Grand Traverse Herald, September 20, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 20, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ttS9 A YEAK.

ntAVMH errv, sranb tiiavcmc countv, michioan, TutwAV, •cprcMieii n. itio.





Ca^in Meintoah Mel With a Thrill.
Enportonoo at Lake Am
No Flnitdor Soeurod.


Four Daughtere of Catomat taper
FermrtuB to Da So u Long OO
laetated fre^ Fattmr.


- Lanalag. Micb, t^pt. IS—Auoroey
General Kuhn on advlra of tbe hetlth
bolk yoMorday. Ooaduetor MaDiooh
drpanmeat Voday ordered tbe Ho«gbbring, powcrleow to tbe preaenc
coumy aaiboiitlea to allow toe
tbe bold loader and bl« half doxen
daqgblerw of the Cata^ taper.
foHovera. Tbe leader wa» old taan
to attend tkm pnbile
MalUrd of whom oteryoue ha* board
*<tn3*>U|aalta«'a> toe gtrta at<
i tbl* time wai'not alter ptoader.
laied-^om 'tWlr fatoer. They
bo only wanted the right ^ way to
enboiTi to an dxamliiailoo mooibi
the lake. w-bluk^Mclotoah waa gUd
THOf-ffgATt* A
glte and to a few mlnutea ibe tcaiu
allowed to' more on
and bid
Renaeviit Slated That OM
oglaloilwa Primarioa Woro a Cow- adieu to tbe awrvieera of the baicb- Impeaaitala to Determlna Hew Long
tho Body Had Boon Buried Bot
ploU Victory for tho Larlmor A«P. S. Xirtoioah bad to wait till
. it Woo Pooaibla That Yoaro
horonta, tvon Loo CNoill
lig Bork of mallard duck* waddled
May Have Etopood.
•oowno •oing ftatumiA.
o luder bl* irato.
(^cago. 8opi. IS.—laaurgonry aed
London. 8ep|. rs —Ur. Wilcox, guvNew York. SepL lE-4obn Tnasl*
TogBlarUy divided booors afcon
rtunent analyai. tesilBod today
Oraraa. Hearat a poliucn] glMA. «»^^^^OOWMANMN.
County Meoting Wat HaU ii
> loday'a aiale primary rotoroa.
r. C'lippon'a bearing that tbo pod
day visited Rnmeveh'i odSetn ad tba
<'08000% ally. Ceogroaomaa Bou1 tbe perwon auppoeed to be
toU ot tbo .Moth diatrlot. wu
wile, wbooe body ww foaad to a'cel­
laotod by tbo loaorgoota. Frodortch
lar. died from, waa hyoeeto, and poUTMO*. T. RATEA.
t IliwtiF Trwt*— City WmI
The detnocraUe county canvootkiB
OababorfOD by a tboaaasd.
onlng wax toe only rquoe.
L. BoU iwfuaed to <
Ik* UMAbBMN CMm f#r
In Wbooo Honor Thli Voofo tnd NoM.
a laaarfoetotarrM tbo Sllovoetb
lie examined tbe remaina aad found waa beM to toe ofSee ol tlpdarwood
Voort’ Compo woro Nooiod.
«l Nnt HMtlllf.
Friday, and tbe
hlrueub diatricu alao. Ira CopeVO aovenih* of a grain ol that polaRcotereR also estMmd
lowiag delegatea Ranted to tba demly bolDg BOBiaaifld over Goorgo Orya want tg ctoch tha Victory at tha 1 and Ihinka half a grain waa
. (RtteBi FrtA*yi »etert.r
Trtrrrt^ Oily li the pUot «t i
PMb Whlla Weu WaM to Ba
UeKlntio over RouboB nffaiiy. <Uuto Katamaaoo. Ociobor t:
«C Um QfUd
Sura Of Situation.
tie declared K waa impoamlbto
groasBiaa Soapp and L<owdoa ore tbo!
U aialgu. CunU D. -Atway. R.
m4 it wiub«
determine the time tbe bod) bad bt
proooot loroisboBia. Tho ocher aland
WTlbelm. C. A. Bagbee. R. J.
u -Cmip BstM.*
Honor. Mlcb., Sept. IS.—Proaecut- burled, but poaalbly It waa yoara. on
ooagroaamaa woiv roBomlnatcd
veti-aad radta^Ma aad be* tbetr pw
kHproMIte.^. BAtM. to vteMi tut
ac.ouDt of tbe iizlnre ot tbe aolL He ,ta. W. K. Ctotor, and John B. Bailey.
roduied labjorltiM
iBcludlng tog Attorney Paul baa ordered a
I or coaUnue to* pnity on Itagn
V. -Moody. B
adoiUted Ibal it waa Impoaalb
InaAr «u vlfw ia l»t«. Tko faUovSpeaker Caaaon by only 2.SM. Koaa. pMie brief of tbe trial before Judge
Bracken. T. Q. Ultace. -M. W. Vndec- wbieb buetnewa dipiadi Via awe Mt
tag «4icM« mn 4oct«4 lor ttw mLamb to wbirb be declared Beoxle
laBB. aad WUaon.
wood. Tbomaa Mamy. T. A.
Wlh smiled aad deedarad that BaigM ad•BiAc run
county weL Tbe caae waa forwarded
Ropolro HOVO loon llodo on tho RonThe leglalaGTo primartoa wore
Aoalyal SpiUburg teatlSed almll^ halm and J. a Martin.
to tbe Supmne court for decbiloa.
lAMria ond ^oncrow Citivort
eonploU victory tor tbo Uidc
I. D Mor>
fSere -aere aeven oetagatad pi
Tbit wap done at tbe regueet of r uid that th.
toon* tho Holo.
crowd, all the togiilatora allegod
ent wbfo tbe meeting won eottad
bavo partklpaiod In tbo Mrkpot bo- jih the weia and the dryo. Tbe drya ■car bot from a
order. U. U Bnalgn. od
Tbo wooboot on iko PobIbmIo i
Jwler vtoo <w>»dy>-r. O- Uattag roiBrned. inrludlog Loo Broarno. to tfarcouniy felt that tbae bad voted
•BOOM boo boon repolrod oo
In tbg dnmocraUc contoaia grAt ol- the county dry. and thalUbey are oufrlppep and l.fiiere conaldor tbo lownabip. being chosen cbairuai
ChogltiD-C. U llimMOB.
o« tbo troltSc it w lonior tor<«d to (orti woro made to defeat the leglalolo tbe beoeflt of tbolr vole. Tbe leailiuuny an additional lailure of the C. D, Atoray aecretory:
It was moved and adupied that tbe
•no tfMUoa «l onewA u4 othor to OBt Inio tbo boy to got orouatf It. tore olio voted for l.ori»or bot !l of:
do not waul 10 engage to the pnmeouihiii to estabUata toe body
lippanaai wiuon whlcfe won to tett tbe wooboot woo one o( tbo voot ov> the K ao^Llng roaoiBlDatlou bvlag^ aaloon bualueaa; and then have to
manent. D. L. Ensign being eteecn
eosN botoro «bi ounJiiri mooilii*. or oxporkiitod In the north. booM-; Tkaortow.
c. D Atway secretary, aad
«*ro Ationdcd to at • baolnou
tbol ii took t«D toojoB to got lota apoloU U. bitter over hla defeat and
PrgeecutorjPaBl thlaka ibal it will
A. V. FTiedrtcb treasurer.
ICC held Just pr«rl(nu to tbo ramp pUeo bivlag «ooa atrlod eleor
U tonaUerlag nmiiing fur coogrrao be 10 day* beforg the docUkin ol
The toUowlag membera ol tbe i
«(«. OViag to tko ooforeod atneoco at Into tho bay. It coold bol bovo oc- ladopondouUy. “True ^ubllraBlaffi; tbe BBpr^ court wlU be banded
rurrod at a voroo ^bc« alo(« tho U dead.- bo doclarod.
CtoMoadn^.MM (bl* aomiM.
aboie roaiL
ward and iown*bij>. tboee ant being
lAwrofico GartolL trbo guporin-.
SBed at tola time beiag left for the
tesdrd tho mod rofiolra and tho buihlemmiuee to ftU to:
Fim; ward—C. A. thigbae.
tDg of tbo now coooroto trtvort dro*.
tho oaall crook that crooooa tbo road
Recoud ward—W. K l*^or.
at tiui polcl. ■Ahoed tho Rorord
Third ward—Willbm Troutwlne.
ally Aa Wet Aa It Ever Haa
pMuK of tho waahoul iuit aflor tl
Fourth wwrd-M A. Vmlor.
Boon. Said Judgo.
tnt Bbutiueal «a* gotcon la. Tho
Fifto ward—O. G. Millar.
tnaboBi vaa is toot doop aad aboui
Iltalr—Fred B Siephewron.
Judge Fved 8. Lamb reiurniug from
W tool vido and traa rtoanod oui Diooovory of Ptarttrng WcaknMi*
Mast Bay-ir-Fraak Rekb.
OBOr toat evening, gave an interand
aaootUy. all at tbo road iMicrUl BtHaySeM-Fi-ani. Kocide.
view to the Qloko regardtog hia deto
b>g r>eo The bo* <^tan la attoagly
Paradtaer-C. V Moody.
edakm to tbe lotal ^k>o ca^e to Benbalk «lih 12 a»d is toot »lt«i
FUb LakeaV% Hodges.
WaoMogioa. SoiA. 16.—Tbo goaer- ale county which raoulted to'tcopeuBin caro tor all tbo vator
Lake—Jamce Salley.
ol army oiaS ooder <l«ooral Wood b tog Benzie to tbe mailing of liquor
ooaoaa that way,
Wbliewater—Uepry Sage.
Indianapolis. Ind, Sept. iD.-^fW
lanalOf to proarat at tbo oon
to that cDuniy.
Pentoauta-D. H. McMuUen.
baltoon Drifter, ptaot ttata -Hm----Pine Highways in That-Soetion Whore
root RO outline for tbo OBtIre roor.
Irreeularity o( the anpervUTbe cownibipt of Anne. OarflcM. ol Obkv. wins the fi«e for aU iwn. Ho
No Expanat io Spared to MMo
laliatwB of tbo country* defmuo.
iM conlormtog to the atotuie
Green.Lakm L’nion a^ Grant were- tabded at Unloaiown. V. Va. S^ay
ThM rooulia from atarlHog dlaoov- regard^'^ proper notlrve of toe etocbtank to be fllle^y the comtait. Tho l^taM t
orloa of weakaeuoa. partiraiarly tr.o
tc the aame u» if no elec­ lovering about ll.CI mile* to In
saiitag tor iDdiTidual b—ora. Pflpt
Varllc rooit'a opniueot to attack.
tion had taken
Btghleen lau 13 hour* BalurdSv. two aulosuFiekto taadod at WUtacR. Fta. na.
Wbod wanu more ofBrons more mcatha ngo that county waa 'wet.'

toe otoera who ta«Soa.gud a mere riflclont miltUa robeen Icsally made ‘dry.'- Uou. \V. tv. Ikan. >'rank Carve.-.
<d aa foUowm: Luaame. pOas CMtm.
alibough It wu anppoacd that it wax. .'Aarlew Honatovv-ky. J.’O. I'nKoei. U
tauded at Nobtatvllta. tad.; Tewata.
11 thereinre la 'wet' atlll. QualtBed < t'leteiand. A V ktledrlrti.
^neh of Pliato •towght Saab •
pGot Onto, at Woabingtoa. Fa.- Tbo
Bpptlcwnta for lignor Ikenaea can ac- Vi'lhetm and T C. SbliMNi. with h'rank
i Frank •mHV-FHaoo Takaa on
“W>. tbe democratic cewty eonand roBUDue to re­ Sadler aad Siwuldlng Friedrirb. at
tko Fruit DiaplayB '
«0A (Whoa Ha Ware Whlo- ^
tail liquor until a logai election do- tag aa ebauEeura. made a lour < veniioB. ayapatbise wltb tbo preteai Pa.. UalveraUy otj. Beery nod Mekon.}
dlran natktoal adrntoimrMM.
It aoonu 10 be aU Orood Tnvono Roportod That Mloa Ellaaboth Hol|nca temluca otoerwitc. if tbo aupervU- inapecttoi; of toe road# built to UonPOTL

aoct brartlly condemn toe 4
era toero act promptly, tboy ran. upon latev rouuiy under toe county road
la very <H With tha OWooaa
to tba Hat of
a reported the bdtiea* BL LmM.
gogiMs. grant and tmalL who are *nAfter Hto opoalbg oaorelBoa. Adjwt- od to tbia morBlog'a Oraad RtoMa
petition, vote to rcoubmi
imiULibe «v;e ayau-ni
Lot Vogaa. Maw Haaiee.
to lead tbe people netray, Mloi Honeywedl. tanOed at Ifmika^.
ami C. 8. Tader road tko Bthntos at BoraM. tbo following being amoni
neat aprlng carriea. then
ben Beozir-w^l
Tbe iwo porues left tbla city li
aceoiiat at bad
laot yoar-a aootlng. anar wbieb tka tboBokOtod:
Mra Mb HoIdio*. of the Ponlosc- be -d.-r
IRMtog. and leacbed Maolatoe about
deaocraay. which stands today weather. Tbe Hoooter. MUUm Obta.
ptaM of moating oaa ckooon. tko oioeVogaa. New Mex­
‘-Morally, of courae. Benzie Iz -dry’ loNiTloik. The) tbeu d«ve U
Boat bBabel ot apploa Ftaak Rfiltb la. baa goa* to
t!> it baa stood for ^1 lime, lor equal eatennlal. Herocr City. Pm. aad aU
am at edteora bold, aad othar matBoat buahol poara Fra^ Smltb. ico. raUod. thorv by tbo aertoBt ili- becaime a majority of tbe voiera ao nadta/tabore they dtued. and ieturn<-d rlgbu tor all. asdlapecvol prltileges ballooaa oot yet roportod or* tatogbt
taao thkok wp.
:lul legally
le0ll u Via ('opUntah aad Kro-tone.
Baat, largoot and moat carefuS] noaa or bor daughter. Mia* Eitaahotl.
10 be alotl. BnCwta
three enter­
the trip, jboit'. 40 mllea Of good
A ilieonloa kmk place U ncatdi ladled whibtt of MleUgan trait— Holman. Mia* Hotanoa baa boon oura- to -wcf. Tbe taw
I be adhered
sae wbo werii preeent at tbe ed Canada las: nigbL
built under ttw county road
to koldlag tbo mootlag oarltor to tbo Fraito Bmltb, third, Mra. H- &. OoM- iBf ta a botpiial it Laa Vogaa for
in nil coxea to make binding and
rvatem. were traveled, and cbe con- county cooveoivon wen W. H. Umldr,
ooaaoo. aa the alikta are too cold tor n. fourth.
time and rocontlyaafferod an ai- rnforcible tbe local Opitos taw."
'.rwst between iheae roada- aud
tko caalan ot tho old aoMlora. Thia
Boat oablblt «t IT ptoteo ot trait— tark at typhoid foror. Her condititxi Cndlllac Globe, '
Alwny. C. A
other roeda tvv.ered ww* indeed pwai. liam TroulwtoV.
w'blHl U no* ttalod to bo vr*^ Criii
gmttpr oaa loft ta tbo haada of tbo Frank Smlib ibhk.
The genUemea of toe pwn> w.-re very Bvjgbee and R. G. Paulin.
ancwtlvo cowalUoe.
Moot attractiro batkott of fraR— cal. having bocemo auch Ibal hr:
enihuwiasik- over ihVoe road*. Ur.
Mri. H. E. QoMoa. aoenad.
fc-Mayor QmaliH waa nsadi
Boat oxnlbli w vartottoa of
»ito waai he found. Mr. t arver atatka—vy wbar oC tbo aanoetattoa, —Frank 6mlih.
County Board Waa Delayed BOOBM* ed -.full toe road* built under tbe
tbo o)ectlOA-^Bg by aerlBBM
otiroctlvo dtaptay-FVaak
Certtin Tally Shoeta Won Not
rouotv rvvad av-alem, were in bis opin..^Tbla booer oaa beatowod npoa Mr. amlib. aoeemd.
. verv watiafxrtory. a> .did wtao News Received in tne City Thuradey
Faied DuL

' Ootofatoa boMoao ot tbt totoraot bo
Waa Entirely UwaapSetad—Wae
Slvo varlruoa owai
Sbttoeii aod ocberw
Suta Taa Levy ThIa Year It SATSSExpected Here to VtalL
Frank Smith, third
t U tbe purpoee of M^l«iee count)
Tbe <\>avaa*er» oi t'nJ») coiuple'COO. a Oocraaia ot Orar a M>U
Ptotoo. tee Tartottoa
build a line of good., roada under
»d tbeir ranvaaa Of the- rwcoht votv
lien Ooltara.
Tb-' v.a>i n-a'>*reacbed her* Tburvploo-Fraak Bmitb. loar trata and opo
county road -.vaiein freau Mania dty. tvlling ot tbe daeu ot Mra Ida
being deta.ved conalderobD- bveauae
S-ew Yolk. Rer>.,K.—Aartaa Hata*.
to Ci>p^»a, witboni a break,
IWtog. Oltch. Bopt. lA-Auditor the Ftrai. Second and Tbiid ward
Hanson Summer. Mra Summer bed toi mer a«< rrtary-trenattrrr'of tbe A&
Plato priira. eight varlotloa a
oaoral FBIIor today announced the eleiiioo boa-d-i did.imt Bll out tb'ir dlataner of between 23 and 28 tnlh
been ailing atoee last oprtag. but a ecKoiit Sngar Rednlng i iiimnai wad
appleo-Franh Smith, gvo drata. two amib UlX Ibvy lbiat|<ar aa St.lM.OOO, iMiy book#, maktag It necoMary for
tatter receivt-d here about tao weeks today teeiaaced to eight nmnlbr tabro tbaa amte good la that
">ooQda. .
a doeraaao of over a mlllioa. Tble la ib<- taily aheetf to be gone over road la completed. About 4v mlloa ago said tbe would be here toe tat- priMomeat oa SlaAwetl'a talaad aad
Mr. OoranalBO waa anch.l«'
Plat* priioa. too vartoti^ winter
again. Tbe Baal reouica follow. Juac have already b--en built to tbo: count)
pof ihouaaod.
pan of September and tba death tned 8>e toonaand doUarw. open cooI by tho hoeor and tkaakod 0|<Pbto-FraBk Bmitb. two dr<i. aovbrwnrblng out from the city of Man
« beieg given wbere tbe.-e w
was a greet shock to her relatives and linloa ta tbe sugar cranda Mge
wnaMcp warmly for thplr
■ oteoBda. throe tbirda.
cooiexl: Burrows. ST»; Townarad. 1,- tee, and at pre*ent tbej arr upon frlMda Mri. Summer waa'a beauu- Marrin gmaied a stay peeing an applecw'of road rvne.-itg bnt one
10»: Kelley. M3; Muaaelman. S73:
snan and wax loved by all Five l-exl.
Wanlod to CoiM kaek..
Frank Bmltk. Trarorao City, auOvbom. 3*S: Utckectaeo. SSI: Rice. quarter-of a mile, wbieb wlU meab broibert are tall to smurn for ber.
it waa a manor of no amall gmil- nma applet, winter applet, oour charexpenditiire of about
ei7: Rows. $Pi; Ovlatt. 2S1{ Walter,
Harvy Cobb. OBlvoiwwy P
TCe.v are Fred. Ftaak. Waltace aad
icocta to the loeal mombon of tka
cull.toc; »««■, 1.SM:
Twlor. Ml
aad Chea­
elr_ wbieb are ne'ew aawry to Geurge of Sraitle.
bonwatk*. and tbo dtitoaa at Tr*
Eroadtooi. 41S: Pierce. S31: tV-blce.
pot to. But Manistee people a.-e hot ter Hariaon ol Grand Rapids and a That la Aiaeora at Tax Levy Ae
onw Chy. obo woro proaom u toM
733. t'or coroner Dr. Mtoor a waa tbe
nauneed Saturday.
wbo live*
allowing expenae to nand to the way ebbew. FVed Hanson.
camp Era, t« aoto tho doalio
only naato oo tbe ttofcec Ur ttoMa-^
•ntag. Mlcb. sapt. it. Indlgi
of good roada. to* aoperrlaora thU >Q-b of Traverao Oiy.
tho aaoedattoa to iwtatw to Ttbtworthy was named with him. Dr G. A.
•al FnUar Bttaiday aaatooM
Tbe. fwaerwl aerrlcea were held
yoa.- agvpropriattog (be name aamiot
aroi City aa« year. V-bMi tho toiU
HoUiday ruantog a cloao
aeeood, of mone.v tor this work that was ap­ Tbu-nday at Frank Sumiae.-'i rewM- tbe ntato tax tavy. which amoaota t
tor -Wkt bNaghi boforo tho howto to
Lmrnrr Dl Wolefa retwrMd tbli i
tb9e toieo bohind.
Tbe ipfnnlrwmdnf. b
eocn 7242 Hough ave&ae. Clewetoad
propriated laat year.
toto apim. Cotomoador Dm gave aa nttowTJtoa iWttogn. olmo bo —
aud tbe remains were laid brakta b-T
•WOttBPlty for other uwaa to at- caBod OB abedwt ot tbo Utoooa of bia eattog Bob cooked to corameal aed
Mtao Mayberry ba* rrturaod from
ad. wbo died aftoui la years
U*d aa toftiaUDk for tho aaoocUnoo wife. Mra. Wolrb io onmowhac bettoi
Lakelaad toot
to fa to them aott year, bat the m>- CW. JobaeoB. who accompanied him. Tbe toBT S»h(4 at
Bight aad fooad tbe torn toaal to a mg tbe aummer aontba.
M tho *0001100 WM browght ,00. raSmwBd aMa
Mrs. Mary brrtogtoe of Kalkaaka.
tktoo wofo atSto at Tiarorao CKy.“
rttureed to bor borne tola moratag.
troto all PM ot tho aadlowco. tu
MMa Lavtola Lowvlo baa maraod , Slea. N. Thomaa ratBroedfto h^
Worren Batabory teft
tor DeJl^vmg apwt 1
weeks ta t^
V : COtoDaQai 00 Pago Flv*.>
to tmvwl ecKaBo I* twowmo bar oiwd- begM to Hoaar ihto aaoratog.'^
rolt. where be wflj aiiemd the'fair.
icily wRh rataitaea.






* *%







---- r.ranw*'











tanm UnH



nmanE B smt

E«U tf M Err^ U CritieMlaa tk
IMWM tert H* Ert*d ^
ilNe^ Wlw CrnitliX ONnt '

n* IMM McMpa pnw <
«m fcotJ — pMMiroMMc i»
■ntOtf. Ttaniidv. VrMv
6M«r4«r cf Uto VMk. Oae ot ta> i»
RTmt «ltMn «R MWMI MM
MnrMtttoWiii— MtaUcw Dmlttrnm DMM. E«* wort «f tbto Mk.




Mr. aad airs.
OraacM. «r-ei Witt
atnsL at S e'Maek FiUag adar.
aeoB. Tbe eer—»ay was perter
jBStto A. B. Cartto. to tbe prw
a tow gaaeo. Tbe toeato w
prettily deeorated to eatsaa L-------Hr. aad Hta. Ktotb left at 4 o'elocb
tor mekfard,wbet
rber* tttf 1
tteir retire---------batoe.- tbe raoai beliis
s elerh to a Rockford dni«
loneeriy with

Tnvasc Cttf State Bitt

Klac. to OHvaL Mktt, mUtoWC, tt
Sian. Is cntKhlly tO tt tte btegRal
. Ky- Sept.
as ^ reman to aa ope.-atlun fto kidteCUtyoc'Stt^lonued Bca^lgt^^to-tdw.^ has tr^ D*y trouble.
_____ to IJte wraa to toad tt
Mprcar eoaaw aad tteir pwaeaaltr- CTATB
cuft Coon tor Grand Ttw
Tte esute is vatoad at tMP.<' ’ to ty. la caaacuey.
sddttioa to a rash BUiililWtliin of Agees Sever, “
KAoe. Cel. Bteoa bttda UameK to
support tbe todtridual Mcmbert to
tbe eoctoL* duitog tte remsoader to
A GCMnl«ttkt« BolMM taM
ttedr Itvea. There pro oaly 14 to the
Ibis cans* that tta above
fhlkwi toft aad tbtor ages roage
Charles Sewir.
from :o yea.u upward.
reside ta this State *te( to a ihaldtet
01 the State to New Tort. Oa ttHIte
Not Theveht TMt «he Will i
to L. H. Gage, aotlclter tor tte etooIMleoa brseora » braeght TW .
teattaat bereia. ft u ordered that tte
TM Aetaaa Whe bactto Ceib.
aaM defeWdMt cteao hla appeaiBtoW
irei Anwiesn Oraad Opera.
to te entered is <kb eaaer tt pecaao
or hr aelMior wiibia tear
Sew York. Sept IT.-li to reioxted
frosa tte date bmo( aad
>at tte Cbaotor fasily aiU oCer
^ BUI to • voaviattt
Us CseaUert a BOB Of llOAda aad
y he tahea a* coateaa
_ guataotaa asauity of tS.aOC to drop
her Iroartod acrMtoeat ibai ber hasICE W CEFTIE
hard. Bob ChaBb^ atgoad before Oeeenwsant OMciai Cue
Coun CoamlasloBi
her prarticaUy hto
a Travreaa Ooan-.y.
lAwy.n, ihlito that It wll! be !»
pnortUa 10 orcKSTD tbe agrrameol la
Detroit. 3ept. 17.—
ooart aad K to aat ihuhght Caraltori «% to Peiv Msroin
-Tie acropt ttsieaa throuMi Cbaator'a iowdered la iMke Michigan,
todueailal rMacIvea. The Astora. wha brave—loo brave They undereatli
partly rootrol grand opera bare, to ed tbe aerioiuBeaa to their alluatkm.
n cavetlrrt that her AMertroa and did aol heilera the beet auuM
doan ro soaa. They trade every
drop her rlalms.
ViretauUuB U> ouft the sioktiig carA
k. r
~ le Chanlert t
ferry. but mailed too kaig belure do­
M bto ft la kaosj
ing to.“
applyteg Iw a .
O^Ua^r boTv. 4 inchra. ttroka,
TbU U the WlamlkMi to CaTUnla
Bob's pereonal property oa grvNiBdi
o( unsound mind when he algR<-d the C- H. We*cou. uupervUln- l«.pe<Hor
to ntesbil.oets. «ho has returord io
Wutglt, ^Ib. SunadMily, nu ■tMfiiY,
bln once la llcirvH from Qrand Haid«couosiMl.iuhhbl4.0ai»U« aad cgteRlcih
>. Ludlagtoa and ibUego. U>lk,«:
bhtteV, «m} Rhd
an iuTaallgmiwn tttu the alakmj
a»iteimvir«4 ready ta rap you «r. Pere Marquette .So Ik. In teke
arator. wood aav or poMip or do ny oAhir
Michigan, aiih a Ions to *t Uvea.
duly Vitkin the cvpacity of SI b p.«ganka
Ne Raacen ter' Sinking.
“iATudl that carferry left ft« dork
2i»i fL Pnoa. tn. MaBDUctandby
>e day to the dldaster n aptarrotly
%% Ms J AOnPN. Traverva i *j.tUcE.
as tt the best of toadllicHi. Tbe day
lielwe Ike local aiaaabonc litapreturs
Orand Haven ted gone over It
from top to bottom and had lotind ,
thing m'roag. It wu declared that'
) Inspector* made that ttapenioB
tmo btairs. This Is aot tbe case, for
I invesUgated this point very thor­
■Tte Inspecion went aboard ahmt
inner tlaiv and did not mind up no
I aboat » o'clock. Had there been
anything wrong at that thaw that lula yoor flour porchR*et, yoo.
np^kHi ai«uld have ahowed It

SIMM w unr SDi


■pnHna ki
MUb UA aOAM ewrir Hi
hiB. H» eoRovMd Ttft Mi


m wauhTtm long



refatttkB of tJM crliMni «r hu mw
—**"■>«"** •pMebc*.
tia« prtMlpJ« M poBBd to
MlclDK *b«tb«r U> OM

U «. Wood, feoerapber of ihi
Weaiera aUetacu aoraiel ecbool at
Kstotoesoo. was to tbe ritp' today.
forin ibe ^‘tbe iwopto berlM awde a trip thttMigh the9 tilen
fioruuur »ui de<Md« in Caror o( tbe Harw dtoUict.
Mr. m'ooo. to apoeklDg of the
triet whk-h
' ' he rtolted.
t. d*i-4
H«aer aillMtlDO. Ve aaM, to very
ppBwtoigaiiit although the atol la
ratter light. U la " ‘ ------- “ ' fruit Then there to i

ctoD tor rtUtoc coftttD

Mlntote* to-Slam I
a far Ridate Ttei»H.

a<!r*H?iS5 SS'i3S5S SE:



__ .loot
aMMoM lor tba ttaprwM
wort Mr.
iartor« that be mw the
I tM Pr«u4i*-MA DrM Sabtt -DBaaloii. mmt
torgeat shwle nop of apptoa (bat t»a
---------------------------hsB asao u the state this talL on
“If I hoTw artwd. 1 err la
the farm e( Mark Randan, ^oe
vlUk UoroJii.’
(Mr. Wood has ttavelad
'to eovltomted Taft, aariac Uiat
Borrei tb* eoontiT boDormbly lo all over the i itste, aad be deelarotf^
that ha bad i «VQ Mihlng Uks ttif
tar. One limb of Wagaei« eoMstoed T8 applMiDmM 0* tfroB 4oa «ro4it.
Not oaftr dM the fnilt proapaeta
BooMToft oteteE Taft'a Wit ai
WiMig M Ri MW
Tilood. but
^e «
oiMDtitoE the right of eit imprwaa Mr.
bMta u> crltidM Ilia coanr «acto- rhamed hr tte beauttoe of naii
wttb wbirh the aiea Lake raoniry
ae rtobir eadowed. Ljlag Uke a gem
* Md reltcrttad hu a s clrctol of (raJt baartog hUto. ateo
“Crooks la IMto laka. he deUiwd, li one of the
^ i inland lake#, i
WMd howM sad beaoUful
a rich, dark blBlah*greea.

«bo to
(^ttlv'that adda greatly
I Uat wiH IM
adrantaaea oSaied i
Chsrgaa are Similar te Theaa RreitgM
thto loeiattr. to the at
Againat the Standard Oil Com­
vard," which winds it
pany .and Alao the TUbaeeo
d good Wiu of tbs toakiDg It
o drive atocud
mi mmm»
tho wwfc o( tb*
_ rom
IBM— IWM W Mv« tatad. As R
WaahlBgibn. Sept- IT.-U
point ■

dep^- the Woman's dub and tte program
toaraed uxtoy that the
mlth Mrs itas Johnaoo as lesder.
proved very Intereetlng. The flomer*
m'C!C vrl!:ii> ci:d mbit*. Ibe club
atUed on a Pann Whan the Rlnator
«Uo.-B. A Sag (d MtchlcsQ. also oae
Federal Attorney Wise as soon
Dtotrlet Wm Still Netting RM
Wtekerabam. who la tt !<tw York, •*PM-.i-n'lng ihf seal, mere among tbe
. a.WIWarhaaa.
Hra. H. E. Oeldan Wall EatlaSed orders.
The chargea agalast tbe augar trust
In tte buslnesa meetiag aeverkl
Witt Her Reurarda at the Waat
John Bbsitor. “w
tbe Md pi
VMM «Mb abooM be glfas tbe noM Baers
are almilsr to tte Standard Oil aad saggraUoBS and aom* plaas wenof tte rectoe. died at bis boata
Mlehipan Mato Pair.
taade (or (oiure work t'adar yepons
lobaaeo charges.
to QartaM at l o'clock PrMay algbt
h was hMersioed that the govera
at tte ace ed a jaam. He taaraa s
report, to tte Civic, iDprovemeSi
widow aad eu cbUdrea. m (oDewi:
meat cooMBt iasiliute further
mlitre. ahowlng tbst tbe rommllHra. Harr Oreoa. ef OardoM, Hra.
^ baa been aseadttg tbe
That tbe frtfb rohiaed la aortbera Edward
baa been busy during tt* spring
Wcdli and Hra. Laaa Huai- Wait Vlehlgan Bute tatt which ahe
MirtMto MNMDW M M «MiE tagtMt. bott M Ttarera* City; Hra. repcrta aa being the beat thgt abe
4 tato tbe ~*na RoMsctog, Htoe Reaa BMaler has ever attended. Every depanmen:
Report ef Civic lyvw
daeob BliMiar. all of Oai' ' was ftlled wftt tbe Satto specimens
totWMMRer pam At tbe eonatir
____graadcblldrea sarrlre, aad
ever exbUdted at a (fclr of (bis kind
I MNMr AMMtoated at tM West great graadittUE
......... - . P»rt.
" ttftoley ea»r ftoB Qertaaar SS
ea bulbs to art out here as a memor
ago, brti«lng wttfc bla bit wMg
iai to Mra. Haiey bj ber daughter.
wbo aiiU aarrtrea. He toeated da a
Father Olves Child $3,000 a Year Mr s. Iren* Poneroy Bblelds
tsrpi to wbat la MW kaowa aa' the
son plsceil s' nowcHnp
Until 15. 110.000 Annually Until
i (or having oa eabibitloa the
Btmler dtslrlct bat was tboa aoth- largest eueumber
shrub at einrsn,-* of huHding as_ s
21; OeU EaUta at «a
lo the fair.
tW hat a wnderawto. He ooat
amrooiial to Mr*. J F. Glle*i>er
Mrs, Otoden won a second pvlte for
ID lire ea tti^ilace ap tt tte tli
Club memWr* and meuien outshl<New York, Sept- 17.—Through tt*
bto deaUi. aaVwoa maar trleada not a hattat of fancy fruits and took alau mill-of
us pUnt*. bulb., rootbis tatter. 3. A. Hlncktoy.
■*. MMbaRi aad aetoaUde atadg aad calj to ttet comiBQBltr. hat was -Well aavaral ptamiums tt wie an ban fr>r
tnd mobev. We »*<-nreii1 tko dftien
-EM lacte aad tbe like. She egpraeaed John Arthur Hlnrkley. 4 y«ura cdd.
appEMitwi Wbat was abewa to be kaows to Tiayeree «ty. He m
*«* BOHie are liT-M in lo be visoU
cornea a mimoaalr*. The child is l
aamber of tte Hettodtot ttareh.
other parks
laasbettg vciy welt •
The taaeral waa held Mooday
Mud* imu iboroiigh Jn.pertiuns 0(
MW»_to' MiiMiii aad otter i
afienMoa at i o'clock tnoto the Blrto- with the premiums which she obtain mainder going to bis mother. Tbe ilb-ys K*iiori>-d eleven iii-arly mblka j-ear im
ed this yeir because as she said she child Is lo receive
tor ebartt. tba Her. Mr. Ptowa.
and to* short space* to b*
•Che* ibe age ot is. Froiu the sllcys
AM not tafco a very large ototectioa
iMMoaatoaOaM aM tbe «aod tbai lor to that ehurcb, onctotlag. '
'railed and they were cJeancR too
IS to 21 tt* exccutora are'to
«Uk bar.
Had aeveiwJ write ups Id dalllea
a year lor hU auppuit.
ateut town and thHr
n ide age of 21 to 2S be It to help a- s
SO.eoO s year UTicn bc ! N. M T
Tran.porlJtktt tompauy had
-* are to iiBy
cm»b and b«
Oldeet Daughter ef Hr. and Hiw. H.
■ DeagteNy paaaad Away at Her
.ground., J. C. Mur^n
and t^e Ul*
, Jtiema In Elk Rapida.
be beceme* 40 be I
» J. Morgan a.iviaied
visied us in our work
The Ksllroad
Isllroi company u-t* wIlliB.;
•isaale.' the oldrat dasghter to Hr
and Mrm. K. A. Dougherty, to Bl
Mr. TaUe. pamr to tba F
ooe aeetliig stu. h--U with board |.
RapUs. passed away at their lu>m<
ebareb. The bride and
’ bcahh
Saturday sonlag. Besidea ber parOne ordinance Is before rouarll now
s who have reaMed I
Richard Lealer Sledcrr VWas Only B
tae kbTttg apeat hto ea'tire fife bars.
Is tu be u)sde general mbere It

Weeks Old.
By Mr. OBB "
rotwriag -tte osibawn
only InHuded snisll territory.
brtoher and...... .................................
Richard -I^aier. tte intent
Mrv AbdWsM dnnre baek
Keportrd «>-*d. 10 Mr. Ijitnun sev
Ibartolta. Hame and
rcachtog tte eltr at le o'l
criil tlAea
nigbt Tber have ttotea op ttair reeiOur may ha* vtudled th<- garbage
Tbe funeral avrvioes mi^ra held F.lday afu-rnoon at 5:20 o'clock.
ft at SW West EieMBth aWwL tba from
Ibe bouse Monday afternoon a*. It ass only 12 weeks ago that Rich­ guroilon at
> of tbe bride pre<
have a syslcsa here bmi year
2:S« and tbe inicnanent took i>Uc* ard arrlred to make Ibe lUtle home
laa mnrkcd bard to destroy the
to (he Elk RMlds
glad but (or only a abort time
tt the city.
Ibli happiness lo Us; and yesterday
> have lound tbe toly toficlaM
willing to assist ul
fatal v:
e meeilng mas held with Public
tlm.of ttv dread cholera inlannim
svement cooiuluee to board of
The funeral services mere held
That 1s Crarvd Treworaa Share to tte Friday afteraaoB at 2 cclock from
iM Tan Levy Which Haa Taul
e« >4.riMOO«7.
Flrat-Ur. Urlato
Second—Mra I'mlor.
Bar Vtow readtog clrda. wbltt
Third—Mrm. Vader.
____i tbe bODC to Hra. Bdpir Kefth
FbartSi-Mra Perkett.
Fifth—Mr*. Oaantlett.
, tta’ftole^ anteml^^ e^^ levy wbltt iotala M.ttt.OW.07.
The program wu opened by n
Qr^ Travarsu^couaty tbe levy is
beaatiful aolo. sung hr Un J. Furtseb
’^wManL-Mra. Sdor Keith.
eti'Jlled “Calm as tbe .N'lgbt.' h)
mnilu Rhodes of Green Lake
BavetoTT aad treasaror-Mlu May
ehtt. ac4r the village of Inu-rlochen Bobm
AtttVW.Mar Aaau tt* dwtas at MottaredL
Tha papers were all inierestlag
' a a mnakmcloa patch that certalaThe topics tor tte year to etadr
"Our Boy Gov-eraor. Biepben Tboop
MiMR la «:EIAt to XUaa. A «mm win
.. haa teen a mree to profit te ''
be apoa cauaa, ladla aadtteOr«ea Maaee. tte First r.overner to
•At ftaaad tbe dMoaat of the two leou The Em laeoilte wOl he.beU at
as weH as etUoyamot to ib* vai
was gtvea by Mra. J. W
Clettaa 10 Years .
aarMiiildto bat the aw '
tte bwae to Mto.Xtott oa Octohtr i.
GauiKlrtl. Ste rloaed her paper by
Lake City. Iowa* Sept. 17.— Tea duct. Mr. Rhedas mtlttea l-» to
g there has been a hiUng moau
for ibla preAaet aad has gi----yeara ago Mrs. Bmaa Ooodrich. who
ereciad (0 his »D«nory oa tte
owtu a mten (arm oa Oooa rtver. ___ 2ao0 tpeloas therefrom, sad
a the oM caplUl tt IMrolt Mrs
tt* demand for fala prodoci
THtel Warfare to AalPtto Torbay west to here, gave s rough looking malaiatts
fiapf told to tt* timber and toll iaDeab Take Oar Ward
nanp a hearty meal aad all of tte haa been greater than hit sapA' duvirle*. MMtlgas's lumber has beeti
good aMWag which bekttgad tt bar ter otbera to follow tt tunaw year*.
Vllaa. BagL IT^' to rei
<mrrt*d lb tte utlecmoai pans ot tte
ttet xm Ante wm fcOtod or «
dead haahaad. Mrs. Goodrich forgot
ed to the tribal wmrtere at BaMera. tte latodeat until a few da>s
Mra CLaa. JobasonM paper on The
A Peealiai Wrwteh
AatoHc Torkfr. DtoaUa are to " ' when a maa drove up tt aa autoato- Ot ,the foot
Part MWbIgaa Took ta (be Rerolu
or aakle may prod
hOe and bought (be tiVarro tract of very serkra* apeala. A spral
' 9tu'' showed that Michigan dM 'Ser
rumdowa toad for enough to keep tte
ift -well. This laa fPogram mas
----------- ■ - - beaak. 1
tMk IH- oNP ^ yabra. aad tteir
gray hatred womaa tte rest to ber ....... ............. ............... hfulsaa
imed be tte Huh slaglac “Mirtilgaa.
V UV*Slnn~
Ufa. The man exptateed be wm EM acMlda RenB*-a PaloKOUBg on la ite
gar RMor to fleauto. aad that be was heat thlM to BM IMk’vaa tt* patt
the tramp tbe woman had ted as '
lUttg. to a P*P FOR EALC—Horse, bacp- and ha*
haato lapldly.
(teas Bay mare, ata -yPara tod
PCM tec. AaECMAttaa
sae aad the eae detoi* to hU life.
aooiKl. klad and a good raa#(r. In
DM. wad te repay tte hlattwai of
____ WHt * Beaa. C A. Bagl
I maa Btthard toft today for
uolrw Wm. DtoCay. ears to <Ttv


t wm


Uniform Quality


I crescent-


have, no doubt, noticed !•
some braodi. 4)UEttty «itb*
out uaiforatiy —in oiben
unioraUy wiUlcm iIk right

Cri^dot Floor It of pir>
ticulhr worth to you be*
co»e it bM UNiFORUIITY OF QUAirlTE. v

Nod^crMid nxc^enc*
^ —
------—^ hm DMarnd into
int iin ccD'v
strvccion that could not be ninatnnd; no »«w
oda adopted uoiil they were eRmh to bn of onhiooMi
certaio to e fleet each tack tbe RMhC.



jtlSS D0«6^ DEAD

■•■safSi s




a* sasa

U.ko.|»rl*tb.»,l u.tS«irirW Dsiftr .rk.
rcLoM it

Ctttowol is cfrtaia to l>asood.
J. 3. Brectta; Ptokop Kysetka; C WUhenaa On.; U R. Btlato
pey a B<m; Jacob rwrtseb; Besmlsb a Nlchtoaon: J.J.Ottr. r. Step­
an; V. E Rolanfl; Mra R. Henacfson; Sehaatoralt a Halaoa; A. JOarey; C. R Johnsob. GClcbrlit 4 Httaa; Ktth 4 ■BMliMBm:
roota 4 Raaiaaa: hiasMlmas oracw Oa. Hanteh 4 Lw Man. On

Vplgt MUllsa GOh GrawIBi^MppMIA

.db‘-.v:“, pwket-kalvea. and ratora; tte qaallty to.ttaae goods to
l-ericr than any (hat m* hav-- hlihetto lieea aUe to efiw at nch
r.-s.on*bi* pricer. This kx Is .un- (o command aUcwUao. ttetvforw
introdlag bayen lhaald u« deUj perttaatng knit**, shears and
rsturt that are marked “Griffon.-'They are all ^warant««4. and wa
shsll exchaage or give yo'ur money btrt for pnyGrilftiB Kuar after
sa nsoatte triaL
Tbe price Of porkei-knlra* ranges all the way from 25c to $!.*•.
according l« qpaUt). They are to 4>«waM. stag, and teMlIto] pearl
bandies, and of -be vi;y laieu shapaa. Tte Mads* are made to
the best ctawtr. ally tempered stccL This temper U tessBy dlatribsted making tb* lasMe to ih* blade to the same banttea* as the
oot sMo ThU Is Ikr sec.-«t that Mkea these goods more vahmble
than the attere.
t yoa buy I
You wul i : regret your p
t tte torner to F'ltial acM Caw RtieeL

> to these


tbaTebse OTY. I




oooo ntciOHT aueiH^
The etScera elected tor mart year
re sa foDows:
Praatdehi—1. N. Cos.
I et BMnglca.
Becretary—iriwft Oox.
D returned
Treasurer—Hrs. Bomet Cbi;
Tto peM annual meeting wlU be Bight rrem a trip o the Beavers and
with ber
held at the boaw of IN.Cos at AabUiaa aix bnndred aad Sfly (hoasaad
Ivy. fad.
ablagtea. and a few paaseagere. It U
Wllaay Baunltm.
eipeeted tbat tbe load will be taken
Tbe third anBBal reuaion edtbedo
off by Moa. Tonight ane will go
eendaDts of l«ac aad.Jane WlUcy
Tkc lalssi crcaUs. si sw ows lacMry at Deirsll
Nortbport. to Uke on a small load
hAdslJbe home of Mr.aad Mrs.
of iruK. and from there wUl go
The llmliail
John Wilsey. Summit Ctty. Mlob.. Bep
to portray
High Island, where atoui
teatber S. itiOaDd oa iblioccaalou 70
It b bent UPOB all
Ibouaand ahln^ avah
u (be coknilpl order aad lands Uaelf
to rhaniitrier It W very B
relatlv«»nd. aodnelgtbora from
The l!clretor« mill oa Rich Mlaad
lly to tbe modem x
tar and oear were preaeni to enjoy
Rlyle Twenty wc furtilah la Mi
be<-n abut doan. but will be
IlH- day .
r blgbly polbbcd,
rbotoest veoeers: dell ftulsh. •
iiliTg again la about three weeks. This
Al tbe nooo hour a eumptuoas din­ was done la order to get the kms
price Is Atob.
er waa wrrrtl, of wblch all ]>artook from tbe woods, aa the mIH
With a rellah.
tog them faster thaa.Ibey mid be
After dinner (be reiijlon was railed Ironght in- It is espected tbat la Uu
e Hivfi
The tone of this nano, aid all tc r own make rhaacit. b of most aut» rt> ri<u<i.I'
I order by tbepresIdcnt.-fulloWed by (hiee werdu nioucb togs can be laid
I slag
true and clear as a beOl. The baas b sonorons. deep and nefc. ihl aiiddlr reguic.- >
If you had positive proof that a'certain remt^ for
prayer; alter which a Sire pro^tram
to keep the mW running ateady.
<ag unaUty. round aad fall; il v- ireidi enic-llLe muslval to the higbcM nou.
ill* had made many remaAablc cures, would you
maalallng of vocal and lastrotneaul
music, recltaltofis and remarits by aevmemhCra waa llateaed to with oaarertad Into a warehemae. and la
great pleeabre.
lug ftlled with batter ^Mea treua tha
^ooo^diKiiig every fair-minded woman that Lydia E- Pmlc0RINNEI4. niu». Tl.A'. .
ta tbe manufarture
Aaieeg thenr from a 'distance were Oral Wood Dlah factory.
by workmtti cf (be highest skill. Kvert pr.>-,-sa of mcautarture It r
material*, faab toned aa. fitted
hamV vSttable Compound has cured thousands and thouthe highest grtde »
(istly sclhm.
Ur. and >Ira. Rdward Wllwy and Urn.
rollv suiM-rvu-ed by men of wide <ipeneiK«. Wc
sands oilmen of the Uls peculiar to their sex, then we
Ubble tTUe ot Hodsoo. lad.; • Mm. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦iwcovWW*#**
W-for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
. «
Ella Sbuwalter. Angola, lad : Mr. aad ♦ YOU lilUET BE NICE
l^whUe lead the following letters which we guarantee
Mr«. Bhemaa strauaer and three ehll- '•
e would be prood b
to be geauine and truthful
lea. Mr. aadMm.WB. AwteU and.
ii airangcd and oUtar Plaaoe
Tbe season for killing black bear
three rhlldren. and Mrs. Mary J. Hby
ward of HMmr. lad.; Mm. LucUa does not open imtlt.Nov.J. and riose*
Barch and two children. Bay Shoi\. on April 1. Tberclore If you bappeu
Mich., and Mrs. Came Blood. Key­ to meet a black bear on the arreet or
In your Uck yard or out in the woods
stone. Mich.
The following ofScers were elected when you i r Uklag a
the good ot your
for tbe next year:
tiuprovcRiout of your lui% <fa|aeity.
youi du
any time l-etore Nuv. 1. Ii b your
Secretory—rata Benjamin.
Program reamiliu#—Ollle Plugiuv t) to be polite to sdid black bear.
aid. Eva Anslstt. Dora Antieti, A'ernie glre him full width of the toad, and
iDform him that the laws of the atatc
and Lola Blrauan-.
of Mdlcblgan protect him
from all
the third horae that hu died lor
hann. evea aa It- protecls ibe UtUcsl
ward WAtoey and Elmer Shipke.
Tbe next reunion'will hr held at the of ibe^rook trouia aad tbe partridge him this summer.
There is absolutely no doubt about tte hone o( Walter Oiiee. Hndaon. Ind. and tbe deer. In other words, ibe Miaa Ma>tne Lardle and Ellxaldka
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
lYsnfc Bryant was preacM and took black bear U protected by art- of leg­ Eoulek are aUmdlng the fair at Grand
u>h U'ller lhau Uiry ron keep
Tbe duMilun of boldlag tbe Groud islature.
the roots and herbs of our fields, to cure a iihoiograpb of the group.
Rut liow about some lanorenl byHarry Zang .and P.pbert Anderwon tkSdiirs and Sallorw* cu-‘ mil and conilorubte in hot weather,
We possess vdumes of proof of this fact.
iiM-iii ciiilici nexi Voar. does m-i
gruundi wen- In flue roodltloa;
alsuder? Suppose a bUtk boar walks -c JUtvodlng ;tbc- fan at Grand lup- *
wlili ;bc approrsl of some of the
C..II fulk.wlng tbe raif-whtrh ^
cflouf^ to convince the most skeptical
your back yaid some aftcniooii
ladles of ihe W. R;
*i» a.v «m
dust.-the ...
- ,
and proceeds to attempt to make
vlnn-d that the ramp life in hi-', *lan. there was pi'eaty of
& Ptaktei^ Tec^Ue
. .... - - - — - —-,4^ ,«|BS4y tor
weetber will tie aimosi unorsrable/ Imdding. and altogether
Retiring Paster of
Preebytaeian meal off yow dog. or youraelt fur that
ether <amp life
t does
owlBs to the Oi' Pt
amtar tbe
Chureh Will New Oe to New
msilerT Is the black bear going to be
Even •Uh'the l
r as low
WsoaabloT Will he uuderslaud that
tlBiC, witb
> It has been for >
■ tottscredHi
the law is Mipiioaed to piotcrt cltl EclOCR'Ie of Infantile
, cool.’ the ratnpmeat after toe soMien I
The Profbyterlan church swi jiackwell as black bears? And
Sprsadt Throusbeot Rhode Island
a. there waa ideaty of eiraw mr
nies found their wa)
c<l Smiday night by memVemot (be
feature la cunstderlug the cha»gIf you gre uuseked what is a gouo
—Only 10 Per Cant Are Cured.
aud before the encamiduent
church ahd friends of the Kev. T.
lag of the date to Auguai or Jaly.
much in evjdeno
ibsUBilal law aliMlu ctlixea
Boyd Cay. who was tendered a fartr
You violate (be Uw Jf you kill the idemic of iwlicvmylitls.
: so very much if«i>e tbat ---------well rootmUon by the members of
bear lietore Nov. L and U
Uiown a» lufaiitlk' paialvab. ha*
unite likely to loUow.
the church, before leatiag for Nvw
until Nov. 1. tlieji^r may kfll you spread 1b an alarming exieul througb'
In addition to tac fly piwt. there
York City, where he will take a post
out Ih ■ slate. One hundred and twnthe t«.klblll(y ui the grounds begrodoste course Id a tbixilogical Tbe ctosed aeas« lor black bears iv-iwv cases, turec of which icsulicO
inlimcrgcd In dost, wblrfa would
tmnlnary. A prograiu of muitral
l.ilBtly. haie been repruu-d. and it o.
I nAyihiag bm pteaMiil. la
Mtalag tjasette.
Iclii-vrd ihi-.-c an- many more Only AIKU*!. Traverse Glly U genei
numbers waa given, aa publlabcd
sniilcd cvi-r le- iVrgolug a drouKtil, cud tl
1 per ivm
Batutday's tuition of tbe K<-ci>rd
h o c- «♦««»<
ertmnd'. wiih sc,»< r.;| liund-rd people
The Rev. Mr. Oaj ha. h.>ei> paeuw
btmkca brphopkmtmti.
of tbe I'rusbytviiaii eburt h fui about
ilr». U. K Manning, lormeily of IV iUaiiered lu-ie. snd «s iiuiiiy uiure
cbI enoBtriM «U tlw mr
•M awesAiifkTioNa at aurroNa Th*#e Was a Large AUendaaca el three years. He tendered his rcalgnatiu-key. wtu baa been visiting tor a visitors dally, would Quite likely be
Rrlallvtt fr<.<n Seth Farmliea
Rowers Harljor:. Sept l.'.-IV.ri uetk al Xc-ab-ta-wanui. as tbe guesi unkle deep with r-aud aod d
rouDd. ItatopawnstiBSABd
(Ion several W*(;lw aga to lake up
euls. too. m hot w-eatber.
Preeent «e Enjoy the Oceaeien.
up tie atrwngth and
post graduate wwk.
onitortablc. and especially K> would
for KnlsiPstoo, wl'crv >he will locau M
in KHHBV u wdl
(be camp flres.
So far. no one has been secured
(Stx^l to tbe BvciUii* RMvrd.)
uiln DwighL
B* winter.
Even Ibourh Ibr nights were rbllty
MU. Kniina Hla.kcn and Ml*- Nelllj
Summit dly. awt! is.—Tbe eereo- to (U the vacancy In the pulpit. The
MYll Sievrioon loat a valuable burse .Ichii, of l‘rov.-n-i-i;l, lu tbe ladles d"claie-(bat they, can khep
teentb reuaion o( the William aaJ Rev. Mr. Valle. oL Elk Rapida, will yeMCrdaj . lUnl lurk for Will.
1 plewv'-^^traw, blat)|gis.
t.dsy on iluii wny lo riil.ago.
occupy tbe polpH nexl.Sunday.
Nbdq Ctn bmily wag beM at <
>>nma ot Sir. aad Mrs. Uilns Cot
Sumaui City on neptamber 2. aud
pro red IP be a very pdaaaaat eveaL
There were CS aiembcra ol tbe (amll)
TlMT* will a« Ball OamaanSOthar preaebt and tbe» all aeemed to bar*
nrst Claaa Attraetlana In Addlleft bound tbem every can of life aad
t»oa to Eacallfm Dl^laya
Mine locotiwr with ooe purpoai
at PraSuata.
object In view, and that the^JoytiieBt
o( tbe oocaeltHi to tu fulleit vxtenL
Tha auaual -fair of Leelanau coonAt the boos hour a sumptuoa
tr vlU taVe place at BottoBa Uay od
er was eerved (be gueete by tbe boati.
WaianSay. Tkuraday. and • Friday,
otiheoccaskio. after which the re
SeptWPbar tl. 2*. and *S. ttU week.
uuV« vaWaciled to order hy the pres
PiSWdaai a U Joynt a»d Secretary
IdcaL when a itrayer was offered foi
Wefai Sa?e bacai buy lor aaoM Ume
Ue aucceM of ilte ecrniandihewel
^•paring Ibr tbe axhUriu aad emrloua
aMr^twa wUcb iBTCdve ao BUtA fare of all tbo.-e present. A sbori pro­
gram followed eonsistliw of vocal nui
dftail aad care In as eaierprtaa ot
(Lis klad. Tie Cair oaoHBiUeaa an sic. reenvioBs and a very Inspirini:
<vaO orcaalsrd aad tbey ptomiaa tbe tnU aad beaedlcUon by Ooula Jotui
May. of Ashley, lad.
fair that Leclactn
Tboae who aU^ed Uie reanton
•fsir kad.
Ill- iM-aiitiful hl.yl.-w
from a distance were -Sewtoo Coz.Ui
Th'i'.iiiur. il S„.i .-r-iiTbe people ef Trate
aiiil -II--CIS tlial w- ofTi-r at Ihra
; iHiiilc ■•f hlnck inid navy
alunrs leaad tha Buttona Day falriand Mrs BiiBnat Cox and Mr. ani
li.-ijM't.rnl ii-'W -•-•1.v'in'It III- ax i-nthuxiustp.Wor>.t..|.s;
mtfi with nUrtalalng allrardocsMiw. Joha Hay. of Aahl^. lad.; Mrs. i fl.-.'t' n' w-'ll «' ii-w id-'H'
;,s MV ar-; iimny an- giinm-iilw.
Muter sis. hn• 11 It null'.1.;;' I’li- •']-viall,v
and exblUts worthy of the laduairy CsasleCetu of Hudson. Ind
r- jfr.*ii(s'<l fnim higU.-r-}<ri--«-»1
■ngw anti iHil-.riiu: ii-.iii.ny ..fil..: d'.tiii,- suit n: t‘:i' (U!--- i'
and tbrtR of th« (armen of Leelanau Mrs. NcIsoD GetU. of Croaev.
IiiK-s f->r lliiw w|H-i'isl Ibree-dsys
fcp.-.! «t>Jih.-sc -A12.4S
Lata Rosa, of WUlamsbarg
lui.i.' ,.f «- i»aui.ful sba.i..w
eouaty. Tkla year «0I he no exception
line ..f the "SlNJs
siH-cisU" .-..mhiip- Ktyle ai>.<|-.' tv..r'i.'.l; iiinunigk.-ff---i
'. to tea ruk. nere wDI be ball gamea Mich . Mrs. Loella BerohBDd two chit
s|s-vuiU" tv nude
an aU-h«u1
.h.rHl.iliiy t.. sitch u .l.-nr,.,- Ihut
aii<i siru-lly tsll..r.-.L Am-th.-r
tewrioil fast Ummi aad entertain- drda of liar Shore. Looo Wbisey Of
s-rtfv. c>>«l liip-d lITr-.ughont
mam of vartoas Uads an that all who
V itii yuur.nil.... 1 Mt ill i e--»t hipI
skirt jin-iliiy lirnid irimmed.
•ttcod shaU be eure of a good tiatt ur- aad children, and Mrw. Carpenttr ot
pric.-ii tnlliTiHi Sint. U.-ti.-r
Slight*. Mrs Csssie Blood of Troveroteorate in Bat7 lod Mkck.
Dtaplaya wUl bo-teate by several of Ciry, Mrs. Ksniy KOrney, son ami
ciulo For thia — the-Traveree Cily nmvehawi and it daughter Oor* of Summit. lad^Prenk
week, cboiceBuea' without aaylag that there wUI Roup and aoe of iieiRM-r. inJ.
Mr. and Mrs, John Wlkcy, of
be aivK,anebdanea from this city.
In apite of the early frosU which dam­
aged aoma of the flrti Initts. I^laa- Cox relatlt-es to meet ibv next day
ao oouBiy wiu exiitbR aome of the their.home to attend the third aiinut!
Special Shuniup .\utumu
Bneot fralU aver growa la Northern ■runkin of the Wllsej -nmilly.
wtsatgbe and the eghiUts «< cauk- Tbire «ss also s rslk from Mrs, 01
He Fitzgerald in which she tubi ho«
ara dmiared to be ven
. The dendopnesi of thla'regtoa dar- much she enjoyed tbeoe Tcunhinv.
.Am-ther liig sliij.liielll r-'' lag the kost ysar. particularly among whete It was presIbU- lo meet w'lil,
eeivi>»J ihix afiem-pto, im-ludrelsiive* (rom fmr snd brar. and she
• fhe farms sad fruit orrhsrds,
itii; dres-s aud str<vt
. Btvre Leelg^ eouaty a freah stimu- desired to Lave them all come to her
hats. L'-p-s on sale toiii--m>w
Ha.tecaus^ihls la one of the bannar home on the next day after the Wtixey
ceemies of WesUni MMtlgaa and ntmlon. to which all respoaded simI
one or tbe best counties cotaprlsMl' • njo.ved another day In a geaers! sc
I2.J8. S2.88. S3.98
«iy the Western MeU^ Oerelop- clsl time.
When (hr reuiiMo ws* lODcIude l
tneot barean. tecae of the flwt wlUami iipuurtK.
;ributcd in 100 hooiM at ihii
ihi»sspecial price, $2 i'S.
playu made'St the Chicago eipoamoa' any of the roiidi^Y<g>k leave to
leal year eama from Leelanau ctmoty visit other iVisilver i^thl* section
S3.»8,MRS. S8 «
tbe Bmi placo ball« tW of Mr. and
and the same wlD doabtJesa be
and Ill-ward'.
Mr*. Oaoroy-and family at Slights.
thla year.
Tbe nextpflib'jsa* ayihe home of Mi
Trovtswe Cily people alll maki
Sntotake by adtaadiBg the fair at 8ni- sad Mn* lfwiuabd.-ht Traverse CH>
M>a tety ihU woak.
and Mrs. Baerr Rose at Wll
IliiiabNrc aad iHr. sad Hiw. Entry
Reach if Bay- Shore, as well as taking
a trip lo Pe4o«ke> and other polats'







Superb Qaalily «f Tone

Superior Coiujmi^n Tbroughout

SrSt thirty year* we have not suct^rf m

Traverse Cily Brancb, Cor. Front and Cass

Ladies Don't Favor Earlier
Dates lor G. A. R. Encampment








imiNiiD a Exnnis

Thftpft oxtra valudxt. arranged especially for this week*s pelUng will prove cxFremelv
bsnaficial to evory woman interestAd In th«
fall stvl^. Our wrriarged ladies* and
Mtsses'^^rnant PApartmant is a busy section thwsa days. Thla week's Soeciala. Includinca big Shipment
Monday, offers splendid sayings and yarletles in

Women’s and Misses" Tailored Fall Suits








We place on sale Saturday morning 100 Taffeta Silk Waists, steel gray, navy,
brown, wine and black, $4 and $4.50 values week*s special at $2.98
Some with ,tucked fronts; some with shows
Fosothing Braid trimmed yokes; still others In handsome plain ttailored effects. Just JOO $4 and $4 50 few of the
Waihit to be dbn



hilMA^rthig boao.


Traverse City, Michigan


aiuHP Tmvmt HtmuA tumo»Y4 Wfrmrm » ate.

rt «f WOTtifn «MM«M W

Th« Northtra Mldilsaa f’M ctab
mu its oMtag to Bm we*.
■ H*wWr Mil. wrf tfcs wmmim,
«in M tte CNMS •( 4>M Btk lUffA*
Otb«M- uwcUdM tor ft ftOftito*
t,,lniii .~t f'-------- 'Iteft vUi bft
^ MB ftftd drtftd proems bnt Uet«.
«Ul bft ftftoftek or bwOoMo od tdftsoBro 10 mmU the Bftetisc ostr*
Ur voesUi MW L OltM*.
r or Uw westers MUUvs
vUI elToJiU
leetw* ftt the ep«t| he«M eMBM
-Dmi^iBs Weftten 'Ukhljfts.*’ TbU
kotsn «U1 he Uhutmed «Uh otei^
•ptiOM viMts. Bretp pobtliher U Ufei«W« U heroUptsc hU seetiM.
••4«ni be as opperuwHr to rt
■TV MMS trmi u evert
rrUejr foriiwoa «il| be sires orer
ID ft ehnri bssUwi eeistoe ud ehow.
tw ^ tsstonrieii hr «• rlius^^
htfttt {smset. eemesl wUI ud other
fitili; ftUo other sttiftcHMS.
Ate Aloaer rrUer the psitr «U1
Mhftit M the fttsiiMr Seth fer •
trip «p BIk. ItooiU ftsd Toreh Ukee
iMt hwatirol dwts of iaUsd
leiws to
ttasMsec Petol resort lor the bestioet. te the ereews. Bheteaos It
■w el the awB bM^iiitl speu «
iftUhd Ukee. ftlM. i-ACte BOM
« the Mis. jrtDftklDs. rest prepsmuu tor ths eeut. At the hee^eet
hiothen C. E. CUsrchill.
Perrr F.
lUeen. Oeerse V. Kew. Wllhus A
Sahh ud othen treio Ue BleIBbe^
super ae etnh ud ftlso wsMere ot
the eWeeW MpeUlloe etU tsspesd
to tmttx. Tbftt porttoe oCihepro»rBa
^ he fttrswtsd leter. MMts| the
heimin ther vin take the test heck
•fttsrder wonUf there ein bs
■lMHlktr»*B fteseloft esd sUettas el
mm*. Sftd the Bsahets ces Me*
«■ Ik* BsUe ftM ist hews 1ft tUM te
rtf •* ftCVdtr ftftersooft.
Yhe Iftaisft ol Bk Rftptts «01
te tIMBftelres u
yifltilii ^ sac tbftt. tbft Tlsiuac
IkdUB k*«t'Aft bwl Uhd of ft Uaie.
• Trib'

F. cox. ftftd ChftsSesr Brosro sn
ts Iks ctv Bet Bl«ht U their Apsetee tedster. SterUet frosi Chkefb
Thsiedv. the pertr weds ths trt> is
Mr tes. hot trjtes to set e speed
reoofdi. hot istsc ehrwlr esl fsekUi
record ol ererr hit ol the i
UlchUfts CStr srss lb* first Urce
pUee thiT tenehed. Ihsrlsc freet there
te KftUine«»o. Orftftd Rspldt. M
tod. fitosUtee ftftd TiftTone Cttjr. Ther
sill |0 ITDIB here to Fetoeher asd
ChftrUreU. reunlsf bp war ot Ber^e
CAP. fthd our dosUo ihstr roes* huk
vis. TiSTeiee Ctty on their wap to
CBdlUftc. BU BapUft. Orsnd Uaplda.
Lfthflst aad CUcefiD.
The Automobile Bluft Awk U a
roete loM* for auto toarlsta. As up
' isfotswUoB la rwrd to trips
throuih Korthers HIcBliu. It to the
«f the pnhUshBs to Usee a rails,
bh- iftidft M the esorUU who eocoe
10 BOrtherD Mlrhipu will bo sUe tc
■sin keos'ledce ot where they ertuo>B|. Tbsp win iesne tber books M
mi. Northen Uicklfis beh« eol■wlV.
WhUe the TDwU bare hssa poor all
the wv. tbep are sol u ted as e»
period, la ease pUces where th't
resds were bed. awa are at woH
palrlBs then. With the BIsm Hook ftn
sirtheiulc luide. the 1*11 fteftaNt U

ADMtreD filmCitw htsu Lebgut fs
ttl>-Tro«Ofee Clip. kUeims.
HaHInga. Lsdinftsn. CedllIDS Bed HsIlftiW.

IB SuadapU Orud Rapids HerftU teeieen Uckersoe. preaUset <d
tbs UMigu Bute Uegne, ftuurev
the taas tbftt there wlU be ■ slKlub
league tor isil. Ftesldeat Dlchenon
rortowu tU ^>l»k of tb* paat seaaoo
lu sd estertalulag mftsser. and staria
off wlUi toUoarioc very fisttsriog trtbeift to Trews# CItp:
^Traverse CHp U lb* rsaieat baaetail towB ot lu alM in thft world. I
hare aeea baarisaU fdaped la aldwftt
everp stalft U the Uslsa asd Is serri^
ft] fetslga couatrie*. aad have pet to
see one wbich neartp efiosto It ts eothuaUaw aad the true vorisaai
ol (ana aad teaai
backers sllke.
TrlaMsd. Col., b the nesroK le
a M, ftpd »:» p. B.; treei tbft
sey I bsv* ever aeen. I&ttt kr B(. >:>« SAd 1;» p. “II GrarW Rapids turned out as well
Travers* Clip to league play tn
*jlfle rA eOttn reack m BapMs u
piVortloe to Its popalaUoB It would
iMr tiewer wfll aw deouted cowM be
te 'wewbefuhlp U oi
UA eat edeeot he petisd osw taal the eoUtlod
nsior loscnas. Tba record i
B—twL The CWiefci aaaodftUos wtu
thb pear hp Traveree CItp In averegiag close to 500 dsHp atieoduec«s U> the second dIvUkw. a groat
fteet tha Uute. aad la bad Abapo
ate nt tbe ibBS tbrougk a sirlai of
•IM Beek el Ketiios and Bead Con- wlilonaaM U the rkape ol InJurlM
to plapeiu. b oik- which l» hkrip
dmees U Beiap
stand lor soina llnic.
“Wbea figuring out the unuaual avle the tftleretu ut .the Ash
oragD It DMWI be takaa taio eoiu''
atlon that no I*m tbau a doaen uf tbe
giincs were idspcd under nnlavorahic


Settle Your Doubts Now
Dab*! poi off getUag Best Flour Any long­
er. - ^^ur hmhoBd ncods good farcAd ^
your cbtldrea seed h to give then gbod.
■tro^. HeAhhy bodies. Best Flour hss
jost tbe qabliuet to mako sudi .bread.

Hk the pUping
ariUe trew the
edfiHlfwi to thU
md tkel Trmv
tree atp did not wU the peoBut: In
Csri. did sot hare a ckaace to wis dsr
ln« the last id daps ot pUp. owtag to'
the rot It got Isto wbee bftdlp criie
pUd. Therefswe, the reBarkabto atId Trsrcree Clip
Vftft aot ths rssalt oT a pwiiftH winnlftg tsftin. ftlthoegh ths Besortero
ft fias fight asd finUhed ascend
laMi* race. dcvBs the wasp wUfor■nee wet with.
“But a condhiea esUU Id Traverse
ettp which would wake up dtp a
ftnod auppurler ol a baaelall tesni.
i condiuoo eoUrelp due to ibe
KboraUip epd pubHoepIrUeducsa of
Us Mdliut buslsew stkd pidsealoiukl
wed. Tbep atl ceMrtbuted to the suie
port el the Ccam altuoel witbeoi ao.
Iirltatlon. wkiBg iKMblnii In rctnns for
tbetr rootrlbuik’n* aiul look It on Is
IbraiaolreB to Indure evoiToe* tbep
outild \u aiiend the Icscue gsmea. aeitUg a ;taod euwpU hp taroiug inu
•rives Just sa
oliw M tbep
ccttU Oo •0."

■JT. K- Ceerge. forrasriy edveriislns
nsaagrr of ths
Marquette R> .
ipdny. and who U comptllng the
pebtlrilp book lor tbe Weewrn MlchlOB Develepewei bureau. U In tbs
dtp accowpasled bp Un. Ocorsa
Wkild'dsmtsg bu tiws to bu utsrai7 work on the 'side Mr. Oeec«s le
aerotiug Bttwtloa to tbe auaeiout
varisilei ol mushrooms wblob Vow
hereabouts. Yesierdap Ur. and Mi]^
Oeoige garfaered Kbout a bushel -ol
tuaup rarieUea. Mr. Oeorte will have
photo«rsphal IB that those wtereated In this luarieua cdlUe
gals a wore Intimate knowledge of
tbe kind that are right (o eat.
Oearge ha* teen king as cn^rt
and hU
them 1* or value.


Before yiQi b«>' yotir heatiug aioec oouu- iu aud see the

IMBlSwIaD n**Ba*cHcrin
The bandaomeat wood beater made. This idove is ocoaobi^ in fur) sad we fuapaatiw it to bald fin- SO boor*. It has
feed doer, beilrd aab pah. hrav?- r-vt lioittg end is bv
tar tbe B£8T ATX>DD STOVE made. Wr abo hare the Jewel
CoabiaatioB Wewd aad Coal atovr a.................................
of the ectriwrr-ODLB« OBteiNALI
Before you bt|>' a heating stove rome to and see our liue.


For Stout Women


ill Miutoh '• .jt- fr R>
MU"* aiti'S- -ff •«) W i >• i-K^r. .
•••») I- r>


*i-i •Iwi Hktti C

I, -V

0-h raatM


■ At IK.7S. vs. ISS.60; tSS Aad
% tss. Aa thi* is A blaek AMAOb,
b'm^ pndtttiMtAfi, Uttn tte
^ _
bnatifAl pbkiAUB gntr. w t dl
AA lnewDA iiA*7 Aed dUwr
abu)oa. MIXBD WITH BLACK. pU n tiilorcd.

MAKTON—UraytoB Seaaoe is tbo
Jaaiplea oata growar ot We
county, and it It doubtCuf If Ih an
Mtchlgan a larger yield per aero will
he tuperted than he raised on i
actus Of hls big farm tn Greenwood
<-m buaarU an average of 105 buaheU an acre. The seed was of a aj
railetp lor which Mr. Seaasn paid gs
per bosheL Mr. Sauman baa w
the largeat farms in ibl* aertlon ot
kachigan and It U also one of Uh
beat, the aoU being heavp clap kiaw.

PVuletlen ngur** *hew Unlvcrual
OftHW Ml Over the

brlwmi U»t nt-amui'a Srp.
f»r iiutauce. you will fiad
fauwb in cwoiKCtMU wiUt
■ n an- uhown h» every
ia^ iM|.r.w« MU' wilb


I nuKiuiI uowix-w. ,
lu lb<-w Skin*. iliuH-iBuuu hew U-eii wuritrd cua. t» a
Rxai-tly fhivrut -u'«>rkuuiiuJiip. fabrii'w of thirabilily
a)u] the- '<-ry
w.-avr* .^oixiiuur thi- foutnlslkwi id vTer>ptrun-m wi‘ lu-ll. uu-Hu>n<'r lUmi Ibt- price.

Till- ui»<lc>-h»>w^ni Ihi- iiii-fure has b»x idaiU at i-itber
siili- of tbe fru^uiMi lisi-b |>*urU: th>w<- an- juined by cfeth
l>aiH)K. pijiecHli uelin.
si-lr «-amn fall into |4aita, befow
tb«- UaihU. I'hiffun Pajiaiiu in black. Muc. bruwu. fre^'n. arilw
and ffn-y. St- .
Other uiuUrU ftvhbly p-c-i-ivi-O arv -if haiabunue plain
lailun-d <iiyii|;i].1n flu- r«m.rlly alraight-linr and haiidcd i
yel with a ffivi- Hii.l take in tin- aw.-c-f. that a-'
a-e.«r>- |4eaaiuff.
The luiu-h nf till- Hinaier baud ■• n-v.-alc-tl w1 the
i.. extrvDaeij.rra<-<-ful lin«“. «>f lhei«. SkiHa W.- hew ihrw in l^w
aerffi-K. diagonal wraveK.
black, him- .hrowu. red aud

grey $5 to $1&.

s AattaeBile
Styica lor


Veal ehopa. per lb .
Incrc-aae ot
or rdA per oem. aa Veel Blew .
Veel a
compiTtfd 'uilb 45.718 In IFW.
Lowell Ma<av baa Iȣ.!S4 peepk-.
au Ipcrca-e of n.K5. or il.» per cent,
as comiwrc-d with ifUfiS la i*00. Her
It S.OUD leas thu Grand
Rapida. iik-b.
BUtafleW. Uta*. haa stisi people,
an Inrrcaie ol lb,S55. or 47.C per cent,
compiled wlib Il.M tn !»«*.

»............... — *• -. to to ^

Travera* aty MBUag Oa.


T'.ic h>;ai mirkri condltKina remain
uurhu^ today, the city market- be­
ing lathiT a.dull place, roaches bring
*1.00 per buiha-l and poutoce ar«
ecmlng In preity alowly at Su«55

New York.
17.—UultcrRieady aed uiiclianArd; recolpt*. C.
•sc t'hecae—dteadp and uaebanged:
iivelpu. l.iil; no capon*. Kgl>KVffi and ucriumged: n-ccli-ia 8.153.POULTRY.
Ne*- York, Sept. 47.—PbidlryAld*. Ann; aorlng ehlcLePa. 14<b
HHc; fowl*. 15f»016c. turkofc 18«
drcasvd. eaay; wcwicrn brollci>
ITOSOci (owl., llOlfc-; apriug lurkcy*. F>03Dc.


^UtoT '

B^whaat ....................................... 5S,
Hoga. droated. pw ih ..

........... JK

te l*c
OM rwbbers. par lb .
IVhoreea. wp wUe. OM* Oerep.
ba< iril wp bed aad boaid. uB panew*
a>« notified net to gfr* bar cradH ow

tggt. per dctcB ............................S4e
Baanah A UP Oa


ay etevuM Ml I «n pay ae tee to
bei omiractlng.
} f. Morgan.-Cldrr apple*......... 40c
Straw, per tea........................ *« to W

lAted gepi i>.


sake a gang ot achool hoy* kM tike
Hw Athlellea were
llw l'nit.-d Prc->a >
Mrengtbenod by n couple of cclebn•liclmil. Si,«. IS-Cloac-Wtu-atlloa. IL llrict and LcRue Kirby; and
mauled the pesky pill all over the lot.
:Tkls aaDM Kirby bit tbe bulb for throe
bogs tn the first seealonaBd wbea
iiilercatril aperialor shouted “There
II WH; cvni 5Sr; oat* a«Sc.
gee* your old ball game" be
the second d*»b tbe poUlo
digging outfit BMiDd fast ' |•llfclng
away at tb« alstary bender* dbhed
by Uuady. Tbe eicltemdht 4:
a scant Ore rounds, tat wbtcb the
bewe boy* were wout to aeore a qnluri. talUet. walla
the) allowett
Grawn one. to tare them the bumlUa.
of a abut out. llic game* w>
the'laat ot the >Bason.
Tbe Aihlrtlca will play Ctswn
Uratn. neat .denday.

OS ruurw-. Ibi-r.- b> a dilT>-r««c<aralt- rikirliTaihl tbia. Tbk M-aaou.
lutiwt uf Ith- iuudc-bi. fiuiajH-d With

Many Mor«Suits

^ ( V'rou Monday'* Record, i
Cruwn-a heavy aluggers, looking
like dewoDft and swelled up from
the eSoFts of some 14 viriorie* In t«
baiUe*. cam* to our town yeaierday
to ihiuh our Athletics, hot srer* scot
bone la dfatgraee. Tbep conaeated
play tse guinea with our favorites,
and wl^ the battlee were over, twaa
found that tbe resnlta were 18
aad 5 to 1 reapertlvely.
Tbe first


^ ‘-.'‘.■H'TiT.'': 22SO





*V: l«'-Xiesr|c. u Autheritp on This
E^tW*. U StodpinQ Those Which
Orew Hers.



tile Style Store Is Brimming Over witti Fall
AcHvlfy In La^es* Wew

Boy you B«4 BUtokefs. 0«
mn4 PtUow Cmcs NOW mm4 — bsve tkem tbhcto
tkr cooler nlgMs cose. Doto*l slwto teMtorbte
wc Mve stoch a tsICtoSM usorlMCtot to scU ymm

WUte Cotton Uankets
io eteveo qjAtter siiea. be*t Article thAt we Hatc offered. S«U far $1. $1.U mod
$1.50. We aUo bA« these «Ame goods in tAs And grey, and aU ot ttken have aasert*
ed border*-

Wool Nap Blankete

A Spludid bl.Dkct la IV and w telUog'at $2. $2 iO aad

All Wool Plaid Blankets
in 1 'V *ue and m nt'Atirbcitve colon:, tell for $5.

All Wool SoUd Colors
These are ih« best goods that have ever been offered, and tre fiel tlwa tren $( to
$r2 These will give you tbe very best of service.

Baby Blankets
Just the thing for tbe little ones' cribs or ttnall beds, sdl for lOc.

Sboddy Camp Blankets
Good, thick article for cimp service, or. if yon are going baaring, they sdl for $110.

One of tbe largest assortments that you will find; good ^ater areigbt with good
quality of silkalioe. and are priced from $1 to $3.
................. w
FotBioef. per buabel..................... T5l
neur, Peed. A


Good Sheets

in 9 4 sire, seamed and ready to use for 4l>c each.



AU the different widths, aad sdl at 26c, 30c and 33c.

POIovv Cases

t IM Ito

i. Sept. 1*.—The enuv
bwrean has bailed tuUaUcs glOugthe Coara* eors weal, per IW lb* ..IL*:
populanea ot the leUowtag cltieaChlcagck haa'^.UoAU pMriatloa.
tacTMee of 48U.TA*. or n.T per c
as cBDparod with 1.08.575 ta IWM.
The iBCTuaae 1* sot ao great
III the dnwde ot it»0-t**D. Then it *-*•
54.4 per eeuL Tbe popalstlon.i*
tb ice* then'bait that of Kew Yor.t.
k«t H place* her B aeeead ‘ pbre
aweeg the eiilet ol the Oalied Atatro.
The popuBriew el New OiMui u
CB.aT5. an tnereow- of U »7l.
|wr reel. M roiupaied uilb aM0| in


lirA pir'to


Already made up at 13c. 23c and 90c.


Pillow Tubing

The cotu a Tubing 42 45 aad
iach sells at 22c. She aad 27c.
lag 45 laches wide at S5c ayard.

The Bate Ti^

Mattress Pads
The best of materfab sell at $1.50 and $2.5a



MANO nuvelR«t HnALD TUtHAV, »KPTlmiElt » i»m

MjlMpl mi* (Mr «*«ry«M wto I*
tHdi»« of
U> miteM*
»0 AMU(*r, or rr«B<
wrtec a«v (f«a iW aut* or <oudeciei>»r ihai U
t»T. M
trmit m
At ika Mr ta«ar tbara ara aacb
—nWww MMtea «( vkat «m ta
laM % «k(* tMtio*. mad alw la Ua
vaatan' M0 Mritem pan o( tka
im law tJw (ratl-raMac baalMat
atnatd tt*a H tikatr aarloa egeaU«*U»
'll maa te apataa. pwra.
aad ywiffcaa. It la qaailtonaM' ir' Utara U aaj bcttar placa la
«lw' maim «wU tkaa Hcbt kcra la
tka-«M4>r paart at tba Low Paak*
alia Tba aMdiaau akova ara ro;nl
OMK naNtanataaliaa^afpata1C!M.*tbqr alaijdy .eaaBot M iMiaa.
mm Uam ara aom paopia vtae
«akL U> iiT iba imjawd Uadi ct
Um. aoMinraat. «ka vltaal land*
«( Canada. M kiwalac or tmIIila« ^ vw>4«r(al poailbUUiea Uat
«aa ke (mad riiki bara at boaa
1W l(icUaa«*a raaowaaa aad Ut
podoMra fniK Uadi ara bctit appradatad nan aad awre aaa to aoan
fraKa tharaol. I( ta alao paaararcairtad u a (art that nuar
aaodkt thdr Inrtaaa ta dtotaat
tarrtaDfp raaHaa tbatr Mauka 'aad
art laMratad la tha taad ttor kaav.
Jaat 80» Uiata If a «oa(raaar>r
•Mat aa aa ta vlwUiar oora
pit ara Hartat tba CaaadtaB aerthwatt thaai'ara totat (tore, it li daaiad «• iadltaaat Caaadliaa. b« ta*la «aa daetaiea u u ao.
Tba rwrta at anltiatUa (ran
the Valtad Stataa la Cmada abaw
ataadUr taareaatac auaban cmata( tha Itaa aljiea INd. la IPfiC. It la
naiad (tot nara Una VjtM toaertcaw Mratad to (Ubada. tba
paan a ainl)ar aanber toUo«a<
Utd tba total *aa a tboiuand oora.
apd ta im tva (boaaaad nor.
CM boadtad thoiicaad (


lanaad ar batac cbaekaC, wattaoM
to ftw aad feAtba drat ^ktea awa
pi Oa praaaat Iml pear (bare t
ba adrued «va( tba
ipw' at tba «»«
laat paar. It U aM protabU that
tba aana vaat laoraaM *IU to
aoaUaaad dartac tba whole pear.
ta)t It ^t naaM. Cabada wilt r«eatra am «aa babdrad and enp
tbmaaid Aidarlcaa aattUre ta i»io.
aMtaaapnwaotiaaathanahnadied •tboaiand. tto neat miioriiy
pa^ tbair panuaaft bom ta tba
' ' - *
It tbaw dtatenaata ara Irae, Tha
Saltr Nawi beawaa that tba aattlan
«a bat kaoM tba prwIhIHtlai o(
Itonbarp MkbidBa. It tbiip did (toy
maU baattato batora toarte aacb
labd Pt ptaatp pr what to p Iban
Ut tto mMhH od (rtiit MW . I
abevp at tba Mr be uaiupertad to
toe noat tataortnat pUce on tto creertac itaa. ao that Ito anlsranu fron
tto Daltad •taiw coald aae it. tod
ihara iwaU to oaup ato would turn
arwad and acarrp baok.-.Hlrtod BnpWa Nam.

(OwUawd fraaPtm Paco.)
was «bw tba ewaiwn^ atat
toot Travkfvb City wuuld to wlUtac
InnUov tto honor t» to to oom
ar !•«■. M nay oUar ptaee waniad iu
ww ttora an taTluutan extoodad. and
ertaa ot *Tmvarw i}lty'' eoBUnned.
. Mwer. WHbataa toan row to bti
fata, nnd ta eotdtal term axtandod
be tto aawrUllnit an tarltaUou to

M«hi oDtar a >««*r ciUiaeabli
OvaUan tor Mr. Paaaa.
Prn( W. M. faaie racrircd an
tua Uat’Dlibt 'anar hU flr«t aeac.
“Tba >Ytar ot Order* Ciaj-,- whA
ia« wUi all Ito are and asiawatoe ct trUdi to U mMer.
•U bxtffdtatlr dittceh. daa
, 1 woaderfal power ol breath coi.«rol. and enctina a wldr roira ran«v.
toib o( wbld) Profaaaor Peaw U peaacasrd. Mr aaei the aot>t a Kb tba

emU- UBtaber, ato bbto


Te (to LagBl Taker* at Oread Trav­
erse Oasaty. MkbMu;
Ya'^torcby amtflad that an
amrbdtaaut to SecUoB Twelve e<
Article VIII of the dmeUtatton of
Uls State. relatUe to the bonded matitoc into daMedaeae of coanticw. abtoi to aabeura ca the hopa' (utuie Uvea Many mliied to tbe auallSed electors of
Traverse county on Tureday.
ot toe atae tata tto auta mlU- Grand
November elgbtb. ataeteea hundred
Ua. to aald. are Unvlnc horn lor tto
•m time, tod K toe rtoiwiandH
^ ameadmeat to tb*
embodied ta the foUowtag ttoncur•cer la what to'atooM be. a a
.-M Stoolntloa adopted at tbe Ian
anttaua. aielcbt. eUan cbrtatiu
meeting of tto Sute Lag
M weUaie g( Ua boya at heart.
U «A> te Mbte ta wteidtag tto tutora I to taken at tbe eleetioa u
M toa peuac ttraa placed k bto towto
■ done, as per I
At toe oanetaatoa e( tto tata. OenalioB tram the S
erta BatM ww
S^lember 1. 1910.
Itolr cberbi told bin haw ewck ... Te the SberlB ot Grand Travernv
talk naaat to.tbm. nanp o( itoar
i eaOoae herewith a ~-rt;fled COPT
batac Bwcbara ot boy. ebo
of tbe Leg
are aarTtat ta tba amp or (to ataie- lalature. proposing an amendment
aectkm 1( ot article 8 of tbe CoaaU*-Hsd I taken no pan la anp ot the (eilon. This ameadmest vbeuld be
awaUeci except thU mile aatbering.
Urn to be beki on Tneadoj . tbe eighth
■aU Oaoeral Bataa, tater. -l itoaid day of .November. ihlO.
Th>' tollowicg letter was s«tit to
^^^parlaeai by the AltORiey
Oeneiet iMtw pave hU Mew i

The T>rorioee^' ameadmeat te aerB 12 nl arthli- I Of the Omatitu-

esae wblih onl) uue who bat iKMreeted blnrelf ta Ui art o( ktacloc bp
prara «r inJiitax. rouU klnc It. and
that U waa ap
bp the Uim o( ai>oUa*a whk-h
creetad bln. and wonU wt b» <tUaeW-onilJ be row to rewead. Tba
aesio aonc. vUeb to
empoaod. and evea UUi
«w »ot
ao(nwb to daUrtp tba aadlaaea. Tba
aacand encore waa *iEa Drank Iren
(be Old (^Bnteea."
8cMt Woodward, tto hmd poet
>v« an ortctaal poan wfaicb toeachc
ic Uara to tto eyeat oC maay. Mr.
Woodward li at bka batt p
that nre full ot patboa, and laat atcht
aa no exccpilon to tba nila
V. r. Falla, a Qrand Amp hop.
iBc a aelo to wlileb tl
Joined ta the rborna, Mb
“Tba Oraad Amp Banon* nia vat
naeh anjoped.
Pam C. Ollbtrt.
AUareep P. C. Ottaert. wba am
tha foldlen'
tto SpuUh war. >ww tba w
apaakar. dadartac that tola satbarInC waa typical o( tbe nathw bpu
OM bMindaip to tbe oiber. He apoke
tbe thoacbta ibal cwiia (o
wbaa tto ahan Uu<e waa on durins
U>r afternoon, ot how
dHtarem li
wonld hare been bad K.beaa tto real
Atad ot bailie. “We looked on
MbOed abd ebecred and enjoyed It. '
be deotarod. -Why* Bocauaa the real
'voles ot baiUe. tto little voice itot
alnCa :>od oxtIm death, waa Uebtag.
fare's aduietblns about tto apir.
it at conQict (bat appcala to wen,
if there it any manhood In bla boaop
ha will rcapond te ibe eail. Ho cant
Ha apoke of the (eeUnc ot uareat
that U maniiaat ta the coontiy, and
dedaied that a taaaoa abouM to


people by «>acumuii reatoullow N
. »f 1*09. should Iw .ubultiad to tt
people at ;be *4t<<tk>n held NoveoiU
I. 19IU. K hatl'ir I'O'n impoMible <
■ubmli bbM an»-hdment at the
tion beM on. the Aral . Moitdai
April. 1910. ms c]lr>-cled
aald n
................vasan I
general elecTlon I
lUs Mate on the Srai Monday of
pftL 1916. at which all tbe ciectara
tbe State t-oted.
Very ratpe.'fally.
Secretary of State.

tXJdAVbld Vr. «. CrcfEHMAINE.
Elected Honorary Member of the Aa- CO.N'f'CRHEN'T RtaSOUTlON proaoelatWh,
poaliig an amendraent to section
fwHrc of artlch- eight of thi- coc•ittotlon retailve to botHlcd Indebledneaa of counUot
to amply repaid tor i ' aitapdaace
^rRaaolved. By the House of Repreo enraiwtbooL''
aeuutirca rbe Senate (ournrrtagi.
•ham totUa.
That tbe fonovlng amendment to secShortly before i o'clock, tba boor
twelve of article eight ot the
iltullon. relative to the bonded
when tba abam battle waa to takr
of countie. u herehr
place, tbe arlmiea catbeted
ibeir tadebtedneas
proposed and aubmUted
tbe people
(erew and tto badle waa on.
of the Sttaie.
(nrooa on
Sec. 12. Xo couD ly ghall Incur any'
. . torrehae lu
by CUptata Mmepb Klaaaon. the oppot- tadebiedueaw whltb shall
tajt torcea beiag ta coaimand o< Cup- total debt Beyond three
Us a^aeMMrd valuation,
luaiion. excep: coun­
Uio H. L Kuaw. V. H. Brubaker
ties having an aaavaaed valuation of
ebUf of .arullary.
five Billiton dollar* or Im-v. whlrb
tbeir total
Tha totUa waa won by tba rlxht
to Sve per tofli of their osaraaed
flank, after a lercely (oucht eonteai debt
There waa an amualus leaiura edeBe It teriber Rctolvad, That
pened with tbU batUa. wbk-b may e>
. « aatendmeaL to subffltned to
may not have been areordtas te tb( he |>eoplc or Uu 8t«te at the election
MUcu ot abam batilw. Ft>ar or •«.> ;e to held «li tbe Oral Monday ta
April tn the lyear nineteen huirdred
t4 Knapp'i men mahed In and
ten. Tbe toyraury of State la torepwaaailon of tto cannon, whtdi wwa hj neaujiwa u> oartlfy the foregoing
defended by Bnibaker. cblet ol artll- amendnieiit to tbe eJerka of the eetronn'lea of the State, as rueuir
kJY- It waa a elrucale of one a«amai
iv law. It fchall to the duty of
aevaraL an^ the bl« pm waa slowly the hoard o.' election couinilaatouers
county to nrcparc a haJloi
surely beinq drawn to the enemy'■
use -of tbe eleclori. In vnilne
camp. Tbe anUierymda alynalled for
lUI 'amendment, which ballot
aM. bat there waa no i*ai<onae.
shall to In suBatanllallv the followiddeqU out ot the crow-d there tag form: , • Vote on ahiendmoel to section
rtikbad a vwerat) of tto Civil
of arilrle eight of the con
tlten aaotber. being unable to stand reive
lIuliOD. relative to bonded indebiedIdle and see the eannon draned |Usi Fos Of coanilea.
Amendment to oeoilon twelve
without mahlog an cSoi
of the conatltuii
luikiu. I
save II. AatH tbe cb<'era ot the croud
dive to hondod Itidcbiedncaa
la of rou
lb* pm waa hanled bark and naved. tie*. Ye* I -J
Tb* Knapp force*, however, turned
ARM-ndment to acetioa twelve
arilrle eight of tto consiltmion.
their flank, and won tbe battle.
lative to bonded Indeblodneaa of c
Camp Brwken.
Ilea. No I 1
Tbe Grand Traterae Soldlert and
It aholl be Ibe duty of tb
Sallont’ aasoclallon bioke camp short electkm compilsalonert of e.
ly afternoon today, iuid Camp lUlc*.
the liiapeciora ol election,
tha headqnariere of the reunion.-was cral voting preclm-ls wlthle tbeir
dea^ of the u-nta. whl.h *m to apecllvc (oiibile*. within ibe iltiie
eat up agata next >var under Ihi- balbna to be .used at saM election
.uired to to dellvrretl to such
tai'pecion under tbi- geueral election
TM fow membera of tbe G. A. K

I who were aiUI .on tto flrounda (bl>
(Bomlns. heM a Wort ramp Brv
' lav Ibr forenoon. Oid comNides told
remintocenrea. iht-re waa mualr. and
« talk by l*rolesBof W. It Poise, ubo
haa oondm-ti-d the a>it>l>'. was pven
j There were mill a large minitor of
people at dinner today, hut at
aa all hud hern st-iK-d. thr me-a
- waa cleared up and the big board of
'trade teut uki-n down.
I Ailogeiber this Ua been a moat
lenJojeiUv reuukih. Tiicre w.-n- mar­
ly SUO metubeiw of tbe <1. A. (
e. maiy of them arrou
led by their wivea. the veathrf wat
dvUghifol after tto Aral daj . tha toalmen''o( the city made enfertalaample lor aU. and all who bad

tomtomtatp japeo tto etow aT tilt
boMMM aewtan too procram tor tto drawn, and apoke of tha duty of ev
oato> mo wto townad. Mayor Wli- erp elttaeB to do hU uimoat to pre
aeira tbe oounirp, -He dectarad that
htom ttftac a
and women of lodap ar*
wbkb to wterad tto O. A. «. and
leei patriatU than acre tbeir latbera
toa -IT. ». c, that toa
'Travarw City taU tbtokfol te tba and avxbera ta tha dtpa of (be Cltil
war. HU addreap waa repteia wl{b
toMtan (or boldine tbair
trlbutw to the boys <d'-(t and cloaed
waM ta tua cMy. and to
that evarp attiaanh kind bad toan with a plM that tbe rhUen ot udajidttto bp toair pmawo name «Jteta htmaeW .io do
k “la my own ma It hw toan
aa taaidrattan and a Joy to
vHb paa.” to aaM.
Tto nav. ta A. HUM.
Oaarva ta Cbateb. i vetentn of the
Mtow^ Mnpar VltaMaw tba Bar. Ctvfl arar wbo Mat hb Mi art In baita X HOU Utrrwil toa tolbattac. ila. told a atrtr full of human IntarHotoctared that
f«. aad Oamrade Hank sang a war
thtapa thU gatoanw baa amptoaMed eawL after whlrb tto aedlenoe aang
eraa tba wlrH <t
-Amoiko* aa ddw benadictien
a maattaaL He aald t
-totaa- Camp Mra.
toip wna oaa o! tba etawenu toal go
to make ep tto bom toe fratanua
“Batea“.jBe!f^ flre waa held yew
artimaftaoi. tto ebarab. ate., but teeday afternoon antto cwiaiBatao of
«tot VM wanted ww to bare tbaae tba parade. Tboa.'T. Bsiee and Brtg
drdea aaUrped antll^y run to- adler (^lal Rdtorl J. Baieu having
■atbar ta ana rand wA dreUtod give (he boya ev.make terevair Imptoaim^we nndar- UtBparaae^^lto tn tbe b'g latu.
.Mpato fan. ^ daetar^ that tbera UA
tbe toeing e( (be sham bab.
•aoMnarar hliiw maoh gnttiada lor|iW.
Ibm aU aoMtan vbp btod and aul-’ -.Tto
aaettag waa ow to tbaw tt-

>e membera of the W. U. ('.. who
alwaya ewvk band in band with
Q. Jl ta. did their ahare toward '
tag Ibis reunion a aucceaa, and the
ladlea alao cleared a neat aui
money whIcb'wiU be deroied to
charity work of tbe orguUaiion.
jvhlch ia (or the beneBt ol old soldiers.
to qaotc Oen^l Bates. "There
is BO grander organuailon ot womeu
ta tbe t,*Btted States than the W. R.
Tba wemben of ibla organUawho devoted time and energy t»
Ibi- work were PrcaMenl Idanha Curtie. who aaalatvd by Meadamea i
Morgan. Marvta. Furteeb. Core and
NeabMt. Tbaae Udica were at tbr
W. ta C. toadawrtera early end late
and Ibelr aBorU wiwe weU rewarded
Ml*. J. W. Higgins and danghte'
Ktwwora. of Oraod Baptda. arrived
Saturday nitot (or a vUn with .the
family of j. W. ttesaa.
Mn. r. T. Onbora left today tew
Cblcaga wbm ahe will apasd arver-

al teyw to taiataaaa.


J. W. Millikcn
September Sale of Dress Goods

Towel Sale

Swsilers '

Thousands of yards of beautiful
Fail Dress Goods at far below their
worth. Come in and see our spe­
cial counters at

23c, 4&C, 50c, 69c
More Drt^s 6oods Remnftnts
at a Big Saving
Vcry|ku^^Bl>lcachcd Tabic New Fall aad WiBicr Headwear
a 7f Im* wUc.
forabxsssad efeUdraa, Maty Issdi
iavhteaadcdon, •)»
Fell bb. 2$c to................ I»i9
•rery-dby ue — ............


Extra targe Cottea Maakctr. fa
«rAyao<na.l1ak «rllte 4 Aft
B«{4m,ll^T«lBes.perpAlr 1«VU
8Uk Bair BIkktai
CoMe bei« tar ChillBg naucl. NewOmAU
dednkto oton. ate taB «
BBcSUIilMMttl,yir yard •


New ran Oreaa Gt
•It Httem
at U1-2C, 15c aid

Meal Base. M fnii
iSattekt- Cklldrcto*a
mr nM »t M iw • yita, 4jk^



ChlMrca-s Owltag naud Slccp- Big Like alBai

ssS!r5:?T.,rar. 85c


DonT forget 2S% discount on all wing sleeve
nnd sleeveless underwear all Ods week.
All voles cast upon saM ntneod>1 sb.a to counted, twnvaaacd and
lined la till- aame tnaoner as u
|iK>\!dct! to law tl
vasalng and rcttirn
State ofAcers.
■ IViwrlnjeni "i

(orvgDlag la a true and cooipored
copy or Concnrreoi ReaoluUou .No. 4;
of iWi9. propoelng aa ameodiicni to
Socllon IS. Article \T11 of the tkyn
Kliulloc Ot Ibla Bute.
In'Witaraa Whereof. 1 have
hereto afflxed Liy signature
all and the Great Seal of -the
-Riatv. at l.aualaa this tblnv-

thia September tr-th1 1910.
Sheritt of Grand Traverne Conno

Electiee Notice.
To the lavgal Vuiera «f Grand Tnverae County, Ulcblgmn:
- You nre bhreby noilBed that nl ibe
cem-ral eleciloo to be held In (hi*
State on TTlfutay. the eighth day of
NovepitorTI^Mkjhe Tollowlag offlrcis
are to to voted for In Grand Travi
ei»c cotinij ;
Governor. Ideulepant Governor. Rfcveiatv of Slate. State Trrwnurer’.
Auditor Geueral. A-lonvey General.
(MmsUfalooer of tbe Sute Utod OfAro. aad Juaiice of tbe Kupretm- Conri-

ibc twenlyeeven
Antrim. *^Ben^. t
Knlknako. Leela;
Wexfoid. nod .o
Also the followtag oflcer* tar Oisnfl
Traverwe County;
SherW. (Ter*. Trenaurar. Beginwr).
of i>e«ds. (Tuaecuting Atiornny. ten
Cirruli Conn Comnitaateners two '
Coianera, Suryeynr.
ibts iMh day ot Septomimh W.
r I. BHirm. ‘
SbertS of Grand TroTeree Onnoiy,
Sept. 26-27<Vl 4-l]-1geg-.'Cnv 1.

vi-ar nineteen hundred t
rongre«loEal dtairict comprtatag 1
There wns « meeting of IlgMOh
cretary' of Rule. cour.ti>a of .Antrim, (tarlrvolz. (Tare,
n wknees wberwf 1 have bereonto Crm^ .Traverre. Grailoc IsbellO. Khl- Camp taai nl^i. u which time only
affl\<-d my ti.-ia>e. It Travetwe Qt} .'katkn. Mecoala. Miaasukee. Moniralm. routine bnoUieu wns dlaiuiaed nf.

To (>ood old Summer Time we most now, bid
hdieo. latnmn dnws idth. Shall you not
pepire for Fall while oor stock is hdl and fresh and be rdaily
to aotnnm when it comes? Do so how, yooll not he 'caaght*
when the frosts come, as come they wiH Oor advanced fall materiais mid tailored s^les will please yon in shade nd pattern, so
yoowOl he happy to say ’good bye Snmmer’ and *wHcome FaU.”

High-GradBSuit$t.‘;:;SI5,$20,S25 SwellSuits^"4‘°.^^4l2.50,$l5.$l8
Ike prettteat Skirto tor Udic* nt tS* ILaag CaaU for UdiM std MigM*. tbo fOvercta^ for atm. The ns1 Mag ot
$1M, tia, SU.M aaa til.
| prattieM ernr nhovti nt 111. HI aa4 IM. j '«ll» 111 aa< IMl
torcM Mtalcriato io oil the fnnhioBsbto eotore and tobriamMe. Me, lie, II, cte.
Fltaaartrtw tatataaallag dallH tflgnmlTsrietjstile,
A Big Um ol Sweaters far lICB. WaMCB aa4 OdlftM
ForMcaalMeMII. F«r'U41es al Me te ISJI For Beys aa« Stria at Me M MJI

Mca*a Bata, Shtrls aa« Ncckw«ar. nU the nemgt oai
flifliesttlriun, popnigrpritxA
NewFaUWtal^ltforMien......................... UttaMAI

Can Fatten





Tbc <al ««MdBc«vd Uu at onro (•
tba »aatiT (tx>b. wbei* « wmrwtHtM
evaa tbaa ti Uta eoao.
And before iba clock atraek reetro
a tiraixe prooaatkia oaa oa Ita *aj’
totba Kln*‘» bouar.

Aataa aa« Ra««latlaaa a# tka
HeraM VaooB Falfca AanaWaa
I a>in try aavor to warty or
MalolMcCaaytklotI will try to bl OI hiwy m I


TUI«OAV. ttmUAIA M. Hit.

Tbc/a v« <«t> afito thM m Aabara. Moat cata ara ao saek alraM
o( vator that Uwr «i)l ao« loacli a
vet Wl of ifoiuid.b«i they are terj
load of bantlac aad eo toad of tUb
tbai Ibej wlU welrb for boon oa a

uttBoa Inr Ua to «o«M »r«cy bay- M aa aajtbi^ be boat koo«. 1 cm or ibr ocher, why. It wili ba aa heibt.
era MaMa aab MmI^ m
tha; looked tor Ate la ■ miHm m4 abow blBLK «M Out
So. la nit, «( , BManl toaUas of
aMeta: !>• gh«a tbM
caulocaaa. i
tbonsb tbe bribe and bar traaaiiai .^ttloteat. Late brrj-tT <a»ta»a. aab
• ««bart»aat^O<aMraa aatband her preeesta aab both tba taaiO„ ,a«wd aab wawb bla ewocd ^ •J*'
^ *OMf_ lor tba«.
le* were ready far Ue wadbnc ibere ^
>« »•' l» *•
really «aa no bridecto^ at aU. Mil
whir* ihe twMU bon aaan Tbea berab tba eonar far

Kye Brtcbt laorbed dellfhtedly. aa
abe leanad oa your Preeldent’a kaae.
luayaldcMit pie,
Tbat‘» whai Kye Spy alvay* wani*j“
.DOW alum every ibln«. <Mn't yoo
pleaae laake up a atory for ut altwt
«hat ibe iiUckblnIa 'ea-ay'*
blm. o« of trouble.
a Urtdwrooa. rould not be

Asd tbit it tbe nontenae atory yonr
aa far aa I aaa.
l^ldnit Imioedlttely told;
t will try ta ba lavutf. IwlAOnre opoo « tfine tbera waa a llthri aa« kfirf u avarybaby aab

u. bo,
veiix. (Thatb.««.
ts every lavlii« thlii».
aoull. old Baeiiier bad been fomid
t«l «r«eaBt; aad to heap
aa I betp ber witb U alt fi­
If I ayer fall la tryla( ta *•
•beppy. you koor.)
eyet. aad aa arroaant
arrofnac ecMeeiloe.
nd tumaa bad helped
uabcm, tmet. WUl|» petnuaded hb lonipao ^
IMaa tMnya. I will “Trr, try
FolU tired to liny cottage at tba
„ ip, Klag'i ’*•*“
•w '
edxc of a «reat wood. Hb patenU
and inio tbe ^ •“« eomeilme. eotaaple amaQ cottlna tbetn Irom whlw paper aad
you are. l>e lOt ntaa Mtr«a
. ware very poor Indeed, aad tbere waa,
m« where tbe Klaa nt at'
’’•“7 are made o( a aUkeR fab- colored ibelr trouaere aad aboea 11
Tbtie It weal oa uotU abac bi Oo- p^r teat ooraer." Aad eery rarefoly
often not enoiicb to aatbfy tbe bun,„rtWe temper .Sot
’«»“ 'P*" *'“i U» bad been aaay to Dnd halvea of men teber. wbea tbe tows wwa tbioura to- a^au prlated tbe wurt taiaieet
■er of FelU aad all bla tliUe brotbera n, „
™k. lu tbe kloadom bad
>*>'• •
<»“ *•0' to aadttcr-Mrtteiaeat by the tinea- ,*ce*- om ibb rompaittaatit.
epd aUtera.
nmvided -» dlah he comMered new
by hb Iwt the lltOe Haber well for uebera, but el coune they peded ^rrlvill of aa oU rrwldeat who
-Baaer-odeace.' epelled OOt **a.
SO one day Pejla went to bU par- dainty or to bb taate
‘-‘f' “P ““ *•" *"*
had.d0oe aw^. and la tweoty yaare aad now abe waa too week aatittbed
fprH Vice I
enia Ud aald" I'am colac out la the atralfht to tba Klaa Pall* walked •«"■*>> roduv^nd under ibem you droom 3o tbe weddln* wee put of bad rteea to
famoae ceoerel. Of to Un*b-_-Wby. Bulat Brlnt! fm
•aiMi Vl« rriilf-l
»niM world to aeek tny Iotm«"
aad airal^ walked the ihraa
will And a litib bunch of pebbba from day to day until Aiaelb aad Bo- eonree there wet hurriedly arraafcd aa iboub you couM alerd to flee
bound loaeiberdi) allken ibreada la berm were to detpelr. But one day pi^rade. la which the promlaent awa -tlx doUara a year »
Hb tolber cave him a altcpence. aad him. Aad tbea Ibe pi; ^ pbeed apionc lbe«* it a umall aHk tube, la »U the Isailly wore latiiee to viH-ad
fbmaroy SMeMa.
-t\>y. ua oaly a tMtb." aaW JU. ^ »“ kbaed him oa tbe forehead. "Tblak before tbe King!
whirb Ibe worm lUea. Were It not tbc day wtib Aunt AawUa. They *ero «K* partAOd In »hlch-to thetr con fua. MouUy: -*a* It hat to be dhrldsood Utoagtats. PWl*.- ba MW.
Wbea tbe pie wae opened what do
for tbe pebble* aiiarbed to it tbe <*d- ln> i<ed there once each year afcd lor „,rutlcMi and dellght-Uia luvincb ed ap more tbaa may of tbe acbon.
dire wortn e home wouW go eaUlng tbiWroa kxAed fomard 10 tbp vbitue» were s*b«t to lota. They were at there are ao many tUnga to gtre *>r.
Wm ‘upT tS
of dte eleek.
preitieet ' blackbirda
^ «»
P**- »'*
dellgbi and draad. far Aunt
^ „t tbe parede. and wbea The Jewe ti
^ fwU «< taurrmoppoailo tbe ^aiaa of tbo of tfaeir Ucomc to tbe fiardL aad I
Wie waa aot aecoe- „,u,
,,, ,p«.,rtora were aacoa- fball not bo tHUta* to da lOM T^
10 children. *0 they nuat be
geneful anddenly »»»• “» '«• ‘hat gteMh to tba
net to annoy ber.
pj, ^
aimioaeb tbdfi.
»***^ »» ‘he Utrd.- and Fm
Mall, Bape i, itifi
---------klaaed hb handc. IW good dw-d*. Fo
„ tmiontobod and dellahi
Of oxee Jlr. Webeler waa nJwnyw After dinner, while Aunt Amrlla
-Very good, eery gooi tadoed.I1X." they aaid.
King waa. He Juei laid load, and wax ai good a lodge of and mamma bad « aag. tbe chUdrea
auleUr IP the parlor Vtoklng at ib,i, eompgny that
A Uttle bird alaga. aad b# Map all Than the whole tamUy weat wttb io*D hit knife and lork, and guped them aa eoold anywhere
' ^
toiM OM Manlam for B«rA
I. kept pboiogrepbt aad auddcaly Botwrta
f,ry aUeei eon
bUa to tbe turn of the road aad ou. "llore:" He knew all bH own by 1
Artemaa Ward wu* a famoaa Am»rtriUea, gave a graap that waa almoM a aboot q^, | m,Te a prepeeltloo to ma
walrhed him out of algbL
Then wbat a about roao u|> from all track of tbelr^aget aad
*amor ap: Cbor api Cboar np!'
- Ike
home fi-om tbe nod held out to Ameria a pbotagrupb toju. that 1 hope you ll agreb la' ' teaa bamenat ta dayi goao by. M
'Felix Journeyed tor a week and a tbu people! .--Fellr
baa won
re- and treuuenlly
No amuar to Aim U (bo aUan b
won- tbe reward!- nailooel capital dirertlug aueb aad of a mnn-a full abed man wliboot
■iMb that b» wroto baa haw
day with no adveatore. ilia leaf of ward! Felix
np! near «pl Cbaar ap!’
biiad aiii all gone, and be wu very And the happy Uitl.- boy uu emlBac- aui-b a yoko i» be eold and replared a hat, aud wearing u very drraud..^v,u uu 1 tM- ihrotmh.- gcAially. ulaw
____________ _ _ ,
Ha BIM o-er (be Bald* of wavlag
vbea tba walU of a cHy came ed by everyone i..-ar him.
, M o'hera. In order to keep bla atook op auU.
-there are aoaae deteeU la your man- throng. In one of bin Mrty mmawn,
iB wight.
filght Iben nnd there the Kln^
at the be*i. On bla return
-Ti,e very thing!- auW AmelU.
oeuvertag. If you wUl let ma roorgan- paper aniclM the Moving mailmt.
He wu lint aboat to aater tba Hty made Fallx hl« illab Chief JutUoo. from Waabin'gtoo they were among
-o. but wr muata'i!- aaid BobarU. tar tbe compoar. 1 will glvayou abi'l weU adapted to bopa. appaafod:
He uawwtra tbo lark fat tba early
, trlghloand kitten daahed -Uecauae.- be uld. ~a boy who can the Sret objei-u of hu tboughu and Then both chltdrea alghed and took- Mitt of capi and belt* and boodea
>u you want to qaanu) wttb you
luwhrds hlni. pureoed by a crowd of think good tboughm and apeak good *omeiiBr«, after entering the^ouve ,4 , long Hue at tbe pkt»ru.
and aevnrd* tor tba otlearu. Ito mother try your latbet Bru. Ma'a
la udeiieu ckavfi and wweet.
unghtai boy*.
word*, and do good deed* U Ju*t the and grorUitg the memberu of bb lam- -ho ,ou -apoae atn-'d oarer' uld ^eu agraoTla* atnmgtr.
Abd asir the** tvo unia tporda ka
-wefi v.a“ aaid Fell*. “tbU wlU peruon Fre been tooklng for.- And Uy. be would. wl-Aout •ttUag dowA Robert*.
,rted the boy*
"Wbai ion think you know U alt
NBf»rnever do.- HorePMed bla coat, tbe be aoM for PeHx a father aad moth go out to the barn to, ree three dumb
-,-4 p,
b» „k.- *,14 Am^iu.
. “• / / ^
-tag la tod
tfiaar apl CbM- »p! Cheer op!"
,oto hi* arma und anug- er. and nil ht* UtUe brother* and member* pf hU Urger family, going
-r-, .,ft,lly cdd." aaid Bobortn.
»*** f..***?^ *“
A aamaca to aartb which bo H*W gied down tn eafeiy. quHe bliilin cutoru. nad they lived bappUy ever from one to the other, patting aad
-ybe card U all aoHed." aeld Amel- »otemeat. reretully. 1 waai W awdy out a. y^
w*.nom ...M, Whfu tt. bor. ™,
.,»0« ......
...d r,*!.,..
nud. u .b.

i.'. . «-ii ibb« u w ^
*«!h*ar na! Cheer Ml Ohaer ap!”
. Th— Mix nUced the cat aa tbo. The^ni. the dog. and the blA-kblrd them from hie hand*. Equally fond ogain tor a long time.
Ar-fbe end of twenty mlnataa U
you m “» *»• •“■•v.
grotmd aad amooibed lu fur gently, rematned hit tutiacb frteiidA and waa be of tbowlug them to bit gureta.
tae wed- »*lP “P
bar A
• gentle^ doe* It.^
M*atogitaawaioe(ban*WtA*an4 >There ptim,” n* atIA “now you M* aUghlaal w1ih wa* gratllted. . 0» ®“«
4lng.- .aid Amelia • after the prre“That will do!" he relied -The boy ’Wbea ladlned to ware yw ^
bom* to your Maaier,80 now. Eye Bright and UttJe Eye with . friend, feeding .hem with ^a
everythin, ere ready. Moth- with the brewa rep wtu Mop from the
"tf' ***
. "f^nt MPl
nt’ Cheer ap!"
out pone parrad. rubbad up wpi«M Bpt.fyourPrealdeui cmnitnued] when- of corn, bb aon Fletcher amiued hlu- er la going to let ate cat e heawi- line. He wUI be .vour captnln.*''
And mria oaraa hg (or tbe atorm or p,,
,retted along bvhlnd ever you aee a great Bock of blackby plaVlug with the dog. "My fnl weddlag cake from ber new magaw. ,1^ ih« hntwa cm waa
d«««rt JV* *•“
chauerlDg together aad
and nodDod- non.
air. Wehaicr.
bWt, all chaiierlDg
ante uir.
vtenaicr. -"You
too no not
you." .vj,,..
twlre a day. uaUI yoa biu a grown
r Bp: Obaar «p! Cbagr vp!“
fhUi weat a UtUe furtbat. and ding tbelr beml* wlaely, you will-know eeeto to ^ much tor th^
My healtmted and perauaded
And wbaa In tba wlMPr tbo anov
m»a be aaw a Bae dog «;-.?■ that they are atiU talking aboot the »rt «
-« would raiier be here
,,,, j4,«at„ph ,ent
-iJiae jMf motbor tbo bUMBt it
comoo down.
tbo roadaid* tn giwt d'a time wbaa four and twenty of them ‘ban In «br Senate. I find U ^er
“*',,“1,**'* tba doubt vbon abe way* *a know*
Aad Bow* nr* all froaty and *•»«.
were baked la e wonderful pie. and company.
Ever, oar reaeaber*
* br«iovh*Bdla They
He U« to tbo hrert «( tba buy
r,m. -.hi* will wog Felit'a praUe* ivfore the Kin* b«». only about a week .belore hia
aoiK,u. The next day they preftgbi lown. .
anar do. What U the mai-er. o.J
----------------------death. b« bud ihviu Uritwn up into
wedding The btldo“•*
----------------------jted atng* Jaat ai Aaoflty tbare.
the Une > iore the houae, in order
The boy lu tbe hueeball anil waa
MMgM** Way.
He tklrpi (rom bb mMi ob giy tata- The dog rem* to him and ball up
«> «l"»-Talt*d Coon.
that be might ^ thorn for the laar
^ Tommy Green, tbe otbrek were two
uanva aad Mur bad boaa MUb4f$v«U,
CM paw. looking allently at • One of lb* meet amuatag onlmaU lime, ^ gllmpae* au tbeae are
p,«ebored. the Util., old who had ctaoMy followed WUlie-a ad- ,«* -Midget.- a UtU. ret tarrter. abov
•Oaar npl <b**r *p! Cboar apf
paibeUe oyea. 80 Felix I ever
a cute iliib riag ulled worth wlicCe volume. Ir. revenllng to
had begun to‘ periorm tbu VW to obey ordora. Lake Bdward* .om* erf hU irtriu. Again aad agala.
«U* montage b* »«<i«a '•“S •
look the dog to tba leva pump, bath- cooo. who wui one day found anting ui the real character of the man u,* dooi^ll rung und atarad ut the caaeral Ineradnkmaly. Midget wae made to -apaaxr re
ed the bralae. and wrs|^ the paw aa a atamp looking meluaoboly *a1 Frlildencv Journal.
Anivlla, *b» abould huva been. "Uirt wk*i« I ber be deoaaded. aneete. to roll ov#r. Me,. ffor bla adi
■SlJSljf CIrear apt Cbear tip!“
of cloth tore Irom hU Awn *b»e. 1 auppoav hla mother bad left
“Oh. you wlU bate to go back into mirieg audience.
i wanted to aak the children." Mie tbc ren^Uwiny toy." tbo graernl
tAier.'wben MIdgM bad tore lakM
COOL "Now you can go bom*
'a nrer-by cornfield, but abe didn't get
Here le a little ulk between a boy aatd to mamma, 'll they aaw Fred a awHcd “It-ViB be for your own good. hem*. May and Aor'marerea red on
r can but' IMaator," ba aaid.
Tbla dear 1
who la a great hunter fol' hb "
•ay '
Mut iha do* barked. "Bow! Wow!' back aooa anougb. and ao ha coma
picture atDoag tbe ouea they were N. one can moimand unUi bo lean* the eleiM munchii^^bp^w
Bo*<CMm up! CBear ap! Cheer wp!"
waaaod bla all and umtod uloag bo- I® “'e with me. That little coon
• woman ot hi* acqualnuncc, looking XI yeaicrday-Mbe one 1 laugh- Jipw •—Frunk H. Sweet lu VouU*- lahed her* tret and oaat oby and baaAa orar^ hoaatWpr bo aakaa bl.
“J ut.
do more miachlef in a Miorter 'blfb nbowe that cowardice
I* on the way tbing* ^
‘ Ood.jmwii.
gry took* at bet motber'a aftia. tot
T bad. aud ‘
0 a be- tiiM Uiaii an, aniuu! '
PrMiy I > Follx
I are looked t
I cau-t Oad It at all. 1 have hwhed The CompmdneMBoa of Butea- bow conld tbe atireet bor aAmMlm
day for five year* aud cl-Now. wbat la H all tor? Hai« yoa aad Imprere ber with ber eeccM do^
-WoU. wMI," aaid k!*U* “OH* WlU b* might atop hla prying Into ever,.
way* made myaell laugh at It I waa
.„rklng ovor Ibal wonder- *lrc without oimnly aMUag for a MU?
A MM wo 00rely abould hood:
.■thing In slgbL
rare rfor him but yon rm box every-evealM for n week. I
At Um a way out airwrk b*’- *bo
nn«d but on. bright
^be blid 1. bl. baada. and. ««• *>« were alw«. l.reer chan
ct„ t think how I Mt Ixct night when uilcvc you are a alaer. mtd that box fell on her kaoe. In freat^ of Mr
*1 he had Juai rrechod n Mop. be hi* atonreeb. -ad no matter bow laurti “
I .ouldn'i fiud it "
u to board jwur. traaaurw In.mother. p« wp two bogglag -paw*.-

-- ----- ---


CW.M net /'hoar nnt*
. . _ ......................
taackUtt ereahed boaraelv
^ katyAM aayi It a . PUI. a. 0.0
Sapped hto wlagm and
. boblad Felix, (be ret and
Abi the crirkau an alafieg tl wider
.HTjea nUbi came poor Felix had

■;::s 3,.'rrf j-.r.,:-';


hi. t... an/l —leh mil niMillne.
tond." aaid Boberta.
about tbla box. ba Mid.
Too 1]
Aa aooo a.
"And didn’t have any gun. and a
au..i Amelia took up Che picture »a»»b. «rf oomwA bot I don't auppore
U tbo lollowregacMut <rftbo
, ,ure of bread be would im- »»»‘ hlf fello* cam* after yew who
<>ut with Botocta'a dull aclaaor*. that will bun me.
u wbkb young oeala an Ua0H
mediately pM It on lb* ground imek Bhl bare one. IVhat would you do?"
,,u „od
another bridegroom
1 woat ^ngh a bit. wnM « to
m tree, h to act wdry reach
*? klMolC. and at oaew again rreeb
"What Miould I do? I uhould aireak
af.ereoon’. mall.’ tote aaid aomethln, ^aoy."
tb. way In vklM MiMreb «o
__________________________________ » »>«• llgbtnlng '
ea„-, apart ihU. I couldn’t
H’ea teb a money box."
in th* ••»••« by Pool,p„,4
,b ihU
"> U"“k you would, and I think.
,j„ ,44,4
moth-a mcmey box!] I told yon yon war* ^ uiaodere. Tba baWaa are atreply
bread. AEothor “«• “>*t yog would have your own ,,
4, i„|,„a p, vonld make a going to be a tolaer."
thrown law tbe vator but Ibtor (atbi Iblttg bo always did, aad one which
" » •‘‘O waa the coward
^ hmhand ’
"WetL Fm notT aaM Rtifos. laagbataad by to roaewe (here U they
amel write him atoare," tag. "Fmplaanteg to


BUI b# remombered that hi* •« laeooow. tlo. wa. 10 w.«i e'ety-. Now York Recorder.
Jwot aa etoarty ao II you had
mamma aaid
to keep It; but IIlk*
_ _* moamt ’huppy’ ao he wbtotled
In lb* food line tofor# he would
* aaalrereibar give, a cwftoM dtoHe'Baved Them.
• And ahe didn’t aeold a Wl." a»ld ayetacnailco'
a muo aou. patted the back* of hi. ml it. I euppoeo thle hxMi^
Aad tbo corn algbf It. too. an It wave# •
achcMoer went aahore
oH 8.0
ton gmeu, ,0 Roberta:
1 know ju*i
. doordoor- ra*«»"
nrfoooii *>'•
m. Oemren
uerman neme,
uw oeThe achewoer
aMiore o&
■ new friende. and curled up la a
10 make area, calllac falm tbe
"waab boar." ItHienavemure. Cal . the other <toy.
The Cmnmandoc.
m ibe year,r that I am aareta. moMy;
<un to
him in to cMch cblek- •"« ‘Be rrew were In danger of being
wWte pupponlng R nbov* water, vdtk
the beet of hi* lOL
He would II* in freol of hto
They owe their eafeiy to a
"I ,p„g
apeak ,0
to ^c
be capWlo!capuie!' ffted
cried Lude
L'lde amt. la om
om way uad another,
* above abe eenda (be yawaaMM
Tbe eat. the 4<«. and tbo btoek-dMaeted.
the dtoh (eauining Bm red Irtoh eeltor that ewam out Qg^rard*.juat a* «ooa at he puti hla
hit about
atom ilxiy dollar*. boaMea my boar-i
Urd vailed tutUI b* waa tar la tbo kaaael. end «
p„c*fully ‘broagh tbe breUera. aeUed a alakc ^,,4 ^,4
^^ner ofthe hare
Now, It happen, that there are ten adrift, toariag It « abllt fw «ai«. la
abort uaae. lb* Uute LiiiaBlB boiUNBHINB
.‘m .TLJ-::r.:'e m- .’ITi-e.;';; tlumbcTlag bm t ua
.ur* b* alwnyv‘hat bad been thrown overboard with
„„,4, taluga for wbicb I need to epead that
W ^
, 4
taOMy, and, a. noarty.. I can calcuttppaa. and ..ala
Tbla •ftortiotm wbea your Freiih ^■1“ aaid the rat - an appreniloed alway* k^t W* dlah Juat the length «*i-n1nc U to the ahore.-New York
^... ^^,4 rom tote. H moat be equally divided bej •----------auppott*--M till It ba* reoovTMd w—;,
HMt am dOBB on Ue porch all ready
bto ehala away from him. and Uai Sno
„y Green, ibdignnnal,
’Twau i tweei
fair coming on u» -that *-ay You're
lor a "pwrer vldl" wlU yoa Btumhla- „ g,, „ore-reom. and lor pay have 1. whai saved my ohtckena.tor «. -wu
followed by a a*w atumgl (a awlre.
tbo name pfocoia bpUg aa ureal ta***
ora. who abould cow nkWUBg aerrea my .Mgbteat
aUh graUBod "
*• a bon airemng np bad gotten fairThe Paper WeOdliw.
the tawn but Eye Bright and LliUa -i." wid tbe dog. *m apprdwlred 1> at*«*d to *«tog out of hi. pan, h.
tm waper weoaiiip.
repeated to tbe aad of (ba taarere
Eye Spy. Now of ooare* Uoo* aren’t to Ue King. I guard bto palace door, would make a Iteming leap lor her. There
laa Ftor
For day* ,, ,,
.. 4^,, ,„4
—a ..v_«
r doll bouao.
,*^,.4 ... «n meet be. or ten CMU at a time, jnet aa it
The TrMiwg Ml..
tbo Blrto’ roallydnily wamoA
Titoy .ud for pa» have my .llgfatcol wtoh •»« only tbe alortnea. of hU chain *t the
happen, to be paid "
wrep’jMt glvon tor Ian. a»d becreuo grailBed."
•*'«! ttoin. All he could uanally Amelia and Boberta had been getting ^ere. and tbla 1* hi* here aad we rr
An anlaml wboaa imtaTl taaMea
-That'a really a nice Idea." aaid
they doaerlbod the ebUdirei ao welL
-j." eaid the btoekblrd.’ -am a free grab waa their talU. aad pe U aooa the bride'a uouaareu ready. A eeatai,,, 1,04 ,od el eourae he
Eva. admiringly, ’ but I cant Imagine
D0^ the tww giiB rel. om •*<«> dMltoa of the air. I am chief of my «*»* about that all of my chlekoa^ atree, b,a come w the bouao bringto hate the Brat chance
,ou can have ten dMcrent tblag* wbleb patar* ba* taagbt It to Wal
•id* of y«ur PreeldreiU art bOEirt ttor^ end bar* my eltgbieat wl.U toctodlaf, of cour.^ ike roo.ivr. were i., k.., p.p,-r m-wlng machine and
^,^,4 w,
fre. “Areory.ptoaretgretltod.fMOto, atom mlnu. Ueir uil feath- ker ba, and a trunk full of
4,4„.,. „
ul FMireMpBto
-DuBrI D«r!-(heir grewn-up
Tbeo aHMCther
they.aid. "Wbat
dreaaci. bid ton ret Iroa mother’.
Crtaad begaa. •’Fm all out of reortoo akall wo do lor, ihto good nod happy
' magirlne* The eeamatrea* did not
TolPdont km>« *0 much about
, ^
whk ma." U —atmni (be “irwdiar" ret. wMck
wISr. ~toeld... UtUe Ky. «py boy nmnmt FrtU?"
aeegt to help much but .be looked
Tommy. .K
all atlU leag oonab (o boar
-| hate it!’ aaid the dog. auddenty.
“'oulda'i our chtWreo like to aw ,,tv dainty .ittlng by the eewlng ma'^kemcntly.
.know rnueb atout MaPdiag reaoay enlwla mre wire la tbe BaMy Ito—
-The KMETW tuaeter.dlove U atat* • dog Baking? Trawler* ta tbe far chine In the eentag loom of lb* paper ^^4^
and be und*r-\^
kMP*» W Uke to tain*.
The wae toMle folded ber baada lomorrew. Ho Ma etorrt a great re
»«> V» «»' ‘"d •“««> "«*» dot hoaac i n* pnoeamaiea ami oe,n4_and l> mt reatrt" ... 1 have to Bpert min* for tbe
Mtam of tba reglea d»aari that.
reS^y art loahrt up npdre tong ward tbroagbdwTb. kingdom for the «• never fed
thing by their own- drymea. too. and tbe bride* mcaher
(Yell. I gnee* I ran walk on^
aboad tataga that muH be bought, anyboo; aRbeagb (hope reu rnmiat kaaaaa.
-I Bah.- ab* aaid aertoiialy. dMUieet dIA that xball to •« be v" to the Bummer time, art
ono red alltbelittle t,r.«here art alaiera and give order- and wave my eword. ^ ^ r-,
to calcuiaie.
eampm art anlawa art take tbtaga
"Fve got gaeawboppei* to ray heels,
hii»of tbe moat tairretung algbu ta ih*,ai)4 o>er la another paper doll bonae can’t I■'demanded Uike. aggreaUvt-jo
gnt puee, there* reotber; that do aot betoag »tbaan. they Mver
art Uufa why I taa’t all aiUl rew
iV ret. cbe dog. aad the »»*«** world U to watch them g« the bridreroom'a mother art bnotbera
getrirt*tow''cl«^ ly^Thai a wb.t a caputa’a tor. Art , Miall patai her name oa Ihto epm- take aa anlele bitbare laartag ••■*■
tong.—Oh! Ob!“ And aurcooougb abe btovkhlrff put ihclr beads togreber. ‘k«to own brreWaetand -irtei

-Ob! My! Wbat do tboy *a*y?" beaveaa.. Then ho* .■



(MlUoreto oa bMfiMv
"He ona tear*.- wUed WUlie aaotber ter ^Irta. art If I bam* (• oy reew ta ptac* of each aniel* tretAmelU art Robaru oaM. Tbeyarare .'Tbat’a what Fm iryiag to do. If ! towow trere opc of iboee de^mwa «n away.


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