Grand Traverse Herald, August 09, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 09, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





$tA« A YEAR.





I^slna. Aniustmt f.—numl'cr nf
UlcbtCBD clUe* arc alvcti a atlB In




.•tlnn from J. rk-o-latifl Hunk fcjuj


tbe cont-at (or ibr rciHibll.'sn e.iula(ur rouDty rlt-rk. Mr. Runk
6 Ihat b(- bks rert-l>eil a |>rom>>-


bai-lilopua. wltb a i\-uut-ai

mlaakwi haa derided




r. J. st<^;of pieaaam View Farm
Eahib)iad a\ Choice Baokat Tadoy
____ -ffk|e$. la Ht#k


wom.-whai Ilf a noielty tor Orawd


Travei>e. ).l K. J

ouuri- that hi- h-i. wiilidr:i«n truru.


u aiinouncod Ibal tbo com'


for Ceuniy Clerk NominationWill Remain in Washington.
’Ul.- Ib-ralil ha-- I.-.- .v.d a i-..iumun


rreoaa in valuation by Iba awlo' tax
Inroatlaallon of

JrCieveland fiunk No Longer in Race


Ftovar broufftit a

loukH to the Rteord odk-e today that
sborntd (hat >urh is eotlrely poeslbl*.
Tbe basket eontalnid four pound* of

rbobid Inmaao IU valuatkHi bzn.OOO,-

lIoB In thi-'cfUrOr borran In

.Mirw and brought Ike (rawer oO


lliinnii lo lh>- aerii-ulljii'l dhl-lon,
hirb maki- li .-y-tr.-mly (l-idrabl--

1. Mr. Sloyrr having aa offer of

ytlbt. (G.nce.UOO. Tmvciwe I’llj.

STANDS m ns lEcon

•anio pill-., tor ail tbai be rould
«.<iOO.«X); Lan>lna, lUbu.wn: ron
ir him tn.ri-majn In IVu^hinetun. II.drllvey wiiblu iho tatnlog week. If (be
Huron, fio.ntio^ iuy
>l».lres in ihaok ihoa- wh. su|i|«>Hi-0
wraihi-r 1* giwid. be wlU hair a tuensilnllio Creek, tmio.eoo;
W<1. U<« rtfM WMmm CaIM
ol ahnui.SVO bushel*. Tba toISn.OOti; Jark«Mi. It.oonooo; K.tlaniBOklahoma Senator Admitted That
Beal Went Over at 4 O'clw-k to Bring
and T«W«f CMvovatleiti He Had
:iry will fully'a|-pr<-tLvu- ibi- uic-ii>inatoes were raised on
Boo, ii.otM.ono:
Mammon Might oeviata from the
the First Load and Last Ones Came
WttJ) MaMmen Which
hl<4) proiuprS^lm lo wllhdr.iw tpuii
■aat View, (our uilles nouthweal
Adrian, *.l004w(.; Mareoettc, »0<m,<io0.
Truth on Occasions—Known
Back an Beat Two Hours
OMrH Caaald.r Bflba Oflar,
of Hie rtly,'
tbOO.hOO: . rnntlac^. ly^Wv'
Sherman Many Yaare.

wiutea* in ibc candniilDual UvoaUnUoo or (he Oorv bHbrrr rbane. todaf.
Ha dacjariid hn drafU'd a bill provldins tor tba diapaaa] nt ibe lodliii landwlih Uv|ar HcMerrav bot drnkit
tiwt MdHarnv prer oBcri^ a brlla-.
He BecUred be Waev ,Ia<«b lURi'


■ea »b«. Onre tfMittod triad lo brll«
Uai. Hasnion told crcaaor in WaabiBfUw that Croaim^ could aaln an IntanM lo HcMarrar'a ccolrarta and ad
«MM aaabf McHomrOraa«Dr elataiad tbai

^> jHvpIi ailfiid.-d.'ln- uii-

i-asiti?i iM-lm: a l•-uB'lllU <•( all tliu Fuu.
M'hnulv I'F till- ctiuiily. I'lom 9
■M-lork Ibis tnuriiUir; uuiil IS: ir. .> > kuk
1. til.' stt-aiu(T l'b>->iuaiut‘(P>n'’madr
1 to Ihr harbor oti-ry Iwiy hour*,

iluir •arryliu: larsr imnd*
Tbpre waa li-:i>i<’. loo. klailixoii'.. 'or
rlimrs and Ih.- yarious K.iiiday .rhuol
hratraa culhc ukitic and Inrii^liliic



bOMT thno that llamnea vaa 1
aatad in UeUurrw'a (oo>rar(a
dldal ronairud ibe caeverwUon




aelaMr ae fDandalioo to tbn atorr.
Gera almpljrUad” .He deoUrej be
bad tratoaoilr loaned Oore mme
Habnnoe adaiuod ibat bn vi.iird
Oort lo Waataintton on Mar C, bai do
elarad that Uoro Aral maatJuuDd
Mirrvla ooatraoU decUrini bo nade




Told PreaMant Taft It Would Be a
HlaUke to Taka a Mand In Re­
gard ta the Queatien af In­


Allhousli .............

dian Landa
Miiikosoo. OJ.ta.. AuriikI


■r CbarW CuitU. of Kauaai. today
(•ktinod lo (he roiiEnxudunal roninllinvealifiatliis the «or»


be waa offered a bribe u> wlib
n ■rtauka la aotarlai Iba figbL Wben
draw hit oppoaillah to tbr McMurAy
aakad i; be offered Dora a- belt
atop bla flgbt aimlnai the oeatneta. lodlan landi eoniracti.






but didn’t




and miwall were aummuied by tire


r.diuy: ,fl.> d.iy in phot*-

III any otoH or



bla data wrilb hla <rid conubdae

bush f«i


Stage Two Miles from

Si'ver City. Nrw Meaieo—No

RoBor Tbandar waa hnoa-n lo
la* of tba«. Norartbelew It «ai





liBKm oBned blni $».oi>tr Ui .i-aae



war 'iinal.h- io


n .•.luph-lo

Numbrr In L>««—Manton Cett Ibe

Ti-.' Noll'" ill Mh-uisnn
I-! »i--k

apenhniw wet« loeal




lire uu ilii. Br-.«U>*t.1hktora.v" iim.

»a.Mr Samb-- «a* «-miNt*.-n'd
pfuretnl with Hu- u’- Hw»»r> a.rant-

, (. » .iVii-t.^t lam! wan wwaid.-d 11,-:

Tbe.b-rtun- will he tnyr |o nil

id i.r thi- haihl t<Htniaur-<-'. <’ai-i|>
-1.' . f'.-i

.and .N’i'bdia M-itiiiil


tiaui. U-aiiUK l*«i Mu.

ahowhis III.- idt-reBaci olid fwiKlit *r-r

eorpa and a hand, the maior parad.

»b-e in thi. siwil»>. Ihla da-* io lur.I. d wilil It Ir m.e-iuiry ft.r u*r.

terod at Buttons Bay.

lows nt tbe bend of UO meraiu




the auliiiu. of (hr whole proraedinc.


»,man and nnalrr
I at (be <

Maruniiui tohl


beloa rn^tbe damvw nir.-adv is e,*teta»-'d s 1W1 amompvtiy re- her a* Jar aa thla
At a mItUoR.

a lew Udlea praatmu but ateoat lha
ncvrUml Aii*tt»l S-The poUre
cwitroaudlauea vaa co^oaed o(««era of Tra*araa City aud a few inrff
jiid pruatliu'ii'. aiuirnry. shot
bis biUiK- oil ex.Huslie Ka-lid weotauve BM« fram tba raatry.Thara
of Tham.
llrlabls early tU* oivrnliic or late
lad nlsbi was a vlrtlm tff bigbway- sand mre tB.ffgtaa4aaca.
Kl.e’s rvlalltfa deny that he
had . imh-^
■ wiw'Ut the cveBlBjt si bl*

Ctty baud ni*
-rt la fr««ii of Iba a


teloro tbg maetlag wsa raUad. sad
Food spirit.. There aaated ga tbe atagg. pl^dd a (aw gw
- two falal wounds la the temple iprUou tiefora tte ftedtrmaa. W. W
and a Ksuh on |h- baiia. .N’o rtw.
Dras.cMMtbamaMiBi'^Pardv. Be
Th<- liW elul. aououaroe a reward (be stage vrtth tbe iitetflr ware wM( t:. i*Mi lor lb< am-si of Klee's uur- ad V. W. oaob. J. W. Kaaoda. aad
gulncy Tbarker.
Tbr-iwillre quei-lloDrd tUras' ehaufCbalrmaa Draa spoke *wpy Ufh)p
fi-ur tiiiiurs. and snnouarad meeting
' Baoaior Burravs ta hla Ittradae■1 whose IIBIU.- (jTitur* menlka^.

tOtmiintiad oa Pmo Bla)

linpintsnl d(irky|iluenl* sre eiperted.
ri.:.;*-n ilixiry ha» bmra drojuied.






Dry Weather DM Bama Dumbs to
Earty Patslaaa •*!

desiibrs Will ft Meld in





Will Be a Flo* Crap.

Under tte D^eelien af Bcnatar
J,C. Bpreowa.
l ersfn newspaper*

Tbe raceot ralaa bare ddM a waaderful amoiiat of good la tba'Onad







tb-Lsuir Itucrawi kav had lourh

weather affected some of tba craps
rtm-ertiifis tbe IomIiu-t lairatl- aod Ibe early (riMta redweed tbe tnH
u tba aama Ubm tba druK that
kiii.oti. the Mubigwk H-u|^ sroatOr


... =., 0....


lelui- lUiriuAi .dyftf eommitiea to has already beea marketed baa baaa
whiibSlie iiintit-r was tvferred.
Il of high qMllty aad hat brought a


(hat Nenaior

Bur- ' locb blgbsi-prlc* tkaa Uat rear,
la s grou maay cats*. truU grawara ’

■owe -wiMiId d» nothing" in the-tnal
l|..i.-r.AUe:-.--. .1

10. larg.-rl IKiwd

|u.-A*-.n *' ...rh a pihrr-

Ihi* I- lor >1*1 dkv.
V.-u rda.y . a- v l..g taj,'

ter, mid tha> ii would iw-ao-fuily sHini-

. e*;w-ciklly tbr IxtC^v
took, about
bwabris of sppira !o


Th» «m creea oora g( tb* aeason
y a* braagbt Into town tadsp- bv Otfi>.mpey of Woodaeee atraiue.

sve msds tally as mneb mauey cut

Iww Is tonmuirer. In reply to s quna- ul tbelr fruit this paar for this rauaeu
they dU Ust rrar. Of amnu
iion asked l-y-tbi- Kyi-uing
Ka«w4Ihera are a tew asctetlaua

Ibave ral .wlamo-iwgof (be

fnlt-d nlltUw fiM Krpienitwe 1", Ibi.
i Ink lo be held *lu (Tilrago <*o areuaul
I P-uator J. f ^dfrji* b-,n«
Um- prinisrr rlMSkm. I uaild
•r ul t-iRl...
!1 BUdw^.»l*-:t.\ll5 r,-..i.iMl and-e.™ iol*'-’
ek^ to tbe al-cf Kept 1« U V
* Ur*.- Mloy>lur. in rbtswi-ai'iB


smoke sinrk o( hi*


laeltnc yet held la this dty darta*

hiui and (bo prei-s U


btosra down and hla orahard apreoied


d-iUrv that WdlUin RU-e. a wealthy

Iv-r-umall.y. I x-^and thw a*


a Wedaeaday. ei-.tiral boux-* U- flr-* areawei-phtsvire a mtlUoti aerv*
Wabar of tbl* dly. tbe oppoalbff caa- tne blown cner and many trait trae> and the altuatioa 1* AT
« (-‘(luriKU- ’■•vne* a-vraud (inrk..
tildaiaa far aiata eenalor.
ipToolad while broker window* wartOovertsar Norris today tetrgrsphrd rra Uk'- an- al— ^howti..
Tba atom happraed about Ib. aid la cduipoHIuS fb.
AdMM B'aranalat. one at (be Nonb- moB and altboocb tbe dnmace wa> ffaiuea and way* toe vetilemmU.
port trail ffiowaro. ibia aeaaM aecur beory. iber>- was no Onr Infured 3.
’The fftw. IB the R|tl«r RAot nnS
od U oaaaa of uahi ebarriae Iron ooa IL Obenneyer wsa tbr beavfcol loser. Still Water valley, are In.iv^cr


Sou.vlnr thin- I* «liii|il> r«-i»-allfi* what

Tbl- bujird nf umJ.- d.-slira ih. In-ri
With Torth lake whipU d ln"i fury i hartcr criBimlrakin «valbib1.- In ont-r
by the nonb wluil. thr Aldrn lecatia Ihat 1^1.- rity niay'4iw' a rhsrter ih.i;
' K M’s! <T
Tray-rye <*M}
waa iwlh-d Off yoau-rday. the rarrw
:n'. This maiti'i »Ur i- frrii-J Iu
•iiii-! !l ti«i»tt o; Ald.M atjv ah
waa entertained by Dr. Cmrj and l«lnR puitpuBed uuUI Tai-sday. Auffual
the UunUipal rownoHi-t- for . OB-idM-s
wore ana of tbe doctor'i Grand Army
Non* of I be boat- ventured out Uun.
Neg-o Harrie.
Wn* Contossad
bailiaa away ftwin tbe meeiiaic hav onto ib<- lake on arrount dt tb>' blab
SHreyt .'..rii-vst j:ii4' *'• Ilk.SnosHug OIM.r. Was Take,, to
' lap Ml be* own at Ihia rtty when be
Um«iu.. »r ih> rain ibe day haaded « k.imh
m. rms.h • .p.--.p.t
Drlro-tSo.Avoid Lynch-ng.
dbaased bu cMbee in the omralns.
bTforv. tb- proaiun waa ralhd off.
tlorr. Ih- board p»ns o" t^w«'rd-;i-. |v
IBa addrem war maliUy about ii
Ik-apite tbr untavorab)* wtwtber. iny aasiimi ar-iutica ih>- sw- <•? tho
ranlr: loarac..:v* M,. ,
about :.u>» |K<9ir ram* ihr villacc »trm* lo any
penalBO pfOtloB. He polnlad out tta
or luoiyldual
, ;.iv first Hu,mg, wWb-.was in:d m
Mu.i-.if Nin* r
nearly two and a eoaner nilUMm men
1 8 MuBMdmaa. i-ati’lldaie for
aB.vtbluc of ihvt naiart.'.
" ■ rgbib .Id Hoaor. m. s u-.-ult of
:dW.lou-a =.*ln .w-enl r^len.
awoed in the t'nion army and nary rDvernof. .doUttrrd .i> addrvs.' yeaMl btemvvf.^ Ttf-raniew...ailed
uU> doa-h thr-Mici,
Hall »Tkiiut
and that the penaion rtdia on account lerday «fMtrnviD>«l«ut* u-ople
H here '..r l-vibat i
.-yvn. uKs arrsirod .-.*lu> .'id mv,
of tba dril war bad reairhnd tbe Ini- bearing him dla.^. hU (.Utlonu
pit* .u kM-'ia t- on wPb UlA.
lU Cl d:»r U-Tbe r. n Q Ami the r. fV g II of
KBdM total of three arid tbrae
« bail m> uu- -l»e n. takti!i,.;o. ^you}J-^*^.
TratePfc- nty an- still wind I.eiiid at
ler bUboB deUara.
r'. H-iri'- oefi sled fl. Iiu- um
‘i-i.-., wbr. ,v,i
"Tot tbny aay ropublka an ancrnie- feUUmiw U.,, /
...1-ill.h.-lril llir nu’hori-l-o i}i|,-|i. Tm-adaj alfca
(>il^ Of-Hiy .bUb wind the
fnL' waa hla eominaut.
. i.iia to tH-tn i- ’.n*r liiah'r
WaUam Uaaa of Bonaonla.
tell^ tm-TiUiAn da n^uk- plk.e
ye^-nrday. but ‘t N aop<< that lb*
with O. O. r. B'aroer of rrankfort.
Tl.'. Nun'Mhbniaii Truo.;u.r,:u
wiud fall .U'S.-!. .-: ,
tba natboe of tbe WararrCbamptou
Covaraer Hat Torgrephtd the Rail-.:r
h'a- ta-.wHl
•averal Heueea Wer. Sl.wn Over at
■ a- oa^aaine powslUi
Uw. and praatBt ropreaastaUrcroada to Aid in Controlling (pa
S'-'l'i«’k1-'<>.'whii^ t-II how ru plun
Naeaan city and Orchards Oamag1^- OOvay U eontaaUBc for tbe etFires to Save Sa
ad H.avily.
'Aboin a II
Nidaea Clly. MUh.. Au*u>t

stid As'rakaas, - bav- been
IlrhTTa. Sloni . Aueud
vtlUge WAS rtahed by a aertoua wind
tb» boaae of Or. larnal i‘. Orrey.

of bla treaa.
Thu la aa anuauaH
beaty crop for ooe iitw to prudan;.


Sriisutr lliirniw* Mat-dL,

Min up .lud Ih.- iniiiriK.ita'ii'n r«>ni
illtir- wa* din-. Ii-<l lo .wtuplli- da-,

. . Me< at tba depot by a dfe and dram

rf I’eltad BUlea ateator.

■ Iwopli- wiih -luiuii-diliig up

'llii -lU-rlhMipl i'lii '.iHksn inilioudr

dedarad tri moat nnaqulvoeal lenm
} feat •esntor liurmwa.

•d tbraofb tbe main atreeu ol the

In <'hlr.B"- tu 1*0 B.y.'U In-!- oc A.ieur)
15. uudrr til., aun.ovfc ..( ;j.- tiuMd.of

m. ■»:»

w** OacN* CoveU of Ibla tlly. wbo

T do mil think

mil no -' 11. Maimot ii.-\i

bla oppoaltluu lo Ibc tmnaase oI lb<- di-lalird i<']a>n ol ti n t'hnulamjim but
-■or. ..iiilllhi'. fuliowhiy ufflr.-is. all*
' a liarilai j-c-jrii 1 whiih ^h.iwvo]'
blll whli-h would have rewuliwl/frUit.
fiMiu Slaiinm. Wi-reehjrT-'d:
tlitl tin- n-relpis Ami «-»pi''*dlinr. .Wnd
Mle of f.UMi.KiU ChorUw arrea.
by train to pet U> Honor from^-l|. (i MutcU-r
alwui Iwlyead^ A .winpl.-'.-. nHa (ferlarvd tbsl hr frared II he 0|>ftn Bprlnn. where be a}ioke the at
Ykv )n'(-Mdiut—MrK IM-IU VatUTl«Kd t<a< nfUvHy. MeUuriny would port will br pretiarfPand win W- pot..
.ttfwoe batore.
(orre Ihe bill, mi leotativel) amtded'
t- K. Tho-blon.
. HaKili-r- hruUkht up i n nka!‘-jTlwr* «w no tiri of ibe loAa ride but taler rafusid.
r. •
lo iatliwe whan be a|M*» aod be Ulk1 iiitdr.-w lo
A.y'ii!- KrtUt-rh-k
Tiay-fs- Ci'y was »m-i.:-|.-.| 11,,•
Sln-lUon, h.-a.l of liu- Pin-H.y,,
ed|fcr aa boor to oaio of ibe moat »l-


abowed bliB to te a safe maa IP ON

IM- rn..- whali-yrr Ttien- are alwar.

i--.nv..ti|-]i. wl-irb imd in l.iidinpiun

M&ao la an atHonoblla and m arilea

ledtlro audtenrea pf ibe rampalffb.

kUvht 'hi. thd hate teen oae uMhe

liidl-iiiryliic Ihe liuitor as.inurh aMa-.wIwh-

faat that tba aanaior lonrsayad to

It waa ahneai entirety Senator Bur
row.' ~p«rt}" ror Ibe
only other

ha leaned that

cuidr Ibaa hot h sad ad, ImpuBln <*•riusloas. aud his addraas laM hl^l

tiara wan

.»• w.uiliiR tor a .ihanor to

Traveree City Took Price for Grcataat

tin Uojril ol ir.idc.


rwlm. aoher Jodcmast was a

the prMaet campatgu. aad li was a

I V. nratirwi. Tu my mind lb#« la

Sirosi CaraivatA

hiad. and ltm«

Take Hi:. lu-adllDO. ilore llrlncil

. a,--* hr dor*, but. ’I .think he




Flii-nnati liil« b'le laud dral.’ How
d<H-> jtcnaior Core brliip Bhemai

Khi-iiiiaii bed

At til.-

Mahy yrars of poltUral alrife have


d <1i-\lati- a llitle on otvashnis.


Rteoid at Being Opposed

u|viii tba Issuaa ed the day.

-It' »ren» to 1-0 rduKUlsr that Ihr
Pini.ati jiivTv wtuild .»o «-iiraja.vMisl> Rlea'a Family Deny That
k a man a* they bniy In ibi.
cmiaa-Law $lub Annaunaaa

Iruthful man and b- m-lled Ibal in

■Board ol Trade Otrectors Went On

twt to glee the raters a (dear
hha of where Braator Barravs stagdi


Fosses Arc^ Pursuit—Laid in

lair BUI] used no imiutipar methudK.
tatn.1e.nnrd Ibal MeMurray In Waab

Wlim <]■•<-'kh'id a* to hi. opin

(tal* land (t.iilf Ho .liiiiily xlie* hi*
Slltci <‘ily.
Al, .\ii;-iim C
*1.> (oniHw-'loii oil lioaiiuiv ovidonoe. dal
tln-lr mure diKnl.I.-iI l>r»lh.'is ami ina-ktd laiiUil- o.U, ...................
. il"-; Ibi- iliii- iBc that till-- mail Hoimiwiii waid ftberrislera. and i-iMi.foi :al>b oroiU lor ilnJr S-. lion
wjo. <ui.' o! ihi- Mien lo tbo deal.
isiiiiipietwt yh-Kil, and
iih bullion Anil bar- of sihrr and Till* stwifiuint was mad'- whw. ar
(bnrpk.. iianiniuu was eiiKWFvd
.Id \Hlin-d at si>i.«N.<<Hki.
III iHiato wrn- not u»m1. Iioi all
In Iho rriimiiwl'aoi of offering him a
idla uf atidetlr Aaim-x wrr.- playid.
- Ul (|M- III. Iiitlurnre
lur .ibo
r. a* II WBM Ini liOniy. Vu.-.-* wie
t i o'l-lork tbe bu.-; wuut omt Iu
nM-n.iivo ll..iuiu<m doalred' Non loiIbc barWr after Ihi- fliat hnid ut pic­
the aiiKle ak>nK. Beuaiof Ibur l»
nickers wbo bad Kune «-arly ead wisbr Ji;:d 1 > jaimciigrri aiid
aak.-d jl ho »c«rd. Hauinaui as s
.1 rrtnrn r«r1>. n-nkina An extra

derlarinx (hat MrMurray aHraya waa
The Indian lawyer. D •<’. Mtf’Ur-

Kluilirl.w-nliieltmiird iht* mura

t alikL fftvta*
dreea. bee fraes iwl aad OM that



luUiit up In tlin Mt'llrniy laml deals


ibe lo takr a aland. Wlicn aidtud

CnnU romplntd hla leailnmny by

Tbnt ffaitalor Uurronra IrmTeiid A-

BnartroB Um IndUaa lliia to beep

Ini alien ofl'uii.d ttUI.* ( llor

(Prom Baiutday'a Rerard.)
I'nlied BUIra Beoaior JuMua Omm
r Burrows talked to aa audlaaea of

sot Utatidad to iBffama tte PMLIAM

ioniibk. art." TSi-

that tbr the ]•l••.ldplll


rapardlitfi McMuiray. I told Tail ihat
he kmc *•» U*' Indiana’ altomiy,”


Al Ihr puiilr anaivrl* thm- »err
swlnu-. loi- tbl- clilldri-ii. haiuttiopV*

I loM TafI I Ibousbt K wtarki 1>« a

HaMT Vaatarday.

time- 1


liirraoitii- wan tlir iiiihiwtIBIIne dec

Passengerw on the Stags.

we knew regardlnK (be rootnuta aiiJ

Mliaa by Aute In order t« Reach


SECURED rliim-ly a* ( have Imen o.--><irlaled with
I have iii-tiT foimd him eneapod

president In April. ’Tati aakrd what

Trawalbd m Milat by Train and I

and in all

l.aiu m-i-r hraid a word adaiiui hi*



Curtli deitlrd Gore’s atatcmeni but
KaMBOB denied asr aorb art and do
aaiwwaliil la ib»Mc- Curtis waa isirreaied In tba eonirarts
and derlarad, "1 naver wan luteroalMffrmjr CWlTMa.
ul f. o’chK'k ill o.-aor to brlLK oil
rd In the- M.Huriay or ai» oclier In tbt- rro»0 bark.
(lion reniiai'ta. I am •(-■tnalati'd wiib
UtMurray aud liore,

m iV houne and have known him

i-bararter. hU hnurwly <«

ol plr

alunr loo. In many ra-ho. Ibr •iiilrr
truilly IojcIiii; nil r.iMiy t > Ihr w'sl
winds and

I From Kri.Uy ’A Iti-.-nrd.l
-Hir many >rur» I ha'e known Vnv
rrealdi'in fiherinan. hare .s.-ned with

l»n rif Ihe rlinripiA m*d.* lo tk-natur

raarrnims «f rhlidliond. iwfvi'i* yuv

eC lha bill raaolUac lo tbo town loi iu-

Ootw'a diar«aa. aa>lng 'Thi-ra'a iiN



nlrkcr^y were lililr fidk* who hiol look
mI fiirKard to <hl» day y>lib all the

U. I. Oore. bitNbrr of iba aei
ueuiad Uat the aanaur vaa author


i*lp ts> tin- lil>a( Ab'l at-o
• '


HanUDon w. calM

(I’liaii Kriday's Ibwnl.l

tan Funday
pi<-ab- r-bi-h wo»,
iM-Irt .t liimrir HarU'r l«.laj. tbr irr'

AA’bOe tbe earty p«ato



llgbL tbe roreat ralaa aisare a tea
crop la quality aad very aatlsfateuy
■luma. Tba same la true tt tba


la toct.



there being a proMs'et of Bgbt ra
-ns to tbe (armers aod fruit (f«»

|> a natti-r that should be atteodad
tiy wHk all piuiMt-U eiiwdletiry. bauna
I ba»e_ralUwl this rueetuu: tor tba
jMb uif wnr-h da— tbe ounoiltiaa
aaiher in '•t.uoco and brat tbe «vi


drnre It Will to- n lOfWBbered that (MnHuiiiim-: raquoelad tfai* iuyratlgwIkiu hirOMdl.'

Premier Laurier Slightly Iwjerad in
a Colliaian Last Night—Firamsa
Kemp Was Killed.
iutgtns. fl*,;.lc, Augu-t t.

d That tha Uvory af Cterpaa Uuda
Any Trwth Whjtdvor.
Big »«*.-«. S~T. Aacrat ».~Tlcp


I.B'.iri'r's >p<<i*l. -n-ti-lin* >o loda.
r- pu-. tat- Uii nighi -.dHd-d wita
ff.'lgbl ar, killing Ki-ruia


Shermaa. rerrraUug bars,

irdsy wired t'aUa4 Praua. Tbo oisry
i tba cbsrtes msde W Sauamr
Gore u ahsofaialy without tte aOBbi-

.Ki tnp. jopiYu a repfwi-f and
ui'ot. abd tSrowlag La-i.e-r t
ear Boor vkib-ntly. bu"

not sn

M Dame of .Nortbpow. oue oMba

eouaty dliraaon



W’rMara uicbigaa bevaiopmoui burosB. wsa IS the clly toduy uad rw
puns that tba paura growtag la Ua
Apple blosaiiSii
soiy this year are tbe daast that
imewhal rsrr. C. S
V* ever beew. produesd.
Ha bm
brangbt tnio the Seeded otffee a amall
rin«ter of gggda Mosadms yratarday

veu that It H gtdag to bo paaUMs

which ww« Idrked tnp

secure a coSoattou af Um DWuMt


Urorxe K. Pari-b a sfrwi oa tbe.paam•ula.

KL9 TUnOAY, AUOUVr 9, 191ft

tail Dmm IwMlSSL-jSlt


MMAtaft •UMOW»

tana «M «WM4 br .
tai> waber«« oM acridim te 8teU«nn Diaad apara haaaa Uat araaIp aid a VM7 (ood aadlaaoa «( rtat«mta0«9 ptapte or Travaraa (!ttr.
n* MWlor^ aiiTMa ao«U aeaii»


talar rraaWiaa lUt
I «M aat Am
•Utiaa.tNa caa



VS mus PBFEn

Sw mt»m...........gc u A*

alika te Onto fty Ok Taam.

Viera. Thb monlnp a party consistin* of Oeorte W. LardU. E. K. H»bk. Praak Winnie, David FVost and
rassotstlva of the Record, in Hr.
Lardle's car. took a mn not to Ua
farm 10 sae vhst Hr. SmlU has i*cwnivatloa.
Tha Brat ^paa of hb aftaesa «ppte orchard oansod eaclamallna

A. P. Oa»Q bJKl (or kla Baa- praetkaUT bare, except tor
dajr dtuar atrtM >»u ktovb froa
apples: but Hr. SmlU a orobard area raO loaded.
Seated lual cast of Borara
I a nalley protected tram Ua ooM
MO. tr Hr. Owaaa aiaalfataw
■orU «nd ren winds, the orctard b
Dade the >oa( trip oearlaad «lUi aa
tor mwka. Some of Ua
am. The aaed haa been haadad have baaft baarln* «or «| yaara. and
down ti«n taaaratioa to caaentloa
loaded dom today. BaMrlna. the
aacb alaaHaa aooM «t H aad Hr. bardy winter apple, were clnauced osi
Owed broocht his share ut the Wol- Ua tree. Not a tree la Ua orchard b
eartae atau te aa air UAt can. Bad- bare, and nearly every
ftat toM whM had Maa i
lac Uat the baaas crew last aa weS nnoUer one. larxe. perfect'and tree
hare as tber did taadi aasL
from btemlab. No .vorma rare found
Hr. Oaree's asperleeoe as a car
In Ua orchard, ao tbosoushly has ft
Is vail shove hr the heantiroi
-------- —.— the TOMlls are aoeo
bone he has oaused to sprtw up
a «a tta aoaalfr. asl at tba a
at Ua BtA siBhi
aai of the roods seeatBcU la the
An hoar and a half was spent, durtrlnhUnc
e( an eye. Ue croaods be^ aftiiaaa *aa AiM vtth a
Ini which msny Bne vkvs of the
tac covered artth beattttal Boren
«ataa;« «aot alo«.aMl7 aai iacloDUsvHy isdan trefts were taken. One
aad troll trees. HU meads at» so
Ua to^eas traaa ras ao heavily
irincMI of hb ability that they are
ot the oplBloa that ahoold he MaBhle lade« Uahtvo at tha UMm had hrokMm4 ar Mftc aOaetad br am aad rer a rheaUrat rail, he rould hare an, and oa one of Uaae, nbout four
irnwmm. aa um» at Ui
srore of trees ol chb variety ritb- Ket Ion*, vereto bl* appka. A pktore rill he token for the 1»I0 booh■aMaa ftaaa OM «a afeoa. la tta iB a short Udc.
let of Ue Western Hlchlpaa IX-velopmeet buroau.
1C years a*o Ur. SnUU
tied OB hb farm of loc acres. 30 of
Mt. ha did aat «Hwhich were'devoted to applaa At that
Chne Ue orchard was in Md ahapa.
sirayln* anbeard of, and aoldom eultlratadha awald barv ptottiItoalbln* that Ua land rould.hrln*
BOM aa Ua wat Important
•ore moo^ from fitUt
•M . lhatahr Hlehldaa
ducts, he sat in. prenad np hb Unas.
firap ftTmter
araater laooBslUos
Ml W flr«B
of tha ProBUm Will Ha Olvon
evUivaiad. and aat more trees, unto
iMraa <*aa«a has made.
in TravorM City.
now he baa 3S ac-rm of applau. bcsidea
Tha aeaitor Ml a Vary stioac
praartM apoa hb aadience and It t*
LMand. Hlrh.. Ancuet ft-Tha m- mere of pluius. cbcrvlaa. aprlnito and
■dr to mats tint every dtltao of tha tertalnmaai plrea Wedoeaday. Thurs­ rapes.
It ras not until a (ar
Qtaal Tmvaraa coanty veold have day and Priday vraoincs tqr local .Ul­
ftattad by tha
an nndar the snsploee ot Ua «■»■«■»* bomv-er. that spcayln* vaa resorted
to kill the verm pent- The apra>band and Ue Walter T. Bast Wocre
have been perfertad su that
I's club ras one cf the bast ever
of any Kiie may be «pra3ed 4
H*nbMttat la the Taft admlnUtra- pivaa In LaUnd. prMmalnnsI or
tbeush the cost b raUer hl*b, ibe latiM and dadarad Umi ha ranted It arvba. Ob Wadnaaday araalns. 1
aadsramd that the paopU of Ua
t mnakal loUored by raodevida. luras are pretHyla*; but a» cannot
ta a slncle yvar. it
toftrfiT WOtiA aJraya haor rhara to on Tbunday evaains. The aetom In
toe* -Mr. SmlU torn years to *e( hb
tad him aa caUle Boaatloai. Ha anram all yoanc people berm for
ipiaad tha ddllty of Ftaaldeat Taft
nmmar and Ua propam «aa.fnU orUard Into tM abmia U b nor. Tsm
Od dlctaad that this poUclas be had af fim. d*ab and stagar and ras mob yearn a*o. when Uere ras a banner
■liaBittaA tad jwhad thiai^ In
intry, sevcrel
Uoroaxh(y aoJesad- On IMday eraotad the wapta hare alraady <«B. Atauo Hoosv. msUrtia. mre of hb BaUrln tre^v yielded a d««
fims Ms ahUta tooavwy tha praattensbimaat. TM teat raa pack­ barreb of Uoka apptea.
that K
IUbBH c^ajrgj^dayVtatord.
ed 00 every ocmsKc and all rata
more than pleased rUh the namhora ^>ra>-lD* and culllvatka that produi
It U poaalWe that Ua vandavtUe
Ihnraday and Priday of thU raeh.
baavlly loaded, that bare am had
«ara vQ ha. a Me racaiu la :
bh of fenlluor awce they were eat
aria CKy. <ba dm of tha AM
• halt hari.Wa have haaa asanrad
The poar traaa ware loaded, and
♦ ft
♦ ♦ ft-H * ft ft frea on* of bta aprhat tress be pkk' tama vUl he a Ivca aumhar of
'ta-haaU aad aalUnc etaR antarad fa
wa Ha has a amall patch of
haata onud hath beta aad at
Mt np to tbb year they had
Qrara. Hkh, Anm 4.-Hm.
attar pateU la Ncrthara
not done wall Thb sprinp ha resortVv WMti H to ta Slvaa ia>dsr the' HbMb Bator aad Ue jHasea Mar- ad to trimmhi* suih as b done la Ue
IMIMB Of the taatd ef trade aod Ua ■arat Hclntato and Pearl fteynolds vast, and how toe bunebea of (Tapoa.
Vpflahtoac efaft aad soma valnaUa attaadad tha Chaaun«na at Trav- tuuiy rouped, (btify to hb weift.
laa aty Hoftday.
prlma hare haaa pimad.
There are many eocaced in Ue
The Hlaae. BeU BraUan.aad Rtoy ftnii cnftivailoo vbu do not baUavr
Thb rsBatU U BOI a dnb aSalr
the Budaalon «t a^pooe aba aor toes and Leela Prom are pn«aU of lbs. In Bpreyla* and cultivptloa: but Ueaa
ft fedbto hava to ha a maatocr of the J. dehrlpht of Hoatoe Oatsar Ult people are poto* Ureuct
aaard a trade or ot the dab to eater aak.
with no ataks and hut a few ebarar vltaaas Ua eoateats. Then U do
li. W. Banolda rat a Tiararaa Cfty
Of tba rtnier
taMwa «aa rftatosar aad aU aha ealler Hcedny.
rkika. Hr. BmlU has a ftna ybU.
Hba Johnaon of WflOamsharK b and hb Duohres be says are Ua Bo­
Ua (oest ot Hra. dtniocd.
ast Ua orchard has
Hr. and Mm..Caot*e Bnrt
larga and Riky. and rliU in color.
■tataffe Ihalr boau bdoac aUca It ta iiwhter Helen speai dnnday at Kiasa
The nosl « Ua bard woili b dooe
dta tonm that Ua artflaat craft by. the r>«au qf Hra. taK-s paranU. now. although be Inlands to spray the
data Mt ataaps wta Ue drat prUe U
Mr. tad Hra. ■. mrr «ara Tinv. winter appba tomorrow. They. have
a iMBch race or area a aailinc rata. raa^Uy cnllm Hoaday.
beee sprayed flva iimea Ub nan
It is Ua daalra of Ueae ta cbaitb
TM Onrn hall team rill play the
to toftba tha regatts a aareasi In
WUey tsam' Snadar aftarnoea.
-ARmrt WImaay. tha form­
aip amyr lar the laaaoe that a m
er Uha Shore amptoya wM was raa
Mr. and Nrv BmMph UbmaU releeomnUva wbUs
to Ue Mty aad fur
alatarast aad tamed to Giaad RapMa Ub moratoK. backtng tato Ua ronad hanae here
ftatanil—mt for thote atrMdy here. after brlaptop IM labslas of Uab- March 3. IP06. and boU feat and MS’
TtarerMCHy b the bgleal poUt tor hahy to Ub. oKy for borlsL
' toft ImMloc of radsttas aad Uera b
m faaan why thay ahonM ant be What b Moot .............. I to Mapplhall
srigftiBd hr hb Utorks aad hh
ay of as win Uoo(htleaaly
aa the Maid of trade haa daaated
s to win redrem had been laatnwaar. bat beatU b tar i
dto prtoea liiladliit tM mtoaUkaa
tactaal threwch the revaraal of Ua
tnahj cep tor tho traa tor all race.
R coart JndgBHftl of flMM by
IrooMaa. bat itewah Pala-XSIUd Uo anprema eoart.
CWAtoCBB PM #OAlta OP TlUtaC OC srfll. Nvvar knaam to toiLT?
tata yaar aHtoaa raral tassaUa- II. Pika tM. Ho and tl-N.
Entaat A. HUM Icdl Ub mortOas
•tot hr 8. K. Waft ft taas. C. A.
Hnrtdnav CRy and rbetaBhae Dm* Co. and Ur B'eal Bad tor.PVtOBhay.
hoygnn. far a vkll akh frteada.
Orv Bicre.




nmat. bat It la atvays Ua
that b Ue hoMTba altuattoa mltat rail ha ra>
Uaa fair Ua^
theta be aa axeha
tat tern be host aad ooantiy CvasL
Thb Madpb U halM --rtf laothar pboea. Travers* City,
dliaetftra of Ha Hoard af trade has
1^1 palled OS a saabssoih ptenke ea>
tartaUlnc iMre than ftOM <d ttalr raral Meads. They cslbd Ua
Traverse City day and It arss the Mccest Uinc of Ue kind In
for yaara.
Tha srheb aSsir ras . a|a«bi. lust
as any of tha rural picnics. Iroa ooftea, free apaaclin^ toea procram. tree Orehaid Visited hy Oaarpe W. Lardb
It it made Ue hlsscat hU ot
aad Party. Indudlnp Raeard flapIwUftd oc In Tnracse OU»
rasantouva This Mambp
in many a year, and Travaraa CRy ta
Phalaprapha TMan.
ftoted tor palllac ad «eod Ulasa. And
to point the moral, vhat's Ua nauar
iPrtMn Haoday’s Record.)
rlU oar board of irnda palUap oC To Uooa who Utah that spraylns
hd fuftivatka areuaelcM.a visit lb
aomcUlnc similar N-LndUgMa

mis OFF

,ftays M Ua'Csty are Urged to Cator
the Vnrtaua Wamr ftvaato ■
Rnoys lor the 15 nub counc for Ur
r^te vhkft b to be pollad oC os

r. D. Cnrtb to Ibe State Bank buUdin*.
The prUes whkb are to be glveo to
the vtoncra will. M dlspkyad U the
atadov of.Sherman ft Hunter. Ua
rep belBg w of Ue moat baanittul
oBereft on Ua iakea.
The hnaa at Ua city are mged to
anw the hartal ratwa. Uliini touinadiving and swiaBlag evanls.
Uere baliig wi eotrance fee tor any
ot Uaae.
Tba aftenmcaa of Thureday and Ph0 be Sited to Ue limK wiu
( doing every mlnote. end
mccesafnl regnito b anlicl-


AU WEU uauRnis

Detroit. MKft.-'Ausukt *—Loading
M Uiebbaa t-omunaderii-s of Knbbto
hiirego. Detroit ,i«
tbe prim winner, and Damascus romBMDdery departed on special trains 00
the Hlcftlgaa Cea.tal today and are
due 1a Chicago this allernooo.
Otbor stale commapderles entraiaa1 at tbe Ceutial sad GraM Trunk
nlbaa. Over a tbousand Michigan
Knbhu wiU tore! nl Ue slnte beadquanerw at tbe Congress hotel tills
AQ con


Mid here Aagnet It to n anda good
r of wli.^ ana Indian sbiafccrw
hava bemi'^tocared tor tbb gi
ii>( o' Otura*
tWpparn'. I bere
be apaclal rules -m the G B. A I.
and i.-lpe by Uic -.•amcr .C»eui
cjpm wfaUa U.I l>uiothr K. a i|
t.**«*en IM'J l*u^c, Nortbptv* and
Troops Called as the ResuH ef-Ap■c tamp grmndv.
■ peals ter Helf^oreet Ra»9cra
.V. V. H«r;<*. of yu-ens. wi.<
arc Insufhcbnt to Cope with
(f-n-gi- of tto ktn-tw rod retrerbm--o'.
the Situation.
•sl-bt aad D«ab w"- be served
«cr a canvas i-id at a reieocabli
Washi'istc.n, Aiigui>t
An en-ei
t;ve Older from 1‘n‘sideni Taft (of the
*?t.' will t-c as follow#; flr>l limi- la hisuwy pla(^ Ur 1
T • l;ev. r. U. Stuart. D. 1) «
of yioniaua. Wa»litngioii. idsho.
tvli'or ot Ue Northat-hlarn OnrUtlan goti. and I'alifuriiia at ibe diwpuksi
cats will pr. .<(L on guiday al- r Ibe fo'-e»t senlee to fight lir.-a, as
lerMuo. August-Slat
remit i>l tbe aptuwls fur’hel|>.
The ares. Iiave worked temfir.hav­
The Rev. Dr. Heanelt of Port
XL one oTtbe moat able ara ot the oc aod the forest raagerw are Im-ufflrienl
to cope with -the Barnes. The
DetroU conferenew. may he expected
to take Wirt in sonte <n-rvlre. during damage runs Into Ue milliuna.
meetings, Ur.
nenoetl b well
known among both whites sod InbtiB.

Preliminary Reports Indicate That
Winter Wheat lyill Sc lU Bush
cb t» the Acre.

Wa-.bincl“0. Augukt K - .tsrirul>ral di-iianuKtit crop r>-|«ei toda>
shows tin- eoodltlun of eorii was. Austt I. D*.:. as t-oiupari-d lu el.I U»i
rar, and XJ1 ih.- average.
PreUminary reports lodUuto »taler
wheat ns E.S buabels pef aero and
total eailuaud 'ero(> of
biixbois wlib a uukliiy of yyf a»>

.. ....




Your ooljr res*ci» for «c*
CTptios tome psrtkulsr
hrsBd shoold be tbst k
mhkea better bresd sod
better pastry tbsH say
other you could buy.

Unless you are positive that you are sow eettiog this
kind of flioor. you should at least compare it with
Crescent — which can only be done by ac'ual baking

r an tad to the sfada of
_____________ xlor and nnifomity bnift bean eaiacouidered
ftnd you mil find it
fully <_____
_ in ita mhottfaetara
wonby of your ooosideratioa. E^ealknt
lasolta ct
be obtalru-J in all fonns ol bread fted pastry Bakin

KM EveryMy Likes'*

s.;,: ?.



Roots ft Beames; Moaselman croeov Co. Baaaah.ft Lay Here. Ott

B Gta. CraM BkpMta iOelL

It you are going to put in a
furnace, it will pay you to call
and examine the famous Pen­
insular and let us figure on
your job.

OM pRWlotllee BtalMliiw

D. H. Day reports a fine ero
apples ta Ibe Nillur IIUI dikUlel. Lt-olanau county. Mr, lU) Insixtled ihifrult whlrb has been ptaiwd In gtasa
Jars for tbe ihU-ago esblbli. and exprewaod hloiMlf at U-]og very
pleased with, the ahow-lng they will

• PollUial Advertisement)


Candidate for Cbunly
Cbrk of Grand Traverec County:—
To negket your brelU aad there b- at the prinarit-w Sepiemto-r s I dr^
- severe peaalty attached whoa you, sire my frteods 10 know that I sis
pelting- furtb every boorel and bon
Itvor or bowel trMHe
« **h orable eBori wliklo my power to pUre
my haais brforv tbe psopW ns an as
plrsht for
*K BbMdmely wall. The
tar ary and aH tiawhlns of Uo
ammofh. liver aod bowob. Pike 15cpor box. Aak (or a fiao aampk
Sold by 8. E Waft ft Sons. T. A.
Rughee I>r«R (Ni. aaft Uw Wroi Aid
Drug Store.

> the state kgblatarv.
to amko larmal aw
s time, ft sriB be
my porpose to oplxftd the pctociplea
of eawai taiattaa aad exert my hem
eSorta tor the veo heat tstoeeatt of
Gnnd Trwveree Rwniy as sreO as tM
hok- stole.
ScVlelUac rear favors at Ue primah

Msdsm. CRch tine jroa por>
chaw ^ Mir jroQ hive u op-,
portuoity to asm for your9eU tbe merits of ’'CtcB'

Will Se Wsprsstnta* at ths i


The Rev. P. E Whitman, of Ilu)
tend. Ik top well known to need
Introduction. Ue hopes to make a
It wometline during the meciln** and
will be wdromed by old wod new
The Rev, A. T. Fwr*usoo. dblrb-t
saparlBlendenl of the Grand Ttwv.
district will address some at Ue,
•e Rev. T. C. Tbobiaa t.Nah-havnay-asb). a takniad ladbn mlnbier
l.-Anxe, who b able to preach
both EagIbb aod Olibway. wUI have
cbairetof tM BvaageUatk aervlees.
The Rev. i^ub Hedswb. of DWT.
1 a valued Indian preacher.^workiug
amon* hb own people In this >
The Rev. Saaisno Ptceoo. ol AUeu. will be here for the «-rks of
meetings and wlU speak tram tb
Tbe Rer. W. R. Snake trammiekee-wblct. ot JtoUrio. Cnaadx. U of
the Iroauob tribe ot Indians aad
preach ta taclbh. Hr. Snake has
great power for good wmong bit
wn people.
Other Indlao opewhaew aod prearbra will be prereot and wUl take pa.-t
In the wervleas.
Tbe Rev. Charba E Tblex. pasir
of tM Hethedbt ehcicb. of .Nortbport.
will ^oak, 00 Sainrday. Ang-.:kt I'm.
on the -Ainu and
Object of
Ueetlngs.Tbe proBram^tbU year will bet
what flf a change from tbe pre.reedIng years. In that Ibe assoriatloo
relying luore upon Ue asabtaace
ladbn prearhore and leas aseo
whitoe. Tbb is an Indian camp meetlag. arranged hy Indians for Indbiu
Tho mukb will be la charge
rompeumt kadar.
The tnmp maoUag wilt be. as Ukuxi.
uoaer tbe dlrertloa of the eu>r an
to* cnmipiUee and Uo Nwtbport
E eburch-

ter tM -Herald.
A there was an iiem of a birthday
and ^tfag pony uvea at the I
of Hr. and Hri. I>. Btckler in h
of UHr daughter.
Hr. Biekb-r statiu. that th< eorreamdeat made aibi-uiemeots ivlxiive
10 Ibe event, that (here wan ao 1
wbatFTwr aad that it was not a
Tbiv-^ecori mato~v thb eorreetloe
FTusik-e to s))-^..ed «r* Uckk-r.

Good Paint
Is Worth $2 a Gallon
If you want a good job, get our Crown*C^t«
paiot. a gallon of which will cover 850 iquare feet if
the surface Is smooth. U fire gallon low the pin* b
$1 90 per gallon. Primer in five gallon lots i< $1 80.
We are giving you good value consideriag tbe quality.
This gives you a chance to paint your house at a rw*
onabU expense with ihe best paint oa the markcL
Should you have a building on which you do not want
to put a high priced paint, we have a cheaper ^t.
It comes in nine different colors. It will cover nk«ly.
and may be just what you want. The assortment is of
white and eight popular shades, so there u a good
chance to pick your color at $1.00 per gallon at tbe
corner of Front and Cast Streets.



I w[«ld
mor; If etecird.
» merft tha




t M east Jordan i
day Id vlUMa r taatMi brntala
rrank Banu and ^Ftneer" Watson
(OBiorrov cisht.


ber brother, Frank-KlMg. the ei
A. U OooUcr. of t'barlsTtil*.
Ibe city umU} on busioeas.
.Jnstlte A. B. Onrtls and wife will
leave lohiorrow atorclng tw the Pere
.Marqmie ewuraloa for
I'sUs. Eric. Pa.. Aihtatrula. (Milo, aad
Fern Will See Two BMehall OsmSA
oil"'f eaaiem points.
TMa Week fer tH« |»riee of One
Miss Ainu lieyder. of Ml. Pl,-saam.
en Twe Oaya.
who has been vMilng tbe famllf of
l»r. J. A. Sayder. left
Doable bradera viUi Moikeitm <a
J-rMUort, aad aftwer a short ytah
Wbttr pUriBt teMhto rMWdar Tburadar aad Friday hare been aathere will go to IhuUsind. Oie.
atWvoon on the Oaioa »ir^ «*<»l noaaeed by the local nunaceaeot.
sod. biRaesi KHUiih warship,
Mrs. >1 A. Yairer. and Chiron. o€
cramdi. MMe HeUmnii. the w«er. That lueaitH that the tana, who have
i.anrhed today,
Patubervillp.., ohla. who fawee been
Dr. ud Mrs. mak UeMh
aspporied the’ Trarerae CUr lean so
e Is siroocer than any Dread- ‘ liitloe ber mother. Mm. j. «. Round­
«rM. eoiMed vlih ivnior Ii^ng.
well that the Rewnera are the <Jivy nauabi. raster than any r.ulMr and
ing. Jen today tor >'rankfott to visit
Mste tieliic kaecked to the r«>md of the whole leaxue, wUI see
jsi ♦
ciiher relaiites.
wUh Mich fom that faU Mi twllar aamea for ibe price of oaeoneacd
She la called “'he mystery ship*
Hob* wee brnkai. lioita ber* ru tor I thoM daya TbeM dooUe btwdera
Miss Urwno. of Cblrago. «
a arcuant of ihe vvrery In bulldlUKthetaU at the MOM U»e. aeUlur bobetel kpcndlng several wteba
oeceeaary l>eraaae of tbe porttsard
CktBK the ether r^xnlBc U* ear. an
SSSSSSSSSSS^SSSS land. I. ft today for W home.
naa« at tbe iltat of ibe nee mm.
, Ml thrr eelMad vtih creai foree.
Tbe Misses Anna and IJlIian John­
Mode If nwui« *err eeaforu
SSSSSSSSFSSSSSSF son, of kvart. who hnve
day. la eptie of bli tajury. He lookf
fProm M<mdt>-s Mh<«rd,l
guWH of .Mr. BWd Mrs. A. J. Hsynsrd.
apoa the aoptdeel si one of Um thtoci
Ur. SBd Mrs. R. I. Sdearda Wt
leturned borne lodsy.
that ntebt luidiia to any ball ptayci
day for Liulliisien. where they will
Aribor Mstvln" reiunisd to FVank*'W« hsO MarMB hare to hare lhaec Felt Teem «eteeted fer FIrat Time join Mr. and Urn. \r. T.. llammood. fart-ioday after apeodlnf; Sunday with
This Seaeen, Orsam Tarainp the
tMm hanwa • n.- he *•
fmliijt by bo-'i u> Mllwunlo'r a»d frtmi bis pirents.
•MMiattUMar vKh a brafeea aidde.
tiH're In Mr. Ilanunoad'a auto tc
Plate Pbod inspector O. M. Uane.
BMr rai taU Bp with a bn>kea CPV
luth. illniL ••
of Nor.hpocr; Waa In the city today.
tirawn. Mlcb. AwtOKl (—Tbe (sat
lar hooe.MUs Bn l{flnnien b-fi today for a bU ws/ fo Orand Rapldi.
Wylie beeeSsll leaiu nri »» flret dean exteiwM vloft with n-lailvee In
Mrs. nshsTr.-a ■Detroit nume. who
f«4( thla year yeaietdar. the Urawn
Pllneh,. Host on aod
ss te-oB <T.rlug for ber dsaghl:-r.'
lean heiaa tbe v^ctoi by tbe acoiw of
Mrs. Fri^k Pnydrr. for the lan four
b Co 1. Score by Innlafr
U T. W(*vcr. of tflydc. OsUrfO weeks. Ml for hrs home on the Boon
OefeatfSHu^! Meade ie Hf'adlcap Wylie ...............0 0 1 m 0 ! 0 «_j
eonnty. is now vUltUii U <2. Uimll I rata.
. >■ - » «
Wreatirnfl Match at H<
OraWn ................0 10000(3 0—0
Inddeotally enjoylnx Ihe flsbiBR
Mm. Milton itavl bf Qniwit, arrlV>- -iiadayMIffM.
Umplree—Sawyei and Hunuael.
of Ibis realoa.
ed today to visit ber sls'tor. Mm. Wa.'The cans was fail .fr«n start
tDornN. Ih Will, of Cl.lraini. who j<
ItoMT, Ukfc^ ABsaat I-Ralph
dttitb aad tfam were a nunber
Inc for Klogsley and Wancfclona. to Mu-udiiiR a few wet-i« ol IMgcsoo,!.
Mcada waa beaten by Jeta Jorgenaca
aensatloBal playa Orewn has pUyod. visit friendv.
Mrs llvWlit Atiri ehlldrcn will return
in a handicap wrcatlios natch at thla.
■ and Mrs. \V. A. Kent. wIk> have > Cblcsso TbunidaV.
place Satarday nlsbt. Mcada ayreed II canws BO far thla aeaaon and
been vliiUnc Hr. and
Mrs W. A.
Mrv Vf. IJ. miBlion -went to BeiU Ibiww doneaaas twlaa la owe boar.
Tbe line u»-WyUe;
Rbodea. p; WtaUe. reluraed to Fife lAks ibU ifo this afteninm
aSd'lalM.; - >
It Bav Wheeler, cf; Bull, rf: lirayton. e;
.MUs lllsuche |t,f',;ea ndursvd to
ootof Plahn. aa; Klrchner. tb: Boone. SI,;
Mby.Bleni and rharles John- Ka-u Jordan this afuiiiaoii'.
Marahall. jb; HuimnH. rf.
>n returtu-d to Kcyrionu ibis morn.
Mm. M. K. Kmoi}. t»f ('harlerolv.
Orawn—Itodorle*. If; H. Jlarr, lb;
at the end of e ralnulea, Shadd a^
reitiiiied hcinte IhU aflrrno-iii, afie,'
rf; E. Harr, c; BobinIdtI. Jb;
oirinc thb (Shrr two taUf. Jorrenaen,.
udli,p..a few days nl Ne-ah-ta-wanhowever, aaaerta that (he referee Reynolds, of; llrsiidall. sb; It iisrr.
lilbu- IbU momtne to vlall
Mrs. Emory ivsldrd In Noithpon
ss; Caulkoll. p.
bul for many years ha-,
Most Smidsy, GraanniorU tbeasyEhubelh Jidimon. ot Ilurk- cvuidu,
wot wtffclauhe daof.
lum iDsni at liuwera lUrUrr.
Icy. who has been tlMtlnc Mrs. K. U.
lesun and UUs Stetaoo. returned
U II Itetile. pt»iiua.'tcr at Ballons
me this nmrsinc.
Itay. was Mvmghl
borne yesleniay
Bn daiues Bmiwt. of Wllliamsbnrs from Aun Arisir, where lie anderwciit
iis In the cliy Kalsy. srennquinled by lienln'vni at thc.l'iilvvrsliy busplial.
her chihlren.
tv. r.lUdrUffe. of tH-imlt. adrerllsMrs. OliarlnR Germaine went t» Ing agent tur the ivre Maiquetie rail'
_anMroe this nomlii^ lu aiK-nd a mad, IsjMug the nonhern n-suris. gotbori^^uc vitliluc ftlendt at Bed liiR to Northport yesterday. He Is ncPark.
rtooiuinifd li? Mrs. nad.lllTe.
Mra. C. Trontalnc, arconimnled by
Chas. V. MiErlrui. rent ■■stsln delier dsuchlor. Miss Treuialnc, of Ma­ jwnniept niniui,-er and A. .McbulsuB,
ple City, puMod ihrwnsb the city this Chief |«o| bdt’iwr o! the Bioger Bowmorning on her way to igngsloy w 1»k MHchlue tin. are.sp. Udine a few
I INI relailvea.
da<B In the dry wBd surrmiudlng vllMrs. A. I>vcy went to Grand Ibsp- luaus In the luiercsts of the above
ids Ibis tuottilng to visit friends.
Mr. iird Mrs- l_ Kontc and Mm. J.
ITv.r. <’ T (Iniwii. or Mt. PKasanl.
Veaipy. of 8l UmU. wito Id I'm- c1i> »as In ilic <li> iiKluy oii bis way to
today on their w^ny to Walloon Ijtko. 1 .-land to ii-lii Ml*. Urawn.
where they will sjvend several *eek»
Ik-. J. M. Wilhelm wss called to
' '
Ann A'bor.Bslurday tiUtbl to alicnd
Mapoon rvturned li> CTic hit ai<ter,-MU» <!ra<t-. who la guile
Imygan Ihbi ntormns. after vUltiu;; m. Mlvi Wilbolzn w:u
taken tick




». -


neaeliMd Flour

lt*« injurious. ••BEST" Flour Is
not bleached and Is etrictly pur#.
Ae^^odutt of Michigan's best

H^ab & Lay Co.’s Mills

while vlsMBg trlentfa la Abb Arbor, bee* the guests «( Dr. and Mra. O.
aad attadBy toeA b (mb Toir ' Oa U. Chase, left this momlng tor their
woraa. her hratbet lht« betag aent bomai.
s. George Stelnol e( SeugBS by
passed' tbroagta tbs ehy this mom- Berry, of Ctas
f. .
leg ot) her way to Dojuc City, to visFRfIBONALG.
It bee sens. John atsd Henry StetoeL
Mrw. A. U Mndg* and ton. MtaM.
Mrs. Mb Psy nnd daughter Mar- ireet to WalioB thla-BomlBg.tB vHR
irrom Saturday’s Rcrord.!

Mrs. F. U Carson
dpaitfter laR'ieft this moswfng for Cadinae aad Mrs. Obrer
Mra. Mary Paiwdna. «( FnnMiRt.
Rath, of IMroll. are the eviesu o( ihe nnd Grand RapMs to Halt Maodi
Ind. la IB tba «0y vdeRlng'hnr aeaR
Kev.* aod Urn. W. O. BloraU.
Mra. James AnMd and amu wi
United Stuea eaoalbr lhm • y^amqn this tnontlat to anend tbe nsytoa and Jaka Uertg Bar Gaun­
ter. Mra. c r VMImr. and Mb.
roww and his rastpalgn aecnrtary. J._ Tau Metwist ramp mrnlag
Niek«r^ danghMr. am nm wIMtN
B WurthlngtoB. of Grand Hoplds.^ Vn- M.^.'Btott who has beta
Wt ibU
morning tor Charteroli
mg fTien^-Tn the city, returned to at tba lagvlgw• here the senator will apeak this Vanderbilt tbli Boralng.
(Japtaln W. P. BahertiOR. W «kd
• lU IbOB go to Petos
Urv JcdiB Aab and chOdinn ralum- «sh tug, nifmeii. M 1BIIU U
od to Battle Creek this luoml^ aRe' was In Uta c«9 (odor an hMMMA ,
Mr. and ^rt. E. Xuaemaker and vislUag in the city.
Nns Saatria MrOaa. who hdi AMR
W. W. Hendrloks and
danghter vlalilng Mr. and Mfa. Chartaa -MRik
(amily. of Chlraao. were In the rli>
Ustay on their way to Fouefa. wbetc Mias Margaret, a-bo have been visll. retamad to Bona CRy ttJa
il«y have u aumaier roitaae.
Urn. M. N..«ai*eli W< this imira
Irg for Ovisll to visit ber daughter.
Mrs. tienrge tirooka.
Mr. and Mm.- p. MeGulre. ot Omnd
Rapldr. passed through the city ludsv
einvid two «<wks at ifaeJr siuii
mer cousge ut Uarp lake.
Mr* R P Carr left Ibis momlm:
tor Mt pleasani to visit her mother.
Mr. and Mrs.
a. Swanson aud
Hr. and Mrs. Schniglan. «f Cbl<9«».
psssrvl ihrongh the city IhU amniag
their wB> to Foontatn Point.
Jlss V. Crime*, of J*aw l*aw. was
In the cliy this tuoriilBg on her way
to Koipire. to visit Miss Blva WiUanl
Ur. and Mrs. H. Mcod. of Bay aiy.
irn ihU imCiiiing for Manistee.
Mm. J. <1 Thl.tiie, of Port Wayne,
id., passed through tbe cll)^(hi->
lOinlng <.n her way to Inland. ji hat ••
uhe will spend ibu sunaoer.
Miss i^ura Rwinon. auendant at
tbe Asylum, left this momlng to spend
iM-r.lw'u wtwka' vacathn at ber home
I lUg llBpIds
kbw, M. liaiisbeit^T and Ur. ami
Mra. J. K. Ilurkell. of Uouroc cuaii
-. wen- in tbe «lly today on (heir
ay to UayheM to visit friends.
Mrs. Heon* Sperling has rcloraed
om w vUU with friends at Frank­
fort and l»dicgTon.
-s P It. Galio], and cblldren Isii
nurnijug for Bpriugfeld, Ohio,
where they will make their future
-home. They wlU visit frlcoda In Lau
sing over Sunday.
Mist Hell Handy wmit to MonnuCenier this momlng to visit friend*.
and Mrs. J. J. Parkar left this
iiuiiilig fur baitsing, tsbere he was
called by the death of hla brolber,
Frank l-keher. who died yeMerday a'
hi* home, aged 4T yearn. l|« luavea
Mrs. WTilkim Folsher , Mt thi*
.tiKiinliig . (or TbotupsonvIOe id visit
lileads. .
lUrry UUarr. of Fife I.ahe. is v|.
lung friends In the city. Ho will r<miati until Wt-diM-Rlay.
Mrs. Joseph Uirarden an.l daughiiklh-s May, of Wyandolie. who Itave

Challenge trepbp
Cup Haee

Open to AU IMw B I ol OM «rc«l Uktl.
Handicap Launch Raeaa
Trunk Cabin Cruiser Claaa JUoe '
Free>for-Ali Salllns Racf
Paddling Race

Water imina Tonnumie
Thursday and Friday

Aug. 11-U
Travsme ctly, tHeh,

Glenn W. Power. Chaimian Regatta Commlni
SSf stats Bask BMs. Cn.akM.SSS




has crowded the store with enthusiastic buyers, but Its no wonder.
With such values it would be strange if the store was not tuv>wded.

MEN’S SUITS, Michaels Stem’s High Grade Make
The Newest Styles




Best Colors All this season’s goods

Men’s Suits.

Men’s Suits

Men’s Suits

that were $18
and $20.00, at

ihat were $12.30
and f 15.00, at

that were 8.00
and $9.00, at

*2.00. .t........ ...siks

_____ S1.9S

WoHt Shim, wen 50. hi..............It7e
NegGgee Stiirti. wete $1.00. at.. .Mc


4S££, ££!;«
BSr £=f
Hats '
Waslr Suits

: ..I9c

were $6.50 u>d $ m m
L0D(i Coats $tfl.00aud$20.00aitu.l0

“ 3S«j
at 45c, 6Sc, 98c, etc. Towels 9c. 12c, 19c. 25c

at 39c, 69c, 89c and $U0
Calleaa per yud___ ______ Sl-Sc

CkaUlea per ,..d............... .....5e
Waah GoaBS «iee tSeud 30e o 18c


$0. »i


mat ante


at pR(





Traverse Olya


'faaM tkat (kb OMklaa aaeM aa»
pm» Hr vaad with tba »HHar aa>
akHaa. Kowraat. ka Mlawad Maa
aa tkalr katH. tattHe aaar tka« at
TtaMaa. Mattkaa arar WUMbcIm.
■jala aaMag la alfbt at tha* at Bah
tlaaeaa. WkUa paaMc aaar VlcftaJa
Ha arHtar alawad ■» ta OgWaa a
laaaa aat. aad atw tkia tka tacUlraa
A fM» «l 9M^
vara Mt ta klB ambalT.
Attar ■pliMMaa'a raiTaadar ha waa
panaittad to r> «bara ka Ukad. Mk»F JA*OM 4UD90M
toe a bat Hat tar Bkbaaad. ba taat
hto atoplarar arar tka paataatoa. Tha
ewiiAU wa hr *■»<»■■ rm
-two draw ap aMa hr alda. asd wUla
korartv tka arlator fara Hr. Baettoa
aa aeeoaat at what had btpptaad.
It'VM tto aid mm vttk • Tuto-Wkat ara tha beat petota at roar
«MMlr«»MWlathM.O>ra«hM ■aehiaar aaktd tba tottar.
etMHi ht*a wav-gak* ilatof aad do abtuir t»

;4n Aeroplane

• •sinta to Bait tka Baed.'
Ban Harpky k tka mb. aid
tUak Ua name tboold ka apeUad with
toataad ot
aak HotiAt. b«
ttMOPContoBa Hail Bnatod at WaH look tor atory at aarty Irteb buwry.
wkkh ba takaa a Mac tiM to toO.
Mlebloan Ptata Pair.
Bart Morphy U aa IrUkaua kaowa ,
•ror tiic oeUrr world as “Tho Maa'
re asm OQUAiit ratr op ploor Who Stoti to Drat the Baad.' HU
ooko. wbOo hlcktr eulilrsMd. k ^
toodaat aad bat tbo trrainl powor ot


The tsCToaatac <




PrntoQt 10 hk akraikw to tbo
cnifsty Jotona Beaapaita had totwMd
yooac asthon
at that CiM to rofoa for tketr wit aad
rrekleaa gayat
tajaty. Oa tka croaiat afkr
hU ooadsatUi
iioaitoetUa to tbe crows H
pbsiu ba not two ot bk torlal conBale. tanaer^B hired
cue laoralBc aod Bad Uowclt to ton
with tbe Widow Harper, who owacd
the aen |aim ea tbe weat. Be had
koowB Aer tor
bm krre bad
corn cre^ttog atoog'^to laaMleoaly that
It care bin a abock wbea bo aoM to
away with tom aad tot ui ba o( to]
VpoatbtoJetoaaeMokblimeadato' Tb* WMow Harpar owaed bn tor»;
oae at tbe boot roatanraata to tbe Joba Ztoto waa kioply o Urad
Falato Boyal. Tba three rbatted and S» a Motb. n* Widow Harper
Uagtnd and nid aad did a tbooaaad could dtocuae Sbakcepaaie; Joba Dale
at tboae tooUab thtage wbtrb wbao ua- bad aiaply beard that Oelunbos dtopcomadinted are eo deUfhitol.' It nay i corered Ataerlca. The Widow Harper
beoupfK.eod^tiba-c;»nreatkio w quoted poetry; Joht Del# cooMa terea

-Ocodt Ta kikt tkb paapar wa part ot tba paepla at waatat* aad
mat cat akara bOa. To brtoc hlai aorthara Hlchltaa to tka gaattotoaa
to tma wa hoh kata bowba to drop wha oonprM tka naaatonaat ot tha
toir aad who bars gtraa ao UbaraUy ot
. *901 tba botoba wtO aoalkllata roar tbair tiM aad naaat to balldlag-ap aa
awo wtfa aod daacbttr aa woU ai Mr. toautottaa that tba oennoawaaltb ot
Htoblgaa nay ba Matty proud ot.
Thrao yaara ago tha lacroailpf da-'
naada far additkoal tpooe to which to
riS^^y'^SrSoS^to’^tSS "P~taMotherOoo.,rh,M. O. ac
couai Of thea, tbtaga aad naay otbero
ttappbto lata tba SpladiotoD iaa>
ehlM. ba ptrmtttad tba eat ba lift to
yea appaove ot ny ptopooal yoo ahaU
ae tar abore bln aa tbe Mode
to wbtrt It llfcad-io tba MOB It tt tto topt loag waa built cooialalag Aoor,
accempaay M. l oo. C, abaU ba ny •bore tbe corodeU. Lore bad ceaw.
eboai and ba aad
«oca ot aaariy IQ.OM aqoaro toaL
aacretary. Aa ter you. r, who aroj but It waa a bapMn tora. Bbe wae
ter the BaarnC alty. BkhM
thoraby addtag to tba targa buUdtog
toetd ot booka, t appotat yoa ny IBm- hot ter Uai. Wbea be atroilcd orer to
tbtr proeorad baaba aad. H
apaea alraady saad, aad orory foot of
ttoa." Tbo artaagfoaeM wae aceapt- ber bouae ab* Blgbt wekOM him with
ad la tha diraec
tkk largo iaeaoaao waa tllad dartag
ad aad raildad erar a Aeab faottto ad a atalle aad repeat iton trea fiyroa
im aad im. Laat year, attar tba
I or UlUoa aa they aat to tbe gloai
pair bad cloaad tba nok BuecoastsC
At leugth tbe party brass to tbiak hot to tbe ead abe weald laarry a
to toartr a poor
waak ot Its ocutawea. ao groat bad
•f itartog aad arwdtogly called tor tog merbtoe ageat. and be most aeSer
It tba tlM--at tha
«■■. BRapaaleai---------tba bill. Jerooe prodooed hto parae. with a brokeo bean,
■MBM^ kad radaead tkalr dtrldakda Aalta. wobM hart btaa glad ta tiro
but tba ktog of Westphalia eoald oaly
For a week tbo tanuer-a blrod naa
ompar eaat.aad tkay HtfaaaHtr bto eoaaoat that tbo party abaMd
dad S louto. which tomed but a aatall kepi bto hopes aad tears to Unoatf.
pBto. Hia. Barttak. who had toairiad aw«^ down tor a ctorgyMa tkat tba
had baaa boused to
portloB ot 300 traan. tbe aaiosat ot Tbea ba coaU ataad U no tougor. ead
StkMkaal wbta ba waa a brahatoaa toran nitbt ba aardad. bat aba taar*
tbe tdlL Tba aew digalurles by club- be nade a coaddaat at a llgbtali^ red
ad bar haftouM^ diapitaaiito. Tka cranpad qatntra. that tba Fair naaBBRT MORPHY.
btog ibrlr wesUb ceuM oaly nastor naa wbo caiae aMwg sad stayed ororyewatarHin Baalup wot todlSaraot. Igiuiil dacMad to uaa Carrligo l{aU
tor that parpoao. aad tbk yaar tbU
algbt. After aupper tbe auanei waa
Tha torara PaaUy praraUad erar tba graat bulldtag wlU ba rooanad -AgH- •Tha Maa Wh* dlaga to Boat tha obout a traaco.
' Itliat arta to be done? At 1 o‘ctoek takeo out behlad tbe straw stack aad
Hdto Hdy*i eaatloa. aad It waa dw aoltanl RalT aad »1U ba darolad aala tbe iBontog wbare evold reaowuea' told all. He llateoed without anillac
cldad that tha MRlOfa abotod taka tlraiy to tarn prodocte.
ba touadt They deteriatoad to aaad anco. Be llateacd to the racy ead. aad
Tkk latt tba Fair wtthent adaouata bran baad that wlU giro daily «*• for tba master ot tbe bouee aod ae- , tbea be atgbed ead ebook bto baad
aa toaaaiBC at aeat ni. j
Balat a eoopla ot hoadrad aUlaa eat
quBtot him bow meneco stood. So aoiemo wey and replied:
at aaa. Bit a Ukaty pkea to dad a non tor tbo aaAluUoB ot roUcM onti to too graad suad.
■semed to take tba frolk to good part
‘'Joba. U you were latkiag about
HtotyMB. raUaaabaa twoad bk M- aad. tbonMoro. boUortag that aa te-1 The eclrbralod barltooa. kaows
Maa Who Slagt to Boat tbo end uurely reqaeated to kaow tbclr ' girl It would be dUtereoL bat abe'a
P.t«pMlai aaot tndaa at bar tati
ebtoa toward tba kad. Bat ttea had Bod by tbo added aatUtocUoabotoatl-lTbo
ot all Band.- wlU giro aoloctloaa orory atHsTtog toU him. ibr raatoa- widow, you see. A widow to a rarioas
baaa iMht la eonlat to o doeUoa.
aod bo waa too tata. Vbaa Itty aiUao corAoerwwl aad approclatod by tbo pub- tatsooB at tUt yoar-t Woat Mkhlgaa rstour set bto euatomero dows aa creature. No man Just koowe bow
- aow Carriage Mali, aa exact do-' state Fair, which to to be bold
aberpart tad thresteaed to send for handle ber. 8bc may toll late tbe an
otr MeitoU tbo MChlea baarlag Hr pUeata
at tba c*a araetad to 1M7. baa Otsad Bapida. 8epL IMCih.
H. Haw Toe*. Barltoii. ditroo by dptodktoa. ap
ot a tto poddler. or abe may teU a nilbaau roently compiaMd. aad aroryl Mr. kSfpby'attdoe caa be beard at' «d Jeroi
llooalre to take bto bat aad ga”
ad poar Tkflala baock. Ilka a aaatoll.
arallahle toot ot thu HAM aqaara' p great dieiaapa atoging to tbe ac-‘ uaraieur doubted them, baoded orer
Tbea there's ao bopo tor me'
feet will ba used tor tbe mUHUoo of .wnpaiitaieBtjif a braaa band ot t( lol bto watch lo paymeut. Thto wauto platoUrety atted tbe hired Ma.
' Sir&iak. Hr. Btottaa. taartac that
flae ckiTlagM uad autamoHles. uad loo pieces, ' He Is an atUscUoa du-| had bm a prroeet from Sapoleou. and
“Tee. tbece'e one tope. If tbe wid­
A fttot dtal of pewto had beta «aod tbe pktnua ot tbe West Micklgao tareoi from aayihtog erer offend at< on tbe berk waa the emperor’s cipher
Ml Clklto Aalla ^t to aom ot
ow quotas poetry abe'a romantic.
la bu MckM Han atoittot. aad r' State rar wUI this year see aa exhlbl-, tiu- Fair, and will be neatly approd- m bntllants.
<11 Hill **^;***> PaUaikia. had kaaw k had not tbo capacity for
Ou examlulog tba wateb the rsstau« «Mr aC Hi awR akaaatoc. aaaM lea« *Hek raa ortth tbt eomlaf atrorateur coucludrd tbit it had bm
^.HacHwj, 1^ plaao. It waa to aopply tbk racy datioku sad took U to tbe commtoesty
taet-U other worda. to bt raady to
ot police. Tba URer. recogaktof tba
tors aid dtht-tbat ho had prorMad
ImperkI cipher, roa with It to tbe prokk bird with a ran. if tbt wont
Aft Animal That Reads and WHtee. Jrct. The ptefoct dew to tbe wtoktar
«M ha w<nM aaMh tba pamlag'
| of tbe Interior, and be to tun wuat to
Dreeeee and Undreasea Itaell.
■tor aod dr«i> Ha owoar ton tba waraai
Ambs tbe special features that win tbe emperor at Be Claod. Neat morabatow. Bat ba bopad tbk would aot “
•ear |»00 M. are oSered ba axhlblled durlog th«- Weoi Mlcbt tog the Moaltrur cooulaed an ordP
be oniiiiry. Boworer. to order V
tbto yaar tor emapMltloa among tba gas Biate Fair, shich All be held tbla uttce la which Ji
tho aooMst abouM taka plaea a
comltoa of Mleblcaa, asd wltboot year. Sept. 1M«U>. et Oraad Kapida. WestpbalU at t
watsr ha mada a ptotsuas of UgbL
a toidiwti paw at
lUM^^be^iwlt eshlbltlok wtU be wlU ba -Maaeppa." one of the mast from coutorrtof any
Whsu Mr. Bantoo raachad a pstot
dHHaBaaaaiiak wBaa n------B IB Mkklgaa and tanous bones of tbe world, os Bto aad bu arrlrsl a Ua caHtsL-T. V
MM • Btoea la M ftfkt and. laabM aoM two aHks dktaot tram FoUbbo- oae ot tka anst toterostlag faati
eduoatto by Prof. Backeaetoc.
doB Wrwkly.
• Madaa eaMat laward tkt panr. baa tha toRor nw bto naebtoa sod- ot tba fair.
I ThU aalmal li
daoty IM to a aplruL Ba dfrtoad tba
Tha acootloa. at tbk .. ________
ot horse deeb^la almost bumas to
IH. Baatta* Han kad prorad to upabet of tba maMurar to a moMPL baUdtag roqutrsd ao nuch apaoa and
. .
uaderoundtog of tbe eonmaadi
%a was mwadad. Hr. Vaa OaaoB Bombs bad baao ao toog uasd that It tto space berotofor# used for tba ax-! gtraa to It aad la tbe raptdliy wlU
HiHii waa oat to a anaktoa at waa oTidsnt tba
Ubltloto of tora ImpleBMAU bartag, which It dembustratea Ita kaowladge The Velee ef Keeping tto Herih
• paw tatters aad waa baartas dewa than aad. gotttog so a bigbar ptsoa. ptOTsa toadaqaato last rear. It was da.' et tbe laqurots made by Professor
k, .x.
fpmtoito. H waa aaMaU JHprah wouM aoonaad tba Htuatku. Tba ddad to awre tto ImDleneat .flkd Parktrif'-t Miiwra can read and ^
** ebowo by tM teau aa
Barltoa ear dlmbad a tboasaad tost;

arktar. mada tor a potot dlraetly w
tba better display of t
nary.! Mim aad stocklagi
docklog. and ggo~e through
thing Chat can happen lo ua a
which wUl uaquaaUoaably add groatlr
I liualtaed a
rau a MTU wa> i«v r
Tba Mear know Ma atomy's dator- to thto feature of tto Fair.
mt morn, bars aad HratH wtoea natara aad that ba would ptoca Tto ebangtog ot tto laplemei
abe'a romantk yoa tova a Cbaace.
kin to a poatttoa to to bombed or
td a DOW location hreught up a
wnV“tor.Td‘iT,h'Sl^'UVta iSS
Yoo're got to appeal to bar ranaaea
tbta eelebrsied animal demoastrstek cbe* our enemk.' eer. or thr-ts. •
yWd. Of cauM to wuaU toes
- tag Hr tor-dylag Hr tore at
la tbe optaloo of ib<
yWd. Ba tkaratera pot aa aU Hwad.
eommlttee ot tto Fair the horse tto patleace of Its teacher and tto totor^^*
toL af couiBo. neeod tkwly. toatog atiHee were not ceoaMered adequate taMgouoo with whit* h baa rcoalTod
“Dot u 1 dtod 1 aura «oaldn*t naitr
■MMIdd kM aad losekad a pkaa
ncaaas tt was aamtlal that to tto naada of tto dOmor. of tto ttoa Ito-toatruettana.
more .beolutely under our ctatrol thw her.Biffloet any other etruciure ot tto body.
'Hk* Mn. Mkdkm ckau tosa
oaa rtotogtocitok
-Ton muMT really die. bat almooL
barm that tto larga puroaa offered by
Neglect Ibem and they decay at once. Bore, now, let aa do som planoing
tto power ad Fab
It briag ereiy ytor.
Hew Cement Walk.
oj,, them pr^r atlestloB aod they I’ll beat a tarmac rraty day la tto
_____ -. 7 with tka de- tonabaYa saroplaM
Tto Bpoad Btablaa tore boea ton
a la totes bln out to asa. «al tosbkn. Mr. I
Anew cament walk 14 feet wide baa will go on repaittag tbemselraa tor weak wbao ttVbnalOM. but when 1
dowu and MO Btablaa. modem aad
■Htothaw Rothlnaadtoreadhln
___abeoa btn. Hr*. Bsrttau tog­
. bk brert out for untore bm bum thto sen bai WditNoi tbo main entrance ai forty. flOy. elUy yesre.
twvar vnupnN bay. lb a tow nte- ged Fliltouahll to fire up Ike BlgM. aan. and itooe ,
________ tod af tto Waat Hlcbigas dire chlUm plenty of
reqoltfd tore 1 cant i back on bl»-“
Maa Mm tka puiuaar had tka party but iku Tutag MS was OMtaudluS orltb a tea. bro*d i
■tale Fair grMnda to tbe aouib eo- food to chew, and they will get tba
The talk brtwm tbr two waa atiktmm fMun'Mawua, dytog daa aaat tor k hklf MUM daOnr brtda uto waa from tto aeuth gate to M
trsnea to the mala baUdlog. beretatoie pearly rigor of tto aarage tooth with ly prlTite. bat OM ot tbe raaalta
nor to ka Haaiaragad Wkau Mr. Bn- Ran. makof tba'Waat Mkbim Stma'
the enduram-e of tto CauesaUaa. to band wf -’
' “ Jobs Data
ttau wu a naa uwuy and -000 tost 5kk the equal at aay ttt^MMUto-'
atoond by bk omptojer la the ban
'''*• Improrement will Abore kll. tto food mhouU to of such wastoand
abore Mn FollaMt w HffhM a tosn tlou ta bU pan of tto eouatry No
add to !be ronreDlenca at • character aa to glre exercUc aad
« as to bad swung off la a noosad
threw tto tod soar tka «ur aad walk ■tots Fklr MB offer totter firBmtt'

•••T maaeago to ttoguma IkrtotthUcaa rope to commit rukldk.’*
>. aad raUdwTka athar aod of tto twe wut
t coam food ta
"Voa tamal Idiot, bet wtot did ywt
tod to s luehaidlta Broweik. taad
addlOou to real food-ool aa
do It torr demaoded tbe Hrraar after
BHkt A cantoawta took ptoca. atkr
w batten at tto cur. which to a
tuie for it-and part by latenUoual and be tod cut down and rorlrad tbe rk■RIM Hia BnRan and kertwe daMk- tow ninnt waa HMtod. aad. blow Offer tbU your, will make tto Fair of
rigorous tncUen with (be toetbbrtwb.
toto dtoggiltoan Hr awB aaroplaaa ti« off a graat qtoMtty at buratog me Wggar and better' tton aay Fair
Toba Dale abed teara, and aald hk
■Art Mall.“ so called, at tbe Weat To brash tto gums weU ta belt tto
toto ttdt a< M^ fWHaalw.
powder. Oa uaruptoaa abet lapMt- Ufa etaa a burden to Mm, ato M
braabta, tbe teeth.
baU to tto grounds eff tto
WeatMl^ S^e Fkir la ao more. Ttaa;
MwwRlk Mb. BHttsa bad tatt tM ward.
coeraa tto Widow Batpar hoard M
Fkir. Wo kaaw that' huge eeUgoBal bulldtag with «*leb all
tto mouth ato guM
-tmt ad Ma atoaa kMMHg dawhi
Wkw thto suddto aaeakt aakssd
tto attalr and wondered «yor tt. Tbe
touatoa wua to a torn wtth hla ouawould be auklde censed ta rtait bar.
wm ba abowu by eeaa a greater ebrkteato and this year will to knows themed^
ny a*d but atty yards away.
attaadanaa tbaa that ot last year.
aa -Manufactutoio' Ran “ The char- tlnct named and latolto aorta of to^
to dlfoettoa ot hla
•Tn about » run yon. akr extod
Ton due aftcf hla ftrat attewM tba
rriFYINB THE PAIR OROUNM wW be tto aai
-Dout." ptsadad Miu. Barttto.
bind men made antabec. He was
m obYlorily MU--H« proprMy unleoa you giro
-------i the chatoo rt a
^TmtfelM laon at hk aaftoctaaa ^Tkara was a paaaa. Mr, Bt
currloa to get drank oo.-pr. Woods caught Jtwt ae be wus aboMta
waat MtaMpHi •tata Pair Makln a *ad.
- RMtoar. bruit tt to bsar a* toa •« saw that tto gtM waa leat
:o tors kUad a
of enoogh peris g
'9M aatuw a«L Dtaeoeortog that Ua
•rmat^ your tmr to aakei
conple ot bones, tt was tbo Hrmar^B
iiaUdli wqpakkwttoaMddigktm
■nt to ny nantoffa wttb yeur
wife tbst ceoght him this UtaA aud
•IK Lanue-e Loog HK.
tto diroetloa ot Suportawith m rwm artotar to actotiol. ba
as tto fare him a box oa tto ear aad
teadaui Pratt, to*a bm busy at tto
.ma abaat ta lay asMa hk gton wbta
“Very woIL“ foptkd tto u
Amaelcua Magwdne llngb R T'ultar- sBaicbod tto dish eeru Hota Mta Mo
West HMMgan State Fair grpaadA
********* hoeattog T wffl conaauL but poutttrH
tea daecrlbn as foUows the longiot bit
plaattag tuaaii. trees, ehrahs. eta.
n glee tor a dowry of mp
“ WHl. H yoo tolat Ipitag tata tto
over rocoeded:
aad a mneb more actrweuee appearkaar a» toto dMM^a aaw raUaaabiggest tool la Atserkat Wtot ta cut-“Lange, wbo was ot tto middle
inCO than ow boteeo will greet Fair
haa tkaa to tt abd }aat stoictog tor
of tto game, made o htt ta CUctanaU alp aits you. aayweyr
Tttttors when tto big cxpaaltloa opeu
Ato dsa aacuRW 1 tka Baettoaa.
-ire ny broaktag bMrtF was tto
ea Stot- Ittb.
- - to botfcad that FallaatoaFa
tearful rrplyloagcot
TkU k aloBff tto Unea ef tto poBey
ad a ktod ha had aat
'Vour bmktag fiddMdeto: irs bdied tto center IMd teoce. whkb wu ousnrsB
4 waa of tka bkd typo. ot hU futuro Mo-ta-Uwk abUlty to adopted by tto State Fair TnaBarwiiaal
and BotUng eke. Touareaeton
best btlB la ttogSM of aarttd aUpa. ta tasktag Cannock Park crutlMu
ncroea Wealero tecsoe. went tbraagb luffjlto a boy ua yean oM.“
Tka weddtag took plaee with greet to the oyea. aa wtil aa e
Tto widow toned of this aeeond at­
btUUaMy. aaettor'diaMOOAOO batmg ntad by tto ^eudld e
tempt. and tt made her look oertous
added to tto astflaaMt 1a order to
II eooKituto,
tar eeretoJ days She woold bare had
a fottane for tto salooo. ua big cfi
tto Fklr.bk year.
•ckad wttb tka Baettoa tonlly. bat
a isik with John bad be appeared, bat
WM to ece tto baU oa exhlUtloB
I trad tnpeaaibk to tnagtoa wtot
Tto pellCT et btaOTttytag tto Fklr
abe looked tor him tti rsla.
-kal saaM wotod ba. it waa W to
_iwanH fa currM oat cn-ar tto eattto
Two weeks pnmsd this tliaa. and
BaaoBtrtadakatba would na dowa
Fair grouada. Many new dower buds
tbeo ce w tbe tbtrd attempt at sakldr.
akttug of tto rest
wm to teubd la rartoei lecuune. and
Tto tarmer and bk man were mewtag
tor a aril tot abe d go be^e » tor grass bealdr tto rtrer wban Jobs sadcUnaa owMd by tto bn
ta tto course of ttna Cometoqk Park
Haw York aoelaty. Oa a bright aftn^ will to SM of tto beauty spots of
donly thnw sway hk scythe and
“Why didn't TOO let beer
Man a tbeuaand anoplansa naa from OrattdRaptda. Tto rraaiuJ of tto tata
leaped Into tto rarmt. Tbato hap­
“Her ruUroto tare weald coot M
•Mdtsr to toOaw' tbe two aaroplaitoa.
oarlaua pHats ta tto city, bormd fw ptoBHttt field north ot lu foraer iwpi
pened to be an old boot taaady. tod tbo
•a., tae hat.“—Boetc* Traaecrtpt.
for Mr. Borttoe's aac awklM tton. kd by tto noan at tto tkk. tbe laying «ff new eomat walka
Hraer masngfd u aot the rietin
bridal caupU. anttad aanaard
■ to oeoataHw M otbaca. bk c
uad tto aracUoe of new bulMiago
ssbore and etiotek bin ea tto mom
theototlatot, Aftarantpata
■eigNt Bey.
akag tbe Mot uwdora lies. In
Ttoa to tare way ta M ladigaattoa
lo sebooi tbe otber day a young tad hr skoattag:
wbkb »D tbe prtnelpul
with landarapo gardsali
laalug wtn
was aatod what to would intbsr to
Mga topply et lead and btakabka. at Msrast H tto T
“Too pnetoadtd laaatk: WtoTefOt
_ ___
X Park OM
wbaotogrowup. "A aaockkoldw "
Ikaul fHMibit Wttb tto HMtpn- uda and MMdeu wu
tata yon tkk iina irT XHa tt tto
at tto BUM MB gnauda ta tto oo«»
•HRdtuiMHn tt ma kst tp ha M M« paiM nenwad
PM«Mbw M M« h«mrtr M> «o.
»ift vfeilo tka aM vMowar plaaktorM>iaia>[- r--------- * —'
■a*. faOaMkaaalMldliaaaaaaatka
ina^Olny af attlac te a cM ka
•HMM* aaivart li tka atrte ta «kkk
■ka M kaaa aaawMMd. bM ka MM
a« M aM OMk CuoUr a* hla M«kar^ Ma. aiM tha DatehaMa who aattMlMrTarttwanpratatMiUyabatlMtaaM atapM.
Okk «a«M aaveaM Aat tba BacItaM.
Vka ovaai a MM4 auitlac froa
Hav Yea*, naatae ta Maw Oftoaaa
■HI tbawe aroud tka Fadke caaat




Let the Herald and Recoil Co
do your Job Work.

We baeo learaed that i

toMBnayo^ kMIadH. WhaN
*Tn la loTor tapnst MB aflto k
aac niaatr.
^sa*ro ta whatr
Tn to toOo wttb tba WWtow Haipto.
bat abo daat ton na. aad tkaTa why
I -wui to dk. 1 atoad k OB 1 aakt
nr aak bar to kart jaaF

Tto widow beard tf tto thbd ak
tonpt Ottoogh a taraera boy. ato ska
was aitttag 00 tto Toronda atM om
per aad thtaktag (to mattar over wkua
Joba Dale aaddealy appaarod. Bahad
a story to tod. and to wont rlgto MB
tike a «MB toettg com.
-Widow Barpec.- be b««aA *T kMW
hatat at to Uck your iboaa. but I
>To you. Wbea 1 toaad 1 was lartts
.oa 1 titad ta kin tto Htttag. but tba
balder 1 triad tto mere 1 Mod. TtafO
why 1 tried ta bang myaolt.T
-1 000.“ Mo tatd M hi paseed and
wiped away a tear.
-1 was la bopsa my oorotbreat weald
Mke M forgot you. but It dHuT. t
bad aaffecod ter yea. aad yoa wore
dofcrce ttoa oror. 1 cealdaT at yoa
oat of ny mind. 1 bopl thtakta* aud
ibiaktag.aad. kuawtag bgw btpifin tt
waa. I torpcd ta that talar bag pMk.
1 tod a aoco tor yoa ta ny poefcoL
and yoo'd tore got tt attar ny daata.
Mn. wtoM took tto ptaM away Hon
me lost as 1 waa asktag bmooa ta aL
wayo bkoa you. lu tto note t aM
oaid I hoped you'd be ham wtth aay
man yoo Mrrted.“Tea,- roMtked tto widow as an“Tbeulo
aay cosL t draak
soar elder; I HU eS tto Hm aa parposa; I ptactod tto eowe wbau wilktag than ta Mke tbsm kkk; t tan
tbroagb a bad of nattks ta ny bare
Hat; i tolled off a hayutnck. It was
aUtaTata! 1 was Mtagywi taoro taataud af leas. Dewa by tto rtear I get
to thtaktag about yoa unrrytaff that
sewlag Mfblne agoet or a wira Hwa
man. and I Just utada a tu ter tka
rtrer and Jumped In. 1 awalkwud aU
tto water 1 could, and I kkfcad when
Mr. Wbakn got m by tba bak aad
paUed Mout“
-And attar trytag thnat ttawa
baoo aocceoded ta a
-No. Tttat'o what I*oo o
teU you. 1 keep thlnkUH ptjtm aeacr f
niButo. U a bird staga or a 4aek
OMckB or a moom caekM 1 Mak im
your oaka and took i
tore wtth year
nd now. Joba
ir aatod tto widpw wbta b
uttered bk last word and wu itWttag
hk tsotb to kOM tto toon bark.
“Why. I wut—I want yoo ta bare
-TboaaMtak U yoo bad daao m
a year ago t M
“ .
1 ataall aay naw.“
Potar tto Onat ndoptad rutkar a
twett Maas to cooTtaet hk aukdacta
that they eboald rbaaga ttotr elathM
to eoofora with tba nadan natawia
of wtatarn Europe. BalkrtaH as k
weU koowe bMorkaDy. that tto fu­
ture gioataM of Benta drpaudad apea tba Hditty with wbkb It was wuda
ta aiMnUsto all tbat was boat la
othn cooatries to tod a
orer wbkb be held sway. At kagtk
be had pattefWi of etotb bang up at
tbr gates of itolownA and ttoso who
did cot eoBfonn ta tbe Hsbtoaa tbaa
eel were docked poblkly. albeit tkk
was door ta as plsaaant a matiasr as
pcaalbto. for Pcirr baUrrad ta batag
good natured with hk paspk. Thay.
cm tto Mbcf band. loMiy demaiied
good aooagb Hr tt
** ***^
gave a dtaMr at Uooto ettebreta tbe merrlagi of one
ot hk ksten aud taaktad that tt
ebotbid to rouduetad H atrtat tauHra
Uy wKk anetaat usaffa. Store to<i
tennrfly bm a ---------- - ..................a
tata d* wttbaot a dfA
a oary esM. Ba woaU
■am any wtaa. kecaasa HHr
I WTur drunk It. Wtou
tt was a poM rak wkkk dM wnc
work an arouad. aad tbaa hr Ms •asd
aatund grususas Ttosdkd Ms pasfH
tata new costs sboet the haMsst
tbiM ttot CUD be deas wttb bank*tty.-Lead aa MaB.
Tto Ranaees ef WstarA
Errry great and r,r,iBikBadtaff tauaeot la ttie aaaaln ot tto world tt tto
jtompb etenMestbwttssas TtorkB Hw years frws s emnO and
■Mrs than that of Bom. k aa «xMk. Bat tbeto WU dewa res kaff
I car poUiko. ot> our meden of UTtaff.
noMac morulM than tkat AiuHea
faith ta tto eeoHMot ef tore.
Ttdi ta Cbe oae reenedy tor all Ok,
tto pnnana of natnro. We naet bo
a. sad a( oaeo tbe tapeaetak be------a poofOto. Our age ■»« Mttnry
tor throe tboonnd yoeruberenocbsea
tto bktocy ot klndiasA tot ot sHRMacot. Our dktran k Tory opeaMrs.
Tto moaer w# epaad Hr cM aM
petsoae k tery m kid oat. We .nafee
by dkCTtot tto tblet sM bargtar aM
laceedkry. aM by u» caait aM Jet
wofcerpbinan. AfiaecMtSMoMtka
IIT--------- --------------------------

dea tto e easuB watai bttag tku BMk
•M the euMato ta ear Ml M HUM

For Job Work Gome to the Herald and Becord Cfl. |

Itbox- and rxpi'Ct i<> b.- turcouTuI
I'one year wUb another, aod (bit
be kept
eecb and every year.
Be Up to Oat*.
. 9j FM«k SHdth
One or tbe most Important ta^aeca: today Is (rult groilitg. You
got to be sp-t»dgie botb growtos.
aii>l*B to toe auie. We bare orer ««
baadlug and raarkcUng. No am
different rarletle* that wUI bear tbit
biOT .«« kwt o«r •
make a lurceaa in tte fruit world and
obly will bare a large be a -hack 6umter."'Tbe raettedi
I \
TtoM Em bM M> Burh uM. -U enw, on apple* but my treea are mab- xltoBetkcT dUtereni (rom whet la used
t»mt0 «M 1*)M« tb« aom »iiA bold tog- aa exorlleM giewtb —a better to be. 1 ran remei^r yben you raald
growth (baa they bare made to pre- bura <4 a fUece ot new land, plaat
tb* mMA' t>M AT )Wi Mi
to th* rlsU U(bt ]Toa vlU DcK itondar. vkiuf >ear». trvm aU to •« tocbeiABd your putatoet bnd not go near them
Tk» Sm tblag It, tbt l*»K ch«rria ibat meon* a large crop for oex( yee until dlgrlrc Hmr. You wouM J>x fi
•Md »MchM V«I« tor cMutto
«d I wilt at Uib wrlttog tbat
IwiBtoet. Let's arc you do that uoi
««imA t* Sit* vtktl «« ctH tlr uill hare from 10 to 11 hutsdred tere coodllloux are changing and '
indBM*. IS oUt*r word*, tb* ^berr?. rrfai (or 1*11. I toM yon that I woOR wUl alto have to change or be
AMCb *Bd plua Mta iDtide ot (be hare a large Crop thb year and
•toiek Dteiher.talnly
Up. Tb* Up »M wiMvhti torcr.'
Havt Sell Analyied,
IbtB tb« cborTTVMtotbctliM oribe
Apple Aceliiuatee Itaelf.
There li oAe thing that we wiluall
(ran «b4 bct*d u * pi«iecUoe f<
inl care inything aa i
have to own up, and that la 1
(b* cbnrr. on (be mo* priiuipi* ot
apple crop.
tevc a horiM or a cow ibai U o
bounr Mil. T«b* • boUov wtU and Bui tbe <herry aod peaiS rro|) deproper rendition and we have
(ran it excluded tr ft. vbtle ■ tulM ptmdB cDtiiely on the atwaon. Tbe dirpU toil la to our power, what la tue
«ell dot* DM exclude It.
ferebco between them la that ajdilea MXl tolng we do? W* then M-nd tor
tr tb* fraet bed been 10 day* later
hardier Irull. Tbe apple lornw
one who known oiorr ihai
. V* «aUd bare kM tbe a*e*t efa*r> from tbe atem oad. torreforv toe ya<~ do. Tlitn If we b*v<- an orch.i«l that
Umate Uiemacli’** at they tuai
rloB abd eared Pie eour.
doing .wluu il. oueM to. aciid to
The rweet eberrtet would bare, Tbe cberry and tbe peach tom id tbe
cur experiment ttaltoot and grt tbel*
bee* 'toe enoach ab>ac (o bar* Sited hip. and (beretore are not ao htn^. advice and c'ltb tend them a taaiple
(be Up. aad therefOT* we would bar*
like the apple butlneu. m I w
>ur anil and they wlH analyte
had to> air dratoage, and (be eoui* drpend opon a crop each and erery
and ten you .ioat what li lacks. It
WouM b»ro deeelopU enoogh td bare tar. and If yon dout gel toeoi pickina.r lack bumu«. potaah or pboap
tbe tor dralaag* to lb* Up. Od ib* I one week, they are all there the
Thu advice cuMu nothing and
etber toud tbe eour dterry budt bad txl. Not ao trlUi toe cherry.
c yon buDdredt of dollara. They
alraadjritarted tut'wer* yet Io tbe
The coat o( growing ray applea toll
(bore (or that purpose and
aoUd torn. tUa la Ibe raaaoa we loet aeaaon will doable any two prertote cannot aSbrd to experiment, aa we
AM aoM cherrtoa,
year*, toto to apraytog and cbltlvatH afford to loae a crop. 1 have
Waanlbalaai w* wUi be JaM m far tog. a> the (ODdUIOM were agaitwl never uai-d anything bat atable ma>
atoac to Ibb year i>u crop u tbe ua. Three week* ot eteady tuHtb-weiil
re In ray orchard and hav.- groan
t and alx we^ of dry weather.
traaa bare Made Mch
hisb aa IS barrel* on a tree, and
grawtb. Tbe Mw ftovtb that they There I* abrays an apple year, one that la good Mfrougb. I expect ton
■ad* lU* r<df ui(1 iwt tear onill «nil of two. Anybody can grow ap­ liear that many Uiix year.
I»1L I'do aot (blab w* bare any kkk plet tbe apple rear. 1 have a' tree
llinbr have brtri.<0 down Irolu
eoattor, aa I bare growa cterrl** (or' luAbe wooda that will hear to an apple welglit.

Id yeara. wltb bo tallur* until tbit year bat It hai iiooe on when
pear. Oa asy oUier aute la tbe an- todtUoni' are agaliut It.
Looking over the eondlUonx. the orYou want your apple* each aod
m.aby. ibat?
rbarda have had a hard blow this
^ year, it ean be dune. U your or­
rome looking at fhough they
A* to tbe Apple crop 1 bare OOt loat chard la kept to (be proper condlwould have a aSort crop next ae
what that
AM to tbA -aaiito leAgm et time. Tbte BB. Do
ykt a* though tte (anui-ra .ami
bAtog tbe btidtet year oa amtee to Muia*
growera lack pride. When I shy prHIe
Ftrat. proper apraytog.
tb* UtopfT of tbe atate ot Hlchlcta.
I mean pride In tetlueax. pride to
It bad DOC Affected n to tba leML I
Secood. tertllUlng.
care of you- bualneaa. iiride to hanvia grow «e ot the torxeat and tbe
Third. euUlrailou.
cUing. pride to purketing. ir you a
Raeto (bat I bar# growa atoo* 1 bare
Eouftb. priwtog.
enecesfui yon have got to have
Tkto to aU to be done to tbe prop­ certain amount o( pride. No man has
iron apptoa. aad loitbemare. expatoie bat* OM *( Iba Saeat orop* (tf er (IBM. Yoe -cenDot Here out any of






ever made a wuccea* without baxias !ln>m drvrweing in'^n-i lake. IVhilc
pride. A toxy man Mver wlR have ftvhtog. Mr. SubevtaoD kM bto bal^
tttcceas h*(*use te never will have ance and fell lato. ib« mar. Mtn.
the pride. Pride brings aaetraas.
Boterttoa aUo being thrown to. Tbe.v
. A few words to behaU of ray crop had tbe preaence ot ratod to cling to
Of wplei (bla bad year:
the boat wfalcta was evcrtniwed. Tbh
To* bare beard It »tod *e raueb abouu of Mr Botertxra dnalty a'.i>iat it Is tbe toeat|0A that gives me uncted other Saheraaea to tbeir a>(be rc^ar crops of apples. An> Mat doer not know what I AOaUK —SartoB
■t'lBokeit. a
Le It talklag aeoot. Tbe tocailoa has 'hymer raatdeat ot Palmyra ' townnolhtof to do with it aaywbece on vbim was killed in a wreck «• the
t:iU penlnaule. II you think it doe*, Denver R Rto Grande. Jnly 35. Tte
tome doan and look ovet tbe fruit totter It an engineer oe (be same
eiop loJntog me. Your eyen will not ratlroral and the family now reeldew
deceive you. You MSow me year at at Grand Jui-cUae. Coly. year in my orcbarjl and I will tonNEWAYGO —The Premool Cab-|
\inc« you jski arhat give* me my btog cQiupsiiy baa «|wned a ■Mringcrop ul applet. I take the very best bnans win be banlcd crou eounuy
of my or.bard and 1 know if I leatia win c hauled croro country
do that t will get reauMs. ABycbing to bea<touarien> tor canning, after
raepund to good asm. I can de-! |a .koipping pT> c«-*a. Fruit Is airo to
iwuHl on my orchard. « you have
te bought for canning.
good, (ahbfud bone. («*d him tou
lirly aad give him proper c*r*. ne U
Mrs. 1. F- Tiiui> will go to Pecosalways r«ad> tor hi. dally
k^ today, to bvariMiPc Kibuniate
work him iieveli dtyrto a week IMnck.
' _
and be never will heskat* to do Ua
werk. and to wi-.h tbe earn ray oTceoid geik. Cut ibu berae frutu hu legutor ratioBt and let tfira ran do* ii aul
where an- yon then?
Why Applea Orappad.
^-Wben you get ibU kind of'a roc
MB. foo a>e simply BP "Agtim.l IL"
Thed >ou My “Off yenr.' Your ai«tos
aet aU right, bat ehaiu an they -u>w?
All droiiped off. Wte did they drop?
Simply because you.-Yreea were not
proper condliloB to
staud tte
tirsio vf tbe eold damp weather. Tbe
•Ir was full of tongus and It allark3 your (bliageroDd whir, you; foHse goes prong you rannoi hold your
up of apples. There >* where you
ik proper spraying not only loring
car cKpp of apple* but -you do nnt
get-tbe proper growth ou your trees
tte next cro^ to ordei to tornre
a fnll crop^ apple* yo«i must
a ceruln amognt of growth every
and that Is j not less titan six
Inches and aa jgufc aa 24. with a full
eroA Then you will bare your liw**
to proper eoDdltlon and you can
bank on that tree. It will make you
prasperoans. a a tree to la a pro*;>er.
ou* oondlUon'li will
make ]o*t as
murii of a growth with a full crop as
lexi M«MKi when it rests. The
year that U bears tbe full crop Is the
year that it 1* In prime. An apple
that bears a full mop will i-tM
bear the next teaeon. That tree want*
good care, ai she crop that It bore
Iht pteviooa year has sapped ii hard,
you reallic bow bard it is on a
• to bear 10 or 12 harrol* of apX? You must feed that lice end
c proper care of It. and keeji the
foliage healthy as the foliage la the
life of a tree.
to my. large crop of apple*. It
has caused a d<-ai of excKenint. A
cuod many are still In doubt. ’ We
would Ilk* to bare OM and all cobmand see for thcmselres. Those that
have teen here so lar bare been very
I surprised. Tbere is one thing
Kuie, we are to the game and figur10 stay In. If those that would
tike to aee them vrould be ranch
pleased U they cmild rorae before we
begin picking, which will probah^
te about the 1*tb of this monlh. This
only a buaineea iinNucKtoa and 1
think It vrllt pay yoa for yoor trouble.
Yours truly,
Route 1. box SL


Smm «l l*« BmMi DnskKrt •! Ike Plain Wllb Ike Show

Traverse City. Thurs.
2 and 8 P. M.

M BHi Railroad Cars
ACnnd Program of Thrilling Events
An Action of Bietonce! later, gt The
Mwt raMB Bo mta gad ladihaa. Beal Bauch
lilaototbeP/aSfiA•m A OULL MOIlfMT
Bv«7 Minis for Two Hooit Filed With


Dog*l Miss II! Worik IftUcg Dl
Travel to See

Lad by the Onginal and only


An Intensely iaivresiing as well at EducationalI
‘ V lodlaix. C I
Ikffwa. Moi-rtog of EiLil.iiion a

2 Pwrtormj


■V\>M r
to (he bernadiment el avaixaHoa a EsvItolgteats — toxhlbUtog to an iBraeote Caiivat Kai. Having a Therougbly Waterproof
Ceewrad ArapMthaetra O
OonUtotag •CrnDfortabl*

fgme tor llAto paopta.

geeUl ExcnnloBS tkc U. A Pi. E.'«Sil»wPoy.TfcTMMy.A^U.

2 Big 8M* Show*
2 Acr«a of Cmnvas
Gragteet Rough Rioerw
-------- —.------------ ----------------------

Hartxir cam.- along and picked them
Py (be d.
death of B. Bxwktoa. .w*
up and towed~Ihra as far m tbe
loae one of tb
the oUewi pumeera of thin
J \
regloo. Vr. ttowlriaa evaUng from
by foOnwing an indtoa
Tte-dao^ at RowwtwHartur wu* a
grand surwiwv and everyone i> ImiMag ttall E>vrybod.«% syrapaihy aad con- ^
aolsUon g« to tte berwaved .-bitoram
Kir-twicr** big a time tonight.
:hcr baring di(4l seme <trae
.Mr. and Mn> Ria-phen I'arroii and
Mrs. Cam-ir* <so (tilldrea Molly ami ago.
Ji.viv lltaddcKk. arc wpe-adtog a few
oa>-wai 1‘onorthi.^htas Mi*
Om;:l B iiarcm:*.
Mrs. Henry ZpcR^tr knd daughter
riai.<x-> and iliutcu wto te^- tera
^MviilDK a: dobn HufImau'K. left on.-ibc
11 r:; ricin W<rdnrv>da.v for itelr buo.Ilnwcrv «lrr.-i, tlratid KapM-*.



This Week


Will be tbe busiest bargain week
and the final “wind-up” of

The Barney Co.*s
Midsummer Clearance
of Ladies’ Summer Wear

Because FaU styles are knocking at the rear-doorfor admittancer-out gothe broken dozens, sizes and odd lots of
all kinds of seasonable wearables at prices that are posl-'
tlvely ridiculous for garme nts of q uality. We are bound to
make a clean>sweep and this week will see the finish!


This Week,
your choice


One $45 Russiao Blouse. PUia Uilored Coat Snits-aU tkis
seasors; eae $2$ Tan, odc $39 Hello, real Rajib; one $30
Mustard Diasml, one $25 Apricot, CbcTfon stripe; one
$40 OrcMd Serse; one $2r.50 EesUsb Pio-cbeck; one $35
Batnral Rajab? in fact all of tbe best Sprint models this
week lor........................................................SICBS



French Serte. smilMt. FmUoril, Ttoeli, MUre. $18 u4
$20 VUnes. IIUs week lor.. ................ .



MW Ftunv wiU reman to CralR
RatildB rtow da.v* heftee rtenraleg to
her wort to Chleaga.
■ Maplrten. . Mkh., AuguM 5—A p*rLawrence CarroU and Uks. OLra
i> Of Mree tee*
in tbe
-Trix-' were out about half oor be- La-iUe.eeiertalBvd ahoui 21 fri-nds
ay rxeetag with a toarabrate
iweew Traverse an dibe island W*dneaday evening wbeo tbe csgtoc la tow roaat to honor of their niece aad
the lattBcb geve-oat and there ifc-r sMter. Ml>s Margam Lardie'of (Mllmeu.
Mtas Lardie cetu.-n* to
to*aed*viroo ite wavM
BBifl the
alcAmvr Fanny M. Hiai* of Bower* Chicago next Wednesday.

RAPIDS—Dr. B. 8. Numniery't dental ottcc was robbed o(
Mob valued at |f'«.
.ALPENA—The animal eoaveniloe
of (be German order ot ttorugari it
1 aendon to Ibit city.
IMLAY CITY —Tin early Tue*'
ly monilog deitroyed. aeveraJ amal'
butireat bufldlngt. caualng a tow* ol
EVART—Tte tbiny-kUtb annual
lair ot tbr Oa^a County Agricu;aocteiy wUlbe held at Evan. |
September IMS.
tewnahip haa
voted g»;000 for
roads and several adjototag towsabtpe are abmi to vote on a almi- j
tor propoeUion.
' '
Wilber. ]
who eacaped (rom.the hospital (or.
the ictane 'at Londoo a few days
in custody ol tbe. police ben. .
awaiung inurucliona a* to bit deport !
ation. Walker to a cocaine Send.
MARSHALL- Mm. fiharler M '
Uroce of Emmett baa commenced
in' the clieull court agatoki
Grand Trvok fee dam-!
ages aa the resuU of the ueaih of
bu-bund In a oonuion at Du-'
rand. A^gntt SS. 1»«9. Mr. Srnec
,*,.an enstoeer.
Marshall-Tbe win of um laie
C. P Drewn baa teen adraltied to
probate and It prorldca (hat a aocUty
shall be IntArfmated to Marabail ter
tbe purpose of coeduettog a hospital
.0 be kouwe at tbe Grown KoepRat
Me beqnrathk $*e.h<M for tbit purpuae
tad gS.OW toward a bosplui in Richmond. 11.. tbe villxcc In which be was
ADRIAN —A p. -itohertaoB. ««>• of
tbe b««t known anea In tbe cooMy.

Tat SdU ItoK-lttitaiiait, Fmi.liinseBatw.. ......

Only a few dozen: Tans. Whit^^^od t^*bite aod Black,
values $4 to $7 53, to close at just ba'f price.

10 Per Cent Dlsconnl on High Grade
Lingerie Evening Dresses
AU nes, stock*. Lsee as* PIqie Collars.

50c Neckwear 38c

25c Neckwear, 19c

Wash Dress Skirls tor. . 89c

Choice of latett p’aiied flouace efiects, $1 60 values

$1.88 $xl?or.$!«‘:»£^:M7$ wash Skirls
58c Hosiery, Tan and Black, Lace Usie -............................ 38e
Fine psNcm Veil*, Lsce and Cklllon. One-hall Oti.


All tills

Over 200 dean, np-to-tbe-mUrale styles, slits 32 to 44.
$1. $1-25. $1-39 valacs for .............................7»c


69 c!s.

160 faraents In Skirls, Gowns, Slips, Drawers,
“€o?tf>; 89c and $i Taiaes.


fRANO T»(wel«c HBRi^VO TcrtCAV *raUiT C
MmHOUMlCAI. MtiOfft;
I7 U: October. MAO.


^Safi Sgsiliii:

. jr.^^-5rj“r^ss;

pal- I


turkeys, sec; ehlrken, JSc; springs.

r •*!»«*■ •pokt bi p«t M
«Mt M th»
Aid Mt mtm Rlita wtet
tWr <*»•«

' A


Tn—atT SBUx O..
Old mhbars. per lb................. • «a Te

^tnmntfb ^'ieed '.V.UV.'VlIto

.... * **


Coarse ram meal, per leo lbs... 1.40

|r>U. HHIJM.: lurkm K8»i.,


.Meat Frodectr.


Yea arc hereby oot'lihi tbit a Genersl Prttaary Bectmo wU) be beH to
tbW Bute OB Tuesday, the Bistb day of
bepiember, i«io. (or
parties ter tbe purpose, et nesatoatlu
candidates (or tbe ortcc* M UMted
Suies Senator. Ooreroor. Ueateaaat ‘
CSotercor. Reiwcsmiatlve
in Oo»grra.". Slate Senstor and Bepreaaatotlre in Ibe Sute l^^zlrlafore. alse tor
oomlnailBg eantldaies by each peUUrai pan'- in rauntlei. aa prcecrOed by
Art .\o. !»l of tbe PabUc Acts oC‘tl’n’wHaess wbeeeof. 1 have berewata
afAxed m> wtnatBsr at Trsveree «tv.
Ntcblgao. tbls First day ol AnguM. to
Ibe year of ottr Lord. NtaeleeB Hon­
ored Tan
- HK L. •
d Traver

" sS;:: ■:

Ilannab A Lay Ca

Blrloln steak, par H>
penerbonse-iirak. p

Teethe legal voters •( Oiaiid Trarame ,

.■7 lUdes. nired ...

^PWi auka^r aUtate about Uutt.
^ l .lMUMla«h«prMMtlMaC
* lllMP —“----- -— -

IVIacle .and Sold in Traverse Oi'ty

bnt thaaki to iba ealn. aoter Juti^ *r. «4f^«MauuDw. Mur iMpto atalharfttliDari&bpapU. *a bar#
‘ igidKla RfrtrMI U m wraw- •(««• aolved ta ih« ead vhat ibe
lTi4n tarnlmmr rttfet Hmt* >mr f*tt party MR wobM be itio boat i»: ^Mft'lPMVa^ttatvw.bQttMpM- solta.*- He. daalAKd that kc
' fl*-^ ar« VlHat yoB tbl* tariC blit tuember of (be
0 li
doBt teU roa of th« goodwas tlwlr hope to be able'ro
hH lor tba. voiud not la- preraai paolca wbieh are ao dUaaMi4 -yM» paaalaM m ad yon treaa to^ the OMbtry.
‘ ~ aat loiknr tka '
Bamnra was rery wcU re­
f- ilbowa talklac tbu wt
tired to Trararae CUy. Ooriai bU
afiay at the Park Ptaee. ba waa rtt.■ ^
-Vedt Tall All.
*Tbay dOB*( tell n» that wa bad a Ited by teraa btunoet* of proBlaent
wbo eaiM to aaasra bin
?; mat whae «<■ mu «m pa*Md and
MM »tia awotU ot-Ra abendoa baa tbair bMtty auMon. His ritH
'tM lato a eeadlL That
<aty -waa rery. patlfyta*
- *nitfT Btade m Mid. They don-i
' te
tMt we ralaad tbe tartf oa
; fcrtli aid lowered tba Urit ea ae1taa. There (a bo pfpaal u> pn-tdwin VdaOyfct, PamiiXy tf Travi ta that Thar don't un yea
i «k^ nastwa and
'ft which practteallr
I, «ae a higb one tat tboae eoun>
k-'whiM don't praat oa farorabla
'nt«M a Mar 9na for tMae
■a whteh. da tm( oar fooda
re woMd be no nae ta tan-

Benton $ Cook

Orinnoll Bro^Hors

Automobrles Vehicles

Let tbe

Uleblgaa'a Leading Music Hense
and all muoical inftruments gold cn . .



baker tine. TheOMs

Building Material

Feed Stable

Drop in nnd aak ui ixbont our “Fuiy Parment” plnn,
cjmpIt'Ft lii.o of amnll )4»yda uiid sliaet mtiiio.

121 STATE 8T.

TmverM City, Mich.
Tbo taifcent oncfro in tlic
world makixtB hand Potato
and Ooro Plaotora, Bprayi'ta—
and IbelirMt.

G|page daw and Stoto Sto

c BnypTi'aMM M be ana
kt^^do.-adt blow
b-'^'te'lie.toM ntUa or
paraonl aoUMeu
IM j^oreau la tke hlawnMabUiM party add (he
||r d^ ba ' -haa btae aa
i'.w|MMnei tor maay yaart.

thlB*ajoo w^te





Bine rMCial bsrcalM Is


CDiBige'<-aOTar.' aalBrt fiaa Aeathar Pataily Htrrt to aa Aecidaat
at Oaldwaiar.
OoUwater, kDcb.. Ai«nat 6.—Frank
‘Carpantor waa klllad aad MUo 8Uf
Old M#rt
fn-^ ao eradli to foyartl tor bar. Fey was totally hart today.,^ben
ttalM ay ooaatiy to tbe beat acatoM feU. Tbay were working <
-Oooadia alevator.
■M the aane, I saKly foOMrad
beat trtpMaaa and did wbal
rfbaaibt was ridht.”
-•Jin it-B tmj aaoaib to aeaU. bM A-fewopplea am coming_________
tjM-wM harwu do that. StAdlni aad tbtae are eagerly aoaght by tbe
bayara. who are genenlly willing
i^ifta i»>tom tbe party orar to oor fire ahooi tf eaus a bnMM for good
aflilll. t doaT want to do tbat. IM Trtrit. A abort wblla wn brtng tbe
ta^l yog aboal otna of IM peaebea aroosd.
liM tblaa wa did omI rai efaarlu% abooBb to bMoro that Ml of av
fclwrua alaaed w da tha debt and
(By Oalted Preaa.) .
Mwr Mtag.tor tbair people ail (be
BtUfalo, JUigost fc-Caltle. J.CK,
^ t dow-t Ttaach dtacotrtaat aad active: prime. tf«7.?«. Vaab. l.ono.
• art yaa paepia aaad aettore; MCto.U. hhaep. CJM. acilre;
ehalee tomba; «T«7J6; abeep. M(»
rtaRMm Apflaaaa.
sue. Hb«i. lAOe. ynrhare. t}.2S9
' rkonta Oartbva
racafead a^ fM: Pigi.
hh addtaas.
ail whae he waM. “I ataad by Taft
^>hat be la.detail tor tba eeantry
(By United Praaa.)
^ tor tbe repobllcap party.* ba war OeUo«. Ao*. E-Ooae —Wheat—
tl.oth: ram ate; oata. lltocCaUeapo. Ang.
I. daetarlDs that T1.0U.- S1-MH; eota dStoc; oata.
Tolade. Atic b—Cktio Wheat—
d'had ham tortarad to the
U.dM(; .flooi (She: oats. gTHc.
b iattofod Chat titora
T power lacked ap to tbe
____ a of IH^lpaa to lura tba
ihMia of erary Uidwtry to ih» Mate.
yClilUHiala bold tbaa. Taft, ha
twtaa. l.4^(r
4m. had withdrawn all (be power -IMiC; young Americaa. U%,«l«c
tom' Ctott paUle aotry and raatorad tong botoa. llheilc. '
Sto Ua paopta.
New Tortt. ABg. «.—tort(«T—Firm
'la .dPaaktop at tba traau. ba db- 9d VBcbanged: reoeMa, d.411.
4Md- atone paopto baliara that Ue CMato Miaty and aachnnged: iw<|i way da.diMrap tha trwata, la
eelpu. 1.074: no wmiarta. Itogs-0«let
dliipy OMThdteuT *Mie hard toai -* kachnged: rwoMpta I1A».

dfc.wHtotmi ujaatjm that

•bfTrlfa. d.MM.

Both 'PboncR


F. Votruba Harness




Manufacturore of

Presslnp and
Called for and


Qneea City Motors
Ksnatwiuml la

'I'baoe RXI Cl,.


Stum BniL.Bgit BiiUers


All Und. ,>( hDAl. lulll I* n^rr

1 manxfjcoire the best
from the rough blo<^ la
Granite and Marble.
Why Dot buy one now?


Tuf •.

Cohinet Wo#k,
GencmJob Work

MimifACliire-B Ilf ,Gaao.
Hu - EiiK'm F. n- |si r-Bg
u Sik-ci.-iity


Hair DroMing.' MauiesrIngand Fooinl Mrxoage.

Queen City Floral Co.

Both 'Phones 43

ai; CnloeiU Uoolb Delieend Pbawe lltU

The FaU Term ol
the Needham BmI*
Bcss CoUege Op*
pens Moil. SepL 8.

Omifatn mute
Automobile and Bicycle
Suf^iliei and Repairs,
(ien'l Bcpniiiog aSpt^tf-

Hardware and Paiata, Alwayi AtUholivu PrioM

Croon H0US031 eUnlon St.


Joseph Sleder
& Sons
pny top f rioea for Com Fitd
Stock. 0-cao. and Dooka,
Dackb and Ducks.
Call, write or teicpbooc.

K: f. >-r«ittl.


01.3. 6erst
Dealer in Staida and Raaoj

Smoke the

P. H.

Bell 1X3


Bia Oleaoer

S Tdeal Products
O. ce Tried, Always Cad



Made in TraverM City
Ask Your Gikccr fur
Gold Coin liatifr.

Staple and Fdtooy GroonifS.

Ice Croan.

Firak. Smoked end Salted

Both mad© hy

meat market

Good Things to EM.

Alwnys ©at Me Cool's Vrlvct

Elite Billiard Parlors
Shoe fhining and Hats
Cleaned. CigaiT. Tobicco
and Pipys.

KATtS BROS.. Props

Johnson Brothers

Paint*. Oils ami Sponi.>g
SS> B Front St.

Ciu.T.0.. { g


Tbe b<rt Home .ffade Lorf.
SlwcUl prirr (or a. (cw dtr* l^C
ptr pouni




Both Thoaet

IW E. Flwit SL

fllBafe Bepain.
W«mnkc nil kinds
nf Old and spcctal
work. . . I^ns.

The J. E. CreiUck Co.

Tbe Queen City Electric Light anil Power Co- Julius Cainpbell Co.
r .T .'TLirv.l^,:,- llGHIS,TaUR«GlfIS

We oulflt Lome*. raUages mad

cntBp* rami'iete. FurnKure Rod

Efiityaic* «lv> (fully furnUhed. Your patronage soItciad.

lU E. Front Sl


Large Stock of ati kinds
of Fruit aad VegetaUes

Boyeisanddhippwscf GrAtn, Bcaai. Feed. Hay. Siraw.

™kbse ancROKRi




87S*872E. Eighth SL
Pboaw Bril.

jr. m.

Rbep nr W-iito,., e.r.H


«UBert*s New Bakery
mma lee Creaa Parlor

Union 8t.. Travoree C"y

Vin>yE:M aiam'PbaMTW

toaotnn tod aa kiwb «,( 4111 aad ibw*
lna> »..rE

Beat of Everj'thing
in Drugs and Toilet

Carriages. Wagons
and Sleighs

at lUn right picta.

wtf. JACKSON ^;.uVir.

All kln.l.-ol Biilld:|.g
Htterial, Lomber, Lath.
Shlaalw, Doora and



125 C»«x straat. Travarsa City.

From thtMIII Diiectn In

04. an


l'iri*w'|?r*T|*7Ti'li' JJ*'*”"*


Chan. 8- Oyw an wiibWa tua.


Fi(M Lealhrr Gitodt of all
deacriptioiig. Tbe right sroia

H.E. HIDES MotOiCanpanr


iMa latoa tba toretoMoai.'' be «l
:UiM bad to Igbt M to.rtrt

Farmers' Supply Co.

PvBIIc. RcAl Estate

^'lar AtaMa 'ta' bdU tMM.' .
bia -faeartfs tbd'o(ha^
^ ba bahare aa tba oeaw tba Pare Maroatia railroad eompaby.
waa-In the dty Prlday and declarod
dftba fcafc.'
btnlMM la'aaiisuany food at
m’yM'dt.aa dpaa book
lima of the year, both north and
fjhr^To.abDaa hrba^Mp aot bare aoati Not only baa the railroad done
ck»d» I waat to aty that
haary resort bosmess eloce tbe
man la W wabethiaB la u at
bat tbe
traffbii'adbaMad-« aaa roM w_____ Ir aontk has atoo bean beary. Mowohaaia. If r aoMd i han trta< tog urn BtoajLBMB Mn tbair faxilUat
• ll^What la rtekt aad Joat. It la tbe
tba reaorti for tba weak and. The
4aiH 0 a lapobUcaa.freight btistoaei aoatb has alao been
^TInh hi waat M ta M^ sboat the bfdfT'tbU'
illKr record, «otlMi« bla
w tauTB towparta payKoat.

Both Tbocca


"aT 535.1^
osUocrcvcdc'Msloctbx Mr.

Oor mcitto, A Sijoue Deal


Corner Front and Cass Streets

Bali *Ph»nn 163 CtU. 803


Figure on yunr

**Emmy *Tmrm8*'

We endeavor to pleas

(.'ffi « 212 K. Fruai St.

Show Some
Courtesy to
Your Tired.
hybuyiuirapairof onr Korrcct ri^jpc
Scoca All PaIcdI GiuratiUx-d

Bnebuit A Reseoc

birfwaf.- Ctob or credit.


CiU Tloi-r 37S

ltl*125 Gn



TRe Rome ol «p*l» date Millinery. Special
^notallops on all Rats In IRc store for a
«Rort lime only. Style, qnnilty. price «b«
oatefaettoa Hnnrnnlccd.




tacr W«lk tan
Wi tmm
«»R kM •

iUwayo Bon|hi

For Over
I Thirty Years


I Men Manr Veart and
i Known In the CHy—

Hft. Ahnlra Rox. nfo oT ' Albert
rpc. died at ihctr botna. «1T Weal
KUtb iireoL 'at lififr guDday art<■^
Bora. after an nbirat of but little
mart t^ t»o wndn, heart tmible
aad peralmlt taeiiif the cauae. 8be
vea 41 yean «rid' UUa with, and
Ifenree 'B huebead hot ao eblMrm.
CWe bitnber. Cbeater lAMlag. of Kei>
Uo ntlla. Weth.. ayrrlvca binide ta-o
tUlerm. Mra. W. J. Jranlnpa, of nitre.

aldea ai nare,' Mra, Jeanlop arrlTcd
Wndacieday and vta with her titter at
tke tine or ber deaib.
Mn. FOX bad Herd lo tbii dtr tor
any yeara. and vaa well liked by
thoae who knew her. Sbe waa a mem­
ber o( Ibo Church of ChrlaL of the
Oempaaloiit of Fbreetere and of tbe
The fDDeral waa beM tb'lt ttlc/v
noon at S:3U o'rlotk from the
Cbnrcb of Chrtat. tbe Bov. 3. AUen
Cohdir otfleUUnc.

Um« Uke. Mlcb.. Atiguat 4.—Ur,
and Urt. Edward'Cartneln of RarlteP
CreMi. were hone over tteBday tialtlug ifaclr paruom.


Such immense crowds have never before been
seen at a shoe Sale in Traverse City.
Friend tells friend and everyone
saves money. Why not YOU?

The Great Dispossess Shoe Sale
Enda Next Saturday Night.




and Value

Picked from tbe different Divisions that
shonid appeai to every one. '
Ladies’ and Children’s Parasols selling at Onequarter Off. This is just-the season
that you want them.
Ladles’ Lace flose
Kaee a aphadU artlt-to tUxt waa ■ bargain H IJc. but now ibeaeare |•rit'edat lor a pair Jlavc aih
Wbar IM that we are aaUlng ai ^Oe that really are the beat aniele that we bave oCcred.

Boys’ Sommer Salts at Hall
Kverp'^iacKher ran aare mrney. and In a few «-reka your boyt will
gulag to wbooi. aad yo« can
am buy better gooda for tbeae growing bo>a They win give the wear. too.

Oar Big Shoe Sale


If atin on for a faw daya, and tbeprlcet that we have made bate attracted tbe greateat aUeni^n, and
paopto gre taking uoick advanuge^of Ula renurkable aale. You do UkcwUe and you
wUI oe aavlng
money. Dargobu tor wterybody. Hw. W«bcb. Ml.rc and Child-on.

Tbose Books Are SelUag Fast

Baadera want good hooka, and then Ibeae auiamrr daya are U e beat booh daya ,o<i want an Interrating booh tor an aftomoon, aim thore that we .-re aeUiny for 85c are aplendW, better eec ttoae at
once and have eome to take with you. w;^t-o jou iak« that UtUe trip,
anw resnbtr «|.W coprrlgbu that a,-e non- aelUag for tSr.-

Doo’t Forget tbe Post Cards
Tbe largmt variety o< Poal card* Eha- are wn-wtiwuythcre. Wc roll over THREE HUKDBED dUterenl Lotel Viowa. and aw have all prteea to »uit ai: bujem, s tor 5c. 4tor 5c; s tor 5c; Z ter 5« and Se

G<« CM Talcam

Tbla la nowathhig new and It !• good. Wc act: vou « full >.
U dmighllai gad taaiteg.

Murry -to


Items of Interest



, Ur. tat Mn. Jw Oaahu. fnm
HilaMfhU. AN MptoMata
«Mki »t Uiti pUoe TtM7 «rv lIHuc
ill Xht Mitth cottM*.
BOitk Riolurdwn Am rmr lo Orle to fiM FOOT LOWER THAN
I to tAko c*n- at her ilftar. «ln■ LAST YEAR.
vho hw ben ftty
{wortr All Hmnwr.
> Tb« BAcr tHMde of am. b. y.
Llii4wmaB will be i<MMd lo Uem
ibet ^ |i rf>«atyriB( aleel)' from eer
Itjurr. She It anrAbto lo *H w trt
It mam.
IUmI CariDeiii li workioc for Mr*.
Bile Krrkner aod UiM la trotklng
lot Mrt. DorreA.
Ur.- aod Urt. Ouar Lhw anO little
dauxhier froa ilie penientila.
SuDdajr wllh ttair pareata at
That Mada a Rntoa.
Work U pronwalat lApMly ea WUI
Tbe I'nlled teate* ijihe Ourvey
Eaii'e aow heiiae. Tbejr rapeet to
lairu tbe vlagee of the Great l.ak<-a
tuuie Uiie it tbe m of Sepuwi
&. E. D«l7«a baa had bit tern tor thr nwriih of July. teiS. ai foiIowa;
ralard aed la puiilot la a bate
Feel above tide-waic
Ken- York
Bupertor .................. ....................COIJ
Igeo-Heron ... ..................5S0h«
Outarto......................................... Z4C.SS
Lake fiuperlar U o.m foot higher
Wilt of Fred NOton Faetod Away
than laat mmib.'^.n foot tower than
at Her Home on Bodow ttroot
year ago. OhZ fcwl below tbe
Alter Throt Dejia' llinaat.
age atage of July of the last 10 joera.
iho feet below Um high atage of inUrt. Kale Ntxee. wito of h'r.'d Mr
im. and O.IS foot aliote tbe km
on. died at bur borne. SU Bartow
mage of July. 15K. It will rrohablj
tlrwt. gooday momiag ali.T
rire ftl tom lo Aoguac.
three daya' Ulaeaa of appeudleJ
taken UicUgan-Huros are O.OC
Sbe waa St yoara oU aad bealdea ber
buabaad learei four email children, tonwr iban laat month. OJ* tool 1>
a year ago. 0.7Z foot below lbthe louegret bm II monibe old. t)naverage atage of Jub of tbe la
hrutbr- Uaytoa Stbell, and Iwt
trm. Un. Peter Uutb and UUa years. feet bekm tbe high atage
of July. isse.f and O.SO tool above the
Schell aurvlve.
TlU romaina were taken to Klngt- towatagsof July. ISK.They will prob­
toy Uoaday. where tbe tu^l ably remain about atatlonary during
will be Md at 1 e'doek ibU after- August.
- ,
ooon from tbe Xiataley UaptUl
Lake Brie Is 033 toot loner tban
laat month, o.W foot lower than
year ago. O.St foot below tbe average
atage of July ^ Ibe past 10 yean, 1 Si
ft«t below tb« high stage of July.
tSS3. and 0.19 foot abote tbe lonof July:' ISW. It -nIU probably
One duet Orpanited at Frankfei
Uakaa Eight In Benda Ceuniyw tall 03 fool during August.
Lake Ontario Is e.i; toot tower tban
W. a^VeerhelA Maeler.
last montb. 0.$f foot toner than
Sauirda)' evening e grange waa 01 year ago, 033 font loner tban the i
ganbed at Fraiilirort by F. C. War­ erage sugc .of July of the past
ner. ThU cnage mekea eight in Den- yean. t06 feet brtow the high «uge
of July. l»ug..And I.TO leet above
Ion- siBce of July. lOtS. It will prubslr
1] fall 0.3 fool during AuguaL
grange ihia fall. W. O. VoorheU
elected maeter; Mra. A M. Voorhela.
lecturer: and Fred C. Watann. t

d fMinre patkag- for Z5c. tbe odor

This la the stora that Supplies and SatisrUs. . . . Wadoaa
Friday afternoons during August.

tE Haimah & Lay Mere. Co.

■ere Arc Bat a Few el the lleay narsalae:
Women’eSI.75 OxfordeS1.28' Misses’ SI.76Oxfords .Sl.St
Men’s $3 50 Shoes.......S1.93 Men’s $2.60 Shoes ..........SI.9E
Boys’ $2.00 Shoes ........ $ I .-4S Women’s $2.25 Oxfords $ I .Sf

Shoes wey never be so cheep sgala

Boy mis Week aad

Is -thm PImew.

Bumnidr ta h beautiful and atiracilvn
aumniiT reaon. the wlntertbe
tsland la abaolutoly abut urirora ibo
About iltn Umlltea live on Itvahorcp
odmoat of Ibewaiwirlah Cnlhollv;
Caherfolka or (nnnen. For M y««n
Fr. Gallagher waa atattocBd at
island and waa not only )ta rellgioua
but Ha pcdltlral and cJvll rnler h> -well
The poet baa nlwa.vs tier* conaldetTd
0 exile and alter tbe death nt Fr.
GaltogLi-r. !->. F.ucgelder waa winced
cbargi- and then later Ihn laland
s fitt-ii liver to tbe Fnuicli
' ■■
Now the mnnbrra cf that orGnr will
give II Into the banda of Fr. Hakme.
IVrhapn tbe UUnd h< Imt known I
Mxtory and flelion aa tbe bome Bor tociasen te Cell Mere Ctotfa Reeulte
From IndUn Chief MeCurteln’a
yiarw of a alrong Uonuoo rohmy.
TeMtowny. That McMurray
Here ia was that King tSlrang lur
OffacM Him a BnM.



will Pay Market FHe* tor High
Grade 'FrvR te Be Ueed tor Fue
peect of EahiWtien.

Tbe Wentern Mirbl^n
Ik-vetofinmt bureau t» holding up lie band
hw the Ont MO bushels of A No I a|>
pies produced in tbi- dlslrlrt. being
rllUng 10 pay tbe rwiular markei
price for the produrl. Thine api>lra
are to be acrl to Cblrago lor the big
eibiUi It! be held >11 NOvi-mU-r. ami
ae dire-lom nl.h tbe dlnday to
cguaJ if not Kurpasa the one they bad
rear. Tl>e burrao freia that
due then that they bave Omt choice.
Inasmurh as they are nilllng u
tbe price. Tbe one sent out last y««r
eoBifdcd to be the flneal Cuat
Hha Fhete«rapb*r Making Vtowt Aa
ever sent out of the atae.
a Haa Grul Faith in That
Ibe eitorta of 'iba bureau will I
Country a* Fruit, Canter.
make the eabihit of i»io oometblag
that WUI be talked of (or a ton^ time
M. Dame Ui KoKhpon. me of
tbe laH-latkau county dlrectoca of tbe
Wntero Michigan DeTctopment
paaaed tbttmgb tbe city
lag on bla »a> tu Orand RapMv
spoued ibai be has located
The Rtv. Failtor-Malent «r Maple
toncy wlBler applea in the orebarda
Valley Pariah Wilt Ba LeaaWd
In tbe vicinity of .Nortbpen aad that
laUnd Fnriah.
bea contracted lor tbcee tor tbe
uac of tbe Weaiern Mlcblgan DeririopOrand Rai lda. Bleb.. August A—
borcea'te making ita diapUy
Fsihdr James Hakme of tbe Maple
Ibe Virited Btalce Lead aad Irrtgk
Valley parish has recelred word \-orn
espoelUcm In Cblengo thto fall,
Biabop Henry Joseph RIebIcr that be,
too reported Ibsl be had %ad
be sent to take charge of tbe
cnpbOT over U»- Nonbp^n i<
Reaver Island pariah At tbe end
ritory and bad pbotog-apha made
the present ntonlh be wUJ atari on
twelve of Ibe flneal and beat farm
touroe.v lo wbat U cobslderad to be tbe Bd orchard acroea to be fonad.
tooltont parish In 4he Grand Raplda
One of tbe ptetarea la of tbe big
le, He wiu be succeeded at cherry tree on tbe Wanmulat farm
Mnpit Valley by ^Fr Itosnla -Wynne, near Cathead lAto-. Mr. Dune la vwry
aaaiauat^ Dig Raplda
eaibimtoatlc In telling of tbe t^mlea
Bsavar island la «ne of tbe largM of the Kenhpor. eectkm of Wemm
Ulsnda manyefwhicbdMtbs waters Mkbigan and la recMing the edvaal.;
of Uke MlrbUan. It Ilea at the upper agea that ikai country b«a for fnlt,
e«d ofUtUe Tnvwaebeyandu
sg He betlevee ibat tbe Nartbpori cUoxu and lepagmpby an- the
beet la «ne world for fr«k growliir



b now • tmmmm

m w^.


Xl.-Ohsii.r. Ukl».. August S-’Tb.congreM-lunal cummlltee larentlgatInC t.ore'a rbargee reenued Ua aesman here today rind determined ua a
rt-anli of IndUi Chief MrCurvaln’a
levlliDOiiy Ibat UcM^y bad oSerui
bribe, to cul( neverul Indian
cfctofa to teatily. Iti |r tbougbt that


to by Ihe Indian leaden.,
ilan Chief McCvriWa wrn. recall­
ed and testlfled that be was eraptoyod
an ailorito)- tv UcUurruy'a Arm
sod retold bU- story U McMurray olferiag him u bribe If he’d wlibdrew
bla oppmltiOB aa tbe Indian delegate
I tbe lands contract.
He temtSed tbat be
bttee and eonUnued k
anueelt disapproved
tbe MIL
which would have gtve* MoMwrtay
mllUea dollar fee.
It was adduced that UeMurity waa
Inivrcsted In the cMtracla employing
in tbe sale of tbe Indian lands
aad loatracu helptog tbe Indiana t
resist peylng taxes
Former Indian i'oiiceman.Hallmsi
teallfylng ;u tbe ctrculatk* of tbe ta
cooirac’-s^among tbu Indians |o
which be was to retrtve to iicrenii
ol what be collected.


. M. Kirby. Cfitof'F«Hy4>tR^. U.
S. N. Has Opanad An ONtoo KrWe
City-Ba Hare Few Mwm
t II. Kilby, chief petty oOrer of
hi- Vailed Statea aaty. arrived ka
^ elty today aad will at mm epea
natal reendUng oCflec ta tbe Mmien room, lately orcuptod by tbe
foveraHrnt Indlu aaoaL
Tbe offlre hen> • 111 bo a braocdi d(
Ibe oae at CadlUar. Ur. Mrby. obo
le in charge ol a lm««4lw racnlltag
party. roadurUag It •tare ter tour
day». Aa a remiK of Um asry nradlag out traveling paritoa. tbn rorreila ato aparod tbn iiipmi at m>lo some poiat aad aaltoilag *a
after ibcy are eabated. thetr ftpen
ire paid to ibetr ainlioB. A bet­
ter claxs of young wen la also aocared
in bla mannor.
There are vncnaclee In overy rating
of the nary at preeaat «attad cawed
by tbe bnudtng erf ibc. new OreUlanghia wbkb regulre Z.Md mw. Mr.
Kirby Slated tbat tbe AtlaaUe Roel
• oold make a Busopeaa <T«taa Ula
toll, surttog Nor. I. aad botnt abaent aboBi flra moatha. ft ta the
policy of tbe navy departaacat la

tadd tbeea crataw tawaglly.

lelaarbaa CaaM AgameHidta ftaddd lip
Deptftiaa, WHi Hded to Oaataal.v
Ua Titotay BlHRa.
Cbteobu. Ohto!^Aa^ 1->^I .
Ueupe weca racatkad toddy aad Ub
inrf of tbe trolley tirUi ta left to
Ibe loc^ auttariUeg aidod by dua

Traverse atf State Balk
A. Taacy Lay. FriiMut

B. Ptoyd citoU. Vtad fyiiAURl.

A. J. Haraard. AaeL Ctadbtar.
A. 3. Havltaad. Aa*L CiUtor.

I Wirataea Toomr at

• •7S.OOO

• Rcrveluttoelam. I ,

m riflw abmrd Ua
ebane-ed In briag the gnaa
tie ret-otteiE Arreaia an im

Vpmit to be laaane. who Jamprd (tom Ua top of a wtnlaw tower,
875 teeL tate Uo waiar. A barrUtd


...................................................................................... I










th* not IB lUt Md ao M tm tiM
ftrcaia M th« KKM U4 pn bla b* rt>n* iroa «Mr to «M» M t taneb Ut>h«. •lul mmm <mr' profooN a
tea (Mi pvor ptoM bod Mvcnl eeau
Aya. 1. 1»10. la tb* baoaf* c«f tor tba alib%
hiai mbat aeoU ho «o If i raa tbo tout lo -little Bub Brtsu ejes._ of PMte^rt bow. .1. CO.M It Bat Hear Pwl4e«Wfc,a tbe traia «aat •« th. a»« •Uf* <koa. hb baekT
And 'Bn*bt«rW aba -a*. a»*a;a
• a-bat aa« the Jaai'er wiib FaBBle do
I aa arttlac yoa > teller teUabt da, tbe fcUien. «Uch tbe traauB
I did eo. ead abat do poo thlak <aIM afier that
S you tblak* &be oeenrO m reetleaa to l« yo"
» » ap-adlo*
Hla aUa. *bl<* »ae thia
—May w. Ctyaaer.
■P'h^iod ny
By eaHfd
eaRrd Dfck.
DM i«de
i«de happeaed?
aad unbappy, oot u all like ber uBaal vaculoa ta ptoaaurc. aad bopc all the
car for A weak o M, Md aat’ad. pined la i
• barlBS a good lltae. .bea bto'iaaaier I
kito oa tbe ■<«»- There tree a brlpbi lev tOM ,
A strip af Rad OutphM.
For eaeb UUla flenrer vbo dalatlly '
. tbe wooad grade, aad ^ujlaa
aitb bUa
. ......................
- oa . day. IMek «aa betoa.
There a«i asn aa old paadcr wks
The falrito aerred dawdropa to lUy*®*“ kaoeWo*; kaoektot. aad uy leacber-f name last year »aa ,Blte trlsbtenad at Srei, twi som
Tboa ms sttlel liiile toad aboved l'*^ •«tb aa old voiaaa to * UtUa
*otiW Bot be quMad by aay areoBMl Staler Maty Oeorye. I hope abe wUI got ©rtr «. ahd alaaj e rode oa tbe to* Ptee be was. • He feaiUr aad «d tonue don the road. Thit saaaad ready route back asain. It aecma to ate caxlae alter that.
rsieluUy pulled ot ale OMrr sUa Ha aer had quite aa aSertloa far tbe oM
a to ear varoiloa b ptlag laai.
tat »o
»omau. aad abe aeeawd aqually ftod'
.... ................
- it- ed- the
trighteaad took
aad b I toga tot
The daaidsc eoaUauad. the aerrt^
—sal toe moucy w sfre to ber lather,
•ay like my -later Ella, that
*^1 ^e beard anuk
toeu. bltokln* it over bto ry*s *•»
telUBg Mm. loo. where and bow the
; ee\ any name, lor our btoucoming. He would troucb till-Wb^iv bad U cone. He bad rolled
The oU gander atayad 'mmr the
eaina to have IL t an the Suoabtoe tllul Suonbine <Tob. I am very gUd on the floor of the cab U bU maater-a » torn a baU and twaltowod lu
booae moat o( (he day. Wken tbo
reader. reaTlea what a toad waa IjR- that Elto aoU In my aaiae lO our le<t. and woold remala so uull the
--------- :-----------weather wa* warm,
tod wtmtan
ed oS b'auDlea mtad and how hap- beanUtol SiiBibtoe Club. Xow 1 will Mbrr-lrata paaaed. Hla toaster bad
thought Ibai om-ofSooea was floed '
The nrefflea aaM they would aarra p,.
.ten ber father «dd.' have to tell you what 1 have lor peu.
tried in >Hla to break bl« 6| tblf.
Ttw, Viiispa earaifto-Haedia.
«*<Wb li-r tbe old gander lo atoep. ao
bar ptooa.
^ ,,,, ,ou can have U# I have two tame rabbits They are
A year pa»s.-d and Dick was «a the
,k^., ,
be atayod ontel dpom. utg slept |a
Since tbo I
1 bad ao aaUaUy Ud- BOBey since you collerted li.~ Thirty- b’aik and atalti%
same engloe with bis master, abo
I'iTloa tbe vdlage darUag- »
">» leacw.
dea bar face.
*»e years have gene by sint-^ then ’ y cute. We bare fue of ibem. but had been promoted lo be aa engtocep—<>rei gixvl Mrs. UkksoO.
...F^en tbe weather was, told.
and i'anule 1. a woman now aod still th«e two^n* mine, uifl tbe, me
the oW gander marvhed btodto tolo
Then toe three Ufa. Owl. fro. gueU
Traveru- City; rht sail has both tbe tame color. I will wad a

; Herald Ybaad F*B» ••tmahlab
I .III try awar ta taarry •'
[ IfatabMitanythlnp.
will try W »a aa happy aa I
t aae and make evoryhady happy
I aa lar aa I can.
I will try w ka lavtafc halpJ «al aad kind ta avaiybady and
X la every lavCni tbla«.
I pvar fall In tryln« to f
X thaaa thinpa, I will ‘Try, try

X •••'■h'

p,lrct- as a 'emine paper t<
Sc-ld.^-f^a!L*’h*. reUred: I think Z'r of ber leasou In tUtcDlng tu coir
we mast, too.”
Jlra. f. L S.
Tbo FtreWea eame with Ibelr asrtft
flAabtog light.
auolher name tbis woe*
Md eaeorted the flowers and ptanti
y, (be Oorreepondi-nce Ueai^ ^
boma that alght.
btrshir. that of a new- 8uii,h.iner.
Htbel lladdlestoo. whose ad-Jn-aa U
AH the guwto bade adieu, aad their o,ndou. Mlcb.. R. K, D. No. 1. Qoa
homeward way wended.
,y, g^h„,
rwn tbe aleeu aBalr they had ever „„
,,j, .^e
■ attended.
-Child Cardea,
Nnmbap af Mmaa W tha CcMia
Four tnelly pc
Rail Aafl. 1, i«tO, ttl.
- , Hb».
.. <Wmia
ed your ITvsldiit ibis wee-k. from
h. Ulel
fha *l»da' Lawn Railto.
Tba tbfdp^ toe woodtoad. ta i

few «erw %ith this letter.
nama la:
New ■ Year.
New Year's sunbcauit (lollc gaily,
,bc coW aud crinpr aaow.
Fla^liliig me'and you a gtveUug.
As they tome and as they go.
While the straits erf rustle moslr
« b,H„
ZV Z rb.
b. .b, b«. ,b.
From tbe snowbirds llitle throat, grained to ibc neat slaiioa to keep ‘
tbe good wives of Myrtle. OU they
Uki- a grateful aiithnu vibrate
the frelghl oatll he rea.bed iherv;
As they slowly upward float.
and. ru; u. o.«sag. bark that
; •-


married lomomiw. rgo. ;;ad will answe r it. i snj :,>.ltlog
t irrade.
Hyother better ^v.-y dhy. * Lsve tbr cue of
PRESIDENTS > am in tbe hird
'slater to inibe fifth g;ade. Adrle
U ">> i*’ft )rm. and a IlUiC'Ol tha right
A'°>- l%tor said 1 ..oulcl '3un gel
" Tt-bea your Prwddent
ns i am •r.og
•nag ibe
ih. .•sctrle
tbe world
From your friend.
girt there was aotolug
flarkda Duaaey.
baiw^ I reclvt-l l•.l;■•fa sat' po»she enjoyed so much as a story. A
It was ulce to recxhc a letter Horn
toe foHowtog Suntblun:
printed story in a book, a story lokl
Marth; Boy nlon. Lulu TlnjUck. Neva
to toe twilighi aosiled lo ber moiberk M. I hope yon will write sgalu.

Taylor. »araT>fi;„ llelea nivHl-i-k,
acted out to one
cs.. or a story
... Wu
t'hrlathie niarV.eiu Katie Shitnllk.
toe tony Mtoataws tovrnled by
y. I,.
The Bight aom amved. and toe .
. W W«m nseceumrew. retewd
grtb-T tt,c«e. I 1 ha.ik .b.-m .11 very
gg ^gbl
bclleves yon Susthtoera
July i», 1»I0.
birthday will be on tbe
TkM the Urds aaog togclber to hap >toe
y«i?. ..
. atorlea.
. too. _dem't
Aususl. .vt«l • v^ld like to
py deUgbU

Who aped ^ fela Htoataa vlth Joyfal
Aad drilvetdd each MM wfth SB ‘R.
8. V. P.‘
- . . Ta Sowen aad taafcts aad pianta,
me aad an.
m ^ Wm acBt tovluUoAt to aiuiad toe
graad ImSL


uu ...F.

. ~.u- .ir."

> led by 1
Oadar Swamp Land.
. Tka Dm)e name to wkh Hlaa Graaakappar Green
Than CrlcksU and FHaa •« toe
nan to be aa^
Tbit the Wasp and tbs 8p«er. b«b
atyllakly rftoBtad.
Were the meat grac«Iiil daaears, by
all was cODlcsaed.
Ttort were Robto Bedbreaat and doar
Jenaie «Tmt.


M. ox ..»■


;„7“‘ r “""J.:";",

r-c.' r rirsj‘r, ■ ;iT^'us.r '

to — .uw o»,u,« - ^

she used b
« a little flrL
And here It la. tbo alory abont;
‘A Claar Cenaalcnea.''
(A True Btsry.l
! woBder If toe SaBahlne romisl.
1 wonder If the poMblac readsis
would like to rtad a
,,g« ggg juDg ^^1 whose home
i„ Trarersc nty. about *5 years ago.
jgg„rt tor beraelf whit a dear conseleiire meanL
This mile ffitl whose name was >•«>ad
.h. livsd on Stats street
four brotoers and foor'taatetw aad
|,gr people wwre poor, so you will
readily understaad how easy tt wav
tor Paante to want a bit of money
ggd tola atmy wUl tell you bow she
got a paper ten ceai pieee and what


TLZiz rTtt'T


Tbidr namea are Rosy. Betand Ttoy. The calvee' names arc
Beauty and Posy .
tie bsby sister. Her name Is Alice
‘ *”
be a Scnshlner.
Yours truly.
Adas Worcaey
1 am glad to welcome you as »
Wemldn'l you Ilk.***”
Allee'fc aame on .the




ly. She has been III such .a tong,
It wip bright-o her quiet
hour* in a real Sunabtno lashton.
Ar^'-rdT «*»« - “•

brioag to the Sun- fro®

7Jr z


mlk. «b.« P„b .u,a™i. r.1.- bb >
”™"“ '“C -bCb, b-i-b ->»
u«encd few a moraec;. and iben Tbe vlltage was a toag way fr«a> ‘»'sU M
tumped to the fltxjr and crouebid at s", pluw where new daralag-oeedle* *0'“ Wg IJ
feet. Tbe eaiine- r void be Unigbt. and women did mU
» Hra.^Brtgbt bad kaowa Iby
adllloe '-I
s -'.ton. rad gtafl-.
xhopptog very often tboav daya
Orew aud Ualu Itaea troaoerw.
.j.^^ ,j
Into hto mUd that They stayed al borne aad spus what
... ir. bbrb- r.u. lb., —bl i« 'riui,;; "...1 I >»"U .b. ™b> ■«" <—

Id out ot the cat wiadow Instead erf going to buy It. •aterrupi.'d tha. baktag.
ami bateiwi. bui hr could bur ftoto- So K hapt- oed that Just at that limeJust then the old womaa'a oU gsa.
ih^re was only oae dsrUng-n.-edk. «lfr ume wUklag dowa toe road.
^w,;.-------- uebcrtheleaa la Dito that and sU tbe honsc wlvea used It ta tnra..-Tifouto *bv feme he atMd Bdle*a
algnaied for Ihr exodertor. Tbe H was seut. carefaHy wrsp|H-d up. red dress, sad came up wlib total
ccrndnclor came and inquired tbe mat- lr»<u one bimse to anoilirf.
nquhwtv u> took at K. He Muto hla
ur. and wh.-n the. engluewr told him
.qad now Mrs lUcksen bad In eume
between Itar K'toga. lank a

tn lakicg tbe ra.nd'ii-ior'a advice, aad slang which she might have dropped
tbe Min at full veed. t(‘ It was a deal of apace'to which
They bad amvod at tbe oUtloo i„ hunt, but .bry most, or uockl^
about five mieuu when to ruse tbe .unld not be r aded' '
Urdy. frelghl. The} were all agreed
child.-en and ail the wotbci it bad been a narrow escape from
a M-rtoua accMei l
Whea Dick s ,.j
,0 K»k lunhe vfUage daratog
trail arrived at toe ne*'. sUtloa they
asked why they had not telegrapbed
eeisraback that tbe freight bad alrcidy
He««“».to oe»sof to.l»ertrschixi
,.Brt«l. The .t.llo., ageat toHl tost
he had melved uo «e.B.go from the
eouduedu afall. The next day ihe “*
wires were found bioUn. ao thal the

t^ Uys


Wr hav.- one cow.


gaaderf lie's trytag to p«U a
tbe fence; I aball br equowfl
l4wll.- srired a stick, aai
best off the gaader. b« tfe<
the red d
1 squawk. wWi* Irlffbiaatd
l.ealie oot erf bis am^ wito
Ttoe. Mie;- be cried
- ‘
.. Jim Rdie a ss CM qoM caosato- Tbs *
gsadee toiA aaotber grip of lbs r«d
oress aear tbs edge
Foor Bdie crM aad a.
x-slle. loo trav.
brave lo deaart
her. triad
0 pall ber sway.
•Dear, wbsl shall we doT"




UenOcar. Sllch., K F- I». N<»- 1.
Bus is:.,

Aug. ‘ 1910
*• ^ •
p,.,, ,-r..,4a.intj
,m,, ,g j.,;n ,h* Sunohine
(-[gh. -Fleasi- weiwl m.- a card and
fouruen veara oW i
...e .-c. mtaw n
I SO to the Bendoa Sunday school
July 3-. 1910.
^ go to the line Grove

Dear Presidm
i would like

“ mtoTu'^ ""

a learn fro

For toe neighbor far and near.

Then in Cod's owe: bol.v temple
Let us Uft our hauible prayer.
•neApyettoaTt PsHT. ‘•■T *
Adah Wooaey. Sevth
lUpId nu. Mich.
S>u“blne boy.
rhtok da&ta^tu:
Bduiund Sleimel.
July'30, I91V.
a swm lUik-sucudlmr jmern!
Dear Praaldeat—
tuns fioa tae pm- R. F. D. No. 1 ttox IS5.
by Btool Hundlectoa.
I iboagbt 1 would wrltv you a few Tbr Nfda -ul the sunbeams rtirviy
teach IIS beautiful kasona.
Iten i<

-C' Tfe^lbOV - bU. .
F. -".HI-E^CLU. C«»LE ™
nicked forty-two ouartv of hetrins Omens, illeb.. R. F. U. No. 1 linv 31.


^ bW u. «
ke Wto plwus aUiacted

AR toe -boys to town were eager
to go. bot Part Dateapart was ebeeaa.
because bs bad the swirtost horae.
»nd v,s k.c.i, to be a brave «rd
lesrh,. Hi it was oo uncunmon
»K*' «!*!'*
1»dlans to that part of tos country.
»:■'! “nr bad to d.-pmd malBly on a
b.-av- beert aod a fart horse- then.
I-sul fell rery important aa be rods
““ - — village aird taarted Oo bis
ymree. U was such a Mvely day that
•’ « “‘«re ws* smiling for
^ of b„-way. la, tom-ugh

The Naoohty Owto.
Hosav ged FluC, wer, two Uule
.^^r mamma to
^ ^h,^ ^
braneW and
mao.rfigbt higbf. only
in toe middle of the ton thrtr icamuia
alwacs -soted
•anted them
Ibeni to go lo bed.
"foui.-. my dears." fS.- eaW
-. me memo-nlnp. "ri t. grtiitcg U—,
*>' •blWr.n fca.e pul
and toe Inrk- bur. have bung Ibetusen., up o sleep.'
Then the title oul. lK-g« to crv.
"Oo-oo; Hoo-hoo' « loud toat the ...------"o** «
••f 'fe rnaltv.
-- ..
as be rode along
PMtunately l*aul tu-t ». uM Few
'O mamna.; virf.bed Fluffy.
■ in
I bis


■- -


sn-• .r„r;r.rorruo”r r

“w. »W!*i.,eei- — •“

gtagbam. Hc'Sftflgated btmaelt
wMb a ha>d tag.
u the struggle, a long strip <rf red
*i«bam came off. Kdia. balHaUlag.
halfdfagg- by Lstaie. raa aabbUff
-De.r. dear, what terrible bubtoto
i, tolsT- eidataied mamma, st the
-It's tbe old wcnnai.'s tad gander.'
,»pip.d |.evlp.. hU eyes big wtto
aUrm. "He ale up a Mg piece of
tdle's dr.-M, and be wanted to eta
f:dle. toot'
d harder than ever.
The ooly one who was aatiaied was
toe old gaader. He cwrrW tbe long
strip ot red gingham proodly borne
to bU sb-plBg-plaeo to tbe corurr of
-be fence, aad be sat upoo it every
night all summer.
The oM vrootaB woodered
r aever

WhDe Itogartag near, to • uaektenr- meat market be owned. One warm
, / , . Sumdrlrter, would send mo povial
But Mr thitd/cu uev.-r sirrrcd a fleWa werv-emp^. and r» bouvewiv.^
w>- -rTraverse Clly. Mi.ii IL 4 D N • 3. o,rds 1 would aaswer them. As I sn-p
wio- out ou ’be doorslepv. or vpr- adTia Make-«ette«e Fairy.
day ta July a g
It w<«M Ur a very an(ort«nat>
I, ttbe r-w dow-n ioio the tad "to.
____ _________ _•
have WTtltoit enough for" this
1 Ums^ aad a cake ot ice aad kanded a ten dollar
Was tbe I
wil clore
srd *•» mvm, iJrt asleep: but Huffy ,h« yard* Doar, and wltutewa wen- “>tos to be turned taio a rota (airy.
blB out to pay fw It but T'annte'B
Prvwldm:fiair brida. Ibe TbnM.
! on tbe tree-top and «rfs o,»n. but ao lac a looked “
somettoiea wlabed. fise.
a button-.
pfon, your Stmahimr.
and llnEBy
Istber could oot make ebange. ao the
recoiled our <•
etbet Huddleston. sisrcd almut
I toe chap- geatleman said be would atop in • f aonre days ago. and are rery thunk; Uere?
day and pay ter toe lee.
Severta «“> ‘®
tor serdlng
i ,MI put yonr .into among the Hat
!: was v-r
Wte, tba torwo Mn. Owla. from DH- »ooka wont hv. tbe gentleman did not ‘»
"<?«»«■ read the sun ^ Oyrrespondence >to:«U-y». and I groat yelU.w
• r>>y with tiiem through tbe-rustiliisleav.-a.
aiPtt-p ib ii« rvwdic
mb) Bwaap Bgav*.
come as he bad promised, ao doubt a***""
ikr“- »“<*
' be forgot tal about n-but FsMile hmi
« *“ “ sendlag you postoh.
, and tbe wky i»roed aJl .^of h,;.!, ''ii ,otad a-rf V a raid bf tbe
Tka Bawera «ta ptanto. IbOlgb toe »t-thesumorienc«UaeemedUk«
----------------------But at la-n the bale o.:. b'
toe Imy. a. be west
. tattle appear.
« p»d bli of mbaev to ber aad abe
g.n to f-! mfra.d
'Th.-y -otad om leave a cblH.
Wars to. tavtttoat qaatame. of/kn.v
»j,g u .he ever tatouM
»Hte at tai. 1 am btapiug papa
tp. Cat Hmt S.vml to. Train.
' ii^ getting droadfrfny Ugh:
see the genUemaa taie would remind >»«“• I wBl dose fta tola time.
a father and totle -on were travel, said rfcs-y
, baltto around'
kitt. »r Witt dtth,
Hvsr your Sfinshini-is. .
tn» from S-l-t la>ua> to a town to
"I can bardV- se*- s thing
'“** begin ’® wsaMr kruaod
WUb tas< «as expeeitoB—the Ctttcra tew days later Fannie was playgftaerul to your Grandma
,b.. ,nlng* they ca:.-.ed w- The- winked and bUnk-d and rub
a mlouto be «« .b, thick-fcw...t around you. kbat
ilea gay.
tog near ber borne with soaie i-etgbtrigbleood.
a/lv-aturvw yoa win have!
>•-: '^ i'’ 'lc"f*y eyev with their wl
Vbose csttumtt are Made kjr ibc lata bor's ebUdren. when ibe spied toe Elmer, too, for making ua areualnied.• a kiti.-i in a hawk.-:.
band ta Indians; bat as hv looked. y<« will sre a groat battle bear coma
t Tbc.e had a aHiy-n;iie ride lieforv »iug-- -Ul of a sudden they aas
tea. toey ny.
gentleman wtm bought tbe lee co^t
i» aaw OR (be edge‘ta ;h- -tlUg- a iaau,.rtBg through Ibe CtarsT trees.
liiev e-anged iwrA The gentlemaB ehtsing vpsrk In the Ea»-.rni sky.
, up tbe streei—abe h-mped up in fion' otbiT.
crowd of woayra. boys and gxrla. whh
j-gg g,j] cHmb oae Of Ibem_
pulii-d 06; a new-paper aad becan grew targvr and brighter, wad at 1
Tte Dalataa wprw peertatt in lobaa of of him and said.—' Say mUier. my pa
Bf-w m«a cBcrjing oB'to-,r ahoulders ooirk-tor fear of bttag eaton op.
tredlng. The iU-.le l,-> amOied him 'turned into a dresdrul ball ta fire
pm qrbae.
wants that tec cents too ore him for Nortbporl, Jlltb, R. F il. No.
-,U „-u by l-ioking ou; or toe Wicdow.
In ieem'hao.a mtout-two frtgbien- *
P'’'Tbca wten that danger ta ever aootoAnd tkair irwad. ham mothcre look- tcc'-ibe gonUeman s-epped aad said.
July 39.
Aulaaof that he toongh: ta ed B'.-J-owls <atn* t4imWlBg Into the
The rtHdrvw were '*P-nij! about « come. In tbe ahape of a great
ed oa to fftalghL
-tThyl 1 bad lo.-gotu-c all about Uard Dear FreaMeM —
ami. taiooiing.
Horrah' Hunab; dragon «9to lour h»g wtogs tbal
Papa takea the . Herald.
rainbow c
baskei. play»d alto'Urn until rouode»t'eves that yon ever nw
Tks Botlercaps toUowed. ot rtebaa an- aad >c'Mk*S-rBaBle a paper ten oeat very much toti-nw'ed in tbe SuBsUae
- crowd be bin 'a dregMi fly), aad you are awre
___ ___ _.
,.« ;o sl-w-p. The kitten, being
oam.-na.* tt--v cried.
placw. Sheber playmates and stories and tenors. 1 would like
looBd wbst was goiug nn. It was tbe be is going to eat yoa. UaUi be oodleft alone, climbed into toe neU era* wiF teav to kit up and see the
i For oaok waa arrayed to a gears ot »;snM (or borae ou a run—bui be loin your Senhine nub. Plcaae
’‘party .or srercberv ter the lost dam- deoly sails'off to toe wua. Tbeo yoa
sleep also.
parc soldi
JOK she lirached home aoniethlng tend me a rata aod butloa
ing-iMPdle.- They had no: had to go come down aad rids a aaait abefl tor
^>iade ber/siop. as it tblaklBS’deeply lit-.te girl eleven years old. and aa The train arrived a: tic tr-atioB
very tor. for ftefote a bslf-mfle had a while, though yoa Bad xhm It mares
AM toe Ctamo looked asreet to pale and to^'ahe slowly wmlked on Shall to tbe sixth gredr. I have two siv where the man and Buie boy were to gone
been vearcbsrfL tbe britot eyre af Ht- very slowly; and toM yoo make
piak aad wkhc.
I tell yt>a what abe was totoktog tor* who Joioed the Sunshine Club change care. An-J tbe man. foMiag
Ue Rn-.h Badieott bad sptod toe sblo- friends wtto tbe tataey bom that are
Aa tow merrily daaond U toe omorf'a abont? Well abe was lUtratag to toe about ten year, ago. I made myscH up his newspaper, took' toe llfJe boy
humming in a etump «f wbsio cdomr.
• day mr fubeV-^'-^’ •«
gnvor UgbL
tMpter which mid. • Why don't yon a bammoek from the tamcriptlon to and hts bondtew and tbe empty
Aa sooc as Paul get a c laoee. be «ad toey each glve^yoo a ttttle of
•oae-totber wlU toe Suatotoe page, tmt afcut toe first ket and nMed into toe other ualn.
Jumped up on a tree-stump and itad their boaev. aad you Ht down agder
Tbe Roatoad. tbefalrwL andqaeaa aever kif w." rnd »r eorry •<. aay time I got tnto It tbe airtogs rflW*e. TTie boy had been awwkened so quick- :::tie toad.
of tomn aU.
. that Fannie listened and teH toio tbe stta now J wIB bare to m^Tl Hop- ly that he had not tooughi of his klt- - M> father took aiKile Vtob. and hia new* m * hni rotce. aad then toe shade ot the ciover trem to eat
rrr-. vx-rr geotlv acfutrfisi'SSTklde how tbe people abooted ‘Harrabryour toneb ot tolry broad aad maL
Woa MkBOwtodgf< toobtata of tkli temper s trap. She was a careful lit- tog to eee this in prisYI will cli
The flrwt ireto pfi—' e*. At aigbt. of toe imd and theft tbe other
Tbe whose' rfllace tt once aet toy tee, toeree aM beoey. Tkoa you
baaaUfol haU.
tie girl aboot ber ptoytbings and Cood-bye.
wkeo it drew up to Hs final ttttes
The wodseemed *x» like tt. lor wort lo pUs a bU edtebrattos that take a sap oo a morn bed, and wake
amoog tbem sbe bad several pane
see the subset ablaiag red toroogh
Tlw enaie was ekarmtog, the feast board boxes ot varwuw stoes; so she
Era Prtmeaa.
iwerested ibat when dM aoc forget tbe Bute
■ aad found tbe kittea asleep B one' wiak
toldcd to ose Ibem to which to hide
Yes. Peart aad euake jotoed
waa ottos giwad;
ia t
the stick aad did found toe daming«eedte
• «Mmto'tor aV Sm money, toe pet It Brat to the IMI. How pleased I am m ktro y I of toe seats. He carried B > toe toer
, ihouMt. « Pto-'ta tt toe bred ta »oc
dremaa, mho was food of em Tbe as m.v fa« ...
amilkot box thro pot tola box tom for a Boaihlner. also:


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