Grand Traverse Herald, September 28, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 28, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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h{cs 1 it4;

TKAvcmc crrr, oiiano TRAvntw

county, michioam.


lEPTCMUK m. 1M6. L-'

Ilippnpniiniiw Mtoiifs tlw ftrtr'th
Feeto Hit •atbiB Mena.
Cbart of Lahs ffltoMgan.
to. He did not fed at home with this amiaJ. aad. after a wtoment s passe.
hiatal to be aoaMwbat a
rla the channria which irarecae thej Timothy Varaer. wbo Hvee ibtwe, A wew chart of Lake Mtoblffa to
Cdla, wbo wat a woman now. and far the broke totoa toogta.
aad aonbre, aKhoagfa by
^ Th* worU bM IdM It. old eooUBi
she bad been as
-Good gradoast 8o be thinks It nee- nr^ce of cenato districts to Central - toilet «ui al Le Soev. Utoa, tad < the rictoity of the Beaver Itlsadi. IsWUh clrted Ms* Olid aemnw bAods of tbe gaaUeat of men.
the corps of engtoeert of tbe
<- Tb« we leedi «; ber sb«fp
these things; Why. Dad gave him ^e mi la taercdlble cumbem are met with j been greatly trooMed. as bare «Mai*Car departmemt. Is ef giM totoariHe went abroad and Charterto west
clgaretc case, not I. Wbu.BadaSim ■ sometimes to hrds oT M and To. [ people wbo keep bens, by tbe persU; aaep to mariaers of the great lahaa.
with him. And allbongh they
-Are yon gotog to Stand c cere:: behave to (uch an idlotlclway, WynT m-bereter tbe ebanaeU widw out Into 1 cm deelrr manifested by the fowi. to : It shows the estotcnce of an cxtantlve
lent they did aoi Very
lake rows of gnxescue look-' set to season and.out. oa eggs, stone* i aaeharud shonll wbieb baa beam .
le^aMea and a reedy
often ollodt to Celto Harbord. Wya- oonyT- she said with a llok Uagb. I U be sending back all lhe^a«ea
Wbo ealU tbt poor in cpirlt bte«
tog beada. siifa ears erect, appear or doorfcaobior aaythtog else that ' aamad Fhgaa iwc^ Tbe reef la flaar
yard knew tksi she wrote to Bertie -Why. the rectory ased to be your j trifling preeeats he has ever
Tb« rieb io iplrlt vio tbelr on.
■bare Ibe water surface, their owners comes hl^'; bat be has got bold ofmiles long by two miles wide, with leS
But I forgot, you are a ' bU aecattotaaces. Just because
aad be saw her photograph io
H*iE to the wmr> thrill^Hwtee bton! Qtoaoos position tn Bertie’s qu/ters graad person now. Let me eoogratU | engaged*"
siedyiag tbe exvwor^toary apparatlen [ a plan a^ wbkb t* has qaleUy tried I ■hoais covered by only twMy-tonr
%joak to the rippUnc buner (hrowm
-Only j-oun. 1 think.- told Wynsard. produced by the steamer. On ap this aeasdo with prHect sucewm. aad' ftet afj^ier. aad three abeni ifKM
tor fall six moeths after the youae tote you. ' Then, with a sudden chaage
And ttretmliii; to tbe wettl
but be nerer of color, which took him by t^rcrier, gravely-"Heibtoks the tody doth pro- pmebtog the spot these beads dtoap- which be samau'wlll cure the worst at Ue 'wcateriy end of ibe reef only
coald escertato whether he coaaldered tbe turned lo him with a gulrk. en-.iest too much.- wa» In hit mlnd-“l pear one after the other onder water light B-ahma clrck that ever vea.d ; s^enieea feet bahaw.
- Who ten the neek tnh^i here?
gesture. "Ob. Wyn." the : suppotc be thinks that yon would pre aad a aeries of wares aad large rip! the heart id a mao of ail desire lu | small shoal covered by onl^'^Emwity
' Tbe oorih It tMrv «bow bwde ore Mntsrif engaged to Crtto or not And
pies bidlcale the imssage of the moo sli. and all to less tflhn three hours
twoleet of sraier. lies two and a half
’ fer to hare your letters
three'year* had poMed wway, and ttid. -it was superb.”
■What—was superb?" raurmure-l ] potseulon.i tier forms below the surface. After s ' The cure conaisu of a cbewp watch.! miles west by north of Fagaa'i rwrf.
ItoBBell had come back on leave, and
Qaldi«red. totent, dncere.
the bearer of a eommanleallon to PeBBell. vrtlh rather a guilty look; for | "Would you like to read the let- j fesr minutes' time t^ same huge beads ; With a loud and clear tick to lU to at a point pber# tweviMa charts note
the reception that he had Iters?" said Celto. to sudden scorn. I reappewr. generally down stream of! closed in a case that it. shite and | a depth of thirty-oor fee*. The map
Oar Ule bM loM It* aadeot rett
Miss Harbord. wbieb be fell aomc dUr.
They baveanotherworeandi shaped like an fgf
When a ben I also shows decided ehangaa to the pre
' The pole bWe flover of pem
flenlty to making.
-Itail you suppose ! know all about j w«1d might not tee. He to «mgaged. again dtoaopear. with a and ibei maolfesu a desire to set out of season , vtously eharicd hydrography << Slm-Ask her to forgive me, aad an (bat
lir said Cells. ■ "nid eras awfully'yon say. To wbomr
• ewotilslon of a small volame of water)be gently place, hU bogus ret* under ■ mons rewf. Lanatog staeals. and the
Br tbe cotto«e nil «iid gordeo dOM. won't yon. old chap?^ Bertie
ber abeltering breast and the egg does ' sbcnlt stlaated aorih of Garden and
Stv to ibe ewt. oh. whither (oec
- -Tril her how proad of yoar being a trtead oit oars, j *tTo Hiss Jails HcNab. dangler of i from the aostrlls
to Ibe steamer the rest: U ticks cbeerfully awa>. : Squaw Istoads nf lbs Beaver, gnap.
Cen, McNtb. wbo
SUt Otar that toodeth wwt?
dieortt It to for a chap to beep oot of
maktog (be whole bairquiver, as the and soon tbe ben bmrins to show signs j Tbe dlseoretr of a daageroas abeal ar
Arthur OoltOB. is the AttoaUc. Blrtolioot. and bow keen the girU'
wounded soldier; Poa'i you. tald Wynyard. reluctantly.
of uptavlness and stir* Ibe aolvy egg 1 Uto tote dale will eana* Utonght As 'o
back «t a blppopota
Botbert are. oM here, about geutoe suppose we read all abpui It to the pB" mile cAdor than himseH. but aba Is
A Nn •'AiMTlea.*’ .
arouod wlib her bill, ibtohlnx, p.v-;
advIaaWUty of resnrveylag the
j escape has tooched-lt.
them latrried. There t> no dooM pers? And we gol soaie private ac- very handsoino woman."
8UB- of the W«R! O otor.
tokos wherever ifacre 'U any
eboot it. I was regulorir booked^oi eoBBts. too. aad we were awfully de-j "DtaiirCmc! 1 hope Bertie's veryj -If the water should bappea lo b bsps. that it 1, already time lor It .u !
, >Wr ctooau.thy tW»t otor.
I shallow the attempts of these animal haich. and there to. a cblckea to ti HkeUbood of uoable for tho Ug narwhoMnlto to ooeoT tbe hondtometl lighted. Have you been to Windsor happy ?'
V Tboo lobd 1 tore.
of tbe present. It to chedper W
"His happiness Is
•what tern-U« bide themselves are lodricoos.
(trie I erer knew, and I an awfaUr yet? You mutt Bbow ate tbe cross at
B«r« plenv dofbe* the hJlto
you. can.' We arc all pered by
iy and tbeli and more nervous at tbe noise keeps j loeatr reefs In ibal wav (baa to wail
(bad o( ber—but I did not mean to|
And peace the eoller flito.
--At baring thrown me over? Ob.! anger and fear are evident IjtfSbcnlup and soon Jumps off the nest and j aaUl big frclgblers puuad over them
throw mile Celto over, and If H had proud of roe. *n<l J-ou
ror Ood bU craee dfadlM
not boea for that dtampagne. and cunomed to our aaytog to; for you riribcgln to tee. Do you really mean I cases Ihetr beads and the fore pan»triiBs around a wMly to coM oC. butjandaaBer heavy damage.—fAeboygan
Fron heoeoo obore. *
look B* tliir and grave at If I had o( that Bonie has Implied that I consld-iof thd- bodlw t-e under water, and! rutsrns ag^ln 10 h^aeir-ImpoMd dui> .Sews,
Jnito's mother coming lato
aMtitog Is seen but theboge pink htod-| It geu worse and worse with her. and
tuaded yon. *¥00 don't ratod really. ered myself ensaged to blm?~
aerratory last at tbe wrong
‘OcaoKbeocoI O gopg, .
Wbina of Fan.
e wiggles about and cackles, mfltos
i tfaoifld bava steered, dear of matrlBorer no dtodeio
-Sometimes.-' aald Unde" BbM.
■t to I bar feathers and looks wild, naill i
ly until I got back to Bngtond. Bui
. Oooid erer bout.
slgbt. AlUiclugb tbelr nn-!
no-i tost, with a frcnxled squawk, she ■ “what passes tew a phUoaophtr U atm(here wonid have bean a Dice row wtUi Wynyard prexaed them with a new
Thjr beoatr U«a to mlh;
feeling of warmil) to bto heart, al- atvrays heard from btm that there was couth aatiCT may he s&y wautoeljabnadons tbe nest for good andvgil.l^a man dot kto Hand beto' hart
Sir Alexander, if be bad tbodgfat
Thr wonh In laen of truth,
ren- different j That tocufaator fever Is broken up
I had kitted bto daughter without In- thoo^ for the mameat, be was nlmott an nndcrstoadlag beiwoen you. aud
.Who kaowt aor roe iw ruth—
the observer Is In a canoe I eonplptely. Hr. Varney ^ds use for
Ibal you would be married by and by "
leading a propoMl."
'• ABtobtrhou.
"Ad undersuadlng of good fellow->r a n I boat. Then his posltiop Is i half a dozen of these noisy eggs and my lines today "
"I dlda't know you cared." be miirAlexander. Jalla'i papa, hap­
. nower of the world! O Eower,
Friend: "Here's a maieh."-CbI-'
as be < claims that they pay lor tbelr com
pened to be the geoetnl to command
Iby frasroBoe to the dower
ve-T good chauV of being lever nod over during tbe yean by
"Wca yon oagbt to hare known." dlgoantly. -Indeed. H was never any-igtands
of iho dtotrtct to wkieta Oapt. CharOf dtotaat cllmm.
HIM OMham; -teywal yog a hor­
I keeplag tbe hens at the busli
leris's KglBeBl waa atattoaed. and It tald ertto IhdlgnanUy. -Didn't Bertie thing elsoon my part. If you will read | upseu
Thr naM oholl belt tbe earth.
of dytof uamatTiMl?"
of -these ebaanels \ toytog aad not pirnaliltog them
these letted, wbldi I sbould like you | "As Hie
would entataly have been a very awk­ give ytm stl the*messages I tent?"
Aroaad tu torcer (Mb.
Hiss ABtodt; ."No. it’s UTtog that
:odlle*. saMi a eon ! srasle Ibe golden boors to oaeleas
• '
he said
10 do, you will see that ibere Is not a ; swarms will
^Qatteotoc Ae nobler birth.
way that hotbma me:-—Oevelaad
pleaunt to eooiem-1 dabnttog.—8t. Pool Ptonoer Preaa.
So htoior Penaell came back to tbe
Aad happier iIbm.
ablp. Cape. Cbarierls has very muca; plate. The natives
fully alive
little Uamptblre Tillage, charged with so perhaps be forgot-"
'Same Uniaual Otobea.
and I am vervjibu r)*k and newr venture In tbrir
WTtot a wicked boy be to! I shall
Mr eoBBtrr. oi thr thrtoe
mesMges aad with a llule package
How many of you have ever tasted 1
Ton've ^ved abnlBtaly
1 tor thU bwit of mtoe. coatalalag. as be soppoaed. totters and tell him so wbca 1 write. And wbai sorry I ever wroleao him at all—but \ duguui ca-oes into the broad suwaina .
nothiag for a ratoy day!"
7101 ereiT breath.
other mementoM of Bertie's -aeder- Is thU special message that 1 am to he seemed such a nice boy," she Infested wllb hippopotami, but laTarlabut with ants The children
-O. yea. f have. dear. I'rc a
To lore thee to mr creed:
staedlag- with Celto. AM be bad hear? It is just like him to make a added, with a touch of regret In herf Wy keen to the shUlow and narroa , of
other countries are as fond of cakes I lOTcly blue ratoy day aklrt!"
'branches on el-ber side of the main |
' To aerre thee It tor beed:
praalsod to detlrer them to Cetto to mystery of the thing. Instead of say voice.
to pratoe tbee it tor mead
-Tbed." stammeiwd WyoyaA, "you river —Chicago News.
that he migbi break tbe tog opcnl£ wbat be means. 1 don't
boys and girls are of qrultora.
yoar toMly
la lUe and death. •
e for him? '
aews to her gently, and tare her ftem suppose (bete to any message tba:
Id Africa (be natlraa wash the aata.{ mrty aettlerart
eould am have been given Just as well
New T«k Oheerver.
Bavinq tho Evergreen Trees.
and fry ibem'to batter, very-macb aa
Mia. Newblood
to the drawing r^. " said Celto, with
•Bit be tboogbi yon did. "
Colorado Springs. Col., baa iak<
we wooM fritters. Tbeae cakes are' reA Faekagt of Lettara.
Wynyard took to be a deflant
■ThU waa not my fault." she tald. stand against ibc CbrUdnas
foad et fre. you know.” Bertie had re- little spile.
itetor -Wraard l^oeB wat weD
with a little fling of ber bead. "Benie wbiefa abould loteees* (he wbMe
land are said lo taste lOte nuts.
^ bKWBtebealMR« mariced. And be abaolutely refased to
■I.think not." he answered, quite ChanerU! Why. l*never thought of world. Al Ibe piwent lime Ibe United
write to her himself, so that la sheer
In India, nuts are mixed la a batter
I l.daet. woB a medal -for vator:" nererwlthotK -Ibe responsive smile for marTTlog him. although I know be
I ..a bUM 111. «>«»„,. 1. b™ii U.U
^ ' Wetoaa. hto heart tank withto bin. aad
dd bit beat-j-aI(hoagb
"J.,. ,rlll« .« .1. |«,1.
Im toll a aanaattoa tf abtoivte iear,
ui I k-i him
she wUl hale jne f«r H' ever afler‘".like E
m be atoBWered the taW which he
native tree*. 6'ailatics gathered by
-What U IIT' ahe asked, a trifle ap­
arda.” he said bUerty to himseU.
Tbe Romans gathered while
-watotkg or cbemtog with the CM
M been petanaded to imdertake.
"Decante'of shat'" said ll major.: Ibc chamber of commerce of Ootorado
^ i from-ihe leaveii and trees of the aeaeto ! U strictly prohlbUcd." is the atartUag
Being bent on to aapatotaUc an er­ prehensively. yet with iOBie rosent•1 «w1 tbtok what I was aboeU'
over 100JIOO
! meni in ber tone. "Benie was always rather aienHj. as she paused. "Why! Springs showed <
a thetoaWu be toattered to Ubb^' aa he sat
evergreen eves were rued yearly to
ao food of bit little seems," she added should y
p'fMWed OB a low wan. at tbe earner
tolerantly. “I hope there Is nothing; If you did not care for him? It was not ' Ibe state of Colorado for the Yuletld? ,
• I. SIM to thli iaa, mad from thwee-iliapaiciied a note really amtoar
fe: tooetb of dune with erery rartetr of to Oelto. ttottog briefly (bat he had a
• He vraa very well when 1 last saw, 'Une-" bf »enl 00. with a son of choke age of -here cot fo- nse aH over the;
^ cabbage by feeding them npfrom CapL CbAMrto for ber
Patala Bugs' Only Eaimy.
bito a>«
hhn." anld tbe mnjor. feeling that be !'» bis voice. "I have struggled with world vsrtos from.15 to *5 years. Tbei
^ bananas. This dl« Is supnow appears, aecsediag to tbe
Tbe aaMt
them waa nftad to Ha- cam aloae. and that he would be glad spoke rather woodrnly. "bat be was [mynelf-wlth my own feellagw-be-, effect of the annual removal of IM.OM
emenu of tbe wise men to oar
-^-PMUM^ SoetrUa at^ery breath II tbe eOQld -tell him at wbai boar he
not quite easy to his mind. The to« kbutf I 'bought that you belonged ■.. young trees, or the covering of ».i ■ ^mie pMii^t children io remMc
depariment. that there la
b aad TecaOed
: «f tbe«
' “7**' '*
l“M>ri»b« to the
Europe ealcb bees, poll them
-Why are you at the inn aad nei at to. be Is. be Is very young for his age.! W® '
« of tbe peat, .when he
They tbtok! gam can ptoduee or Import that will
the rectoryT' Celia wrote to respoate. aad >00 must let that be his eseutc. If [ Celia was sllcnet for a moment, bo. water suppiv. It 1. more iban prob-, ,p^
Wd been Aral a atboolboy. then

' Vmw mflltaty cadet, thea a aabaltsn. -If yon want to eee me aloae.. come fickle. He ibou^ yon might llke.|e»“e end go as she drew ber breath,
m. wel'l
vfell help
KA.n ibeoselves to It.ff ^ |' dre^rf
-J» -e ul? todlg^ons* to' OaOkaBalA
trees mean, an
,I Mgbt
BtgQ u
to a icctoMOi la (oreign ;roaa (he churchyard near tb<-garden.
pcrbijto. to have tbeae thingi again-" I »i«» «bete was a look la her soft eye*,

'irooklja Dally Valon.
j.wblch will mit any bog
Soatb J(av, aarrlee. and aaylBg Ihrewril to CNlp .shall be there dve'tween 4 aad S and Major Fennel pasted forwsrd a I »* she raised (hem to Wynyard's face,
Colonies o( tbeaa asU ware l»i
Barbord. the dergrtoan'i dangler, at o'clock, aad you eta come back to tea.
We itove tieltori to tbe hoase, so blown paper packet and looked every-, »blch he bad never seen before,
BeugM For Five Deilara.
| ported and aet to work dafandtog Ttsthto rery «POt>
where but at Celia's fact—"be aald ' "Ab. Wynyard." sbe said, "caa't yon more than the selling value of tbe
attodu ct
Oalla bad then been harelr 17. and
yon wonid understand."
cuess why I wanted to heOr from Ber- trees. TTie campaign started n-sulled , purses, one of ihe weallblret clilre j tbe boU weerU. They have done fairty
SB* ^ wn ». naael wend^ (or at to have a ta'
“I don't understand In the least
'* *'•*
be alwaya gave In num. rui's famllleii seudlna east for m the world today, yet It was once'well la respect to the waevna. hot have ,
totatfany whaUer ^ waa eery »neh othera; if yoa came
' !
to the market for a 15 note Two ! a« given entire satisfaction. Next to
Tbit was why Ua}or Fennell found -Id
Ranged by tbe three yeen that had
' bundred hod flfu ycir* ago Manhat-Ube boll weevil tbe potato bag la the
Bl, mclM lb. l«.l.l «.b ,b. Up,
" “«■
elapsed atoee bit departure, to ihoM blmsett tmtog on tbe low
sir^ded pohre ^
BOB grentestve^y of *hesoBlltorB farmer.
_ OM dart ho had known her rerj-well. divided tbe cItnrchyFrd from the rec­
d for »yi to an Indian The
Vxperis 1to Washtogwa decided
V' tor'her tfther and Ut totbar had been tory garden, anon 'after 4 o'clock one
c time; to pat tbe Guateamton sal oo the trail
* ft^t. and hb wat tree to rtoU her artenoon to Jane. Ho bad to wait (>en. in tbn packet?" tbe said. In
g.-«i'of the Ins^ stoich plays havoc with
M 4Eien at be choe*. He ead CelU' tome mue white before be caught a
k Plant w.t- »
.*1 br r„;.st char.-r for t”e si.ppon the grsnger-a potato patob. Tbe ant
bad been “pala" aatU Bento eame ap- gleam of white to tbe dtoiaace wbteh
«»» "i™ out badly? Here is ..A corre-rK«d»M • -to. me . fiiw ^
ch .,rh, and today the "tarm" came and taw. but didn’t conquer, Ue
the aeena It war he. Wrayard ,T«n' showed him that the waa to the gar­ per. as It to open It; but M«or FenRcll Interfered
I wimelblng ,whlcb seems to prove the ; photograiib of a iinlq" mandrake root, brines In a reveuur- of ftivo-N.,(iu-. »ter-: pMatu bug. For reasons best known
who had Introdaced Bertie <%ar> den.
••Don't:" he said. -Don't open It comrary. '
|the plan, of which
! kupposed to:,,^ ^
making Trinity ebureb,' to hlmsell, be declined lo give reto to
un. tleoder figai* dbal
tarto to the Harbordi. and therefore
A noted French scientist ha* stud 1 po**re a red, owiur
ebarett to the bis canDlhallxtlc propensHMs. Tbe^
be bad no riibi to eomstoto U they moved between the box-edged Bower Joft now; Wall till I have told youV •
- and be has a long
- "••
----- -------^mblance
message. ......................
I«1 ‘bU subjret.
lUl •; dinar,
resemblance .■ a human face
Tbe lonely -farm ' b
treated tbe newcomer whh the tame beds, and.abe held a seariet aanabadc till I have given A-^rtlc's
r busleri ipM*. aay laseot wbieb a Cuatetaalaa aat
MwdUaeai which they erteaded to­
cburc'i will not devoar must be "prefly tough
wards WmaNf: oalr teenle. wh»->wu
‘be world"* great men.
themandrake root as it sat torn up ^
«V.- a warm comer to it. affect- eating." Agriculturlau who have pohit Junter aad of aa tmpasMW. W- Iliae trees that he could see her lace, i a'took at him ■which he did not undop
knew that alAough abe I stand; a look of sheer amazement and ;.Here, for mManee. .are seme of .he | from therelJ.-..* theLondon Leader. ,
r lb- tnemon- M ’be ktog who tato patches must get rid of the bog.
. gutee dtopMltioa. had gime much farhad been charming ns a child, she was! anger. Then, witbom a word tobe wro 1*®**; AgassU, Hallam. Jonathan "The adventure:., person .ho a.tcuiTV-',
a fori-ne he did poi dream hr Ibe uId-CasbtoOed metboda.—Estototlely more chargjing now; that) the paper open and. .tlh a crimsoalng Bdward*. Whately. tbe Wesk-ys, Beech■w York. Indecrj. oww, another change.
1 wai re .na ne migni
•Ull, to him. as ahe had al- cheek, saw before her scvctal letter* ,
»"<! Spurgeons, Cowper. Coleridge,
» Celto'B
groan* of tbe mandrake ,
Tnc Weed-Lot.
coBpnatoe—Wrarard hlmaedf i#ad ways eben, the lovelleal creature to jin her own haadwritlng. a couple of' TtriUij-son. Lowell. Oliver
ssreslon wa* considered
Ipbolograpbs. a silver cigarette case! Holmes, Emerson. Charles Klngslej ,
Josi now ihiTc l> a demand for lias-,
done this—but he bad aetaany^ared
"I neatly all kind*, and many"
*aiu .O V-t.UVI.VCA*
—................................................. ~ -------------------•'
------nothing It) hi* brother. ;Be
In kwgct that OtUa was oalr a^blM
I farmer* are telling everything'they
had been hanging over her sboaldcrs
•ad bad made tare ra bn to tbe
1 ''*'*“• Sir Joshua *Beyaolds. Swift. | the happy poaseuors drresed them to .
have that 1s roanetable This la. to
open aad Wrefaeed tosbiOB. aader- when he la«t beheld It; It wns now aUed at once.
-\Yhat —on —<»nh — doe* Berilej
Haillti. Presidents Clerelaed | the same manne- as tbe children dn;
, most cases, a ve ry unwise poHcy.
•entb the rery the abaeat- eolled high upog ber graceful head.
Longevity of Paeaa.
, Tbe »t»d-loi should ^ a pan of
Her beanilful., eyes—vtolet lo some mean by aendtog me these thtogsT'lwd Arthur. Peter Btnyvreaot. Morse, j dolls, and keot them as prccloos Jew-,
.^Bded rector, while Pena^ nm
i‘be inveomr. Lord Curzon. Viceroy of el* to a casket When required tbelr
The colored tare I* -horii-r lived every welI<0Dduct»*l firm, and. if
lighu. bisrit In Mbers—bad been al­ she aaid.^stowiy.*
stiBied tn nto.
service* were lUllir.ed for beallng put- ihan the white, and
very htgo! Piwrly I rented, may be made a very
•He itougkt It better, to
Sit Evelj-n Wood, and
most always gay with langhter; but be
“What on earth does It matter
pose* or (or the divination of future tefantlle death-rs’e.
etpecIsV profltsble part. There U-nothing to
ynB.- Beetle had aald. -whether Cedla ttotlred now (ba( they were a little lh«.- said Wynyard. with, ontward >'bvr» to high place*.
; inbip
,„uerculoilt and noeomoota.
made, as a role, by kreptog trees
lone me or Doi! Too weren't to lore wtoifak and. perhaps, babittmlly grave, j composure and toward angulsb: -and.
--------------------;and le*s liable -ts- tbe white
they have reached maiarhff- as
An Enermeua UmbreJIa.
with her. were jrouf And as for her Bat there was a bright aaiile in thelrl he t>egi (hat you will bum bis ISlcrs.
beet* I
Aa ambrella big enough to cover s
Wester’s Core Fee Treubte.
; malsru. yeilow fever and cancer. Th? then they will
Atnlag depibs as she came to moei \ If yon have any.
htoag rweos:
It Is said iba< John Wesley eras 6nce Irish .race ha* a rather low death-rate crate; but It U decidedly poor poHey
-I tee. "He Is going to get married; '' dozen pereons belongs to the church nf
cecry day. 'No. I am not tell bim. and the tourii of her slim, white
tba reetor. Why abonld 1< Celia aad baad was so cordial that Major Pen­ ^e esclamailoo rang out as clear I 8t Peter Manceott. Norwich. England walking with a'broiher. who related to .'among ll* lounx chlWreo. but a very , to tacriflee the bret young tre^
1 Itont mean, to be eagagM: bat we nell. JcDOwtog falmscir (be bearer nf as a [dslol sbM. Major Fenaeirgasped ' It Is rsed on wet days ferr weddin: bim bis tronblre. saying he did not "high one among tdolts. doe. to a con- merely becanse some one oEera a gocri •
a little, but did not ImiuMliaieir reply.' partle*. so that Un bride and. bride- know wbai be vho'-ld do. They were siderable extent. (0 the effect of tuber, price fo- 'bewi.
bad liewa. did no* know how
Ttmber valoea are DM Ufccir to
He bad never admired Celia toore than - groom, tbe bridesmaid* and guetu at that momMit passing a alone wall eutaU The Germans M>pear to 1-?
. -rary well that we tfaall
at that moment. Sd"ibit was the way may bm pet their smart dresses spo'.f- to a' meadow, over which a cow wav partlcnlariy liable in disorders of (be shrink, and the termer, and the rest

M tbe matter alooe. there'# a
dlpcsUre organs aad to cancer. Triir of the world, arm need lamber and Eresbe waa gotog to take the news nf ed when walking from the eboren looking..
. «Bod cbap; yoe dan\ know sBytUai;
TJo you know.” asked Wesley, "why Jews have a low dcath-raie and a more wood as maeh ten or twealy years
Bertie's defeetkio: with a brave bezirt: door'to the earrigea. It Is dae ased by
ahoat tore, aad when you .do. your
.than average hmgevHy; they arc ie*» from oow as they do today, and more.
and an undaoBied’ countebanec. Of ; the clergy at. fttnreaU. when the ser- that cow lookaover Uiat walir
vtewB will ebaate.- And be bad gone
"No" replied the one to trouble
affected than odter races by consumpt- —Farm Joornal.
«E vhltUtog'a lore ditty which Celia tnllr cMKOnl the bet. and pretend toum. be was quite snre that her; vices has to be held by tbe graveside
-I srlll tell you." said Wreley. "Be- Ion. pneumonia aad alefaol^. but are!
----------------------Md tang 10 him the Bight before, and that yna had arrived thU afteraocm bean was Weedliu bH the Ume. and'to panrtag raU Tbat It It aaetul U
coaalng straight to ibe
ogstfag PcBBtora ratoimttraDeet to tbe
-ho bad rather expected ber to luretobrlous. and it la latbcr remarkabl-*! toaeabc cannot look tbrongb It: and I especially liable to diabetes, tore; . tl baa been estimated (hat «
it many other rbarches do n^pos-, that is what #«u must do with yoor, motor ataxy, aad certain Mber dto- of avmage slxe. daring the Ere •
Wtodt. He was. a. hat
*blte and fall to a heap to tbe groiud.
-1 M not know whether It would be ; Bat when be toobed at ber be foond
* sneh-dM anlclo-es a iBtftM the trotriilre—ksA over and above tfaete.-,eeaei of thetoetVoi
faced TtiDBgricrf'wVh.g
FCigielL a little stiff- i that ber color waa a lUUe higher than, ordlaar) church, fomiture.—Exqhaage | -^rlatlaa Adeavo




Trom Bmrs U Qot n.
tlw IMOM Of Mr. aiM Hr*. A»«l
' artJUMipt o( CbnMod tMMHri* H
•MMmk May witfa ■ faMfItr aMMi
ha Mkas twB iHtta- ahlWrm
wHMst a wranWi Mming taavlag
tta aaiam banwaad and haH *rM
wHh fmoy. VMM EMhar agad
yM)«, «Mf Harry WlOM* b« • yMri
*r agt Mug caagM yMarday at
kf a adAdM e**»ta *f *«M Miieh
aiWhad arM aMthBrad thafr ]
Umb a«rt hafer*. ttwy wm«

baok yafd^aylrrg hauaa bat arara aM
. and In tha hartta whar* tha mathar
bdV MOi .bar dattaa. Lata ta
th* llttt* aaa cam* ta tM
: bMaa atylfig that ha araa galag la
t*a “•yataf." a Math gag. whiah
- tovad. aal ta thalr naw playhama. 'Ha
: awgM ap tha dag and ran ant
. that «M tha taM aaa bT him ativa.
^ Half ar thrna gaaitar* af an haar
Mar tha mathar faK aanwtMng
, aat in tha ailaaea In tha yard whar*
' aha knaar tha IKtla ana* «**ra aa bvay
and drapping har amik Mw rwi <
aaa tha aanaa. tha waa hanM
«■« a daap hala whWi waa frw
d tha mtif t
Id H. At ana aWa a alida had
baan mada whara aha thaught thay had
' gaaa la bat tha hal* waa Hmaot flUad
w*h taaaa, damp aand. laaklng aa
•haagh H had JvM tallan Imek. tha
aaw Arlhdr Anaargt driving by anc
aallad Mm ta eama quiakly and aaa if
thara wna aaytMag aot af tha ardinary
In tha oMHKian.
Ha krww laMlnethraly arhat lay balaw tha e*v*4n and l;i a faw mar
awaaithad tha twa IRMa haaria black
nad «ae*Mrad which had laM all
af'IHa. Utd* Ahtta, tha HdaM tMM,
f«a dIaHaetadly away M find bar
MhM, who waa tbrmhlng a mlla fr«m

to the vartoua dtoMcU.
Tha deputy ahartof the* acdBM tha
vaHoM parMto on auMhar HMk. Tha
Bad step to a boUeo to tba H
that formal aetlea hia haM hi
tha tmnat by tba daputy. Tha lait
atap i* M BUtog to of a btaak by tba
tMCfear U M eblld doaa not
Ihto blank torn to ibe dapoty ahwIS
wta Mb Ukea tba Hapa naea
to eompM atiaadBaea. Tha talewtof
to a araopato c( tha taw:
1. Thto tow tauB aSaet BegU
11. JWI.
S. AH itoUdna aavM to g
yaan. toMndliif both thoM agea.
nttcM ataool. aa tMiht la tha dtotrtot
whara thay raalde. tba eatlra aebool
g 'see.
F»or aieapttoBa to
potoory attandaaea gra made:
(nl. Wham ebOdiBn are taught ta
pHvuc or paioddal acbooU ta tha
braachea anally taught ta tha Btot
eight gradee. or have eoenpMad
braaehca. tha traaat. adBoM- may ragalra tba board of edoeatlen of tbe
diatilet ta whWb aaefa adwol may be
tha dlreetloa of t
taaeber in ebarga of endi aebool. the
paper* ta ba aubmluad to aald board
of ednoatloa. U tbe «T*nHnaltnu i

ah MpertetendMt to to be fttralMd wtth ptodge canto and M <
cwtag of atagert win ba aaSart^h
sdlaMy. Mr. Pnlev wtu aend I
a Tor Cboir IhbearMl by Oe.
aad weekly rehearaai* erfU be bald
until be eomea-

Uli rliy vOI tc greatly Alger eouaty. to betag bnlU ap rap
Tbe Blehtaaa Tet^oae Co. to eocwiy by the C H. WoreeMer Co. Star­
:mettag a Har out of Emmet aad
Speafctag of this so&tort Mr. Laavea- ed only two Boaths
'through Wale* to Ttomum. which
ith* ago. li_pi**arfy
worth ataies that tba board of trade namben SM^>eaple.
lie. and
I completed. *01 carer ». Clair
tour fbe] assured tnu Ibe nllroads mediate aad steady
ufy emM^rment
Bill do tbe very best In tbefr power ta 150 men euittag
» cedar.,
cedar, ftf, at i
order to eouallze tbe mtei. Speaking point. DwetItag boosty^ ylore bolld
of other tadostries be stales that ta
aecartag new cntsipitoes ihto city may a railway r
Oeatli af Cllalm Orenhaa.
betas . reft,
C APITAU S300000
Bliha Bird Oiwnboe. aged Si yean, be asaared that the matter of frelgb: ed. Atagg
logging road to betag bull-, an
rates will be so adlotned that we can tanovatlM is IntBbertag ta ceOsr 20S n'llbotm BIk.. Citg. Pbeae 14<'
died U g;gg e-eloek tbto aurmli
tbe bone of bu tatberta-law. Jamea N. extend tbe utmost eoeamgemeni ta
thU.rexnrd. Mr. Leavenworth ha* loA
{Mvea a wife and two Milldrea. a Uttle
-yenrold bey aad a Ayear^ld girt. Hen and oAcera of the board of Itade
Hr*. Orenboe waa not at home at the and dlacnsscdxhtojdarter fully. In :i
of hb death, having gone to Cen­ abort time tM aubjecl wUI be generally
dtoetused by
of all the r*Htral Lake, where abe was makt
1 Fc^ Cdtt allowed a* nae DemflA
! ta readlneaa to move tbe family mda oBiertag l£k~«ai{ard tK- Hoeta. She arrived thto noon aad tbe peel Is that the fsture MTisvene City
|rlll sec a beticr condltioo ta ibis -refuaeml will occur tomorrow after
*Is t-our pulse weak, too slotr,
at f:» from tbe Church of Christ. sard.
too last, or does it skip a bent ?
Rar. T. P. Utlom omclattag, U D.
Stats Na«
Do vou hare shortness of
Cnrtto will have the burial armngeT>e exptosioa of a
> M. P. breath, weak or han^' spells. J. J. -rwKDDum.
a ta ehaige.
Preamna's *
with a aeiious Sre which was prevent­
Stabb^ N)M TImaa.
aa. BUM Swto Boiiuiss. itaTwo oir
ed by the pnmipl anion of Mtap ikw''
Pram Friday’s Beeord.
rr; or 1
Caorge Hopcrofi. who ow'd hUebem- rdlnand Aatorge. wbo lives m
t side?
ly llae road live miles from the ieal esttnguUber.
■ P.
An Imponani teat case of lal<r.i>(."i
eUy ta the Lanlner district. re(nmej
mptoms your heart -ta weak
L W. Bwtiatt
Jaat'Bl^t from Boyne City, where be
■ diseased, and cannot get
was called by the aubblag of hto sis­
ter. Mrs. Bd, Relgor. formerly of this ease was that of Dr. W. H. Ortowoy.
*r Baule Creek, who was pnet^Ok
mediciite without a Itfonse. Grlswol-l
Batntdgy night. Bd. Relgor. It i
elallne:i that, bavtag l.eeD ta praetlec rarely
teted. came to bis home draak.
disease. Try it. and see how Gndute Medical D
out of money but Mrs. Relgor had prior to the enactment of the amr-nO- quickiv vou will find relief.
of tbe law i>f l»b3. h.- di-l Doi
■mall amoont ta her pascc
which the had enmad by taking In have to take uui a license, but tbe su­ and cradiMlIy grew worse. I wss uu
waabing. The whlaky-erated mai
by my tomUy ntiytoclnn Ihsl mjr «*>■
led her pitiful aavtagt and betag . Beeaiue hto wife refused falm mon­ was hopHr**. My.nMshbon and fainey. Harry Plan of the Seo struck bn
denied, altaeked the helpless wo
w*lvr_ lja_r^_ln-««^»rinind n^hiwft.
stabbing her nine limet. A* she fc.l and smashed all the funiiiure In tb.
to the door overcome by her wound*. bouie. He shauered mirror* fnio hun­
dreds of pioccK aad cut uitbotolertag
arlfh a knife. He claim* he drank 1
:er eoauDltilng tbe terrible act tbe elear aleohul before the tmiible anil |
was apparMtly sobered euaclent- didn't know wbai* bapp<-ned afiel-j
W. P. CB0T8ER,
ly by terror or remorse lo make bis wants.’Judge Couch gave him a scath-l hndi> l J-*-n loT Dr. MU<»' llmrt Cur*
tag rebuke aad «eni him tn >ail fur ml;
ipe. He waa sfierward arretied
PetDskey aad to now in tbe Cbartavolx, day* and he will work on the stone

Traverse Qty State BaH





Gum Fnctln

eoaed by tmaat oncer.
(cl. Naocaanry to aopport cf paranu. may ba auaaad by tba board of
(d>. TbPM who reaUa too tar tan
t. Bee. S. Bbeilfl mnat deMnHU
OBB dapaty to act ac county traant ol-,
dMctkm of nnniHitaki
of achooto. Bach oBeer acta ta
aMPi dtotrleta caeppt ta cMea aad
g. city board of ai
tmaat oOear for tba city.
A Tba miaga mardml U tmaat otmaty Jail awaiting trU:
Hr. and Mrs. Relgor left here about
• for tbaaa oSov* *•
two yean ago. While here he srorked
flxad by teeUcB i.
A See. A (a). EMmetor am___ aaV tangshoreman but it to aald Utat
of bft e«mfngt went lor strong
Biih taaebar with copy of aeboM CMBoa aad aama* aad 'addmaaaa H par- drink. On the other band hto wife wns
ante at Mentag of dabool, anU copy to retpected wherever she waa known.
was a member of Tnverae Ciiy
ba kept at acboolbooM durtag the
hive. No. SU, K. O. T. M. H.. aad
large nnmber of friends
(b). Thaiaartaer msM at cheo
While her oondltioh to very low at
m tba cMan vttb tba enraltatMt
of aebael aad report to tha aebool preacBt, there are hopes for bar re­
covery. One of' tbe knife tbrusts
touched her lung but did not pierce it.

ad wMh tha affert and frtghi.ww sbia
M Ml him tha awfid
Ha laft har ta find har arny back at
^ a Ha* gaaa aa aha waa irnaWi ta ran
aaaOiar alap and ha naad agalrwt
whM ha thaiight rmiaf hava baan tha
ilvw af hto tw« cMidran but ac aean
at ha MW thalr faaaa In tha aand ha
knaw they war* paat balp. Thay
aaly baan uaeavaiM t» tfia> Mmol
whan ha arrlvwi^and K waa aanw <
bakrathayaeuMbatakaBaM. ■nw, war* atanding upright baalda
ana aapthae aa (hqugh thay had Juat
atappad in and fmm tha indieatian - avocr^oBth if there are aay delta-:
nrawnd lha nava K i^cad at thaugh
Owp might iwW bntMht tha avareport aD eaaaa cd tmoey to the Qraad Traverae region.
MMha of laoM aand toi %«han thay MW
dMm tha ambankmanl. He ana kaaw eouoty tmaat oOeaf. aad tamtoh aald
flat od tMdicn em
UM thay wara digging and tha aniy
Mr. Ctaek Found.
aoMUan af tha Wan- raatMng
bPMtahaal Ctoek. wbo eauaad tbe poId). Tha
da Bueh a thing Jaw In tha fact that
Ue* force of this city so amonnt of
a Mw daya ago Hr.
aaxiaty to aay nothtag of (be aaxiat/
aul Maot hair a b*r*«l «f aaad ta uaa rirat. to And If they' are neapt ae- of Che aged wire who had bunted alone
' la ptaMarlng tha ehlMcan eaap, th W
g to aeettoa one: aaeoBd. to the night before ta an effort to find her
^mnl netk* on imrMta nad misting •ponse. was located the next
Vm to pnividad ta oeetJcB tour. day at the home of' Charles B.
Teneher or oommtaMoDer auet Dye of Monroe Center, into «:b<
Mr. and Mra Albtrt BraKhaupt have
niliil an thalr Pmwaad farm far aottfy trtaBt oOeer of faltaro by
the man.wstadetod about 2
Mur yaar* arhtrt thay hava gatliaiad pnrMt to coaply with tafanl aottao o'clock.
^.'arvund tham a targa ehaia af Manda < aoBd AOd to aebool.
Mr. Dye pbosied to Sheriff Johnson
wha faal tha dtapaH vmpathy far
(f). ta city and vtitoge dtotrIcU taa of this elly at (hat hour, but as noth
Mir graat baioavamarrt. htovlaua ta anereaty of tha board afat fnmlMi tag had been said lo the county aherts.
. thalr hema In Clmwaad thay llvad at tha appertnlMdeat with oaky of
who had Just returned from Detroit, of
Bingham whara thay arar* among tha BUS and addroMet of panata.
the mtosing man and tbe aeareb which
tgl. The - ntWrtatmdaBt tafi
waa even then being tasUluled by tbe
haagt wm Mlaa Imma Hrmat bafora
I department, be did not know of
». Coa
• har marrlaga. Tha Mhaal wMeh tha
. Mtnt ahRMwi would hava attandad
; dam nat bagla until tha tirat HatWay
they thought Inaane to Orawn where
h|a Novambar, atharwHa thay would
Sheriff Johnioa drove later.u the day
^ havo baan gaft from aatdeer dangart.
and brought him home.
i At 11 e'elaek C H. Oaga. Juatlea af
Hg gave bis name eorreetly and aald
e was picking berries but could fire
account of why be was over twenty
The. Snoday aMol aapertatendenu
fatlpwlag )ary: Oaarga Nowmai, Jahn
mile* from the berry patch, which bit
ly met at the Dl
Mtoigby, John Aatcua. tdword Hakut,
wife said he wasjn. and In an eo ‘
itag to plan for
Frank OMtall and Hahry lAutnar. the. atue Sunday aebool coevenUon Urely, different direction than where
arh*. aftar vlawing tha nmalna and that to to be bMd here Kov. 14-16. 3. she said be went. He was extremely
llataning ta tha facta af tha finding by W. MilHken of the atate committee and
nted wbrti'' he arrived at Ur.
wltmiaii gav* tMa vardiet: 'Tha Bar. U B. Blcaetl of the cMUnl
Dye's bouse as be had been out all
mittee were atoo tawceni. H. Doogie* nlgbi and walked the entire distance
Jpst np Born a severe Ulneet
waa Meeted chairman and C. J. Helm
to Mir dtaOi yaatarday by aaflecaUan
caused^ a fall which fractured two
by a eava-ln In which rw on# wm raD Mr. Puller of riba. Deputy SbertS Harry A. Darl^
apanplHa but thaoM^vaa.*
Cbleap) waa rend aaytag he wocld of Drawn held the man -until Sberir
Tha fwnalna^amm pr«pat*d for
and driILn Aorua eboir of m; jobnaoe arrived (o take him home.
burM by Kalph AtWarnan, tha funaM voice* for the coCTenUoo at tbe
Brtter PrwigM Rate*.
tlnga. Thto plan will gire tbe
local ftneera a Bne opponunliy to re­
. Haw. Hugh Kan^ odleiatlnD. Tha ceive ehonu drill at the band* of tbe
muMa randarad by M Aabvry guartat. (oremoei eboroa master Id the oounUy. on Saturday on business WTib W.
BwrlH «MII ba In
iber* of the ehorui are to be D. C. Oermalne and at ibe same time
selected In the propontaa of two to ccater with the oHeers of ibe board
aopiBBOs. one alto, one tenor, ene baa* of trade relative to fretgbt rates and
Naw Truancy -Law.
Bach Sunday aebool la the dty ti to diecuse Improved patwnger facilities
Tha «ov 000*9 law want Hto efwith local agent Hurray. A short lime
^faetBHdHay. An Traveraa aty W w have a importkmate repreemuttou in
Bpeelal committee of tbe board
Heatpemtad city aad la govanad by thto great thomi. The following pro­
of trade vlslied (be ftelgbl agents Of the
-a apaelal chaitar, tba taw doaa eat at- portion waa agreed upon: Baptist go.
ratlroads running thto this city (or the
10. Dtotiple 45. Epto(*M tba local papUa bat alnply tboaa
copal II. Bvangelkml it. FHenda i:.
la dIKHct aebacic c( tha eoahty.
for belter freight rate*. Hr. Leaven­
nm H. E. ». Second M. E. 44. Third
worth slate* that the matter to betn.t
E. it. Pmbyt'brtan l«; toul ITT.
- aad It atrWly adharag to wOl tcauK in
csly coosldered by tbe C. R. .L
That Mr. Puller may know on whom
I. aad (hat a meeting of the (reigti
can depend and that the conTentlou
' epamtlM. atx blaaka ara aaeaaaary.
agents of the Pere Uarqueire. U. A N.
ly be aaaored of a full cboras an
Tha Int ad Mm la a aoctc* from tha
B. aitd O. R. A I will be held next
clngete ta the cburcbet and the Sai- week foe the purpose of taking the
Mty, to day achooto who would like to jete alter up definitely.
tha iMidiar anlHac attMtlop to (h* Che Puller cbonu tn atnging to tbe
Mr. LenvMwortfa statM fnrther that
tact that M teaehar ta raqalred to pmtoe of Ood will be asked to alga the Traverse City ba* reached a polni
ataMae M eMaai at the bastoiUac followtog pledge:
where ll to Mtitled to the veil- bos;
“la glrlng my name to ibe central eonalderalkia by the raDroads and ta |
«( adwo) a*d rwM tboM that *r« ahaaoL ThU to doM on M fatoak ea- Jmmiuee to aing for thekdory of Ood. speaking tor the C. R. A I. states (hat
ekmad with the apttoa. Tha aebool
It to their purpose to gire to Traverte
. lAlA nndar ethe 1
rwliHimer then ftlto la aaothor
etty the very best possible rates, and
btoah abd tomi h over to M dapoty Mr. Tullitf. I herewith pledge myee'tt to be ttOnka that a general artangemenc
MrtC.wbo haa baaa daal«natM ta be preaeot at each evening eerriee aad will ,be amde by anagers of the other
each rrhanrtal. m tar m It ahall be
M^ doty hr tha abar It Thto^B)
to bring the rates to such a conT
my peptar to do ao.poatiHa M MBM o( M
data* Ml -the astsMtohmsat of new




h* wlH refund ynuv m»rwy.

DR. W. J. fflCONS
~*“airrt.-sts:ES’~-*’FrNE dental wIork





* ■

.... ...-j 239E.Prwist,atnRem





W^MOsaatyla^ Bte«DBXB01E

Tire Insurance'
' PIAU QlASB, StMm BoUer and Aoeident trauranc*.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
'Room StONBw State Bank Building.



You Know
of jnst bow mneb we
can help yon when,
bnading before,^,
clndiag any oontaet
for Lumber. JCatariak

U'cmakdsp^iatcriqrW tor 1
H and Pnblio
building*, Stofe Froats and FixtoreA' Poreb OolomiH, Stair
Work. etc.

easy to aolvc if yon oonu- bcic
for the sohitioD—tbo problem
bow to get tbe moat lambi-r of
wamntablc kind for tbe least
money. We haven't b«-pn in'
tbe iamber basiness for years
>ot lei
learning how to buy
boarding, studding, floernog.
stair lomber.lath.sbingles
lomber.lath.sbinglei tuxl all
tbe rest of tfao long lumber lino
so u to sell it to suit customers
as to quality and price. Gbui
to have you prove tbe problem.

If it's made of wood, we can make iL

m*Pneaw.SSt ■

5Mfl» sue Lumber Ce.

We have just received
Wli.-n you conic to buy your

medium, mammoth. White andjllsfke

0lover Seed
H you have to'sow some, wc would be pleased to
furnish it to you at a price and quality that will be sat­
isfactory to you. We have Timothy that is right: it
may not be the cheapest, but you can find that out;
only compare the quality. There is a big difference in
seeds, we have to handle the good icind or lose our
trade, and that we don't want to do. We hat'C also re­
ceived N. O. Baking MoIasse.s that is tine for baking;
only 60 cents per gallon.
Don’t compare this with
cheap stuff. We guarantee this to give you satisfaction.
If you have a separator that needroiling. get your
oil of us. We have it in bulk.
Bring your. can. \Vt:
will sell you any amount.
By using our oil you will
save a good deal of elbow grease.
have. also
_ . received
-• Board, Tar Felt- Tar
Roofing and
id Buildii
Building Paper.
Get rrady for winter:
_ . >5t Jiere.'
h. .
it is almost
Don't delay. Get your goods of P.
K.. comer Front and Cass.

CBK. «0!TT



it will |piv y -:i I-- ■•;»ll aii-1 <-x»iiiini oi:r bI<-'-»;. Wc baT<(’•-rti Kmv.-«, Huskim- Pins. Pntnto Forks. Potato
Forks. Baakcls. MwiMin-a. Straw Culti-rv. Kr.-j'ii Cntt. TS. rtc. Call ati-1
the 'Otaego”
I'-iUiio Ho->k.

F-RANK TIR«.»OE/I4« Frost Street

a lirst 11 ■-.« Tiii Sliop.

Have j-oa ever tried the

Royal nriK«*r Too* and OerTooH

Hopdl tiger
They are the bexL

Ceaatd Ceru
aud Salmea

Sold 'toly by




HmmU fmma HUa tmiiim
I «ftn try MW to tpwty m


I «HI try to M M ktoPT M I
Mfar M I •
i «4lt try t

•M hM to >wryn» mt to
IMPi thbl».
•w f«l to trytaf to <M
tWiiM t toW -Try, toy


Wh*«i Pa Wm Vaynf.
Boyt «m M ^omt' arfean p» wu
TMr alwan liked to work.
Tbdy aMer aeeaMd to vast to play.
And wver trtod to ahM.
TMy varv eo ataaaeHy aad akc,
And laat ay fooi ai pie;
TV tooodor U they e*or «yo4.
nra koea bnya. moaUy. dio.
Tb<7 oerer Bade a raekM la
The houea or oa tlie atreet.
Aad iwfer Me laalde Ute Boof
Wtib din opM ttelr feet
nwy a«*ar atmbiod orer ckain
Or wnaued ta tke boaaa:
Tk«y vtoa aa aotoatoMi aa a eat
Tijatto baatlaf-Tnr .a mae.
aarar toocto aitt 'pllJOM arhaa
• They vaat to M at 'Blfbt:
They Jaat erapl aeftly ap tka atalia,
And aUdato took a Ugkt
' Tbcy aarar had to be wakad ep.
Bat trim the tooator era*.
TbVy Kpnus rtfbt oat yvt «B thalr
And dava the atepa they tea.
Wbaa -nAooi Usa eatia,' aaby tbay
At btm
a Uaf:

Aad atadtod-^I ba? Utor dM dto. .
Aad toadlar aramklacl
toaaausaa at aoM tbar toa«^ fMiat
. Ttaatr ttaaala aad tMi^dLatai.
Aad auy rl^t at thdir dadn to vork
With paacUi aad trllb atataa.

Aad ■attared araty rela;
Tbto 'dtaan area aaaa to bao«
n«a vaa a im to HbooL
Tbay am bad to faa kapt ^
fbr «othlac Chard doM:
Tbay hiato vhat tbay wata.aaat tbara
Tbay dldat go for toa.
I wlih !‘d Urad wbea-pa waa yoaac.
Tbiaci vara ao diSarant tbaa.
for an tbt boya taaia atadtooa .
Aad aetad lot Uka am.
My Mde Dm. be eoBM aocMUBca
To nett n a vUle.
• And when I toil blB ho* K waa.
Ton eoBht to aee b’lB ndle.
Be aerer aay* • *o<4. yoa kaow,
Bat MU mat bka ba Choagbt
TtoW* were eoBe tktogt tbe boys did
then. ’
Wbieb toy pa hae forgtK.

Friday. S^ U.
An you vdtlag to boar oor Brat
plan ter the year! Wdl. here I
' Tonr iwestosat totn mtol a baantttal
csrioiwd pMare poelal card, togwlag a
■eeae tram aome forelfB tmia. ko eMh
of the -Brsi BfiT boys aad ^s who
vrito to the departscat, teRlag of
•OBO eoaatag ibtag ' or/tatera
irlek tbey hare aetieed l^thelr pet
. tdrda or bbIbUs. or la the VIM birde
•nd.aalraau they bare eeeo. ^ poetal cards are the eaBo as a^ sold to
tbe torelga oDoatrlea Now. wbo wUI
be the Btot to tell as a ttesr aboot
tbelr dog or eat, or sobs pretty trick
tbey ha*e. aeeo srbea watAlag the
‘ ogairrats and birds, or the aaimaU cm
tbe tor«?
BeesRue year precHdeot has propoeed
tbe ptoa. abe will tell yoa a swey or
two. }•« to start tbe ball to rotltag.
■tbe adt U abom Boa. a beamttnl
brown «SM vblto epaaM bird dog.
wbo U CM W tbe adgbboto oa her
strait. Don baa a groat, ptossy.
tag UO, sHtk a-iwUt la It cease
bU sMilig too •eso' the railroad trade
one day when be was a pappy aad aot
as .weU acgMtetod wHh (Bias aa be
became after tbe car raa orer It.
emn do all tbe trfcVs otber' dogs do.
eeefa as apeaklBg. ahmktag hn6».
tag hU prayer. pUjfog d«e<L aad leu
of eibeto. aad bU aa«er dedaret be
MdcrtoBDde aaoUA as won as any
boy isadA;.H« oanatnly sees


my 1^; take It aad plaat It. and .roe
■toyed anUl the tomhMh.' We vent etflL Oaraatanally any be noted
to rtoit By aacle ^ W. We hM a regatar Uftfog ap and setting down d skall have all yos caa raise tram It
alee Ob# aa we were never there be toe fore feet one leg after another Jn you arc twepty-oaa- Tbe tod thok
fore. When we case hoau we vest tc .wHh ataom rhythasie aotleo. ttoe aa It. aad the (armer tboaght ao Bore
eea By atoler. I gweei tbU U all for teaaaa atoo hare a genUe qUratag •boot 1L The boy. however, not deepU-.
lag littU things, carafuny divided f.
UU tlBC. aa it U btoHlBS for bs.
lata sa Bsay pUeea as hs eoald ^
Tonr Snaablaer.
like hreathtag. Tbe mm
koov.erarrtblac ibat li aald to Ub.
€t stsBber was treqoeoilT prored by eyes, and pat them teto the grmfl.
Doraiby Tlaher.
Wbea aekad aoc lent ago vbat tbe
applying tbe feather did c( a gain The prodoee was carefully pot aslile,ta
klxr Bid. he Bade a noUe ta bli
Tbe feather tip to lightly drawn alcm« tbe taU. and pUated to the sprla4.And
ifaroat u Boeh like a ae* aa a dog
the-back. suofciBg *raith tbe far." so oa. tDl the foorth year, when the
eoold poiBibly make, OioDch eo qae to do lost MW. I wID take ay peodi There to no motion. Again aad agalo actual product was foor hundred buahhad erar taogbi b la to do t(. or aaked la »—>■» to write you a few lines to let tbe action to repeated, tbe stroke ba- ms. The farmer seetog the prospect
him the qaaaUea before. HU Baaterj you know I aa well at preeeat I
that the potato fleM woold cover Ahc
aa oOce )n«t aereca tbe atreet
HtBday and Taesday and I eoold
whole (arm by aaotber yaar. asked w
from tbe pocioaea aad be baa toocb*. aoi go to actool, bat I 0>i up and
be rdeased from his prumlse—Cxopoe tbe bead. Trtth tbe same r
to take sail over aad glre It to to school Wedaeeday. '
Tbea tbe fraber U sopHe^ea the
tbe elertw aad wait for theta to gire
Wbll. bow are jm gecilag along neck with a wartag mofioilateDded to
hlB tbe atall to briag back. The other these dtys? I hope yoo are well -sod cklc It. The ant remalat taotioeday hU Baiter aald. “Doe. I waai yoo aleo all the rest of you. i go to adiool
0 lake a peipcr orer to tbe oIRee." now and my teacher's name to MIti
Flaally tbe sleeper Is aronseoby, a
Ma JuBped np eo a chair aad opeaeti Wlltoo; the U very kind to Be. My sharp touch of tbe qoUt. She HreCdi
tosgbL Helen A. Sielnhsner. writhtf Booth for It. but hU ata^
etadlee are arUhaeiic. falsury. gram, aa om her heM; then her legs, which lag for the Fllgrim aboat her psrrotf.
teaUoB waa ealled to eoneUih
geography, ipetllng. mode. My ■be shakes aUo: steps oearwr b
■ays that one of them, named Sweemle.
aad be forgot uatU aoddealy a
rstoads Preaeb: aaotber. Plrc.
light, yawns, asd begtas to comb ber
fol wall MBe fnan Dop. who war
inae and. brash', ber bead and Spanish; and that KJny is learoing
beanbrokea over being i
Well. I will doM. bopUg >o see ibl month. Then she ctambera orer her German. She believes ihai parrots
HaatHy getuag the paper bU juMier to prioL
be trained to be eonscienilouv,
sleeping comrades, dirre iaw ga opea
otMTed It Id thm'a noolh to atop
Toor loTlBg SunbeaB.
Jufi as srell as our children, snd
gangway, aad soon has said 'Coed
bowllag. which eoold be heard all over
Age 13.
Kelia Bell Keeeb.
■a proof of her theory, gives the story
ilBg-' to another tour of duty,
tba big bolldlng. Coo itaned oa
it well Boied, however, that she has of Qneeoic. ss follows:
tor the poetoffice, bat he forgot to atop Bontb Boardaua. Mich.. Sept. 1C. IMS. gone to woiV. as she aad all her fel­ Queenlo wss very sly and unrcUshl-Dc*r Preside—Il has lieeo a Ions
eryliig. aad the eooed kept op all ibe
lows slsrays do. not only rested. Imj 'hen i first took ber. Now she Is quite
3*cr aad back again, brokea lau>: me since Uotaed the Snnahlar dub. with her persoo perfectly clean —Htr- inuiwertby. If f leave tbe room an ;
■B re^ sorry to bear that Bn.
abort )eHu by bli raaotag. When he
. >cr to remain on her perch until
Baiee is ^d. 1 got my card and but- ^r’s Magazine.
aearly back, he auddeoly renei
retani.*sbe does m wttboul fall; but if
all riitat aad was pleased with
bered that ererythlog waa all right,
forget <0 do this, she tolloyrs her
The Real Thing.
•ad be need not cry atay longer, and
A liitle Preiieb glH got ber Urtag by ■m pleasure In the malier, sad usu
1 old the ITIfa of Senienber.
be slopped ai qtriekly ai he bad begtia,
making the stenu for artIBcUl Bowers. ally goes on ah exploring expedition
boi by that time ererybody oa the and By sister U IC years old the 7ih One day a kind woman seat ber off la­
room to room, sampling thlngatiMt had seen and beard Urn. and of Bepteaber. and my little staler Usethe eouatry for a breathlag apeU. wito that sharp bill of hers.
poor Don aad bU gie U 4 year* old. and ay little aUter New. ttraaga to say—aad yet not
She also exacts ecrupuioos conscleribMrtadie. which was probably aa real Loretta U * y^n aad 4 Booths old. strange, ellher!—cbli poor girl bad ttaaiaesi from her mlitr«ss,,)S we!'
U Blghlsratchjng. My aUler
to falB M yoore was to yoo tbe tine
oarer seen the eoantry. aad kne* Once I left the bouse. promlAtox to b<yon wanted to go flsblag tad had to go got ate a cream eolorrd eelery dlsb ootblng about growtag flowers. Wbea back directly. I was 'unsroldslily dvfor a birthday preeeat. I guess I will
takce Into tbe garden gad isincd; but hardly expected the rebnk.bare to etbse for tbU lime; with lore
paasles. her
Lhal met me on my return;
Bare U.oae Bare iiery, thU lime
taiew BO bounds. Bbe felt of the petals
••Gone pretty long. I should Oilnk."
hoping to sec thu’la prim In (be HerBbont A eat. ThU kitty Ured
•ad sniffed at them. *1 didn't know ear Queenie's veedW,
Mary Reyaolda
great, btootlfa) Cara, oa the bUls Id.
On another oecaafbn ibcre wss- a:
U relret could iro*!" She exorerleofclBg Trarerae City. There are
pintle. Vhirb I bhd fltv
Mlard. Waab.. Sept- K. IMS.
(all am traea ta front of the booec.
•Areal they lorelyr she aaked good reason* for hot wlablug lo at-:
Dear Pratldeat—1 tboaght I woold'
•ad the agulrreli think there U
write yon a letter. I am wall aad hope when she came across a great rose- lend- To the first persoo who InvIieJ
place BO alee la all the Oraad Trarerae | yon are tbe Mme. I go to ibr Ceatral ^ bash Tall of hlooma They doot give me. I gave two of my reasons: Nevt
region. Tbey Bake their boBe In the
wme one else came, to whom I
an ta the high tourth Uy you Ume ta the shop to stick theta oa
•ttle of the betuA mnalag along the teaeber'a name U Hiss Armstrong. 1 thto way."
gsrriwo more. I noticed Queente was >
hraa^et ^ the treee and jumplag like her for ^y teaser. We mured' The ^ womaa eeized thU oppor- Itstenlng to our conversslloa and that
down to the roof, nod Into bolea which from sAere w« need to lire. I am tea' tohlty to toll the girl about our FUher
dBhaof th
years old. t will' be elerea the Und ta bcarai who makes the red flowers, saw Ibe rlsllor to the door. On my
Of April. I was gUd aebool storied.; and when she got through tbe litUc retani her ma}esiy asked laelflrelr:
day the kitty came In aad laid a Utile
c forty-Bre pnpfls la oar girl sighed end said, "i aheuld think ,"Don't you want to go!"'
dead aqulrv^ at her mamer'e feel, with rod*. Tbe train mos past oor boose. he’d be awry wbea he sees the ktod
"No, Qurenle.'' I answered. " I do
inch a prand air that any one wonid School began the 4t hof September. of flowers they make al FlenretWa"
hare known aha tboaght ibe bad done We«. I mast dose.. Good-bye.
'Then why didn't you tell ll?~ was
to be pralaed for. He was
her chiding response. (Tbe letter a l«
Prom yoor fHend.
y«T eorry to tee (he dead aqnlrrel aad
Whoto “It- In CMnat
■ iittle bard for hfr to proDuuoee. or
Wlnlfiwd Fnbrmaa.
look H away froa kM. bat be did am
AB Bngllab missionary, *writlac of I presume she would have saldmtTbeu
tbiak It fair Dot to glre her eOBetbtag
the glilt ttlkegcheoi ta China uiMi why dldat you say soT'l
la plaee of it. eo eot a piece froB (he
-Such birds are valuable, and ought
The spirit of heroism Is aomeUmes
Jnl9 euck that bad been boo^i for
to be. wbea one takes Into aeeooat the
dtawaad fare bar that, throwing tbe temid aBaeg ehlUrae as well as icUy like games si which ^tofa ebUgnd effort U takes to render them
•qtarr^ om oa thy duap pile. Ptotty ampag grown people, and frequently dren play, except that in "bamedoor- jp iBivliigeml) rompaoioasblr. I give
sooo the kitty eane back with aaotber where It Is least eapeeied. One can- they OM tbelr feet instead of their.
<,w-n bird six tours' instruction in
fpdge of the bravery of a boy or hsnds.
•golrral and he took that away, aeoldlanguage and expression every day.—
lag bar wandly. aad glrtag bar an- ^rl by their appearance, sod It U not
"Knuckle bones" Is played exactly the first three hours of the early
oUtor pleoe of meaL .That afieraooa tbe child wbo hoaiu of hU courage ts boys play It lo Bogland, only tbey
ling sod be last three of tbe sfier•be bniaght ta Are aanlrreU. and at who most often prpres It la times of use stones. -Hunt tbe slipper-to also!
lift he boBB* nifptelmu aad hegao cmergoBey. Courage Is a qoslUy lust Ihe'sMne. Tbe Cblnra. wo, have' There is a parrot of thto order in ;
to look tbe matter op. Oneat what be wbidi should be aurtnred la the child the most beantlful awlngs—aad •uchlgn^j.od ,hlcb I* valued at £S,oo«.dtoeorer^l She Skad beWiteak bet­ Bind. bM ta teaching it the differ­ kltes! I wtob you could see them* i
,,5,000: r« 1 think my Queenje
tor tbaa she did Mlrral, aad eo when ence betweea courage and aere rackDid yon ever hear at borne of a game | in (.,>ual.
should be grarely eoatidefed. called '■mothers and fathersT- and an-1
■be fowd Sir&e cocld get It by
' ______________
brtaglBg ta aaoirtoU. aha wwt to the While II Bight rmiolre real heroism other called -keeping gcbool!- Hero I
The Bmallest Rspobita
e right a
damp baap and bro^ffit la tbe ray to Stolid taddly
we have Just the sane These Chi- j TsToUra la the smallest republic in i
■DBa aaolnul tre dlCmat UBeanese know ao end of riddles, both' tbe world
woaM only Signify racklessaees to spoken and written, sad they have all! It is s smalt island near Bardina,
Watot she a wtoe oM kitty!
lamp off the lop of a ban at risk of kinds of pnxzlet. '
| It has a population of M persons.
neck aad llsb. when there was no
SoBBlt <3ty. Sept, il
They have a funny way of eboostag 1 ft was founded In 1S34 by sccidrat.;
Omt PretodMl—1 raeetrad oor' other occeMoB for it than that of per- who shall be-It-ta a game. One of; The Island was overlooked wbeo VI1
earda aad waa 0ad to g« thea.' I aa hope -naklag a darc.~
them holds ber hand out with the opea i lorio Aaudeo II eras made king of
Reheeea Harding DarU once wrote palm downward, then all tbe’otheTd'sardlnto.
o aehcol BOW Bad f DB ta the
tbe story of so elcraior boy whose act ■toad roond with -the Up of tbelr first i For some yetrs the people lived fi^n
ta time of danger was an example of flnger tooehlng her palm: Uiea. after;from lasrs—and taxes
•tadytaf the eaeoed grade. We k« real hetwtom not often lo be fouad repeatlag a few words, she suddenly | One day Ring Carlo Alberto landed
OB baby outer two vena ag^l^ed- SBoag boys of hU dass-rif bdeed closes her fingers snd tries' w eiicfa ioui of curiosWv,
of nay etasa L«t us bare theirs. Somellmes she falls to catch | Paolo Banollinl luld him the sliusVMboriednarMtrflSnKMn. Good- It la bet own words:
one. and then it has to be done again: lion and declared blmself king,
•There was a lean, freckle-faced boy but if tbe does manage to imprison
C!a.rle tomaily coo finned bim as
wbo a year or two agb ran the eie- one finger, the owner of that finger monarch of tbe tslsodl.
SnuBit aiy. SepL IS.
TBtor up and down ta an old sbackly has to ba "iL"—Bxehasge.
Wben King Paolo \i^ Tavolara
Dear PreeSdeat^ reeeired oor effioa bonding la PhiladelpbU. I oftea
' '■ ■
drifted along for severaT'years wHb-!
cards and bmtoaa o. k. aad waa gtajl went up' lo lu but certainly I never
Oft* Bquierol.
, government
to get them. We ate going to aebool
■Billy’ of any aobTe quslilr - In the neighborhood of our borne to
one day tbe eltlteas met sad d-.
I SB to tbe Bfl^ grade and By which raised him above other boys, a female squirrel that Is s general pet.
themselves a rcpublle and
•Uter Ada It la tbe secood grade aaj high as was Ban! among hto brethren. and one that we aad all the nelsbbon' e^ose a pretideot for a term of six
my bratber Howard In tbe third grade.
day the old bouse began to feed. Last week, where tbe ti
We lost oar baby laat awath. My shudder and groan to its foaodaiioas alx or eight loches deep, we saw bet
There are no laws and no Uxer. n ,
brother CUreaee and I betpM tbrasb
>ae aoler wall after another go down through the taow to the
„„ criminals or tolls In the
thto year. My teacher's nsBe It HUs fell bbM sboow'-^ dismay from the gtonnd aad get a walnut Chat the had
^p^^lc of Tavolara
Uule'KlUr. As thU to all I can think crowds In the stre^ Aad Billy, as depoBtod there Ust summer This we
ef. 1 will loy ^XMt-bya
* Columbus Entbeoe walU came crashing down. ra*t saw her do several times. If any one

,*ai t„ puzzle .our Inon.l,
his oM lift op to the topmoat story and eon Imagine by what way the knows
(We will all give Clarence and Ancrowded with terrified bow to gM the ants the deposited' .now ihoen s Columbus ecg This ;v
too aad Ada oor lore and sympathy !o
imen. He did tbrs nine tb«« months ago. with snow eight ,h„
the loss of (bdr dear luile baby sis­ times. Only one side of tbe buUding' inches deep, they can do more thaa,
itg emptied
ter. will we not*—Pree.)
BOW staadlDg. Tbe shaft of the i *• can.

elevator was left Imre and waved to| 'Ust fall a neighbor gave her a few.'hgvlng e!o*ed the oppostre oar luO
Summit CUy. Sept-n.
The police tried to dr^ thelnnto out of a basket, and bung the
to sdtnlt a few bird rhol. boll
Dear PresWem—1 tboaght I would
of U and the mass of specta-' basket oa a aalt driren into a rafter
follow steli n.nrtr and if
write to yoo tbit afternoon. I bare
tonr bretbera. Tbelr aamee are Lee. ten yelled with horror as he imUed|ta a summer kychen. Shortly after i,,,^0^ s while, these will bare ad
,te white of tbe egg at th.Bdwla. brlB aad Arthur. My grand­

yoor Colambos egg I*
pa Hdett. wbo is one himdiwd years
“There's two'women up there yeu' shoulder aad tbea down again several bow complete. It win got only iisnd on
Old. It BBklBg an aa handle for Cn
but it won't suad any other way,
Omirgs. L«e, Bdwto aM I go 'o SaM Billy sloUdly. And he went on Umes. each time stantag towards the
top. facing a horrible death tammer Mtchen. Ptaally be Mlewed „ bow weighted locilae It as veu
school. My leaebcr's name U Mist
p sqalrrel that ran la tbe 1
I wlU reassen i If aad stand
Mina Barrau. We all like her rery each mtaote and knewkag (hat I
faead IL Pnweally throngb the dood kilebra. sat dowr on the floo- sad
, |,„ip wavering till !•
tadtag aa ray
new. I mUked so tar yesterW. Well. Of dvst the lift was aeeh eooiinjt Jerk- looked np at the basket of nuu. Of comes to reM. like tb<r*ead of s Chi­
It w ill be all the fanI will dote. Hoplag to hear from you
or paint a far* oa ti
S30B, So eood-bye.
lag fell with a crash. The woman and stance was not pure reason, what was
Onain M to* PMtmarW.
the boy came oat im the street oahuri n*-4owa Journal
Maple aiy. Mich.. Sefd. If, IBOS.
Gres'. Bntata can claim Ibe hooor
aad a roar of Iriompk rose from Ibe ,
■■ ■
Dear PresMem-1 tboaght that
Scores bad been saved by the
Small Petatoaa
lated the postmark. The
would write a few Unca to. yoo. My fidelity of the be^e elevator My. But
Seme years ago
ir one. wbirti was used to London as
. a .geetleBaa rlsiung
. , ' _irst
•toier to goiag to aebeM ta tbe Cen­ It was C o'cleek aad Billy slipped , a farmer ta Lcdtond. CScma.. took from ' longaso as lean, was a very simple at
tra High eebool beHdlag ta Tra'
qnteily sway In tjte desk and wen;, Bto poekiMa imall potato ntaeh. some- fair, eonsitiing of a small circle, dlCity. I am am gotag to Kbm
borne to his tup^; for yonv real hero I kow. had tut ta tberv at home. It was vlded into.iwo pans. In the top porpreaeot. as oar acboot hegtas ta No- do«h am care to remata for tba aboou' throw^ool with a smile, aad tbe (arm- Uoa werv two letters, lodmaitag tbe
rraber. For pets sre hare a
and elappiBC sd hands.; «r taking D la kto band to took at It. a' month, while ta the lower half the day
> baaed Hera, aad a eat aad two kU■
i cartons ltcda,hoy of twelve, staadlag ef the month was shown. No endeavor
My brother'aad ayidt weal
Hmw Aata •leap.
; al hit rthow. asked him w^ it was. «aa amde to deome tbe yam^.-Seiectlotkey tbe el|A>h cd this aoatb and
sleep the aafb body to qalto|Tta.- nM,hi, '^ilklin Wa potato,-^


LOT no ,
LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
Lots :»35,

0«7 as advertised arc now sold

LOT, 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214


These are all early selectiooB aad are tbe

Handsomest Lots in Oak Haiglits
the roost charming addition to T^vene City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable; These lots will be sold aeparately, excepting 1S2. 183,1S4. which must be »old togeth«. All must go for spot cash, and the prices

The whole bunch bf

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

As the price \.ouiii lie made accordingly, and to- allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of iots-

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
Fronting East Bay S rods and running back ‘iO rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot,


123 Fnnt Street



Your ^o<r<;<. roar eoOaru. roar tcU* (at ibsi n> omulscd i.u tbc <r<
aiMl shoe-. Bol to cpeak of jour dtoR-1 nilvbutfer (aU when }ou hare tXimi j
M. an alvar* ao frcab and tber aJ- K dojcl a Wt *4th a tablopoun. ti auv ‘
vara look aa ibovca 7M> bad
pw I enouah bnuer —acTertbeteaa. .aoS
TU, fifHtr ifstrm HtJ
e and aha
tientlr dUtanat float ordinaiy boiler
them oa. t
mU H<r
bar baada la dlaesat—oarer ler*: to be a cratUrtas dirtetle oorelty. It |
Wat Strttm,
to be aeaau I an slvara bajlas U bMter. asd ret it U oof—that U to,
tbam. tod. It nrftni to me. i vlab rou n.r. oa uuile—bat, aprcad oa bread:
vonid eoBSda (o me the eacm of be; oi
Ini vail diaeaed vlthooi baiac exirar., punrata.
During tba eeming tmiku a aariea of natleaal tvcipaa will ba f»vaa In
, tfila eaparvntnv centrtbutad by Grand Travaraa heuaefcaaptfa. Thaaa reel-Well, mr dear. Ifa Ilka ararrtbla* dal IT
paa. eavering a wWa range el dalnUea. art ail givca at eriglnatly uaed In tha
Bauer, hoverar. la aot the oolj
ala»—almpla. U joo Joti ksav bov.
varieua emintrica from «*Meh they wart breupht by the eofitribeteim. er by
The teem of vheiaear aaeeaat I bare dairy prodaet vbieb the boaiavlfc >airralativeaandfriandalnthaceuntriaa nanad. and theaa urhe try tham
liaa la mr bartnc- For laatanca. 1
may ba aaaured that may art tha real UEng.
alvhra lar la a aloek of ftaplea arban
(bare an aalaa. Inataad of bujlas
'' panraU-*, oclj 1
a thicker.
vlBter SaBDela vbea tbe cfalll dart
h««#-ei^lla aaally by j .^0 obtain JL ,0 ralae xh'c*c.
I laid iB>Ulna ordinary
7 dbaaw vlth oUra oil.,
bmed 10 aabat a-d •=■1.
Smethered Beef.
my nazi viniar'a warm rlotblaa at tbe | It may be put upsVj^ElaaMv • •' aiibes were mixed' with flour, water
filire ccioaeb g««d Ui salt pork to
aod of ibe taatnn. vben winter under: as wall If dsfirad. and
and a lliile salt. They were then tried oover the bbnora of s kettle. Have
> wear was to ba had for a tong. Then. Ir not bandy thr buiiar fpeab frum
10 the half of aa army eaaieevi. aaj Vady iBe bref cot lam ctaveaieri
! at tbe end of fbe totnmer aeasoo. when glau chacn will aerre exrt-Ilenllr aa a tasted *driielot» oa a frosiy raomtng.' JiKvc j.i pack well If they are neck
everybody ctoa li thinking of ttorklnc'aubiiiiute.
Rojal Bakmg Powder renders breed, biscuit, calm
Juvl before bestoalng a 4a.v's msreu lor bluxly plen-K sarb (hem well. }t
bp (or tbe wlDiar. 1 buy my underwear | la earlier llmea housewlvw wenL. Soule. t<1r«-a noi mati. r bow tough (bey ar.;
and a0 flour foods finer and mcM’e healthful.
and stocklnifs for next iummer. You { heifer acquainted than nowadaya with
MePberaoO Poa(. G. A. R.
' Put a laxcr .m ihc pork and add aplei-v
can rat lUle thread ttoeklnia and i each afla. Tbey taew. for t-xampl-,
Rm-si entil the krrile It full
beautiful allk base for ona-iblrd oft how to make-ease'cbaeae " by addin,: |
what you .would hare to pay at the be- j to eammoa cbeaae a judiriotia quan-; jh,
fhee.- mav not tound
P«lr»g powden made from alum, pboipbales and othe'
alnnlg of Ibe aeaaon.
; liiy of ground aare. Sage cireeke,1 apppuintg.
but hey
t sen isl tbalr pun
1>K^ catmte adds are low« m pnce, bat they are D^rioiti to
It la tba same wiib my rlovee. Ij whicb la dIaiIncuUhable by the graae- p,,*,,
m ii„„ wtpo there will have a Bl'»t •Irliclnuv dlib. In il
■•mf 99 Eierrmb ScrewC. - » 4
MOaaoktt. HTh. <
now bare ttored away In eamphpr tab apeckt aeaiiared ifarougfa It. hu-i ^
qq opponuniiy to build a Are for
Urn Hamadi.
I inu w» pm in ihv oven abuui 8 •
^ort«»« ATO I foamt my eom^
dovai enougb to last me for all of next', a parullar fUror that Is much rallabed inking, and a hard day 's nareb was
I. and f-rved fnr'breakfast. Tbe
rcry aeHoits. /bad fieadacAaa.
winter—Wvy. mannlrh kids for by many people.—Michigan Trades-1 m
Tbln slices oI clear, fat
street wear, glace kida for afternoon' mnn.
,.<,rk were cut nod placed Iwlween
w<»r. while gloves {or the theater or ,
------------------I ,Vo pieces of hardtack. an<! eaten mw.
cooeerta sod long party gloves.
Inj T
Tmialor Cooking Meat
I p„p|^ ,ho bate never mmiilea these
‘ Uirkerpsan.
JCMtt C VIE. MP,WrrlirJli.trw.U.S.N«>
September I-wlll toy In a supply of; To ihe xperienced
11 j
surprised u. know bow ihxkj
wash gloves. luio aod aiUt or
t next ; »■« »«‘0> '<»'*>=>> '0 recommend ">••[,h^y „stc „nder such elfrumsianevs.
anmmer. I boy my oxfords , .eaaor ; °'en thermometer nnd advUe Ha use.
y ^ Morgan,
Tba TvwaoD of so many fallares to
ahead and my wlntad aboea In the j But for tbe yonng housewife it U a |
McPherson P..-’ <1 A II
For regular army coBr.', the keroels ^ wra cases stmUar to'toe is tba
when tba shops are clearing 1
'“‘n* “il •I"
should Ims firanded In the rap with a
ifsci Oiwidtstaare
1 ovenful
of carefully ■ prepare - food!
0 make way for their I
Army Baked Sesna.'
bayiuirt nnill thev are ground Anpcc«!:ar to tba
: from dexiructloo. A ibermotuei'
Pick over aa«p»( toriSak aljoin b’tif Fill Ihe cuo wilh rold wai.-r
female sex are
I Watch the January and August Ix’ Castened to ibe men door at a wn ,a btubel of aroly beans, loavy l«eani
Inot eoaunoBly
Ilitb- cold
»•' to g'iioll. r
tales of amalln onderwear; arrive. *«*» «»>• ■nd nwney will be «vc.l j
n Ibe Bficrnnoo. l.<-i then ♦aier
Iter i</seitJr
_' Catarrh of one organ la exactly
amtmg toe fiiat and gel ibe chole«l:“
toexpertenced cook mill htv.-;g^i;
fl^-c r hair nmd.gve
^ sama as catarrh of any olfaer organ.
of toe bargains. Now I am buyingwhlie i “« f™'
b^oro "he begto-'m ,f„. corning, then pul ibem on and
WbatirlllenreeaurTbor tto he^ will
itlM MSKL AATO; ft
nade'rtkiru. benuliful
<»oklDg mm.-rial tlia- p„i,,,| .^pm well. Drain an>l pin In
Roll hardiark Into tine crumlic. It ^.alaocarecwurrh of the pelvic orgaaa.
with embroidery and lace for at least
Tbe follow i.e,tle» to bat^. wlih pleniji.*rf pork bottle make, a very cnavealeni rnllinc I'eruna cares three rsaei simply hi ranaa
That spread rich mantlea of tender
The «pa>lar«.
pin. wh.m on the fleldi covtm^.m Hcares the catarrh.
If yon hi
„i,i ..... ...I H
Tor Home cbaor.
mlnuiea; polled beef, per pound.
pu, op at night they will Im- done to: MVtT nlrhi, la She ratwlag fry ou Dr.Uanmaii, giving a
Maadamaa Oonalp and Heamr vlth O'er life's hsrd piseaa. MU time hu I um also purebaalng exqulalio Ungerlcj
waists that, with tlips of pale blue, i“ mlnules; ham. per tMund..U 10 |
Use ibe aisny oven for otiie pork drippings and fry .the pan- of year ones, and be WUI ba pleased to''—
bvy and Halt.
I give yoo bit valuable advtec gratis.
green or pink, can be worn all winter., ”
''C'lfJ'- P"*15
these and be careful not t.i seoreh.
lu besllng—dlTlna. oomplatal
. Are to raaet Hadam Hallea today.
rakiw In these.
. Address Dr. Hartmaa. PrmldaBt of
* .
—OirUUnn Adrocata af ridleoloDsly low prices And iani“*“: chicken, per pound, to.minuter: I
To play at a mae tbe tmwaty call
wiek 1 bought (be dalptilsi of wash
PCf POUB-J. 2"
minutes: |
rata. '
tllks'for 15 eenis a yard. S6me of
beef. i>er pound. 30 minutes .;
,n,p ^v.-nleai slices a quarrer
Wtee tba pavna are aU l^cd—,
■ are drilclou*. if Use thtg. liquid In plare of
Inib a barrel and l« li sllcod and covered with lugar
*Thay mtf.”
' milk la making miuh v
The po<>m tir Irena Pomeroy Shleidt by Id tbe wlndowi at toe beginning of: I"
steak. 14 inches ihtck.j^^
,i,e morning :«• mile Unacstel wine aod lei staod on
And UM tba grim bottaas InTltea
St tbe bead of this column and tba one toe Bcaaon. feeling that I could not al ; 1*’
minutes; qjnttcn chops. S le ,
op,y nigfal. Bananas and oraages were ab [ cream of wheat, adding nngar to
tbalr kind aid,
t aweoicB. and cooking In a double hoilfoUovlng give the thought (or
■nvHt In them■
•PflOB chicken. *0
I nice and' tender.. Do not cook too fast favorite adOliiuas to toe bill <if fai i er tor a rull4talf hour. This Is aa gooj
Ataumc tbatbarMasterhaai .
"I boy my ribbons (or ifae year Just •«“«»"«*:
8 *0 l« mlmites,
and be sure It does not alirk
A few itiuUy acaudala are readily Cbeer’a editorial today. It Is ao easy
in Cuba.
: rbid as hot. Wild lor cultivatod) berto spoil, tbe world for soma one by after toe boiidty aeaaon. when all the: .Baking—Beef rllit, rare, per pouni, kettle. When ihorbughly done take
Capi J. V, Mclatoah. j ties may also be used if advaai^
- ' ----- as
-' '
tbnulne• bargaina
bargains In their
j' “> if.m'nutek; beef.
out (he meat aod pul tbe vegetable:
And a name pabiled Utcber tbns Just a carelan word, a ebanca remark, shops offer geaul
.; iV- flIllBs
for a roly priy. TbU Is Ibe
; pound. 15 ti 2ft minutes: mulion leg, m and w hen done sen e them together. 34to Mich. Vols. SptBlah-Americaaji'hc
repeated by tome one else with 1
usual milk blacnlt dough, made with a
jwell dtmo. per imiAd. to minutes;.^d mme beet talVMb a gtapM or a vbiaper. a blnt 'v Uwadditlon or surmise, which In
dbuble amount of ahorteijing. rolled
------------ however, my attention Is ]
low sklmm«i from tbe conuul beef ot
a nod.
Bean Soup.
out thin, apnmd swlih a gear
earth ibU irmld be If every one voull eoncenlrated upon picking up pretty '
-sail h..r..- ' of the day before.
A fair rapetatka U tsra to a atned.
Put a haadfii! ot beans In a quart nmrjBBt Of berrieii, sweoSeat-d.
Mat tball tUng libe a aerpent and repent -all tbc kind Ihiaga they bear, pieces .of dimities, organdies, doited 2“ “'““'‘■V pork. welt dune, |-t
cup with a small plec ‘of bacoa for steam III ttenn-. Mak-;- c sjilresl s
venison laiv* jk-- •
and drop all (ba unkind •
Swiss, foulards, gingbams. which arc ■
Mite like e rod. — .
..MrUer. rmrJ «,'r I
to Svrve with toU.—Bicbaw
pWlrion! V»>y Bieak of our neigh­
had almost for toe asking. The;
Abd rankia rmevar fad aya.
Take a few-hardiacks and pul them and cook tinwl}' (or an hoar' and a
bors at tlU If we cannot 1
dies 1 will have made up »uh I Wnd., 15 sninutes; goose, per pound, Into a haversack bag. Lay this upon
quanei. fliting wito water as It evaiTo Claan Carpciai
A Mnr «etntl«B U tom to a abred.
thing pleasant about tbM* Tbe world pretty llaingi. to wear In the evenings 1 »* mtautea: llllet. hot oven, per piece,
a long and pound very Ane alto a slick otateA.-ao thaPai the end of the time ' To (boroogbly clean a cari>e!. weak
Aobaradar uttered and s(^.
la full oneagb of real sorrows vliboui during toe winter. The gtagbams. i “
l-rats*'rt meats, per piece.
some eoarwe sawdust In gaaoltae,
I boora; liver, whole. 2 hours; of wood. Pm Into a rap and pour, there will be a full quart of soup;
. A bema aU deaartad and happlnaM adding onneceasgry ones to them.
baUstes. lausllas. etc., will I
cold water op them and let them Siam
over Ihe carpet o* the floor,
tncdi easier and so inflnilely inmk until toe early spring, fa March.!* pouols, 1 hour and 45 min , over night- Add plenty of grease an
:4(b Uleh. Vols.. Spanlsb-Atat-ricao brush it lntr> Ibe' carpel, rubbing It
happier to beUere In tbe Inbernat before toe Easter rush comes on. dnrturkey, very larse, 3 hoiire: ;
little sugar and fry' as }0" wqiilWar.
well lam the aoiled parts with toe
A tma beart lad broken and bleeding.
In 'bverr imman being rather lag toe slack time for tbe dress-;
brtx>m: sweep it-well ofl, gulag-ovar.

tbe bad!, tbal tbe only wonder
lakers. I will resurrect them. and. go-'|
4bcks. lame. I hour; durk». wild.,
tbe ground a seeuod time, and you
. Abd tba emgaqiiene^ wbo can fora- that ire do jtM all ebooae the better tDgbytoeadvancetn«yles,.wlll have^'-^n' hoi oven. M to .1ft mimiieK; pan
cuSee Is accldeeially 1 eorn-ei array and
will fe> auniHsc'd fo flal what a
e. "la It kind, is
summer./ At ridge, zr. to 4ft mlnult-s.—Di'irtili Trtli j spilled or gn>w s cold It will wonder- i II had siniek her that II would Is- chaage It wlU make la yocr earpets.
SbaO the ratbcr wbo. 'Iieada when true, la it necesaaryT' if made onr this season one can ^1 work done su: une.
; Iiilly lighten the dally labor.
cooler ihls warm day. and nothing had
Bln young taxenn cry."
nile of llrlag.fwoDld .do away with much more cheaply^ (ban later on.'
---------------------I Humor In bis home, which l.s really ■ been said about loei.—August Good II will not hurt Ibe moat drik^te col<
ora and the wawdosi win all bni^ off.
ptnOah tbe npcdifer as wall ?
ly beartaebes for onraelvea mid when all toe seamstreases are busy. |
Mullein for Celda
' ereo' married man> Huh; Jollliv it Housekeeping,
taking ihe dirt with I', fly this pro^'
-Irena Pwneroy SblaUa onr friends. Only by patting Into
elllng' *“
epidemic of colls his own fireside, and wU. Im It ev.t^
~ '
e<w« It will U- found uanureKatry lo
daily Uvea tbe love that -beUevetb all PWaarkably cheap, and I think that I.'
prevailing lb northern j so mild a form. Is the solving of near-,
Washing Lfte.
remove the canens .from' Ibe flout
things, fat^eib an tblnga.will have a gown of pale blue pongee Michigan for the past two weeks, ihe; ly all domesUc irmihle A man simpi ; f;;! , fnut jar with' hot oap suds
ing suggeslIOD from «"4ifal;cannol prowl when evei>l-.dy elHc ls:|n,o ,hlrh has been droppedi a imt,' when rleaulng lime coq>e«.
• “nte Madly word, bow tar It goaa/ Ibnt not Only saya but thinks notblng
lOt come amiss.:
' •
blong tan's vayl
• but kind tbouMita, can'we hope
"Hat trimmings, also. 1 And are s ' Talk w ill aot
in a gl'-- over some funny jo^e, he I animonia. Put the laee ietu the Jar
The Heutakaeper Kiwwa
eoiiniT pt-ople
fM-ople mullein is a i cannot scow I when h.- s-es A-^mllms and shike It from lime >0 time, allow.
the day vbae in'eaci of our Uvea tbc good thing to buy ahead nf time. As
• OWa ktndty smlla. bow U ItfiU up
To most eowniT
That hoi tnllk added to nntaioes kingdom w[ll come "on earth aa it la Oririeh plumes and Ups bid fair lo be '*T eommoo weed. Ii grows In
- a and. gray day!
Ing Ihe lac^
11 to remalD In Ibe J'ar about when maahlag ibem will kreqi them
' I’ll'
Bin HearcA."
•T%e Madly dead, bov tt repays
To be
diffleuli 10 ronjurt- ,
in the height of fashion next winter. I'on hlHsidre, in fence
hourw. If the lacv Is very from b<-inc soggy w beat y.

tbe doer, and bov
boogtat a bqaeb of tips and a lone'"''™ ■“*1 aIook 'he (lusiy roadway. It | up a smil
many dUrouraciUd soilisl tl
•r should be changed ai
tuw: cHery hhould lie at Twl ab . •
• It tvaepa tba llnoa o( care of Ota
white.plDDM toe other day 10 trim mv
“ common ibai few. If any people' rlinailon.-.
re are no
Aunt Settle's Ccoc^
- , noiir In fold water or upop'lre before. • •

troublad brow!wlnierbau. I got a plume for l« ibai.i
teal beauD-of ihe plant. It, stanre* ,t
ont Settle Brosj/fiVe'd all alone
Ji''' Is-lng’seriiri. In order to be ffrm am#
later on. would eosi meat least lift. .
fmihffW by ihe roumn' pen- bimi
la a vtoecoveted cot.
can easily afford to| P'® “d usioj 10 make a tea for colds, barred
withto —IExchange
And Uke toe garden of the Lord
.and stapplng hetfc'een the palms
That ehes'ae may .be kcfg nriai byhave a great manv aceeasortPs,
«>u*hs. li Is really a very good,
Bloome ber smdl garden plot
• < Tba Vina ef Ktadnaea.
hands. First place the lace b<
ig <iut of vlhf^ -Por vbe I have a happy ihoagbt.Omr a winding, vayslda wall.
the folcl. of a towel to aliM>rt> the ,
. gloves. veUs. ribbons. sloekA I
-The old grandmo.ber. i
ft.cipe foe Young,
paper bag in i '■
Sagged and rough and gray.
"I plant it seed: , '
made by my own hands out of hlis of!>**M to gather, it and drv 11 and keeP|. Rniheou.- one- ask.-' a wnn-ar
c.-s. of moisture Do not usean IfTK.,:,...^, .,1^.
Tbera crept a lender. ■■Msftpg atna,
ribbon and lace plckedLup a< the bat-M‘ for wlnicr
•'n'" 1"*«■• Bui no one everj,,
But V I now I'-ve sinned In
and Wl„ 1, dry It wllf he found iH-rfec:.. Thai a pinch of aall thrown into ibe
(bought rtf culiivailng It. In tom, fully Her hair was snowv wMi,
, Tlretaaa iaf by day.
pnU a weed."
.« smt..thand free from wrtikles. am
jsot will Improve- the aroma uf
however, mullein
mullein i
it laM tti mantla of neftan tint
The paly things which, parts
1*"'‘ <jf Burope. however,
hcr'enerev ,a- .kinds
JSUndele.l ,I
-hepar^ccalled with aolemn t^.
...............I.. ; rererrtA.1 sc
Ooeeted aacfe lagged aaam;
Ibny when needed are -.........
my talloi.8ult»,^''e«»"<‘'<l
»» •• >—eetirMl
beautiful dent
pltm, and i.
L 1 waning:' hui vh'. n<ver impref.,'4 ,.n. manner wiin
tnici i-i
Thai a piece eff flannel, ijaniiM-ned In
aad I would rather .lay a liiile more!'“■"'Sied in flower beds under ih, with the Idea of ax- for h* r hcari d'd'e a m-" »»> "• la
Tba atrag|i(ng vail. hn» broken
camphi>r. Is cacelicni tor p'lMlr-d
and have the lopnnicb style, "
“f '•>e American Velvn plan: was Silll younc in -.‘mpaihy and in..
collars. |,rmimn.
Dear Slater Brown." be said.
Bareme. with that leafy, tinted eroua.
"lYelL )i^-certalBly do always look Of course, culiiyatton Improves It ami
>r answer '1 wferwards with a
That wash fahnec ma, 'e- ref it. .
'.T fear you
tbe means o(
pale, velvety leave
lUr as aa artlst-t dream,
njn^-right off now i,
iljsagrreal.:rxilor if gi\< (1 a thoroiifii iu.lug tn j
your plan to"the test la my own ci«!:‘»‘“'
• Pecnllar beauty,
BItokberry Mush.
ralt and wsut .xiunon'leilore bclag
- Oil. for tbe fctttdac^^lb^ elliv «o4
Pray. ^1 me. vbat'a your creed
—and thank you c«ec so much for the
this plant Is useU as a remedy
Rlarkbeir:.' murh s cn- et ibe »pe- pm lb the reg-iia- wa.b.
Ibe enavered simply: "Por eato sin ap," exclaimed ihe dowdy young woshould l>e
coughs and colds
cluMi-'S of ibl. mbnih. and when- tL<'
Orer Ufa's broken «x4 ^
I go and pull a w'eed."
tsolled and 'strained and swecteoi-d'
maa. ax the ducked, into, a shop
wild fr.ill 1. to b-' hart f"r rbe pleklnc.
Ilurtnc t).' fr
• . arein save all fruit
That bkaaoms nbora tb^ scars of pain.
with honey Tbe mullein leavea dried ' .
windows of which were filled with
Tbe clover grids at anauaer nooi
Hon-., dr-.ti: lein 'horoughly. IJurBtrirlag to bold ib^ all!
aod pulverised are tomeiimes smok< -1
M alluring bargales.
Ke'er offered sweeter store
ins r.»,:
rainy days put. a handful
Ob. for tbe balpfuL Asinlstartag bands.
In a pipe for larnygliis This is Mid
tor the (.right
BeaMefcnt, vflUng
Mrite Yaur Own Butlar. ''
to promote expectoretloa and laezbilTo ebUdren round ber door.
il tender, 'hen r>
flame at..' :rl<««am odor.
Why not make (be butter for your araiing to ibe nerve*. |i 1* eerialnlv relieve ikr mi»cr> I c*
She heaped the bands of all that came
wilh. and rympaihire.l »
WB table’
Till faU aa they could bold
lag. in fset, 1 tried w> .
An Ingenious scientist has InreaieJ
cough or cold Mullein
With peonies like bnlla of Dame.
r process. whlch U ao simple (bet, sweetroed with bone, will do
And daffodIU Uke gold,
; coavequecer-, rea|i-cn -he fruit, of ha-.
any boeaeMIfe can be her own but- and we have no doubt . Ill prove
i-incss In a peaceful -1.1 ag. '
ler bloaaoma aooght toe aufferer't tatmaker.vlf you care lb try yon can *4Hsfaciory as a cough medicine,
40 It.easily enough.
TTe term 'itTvanllon" usually tm-[Hew a Gaetc of Humor Hetpa tht
With grcetlngi of good cheer.
Mary was a raw
-Joy and long Ilte:* ^mke to toe plies mechanical apparatus, but in this:
Tiiat s wbat we are-floiog dow. W< are aeil about threecase toe only outfit required coosislsj A good laugh has alt the clearing eemod aaiKins 10
iru, so Mrs Herfoortiis of til] the-pianoa BolJ ia tliU vicinitjr. If yon arc
fbori of clean bkJFnng imper,. a' effect on (be family temper ibat the wn iiudcriook tKi sk of tnstruciln^
-Peace:- breaihm litave the bier.
one of tbe f-w who nre not Imyini; of us 'tberf mnat laspoOeot towel, and a china bowl—[sharp thunderstorms of tut
ler a* m her dun- n apsweriag ihAnd tons she went ber quiet aay.
a>>mt' rcMBOD for it and wi, would like to know that r»-«aon
things which every housewife bat: on the wiiliry atntoariiere
Tfans lived ber rim^d creed—
ready at bkod. niih tbcac csseatlals day.
Wlton our good* ar-t the lie*t anil onr priced tbe ioveat Tby
Mrs.'H. rben's first "at home--day
Worked In ber garden day by day
ipplied and tome everyday ci^m
women realtie bow mnefa easier arrived and as she wa* a stranger and
And never left a weed.
ahonl'i yod not Ik among tbc ho«t of agtiafied cnatomen
It makes things to laugh ovre them very anxious to make- a good Impre-'^American Parmer. yoo go to
whn are saving many doUan yearly by dealing a-itb (jrinthe china bowl with Ihe than to front.
tion on thcMc frlepits to whom h<-r let­
Hroe., tbe largest am] U«t rctiU moaic house in tbe
low oa eanh do sou manage UT" towel, and -ba um eg that place the
Suppose you are baklag takes ud ter* of IntrodoctK* had leen sent, sh-*
world. Tbe next time you irazit anv'tbing in tbc line of
ied toe UU. dowdytodUng girl sheet of bMltng paper. Tbevi appn Ibat you gel very hot and eery fussy gave Mary a special drill at th. lar
mnsic. call and get oar prices and terms.
•a abe sarveyed ber friend who la nland altogether very dlrogreeable Vi.ur
ways natty, (rim and as fneah and GlteB the "blotter'and toe towel be^ best A«ons at rakes will he a lillure
When 1
first callers arrived. i(t'5'
dslniy aa a aew^tovu rote.
seatb n have become saturated tbe | if you are in such a humor.
moat exrluxively styllwb ladles of I'.e
-BTiy. -my riotbes coat me nearly
fluid part of tbe cream (aklm
But try a gocri laugh over them; be lllllc town. Mary' ushered them In
twice as mnefa at yours. | sptad
mllkl wOI gradoallT dribble through gleeful over their baking and ihcv BtaeMolly. and then presented b<-raeif
hundred doltan a year to your
iDto the bowl, leaving behind on top I wUI be as light as a>reaih
of air.
H«ic HtBag, 159 1. FrBSt SC.
hundred, and y« 1 never look aa well. cr toe bMUag paper Ml H the batter J LaagbJ
offHeak. and don't








The Absolutely Pure

Baking: Powder


Hale of Cream oi Tartar, and
Hree From Alnm w PhnspbaOe Add

★ ★

★ *.★ * ★ * *



JIftmtt lit etliwt Cs»b








Pages 5t( 12

mj TWO
Tfuvcmc errv, orano travciisc

county, hichioan. tmuradav. mpt


Prost bn fadd off leiaaikiblT well
HrA W. R. Morris aad nephew leD la aspamgttt fetA saiuma taaves,' dauteler UdA Tmvmne City; Mrs.
b tbea* partA Com baa ripemed guile pemerdar for a three weeks' visii at monatain ash btsrie*. potted plant-. ^ Whitefoed. Charles M’hlieford. Mary
pteUtal lUt rmr. with good dtaoad.
O. m. W-Ubefaa and wife of Portbad. weU. potatooes are good, ret ecm Chicago. lU.. aad temtb HaveA Mbh. and salerA Tbe bride looked Ifry * U’bltefonl. Bates; MrA Eagene ScDftitm m>siot tnmo tftr eteu (a ooe
She will be aceosnpaated bp ber sla­ charming In a bine silk dnuA She fleM. Hra. Ostmr SenSeid aad daagtatef
lad. are vbltl^ tbrir tether and tem- aapbla ct blight lajuriag theaop.
doBor ptr loubA
Ur. Joba wnbelm.
J. D Hateert amdo..A-S5t^ rblt to ter. Hrsr A. C OJlby. of Traverue Clip. carried while eaniallaai.
Nonb and MU* Soa WIeland. Trarerae
HmrlOB Br wd Jobs Adi* aade
Mm. Ror LawtWe b rlsKlag ber ML Pleaiaat bat Saiardap retarateg, V Mm. George Cook sad aoa Harry of
Mr. and Mm. Howard will ieare tc.-1 Ciir The ymng people were the «*•
Tr-‘r— trip to nuktort rridojHoadar BigbLN.
Wexford vialted ber sister. Mm. Ralph a northt-m wedding trip tomorrow and clldeata of i^ny beauilfBl preaealA
pareau b Indians tor Blew weeks.
A good MBber tnm bw* AtUDdad
AtkiaaoA last week.
MrA Lgdb Maker aoM aBoad<
aflw Oct. 15 will return to the borne !
Hiss AatOe Denny, who bas been of the l^c'6 moiher. afterwanj mov-’ Holding in bU band for orer aa boar
tb» tactsK At Saaplre TUdoj em&j
:e acre of bad to Mbs Carrie 1
Boadoa. Mbk. Sept. tt.-Btbelra last week.
■ma br Mr. PatUagin et iMclBg.
working iavCblcago for tbe past r«*r. tag )o Ukog Lake. Doth are yonag ; Ihe Mrt removed from Frank Robtanumber of ber
TM BTOaatteoM ehUd ot JoMi
retomed to Empire.
A farewell partp was glvea to Hr.
people with a large ctrele ot friends. •eorro negro, aged 22. shot bp a pt>'
pouag frtteda at Camp Lnkerlew laat: and HrA CaOowar Toesdap alghL An
H«RlAi dtod rater «Rer a abort id
. be foureDontbs-oId Iiabp of Hr. an-l. I wish them bappinen.
Frldar evcelag wUh a com roast.
Mm, DMinr Dmw, died SepL 19 of ted. | Those preoeni w«e: J. IlowaH.'
MMofoairatevterB. Fbm(«1 ao^
FuHe time b reported.
Chariet MeLeaa sad Flom McLean
rieaa war* baU at tbe HaUiodUt
era lafaaium.
| Lung Lake; Mr. and Mn. Kreneb.. .placed the bean. Tbe paiTf4( h grvwere Tmverse CUp callera WedaesdarDavton Selbp, editor of tbo Empire : Arrhie; Mr. aad .Mm. T. SeaOeld an.l
teanb BaaterGraadpa Rhodes aad Mm. WlUb
Jako Waarer aad Oaorga Hoat. Ivo
Elk Rapids. Mich. Sept, n.—Ftaak Joomal, was la Gmad Rapids Iasi
Rhodes vbllod friends aad rebtlves al M. Boaworth. mho for a aumber of week atteeiUag ihe West Ulcbigan
oU aoUlora, got lad la Tboaipao
PremoDt last week.
radar, misainc (b* tr^ br about
pear* hag been the general ageni la fair.
William Harrb baa moved Into Flom tbb teetba for one ot the large bartUrtr Alantaa. Ot coone tber
Mr*. A. E. Forrcsier left lodap tor a
McLean's boaae.
*bBat«d’ aad tbo ■appaaiUoe b tber
week's risk witb her paretiu at South
v'esilng maebberr maanfsetarlag
Potatoes are d
moK hare walked bone.
ceras. baa entered Into an agreement Fraakfort.
Ir bp bllgbt here aad are roUbg badtp.
Mrs. Cbarle* Carr of Glen Haven,
John F. Bopd. wtaeiebr he be
any (me of tbe tbrro yearn, mt-imcrltaSater follow- .
Charles HcLeaa, Jr. returned from comes a partner witb blm In Ifa.
tbe'wddletB aad aallm et Wexford.
who baa been aerlonslp III al Ihe bom*
kaUef If
Westwood Wedneadap. He baa
Dterie and Haalftee ooaaUea will be
plement bosinem here on NovembCT of Dr. Shank, li same better at .this
mote mbuud br the pouag people aad
beM at Hooor aaxt rearDnifl November 1st Hr.' Boa- writjag.-ire glad to wHoome "
Tbe Infant non of H. Tae Serereo
worlb will aatbt Hr. Bopd and t
portion of bU lime getting scqaalot-i died very suddenly Friday moratag
KalkMkA HIcb.. Seat 2C.—Aa atMrA Alien received word of (be 1. He Is now in charge of iho alore, and wai burled Sainrday afternooB la
UHpt wae aMde to bold up W. 8. Paldeath ot her half brother and left wbUc Mr. Ropd Is atteadlng Ibc fair ic Caibolic cemetery,
■or fiaturdar aldbt about oae ulle b.
a a Boynton of Bast Empire was
Grand Rapid*.

aM of (own wbtle be wm oa bit war
MrA ioaes b Tbltiag rdatlTca i
The iteaBM^r Bdbire ot Ibc Inland Quite III last week, but U I3#*tcd betGeorge Boorataw was over from the
bOMA A man atepped o« from tbe
lake line of steamers bas been laid up ter at thla wrltlag PeniBsula Wedaesdar with bb new SS-: FteorTUet.'
ipaddde aad laaefaed for tbe bone's
Clara aad Hethel Rpaberg returned for the season, aad Cspi. Sharp fa aaF. E. Morse is painting tbe ret Weaee
toot gaaoliae Isuate which be recehtlr
U^t tbe aulek aoUoa ot HI-. Palaur
«r U a Wolcott.
b Trarcree CItr. He bad a Toeadap ^trealag from Reemaa, wbere sUUng Capi. Hauler In tbe mai
la etartlas (be hotae foded tbe - at. Mark Deerlag went 10 Elk Rapid*
Odd Fellow, vbich
cargo made op of peaches aad thrpe tber have been vbltlag tjieb gmadtmapt of tbe would«e robber. Tbe
ran for some time pet.-She now make* ftaturdap afier Mrs. Deering Md
barrels of boaer.
Mluw tred two eboU but Hr. Palmer
John Gale basmored Into tbe boose
round trip each dap between this daughter Telaia. tflio hare been visitMr. and Hn. T.'B. Marsh aad son
tuahs that Ibla was oelr done tor
aeioa* the track wbere J. H. Whartoo place aad Clam, river, leaving hero at lag there tbe past month.
bMC as Boae of tbe bbot came aa arrived here from Pearl nrer, N. T. has-kept bb shop.
2:00 p. m. Ed Alspaogfa. who. has . George and Thomas Wllee ot Chi­
and will ipcad
where near blm. Mm. Etta Waters It oa the sick Hst. been engineer on the Bellalre. b axi
cago, secretary and treasurer of ihv
abort time with reiatlre* aad trieads
Salmon Browe of Rllbam, Wb.,
Empire Lumber Co., were In town sevlag bit borne at AldeA
before preeeedtag to Callforab. where
in town Wedaesdar aad took dinner
aml days last week, They returned to
Lem R. Smith bas been gellli
BaturdaraKht while thep btead to reside bereaflcr. Mrs. at H. A Slarrow'A He was aceom- >me faacT fnilt from the Cara* o^ Chicago Saturday. •
ber' war
paaled br Hr. Herbert, who wiU re- chard at Elk Lake, among which
iatt Dorib of tbe 2. H. Price Acker. .
mab hare n charge of tbo warehouae. an spile af the Alexander variei)
A Wedding.
a retT dark place oa that
Tianeb Biteardaoa ot North inlaad tnteea la eireumfereaee.
Horace Howard of Long Uke and
Where tbe bold tbied took
left Wedaesdar to aUead (be fair
The steamer llliaeb was la Hoadar isita Grace ScoQeld wore married at
of the
Grand Rapida
and dfsebarged a 1
11:30 Wednmday at Ihe home of the
Tb* Prabrteriaa Ladies’ Aid toI, wbieb
wmie ColTta of TrsTemo was in of frelgfaL H. K. Brlakmaa, Lem R. pride's motbK. Mrs. George ScoAcld,
Bbom. bait a block awar, a seareb was detr will meet at the.eountrr borne of town last radar and SatardarSmith aad C. I. Wood made smaB ship- <27 Rose BtrecL tbe offlclatlng mlol|.
swde br tbe tblef. but wltboot re- Mrs Joaeph Parodbe on Thsrsdar. the
A. Burrooga ot Wexford was la meat* of apples to Chicago.
ter being Rer. L B. Bissell, pastor of
•aita. Mri.‘B—ai asrs that tbe thief tub. Bubms will be prorided.
The cemept eompoap Bbipped''flve the F
First Presbylcrian ebureh. The
Mbs Mabel Walt baa retomed to
wae a Terr larie man, bat U
HrA Scott Is saSering witb a gatber- earioadf of tbeir prodaet' Moodsy. dngai
service was used,
daih that a deseriptfoB would be im- Grand Bapidi to resume ber studies lag la ber head.
They report It as at
the coopio mme down |Se atalrgt the MeUchlaa Buslaess eollw
The old eettlers' wires met at Mia
way. Hcndcisaobn's wedding march
Ybe baMSBsaaan at lbs O. R. A L
Hiss Agaet Park* and Hlaa Ada Robert Carpentor^i Wodneadar for
Made to order from a mammoth assortment
pUyed by Ulas Zoa WIelaad. The
tepot at this ^aee bad a nanww «*- Bean left Wednetear for Tpallaatl
qnllUag. Of tbe maar wbo aace m
were unaiiended with tbe eseater
Mpe tnm mdOK aadcr the morlac
of mouldii^. Not apicture is made but what
at qunUags' here only s few are left
y evening, tbe village beplioo ot Mist Lillie ScoOeld dressed
«an of Ibe aorth boaad pbaeBfer Sat- tbe'Nonaa) teachers' coarse and the to tall the etorr of ploseer dapA A
;n white ead carrying the rlu la lb*
can be suitably framed here asd at a satisfaoardar aReroooa. He attempted to btter to etadr wmic.
oBjorabb attenooB wa* repoctset wijii K-Uter BUrllag tor on bean ot a white camaiicn. ^
ebUb oatp Iba teoeliK trila witb ■
Hr. and Mm. Allea Harwood are
.ISMB^Ybo attesded.
addition 24x30 feet In alee to (be ware­ The house was lieauilfully deeemleif
■ ——■
teupte oCtWf SHr«MB la oae band Mae from their extended wedding
I. Beat loK B raluable horse house on the village dock, tame to be
aad ton bis Rmtlat and bad it not
Tneadar erealag.
HBpleted bp October 1st.
*yoii^ should bring in your picinrn and
bMB for tbo UnMr aaslstaace of tbe
MrA Firth, wbo baa been ibc guest
BeadoB. Mleb.. 8^ tt.-Mm. Flom of MrdT R. W. Btgol for a few dAvs,
chromos now to be framed in time for tbe
rapHIr ImproTiBg laTieBltb. at
Sbertnaa eg To rile Lake te vbltlag returned Monday to her home
Haalalca. went for Uoatcoming holidays. We're ready for you.
Grand Rapldt. Mm. Bagot see
friends lb town.
Frank Jaqulte took In the fair at panted ber as far as Tmveme City.
adar mxesidg tbe ateamer Odd­
J. L. Ballep of Tmveme City wai
■b^ WUUi fotanied from Owawo fellow ot tbe Inlaad lake iise, when Gmad Rapids last week.
Hr, and Mm. Allen returned ftom
Mdar. He will complete hto bnUdlai
tbe head ot Topfa rirer, struck a
Bpte tbe areone at once.
-deadhoai” and sprang a leak. She
den registered al tbe Lake View bonic
Carl Bre «f WaOla Is tbe poUto WBA bowerer, kept* aSoat ttalll she
Clip IS vMtiag Mm. E. U Watem.
Max ^ibls aacthm. bariaf tbe larteat rcaebod cbalhiw water and b now
Orpba and Tom O'Brien were
John Irwin of Detroit has taken the
acreai^ .era-planed IB Coitax. He Is danger of temage frtoa the seA With
prised radar evening bp a number of poslliaa as bookkeeper in the o*ce of'
bbUdliw a ceoeat wareboaee tor tbe tbe aid of a siphon It U thought
Elk Rapids iron Co.
ebatage of his large crop.
eaa be Seated and brought to tbU
John J. Russell made a bnalnest trip
Mr. Metx aad tamdr are twmorlac place for repair*. Tbe atoamer Bel) Tmverse-Cltp Monday.
to HaeUer. Wia.. where Mr. Mets will Ulre. white wa* recentlr takeo off the tweatp-Bmt birthday.
The Misses Inna SUter and Ullle
John Sehmalts bas arrived from.
iaatan a cbemleal reint iteat tor route, b makiag tbe Odd Fellow's ruA
Taken in exchange
WWeb of Frankfort are tbe guesu of Boyne City and assumed bis posttloD
-farrr Brotbare of Setiolt. Mite.
CUmaee Qardaor. wbo for some
for KIMBALL l»las superinleadenl of the Iron
Wbetu Is oar game aad ftsb wardte? me was In the emplor of the Butler R. B. Reynold* and family.
^ ANOS in last few
a i. Niteote of nmapaonvUte was paay'i elecarie lighting plaau
ITbn uoat are eatso out of aeaaoa. Jrocer CIl. baa accepted a joeKloo I
* weeks. To make
to town Friday.
Mm. A. k. Uubsebor returned borne
are tber caagbt In iiaiin aad pra- tbe eOee of the Elk.Bap(ds Iron Oa.
for another car
Harrr Mnrlep of TmrotBe Clip trsa borne from camp a few day*.
load of pianos
Rapids. Monday erenlng. Allhosgb
Pater JobBMi win barsotetoas Cbr acted bueiness In town Tbumdap.
Earl WIdrig, Mr. and M
weak from ber recent treatment atf-J
MoHer of Oraad BapUa
A. B. Porter was orer from pld Hb- Slarrow and Mr. and Mm. Cbarle* long ride, the la apparently on the
Wm. Hon aad wtfs look la tbe
Kenney were to Eden Friday.
to -complete rt*eovery. Her bntWeet Hltelm fbtr at Oraad BapWs
Huddlesloae's grani
band met ber at Willlaatbarg.
' Janea Boot and wife of Tnrerae gaestt at tbe Lake Tiew bouse Tham- wbo has been llilag wlib Ifacm. died- Heasm. Flagimrt. reiertaa and Umr,
Tmverse City were guests at
Otp at* Tisittag Tbair daa^Mw. Mrs.
ihrRnrlal Saturday.
tbe Uke View yesterday,
MnUa Ktag. of oar ekr.
ProtA Stefreaa and NhdxSa of Tmr.
Mrs. Daniel McAlpIne Is borne from
M. Deake was a Tmreme CUy csIIct
MaaoH Broa. wOi hare two tertoads erae Caip famished mate: .for a dab
Grand Hartos. Hina., where she vlsof potaleea to aetl traa tbeUfana of
.* .k.------------to get them out of
«. H. OUi Mamed Bauirdap after
Donaid. wbo la now pracM aoraA wost ot town.
the way. All in good
a few dan' vlriMp Grand
Bea­ Uetog law at ihat place.
Baa Northrap rotaraad to bor stadMa
shape, and m a n y
ton Harbor aad Kilamaioo.
Proaecuting Attorney Willlaat U to
at tba K. A. C, taastag. tbU wMfc.
makes to select from.
Brown Suits had
UttltrLpmaa case has been galte Detroit this week.
RbT. Banua ot tbe M.
sick with'eholem
MrA. Henry Pfeiffer Is visiting
miwi.iid her* aad wll! <d tte pulpit
their day, now it is
& Clark. Chicago
tor tbe eoaalsc pear. HeUwellkaon
tbeHek Hat the past week bat Is
‘here, hartag pipaebsd to^oor people
Grays, Plain Grays,
Clough & Warren,
Tooadler wai called to Beoion Harbor better.
Hist Nellie Bmison It now aetlag as
FTIdap far a tdegiam. Her father. Hr.
Gray Mixtures, Overand others. A 11
Kate Jaguish rctnroed Saiurdap aalcslady at Amersoa's dry gopdt
Heaxy Karoue. wbo hab-laased
Dmb, bad tbe muronaae to -put out' tram Qiaail RapldA wbem hr has been -Store.
marked in plain fig­
plaids, Diagonals,
one of bli epes with a piece of barb speadiag a lew daps.
MrA Waller Lyon, wbo was the
wtTA The ere wa* Injured ao badlp
guest of Milt Kathryn Herr for a few
both hard and soft
that II bad to be removed. It U roared,
' •
her borne to Tmre mar loee tbe sight at tbe other ere
Uke AaA Mite. SepL 2L—Mm. L.
finished : : : : :
Rb meammaiiob caused bp the
Tbe report of tba bad game b
Easy terms if desired
Empire. Mich.. Sept. 20.—A baby boy'
tba Trarane C»r team aad cbwbema Mm. J. H. Tripp left Prldap tor aotakera SHefalgaa.
Tmreme CKp. wbere tbe expects
Alatanter Prastr. tba tocal mHwap as bom al the borne of Hr. and Mta
team naradar was writtaa np hr
learn tbe mUllaer's uadA
agsRL bae teugbi a bouse'ef o. B. Marry Noreonk, Sept. 22.
•t tb* Tlanora. Our team was (
Hr. and Mrs John Wrigbl are the SuadstedL This ladKatea hb IntenHoa. W. K. Fcrrtt ot Big Rapids le^
pMd Ot bot arc Ot tbe Bret team
happp pumau of a Utile dialer b
fared to the K. O. T. M. M. ball here
A great assortment from
Sepu ts. She weigba alne ponadA
O. K.-Segar bas buUt sevei^ sddl- Friday eveaiag to a large aadleace, on
m BapMa. Mleb. Sept. H--«er
HrA P. J. LnCIcar Is la Bt. LeoU Una* to hlB large reaideaee to' Lake tbe subJecL -Making tbe World Botrkiee at the Proebmrlaa ^mreh next TtsUlag tbb week.
ter.First customer gets
. swdar at >•;» a m. aad TiSO p. m.
Mr. aad Mia Goa Klaeap ataried beontifal besoe.
Hr. aad Mm. Z. P. Carr aad danghfirst choice. Every
- At U o'clote. wooe. a Saadar steool Tusadar tot Grand SapUa to visit
Mia W. R. Ksstoedy U vlaiUag relr left Monday for Ml. PletaanL
one a bargain.
ralir dar emsice- wtD be beU. tor Crtaads aad uke la the fair tbb week. atirsa la MBwankee this sreck.
wbetw they srtll become stodeejs
white aepedal program has beea arOur Iflemea of Detroit Js tbe new
CalvlB Brooki and Maude Bales tbe Ceoiml state Normal ateool. Mm.
-teagoS. ta white SupCH. T. Btodgatt night opemtor at Ra^ dtp.
were atetad la marriage cm tbe itth IL B. Clemeat. motber ot Mrs. Carr,
Copyright 1905 br
af tba pabMe eebooU. will deilT«r
Watson of Gras
had Warreo AdantA a aepbew. west
Hm Schidncr ,£r* Mtrx
addreaa to tbe Baadar eteool papttstr abler. Mn. C. H. BlakDr. aad Mia Wm. J. SbUUdap am witb ibem.
Vea. J. H. PodeodiB. archdeaeoa ot am.
Titfttog la Oraad RapM* this week.
As lodlan family by the —■« of
tb* dtacaae of waMan MleblxBa. will
Hr. aad MrA D. C Lgaa are rlalUag
Bert OaUenhy aad famllp Itteovtog laeA Uvtag near Jotetown, lost a
egadon aarTteaa aa foUows at tb* taate I
I Provenaot (bis week.
two sad a half year old eirtid last'
^Slaeoiml teaite Baadar; Hoir
Qalto a aumber ot RapM dtp peoCbaA Pmaklla and tamlly have gone week. The remains were ultmt to the
A m.; morelag pr
Aem taklag la tbe fair at Oeaual to. Glen Arber for the wtoter.
T. FWiM.—MW.
»:» A bl: eveaiag ptofto. 7:fd p. «.
Rev. Camwcsi u boMiag mO^oM
The Presbrurtaa Toaag Paople'a
Mm. T. B. Darboa
meoiiagi to Lako Ana. ^

aodetr hare aleetad ibo toUdwtag cAfor tbe aasalag rear: Preddeat.
MIm Bllsabetb Fhaable: vice prealdeat aad treasanw. Miae Oraoe LaorgA
Mb* Ethel Caller ha* goae' to Bbepaid to q>cad tbs wtater wUb robtlraa.
Mbs Cora Paacee was tbe goeat of
Miss NaWT BHaters at NortlTHUtoa
poriioa of tbe week.
Two telldrea ot Neb Aadenoa. 11*tag near Blrte bhe, sbool Ikree
Borlb of Iowa, a bop atkd a girl, aged
four aad
for The cows Tuesdar morelag. Falliag to roiuni daring tbo dar. a aaartelag partr at about tweatr nelgbbora
orgaalted^ wbo ipeat all nlgbt ta
a rain aitemn to loeale tbe iRUr
Howerer. at about eight o'clock
Wodneadar morning thep were found
p aboat toor mllee
ftom home, tune tbe worse tor tbeir
dar and nlghfe eoUng.
Dr. H. Beach Horae attended a meet­
ing pf tbe penahn board ^ TraTerxe
Mrs e: L. Beekmaa baa bean speedlag a part of the week la Giaad Bap-

teagbter, Mra tagbam la AU^a tbb

Mo Traoe of Dlseoao




Pictun Trames



We Will SelMic Or­
gans at Most any

0HV Book Store

Cht B»h»rt C».

Crtperse Off, tttkh.




SqrtHkr 16 .






MV. MFraMcii n. ims.

jCnil THt^ Htedd

THOS.T. BAT«*.__

K. H Hai« la IK*.
w at Travsto* OV
a. No. M. aaltora nsk. Kaifhu at
«bo atusde4 tta paad lodn
I «sU totat ta JaoksoB. havs nd ran Back pteasad wHh Uialr,
sd eatbtttlasUc orar the prospect
f^toa boMlax at tta gnsd lodca to
^ettpaaaljraar. TiSTstaa Oip tat
taea tookad opoB vtUi tavor lor a
iad lodge totatiag «f tta K. of F.,
M thU pear ItaM vat a suoac aenOtt la favor of oetalBg tare aad tta
a at Kapor rrtedriek aad >he
a Cttp BoatocM pceatst, «ta
■t at atoe potoi to tta state vhart
■Cas are aSordad fer

Ikta. It votfld ta varp eaap to ekaoat
for tta aaop adjacaai to Tiavatp tad avaa vttole tta dtp
Mita It vooM afford u esperlaaet
fr tta PptUata tkst voold not oalp
bat patttoalarip aaiopaw
ina ptoapaet «f tta c>aiid todfa
Itatoc bara aezt paar vUl sOBOtota
|t total h'tktoas to ruter aetMtp
M aaaai* a Ws ilaa BtoEt pear,
to addidts to aaoartor tlia loe
|W Stotal todta tosMia* tta Tn»Zw cttp ■atokera laeotod tfat loog
iitoaM priaa of m for tta ooapaap
todk toavded tta toagaat diatoaot.
»»etaalt af Qraid Ttovaraa Cauntp.
-i|Vndsrtta aav troaat lav a dapatp
taartff la ta«Blrad W aarre aa trout
toesr vitb Jarladletitoi ovar aH tta
tortot tdtooU to tta ooeatp. Vtiak
m Vtatoa, vta U a dapatp tbatlff,
lia base appototad to aarra at tmat
an aadar tta ffisdsd schoda vbick
ara to Traverae Otp, Fits Lake aad
Itodar tta aav tebod lav tbat veai
toe alad «apt«^,tfca«ait af Oeaatp
tetolaskaier «t 0du»U Oaona L.
» trill be iioaUp maltlplled. to a
L, Mr. Crisp.
lyoag oltar addnioasl duties toiItaed bp tta isv. U readrod to vldt
a dtp scbods u vaU as tbe district
■eoUandtoadvIse vltb tbs board of
beatkietaiaidtav tba padad tttade
Ua d^. Tba tow also ptoridaa for
IdUtoaa) aatorp vbicfc is to ta ffsad
board at aaperrtoort. This raatit ta Ukaa op at tta tall laeel'
t vbkdi vtll bacto Oct t.
An Impartant Cms.
Tta Bop a— ««nt baa baaded
a dadatoa ta tta mm of tta
Ird NaUoad.baak of TravetM acp
L tta Ttaratop Clerk at'Cdtoa tovolip attmtoi tta dedskn of tbe CIr.
mrt to toll cooBtp. Tbe
eat af tta able of a pataat roller
id'apea order af toe eenaitodoa
Ithvape aad anpdrtaor at Uataa
Tba order for tta papBOat ot tta
Mcbtoe vaa given toC. W. Carter *
a. of tt. Johat. sdlar af tta ma
bp tbOB add to itaa rtaot Nattooal
k Of tbit dtp. Vbea. tta i
^re prtsaaied to tbe tooiubtp dark
to pBPBMat tost tOQfl dedtoed to
ifmj toaas. akiattor*bd so ptwition
iMde to tbe ux<4nd8et fo:
■brebaae yf tba aiataiae to qnetUae.
Ik tta aedatliae. U^aaditoe vat
to toe titoi of tot et
r Hag^bad tpeat a
Ip Wghvap overiten of tta tovubip
r tooir approval aad aft«
Laatoollaedtoeparetaat logetoer
r of kigbvapt.
' ^dge Hapoe hdd tbat vblle 8Bpe^
Paar Hager bweitlp mil to bit ttae
P asblbiUBg tta aachtoe aad reedved
ffBtotieHtaUoii toerdor. tta aetloe vak
pieeUiaabtt end toere vu ao prodIfm ta tot ttstalet autborUtog
. (rvathlp oaeer to ta<«Vt aoapet
«ea troa a daaltr ta tot lalt of u
fcto to toe tovBsUp which he aerred
jh aa oMoar. Tta eoart farther held
ftat tta aetioa of tba aaloriip at toe
ton^ board vat neaetasrp for toe

Ttau Mmmis Traataail
brtsc tta aUatMT tor tb« task, iodsc
Hvse. ta kli MUtatat to tta Jsrr.
ikHtad tta twt tut ttata vu BO Pitairb. KMaap. Uver aad I
btWoom to ibo<r Itat <m>ta?ltaf
fUcsr-* B9U*to ««•
toeUr bostat Bsd itotirk*. « *
ORAT SUITS have tta call.
siBBir B esM of tt>« itaBiitr or tb«
SBtkw. Tbto «(«ltloa It
Hastiitaa Clolbtog Oo.
wbid V<n tare s {UTcsehlnc «----■
as tke tSBs mtfM <4 dlsfiartas
Traverse City Markets
foods to unnitblps ssd eorporw
TMaropertlsi ------------------ -- - '
Mca s eoBooa pimctlet all over aaperoaoti week. TlwHarald laix
tta state.


DPOB the iveatleto of tolt BMato
tta Mlcblgu sank Odaaanp ocdpldad a mUBoou na of MS dapt In
... janntadure of con etareb. This
brtaka tbe leeord for tbe slarcb tactorp aad deoMotlratas that eors etareb
la ta Bade to Uili dtp at a prodL
A pear or non ago tbe matter
fidgbt rataa v*i a great baadleap
toll coapabp but bp aoergeUe eff.
tta ralat vu eqoallted to that a Cbleago rate vu aecared fraa tbU dtp
for toe product af lUt coapaap. Tbe
companp It aov aapioptog about
alghtp B« ud two abUu. atgbt aad
dap. uil bu paU out a large aaount
t Buaap darlag toe patt paar ta
Tta prodaeta of toe aonpaup are
tatag aaat to Ul parte of tta Uallad
Stataa. a large mirtlaa batog ahtpped
east, however. Tta eoapaap alao hu
atortagatrade. dve earn batog aMw>ad
ta Oaraunp a abort ttoM aio. Tht eonalao hu a tiaadp eattoaer to tbe
itaa Itlaada aad oalp a few daps
ago a eartoad ad starch vu shipped to
na odtpot of .tbs coapaap at Ibl*
tta appraslaatoa eight cart a vek.
Tba coapaap bu aade aaap tanprovaaeau dortag tta past paar ud
_ Ip damased Ha capadip. Tta
proBlMfOrtbefWnre It verp brfght.

Mrs. Oea
Summit atp.

(SAT& Bata ear ta
A OtMranlaaa Cura r<



The O. R. A I. vtll gtre Its utipti
leurutons oo Tueedap. Oct 3. in Dettolt U.tW. 1Toledo «.0C. Chlcaco IC.OO.
Grud Rapids tt
The S{Md
forston will lie to RIehmonCHnd.,
Tu.-rdS)-. Oel. l<i Farr |4<l"



V ^ I
Re IX Re


m n> Ou-d Mvdel noor.aprtar


tiiHi C|i) Fin litmici Cupq,.


’ Fanners’ insurance

be oi-oskd ai.i-



.- I

RemamlMr tha PlACbf

Elgin C. Lewis.



You'll fmd here oae of the best displsys of New Fall Goods
CY-^r shown in Traverse City.

TNie ncvivL up-to-date Waists—t;rMt ran.
cty-at 50c, |1.1.25, 1.50. 2.00, 2.50. etc.

'We’TetaaacdaiepatolionforWaiato. Youll
fiod tbe oboioeat atjks here.


More New Clothing,
More New Cloaks,
More New Skirts,
New Waists, New Furs,
New Gloves, New Hosiery,
. New Underwear, New Hats,
New Caps, \New Neckwear

W*-ll aavr you money on Cloalu. YooH
find hen* onftof tho Iioat dit{Asp of La­
dies'. MiefcV and CljiliJren’a Cloaks, in
the State.

R.iin OkiI likt- hi-n- sliovn.
vorflTIWf). at

and Hundreds of Other Items.


TIMS TO THINK Of underwear,
sbovtog some gcantee good things thU
Baatrion Clototog Co.

A few of the new Fall Styles are here shown.
They're even
prettier than they appear. They'll please you, and espec­
ially the low prices.

~ Kara ta Roltof Mr Wonkon

O. S. A t. unual exdoraoa to De­
troit. Tdsdo. Chlesgo ud Grand Rap.
Ida, Toeadar. Oct. 2. oT Rtohaond.
Oct. l«, See O. R. *1. agent for parUcoisis.
aapi IS to Ooi;;



OUtafo. MSe to Orsad Sapids
C. A L aaaaal asaarston. October src.
tS4» to RHkaoDd. Oct lOto. Ask up
Q. B. A L Bgeat ab^ it
' IS to acts

- grap Blied soU. See ov ad.

22AB.mntSt. 20lSb.ON«


bare^ donbla
b4 torn.
HsBilltim ClotMBg Co.

sept n-tf


j A I. asi-nti forSnII part'lesUi
I dress < . I.. Lockwood. <1. I>. /

EICPASIOMS!^'^*-^*^''- ____

: Novibv.-THIS mToiea: wiuu

Will Be Claaad.
The Olota aiore vlU ta dosed all

d a Bola of varatag to ap brother
ert. Thes poret from the vine*
he ouite sure to produce lol In the
tabcfs at tta aveattoi: pertod. We tad
betl nae clean, drv Mrsv. and plmitp
Of it U ve vlsb to keep ttam safe and
O. A. Canienler.


sw Rate Euurelon to Ohio. Wadnss«:f00,(X10 raali cupiul. writes
dap. October 4th.
Pere Marunette tichei agpot* viTl
HI round irip eseurslon tickets on Tetgiay. Octokar
.tore date to different points In ObP)
St rate of li.PO to Toledo ud retnm.
>1 vllb ooe fare for the round trip -froin TsAiART, OctGbAF 10 iv«p pobepi-wd bp to-'-g
bp th. nulr ot HOBV
I TWedo to Ohio ik>1bU. TIckeU to ToR
dmMMd Vt
■etast read for A fsri. a*
I ledo are good to mum vlibln fffleen
rmtt«r fuU mrerauUM er
{ucvIMpertaovtidUv aot*
‘ -laps; ta Ohio pstou. good lor thirty
) dspa. Ask ngenu lor full particulars
• and through tickets.
TRAVmag .TTY, Mica.

H. F. Moeller. O. P. A.


Ta Patato Grewaru.
Wtliaauborg. SfpL 22. IMS.
--------•—■----- *tbaprevalSBae of tta polalQ^Miibt Iud ibe
tejreowrtog to


ANHUAL 6. R. t I.
EXCUR S lows



K. P. Otoeera. ^
Jaeksea. Hkh. Sept, tl.—Tbe grud
lodge. 'KalghU «f Ppttaias. nalfom
ruk. aad katobeae SUiers vUl asai
at Trsvaru Cttp to i»oe.
Ofaatf Lidia eiiaara
Jaeksea. Mleh, SapL. tlp-Tta tol.
lovtog ara tta aev oBears of Ur
graad lodge, Knlgbu of Ppthiu:
Omad abcaedlor. C. A. Palaer. Hultler; graad vtee cbaaedlor. P. U ,Abtael. Kelamaaw: graad ptetou, Baaual
O. Carialoa, Saolt 8te. Merle; grud
keeper af raoordb aad cesU. Mllee 8.
Ontla. BaUle Creek: grud aasier of
anbegnar, Chartot D. Naahr. Orud
Htatoa: sm(d aastar at ami, Ira O.
CafTT.'Ovoeao: giaad toaar guard.
Prod C. Wetaore. Cadniae: grud
■ guard, Ftau Kabo, ML OeareprusataUvai to toe anpreae



■ Kssri. Uao Allartv

SLM to Detratt and Totedo. SS.W to
nicago. S4.M to Grand RuMs oa O.
G. A I. annual exeurdaa. October » '
" >0 to RhAaoad. OcL lOto. Ask a
B. A L agent about II
$iMtta iotot reqaeet of the overseers
« btowajB vae tateOdeat.
;<TbaBtavetMaoart to paa , .
Aa aaaa ataiad that tta jodgaap of
Ibe tovar aoart vw
' Tba CM vu euitod op to toe'
pome eoart bp Para C OUbert

........ - thank the kind frtaads
aad aelghbora. alse tta^ O. O. P. for Ids. t
Get . I
Ir ktoaaau distog tl
death of otr dear bubud ud | ticolara.

High grade Ciavencllcs
at Sir.So. S«S •■><* »‘A
BuBtoul stptoi.

Inand Mv Use of
^•aMa-^k*teM styles
« stavn-at >‘-5“.

Sax-1! Cnveiifttea nl SIM,
$10 .m-t 112.50.


and not open a^ain until Monday morning. October 2nd.
owing to Hebrew Holiday.

St 4* la S. Si ..n.l Se

Clothiiiu for Men. iJoys ;md LiHIp Fellowa,
tb«- bjst s^l« at temiUinjIy iov pfiem.



mere than n local fi;potatton.
Leelanso Fair.
Pfoiemoat won reaterdayh ha.d lee. seresuy mllet In a day witid w
Solions Bay. Mich, Sepu rr.—The
second day of the Leelanau ooonty fair gsme from SoUana Bay after an csdi
Ing contest.
opened up wlib great proDlsc.
A very suecesiafal ballooo aseeaalon
» and warns weather brooght
crowd to the grounds and by was given at !;» (bis afiertiooB. The maDa par day eadt way and ! at
afieiMB It waa cMlnated that fully aeronaot wwat op sbo« l.ooe feet and enl B. r. D. vuhMas (1 tUni
lAMjxnpl* were on tbe grounds. The made a very pretty parachute drop. leave and arrive at tbe Batimal
oDce each day aad nearly'even
epeelsl iraln from Traverse Cliy mnUltg In a tree lop without tojury.
A eontorUoalst It giving tome goo-1 U snppUed with a telephone.
bmghi at least i:$ vlilus* while ibMy article U already loo I
trala from Northport and Omens ns oa tbe grounds and in tbe pavilloa
snees were held, .(he music being for- speak of the many other rhaog
broogbl fnlly as many
nlsbed by a Traserae City orchestra.
S »cr Ce«> antwc4 « Hbc IKywiti. from lorrooiidlng ril
lory were also present.
' Plencer Days.
The ezhillu aiw all la fine shape
Recently a ptunerr meetthg waa many regrets that we r.oned^adr
and with the Increased fariliilet for
lit. Ti ■»«>■« OD.WUfc.
........called ot Deszenia to which Mrs. weeks' vlfli among
display make an appearanc
Steward and myself rerolveo a special ans and ibedr ehiUr
never been equaled. The a
bas been very successful In arranelnc lovilatlon and one r.-e ruuld not disre­ their ktadnesi and hos^^Ht^tl
the fslr aad great credit Is due all the gard. Mr. Bdlto' ami your readers BO oaals on life's }ouniey
e and rensoo
hope win eicuro me while I reenli ckertsbod .while life
the preaidwt. N. R
H & Steward.
he rccretafy. S. a xne remlnlsccnfr-*. Forty-four year
Cate, both of whom are very busy to
IJke riBdlno ates-^.
day seeing ihat everything is kept in
rinding health Is like flodlng a
Tbe exhibIK wens moally nil lies. As wr took elmul us lod
■ thlrk those wboare sick. (
find but few Ililcg am] l.tit uu
in last night and are all ready today.
you have a cough, cold, aorv throat, or
The dlsfriay of stock this r«ar is the Tldual bead of those ramitles n
rtti-i irriialloD. becjer act prompUr,
floest ever seen In Leelanau county. siding in Bcazonia. JohD*R. ilarr. Mrs. |like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level. Va..
says; "I bad a terrible chest
Improved methods, careful feeding aad Neal Uvos Ib CalllornU. Mrs. Tborap- I
nuble. caused by smoke and ci>al
lives In Oberlln. Morris Case n<
■Mm idUl
TnTene frail has
-D my lungs: but. after (lading no
Ot>erilD and Wm '’'(-1100 In Home- J le.' in other remedies. 1 s
•bo«s M%DpeHer1tr. Urged br Prof. done much to advance the grade
stead. Of the cblWreu of those fanii- 1 Hr. King's New Dlvcovery toi
Taft. lb«. M. £. Ooldw of 014 Ulntoti

■ -olds.- I
energy wisely expended Is folly lies only three of ihfAons of Mr. Casr ‘sumpt 1. Oougfas aad C
Ml Mwe «aBeU% to Uw atate fair at
;bcwn by the fair. Tbe showing of rmnala lo ibai sei'lomenu
• fr«t vak estered aa
When we esn-e were th-ee o
■ Orasd TrarerM eoontr horses it fully equal to that.of stock
and taken <» the. whole this feature la four milei of passable roads la the I ni- drag stc
Red «nt prize ori
antecd. Trial bottle lOc.
sctllemcnt but absolutely n
hollea lo tbe etau. In ad- mere than satisfactory.
la agrieuliara! ball ibe iilg yellow surrounding M-Illemenis. the neares'
4^11^ H^lama were awarded oa
of which were Olen Art-or lweoiy>two
brof 4lfferaat pUtaa; atooBg pumpkin amuet aa the big Leelanau
Alag tbe mtowtag nrieOm: potato winks one of Us eyes. The dis­
n„o>- .vears, stopped at a;?7. ti
tUawMrrr^ Oldeoa aad play of regetables shows that (be east, g Norwegian srillement sooth cn:
soil u! Leelanaa is suluble for sll tto Maalttee'Vlver tweniy-Bve miloa j osaci ilme of Mr. IKicbel's death,
kinds of mm products snd tbe resi- nod rrankfort west eight miles, 1
rhe.sMllera having eomc In by way ol
Kin Kar F
ef Ifeia
Cot off Cheape
‘^i^oalc In (be dir eehoola. retaraed crop" people. Tbe gtouad ylelda eneli rankfort and. np the Retale river on
' well think, he h
ber boae la Cbetorgaa todar- Sbe
Tarietf. (hat a^ld one crop fall als.
cheap, who, after having, 1
or the scalers Vbo cane la^r. ISCt- consiiputlon or it
;ioo.lisMIil Birfr
aoeoapaaled br Artbur L. Poirier
:re arc acrermJ o'bere to lake it«
TaaeoBTer, a C. Kr. Koiriaf asd place. Agrlc^hura} ball received a I ISC9. when we.removed to Traverse 10 i>crfecily resto
will do this but
.. KU(PeariwllIbeBUtrriedOet.>.at(er large nmober of iltltora and notblns City, many are still llvlsg whom ta-v vnis.
quick, pleasant 1
risiled; Mrs. Ftsber. aged 'PO; Mr.
'•^leb iber will leioni'to VaacooTer.
hesdarhe. enpsilr
wordc of pralae were beard.
FUbor. 6S: Mrs. Petitt. *«: Mr. Betts;' jj..
Jlbere Iber wlU make their fatara
I flora] ball ooe (blog l« forcibly
Uri. Betts, kl: Mr. Hopkins.' Si. I Me;
, SMoa. Kr. Powler la a .
Mrs. Ixirearo Bailey, SJ. and Mr. parr.j ‘(“res;
•>apoiiai bnalaett taan of ibe weei aad
have lo take a back seat for any
*3. all (exeepildg Mr. Barr, who Isj
tber wUI be fdlowad br tbe well
uy or sectlaA In ibt;slate when It
tnabea of a hei{ of frleadi lo tbU dtr comes to fruit. The LeeUnau frail d^ly dyiog of csncerl posscsiiog aj «
' where tbo brlde-lo^ baa eo long aad leads in qnallty.alrc and variety. Tht- goM degreegtf physical and almost untgToraba beeo ksowa.
eolortng. which has so Urge aa aSec; Imttalred mcutal Ability surrounded b.r
Ihelr chlldreiTto the fr.arib generation
lecosafal marketing. Is to pertcc:
Oa Satordar the
tlst board of fall InBenxonla is Situated on a high iilatcaii
ttag of the lodge of
from which (arms and farm bulldlogr
csiB be seen In «H directions from Ihre'.to nix miles distant, ufferding msny cf
But ibe husbands at-Leelanau «o-an tbe flocii views Imaginable.
Ibe JaH bnlldlag aa required by
Mw.l Their InMottoa waa tboroogb ty with their plongha and reapers arc
I, P. JndsoB rmirieously look us 1.-.
Mbd tber fooBd ercmblag afaoot the not the only ones-io rteelve praise at faU carria» (her several of the ruad. Your success lo liti^ness de­
hbldlag In Brat cUsi eoadltlon and lla the •airy Tbe dainty band of woman U wblch I kolpid sur.-ey and open Iv.
pends large!' U!>on having the
irimri—* baroad crlttelaB. The
pioneer dara and oliscrvlng the trsns
rikh: .iiank back of you.
iMpeotloti waa rerr -gratltrlag to aU
fonnatlon from a wildereesR lo'farii,.
This bank Is always ready to
*e tMpeetora and Sheriff Johnaoa waa and the ihoaiaod and ooe iMngi (bat asd orchards literally blossoming 3*
accommodate lla dcintitora.
takes for the home arc on dls-. the rose.
Andra^od opoe tbe e*edle« erawithin the limits <•( safe and
tui-ot'aa pmeim if ae peopertr ptarvd all day k^g Intereated group*
ta'lkdlAn facUitlrs a great chscg
cons'-n-allre banking
Hneured and .llscussed that which has tal^ place. At the lime ol v-hic.
« the eoontr.
We paj- lifferest at ihr rate uf*
ibelr alsters bad accomplish^. Tbe I flrst speak the mails were transpor
ihree per cent on time <!r|->«iis
-tWbrtt OB the federal bnllding la pro- work bespoke sueb general excelleee cd onru a week each way on her*
and savings acco-uotr.
' ^wealag raBld^.'M aU •>» Interior that the lodges will bq more than a lit- .back. On the tr»t ot July. IS«e. your'
wood work ti fa »laoe witb Ue eaeep- lie perplexL-d when ll cornea time to fcumbtw serii-ust commenced to cam
Oh of the twoJTwfbot quarter sawed Cgnre out which Is tbe best.
(he mall which had increased to twlc.- Tto motropoUa of Ibe region' Is well per week cwrh way and with the m^ whieb lines the ;nblle lobby on
dB aldea. Three lavatorra are nearlr rpreaenied. Tbel^iLah * Lay Mer­
oMBpMed. the solid marble aU-feot cantile cempenyan exhibit of
■anal bedng plaeed. Oneospe^oon- dothlng ur~i^Iag mbrhines, ibe
■oidBble feature of tbe balldlng fa; HaisiUod Clothing company ahows u
an.lai8e batb room tai tbe beeement. fine line of cltshhsaf Kubeek A Hoyt
•UKito.altaoomparn favorably with abow eome of the latest things, in
Paimera Supply company
Ike pAate ofltee of tbe pbatmaater.
Ihli room U Sued' ap arltfa abower baa an exbibli of labor saving devlec
batb tadUilai and tbe elx^oot laaildc tor tbe farm while Foote A Codding-1
paarilag ioeka both eod and nnltary. too have a dispUy of furs and robes. *
Tie Suitona Bay morehanu hav.•'Kr. and Kra. Oiariaa ftaman. ae- also taken a Ifbetal liAerest In the fai;Farm ma•tmpanled br Mfa. Hiekoa of KorlbAnd Fall plowing you want a pair of good
port paawd tbroogb tbo ettr Saturday ehtncTT. gaaoUac eagtsea and suppilc<• tbair letwra fvM Bockford and tbo re among tbe-nommos thlnca shown.
Tbe shew of poultry is eertai^flee
Went Ml^gan fair. Kr. Braman wtll
eaier Us fatted caB in tbe Leelanau •here are a numberrtplwSed fowl*
CDuntr fair. velKiIni 900 poanfs B AxhlbiUon Ihat-wSow (tat they anwUrii U only aiz Booths old and mogi^eni ot the chicken arislocrac.v.
tbraogh especial dletiag bas an avev- The display auracicd much atten'lob
ago growlb of foar poondi a day. Mr. end received many words n( praise.
Don't look over our line of
Tbe management has made im;
fcaraan bas fed fbe cUt bui twleo a
a this y'csu-. among oU>6i
Bay with a Ugbt feeding of elorer.bay
Sartag tbe day. aad Die only oqt door thiuga iBcrcaalag the Door space
Bfe that n baa bad baa beea Us trips slderably. This move was most wist
ihc eahiblu this- year arc so
to tbe aealw -la tbe -wtllage .ssbere
BUmcronii that the extra floor space (r
has been wekibeB'eirenr taentb. T
These are nil made of tke
all required nod if the growth la a•toektafcaltJietetofd.
best of leather, high top
grant Beat year end indloeitons seem
with gusset too^e to k^p'
■Mn. um a'wnaw ot Detroit, who lo say It will be, allll aura spsice wiil
waa umlonaD DJ «vw two months nt be requlredout the dirt and waW.'
tfoithport, when ab« h^-d^aumater
Tbe ButtoiR Bay Javenl>e Coran
Seams are all sewed doiblf In Bnergeney/hospital. band furalabed the musk today and v
p.. to keep them. from ripping
Detioli. where aha .'wka igien two usual It wns excellrai. This Is thand they cost very- little
-ifeofct as> tram Ihe V. S. B. at drand yoimgcsi band tn tbe world and ha- i
Kapids. Lnsiw^kDr.-nc Wyman
more than you pay f«,'
becas (be (edloOR task of M grafting,
dhoddy shoes elsewhere.
tbe plastic operation btinMecossS
tated (hrodgk the cztSDaSvwAloughing
We have sold huoilfeds
eB aad later operation wbldh-waa pe^
of pairs w/ihoiit a com­
CBrmed dn-ihe heck ami abotlMen
e^B 10 the diaeaaed eondlUoa eented




UtmOtMi rtkmb it
it tttad




Our Tan Opening
tbursdap. Tridap and SatUrdap,
O/OMr nm, tiMtt nd MM«k

ll . -








ClrcuUdoiLthli week 2,900

1 '

Dm Tall and Winter Beads
It Hi mm nmpitli m (Mr (iStml.
Wiiliir fMf mhi ll tuff ml, pirn mia h
wm etrilillf mlnmtf.



espitlillt ai wi wami rntimtiimiw lUmtt
Im Cmaiid' Hadf IDMr WiiIh Mrpint, Brm Smli mma Slitt,
Ctrpill mma Cmrlilmt.
lUmtlt Silmraif ttlimm imatH^mlmt.



Cnvsrse Eiiy Slats

(Uben Vou Do Votir
Potato Digging

^ork Shoes
OietlDeatber Shoes

For Thin,

^«nat.(ar the operation today.
f.Two buBdred deer UoeBSM have
Am received at the eeant.v clerk's of
^ tor use (or the deer seesoc. opea
10 to 30 iDdastve. The
^t (hli year for the pririlege of bust,
i^deor It four (Md wbst it wet lest
fetf. bciBg I1.U. ihls law being pr-sod
Ik thedauresi of.(he stele gemewa.'dens; Kob lealAcBti this year, how­
ever, my take ooe deer home though
tlielr Ikeuat remains-tke same. »S5.
•ad the cODBty of Kalkaska, which
vaa not tnchided In (he prebiblilrr
eisss wlik Grand ttsverse. Leelanau
and AnirtmT has been closed (or (be
«me time, flv* years, as (1 has bees
(Uad (bat mapy bnatera go sBunally
to the Manf^ier and binii with os goo-'
Inek SI iB the opper pcelntula.

You CIO trust a nedlciDC
tested 60 yegrs ] Sixty yesrs
of experieuce, ibiok of thst!
Expeitoice viib Ayer's Str•tpariUi; ihe.oricioal Sarsi*
psrUla; tbe stronger Strsaptrilia; iheSanapsriliaibedoctori endorse for thin blood,
vetk oert'es, general debility.

Ccip Culs

digb Cuts




Gives you the promptest and most careful —ryice; d^iveni
the prescription^ when agreed; is the most elegantly fit­
ted up Drug Store in Michigan and where you can come
and rest and meet your friends at any time ;





What About Tour HairT
Gao you ufo any of Uinoc?

Aycr'a Hair Vieor. Haye*'Bair Bdp, Sutberiaad Hir

tera' Scalp Cleaner. Barry's Tricopberona. Lyoe's Kathcrion. Pariwr% Bair Balanni, Hall's Sicilian Hair Beatorer. Eau de Qniithi^ Tonique, Daaderiae.

Tbe Daintiest of Toilet Soaps
kloeail Violet. RoeadorB.CBsbmi-ie Bon<{uct. Colgate's Caatik, Bay Rum. Palm Oliva,
Eeainol. Cuticora and twenty-Bve other kinds to select from.

The Daintiest of Odors
that are made are found in our (Heal stock of pcrfuiDce.

Vnti ean >my them by tbe

ounce, from 50c to 90c. or in thoK dainty cut gUaa bottka put up in handsome r
bose^. Selling from 51 00 to $S.5a They make a most delightful preeenftatany
season of tbe year.

Beaudfol Pearly Teeth
arc a woman's pritk. and they sbonkl be properly taken care of. We aid you n y
keeping them-in the best of condition. Rubifoam. Sosodont, Deatri&ee, aad aD
kinds of tooth bruibes yon will always find bdre in irreeteet variety.


I, TTtUmDAV. kEPTEMBCft 21. im

We v«Dld tike (n bare Ur. C
Tbe e^isoB.r vaa petfonned by Ser.
C. B. Eiilc) a Ae piemee of a lame
lo the va'.rr rf tbr islil ytad. B' bdoBRlBK <o Fnsk Hlkala.
sombor of rsladtot. All iolB la iriab
aiab -tluJe
cveslns la boow af t
Sded. by fcoetoap thvtr. db'
iilai'be olhc-llase.^dav awniiwt. Hr UikiBe stepped o»r ima he i
«e dM a
.ge fbeta a i»s and ha
(Dod eondKMn vRh Betoet»a«e dt-jr>.angr
■ar».aner f
BIIbb br.skfa*>
br.skfaat aad foacdAtseytl
Baiaruar. Hm> i*.[h i>'i- •^r<1Bd base
r tnrnad oat oc Saeday.
a a; Brown,. of Bntartts.
cperttiw to brer Rev. Hr. LamblLtit.
^of (he fire l» oBl.arvB.
vUle. 6. C. sayst "FW years■ say wifa
aad BOB
Robert of I Tie aeorc vat » to S In Wrer of CHd
u«bter !
I tbe M. E ebnreb aad were moch
StaSE nrl cd «hh her ; nBeted latwne!
BooaPDearaiwe. ITmcrte City acre Elk Lake vlattorf j Uiskke. Eberyb<jy protest udoyrd’
Hits AUe
£m^re----------------Sataf. r plleatnl
with a
lail.wtaf-------------------------- (OrpU liver.

aadTlrt E KliB-iafeadaratsttwbek. •
| the sane cnill li eomteented^, ral= fr.tcdsaad
laat Prldar.
ileal ber tuvogth and vIgO'
ig gIcb Arbor oa Satsrdar.j
Urn. U. F C. Bailer tf BeBumU tovBid (keUi-. Acne «JI afvt Ifacen da> aad Soadsy.*
HtsiiT Hai____ aUcBded the talr a( I wi
who baa been In * came a mere * reek W her4i
afthirieods M-e.* te* days at Rk Rapids Sa.nrday.
UK. Pearl Lat
KfacthT F«daT.
c tmst 'fcw wet'ks. Then .be tried decUle BUiers. waien
^and tty ccarltw'OTs oaee
Satnr Trarerae Oty for
U R. Olbbt A k>B of Traverse Clty'w o&taiUtresr ar thU place on tbcidasi weekFattsTdar.

once, aad Isally made
Ulss lAKlie CSarsoo Irft las: Wedaes- dar tte sermiHl .^«se clsli ». -• t» r.!orart home B--------------bare aold tbelr i ivsIU la Sootb itar-imtkwtioii of Ur. N C Heim
iroiy well. She to now strwij
________.j Hear W«tfoflr*odj
aad Hn AibtT AtktsaoD and | day far TpaUaBli to ewer thnJiamal' Bares and iron a csoe. IS t.o 5. and
The box social dree *i Ibe Port
ilthy.” Jobamn Drag Store O*.
- IDlH to being moved this tsoelL
WiS»m of Oabomnafsed ttfoa^ eoUaaafbem
-] feel vomearhal vnccrirBEvd.
Oaelda achooUioo« waa antte areU ar i
Ueada a^&^^Walt A 8oa«i
Jfrt.Oeorse Taylor BBil Mrs. Myron ittto niaee tmSaterday
eo»uie for
Uuer laals
retartod dtwae tost,
The UonaUto Ash CJemeterr asso- tended, aad somwbJa* over K^reado!. !
dmesisu. veiu aad maraaieea th»m.
Stindav scfanal
Taylor visited
at New Wexford •otic, pon Oneida.
Salantay from Detroit, where he bar i ctotlon of Acme. »ioc« taklBg the mat- lar» raised ff-- the
o ha. ber
•- ................jronuneina.
! wv>a irtriitne t^e last w.s*.
hr-IB hand, ar.-rrrUnp a decKie.t to-'
«l»* Ksik- Ila.rb .ho_ha.bcm
last week.
of o-tr ferr:-- Hopptne
Wm. and Jobs Taylor drove,
In Rstsla proper. S4 prupic «Bt of
d been adl." tumid i
nw TbonpMnvme one day laai week ' Bent Herbert left Satarda.' morslBS i l**t wk at Travers CTty.
Joi'B Campbell
CamplK‘11 went
went to
to C,
CUnRa. Ind..' argkcied.
af(R peaches.
,!fcr Hlllon. Now
.. York, to pack apples
Inal wev^ to muaie Utk- aurk as Iro-,
Tbe Silt
Ur. and
Mrs rensIcnBacher of tbe le/all.
Kingsley called oa Ur. and Urs. Bj roti {
. Hcnn- nohm spent a few daya
And beaten. In a labor Tto^ nU]
■ r slsti-r,
Sepl- -5: On their• way.home ft->a: Coatrxl Lak<
Ilnlctt Bmday.
' sriih ■er son this week.
r.'Tcd aVh rare*, a Chicago ttfeel
Alex- GoCarcfTrak. e Cite is vtoH
the wari-ii* »aa cwenora.'i. •
Hr. and Hn. OMar Evana ef Klnga-j
. rred Johneon was taking la the
r coadoAm^ applied Bockleo'a ArUlna ii sttal
ig wl'h hl» danghicr. . rx. Pt-tvr Bur
ley called tm Hr. aad Hra. Evans
at the Oraod Rapfals fair last
w Salve Vttd aras «ocm aomd Aad
,! Mr. Parker, one
ne of th'-- tei
SooUi Mayleld Boaday.
l^te Hon I
. - ________ , family." wrttn
k...,r I... . ..
:rip u> C>-dar
r nnhm s?eB* a few days la TmveracCitr
W.-lph. Ilf Tekiuisha. Mich, "an^
sind wife of Trav.
.Traverse City Jast weel:.
A. Q.
G. tpalrlmnl'-s
It pen.-rt.- Slmi-lj great foe coU
y wv- It the neighbortiood a
have erse City
t.araa. Only tie. at Jobasua It
Several people of RJees Comw ni-,,,^ cntertalntag frlebdi from Wex-idagorso
qr so this aoekSior,- CAi. F.OJIfeJIva^.aad f
teeded the F. h
■ 'iiii-leaf was a Traverae
t Engley Uni
' It A Sun.
«fi. n-sr.-:-''v ha: rvi..-*tpl to her
ildeat of thU ‘ city vlsiror fiiiv.rday.
bomrA-nr.r V;.^ox Ft.. nJtrr a US'-.
3llo wUh hcrl joha Phlrinnks w; s
down from

Grand Traverse Region.
every wMk cerreapMidMM I*
Wived tae iatc to uM. All tOrriwt"*muot Toacb the Herold oMco net
Ittor thon Tt»o>doy neon W noti w—ir,
mtd M cWToopendMU fall to find
th^ M, they may M oMMOd tlvl n

Hr. nad Un. Wm. Wella ire vteB.Uteir daoebter. Hiv Cbarlea Ooo^
BMCRia H fbipoc at
Mrk ^
rr'orBed laH week
B soothem HIchl
ora. SepL -Iftb. to0 Hr. aad Mm.
« Marxh, a danght^.
Ir. and Mrs. WIsdel eanpaan wpawi,
i«ay whb kto-parenu.


ftuifkt Stona. who was fatally injtim4rMiBggtoyi»1ith tftst. diea at
; narenu .n.i
the boapltal at Traverse City Tboralaywontni. ’Ike body wax'broorti
last week.
to Ul^cy tbe ISth. where the toy Is working at carpenw-%eM mder (be
1 Fellows lodge, of **Mr**R'i*k'aed faiailr vtolted Mr.
________ .nnber. the Rev, A. Will Wloo
o tost Si
a aOctoting. Ibe acrr]M
:m. Wine .
s wriUBg
ts were Imiied in (he
t Naafa had the o
Besides a wUr he leaves
roe of bto males c
Mrs: Nellie
£boys aad Uree girls.
agids. Addtooa ai ' MlaS Ida Pmrh vlfUled Mrs. Bert
^ 1 of Oiwnd Ragl
. Ereeat
tverM Cliy. Nash one day last week..
I Webber of
Wllard Nash, while worklBn tor
fteld towBsblp.
Herbert. Gin. Oeorge Wldifg.
. . j:. had the mtofottniie
jya aad Dewey at- btaae. Tbe fo­ hart bis
t ankle
with a pom colter o
il wW one of (he torgeat ever held
stater bad a

-- S, ,

ihiDfle his b


». P. Tsylor was oa the alelrlltt last
weak, bat Is belter bow.
Boy Hnletl has mwed ta with Mr.
WUIIi A«e= and will wor* tor Mr Allea daring polkie digging.
Charley Rortae la worMag for OrMo Lace.
RtTpon SnAattartaad Hiss Bertha
Follodc ef South MayeMd were mar
Mad la Traveme 09 iast week Taes
day by Rev, Wbbdbonae. and the boys
all tnriMd out oa Thuridar algbt aad
'Blared them'e^aral tana* with gaas.
Ud pans ao4 cow belli, and to pay Ihe
boys for (hair ivonble. Hr. Schn
iBvJted them la and gave tbci
Aaaee. We now bave oaly «lx baMt-

I Traverae C1-. SrrAat
v*..-Gllmor^aret Fh*yd Bratb weai ••

Tmverjrf! Cly-

6*y '
, j aJlTPtay wheeled down from TravU^ci^-!*
1^ It: Vr
Ralph UcCtoiky speet Sueday at!one aiy Sunday,
•Istalcr drove l
*1 .Cclttmbus Bolsi
Hr and Hra. Ira Root ,.f Traverae j Uaka Wedawday.
spent Sunday at David Etman-s.’ Arthur Eoisml-r of Borne City
City apt
o w.«eks- visit.
~ •
t* quite sick . home lor
was la I lut week.
to some better.
Miss Lute Johnson- has retnnieliute
iraad Rapids, where she went to i
Uits^Uanha OUetwoa of itipnd Lake
„om Graad
- ............................
.'i to the gucR of Hiss Cora Prav — Altcnd (he
Ra.Mds (air.
lu {1 few
r». days.
Ben Gbrrlng of ibis pt
dare and Mis>
Geo. B. Pray of Traverae City vb 1 Saturday niul F>:cda>
■ ■
■ ‘Low.
lWC-11 wire married 1
Tuesdav evening at the home of!Iie-.l
rilleil relatives
here a few

Ived here
Jrfin Drootabead Is having bis hay
rutnre. The happy couple have (he
best wlgbn of 'heir rrlet:^*.
. Ur. and Mrs. Ralph Jamlion of TraaKina Peteskev of IT.oskey. grand- •rse City spent Sunday at the home o(
Jake Gheriag.
A ikiecptton will bp Mren Wedresday cveeing at the home of Ur. Geo. [
Jamieson for* the premie r to get ac-;
qaalnled wlih our minlst^ and hi«i
rimlly. Refreshments of I
J. W. Slnlih *A.^^-rr-on the .sick
id rake will be served. Everyoae 1
Invited to eo~e-

.twn -on buHaeic

Mrs G. O, Ivjbenj ha> pme to Big

— PPB----


Maryball Farranl made-a buslnt^ts
trip to Grand RapWs last week, going
on Thursday and returning aStorday.
D. H Bav of Glen Haven made a
bosiness call a* (his place SatorCa.f.
Miss Lottie Hah-ersoo of Forest Hill
to terr in at the Traverae City hcK>ELK LAKE.
pital. Her mMber and sister sre witr
Mr and Urs. H. A. Ebman an.l chi'
her. Her friends all hope for a spredy
dren of Benpmla atteo.led
; ‘
. WilUam Plant has rctiimoil from Al­ •Miinroe wedding.
Mika Daoni Sours.and Mr. NVit Miiin
ger. where he made bis sister a vltir
of ibr.,
e wery tnarried
of three weeks.
and M-r. r»wpll
-Sidney Ulddte<ee and Mias P
evdslog. Seiit. C-1.
were married Iasi Wednesday by




Hnta>.tti- •



\3hifea ca Gidsjta


tr-e l'lh«, of Mri
;!• ward Ixmeks attended, the fair i
haTraverse City, is !

©inlogcn Wimcn itbfrjfit
pjjnc Serbia?
flfSPSrti wribfH.


went there a
look after bU recch,
The Nenhcra Trttirportallrm (
x-k Is pnipr- sshig finely, and'ln a
.Inf-a they will star: building lU- w
bobsc. Anh-ir WilroB of Trav.'rvL
City 1» ovcrsc-ing tin-work.

(People’s Savices Bask)

StanlDg with a^anre acqualuianre
V.-9ntn1aec has

■tuaOntrnrM. m 5> e

narriagi- to ePrey Welsh
irEvellng reiitei-etiiailve

:for Culli.-f-| Weekly.





<2- -1

$ay, mr. man.
Do Vpu Htalizt It’s Stooe Cimt?
looking ilon’t n.-gjitct lo look



; jirotiii.! iiiicl tjc-l
yo(.rwitil.-r sluv.-lt^-..-.,-.L-m.l

tin- birp-st ;is»ortiiii-iit of HiUtlllLHi-atim: r>i.>>.-«.
............. S.tV.kMnV,t V.k r'luvi-s. niu!
oliilr-KWf li,.


. 63 pifterent Styles Peatina Sloces
JusI wh»t you
n mi«] In-tU-r make voiir si-li-ctioii from lliis niatnnuitli «t.--k and
• • a islsewbcre tliat you tbink- miy answer 'he rurp“^'
lljlm to Uuy aonietliin;;
:al tender wl'b us.
>2)- B little more tnotiev for it. Yoor promise for.fBttir: paymint is leta:


J. w. si_ate:r
(I if;



HAM nuvcmc'HCRAiA 'rauMDAV. •efteiikm n. ims.
While at target ptaake to C»
Q. W. tHyrnsj favors bandtag a riab
Qrvadp of Hiterlocbco died on Toeedap. The fraaral wll be tonwrrow. (he Ml aaat. there were a aambar «C house OB the site of (be Ina and -f toad J. W. Marbaa. score marken of
bon tbe rosldeacc. Undertaker Aatea that were not eaten aad A oae^gh eaa be secured to go to Ihto Co, r. FUlh Ohio regiateni. sran fndcraoB to to dtoite-of the anaapv esiiiber of otben that tbeir pone
eoaid be do'*e verp aleelv. There Is tallp shot. He eUber lalwd his bead
wUbed (ber badat eaten.
alee some talk <ff erectIng a larger eat- toe far not of tbe pU.
Next Saadap will be (be last axexh (age for boarders to be ran oa tbei gtaaced from tbe target. Tbe
ther VIoto. tb« Meoaibe^ld
doa to Charierolx. Patoakep aad Har­ plaa of a mall boteL srtth Mrs. > tkbt bad baen Brad bp Sergt. :
daaiSter of Hr. aad Hra. Fred Hilbert,
la ^arge.”
\ E. Locke.
bor Bprtogi for tbia eeaeon. The Care
died Fridap erenlai of ebolara JaftaUBU Tbe fneral waa bald Udbdap win be oalp CO centa tor tbe loaad
p. Aa exenrsiae will alao be girea
aeon at I o'elo^ from Bt. Fraadt
(be Boo. the (are. laelndtog aiaato
ch, the amaceaeaU beiag in
aad berth, bdeg oalp $C, Tbe Boo exle of H. U Ckrter.
euraloa leareea bore Bndap monlag
S o'clock aad retaningeeaefaes bare
Dorotbp Ctork. (he latoat daoebter Wadaeidxr night nt C o'clock
of Hr. aad Hn. (Rone B. Clark of
tdoa. died tatordv BMraliii after a
brldUlaeu. Tbe fnaeinl watlield'to-i
Onwn. Uleb.. Sept, ts.—Owing to
dap at * o'dock bon the Onea Brier
aaroldablr elrmiMtaacot the lioaor
acbod horee.
tam eonld not enoe to Deck Uke
park (0 plap ball peiierdap bot tbep
ilded tbe OiawB team la time
that a gaae waa eorured wKb tbe
■net death in a ptopbovM Tbondap Copeniab best teem, aad la which tbe
BornlBi wai held froa (be home tbU Orawn potato Diggers maaased
noralag.- Tbe Oowm were basked
throngboot tbe bouse, aearlp ererp
friend of the familr brtoglag (hem bp made fonr. Crawn made six U(« and
the amfoL Six mile girls aai'
six errors and C^pemlsb rahde six bits
amap bops noted u pbH boarers
aad foor erfors. BaOerlcs—Crawn.
(bo bodies of tbe little ones t
taken to ibe ectoeterp In two hearses Bpnngler and Bnpion; Copemtob,
Ber. Keaaedp bad charge of '
Decker and Nolf.
Tice. Kearlp et^tp-dra teat .
Tbto to tbe team ifaat Orawa tboogbt
from the borne to tho ptoee of totarIbep were (alitor aone time ago bat
Bienl atjOakwood.
Instead of It being the t|rst team It
was the aecond ntoe xbxt-rarae.
Urtokan With Faralpalt.
At aboat II o'eloek .pegjterdap fore­ Qrawn ptops at (ktpemlib next Ban­
noon Detbel Bristol of toe Bast BIgbib dar.
street euCered a ttroko of '^aral
which affected bto entire Rfi i
H. B. DortoaA Baaagar
tbe LeeTbe jdiptielaB was of tbe opinion at
that Ibe stroke was onip tempo Unan hotel, pasaed ttaroogb tbe dtp
rsrp bat later adrlsed Aat Hr. rrls- on Hondap ob' bto war to ClnclcnaAH women work: some in thdr Boston. teUs srameabosr todivpid niA
been closed for
toTs motbor, sitter and brotber. wbo IL the hotel bavlag
Bomes. some in ehnreb, sad some In sufferiaw: she writes-.
We. In Lowell aad Ada, be eumia
Hr. Dorland to g^y
rw.,w™ Pi-vh.„_
pleased with tbe bnxlacas of the re-. aiiu nd shops tens
Tbep arrived In tbe clip lodnp.
nJ mM^r^DT wescel psanwHh
sort this pear and has arranged for loo the-------

Mia Hetkw wn Lnv*.
him Uatj Vooktr. ^tur alMOA
tvemtr-Um ymn et MtlifBl MrriM
,T<tk tl^e naasMi A Lat HrrcuUlc
eoBp*ar, bu TMl0l«d b«r poMUoa.
WbU* her mtora pluu are ratber InMMRa abt «rtU aoMi Icare ter' • trip
«0 VahUirctt. «bere tlie will Uk« «o
MdaedMi ren.


(Mtorr-werkcr. So blpUr do tbep re­
gard tmttur Uae abe wlibe* ab«
MB bare bar oU poilUoa back, flbe
IMTM with tbe beet wlfhee of tbe ftna
aad li the poaeeaaor of a letter of ret^
n that aapoae ebonld be
bappr Mdeed to p

Their Hard Strucgle-Made Easier-l(iterestinK8ute«
t Yeung Lady 4n Boeton
and 9(iein NaBhville, Tenn.

Mrm SivwneM Dead.
Hri. JaUa A. BtowBall. widow of ibc
late Jobs Browaell. a phneer of We*
ferd. died UoBdar alsfet at 10:S0 at ber
bone. (IP Oak atreet, of paraljeU
B0 SO Tear*. Sbe waa triekcn Sattir
tkf Bwralac and remalaod s
aekMU nuU ber death laat alibi. bSo
war OBO of the earlr pioaewn o( W«
ford eoioiia aad dangbtar of lane
Oda, eae of tbe drat plOBeera of tbe
coaalr. All tbe aorrIrlBi relaiJm
' A» leam fa one brotber, who Urn In
CatUtonda. and two oepbewa aad
Blaoa wbo lire la Wexford aad who
vara with her when the died. Her
fuetai wlU be bald In tbe C&niell
Cbarrii. Ooe kIIo wM of Wexford, toMormw- at t p. ei. Ear. Haib Keaaedp.of CUC ellr will oOelate. Tbe
' Ixpyal BRaaiaBewta wMI be andei
tbe iUnetkai rt W. 8. AodaraoB.
Eetanwd With Their ton.
Itr.'apd Hra. laaae Dane of Nonbport, wbo want to Detroit (wo Boetba
af» bod Uter to Cfaleafo with tbeir
mUa aoo, Orlo, to a rain hope bt^beaeItiai bU eoadliicn. ratoraad to UHt
dia TiiMdaa fma Cbtafo, learlD| tpr bone at 4 o'eloeK with tb
tie aaa.'Wbo W been biouibt back to
4wsd hit few dapa d boma. UlUe
Orio waa taken lU
tooatba aio with a awclUai on (be
' tlifct aide of bU oaek aad for iba paat
all XMMht loeai irealseat at North-,
port “waa ftrea tmtil tbe diainoala of
Dr, J. 'a Oilawtild. who aaw tbe paOeat two Boatba ap). He adrteei
totaeOBto BeaaorM in a boaplui aad
tba'paraU took blm two dapa Uter to
DettoK, where anneou decided an
operation tonld not be perfonaed. He
waa (ben taken to CblMm nad the
X-iap ireaUnent'Maortad to boi thle
bae failed aad tbe aorrowlag parenu
ban ftraa ip. Tbep'were met bp 0.
M. Daan. a brother, who eaaio here
todfp from
^ .

B. Bristol fhiTe.led for the CapponBeriarti Leaiber eompanp of lioltoad
nod has maap friends In-Uio clip wbo
Tcrp aorrp to learn of bis mtofor-

» been Ihelr duties, la maap eases, quickl.i- a* mpsurprke, ererp ariv-ai pgatoftjy;
• tum-I^Wfts them Into the horrors of sll Iff
„ .__ kinds of female compUlnU. oTwHsn
» w
eWr«llnn fsllle.* enri ai.. .
rwilaritv oraoimTessloa Dear

«0 •hl.wnant*.
Tbe UllBoto look a big freight from
tbia port peslerdap. ‘I>c sblpmeni
laclnded lOU sacks of potatos and
»00 barreto of applbi for Chicago bcsldeea 100 btMbels of peaches and
ot of plnas for tbe Boo. The cargo
loaded hm waa
ng a act of wfaoeli tan feet high, con­
signed to Onawap and .which took all
biudi and tbe cook to unloito: three of
Ibe Traferse Traellon eompanp
eonelgned to Chebopgan which also
nmisbed amusement for (be deckixnda. aad a lot of package frelgbL
. Abtort flftp people took Ibe exear•ion to'CbarloTotx, Petotkop aad Har­
bor Bpriags peiierdap from hen, Tbe
trip over and back was rather rough

I «ao of tbe moat bcaaiiful summer j
isttag ptocfs to Hlcblgan. and tbejj^Uda




tbe rtsaort an added approbation which , t~oblei than olhcra.
, co..i’aU mp pains and ari» dhat>pear<
' Tbep espoclallprcoolre on Invigorat- , and I n* loafer fear mp mcmlblrptrtoda*
lag, aasialalag mediclDe which wHi
jj Rni,hain't Vegetoble Cam"i ipouD^diathcaafallingearefOTalltbeat
»“j »-i.- .—uiw
-n a—
enable them to boar eaallr the fatigai
of the 4av. to Bleep well at ol^t. mr
At Oqtana.
more ernsh pon.
Ocnei^ and Hra. Bpron H. CuicbHow
aoo* have closed tbeir cottage at Omc-I rnggling to earn n livelihood or per- Inir down pains, diaordered alomach.
na for (bis season and left Wednesdsv | porm
•rtn her houiebold dalles when her miHxUuess.dihlikpoffriendsdaiRoetotF
for Manistee, where tbep' will visit! back and• head are aching, she Ig m -all sTtaptoms of the one oauae-wlU
'Ip drag ahoat or t be quieklj- dispelled,
I. aad
It will a
ifaclr daughter. Hrs. Ramsdcll.'' and I dved
dred she'
she can hardlp
morcmcet causes poo strong
from (hero will return to ibclr borne in
. which to due to
- • You can tell the itorr of poor anfQraad Rapids.
of the fooato or- ferings to a woman, aad receive helpfol advleo free of coat. ..Addreaa Hra.
Mt.!rinkham. Lpna. Haaa. •

iaH* E.

V«*ctaUg CiBBUiil Sacaedi

^ushels of Bouquets
The bradreds of Idlers we have received troM our -gradoatea.
DOW loeaiml with tbe leadlhg bustnras bonas all over the toad, are
Boat coadaslve evidence at the aapertarttp at oar toolbada.
Sbortbsad aad tpprwriUag. bookkeeptog. bankUig aad OMden
oSee (aagbt bp ns, pave the wap not oolp to imtoedlate
e la a paplag allaatioB. bat to high poallloa. ftra wetober
Bbip aad tbe beat that life aSords.
Tbe reason is plain. WefAln tarii Mudent to db everpthlng as

tort as atake poo as expert la posr sbosea Itoe. There's a ptaas-'
^l. ptoBUbte poalUon tfadp for vou when pou gAdoaie.
It will pap pea to enroll Uoodap.

Traverse City Business Goll^^e
23»-:41 fSa« Ftooi Sirert.

Oser Blager S.'wlng Harhlac OBce.


Rate $6.00
Rate $5.00
Rate $5.00
Rate $5.00
Rate $4.00

Tickets good to return until October 18i}^
inclusive. Sec posters or ask Pere Mar­
quette Agents.

M. |B-. IMOKL.I.KR, Oj

' NlMra fOi


^ If you are going to take advantage of this saie, come early and get the Best Bargains. It is, an opportunity to
save some money on goods you need this fail and on purchases which you might otherwise delay until next sea­
son. We are overstocked and must unload. We are making PRICE THE INDUCEMENT.

aiance Over tbe FoHowing Specials:




»o,....................................... .*60.00
WebOTo a f<^................ ............................ ...........-••• 3S.OO


fa- - ..
Thf».-SlodrtU«-llalmh.Tii dn,.


tor HO
Wagons that *•• have always sold at #47 to #H.». n

Land B<4k« that weiv $£4 and $26 arc no* goingat....................$20.00 .


Plows Q^t «crc #12 to $17. now.

..........................•. $ 10 and $ 12

The above are only a few of our list of EM

fine Rnbber Tire Top Buggr. was IU-t. now........... ..............................$


One ot oor best Top Bo^cs that wat: $K). no*.....................................


One Top Boggy that *ss #7a no*....................................................... ..*.............................,......................... .


One Canop>- T<^ Spriifg Wacwi tliat was $7-i. no*.............................


A good Top Bng;^ that was #50 ipast go at.................... .....................



A Lot of Second Hand Goods tha^
are Going “Dirt Cheap.”

■rp BarsalSs. Come in and look them over. This sale will last Only Chlrty Days Conger.


ia'7.i3B MTA-ric M-rs*KK-r

—----------- ^




OMtti *f L K. »ali*iirr.
B. B. aiairtVT./PM «( tk*
tom tnrellBg mimmm !• MrtMn
Weblgto dM at hi* koB*. Utl
Wam'ttntt. TkwtoM ajfhi •!«»
■ dM to a
I ttot Mr.
k 0 fonU*' <
autoborr «M Ukes 01 tto
M Odefga OdrrlB. tke roaa« inrMlss
aMMMk vbo dM ••»«»»
Mr. BatUboiT **»
M. I. ««hw« ymr. MO to
IkU^tnnMIlwaiilM uidtoiilOM
tmOiam/aOj siode hisAoB* bM- ^
tvaotr f«v* b« to! to« 0 trardUm
MlwMi ato at tto Uae it bla daaik
«n M tto road for ito SlmMU
BardMre cMaoaBr of l>-t8 aM!;!
tordwar* eompaar «< Bt. Lodla, Mo.
Ha «U H jrean dmfU UidtIaH
M kh 4aatb aad Mtm two aoBt. WiUlaa M. alart at tfea Hotai WUtlM ta
tth dit)'. aM Bnaat or BroekftaW. Mo.
Mr. Baltabafr waa a Mator of (ha
Baicbta o< tto Grip. wUob H a
■MreUl uaTdldfd- enatiMtliw akd
bM tba BaBalM. Ddrtac ito raan
. : that bd tod traTcM to made a tarta
•aMar et Maadi who win tteedfalr
■ean tor bto aU orar hla tanttorr-



pamtn.________ ____

mk Gnat, Tfikr, fh«toinB, wd
Tartnrins, lM«iirii« HBOMn
t«B hi&flcjr lo A|;b.

fal aealiiig. aaU jworlaria; tto U
Wtoiraad«natiB( of tba aealp.
taaeaUadtoad; tto tMal dMgue.


aaaklw of a-------------------- "
w2!"ThS *SS«a*6oafc
______at. aad Pills ere saeh staada

IMtb df Odd. tttrra.
Odcraa atom dlad at < o'cOodi ;»dl
tboMUr»on>lM Moaday aftaraooii
*t ItM Mr. Storra waa rtroat by a
tto atudsidtoui
then-----------------------tortbboaad O. B. * I. paaaaicar trala tare made tbcia
aad bunosr icwcdiw of tto
•I CMilridy wUle oa bia way bone ta cam
dfOisad world.

raeorav aad to ra broiigbt to tba
Qtaad:9toTdrae beapltal Toaaday. Be
.Manad to to raatlai aa»y oatll yaey tarday
fdoMOlaa t»B aoi at t oUoM tUi
nomlaf to aaMly aliMM oat of thU
Oborca Btorra wai a yary pronladBt
^aaB Tiarana aeiiaty (areMr.
twaatralx yaara to baa tired t
•VB a nna and a bair aoaUt at Baaetot City, eoBlac than fron lalaad.
Alwaya a food cltMa bla trtaadf ware
ananriaa that to waa toowm orar
ON toHra ratloe. Ha waa a nanher
M tto Htenlay Odd Ntowa Mfe
•M. atood bleb amoM aU ttot toaw
at ware atoodatad arUb bln la aay

M Otaad Rairidi. Hn. Loaa Webdr. t
amt Htoaab aad Mto Qladyt. who U
atbeato. 8>s wet are alto ten. Addl8W «d pdtidtt.-wbo tad aot beta loadtod. BtMtt oC Twrerdd City. Oleu.
Mdrbwt. ebtttot W. aad Oadrey all a(

Sato adJaacM.’04. days-: ’’famao
__Matweattewe. laaBcscdiora


neiaoB, and otlnn that I hto barbers'
bM Nwcofttowdidtocasrsood.
Mar w a faaby% aad 1 teU then

Mira Blaaeht Hatktll wai aatertalaed Hoaday rreBlnc at the boaie.ut
Hca. Haary Wlikop. dolte 4. Wllbelm
klr tolBj
Blaeeto reetlrlae aiaar
pretty aad Btefal artlcM Tto yoees:
ladlaa %ere kept buy the eatlre ereawith
rarhxra fame* prepared
las w
Ito boftess. They ibewed their
by. tto
tlgtle taieats^y drawlnss of tbe "brldo,
groom. Ibelr folnre bone, etc.." which
wan bouDd lo a bixtt aad prweoted
(to "h^de to be.” They alio
•bowed aowe tittle tatait ahnc'Uie.
Itte et woaMttg at aach lady was re-,
qnlnd to nonld (to Ukeaeu of Hli
Blaatfte. A
taoto faraltbad
very pretty aoarealr of tto erealn:
trieod Blllai a paw with ralnable
adrtee to * yean
Ibr tom.
otherfairirf were enRiyad daring tto
cTwlng. Oataty nfreataneau « lee
and c^ wen acired. HUt
Tbeta of laMtng wm a gnaw of the

M. W.-k U Ctoaga,
Bdw 0. B. ft L Una card which
' (M'MBa'dMMt Btodv. Bapt I
WattioCtotWT. Aa wDl to aatlead.
ttnra la a worslat trata iron CadUM
ahitalM at t:srwhich Strw itaaa llrMk aMM tha Uto to Mportaalty to
aawa to Trararaa City, do ibelr uadl|B aad ratsr* at 4 M p. a. The Northfwi tralBi alao rwt aa ttot aararal
hbata ara Mraa to ^Vararaa City.
4tba aaw Unh card la aa tMlowa:
Jearea Trararaa OQr (:M a.
into nr Norttaporl dpi baatTwla taaraa Twrctaa City n:lh a.
w 'lar Ito aorth tad aoath.
lyaia taaraa Tlararaa City 4:M p.
dobn Vaner of BnttoM Bay wiled
^ ftwdto aarth aad aoath..
; Tniai aiTtra at Tiamaa Oty trow -Luther Cooaat. wto spent the turn''«4iiae»:Uh.n.
ner ban, ntyaed to Ua bm at ChlVTndM antra at Trararaa CHy bow
wife of
1^ ani aoath l:» a. m.
^Tiaka aMra at Traradta OKy trow
ttrth aad aoeth T:M p. w.
Mn. P Blaekledge and aoaa left
Indlan: fSto Baaday tralaa ara tto
IftrlM at U:» a n. aad arrlrtas at
4» p. n.a Haaaoa of Snitont I
ere Leland rislion Ml Md
Miss Mlldratb Dackeraraf _______
CHy Is Tbllttg trMida In town this
t h.—wiBicrr
Urn. Leo Hller nturaed nuraday
^katasnlUwaan .. .
from Detroit, where sbe held
W in ibla wordlM Tto Banaea
•a exhibit of Battwtoeg laces at tto
ihwwwm at aboot < o'eMk tUt •tale ttlr.. Her work took three Brat
MdMM'abi bad aa«ft a food
and two aeemd prltat.
Kathr - -----IIU laafNo tto aftarta of .Ua Bra daRWM
iknwtat tto bofldlas aonMat to
____ to h
- ibaM. TMra waa aiBtoc wind tooar. oBHenday.
|jiatttoH«Haa«tbi; made
Capt. Bt. PeietC et
t North Haaltov
MWa. tba law id atet tSto* with called tore oa Htnday.
Mlw Rose Dion, who bad a stock of
yjjIM Idwftaaaa. Aa,ttora waa ao fin
ttHUnerr at F llosman's atore.
aftow Ito'bBlIdiMr'^^ blaaa Id ba- Saiarday lor ’tvarerse Ctir.
Barad to ^ra baao toaaad by tiaswa
A farewell party was glrea Saturday
realac by Mls^ dPtwir Roesatan In
■ —
Wa-»er. who
• leaves
D travel wl-.b E. Ha-o
It. R. BMd.
•MwlatiQad. MUh^^topt. St-Tto
Mialill'iai. Maraaatto ft Notthata
atoaad ato ear tarry. K. M. ft K No. aad red. Tarious gamee were enjoyed
during the evening. Hiss Marie Horn
4 «ara wU-kadar toraetaaoK
was awarded a pritr la a doak^ party
IMO ftoto»«a«r for tUBMOA.
-Tto Oalea Twit eowpaay of Datiolt
aad tt la
•bnnu were verved In ibe dining
». the guesls Bndlng (belr paritold, acted tor tto I
ta by nateblng carda. The crwlng
eujoyably epei it by all pres......................
BMIad the propartMa. Tto bid wm
^MftOB la aceaw ot tto
Prttee lumU of Battenbari
abandoned bte projected trip to Ifae
United Statae and will tall hato
'Setlalra. Mkb.. BtpU Sl.-Aa oBear bi^and (ran Halltnx with Us sqnadbu fCBa to ToMo (o arraat wmian m. AMnoeblng eleetloas la Brltalr
Bntar. who raewtly narrM a diaias at* tbouto' to tore eansed tto change
toon fM et the Park Place hotel In tt plaaa. The “lair bad Intended
wekhaae prince Louis nt Newport
Ttoawna City, tor paaetor a check oa
with open ama.
b Cbleafo back tor |4« oa parttaa bare,
lie bad ae taade tt tto bank, la a trar(tteuaad af Mant BWtot.
bad ainHar tiatoto tt
A wanut waa aerrad oa Hra. AneTrararaa Cliy. Bla wtfr'i aiater tires Ila Kaiser of 711 Wabacr Mne
toaa BtoTito wapla an oe tbrir W day at d o'ribek to 8'art* Ctartet
- 4l|laf trip.
V :ioha«in. t^argttg ber with frtoniowlv

BtaatoS tron Niiaea Perry. Sept IS.
horaa aad oaa toroew ralsad at
BiM. tbeac belas the r>ods aad chat
« wid Nelaoe PetTT. Hr. jtoatail or
eoa apaat wreral boars tt naktaf to
aotratoa w the dwelllss of tto ratpoodeat who rrtaaad to open the door
for tto oBMr. Flaally the door sras
epcaad by tbc am of the law aad
Mrs. Kalaer takea to ibe eouiy )•».
appearlog Ibla noralac at id o'clock
tt Jostlee Nertttser'a court, where abc
allowed to so oe bar owe reeosalsaaea aatll Moeday noralac at 9
Mrs. Kalaer Is the wife ot Adolpa
ser ta
of wmiaiasbiirg aad for U
rt tine of'ibelr married life, sloi
the melrliDtolal set
Not. 30. 1WH.
___ ______
bare beeo etopaodoas, aecordlap
her stweneou to the Beeoed. Matu
(ailed to adjoat ibeDselres rtebUy aaj
Moths tgo
a«o papera
drawn ap (or a Beal setileneol
by Mra. Kaiser wak slreo $5W
leaae all elaiia oo (be buebaiid-s prop­
erty. reputed to be aercial tbosatai.
. to noMt her la
doittn. He was
aay way but aoou
won after this lasallty be
WM takea bock ieto ibe bone and affeetkni cf Mra. Kaiser thousb tto
iwoeUlaUoa was oot lastttf.
Mil Katter cxntcads that Mr
_atter cone to tbis eltr Saiarday last
aad reiailiieil at ber bone naiu after
Sunday noralac. Icarlaa
instnesiae u her to cone
and aet bar horse whM to had eoetraaud oot to the hired maa. Nettaa
ly want to a
aed hired a r
stales (tot
Hr. Kal
onuiy t o'c
lined there
wheni he tursei
riy anund
helped ber Id other ways to take the
berae aad baraass which she broosht
to Ibis bliy wHb the uodcraiaDdlBy
that be was to bring tie bonor later
1a tto week. After she arrired a tecscatned tbe warraat to be Issoed under
eonplalnt of Neisoo Perry, wbo claims
ttot tbe hBfwess whteb.was taken Is
tbe bone eooirhetad lb bln
Kaiser. Hrs. Raiser claimi
bortc, bneer and a harness
wen preaeata to her two yean ago
by Adtdpb Kalaer before their tnarnase. and she allegea (hat be told ber
Saaday nlcbl that If sbe wtoted ber
horse and bassy to evme aad set
A BT BMnaaa.
TtoTrarem City Caaalac conpaay
is paying opt a large amoosi of noaey
days, both to labor and to famTto eenaany 1s now enployliig
Ml four baadred bands
nad to famcra tto areracc amonnt
paid Is two per day. Oa last Treeday tbe total •
SMd. all of wlrhieb wa?**dUiribuled
ig tbe famcra of tbis
tbU secUoa. and
li time largely for corn.
Eoanae quantitlw of corn are
: reeelvod. and tbe ontpul df
■ was very beary. Tbe canning
r has placed a rer)'
a any p
mocb -brger
Tto produeu ot'tb
tbia coi
Bnd a ready narkM
ntthad by (to tam<

Throflt Coughs
A adding in tfae throst;
botneness tt dmes; sde^
bresth irritxtes it;—tfaes6
■re fatures of i throst
cough. They're very d«cepave snd s cough ntixtnte won’t cure them.
Tou want something thst
will hesl the inflsmed
membrines, enrich the
blood srid tone up die

Scott’s Emulsion
is just such a remedy.
It ^ wonderful healing
and nourishing power.
Removes the cause of
, the cough and the whole
system is given ne^
strength and vigor


R b I. L HK UM

A. J. SeoU oters to boOd ooe cf tto]
Spun Rapids bM p
t tt height and walghttg 49) Bnest toteis tt the copper woatry If]*
Hancock will parehase ttem bln tto i •
Hancock Driving pork at tlBAOO.^

Notice of SpeelAl Meetins


:;-r „i|i:

rSKVi £ Lsr^fa: v-stSSS^

«i^i^ Ittr «W vrsa^r

fratoa ter L-adar IHr aad PVvawMbI taarw ad *» Am. aad Cmto dry aM gtoimliwg
fvtom trim Cbder dtr aaal ^vaatowat arrito '

Baw. md B. Walkar. Jwdr* of


- tn. -..a - L*. I.-W.

tofm. *

QtATB or MCaiOAS, OuMly

__ ____________________ ..

Imruax ter Mbit maik aad reutb





. Travrrto Ctly tSB a W. SW '

T^^^rnne ^T.-^^Crty (dS mm (Ima
trala vtib Jmn»-yaa ClaM.wa»
Trata arrlraa u Trartom. ikty ISp. m. ita ruDo B trem tovtb aad Btottb
Train Afrlraa trem keatbfm MW. m mtt



Newest shapes lor young
men; >hondsorae colored
bands. *I'eiescope crown.
Light ..colors as well as
.’blatkf ' .

U kswaSisM doMwivdaBd sU oMr tmeor

-Telescoped cropm—rais­
ed in back drop from—

R5Siisrffsjr«.ss.,to mid day «# baar ;
____ - , tor thr»» I

r-1. locxwooo.o.jjarA


PERE Marquette
la atato Sta-*k wa.
' Trarmaa CUy •• ftBava:
.ft, tWtax dtabd at#



. r.otiEiwtKasr'"

Telescoped Crown-—
wider band—
IKattoala bmabj aiT.-n that 1 ahab aaU at
patdIcaaeHeii. to tba U(b.«l blddrr. at tbr
Boatb fpoBt daor et tba eeart boua.i.lB Ifec


Baturday.-vhw «th day of Novambar.ft.O. rOOS.
BUaa'Hork to tlH- farreom.aU. or aemaBb


Full Crown—Bound


Edge—Dip Front-Worn
in various shapes.^

aara'M w'm runstos ll>.arr
on lb*
veto llae rt told dav-nba-1 lead
batvtov a««w tv>atr4uar and tvaaty-Svr.
to tovB ivmir-nrb* mvib ot reAav T-to vret:

Rouod Crown—larger


sbape-'^T he VERY
► BEST in HATS-epme here for Hats.

UrmerceaipepW af bactnmac. ^jatololaa

CNoaawooD • DwuoK.
^ SaUntonitarromplelaaal.
ff Mam kddroH. Ttav.«se Uiy. kUcb

to tt

^TkoF mcBlOAK-Osaalr of Oraad
At a aawtoB of ibr Prebet' tvsrt ter tb*
3aueir ot (tread Trarsaa. beldro at tbr Pm
bato oOer IB Iba fStr of Trevatto entr <io
Taradar.lba IPfe Wy af »>r| lo ibr
la tba mtoUvottba arUtaof Bobrn Ivan.’,
■anba & laav. Xiaatia Otoe asd Waltor A.

otasSl tBlaora. Tvajias amooir olbrr tblsEi;

ttoracesrdlaa ba appolaled of Ibr aau<'.i< ,
I aUd IBlBe>a aat Ual aaeb orb" erd tortb'r
erdar aed pav»-prdjair. may I' had in ihptBrnlaoraaMj^to O'lttU^br ibr .ratal, in

loJaoaa. aad all otbav prrwti. latoiaetod la
mld<vUU.ara ra-rUrad tuaatHar at aatoalua.



QTATSOriCK'niOAK.Cawtty W OaMd
At?^£»rf tba Prabalr CMiH tv mid
OoQBiy.brMal Iba PriMla nllli. to UmCHy ■



%t"Xz -E“st ssr’iS.
ysrCs.wr-rs: iar-isS
lS?*orM«r*Tvartoto ’’Siriidi*^
(inat.4 ata ^ Qn^^^to^ a3^t^Mi| ibM


'•dSJTrS^r‘‘SSJ?S}rtbto mm sto, '
Ueaar rlrv n-iw lo tk-- i»mona imartotod to '
aaMratalrnf tbr p.-nd.-tK-y ot told briltlon.
aadtorhoarlac ih-roof. h. caBalae a oror dt
tbliord.r lo taa pabbabnl La tbr Graad Ttb<
i-rat Airal'.a nraagamT ertoied aito rirm
litrdlaaaM roualy of Oraad Trav<r*'. (o'

Turn arid


SCOTT y BOft^NE, cbimi.i.
pOp^.PterlStrtrt, Stm Tsri

Ptammi, Pmu t
mtlen. doly rrri(variap tto iha



tt tD lia augm tkan
Blyis Own Baba

1 "tto aorb*toES
aa may. ba raqi
raqulrrd by
rad tbatPrMly.thr »tod


iTS ur MICSUA»-<

oasia. It aay tbara B». vbr tba arayar at tbr



:-4i: ri”-i

The Best
Engine r
and sold
^ at the

■ IT I



Sr-'-bSSf 3

aald prtlinai, aad taal tbr arxt <d b» if




These mnehines are carried in stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation "buzzing" wood.


tba Prabtor aAaa. to tbr CdX



dto al Oto'dat^lbSTatoim'llto’
at Pi'wt ftoUar-. proTid.d (or la aaif marV

|%Ml. Bm. Frad ft. Walkar. Jadga <f I
y^tttta.matoaraf ttamtotoafOaordaBtoato.

-* dtoladmt tbr taal totatr af a^hMt Mld[

To Core a CoM in One Day
aa awry I s.iu..u,

■-L?se.| s'ai-s.sL—Trt'irKi'.'i'a
Kartt At>.r >d tb- <Mra Raam -tUi Itorr tta

plarawviri ihrCtrraii (toart far mt-K'aaaW
onad Trarmr la brid. ■ tba yirtiwa d»
r-r-'todtaarVlmirtcair'.ar to-laai^ tbanaf
tovTmoto^ar! a* to

Jn^nes Tbnic Vermiriidc t,r3T.?5r^s2s.''.3rs^as:
a-mTtoaairdf.-rihtotou.tbr jm^rVaMW
d. '-fltod la told a-aryar- aa Ivttw . to WW;

•gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly cliiklrcD.*
And it is good for their elders, toa
.‘V.k >onr druggist for it



MARkccmr. ,
OnadM TmmIm «■!(• alek.
. Hr. Mwav finS^or Mdc. «U1

Hr. aad Mra. H- e Olll rewnod
Wadaeadar tron HUwaakae.
then taHteraii
«. B. Oui^ and wlte bpaot taai
-------------------------- *Terawy. A beua■boT M ^ Acrtetttsral Ml «t lUt wepklK-MlIlre. .......... '
aervod and tba
Retb and RraaM Wove at BL Ir
NMC rrUv afRiitac. SnL N.
a iMraa'
a Mka
Bora.« BoT. 'Md Hn. AHHcUa. • iM wBipeodtba wlaiar la towa.
■re. stover ntanad tnm Lodlap- a aUrer owner dUb aad eoSaa pot.
Hb tMBy Wyakaop of Tnroraa Oty
*Tita» Iter Tottra rarai Imi Hortb TtoSlag at tbe brara o( bar anai.
i> ONm- vltb MIN Ida Furaot.
Mr. Bnwraoa.
■n. Bra Birar «c Traranc atj n
Mb' Ban obra rMled kb brother.
B. H, Sanborn, of Waaford. yoetarday.
rrlaat Satiooi Bay
Mr.'aad Mr. W. P. Keray rf Tnv.
ana aty took dlnaer at C. B. Dye'a
ma gm» MtMN PraH L«kt b<9«
Hkt Qtllait left Monday for li
Mr. aod Mn. i. RonaD. Mr. aad Mra.
ba aanaiar at Nottbport Point.
Molar aad Mr. aad Mr A. Homaa of
Tha Ladka' Aid aoeleir wRl ctra i TnTem Cfty vbiiad at A Tbayer-a
**i?I»*»b* •»« MIn M«it T
inttiM aaela) at (ba (kacresaUnx
b««b oa Friday aaaalBf.
’^Bca^tay aad Alnd Lappau. wRb a
Mr. U A. Baraaa aad tnfly ra- party af trimda fnra Travaraa Oty.
itovM •« fc«* a««rt»i.
drove out to tbair bone bare to apead
Hr. and Mn. Rtnner drara ta Trar- umad trom Maatoe Hoaday.
Mlaa Sd.nbe 8«ou araa tba rxat af Iba day yeatarday.
arae Otr yolerda]'.
Hitt Pcan Dana flatarday aad SoaMr Aara Booe. vbo baa beao ooHa
ill. b baner.
Sepc **.
Hr. aad Mn. Rar and aa*
» Aaaa MalaM apant a faw dayi
fron itara aiWrtH Prof.
' la mraraa City.
Cbaa.-Spaaldiap baa movod bU I
— ___! and Wllbein
lly froo Travaraa City and they
ra rarrMli^aaaad «(th It.
- hara «
a Ot'vara in tava Saturday.
Hr». tAagTlek
bovaeuladte ' eU ttora bnlMtap.
'tiny llaad
Mlaa HeWa
» Tbonpam vaa at bona
r. 8ba U leachiBR ia tbc
rjS^’tou.'hSr waTl


___ ^.ai tba bona nbraday. Her. Hnrlbart afleiaUar
MlN Uara Carry er La« Bay u ibe
Coaat-dT'MUi RaiUa Woelaay.
Mlaa Bdytbe Darta. oaa of Noni
porCa papQlar yoaa* ladka. kh Tbur
day for Hapantova. led., vbara at
vtH ba naliad la marriaae to Hr. BiBnrFanoa’ or lAporta m WMaaadny.
•apt. snb. at tba bnaa of bar alatar.
Mra. m^olaaao. Mlaa Oarli araa

IV TNtr la Rar'a hall Ian •aealai
vhieh araa «aU attra^ add craaUr
aaloyad. Tba ntatt vaa (oral
Vr Laoaard ■rkfeMu.
Paachaa an aamiv hara tor JIB

Hra. Walhar'a taby U rarr atek.
Be Hiua «|f| that laa baaa lialiic
» Mr. aad Mta. Uaaeot -tor r---wtih bar now.

lar^Co. adU bta Naek la tba lana

I ndM to tba aanOian pan «d tba
'^ Ballar Ml Bapln Batarday
------- - -a tba aeaibara pan of the
' *- hotraa aad aaranl baail
take ebarpa of tba WaHar

Mr. vaadM hra awrad Mb tenrfly to

lb ban Uil
Thiindby for Iba waaL Ha wiU.vlalt
in5^ M Wabnraa and than go ra


. r ntettraa la tbit i

IT Oo. Ml It M tMNUht ba wUl
. ■ Wa bap* 1m
'Ma X
» thtaM .narMp apatn.


im^ awurauj^

h. a

^ttiMmSy. who hM*baaa tdoklap,
tba RppM'vaabnaM orar. taya tbara
- iTUr HMMt of taislai - - ■ •
«MT tearteranra.
Mr. aad Mra.; Pettibraa at


tBa '«ot MaAr.MNlad la niwyt
MMt M -al* aM raody to po ahead
i«h tta sood vorti. Bar. Hra. PMti. bS aetapM the polptt SeM evratap
BflMlrH s BaM adfnqB^i^^tha


PattlboM te aa aWn paabar^*aa<
Bad rba upt toa. Tina for Maacnip
■ foqowa: Boaday noraiap earrleea.
------ fWlowod
—•Twad by
-by «Sa«

Baplo KOwy, arba baa ban enM NlwNdy nr aoaw One at
a-a aton at Voodatock. ]1L.
kka. tba baMUag narraast at
e.'id MMMtas a mew potwo

Pbrrav Mited at Oi^ Rap:
btetUd year
nr at tha lalr'aad
lair aad he
be apya
BaUap baalaeat wttb R^Mmoo.
pour haa d pood panaar, aa V*. Pete^
have It aayvay.

C-A. Ndteoa Mdt lUa waah oa a boIPM trto to Wlaeointa.
Mra. lotaad CMfk and Htn Lena
TTkpal of Onad RaaUi were tba
^Er at Mlaa Bnaia WDaon thla
B^ Mr. aad Mn.Traltar
^^S^ia'5ia Barth apeat a fr
dM* Ot «Ma wraa la Travaraa Oty.
-fr.Md Hr«.a. QUI------------ - la braSr M Mr- Titabta.
Mr. Mdlira L A. Beata Ml FMday

WMe OapaoB arrirad bane
Bora Tiaaaraa City tbia weak.
Mrt. HdhTF Beatt apeot Mat woek
wttb Matlvaa at PaBatoe.
Mr. aad Mn. PMroa kti Monday tor
MaMay tm IhMr bcnaa at Biite
Halra^len TtaMay tot


Ear. andI ...
Mr Lwttcb o
mda'hvra a tom
rbft^ rrlewda

J.X. Pmaa vuud hb mas. WaRar
and Via. at Wesford Mat week.
Tba body et Ooo. Bum was broapfat
be-a Friday-oaoe from tba Travetae
City boapltal aM vaa mat at the atatloa by Otto Lodpu. No. SM. of tbe I.
O O. P. or vhlcb Mr. SUm waa a
UOabOT. and Inkem la
H. B. ehurefa. Ray. »
d at .Iba funao] and
sde in tba Bverpraea eematcry.
rsaioa of
trams fWlowed (he
At teams----------------,
las^ tbrir last taatlap place. Mr. i
• a wlfe*»d* SaT'chilru the ■leas of a hoalMid

Food Value
of a Soda Cracker

T. Undm aod wife hafTwa tWilaprelaUvas at ByroaCaoimter a t

Yoo luYc heitd dut some foods fnnutk fat.
otber foods nuke masde. and still others are
tiNoe btdldi^ and heat lormins.
Ton knoV that mofft foods have one or more
of these elements, but do yon know tha^-Ro
food contains them all in inch properly balanced
proportions as a good soda ciaiier ?
The United SUtes Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a mneh
higher per cent of the tissue bvilduig and heat
ionning properties than any article of food nude
from flour.

Bari HeCartby baa eiMMlBH
fraebmaa abas at tbe UnlyenttyMietdoRMra. Robert Wtlay -ot Bammit city
waa the pimt of her aaat. Mr Philip
Miller, laat weak.
Mr. and -Hra Gao. TasOordrr tpen^

Travam City tMler
yaaterday. '
Wm. Wurabart baa baaa eotertaia_________________
a. .Jdka Baaly
lap hb mother from Oread RaobU.
Mlaa Limaa Bowara It aaabtlap la
vbIM at M
r TbtrapaoD-B Saaday.
f. T; Whyhrav and IHtIa daupb- Iba Bebo oSea f*>- a few sraak*.
Hra. Mary Napple of Calklaaem*
..-r ratenad to ibelr bona a t aladmap o> old
ainoa. Mkb. Balurday. after a four was bare last weak caltls
■ i- vbll with her paraoii.

Fraak Sayan b
sc-'afad bv Mr. hipbaii bidder their Pe-cberor- sUlHlUabnad. vbo
:alv cone ben IlM. Miramar. No. S4KS. The aak'
from OMo
will lie bold at Cate A Crotfar's .ban,
Morday, September 30.
Mra.Df. Scott of Travaraa C
Leslie Chase la pirlap the front of
G. W F»rke-a aiora a new coat of
Id Raphb and a
____, ralailrea In aai___________
Platt Banxm made a biialneaa trip '“Mmb WheatoB baa ratamed to
to Travaraa Clly Hondnv.
FIlBi for another year at tcboul.
Jrtaada. tba oeoasloa
belop taU AfTba anmicr plvea by tbe ladles of
Wia. 8!iaBldlnt b alBleiad vltb a
teantb Urtbday.
paralytic «roke.
tbe Gennao eharch laat weak netted
Sept. tt.
.Tbe LAdlee' Aid xodaiy v'll meet abotii (11.
Saveval from here altestdad tba stale
vSh Mr B. A. JanUOB Tboraday
sir at Oread Rapida bat weak.
aneraaoa. .
Sept. W
Mba Rtbal Oibfea of Travarra Otv
dona. Tbar aipaat lo nora aa aoon
aa ft 4a aotaidatad. Mr. HeComle in
D. O'llailoru. [
dolax tba raaaoa vortc oa It.
J. B. OUtM iadaprorlnc tba h»ka o( ^^Cora^Mrt baekvbaa' a*a an cut la tba SouLbern Padae railway at New
Oriaens. vaa seat to quaraailac as b
hla boaaa with a oav coat af paint.
Tba potato ntat ^aa fcllM tba aaA rapraarautlva of tha
' 1~
(ever autpeet oa aiiivlap at New York.
in enp or lata potatoea la ttala k>- CUy Record vaa
laatap a
Hit wife and two efalldrao vaol vltb
alUy. Tba aarly oaaa an
Moaday aftaneoi
Sept. K.
Snyth Water It Impnalaji tba looka
or Mt tern by mttteE np a aa* woven
K Balei and . Mias 0
.^Tba Bnt fnat at tba aeaacn wai iaai __
'Bvar to lalaad Tbiii
Bttarday avoalap. but It vaa alipbL
to tha Ladlee-*Ald h«dd at Hr t
CItItaim Not Mara Raibble Than
Mn. Merrtt Rleket U very ilek at
-B^-a ratUanea.
Those af imer Stranpenf
au writtap. Her recorery it doobtHr. aad Maadamea Flora and Viola
' 0. Tba yoaapaM MUd U alto yary
the drove to Travaraa Cl'r Bator
Tbb U a TiUl queaikm.
day. raturainp boma Sunday avaalnp.
It la traa^i with Interest to Trat
M'r. and Mn. Bd Baleona are riittMba Rakah Witeoo and OoMte Bam
* City.
tm fidaede .bare. It beliip Hr. Bat- drove to Long Lake Saturday i
tonair boma.
naot ba araded or 1|
Tha old f •• •
Hr. Oalvia O. Wooks aad Mbs
avarae City elUsea i]
eh«rc>i left I
ka tor tba welfare a
ndad aad _____ __
p wan^ara. Nearb
placa. Rev, ^ara at Ovlalt partormed
Aa utter slranper'a donbifoL
Clan Sinwr lad tba Joelor laapna
Win Coi
Home woof U tbe beat proof.
1 Onai-abniM laat Baaday erealap.
P. C. OHOn. of HItcfaell atceat. Cnd’era Dtson adll iBd la two weaka.
lUac. a fral^t brakamaa od tba G. R
“ - ■
t one Boaday avaMap
A I. R. R., nianlnp baiweaa CadilUe
Tba dance at W. Bataa'
and Trayerae City, aaya: "My sddran
taaded Saturday.
b F. O. Bok ML oBij I will aatwer any
Oeorpe OoUa
?£!iM M
r. Oaerpa
of Mnala- Hr ane hr Atwood Lake and Hbs letter eaot to ma by anyoee who really
tap an rbttlBp Wn. Oana.
Rekab WBeoe were tbe paaau of Hra. srbbea to know ir Doea'a Kidney Pills
Mr. aad Mrs. Praak Hardy aad fan­ Laura'Bam Friday.
eaa be depended upon to cure kRae]
ny. who have baan ataytac with Mn.
eompblat. Tbls b my axperlaaee: I
Rohan Ucoa tkla avauad. ratumad
have been raUroadlup for iwai
lo ibatr hama In Tiaiaiia City liai Rapida.
years, and alwayi enjoyed tha beat
WlU Bam. Hra. Onau Buea abd health. dhUI about two yean a
IM^' Oriaaan la tWOn nlatiraa Hr Uura Bataa dro
o Lake t
when mv kidners eltber weakened
aad maa^ la Waxfnd. It baa baae i Saaday afterooaa aad
• the ptM
were overarorl^ed. I eoOered fma pi
annbar of yaart Mnea Mr. OrMad
and acbtnp lo the small of the back
Mb VMM hk old bnna.
saefa aa eitc
" ''jieepM'''UoBtberidcllBi dip tbeir potaioai. aa tbe potaues ora A railroad . _
Doaa'a Kidney Plllt adrisad me to try
ibem. Tha traatmani -oHavad ma. I
fort looking after bis fall erppa.
stopped It. the trouble returned. I raWed Pratt has retaroad bboe from mned to tbe nlUt agala for a few
Hitebcodi. vbera ha haa bean wot* days, another relapse followed, when
. a Waeeon loaded arttb alaba and
BaallT I deelded to take a tboroupb
bark for MBwaukea Taaaday.
Charlea Bales went o Newaype FrlI used elx Boxes. Since then.
HrarT.Mekr of Sattoea Bay w«a tn day to aaa bln pareate.
town Frtdty la tba tatarm at tha ’ Joe Albriptai has told t
oouiy bB at that ptara.
Ralph Boraey'a thfoaUra MaAlae
For tale b? all dealers. Price (o
lb thM MtpbbapbeoT^
cants. Fosier-MIlbum Co.. Buffalo.
Tba tifau daaphter e< Prod PMUm
New York, onto apsots (or tbe Vailed,
haa baaa III for the pan weak, bn b
Potatoes are bovIdp to aleviy that States.
be rot bae overtakra asaay of ibem
Tbe new brick deool b i
take no other.
flnbhed. Traverse Oty coal
Umbim Rodnra.
HM. who b -efl^^- proud If It bad one as pood.
iradlPb tba tereetry
Oa Saturday aaveral of tba M. A N.
a quariaHy oonv
Maaltou lalaaC wat'
B. oaclats verc bare la the loiaraels
d Grae- Lake g
W. a tavioo*. aat .. __________ of (he town and road, amoac vhon
baa boae ffi tba peat weak. Hb piaN wan Heaan. Dooplas. Hnbbell. Ward
Grown. (
haa baaa Sllad by Roy Bari
and Seoii.
Horninp Seraloa. «:S0 O'clock,
Uptatkeaprr W. P. Unee of Sonlh
Wa bare oOcbl Informatloa that
nc. -God LeadiBc Vs.Haaltou vaa la' tova oba day laet another ei'tnmar vlll see passeopar
DavoHoaal servlea. John
- >hB Bliard.
j, inina ntBDlap frata tbe mala. Hoe of
Tba party fraas Lortiel Lodee. coa- tbe O R A I. tn Manistee. Wr will . Words of welcome, Hanrv SackeiL
Raepoeae. Mrs R. S, Gilbert,
Mttbp of HR. R. H. Day. danpbter he Btrtclly la It tbeo, as the train vill
-God Leading I's—How?- Rev
BaasSe nM aoa Robin and Mba PraafroB b
ilupb Kanaeilv.
eaa EUb.Mi tor iMr boona la Detroit
“God Leadlap rs-Wh<-<-" E H.
lyMthavefof RBptre.
. and Mr* Clueat aed'friaada.
Ward bud Mba Howard of Locuat ford for tbe alpbl. This will help tha
Afiaraooa Seaslon, l:5n.
Orov* cottage, took the Mbaonri Fri­ plAce la a pood Many ways, maklnp I;
Pt*.ver acrrtca. Mn. J. N. Koonaily
day for-tbairboataa la Cbbapo.
a pood botel towo>We are la need of
Report of cauuty Sunday school conDr. a. W. Fnlick of Maple City vaa ^Ani clu botal-ll will pay. Wbo
raniion. Gao. Cva’'s
In tova Satnrdar lo pet bit aBloaioLeading Vs—WbereT ' Rev. R
bilio. vbleh arrithd oa tba llllaolt after
Thomas HacBrtde haa pone to the
upper MlaLfola to. load camp eqnlpMb! Mary TW- •neote tor «»«* hrra.
-Ood Leading Vs-RasultsT" Rot
ef Mapto City ven la tova 8mGeo. DaaloB haa ratumad to Grand Hrimae.
Bnsiaaea. reports.
Seasloa. T:Sd.
^'iben MilllagtoB baa bam nndar
(be donor'a eare for tbc peat i
p Yaaey and family Mt oa
naonady, Prasldant,
'? “’km”
rt Friday for Kart. Mkh.
and leveling grounds (or tbe mill and j
Beaalr Keltlr. vbo b la
(be ether b raalap tba OIbba mill. I
acbool at Bordtckrllla. tpeai Sat-, which >« located ee»' Wesimlasier. {
ty and Sunday vlita bar pareau., Timban. trams, buildlacs mad such I
amd Mn. Wn. Kaltia. <d Blecptnp pert loos of tba nfU macblaerv aa eaa I
Bear Ufa aavinp atatloa.
ba aUllted la tbaoompaoy'a plain wHli
Mba Burdick urrlted
sooc ba oe tba prouad.
Saturday on bar vay lo
Booth Maaltoo lalud.
Hr. Carter uaataetp
lewa Tuaada)
(0 acres of hardwood logs oa tbe skids
O. i. Peiaraim was la towq on bntl- on seedoB thlrtyAva. Craat^osraau last Friday.
the atomDayloa Waltca of Copamiih baa hla eoacociloos a
when Hyomel
new mail markei acarly ready for use,
apb the tabaln
liar, tbc balsamic healMONROE CCNTCR.
Wm. Heaton of Caihovb vaa in


That is why Un«ada Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and noarishmenl being brought
from the oven to yon in a package that is proof
against air. moisture and dost—the price being
too small to mcntioiL.


Htriiitxn D. Wa-d and wife lo Pbllone of aainre's (vmedlaa: mbaot
Ip Roaefa. vrM 40 feet of lul 40. Oak harm ibr weakest eoaslllntlon: aeyer
tells to ctt-e summer eompbl-b el
Helghlr: U».
juunp or old Dr. Fowler’s Earaet
Arnold .viieli and vlfn ib Julia Ad- of Wild Strawberry.
Joe Sboaek and riner Mary were
obliged lo po borne last week oa ao- all. ckt Ini 4. k*l 5. Uoak 8. F. H.VsrJ:
-^lag •
To Curo a Cold In Ono Dnp
Mn. I. Fleece U oulte til at present;
Frank Horton and abler Nrilie viaMillleruira'a Roar
Ited Ibelr tbler. Mra. E. Turicer, brer
Tbe vora-out ttamacb of the o
fed miUloaalre U ofico paraded la the
. e of
public priaia
la aitcndar
tbe potaeaaioa plague c
Dosn a (
R.H McG-ee- rv-.t bl« elder raDI r great vcaltb.
ot tbe only <
crerv Saturday.
Potatoea bring :s and 8C eeais la
Dyetbc maritvi.
J. enlllTan was In TRTcrae City pepsiu and Indlgratl_____ __
David McDonald baa been eonvlrted
among these people, and they
on bnalBcaa last week.
worse 'tortures
(bin (be
million­ of cspcetoratlae <m (bo sldevalk. (bo
rtures tbin
Bert McQueer la atlendlag tbe Uirti ter
aire unless they avail themielvin of a Hr*, caac oa record at Port Heron.
reboot at Tnrcne City.
Chas. Loefflet- of Solon bad la mar- ctandard taedlrlne like Green's August ■ _
kc^ibc Aaest peacboa
and Mra H-igbt rc;ur»«d '
troubles for over Ihirty-flve year* Ao- ■
•day from tbei* Oblo . .
Liulc Mamie Culrer eaiertaincd a gust Flower rouse* tbe torpid liver,
number of her little girl frleada Sat­ thus cresllag'appetite acd Inscrlagl
perfect digeetloa. It tones and «1ulurday, It being her birthday.
At Hall'a brother and faiallv re- Ixes tbe entire system and makes Ufcl
tnraed Thrraday to their Aoibp ta worth living, no msricr what your sta-1
tl<m. Trial bottles, 8Sc: regular sbe.i lB|
Spicelaad. tnd
Mn. Franktetbe- b vblUnp her ;6& Tor sale by S. E. Wait A Sona


. . ,



Takes (bo
wouad: cures
burled laat veekUlaa Ma***? was home from he Bcleelrlc- Oil,
achoci duilea la Trayerie Cl'y ore
Saturday and S—•day.
Mr Frank K'ri vaa Ir Traveri
aiv one day laaf week.
■ irm ^
Tbe HUiloB Rand pare a social In
the chureb Sxiurdty eveolng. Peachei and croam ve-e ae-ved.
Sept. ».
Real Estate TranrfeR
Hr*. HsT L-clls Swain lo LoiiiV'.
Morris. Wock t. N. Fife Lake: Ss:;"
Anna C. Cooper. Bstaie of. OrderDei. Heir*, Jmi r. aad 7, block ». H., L '
A Cu t r-d add.
Edgar A r-sne in J F Botsford
and wife, parcel*. Baywlile;
Adelaide G Boi«fo-tl ..) ..
Edgar .
Crane.-parcel*. naralde:'^lj»t.
WMbiir .\ Devey and wife lo Aaron
Andr-won. *c>i <>r .wi*. except :
rod*, roe.
town id. range S: S65” ) W
Jeiht! pBlcInber Snd wife lo O-car J
Debee. parcel. Acme township; Sriti.
East Da--- Lumlx-r Co, to Philip
of *f',. M-c. IT. town 57.
Jennie E. Ji>lf*«oi<


Edwin t..

burn o'ji; heals tbe
the pain. Dr. Thomas’
tbe boasehuld remedy.

lagtaam couaij^ circuit
FARNStSSUmr C0„ Trti

SAVE tHe SfflP

llBfective Eyes
more Rcrre vluuiy
tbiB UlBleagfg (or their me


n,„„. ,l„da In-r, V.rv.w.„^
1.JT5 and I'.-!. I.HX, Vmu.i,

j, Memory. Sleef
. ,


Park. S4.i»,
E>l»in 1. Scott and wife to Wm I,
Brown, lot.
ami IS. block .3..Oak
Park. SI.:'"’.
Cary Hlnchman FStlaie. Onler De>
Heir*. In. II. block S. Kingsley.
Ada R Fttlier <t> Ida r Cnlrniaa.
north :k-f'-: l»i I. Ha>i:ant|-« add.
Hannah. Ijij A Co
O Clayton [.
prig .nd.-tfe.-lv,«l, and
block d.
Sultw ai3-«l4 WlIhalmBlock
Travaraa City. MleH.
H8nd .dd: S3-3.
Gee. Jameson a-1 ^ife to Jame* .
Hubbard and wife, pareel, see 13. town
:7, range II: (800
rnll.-a B’ate* to Geo. Utlli Rogers.
u rr. raage 1
E. J. Cotke and wifetj. E, {!. Pibii
1 •
Jd B J Morgan, et* ol block 2, BayNo Need to be Alarmed about Stomach Troubles If
de: $1,350 .
Fraacls E G-lffi" 'o K J Cook*^
S. E. Wait & Sons.
H cf block 2. Bayslde; SW
one day last
The must freo'-ent sffeetibn i-f the >eiM-as. ewu be cured by Ml-ceOa. ft
Raaiom G Lang aad wife to Edward
HR C. B. Dye aad Mlai WbtteAoaaa
!» eata-rh. a* tlu- di-dca’- is, the
remedy tbS! r rlke* at tha
gives complete-------------aad parmaam W, Hetderxcn, parrels.'’ laterl-tchen: stomach
AM Bb(«plat la Traaerw City SaturUIU v:
-s IUTCS*t*
-------—----------.----------C. H. Baird
et «nVTSBS
Bbatlaa- 'a
Inveatt- aad
membrane which line:: the Ftnmirb i-. root of the evii and aeiitally caret tbe
ea.*lJv iTltalvd bv ha-mf-l 'ond or •llicaM’.
*^0SL J. H. Hottroe vHKed at J. vltb tl
EsisK- of VeacII Sledcr. Order As- oTereailnp. Keep a wric wit-h.f»r
I': fir.M not enuTgUi o-jitim la any
— Vlll warrant
| eat and tba only gnaraat
BuRebaaer'a we day la« week.
the nm
ur— *jtu;wv)mt
rymprom* tw
of stofaarb trou- form.
alcohol, or ary 'otlier
:;tBn;ng Pe*W"e
— add*,
Mr. aad Mr Will Ollbart of BatJIe
t. R. Ooooiaa, the busuftag hardvaia
frltanU warriing !n harmfuj dr*g tir chemical. It L
. - thla
Hannah. Lay A Co. to Geo A. Bry­
Crank rialtad at tbe borne el bb broih- tea of the old town, la preparing to I Complete olttfli. Al.OO; ax
the tpirii in which it i-. g-v.-n an-: pure -emi-d.- 'hat h"al. -e irrilalte
an. parcel, see. 27. town 87. range 11; profit bv H.
tr. M. H. QHberV last vofk.
Kwe bU nock to New WaolotA-a)
in'xun* membraae. ttlmulalct tbe ate
CUat Copalaad b sloviy recorartag. pood more. la
._ tha rfrtt
diraetkia, for
SIMSbortaW* of bcejrh. btotk »ikcI .• a
' t plexu*. and aldt rtlgctOOB.
Hb (aibar
him. itMivlUba
. aM aotbar are with_
vlU ba a lumbar caniar for yuart,
Asa a*d Mabel Petmao lo Henry before the eyc-t. furre-1 tnuu-u-. .ji.-r'- • Ask S. E Walt A Son* to 'bow yo«
I. BtadMaeer
Wain aad the Ar«i bora child of ore tevu
. IBtadMauer and Walter
Wba* dcKton tell, try Bprdoek
aeu. bekblag of ga«c* tr roar food, the guarantee under which , they a«U
to Travarae dty Friday on biul- will wavar live to tea tba day that this Blood BMltR Curas dvaaantfa. coa- Hoeflin, parcel, see. 4. fow-n SS. range veaknert and dcblUty afe aU iilpn* of Ml-o-na. It rott* bnt io ecnie A ba(L
I b vmt rba termara' bum.
alloatlon; IDVlSB'xtei the whole ay*- JO; ISO.
catarrh of the ttomash. Tliere U no trd your money U mnnied If it da«
ibtLot Dellhbon aad; SepLM.
need, to be unduly alarmed, lor thla. ouc*t>elp }*oj.
i.- '
C F. Lurek, 81-87.


^ '""'■■I

Amos iSeiCamtk
C^ttatAr ■it—

« ss.'."


OR. P. A. W6LEE, Prip.

OR. B. LfAULSOR, AuUtait









ItergBini to B^n w»d
Completo Tonr
png List

eiTIZKNS* S»MeNB «00

All day $s’.urday. Sept.
30, on account of




Rflady Now With Greater. Bargains Than Befifre^e are Spiendidiy Prepared to Announclf Our

TheGlobeStore'ssUpremacy as the bestandimost economical supply center in this vicinity is emphasized in every item of this great full page. The
triumphant result of our continual watchfulness in buying entire outputs of factories, snapping up Sample stocks and taking advantage of every trade exi­
gence. In every Ifistance cost is reduced to the absolute minimum. ,We offer great bargafns at the commencement as well as the end of the sea^n—we do
net try to see how much money we can get for the new goods, but how little we can sell them for right now while you are buying the new things is when we
can serve you the, best
_____ •

Sensational Clothing Bargains / FALL OPENING

CUMito'i loni
doidc*, Utemed
batUB*.cape aad
belt, wonb ALSO.

) ladKM' and ia>
Baiairia Cloaks, la too
Boiplre, ToorUl aiul Lent;
WotorlB« stylet. loosn
senlAttlaR backs: vorlb
fr«ei »10 to UO; wc rtaeo
toom OB Mis at

Accnrdlao. kolfo
plaited and pin
tuck Skirts, msdn
worth tS-00. our

4.08 to 18.50
Wo OiDV csct>p(lnna1 food
rars..«Tcr7 color, sbaiw anil
stylo, at a aaflns ot

50 Par Cent


n{cs’ doakt, 3-4 and fall
lenicih, loose
n miina
backs, some.......
some, lined
- WroughoL*
'wHIi Hatip: 'worth
sale price

$6.50 and $4.98


The acknowledged clothing shopping center of Cran^l Traverse Co.
Complete suit
at men's elutfaw,
all In nialrh. for


ttr" sz

Men’s all wool
Mon's Woul Ker­ Black
Clay Wor:.
sey ranu—Just tod Suits, war'll
$K.tK(, sporial for
for a OyCT


wurlb $i.00. for

ua:«'aiw»MtoiiWaSiug Btirts, ™nii »s, OTr ggj.



Busier Brown
EuK* for mile
fellow*, in Unc.v
and plain cniuni.


aa4 Ootaet WalMs—
aoM br aU dsalen for
II; openlac aale price

Da«t. Ben Buckles, la rarlcty sues,
styles aad dotlfos al




Peter Thompson
style Overetials
for little felliiw*.
with military hilltuns,'worth $3.tU.

100 Mfii's Aiiklur Bres'. siimplr
suits, miidr of WorsU'ds- I'ln-viois.
Scutrli PLiiils mill Velour (iiiislnti
Cnssiuien«- wortli flli.OO U> $l-'..O0
0|>oliiiig sale


FOR 6.87

CW-aampIo ends ot lare
curtains, in while, cream.
Arablaa; al«n ilallrobeiT:
dnor panel*; valiM-s up to
JI.Ty; Just for a flyer.





Lace Curtains


300 Cases
FtdUiaa^ iboc atock of 41.48 Mtxirae Aval.;
pietroiL w*a aold at anetioB. We acettrodf '
the eruam of tlie attok at ahoatdOcun the $.
AH woU known braiida, attoh as Ute Boat^
GootF«ar, Lyoomin; and Hood’a rabban;
Qaaen Qnalit/, CrsaccnL •lolia'Harioara,
Monarch rnd Piwo Queen aboea. A
chance tp aboe yonr family for tlte tea.
nt at gr«t aariuga.



Hea'a S3 Incli
hnz bark, belled
Orercuats. made
of fancy Mfluin:
worth |S.5tJ. for



r”' :"“"i 7

sale entire
of men’s
Ilndl^ear. In Silk. wool,
flecee Iloe.1 and the we
khciwD McdlleoU. at

_______ L
Wrisht's Geoninc lleaUh 1

Men’s Fancy Vests


»i.3S Vest for .........................69c
Vest for .......................Me
$3.00 Vest for.....................$1.4$

and saoliary q .
—spoctal price

To close out cheap.

.......... loc


Peerless brand—
none bettor made
—II qualHy for
Oe: Uic and-TGc
quality tor 3»c.

. At Great Savings

Men's nlDe Chin­
.t>le«. made of chilla
fancy Berge lin­
all w<-il
ing. Sturm exfUar,
worth witfih
$S. for
$3.6u. lor

In ilaiiil Kmliroidc n 1] .Allwtros.
Fig^lr^^l Molmirs. I’laiu Hrilliiihliuos. Bbi-k
mill Colortsl Hilks. Hona'y V.-stiiigs. SaiK-us,
S.-rK08.1-ic. .Ml fill' laU-st fail sij Ics.

LadM' bine and gn> aU t

2 y,l. satin bnl'y
ril.bou. dl
eolora for ....

Corduroy knee
pants' for hoy*,
ago t to M. Sold
fpOe, our price


8oc fancy silks for shirt wnisU ami shirt -wnisl suiu.
special price ....1.....................................................49

hil«. jnat f.




IT, worth Otfc.


Alunufuctnrcn' SimipU- Line of

44inch silk laetor 4<u-;iimi. fully worlli tl-V. price. .39
:« inch'nil wool skirting.always.VJc.oik-niut; pri-v... .29

Ladica, ohibtw't anaCgh
liaea' hoae a^portoriJJJ|

Men'* rail and
lined underwear,
sold by many for
COc. our price

Tbc uew Ktmi
Men’s Mdondhi
Clilldrcn’i doul.lfancy
»<>n.iej suits for mile
brraxiod Scbool
lou. with kntekSutis.. made of
Tnilor uiuilc suits wild uvcrco»U
fancy flaku aull- with thi‘ impTovi.t pattern rout Myles — worth
Ing. upimlog aalo
112-Su. for '
Brown BelU. for
fronU iimXjk-uld.vl slioiililcra. in all
rbl<:sl FalPFiilirii-s, Wintli $.
to $30.00.

12^001^ Hivivy Cnns-ns tilovM. worth 10c.



Of ladl.-K- fancy neej.
wear In Hocks. Turn.m.-rs, Wlmlsor Ties. SlIU
<'c>IIar am! Tn-s i-niuliliicl. lhai n aclllj- n 11
ami '"c; i.iir prtci


Bed Spread

FVr eomin« cxeuriion.
too Whllo Sample
Bed Spreads. Worth $1.
tl4A and I1.3E; npeoinc sale price

Suit Cl
frBMie<. 1

10c and 15c

88c, 73c




No, <10 fancy . Imugi’aMc' coi+I««l rililnii. ttoijh 2-'k’! onr
.pri-v..'............... ,......... ...........W......................................... 12

Apmn giiiuh.’uns in/SlK**«w. checka, wtvith Go. ojieninj

Hni8s. ls silks. I y.l. « .Irai-Ty dull, fur ciirUit.R
emforten,, i’U-..woftli 20,’ our pri-’e...................... 12 1-2

Diiiay cloth in oil .’■ilurs.-tliotwillod 10c <iu»]Uy. opi-ning
WhiU- aimki-r flamid. worth -V, open ing price p<T yil

BljmkcU. lO.l sia’. in gmy m..l ton. siwdul for
1 com' 11-4 aia- hliuiki-U. Ii,«vily ite<v<-<1. uurll. I.OO. our
pn-’f ......... ..............................._........... ................................ 69
20 in. Iirotni liiicu crash. H-urt). *c, S|woi;it pi-r y.l.. ,05
tSO in. nil tni’lc cl'dii, <>]*-niiig price- pi-r yil............... 12 1-2

We place on sale —

ch>«patl.50jv]X’iii3g8ik’ pri"«’.79
kU66n Shoes for Ladies in Patent Cult akin,
I’a * ''ititmd and vid kid uppers, aohl by nil deol.-ra
quality for 8.00. Opi ning sale price................... . 1.98
LuuilxTUKii'a Buhher An tics, loath.
u i i

•rlq., K.,blM,„t.lllin,l.. EubnlW ,Jp-. .biUbb,
b. rZoU 01 o «.rfos of :KU«UUi1-------- op.„a.K .Jo pnoe.............................24

Co^furti-r prints worlli fic, for this fall oi-cning tale,

1 iloz. )H-arl
Sill,- price-..

10 6iii»’rfine
m.uirniiig pins
assort.•.! h.-a.Is f.

3-V fatny wrist
luiga. sik-cliil.

for .................


300 Cases

Water-iiroof ahoes for miss<«. maile
alher. u slicie Uiat will



n.,t tolil.-oil doth, nil tu’W fnll paltemt. peryil... ,11
numideU. heavily ticeced. worth I2c.
price •

J edgi’ a
1. woiDu'a ato
re. ilritisli
IJriti; toe,, worth 75c.
Tljc.,,<ojieiiiiig pri'f!..........................................49

Cushion Sole



Made of Rret I|iihlily Chitane tounnd opper leather, cork filial, witli
antiacpitic cnahicn filled inaok- o|x'ning sale priou, 2.48
Mhi'8 Colt akin nn<l Calf akin abooa
worth 2-.50. not all ai»« iu tbia lot,
year choiix’................................... | ,48

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