Grand Traverse Herald, September 23, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 23, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







r aa to tha Catua

Ibo Scores Injured in Beod-on Collision on the

«.'M AND,ae.

Fart Wayna.,li*<L. bapt. *t.—Twe apeclal eara an tha Wabaah Va1
tanDrr vbo
hU ilfr 8u<Ur. traetlan line cellWad head an it Kingatond. fnd. thla aftamean. It ta
petoad that W.wan hllMd and acoraa Inivi^ Amoap thaaa Wllad wan
pnprlaier of the biutrtan Kola), and taynaur Kebinaen. damoc
WBBB-irunir nmat wwwa«M**w
ndidata tar auditor of Welle county.
bai ll tAlM » *> ^o. Th» »erdl.i «f
Ibe iary aimply mU. -Wo flixl tbai
UiUa (WM u> bU doath by hln
ear* Juma - No laaiHLoay W.» lairo-

jgWttK iW RDSnAi§^


TrVTown^lB bfaNtlan Will t
pitif a sVrtMy of OaM Uva
•iMk ai>B raiwi

trt-UMraafc)» teir to ba teU la tUf
cUy. Bopt. n. », bad M. nater tSo
aaqrtMa of ftiMlt City Biaiife. Ko.
Ml rarawra aad buataoM ntea la
tta Urae lavaAlpa ara taklac aa
aatimMUc tauraat la tha eaterpriaa
a«a M «hto will ka tka oaly fair la
OtMd Traraiaa eaiiaty thla yaar tba
latataat to act oeidaad to U>a Wvaahipa ractaaaatad. tat la Mtag a«
rouiaaad tioBi otbar portloa* of tba
OMBty aa » »ft>)act that vlU aot oaly
baaoBt Uto toealtty bat tba obUfo


it la ruawrad Uat IJUlo had atpartoacad a dtoappoiotawDt la hit
love, attain, bat autb a rapon ooold
not ka conBrned mod la not ncardod
aa tba caiiae. Dm no otbar inoUtc
to Etvaa by the oTftfara or frlanda.

Isnod to Beotli ta Beor-oM
Coffldoaoa I. 60.TUS

Iltoy. illcb., Bept.
today atartad a nult In Kent
couuiy U> rotnprll tha Hetrolt. (Irani
Harah A yillaaukop Ky.. lu quadrcplr
lu baiti oriaiailMi. Tha tailtoad to
(ha 'ton bolder of a ..^p(>rtaI charter
which flxat lu' taxation -at one per
upon paU op capital. irTe»'V
dCVE ATTACKED DV lira of ImproreBtcnU. The (oai|uii>'
baa bear, paylnp ISS.uWl aacual Ui
Blnca 1160. Tbe tuie ctoloe P aboald
pay on ibc came t-xs‘s ni
otbar railroad* aiMfdrnIr* the roauh
claim (bat It* charter to pcrp -tu.Hl


ChlrtRo, Sr|.i
—The deatrocUOfi
t a Pare Marqumte Irelpht (ratal by
Ire fuUowlna a y»r end coUlabin on
tha Haltimore p Ohkj Chiuapo lermlu
al rumiPn'i'a iracka at CBiiunvl Park,
rarly-today. rraultcd In the deaU of
tltakeiuan G«irse \V. Wtarkup. of
Xyaveriw City, who aa* burwad under
(t* debrU. and.aerloua U/ury of AlM Daviaon and C. U DaTiaon of
Heaton arbor, callruad cmployr*.

Gnat Lakaa ic p* Filled from Gov
arwrtamW Hatetartoa WHO Wbrta-.
Pad. Patah and TeawL
ChhPfO. Sept. •WThe praat Mkaa
ara potop to ba pood placeo to Bah
Orar whuedah. perch,
and tront wiU ba raleaMd lato. the
watan of tha takea from Ua «ormBteot'a batebertea al that tiaie- Tboae
are tKhl.wP more Uan were raloaaod
ait year. Ttiey wtU be divided ah«wl
-»aiU> betwecii th<- lakaa.
Tbcae Spuie* wen pleep by Gaorpa
d. Bowara. I’nliad Suiai coiamUataner of dafaerin. dui l<« a brief may lu
Ue city ye-t*rday. He left to Ua arantop tor WaaMupioo. Ik C.
-1 have juat coBuduted a circuit of
the haicberle*.- Mr. lipwvra maid
ue taderal buitdlnp. -and' we are
top to tutoPM :.toWJldo iDCwe whtleItoh. perrb and trout into the praat
lakaa aart apriiip than ever before.
Tbe aaloKm hatch at tba weal coaal
of tha \tuitad Sutea alao will be tocr««icd n«« iprtnp.
-The SeatUe batcherln are ta Baa
ahape aftd 1 have an exceUast report
(u uake to the deparubeni to repaid
to UeoL-


. who rmtpaed hU
1. to (
SAfTEMDER term cdnvcnes poaRMp M otcy editor at tho »gpON MONDAY.
lac Rocotd a abort ttoao Ppo to oRo
eSeca OOPW waaka kopcp, bat taoM>ed Uo pppetottBeot at aaatatPPf «IIF
editor at Uo DotiPlt Rvaotap No«^
toMbta r~«Fto- opd a dawfoad
Thto 1* oaa of Ua b(« aawapapar
ALL-.F^ VMH^ON OF LIQUOR pUcae In Derail pad alU ta aWy IOLAW.
ed by Mr Startpaea. who li «4i
QuaUltod tar Ua teiaa of opck p poMtlDP
Than ara 67 Caeca an tha Daakat->JUJ Of Ue nvada at Hr. Steiapef TKaaa an far Olvarea, 1b
aito la Traverae City wU be ptod la
iMucia af Fact biz Ctanaary,
Plk Metiona.


The calendar for tbe Septa)
lenn of OlrtHU court, which t«*ov
September s(. baa 67 eaaea on taa
docket. Of U««e then are i: trtsilnal
twaea. if lieuea of lacL «lx toottoPl.
rto Uanceir casea. and H cbaacery
pro coQfeuo. The ertmtoal eaaea will
be taken, op flm. Uea the laaaaa of
licL moiMiia. ebaaelwy
Lhaoeery pro coalaMo cpbm wOl tab
Tbe (Pleodar to aa foltova;
Criminal Caaaa.
The people va Frank Brookowyer.
vtolatlea of Ue Uqnor tow; Ftad H.
Pratt. Joha W. PhlePzB.
Tbe people v*. Prata Ktaxak. rtola
tioo of Ue liquor law; Fred M. PratL
Joha W. patchla.
The people vu. Jamm fioObuto. vi­
olation of Ur ligpor taw; Fred H.
praiL J«Rb W. Patekta.
Tbe people vi, Samael %ewp rto
tatM of the liguor tow;
FVed MPratL Joha W Patrhto.
The people va. Jame* UaOanT.'
olatloo of tbe ligtKY la*; Fr«
Pratt. Joha W. Patchto.
The people v*. Fred Dnaa. vlotottoa
of the Uquor towy Fred H- Piaxt
Joha W. Paicbin.
Tbe poopto re. Joha
rtolaUoa of Ue Itguer tow; Fred U
Pratt. Jeha W Patrbla.
Tbd people Ta Hu«h MeOsnaM. rtolalioD of Ue llqitor law; Prod H.
PratL Joha W. PatchiB.
The peopSe »«. 8yl»^«r Bi
viotoUoa of Ue Itouor tow; Fred H.
PfatL Joha f*. PatciinThe people r*. Aucuit FUher, rtotottoa of UT'^q^ law; Fred
PratL'John W^ftlchln.
The people va WlUlaai Crocker, rtolatkM of Ue liquor tow; Fred H
PratL John W. patdSln. .
Tbe praple va Fiatili Jobluoa. rt
oladoo.of Ue Hgoor lew; Fred H
PratL John W. Patchto.
laeuea ef Fact
KolUa Swlaber'et al..
A. iRIlkinKoii. Ugepau on Uc cam:
SuarUwBite A AlWay. Jnu. A Lor

tor aaAkaady tta-'i
txtoa ara «e aotaaratta that a «raat
Etaaaaa to umtni. Tha onwra «Ui
hti BKther un Cai* iFrret. He
ha kapt aary touy tor the aoEt araek
unmarried, ifnd wai Al-oot S» jeara
cd— Staamark
to taidMiM (ba dautto aad whao the
old. HfrJeCt ibl> cli.v eevcral 'di»» apo
fair ba«toa than «HI ba nblhlU that
fratoht run Word «a* reteliad
OVER lOAoee witneamo oreat
vIB ba a orodH la Oraad TiatarM
turdman Junctkin UU afternoon
ol the jeunp nian'e dMth, with orders
Mtw CHppah bhavHI Leave
§auh foe. Marla. Mich.. Sept. $0.—
Bnltahla prlMa will ha awardad tor
to notify the mother
Tbe aicPBMe Itokeland and
all anlctaa af pitaaca. nachlaary. (aa
Fittoan Thouaarid to Lina—Vice PraaSwaaiea cohlded at UtUa rapMs to
er wwt, Baa
Want. Shaiman and Gavarner
Ue tap UU monitoiL Tbe Lakatoad
Fart Reviewed Lint.
badly dawased forward from Uc
play aad Ibhiac ladMry.
held tar (rial to Oclobar.
>r line to tbe pilot taaie. She waa
All aRKtoa ara raouaotad to ba aaAUapile City. SapL SI—Over IW.charfa ot mutdariM aad accaawry,
tofod aat laiar thaa Sapt tnh. Siota raapactlraly. Mra. Crippan. The prto- •00 paraont today lined the mreaU to INSURGENT CANDIDATE
WON l-eached. (be crew narrowly aaeapinp. Tbe Smeaton'i forward dock U
caa M oatarad by talapboae or tattor oaara ottarad ao databM at the hear- watch Ue parade of the vaterw of
epbeaved WiU a bip bole near tha
to dote wood, aaoratary. or C L. top. Uelr attorway
Uto Ua a A R. nuaUartiw wore Uaa
- Hoc. Sihe aacbored newr tta
tooitor. praaMaat of Ibo fair. No aawould ba raaarrad toe tba trlul. Tbe IS.OOO oW auldtera- The parade wwi
Maea dotodomb lOfiilrad. .PYao hay yjtooaan whUaitcd. otheralaa
mtowed by Vice rmldecit Sbermaa •ol Steven* and Nya 6varcania Oa- .AkelxBd. Tup* arm tent fo Ibek
IV lief.
aad toa4dli« arlU ba aappltod ou the
and Ooreraor hVrL WaPUer evudi
Sioaada /or all Mock oa oxblbUoa. al-^
Hoaa arera Ideal.
aoNBod aiiMtac aad vwar. Tba aaodoctora and scores of
Huadradk of doci
.UmnaapoUa Scpi. it —Ths I
ctottaB to tahlhc Hraat patoi to aiaka
mbulaucaa were hheld reedy. ai varr tba tact In Ue alia
prituarv raturua auuiro the (Iciory c'
thii fair a abbraai,
ad nurdar ol Mra. Crlppan. aa aba krat potou of tba liae of ntarch. u>- Sydney Andetaon. toiurpvni c.iuditnat
veieranc who mi^i ilate, over Conpreasinau Tawue), the Waatthy Man Will Furchaaa StRn
napped fron a cab to ootar tYlppen'o
mar Homaa in Northgfvi
baartoc Uto nomlap. Tba clrl waa
celebrated “Stand -Patter," •>) a
booted, Uaaad and Uraatanad.
Jortty of about J.OOU. On I’l- i
ad Ua old aoMlen, partlnilarl} Uoac hand. t'oupmuBuan Steieut anO V-c
rcpDlted a body ot'poUca raaerve
Mto. Jennie Wolfe, the weU kaowa
anuKv tba raarcbera wbo were niaim- have been renomiiuUed over lCM.i!;en-.
boat back Ua atob. The attack
trained ntirae. whe ha* IHed for yaara
AfVMOTO ftCTWICN BIMMCK- Ue raaolt of Ua taotlnony Honda) ad aad irltiplad. Cowmauder Van
in Traver*e Ctt). aod who to- tocaud
that Ue pSrl bopod to Ptarr) CYlppao. Bant ltd Ua'iinu to Ue reiiawinp
(A'aboua. aend* Ue follow^ cU^
pinp troin a newspaper publubad
Daltor a Oay. for Lite.
that iwtion;
Utoa Onraow, Crtppen'a aucccaaor, FnctlfPlIy- all of thi- alUed orsan
Afdnayre. OK. Seat 13-T.
to Ua ttotaat awdictoa hotua aa
iuttona of tba U. A R held taeel.iugi
Dunn, ohe of the targe real aotate
taatlSed that aba dM not :
ytatarday. aonw- of ttieni electUip '
dealera of Ui> portwu of Ue ataie.
Orlppaa aaad H)oaetit raponed ioaad
L One Ulup notkwd at Uote
oa tba body wbicb waa thouptai
ha* ratuioed Irow a vi*it to norUchvflto. Mtob..
topi waa the daBulu- shape Ue
i MIchlgaii Ha wa* rapU’ivated by
* at Ihl# plaea to
that of Mra. Ciippen.
«tont for liK-rewanp th<- peealoua
Anton W- Bartai -.* W B. . >toon
leori, \nd
put to Bhapa tar tan bualaaM. It ha*
Of vataiu* li taking. The try It
Senator Surrawo Chairman of Com- ba baa been put to Uiofctog by *eeO). amtimpeil appeal; I’aj
dollar a da)- tor life. Al preM-iit ea
boat tofraaaaJ la alia to a btiMtoc
Oilbert. Pratt A Dart* '
> pram* pcnaloui to t'iril »
many of Ue rlcbeat oie
tarn toah wtth aaoloaad ahad .Oo
Jac^ Sach* a Cu-. t*. Treverve
cMorana aa h>w aa fit p aonifa. ThteountD' po Ibcra aod huiM
aida to aat tha can oader. It to batoc
-a. Tuere are (own* there con- City Brewing Co. et aL. aa*am
nadb boat proof, atdad aad will ba Cbaaofi by Kniphia of Fylhlaa a natkmal encawpaien to exia-ctad
Chlrapo. Se(>i. jc—With S--i>ai<ir
Cbaneallar Cammartoar to bitoUka up Ui- matter at iw u^tiup ^Burrow* of •Nl.htoan. a* <hair
trvlh-d by Ue retroatkm aaekerw of Pana C Gilbert. I’nderwtod A Itaipatoud. toaktac «alto aa addttton
aaod J. A. Loranpcr.
aSoup with ae\<-ral other aiib>e«u. afUa Ytnaia.
committee that ’i« intmnzaijns oihcr state*, and no paraon con buy lor
Apace Banx
Charlee Toaiieller,
Ttoa dhek aad track hara baw rw
Uc uicthod-i of Senator
l»rlm<'r'.. aoy at tbe property until an estcuAt a apacial “toiaUap of Ua
board pasaee upon tta flioera of amomprtt; LegAd Wolvh. Prau A tmbaOb can an toadad diraet trum tha
aicriKui uK-t today. Tbe pi\>l-c
the wHvaW to beioote '
•kpabmat «aa ooto a tarry, thaari
IJU.V Duht«r as ^mlototiauU of
itUen of (be town. Mr Dunn la.'s
acraaa Otoa taka to Dayh toill dock,
Seoalor lUirrow., nuicd the 4'r<--. to BM Uat olnumber of toiaadv'Ui- e>tat-.- of iluram E. Ouaher. detbaaoa ovar hto railroad to hto ptor
teetlmnny in lull a* received by il.e
It by than
loobed of all ceased, w. Pere Mi^ueUe Kailraad
«B Uka dUtatoaa aad toadad oe
Karl Flahar Oara Rapoet af Torch ccmniitn-e would be »eiii to Wa-diiugIbeir
irewiM** od Ue cam; J- W.
otaaaiara tt tha Nonbara Hlc^Kaa Jvha A. Uoranpar. U. It- Htthtor
Lake HatUeg to Lawia
toii for doci.-.B»n
lonstdvr.-d iiraytKally wurt,hle*a by Paiyhia. Mcl’taraon, BUU A Streeter,
Uaa. Ibaa aahtog tat oaa baadliai atocM to Ell the otBca of Prelate, by
Cava Club.
theirowd.-rn. Ilvounip'rt (b« them tX>ieU A froU,
troto BardtokriUa to iha tttamrr
raaiu of Ua tnorlap to HaaUnjp of
aluwtWe fw- Ue purpose' Joe AIM Webb »*. MarM p. Clark
Al the lueettop of iluy
.Thara to a pood en>p of potato^ Uratar D. Walrk. the. pnaeot i>r
0* (aralsbihg ipaie tor the buJIdicg braech of eoteaaat; Cbiell A Craaa.
to Uto loeallty and a pood tall bual- . There wUI baa apecA awMInpoaxi DobaUop chih Monday nlcbt prr^W.-nt
ih.MB to tookad for. Thla Uaa opaai up Tueaday avaatop to oonfar Ur third
worth flve biiiid:«d utaiLs
Bufu* .k.-lk»twick VL Tbe MicklHIpta KCbool (onfervoco which wa* Suffered Painful Accidant on R. A O.
a tai«a tarrttorr to thli tocallir .athlek rank oo u <*ndUaia. to toatall the
tc-r-yarapow Hr t> orcuiuiinp a eeai- itnti Siarrn Co., treapes* CB Ue tarn;
baM at Torch luike la*t .MJiuiaer
Near Columhuh U Now
op to dau W baaa haadlBfid by (W« aewly elactod oOcem. to ptou
Toledo Ho4p>UI.
fnend* here to pu'frham one Ct-veU A Croe*; P. C GUbert
toadaooatt E^pti>< fadUttaa.
moat Tiporou* oampaipu tar the bal Juno IT to July 7. and to wWA Mr
->l Uvin and bold it as a samme' re-1 Pcirr CaribotHt va. Upiis F.
Fls/icr wa* teni a* a.dclecaie by tbej
aaca of Uto year, to partake of
Vi ne*, of W,.*t Tenth sort.
jkelL aasnopati appeal.
Pa.'m C
.M 1
of Chet ChaM'a good luechec. asd w dabattop flub The repon wa* a
c!. ir.,-iv.-d wuj-U Tu-aday tfiji.
Tbe a.-iKle >peak* for iimlf and. Gilben.
coBiplMc one. cotw'inp (he routine
a aod buninitoc bitdi have a panaral pood Uiae.
shnw-a Ibe exicBt of adverttoibp of O. Watson French et al ra
In Bapuoobac are tadaad rate to thla
dt.vA as well as a nbort xynopri* of
roantry. tat K. Oora bioophi an ap­
(Wte; I'rt'.'. A BavU.' Underwood A
the lecturaa that were piven oach (wiH'ii Cohioibii* ai.d Toledo
ple bleaaoBi wd a tale o( a huiaiidiiE
tiowi-s waa badly, ihoufh not (.iial-y
erwalnp. Tbe ipeaki^ «la(ad
ARCHIE smith is dead.
hlN late tbe Record otdea Uto awnin.-j^vil. an Iron N-:i jueuutiR ihr)--i.»i
Standard CaatJbg Cb. r». Mack
top. Mr. Oara atatad Uat he picked
Trarene fit) had dfie aorand
Mrpa R Mdlar Mat With Vary
Faaacd Away Tueaday N>gM After a iivaUr Co . treapasa oa Ue cam. Curthe apple bkwaoto frOD a tree to Ue
dMagattoa at tbr carap and wa* wall one of hla hand*, and ti* i
Serleoa Aeeidaat at Soyna
wa* taken to ih.- bo.-piUi in Tu'-d-'.
yard of J. O. Stabler, of Bute airaet.
She-^ niiveta
jtto D Alway. Underwood a Uu
rtpreaeeiad by thoee dcleffaie.-- i.
and wit: b>- !a>*-d up for some Unithla tooratop. aad Uat ha alao aaw a
varloM athletic cvii'vat*.
A.-rluc 8mjU **ed. 17 y«* ». died’ B«'ha A ItoTwdn va )lvk OilivMr. Dowo* wa* formerly a puiiiehaauitophlrd eitttop about tba Staih
Mta UowbaU. bmpital Tiievdav i'cuir Ct... l.-e^a** oo Ue earn; t
Miilia worktop on a pa* main
an or. Ihe legal force.
ler yard, praeaaahb' afiar the hoae.r Uoybe City. OFu-ge R Miller received
night »•
afi.-r a *b<jrt Utorm
D Al«ay. Uoderwowf A Uiulor.
Iron Ua v»la btoeacm. Tba UoaKaa
aborrultal* He .Bad
>nu>lc}ed ; L)tto .k Carter »a LU'eTWB W«
Ui/ury to hla right aye Saturday
waa a deep plak. and aa awaa
>y C. -L Jeya^ of Oax-n*. dartng ih* tr-.-P**> oo Ue cam; Pana C. <
toomtop Ual will prohahly coat hi^i Ttra Fatally and Frftjr PaHoualy In
Uo(«k U bad bean awafceaad to Ufa
Prau A
hi* alphl. MIBer wm* cuttlnp a paa,
wws broofb; to
Uto city asd ' Edgar E. Cham V<-. Robert C. PawlBHpbton. Mich. Up)t. M—Laboret Ohio City New Ha* SCL2I7. an
Oiato. when a aual aphoter flew up
placed In Ue boepitaL Tta yooag la-^ a:, a»aoapai(; Aisll F Nerttopcraeae et 6X7 Fer CenL '
aad atruc^UhodP-^ aye. Ha retura- John McCraw and aoptneer Re)-adld*
Tha Record to to rwiipl wf a Mtar
tabiuptOB. SepL M—Tbe popoto- mao U eorrived ly hu mother, who tr.'e»ut‘» U Alajy,
probably fatally. and io tahorer*
trvm L. 1. Renan of Oraad ItapMa. ad at opie to hU^ua to Uu cii).^
Bowllup Qre>.-fL Obk>. and a!
Icoch Vvcetable Tea Oa va J.
gf l-ABtWL O. IV iOJ!7 ai
to Which ba ataua Uat be to ceoMai where iha attc^Atop phyatotoa ad- aertoaaiy.talPrad today wboa a work
Tbompano-1 M Sprout. Jobs Heim and Charlee T.
c-eaee of 18.3V*. or at : per real a- »;vter. Mra Carl Itotea.
to Itarwrta CRT aboQt tha Irai of vuad^>tan to Mra for Ana Arbor at train craahed Into Ua rear of a
lUe. who arrTtrd last •eenlog with Cedermten. arnwmpait. Jota W. Patchparad with .V-.6K7 to 1>«‘
October lor the parpwre of parobaatop
A Darte.
Oiiaat Traearaa coeaty pioperty tor A./j^op^ Btoaaape Tueaday auied
Clflord Mtactjlc
ta Icoream of T.634 or 18.8 per
Ltat a pirra of atoal waa ramotad
Tbe Miiiae* HMen. Una and tTara
•ewpnae oe Ue teac: Oored A <>oaa,
fliw Ue aye yaPtarday apd tha eya DM left Ula taernlnp via. tbe Fere ceBL The |up«latioB of La IT
C. H. Tensy va Hnntoun BKar
Dr. MtaOr baa ratimad tram Jack- ukan out today.
Uarguettn tor a vtah with fricnda to Wi*.. to *U17. as tocraamof lAC. or
trtaPMB cat the owe. da
I'lueaiuoa et K^a F«
DaUoii iBd imtrwin m rouo to Wer- S 3 per cenL Tbe pepuiatioo at Camtap, wRatp ha waa called op pcoopat
tank; CWtto D Atwajr.
at Uo-cMttcal Ulana af hib brathaf. ,'kka. Frad Scawplka toa toat **e* cpatar. Maaa. where they -will ypa^ hridpe. O.. to ILiir a* oampared with
» Bananh R Lay MareataS
; tba Rot. I. W. Mtaar, wta to
rto tha Para Marpaaeta Mr Ti two toCPUa TtoMap ratoxivta ^ UoL- 6.7« to :•«. The popatoUm of Lark*(CoaUoaad
oe pace twal
what kaprml
toUer, A. Dtoa.
. WaML. to toip bar hoabaad.













raa not the pgipoae of Mr. Btor>
to leare Tiaeetm <1ty tar taetnl weeks, tat be eeald ata oMm*
to dedtoe Uto toon eacellmt fWSM



Fraaideney Soemad te Da aa
EtameM at Ml
New Toik. Soft
retaaed to diactma S«-^taltap
day rwfpeed
WiU Talt taaterday. He
eoaltoh .
tlotarMa The »«“"—♦*— ai« taH
ta sot piMMd «Rh Rto ta•hlta
' •
Cetambua Ohio. Ddpl. Wl-FuM
droi Taft, aa raaw to CtiiliitaL to ^
rwelTtop hsadrada of tuitafMntaHtai
00 hto falraaae irtarltlng Raoaaegira
reqtteM to -Mier tho ttaw Tort MtaMaata *a^ Ual Raaaag aM tatatatog Un kdmta
aue Uat Talt to Ue rml laadar.
Albesy. N. T- BoFL ta.~Al taa
mewttop belwam PraeMaat Thft aad
Tbetalore Rooacveli at New Haten. It was Plata trcta all taal tnaapirta bWore aad aftar tha miittop
Uat tbe nriuoN aad bta Hem pMRItol
advtoera are not a tittla worried oew
Ue MtuatM la Itaw York Mata aad
Ue preeWdai lor (urthar a*ldeace of hto moral eoppmL
Tbia Ue i raNAwir -waa clad ta
Kive. He teclared hto poMUta ta the
York ctate tght bad bean olaar
from the »eo tree Ha aalA ha vmlaUlxed heartily
tha «pld
pwiple of ihe atata Hr. Thft rMtanbed Ue eUMeata he made to hto latlec to Ucyd C. Ortacom. iimtiiu at
New York couty raptihUcaa eeaa
mliue at the t

Tta tottar. he
stated hto poattkm tally aad
eccaraisly and he wa* otiadlap aa R
Uai ta tavoiad

niKleratand* Uia u> be Ue parpatl at
Cobb -'til at ameodad by the Data
U>w and .'oeepb ChoaU memorial He
aald he hoped that a derUraftna tar
a primary tow woaU bo wrRtaa
loio tbe repobbcaa Mate ptoftermaad
a raadidaic lor goeoraar to ta*pathy with Uto TOTameai waaM ta

predMcacr to 1*12. Tha (ntatata
not beta adrtaad aa to what Mr.
aeveli a auKodo m toward taamfr
rad lem. Mr. TafU* pomum totata:
He to wiaiBg to nm tf aemUaced.

Taft *ela Uat Uay win am to hto
aauea. . Hr. Tafce
frMdi eay if the Amerteea paapia
hte tar a iimta term that MS

It WM etmed of todayh
Otod wtata tt map ham taea
tul ta tt* Hoaic atoBk aad *
totagi te tae taiMegit




M inMM M

h sifMkaat. aad I

Ceteik: vnit A fiavk

Wcatsra Itehlsaa DsTsteBoai
‘va Iter G. ■iicbnm. tiwtea «• the
isaa aad the Traeisno CHy board of
irlten CMdy Oo va Chaa
ora rortlM or U»a sUlo. The tact
Ite MSO thai
mako this oKr

kept «L-FDM*Oi
■ to kaey. 7»«4k:
te good, gs^lde.

mvtmi errv<* iMoutTRuu.

Amsw TnwM car te» apt MM’ ur
M» Mwotti
ft «vU(t »• Mat tvo r**n.
|i* p
to»* «•
i ilim lor
mm «( Olt
• aipw* «0M Mt Mim tarn
M «rlt MT IMM (Of VPr*K^,U#wm. WhO* »«*•K
V« a huttow

«• HutlM. ^ m mMiy tkiBV
Ai • nftll y«r |hiif m «MU*Ur Mf-T------- --



Thstaroro. vith the etocoaots ohkh
edet Ip tbis -r~1—"r. «e do aot be- BietvIUssehteat laser that arithUsso that thaca te>old *a aar taal- IB oaly thrae vote. AMS Mi have
lolaed tto
atanwa thass
of veaJtb
t the eeaatry. tteadtac all
of tts ffoailasat aviators who
hsea hsdora the ptibttc dortoc the past
year. Jtcceei- dataoteratloiii have
prova Oat ks air aUp la case of
•eee auainkm RROteccr.
wa> will he a toMidmble (hetoi
Ite latoat aoaadal rapom troai It w-U] revotatkMilas the art of war
New York, five aa eaoapuoi
aad 'doebtlaas be a powerful eletnti
baaMhy tone to bsslaeas cote
a> a prsvaataUve of coaAkta hetwaae
nw hte ooBBtiT- Tha raven of aatloos aad win also be a stroai
UmTaafrs.teteBteaatte >7- N tor la tbs masrviUoa of the i
oattMtatts. Tha rsaort says la of the iwotM.
Navlcatloa of the air Is sttO Is Its
ttCsBcy hat ws predkt that' wUhia
•vs ysata. (ssu wiQ be scoompU
aad theeora erop wU] be oat of daa- sd which hare yet bsea dselttwd
far so that If trosU A> oot latarvsas
lbs hlr sliU>
we are sars of a ba»per ero9 of V also, like tta auioaobila. has <4>eosd
I. hrlailac to the ap Hatnieisa ladualriai pteibUltlaa
The Utportsaes of thb faotor. aot m- aad thsra are ahwady ataay faetorte
rirtMn IIASOASO.SM of saw wealth. mdsctof air vcssets aod ouaieitwa
It ts Its rStatioe to tha fuBors bat to pana Tha air ship has cods to May
the raUroads aod to
aad Whb It bswUdss (or the ezpMiatioo of iavaoUrs r>oiua

•uvisra UBT.
S Itltt.
Oieage. Brat. :t—

Joha U. Hack va ktegste. naek.
■Mioa tor aUBoay aad sapeaaaa;
Perm C. OUbert. Oao. W. Curtb.»
Oao. a. Dobarty va AUla k. Doher­
ty. DotioB (or allmoay: Farm C. OH
bert> OaSaay A MUtaer.
RiMas B Btewick vs.. knoUgaa
8tarcb Co., matew 10 diasotre atuebOovcU A Cite. Wttsoe A Rll
B C CUbart.*
PblUip> Vouag
Vou^ 'va M^gle Y’ouiiA
motioa (or anBony and axpensas;
Farm C OUbert, Oaa W. Cbm.*
M A. Boatwick va
Starch CD, tootloe tor coattBoanew.
Covall A 'Cross. VTOsaa A WOraa.
srm C. OSbert*
Me.ver Broteara A CD. vs.
TooaeiUr and Hoary Toanelter. crad
iior's bill: Saiurthwalte A
Prsu A Parte/
WlUlam HcCooI «s. Ira Tal
and EBen Tatauco. cradHor'e bUi:
Ustar p Wakh. Farm C OUbert
frank Lntonuao va Pens Lalontpee, divorce: Amtj p. Nerlincer. Frau
A Onvte.
UUie U. Hoswonb vs. iM. It
Boawonh. dtvcm; Farm C. OUbert
Jobs W, PatohUi.
tVUUid H. Campbell «i si va JuUur
Steinberg at ah blU to quit UUa:
Farm C. OUbert. Cbados C. Sin
Oama l£ puberty va AUte M. Dob
orty.-dJvorc*; Oaffney A
Farm C. OUbert.
Chaaesry Fro CMtfsssa.
Sanford Laagwonby va
Langwonby. dtvom. Aull F. Ner

boras. ttkkMc-

do mecA to roplacs tbs west op
k k KmU
and frwr onp aoQBd baslaait barb sad must of.
City Otaasa No. 02 is U
«t ftoM —fm ta aa aCMtlve atfrw■aoy of lbs drawbacks ar
teed (er iU oaiamlsa »
4WMKtAv TmwM Cicr aa a m»procDOUac a tTHownehip lair to bi
mmUK. Thk caaiira ahlpa
bold Id Kinctey next weak. It U ah
te VMAMta a toof diaUBM aad Is
ao to be dephKwd that tbara has aot
««■ kww« aBd nUalAa.
eathclaBt iMsrte to exploit a
Grand Trarerse coanty teir thU'yaar
“WUlsrssalts naaswrad k at
Tba crest pobholV being fivea this
MM* vtMM pwdnet is Mt attract. tiM is aot «te was orlckally ds- hMBlhy and tha succaeatol axp
rhad. suu tha oombut has aac
Uoa of Oraod Trasarae frulta^nd oth­
MS boot dsAcleocy aad (lowets er prodnets BertU (taster activity la
arUl ha Bore thaa eospeosatef
this respect It has bean shown hr exmt Mgh r«BMr tkat has 1
Ito ahomcs by tha proatabla pritas perteee that such an
SMttkrrar *r hs«rr haoUac aad his Which Hearty all teOB products bow bdags steartM boaaflta. and lust at
This eoaniry Is pecsUarty thia tlhm, wtasa wa are pra*
idsnt upoe iu barreats sad Ibo prorwas aad daveloptec

fact that tbaaa ore atsal to be cap aoarote. a cood lair would ba a toclr « t|w,a
Mary B.^;
I. Daniel A. Caryl
lia TThTscM atr. aad tiSfad with very satisfactory flaaDclal cal amarpHsa.
divorce; 1, Q W
site Che cmrth of the raaults. Is a basis for nueh concrotOla M. Va^teervort va. Arthur Vat
la tba BtOBtlBe aveiy 00a la tha
LIt Ungc.
county tbould anoonraca tee SubdI
"Id one other Importut respect, City craa(e la IU pralaewonby ef­
Ctnir lireeiihcH* v^. John A Green
mm tel tha Ttesna Cltr kaaaiac. there has tees dacMad lupsorei
but-, divorce; L. IL Cage.
ktehM WtththsiD- and that k IB the mooeUry O4t)ook.
Maud H. Burr xa. Ward F, Burr, di
,4—aiaaste k tha taslasss at tha Than is bo loocar any (ear of a bmp
rarre; L. H. Oaga
Ote WasTWCh seaway aad tha sy crMe this fall aa at oas thaa,
^ Ml'nlier Vouw vs: Flora Y.
sUMUty of the basket taotory, lha tJdpated. Tbs Issseosd ptsatuts'
»ce: Aiuil F. NaHlngcr.
JT, i •wnikM seaHUy aad otheip reads lor both boslDees aad
Mnrril C^pnvU vs. imra A DavU
tu Newport stole
af.hte .panttods. tbks H ao other tiTs purposes has also sssaste
ivorce: Amil P. Nerlinger.
barren o(\waulta a
VteliUhM ttatnsvarra OUy la probability or ao strata apoa o<
Orare K. iUourb vs. Hiram
Hffkplpd J» Iktekaoa la a ataas- aaaclal BTSteai. Tbcrs wtU be a
Colote Rooaavalt as uaatleaal Uauas Riourti. divorce: U H- Cage
liytdtec my tor
«atoral rw«th casioB tor Uc (oraraateBt io «ld l^e
Maggie euies va. Ekior Stitea. d>
their penonal ratotlona In view of
df Chs kkorlsa already adlafaUsbsd
ly market this yatr, la reality,
vorca: L. H. Gage.
many tacant aveata
srlU ranalB bars psnos- tbe aHeatloB will be reversed and the
etisabeeb Luce vs. Orln O .Luce, di
BnMblng of a trace aaama to have
banka ate more likely to be called Bp
been arranged leordlng tea New voroe: Farm C. OUbert
Ot seatas, wa bare thf ararprsasot OB to assist la the saarksUug of
Bdiu U Koch va. irmii Roeb. d.
Vark sUuailoa After that o
who teas tluwich paaalja. MW k>aa. Nothlnc mora than tbs tail
aaaau wUl ahapa theaMalvea. Oatonel vorce: J. J. Tweddle.
sttlBgaocy is bow szpoctcd.*'
Henry Armsl/cmg va Bdna M. Arm
This report redacts condltl-ms sU
divorce: Parra C. Oil
bava m drop tee bint teal as to his
V> te a» aanmre aiaj m ob-iww over the coaniry aad what is crae of stda of the matter • aomathlng s
Mnale Fmt v. Frank 1. Froet di
9 •ton la ppodaooe* to Uve la. Ibe crape of tba fraat wte b mis at
A Vmlor.
ainC aftar tee alecUona
■ k p«d tench to boost nis pals- this time of tbs craps of Mlcblcsa aad
Elva R. Bnmont vs. Ben Fro:
iteft to tettlng IPIZ look out tor Itaeif.
M ta state that Travsrsa Oty has a this section, ae Uist tbara Is svary
Ho dactaiM he has oteor matten of divorce; Cnderwood A Vmlor.
jwtt^fklils aatear of this caatry. raasoa to balleva that this (all aad
coneeni ai tea laoDeoc.
nsr* are Om who erttkks any winter wiU wltaass a healthy btulaaes
New Oeod News •praOa
came oat at usky's confai
M Id yaare old aad traaal
|H^ THfiriant or tba boosters of ravlval.
arblc* la addiUoa to tee praeldec
of tba time." wrltca B. F. Tolsoo. of
tft nrcieliwl body. Tbara aseas to
lal Sooaavrit kduded Lloyd C. Stsabatetmn^Ky. "^erywbeire 1 gc
4 lakttada eaoac soaa o( our
Tba farna of Nortbara Ulchkno aa Orteeom. Otto T. Baanard and I
rien M)biHil»l cnisau toward tba
my exceUeal health and vital
tery Norton, teal tee Tali admliilatra- tly to them. They eCec-t a cure every
at Obte Th* wa hallsvs wUl I basunsr raaon U aot co&tnad w
Ooa te 10 be ladorwad at Saratoga No illBa- They never (ail to tone tec
^ pt nara are tbosa who balteva hte immadlate aeetloo of tea coantryStomach, ragulau tee kidneys,
Bwattonof Mr. Taft ae a eaadldi
^ effears of the heard of trade T. U. puan. oas of the Urgest laai
sUmulnte tea liver. Invlgoi
im wUl be uadi.
MRUfist Chatr ktarast hsoaaae of pa^ eatata draleri la Oklxhoau, Uu spam
It became kaowa that Freaidaat work wonders
iMtf calMTMsldusboi^ bakliik- n gwtloD of tba summer la this eecTaft deprecated the artloa of tee Ohio men and women, restoring sirai
yttei eok tha tmtea of tha pabltc tloa of hitehignn nod wax so
Ulcaai la Aackrtag (or him in vigor aad baalte teat's a dally )oy
Wteted mHP Pt -Travans Ctty. U vaisd by tee country that be '
- ...
- -rts^OOO is
»1A HD did aot telDk be should ba IMS who have oeraakn to crtUeisa gnatelng a company of frlands to taka
____ - . .........................
A. Bug
■ade an issue.
boo Drag Co.. 8. B. Walt A 8001, and
ttt bkh s( the hoard at trade wooM over ooasldarafale property aDfflig
There te uo doubt bowuver. that tee Hannah A Lay Mereantila Uo.
(he lakes of Korthsra Sllcblcan for
aakf tl thah beabtes to c*t k
tAak with tha oncara and aeosrtala '.be purpose of astabltaMnc parwa- ladoat of i»ii bung over yeeiarday's
dtht hu base does aod wbat li bate« hsnt sumaar bomas. »-bUa hare, be
dsaa. th« wU aod that tba eccbatea. discovered teat weallby people from
An AurM Cnmtian ^
tki is tebortac aodar oakvoas^
r states come to Nortbum Micb- o( a TBteaao
«e'd By F. W. Wilton, and tbn Wag
teawkas sad
sirMwu. vudi tgan avary jwar aad he Is ao toipraassr latenst te
ene te Be Made bX CaWwall A
bilhfbt hs ikuea* K thsra eoold be ad with tba countr^ that be has da- _ abort If you----------------------------Lauden Far Miasaukcc Man.
a dma skted Uisite of the basl- ddad to make this hb nanaxl summer AMvo. tbolr uuliReot eura. Brea tea
w«rat boUa ukara. or fasar ..............
iretlng pbee and is iDdadug
F. W. \Mlson. formerly register o1
aoaa heated by It Beat l
Cute. BrBtets..8oa>e Lipa.
. deeds. BOW reiKeseniing tee J 1 Chsc
Haads. ObUbklna and Piles, tl givaa
laateat miaf. Me at C. A. Bubcas Tbrasblag kiscblne company. «( Ba
Pot Cn, A B. Watt A Sons, aad Haa- Use. WU.. sold tba largest traetka
aa A Lay MaroaaUte C
line aver sold Id Mlchlpn to I, M
Blteards. of Missaukee oou
Ferry F. Powers, at CadlHae.
enctea white weighs is tons. v>UI be
la tba city today on bis'way to CH
used (or drawing wood.
Raplda, 'wbara ha. wd> anend tee
» teal Mr
I k due in a Urce decree
fterthera Htoblgdff Newspaper Men s
Blrbards bsve bis wagons made Is
to toe tototol aui gemeat of jvttr bankkic
Traversa City, and kr. Hubardi
plaead hsi order for 10 heavy wagoas
An aecouDt wiA thk bank awurea absolute
wKb tba CaldwMl A Loudon Brra.
kil^ |or Tonr nooejr-yalM careful aod
rKboat causa.
Robwd Corwell has left to take up
ptfted kUaBliwi. to tbe detaUs of >our bank•UMtlon. Ksr<
_ course lb Hiram cullege. Ohio. Hkgrltetoete
Hkdatee. But. sate troabtea ty ba[D NSW Ufa Pllte. the will atop at KaUmawsi ts'reuir. Mr :
kra Pr.
Wa pay THllSE per eent iulcrcst on Sar.
Corwedt expects to rake ug a course
aad Uvar
iBC accounU hOd Oertifieatos of Dupodit
which wDI prapare tom as a mMolon '
aiy doctor.
A Lay MarcaatOa Co.



Caniiy Hanagemoit

WANTt»-ktema« •


. .u.fkH

FicBlc Hama, per &................ I5#y
lb Mto.4........

COrell A Cross, Curds p. hSaay. PaMite kteklaa is aRairs s< dartek A Ukar
oas «( ik«v ir«*uti« rasa la a vte- «4u^ defeass aad odeaie Is .u air
rntOam Aasf CO, va Akart Patao-idvarttaeaeat for Traverse Oty.
ri. prlBdtal . dakndnai.
aad araatlaallr ah of chsk are oaths-,
Schambargar. garalahee teak


............................. ... ............................Bd

^ frak shkdM^
> the clvO war wm M* arHMto
> J A Stoaa cd Keara TkkTtEa
•etra tl troB wbat doMpr* aaid was
eoaaaptlsa. ~l aciatfamrd a aiahbhril SOM.- ba writes. >teM dgskopa oraO- teat mnek to am la apttr
all remedies -tor years. My wafght
D down to I3S poaada «Tbaa I be_j> to uae Pr. Kian Naw ptooovwy
sblte completely rarad ma. I aaw
wclgb ITS pouak- PW aaagha *aUt.
■orthage. bam
wbaagtag eoua aad bmg
0*MBksal** c"**^
tea'prwg Cto!VE.'g^A*^R^^
-saM A Lay MereamBe Oe.


M'beceaa my *«•, baieia Oarer,
bav ><-n Bv-bed aad board, ab psnpas
noilled aot te givw bar ciadtt aa
aceoaai at | wttl ps.' aa Mk af

lowU. iJiac;

Pued sept. If. Ifto.
se«t M-te'Zrk.

•tLLNii fkioa.

keamhara. hot I

The SnrpIgsFttPd ot a BmIc

Uuak Matons .

WHwiearac* ttnm lls bmadm^

PototoM. per bushel ..................... lie
Ftaur, ftad. I

is that irorti.di ..f ih.- .wnibirs «f lh<- Utik that p. tMt (wiJ to
tbe- stcK kh.vMvrH t.ui iH l.-ft iu Ui.- Wiutwa. tbvrvh.v aa^iug to
tho strcaftUi uf th>- bnuk aud m tbe iniu iudug uf eareftil,
eunaerrutive uuaaxeiueiil. .\s thin Norplist Fund iucrrwses
frv>tu yi-ar to year, it i» jHieitive evijeave of the real prvt^rily
uf the bank.

0«r Earacd Svpiu Fnd u«:
Uto Grewtii skowtkfl a gala ca^y«tf

yen IMAM


ISI ■' ................. ......tSoSS
1910 .

*snaaca nef lb.......................... -

Traverse City State Bank

cuit Court for Graod Traverse C'minty. in Cbancary.
May Collins. ComplaliiaBt. va WUUm A tVtllUis, DefandaBL August
15, ISIO.
It appesiing from nfddsv'lt on lUe
a toe above entitled raose test tby
lataodast's Isit knowu place of-resl'
lance waa In ibU 8UN- and Ihsl pr»
was for hu appetuuev herein wss
luly Issued against blm but has been
eiurned test tee »afae could not be
lerved upon him by reason of tUs cen;inued absence from bU last knDwa
dace of reaUenca- On moUoa ot L.
H. Gage. soUcI
' ordered 1

date bereof and ii
e BUI of Complalni
(wssd agalaai him
Clrcjli Court CommUskiaer
Grand Traverse Coufity.
U H GAGis;.
80L tor Oomplalnanl.
3ept- Z-»-I«S:-2v‘ Oft. M4.
of Publicstton.
fTATB OP .MlcyiQAN. the Clrcnli
tee County of Grand
CDnri I
In Chancery.'
Ferdiusad BUsrd. .
order o( PublietUoa. TblrteanUi
JndlcUl ClreuK la Cbaneery.
in this cause. Il appeariag from
WAdavU on Bk that Ibe detaadant.
FerdiDsnd BUsrd. U not a reaMcnl
si tbe bute of Hlrblgan. but raaldes
In 6t. Msrv’s. Idaho, therefore. 00
■otkia ot Farm C OUbert. aoheltor
(or compUiiiaai. u u URPiSREP test
tee said defeadaai enter bU appear­
ance In said cause on or before (our
months (rooi Ibe date of teU order
aad teat aritetn twenty days tee com­
plainant cause ibU order to be raibUehed la tbe Grand Traverse Herald.

Oii September 17 aad S8
CTH£E*stmjtn Koddt Compwf will hold a
** bie free Exhfbiiion In the City Open
HouseSeveral hundred enlRreemeatB from priie
«;n-log Kodak ofgativea will be OB exhibit
Four Bxperu from the factory wiU give kctu*ei and detnoobtrationfl oo Kodak work.

aU tbis is fbee to all
F(M uilormxliyD and prograa, call at



Tbw aagiMWDety
(XHUpgci, gispld.

4 kaTe^ug unk.

Dated, a
■ Oreult Judge.
SoUcitor (or ComptalaaBt.

Fall Term Now ^nn

PurablUty M ai-<-atrd fay the very raroful .v..»truftloa. eveir

d ample ate- sod strength to wtibatand all wcdr mat strain. A few of tho
.i«-rul (uttnres sri: Jump vpeik Igmliksi. wblrb dora away wM__ M
iruubl-MMiK- sprinev and trip#; cuclracd crauk can.' wbU-k ewers all WWfktug pari, aad bearti.i* exptMM to dirt awl dost In many engM: ^
Biwable water }atbe.t. wbtob U tadrpeodeat at ter cylmder and amt Pa
IT-placed at .vry small «g>i 1a rase- of ts>ur7:- oU lotora ta teglart wtte
-mXiou ebamUr are ground tberatore M dedaya. by packkg btPwtag

k F. «»M»:; 9
t 'ooto In and see our dotuoa urating Eogtee. Fitcc
II P. t*»APD.
Cash dlseouBi.S per ceaL

Farmers* Siqndy Co.
MverK CHT* mclL





mODCn-ORS-A. rner l«y. It

ar3-l; - ■ ■■ ■

8M tomi n^TiM


■•ak. T»T«rM <!Ujr, HUR.


GuR«r<ntaiM«M Farfuwii IU*tf (topm% •* OrwM TravtrM DIMrfet.ME OooE V*w.

MWkM M jMkMB. U vhlcb
t&m thm will to.BMir m« anpoliiiMHO wU* thnnubeal
tb« «UI«.
*Tt«TprH ^
ud tkN I«r ti
Ui« IKHH of tiM
Clitrta •uRMliileodMU. ibe Rev. A. T.
Tbe 9m. Mr. Fetinuon. who- reEterder left to etund the «iolero»e*,
OvHrod the followtat report hrob
the 9«rk In Um OreH Tmveiwe dUtrkt wbleh wfll be iHd before ibe
Ibe a pwten appointed
dorgM oo Ibe dletrtot at the Uat
wff one. only 4« eanUiiaed to tbe
wm «( tbe rear. Of (boae wbo drop­
ped oat, two tbroBcb (allinc bealth
rolneuatJr wMt out of tbe nlotetrr.
tip haarlBC • f|M
reetlH wut aWltfullr to more reHMhUio teMa: ud one. tbe Rev.
Mm latoba, a iwrthr Imdlan paetor.
*«• body wUb hU eharte laid
, dowa.
A»d eeaaad At om to worit amd
Bra.aat «( bieaHr-todemd the work
ofMi (be cbargn affected. We have
bad to mUBd also with sertm
naacMl dspmaslo\. Potatoea and mill
an ew prtedpal
tanW product*
tbrooghouL tbe dhUria. Pouioea at
froM « to Je'cmU a bushel ^ epHng
aad the geaeral failure ef the troU
crap tbl* rear, baa made hard time*
of Mr c
»-«bcrman. Wex:
far« aad KalkaMca—bara suflored
IM deslrattlra (Iras, whit* otbet*
bap* ksK hr movale mased by the
gniag oM of indoetrle* Utet had
baaeted tbeir rapply of tlBtar. Thee*
ruversM Must atect uafaroraMy <
ebgrab EoaocM oa (bee* duraea.
Oa the wbde. bowever. w* have
, had a good rsar. Tbe paeUtre have
dome (elthtnl work, Hd with the eoopenuion of their paopM Hv* baea
aM* to prodoco good rosulu.
SMbtoH ehargo* hegaa.tho poor
wKb aa laeroas* In the railBBle lOr
Pbstoral eupport
PModtey added
•m lo the pastoFa salary Ute In the
pear, potting it at the bead of tho
dlslrlet ta potai of pastoral eupport
Aakory eburch. Travera* pity, ra«Hau tie return of tho pssior at an

^0 la*


ooaot rcadOr bwsUow
«r ■ tSl^aiM that te *^raak
ii half aadcrtHb MmsT b an i


Friday. Sept. W. at n A bl, and rilr
ferenra coadueted tp Btetug) Ber- • CMS awarded.
Kingsley CommUtee— 1‘rwddeot.
UKeihw with lb* BlBSloaaty and
the social welUra contrTeoiwe that .niph (Wse: aeciriary. B. K- t'baulThere is an imaense cMfference between a took and a
followed, presented a coona of In- tyi ireasonr. J. a Bros^.
gHiwiiant t'p one day. way back the next: thats a
Grange committee—Freatdeor. O..L
siraeUv* aad inspirational tescaiag
sHmuIant ^ea^ progress day by day toward perfect
Porter' eecretary. John Weed: vice
ronuty «erk Rouert B. Walter. .«»
beahh; that’s a tonic. Ay^s SarsaparBU is a
•Three tlmee during the year w« preeldeet, Hccy Hnefiln,
.-fc:k of the Board of BtecUon loui
a strong tonic. The only SarsaparBla wtireiy tree frwn
linve stood by tbe open grave waiting
wlifidrawalof farl M. Plercr who r
to r<^ive tbe mortal remains
^boL Do not stimulate unless your dodor
c-i'Cd the dcBiocvattr muiUballoa foi
ored veterans of-the cross :
Ueknows. Ask him. Do as he says. j.CAverCo.,Lmm«A1^
i-ouriiy clerk.
-On April 1, Ibr R*v» 8 Gergrll
I; will be reuM^red (bat Mr
of our conference, wit
1‘i-rra iBUde a
run aud gu\e
later of ibe upher Iowa ranfurcnce.
Kliiier t- While a ck»*<- rave for il.idied v-ry suddculy si bis lu>n«(v|.ubUr«a miniii itlon It was touui]
IVaverM City, leovlng a record
balluu w.-uministerial gdelliy
eorthy of
piesaed WKb Grand Traverse Rcglsn uuuifd that Mr. I'lcrt-c wa* aualual
.kl a *ca>k>n of aati cewrt. held at
J oh (bat ticket,
' —Mgy Purchase Resert Property
the probate otfio. In the ftty «(
'On Sunday axirulag. Jun> 2<> i
III kithdras iT X f!<.m the ticket. Mr.
Near Traverse .City,
a*. Ot(y. In aald .(xmaly. os the
Rev. A. J. Bldred. the --grand oM
I’l.-.ce suied thx-. whlh- he appro,
September. A U. IMS
man " of the Mu-hUan ronrereni-e. full
ftossril fj. llrtrlt-ii vf I'lilcaKO. pre ri.i-d the eupport glveu him by hm
years and bunors. fsteemed mid iC-nl ol the Cbicarfo « Weatein In. des.iMTStir lrle:ids. It bad be.-n.Jil9
W N.-iM.ii • a~-isla:<l ch.f
loved more than mutt .acn. eaioe
la tbe matrei* of the eatale «(
(irnua rallruad cumiasy. aiul llrylici-r triiiiiloiT lo secure -the • rvpBiaii-s'ti
I ih<- u>(lum. and Ml«> lUrrl A Prank II Juhnauii. di-ciwsed.'
Ills end in ibe peace of no unfalU-riug L.-tVlDdi.. dlivciur or, the HCtmpuliia'i eonrluatiim If po*sU.:e and he sU‘
be S, Jidiu«w having bind la
Knixb;. «ii aiieu^m. w-rc n«U(.i m
UKt In tbe Lord Jesus Christ.
Cleiair^d rallruad cpmpahy. ul trhlca funber—n u-9-l It Biy dpty 'o
said (oim Ins pcdiion praying (bat
Then a* the summer was (■
ni*rr.«Ke Weimii*.- Mllh: a' T';". *l Mid •-uuit adjadlrate and.datermta*
go, and also presldenc of tbe Sidney i-csx'ul opponent to letrfu
) August W.-iae
ttllUrd l>eWludt Shoe
wire *1 the time u( Ma death
coiniuiiiy. a.-i'l\-il .-non* lugcther wlih wbaleivr good
h'cal heitw Uf aald de.vaaad aad
Heath, a unanly soul, a spnilee* cliaimortrttig and^ie ib.; gue.i- 'i.r. .iullnenie luB> biliir iu 'l«-!ialf of
III) upfieie'iii at tbl- prluiuric* at
fomii-H I.V t;.c Re» U-nia. Oabl.i- eiiiliW to Inbe^lt Ibe real eatate of .
arier, a faithful tiiluUier uhu luius of Mr. and Mm. H. l1o\d rlioi-li.
which said divxa»ed 4M aelaed.
tn ibi i-r.-s.-nr,. of a lew rcUlIre* uhI
had walk.d with Crtid. •»** not, tor
suuuicr hoiUf. ^c*.r» lleuirr S'ovuntbi-r .-leittor. ",
It Is unJervd. (bat the 4(b day «t
T'bla Is a <<ininieu<lable spirit
nieod*. i-i-v.ial .»VUW! land!' Horn Ibi- tX-lobcr. A. H. laii'. at ten o'ciork IB
od took him.'

the forenemn. at aald pmhaie offtc*.(be port or Mr. Itcrie and will be asyhwn u-iug imoiiB the wsu.
■Thus the (alhera . pas* Itho tbe
be and .U her.-by appoialed tar haHnsecn. but the rplfti which attlmat- iLe >i«loB with a tli-w of purthaslng i-imriplated by tbe demix-rai* wke
lug aald prdtlon.
their voti-a lor him at tbe prlniC. R. A 1. TtME CHANCES.
ed aad rmbaed them wHh
pospr stiinmer hcene-. Bmh a<-ntktncni
1) ia furiber ordered, that public ,
aoun- tfaereof be glyca by pubtlcafavorably 'tmvressed W'Vh lb.'
abides with, us forever.
tloa ut.a copy of tbl. order, tor.thrua
ti-.and Traverse gcgton. aad neclarcil
New bahedule W.l! Go lote CBecM au«c«w*Ue wveha prerloa* lo aald day
llmt II Is ahead of iMiy other point Hi
••DItt. 8up7"
of bearing, la tbe Graad Traveraa
•imday. fispt. >4.
MUhlsrm. even VUarlevoix and P<Herald. A oeaapBper priawd aad rip
• .\gwil Rel.-oin* ot the O. R « ' culat,-d,,lB aald count
to*key. They are qMttOed lo judge.
Well Known Manlateh M»n Cremated lallruad anuuuiscds im|9.>. :*bi AaficcT
I>uih have travail Uiruugboot ibo . in HIS Home Last
Judge ct I'rohate.
la tile acbedul'- »>■ '**■•'
But gaiu'bK-n^flSlate. Mr. Olnch took them to Obi
Pine Ud ItGoing ......III. toin.-hlll ilea.e
HUskui IndBy In hit
Uvlied olht r potatiN.
MaiilMec, Mien, Sept **.—Martin
> av (luilv. and
p. m.
Kli-hard Hllloh. Vi-ieUry of 'll
\lcViiy, atitul r.'-, s . Ivi.helor. wa*
fb.ieiy Vault rciuiiuiiiy. of Chli-ago. ittirard « death wtu-n bl» huo» **► .tally, Tiaflii, s.rivc turn. Uw -»tb
Coun for the Couaiy- of G.-and Traverae. In ChaaceoV..UI llw ipirwt of kir fllnrli ye»ter- (leritoyed last hlabl.
Bugenc I. Knaaull. CXympUluaat, ra.
day. rviniliiK wllh'ibu idea of leobiiu.
.MrVoy iiud lieeii worxiug hard all
Ola Kuaaell. DefanitaBt.
(ip a suitable plare for a attmmi i day Ibrethlng and returned ,.te hU
Order of PubUesikiB.
tn Cbaue^.
Itrial ClrculL
Program—Fins Eshiblte.
tciiw almu? S o'« kK i. m (be afiertiaon.
Id il
V eil pleaM-d w'ltb live rratinii
.ttKc supper be ;uit down (u mioke hi*
e detaadti .
What proalaes to be
the three
Kvtdcialy he f(-ti asleep and lb.
lent of Ihs Btau
ftuascll. la Dot a
-BIk RapIdB U jubllani ever the grealMt days of amusement ever held
- ta N
New York
of Uirblgan.i. but
b tenUea
pipe »el fire to tho rar»a-l. Tbe. hr*
eoapleie wiping out of a 11400 debl in Kingsley will be tbe trl-towasUp
of New York, therestate, tai tbe (Tty
that bus tnirdHud them fw years.Hie (sir, shlofa begins Wedneeday, Swt> motion of Para r nilben.
U-b'ie It burst into flame, i It
sollcllor for cok
pastor's geneiooB giving and uetful n. and oonUnues Thursday and FV(John I. Olbsen bayrs Traversa City douxlful II MeVoy awakened
l>klKKU-that the
erahlp mad* ihli
day; the »tb and 3<Hfa. The
Beard of TnA Exhibit Received
her appearaace ta aaM oaif M or
hr was so irt'd (bat hi- was prahaUy (Itoeoriineiiqu.
aad he* Is wanted
bark for a who have the program in charge hav
monthi ttom the data ^
,^v*rable Notice.
<.(-cr<-ume with the sniake.
SnS* IteuK at daaa 1
-ihla order aad 'that wllhta l-eHtr
fifth rear.
exerted tbemaelrre lo make this a
He was (joe o( the liest kaewn tarn- It cleanw. wxMbrw, I
dsva the complgtaaiu eaoac thii or-F^kfort also re)oli
St etabmwle sCsIr. and In addlUou* Bccrethry John .1. tilbson of tJ
heal* am] nruteeU I
der to be pobitabed ta the Grand
froM dabt. By the geoerou* gift of a
raverae Hi-rakl. aaM pnMiratkm to
the regular program, tbe grange 'eulern' Mbbigan jB.-vCtopui«nl ba- ill iiie wtams atioui JO yt«*. lately the dissui-d men.-I
lady ramirier
■ continued obce each weak tar sta
has ^n busy god graagera have ar- -an ha* relurnf-d froin beli'Oli, where
Csbarrh and drii
eeks in auceeaalcxL
I pay off the f&M mortgage and rsogH lo have a fine exJdbil of hors­ b* .attended the fair Mr. Gibson buying to afn-* of land fl\e mile*; a«ay
a Cold ta the
(loitfc ol. ;hc il'y.
Bated August H>. A. D. tfild.
aw UW of other debts.
es. cattle, sheep, bogs, and poultry.
lie -var rc^t.rdod as one ul the hes: ____ _tbe ___
-Lake City put a new toundatlM Tbe grange haa also arranged lo have
11, ell-.. (If tte Traven.c City
CtreaR Jadge.
ri-a'd n>.-ii lu ili.s K>raiiiy; He *oo. Taste sa.l SukIL Fuljsizp .'.d e«.. ai Irrug-' PARU
aod cellar under tbe iiaraoaace ud
I ol irsdp. Wbirh was a........... M.iu'sl lu U New York Itaper* und
a grand parade of borscu and caule
.Uie by nuiil. In li.pod fi>riu. Ii .vn'ii. I
.-itor Jor I lo
It throngbont, apendtag
)l: 1(iviu Gr^ Ksplds. where i tuflcnar«c. anJ was.lfeorudgMy versed
ly DMben.SC Warrau Unx. X*« York. ■
Friday. Sepleibher SO. whlrh Vlll Drutil;
l(.:^4# Oct
w«. exhlhlfd-Sf
exhIhli.-d'Sl Ibe-'
ibe-WeM Ml.blRan
be worth going many nillea to tee.
-Manlslea 'made It waraC for the
fair, leerived Very favorable i
The program for the three day* Is
pastor and hli family by putting u fui followi;
ti'iiltoii Irom (be'vlsilor-. (o the fsl
^reace in tbe parsonage . They have
niid cuiiipsiish favoiHlily wiib oiu,
Party bringing In the iariicai load exhlhl(s lioxi diffrmii. pun- o. 'I
also mMce extenalve repair*
church building. They hava expended t ronniry people and rejorting by b
o'clock a lu. at A. B. Stinsou’* store
about tl.OOO.
-Mecick added a graraful lower win rerclve a M poniid sack of n«iii.
TonurliiK ei»c(na H-tx-urt- Hr l-iirr.. .
■ad Mfry to tbe church, which with your choire <^^y brand.
10 s. m.—Farmers' alow----- "
some work oo the Colfax church.
.Vaiiry M. llanao^.
:h uund unharness team, iiarneas,
uMt aboot fidfil.
ich and drive at
Urn Church iffri..
liuati * to lAntH’u ebraer. PrIxe,
with circular paws, waatiag over »»00 Harken
which add* much la appearance la
10:S0 a m.—Fnncy rifle. aUil' , n
km shooting.
Norwood adMt 9K0 in
II a- IB.—Tngy ahootlng.
_ . .
MIsakiB ttOO;
i p. ni.—Free acrobailc and eoBlc
PeloMey (MO; aod Harbor Bprtaga
When you can buy such Lamsdown Un­
acts at (air grouDds.
derwear as we are offering for a few days.
S p. m.—Ball gam* at ball pvk.
-Alha paid oa old
4;30—Fhttcy rifle, shot gun and re-.
1110; Boyne Falls. giU; OHtral Lake
It Is the evidence of our wanting to give
I3M; FreoaoU and
Fauatain »XS0; volveFabontlng exhiblllan.
you something unusual for your money.
7 p. m.-^Free acrobatic and iomic
HanWta »1M; Kewadin |l00; Kinga
These are regular 76c goods, though
ley two: Levering 1170; l>eioakey rta from filatfonu.
g p. m.—Band eoncevt ta' the Kings­
UlO: Traverve City First church.
they have been sold In some cities for
ICeS: Asbory tlOO and Fourteenth ley band.
even mtre. but we are pricing them at.
,, Thuraday, dept. it.
street, ms.
Ul a. m.—Tug of war between Fife
■•On the Tborapsonvllle chargefor the garment.
new eeiueni block church at Wallin Uike and May-field township*. I’ara
IV writ 00 toward comMetloiL>hd dlse township to pull the winulng
team. Prixe to he one box of elgars
wni ao dMbt be dedirated this
"W* bare had tom* very fruKto; I the winning team.
lP:k0 a. PI.—Faiiry rifle, shot gun
erival work this year, the pastor*
wponing a total of nearly one tbous- and reiiifirer exhiblllon abootlng.
aad eoaverakvoa. aad. more than nla» - 11 a. m.—Trap aboMiDg.
1 p, m.—Free acrobatic and com
hundred addllloas to the cfaurcbea
- aril at fair grnui^a.
The charges reporting
: p. m —Ball game at hall park.
are. Alaaeoa «*; Bellairu
4:30 p. m.—Faacy rifle, ahot gun
The latest thing out. A good canvas glove
10; Boyne Pslhi is; Central Lnim 11:
ChaHrvoU >1: Oopemlab U; Bast Jor­ and rwvolvrr shooting exhibition.
with husHing pin attached. Protects
With every dollar or
6:30 p m—Ballonn aacenaWn by
dan W; Fraakfort Z3; Harbor Springs
the handafrom the cold and from
more purchase of
to: Kalkaska H; Haacehma IS; Man Prof, Lev! Jermeay.
getting sore, and you
7:00 p. m:—Acrobatic .ainnta and
Istee W; Mantoo loO;
Heauh T&:
pay for the pair ..............................awrx*
Norwood «3; Pension «; petoekey comic acts on platform.
can obtain one of these
■ :M p lu.—Uaad concert.
t;»;.South Fraakfort tO: Tboaii*oo
We also have a new lot ol BasUng
»; Asbury
church :J; and
Friday, dept. 30.
fienuine watches for
and HnsUng Books that acit
Drill and Bengt by K Uitle glrU
fkrsl church. Traverwr City. 11. Our
only,50 cents. Guar­
from 5c to 2Sc*
Indian mtaekiQt aUm report SO oon- from Uta KIngfley arfaoiH al the tali
anteed for one year.
10:30 a. m.—Fancy rifle, shoi gun.
-tv* have tried to. be loyal lo our
great Iwaevoleui
a^ rqvoJrrr axhlbUtan ahpotlDg
a. BL—Trap abootlng.
bile ibeie will be an unavoidable
f. m.—Free ficruballc and comic
ahrlpkage la tbr amount roctribuied
We sell the-Enterprise and the Universal
of otrr weaker charges,
acu at fair gWHindt.
and Gem. in all sizes.
will be a fine advance oo some other
: p. m.—Ball irnme at^l park.
ebargea. which. I hope. ■!» prevent
4:30 p. ta—Fancy ride, ahot gun.
decrease In tbe naregate f..r the dia and revolver sbeoUng eahlbillDB.
6;3iv—BalloOB Mceaskin hy Prof
• We have IIO Gauday school*, aod Levi Jermeay.
Si Kpwenh Leagues doing good, work
7:00 p, in—Aerobaiic atunia and
We sell all sizes of these machines
for the ehlldreu aad young people.
comlr acts on ptatfona.
'Dur sT Ladles Aid eoeleites renx:S0 p. m.—autd riuirirt.
and we have alt the different repairs.
•r valuable aaiMtaBce not only la a
OrsPdc Program.
There are 80 many things that you use
flnanclMl way but. In
All exhibits outsidt tit borses. cat­
these for--making salads, drying and
P In Ibe churches.
tle. shcrih hog* and pMiUty nuiai be
-The WtUB^t FPcetip Mltsloaarr n.lerrd by t o'clock. Ropl. 57.
the like. See them at onceoclcty Is rapresented^y is auxilis!
Horses, rattle. Bbrap. hogs and
lea, and the'W«man-/Moaw Misalorf' pouUry may be entered umU noon of
*-y aortitp-hy g Tt^ eooleiles m WedueMiay. Sepl. SS.
beoeiM^ma m tbe/ehnrcbe* la ma
RxhlblUow ran be aoM at aU
« inlmlac«r,Nqe«(i»entUme* from g a. m. anill 6 p. m. agrl-!
“»kt^ Bay Vie* I* by ao Means
cultural hall will ba opea lUiiU S p.'
disiriri loMlinttoB we are glad < •n lor Bpeclaiors.
have h ta our twritory ud to coi
etook Judged Tharadv. G4pc SI.
ju wQft. U baa hU M* Of tba
Grand parade of hone* and cauta

adxaooe o' fMO
Harbor ^aci makee a alMilar requeat at aa advance of tlW.
•Tbeee advancH
however, are
■ralBlr anwiid Ue abler cbartear We
barn a lara* nuBber of rharget where
apport i* ^Cimllr emaJI. SB huadred dollan would be a low nliiiiauia
•opport la tbeee da>a of blfb price*;
tnc we have ueveral paetore wUb a
fanlly lo eupport and a bene to keep
who are rerelTiBf lew Uih tWd for
ir'» work. !l ougfat not lo be ao.
Ibeet- home mlnlonarr fieMf Where
tre oaring lor Utile iKniiAilnc
churches and tfanday acboole. aod
Isylag fonadailoDi lor larger thing*
for tbe kingdotn of our Uord lo tbe
days to come, ou^bt to have more
misalonary raoney. lo roppleoicot i
meagre support they are ttow able
■Tbe loytUy of onr pastors and pea.
Iile te Ibe imerest* of tbr rhurch is
SUes^ by tbe fart that to spite of
dnanrlal reverses
they bave paid
IS.OM on old IndeUedniw and
pended naardly 17.000 In Imprt
clmrrh proRmy.
■ DelUlie has cold the old New Pera personage and bought % <omi
dmi* modem bouse oo tbe
street at a eoot of «1.«00 whkb U
nearly paid for. Doth eburch and paratwage are newly painted peesHtlag
very attractive aiiPHninre.
"Boyne-CWy leleed up the paraonage, pal ta) a Sae basemeat and fur­
nace. iaereased tbe else of one of tbe
m. and added an elegant mantel
and grpte lo tbe liTlng room. It U
one ct our okmi
homes. Hie changes cost |0(0.
naiievDix spent lioo toy repair*
on cburet^and parsonage and In p»
lag of aoiMdDailng debts, mi Jor­
dan repalrH and n-deraraied the
eburch at a ooei of over |M0. Fife
iBke did tbe same te the este^t of
|7». and Jenplngs to the extent of

Tonic or Stimulant?








..... .


Did You Gel a

Why Go

If Not,

This Is the Way Id
Own One

Buy Your Fall Footwear al

50 cents

Husking Gloves

Friill and Lard Presses

The Leading Shoe Store
of Traverse City
and Northern Michigan

Meat and Food Cboppers


Hannah & Lay

Good Shoes

Merc. Co.


Ttsrto ANO ksovtii.
•r« I# 0 Ho0» of SolDOO-m Sol
t tmt Tiaa
Jn. H. T.


UBM, -•*!«

js’isr^ «. ^nS.sriJf^2.%s2
1^ to tUo tocoUtr. Not oaotkor
nOHoSy Oroc
•**ck «wiB^

- Man atoc,»a »an.

‘"^.T^nlorT'kk* •- Unloo Stroet.
tfoooroo Cltf. Jllek.. ODyo: Two
uStf I c»a neomond tkoa lost u


Ur «rwiBt MtuWBc


^ il

punt o»a thoach I doeterod W^fulir Md took ■ Doaber of oo «£>o4
kidaiir oofo*. I toood kot ihUo roitof.
I koT oftoB boonl of OoBB-o Rldaor
PUb u4 os I kid BOM tboDi roeoaMkdod by Joeol poopi*. I doeld«d -to
Hot tkoa 0 crUL 1 procirod ay top' kt 'S. B. Wait S Sob*- drac iioro
1 WKB ootwililwit It the roniU of
__ r «■& IB I few wMho Doui-i
KMkoy WIU oDtlrob' relirvod ne aod
dMO tboB I havo b«OB poHortly frno
eras kldaor troobla. I kotro hod do.
BOOd Of o kldooy aodiclDO dorlbc tko
PMt jMr or 00. Oihor momkon of
Bt raauiy have taken IXua'o n|dnoy
'*b4 ^ aW ID ouk COM boMflt bai foi-


r* M* S *ted to M. kto

fkr' aalo by atl dodem Prteo U
.Mta. roacBT^Ubon t^x. BnSala,
No* York. 00)0 ageeti (or tbo Voltod .

"lK:%y£a.n. .■■>...'>
WtMMd boToSM&nfoH «rm>«
« lUl *<<4kla- *»* *>• «W ^
> to* WkfMT eMMtory, ■>


, ktim. JMi OmU’ aad doBchior LDah.
aod 111*, brl miick. were ta .ildUlad. Satorday.
Mn. Ckoi. Wbo^r aad okfldm
n Mooday for SeuvlUa. akere ake
wtl) aUll her aotbdr a few wcofca.
Win PlrklB aod Akaier BattookeM
and teen, are workloi naar Walion
lor Bob Slake
Mr*. Johu beUhtbalBer aad daafhtro Ooldla at»d BUa. ^ot Soaday
1 S. K. Bnydert.
aioBB Dfbert left the Uai of the
weak (or lABatap.
UlaaM GoUie and Etla lAlttkaloer.
abo are atiMdlna acbooi at MahiOB
tpeni SuDday with their pareBti.
Tboae on .the Dek ilal ore Ueral
Blake aod JHrt. Ja»ea UcQBay.
klabel Pralirk atayed oror sUht
olth Um» aod Hltdie NcQuay' at
Maple HBI.
John Lolfhfbcleer -haa rettmed
om nevfUnd. Ublo. obfre he
landtd Ibe (aoeral o( hla brother.
laaer Hlae. «he baa beefi vultlna
In DfwaxlBe and KslaDaaoo.'rvtu
botne Batsrda>-.
The hall sarae Sanday. botoeen
Bprlnakcld and OarD-ld. arared S and

wnkctai Bloek
II U afatn
^elAted Mrs KellM
P,ck ntieoded ,b4
Wa, n„k
rbuttb ■
I Seat M
Ralph Maiere ana iaaJly we
Knw •
i. Maple Cly
TratcTM- i «y visctora Saiurda,' a
nodI tt'edar ryu« today
she a Vsple »Wt
b1I -'
Wiltistu tiatlee Norfoaa Neweaan
• ‘Cbas
“ fFrfU
ai>d Mrs W. 1. Alien. pOrehaaerd
prarbes or F iloblk. one day MM j
I The Vierstd hs> rerelred troia ttd. ^
and W, I- Allea each 'aey Sparis nl AM-r.. K P. P No. t a bate* ur»e beU ol tMBa to harsoat-jhashei .0 very kaade«ae peackeo, \
There is doub^ibe a*(oaa| of heaaa'wRlrh sboss shs^ ne he *r\.wa la. j
raised IB tbi* vl.iuK' to what there that line lu KsPs.ka ooButy They
was B«e yuars sar*
I*"* cwrialB'l as flt,.- ss asnhiaR aeea
Walter Ke)l0«. site and rhUdreB.'lhb year


* Henotfbor'.tho «OB>e—Ooan'r-^-'
taka M otkor.

ba« of taaaltb

Losns MMc OB Re^ Estote


*fSS« iutn. bu iradoi kU MOD for
MilkF- »,w«* b* wm r> ooiM

Wa are karlac laco warm fall
Farmeiw are kaay pulllBC keaaa and
.............................aad com crop#
AM to DOM lOD^ (anM. Wl Jmd •e pretty ,___
IJttle Hate) WUsoiu Intam dnukbter of Mr. and Mre Fred Wilsou U
aim vary III Sba haa t>een airk for
almoat three weaka. She was uken
down At Prank KoarPs home and U
•an there. She Is barlnc a trained \
Biuae. We hope abe will let well
We hear that our pel«bbpr. Wbl K. '
8«eM. haa traded hla fana (or a
,1 kkd J. r. PkSl lUlTO store, and experts t« leave na in a
lo loose
______ ____ I trmroroo Cir. *kot» few seeks. We at*
Uijtaro h$ta oUMidtai tbo Soldi
Prank Wllsoo^hu beiiB
"- iDri Cook aod Vto 'W. 1
not harlac the
a (a* waeka.

: m faeor of BprtBBSeld.
Clyde Soydor aad wife weat le k..... ______ _
. .
Manleteo Hundav on the M * .N. K.
A eet' pleaaitu iIiba vaa
Isatarday eveolaa at JaMo "
■ Tbere wOl be «a Ice eraoBi lectal the occealoc beioc a daoce
at JoKo BouepBeid'a. Jr.. Wedaeeday
Sept. to.
Dlfbl. Sept :l. £eer>Sody Invited.
Mr* .Oscar Barth aod a«ky
boinimi al <:»a JI Banb-t.
Ba '' sr . irhUr
she Is teaehlnc 1
Mre, Not Spansle
rtatllBC at Mrs NrU
Sdd Praj Bodt a
City, Taceday.
Mra. EtBa Pray triallod at Archie
Browne. Monday
Mr. aad Mr*. (I C Hamaiond vlatted at Rub. I'loa • Sunday.
Mrs Ham M'atsoa Bpent Saturday
and Sunday at I'^eoteetla.
HIM Ruib Sieveoe spent l
and Sunday <nik her BMUber
er»e City.
Mlaa AUee Bdlcailer ia enirTt^;:>'
bee couiln. Mlaa Burke.
Miaa BenU Worden w;t.
Vratt-rM CItt Thurediy.
Mra. Rnae Pray e...: . T avewee
City Friday
Aebley Pray r 0. 'M
erae City. 8atuid.<y

rylklag lo torntsli you home comRletr, or aoy Bomker ol foOMis. Tkcrc’s bo ke;«cr*felMC to tone ap tka Itost or Iw.
rlgkt bow. Wc have never skowa a larger and moi cowplctc Uac to Bobmc Farataklaca Ibaa rl|M
■III pay yoB wtol to come and see them, eves U yoa area*! qaltc ready to kay. Yea arc always welcome to ««r
sloi4 whether ypa tony or aei.

- e Ret.
I Waila pTMched kla toit
OB tor lU eoBterence yewr last

tUapBHPWr did ih

________ 0 oorsor

tor water,
k whb hU B

& K Prttea«ill ka«SA kla artiao)


Byer and wll* drove
TkMo woi*
' w ATltMl la Oadar Ron on Snaday aTcnlas. Hr
praaekad in the cbapal.
A-1- But cot a Soe be« trM late­
ly. Aboot TS pauada of booay was
-BMored. Ooy Beasaa took the boM
Bd^ t^tat to aiaap ikem.
I. AMIa BMrfta ct «aai
Harkon dakn left this afteraaoB
of Orand^pkM. belh* asong (or hU home la Qraad Raplda. altar
havtkt apeat a vaok ber« with reU-


W. Ptmllflf apebdlDf the Week
JahaR^'leri Pnday on
or MtMaori. tor Chleato,
will attOAd sehoB].
MMa Oracle Kehl left this moralac
>r BanaoBla. where she will attaod
la BeaiBAta aradam:
Frankie Bonrlsau I
necks va<
AiDoec those who attended . .
Soldiers' reunion hut week at Trav*
-tee City were Meedamea
PCcra. Baraea aad Mmory. Mr. aad
[rt. Vaaatter. John Thomas. Wm
«Sa TaM «l SkarsuA la laaebthr road. A. Powers aad Cd. Charter.
tka Okplay sekoo) tkli yaar.
Rex Weston left tbia moralot lo
iUp jMtkvlch aad da^tar Hah- Head aehoel at Albton.
as^ Imwbbi, Mat «a«k.
James, Tboaua and Amot Kanier
left last Friday (or Olivet, to attend

sSNr^ “




Mra. Oiapar la te iha al'
MMa Mar Woadkaad of
» City taUa« i
totAiuMr At tha Bari tekooL
WV Ookpar and family are aatorMrs. Plaber. Aanchter and timdtot A «Mt »Uli bar MMar from In- daukkier of Wayne, are vlaUiu ibelr
Mr. Hobart Ranker aad
and fM»tly e( DnekThe Rav. C. 4 ThMa
r JaeTapn. tn •iiend the
toir at Oadniar.' im waekr
Mr. Raider of WaxtoN, has
oae,a( Mr. Bmith'a laima.
mW Taad vtaKad Velva Bohr. SunP. CterelaBd vMlied In iha Belabhotkaad Mat waek. the Sanday acbooi

Mr. and Mi*. N. a NIehoM .will
Ave la the moratni (or Mi
ta mahe _ __ _____
t Suttooa i

Mlaa Emma Boideanx
"sS^Boaabroke visited Mr. Craw- mamlns tor Cblraao. wkero she wUI
1 the vlatar.

“KxS*______ ^

•pent Ike -past (ew day* W
Tor hla k
0. V. MatMs made a kylDi trip to
Monday. Ha haa ma«M aU
the Oraiipa (air lo be betd
• ............... at Sept.
. Mra. toton Tylar weat to MaMelana Mat beak lo visit bar Maw.
^ra^Jo^ cox went Irf KIMO-

r UmRik. whera he *111 aitead i
ne Mlaae
BlU Kelsey ....___________ _ ...
OHvei, wher* they will attond colleie
tor the easBlak yoar.
CbarMa TMmas and In Kehl left
Ibis AMrotne tor BeoKaM. where
they vm attend the Beaaoato arad-

**sSSS?^Mr^m? to Travarae Chy

____ normal
MdwiRl Ransom left............ ..........
- Tha tarmara am knar aaadtm and far Ollrac where he will ftnlab his
oMse At* ewUAS up ears.
coarse this yesr.
SaMBkar tbs SaaSkr
MMa MBma Bordeaux eadenalaed
o’eMek. Pralae aarrtoa
the Rev. C. «. Thlea. Mr, and Mra.
J. P. Malkena and mothir. Mrs.
" hews, the MUaes JalU MOIer.
lUe and Kellie Steele, at supper
redAv evealBk.
Jake Oabeni aad wtto retaraed m
ra. Ray OAaaaenr ton tbM a
day (ram a Miahiraa Rip lo CRarlMie. Ink (or her borne In ntlear>. i
havlag Bpaai the s

^ Machines


If vou !iii|.-n'l J Siunt iiis.-hin'
I wilt ,«y u,mt t

New Desljos
new Dinner Set? find
We have istt received spjeo V
Rkt *r-e them. We
odd Uiktieh. aqrt |t'k worth
have them ID
to plkio
plaio white dTCorhiMl
dTCorhi* I willh brautifiil color* and the
are offerl»'a a hoAuRold
tifully decorated 55* piece net. haudsomf
for only


id (ifrom

Laaa Hut speai Sanday with i

srtis?iS.^... "’''j
Cash or Credit

that up to $11.


Extension Tables

Wo shuM- till' l«rK"l Hill- of
<ar|H-tK Ruit rnffs lit tin- li>not prixHTi ill til" slat" <if
■ -Mivliignii, ami tv.- !iav.- thervi'ttUlion of si-lliug (i»!y
faoni*t liywidt. W»-yffiT soiiif •
aliii-lly iii>-to-ilalP |>attiTmi
ill giiotl tvoarijiy tar|¥>ts. aa low as., jwr yd.«
Aod riKlil aloug up from that.
>10 you nin gvl a pH>il ••arfu t
At any price you. fM like
luiyini:. , lu ituin - ivi- hove
Iilily as k.shI vuines mining
from tlie hiKrain liittfs al
' <uuh
u|> to 111" Kovni





4»c Each up to $5

W. hav.- i...ut.- wpleodld vbIu--«





A liraiid m w line of l.inoh-iiiiis.
iK'W |Httti'rus.-<'i>lorm|tH i>ml th.
kvit vulueK ever ofl.-r<*d. Wo ««iii
I'uriiisli any irnoh- and lit ui-.v
n'Oltl If .Vou Hinl IniilR the eAuet
size of.the room .vou wish it for
Muttiiin ati.l other tWor lover
mgs altVB.i's III s(tH-k.


,.i.,i-„i. . '<i


Duiiog the momh of ?^cpicmbtr we ihall tffer jj'l A QQ
tbii handsome »oHd oak extension tabln for only........ mxV)f»fcrVF
1-. i» a rraiiiar $13 value.
Wa have from
to 30 diflereBt »i>lea of Exteoxioa Isbiek.

i. iW.- ....'rui .1 1.1;

it. s.rr, e'et s
.,f l.,•ddl..^*f..r

-ur. full
>•- w*>- >vit

$4.98 ap to ISO

l_©t. U8 Rieur© on I

bS'fcins Your Mom©

We can heat your home at a very imall expense with ooe of the UNIVER­
SAL HEATERS no mauer what kind ol fuel you use. The*e wonderful
ktovei are better looking. brtVer made, last longer, require less aneatioa, are
BOie convenient and use Icjs futl than any other brand of ktOT© maiVe.

Imperial Universal Better Than a Furnace
We can name ttveral peopltt who have diicomioued oiing their foraaces
aod are usisg thU wonderful beater, beeauie i: mill beat the lame *|ftce with
half the fuel and reqjires less atirn;i<vn. If you need a Heating i‘*to»c or
Range, be sure and see thii great Hne for we guarantee to save you aaOney on
ypur fuel and stove, too.

. h Floyd HtiS aad (amUy.
BiMle Porah rame koatr Taaaday
and will auy naUI Oct. IM . aad she
srill mure le her studies at Need-



Hash n.t«. wash boapK ik-i,
iiila<-i H- .-arry . yi-ryI" biv-f v«st .Uv a ,.!.^sure itisteAdj.rf a

sniNn SEfiffi UCMKS

J. yom

Eacimdve AfMto tor



HM*Le rmoAv. •vtsmmii n. wm .

w«u mmcuuL

MsM Ctomou. The hrtde
«MBA bMaUAl «roa of Mm
aad aanSMl.vrWts aMara. The Be
en and imall term balfiw fiom furFrqaWmM Taft WW Atawmend Ap- iber aouA to migrate.'
aUm Oaahr Mfdomed the ocfoa
ipriatlM at StS«yW9 tor PUm■A9T JORDAN Here to aa nna
Mr. aad Mn. CtoraeU HD yeeterme ocdk.
for iba tinadt of those who think
day tor Oraod toapMa where they
that Northera HtoMgaB tarn ntaa
BoAlag bot baan and woadeh.
iatlea ol at -toast WJOe.Ooe ter Ac aaptomber u —U. K. Ctoe- of Hmyea
wtlStdUoo of tbe Panama anal oDl tamwahip thraaM lit
husheto gt
1 reeoMtortoded to eoegreea by Piaa good, plump wintee ohtot tram three
Ml Tun la *la noxt meeuagi to oao- aeraa of stuaMr.
. A akoa My be ew'orur tbe.toMot
ID. ho bmId omt the mewam had
a kig toad a' rakAga Aat wooM hare
la doing this Mr Tan U merel.v Arewhed te^bmhoto but watok be
a ewrO aygearaMe. a^ at thk MtoS
piaailni u> IVullloo hla prortoualy de­ tod to hto chkkena aad pigs la
rmd K. Oewwe. who to. douig
clared pmuy wiA raMTd to the canal straw, —v*-r a aotal of 1X1 bom
WTliwop ter the l*l» booklet of the
or 40 boaheto par ncto. He atoe AreMWeetera Mtoklgaa Dovelopmeat
ed >: busbeto of wiatcr ryo tram i
rcoa. weal late Ueelcnan eowMy
aad oaahalt arte*.
day with a large reaiera tor the i
BOYKB CTTT—Mra. LnHada Myatur tbeSrat tow woariaga. hot wlli he te* i
laec at getot« new rlewe tor Uie
erw. Mad f7. pdonasr of Van G
Aap ara ahOM*
wkr Mst twr
sMovkii uk. the OA...7 »r*>'
pubUcatlM. Seme ot ibe riew* takes and also ihe.fortMcsUM ot a group (oumy. Is dead. She bad made her
Aafc tar Raqga Baa Bboca. and -you wffl gU pmxr msMfto maeA.
•H-l-bt.»rfe6«o.k.s«o4thstiplUi«* «0I he Id tM eetoOraied leuOacre of amall Ulaada nesw tbe PaclSi en- borne for Muily two yean with Ura.
and PM art omAlaly MtUtod A that.
«wSe *«7 SSiUjr, «U»
oew fnrem owned by D. H. Her. prot: traatw. The coit of tbe fo-niStailmu A. F- Uerroa of Bayne diy. At aa
Idwi ot the aMoetotkKL
ba. becD eeUmaied aa high as |1«.- tally date la ibe Uatorr of MichlMU
Mr. Oeorge will atoo rtou Bmplrc. OOU.M
she B»T«d with her kuabaad. K H
C>a toke. Oieo Heren and other
Myers, tram Sew York to Ala alau
poteu. He espedt 10 get
and endured taaay <r ihe primtoav
iM view*, a* thto wctloa
ita A t
lueMeni lo the building of h
Mimothlag that wUl ho paRicuUrly
aiaie She aurrlvcd her huakaa
weal to Traverse ORy
traetire to homo wcken.
The Rev Bridgewater la alteadAg
taia week.
A rtpieecDistitr of the Inirv.o haa
LAKE ODESSA—Ralph IVaifcer. conirreece
The potato bMlneas amrtad oat
. 8mkh to dPiadWE •
hiet returcit' (ivm tbi ecMibeio end
The adailnlstration to also thukleg aantadMarharreolmuitoeriag hto viulie
briM (bis week wtA tear boyb Mr. aad Hra Chaa
of A* di tik-l rerervd by the orsiwl' I eetaMUhlnc a strang oaral base raiher-la4i«. William Prdtmma
ITmm tM b Md bf MM
ni (be market
tt b
ud «U1 Dot dwad ifa*
as vtortrwde I'rogo and Clyde
a Buiubce ol
wtte saH» a
aattoa. eher' be aoctueda
still at laige. although otacora bkltore
r se-e n;i-:i-d at tbe home vt
iMdihihor babioGrtaonthuMrMhwMMtbD mM. b« lk«r dm
tbiicU) work.
r laiiB >reiwt t
be Bill be (wptuivd etiiautal}. He
brides braAe* Both yoong
He rtolud Greauvltle. Big Raplda. aooa take,a trip to Ouaataaamo toe waa aeen acar Rara^ Sunday Tb people are Of this place aad bare
■a. Wm AtoMdP and
aad llowjrd Oly. aud Mcured »
ohaertiag ooadltlMa ;ewar>’ has beea Actwased A tiw many frtouds who wisb them a Akg
rv and litmn to
AMtta MMOD «far 7M AodU bar •
from ibelr vtoH A the a
uhWi will omilooli; llluetiote
ST. JOSEPH—Jual bmtoMa kg d»d and nappy life logsrber
(d Hkkl0A
It to the opinim of nary expena PM believe A banka. WlUlam 1
rahw ;ie eeetlea of the bureau terrt•rpt If
tliat tatur* wan le which thto eouu a Pare MarquetA employe at UrlagWAOONS, BUGGIES, FARM MACHINERy lory.
ro. to Mr and Hra OUa Tontry may be engaged. U t^y ever stoe. 'outb ot here, m meuramg tbe send, os Fridsy. Sept K. a girl
(toar. rosy tomplax
Mr. and Mrs. A I-oveAy «rre Travcoma. WUl ba fought out la tbe aelgb- Asa 'it a*ud. Hard traAAg aad e<owe City callera oa Saturday
bortoood ol the Panama cooal aad I: ncffilcal. Ucdd.aavcd'hla raokey. bet
Jim Hitor bss mo>ed bU family to
Aopthor troturo of the tair to the
la la conrectl^ with Ae opltiioa that Inaisad Of bankAg It be scetWAd bu
art eAibll, which oostabto m oxhib.
Meyer to tookiag toward MVlaga A a lA can A hto oellat.
Mrs. .Sash to very 111. there to vary
It br Howard KoU. ot Northport. tho Beetem gtam Atoo'Kn^eyod Deed En:ito hope of her rerarery.
itoidlng e baae for
STATE or UKTHOAX. Ihe Frabato
tertalMDtot ond Bofroohmooto
U-roor old 000 ot Mn. BoaM Koil
Mtoa Ira Green la sAppAg at O
(touri tar the COuuiy of Oraad
aa American BeOi.
Townsend a uatU Mra Towawud to
Tvooday Night.
The lad. who. It to ioll bat sorwr roTraverse.
.MUa callto tviae of Petoakey vtolt- atroater.
At a-----tT at aaJd MIL taU at
ctlved ipeelal lootructloa. haa o eoted relatlvra and trieoda berw tbe ftrat
Mrs. Cora itonlii wai a Traverse tbe probate otSca. A l*e CUy at
tocthm of plcutroe. IT U aumbor.
pan of Ibe weok.
Cii.v shopper Uoaday.
City. A aoM emmty. on aho
Mr and Mrs. R P. Jathaoa and
Print WAc weal m Trarcrar (Tty mb day m Saptembar A. a Utd.
tompoeid ot oil palatiata, water «ol- City -Chapter No. It7 O. B. «. held
oooo caowe ano pink kxhikcblMrea toft Monday morulag tor SatunU.v.
Proarat: Hoa FVed R Vatoct.
aad Aartoa) eketaboo. orhlch Uto Tueeday cvculog the followtBi oTScer*
Uiiig Lake. Micb.. SepC
Ur. tbeir home lu Plmbarg. They were
*L SI.
Judge of Probate.
lad haa iaken troa aatnro. The 'plo- were iBatalled for the. eoeulag yoar and Uto. F- J Stoaer from Lone Trew accompanied b> Mra. ftoxs Jackson,
lo (be Halter of the esAM M
wbo will niake her-home Aere with
I Aow mock talow, aad manj by Hn. Anna Soule, acting aa.wortby
Uaihiaa FkaeL decoaaed
called oo Mrs. Dunoa last Sunday. her aou. la tbe luiore.
lillmeatt oro Aerod the hor tor grand lutalltog otScer and Mra. tloJohn Pteel bnving htod to raM
Itolih Rirbatdwn .wbo Is aitendltut
Two ur three loada of prarilM have
aalle UeOough acting aa worthy grand
raurt hto petItMa praytag AH IrwA
bit lac art gdUerr.
Tbe Kev C-art UUIer moved hla RawMya^o.' 00^
Kveryune aivau glad of ibe «^R un­
The llvealoeh oablblt to aBtiocMir
famav -to icrv Lm» ioda.v.'
Worthy matron—Anna Jobaaao.
ity of gettlag ibeai as otbcr.n '
to*. Walter Bramana. at Northport,
•aid Mato.
>r ol aoMtera and tl
Ura. Edna Kemiedr frem Ortati not ton-i) so plMlltal .as uaoal.
WortW patron—WUlet Oeddlngtoa.
It u mdrred that Ao tatb day of
Headed Ibe earaatp«K-al
bnught In a carload ot Ouoraaoy catSev.-rsl voung. people aitaoded lb<AaMdate matioo—Margaret Dco- spent a lew days facie Issl week with
>i'Bt mccllugs which arc bhlag
Uo. Hr. Bromaaa hating boa^ tho
her molfaei. Mrs.M Rlcbardroa by
tbe toreaoua. at aavd PrahaM 9M.
Miss >Wi Tburwbory. wbo
Ihc Rev Ur. Hall lu (be 8p>
dalrr hntlDoea at Northport tor ohotil
K-aihinx S(4!0.>I at UUtors HA. apemt
and Mn. Will K.vney went to uelgbborbavMl. Tucadsy rvwttoto
ng aaU pefHtau
quarter ot a renturrIntertorben last week lo visit ihlcr
Mr and Mrs. Ralph (Stoau-PML . Sunday with ber pa.-enA
tVeaeuror—Chloe JohSMa.
It A funbor <
Mr. aad Mrs. J I*. While hpve
Then an a uuaoer of Kae apedIbis week fnnu Art-adla. where Itaei
the MDck/'KH«D)DUr I
dsuabler.'^ra. Ray Heldlng
have spent Ibt- yammer. .Mr. (itaw. turbcd Iruai IndAaa.
«aa ot horse Oeeh. amooa the
tsIniMt eMfram HUkM <t bsrttoOur new iuitor. tho R« r. Carl MBI- being at work Ibeiw.
h’bUorr btlag iohii Wetoe. eecretarr
YlsNy Mmssm tor tiM
r, and ale, expect lu arrive fruiu
Joe Brail rcTunml Tutaday
ot tho Mr ateoelaUpo.
lug fiom a lira weeks tilg 1
Maple OtjAbU week.
rbaplBlB—Emma Ckapman.
hi-rn pari There to a good prtwraai tv heap the
iUglTisure, a »uung niab be-'
.. _A asM
H—Bmt. Laltotato.
and Mra. H.TUTt Mack of ni.iMMo Bor. HM. Kept. w:-The vUliora laterviied durtog the fair,
loucmg to the nieBd's eburrb at
Adah—AUm Thotaaa.
. fUr St tUi plac« i. In tali owuwi. vcnnl boll gaateo maklag It lai<
nk Bayer Ast i
Ruth—Marmrol Wllbedn.
«Mk s pood suoDdoDco sad fleo
lag for tane. Sattuaa Uar plara tuTbi- buuae beluttglng I
ltouer-<toa Scfalegel.
Ibe gi
hMts. Ttf opoBlnx day «u Ialri>' da> agalnal Proveanat. aad atiaUtar
It swaf.
Uaitba—Atay Cyrtto.
WON sitODdcd, bol' (odor the cnivdi Kamo asatui Old Utotlua. Touiorruw
Mo. Uattie llnryea is nnuvcrtag
Bkcctrw—Maud Alton.
InDU sI sn Mrijr hour to roow tu Ihry will plar egaiutt taipin-.
nicely Iroui ber i.iwraikMi Mrs. T. M
Warden—liallle RMUito.
ae of tbe fire la unkoowu.
Un dlUsita- Two <«fd>«o
Til. UM Htoeloo baud to vary murli
WTu-eioriris isKliig care of hw.
8euritel-Uini OwldlAtou.
* isoaloB of saM-courL brid at
..........J fashtonr-d surtfriae waa giv
srrlrod ttiU npmiBK fron Northport I .TidMcc. U to tanlthlug good
'. and -Miw. C. AnkerAD rwiurned
^ • V the prckaie orire. la ike CRr of
Oigaalet—Hay Uolhetalil.
I .Mrs Roxa Jtekua' aud son be­
Tis. tho T. C. U a U. roUn^ vbU» eaiertalamom taonriag,
t Traverse (Tty. A said coMt>.- a* tto
Atm Arlor Usl FlliU.v. Mrs. fore ibrv h
Uurtng Ae erealag there ueiy dev; rau Ay of ttoptember A R lfia.>
Xl«i dtaTo is (roai tbo
eta] very ptoeaani lurprUe*.
Prewent Hon Fred R WaMcr.
dMtdcu. BoTorsl autonoUls i>sr
who a>« roepontlbl. torShw
OD sa rile recovers her stretiglh.
Jacob k'ururh Mug one ot the tUtualJudge of Pnkate
list caSM do«rn (ma air. aiAe* of ih. lair u the mala
Mr. nod Mra. Oscar I.k.u an.l dauah •nA>ed by
la Ibe maitar of tbe ewAM Of Leb.» all wbo parilcipaud
Ulto eongm wVItteu u> "Tbe itoiy City
and lose bstoro siurans dis (olr J'rooldt-Bi C. U iornL Boerotary Johu
Tke Sand
inday sc-bool is preparing a
r Mamin Irom tbe penliiluto. Mias
Hie. 1. V. UHaloah In bcbdlf of ibo
Rally Uay exercise lor ibe comAg
gioosda won trwtiiis with tMinsali). Kt-de.. aad Joha White, ot eohM. who
Chapter proiwoied WIlUam klotbw- I'hrUluia Thumpaun and UwcodoUa Kusdiy
hto pr(l;toa. prayter llraaao
It A hoped Iba; evaryotie
Tbs osUMis ore oil good. Altboogb tv toohlag after the horticultural deRauio
)l at private sale ibe Ater1
aill. the reurtog worthy iiattoo, with
tho tnit osbibB to Bot OJ lorgo as U nrimem. But the people Is goodai
' aaU rauie A eerAA real osvery Ine'eubleniailr ring, and ilwu kueaU of Ml. aud Mra Ankerson.laai thaa make li a complete'aucerss lu
-s------Ill 11 I iiii d
wsi lo« poor, tho oshltaK ot regoio. hare takea a dwp
gaiherlBg nvw atrengtb lor ibe couiltiri
be la amhlag hto accepOag epoech. Sunday.
It I
Urn oeUgow thot of inrhms rmn. Ulr. and without their
Jake giovcr bas soht bis (arm tv c
turned the labtoe by preaeotlsg. la bo
Mt Mb' to sin bat MoUir.
could Bol bare twea the
bell .of the Aa(>ier . handeoate boo- Cblcw fiat), whu will take iaiuMdi
prumlMs to be.
Ooo o( Uo taatoTM M tho tolr to
quet of flowcTi to the worthy mairoa. ale pouaesu.m Jake »Ul move b.Ina said peiiiioa. aad that aS peraons
Mrs VAIa Clark Caa reluraed from
Ike rtfocoblo oxblblt ot tho pupili
i JobiuMin. wbo bad beeu loeloct- lanilly doan tu Ae llniuka buusc m Traverae Cny. wbtre ahr ha» A-eu
A said estate appssir betore aald
ol tho Blngbon- oobBol. uiw lt«M
GarfleM lownAie
couri. a: aaM tiM and ptoce. A tbew
cd for toil coaling year.
vUlilng frireda lor a few days
EartM. tMchor. Tho AUdnd
cause wb> a ilMse to acU (be AtetMIsa Mollie Clark and OHvc MlUa
Afte* Ibe ceroaioiUM Cl oeiabcrk
awi ot aald cotmc A saM real eMate
glTos ooodo tram tho Ftowor Ni .
have gone lo lYankfort
lepatred to the dtolag room aad par­
DM be graaud
of Ohio, ond plo&lod ihoM co Ihcir Very Wrettr WeMInq In Whieh Tvn
♦ the first of tbe seek oa baMBoaa
took ot deUMooa leo croan aad cake.
It A further o.-dered. that tuklle
teM groosdi. Tho
noiKO iheroof br gtvao by pUbEtDMrs John Fa'cr Is vUKlna A Trav­
Well Known Young Poep'o
•antaur ottoiidod dorlsg tW oontAa of a copy of (hia order, tor thnw
EAST JORUA.S'-A geattomaii frau erse (Tty Ibis week
Woro Unitad.
Tbe bal
»or aooettu. ud woro In their prliiu.
Haa mauaunSnTnuMta. aacresaire sroeka pfovtoua to aaM
iMWIbero Micblgaa
day of brarAg, A the Orand TratAlU aad
tor the Mr.
Htoe Uortoe risltod wat a pmtr liiilo weddlaa
drove through a poriiou of our farm •rare «f I
DB<h o( thoeo gordoDo. asd with hor t lie reoldcDee of t L. Ooraeli TtmWiiuasuburg. Mtoh, Sept. SO.— lug (ouni.-y, made Ac remark ihau the home team.
old Uw boat
Gibbs bare charge •
o-ctock. wbm
The Kci. 1. L. Siedinao baa bla -This min ceriaitUy be a great couo Ihe
from each, sad brooiht to the Mr. UUs Pearl UrLaughlia bMamo Ibo aaciloD uto of bouaehold gooda.etc..
some (lay and that at preaen; by Mrs A- O ' Blue.
This dosortmooi to neohrlsg much bride U kYaak L. Oontea The brid­ advorttoed tor Friday next. Bepu
al couple were aRoDded by -MrfT NIaa
Uia Irah and children ot Cesiral
aka rlalied with Mr. end Ura. Robfit Clov. laap Friday and Satundai.
Carl VloioD left toll Tuawtai' nlab'.
tor 8U Lakea. to rialt a feb day a
with hU aimer. Hra. Qloan Wbod. be­
fore be eatera U. A. C- at
Frltf Ml
Wm. 3. Hay Halted hto Uaagbler.
Hra. tlartoa Katoa, laat weak oo hi>
4my tkU
way home from Ae O. A. R eboanip
at TnveiM .City, going os to
itollaliw. Saturday.
Hr» Bmmet ScoBeld bu beoa oa
tbe aick Hat.
Harrlaon Vinton mam tram Trai
crao City Soluday aad apent gnnday
: bomo.
A taroweU oocCal waa hold at Ac
•ra baU teat Friday night Ar Ur
and Mra. 1> U Siodmaa. wbo tonre
f.ifHorvl lo ■ V. I V Kail l»j Ibi- tlirifly wellI.« us help you, with some experienced paint auoa tor Oklahon^~ RefraubeDrau ot
pie aad roRiw wee* eerted and all
advice, to aelect the riRht paint for your home; let us pnwnit enjoyed Aemeeliea greaUy.
BdtWbta rtft7 and sxtF UtaOfti Ifrv m tniU ju<t n-mvcl -ftviu a N'-w Ymrk
show you some tatfeful color combinations for >T>ur
Mra. W. H. Ayera expect, to Irave
iiianiifarinrcr «*f bigli clasa .tailorrei •aits at a aavAK of
BrUtg >mA|>le».
hoase; fetus expUiowhy, Uyou ask your painter to use Tuoeday, tor Uonu .Flemmau where
this lot « all oC ami :JS vi*.-*
she will tako treauaeoi tor theami-


cEnwc nNE nEK

On the next STUDEBAKER
Wagoli you pass on the road

Hirth-Krause Co.








T rVxMSStjs. «-a






Begins Today, Friday, Noyciflbcr 23 .
tails U«ttl WcHatsOsy Nlflit. Sept tt

\V. J. Chaw wwit t

7<w wiO Mur aiMrr and e« SrrwrseFit/. The real te« of palm ealue
a IMS Ac srr fatte mif. but Ac raiA of eutfacc ii twiU carer and
Ag ysMs it «rtU la& Acme Quaho Houm Paint ctaB k«a heouae i
takea Icm and bn longer. (>nc in ahd get as
Acme Qualitr PaiminK Guide Boik. It's free.


Hoar A Pay Yore Didaonr BMto.
You caa eaalty If poo wifi.
Pay alt yoor Eiovim y bW.
Too aak. 'Ho* can I. prayr
The anawer K 'By a«Ag jeor
baaa Ay.'
And to hear them luAkto Audcc.
Itoo Harvell-a Conditha Powdera.
The bast egg pradoecr ea Ae mar-M- A mandard ter evor oersktr
ysara No waoA and taU welghL
Ketywhera tte a prekage.
H K. M-ali d HDDh c a Bwehpr
ttoag th, Warn toad Ura* Smw.jf '

, fl


Tban Ifi ««e Nyto at a ktad—movt • bduii.ivo t» a faUrica .<*u< the mark.-t. nacb
av two-tfitod PMvoaaL Btorkct Wcwrra. CbcvaU. Turatto. Whipmivl iky(arajmu. beav^
' SerfM aad llaBBlah'SlixtBm lined with tn-auliful Skinarr ami UrklkiE liowg » ad/,
i-rvliirw. Rxeluaivr ia tailoring alud atrie lifu tbeui oat of the clana uf "Oidinarj' f'lothrw.'*
A vjrikwit down will hold your suit ’A .''uu do not with to buy -at our*.


Toot teqpdCttOto of tbaac itrln aad MtaM b raqaartad if you arv inirtt-ated^^tu
c«>WBiuii valuro 1 vvr> k]xt-a1 ]>rkd«. Tiiv rr^uUr vvortii of ihrac aiiita a RNSJO to




- -



«. 1*1A

8^4.—SUM MUd- »tu It


AiMt U tfc« OMfc WfcM

Perani TaUds Tedci*
Whit lie tbe PeewM TihiMa B«ed

«ts. lAUi uns inuuMs, Uttir
Cook Bte!” which Uiplreo o
111 toru

The Arb In the Hmm.
TV liooM of ObodUdoB.
Wbore omfe tbe Ark nbode.
. Wt an»e were wir nad fl|fetlnV
On wrr Bwonuld roM,
Tm« ilJM WM pU<*ed the AMt»*
la erery redley fnU.
TV Aoom of Obed«doB
Hid penoa boyond oompM*.

(vcBlT-foiir tesn «Jr»to, puk In t«tuTlrl^r, ud eaeer whl. MUnr
vlorsir Tl* on. «ad *i«d *m»jr m
w^ iXo y«. OM lke«.
r be uMd «• 1
t lor cipen
For Pickled Cabbete. rbi«
mta one nlloii

well wtth powdeeed raSsr. <«»«, uMl Kllj-. Mdlat » HttU
tt the sUe. PU« is tirtn* pin kad h* b»
W «*»d on* boor. U.« idd ooo JoK* M«. W Uhfe.
Mmmm «»» «rr bM. nddlw M
wtoacUMrol of lyntir of prwMrrcd nllow thirosoanpri of n pound «< ptolMloo n tnUeupooa of twUM, •
cberrte.. one of l«oo» Ju.«, ind U« ookir. « • un Jelly U -«ud. M
led cml one pound ter eweeC Jelly, to elch Jeif- ot half i leatou n»d • diieilL.
feed let Wnpd pint of Jnlee. Ibeti loll the Juice for el mU. Pile* on hM tattered londi.
MU**'r^Hlred!"serTe'wltb Udyie- «»o mlautee. add itismr led beU the oed
Whipped ereoB lertedeepir Jelly eta minute and poor tote fto«Serunlled Em with
... Ar,hkofctooi=><-or..lUwo4.taTO«ut«ek-l^.to».ta^potarf


tellowinc totter end o
ley dewM M w the sMUdMMi'id the
tolllr. vnie to Mm. U<br. lOttoii n
•V<Bp fee rrpt;^ led mm wbettae tar,.JsnaM.wa.
Tta Fernaa Urnc Oa.
In recard to to. Pema-TWUalA 1
taranataabout too bosMtasU.
While I wa. to ChMsa my whtoea
daeshto* wa. batornd with a enatb
all tta Urm. Ata haa tad It fiw ^ar
weald ss away,

aalt. luJ let reduce enotak
The old-tiihloacd wny of znakloa ful of wUi. then inoiher layer of c»b of sreen snsta and elmracr eery *• ™
: ectoamptlaa. and toe eely
•« •* »*“ way to lire her lay talMI wsa to pern
tomito caiiup vei to fenneni the to- ta«e. md another iponotul of nik. penUy for Bfieeo or twenty mtontM.
lu ilto. cx»n.<ita. Home Cheer *J «P“
to tell Ol lU mr-hod of lUlk Amtoe chopped One.
pUf^ lorn as epernUoa.
naioee. oalnc f>o elaesnr wbilceer h and so on until all the- esbbise to taklec care the .pInnM do not break, niahei
«aa luppoMd tbsi this wii more nned; rater and aund away ojrr Wbw done let them tool a Httle. pul
l»K * '
, ,,
1 aprnd ra maeh Money iter dtSmwa
eot taparailnjt UBtllJtcbt nM
.ad few a^ictoB
Kelhvbolraoiae chan when a aevere add nlcbt. Sen day Uke l( out and preia them in a cUii dtob. and poor Ota taa.-y apple J. Uy to made by tbe uiutl uooa of Hit. Ihii the ecca
WllA dbMlne on tbe Vrder
,-Htnd fnry U the ennip,
wai added, tin pn. led lipe tomnloea itarauably la a colander. l*ut . Uyer ayrup over them.
irytad ws with
too 1 saw tta P> cAp. TAhleU adrer_____
____ In tbe bottom of the

' WMb
eurrliis eblldrw huddled • into dlrea. put ____
into a .tone jar, of _
tta cibta«n
on^uinor of a aet-ikin o' dried enose pe«d.
Vu*r. and.cook oeia thick
Vod tn tbe pepm, aad-l fol a bos
is the bUck ttafa aldwrlas dasA i“u^r'o<’ imnatoei and a aprlnu’ln* Jar, aprtnkle over a few muatord- ^<,I,iiirof“s!,ur.'’*»dd a
rranmr. atlrries nil tbe time. Turn and tried them. She enuU (M .nme
fftk (be toothera crylns aadly
,„nd atldc three dnya. B) aeeda and onc'or, two -whole dove.,
^«der. mli atlfllr with
Into n hot dtob. .prii.kie with chop­ el^bytaklastoem. Shawetadbenp
. And overr mmo a prayer,
^bA time tbera- will bo allcbt fermeu .then another layer ol rabbwe wnd
».„rr. and toll out eery thin.
when -cold Jt u of ^
ail nlcbt asd eeacb. SoUMlatatoek
ped paiiley and pour the i
la tbe bouae of Obed-Bdoia
aiz lioaa., and aever wa. both wed aap
Utlofi. Preni the -toniatoan ibraufh DUtiaMtaed.-and m on onUI nil tbe
some ripi red Mama rut In tal
,re,BO .—.
TTaa •etiber want nor. <«re.
a Mere. To each Ballon allow two eabbase u In. Do not pack ll«htl>.
uie paate
**'“ •**" *^**“**
jtimtobtTVtoibale wiik J
I will mm tu* tar aay cm* to tta
teMPOonfnla of sround ilnser, a tea- Corer with sood elder vloasnr. wait
pottlni Hern abont « . . . . atomnoomo • • • « brewbT uAranoon ol ontoit taely qnlrn at our old innid.nre. wbwn ww
spoonful or elnuamon. one of doves, until tbe vtoesnr rank. u. tbe bouem
<>' ««•«>• "r*?
IV Mda of Obed«doBi
« FOA YOUR ENTSATAlNMENT. ♦ fB^jiprd. in k^bhwpoon ol tatter. heed la'^lrase.. All ear jHtsbbocn
No Ueman trod them totas.
r nantn, and ra ran- ___________
■ of the Jar, <
---------altoplra. a noarirr of a
ray ibal eta eesM hot tiv«4«ih
^•OAAOkOOdOdOOOOd add a ubleopoon of ctoeiped
TV tower, of Obed-Bflocn
epooDlu of Cayenne and s level tea- ttnne ontll toe cabbase to Iborovsbpj^^e
fto-h a ro«4
Were Itte a fortreaMd town.
epoonful ol while peppet; tattle and ly molatened with vlneor. and 11 to .prtnkle’, w-lib powderea. .upar aoo a
-------------------------------- and one cup ol tat vral stock,
And enJy smee and sUdoaM
ready for Immodlate luc.
water. Bake about haUanhoar tiutlen card to an apple lancheon.
a,, mlnutea add a Ubtodpeoa
My with
Came ppeediv on the read.
Tbe betirr known to by bolllnf,
R<4 cabbase may be pUkled In the
.. B»deraie oten.
«rd. aiucb- of cboppta parley, a toaopoon of a.n
hu .wmerh, tnrewtac np. aad hto
TB tbe botiM of Obed-Sdom
Beald and perl oae buahel of tonia- way . leavins out ihc jtomr.
Plum Ple.-Cui torse ripe phiM In
a ttoy wild and • durtfos of nutates. Remove iMWel. ra loora all (he Um. «aS*W
'Wberain tbe Ark abode.
toe. eul Into piecM and cook In a-----------------------"
hrivee. and remove ibe seeds Stir ed by a pink ribbeu. wa. a ttoy wiie
hr.-mkI allow to .woi a lii- all run dowa fur lev araatha. 1 alM
poreelatodlned ketUo for one hour.
unapoonful of raro.Ureh with a crab app|e. say. an enckanse. “Pleaac
, ,y^p wm brtn« an apple whb you.- waa wHiton
PreM Ibem tormfb a aleve aafllclent- ♦ HOUdEWORK MADE EASY. •
And far and near they teld-U '
TV MB who pMaed that war.
ly fine lo remore Ibe eeeda. Return ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦ one cupful of ausar aud oue-iblid down at toe bouore of the card, whldi
^ timb*le mold oae holdtns a to to cive him ib.,Tablo(s aad aew be
Bow M Jebeeab-a bioMtof
them to the kettle; add two ouacee of
W'a can not yet eniliviy flimluilc twpfu! of water Ileroevo it from toe caurad aome cutMIU and many-^onpimirntt- U all rtsht and Mmithy tooktas. He
Ob thal beme by nlcbl and day:
whole moeurd. halt an ounde of sweeplnf from our bouMwork. lint It Are sod stir toe raresUrrh .mo-nhly Jerturea.
^ mictere la csrrfnl took tour boam. That to all be waam
to take wlnarrer anytblag alto blm.
Sow Ae arealUM to the sreaiaai
rriral we were uancred li
_ _______ _ *ir—dv we have 1" “•
• M«^l*b wHb sood paste,
Sronnd riovea. an ounce and a half
pan of hot
Place toe i
Bad Joy end hopt sad iere.
, room where tno younc ladles

Of wkUe pepper, an ounce of sinter.
brii.b It over ul.h the while of an
WUU tv
or Obed*J0B
and. If yen Uke. V1T a dosen cloves ■ cetaPtweMowir appvaiu. wuico
arransc toe Mums ov.t It. prerided behind
n which we center to
; about thirty mIouK
IM mctolelta that ewer remse to my
Wan watoVd V Oed abe»a
of sartlc cut Into (bln stripe, and euck the dust and din up from every„„ ,be .^p, cover with
tuiw out of____
tta_mold hnuo. Wtaarrerltrnvwlltokeeomo
with ns 1 have tad three etasyrhtb
two ontoBs, Bell elowly nntll the ket- thms Instead ol tatin( to sUr It np of puE-pavte to form dianwnds. and The name of each donor waa reiU- ^„funy, ,am>und with Mrcr*.
drrariek with ecariet leree two aatmita
TV Itoa of Ohed-Bdom
«hup reache, toe oonatotency W very
, pr<*,n, ^ Inpuj, u
(he bUe in a •noderntely hot oven to a ured In a booh sad iwvh apple markSCO, aad that I. ns 1 btod, won tta Pela ea tta earth today. .
(hick premn. As yoq add the rlnesar
^rau of any kind. Vdt pale brown.
ed to a dltereat and dlsUnreive
A ErMhlMI Hlak
tttaa aad the Tabteto. 1 did net tom
la tta benae of Obed«dom
ft wOl be atoned down to the prepet maehtoes are new uaml on a uT|e
„„„ j^iy
ur.nert;-eo.k two •»« I" «««« tor our apple, w. rw
tor breab
aeyet liwm.
■tin amy ta aafdy atoy.
coulstency. Now add hall a pound
for bouMdeaniQs with srealA„,,,M or >.i.Une in a uiri and a «^ted a sard beariac our name and
If iheret.naymui.lefenBntlM7ta
Wta daarar ttaa Ml treasure
of MSar and half a pint of aalt; reck
«,r those -1^ 00 not tor on^ h^r Add tl^ «b. name
.. mtU: hr mren. of ««
tave any
wash wbv yiui tot M ksew aad t win
For which MB toU and plod,
tattodtodoee. ToveSroly.
dirteen mtoutee loncer, v^YtoS all
.orb au
lemolis. one-bnif pound «»'«« «»>*• **
®t ‘“y
■ban prlM tta (vreoant btoralaB
tbe while, and add half ,a snllon of j.pre I. rameUnn* tost mo.t any om- ^
jj,* wblw* of
ecite Pl»tta «
* AlBereot var- ,,n (^,0 , prevtous____
Tta haUewad Ark of Ood.
food cider vtnessr; mix and stir In
have. If she think, ra. that fa i*atcn lu a sm of tvatr r. 6tlr nil
•*"'’** *“ M»ced si etch pUte,
„„ moreashly with
hastily the puanre of a teanpoonful
, toborraver—the'carpet-eweep- ,ngpifc„r over thi- fir.- unill the seUe.rb .soeit was, eipecied to And
xhen form to
Fall Ctoaalns Hire.Aai aartr atrUe. nor clamor,
ol csireniie; boitto and eeal while boi. „
ukn np the dirt *y push,, p„urely dtaulved. then strain ‘ke variety of apple named os her
try on the sriddle to
To launder laor canaiaa s
BtoU break tta tranqiiU apall.
and pat away to a cool. dafk. dry
„ over toe floor. One may be ,1,^1,. n , telly ,b.s until perfectly «»tf» Our real, were token In mych
• .____ .____ _
la whk* mr Lord'a bdorad
Mare. ■ Bea that tta betUes and ceOn ponght for |M0 or « mad It
c*,f „o doken fine, plum, into *rmn>«n«. «or «*pe of the snesto
qp cat dates Cat. bananas or npForetwr safely dwaU.
are tVrooshly aterlltoed before tte
jesre. It 1. not expon.lve even
sotneU out of luten itaorem of tbe names of p,„ „a „„ oirauab h im before the rarpri and strwre ^ wtu •
la tta boaae of Obed«don
taUlM are flfled,
,up„ « leredonly from tbe money „on„, and mU both Irull and kernels “»• dlf.-rem vniictles, but wtth a 111- <urtlM. For tailrsy Mtr Into cream
,a. '
of Ita
Xb aaali^t er la dark,
~ To make another rahl lomalo cm itandtE
carpet. And the nest cwfwto erlB r>
AMdae tta oaaadUaa Meaalns
«np peel and chop very flue a half raver of eirensth and vital power., ft
.aj ig,
n„,|i firm. When
»" »««ta
dereert If ever the other and eave work. Day
TVt rant witkU tta Ark.
beck of ripe tomaioe*. Drain them. Is tonnUniable. The aweepins may be rcuircd 10 .erve. turn out carefullearing ihe ubie tbe hoe- ^,0^^
r„,. *04 .Mtcd ooM tiuj aew urk. to prevent ritot. Tear
them----------into an ratolmlsnd sreatly. Tbe sloeptos-rooms --------------,, „„ ,
„r .llvredUh.
tn a colander, tbeu----- -------............,
- . . and eerve
rartain. will took Uke new aad yw
e oarttan veasel and add a half «p of ^ pot be
*'"» -t'lPP^d uwoetened crexm
rcdiH-.irii to write a rhyme
• Where to tte Holy tand.
• lbs ctaPoB ahrtns where pUsrim •
Man her name Three were pnib. ..fc,
u.. «».^
of bbek pep iota

tapfU msy taw.

tpr. two iwd peppers and two reou ol
Wlih the uae of toe eweeper ihll
• Wd Ml tta Masur of tta world
ratory ctappml fine, two icaapooi.. to ra.y. and It requires tal a few

'• Asdecar prayer and TOW t

SL.-rr.T„,‘2zi.r:; sr,2.rj,r,.:.-r.'r;r

e ( 'oMAasr
e THtonim God's Vaad tta Joy*
- AM
BtiU His care preridta



. taaspoontnl
of dnnamon,
alUplcc, a
ttaspoonfnl of
• leMpoontol of maee, and one quart
Of cider vfM«ar. Mix all welt U|se>t>
er, bottle, and seal.


Apple Jelly.
tora effon
effort to
to do
do tbe
tbe work
than with
^j. wp«tlon they twnd w ta ito buit.r; edd three ri«htbs of a rap
, p^wr at «M and
worh than
pj^ -,|j. ,, , favorite w.u.
with ■»*.,,
«« |ul of pulp luken Irooi ihr tomaioe.;. ^
klifbea Ubto.
a brooss
broOM The eweeper
eweetar jnil
bm to p.nUolnflf' Jelly,
Jolly, but there J
i,. touhd 10 eoniain
- —----------------------->al all eerepd
foun^iicn, uiu were founa to oonuia ,a,.„
,.j,b „u. pePP« •««» uxi parinin so on it T*V ----«'«■« "«•
the corner, nor
rloe* 10 tbe wall but that can -be clou. Jelly ^ n be made from iho
the or.

Isaac O. Raakto. \

~ r/t "r-r".rr“rrr;'’:rs

nhniH-. Tbl.
f.rhlonliut lu bs.kct shspr-.
ha Ar t wsv 1111(4 with while riiryraneppU-. and runtove the th.-munui uiid -Shpnrasu. Spreogeri
elibih., ah
the ohande.
lowlDC the skill, and needs 10 remalD,
Inc. It to much
.Hilary .ml le^
^ve.crvln, kettle;

IreTbsre to aomstblnff
carpel lo ta
_ .
One gratod nuimeg may also be uecd
form of
, p„,p,
•wepL AVr rareoplM with toe
MW to tt. «.!> WI> ton. Tk.
pulp. H^ve
one whti. and tbo otoer
Bbbmt haa been ton of r*~* tbliiMk vuie
^awa*p*r. pul a oanton flannel
from tn,. move; fill a cbcvs.-clolh Img
,^1..- nut raladriva. mtv<4 in np
by copfub. tic. tana up and allow to
......... .............. ..
drip Into a iarge bowl ell night.
prera ibreurn a sieve. To .lx quarto


«, as lo keep tb* dori well

Cook tosdhar .lowly till quite tfakA

to iiuto Ototon. to

?n,™r.ito“tak"'.r.iX to

rto.“;s:;rLtrr ^ r;::.“.ajrrrk.=': r;,.i””r :rx-,rr -rr; zjz

Ito ,h,. ,U„ ,M dkii. rJt. .O—






“•'■ 'T


to put all 4M
^AWtinem Qtitty.
eoM air regtoV'^^l. your Atobpaa? Qi
qne^HKot so very wbwn you U
la ^^■aneer end outof-thepla<^^Ke folk, keep tbelr*. O
Nratunlum Salad to deUdoM tost
a pallor belter edll.,___
have__a 1_
.mooib hook pul up Jua ever the the sp<4b on delkaU «lHy ItttMd
,jak. sM bang the dtobpaa there ev- to.res and nerve wtth a Trtaeh drM*.

to--* “


;'Srr-.rn;«rr-=rir.x.ttr,r.^;rr *"

_______ ..._____ . of days, to the ‘
frwltleB. the ndmlneilm of all Uat ]
haa gene before.
■ Bar Hare the rlDe lomotow and The Ladle. World giv.-, rame ii< w
U>' benUny to.f ragar on a plaiur
«-m;e toe iueau wcr<- si the t.bto
4raw deaer. tta days bring ttal greatChop to Ideas In .the way-of Mun. d.-racru:
in the ovt-n the auger rraulfra very
who bad received
, «t of hoonn, a nettled ocrapeUta^
^ ^ nraned onPlum Trifle,—('ui damion plum. IHUe tailing lo the fruit Julc*;- but ,h,,
uuanered i-tem. ctarnciei
Ikr tta tawsewUn a»d motkr there
tomatoes MiswU tbe in half end raqk until ti-uder In a lit- the sugar muvi U- wsiihed that u
*„d n.ur.t-d them, oicredltis tta pltaJng np. of the threads of
„itoerti»r and be^itolck <»e vyrup; dreJn. and rub the pulp does not nrorih or bun. Stir the
,[,p tuiuiu-r m rerb -o its donor,
■gnraier aad tta weartag ol tbem la^
• ^t^na$b s roar.,- nlev.- To a cupful Juice often and .k,m off the Ireib.
»pve pui m a giuto bowl
IP B per»BB#iil fabric: for the father
of the pulp, itoen cold, add the eUffly- Add the .ug.r grado.lly, iilrrlng all
when the tucu uml .djonrned to
ppd •*!■, tta eatahUablng of larger, laflian euntne) u deiiewu. andmorc
whiles of fear eggs, mi
iltnc. and when the Jelly sun.
p:,.ugb; In and ptoc
tattar btalataa Ihaa has taes poral- of a Bovclty. Take one quart each Of
puaurd cup* halt full of vanilla to boil let it boll one of i«o minuie- ,..j a,, , ,ia.,j \\-.,
men liivii,-d
Ma daring tta ntnetUed mjd-snmmer. *t«B (omatoe. aad applea and one
,er, raid put ■
Thick Apple Jell} -To ew > fojna ,0
,i„. nurnWr of .eedv in the
cr pmtBaMin tta Mrnerlng of tott onk«. Chop finely, raver with salt.
01 toe tnOe^oo (.,p of apple pulp allow of a i^owi* c.,.:, ku.-« ... rral.-cr^i by
frgita and bnay grepBratton. tor mp- and let .Uad two hours Drain In n
^ roughly. Servo <ery raW- taund of .agsr nod oneh.If ua.poon- ,h* j^unu todtre A Uoau llul fruit
•BSMiMm RTPtof on«ta arm.
iTw raiaBdec. andadd one ponnd of rals
^^7 Tout-Cut whole wheat ful of mlBradkiuoo imcl Feel. rare.
... a».rded »oibe oae to.t nod
OP shUdrn there tothecall to .ludy Ion. twocupful, of ugar,
one ptoi
^.11 and boll the apph-. with only .utfl u,, n.-.r. .i ga-tt
•M the toung of Uemsalrea for ton- 'Inegar, one cupful of lemon julre,
,q pfrveai them from
----------------------or. breadwr life to years to rame.
one teaepoentol of cayoBue pepper,
throuxb end burning; beat Ibem lo a pulp To
Uras ter Puivientos
jBut btgi/bf aU to tta early lalUug •«! ooe tablcspoonful eweh of groead
browned Spread llfhtl- every pound of pulp-allowr the above
1 h. lotie for pluuant dinbe. ha. re
. tvUghl when oventag bringi all
*od mustard. Lot these loIwoportlon. of sugar in lumps. Pul i.g)i«-d m giving u. the pimiento to.
' ^ <M*. "ttsl. -Weei, tame-s boat;- gredlenta otaod over night. In the ^
„ob- tbe lump* Into a raucepan wvuar i.rge red pepper., pat up in oil. ihsi
' I Wd
PM htearad
bleaud Indeed
indrad to that home
hOM in
to tnoretog
tnorntof cook
e«* Mowly
elowly lor (onr
loar hpur.
"______ _
uueg ud are tweet. «ei bite toe longne hn.
the ark of Pern, ablde.1
hlUtt •» • taubU bolter, or wfto a.
c^ c
r ran be well rAtmmcd. Ibeu add this Ingb. siy* Table Talk .(brood, plm
"on Individaa] ptole.
»vnip 'o the apple pulp with toe mtoc- lent.* ere in great requ.-.I lor kllrbes
PlumBhape—Put onabalf
pound ed lemon lew-i and »tir (t over a quh-x uoe: ib<re 1. hradlj a ravori xour*
enameled tre lor .bout iwenly minute., or un raup or Aslad that would noi be bet
1 grating aiueeww 'tair il-r them one oupt-jl «U the -pMe. roa.o to nlk-k to t^re i.r lor n bit «( three pepper. Tb.j
eoM ripe cucumbers, To earit haU
dimmer bottom ol Ihe pan. Tb. Jelly I. Urns give a duilnrilve flavor sad
'’Merer atrife. nor riamor
effect for
plot «f pnip add hall a
plat ol viseBhall tarrek tta trasqalt epell.
■ • ' gwMly unUI they are quite raft B- dose and .tuny be poured Into mold, retalngly decorative
garnltolng Hot there are lurtbar
U whieh onr Lortfk teloved
.1 grated horse» tbe ttane* and drain off thu which ‘
nicely for ura. }or the pepper., which should
mrever aafely dwell"
rsdtoh. . terapranful of sMl obo,p^ ib,'' Into a tawl. rc tater. when li will tnra
fottrib as muta cayenne and a Ubtothe amp to tbe eaure pan aod dessert or a side dtob For tbe latter eaprcuily romnj>-nd
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦ sJiooBlsl of grated onion: Tta crated aiseefre to U ooekaU onaea of geU- a lUtle ,uatird should be ponred boutawlle who to obliged to enter to
4 raeumber mutt be aprtokied with ,1^,
be. been aofteeed In a around, and li atar be gsrniraed with no sppeiiie that <rav« highly spiced
44444444444444444 noli and allowed to stead over Bight j,uj^ ^Id waier. If eel sweet eeoogb stripe of citron or stuck -with bUBob- loodv. aBd^bc folios log recipes wll,
Uad BetomOB beea ns toimnud
add mere sogar then add Ue plum ed glmond..'’ ft lake* from onetall ravory di.b.:*In tta enllaarr depanmmtt of hi. »«*radla8U aad taole and peal. No
onetail cupful of btonebed so bonr lo torw-rjoartera of .n tour
Itmieate* .nd i-heese-For eacl.
•Mara « ta was la hto Ubrary. he ««klBg ks-haayng to aoraatarr. Thto B,„,ods raareely ctuvpped. Mto nil to reduce ibc apple, lo s psip. and perrau nae oae pimiento. onetenapoec
«Mld prebably tare eaM with equal *• “MtaW
all aaUd.; a table,0^^,,. pou, n,, mixture Into twenty nanutes to boll alier ibe sugar of chopped olive, sad one tohlcpoet
trathtolMiis "Of the
•pooatol may to added to a piM of ^ gereer-noW. had .tend asMe tatll 1* Addrd One peond and a tall of of Camembert cheera. or frazafle de
wleUef of pIcUaa there to wo end."
Y*tatabla Bajada. or
«» applea are .ntflclent for a moU. brie. Dram U» oil from tta plmlen
Thare to nemeaing In tbeae early
s a glass dUh. aM Bil tbe emitar wtth . Crab Apple Jell, -Wash 1 be applra. ue; predi the chopped olives Ibw the
Bkll As}*. whsa good Ulngs anem to *^chlM VaMBmarnt are a novel wnipped cresm. Stick blanrhed al- rat them la quanera remove all Im- ehrera and work It into an oblong
pear late our kltetana. calllni like tad umM garntob and taste as good mend, rat to strip, iwblie raft from perfenlent snd the bloaram end Pui ahape. doai with asli and paprika aad
Ita flta to the fairy itory "Cook MlJ as Uey took. Pick the «nea aeeds nianeUagl Ml over «ta JMly.
them to e ketila, -tadleg veto «ater place to Ur ptmteaioa fut cm a bak

We Guarantee
Full Weight Floor
>-oj buy a mik o( fcw be mwe you are BAmg U yen
BvWi bsrrei e< fleur tbaijd wssA 1% peimik «v*fT bsV
barrd sraki^a pmmdk every qaaHcr barrel tack 49 poxBsk sfid
every ei^ti band sack 24'? pmmds.
Every ttsckageotUUTtoeOom does wtdh as above,

ra hw scale, and see tf d

a. a»di as Ur Whiu.

. When he says if k "iat w good as** be coniemei ■ Uckt ii
qwUr. vefaen be weighs u i may jack ig qnaaliy.

LHy White
•The FVwr Um Btat. Cooto

Bemg the besl (pmky sod haviM tbe lera>it tsiss of agff Isgr
« Wotorii Miclugra »
«*»“« waltatob o< Mtoeb by
campetitors beesree d sets a ftaaitfd
tbem caa reegk
■m. tiymg^ddMM (l^pdbKe by pu^ tn m
le and Bto ear dd copy 1
Oon'lU them fed zra Our name a ea eemp mA d
utac Ur WMi aM oto gMStodce is bock d erttr oMdc of

. Croa^lUpMkkadh.

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