Grand Traverse Herald, January 04, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 04, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TWIci «


tM* A YBAK. '

m/kVMM* crrv, oiiamd nuvcmE oounry, micmioaw, tuwoav. jamuawy 4. ma







^ '

rioi Palebin. aon of Mr. and Mra.
i. W. Patrhln of tbis city, was united
In marriage to' MIta Oerirade Blair
at the boBse ot the brUe's paienu
Houghton. Mr Patrtiln. wbo is
a graduate of the taeal High acbool.'
baa bnm aUcadlug tbe iloughtoc
School ot Mium for the laat two
8E LOOKING FOR WOUNDED Foor^ara Age. Had Hft Right Knee years. Ilo baa a large number of
friends in.ibe city to wish faim happiCniahad By a Lag—Was BrathAT ef MisA Hayme Barry of
This City.


khavNtar Head, the Roof Fall
ia and Eha oUapoaarad in





«nuH IS






CadUUe. 'Mich. Jan. 8.—Gathering
baHiel of pouioaa ia the cellar
RRCVENTEe LOOTIHQ wbUe ber lUUe 7-rear old daagbter
waa alowlr boratat to death u petalre.
waa the eeperlenee ot Mrs. At aelael
CMeapp OMmb Ur tM 0"b' TNm
or Wtotwood toU tooralng-wo expor
Wm WIM And Om FAtall/
Man Whs Fell When Baird Fired at
: that wlU probabir forever rob
Mwt-Tnln W«a a Califw>
Him, Has Mat Basn LacAletf—
her tt her raaaon.
Aaaiatorit Raatowaur Heard
Houra niter the nuaed ‘wonan
the Man Working.
watched ber only little one dUappear
Karam CHf. Ma. Dac. 81^ CaIIahower of aparks and dane, toe Chicago. Jan. 3.—A poaac Is searcbferula waaW Ad Om Atock IaUiM «MA
waa 'ad «i TaaMm, Me. Hie aafiaA
tog Norwood Vark. and auborU for
ed from tbe rales of tbe bone, the
' aM U tht ear* were dHatad.
wounded yegg.
head, ama and lega harlag been
Fh« aedtAA HAVA kAAK fAAAVArid
Asabtant postnaator Baird board
and ' - U aaW 18 otHart are tiMMr the Whan VaMa Appaarad. Thar nrad boraui of compleiely.
jobbers working ibD norntog. and diTba lleUeU condoct a boarding aeended tbe atnira and Bred bU shot
WFAA’ tfa Tha fralB ia btimfnj aaraa
ad a RaHIa Raaaltad and Onlr
^oota «t Watwood; wUth U Era
tr. ard rmcm M impAaalbia.
One ef tha Rabhara Eacapad
nOaa anfth of bore, tba latber work­
K It daelarid Mia wraek «mi due
With MU UM.
Be mao toll, but arose nod both
ing to n lonber canp aone dletance
la aaraadlnc faHa.
Tbe polite iottawad and eapturnd
•aaraa wart ia|arad and ham
fclahoiaa Clir, Okie. pee. 81.'
Frank MeirlU, who was uninjured,
raakad fiam Tiwtan la aid In M raa> Pnsk QnlfBa waa killed and Fiaak
after tbe AgbL
aa*. Tkt art alaitad fren tha analaa CarMter tatallr .woended wCDe an­
and aaraad raaWiy. Tha araman M other man aacapad la a battle todar
a^aaaid ta Hava baan fcillad and Ma nth' the pollee win ware trrlng
arreat then oa the ebar«e of roMlOf '%’bea tba nother cane upatalra.
Mr la mUe iha aa^na.
the was met with a rash of aawke
A paMa fa(ia«ad tha wrack and tha
tank at Harrah. saar. hara.
adrvtvara had la a^ thair war M. ;na loeal poUoe Uamed of the plot had flamd aad waa forced to retom
tM dhUar, naklag her escape
rob tbe bank aad raibed to BarChlcBta. Oaa. lloTha Rack taiand
rak and anlted the tobbera. hiding through a window. When ahe got o«la tba bank and (Mag wbaa tbe racfa •Ida. abe waa bonMed to ae^ the face
of her llUle girl preaaed agnlnit an
appaaiad. A battle raavbad.
window while bar aeranni for
brip were aodlMe to tlw noiher'i
TV* mpart aMaa It waa a Call .
Aa ahe atood there'and tanked,
U apaatal^ naa Mw OaMaa QMa
lace waa snddanlj wrapped
to C. nei, tbe hair taTlBg caagbl- Ak
Tha tiNMR'M Mte Raaaac.
the child being utterlr
A Mt.TMUiAli Tblnflai MANY CAbl* CXI8T IN THE CITY tint
beyond honan aid. the root nercUnUy
tall ao tbit the notber anw no non.
The Uttta bodr dropped into the teeth­
Haapltala are TtMag Awar Fatlatita ing ruranea beneath. Otbera who
ci by tbe ac
of Uri. Helael were tori^ to atond
I41r br aa there was no Are proieetloB whatever.
the afBlcted wonan under toclr
stotee that
WasbllwlGn. Dec. : -Arguoieut I
tt U (
If ehe will
I HI omMwno 'MOoa
regain her mental poUe. Mra.
Tba apMamle. whkb baa «
pf the blggrai '^trust bast­
tocr tooolha. la hoeonlng «waa aad Keliel U about (5 yean old and tbb ing’' suits yet nndertakca.
hoepnaU are ao oondad that pa- UUle dangbter waa tbe old chilA
Tbe govenusent seeks Ibo dissolu­
tieaU ar« rataaad aEnUaka at nMr
tion of the tobacco trust aad the ap«( than.
polmiaeiit of a n.-cclver to aogregate
ated ottr water aopplr U
tbe 60 combined corporations and
conpeiltton in the lobacro
which U bamiBi ttaafattenpu o( lo­
dustry. Atlorn<->- General Wickercal pbraldBBa and health oMcani to
abam opened Ibo argumcnl anif Ascurb it. Naarlr 700 ouha have been
sistaut Wade Ellis will follow. '
tbe boaTbe government dvslrt« lluit tbe
pitali and tbe oonpMe' reootda abow
.Supreme court go further than Ihithan -.«M oaaea. it U bellevad
ad Uvad in TMa Region lor Mora
York court In deciding that all
nr more eaaea hare not been rw
Than 88 Yiaia>Ufad Faeaad^
. (t'W of (he fon'lgn corporations
gMH Mitastetto
-culUy of Illegal-noappoly aw
<mn Frtdar^ Raeord.)
The nomutr la beavr and the dl>
drain s tbat the Suprwue court d«^appafto la • VVtMiM
Willlaiuaburn Mlcb., Jan. S.-irpaail Ion wilt aid la suvagUienlng Die
HarrUAB dtod at hU bone bem yea- 8li(-rman nutl-lrasl laa against predaterday afierncoo at 3 o'clock, the
SUaratlon plant, nad la tbe a
weight or bla aiivancod age being thu
Fwtatloaa o( ibe merdnau tban- tine tbe cltr autbarllloa are arclnx
Mr. Harrison waa to yeai* old
■bitaa. Uaarr btuitig «aa dona la tha «lt rtaldetiu to. boll toe driaklag wa­ August 22 laal and came to Wblle- ods "wleked siid oppn-sslve."
ter. BnergeiKT naeUnga of the Moo­
. aaaaoB. bot bnkan etodn Mv an
r township S3 years ago. At that
tine, there was nothing but a blazed
Aa aarlr aa the* i
trail leading from here to Traverse
ing an adequate flUratloa pianL
Mr Harrison waa bora tn PcUord.
Tbe MoDiraM Notre Dana faoephal
U toratag awsr MMtlenta a dir. and ibia (Wintry when a yoong boy. Elgbt
TDaba mm br tba Becnrd laporta# hnndredi of caaea' are being tnated years ago, bb wife, Rhbecto. precedwara alaq iPdiY opUauaUe aa to tha in private booaea under uaBaUataebUB 'to the grave. Mr. Manuoa
The Montreal altnaMJss Ruth Merrill Thorn of thb city
ootlaak (er tliR<
R eoaigg rear, not aatr
the Mldara.
and Ray Garfleld Wealeh. of AngeR,
Idara. M| far -Che enUra U SioB baa canaed nueh aUm la OlU- Une a» hM drath, while eed.
Aa qi^toao. «bo baa been wa. where the purttr <X Iha cltr uaunnml to mariiage New Year's
aeaa (ornaEri aai^ Mid. “I ler aappir it qoeatkned.
. at 1;J0 p. m. at the home of tbe
Throe AauAtcr* survive bln. Mrs.
Rem approaebad • hev year ivlUi Otcawa'a elir auiboriUet have mn- Keruhan Hobbs and Mrs. Frank Vin­ bride's mother, Mrs. xilec Beach, 122
SrcAtar eipaeutima atoca 1 bare Ucaed ail uaeri of cltr water to pori- ton of Wlltlaiusburf and a atrpdaugh- North lamweod avenue. The <
le anpptr br boUlng. aa a repeUbean la Trarerae Otr*
Mra. Jtoepk S'icbnlas of Silver nony was perioruted by tbe Rev. W.
of <ha'Montreal epidenic U fean Lake. He also leaves a brother-lo- O. Stovall of Ibe DapdM ebnreh
A well iBwva piDtaealoiial ^‘a re•arfced. *Tbe pordfanaa at that trait
law. WUIIAAn CopshiDd. another old the presence of s small company of
tom by (be 'xalu. maana dolMra addresIdeBI and a bait-brother. Edward iclativei- and friends of the yxHing peo­
ad to the ralae ot ererr acre la Grand
ple. After tbe ceranony, a bouaUful
Ooz of Bailtor Creek,
Tiavm. ! look far the beat'raar
repast sraa enjoyed by the weddlnc
nrrtog hU tang life to thU iw
tnSna Chr ha« er«r aaeB." .
Ir. HarrlscA nade n large circle pt party, after which Mr. and Mrs.
I Cltr Farmar Faaaad Menda He had teen the Grand Trav- Waaldi took tbe train for P^oskey.
Awar 1" Loekport. N. V--Ouriad
« thoy will spend a few days
rsA cnerge from a wllderaeas tote
In KaUmaaae.
Croat (amtog ranwry and dnltgbtod with fitoads. Tbelr botae will be at
(•pectal to Tba Branlag Bacoid.
aU the arallahia Ubortag naa In (ha
to telltog of the old days nod uiUng 422 North Stonrood avMae. this Hty.
Klagaiar. Mk*.. Dee. 81.-Joha Ool- with Md trienda about the paat.
Htr U rarr r»d end Ue todleatlMta
ara ton tba laaon ViMBTra will be IB. tor a aaaiber or ream a.proniThe fuarn) aerrlee wlU be tomertha Hggeat la the bUtory tt the citr. omt tWttar near Snatnlt Qtr. dided xr at 1 o'Uock at the house and
la LOokport. N. T. Tnaadtr. Altar l;gg at the WUUamalwrs chtueb. tbe
Tbe era naotha' old am o( Mr. and loavta^Hanaalt Cltr, Mr. Coirln wait Rev. L. L. tiadnan ofitatattacuAbagen Council to Be Aakad to In. Hra. e. C. ttron died THdar (oranwa to Maatan and Iron there to KaUnavaHlgati toe Big Pawar. Oaa aad
to Iha bona, comer or WabHar bad tno. finallr ptoehaatag land, nw
siaetrie Camhins.
. Bnaa atiaM. rbaaral terrieM vtoe Loekport. Bealdaa fcU wldowjie leavaa
Muakegec. MkA.. Jaa. 1.—Mayor
bald Satvdar aRaraooa «u i:IH tour anar ood iwo danghtara. The
Aitanta. Jaa 'T^Formar h
RaltRyke toaigbt wIU seed the cnubril
•’Hoe* at tha bone. Tba (anllr Mi bodr wma ta^ to KalaiPPawi for Mr- aire Morse arrived at the federal prUB asking I
laoadUr toaatod bare.
OQ today to hegut hU aenteace.
*the powt-t gas and electric h


ravarac CMy Yeung Man Sprang t
SurpriM an Friendt by Quiet

tu. Tbe ^rtgbU e

PLOT urns IffPOl OFF



BoEalA. Jaa. 8.—Federal Judga Rayen today grunted On Wright BroUslenn Cur-

One far Onnd TYavaraa. Ualana<i.
Hanala and Antrim Ceyatlca ta
•a HaU Hana.

A road iBftlUBTwW ^ baU la UUe
«iir Jaa. tt. (or the conUo <d Grand
TraTcrae. Baatie.
sad An*
trial coaaUea oa Jaa. 21. Towaaead A.
Sir. Mate hlcliwAr oooBlaalcwer. will
ba praaeot to addreu tba rarlona
NOmc'tcT fJm to wrkck- nad ooBnkMaioaera aad thaae laterAMAd la the mailer of good roaA

Antotofn'^WArt Oranttd an InJweetU
AgatoM Otafln CurUa By Fsdaral CsM Today.





Utile Leo Barry of CopemMh.
weiaU have oelobrulcd hU aighth
Wrthdiy unnlversary Monday, bot In­
stead of a happy paHy of oblMrcn at
the Barry Bone, there waa a funeral
service at 10:30 Mouday moratog. I,Ul«o bad been killed fay 'a tag
early on the nurnlug ot tbe NowYear.
Tbe boy. who was tbe son trf Gie
landlord of the CopiMxiish betel, and
was a brother of Mias Mayne Barry,
ot this cny. to company with Mvaral.
vaalons. was playing with bla
sled Saturday morning. »rveral of tbo
boys -hitched on- to a load ot tags
as It happened, tbe Barry boy's
tied rope was tbe MiortoaL As tbe
aJed tamed a comer, oec of the tafa
rolled offxatdblng thacfaUdJoraiiblng
bln terribly aoA kllllBg bln' tostani)y.
Loo Barry bad been a crlpiile for
oboiii (our years. faU right knee haw.
Iflgbei-nerasbedby a tag. Ho waa rid­
ing on lop ot a load of loga and the
iop on., rolled, catching U* little knee
and breaking the bonea badly. Altbnugb lame, he was one- of the mor*.
cbrorful IIUIo felibws In the rniage
aad waa loved by all wbo knew bln.
Hia death muac^ nuch aadnam
among bisp taynatos and frleniU.



BquHabla Rates, to «ka Nm
Gen's HIgtoit TrihuMl.


P beral Irelghl agwUB haring rvfusad
tawer the basta nua
Gland Rapids and the AUnntta sew
board. It U altagathar grohnhta tha
dgnn ShtaPM-'v tojodithm at an
early dnto will tace thin amttor hafora the toierwUto eomaniee ctonBlnStan to nn efforitobnwannev ratoaatobllahed. jnst la tbo ahlpptog UBments ot werimn hUailgtD to the gram
ent day nod wblMi wlU pUca them up­
on a fair oompatU'ra ^ane with •«)».
cent cltlea.
Chicago baa a percasUga oC ]gg
as flta basing rate (or trri^t Milpmenu to nod tmm the aut whOa
Grand Rnpida. mu-m nanrer Iha sastera clUea and «B a dltMt Um to
the points. U Ag-ifcd at g< par «■*.
Whoreu shlgpera and oovsarclnt aa-

Drugs In a
. Who la
„ upataifi
Battle Creek. iMIcb.. Dec. 31.—The
authorlilce are mt.«*Ugatlng the death
of Mrs. Charles Spencer, wife ot
Grand Trunk engineer, srbo waa burn­
ed to a crMp In her home today. Tbe
indlcatlona .point u> a horrible sui­
The bouse was mile barned, and
kerosene can Is <-mpiy while a basin
held the draga
The huaband. who was ileeplng
hove waa avakeoed ty the amoke
and cMled the

ihe rate (o be That Muwld ha W P«r
rent tor this cltr and other ctUr« to
■rrMara ahd aombm
rhoporttaP-The mu
bees tahn up wMfc the raMwag tatciala to tbe past by IhEMtaU iMp' (Oonttoued on Paga TmoJ


Mimical Program, Short Talka an Col­


ic acalor department of the Corgregauonal Sunday school held thellual hanqnei Tfaunday evening
Mayflower ctob rooms. A large
number were preaeni. each daaa havI lanw Twpreaenutton. and n One

Judging by Manner or tha Railroad
Kaadt, After the Canferanca,
blra. The Mtawtog program wan
Their Visit Was Net Marked
With oraat Bueeeta.
SetacUoD—Sunday acbool orchcalra.
Rtielutlon—Mlsa Florene- Baric.
Washington. Jan. S.-Tafl received
Violin Mto—Mias Constance HoyL
Ac transportallon Inlcreata' vlew-i of
Bbort toaata on “Opllegc Ufc at Ollbe Inierautc comoerce lav amend- vci.'' were given by Mian Anna TwwK-nls today.
n, Ann Arbor, by Mtas Minnie VotniPresid.iBt Luveti. of 1Im> Harriuan a. .M. X
by MIIU !>ean.
linn', Baer of ilie Rea'ltnc. ITiiley of. Vmwl aeta—Floyd ImFranlcr.
•the Soutberu, McCrua of the Puonsyl.Short talks by Mr*. Cothllu. Mr.
nla. Brown of Ibc S’<-w York Ccii- Hamilton and Mr. Hammond.
vl and Lellcn of thy New Haven,
-re prasent and after the onatcronce
llrosn aald, “Wt- came to object to
certain provlsleot and were listened
To” Ixovett mid a while house hUW- Young People Were United in Mar­
lent pmbably would cxnlaln.
riage In Chicago Quietly SurIt Ik thought that the oonferentpnsing Their Many Frienda
SK the resnll of John B. Morgan's
-cent visit tu Tall.
Ur. and Mm John Ashton arc
Tbo railroaders ^-zaisloed the pro- cf-niug the (ongratulsUona of Ihclr
pot-ed tiilerstate comDR-rco law aiid
» friends in this city, having
Atiorn'-y (ieneral Wirkcrsham cz- rlcd Wednesday night on tbelr booplained ils pnivisioiu. Tbe railroadmoon trip from Chicago. Boib Mr.
id Mn-. Aabton are well known to
appear>-d dlKiigrecablc after tic
Is city, vhe bride.who waa fonnerconference and It Is thought tbey had
ly Miss Dorothy Larlon. daughter of
not BP'i with craai auiN«sB.
Lat;-i Tall let It be known tbat he Mr.. Louise FfannenacbmldL having
to Cbtcago abont a year ago.
will send, a special Inu-raute com­
pre».-ut they are at home to tbelr
merce message soon.
It U tbottgbi that the railroad presi­ friends at toe realdence ot the groom's
dents failed In their effort to alter ■ her. Chief of Police C. W, As
Wasbington atn-et. but will «
Van’s intrntlon of demanding that
rews enact
commerce bousekoeptog as soon as a tarauoo is
d« ided Upon.




tvrderare Today Paid tha PenaiLy Even Laapeld's Governor ef ths Can­
far Their Crimaa>'Aeth Had
ge Has Quit—This is Taken toe
Killed Man.
Haas n Rafoem Regime.
Osalag, N Y.. Jan.
thas 10 minntee.
UlUiain Moae. wbo killed Police­
man cavanau^ In Breoklynnad John
lujimto. who klUed aa Italian at Middk-towu. were ibv men vxecuirM.

Brussels. Dec. 31—It was announc­
ed ledi^ttet King Albert bm accept­
ed die raaignattaira of tbe eWire civil
and muunn dUS of the late LeopoU
inchidinc Barao Wsdils gavenor of
.f'ongo. It I4 tbooglK (hat thU
CDcana a reform ragime.


a Gay

Equipped With tlto Hgat *»■

How York. Dec. 31.—Tbe Moatml
zpresa on the New York Coaunl sraa
wiveked at CnMoa. N. Y. A MgRt
cniahed Into the aonth hound nzgnra.
Three are reported kiUad, «oa being
Spencer W. Traak of SnnUmL brad
of the New York Arm of baukera ot
that name.Traik occupM a drawing jmm to
tbe rear <Blee^'and tha tral^L ootolog from behtod, cratoad into it kflllag tbo haaker Inataatly.
The ezprqm was aUDdtor « dtottan. Rnllnmd offlclals are toraqtigMig to dlsoover why the freight tua
1 the stattanary ezpraas -tnto.
Engineer-Flanagae and Oemduetor
SbuBeD. wbo oonUaUed the tral^t.
tolled to tee that tto btoch atganta
against them aad tbelr taato
struck the azprraa ahaoM nt
Traa wra botriUy ttoagtad. Be
wu rv^uraing (ram hta Baratags
OfflclaU declare that the Ckotoa'
section''U equipped wich tha best am
imatlc btack zystrai.
It U later twportod Ibat Trask «m
the oaly person kUtad. Thi«a cthHB
aertouBly lajaipd.
C. Vr Cume. or Mort^ort, atoU
food tozpector. aad BHaA fHpinn tt
thin city hva purehaand 4a oH Jotoi'
-'eta tom near HartbgorL Thla M
»i« of the oldest (arms to tha aorth.
era pMl of Laataaau raonty, aad has
a Urge orchard. Tbe aoU U rtah ^
crops vradmmd m ummg-tU


I ntwM Ml


■pmita itkdMiaitaiitatbatta
apariww. uaa ta laread to a&bw
hta eoaruch II nap be the eubn
supidity or tha o<mca f dtapatr,
hta, wbatevtr it be. it apbjtau a ahlvertnc, atarelag bird to rigem wad torlurau ta woBther for whkh u ta mI


Nat a trim daal ta ooMbmfe
ta roqaliud to object to the Idea of


“T r Tmerse qu SWt lail
rigMa bstotoo



t ■s^aaaiu as PM


■ ahd balbre tbe
U«7. Uai they seenred a decree
far a katonee ta M9.JK.t0.wlU
tat 9 per cam atom kiarch ».
JgB. And since Uat decree wa

s. IM OBMb. Ttap r

taimo Ue

three ywars t etaar
tha titles of
Uare ta the asoahy.
hadow of the eoBta h toae opahud to gta ready to Bay H o«or.
PuDcfta sentaaa far «a«ga W.
ed wMe to Ue Boall tMneb of feathTbe aggregate doe tbe tudtoas ta
Pbelpa Mere bald at tha hernia, its
feea snow covers tbe aeouston•URpLUS. S7SM0
Mlehlgu OB tbe salt ta tlSI.m. la
West TenU atceta. ad Kew
ed dtatag tabtaa of Me hJbd, A baadtql
addittaa to BUS It ha baea foaad Uat
^'eara yoralag. the eerrtaee ^belng
iHbi throwB 1*10 tae lauta yard
*9.766. whlU shoold have bew* paid
will be received graiefuUy hy eeitali COURT. ROOM WAd CROWDBO twridatood by the Bm. B. a ktcCiegas
us realdeau ta a gnat dty. An
or. pastor of tha fVat IL a chureb,
taitothe federal troanry wltboot aptairoole Ptatmt agatata aoy furm ta
ai>d aa old friend ta Ue family. The
treamiry mnthorUiea have deaalectad
ryupatheilc eodiaear to rellevedi
cldod. without a suit, that a blnnder U«rCGatiMlM9B«mI
anfeng the Brotherbood ta Railway Uncle Sam Ha Had the Timv of Hla wa made, ud they hae added ilw
euOerlng >o long as Uere remalae
while Ue honorary paU
Ue grim feet of human aagulsh taovUfa In hlaUng Out the Rah Bu-t
99.70P to the other amouaL But tbe
lialdy arleeo on every occasion,
brarwre were aeleeud from
Ha at Lat Oathered to Dwarvaggregate will be cot down b? the
Rtpaatad Aflar Him.
RmUotboed ta Rtalway Bagt^rs.
that will not deter Ue kind heakt
tog Ottowee and OMppewoa.
coat of BtoUng the roll, by tbe f-ea ta
astort ta about M Knights of P>tbacauerlag food to tha iwtheUo
tbe lawyer who boghi tor Ue laWa!^niiton,
3.—Horace II.
laata at tbe badr doer. The lArtoa. of Tcanesoee. wiU the tiwdl- tas marclied to tbe ersnetery after
Watch Party.
dlaa- righu and swohably by Ue cost
Tker* !■ a eeruln troth ud calMr
graoter aul(eilBg U not likely to be
On PrIdB) evvalag the young p^
of paying the tndlam off. Thac extoday
■hMt Om toittera ttet prMladM •»toraoUen boealisa tho leeser is ro- «al InvcBtfd wcih the robes of
Df-1 a pot of money from Unrto Sam beled to eOBsuBie n 'W- pie ta the Bnpitat ehaych wntohad the
rkw «aort t» • treat «ztMt
aeiBberod.-Cblcaco TMbuae.
Snyder and Dr. 0. A HolUday. of Ue tore many weeks says the Charle- ic more Gmn *».000.
old yr^-roat and Ihe- aw ta « the
ato jBsUco of tbe Supreftte conn.
. whOo all anier tte boiiday Uaw or uio
K. P.Y aad Mrs. A. H, MUtday and vtax BaotlneL Thair names aVe regls'ffae eonrt was crowded A>d
7«hT. Ito r»d OmM and clfl tMug
By request ta Gtaogreraaku Me- borne of MiH IMytfi Clbba oa Vest
danghter MUi Locllle fiem Ue
ta Ue Indiaa oMre to a menBtghib tlivSH. -t&BK.pnd’taqsie tarn'
at OrMau, 0» «rMl MAM
laugbllB. Ue dtoburslng ageol. wLea
Acrordlng to tbe Ora^ BaNda Base at CBlof Justice PiUler
byterton cburch ebtar. furntabed tho sier new roll, apoo' wtacb Ue flouhtohad Ue anwtarmeM Ife'taa ovatag
««laA pmUm Of tbo nev rnr.
arrivm for goal paymrat.
Press, the Mlchlgah Sblpprra i
mnsir. The florai ofterlngs were of un- leg uocha are beli« ptored Thnsc
tfeOM vbo hare work to do wbeo thU rIatloB bavlog hern assured that there ready to'Uke of*re.
will sto-nd some time to UasoD and and after light vefreahmab was
served the guesls departed eoch deJudge Lurlon repeated Ue consUtu■I—oc hM fiuMd. draw a (uU bioaft would, be no ebange aMde In Ih^
lAetonan etataliOK. ta addlUoa to Trav
|l^>.rtoriag. tkai they ud ime of Ue bast
m* witk » M(t or a Sadttc of r^f
City and Petoskey.
I rate# ctatolOcalloB by tbe rail- ttanal oath aftvp Ue chief JntUce.
ataaMka ymr aawir.
Foilowtng hta oath, l.nitoe kfased way men In Grand Rapids. The Inter- ooo. fr«r every man. woman and inwill take Ue mauer before
the opea Bible.
Now is tUf alartiat pfooMa. whUe
POR RALK-BO acre*. C, E. Plfe taeta.
He bed pivviooaly repeated
it la BMratr • rruewal of artirit
8,-c. 19-290. Good tor frviH or *aita In the privacy ta the loblag
eral fanning. Mbk be sold t* mrtatUi tlMTO la a ttlanlaB la a war.
About a year ago. tbla toat tar waa
Local Bpaakeea Win Bq Pr*aa«it at
otma. a a Lawto. B. r. O.
MMtf Anw ^ tkU tlM latradiua
taken up wUb the rartooi rallroada of
One-Day InstIUrta.
No. 1. BIk BapMs
•ndMH a*YanrTti« aa tkair bartoeaa ITiMtars UIdilgaB. It was laid beThe Northport Prult Growers' asDoe. Mdl-ta Jan 7.
poaitibly a little earlier.
Ue extreme b-fl. All Itw Justlcea but
iwa tbe renreaeatatlvw la a caueful
soctotion will bold B oaeday hratliuts
Doubth-u Ue avenge cNIsen ot at Northport oo Ptbruary 8. Premiluanoer and there waa no'dlipoaitioB. Uoody. who was ill, was preseaL
otkar dlraeUoe. Othera. bowoter. barMichigan will be aorprteed to koov
speakera will be preiwst from
a ‘-war" or anything o( that
Default havloTiaB made to the
that there are 7.609 OtUwu and Chip­
^ jiawa tbo oM Btathoda eorrwu. nature. It waa thought that the nat­
dC town, and Traveysc City will rondiiion* of that nwrtgnge glvu by
pewa In Ue state. The fact |a that also he tcpireenied by Hoa. Praak Jeeepb Uooper and Mmh Chopev. bii
adkft to tban whkdt U ostltwlT aM«t. ter or ntea rould be adjiutad la an
More of the Basutlfui Than In the you ailgIH live next door neighbor to
aa> i«KbL Bar ao Bkattn whetber' amicable manner and that Juki con-‘
HamlHoa ad Hon. W. H. t’mior. wife, lo Tae JMitalBin Mart—i 0am(CoBiluuBd from Pagu One.)
UmIUd. «aiad Cigd—iiri »■
Ibaro It a aaw aobmo «a«lorrd or
would be made. Almoal i:
president of Ue Trsverae City board
I* ra and oomaienMiL' asaoclcll
42 Inches.
tba aU oat rottovad. It la wan at tbli moatha have paaaed. yat the a
knos Umt they were Indtoaa.Uut tbs ot trade, who will each deliver ad- ISM and reeordod to the ofBee ta Uw
register of deeds fOr Grand Tfveist
wiu llttla or no aatuiacilon and
tlfW » aoBoldar certata taela tkat
announcement Uat Unde Sam ha a dreaaca.
are etlU In eSeet.
tangible rallta.
During tbe month of Itoeeiaber ju.t lot ta nmaey to band out ha to ibis
AOBM ba otaaldarad.
nnat be bone la nln^^t
Aa wo oadaiataud It. tboao ot Ttot- conyrealone naked are aoi eiarUy repast, snow fell on is of Ue 31 days InsUorri u aual, brought forth Ue
Dra. Sarah tI Obaa will reinnt toed acUon to bear and last Jaanm-y the
IK ntonU, Uer^ being a total lull quota of Ue deeerving.
- ana City wbe bora tha lataiw
lOiTow frvwi Otsego, whore she tpcol oa April 29. 116$. to Edward U Datadunlona la rate^ but rather, an equalUiebigun Shippers- asaodatiou
«ha ell7 at kaarl. are tnai at the mtloD of raiea. a re-arraagemt
fall of tS inchee, December l.W* [ ^he goverameat ha Imd Ue time Chrlstmu with her parewU.
ing. wkieta said astagamaiR wu dtay
formed. The membership mnbraees
I Ue snowk-at
patiaaa that haa bow ande. b«rt atm tbe Inirac aonee." aitablldted
recorded to U* rutstar ta deeds ofIn 2ti —•
of lu life to
this «VU.
roU. Two

... making \U4B
* ■W
fire of said coaoty oo Sspiamber t
wrnm mtrn thm tba ettr ttodd ad- yean ago, ao that the Wtaeonaln pracilealtyeverycommercial orgxntaa- year*, tbe December of igg* bclBg Us ,,...c,to! agents tackled Ue job and
im In Uber 46 of n»----------------tlon and Individual shipper of any nearest oompeUtor. In tbal month. 41
<,|i*d off bptore they co^plelYou fevl'a If you bad on# latv u
12; apon which mart*
prominence In western kfl^lgan anj iDches-ta snow fell but tlMsre were
-- when you have neuralgia, dor ta tats notice there Is
tegortaBoajB lodnatrtal aedefty aad
,t. DouWlea they were glad to be
to h*
- Im eirto heomoU te eoarr’day. ere Mlchtgen Urougb which their ftyun Battle Creek to Feumkey. it vea only 16 snowy day*. Tbe roHowtogrec-;,, ll,.^
dor ud unpaid the s«m ta loartou
ofdclally report- roof Save Ue ta<
doUara and eighty ceats hetadM m
Md by many advlsablu to rring ord. frem whk* Ue loregolag wa ej py «
Are era y^rknl wUb tba etaataig o<
of tbem that to a'- plytag Itoui
have to be dipped oa their
PalB-KilUag Oil Pin- atterney fee of fifieeea doitare aad
toodiltoa at once to the anen'.ion gloanod. wu kept Uj Observer 8. B.
tba did paar. a
at Host ooe sectloo of
ihlojl to the world lor rbeamattom.
way eaai.
Tampa, colic.
Mbd ht tadlelduala and tba charaob
Tula freight lete alluattaa atferia
the tribe wu a bopelew ak.
. sore throat ad pleurtsy. •a to forecioee uld mortwm and oo
drtMM of' tba iialarHp of tbaaa la- aa all ao ckieely-dhat the Mcome of aloa. bai a i matter of eourtcai and
null)-. H. R. Dorant wu'sent Into
$0e aad 31.60 per hocil
suit or proeeedtogi'at tow wta oqtaly
taion'a Inveeli- U Uo hope, ■f teaching a mutually
haring heea toatttatod to recover amt
Iba ;^. non uanMabaUa t
gailoe wiu be ewalted with the very aulctatto ad ustmeot a «Mfert>B<v
pan ta the aowaaa du; now. •hawpanied by a clerk ad InterprwterJw
With Ue genera] graigbl ageul
_ Udia. wa taal eattala that thoea who heeneat laueeat.
fore, by virtiw of the gmar ta a
went through tbe oM ladton hnatlng
to said mortgage contaJaad aad
rallroada lu Us sMa was beM In Ue
to aea tho «ltr Uvaaee are tar
City U nona the leas
giounds wlU a fine tooU cooib. He
ia lha nalorttr. heaeo. tba otty gam- tareotad alnc* the movencBt waa glv- tviard ta trade rooma. Sept. l«.
tlce ta haeshy tfrao that
lovailgalod claims ot every sort. He
Coirtantlem Buud to Rallreads.
ortabr. la apUadaitiL. But ttiU agt)iB.
apetwa by the hoard of
oe gstordg, Hareh 16. ttift ta ton ,
requirea^anidaviU. Ho huntod out the
ia« wriD Moal W Mdda« i
in the (oretawa Uere wUI ha
trada early Ilaat year. ^ “
aged men who were young braves
Notice is hereby given Uat lour sold at public veMuc to Ue -llhtfi'
thila la a apIrH ot e»t«araUM atoag
when the treaty of 186$ wa madetond !
from tbe I3tb
U day ta Decem- bidder at tbe froat door ta the Coort
Ml*. Charles P. Taft has ftauMi
•Hi K.
from them, by tbe Inteipnas'a help. to-r. A. I>„ IM9. have baea allowod Hooee In Treveiae CHx. MliktBia
TbU ipbit a( 'VI pan ta«eUlbr* fruH tana la norUrra lilrblgaa. ta Marqnetir, Qrand Rapids and Indiana.
'' he aeoired valuable evidence to dv--: tor .cn-dliora to praunt Uelr claims (that being the place ot haMInt tha
Sira - Charles
Mlehigan Central. l.ake Shore aad
against said deceased to said court Clrcvu. tViurt for old Grand Travene
oraaopandtabla whatahaald be
for examtoatloB and adjustment, and Omaty. Mlchtoan) tbe piasnlaaseda
oaai with at the b^taalag ot tha Taft's breUer-ia-taw U the president Michigan Soothoni. Grand Trunk, De­
of Ueae clstou
rccog-1 that all creditor* ta said dewased are cribed to saM martMA wms-^ptp
am year, ttb nnaW aaoeoad wltboot ta the United BUtoa. Tbe pn
troit and kfaeklnoc, Maalatee and
Dixe. The other omn were entered reqelred to preseat their cUlma to nine tods aquara 'ota ta tha-RMth
It aad wa mmmt whip orergowa Into appUeallon lor a Onk tafs
hsattsrn. Ana Arbor and Poatlar.
* upon Ue ofDrtot lists. WKh headquor- aid eoait. at tbe probate office. In COM corner of Ue eotah wart q—hn
the ruy ta Trevera <»y. to said
section (hlrty-foor ta towashlp
Ihia Uaa ao auttor bow dealrable It aecUen bu not yet been received Ait Oxford and Noithern.
’ trra at SorUpert. SeoUvUle. Traverse ronniy, oa or before tbe mb day of dflrty aocU ta reau ton wart. Qrand
may come by a hter uall Wbea
The Wcblgaa Shlppors- aaaoelatlen
ta. tMi *p«a tOBothar~ aplrit reati
* City ad 'fvtoskey be traveled eved April. A D.. 1910. and that said claims Treveca Coonty. MIchlaaa.
b«h the tadlTMoBl aad the iadWId- the Usie for aorthera SUchlgaa fruit s conleuUoaa clearly, citing the fact
win be heard by saM eoort oa TOesDseotaher *6. 1M6.

Ue family oo«e it ta lat tbe present freight tarlR soac»
eal la the taetor to be reckoaed with.
Ue IfiU da «f AprR. A O. 19IA
” search ol membera ta the old MackL, day
at ten o'clock to Ue torcaoon.
Aasigaea ta Mortawe.
We are oerUln ot tbe prenlaee when likely to create an appeUte tor
Me. Uttle Traverse. Crud Traverae
than one. A furUer fact in favor ot under rally dISereni condition* from
. we edala, that U aU Ibo -boalen
^ ad Grand River bada. and Uclr dcAlly, for Aaslgna:
orders for fmU Ihrma from Ue
preseat day. It wa asserted ’hat
bagelhar ta (hla city
inui addrota: Bt Jtaw. Hkh.
^ KvBdat*. And in Ue upper penlnsudetoUe plaat lint tbe raauUa we ao Tan family ta that they always
evoo under this adjustment there wa
Tnea-Dec. 21-Mch U
, ‘ to he sought out tbe old Soo band.
the boat—(bdlUac News..
eanoatly hope tor wUI be (brti
mulfeat InJuMice to certain In- 1897 ...............
Thta dlfflcully to taking a c-m>u.
ta* ta abut wdta.
slBocee. wberrin cUhw across the lake
of the old Ottawa ami Cbippew.v*
aU Um 'baattara" Joia thair eagiven a bale rate of ifM per .--e...
evidence of ibe success of ib^ guvergy. experteace, brataa aad laleata.
while cItiM on tbe oat shore. 1900 ...
11 ■ natpM-s policy of trying to break
the ton* will pn«e to be Irretlatlbla.
Uiough which the ebipmrnls
up tbe tribal Inlegrit.v of Ue Indlar-.
OriWa and Oogaahand Oannad Gooda Bmd<m*fy
L. M. WMHemsie Chaetn . Bupsrin- formor cities must pas* on th<
.The ire-aty of 18i$. ooncludcd at I>
aU gttala ap to tba otay beat, wa aha d» * 0000 »CN*e.
placed at 116 a^in
, tivli. B|M-clficall)' provided, partial!)
The kit. Pleenat Enterprise to
latanec at lio pw conL iT^was
, In return lor this very moocy no»
apcnalble for tha tollowles bK ol g
8ho»-n that under Ue basic rat-- ot M
aioul lo be paid. Uat all tribal reUTbe anaaal taeetlon of otilren of
•ew;#: "Now that the nihject
cent for Chicago. Grand Rapid*
and wooM bn clad to hara Tnti eoam and mi>whm
lion* should bi- broken off The In
Ue Pltut M. E. Sunday school
apr^ag fruit treea has heconle
sru placed at dliadvutage suh sblfv
yon whBt aayuiag in ony liaa.
(■tons were iilcdgcd nai to m.-ct togelh•aaarany latereatlng to the public, heM to the chnrvh parlors ea
Chicago. Milwaukee. IKirult
Tke »est lar AcMsacy.
u a tribe. The) kept ttb-rr word In
the pyoblein ot harlug the wotb done eveatng ta Dec. 39. The tpOdwIag aad oUmt oKle*.
MS EmI Frsmt Stocci
'»pirtt and h-ll-r
properly to a qaeadoa which ta
Cuts Oil Too Much Raveeue.
I'ndi- Sam paid bL-> oblmltoa^
-L. U. Wbli
ryiag why of tbe enall fameru
Certain of Ut- freight im-n pri-KcniKirsl Asstotaal 'SapcrlDtoDdenl— made brief replies and asked
It tba beea aqgeeted that a i
Rowland Oouglaa.
wbwe laettaaticw hmdi him to am
dcUllud informallon be mod
Hoe ta work. abouM. go through the Beervury—dime Paris.
wlU Uelr respective orAcra soitiiis
Treasurer—*. Boncoe.
eoaatay with aa appantua euVable
forth Ue relief aked. Thu wa doutlAbrarUn-^Xot Jameoea.
tmd.nabe aboubwaata epnytag-tbe
wiUln a frw w««ks ud hu since
Ptantat—liary Keilog*.
fWnara' orebarda tar then. A
Tm considered by the raUroads
ad Oree Btrike.
aaaaato prtce ooald ha charged for
corned. Prestdem Rtajeri W. Irwto
Hoiendent Primary
tbe work and beeldea maUag a loerahas received tbe foraml replies from,
Wa.vblogU>o. Dee 31.—Tbe tbiel of
ttaa ifliiniiat.tar binaatt tba car- lOeta-Hra. Bthei Oritfla.
the railroad men. aU ta which are dethe rallssy divtolon of tbe American
Aatalaal auperiaundeot Primary
riio dbt ta sack a ptaa woold he workPeJcratlon today conferred with Un­
neot^ra. U M. Wbtttewiore
lac SB aaibM geed for the oowitiy.
bar l-ommlssiooer Nelli regarding ariniendeat Hoa» Oeparunem
Aa ooadltiooa am ww, oaa aua <*a
•a ta Ue trauhle aad eapaaae ot
—'-f hta ortaard of the TorhuM,
This antler coukt be appealed
ppata. uair to have hta helObor aehigher rellwaj' uiborHy. but tbl* to
«la<* to care for bto ueoe tbe other
deemed Inadvtoalle a it It apparent
aldata tta taaea. and hy.thta aaglart
(be general freight ageau havv taken
m -buyiDg fihoet b not
caaaa the oadola* ot aU iha atavtaf Haa Whe Aoeueed the Yewna Turks their actioa only after conference
alwRy* bqw cbeap. but
with- their chiefs Aootdlngly Mr. lo
^tha work of tba aprayer sCbctlvh
bow good for a reRsooable
win wtU abonly call a meeting ta
Msaary that the work be unitara
tbe executlvv committor ta the Mich­
Ke ceuatry. Tbe orast practical Canstaallaople. Dec. 31.—Word waa igan Shippers' aaaoctotlon to deteaowy tala can be done ta by thk plan received today Uat Haahan Tulm
mine Ue next step to be uheo. which
Our $2-50 work sboet for
a aaaatloasd. have e wmb or net
sha. ^vernor of Yemen, wai
practically nmouuts to Ue preseatimeo are the kind of teaih- I tata a bualaeei and do U rlgbL
■tnpted while eoroute from Sana tlen of tbe subjiol to the lUer
Urn Red Sea. Huha's charged
er that stayi toft aad tbe
crrrcc ctay hehc.
that Ue Youag Turks guve Ue forvtr
Boreral maths ago Sagtaaw and
aofefi are made of tbe
Tbe piopoattloa to up to ntae Baldiluable ooBceataos wltbonl niBt look thU aaine subject to
pKable kind of wle leath­
wta tbe headqaartera ot the Waaten
Interstate commerce commission,
Xtahigaa Darelopiiiaat Bureau aext
er, to jrou can get a good
fallad to seenra rosuMa. ThU wa doe
yaar. Why? Why leave Travuee City
wcariog Bfork ^loe aad
solely to that actloo hetog local ad
.wham tba Bovenaot bad Iti binh.
U coaaldercd u having no bearig*
a und short
9till have cddifon.
aad where Its taut lareeau was aehtentae c
npa UK mhuor of tho Mlchlon Ship­
wed? Truveroe City ia tha neet iat- sharp ta hla aaaweiw.>. la all
ont ta lea Rs M tbe poor
We want jron to aee this
per*' aaaoclatlon which is of general
pottaat fruit (rowiag euarpoi
IhuU. lu hda liver and dlgealhm Uai
MIehtguB. it to tts aeiitwoUs of the mahM him feel oo misrrabto. he cant elref aad coni mg a large area w iU
gboe- It’s made up id ger*

Orata Travuma mgtas.'and Ue Craad help being disagreeable. Are yea In man) IMetv-ets.—Grand Rapid* Preoa.
eral ttylea. all the saam
Vuuwat ructoa to tbe jbervecealer daaper ta getttag tato that ccpdltlon?
Thaa start at once taking Dr. Herprice
ta Wanan tatoblcaa bertical
rtek-a BoBar^oated PIUs tar your UvTbem ta M ditaa ta the ho*m
or—the safe, sure and reliable vegeftty today.
They irfll pleaie you.
Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Warkhw*. ta
•eU hy a. H. Waft * Sots. C. A Nort^on. xre to Ue dty to attend
Drag COs W«M Bad Untg
Whatever opbloa b« bald recardiiig
the Bks' bAtt tonIgtaL

upussnn cereiont


iioSSJS ii.Srt“

i Mr It 3.I7S




Whfle We Make a ^edaily

General Grocory Boslaess





The Question

C6m and Oafs

the highest market 'price for
com on cob or shelled. We buy oats,
baled hay and straw In large or small
quantities. Beans, either Red Kidopy or
White Navies, hand ^cked or screened.
Fresh Eggs and But\er. bring what­
ever you have to sell.
We grind opr own feed so nothing but
clean fvain enters our Fine or Street Car
feed. Give us a call when you want some.
Spedal attention is paid to Chickens.
We have Chick Starter. Chick Fded.
Cracked Corn. Shelled Corn. Kafir Com.
Wheat. Buckwheat, Charcoal. Raw Bone,
and Oysw Shell. We also have a special
Mixed FeM. well tolanced for la^ng
hens. We have tlM stuff that your chick­
ens want at.

CoroRr Front and Casa.




iBAvowE cmr. I


. .1SSS


n-ar Min lul we*k.

wu bvM lu tb^ AYlHuoubarj M. B.
rtiarvb oa K»« Yc«r'a 'aivnuiu!. (be


ibal IWa WBS tooaded o« facts, sol on

Mit port ««rds with a ntiiabcr of pbn
topraphs o(

Trnvft** a»r oo tb* mlS B»r«ln*

which apeak well for thep roaperiiy

train. Tb« chart* wn* trowtfed nlib
frland* «( the youtf man vbo cam*

ol the r»“*^
Aa a n»uH of tbe entbupiaam ah-



W. par their Inal fCWMln. Tbe ptui
brartT* »w*aolr«e< from nmonxthe

OMeara Will Sa InsUllad and SeoH

youB( men of Uie tillace. and there


edward Will RacHa an Ort«i

urtied in Rl- attendiince ai the auie
neeilBA. KJitor G1»Bn PuBol* of ih>

Nineteen Hundred and Ten
Price Target Shattered
Bey end Recognition.

Charlevoix Ctdirier. I> Keui&p ready
n SraB^norater oa Charlevoix

acre ineiiy floral tribute*, tbe r"main* were laid to lekt In tbe Wtl-

The First Fatal Shot Is Fhred

/STaiid Ttavurae gvauc* I* seudiD:


tubra) anity

fli^ rvubu- meeiina o: (Irdbd
Tinrerre fraoia will be lieM on itat-


ainUar to the on*. l«wpd l.y !!i -


Record wtih


bwiMaj 1
urdsy Best, at which time iaataiutloa
Elk ImLe *tan*e will iuatal! offl. u oftaera will taka puwe. Mra. Arv il- (<-(• Saiurdiic^ulss'.. itsd Vt'ililaiupI It Oardaer will be inatallln« ofScer bor* pranse wtli
aesisu'-d by Mr*, -tlaiy
Palmatrer. I.iaht. Fred Waibar and MUmi Gllmor.- ^
TRKAft- TbU taeetinc wilt Be of morr than l»LKb Of Old Mi^hoo. will act a- Ju-tul i
urdloary Uitoreal to the' iraujeni. 1)|!R o/flcerw-tjC both occasion'.

[»•[■-• JHrcctt amt—Tit atmtti


MkTnwMdV. Hick.


Ha and Thrat Aaaocibta* Ar* Charped

•tArthur KennleW W«* Laid Away to

^ V

wa* Crowdod WUb Priaada.

Scou Woodwaid wlU recite ao ort«iiial |»ca as part ol the procraD, and
the lealore.Bf the alternoou will be
llu' report of' the delegataa

With th* Prauduiartt Ua* of Unit­

rtale (ooveotioa. Tb* flnaDcial reiKtii

ed Sutae- Mall*.

of the- *ecr.-:ao *>11 be raad.
Vbilc in tbp
bp nt> Ji
Jamea Heine
Adrlao al£MtbEll(ooa»tDUld dni«

Waahlnalon. Jan- C.-»*nner treaaurer of the- I'lilied'Sia:es, Jame* llu»tMi. Banuel




Gremt Uefour a'nd ■ Harvey l.evU.
wen- lndlrted'ioda> tin <be rbarge of
'-'f WiUlaamtairx. UK*.. Jaa. 3.-Tbe Iraudulenl u*<- of the nails In ronnec• jfuiiem of Artbar Kennicott.tbc younc ^'iiou with 'the \nilunal Trust com-

a line from Uac-kliiar City aouth

B Who was tlUad Id tba Pbcc .1-Usr- *______

The Spring-Holzwarth Co.

fron east to west tbrooph Grand R*J>ida. the
Eraataai ‘ pranpe activity
would be looBd north of the eaat and
wt-st line and troat of tbe north and
louth !lm. brinpicp


well 1010 tim active field

;______ _______________ w<..< ^

FEW JURORS THERE Men’s, Women’s and ChUdren’s Gar^
ments the First Attacked.


lie aiated

Ih.- adjounu-d

In the foremost ranks of the greatest price
engagement ever fought in Northern Michigaril

Iw-tvtulx-r l.Pni ol

('liruli court coiivvuud tbi* a.'tvniooit
wlib hi* buuor Jiidpc Frt-dcrkk
Mayiic atid a few atiorocya prcpiii,
..i-i.: c! ine- jDroiw'and .W'ltiicsse* aud

liBviiiK h.fii dcla>--d bv

While We Lead Let Others Follow


-'orni. Some uf the- jururs hud many
lilli-s 10 driva- In the fntv uf tb* bliz/aid. other.' ba-lnp



Is Our Signal Banner.

by Ibv

I mins which werr b-'ld up.
(axing to tba- limited amount of oia.
a-r-st ou baod lu thcYbapt' of Jurors.


For eighteen years we have engaged in fierce competition
battle and never lost a price victory. And now. with the most
powerful bargain recruits that we have ever enlisted, we stand
fortified against the most furious attack that can be waged
against us.

xtcnogr.aphai-ii. etc.

Alayuc RS'a- fals ntU-DllOu to

iiOD-Jury caM)S. the Jury, or what
ibvrc wa* of them bclup excused un­

Annual Clearance

lit R oVlock tomorrow moroiDR. WitI.CIU.CU were sabpoena-d. for loiiKirrow
loornlnp lo the .iwsc ol the Sickle
• U-e E'amcv company and E>ana- * 0:


Begins Today.
Entire Stock

Today and tonight all forces will be engaged in
marking and arranging stock, and tomor-r
row morning at the opening hour
all will be ready.

(■utlulophaui. ft al- v*. Otl- Hawkins,
•I. al. It will be laka-n up lonwirow,
AIolluii for a new trial iu a U-i-Iaii,>B couillj caee hi whith Frau * nai as
.md J \V..^tchln sra- inu-tvata-d U

before the rourt Ibl. afivviinon

thher non Jury malterw will ba- ukvn
'.p Itl.r in the da,.
Judta- Ulflll- of tlla- i:>lb Jllaiia illl
-l-xuit will iJrobably try M>nic of tl,.-

Watch this Space Tuesday

ahaon-ry aw»ca after tbe Jury a-a—'
arc dlMiwHU-d of
It I. pipbab). Uiat
he and Jndpe Majuc will cxihaHKv

for Price Schedule.

Iw-nthe*.* Tha- toawl bar will unUoub:-

of Ladies*.

Suits, Coats,
Silk and Heatherbloom


25 to 33

-dly be vt-ry pleaxa-d lo



laoib In this aaiaacitv. .lie x.ia ap||iOitili-al by llalvarUaai \Vurii--l Ui l.ll
be vaa-am-y rauwa-d by the atcmoval

But yon’l wall; come in the morning or yon may miss one ol the
^ most waadcrlnl buytOB ehaneea that has ever
been known In these wbereabonis.

<-l Jmlgc ib.tla-iiden wha> lavialrd ill
-he wa-'l.

Ilia apiKilmnicti:



- '

• ba- very pia-aring ta> the bar ol thi:‘-tb cirrul'. ' II- Ilia* alreadl a alabi.sbtd for blBwcll a re)>utali«n tor

ON river' TODAV.

Co. Men.

ivnd Toia- Kvan.- w.-r- ra-r-u-l M-i.-


'iay. Utih
ind aliined through 'he eX|K>.nr-

ihe shop, haviop.pnothcr h..M

Fall and winter styles of
every description go into
this clearing sale.

-land, the lorw-ard Ixmi wa-m on i i«ohd abhougb tne Iwo



neure.rhey .wild not ga-i awny aiul al!
the tinia-, ilte imrcury was dri>i>-tiik.
Tha’ir pra-uirania-iil w*., fliially.m.ti.-at
III Heiir.v Vanda-iwerp. aceiii of tlia
ri.ilcdS..-.lcMnprCPa.«Upa.n.f ,M


A thorough and quick riddance Is naces_
sary owing to our plans for

Remodeling the interior
of our store
in readiness for the reception of spring styles.

157 E. Front St.

Opposite Hotel Whiting.

mnun.-r ili.t ih- li.-urty «ppUu*v was


ibd.t-d -11 .-,n..-d,

th- U-autiful nun.l..r Is-Idb -ell r.'-wlv.-d.
.Mrs Hal- auo nc.v>ajMbl*d
Mr-s Rowl.-y

10 tbclr a-«lainn<-e.
A-roix' wa- sa>cilra-d aual afla-c a U.alf
an hvwr or more of good bar.1 v..,-! ,
•ha- UuiK* WWW yarttefl lo tl.- n-rth
•idc Of the rn. r and ib.


anc* *rd Sseou.i A,

Tl- MiHse. .siraub and H*s praaMvd u,.-r lb- pud-D buwl lo thv b*u


Miltiejl F--OS-*"' Were Fenu/^
. of t*ie Evan-ng.



j ••


I :uu«ih a hill.-J marioaT* wcip l-.k-'i
Uarmtli lot a Kni-ra! iliawlnc ..n'

Ta- Wk
Xii-'tinin ICKl*,- mi-l


r-.,; I.K.J.1- ar- Ih- bi-kt n-uf-- il
.11 -o'-h


11- li-n .Btru-lur-1 llui<

fob;. -U San-.. . ;io r-.pood-.i m I-.d Cl ni- hul;-;s pr-«-Bt.

Made eeod. Stasppmg at One-Oe.
gre* Below at 3 O'clock


- • —

'i-'ui-fl lorwarJ
s a 'i-il.'

An o'd

j'aiii.i r-»:-:;d- l



imtB* BDfl biadfrlBj vI'iz'-B' .. ......................... ..
> rn«t pursuing L .... toh-- oflaiul

»«Kl|p:opO'.-fl «b-






may l-am bow ihl* Suaday acbooi la
proev's-D* unfl-r ih- supnrvislOB At
Ih" pasio.-. th- U-i(. Mr. 'Babcock, ll
was d-ckdtd that >hc raport far Ibe

ii- h:i.r,hapi-B. fourth qaartcr sbouM 0- puhHshcd.
Them la a food atlntMaACW *»t s
.UK "• IK- sih-'M .-:"ii bi> nani- was
tfiiiloti-d. Tb- Elk' in-2'tir} -li-i not CT-at Seal of iDtcrcM la (ak-a In Ua
.-ha--. E:.

w a.

=r'd;-l" to

1.-1U,. colo r,, t; •|...;: I
;haw yf-.iml*} w*. only a liloIT. Ih- !n|i,drai-d w,
p BH o.i.wk. Jam- • K-.lio-. .-xaltwl rui-',

.Xonk lUnhoa

It: onl-r that oilbor Sugflay sckaola

Ma'or OrnM-i-

flvtay ol th- r-aln*. both itw Per-’ '


h- wiMx and Ui- baa'-Vid'. >n ihai

crwllfi- d



t'larid. lo- ib- founh goanar <-DfliB(

..I w.r- II, u lutpp> iraiiA

TS- thxn- wj.
.ov.-m o' .1

x^olyo! Ih- xtoroi ;.*«'• li.:i.'

Tl- roil-.a,q«: Is ;h- r-pott of Cm*,



T!i- X.I* P*


Mrs. A. & Row-

K> f*'or.-d th- fODiimiiy witb a vo..H solo, -Awakw. ,M' l>.vv, Awak-."

HtmWIng. a l.ilu-d Si«-' c.>,,„.an«
inaraw.nsa-r. and Ib-o Aahion. and .v-t;-

"Colxg Down’* Said the Mercury

Sale Begins Today.

E. Wllbclm’s Old Stand Cor. Front and Union StSa Traverse Ctly.

,n tow. Ill the tear of the fity X-*'

hy <•. K Tayloi. who the aid

? :» ,
.J ;


Come with thefirst grand rush tomor­
row. All is ready.

Rescue Wit Finally Effected by C. ETaylor, H. Vanderwarp and Oth­
er United Sutea


If It's a Fuf, a Ladies'. Misses' or Child's. Coat Of Suit, a Man's or
Boys' Overcoat or Suit, or in fact any Winter
Garment, they're on the list.

luipaniallo and cool, ka-v-ii Judg-aii-m




\|...--n - t.-



.Xuiber of m-t-liUFS h#M. «.

by Mfr.,- ! . i'- i; Hu!.-ON th-ptauo.
M:.-. Ebte HersMB Ml for Fbrral.
Llu.n,r :-1-:. 1 a ‘.-:...r;ful vWic soio.
«ou' rte .•-nubr-ek." Mias B.-B- ioday. io apradCa tew weeks vlsiUe«
uvR aboa-lhg h.-r s-uiliv in n.-b a frH»«a and n-laUvaa.

\ TUBMAV. iANIMRV 4. Itift.





.... .

of Uw loc*] BarkM I*
w BM* aa ever. Pmmom eanilnae
Box vote* ara sUo Hi bolter de>
1 the eld prk«. wUh UjM repelpu. a B-taiid a»d white ptiM* have only bew' ^
taw can fras Uw afatda ta st«rM«
«otac out. Urate <enUaMs te seed,
toaiiik)' and pwd lawaii.

Bears the

<Br VallH r ■e.)
D«trail. Jta. t.~t
■rn. a: oeu. *1%.
Chlc«co. Jan. l-Wtieei.
mu. 4S%.
ToMo. Jm. a.—WbeM;
»ni. e<H; oat*. 47,




(B)T rolled Preu.1
BaBalo, Jan, 8.—CaJlU-. 3.720;
bear,, orlme. M««-T5. Vrata. 7«C:
•oUve; S;en. Bbeep, IS.OOO. »to«t
. .. 8-dS.
. . ,
arllve; yorken. 8,7*.


they .have c

great daal of tbc fi-uU Horn a
Dealer, aay that U .Mpper* dont ^
^tew,., .
to-> anxkMi and crowd
t*“ Esc*. Rer doae^ (Iwwla..
uiarkei than h wiU aiaad a fair i
Kl from
a«e price abould be r«
Hanaab A La/X^U^*


Kew York, D<v. 31.—Ttl» X«* York
Tribune pwbliabed Uw following edit- ot a barrel per c
•SrslBUOduws u>mut« sm-t hMO sseWB*’
(•:ial rsreetly.
Cteclsaati, aajTT—’The lotal ap­ «Qiaa*Mi USB wriaucebc U pncnr.kMKb
"ApjjM ironi Canada are In srt^r
Xata a BteeSM U tkr luiJcUuShe
ple market t* boldteg up remarkably **a«i*WCIh.
> Me. psrKdemand in Ensland than *Pi'h-> fioin
well. Hoidjnc* in tbc local cooler* aro
irAlled Stale*, acrardliii; to a oonbut mUe bnyler tban at tbl* time
aolar report. .The ou)}' r.-.itjn siren
last yeor. The Mat grade* of all kind*
ijr the buyer wbo KOe« to Urerpool i'>
werewcarce. eapeclally Baldwlu*. dur^
BMko biB pnrebaae* u tbat abeii b-!
Ins the week. ITIce* ransv from t.I.SO
lake* a caae or barrel or X>nadlaa ap' to H on all aundard arade*. most
pie* be knows wbat he U setilos.
hale* belns around 13.73 for round
YITwn be take* American apple* there
lota Price* ou common »iorijce R«*
I* ututjly more or lees unrerUlnty on
ranse from *3.22 to Il.te in a to^rblns
that *cor('. When Canadian nppk* arrparked for esportailou ibry are care way.
Holding* of we*tern hnx applet lu
iuUy sorted, and only ore variety I*
the local atorase total about 10 or 12
pul Into a barrel. Uoreovrr. so uxirb
(«r*. PriAv on
fruit are a
I* exen-Jned lu snulluK ibr.t (he
IKOe driaer. but there |* no material
eontenu pr a barrel are unUorm, l.e«i
change In prfte* to report, Tliv best CtBcer* Csrtl WIthkif the Esife
trouble 1« taken with apple* Irom tbc
varletle* are aelllns iu a Jobbins «•>’
Itnlied Stale*. Oecwalonally, wbea a
around *8 and (town to tS.HO. accord■barrel U opened liaU a d.uicn varkdle*
variety and quality.
will roll out, andtbeapple* near ibo
middle will be round barjly fli tor
. Jau. I.—A liberal uupply
rider. Many fruit erowerj lu Ouiarlo of potatoea baa bMO oEerod thU week
Whan JudaoD Tburher. bateswaln _ vice. “In the flrei plaew hedlaoMnembera ot an aaaoclai<«ii and (will
lib but few b
ut Uw reTeton* eniter Bear, renchea^ered *by no one w*i mer able be- ,rnd taeir apple* W a central iwcktes' "'‘““'J’
l^uflon. the aetantteta wlU proi^,tore bl* ttue .te raise tmby .ealK
„„uer Iw n»na«b.„cm. After
dull U^e to Pxiht
. UM
».»« 1-1.' li.
«».«. r»i-i »,a up slowly, '
mad the aimpte *ui- p^^ed the **«KUiloti;. Irbel
rani very Rood
It I* reported
*Ml*. Tharbw U tbc foatar father of | steal operation of cutting what I*
on the packagei^nd I* a gnaris Mill full of potwo *aat.p«p* that are DOW akuut St» hBOwii a* tbe‘freedom’of the toogiw*
tbaiJf tbeeontenu atenotwhu eo-jrcei that Mali
mtbs old aod Bhy claim the 'll*. 1 of bla cbar*ea, and attar faefllns them' jii;*, ,mrpon to be the biiy-r *
*^e sweet potato nuriot ruled firm
iriloa of'bates the 6r*t
X time wita I----------------------’
‘ reinteursed,
Wby tannot .imllar the first Of ibe week but wUb liberal
),bolUa. until ibelr looguea ceased be- meUtods be.adopted In thl* tv'iHrv^
knows-to taiattfT that was arer aUo,bolUa
rewlpu aod the trade generally well
to rataTytmac aaal* of tbU kind wtAi-, Ing
g Bore.
tie taught them to lap milk Thu repntatloB of a hundred honcat
sKtektHl up a detldedly lower toufl was
■wot Uw assistnoe of Uw mother anl-, Ilka
a a
a dog or cat. Than be waa care packers suRure when one sueh trick
cnlekly assured aod price* eased off
■dL Books have beaa wriUsh and' ful that they had tbair dally bath -ot as ihaf lust rWerrnd lo is prunile-l
ttetMODdi ot donate bore bren as-jwK water and as tbey gtaw older
1 an unknown cuatoiuer.''

' poodad hr ahtenUBc exparia In ibeir and stfoager be ohanced t&eir diet,
WTwt aoioeofihedaily paper*know
efforts to pannade roungfuraealt to Now tbey will tesp two or three feet
t>onl the fruit Imiiislfy of their own
Hre a* orphans bat antU Ths^ of from Uw dock u rcoch a fiita autpend- cr,«ntry would not fill Urn fly leal of Florida orangas ............................ *?«
th* Boor upaartd totatbar apd od orer
pocket dhlendar.lf the cdl«w could Qrapefrulu
Pine apple*
• thorn the
.. some of'lhe price* neiwfl ba<k Dates, per hi re for American frltt sold In IM- Flu. per I
uUOiy udoMIpii^t rei
. OteffD. DM Mtaaapts hotm prorad trwHwith price* of Cana- Coeotouu. each
P^ pound*
0 wbKhwlto^^rti
itet. The.kohr aaala have all di(*d.
dtetTappln there be might (oroi
is ^Us of Uw tact U^ Tburbejferent oplnteo.
Many CnUad fftafca shlppere have
learned from blUerexpertenoe in keep
get anytbins helpful oat of bla ted- tbeir “t*r“ at home ralher 'ban
HJi ■pw.tRriRE tor. Uw auU«
jwny or ant. tbriiavAhat the car* ray a heavy aeagbing rate In addition
«d tha dapartmant of oommare
to the aeaboard railroad tariff.—TblcaIMar, who act aa fnifrdteu M all (nr
go packer.
abate (owod in Alaskan waters, are eaka bad much tO-ffd-tHtb tbeir
pfwtty eertaln to taka them away from lag through the crlUeal stage ao the
Chicago. Jan. 1.—ffomc Improve
bite. The tew te yerj plain on Uw sub­ oourea of dieu SaHon Are the fclndlet aod po*tUrelr problblu anyone eat hearted mortals lu tha world ment te reportud In the *pi*e; market
from coaalog Into poaieaaten of youus TtauibAr probably liwsed around ylUi Villa wreh, eepeclallj; f:T choice and
during erery mteuta. that he fancy gradM. but ebmmon tiork te vd>
aaate. tba pair now under fhnilier's
could call bis own. gave them reaw- ported qtrtel and slow Pcs- *
kite at breC and aa be baa breuyU dle* when they were alllog. bnmhad
them (feroDih Uw daoperous period and wsabed iban. and -moUiarad’
ot -Inteaey to an ace and atrancth tiwm gaoaraHy. This kiadaeu arlth.
out doubt had modi to do with keep•whore they COB
lug them well and contented.
“If Thaibar can teach the gervernoMar te gtran tha langnage that tuenl how to raise th’e young seals
nay be axpaeud from Tbqrttar utU witboot Utr care of Uieir mothers, be
„ Ub
thn most plRuteaque variety win be the means of tsving thousands
lually. The reason that
knows us aHl^pbo^
many of Uw seal* are dying off U due
"TbmOm aaraly used
Onriog ihi* sate. Three table* loadv
the fact that up to the present
aetea and ktedoam la bla care' of U*
ed with new. up-icd*«e dress fahrir*
le all the iMtbcricw yonng die
COM.*' Mtd Capt. Worth O. Rosa,
amodant of Uw rarooua cutiar Barnatural caretaher*. The pdagtc sealwho are hovertr.g around oauldc
the throe telle limit* of the PrIbUoB
Ulandf, kill iba motber awds aod
young, unable to provide UtamselTc*
with taod. <11^ by the hundreds All
effort* to rear these IWIe orphans
failed to date, and naiarallyi
Thurtwr U au object of oonaldreablo
lolerret to the govcrmnenl experts
He’ll probably be pretty sore if ho
has to give Up hi* avals, txrt if they'
want them tere. a* tbey probably will
bi'll hai-c to give them up“
Wc are wllinB our r. r’>:
A. Baumberger of Sorthport la
,, ,
.\U .-llghtlv
'am large RU8«. ' orih «•• to J?<'. s<e
In the ely loday ou buslDcat.

S»e to

Petl*. from .






For Over
Thirty Years




interJit to call aod eotamlne our stock and *et-W price* before >oo
buy. W.. have the iantetu Mtmre Broi. saw, also the StateO* and At­
kin* MW*. We tm Age*. Ax* Handte*. Chain*.



Tons*, etc.
Wc have a good Slngie IHttad Axe for SOr.
We bave the tx-M IlK Axe Handle* yuo arer.saw.


James W.Gaunilett. M.D.


Tips on Seal Raising
With Sance 01 Proianlly




A Woman's Rcsoluttoh)
g New Tear's day a* oae of gnod rdaoiutloot.
e value of happiDcaa la ay borne, and that Utl*
rappit«s- depends Uigvly u pon the succaM iff my bake day oftaft*.l do resolve that during'vbe year l»10 I will use wary
moan* within my power to add lo tbc qualHj of botii bread aod

A* Ik*' firat stop In this reaoive 1 will adpot Creacant Fkinr
aa my standard, striving at all tlmre to use Utr saow skill te my
work Utet tbe mUlera of Ibis famous 'flour bata waad.
(Bltbfultr krep th Ik Bw inbWd,’


™.... «,•


-Tha KIHd Evaryhody CHtfs."


25% Disconnf

Do Yoo
With a

TtSL Back?

J. W. Milliken
When such opportunities are presented
as prevail during this sale, this is truly
the accepted time to supply your wint­
er’s needs
the 4th
day of




ftaKtSSSf?-‘55S»i For Uw Herald.Obituary.

N’ewel Hlefcs dh-d Dec. lllh. at bit
home m-ar Holme* Siding, at the age
of 7S >(«rs He had btwa in poor
bcalih for year*, but was.only cobt if you Mva kidocy. liver flaed to bla bed about two Weeks, itembk. tt wBl be loond jut reased was born in KvcbeMcr. N. Y..
ttiiMilyyaosaad. UhaabaotW 1833. married to Sarah t'ote July 4lh.
enlisted In CXx a —.-<•«-,,S
28tb t


. ' All rug* S-Illns up 10
Ing ai

•■ord. He was a member ot tbe Q
A. K.. at Fife Itake. VUncrel evrvlre*
were raoduned by Rev. Bridgewater
of FMe Lake. Dec. Ifilb. tad bnrtel was
Btade te Fife Itahs eometer}. The
haoulUuI flower* shewed the respect
that was beM for him In (hi* vidalty.

You caajbuy our 30c liauml.-i Ji r
aey Glo'e*. color* and bl».-t.


.L ,n





w ,

98Cf $l>98f $2*98
vainci. |i 3r., |r zod *4

Dor Tbree Bar­
gain Tables
5ih 7c and 10c
Here ym wiil .Bnd odd plecca of
SlIkollBes. Oulins*. Olnghaat*. Ftaec*
Good*. Vowcling. tajwy Creioo*. Rhlte
Bhaker Flsnaei. and otaiiy othre'-odJ
- V

More Remnants foir Tomorrow’s Selling

emtet}- I
cbUdren'sQi ive bim. Itedly HIrks of
Mle*. Mick Mte. K. J. Bennetl of
Cfcirago, Ralph ‘Hicks, snpervlaor of
Fite Ukr township, living orer. De-.
ceased wga-ta nirmbar of the Declple
rburrii slnre IST.1. He ws> aa earaast christten. hi* Christian faith bo-

I Best Valaes of
fh* Year in Shirt

Al SS ceal* pair

now go.

l2S% daring Sde

End of Everyftiing Sale

Glove Special
at 18c pair

Rags! Rags!

Ezira Spcclsl lor Ibis

wi taUSt fsduod QWT Stock Of For*
[ before loveBtory-4» do Uil* qul^y.
ire giving a discount of

This lot Of sUk* is moving out fasti
Think of 81 silk, inoatly *1*1 1*1.
lernn. at

59c yard-



Ugkl nnd dark color., i.ov.- x-lling

S7e ua Me ymrA

1 * now atom those Wool
»s valuea.^ai


$S.M pit

ni«nk. l-‘

Odd pairs must be soM regardteu
ui cu»i. One'big table fail ol speclala.

Ia Message of Economy
to Dress CiooOs .Biqiers

j Beautiful nm Drem FArica. alte^
> plj- u reduce stock before- taventary


\ \

j ISRcrteBtMPMdnf .

bto; -«a MB aa M n< Mt vwr MV

■r vmomu M.AIR.



den. Tbis.waa gnatad. ttao aaaadaatmi -being aal Mr ruday. JaaMry T.
Ball U tta awn «C gtta waa taraitb-

Bar t*a «aan fM «baafe bra
-raa ■aan-i.- aba wM. 'UathM
.b baaa tUaa far rlabard ababra Niw vtAirg •ANQurr at caas *^r.K.»tUarwaa artaaiad lide PrtUahadocaa-baaravaraMbara
Npprr. y«i b«»w. At ira« laaibar
raa-i. bat )UM tbt rag mbbM mad raa.
bafare Jadga MarUager. HU etaailaaaad raa aaly baaa brrad Bat <
Aaa Hal# Mad HM VMIa AMag aad tUa waafaat for Thuraday. Jaaaary C.
raara hard aU My tra hara
ftrara-aad aawt aad aaa day «a . BiilWiWW Mwakai Magrraa Carat Ba'u ot mo wn ArwUbM
Afira tba laklara
Ba Mod laeklag «a*a at bra a raaar«. “Wbai am :
Oaa or tta raara pMaaaat agalraMool^r br aMad.
la tba dty waa tba New
-I'D DM aura.- mM iba ani:girL
Ycar'a baaga* at tta Can atraet aabMlgaraait^jwar--------glao beaaa, a roast irig boiag tto
~y<m twm abrag np >• yoar am
ataU braabainraudir. -OoadM
aaa yoo agaia."
tta gaaat o< hoeor la wall worth ra­
-Ba «u ba'd raa aa agala.** tba
■MB girl loU bra mbar. «bo waa
il vsrat
CbM IW0W.1
Beoaia 10
to .----iHe BreoB-'a uun
traHtag aatloaaiy t: iba'na a( iha HIT Tnlani m -Inrelrfp In thr hnwr. MMC oa tbaahlojyoa etcyct Bauitday
Aaa *f-y aad « uawagayer —- Mtr rreolara Tbe dob waa fo exUteace
rs ftp
tta gaada wblM tta aarrlag wra dowa
-Tbraraa «M tbr^ntf bra. BaV
New Tear'a Btght.was nneb enjoyed.
taUgbt laabtng ror a raiaraM DM thar
Tbo evaafog was spent In play log Uo
qpvrthO. aad aba raa away, aad ba
bbcnraa wbaa 1 toM Ura a^ aaera.'
Bar nmbra caogbr bar braatb qakfc. wttfo Obaoda. Joe Miroraky acted
Id -What did baloahbbar
•Sa had aica rrm-" aald (ba aaran diM carver aad.wUitled tta anli
ba waa trig and ap tafo aoltwMc aiara. Bat tbe pig
waa not alooe io Ita aufferloga
Impleyes of the Queen City Delivery
-Ob"-tba mua aratbra'a (aea
tbere were raaabad potatoet i
Company Had a Pleaaant Now
gravy. aaewUeped pocafoea. pick!
Voars A«alr. •
aararab.white and broam bmd. aaveral klada
BabbaM c«raa. aad bahlad Uai
^ oakea, rotU, caSrv and onn aad
ratarad waliar bataa tray Hadrd with
A lurkey dfoocr was .•uJo,v..»l b> tte
aoiblbg wu aniected. .rvarybody bav
(WAikocs of tte Queeu CU) Delivery
*nL!^Sa raatbra atarad at Uai bka U« their apyetlus aloeg. Ttw pic.
Moy Safordgy sltrrnoOD. Waller
CM Hbo aara a gbaat. -Why .Mra cooked by the Detrolb* bakery',
Tbompaon acted aa i-bef and akutg
yadaanar abaaakad.
dooe to yuat ua tight dc«t«e and
with.tte bird were all kinds of trim'VnabT Ba glaaead. at iha
sd a aavory diah. tte otter edimfogs that go to nakc a good dfoner.
wba waa ramag tba tny aa tba UMa. blea balng aoually weU prepardd.
The oacaaloa wuepteasaol fo every
*Xat raa girt tba ebUd a Baal, aad
tar everybody bad eateo alt they
but tbere was Ml .BtKh IcR Ol
aftratbat ttyaa lUnk be«. 1 win go."
Xba aaiaU gM ciaypM bar baada. eoMd. "Uad' Hale got out hu vlollu that turkey.
-Batbar. raotbaa." aba ertad. "tbara'n aad for aa hoar or raore gave a con
cort tt« waa dallgbiful u every way.
every tuiotter botng eojoyed (ron Uib
ramarawily ataBng banalt and
Jlgifo tte more aertoaa eoBttoaltloiu.
rad labblt. Iba «tbar two wltb ttitta nreraaa Baker's clog daaoe waae alao
aiadi eajoyed asd the akole aBalr
bad wbaa tbcy bad taiabad tba w»- was saoreadol and pleasant.
Btaa raid, -Ton aaat ga aoir^t


-ttM-t mm," mu i«* wtmt
—I^M. •mlr*mttn
"V mmmrn^m," -«M *m MMi «irt.
bU Md aul u« M U b» 4M.
“Tm. mC ycmt kiT* t* «a& mm
«aft dewMntn i« «m Urn."
•^"mU (k»M*BfkL

thk rnmpu tm mmrnn —d n—■<
"TbMt’t ■ Ban deira ibMv." ak» ■»•
■wrM. n iDM la a gnf kat. aa^ ba

MMk aM«r atr"

“DOM bar Bar waibwb aalra «aa
a aa bni». Tba
btruaajr- - ‘ ■

tta carta oa b
na aaMV i
ra«a«. b« bar t»aa apaaa aad.
Tba iMll girt BM* iba r^feO bMca
bMk.Md ba«b aad back aag fank
and KlU ii» OM. arttb iba BMf hat
atoad ee ib» eantar UI7.
Thaa aaMaat; a draadM tblac ba^
gaBad TW nd tabbft. bfteg -oartd
baa figHir a»blt rad cattaa iagA tmt
. *Ob." Ifea tasIbfU) BMaM. -Mb
Ml «g bpaa «Ubitba«ar batr
-VaMII baralo •» aftw bira.- aaU
eaat dabc back."
-m mlb a«t «a«aad
tba aaBthBiH aa aba mitid. ~
laiPar laadtw aba wl tta
MHiatba^Bg^bat BaRaaMcaM
tad aad lba a^ad aht iba«bt that

PblUl^'Bi^rds retaraed to bU
»e IP Bfo.Bapidi ibk' swrtilara .
Mrs. y M. Oavta IM (or DeHUay
whera^die''wlO riraak Tor a
John Uttaa.
G«>. & Coletsaa.
Frank Stapan.
Jos. Maibaara.
Others aUt be gtvea na opportanlty to aiga folv. -LM tte paMK betr
I tte matter W eariy Woata,
early tradiay.

. . OWttary.
For ibe UeraM.
- rbarles <?. Uacy paased sway at
bis borae.. hoe aUe ao«Ih of (he vlllaae ofNbyOeld. at $:U. oa the eveaIng or Ibe.iitt. fo&owiAg an opa>ation bad aadragooe tor ab­
scess la-Og aVe. with which be bral
been suBerlng tte prevloua lew dayA
He was tbe ran of Sseiiiel and
Mary Maey atii was bore fo Tredeil
rosmy. N. C.- Sepiekiber ST. ISSS.
wberv- toe.Aral nine years of hU life
were rri^-d. Uter reiuov lag to Rush
irtom Friday's Kevord.)
roBQiv, led., tm; lor the pan iweetylira. A. H. rtnney aad rhUdrea. sevec yeara s rrsldeni of Grand Travwho have beeo tislUng fo the city, i-n»- touniy.
-Thi- d..eessed sss a meet Iwnorsbie
returned to their home in Du<-kley.
ttli morning.





"Xrm. rm wadan aa«- tba aaau
^■jajji:»iM. -aaa tbaalcTtai far i>v

b. ray dear." M cam orra'aad
ihabaaMiarbaarMrlt -Thaab
Md-.ahaAM vwatp-wbaa aha bad took bra baadt. -wby dldab yoa tnat
mf Wby dMo‘t yoa com to na aad
ta»raa tba alorlaa that tbcaa relatiraa
riM bad toMT OwUdB't y«a aaa •laek aM OoW Wara Hit DaaaealioM
aad ibeo. atraek taiMwly by
that tt tbpy got ray wira awt tbcy
and gg Ceuplaa Remalnef Untit
•oMd rtilnr to lira aw ray raoory
B*Hy Hour.
ban tba aorafraia i ba« alwaya
Tbe aniMial duice androcepUon to
“Bot thCT aaU ya« larad-aam awa
the Travaraa City High acbool loot-I ban land oMy yoa." ba aaJd. baU team given tM* Ycar'a eve., at
aad bla agra raat bara racy graaaly. Honaw aeadaav. was a grand suecoas
•Wbay raM raa tbiagi o( yoa. Mo-urat trora tte atiit. Tbe party hayan at »
yaradtd araaan dw raa. aad that waa And contlnuad to a lata boar, and all
wby 1 M yoo go. Aad yoa dHl bat
rather relaotaat to leave, bavliig
The ball
-Ob. me aba braathad: -l coaU had sodi a deaaaiK evening.
waa bearably deco
and gold crape, ttli befog suspeDdrd
ttom a nrire In tbe canter of tte tall
» aa I
. baIMvad Brat yaw did aat cwta mBI asd draped to tte aideA OoM eokHed
abadea were hong oa tbe Ugbu. while
MraTaSra '"’^Mt^Xatt L*
ttrea larga baanen with the wn.-da.
aOBN yoar Uttk dkiy ttr Mwk la -Traverae City High Sdioiri. IMWyear datt. and la M 1 rsad-'
mo" adorned tbe walk. Aa i: o'etoek
bav* ttaagbt bow yoa baea
rolled by a “Happy New Year* was
wlabed to oveiyoae and tbe party cootfoaod.
a raraaii gM wbA wttt t
Tbo men's cloak room was eoovort
A bM baaa gaUbbra tba u\
ed foto a retremneot t>oott to ttaif'
Of Bdward Holberg. where ptucb was
aervad to alL Twy Ooraers* In ih<tour ocenocs of tbe room wore anoth
er featare: ne decoratlog was fo tli>'
baea fbaod ray prtacen. bahy.bands of a cosaDlttee coosislfog vt
■Laal HlaaaH.
Sett Aabtoo, clialriiraa. Ivan Oorc ataU
SUbley Bayder.
■■tt aaaeyad by the troable be etpaMusic was tuniUbed by Horst's or
aattn yaraaaraa aad atud aa tba car- Mnead aver? raarnlira U baattw Mr cbeatra. fuHy W couples befog on t^^'
bM MetbSA for be nerar coaid rarasra
. akBaWMB Tm tnUag tm asras bra wbMW be bad pat ttera tba Mgbt Boor At every daace.
mu, "mmmm» wbaJtbU- battn wbaa ba uadieraad. Babad*. oww aa a
BaadwaMM a( tbraa My
_____ . .
each artlela of
ttKMgMraat.agyiMa'lMbatLU « a ttley afocyr a*ad tba Clottlag was piaard as be leak U oC
aaraii gtB <^raW. aad aba aat dowa aad thM k wku beSrrofo:
-Oaat OB (Bird peg. left baud corwra
aa tbb fMBAad 'ranwdara baparaal
of rooai: wautcoat aod troarara aa
-ffaat Wa a-fabr Mra?.- ba nUi* ebalrbyhed: colkr oe dagr baodte; tk
aaA-aat «aww hraila bra. -aad 1 an iMigb be.v or door-, wot oa Boar by
Charles Cennalne. Hermao Klreb
MttHagfocIbanatlawbaBatbavprra. . adbdow: ewBa oa baaba by btdaiaad:
SMM u IragdaMaik aad Fra tta poor ttirt oa purtawairau; aorka oe goo ncr'and Charles Craenraan. the ttier
kaWbt raha baa wMfccM aad wara kwchat: baou oalalda doer: ptWraara men who were arroMcd late Friday
ttbad.draat.Wdcaa'tgsdbw.ahenfoon oa a charge of gambling
*«W asara iay.yao wW lad bn-- Kaat raeislac ttU piao aaanad to BMOarod *ba(ora Jodao Nerliager Fri
aaamr adninMy. B* eaUactad bU
gramwn vaplBy. aM wbww be cam da^ ^ht and denumded an examlnato tte UK Itra oa tbe Ikt be weal
^ MmWisii altae.■■ h'.
-iW-aat-aa-aara.- mUU» nUU oMt to tbe bed asf tt bM gnat dUgiiL MdM Ita«ui5.
MMfc-ttatiMlS Ml raa bBa hac.”
-AW'* ba erkd la



^ wwd. HU mat »s b^^i^- ,
ed by tte airlM MUcBty «( ch^
acter—aa open book wttt gAgea sprtless, oasoiled aad aaasned. and la
wfaoee word eonM be plaeod ibe st<
lEou conAdenoe aad reUeeara at all
ylmei. fo aB pMecs and Bader aff dr-

be steadily gtsw. (broa^ caann^
ib^ prfodaUm aa‘'apoA tlto*^rott
wMH cooBot be toakea."
Ip aMltfon to hU wfofcw. Iww sou
ned two danghlera and three mile
graodcUldTva.. whs will aaJely and
ndly Blra a koat fovfog and
ful husband, tatter and graadlattar^


UIngs pertaining to th^-ooe ttlM
most needlal." and a UiSiii'T wAo was
ai sll tnuea aad fo aU things fnUta
fal-lo thr end.

begin the Year Saving Money The tUg Yeat-litod Bak- Is the lugswt
offered. Bverrwbort:
ing themarlvet et this groatvsl opportubil
you tm you see the evldenvi- ol IhU grrnlesi of price
en by tbe gr.wt M-lling ot th.- la-n’ (ca a«-La. mum be all closed, roui
We don't aani to take any ot tttwc In our foveaipry. Yoayel tbo^rwat brneAt.

Tobacco Users, Here’s a Ptnm
Tau big packages W ^ealngjor a M<-kl<--Two big plug' foi a ulclh'.^ H-oa. plug tor lAe.
JuM hair i>rke. Halt pound of Smoking (or 4i—a full pouud « good smoking tor Sc.
tm llhr aiid'lSc■

Cold Weather Says "Wear Sweaters”
r onerisj -giKid aud aerrlrrablr. ^seaiar Nerio. I
lilggrsl bargain <
aud II talum are you t tor ii,. IHflvTOtil colors.

Warm Underwear that’s Good and Cheap
Think ot a good ncivt^l gsituent toi ;sc Nut a
-I taluei sold equally aa loB.

le of SO<»g luki at Ibi-sv prUv*. Boi-

Brand New Neckwear at 37c
agree to closa oor pUrea of btutoesa
at C o'clock rtandard'tlnw. every evrefog enept Wedomday aad Satur­
day. and ttoae days before spMlal
days which U customary to keep

Further, we agree to watch our
sales sad^ coHectUaB on Wudnoaday
evenly so as to deeMc Uter wbeihwc want to close at a staled titae
during slated mooibs at a suivd
FV*d j. omtor.
‘ Thos. A. Beamish.
J. Fttrtath.
Albert T. ifotortyl.
I. a. StUtora.
JotaB BobicesL
Chaa Wlihrtm « Co.
W. J. Mobha.
A, W. Banak A 6oo.
BlgiB C. Lewis,
O. A. Jobaeon.
Schookrah A Nvlsoo.
N. A NeUon.
P. KyaelkA.

This tat i» ull this year's goods, sUiDie ueaest deivigns ai.d rotara.
The young mao waat
cuinv ties, some want lu wear a diSereuI uue Uach dty, here'a ibi place to get tliv.ocaeat at there
|>rio-<. A..wletidld line that w« arv riosiu'g ool ia ttk grtSil rap-'Of a Quarter.

Books! Books! Books!
Never were there as many books r<
< t>" this saauon and bogie eaily. 8c« l
said. It.So values for sSc. Cood. ruscinMi
tor U3c Jurt to give you GU opportunity to gel these pood borUs i^eap. niid you be bUe to own aevcriil insua& of one. A grtat line at IPC. ' - '

Get the Latest Post Cards
These are no; fo the bargain list, but (bey are tte nawrat idea oal^ .Traverse GKy IWouaal
Fort t'-ard. with the High Bcbool bnlldlag at g>e bottom, and over it. a i>rrtly girt buWiag s Trav­
erse City pennant fo tbe legtilar colors of gold and trinck Mirra. "T; C- H 8.- These sell (or * (or
Sc. or »c a dotvn andevety MsboUr ttoon-have someto seod to tbeir Iiicnda. ' '

Mercantile Company


Just as quickly as
possible, we want


^ to close out eveTy article from

our winter stock. That’s why we are
cutting prices on many of our lines.
t |».M: aronh

kart good. WbataMdJl
prtoean rM away trara Ura am raM
Ma waaW denr cena back." /
' -tlh:- gwwa* tta HMB gUL -ttaCm
dMnaai ftoM My ttMy mM I arra



-Ob. Algy.- laid tte cW. "dwt you
-Tara tt M dlBKWM."
-DM tba iirlaem hara gMdaa halrr tblak bika tnHwM dWk tba Ucaat
the nral girt biiwiadil
-Wby. yra. May. dattara « yoa tblak
-Ko. bat K was htwwa Mitt goMn
llgbtB^aay with BMP anti «a bra fotw
raetbra,- nU tba maU girt
-Uka-- Be caraiU Mb braatb and
IWBbadnbra rlsaMy.
Tban be pot a Mara aiiar bac cMa
aad tarsad bra UnM <a« M *• Mas>
neb a baby fiM bat wttb tta Ana
cbu. tta deep gray ryea. the brouL
low brow of tta wwata bt bM Mved:
-IMbr.- bt Wtabyraad. "wbat k yoar
-Ladle DadUy Horae.- .
-Uy Qodr Be was craMloa bra la
bU ar«A ted rabbit aad alL aatB aha
gave a IMtle aqaral of preiaM.
Tbea ba aaM -Bag pardaw- aad art
-Carat.- ba «aab tta mab baad M

-Ba t Ba darttayr
-W.wnea. bow caa you M-talk to
bow ttat ayly. rWykr UraBwaa


Let the Herald ds Record Co. do
your Job Work.

KID MtT-re. warm lined.wo.-lb ll.»d ,


KID CLOVES', warm llned.worth |l ir, ^

Uma iipigi»tg> hk tk-

tioa for « bm& for « jmx.

worth «. St .......................................

Bat aoraw p>apU out and
—d grow HiiMgr. lUs

soo. we.c tf and U at.....................

.. graakatraawtb
bad tba swoeraat Mea traagbrabur
-tikply charralagr «aMb Algy.
-Aad dea't yoo tblak aba's awtally
eUver tool Enowa Freseb. aad—boAo
rase Atgyb fbaa wabi M*Mly ottttA
-Why. darllag.- ba tieklma. -wMt>
sera's tta nauae; An yoa 1117 IbaB


andMiteUQ foods AkrgQ

and nig muff, worth %
LADIES' rCR SETS, worth »:!*•>. ^

LADIES LONG COATS. exlr\ SobtoadcLxhs. asd keraeys. some silt
lined (hroighout. worth US, and ,

»»'. a:

............................... I

U W, |1.« and .........

^ ten poMrig «f MBt.
MO nau «r aiA DMM«g»


IMrt Du Nsw Yah

e IlMo. at.......................


MEN'S OS-ERCOATS. wortt FT and .





ltd. Ntldnd WaMheook.
Thing*. 1 knew they were going out thaoi la to be tfrelsfl to a hmtB. Tha* aBd. *1* abe 'ietac to to* baby toowr
Ulldnd WeMbro^.
Martae WeetbROk.
New Yesu^ aasceg tha Daasa. u" wU Bat she did hoc.
Harte Horsaa..
-Yes. she's, a ipcouy Mg hair. •*
WmX U «tnu)se (bu 1 never rAnd It Mte to pas* that there was strike the Americaa boy. 1* pi^Qr
FMllBe Irvla.
cetved yoor letter! I «n tin* to
a merry party that Chrlstma* Bay la such like onr nattoual todapeadepce tolnfc- aaswered jBl>a.
yon tbe rcrtlflenue o( BcabcnUp
' Jeanoette toooght bard while jBlla
(he Angular Lodger's aunay square Duy.
TOW- ,

A Llttl* Panesmahae.
>«*■• And down in the kltehca CapOn tbe other aide of the aaith. la talked.
H*raM VMWg FoUo EmhiiM
I don't s.-r 'tow 1 can be bjlhsied tala heM court and kept ^en boose. (Mina tbe New Year's celehratioa 1*
-{ wooder It abe kaow* ahOBt the
belpful and l^rtac tUtg eaeb day
Kalkaska. Ml^
with him.’ grasped the Lady- WHo
—Our Dumb Aoli^al*. the most imponast teMival of the
Dec. S2, l»#». Ran* Ttof. “Why dM you bibig
year, and Uau ibne days. . All ac- Biad. -Aayway. I'm not obliged to
Dear PreMdenlhlnw Johar

vfhit* BsaBird.
-eoenu an- settled aad debu paid: tell her. Tbcy'd be awfutty glad of
I haven i wrt^n to the Bpabiov
“Oh. rteaae, mmher. please.- pleadLong ago a Mr. ScOit who lived at oaUt are made upon ftieeds; there toe Booey.. if toeir bbby toM gH
t will try to b*Mh
Clnb^ r-1 awfully long while. 1 am ed the Only UtUe Daughter. “Code Benbolm. on the coast of Scotland. are imy sente* oe the swu; paper first priw; but Barton ooght to bave
In the alsth grade. My teacher'* mtni.; brought him becnase he knew i need- caugbi s seagaii. and cut It* wlnga prayer* are burned la tbe' Jos* boaast: It. I guess be * toner n tbeir baby,
•• far M I can.
girl* and boys write her that >oa 1* MU* Ratcliff, and my music and t-d a dog. Didn't yon. Cade Jobn? ao .fhort that k could not t.v. He firework* are set off aad googa beat- aaybaw. Bo-. MolD U far-l doaY
I will VV ta ba ievln» tiei>ebb. Doa n. Capuln. down."
tbca shut It up in hli garden, which en.
knew but what abe * toe fatieat: and
wouM like to exchange pocal* and drawing teacher's name 1* Mia* W
firi and Itlnd U evarybedy and
CaptalnT"."part black-and-tan and had uultc a high wall atoand It. ao
totter* with o:ber Snnahlm; member*. My! but It I* cold out doore! It 1.
''Kungobe! Kung-sbc!" aava every­ If she eooU go-^^ dear! Bat they’re
te every levlas tMng.
The a™t reply to tbb soggesUon Has neariy Chrlstma* Day! 'We arc go- part—M»t *0g.“ aged lour week*, bad that tbe Wid <onld not gel ou't end body- to hit fricod whi-n he meeu him ao poor! 1 sYwsc I'd like sotoebedy to
If I aver fall In trying te de
eome from our "Cboerful Sunahlner." I; g to seed three packages At our Qot yet leaped Eagllsb. Four inchea it b,>camf *o tame ihai Mr. Scot'.'* on Ne* Year’* morning. HU friend tell BO ahoBt It. If 1 was poor aad
abgiu^ a. tar “up" as he could IHtb- daugliicr. Janet, took I! for a bow* tow and rcp<<^u the word bad a fot hqby and didn’t know there
Mae Jobnaon, who live* in WlaconsiB. school Cbrlauua* tree 1 got a" booh
theM Uilnta. I will "Try, try
called "Jack and tbe Bean Sulk." and
8o. perbapt it wai unreaaonahle Pjayuatc.
and tbU Is vbat Mae aays:
again.-Kung-sbe! Knug-tov'" Tbe mren- wa* a show with prvxa—wel^*
a palming of some vtolel* from my for ber to expect bim to •'down." Tbe
But a* spring came on W>n- v» Ing 1*. "1 coogratulau- you. " Tho ctmDear Ilealdent—
-I i«u»iaY Star to talb-My toager.
I thought I would write you * few teacher. Tbe daas that my brother Is Lady wbo Run Thing* hmved a rw Janet bad named the gull, grew rest- tora Is a pleasiug oac, and I* as ip. Yio-.bvrH experi me borne." JoUa eras '
tines to vxpreaa my ihooghta concern­ ip i* going alter-the Chrlstma* it'-- signed slgta. and said. -Wen," And less and unhappy; eoautfalng thai proprtale. 4a its way. ' as our cue .spHog. Tbea toe started toe car­
ing having a correspondlag brunch of for the church. 1 would like to jolu the Only Utile Daughter picked Cap Lod had put In hU bean wbleb met; tom of wrtahlng our frireds a Happy riage.
op In her apron and buirl.-d -all "instlnci." made him know ib.! .New Year.
the Sunshlsp Club. I think Ji 'would the Humane Socleiy, too. 1 belong
-Oh. wait a mlaate:" Jreanetto
Or^niied. December A 4M. •
he nice, and i certainly would appn- to the Sunshine riub. 1' am In tho dowu to the kilctien. She eleaied out the other gulli- would soon be flving
Tbe Japanese boy* and girls have crlt-d.
Are >«a flolBg to take yoBr
Prealdent—Mica Clara Batac.
aecond-bcat doll bouse, and made farther mirth, and poor
hVllly »aue-l
ctate K. So if any hirtbcr plans are cxerclp. at the church.My piece
k big day flying tbclr kites, playing aUicr to toe baby she
Firat VIca Preaidant Ufa. Mabel made am you p'yaac let dk' know?
Ittmdy for the new tenant. Capts.;- to go too. Hi* wings ww »o ?» t top and drvoalug Ibrir dolU 00 the
Bat JuIU dldnY kos
When Jesus was upon the earth.
had come to stay.
thai Mr. Scou had to rut the--1 every , tirsi day of the year. No work 1* done
Sincerely _>ours.
And lived In'Galilee
Becend Vice Prealdart Mra. Iretw*
Next morning when the Lady basil»klk- to him front flying and the ^*y t* gm-n up'to fcaatlng. baby sbuw
Mae Johasan.
Jcannciii- cxidalncd. while Jalia's
Pcmerey Bhlelda.
ed Into the khehea with forty ib'cr*
Mar'a address Is: l»|g Banks .We.. He uugbi to bla deciple band
nH-rrlmi-ml smiling ' salutattocu and fare grew eager.
Beside tbe aparkling sea.
on her mind "Wow! wow!" came
'o'*?! 'Viji., and *>c did new chMbm. lurn-dlbly poor is the
. Superior. tVi*.
“1 nuatkaew-MytocrU m to* lake
• IMdsoner; so she girl that comtoi buy a new obi IwaabI
Vouf Pivcideni wilt enter her name
.ke'«xtia*isL_-»„l do
suiting the action to tbe word. Capl»«r f««l>cr not to cut'bit
as No. 1. on the book of the ^nsbloe
and some lie* balrpliis. or tbe boy
And so one flue spriiis Uav Ibat canooi have'* iicwlvpalnted kiic. wish sbe could gel a i^itL'-.FIve Boluln came sprawliog across twentyCorreepondence Club. Who elci- wl*b. And b^ as llttl. children
lara. you say It t*r abd bar face toabNeiJbcr of n
U fate kingdom they would siH-k.
olld^tb. with lau and caii
*«'■ stretched bis wide, shite
' ea to Min this new B^oeb CtnlT
1, IttA 7m.
and all four k-gs working slnmluii•'*1*' * »«"•«» of Ms. I-.-.' have a good Meal of fan la drivlqg rd alto excItresvBi.
Jeannette walked bogie stowD- BbeI will •
o good-'i« •.
eously. tbqngb not In tmlsoo.
out the 001. or Imps, from the bouse.
Such a good letter ha* rotOe irom
Janet felt aad aa, she waved good This is diUK- by taking a mreaure of waa glad abe bad M Jnlta know, and
The Lady glanced at the hall door
from.kliss BeasK- Cook who aw-d'lo
---------i Waten.
-y to her pet. but she was glad to parc-bed peas pod U-ana and aretter- yc;—abe did *0 want Bartoa to wia
was tomlug Then
live in Mlrfalgau. Mias Bessie is S
It 1* indeed a Uautlful little poem.
' „d,M„ed the aleck
‘■‘® log them over tbe floor and Ibe furtilSoUabury Park was not far dlslut
grown-up Sunshlner wr*. but she ba« and i wish I might have beard you
The aiew Vear' for the ChlWreft.
«o b'-- She never tapesied to see him ture of the room*, at the aaine tfnic
not toncotien our Club. Omn't it N,dl.. I. .1 U.0 Cbrt«m..
On a 4ayoua day,
11,11. —- ■“ " ■
---------- exclaiming. "Out. Imps; In. good fixun where the «isU Ured. and JaBa
were both there, at toe
Bo tbe old aosst aay.
W'Uly came hack to the garden, and lock!" Alter this they stick a sprig
nuisance," abe murmured, and poured'
Sedro WoMley. Waah.
baby abow. with toelr charges. And '
Cornea tbe Ne* Year daneiiic
- .ScAen City. Mlcb.
,he top off the mia Into the Illtle tlayefl several months! His wings of hDlly- in too doorway to keep the
what do you think? »’by, nobody
Uon the milky jray.
were never cut again, he was free evil splrKs from eolerlng again.
. Dear SimtblDcrs—
could tell which was fatteB. MoOr or
10 go and come, but he remembered
Dear I'rcsldenl—
. had capUntated,
Tbe New Year fretival rootfonca
Aa we are sending in onr sohsertpOn tbU merry day
I, U Cbh.,m» .... ,^.y. W.
„ Janet's klndoew*. and for years and fifteen dfos in Thibet. It is a kind Burioo. sod they welgbed oaaetly the ,
lion for the next year. I wIU aay a
(Portbermoro they aay).
years tbe while sea-bird came each of carnival, m which "»«■*■ sod mum- same! What sboBld tha judge* do?
mtom VM hoard
few word* to you.
«rtde the Brat
!Beortdor. ho... Id .p«d Ohrl.i™
mlnga play a great pare The cele­ TTiey were about
priie <rf five dollars. whsB tbs Baa
It Is aoarly Cbrisuuas. but it docs .lU. h„. M, .1.10, »v, oo a lluk,
bration begins at mldnlghu with
not seem Uhe It. for we have had only ^U. I .l.a you a oorr, I5.,la,«a,!
sbouu and clangor of bells, gongs, •bo bad offered toe prlaso aoM that It
d^akea the tropica Ugbl.
B tew nights of frost and no snow, Thl. yoa, lo, CrUUaa. I ad U.,..
drums and opbcb^hslls. sshllc friend* sceosed a pity to divide It. and ba
' Bets oarMlant right;
which la certainly very dlSor^from hooha. aad a hoa o, palnu. Tho dull
exchange r^riy v^lia and administer would double It inttead.
Oreraeea the d
. the winter you Michigan people a.-e WIU open and shut its eyes. I got a
«By Mabel K. Flah.)
coanve sweeiuieMs and le*.
Of the Northern UghL
having. Our winter ha* been most­ hoa or papor. Tha hoy who
It was New- Year's Eve. and tbe
Tbe next day tbe Tbibetaa boy* in bis carlAge. and they toand wtaBtiw
ly rainy. First the Chinook win .. hda 101 a aado. 1 ,.1J. you o.aW
„ p,, ,„o *,d,Ur street* were filled wiUi gay people. dulge In a baxardou* panime. lo aiiiing out on toe lawn with ber sew­
melted the snows which had fallen see my cards for they are pretty.
which they- take especial delighL A ing. Jeannette toU toe exclUng SUC7.
while tbe prixe boy iaugbpfl and wig- on the mountaina, and we who « Mamma got something nice for CbristMaid bad' not spoken .... v..v>. ---- bent tow- with thamc. Everyone long cable, twisted of leather tbongs. gled aad puckered bis fat laee.
near the Skagit river had pleniy of
tlke tbe llule doll awfuUy QioQil,,
wbo passed knew that something was It Btretcbed dram a point In tbe roof
BeUlea aO their Mi*.
water for a few daya Our house «a. well' So good-bye.
“1 was glad before that 1 toU MM
tbe tuauer witb blti. bat what It was of a tall building, floating down to
"I think you ought to
built high. BO we bad no sraler exf-ift
*•" **** they did not know. Alter a while tlM the ground, where It Is strongly moor­ of tbe toow.“ aald JeonneUe: “but
From jMur llitle Snnbaam,
Now he peer* abeat;
labour cellar and woodshed. But our
Lulu Timllck.
puppy - nian walked away tp a dark alley. He ed. Tbe boys slide froth tog to bo! now l-m gladder than ever. Oh. sha
A black-and-tan
puppy! l us<-<l to „„„ ^
Flnda the ritlldren ont.
next door neighbors bad foorleen lu- 1 abould like to see the cunning *
P“«-ano.ian puppy;
tom of this great faypoibenuae. some- I* to dellgfaied with that fire doUara!Bida them oomc and welcome him
ebes of water In Ibelr house and bid mile doll that opens aad ahuis 11*
black-and ian
buttling people In ihe tlmre lying on their cbesu. which ar- —EMuna C. Dowd.
With a mgrry ahoaL
to live with us two daya. As •o.-n eye*. Did you nac your paper tor
pretetofd by e brooitplate of atreug
as the roads were pa»«able wo more.! the Sunshine Jeltcr?
on a box «.d «-omed to be-unaware Iretber. spreading their arms at if to
; MUea them ail agr«e
late down so as to be nearer acbcul.
thoughts drllb ■wlni. and doecendlng with toe rapid­ Among the many wonder* ot too
"Aa good as good!" to'be,
and we were not *t;|iled >et wuen
In the couriH- of the forenoon the «| lo the time when he wa* a boy. ity of an arrow-nuhl. Bonetlmre fa- Vast Florida swamp* there U nothing
■b >v-.BBr if tbeyYe aatmty. Uum—Mi ! the rains Hooded the lowtahdi *
Old Maid came dowa lo ihe laundry nu lather was a wuallhy man. and Ul accldenu.occur la thl* “dance ot more surprlalug than the Mashing
the*— *
cnaaud the river to oreiSow iu bank* Dear President—
*’a»liing. ■•Wow !" n-ban- all tbe pockei-moncy tbe gods. " as li la called, but that tree. This tree it not wimawB. It
Therm eee what thay ahaU aoe!
again, hot not ao mudi this lime.
A* 1 have not written to the Sun^
“>*i he 400k )oio bis mind « have, does not detract from the popularity 1* foDod only in toe deasest toickeu
While our oellp was full of water, shine Club tor a long while 1 ihoughl
f'"' '’‘‘f ^ace looked very But Satan had found him. He had of the epon.
flUMroB all
our hnek fleM was ao much lower that 1 would write and-aat how you and
“PPK-*“P«- Shf ••• *^<1.empied to drink on acRuol of
Ill Pi-rala the New Year, rustoms marebe* wboM Inkartast vegstottoa
‘ BhoM and -wtoep and oall;
t^c water there was like a Mke. ao all the Sunshlner* are geUIng atong
a quarrel with hi* father. And alter an- most peculiar and odd A Freoch la a revelatloa to ekpMror*. It acta. .WWi tha merry Now Tear
by gMog dhraugb feneea we were able I should like very much to know
* eomPlalnt ihat mornltig. 'lut . waile. NsauM- be was a drunkard, servatit. who was in Tiheraa. des­ alD blushes when toe rain fall* apoo
' They will atand or fait.
to paddle around all orec on rafu. about the Sunshine Humane Socletv
hU wife and children were often a; cribe* the performance; "First come
>MiUe out there we steared Into one I wUh dear Prwldeni. you would
rtnuflod •» "''I- tbe door of atarvatton. while be was men running en stilt* nwep than twen“Voa!" they «ry. “Ibr you
' apple tree and picked the apples! write me a letter in regard to tho
-wondered i' ne gambllim away nil the money be had ty feel lu height; other* performing cQinprebcnsiblo. It never toils to as­
' Well be good and trne.
But while that Bas fun for ns It was Society, aa 1
bad been mlMaken In fane;'.-: .he erned In-a whole momh.
> whether It c
feats of elreagib and batandog. turn. tonish those who see It for the Bfot
' Oh. kind. New Year, *
causing other pgoplo Mis of uooble thlog to Min
i bopc vou and
'■*>'* f"*"*!'
The clock on the lonimon struck Ing on tbe^lack-rope or carry tog on Ubm. The myiteriout end beaMUol
JU long aa you are sew:**.
nod eapense. One of the girl* wbo all the Bunsblners had
.•> ' mod time **"■
TH “>••> *P™0« « h‘» ffw'i- their head» a pile of carthern noia glow of color which It aaenmaa lo a
graduated with me last year from the CbrUtma* day. aa I did not have
Thing* tookod in mmaaoraent to s<v , d.-n-rmin.-d look on hi* fare. He with a vis,, ot flowers. Then foUo-s.
rainstorm bafflra deecrlptloa- Tba
hdgb school. Bald her folks moved much fun 1 have not gono to srttool the flali-ly Old Maid down on her »aik<-d raphllv toward his home- At
ed ra|H--danrlog by young children, Seminole Indians, wbo once nded
up aialra but eould not move their . for nearly three weeks a. I have been
he stopped.

The rojM: was of hair and hence less Florida, have dlwaya known Ibe tree,
piano, no ibey are now paying tony sick. 1 am in the sixth grade at
'» klmsclf. “1 will flt^lble ihan a silken one; being and have, la toelr musical Uagnage.
dollar* to bate new tehs put in the admol. uod am twelve years old. I
Thus Cap-.vln s enlourag. grew do i - 1 will not havo my Illtle sou sirathisl on two trvslles of more than called It toe “Balden tree, which red­
- May galdlng angaU go bata»;
piano again.

will be UfMeen yrors old the nlutb spuee, and when after t-uunil<->s of- follow lu my foolstiya. i will give lortv fi-ct lo height. Ii ascended al­ dens at tbe coming of her lever, toe
Ooodoeaa iwd tneicy follow atiU.
It would weera nice to have a ggod Of JanuaiT For pet* 1 bave one cat ^on-*. Le succ.-v.-dc-tl In altiins down, up drink."
And <ru^e protect you from all ^UL
most tmpcrcepUblu as high us ths rainedd anowy Cfarietma* In Michigan and one dog. The rat's naiiu- !•<
nonchalain dog-ra--hlun. withHe opened :lie door and entered. king's kiosk.
•Vbeo toe cool rain dreatoes the
Whim you go tilfoogh the New Tear agahi. for we have not had one In Tony, and the dog's natui- la Ma>.r. *•"' Dl'PihS ®»'<r- ike whole fon-e of His wil.- sat by the little stole new“After bavlug made aeveral gatiinine years, but there la no signs of It I loie to read Ule Sunshine letter* lodpt-™ ranie down to
him do it, Ing busily by the dim light of an bols, aided by tbi-lr polos on the iia.n Ins-, a toange of color it artnd. Gradually. yet unmlsubly. too greea kne
Hay ho^ bo brightened more and unless aomc snow MIU here. Wish­ In the Heralil. I wirh uuin- of the Cb<n-rfuine8S was ruptain's naiiie oil l.iuip. She loukid up as he en- of Ihe rope that was borisooul. on; glvra way M pink, lo a Aw rntnote*
ing you all u merry Christmag ond a Suttwblders would write ofiener than ‘‘tomenu and sodaWllly bis meat and len>d. Then an exprv»iou ol aslonL
n«)i*; .
ol tin- two dancers, lU years old al
hapPT -Now Year. 1 remain. '
they do. don't you? I hopi- lo
‘■'''“k. .None could naial the atnin,- UbiiB-iil i-repi over hl» fuee. 8he had most, mounted as high as toe terrace the green fade* from sIgbL Only on
I And aiMd* of senlee. ytrare to aow.
a few. hair-hWden spou benoatk tbe
A Bunshlner -Out West."
I- him stagger, but bc
this leUer in print, and remaiifii' Pkere whieh he crested.
Unto abondanl barvect grow.
Uiu crowns the pavilion sod then dc broad breerhiis'snd OO tU Inmk is
befori- Christmas C*;>i.iia did nut
Bessie Oook.
—Qlu E. Hewitt.
sivlidbd iNvckwards fruni a height of* toVe a i^c of green lo be seen.
wa* suddenly- taken rick. Every 1..JIP- clin-.-d .l.«r afl.-r him. and
Your Suusblncr.
nmn- limn eighty; fei-i. These danc­
All hour or more after toe ahower
g.-r in till- house pr.-scritM'd per*\ic-.l- wAli a smile »n hi> face said. "Well,
Mao KalMon.
Four pretty t>ostals have oomc to
er* wen- calli-d dxanhar, Uiafle, one paaei-s. the wooderfnl tree astumea Its
ly. Y. i he grew wvr>.-. lie no loitg- | liavi- news fur you."
Marie Morgan. Peabody. Kan*. your President this week. Two more
No. I: do.-* 1
cost aiiyihrng lo
who pla.iB or risks his i>oul. Wrestlers familiar green once mure As-it it
“N.-wS"' ci;|i-d iSc wuajin. "Itad
Name sent by MUdred Westbrook;
a Christmas greeting from Edna and
^cleiy. You b.- IT vaulted Irom the second-b-vl- tl.-H
and men arm<-d wUb maces after­ chaoglng back to emerald toe speettWllUe Van Pelt. Frank Van Pelt, Edith Johnun of MsnIsUv. MIcb.; eomc a 'member wh.-n you sign the buUM- and hcurrled across tin- oil- news or xooJ?"
wards 8|ip>-ar.-d before the king. They tor suddenly realltea toe secret ot ton
II.- tviuld
-It I.T good Ie-a» lur ui.-. I don';
lioyd Rader, and Ralph Rader. Fife one came from Lucy Sioboda of pledge that aay *. "1 agree to U- kind ]
rlt-Uik Ib-'lr clubs together anil thep
Imka. Mteh. Nam** sent by Victor Cedar. MIcb , wllb a Mving New Year 10 every living rn-aiurc and will |M-r- only Cuck Ills silky cars and wag his know tiuw yuu will like i!. It is this: rushed pi-n-raell Into Uie itmii-st. The, phenomcDoa. fcruin liny laaecta.
and not the tree Itself, chsoge eoMr.
absurd llule tall in w.-l.-ume. Alter a 1 hai.- giv.-n up drink."
wish tor your Prealdent. aud a state­ suade oIlKVb to U- kind aU
one who succv-.di-d In throwing bis Tbw peculiar paraaites are poascev
whllo he dill not .•veu do that. Then
A new look was on hi* face, and
ment thnt i.ury wanted to join tbe
aniagonist ran to the kiosk, and the ed of the poiscr of the riiameleon. In
’ll'- Only Little Haiigbii-r cam.- and a* he slwike, ih<- Iasi word* he look
Humaae buclet.v. Tbe fourth poalal
king threw- him a pi.-cv of money. tbe bright, warm auoMtloe. they are
Fife Lake. .Mich.
blif her lear-sulneil face on her moth- an old tuikei book from hi* i«>cfcet
was from Mabel Holland of Maple
Fireaorks »u<e«-ed<-d. and on the next greener than (be tree on which toey
Dec. 5!*. IPU9. er'a lap. and whispered. 'Inwtcud ol and bandt-d It to hi* site. ' Th(-re
TTic Am Suiuhlnr page
the hew niy. MUh.. wbo oal& that tbV cards
day hors.'-rarlng.
live. But whou tot- chill Toln tall* ,
buying me ChrUtmas pn-*ent>. lake my luonib's wag--* You niay have
buttons bad revil'd ker aafcl}. Dear Prraldcnt—
year D qlwnyi an tntcresU ig one
OKing prevemE on Jan. I Ik au an­ upon them toey contract their CIny
I thought I would write a letter the money and pay a doilor to cure every .-eat of r to buy tloihlQg and
Tour Frcaldent becuuic sh< like* n
cient rusioiii. Tbe KomaftK uM.-d to backs and become a delleate pink lu
to the Soushtni- Club as 1 have not Captain.''
food for yoarself and Ihe children."
thlnh of the
Our grown-up Sunshine ' friend, written lu ajong lime. I got lots of
color Millions of these tbangi il»80 Cap:am wa* taken by his Huh--John, you don't mean 1C" cried
-giaalag. and her bean tad
and figs coven-d with leaf gold and a ■lui of the- tree and iBpan to 11 a
Madame Terry, wtio lives In Madrid, pre»ciilkef& rhrislma*. and hope you hilMress to the dog doi-for. He patted ih- womsi. *» she look Ihe money,
ore full of h^e* and ptans
Spain, bat sent the Sunshine CInb a did too. \f got a sfocktog cap. a pii- the dull JkUe head, and said. “Leave - Itideed, 1 do.' he an»w.-red " Then-! small ph-ci- of money, in the tiruv of blushing aspect.
year to <
Cbrltimas pn-sent of half a doxen of of mitloiu. three books, a iirek lie, him with me. my dear, t'ome again The c!o.'k i> striking Iwclvo. Ii is the ShakewiM-art- au orange crowded full
Thrragi year baa been
her charming llule storle*. These and randy and peanuts. I thought tonioiruw. He may .'-om.- running b.-gmnlng ol the new year, and tbe of < loves or a gill nutmeg wa* lonA Happy Family.
haanY H. Bunatalmr*? Ho/- many, books are bound In gay red covers and that was a tot. We have two weeks out lo meet yon" But he did not that beginning of niy m * life. I will not sldt-red a w-ry desirable New Year s T*-a« a bitter cold monilug; the new.
■may letter* we have
arc proitlly inusiraicd. The fiorlus of vacatltifi. 1 went out to luy uacic's da.>. nor the m-xi, nor the nex'. The touch a drop of liquor, and my fanitly
falk-o snow
' over iha United States,
are wriiicn in fVench. and joiir Presi­ firffi and MW the cow*, horse*,, and *usp<-nM- became very hard to bi-ar. wball !>•• provided for while I h«i.- my
Had pierced every . rsck whore a
tarewtiai talk* from
Tw* Fat Babies
dent win be glad-jo send them to any chickens, and I hedped him thrash At last the news ebang.-d. Captain h.-al-fa.
ablae trtondi,k Onr Homstar Society of Ihe Sunshlocrt who can road them. beans and ran them through the fan- was b.-urr.
The !>-i!-> ehow was to be oi|. Friday
111 solid, tbe Ice
Ml oisanlxed lo the spring, and wc
afternoon, and Jeannette was going to
I.iiig mill. I have lots of fun sPiKng Christmas morning dawned. _Th.New Year Ccicbrglwna.
have neariy ISO boys and giri* srfao
Our Sunbeam girl. Msbi'I Fish, has^hJIl. 1 am eleven years old Angular Lodger came doaii .-arly into Tt><- .New Y-ar Is a Myod*
<k>- lak.- her IIHie brother Burton. He
• were eUUy. I
havsAkes a apeclil pledge to be written a story lor this first SunriilDe I l.ave a dot. hi* name 1* Joe Pyrk. the kitchen. “Wow! wow:" ,.-ame workl'over. Th-rv 1. a eerUdi noi.-liy wa- already entered in the rat bable*'
Und to oalmaU and birds Onr Cradle page of Ihe new year. It appear* in I l.ave tou of fun with him. ‘.V:ie;r from tbe sc-oud-besi doll housc./and a ic ih- though- of changing Irvm th- Clai-.. and Jeaanefi- was nure be
RoU has been Increased by the namra another column, and yoor Prestdeot I tnow-ptow a path he run-i and thin little shape scurri.-d oi.-r the old tu the oew. and the pagan a* well would get the prlK-. tor. oh. be was
«f XI4 llule ooes And alnxM I.OOO was gUA to print It.
jump* before it. I haie a few usmis ollclctb.
as ia<- Christian feels that I’. Is a ftt- so r*i: Jeannette ought lo koow, lor Alnm-' sti Ui<- wild creatora* awre
buys and'glite 'have aold that they
troubled sod cMd,
li.r ihe Sunsh-'^e cinh. They -j-e
Jusi then ;jie 01.1 Maid cam.- dowii nng time for jmod .-he.r and good bow her anils ache^ carrying him
And righnl for sweet avmmer. tbe
srantod to be Bunsblnetw. wanted i>
M -nil- Van Pelt. Frank Van P-lt. “Oo-o-b! He's back!" And ihi-a those ri.«olulioos Et.-ry nation celebrates around!
be loriu and kind and ctaeerTul. u.J
shy and tbe bold:
I: was th<- a*j befoK- the show that
Peabody. Kau*.
’-(>•1 Krdei. and Ralph Rader. Will two looked at each other across Cap- th* oeraaton. howei. r. In the manner
to make other folk happy! Why
- Dec. U, im. ;cu please send me tbe car-', .iti.l tain's little bred a* It bobbed this best suiting tl* natural tastes and Jeaneiie overtook Julia Jones oo tb- But oui- thrifty family, as yoa bua
Banbeams. last yaar was a wonderful Dear President—
l.i tiana tor item? Well ibl* !* nil I way and that while be tried to lick mean* and th.- result. It a great dlver- street. Julia was wbeellag her baby
year, waaa’i it! Aad «e went along
n*ter. Tbe carriage was not a* nice Ws- brcakfarilng nerrily under to*
I thought I would write yon a few c*ii-think o: for .Ms time, so g od- their fare* Impaltlally .
siiy of cers monies *^ pasume*
day after Aay. and did not realUe Hues aa I have not written la a long ;-:e. '
"I had a fine Christmas l.-ox
How wauld you dUis-Ao be awaken- As Durton'r. Tbe Jone*’family was
'nrfcat a great big thing our Suaxhlar while I have sotue*names for the
Youf iovlAg Sunshlner.
' frem my stotcr down 'Eaat-turkey ,wl New Year's morning by the ring; poor Jeanette often felt sorry for
Club -was grewlug to be!
Humane Society. They are: Marie
Virior Bryaul.
and all tbe fixings." summered the tng of beiU and the firing of cannon Inlla wben sbe esme u> sV'booi wear­
Now Shalt we make a little New Morgan. Pauline Irwin. Marie West- ■ Yon. certainly did have a delightful AnguUr ledger "I'd be pleased to nn over the Isnd* ThU Is the way ing some faded, shrunken dress. *0
Tear premloe to ourvelvra that the hroede sod myself. 1 wrote once be­ < hrlMnas. and S am glad that you h*''e you i*ke Christmas dinner with they celebrate the New Year In Den- different from those of tbe other girls,
yraar of IPIO^ball be tbs boat one yet fore to Min. bat never got uy an- have Wiiu.«n us about it.
pisj-k If you happeoed to Jlv« out .nbe l.wl never seen Julia * baby drier
la the hlatOTT of the BaaBhloe Club? swwr. Marie Morgan wimts to Min tbe
before. She looked at her now lo tnr- Fl.-e jolly ^ eqalmto were sttDH
“I'd be delighted.* -cblmipcd tbe m the rural dliitrlrts some
1.1 VI U
... t.WS.
That meaas. you know, that we will 6-inshlnc tlnb. too. nease send the
neighbors might come sod fire guns priM.
'try. try again" to remember tbe Ban- e.-nlfitole*ofmemberwblp.nnd Marle'i
' Roll of Honor.
"And I think." coolioued tbe Aogu- aod rrsrkers under your wlednw. and
••tV;,.-. she IS as fat a* Borton'" abe
ablne rntre. and to do at least one raid and huuoo la my name.
lAicy Svoboda.
tar liOdgec, -ibai III Incite tbe Silly then they w^ld expect you to ask ■ ;,lu TheaM •*» on her tongue to



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