. and Ur
W- tiw uodSwn^'tats'^'w^''J
Hr. oM Hn. Cboo. Boekler t
rhotd after Ctarlitmaa.
(Nilo arrived Friday lu HK-nd Ihe win- and Ura. A. 8. Srokb am-ndod (hdbent «m apoDd (be boUdoj*
' '
Orant Center Orange elected oElconi ler with her.
Konry RAhov.and '
loat Twatdoy evening. Ttiey also but
oeUar-a pareoto. Hr. and
John Freiburg Ir home frum Hanlon Mark- .Memsn la.-.! WedModay.
________________ Crae^rnr
papporSRoreleetkiti. Tbo officers anc the winter.Alice ClayiKwI. daughter of Mi
oa fediowt: Haater. W. H. Dlion:
Mias Ida Farrant left Bamlny mom- [ Mra. O. R. C-laypool, ha. been
m ijnl'o ’■.STw*^"'**'***^
ororaeor. K. «. Cbanplpn; lecturer. lag lo ( pend bur vacation sl home.
i sick tbo'part week, bul is none
e belief
______ jwlib hH paiWBU. Carrie U DUon: otewmrd. Chat. SoberMIm Anna cadiiaa uf Sutwina Bay ! nuw
Berborn: oaalataot steward. Ollror
(r. and Hrm Dr. U 3. Tedmaa.
a guvai at tbe borne of Chat umRiw. Mr. Shelley and wife reiann-d
Olen WUer and Nmnr of Hnbbard Broadway; ebaplaln. R^tta Benneti;
Rtime lasi week, after.randupiing r<s
Aho. Sobwt Wller and wife of M(. iruosorer. W«1 Hoberieun; secretary.
Bert and Ocorge McQuoer arc nura viral movilnEs iiert- for two wi-eks.

Traverse Region.

i "S: r’.rr™' —: rw.".'r..2;rv, rxi-i,';!
; -V-t-sj;?: 'r .ixir:: ;:,r, -TT “I*





ited liJb Pemc

•a.“tsre «„

■••ara TsesnoD at borne.

i * i • ■ ■ t t n t < s > »-* * t t« •




f Wlthmt g«tlce ;

H.S. Han.Prwident:A.V.FriHlricbandCluta.WiU*plM.Vk»
^ PnwitlenU; C. A. figmmotid. CMbier; J. M.
^ StophenLaotaer. J.O.Omtger.l)r.H.B.agrn«.B«»j.TliW.
^ b>, tiiio. W. latnlie, F. DcainoDd, Wm. Loudoo.


r11 f 11 • • t II • < I f • 11 • II • 11 • • • I •

Wa are now right in the middle of our annual inventory and by next issue of this paper we will have UNHEARD OF FURNITURE BARGAINS to offer to
the people. Inventory always brings to our notice hundreds of dollars’worth of merchandise that we are desirous of closing out.

ImmSliFeuch a r^utation for iteelf that hundreds of people are waiting ready to take advantage of the low prices. Watch this space nwt week.




Sideboards, up from................$ 16.00

Fur a (nU size, well matle -Concb.
U|>bulat<-ri'<l ill i;iK>l


beavf auli<] frame --uhI






cbunpMl lu tli« very Inul.



make nii eb-c'ifit pMcnt. It will be
a pluaaarc to tbowy-ou tbe Udv.



Comb. Desks, up from.-.......... 12-00
Ladies’ Desks, up from ..... —


Parlor Cabinets, mahogany.
up from.............................. 14.00



For a Rood eolid


Buffets, up from.......... ........... 12.00


Otliera uii to $£i.riO,

MB turn tbe aeot
dtb«^ cane or oob-.
Uer. fitiighed in'
goMenoik. W«i»
■lioiniig iumdfedgol
other gtyle rockmag


Chair, back a.!-

Music Cabinets, up from...........


Dining Tables, up from.-........


instable to nny

two ^

piece cnabion,


lor l^mp, jast snoli

moantod on Imll





oak Ann
avd back.


tbo Buritetslnt.

nu-nt of


braces ererythitiff







bom $:<.->0

Odd Dressers, up from..........

to $4. for. Oar tiasoru

17fi0, including


Parlor Stands- • -..............

a lamp as other dt-ul-

bearing castors.

Dining Chairs, up from.... ..... ; 65

win liny a iiicv Par­



lamps em-

30^72 inch Rugs, up from



liand InDip np.

Carpet Sweepers, up from......



tiiem oH-r.

Sleds. Shooflies, Doll Cabs and Toys

For a baaotifal laiga Bead Bocker, jeM like cot, waB made and Bn.
kbedinabaBM. WebaroaUrgo
rtaient o( Iboae rc^ rodura
to obooae faoB.



Will bay om- of these vlegiiul Scbftim Ru- kers. sent
and base entirely separate
from «ach other. gn*ran-


tord sled sprincs.


trill nuke an elewant gift



W —


appredntvd bir yean.

J. w.

with erery pvebsse ol
t$0 or more. \


(joarter ^nwed. hand

•We will give away

{Kiliabiwl Arm Utx-ker.
shaped roll seaL all





Uo. ,ai bo«0. G«

finished in the latest
. add is SoroetbiuR that wilt


For a

gokk-n oak.

A chair


V"“. ■»■-« U»y PI.

tiiat wili last a life-




K. w. RCTTfDfUA «m to Tn
Citr •» SuordarW. O. W«aM wmt to Tn
8- B. cue w«t to TtaTaraa

R a Toloahle eow
last week.
J, O. Cr----------------------in Trarrme Otr Uet Thnrtdar.
F. L. WlllUm* went to
- Lodinxtea
‘ "
Satnrdar to spend the holldara wJU

MUs Ctoo* went t
Ufa. MflUer ud flAlpb
Trrr<^ aiy
l»*i »*«k.
J«n Rom
>• thia Noctbport lu(
JotH UcOtrthr w. >1 to Bl| R
Mat wientnK to apeo a tew dar<
A loM or rooBK people em to the
A ewy prwttr doeMe weddlat eere
Maple atp Cbrletaaa Ir
moar *as sotaMalMd raaierdar at
tftktek at the hane at Mr. aad Mrs. C
C. LMhUa. wfcen tbata daufhte
KanoB Saturdar iiicbt ti
Lnlo was dhltad In Ban1a«» « "
Doeald MUks of thU place and
*^o aebool at Clearbrook i
aoa Bert to MU* Etoitic Brown ot 8ua
Dec. U.
mlt Citr- SMer B- S Lambkin per
toraed the cereaonr. Oo»r leUtlm
the bride* aod (noom. were pre*
JohB HalBi aod John Spraot left
tor Oraod Raplde Batuiday to epeod ent. Tbe bride* were drreeed alike, tn
ereas albainw* irlmaied wiih lace in
the Mldapa «1ih frleiida
Hr. aod Mn. Brre Voomau of Ce­ sertlos. A recepllon wa* held I
dar are tpaDdiaii a fe« daya wUb Hie prMent 'lo offer their coDcrataUtKaii.
TooaUBi BhtMiu. Ur. and Hra. Jann
The newlr married couple* received
tor MUm waar aaetol and haamlfal presenu
Ther win make their bone* Here.
Hra. C. i. Barkman and ebiidm
left thU monlBi ter a few dar*' vl*i
with reUilraa aad frieBd*
Rapid* aad Spans.
Will PrentiGe.
Mra. Frank Rom went to Lsailn*
People aroBiid Keyetooe and Beltper are ratoldac orer the new depot todar to attend a teacher*' auocU
which win BOOD be eoopleted at Key- Uoe.
John LambkU csiae down frean
plte reeurdar ie aneed the leoeptloa
. Behool ha* cleaed' tor a two wee
at C C Lambklaa'.
Min. C. SHion left tor ladlana Sat- Peter Kirch went to CbUaffo Satiir
•rdar to apend the . bolldaya with day.
fohn Huaiincl of Ontario. Canada
tred Salordar tor a visit with Jubo
b7*beraoSAVim£?ReBalAhtfi 8atFrank Unn of 8r
order BomlBic for Ifew York, where
ai^ to ^^oPb» loMUonabe wUl vend, bar
Warren OUrer and Tbonai Pm>
■erry Haolsild spcol
went to TnTerae CItr.
b reUtlvee In Dk RapldA
Hortte Wateoo and Rpbeeea Prar
Vlllle PUefacr aod Dean
Made a trip to TmTetie Cttr Thor*- apeat Christmas at tbe Utie
In WinUmabnrx.
**WIII Darlwe epeal ChrlMtoai at
Peter RoUo was a boslnesi «aller In
surer Lake with Hr. Nlebolaa.
Traverse City Saturday.
Oeo. Prar was dilwB troa Ttararaa
Prnfc Cbarii left Saimdiy

aod ‘‘Libert Wood was In-TraTe
dantbter Mabel apeat Pridar th Tiar- yesterday,
--hrae Citr.
Mra. J. ManiKOld and danxb'er Dahl
UlM Mmie Oardow opeM ThaiPdar wetat lo Grand BapMs to vend the
and Fridar ta Uabal.
boOdl^ with reUllves.
Hra. R. a Oatdaer aod efaUdren
HIsa Faroswonb. who U teachiax In
bare aaoe to St. UpoIb, Hleh. to ipead the FUe Lnke -MbooU. spent a. tew
CbrHtBias with their parenu.
dan of last week here.
west to YVareTM
•Vert MMsasi was In lYaTeise City
ooe dar laai week.
; Friday d U*t week.
MU* HIM Hanaoad ta boae rUltMU* M<dll« Bavder of KaUmazoo U
tax her foBu.
a few days with Mrs. Lena
Ora FaifbaakB ,ea«e down from
Trarene Clip reeterday.
Dr. and Hra. Border ot Tmverae
‘ Fiord K. fiaadi waat to Tn
Ollr are rUttlac at J. O. CiwUer's. '
C«r Saturtar.
MUs Bffle Hlgbea spent Hoadi
L^kcr went to Traeem.
• her parent* at Summit City.
_A JacksoD arrived last evcBli
tra^Bar Clo to^^vMt irith bar ai
' J. R. Baltoo went to TroTerae iCuy Mr. and Ur*.. Wm. Wilson spent
hrUlma* with Ibdr sob Fnok lb
. rnrerse Oty.
Cba*. Carl o€ Wexford speat Sunday
C^^eiii ihU wlnlM;
with hi* stsier. Mrs. F. J. HopUns
’ Urban ftiUmer made a trip to KalClarence Anderson wma oeri from


f^*TwTai taw tD-myenresr■



, Tbe
The H
Mabel aebbol has closed for
Mr. and
Ceo. Hammett spent
waek-s r.
Christmas with tbe Utter's parent*.
f Tbe O
DowUnc aebool baa deoed for
Wm. Spaaldlnc ot Hayta weeh'e vacatloe.'
.• JhaV
Jtn Watson'e toUra epaat Chelstmaa Heniy Reamer we« to Celdoa, Ohio,
last Friday.
S flowi
un dPTOr from
BbaroB, where be Hm bMB
. . hnalinx. Leslie
Hr. aod Mis. Samuel Seely of I
. aocldcaially abot. The rid.' mn« Hra Seely's p
carried by Harvey HalUday was dUniA Mr. and Mr*.
dr*. A. UnderUaf.
ebarxril acrideatnlly. the shot pene.
f Mr.-aM Mrs. Robert Clow or Cntral
Hoyt's bip.



iDtt. a.

Mahan. parcaU.
Bast Bay Lumber Co. > wsium
HltcbeU. parcelA
Auditor Oeoeral to R J. Morgan.
ho^*^M w^ll^led iith iiopw ud
*e of oelt sac. 2«. town «.
all enioyad tbe Christmas exetrlsea.
H. P. GlMden and wife to B. B HsO. Aboat sixty reUUve* anjoyed the
CbrUUnas dlaner at C. Barrett's.
ley and wife, lou 3-t-5. fr. bioek i. K.
Homer Hallelt it Vaktnx bands PIT* Lake,with relatives and old friends n
Medad VtBton and wife to Henry B.
be has not seen In twenty yean.
FhUis*. parcel, see. t. town n. rahxv
Mrs. B. Farrell irai SMlstliix Mre.
C. Bamtt a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Brea, aad W
Cb^ ware Traverse City caDcra

There wOI be no vaeailoa dot
the teacher a
le wentber U x<


If you will eat more

Uneeda Biscuit
you can do more work, enabling you to cam
more money, so that you can buy more

Fred Oraiopp ud wife to David Z.

Adam Mdhllnx and wife to Banter
MuUInx n fr. H of nw fr. %. *ec. 3.
Ibe tedira are pTeparinx their town S, ranxe 10.
Christmas tree and »vpet today
Alice H- Bond, et al. lo Q. A. Brlxa expect a
M. 1 church. We. pll
good tima a* we always have at Yob*. ham. pareel*.
E. V.
- - « en' poorly. We^ y„ak Oark to Calvin Sparllox. et>
be win RK® rexaln hi. health ^
^ ,5
F. C. Oark and wUo to Frank A.
r. Smith I
Clark, psreeU.
The terlral mertinx*
LoaU .Bchrer and wife lo R J. Cm-^
very *ocee**ful *0 far.
,h„ .lor and J. T. Harden, lots II-I»-19-*0. ‘
TVrre hundred look Kuppcc
^Id well ! Frcdcrlcba Clou, to Jno. Hotllnp*-!
H. R rfaon-b Santa C
learlsg many presents,
worth. i>sicct. *ec. 13, lowb
ranxe f
valuable V**Rl*lo}' reeclvi-l j.
waioh. and others pretty p
oe numeruus to metinati.


Uneeda Biscuit
do more work and earn sdll more money.


yanpe II.


- ■>-' ,
Wanva Taylor and famllv spci't-and wile. oH « nwVi. sec. ». tdwo
Cbristoias at ikr~ borne of OiTin l.uei'. I *g. ranpe 10.
There was a fhirisUBB* tree 8*'ur-| , 11
w E Codd lo H E Codd
. ««a.
.r. ». r«c
tree was nirely deearsM. AllhoozhI Wm. O. Connor trustee lo H. E
tbe nipbt wns Kinrmy the house <
well ailed anil all ihemsei'
Dave llaminer-has
■ Auditor tkmeral to Wm. O. Connor.
inds to work Ibis wloier.
AarwB Box enrenalBed his children Imttee. lots l-fW-M. block M. N
M Chrltimaji.
Fife Lake. ’
Ur. and Mrs. J. Wise arc vUlllnp
Rose R Dannser lo Bessie GapniMr- and Mrs C. Box.
U-ii. imrceU. sec. 3S. t^p SO, range
KeI»on and Frank Wilcox .
Uax and sklddlnp lopa for G C Rouae
sad will baol them to Wexford.
Hiram Taylor was out ooe day last
eek selllBX beef.
Simon'Shnsier and OewRe Hodpre
traded bones last week.
Hra. Jslia Lace vUlled Mra.,Cbariey
Knapp two or three day* Usl sreek.
D. P. Taykrr sold Wm. Taylor a Bi
twn-vcarwdd enlt last weric.
Orin Luce ssy* he I* In the marki
Ccderal Nm
1 sell or trade horses.
- Tbe lottery Ramblers
a fresh sujtersilllno. Some tndourlons (latlsllclan found out that
• aiiendlnx *ebu(d a' Alnt*. are ib^ hair.of ibe hip prise* tbU moou
■ndlnp the bolidayv with their par- have been won by ilckei* tbe
:s at this pi
of which added up make 21. Thus ot
»n»lap *1
^nk Har
Dee. 1 the holder of Ucket No. *3n3M
s staler.. I
Iftsi.owi, The ramc rt»y the hold.
Tbe Old MlwhtB fisb story pitbllshe I ,er of tirket No, i:iss won Ign.OOO. On
by the Baple was a penulne 'flab Dec. S No. 2«;ir7 won tic.»<>0. and ou
story." as all tbe Bah eanpht brl^ or the same day No. ZdllSSS won Ibe Hr*:
1* fisbermee of ibU place did not «odie prize of the Paris maatclpal lottery.
op >0 tha catv credited lo one b
bf tfcU plare. Charles Saimden
kind of lap has become pop
ular amonpibe lowest clasae* In Chrt*
liana, Norway. A would-be dnink Oils
tbe palm dr his band wlih aquavii,
wbicb Is a very slronp corn brandy
aer parents at .
, ___
and snuff* It up tbrougb bis nose
A. Sweet, a former restdem of this
place, but pow on inmate of the Sol­ TbU Is repeated several time*. ihouV
sufficient to render a man In
diers' home at Grand Rapids. Is vis
max friends here.
toxlrated. The effect is terrible be
Mr. and Mr*. Bert Gsatoa are pilrc
e the whole nervous system Is
tn live in Mr. Cox'* house this win­
djaod te a memcot and ibo drunk
Born, tolitr. nnd Mr*. Lewis Franli- ard remains almost unrunscloua^ tor
lin. a roou Dec. 33.
several minute*. Afterward there
Mr*. Rose Wllxnn of Traverse Ct'y
■ spendlnp the holliUy* with her par- a sleepy fatlpiK as there Is aft
>nu. Hr. aad Mr*. 8. R TkimpklnA d opiom antokioK.

Hiss Susie Altaveae Harsh of Bate*
was united In marrUxe Monday. Dee.
-■). at hlxh Boon, to Albert C.'Pox, eon
’ Mr. and Mrs Cbarie* Fox d Rnah:Ue. N. Y.. by tbe Rev. C. A. HazelJohn Drw Is vtsllhiR his mother, j R”*** Medical *eoUeRe. Cbtrapo.
oe. MUs Harsh was attended by
f"'.rrv three[•:I made a little attack o
Fb^^tb. e<
n or tbe BapUst Mra. ^eat C. Blair, who was formerly
UBlBX betw.
atloa here
tn* IB tbe
0 Holland!'
ceremony a tamptoc
served by tbe mother of tbe xroom.
Dee. 3K.
|lDgalls. 'Jaal ImiRlBe tbo diacomwbooc bone the wsddinx
---------------------I forta df a paiieot in a tent la winter
Invited an d
• they Tbe' ahppy pair were the rceiplents
d they wfll p
Real EaUtx Tranafera.
| time. *1 Wnk I'd rather be in bade*
le valuable preueata Mr. and Mrv.
sunod Immediately for Bates.
Oval Wood Dtah Co- to Traiervc j than xe threugh anything like that tf
! they wfS vtalt frtaedA spendlnx City Brick Co. nwSi. see. 17. town K.]I were afflicted with tubercnlosU
• Roy Case and Merle Crotscr are;
.0 .0 «os...
W ope" *1! wintaom from mx Rapids, where Ibry
make ihclr new home Mr. ^ B*? Lomlwr Co. to James E- dows and get a* much fresh air as Is
have been atleodlnx sefaool, t
■ Hra. Anna Pralon was ibopplnx !■ vmty, and Mrs. Pbx ha*
yraverae Oty •Piurrtay.
boarta of all who know her 1
Jacob FlrwUt* went to Traverae
- r her bnsband.
City Wednaaday of Usi week.
. s will aueod Ui
Mtaa Maade Porter of Traverse City
« their irlp. glren by il
.•tailed Hiss Wbmle RUI Um week.
. Joha Seaxmiller was borne frotn Chltauoovcr Sneday. He mnreed to bis
fportt hat evealna.
‘ Hr. aad Hr*. Gen. Van Oorder aiM
: two earns went to Hanton Sunday to
Cemc to Hondreda of Travarae City
Paopte. -■
.There are dav* of dizrlnews;
^ J<dia HoCtarifay arrtt '
Spells d hcadscbc. sideaebc. backW evealoB tram Ann
MUs Coi* Seodeld went to bcrh
_.1 wmumsbu
.mnamsbom Sunday.
Often urinary dtsordm.
. Tbe .{Mtaary aad '
tell roo plalaly tbe^tdneis are
- •
iBXStay setaeta hi
tteir CbrtatMaa exeivdso* Friday afterWc take this appropriate occasion to resolve that
aona. Tba Interiaedtate reon m- poatt's KMtrey pni. cure all kWoey
drred a very InlcrectlBR procram, after
all durifi}; the coming year our customers will receive
•oof la Tj
Which chlldrM aad visitors marched
... ______
kiD the priaary room and listened to
the same careful atteatron aod consideration as during
tanre of the aonx* and plays of tbe lit­ atrrel. says; “Pains arroe* my back
tle veo. The ctn* arere then dtairib- and htp* were eepeclally severe wben
the past.
bo^ at work I was nervoo* and b*<t
tacks of heodacbe. dlzzloess and
Mis* Daley Mill* is spendlPC b<
iklOf tpelli. I knew It would not do
. datkm with relatives la PUe Lake
That people appreciate our efforts is attested by
let II K" any kmcer. and belnx pn>*
n. a. McCarthy, wi
aebool ta Ann Arbor. is vlsliiac hU trhied In bed m the winter of 1R97 t
the coftsuntly incrcasiog business. Fair dealing and
1 phyalcinn treat me. I Vtalmd
BU. M. HeCtarUy and wife, n
. at ‘Thursday
rveWInE. Rev,
fharsday rvewini
prices will prevail as alwaj-s. •
bother me.
•on. paatar
natar of tbe H. R «>•>.■
chi vo wwrw.
and HIM Martha Wltaon d Tnvwrwe I was Indnerd to try Doan-a
aty were Married. Mr.
Wool Pill* aad (bey belped me ft
We ask your auemion this week to the new and
are tpendlhx the holldii.^ln“ k Rap- anb I used foor boxes tn an Id am
> tbat
pretty Calendars on sale. Fine ones from 10c to$l.W.
• TbeChriai
. .
exerelMs at (be BapliMaDdHat
H and Halbodlst churcbee passed off remedy to anyeme who suffers as I c
Full line of Excelsior Dairies, too.
Jty meaty.
uJealy. Tbe trees were aloely

trimmed pad tbe Bandar acheei pupils
Poatrr-HObura Oo. Buffi
■ maay nice xlfU. Tbe pro­
- - York, dole axeau-lTr-ttac L'ali
em tniereatlnx aad abowed Suiet.
Hra. Addle Nelson U sufferiax from take no other.
M attack d pleurisy.
VHr. and Mra. Claode Roppra arrived
Saturday from Cadlltac. They spent
Harsh pbysles react, weaken tbe
ChrioMa iM tfew-lureier-* parent* b^a. caase dtronic- ctrasiipail.®.
Tbeo. Roxer* and wife of Cntoa. Joha ftaans Raffulet* operate eatll.v, uuie
CniPffm Off, ntkb.
BoBen aad family of Tvsiln and C. C. the ftomaeb. care coasUpatlon. :tBoxen of thta ^nw aleo opMt C3wtai- A* yo«r dratftai f«r tbCB.


J! nm Year’s

eily Book Store

nece**arj, and wten warmth ta de­
sired the wlndewt may be cloved and •
the tit<am turned v. TbU Is impa«*|.
ble Id icniv When 1
there 1s too morh air :
closed tliere I* nut emouRh. iNeause
therv is no rlteulauun ihruui;b ranMrs. I’ulior Psluier 0i iiii-» the stoiv'
that sbe puriMise* to Join the c»loo; ,
d Amerlrans In Luii- ]
dun. She will !l-.-e id ChlczRO %i„lshe live* on ibU canb. Vncle Sam !•
a pood enouRh fl'her for her country >
ind Chicago 1* the be« place In H«
Mg domain. "When you ar.- an Amerl- “

A healthy tnsn U a king in hU o
rixht; an unhezliby man Is an
happy slave. BnrdoV Blood Bluer*
ku.ui* tiy sound Yattb-krejM yoii ■
"Sufferedi day and irtght tbe lornient
of ItchWg pile*.
until I usedI ItnsD's t;
piTmnnetitly."—I a. Jubn l(. (tar-'
. Mayor, Clrard.
Accidents will hlppei
recnlnted families keep
kee| Pr. •Pu.uiar ‘

Bclectric on f. .

.. ___ _

Start the New Tear


cring with headaches -and
have been cured:
rbicbca, awl
Lad to Itmre at'hool <mj hcmunt of them, bnt am {deaarel to
any. that sinevt woaritif; uLi&aea preaerilssi In- Dr. I*Xulami,
luy hendttcLtw Lari- «-ntin ly dia^mired. anil 1 na xtrong
aiKl well.
Vonra truly.
Mita EtU GetLn.
Okl Mtasion. IV'ct.rr.XI5
itvewom cUaiuw Htird Ly |>r. FboIpoo for two
.nlba. and■ bull- not hml a particle of bcadaebu. Formerly
1 usiM to mivc it cvciy day.
Mra. Mary StoTcna.

DU r. i WOLFE, Prqi. DR. DESSIE RUIlSm,l»isM

TrWWarM City. Mich.

subdues thi- pslo shd Leal* tbe h.


STEINBERG BROS.' Free Doll Distribution is n
t an end aad over a thousand
liulc girls are the happy possessors of


The largest number of tickets was held by Miss Reva Ayers, M9 West Front St.. City,
I'.IO tickets, which received the largest doll.
Mrs.H.KiclIy.20‘lEllihSt.. City,
with MU tickets, received the second largest doll.
Mrs. W. H. Davis. 52H Elmwood Ave., Ciiy,
with 1"6 tickets, received the third largest doH. And ne.xl in order—
•I \V W. Siilo*. Si;i K. Fftwi St.. City, ill
;21 Mra. H.Fif.-.;w;W10lL*l, City. M
•*> H. difttic. Iaui}! Like. 110
1 M II.IV R„,i,„i,^.aF.n S0.3.WI) B,..!..,,;. R. F. l).No.l,7S
l> Frnnctfl Dupcroii. Provi-moni. lOli
Hehrirtta Sin.klar. *121 :;rf Si;.. City. 101 , 21 Mr., Wm. Briabl. M.pio Cilj. 77"
^ Mm .l„„„ WI-E.F.D. X„. I. 7.;Mra. L. Hamaglon. 100I;. «'*
«'J. W.
IV-Ur Stnd. Snttons Bay. '..2*
S.pLip Stcinrel. Sutton* Buy. EU»
• «
.28 Mm I'etaife. 1 l'.l W F™,1 ,t. Cil,. 72r. H rartni r. Siittoiia Bay. 1*

.7 S'^,,22W7.8....c,...2



; KSffisrJK.,
Bear in mind that we still have a nice line of all that is useful for Ladies. Men. aod
Children, and as New Year s Gifts arc now in order, yob will do well by looking over

Han-lkrrrbie!*. Nedwt-ar. Mdfflt-r*. liiovos. Stwpeadcra. Eus Oar price* ar; ALW.LY.S the vcfy
LOWEST—qualiiv •‘onsidertd.



America’s Greatest Farm and Family Journal,


whosesubscripionispaid one year in advance, to January 1, 1907.

This is the Finest Premium Offer Ever Made by a Michigan Paper!

fireside has from 24 to 38 large p^es, 1 I by 16, each and every issue, contain­
ing the finest half-tone illustrations, and articles from the pens of the greatest agricultural writers in
'Amenc^ There is something in this farm journal not only for the farmer, but for every member of
his family. It is the greatest journal of its kind printed. This is proved by the fact that it is taken
twloieve^month, 24 Omo, . by

The Herald is glad to announce that arrangements have been made whereby both the

will be sent during the entire year 1906 for the price of the Herald alone-

OIMI-Y $1.00
before January ist*^^

advance for the Herald, You will get the two papers for
alone. This offer is limited in time, and all subscriptions should be received

H." .s s
'S PPt yet paid to January 1, 1906, all arrearages must be paid and $ 1.00 in

This is a Great Offer-lt is Good Anywhere in the United States.


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