Grand Traverse Herald, October 25, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 25, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



tlA« A YEAS.





Mr*. John Wahl «f Kln9tl«r
Enj^rad • Vary Ha^y



mficalay. Midi, Oct. Si.—Mr.___
•OUTOR ALORICH RAIO TO RE Hn. ^oba WaW of Klacalry cela- LOHOON
braiad tiiVlr piHaa vaddlajc Wediw
day evanlns. A faaily reunion took
Hlaee. and about 1«(|
sueau vere
praaaat. A Tcry AallHitruI errsli
cpeut by Ibe cur*ta, a cwefuUr
prepared profraa belnc carried out
conlsilnx of auilc and redtalk
Tbe baud vaa «tao id aiteDdaoce
Hr. abd Ura. WAhl are 71 and
yean old raapaeUcrcly.
Miw* H* Wm VtetMi 6t
'mut4»mrn AMauR *jr Th«»9i *f
Um>tm ThiBto V«Rle»*
Triad Nan Tucaday As An


Mav. Totk. Oct. «.—
rlab ta rawarlaf laday frata tbe acHdaal vfetaR ba aaCand at aU o eloek
laat aifht. Ha doai Mt kwr* bov It
aeaarrid. Ha bdUaraa ba waa atrask Carded OB into ideuntalM Reeai
Ir aa atacole car or anonobUt. HU
M Tried U Faaian Crime eo
jb»HrtaM «Mr aaid. “Ha baa bam
nn turnm." Tba aaaaiDr'B (aft era
b*«« aad Hiabiid are cat aad the
Urlacioii. Va.. Oct. U.^ara«ed
ftua Add baad badly bntfaad. There byrnaae Joba Moore, a eoudetad
are aa lataraad Islarlaa. Tbe pbyat- darer. attenpud to meape' aleeti
adaba aaM Raaatar AldrltR vaa aaSar- tloa bp faauBiBg a crime <m “Uooiv
iai “KUhtljr Croat tba aboek. but wlU fblBery.-- 76 aiouDUliieerB rea
ka aat IB a (av dayaHoore (ion bU cell tooay aad
PwidM Ibe dRilUtlc nporu it U dad bin to lU meutalDe: Hli fate
■aderateed there U (rare alam far
m. He war mavlctad of polIke aaaalor'a coadlUea. Renaior Aldaoatnc mab Howell aad Mary. Howdab. Ida vICa, had am, wutbm. all'a wife.
«ara atappUt ia a Kew York apart.
Mat. Rtatxor iMrleh atood tnltlnc
lor tba aibara te draaa for dlaoar.
Tvaaty Hbntea Uiar be aUMwed
Urea* -Ru aatraaee of (he apartmaei haaae aad aaak iato ibe
•tau Empleym Will Mat Have
at bUtrlaadA Oae pbyaldaa raataU
•d Uat algbt Ri (be aparmu
peRn Fund.
aaaalar aaU be vm nradt by a vaULaailag, Uleb, Oct. ;i.-No camHa bm Ream-t kao* oRai aert.
Mt blH at MadUm araaoe aad aiztr Maa emtrfbuUoes tron minor
Htatb atiML Ha waa bUadlof pro- eamieraa win be aeccMed by tbe reemdr troB the head. HU
tabUcaa auu outra] mmmKtee. Tba
AMR aad lam.
awe beard of audlten anaoBncad
Utae aco that tbe OM practice
Tkara an panhnaat bat a
of aaaaitaig tba alata Mployai wodd
Mt be toUoared out tbla year bm
(ta of a a
■Ute oeairal coaimHiee. obaervlag
tbe «id)M « Cbaae & Oaboni. tbe:
MM ta tamal aar taipfn »( tba ae«liieeforgoaei«or. baa decdUed
iBddiaL H Id .taca'«4 ha Itnprob- accept roloBtary eoatrlbutioBa a
■areral taacka bare bam returaad
aWe that tba i^tar vaa hit
9 «altad aeven) bloeka. ta donort.
la refuBlng to accept (loaneUl aid
, arftboB^ attracUag -i
from aute employra Mr. Oabora ii
lataat, aa vbee be wae a caadl-

Doodon. Oct.' 2S.—Tbe lury drjiberaied only Z» mtaute* aod found Dr.
rrlppen guIUy. Tbe dNib sentence
was taipoeed.
Lord Alrersione named Nov I4 or
16. as tbe date for bangtag Crippen.
Wbeo aaked If be had anything to nay.
be replied, “I atlll pratret my ItmoMce."
Daath U tba only pomIbU arm
under tbe charge. The doctor
taken to Briton prison and placed In
-emdemned ceU " He may ap­
peal ta tba erimtaal court of appeali.
uadentood (be jory reached a
.erdict m tbe tecoud ballot.
Ike trial of Hits Leneve. charged
I an aoecMory. will begin Tueaday

John FUher Victim ef Rainful AeeWent That Win Lay Him Up for
a While.


Honor. Mkb.. Oct. Sj.—Fred H.
Kallett. wbo was'editor of the junale
County Leader, at thU place, wa
day errreted
at Copemlsb <
u employed ta tbr tuglneeEtag dccharge of Jumping a board bill,
___ . ... .... ..[partmem of the O-.-al Dirt plant an:
waa taken to ChdlUac where be
whHet.e wa* feeding the tendei
ut ta Jail.
■ IfV
that a board illpped airlklBg him wHh
Kallett has evldemly not been mak.
*ncb force that he was thrown lo
log a great auceess in hla newi)
gt-Qund uncoDerioa*. in falling
buatawaa and It !• reported that be
(truck bid bead on a pile ol boarda PATIENT FELL TO OROUND, THIR­
owed about ISO (or board and that he
IntUciIng a deep acalp wound ao hi*
also (ailed to pay bU emptoye*. Wb.
tajurlea are tyo-fold aad very pwUbe ML be ataied that ta> was going
United State* a I Canadian Oevartf-



CUBE B A irsim


Fred H. Kellett ef ^


the Ixriel
had him i


Wa* Net a VM*M

Kew York. Qct. 22.—A meaaage to- MANNAHr»s LAY MERCANTILE
TblwoMtaiiBc at 6:10 o'etodi MMhl
IV to (be nero club of America, aaya
WatetaiaB Parte of tb* 2«**thats
raputa Meaner of the balloon ASQ^
Mtrtdv aayluB (Pond the d*M body
X one of (be twwvw9o« of the tawMnsafe at Dlfcoualng: AlgOBW,
LAtT OF OLO~LINE DEMOCRATIC Canada. Measner said bo wandered EUberau EnhiblU of Farm Produet* •on on tbe'grooBd os (be Mrib atia
days and nighu and stiEored taX tbe mata bnUdb*. Mr. Pwto imWill Be Shewn Orenga Week
tenaely from cold and hunger.
ncduieir mmaoned S. A. •“-~^~Trr
Wea Oevemer of New York From tIU
iDd Supertatendant 3. & Hntete. vte
Marled to BWtm to Lake Reach egttlo.
ta 1M1. Then Elected te United
riy clad and en­
I the dasda
: of tbe :
State Senate.
countered (Old weaiber. eleven de­ & tay MercaniUe company
■ 3. D- LaoMon. os* of (be tUMteo
Albany. Oct, W^orwer United gree* above zero He wa# nearly fro*- lug to repeat tbe product ahnw given r tba asylum.
LamaoB had baan M tba UbUMIIw
SUtea Senator. David B. Hill, aged eo when he obuin;^ rollW. Americn ta the big etore a few dara aso. but
time, the exbIhIU wtU, be on a •ur yean and bad navar canail tb*
67. died nt bis reatdeoce at Wool- II. end Dutaeldorf. ll are tUU mlsstag.
lert'a Hoosi tbia morning. He had
8L LouU. Ort. ZL—Belief ckpodl- more elabome aenle and (be nahlbK- aayinm authorltl** ssy trosbla. nlbe awarded piomtnma The tbeugh being of a mlaebtavste dfis»been aaSerlns two week from a coW tion* 10 search for tbe
piloU and
eompllcailona. Only tbe uu:a aide* nr the mlattng baliooDS. Dua- abow wui be given ta Deeember dnt> iitios among the othar ^tlasla. mnbtag him at tunas ntbar nssogsinr
Grange «
in alteDdance at tbe death bed. teldorf 11. aad America II.. which
wttb them. Aeeotding te tba laatlMnsr
Senator Hill waa the Uat of tbe old Btarted ta the International race bore;
oUtlcUna who made demo
-Monday and wbo apparonlly
have meeting to Inapert (be prodnrta of lecatvad tbt* morning M Tb* enfgterY
tR« slsbt nun*. liMiWB,
In a trance, when tbe death aentenoe bUtoiy ta New York. He was gover­ been loel, will be started from Toron-: Northern-Michigan (arms to a maeh|j°t>.
Imposed. He protested bla tano- nor of New York from ISS5 to i891. to, Ont.. Sunday if no ffewa ts receiv­ greater exteot that they did last yasrl wboa* room was m tb* tbUd tner la
wban only fruit and a tlmlwd Una I
**rd NoyiJ. want » bad sSrly.
'-mce loudly and boldly, tbeo relapsed and (ben elected I'nlied Slat«a Sena ed before that lime. Thli
Into a Btnpor.
oauaL and mad* no naRa Heme*
«nt waa made by ofSetato of the of vegetablae were axblbltad.
London. Ort. SS.—Late thta even­
ero club of 81. Lout*.
The management of the Uercnntile 1
»“«• *•
ing CrIppcB auBered from tataUng
company bcHeTesthatexhMtiea* of !f>ald that be went to TetntniY He<s
Tbe sKuattoD lo reference
■pella and special medlrnl aid waa
Uil* kind when properly oondnetad. aevernl times during tbe atsbt Sad
tmreported balloona auumed
amed. He Is greatly depreesed
rua aafveet today. It U believed that
over bla conviction.
MCblanichman Parte, wbo furte
have landed eomewbere ta wUl be arrangod ta the slate* of tb*
tbe wllda of Canada whem they may ator* ta an auracUre manner and ta the bnlWlng aad paaaaa tbto rostl nw
bo the victims of starvation betom n way that will pennli Ttaltar* ta so hour, beard no nelso ef SSp %Aad.
Ten of the twenty enta ut^
but ni 6;» he fbu^ tbe b«lr vM
make rioae taapeettons.
Buecer can reach them.
Illustrate ther recently pubUabed
Tbe big storo peoivle are ptanntag e poRioe of a sheet gripped ttgbUy in
Patrol tha 0ml
cuUr o^troli growing. Utued by th<.
ta bU band* Upon taking ip ss MW
Tbo Aero club tonight called npnn for a btg weak on tbai oiWnaloa
Oreenlng Nureety txnnpany of Monroe,
aorttaa of saeot la tba vteaddlUoo ta (be preduo* abow. (bay
are ecenet of amad Traverse or General Fredetlclc AUen. chief of the
Ualted SUtee signal txxpa at Wash will hare demonstratloas of wutaw dow tarn so that tt was *MUy **«m
chardt. This ta cdnsldemhle of a
ington, to have the roveuie cotters AnSclea' «r BterCIMSaiine tHifr ^
Mm. Ansnrta Boyer brought bee
ropaWttekMrairuUiDt (be great lakes to look tor partmeoL The wbels pogrom wiO,
Im- extra
boihaad, Dan. Into fudge Amil F. Ner- chords Is this aectlOD must be
dork, be one ef exeepilooal totpi- Ung him fall^aboat SO Ont ta t>*
big nurat-ry company
that wreckage
Unlgerk conn tbU morning and (old
groBDd. taaunUy kUUag Wm.
•aIpv.-r *ei-veral «uiea onmparues which have veueU plytag
(he Judge that he bad eommlitr
of tb*
dnwt ao largely upon them Lake Huron and Georgian bay have
aault and bnttery upon her and tbe
dothtag of ^ maa It wna fnnsd tbtt
itehM to advenUe Ha hoM- bon regneated to Join the search.
reaulU wwe very pUlnly sbown on
be bad broten a nMr of abtan asd
The Ontario goverumenl. through
ber face. He waa promptly sentenced neas. The vW* an- awnos In' the fol
used tb* jBae btod* ta aak* s aeraw
a lleuienanl-gorecnor. 3. at, Qllaon,
» day* ta the Detroit House of lowing orchards: E. O. laidd.
Ut* Cemmtttse WMI Retaa en Oev- driver with which te rateivsd rt*
Holden, (two scoucai.Ura. M Swsney, aunouaced that Us service would
allov tbe eaploy at bb departmeat, CorrecUm. ,
•crew* of tbe ataci smUa«i ea .th*
ameronlp and Kelp Out RspuMIW. R. Pratt, \V. 1_ Thoma*,.A. K given ta aeelung the men.
When tbe sentence waa iHonouncM
> ooatfHnU to hit caavalgn fuad.
outsldt of (h* wtadow Mb. H* had
esn Cengrasslenal Candidate.
The Hudson Bap company also has
Uoniague. <luy
Boyer broke down aad said (bet ke
Mr. Oibm natod bU poalilm
evidsfiily plaante lyMnimtlrollT. a*
teencs), and a view of tbe big apple replied favorably to the regaest aem
Detroit. Ocl Z2 —Tho
>a lUU central commltiea aa fol would rather die than *t>. He aaid
wn* (ouBd rtat tb* bdta wbM* tb*
display made ta thli city at tbe
central eoiBmllte* baa about de­ seiww* were fastened wtrp gBed vlU
never would auppon bU wife and
Btaie Crange meeiiug
cided that 00 far as (ho govemop eoap. eo as ta cover tali wortt dwtag
a maa U wortb the aaUry (be and that h»>mld never stand tbe te
thip eoniatt It concerned, the fight the tatpertlop of the sif.
aute U paying him be U ecUtlfcd to
igmce w going to tbe city
It about ever, and (rooi now on Utclr
erery real and abouM not be com- "Where Life la Worth Living." He
Fter sbeMs were tM ««*tb*r as4
eBcfru wUl be kenier.-d on ahttag the
peUad to gtre up a part of It to bold. opened hla omt and'striking hie
>e mtiLwbo weigh* between ISO and
bUjob. If bc'Ua't earning tbe uUry 1y breast, he aolemniy requeeied
Te Be Corvdueted by Germala* Bred. congrcolonal candida:ea*aiid
ZOO pounds. Jet UmeeU dewa » tbe
dldal<-« fur rtfv^Ulaiure. particular­ tin of (be sMObd etory window below
be ahoulda't be allowed to bold tbe Sheris Rbnter to kill him. but as Mr Senator .Will Tour Lower Ponlnaula
—New Two Story Conoret* RolWand be in Travoreo Cityly tbH Ikat.

fob at any. price."
tng to be Erected.
Sbnter dU not have the time he rehis owu. and when l«Bac.hM wMsbt
Ort. M.
Thu doesn't mean, cl course, that
•igned bit poalllon pb execuiloner
tall Bpon tbs sheet rope. It krtba, and
Germaine Bros., have decidvvd to tbe eSorts In behalf, of Mr. Otbol-o im btm fall to (be groliisd. SO teat bw
He wilt leave In the momtos
of the atau- ticket
branch out In ifae horoe.bualnewi in an
lican Slate cenirai commliieo ha* de­ cxtWialTe cnannef. and will bulM ao
1"> relaxed, but It _
Jnatus C. Lnmaon waa brotehl Sow
cided to book.Soator Wiillam Aldcn addition to lbs east of (heir Uvery
thA_^ offict-ri ol the committee
HcHarg Oaelarm HU Naw
Smith In tbe lowt-r penlnauU loau-ad
0 w^ roUaSed with tbe ouUook yrorsagotatbelocn] tatluiOBn Deaa
whlrb will bo planned for car­
of tbe upper beesuwo Ibere ar.- so rying on the eaU- of burtes. oe a that they can new devote themaelvea Gratiot eonnty, where ho had Bvod tar
details which have bswa t>arUaU} abort rigfat yean. He wm Ii might
TvfentyFIve Hundred Man Went Out many coumJee which cUmomd lor largo scale.
here April I], i»06 abd hte alwny*
«liber Chase S. Ortorn or Charles E
AlUntle etty. Oci. SI.—Ormaby Me.
On M. F. A I. M._Oeuld Line*
The bonding wlU be 60xw> leeL two obacured by their anxiety to asture Iwrti very psUenL He naaroad ta mTewasend. wbo had to be dented.
Marg, former aaalataal arcretary of
atones le height, and^uilt of coa- >e Buccea* of tbe entire stale ticket. tar bU Ufe in tbe Mytan. ptartas
lagltlatire anuiKio la now beand Ubor, attacked fteoeele. The upper story will be nsrt
aad many other samM aad
ig gtvtve over with a fltu- toolb comb
TOK and “MW aatlonallam'' today beSt. liOuU, OcL 2I.—to Bceordmore gio hia tour on Monday at IVi<»k. y
aiorage porpoaea, while tbe loAr
wnd In the distnna wh-re there a not being at all vioienL U la a tapaWirt Frceldenl O'Connell'a strike or­ tnd Ibe compleie lilucrar}- followi
II be devoted rirloatveiy to the
Boyne Ctij ; Ocl. Z6. Tiwvorwe aale of horan thv> a ill bring here te any chance of a demortwllc being (cry why b* should attempt ta mder,
nnk>n employe* from twen. OcL
ek-cied tlie commlfe will tenter the cape and the sathorltJc* nu.u
that Booaevt-it'a peiicj- In thU connecshops of rto UUaourl. FaciSe Cliy; Ort. r?, ML Pleataat; tki
Bay City; Oct. 9, Newaygo: Ocl. :i..
BgSt In an effort rn make lb* oex: was doing It aiapiy for («a. tbe Job*
A Iron Mountain railway, atruck
lesulttag fatally.
leglwLiture soUdly republican.
A general etrlko on the <i..uid HlUadale, Nov. 1. KaUmaroo; Nov.
llnei U threateDed.
bualOtwa. la uoe eud will ha W>-'
t, Jackaon: Nov. f,. Vpellanll in ihe
E. Batartory. Leri Rsule, Jud
,t»ted an auv^lonci v‘blo.-k tu front
afternoon and Dviroi! Is the evening; of whlrb win 1m> pircod s<-sia tor lbrron. 6>ed Roberta. Jobn Homa. aad
Had# to Fruit Oiwwtn by AgrteulNov\'T. Grand Rapids.
tural Cellam OfllelaL
Maleelm WUnte. Dr, B. a Minor was
conTenleBc- of p.-ople who aitend to
O. X. White, oae of (be BeM ageota
lUtely eummoaed a. soon aa tb*
ake pucv-bas'-s.
for iba Mjrbttan Agricolture co(lm<
body was found and the Jury verdict'
The buMn-«s w lU be extentlre!paaaad through the eltj yeaterda) o
that death was aeddeata] white
*dvertl«.-<j tsroughc-it ihii aw-tion of'
New White SUr Liner Olympic Will
bU way to Sonhport. where be goat Publle Domain Con
to caenpe milni^it
ra«M of iieatpap-r
Carey SOOO Peaaengec* arvd m 040
Umeet tbe rberr, orcharti tbai
sparv. billboards
da f
in any other mesoi
- «n*I reflatrwiioc In Traverw^
were eet out la tbe .Iclnltj of SortbFeet Long.
atleiitloo Of (he
port early tbU year. He makra lugpublic
I«n*lBg. (X-(. Z4.—The piiti!k/d6
■tbe greateat women braved tba eui
Mitan* lor tbe gnardlitg of ihnae o^ win c(«imlB*twi has withdrawn 2sU0
BrlCax. Ocl 20 —Thn \Vhl-e .^lar hofwe mark*-', ta ij;
located ToUng by hartog tbelr naaaea rsciechard* frtmi dlaeaMe and aulmalr aerea of land from tb<- tuau- (omeuy liner OtympK . the lirgeet In 'b.. world I Trevera* City.
Honor. Oct 22 —Frod H Italtett.
^tsred 1a perwon. The cegUtratlon ta
Tbia ll .Mr tVbha's neiviid trip Into
reeene ta WexfonI CTUjnty lor bom«completed *• ,[>* oailra city; wa* very light, the- to- former editor of tbe Benste Conaty
tbe Nunbpoft eouDiry tin* araaoe.
640 feet long and hat 6ftv tbonaaiid >oc aa ivoealblr. mv si
— V-, ...
.Usder, Is -JiteUce court tbit mornins
number of men being 14S.
,re,-elved e **men«- of 10 days ta tb*
a Doet gratifying to tb.< peof
horsepower vnglDee She , can carry m for Ihe wlnt-r a
Of the vletelty to tnd the AgrtfnUurc
couri') jHi Ail hii parwma) eflerts
eoUogc people taking aurh «a tuu-reat
were turred orer to tbo Eagle Hotel
ta (be work that I. bHug done, .-v
or a btU Of 6M.
Murdar In Firm Degree.
penally tbe work of tbe fmli gn>*.
Rlverbead. L. I, Oct. St.-t-'Yederlck
Prtnc* Froneic Dete.
Urtbardt was today roovieied of uur- Mor* Gain* Shewn In th* Censui T,.
»ra.,r « wu, ".!'.
cl ZJ —l^te Fnacta of
tba Erst degn-c. He was Hied
VMov.ue,, Due to s Cloud
FUU ward.................. 60
le Teck. brother of Owes - Mary, died
for kUUng Anne Luther.
AVashlngtra, Oct. Zf>.—Pcgiolatioa
— today of pleurisy.
slaUtUcs were usued yeutiTday (or
ChlcngQ. Ort Zl.—“rtfo Foorth game
Rome. Oet, I4 —Tea v t klUed ta-,
hartam Aoeideni E^red by laam
tbe (oltovi^ cities
of tbe world's eerie* between
WRECKED ncoiMwun
HataB. Employed at Um Oval
CliDloD, la. Z6J-TT.
tnereas* of
^ BBd S’ream* from Vesuvius,
Whed OMh Faeteryo.
12.7 {-er cent
r r:.6«*i In Tbe art my M th,- volcano u IhcTeaed until tomorrow on account
Harew. Ort. Ot-The rovgwne *«•
tvaablngum. Oct 20 —The-populat. irtfic ctoudbu'rSL
Uoc U Ariaeaa U shown to be »1.454, *«'• Ctadtopaa has bean wracked ec
Ik* Hateh em^ed ts the engta of wet grouBda.
OrMD Day, Wt*„ ssiZi. ao incrense
wn tacreste of 81,123, or 66a peranL
Aataakx Tbe Mgtsta aaM
>rtag depnitment H the Oral Wood
of 6J6Z, or 35a per cent over 16,6H
Naaed Telegraph OtSeUI Oai
---------------------|crew with tb* exoeptlOB ef tw^ n.-o
diab factory. auEared a oaaponnd fme
laws Braach. N. /_ Oet. 8d —
er, Ml^ Ort. 94-Be*i*UUi Alice Roaalter of Aldee, who i«PORad drowwad. Aa irtwlBas bark.
ttm Of the Ua thnam pnMmday wkUe bnaa T. Men. tS, (otmt proateoo w^
ws* rwmaved
rwmoved from the
Naabne. N H.. Z«.0AS. aa taereaaeof tor LAfcrilan*
teen the gneet of M^a. A.T See-1 tbi ManUty of wbkb I* n
and idaat el the W. V. TeUgmph Oo.. dUd Z.I07. or O per root over ZZ.tal, in^hosplt^ wday. Be .aid be w*. tae^.Uag*r tar tbe pert few days NraromS, wrecked ta tbe earn* rtdsXy. bs6 tbn
, ling ''Fin*''
home taday.








Rtnm Amaalahaa af hnnlmwt Maa
Thnakhaal-ntat Oaaaiy far

Ohadamta. MUR.. Ool dl>~Toaaaay
amalac. Oct ll. ibe Ohaderoti
Oeaatr ObaMbar aC niiBiuiim
BmaaUad to tbU ally, vttb tba (oiWirtag oCftean:
Tiaddaat Umtt HkbaU. Ctadartik dea pmaUeet^ » MTdt*.
Saooad vke pthMeat-di. a. BrtR
tan. EffX Joidaa.
■BaaeatafT-ralar CoUHr.
TraMawr-Oaow 0. Otoaa. Kaat for
Met vrMdaata-Jaatea Whi
er. {Rdaaa; W. 3. Oallataai
JaM; ObaA n. CRMbom. BraaaalIta; Jaha K Rodbaa, Xoivaud.
Tha ■twbMhlp of (ba duiabar U
tr« be Made « the auparvUon of tbo
ecaatr. tbe efdeen «( tbe rwea of
the oeaaty. eaaaty oMdah. aad tbe
aCleen ot (be coMMenUl einta of tbe

U to eee (bat tba CbarWteli araUm
9t Waatara Hl^a U kepi veil to
. tba fdMt aad 1o me that tbe people
bUnctail IB ibU Arocum by (be
dork or tbe Mmura Mieblgaa De­
ad o( tba a

•WtaM MaHSLlM*"

hy Ibe barwA

It .










At tba HaetUR of tbe board of autardmn of Maat eoaaty U Omad
Bapldi ytaterday. njOM «aa a»rmfar tbe am <d tbe Wemam






>■ ’



tmUmum iirfi
TW»et A WUK.


(tu; UiA. saMr tU Act
wti Iteteh S, Itn.

m 3.07B
#inMU. «MT« A #Aia AMVHOW.
' iiWki null TnWi*M,«<|0Vr kv
fpt.M AAkaikx r«v._ti» piikU0

Hum |k« r«nm o(
Bi Mrt«r at tkb Ua* and if
l{ HriBC U>at tka C
ka ao
aa ta
V aaada aedkev
-imafalna Ml «h» wiU ka eleciad.
art aaoaK tha poM ablt a tha dtr
kaUare tkar wm f^dar-aM*k
IMU aarrlca aa tka proeeaad cbanar.
Tkar aettataJr kan tka akUhr. aad
tonUUd'ltr cxiaatKe pabDc
TAt acCku « tka kailnaw mtm-p
wadauea ta -Btarttag Udf aoaabaaatl of^ckar

MONBv rom aooo

Ika acUoa ot tka board of aaper
i»eta (8 aKmpdallBar.flt^ for
oad iBprorMMt la Oraad Tnaaraa
aooplr. ia oar a»(skia akadd la
tkr approval of tko taxparan. It la
traaUoc to nintaiRilitii tka pro

oat tka oMalr la the Alractie**^
taspkct Um pr»Tka road odbbA
iMi iHlM. uyhnr. H vlU aioDora, dorlag tka ladt r^r, kaaa
t t«* am

«>U k*

J|l«- Ik* iMtwattw «tv*«d *
■^w. Tki* XMT ih» au•MMifteW • kw* • «o«ltar •»»*.
pMk tiwr *<W «ra t«
«H« MM,«C
aalvaa aa ctaUAad witk tka raaolU eC

AC WUadK «(UMu «(,
vaAlaw vW.k*
« pt Um MMf «raw* wuftV



a tbaa BtAdP fTMt
adad teat yaar, tka
g M Miiia aa teat
Vaarte aaaaaaad rateaUoa. taat paar-a
ppaftloaMU waa «aljr two aOte.
Tbia actioo iimbiw tbat tkera. vUi

Ronuncs onuNuu
Traaa tha •aUaan Rut MNtkaal
•aeatao-Oair^Mpa Map •»
with Indiana or Lornkfrinan.Teroato. 0«. H^Ufooa tsdar tka
bad dot malrad word of tka dadnlU
wbaraabouta of tka kallooo Amartca
tl. It ia keilarod tt deaetaM la tka
allda ot -Alcnaa or Laka RL^Muxa•MR la Qttokac.
era of tba Oniorto jirovlndal police.
Bald be ‘-raarad tka America bad dencoadad between J>ke Unron «o tke
C. P. a. or between Ike C. P. B aad
aew Oraad Trank Jtecite itoa far
nortk to a prlmltalva wUdtoTkaa*. Tbe
ocly k(«a of the aarooauta f<>r auo
cor. ai* Indiana or luabduen."
BL Lroula. OCL St-—A TkoiapwnrlUo. Mick. dl«wttt,to tke ptaddeat
of Ike Aan> dak today uyi tke AmeilCB II. wUk Alan B. Haaley and Augaau poet aboard paaaed weat
Sutiona Bay at dark. Tueadai. TUa
cucat tbe fear
that tba aeronauu kata perlabed to
Lake Hvron or in eaitcrn Quebec.
».—At • o'clock
ikere were ton macktoea to Ike air.
bouai Da Peaaepa atartod beaTeoward
and Brooklaa taOowod at S;4S. .it It
crtlmalad tkat both warp between
acd all tbouaand feet aflS were

McCray. Mr*. P. C MtCray,
i and Flora Hc(^iy, raturned to
ikeir koM to WatarU. indtoaa. tbl>
> BldaR ........................
be ptovidad tor all who are naaUe to
Uiend bacauae of age or otharwlae.
miter maettog waa bald a year
■go. with grotlfytog ntece

Mrs. A H. nni-ts :;jd daughter
Ml.ateditk of Nehtpen. were fai tke
city today.

Do the right thing ir yew harr Xasd Or.
• . Mr, Per.^ HoMawortk 'mAuI ekaagaa occur ta tke local mtrdrea arrived tkla aooa from Uenvar, •BOMla raoiaw tetr'r Oe.«n> Brio->wi(M •
kota today. PoUtoaa are sUU oeotad
CoL. to v‘all at tka home of her parW -canta per buahel. taw eomtog
eeu. Mr. and Mra W. tV.
each day. Ray IT tke only other
WaR EIgbtk amet. The Hd
nrtide of pmdoci tkat eosea
arc moving from Uaaver io.Rl Loula.
tke total atarku aad It aUB
Mo.,.and Uta. Holdsworth aad (be
is Ike aamc old prtae. gl« to $17
tkiidren will hero until the new
per ton.
bomp-is •allied
iciMed to locate In TravDetroit. MlcbT*o«.



(Political Advertlaeaeou)
r Stole Repreaenuuva—WUlteoi
U. HanderacB.
For SheHS-Prmaa O. Ilarttey.
For County Clerk-Ambraae
. -r (taunty Traaanrto—Edward

Uatner. Bairalo. Oct. it,—CaiUe. f.CSS; fair
Per tlrgMer ot Daada—Am Ungly active; |7©7.Jt Calvea.
atrong; $S.7S to |I0.S0. Sboto. 14A00
Fouit. WD
fairly active; choice lambs $7e7A6;
H. Davii
aba^. »3R4.76.
IMOk Rtta;
n>r OoDDty 8
yorkon. •».sse»J0: plga. fM».
Sodallim Cocdemna-Ooverania
by and tor tbe ueahby tew only.
SoctelUm Cond.-mna—Anarcby ai
2i— Potate
Steady; totoiev to fancy. S«e»c; fair
to good. '4i>eM>('.

creaateriet MR>Sbc; dalrlat. SSOKc.
Kgga-0leady; reertpto. 4,753 caam;
mark, case loduded. IKSOSmc;
drat*. S4Hc; prime flrata Wtic
Cb*ea<^-«taad5; datolea. ISRlSHc
twins I40i4tic: poung Amertcat is
long hoi-u,. ItteClSSc.

vc nnd pro*t ayatems.
Soclallam .Coodemna—Cambllng la
and ooruertog Ibi- omm-sMUm cf Ilia.
SoeUOtem Condemaa — Wage-ala<
err, rtUW-labor. frie-tove a
and all tra
He to t'lce.
Soclallam ('
poly ot tke mean* ot pnijurliig and
dUirtbuttoc wt-nlik.
lUam Advocate—Governmekt
lM pe
ivocai —Law for ae
curing order and IHwrty-.
Soclallam , Ad-.ocaiat—Tbe Inltla'
live, referendum and recall.
Sovlalt.m Advoralea—The ballot
boa way to todu.trliLl and civil

Itav.rsc aty SWe ByU
A Tracy Lap,' »TualdaaL
H. Floyd ami Vico Prnak
Samuel-Oartond. Oaafctar.
A 3. Marnard. ARK; Cokk
A I. Bavfiaad. AML Quhh

AGeuutekbC Botteas D«s’

« Per CcbL AUmrrA «■

tog baaiaear:
Money to l<
and city proiwiy. ra
aace al.o will Uuauctioucertoc farm
salea aapeciaily aott.Hed. I aoUcU r
akare of your pa.rocagt'—u-ruia rca
WU b«- lo<ated bv CMolw-r 5. tSld.
Pbone 511. 443 Mart ^tk rIrML
-••'tk a-aiury Auctioneer. ALL KINDS OP CUT PLOWCKS IN


ASttttp ^ri rrT riiiiRi

Cjltnder bora. 4 inebva. sto»tt. M iaebM
Go-d deaitn. btal material. H oBetesoled
Weight. JOO lb Sitfia Maily, rana ata^lp.
ii ooonomiotl. reltoble, darable aad ‘eomp‘Me
witb puU«T. gaaolne Uak. battNy. eoil and

saiteta. Wired rcttdy f* raa jour aep.
arstor. wood aaw or pnnp nr d • ai-y oikM
duty sriibin tbe c-pieity of Si h p.ocoapiM
SiSi fL P(ic>s t7l Mnan^redby

W |L J ACKSON. iyRvcitte Oy.Mich.

road kam tka aenias yaar.
VbUa tirta doea aot aoiiutd Ut. It te
turkey*. l5c; bebs. mic; sprlnim.
M«y « «ood dial for tka aaeoad yaar
of tha work.
8octoltem Advocates-Equal pay for
equal work rcgardleca of age or to*.
Aa aa artdaaoa of tko latoraat baJic
Socialism Advocates—Public ewncrtakoa try tko towaakipt tbogtaelrM Ik
tilp of all of the natloDte natural reI
Allbougk nearl.v even' toed article
nrerldli* batter roada. tka lawaabjp
:i aky^Ugb la price. Saur has remain­
of Btelr kaa ayraad to aparaprlaU
SodaUani Advocates—Public
w Raaa Impacting yha Apple Or- do fowl.. lieiSc; do aprlng lurk.-y. Bblp
ed at a prk<e tbai make, yon feel
of all .nailoD-wlde organlutloas
•lAOO tnrs tta loada to add tp that
ehaidi In Leelanau Caoirty Hear

for production.
of tha aapwrtaora acPR^riatloa.
Socialism Adrocatoe—ftoblie
Tb.-re's no reason for trying to cat
towaaUb kaa oaa «t tka wwat rooda
..Ot of ibc railroad, sleamthlp
off Ike rurnerw byi buying a hnaed
graiih. leli'Pkoue llnea. tbe eapreas
In tko eointy and tko poopk ot tka;
Bsraaaman Jamm C UiAaugk'to.
and tacklnti
aectlOB ara wllllaf to apaad tbair from tke ntotk WlcUgan dteuita. «tea
o the l’o,t finice Deparlorent.
(beg>n>per quaiity.'
monoy to krlac akoet a sraek aaadad to eke ci*> Monday on tola way aouih
tfaval enagi
aoMOBt. Tha cood mada wiMl afto- a vlah to tbe Nortbport w-rUon tJrape fralta
Vou ran sell afford Crean-nl Sour
ami the u)w<- eougisr tbe lighter your
ST.ATB OF MICHIGAN*. In tbe OrmalBc cMtastow to pracOeally ot Wwirrn UlcklcaiL Ut. Mcluagblbi PtataPPica .
h<>u>e bill, will be. ..
cvil Court lor Grand Trat erwe Coun­
arary oovaty to tka ataie anf
aoou farm land to tbe vicinity
ty. In Cbaneery.
Think nf lb.' good thing* you can
O0BR7 it ne oKoopttoa. Wka
la ronaldartoa OdOMauU.
Acne* Sc vor. Complainant.
enjoy wlikout tbe Ibeuttt of coal—
Cbarlea Setor, DetmidaoL August 16.
.. MKlt thu urtklaa btMt khcwnpHthad darto* tk.
1 durtoc bia
.and think bow mack baiter hoam
) .Iiade fiwda are for TO* ud Ue ta»_ ttat
«r»r bMB w- roar kat (aniliibod a taloabia looooo
II appearing tram affldavtt on fUe
WMi 'rtt tb«r« b»T» b*«o
to toftoenoo «UI bo prodtabto fa
tka trait tarma In
in thi. cause that tas above aametl
'ttater «(UUts in ttc thrM tko ftttarc.
1 learned frun tbe fruU 0t>wera,
lendant. Cbarlm Setor, does not
am ok tt* Moni dmuif
tke buaat Ideaa ragaidtog tke plant
Ibis Stale but la a re»ldent
01 Ue State
4te of .New Yorl
YorA (to modoa
ir»M aua ku---------- --OKTTINO ' RIADV POR
log and growing oi applaa. In tkla dt/
L. H. Ca^.
Cage. solicitor
> ar Mtta. wri
h* risttad Ika oflica of tke Wouem
Ptelnant herein, a te
ta ordered
It la refreahtoi to aoto tk« tour- UlGkighn Davaimttt buimu and
................Tta ■aid defendant esuM
rnaraeMotlk* aot the ftraen tr« lokliic to

Ul* cause In person
secured buUetlna and pampUeu up­
. ir ipoat
ot tka Onsd aauat of ockIbUa for
tko atau: on the fruit todUBirr. He la aoibualaafrom the date hereof and In dcfai
tranga aaettof to be held harato Pa tto upon the advMUgaa Weaurn
thereof (kei t
rntaar. aad tor the Cklear> land V«tagan oBan. tic telL however.
bled bereis may li
cd against bltii.
r. Already (bera bare been larce ll<ai tke ntroott palna should be Ukeo
is alway s true ecouoiuy. but compared wiib «ker artlclca
flyxinGE w, CLRns.
dirpUyi of gralna and frntt praparad
Ika Claima ot the re
Clr.-uit Court CtemmlaaioDer
^present coit every bouM-wife baa
and tbi qaallty and m»Hr wHl be
gioo tku tka proapacuve eeitler
Grand Traveree Cteanty.
orauc- by baking,.W« IBRMt RPIRIT.
.. H. GAGE,
rerelatton to the ddoRatea to U mlgbt gri DoDc but an accurate idea
Sol. for ComplalnanL
N— Tcet It out and yon win r>-adily affTta.
- 3K1W «d waoHaa, tko Trararao auto granir nooOog aad Cblcoi
>r aa^
epL fO-n ocl. 4 il ll-SS. BOV. 1.
Creeceni Suur for Ibe lesl.
4iy'muoai«oro momtha
vlaltoriAnd at tbe aaaa time fnralah
aSacUre adrrrtteloc than wuM
be had by any other m«kod.
Order ■
Wra. Katherine Hoag, died at her
It oaoDty fair Arvniaa, STATE OF MIC
Tke Udlaa who ara worktof tar Ike have on iTik eireet Monday mortng at
Court for Grand Traverse County,
itkbUahnont ot a Boyr cinb ara got- tkroB o'okmA from a abort iUaeaa.
■teak. rounA per lb.
3. 3. Bredna: Prokbp Kyaelka; C WlfttaB R Go.; U lk.0tlekto Cbaocery.
gnaadi aad baOdtosa. Tko ataacla
She waa M yean of age. Skg leaves SIrlola ateak. per ib............. 11 to toe
Josephine Caroibcraxomptetoaat v
aey A Son; Jamb FuriaM; Beamish A NIMoImr; J.J.Oiay; F. Rtep
w* owalaaUoaa to tko diy. iMof several cRUdren: lira. Elmer deter, Porterhonae ateak. pm Ib ..............JOc Wlnfleld Carotberw. Detendsnl. Sept
an; V. B. Roland; Ut*. It. Ilcoaeruon; Sehooknfl A Neiaw; A J
aJ|kt iianak CRatp V. 6- V.Vb
of tliU city. Walter Hoag ot For.
IR otekRMOW iRth
Tiayarao B. paaaod a molnUoa not only ea Sinlib. Arkanaaa, Cbariea. of South
It epprarlag fiosi affldaMt on flic
Carey; C. U. Joknaoe;.CilchrUt A Hlaaa; Naab A RliiMbteRM.
In thI, caiiM* ihit tbr sUi'-- named
doralng tka prapotatlon bat ptedgad Dakota, and ateterw and lnuikeri reFoote t Reamas- Uuaseliuaa Grocer Oo, Hnanah R Lay Mtag. OA
Winfield t'arotbera does
tttir mot baarty nopocatkio
aMlag at Alma. Tba fuoet^ arranget reside it 3ls state, bt
•oppart and to okoar tkolr oppiada-.
dent or the ai c or IdalR. On motion
its will not be aBM»iMe<rsmil tbe
or L. H. Gage. Solicitor lor thn Oomtioa they tukaerlbad o aiun oC-MHary rolatlvea are beard from.
plalnant. It I. ord--re
Cor ika ealarprteo. mik ouak ncosrdefendant. Wlntlrld t'aroUierH. .-aii.e
ameat aa tko lodloo are laealrbu: SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION.
bis appoaiuii.-o to G' .-iiter.-d In UiU cause cither in pervot. o
y solU'lK
the Boya' oM> win bo alarted
four loonili* Irom ^he ds|.BOOB and wa ora oata that ike klgnbereor and In default ibrr.-of that
With Oeed Program.
«■< tta pM}tty>RtTatetto pro
eat kopw of the uotturt of tko Wobill nf eoqiplalnl filed herein may
dUMi.iORlea. Utokallm tko Uflii• etab «UI ko raolteed. and tbai .Itee $aU) quaneriy neatwatlen ot
takru as eunleaacd agalnet him
dRtt|«at^ mktaod taacoo ot tko Iba fotbcra aad taolkan of tba boya ACBM and Wkltowaur Sanday Sebool
toUolD win be held at Tuta. Sat
a( Trarotaa CHy win JOttiy appreel
Ctoi d TfB'erse Count., M
nrday. October M. commeocUg et ii
ttii^ «ttko Ohio IT!!*
ate tka work of tba wotnen.
It t;.Vi;K.
iMFttnia aad tt ordw ta
Soii.-itor inr Coapialnani
gram Will be *780 SneceeMw and ktell
Itonioeas address,
ot tbe Sunday Bekout Wcwk
TtavsTMi Clly, MIrh
Sepi. ST-Oct. 4-11.1$-::, ,\0T 1-8.
very catenaintog Bat or numberi kaa
dultua Uraaa ot H
been prepared aad the coovimtloi
«»tttattlr boHtotaiaeUy t
• of more than t^toary iniere.*..
ftaat aaotaoa aa a tolr. aUhoott a
STATE OF Michigan',
The Ruaday a^ool workera to Trav.
for. ibe Couaiy of Grat il
aiy and elaewhere are extend
Ur. JoUaa Ljuaen ot Uoakegoa aad
sealoB pf said court. U<-M S'
Btoat cordial lavustloa to be
Pttea aad a ftar ooMtlbotad Kiai
Ulaa Sadia Scott of tkla diy. wart
Baanak A Lay Oa
the probate office, to the
«ir. hot wAoa it <MW to tka Am Bianiod Satorday aturnnon at i
Traverse Cite, m md monty. nn t;:You esQ do thii bjr trying 100 poundi of . Uaeon and
17(h day of Oeiober A U. Ivin
la tto OBMra MglaR onl/ e-doek by tbe Her. J. Allan Caaby ot
Hon. Fri-d K- Walker.
compare tbe lesiilu with
otha ieed.
Do k in ttis way:
«b «M dartrod Crota noottonklp the Ctenrdi ot Okrlat. at bit r^aoce
Judge of Probaio
aed butter lean ooe cow tfail job ate (ecd^
•tta. M tha mtaol on of U; Oroat- Tba ring aarrlca waa naed. 'Tbe
In the Miner of Ibe elate of Mir
or MMot ttaa tkla aaoot ka ttowa bridal ooeple irire attended by Ur
oo your re^Iarfeed for oot wttk. and dta chaRge to UaicaSB
garn Htrrt»nn. der.-as<-d
V «• Old ta hM aa aaaaal Rdr 'a^' and klra. Prod Lardic. ibe'faiber aad
ihc. next week aad hole the reauh. You w3 be mpnaed to
mrt kts piHlTioo praying that a ccr•irteoaiii iwiaada. TTo koboro. kov> aider of toe knde betog the only The offtoer of Ue W'eetern Uicbllee bow it wili poy you. Then go back to yoar regidv feed
lin tcrinnneni In writldg, purporting
•Tof, tkat froaoBt
coodni^ aip etkera who wttneeaad tka caroaoMU gan Devotopmcnl bun-au today n>'Sy« tbe last will and teitamcst of
and oote-lh: drop in th: c|utntffy and quaky tef tbe nSk.
Mr. apd Rra. - ^aIaaB teti tkli etaved word tbat Osceola county bad
>ld drcF.Md. nos on flie in said
>urt be admt-ird to probate and the
Rtt ty tko aptaadld Malta boia or- moralBg for Uoakagoo. wkera tkeyi voted l-U of oos BlH on the aaeeaaThe price o( Unicon at preaeal ii$l.70 per EnidredL
admlnimmlon of said estate bed valaaUtt of tba eonaty for the
wlU n»ha tbeir toriiu bocne.
iocludi&g the bag. id leu than five hundred pCMid lott. vd
grantt'd to blmaelf or to some other
4 the bureau. Tbe vote -am
Tha tetoaMoa ante anodtttai ako' iteraoa-la a carpnur aad ia a rtatog
suitable pertOD.
$1.65 per bundled (f you take fire bandred pooud* «* bok at
loong awa.
carried by e large majority. The
Il Is ordered, tbat tbe lOtb day ot
once. Tryd^ You can gel k at cocnef Frout nad Cum Sta.
flee baa ateo received word that Mw
ten o elork
.MBttd BaoriR an old aeldter ttto
ceaaty had voted the eum of
kaa baen aoSartag «tk bowel uooUe $g«0 for tbe same purpose.
la rta« or tto CM that w«o taken to Hra. Bawkallte prtvau
--------- vn ho olMad
la) oa BMt Proat atraat Inat Ru
at thtetun artay.
If MRataM aad VO kaltaro ttta oonPlane tar BrM Reonien tt
Uiw. Wart Prftd of Boeklay reimra
On Sendar. OeL fg.
atttt tttaPttI tta aoaRwa bore tok- ad to bar Rono tUa
aaaaal hooe i nailiig Sag c< tke
« cuUted la aatd eouaty.
a «n Rapa la tta <«p «ttk BagMta ttartt to aaMaead te Of
JuJee .< lYobnta
Moada oai retell raa.
,wb«r tt.OaiktedayaaoagE^nn^' auww/per <oa .......................H ta ft .Oit UfJNor. i.


Raise the Quality—
the Cost




ii £






*Ittc KM Everybody LftcR”



VolBl HlUlna Co, Grasd RspMs. lOeh.


mvQiffi cmr irde

Is a fjalanced dairy ration.
It is economi­
cal for the feeding of dairy cows.
If you
keep cows for the milk and butter there is
in it why don’t you use the best feed
(Unicom) to get the best results.




-np dlinn o( «• R«M «M»a*t

, _ ....v, TO




cbunis fhuir baa been In eourac of
traJalns for mbw weeks.
The raltroada sre (rfferins rwdored
raira. the apeelal nle belnc
half (are for the (tip. Any member
r work<>fl In Rondav echoola mar
lend. . The resJairatioa fee la *1
and Utla entillea the deleicatei id (
lixSKinc and breaktiat in some (Irani
ttaplda home. To secure these
adailODs all deleteaies tboald
send ih'elr name, and address to Gel-

“Two botdes
' Cured My

" I hare been a tafferer fram rltrumaiiun
<or about two yean, uod
hat-e used raioi} linitnenUand pa;<rm m«licint» wtiich j{4\-e mt itu
relief. A lad) friend of
mine fold me ahe had
u»ed vour Linimmt-ai>d
found relief at 1
go< two bottles and tbn cored me. 1 think it» the best Liniment a pc
eaa hare is the bouse. I ahaS ilwayw keep a bottle in my bouse as lon^
can g« tL’^—Mas. £. R. WsiaAcr., MorriKmt, Va.







If We Economize
on Footwear
ire pay tl» cost mapy
/aRrnin? power.

ow in loss of beUlh ud

Wales Goodyear Rubbm
I and Children Were Saved— »

"“wusinj "

Attotiier Letter.



•♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•


1 rccomBletid your Liniment very

Sloan’s Liniment instantly relieves
stiffness of the J oints, Sore Throat,
Hoarseness, Sprains, Neuralgia.
Sciatica and Lumbago.
and cheaper than porous plasters.


offer the best proteciion a^inst j»in. &now, slush cr muJ,
keeping the shoes aitrsctite and dpan and the feet dry and
* 05
warm, made in many models for erer>’ po*»We requiremenC From , ‘
eephyr (light) weight ruW«» for men and women, to heavy lumbermen's
ovens, farmers' snag proof Uwts suid.raHroad men's extra high cut taado-.
for-se(‘\ife artics.

(Prom Fridays Reeord.1
Miss UHIe llojiklns of KiDp.ley. is
Rln Jsnlero. Ocl.
—The .mean:rimimt (rlends In ihis city (or owrek
ship Valley was wrecked near Ihel Mm. P. J. liaynts srtlvnd W.itncsArrotals llpht house off Pars. Seven-' i:esd«y evenlnp Irom Uukeio. Wash,!
ly-Bve of the passenper* and rrcwjand will epeod a, f.w weeks with;
•ueA. hut io perished. The fnends In this city.
.... I. .
toe , I, 1.
1 boat <
wrecked ateaiutblp Is nilsatnc. Mos: lly. of. umeiks. passed Ibmucb III ■
of the women .ad chlldreD amona
t*l. mo^lnfi on their way to Methe paaaenper. were redTued. It I.
Smith ,!... pu.cbas.-l
reported that the wreck was the reU. jrplibankA. oOCtk Rspidt. Is is
trouble with the sieerlup pear
a (be enplne. causlux toe aleamer
Mrs. James llnisla of Oiwnd llap.;
> drift opoo a rook
ids, ^ho has been vlklUnp la ;i,o
flij. rejumed to her home IhU tuont.

Ir Uu. JAMBS McCkaw,of i:i6 Mandeville St,New Orleans. La., writps:—
“ I cake pieanre iowritiniS to you il>at 1 lad a peds is my am lor five years,

for eoc week ami waaonniieidy cured.


luvboaa was a rrrd by Miss Babellf
» of llUl' Um EUls
suit, which, rooslned of doapbnau.
bsr^nss. salted peaou;*. coffe« and
hMuiirii] white birthday '‘cake, i
which bad IT llcb'cd caa;^ «n it . |
five days In the
pu-sts o'I
Jlf*. Chai. ('unis.,
s. ESU Bliit fciid chlldii-n
Mm. Carrie r-ptheprove, . who have
bocB worklaf at the ranhlpf rauor>
durtBK -the whole newwo. Wl Mottoy Boon for TraTcrre (*117. whe.-\.
they win pack their hoasehoM pond ’
Bit.l 'D»Te to Jackson tor the winter
Mr. Stitt arrtred Sanirilay riipbt from"
Jsvkson to sreompltby them bscl.
Mist .tno B. MuUtanpy In spending :
Ser v.icatlon with her sister, Mri i

The best value in rubbers at a fair
Tte.Bear trademark on every
Wales (SoodyeaT Rubber is worth t^rachrore to you than the little'trouble it takea
to see that it is on the underside^ ite^instep of the next rubber you boy.
Wales GoodycarTEubbers areurriy sold through the dealel^-if your
dealer does not ha> e Wj^ Goodyear Bear Brand Rubbm io stock, he
will be glad to get them for >n)u.^


Herold Bertsch Shoe Co.

.to. I ('baric* Jcnhitito relumed
U> hlp
Fee Ltphtlna the City by the Oween *■■«-■»«
lirayllnp today.
City Light * Power Co.—Will • •>
Slater wvi.irned last nirtt
Havo Ten Dayo Leeway. .
s huali.ea. trip to Grand lUpi.W.
ill conn>-cthin with hi* houw'-iurnlahA opeclal tneetlde of the cOUBcIL lug buaineaa.
was held WodneadS) yteninp, lur the , Mr and Mr., Henr) y GniniL of W.f*Mak.ri •( th. Faxma
purpM,- of wdopUop the c-omnict for loon take. b|m-di Wednesday la the
liphilnp Ihe city atrc-la for Ibe nc»t oiiy and lilt (his mori.iu; for Emten yeara. hy the Queyn Cily Biecirie ,,ire. w>cr« they wull »pciid'several
Uabl * 1‘owet company. An aitompl de>s*%lih relailvcS
was juade on Tuesday evenlnp to hold 1
,rrivod from Bina meeflnp, but H w.^ Impossible to sc 1
Wedoeada, for a Malt will, her
cure w quorum and the aeasloD was
and iwirtrees on his (aria that arc In
®'“‘ wie«.
tng E<>r (’hli'.iso Bhcrc he wlll,wiineai Rcir. tVi-dncaday. (or a visit with her
Mlaa Ella Rocers of Oopatnl^ m
beerlbcwndbels on'erlmenUng with
"Itko,.. of G.awn, l.s m ti
ij- X. Grid’s Lcnc-s ball aune<.
slMcr. Mrs. U :<'o)-nr ot
Twelfth In the «lif 10 apenj% (ew days with
the rauinp o( ebenies and peaches. I Some minor ehwngra wpre made and
M.m 1tel!t>,4lo|.kiiia A>f Kingsley 1a I tree!
xlhlltng frieiida la fkis rliy (or a
ivorge Smith ol iti&galey traaslbi her alsura. the MhsM BoHaa and
^ t^cn there
Oto y. HOLME* HA* HAD EXCEL­ H. believe, that they produce much wbUeeale Bvera.
ed bualnras ia the <1ly today.
LENT ftltULT*.
better quality of (rail and reseUtblea
Knr! h. Lulr left vi>dne.d.y eve
tract, and oae, Alderman klurci
Mis. F. J. Haynes arrived WeJm-s
Judge Ami- tV Nerlinger la expectSilas Ada Torty o( ThdrapaoBVlUa
a the case ot most dlitricta.
tuulnit IL ’ The mayor wild city clerk'' ii.g (or a f-w da>a' hualneas tilp 1 d.>> x-xeaing from .Mukelo. Marb.. and
Is the gucM ot the Sllaaea Rogera al
will *p.-ml a_(ew wreks wiih friend-:
enter Into cotttbcir home css t.’etoa stroH.
eweees aiM Orsngi Bshtblta Cpming
lr*ti with the company (or the aped
fs W«il end an Vwy
lap for (Jnkmpo, where h> all! wu
Mr and Mrs. Roy Stnlih and
An additional ten day* was slve% ne«i the woild'" aerlea hnll intno
llx. ui Omnia, pau’-d the
Ml. »nd Mr«. Hoy Snilib. and (am; cuy this moniing on ihcir w.iy in
O. y, Heines, ef Holmes SMiUK. Eatimsbit Woman Is Do«d Alter Long the oompanif .(lor the first of Jau- =
*ufronng and Every Effort to
()hlo, where Mr. HmJ-.h bu«M Is the .etty today InapecUna tbc
Prolong Her Life.
lollailon on accimnl of Hie lateness
n"‘i-fi>ne on their any 10 M.-dlo.-i, l.iiTrii.-.'.il a f.irm.
trait wad rae*i.«es that are MUis
[ the acaron,
| e here Mr Siuilh hja
jMirfhn.-.od u
li. f'alrbanki of KIk RapUa. la lU
Bstbared to*r.i>er fir Uic exhibit to
Paaeenger Traiiia at tbV Per* Maninotto Bailriwd
ker At thin meeting ' permlaalon was **'"'•
iho ell) no lm*]n«-As
be made etOdeeaD at the time of the
kind granted Germaine Bros., far the rretH. Fairbanks.
i^k lUpids. U .11
Bt Toledo ooff arrive (U and depart from ihe UnioB
Mrv Jioii.-s IlnjxJi «.I Grand
id Rapid
ksM shMsud ia Trarerac City at the
and Indulgent mother end an earnest t
iwo story concrete buUfllna .‘= -’ '■"r
'in hsB been Usiiing
Di-pot This eiv-spaironi direct oow»et
I- cli}.' r
tine Otoe
• grwnpo meeting.
, cairistlmn. Por j-nn Mn.
LuenJua t
:helr llvi-ry barn to'he UM-d
Mr*. JaniCi- HpAb. of Grand, jfn.-.l to n* r home ihia rno.-nliig.
all tinea cati riiiR Toledo. vitboQt mtting a trnaefer
r<aB>nt,>n wife
irtra o( Hobert
nahaa, CampbeU.
Oaia-hall aa

a aslc Hiahle. The hiiiidiiig wui *><u ba» been vivitiue in the
t’Lixile* .Ix-uklus r.-!u:;!cd to. hie
bees straady done skng this line. He
of depoU, srhifb fonaerlf tnia ooceM^- Ail traiae
bad been (aillpg In health. At that be fidaSU
ri'turned to h<i home iIiIk meroltu:

ssU that he has been on hJa (arm
ateo eiop at Weet Toledo and Wagon Woriie
time they lived on a (arm awr Al-I .
-------e-------------Chuloa Jpiikiii* re'iiim-d 10 L.
Mr anil Mr». H.-nry Grund of Wal
f RiMates Siding (or 33 years and
lolonnatinn ae lo tipoe oi train* sriU 1« given bjr
den. Mlehtgan. and
hoplag for a ^
♦ hcine tn loday,
v'n ,l.ake. apem \Vedni-»day In-ttnany egeoL or by
Karl H. I.ui* lelt Wedheday ev,-i • i:> aiel li-fi this mornlttg (or Empite
i wad
- ‘^*““**

ww wriuevin inhlS^bSw^Ttbe
nil ocim UM we
, . ,
toqk lier to the tunny dime and ocean
Ins for a few days busiiietA tr!|> r
-.iliex «i:i spend w»<-rtl days
U thin la cemeANy cradtfod fo B. Ue U
near Richmond. ■ Wm, Johnson. )r. Is on Ihe gain.
^<“ Vlrglr.U.
la hi. thi. aaaa-a a—a
*“'• “““
*h<l®‘'*if'«'TOll IS XfTf Hck.
- Jn-. BIslow arilxed /roit Ban
‘raaw hack to Uic north where the' The cwnnlng^tory la eloaod (or
dcctofs prooounced her wllment that th»* •®»»on
rti»ad*d and incuiabie dlaeaae, ane-' >lr. end Sira. Pcur Lardie and aon
” ?***? “ • «1A
her bus^nd ahe leave. "»«'•«• -PC'" Saturday night and
•man ronnd wUie bean and briagi a
rtlldren three a<^ and two Sunday with Mr. and Mre John lloir

i>i*tribulor» of WALES GOODYEAR RUBBERS.








Pcrc MftrqocHe Tralu Enter Union
Depot, Toledo.

B. F. HOELLEBa Gen’l Past. Apt

- --- -

to LK« httshala. He ha. apple, phtm


veraarj- of Mias EUmbeib Sfoolek. a
niah. and Elmer who la now In Ida .
ho. Two daughters. Sira, Man’ Lsutto
Of near Aldan, and Ina Crampton. of



’Two Coats in One

will be very fittingly exemplified by uncom­
monly pretty styles just received, in - Ladies’

Suits, Coats and Costumes


“ -m .iu.

V^etable Compimnd


For Street, For Afternoon and Social Fanctions

a Jt'wel

WbJe.1 iyl./ •” .the Chruilaa cause and joined the AHm Ha ffUaave Ira
. .
|»^Bdi Church o( which ate w>* k
*" “■W

I Wlhful member, in Ulor yeari.

Ryl ydia P- Pjnkham’g

What the Fashionable Woinan is Wearing

utoMtoto., vto. .to. »to, to«“t ‘Z™ .r

her motber-a bedside doting the last
to. tototo .toto to,. —,to to.
Uenlna Tappan waa born April 7.
ua. at VandalU. near CaaaopoUa.

Mlth . ond BW* married to RoUert R.
#^l 111 l^ll
March I3. UTO. At an early

I j| IKrII

at the home ol Sin

Wntnil If Ora-ViiL

DDhealiky Eldoeya Hake Input Bknd,

Ifesk and anhealtby kidnrri are
jmoitaible (or much tick ness aodtaBm
tbeiefon, t( kido^tjonhle la permitted lo
contipue. kcriuua recould nol do'auy .If “**
Sunday at JiSO and -the
ay^uaework. M.v remain, were taken to Gadlllac Monanlu arc m.>*t likelv
to follow. Vourother
_______waa calliil day morning.
organs may need
Betroftcxlnn Whrn
1 would alt down I
feUatUJeoDid uui
._cv do most sud
ahonid have aUentref
regetabie Cony.
first- Therefore, when
kidnert are weak or ool of order,
Wr Btate Sunday School Worker, Wif) yoor
on eaa tmuerstand bow qoicklx- }-our enBe Held In Grand R.pia. Wevamtiewl am jM-rfecUy
ire body ia aflected and how every organ
sema to fall lo do iu doty.
her 2nd to 4th.
If ran are sick or “ fee! badlv." bepn
AsTOErooM. Box ifl. Black
tking the great kidney remedv, l>r.
Much tmen-ai
being manlfeded lilmer’a ^wamp-RooL A U^sl will coutbrnugbout the aiate in th« next inee yon of its crest ment.
; CtouMto- ntls Advtoe.
The miU and itemediate effect of
--------ahonld submit to a sun^ Blaic Snnday School couvcnilou which ^nmp>R(Mt.
the great kidnc.v and
to which nay mean deistL.
bladder nmedv. is soon rCaliacd. It
ataoda thehighest becanac iu remarkable
> reatonsg properties have been
toouaadherha, a fair trial jexpecKd that ibit will
wm be
b one
a In thoBBuds of the most diatressconrenUoii ingcaaea. IfvouB '
(Rite Dura medicine for women
last year’s ronvenUon ahould have tiie bei
Sold by drttteisu in ,
and Wdd^e^e.'
fitty-cent and uoe-dol- f
’F sfvea by- mat, worker* l„.i



priced temptingly low for a quick turn.

S5 ,

hare a aample bottle
by tnaU free, also a
bladder trooble. IJentian this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co .
Toller Binshamtou. N. V. Don't nuke wor mis­
charge ol the take, bot remejulvr tbc natue, Mwanii>
Roe*, wnd dpnt let a desJer mil you
Msafon win he In'

Beautiful Evening Dresses
in Crepe-de-chine, Eolian, Liberty Satin,
Messaline, Voile~in Tan, Pink, .Rose,
Copen, Heliqj Grey, white, black, extra
special $22.50.
Special Sale of Margaesettei, BUt Voile
and Messalines (one of a style only) this week


Dqiicbng ihe latest mixtures and Poio styles, pUio or
fringed plaid back effects and Black and colors, plain tailored

Last week's arrivals show the mid'winler styles in approprt^iate weights in everv wanted shade. Regtdar $20 ralaa
for tie 75. $2150 vtiiiti tor $i5.75. $30 values (Skinner
lined) $25.00.

S9.75 $13.50 $16.75 $20.00
“Where Fashiott Reigns"


157 E. Front SL
Traverse Gfy


A -


Qfeat Early-Season Showing and Sale of Nev 1910 and 191 1

IWE INVITE your intpectlon of our
yy opleAdld exhibit of the fur s^lep
that will be most In demand this coming
Fall and Winter. You’ll be Interested in
the new Ideas In Muffs, Neck-pieces, etc.
The stioWing includes Several under-price
purchases effected before'the recent.advance. Every piece of fur is priced with
the express purpose of making eatly fur
buying very attractive to you.

lay your
fan early lU*


Fur Coats

nine Jap min
Ished erllh t


}» Inob aite. black l^nch' Cone>-, gunranieed •alia liUiiR, at

HM —------ -

NO. 202.

am Rrg Muff, five akin*.
Dniahed with hra.-.t and iaIK.
AB <-ire|JluDul fur v.rliie at


NO. 601.
:c Jap Min
ireuily . o
icnd* at


Tali tolb



tag rellan and ton-back cn^a.

‘ porn-jrntrM? japiRt. Mn«.
r-’f K-»2r. In.b,‘s. two natural
tieada and eUwf. »>e<lAl


and brawn, in ihla laB'i
eat abapra. «a.«> *alna
•2At; »L60 valnea at '

Enr Sets
NO. 1324.

two-alnn roart , aud liirgc
Rug Huff with two iMlpra;


NO. 116.

•5 98



Mnraarcl Mrinioah ««d

ansa ahape. witb two beods and
rnarWng at beck.


NO. 1SI.


In bla^ or brown, jnet the thing

thi. ..pimdid tuod-l
*°"iG not- only» wi

.■ti>nl.-y Je.ih- i-! l.nrac aNcrtvpcpd-




will pr.'.ich XI tbe GraWTi church Sun-

imasing v,.ty. u-hi retrashmeais! to properly nourish thcirl

d.vw eveulne at T o'clock.

were ecTied.
Miv Kliis, tnMber of,
the bride, r.reivisl all i

Pr Claik wcnl to Elk Rapids Sal.urday on profcional hualocd*.


. bee owa; cbildren.’
>uk naLL'Et aU. >«

Mrr. Crandall and Ur.

and .Mrs.
Jlr-. -Aihlev anil
O. 1>jirekTlvil
U- Monroe Ccnicr M’.-ditcj charge'of Ibr gill room. Many bemul
attend the sale
Harrv lul ai-l rostly gift, were presented
bride, who hoi always bc-n pne
Mr* ('fcarlCA Palmer vlaiu-d friend-^ rffNihe iin«t ju-rpu;
ju-rpulir 5v»in« ladies In
tiicMiurrounding ••ctuutry. Sbei ha.
111 Traverae Cliy Tueaday. tf


Tbe fanner* are very bu»y jUggrtis l-een\M^peetal fi
favorite In nodal tlr a week or tcu.days 'tfith friend*. -|
cle*. teing aurfo
aurtouiid^ hcisWf with ~lliliu. AUcu Wa3tcc<^6.Rlfe Lakc.w
hui.drods of frlcndv. The namber of

li.eir potatoes.

her filemls fs llaiHe dotily bf tbe at-


♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

JVailer. r

bofue tbM

tent nf her 3(V)ualotaaeB*. Tb» groom
.1. c:.sliier In the Km|ilre hank aud La.

Stisib Miltoe, IKrfi,. tvi. •.•4.—Mr. a wide and nappy tc^ualntann-.
Mr. and Mr*. Hardy win. go
i;i.d Ml-. AteH Ilachi wbo were niar!lcU a S-'iifh lyi.vnlman s-lturdiy, liooickei-pmg.aoda la 'Cmptre.

NO. 1360


Kike, of


.viis. .Anna fiercsey r-A^ned Si

home In -WolllMloe lodas
Mrs. .R. Lr.ioiie went to Cadillac U




<le at James Wjilier.' of

KcwadlB, U tbe guest dP<Ulti Bernice Howes

Tuesday ihey went to Hlu*eoe*.whdr«

Roheri.-Mn paid a visit |o bet

r as a bookkeem at the Poisio linpremetii plant Vlll leave Monday lor
Charlevoix., where k«- bn* aiiepitd ?

in TrivcrscTniy. Mrs. WIImu return- position aK.bookkeap.T in the Charle
od- lioD Hite!i.-ock Wednesday.
iv>U .Rinu: Saviug* R.vik.
Mrs.' \\- ',V. C-iih-r left today' tor
Mrs. S. Duffel entenal^cd the Udle.' .Aid MXlety Tbumday.
Grand .Rapids.,, wherc'shc will s;>eud|

day tor a short Kfir .rSIh fneods.


Cl black Coney, only a lluilt<‘d naicber at this apcdol.






Mink, flvc-ekln
cffc<Ts. Ciiishc-i

Xll>T. I
auun lusrbinp at


LET U8 REMIND YOU AGAIN; Select ybur fall Furs now; have us to lay them away
for you until later.




Beautiful Premiums free with Globe Green Trading Stamps

ISi Nirth U.ple SUEEt

w. M. C0D0IN6T0II
rropi. ‘

Cask pels tor use*
Oel. <-M 18-*f.,.

, Attorney iioyd .and

i&ive a man com
f6rt at . Home


wa. in jMs .yielnity Tues-

-Mrs M Pock U spending the week
III KalKafka;

liAM- he.-n >pen<ling the auiumn
the .lake and .-t« t-tlug a new rotlaee,
eoiitemi-liin- golu-' lo Seattle.. Wnsli.



lial Ueeli<( Uie

86 48
NO. 1365.


New Brick nolle

*.'.;e guests among

Mi. and Mri»\v. J. Rlngler. Jlr. and

For Cliins
3lnff. animal
. l.k

niR SET, Black. i«lmcd
French Coney. Rag Rcati". '
and a'liirrc Ifitlb in. Pillow
MuB. lined with extra qual­
ity satin, at

Have Tour Bobta Unsed oed {
your Far CoaU oiado at tbe

Mr. and jir*. Sol Ringlor, of TravI lie. I.t-re Ij't week.

l-orrcl sbiiEC,

11. E Pouch, wbo has been employ-

Uiuiher. Ccorpc Wlliioii, and family,
fioin whcie she rcturtird to her honx

ei«e CiiT,


. d^Tom Satuidny-t Record.i
Di. Fred Xiunton of Saynla. N, Y.

Wash.. 1* vislllng friend* and it-laBirt\Cd-iD the city today for a tew
tlv.'S here lliia week
weeks vtsil with his imreuu. Mr ami
Mrs. A. J, Rrbenaon at;J Mrs. tV. Mrs. 3. n. Munson.
Wilson, spent .Monday with their Myrtle LuxiorJ of Frankfort

For 1
• •hli.n I

NO. too.



Mr*. Wninr A.«hiev. a* Dursetheirchildreni^houldI

ll.B n wc-k HI llonn. lUltiug trb-SdS.
The illiurMt

*-ere guests m 31. Rlngler'a Sttodi.e.


was Mitr.1




Clbrk wcdl to Intcrlotf-n Satur
c'ten.l lb.- fiincrti of Mrs.



ail BnJWTJ. Skliiaer'a aatln lined. 12


Ur. and Mrs. Katt aod MNaea May

Mrs. IjJwHI lYink of North Ulltoa,

NO. 144.


For black and brown French
Coney Muffs, jilllow shape, aod
aatln Ilii.-d.

NO. 1228.

FITl 8KT, Hla:.
French Cmio'. tnknal etyb-.
NO. tS2.


(lENUINE Ssklii Jam Mink
Rug Muff, iwn natural heads anil
clAhl mils. Tilts fur Is equal li.
mnnr wava t(i
the gennCnc
Xoithern Mink, the prlci- hciiiK
the c-aifi differcnc.

NO. 1701.

VOR PUR TIES, tbra* shape.
«T IDcbea long, silk lined.


i'j milk and pre^feriy noup-l




•NO. lot

NO. 1«t

AJid earned n large boqu-i of daltM. | but CnncbcS the mOthcHs I

The KUi* boBoe wi# cRec-.ltely de.' i ^
Mn-. P W. Reywo'-d* and danger.
crated with cut Biiwfrs. fern
Petr! were Tracerse

VVimiim Jolly and Sammy returned

iiLUE wtvij- FUR sirr



iefi tor th^r new bocac WMoeoday.

from South IVuirdman. Tac»dn>. They

For black or
brown xaxa
a^ FMr Scarf.,
with two


Mr, Pnratley ts JUdrw. Mith. They

tt.'irv' acronpaitied u> frintds:

NO; 611.
CinNA MI.NK CAPR. Pelc-.
lita Kyle. Sklnneh aatln lluad at

NO. 106X

'‘*4': nnt “"'y
r»n1v build,
hnil/ls her
Tier up.|

The dUiHr: anperltiieadeat la neiulmg

IT ( in a lorii and haiipy life.



in a verj' sh^ tiii^ It

a preaent K tie by hla Grown friends.

Hearty foumtuUtlons are extend
m.v !i!ile f.ivm, nil the church c-rtn-r. the r.ide and groom on this
Th. ir tnnny irioinl, iialto ia-wishing happy ot-cA- Ion.

CAPE SIlAyt-lS. China Mini..
ha« eight tieada and alx tali.
A l-iK fiir Ealiie at


-Tbe auead-

Priretlo and wife Tueaday even­ am. were Mia. Sarah Dunn and Chaa.
ing Bl Ur- cum ball. Tke cvvmne King, btwi&tf of tbe hiMc. I>uriaglb~
raa ploaaantty spetil la a aoclal way. ewtraoea wf tbe brKal t»riy.
Refmhaaema of Ic^ eream and cake Orpba Frallefc rtayed a besulKal wed­
were served, Ur. Prieatley wax giveu ding march.

ftse qt towne to their fhimds ofi their

. NO. 213.




$8 48

Used >Uli i!uarpDtc«« biecaM

Iwrtr wa. given in honor of the Re». Ttog-tetejre waa nerd

NO. 12B3-

' r.ANcy sc!\»?a, cetuti..Jap Mlak: flnlsbed *iih hea.iN
•md riawa, at

91 ia lone, mailo pr hill, cany
muy Mdected-oklM.



show die benchdiil. ef-|
facts oC ■' V '■

Tbe «ervthe Ker.

MUIa Of BHoonla. ia tbe pmaecce of
Md a lew elnae Mebda. The



CHINA VIKX hir n<<rk piec-s
—xata abape. an extra ■periai.-

nnhad ta arnttiagw
meity waa-perfonned by

Rev A. T Pci -umh. of Travemc City,


nrS OOATfi. Prenrh
Coecy. asd Waa.' laade


Select yonr
Pars now aadj
have fliein
away until

• a
UraKn..ili<4i.. Oet 2J.—A farowett

Md i-fftf mereiw W-eimmit pw«.'
A man can't be rhcertul. anjl'ai his
■bm. m 4 Abeerles. home. ( A w>lc
, tan I be expcried to be alwan pmnl
iiaturtd in a home with a poorly
tcirng. work-making alove.


I’l the tiear liiture,


Mr. unO Mrs. .^VllHani Oft»ni, who.
hate h(u*n spending llie summer
K-mriierl 6b ih.-li
M'asli.. Sniiirdo.'.


liOrae In S,-x.kBiie.

Milllani Wood sj^wm Saiitrilay ^ch


III KIk Rapids allendlog chilfcb ri-i


Miss Grace Kinp sod Frank Hardy
Married at K.owmod Resort.
Uuiplr., .Mi.h.. (K-I. M-At(Teloek
Toesdat uticmoon. K.-nwood waa the
r of a V. |H pretty but .Imple wei
when Miss fl.Mce. daughier «:


King and


Le-A Iw •LrA^ode cjixt. "

Frank Trude

(Irande Week in The Big Store
CoODtmily iotenst b die ocly tpiiit
duMigli wlndi the people di Graod
Trawse Regioe cu daw tbe atmtioa
si the odiiide'worid to the many adsiMatet awaifrig them; ^ bOowmg
dmt idea, we hive dfedM lo provide a
^edil oppatu^y (or s!l to wodc t»dcdwrhif rwnnwfi food by exhibitia«
.-4he pradsch of dielocalt^ at a time
vAcn Aouamk di vision wifl be in
ihedtyiren aB sthei MClieM o( die
rttle. Your gesereoi asd harty ceependoo h los^ to make tbe event an
taptecedoitedwecealfen the expopidoB dtaodpoint
Be«m piepsnilMU

The management of “'The Big Store" has decided to make the coml^ meeting of the
State Grange—D«ember 12 to 17—the occasion for ‘ Oimmunity Boosting" in the form of an
exhibit to be held throughout the several aisles and divisions of the store, the Second Produce
Show of the institution, for the special purpose of showing to the visitors in the city at that time
the possibilities of the soil and climatic conditions of thj Grand Traverse Region. For the making
of this event the peatest possible at this season of the year friends of the store are invited to par­
ticipate by exhibiting orchard, farm and garden products of every descriotion, and there will be
divisions for other displays so that every member of the family should be-jiterested.
In addition
to premiums for single exhibits there will be grand prizes for the best showing made from any one
farm. The only restriction will be that each entry must be made by the ptMucer thereof.
Think of the great advertlsioff benefit to be had from thU produce show, ^ well as the opportu(\ity to secure prizes
for individual eahlbiu.
This wiil-uodoubiedly be a magaiheent substitute (or the district fair we {vere unable to bold aod an ioceotive to a
more united Effort for the proposed cxposlttao lo Traverse City next fall.

llw display w3I consist of Fruki aaj
VegctaMirsand Seeds and Grains <d every
(otm and tiescriptioa, together tridi Do­
mestic Sdence resohi.tsrii as Candy and .
Diied Fruhs aod VegetaUea. Jefies.
Jams. Daily Products,
Art Neetfle Work. etc. In fact, a real .
district (air without the live rtocL Lfte
cAcr (airs, there wiH be premiums ib
cash and merchandise to make < wor^
wkile to make an> «dAit of the producb of yam- (arm and home. W'atch
(or the Preminm Lht which wl be »
sueLsoon.' Get ooe and eater ednbib
m as many dasse* as poadle. Share
m the double beneht

llie gaim^ & Lay Mercantile Con^pany

• '



CwtiM Hm Out Which It SM tt
Mhht ClfMi^Fivt MUtt an Hmtr


Btlamt Park Artatkxi Pldd. Lout
laUad. Oct.
Wltli t*oni7«r tht worU't iDOCt (anow alraieii on
band. Ilie tnat

Tad fihnivtr fell W feet fitun bb
DMa MirtaR*. tbo- Macbtot btint
' artahtd, Sbrtlrer'a lujortet
. drtaatd wbtn bt rtuiraad lo tbe EpM.'
TWa b tbe Am aecMeu of tbe &«:■
P. O. Panatlot In a headJesa bi-,


i'bae. aanndtd la tbe rala and <|usl. tude exctedln* feet. Numcrfurc<:. , Tbr Americas team, therefore. C. P. WIDard. nev CwtMo blglBM.
J8ed »* pitot nad a member of tie ona leraed prtxaa a» oOered for apeed.
vJU be aelened by a aerii
(Typo uakPovDi.
WHtht «e».
duration, dlaiaare. croet conctry and tioB conieaia. The
Prises Offered «t Aviation MsMing:
Tbe drat view of Cortiaa’ Dev n
paateajer carrjaw fllfbu.
alreed.'i ael.-c-ted tbeir tea
l>uraUos prifre of AUO divided
Inf mnnopl;^ vat aeen Ufa afl<
Tb eatrania include ’ BrooUaa.
in the hourly dtetanc^and allUodc among three flren vbo reamla 1
aeon. lu atArinc mdder and clean- ahaatoms Hoiaev end Turpin. pupiU racea. p.-Ucs tmalllDf |9A00 viu be rreatw period of ilrap durtxf
inf pUuea are located lo the rear of of jbe W’rlfbt hrotbera. WlUard, Bireu. Tlie tomi boorly d:*:^ aad Hour Totol AJ.9J0.
tbe abip. lu apeed U aaM to be 87 Mara, McCurdy aou By. puplli of alihude of the ayer» for IJ hours vUI
Prises of AI.SOO for fastest 10 kfloluOet an boor.
m l*nrUaa: J. Annstrouf UrnxoE be computed, the prlxaa toiaf
meerra. divided lots tbive psraec of
PbHadelpbiaD. vbo von fame aviator "»*as»p tbe hlabeft
Claade Oranam-^lte In a' Faiaeu
tl.WO. f).0M aed SAW.
Cblbl-plane endrcltd tbe Held tvks.
Dimlon pritee of $850^n
b flven
t1 be
Grasd altitude prtos la SS.«M. n.tafoao. vbo dev from Paria to lare- dilly to tbe arh
Tbe of&ciab aanooticed that :
«00. ASSO a^ SAM. vith AI.W* Addi­
don: Harknesa. Scbtelrer. Hamllion
l;*> tbe vcaiber vaa net vorat
tbe air dorinf a act period of tional for bi^tec tbe vorid a raooe*.
and Prtabee. alao repreaenUlif Amcr' time. There vuj be a ItJiOC prUel AddliloBal piWa of A$AW fbr ariatoe
darb proffam vonM be glTeo.
dally for the faaten 10 klloMtrei exceeding lO.OM feel.
StartUat conpi art expected. ... lea: Count DeLcepa. Latkas.
Tbo other ptixet arc^large and the
Orand speed piltoe. AS-MO. AI.OPO
tbe AsaeHeant—tbe Wrlgbu and t'n-- BUne. Aubrun. Barrier. Carroe.
Simone, from Prance; aed awdlUoos ■ufAclently aevera to en- and AMW.
Uaa—hare fuarded tb«ir net raclnf
food Ailhf.
CroM eountry flight SAW a day.
aar^iaae alUi tbe utiaoal aecreer
ul-of AJ.fOO.
and hare declared' that aerial booor<
Aero Club of ibc L’Biied Klnfdom:
Croat coanlry paetmigw ranVing
r^la io America.
Never baa there been fathered
•Ixe, tZMO. to aviator vbo carries
Preneb, cbatrlncd oier tbelr* defeat
ABtoliiette moooptane.
laat year at Kbelmt. bmp announced tbe biatory of thu modern aport a'Btoc. TOO bor«eiIiv« R|«LT*»o^' latesgera ureaieat aumber of time*
tbeir letcaUoa of braakiac « ‘
•ora notable coUecUoo of oporiamen. pUne. Rene Tbomaa. fifty boreepov IP given point tmtalde of field.
vorld'a record to via.
Paasengpp carrying prlxo—AS.AOO
Tbe Coupe Internailoaal DAvlatlon.ler Antoinette moDoplane.
Tba Coup dc Inlcrcatlonal de
vhicb vill be oenteated for Sainrday, { Encland — Claude ctr.i'«p.e-TfMte, avuiora currying pantengera gee
Dumber of time twice arannd :.JW
October 2S. vaa von laat year at 100borsepdver -Rledoi. James Radmetre
Rbotms. by Olenn Curtlu. tbe only iey. 50 boreepoeer Blerloi. Alec
TotaJlxatlon of duraUon prise—To­
Mvtnir percent of ibe Arat tiM.OOe Amorieon conionder at the Ural In Oflevie. nev Wrlcbt blptane (Onil of A6.000.
proAU aad forty peroeel ‘of tbe aec- lernatieiial mccL My vlnnini:. Cnnlaa knasrn type)
ond tiwpoo proeu. vlU be awarded aeeured the Jamr:* Cordon Benoeii 1 FaverHaa In American EliniisMien
TotallBUoD of dieiaiMe prite—To­
tal of S1.JOO.
to tbe alnnen. Oat apecUl prlae of
tbe fJ.000 rnp and tbe right lo
tlO.000 baa beea offered by Tbomaa bold Ibe next international rootesi In _ J/dL IWxel. JO
Tbe Mlcbelln tropbv—Goes to avlar. Ryan for Aljht from tbe avUilon Amorlra. Karb nallon li alloved' 4- B. Molsiant. JO boraepover Blor- ir vbo makes longest snau
j-ear. About Ad.OW. ,
Held, orer Brookli-n. aroand ibe Siauio ibnae Dyers In' this great speed cOnof Ubeny. aad retnm. vltblo 600 taoL ublcb this y.-sr will be
A aUver cup vorth II.AW
Waller Brookins, nc-v Wrlifht blboor. Aaolber •( $iMWi baa been of­ aOca, Ate Uiurs the dlaUuce av plane iL'nkuuwn type)
nmati-ur vbone total flights are the
fered by tbo Atm Club of America Rbeliua. Curihx wax olTered first
C. K. Ilunilioa, TJ horaepower lonpwl providing they toUl
for tbe avlaior vbo readica-au alU- place un Ibc Aiucrk-an Ui-kei. bui re- llamUton bipliix-.

Economy .nd Quality
^ Hand in Hand at Our Seventh Annnal Sale of

Sliimmer Resort Pianos
$386 “Toi""
PlHyer Plano
with U to^la mnalc tad beaeb


It IS always possible to buy cheaply made, inferior P anoi at cheap
prieea, but the big. important feitura of our Summer Resort Sxle;ja.that It
thorn substintjilly new, at BIO RCDU0TI0N6 FROM REGULAR PRICES^
.Thepe Rented Picres -were 1
wrtio I
oome eases only the finest SUInwsya would do and for them we reoelved
• about Sloe each tor the teaion’a use. Everv Plane was used only in \ first,
class, privste home—the moying and shipping were dons by our own men.
, under our own eupcrvision-A.snd now thit the inslrumenU are back in our
Wfararaema, wMh the dust of trawl and flngermartia remowd by our Expert
Polishers, most of them cannot be teld from brand-nsw.frath4rem.ftetery

You Sav« All the Rent

Rssd thst lies iBsin and Just think of whst 'we offsr you-Cwry dollar
rscslvsd at rsM on tbasa baavtlful Planes has boon deducted from their
lewMt net cash prtcfts. This means a.eiesr saving U you of AW to SIOO, scssrding to length of service. Could you maki>W to AlOO any saalsr? And
please rsmembsr—In saving so much money yeuleso iwthing In «uality, for
these Pianos would pesHlwly pass for new and we GUARANTEE than Just
the sama. TMa is Jwt at aura an( posltiw a saving to you oa though ws
haedsd you 4ho alnouet In ouah. Note tha accompenylng lllustratisna of a
few of the tatraesdinary Bargalna.
In eddltion to tha Rented Pianos ws
CIsaraiKS Aals all our rwantly exchanos
have been careFactory^ ExA*^ and era In lbs finest
l> wslMciwwn 'makes M STEINWAY,
tar prfeos SMO to AAOO, but ispk at pur sals priess ■





Buys this
$350 ■


Upright Pianos

$115, $123, $137, $149. $163. $177. Etc.

Square Pianos


$35, S47T$58. S73. Etc:

$212 ““s’?/,"'*

Ask yeurasif this gusetien—Can I afford to ignore such a wonderful upportunlty for aavIngT Even If you had not thought of buying for a ysar or 00
It will pay you to uke advsntsgs of this sale.’ W# make It easy for you by
sf our SPECIAL PAYMENT TERMS, whsraby a amill firat payment
and firturs monthly installmsnu el AS. AS or $7 will be aeeeptsd an any of
these graat bargains.
•E SURE TO COME AT ONCEI So graat it the Inttraat in this Asia
and so fast art the Sargiint going, that a very few days may ate the end sf
this rscerdbraakini event. To make certain sf securing one of these
Mstehicss Bargains, call, write, er piions today—aure!. Os net 1st an>.,iing
prevsM you from sharing in thit grand monsy^sving opportunity.

Grinnell Bros.

Opn Every Evcalnu Daring this Sale

TravAse Oty Storr, Cor. From and Cass Streets


$187 “i5iS“


— - ^K
Seetlon 12. Artide Vm
etltWIon of tola
la Wftbsaa THtofeot. t *Mito

•»sinMly >ilmvd TMa

mEIlEEICK C^MAimjfOua^

JUatnabnr*. Mich.'Oct. Si.-TVuie
drawing a loiad of dry wood. Wfll la viu«M whereof I hatra hwits .
affixed my nsM. at TraratM CRy.
Ayer*. Jr, /na cbiwn down, tofethor
this SsptsaaSr ISU. ItlA. '
with a part of tbe load, between toe
p. L. BHtrrm.
horaea. one aide M toe rack ytriag
•ay. Tbe borass conuniwd tt
2»-2T-Oct 4-U-lA2M^ L
belag vtopped b.v a fence.
•Ayer* vaa badly laHrad about toe
To tbs lagal Votaia «( OnaA TiEto
stss cwtocr. MkUiBa:
t». HU Isg eras aleo bedLv brnUed.
Tou ara herahy aouM that tt tta
but It u thought that no hones ara
gaasral alscUen «o bs haU la tfid
State OB Tuesday, tha sStttt 4SF Al
.November, if 10, the (bOowtat SdiMn
art to bs votsi lor tt Omtt Trav.


AadttDr OaawtL Axann
•ut Ten Days in Cuetedy of O. A. Saraamattoem- of tte tt
Marshall and a Fins
flee,. and Jodtke
JoKlee oi
of tha 4
tor toe term 0
•rtt. im. to
igtcai. Oei. Jt.-Tbe United taUve in <
let eosaptlatti^ha'
etatsB supreme court rvuderad a deCharts vouTaara.
rialoB today, that Arthur P. Herat.'
■aUM. Ishalla; XaN
•rather Aiiguetiu shall a|iood
dart In tbe enstodv of tbe United
States marMiaU snd pay a fine of Am
for inducing a vIuh s* to flee to ran- or Antrim. Bsatte. Oraad TravufAa.
rTbp cane Is Iscldeut of Investigallop o(ytugu<tua- alleiced vioUilon tha Btato kfMacafa.
aall^ banking act.
Alao toe tttloviBgtafflean IW Oraafl



of Deeds. ~
To Ibe Legal Voiorx ut Grand Trav- arcult Court Coa
Cknpnera. Sarreyor.
-- County. Ultolgan;
are berehy noUfied that an In vHJiesa whereof I havr hsraaatt
weodmm to Smioa Tauivu of affixed my aame. at Trararss CHy,
Article Mil of toe Couatltuliae of
toll State, relative to the bonded •«SberlE of Graad Travuree
tion^of Rssourpea.
SepL A»t;Oct ♦-U-MM.Wov 1.
Orand Traverse county ua TaeWay.
' eighth, nine
k hundred fANTED TO RENT—A good farm.
Itmlc freek. SJlch, Occ
Address WilUam PRtteruM. Box M.
Mirhicim State Federation of
Kingsley. Route 2. .
Get. 2MT«
d in toe folloviring Ooncurmen'* clulv has elected tbe Mloviug
at the ladt
meeting of
Mr*. Lury While .WIIHBBa Upeer. lo be taken esoistion calls for a vote
X tbe eleciion to be held
In the mniter of the estate of Ph'llp
preildcm; Mrs. Elnora ChamberhuD.
Monaay in AprU. l»lo.
•ach. deiraaaed.
Hartford, first vlco. preaMenl: Mi».;
certain rcaaona this could not
Notice U hereby given to« a'g
e, as per fidlovlng comanunJjolin Sheip, JsekMQ. nceood vlie
>aibi from toe 24to day of 0-oo*r.
from the Seymary of Staie.
O. Ibis, have bees allowed lor

|ireeld«i>i; Mm. B. C- Asblwugb. Ue^
ligtn Department of Atasa,
rdllo^ to present their clalEis "I
t.'oli, riKordlng secretary; $llaa Loudeceased io said cot
:«• Smith. ('Iinrlotte. ■ eorresnoDding
and ndjuatment. eo
-w-r. larv; Mrs. Janiee JIulr. Port Jiu
.of nold dMuu od ara
■sent toetr eb'en* to said
je probate office, ra toe
I nirectors wive elecled as follovi.:
»-er»k •-ty tn »aU o
• tbs :-to day ef Kc.
Mr* Came A. Birre., Hillsdale; Mrs. Stature, proposing an a;
12 of article I o
A. U- 1*11. •nd that SUM cinimi
cinims viu
tieorce Feet, naitle ■ Creek;
.Mrs. cotton
utlon. 'HlIb I
be bwrd by aakl court on McoAay
Mtnttay tos rax.'lo. K. W-rninma. Grand Rai^ld»: submltied « tbe people at the eWc- :;th
• day
of Februar;
^ruary A.
' “
D, —'
ItIL at
s:ip Mna iviungc. Handi. Pectv^-r. ttoB to be beM on Ttmudsy. toe eighth
ch In toe fs
Datod October 2I(„ A. I) IMS.
J)..imit pel* the 19U rOBventlon. ' day of Novembur. 1»10.
~he folloving inter vaa ■
Til.- fedcrailpn la for conserratlon
I Department by the AUoraey
vu*S of l*ro*f.r.
->( nxlaral resource*, first and Utt.
Oct. S Noe. 14-1S-22.
aMordlrg to ibe evident Introduced.
STATE OF HICH10AK. ihr Frahato
hwh (till emhusiasm run that TTof
^ri for tbs Couaty -c.‘ Uraafl
FiliW'i Hutt. tlx. L-niiersiiy of Michof couDika. submitted to
Ipen forestry.(.Xpert, was Inveigled lu­ people by concurrent reeoloUoa No.
At a iwasion of saM ewun. bttd at
te the maoleas conveotloB lor a brief t of 1»0f, sbonld be submitted to toe the prttoats ofSev. tt tbs CUy of
people at the elecUoo beM November
CUy. In said coatty, os tha
tOuiens Bed poaltlieiy aaa llonlxed. 8. IflO, It baring been ImpeastMe lo Traverse
k^- of Oebobor A. D, ItlO.
I- Redut-ed to the practicvl. Ibe vomei
rat: Hon. Frsd R. Wattar.
of Probate.
the study of forestry intniduced tion held OB tbe first Monday of
mM con-----*
of tha aaUta of Joba
into tbe rural scfaoolt of Ul
...... ....................
ter the n
that Blnnley. deceased.
—•Mrs U-na U Mxutner of Saginaw
there was
-- no
- - general
elecUos held
Anna M. Green havtng filed tn nltd
lined thlr fact, Ineideolally beraUni lo Ibis aiatc 00 /he Ant Mooday of
uri IMT peUtion pfaylac that tha
April, 191P, at wfich all toe elector*
lotototratioa of said estate be graa'.* ‘
ibc delegatee presem tor ibe fan that of
the State voted.
to Bdward Wall* or to aoxa* otRer
only eleven club* in tbe federation
Very raspeetfolly.
mbt* person.
liave done their duty in this dlractkw
It to ordered, tost toe llto d«y g( .
SecreUn’ of Slaia November. A. U. IPiO, at tSfl o'ekxk la
the foreooou. al said praltots offtc*.
be and to hereby appotnisd for hearndment to aoctloa
twelve of article eigblIt of. sUtuiJon ralative to bt
bended IndeM- notice thereof be g|i
Sunday Acheei Hcipsra to Bs F'litsly
ropy of this on . *■ ^*to»*B S*to
.Entsrtsiitsd in B«Mt Churuh
cnlatjres (the 6eu
bearing. iTtoo'
Parlors Get 2Bnal toe foUowlng nl tdment to sec- a newspaper y
on twelve of artlc ttgbt of the •aid oonnty.
I a meeting of toe Bun^ ncbool constltoUon. relative ] 'tos bondnt
to hereby
-ludga of PTobato.
►opennlendenis of the city, held re- indebtedness of countie*,
propowd snd submitted to the peopk- Oct. Zi Nor. I-t.
lenity. It di-rldnl to give a. ban- of the Stale
in ihe near luloru lo.- the Sun­ Rer- II’. .Vo county xba
day M-bool »orkcr« of toe city, nlmi- Indebttdfi.-a. which shall
amrt for the Coaaty of Oral
10 'he banquet gi\en a year or l«o
At a sewloti of agM ooort. heM at~^ j
ago. Vbicn moxt Sunday school aorl- tlea hsclng an asM-si
tbeprobMeoffito. latheCKyafT^
five mllllou dollar* c
•ra will recall.
ma Oty. la aato eovaty. ug tha A4lh
• board of <
ay of October A. O. t»l».
iii-enilve roniBUltes and pracounty
fTrami; Hon. Frvd R. «’a!luT.
araui romniliiec acre appulnle^
. ___
for the uae of I
upon said nmcndOH-iit.
l•eM• committees bave prepared
dm-m. which
uie of Raacr
•uiillany toe follsv.
iii<-n.-»tli>g program in
connceiioti ■IMJI bo |i
log form:
«lib the banqu-L tnntallona
"Vote or
conn his pedltlea prayttg 1___
HeJng riicndid lo Iht worker* of the twelv-e of arti
sdmiiMrataon of aald wtote he g
stiiailon. relail
Mikmi acitooli,. atiuounelng that
of connile*.
'.auque. aill
b-.-ld on 'riday e
dmeni 10 *ectloa twelve of
It I* ordered, that toe itto day of
Li :v-c. a: d Jii. in the Daptwt article eigbl of tbs entstHstlou. re.Vovtssber A. D. 19IA. at ten o'eloto
■ e to bondi M IndehtftdM
rbuicl. parlor*. All Sunday
toe forenooB. at said probate offlev.
Ve* [ y
• ' an- most cordially invited 10
be and to hereby
ai^atoled for haaf.................................cAmendmeM
Itkg said petltttD
tleud and all n bo expect to eilesd counties may j oeetlon twrtve
It to tortoer ordered, thst pahUc Jbre.|nrated U> report 1
debt to five per cent of tbeir aaisaied ike tbersof be c>y«« by prtUettttv
kDilUiiusi to tbeir reapective
of a copy of tbu order, for three tbeBe U further ftHcdrud. That too rswtk'c week* previous to sold 4ay fd
suprilmeodeula w they ra
e«>lnc amcadmeni be •obmlttsd to bcurlng. tn tbe Grand TfartfMI
exe<-uUv.- cotutnlltee do
people or thU Staa* at toe electhm Herald, a nesapaper printed and dr-'loliday. liu* many- are to be prat idr-d
h* held on tbs «r*t Monday la cutoied la said eouniy
•kprll ra the year -nineieen hundred
ton Ttkft Secretory of Stole to here­
Judge of Probate.
tbe furioer latbenng about m by re<mired to certify the foregoing
OeNo. -|A
•-■imlred and fifty were praaeni and 11
eodmsat to toe clmts of to* aw1 eomls* of tbe Stole, as rqmiir
txp.'v'.-a that rally a* many wii: aibv
61. banguci In glviijc tbrau
I ai»|url>. toe ala 1. to get tbe Sunday
oI n.rrkcr» 0! the «ty tOBetba..
Antiic VValbridge. CottpItWHlt. tf.
ft »'hall*b* the dmr ofvtbe board of milk Yslbrtdgr, UefvBAaal. OcL li.w j
them arqitaiaird abd eaidiangr
> on UH-ihod> and the larious
m lit
j'l.aac* of Sandiy acivwl uvrk.
Ibe Inipenora pi Hmion.'it'tbe nev.
the aheve eatliled cams
Ifio kill b. s'sute conveatioii •ral voting prectocts wltola their n- defeadatrt. Prank WaitttdBa. mum
•pertive cokiiKlef. wifhia toe time named, doe* pot reside la IhlTttMlL
'gaiuxed at ibl* mi
balkn* to be used st said election
oDtUt 01 xU rbe delegates tram Grand are requiivd to be drllverad to sock
TrsverM- County, sho will Mtend tba. Inspector* under toe gsaeraJ election Htor for.tho famglaiMBt berSi: 4 tt
Isw. All vote* cast upon said ameod- ordered that tbs said dsdefidtott 41MB
Sunday acboul convention
.ball be counted, canvassed and
iKtd ir Grand Rapldi. Nov ita
te returned in the sams inuner as 1* hto appearanco to ho soursd tt^A
four moatts from ttoidtt
industve, Each Sunday sebool ra provided by Into lar -aossUiic eaa- caiuc-vllhta
hereof cUhm la pareSB <r by MSttur
City tr requested to appoint drie- vasarag and retunklng thb vote ter aad U defaut toarwH thtt.STffi
State officer*.
- Oompttttt SMb^ ttW tt S!
■to before the ert-olBg df tbe ban­ State Depanraett of Slato,
quet. so a compleie Hat of the namea
oKMweir evatiB.
be added to toe nd wbsn toe
tarr of State
Mitticlub b organtted. All who vtll at­ gun
and eustndldn of tta Graot Sttl
tend the state convestloB are urged of th* Btata. bmufay oefOCr. that tha
*- attMfl thb bUBflutL TkAeU fbr laragoitt tt «tnw sat aMsmd miii ibi
Ibf nmr »a he TEc.




r«s, ii53iH«at5r 5

ORANO TRAVtMt HtilALe. TUtMAV. «eTOUfl ft *i*»0.

tlabily n tor* «* tto hUttafk a»d tan ay Mfftal ra. ato w r* aad aou aad mow fta1a« tor,
mtf- Mrtito. nwy ton fto*
rO atrira • toay it la toad too. la tan aad I aaaor too* vtdek war to to*. It wwaU toaioadJatotoatarllttladMJM mtm‘
tto raUay. aad «to« J Sad atyaalt
looh Jaat Uto aacb «b#r-“
oaaatortorMtt. If tto oidrr ■*Ttoafc TO*, ay «ead «
aattii^ vroo*acata, rn eoiM rigbl ay “tot I wfO wTtt* tt for nw.-'TM
hare aad to«* a toartHahMn talk aaod oaly to i«l aw what to aar■' • to.torathrottonM*.Jaa,da*fto
*ltb ■mK.”
•Oh. that will to I
haad aad ealy roa abM mil m Und tofon
be deAM ttat ato bad yiMtr «f VUb tor baaka: ta
____ ,______
Sowatw la the ether, ahe deocaod- I'm doea. So* IT! begta:
asd do_____________________
what ab« mlghC. aot*
knew It.
^ *ai tout* It.


<M would oMItaraie than «r nadar rd tto hUL At tto foot aha lovnd “Uaeo tbw «*• a Hitla 0rl, awd
than Wm mwpleiaHB. It was bard Xotor **>lUoc tor. "WeD. Utoltv •«« had coriy hair aad toowa era* aad
ODOoeb to be thus afdkMd. thoufbi
to«an. “he* auny fracUea a pink i^Bthata frock.
t i.«U try «e k» M k«Mr m I
■to. wlthoot bartac to to termeUad ““
naiama—what U It yoM do for no
-!_1 sea aotae; res. cm. two. throe. «baa I An Tery, Tory food, nanmar
M rv M I MU.
counted oo hte Saiera teasm tad ha* yon aad t»U yoo
1 win t>7 M to tortaa. Mr■y UtU* BBuUeer
Ait ato kito to MMytoJy W
M avNy iMtaa mi"*.
* -Ko. I don't iDMB that. Wtoa fn
laeoirad Aanetic'a dUpleaauro by ob- didn't hrlnf one. Recer. !
If I Mr Ml I* trytto f to
ao coed that yoa let ne tore a UrUe
Mrrtii*. as she noted her fatorlte’i
ttoM Win** I will ‘Tiy.'irr frowalDraMsatenaoee. 'Why. bm dar. brfat yoD sone. of )oiir larorlie har- taa-party with BesaU Oay. or toy me
\Mt apple* ao'cauA!" aad she tossed
vn.i n,
lla; -tot's me wn»«f Bm. yotw
to m
face sboald to as bri*bt
-Vos. thus It. Her in
wtafa shlDlac wo ftonous wHhoiiL' .
'Rofer’i fan «i» a atod.v. He rery lodid
Betsey was a prlrPawd
hseia* been wnh the Butler family• caufbt tto apple. loechanJcallv. ihea has to to sons bl* words la a atory,
wltbtMt oreo a worJ of tbaaha, valued yeg itoo*!~
for nsay yaara. aad doootodly attacb•way.
"Oo OB. Jn*le.“
ej to ihsm, as they w«ro to her. On
'Upon m)- word;" ssM
asM to. when ae. - Aadabo would tore ^>ei« a rcry
any other oceaUoa. Annate would
U.. thniu «U., ol U..>,
l»nPr nm. «rl U
luJ.t Md .
tnt on this partlcolsr nonilB* she"Upon my word’" said i:e. when ''.a
brother, and be was a very. awry, very
iwseated It. What toflitfr was It of
hlmaolfalone- behind the barn, bad boy Indeed, ato to look bn- doira
old Betseys to —S" comawntsT
"*bst Is up with ^suei: >: She act- fly bar for a flah on. aad pladied her
aally laoibed when f twitted . her. Vlttya uH. and drove her away up la
Atotoor of rnaamai* to^fif
TAooiDplete Anneues ttnhapplaeas
^ frecklet. and remembered the appletre*. and—aad the mO* «lrl'
tor mother bad scolded her for not
me some apples." taklni a —how ioa* U the story, mamma*Oft 1. HM 7.#BA
mrijow fruit ' And '-OoV so tang.”
WanhwafMMsaontto CmdU fMt
least that *as tto way AnaeUe chose
y, j,cr this mom"Is that aH? WHl-'aad the little
OlMhSf 1. IfM, m
m pu^ h. b« unJi»Uj|. for _ imntle la*. gbo has been roUln* herself In*lrl'-l don't think « Is eo Tory easy
Hra. Batto t rer ae^ed. film a '• soear.
__ _ _I iraeaa. Well, she won't repent
writs stories,
vested tto rl*ht ttalt« for tor chUBto's erasy for soote bluerswent. "Oo oo. dear,'
Uibi. Ufikt. ftacs «w UMbur
dren rather tnaa ordered It, and tten- ud ] kaow where there's * tel of It." ' 'And tbp Dale * firl'—I. w
O'er vaUay aad hill.
crally they obeyed promptly sad will And anzloas to show bis sppracUtioa wberC Arehle Is;"
To Atoo Witt U>« —sleal
ln*ly. but today AsasOe leU lajarad. of AsmsUe's act of ktedaese. to ran
J<«ale cbaii«ed oneaslly tram one
. Can or tto rta
lUinmthir It was a *ery ulsefwMe ^
^ peaoooBsrtef to this foot lo the other. ~ 'Aad the IllUe
Tto blDO aktaa abot*.
who arbaa bmktest was
■>*•'' **'®

-With ttoir anatotas o’srtow.
over slowlr ellmbed the stairs to tor
>»»•*« >»>• ‘•Mto* with *ood- 'I'm euro Archie will be wsaila* to
AAfi ovar tto asadnwi
BtfiidUac wlato blowtl*
Bef^-to for tto aaula*
ABd conlda't yoo flatih tto gtory?
taaed with aaMln* eyes at the
T>iwi» the toofiw of 4bo ctoMuta
■ - Tto Mdlow U*ku thS.
.Aad tto BOB* of tto Batten
. JUm <Mtr om aJL
tea tto droopteg IlUic flgore fihe
*Ato she what 1 have
1 5«'
,i|to mapist' ar* flaais
^ Wongbt« m from the hiatop." She *«1 r«id it lo yoo wbeo yoo go to
* Oh tto emt of ttohOI,
Ato sBOtfcrst bass*
..Id ctoarlly. without saemteg'to^ ^ In the old wo-mt's gtegtom ^Afte^J^^.^ssld tor prsyeta.
tto ter salisrs flU
la tte Uns of tto mate*
tiee tto disonfoiwd room, “I wish you
_________ ______
-)^d iho Utils girl weal oot ud

I »Ml try mmm u <mnr m

torlai wltT^ '

S-SSH- . ■ ’


““ »*• ««!•

<IK billbri.iibl.
kx*«i is. b..b«i ^ boi
i^b«b««ww_nn lb. bitbiub.'»«ibm sb...i,.,^
Tbm are any quantlttes l)1o* about <« »«•«- 8"P® «•
boated about, wondering wbero he
oi tte grooBd. I wlold «»d Bogto. w « *> *oto of. you .hsU have
eauld be. aad feellag very lonely and
tot hte ••
leg tons blm today." •*»“■ supper, with plenty of honey to
forlorn wnboui
Sbe took up the ton
>gly. a. If
tbo>- bad been made of goM.
^atepe doueoadlng the atalra.
Annette laughed Dulrlghl. "You
.VoUiUw loath, the girl arose
luato too much of my IIIU* offoribs.
Obey. It srotiM to a tash raagaatel to
kot m may be oure
her teoe or mlBA ^ wanle^.t .kOl to gttd of the wafflto. Bake a
then, to get away from evoiybody.
„ kungry a. a boar."
~t-np-.-ta.kei. too wet* out
sto bummed a tune as toe wool up
teto the ^orteus suashine.
[ tte stairs la asarch of bm- mother. It
a a food world, after all; aad as
• fte tte petale. why. tto praple wan■
_. ____ _
__ _
.____ r—-•■7,

ft's kBtSiM in Ito twtUght

AfikteBt fto toaotalled un.
Aad Mate tta drammy laoeM
VgoB tto breasM ML
Ry aU tu pretty color*
That rippte. fold ott fold,
la rlehato oraaM. amber.
And cardinal aad gold.
I ABO* tto tuaam. so fioal
And boaotUtil. are tod
By aateWs gonmoM' teadete
or wanaeot gold sttd red.
—K. K.

A whole long week T«ur Prealdeat
has to ho away from yo* finsahltietm,
A whole Isag week whoa toe ctanol
. BM you or road eu of poor letter*
Aad eo ato }im sat dowa aad won
dread whatever we wero going to do
tor hai SaasblM Vltib "WsU." she
MU to hsnsll. "1 bdleve we will
have a page of fiwaahtee Btortm. and
ItoB BMt weto we can have a real
Mod vtttt and aU «to tetters from
the bora and gtri*"
ObbI yon think tta U a good Ms*

eoMd aUvor Bspklp rlDg. wHh "AnSMtte MtoHsUs Bo'teF’ ourovad ia
(an abowl (ts clramtercBoe? Ahaoua
was won BMOgh; she nttor Utod It.
hm—MtoltpUel-vof «■ Dimes tto
OgUaa; Koom wwoU over kaow-she
pssiiMsd tt pot for tta wrautod
BafiM-. who psrolsud la catUag her
by h to ovary pusalbte oocaste*
' Ttoa tta dteoBrpMhlti renott
ahoBt tta froekte* Pm Attaeite:
t. tor U eowM act

In I^W* .to
^ kto fallen Into a deep
bole hi the creek.
"The Utile girl did not know Uist
h«r brother bad asked mamma 10 lei
him go to the woods for a bunch of
srUd flowers tofhU Uttle alstar. Mam^
_t,IU Aw

for-k'' dreadful half hour,
I (with <i glaaoe at
Ito teveltecsa about her) U was tto
»ltt a tote- wklch toe will never forget, tho little
Mopte In tt who wera aU wrong „.*»«*•<»• Har moUior smUed as toe an waited, not kaoalag abettor .he
potoOty bor peopl* tto tonie eSrote. *^****^
tod anj llule brother or not, trying (o
MM of whom --duT-i-ml ber.
H“r!" ato said. 'The walk must f,ncy bow It vrould seem never agate
As oho drew near tte hlUt^ tte *“'* *»• fw good."
kear hU merry volet, or to see hU
gutet aad calm of the smllteg sky aad
Aanoue wont cfose up to ber molb- bright fare. £vca his Uwsing seemed
«ae ttrougfa her
teld^er toad down on the oal}- a trifle bow. only a lliilo fun.
trowbled aeaae* sad a softer feoUag
shouldeRs,. "1 tell ao cross and which toe might easily .have laughed
BTOM within
How beautlfisl It *lofced when f sueved. mother." toe at. or borne patlenUr, Instead of (retaU was! otorw heavtm, U tt—T-* to whlsptwta. "but ft was so lovely «od- ting sod ccmplttelag sbout li.
How cosy tt would be to fieacwtbl op ttero oa the hilltop, it
""’Halloo. Jessie! took! " There
to good Bp tore, away from all tte
">• aatomed. It Is wonderful at test wsa tte dear bo}- running tohwodnuD. sveryday life! She almost
tterc, BMber. the toy is so btu* ward her. «ltb bis toads full of besuKainre aeons
sad purple
dresded I go back. Below tttegi and
... m smiling and un- tlful wild flowers—pink
• ........................
be n bard lo bear. But 'ftabled. P. took all my bad feel- blue uud white,
sp hero (ahe drown long. dMpbroath !»*•
The world is eo bcautlfuL
"'"I got them all for yon:', ho cried,
of tte dellcioas bill sir) Reger’s teas- "*d
Peopte. my people. I mean- "And Jobaar sad Bert f.dl iaio the
Jtoi Beiaey's teterfareace aad ber *f*
bral ever." A vtgeroas hag water, aiid 'most got drowned, but
notter's reprimaadu. seeded ntero •»« b»'lW Was “ded Aapetto’s lltOc tbcj re out bo.;(ftSs*
" 'What s deUfbtful ptey (bey had
you would Ited It •» up that Aficroaon! Mamma listened, as
Pressatly tto sttenca w
IStn^’t^mThi ha^*tltt the
*>lgh up shea one heart, wondered If tte Ilulo girl
ttlnk agate that ebo should U>
fralt. which tey in profustoa sboui her.
apsei with
'«f-*‘ea s«d
•when very happy if U wero not for h'*r
After gabering . sufflclem dusnUlv.
Uf- ‘•«')' bo---------■
the commonptora brother
ahe upprotebed
again, lo bring «chn-' of ihr prara sod
"D aamms!" said Jvniv. with t<
this. .1 koov, you have dune ( is the txsi. Whal should I do for a
too lame, atece to fdl from bis wbea. And
brother if Arehle bad been drowned!
to dlmb UP hero. It vrUI be Uke tak- ' ay."
I'l believe I shall ever be angry
And deep down in her toart Anaene
I hilltop

d^ 10^1^. Ill ^ „;-“araad

kite blm before I go to aleei>!"

tto tea words sfoiHl. as if regiateri^g-''
Toano armm. .iw eettmt

aero te Ota trot story. It Is calted;
.fie tto HIU To*j
Annofte foU eat of sort* Thtegs
tod gone wTcng sface oatty BKirelag
Kwa lotoev breabtam Bofim- had pro.
vufcod tor with Us teastag. “Ooodmentefi. Mehttahte." to had rolted
■from tto baU tofow. as aha cams oat
from bar mob; ttow many fratoios
hove TOW giowf ainee last Ditot?"
ato ttsm. BOC waliiag to boar her aattp' nopoaM had aaraaeeraedly walk
«d hwag-wfilsUlBC a Uvely um. tl
was yuM horrid of him! Was ft tor
faatt tta tos had beso Bsomd ter

'At length, aonie of the neighbors
caiM manlng by In great fright, and


Jeaalo camp and leaned her

Th, snowbirds told me sneb a pretty

t feu. aad pterad
"Archie's a very- tad boy-, tnamm*" rbUdm fo know li. perhips you
ttam te tta basket
"to he, dear? l-raaorry."
tem*. bg, i did not. that th- Fairies
**!^.* ** Betsey. ahe weal
mamma, a dreadfully bad boy! gg
,ke orat snowstorm
on. olU ahmd (the spell of the UU- Ht------ ueep .to whole winter
•Tlal! a tew minutes, pet. antll I fin- ihrongh. never waking natl] the'lee
harm. She fovea me ■* the hues lo 40. lU* and then I'll hoar aboul It."
,od „ow mcli. and tto brooks bogiu
aM me unhappy. 1 Will
her j,,,!,
and wairted as the to run and slag over the slones. Biery
. r*
ta soon as tte not. fall and the
load of tt^ ^ they are only to be »«BdertB* It abe toraelf should ever jrares turn to tto beaolrtul goWi-ns
be ubie tu make the bitlo letters wUcb and crimstas. (he King and Quran of
She hunted aboul antu ahe had a w-m such a trtel to her a-err du at ,he Faries give a grand ball 10 which
goodstsed bunch of tto bright, red (to Uadergartec. And thlakhtg she gn ty,e!r subject* are bidden. The
berrte* "Bacse more of the untop," Uild make almMt as good rapftal M's birds told me as a grea secret that
ahe whteperto softly to heneir. as as maiam* hot feeling nuUe suro sbe fireflies light the bsllroom. and as for
ahd Uld Ito acariet elnsten hat bid- never could make such olcely shaped the supper aod music they are quite
ded In their gtomy (eavew. on top of b% Aod proud to find tbai she could beyond our imagmatfoa. On the nigbi
tttr appls* _ .
mu -got- .gad "to." and "b*" and of tto bai. when tte dandng l» over
-Osar mym!.~ abe eoaUaued. deep lha abe toew a cobum and a period, sad mipper ceded, tto King gives hU
ooatriUto S ber lone* “How <naid
"li'a vepy easy to write stories when band to ibe Queen, and their subjects
I say eto acoMed. when ato atwaro you kaow bow to make all tte Icitrt* follow them iaio the deep, swc*-.apaaka as If asklag a favor. lU take IsaH It. ammiusrtmciliag woods. Tnched away beneath
bar a groat baodful of astcro and
Uamem amiled as -she wiped tor the soft moss, and feros these little
goMca-rod. She tores wi)d-Aowera. pro.
penple sleep the raid wlaicr awsj.
It teat tte world after all that's "Docs It teem soT' she asked.
New. last autumn. ItiUe Prineess
wfcmg." uto eommnsd w toraelf. aa "Why. yes. mamm* You juu Write Coldeabeari aad to hcraeH tt« ahe
ato tottered tte gay bfotsoas. "aor aod write and write, as faa. aad tte w*s not gateg awaV with the otters,
tto people te It. It te JUK myself- flm lUag you know, ft tea beasUfii] bur wouM stay wbero tto
ao- aslfteh, dtelfiassaAle osU." (Wbu Uttle story, aad you road It to m*" wha
aad cold were Uto. Sbe
MBgbty and would bk beUev-e
»'l make half tte mtle let- whsi «to/>lder pn^e said aboet the

«... ,U ... mu,


selrea more. 8aeh daada*. toeb muale. aad soch a toppof- At last erca
tto yocaaesi and merriest of tbem
was Urad. aod aifer all ito dalaUea
wero oatoB aad the toasts drank in
dew from acorn cops, ito Kla* cave
his band to the Queen and led the way

to «

L. tto old

tto lady


-Wwa B* o wnd-Muteal #*a h.
O. Watsr Ood; cIto bb water ato ao*
let ns Wilber ea tto Barth.' Tto Nlbb
htoaSto repUed: Tow afcall not die;
1 will c«U on tto QrMl B*A Water to
slake your tUni. ter la tto Onto
.MWsh there U water ter m aU a»d
m are vary thiraty.
-"O. ye Oeoaat ato Seas of water. .
send rate to tto tnwa. plaau. Bom*
aad craasc* tor they are wary thiraty
aad m co« spare amtetarw far ttofls
Then Ito oewaa iisd aoa . waww.

hii haad. She lOd him wtor* ato
Utwd. and aakrd hlai «o call tto Mtt
day. with the ahtllia* to «ot a food
breakfast. As he tbeakht of tte tit­
along tte ahoree aad tried te aaod
tle Ctrl wbo-kad (Ireci him tte show
ihetr wMera ever tte told* bift eaeft
time tte wavra fell huk aad waUewd
ooly tto grasisM of tto tat«antoo
ajoag the coaau Tto MU-Maaite >
ttea rolled to tto riven: "O’, ye Rlv-’’ '
Tto klad lady
M had dlaapepaxed. She was very
en of Water*. KltchKSIblih: SOBdattomaddythad
tlrto after d.acln* aU the erenla*.
rate tojto tree*. Oanta. flowera aad
^gave him ranstant work aboat tor
wrappla* berwelf la
‘ bouse aod gardee. She had a alee graaaro. for they ara wry thiraty aad
maple leaf she curled dowa nader the' room flued Bp for him over tto tool- you have wat'er for ttom alLtauteuwoa. .to clomri hec e>-ea.
A. Ion* os h, lim
Thea tto rivra AM (heir ckaaMts.
She slept and slept aad slept. Jnit
kad a (ood home' add moot daatod agatea tto'lr buks «M flood­
bo* teas: 1 caaaot aar. but when she (rinds
ed tt* fowtead*. bat few of tto tree*
■wok" it was very raid and the crouad
plut* flower* and gnMoa wj** mOab
was covered with while atu«. Pot- „ rail and tell' SsUy Ome. of hU eaed. lla* btr UlUe face out from the ahel(ortna*
Tto Mbt-Muite thro rolled to tto
terte* muafarnoia shi- found the white
aato Fodder in Oar little Ohas. Ukee: "O. r* UkeMa and Great
■tuS still fallio*. and a bl* snowflake
Lakes. sroJ rata to tte tree* plaBia, .
hit her Uttle nose, maklnc her shiver.
How PoilyWfto t-Mt and Fsvto.
flower* aad grosisi, for ttey are very
U was so raid. She *ot colder and
“Pollvr i . .'i
thiraty aad yoa can spare mofotoro fur
colder, aad friefateaed. too. for the "Here'A-f’ollr.
ttom all."
■now would aooB cover her. aad perThJJTfn such a Way voire, like a
Thea tto lakta ttM. ABd tto Mfi^
baps she would never ssw her Mtber phoaocrapb or rtapbofteoas.
lake* nteed Ugh wavat aad whllw
sc^a. I think little Fairies must be Tome, then," boldln* eat s flafer. capr tta foamed ud oorged Ugh Jb
very like our children. Tor tow little So roily bopped in frpm tto next tto ar aad make mack aprar- Ttog
PriacMs Goldenbesrt began to cry and room airalgbt to her
swept afoag tt* ktores aad evor tta
bor- Besides being raid sofa, aad up 10 her flager.
pUla* bat rauM not ga <a aaoMh tlh
she was frlcfalened ai a btg -Mack a tiny bit of green aad tewy tonth- lud aad t)ie tree* blute. flewara aad v
erpv That had ]ust flown to the ires m, but Polly was wteo enough to a* groasa* about the hUte w«M m dry
above ber bead.
tooito you.
and ihlmy as ever,
Tto aaewfUkes fell'faster aad fast'^I's a loiety day. PoUr." aald Visa
Ttoo a large fiea Oull dolfod to tt*
or. and the Princess cried harder and EU* "Do >«b taot to go outdoqrar NM-Uaaio: "Ut me try." He ooUsd
harder, because she was eold aad "Aye, aye. madam."
abeot, aereamed. UMuad hte largo.
fritoteaed and sorry, vhea at! ai ooce "Will you be good aad abt get toatr wtegi aad dipped (ben la tt* lake*
ahe beard the sweetewt volcea Just "Aye. a>-e.“
He flew over the hills u
aboTp her. Her aamr a-as sptoea. so "Where do you Uver
shook the wara Item I
ato atopi>ed crying 10 itstea. They
"1^M Grand avenue, neat door to that maar drops faD oo the tros*
wero saying that tto Princraa had the caihedral." Thai Polty togu to pUau, flower* aad grains. Boi Mt ,
been aaugfair. and naughty- people had Jabber, aoi words, bul the toaes of tto all cotod to rrochsd aad. tlrod e«l.
to be punished, bul ttoy thought toe aervlra *t the cathedral
to sMUed la a swamp to rest.
bad Bulfered enough; and. anyhow. H
"Good Polly! go oa now." said Xlas
Then tto Nlbi-Uaaito sUd to tho
they left her there she would freece. Ell* laughing. Go Polly bopped oul Sea Gull: "You have found tt* wv
ahd that srould uever do.
_ of tto front door down In tto gras* to .make rain. Go to all tt* bird* that
Goldenheaxt braved tto storm, sad «*"•• *>T J*’*'
'<»•«• the paaaet*- fly te tte air, bate ttom asaambfo aad
tell eatt coc k^re me a wteg foattpni her little face out Irom Us shelter fJ-“ "''v ?U<I "Tery suah} day.
to see who was talking about tor. lo
l’r*«wUy a toaullfnUy gowned wo- ra." The MrdJiTtet as tto NIM-Uahlto
flnd the branches above covered with i"" rlrove up to the curb and aUtotod deatwd. aad each ooe left a feather.
little snowbirds. iVhlle she was look- f™®
carrt»«r. purpotew to go la- With tte frotbras tto Water God
mode a mtmaira wia* ttu resAad to
Ink four of the birds flew down, and
taking -_____
a comer —_______
of the mapletblok
« * «»e birdr every am aad lake aad'eevored an Ito
each__ _____
sky. He dipped It (a tte waters «ad
lea In its bill* flew away with tte “W Bl' «»<'> '®“* »»»tto gras* Prlnccte orolghi lo a woodpecker's
*t*ried aad looked shook II all over tto laad SBd tte mto '
g^, .
down, expcrtlag to wee a liute saucy drops ttsi feU ateked Ito ttliviy tree*
flowera aad groaae*.
You know tbai woodpeckers build 'x'J' 'Ung there: but she Saw no <me.
Ever ater the MU-UanIto. whoa
their nesis la a hollow ire^ and this
walked on.
one being empt} for the winter, tte "Bldnl era me. <Ud yoorTald lha rah. is seeded, hrusbes tto big Wag
sDOwblrdi carried Ooldroheart u> It. "®“*
»«<* “»>•
•>“ M over the Ay aad makes tte nih (aO
oa tto trees, plaate. Dewaro sad graa*
laying hra oa the tofteat. warmea bed *'®lly bouplng afoag by bar sMa.
of moss and leaves, sad covered tor
"Ot. you cuaatag eroanro!" sbe e«- es to make them and afiNataro batfiy.
over ss leaderty sa tor motter wouM- ctelmed. "I'd Uto to own yonl I'd —lUcblgaa Trodeemaa.
la a \-ray abort time abe was warm Mke lo know yoo baira. B'haro do
-Csfitory Maoto.
and much bapplra. becausw^tbese new
> wonder!"
After fony-Ave year* oT'IBW>.*Bd
friends told her ihey would tOie tor ’T®M Grand awwne." retdfod Polly,
to ber mother when the snow was Instsoil^^ •-N'tat door lo tte tattw tweuly-aerea yearn of eoddllag. wtmer
aad aatnmra. two eeaury plaau is
. •
At She became warmer iraotagaa to “'"O clerar bird!" aaJd tto wema* Uaraia Farit. Cbfoago, are toglMlBg
get very sleepy, so her rescaras aai op "You are almost UBroaar." Ttoo she to biMMD oa th* kaoU oa aWtra aid*
tte branebea aad stag swrat songs to w"ot late tbe rtrareh, aad Polly ottOit of tto seott eoiraace of the consorraher until she was far In drehmland. « b«vv gone borne. ba( she dldlt. For tory.
Om bts put forth a detea rOfow
Now pefbaps. if >ou children are ‘be Aral lime te ber Ufe Oie kept cm
-\gnod and have very bright e>-es. this <Mwb the street, nod by and by a man fpHtes. wklch add a aorel eater c>r
next summer >au ms) ace tte Uule »ltt a crofD'. fOB-lito faro eropt op Mmr to the plast* By tto mUdlt
Princess plaring with Prince Bobolink behind her, aad tte nest thing poor or teuer pari,of this mouth both Mgunder tte ferns and by the brook. Any- Bolly knpw. Sto^^sos wrerod wItt aprolmeos ol lbs AMva Arnsrioahk
how. ft will do you BO harm to look.— somahln* dark, lifted carefully from win hire torame iMpIsfidsB'l
Taeaty-traen years ago iJiBh-lioitk
Newton Grei'.'lB todies' Home J<nI^ ‘be ground, and she knew tta evil
were donstid to tbe park by tto law
times had befsilea tor.

Four monihs sftra (his. Ml» Ells.
Batter Than a Bit of Brsad.
, tx> fonr'r an Invaid and many milee ilar onra for hte bom*
When tto plants were tahao fo tb*
Saiy Groies was very ftipd of gay from lOot-Grand arraue. went Into a
drea* When hra fatter brought her bird aiorq in a southern city te. her park IB ikU ttoy wero eo wmall tba
oar mae could carry- (hem Into tto
a pklr of red shoes wittered stringi tlrotrss search for Polly,
she a-as greatly pleased. "Bul then.".
'No m. wi- ain't no bird like lhal,” open la summer sad tack'to tte wanB
re of Ibe ranaravstory fa w
sbe sad to herself, "how mnch prot- sad tbe proprteter, aier he bad heard
Her they would he wlih yeUow tte'descripllon. "except a Ultlo bird ter. Now each In arorty twaaty iMt
strlBto' I woBdi-r papu didn't think a brought In bore by a drunken fellow high, with Icstce a, yard and a bait
It ' .
* who wiintod to gel rtd ol her. He said long and laches ifalA. More than a
saiy bad a tew pennies In her rbe rould ulk ail right. )>ut she aever doten men were required to bear them
out on (be k/mll a few wM<ln ago. la
money-box Sto ran to the shop aad has said a word '
got some bright yeUow ribbon for "I>-. me »<•«• her. sild SIl»s BUs. So ai probability they aever wjll gO tack
strinto and bowt. tVTian ahe tod .she followed eh.- wan back Into what
irtmmed her shoes they fockad' gay »>" caied ibo iralnlBe shop, and thrae.
•aough. They wcfo too gay, ber lo a dlscon*.in- i«sll of gray and
Oae who has waud tWMly-uevea
motter ttoogbt.
"Polly!" called thy drar volco.
'Sallr had bran uugh. to obey her At onoe l’oll> jrtrolled her^f and rear* to sra the btauom* apepor U
John Gille.r. a gardener at tbe pork.
father aod motter wltboBl frwtUng flew agaJni.-. ih- bar* wildly.
Twine a year Grilc}' has lfclp<-d nova
Or poullbg
When ber nmther 10M
'Here's Pnliy, BIU! " abe cried
her how muei neater aad prrttlcr 'Oran ihe door,' sakl Miss Ella, the pUau telo and out of ibe raaaorv.
red ttriet* looked lo red shoes, she '‘'h-« ihi« was donej^ "Come!" abe aor>. To blm they are like oU frteod*
draw them out with Just a little sigh, raied aod Mreiched out her flager. He la glad he has lived 10 look npo«
the jeUow flowrat. bul norry that'ttay ‘
H'blle abr was bolding them U ber At.d at ome flutterid Polly
mnat ro aotm paaa out of hlf Watchful
band, tte-door-bell roi^. SaJly ran "W-be--.1.. jou Uver,,'«
to tte door. A poor old rau with t
"IWH Grand avenue, next door 10
wooden leg was saodlngten the steps. >h.- rattodral, " Polly
Fupnny Baying* el CMMiw*
"Uydewr llule misa. win you pleev promfij and wrai on to Intone tt«
FraAI(. who Is very food of wokJee.
give me a piece of bread* I bS'- serv-rr
w-aked a long w-*y (bis morning, sni
"W-ll. I ueHr did rae the llko of cootainteg rarawsy afwdA asked bis
when (to supply of cookie*
hare had ao breaasst."
'ha- In ms Ilf-'".said the man. "I
was exhausted. "U I pla^ this rorw
lumb rrittra
"Oh. I'm so sorry for j-on"'esM Ua- tirara knew such
way srad.
• raoktogrow *0,11^
■' a lit^lra a
ly "But take there pretty etrings loth, and ) t>"'ra
Mamie had bcen^ tt* Uletoa
They arc much better than a bit ef She'd 'S'q made me rooiv moocy"
heipteg ue oook.^1 9*0* Vbtm
bread. Mamma saro 1 am boc old
Mte» EJte. took tfu*. her purse.
eoMgh to wear them. I'm sure ;-ou
'ill give >-00 a libera: pt.ce lor ber," sto weet up watra to her motter she
ar* Do Uke st^em."
‘he sad. 'tor t bad amc« gl«wn. bra raid. "O. taamms. i to'e toes hofoPurhiag (hem Into the sun's hand, up, aad It's worth a gnod dea to me teg jaae utfouttoB p«M."
A IltGt. tot at threw coma iafo *
ato Abut tto door He tttatod her. to have her back again. Ism H.
nOfibber-f bouse oae
As be pu: ttem into hte pocket, he PolIyTiheflghl to would rotter have bad
"Ayr. aye. madam " sad roUy.—U llred an old ^Ueoma who wm'waemcrhlng to ra
E. Chliiendee. In Youth a Compaafo* tromar taJd Altar tooUag at blm a
few momrau te aiteoc* tto said, te
, Tto roads were very m-Mdy. At
tte next croastng be saw a laSy ktid
An Indian togen*
a trishtened whtepar. "Haa to 4k b
lag oos of her clog* In ber hud. U
On awaklog Irom a aweet sleep lo hsretoried bead*".
wa sbefore robber about were used our wigwam. Wawtiam in splrll apTto string bad lynkee. and the was peared ud sad: "Klicbl-Ulsbktkl! Do
wondering how sbe should otas tte yon know who mgkra the rate! It te
A IRCc boy at Oordoa. Oaorgte,
muddy road.
.Vibl-Multo. tte Raa G^ To ha tto was yraeotly ptOBiotod fo tto bead ot
Tto oM man hobbled up to her ->■ tree* a>laau. flowers aad grasaea hte ctem. by tto tMcfim, flm hte
(aa at to eouM. "CBa't I totp-ye* prayedNor water when ttoy wen erigtealfty te MsUw .tte wwg eat—
madam? I have thrae yvH^ ktoe- tblm>.

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