Grand Traverse Herald, October 11, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 11, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ilA* A YEAD.




Prmreee Okd Trem tfleets ef


. MIrb.. 0(t. I-War
D. Wade, -rlM »*■ Mrirkee with p»rmlr*i* • !•« vetlu ato. died early
monlnc at bN borne on MIoUran areaua In tala city. In Ibe death
of Ur. Wade. Mamon Ioms eae of her
noM eateiprlfliw. public aplrUad and
kind haanad cHlzem. The deraaMd
had a larcB aequalaUnce enei
■ INO ©lOTRICro.
eai^ to aitaad him Wonly after be
am ukaa alek. Peeedent padaallr pev vorae from the diorfc, not
Ry Had •
hartof atreafth to currlre. The
4 AkMt «U0O M OUR
rlron of the deedaaed are: a vUa.
Will Ene
tlw pfim.
Uaty I Wade. Paullae asd Plorenea.
pbrtera In an Attempt I
daudbien ud pendaoa Wad* Dopain RoRUBoee* Thro
• a HMaa MpTMMit- rrtea.
tw tk« Womb'* dnb Ib th* ftrUtti
IJeboa. Ort. l.—The republic today
rormally eillcd KIbe Uaauel,
W Mildirlaff BBd UBtttaUas • dnb
queeo nolber, the do*-ager quren
tor tk* ypMc M Bftd bojr* of tb«
aad Ib* Duke of Opono. The.^port
dtjr, Mt la tkt Otracton rocw *i
that Uanuel atieopted nlrldiUM MMlk R Ur
Uafa aad wai allgbUy wouDded 1* narondmed. The aovervaieot doee not
eipeci a royalltt attack bu( li preparlag the army. Several leadloE. attive
ATICRTATt CONVKN- royallau win be executed and tha
ua •aee Btan toaarda the had >hlch
clerical* expelled. The eeriou WbltffiiRad waacR a projectehealdhe
lag aince the revolution occurred tohr Mtt the awa aad voatea. eaa ret the QnalhM moaaatery. The
W atMeeea.
monk* attackrd w**lb( rMubllcan*
tret Ch|«f of tiionHaane Oar

EeUmabl* WW* ef Proprietor of Lake
View Heuac. Elk Rapid*, Died
Suddenly Laet NIphL




Now York. Oci. : —Federal lodge' FOREION DIPLOMATS 'Cau. ON
Elk ytepUa Mich.,
lluud today fined Un. Ada Adriaac*.
bornaa Bbarpe. wltr of ihr propnetlghkecpale ooclecy mUIionalre.
e of 4bo Ukr View Itosse. died toll
cm her plea of gulhy of atangmoRitos at I o'cloih. heart failure
rttobring iba camr. She was about ib«
people are. the moiv torllned they
uatit about 10:30 lact evening,
s>-itU to (h-fraud Ibe ciwtorn* and It
attending to her dutire, apparently In
mun »top The next pnea to prieon."
gMd brallb. She w*> born to Utica.
.New Vurk. January 31. lEM, nod aai •RITIdH CONSUL ESCAPEO AND I; waa only Kard pleadtag that prw
v>-Died a priaoD *eBletire. The woman
married to Tboreie E. Sharpr In ('hi
in civionia penalego,. September, so. IkTt. movlog to
EU Rapid* ta Srpit-mber UK. She
Manuel and p*mny Will S* Allewnd
leave*, one xon. AIrr V. 8ban>r. clerk Or«*r* te Confiacaie Property of PerTh*ir Property Oespi^ Repert* ef
iner*~»n*rchy Relgne and
<J toe Uke Vl»« liouee. two broth­
Oran—TroubI* In Opwton.
er*. Charles Mervall ol Uorrie, llilaota, and Cltrvnce MorraH of Shel­
LtohoB. Ort T—The
by’, Mich. Tbr- rrmalas will be taken
lepubllr praetkahy reoelvnd toe raenauiamiaB air. ort. i.—Peraign
to forest' Home Park remeirry. OaK
ogaliioa of toe power* today. All the
reMdenU of Aznepala.
Park, rblcago. tar burUl.
oala onctolly vtottod too mv
where a revolutlua I* ragtag, are
ing <p eerape persecutkoD a* the iw- wm Be Out in Tlin* For Uae A*
ot the commaiidanl's ordera to
Chriatma* PrwienU—OroM O*.
lly will be exiled, but aUowafi Umtr
Jail aU AmerH-aos and ftoglUh and
mind U Eicpeetod.
l>ru|ierty. deepite the ehatgea of ffedipwperty. Amerlcu*
ti« It If declared the pswrlaea* are
are bated and JalUng I* i
WaahlBgtoB, Ort R —I'Dclr-Sam a* jclDlng and denied that toe leyaltoto
eQUivaleni to exerutton. The Brll&b
Miurpe of supply for SaoU <Sau> le maetorlng. BuslBKe to iweamtag
cuDaul vua ordered armied on
X* switched from gold picoe* to
charge of fomoDtiPK a rr-volutloB.but ■urnpe. Up to (hlx year the govern
Hanwei at OIhraltor.
eecaped and cabled (or a worxhlp. -An­ mont mint* coined large guaatlile* of lamdoB.^ t -a to nmocied Jtmt
archy relgas, and property le inSer. ORANO^ MEETINO.
'twownd a-balf dollar
plcrea 1.000 have been killed Ib the Ltahea
iDg eeverely.
This to theuahl to he esmr
which were kaown aiaoiig too
gerated. It to offirtaRy enlrtsad that
Ounheat Ordarad to Seene. nry offtrlala a* CVirlxuna* moo*
tdttaead <w to olreolat* peUileo* or
Waablogion. Oct.
Maawrt arrived safely at Otbntoar.
■ladp* ta order to aaeeruta towhai
It Wki decided tot* year I
letary of the Navy Wlathrop at
It 1* reported thal he *bM. 1 wB
•MW WMart eoW be depend­
oonilhue the coinage of the gold piece*
nrtIUery and bombarded ibe m<
queet of the *101* departmeet.
to lb* will of
peepia-* 11 to
ed * fiw (ha eiUiea* of the oUr
now Uock- Bam baa fdaced an
tery, whlcb aurrcbdered in two bouri.
day cabled the gnhboai Princeton at order for a largto quantity ig brl^t not thought Mamwl will too aUe «*
M-jaemL Wbrk va* hecra at
A dOMb killed, alao aeteral monk*.
regain the thrao*. as be hM BM pswpAcupul.o. Slex . to proceed
tbaae peUUoa* and the tonew yellow pcMal savlnim atamp*.
Ixpulalen ef the Monk*.
l«hi to piotect Americana. The Hoe- These legetbcr with a poaul card 1 a leader la as awergMicy.
I tola iBlo die I
Ulbon. t)M. e.-Aflur
tliran goremmenr reports a revolu- upon which they are to be paated. rrp
Warakipa Ordered to Operte.
f werp I
GItoraltar. Ort. 7.-«lhBMi 4otioiw
raw widMitioM the Meat
resent a deposit in Uncle Sam's
lead. Hu
heae Will Came from All Over
•a the a«h)«st. The cttr baa been di­
poetal aavlnc* bask, la order to atlm- be wiu rernei^ ho* wUl to* Foitw
nd two
Orand Traverse Realeiw-Soerd
guM* BitjaDoB to Mse deSalto. H*
vided tote tcmr aepante dirlaioB* aad
KalaBawo. Mich, Oct t.~Tbe W paged to battle. The expoleloa I* toor Trede Will Aid in
ot planned for th* (uur*. bed to
MdieHere bare be*& aaelcned to work
of Yankee toad, Uocl.- Sam ha*,gone
enrring heavy flptatlng and a heary
laga that a denioeraUc cute cc
Amertcan tfwtaer
to great expense^ ruinhh an attrac­ cbMrtui.
of lUe l>
T%tr have wared that it wui re­ -aatloB I* rnrar coB^ew without
tive stamp, h lAxp-ctrd ibat there Ue* Moinea and Brlimh warahip Itowflgbt
ile Mine gie* a royal lotata. Tha
wire ItAde to tet thtoc* etarted, Ihli
will be B groat daatood, lor ibew
deregion are golag lo have a chance to
em'taetadliif e«elp»e«.
abipa are ordered to 0|MR«a. Traehto
>tamr* at Christa
the ndlmnBW of toe'coo'
ahow tbrir face* In December, tar toe
IIAU. aad • aelaty fp a laaB to be
The card upon 'which the wtamps
secood lime toe annual leeelon of tbr
tNaaM to OR aa aeerMary aad ^air« pasted win ccat 10 rents and yrlll
my to repalB the (hrona. 1
MIebIpan Siat^ grange «ni be held In Huntlns Near Qrawn Short Time Ago be lb fart a -bank book.- It rt^retm dtmdor e^ ceeerel maaaoer of
A ^rtoal leader ta
BtaUa, Ort.
report le-unconBrmed. Manuel'e d
Ibe second
the ben bad the toeOtotloa. They are
Whe» Aeeldentol Olaoharge ef
FortngmL Oomex. caWe* that tbs tegaanta (be Initial deposit
It aU oakM about over the aVort* Uaattoa ta perhapa Praace.
vb-ltlng farmrre ore to be iihown.thM
Cun Whunded AnkI*.
•etwtotoff tar ihU MMgr at the preo of MyiWB H. Walkar and Qeorg* W
Etch card hnids nine etampii wbtcli aitoto. flchilBg (er-JMItotat defeawd
-and In t|ir orchard* ufmt. tiM In eMd caM. b« they are Hnatmer at Oraod ftapUi. to add aa
repuMtaani to Benhm Hlrtugal.
10 cents each. Tht* may be
epIOD ore gt^wn
Graan. Mich.. Ort. t.—John Olddl*, lehaiiged for a dollar certKime.
MWeiy aeUidUac the toad to order to
U rhportad that she t«mMk toIre. rdfarendun and recnil plank
l« , t-onaj of aiiv who wait acwldenully abol la the anpUa aa Idea of tint what they may to the platform. Aa Batterp turned
•ued the moai oweeptag order .fw tog
With tbv H*e of the ethmps
- depend Rpoa and to tsur* tht Aaed o« toeir eBorta tailed, bnt Mr. Humkh- while bunting with a companloii ChrUtma: pr*»epi«, will arise the
easloe of the Oettaoito OMMUrSepieralwr
requlrtag eua* aad prtoeti to
•afanaea for cm yaar. Tbay bar* alatoved Milloe that It woald be re
( the nrquestion of whetl
ether ibe iMetmasters
It will b
» dgwad that if they.eea pet tOe owh aenred two yaarx benee.
(entoon at ( n'clo(%.
of lock Jaa
;d of may lawfully do irave tha couBtiy. Madrid reports
pit dUplay jaadr last year Waa a
ay be rc<i;i!ti.-d
3.000 casualUee to LUben.
te eebatbe jeet cm Rdtor per aooi^ Ooraraor—Union T. HaBana,
-man order l-uai|-.ri>*' (or
lae to oururirtt ami our viiltor* which rerulted from the wound.
dv eOiiiear. saecma to aeNred, aad
Uf.' ClddI* wa* JIO yearn old. and (at *avlny> K.-.«tem will oul> be
Tbl* year wg expect to hate een-rul
pMW dar deWoMMt of the Me*
ir^ttophea D.
K-atea a widowen motberj a slater, aialleJ In one it |v<:sibly two po.1 of­
to be
•« mito at ohM.
diiplay. a flne gram dlaplay, and a Mr* John Clialii Of lUg Timber. Mon- fices In each aule this year.
Taken Hem* In Wheefharrow
Tk0 tadlea hare weifeed the thta«
and tluve’biotbcra. William,
.'Hilr question has oot yet been de­
Sac regetabk- diapUy. Tne Traver>e
by Neipriborta Oiophter.
mp MBfeMaiHally end mw It to np u aon, Ironweod.
Monro,- fetilrr, Ranaom of Kingsley, cided by toe officUlw, They are of the
City board of trade I* arranging
the MM end hen to help. InaaBMicfa
Alioroey-general—Tboaaa J. Brexand Bi-cd who live* at boor.
optnloD. hojiqver. that IT the mall
co^teraie with the granggre u> c
aa (hey bdre decided that eoopare- nahaa, Oowaitac.
Tbe fdnerw] aenricee win be held ders for routahwgvtngs aisBips do bd(
Tb* Record totUy U to rrcelpt of rytog out the. plena Srreral.ol the
Ilea eaa be gatoW ^nleher by meam
AudttoMeaeral—Rial V. UcArthW.
too eiory of a frightful arcidnil nearby eounllrr are alao anangtog Sunday aliemoon at the Crawn reach a very- big amouat for any one
Omsd Raplda.
at NbneM. Their pUa to u> bold
church, toe R«-v. John l*ileBUey otflrt- office It will be allowable tar a poettor dlsi’layi.
Aside From ExkaoMlv* SpeeeR By
anUakioer ol toe euto land of- which erenrred near Orr»ial Uke. la
Maeftog hr the lalmrlbera. let than
mnwier to fill mall order*
Ttu- propoacd eabibit li not mrictly etliig. Intcrmmi will be made In
Beaxle county Sunday. While bunting
A. Teylcr, There Was UtU* .aton thMr own offloain. aatori
posul aaOngi dcioillorlea are eetoV
grange eaterprtae. The grangere pli- Orove cemetery.
w—ThoBaa Oordoa. with * younger tirother and another
retaiT or nmapr for the club, to aeIlsbed ^Geneially speaking, boi
)r., KoweU.
toet tourtor eealimmta aai
the postal taring* eystven 1* not to be
awlSupreme luatlco—Mark W. Norrib.
etnl to plaa with the ladlae tar tha
mall order InstHuikio aad each man
■am teatnra. to lat toe thlag atan- Orand Rapid*.
I tp be required to deposit hi* mboof :hc
ind toataatiy killed, the charge - farnters and fruit grower*
ed. tlrie h not only fair bnt all that
ey la hi* home town In onder to keep
ahot etiiortog the eyre and face. Tl Qrand Traveiuc region. Every
aentd be aWed. It wonld aten on toe
.. . slwrle# wl'tin the JegW Umit
and child. Id the territory l>
body of the t>oy wa* taken home la
put -ef toe aBtooribera. aad U It
pony met to be T. W. C. A. hnOdof t IW a month tar pOvtaT de;x»lts
rbytb* daughter of Mr .urged lo save Mimrthtng for the d<-'
not. too wti—i are ready to Beet aayiag *««terdar. Baesgt ter the oratorT
dlrtia Oelph ReaeNad Her* Almekt
play. 1There will be
thing ^ say prodoM a
ef the Rm. W. a. Taylor, caadldele
A* Oulek A* HI* Letter Melied
iug to (here being so fund* from
half «ay with that raady-t»W-bwltor (be United Siaua aaMie. oad N*May OfB.
Eawhich to r«y- ‘.hem. AU exiUbnom.
maa naaan- cbaraetartoth of their
tional CkKBiBltteemBB Otirar W. StoOIiuwi-ver.. ail: have the light to plaw
hibiu Will Cem* to Trey
piMiMIre aptatt to pooh atom agy
an. Chicago, there ww* tittle aadtaOn October 8. RobeR B. Walter aa
(heir i-anM* and addre***;* upon th<
era* City.
Women'* Foreign Hieeienary Society ment or dieraeetoa.
■PCdaet that looba good for toe dty- atouttal of to* loeol
Om er tha greateat aeqntoiUoM lo a letter from Sira* J. Ontph. torBeriy
The TtakaL
Beatie eounty gntoger* are alrmdy
tha iqitfWt of toe chB nwBi to to aargeaat Major of V. B. A., eiailai
Oalted - States esRiler The Bd*.
plaanlng for the
aUU- gryige
he toe ehower bath which toe ladle* that <« May 1 of toU year be had
t Thie City Nov
tv. A. Taylor. Battle Cnek.
uieetlug lu be held la Iravrrto Clty
The Won:i»ri'Fon-iga Mlaaloaary
hWarawOl ha am of to* chief attrae- applied tor traaefer freaa poUon
her Mrd.
W. CWheU. Ub■believed that toe eililbii will In Oecemt-er. Thl« county will be rop- •o(-ii-ty ol tor Fir>v MethodUt church elag.
No. 10, vetorna army of tor
- annual' ruectfaje. elected (he
An exan
n for (oreet rlerk ha* prove au'advenisemriu bf untold val- leaeuted by a htiger tiumhec of dele
nwdi. aad anaMthtog that wlU I
line*. depanBoat l<. 8. W. V.
Ueutenuit gereiM—tJHah Mi—\
1. becsuae the rItIUng gate* ihn at any pmltius iwrilng. lowing offirt-re:
annouocwd'hy toe I'alted Stale*
to* hem aa Boeh. aa aaythlag that to HoBBah CBBi* of this «liy. Tor
unk. Big Rapid*, by peUtlita.
Porthermore, Uenzlc ta to put
FrvviJ<-ni—MrF. Wllaoa.
mnid he aawaetil
had narar heard fretn Civil Berrire CmimUiloa lo be held farmer*, who will be In the city 1
SupretM eoun Jwtoo-W. H. Ih
Firai \ i>e I*reiid»ui-Mr». Frank
display Of M-edt. sfeiDa and fruit* ac
tmt leuer or applteattoa nhd IbtmU- In thi* city Nov. S3. The posliloo >-a^ the Ktai« grange. wlU be compelled
Fox. ML CloBirax.
part of the farm pnrtoete exhihU lhat Crlffis.
lhat (hu ceglon 1* one of I
•atlm reraaled too fact that toe tot- rle* with It a aalary of ll.liW
Reemary of state—Ceq^
beitW plann<-d. A* a meanf to I'
Rtvord;ns StocrettaV-Mr* U M
c«< la Ibe entire *laie.
.ce OB tie
had gem halt way around toe lIZOO per antinin at enirance
end. a grange lair will be heU
wwk and toe examlui
I Object.
worid. badt to WaahtofWn and
Stole vouunr—Frad M. Btel.
t'orreepundisi S,-,rrUry—Mr*. .’
Honor In November-aad
the to
fMwarded to Mr. Whiter. Ha oanatat of apeUlng. artihmetlr.
tv. Simms.
shoaa at toU fair wlH be brought
ihip. report writing, prarlloe ol
M to take to* matter bp ofdcihlState toad
eomaMtaietter—O. M.
T.'eavu'ei^ Ur*. B P. Allen.
city for exhtalina during the
ly. and b* a ooneeeuaBc* Mr. DMph book-keeping. BteaagTaitoy- and typi«. Pioneer Passed Away Thursday Even,
bp Mr*. HaKep J.
Ubrariaa—Mr*. R d. MacGregor. Pkte«. liftrah.
arrlTed (a the city today. Mr. Wal­ writing.
inp After Lingering lllnss*.
^ Cenla.
Aiioraeygeneral— Ririam.B. Mev
The year Just dosed has been on
Only malet b^aeeu thiter having DC iBBiedlUe arrltal of tor
Mr*> Eimna Itroadhagen. wt'c '<
-of Ibe most iucce*>ful la the history ConnJc*. DttralL
latter notlSed him toat they vonie and 10 year* are eligible, and the ap- Henry Droadhaceu. died at the .Lonu
AoditOr general— Bmer R. Thoagr the aodety. They bet^ raised
'f Mr*. Aarrcy J. OwrUt *«C«r*d
he ready to meet him here. BoIiob pUewBU mnet be eliUen* of the Unit Of her b.iHher, Barney Andereoo
aeh. Grand ftopl^.
U purpooe* IITO.OO. They *up|
\mrT ealafal lafnry SaUrday at
ed Stnte*. Any further tolormMioii Thursday, after a llcgertag- illuea*. Crowd aurpilted Mr. and Mrw t
Chap I* localed at Saabnaago >
fsmlue wtdoK and fsmtne orpbsi
Chairman aute eWral wmEwi
har~UB* on Waet Soreato atre>.t.
Ura. Uruadhigra wa* one ef the rarly
India, have one schrtarship and pay —Dr Alfred Lowtber. Detratt.
Mr. CvtU wrn dapcradlng to* celUr
from toe local aecretary. at tb* pos;siieet in honor of Sgth wed'dtod toward the vupport ^f a Iniasjonarr
rr» in ihc city, cunilog heir
ataira for aoBe(blai to to* ha*<
ofSee or from the DUtrlct Secretary. than ihlrty year* ago. She la;
*nnivers*ry''.Thur*daj eveniag. The
Seutb America.
oad abe ahpped. faUlag to* w*Mde
Tih Ctvll Service IbHrlrt.
ral good time wa* enjoyed i
tola couBiry from Kngland, «he
leagtb cf to* Btalrwep. enOta* a tore*
-------- . . ■ ^ rw:
BalldlBg. Chirago.MII.
aix >v«r« of aye. aad ha* lived a deliriou* supper a* ib« event of
The school bo.» of Mapletoa and
mab to her forabeed wUcb rw
Making a Lsng Rromletd Trig
evening. Belore toe depannre of
the greater ahare ol. her Ufe •
htdeasburg played an excRtilg ga
•areial etluhea to eloae
Thfee$b Otoie.
I* Mr*. WiUlaina waa prcec-Bted f booiball Friday, toe fisaf a<
city. Bealdee her hasband. ah? i
child, and eeveral biwthcr* -..ud wlto a baodaome silver toerry
beieg Ogdeaiharg
Maptatoa 1*. As
Lynchberg, Va..
Os. r-CMedrt
Is «a* toeir flr*t experleficw a
Vtung Sen of Wtlllam Naah RatofuHy fclatera.
T. TiBber Oo. bar* baan reoetra
Keaaae CKy. Koa, Oubela Ra, and
today tovaded Dixie ea hU
ime toe outlook to very bright for
ward at toe ceiuip cell**- olden.
MeiiL, Maka Oeod Oalna.
tang irtgL He I* a
wiDoiag teaax
DendopThe ynrtlea eoMUtwiw the MrpemWiltrad
MB. Oct. I.—DnboU. Ra.
the Brtatol hoard ef l
tlen %r* Cha*. d. Travl*. Ooorp* BaaWar Thraatened In Oreeee.
of wailtam N*eh. SK aooth CBraoe meci bureau Im receitwd -coplre of
of lf.«X8
to', aad pbimp a. Tnrla. with a eap- with 9,f7i to urn. areordlBg to atatl*- eircet. while playing aratad the de: Bookl«i..Bumber 3«J Iroa the MMhlAthviu. Ort. S.—Otw today
aRkm. He to Barwtog hto rate*,
WMaM Boek of IMAW.'OW* pwpoa* tlca ef tb* toineeatb eeaau* a* an. livery wages (hi* aomtog fell and gaa Asrkuhurel ctdlege dealing with called her mJniiter to Turtey. War
whkto to haaky ataeo toe ccttveottoo
the aubtort -HaDdUeg Orcharda.'
may cnoae the power* to iaiei dtoi^ti
of too mmatNUoa k to acvtoe. toU noaoW by tie Yemu* burmn.
Id the lobby of the State
broke hi* arm.
totoL TeoB.. OeL T. Biiiiwritt
Tbeee ai« ready tor dUtrtbutloB and
Greece aliece* that Turkey'* They are
and toipoee oi tlnher.
an (Tem tb* farm .«d rraak
Kanaa* City, |to*.. I2.UI. aa temay he had for the aadiiag.
aggreeslea* one iatolerahto.
Brimmer, of toe Pealasalii. and
rreaae of U.«U. or M.I per
brou^t over from Bowers Harbor
of»er>l.«li to iwo.
Don Blnghaai left
thto amratag. la * heavy ae*. by BMoat.j Si. tig. aa tot
•dtod Ur aenMab ram. and to at
the orhool yard while playing foot­
Gor*. to CapL KBOsys taoato. Mtotoo Oartor dock hatog ml to toapa r UK.
per e*M orar Mytte ball. He wiU bo told BP tor
Ol* B.
I Wr too ^rMmr.
ttaae vHh tha palafni lajarr.

ni nilm’ cun





















eapedttoe »*>yeli

•MM lea* t»Mtar ttti^


be 'MieaOMDMrM o*« oMto
te latM iW «oo


MMM W flU the


‘MMws H! W leusE WNDi OLD mis

flve Aiidran. Ae
bat M yaam ML


of «Mtt 1a
Tba tuascal

toeoa wlB ba held In



Maey W ttew pluM vlU t>e ■


I>ra«raai aad Owtw to CHy 'Opara
Ha«aa. Mao iwwawiop

Trarcisc Otj State Baik




iL Tracy Lay. FriaMM.
'B- Floyd Cltncb. Tice rrmHBg,
Samuel Oartaad. Caaktor. ‘
Manager Oharies F. Eapf stntod
wuple of gays oga Ant tba tocal



A. J. Manard. AsoL CkibWf.
-A. -J. BavUaad. AsaL CasMax.

btoarb ot Uto Wells-HtgBaa en
has cloasd fur Ae winter Mar kav-

ID$I D9 sounwc

Ue twriufr (MOOtou to •
Ocxehar «l erlth sa i

The ntaaira ordteain

vlU furalaii

« aacoad -ou Paopfe's Day" to
beeread aaaiBlIy by tba First M.

k very aucceagfU rua durtog Ae
Der. Kxtvtiatv..- repairs wil

i during the winter aod Ae fac­
bitocb van gtvrea 6uada> «lA*a tory wUI be In flr*t claos shatM when
poodlp attaBtonca et Ae elderty Bwaa- suoAt-r ran uarta
bera. Un -aroonm ot Ae gtooDy
heather promised in the early part of
Mrs. Stotli''M


iSomiuUit tenesa OMc

the montlarlt »as not sapeeted tbiu ter Donna left lam evealog tor Grand
Aere houtd ba a
k»c batore Ae hour tor the aerrkv.
Her Heart was Srekao
the church was UM. with Ae kuig \
rove of happy abd expectant tacas •aegue ber rompIvxAn was bad aad
Aa ebuld And ooihing A toear -It op.
ready aad hotalng lor the aerv ica to
Latoea: a bad rwoipiexion to caused
occopy tha tore part «( Aa aTonlna
baglS; 'Some walked a coDalderable by an Inactive liver
altar erhlch tba haU *Hi ba daared
( FtoB Mooday'a Becord.)
dlstanye despite Aelr age while c
Jlver can be put ta per1<-ct condition
aad daaciDc entoyed by thoae to aiWith a TiB awl «ra that Bcaaa
t JOUOg peo- b.v toklnx J>r Herrlcfc s Sugar-t.'Datedtaodaoca. ,
iBiaaaa'draai the vord go. aad MA
Mila. The UMouaJled liver regulau
pleWAto Mutch and tlrer d
■ ■
Mr Camdl'ta an eraior of pcaat Boeh a rMdp-te-bualaaaa air aa ha-t
povar aad all «bu auead vlU t»
> Dot|e«d IB peore. thr bowd
plean a rare oratorical trcaL
n>.b ol aapanriiort bw at A» court
it-nds of tbe church.
Aa propraw aad daoee are fw Ae (odap tor Aa Octohpr aaaaioe.
BeauUtal large boQueu and potted
peaeral pobUc and <e» adBiwtoa «A bebw called by
Frank pluis hrlahieoed the rRcO of th>oalp ha edtod for both.
HaBltn ahou^j:}0. Ererp themtx
ctiurrh Atarlor, apecfal Bualc saa's'Tha propraB ot <ba evanlap ei'< be the beard ansveivd
*-|iare'’ to
langed and Ae pastor the Rev. h,
aa foliova;
ame on tire rpU ran.
h. -MacGregor gave a moK Inapirluc
The Propraiw
The eanre old qurackB ot a
lOO for this event. *Bacsb pc-isua
1—Opeolap Malth, on A« rrontlar,
A SH h.». GMtoltee Ei^lM
county bouaa eaaie tip as onuJ.
was presented hlA a Bower as a
i from the State Board token or r-gaid fraaa Ac yaung Aiks
8-<Addreea ot Wakonia.
ej-lioder bore, 4 inebca. ttraka, 41 tnebgg.
and CbartUca vras read
aliogvlber the event wwa poi oui.e
S—OyartBre, Uading ot r<ri«Bbua,
Goal degiaa. bwt BatstW.
bv the Wt-rk of tha board aad tbU enjoyed by Aom- in whose henur it
WaigliL^lOO lb. Sttota aagibr. naa aMaftij.
B>. oaee broti^t forth
an ouibiirai wa* given bu: yy Ac-entire totttt^
Ao aaak rar tha aeraaioa. aod the
addrcaa o* tha avaelap MU ba daliv-

hp M. H. Carroll, of Bay City,
echo -oUl taka tor hla auh)aet **Cbrt>wpkar ftihitohw.- Tha pwgMw .Mil

■ik Mim
•w the ttue rMw MMtos to he
hM te Tteewee Cftr to PtciaPw.

h yW« COM V. » •Mn»<M I

TM Irak cabtUt M taw yw. whtM
fotten op vltUe a rtry ebon
. WM • reretoUee to


or driepetw -fret ell over Ue

I.WrfiMW «M «C 1

Koto- TVUto K M ■ pood nUMt. II
coold BM eonpere e’Kh vhot tte dto
plar ittti he at toU rcorh ■etUap.

HwiMt ta t»«««itei Md

■Mn kM Urn. 4ttrt>s Ite
>MK rwtir teiudMd.
kNteM OM Mttnrjr iMH
'■pea ■ Sm

Tbt exhiwt UK peer aod-tbe amfc
diiptor la Ctoleepo aUmualtod 1

eel lB(ni]tcuku{«.aMtom paodoete
Tke iaadnuoM ere ■»- panoMUr, (*d the paw peer tea eiilaojr iaproreiMata ta the
to MMT poHtto end Um ede1. cere. padUap aod aarfcatJ ««9ei|M *hiA b4«
I at Iruii. J
tteMt mWtfew napelpiie
bMft dwiMied »r OM- *M OB ape«paear to the Oread TTa»area (araere aad thap era doteraia____Wttv t—W■< Mnke (i
iiiiW de« «IIM prodecM ad that thto pear the Mlpatae u





Bob dlPareot otwebote ibat aoiae- gatAn for they wer- happy to tb« tact
iMog ahaWd he deee on ihii qucMkHi that Ibey bad gccomplhihrd aometb’i
4-O.MD.. n» Bnun

Frank Carver aiose iminadialely
and ttWred and

Meotftt lemrd

teto puMM ■era net ahown tow rear.
Iho vcrfc of arTMttnp the ax>

ailuiu M^Moie wWi< It to M hlWta. tha fhrawra wtU hara tba aoalwaaea aad eooparatloB of the Trae-

rnmjym Mf PMple Mean
_______________ __ ________________ _______



«o •MTO. ««»



««M» tu

■hai the people ot the


tbap MB to

lltk"TM ■•■' maw we « ttoeg

at Swttons Say From Heart

county, aad city-, may see jt»t boar
.the mailer sUnds, "It
bnmMt More the



„„ «n»vea euuMw




Wll. JACKSON. Tnv«rM L-S.Mlck.

Mrs. Thceders Bsllangy Passed Asmy

Fn)v.-to<nl. y<-i. 10 —Mra Theodore
aoM Mr. Cuioer, "and tbej- BcUaj!K>'. whuM- bume Ib three mil-a
Maap Ha«ra Paved by •yomar 0>li.l Prov.-moi;-,. died (liti nKirnr
barepoBeasbi astbop could wlibum
•hart l» DallMarinp Miait;-F. O.
Suiuw.* Bay at the home of ber
ihe support ul Ae pcipla."
toail Paturday.
I roilH-Mii-law. Ruecr.e Bellaagy. She
moUou has
operated upon last Wadnaadav
aavetoad. vho
Tha farwn on the B. F. ix .loato
naot to the pa­ and rallied nicely after thai. Ae c^uae
oaAtad'kp 8. A. GUbart of tike toco)

PMaitoB pcMd ear eopocllp «er hMl Aitaw In tba ra^a hOl WriA U hban

Just “Flour” Isn’t Enougli
Whgo you order thU ««y,
you are tskiog a nerd e<»
riak on q-ikliiy.
True, there are j^eoty of
brands of good 6i»r»lait is also true ibbt ‘here are
different dv-gtees 'ef good*



that Ae matter t» nut

ITIb'MnMto to i« wT

■ ■ffli.s' " —
of tM fw“* iM- tarwani received iHlee be appoint­
THE LSMOM-mpH WEXFORD. < Aelr malt about Qra bouiw ahead ot
kh * pvt o( tka poutlaw aWMfcB. It
ty. in Ckanoary.
ed tor Ae purpose Of loofclng Into Ac
Wexford oauatp piMantx a valuahla lima. Uaually uader ordinary cii^r
Agnes Si-vor. CoattoalnaaL
• iM>i «4MMiw to noto a teia radlmailer full]- or ibai it be referred tu
Charles Sever. Dr-teodaat, August 14,
ri UMi MtoMMto 0Bc»«Mtou team In good roada ntiadlac. Tba •toaaaa-'tor. OUkirt atom Bob Aa
of Poor.
Wexford County Oood Booda aaaocH . oTBaa about TrM and
which was be course flnally decided
> tan, bia rooA he feu iaio tM Wty again

ajion. Mr. I uan also made Ae Kate{lefendaul. Charles' Se.vur. does not
» dUP al aboul 8:30 la tke afteraoon.
mpM daftdr toe nw «•
JMji hla idea Alags were not
W Jmlft. ^
ts I ■ W
>kreside In this Slate but U a rae
busifieseUke manner
tto of New York. On a
: In the Batter
as Aey awreld be. stating that Aey
Gage. aoltolAr for Ae
aldiuea woitod out w«h Mr.
Qliben In At
were Aerc A du the work of Ae coun­ ptoinasl herein, it to ordered that Ae
to Ae Woto rmrd paid, tha
e sob
SOB of [oew
|oew Mod£ 14 auck
auo mwhlaa at 7;m
said defendac
ty and do’It rlgbt. He then brought
mi lua bean anbscefkad and paid [aad oaot over tba rouu of ovw one
up a <ues.uou that to bu kaowladge
each orito bnlli. occordlnc w kondrod aad tweMp-kve hoBM and re
^ WMI. thaea to ViINBlnWt

MM o(» vtotolr «A«n
-MMtotodto eoBMdto-......... .

. mniiC A 'Ae >0Mtaa MttooK:

Mto « M. ««T dM plttoihaaiB A
Tha raonlt to that Wexford eooaty
pvAhMorp. m
has •ant of tke laaat poodt la tha
mmA rna n gbooM Mt «a tomu
am. that sack dto^apn always ac- Mate. Duitoc the last two pears a to­
■MbBI’ tta dtoettoea god that owkdt tal ot IS BOW baa bean coaWniotad.


on this I

e are very

Aa aaount Ineludlnw Justice A®r»o: that Ae BUI



whlcta lud been reported. Mr. Walter
axplaloed oatlsractorily at lengih wby

guod. The Uuia nacklna 1a one ot .**»
bar not been
made aud
«Hk Mto M Mdea. are noeh boxo Tbli apkodld ioaalt to made peuaWa
bp tba liberal aabaerlpUou W ‘"ai- Ae new ones pul out by Ae Buick,**^*^ *
djRWtodliii than <Man oat w
Ae end .rf Aa ypar. Mr Dean
Area company, aad catrtea a two eyllndw.
«• AeeMtiy M swoa.
donbla opposed fourteen borwa powe.-!*^ **“'
May to tM ottltato of obv
and anorne>s were to make a report
boot in any one p«ar.
,o»et> 30 daps, Aerefore he wtebed to
Otoad Travarsa dountp baa w«w> top. BgUt and all other neoeuKlaa'
ctoorly uaderstkad hOp tnli
Tmvr .
good pnvaw Ala pear, but we «•! aad comfotts. Mr. Gilbert aad also
At a ttoslon of aald
said ccourt, held at'
Haofctil art been ooaplied wlin. The i
bare to take oC our kau to Wexford Aaatount Pootmaeur
le City •“
c t the afternoon aesulon was token the probate office, inktae
-ve f'lcv. In said count
Jty. «
sp ia.ibe regniar routine of busioaue.
anec of the Mttto n
»y of October. A- D. 1IPIO.
Present: Hon., I^ed B. Walker,
idge of Probate.
Tba Re*. W. L Lawraocob of Bodtoo.
In Ae matter of Ae esUte of SarA
A. Fraser. Deceased.
preoMaat of atha ttoltarlan
Jay B. Fraser havinc filed In said
school miety at tba Uniurtoa
Dauphlsr efg John Norris of Oreilick- court his peaLtiioa pray iag Am Ae
faroaoe In Dattott. dactared
la th- Pers bUrouattc ta dein •!« LM to
villa. Passed Awiy
admiolsirsiioB of said evtaie beVranlNAv Matbed »f DIspatebing Trains.
ed A l>ed C Marer Or to aome OAW
suitable pe^
- ■MManUng tha TatagrMx
Sunday, aehoal taoehara aaEaUt
It to ordei
I that tba
problaB was
LueDa. Ae daughter of John Nor- October. A. D., IKIO. at
The Pare Hirqnefre railway Isaooa Ti.<. of Cralllckvine. died at the asy­
tin Bostoa bp the aBptoyBaat of pre
forenoon, a: mild probate
to join the already long lUi of roads lum Snnda.v. aged 83 >-ean..
■ aod i* hereby aplKtioicd
thtMtolM^AerebM b
hearing >aid peiluon
•sIndthdtelepboM » dtopaiA mins survived bp a moiber
and laAor.
It is further ordered,. that pahiii
iamg ibd taiccnpk. «Atob
three brothers ud two t-lbiprs.
L ' ' ■
rallce thereof be xivoo1 by
by pqblira
Mm to tba .poMar 0
der. Ar thra
The funeral tm>1ce will be held lu llou of a copy of Ais order.
M^tka atoto to BaMtob
the Greiltefcvllla school bouse Wed­ But'cersive weeks p.-r>Au» to said
ot hcariBK In Ae Grand
tbst. «hli
nesday afternooe at ^
oVIocfc. tbe Herald, a nesqiaper primed and
aHceuto ahd.liae Rev. & A. Hilts effletotliig.
aitogr. tototod of patoc laietha towlutaad-aa by tha eolimtaiT aad o
lab-r- cnlaied to sakd county
toMtotp bn 4f»ovlfttl •arrioM
of those who tore A da- Botartai to Mu^i a itae-Croto Saginaw lurat will be made fn Oakwood cemJ.iiie<- o: I'T-ohat'-,
IttolkMa tbdto acoru a iMcton work to Ttotodo. appraxtonatoly 19| mlUa 1
toeM and gu botoI
ot Ao toofth wlA Ae sekepbooe fir trai


Otoh young, and dlaaomlniUee of chrt


V appears Us the «amal bto dMatobar

win ho' tocotod at Bagl-

W dtoOMPMto em. etoto ha POPS
beeoBe A# rale. Ed. Frtca of SU --------------------------------------------ao« aM Ae onMra oMPBoni
wHT ha
ii jlBBib wouM dig op racy MeeP- _
------------------------Wnto to«Md If ba OBiU fsoIlM that
Hraet baa a pappar ptont: fontotoad *y the Weobaro Maetrlc
Ms M ^ to M dosatod A tha 1b-

imriot Ac aaoemd crap fUr! caiBdM.
to bettor Auj TleMse of Aa groai eooa and Bell
*'tiy of kraanBimdoa tba totopboaa bos

I aad that It woatd mmt wlA ***
•*«' *• "*>rm * mtooA a Aa ^ coapto^ paora baaa makcrop «C f
k tor Aa puar.
^pg.MMe'<at tkk tox goyan of Aa
tag rogM HdB tow favor aanog
O. A. Ward la to Loka OHy ua b

rattroad UilIb. it psakirBr ibe work
tarBBdy boon by Be tatogragb to a
atapM wd afSetoat masoer sad
adeptAo of tbe tclepItoM auad-|

M^MfiMNBM « fenot fUMM to
Mnim MMlidtoaMaottHr adgo*.

par qalek^^Mto ar*t~ ■
oaM PatwKMMng OU aebpae 1 say
BU fOtoadtoa avar Murad a


ard by a gveot toaay of Ae largest
railroad* to tba country has coosed

bin UM. mm oeesWy jwan aa 4toe>Faat few tosaite btaa OBptoyed to
Mm bOeaailLMpar-tba nOca «
A. B. Cartto. has ae
(ba poAlP^ltlo. toft rawai by


«Ihc KM Everybody Ukes”



You will iiitJ thi* l.-.-jiid pcuilvsrb


to buusehfAS'-Uae—

and equailv (tool for tread and psxtry.
Ihe qunhi.v ia Ae highent toiialnsble. aad Is alwaya onUorB.
10U take ao risk in ordering, tor it cotoea ‘'aattntoettoa guanan-cd or money .-vfuiided"—fro* your giocera.
gd»n BY

Free Demonstration of the
Malleable Range


The MaliiAla man all! be at
our >u>^ ibto weekl Oct. '.<• to
t:-. to. toil yo<i all about.Ai*
wonderful ragee. Come in and
k-i .hlB kltew you Hs rood
potato and tnplala its superb-rU> over oAer taoics.
FIUCE—To every
of Tbe UalleabV -Range this

ns; V. B. Boland: Mra. R HenOeraeo; Sd
h a Lay Maoa. Ob

Voigt UilUnfl Core «ru« Rapids. iO^

A rattiins g^ed^ lantern can be
bought at P. K.*8 for 50c. -it^ to a good
one for general roust-about %wrk. 75c
will buy a dashboard lantern wHh the
ordinary globe. $I 20 is the price pf~
large cofd--blast lanterns with No. 2
burners. These give'plenty of light and
are of good value. Lopk at our display In
the window.
We have been supplyirg people
with these lanterns for several years and
we know pretty n«>ar what they want.
We Iwve e go«4 aaMrtMcet es4 Ike prices
Uke toe p— eitrecUvc. Cencr Pieml ea<
CsM StrecR.

wreck anly. he wfH give abatowtrty tree,^ »:-5# set to cooktog MsasIlea-FBEE.

S?liSS.RJfJSr«AS -J “'r ■“
•MM«M«iM toaMiaMsi»-ba»S5l|*^-^~

If you are u-tog tbe right
kind, you will feel •■•ply
repb^ for iptcHyiog ia
same each time.
If you haven’t aoy real reasoe for ipecifying, get
one by purebasiog a tack of



thee* who are oMe to fodfe to be ito

Woodan la Aa ftuU aad s*«etabto pbaoe QutaM over the asRire road ath-Toltow the comptotioa ot
I- Uae ta tba Oihrtd Traesae rcglos
%■ iCMMt ioMd «k MtokMto vooM wtn aaver create actnrdUg A tba tba drat etreoita.
ladlcMUiM nt the praacot time. SavSagtaaw aod Toledo there
« • mw ugM i
^Mhawdofuco. Wa baUewo that
era! freaks have been raporud. aad wiH be » ptoMto Mottoon. Tbo chief

SNMOIMU of MIMlgUi kighwopo. Wa-***^
•Mora tbot mM R bOI
abotod bo


T%to to naderateod bp

baciBniBc ct the adMtoa of Ae tele-

^MkM rewofto belBg paid by Aa



that the teurr l« publiabod la Ae dai-

The aMlblta this rear «U1 pa Carm


the cloee Ot the coBiDtieScatlon

tbar thoa tow peer


arutor. waod oav or putop or d> anw oAbdr

besides supschiloDf and idaus.

■ tM Mtul «tt- the prodactlOB of to«U aad Imw pro

r To*

saileb.wir«4 FBtoSy to

gcuiap anaioiu that sornwhlap be

4|Mfthf^ilW|.ai. It u uoe ik>t •tote praape vUl aaa aomathtop that
te «U PM. vtU eomlaea thaw that
fgrtinii (p POP

IpaMMi In tte Toutlce or tedey toada a wow paaarai dUpltf. awooc
M'MMr tTpe B( OM vlUck «« thaw prWaa aod eapatahtoa ■

with puIlM. gbtoUae tasL bkttatx,eeB sad

tt has plain to be aeen Ac bmrd is







Z>o Yoa Oei Vp
WlOi a Lame 9aek?

chief clerk ot UM CMt Hooa.
Mr. Bioem ba« henwaocUted wlUi


Th»c yoia« DM h**e »«ad the
pnvcriT for a wm c( m>> wA 'b*
^ ' tmte ol iU murk- lt« practical *eo la the Mtai «u<!I abtebeiUhnMcnac
Deal, will derou tbHr Ume asd the
bcDai ot thdr expetleneo to ataktas
cvCTT wilk
in «*cr> the itcocb bold ooe ot (he beat
cosuojt rbraaMhaD. Nortteni Mlcbi<»ii.
The aca atruetura «1U bo erected
opoo the oW alte of Um Northpott
Beach bolel. a ahort dlMasce north of
NOrtbiiort on the a^ of Korthpoct
bai'. vbeto the non !onU^ eartvondinfi make thU one of the ntoai
aiiractl>'e reaom to tbe state,
B^at the
- oBty For A
amiea to the Northport Beach hotel,
vhicb oBcaped destrucUoo by dt« and
which was eltaaud aome dM
tlounty Clerk Robert t. Walter
back of
'' ikiW—rtT jtm nwifl It hw bm t&ar- bak
ot (be
(he bis
bl hotel,wUl he alills^
has Just mwited fioDi lanslnx- s
ft ;;«q|^iaudin|iriTMei»*:t5ce^hM „ , starter.
,urter. This

U a commoi
complete ststemeoi of the state tst
which Grand Traverse county is rc
-jiiKwStMe mma. wbo have not el-, vralently----stoi7 and a tao story addiiMm ad­ qalred to pay IhU fall. Tbe stab: Is fiven to detail so that every
ded and QBder tbe whole, a'roomy
lUsement. When completed, tbe bnlld- uxpeyer wHl know. Just -where bu




,J9S WUl be no feet toos by « feet
. sad will
iu width, in addliioo to the klicben
'etmeure which wUI be <m the old
, futudatJon of tba former hotel.
One of the ebtot attractions Of the
So, s ....................................m.:m.oo
wUl be a Urse dtolBS P
by hotel will
Vnivetalty of.........
S. Act SOS. 18S7. OR. No. 3. 17.S0
.Cnlrerslty of Michigan—Beq.
j W. Act Z78. 1M7. CoL No 4 67.C:
Michigan Agricultural TolI. Act SM. 1»0T.



Twe PraetIcM Hodet Men of Orand
dtapMs Have Lean# WUl Be
Kroetod on «ne of Norith
-PM Baaoh Htdal.
'The BeiMh note) OMbpany" la Um
tUM M a Bcw oerporathm wbieh will
.F^gna tbe doe Northpott Beach ho«al homed a fhw years a«D. A. M.
. liiall* of OhlcaBd^ a heavy ewair of
» of Northport fad
Mulhpert beach was la tbe city to^ and1 Igave Information to the Svt Baeord that wllkhe sraUtytns
td tha paoMa of (hta aaettop ol the
It «m be PMBMBbenid that the
• Jhrthpert Beach hotel was JaA atUlalBt esviable pt^ubsilty and pubUrity «4pa Che ’imUre nmet<in> wastmally dMtroyed by Dra. Now Mr.
- . lAsIle baa eamidetad a deal wberabr
a new hotdl wUI be eraeted and oper\
Med upon a most oodera plan by


SSI.. 19c

Great varieties and

SS2S? Shoes

<* “<»
I deOnUely anaoenced as'



^UR CDlarjed Wotnen'd an<i
^ Misses’ Garment Department
eff-trs you choice of an immeoM
variety ot the new stylei in Tail­
ored Suiis and Coats at savings
well worth your while; also excep­
tional values in Fur and Caracul
Coats. If you want an unosual
amount of style in a popularpriced garnient, come to our Re­
modeled' Ready-to-wear Depart-

wtaBe tbejr Idst, pklr


Alvina MaT^ Saturday at
Her Heme at Long

Mrs. Alvina Hall, wife of tilrai
Rail, died at her hone at Long Lske.
Bsturday aftemociB at 6 ocloefc. of a

5?iBm^ri5Sd to


W bow much BOO* •
•*«> a kind and loving
t did. Mr i*yM. mother as well as a devoted ChrUtlan


mu u.

■” *■'

«•>»■. — «■» «i»m..


B. c.. i™.

--WmtsMro to me daurhtere. Mrs. Don Howard. Mis.
WE.tMBM IB yctg^HWriato.:-Mia.. peorge mule and Mrs. WlUiam Nee»
^'abxSS2*W«M M^Sl***'l*‘*^ of Traverse City and Mrs. W,
' Ah3m£
MawMng'Uof BHUim. and three sis
pndniff*"^ i^.
lira. Mrs. Ullie 8. Beal, of WsikwOtwell of Three
____________ “d Mrs. Lode Bwwc
T^funeral aemces wem h,
at JO ocioc* TneMay. at the boose,
the Rev. tleorge news ofdeisting.
Builal wss In Oakwood.

'JSS H. O. .Neieon. f«w • year bookkeeper
J^OX’S'.SSfTSiS! for the Magic Preaa. has been engaged
la a slmUar cnparli.' by Straub Bros
Hn. Prank Vmlpr want to BoM^
this ommlng. toi spend a few Sgje
«lth Bicaids and rMaUvcA


Suits and Overcoats
$5.98. $7.48. $9.98
<■ and $13.48


er$e City for Uie best Qoility in lU
kinds of lifbt ind heav^ rubber



YOU might jost as well is opt
^ save from $3 to $5 oo an allwocl, hand-tailored Suit and
Overcoat. That’s what you’ll do
if you select one of oor '’Klrsch
baum” Korments^ at $14 4S. $17 46
and SlS.yS. But you can save
correspondingly at a lover price
as well and choose . trom aesresi
styles, colon and patceros.


39c. nmx-liiud sUrU ud
drewon in tH $izes; aln b^a
dees In botv;
brown ribbed;

ploest la a blf trailety d fnttr

sti^ cbockod sad fi|ned pitOmr store elosM at 4:M p.
m. Wedpcsday, Oct. Uth,
remaliilng closed all day , p«y»rt....................
Thursday la ofaservaace ol SAMPLE HAND BAGS, at
entire siUfldliBe os sak at nVt%
Hebrew Holiday.



^ in plain and rrej canlaere
in kolcker style; pairs ... -


below nfiUt prices.

The GLOBE "IS?’’
Traverse City.

41. l;-'--, ColJ -Vo. 49.......




................................................... l2T,::i>.c-.

tal 1909 ..................... 124.194,W
cr-ia«- ............................ 6.924.1 r,

New offveera Elected preliminary f

BesutUnl Premiums Free with Globe Grgeu Tradlag Stamps.

hitjrilt'iids bote Tl.iirada.v and Krlda>.
'PuliV him for bis now duiJci
>ll»* KImMi- ha« n-'urm-u
p.h<>»c-u oallir.;;.
DurioB hiv ivmnecOou with ibo Na- fu«» Gisiid Rapldc, where abe has
.i-n ItM- putt fokr weeka.
slp Nr. Kent nna luadie tunny warm
fi1pn4h In l!ir city and u wa. hit hXMrs. A. Si. COreieU la vblUng rrfaliiK for Ibp town unil ibi- pco(>le U.AJ ves and frlendi' at Ttdedo. CR>io.
htiMi May Bllllngton left Wedaesled him u> remain hpre Innead of urO'lillus one ol «he aeverwl olferc (hat
for an vatended visit ulih re-laivn and fri<t>d' at Cleveland, Obio
U- liad from ni'V>-«|ia)e-ni In Uiffi-n-ui
|u.n. u( ibo onuo'ry when it became
MrK. Ruunn Hltaooa woo Oral pritv
tiK>»ii Uiai be wa.' to never hJa con in Hu- gne-ring conleel at Lishm
lue-tluD w'tb tbe i-AMTle ihi>i tkll.
Hive No. 41U Thursday.

of .Si-Men Ctiy. were eailliM cm
fi-ienda to town Wednewday.
MUa Oef^aa Biiam. wbo gaa hart
at (be aKaiJng rink taai winter, kaa
bad to bo tirat.-d at tba bo«pU«l a«Mt
ul the eniBiMr. la able to be >ww
and ^Ik a tittle bow.
Mra. Jclla.Hickey entectataed bee
Illiie aifter from ThuaipsobvUle' last
Joaao Htttley hat beea' eBlertbinlog bU Biotber. Mrw. Blvlru Huxler of
lleudoB the past week.

A peutkm U wJcg circulated m the
Mr. and StrqL4. milUa xidted east aide, uakibg tor a cealnl martV)pi-ml»h. Mu-b.. 0<.(.
6—WSIU* friends at Kalkaaka over Sunday
Kockwi-JI, wbo baa been quite sick.
Mra. Mar.r Stning of Sot’ih Grant,
J. M. CbrUtUnion arrived PfMur
It tllU eoiifnvd to hia Ud.
waas guest otMru. WlU Clark Wed
evcnliig Iroo Laiislag to TtkU with
Tbe Rev. E. WiXid ami wife of m sdUv'.
' «
Tlumipsonvillp, Mi-re
Mr. Win Minidd and Mre. llildee fr.citda over burdty.

piWM. niceiiily bi-U. the folk*'

for Ulrls-Sec. 3
4909. fol. No. 2!

Oeorge O. Bat^. Thou. T. imtc*
VV, H. Umkw, J. \V. lUuiH-u and .M.
U. rtDllvr.
CVBrera were elected U fonowa;
:t »9. 1909. «1.
Pr.-aidi'Bi and treaauw—Ouorge
G. Bale*.
Pood Cc^mis^
^net-Sce. 12. l»5. Col.
Vice ••re.ldem aivd aoerelary—
Tliua. T. Dalw.
Geonte C. Haiee will auume blc
duliea at cnee aa edi^ and bualnraa
manager of the Bbgle Pre>«, priOlmi:
^^78. Act 84. 1909. (Ml.
navy to the <«nvoUdtdon. Is the near
future, ol 41ie Kvvnlng Record ai'.il
the Dally lUiirle. and the Urend Trav
eree HenUd and (he Tiwv^ ihi> Ea5leM. B. Holley Oe«a to Herald and
ftecart Co.
N. B. Holky. -wbo baa. for ihe U-4
: year* been In charge of (be boult
and etaUonrry
d<-|«rtmcn( of liie
Hannah A Lay UercAn((^ onnpaiiy,
haa reiigned his pmUkai there and
will bervaflor be m-xortated «i:b the
Herald and Record I'om^anv In the
advmincg. rob |•lio(lDg and (uUen.
loo deiairtiuent:
Mr. Kent Qoes WJth H. A L. Meccan,
tile Company.
Georce \V. Kcut, wbo for Uu- jiwn
VO }eun< bae
IdcmlSed «i(K
'.'j UE13. (he DwUy Bsgk. flrat aa editor and
tor the paai year aa edhor and tbanager. baa given up »ewapaiK-r work
(or tbe present and entered the emtdoy of tbe Hat-iah A 1-a; Jlercan.
tile eompanr in the csiacUy of ad3. Act «5. 1909. Col. Sa
vertialng muMigrr. ilr. Kent ba. lu.• tlinr intend^ entering (he ad­
vertising B.'id and hat made preparauoo tor the work In bU epare lime
duilss tSe past three yean, and (be
knowledge that U tat acquired <4 tbe
and the ptwcUoI experieiice
that ha baa had la hie man.T year*
moe6<m w«h the prluilac and
ncwHiaiier tuu-lneat iu a mrwunre

Please Nole~Tlil$ store wilt close Wednesday niebt at 5 o’clock and re­
main closed all day Thnrsday, on accoint of Hebrew Holiday.

For th^ Prettiest Dresses




the PreiUest Coats, Uie PretUest
Suits, the Prettiest Skirts, the
prettiesf Waists the best In Un­
Hosiery, In Gloves,

V >1^



MtviM tor Fall-

patent, fn qettl or vld kU lenthert; nil new FiU lots; Uth ud low
oiHiB un,
toes, mu
bods; BOdm
tad Mxraw

Tailored Suits and Coats
$9.98. $13.48. $16.48

Total Stat-'TUv. <'.,l


Men’s and Boys’

SHOES. B8«m tBd hedvy


tution for tb>
6, Act 1J7. 1
» ...............

lii-uiKWii iv-iuriu»iwr
4^ Act 158. 1909. 4*ol. No-

DoMetiMduA |er*oy vf
fittod; Mt ill SUM.
taOMl«,it ... .......


mUB»9* »cw -FmU TBtlorcA

(el wlU be carried out for the new

Mrs. Hall was bom Angnat 27. (sTd.
In OaUspd. Michigan, her. marriage
to Mr. Han ttUBg place October 7.
U». St her boor In Stark county.
lonpooBd asd todlsna. They moved to Orand -TravNlchjgaa. in 1S67 where





tnorMcalen ...........


SCBOOL TOSE hr koys kBi ^

PETnOOATS, Mo ia wick
aaibUckaM wUte

SWEATER ^ATS tor tka ttOe

Act 13«. l:

ly and that the hotel srill be ready
■rtere at the beclnnlns of next
'na appointmeou of tha h»
tel wiO be even bcuer than that of Nwthar* ^Bute
Sec. o. Act lee,
ihc old Northport Beach hotel which ocnool
1»0». OR. No. ».................
had attained a eplendid repmatloB- Western
Stale . Normal
8ehoQl-r«hr. S. Art 162,
More It was deatioy ed.
IMS. CoL 10.
Oaeof the added attractlonp to
the reeon wDl be that durins tbe' —Sec. 4. Act ITS, 1908, m
last few yean, the ocHutry adjaocot
No. II ..................................
liae been woedertuUy developed la
irult cuUuro and what will make it
eslcaUe wUI be that both
IJhraiT Cr-miaMr. Sanders
-See. 3. Acs 374.
Blown, own fnilt farm adjolnlnsthe
botnl property. They have become en- Mi5!3ian^toldlers' Hoine—'
tbuelaadc over the future <rf North"
pert beach and with ^ir hotel and
their fmlt intereate sriU hare a dou­
ble porpooe In devotla« their time, oa- ^ A Act 1S5. IPOS. t-ol.
pebillGcw and pnerslas to maklns the
hotel vMtare pouecBee.
•Mr. Candere, Hr. Brown and Hr.
Lealie were ip Traverae City today,
the two tantef on their return to
arand Baphla, having spent a few
dan at Nortluion beach hotel ar

Since the iMRelnc of the :Northport
Beech be'tcl, there has been an exten­
sive demsod from reeorten fimn var­
ious parts ot the country for improv­
ed hotel a9comraodaUou at North-,
port. In bcu the demand has been
Tbe new proprMors am not onHre- many timew mote than tbe supply.
, ly unknown In Traverse CUy as both With the sesmboauconneeuons and
l-Vv Mv* been MeUMed with (bn Oody
|V hntai to Orand Rapids tor a long
lime. Tbe direct manacemeMsod the
hpiti wUl be In the bands of Don
fact, thereIbudera. who bss txen lor a tong
fore, that tbo Beach HoLcl company
will seam a big sneceaa is their exphRUtlon.






wax BE {6,92115 LESS

i 5Sgfi’S?S?!?lST
11 raa&MiTSisrSte.'S






the proper thiri;^ in Silks arid Dress Goods,
Flannelettes, Odtlngs, etc; come tothlsstore.
You’ll find the greatest variety, the bast
values, andsizas to fit, no matter how large or smallis needed.
Another ihiag-you get Premium
Ticket* with every Fif?y cent parchas^
and the children will haveiheopportunity
of Mcuiiog prettier doll* than ever this
. fall.
Don’t fail to idveitigate.

I Noted Boraolu l> CMIdrn’o
4 to IJ ytoto
m*. 93.-7S. 9S.OO and ipe.OO.

Steinberg Bros.
Traverse Cilj^.


--- -



?^“3£,c sssi.r** *Afsa«« •

burabif and the mM*
niMnad. Longworth and Man la
imldg. hundi^ gf Ink
0 rafil»aaa are ItaalAg.
prina today. er«i
Rainy Rivet, OnC, Oct . ia-4n an.jonaa to urgent oalla for aid from
«rda». .Mo applet aaine upon
to ha tahra at the Mdttiaa to "L?. 2S
(oraot Area t»t
,,g ^
toer ah
on tha Am Monday; In April, 1P30.,
ra^ and deatn^ the tawna'of kui tor certain teaaw thM cooM awt ed ta be geoted. Jlny <
■peonff and Pin. Ttiio ibe done, aa per fotov^ oeMta
the aaeto Bgarodad fiS per ton.
apaefki Canatfan Nerthcm traliw left
"Mklgah OcpartaMnt of Mata.
today. Warraad. Minn, and tarague;
SepioBbor I. l»ia.
iU>' Ifnlted Preaa.1
Wagnaaa, an thmatanod. plamta
Ualndl. Oei. to.—^’Mat, !>SW
aarround the town* a few mllaa away' To Ilia BberiS <d
dm. IMS: oaiar Si\.
H I* eatimatad that from thro*' ta fWa
Odcaga. OcL 10.m«-hrnt.
hi'ndrad are dead, and two thowaand of a eennrrvBt retolaiion otUu
4*H: odia. n%.
lalatnra. propoalng an nemimet
Tolodm Oel. in.—Wheat MH
The moat aerlout oepoet of the mlaa> _____ 11 of
abaald he m. S3; oan. SSHi.rgjg^:
Mujr tMTiM omfyH mtf Nlim«m Ing ineluda* tha herintaidyi W Wlloa. Thla
0t pfptny Vfipt Out—ni<l«f
famtora in tha huah far a dM^ioo-ef
ly. the aighih
Tf*»p« Um on Cono«m
oC Noretnber.
M>r«nb^. 1»10.
too mile* aaai dnd fo Mllaa aeuth, of ayr of
Northern Today.
The folloelai letter waa aant to
whom aboolutaly nothing can
ila DrpnrtneBt by the Attorney
known for i
time, a* RdIfW RHr*r, OcL to—It it roport- aartiaa do not dare panotrata the
•d at noon that ao porlohod, poMhty atm amoking foraala through which
Uon. nelatlTe C
tH or toea Tha an* aono >a olaMy- the p)«Wna el Rra hOa ewapt.
. of cooaUea. aabmUied to ibe
iva miloa long, ay thirty wMo. In tha
Chicago. Oct
Bnilcr —Steady Hasbergee. per lh .......... *
Willie a «;bd ta awtapliig a aea people by ronrurreni reeMatloa No.
Oardtory aoMMn Rod Lika, Minn., of era eaatvard on the oauU Mda 4 of im. ebonld bo Buirethied to ibo ereamertea, fteric; dairies. fSpTfr.
ind the Lake at tha Wood*. The loaa Of the Rainy m»er at a TOtoMty of PooRM at the.elealoo bald Rorenber Bigs—eteadr: r*<«lptk, 4.4KS cates
S. Ifier il baVtag been topoaBtUe to
-wm roaah mllllona. Tha towna of
flUlaa ad Wear, the Rr*«i hedy ol
' t aiM aBMBdraent at UU clae
®raaatan, dwfft. RaoaaveK, Ckdar
prime fir*U. S3e. CTueae-teid on tha nm Monday, o flrsu.
Jnaagaaiod tlita aoctioa. rhvaalhu:
*»«* ora >100 d^atroyod. Rifty River
great oaUaitr. «iny blackeMd ...................... It diractad In wld con Rteady- dablea. 13H»16Vc; twin*.
mrtaat reso
resolution, for the rwtaoii’thal KMaifei young Aoericna. UMe;
oerpaaa have boon found In
fcneral election hak
path of tha fltmoa and n vaat area In tbli nut* op' the drat Monday o long bon*. t«Hr.
Tliat'i Sky M tty ksy ' **•>
April. AflO. 41 which all the eiectori
U yat to>e aatreMd Ttoi
iba tdwea of Spooner. Beaodoue of the StateVerv
kBOi, Oct. 1.—PmltTT-SiaedT:
and Plu
- SwreUry of ^te turluy.. l»c; fowta, IK; apilngi. tie.
proparty ton* that canac
>-*w York. 0«. g.—Pooltjy—Attve
tetaUlgeetly enlnitatad at praaa
k iBtordjN mai 4bd
With the caoeption of the deatnio posing an aBendBent to aocUen qiUei; spring cblduvu. He; fowb.
ICc; tui^s. ifGHc; dnabcd aieady.
lion of the mnia and tha atm
twofve of article eight of '
MMt of cUUno drug*
atltathn rolaiive to bonded
Weatara broilers, jjgooc; do fowl*.
tha Rat Portage LoBher Co..
••Idem do good and
Batny River, fallowing tha tsiuraa
Raoolved. By tbe Hooto «
of the AaooB which lonehad a
oantMIvoo (tbe Senate cent
nar of tha town, tha ptlndlphl Ma It That the following amondBon
tloB twobo of article eight of the
oonAsad to the aoatb aUa of
ontUbiiion. relatlro to the bonded
near, and ddefty anOalMd i
MebtddMss of cnintie*. b hereby
i« ABcrlran border.
and wire oonaooUdu
^Sec^^^-o yn^ol^l locnr any
Yo«r Sarvaat
mtb tha eoene of tha ^nnt dlBMtar
from tha wait, U cat ot by a homed
dlatrirt froB m^roM. Utah., on
Hot haring an atseaaod Talaatlon of
tha Caamdtan KorUBn roUread. a 0VO
Bimoa dolUra or 1ms. which
diatanea of «o Bllaa. through wUeh eeuBtlet tnay inereaae tnalr total
the laat traina paaaad laat ai^t at debt U Are per cent of thrlr aueased
Inmlaent peril of the Uvee of the valuation:
Be It further Reaolvad, T%*t the
crew. The road b open to tn« gonth feregniag amendBom bo tubnilled
and MBt. heworer, nad relief b be­ the people of thla Bute ai tbe olccil
Am af ifl agM. Tbajr

•» first Monday
ing aSorded from Port WUnam.
.prll in I
r nineteen hundred
■7 of Sute b lu-roirllfy tbe foremlng
0 tha clerk* of the
a d&u UTAUMODoitTa
To the Iwgal Votama of Grand TravTrav­ eral countlM of ibe
aa rQouIribi SUle.

erse Coonty. -—‘lean;
,^I by la*, ll shall be Ibe duty of
■lOd Me, ew* at anprr aitd ttm ad. tar
aar haamuat daMaet Bank aaO OOd<B
hereby ooitSad that nnitbo board of oh-eikm oomwltaiouorw
taak rnatilaa a
Uh sute. relative to the boada^ lu-fapoa aald ameDduent. which ballot
debteteoaa of cminUea, ahtll be tub- ahall be In aubauailnUy ibe followtnliied to the qnallBed elector! or'iiut form:
Order of PubUcatlen.
on aBeudment U aocUon
. of article eight of the ron- TATB Oy >IH-1IIU.\.\. in the Circuit
Cudyi for Grand Traveria (kmoty,
sUuilon, relative to bonded ludobtedIII fhanevnnoaa of eoum.—
Ameadmeai to eecUon tveiro of Jitttmhlne CarotbcraraniplaiBw
'urtk-le eight of the contUmloB. re- •taWld Ceroibcr*. DeienitiiiH. Sept.
But If you ufish to be eonomtcil la.your buyiog (and wW''doe«
ibM Aq tfRo'Istlve to bonded IndebudncB* of counsACtloo w6ufd ROt be MCblsctory to you or to ut. If you -^sut to bay where you eaa
;tlea. Te* [ .]
aptoarlng from afAdavIt on Ale
‘ Amendoent to aaetloa twalve of
Ibis cause ibai the above named
feel that (be firm is i^gbc. Ae goods are right, style ii rigtit SSd tbe (wkeftgbti wbot
'trtlgle eigbi of the eonsUtutlon. rcfendtnl. WlnOeW Carolhera
lailre lo bonded Indebtedniaa of oounbetter place maid vou come to thao * M.II'LIKPN'S?' Add to Ah the Act tbstyod
reside in
lie*. So I .J
lent of the ajaie of Idabo. On motion
get a larger selecHoo thao cao be foaqd eUewhelfela Nbnhera Micbigtd
; it shall be the duty of tbe board of
ll. Uage. Solicitor (or tbe Comelection comBlssloncra of each county
It Is ordered tbal the .said
and you surely do net need a stronger inceaiive.
» deliver tbe ballois so prepared lo irteadant. WlnAeld t arothera.
on. St the ssv.. . -lered la
voting precincts will
-ItbiD thenir ra­
la person or by aollritor.;
five counties. wKbln
montb* from the date
ballou to be ua^
uaod at said eleeiton
“and in dcfaul'. thereof tbat
.uin-d to be drllverad to sneb >m of comii
lUed herein may
Inapectors under the grucrsl elerllon
law. All vote* cast upon said amend■ raenl shull be counted, oanvassed and
I returned In tbe same ansancr as U
iproTldcd b.v law for counting, ranII. CAGE.
jvas^ng^nd ratumlng tbe vote tor' . SolIcUor
Bnataett addresa,
UU' Dapartment of State. Lnnsl-ll-ig-U .Vor. l-S.
1. Ftaderitm C. Manlndtle. SacreMjdtona and Grey*. Rrown<'^r-< DU'kS'-fiill Irngib. unlined. soBii AtUae: tHBiiail ^ih large I
ury of Bute of the Slate of Michi­
gan awd caatodbn af the Great Seal
ton*. Aim- with Plata sleeve, some t -ih turn bsrti cuff Also Udniilrh MUIutm. Kersey*. Oiey Diaggi
of the Bute, hereby certify, that the RTATE or MICHIGAN, tbe ProbaU
abd manyrolher novelties. These at < n t strong nuptubers at this price
for the Coonty of Grand
foregDlag la a true and compnred
ll know that thla. the lafgcopy of Concurrem Resoloilon Na 4.
of 1*0*. proposing an saendment U
City of
Sertlon If. Article >111 of the Conraverse tlty........ .........
ity, on tba
comMud *rtHi artlatle wvrkaunsblp In tWa pUno a auparb quality of
»:RtRien af ihb Sute.
D. 1*10.
We show aomegr^ry sirlhing norHtiev at Ihb price. Klgb grade ithdloda. Rniwa, Rory sod RlMh.
la.Wlineat Wheraof. I have >ih day of September
~~ and a deUeaey of loach which ha» not
rrekeoi: Hou Fred
leml-atUng. smm wKh bellM I-arks. seme irtmoird with butlons. In itoth tott and
aleares. ASas ta
-t*«a roeognteed by those seeking the best In the jnuatenl laaim[9aal]] sad
tad the
tbe OrMi Seal of the /udge of Prebue.
MUtum and Manatah noTHUet. aU liluiucd wiibtarge btiUeu. vHvat or aailaa
•neijt lint. Tbe naab “Ignn A Henly- and tb^ rapoutlon that bah
In the tuiirr of the e»Ute of LaSute. St I.lanalng. thb thinv.
Arst day
. of
af Am
August. In the Aeld Brawn, decaoacd.
been tout op for tbelr tiutlimk.o b a guarantee of taUafscUon. bat
R. £. Miller having Abd ta aald
year nlnei
ilneleen hundred ten.
the aadermnant or potMalongb aM other leadtog nuaielaaa only
irt hU petition, praying for lleeDi
add to thap ra*tl» ^ U umaDy aonHeat t/> eaiue all ' ■■who af*
tell at public tale tbe talc,
Maltatsb Mtxturra In Mckr i
est of said estate in certain real ea
I. WB high elan aarM^ <
looking tot a new pUno to iDTaasilgai* tbb now line, which are be­
In wkneaa whereof I have I
tbersie desciilied.
ing abowB la oar fomiur* depart meat n r for the SfM HiB*.
It I* ordered, that the i*ih da.r of
October. A. D. 1»I0. at ten o'clodi ta
‘w feraaooii. si aaM Pratiate afAce.
SherlA af Orand^
I and It hereby, appointed f
« oaM petlUen. and that all
Bape td-fTOel 4-U-ll-U-Nav L



two nOD^ BSsiNG


Z£U ......... _

After All

HEN YOU SUY a (oed uUde,ib«e>|ia awiw si adlH
lactlos that yst J Y I«> K
WO boy tosKlMst»«* »«ed.





CdNhd kodfaig mad
UAjymr» Am UW

Hannali & Lay Co/s fiiiOs



■otoakwnirtrti Amm
Mt, bat abo regablw
IlMlc^digwtioi. It b a.


or QuaO^

Whicfi db
placo-first? Do you buy ccsrmwit
because fhs prTcs fs satisfactory, and not look to tha
quality of the goods, tho s«yla and th» makh>f? Ws
could ssUyou garments rruich lower Qian we do If Wa
were not so particular about the quality,
artisticness and-the making.

Good Judges
Buy a


. ..

i Hcaly

We want to gve |oo three or four
S|ieclal Things in Setae


Have yoa Heard fHe
new Grafonola Elite?
R b tb lauat thlni la Uthbig maettlnam-the Mod wtthoot a
Hera; lu oaeaUenoe ta art oaMnei work mkaa It doubir rotaab'e'
for vUb proTldlnt the eaeai and beat entaruinttcut in the »-«— n
U a haadtenH pbw of faralture aa arrll.

nK Mwe b heitqauler* f« creiylkUi: b
Unical Hockamiie u4 mw wub auy be npplM
e* the ekertest Win a* tt Ike kudt ef exyertesced
uD lepeiieikle akspeople.
Call aa4 ban these stitenesb TcrUled. *


nn. at aald time and place, to a:
.aa* why
' tell tba In
t of aald

ana Ceoatr, Hlehigta:
To« are hereby notiAad that at the
ll b furtbar orOersd. that puMle
ganaral aMellOD to be/hald ta Ub
State on Tneaday. the Wbih day al MAlee fbaraaf be gfrea by pat"
X thb ardor, for l
November. i»l«. tbe r...................
be voted for
apapor printed
nant Ooremor, Seeand ctrcutaisd in said coaaty.
- *u rnSD R. WAIJCRff.
of ITobau.
But* Land Of- Sept. roct. 4-M. Jddgs
Supratac Court
tur the Urm rudtag Oaeauhar tblrtyAnn, Ini. u All tatBaey; lepraecute (ongraas tor tte «4ereaihi

irlm. CkarlevTilx. Clare.
Oiand Traverse. OraiM. tabella. Kaltoskt. Mtcasu. MbaMkor. Monualm. I
Ctacaota. and^^taacoiBBaa

=aa.-.. :


nprlatag the coaallea
:1c. Grand Travarse.



Also tha faUawtag ofSear* for Qtand

Clrcalt Court CamBbalanA two
Gncaaet*. Sarreyar.
la wkaaaa whereof I have baraunta
afitaad aay bbb*. at Traversa aij.


RhartV of Grand Tvavarw. rbhaiv.

Hit- mrort k-ll-tSdivVar 1.

BoV* tsap ad K (1
TOOT For Otota mads at tba

rtevr Hrlefc Kobe
ISiNoiU, VwkSIml


Oft 4-ll-lhMi

At thla price aowbere ta Ibc •late ran yo* dad higher class gw-metiu. otryfag ih'r^' asVwd dS d
from ntahafertarer*. ta tbe quatiiniek we do. ^e are able to get a prira not niahhibta W ahuSir «t(
These oMM- tu Haaiiitb SovritUra. plain eeteto aMi bitlR sad a groat varUily lifaiyN*. Roto: vd
na'Utuies the mminlBB>. All fttU^agUi. aaBl-AtUag

Jinilor Coals
Thrae arr snai>pv ginuent i-. for ibe roiaig Miss wto like* the pmiy things sad l|he* to
they arc rIgtH.

re<( Uui

ee,£e to

dttdrea’s Coals
Thla Isa very Mroa* departrtem wflh u*. sbowing a rmptttc lli» tat *Tt ages at it! prtee-., Wif i«
>relvrti a nek lur of i*ar Okta (uu for llute rots. • to S yean, at

12.98.18,58 aadS4
tddkM'made Salto
If yoe haveuT *00^1 yoar salt. poaitWy stac* you have looked we have recelvdR May aa« thtogK
«a we aie itortrtag them »-* ar* shotoag MBa.reiT saiMta* abMa u




imaii iKNir
i,i«TuiiN or «„,T


Exceptional Activity in Ladies’ Fall Styles

• *V
U tke'
M M «iwrg» «f th*
MlMu'u-tlw SUt*

1V'« ftiM MCUW Um aBw ««p for
Um bM fi«u Mliibit la <m >M1M

ionluua mad Aatrlai.
NoUiai at ttie Qraad Kapidt lUM
Ur cam* aaywhMa M^r
Li-Twr 1
1 «stM( or quallir.
*U KIVMI aatbMlUr «
Tt« OfUoUtatrou
^ aa « “*^ **^ fiMbmoa »e ballara attract
at U* OIMt Bapidr
fcttJt ta the hoRlcaUiiral
^ jOala* to thf attn
.. .............
•t aa b>Uo«a:
mt w - i^MUWtnoot. Uia fluaUty. taaaUtr and
■e'ara ham to
aaptclalir iha aibiblttoa la daa..' .
rtf ^
•ttaotekc* at ihU
t troma and i
^ DOmmlttaaa tn tba aroMraUM^ **‘^‘**
o' »ho time. Yoor
. : ‘Jfclt •d.lWL Otaal latar«t wai m«W* •» »P»nd U. r«.
L » 'ilhltad;hr an thoaa a»pn»cbad la la- *• »*« ** •“*
m g-pj ^ faralahJaa----- --------, *”»
•»« praaoaally dtatrtbtka rmtt MRwim nf RMianiu tn*.tareral md^rod of tba TVeatam
«Ur torutlp. I.

1 talcrcsl cIMaSkttid wmu «| aa aeaaartcal lani a« mtae wka laUaws lasUaa**

95% Of tbe l^ey Co.’s imseni display of Aaaorilattve FaU Styles
of Ladles’ Coals, Soils, Dress Skirls, Costumes. Dresses


o.u-f - .rr



because we have the


SS lots leas ibaa
any of these several hondred'it>les caa be dupli­


with the P.
*Xv*Bmb, a.' nto.tfb. orn“^Tikaw tor
iZbJblii&ti of
8IH.Adama.A.T. OMTEC. W. OoUon.
rwd C-I^r. OM«lM l^lar, C. V
I^^m.aT“M 1b«
Wrldbi.aodiaaarofherswi^aama. uo. ^ u.„
one of Um
«e ewinot meailoB for lack of vac*.*
'• Um portluM of Cbto
and toABldthk (act. that
ibmairt__________ __________ __


? ^■\4Sr.

••'>*" « P"«* •kick <»"uot b.

Dreaa Skirin and

BeantUal Salts and
lm|M»rted dernua
And Caracal Coats

of the famoui Lupins
(Altman > Preach Voile io
lateit “baoded ' aad plait­
ed effeccs.

Cr**!* b^ fioft ’Skfoner
lioed hr'odcloth and
smart -SCOrCrt MIXTURLS so differeot from tbe ’Ardioary
doihes." Ladles* plalo taUored SUl TS In
Basket Weaves, Hom-ipiini. Two Tone DiaBODalt aod uofiDitbed \^ urated
ur»t< to auttnuBal

Tbe uausoal auwuot
, of early FUR PUR CHASES is the hlsheit testlmoBial of the
TAGES to be fouad ta



the advance
oew Fun at

Ibe Store
’’Where Fasbion Betans,”
The Barney
' Company.



u, ,h»,

“ ovprtoaid 4M bawu or sour and a
doanuty of eaoBsd ftwll. Farm• - *
irof tbe
country picked up most of tbe 0 _
Atipr -os Ulnoas of. two amatba.
CapL PInlold. a ploofer iwatdeal of
licBtto cooBtr. died at tala borne U>
f^ankfort Tuasday morBlng from
HB^IcatlOB of dlaeaam.
bln. T. B. Petthc aikd Utv kleCoaaao^. datocatea Iroa (be Omct*sailoaal ehuryb of Baaaobto, «•____
Baalstoe Tudaday to atuod tbe oraed
•rae aasodatloa. «bid> to beinc
beU In that elty this sMk.
a J. Onkey died of paiaiyato at tbe
borne of bto eoo. Georte. ia Bmlab.
The remalne were takes to lueelaneu
ooanty ter burial] Hr. Dakly «aa for
»Any yean a reaideiK of nk Rapids,
ton apant most «( tba Ute yaara of
Uto life in Tra'verie crty. Ha was 7i
Tbe Bensto county aunerlDteDdoBim
poor bnre eecsrod Horten
Crurat of Uoper as snaprinteadeni
poor farm.
tNftls Tteeml* purchaaed of Joba Ooffar. who bat suae to Cattforato lo
live. Fwreet Oodfar and family will
>olB bto father, but has proinW adrertise Wntoin MirhlpaD.
aad U to expected be will not be able
_. ..
U>iiayawa) ]oak.initwm return ae be

OtaadMvaiM IS capsiuo OL
etWtt is Sm to ifr
lar tba labor of eait^ for


Numbed of days UO|b„ 50.
Number of pupils enrolled. 25.
Averaae »lail> attendtnee. lo
IVrceBtase of alleedenre] 91,
Tboee aetlber abieet ' nur uil.
♦•••♦♦••woaoa.ere: Latlto Drakr. Preddle Oouslis
Mapleton. Uleh.. oet. «. —Alber. Mary Douglas, Maude Praake. WlUir
Lereon 4e wortlac tor tSere Carroll
er. Msrguerette
US weetS
>. VVaker Thorp,
Joe Thorp.
LoaU Swanaon has been «uite,i
bu( to a ilUle improved nt tbu «
tSIUlam Jofancan jr.. is aboui the

^ smm






fi at iByj >

-__ I axbIMt, a
«( trtOch «KD be made to you br the
^ ♦



they posse

.- .•*



U moAu Ok^WoMoltr. ol
"“«»«• '■
>■ U« tn...
OmJth la Pealnala tovnahlp la la- and oar rr«lMi. W» hare no bwluary
oladiac Wi otra :
I for tha lu aarlni that tb« hatwflt darlrad lu
S vay for ibta- ractoii
a-a* vortb many titnoa ibe amount of
« of tha Ol- Ibe cxpoadiiarp and *e tnut that
)oar' board will »ae the adviaabllliy
, another ftur. of ai toast doirbUi^ ibe
•MWdallr iBdPbtod to ilr.
-K IM «r
WjtlM'» apaabor POr
ro«r lafomatloo we voold aim


Coat, aod Suita occulmicd br >lw

by the striLers

~ ::;.;;-r;;:;; iS

mniaaeat baiyan. S.M




r ■

the (wremoBies. Tbe Increase li
tPoHdeal .Adverttoemeat I
bectansa Cendenuto—J^ste wtonoir.fiEirelwbi!- due laigel) to tbe elforte
poly .of the soobs of phtoitoiag and
district orgaBlser. R. O. Orookn
of Chii-jgn. who haa sprat about a H.For
month Io the rliy, woiklng for th<
fiodalisat Adrocatoe—4tow ter se<»rianitotk.n.
Arrangementa , bare
ft^bgoeder and Ubmty.
been made to bold the lodge mrettofi
. — ftonsty
Troaaursr—RdwardilraTretera^a^S^^wmS* *"**'*’
io Odd Fellows ball.
8«>etolista Adrocatce—Tbe baQM
Tbe lolkto ing ere tbe oneers elect
For naaliter of Deeds—-Amo. un- i go
... .. mo..ttW ud
^ Coroier*-John r. Ftanol.

PrealJeut—C. A. Word


Cbanceliop-A. n itodge:
Orator—Wilbur CummlDgs.
Uiwmtee Carroll, oor toad conum*Pretoie—R. Q. Johaaen
sjoner. wai Unbb up mi road woik
Secratarj—C. J Dumxr..
tCl* week lor ibis teaeun.
Oollector-^ O Doan.
•illas Blltabetb ZoDtok spent TueeTreasurer—a. J. Mertvi.
diy with her another. Mrs. John J
Coudnclor-C. H Burns:'
Words.—F E. Phelps
. aisi Mabel liopery to wotklna tor
Guard—Stanley Uifetidorf.
ilrs. Andiev Canoll.
Trusieee—E W Brud.v. E J
John Carroll to rtontne bto brother,
Lansing. Oel IP—Aceordtng totbe bill. Bon UoManns.
WlUtom Cairoa
crop report tosned by Beereury of
A -hard (imee- dan^t Archie Stole Manindato. the enlnaied loul
to repo.-ied for PrUsy ,A Oct. tt. yield ol wheat In Micbtgan this year
T-sa 1S.^W.0•0 buiheto. The iw
•eheol Report.
snwage sown this fall eoiimared
The report of the C.uaton s^oo). with the average Iw the past Svv
PICMe Nole-Tbit atcra will dose WedneeJay night
for the Bcbool awnih endlos On. 7th.
at 5 o'clock aptlreenin doatd all tUy Ihuraday, on
s in tbe rule to jw.
few «.
to aa follomt.:
aevouot of fidiruir Holitby.
ondems itroustoui the «lMe r
wheat affected with smut, orhe
wine the quality to good. The e«i
n.ated total number of ossbrls <
wheat marketed Is Aogpst and Sep
tetnber U I, Tin.poO.
The eeilmeted i.<c*a«u of n« har­
vested. to 3:2,itW sod the estimated
PteM J.PM.TO0. The per mt (
eown this fall eempared with the aveiwge lor the pan tve years i:
tote to ST.
when you can buy as good, or
The eetiiDhIed aereoge of rarE.
better here for SIS.N.
‘e««d to tl.OS.OAo and the yield
SS.US.OOO bushels.
You’ll quickly note thenruny ad­
Tbe average ykid ofimuioea prr
acre la. the aute ts pieced at *6. Tbe
vantages of making your selection
estimated acreage U 5»S.P00 and the
here from our
estimated yMd 5T.«8.n«0 The este
mated yield of beau Is e.ui.550
bushels aad saga.- beets prWdiOO too*.


SodalU'm Adtwrat
ship of all af ihe ngtHu's
asnial i*.
- • Sod^sm Advocaiee^Vakfc owner­
ship Of all natloo-wide towsntoatloaa
for productloa.
Sociaiisa Adeoeatn-lteUto cobtrot of tbe railroad. "—iim. tete
sra^ tetopbeue^UM. Ibu
irwaerabip teailar
to tbe Post once Dspartnau.
WAHTtO-Olrl (or goaeral boaaework Mrs. H, a. Baaden. lt»
Da.v street. Ctu. pboee I2S2.
Oet. ii-u

There is no good reason
why you jhould pay,
$25 for a suit .

loapossiUe to fin yoa
Mci' of onr Overcoats
from one deslfa. inis
simoly calls your attcBtioh
tooirfreat Tarlety.

PlelB. eoMervallvc ewia
S:iMk emw with Prut*
A or Convcrii
B n. a. Anto ••lyi*. acavr
W' mat warm.

New Fall Une

Mies Buriie GlIU aad Joe Treraaln
of this chy were narried yenrrda'
afternoon by the Rev. W. w. McKee.
They will leave ihto afternoon ter Mil.
vroakee. <beir ivrire bene.

of “something dilferent” in cults
for men so far above the ordinary,
at so much less than the ordinary
price, here at S18.«».

Faq Overeaate, tl loch.
Hala coats, aaaSMia.

A. Daumbotger. of Northport.
passed through'Ike city this mumlog on hto way to EscanabL

Many other nifty slylts (that
you’d exoect to pay $2.50 to $5 00
more for! at

Glad io show, whether
you purchase or not.

Norte Amcrtoen Unioei IMlatcd Many
New testiibera Friday Nlfbt
Trareene City cooscl!. anaber iti.
-•eSrth Ateertean
Dulon. met at
Hcrei'a academy Ptlday -sight, aad
eleeted omoera ter the coMng year.
et^ka 4* new meaben were Mated tow the swder.

Brnnilton Ctolhbifl Co.



oraod Batete tedge.h^eb4» ot

sitse, su w ass SU.SS.




h«M as Back as ntotkcr o wash tab, tuws to/'Dealrtoe NHIcr.
Lsarel Qab. tsA Tbetr mm era Dana aal
nw hr ww Iky or.Borw.
nhve you pd bookar aakad ArEvorytbliiK -was stroatwMDr and
Claaso.FfcroBaohrar. aad om' lor ninria, ^%oa oony oaad Iks awdo sad ohovod bis dkUtko byMawtac hla <Ma. ffeUl'af aaythl^ which
floor-duotod in tho boktaf dopartawnl.
battasa to at. B^dac to bMT tiew talk at bta. *
paao the Item.
and £hlrWy voo rco bnsy vttb both
yoo and the «t^ mwihard. 1 vUlOn* «o) o -rim-tirr-' as .Voddio
"Xot maav.' said tfea psdier: “but
baads raU of <«ekm. which the (teaAtaio Bary.
dose for thU Omo.
eoUod htn, otopped ot oar beast to
hm ii <«e wbhh I thluk you would
Uonit-*T ard coi oat or a bin ta the kltchea.
f haeo seat yoa-tba cards aad bat- Fthmt,
dlaaer. da be was aboet olartia«
be tatorestod is leoktac st•
IW«b «n« n
arcat bodaet
tbroo*b tbo toas. Ataa. and bops yea racalTod
Ads Han
a»ay. CbarlJe etciaiiaad. -Ob. Jet’j
UhtA W
H«r«M VMMt
CmUM ]
He look otu' a niiplWt
*“-* be.
*"^9 aaoiber tong.tbeai safely.
U seems trry airt to renstva a I.-- have Cbaoky't ptrlare uliea'" So bo

ms «E ma*|
------ -----------------1
dear sad ooaor^
ler ftwa >on. Woo-l tt be Bne to liave ran sad caocbt llule <-backy. aad per gaa sboTlBg tbeei pkCuroS
miaa ahkh have latelyr baas
t win trr M««r IS wsnry <
yi: Fourth I6l. tlaalstos. Hleh.
two aiore SaaoblaervlB your botne!
blm up in Neddte o U|b<balr.
erad U Bypt- Tborw wbre the fhafrst shstft Sfijrthts§>
«. 1110.
----------------------At Brti r&wkj oas
rooms. aometlUni Uko stall*. Dear PrcaMeat—
waotod to lump doam. but Chartle fed
I «slU try to b* « hoppy so I 3 \lilts that abo aeadi us. Perhaps
up aadl w«b»would wlob tu to show oar gladesn and m«ki ow
1 have aot wiittaa for a loaf tlm^
Tbo Coptlv*atorn with clover topo and kept him
aeas Just ^ belug the mo<t SaDShlny 'where various aloras were k^L meat
so tor M I eon.
had-been seen in tho paatty.
The pinurvmaa peofwd throvb
Soashlasra that ever were. ShaD we |Id one. vcceuhles In anoiber, oic. ao I ihoushi I wouM write sow. 1
I will try «• bo lovika, holp- ^
Harry sad Ihiih
^ *»“• ■*« rl«hi- We
all tr?- to say "ihank you" ibal wojT One time I waa there, two or thre.- eorreopood with Adettae Furioa*. I ^
tul and kind to ovoryb
men were Jnat flatsbing tbe laak of would like
hare mj name oa the
aud, eaferaosi the
‘>r*atb vortn* Ue few aer. eoMriring to latereat .the boys bsanPortland. On«on.
asUlng a hlg lot «f salmon. There Uat of Corr . •
to ovary lovint thMs.
Members, Bflns ____ ____
^ _
eadx that loUoaed W, werr afraid ly m abowtag hou tt had kaen «re«If I evor fall In tn^nfe to do i
Sept. 22,
»na « tank holdlot: several UarreSr and I were out In &ie woods yet'er ' li
not coV- of those liVllr trays fburky would get Utwd of keeptag cd by aebtor* and trerMtan thM ona
thaoo tNitfo, I will nry. try ‘ Dear SunaUUiert:—
»nd ao enra barrel of U beeide One dv. We got sMoe colored leavea.
quliklv and choke the
Soon, hoaecer. tb* asa said e rthaae faces was that of iW very
a#alA.It baa tmen such a veiy long time ^ w„ „mg the bore to waah aome goldenrod. and aome geniUns.
-Ei»«gb:“ and we aprang to take Fharsob w ho vas crwal W lbs cAUainee I U»t wiwe to you. tbat per some of the waste Into the sewer. I We have moved to J12 Fourth St- •, mouse like a large.
Cborky from hu high pesittoa, dr«l ef IsraaL
hapa >^a may hate ibongbt I bad auppose moat of It went to the pigs, am going to aetsd you a plrtnre o{ my
Fuiher cut oif a piece of Tbs picture looked exactly Uke Odr
It was a woadartal thlag M ba^
forgotten ytui.
bill I hareu'l.
bit cement
At one And
M the
I think
this it sU, I have Umc ,-tiru that waa hard and would
wMld nor ‘"W
*"W luile
l«'le pet. and we were vetT aitd tbe beye did not rsaUm. natB tbe
*Qd not
M athe
self. cement
I ihliik floored
This it self.
sU, I have
of It.
room Iris
of wlre^»t eaclo^ lor.
toaatlng tt s
Vbook wae kid .aside, that tt wee kw
Oraaniz^ Ooeembor A IM'*
few mtmites over the fire, flaed St
CharUo said he never b««rd of
past dinner time.
PrMMMt—Mias Clara Batoa.
»*»•—!•»« »<»«
EdUb Johnson
irwir on the little wire book that woodchui* bnvlng his picture taken
Tbe pedkr asemed ant te ttkk ef eiZ wi«.
M.W Vf" •
‘■®“ “ rihing about floor. Tbe aloward turned toward Age 16.
i sunahlny fri. nd of — who doeynt them and Invlb’d ua to -Come and , 1 am ddlgbced over tbe lltUe pboto- tua* down from the roof ot the eage. lefore. He thought Chneky muai be •otag. and AKkk auwed aimnA tbk
coniUder him eligible to any nee my babies." aud what kind of ^grsph. and cniy wUb I might see the j^e big door at one end waa fastened »be flsstwpe ever honored la that way eornsr of the bOMs aad wkbed at
m__ -------------- --- ------ -- ai_ * — — know
Smiabtne Club. (Maybe wwm-of you "baWe." do you a pose they were? origliial.
no tbat it would stay wide oim-u. Any
Fred to foUow him. They wbmpeewd
ought lo look up that word eligible Why.-uml fcrrcl.l Some were all

moose that wnelled that lovel, toasted
k Faithful Deg.
togetber a mnmaat.
Id the dictionary.!
»hlle. with pink eyes, and some were
Iluckley. Hlch.
fheei^ could walk right In and help—™ folkrtking atory of a faithful
-k'eAkve to gpt o« awn 4ka»r.
You warn lo know first bow"^ smaller In nUe and apoiu-d white aad
SepL 2A 1»10. blmaelf bul lust aa soon aa be rtcAit
"le^t*^ dog wUl be of tnierewi to sir.' saad Artbk. »tig back la iba
hxAs* Well, he H neither very taU »>«>»*
There wore Dear Prertdenton to hind legs and began to nibvisitor, -hot wWd be ^ad W ban yoa
nor very nhon. but « la aomc mUe PKRmhly fcalfWHloaeu. cages, with
I w|U now write a-few jlnea as 1 y* at tbe cheese, bang! would go tbe
A genilaman bought a collie, which,
distance round about him. Ilia face anywhere from a pair to a dozen in ‘have not written In a long time. 1
ij^blnd him. and he would find
honw. noon made blmacU
. Tbe old gretlemaa wsBt to tbe waA
Montha Cradis Roil it clearwklnaed and amlly but J don't ““W- The long, allm Mule creatures am well aad hope you are tbe same.
^^ut In tight,
<»“«?! U**'
»»a nasumad special
yet know fust «hit kind ef eves be hnriowed In the strew placed lor Wo have moved to Buckley. I like it . ^be neat morning Harry was the reapontibilliles in eonnectioa with ibe stalk In tbs back ball. ■gkBt» m it
Oetshor 1, 1PM, m.
hna. They know how to twinkle and <*«»•
of "Ihe eagaa here. It la a nice place. 1 go to
youngest child, a girl of thrre years be knew It tfsa there. Aant tohMA
■nod thlaM were fatougBt ««. aad
iaogh. though. Ills halr.-well, 1
^^nt get to a.-e nearly all of srbooL and am In the fifth grade. Sly
downotalrs •' »*'Ns Boy Knovsn.
they made a beany msal.
caht toll you much about that, for “>«• The steward selU a good many aludle. are arithmetic, language, phy. ^
before Mary, the
- TAnre are naay tUnv tbat boys
And wbat a rnsrey time ihM hJk
e dollan! a pair, I aMogy. spetUng. and writing.
pugh —
of ..
It ~
I —... know—
I Bpver
maid, was out of bed.
when tim pedkr sBg»skcd that Ibay
Why tkis aad that are Ihns and so. rery well. The last time this friend **etla»o he said, and some are used write a Uttia story for the Humane
bKtar waA tha dtom. na< how
h made hoilced the dt« to a preture whld
Who taade ihs world In the dark and camo out to see ua. 1 waa going out «>
«*f‘ve away reu on the Society.
>toue waU from etraagely he itemed te kmow JWS
to Ike cherry tree and saw him at
He toM us tbat aomwimew.
Ooo day a cow w*. oot m tbe ptaboth cry out In wpnder
The greu na up to ligUon tt.
ihe-1«tti unhitching hU boreea. When «■ * Saturday night, a pair will be rtre feeding, and a naughty deg came
,be wire cage waa rioae. and
From bfAlnd this waU iha when tbe {matdy aad tbe calkr wme.
After dlaaer the Ibres vwt eat *ar
Boys kMw ore thli«t every day.
i eaiw out a greeting to him. he •« *“•* >“ *•“ “Tompany's Store.” along and ran after the cow. The
one mouse, but seven.
»»““ wl-w V- »«•»*.
Whea tbsy sindr, or when they ptay. au^ped, lifted hU hat •way off hU “d Ic^nnUl Mondw morwlng. .^r
There was ooe ^ mouse, aad cud.
9own —-........... -...........— a walk la tbe grave.
-If we only bad a nto. wwr asr deep I>ow. and I9at. there is no mere bother
from i mbied all over. She ran. and ran.
, When they Idle, or ao* and renp— Acad.
* ___
dose np
to hyr »
.. . C

Bat no bdy knows when he goes to .aid ."Good afternoon! Oo yon
Fef*«l» t»o ....W
*««*»• 1« MI.I*.
»“•' “9
*9e dog ibougfat it waa great lun.
oiat bad followed tbe moth9ot»e and going to the clslawd Aicbte hair has grown any since the
®*>r of the ferrou and chased her all the more. By and
ghe had not oven •Poi. he found hto mUe girl seated ou
■Tea." aaM Fred. dtecoMsBladly.
Itat lime*" or nme an^ words as «»«• “»•
<*on1 rftum by the lady who owned the cow came oibbM the cheese until they were all «
wagging his "Ikele Bsn promised as one. but bn's
Boys Who bst«n-«r tfMtad. «t leaat- ,haL I reaUy think he has tha harem UU Ibat aU wears sw*y. Natarali^ Into the paiiure and petted the cow.
tall and keeping guard betide her.
always ao boy. Aad wbsa t aMwd
tor know that the rotod tOd earth haad pt any om t know. Thnt -hair' »>•»»* • shipping port, where vea».'1s and Beared the dog away.
strengeai of all. tbs luOe CamUy
“«*•» •»»*
t*'* •«“
' loHs-m-d.
of his it a great Joke.
e®®* *«>«
foreign couBlrtet.
Your loving Sunshiner.
^.^rled ap tn a beantllul nest. 9e plainly teen: asA as he traced « erne oareelrea. be eto an. U waatoft
May know that the 1m and the aaow
He aev«- falla to bring aometblng t*® ■« •
F>we In thii town,
EUte Cronkhlte.
bu, of paper and email pieces *«ek. he saw where tbe little girt had be Mfe mkM um oUer p«w nt.and tbe rain.,
nice for tbe lltUe folks though he U
The stewsrd. in ndditloa to the
1 nm gUd the story had such a
.nd hairs and a lew small
times arouad an open tended to IL. Krer repnatlng tbelr parts again.
an old bachelor, be does seem to lore mMs*<»u*e. looka after ibe-niivlrg happy eedhig. and w* will all hope
io,,,her m-o well in the pasture. Very ekme to tho
“Oo yoa think Pm aU ■ma^T
- Are all fast tsgiar tbs smtbswns Brsl ebUdren very much, and they think
» >«*• "«“9er of bogs, whldi arc tbe dog never tried wsrere the cow ^
brink were prtnu of the baby sboea. aakad tbe vfsiur.
• _______________
jBtt as much'of_____
hliu. ___________
He nays he
“** “•’les. He again.
^ ^y one could ,riah.
*>oi aUU cloaer on the edge of the
, Mp from the earth In their
-tfA* aak Artto. with a kgffk.
knows what chUdren like for. as be *>» knys cattle lor
could that nest---------------hava corns well were the tracks of the colUe. wbo ‘but I don't know eAera ta tad a
Aad pour ania tlU the lo* streams p«u It, he -was a kid oore himself «cattonal trips ou: Into the eouai.r
Copemtsh. Mich.
(««,? When the trap was aet the *“d eridanUy kept bei<
rope, and I deal know Iba ba« ptare
kapand haan t forgotten.'

“F «»>« *»»F »>«•*«"• “»-•
Sept. SO, iPlO. eight before there bad not been any““ »md«b>e tbe teeUng to put a retag."
be mw the BdMtty
t no boy kbowe when he goes
tHd eomebody aak to name? Well, H*
of ^ing over _to rtnland.
Prealdenithing In it but the piece
of cheeee., of
*' tbe Other when ------------*lkt M go and kak k the taoto bey Tbankaglvlng Aa I have a few spare minmet
i. Nor'eVen the ®* ““to dumb crentore, walking be- be llvea calls bim "the sUrwsrd ' and ‘ntkejw. The men. on that day. ate „,^t ,
.^tie t
I lost roy III,],. i*by mice could get out Who
•‘“t might have
r ki tha
A boy may know what a long. gUd that can do for na. too. Ip that town ’« pounda of roait turkey.
button. Will you pleaae send me sn- <«.|<i j»av«- brought in the thlaga the
while '
k a great lumber milUng pknL and
ThU kti spring the head msnager other? Our acboel commenced a
uude of? The diUdren
airaeg enough to nrit Mm. rtm hn
ft bus bean W> bis slnen tbe dtwe'a tbe steward U at tbe bead of the »* »*• "Company" wirtied the steward
i am In the sliih grade oo«id; nat tell. After breakfast Mr.
'A Jelly PeddiM.
eewed a boatd for a awL Maktag
flm BSik.
mMebonae- department where hun- «•
• S»rd«> Planted. Bo be did. y,,- ,tudlef are arithmetic, spellins. Arnold aai-l hb wai going to uy w
-Too bed! toe bsdl’' exclaimed Ar soKatoe aotcAea in U. aftar whtah
V— —.
k'ben forth he fared In ttte realm dreds of the
mill workers arc ...
fed -.
cvnothing! much did wdll but ^______
and ond oul
they ^ton agala to tho greve.
' trr
W day. “it
mwi be
veiV' rcaponrc^p^ radishes. Of three term
acres of potatoes.
potatoes, hUtory.'and
giilng lo
lobave'read'... first ,look the cage back to the
it must
a very
we an- going
have readHe
*1 wish the old letter tandnl gut
aad apnn slble and trying place, and let me
“npods" as eo many rail them opt
^id oral artUimetlc. We bed exam- pantry aad
bare k time.- said Fred. *A»d then

mutolne; ' • '
tell you right here that there U aome“»«
«• kUI* Inailoaa in phyaloiogy and huton to- jua, *berv it had been all night He
we'd bare gnoe anyway."
He mar know et^ «gU of to truant
‘*>e ateward'a face that f*®* "P- ®® ™“5' P«®Ple have had a
i jj^ve a school male who would leii tbe pantry door opes a little way.
"So do I." said Anftle.
, ThM you have bean ten hoMrer
Wdkes me think that if I were wortt- Poor 9i«re* of success with pouioes
to Join tbe aunsblne Club. Her ,nd pUvlng a thalr -ouulde. la the
Tbe two boys lived ta CbUforek. oakod ArdtoA
AIM the piths they went and Tbe lag for him. i;d hate lo have him tliU
name is Addle Rtnard. Copemtob. kitchen, he sat down where he could
"Tea." be aald.
’cretare gates
catch me nrgleetliig my duty . He has 0"r «enl the sireard. is a very
r. P. H. j.p. 1. Please send
ihe cage all the time; and he told and bad come with tbelr mother to
__ _______________
"And do you know Ant Hantotr
Of tbe ■cross )ma bnme. tbrengb
the to bare that something In order to
busy ms.theI tard-and button lo me and
1 will Harry that
If be would piomtoe
not n host of onedw and
T’re IBM her." said tho old Bntie4uk
jteni to her. We take the Her- to*Bove"rnc4' or'even*to*llliUw *he
e».i, ao deep—
sueemed u
as be has lu managing to *»9s tike to
® be Jolly and nice, and
B« «, bw too..
•. r~ u
iv. on~ to.«
UtoO. Bto'b man. wttb the tame kted ef a omlle
wkleh had pnulod tbn esea or twMn
one morning about three years ago Oilng waa very tn1n*. -Oh, well. It s y,. »eav*cr-s name Is Rosa Ream 1
a long time th.-y saw noUlng P***^*-®^
Wbileemb Riley, f *•• MlUng oh the wharf in'the ■•! rlrtu-^fs Just bhat 'we need."
real well. Good-bye for tbU ex«-pi tbe mother mouse and her
*“F. thirty bMore.
----------------------town where the big mill U. waiting «• »«“ >«»•
In connection with u„e.
-Then ail at ooce *“*•
9een arrenged. to He ditowed Areto to Mlah the
The Mether-e Dream.
for the boat to oome down the river. •®®Wiig when he was only 15? over
your Bunahiner. . .n^all gray ahudo. crept out frem •!«!«
with aome boy cons. tree, but watclusL carefully tbe tytag
Bor. yoor mother'a dreualng; there's TU steward. wUm I did not then SO yeare ago. T^e boyt wOl liU to
a comer and ran to the cage. It was
»>“‘ « the veir la* momeu a «t the knota ’
•'So* we mnal try lu" iw aald. Bl« pietnre pnre and bright.
know personalb'. came along aad And- *>«■? «•* *®'’ "*'>® >'®*™ “® P'»y«i
tVUt a buy girt you are. with so auother mouse; and Yu hu mouth ho !«■'“*■ 9*^
“Tlnf thnt one. of
That gkddcsy all her bomely»««w« Ingootwhol wu the ba» long known base-ball ip a profeeatonal league maar stodlcss!- la Addle In the same «arritsl a little rag.
t®t»ins had taken tU rneaalea. ting la tha seat.
nt morning, noon, and nl^:
Dncl# Mack) Invited me to go and
during the ball eesaon and went ^rsde .ren ire?
whe-n lie reach.-.l the cage there »" *t was cnieUy decided tUt F«4
Fred «ae aboot to Bptti« Mw ft.
A gktBre where, h Wended all the hupect tbe mnasAoue while I wait- to I9e »®®9» »® «»k In lumber camps
was a great snueiling He aiood up atA Archie could not go
but brtore be had Uma the podtor
beauty born oi
ed, at .11 waa no near by. So t dIA
winter. That waa In Mtnnceota. .
^n bU bind legs aud‘ puiAed tbe rag
They mtm spend the da) alone. Mmself waa there. Areble ga*p him a
A rtre that takm the whnls of
taking along ray three-yesr-oM 8htr-_ believe.
. Sept. 30. 1910. u,roogh the bars, and tbe moose inwith Frisk, the Scotch terrier, for vicDTOotpesh; and with aboouMglaa
within Ho kutog scope.
ky boy wbo waa with me.
Oh. 1 'rooei forgot to speak of tbe Dear P«-aldent—''
rat occr to hlifi and look the rag H1ram.( Ibe mas. and Marta Ann. the they swung him to and tro, frtak
Fir* we entered the dining room. dogs.The ateward retnea. doga. too.1 will write you a few lines. I went
^,<1 rau lia<-k to h.-r neat and patted kitchen girt bad already driven away BMansrhae ntevtig nvofy siiitlini
«w k dreralng. fondly diwaaMpg of It was not eo very nweh after eight aome of them iboronghbred yellow «, kAooi ,odaj. I Uke to go to school, me ng Into place In (he wall,
m th, spring wagon for a day out.
UOD or deltMit and appranl. ntnthe
the fntare. whop
«®®^ ®?«rr for Scotch Collies. «nd loroo o« qnlie so and i tike my leadier. Her name li
Thr.-e Uim-a he rame. The aeremil
Aunt Harriet hurried end mad* old man motioned tbm to atop.
Bor boy iball euivl the «««] of to » next meal except a few tables well bred but usually heuer workers.Miss Dobbson. 1 crould like to have ti„<. he breught a Imie bit olkcouon. ready som. ihinm for the boys to
"B-bat a jolly pedler be U!" «*.
gmadest fellow men;
- not eoUrely set ycL Everything w^
The mother dogs bad their beds and my brotber'a name on the Cradle Roll,'.nd afiermard a small plec-v of airing;
«.t before thev said goodYjve
claimed Areble lookiog afUr Mm a a
Her boy, wboes heart with goodnem clesn and bright. Tbe floor had been ibelr puppies down under the ft-rreC. it ici Clyde. He u four months old. B^.d all itese things :he moiher mouse
pTe barms acre searched for sags he went back to the hooao. .
she baa labored to babue.
swept and strewed with fresh sawcages. There ore naually two moiher My birthday was the iwenty Uilrd of,ook aheti he pushed them Into the
,he rabbits f»d (he bird,' ereta yrar
Ibey enjoyed tbolr **t^ hnrfy,
BBaS be. In her dedining yearn.- her da* and tbe oH-eloih covered ufalea dogs. Recently they had 12 pupple* September I was nine years old. I
,nd uwd cheiu to make the ncei od into and coward nee stks bora e* "working op.? maUag a owtaglng ore- lover prend and tree.
were In three leng orderly raws, each
between them but at one motbe-r got got four birthday cards. 1 go to Sun-cc.tnner
1 the piazza, .vendanag what nect saw. and ooutriTtog oUmr n®K4 wUh
uUe set for eight ' men. I dldn t Fck. and the other coulda'i care for day school nearly every Snnday Well.
- xow. chUdn-n." Mr. Arnold said.
tU Afler Uring of ft. ttey picked
Boy, yonr motberb dreaming; there's count the Ublee but the steward saM all. tbe eic-ward said het was raising i .m elose foe Oils Utue., *,,ii
d<> B.„h ,u:.. j„,|y ot
■'Wouldn't ;a- cared if I had (ught aome berrtoa which they auwag on
the hoitlel
bottle! Just Fram ywur Snuahlner.
• pikare pure and brIMrt. .
they fed aa high aa 500 or more men them ali partly cm1 thv
nilcs-- W> can't hace them running
the measl«»?" srt)« led Fred.
graasee tor mamma aad Aunt BarElda Wilton.
TBal gkOdesa all her homely tanks at tometlmrs. but I hardly thto all Imagine the fun and bother of ft!.
, .ue pantry, .-atlng and Miluwngh," said rieu
a happy birthday you had! I m* cm
morning, noon, aad night.
coaid ait down at once.
Onr good ^friend io ortcr 'o do all
Archie - Johnny.' Hay told me. Ton
They bad almoet for«ittM fhrir
>t>ur pretty <
A now Ihu takes the whole of Ufa h all locked so trice tbat I hardly hU work well takes pretty good care
whw at sonwt tbew retaraad
wtlkln lu lovlnf neepA
like to tbtiik of what Vncle MaeJt cuitd of himself. Hr ssya his bed-ume Is
tu tbe bouse. Archie na la. aad (torn#
O. iw. beware! Yon am*
not maraboot the dreadful way many of the
abont S o'clock when be
b u Mich.,
home, I
out again with a face of sarprtoA
that moiber’i drMiu of hope.
men set,—“Ju* Ilk* s lot of snlmsb. " sad be docen't use tobscco in any
The pedler'a aalere on toe poMnr'
—Pleaasnt Hours, But the prcneoi stewsrd wont lobr- tbspe. nor hss be ever even tsued
aolA'- be said.

at* souh dlcgustlng maanere sa uaed any kind of slcobollc drink,—doeent oegr President—
‘"And Cbat-VM what they did Tbe
• hope he'll go bMore Aaat HorrlM
, •
to be before he came there six or even use tee or coflee.
i ggi ceing to afew line, to rage waa taken to a anmiy Pluee at
AM Fred. "WeH be uwm
-re 1 have a the far cmd ol the'gmden. There (be
?our e.ves Imrt. and you fe*
Alan Barr. LtonA Mich.
eight years ago.
Wb.-n be'comes te wee ca he al you and tbe 8ui
tul to let him knew ta time."
Addle fUBKi. CopemUh. Mlcb. R.
Fram the dining room we went to' nrsys tries to make himself useful, name for the Sunshine
It U door sa. o:.ened ctod tbe ci,i<j..-o «
'Mamma's ramlag. Aont Hairtot's
Name sent-by Pearl the kltobcn. Near the entrance way He has wiped dbbes for me, and Irene Osborne, ag* iselvc years, went away "bon they came back '®®*‘
• doten drena praeewtiona
from the dining-raem are two Im- dreamed the babies in the morning Thomptonviiir. Mich., R. F P. No. I. ti-r rage was empty Mi- Jioua-
then folks send yew or- eomlogfl - cried the i*o at the MR eC
Irene •'Choree.
Tbompaonville. awnsccaldronsIn which
themeward (noi tinybabies,though,
bat tbe lit- I also bare one for the Cradle Boll, movgd her uiile famil-. io the rcumry "‘F®* “9banahas
and ttunip. and tbelr voices half sa Mwr latoe.
The noise aronsed tha pedler.-aad
-Mlcft. B. F, D.No. 1. Kame neat by saUthey ookrd
the potatoea.
They te*cbtldreB). and I odn't knc»w wha: Leo' lAndia. age twenty mostha De«.
coax you to eat-pndit's no use."
he appeared with a beamtag Bmito aa
Bthal Huddkntoa. are filled with the prepared vegetablrs all he dasn'i done to make himself don. Mich.. R. F. P No :. You can
Chucky and
His Picture.
"i wonder." said Fred.
Chucky was bis name li may sec-ra 'why they Uke Jo* tbat kind of o Ua earriag* drove up. Aad the aem
n HsU nnd George HaU. Bouth and then covered and *cam from tbe welcome.
a funny name for a poor lutie orphan time to tease boys to eat No ooe «v. moment mamma wu ecj-mj nsreett
Boardman, Mich. NhmM eent by mill turned on to do the cooking One
now don't }tin think be b reslly t
. woodchuck, bul that Is whs: we called er teoaes us to oat."
Into Ue arms of that very odd. makeAda HaU.
day when the eieward himself bad very good SanMilner? I certainly do. gueaa ihli will t>e aU fc
him wb»o he came to tive at our
-'Mosn. IsnT It? Mo. we don't wait ytiareei: e'Aome old. gantleman. whOa
^Charles Bslley. ^lare Maesenlsb. to be abacnl at dinner time, tbe man
| nope I ahan't bare to wait so ao good-bye.
bouse. "*hen he was very llule we anything—"
Marnsrd Maeseni^ and Charlie io charge o{ that pan forgot te turn long before wTlHcg again.
Frotn >-our Sunshluer.
Aunt Harriet exMalomd, 'Vby—fath­
built him a house It -was a box with
Archie ratted hu voire to snreir i« er' " - didn't .expect you tfll neat
Bound. Traverse City, Midi.
on the ateam after flUlng tbe great
Eihc-I Hnddlcstos
Bbsirlee MU*. Urn* CISHS. and kettles, and several hundred
1 am eo pleased to he«* you such an slats nailed
AbBl Unie.
•roe. the front en« a man who was quietly *,_____ _ week."
Flora Dnhrer. LeUnd, Mich. Ksntes no potatoes for dinner!
aeilvc Sunshiner. euo am sure you al- sides. He i
verr rauirii afraid m
thorn, wllb a small vnllae In to
"And you didn't know ft waa granddo*, thinking be wm
•Mt by A^ Bary.
On the opposite side of the loog
aa J
to »»ys trr IO rememuf-r your Sunshine Rover; end
ps!" said mamma, wben cAa Ent BmA
any other w^cbuck.
^ ^
^ ry waa over, aad ail ware lawM^ «
room was the raoge. In two aaieUona
Oorrrepondenc* Ooh. That ot Edith '
nt— mr
-He doran'i look like tho folks yoo be tMd bow they had
» Itot o, to U
>?»;;' Sou. Btorttoito ai-to. R. r. O, N. 1. .IV. bl« . toM totolto »r totoln. speak to lo He a old, you aoe "
a book-pedler.
Clyde WItaM. oga four months. Elk lonrJt. Opeolng into the kitchen *' •
*» “ »Pl«idl«
ijve t( The Elms" After we hed
•Yea. and nleeJookfng.
'1 hope is wui not be tha 1a* Uma
RapMa. M14- Name eent by BMa near one end woe the baken where B“b»hin»r. a^
Presldeoi U aura
o«. «. isto.
scolded blwand told him not to looch.
........Tbe tolls
they may eatertaln aagoto uaawu
all tbe breai
bcesA cookie.,
coeklec. etc., are made.
■" ®«‘'^>«'*"•
Dcai-Preaidentbe flosHy Je: ilule Chucky alooe SiiU
*7iL,« ^
said Aunt HarilM.
1 will DOW take tie time to write be looh-d .erj crossly at him aa P^‘®'>- “
tiraoger came nrerer.
L<eo Landis, age twenty moniha. Tbo *rwerd lighted up the big oveo
-But rap mnat ba rewtoua
8„„^to,_ cinb Adah "onsev Chucky poked hi. little b.'owh nose-,*^
anytolng today, but
BMdon. Mlcb.. R. P, D. So. 1. Name sod showa'Tis .the rolls baking for One ponal must be meotlooed this
, ^ume ago. ibraugh th.- bare of bis prison-house.
down aod r«. such tblnga. dear." raid —— >it
neat hr Sftid UnddleMon.
dioaer-bow iqn&y would yon think week. A pretty greeting arrived frois
drea «nt alwaya aaewor to tot ptmff^ Z,. Chucky grew rapidly, and *« tound
U ysreuld take for. oay S50 men? 1 Nome EUlto Of cement City.
FRESIOENTS dto'J ask boL many there were, but
----------------------- I go 10 school every day, I mn tn the that hi. house ww. too uaall lor him.
*■'” *•**"
Utora were on humeose number of
' eUch aud aeveoth gradre I have two He told ua so by gnawing al tbe alaia
*■ »91*per to FreAl
There Is no need lor yoor PrasMeot
_ .
.jiem. '-T^'tehors
- ,
wore mbring
Lrtand. Mieb.
brothers wbo go te sebooL One U in We lei him out, and be went to live
'Thank ypu. said tbe old naan, tnkbam^ feMlng. aad la bowls as big as big dlsbgiaas aad
Sent. U. Ul«. the arcend grade, and tha other to io uodH- the woodwbed.
tag <«e of tho piazia ebaire. and kuklanded m*mm^„^
Iho smSe. that abe bad wtoeo Me’ one time we caw a big woodeo <b^ Dear Praatont—
tbe sixth and aereoth grades with me.
Be was a rogutsh Uttje Wlpw. and ‘V « <9e. two bright (neet wHb a
wben they took Hka mvdpA.'"
' ......................... ot Aaat. Flag bovrt tlmt w*y «u^ hare
PtaMt arad me four eatda and bub My bratbm warn to Jola (be BunaUna cujoyed playing with kitty.JUm very x«n- piraaaat aml%



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