Grand Traverse Herald, October 14, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 14, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ilA« A YBAB.



r. K Omut. Jr« neperta Ooed Road
Work Mng bene for the Ben' alt of toimmcr Vieltora.


r. A- OrtHCOry, Jr., oonDecled with
the Ua rrwon on den tmXrn near
Olen Arbor, was Is toe city Tue*day and vbUe here reported toit
cooelderable eCort
the Qlea Lake Meort country
He Mid toai dprlBg tbe past eeaeos
a large aaiount of road work bee been
done on toe blgha-ay iMdlng rrom
toe reeort to toe Ncewn dock at OIa
Arbor. It b toe plan to get ton Ugatnr« sDttclendy Improt-ed so that K
MV — T«Mk w^ be toe nsual route for tbe resort- NeaHy Two Hundred Typhe'd Pat*
in jeetUng from tbe boteb to toe
enu In Hupltal When Beaudette
•r mm hamui dvm».m«r im
place b only
turned Many May Die of
»»OTl CoMtin Whv* Con- ^ bonta. The Gregory
dbont a mile and a baU from to* Set• and it U.toe plan ot toe
and Increase toe popWarroad. Minn.. Oct. 11.—A private
atamy cd tbelr place aad tons
leasAge to tb* Minnesois & lim-ros
toe rMonte of reaoit bualncM for tbe Uonal railway- here today said
Glen iBke etictlen.
three hundred am dead from to* flra-s
and that it is expected to recover tb<
mm. M tk» (Ml MMiOM et Mperriobodies in forty-eight hours, -^-oodion, lotMr* AM bsbic McMvod from'
St toe Em scene is criUal. A
•MP^AtT M. T. Banr of the siam tbe governor uys the rilhOATl Vho U AMkloi taCAl VM:
(age of lUnler la eurrounded by
f«CA leor CROtlM to doM OM poor
Fires arc reported near Raghewo Aid thno jAlk which am aMM
ley aod CleArbrotrir. St. Paul. DulM'i.
tor huuR MAgA to lahAbit pad to
Mlnseepolla and Bemldjl and ar*
ruahJng reUef trains to to* scene, and
tmioA to iho ogoAUd coo^lttooi of
tbe Bed Cross is eeoding nnrset and
tbata-poor Iwmam ud lAlli a>M Ima- A. H. Lealle Rleaeed WKh Frvlt Cul­
ture-Fine Applet from Amrim
b>m A deaAAd fOr the aapoiTiioM to
The loss is esUDisted at tie.OM.OOO.
late tmoMdlAU oetk* to IaaUI**
Five hundred mllee of virgin timber
been destroyed and tboassn<
Hr. Leelie said that since he has
■ A Mtur hu he«A Meotrad hr the
settlers are homrlers.
been Into toe frvtt growing gan
Otaad rtmtw teard o( »i>p«n
pernor Bberbardt of Mlnnesoin
baa enjoyed ufe better tban ever be­
which fa BOW- hatAg oowaMor*
has cABrelled All spuklng nigagefore. He baa a large portion of bis
■ to. accompany toe relief trains.
IsDd sWl Kortoport set to el
haer. SacMtair MarrAy. In a Lai
Om bundred ami ninety typhuld
treea and toe eomlng cprltw be pro­
mwTlow, ttAied ac Idtowc
fever cases were In the bosplul. when
to eat out 7W more tread,
was burned. Tbe patl^nu
‘Wthin iha ahadow of a baaotUol new treea wiU be partly sweet ebarty.
CMut heoar add la A eonmonlty bow partly ptunis aod toe raat crab ap- narrowly escaped and 1t la feared
many will die of exposure.
lac ABd adrartfalac tu adTantagaa plea.
Martial law rules the burned dUABd MaooMoa. Oraad Ttatomo eoABty
He made a Mport today upon toe re­ trlcL Tbe town of Kelllh*r is
pmidm te bar aartomBate d«
sult ot hie com, ibat be has g
•At aad iBdra fa a tBanaar moai
E tbe tree* pUnted tbit epring.
1 «o tfc« -his con wu uld A abort time since
ton bASU at W bubaU of abeltad
abMhiifly am obSi tor tba pttrpoaa ooiw to the ACM. n» urn deli___
-Mtarrud, Oct 11 —The Sms were
tor whkh ibay are aaad aad thnwii enptad go acre/ and there sreM 81.eutroUsd tola noon, aod toe work
got > wtmmh^ mtm mm
6M bills la toe laid. Mr.- luUa lAld feeding and booelnk'refageee ban be­
piaaUato.'«lttdf thaa that tbe <
sntldartng tba fact toat toU U gun. VnWs the death list In isolated
aorr ABd Mmb am oaqMble And do- not AdvartJeed as a corn country
dlsirlcu U beary. It is believed lb*
1«C the tool they cab wiib what the abowing ot m bnsbeU to the sere u dead will not exceed one hundred
aowAi}' hu pfhrldod.
fifty. Thirty bodies are In to* Ralto
“Ko maialu b BiAde for the eejy
Mr. Joseph BuGar, one of
River morgue and thirty others have
amUm or nbaaiiratlu of iBOAtoa. Weatam Michigan Der-efopmani
been seat to'ltulutb The wlad
aod dorlac tba wtatar aoatha tba oU run dlMctoM. for Antrim county, wu sided.
mm AM bdddlad Bad pachad to- in TmWM Qty yaatarday aftac
Wlnnlpdg- Ort 11-—Tbe city coun­
Utoar la a Baaaar aod oBdar aoch aad srbils here Maud toat nom'
cil -here today voted two toooeand
tWdtUBBi aa to mdn It aliaon to>e Jonathau and Northam Spy' doUsrt for tb* relief of th* Are suf­
hAM«ii. la one room tbe'air apace of apples SM being gown In tba £lk ferers.
Which b aoMrbwt for om perwm o>- ttapUs aacUon of Wbsten Michlgaa.
I |y. with the praaeBt seau of heatlac sad be made attAngomenu for hav­
ABd awAUbOoa. Ire nwa were crowd­ ing thane apples secured tor toe ChJ^
ed. the bade aad cou orewpriBs i
oago iaad abow. He also uld toat tbe Harlan Brown's FUM at intsriechen
tbaUr an the door apace. Brea with people of Antrim county are pleased
Will Oevsiep gaveni Hundred
■ (bb ormrowtffag of the aleat
with toe work being don* by toe boHeiwc Power.
man it waa rrrainiry to pnnlde . .
and toat he believes that toe so
had b tbe dialog roota. off ot whl<h' pemaoM of tost cooBiy am going to
The worit on the new power plssf
apua one badioew oecopted by
make toe neoeuaiy appropriation at that Is being built by Knrlan Broit-n
lAMita. aBd the afrcalSed al«k room. toeir meettog to be bc4d toU week
intarlocben. is pnvaaMng rapodly
««»<b feet to abe. oMwptod hy OBa aad nest, to maloutn tbewoihef do and U U expoioed that by toe end of
reek all the excavating will be
done and woHt on toe cement feuilda"luiBwah u BO amtu nnea or
MnIriBg rooto b purUad. the owo
bcfun. At toe start Mr. Browu
Muhe to tha aWwptog roan and tba
•111 Install two 40 Inch water wheels
ooBdltioB et the atueephera ma4^
on a JO foot bead that wUI be capa­
™» he tangtoed.
. .
ble of developing 160
The ebaoUg moba od the aecoBd BMPLCYCh OF seVERAL UNEg each. Thru wheels are befog made
by toe Trump Manufarturtiig <
-•bar. ow «( wbkh wwa oecnpled by
•ft mmi. AM -beAUd hr atoreplpaa
of toe laieet d«mgii.
aad dnuaa. aad too aid -people, hetog
The power bouse w-lll be 91x40 for'
Aoeeopnbb to aold, the air to toe Oranteal Railway in Fronea Tied Up
—Thauunde of Amerleaa Teu<^
and construfied of centenc blocks,
leu Delayed.
and toe work on toe building and
wbeel pits will be rusbed so that ibe
Paris. Oe:. 12.—Tbe employu o>to trestor pan of ibe work will be done
Bastera railroad Joined tU rmilwv befOM toe cold weeiher comes. Mr.
airiken today, toe ewplorce o(
0 bca not determined in what dltut M taut, toe aged aod lUm.
•am et whoa, tbiouh u taail ot Parts. Lytmt and UediterrauiB. tbe rectlML b* will go with toe current,
railroad in Franu.
as tbeM are several Bcarby Unas
toeir OWA. boeecne depeodaot wp
MrUe tonight, practically tlie enUM that are waiting for a chsnre to aw
too pobUe tor aapport-"
^rABCh trniy U prepared to protetf cure airevt llrbu and mw*r.
■ocMtarr taUTV baa aubwilUed
toe rallwsya. A rtrlkc et the parts
tbeatou boardaltatof eo cowatba
whiehba vtaUadaaauBdiliu. owing'
uamwaymenlnsj-mpsiby is duto toe an atrtad oawdlUon oftbrtr btU
euwed. Tbe Central railroad emptayu
or ilaabaniii. abewtAg lAat there b
bare aiiBoaoced tost they a-m Jotti Raiwanee Culminated fn Pretty Wed­
Bead o( radioAl metoM hy aomaoi
ding at gt Francis Church
hrtog abowt r'^ettemoAt of coodl- toe suike. -Ikiurlstk- trains, for .ports
of trueAtJsntIc Uners are running,
ItaWA Btooe eaeutotog bb datlaa
im agOk taomr baa bean acttvely at but toonuads of AmerlcAns will be
tmable to retoni home.
•flO-gtottog tote tooch witb aaeuet*
Parle. Oct. IL—At Coknnbes. nev
pertalatof U tbe work for wfalto tba
here, three hnadred strfki-rs held up rlsga of Mias Glad.>» Palmer tc
heard warn foasded. aad to carrms
^PPlr iMlM enroute to Parti, re­ tbuT Send. St toe Catooiic cnurcb, toe
e« idtM approrad by am Aoard for
leased ctnie and despuOed tood.tuRs. Rev. Fr. Bauer otficlaUng. Immediate
' getl^ oettaa agalitet oonotba wblto
The crew of toe Bordcaiu express on Mlatlraa and frleada were presentBnd
Ale Acgtoecnd of toeir poor and coaa- toe New Otfeaas Une. etraek tots afto. toe home o^the bHdegroom
ty pruonera.
tornoon. Troops were called to guard •hat* a wedding
nodtag It doobtfal
wbetoer _
toe ualo.
hoard hod tbe aatbortiy u fene dpt
Both are well knoa-n in toe dty
llgau cowAUae to Uoprore toeae cooMr*. R.
n. o. Mas.-urewor
«■ ten.
left uns
tola The biSdegroom has worked for sev­
tortui he hat eee«Md toe aanlM- taUBiBg for Kail IMtoo. LAaislag aad eral yesM In tbe employ of Sndtb and
OAce of tbe atete bcalib departueot oiber aouthora MldOgan dUca tor a Price, and the bride la wHi known in
end toe attomey
uaaral to take tew weeks visit with frtanda And Ml- focal aeclety circles. They hare many
frtffida who wish them tbe but of sue
Mr. and Mra.' tv-nd left
i. H. Hantat Apd taatoy left for
for CadiUar. and wUl Uler
k. Miss. Oct. It-Voloat
rt Heroa iodsy. wWa they will lo- go I* tbe untharn. pan of toe ati
gnards lut night prevamu .
e pan^AAUtly. /
•hero they •»! spend a week or
before retnrainlg. Af:'r ahicb ibny
who wu contletsd et to# unntar of
will be M borne in toe Wyakoop
hia nwuthearl.


LOSS W01BES19,000.01)6


won sm PDSBED



Ctand Trsverte and Leelanat|_OfficUla Discuss Important
Ttis nsMtlng for toe Oihnd Trav
etwe and Leelanau county school of­
ficers and directors held at tbe court
l>our* Tuesday wu aUended by i.ior.than Soo men aad wotneo representfox toe at-boula of the two counilea
tbe bosrda thereof. It
I* of the
most largely attended
P flCtoe
kind ever known in toe dl> and
van amount of foierest wu taken
all toe. proct-edfoga of toe day. 8uPu».llc Instruction, U'
L. Wright, ol Lar>lbg wu present
ai)d> addressed the meeting at both
toe oornfog and atternoon aculout
Ihis morning hr discussed various
M of the eebool law. the duUes
and prohfblllona of toe school board
srbat they sbould* not do. and
tolBga whicb ilK-y ahould do. Tbis af­
ternoon I'ue ri>«aker look up Ike dison of toe truancy law and tult'oe laws all of whicb proved of senetal iDterest and
benefit to those




one buudred doaa.-s an
toe land. Tbe farm coosikilBg of
""rf toe beat in f
0ibiy ac
frail trees.
led about four -miles from totcity, three miles dlre»il)
Uarfleld avenue,
or tot- fruit, about 6*0 are peach
e«« and there arb oeoi ly 1.500 ^rrte*. •|‘beie are aev-res of apple,
So Oeetded'by Council Monday NigM
land, and of ibo finOfficial Figures viewed u SlgnmMnt
—Mercantile Co. Urgi^ EaUMItbkind Jot a^ A ^aar «go
by Inter State Cemmerec Conv
mant of Offfe'al Duk Un* M
lilackmaB rerei«^ 11,700 from bia
Hiuian In Washington.
^e Aiver.
fruit alone, beat^ what bis other
Waablngton. Ort. ii.—The agrirul- produc-.i yieldwl. All the .buildinga
, iFrom Tuesday's Record)
luial progress of western Ulchlgao la
At toe meoung of toe eWu tart
liidleated hy the traffic report ot the hilog of recent cooiiructlon. and fine eveatai the quntloa ot llgktkM tte
aianlsiee and Sorthautern railroad, ly equipped throughout. Ur. Black- streets of toe elty for to* qgMV*
wUl-resIdc;lu-toe city.
Just .filed wltb the liiierauie com­
IfMt* wu 4,rouckt to A toc*q|ng
merce commission. Thi* report shows
nmtracl wu awarded to toJm)l^A
lliai the frelifoi In tbe fortii aurpaased
CUy Electric Light * PomerOe,
tbe records for at Mat five prerloos
whoM bid wu 83 60 per Ught lo«**r
years and probably for toe entire hl*than that of toe BoardlUMi Sircr me.
lory ot that aectibn. The famert
irfo Light « Power oompuiy.
line of road, about ir mllu Jeag.
Three bids tawre aubmlOed. toe Leshipped 3C.S50 tou of agricultural
fond Power ^mpany also o«eri^ to
prodocts tut year. The highest
Ake toe cootraet for • term <4 to
vloua record wai J3ASS in IMS. Other
>rora at tbe rate at |4SM) per taap.
It years bad records u tollowa;
rear, but their bid VM MC MIMS. 14.454 tonii; IM6, 28J1C2 ttma;
relved uDiii 7 O'clock Is tbe'VfoBiAg
1S07. 27M9 tons; 1809. ‘l6JK>:.
and oeuld not be oonsMered.
e Dost remaritobie toowlng for
The Boardmas River eompABy eubTRANCE OF MINE.
11.—All tbe relut year was in the tonnage of fruit
mitted two bids under porteet beeeaM
vegeUbfoa. T.63I. The b^l prethey stated toat they'did not osbaU> roco.-ds wu 3A)S in 1808. Thu
er It (alrtoAsfctbten lo bid -p<- tf1908 report abowed 1.30C tons of fruit
county chairmen ffwn practically ev­ tur they had ebosrn their hand lA the
aiidvegemhlesoririruiUngontole line.
rr bids. In both the bids they '
ery conoty in tb« lower peuin
> previou* year bad the tonnage
gathered at too Pmtchanriaa hotel submitted they mAde no <*sny.
mfoe above ThU shows the tre-i loday for a general rvnfereirce. cal’ed their lormer figures, which Wfre |ELDEBRIS MAKES WORK OF RES tin-ndona Jump which the light soil,
by .W. J-V«nk Knox, chairman ol
I vfr Ugkt on a lO year eeotTBM.
M-ctlon of MiQhigan is now experieooDd IC5A8 on a five year contrAcL
fog. Fruit does not weigh much.vahk
1 'sute foadera Wen- flllod' UM The bid or the Queen aiy eompABp.
eonsldered. and for tha aecUoe ten'gethi-r to generally disiOis too <
u for 147.76 OP A 10 r*Ar AOBina. ft if Thought Remsmeer of the Fifty
*d by toe Manistee and Nonhesstorn palgi; and the actkni to be taken
after a roeeu of 10 mtauiM for
Entombed Men Cen Be Reuhed
to double tlx tranage in the year indL fog too campaign but partleulcrly to
mnalderatloa of the propcmKloAa
ae Smo as Deadly Cates Can
a heavy liicreuo in tbe esuh listen to a uulqne-cnnjpalgR plxu mop- Aldertnaa CroN moved that (he bM
Be Overcome.
wUch the rest of Ibe world sent to II ped'out by Ur. Knox. This provide*
tb* Qoew City ronpAar be am
I i-xrhange.
lor extrodlng the work of tbe tvonty copied At 147.76 per light for Uaps
le.'xfolo.. Oct. n.-K.-«ni1
Development of Light Solla.
>uiiiiilU-ea io. lake eorh school dls of toe aMAlUe getaiag at* paUatb.
Colt^adu Fuel k
The y-tins shown by this road are let as tbe poKtIral unh Insti-ad of
ralue. today found leii of the ffriy .-nAldermaii^ Mnrchle
thought to* •
o.iihed real p^ueiw. killed hy the higntficam 4«caiu<* the lines serve's each luwnstilp l .vl.-r the plac each oouacll ahoUd take bom tim* to eeacountry
menilrer '<f each
ore* of iht^'Miloelon. Rock-covered
sWm the^MlAUve lasrlta of (he tw»
inJi<>-<- will lepon lu ih>- *ount> rhelr- propoBiifoiia. and be waated-uaMlth*
bodies. They were fuui;d iwu
nllee luMd- and to* dehii» hlndi rii crmsideralJ* extent il runs through old nmn the name of * man In each lu-hoo;
meetHiRfo ooosider tb* awards
removal The ii-frlTe Inipai-l here; pine bnn-’-iie. Ii* i\-ix<rv U probably dlsu-lcl who cau te ihiJ-ndlvi
.^_the cmTrpM. Thia. howaver, *
wrocked to* glgnmle motor fan, hurl- (he bosi railroad IndlcaUon of pro- aid In getting
Unpowible. a^to* hid* have to
r-rwHy keep ell
L fifty feel, il is Iheugbt otbvr
be -tithcT accepted or rwjeeted wtlfo
ns Iran »ill he B]i,-oli;(ed br tb- a five days.
ledleH will b* aeceselhle sh eoon ns
iumry ihalnuan. Tb* state ceniral
ih* rceeupfu -can overcome the deadly
■ Aldermu RIckerd aald that be jld
imniittee will be fu-nlshed with a
-w see bow the cooneU eauM gala aap-—|
and Indiana. And It Is algnlflcant that, St of ih-re apiraiCr-c* and llleralure tMag by walling, u both the 0^
while OS- reiwrt of the Pero Marouette ■e. will be afol dlr.-<-Uy to ihem so
perTedly clear hnd the Qi^aB
ed. From the eondliloir of th* l«dl*», showed a falling oft In tonnagefot ag- lal a unlrerael dlnrlbatloa may I'-' City bid would uve to* elty on Ih*
" ‘ '
offirinU brlieve there la' much com- ricuhuraJ products originating on Its ad ai a tlgaaalmc.
.Mr. Knox win ifci uinlire tor Stale preecat number-of Ughta Jhe am of
ihr> Manistee and Noriheutern
iHirilble gas'In the Dilu*.
L-ague of Republican t-lulm murti 83.716. Tbe othle iwkfoMfi ^thg
minere are suU ciiaalng and CT chil­ shnw-s an inrreue.
board were all ready w ^ ahd
dren ai-e latoerjcws.
Keporter.n are
].ast rear furnished a big crop of more in this campturp than they have wben the rote eras CAlled for all too
Doi allowed near -the mouib of the pmaioee «or freight traffic, to* tonmeinbera toted In favor of acceptluunel.
iiage running to M.226. This record
to pledge blmaeir to be
w-at eioceded In 1»<I6. when toe loiiI'poo aocia
elecUOO day sod bring vi
was 33,486. and 10 1908. wben it
toe atajor aod clerit ww* authertaed
26.T9^ Hut this compariaoD h. leut one republican >o(e wjtb lilm.
The Itinerary of- the various speak- fo eater into coatract with the Qn*ea
perhap-i mish-adlng. Tbe toasces are
City company for furulablng tb*
toat tbe production in toe field wu
toe last three weeks of the <-ampalg i street Hghu for a period of lo ysersactually larger lut year than ever be­
The old qaestfop of eutaM^iag a
also being oomffoted Rvrry rouiifore. but toe InrtDure were uiifortunIn the stale U clstuorlcg for rhaae city dock Uoe wu rerlred At tbe
liecnusc the price was very Aw
S Osborn and roiigrwman Town­ meeting when a eotmauiUMtlea wu
and cotiseriueotly did not
ship an send and toeir time will he dlatrtbu*r.-ad from the HABaab * ^ay Merrorty-Five Theutend Men Are Out large a proportion of their potntoee.
> toat u many people a< possible vuouie ccBpaoy in whleb it wu outIn 1905 toe potaTo tunnago of toe
and Every Railway In trie Repub­
bear thuui during toe campaign.
lat the company wu deslron* of
Manlier- and Northeastern was IIlic ie Threatened.
proceeding with the woit tost they
tied BtaJted aloog tha river In toe roar
Parlr. On li -Forty-five thouaanil
Salt ShIpmenU foeruat.
oftoeaewplombiitgabop and that u
struck lut ulsht on too Xonhi-ti
Tlio reiort of the Manistee and
w ihey bad gone they bed foUonlallwiy and oveiy line in Prance la NortbenMero ^huwa a marked inKalkaska Supcfviaart Refused PeU- «d the line given them by oouniy eurliireaieaed. If automobUee fall in th<product :oQ on Its own
■ Waioraan and city engtoeer
tien on Account,* of Teehni|lnrt. [I cKiTied 74.9SC lona-of salt Im-i
Caldwell II tbis line were not the
“Ills increase In xall producuou
proper one they would Ute te have
Is 40 aeioplanee anfi nperleored avagri'ultura: producis, howevRalkatoa. Mi.h .
IJ.—Tbe wets (be city givi; them 'to* right one at
itors ih waiting The men deiTBOd
■ fully needed lo compeuaic
!, so that they coul^ pruffeed
dollar as ib* minimum wag* and
de^o-aee to loiiuage ol. lumber ot this county received a bad aelb^ WKh the work Ihel they hare alrudy
Is seosios of toe/tWrd of aupr^rar.d oihei* Inres't pr\n]u,-u.. Tbe total
prenenled the tngUB.
lunnage of this cUs- was 416.Tl-. a
As the city attorary wi* not pros­
detrea** of more ti.afi SO.'X'O toc-it wKh bis wrium opinloa of the
e voters lor too re-eoumUslon
om the Ogurtw of IV'9
manne.- in wbtrii tbe councQ would
Indeed, the offi'-.'rs and directors toe loca: opH*B question next spring. have to proceed la order to rWaWlsii
[ toe Maoisiw- and
Nortoeutern Kverythiiig went sloag smoothly VAtbe line. ili« aMenoen srer* hxb tp
Cne May Die aa Result of Autameblle bate eotneihlns to do in addlifoo to Ul tot i*etltlODS mere preaenied.shuu
t.vko up lb- question fo aa ^biai
K found thaj^ere w^r* sotr
Accident at Muakegon
roDgratiiisie iheui.-«:ve* upon.ipe ag
rtcultural dcvok-ptnwit of their coun- regnlarlilee tn toe affidaviia tha.
'.Ccmli-ued OD, Page Thrre.)
Their total f.-e|ghl tonnage ta»: coinimnied them ^ toe board refua^
te any action upon them. Tbu.
JluBkrgon. \I|r-h, Om. IJ—Milton
• was le« by fyi.w tons than in
Rlordan. Henry Ba-jkn'-<-bt and John Il*t8, and the totmage o^lnatlng cm aetioD put the liquor men up fo
•ms ol Jlurkesdi- aad Jari Wynn toeir own iftles wu lew> by nearly sit and today they called attorney
.LdrlsB were'seriously injured la
GaEney ol Cadillac Into co^ereiw
than in I9u9.
0. R. * I. to Canetrvet Freaetd Brisk
aulomoblln th*-) were ridiag- Toe
It haj^u toat the HtUe devise Mine way out of toeir predlcaStructure te; Replace Uw Oe*
chine airuck a t-lepbonc pole. AtaDlaiee aad Northeuicro Of waatern
Rinrdan may die.
Ulchhcan wotild V a good illuatraikm
Beuthern Cities mereas*.
' toe nlb-oad men io cite when
Kaikaska. On n -The 4! R. * I
Wuhingion. Ort. 15 —Ifoi»i!atl-in railroed hu given ootlre to tbe vUthoy ate arguing -hefor* the foterwute
commerev commission tor I
siailtfca ' were made pmbUe hr " lage that they wit) anon begin tb*
Absitdoned Coal Mine at Bspinaw freight rat** The average wage paid
office for :hc folfowiog cuies: eonsinirUon of a new 85.660 prseead
employes of thjj road, except general
irtUe. Ky.. 553.8M, an ioerrose brick depot to replace toe one that
Sagiimw. Oct. f: —A wetion of tbe efficers. wu tlA9 fn I9«a. aad fo of 18.187. or 8.4 per CAUL over 564.731
burned eeme titae ago. Tbe new
liaiQard"abaBdoned ooal nine aaak 1810 It hu iBcseaaed to t:.08. lu nei
atructUM will be louted fo toe cen­
>ae buadred feet «ilh a roar, today. bMome to !9M was I89J14: la 181d
iftxlnsioB. Ky, I. an ipcreaae ter et toe town where toe bead M^sd
laking valuable maehlneiT uaod is H -'iSg—Evening Press. XVuhiagtoa r 18.^ or 88 p«r c
over I8.m In U now loeatad fo lb* UuJe park. Tbe
tbe ahajL N<ae were Iclurefi.
stand and rote hoBse wtR be moved
down toward tbe watM^ (ash fo otfier
LA.. t»Mk. SB
maka room for the imw Impcovrof 12.W5. or 75 t>*r oeiH ov*r IG.OU in

AT W7.75 PER lAltf










Itnmi ini






muiec. '•


Non^tra MitUBtt bat rtcalTtd
■DMt txwlltkt tdvtrtiaamfct Un»Bb
Ut rtport of Iba Utaltttt A.MMh
H^tltrt rkUrekd to Ue {sitrttua
CoatOOTM ronulaaloB. The Rtcort
rtotcrdt, reprtatak te artictt.
• WuhlBCtta iktt. wUU' famikktd
Itcu tod flcuret Ukm fran U« rtcorda of tbe loterotate OBnuoeree
BltaloD itUUrt It tlkt naure and
It of Ut toU OB laodi tdlaookt
• that railroad.
U« rtiait of Uta autiok of Ut atate
PNmlaaa irtattr wtatU Uta thu
wUU hat ktta rtioeTtd by Ue
btTMe aad «Bt od wbiu Biaar &nor dOlUn bare Mo itaMctd
aat ■Uitoet sort paU Mr
Wbea Ut Umber wat Ttaored R wai
looly Mitred (bat Ue H«ht toll
of NorUera MlehUn wbleh had (Irto op Ha wealth of limber. wooM be.
eome vtierly UMeu and ook-prodarHre. Tbit hai beea oondtialrely dieprortB and the reiMrt of tbe Manlatot A Kortb tettm ratlroad abowi
Ual' Uere it gmt weaMh lo Xortbtn Uichifka’i llpbt aandy aoO.
Vlkeo tt if tuted that durlOK tbe
laal few y«fa. the prednetlon of fruU
aod acUeoHurtl prodtna hat more
that doubled, u It

•at daHac Ut Utt taatoet tor n*t
am tweraattoo. wlH tot frUUtd
torn U*-Utrt It to ht ^'•tw M
■attl at Ntruport At ntu*l
at Ut NorUport BetU httM Vf Art
a tow yean md. waa a Ukw to )*Khport: a
and dtplorad by bundredt to pety
pie «>
«%o birt iptat much Umt dar­
tac Ut tBMm
MrtJr# pbfrw!
Tbertfart. tbe
by A. M.Xealit that deftolte arraait
mtnia had. btaa bait tor tbt ««#«■
tion of a oew botef oe tbe atte of tbe
old OM and tlmt U will be manacad
by two pmetletl haul toeo to loeelrtd
with aatWartlon.
Thert le no prtUler tpot lo NorU-




The Can of the Stood
look. moU patches aad
l_he eklQ.—all
^Q.—all tlgn* of Hvar
Dr. Kiog-s New Lite POlk'a___
i^ jwd blood: give dear afcia, ta«r



Nkval mwngM

\ i





Feark, doses ;..............


New Rye............. .........................





-»1H anehante for catUe or approe-

AavmueCtoT Ml


Murr SELL Si. once a Uttle Soitk of
StrokMr* awes, masiy yoniA gad
buU Umb*. Vary best bcwedtog.
Will sell cheap. J. W. SUter. Trav
eiwe CHy, Mich. Oet. I-U

Calves, medium

larlug decided i
e riiy. I will *m
Oowi. good .. In^Mitoe**;^
Gfaad Trarerat eowaiy ia fortunato
Staera. prime .
in baviBc m<« la eatcoilre petliiom
Shewp, per lb .
ot the ability. qnalUcalkme and alaeerily of C. H. Ettea. wbo. wlU the
«r Ut poor oc ar«ad Ti»*>
eicepiitn oTtiio yeara. baa toeeii opt
i^nvwtr. nm tmu* tiM bMB fkWM.
M M. ....IW
of Ut ttqmrlnUDdtou of Ue poor for
f««4 to Ut MPWUUttdWU of UM
more than «o yearv «r. Btoee bai
Ran BUAU atrwL
IMT tf tho tiM'tf of Mptnni
been lo pocOlimi of trutt and nap
U—ittw tra latflcBMt that Uar
alblllty on rartou* ocraeloni and
u> know tuU
%U Urnet. be Iiaa abowe a toltbHu ta- The Rev.
A. H<IU of ThA City
chop*, per
ttrrat in tbe anin of Oraod Trav
4kM(ltr iL r. Manwr is k 1^
Nemtiutod for AiMitar Oeatnl
conniy a^d at aupeUntendent ot
kin mu*! tiMkt Uoa
Tbe following 1« U- oompiHe aute
tkk ncr kkk I
Uiket numitiated by tbe aoetallau:
- a.
«n «n* <• ii k di^kM to ttw which bare been recorded ta worU
Nomluan-d by (be prtaurlet;
needy and dlatreiiMd.
iMMir M it Ik kJiOMUMr
Kor goremor—JoaetA M'arwork.
UUU or DOtblDf. fttoetiko ttttbodi
Other men hare bcM u almUar p»
MP «•! ta-UlM U «««kt Ut of (armlBc and fruit ruHniw
For lieutrnani eoremor—lieaiamli
tamtlUM to MUr tolHin
rtlopin* wooden, and tbe
proper lUokt tu ttreed long kM wen. but I! l.t«ience.
Nomlnaled by Ue ronrenUon:
(rtumeet or tht aoll baa |»Hm aboim U> Ifr. Bette %c tuuu aetmd the
A.tommttoUktokrdofMiMr- td brute rich reauita
For beereury of atat«^-Qeorgt If
.yyMkmikUkttttokOtUklriBm Wlitn tbto (Andichmi. a* te< forU man In Grand Tratme roi'iniy, and It Sherman. IMOndi.
»t>r HUte iruABurer—Henry A. Armr
In Ue report, aiiiacU Ue ntteoUtm U doe to blai and due to ibe unuly
jwgn'ifl'ir It tl Ut lanli u tto skts- Of Waahlnron oKcOaU. nn. Mu: »>*» ^ «K*K»t apprecUltoa abaU Be beta. Buy City.
kWiMtn Ut Mtunr kentt. It it Um hmnt tpMfkally to Ibetr notlet *****^ ** ^ »trTtoa wbUb lie For' aadltor geaerat-Burtoi
to be abooloitly nir: to e«n • tnlr
eiewe. per to................ • to ifc
Kn.ut f>«nt of Ut MU, u
Hllle. Travereo Ctty.
_ . .
Ue puMit- bat m BDbealtMUkly rendtred.
rate ol <oierest: to be olweys rcody
tout vn
Ut tokrd of tapw' ity Hren the report U ticnIAcanL
rbr ailornrv
aiiornr) g
seneral--ll. A. UcMa»
lor yon on deniud?
r. Oowaglkr.
Tbe Uanletoe A KorU lUateni rail­
t*«l UcUlUu far «nUr lor Ut way rompaay. at wed aaiUa Pare
Oiuri for the County ot Uradd
;—aViMrkiUlDrkMdUKUtmk- Marquthe and Grand Rkpldt A Indlupervleen
Apprtaeastoii of said court, held at
^ ito k »oor Urm ud poor fcaott. taa. U«t lent tbelr tl
Ftor Joatloe of the Ruprrme oourt—
- nrobale ornre, in tthe Oty or
. prfatlee Atktd fer tht Otat tokk, UMt ktt Ut ptopoti- t^woUof
l>. a Hover. Grand Rapid*.
t wortt of tlia
tlM Wettem
y. In said o
veiopment ■unau.
4tk tatk tafwl tows kr Qm rttark
Tbe tollewlng mMMbere w
)f September ..
lopmtkl bureau. Tbtir (Aorta In aneseet; Mon. Fred
of' Ut «D«ur u« utto. ooaragtDi aelUtrt U atlmnUfiog Ut
u for the state rantral ram
l^Unau oounty It Ut Ant of tbe
e of Probate.
It ik tbs l«rg kt sal strougest fasak ia thk put of tkc St»t4
■Im to Wktot tor Ut ookdUoo UM dealrt for farm bomta amoag a ctatt'
Fliet dUutci. Hem-}- Kummerfeld.
4AnU wt Mitt tad wuu U k Utt Of peopU «ba bara bereioton. toohtd > (MiBUea. eobrared by Ue Weet- OHfoti; aecond dtotrtet Wward MaihUs FD»el, deceased.
It ik o£> rod sod mkcagid by okietai aid sBacetafal bs^M
John Posel hsvliing Bled

M Ut Mr UMwf TVtrtrttOltr aP wfU Udtteuace upon eouatry W^
In said
Koch. Ann Arbor: Ulrd distHcL Al
his petition r—i—m
praying that Irwin
- - -..............—
4mi Tmttkt tokU*.
bert ThonipMo. Hattie Creek; fourth
Rawlings or tome ocher anluble.pto*hr^u^u*“‘
* »^‘j»Mted ration tor Ue toenem of the
SUa naur beant tf Mac ooa of nJr
uppoluted adminlainior af
tuny who win aettlt on Uaat laadi iHtreau. PPealdem Day and IXreeioi district, II A. UcMaaler. Dowaglac;
It paia 3 ptr eeut Utmkl oa Saviaga Acooaata aid CegUScatw
4W mm protpMtkt. kwlUAiI ksd Wbo nrlll
4rlll be toaptUe of making *«»- o, to. »»• went before Ut SJHf
of Dgficsil.
It Is ordered, that the 18th day of
JUiWH muiat u miumb aad log. OUeri wiU 4
We^ tilth dwtrict^ Wililam MmieD.
' tuperritora at Leltnd yaaterday and
October. A. I>. WlO. at tea oVtoek In
Ua TO, htart U Trutrat
Flushing; screnth dlsirtei. J. W. Blab the
• tulted i
It koaepti ll pmils .f occ dolsr or ai>ra ts ba paid td *ea eo
(orenmii.. ai sslU Probate cdllc*.
detattied tbe woik of Ue bnrtan and
t>9 Utot tinta am Urtpiiitoui UI'un lluroo; elghU district, A J. bisl- be tuJ is Iwreby appointed lor hear­
I unman U arUU Uar» kit laleron, Saginaw; nitilh district. B. r ing HSid iH-iiiiuii
It i- fiirtber ordered. Ibat public
-■■i wUlt to taM'tor Utuatlftt dtroli^ and Uat very rupldly. The
lawrencc. Muskegon; tenth dlairict
notlo- thereof be gln-n by puhllcs-'
Jrehb Oreenburg.- Petotkey; elerestb UOB of a copy ol UUs order, tor Uire.'
oaaMiB which hat btea waged tor
district. fMmond Bentley. ChaHe- aurcewiUve weeks previous to said
approval of Ut work volx; twcl^h
h dutrlct. a Hlltunen. day of hcarlug. Iu tbe Grand Travd
> JMIM VHJ. tolM. will be bat a few ytara when Nortlv erla
.and clrcBlated la said couniv
rrlaiion aaked. Offleera of-Ue burMU
era tolelUgan will emul. tt not ediiMt wm r«t beard* of leptfvlaora to oU.
------- B. WALKER.
Judge ol Probata
mtmrnt at Ut anwurr tf Ue riebeat agricultural and boniestThe Demon ot The Air
or eowUet and it U aulte ptobable
to ^ ^ abarttlat and mw tsra] tectkmt of Ue pnited fiutec.
g*^ of lAOrlppe. ihit. breath­ Sepl. j;.:© Off 7-14.
OMest, Laraeol mn4 Strootrsl BuK
Uat the retnaintog oountlca will take ed in. brlBgn (offertog to ibonaanda
•3^ kgptan to anoutr ootaam
atmllar d^Oan.
U ihio part oi Ibe Suic.
Ha aner eOerta are weakneas. aer^iUa paper and abouM toe read and
TO INVEATIrou*neaa. lack of appellte. energy STATE OF MICHIGAN, in Ue Clr.
cult Court for Grand Traverse Coun­
by IM paofda or (band
■bUlon. with disordered liter
ty, In Chancery.
-------- The grealew n«-ed then
^at eoukiy. por yean we have

WIIU Klecirir niiiers.
:lers. tbe spleedi
splendid tonic.
,.l a Mtor eoaaty btuM, for OeloDel ReoBerelt bat exprtei
COlUns, Uefendam. August
-----J purtaer and rregnlator

of Slotn■ .Ut bcai« ot kaptrelaort bar* aelt In taeor of Ut aUtme
arb. Uver and Kidi
Inert. “
it appearing from afBdavit on file
• Abtlr onaoat andmutra, Mi- deep waterwayi canal from tJ
have proved Uat they wonderful!)the above eaiulrd cause that the
wrenrben the nerree. build up the
y htf caOtettraly. w atttoghto tokea to Ue guK. T%t n
• last knows place of rrattyatem anf reetore healib and |
I apgalp idtgMte toauttoi ami toicblgaa. Inehidlng the Branlng Eev
In this Slate asd“lhai pn>epims after an attack ot Grip.
« - »*• Ut nppott or Uott da ord, bare oppiwed ibU grMt arhtiiie
•uBerlng. try Uem. Only $i)c. Peetore toary MrAlplac died at
^1 aattetartion guaranteed by C. A.
M^K HpoantLUltdnttoUtto- of Chicago and
(Id noi he
Bttibee Drug Co.. 8 E. Walt A Sons.
Fordbit reaaou bare been glren why home of ber daughter. Mra.‘ FKwi Hannah A Lay Mere, tk..
Ae Housewife’* Fr.ettd, a perfeitly aafe.-’aure.^'^ attperMe
yf his cohwmmn i eaiufnUrlooktd afttr and Ue propoaed canal thould not be eon- Bnycr. ui geoand atreet WadiiMay.
-------------------- 1 hu last knewa
preMrvailve lor ail esnaed fmu. Vegetables, etc.
Bvi- Keep
place ol recidence. On motton of L.
Jtaimaa atuaiy tboau taka Rracied. owing w the apparant daa- She would bare been t! yoara of age
Canalag AbVis improtc tbe fiit-or. color and
IreahMss m any
H. Oage. aolicllor for tbe ramptalnast
ufK« tor kt uafae gen of aucb a walenray, which might
canned a.-Ucle and preserx It from dewtoraitoa. Gmiraatewd am
11 Is ordered that Us said defendaat.
d.T the food act.ti toUntloptag Ut Inrolre Ue leral of Ike lakot, Ueraby
Wtmani A. Coliina cause hU appeal-craaltog damage to aod
rctanUng Ml. PloaaanL and *ercnl grand child- cd by Count) Clerk Robert E. Walter ance to be entered In this esuae cliiier
She baa reatded to tbe city a ind already ta-o liccoaes ha>-e
In p-r*on or by eolicftor, within three
'^a: btStra Uat Ut board «r ta Cnilt culture around Ue lakM whkA
tber of yeara Ae funeral will be laaued. The men to buy tbe U.-rnsee TBOotba from tbe dale hereof and tn .
' « «Ul at Utt aattoaa. prtoaat la becoming an todimtry of trwwadefault
Bmper or Ula city and WP- filed hereto aiay be lakea as coabeW frem the church ot Immaculaie
raoplktoly .Mcw* Ut pto- dosa magnitude.
C^CRUhw IMdey tnorulng at nine Ham J. Auyer of Grant lowugUp. both
agaiast blm
t ontoy Uat Uty wu not
Ae poaalble etect of auoh a eaaal o'clock.
being laaued on October. R Ae deer
piwpMUo. to k
baa been atadied by actoatint aad ra'CiiTui: Cosn rommlastoe
opena November IP
Urdad ai daagerona aad
MM«sle Block
TMvctm Olr. Slkk.
lends to Non-mbsr SO. tocluatve. There
Tha Hea Lifta the Mertgape.
Ut totwaau of Ut oM barden^ ■f-**-**- abow Uat tbe Ae« is tl will be many Uccusca iaaaed ibis yaar
-' >0it to Ua pnpMiUto to Ue giaat Ukaa. it mlgto be- wdl tor
n tbe fan at heretofore but probably ih-fc
oct m*.
Ue people of MIeWgto aad other whan glren proper rare and ati
iU yea want to grt the beat_____ be more a.s (he acaaoii advacrvi
ttotaa la torUe OatoM Rooi*TeIt
feed ycair ehlckeas a little of Har
Aft«- a hoory ae*L rake a couple'
• mibe heiia lay aad Ual to of Doan’s Reguleis. and give >oer
*« rr«Je{
exactly wtat
_ you wauL No toed ftOQiarli. liter and bow^ Ike help
e rcmnly of Grand TravI Vkfu atiracu tl|t aUta■anearv
mixkd wtu It
Ibey will need, RegtUels hrtng e**v,
u jr Ue Utlt board of Uaritiat
Eewcb' L RuaML COG^
lABt. VS
M *
• Of iha «wwHa.
>la BuaselU Defendant
• toortatat to
Ord^ of Puhl
MN eU Mard-of njumaon to OOOO THINO FAR NORTH^RT.
Sold by & c. W4
kOAA ♦1 « A ♦ d
A • • A « Iwdirial ClreuR
ftMrtott tMlItlta .tor Ue
toaay people iwhb bare beka V|>KTHE MA
la this reuse, ll
poor. It wiu no. tog (bb eMtoa ot NbrUcra totekiAAAAAAAAAAAAA fidavU on file tha ...
Rye toe* a lilUe raise ii> iwlee to-, Rassell. i.-. not a reaidewt of tbe Slate j
Michigan, bet reside* la New York ’
da.y. Ue Traverse CUy bulling Co.
ite. la lb* Itty ef New YorK thrtv;
Quoting U ll «S cents per bushel. fore, op motton e< Farm G. Gilbert I
Oaalel Hiilar FaaM Awmy an
l*e id five cenU per soUcHnr tar complatMSl. it to OR
MmbeL FMatoee. however, remain the DERED that the said defendant ealerj
Daadel HUier dM at Ue toy
her appearance ta said cause on or be*al^
“ ■***’ f"^***^ W*oo. We eeO CM *
today, the preralUng pi
hto daaghtcr. ton. OavM Miller of
foer mostoe from (be date of
Ala ia thT li:
year, abeu a WSgoa is pol lo the maM ewrere
Acme. Wedaeadar. He waa »S yaara
UU per bushel. Ax this price oerder aod that wlthta twenty
d Of the best taaf-rtala u may fan pm at the
this Cref age. aad deaU wwa dae to Ue ad- ly t« kads of tbal srUde caos^j
vaacad years. Tbe toivrU waa bv>>. the local market yeitterGay. aoFoct} der to be publlahed
Traverse Herald, saia pociiraiKM
13^ Btodwhaker wayor, „ rnamrt
Ula kfteraooa . fraa U« bom«
twooflbo<.ew«rekBld.the reel guing be reetlawed ooce each week for
de. every ptere Ot tiu^ racd has beea a
Atow. aad U« remtona wiu be sbt^ > the warehouses to be stored
weeks to aoccevaiee.
Hoi.,—.Ne»*Eag!»J»d Rl.,.,h
Bated Angus* M. A D.. l*ir
pad to Bochaster. ladfaum. tonight tac
belter price rauld be etdplncd
Spokea-WhUc Oak Or lilckorr '
barial. tor. Miller was not a nlooecr.
RIBS. Bob-era a--.d Ge*f-6rte«t Whit* oak.
Circuit Jed
oomlng here a abort Uiae ago.
-Lxrb—Sel-rt Hirlory.
SolirttOT foe OomtoalnaBt.
W Vdkv. IV— —r. •>
.MtoiMJiofMla^. Sanngt aeopwBta in any
Oct 7-1441.
Aavad Fram Uw Orava.
tfcMis ea the maffeett.
painted are placed to rat Af Ubms4 «B:1 Ud abowt gtren Jto_^>*Fa. aRar
•to^d»wiataiMA»thc.raUof 3per ornt
w*. . .~.T ~
OMponM BMt^sally.
------ ltmg^MuiR~ writes «ra*»*
Me recommend this -ragou. bacaase h b the beat
Chfcwg*. Ora .U.-Htoewt. Sik
U Dtx. of Ckaitarllto. Tena. "Often
rannlM. and
daraWe wagoa ever ptoced oe the
Us pain to my ehaat wouM be ah
STB. ITS; osia. 31.
Ae wagon havUg the approval of the r. 8 Gove
—--------- aad I eeUk aat da
Toledo, Oct. 13 -Wheat. Ml.
Our Specval-Sx» to lAeias. Ssl* mch the. gaarte.
wwto -hat Sr. KIM* New Otoeerary,
yoke aad ,lag|, tree*. Fiice »g:.». w> <arrr
bai made me feel Uke a sm peraML one*. 52; oais. m,;
al MHk et I
sattaWe to ase with these wagoes ra
’ capacity tram Sk b
DetrolL Oct'O.—Wheat. K. eorw.
beat MWm snade toe the
Bd haws.- Obtotoasa cowgto. $:>d: mm. uv,.











Do You Want Tour Savings


This Bank Meets Ibe Above



Traverse City State Bank

““ ““ ““


Tbe Ever-keep
Canning Compound

ISc a pscicaec, a lae me, at


i«stiflgaisWfl« Feature

WM ayuaijiuk h a«a«i ukkgu


FaH Term Now Open

ylaU fWMfeiy to fUe woadw-

. ' <Br OWled Frees.)
Buikto. Ora. ix-Catdv. a
steady; prVme. |7«-7M. Calve*. IJS
ateady; MpdAsA Sheep, i.eee.,


Cash Dlscognt 8%

F«^ers* Supply Co.


nMd. .


. Timor to9. Vmt-

mm*. *. i. IU«uu4. AomauMi CubsmotMS-A. Tner lAT. wmr* CUB«k. Mra. )«U» T. Huiab.

. 4|g|PMi Ilmi n TtM iMpMto
K. a-AMTM la OoOmUcw uI
moatm to U* Trnw»» ctt7
•■ft. Tr*T«r** CUT. Mkh.

W. vr. OllMOB of tlio ordMftcc deIKrtMrt or tbe I'BKN BMm ormy
reUtlTo to tbo cifi of a 104 f
puTvt gua to thia fwmtjr. Unoushtbe
■ood once* of Unltod SUM Senator
Saaltb. TO tobiniiMd. After a Huiv
Mioe. the prapoalttoo lo brtu
MOB to tkia cMr and to defray
lecwsary expoiue. the frelcbt of
Bbkh Tootd be »54.». '•-aa approred.
BothM (rf Hr. tUcks. the commit­
tee on KTOuDda a>d baUdlnca oaa autborlted lt> procure the kUb and have
li properir placed «a the ciottoda of
eooBty coort booae.'TtUa action
• aa tmaaiBotu.
On ipotloa of «r. Dean, the eontmltiee on finaoce. va.v* aiul'meeita
«aa autborlied to examloe the
prda irf the circuit court, rerordrr'a
esd luatlttf of the couotr rdato tha amottSl or feea. ftnea. pea-

nnary withle the city
>m decidedly la. teror of bunding on
the twenty ecrea. I bellere no prepotmeo to btdU writhtn the city Umiu
would carry.*
fiupervlBOr ShUWB-rmrth Ward.
I bare not talked with the tax
■a of my ward of late. ThU <

<OD the preeeot i

or on a poor ft
PereouBlly I fa
;lie pro^Bt altc.Superrlaor OevelaBd—Fifth Ward.
-Ulth hardly as exceptioa the reeldeou ot my ward are in taeor of
huUdiBg on the twenty acre alte now
owned hr the County. If the ails ta
changed I would favor the Wilhelm

ueirnc contuct

(OnnUiioed from Page One.)
Georpe Blue was pn-eeul at
meeting aad argued m tarur of early
aaJd eottru aad the dlapoelUou ot aaid
the matter, and. ae ctrlmeo
moneya and report ttot later thaa Oc­
that the fomtiCBy at ptvMUt wwa protober It.
UoTlBg reeolnUoa -■•x aabdock
that had (x-ea acted on eerBllted by Mr. Hasaloraky asd actkm
on U a-aa poatponed uoiil today under era] year* ago and that if the council
did not Uke action at oocv that the}'
I «Mlal order:
w6uld have to complete the work in
'Kraoitpd. That ateordlag to the rema.mer before the wlatc-r. The
pett of the xute board of correcUons
UOMOUT COUNTY FCR BET- and eharltlee. in regard to our conn, quwtlon was finally pul over until the
mectieg. on Mooday erenlug.
poor bouie.
Alderman Qrecn brougb up the mat­
>. tUe nipwMaom of Grand TrarI countyf* herewith euiborlze the ter of idaring a watering iroujUi at
county aiiperlnlendeots of the poor to the comer of Washiiiinon and Kob«
offer for «a]c our pioaeot poorboure atiTou and said that the neeeaaary
and to hire or rent eoiuble quartora tuoda had been ralaed for eanying on
for the county poor ohHI proper ar- the worii. and upon hii motloii the
ean he made for thelr trough TO oredered at a oost not ta
exceed |Si. whlR win he depo
care. field c
with the city today.
janaary acaalcio.
The eubject of pvUing wp the' pnea
the action of the board
1 lU last prerioua acaalon. on mo. i the foot of Caaa eireei waa brought
don of Mr. Ladd, erwy aupervteor up by .Mdermaa Simpeoa and he aaid
waa called upon lo make a auument
be had aeen Hr. Monroe who
aa to the aenUmenl u hie towsahlp • wanted ibe pUee left In until the dock
or ward, relative lo (be heat method
Bod been regularly
(ftan Weds«adft/b R«cor4.)
they were noE on i
At tb« iMClBnliic 4jt tto MMtoa ct
B the complete reporu from esery be would iwmore them at hla own extbe bowd of mparrlwfs tbU •furpeoee- The qoectlon waa pot over
I. L. P. Perkett, rtpreaeaUag the
tu the next meeting.
8«perta frem Tewnshipa.
VWtem Mlthkaii DevelopMt bhSupwrlaor Belhlrk—Acme,
mw. eubmiued a requeat that the i™,
leaat ninety per cent ot the la
Board «>proprlaie a tenth of one mfl, « of aSi Township
favor ■
or IM. to be apreed opao the tu ot eighty aeree or____
Tone ot Oraad Trareree oounty tor
the promotion of the
faortloilinral ve- vorofafaj
waa H favored I
aoBreea of this ...___________
... .






... ™

s ^ sss.-^




Supervisor Chai
lax payer* interviewed. torared
■V .oflnDary
' and DO
The balanee were In pendent people who
take w;
of not lees
nppolated to look after the •nleofthe_ tow of e^tortnof_^
lee* than eighty they
and cal) It good regard
old baUdtog.
. ■dSO a
llom.. This U what tluNothing but f*«iilar rontlne bual*1 ICO a
nee. wnd Dueneted tv the hoard of m,rfici^
. aeirrlaen this moratoff i*
u b,- u,ts*
_ ____ ____
on nieettog
cttoito. The bemrd then adjomed tu > •<» >» Eevnr of making so m
o diapoaicoucluskas have
toapect the poo, houee. all of the ---------- .M Bt the present U
lever reralied. hut this umo there is
, Supervisor Afideraos—Green Lake, V be nmetliing done. So tv the
vakr, H «W sae majority to my townRlp inter- tire SMalen has be^n taken up with
‘■Tor a farm of eighty eeree the poor bonae propoeliioti and the
>r more.**
Boprrriaor Dur)ea—JUmg l^ke. **Ot genilemea of the board are going a:
‘oee Interviewed. T1 favor building it with a •'n'4d}-to-<l(w-dli-la<b.--n
on Ihe
the twenty ncre site:
alte; it
It were lor'iemm- aPJrll that can n.vau iiolLli.c

He '

. ,„„r

•nfr expretaed no
seed himself at on* of the eounty nu- i Bnpervtoor
. 'wns pruMM and with much feeling exhii ihanks to the board for
hidi they bad plnosd
to Urn during hi. kag eerrtee lu that
'e^etty for the county. Dum« hla
, ymnnrfen. Hr. EMtea stated that he
Jibed the wort, aside tnim nay emolfftoent. R waa not the imy be
Iwt the totereet he took and iheplea»
•iwitgnre felmlorelleve the distress
gffthosewhewereaKk and needyand
- If be eoald efford IL heramld be only
‘ too glad to render thM eenice withMr. BMoa baa hele thu poslUoa.
trtth the exeepiien of two terms, since
the MU elnlen.
bnitber and at that time the term of
Hannahalao expired.
The MU Judge BgmndeU and Ur. Bite*
were elected at the aame time,
that rear ue to raised for the relief
or the poor. At one Ume Ur. Batri
walked U mile* and back to vtsU
fuiily to Slab Town tor whirh he
received a compcaaaikm of $3 tor
«ay» -wort, out m whicb be paid
* centa tor bis ^ner. fitoce hM first
MagUoa. be has held the office of
mrtBtamdwt at the poor eoattouoBsly.
with-the exception of tens terms. He
caM: **ne poor we here always wiih
■a. aad I bope K will not be Mag be-'
lore we cna Uke better care «f on.'
poor, eapetiaily the slrk. than w«
have beea enabled u do to the past
I know you aU hope lor beUer things
and have attraipied faithfully to make
prwrlatoo for the poor people of U»
«»Bty. but the people have turned
yno dowa.- Mr. Laua*
fuUyappreclaudbytho hoard and li
M onnecemao' U auu that the valoMe aonior be haa rendervfi the
eaaaiy tar eo stay year* has been
aad to M ad* ttoe. fnBy appraetoUA
At yesterday aftmoon'* meeting.
- the eoifoifamifnce between Superrto.■■m (levWand and I4en(rnant Colonet


D~. -.b.


It M-eniH that wocn (hla quceit-m;
up but rev tbe.npervtoors it
resp^vn lowaahlpa and ward
eru-ni; 3131were
----- —pea
bsHdinc cm the preeeni twenty erre<*^ ^ aHiOng Ibe tax payer* aoUildqg
on the uiatt.-r and ti
fsvor^ n
out if pusalkle jo»t bow the;
would vote If the matter ever <-xmto sutb a etaodlng. This wu don.
to order to gain an Idea of wba- bt
believe that
peegde bad to aay it. regard tu wh- .u
Township favor building
bulldtog on the twentw«
ty ecre site now owned by the eodntv.
«=r It was beat lo bund on the pn-v.-n
1 em of Ibe opinion
opinio tfael
s propoaiiion site coDlatolug twenty acre* or wheth­
to build on the a)
Bile metnioned would
they farared a 1
carry to Paradise
ally I an in (av<
inmate* from 1
Tbi. morning It was auggcal.-d by
Frank I'arver ihai each super*
mak* a report uo the t-anraas made.
eeoi if netteeary.'*
lupervlaor I.A—PentosuM. , . Opinions varied gi>;atly but report*
asked a large per cent of our people dlsclomvl In the tua)orlt.v that, the
iheir optnipn on ihla mailer. At present site «w« fanred because the)
k-asi teveoty five per cent of those
lolervlewed were in favor of a farm— helierad K would be lea* cypeose to
tbe county to bufl| on this than ly
BOI a Urge farm, but something
than twenty acres—a farm of 1
purchase a new -ite ilauy of the
ton.v to eighty vus, not lo ex___ sopervlsors personally favored a good
one hundred acres. A go^ farm with
noi too expensive bulldinn They farm wllh nol too espetiwlve bulldl^fg*.
feel thal n 1s out of proportion to but to almost every case the people
erect a 113,000 tofl.-marv upon a appioarhed wem decidedly la 1,-vur
lltOO farm. 1 think . proposition lo
bond tor WOM tor bunding would of the prsvnt nil-- ol twenty eciv*
nnd to gel the bnlltllag nndrr way a,
carry in Peninsula Townahlp '
possible. When Mr Carver
PuperrlKir Mllb—rnlon. So one
nervlewed to my Township torared was waked to makv a report from hit
tog a^lyger farm All a.-e
ward bo said that t< rould have but
sa.v and ibat was 'M.-t
ervUor 8UI.
«ls ward *w* reeny to agm- ir s
Inqulrr of 1- — „
faior a farm of eighty ure*
farm or anything to get it se-'W.
C were for baildlog on Oic
Mr. Sfallson i<ald iLil the niooe-nl i.sRe, and 33 1 have lo r^or
d the mslter thq.v at once
opibloe givvn' as they «c
cMed.began talking againrt a.boodtog pro
Sufwwrtoor Carver—First
Ward, ]>o*ltioa therefore he^bclleved that
Traverse. 'The people oft my
ivxpealent 10 bond the
ate about equally dividedd betw<
btoildJng on the present site and hui- roonty, aad lor this reaaon tbe twen'y
Ing a larger larm.srWB tbe one believed ir
fiupervteor Hanstovskr — Second
Mr. Dean and bla wvd de­
Hard. -Quite a mnnher of those that
I TO able lo see in my ward were In cided were decidedly not to favor of
big farm. Mr. Ttdm*n suggested
favor ot building on the'lweniy nc,
siU- >ly people belong to the work­ that fhey dispoee of Ihe present
ing class iargelr and it was impotalble famise. burn ft up or do something
for me to find the And* of famlUes with It and IM these people contained
borne while I was taking the aasessthereto b» put lau more comforubhmenl.Soparvtoor .Deen^STbird M'ard **I fiuaneri until they rould ereci a
UUted with a good mgay ot the big building.
tu payera and to a man they are m>c
it woald seem that this woui.i i.;
In favor W boytog a bu torn and
Ihe qaiekesi nianuvr in which I ' dif
one tavoHfi the erecUoo Ot a Coui

j,y yr llortim tha: the cotnmunicatkn tw r. the commlitee on
*»« Balldlngv-. lo report Frlo.lockp m.
Moved by Mr. Dean aad supported
*>1 Mc- Hl.-ks that Mr. HamakiTsky
W ctveo until ::Ov o'cloc* p. m. toperfert litc
Uie to dUposlhg ot the CouoU U>finnary.
Moved by Mr. 1.add and eupported
. Ca: lisle <
ci:............... .. .. .


Muoday i
The committee on Boada and
H.-iilxes reported through their dialrluxQ Mr. t^amphin ai^ toUowa:
Traverse City. Mkh.. Oct. IS. 1»10
Netbing But Buaineas AUendTo the HoDorabl.- Board of averto at Tbit Mornmg-t Seaaien
Msoya. Grand Traverse, Mich.
—Yctttttlay-* Proceedinga.
Ueullemen:—We your romaUttee on
loads and Bridges, to whom waa re.
erred Ihr matter of rxamlsing the


M. Pnaihgtoa. wile of WIBis Fesntngtoe of tottfiochen. peaaed s
H »:9« Wednesday night, fihe
bora te Saginaw. Match 4 im.
was married to Mr. Pennlngtou .Jannarr n. iMl. ud from thin unloa
three Htildrea were Corn. Madge, aged
i years. AlWen aged i. aad Willis fr..
egtd 3 years. Bestdee her husband
and children she leave* a mottef. a
brother and siuier who reside in In
Mrw. Pcanlagree waa a
member of the Royai NMghbon and
*»s always very active in the aocla:
Efe ot the village, where -she wa.>
reatly be-toved by a large circle of
Ttk. funeral wlU be heM from t.-te
village bail OB Baiurdny moratng at
11*.30. tbc Key. Mr, Prle«Oey offidatii-«-alter shl<* the body
will be
brought to Tr*»o--5c City tor burix;
In Oakvood '

kicate permaaeatJy.
Werue' Then Bullma.
BaOeta hatw edtea erased less raP
torlag to eoMlen thaa the ecaema L.
ButiiBgioe. Me. got tl



Vkwru. Boils. Burns. Cuts. Werada.
Brulsea and Plkw She at C. A Bwbee Drug i,-®. S E. Walt A Sera.
Haaaah A Lay Merc. Co.

ST.tTE or MICHIGAN tbe Frobate
Court for tbe Couty of Oraad
Ai.a sesston of aaU xrart. beW
at toe probale ef&oc. to tbe City ot
Trwvetse City, to saM oMiaiy. *• tb*
15th day of.Ortober A. n.. 131*.
I'rroeu:: How FYed K. Walker.
In the luatt. r of the estate of M‘llUam B.-owD. deoaaed.
Karlin Brown having filed to *idt
Ih-Mng. lorturtog akin cruptiocs. >urt hU pecltlcm praying that Ihe «ddwogure. annoy, drive oue wild mtocrsUun of said .estate be gnuted '
lioan'v Oinimc'b: bring* quirk relief
or u> some other auknble
and lasting cures. Fifty cent, at aav
drug store.
lervd. that the Mb day of
November A D 181*. at ten e'etoek
in Ibe to
It said- prohaue
... .. ,_____ __
thank* ^/h^n^.v kind frieod* aad ing laid petition.'
It U funber ordered, tbt
ooUce thereof be given by p«
>ur k»ing we ai.d brother, and of a copy of bis order, tor t
the many beautiful flower*.
heart eg. to the Grand Tipverm Hetaid
a newspaper printed and cirraMtod to
MR AVO MRS. MM GIDDI8. saM foanty
Judge of Probate.
Oct 14-31-31.


Kl their ronimlitiv work and'tb<- oialu that
routine b’isiness. The tollowicg la the 1 spiles driien
collect » age pasatog .
Official report of yesterday'* proceed
, stn-am ana we Cud the river
untaoiui? condition gt
pMcVacterday-a Official
adingt. 'and a menace to public health, and
U.. ISIO. w-ould rvommei ' that the G. B. A
Railroad build
Board called to order bv chairman. ‘ over malu cumvit of rlve'r using
Roll call: all member* present
‘girders for *amc. and would further
Minutes of ycMerday a proceedinga recommend that all unussd tpUes
tdrt'.'en in main river bed be removed
Clark of Kingsley being anu also to fU tbe lower straefore of
•o aa ti
visor Tedman and addr«*s«d
_ I- of *i w: , .
board retoiive to hla candidacy tor
11 ot which to reapectfully *obelection as member of tViuoty Board
Sehoed "

Grinnelf Bros.' Seronth bmual Summer Rosott
Sale Just the Oppirtunity Shrewd Buyers
Havs Been Looking For.
Ail Previous Selling Records of 'ntis Greet
House Certain to Be Surpassed.

e made a spec- ed by 3

I be rented
and fttreisbed -far the pieeoaf aosde


cLi.ported by Mr. la.-ver that the
commlllee on roads and bridges be it:atructedtoa««rtnin the status of thG. B. * I. bndse matur and W.n
s hj- a' bridge with a steel span of
been erected over ibc
r as iMVNUitvd I
A'De in August.
C. U Dr-nine handed in bis r^ignaOB aa agent of‘the Aeerd tor Bast
Bay township for the burial of aoldkrs. sailors and martnera. On nss


a fann of eighty Determined That
Be Don* to Batter Pr**em
ed that the appeoprlatiM be ISOO. ncrea or more: 13 favoredjmi^ng on
Wbmi the vote on the migioal moGoa
Imhe. 'The

™ SS.rsi-JSl
■ T1. »««u.

the people the real fact of tofirmarr. ewring for eoaaty poor etc.
the incapacity of the old houae l«,la
..... ™ «
rweacrnKiBdlBgi sa it atxate today.
^ ............. .....................1 that-the
While no fault can be found with the jJS? ,o
preeeot heuee aa, Carried,
regards the natron.and her chargee
preeenieu ana rwao:
Traverse City. Mkh, 14-lMPl*.
roudlUoaa of the hoiue are moR on- To the Hon. Board of Suprrvlaora.
aanJUry aad la no way suitable or) Geodemes.—With ihr inerwaaed
fit for'lhe poor «l Cfand Traverse «« o'
W«ether wtih the ex
. hrtp that we have » hire In order
ttouniy. The matron^ tiufcea things
keep the Court House In eultable
s posslidi- with the cuadItiOB and cteenllaews. we.
coavenU-uces she baa lo da with, hut derwtg&ed. respectivel.v i
she t-annol make one room an-' hooorwMc body
Ihe purpe^ 'of five or gU?.the

drpendanta .he comfortt their ag- ^, fL^mily. *e are.
and Irfirmness demands.
Your suet obedient aervnnta.

o'clock p. u.
j’ I'ir^
' Moved by Mr IVat and sepperted
! sale, of summer iduio. Nol only
On motion of Mr. Hv*)ov*ky. »itp-jb> Mr- I.bdd that tb*- ri-poYt b - pMred
dcde«*<d. hut we
poRvd by- Mrdr- Hicks, ih.' Boat
Board •■00k iu tai- hands of the' Froscaiing At- Beeort FiSBOs now to . progrres at rent r*-celr«d ut........- -Jtn ItSO otlock p. _.
' lo'c^rncy wl'A iuslrucUoh*i to eulorce IL GrlttovU broth*!** Music Hdoae bids have to muy <1
apecl (he County InfinDayy.
■Hsrouaii that a quick ciggsuhcu
fair tu be n record breaker to volume
1:» p.
amaiwA Think
Board called to order by chslrman. ed by Mr. Hick*, the Oosrd took . of bmlnius. as sorely aa R to to aumof buytog a 8TB1KWAT. Ik* TOM'*
era preseRL
r-evs* umH-8.30 tom-jrrow moratog
and excelletirr of Icstramenis.
addrcaaed .1
lor committee aerk.
fluesl Plauo. for
Ih-iird r-iaitvc f-o th • work of t
HROS. inu own make) tor «33fl: a
Western .Mtchlj^LU U
1-rom the first day of the sale, to
l«TBRlJN*9.'for lisi: a MASON A
spite of ndveewe weailH-r ruovLlkios.
SupcrviMjf'fhrver pr*«en'.-d ibe folClerk.
dor ware-rooms have proMUiled
lo'Alr.g resoluiloD and moved It* adentVAHRBS for »I77: a
tlon. Same waa supponed by Mr
acttyliy nuwly surpairad (13T: a J. P. HALE for tll&.
The paWic has Ivarued that the sale*
woBdered at that aa tiiupiat*
H.'solved- Tbsi the sum of nine
hund-id and ninety, tiu-e tiollsr.denle«^ain‘_er of wile* maikad foe
lly?V0«l be approprtsl.d .-.nd spread After Long Suflcring. Wife of Frem- ir<- geoulJK- nmiivMviog eveou.BBdi,[opening at tbi* rotnarkabto valM^von the tax rolls of Grand Traverse
judging from Ibe great respon*.- to oi*r
-.oent Interiochen Man Hat
!ia- *vvni-tliat pncticully every vtosaleannounccmeii'.plano buyers have
PMMd Away.
-lopmeni of Ific
iior become*^ CUMoUierr
siniifiy beoii aB-aiUng this chaaco,
rv-Miurevs of aaW
P'y. and the same
8-jm to be paid
and w-ell Ibvy nilgbi—an i^rportnully
the order of Che
We make purchase a rery.eray
. greailv to the buyer*' laiereH hat ninuer. A few dollafw—«i to |1»—
County to t_...............
>v.-r before been proaenled.
sebd* a Piano to yrar booM.
velopmebt Bureau, a Mlehlgan re
No other
the vaP need 9*7 only M
poratioo now engaged In snrii de-vrini ST-iTE OF M1CH1GA.N. the 'i*n
g7. *te_ .meuthmen* work In Grand *rraverw- Cqunt;
M we -off.-r,
Sigurd tbb 13th
Lv 4 hero 00-1
HrVlT^aue, of Ihe ...,UIC of
I'Siiniu even: Our 34 stores nnd
eot by
tarituies giveu* practi ( ' No one coalomptoilag
supported by
Stiles that Ibe amuuut of the appro'’'**
Summer Resort PI- ui a PMno can afford to let thto
pnntlon be
b—•:> allo-ev-d
bnitoe** of' Ibe Mai». opportvtoliy p*'»s. The *artoc* «■»Ye»s—t*arIUle. Horton. Cleveland.
doccai-d I.. saidioun|M»n>
ofthese instruments have M not be duplicated. whUe fo oar 8B*Cinr.-ion •na adjhriuM-n. aud ! resd> been returned. Other* arearnv-ito( Term* these wonderful baiRahm
jelt. champii
tor datl.r Itor warvroom* arc alread) 'arc arAbUe to ever} (amOy. Don't
L-dman. Ijdd carver. Hius’o.-'sky:
fitl-d wllh the toiot c.-vaDons of the | U- luoger wlihoui a Flaao Id your
•»r. Shitson.
Anieixtment lost
woiids gres'cM piano manufactui jteme Ome today and qbare with the
Thi- vote bt-KiE on ibi- original mo
We .ann« ai'ronimodate th;« rundied* of other shrewd buyera to
on the same dldq>rev*il
suridnt rtui k li muse l« sold with | this greatest targato eveW of Uto
Yens -stelklrk. Hamlin. Csr'.l'le,
F-'..rnarv , i'hc least possible dcUy—oad * j . yc-r—Grttnell Broa,* fieraUib Aaaaal
irk». Buell. Ubaim.hMi, An l*r>.'n
Durv.-a. Tedman. I.adil. i*arv.-r. Hans
lorr- hive made certain of doing this byjSBmmer Reserl Sale Traverse CKy
lovskv. Itean. .-Gillron. MtUa—15.
.uakiiig pri'cs wliUh will apiwal 1i, branch unre, Cor. Freui aSd Chm
Hat.-d October
A. H If. '•
Najw—HortoB, Miil». fiilie*—5
cv.rv iM-rsoo haviur tb. wljthtrn-l dc- <reeu Write tf you cut tome fo
3 0.1 ..'.-loch p m
FKKl) U v. AI.KEll.
Thir being Ibe hour set for aetiou
.Ijdge o* Frobai aire 10 own a bvauilfu. higfaesi-gtsde j the Biore.
a the resolution relative to sale o(



Munsing Underwear
For.Women and FhHdren
Tbe kiod thki's well made, corrtc: to size—the best because each
t-iyft is mDde cf materi»l‘ that wUJ retain shape, wear weK. itaod wa>h.
ing without alietifiB the fi; and always aive p< lUct comfon and sa-isfaclioQ to ibe wearer. No other uQdcrw'‘br comtiues al| ihewe yoed quali­
ties. yet is fo be bad for so little money
No.e the piices:



$1, JI.50, S2. $2.50. $3

50c, 75Cg$l,$l 50

SepRTAle Gamicatff,
S»e, 75r. 91. VlvS*

ScpETBie GAmcats,

In the Dry Go^s Divisloa yo*a will fiad tbsse earmeots io each of the tweoty different weight* and qualities'
to meet every reqi
3Qt of* 3style and
'Q both oatural shod white. Every germfiDt is guAranteed aod
any dissittofacttoo will be made right upon reqjest.
Ash fer Childr«n*s
Cut Out Paper Don Sheets.

B^nnab & Lap Were. ^

Aak for ChtMTOffo
Cut Out Papw Dell filrat*.



Saturday nijrtit t



^ famll) from ISUsbU Stdl^ oo
0. V. Uolmca baa IbiM' men dllglns potatoea; bare baen dlRtax
J.'sm'^.oe Tramna Cfty
abOBi lid bvhlei a day. and H ia Sac apent a >c« da.ra laat.vpeb wUb bee
•eaUter for tbelr worlu
dpaabter. Mra. JoMvblae Tovnaend.
o. V
A eambirr fron tUa place attrhdof pot
I (be tuseral oo Sunday lax Qt Joba
Qlttla cf Orawo
Holaiaa' farm, ilc baa aer«B men
Olla Tonaeod baa toM taU <«w to
at work.
r. UoMra of Graa-b.
Solon Tylrr'Vent e MaatOB today,
WTD Sumeborner of l.^erle». arMra B. R. Smitb a vary alck.
rhrd at ibU place oB Friday lax. atdl
lira. Scieo Tyler_______
.. It norUug for Fred Steventon. He
1 Mra.____
MarManna wenrio Klneilcy loday.
Intenda movlnc bU family here la
Mra. C. i. keoeu la *ofklo( fbr ■■ie near future.
ibe lax few Aaya but la better at E Payne l»bui> SundA'.
Mra. O. V, tolmra.
I Prank Adas* baa', morad to Fraiik
Jlra. r.abert Klnala of niBt it tbia wrltlnc.
HotaM^lna baa a neat IKUe de- perdiUK •cram veefca «llb ber
Mite Haya* drore U> Traterae CWy Payfom-a and will work tor him.
pot. and It it eery handy for the pxeBia. Mr. and Mra. S. MeCbrn.
bt» family on Sunday Uac.
Mr. and Mra. W. H. 8__________
p««Plr her< and Uiom around the
-andmu Umben vci a Trarr
farmera are makins n»e of
tbe faoaured. purau at a party taat
Cli* c Ikr on TueMay.
.......... BUbi.
'» •“
r”•day. 0«. Bib. i: pa
Vrrao It ritUlnp bla b
(era (laok tbe trata u Uolmaa ■SS:
i>aU team pUved tbr
t pruMCL
Ina. cod today Ocl. Iltb. elxbt
.&5“; D no Sandny laau on
aenimrt boarded tb* train here.
latter * picMiiiiala, wtUi
lie acore
r. aud Mn Jataee
OcL U.
iTP ar.d Crv. The)
_ . »i:i pUy^ at vtaltoTi Of Floyd HaR nod wile 8uaday.
plctc on Sunday nazt.
e hhnd vitb faotty d
. EITNei
......If ta expci red
Mia Martin Uoraa |* atteodlac
CeXkMi. laay Uner tad X _
Deck Slocaa has had
a telxboue
Fred Ijatll drov.- to Trataine flly xine>. Mr*. Joe Albracht «bo la
•U. Burdock Blood BtUiira ^reacthea*
ut lo bl*
b: booac rrcrnilv.
on Tue-rlnj.
- -11a •rttliMc
latMuach. boweU and Iher. and partT.. tYourb eBTenslIird bit brother. IJtlle llazH Mcn>> bat been Xrb
■. and Mra J Oaborti TiXted W. flea ibe bhwd

iMus Made oa Real Estale

fl VM AU AMirt II.
and all in
maBwat. tbe pobHc exI m I I *• TiePeiM CUr pwtple.
............^ma *
for*a (c« daya aiai'.

«f uobnc. n


MmmtM Mnic
«1» te (ke flw

Sn, P. H. brtfflA Kaa «« ntl, ttofu« Tnm** cur WMsUrMMfh ua OMge CbrttUUM «rcS LiJMu. *b*re
dMT •»«« U« rMtlvo WCaOUL
>Um S*UI»
toft tetanur
for ^4^. vbcre she w~
Wn. UAade
I ^ra. Bala >___
«r Kte^bv. ara «
« Hra. A. PM
r^aaox. <be »


bon. efeaorfallr dim br tbam. will
T more vaMbt than tba mtcraneea
. Jtraafm raaldlpa in tarawar
Tbr roona pmla coiorod a party
piacoa. BMd ibr follovlaf:
H. tJ. Campbell. U« Stale at bid maadeninrA tbe Ittb.
Sum. Trarano Cttr. Mieb.. aara: “I ' Tom and K. 8. Pray vent lo TrarCby.
tbe Utb______________
nd tba. dlronora
and aciiool offieen meettne.
aao neoauiMdlkc. Doan-i KMnar
Jm Mooler la quUr- alck at p^nt
^Dt aid talQaf of nr expcrteaea
nth Iham. At tUi lime i tladlr cooMiai Ralh Blet'rtia went to TravSm that teattaaeUl and «1UI&c al­
low lU (ootlnBFd -puDUcaUoA I n« (Tly Piidar nixbt and r<-turnrd
bare roBDd IWa Kldacr Pim far Moeday nOhiicr.
UtUc Motm Hammond !■ rmst r*.
■aaperior to aar otbar moody l*bave
«var lahoB for kMaer ctMnpIaioi. My roycrioc ti
anrnri)' *aa proauwd ai 8. B. Wail *
Boat' dme xore and I bad ao aati>The Ifllt Srwlne club wa* Bitely
(actorr aa oipeHonce that I adrla«
Mkar Uter aatmn to (<HJov my rntcrtXncd by Mr>. II. Wataon. laat

i. Tbcmn tU Jaan
.. Tisrena CUr Tlalura

For aalo by all daalera. Pcico
canu. .Peawr-MtflRr* Co.. BoSaio.
' the ~Unliod
- .N‘o» Tork. aoia asmUa
m for
p Usalftta. vhere ib» «iAt aa Sutoo.
- to Mlead tM Cmciw-

. Wnhtlm Black

A> , VUiWtt

>Uh 4bHa atTM# ratMMd to.'faar
•- OrMd« Banda,
Mw t»
SapldA lax tiaddar.
Kvenoae euttlnp corn and dlcclei
------ ---- ^ • I nib poutoaa.
“ rn U T|ripe here

-nd fird.
M by b«r enela, W. H
Oao. H Barth. Jr.
from Tnr«
-------- -------------------efty.
aaorpa A- Pack wont to TraTtne
ty. Pfiday.
WXtar Ketlof add auldren. Orrill

0. M. Dame retanttd Batarday
trtmu a week (pent X OetroK.
Mamw aafitree «at b«M la tba
M. X. ebaiai oa Batarday U maamry
^ (»alBwr Boaai^ah, Wbo bcM


tha.otfldatod. Tka (Mr aang ___ _
ia Jataa." “Soil, Siin Wltb T»ae.‘
aad "Jeaoa Banor Pilot Me." A duett.
"VBl Toa Meet At the PmuthlA" waa

[ k balldlec a bouae
•er oia laaoHna aatlne, tbit w< '
Harry and Charlea Peck we... ..
• their sraadiaetbar X Bardlckrllle.
te day lax week.
Uaary BoUk la Imprarlaf bk boaaa
witb salat.
and Mra. Oeersa H. Bartb. Jr.
and Mr. Kally veat flabiac at tba
aamwa of Otanii lakA Monday aftai«

u akter aM family.
Ban HoUlday and ihmily <
«a CUy vlallora, Tueaday.
KcU. AU nspoMrt & tha tta
Mr. and Mra. Kilpatrick arc eiitar.
nu u AMiMuThMitti. Afiar
UlnlBK frleoda from Obk.
Spaaklnit k bocne on a ten
X SI^^Bad bMS »fmi. . _
daya fartowtfa from the Giand BapMb BoMkra'. boma.
Bpaaldtnc ht,
. itmcb Improrad at (be pTeaent
Manwa of tbo Cauur. The ««rt wrltlMTbp faekaos farm of thrbe or foar
nrM ran «n MT Ob Ua atodr of
hpndrad a<m. tbaosed haoda tbla
weak. Mr Jamoo aelllnc to Mr
ber cd Ohio, wbo espeeu to nx
<1M MBben. Tbe tmet moaUac vm, farm (or borne ralalas- Aa eooi.
. improremeota
Improreaeota are
*• h^dn tba boa>o ad
r.; Bcoaoatry
od a la«au)t will ufco eharse
. Idt^ Mr*. Bar Bauan and cbCd Place,
or Tnrorae CKr. are rUKIoc tboir Mr. Flaicfear baa
• bit fan).
IMtvta. Mr. and Mra. Oeo. tettara the Volf fatia and
... ____ ______wfmer. aa mn a>
bk work X tba Paehaoo cranberTT
tnarab k .SXabed.
Mra Addle pibu. Mra. Fred Thbtyad Prlaa anlred
erer and Mka Marion OIbbt Xtend.
4 Oa Bonday School coBTemlon X
datebeu kx Wodneeday. They re■ori A very Interaatlnt moaiiuc. The
ter. rorry ot Detroit apoke on "Hotne
vnm Wrtbday. laat TkanMay.
kpartment Vorii." eaid tbera were
A aa
ko praaent Hr. Helm, the coouty
la ibe___
raaldaat. and Mr. Croea, a travXUnp
aboaSlm"A.^nnjSfeL .
Tba VoauTa dab bMd »a I

Hra. Oarna ntarned to
'raferat Oty. Monday.
RIUCT retariM
:amad to aebool
Mr euBima Stled bk ap
■aau bera Sunday. Ha win at Elk Bapkia. Monday moraine, after
bk tamUy bera from Keaaen tiXUas Satorday aad Snnday with
ber paranta. Mr. and Mri. John E.
fiMB liMUat hart portbax RiOer.
Mr *nd Mra. .Vm. Oott and Mra.
. O. r.iapk and non Oordan. were
rarerve CKy raBera Monday.
a Wat stren
Archie CampbeQ la vlXUn*. with
bit aon in Datiott. for a tew dayx
Mr Oonrtade wem to Trnrerae CUy
Saturday, and eaine home Sunday.
Monday. Harry Uorrkoa and Will
. Tba Bar. aad Mta. iomm Tarsar Oirik
went to Tratwrae City, where
wa roparlac to more to Sm ' Vin
became (ba owner of a flue new
Vhara ba k to preacS tba on
tourlnc oar. wbkfe (be boya brouibt
with them In the afternoon. ^
M. & Aid BooMF mot wlib homa
Tbe Oleanera were solas to hare a
T^f^r ntfkt u the


_Oaorsa. V01 aad Mm Janwtt a
Trarana CHy rki
rkUofi Sataraay.
------ Ml boon tick
baa takoa bk



Mra. Acel Clydo paaacd tbroutb tbla
ridnlty Saturday UaL
Bdaa Barth called oa her praod^
awttaer. Mra. O. V. Sutteo and Gertie

ina aoaoay, jor • a

<5. MW apaw^f 8________


Id^a w^jw two.
L Ma tauor and daticBler, Mra.
!«e HeVinkma of RapM CUy. tkli: with John mtter. Tbaraday and

Do you know there are more Universal Stoves and Ranges sold every year than any other brand made?
Do you know *h> ? It’s because they give universal satisfaction, and these satisried people do the advertis'Ing.which Is the/bsst kind of advertising in the world, and which is the direct cause of the enormous output ot
Universals. In fact, the demand for these wonderful Xoves Is ao large that it can’t be supplied. By placing
our orders one year in advance, we were fortunate enough to secure the largest and best assortment we have
ever had before. Cribben &. Sexton, the manufacturers of these famous stoves, make an assortment X
Heating Stoves and Ranges absolutely unequaled by any other concern in Americx


A new, impror^ bo* store with
heavy cold rolled steel body and
Rray iron top Rod bottom. Big
feed door, eoiire swiog top to
admit large knots or chunks. A
powerful heater and a great fire
Nicely oickled and
very neat in appearance. Ptiee
varies according to size.*



n dmaara. •
M e^;
hoaae at a baki rad j
ku SMr Wkbfe Mr. and Mra. Slar- th. dkraod____
row maar bappy rHarai of (ba day.
kw MiiilUai from Oatarrb and drirca
Ort- II.
awaynOaUiatbeBaad^Uy. Beatorm
tbaBW^MlkteandlraelL Pnll Mae
«• cM Ot DrawMa or by nAlL Lkaid
BtAlly from
TtafUag bli
JlicMspn State Land OMra.


> Vra ioba SMsbtbaker from
BBwway «All‘Monday.
Mra V. Wmiama aad daaphter

SS.'SSi.A**- “


Hra. Ben Bkka and Hra Mia
Matbewa were Trareren Cltr vkllora

SBMidf bk bmte. «eo. HeOMktI.


deacribed SWAMP
LA.VD6 elUXa U tbe Ceuatr of
ORANIIJ^h'KRBB. beraWoiw eatwred
lAcwsae. bare been fortaitad briSM of abandonment and
with the- reqnlretuenu
of (be kw. and faarlnp rererted
tbe Btate. wW be raatoud to eo
hy oBOrlns them ter eek at a puhUe
aankn to be
e held ai
X tbe
,, State Lnad
e City of I
«teMb day o
A •©.. x*ie. at ttn o'clock a bl.
wM(« ttea they will bocome iub)ect
|o rarcbai^lB tbe maanar prescrlbad
\ un<(





The greatest wood heater of the ag&for a quick lire -jus' •'^ai
von want for night and morning. A quick fire with a hand- QO/s
fol of chips or kiodliog, each....................................................... VOC

You'll never buy any other
kind of • range after aeeiog the
Uoivervals. It*t ttselen to at*
tempt a description of these
ranges for you can appreciatt
them only seeing then. We
are scareely able to supply tbe
demaad. which Is svfficleot ic
prove they are tbe highest type
of range perfection.

This ** Heating I This Hard Coal
Heating Stove

Mr. and Hra. V. ». Carpentar aoeM hma freai Benaoala kat week and
U tbe Hasea boaao tbk


This Wonderful Airtight, 98c Tbe Up-toDafe Range


borMs eliher eoaS'e* wood aod burns it as ii entirely different in cocs ructloo from
it bh'Uhl ba horsed. It i« the only coiP- other bale burners. It is now replaciog
btoatibo heeler that does not discharge a tbe most modem furnaces because h
big 'fwrceotsg* of the heat out your beats tbe largest of houses with ooe-half
. .
chin^. a tetri lots and rxpftise. It i-ltbe fuel, it is cleaner aod reqaires less at>
the han dser wmrner ever produced and teniion and is a bcaotlfnl piece of fumi*
w^Mdapted too heme where there are lure as well. If yon live where ycni can
I flbiWfte. If you waot a heaier that will get hard coat, come ia .and look at tbit
boPBtoth dOel aed smod. a bearer that ut ve and tee why it has caused so moch
a:\wII1 last a Ufetine, a hea er that wlH cut talk, not only la Michigan, but the Unit*
inor feelbltts in haivts. come in Aod get cd States and Canada as well.
ODC of thcei.

^me Early
Tht Only Exelulve
Homtorato^ ta
Traverse Ctly •. • •,

40 DUlercBl Slylcs to Choose





TheOMest. Lawsl
and Best HMMtarBlohcr In NseOm


CRAKO Tf.AVCME HtftALP. >lll64T. OCT^tej* M, 1»ia

ISBlWTSaTafti'T. tu Ua- tu an d

- - a.

ThM«’s *



ir!«y!r_«fy *

tSir*i!SJu1SuS?!^^2*w£S S*

arroBtHilBc Mmia «UI b. HSuM “
«lifa h*raMM
SMihM. n* TiJ A. «'. Makif


vtA »_ OewlBC and wife «
OcL It.


JBa»b* aad Hr.

wllti 4Bl______________




wmuBsbort. Ukh, on.: jL-)b».
■ HeteOl U awite akk.
mak BeyiDotir^* Ion tbeir three
wetiu old tahy but Saaday.
Clew *ad
1 a trip to Caotihl Lakalsst Fnday. retamtoc Salaidar. HUi ibuh
KUebt maracd wkh thMB to rea
tar a whU^
■ Hr. and Hra. Tboaaa BaM aad
chOdrea epaat Saaday at tha WaJtee
BaM boua.
Hn. Carrie Hoa* arrtred Wedaas^
day ntfbt troB Oi. Mas for a slalt'
with ber RMer. Hrs. Vpaa) Hahha.
Oeorpe TOtie i* «atte abdt acain.
Mr*. Ghana* Ebujo made a aboH
viRt at BRlalrc UR srwk. ^
R A. Laadoa manad UR Tburaday froB bis trip (e Xak Ttwk Raw.
The Udie*' Aid aoedety «m aerre
a !«ew nuUitd rapper at the town
ball ae« Wedneaday nliht. the pro­
ceeds to to towards {Uytac for iho
rbumi Beau.
Hr. aad Mr*. Wllher Stiles are up
from Kk Rapid* ntace the Brill ihat.
down. Hr. Bute* U upthaat oa hit

Ticklins in the ThrosU:|
“}u*>liuie tldai«intlietlaiidr ItthUxAuteM
ym? MltlaaBM! Cahti« ild«f tt! «ai^ ,
ediet don't tHKMd, Yon ne«d <B*aetfitM itwagu’ U

pv’srasPBJlRtpas. UlaidasijtaadnitaMB*

ymt*r HoMw mtUIbc Ui tBtfc«r-«
In }lw. at (be as* or
JB«l«t»lif ^Ito ■ bMMul L wa* latarteted ie the iVhls mb:t well BUed. Mr. E U eatiUed i
t«]«B «I ‘•Hard Cider and 1« Gabihis townahift.
laa.” la theae day* there w ho la-!
drPB br llM FV» laSk*
Pr^ »*.««.«,-d. tW ~ i *. I»,ij rfai
o»p'«i ermine. FViday. OcL U. a: aeet paatt and «u*rai fioit U all
The (aaend oRvloas win
QaUe * targe aBoau ofmlt iiees
Uir O. A. R. bnU Goad r JMic win be k!»d* «*a ae pleeUful *a to ba used
wm be **t out here tbta oculhg take ptoor at the boM THeaday
_.d and Ue bar* ire viBBiilDe
.uaiBly as ka* (Dod aad apple Jack
morrueg at w o'rtoct
>r a alee tine.
spHng. AJI tree* set Uti raar
Tbc local mSon maaUnf held UR |*hUky.
Boe growth.
‘ Mr* J. M. EUloti ckpeoa to Matt
Bandar eTeniv at the M. E. tdisrch ' (UoAlns was then aiMR ankaovn
for .Oklahoma gen weak to
* Terr Urxeir « reded. The dlebat w« had four Uad* of peaches
wtaler with her kcm. >C. J, Wtoa g
tee Newl
Aea Arbor, war
dioa.Batcral pita aad applea «alara.
■ftdwer resldeai qf this ptae* «hg pRl
and abl>- dellrered.
that rtalded a two ber*e w**oa__

• The IRU and Brhtuia oirki
that eOBpJeled lu reaaoo Uat ....
,afeillekv*l^M.<*L; Oet if.—We before kh* leqmn*
and dnrinf their x-sroa »icUed about l grew ta after year* some tree* Inaa
re all aorty te hear of Mr, Hahns
*000 bubeU of meumber* aad other hf>ftU> •cedi hy prahs of the Wagaer
being 111 Bui gtad be to gaining.
fam prodoeu. nied In thHr rtMBtno. B*'* twadHtig whirb I obtahiad from
dlea. Tbalr Ickal «naaa«er. G. a
Mies Neill# Webb, who ta attending
Doaaheilv. leporu llU^i a* Ulac one ■ BH Is^Wect county. K. T.
at Maneeloua. a|ient 6Mda> ♦♦♦bbbbbp>bbbbbbb
or their n oR eaoeererul tew»a*
Neaaaa-cny. HVB.. <fct. n.-Ar*o
- Th( niriitlaa Workm' HlUe cUm
I. MX r... .dd b.d ddiu . iM.
mi.d.1.. _
Ad « d«-| pW I, d, ^ J 4, ^ fc,
hRd Ibelr moulhlr ueetluc UR Frlimber nf Grandma 8kinnarl<MUIiiii wid . Mir
F„ai au«d.y Mdlidd tr,,
mni make* « lord, u ihmifh Bn are
Bar ei. alok. <M. T. at ibe home of dV. TVMI,
frlends karprieed her bR wn-k. All ready
fhe-tlttic a
tor boktaew.
Hr*. J. B. Teaelioul. whlcb wa» sreRbad e nice time.
ly en)or*d by the Unto oninber pre»- lucr* Club w
Hrs. H Rgna -te vtoiltag frieads ti
Hf. and Mr* Lekllr Ketaon enter
ent. HerreebBcnts were rm-ed by
UMdr itenUl hortit.* after the basl■athed tbvir dangWev. Hi* •WTfltaB
: ♦ •»♦ ♦ ♦«♦
BiWr Manias.
Gettool to lei OR lor-.wn weeks to
Whackle. la.t %rek.*. Wi, lb., best and they fartbR ]* '
give the rbHdrop a ahaaae te w«.u»
Mr« Hi-rth* KVnburg. of Oraml Itaj*uM to bew»-e of IhU new taagted va' LaU Ana. Mich, Oct. Jt-WlUtam
«. retnrned bome after vlRttag tbeir pnreola ooNug potato dlggtag
ncfy called the Wagner. TH^ aaJd
Hto* Hnmi hf Croa* TBtoBe Is the
N. Sweet, of this lowtwhlp. has traded
(hat the ttev* wuuM bear Ut-Baelvwi lb fam for a »tore ,io LudtogtoBAnd i (rlRKto here for aome lime.
sr, <J, W. Baker, the _
Mrs. Fraak Kroapa and Hra. perry guest or ber staler, Mrurcka* Hta.
keld lo mTmr vh.i i .ko-----,m uKuscu>D.*Da
I paalpr. moved hU bouee- • dealh. I Mi
Chirk had Hu- pleaeuee of eMemin. ' w a lew day*
hold studs
ds and lamlly iaui our
pllMr*. W. Menald and Mrs. J. Hyde
Ucn. the Am of the weak aad .U lo OM MtaRoB.
tag tbeir biotber. Joe Trwmata. and
BOW pbRMSsd to befln bU
hta brtde. SuMay They left Monday war* teltorate Ttempsaarfila nUay.
wo waft., to get
5*1 an apple.
}jpiet to lone them, hoi what is t
taral dmlpa hole.
.-vening lor tbeir homA in HUwaaherE. AHMld. a huaUlBC
The rt«uU of the iBMtR.wa* that'
“ LMm*»n'. ,Rn. Hr. B-eef. The beu wikhes nf clwlr muy friend*
tau lit South Boardmaa.
0. hae
porebutaanathiMtUadbaahjfc^h coBprttod hla to uake thin Ud rRatlvaa aceosapuy OtuL
ed Ota MooKor
T bufMlnp and Is rpr
ito a pool aad blllUH els of apple* «d (he waghw vsjletv ehang*
-t R>od wishes CD •
Tbe portv gtam by HtonBa Sbniw
1 a luach MOB
and In one year 1 Md sold et»agh U>
kod Brel^tanid at OraBlefs hall
4 thU vUUpe
inuintanlon man lo buUd a tawr*
Sniurdny evutag. was mneb enjoyed
on Washlngtou Mreet.
have t,v, _____
by nH present
The OppPRahiiy Suaday. edbool lived there U the wtalar ever Race.
Hto* TWto endy to ependlng a few
cUss bwatoaaa aad BocUi tnaaUtit.
OiR wa* aahaduled . I Ban at Hr*.
dny* wm her ntotar at UiyftHd. |ito£^
: Buy ot the <
Jaa. Blue's last week,
. _____
Bdeasr* Geerge and HoUard Xew-'SISc.
until a Uiar data on acenont of the
«a arc working on tbeir >Jkrm
pa^hudeeds of dollar* to p*ft oth- i,ko* Ur week, ttaltsd hta frtend.
nu Fife Lake Newa Dapanaaoi both forth# prodBoe buyer* and fi
L^.The True Sloe cUas held a very eePi tba Herald will be coodueted by ei* Four buyers
located here Joyabje and InteroKlnf meeting at
We aD rejoice to beer ikal tUi^ |
the (he tBne of Hrs. Anna Oaaipbell. All
are all__kept
busy h.ndvnf
traliun company with a Mend, and 8»Mley la vitnlfig sifter, hto ac«JdeaT.
Hr* !. H. BonaRI. weekly, la the (u- and
setvea to death. 1
tarm prodocu. Peutoe* were brtap- ptwBUt twporiad.................
»tawport. Wash, where he
are aad k U the puipoae of tke tap the Sir of the week. SOc per I
-after M yvan of
bean* *1.10 per buahel. oorn I H. Wagaer of the City HaU Reo and baabalf. they
•*'were ta Ba* iplrlu
‘®- ♦ ♦♦♦♦bbbbbbbbbb' ..----- . —
HaraM'a muafeoeat to
ruretRi busbei.
nsarully ^,1,4 The boy*
80e per bushel baakM and bay (loa (aataat. rwtaraad SRarday from

dying. As'
tbroafh tbU^BodloB the inponut IK to III per ten. Tbeir keen «ob- (<*lt at Grand Rapid* aad 0»n»dUn
rcea* be with them.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• 5ter^n?b
price* aod ■tlraaUua P^ar
)bul Wa IteBM of that hiuUlac and
W.'C^ of CadllUe aad 1.
Long Lake. Mich, oct 'Jl.-Scbool gX *“ HTwl

watarpriRap TQUpe, inpanuily ^d
oaed Friday in Otot. No. 2 for a two
vUlUiic R Che hose of M. 1 nnd kave^taeted spraytag. yet (he tlva* ta their oM home. They think
The cropcondmetBsarroundlnflhU
ro week*- -pouao vBuitau.”
fSfalaity. It I* (ba alacare vuh of vlllBse
are exrellanc thU year. It U -------rr returned heme last Sstui other d^ I looked over the tale B. J. Ihh# Ann to a pieasaat ptae* to Uve.
E. J, BA r^rovtag hto realrtbe pahtttbRs of the HeraM that ihe not aa unaso*! inoldeBt to Bad potaMorgah's SPscre orchard and ft U
Oor school Ban delnyM nucoe thre<- dtnea by building a new porch.
E P. Gw__________ ___________ aniely a aarvel In tbla bad year for
reddihu of lUt yfilase and Tlrlaby
weeks 1(1 Ra-ting on tcctwni of need­
r acre and qnlie fre­ tiBiiy uyTadJIlac. where he has bean fiuit
Mark Conklin baa
purchased a'i.^vS?T.^SS.S7k2l
einplored tor come time.
aztead u’ Hnu Boahall. every en- quently In the Dieheri loosJlty
ed repair* The work ditae oa the Ple« of land of Hr. Sogse and at- 5^ £fT!
Htn Bertha CanpbeU I* asaUtlnp
was speaktag-recenily 10 a mu
' • yield o! SM to 400 baiheU per
coanieBaat both from a newa and
peel* to (W( a bowse on It and make
. The corn ,rrop I* Reo very re- M^Bnwat at the awaverty Tola- who tosna H iBpooRble lo get applaa room* Is very Bne tnd a credit
tsBlaaa* suadpoliit that srtli ii
(hufeabie. Tbos. Bate*, a propesbta borae.
for cMer this year, even In New Tork UDeehaoic* Our icachert tbla year are
Howard Luck*, tha paola] B. P.
Rve tamer of tbla lotallly stated to
Bnbett J. Sage, principal Mimie McRor BroDtoe of Ttsverae Citv hae MarWMT^f*^*.
slate, whiHi shows now scarce the
a repreoentailve of The Herald and -jrvteitM* working at Hr*. E
Manns. primary, ud Hta* Oongb,
ta the nRghhorhood with hto SStt. ^Tdh^UJS.!
Record Co_ that from several shock* Brtnrb'*'btore. each Boralup i
fruit 1s Uito.year. The disease of the Kwchen ■
the ward school. Tlw Rtend- bust saw. cutting wood for Ur. Ha^
Uoal oewa departuRH la thRr tiHdst.
apple leaves this rear is Ubutnal ud
anew I» not a* Irj-ge as that of Uac 12. DuryeaVaud Anfceraoo.
OurViCUnoaa Ball Team.
M by a hot spring ud a bot1^, .
hla home over Sunday ha* r^
-Mr. Hra C.
Wrirtt from the "rSto
turned ui hi* bom* ta Traverse City. ler. June, ud U may not bappeu
•Mrs. George rUnt Is in Frukfori peninsBto'kquI Sunday iqith Mr. and 2JL
*°*** locaMiy anTjfe^S^^
again ta muy year*
wary sBvUbU aod
vL-Irlng frlrsds and reUtlves there.
mtmliy ar* very JaMUit over the
Hra. E. J.’^.
baa ssepaa aad k_ . .
they have bad ta (aratap
Ml« Crare Wahl of Traverse CUy
Iteryea to' ta Traverse CUy
W. A. Kaot ta. working ai KlngUeo Tu the Editor ot the Evening Racord
JMua Sunns (he aatlre
!k vtahlng In Lake Ann.
for a taw week*
* aueoiiing tbe hoard of
Fotatoe* are coming lu. in large pervlaora.
Fred Hin*. snpervlMM- of ralon **** ♦ B B* p p « »

1* spending the week at
qUUtIUee Prise 30c.
. .Jog Wimitl^throupb Ita huR- towaahip City,
Hr*. K. A. H*B. on* of tbe
attending the heard of
Uapraahler ao4sD*BagerL.I. Huam. Tia«ee*e
The bean crop Is aesrly harv*,t(ed. ploaaer* of thto ptoA. paeRvI away wniT^
acd the threshers *tf buvy pouuding Saiurvlsy ■fiernoon u tbe (amlly real, fte Ite ;
Hr*. )l. Hobbs U vUJLiag friends
It Is repiwted that the fruit
WMt srere pUyad at KlapRey, retlcra out Tbe yield 1s very good.
dence. Mrs. HRI has been U inratU
10R received by the rurii j
««ly with (hR niUssa- (BR baoch.
Renhen Ftarbart hA built a sik) and
muy year* and her death
coocemptatlug the making of
5^ up Utpaly of raeralta troB the
(beaded Traverse City State Leasne
vbowtag or Ibelr frulu ta ihto rtly
t^. who tn two ovt of thraa same*
tbe line of the state grange menu
pttyad were easy virtlaa. Tlie I
December. It ta to be hoped that
«UB^ score was 10 (o S la (aver
I Mr*. BrWl
the Fife Lake Ttper*
they *0 do. Uaion couniy. like the
•uy Oajr* far PfaPuee Buyor*
ta a great
Tbeae days are eenalaly boiy days
-- ud Mr/ ai.ijrrand tdmltr _
vlRtlng at the boae of Urals Horn*. be mode, (or haring th* ftuK* from
His* Threaha Downlnp of CadUUc. the two tUtirlrt* pUeM side by «Me.
tbs *b*w win be one werth —ntre
Jong dtounce to ece.

Uly White


f^n ^ftrv*laB» W


Conducted by Mrs. I. H. Sonnell




-,^'oss, X

l"s "Sis





Only $2.56

----- Strahan. who Is Mteadtap

school R TpRUnil. vUlied bee parI sngpeeted eo atore thu
thaCthe fruit dtaptay lo
Mis* UUtan l>erry of Boyne CHy.
b*s acoapted a posliloo at Hotel Ore- be mode ta this Hty in Dreember be
tbe eecood in a scriei of unnal showim. Oiwnd R«M hai. It* fnrattui*
,4lr. and
Irtasier have
a wpoamotB «h(B Var. Spokane
reO' tfeb baby R thli wrlttag.
Penver their *nde Rmw* and why
Mr* Jaha Oreooser aad John Q. not Trnverve Cfty lu fruit display:
Wala* have returaed frea BaM CUyj
he worked oat Moeb
where ihn were called oa accoBU Thto Idea
e eowoBaiesay thu the ccmjxiy
IROposdUon. Traverse City ta leplly tbe capital of the B'estera kQ^iSunday with
CBt* bt..
b«re .w.
dor ^

'^and Finishes fiw
' Every ^ome Ui
ThbV *cd<»t,ofri*eowil.ta«tT4*, !
'*.ridI.i.o(pirtd„Ah..b.d.,l«i» F»S,
4« hama, Idr Ac Sdc .d
Wd Im CmillM Fdri*.


9Attna, SSMMSXA st^xNs JUtovAumaa
taadfic4Fp(csBnd for^wi
•rfhS.l# ha paiaud. aan
vaniUtad or finiWl » any wgy. duia'i
OttilitFKMto&BRparpaaa. Wacv
JOB whu to — »------nrfh tn aaniH^



Tort, where ,
k this fall.
The Bev. Mr. Swenk. u evangeltot'G»Bd
Travr • pvange (D be held Sat
—----of Oolemaul Micb. to asttottag the'erdar aftaea
Rev. 8. Hoenev ta 4*1^5^
Blnpham. this wep He
tbe patpH ta tbe BvuncRlcalAi^.ipMn to tnMder thto *nl«.ct from
• T Sunday ■*- --• • »«•«•
Of «k* .erarml- dWeerat
imiau of rtaw. mK
.Rev. 8. UeeUer.
discover. If posRble. whR law* sMuld
I be eaftweed and what tow* not; to
h. The ateetiug leant who abesUd be expected tn obey
---------f the dtatrtfl preaMeat. Fred *
The meeting was opeeed
the (R-

It of Idw aiw alan te he r

The DeceBbef meeting of (be
onef aSendayS
Onad Travme dtotrict grange wtO
- Undley.
eh beM with Snmmtt gnogp r aninTo Igncre the Htotory of Mtatau,
mtt etty. Wed*e««ay and Thmuday,

iROn IHy. or Bacfcley. to rtolltag
MeMs Jar n^Pew day*


After the meeltag a *bm buataes* asanog
tacRtagwa. heM and^ toJSd
preaWtat aad Oacpr Bhnoaecmary. The tome aM ptoc*
«f lb* neat iweetiae tea* MPedPad •>

«■ kr (be



That’s all It takes AT THIS STORE to select
a Woman’s Shoe from the Finest arid Largest
Assortment of $3.50 Shoes in Northern Michi­
gan. For this price wetian show you styies as
beautiful as muth higher priced shoes. We
stand -back of every pair, too.

Patent Button
ytei Kid Lace
Gnn Metal
Gnn Metal
Vici Button
Pafcut Lace
Patent Ootli
Top Button
Only 82^
This is The Store ot Quaiity and Low Pi


A. V. FRffiD^CB

B lb« Arr

iB Mtlwr <km ajoiit oTb* *o. BBd matt bvr bBBhBa4
l,sea tklBk ttet alw cooM «d >cr vork
threap Uf* »fUi mJy U» v
WaMcrt 6«Uil-CM bp ««M«cl> Ut* Bteatfls. s
olap BfU-Meadxoi Celon to m»kt •»*M«ko>Pi»oM “ r*» pc^ooo ««
too cBptBlB. cm aoBB un parod >»? “ e»tr*ta«a»*».
Urn th.
opplco iuu dke. ooooj^ u> &U ote uiBmact In tbe-swoor tbat hu booa
top. add lo Itoo c«aarr a»d add atoo ♦(ponded <» jw «ombop and on
a niptbl of «eU-eb<^9ed am tooata. bla. Bod l( be la talr be *111 aoe (be
any Uod
preler. and pmar i
'»•»» We *“»«• «
FVoBtb dnulac oter (be «bole. 8» »“ of* bUgaedly On the matter ot
Uci aome (nedlumaiud floe nd ao- bttetM-B BtoBalU. and «M»M]ueBUy
Oenk Rec«M to Siallo.
’ plea, cnt off the topa and acoop oot .««• “»•
«t™**th ^ ffrme oU
• tbe »Mem. nil tbew up beaplK
Wo do not m»e the
1'ai •■pfwcbln' of a doetrino.*' (bo
ora. bod And the vae t
__ ________________
* «ltta yoor celery apple and nma. and
In ocr *of% tb^t a mas
A«oeij1i.eo( tollfflon'nod tor llrtafc aad pout.. Said be: -|M eoold live the
^ „ mdiTidua! dooa In bla U be had cor_»ork to
not fee dead:
of Ulsoaa and ffnan- p,„,
p^.p. blaatb-«l. <>o- “♦ *“«>4 «»* «*>J “»• » »aphUis
A doetrtoe fee lived «P to those
■» o''”
•*«•“ lettnee iearoa put aLont each apple. «“«»•►• but If itere oere n»nWn«
mBBT. many roam:
’ nwx'b* sp-m
ibe SajvoUoa Amy
TnrUab MaeamL-BrMk a hair a *«««• lb t*>e bouae. be n<onld have
It- ta saniBS. OBUinc. amlBbi, »lth **«*•• •
not ba\a them otho4 poa^ of macarosi Into piece, and ‘be marblE- attached to ibe hj-drast.
no time for bitter team.
bare understood drop It Into onickly henin< sraier. *> that the (4othee ceaM be eraebed
tbe need* of others trUhoui fotsc lu ^eep at a lle.-ee berti till the tuacernol aulomatleaUr sblle be sas puitlr.*
.. et^hniie
“> »bo Valley myself. | am ceBnin^y U tender, then drain and let It stand 'b* dishes tbrousB tbe dlib washer.
«“"T ror the rich abeltered foBta who In cold water for ten mloulba Make He would cbnrn bp mochlnefT aad he
•N ttAcn


• OMO for joa to pewy.

p, su-aised tomato, ond P<0«*e b> band


^tnero is netaind else to cay.
uouquet of brishl AoltBi.u
Jam rise ap *n- amllr ffutto frooly.• powm,.
whkh he paid smuid brlnp a
' wfftah ycT tnwbloi rilp oway.
(mr—PIT of tbe boor and ebeer and
td Ood 10 aotne of the poo.O. If- smlHn*. amiUof. smlUi« that ™
wm lift Um weary tod.
"tom to o^TmW^^«!.
Uko all pebbles off yer road;
Gooi'&el; of Meods aenrcmchliic aae
Yoa kin trasel ott in eomfert. oner:
7 bandtear.
iMiic will Beam worth while.
t were raiber opportonltles to help
- If yorn only keci) o«Dln‘, friend, end ]
‘ a brother oa bU way.
tttX feiBit to amila.
r» peffffod away at this md ttort
"**• "
roar, an- mon.
Ah- rro aoeer rot toand out the use »
sobtiUnte for snemt. their
........................................... ‘ (or anoen
of bModla- troableo o-w;
All this broodta- hroodta-. broodtovariatton from (he euatomary
“>• *
An-.fsat H like aa aofn sat yoa oa

nttuna an article of dfc-t rather than
“ • ‘““O advoeited. Indeed vodetartana retard them as one
Tot can't affoid id ho a qral^
of tlw moot BBtriltoue arttalee of
ta'that Satanic trin:
food and altboatb they have had a
Good Sniilt Peter will dboira you. wtQ ^ *
B0t lot you enter ta;

~ “VS -H,s=;s=

It-i the OTOO who rinllo Hkotanahtao
^ui {hem. they wlU be
tbat will wear the ROldoa crown.
i„u, „oriyiti* and witrUloua
Tioofele bit my wacoa often. h«' 1 Some of oor domeaUe nuts atw partitot kept doin' on.
culariy rich In fattenind matter, one
'A w"»(H"fi atantac. «n»nisff aa' a- stafle butt
'knawed «t fer this,


If he Ilrsid where


odd tbe macaroni and a half cupful bis bouse cfcmnlni dose by tbe vnof olmond mem. cut Into strips 8t»»>s««ai. •“« ‘be n.m ownln* the
Mteen minm.-s. turn into a dUh‘ W«<*lne wools p« his boaae In tborsod sprinkle thi-kly wkh prated <"tebly clean , fondUlon in ooe day,
^^ps end ff«bool to hnvtah to lift to hand,
Bot we wom« mum be .lowor to
remark tb
»“i “«“■ n»b»vo all tbe bha of shell
^ *4*
“0 remark
dsd skin,
to rover, let them mand «-« 'Tinder. a»e n.tteb preforrod her
Think of f®r ‘bn mtaute. ord tfie. d.-n*u. Hn-. She to content I*><>«'
rkop for tweB'y
into s oiaropan with sufScieet beef
mlnuteo on
idd“i^r“ij"wWch'^ a'ld^ P« throufb tba cho»ee in tmo. U is
^»o»«b Tt teaspooBfnll; b.!:. a
^ ^
p^., lutn^cOon. ta an up-U>4ato uteboo
drpta. and
P«. dr»ta.
*bo ilU demand the neeenoanr aid.
pair a brown sauce by cookloc toge­. when she come* ti
ther ta another sauwpan one lahle- *btny domer.c srt-uce teachers
spoonful Of butter and one of Hon-. “« «
'^bs .» tho woman who
lias never uken a liwaon. bat they '*••
Whan brown add okhrr tie sio t or
,p,^ already preparboonewoA and tb-’
nitr UU tb«* and riuooth.
wny to do it. nod tbelr pupIU
uie nuts and slm- ‘■n^erstand the value of a pleasant
for-ten minincs. then ndd bill W‘vhe" I«>*»rl» furnished,
^pped celery and cook The
requtrite of a Rood works^e
I* wtnPle Itahi. and the Elu-hfn
dish. •» ho ekcepUoa to this rule. If poey^alble. the kllrben should be on the
satiny aUe of the bouse, and the win­
dows vhoold be eo amored that
Baited Kuu.—Any kind of nnu c
there will be a direct drausht to car­
be salted and make an adtOTaMe ’
ry off c0(AiaR odors, and not lot them
and healthful addition to the>menu. '
spread tbrouRh the house. The walls
Almonda afaouid he blanched, (hnt to '
>m should be papeevd (sritb
(be brown skin removed before nit- *

eond Iabs *** bronm OTeUs remored and deU-_______ _
cataly soited to i


pentfve. and tie palol
long-bandled mop srhenever orceesary. Sever have the walls
a small piece
katoomised. Tbe costiny is coasiaui'7h^*- 't •»'““»
e'enthm*. and l:
.. .--,,...41.1..
,ipr the walls domn.
ctonlns lime.
Tftonl (ho moreto (hoach
about tseo.y mlnuto- ‘bo
\7, water poured off. m>d then olenmed oa
..1^ l.!f .v.lw ^
“>r ‘be ^oor. fv, or three <»aU of
» the back of the utore to twonty min^„i„. t~-.. **•'“ *“>-«•«' to match or harmea■ Btn more. This wiD make each fraln
,^e tame way to^toiin*.
''""‘"'Tk and walls will
aland oin by lieelf. tender but firm *“
«»♦ same way to oaitiiip.
^ ^
i> not far distant when we will hr
, aad there win be none of tbat glBcy
luain} Which is ptOTcnt ta badly cook^ vnable to ftnd a pUin «ood floor anr... ril rto.
K I. toUBi addjalt
^ where. Tbe bardsood floor to th >
most dirai-ult to keep clean o( aU and
to tarie. Wlta this rice a. a
sine, ta ,e c«i m to« -chOTo that
or own purposea *
1 to etlrrod just before servliig a cupful
condriiona. ,Th
j e ;
here a mopping of once or i»lce a
‘ of chopped nuu. You will find this
following article from tbe Womsn'i
■ Some of tho boot sermoua over popai|„.
week with a little warm wwcer won't
Farm ,WltUX
Joaraal ’S'-’XU*
cpntalns 4M,,.
much that' to '
take ten nuouies. and will keep the
pTWOThod do not cOTte by way of the u not expenalve. and It o
pnWL it to onrprtoin* how nwch many'TsteaBlo foods that
painted < • llooleum floor clean all
When one finds an ideal kitchen.
•nod. whet deep thoasbt. what wnrds nfficlMH to s meal.
tbe time.
^be stove, whether gas.- wood or
«r taopImtioD and ehoor wo may ro„
bomtarrariesd of rice. usaatly U ta the home of rome bride
who baa taken a course of dotaeotlc

ealTn ton those wbOTi wo ooeUa oar
^ „„
wool wood or roal.
OTwrday Ule. and from altar etran,y„,p,-can be cooked at oner.
■era. at that. If wa wUl but koop (ho „u. Either riro or hominy may be man to whom money to no obyeci- n
VOToptlTO mtad and thf warm heart. n.ed also with butter stirred la while It a Bingalar thin* that we women -There ahould be « large atak. with •»
eoateatedl.v aecobt housewn* as our
bold dtabei
Vs pofto* Hnigfle aad fto end they are warm, and B each plateful
pVofi up u> wu-sh. and tbe othvr I
wear ourMlvea ouU wtobtng to a to added a few datea with the
how the dish drainer The
uhanco to tiB«H forth in to tbe worid removed and a halt nut put in its .
,, ,
and Mok the Divtae AdTOTtara. srtten place..
'town. Th^ muri“' some work tbat
have ihU covcriri
« to OOTo thOT tooufcta^t otri^r
can b. OTt Utrongh the ^
a the best man- wlth tine, as It
easily wiped off
A atray bit of ta*t uach helpful
chopper and used to a OlUbg
w.«. tmt i>o. ms.iv of .i. Take
scrubbing An old marble
oaukrionh* drifted tolo HOTto Oh^a to Modwlthoi. for layer cake, or as pinnate of the many tauxpemilv.
top from drraser nr table is fine for
0 day UK week, though tboro aa ictag. They are nl» ta all kinds iDveotlons to help us t
use oa the work table It oo be
was OT each Mca ta mind when the of salads and verr tasty ip gingerf •uotly being put upon tbe mark<-t.
Used as a raoldiogbonrd or pastn
Wotmot *m «rtlltood to can a mait Iread and otherriimpteOTkoa.
^ wondered. iC the man r^L’' :
luriitag out hot li-ead
from tbe Balfhtlon Army botal and when you once begin
to nse ibem you ^
and cake from tbe pan. and because
refupB. to put la eoal. Perhaps. If will And <
B Ot comhiciiig Juot one year be would hare to do the
. nature, I
there was any tbeatfht shoot the com- them, and wonder wby you
■ housework, how many days he would
cloaning gsmr and any other
tog toBB. ft waa that he would be a thought of thorn before-,
let go by.fcefore be would bte to town
whit* stains wood tablea
ahtahen srrock. }uat recovering from a
.Kata aud Cream Cbeete Salad.— o buy hlBUK'ir .-very modeni Improve,asbobh- rag rug before tbe wc.-k
VtogagOT drinktag tout.
Instoad Mash the cheese with a fork. Mason ment to help him in bto wort, ^^-hal „i,le mww the fioor. and also keep.
tbCTo appsarod a- laa patbeilcaUy It with white pepper Ad ad<r a very man eipecta U> do bto work without
»j5„.r -m, ir.- bos
thto, elderly taaiw with a fraaie tbat lltUe thick cream. Jum enough to keep tools? He knows I: la false ecunomy.
stand in* the kit.-biu ac
atosrod a ones Atroug vitality, la it from mimhlfn*. Mold h Into amalt and that be whries time and muicuUr ,,
u,, ,re melt too (as:. In thiwbkh not drink bm lltacas had made balls and pren on the side of one and mental energy In trying to g-t , Writer, aa outukle >afe tor ko-pl-.^
OTd laroads. His eomptaxlea was clear b»n a meat of half an BugUsh wsl- aleng with haU of what ho needs.
,o .«ve on tbe Ire bill.
«a a ebUd-s. and bis uyea were full of. <“»- <h- *“1 e'bn cut you may bap- Meu are right ta ihu and we arc
, stralghi chair and a rockir:
• sweet UBur llghL After hto Arot !«« «•
0“ band, hickory, peean wrong. Because our werk to so vsr„ ,h,.r«. i« n»m to it. ahhou.;i
Jtort or fleeting be exrialnrid ebtoriwalnut doing eanally well. Then M and It takes many dlffert-nt kinds j j„r a believer in the tmaUrst ki:-hly. -tt-eU. ttoas Ian days are ^ arrange your balls m a nest ol tot- of uteiulla le do It all. we uausH.r „ p.U»Ie wlii convenience. A; the
told beoaUrul.'b«t they aak^ one he•V. 'I -Fl»b I e«»ld afford to have
i^g Hirte sash ruriataA
In to think of warn srlmer rlothtog."
ibl« or ‘bM but it cosis ro
^,rtk.w ii. rtow mrsl.-y
!s editor
•“'* «*»««
rroqueues.— moch to buy all these thtags.- Often
rtl'tw In window boxes. -They
editor, flying around In
,easoning ill winter with
her flower^idu^ looked i
troablr and tne parslev is V: prlOT until she botloed
that his, meats to toeauiiTo one cupful. Mix sritboux the sirapleti things. How
, “•«“
one capful of mushed and many 'tomea there arc where a meat
, psmirti, brsllee sdJclothing was pltltally ______
potatoes sod one cuplitl of grindr-. a carpet sweeper, a step ladjj,. brightness ol a growing ibjug
'’OTdit was oTtdOTt thnou-h renta that
soft broad mmbe Stir la two well- der. a warhtag mac^lns, a can opener. ^
•van the solaec of thin summer under.
teateo eggs. Add a high seasoning a pancake torser, even the neceoaary
ui denied him. But as to
A Oood Uao Fee Picturos.
nUto..op . ~ri..i «r hi.
• f”' P«“
In tbeae day. of abundant Ulusu-stSTf^hrotT^lTi^J^Here:
** ‘-"1^™ •»-»
cace ta*w of a well-todo woman who
a bottle for^roCtag pin a whole ed perfcwHcwls. many etcelleei pboto; (QOld isto at
i. dip each Into year because she taM sue bad so graphs and prims find tbelr w-ay tn'o
•ntlug n
e beauiiro’ ' ,beaten ecg. roll ta fine crumtai. and many uses to tcr utoney that rt- the homes In the roorwe of a year..It
wartoUea and telltag bow b .
Ir.v ta deep nmklng hot f*L
eouMni afford ta buy a rolling pin. remains (or Mr*. Howard, of Sew
aud toutaad of toiklng (or the dtoromNut Cuctard.—Nuu may be added \Vo are to blame In this, to ta neae- Tork. to show how iheoe may be ustot
...he mlgfat easUy
w- have
. dis.1 “
"■ *“•“* (aatard. olmooda. ly ertry case, a husband U not OBty «d lor educaUonal purposes. She has
aprena us conaiuea. ne filled bis bickory and walnuu or pecan betac willing, but eager to bto wife *o set aside a room in ber bouse for
mM ro full of the outward happiuoss jbe uvoclte rorJetteu. The almonds avail beeweif of we*y aid to her w-ork. ibe rec^Uoo of old tnagstaes and
a lUe tbat U effectually crowded out sboold be blancbed and cut Into Krlps. if a wwim will only rvwolve to do iQustiued papers, from wfiieb tbe pic, xtahappy IhonghlA U the toorse of a Ue oxber varieties ewaroHy stopped, her srorkVi tbe U-st way and have turco-^ro ml out aad propfftod for
touversation inwhl<* be showed hta- por baked. custard they are ptoced the ueceMurv’ tooto. even If she does the ns\>r the public schotd teachers
•elf tobe a roflaed.well edoeatad gro- la tbe ewproe-dtsh and tbe unraokod have to maka a eonaMeroUe ootVy. down^c^.
d that o^ through mixture poured oyer theov before plac she to not likely to have audi
h trouble
childrao from (he shima buve never
I routk that polat ot ■
Perhaps she otariud ta wroag. as oeeo. or aeeo u> notice, some of the

■ir;: “■ •“

Tot to ffo there tta. my dear tmo. if






sa. sntmto. m« an «
tlvca io Womlaffi aad benew creax
belpa to the loactor to kosp the’class
interested is com speclal kooo


For school ekUrea in other dietrteta. where the' rondtUoas arc bet*
ter. more adrancod pictnreo are pre­
pared These are tnouniod oe. cardlo#d. and served to iUastrate historr
or btoenphy
Thne a cardboard wtth a piciare of
Abraham Ltaculn oe one aide, oe
other has ecu of the dlffcrcK benp
he ocrupM from ibo lUtto to cabla
to the White House. A pirtute of
tVashlnsToa ds ecooe-panied by ecem-s
n4m lit. Verpoo.
For home'ues. sorb plrtnrM will
also aAud Krrat pleasure, aad it U
not a had habh for a alri or boy to
laltirate to coUect odd and end bits
hero and there In the direction of
their hobbies.
One twelve-year-old siri to ta tbe
habit or ssMdx all the picrares of
authora aud their homes which aho
ran dad. and these she -Ups looadr
bc(we<-n the corets of ihnLr works.
When she liods aouetbUis aaittaally Kood. she carefnlly ens It oat. and
paries It OB a hack ffydeal.
In this way her "UtUe Women"
abounds with piriures of the author,
and her -Tlmoibrs Quest- sfaosrs the
author In brr study In -her boaw at
Lssreece Park, as Bell as her homo
at HoUtovHle
Mmtll pletnrpa one can pick up. espe.
lalb If the book-aUUs aelllad ok
maxataee for-a few cento apiece, ore
I Saireres with Kldnq TmUe.
uccjsionaUy vUlted.
Mr.Roberi.K. horns, tab Ka.illih St, htostOekUnd.Cul.irrites:
Tbe mouBled pictares of Sliakw
-We have Srvrr had any ocher taedK-tar Uii Prrwaa la oar haam eta
spear’- and scenes from bto playA ta [ we have bren married.
one bomc-tuadi- portfolio, (bus obtain­
-( saffend with kidney and Madder treable. bat two moUtototaUto
ed. are a cmistant source of Interest I with Peruna made me a well asd stronc o;rn.
“My wire (rll weak and was cw>ily tired sOT wx too toataad with U)
to the owner and ber friends.
IS pains, bat slace she took Prrnna she 1« well sad stroag.
In ibU connerijoo Home Cbeor
»H'o are toff v«rr/OT<ofef(oy«e«aff jto^-OT woftodtoaH
would aodsvst that all pretty picture
todfooftososis/. toflar ttoAistte tori woOTOdatarwmtowf
poet cards be saved and pasted, two
locether 00 that the written
to concealed, leavind a pretty, double
Caurrh CoUrefy BtOTitA
faced cards Slony plores can bo
Hr. Ira Urnoey, Fairfield. Freasloee Hr.C. nallock. Aatwerp, QUo.wriUai
fouDd for dlsporina of theoew notice­
-My daughter AlUe. afler taking
able amoito sick chlldreo or In boo- Oe, Texas, mriic’:
ot your Feraat. to saltosly
pltal sards.
raiarrh of (ho heed at two
•1 esB Irwly say that reruns to the years' riasdiBg. W. reeommead Pw
A SubetKutc for •utter
CooklnR. bcstmedIHnelev.rsaw.
r saw. Ileillalw
will always rasa to any l••dywtx> has OTtsirh*
A recent bul
ilcallB|y(risa.:>,to| Ptcbbs is mauafacwired. b-r tho
ment of Apric
Faraua Itnu; M(g.Uo,C«>lambw.<]toa
desirability of fat ss a wholesome sad
rcoDomlcsl subslitme to butler. In
Wtib money yoa esn mere tho
thU connection lioore Cheer would
suggest lha: (hr'buyer sees to It that B romprersed yeast coke, one cup of gods; wlibom it you cannot UtafO a
suet la not suii>:!iurd (or flAnk fat. molasses, and on.- i.-aspoon of salt. msB.
The Utivr is Inflb-irly better, does thicken wtth abtji .'rrr until as siiff .So image —v— werohlpo-tbo g~*«;
nm harden as doe* the susL and It a« can be stirred al-.h a spoon. Let kr knows whri they are made off.
ne Inniu whlOT a----- otuAmm
fusi as 'cheap. The butcher will not rise over night and ta tbe mbrnlng
' whe* out of offtco ho eoMiiUa whoa
make the dtotlnrtioB. unless upoctolly mold iBio toave. and blsculu.
Oauaoal PaacOTea.—Oatmeal por- i„
requeoted to do to.
' - If the, (at of the mtat Is not eaten
br,«« ™. o,
la, Jort
at the table, and li no; oUUied other- W.I- ^
snc.a pecuniary loss reeuMs. If bat­ til.., ,14 aonit... «Tiip m
ter is the tat used In making ernsu and beet ibeni into a cupful of por­
wlib tonoell; w-Totebed
wlor meal pies, and in preparto the ridge wlTb a traxpooBhil
Is he who .
-•urT-.-i bu:i.-r.
cbeuper cul’. there to little econoniv
Irith Ol
Involved: the fats from olher meat
sour croam
•ran Water ta llio t
should then-fore be saved, as they
lopprn-d milk, and toiit. half a cup-Pr» bouaekerpers kao* the value
may be used In plsre of tamer la
such ea.v«s. a.> well as In preparin,: ful ot Clraham flour In which has bees of bras water in -.he boosrbold.- aayo
lu uses SCO
many other loods. The fat from mu- Slirrvd a taaspoontul of roda. Btir tbe rkk-ago Tribune
sage or from tbe soup kettle.^or Irom' and beat to twomlnatea.-thea bake maBiloId and lea toot but a trifia. Aff
an effectual and harmlta dirt iw-a pot roisl. wbirft n savory bebausone4'alf moirr fl cannot brsurpaaBed.
It has been cooked with vegetables.
It puiTicularly acceptable Sometimes
savory vesetablrs. onlou, or sswe*. one rounding Ubfesi.-bi.-ntul vugsr and bag m
berta u^- add^ ic 1st when It ii
Beat o:.<- egg thoroughly anil add lo ut<-s. squeeze the big out and remove
tried out. to Rivv 1> flavor:'
lUustrsUorm of m-ihods of p.-cpir- Ibe tiiUture after rnbmag in throe when th- wucr to rowdy to uao. la
roun.dln« labkspoons b’jner. Add washing woodwork, bo M herd wood
Ing huvh rooking fats follow :
T-yine Out Fai~A double bofler U enough milk lo make into a railii-r nr painted, it will be found tavetu
ibv leei u'ensil to os«- In trying out moist dough Koll on; iighOy half an able. The filrt to qulrkly remev-d
small noriiona of til. There li no Inch thick, t-ui IBIO round cake*, -'nd tbe original finish of the wood '0
danger of burning tha fat. and the brush ov.-r wiib broi- n --gg. and rook ivtaliMd. For ua’hlag piietad flth. riric it has :.-o cv.uxJ. to K wOJ uac
odo- Is much less niitireatle than If It In a grijdle.
Oatmcsl Crl*ps,-Or.e cup oatmeal.
“♦ most d.Hcato eotaro. If
la hriii'Hi to a dish and sK directly
nearlv <uic-h3lf teasp-icn'ul Wail mix ««►♦ would uic braa watar when wash­
over the firh
Clarifying Fat—Excepting where ed t.«ethcr dn* .over wi’b rold wa- tag ibe hair ,bc would find It not oaly
terand lent stand haltanho-ar. Drain rtronxe. ilu ~talp tborougU, but Biro
the purpOM- of clarlfytag fat It
move flavurs. a good method to fol­ off any water ren-.i:..:.g. >lvop by >“P*n‘ W the batr that beautiful
drolrod. Anothsr tmlow IH to POUT boUing water over the spojiiful’ oa a iin. sproadlng aa tUrfc
fat, to U-il iBorouxhly. and then set as possible, flak- ul-.iI brown and P»«un‘ amaldrootloB is that the wa«« does not Injure the handu, Uke ro
II away lo cool The cold tat may be cflsp. but TKU srorc.-i-d in the least
oatm.-al Cems-S-pcraie two eggs. ““J dTOBSlng pn-feratUms: ot Ue
removed In a OoHd cake, and any Im
pumlef rliiiging la it may be scraped beat :h- v.itaS-aad add onebalf ptat «»ntrary It has locg been kMwn ikax
ahd oae-hatf cups of ‘"'c •• •“ excellent sUs tahlcroro
off. as ibey will be found at the bot­ ot milk,
i-neBrial whva used ta the britls
tom of the layer By repealing tits while flour OM- ublropoonful mclied
salt, l-astl'. it wUl eory chronir oototipa
procee.v two or three times a cake bolter ocetvslf I leaspoooful
Ol chun. while Tat may be obiaioel roiindiug ••-a-poonful baklngisawder: '»♦. bf d.-nnklng aii’.wbero from Ihieo
''“to ®f hrar. water «t Igtw
A sllgbi burned tasie Or stmUar ob­
breakfast A few drops
jectionable flavors oftai esn be re­ plnl cooked .mmeo, the suffly beat
moved from fat by mroBS-or p.>tato,-<- «. wimrr of,ibe ^s: pour in-o h-: of :'-«>cn Juice make Jt mo.-w palataWe
some people rnr this purpooo U
Aficr tnelung the-fat. put into n iron geui r.“>s aifd^bake iw.nt. minh- wel; TO soak ihc bran over eight
thick slices of raw’ potKo; best grad
______________ le • covered receitacle and axma
ualiy When the fit rtares to bublle
Chinese Freverbs.
and the poutoev are brown, atra ,
Vo cbi»d thinks its own mother ue- .... L.. '
ibrougb a rloib l-!aced :i: a wi -SlraiDir
Peel ec-Tugh Insb potatoes to fW*
Savory Urlppiti!;-—Wh<-a rersd."Ihe need to ^ genvrojs ';usrt tfter they tore
Ing the drippings of hot tceai..-add a
twee rut in the form ot Aise. After
small obKic (do not rot in. ■ few
Greta tnithi c
ot pcueirata roe. >«bcv tn; ' b» ^eeda from two Boll
leaves of summec navory and thyme,
.Ncfc g-fcc per^ers wash then wcO
a teaspoonfu; of aal: aad a Iittk peoTbe hlgbeti
B togta Pom (he
loc rtan. Put tho
per Thto la enough to a pint el fat. ffroand.
peppers and dlrcd poutoeo Into a
A stupid SOP is ^er thaii a clev­ wespan and Mver'with
er daugbier
ter' After rooklu tor TffflitdOT roteFTOeaiteer at the play always gnuu- utes pour off tie ww*er wod OTriOT'o
’New Uees for Otimeal.
(be TCOTtables with flour, ault and
We are familiar with the uses ot hle tansl.
pepper -Turn into s haktaff^h. oo'vwhole wheal., graham and com meal,
n with cream or mUk. Aet with batbut among the poss’ibillltos wbkh rs^ ■umbllng Will.
A day of sorrow to longer than a ter and cook In a tot oveu autil elcta
main to mom of os uBiried are the
ly browned- Thae aerve ax emeo.
valioUB breads, cakee and muffins menthofjor
Medicine cures ibe man who to not
sbkb-can be irsd<- with so nourlshJug’
The Kttehoo tI>:«.
an article W food as oaiuieaL The fated to die.
A kitchen tuHo eo-tre-l with ziee
Ooe man makes' a road, and aaoth- lo a crest labor savor. It la essUF
following recipes are well worth try­
ing. and when once tatredeced win be
cKaued and to BM tajured by etotluff
thAb he knows, hut a wo- meat or vbgoubtes. tot b wfil liM
called for again by tbe tamlly.
knows totter.
Oiimeal Bread.—Pour oas duan of
a Ufetlma. and eoualdertog the tober
U Foriune smiles, who doewoT; if
boiling water over two cups of outmeal and oac ubleopoou of sberten- Fortune doewX who toM?

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