Grand Traverse Herald, June 07, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 07, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




MUik«a TM*d>7 «b4 mtegr
Trm»eri* Ctty. MlctilfM. hr
nM- T. BUM .............................Piwldnt
*M». 0. BMM.................... Vic* PraMeiit
J.. W. HMftco ............................
OUn N.


Om TMr
............. tl.W la Adraata
Bti MooUt...................(>0c i: la AdTi
« la Adra
TStm MmUu.
Senate KHled Houw Frgvjaton Fo
Power le AppraiM and to ReflirJate

BotuM oi aw<md«Un Batter
MarcA i. iMt. at «b« pMiorn<
TraTerM CItr. Hlcb. under Uia
M OoaCNM ol MorcR S, Ufl.

OndolMNi Ml 2.85H

Tbi- First Nslloual bank la tods)
Duiplllug a report to the cwmplrollci
a ruuueit
Ol Ibc 1
from IP .> depanuieni lo order to asceraoiouni and. denonilnaiiun
Id h.v the uaituaai
•rlimwles belt
irougbu'ji the country. a( tbt
bUBlueas on June Zud. .
Ibe dcpartiiienrs plan to et
lor Ihe larger driiangi- small
Oiai the di-uiand o

Serous' *

Waabiiiglon, June
<-oi>rromi> the <-oiif.'
h<n ap|xjlnu-d to c-uiisldei
lad bill ubk'b la nrarlDK aviiXc pas-


Tbe bnuae aod araele bHla .differ
widely aa lo the roninieroe roort and.
Ethice ana the proper way to br
Ibr eoIumlaNl
• atn«k. phlloooiAy and the prerllral
priiklded ibinelboda or bUlns boana may bave do with power to appn
egulBir- Ktock Is
d regula
Issue*, and the »
" killed
Boy pooiet a wtKkins ltiioaIed«e ot
oatroaomy and at ibe aaiw lime kaow amendmi-uu t
how to rock a cradle with one fool
uuse I
noth wibjeel’ tcU-graph
and atnsltancoualy. pump a aewinc
coinpanb-s lo the
marblne wllb Ibe olfacr. Such In aubvJon-8 jurisdiction.
dtODM li tbo view ta Prodldcnl Taft
Ol expraaaed at Bryn Mawr college
Tbe preildcat held that wbUe jnar
rloce waa the normal atatua of wo
not roBor^ her life aa a failure. Cub
tare may 1» reapoaalble In many caaea
for the unmarried atote. but It a cu!
torrd womaa cos MA find a life com
panion wtakb obe deem# ii aullablc
(Or her. U Jt not bHier to remaii
atacle iban u' paaa aaibedueu year
In regret?
A wife ia the working pArtncf o
the huabond. It la tme that Ibe Brtn
czlltf beeouae of other than ortTclei
of aoaoclstlen and 4bat love 1a lor
Bhonld be) the.haaU of the <a>partB>ohlp. but thU partaerablp exUU I
erery- wUI rccnlatod borne. SVliheut
thlo, the home eeotM to be a borne
and dMeneralea to a place where tr
noiuret nan be ahowm without fear.
An educated woman ran aUU keep
In touch with iho world ot an
letlrrt and moke a home, a real home.
Her education broadena



dMpeua her nataro twd often tlmca
makea her a valuable old lo her huabnnd. not

always, however. In

vice mod auggeattena, but In the very
fact that ahe anderatanda the prob)enia that boael him.
Modem education' offers niueb




man. atill am unmarried woman need

yUkera'.,-The domeaUe
U with 11a tearhlim

of food TOIUM and <
oteoul BUge and adds to uodful knowkdge. Oootacl with the rlaoslc*, with
languages and even tbe aelcncrs are
not what artiially produce 'h» pale
the con­
trary. may fit a woman ao that when
ahe beeotneaw mother, she can
a manner wise aud lulcIliKenl toward
both hereelf ar^d her offwpring.
are InrllnMl to agree wllh the »uienenti made by the proeMcnt
Borne lime ago. we auKgeatcd'tiini
' tbe dly build a mile of -food And"
on Dtai Fiont siivei to eonneet wlib

5 pirled.
The teal of Ihe
•lu ties of (lx
f country tor
e Miisll d.-Domii

letter Is .ts fnlUiws:
ffeuiand III,r..ughout
i-lreiilaling notes ul
allons. and llieprer
sury depart'
It is deem.-*
ad<li.abh- to eixoi rage I ic holders «5f
sihet eenldeales it the delllKUluatlOU
ot tix.ou and ox
send pan
111 lo the treasurer of Ihe I'nii
lies, ill .order that they may be
luged lor CTlia.-ales of small deiiinalioiis.
tr.iasury depart mcni
prwisle advke- ou iW B. .O
lo lUe null
aniDiin: .
silver criifieat.
aUod ol *10.00 aud ovei. held
l>> your bank on Jun<- 2, IPlo.wand alKi wither you are
are- agreeable
asreeabU- to n

potli and out oa tbe igoat boy rood
fwtweee tbe two ttreeta. The lownahlp
rnod b arooolb and free from rors
OBd ta^ It Is a grovel rood and ha*
Ml packed down as bard as It will

but tbe wboto

read tram the railroad to tbe «tty
Uodu sbould be put Into proper abope
Ibr tho Urgor oBWuiit of troMe It boa.

X. Aiwnraw UR thu I





a Ht
Helke Had Done
I Counael plated
, Notifying Hava.
—, meyse of Oiterapanelao. ^

ti bandlea oil of tbe peninsula iraf
Ovar M Per Cent e
•e and the joeater port of that from
Aat Bay lownibtp as well aa a Urge Arc causa-d by a cougiwted condition
eh. coninionly <called copameont from Acme and other town- of tbe twwels.
Why not rvllcv.
Bblpe. ah'the toad trifflc from An­ of this <-ondltloti and the ram liient
trim coatrty also uaee that atreet. ex- dang-T o
by becoming a
ir Oualed
eept that which uimi onto etatc or

the altnatkio would be rellevod to •

The rewriu-lied the lorcigii
(fa- tui'ia-ndlniIhey thmigiil would
diVeU.|i an antlfofeik-n laharaiier.
The ropol'JlIunb-i. hate urganKcd
intiilmlilng the v
(lonls's ye,;etda.v
b'caiions a


NcwWk. Juu~—Chnrles Heik.
faotter than Front alreeL ao much so the trust tffllrlal ehnrged with niaiiiiiulatlng (hr rugsr frauds, defended the
Before the aummer endY. cUarges today.
Mia tounvel deciered that Melkc
tbonoonds more of local people will
tiffed Ilcvcmeyer of Iht discreiiaiicles
have an opportanity to jodi
In the trust and governruent weights,
relative merits of the two
doing JiU full dmy.
Boot Frool street Is one of tbe'
He decUred Heihe was nol
I wtiU ihi- frauds.
moM important atnwU we have. sloe.,

cDBiidcjablo extent,




ml] that had the needed Improvement,

Severol national and most of th
Alt- offleers and (he Iwal oIBcvrs 0
1C Kariucrs' Society ot Eijully inr
Thursday for the purpox* uf aurclua
10 Oigautze ifaroughtnit
orgaliiaanao to u-x- the
system vf niarkeiing whHh thi.y al
•ration, wbl.h they
It belter, than
tx-adquarI lutradofed. 1 le
win It in InMAY DEVELOP AN ANTI-FOREIGN dui.aisn -. and itiey will kep in t.Kich

Sherman, national oraaniter.
iimuc- work in IL-nin- couii
s.-.'k, a>.bl-d by -W H. IbiFerwlgn Legations at
arw high, At tiour la
aiaii ol Kiuplre
ofgamter. and
Warned by
food -you ban buy cowill lollow on through
peclany w
Yesterday—Rebala Have Or(he Goshen
.f.t l.i'U:
ganise^/Seerct Beclcties.
lilendtd Flours. GetbeUe and Never
Udt :j-k
l-on-tnn. J.ine y^Uls.lona.y mh-x
.-s. Iiusincss
raiiebi-s today tirgcd the llritisb coi
ST.tTE t>E MinilGAN. the rtohaie
vriiuienl to take laum-dlale and di-ai-ouri lor the f-oumy
iep» to preveui tbe Chinese- ui
5. wMCh they
At a session Of aold Coi
eclipse Ihe Uoter uuUxeak If not stopthe IVohaU- Olffce In the f
;se t-iiy, ii)'i«ld t'ounly.oii t


in |lma. but orsa bow It Is InUnlteiy

Seld avMue and the Q. R. A I. were

K Tracy !.*y. PryaWw-L
R. Floyd CTlBch. >T«a Pfeal<l««.
Long Lake grange—Mr.
Miss Una 1-ciW.
dumml*. grange—Uiw Adam SeegUller. .Mrs, S. M. Ktu-ley.
thaiid Traverse grange—Mr/ and
Irs, it -H. McMullea. Mr. and Mrs
E. J, MeMnlkn. Ml. and Mrs. Oc-orge
itotvriMqi. Mr. and Mrs. K K Ihiryea. f tv Wbeelock. Ocotgv Roush.
Mrs. Art-lMa Gardner.
dluyiei, Mrs. l; A. Evau . Mrs, John
l-anlord. R H. ITSKiirth Mrs. i
1. Wam'n Hick nujn.'
At:dr.'W Cllnaur.;.


. 'IS
Tlx- reiuvr* pf thx various church
...........* and *OClclle*.W.-le re .id.- ft hi. h 'j-Hnjiiii
mw-il progres- In the work ...............
.1 1-1,1-The liirh-My-dnlt.••^ln•••s- on Ih"
tX"d during lli"
I'lFtecii y.-m* ago hi" .wife dl>d and.
la-t y-ar.
twtoiiilng weary itt U*l oT hi* l<nx-Iy
eklRieiiee. the Ibralglilx of llie plntie
turned bJKk lo 111* *«etth-arl ol 1
.Ml- Ollu- diK-tieci. I
Mid liiidllig *le-
lilitniir.-'hil. .-olilhtili'J the e<irri'>|xum'
a inmD*er ol y ears.
r Attractiana <
po»al fo'lowed and —.ir
Two yemw ago Mi«s itpcticcr. «ho tinlavpi ol .1 ’Itv on .,t:-..,.i"l':i v
tll the death of her. |>arenis
Spn-niir Thomas I*. Gon-. the Ulmd leg to lior-o lowol.
years ago had llvi-d wllh the old |a-o
xnaioi <>om Oklahoma, has bc.-n so­
'I'ix- di I'll' ac ■r<‘ vot- d to
pU- In Traver-c Oilr. .Ml. hlgaii. where
ured I y p-tofr.sor W. IV N'codham 1.1 >g tdk" I.' r-, ctM ., v
they moved tix-n K'k'Hhpid.. sold he'
ir 111" I'bnntaixiua ptogTain wbl-’4
property nml.«ame ftesl at the InOIroarty hnsa'lirlltinrfi ariay m -.peak fof fh
ont-rtaii.iix r.!.
ding ol her fllaixe.
;•« which hns Ix-i-n uni-xroliiii iy
.Mr. ^tiocMiig im-I her In Ix>s An'hBlnruqiia/iven In Gx-lxr th in pasi
g<le» and the two were marrli-d there.
■•aHlt'"- Spoliator liore I* hie flcsi sett­ uoiiinn niioi: iliv Gtnhd
It had Iven plonncd to tmld the wed.
lor from tbo now riate of Okluli.ityi
ding tereitsiiiles at the borne of MIks
lid I" 9 brilllnui uiator. All'.iuutn
Spemer's brvjlhcr. .Milton Spi-uo-i.
Mind. Sonalur Goto has rare g'lG. and
who live, a' '.::::ii Third slrer'l In this
a MniUB l>’ll>. and T-ac-iso
tity. hul hii«lnj’s* interests luterf-c
n>y aixtioiir.-s may wi-;i Ik- miig.-nm- «: f.<- iit.i;:,«"ipniv.
e>‘ and Mr. PliH-klng toiind It liii|xs-sllaicd uism Xclng abb lu bear so nut- p.atig,- o»i:‘ng l*x:r osn hail-, »
He at the Ia-1 inonieiil to leave Ise
B :ipouk<r.
..................... H'o pH'ls-i-y ovuiori »y
Aiigelc". M'Hon Siwmi-i. who Is a
praiigss in the, iviii.-y. tl

mired niercliiip. canx' lu itsli rHiV
iti^ iiold durii-g Gx- ycai.
some Mine ncx fnnn I'luvnU. Helie
WinII Ibe xossloli" w.-ro ralk-d
county. I'olerado. with ihe intention
folkiftlng ulffj
of making Ids tmureboiix- hd
"1 knew that O’ive hwddieen
Anarehitia Mada Allack er Count L
.M:ist.-r —Calvin
landing with .Mr. Sivsklng to
pold. Price Lippe and Hia Belhei
year*.-- he said yc-terdn>. "Imt 1^4
Uil o' grange
Jullua Today.
nol Imagine Ibai elGicr of^eipjoin
■ mnlUmoiiy.
rliii Juiio 3.—Italian ’ iiarcbiats
IS happy as ibty
Ihey*urx-d Goutit. U-oifttM. n igtc lg 1^1000
TTfVVO!<•. 1 aril glad they
liipnvaiid hi.- hrothor.Jiil.u ix-llllnlll
wciv iiianl-d. TVough I wiu.' Cha; lain— K. K rhumpioD.
Uxllj, Julius BJK H-riou-’v
seven years "Id ai Ihe liUK'. I r.
ilalian* Won- air.--oil ,
twr Siift'kliig w-n.aa he looked
he ustd lo V iMt my slsi. r ot out hon-e
Iraiid Trail i.f s:
Pain ia Semetlmcii
Ladd l-oi
S<v reirry—)tts.
haek In S.irthern Michiewn"
Kepo.lallv whip
The Mwilirliiix.-l ••|''ld Guarvl" which
Di'Qralela. Iinila.
iou* itiHirdiT, si
Tr.-i-«ui.r—II Jl. McMulhn GranIs nrf.-i-Gonnlelv-applied loMr, Stock ,.-hcutnaG-:ti. ou:
•ns ,v.J;
Traic-.e giatigiline by Intimate arqiiilmance*. was IRenix's l•aln-Klllmg
.Ai'shtant Sotvard-A. M. WilloSmv
glveu 'liltii 1.. lUiise of his service as a ledy that brings iiuuk
i'cnli.sula eniDcc.
orTim.-iii stow during tlx- civil lly care* tln-»- trculMo.* ,Gei a
Gslo k*o;
vojmr- E. E Huryea.' i
•. Mr. ttpenrer ex|>ecls that hU *ls- bottle
anil *l.n«.
and hoc hudoiid will vl-ii him at
Sold by S K
K. Walt . A .'ton.. i
-n'a—Miss Lena reffer. Lor.g-l«k'
Ms Sail lUepo home witldn
Uogl-ee Drug ('



most widely sold liver pills
world.. This la not a newone that has,-stood tbe
■. being over slaty year*
Salw kalwaja
showing tbe Imim-nse gtiod that they
Mr and Mra Chnrlo, Gatromeye
ore doing. IVlre every where 2-V per
I mug lor Grand RapiiV
box. Ask (or a tn-e aample.
To Iictiull. where
Sold by S. E Wall X Sons. C. A,
my win spend I
Boglicv Unig Co.. West llnd Hrtig
before Hr. Gai
•■oks\ln Oanai
c>>r'«tarls in


For the awMMoL rlritoot braof yoa
ever ate. use the Goshen Blended
toea-frujir IW



lo'l.wmg " ' "star



: Garduet

Dava the ceoupena you wUl And
each sack of the' Goshen Blended! ^
nour. and when you have eight of H giatiP'
Lady aast-tant—Mr*. .A M. W;!l
tbeni. ^oil
Ime. PenlnMiU graiutc
Goshen MUlla
.-The soitral suborilliiaU'
loahen Indiana, aod you
wer.' represenu-d at tbe aieiHlDg a
a 42 piece eel of prid deeo
ed Chino, freight chargee prepaid.
die; !.aWe grange—Mr. and Mi'
........ 'ri-tpr IS-U . lid


gaxDuel .Garland. CaahHr.
A. J. aaynard, AaaL Caahlar. •*
A. J. Havlland. AasL CosUer.

CAPITAL, saoovooo
SURPLUS. S76j000 ‘
A GCDtnl BeeUic ButMtt DMC

SPer CcbLAUow«<ss

Ttec D«sostto

■If Me M ff to Vbewl


idar flly .
Uodos .
Prvrreiuont .

i'reseni. tibn. Fred lU
udge of l*rv>batc.
Ill th,- matter ot the estate
am S:arbeck, dcrcasedA E Pulrer having Oh-d
I aa Bill
nual acimiii
lUd bln'
irayiiig tor the
ttJa oiOrrvd. i
uiie A. IV UiU'. : t ten o'rluek i:
Probate Olfiv..
pointed for cxaui.u-


ordered, that ,i

Its Ol
f Jio-vi
, a ix'wspaper priiitc-d tud v
111 sahl-ioulity.
EREll It. WA1.KKK.
■ Judge «r rrobi- .
r. 2t, 31. June 7.-

ilUl liZ
Ruckley ....................■ 10:40 6:4S
Walton ....................; n;SO: 7:0t>
Raw-ley................ .;
Elgnia ......................
: k.oi'
NorwaHs .................
: 11:SF
Trams arrive Trav<iae City,
a m : 10:30 a. in. and eYtTb. m.

Why Should You Use
Crescent flour?
Became ilVi be««4jr jour


- Because it's better lor your


family's health.
Because it's better for your
Because It's the ooe brand

>’our that can and dots
^ produce the highest quality of
bread and pastry with the least expense and worry at
all times and under all conditions.

•*nic Kind Everybody Likes"

I h- round liri,'. .-aliie,. 111 the
l»-'d land l.y Ihe ibouiaud*. In
and by the mertand
I.lps ai
i|H'ri'il mid llnally niarllm-klnc


InTcrsc atj ^tc Bank

r grange—»I
m. Mr. sod i

' Efr

that It memblaa a benlevord

M'oablngtoD streets.
Bvin tf the stretch betweeti .Gar-

Calvin gpongier. Mr. and Mri. C. M.

of the Kirs; Jlabank lo k.
t.Tp (be n-sorve held
bank's v.-iuhs
tubs scparai.
separated In
Will Keep Up the Activity for Parcels
dlffereul I1.khUc.s so that 81 th.
Post and Postal Savings fi
b^AlAi-ax I--ueb uigbt the exai
......................... .■enltii-aic ......................
tbe N(
Enrclaes Will Occur
notes may bi- readily .-Ims.rtain.-d.
Michican Asylum Ncgt
at Tue
national lauiklng las n-qulres thu
e summer mci-tiiig of tlx- G
Twelve Yeara f
rerlalu p>-r is-nl of deposita shall
pt>e distrli-t graiijte held ai
hand In actual cash. This
Mlssiou last week, wa* largely al
Tbe annual graduation eserrlsea of
dilTen-m denominations of
ed. T! visiting gnuvgi-s Ix-ing ii
ie traUiing nebon] lur mlnuM at '* '
:e Issues ss above, gold i-oln logeihX- taal of the county ind.I.K-tl- tendauie. At the, roll rail.- m-ari
Northern Mlcblgau asylum will a
wlib Ihe sliver and fractloDal i-olns.
ol *;r>.<NR<. wf.lch was iucurred lu who nixvu-red gSve w bit of advii
c balance of the reserve lonslsts of
ttt Tuesday oveiih g. Tbc prog
konieHiln,;, covi-rlng ail wiaiv- o
;the balanci-a on l.and with the renlral
oa followK;
.11 life, there-tKHDg eiK.ugb' »
t hoii-c. was paid off June 1. Uic
Na Jaie. ••Spring.Time ',. (Hera
advlie given'll' |suLII'h a Jsx
liiial IpJkN dm- on the bond" lielng
hutided'over In the Omiiiy Cleik'* olPrayer—Tbe Rev. Itei
-nou Ooch
tl.'e. On June !, I"'S. Giand Traverse
X- o! Ihe 1ui|"irtanl Items discii; —
SdecUun. -Unriuno.' (Rhana).
counly was Inmded for
>y Hie -grarge was the nisil-c of
I ' J. Siiley.
Addrvesllrowii. chairniun ol the l-oard u( su
goverimiem seeds. K. 11 Ladd ev
IleaK of
Msulsleo. •
|H.-rvlsor». und later couniy iiea-urei.
Gx; rustoip <orivlnulvd
nliig the lioiid as i-halriuau ul the
Seleriion. “II Trovatorc”
(l.ilicnird. and Willlatn .A. S'<-w-toii. furoi
e worthless.
(vuiiiy iletk jirevimi" to the eicc1‘ieMiiUllcn of dl|>lumoa and claos
II of Ho'iert K. Walter, signed as
well 1-e done away with,
. n»-Hon. T T. Ualc,
ik. The liuHicy was payablL- al the
icil Ibai'the gov'eruiu-iil
board of trustees.
oplHin o! ilie-ioomy any
/Ct;tling_out seeds, send iwt
Trio for <-ello, «k>lla
tile yearii tiolii liiv litiie '
(>leyertn-er>—Miw. Homl. E. E White
Hit- t-onmy I'.lid
|«r year lor a
and K- K. Hortd.
e of Mere Than a Half CenBenc-dlcllon.
Had a Happy
l-a>iiig 11'MHnt. Sinie then, no pay. •tiseU-.M'd l.y the g
SiHecilou. "The Cnocobue Soldier.'
n In Los Angelo
iiM'iil has li«"'n made, uiilir June I.
A.' Evaiia reading a
(O. StruiiM—Orchestra.
uiicn ilic last, *il.«iiii.
o -The Meal Mother.' ‘t^ie
The following from ihc S:iii IHcgo •wn' jvald oH.
.1 b; A. M WllloL-e.
lUy II. Ilu(i.^m, LoumT>>Ia Tronk
trai l fiihm or May Jti. will !-• read
UTighi. la-iinard A Cluley.
Jutiii K
lio;-t.ii'iHi Il'eti gaveai'.i
l/onovaii. Ntllle Tnide Klewonh. An Wllh Interest Iutc. ,\1r/. Slocking Ining a slslor of Mrs. K. U BpnufUt;: ^
ox 'T.-e Ideal CUlldreii,' nna Maude UrlSKlnger. JCihcl ih alrieo
tuarline. by ilx- way. that tli%' were
Happily married after a se|«ralfon
HaDe‘. AIlKut James Howard. »bc1
V rxre '!;• .\nlllu Gardner simlo
IJillan JobiHoii. Jitule An,:le Ke<U' boiliif; ncativ M) years. Mrs. Clark D.
n|Hiii the suli|)e.--l. •'rhi
Stocking. fortue'Iy Miss Olive Spotiudc.A. Ke.'ry. JuKana lid-■>! HUslaii.l," and f. W. Wliii'lovk
Leo. Oall
f. Ilanild rer, a woman still voung in heart and
Ike iiiHin -The Ideal Wife."
Li'iilbellr. Tressle A. Miller.
fUsi in looks In spite tit th>- haU <
evetiiiig ih.- Old MU
Von .Miller. Kila Orvls Miller. Arclika Dram-.iix ilnb gave a ihrtte ucl
MtUer, Anne
.Nowiuan. maiden of 17. lunl her gli lbood
e annual ini-olliig and eliwlloii of
I'iay, entitled. "Maids All F'briorn.'
Idyllia Reynolds, ftlina Odotla SIkwt heart. *'Uld Guard" Slorkli : who n
-I-. ol ihe ItapUst Church • wil
Tbo-rf> who took part In this wer.
well known bn the coast :■
Thursday, uighi. ih- uu i lliig h,
Hes-le Stone, lliiiilc Swaney. ^•jiniiic
ot fasciDotlrg «iorics of wc-^fni life giiinins with a pol luck
lii' k supp.'i
suphe; arii;::ii
liana. N-Hie Stone
' now <-slshll'.!:vd in u cosy home whlcb was allendi-d
IH-o- Sftiiney. Kliflly
oy al*mt
niul -Mis Mary I-; Stevells, -nx-y w.-re
U» Angelo* Iw-aring wilueio- -In
Jdlluwiiig ofliivi* «v
kludly applauded Mush- wits rnnii-v
. ..'Ir dully etiMeiue lo the theme of
is! by the O'd MIsmoii land, uiid- r till
an old Mine.''ls>Tr i-'aileih Not Awtiy."
K. Wilhelm.*
U.-utler'hiit of Mr. Tv/mpkliis.
rer—E L. Hughes
In flx- late flflic* Ibai-naik
fhcrlo.-k explaiixd tlx- |.iati
im-EdW'in Knsser.
•h-fi hiv home In Elk Rapids.
MlrJilxsn. I 0 M-ek his fortuiK- 1(1 ibi Ciaiil. t'. J. Garn
anpi-rititi'xdetu —K. _
SniMl.t .s.lxud
.-.-is then a ecjiniiarailvcly
joutii; man. wiili the world )H-lure liliii
— Ml'S Fr.-nk l»i>'and III* h»iT.' for ilie fiiuiic were
ti-'rnni l-'tlilay's Hi-.cinli
cr. Mr". Jiio.
h. tie e.ime lo I'ulifinliid ami ji'itiCharlevoix. Antrim, Emmett. CbeboyIhc Ihioi;;- ot .gold seeker* who.
gsn and Grand Traverse Corn.
:e II fioH
chief ush- lonidiig
nitracteil to the riatc by the rturle.
prise Membership.
r. fbarle*
iiiderfni rldiiiesa of gold diUf/-

tbe mile built by Boat Bay townrhin
I'. It. Ward of Clii.iTsyolx I» In llir
oad rtinnlng to tbe city llmita. Tbi> city lu the iuti-n-sis ofNhe Hirulls of
augtmjoil iras cwldmtly not tuk<-n Maeklnnc
which In' assisted In organlaliig May
aertoosly. aa tbo budget provMca
2t. #t Waeklnac I'lty. the asMsIa'ilmi
no UDpMvemoil of this kind.
comprising IHe louiiil.-s. ns fiillows;
.^ft'Hbln tbe last tew days. S.nno Charlevoii. Kiiiniel. Aiiirini. Chrbny
Traverae rity ^iple. the molorliy of gin and Cruiid Tratersc. At the iiieei
lug which was calk-d lor organu.nion.
whom do pot travel over Bast
tiraiiil Traverse had no r.>prewlii.iiHe.
atroet regularly, hove had
prnmiiiers not asking Ihts cmiiiiy
s-nd a repreiM-HlaUve so far mull
tonlty of ffoliig over this Mrvei and
were assuri^l that ati assot'luilun
Ibe maijoriiy of them are of tbe opln- .
could be nrgatilicd.
ten tbol aomettaing la radically wrong'
This association w-Bs orginlxcd for
tbe purposv of sdraneiiig jhe Interests
with tbb I
( Important In the chy- of the apnb- gn.wer* in the mailer of
packlDK and selling tUelr fruH.
IVy know Ibis from personal ex- "'srd was chosen aecretary and geiifioriFtire wbetber (bey weal over ft
tif the BSkoclaMon. He
looking ovc
In a botaedrawn vehicle or an auiiv
cu-op>.rall.>ii tbe n< S' asaorlatlon mar
I.e aaKim.d of by t II' Urand Trav<
Tbose who went on poat tbe boll fruit growers.
bod a ebanee to study the dlffercoce

Farmers Society of EguMy Wilt Ea
doaver to SprMd Their Doctrioe
All Over Michlgan.-



BMb •PbOBM No. n.

TUgaOAY. JUNE 7. Ittg.

ncy 4i 8t»n; —.................. .................... .......... - an; V. E. Itolai.d: Mt. II Hci.c^ou; Bchoolcraft A Swl»<«: A
Garey. f II

Johnson: Gil.hrM A ilmca;





Fis'tP 4 R. aim-": Mvls-'S'tnian Git. cr Co.. Hannah t I*> Mcrr Co

VolgiauillaaCo., Graad BapIdS’auch.

A Perfect Picnic
You will have a perfect picnic if you select what you want
for your dinner out of our stock of re^dy to eat. handy
to carry, most reliable braods of Cove Ojsters at. 12c;
Potted Ham. 10c; Corned Beef Hash. I6c; HamberBcr
Steak. 15c: Pork Sausa«e Meat. 12c; Chile Concarne.
10c; Corned Beef, 20c; Crab Meat. 45c. Sardines from
5c lo 25c per can; Olives. 10c per bottle. Onions. Chow
Chow. Piccalilli, Mixed Pickles, sweet and sour Pickles
in attractive bottles that hold about 12 ounces for 10c.
Come and look over whai wc can Jurnisb your table
wiih at short notice. Although we have high quality
goods, nur prices are low. We also have covered
Lunch Baskets, several sires. Come aod pick out one.
You run DO chance as we Ruarantec everything. You
cm feel satistied that you get the best of P. K.

Cor. FroTYt and Cass Sts.




Great Sample Sale:Globe Dei^L Store

THE SALE is bringing
» crowds daiiy. Peo­

Manball Held & JohpV. Ftrei^&
Co.'s Simple Wish Ce.'sEiUre Stocked
Silts lid Dresses

Welfesoa & AdelBUB'sSorpiBS Stock
Uf of 33»4 per

Theo.Asckerfc Co.’s
Orerstock of Trim*
med Hats at Remaitable Dlsceoitsl

Men’s Ribbed Union Suits

ple that know merchandise val­
ues and appreciate rTsal barealns were more enthusiastic

lUDGiNG from the
way our shoes are


All Sizes


than over any nrovious sal i*. It was
a matt*r of ooma and coma aaaln.
Many woman did not stop at one, but
bought enough suits, dresses, waists,
etc. to last them the entire season.

bry Goods Barcnlas
Frun Carsoip Pirir,
Scott & Co.*s Great
Pre • Inventorr

Kolnp out in tots of five or ton
pair, psople *ro supplying thalr
footwear needs for the entire
yaar. Come to tha Sale; bring your
friends along. New bargaloa tako
tha place of lote broken Into by tha
previous day’s seillngl

k Hick lid Tu
, Speciil. nil

It is Little Wonder That THEODORE

stm ipkadld Cbsodu tn»i the Hei't
Sirs la the Greit Parchue

ChariQiDS Millinery

Wolfcsoi & Adcimm’s OrcTsiockl
nrl sdTlM M1I7 MlMUon! ABotiMT neh
Tr WMk’EMUiagutookpUoeis oar OletliiDB
DoiartatcBtaScbiawMkb boasd to break
ap tbe AMOrtauBt: bm> the price atorjr

i> being to etgerly toapped upl They are
well kaown si maaufteturen of refiaed,
high grade millifiery. Here’a your cbsacs
to »ave $2.00 to $6.00 oo a hat?

that Woltfei^
A Adelman intend- A Adelman In
ed should retali tended should rey >8.00
tall at 815, -a. -p
choice.■■■• M.0O choice....... #9.98



Marsljall Field & Co.’s Samples of

Dress and Wash Snlts


^ nnWNC

iSI.I2i v-KJ. $1.97

For Men’s Ribbed
Underwear, Shirts and Drawers



■•nealira.y«. JjC

New Shirtwakts aagi"*


.980 SggiL *2.67

$3.59™^ M.78I?S

John V. Farwell’s Entire Over­




II Pieces In asfirt-ft M
A cbeckSp 8c Ttlne OG

TRHWRWnnnH hid

vO Sheett. price..

wttb gocidt.

T R A V ■ ft

ONLY 50c






8<turdpy>> CentMt.

OfltfrOar't RgHlU.
riiiilllgi I, klnekPViD I.
Trarntjc cur a IPOImuI
•»!««•»■■ RgfuHi
Miiak.'ctm a, Oiutmai
Tienw Cllr !l. lloIUiit] r

Ifii- hualhPie ira* hn Iwnania liitiT
•’•'Pd III (riliei liiiliiairlae. a aiiliii
aiiil h>ui Kiaiata Rurvira bint.



Pits ill Mra, Pars Oeaer. Chirfed
With Beleenlng HuktanS, la In
Hand! af d^ry.

'lU tf <h« ertsritlsr «f iht Htitl
rnuph Baiwd Awiy luiWtr


AIM. MtiU'm Jpaalill, irih. ol John
if»«U|i. piti|>l|rl,>i Of MlP fVutli
M bur hfiiup, at Knurh Hiiiida)
PfRUfM el Iht M. a N. t. Rafwa iikht nl lli.Sii, ai itto agp i.f ja.y.'urb
Awer If Chkage Efrir Swnear
Hit".' Ii.att-a two thlMirii. a dauillitrr i:
—Train* OrapH In Meurnine.
ifara. old. ami an Infaiil. Hrr par
TbP U. a N. K. imina rominc in fnii. Mr. and Mr*. Jark*on.<if Vouch
I 111,, fit) Miinday were drap.-d with alMi.aurvIvr. and l«u Kiaicra, on
to n-aaon l«l)« tliai WlUtani IVnie- whom rc.ldc^n Vrankfort, and
la», prraildrm and gen.-rtil manager, '. I'alitonila. aur«h>. .
rito Iiincral will be hi-ld .Wedne*
died Sunda.v luonilug m rtiU aKn.
day uuiiitloK at !<■ o'llnck from the
Ur. Dreiclas bud buffered hoqu. }«hra
eburrb at Soton. the Roy.. Mr. Miller
with avihma and vaa on hla «n)- hark
or KrewUk. orncUllns.. Tbr ioler
nni the antlh «ben demit caro
w ill be In ihc Solon cemetery.
Jtr. Douctas iraa fij yean.
into to ManUiaaHn. ififo. in rompaiir
with Kdffard ntitkif.), he fortitod the
iluikle) & Dfiuclu .uniimiiy and aa


With every purchase of one
dollar or more, customers can
obtain one of these «ten> wind,
stem set, open face AVatches
for only 50c. Keeps accurate
time—worth several times this
Shoe Bargains in Every



Haying and Harvesting
We can supply your wanti lo'tbl* line of good*.
We have a 8C\ the made of toot steel aud guaranteed
in every way for $1.00. A good snath for 60c. We
have the famous Schwab grain cradle, a cradle that
IS hand made and warranted in every way.
We also have hav forks, rakes, stones bind­
ing twine etc. Come in and look over our line of haying.and barveuting tools.


Ray Scofield WiU Be Manager of Ball
Telephone OfAce Thera—kormer
Local Wire Chief.

a licr hiiHiand and iha fury rsUtai.
to jndde'a rhara* allowa haaslH.
e. nr fiweflniu,

El. IfOnN. Jiinn a-He |
linn and dPf>-n*M toiiipleied iiiili ar
SiiiftoMg liMlay |M the <rf Mi«
a tkikey u
e chaige Ilf lulauii

Aa Uiay baasma am IsUiMiMl.
bayara aaerelaa Bora JsdfBoM U
purrbatiBi flour asd tot ibMO brsati
wfelcb ara the puroet ui bNb TM
II ehy-tba Uoafaa illoadod rioM wa
ao aiueb la daaasd.

Here We Gome Again
4 pound pail of line Jelly ...................................................................................... Mo

Hay ScoAeld. lonnerly wire tditet
the local Bell leleitbone eachangi..
: lia> received a well mcrilfvl proatoI lion, havloi; been plated In ckarec ol
he Hoiiiina ofUce a* »na«Vr. Mi.
ScidleJd ha-< a
UfRo ' nutifltai. v(
, irienda here who. while aorry to ufo
. .ilu liwte ate pWeed (haet be bu
ietn found w.onhy of a Itotier poaV
t:oB. He wHll be aocceeded Here by
\aic Rirlunond.

5 phga. aaaerted Spieea-Muetard. Popper, OlntM’. ClnMn«n,

---- ------ ..-..-i:

Pf«d Hill Settled

for Hla



Parker Saloon. .

Hfll. tbe ;».i €>f Uie
r..una..d up. l-y Sherfff Shuler In tbc
I aid on i»V nloon of Byron S l*ar*
<-r. at linerktoltoB
..iuu*hi In Beturdav ui’d Munday
itotBlnj Ideaded nilly before Jud^o
•Ncrllnger u. tba ebarpat prefarrad.
bad paid a ftoeof
and nmuoiSi.
He bad .(he privU(«e ot apeoduifr li< In the cMiM} ptil. bui iHeferred
bU liberty.

alble for tbe flualHj of r>«l>.*'we ha»e*tta



«RAND TMVe««C HERAL-. TLltWAY. .UNe 7. 1-:ia

aiMviiwtcivmBOOVtaidehcat AniislK«t

__________ datttatemen. AabaanebfauBkim(botiartbn
iUlMrwUlear red) ia tbrewB opwarda butBotareoDd. AUtbe
iMtt I* oWaed to eeoUt« — oooe in oBtside tieetiac.

twee the diecontfbft of cedrtng. Apply • tnaldi and

y the ateve le leady. Inatantlyaalntenaehetf iepropot, pan, kettle or koUcr. and yet then
OB ce«a»Mwe to ifium.^1^^ ^
wk^lt to^atT

ihm to oe eewU.
The New Pcftocttoii OQ Coek-ateve

for hnUM • roGBb
It bu a CabtoM Tap with hhaU
(Uanaya. Tte BieM toBdi, with aw
Made with' 1| a and a berwant the •
aad a-twwar atevta cae bt had artth
cr whboat CablMl.

' t«teiisi?cja:aagar.s:s5S
Standard QU Company

P '


fl^Sn^ ANKLE

T«ak <a Palirta'Oiit el a •oaalbla 1M
4rUik the Ball Oama by a Beara
WBta«-M»iiy btcHliiB Cveata
aitltod OR.
(By Brown.)
With a total of «J poima out of a
' rotolUa II*. tbo Trarerae fliy Hlah
mMoI HB«a team Many capinred tb«l
•/Jorlharn Mlcblm u«k «n«t banaar at Ctoadcroix BataiBay. Charfe*Ott look next hODOri *lib 2l polnit,
^ l>aMhar eoutni tbtrd wlUi but SU
HaaaaD vaa plainly tbr beat nan oa
tlN BaM. makliiK a tout ol 17 poinu
to tha Baal, lloearar. aaveUmI
crowBad him cloaaly lor the maOal
•bleb WM offered by a Cbarlerolx
uartbaai for tSe'»an who woa the
toMt polnu to the uce:. uakiaR a
total et 16 palnift.Tbe.erei'ii after S o'elaik «?ri- aa
fcfoad Inmp-NVarman el Uaikor
SpHuto took r:rct plara with 18 ten.
Ih-atllr of IVIflikrt.
a^ pllra aud Cirrelaad >>[ I'ratetef
aty. tbtod Blace.
UaaaeD waa euirp'd i” tbir <-tmi
bal uDf^maaii-ly la hU anrand trial,
ha atruck enm the haul eod tumltut

e lards la bto top
>ut IbrM feel behind Maynf.I. jrho won the race for
The last event for the day was the
pole vBsn in whl^ BeatUe of
key uok first beo.ors dearths * toM
Inches. wbOe Kmllck
t'barlevolx took aecoadt leavini third
place for Gardiner of the local team.
The local tMm certainly showed
wbai the Traverse ^tty Hlah erbod
caa put out and U aay one sbonld ask
about "srlt.'—well It wss ibere. The
eapUln. Hansmi. set tbeMmpIe and
every one elae followed
yvitb hU ankle so be eeuld hardly
aad upon It llansea stent
ball came wbleb was prosre
taeen the local tram and (he Cbarleteam, taklac (bird place apd llngelBS to the plteber'a box
(ah Bp the name.' At Ibe bt-sinning o(
tbe gnme it. was ibooxht
KB Would bo unable to occapy I
ptleber's box at All and tb U diabea
cued tbe whole ti-am. They bold tbe
homo team down to a x«ro s«ore In
first iBHlnh. After that Wallace
;rtarlod the atorlng tor tbe Cbaifie.viz nine and they didn't slop nnt!l
'■Kill Biorea had been tuarked up for
them making the score 8 to u In tbeir


luade «p abo

A haudsonm pocket knife'was
t-d by a rbarlovoix mocebapt l
Cbarlevoix man who laai
: In Ibe. game. Saturday after­
noon. and Wallace by making this

l|Z.»; October 81

Chleado, tone ( —S«ti*t»d oaialdhatoL**^rl*”
prorlshmi and ewnaed
IZOA He paid a loocUng trlbjfle •«.
.be active and tnuUiCMt -M Um com
b«»laMn*. First
from tors. Castor durlag pnecu for Ibe September dellvei
were tZl IO for pork, tllAZSOn.&l
s Ubors.--^
lard and at 111.80 finr rtbi.
Then ton«wed Potter'a
loae; Tork— July. 891-K: Sept. Rib a
the wnvelllng by Mrs. Coster, and a
salute n( neveoteen guns bv the fTrM tZOJS.
Close: Urd—July. 811.85; 8e(K.
Hattery-Weld Aitmery. H. S. C .tbe
ind pUylag Tbe Sur Spangled Bar - 811.80.
Cloae; tUbD-^nly. tlllZIa; Sen.
Prestdent Taft's address, and Sen. IHJ7H.«Kb'« orattoa - followed (Sen.
WbHiater told of CuuterX lulUiary
Chicago. June 4.—Butter—Steady :
career. Will Cnrieitm t«ad a poem,
and Got. Warner prcweuud Ibe moi.. ereanieri.-«a. ziaime: dairies. M(i
SiiaB.v at mark; r>umeni to Monroe (or the stale. Mayor
klaniD acc'-pted. The beiieJIfltpn retptas. 17.(15 coaes; enaea lariud<-d
(PoBtimicd from pagu oae.1


Hides, cored
tildes, greeu
No. : hides
iVlts. from
1 vlknr. (Toi


was pronounced by Blsbop
"^he Mewument.
Tbe mcnamrat Is a
bionzc equestrian statue c< the famous IndlBB fighter, and by those
wluy knew him. aald to be typical of
tlie man. ir every line.
The till.'■SlKhllng the Ibiemy- fa worked .iu:
III the. pose of loth tbe horse and
man Tbe sUtue Is mounted ou n
large New lUrp»hlre maible |>e^»
tal on which the single word "Tiistc.-'
Ik carved. This, explained Ool. Urlgffa.
In thcfesllwxUon Of (he eotantlsaloo
jpu a- cxpreMlve of' Ibe tlfc and
deeds of (he man aa any eulogy. The
statue is erected L> Ibe stale
The MUiUry Parade.
The exerrtaes were followed by
milltaiy^paradr which was reviewed
by Piwitdem Tad- Itoui a Ma.i'H in
uhleh Ml all the other guests ti
Is le^iy ibi- mnubers of the I'ua
t t$r^<le. <«ch arearing the Cu»e r
led neekUo.

im«l61»c; Bmm






ftrsis. U>ic. Chceve—Steady; duisle.v
!;a.®l$e‘; iwtiu. l4ti«;H8ie; youu
Americas. i:.‘«eT5He; tot* homo.
Now York. June 4 —»utter-W« receipts, a 814: creamery spe'lalt
Zv-*^«Vc; v-«ras, ^ejSlac; thirds
lo firsts. zr,g«74ic. Ctueen—Steady “e. .y v................
ivceipts. I.i:s; exporta, none; pri<v» Ilammood'a dairy f.n-d' .
unchanged. I^gv—Stlady; ie,vi|.i'
rt-eeli>t«, lf.766; itrfcee unritanged.
Hnga. drvaaed. ler lb ..


OU Bnbban. per ft .

vuasvesitrwswo.teisiiy wigiwieii

iKtariahaaduta BBcaMBiT.

Scott’s Emulsion

the ttAtoda^

dree, prime ...............

westem^broilers. »M83(tc; fowls. a«r;
Tr»v.Tse City—Crlmmlns. Hansen,
Hirke.vs. Hr; drvsuwd. quiit; wesiem
p: Rohos. e; Walters. Ilansm.'
liiollers. SJOZZe; do loaTs, 14<fl9c;
Biivdor. Zb; Cardlacr. Sb; Sayre, as;
turtic.vx, istfige.
Nash. If; rhevenka. cf; HIU. rf.
hl< aukk ao badly that b- rauld
t'liarlevoU—Wallace, as; t- Powers,
lump aj»bL liowfKT. bi- Anally
1.; W, l*oole. lb; J,
lervd tbf beramr-r (brow biit bis at
ISrldge. rl; Krnllclc. <
so bad. that b<- oould not w
(larkiB. If: Nltcbel. rf.
K) ODiyttarew.K lIh one hand,
Tbe boat aianod back t
caplurod third plan- In «pll<- of the
li,-avj bamlirap. In ibla evi-nt DurEnfisgement Anriouneed.
ean of Cbarlrvola tnuk Aral plac^ a bapp'y Ibut tired lot of young people.
Mr. »ud Mrs.- J. 3- Tue.lUle an
with lid feel. 10 inrhea and numey
niMincd tbc engagement of tbeir
or East Jordan captun-d eecood pUce.
daughter. Mtoa Elds, ;« (Tiarb-s J
In the 820-)ard dash, dore won the
Eglerr-The wedding will take place
first boBon fur Ibe local sediuol
the latter pan of this mouth.
nine tbc rare In SI teconda Slrnpaon
crowdlne him doaely and Carripy el
^ Tomorrow
pltct on s*le
oae fuiruM
At fl O’elOGk.
Mrs. A. U Jojee left this memlnB
Harbor fiprincs comliid In lo\ third
lor Grand Rnpid*. where ahe w ill vU Ucho^ nulA per fiaail
^ fine Silk Wnists. BetaUfal Messnline wd
Clarence nrumm and -Mta. Mary
It frlenda
In tlw mile ran, Cleveland showed 8baw weie united In marriage Satui■''Taffeti Slk Wkiats. also net
bis Wla to the other rontestanta day night at g o'clock, tbe Rev. R. B.
colors. Light toenSng shades and
Diaklac the distance In five mlaaiet
rcior otAclatlng. The ceremotLy
aad.'lU iceooda BUnrhard of IWtoafor ordinary wear, also blacks and tohlies.
came In Iqy a close second wbllc
Stanley won third place lor tbo lo­
Valu^ from fS.OO to S7.50. All slaes.
Potntpes remained practically uncal le^.
changed tbls morning, bringing Irtuc
In the SSfPyard low hurdles, the Shaw bod made ber borne since her IC to 12 oenta per buabel.
local icaoi did not win a place eV- n-stdenoe In this city.
No oiber ebauges oicuiTcd today
Your pickof
1ns to an arcldcnL Simpson fallli
The ceremony was performed In tbe in tbe local markets.
lot this week
and Core sturabllnc over him.
new home of the bridal couple.
Uayno of t'Urlevoix ran the dlr- tVeai Berentb street, near
tanee In S7 l-b rcroads wUeta brouftat wbleb they, ba'd fumlabed and arms all
jW« 1
him flrat place. N'ewmao of Ha^r in rwadineaa for bouaekeeplng.
IX-irolt. June €,-Oose—WheatIN CLOAK D E PARTM ENT
^rlnss eomlns in tor second and IlurTbe bride, who wu unattande
ll.og; com. 60>4c: oata. 40\4e.
Bsn of Charlevoix tor third places.
wore a akin of cream serge, vrith
Chicago. J..i.e d,-Ck»^WhcatTraverse was only able to capture cicMim silk waist. Fblloming the cere­ PHic; com. 6S.\r; oats.- 6T8ie.
lour points In the next event which mony tbc couple was aboweied wlib
Toledo. Jnne U.-Close-WheatHixldswonh. 81.1-11.: corn. OUc; oats. 4oUc.
was tbc bair-mlle run. Blhnebard coagratulatioDs. Mlsa
anaicblbd the boson for first place aaatoted by tbe ladles who room will
away (tom Cleveland by mnnlnc the her. eerred refreabmenu.
kku yards |n d .mlnutca.. l&-»ccoiidi
Mrs. 8haw hai made a large
leavins xctoad place fur'Clecclaad.
I of friends since her r
Wulfalo, June ' D-Csl(!e. .".ST'
ftblle Dcstuoad look third place.
<Uaric\oU cap.urcd, the bsU-oiilo
rclxy laiT by iDunlng In vne mjbute
aud Shaw, which' she coiilinued ,
and II sceouda, TiuvWsc City taklas mi'iU and Hr.rtror 8p;lnss third
pJucC .'’Impicui .-u:i'd tbc .-aco lor atag trip, uud have goq(. to bou«s "«»' ’"'W
' Somelhing new for th’ft baby. Aiesularbaby
Ibe locals, lllliit; IX-siuoud about 10 keeping .In ll.elr new luune.
. seat placed on two 10 inch wheels with rub­
yerdu lead oter (be other coal.-slanls
at (he i iid of IiU lap. Ih-smond pusber tires, and a six foot handle. It is easy to
choice lt> (Bii>y. 25C(2Cc; (ah to ip-hI
Ici; on about live jtids uf the lead to
operate, in the house or on the street. A good
CleVLlwul, uho lost It losclhiT with
place to keep Ihehaby while you are at work.
abhii! ID y.iiila more In hU Ian. (lore Earl Heillrier, Whilu Paddling Bills,
It is painted in either'fancy green or bright
Was Badly Injured by -Tcny*
IWmll. J-iui- 4. - 4'lovei -.'timl.
Owned by L. W. Ceee.
red. and sells for $ 1 20.
86.75: CVlober.
tlkajco, June ■,-1-I..nhI,; (1.,o
Jfsrl llellivtei, «iiii of Mr. and Mr«.
‘r. $4H-fi4.T"0. 4'l.iT< r—N'otliltig ,l,v
Wlillani Ik HoUi.i.r of .Mr Weal
Eighth ktrect. was J>:dly bllten by
I ni;}.'' the 1^ dog belonging to 1..
I td Wdo-. CB-I
V. luM\ llcuday. A pUyso-b-i ui;;
i.11 <1 end Ibc- wu:;iU
lerXidhata and ObUdraa.
-cry precaution being taken tha no
bud ejfena mey follow.
The boy, with s^rral oibcrs «ss
secured bj tbe Globe ster.- to
bills, and when the Hollister
OlSUaj EUmj, hoc iBtwC BSod.
r<-acb<-d the t'XK residence et
lMcr street, be noficed tbe dog
the sidewalk. M'ken tbc lad v
thneiore, ti kidney
0 Ibe j-art. it 1* said the dog
trouble is permitted to
' continue, serious re­
,o tbe porch, and. Jumped at him,
sults are most likeb
Uims him on the b-f. arm. as tbe boy
to follow. YouroUior
threw a bill onto tbe porch.
organs may ne«<l at­
tention. but your kidwanfa Petmhp: no laar:..- whHl :• on ,f -he IHgb school
Tbbsc .Vre tbc di>» u 1 «.,i
Beys most, because
they do most and
iu eiher cities; s< tlm .*s-bsll,games, be !«>ai ,io jour ts-ua b0T»
Tr.vyk Meet., either here ..
shoaM have sttcniion
I: Kll time* ai.d> show ye,;i ole: - • Mnl.e a coKei-Iim' of IVnuaot*. They are the n..— at-rwctlvq for k
first. Therefore, when
,ee i^- area. dUpUj ,u one o( our big window- Thos.- wwrv .11 Ototocled
den 11 >uu doii'6dn:Mevc
Mr. and Mm. Hsubal Were Ramam. your kidaen are -tuk or out of order,
bow quickly yonr enI VSB-, and he had band by Th«>r PwaintuU Friends
Innd bovr every organ
e diavtuat «oU««e eol
In Ptoaaaitl Manner, y-e of yoi\r I:
fail to do >u date.
M you ere sick or •' feel hedly." beam
A farewell surprise pay- wax glveu taking tbe great kidney lemcdy. Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Heubel ia>t Saiurdsy MOmer's Swwmp-RooL A trial vtiU concrening at ibelr bctte on the penin­
sula. about 125 of ibe'r friends and
iie^hbora camlnB la naexperledly.
Tbc evcDlag was enjoyably stM-nt In stsnda tbc ^bot becense iu remarkable
R,;»cmbCf }•<..' f-i. n-:- !'.< tn; >-onr home town, add to
benllh restoring propenifs hare been
games aud social vUiting. Delicious proven in tbooiands of the most distrcas^ of 'Traver-e t'r:?, :-.r 1 uiro hate those ol Iteaver 1-.;
lefrekbrneDts were served to which aag coses. If yoa need a medtcioe you
Krankfon K-:.- Mokc.-ls. Marion Irtaod. .NVah'a
tboald hsTCtSebesL
1 did ample Juiu'ee.
Mrs. Heubel was presented with
■I el silver teaspooBX end Mr. Heu- tor Sims. You may
be; w-lih a bos et cigars.
hsvw a aasple bottle
by moil free, also s
and Mrs. Heubel have
tbeir farm on tbe penhmila ant
peet to mave into Traverwe Citybladder trouble. UeatiOB ibis psj«r
week and will reside on Webster when vrritlng to Dr. Kilmer & C<>..
Y. Don't moke uy misftrwt.,^-—


.if" - .....

Sale Fine Silk Waists


Ez” Go Racer



Folfiing Go-Cart for $ 1,75

«IH At lUnji An
iMtmf l| Ont-HnL

KM You Hm
Always Booghi

Elks’ Pennants 25c


Traverse City Pennants 25c



Souvenir Post Cards


For Over
Thirty Years



. Mbit llroww wfpl to AIM

-.-it let


Haimali& Lay Mercantile Co.

la. Delta Car
' rm ud Howard aeocber,
k wbo hare b
Malar rotmt pe<9le .of thU pUw.
•tan MSt wort for New Meiko.
will luoke tkelr (■tore parenta
Miw. FVMk imooB. Wbo recw^
TOderwoBl an operatioo ai Ann Artxir
tor BApeadltlliA U doing nlcelr.
t*c Ber. Hr. B<ou. wife and i—
Vtalted trtandc bere rewatb'.
The adjoamed (rrm of tbe Circuit
coiut eoareoed here last week, the Civil
eaaet. Hande Slnkler «. Daniel Vipood
oeraprtaf (be attoiiUon of tbi- nrart
•ad it being bod/ doBWnted by tbe
Bay Brant, mnmed from (be we«
mwnUy. lo viilied hit family.
«nnl wat ooe or tbe nceeaful once
U (be Und drawing tael tiimmer. nod
U well pleanwl altb bUu cUlni. He
will rctam in it in a sburi tirno
Bint eiln nark, wbo baa been altendlag aeboot beiw (bit witter, baa
rrlnreed (p bt-r borne at KaUmaaou
CUIdrdn't Day eaerdao were bHd
at tbe Church of CbrUt Inal Sunday
erenlng. Drogrem entitled. ‘Into all

■Wflfk, in the tardwarc
t larewcll party « a gives Mr. i
tYisp. cemmlaftac.i of achDoia.
_____ auner.
Mr*. P. P. Albright, Sauintay evenl
compaUed hoc son lo the city toUn. Prank Palis teft tart week (or . May
by tSelr friends and Bel
. a bnatnosa trip.
Bay city, to Jo«a ber mptbei
hers, .and they were preaented with
Ibroogb tbe Wan.'
a set of allver fruit kslves. The eveaJeiUkla AndefsoB. s< Big Rat*
blamn Na T ctomw Ua acbool Jnne
Tbe Ker. Nr. PnlkeraoB was elected lag was spent la card playing after Ms. wbo baa beon teaetaitg setooi
10 with an en(enalnB>eat a( Board prealdem of fhe Uaniaue County Sun which rerreshmenla were aerred. Mra.
Bmplre. was in the cKy today oa
man Valley Grange bnU. After tbe day Sebool aruoctatlon at their ma:ht 1........................................................
program Ice cream will be nerved by rention b. Id at Bear Lake laat week.
r returr. home, vis-ting Mbs MaTbe trarfaeri have left
.Mr. Albright
Join her there tel Asderson.
^Mr'^^'Urt. A. N. Preoeb and Hr their vacation a: their ho
on as school close* and
Hunaberger and Mlaa Zurn
(or ibelL/gew home a Kokoma. : Ml*s Winnie IteTchee
Bxwning for Saginaw.
Pa., are vWitug fiicada and Grand Rapldi. Ml» Somerv
retail - -t Ibis ptace. .
erae City. Uiaa Davy at FVanklort and
Mtas Elsie itrown went to Kings­
Siellag '
"tas Sbelby at ScotviUe.
ley thb mamlng.
•W atore
work on bU neW
The BenOe county
Ur. X W. Cartnan went to Marter
Dr. and Mra. »•. W. Pvaraall left
1 made a trip to CadUtar
last week
laat week for a vlatt with (rteada and
look over tbe bulIdJngi of Weaford'
Pprfngs Pdaj. where abe will vtalt
retallreu at Beattie. Waab.
county's poor farm.
Thr U. K. A 1. Ih 4»uis a boi ear
The (lutt growers,
J. \\ Piicc. iepr.'.w«tiag the Amei
ir a li-uiporary freight bouse, al ihla granger* of the rouiheaaiem purt of
Church b (he Rev. Mr. Atwell.
lean lusursDiv- cyi.ipan.v. wac in the
itanale. c- ■unl.v are arraualng for a big
Mfr. A. T. Kel1o«: Martfd lw| weeb
'Cling to ta- held at tbia ptaee on
Ml*a Rutli UerrlS-'Id.
4AS West city looaj adjustlicg the loss
T Ik'iaiUK. and will in ibe fYIlilay,
Jane iwb. The M'cr.>;iry of Ele'ootti siicct. sad Tnutngs Payne Itom WMimv's.
uoulhcni part ot ibe Hale bcloie abo 'ibe deiHnpnicnl bnn-au,
»«lh of whom were employed al the
hoBfo w». isirily destroyed by B-c
GibM)P. will give uu addn-sa. iliuai
Bv.vlum. weru married at Grace, ^ds.Hi wiib laaiem allde.. upon the topic.
ly ' evening. b)
The hMs was paid.
I church Wedncwda;
"lUieleplnK Western Mk-hlran."
Atwell, nt T::u.*Miis E«H Sick-, of Xorthpa'i
W. U Talbert of this place and
Ted-Wan ham left last seek f
ind L. IL Hooghton at- the city itslry to u-et his daught.-r.
Henry Smith of Praokfori. are the dele.
np tn the ae«i. . Hoy Warehatt)
gale* to attend tbe viuiial i>;aie mm-i imdltie^^^ Mri'Payne will k-ave In I
lug of th.-'K, O, T M. M , whlrh con for lg«n.-nre, Mk-higaii
»o-.-e ihr v.dvrwH.I an
reueK at Kataniasou.. today and hoidi
riucr i onie of tbe groom, to ivj'vaitan Icr apivndl-'lrt* a fcwi w.-cks
fo.- !hr.H' ds)>'.
jato 10 Merey hvep:-.*!.
Jiiliu lIcrrcD and «lfe Icli Suturdav •M*"GA'Iord where Iliev «'U1 tiiAe
fir lulurc home. Hr. M. mti has a
PO.1II0E lu .a Meat market nt ibai
«»»♦♦♦♦«««««»♦ «■«> ‘(Muy Ceuier. -Mich.. June S—.Mr — Paul' Snu llicr is working at Benaud Mr*. Arthur WIdrIg moved
Gras II vile day last w.-efc.
* factory
sc- is buUdIng aa addi
ra lor Crpnirs.
I his h.uiM'.
B. K. I'lark drove :
Traverse Oty.
om- day Iasi week
Mrs. Otaf Nosirlck. who was op.Va
The Misses Lottie ahi llorl* Card,
I (m a short tloH' ago. i» recoverit
TrgM-rwe flly,
islted the
-.*•'* Kuby and
ile:' Holler has a v.-ry aiek bor.-e.
iiiriljy and Bui.duy.
ilr. and Miw. Waller Siadelbauer
Pentral,4ak<- laat w.tdc, where by ha*
ot i»e niy. visited relatives Sunbd-n working
id Monday.

\. J. PranrUro and fanillv.
and Mrs. Gi-orge Carroll <
■ tnry Kuatl P. P. Albrtahi. wUe'aud
T-r-v- r*. City, visited Mr,' slid Mn
t> and MUs Manba S<hnl.-d.
t'aivin Spangler and family. Sunday.
ests ot 1). S. King and w
M. C OvThti and.Mr. Beusun-<
Traver*e Clti stl.ved
r night at
fn .1 here att-'nfl.-J the
the-boiiie of’ Mr. ani
Ira. Jacob
g:l.^tlJI!ll^ e.verelse.i at Ib-'e'
Siadelbauer -Ouesdav.
Saturday, May 2S. .
Harry Dpi^ has a new thro'hing
Elwood. Itel— Voaricmcdiesbarc
'.Mr*. H. Gilbert of Grawn, vi*lu>d -un-d tae attd I have ouly taken *ii
friend* at Monro.- Center, on. day Ust
Lvdla E- llnkliam*! Vwu■■
sick .three
Mr*. Clint Copeland of Travorw
------- tbs and culd
City. vUlts-d her mother a feu days,
not walk.
1 suf­
relumed home Wrd:ie*day.
fer^ all the t}nm.
The doclon aaiJ 1
could noA get well
without BU opeta.
♦ ♦ ♦ d
Uob. for f could
bardlT stand tbe
(Prom Saturday's Ke.onI 1
pains bi my sides,
,(d Wolg8*j, the woild's cka^i!|li^!l
espcciall.r my ngiii
llghiwcight puhilisl. r.uunu'd lo Cadone. aud dowu mv
right leg. 1 becuii
illivc thb tnornlug, after a short *tay
feel belter when 1 had taken ouly
la the city.
one boUle of Cvmpnuud. but kept o.i
Mm. E. B. MclcAlf.'of Saginaw, aa I was afraid toahip tooaoun. '—Mrs.
wbo baa. been in. the tily fur some S.^ UfLLkif. 175S X. B. St, lU-


Mar»tea Johasloe arrived this afRBooa from Chkaeo. whare be U cm
rfored in the MankaU ftaM stara.
ssa.met by Us mother. Mrs. Idy r
ita Johnston, who acoompanled him
back la'Tbrthport.

wbete ba will

EminaX^gc. of Klk Rapids.

IB the city lovta) vu buaiueas.

LORT—Betwewa SOrcr lake a 4 Traverse City, on Renate nsaA
of,lace. >'l^
Jttoe 7-to.




mad* froB.bleBded Rear,
fceami '
beUe a

Gladys Willtamv rvAumed tasl Bight

>C M •«>*«; pnvMmM 4l

Better Bread


follows the conlinued use of Best
Flour. Don’t take our word for it—
^ ask your neighbor.

Hiiiflali &Lay Co.’s Mills



J. W. Milliken



Every Suit in our store reduced. We
have decided to clean up on ail tailor^
ed suits right now instead of August
. 1st, as ispur custom e^ch year.

imie raring lor her daughter. .Mis.
W, L. t'hnpiuan. wbo has bceo very
HI. rvUimed home this momiug. Mis'.


much tuiproved.

IVler C.hriMeuaun, of

Why wUl
D take chances with
fuurtha of tbe joy of llvtug, wbrn Ihi y


f.T iWa-. when- .Ik- will visit Ml*a

In style they are all that fashion demands

leli at ti.sja for Ludleq*cvo lo


Mrs. nisp. BtMhef of

G.v.r^o L

You can raise record breakers and profit
makers, too. if you will let

Thr prtvaiccre o( Vermin is apperrat to every fanner.


ko.iw the po.*i;pli.iv of -lerfou* lot* from' (wruagfous dlwwww wUcli
ale tn* r*sult of germ* imd pr*ts. )(t you can't tell at what miv
imui soBve dtuar* will aituik ;cur stock, and cany off maay Rood
bald tiamed dollar*.
‘ HygrtK-"

i* a


isr preparatiu that Is bath

a vali'4%1* iieruibkie and liucrtickk- and one c4 tb* bewl preveWalive remedies that >ou tvan u.* lor all live stork dlMaaes.
IVto^btif kills Hr*, (irks. deas. warblA. and all other Insect
Ik-»i*. audTir’addilluo wIh-b us-d b» u d'p gli«B » KOQ^ituI cxhUlrsiing effect to and coat.

' :

U cleanses, lb* pores, mnuv^ all scale, aouny. dirt and^towm
Ibiu rcJuTcaailtig tb* animsi and Inducing tb* nmst (avurabl* coudiUoix tor Itt.-4er Kruwih and kiiwter d*velo|i4uen(.1t 1* tie* from all uita. mo*, clilorldi or anything that b lajunou* lu the wool or hair
A* u *i)r>i}

for poultry',, siaVikH- ab«-ds. barsa or wherav

.1 a dl*luf.'«atit should be turd. -Hyseuo-A- U v^ually eSenire.

Eor thirty years It fans been the
standard remrdv for female ilK anJ
hai rured tboiuauda of women who
c..rk, am] faji.ily. Mlsu Cork mwt- iSTB bee
been traublrd with such ailiug her in this city,
tsasdisjdacemetits. InflammaMon.
• T'lc Rev. and Mrs Charles ranno- ------ ration, fibroid tumora. invgufanties, periodic pains, backache. iuU^
lei, of Old UUnkm. were in Hie city tiuu. snd nervous prostatiuiL
today ou their n-luiu from Cedar
If you bAvo live sUBfaloKt doubt
uherr ihey have been visliing. Thc.v that Lydia E. IMnk.hamV Vr«r<
■iKidivii. an Hod today itud k-Ii lstv‘

«10-00- $15;°° and $18-50

Are you giving your
Stock a “Square deal?”

win bo I ■
nnd tho i

It U »0d ill hnir I-Iiit. foTir-r,

plul* lor 31<: quart*

for Mir;

hall ualkuv* i,-r wh : and galh-m, for »l,iu. Special prices in largm
quamitics. See »s at udw. .

ThcHannali & Lay
Mercantile Co.


** er®wd ®“ SalBTSsy. and did w* get lo wall on yon? U not, come lomorrow, or nny day lai, week, and we'll show yon Ike grcnlest vainca aad
Ihe pretUesI ready-lo-wear garmcnis ever olicred by any eoncern in Norlhern Michigan.

Hundreds «f BeaUUful Garments at Twenty to Fifty Per Cent. Under Value!
Ladies’ Suits
Ladies’ Long Coats Ladies’ Silk Dresses White Net Dresses

___ *


At *M4S. nS-N. IS.N and some as
cheap as SkM




At WS.5*. *14 se l*.60/and some as
cheap as l6.Hs



*"rM^**et<v^w**rth $6
Copenhagen, old ^ gg
$1.50 Lingerie Waists al....................................... -.osc

fiOUSE DRESSES worth $1.50 at 98c
- - ci,.. iw iPH. ot


At 515.W. $16.50, W.76 and soitiiTas
cheap as $7*50

Wash Dresses
In all colors and many bsautiful styles at SS.SS,
*74*. SSJMb SMS. S4A* etc. down to S1.SS.

■ _

Waivs wotth $l 25 at 69:, worth $1 OO at 4SC.


At *».**. *}*.M.*1S4*
»» cheap
as $4o50o

M s 13.5a sTlbcTsi o. S8°5.


, BmmuklYul Olo«h SIcIrks

M o|.°vy ;°o‘s-sf.«5^h.vr; laS)



KermM Vmh« Pelka tvMWM
I orttl try never te neerry or
fret abeiit •nytMiif.
I «em try te be « hUMy m I
CM end meke everybody hoddy
Joe for oe I con.
I ««<ll try te be levli« held|fel end kind te everybody end
|te every Met tMe»
I ever fell In tryinf te do
I tMnde. t out Try, try

W b.

to brr brfo« «rpt«.

Bm«M. MIHu R. r. D. N«. I, seen. But «he «M not beeltate. »
Mv 2^ l»10. waa enongb for ber that an enemy
bad invaded her ^meta: domain HlaeJ lure lOM ay SePahlM baiuw, Ing lostb her spate while ber Ultle body
ud I weald b» rerr pleued If roe quivered wiCb rage, she darted forth
forth at tbe bear. Tbe onilaagbt was
audden. and cne glance was enough
“’" ** *“
" ”;L ‘J;::!; for Brain. Wiib a anon of fear. Bruin
(he groond. >'nntiv (or (ha neaieci tree, a abon dis­
1 have a cst and a kitten. We have tance awB.v. and did not pause until
three boreea. Tbelr eaBtee are Dan. be was safely perched among tbe npUblly. and Quern. We have one cow. per branch^ Ueanwblle the kitten
1 aaw HaUey'a cornel. Il waa very stalked prou^y about <» tbe ground
benstlful. and 1 bc^e all the children Icoe-Att, keeping close gtsstd over ber
that batons to Ibc Sodahlne club will .huge captive, ber back allU curved
:.i o a bow and ber balr still bri>iUng
wKh righteous Indignation, while her
uU vrould DOW and then give a signl„ „nderful.
t.ient little wave, as If lo say. That's
the usy 1,nettle Impenlneiit toars"
doeu'i It? And rankea i^ leci bow
The- soldier*, who meanahlk- bad
greet tbo unlvenc la
poured funb from tbelr testa, couM
scarcely helleve tboir eyea; bur there
was ;a,- N-ar In the tree and the kit­
ten below, and there were those wbo
- , .n ,, ,
bad aocn the aSalr from beglming to
liked tbe end.
And r«erha^t the strangest pan of
card and button yoo aeol me very
much. I have same names for tbr It a'l wu that the bear would not
BunsUne Ciub. They are Eva Smith 'Ur from hh safe position In tho
and Ifaicl Hill. I'lease send Ibc ward* '-isikV-s oflill the kitten bad been
persuaded lo leave her huge enemy
and buttons to me.
a elesr means of retreat! Theb he
Yonn truly.
slid shamefacedly down from hli
Wlltlr F. tini.
1 am glad you llkrd the rard aad rc-rel. and ambtod baatlly off toaards
button, and ea>» being a Sunablncr. tbemotniain.

n™.. *.r=r u»..»»I, «>. ij!”' .r,"
ed. end Ibe two mott Saaiblny ones
will eeeb receive ■ ^ite. And eU ^
you boyn end «1H§ who wHie leitere
temne ebooi tbe moet Bunehliiy iblay
tbu bapik-ned to yon., win receive a
preuy poeiel from your Prerddeat.

Tee, there are ao many bappy and
InlercaUns tbinsi that yon Bmubtnem
enn do In vacatliu Umn. Did you
tame tbone falT-like.
butterrauiy-wlnsed ereatnrei,
r Prealdent
fliee? Uat
to have a co'l from
~MIM‘«CAIpr*KmnfMter. one of tbe .Soniblnera
who broutht
witb her a treat golden-brown buiti-rcontentedly sUtlDg on her band
Tbe pretty creature .uyed all the af“•« (cmooa. rcitlog lightly on tbe arm or
.BbeoMcr of tbe Buoabiaer. Your
>- tmne rVMldent bad brver ihuukbt wery
murii abont tbe butlerfllci. efeept
BeeaMee Orebdemtbar iMra. A. L> •m)or waicblsg them aa tbey hoveted
over ber lowers In tbe garden But
sbe waa Bmch ctciied to learn that
Henbor ef membere balenglnt Jima ^ ,,]| poaslble to tame tbe pretty
t, tdlR 7^.
rjaatarea, and even teach them what
alraoat aeemed Uke '•irl«*i.MberefiMee the Crbdii Roll
uiu waa what ahr -a. told:
Ame 1, U1^ TWr.
builrrfllea moat never.
never be bandied careleaaly or unlevVaeetton.
Ingly. Uake tbe Im impreaslon
From Mntne to California.
-r'endlv and tbey will always trait
From Teua beck to Hatne.
With a drop of
Oood-by, food^y. to alatM and beoki,
In Ihe hand, gently and quickly
And wticone te tbe fkeMa aad brooka.
drop the butterfly Into tbe palm. Some
To aoBby eboraa ud shady nookslimes at Brat you will have to unco]l
fbr ham *hMtt and emUIng looka
tbe little tongue with a ftnc needle.
Ondtra Tabatbm'a come again.
—Selected. The tongne. you know, la rolled up
like a tbin wire. Jual under the bead.
When once alowly uncoiled and dip, ped Into tbe water. It leiraa to neek
' retreahmenl of liaelf. and after eeveral tlmaa feeding Ihe builerOy will

Lake Ann, llleh.
May 31. IVIO.
Dear Frvsideiil—
I received >-our post card -and waa
glad (o bear from you. 1 hope this flnda
•*« •”< entoytog the Anihiny
I •‘■m <>*>*» W Lom Leko
Thursday, to vlilt my eotialn. .Verna
Stover, mad stayed umU Bnturday af‘'"“a •»«
kome with Uncle
JoM 8«ow^
birthday waa Uay
>*‘k. 1 waa fifteen yrara old. I reeighteen birthday po.f cards.
“ poekei book, two handkerchiefs, two
rUthona. and twenty cents In allver.

M faaclantJBg to watch «»•«
• have a lltile
Abd Mg gray Maaea. or eome aail' them satRIng up tbelr dinner ,,
as bard baby brother who
who U
U very
very full
full of
of mlamlaaa tbey can and Y°“
you can aetoally SOe
aae' vu.ri.^»/u«
cblet.^Oao u.y
day eueu
when w«u..u«
rnaimna was
.. nirtnn. hnnhi ••
the drop disappear. Tbey are fond of «t TraW City be got three
The Brook, for inataoca, rana along,
y pretty tt»d of aoni

• That arile w tARdren tou of iblngt.
Tht Brobk-Mya.
t never mind
The etkka aa4 ateoee that bar ay
f keep
on aItgiBg till I fted
^ ___ . .,
My great big rlvor ease Baa day.

Be knows that FOtJeat waUlof will
. Tench him a lot of usetal thlnga.
The BtOM MPA "Ob, 1 lihe to be
A auma fuet tonkfag at tbe iky.
It 1 wlU wall U oeema to me
taw day ni know tbe raason why.'
Tim Tro*. Ob. he's the beet of all!
He to 00 strong aad stands so bigb!
Out of the groond he grows so laU
Hie bead to very near the aky.
The Tree stye, ^h. tho worid i
Cceo» WUdfon. 4u»
-here hM-tb
beneau »*
Ta.. ui •.'ima ^ wu aW wood
—Horgan Bbepard.

Dnrothr Kanl Traveroe Oiy. Ulrb
RwMto. rUe Lake, mX tkao
wnl by Ueyd Rader
Harvey IML KUgaler. Mich.. R. F.
D ^o. 1 NaaeMt by Mildred

M*n Rmitb aad »*—« HIU. Naaoen
City MIW. dr—— aau by WUlta P


«,ti«e thev win •»ek them when I found him.


facee much llbe kittens, sod tome of •>« can get. and eau tbu whites. He
them will become quite playful Draw «*»»«
Ye*- but he walks all over,
a jeweled aaek-pin In front of them W*
““t !»«
klm for anyand they -wUI run after it and try to ‘king. I will send eome names for
catch 11 aad when the pin la pUoed
«• Y. F. Sunahlne Club Cradle
under one little foot and lifted up and .Jlo'l- Milton DeTbomaa. age one^
-.baking week. Ashley: Hugh Oliver Bear, age
bandar When placed under both tw months, Uku Ann; Voroal Utovfront feel tbey will walk a llltlo- on
Nte twenty-two montbi. Traverse
tbelr bind legs, but one mnat be care-* Oiy- You may Mnd ibe cards to me
(q| net to tira them."
i will give ibem to the ebUdren.
“Ob. yea.-Indeed," your Proaldeot Htwlng this will Und you and all the
aald, we would have to remember Stmahlnera well. 1 remain,
bow Uny aad frail they are. and not
Your loving friend.
Ure tbe wee creatures. “But tbeo,:' Age 15.
Ruby U. Brooks,
abo added, “all tbe Bunthmera have
"'bat a happy ilmo you must have
promised to be loving and kind to had on your binhday. I wish
r living thing, aad so Of coorae
T»“ t® kelp celebrate,
tbey would not even bare to be re- .
minded of tbai"
F*fe l.ake. Mich.
B« don't you think It would to a
May 31. tS^O.
*“ thing to watch
**" •*”« them? Who wUl try? Will patted Into the fourth grade In every-:
‘king. We are having bad weather

here. My llllle aimer will to two
Your Prealdem baa n-oelved an to- Jear. oM the sixth of June. 1 have
viiatlon from Anna Orandy to tbo • »ew member for the Club. Ills name
cxerdaea of the eighth »• Bor MIH»- «*»eaac send mu a card
®f “>0 Interlocben School. She ‘bB P'® for him. He to tjhie years
*>**••• «ke mUht attend, and that you old. We hare forty-live chickens. I
®>«k‘ "D •“ ““ pretty commence-, ‘kink they are pretty. My roualn waa
meat program^
here from Cadillac to at>eud a f.-w
•W® kad ion of l.m. Wo boys
AlU QUIeli of Cement City. Alice ar® solng te get a loot ball, and wo
NelMn of rrovemoni. and Mabel llol- will bave loU of fun then.
B®P‘® ^-“Y. bave all remem- . Oood-bye.
bered year Prealdust with potiato
Ibis week, and acnl gn-etinga tn the
Yes, you will PBjr.y Ih.- fool hall
*“nabl*« Club. Tbey are ecrtaloly Are you going to grt on. iliU eiinireal Bonibine girls, aad tbelr met“»e were vep- wMcomu.

MUton DeTbomaa. age one week.
Ataey, Mlek. Hugb OUver Bear, age
Roll « Heoer.
^ months. Uke Ana. Kleb. Vernal
OU UtoatoO. Mich
:VT Ruby M. Brooks.
•tsvw. age twenty-two menths, TrnvMay 21. 1110.
one aty. MIcb. Nkmw neei by Ruby
°ooT Praeldent—
The Kitten and the Star.
• •
As 1 have time I wlU wrlle a few
p Rbod.-t. V. 8. A., rtTMl
FREilDEHr* D®ea to let you know I am well and ,„c« ^Sl Nlrholas the following
kope you and all tbe Bussblnera are
„/ i.ow a kitu-n compelU-d a
June it ben at last with tbe bean- >k« Mm®- Our echool to oni It let out b-ar t.. flee:
UleU Sonahlny days, tbe flowen. aad ‘ke l*»k of May. Wo baye eighty,
chrls Serna, the veteran Flrat Ber
wars, sweet wlnda. Tbe echool ‘kree llule ctalefcent. and two hene ge*n, of Troop U, bad a kitten which
houae to doeed. and etady-beeka are
My-&Mdpa baa a nk« flow- during the summer ramping of iba
carefully laid oetde. and tong bappy «
‘kla 1> all I cab troop at the Uwer Coyaer Daaln.
•wekt of meaUon atretefa abead.
‘k>®h of for
time, to good bye.
|,„ borne wlibio tbe seneant'a
Your Prealdenl has to do a great
Your loving, Bunbeam.
„p on a pair of
«Ml of Imagining, yen know, abont ^
dva FTemlng.
army blanketi. sbe deSed the world In
an you SanAinert whom abe cannot ijWv.rannlbg all thoee UiUe chickaad dogs In panirular. When
tee. and iiui at tbto time of year ber «» musl-Jdbk. Have you torn many ,i„. uuer approarhed she would eledaya an aepedally Ailed
with'»'"l ktrds to the woods around Old vate every bristle on ber brave llule
tbnuihu of yen. Wb« fun the llttleat . “Imlon?
lack, her eyes would gl«v> like live
taibaama an haring now, romplog
coala. and ber tall would awell up
Bad playing all the botmal Aad how
Klngaley. Mick. R. F. D. Xo. :.
threateningly. If dogs approacM
oeb the oMm- Bonahtoen bave plan- ^
May 23. KlO.
near, abe would blta n^ ezt/lbtt
Mfl to aceomidtah hilore Beptember Dear Prealdemtoe usual aigna of boatnity^amil
(vmes again!
I ata a' littir girl rerin yeara old. Iniradcrs had vanished ' from her
Tonr Preatoent undmUndi from Onr school closed with a picnic last neighborhood,
past ixportenee tbal sbe must not ex- Batnrday. 1 will be In toe secoud
r>nc day. when the camp was bathpoet many letters from yon durlag toe gride next yrer. Hamy to six yoare ed In annshlne and every soldier Is
. namSDer nottos. bat sbe knows (bat ^ 'now. Can be hare s «ard and camp felt laty. an Inquisitive blac*
yea do not Inrget to be Buntolny even button? He belonged to toe CYadle be.<r teme down the nwumsin side.
K yon nre too boay playinc CD ten bdr RolL Hay I have a-Mw button, too? ind. wbciber because , be was in
I lost mine.
icsrcfa to advemure' or because a:And kioin sbe is ro eagre to From
irected by a savory smell liom the
knew Abem toe tawhtny days ofMildred Dell.
t^'s Are. began to walk about araoag
year vacottas abe to gtoqg to offer
I always am to happy te make a'lhw white tents of the cavalry corntwo prtiet. ooi tar a boy and one for lliUe red crass over tbe mme of the^nd.
a ffirt. Tbe prtoes are to be given children In the Crwdle. Roll book
Suddenly tbe kitten caught sight of
(re toe two brel toUire telling abool wbnoe names are tlaoed on toe real him. Dogs by the score sbe bed seen,
toe aost Bnosklar thiag that happM- Bnnahlne lisi. Yes Indred. Haney but this panicuUr "dog" was the Urg•d dnrtsg row naeattao. Tbe letlen may be a roal Banahincr now.
ist and^^p-Mriest doBvabe bad ever

to LFhO. MitsithMlta. ta—fl him- with a tny foil of diabea aad thtoga one row te ihraw atoM at bMa. sad
self a hero by savtog hto yoang mas- to asl. sod tobltta ber was Brother once he threw dowa bto bee aad chas- •
lei from drewatoc. aad today to thd Ben with s imie (able. Aunty Bell c4 after a grouad-equlrrel- Tbea be
idol of the Whole ecMtolty. When'- put a ehxb on toe table. Ibe cook put irled to catch a butterfly, aad yet he
Sverott Webatcf. a boy of eight years, Ibe dtohes -n place, and Brolhw Bea b,K>l to the end of hto flrat row tea
bad goae through tbe tola ke tm Flax brought toe chain.
ini-uica before Terry MOto Saiabad
poad. the brave llitto dog lumped let
-rbwe were throe pUcee. oae for
.-.tivi hl>- and made deaperato cBorts f,ch imm girU but thev were pcdlte
;BUly must to a pretty fast worker
to keep him from alnklng
Though mie fiS;\ai-d tbey aakvd Aunty BeU then,- aald thv -old tody.
carried oodcr several times the plutoy .nd Yrotto-V ben and Miry, toe cook.
Too last." asvd'oM David. »“fm
1‘ttlc deg held on uotll he aocceeded__i„Xi,i|* leaNEkh' them, but they all going to bobble out on oto two caare
in altracllng the attention of toe toy's
Such a nice aad insjiccl their work beh»ve |b«,
idder brother who hurried to the scene ,app,,
brought for gel through wUh 11. There gore BOiDd hauled the hall-dmned Ud to ^eni! Under oue uapkln were UtlW l> chasing after toother granad aquirsiuflcd baked potatoes, under another vrt that he knows very weU be caat
---------------------were tome round mufeaa. There was catch, and what.goud would II do him
, n,{ic glaat of rod Jelly, and a ptolo H he did catch it? Terry has ataited
A Raal, Live Steey.
to thrce-eoniered bread and butter to on hla third row and Billy to Varry"O dear me. ' said little Annatol asndwlchee. In tor middle of (be Ink to poke a stick Into toe gronad
Hartey. as aho'looked out of the wiB Ubie wss s piste with
three cakes
sqmirrl's bole
la the grouad.U
diiw at the puddles that the ralo waa abaped like beans
were going to hire cither of thisee
making on the sIdeaaU. “iTa'gom- -The children found ii .cry uard to 1>®Y» tor good. I know 'which one 1
and rained, sud now Kcrthk and ElU ivmi-mbcr tbey weiw jual as much a
cant come over!"
p,n of the story as pc-rlods. cxelamaW“Y had bto teo rows hord tolly
"Ves. " said Aunty 0.-II. who sal sea- tlon-ptonts and paragraphs could be ■•-•“ “
Y®'0 wps tonragk
ingnear ber. Today you willhave They kept Iroai talking, but they did »'“>
y®**Terry waa
to play Indoors. What wciuld you Ilk.- about tbe room and eUp their tulshlng bto work Billy aat to (be
to do? Wouldn 't you like lo'hatc me baoto.
shade of an Old apple tree and gibed
,o. .
T.,r, lo, Kloi «. -.lo.

-.vo- »u A.O.I.I.

„„.d .0.0.0,


.h, ...Ol . ?!!"■..■"‘.■■r?.."!*

to booh aiorlei about Hub- gtrb and
" 'Tbere- Is a white candy 'In one
>" •*®''

boy. 1 don't know. 1 wish 1 could have cake, and ,a ptok randy In anolbe^. '"‘.r v"'*.. w-TTL oo.- -to wi.
a real, live story with Benhs and and a brown candy In another. 'The ^
flnlshed tbe
aald BUHlla and me In It. doing things right one whore eske bss (he ahlic randy
•-C. Thought I'd came oM
in the story."
may have the little dog. and the one
bow It looked."
"Ven well.- aald Aunty Ik-ll '"You ‘I*® >>»» “t® Pink candy may bare the *
I>t noted while alUllW oa tbo
■h.ii have a live story-, and yon shall
®»d ibe one who bat tbe brown
Nest-Building PartnersMp.
II. K-.- ..-A-;
Shall I toll y ou bow a pair of orlOIca
They were not torn In breaking reach with the bre wiiboal Injuttoig
look me Into parinelabip with (hem silb tbto picture-book for a 'iittl.cak.-s and finding the candy.
lo neat-bbllding In Juner They cbose while T will get a live story Tor you."
„„ Rertha loBUd the Pink tW. and she Jjl;.
AnnaU-l did nut know ■
.-•f'o site one of the rims in front of
found toa brown
t'o house and tbe end of a limb (hat Anniy Bell meant, but she .. .. .
“““Y— '«■
p“«® ,ows. .bile there were a gtwai n
-..ooped to a levy! with iny windows Iv the window with ber book.
of graa. all around
where I could alt and easily watch
"The .lory I. going to begin now." ®*®«>- •“<> ►h® ‘>•0 «>' dog- By Ihe
to-BlUyk tea
:h- prorcrdlnga.
“*T h«d dnUh-d-.-atlng llto cake
Tbey tMsn (he fiame work, but .she told Annabel ' and when ! tell
•”'> “
nnd hsndcd nniy a flfty<wnl place,
hirings ae^niod to bo acarre and the what thing, you do and as, >ou must
®“!“ 1“
and then hr gave 'Terry a erW b«w
foundattooigrew slowly. 1 had a full do and say them, but must nut do re ‘“'llT!!*''
^h. raid Auttobt-l. as she bugged
supply of iiwlor. tome of shlch I. say anything i-Isc Then y ou wil/be
-*>® ‘ You wish it " .„A-,
BlUy TUdaY
broke info coovlent lengths, and in s real, live story."
Then Auniy Bell began the real.

«>“'•> 1*
h« rancil, Ihe same mnmber
threw over the low growing sbuots of
ibe elm tranks. ■ They wairhed me
rlosel.v. Bill] when I got bark to tbo
"IJllle Anuabci Harvey aat In a
h«—u _____
'Tea. you did."
...--Then why is he paM a dollar and
plaua (bey nooded to me as If to chair by (ho window of-ber Aunty
say. ‘Thank you.'* In three- or four Ik-ll. room, looking at a picture-book.
"J ’ «ab »“> «Ynto? U tont. Ulr. It
'",”"1 "--J P-kbiM,-. -i™, I,.,.,
minutes iboy had carried up lo the. Sb,. ...... b... .bl torlb - .b..
nest all lengths o{ twine. Il took flfteen or iwenty minutes to -wind them .1.... luub, .<.
01 • “f
, iMj,
...III ■'
^ Tj "» ■'WM.
bo. ,., U.™
„t re.
about tbe twigs and weave (hem In mo,h„ bo.r .«« bo. l.o b.b, lou.,
. *‘ ^
‘ *
and I have kept ray word I hav#^
and out and shape them. Then I ear­ sh.- heard a rap at the door."
Bure enough. Just then there
®» • *®®« <‘‘'•1 ®f p,rtoct rUhl to give Terry an adA:bcre came
ned out more twine and. in less time
m-iu-o over
than I can tell It. ihil was also car­ a rsp at tbe door.
ried up to the neat, and so I continued
•lAnnabcl ran to open It. and who
, A •*‘'***‘®"' *
Billy ctqtfd jatocJtHp flretog toe
to supply airings till the} &ad all tbey should be there hut her two fiicnds. **** V . A
who bad promised to come and
tod iSsm^giowod him
needed. Then they felted In the Su­ Bertha and Ella Bond, who bad put
ing «;Itbout my aid, and the neat was on tbelr waierproofa and rubbers and ,r ilrt.
rome over In the rain, 'Bbe took a
quickly completed.
-.Sow I'll throw in a Utlla advice
»«-®d» n't cleared out In
The parenu have gone to the woods band of each and pulled ih«-» Into toe
|bcas will b<- so with your half dollar." raid David t
with their llllli- one», but every day room, saying;
I'm Ml glad you have- tome! tangled up In 'em li will Iw allDott (m- Billy. "Vou'll find that It pays whin
pctosible lo gel the weeds out." said yon set out to work for anyone to do
trees and utters a iioui or iwo to loll Did you bring yoiir^dollir .
" '.So.' laid Bertha, 'we did not bring David lo his old wife when she cstuc your work thoroiighly—Ibe very bfsl
me all Is well.
our dolls, but 1 have brought a box «“* ®“ ‘®
P®"* ‘®
• 1- «sn be done. And you'll Bad alto
and Ella has brought a long yellow Kla*» of buttermilk fresh from the that it pays to put yoor whole thoa^l
A Free Faaasngsr.
siiek. I do not know what Is In the «i°»e rfaum In which she bad been on Ihe work to hand and not dlrMn
There arc- always pleasant people
yoor time throwing atonra at birds
box, and Ella docs not knowv^at her churning out on toe back porch.
on the Fullman overland trains. Bit­ slick It tor"'
''■>'* too bad!" said Nancy I'ark- and chasing gronod squirrels when
ting but a little way lo front of me
"Ob. li s a live alory. a live slory!" hiai’.
yoo are hoeing peas for someone, f
was a bright young man. and as 1
cried Annabel, Jumping up and dow-o.
.j.-uiy came around a reckon tbal you would have done ibe
looked at him I aaw to my surprise a
squirrel pc-ep out ol his pocki-t.^and ' "la aiorles," said Aunty HcH, ."little curve la toe road. They mere BlUy aam® ‘f You. bad .been hired by tha
*«>“'■»"® ‘h®® You would hare hoan
look timidly about. Finding tbe roaef
what to lo the story, ao yoo mutt re- or (be way to a most allnriog swim- wasting your eaployt-r's time that he
clear he came aad sat on the young
memU-r that or you will si9>ll the mfiig hole a mlk- farehcr down the had paid you foul money lor. and
man's shoulder. Of course, there was
lW' wore brown-checked,
betongrd to him. I tell yoo, BlUy
soon a crowd about the liiile animal,
Anoabt-I did not.want to apoU tha hoalUiy and llth^looklng lads ol about Dyke. It pays lu always do one'i host
but be took the curiosity hr awakened
story, so she promised lo remember, flfipen yohre When they were wiihm »ad 'o bonraily esra crery tool that
In ev-ry good part.' Hr had many
•'■Open the box. please do!' raid a few yards of David I’arkman'a gale >• P*ld .*«“ '°r Your work. Bmptoyrbanniiig tricks lo shew oil: now be
AnnaU-I. In the ntorj,
Billy aald:
have s way of abowlng tbelr Oflwas on the brim of hit master's bit.
"U.-rUis ujH-iicd Ihe box. and In It
-j ,.jgh | kneh how I rould earn
®‘ *®®^ •®''*
next oil (he veo’ apex of the crown:
ol Terry's
then be ran up tbe arm of a gentle­ was a luxxy black and white dug that p*,, , dollar. If\ bad that much. 1 good work- ePPrectatlon
Always do yoor beat. Bllp^uld buy Ted Mba's Japanese kite.
man who extended bit band, and aat luuknd «-al enough lo be'alive.
"•Oh. isn't he dear!' aald Annabel Ho'.-golng away for the reii of the
uneonn-rned on the top ol his bead.
Vesn aftcrwanl. wbei tuny Dyke
summer and dm-sn't want to Uke tbe
We could not opiilaln our "delight at •U-! us Uke It out!'
was s man. and ibi te
'"I Iblnk,' said ClU. 'thsi my lUek
,.,n, ,,
this little passenger that was riding
f the lima
m... uw 10
d.t, I .111 miib

I. ■slight bis work c
without a ticket.
. ,
...s employer aauiled him. hi
Yob can hardly imagine the plcas.M. PI.-,- uil Tm -I n... ip.t
un- tb«l this little animal produced: the floor and s<-<- what baPiH-us'
1 1. <l«,r.PI IP . PU .11. -P. ..^
"8hi- did «u and pushed \bu a
every day he aat ready Tor pla>'. In
UP PU .iPl P.1.P if. ........ l.r
a short time he would run from one along, and ibi- lltil)- dog mood o ^!* at that luoim-ai David l*arkmsb tailed..
end ol the car to the other, eat from bind legs Slid walked along VI

Happy f
n .New York
Ore dcpamncnl vvbich lietit grown too
old tor the hard work which they are
called Upon lo do have been sn)d at
t-uclioii. stimcilincs lu llvi-s uf luiJcr
work sud itoually it> poorei i. -mi
less i-iiiieWersie cart-. Hencviieili they
will roam at will "in greun fl< Ida abd
pastures new'" The son of a wt-allhy
eallroad man. (ogolhor with some
trU-nds whom lie -liileresit-d in the
fate of Tb.-se talihful old servaiils. has
prCfVided funds which Insure Ihe
horses a peacelul tod agt-. Eight, of
these vcK-rsiiB arc alieady enjo.viug

High Climb to Save Bird.
-Michael Splaliie, a young man nt
••nvers. MacsschascUs. p.-rformed a
tnerli.-d and
received praise
says Ibc Salem Evening News
to pigt-on that appean-d lo lute
been' snared, bad escaped with a pnrItOB to the twine fasicned to It ami In
Tying between toe branefaea of a tall
elm tree In (rout to F. A. Uutlcr'a
*;3rc was again caught and held (set.
It was In a pliiahle condition, with a
prospect to killing Itsell la iU stragr'es or dying of starvation.
No ladder would reach '.hr bird and
Mr. Splalne climbed to Ibe top oT the
great tree, full.v slxiy fret from ihr
ground, and liberated (hr pigeon

They all wee the funny
"**‘Y- Y'«‘'‘>w»dog ThW'made oim walk on a chair.
"V'-s. sir," replied Terry
oi- the rtoa. on Auuty Bell's desk, on
"fome In here s'minute."
the piauu keys Bud on the window- "Yes, sir." aald Terry assni
scat They thought It (he funniest When they had reached the porch
plaything they had ever aeeu.
David i*arkman aald:
"11, and by Ella aald:
"tVhere an- you bo}' xolngr'
"•>Vhen 1 came -through the hall I
"Down lo the rln-, hi.-aim."
saw somi-tbing round done ap .u a
'i leckuncd >o tV.-lt. awluimlnx
isn't -nearly so in.puriaiil as MMbHblug
"'Ui ur ac-i Wlral it I-,' said Anna- i want dune, l-rok at (hem peas."
He wav.-d i.rie hand ant toward iKc
"They all ran out In the hall and long rows to peas,
soon eaiuc back witb (be bundle.
"1 (old lUlly as we came atong that
When ihey bad .m the ifrlng and\ihe wi-eds ukl£g tbem." aald
unrolled It (bey found a big ball made ^rn
of thin rubber and tilled with air. It
"f gm-ra thev are. and I want som.Wis ao light that It could be ilsyed one t.. pla,. stnaah with them ni-cds
with in the bonao without any fear Why cjii't you lioys do !l for me? U-t
to bn-aking iblog- The Hull- dog me
then- ahe }uH tsciily rows
was put awa.v In his tiox. and the ihret- of the peas. That would be ten row*
girls puyxt aiik ih.- b^l uuill they lur es< h to you. Now If you will sail
were tir.-d and sal doamjn tne win- In and take ten roas apici<- of toe
dow-^»*t to rest. As thev rat there p-.vs »i:d el<-an 'em out all nice and
Auniy Bell bronglit Ibem a\ squar- clean. I'll pay you Ally teats each
box. They opened it and fouM In H !or it. You can do It In Ihrve hours,
weven pieces of flat wood, all ofdlffeT^ and It's a nice, t-ool day to wort
em ibapea and sites Aunt} Bell told What do you aay? '
them If the pli-cea were- put together
'ini' raid Terry. ,
in the ritot way they wouid form,a
"Bo am I." >ald Bitty, (falaklng of
square, so the mile girls trh-d in Ttd Dean's klii- that waa now within
place them so as to uake a square b|r power lo rnrompaas.
Tbey worked a long time and were
"All Hgbt. boys. Yon will And two
Just going to give It up when Bcrtoa or three good sharp boca In the abed
sang out:
lack of the bouse."
'It at flrat you don't ■ucc-ed..try.
Tfa'c boys were at work five minutes
try againr's Then they all toughed and later. 0;d David watibed Ibem. HU
began over, and all SI once they w.fc came out with a basket of mendloond tbe way to make the sqnare.
Ing and sat down near him When
•They were putting the pieces bark the boys bad hoed hall an hour Itovid
in the box when -here came a rap at begaa lo comment on tbelr work.
(he door. Annabel ran aad opened
"lk»k at that BlUy Dyke." be raid
It.' and there waa Mary, tbi cook. “He has stopped three limes on that

Old Furnltura

ctn be eatity and ioex*
pentiveiy rehnished with
r.rma Laqaad mada (o look
M oica aa i
(iniekly do th
tvk u yesr
ipara tima.

Perma-Lac Is al-

SO fiine for 6oora, doors,
window aiUa, ataira, railiaf*.
sholYiog. motal beds and nnmenma olbar tbinga in aad
aronad tov? hooie. It is tb«
aaoat beantifal aa well as tbo
oioat permanent finiab oa tba

It Is one of the
famoui Bradl^^^VfWsra tbe excloahw acrats for
,tLaaa ealabralad paiato ia
this locality aad aolidt yonr
yoor oidara.

Prokop Kyselka
Traverse city. Mich.


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