Grand Traverse Herald, August 19, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 19, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text









TweVaar 0<d Bon of Prof, and MraR. N. Hornbtek Raaaad Away
In Grand Rapid! Hoapitai.
KrlKW. Ili>-


oM Bon vt !'

and Mr*. It. .V .Hortihe<-l(. died in



A. bowiUul ui Unuid








at S u'elork Tburaday al .Vr-*Mr. and Mra llurub.-<k bad


hl<'nd> here will tw Miff)

R*»N in O««o#.


Mnor or rront win l‘ark lUonu Uun
rUTM H KeRar. one of ib« trio wl.o


tn oUvMeloc Uia elate for Ihe





i» li

dlauta on AiiRUat p. i::. aaluun li.v.'|H-ra


; Ihe Indian iU-i«i(im'Ut m'
ul. a lira'rtch ul lUu iiidUn d--iuii



John KraUK-hvil. lYunk llrookiiui).-',

ertjr vtakor of the houae of repre-

AuRUvt trtahvr, IiukU' .Mollnnahl. »l»i

BtMAUtW. Thee. T. Batee. J. W. Han-

Ik lAr tender W Ha- ilurr; llni k. Sun
I'lown. bar lender h>r Ton)






Three Meirthe In the North.

•cheei CHtoailtoieaer Otorge I. CrUp,
aad Chariet Hetak.

■al tuaiiager of ihe Noitb Anierlran

Haa of the MoUai. lautHuciiig Mr.

t’akm IJfe lueiiranre <aui|Hiii>

Whoiia. who epohe for eereral ntaIlr. WkeWa epehe of tb*

er Ueuteeaai

KaBay. daetarlaf

■mutred 3&I arree In Solon luwn.hip



that he

kaev biM well owlag u the feet that
Whaly, preetded a* apothor of ikv
hoeaa, Mr. K*ll*r wee eieo lieutaaaat
■pvaraer, aed preeUN over the do-,
tftMhHeei of the atale eeaale He detaiBI aid RMbeBih they noaMtimat
*r*H aed aotoaUBre


feaew Mr. Mton attitude on ell tbe
■ that CBoe up for
I—ddawileii. waa for what

be be^

Iteaad to ha tor the beat tatereau ol
tha aUla. He auted Utai tte


me* la whlrb Mr. Kalley had tioaa
lletoeeaat •oteraor ww* uore fruitII than aay prertoui four year*,

year* of

hltoery. He apoke belefly of Mr. Kel
hP*i ettota la aenirtaa the redui
to I eeet per mUa on raUroad farce.
vhM Uw ooeM bate baen dtoeaied
hy Mr. KWiay bad he not (avoied
He* tfartarad aleo that the laato of
VaraerhB waa Ulae net fairly aed
aeaarety hy kfr. Kelley, and pointed
to Mr. Kto)^ i*eerd to aort lne
the euto. to wklrh he Wight welt be
proud. He mailed the part Hr Kol
Ity had to play In the aeearlng of (be
OiHWMH Of a law Id


- tit- on lliv land.


iMid ball. iW lv>(> who d.-ut*

ether . proiierUeii. iheitoiy

glrtag dtoOMd per year


wblrhpoea Into the priwary


ed for Half a Century. Sut are


Still BeaHng Heavily.
Mark Kendall,

hPewtog tbe MgMaiioe wbefeby «^.



wi-liuiG l> on

in-ar Glen

Ail<m. will

have a heavy imp of ainile> tliU yl'*’;

lerad Hook, and apoke ot bia lafluSir. Itaudall haa a (uvuciv f*rni. Toi
•aea la aaewiag tbe teshiiatlon wh*iv
hy the ratli^ mnatlMiou haa pow. arm* being devoted to circbartl. A ]«>rthm of iho urrbard «a« idantnl
a roDlury jigo, but tbe trtwahavc
toe to the ateie. *-We aetdow thiek of
theaa Ulapa uaUl the problem of a Clven wueb rxi-ellent ciirc that -itivy

•r to CMtrdl the water power

atlU bv-arlng br«vll) . Some ul the

'TtoHtoal Ight la oa ua.“ be decUred.
He oomlaaed along thU line, apeaklng

-a lu the nrrfaard have aui ta quontl-

to the atowdtd record mede by Ur.

lU-i. Of apple! lhai li Iv MK-trawary l.i

dUUay aiaee hla <oeoe<tk>e with the Oilii them down Ureeiiluc* St Lawtoaie pevaraieeat. -Me ta not ataklng reu(T*. Oriaiwt (kildm and Fani>l.-«
h naMp*lga on



laiunle bui a|>ple Crop Mb lieatliea


aha a Sne rrct>.

Aaee. or have eot done." be aaM. -hat
atoeiy ee hla own

Ir. Randall'a tarpi Hee ghnut fOO


eta«a ha haa heea a puHic aervaot "

feet aim.,, ohm Uk<- and Ih- dlEcr-

>Htooka of the MOru Mr. Kelley-a eme in temperwium- al that elevalkm
aUiUI li decree* In fetor of Mr,
eppneiBla made in eecurlag
•mtoalloe ol Oovenor Warder (or

Randall A* a roaiili of ihl., fret nevII On. I. or alter. Mr

fta (hM torw. both of a bom noeited

HandwII win have on duida.) al tbe
rhvrag.. land wbow. »«m|>le. of all bl.
toartag that Keile} . oppooeat. had
_____ ^
pot ouly workad
Tbe f^i of C- i) MllU'r U next lo
toatloe. bat bad aieepted favor* (nun
liic Raadair pta^ Mr, jaUi,r having
him. wb«*a* Kelley bolda hla o«c*iJi pw troca
to the Umii. tbe
hr vtnaa of tbe vote of tbe peoHa.
•ntoniHMla from the go»eraor. d»

“The people of tbe euie are a Jury.
•Pd yoa ctoit (ooi theea" be declarad.
“KaUay* raeerd ahr-wa that be baa
h*aa a fauUltaa public aervani. Tbe
mple hate found no (nutt In that
PMoto. 1 daal know what you caa «k>
bat oaat y«ar vole la hla behalf aed
. give him the aowiaeUaB for gevweor
iatrieh H. Kelley.
Chalman Serttoi.r



d**d Mr. Ktoley la a fe« worda. M*.
Kelley deeum that be waa grate»to tor what he bad aliwady roodved
d o* l*age Si*.)



tind i-tr-i>piou»


Waa Back-in Traverae City
. ^ 9 Latl Nlgw.



Ih- 1«

!»j-np .lii Ihl- Viunlu, ling of Ul«
«.:ii |.n.-ua i.iid



ft IN- H'dlnnl^-*.-:i- ^ d'unV
loyiucnl WA4 Mj-iM-ixl-d mi (hit
At'iKMllll. Anc»rdii.i;l)

iai tinic-r to 1(111-ifiHt.- (Ill-


llqmir lu III,. |j.di«i.
Olfiiei h-i..
daihiiiu tl.ia el>> uii A-iuiiat tl. l.-ai

aalc'P and (ailed lo Bear evge th*

tog anln toy rhe imrtti l.ui rv-ilrjitn;:
Augii.t P. lai that ilki M-.iirli.gOMd-ii.v

wiii.h hv


lAuh of^lburtdpr foIlirwtQg the Bfht»>
lug tiqb. tJip force having bsoa m
grew they were •luuted,... They Bg
o Favored a Free Liquor not knoB buw they got out bat v*f*
foun^tn Itielr utgbo ciothlag hy a


i*l Oevieroaux psrebaaed a'lni.t
Hut .he.

vitdory. Tbe

abuw that


I.vumcir, thVfe’lusurgpnt*

lor «>r

'p«* am] tour ipuular* were IibuhsI.

.. turl -a.-


I !iit-ai[i,-r of Ih.'

•• d , I-s.-d. ,v b-'id ..f Jkoilu,..
(I u.' I... paaurc

. . di'd at th. .
r-r..;-. *i -I’-'fd. r'.-h,:M'h- c uwn-w' lu cvcnlu.

Slai-Sowvr-,lu!s a-.d

»y- »i-'I Ilaisl to many fr|. !«1'F.iiic.aJ
will a,' h,



h-H o-iprtKir.
JW.ic-.ui'k ]du,alli)

I. iwtlniaied ai

( to (Il tlioir—nd it r* pridtodp tbpy
Kiulnul- ' dlhr (iu-uigoiii tick.liiliii-in'K vliSoie la ibough tu iilean

Servlog Waa Held at tb* €*»»*#■
tienai C«vurah In OM MiaMee

HIP iliial dpfoat <it tb* Muulbpre Fa
ihv ma(;1iliie Thp iiiaebloe can't boll
-II wlihout Mi|.ponii(g Ik-lldpui.
viticiM- \ipwH ar*.

alBillar lu


'll,- d-iii'k-iUw->«ndtdii(e f.*r guivnio.Jihullptibceger,

tii.iii Iwwir* j|a*r liquor


too Onad

lYavenie CbngnMaUoaal


(onvened at Old Mistloo Teaeday l*r

Tbe dnal egastlaaUoe w«a eoaducted
In the forenoon, aed tor (praal earVice of oidiaailge

mg i.IsiiK 'Vor --iatonc rpphhlliwn.
timcJieix.k, Oiuaha


held at 1

u ilocb p. tu. Tbe He*. H. B. MUla d«
onto prearbed tbe ordtaaUba ear

Iratflp and

Sli.ilh-ii’a-itijg. fuv.^ Itryan'w restrirh
iriirkcH: di-i**

ueeUng ot

i-amHer loio the ^Hatiaa talaMfy.

■>.—dbatc rptum.

tsi(nlk.s(‘xl Mayiir lahlniav. ofOauha.
V...r • pi..vrit-ot

A apcrlal

lb* imigcwe ot ordalalBg Chartie ■.

Dahiman Won GuL
l.llni'ln. August

Itn!..'.lip tha' Ihl- Vpl*riui|ui i.muarlea

wblk- other parU wore perferrik,.d by tbe Rev

D. CbcAUb and th*

Krv, A A. Allinftoe of Travefto OKy,
aud toe Kev. AUred Bealail of Nocth-

fJerwgx i

Xad Beer. Hi I


The hiBs U la tbe Bidghhorboel •(
tl.:vu erttb very Uuk- ImuraaM.

ChurwK WrM


Mr. l-BrniUer. who is pastor of the
'oegre«aik>aaJ cbtuch at Old .JUasiod. leave* tu September to take up
apecul cxMuwe of study la th* Chk


•m .('■far. aft-f


Itoe dpiinuTat* nuiniiialed TtovidoP

w.irof Mr and Mra.

Tu- (ulsy inoriiing a'
Fdiiv.doli.,-. dlticl.-



Mr. and Mr*, ttovla aad

Iblld were cared (or at tbe aeighbart


am. lioiiuiialed lllrdm Jubopoa. fur

St. Franci*

..'-u4k-V<V-lii.' -la- ai-rup.'g. '-.iti-r m.••=*- i“
idnpK-i Ia.-:tng l-ir .in.'.'-r ihsii ,»i-<' l"a>'t*p-'d Ii«>'«pr ih.
inipriu(irinrn> in itn- i-uuni> j»ij ji.-> *
-it- wb* (fi ii.^i-'-Ud. a-.-l
tog f*-d- I ••• titl'.hii,
}«nod of out les* Otati m dai. nut
h)k')—rciil-. Ipvvo iiiii' «to.’. .un.iditt- ,,i.d
than s*. d*.-, cr.l.uh «ui-h fine
M|»k t.ida. wb"’ '••'nte* al hu':- -. nml ,■*■(•. •■ Hr- itr’cv:-!
nitd Inifirlaunuietii i;i iliv di-nri<K.v.
and W-alia',,-. i-,. . 'iJ.-i
th- ii,!.-.
i ihl- «mii.
of Ikirul. lia-iyMr.. Thi A-" -. .'■1- tei.a'a:..m a a
I Wnji'.*-,
Jehnaen'a EnaminaUen.
U-rcMlT ev;.^ ivs-auep laf tim i.ynu
In Iln- rvaiiilita'iun oi lV«Bk Johin
air.iacrf mssjixJ -.->«.w(b huNlwuiH]
..rgi- I.J'.uvaU-Wb
on.- Ohi iiinudnimiik
wur.i-*. Xut<
rrCrUpH!. I’.v'fx-.d •—-twwu tlk-ii tak.L;-,, xnd i.«*
Birt J. »*cr('. kwo'c Thai hv. m
Mi liiiiit.. Fvr,.p. y.-i-,. .Hp
U- aurn.Je.1
pauy with |yv( (ieiiiTi-wiu. whu u Ik aud atvaiid i-'.ls yi lliLi. Ist-let-l'r i.g till, fore-l aa.)iir ai»l
\s-il lu i-y,
nearly. B ml; iduoded tUtaw* Itnltatr. lllgb arhupr nnitl ’oTvsthe tivxxi .;.V >4-iimi!ne
- of sudi
eaiered Ihe kwIooo of Phil Stw-diu-r. JJ. 0(/*i.s-iii. t.f biK health, it- wa*

be bartender. Sp;u ..;aied


Yeung People. Wh^^'erw WoOded a

til luo-viuitun. ur j.y

Uvltle of wiilakpi td Frank>uu.

iii'iiK iroai thv inuiiaiY

'allfnmla gavp in.uigenry a eweep

rf>aa II. Liy.of l-slanau -xiimiy. was

iw« )no.v than


Mr*. Davis




Tim m«: l,.r t-,i, in,,,.ir^,)tT
|;<>U wild

iiHir upighbor, a

•ban. Fiiuflvo.. An*-. j;.-*-m*l re-

Tncir Home in FImL


The. Penally.
t«- of


la - pAee*«r

J|,- in-liei.-r In

Sp,s-lal tutlrur

Keiv WOK rtlrtvh-,1 l.y Ihe i-hiet

Grand Travetoe couity

Whpa toe aiorta catoc oa. Hr. eM
Mrw. Havu aud Ihelr baby were maS

woild III ih" i.Hpl.isl

eiv maili- hy Agi-nl. IN, k»uu tu tli.'

Mayih-ld towmabllk
ton* laUae
heeat of JlarfcJey. kaown aB oeor

(gauds M-


■Khippcd fivln Ihc dock ea.-h.
uiid a.i.-ii Kiiiiplivi till n>—d lo .

Indian •Irpanim-iii, Miu <<>ai|dwlui hIku
U-liig ninili- t.y Agi-iii 1u,Ai»w d.M

Tbr Davit tetotly Uvea eo the turn

Day having been eae erf the t«B
aitomey* of tbe aoMbet* ponioB of

Iw-upr II i-N. ta-n.-r ieiiii* and Mi


alngl.. totng was caved fioga the
use. wbowlDg that their eoeepo
truui an awlul death was Indeed aah

Itn. regkai aa tbe "llofi- Day »ai»,‘“

WOK Inino-dUiely wt, and .uHh-lcni



bavliiji Juai Ume to gtmb tbelr
iNtoy and PwrwDe Into «be atom. Nat


u-li-jilluiy (diAll ht- known lu. n

Soma «l Hia'Trwa* Have Been Plant­

taed. He alao recalled ihe fact tbai




Mr. Kalley bad heee iaatnuneutal
tMleaa at* am ailoaad to laau* we-

k.|.m.‘.nl wi.ik U iuvld H

Ounn.. JuIinauti'K oiainliiMlut)

toa wore placed, oo a baata of uiatlon

The vun-<iini iivp fot-inr In ihi.,^1.-

who U v.-ry aiikkni-. tbal ll,p lax-

•raph. teiepBeae and eapnoa nuapaneoaal



.111- i« a .|uvigie**iie iiuin and

—Slaitedyn Race at

ekKUlnnihiii tA-liis Frank Jiduixin and


u* vlilac.., winr l» |ire<ldftii of Hi,.

All hul two ol the sonuti ko.:ii.-f»

the Storm.
Iturkiy. Micb.. AnguM 'r

hiv.iuc irvatuau^ toot etgbi. dto parAt

end already ke« ertwied llj.oofl worth

dwtat tha two jroare In whkh h*. Ur.


lir.idw.««| fiiu-.ts uiid

-rtn.- and bp Is duing mnrti to
Oiir.- •ii.v,.7i.u‘’ilu- I'. H y d.i!B.n: Itu-Kv alnvtil .
evldtuie wu* iimdn.-ed wherrhy ho kitttlid. Iln- 'ui tilMi .d— i-aii li.-al any­
- I. u lund-piviiuii. Cl lullnuid |>r< ot l>olldltui> Inidudliig
wet h»unf nvei to tirnili .vmn in ilic thing Ibdt twm-k lu Ahh-U Im- Ihe
. H im ivhaiit priuiv a larg- aiwlborne, a leuaal bouar, twal Iwum' and
auimal iv-gbiin. wlivnIiiK tb<- li -t (mti ot «:;<«> ball. Dwiiir.
(.viuiyr. a MpuiDlxmt luanagpi-. and ait
kII riiiNdoy «li.-rii,Kjii with uw-.
a* act fur l:;iu IIiIk kllv-rnuou.
i\iv-i-i loipKii-i 111* uilll ai the uonu
Mr. Nuaeuakor be. three uUoe of
M-cuunt 61 a; w'liul>inrni. the
Three Daal Indiana.
poropr 1(1 ty.-,! lak- ba« a dally
(rootage alnag i^kr Iwvlanau and
pii*i|iosod Irum the
Tlio biork of the Indian Jopartmout ri'gMlia
i^umu-liy of r.jiki r.wJl and hl» annual
r**erve ibl* (or fiuli, cKCcpt a
In Ht-urhig pvldenre lo oouvirt pM- *n,l ».-i-k lii'AngUvi uuUI iv*ii4Klai-.,
veiih-a IroiB Ihrei- lu'four million
IttiHon adja4«ni to hi* auBUiwr borne
ler.- U-IIIK Iln- ffm- tor all rav.. and
• avtllng Ilqtiiir «j iln- Indian* »•»
Il I* lulgely cleviiuxl lo (imnkwbirk be will imn*ronu Into a park
fasiidl, a|> fuvv.
otitceioe of • thiclrnnhenaea*
lyt urdv ». Mo proud *f tblx In
Thi* will hr pfil In t-hargo of a laadamoug tbeae iHxtide id iliiv llmt- of il.
titnii.-ii 1. It. «wui-r. Hint the l.'iild
arapo gardnev anO nude a
ot riiHito* II l)l< dtobur*
ig 1-. iioatlv iialnled, .ulil.’h i* raihpy
>l*ii worthy ul ivutlce.
Ing agetil of ihe snverpniciH.
li- vtai-tdicii )i,r 11,111 |(r»|».rl>. TlnNimwuaker U at ihe bead ul
ilh th- luli-.i.nin i.l lekius tin- rup
tl(«i»i\ ..vpi- the (IPKlJnlva ul.whlih
(he Uaaon k labe cnmpaii) whiib
,ik and lb- Vnu ..ini. I ui 11-I.,In
paid OB avieikl huliilied IndUn* Ilnr I'sv |(i.-.-iil.-», I* Ihp tlh-u IUv«.i
na UAKl arrea in Mawui and Lake
id (--an l»iilud.B* ouiM.-itiluic i,.>iidpi
ly dui- Htmi ituin Ihe *i>Vfiiim>-ut
(*,-iii.:ii,d .1 >i-*.-|iP«‘fnHH thcounllpa near Wolf lake.
upon •.Up treaiy ..f' is;w, A* a dtioci
-1 tin-:, ll.i.rh lu Iho whur«w ».f
Weld and Amionr |h-oj>IB are inler
I «.I theap iwyiumt*. iw-o Indiana,
the n..-.,- of nans
e»led lu (hit with him and tlm M(
vlnUir of hiki ,ii-bi'. 'ah.--cuurai- wu* <tl.-i. t:.k.bimon and Jpny I'.nil, twv> l<«>ii*>k<-v'
U Iwiug rapidly (oaveru-d Into
e* k-nw amt W!k ni)iilv In Itir-.. IkaltliR K.i- i.iml.K) <g tlip Killt to tbp
ladlau-. nn-t ihelr .imib to, Jalins,
Into «Mvu Haven Icy,
[arm* and atod to chloolat*.
J.iim. iJh' F.-H. y..*»»Ui-d 1-) Tout Sthtv
aalee pun.a iaila<nd dink whiU- in h.
hfiirli ph-r ihp Uik>' lalw Umi*
Knuncen Ibouaand apple tree* have,
ton. making th- In du ntiiiuiv.
tlruDld-n mudliluM. nfu-r a ti>it di:
Tin- '('uj-ialn <Kvdd . flniahfvl n lied Ju»il.-i- BI..1 ..ihpr (Otnieiidllii-K.
been pUnied and rpi'cla! ratlorad
tola rllv. B l.uln lunulni: me, ihpui
vke aerured. .
mile iMdiiud whiM Ihp Sou auii I. wa* ill. Hay l..thp .iolp uwm-r iif UiIk rail
mdUlllng laHh (>i iheni inKiaiiii.v An.
^.•ld wvd lusH3.;e« the
a mll-.tN'hunl ....... I'lpinlii RUd.
bevpn thouund acrvw trf aouil
other dpaih wn* Indlix-riiv diip
IMHI ur* ahm Im-ludrd In Mr. Nuue
‘Itx- irip wax ii.-jIi- hv 'luni ni|il tlaji il tiid* til thp iMCiprltrs .of (11.,..
'llKi* Kaviiuuil*. (hbl of J*ine* I'aiiI,
Thi- sio.w rank"
maker * huMlnaa.
Hr niK-iid* iht«-i
Floyd yiianthn' .iiid Ijh-nn W IV.w-rr,
an Ollawa Indian from Omen*, wfati
nwntb* in tbe year In iln- north.
III.- V t» y. vi.iriliqs In tin. rj-.. •>
- .v..-pimi.udt..-'Mid II u s-td
VIOK >erk.d (lowu the .U'-ps i.f the
and ni-lcl" lu-lMr hai k lll•T!B^• •(,.ihp toha'dtaiii. ,/ Ihl- vltinuv.
Flral NnUii'inl h, nW
l.uildii.R, h>
m*.-. Iiaiiim'rml li'.^nilrx et;|n It inakPK t«.f liirlp differeaiv w'nii
auiiio i-ompBiiloUr. while Iniovi »ivd.
liilid lak-r and ■iv-''-. mad- n iKvnwgi. lli-lr WHiito niay. lH,. that lu oom.HdkIug IN- batodl^ h-»d ..1
«l KIk -ItaindH. .1 aid- d-luOr
.of tbp ii.suiiifhci will j*. fmii
•toiio vii^wi, hl« dHStti f«ll”«iiiu Tmin
auiuud Old Ml»^|,>I. I’niiit and ir.iw}
...ultl. .
i.m.|,iy tlmav- wmi'-,
toiH-UKKlun of I lie Jiniiii nunin
I lo,.- <i'j«uii-.i '.r fanj, pimiupialong Ihe ahoroa of l^ke l.e>-Uhtu

Inr-d Ihnn'Ihp >uii- ol ye*rr'day. aa Houso Was EMIr«ly riniuniit They
-. iSitIdmi ol Ihe wiiods" catben^
Having Just Tim* to B*M* Tbatr
.i|i.-i aiiiiri aylvan KUlronudlngi
Little Child and taoape let*

day* Htnutld hrlpg many taurr toiulllee and daaed by llAtnlng. Urnlr bom
pliiR iviii; (s .. .ihp EUiad aertioti* U Ihp gnmnd., Th,. a<w«e -tn-fore -Ihe burning over their hernia. Hr. aed
<«f VVi-l.'.ii Mu-ltii m Oilginully
iiil of this wci-k will
lull of am Urw. Falviu IMvis and tbelr t-y«ar
tolnl WK-' .iVii.i-^
pblld bad * narrow eerwpe fiu«
UMSIllfliC>l|l niBlIuu.
llu>b.-r ri-mmuK.


uvvr JO Clntil-. «k>ui« lu Hit-


tiiwl. I
*•» l«'<f
Ih-. IlH.iiitltlfnl Word* .■•uki'ii 1.1
. Aiisiu-l t:.-Tlio the vaiK'ii* |irewihv<*. TSip neat


WBltid cvamiiialnm *hd wi.iv imund' Beat th» <apliin Kidd by a Mdp—
Kraok Xom-maker. of rhinepD. (eh

JadM NtrHa«er freoUed ae rbalr-

ataa helot* lairodwiini Mr.


mer and Bureau PrcaldrnL

Hae Eipended 112.000 on iuildlnph J«mea Mitiarry lutr tender foivluuU
Will Fleni a Lerpe Portion to
LauiniNr. Mylvtuitr
Pnin—Mr. Nenemeher hpende
JobtiKoii and l-'ii-il Duun


hekl on tbtn^ day, were wvll Btlend-

icriitori, liliic tiii- dni.i to ilii. (,hl|*

lug made lu I'rltdop Ib,- iiwilitry and
ri -a-iikfs iiim will iiuikv (nipruip

KoBto «et« Nlebolaa WbuUn. fortu-

tor. «-Naror W. a C.

day and ttoiurilay. and Ihe nu-pllnie*^

r mil


•aa, Preaemtlai Aiiorsey Fred


■iilpreellug kUbla -<-ul.t l>- Imag-

1 III.' InJiM-s dmiiKod Iml ihe Lumberman. Railroad Preaidenl.oMer.
Chant Large Seale Fpreatar. Stea
n.c’ siifl. r« :i.i.-iiH-ly fruiM
boat Manager, an Eapert Far­
II 1- liul iIimCikIcI that

»(i<-numu tdlurl* «r,. |«.


rhp'rnlh laihm (.,.dlcd ihe atiood.

Jidiu Tln..*.-i. Cliarlwi'Kah-).

^rau. OdvM)- ClelT Hubert B. Wat-


ml »( \Va<dilnsi»n.
Tliii»e nrn-xod «eio


•uuiuit-m-.vl ur.

111. llni.l ;uu.hP.I Ihl- '

I.' <nji|l<-d -I'rloukl).

BceauM nf Orunkennaat.
Ohara-.-d »lllr a.-i:iiiK Hnii'"


«r l.-iil* Weip «rtK-ltkl un Fii

tak. WllliHiii t'r>Mkt-r «t>o l» bar it-ii

■Mim ea the



Made by Speoal Agent DIekton

Aatriand. \VI> . d<-inii> >.|>(m1.iI n[tr>-« i


taM drtVM to the ettr fpoai Froek'

tor to toa« hlBi.

Raid Waa tn* Retull el a Complair

>i>-<l Wi-Jii.-wia:
Idalul made h; N'urlx-rt J. S<


tanlM fbr •Dvoraor. Hr. keliav t><u)
felt la aa aotoaiDMie, a aarntx^ of

Haa. Baen ShowA.
No^iputA Vl.h.
O' r


LIGHTNING But Much Inttrcai

A pluaU'Un w'nH hulTledlv-auu

dw ntcbt to MAT U.utcuam Governor

rrwrtiwil tooal »ea (oin( to Frtak.

Ra>n Haa Ktpl Oewn Altcndanea al

1 lOel.d Ul'. Blilkllli- Ihn r»\ III
In- l:n- , and idfll, iiiig U-intil- I



NHMm J. WMI»n S»«k*«n

mi)' lAW pwpH «4i'>n«4 on it

• ..

In- .y|n»;ign i.'wa* hodl* haru>-d I
)i, Ij,,..
The ihlld',-D had lighted


learn of ihclr tx-n-avesicnl.




In- IIIIII-. anil *ltenv|ii>-d lu jiunr
iiui.' «l.,Uiu! oil*., ilw- ilamn fi

and li


MMM P»y TMir

While pluMiiE wlili nil .l.idn.l l.u.,
al Ihl- hiim>- ul f A .Moii'iuii. oii \V«-i
:h<- :-)p*r-uj<r^.i, ,11 Mr and Mrs

rhlld lo (Hand ItupIdK (<m trv
meni. Mr. and Mr*.- lluiiiU.-«k n nu




F'utd on th* Flame.

hring tiH- tauM-; Tht- tonwal i-eivl.^-

Ix-on tidiing al SVwajiRo


hifiMod Lamp and -Th«n Poured

\litili »'rv->i. Tnvi-dj).

ilonday niglil, 'lubeivular int-iiliipitl*


Sen el Mr. and Mr*. M. E. C«* Ha

'Ul'yaluti. M.' Jfcy -^Kj-icy a* regard.
Io.-e*terlog 1* to ib'n »o-|uDg a* ihin-

«D Tbrwlegical seoHiary, aad at too
(WBir time heramea pastor

of the

church In Uetma Janet(on. Wia. '
During toe three year* of Mr, Par-

s. M J. Ih.'Jiips- of :ii> »«t
uTior'a eerrfeo
the Grand Travare*
Ih- leretuouy iouk
aaaorlauoe. be baa woo too latmn
f'iiu..-;s rfiuroh in the ol all th- rhunhas aad Duuiviers as
i-red-n.,' •>; a v-..> f-w
well oa Ihe K»»e and ovnAdeum- of the
ailtew and fiKUd.-. tbfaunAto be has warred
•reiith di-vi.

kCpb Uaui-r offi-Uimg The Midp wa*
atiended hy SI.-. Mary



wuilc-Jobn Wi.i.spr acteda- lw-*l
Tm hrid- wi. (• a.dii-as of wbit.
8'ivnilafH a;-'i v-.-anim wiMt«.
. a
hip(*kfkal w.i- M-riwl ai ih- Muue of
« parw-ots, and at Mr.
oiHl Mr*, try let! lur

Fiint. where

bey Will mak.' Ihp,- fu-urc bome. Mr
Uly U eani-wiysol m thp au'onio-


Okl Vliasion. Mk-h.AiigUot IT.—MHe
Fiidiih Fycble rntortalaod
e JoDy
''•r.ipauy of friend* last evening at
t ie horn- of J,«.e Christopher la b«t,.f .ter two frlead*.



-part and Htaa Fwl ZoM o'
tJm-t Jordan.
Betwreo n aad SB
Loaa. youa* people were piwaeut and Ue
Laat Evening from a Fire of Un.
eipumg waa apeat lo
games a^
known. Origin.
Refreoboveat* of ice craaa aad

Grant st.-nase

Had a Heavy

I mg cGn be done at a
uflt and wm
u'rtoCk >‘i»day aiU-.-noon
llBtoeif bod orden-d a sU** of Finger
tkiiiiring eabsol
e ^ a piofit;
lom;. tite Hpv. IV-nia* Cto+lu olffc
tbe . wto*ky,
etira line Crecnahoi* peavb- ale. After iwin-bawltig
5r.-*y~ewro l.•i*::nK
The r. nia.o* wit! K- ntolte.
(Ake aud peanois w**e aereed. the
n b> Cbarle* Miller, of MlUer v ableh wow paM for l-> fK-aefeaiix with
'<sl ai Oakwoud i-viuetpri.
K.iiiisto'. Mk-b. August K.—Tbe greater pan of the eveatog «m vwt
Hill have been received by Uu- \V M.
ey given tu uiui by Sent. *o y
Uidtns* and <o krep nre onl o\ toe 5*»u b-longiiig fr Craw 8’Jnnoa, a
tor lawn which wee Ughted wRh
U bureau, and wUl be slaved la gU>t
uwiifiod. anotber ookKRi wu x’tL
.1 a»h,-rri;^i were brojgbt-bi--cr‘ It-ioat. Tbp.e are ik-arty all the ibrdc
i and a tulle aetith -of Kingw Japanese lasteraa
laraTor. tbe big •ahthiu
tied, aliv; which ihe>
retytoed to
Judge Ni-rlit.ger today b, Oane W'ar- wood* that a.-e tiaove to tols region
totally deatnvyed to a Are o(
ihetr boarding boo-- onn^- th.D htiuitb. i»«rgisl alrhybavltig ui:- in tola Rvisit. The’ diffepcot kind* of
knosn urlciO la-t pveMog Tbe k>«
urKaUcBs art oat foe toe BurrMge
The hirtbtto) .pony, made up of if. lO'i offnw en Stole .ireei, and tlte
islied white bak. in, aali.
Tbrv uv»id wilt he w-urked into ddfervnt
a heury CRjHM >1 luiiude* uK only
oi {outa BIrdwaa fomarty ot this dty.
old vohool girl friend!, w*leh wen to b«tl. of wbtokej WB. giieu to ASeo'c 1-ouIa. Auc* ahil lamt* Mliugytk. Rrik’ie*. aa there t* g deokad lor toe
t »tnHtei« out the
i-wnenta as
had Mfaa Fern Oreeaway. of FaiaWhate I^en ptarv at toe bom* of Mr*, ercanx to Reio. evro (eatiSed Ihai be
Ih ol Rouh Fuv Awlond.- Tbel Wure tltmaer..
Il T*-o hundr, d bntoeb of wbeot.
the aarriape to take ptoee aa
hmonar at Utoghaia. be* been In.
imined tbe eoaieatia. eeatod and' la-.
Mr Day i. givtog tauch tovarfii the Urge amouDt of hay aud gruin aad a
tti'b lUid uMto Of W'.:v. O.'.
Sepuabw 1. Ifr. BMmH la aa« ladefinitely puaipooed on arecani ol
days ear h la ^11. Roto nettled OpenUkg up of the remBirr by tbe lu*
burtied Tbe tom U <ov«r«4.catod at FOwlervOle. bwt h',«
d.-alh uf .aWge lAiljitoU
(lY'oilnued 0
Pag* Twtki
wito ,-aab.
(iku>tiue,-d uu |i«ge-tAree.f
by a Fanucra- Mutual, golory.
>(rlPada la thto <dty.




^A»t t---------------------


fiml Tman '^


fnaw »



illii wtA2.m





Tk* RoblkMJoB ct tb« nre lAke
•iBBlwr kM bees dlMocilisu«4. «ad
|h« HcnM bM wrwtad lo uke <«r«
A( tb* HottHTl MbMCtRUH IM. AU
nbifrltiin to U* UoftHor. vtaaM nb■mlHlilii hAV* bMC abM in nA*nnoe,
win meaiTe the aniat-weeklr HenM.
Mlj Rrepftid to the dale of explratioo
•( the MoBitar «M;r^h>B. There
nre «aRe b aeod m*ai of the Monitor
MkocrtbwB, |«ld in BAvenre. <rho are
RMiA. All e«Kh will he c^ied on
Ibn HoraM mta to the un niDMnt
mil both »BP«''«- That lA n B HareM
Mtecrfher U
9>bU Bit tBOMhe ta
nlvanee and bIbo tdx tMBtha ta alenaca on the woeklr HonHor. the
aaMbwcakly HeraM arlll be awt Yall)'
piapaU tpr a year. •
ITa Iran the ebaaca will he aatletoaBarr ta all tonnar reader# of the
MeaHar. The HeraM wUl. aa aeon a«
paMtak. Biramc lor a atlll
0 Pile
lAke village

The HaraM U a aeinl-weekly. pobMtaed OB TBortare and PTMar#, and
the rabacrtpCtaa' prior !■ bst oatc dol. IM a rear, the aam ai the Monitor.
IThBa medal aucBlioB ta given to
I Wtrf nawi all ovw the Otud Trav.
i Onie
e MiBI ts
to efn-


The Home OapartmeM wfH be ol
Cnnt tatareat W tba vwtea, while
tfea •naabtaa DeparttaeM wOl be
davortta leatore with the cblMrea and
jnWBg ttaopla. and tatben and moibe to WrB tbat It ta
e ol
o( tbe
tba Mt Utereetiag pB«<
I ana
SiBehiM Depart
ta need Taaedaye and the Home

' DVe Lake for twenty yoara. it baa
; 4l«me been an bxdeltant-weekly, and
Mr. Kent, who baa bad b for oeveral
, yearm paat. baa done good work on
, It. bu tbe ooat of publlUitag a t
I taamr baa taaraaoed ao gieaUr ta tbe
> IBM lew yeare tbat tt baa bacoaae
ta aaMH


nim Mr gdrertlatag, can he Bade to
The Herald bopea to retain on lu
Bat all VoBHor aobadribera and wU
mdoavor to give good aarviee.


chmH^r RcviiibN.
It baa beea damded by tbe people
j a< TtaTecB aty that It la expedleat
^ 4a amwid war city charter and prowtatan bai beea Bade tor a eoBmia.
«dan to compOe the aame for ooneMci

'Vnder the tatatary law. randldatia
rtar taiwiliiuliiii. on the oorani
HbbM tie patlUoaa and tbe aam<
providM Uml Mch petltk>aa ahaO be
«tad Mt latfr than MoMey. Aaguat

tS. It will therefore fie Mted that
tboee who deetaa to urre oa the c«
mletkin Baet act gatekta ta order
bava ibalr aamaa placed afon tbe primar7 ticket.
Should there not he a euMdant
uuBiber at petHloaf. then ,ao cbaner
coBBlaaloo can be oboaan at the
tag elecUoa. aa tbdaw doaa not permli tbe gUukg ta oC nnuee oa oleeUoo
tli-kete oner tbe pHBnrlea
It will be necewiBry to elect a c®enmlulonor from each ward and three
ineniben at large, making a eonuntaaloo eonaUtlag at eight mombeia.
Tbe antbadmenl of tbe city cbarter
la a'mnMer ol very great ininriaaco
care. The compeeiealkta ih merely
uoDlaal, tberelorc/ there !■ no Inandal cooeldenulon to prompt c«adldatea. Only tueh men abould be choo
en upon tbla rammlaaloo wbo bare
elibor had expertauce in tbe city'a atfalr# or nbo bare tally
ibemaelTea upoa muaiclpal aSairm by
obaarvalkui and aUidy.
There are many sen la tbe city
• ho aro competeot ta aerve on thia
cotnmlMlon, many wbo have had evpeiietice ta city otacea and who would
be wlUing to devote tbeir Uaie gratBllonaly to the work.
It'haievrr b dune ta tbla direction,
however, tbould bo done luntedtaiely
aa,n la of.the uuuuet Unpertaacc
that the c^ler be aueuded kt Ibe
earlleat poeUble date.

{('oaUBU.d lioBi i'lral .Itage.)
\ boltle wa« produced In wnn « hk-li
itan> aware waa ibe one purrbared l>>
OenorcBux ta the Sbermei Bakun. Uie
bottle being aealid. and marked with
tbe loHeatag label;
:o. X.
Ttaverae City. Uk-h.
-At«. 9-191U.
•'T’hlllp Sheiwr. Prop.

Beta toaiined that be marked Uic
label, but the aignature waa that of
Lori OenoreBux. He awere that Ucii
aroaux waa the only wan who wurkvd
with bbu In tbla Btate.
Altorwy J W Palenia. wt*» ap
poared tor Jobinoa. ctoaa awoHleoed
tbe wUaeea, but aotblng of topori
auoe developed. Johuaua waa bound
over to the uext icrm ol Oirtnili court
ta the auB ol (900 ball.
gciaem Falta
Id an Intel view «lth Bpeclal OfA
cer Boro, he cuted that be had beea
ta thia work tar a .lung tlma bavlnf
worked In tbe utalea of Ulnneroia and
W*lBoonilA Ho declared that the dc
parinent-aeldon tailed ta aecurInB
rcnvictloo. "II we bare a poor cai
we drop it." bo eald. He declared that
he toond tbe wnne ooBdIUons
Mleblcaa than In any of the other
autea. In Mtaneaola. be dorlarod. the
ealoona were very strict dn regard tu
eelltag liquor to lodlana. having uikos
over tboir doora to tbe oBeet tbat no
ladinaa were allowed la tbe aaloo
Re elated that he waa anrpHaed
BadtbenuHUtloBiao bad In tbla dty.
Kred DuBB wiu bound over to
cuK cieart ta the atim of
which be tarnlabed.

borae and Hern
dera will do the reM. U ta tbe beat
ooadHloo powder on tbe market
Abeolutely no waate and evco’ >ngredlcm ta medlrlaal. liaed ktrall
tbe leading eaalem racing itablea.
You aheuld try ibeni and are '
youraei;. Price Ike per package
J. A Carr and hen. Lanahtg, HIch.,
vrrHaa;--We have uaed HarvelVa
CoadlUoo Pondera on eur livery
boreee alWAva
boraea are aubfect U> great abuae
and HarreU'a Coaditlea Powdera alwaya bring back tbe gppeUie and
puts ifaem on tbeir phii.
6eU by a K. Wall A Sons. C.
Hufher Drug Co, and Me Weat I
Drag Store.

Hot Oily

Pays The Accomt,
Senret The i'urpose

or A Receipt i^cU I
A Haody Tklii*-,Tkat Cbe^ Boot !

ACkedUiw Accaast U 1^ ilm|ilat anhod for
every Doe. Yoo have both nfety «od cooveoieDce.
tod 0 conplete record of every treosectloo.

First National Bank
UMcr CMM al IL 8. TrcMrsr


(By I'ultpd Proas
Detroit, Aug. ik— CkMc—Wheat—
IVM WiakeeMi. FarawHy M This »I0I%; eorw.j^c: oats. sMie.
. ...awta
OM rubbere. per U
C»ty. Will Take
Chicago. Aug IS.—Ckiso .Wheat—
Lady aa Kta Briga.
II OIH; corn. de'Sc: uus. WSc.
Proaidtnt Helpe OephBM.
Toledo. Aug. IL—Ctoee Wheat..j^roda of orphans hav« beah
of Ivan WtakoehU'si.qs>«: core Mtac; oats.
Intartataod HaH a Hundred Frienda
hvlpod by;the PreaWeat cd tae taduatrlal and Orphan s HoBO U Hapad Mias Oertrude Shuler, both of Oo
ta Honer at a Very fHeaeant
1. Oa. wbo wnies; "We have asEvent.
■A has been aanouaewd. tbe wedFOTATOEA:
»ertric Blltan 1a ibU InatlUCtoB
dtag to take ptaew early la Seplem.. cine years. U baa proved a aant
Tbe eemaHiB) will be a vary quid
in bouor ot their SSth wedding anexrellen: nediclae for Htoumeb. Uver
and Kutary troubles. . tVe tugnrd
nlveraar). Ur. and Ura A tV. Peoh wOalr only the iBmedtale cataOvea
ooe of tbe be^; T:—— ---taincd ahoBi Sa rrienda at tbeir
a few cloee frieoda Ming invit­
on eartb " '
borne on Haet Btgbtb atreel .Munda.v ed. Then wedding trip wlH tiicinde
orgaas. poi
e%eo!og, ptaantag tbe eveut eo caulion. cfee«-s sppetiie. To alroaglbea
It to Nnrtbern Mlefalgan and on
Detroll, Aug IT-Heaur- Spot,
and build up pale. tbta. wtak cfalMrea
1} ibai only a very lew ot thtir tbair mum. they will be at borne at irti; October. IMO.
rugdowB people it has ao wMAlm-lghbora knew that It war lit fsy tkoai Stxtb avenue. Oolumbas.
for female coapUtait. Only Me
annlver«ari party.
Tbe (talumbu* Dlipalob of Sunday
r A Buibee Drug
*. B Walt
Jana. Hannah E lay Merc. CO
-tnaluiea of tbe evening tail prtBicd tbe poriraila of Ibe young
waa a epoon bunt. Mra. 1 B. Qllbert people.
Sndlog oee apoon ta tbe library, and
ban Wtakoriill baa a large number
Butter ITe
J. C. Morgan dlacovcrlug tbe whefc- of frlendp IQ Traverae City, having
................ HWew................
abouti of the other one liT tbe altllng l-cdn amlitaui trimmer *1 the Milliroom. Tbe apoone were Iltllu allver -ken store previous to going to Colum­
bus. where be ta omivuyed aa trlmm-.r
Pansert for the rerresbmeoT'lablei by A Laianis A Cq. Mr. nt Mra. Wta- ikueicHc.
were (ound by aiatcblitf alKt-r hearta, kmhll will s|Md tbeir boueyiaooo u
Aug. ‘ IT.— Butter—
hoatetta haMug cut them (rom all- T.-averae Lake.
Strong; recei|>in. ' HAoT: creamery
r -E N 1
paper. and then cut each heart
Mas anytme ever aaked you n sisa his Bond?
Into irregular plecea. the ladiea bar­
Have you oe*rr asked any. <- to sign your Bond?
bell. the geiiUevnen the ocher
In eliber case was U wise'
hall, ot tbe bearta. Sliver bcarta were
In either ewx- wna It baam.-*slike7
slao uaed ta dM-oraltag tbe table
■n ettber case was It fair to the other*
Gettlag a neighbor to stgs
'a yvour bond is a strain apoo. rather
cloth* and napntad.
an a- test of FRIENDSHIP.
Tbe refreabiueota aiTved were Ire
roaui aad amurted ' ealtcB. cheese,
a bond Without ____
wafera, olives and rotec. Water mat
If anrbody asks voo to eign hts bond, tell him to go ta It yoa
Kg*s-nrn.; ms-ipiv 1S..U.T; fivwh
vaat a bond, write to t.A. U. rvimsi. s -Tiax-me Oily. MlcA)
served lu the upw aaultary paper vuiw.
wbirit come fulded in aculed t-avd- Sheri Review Shews That the Seek calbcrvd. evtra Hivrt*. rrflsSi-.



U I 9


The deeumtioni were very pref',
Ibe lace eurtalna in the iuih>r wl.i
dowa beiua draped Mllfa mpes ol :;u
lonl and aspameua fern. Ib-veral
ke UMir welgbbois. who had kno'.oi
that It wae lo be an uanlvcmary par^
bad showered the bride and Ki.ufi
with tale wuiuiuer auwerw. and Ihiwe
aUu used ta diHviatliiK
Mr. find Mra. IVwk weiv bImi
the 'rotdgli’Uta of a act of »il«cr sjtuns
tiuui itx'se neljtbbora, whtl- tUeli
relative* lemeuttcred tbeui wllb varloLUi ether gifu.
Uie liiue of lb<' bapp) even; 7.,
yearn agu. Ibe brtd<- and grvKim pusvl
for pbutoarapba. and these were »e'
frame of a hta silver hesf, aiu
yd eonimeiiia luLh cotindliiivnury
end oiherwiiM'. from ibe su*itK. Soni •
l^•te w ns (treat ehanee foi
luiprovenK'iil •ben thCM' pieiures
•erw taken, and the retuaiks »ere
IIP cause Of much nierrinieni
1.aDtert» were hung out
orch. anOansiM'nde
rourbea. ni^ ebalrs
Ibe porch, and aa many ol the Kueslf
aa cared to went out and enjovrd lh<'
evening atr. Althuugb the aBulr wli;
be long remeOita rvd not onl> by Iht
best aad bocteaa. but by ihelr gucals
Mias Bessie T'ler. el Mauloti. alatei
of .Mrs. Peek. »wa the only out ol
gueal. -


^Ite a Hoat Remarkable Pro#
tiers-Aint Publiahod.
D. V Miner ol tbU elty las
pleied the wrltlug and nytuilatiou of a
work entitled "Titues 'wbicb has iu»t
eii IvPUPd Irum Ibp press of the Her­
ald amt lltvunl tv>ui|>any. Mr. Minar
years lii wrltlug Ibis
bwvk-fliil his weik Is - now
cru*iii-<l with MtK-eesk. li is a'neai
|wui|ihli-t ixinUiqltig mui-h Ibai
uf his- tal intecwi aiid U wuriby of
i-artievt peniral.'
The fuHowiiig is a hrief rvtiew
Ibe |•l>l•Ilmtl^;
. TtaiPS'UH a
prupbclKwl .term
lui ails • ^ime ol yudgueul and
s will tbat the Chris.
uf Ibe »Hb rwolury slwiild
or lb.- prlHiltlvc chureli aa' Cbrnns
siorion.- i-tiurrh "whboul spot

iT INaiUiy Finn,
lurke.vs,' r-y : vhlikeiis, ITC; springs
Sew Y«;k, Auk. .17 Poultry
.Alive, dull; w.-stvm l....ll.-r», 1!H
dross-sl. w.-sk; u, broilers. ICflowls, I3*fl*ir; turkeyv. ITfrri-

A «i«e man doc-sn't live as though hit tacone
c-yuldn't stop—he makes provisioos for Mckoesa,
lack of work, accident and old age by havlog. a
savisgs account, with this stroog. reliaUe b.ok.
where every dollar he deposits earns three r®f
cent ioierext c»npoucded twice a year.


It yoa bave ao accont with
«ve Invite j on lo start one

3«1. Tills euilb Will II1.-V11 Is- de-iioyed Tbe'bAi'lh went into llu- wll.
ili-iii. ss at -jlHSIt till- I'loac ol the Hist
eeiiUity u;id reumJiK-U lu that -late uii i,. • ,
U IdCU. Tbe scKoud euailiig xrf
lu-rt Floor, per bnl'.:... 1occurred al abuui Uie close ol pine
the Hn.1 ceuHiry and ibv judgmenl iBisi-. i» i 1
..>0 Ihe
set at th.- same liioe abd
lUlddtiiigv. per I
of tbe ptmmlie Vhurcbes was 'vp-‘
meal. p.T UKi lb.:.,
reMOied lu the heaven. !>y a star Salt. |«ei bb!............................ .
l.cchuicb Weill out r.'Burkwheat Hour, iier.aack
ar ofjhh^iven fen. ta the ual, o, thy

whewi Rour. per sack ... -9COman .,1.empire me slam ol o-aveu
•II and Uie gospel bad da-eii piviuhcd j
Meat Producta.
previous to the cJoselBc-f atrak. round, p.-r lb.
• all mankind
- •Sirloin sieafc, pet ;b .f. ..
Pitheersi eeuiuiy sodtbe spirit


Traverse City Slate Bank
OltfCBt. Larscst and Strongest Bank laMvtt'*





r'r■Srs.-.i ,■

lilab. BTuoka ot M^mlug and
i> ot Idaho. BK-t m Son 's oUte today
diatusy roDserv sliou
ptans aad
lie tvopersUon. Reprow-otallvea
Bve other wealpju states were aW
PliK'bM's friends drrtare itw '
g was for toe iwirpuBe lu awlug tlkblg St. Ikul cunaenaliou <vn.
Bgataal him Hay called tills i/o>

The meanlDg of the numcnils SW-ru, »t„ ‘.................................... .Ku
i. nadekmrwB and the h.nnpi.y o,-,^, .t^. per lb ...
losepliiia' necount U the ChtislUu*
*•'<•» . . . . . • • ■
of thi, «ra. veiituiy with ,n
new teslamont and incic wa.. m. smli, oKomarg. n,.c. Pit it.
ihing a. wuvc.-sskui Uvuu lire old fhiU ; Bacon, in r lb.............
church but instead .be ro.ih ''' curoed wi.h a curx- tK-cau,- U«yi{i,"'-_ p^b,'siax^, .'.
bad cns-itl-vl liud's (Tirlsl i
cenblc in the ITg.v-jgiau rai-c ib«-caii»c Eggs, per duroa .... ...................... !Z:
, wcK tbe muBl olfensix- next to
Turks sud Ctiliunnen and Japs'
Hsonali 4. Lay Co.
Man Who Surv.lved Rrobsa Neeb, Slid AiiM'ricsiis and so on dowui. Only Whial ................................-■.......... t>:-c
tand of the Wild Hevi-t waa k-It
While a Youth Will Oet Over Ca>ul
plostaa Suma.
Ml- ilb.lAN. ;lic 1-n.hsle
i(.-Ieronces aro also ^ven lo prove ST.MI. «'F
|.,r li..' louiii.v u; U.wad
Wtlltani luiiiiH sod (here s>-c<iis la b<‘ aolh
Ti.ii- is.-.
tag I" aulbcntli history lu .prove luiIfclUE to the cootrary
ribly Ininied taM Sniurday b<.Wire I. h.-r.d.i given ll.wl lour
expHivMl lu live, la lecvnerlac, Ml Mlusr chslloaficr s roulradlcnhyslclaus siffetl tmtay tba iioii wl snyihiitg wrliten in tiN l«ok T''u: y.
ta- wvwld rerover tttaiuldlni; «-e«
to tP-a.' a ebarfued iif<-. When a >a<<
living In Milo be was thrown from
v’.^. i-dPv;s o
a borve and his neck, has nruken
f\ir weekr bu iingenal near dualh. ling the cropF ta wciy dry w.
;hr (My oJ Traverae fl'y. lu said
Uit eroiitaally rccox-ied. laa-tuis! aiuuDil Kntaiiaruo. tun iK>t s stugic


eUlc that bis r«co«ery fi«ui Rie diup bus fatl'-n In w’cl KbIsbisbuo.
burns re«^v-ed ta the gasoline ev
ploabui Is JuaE as uiarveluus as b»
TOron'r) after ' having Us uect ♦
No thsng-.’ hus '.<ecn made in itic
•evad From Asriul PhvL .
uivk-'t vrlie of Denbe-as api>k-s today.
i.-ier lelt so near my graxWrites Lewis Cbamblln, of Mancbe Just a lew arc giKii.i'oat. About ihrewr. Ohio, K F D, No. ». -as when Seeks wUI brtng tbe p<acbes ta tu.
a trigbifiri eoogb and lung tiuuble
pulled me down to li3 poonda ta spUc shipptag The few that w.'e brougbi
•rkol BOW are thr early varivtics.
of many remedlee and the beat doc
tor# And tbat 1 am alive today Is
ooi good lor whipping.
dM solely to Ur. Ktag'a New IHscov•ry, shicb coxuplelely cured mvv Mef'
1 welgta IM poiuKls and rair work
(By VnRed Proas 1 •
hard It also cured m> four /^IMrea
of croup." iBtaUIWe lor Coagba aad
BqSalD. .CugBst 18 —Calllv. sO cwr*.
Oolda. Ua the meat cwnalu rvmedy aiow-; prime.
for UCrippe. Asthma, desperate iBta
rani, active; MOIO. 8b#ep. J.Mu. •«•
iTc: choice tambe. |«.MS<:K: bWp.
larantead by <'. A Bogbee Hrug Uo.. S«‘H 7.V H<w*- i.S-wb «low; plm. 14 W
A C. Wall * Sona. Itannab A lAy n.ixc<l. R9.
Merc. Co.


Why not take some views of the rajiddly changieg
summer scenes around you? Scenes that you may
never be able to photograph again—you can get them
for a mere pittance. Kodaks $l to $20. If you are
ioteresitefi, write us and we will gladly miil you s
Kodak Catalog.

S. k Wait & Sons

Traverse CUy

Have You Seen the
Thomas DriU?

T ..
sub..... un -| .1 d.ii; wbhii 4'vhs ». • 'ban you wxpset.
s: .l s.ibLu- ih- -ywii. «i«l »-»r. 1i.e Thumas wiugl- u;-c drill by •rtwal
-. .;•. «
«th--.- drills piwdu i s - .-> C iiush»-ls of win-*' mOfc tu the nctw.
Ills.I si!> uib* r slngta disc drill, "'h) 7 Ib-canac the disc «nd boot BBkW •
ilH 'inches wm-i. si.d tbs seed 1a sraiU-'<-d nv.-r the
sli.cb hi Wide, and site# iV- - cd a ?iv»i*r ebanv lu
b. net stllka. belter grain ai.0 u.<irc graib tu the
Other dril’a makn B svds--’baju-d furrow luid the seed tbs refute la
buBtbed itisc ber. cruw.lTM: and iewM-ptag lb'.- Oa-iro of giowtt «a Bhen
s-al'crid (■•<r a wide fui.-ua
All -' V. lusivc f.-a!.ce ul ti„, Tbe avsa drill i- lb- lai.t that ft ta nalt1. l!.ui, at ten o.lovk m ib.-_ forv-•0! Imaltri-S y:.d all «r.udlnouB. and r will so# anythin IroB a
to a kldnc.'r: be-on..
All ..•Kimtvc f-atur- ol tb- Ti.ama> drill )»' ibe pati-Btad aotf-oUtag
.tudge or ITobate. Is-aniips; the oil i> pir la by muount thuiub acicw va ootaidc of baw;
uly r». .k'lg :■ IT If-TC
one oilng la*t» i'..Tbs.o-dt|J> I-itola:u-d plain or wllb F.rtilLic.' allathmeBL All Sfflta
• oulpp.-J whh-srar* setsl-re.


SrwiL MVAilwa

Prices Range from
$68 tof^

Farmers’ Supply Co.




• approrod b; rota ot tha «)«H
To lane no btmda unites a alnklBc


The above are a fear-of tlw Unporfant protlalona In the act. No dikbt
the aM. aa a whole, «1U ha
pabllalHd hy the hew MNahUai


the people ihcJr due coutdeiatloo of


value for every cUlaei;. It will ratw
thia queatlM- "How can cillea be b«t

I’nder the aupervlalon of P.
Carl, maiAger-of the Jd. A .V
road, ground was b:okcu at ID o'rlock
Tuesday u^lnx for a track on No.ih


»|» «M ami n TIM D««ti>

Hetoot cwKlioiU. Under
L'nkm aud Bay sirects. «rhl<4>
romjnteakm fonn of foveniBteei, connect the M. A \. E. road with the

already adopted by aevcral lane




lea, which ore very unlike our prrweul

company 's dock, and ll was expected
M. &—jUirMi all TW1»<(I«M u4 form, will uadpuUedly ailat and be
lal by 8 o'clock tbii evening the
pmowtee* r^rdlu BaBklm
held Up fur comparieon and aun«>'
roaslng would be completed,
to the TrarerM Cttr SUW
Btrenuous objetilous sere raleed by
tM& Tr»»*m CKr, Mlc^
A few DM)*
fr«n. the charters Calrtsrll A lx>udou to the la.v|nq of


adopted by such rliiea are aa toUowa:
Nou'panlaan ekcUoiu
>'tw- cuuiullnienl elecied at tame.

uiavor, with ipedAc duii<-k u

well aa aouf raJ aiiperrlklniv of affatri
rive dcpuritnMiu ovei whl>b »ui.
eooBcitman u at the head
Blaeilon or vppolnunetii of tnhi
f)r «MM Act. Very WMa Utitutfe nfBeera.
la AllaweO in the Matur of
t;ivll aervlie.
“Heota »uii."
OMiWfs or ehoacn for
qualiflratloii or iiineae wtihoul nftr
To the Bdlur of ib» Herald;
The rarlaie* of the


fair laierem from the-fact ibai the
•MBoiooiiamaileaal traat aliowa
io«e mk; that la. no art oMAe l^tslaiore hal«c taquirod lor a rerlakm

woik (hat U
ts-lof.. the Hllams ol Traverse nij.
Ii Is. Ilier«-Infe. bnpt.riani. Insxmucli

tame or tiAdlfy ifaa rharter. pMvMed

•' ^fbre lu anbiDlaalon to the electors.
' And s««ry charter beihre the deal ad'
iMMMeht y* the eontiniaelon. .ball
|e traaMiliied to the envemor of ibt
•uie. If ha shall approve It. be aball

' Vbldi OaU U epread at Ui«e_______
ibonuu of. the tody receiving tbsu.
.' iad U ahaJI toroiuidcr it. On euch re’■ fdff»anaka apmq to




te aubnlttad to the eteciora.-'
Tharefora It rtau with the eloctori
Ahd they muat aMUme the mpouajWttp for aaU«s«Dmni;.thl.p«u
M>ta a new phase in civic life, and
W that fiombaa a lamw degrM ot
every dilaeii in aU muaJclPUACaira.
The above aamM act. noder which
«W abartsr wlU be rarlMd. graau
^r»Ad Aeld {or intalittwt acuoa.
■niBarlscd. ibU a«l it dlvldad to,tP three aactloot.
-BMIop l Him avery city charter
. «»aU prooUc.


H- sisK.-d

railroad company was a<41ug
sHblii Us rlghiv iu UyliiK the Irat*,

s city urdlusniV g;
is-rniUaion; so il.ut .h tied

s sitd .-uju) iravfding the ruoda
iN.rderliig h


IMy helk-ves Uto

far away vtlion the yieo-:
p]< cTTisti-rse ('liy-wll' .■■Uylder au

•asAWi I (d) Pbr the aatahllabi
one or bore wards;
“A * (m) (tor
.« 1, u.
hody. If As raeaWts tie Hiooei
SectiBB ^*hai a Hiy may do.
Borrow ^mey on Uie civdll of the
«<>> la a auBi not to esenotf eight iK-r

iitcc itip lo'onil hrouud cu-n Utk'

ni-<c«K;iM to psUtlou IJie <-

parduae of.

l/ni , when In- hn-aicd at tihii llavMi.


D. B. OHAn

oni Ih. di.k, Hu- rallirarslerrlng Ibe
I llir llunnali A Igiy dock.
In order to shorten the oiMatic- in
ahtpplng fruti which it l-roughi

E. mnip.„i>

)u|u.-4 hands, the creasing which i
connect the d<irk with Hi- M. A .V

FOR BALA-A beaatlfai vaaM
erty on bay sbors at Vaba. 4 75
bmise aad ban tud tour Aom «E
lead feuced. aud tea Mtwt Mato
nnatog through It.
For paMte

JiXy ». Aug. A4A-1A
legal votetw or QrteA TtaMna
YoB are hereby aoliAad that a Oato
erai Prtaury BlecUoa wUI be
Ibis Buu oo Taeaitoy. tbs atolA mtm

fM tha <“
Sutra Seaaior. OeeetMi LtaMMM
ReptuaenUtlva to ClB-


nluttog caadidaua kr SB* »ai3party to roastMs. ag fTMlMI-kA
1 Na III dd the Pakte Adtor «l
a wUBtae wberaor, I Aara BtoWtolB
anted my alguturt afTHtoM^B.
Mleblgan. this First day ot A«BBI^
owr Lord. NlM«baii3»FRANK L. BHUTftll.'
8b«rW ot OraM Traeatw CIHBtt.

ug s-n-p-iMe-ip-UAMo. Bate

V O ILR R O^I=»OftTdWlT^
The OktoBocu VaUty, WaaklaCIMi
buy. before-Ibe R R. to complelaa wkicA
•111 be In operation ibrOugL
igh the valley this fall. TIm boat trait toAd
III be bought lor less than
ISO 14 lbs price provaUlDg
pravaUIng to other or a«*
eicloiH-a fruit disiilcis
Tti-n- ate a few piom
orchards to the valley and hava aM
xd s • Top fslUire to Su

ToD»slcet Bcalty Co.» ToBUkdsWuhteflM


. . . of the . . .

' As usual, patent leathers are popular. Buttons
will predominate pVsr lace this Fall, and a
good many light orTiand-turned soles will be
worn. Many ot the buttoned styles are made
with waterproof cloth top. while dull kid and
calf Is used in the tops of the lace ones. The
good fitting short vamp Is still
used In the styles.


road making li.ptsotble lor ibr li
10 be tinmghl to fr-im'rt.- M. A .V.
the fruit Irsln* ninnliig down to
-No;ihi-.ii Mlchlg»n d.Hk a! Maii|*le,i

l»-tiig aastii naurferr«Nl to ibii

,J*anl-l (I Hclait COU.C. u'ure I uf the r:i« Sta.BU.riBl CII.T.--

Gun Metal and Dull Kid Leathers
Gun Metal Calf promises to be even more pop*
lar this season than last. 4^elt solos and plain
yamp(notip&i and high heels seem to be In
favor. In the dull kid leather you have all the
appearance of gun rhetal with the comfort of a
soft, pliable kid leather. They
come in button mostly.

supply of wnil-r .-o-H to.



sri.ed in the Mi.higsn tiou.e of H-,
i.isiiic. tour
He I.
Pioiulnuiii cf'lteu-of Adirfiu i-ouiiH
well kiei.ii .............. . man mg-.y;., ;
hanking and i. iii;.-d i„ every

ar and Aon are Dead.
JU1.A,. August iK-fYajik

Injared wheu ihe;r auiom«b!l»
nm^ng on tur
aklOded into a UlU-lt.

Vici or Oltotood Kid

r ThauMnd Persons Went Out—

. -,th dUt.-i a, the p;,i,,i..ira ,

iFrom Tbiirsdsy's )le«ird I


t ibaiU may
> geaeral wet-

MHi Irsw- tickets bail been given out
ivaahliigton. August l!.-The rani returns give Mlls.aak.<e 3TS.fci7. by ibi- liaoBsh A l..i\ Mereanitl-
Iiicr- ase of gl.SI*
psny. lor their pimli at Mari-ni is

1 (m the eeparate

Isnd, the steamer CbeuiuBeyan tak-

- vs-------»*; Proridea, tmwAVdrelMl tbear inovtaums ahali

RAtllNA-W—Agnoveno-u, na. beer.

; ih.- plmldiers over in the lalamt
fimr irais. i>egioolnr at S
s-uioriilng. 'Rt'eiy two Ihiuts dur
the lug the dsi the Slesnier Btsde-trii.r
f dher matlrr are doiall- hell^ of a funni-l under the Pki*
the l.lsnd. Ihe larger rrosrds goWeTviuetis, taUs
: Oh the in snd ir ci-rlock bna-g
e laying of um.
to the while the : o'etork bast also carried
r Iha Aafety and: Bienue to ctieod ikr line
rontiilerabir numher. The Arkt luiiit
out to Hic niuralng was not >a iwpuUr.
1. Koauieu Um city from
eilend to


► istted,.'by the >am M trad,
•tove 4 fraiitlij/i- sran^. .a*

ttoni^iliaBy Ahlrh will giiow

nopnivisiao (or
Charter ottoaar (haa ov#rr two yaare—
Altowaao dtaape la aaUriaa or pub-

ntfr. are on the prS|gram (or

narkai. the .VorMieni Ml.-higaa •-.>'<)

l‘p to : o'clock this ar.en.o«ii. sluml


writers from varlpos psrls ■ Ot the

Arrived Yesterday, and BeauUes Utey Arc.

front Ihe pcnlnsulu li.r i!io Chlrxur,
piny and the

lime (onsBiiied to,at.limlnr niucli
The neecat rains hare helped |sMh- Bhorier than ll w.iuld ta werd'li ib be
sliliiped all the way by water
toes, com and
- -Mr. CerJ elai/d ihai ib- ira.’k w-ss
and the pnapoci tor good prl.-e
h-liig put In M this tune In ymler to
give K A. Weston the opporHimry to

I ir) For ayatam of drii
PM the


Mstm uablman eC tsmahA.


Nonuetn Viebigan Umis. luaking.ibv

paled and better lu euiue issi
than Un yeor.

Uea. Were uUed and two coouMihi

ror Iha inltlaiiv* aad i«caa, both
Mag Implied.



Thiuglass and son. weslUiy Houghi.

fA bl aattpra wflhln iha a.

Senio. 4

Heeperto. Aujviat ll -«mU. OMsel.

lu-uiaklnc (hta annaunreoent. I
wish to stall- that toy isro years' ser­
vice as u.-ssurer of ibis eounl} baa
given me an esperience that wOl en­
able im- 40 serve the courny betier
s than dur
» 2o - Reju,n froth Nnltotial coAvannufh 1 b:
'^•«-A. R.
KalkaMni; giveu^the olBtV IBiy ubdlvided sii
Him -and w-rveU i(hr pe<H>to u*
ol Riv ubillry. aud for the b
t(i-2.i_Oi)r nidigaikiM. and privl- Iniert-sis of the taxpsyen of
1eK.,-s to Oi|ipn.,to itie lieodsy svluiol
1 am appreciate you( votes at
-Mrs p 1,. Hughes,
uutog prioiarles.
}I;(«-lnscusslon, ltd by
-Clevekiiid of CadlUac.
Aog IT-ll
II 4*
fur dinner and
iCHtl hour.



■MUM d iBIf PM- the r

Ilobori Caldwell, lu speaking of the

Will Nenlnata Him. '
Upfudn; Nab .

eosoiy primary returM Aapraaaa Oto

Our P'irs-t SHipmant

gniMi of tha aaaaeaed valoatioii n{

''lB»-eaal and paraooai proparty of the
ajiy. provldsd-

frem Fmit Civp,

• nship offliiT. and woikera.

•.:t«-.ri,H„,lonal, led by
J. .4 I'anby.

whb ll bit (tinei-m hu -to
iu,,i w.-ie lu thU
tke laying of the irwik. decUied. that ivglon Midi..- tins over been dlreoilng
was a d«>l>lmeiii to tli.-Ir, pioperty.' hi. efiotij )u.*s/4s Ibv fln.Vl |^il. He
Wednesday Aftsrnaon.
d It was a groat hludranie lo’irafDc
H.Vi—Kong vervi.T
rh iuit be has
North I'lilun stroei,
He alated
l:4.\ -l»osom«»l, led by the Rev.'
plsnued mmh more aud et|>i«i<
n years ago..when there had
W. O Stovall.
all--e hla pittiis Sfure unoili.-r i.
rroe.lng placrd la pi this point, the
S:W —Itoslecai meeting. Reports
by He lias put the Cion lake
Can Uea lOO Wotnen and Qlrla in trgfllr wit BO hlndured by the swilt Licuniiy iiputi Ihe map loiU tic pur fiom roiiiiiy officers, townafilp ufOiMs
irnlns. tonii-tlmes blocAlug
Spare Time er Ail Day—Crop It
<d conimRuies.IS..C ihoi H sbiarajipcBr th.-ro' in big
fur half an hour that gradual­
of Vary Fin* Qatity.
.7 00 -<>nr ObUgatiuns aad Privl
rt»l leli.-r-.
ly tbi- -Votth Ciilon siretd entrant to
Haef to nihcr.^ tn florlat Ufe-ThC
The beau crop in this sectlm
the (1(v sas discarded by the majoriiy

OWoi«O-_ato.0 itolawaast* cui- RevJ r. J). Atwell.
Urpw and better than ever bofore and of fartn?m who cam., to ihe diy. mik­
went di-v, the lo. kt-r Bysirin l>
Flie^mlnate Talks— C. J.
the Traverse tUty canning ooDipasy ing thoir onlraat^ by say of \Vj-»i
Closing tli impuljilt.v ht-ti.- Hi'111. I. M WbIHIuHiie. C. A lUbi
1s rnslied to its tuHest captM-lty han­ Front sireid.
■ost at the Ihlr.lii-s n;e luiw moiifl. J H I.yon. the Hev, o. w.'
Winn ti.ked if there was to be nli
dling the ito^k-ilitl Is rushing lu
geitliiri ul|>s fi.oin downtown
lock- I'lt'WB. and oHitr»
JuncHoti Issued s'galn.t the rallra-id.
from the farmers. The Canning
s.-vt-iul hH-kel- « !llt»l lisvc bpell
-We ran di
Is la imniedjais need of lob or Mr. Caldwell auitftjMm.d liiirt Minie Iruteniur t»rgttn*7anoihjiig
women and girls wi>o can
nc-iui n'Ki rent lockors to their uteiitUI an iDjum-ikiu wv would
good wagea. There is no restticil
go to t'ljarlevoix to see lb
to the Itouta Mid women and girls ran
eweU their earulnga by dUllgeni work i'ldge. and hy the cliiiii the lii]<iuHlt>u
•Mrs. Clark and I'.'illitren of GranJ
&-ak here (he irui-k would all
dnring their spare time.
hallidk, are gn-.i. nt Hie lioi
The laying of the track Is
r. 0, gfaerwflbd kiaiey that the bean
eome. of Ihe dlfnaiUy between tht- 1. B. Sle-ak-;-.
cro|i this year
history of the region and It is of very'
(uinpany-aud the I'cre Marquette ral!
fine quality. 8inc« the rstablisba
(I-cillHcal Adicrti*llig I
road toioiuny lani auinuer, whUl- n.Traverse (.Ity CaBBlng <
•uUed In the IVre UnniiPil.- spnr l-e-

mud) more «o ihao.was a

Mrbeiaamad Aaoematy:

Btotlee f (Ij Itor the

In the NeighboHiood-.Urs. Addle
ftnue In their several pre,
cinAs. lie eretijualjy expects to see Olb'ha. ,

and geupral cil

SeatiCA «. ip»ai oveir dty charter
pnny. the produrtlon ol beans Ui
iwy provide.
sceHon has i
•rtkia i.
mo city charter
laied nnd ii haa bceu loond to be
very prolllable cn^
Amoeg the CMBpukory piovkiMu
While the oarly troits roused a i
¥ the fharwr are the followi&g
irtloo In the volume of mune of a.
■•rttPB J (a) For Iha oiaetloo of .
early Irulls. that which will bn hap
farar who ahsll b. tb« eaecutlv.
VesiHl will be of taller quality and
' |»ad. Mi a fandy veetml with laglaUbring much higher |irlr«s ilian last
flva power, tad tor the alecHoo or apyear, aad while there wss a Umlied
Mnimant of a rWk. a irramirar. an
volume of early fruits, the incri^- In
#wtoaoi or hnaid td aseesMra, and
lieBa, oorn and late |>0!ali>>s and the
i board o{ rtvlew.
higher prices will give fainien. sod
•«»la> t (hi Pbr ilw olMion or apIruli glowers a v.-ry profliable
•hteuncBl or miek other oroeera aa


cba»-d by J. f, Morgati.

That eetoptota wibUdlto RttoMto.

Furthaae Frlca a( Farm TMa Year

he last year Invested M-OAU to aa for the dcBOcmic gwrarwanUp BatolIt that of the cm and ail through the
The foHoslag is the pragnm of iB- ftiAcre'fann nc«r Ihl. place. U coo aatton aad Oovarwur naOaaWta
big bill just to the aouth ol the
clafma that eomptastaratMMvUlB^
rid annual eaovenlloo of the Ovand gratnkiiing Umaelf upon
lagi'. whk-ti imiirovemenl wasbraugiu
Travers.- Sunday School aaaoclatl
.-udgment. His twl pmeta thts aaasoD lusts him.
at w IDS' of many hundred! a(
t held to the Uainlat church. Aii- will amount to oue-lhird ot the pardollars At the prcMSI time be la hav­
«WmN Heed a Dnitek
cba4 im.-e Hi. 4<» apple treew are
ing a strip of road laiproved in arooi J
Wbaa todMer J. F. f-rirr. U
dolng_a;e;i. Ills I.uisi peach irw
anoe wlib the speciAcatlons used by
C.. bivtoad Ua taB I
l:Ki—Opening aerv b
charge of wUni to vradura K of froit «ac(
' suited an ugly pore. Uaay A
. II. Esiee. president
bto/^BnuVare toraer and Baer thaa
connertkin sKtj its
RucAha'a Aralrw Salve heaMTE
2;ui-t>ur Obligations and rrivll«rj«^ir be bas'Wn'
roads. Ho J^also urging the iuwbslUt>
Noihlag Is s» BNBUR
to Others.
mad i-illdefs for this part of Leelan­
aad sww for Ckcr^ BoDa. ■££
Bnilsca. Outs. Ooraa, BMaa. FimilMh
In the
llmiie-Tbe Kov.
au.count} to.usc- ah the fuudt availa­
CAVOaao -Xoled spoHsmen and
ble koi -ioiprovliig the malo wagon Corhlln.

fM seif-BtiVei ament, that everj

Brery aBaeDdment to a charier

twiMhlrde of

E-n.l Oetial WHI Make Ona-Third e»

tmii t^i' nil. ta ogerThey
c-d lUcir Clslttuw.tog In deflauce of the diy. he declarShergy and per-revt-ranr.- ra
ter maiillcMs a tsirsonsl lmer«at In i-d, also vialbig that wbeneier.a
<vm|ili-li nil lliluBi nnd vo’whal
r- ftiiiicr ivimlng nHUlon
roadaptart.-d to make any Impi
alirnii Olen HaCen now 1..
nieiits llierc was always suuia on
lovull of y.-nis ol toll *ud tsnistahl
Use objenloni.
eiiil.-jvor Icwan].. s d"ftitii.- .-nd.

tinder our ivmstHution

'«ecU(N> n. Act sn. Beeskiti lawa.


bq» iirracbyd taller raaiU and has
In accMdanre
till praaefaing. There are aeveral si.-ips

3:J-'-^Ftvemtnuie talks by wvsi.- nnnual^ioeettog of
bUfliway in ihU tuit of Mici,pi-rmlsston to lay i«r track, no IgSU in sueb-coniiuiuii as to
er., led by Mrs. J. K. Teacbtwt. J. tV Plsin.meii-s awioqUtuin. to Ow
acUuii was lah.n by th.- cimm-IL Hats
it 1.
plaaned to
Ifceiu suVsl.-lc for all onlii,..;} every flrien, S R. Ilopkiaa. the R.-v Mr, Pel'tembec ik.
■vovni rig;, w bill the gang of S5
Wordav p<iri.otra.
ondcr the supenlsion ol *S. J. Seoll.
-ttog' in the bmtory V the aasocl.
Ill his egoM.i Uvgel (he wunty «1and Road klaiic-r. Jnha
glUftevant. appeared ujiuii the grauad n-d up. I.C has sdM ftinles of valnqt-U .-lit over hardsood land at very
for duty, warm words
Mrs H. liunutogVeiK to Fife
•d by th
tbst Itie
iw.v-n the repri-v. niailvto of the CMd id* tlKur.-a l!. the' bois-.v
loOay-. to vliil ‘At. pannlshV A. KbeHev..
A lAvudun lirtii, ajii] pmav who l-.-opl.* bUMiig the same, wx.uld .Irat
be land aijtJ^ei <ro|ir.’t.. growing.
'(Hc^lHiwl Advenlslag ) .
bad !liq work Of wnsimc-iion in huud.
ir .o.,niy work. '
A.»<iff;lMi iKkr there ary a uutnbe'
thul. In sii ini.-rvlew, sined
Otbois— The
'• kunitiier lesort* (bat are doing a
O- H,-A N. fc. rallrojd had loinI drake to amitniiue
h the .Northern .MJehtgsu ^raoie «I-Miilicl ' liitsiiieas. .The UU- U s>.
ml I tbail be a cabdidale Tor (be
r tfeasurer of - Orwnd
nnd lies so teaUHTully among
purtallnn company lu pun haslng lots
ity at the retiublieaa
load..Wins ihai all who s«.- it, ; -\.idser.h. Theme: Oibera-The Rev Tfsverwe r
and 4. from the llannsb A ^
prliuarlee, to be held on Hefilember
nloog its
leresis. aiid that lot i l,*d been p\ir- find pl.-afiiiv ill rt*Hng

npniod broad piMl^s

Ow ftMtaJ Uva of the ataie aad
•HtUtohdl IlmliaiKna
«he exespUoD follow!, however:

. feApidaiatioii

pr.blmi In large lom

onliiet bow Ts>st to
This question will br much diictuaed
In Uiriilgan this fail, for many dlles

fr ah aaeadcneai to a clir charter,
tjiereforek It la enlfrely wlthla the
fover of the mala voter* of cKlea


Injilsilvo and retwil.

It Is


Ftt csiimr mssuia

y afimaliotk
Heme rule.

Trarerae Ctty it ot more than odrt-

VeryvMelatittidc of whai U termed

this SJdp ciwck, a pefliiuii agaius. It
bating U-eii pr<--<u'.ed to ibevouK-ir
Uai evening, hut as the railroad com
psii} had IH>I ixditloned ibe coBOcil

EHmlnatlon of iwid lloee.


uring of belter roaca. For years

roadway near the Mlbgeibat have
veoaaded DaaplU OMaftion Msd* by
-been bulU by him at ad expcmdltare Orand Traverae Aaaociatleiv will HeH
CaidsraM 4 Leuoen—Will De All
Ha Convent«<i to tha First
cl atartoanj'iunt -iluioM-y
Dene TenlgM.
Baptist Church.
cWn poekot. One of these toad yobs

euowth U noKd iMrrta to auj

iff *• J- ?»tllM4, AUKUIII CMb- the work Is hand.
The hueodiicilnn ol the [Hr^aiaed
revitM) -will be of sreat eduttlkmal

(Continued from First Page,)

fnod la provided, etc—

hMrtali iurlng tbeir isem of of

lyveryv.iie look along baskets of f.xif
UitoBs to cat. aad tbe day wa^ r-jf
enioyaldi- spea<.


A prorum was given this dtieruoon
InrladlBg an addt»M by Artiur Pki-d
Fepela. Indtoeeitab. BlllmsnMa. iVm- ertek bbeldon
Malaria and He-


Train wi!| lotw Traeene City at
lirOOa. m.

RctorniiiN. laare tiraml

Kapidtai t:00 p. m.

trip Farcp to

a ad cAarur

Aag li-lV


Is always worn a great deal and probably al­
ways will be, for It’s the most eervIcMble of oil
others for general wear and It polishes well.
Have this leather In a variety of styles.

Prices, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00
We do Kpalring. Scad the old staecs by ear dcUvdryiuca.
Wc*U repair and retam lh«m to yo« proopOy.

MercantOe Co.


K tmm. mmiM mm* •oad«rImm
I* H^artac *iib
Kit A li on* wttk
«a« Mk. Uwlr tM r«n«a^ taj^
w» l>
MV NalMW «• Ovp toka.
|M0« hM vmd hia Utbar'i
»*• «U kto alitv, *—
Aftkar HcQaaaf aai fwUr kavo
• kwM a«* tta*. nw vNt ea
C J. taitk u4 Ma^r Mi'
«Hk «Mar vMk Ml*. OWWIMBII »•
^’tS» rairuM look 4 laad of applM
lo tooB TaoaMr. raoofTtao o oot^
*1SV UekMMOS attootod tbo W. k.

Crowtof weatben of rain,
have bMo ihronch
r ioeallly dolling aone t
Do you know bow—
rain toms out prelly (ood.
To dnd quick relief troB bodubbe;
and Mra. RrlraMD and funily
To cortaei dUtiwaalok artoary Ulii or^Mr.
^Icago. are aerndUig a few da>a
e aid UdneyaT
Ur and Mra. II ('. Patlangl
gone to Kllui to vUlt old frleadi and
leeta .
Preston Tlewlng, Ibe highway overJlerr'a Traverse City teatlDony.
aeer of Kaaaon lownaklp. baa bent
Mra. 0. WikeU ao{. 8. Bhui
Ava. TiBverne City, Mich., eaya: doing MiDv »ucb needed graveling on
-Kidney comiilalBt dual to me Tor a iba road near Ovtatl..
Mr. and Mra. Bbsy of Empire, were
iMff tlna and nMe juy Ufa nilaentble
llmba and loinu ware soro aod tbe gueau or Mra. fChay'a aialer. Mra.
' all the acbw and palna that W. V. Wllacn. a few daya UtMr.
Mr«. Pitch Brooka baa been on the
akk ilM totel). The Utasfw Jennie nd Carrie TIdd to any ei- daU, formerly .of OtUtl. are vtallfag
K Juan a K|d- ibetr many trli.nds and reiati*e> here

tkar. vMcod Ol «r«- fWaacoae'a Uai * Sona' dnif a*or«. Tbey benafii«>d
na at ooc* aod bafore long etacted a
Am- IT.
cantolate cure. 1 know from actual
Rcparlabn. that Doan'* Kidney Pllla
irt jiut an repraacnled."
■mt tvkiu ood teJkfir MMI ta
Tha nallar Pravad ParmanaM.
On Aufuat e, 1»0*. Mn. U’lkrl wu
itarrleaod and added to the above:
J have bad no orcaalon to lake a
kldoay ramedy alm« Doan'i Kidney
loot voM Wiu dlra. JoaMO
t>l(^ cured me Yon are at Ilbany to
coittnue the pnbllcailoa of the uatl*^ra. Hobart Daillac areat to Mao- monlal t bare preTtoualy «vao lo
MO, HaMrdtr to otiaad
thalr favor."
||F» tkal ktiMo.
F«r lala by al deatera. Price SO
cenu. Pnatar-Milbuni Co., Buffalo.
New Yvk. BOle affenia tor the United
^r. «ad Mia. Ooo. Pakv vata
«■ tbe naine—OoaD'p— and
•n to Kalkaoki. Soturdar.
itmm L Horar la tuhibi bit 4
Mr, Mn. rraak Maugar. ter «
Mra. ObM. Beggs nod chlldiwn toft
I. iMtta Wood «aa li
ila aftenwon for tbalr borne In lUIafter having apeni the psat'ibr
*»? tar. Mr7Harwood and vUo Dla.
aaki with bar Bother.
Alraa Ihup waa a oallar la South
Mwr—wi MMday.
-«lr. and Mra. Ctaraaea Rrcknaa
ware oallar* at Oeo. Kyekmaa’a Mon-



' Rafftto Monday aftor apaod
k ^tejffr. lASibart'* akter.


___ a on PrtdV.
Maalay and tttUa bH
mt ralaUvaa at May

___ _____________ aod <antopwdtB* k law daya U Trtr;
i Mfk.«. MeOarry a»a>t BaaMaa. HoOarry'a brotkar, Mr.
WaiTMi to hack to thla Mtok-

B«tka Hetoi to i


Mr. and Mr* 3. F. Mathews reiraad tola evening from their two
eak-a Taeutoo apent ni AMen nntV
Harbor Bpringa. Mlaa Maud Hurdge
' lined wRh them.
_r. and Mr*. A. B. Bordeaui end
ekildrco left tola morning for Qielr
home to Mnskegao. nfter bnring M>aat
■i* put moetb bore.
Tbe eodnl given by ■ few of Con.regnlloMl Bandny whool pnplU on
FrMay evening wu much entoyed by
large crowd.
Hr. and Mr* Norman LwUe and
tree cfafldren of Chicago, arrived
aierday and ani epeed a week with
r. Lealte'i aUlrr, Hr* to E. Camp-

peaehu and plum* and Oeorge Kellog bu a good crop of apples, but as
a general thing fruit to ecarra here

Jlarry nnd Charley Po
ebnreb al Oriail. Sunday evening.
Jotao Baau went to Mnpte City toay.
*M«. Tan________ ________ _
Oeo. A. Peck nnd eon (Ymrlea, went
te tomUy to Kingsley. MIeh.. vheiv > Tiaveret Cnj~Tburedny toiL
te rarvod a toome ler them out at
Howard Coleman. tMtoer nnd sla­
jwkto was toaa a wtldernea*. Hto ter. are OUple CHr tot^pvr* today
toym borne wu well knew* ta tbe
fWr, ffte akk. «sd toe needy, where
toe Aipr wu always opea and they
loeitotomiNk Bioto
grata, mtotemt to toe heat, until suoh


A oaik a Uvteg.
-Wf. two dmubten and one — _
moara toa toss of a tonng fauahaad

gWBto. toe Her. Hell, aaator of tbe
ItetfM ehareh tering
aaeUtB4 kF tte te* Mr. TharsMa. later-


Loans Made on Real Estaie


and Mis. na^ l<usrll. visited
Mrs. Pomeir. bruiher. WiU NpRsInger
and wife near U..|iiAnu, from IVl
day until Sunday Tbay also drove
U1I.T ui KniBkfon and the light house.
They bad a tei> pl.wsaui trip.
Mrs. l>u> Newman Is visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs EJtu.-r t rain
Mlaa Mafale Andeiaon of Traverar
vIsluQ OIU.- jiheilvr laat week.

of Kaason. vUlted their roiulns. Mr.
and Mr*. A. <• Wyaknop. Sunday.

sirenftbeaed the bo*wU, ao that Uay
have tw«-n regular ever sinee."—A. E.
Dana arvHwr. 8ulim*r Spring*. Tet

Cbe«p»ai acvldrai Imrwac*—Dr.
''Wlllab.-e dvtfie to Traverse fl.y Tbuoiaa' Rswlccailc OIL Stop* ths
pain aod heals the woaal All ten*'. and Ml*. t'alkiUB and ihUdreu gists seJl

la Furoiture, Csrpeti, Rugi. Stove«, Ditbet, Sewioff Machlaes sod all houMhold seed*. Never In the hiatory of J. W. SUter’g stores
bss there been bigRer sod bolder vsluet offered thso right now aod which shsll prevail during the month of August. This is an txceptlonal opportunity to those who ere about to begin house keeping and to those who with to get ao odd piece or two at less thu the
true value. It will pay^you and pay you well to visit our store this month and make your purchases.
Come in and look through tbe
different departments; talk the matter over with us and get our prices; we are always glad to show you and w;lll aid you in every pos*
Bible manner to make the right kind of selections. Our eaperience in the Furniture BuUinesi is unlimited; wre know bow, what mad
when to buy Furoiture, and will give you the benefit of our long experience absolutely free. COME IN TODAY AND TALK IT OVER.

We can show you
about 25 different styles
of exteniion tables, in«
eluding both
and square tops aod lo
the various sires from
$5 30 right up to ^
This means a table to
suit every purse, and
at prices positively without parallel in this or any other city.
A good, strong Extension Table, well made and hnished,

1 V... .




^ t Lm^ O W S

Wo nail strictly high
l^e Kitohen CabineU, as
there is notbiog gained in
baying a poor, fluofy cab­
inet. About ten different
■tyte* to pick from at
gnmly reduced ptiees dnrleg tte mouth of Ausuat
On* U^e, beautilnr 110
Eitebeo Oebiuet. high top,
room for everythini; moot.


• Then we have otbeta at
ether prioee, but et simiUr

We hp»e about 75
Bocksrt. which have
been mailed down
to seH at oobt. as we
most bate ,ibe floor
spaoe lo aooommodate othrr nservhan.
diie. which will eooa
be hero Beoterlike
ent, eolid qnartered
oek, aLaped teck end
seal, tiUa just light
to he ooiRforUble.
Btroogly made in
every way. Begolar


Then there Are otben—aU kiuda from 017-^C
95e np to a Turkith leather Booker at......... ^ I t •§ O

Dining Cbairs
Astonishing^ raluM prerail in
oar immensB Hoe of Dining
One aet of a'x solid aod
strong Ohaira, good looking too.
worth St least |10 d*/,
per aet of d BOW only qPUe/O
Another Mt of six Chain worth

tri':’..... $4.35
$18.90 I
Another eel of sU good Ohaira

We also have aome big valuee '
in odd kitchen nsd dining room
If yon need any kind of
chair*, beanreud tee three apoeiaU-






Itv«A tbe *TtoMea Rale'’
1*M mmr Ufaleag ftisad* to moon


Bold August Values

ETdf. kliniB baa bow os tba alek
RMpb Osborn of Berea. Ky, la toe
I kH to oswa bettor.
guedt of Ml*. Putman and daughter*
at toe boow of Mis* Bmma Wtlaoo.
Tbe Kansu rworter* held their
annul supper on to* faeato Ibla.evenORAffTCCNTCR.
Jqte Rasi rataraed tram Dorr, tfca
uSr*«M fa* baa keen aevaral *“Aug. J5.
WMih. utoMtag bU oM aalgbbof* and
Several from hare attended toe
Wild Wut abow at tUlkukn. PrMay.
Mrs. Houer of teoun. lodlna* U
Aba. R. H. teriPWi and Mra tera vtaHtog at tbe bom* of Henry Hol­
BaBsatt ata koto «R tbeteto ara atoto brook.
Hr* C. O. Smith I* gsterUlntog^er

toraoa ten
tel baa rstmad from
a. Cbartotte Holbreak eommi
tekiML wbar* aba baa beu riaittog ed her acfaool at AMen. Aug. Sih.
tea mur. Mra. Albert Beuaatl.
Hr* Anna Oout vtalied n couple of
Mr*. Beatoh Btoeeaa of Orand Hep- day* the past week at Oeo. Irea.
Mi. toifaere riritlag her brothers, ArVUttor* Sunday at tbe home of W.
C. Hay. Ralph and Merle Krumlauf,
**^*Waa^Oalmrtou^ odwol ar^ Qlen and Kate Biebeo and Harlle
MdtoB a fteale today at Otaen lahe. iTU and sister Mae.
Tha -Oaaateiy aaaoeiaUea deeMed
Aug. 16.
•post to* aod from toe wilka on to*
waat tod* of to* oamsUry. and ««
m grass BWffae. tba Job wiu be comWin Nalaon bu gone to work for
BtoU4 today. Now whaa toe oeamnt Jhn
.m Samvan,
SaluVan. aur
auV ^ule''nw.
Maple Cl
^RlbBAr* pot to and a new faeoe pat ITed
jpted Btolk
Bdilk bu
baa purchased
rd n ffuo-!
j^R.wasn be such a «to*r«oe to too
engine *
r with, u
weir to Wdea^wtod^ wlu'
%Sji»*a Ctowtord rMtovad a tottor tram Mate toUtog «f toe doato of
a mtto stvatodaosbtor fram dlpth- Bohik's Sunday.
toortiL to* meibtf. Mra. Unto MaoM
Brnnyuo ha* toratoed and
«M todi at toe tlm* ftey tost a
are almut randy to tbrub.
bay to Pkbraary. with tbe same dread

Ann, drove over to meettn* on Mr.
Burr'* town on Sunday p bl He waa
pnnlad by bli aUter
:er Mra
Mra JMmunda of Oenver. Oolii., wbn U <

Tbe yoong folk*' Sunday erhool
riaaa held a mprllut at the boine cl
Pay McfYinabav IVedneadav evening
Mra. Oita Beeman vltlted her
iDMber, Mr* Piwnk Harrey, Monda>.
Quite a number from here attended
Ibe abow lu Traverav City, Tbunday.
Mlaa Jennie and Cvrie Tyndall of
Sherman, spent Saturday nigbt a* the
guestk or AbMe Payne and li a Turker
Mr*. Harie Mouriuan and aun
Prank, w.ere Lake Ann callers Monday
l«uU Kenedy tbraabed Monday
Milford Caai-aier and alitec On*.
I Sooth Whlllry, Ind . visited their
eouain. 8. A. I'tke and wife oier Sunda>.
MtHTHeien Burr led tbe Young Peo­
Mist Abbie Payne vUltcd her aunt.
ple* meeting at tbe chore* on Bun.
Mra. R. RICBiaaier of liUnol*. la
r« Rob Payne. Monday.
day .evening.
elaJUui at home with her pareou. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs M..:ien Stevens and
.. number ..
Mra I. Iluir'or Oaboru.
>n Cllffunl dr\i»e to Traierse Oiy to
lUbcock'i sale
Ann, laal
on Maker and family of Ijike day.

Mr*. P. Davli returned Friday
T boms In Caanovla. after baring

a UlUan Hnmpach retard PriroRi ssesMwv»>.
Muakagoa. where 4tbe
otbe apent
ly uvmi
^%laa Harrtat MatiMr vtattad Mri.
roopla wetoca with frieoda.
SOWM la nia Laka, a day taat waak.
The Mlasaa Nellie, Sadie
Ml*. Barak Panaraoo opant a day .baroae Siokea and Mr. Pred Sukaa
«tlh Mra. Brwla Lonabaiff laat waak. of Evaanoo arrived Sunday to spend
Mlaa AHoa JUM vUltad Mra. Robart
Mra. W. P. Robertaon enteru
asary MootacMary TlaRod bar Mth- alxtean lady triebda on Thursday alV. Ml*. 4laoa Ryataaaa. a day aku lenooo at a lawn pany In honor of
Mra. Daria of Caanovla. Tbe afterMflL W«L »(fe vaa gtvaa a poat
oaid dkowar on hv Witkday. An*. I*.
A dak of bar Maada oaoM to and
Ira. Boyle of LitUe Hock, Ark., la
the gueet of MUs May UtUe.
Ml*. Boo............................
LoulavlU.. Ky..
... arrived Sunday i
Of LoulavlUe.
Bmb. 10 Mr. and Mia. Bdd Harrey apabd a monib.
RMv.tidt. 0 boy.
Ir. and Mrs. R B. HUk and BaughMtA mn Waaaoi Md Mn WUI
(be Hlaeea AIIm and Btoanor of
Shlitl* of Traeeraa City, apaat a taw Deleware. Ohio, arrived Friday mornMaodMtwaak wRh tbalr alator, Mra. tog and wli spend a few weeks at tbe
•■■ae Jolla Miller.
.^IMkTvm Rayaa ratomad Friday
guest of
INBI Tiaraiaa City, wbare aba baa

Tbaraday. Good prtceo were iwall
Mr*, ten Lyon baa bad toe c
pany of bar motbar towly.
W. E. PoveU and daughter. Jeatle.
ar Chicago, ate staying at Ibe hStua or
J. H. Byer for a few week* Mr.
PowaU baa been suffering vKb Aaihma.
Tbs out door goapel meeting held
hi Mr. Burra door »ard. under tbe
ebatto irea waa well attended and
aremlagly enjoyed by all preaent.
There will be anolber one held at
tbe ome place neat Sunday at t:SU
p. an. All are invited u> come.
Mia* Rnib Bjer who waa aatlttlnt
Mra Brinkman of Old Mlaalon, with
her bouae work a Tew weeka. returned
borne on Saturday laat.
Prank BkellelAnd tauilly have mored on the Wm. Phelpa farm.
Minnie Bemlngioo la working at
Sr. ladd-a at OM MUaUn.
Mr Barhart or Wahaah. Ind. baa
moved Into J'raiik IVtlaun a bouae with

Baby Cabs
We won't carry any Baby
Gabs over dnriDg the winter
mooths, and weteve cut tbe
prioe on every one we have
in stock to dose them out in
tbe quickest postiUe time, i
Two »8 50 Ot^paible Cam.
^oing now«t, each. sA
Two $13 Oen* at. eaidi, on
ly t&7Se and wv aUo have a
large Heed Carriage or two.
whieh have been rented a
few timee and which «e
! Rind lo ael
Save one or tsro in
nearly all atyle*. we van give
TOUO great bargain in uy
kind you prefer to buy..



Parlor Tables
You never saw- such tb1>
ues In high • grade-Pkrlor
Stands in all your life. We
have about
two dosen.
which we are closing out at
less than first cost, some
splendid Sunds. which <H4
seU for $y and SIO. 0A
now only each.................
Then there are others at
lesA. and some for a little
The sacrihee u tbe
same tbrouaboui tbe en­
tire lineIf you want a
parlor stand of any kind,
be sure and see these big
specials, for you will never
have another oppertunitjr
of this kind.

easy TO PAY FOR.



•Lj that
■Mh durhbttHr and c
spcod Ibe winter m Tacoma.
vhe hid mitod om m plov.
«-iUtom nor Mt tor Pebloa when
Fbank Tattb aad tomlly have
CM bom ud voAt to bod
b( win work to (be mills. .
to BInghaa to hnrvuK the early ap­
On Hr. Rioketd'e notka. the chief
Becauae of tbe Otaree of aty At­
ples growing oa a farm they own
A.NN AHBOB ~WhltBor^lak'$ sad (hoc*.
ot poltee Tie ordered to iDTcottcMe torney Alwar. Ueyor WUhetm aeket
Uto Biller and it neceetory order the George H. Croar to act In Un capaetty aU (he iunoBDdlng coaotry wUl be
Tbe Ladles' AM seelaty (bm u Hra.
ecATfscer to pot the croobdi Into last night. On Hr. Rkhert-s mtkn fairly orerrua next we^ when sevbsadred Knigbu wui
•iAtterT eoodlUoo end eotorco the Hr. Crow wu reuiaed m city a»
era treated with be cream and
low reCirdliiA the diepeaa] of retMO tmer uuta Mr. Aivay Is able to ra- (rcB Ohio to hold tbe Uth i^toieat •he.
outing of the Deparunaat of Ohio
dninp ground in fait tarn.
David Warner reteracd to his bocne
•oath of the city near OerflMd iTeaae
The saprrrHon' pay again eame ' I’Dltorm Rank. K. O. T. it.
lb Traveres City, after
ibe clt; ooalng eo iorea
up. Hr. Usdor iatroduclag It but ao.beral days here visli^ tds wife's par.
lag wa« doae lor the two who failed
Hr. aad Mrx N a Bhoridaa.
Hiw. Sttellne Gray, was laid to reat and other frbodi.
Hr. HoEaU noted that the dty > pat la a bill for as aiarh aa the
I Ibe West Almlia cwMtery ftindny.
dark proenre
for IlgbUng ibadtr
Mrs. GraJy and HUs Lord of HilSbe leaves only cme non. and a bo.t waidcee an- icucrcs al the WaHer Inn.
lO-rear pertod. the
Hr. Smith-i nmUoB that the a
nKLUAH BEfTNER would RTart
iWtotircs and. friends
u mourn and g? traaslmt guesis were sal
Ugbu to be need to be known an t.eoo ot sewer rebates doe be flgured up
milU ror that.
candle iiower, the bide to be la by aad paid to those eai<Ued u> them their kna
taiacd there during the pau week.Henry OUmore was the gnmi of
Aognni M at 6 o'clock p. Bk, the eity was adopted.
Aulos are >wuniDg sMuUd hce
Mr. and Ura. Asp Palmer Sunday.
toM^iAg the right to Prieet any or
•Mi Hr BtrMt UfAtlng
■ Plv*
niueh the horses are getting used,
al) bln. Adapted.
\^TUIaa Hate* and bti two little them, aad not so much afraU. '
• lOVMr RwtM, WiM AHm<
sons drove up lo Traverse City Sac
There »aa aoB# dtoeuealon la re­
BMtMM tor CM «f BiMr M
Mrs. Hardy, after apeadinig a w«
today on business.
gard to the city baylag the pole
ttaM«r EifMi EtTMi Mix.
wuh her InencL Mrs. Andereen and
Mrs. Flora
was the guest of fSDutr. left on the boat ibis
and laspn but no aetkw waa ti
A BpeclAl tceetlBg wlU be held oo
tog for her home to Chicago, takla,:
Mrs. MTUie Palopr and b«r mother,
Hoeidey eeratag, Auguet M, to codthree children that bad. been ibe
drove up lo Traverse City last Thurs­ gweta.or Hre. Anderson, ore
aider thene blda, the oeuncQ adioem• mMMmi MiiWMi
at (M mMl
day. rsiurnlng Friday.
lag to toat aate..
• WHBm •MtiMr mkt4 ttOM*
Hrx. Laura Bues drove over to tea
The inauer of one Parrott gna do­ DM Boldlen Orairted the Use ef the
• tM* far It yMto to •fUn iUrt
Tbe Rev. Mr. Hakeied bcU s<£r
bbr SOB carl and wife Saturday, aear vires to (be ebu-rh ben-,thto afterv
nated to the city by the
Cheeuitoue Tern DwniiQ the
^ heinpsoDTlllc.
up for dlacaaelee. Ii
E P. Lake.has gone lo Qnuidy's
there li a bUI of M.C5 ter haaling
SovHnl people, town here atlended
At the meeting of the board
camp to work.
from the anaaal at WawrvUeL N- T..
Ibe cAreus U| Traverse City Tbursdiiy
trade directors Thumday. the rrAug. IS.
the raUraed statloa aad aa
C% BiMR EtotoM WteriB
When rrteralng to the evening, the
weapon weighi in exeeen <d
LOW qiNA of tbe old aoldtoto (or tbe
lisai waa stopped about
pouadi. the trelgbt would be a «.!• r the Chaninouua teal during
from Cedar. “What's the msttsrr wm
etdernble Iten. Oa Hr. Hurcbleh mo- unlng eacampment wan granted.
asked. Aoawer.
The SheldoB iMure tomorrow nlgtat the school houi« includtog
tioa. the nauar wan referred to the
Ukeo on board and left u Mrw Lana
oa parka.
one waa
rick's hotel, a doctor
tbe rw
•eard of Trade PreteeL
Ed Sleeler and Mra. Pheatt called when it wu found be
The reeotothB adopted by tbe nalader of tbe nueUag being devoted
.URraa TMiter^ R«eord.)
j Mrs. P. Hehrens lut Saturday.
j broken and very badly hurt. The peodlncusakm of the OrniM Trav•milN te Hi rtot u t:tt aitd board of trade oondenatiK
\\-m. Abiander of Sandasky . h pte from
koew him. as he
hcM^ i* wifl Mur 11 «-«tork tb* nlrain ead aakiag that ao Uoriun be erae exhibit at tbe West HieblgaiP here for a few day* visit whh bis lived to mis virtoity a long
c«r twefl VMMcud
" " granted, wna recelred and placed oa
wbo Is speadlDg the eutuBM-r iisnie U We<trvn, an Indian over onv
nrnm BtoiMw MM liisbL iBciuitod die. Tbe eenvany at preneot efUbltwith her pareatt. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo.' huudnil years old. very dMf a
M tba fBABtac tlM w«r« wrera)
log here had procured Ita ileeone un­
|pW up from rbcumallsm. be
Mato* rtoiitoi tot rtaioo* vorpoMi der the ordinance now U eBeet aboet
Mrs. Jane lline wu Quito alrk last living, but unabk' to eat or swallow
Leoa F. Tttua being chalmuui week, but b beuer u this writing.
haU aa boor ahead of the protwt, the
| nnytbtog. He
of tbe committee on ngriculturo and
tnm ROMMt tAi BMUlljr T*P0R ot Ueenee being tu a day.
Tbe tearbers and oSIcees of tbe strictly temperate totm. never baring
JOBcph Seder one of the
a* tej UMBrar, Mac pm o««r
Tbe eaglQ^erh ocUaihte or the
Port Oneida Sur.dny seboto met nt uried wbUky. i was ttdA He wu
WelllagtM atreot bet^
Mrs. Wliier's. the ittperintendem.' tbe track or trying to get off wbei.
a aad Webster street with to turaish anything for this eablMt Saturday and''were treated to n dan-'s^n. F. k' Fisher, who mas o
■faoald ooUfy ei'her of the two chair|d Ailed tarrla macadam was »l.
dy luncbr
| train, raid It sto|.|«d so quick it
«r Ito ■tonbm of th« ehiitor oom.the width to be M feeLThe etUi
Mr. and Mr*. Alexander
at ly threw them ironi ibelr seats. The
mM« iiU] klur tho
la recelred and iled and the aiWrP j. Borllend's on Snnday luu
old man's son. who wu workltwe for
««i RMd. aoM telM BO lOMto. slBco ney directed to draw up tbe neceaury
Mrs. Eva^Tcker was (be guest of .Mr. Flrber. went to help care
WM Attaatod At tho BMtlRc toot
Hra. John Burfiend tost Sunday.
alj^' th* Stot raolAtloa oovorlBR
Tbere will te a Sunday scbool plo
K. N.'Traaklls entered anobjeedoa
llili iMBt latTOA—id ABd AdotfUd. «A.h<lBg na>»ised for a Udewalk oa
Blc SaturdayI0;3e at the Lake
shore grove aU P. J. Burheod'a BvPfopmty be dldat own and hta pro
M^that tbi metom of
com- MHwaa referred to tbe BUeetnand
eryoDc is invite^ and we will promtoe
Mlu Brmn Beckwith risltcd Btbyl
pM Mtoeud. it thi NO.
1 Ane.J«5der with
Pray Saturday and Sunday.
«|b^ .Mmiob. thm Mac oifht
Miss liora Fairbanks It risiUng to
t Ehe Had Wedded
MdlAri lA AlL OMfron oa^ ot iha
Aug. 15.
Tbe Grand Travene 6oldle(« and
Ibis wert.
VAiCi mat tom toocud At Itiwt. In ■Uofa' aeaodutoo. abicfa wS hold
Mortimer Lsilmer Pray took lo the
ah Moeiltea. tboro U no portr label He ananaJ oacampmeat
hern Sept,
clrcns st Travetu City Thursday.
hat AM iiAB mMrliic tbo iroAMt la. H. li Vd 1C. requestod an appro0.
club im-t with
d with the unforcuD' ir ft lotot to iaeh of the ward* priattoB of $200. aiTi to that amouni
tocm Manlnee Sundw.
Mr*.-Emma Pray Thoraday. Aug. U.
euding of her Brut
W three rec*triB( the croAtMi
A number {mm tbU district were
Ollbm Pray took 1e tbe circa.
venture.-aUM Parker, a bright tookk- 1» thi'tor it Urge, ebill be
blackberrying the
put weak, but Thursday,.
lag <womaa
yeaia, yesteiday
L .IBo .OAodkaUe ahall be
smith * Price Bgato called the at oompaoled her fiance to the county found them a scarce article.
Tom Praiy and James Watson fish­
I At the. lecMir pMr prlBArtee WloB Of the eouaeU to the s«—
Mrs. wm. TotPpkltis and children ed on Uie Boaedman river Sunday.
cbik'u office, where- a ikense to wt^
««peo»Uo. «Ai done to their taecMt by tbe sewer
Traverse CWy.
Bd Miller is spending n We<k with
procured. Tbit time the young
‘ "^'flrtor OAch tiuBber of the heckta* np during atoraH. Seferred women became the wile ot Cecil
spendtog this week at John E T. Prwy, fishing,
to the sewer coma
Powea a young Insurance agent of Amy's.
Clifford and Tom Pray took to the
Only a few spent (he Jut day of U!1 game at Elk lake.
Arthur R^nthal was gtran permis- IhU city, whose age U glran ua S.
r WllMn hronght np ihe maP eioa to ereoi a $r« proof u.ed for
e trout aeason on the ereekx
Edna Bok-mlcr took in'the cJreut
“In her hand Habel Parser held a
le kah atoMd w wiMaa Belt- ebellor tor drilrery boreee to the
Mn. Bdna Sayles and daughter at Traverse City Thursday.
■ Hayer Hated thu Hr. Beh- of hia store, the work to be doM un- or the arrest of a man by the nmne OUa of Frankforu spent Sunday at
Mrs. Nell Brown and
son Fred
IMt'.lni wiOtog to twqpee Ua mill der the eoperTMaa ofthoAiw dUaf. of Marphy near Traverse City. Back Guy Stock'L
drove 10 Traverse City Tburadny. '
M;#irMod M WM loaned IIO.OW
The dance nt the grange hall war
M. B. HUBgertord was graaiod par of tbe Hory of tbe arruH and the snb
Ashley Pray npeai a few days In
tm Aytu*. TDeeaU b reedy to start mlsaioa to arcot a brick plumbing, ■eqMnt evenu were tbe real emuses wril atieaded. Another wQl be held Trarerae City tost
week vlvlilng
■MaM Bl aww aad ehafa- Hock would nhop la thu iwar of tbe Hannah A Lay of the word toace' being written to the Aug. «. Everyone Inriled.
Bb.IpBaiifl tarwd. MoHcUat waa
Frank Fowler and wife were guuts
HercaaUle company's more.
muTtoge Ucenne IisihnI yeUarday alAumla Pray tot* In the circus
toqulrtng as to the of J(ton Crilflth's. Sunday.
Rsitrosd CrneUnp.
.•mb* arwMid.
tbIdwHl s London made a prouae
. A.IMMot algaed wy O'. H. Stoenm against the H. A N. £.
“There was a bit of patbou la the urday for a visit.
•hi ^Rheia aibad tbe aaalHaaee of
and Ura. iToyd Butler wwtw
Tbe Barker Creek and Habel U».
track across North Union HroH aad glcPi voice M she told her ston'- She
m. «BW» to buttlag the city dmap-,
pleaaaolly surprito-d tost Tuesday ev. ptoyvd a Un game of ball Sunday,
Bay HroH Hating thu tho toeaUon was bat a mere girl when she
Mf tmad tou a aaattary eoaf
tbe wue of use Murpby. She was de­ eoing by about 50 of tbeir young
being 17 to 11 to favor of .Mawould prove a anlaanca to the Arm.
mjtff (hat It wai now oadaai
ThU proteH eeneed maeh dlscne- lighted over tbe event and In bee eag<ke kMkh of the people of Ue aHghAugust 15.
to tell her friends and relulv-ea
MK and Mrs. J. J
d have ns
■ioa. the eouacU beliig powerteue to
>to»Ali « aB sorts of iwTiih
act Biaoe tbe railroad eoapaay had of her amrriige she aent a eUppiag
AAAHiiid oa top of tho greuad.
Tram a newapaper to her aunt in
otottair to ask per
Aldwtoiii Rtohh Hated thH he bad
Smith Bend. led.
the ait^ Tho eoBt
■a«i;u lavaHlRatba aad (owad
Strang* fresh of clrcumwaa ABaBy refenwd to fGe
tho oBto la thu ridatty was “pratty sueHa aad a
Hanoet ihu the aunt to whom tbe
ttofc.* la laeL th< fragtaaee was of
Tho Bast Btohth Htoet newer a«ala cUphtog of Mabel'i.mamage bad been
announcement over to
amu up. thu Umo throogfa a oomkualeailon from R. J. Hercee « On. anotber Wend. »lli another p.-rso:i
ft ueetDS thu tbe
y had me- was egrprlsed of tbe wedding and tbeo
etpud coatraeu to p« la sanitary things begna (o take on a dlSeretu
CMvoaluBcee la two rusMeacM on Phase. One of the persons whocia*
the ctlK>lng happeotd to know that
thu HewH and whoa tbity c
HafT*r had a wife Itvtog U the time
took for the a
of hU marriage to Habel. Tbe youag
OlMUti are wdt> rould not be found. Hr. HadoWe m- woman had been a bride of but s few
tbn thu the board of public woks days when (his news was broken to
procure •tUmtlfo on tbo «»t of
The Ctrl WM nearly
r to (be albr aorih of RIghth with grief and only a abert time aliereirwet from Boartmaa to RaBrcad ward Murphy waa placed under arroH
atenoe and uuuth of Eighth HreM near Truverae city for htgaaDy.
from Ballroad at-eoue to WeUtogton
-The next scene In tbe domeattc
auwsL carried.
rams found Morphy In Ionia prisoe
Tbe report ol the etolms and ac- aerring a aentence. where he
wnis cDmumaw-m aocepwd aad according to Che girt. This imfortun
ending of ter firaclt
Tbe avhtm was grmatod perwtli
e did not deter her. bowevrr.
» make coaeecUont with tbe oily wa- bMooitog (ke wife of the young lasurWhile and Colwcd
ee ageoL aad yesterday both went
The Serenib Day Adveatlut camp
ScotuvlUe, Mk±., whera the} wiU
Tab Saits
fwuad wni he (urmlibod free wiier live."
'-ring the eacunpom,
All thiraeakon's stylea
All tUii suaon's styles
luguat K and the streH leading i

Win BE $1

issa SIMM 10«N


70 Years with Coughs
We have had
sevens yean of experieDce wltfa
Ayer’s Cheny PecteiaL IW makes us have meat
fidence fa It ^ coeshs, cotds, broochitls,
and weak hmgs. Ask your own doctor ediat experienoe
he has had with it He knoVfS. He can advHe you
wisely'. Kcq> in close toudi wih your {
?;o alcohol fa this coc^ medicine. 77.X
l.-riied from^Tiawrse City, where
tcey have b.wo visitisg.
Mr. nud Hr*. F. W*i** speu Sun
day at found 'mkv.
Tbe stcick..Mtered (be
(sy tomu 1^ lett a big baby boy^. jA
Atofon lliiJe. W U.-n v
Hr. E. Voung'e.

Saturday and Sunday *lib Otoha
WoHlruff at Mewtaeka.
Ml.. Hand llaMwIn left for Sooth
Boatdmau Saturda). after spending a
lew ds>s with her pareou
Several fraoj (his plaoe uMk In (be
elcurVKw to Greyling. Sunday.
Mr*. Loren UaMs bu iwtunM*
boose, from an ext--nded vtolt to the
southern pim of the Slate.
The Rev “ilugh Keaaeuy. wife
<■hildt. li, from HI. Pleasaat. are eUiihig Ibelr ivareuta ai)d tvlatlves tor
a fe* day,
Aug. i:.

. and Mr*. Ira l\>>. luiutb of Ssramit f'ttv.'entprTatovd si dinner. BnnOSRORN.
day la honor of the latter* mother.
A Uiie number aiieoded Ibe an^
-Mr*. C. A KooBs aud sister Ruby. tou ut Thus BuUv«a lam Hoaday.
Kuth and Kllen
•n and J-Wotber Charles.
Uamn Doran lost * valuabto bora*
Marion. Indlaiix
•aiorday evening.
geests were u followi
>wg: Hr. and Hi*,
Rower*. Mrs. W. i
A. U. l*or«er. Hr. and
id Hrx Uuy-Meeks
and faimli, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Clevv-and (amlly and Mr. and Mrs.
.. -------------------------- rUltad
liter and famllv
Bugene AXM and *1fe «oa^.
......... ...........daugbler*. Flo.vd Huff and wKe vtslied . Ftod
Ruth and Wien and sM Cbarie* Beeman and wife Suadhy.
ber daughter, Mr*. Ira Ooy. south of Several from her* anendod tbe piBff
or Marion. Ind . *ho are v ...................recle Tom'* ('able Friday, at l^iplrw.
Snmnai riiy. will rwurn
issulse Oeertag retaraed to wotE
latter pan of the week.
this Bternlng to Decaieur. Hkb.
Several frooi berv atii-aded (be owP
door meeting at A. I. Aurr'a ai OvIatt
. and Mrs. Joka'iC^a- Sunday It wu eondeet^ by (be Rra.
J. H. Byer.
ned>. a gin,
Aug. lo.
.\rtbur Stack s very tick al this
Miss Ib-vs Gltb-n of Milwaukee, is Feel languid, weak. ruo-downT Headspending a few days at Pa' Stacks.
aihr? Stomach nr'?—Jut a pbda
A. Abl and wife srienl a few davs rase ot toiy Uver. Berdork Btood BRrwoning at Green lake, last week. ' le.-s (ones liver ud stomafE. proowtoa
ted Mrs. E.
dlgestkio. purifies the bleed.
(PallUcal Ad>ertl*emeni.l



CuRiMuU f«r €oMfjr Clerk
1 Priiur-M ToMday 8efp

Attg S.eoJ

Great Annual Clean-up Sale of All

Ladies’ Wash Suits, Dressb and Skirts




Tkls is tte one opportunity tlial no woman in and nroand Traverse City should miss, as
every ettort will be pal torih lo make ■ complete clearance ol these lines la aextltdays*

Prices will be the Moving Power

Of course at this time of the season most of the lines are somewhat broken and a sroat
many of them are sure toi>e closed out in the first few days. Avoid dlsappolAmeat aad come early. Here are the prices that will move them.

be^giound wJU also be ai»-lukled.
The report of ihe moat aad milk
bMpector u
d end adopted.
The mayor appointed B. f. .New
luspector of ^teettons in the
T^ *ard aad Etoery Duams and
apodal police wltbotn
piy. OeH'itt Euterbe end Wilier
Pergum were^inw
pobee wUhoet pv to sen
The matter of opeali
•tTM came up ^ was Ar-alty dinBoaed Of by hriag refeTwri to tbe
•ireetr aad walks commuwe u take
II ap wlththe Uaaaah « Lay HercantUe eompaay and P. *. Ooedrki.

Funeral Thureday.

Lake Asa. Uirii.. August 18.—Mrs.
Ola AsderaoB. wife of tbe aectfoa
•aa of this pHcc. died at l:M
rday afteniooa. of pubaonaiy (nlosls. Sbe wu 9 year* old. and
leaves a besbaad and two ebuaren.
The fuaeral wlU take pUce Thurada}-.
toieetneoi tpetog made to tke Lab*
nn cwSMteir.
C K. Babnxk aad wUe Mt yuterMy montlag for an extoaded trip
tkrou^i tke «e*t. They expect

IMfasSCS tt.25
4.»Drcsses S-M
S.75Drcoac8 14»
MDresses tM
l.WDrcsscs S.H
2.7fBrcascs LM
8.MDrcsses 4J8

Salts $€.7S
19JH Salts 4.24
7.54 SaUs 2.28
SvMSalU 2.74
4.96 Sails 2.19
SJSSatts 2.98
2-M Sails L49
1.48 Salts 2.48

While aad Cdwcd
Uagcrle Dresses
Ail this seusoa's styles

97.59 Dresses 92.24
RbtODresses 2.49
5.44l>rcsses 2.98
4.54 Dresses 2.24
4.44 Dresses 1.89
2.98 Dresses 1.69
2.94 Dresses 1.48
2.48 Dresses 2.69

Rla every
Baroalasia Shirt
Barpalas la Shoes
Bargains ta CMhlag
Bargalas ta Saauaer
boa’t fool yoffielvea at let otbt*ra fsol ytto, b«l couM find be
your own jodfc.



CUidr«n Cry for Flotdior’o

• Kind Ton IZni-o AIinirB Cooclit, and trUch has been
tm bM
IM uir
tor OTpr
»ror ov
30 ;7enr<. liM borno the tigtMtan of
0 and iiAe lK>cn mado «xidor tfla perktiice iL« Intaacjr.
, . -noonr: to AMYlYCS-ottlnttiU. '
AH CoBBterlclU, ?jnltAUonn r.-.d ^'.TuftUc-v^'ood" oro bst



CaatorU to m hanBle«B sab^tittlt« for Cantor Ou. Pare*
•eal^ Drop* and Bootfalnc Kj-mpa. It L; PlMiunt. U
Rwtafiw naUber Opium, Morrlilno nor other b'amrtlo
anbatance. Ita ac« U Us ffU'i'ORfGo, It destrofs M'onua
and aBaya FevertsbnpM. It cores Xilarrbma and IVlnA
OaUe. It raUerea Teething TronbiM, eorea Constlpattoa
and FiaflenBT. It asslujUates Uie Pood, rc«nlnt«a tho
■flaiaaBh aad BowrU, rli-lnr lienithjr and natorul aloep.
fke Odldroi’a Panaoea-Tho Motber’t Friend.

•■mumie CASTORIA always
4 Bean the Signature of


.Uaiquetie nsi placed at
This one uilM u
worth nlnMMUtbs as mneb as the tw«
crest railroad systems la the stale.'
He dedared Tbai this coniuny started
*n HouebtoB ccunty whw a rapltaliatlioD of ({.MiK.oOti. and bad crown :e
Its iJiweem valuation wUboul puttlni;
la an addUloesl dollw'. bavlnc pal‘1
tlOT.OOO.OOo to Its siorkholders.
Find value ei Uinaa.'
“Uwny .peoplv,- be said, -have
botlon Ibai because of lU Isrce divi.
dendi. this properly is not coatrlbullog as mud) ps Ks share to the stare.
They believe that the lupenlsors are
In the employ of Jhe mlolnc comrwolet, ao that lo a sense thecompanK*
assess themselves." He det-lsred that
,iMs rouM be remedied by Bodice
what toe minfs are worth, by earei'.ii.
honest, sclentifir inreHlgailon. then
place ibeni on ih<both lom] and
slate, at what they .ire worth. He d*rllred that It was such s Mr propriltion that there Is no authority omslile
of the state that Is aMc-Tu nipr with
II. lie deriarrd ihai lo yeara apo it
wsK nut known what the railroads
wen- worth, but a lav ‘ rommlstlon
vai creeled and ihcy made an eijirt
sppralaal of what Ihe railitMuls are
wr.nh. and now ibev pay |;!.#ap,n-S)
nKue each year In taxes to the i
which Roee Into the rrlninry actiool
find .He d«la-cd that
the mints
cniild be appialsed.iu the same way.
ILal this-hsd h^n iliiiii- In .MlnJn-so


Tte lhid You Have Always 6oi#t
In Um

Over 30 Years

lun IT Hfi CIOWD

Pti-m C. Qiiherr-i; *.et!n0 aa Host i
the Aitsmeya of tne city at Hn
d-.immrr Heme.
fl-rom Thursday's nevord.l
.\itomcy P. c urtbrn is acting a«
today lo Ihe atiortieys of the
'■ity. It being a habli uf Mr. CUberi'a
gather the lival ilithis of the rliy
l■■i:r■lher once a ><ar aad enterlam
ihriu at h^ summer cottage at Long

.............. ........


DIsek Ns. SB.
I. *, )0.
CreiilrkTiilc. Mica.. Aagutt IT.—
Harvesiisg oats and pleklug beanr
ere Ihe oi^r of the day.
All arv'Mrry to know tha: Urv.'
Chas. Bourougb It be the slek itsL
Orandps Bayer has rnurnrl to 'fv.
•leek Ns. U.
4U 1. S. 3, *. S. «. T. «. ». Id. t1.
Cady 'k. after-lUltlng at MaySebl.
IS. n. H. t*. !«. SI, Si S. «. 55.
JIrs Antoine Snyder U pleased to
H. 5T. 5>, *e,.41
entertain her von Frank and family
- Ns.
mtt V. 3. K.
of Travenm City. '
Dan Corregan left last Wedneadsy
k Ns. S.
for Mexico, wheie be has a home­
Henry Lautner p-archased a new
ctw last seek.
,SS. :so. 31. 3S. S3. *«. S5. St
le of Tr
Iroehar'a Additlen.
Sunday u. the'nllM


' Lana
lalag. July St.
tsar LIVEN.
tbs feltowlng described
Tax Lands situated
Grand Tmerse
to the Stale by
Public Arts ot
and Acts amendatory thereto, have
been wlthdraSo from homestead1 eniry
by tbe Auditor OenfrsI and e <.'onimbuloncr ot the SUi
QfBce by
Butborlty conferred up
II by Art
rl HI ot FuMl.- Acts of
1*01. examined
ipral.-i-d._ and
will be ivsiored tO er.iryy by oBeftag
them for aale at a public
puMir suction

be held at (be Court House In the City
Traverse City, on Wr-dnerd-j the
enth day of September. A. l>. ISIO.


W'i of 8Wt4
'% of >
:kU of f
H of SEM
SWM of 8EM
SEM of 8EM of
NRM oi 8WM

H or 8WH
ss ot 8WH
SH of SEW •

,8EW of NWW

In^ot NWW
8H of NEW


8WW o' SEW


Tovm Rarr^ SWW

i B

Sr.‘. ofSWM
8H of SEU
8S of NKM
SH or NW'.,
N'W'M of NBH
8H ol 6KH
8WH ot NWH
N'H of SEU
8WH of SRH
SKH of Stt'H
S'i of NEM,

NH'*.vf SH of NEV
8WW ot SW'i
SWW of «WW


one of the ibings wMth hr planned
"M'bat bar all this to d.i with iMs
»W'.cww ot SWV*
for tlmrii today was a ball game ^
contain rcserratlona
campalRnr' he aske-d. It is a
follows: —
tween ihe.lawycis and ibe farmers
Hon lhai the next itistie Rovemnu-Dt
I oiig l.4Le.
(SWW of 8KW
ihU rxinyr-yaoce ai.d always re»
aeiUo. it has »-n egreed Hini
ing unto Ibe Slate of Micbixwn. slU
bW w«j of SWW
all Ihe uM tr)eml<ers of the house nn.l
:ersl, loal oil andI gas lying
. . and
bring DR. wltUs or under the
lands bcrvby euitveyed.
eyed, with full and
to stiller Hx- loss of jirusilre l y Meeting.ef the Nonhem Michigan Iree lll-ny and poser !•.. ibe
Stale of Michigan. Its duly
ly am
breakllir In new in. n. -.'he inx
ireseniatlv. end
PrcK Club Will 3e Held Sept. 22- offleers. npreseniatlv.-s
mli'iiloii IS cnnh«sea cr "nv mr.rIhclr
to 25—Will Taka Wives
workniin. and all other p<T,ons by EH of NRH
Mrs, one of whose term < xplres the
ita or thrir rulhorlty or permUalon. VL'H of NWH
1H,,Ol Jnnunn'. next, one Hvo yen.s
to VEH of SWH •
The isin iii.-eiiiiR of the ytortliem whether alrerroy given If berealter
NEW ot 8WW
heniA, and ilie third. Tour yeark
Miehigaii I'resi 'elul, will M- beld In b..
10 lime, I
Those men will h.- on die eummHsion
NH of
or eonv,
eonven 's-4 of
take all usual, neieiuary or
I Hie work is imdma'..-n. Those Klk RaiiMa Sept. T2 to -t. The mcin „kc
SEW of 8KW
I.ers this year will take their wl'.c.i-lctl means for exploring, miali :SH of SWH
men arc Isnli ipud. huncsi, reiiaand nailer lareilug than eicr uas i •“''‘““R-. nlM"*. gelHng. laying
. of NKW
B-ii. Iml one lives In HoiiRhlon ,
, A ,
.. .rioriiig, drc--alnR. maVlng rucreli
.Kv-n Iwljl l*r..rc Is . xi-i. ied. The«
v'WH of SWH
iounl.v. He is a mlnliiR niun. hK lni.v
liens' ::nl'.v iltloii of Rlk ItapIrlK Inil:- oral. coal, oil and gar
s are all iht-re. .nBd'tlu- liiten-rits
ed flyxclob u year mill n half ago nr.'il I ibe provleloiis of Berllon eight Of{^-'i;,*
of KbVW
his friends. No douhl he will f.-.-l
f.iicS then has been m.klug Artlve 1
In symiialfay with the mines. The' o:aNEW of NWW
|>iana. .
rr liv.'s In the aRncultursI ronniry,
There will l>r Ibr.-e r-miueni siaroF-1 Uln also
fMe^lne ‘boIxE'^of SWW
and L'% good mao. The nexi gowi_ .^.rSKEOON- At lam tbal Uidillng
a prnrld
of the slate will oppoim a Ihlnl
V<f«»Hil<m tlwl baa b^nseuwot
set bu ‘'■'‘^INKW of XWW
Section eight of A<
I. .md this will be very Important
1-.'(3 mu. fa agiuHou in M^eson. W
eighty of the PubUc Aria
of SWW
li. a e|>iriled BMlng dt
each puiehavr will be reqiiim
Too iwgmni will be aiinoiinced b
Thn^upper r
sign an appllcsUon , romalning an SF.W of NEW
Ihe el'y farhera II . waa voted (0
•ereemcni lo acrept siii li d<-ed and BH of EH of
inliii^niBn. He iiaa the aupport of
lii'lld r i':iii Iriiuil llrbllnv oiant.
Ibfollv byf H
the said condllloas.
raining counties. He has been en­
•mATLE nrssELL. ,
dorsed by the boBiit of supervisors
of ilougbion couiny. l .want to leave
SWW of 8W»4
with you this notion oo the lax comNH «05»>
mUaInn. With one man -leaning toSeheol Wednesday Evening.
wirdjhe mines, ilic second men
Block 'He. 1
leaning the same way. the third ttun.
lire Mlruex Vcri Wynkoop and Lota 1. :. 3, 4. S. 0.
BJ4idat<’d may be trow ibe tnlolng
Turner gave iin en.eHalumen.J . , . ,
distrletr. and that at a rime wben we
— .
>e 4'enter
fnr the,
No. 5.
re trying lo equalise wIuIiir laxattim. Wednjjday ji .Monroe
benefit ot the Monioo Center Sunday Lolf 1, 5. 3. 4. C. *.
All Sheuhl Have Part.
Echooi. Th. a((g)r saa nvll iltendi-d.!
Block He. 4
••Mlchtgan Is great beciiwe of Us
young ladle., mere very

dlveiwifled interests. Ii bss been ulil
MI.. ve.»w„ ...e
lhat were n wnll to br built arouud
Ill gire aevcral entertain-1
Bio. No. 6.
Michigan, we rvrtilii live well unlooiir:hc near by tottna during ihe 'Lot* 1, 5. 3. 4.
C, T. S.
selvea aloii.' All should hare a pan
Block No. 7.
l fr-ii »<-<-k«.
Tbe foltowlag teller was received by MR. J. C.
In Lbe stare goieinmcnl. .Vo iiarilcu‘..A N.. I.
FOUST. OP>TOM-ET-RIST. Iron J. R. Haacbleb, CM •
lar part should be allowed lo get the
Lola 1, 2. 3. 4, i. C, T. S. 9. jO. II.
1‘slance of iNiwr c.
From ihe upp.’r ♦
rcial PrlDter. 214 Cast Frobt Street* TraYtnc
peninsula we have In the Ktsle govCtly, Mlcblgao,
I • .*1.
.. ...
ei-nmetu one Jii.Hte of the Kiiprein'c
o™.., MM«.. A.TO. T!-.iw|n.;r
Travers* Cilv. Miru. j..i* la. istn.
court, the auditor general, ih' kti|>>-r- Shrctuin left Thursday for Indiana
Indiana lul
’ ' '*'»if«k No. ID
lutendym of public lusdticHon regmi »l>li friends ai Frankfori and Indian-, tan *.
r. J. C. Foust. Hfmilten Block. Travtroe <ity. Mleh.
of Ihe uniierslly. a iriemher of aiolla.
My IW^ Sir:—The following loiter of aeorseiatlen end cemmeniUHor
stale Ixiord ot .diieatinn, a m«*nibcr of
Dr. .Slid Mrs. rinik and daugbier
cc.niaiBv'^ r-cM and brief hittery of my ear*. I wNn jieu to ust it Ovsr 4njl
AOellDi- rprni a few days at Elk Rap-! "
Block No. 1*. .
algnstwe in a^v way (hat will bring It before (he greatttt number ef peo­
Kuiru o!*Mrs.. Clark'* par- L4>t Id.
ple tuflerinc with a like treubl*.
Block No. 20.
Lfler Ufini variout kind* of headaeht cures lor scvcrsi ysars wilbotrt
Lolf 3, 4.
fi. 7. 8. a, 10. II. i:.
permanent reltV I then began my experience with glastot.
Block No. 21.
I have wern glagfca prescribed by five dIPcrcni optieisns and omHiSU
TJ.P Ladlt^' Aid aucleiy «-III raeei lAU* 1prior
te my vls^'^o Mr. FousL but my hesdschea prevailed to the oxtont
inderaeg'a Addition.
>i™. <:.-orgr Burt Thursday. Hu' lo, <•
rl timet I wat eempelled to itolM* myself In a OUIET. DARK
ladle* «ill go in the atornlng and Fife Lake Ltim^r Compan/e Add!- ROOM for three Or tour days at a tint without fbOdi But with 0 mow «x-.
Iiend the day.
ovperating pain in my head which it beyond my power te describe.
Block a
Mi.i* May Mclni4)fb lotumed from’, L«s 4. r,.
Fereeme tinw 1 have been watching the ramiHs of Mr. Foust's work
Oruud llapld. Tiieeday evenliu ar-|
Steek E.
on ao-ne e( my fnenda and acquainlansss, which wa* saTisfaetOry, and I
i-d by her-fri.-nd 5ll*s Elsie Ul 7.
decided te giv* bim e trial.
I have bean wearing h>s preecrlptlen ebevi two menthe ond am fHB85. 3.
10. 11. 13Mias real I Reynolds -vlalred at Wll.
I say that t am'’dciighted with th* ^reaultt. The- meat Atrrlbi* heasllani->biirg ;i f.-«- day* :a»l week, tbe
■ have disappeared and I am mcsl flrm'y cen^nced that Mr. Feual Is
ie*i uf MKS lloliu Johiuon. ' - ' Lot H
tiuly sclrntifie In hie prefessien.
I). K. Cinndall L having hie farm
•use remodeled. When flul
:k No. P.
274 Eatl Front Street
tom^mrcial PrlMlnf,
II. IJ. 13. H. 15. 17.
y one uf the 6ne*t n-sldenei^ InlLoit f-. C.


voles sll hit lime, talents and eaer
to bulIdiDs up bU own huslncs.
he bu shout sH be rtm do. Yon een'i
' eiMHtvalx Cand-dstt for thtriff Ustd ibakp you.- u«-u lipbt better by slep' tm MlMSiiH MtarathsuAit u Ad-. |ilnc over and lumlng down Ibe wiek
vanea Hit Csute.
In your nelsbbor's lamp. I would like
lo lee! iLst I was elected tor ray own
'■ Taa-lnr t»efa- Anrul It.—AUnr
-W Oeatrta Kobii baa ruled Uiai It U qualities, uod not Uvwuso tba other
-llibsfiil for a candiast* for offlee tu men were worse than T."
Ht. Kelley declared thsL while ^r.
|d«« atrar “miTtBlr” pipes to prosaeedrs tnppiirtert. T. A. Heatoo. a’bdUB had told of the ImporiaBi letIfdailoB enscied while be was Ueulencpvcmor. ihst was not enoiiiii.
iLat there **re tlilncs to be done In
■cab pipes, embellished om tide the fnture. and Uc called aiicnilon in
moet Important matur which hv
p Us pldure so dlbe other' with
t tbtt M «S8 ninniBE believed tbuuld l>e taken up tjy the
Slate s.rvemment. and that was
-«»r cOce. These he dUirllmted vlib
ir and Miuitablle w aaUoi^of the
a Ueltk htnd. The proeeeutor pro«Mtd aad esJled the *uoraeT«u- creat mUilng liavrcsts Of the bivtc.
. tetfV atteatfoo to tba muBer
IB He spoke o'r Die imiuenke wYAtb Of
VUsfa 8esUo> WAS arrTlac oa bU the wines.
1 ibeNapper peulntula there arc
althuhaibUplaB ii ocntrsi? to the
MWtIea. of which seven an- mineaaend pHtBAry lav «od (JuU U he
Int aay pipas left te fca^ them andur
ond M |ter cent of Ibe taxes are paid
‘ Oaadldates Avofare is other sec by these seven couolles. Mininj: U
ttsM of the feUte bate resorted to t iie the ehlcf industry. There Is a fingc
Bse of metaJ batlons to advertise cf ngiirttlture. and some tumlierl^rg.
ttemaelvM. aad the sUoraer-atBerBl There are do.noo men employed In the
^111 glT* s rallBc oo Ibis later.
mines of the npi>cr iwnlnaula. In the
popukatkic of Fin.nOo people. One ooml4By employs i:,>-00-mcD. and it has
irdKKW shares. Rvenglng a pHce cf
ffOO per share, which malies fTO.CivC.(CoaUatied from First Pace.)
ft pm bands of the rtpubilran psiir MO wUeb this mine oouM have l>eeD
for a> any time durteg (be last
!y tie rtatf. bsvlnc received every re»B>UcaB vote in the eute erbeo lu years, on an ave'asv " He complaeed in the mrloui onees In wbicb psred the w««ltb of the mines to tha
be has served. He declared Ust be laluc of the rallioads of the state,
te' iai eHtlctsing
stating that the Uirbigan Central rntr
a privtie life. It a r
valued at »»,«wi,doo, whlle^e Fere


the sute bdnrd of agnculmiv. maklug
tlx elective offlivs lrom~ the upper
peulBsuU. It baa oo»-(wc>rth of Cm
state's voting
sertnclb. and
one eongrefsional dlatrlrt. the Uth.
I do ni« know that there It one etee
live orlleev tn>m she llth congresdooal district, made op of if ctmaiiew.
These are not minor oneei. Mt
the best In MlchlgSB. They now mV
for all the. power in the legisluure.
all the exeeathre powtr ol the sUte.'
Matings were held at Franklon
eud Einplm yesterday aflemooo. two
suio loadr idRg to meet Mr. Kelley.
In his party wvre: A. F. Kerilnger.
Fied Ii. Pratt. NlrtolaB J. tvhale.n.
Paul H. i*w1*scr. Charles -Vovak. tormeriy of this tlly. but cow an Insiru.lor in l>.'tTCil; neorgv L. Crisp and
Rl MBvor JifrmsIne.




Grand Traverse Counly

5; s;

Two Letters Reckived by
Me on the Same Date

They are tbe Ones Ibal Gel Ibe Plums
lev magr aaa Iba ooeS Ihlast mat«
ThaywIU gal the lint plehol lUa

Holism Furnishing Saie
^ Thus sr>


tea«09 A'l

BFriiseaS43l tbe good tsinge. a n ColUpslU* Oo-Cart in eilber Itfcbl or 4krk bbidoii


A JibiB Bolkbfd sduT 0«k D BillK Beom

CGirtte S9U lor H75. do* you
k\mih»_______________ .. Btilh that aoM for tV, tor ibe
sat of tit, B0« ptieod at.

.ST if-,


jiHota l>ut onre

AbeauUral iiohrter M-4k] oxk BufTei *tU.
oval Birror lUnt vni ISG, low tCOfk
you boy for........................................
Wo htT* oevertl Diooer BoU ihnt ate very
BMcinl. A 815 OM tor tlS,Sf.
K tine
«1S 60 for n.M. A fine Aus- C/C
irign Dinner sow *20 for ......... >4>iO
Boautifol Cal Gists B4ywls. just llx- Uiinir
for Kills and utiiversarics
Foraer priof. *6 for

Remember the FrcBt treat for tomorrow night and make arrangements to hear
Mr. A. F. Sheldon in biwondeTful ulk, “Hie Science of Modern Bu-loefr Build-

IkU Star* Mmt keClMC< Friday AflcrMOMOartagAiigmal /


Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.

I 'J-,;;;-,

TblB letter !• from the wile ol the Bov. 4. B.
Tiio Uraun
laseball tsjys vll)
No. Id.
CrllcB. pMtor at Ibe U. B. Cbvc^ Bolcff, lUe^
lay iheSbeinuD teem at Graa-n Sus- Lota 4. :. «._7
:locfc No. 3S.
ay afternoou.
Bates. Hleh'. Jiriy 11. ItlD
U:» c. 7.
•MiH. Cilniau of Traierae City «at
Stock No. 47
fee' *0 grateful Tor i-e greai benefit I have roeeivcd from Mr. Fanal’e
giie«t of Mr. Joi'c*' family Time- Loi, to, ii. 17,
treatment of my eyes and lor She gltxsts that Ft me SO perlaetly that I day.
would like to odd my t’eftimeny for (he benefit of ethers.
. 2. 3.'
Mr* llaipy has gone to Ihiik Lake
Inherited fKiraightcdnets and when t •mall child. Hsd ■ arysipeles.
m’n lu I.R the guest <rf Mil Shields
leaving me nearly Mind in one eye. in fact have never been iBI* to distin,-a few days.
g.iish ebjnni aix feet away.
Mr. Boon and.aider and >lies Bas^I have been treated by seme of the best Optician* ai Reehaetar. New
Block No. Eft -.
a vt toterlDeben. ealli-d <» Graws Lott I. 3. 3. 4.
8. 9. 10, 11> -York. Ann After Univeioity. Kalamasoe and Lake odesaa. Hkh.. yat I
rrlendr Sunday.
could net see.
Blech No. SL
Di-miida Craudall wax s -Tiaveree
A friend advised me te'eoasutt Mr. Foust, which I dW. and now I can
Ciiy eftlVr
dixtlngulsh object* and color* across the atrcet wKh that ^ .tdy vdsiM
Mrs. \Veid.wfi. who has t>een vlaltBlock No. S3.
It riparly the same with Cither eye.
Icg her «JO at Traverse CltyjYturned
^ ’■ *' mock No. S3.
home Thursday.
Weldrig nei with a aoHoue ae
i-Meat whlie cutting bmab. He atndl Lot 13.
^ ,
Block No. 81. /
■ fool with tbe ax.
Mr. rud Mrs.'D IV. Reynolds drove Lola 10. )4.
Travcrre-Ciiy Balurday and sp4qu
Ibe day. .
Jin. rhtrlea Palmer epeoi Buoday.
ai Traieiwe City riaitiBg friends.
RevuUr ebureb seiMcee
Sonday'LoIb: 1. 5. 3. 4. s. «. 7. 7:W Special BJualebythe'. . . . .AHefc *4e.
7.S. *. 1
genUemes of Ihec bolr.
' . ;


CxU Its Ctlx. xx4 Bxlw soar *xlc tor aw W


J. C. FOUST, Oihtoin-et-rtst;
PEBMANCNILY Loextta to HawUtoa Stock

crf-vo TRAVEBte tICBALO. FftlOAV. >'J5U5T 1t. I#».




c-Two meml
If the RrpuUlraD
Male (>nrtl C
l!> Older of Ibe Republiran State
Central Comml.tee.
GERRrr y.

Pleaded Cviliy and •urud
II Within the Space of
an Hour.


Moaroe. Uirh.. Ai«uit ]«.—TTie nefvo, WHUtm Harrla. SberiS irallV a>lavalu, *»• aeerotly broiixht liois tbe
■roll Mil, vhere he bad beoB held FUROEO
III pieveol lyBcblDK, today and ar- ' ’
lalaned. He wai'arraigned
before |
Judee Oolden in clreuJt roan, plead •
ed dulliy and «at aenianoed to life
Jahneon of the ChUkaaawi Did
SUrquette. alaMlps In an hour.
i Not- Think That

enlltled loHlelegate. aa follows;


death wktek o
t her borne In
t.'ut rouniy taai Friday,
waa very sudden and rame a
rible sbocL to ber letatlvea
r'aro. She wv e daughter of Mr. aud
Mrs. noswe!! Clark and apeni bar
giiiboed day* Wre. She «** warrM
to LloTd Bast 14 jeer* ago and
ed to Cau county aboot nine yeaia
ago. By ber dentb »>x IHtle ebUdren.
four girls and iwo bo>*. art left
out a Botber, the oldeet being 13
year* of age. One very tad feature
roanecled with It 1* Chat ber hue
band and two littk girl* w>rre here
a visit at the tltne It oeeurred. They
left on tbe f, o'eiuek (rain Saturday
morning Mrs. E. J. East and Mrs.
hostrell Ctanc
Mr*. East wa* converted while
young girt and ualted '
Friends rhuirb. She was always so
iiiieresied in the work of the church
and. did all she ceifid in -that ilae.
and the memory of htr-kitely Chris­
tian rbaraeier will still live on. Aside
fiom. ber parem* and IramedlalC fam­
ily sbe leaves one brother. John Clark
who lives at Ibis place.
The Rev. Uomer Thllllpa from Manton. is plastering Will Easi* new
1-be U. II leleitaone Une Is being exii-nded up iuto tho So. 4 district, it
will be much appreciated by tbn rcaldem* ill that rommuBll)-.
Mr*. Elsie iViane from St. Joseph.
hu has lieen Msliini; her rarenla Mr.
and Mrs Walter PWge. returned lober
Um Saturday.

taming seme friend er relailre.
Tbe i>na Knetdoeb tatted to make
•her trip Uooday and mag net be able
to gM bolp te rug It salll tbe taai gf
Mtas niaesooi Pulver and Htas OeriniBe Lardle expgct (e go (o eollgge
at Adrian this romlng year,
Joel Bagtey expeett to go lo Unsing 10 Biicnd tbe agrlenlinral rotlege.
Severat rcooriers hara been gtrlag
00^ Boe paniM it tbg Maecabee
ball; so tonight tbe young folks win
give a big party at the Pine*. The
dining room win be used for danrlng
Unt. Frank Crampion'a baby U im
Ho'jng nlOlJv Iti brcdie
brtAe Ilu arm a few
• eek* sgh a^ tUl Is aall bcuM up
' she will b> able

the suBiBw boBse gl Dr. GorBWa gt
Bear Lake.
TU Rpe. and Mra. JTnRk Fbto*
aou. bT Tbompa^eBto.
through hic ciiy tbta
amniiac 4m
route to tun Nenb NanllfBi totaBdHra. W. E
>. «« M
M'hyne. paoswl throueb tha
the <elVl^
day on ber way to F
>. wWtg
will apend a abort Umu.
Mr. Bbd Mr*. 8. C. Benaeg. <t Wincbecter. lod.. arrired o« Ibe ex*«
skm thta moralng and want to Umg
Lake, where they bill vtatt fritiBBa, ,
Mra. percDwl Horker. of NeweniUe.
led. was.o Q. R A I. excnraltmtat (hla
fotag to Nortbport lo v*4E
Mr. and Mr*. H. J. Praaer. gf Fbnta
land. Ind . arrived tBla morwing «nd
Hcni (o Blii^aam, where they wIU *»■
T friends.
D. SalUbury. and Mra. P. wnauu. ot
niyion. ar.-ived this moralng ggd Mtl
taler Tor BbarmoB. wbgre tbgy wOt
v.sli rotative*.
Mias'{Mima Wilaon. nf .atoribpntl has been vlslllag frietids to tbg
city, returned borne this moralMP.
Mrs. Tbomea OUpIn left thi* m«»tog with her lamlly for Grand RgpMs.
10 pun Mr. Oibrin. who tea toeMgt
there pennanvniiyMisa Sanberg of OikagD. pgggid
Girougb tbe clly ihU giMwtog OR tor
way to Omena.
Mr*. Dora Heltand. of Cblrayn. wgg
III the ell) today on her iray to Neribwbeie she will apmid tbe im
malndrr of ibe summer.
Conuiy Clerk tValler sreat m Nkta
ton today to I
rvunmn. Hr t
this evening. Addmise* will also to
dt llvered hr nis «H>Ponnt for tb* aUU
senate. Untie] 11. Ovtalt. abd Ooto
smaa Mettaugblln. <d MototoR.
also be a speaker.
Ml*. .Vahrl Sbolael
and tsfolber. Lor iSk
Creek muroed home ibU mentog
after visiting tbelr sUlrr. Mfa. At
Mis. C. E. Barber and dsg^w.V
1‘aikeruburg. Went kt.. ttoo biW
been vbiiing frtrnds la the city. Mh
this morning lor tvulsh
Bin llermanre. of Cadlilkr.
gigin o< Nr. and Mra. J, W.
Jenniug.T'nf South I’nkm Ktroe*.
Mr* Rol«-it*F. Unrsell^'^.sbg.
Robert Jr., ol Cbkngo. arc tbg gogots
llrarEd. PUIlIpt.
Mr* O Dstknog went lo ItrOWg-CUy
(hi* morning to vl*ft Mra. WUUaa
Mia. J. D. Annsireng rriirrwed to
Delroll (hi. morali'g. after opeMdiW ~
three week* in the fity Tto- /
lllng frleiidv.
Mr*. LulKrr BiwndiMi. of Ot«»d
Raidd*. who bae bmAtomiC ber gtoter. Mi-s 11. U &rier.^f«nKM|0«to
Mr*. George Smith, of AdrtsA wte
ha abeen ri.lilng Mrs. J. IL BaRar.
of 851) Websier *lre«, left today fOr

Mr. and Mrs. Morehouse from Cblrago are spending the summer at tbe
Pines They think Old
Mlssloc U
♦ ♦♦♦
aVout the Bneai place there I* In
Rullibnr, AuRtiet 1C —Cblel Jolini
WlllUmsburg. Mich.. August ll.-Northern Michignn.
of Ike Chlpkanoae. teellfted lu tbe
Eiiile Oooper. «bo baa been vlaltlna
r:ure bribery rharaev ItiveallKaUpn To­
Mr*. Teddy DtBa and ehOd have re.
bis frit ml* here, left
luroe dio their home In Detroll, after
day reiardlnc the i-niplo>lnc of tin tnam Uiiv, Wta., where he will
visiting their relatives here.
SlrUurroy Ann aa Ibe inbea ailurney.
farm. His fdtully nerorapnni.'d him.
Mr*. Wllll.v« l.etgbloa and eblldnen
They paid McMurray throe njiartc
Mr. and Mrs Tbomma Young and
re making a visit of n oouple
on Newmii. of C'entral IjUe.
lonih* at her parenta' borne.
Ibv guesia of Mr. and Mrs. W. j
-------kJtmeni*. wbUe paying him an aDnunl
Varallou ntll soon be over and c
CIS over Sondr). Mr. and Mr* Joliii
young folks will aoon
be off
>oiiuj of nouthern Mlrblgnn. with
eebool or go (B echoed another year
their iwo children and Mr. and M
here. The Old Mission nchool
Grant Geeity v^ltarlur Creek. wi
start ahg (he lolb of Septeml
<^FnaAl CALI FOR REPDBU- Iso menibei* of ihe lioase party.
her unfit xek lolodid nltl nltlcdumtu
Mr. eud Mrs. Ci«al Hold.s and t
Mr*. Arthur DrVnl
'To Ibe t»puUk»n elroior*
of iha rbUdren s|iem Sunday at TratiTse
her uiiele bark 10 fhlrago.-to makr a
I riate of Mlrhleaii:
weeks' visit, ber fliwt visit to the
eiumbua Man*a Addrasa Waa I"1
"Windy CKy- They look ,(be ManiiTlx- State ('oiivnillon of ibr rr|iu1> /Bliss Vliglo llcSaca left Mtimtav fur
Favor of Cheapar Ratea lor the |ll(«ma of ML'Iilnaii la hi-tvliy railed to a vkil «-jlh relalhi-s al Grand ItaP '
tee Tuesday.
Varteua tnaurance Pubileatlena
H. Ilurt'url ha* sold bis (am here
I meet .if the Wayne Ravilien In the
•t tha Socielica '
». Frank Alsuod pf Foiiiivllle.
'city el Detroit on Thuroday, the Clh
S..UII. Milton. Mirh. Aug. IK-Mr* and all ar.. Mirry he has not
sris Ihe gursi uf her nlrxv. Mr*. Clydr tVllltam .\riiilsegger and three <4iil. bach here lo live on li hlnueir. All
day of October. laiO, at 1| oekaL
Ik-trnll. Ult'b.. Augual iX The
IIk loM-imnn. Tor lb<- (•uiin*;- of man- tliiiue. tasl week.
dren are a|wndlng a louple of day* lioiie the new iielglOiors will like Old
fratoriial ronare*. luday Hmed Vlre
laaliDg candMelr* lot 8UU' offlrr^.
nmuiig friend* In kSk Rnphls
\ Ml.dus and make their home here.
I’n-xidmi Hynes oT HnValo, to Uif
loi Ibe elnikin t.| b JlepiioMran Stale Elk llapi'ta. me vlslling'trieads here.
Iii-ge niiMum of apide* aad>oai
The Rev. aud Mrs K. M. Kuoii*
prraldrm-y: h- K, Markey of iMroit,
Tin y < \|s r-i toprlD Mr. (MeJMu Whir, allended the L.
8. al Mrs. S lloiq. eurraniB nbu rail) |>eani mere thkcu
viro priiiidenl:
A Uower of Lam I'eiilral Otiuimiiiee. and a tTiairnisn inj;. liitT won,
'*■ I llimvf. and
I on Ihe last Isiai,
liu;. secTi-larydreaKurcr.
RoIkiIh and ntSTs' iliuw ta bille'J
R. -Wall took a load of reworteva
Haro rainier wcni to Travm-a Is the b>-ai| of ilie Catbullc
Tbe total prliee am HT.Ooa.
» appear boro Itidaytome U-fore ilie rontenlkai.
IU.*ci* Harbor Monday and Tue*
erae ril> Friday.
roale »aa over I’art* and liuudreda Muiual-Hrnrfii aaMMlaUon.
I'ltSkll iluldw Is the IHIsWSMW of
A juiueh of gills of (he neighbor- «'a> tt. iiHwi the Fannie Ibne. We mins
In aerordatKC wlib ibe pnitisiooB
IMleaaie llidleubaefc of tkilumiMH
«r Itiwiaanda rbrored Ibe avlalon.
no n^’W dimhle Imggy.
■xl seni nu a pleasure trip lo Bel- the,Lena K. «ery twich
ti arraigiM-d Ibe fowial of law and Ihe arllon <>I llie Itepiilili
«be were Bring Jow. A glHOilc o«
fliliiri’ll UroL'. hav<' iDsIslled .sere
MliKir and family, edll.w of fhe
smetu In an address fatorliig rbeaf>-.‘^" Klatr Ontrol Conuuiltor, .-very I Ill's |itani4 in llifs lirinliy the taiie Thill >da). They were ctaa|H-rtwa bDd parodr waa held at la*).
Rl'iIngBeld. 111.. Journal, bare been
onud 1» .Ml*. Mabel Wltaun.
•T rales fur fraionial liisurann.' iiublh <xninly will tie rnllttcd lu one deblit w.-ek. Dr.^r \V lluitre, W. M
Frank Wllimn went to
Traverso eiiK'IUk a lew weeks lu the beaulifal
|SJIC for each two tumdred and miy
Italid. John l^u'iidy and
ClKwri filj' h-rida,-.
roiigge hero. They leave (tala week
I of the IoIbI vote rnst llu reln *fr>i ibc
ITay lire
«i,„ i,hw tlieia li
and Mrs. An IliKkln of North .MH-nd Ihe romsiuAer of the suiots
ihuN liir.
Milton s|«ui Sunday al lltiry WarMr, and Mi.- Kni inan Oritill left oef«.
addliloMl dsJ"S.U- for n muUly i.l
)ewi'tdi.y for ihc While fnmil) n-un
Mrs Turk, who was quite *cver«dy
ifii. Iield In llllmiis, Ajig. 17
Inpiivd In nn aCeldent which
I'ui.umil to taw. \V«lm;ada)..lbo
Mr. and M^. ];. M. HaDsIcy return
breaking as they were
Mill day of SepieiDber, islli, Is here­ d Ian Thitroday iilgnt frtmi Ibclr
driving down a lilllj tbu borae bcby .deslgiiai.d aa llu- day oa wbleJi
CMlwwlaf Celabratlen ^ Haa
ip ti> ilnff^atid Nlasarn Fall*.
, (From Thursday a Reewl.l
eame friglilened and
Dtaapandad—Crwiaer Will Da Bant Cheeen Tamporary Chairman of the Vinll be Biy In catli .ouffi). tUe
Mn. Heaimnn of gt ioiuls. Mlraou
'ihiewn out. some time
l.uiily Cunvmi'iun of llie Repuhlhau
for tha Bady. rt. is tbe gucM ol Mrs .A W. Jabrnu*,
tjiiile poorly.
larly for Itie elcetlon trf dclepim-a

te 15 Today.
A roiiuion dinner party was held at sa Washlngtu'b Mreel.
ibf Heiuj’-.IHai. sioie ronveniluu he
Bantlaie. ChHe.
Angnai T7.—The
Mr. and Mr*. Guilford, of Ohio,
Iq talk'd, and for the tranaaetkm of
BaUea la nmumlng the sudden death
!vng Itake. Mi'-h.; August Hi.—Mr
lioaor of her dauchtev. Mrs.-laabelb. vtaltin* Mrer-etaffi^ Uj-on. of 43i Wrat
N'ow York, A’lKiij; I*' -Vlre-rreal
b-asiiii r« provid'd for li> lit*
Of Iftoaldeai UontI at
nremoB of
pud Mrs. WIMlan;!: from Keysioue. ti­
>nth rlreet.
Ikobe, who tviebraicd her Jltli blrtndent Sberuian lod.-y wa» elerted teir- «lileh mat uthenwlMi properly ci
boart dUeaie Ian ntcbL
lled. Ihelr diughler. -Mr-. James Say
Mra B. J Morgan and Mis* Gi
day on thst date, and -wbora It l«
Tbe eemenuUl celebraiSoo baa been poraiy ebalniMn o: the •tale «p«rn- Ixfore said rouniy conveDlkm
at this p*are last Thursday,
ilalmed is the flr.t while'child bom Morgan with 1*0 friendi Irom Wash­
Itao over Roosevelt SO
rndrr ihe reaolinlon of 1858.
Mrs. Ankerson. wlio bus br. ti poor In Elk RapftU
ington. D. C.. aro taking a short trip
«ta Reoaevelt'a accoBd defeat arising deli'italv silt U- enililed lo
|v Kir M> tang. Is qiilie Improved.
the nontarra resoits.
Kalkayainro be returned. HI* other fallun: Iho Rtate Convemion who does 1
ntara from Europe.
The Rev. Frod Carter, of T.-avira.
Mr and Mr*. A. J- While, who have
t are iiiendliig this week
leslde In Ibe rouuiy be pioposcs
it to tbOBdbt ibn abo^ of lalklng . nj the primary bill.
City, ha* ta-en ral'if.g on hi* uia
bgen vtaUlng tbelr daughter. Mrv
Chairman Griarom foveed Roase> lepreaenu
aQywN when abot haatened tbe end.
friends arthls place the past wck.
Il Mrs. Frank Deome.
velt'a name In ifae rommluee meeilng
Mr: and Mrs. A. Qood)pan returned George Thirlby. returned lo ihe North
from Ihe several
Don't fall to aujend the Garfield and
Ifataitb aaanrod be larked voiea
Indiaaepella Haa Ormm.
eoiiDiles in each Cuugrrsalonal Dls lo>;ig Lake Riudiy school pleiilc at t*ni SSault Sir. klarle last S*iur<ta>. hlaclioo Ulaud toda).
iromiral J
WadblnttoD. Anguat It.—The ronirlrt are repoeaied to lueer In dlatrtct ihlh platv Wednesday. Aug. I7ib.
Mrs. mr.b 1s omertslnlng
ber of Clnrinnatl, passed through the tiiy
CHARLOTrei-Th.' Ifarmon-Loom caucus at »:30 ockid a. m. on
MM bdBMO today annouiirod that tfa.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carnilen have
brother f.roiii i>tainvine, for w fuv to^ on IbeJr wwy to NO*MO Cli) .
I becehy annouDce rayseif •* a casdL
b reunion bald in this «-it)-. brought a> of the State Convention, and ae- ;oue 10 Deazosta to spend a
renomlnaikm at toe repabtieog
^ ahtre they will vUU the family ol
■a taMMaae id U.IU.
nearty lOO tuembera from Mlcbigan, •ej offlror* as folloar*,. to be pre- veeks.
primaries September 4. for tto fRtoo
-Ml. and Mrs. J. H- Obenuaycr.
Ohio, Indiana and Wlaeonaln.. A rtned to (be Slate L-onveDUun for
of rrglMer of deeds of Grand Tn
Mis* H**el Welborn of Katamaxod.
UtIKfDaON -WUliaw Darla. a«ed Unquel given by the lady Uarea- snflrraailon;
Mr. aud Mr*. C. M. itat-bus'. of Louls- county. I bare wrved In this
Is the guesi «f her aunt. Mr*. CarJ ♦
Tt. of CbkagD. who bai heed apead- boes was one of (be featnrea.
« tiile. K.v. were in tbe city today on for nearly two years and tove ok™,
I—One Vice l•reKldent.
brat effort* and ability to sorra
i>B bia mb oonaecnUre autnoier
lilt IT HU) to niumsln Polni and L«One Aerbrnm Seciviar.v.
people of tbe eaoBiy dUBgwttr
Ml*. Crena Shearei spent a lewdaya
Old Mission, Mich, .\ug. IT.-Tht' tand.
at Uke Uaitwr. b dead at tbe aumNOHTH\TU.K-Tbe Warner - *
and weU
3— One member of tbe rommiius in Traver*e City the past week. vUilRev. yir. Parailter ha* ordained at
wer taoM of bit dao«bicr, Mrs. T. Rlcbardaon ehewse and condensing J •CrodvnllM* ’
Should I .rerelTe the ranomli
Mr*. A L Bo»e, Of NewcsMle, Ind.
ing friends.'
oleeiion. i win devou my
H. KcNttty of qU age.
arilved on the eiotrslon aud vest lo
factory Ua fast paid |I.M per hun­ 4— One n]einl>rr of the romiulttea
Old MlsaloB hotel* and lourdtng FM.b ,hl,
Mm, J. Litbw tvtnnied to Slanee. dred pounds for milk, which It Um. on • IVmiaiient Organlmkin and Or­
.. ,-l.U UM.. I,

PINT from tnnphesier, Ind.
M>q-es are filled to Cieir ful>et4 and
today etler rbnuag frteoda ip hlgheai |H-le«- e»er |<ald here ^ni der of Husloe-s “
Dr. Lmm.v Cgrdoii apd moiber. Mrs. prioiarle* SeptcBiber «.
The many M.-nd* «if Mrs t.’o.ri lever beiore Hen- there *0 many tot- Sara CMSu.
tbe fdir.
airlt^ this iuomln*“«'>j. 1—One iiiemlsT ol ih,. eutiiiullie''. 1 ju t will be grieved lo Irani uf tit jxgiT* and 100*1 ever.* foiuily i> entei- Iroui In^. and west u»L^
T« B47M0.

LODdoB. Aaxu«t 17.—ATfalor Moi»»u, Brlr-i Id Ibc r«ri» to LoDdmi
CDBtMt. ibiD vwa laaM al TllniuiaNtaa, Mar Deal, cronhw tbe EocUth
cNasMl froD CaUJa to Dover i
■itaMaa. MoUmoi na naarir frwten
•D4 eotiM banllr set rnns bU Bteroli
mKHMpUne and «1U mue hti )otirN17 to LoDdna aben «ann«d.
Ha dear from Par;* to CUali early.
Wbe> be left Calale, be Mead A aUn
brteaa. The Ei<bl waa tbe nun
Mton Id any arlatioD altempL
Latboa dropped oul of tbe eoateei
toesme of bU moit«r'« pieadlDia.
MbMaapt rorried MecbaalctaB
Vrt.BiakiDca roiord lAaaengor Blybl.
a tbe u mlica u> U<n
ihit afienMiDii, •here a sreat aekiMuc
M avalllns.
Leblanc Wan.
Part*. An««t IT.-rlxddaiir today
NOB Ibe Bnal lap ol the aix day alialion rare Of Dearly boo luUna. TIui U|i
fi«B ADrfana to lary. 70 DiRea. waa
wade to 43 admitea. ic eilaatea abeod
«( ABbnia. tbe only otber esnua






Ew Xifbur ofiMO



Your money ^ways Imys full value, at this store, so that when you now buy at Clearing Sale Prites, you get “More than your moneys worth.” We
have mark^ ^wn what is left <rf our summer stock that we may quickly clear it out. while you still have a long time loMse and enjoy wU we offer.
Lim aad Dimity Dresses,
15 ladles* Wash Skirls
Lsdtes* Long Coots th«t *
e San* Mb
we« $1.00, $1.25 nod

•od $15.00 bt.
CbOdrcB's Jackets tbu woe $250

Udles* LODO Costs

ai Lioui; Dock aad Pongee, were
$6.50 Bod $7.50

M Ladies’Tab Salts.
abeiti^«rorU)Ima$5.00lP$l230.M MP
•B Am lob. M*«S. fSstt
Bit Un« of
New Swesten for FeU*

LMIes* Dresses

lint were
$12.50 41................................

a (*s



Mca*S MIS weed. $l9JX)Btol
$20.00 at_______ :___ _

ChlMrcB's Capes a*d $Sin uAX-SS
laOlcs' Klmeaat. lo*< ou* 75c. ibut ' aa.
i«uu______________ _________ 0wC
Lames'Waists wonb $1.00 lo $1.50





-------tUve yon Ken the.
New Persian <

, I

r ■-

rmoAV. AUGUST IS, ine.



ib* b*tt»r iBtO t*o «r Ut«e UUW tin*, tbe coJof at fte saraest. Crves
•»d »U)» owr ar*' ttwUj' laUM

ptokUb porplr. lav««d«r ud aBlUne ,4 by ,itUt«d Wood or eWl

The Woman
In Doubt

tkem <9-0 at tbo .Me. Uk« ou( part red. •hooUTbe «»ked U> al«i>-*at(-r
Uck of momt eaerdar <xof tho crank (MVe Gnl lor ibe next for tea ntouiea. ik*b* four ouiicoa of recreatioo. too. cd
___ or .Moo.
bread paddlnc'). «»ot a woonfol of Ian
t» of preerreiatb. middle, pr—oe
the top. cover all wttk kinc nade
b>- atlrnas toafecslober-a «asmr Ibid
(Old water, aad (here ia a reaUr de>;

alum to a tab of maser. Black end tkUikin* arm rnrrinillili for onMi o<
wWte. *r«r. parpl. aad dark Wae the morldVInta^TtS^faila"
abooM be ebaked la aaft mater.
' A great Buny wcH-ox-aalng people,
a kaadlul of cotaiDoo aab ia a tab of
bosk tueo aod woneo. are'great -nerve
water.' Ur? tbew colored etotkee la
ricoerv.- They allow tbesiaelvea to
cloua dcaaart. Or, whea aootker dry ike .bade. It U a pood klea. before
become exhau-ied and «► depleted
batter a new otered Alr.walat or dram to
pby.JiHan> that they io>e the po.vr
r. and po« ca» make without eerlou. difflcalty. bake 1 I weaheil, to lest a piece of the
Toll HIn So.
- U poo bare a word of cheer
tben wblW >00 are cettisc a laeal.
ibeouehm sad are the vi
t nay Ib^ (be paAwaj dnar
“rbea, aa the .urnnw loea on.
• tkeir Bervea
obaerrlog carefully ibr resWi
orltl llBd a utnrt or two of cheap blue- cuaurd. or mam, or the juice of St
Tbo fricUoa
In aiareblug navy or mourmlog <
berrtef and do Umeo up. lor ptoa In fruit, and eall.H Kaabiogtoa pic-”.
j tome. U Urge!) emoeed
ton, H a (uflleient aarouat
'wlaier; and whcti you have water--------------------------------BhPor bin TOO appreetole
'bluing 1. pWod Ib Uquhl to nake
__^ wTOUght tirvil uervea. The
netoa_ for diaper, oave the rind, aod ♦ ♦
Wbat be 4om: aad do bo( wait
Plena tociJ!"^'*ca gimpe^
yoii ♦ HOUSEWORK MADE CAST. ♦ deep bhie. there will U no o^eared ‘
like a
bay wbat you «uu, of ooonte. make ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ epot. of white

TBI the beary baad of Fbte

Uya bln tow.

(ben iBto Jelly aad .pice them; bat.

V poar baarl «niatau a tboosht
TbM wU briihur Bake hto tot good taaadlBl of too»t- grapea. which
Ibaa. bi mMtr. hMa b pM;
are too fortoru to put op the ubie.
you kaitlly make a glaaa of upiecd
[tape mamatode.
-J. A. iMrUn ia -OaoTer Sewa" p,po,,

_ thoaa



burdea of preparatloitp (alto upon the

Ia thto. a. In everTIblag etoe. b:vc . uncful aoap uhrcil.l-r.

( ap poi being In Urgeihti k.- dto-

wbaa you caa. aad do them up. Wtaep (oltowlag from Good Cheer coatalPa
r betoful ntggewltooi ia. t
you mau UMm. way lor 1

aolvee mb re quickly.

• It aay Ifitto eoag of nipo

or lome otbur apecial ocraatoii. keep iigblenlag of tba work i

etery drop of the vloegar, heat It. minule.
drop ia guanered apple, and cook


>'"»« vexation,
^ eheerlul ahJ
Perfectly taae lUe*

^ want to thank thoae wouxsi for thcr lo^. We
appte^ the fact thM they know what tbey'ie tab, «be«.
We are glad
have a miDd of their own and
to ioast oo getting the brand of flour which aperioKe Im
proven to them ig die bcM.

LUy White

of tiem ..
o pUy in ,1





**ns Rear tba Best Cooks Use**

whtHKit ccMatlon. day uod n^ght

♦ aio-l. ibu ruin. « man}



Deeerre* its aanc.

♦ ♦♦♦SSSSSWwSSSSS IV>lt>op--.
-* bomekeeper doing her own wort '
a. much of an art to boll aa
A large |v>.-l of the suSeriug wlip h
,dd m 01 u.
u .1.11, .Bs.d,

them down, and mn-vu them next time. aomeUmeu get. Into a dtwary roaCn-.*
aad then uhe the vioegur oo«e more. •I
«f domewtlc dru.,,,!.
drudger?-. Iblnltt,
tblaklng the ^

• bad dies K to aona toaely rtla

becau.-e «be tocrow,


plekled peachc; buy a quart or two there to an ca.y aad a hard way. Tie

• Oed MP no apeak tba bato word.

Aad taka av bU of aiaslBf.

"'•'«> » -J*.''- outlag.

Pall ftole. uirover U,.Uieo Uck Smlv

• If aay bUto word of ntaa

Hay make a life tke briber,
Mar make a baait ibe lighter.

ray k widiuSde in daeit voice uds BMcr
ahowg that it would be lo6f fot anjrooe to Kfpora dtej oadid
idiBlt for s momeBt of uiag ujrdung but the heat

*" '•“ coudlry, rwrelj having X.

To mak.^ wup abredder take a
piece of strong tla. aod puuadamaU |*

.houJderu of the uiroady too bpuy to the .Wcm of two piece of utroag
hoaaekoeper. and Instead of a ph-aa wood. Turk a loop of Icalher at the
>xrt. our aoctol duties bocoiue a bu( top. by which u. hang it, and tou wiU

tblagi; den.

hsra toU i» ihit d» rae
bsTC otod it for tcms aad bm nmr fotMd.Si eqad

the sarncBi wb.-a ‘““'itow* Uww a dull. mouoio.iM.

. “We all anJo>- being eBtertaiacd. and inraed

to^addlttoo. wdidi tke bottom, of your most of u» eujoy eniertalBliic our
grape baakau 'aad when you fkod a frteodu, but wHk many, the eailre

Aboid whMbrand offiov to^wt^-tn^ w

• M
F.AW. lb. B.I U» n.d ». H .™d «« bd
1 b«.. B...
U.a. Ib . podbd or prdWr ibo.
to", lo. or oo. r-nd.,

L .

"•S”’ ■*'
The water should be
B> p very ilttlc uaUI -you eaa wUbout a maU. require, a forethought
a’rraacomeal. Lftbc *'®*'‘“*
»H«»>a.v .aked. and the
take the atone, c 1 of the .Mu aad aad c
.kd...ljt owoaV
abould cook just
ten minute,
eook them la this thtek. aplcy tyrup buU of the rough work ihMiM be dwe _
„ ... .
boll; tong•Pd you wui have aomeUtlng deUctoua » day or two before. A number of
cooking destroy, the aweeiueu.
(or a eompapy dlaoer.
dtohea also can be pr^iared ■evcr.l
and reader. It ladige.tlble. The hotTka teltowtof kalpluS thoagbl to
“Crmb apple* are umially cheap la daya In adTtaee- Patty ahetto can be
tic should have a cloao cover, and
from e«e of HogM Cbeer'. must cab October, aod you can make up aome made a week beforupaiM are aa good
when (he torn to taken «4> fold at once
la Jelly aad aplce Mate more: that «bru warmed as new. The fllllag for
sad trieada and coatrlbuiora.
la a towel or tnick napUa. Cooked
vinegar you oue. of course. Uke the them, whether it to to be thirtten. veal
Ireaa Itomeroy SktoUa.
ia thto way. and eaten from the cob.
peach vlaegaf. Ofiea yon will And or peas, caa be made the day before,



We uj cruel thing, c

our beat trlcad. and tho«.- i
________ _
beat when our ner.\e.
from (ret and worry : thing, we would

If you like dean food-use Uy While.

sol have waki for the world hut (or

For sale by TOUT deJefc- . ^

the tn-iialKm. the sheer cxb.uettoh
that robbed n. of i«lf-coatrol.




It a white, w-faite as dw Lily a*d j«d

It’s made of the best wheat. thowoMhly rWasul
gyincii^ and no human hands touch it frra ttie tana the pirn
Iram the deaners uiriil the tidy housewife takes the psoa
white flour bom die sacL

To aai fba aeboao rtoglax-



,ouad. for yearn, perhaps tor a lifcumc. whkh were ihougbUcly ipfliet-

hard winter pear* very cheap; those reedy »jaarm whea aoeded.



rr.zri..rAr ".S"


aad today I aaw the haadK Uhe wee jitue tomoii.

day tor arrangement of tables, flower..
The boateas mast ranember ibat



y kerct-: would niaki

siandarda <_ .• down, w-hra
drop of blood.
Ured aad Jaded sad things fiit usl
.Unple dbuier.
Cora, -^hen la pr-.per coodlttoa for
Take for
lor cxxmolr
example s maa who i> suf.
aad served, aad herboBIng, s>oulU be well flllcd out bat feriag from InKuimls.
Hard lim«u
at her eaae.
of a iuceesufui Ola^
*" “t
ftnsnclsl puuics may have coma mtoute to K-.trl-.-:
pletely demorslUed bis buslacw: sad

1 gueM*. a
_ you can
____ get cheaply,
____ ___ aod
turn dalaUly cooked
S« to my tboaghU of her thto last ,j j^w^'in^thtog' iuer -which will eelf bright aad
ftotu* Will tod. aad etaamrT wlU ah
Wbra you buy the
1 think it
wars wMto i Uvu Sub upon my •inroot fur the nasro. set moro
and ttltoe that covered the itay ci

ararS ay«-

toigkt lUito Isoa and



!!. *


paktoti whto* bflai.




!to^t 1 wtoh to aaprcaa

a pretty
aom« one hs. suggested
suggested, "lo
"(o slwav.
plate or plsee _______
Ubla to the fr.ei.ds who. n.wv ,1,...^..


•;■■ *•

„ „ou proler



______ ____

t meuasgo mt each
to^ wim mg by aay maaas.
1 hnve a dear friend who. lor many

eoaked Over ni;.-ai and . Ua
water ped chive sand a few capers fa tRUe
changed once 0.- twk«: then iLshould of Nto-hard pan to tomaioet ohoppsd

Some ^-ople think corn much sweet- *.r» of resto.snce have become » rc-

String beans may be ptcklcil to the..-M' The arid to white puayoanalse
uanie uanii.-r us above.
The cask* to lemon Juice: Ue drvsstog kas wkbto
may bo tilled at Iniervmla by simply J*'*

.1°^ ®*‘"

makitig It very dcU-

htWcM ro nmwter the situailon. aod


rmSTl-Sl to r^

WraM It pot bo well to give aome

never out of the wnslilv* tempersmeaf. accuMOaed

llfUng the busiils and adding marc
*■>“ "'*•
besna Al:---r ih.- iait packisg
welcome In lUelf and
he .hen becou*. ;he fkllm of all
» ca«-^i to a welcome
1. not sufflck-L: 00U1U.-W to
W»X« Wtl
boms, and depart ®'®''
sorts ol irifllag aonoyancea
either before or alter sending to the wbeu ttommi he wocld not have ae- cover ibq vegciablea. add a UtUe wa’■''*-'* Summer :
ibree rqi
Uble. Coro Is also nice baked to the liccd. He 1. unresMaable with kto
: then, as Ue Juice comes from *
^jber preasrta
Cheer ha.
do.thl. remove the Ulk emplo.veea. cruel to thebe dep»-i.deni
.ym.or beans. Mere will be sufb«»>■ «*“•
them or put th«n Into the u«m1 awaet
added .uggesilon to give. For
‘•im. and be aaya thing, (or rten: Srufe-eo cover tboroaMly. A l^"»r and eall. dip fn egg bat|pr. •»*
tew horwersdiU leaves plaeed over tbe
‘ ligblUrowftriXjke pR to a beatdeson. and compotes. And .
w. ;
It has made it a pracllee
you may find ebeap
way to to husk, brush with melted usurped the (hrooy and ruleu. while Ing and'moulding. It properly packed

and hew we dwell -apea avary word ........
and incMaai «( am tou moetbig and

Jeet n>o.i of tbe «w«U
tba ra>srge r board, and keep In a eool. dry malnder <
place. To i.-i>k Uls com It must be wiu w.i.r creuu. ctoery diced, chop-

Hard earn to as hunlul as corn worry even when comparutlvuly well. and a IRtle whiti- pepper, and aerve must be wiped dry; pat'vae'oa each
very hot.
pUte and sprinkle wiu mibcod pars-

hand and I uhall fuel a warm gtow at
y haart tmt toartoh Ue taadar
Maw oft.. -.s'toW sr. .uddun

Boats.—Cut cecamburt
scoop out the

top a Ilulu .mailer Icngthwtoc.

be btoled to v-f :I;cJ water (or twen- alsoAf yoQ wish.) Add a white maywety minutes, dralx. add milk, butter nalto to Uia and flU Ue boata. which

the vtoiaa of the dear,
trifle harder, but

I roatia-jc until t

-.tasn (be cssk. oa w-blcb place s sioae Icsvtag them about katf u lack thick
weight to keep the corn under the IMi theM bostt Into lire watur


“ ““***•'

both <oro and haas-will keep perfect- and
2&r^t5*Tia^^^ Jw^b


but to




whut he ha. been irylag fOl hto hie a^ Ihmn into Ij^ed water wtll you toe utan Utl^ M.e makes rito.. by conrsm..




tquaoh. atrsto

;> n a tear, and tbrougb a fine
wirv aleve. mto
>u1id vciy fxcvllvut tegetahleu lo wllb two besten eggm *S taMe-

avc on hand.
upooalol of buitto. sail and pi-p.
------- ——
Add On-I.v
B ...
‘^ ,**‘*' “‘7*
paper, ruled down the center.-On the
you ar.-ik>i sure ywr can control your
Thd chUdrw raaembor her chesry get all ihc salt out, aod when they
,h-V'lotber (avorlu- method of cooking
•ummer Gatedu.
crumU to make niff, drop to upaoawbu(«>c.' you
Tluod by afM be good;" or Be bravo are soft and Uanapareel. take three ^ -rlia. the names and number, of
‘ho t-oh and arc doing, miro U> Mae quiet place,
I-toslo and f.'ufumber 8atod.-litobt
tods: ih* brsvwl trs tbs t«adertsi,'" or four together, cut them Into flno
,,, .
boll ton julnu»». in su«ck-ui
get out ol doors, if iwsslbk-.
tojd boiled pouipe*. .
end glMltor li
• as she start- ahr«ds and cook them down li
_ _______
Suniw rSquaah l-uddlug. -BDllyciaiig
^ rvqiilred for each course, down lo the ®"'>;
niimilgs—loog I-Iiuce. bulled tuayoam
ed tbam to achoqj in Ihs moraing. ayrap antU thick; pul them on plates.
•nouali to restore your balance, ge: Slice II
potatoes'and r-iru:i,lx-r and "1“^ and niaU smooth. Beat Ureu
our bearing!.. «>»eti yo.ur manhood.
Uoroughlj tnayonnatoe. ■ ggsaiidadd toUesquaak wUhalableThe vicllm. of Urvd ubould Arraugc tbe leCuce ’j.av.x , in Ue spoonfnl to butler, pepper and sah to


(sal chserod by some Uttto word wish

ttbig and i

do la the same way.

^mi ii.i- nmj.


Th.n i< i- ‘-unlU'ig-

Pepper may In-u»cd if llk«'d

Butter a baking dtek. turo Ua
,iw tery regular In their habits and sated bowl, lu Ue- lulddi. of s*iU
Uke >perial
of Ihclr b'-alth.' They place Ihrpouio and-cui urober. Oaro- n.isiure to, -Grate brtrWBod erstkeew
should i-al food, which will ucwri.Ii
Thep- to nailing which

1 *i>ua nevsr aooi the

________________ 1_

o wormy; cut them lu w‘th

.ywik.d Itiname way, only soaking

In (he Lauodry.
exi-rclM’ and a ibeorful. burmouiouu
and stew tbnn down; put them In a
To cleaa fabrics two good-siaed poroa*l.-d <»i Hr. ear bas a de- t-n.lroaio.Bt. Worry, anxiety .and
aalt 'bag and hang It up over alght, taioeu are sWalaed Ihroagb a coarse li'ious lUvoT. not oUicrwlw.- obiaiiiphaacs ore deadly eueniiliiagfDe tbe apiw-tUa»d
and the ewi day measure tbe Juice. Meve into another .easel c-outnlnlag
ies of the hiT.c--.
frorn the brush
IA a. kk*T'
as muiA sugar, and after a pint of closr water, and allowed tv ‘“S
u.erytbtne which aill K-ud to make
grawboaiBg the Jole* about flve minutes auad unUI ihorougbly w-ttlad. Tbo
befor*- Jrkin tepcone strong and robust physkally will
tosAl a serlet «. practical talks (or a small qoaatiy. pat In the sugar, dear solutloo !i twur.d o.<r and used
titoU*cd wigwam, n. ilj squaws pregrcK help u> nervous troubk-w.
W keasework givra last year by Good let u boil up well once, and you wUI to spongo line nia-.erlal-. (vlil.h ve
“><■ •■v,-,iinR uicil of venison
but the gruaiest hialing balm for
- HdW«»H*to». OPS which doslt torlth toe • glass, or pediaps two. of nkc sflurswnl waubol- with ele.n waur.
'mu*, and loasted the pa.c^rc ii ears
them is nienisl sell-iraaiuicnt.
^ fptttog op of trulto was especially apple Jelly.
- drtad. and iron.-d
'o' ib- r.-turmug
True. Urn
.Ver.ou.< p.-ople uri- usually filled
to Ue days ol our grand“Then some day you will buy crag- To launder delkst.. white w aists, outdoor oir an added test to apwKb fear, at.d ie;<i comes from a
aMhan casmlag and pickling was unbsrriei; U Ucy are cheap, get aa cx-oiler aanhlng and drying, apply bolU-d Pi'*'"- *'«' n>»sied over a
s.n*(- of h.-lph^sii.-.. due to * feeling
uueh a Urge uesato that
trs quart, chop them «p. uweetca weU atarih. and faaog until very dry. l\Tjen «“« o' hard-wood toato. in -[he hli- of separs:eness fio: i the great a veritable bugbear, and was
sjtd put Ueia on to eook with a hand-nmd. to Iron, wring oui in hot wa;c^. cheu range, it need, oaly to be tried
energy which itou-.cs. h^als and oos
«*a«id lor weeks aad months to ad- tni of mlstos and the pulp of an or- hnd put through a wringer.
bo a:Ttts*atu-d.
tains us.
Wuen we regain the vou^ea.
loHowtog sitlce may aage: when It to thick put It to gUs- will out stki .nd wU! look sheer sad
‘^'oro frluers or oysters ur^
-.xWSk bs -«4~W
s ..
to -----------------...
large set. foro K to.U-.----------B .B,-. •------- ...
MtoBtou vberu Croat qaanUieu of berry conaerv
be estcu
To wash pongee silk, im not wring
P“‘P-i*” «g’^-®u« cup of swi-ei
.h-m we get in turn- With iL(roR mast be aavod (or winter um-. meaiu."
poagoe allk. but let it drip dry. iron “"k. onv^^rtb u-aapoenful of soda.
of whoJen.-ss

nM IW«. W ««.

mumleal potot et view R to weU place. Just os you buy a can of toma- being Uunderod il you
«AP»Ttof out.


mark Sf^d'e fske*-


every (too the tucks ohouM assume.



filter and pi-pper.


» h.-

of boiling wso r. ndd a teaspooafal o(
lucdtom-alxcd salt, and trail twenly-flv* mtoutCB.

potsti-n, b-i!. li ond rui


neat When done, drato in a eotonder. P.-t

die. oB>--iiipIulj>f looked fa-u. tbe slond until «oid; then put Into glass
baitOTi cfi^hK-onis aad llatoy or atone Jan. sprinkle ligbriy with
miri'-ed -i-r... s;id half a :upful to epenne. add a Ublespooi.ful whole'
small ;-.rkl-'d oiitoiJt i-.;t


bolves. uiui*.aid. *0 Ublespoonlul to rlioppM.

lu a nug of mtoded to- boraermdiub. and cuv.-r Up wlmle aiiVi

■' ji-ii

good. slroDg /.:der vifiegar.


Orying and aaitinp Com.
,bout to dr. rein r.-mow the
busk and silk from the .
iloun-.he ci-n»rv of each ;o* of gram

Krowberrtou aad raapbeertea and cue dhaace you have: keep the parann U best done when the skirt to llret
roais aad poosebtrilaB aad grapes from one glass, wash h, melt it aad completed. Then the fullness U al-

T**- eswtost and best way to gH ,sen wits a blunt knife pie*. <ui
tP" '•ob.'U to cu; ofl half fuuy
gprvxj ihi- paly

and aU tbs rest aad toveut to pounds poor It oeer aaother. and ao oa. ad to- ways right snd the skirt bangs well

‘S- kernel and -Ji. s scrape and p.-x-ss

et sagar aad maks duraai and dos«ai flaHum.”

Pieklod hasns.
String a quarter to a peck to lender

pli-c« of oi'rja ^'luiia psitltig in the green beans, throw Ucm into n tattle
MignoD SaUdS-Two


Bi- careful not to get in

toes wbsn you wue the first one." uaid »ith a secure thread on the under '«> “U'* “<>«'• « hfsi- »n^ wter trye If needed. .Serve
■ you wUl be the interested listener.
................................... ......... ................. ___________
"BucUy; make up «

if arvir^; rel. to- howl wl>Ji a uioail

b„.K.u dl,h. T.. ..p, " “”T‘bArDB,”'Al”^*“.”''

bat h vU ba * Croat aM to email
-i suppoas
Idea to (bat when with a moderatea. hot iron when very <“( •»«>' »f sah. one tabli-spoonfu! of
faMtos. where the
to you unu op oae gtoa, of jelly or jmn dry. Do not up^ at all.
Putter, and flour to make a
MCOOg. KM MUy ttot Mt (rom you iDuut make another to Uke It*
Tub drsasce will bang well aficr thto battel-. <Mix and f.-y as you wouM

tempted ev(«7 day ol your Ufe to bay

Iih with celer} leav.- alMmi the- edgex n
of, tbe bowl, sm] u*- Urc' or four ‘

will lake Ubicspooa;<«x’ mayonnate-on lop of
id.^1 a hi cbl flavor of onion

the place ol a great dual ol outdoor

aotlclng tbe nuoiner in wbkb outjhe rvni.oder wiih -.he back of


Tlus is

our (ot

rs used (or A wggeu.

grsnitm balung-paax
tot sun or to s



S< gtoaasa of Jelly and Jam aad pre-And you have these thlaga at din- tbe tuchs are disposed of in maay >>>- knife.
If in ihv *jn he caretoi tu
aaM the pructlcal eook. "Now nrr. anJea(~op,*hal 1s left at lunch- waMi skirts 1 coanWer this lltUe pretfhoww-d com may be added :o
tK-fore the dew 'beg :.s tJ
mtod. 1 d
e of doing np eoaT"
caaUao -worth whllp. lor if the tacks
griddk-aake bstter. short- y,u.
j, ,a * dr. place o»er algb;

U yoa had to.
You could get hkxig %uitli t cheaply coMfratled. hwd

i. for
r they are aU
“Soi eaaeUyi the way I do to Uito:
this: are erooked
crooked the beauty ol the tucked
m toura to Me Mod.
1 tat wbat Il do WMm
G'baa 11 feel
dtonw to
up or
or kilted
kitted akin 1.
1* lost.
any to, ttoat (hey cost a lot if yoa have te^ Meal, d put on a glaa* of Jelly•Maa.v ob>e<-< to plaited waMi dreasea

it you had to.
Bu you don't have to. because v

”»ri- than usual. Canned „d Itokh the drying -Jie second doy.
«»» he used la the aaow muuoer. jf u, ,1,^ oven sstfb carefully
n ms,' brown; stir It ih.-ee
te tay ^ (TOR aad sarar; to coorae. or smmiIM apiced; tat 1 always becauee they are so hard to iron. Try
______ while d.-yiag.
.If tbe
-IT ^ Utu
tothe 00UOW7 aad have
keep to totod tbe time* wtan m bethto planaad you will And it a groatTo make goodsancefrompoora;*
jamrightItwilltakeonlythree .bouri
feamas to tkogasdra. thuk another' aarfag of ocn; then is when froU
thMv; hto to town tbay do moaat ap: coaiea In. ter
**“*• * «"“»». m havo lou to meat pie. let
7™* f* .*^



auccees. After fliting the skirt araand vit*. -wash Ueapples and

ytu may have one day s the top. sUtrh
ua my. and savje part to down aa Bear

cut away

to-Uaronghly dryPot'ilnto

eaob plalt.allthe way
the bad psru, but do notpare.Sees
tightly, aodbang in a ctooi dry plan
edgea aapoaaible.
lender and pul chroogb acolander:
10 keep.

and tbe paste: the neai day you pot k <*a Uea stitch ptolu flat to bclov f<%9

v'sre over Ue stove agalo. season.

Corn ma» be aalted la a

*°"*”^L**" *■
****«'^ wiUout any outlay c» dupU of the hem. Tbe Itoe tor U)- worms when eattiag apples would Ue cob: pui a la«e.- of salt m Ue
tou Just cook these mooe.v at Ue time. Or. you aiay moke lag tbe plaits to easily found, and tbe frs? put the froi; in cold water they -bottom of Ue keg. then a thick Uyer
^Ra sapantely B. Uare Is eaoagh some tan abelU from a Wtovur. All Irontag to sucn a aUn becomes as would And -that the worms
would of coca, about cue toch. U«a a spnnkflto a (teas to wach. W mlitol if iben them wUh Jam. aad there yo« ere. May matter.
leave the apple, and come
otber toper of <
Or. whea you bake a To set Ue color to «Mb «mwU he-

Un- of ibe water.

atomi a quarter 01



*^**T^" ^
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The Finest Wagon Ever Built






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