Grand Traverse Herald, June 10, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 10, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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flAF A YEA*^.







Mmv Nmt IMmbor* Woro R«eerd*d


Prssidant Orsnd Traverse Regiofl Old
Settlers Association.

short address which sparkled
all. declsrlng In slsnlng out ih
bad found It i-uler when young
■otne nice young womnn in
tbe parlor with (be lamp turned down.
an audience.
slal<-d (bat
. to Ibis r.-glon In isr.c, und
worki-d for Ih-mr Nobh- at
Hmidt. His addreas w^g brlct,
Buitsrs giving a few Interestlns <l<"
tails of early pioneer life;
>{r. Buiiara' address was puortuia
ed by s tew screams from wonii-o In
the sudlcnce. wbo vi-h- starllcd hy
pbotogrspbee taking a fiasb light pli ire from the gallery.
A. E. Phlmer. of Kslkasfca. was
the next apeaker. giving an gddi
s represeutullve of the, ptonitTS of
early days, aiid sinke of Iht- gfAl
changes (fast have come to (his'<p>
Since ibal time. Tba only thing that
minded bim ot thosep days, be dedared w*en be reachedd the elty this
B ornlng and looked almui.'
'.esuiKiil bay wbiefa lies, lo the i
• .S'olhliig Hse reminds me of
early dsj-a of tbe CD's." be said,
compared the youth of (be pn-s< ii
10 the boys who were aallsfl-d
sulB made from ibeir fathers' old
ckiibes. and lastead of the os
wbirh 'he boys In those days
conreuied to drive, in Ih-se It

dloed here.
tim of tM 0«m4 Trsvmc rofloo ter
teter ABd Ike wMiher »si tdMl tor
the suberisf of the pioneers bom
tkd eeaaUee of (Ai Orud Trsvenw
PrMtdHit ABdermi Bm bMD dllU•Mtlr BS ««(k tor OBBr week! prePBrtac tor this b(( r«slci«i tor the nen
BSd «OMB wbe ksve beea lastrOi
tai *1B dmtopiBt |bU secUoB ot
U CBB bo OBld tbBt Uw t»lb 8BBUB]
BIOrUBf of tbio BBItocUUOD wltoesMd
tfeo Ursest (Stherto« ot old tcuit^rs
•vor koovo iB UU loeslltr- Tnverse
CHr. with ber prororbUl botpUalltj'.
roeolrod ^ dlsUBcalshed visitors
with tbo BTOBtest eordlslltr sad the
pootds KBdo opoeial eCoru to see
biOdUt Vttb tbe sptrU of Ue otsbbiMtIoa.
ns boOBSBi homes of (be ell)'
ttooBl eolort, i^bs tbs interior of the
Citj dpstb JWMO. vbere tbe plenlr
dlBBOr add cuRliea wore held, pn^
Mtad aa iMbtHaraad bosaUful aperaal*.
Am^obb ooton predoniBBMd and tbe tables wore onbenuh•d with hot bouse plasu and ent SowK. O. Ladd waa v«t basr tbU mornHe noolviag duos and
toMtoara. Pim buasea ware pUced
at tba dlspoaat *bf tbe plooeos who
wore labsB wbarever iber cbmc
•o n aar Usso .ibor doiirod. Bverr
otort U being swdo br everrone
ttaka tblBB pleaaant. The favorable
aIgBod to maU tbii tbe largest and
■oat aatorable and suceesstnl gath•Hag or tba iMoriatton in Its hlstorr.
Atnnag the vUltm were awnr of
' the oMor ptaieers wbooo balr’ baa
beoa whilBDOd br time and whoae
totna are bent vttb toil aad age. and
tbo reuBlOM ot Baar who bad not net
for rsara.^«Ui reoalB a pleasaat mem«y.
This aftaswm a teoro or Bors ot
ansBobUm, la ^argo ot ex-Usror
-a: T. Prtadrich, were placed In comBMoa aad tbs old sstUers were glvoa trips aboat the eltr sod vlelnltr.

It was a roeord breaker. The City
opsira hOBSs eonld seareelr bold tbe
arvvds of old aetUrra. aad many
pntag ssttlsrs. who gathered }ost be­
fore tbo dlBBor boar sod wore seat
ad at tone tabka which istt acarcol
nSB tor tbe wallers to pas* with
tbslr pOU or bet coffee, etc It was
a food Hiarod crowd, and If tbe first
diners wore hurried away tram the
HMeo tbar weei wUlinglr. resllilng
that there srora maor who could not
be ssstsd at tbs Aral tables, and were
waRlag for aa opporMnltr to refresh
tboBsslvsa. As tost as poBalbls. tb»
poople waro barrlod to tbe sosts la
tbo galltrr. where they awaited tb*
Thero was ptentr et «wsle. atony
vHfc iota ot ounrtlne and other plew
a» feauma. Both Campbril's. bar
aad tba Onoen city band paraded the
strosla la (be toreaoon. snd Hayed
woleOM ffrooUags to the tacoalng
cropdo Bi tbe iralai that braoght visi­
tors by tbe score to tbe city. Coneorts «w« atoo given la front ot tbe
^era booae, which were greilly odioni hr BBBy.
Attboagb tbo matorlcr brought ibelr
pet luek dtBBen with tbesi. a rperlal
tabts was prapaiwd by tbe cemBlttee
to osrve Baay who had aet prepared
Isr UirBBsIvsa. and who had oo tan

Old TIfiM Ml
faugu by saying that a inan with
tni (eaiure ot tbs dinner autuiu bile nowadays must k<-<p bis
the county iairur (he
boor vaa tbe vMIb and piano plarlBc
far Aaa Hale and Miss Ora RtrretL hn-e.-, ss he would land In one in
«bo gave the dlneip all the old tune# ■Iber ir he kept an automobile.
that tbe> had loved lo their routfa an.l
. U Reyaoldi
>1ds. of Inland, was the
to which tfai'}' bad danced awaf
t atK'akcr, 1
ReinoUs having
toraied in Buttons Bay in IS68.
as the last bad boon aorvod
of the days which
tbe attenwoo praaram oiieved with ..jve followed and which have brought
from (bs Crianil Trui
tbs iavocaiUon br tbo Rev. J. W. Milcr. wbich was followed br a mixed
quartet, romposed ot tbe Sllssei Ore
Rveretl and Plorenre
Rolben edward. and C. P. HuutM.
Address of WsleoirTs.

Maror K. Rllbslm was Introdaoed
far president Anderson and gave the
ot wdeome. speaking In
happr vein, Msror Wilhelm daclared
that this was the flrw address of wrlIt hsd been bln prlrllege to d.liver sinco ULing the oatb ot office,
and be was parlleularlr praod aprt
happr Ibsi tbe old settlers were tbe
wotcosne. He tender­
ed tbe gnldeo kdr of tbe dtr
tisllots. declaring that the key hsd
(or this ........
Iob. and that alUiouirti iber vould not
tool sate In giving tbs key lo every­
one. the Hiy would be safo In the
hands ot the old sstUers.
Tbe cordlsl welcome waa responded
to by A. K. Ttongherty of BIk Rapids,
who cams to this radon netrly
ire apD. He spoke of tbs rmy hsrdships
-------w-v ,be early ^eer
iwrienced, and
I (lieni
upon their udvi SCO and (

owmif by
Kratoclivl’. ed ii. was oti.v a wc-h and lhal only ex-Mayor Genuaine. Ic the siionier. Telc^>bone and tele•••In regard to sjores nhd fncturlM. graph line. »«ce unkiS
fact alThere was only one store, which waa moel unihotight or The only ibhig
owned b) Hannah, iJiy * fo. lu fartj which- «e bad then and have now,
at rtiai tiin« they ownod almost
at beaulllul Grand Trav
eirything Igrc, There waa only
fuciory ’ In (he city which
sniBlI sash and door factory, owned] ‘'The lioaidman R.''t-; t.iocsric Light
bj J. L. crellkk, one of the lArly plo- **nl IVww-Co U the pluutwr UghI
liiers-or Traverwe City. His suns
Noribera Michigan.
inconunued No>. i. )>w3. and
bead ot one of the torgwt
frriories In the city. Time will n to the second plant of tbe kind
U;s(ancd lu ihe \UtJiv-d 8uii-». Tlnpermit or I would like to iu<-mli» or njgre of otbi r \oung oton In Or.t lights weie tunied on Uiv.
Iasi, W.|lh lie horse power. Today
Ilk clly Hint aic <-ut<HUiilial bus
u«-n. wbo an- son. of the early plon- l.a* I.ooe lioisi- iw>w-cr sud lb< of ibis
■I'ls and win Kbuiibl be enixiuraged. Him tbe •ire.-t lights «f the city,
T-vo ul th.-ai bale InOd i1m- ofllie of
"'rbp stockholders at the lecseni
mnyor o! the city, and (woother* tliat me are Sainuel Gartand.-Cba* Will
I have In mind are at the bead of
helm. I.OMis Grellirk. UohiTt fald• the flm-st and op to' dale stores
\V, Banak. F. Totraito. H. F.
It (here ts In the'city, and to
rilnrh, t'lanibelle Gardner aiij Mra
iifcilun with this, they own a* One J;'T. Hsuneh "
ojani bouse am tbere is la ftorih"T.wlay the Grand Traverse region
1 MitMjan. Tht-lr fath.M- l«*an-buHl.» In thin city liver
years ago. and Traverae Gliy are tim <w4ter uf
rastion nil oicr the rolled Stalea.
>1 af|>ark on Ids back.
I do nut think 1 a ill to- disputed when
'"^hiTi- warn hut one Uvery • barn I •ay that the -Qum-n City of the'
here ibea, which wa» owned by ll J .North- la one ot tlie snappiest and
Monnui. KIs IKerj oiilfli i-onsUted of brubteat Ultle rilles that (hare la In
four hocsi«. one spring wagon and MlehliBn and w-c eonfewa lltot tbe pi
• sii'ci.-.buggy ; tcalay, he aprf three ou««ra of tbe Grand Traverse regbm
er lho.-6-nieii o( tbe city, turn out helped to make li sn.
Hue fcviry rig* am can lx- found
"in comlualon. I want lo say that
11-10 Is not aiioibiT day. In all the
•Tb^ w-o» but one v.-ngon -ahofi ear. to wbich I look (Orward wlih
llien. which was lucaud In (be west Bieaier antlrl)«il<m of -eiitoytiienl.
Mid, which was known, at tlial lime, and which It alwny* rcalltid. than
a* 'Slab Town.' The fln-l wagon lltot
day when the old metilera of the
e in Travente Oily was Ciand Travenu- r.-glon - pdber u>father fur Lieuienanl- lelhcr.
UoiiTubr Uorgati Hates, oter 10
"Thanking }tu for your altt-oUon
year* ago. Today, we luiv.- lu the
:ty twO'or thr-'e 1nrg«- earrlage and Olid irtMIng (hat you will meet wIili
'kfiOli factotlec that turn lail woik us again in the near /ulnrv.
am, yours most truly.
bai is secoud lo nime In the stale.
"There was only oik- harness sbou

hot big enough to rm-i>i- ooiu|>
and wc 'now take our placet with Our ducetiienla lo wed, (or to. Ihoao BOBr "
s Ster n|ll--s uf the stale tn enlerlalo year*, has al last oeelded to tot tte
ing i-onventioiis. amaoctatiunt. todgra. olive branch adorn the boaae
and other laig.- gatherings Oar re^'
cptioii ball Is olten too auaU i
rulmiiodaie uur cs.mpany aad all
would enlerlaln them, fani wc hope
• rv anoibei chapter to adihsl to
hlFiory a large audlioriBm will fa
procews lit building II ' out nlreddy
"Travenm ORy's moat dlmtlngulsbed
gui-si,wa» the aiali-grange, wtuefa iiuv
her.- Ill Ikecetober. W«- were delighted
wlih our gu.-si How ci'uld It (m otherwise whoa Its laemto-rs [wonooni-ed
i( Die largMi and miwt successful
n'.-.-tlng ev. r lieldby them, so bIgb'C
lompllmetili-d our ditiday ot frail and
tcgeiabies. were >o loud
I'-.ilsea of oar city, and the hwiUtalliy
jr people, and ac-n-pted our iovl(Mion toeoniF baik (hi* yearT
-'On ocnmni ot our display of fruit
(-blraB>. the' stale fair aad tbe
aiaii- grange, togelberwlth ^tbe effort*
■ tbe lN)v.'l»piiM-m burean, U>« repuimitui ot Nunlierii Michigan as
frull growing semou spnwd far and
id.-, and ibi- prteo tot land suansi
higher and higher every lime a real
•Slate agent up|w«red on ll]e aoene.
;■ anally a-pnl so blgb that tl
to qighi a^ land Uml had been
al-' fnr years waa taken ont of
niarkel aa aometbliig good onotu

I w ith all of the Improvementt Hi'
t-nteri'rtalng northern i-lilew and
■(•wnm. toll we take time to inentioa
a large dorniliury. Mill's collage, added
ur pioneer oollege buildings at
unto and the neat brick toiildtiig
:-'d by lb'- lAdles- IJbrary ■


fnend of her routh la Ihi^liinaci
loud, where she will opeod (h* roIn caae a»d
malnder of Bi-r yewii

#blmi and not'kiet. -BkldBi
and sliver weddUiv' may sane be­
come rxilon. ll Is our groat privilege
at ibU Umc. however, lo meiotloa that
Ttr. and Mra Bilngv near CwBral
Lake. Ur. and 'Mra. Amo* RieteidM
of Norwtnd and Mr. aad filiw. WM■>r .Maide City hove all cotobrat<d their golden woddlnga Mr. aad
Mrs. FYed H arner o( OgdeDBburg.qsd
Mr. and Mra George lUue of Travafea
City celebrated their allvm- weddlaca.
Capiain and Mr*. Cbaae of Traverae

City bavd cekitoiM

ih*lr grtilBi

weddingl&d'tOr^B^^paeaed Ue
tiRli nule etooe on theload to their
diatuund wedding.
, .

'Klghiy-two peraone wbo had llrad
.-a up Ibelr leaae u life and baee
le to their ctoMM In the laa.' Of
Tb.' Ei.-rual. Six of thtiBUBber woie
piuu.x-ra who had moved 1* othHmote or lest ncehtly. Not
>f three puople Were
organiaatton but were xi'glUa
by many twre than tbe ralalred Buar of yeara.
-Twmty-three had lived out their
Blotted ibriw- score yeara aad IM or
moro: lb bad reached the age of more
than f-iiir aeon- years; two had oIboK
reacto-d the hundred mark. FathB
.Nlck.'iwu of Mayfield being nearty M
and Mra. William Agnew of Burdtokviu.- to-lng 97; N. F. Mertw of Bonale.
ad rounded out IM years end Bar

Pioneer Days.
Hon.B. B. Pratt, (be ptooocr sUorBcy ot tbe Grand Traverse region,
wo aa address upon tbo "Earty
Ploneor Days." 'Hr.'Pratt giving bis
cspsriMieea in tbo old days. telUng of
bis first trip to Traverse Cliy In IHd.
hlr. Pratt suted ihsi he lsnd.>d In
Nortbport (ram a steamer on Usy s:
im. but bad to walk to Traverse
City. He told ot stopping at a toggbig
bee on route, and at the nisSc
psaraace of tbe "city"
reached the end ot bis tourney. He
also told ot bl9 flist tow suit, which
uas tried at WlUlainsburic, and bos
tbe tory and court oTfleors went out
and sal on the bank at a mill lond
while the verdict 'was reached.
Prsit, who has )usl rounded out
SUh year ot activity At the Grand
Traverse bar. declared (bet hu work
bed beon eonUnuoue. although last
y<«r be .ran awny to Calltornls tor
three inoatb*. and bad kept
tram the otflee at much as
since bhi-iWuni.
Tbe mlsisl quartet then sang -Wb«i
You snd I Were Young.

•■eni A'. 8- A
0 gave him annual In (be city (beo. It waa'owned by
wiihh was am (ollnw-*:
-<(vhU T. neadle, whose fausines* has
PmMcnt’t Annual Addratt.
now grown k> that « has beomm
where ab
‘Itodk-s and genttoiprn—Twenty- wbolesaio e.nabllshmrr.i
nine yeari ago ^ Sib u( March, a kinds uf the flii>-si and most durabl
few of the «i!d pipneeni ol Ifae Grand hatnea.- art- insTiufaclured. Traverse region gaini-r.-d togeihcr “Tht-i\- wen- but two bridc-s ovci
milec down the bay. In the village th,- Hminlnisji river tn ihe ciiy;.oni
of Elk Rapid*, and organized rha' ■* ot Gic north t-ud.of Union slr-s-t and
koowD as the 'Old Sr^ilers Assoclallon one on East Bl^th MreeL There was
of the Grard Traverse ReRtun'. one but one school bourne, which •
ot (he grandest afsoctotlnns that iliere pled the site where the Ihirk ITacIn all Korthdbn Mteblgau. I sbuuld botel tu.w MariiL. and I veninr
;e to know bow many there arc any that If It were M(andin& today,
with u* today wbo were at that gath­ that it- would hardly bo able to
ering 29 years ago. All ihos.- who! the t.-acher*
wlli please otoke it manifest
* ci'v. TmUy v
toy rising.
*T hare been placed al a disadvan
iKgn today, by having ao many flueii!
•'Ther.' was loi a siaglo churrli
apeakers .ihead uf nn' on (he program. heis.lhi-11—today , «e have, 1 think.
AlUtough they have all lieen limited ■«ir IK. Thi-rc warn pu boJik in the <i
five minutes .-xch. (luj have said Today wx- can isJa.M of three a* fl
many good Ihingr thal I wanted
and subMauiUI iMiiiks oa can
aay. that now 1 wUi cut my addrens (•■and In Uic sintc.
■ two, and In the sbott time I have, "H'ithlnoiir city tlmli* we have o
would like to give you a brief hie- of the torg.-n inTituikins In the
lory of the early days of Traverr-c slxH-. f»>r rhe enre tVl those who hav.'
t'liy as I knew tto-ni: Imi U-f»re do L.'i Willi the »ad tnishiriiine <rf hwOther Addresses.
I wnm to inank you for tbe iur ihsir Blind.. HiM wiih the •-apst'hMrs. Wiltair 8(eele. who was pres­
tomor liealotved u|ion me In idarinc i.'. r. at the li.-ml of ii. t<. .-urv for
ent with her boihand tram Nonhpora.
me at tbe head of this asanriatinn. iv.-M- unfortunate ontw. ihi- IntTiiutlim
sat called apoo tor an address, but
lo Traver*.begged to-be excused. President An- and i mut tliat I bare madoA-w^^fi-i U a credli. jkh 'only
fiorsmt reatKBdlng tor her. minting have filled (hr place lo yolTr saiivfa.'- r:i>.- Ii'Jt to the entire s-iau- of Ulih:lun. I consider it an l^or. and I
that she' had been In tbe Tegloo
*v-u1d rather l-e president ot an asao
tottan ot ihbi rt'.aT-Bctcr than lo to'
Mrs A. D. McRae
a recitation governor of UiuUeui or enayor of inv-xl wlih sand aad sawdu'i
ald--»iiIL* 'Boat few WF bad. »<-:e
sdlrh madv a hit. ci
made of stoU. stob side dowti-k..k
limes slib ihe old. which threw the Traverse City.
“.Notice ibeebatiEi- Ut Travcrsediy at (hem now- Oiir'llghu. at that unic.
«bsdo* across tie new. Mr*. M.-Rsi\ keroeene lanps.atid lallow cmileld (to- atteutton ot her audltdce and la the lamt « year*;
"When I came here aa a tod of l x die*. Today, two .omininh-a fnra;sb
received beany applause.
Hon. II. O. Rose, ot I'eioskcy. one years, there was l»ot one bulldlnp on
eleitnc lldxs of tae finest
side o( Front ctryw r. and imd. tile is’wv'r ucing'fiiHiisIw-d by
>f the most prominent vUliors. was
tbe, proarsa. but advancing yean
Ih side of the sm-v-t. from dems three dr lour
j_;ie* up the
have not dealt toe kindly with Mr, >nlna atreet to Rnlittiad avctnie, there lioardTTiKn rl«-r. Oor railraad* were
Rose, and he was able to nepond to
(bon a half ttoaen rominnn two horse stxg.w.
*rs ntme by rislJg to bb feel, toav- buildings. On the slie or near where bioudi’ u* our'tna'll about once a
.‘»g President AnderaOB to speak a Urls fine torv-k tullding now mtond#, wc-k. Today w.- have, m an aveng-.
sold for him lotbe sudleoce.
then waaA"Kltle 7x9 tuvfvi marketU mallK a uay. Oar sb-amluai
Arcfak- Ruilsrs of CbarlevoU.
jibe flrwr (M10 In Traverse Cily—wbl.-h' a nke with the oinsWe. as we oGi-




Mr*. Fannie H. Shormaii. htotorlan
ol the society, read ihi- foUowlng
tcr.-Kilng |Mi|wr:
■'Th“ ytwr iiQw
drawing lo
Cose, fine- our Ism
dealt Very kindly wlih u* .in iiu
ways, noiwltlixlaiirtlng the fears i
f.ivbo.llngw (bat have tn-en iumring
•r 1I-. No
Xo dreadful
raUniity hiu
en iir.aiid m- i.-rribhiepldetnii
‘Our harv.-ti* ot fruii, grain, and
poiataek were .vliuiidani. and the w m•1 w*(h lis hc.nj anow
fall* a
-od-cvi- iemi«-raiure »a> Ideal (
- u fl w ilDie* duiirg th-' winu-r i
n- wind ami Gu- snow oujnlve
porate Northi-nn from us lur a we
I n Time Bid ]>ui 2t hour* between
nd Helroli and fvtoakey. uimpelling
• to read stale new* a day and a half
Id. or :ea*. lemlndtn^ u- of th- limes'
hen we were shut In !:um Ihe out
do wi-rla lor iiei.Hy >li iiiniiihs of
i. v.-a- and news from l-i days m
two w-o-lo- old WH« i-ery- frtwh and
•■V,'.- ar«: gisit-ful io.^the railroad*
roruli.g ,tu iii> and hutting u* In
iniic’i with the gtt-j; wotliTof activity.
Inies when It I* ^d and
sio'my- and the trains are sale w>wi«h »ou!<- of the rotn;*Bl(i Yo-jib
I l-«*l a Ultle more standundvr ahelter. perbaiw. the
(ffielat* hate not to-en here when It
torniy and tiiey do not iealUe botr
’•miied our arrummodatlon* are.
"March took a freak and gave u>
lo week, if summer weather which
vould have been thoroughly enjoyed
•old timers' bad M known Abat
mitofe th* comet or someiblng (d*e
bonld tnieri.-rc to protect nm would
oroner or later cause dlmamter to our
frull crop,
"Tern have been given ifilmpses of
>e tBfBBCy. ehiUhood and youth of.
oh.- reelon and now oar.towipt have
g-ximo up—not lu their full atauirc

•xieorgc Miller, one Of (be Sr«
wbite childn-n bora In this regton had
reald.-d bt-re HD yeara. Mark HaBe«l Antrtin's highly roapeefa
rial IOB ol Traverae City, a Botiument .-d lutliair (armera had spent bto «b
years In tbe eidalty ot
Id the peraevi-ranco and amblUoti of
and Old Mtoaloa.
a band .of i>luDM-r women.
r|t affordt u> great pleasure 10 ti-'l
'John Jarolto'enotW native Indian,
you Chat to Robert D Agts-a, one of
i an ordained mtolsur In the UaChNoribiion's nsilve Ifdtons. a gradU' (Klisi cbuix-h. elatmmi a lesMeoea e(
ate and former t-tnploye ot Haskell To'year*. lit-waa a papll In (be Mtos.hool ^nder I’eK-r Dougherty,
liiKiltiiie. Itowrentw. Kansas, po« ao>of Trayeriie flly't pros|>eroUB Uilurs. many y.-ars ago. There am M pereooe
" 11*1 wbu had resided here (rOB
given the honor of delivering an
Tu y. ara Of the toany woim-a,
addn-ss at tbe celebrated Itoke Mo
; conftTgpie, N. Vi. last OcGtoer., Uya Juo idi Sours bad bad the tonficst re*id.-nre. t( year*. We boatHy
The addooa. 'An Indian's Caiwei
0 ived many ooraptimenia and great lead you the ii*t aa the Dames are all
dear and lamiilar and wc would net
binli one,
"fiid It ri-coriK-d to ^ntrim-a
Jarobi. 7«: Mark Mamagma.
It that It has Joined tbb Icxal optioti
rnnA*. Lt-elanau and Grand Traverse 70; T. J. Itovto M; WiUUm the only countlea in' ihlt oaxorU- pber. L4; George MUb-r. f.k; llarriaOB
tiou that thave not joined the mareb Fiilclplier. t«; Mr. Joseph Soura, («;
L'psatl Harrison. iJ: Mrs. Peek. H;
vf prugToa. We expert to *.x- i
Mr> K Mclioaald. :i; Mr*. Jeoato
bunging up the rear on the double Whitman. 10: Mt>. £. E. liame, M;
gUM-k the «i-ry next cJiancis ibt-y get.
WllUam Agnew. 50; Altoe M.
^ -Tlie Milage ol Kaiiia-ka has sus Smith. 50; Urius Avery. C; Mr. aad
tamed ao'.il.ri heavy lo*. l,y fir*. We
Bordeasx. (7; John Helm. 17;
i-yiend •>ui|>at.hy mod hop*- Hurt an Inc Mr* Fld-lia Hardy. (7; John GnalK
i-rovcd condition »-il1 be the ouirome. (C: Williitn Mcfc.-rsuu, (S; Staato
Oayt of Ox Teama.
to-vi Krtgler. 15; Mrs L. •
"Several mile* of 'r>-ward' nod bare W lis'i.e* t . llri. enma S. W0>
H. Mr-. Aim Backet. «: Sd*--'0 t.ulK Is (heae (oumie* and po~
II. Urn-n. (t: Ur*. James O'oad» have been generally impivixd.
; ut now ihat we have good rooda we (3: Mr. and .Mrs^INger-Oaaiato,
Mrx. Kalhrlu.- Hammond. «; W.
- winuen (oik*—are afraid of our m«*
1-1 -ISC them l'.f fear an antomobllc J Clark. «2; J->bn W. Shane. 42; Wb.
1 uctii come along at a modt-raie l?i Fp’irlliig. (2; Mr*. Mary ReyaoUa. 41;
Ol 'iw-ed. Wc almost wi»l we >^K. Jauetie iwbm. 42: Mrs. WllRaB
1 . -p iMKk again following' tbe old Farran-. 1-; Mrs. E. K. Miller. 4*;
Johanna Zlmmennan. *0;. R. B.
li.dian iraji, or with Krlght and Rrin?.lv-r. (•'; rardella Seymeur. 40;
or Duke tiiid lA-rbr ambling In and
Tnon.3. Whaley. (0; to-*Jie Crain. 40;
among Hie trees, over loo sod
:e SeUti k.
WtiiiaB Crta*. 41;
*. -dicks ai.d mione*. wbeie thes-'
Sioto-H. (1; Mrs. Coraelto Kaob.
presen', day bor*el««s carriages would
41; Mr*. Mary.Snada. 41; Mr. Rabon'
ji dare to venture. Til.1.<l(e. Ht'JaiBe* rameron, W: Mrs.
"IJy vb-riing E. Wilhelm to the of- Hopper. 50.
re of mayor Traverae City baa eoa- -A -fatograpblcal dcetGh of ea^ om
:■ rred as honor on anotbrn- son of oot. of tbeac noble man and women woald
I her ptoo*<etT.
be of great IntereM to oa aU If .ere bad
"E. S. ITalt our pkinder auorwey,
glee them, faot we ilrnffty aay
s> oetobraied tbe «(lh aaaivcvsarr


r (Mf nwei

THOfc T. ■ATn,


that DOM «rek« miMod. la brK
■aj be toU that pwtorkp oooaiud
btkr dap la tb« tabtety of thb
amtlcra aad a rod latter
to Trarmup atp aa rrbU. ter oar people
predated the eppomraitp to wdoc
aad eatenalB tbe ptooeera end tbelr,
tamUlM. Ttirp are ahrapa -welcoae
aad we hope (bet et ao dbtaat dap.:
tbu dtp map ecata be dweea (or tbe



■—“ASMUyiSl^----Itoitomontnu Msr. isia
Leg Xjunb, per lb

dJovriHnent Wes Tehee Wlttoot De­
ciding Upon tto Ness Rlaoi of

RJb .



I i IM



Butter........ ...............
.(Prom Tbumdsi'e Record.)
’The Grind Traverse peelasula
. Tbe Her. Uuab Kenned/ ocooplef fast beCOmine ooe of (lie finest
Tbe boerd of trade bee made
tbe iHdplt at last ni^'s meetine of pearine orchard dtstricu la the eti
tae ^wonb Leaeuers. apeaUac op-'
to boM e Cbamaaqui
eroaers thU pear bave taken and
tbb dtp tbb
cn Tbe Epwottblaa and Tweatletb are taklae nnuaual pains, and tbe re­
ueetloaa or a etaadard kKb eoouda Conturp Ptoblema." Tto Her. Mr. sult Is that (be orchards look totter
KiLiedp, wbo Is now located at Bat­ than they ever did before ailhoueh
tor TrarerM Clip, It
tle Creek, has aUrae lollowln* Id tUa the past, the^ntnsula crowers were
to vtaraateo a coad
Tbb moaep man to lataod oetirolp, dtp. where be was pastor ot tbe As- far from belM careless. The orrbirds
^■nbbk^ pur to ...
better raltlvated, tsore prunlnr
Ibrtmab tbe tair of tickeu aad la bop- tor/ chat* for aerersi pears. HU
been done while sprtpins Is alInc tbe (Meet*, eappon will to dr- address v:* followed with close atVaau to Help fiosno Ooa.
leetion bp tbe Leaenert.
sFor thirty years J. F, Boyer, od Teren a wortbp eaterpHae.
ille. Mo., tieedc'd help and eeaiBnt
Tba derottonab at tbU meetine
clUee. a ebaap precram.
And U. That's why be wants to help
bp the Her. C. £
m MWHIaw*. aUebt hare aeUiSed. Ttarerte Oty.
aoim' one now. Buffering ao lo^ him­
self ht- feels.for aB distrsaa fma
■ B*tai« l« fodi bowerer, li a cuHured dtp and for Thiea. of Xortbpori. rrho is just tojnd- that tto vahie of tto property wlli to
ine oot bis first pear in America, harRarkarhe. .N'ervauuneas. isiat ot A»OBM iMt V 8MH
a anmber of pears, each wbter bae !di come from Bneland where there U rreatly Increaeed for appearances
peit,. tossliude and -Kidney dls^
to tbe value ot orchards Just as iher
ders III' shows that Electric BUterv
etijopod moct exeeUeot tpeeam pra.
r eapplp of Uetbedlst ^reacb- do to anythin/ else.
work wonders (or sack tniUblM.
Amehea, where ibere are not
"nte bottles.- be writes. "Wholly eurteMMSMaao*. verm. Litoral paCnma«e bos been
ono.irt to fill the churches.
• me sad no* l am well and beany.Ctrea tbrse and tbe ranlt li
> also isuiiivcly tusranised for
A rood proersm was clreo pesteri.iv,- Troubl.-, Oyapcpsl*. Blood Dis­
at la tbe taste of tbe dip.
dtp afternoon. Harry O. Matthews of
orders. Female OmpUlaU aod MaW lHiilH luM boom «r die
Kaowlnc thu. lo eboMloc tbe pro. fle-ioc
speaUne npon "Leseue Work Wedding Ceremony Occurred st Os^
A IoUIh-vrtt- cram. tbe board d trade didootae- for Boys." -'Effie Bousaam oftLeetsrecclpu,
(rolt Wedneedep Evening, Onlp
fmn Spo-A toy Mercantile Co.
led tbe ctaeapeot. bat pl^ed e<
rrie aai elrem the aublect. “Leaeue
ce)pta. 27.(IU; cute. reoDKyhanlt
the Relitivec Being PreeenL
kM. WaML, Wk
•ottHro m woe beHered to be tbe taet. The beet Work *.r Ql-Is.and nearby bernery, white. flQSOc;
This Will IntersM Mettora.
aifMMM04.V ^urw of (ho Urltlo nrailDBl talent, (be ton orak
MUs MynU Slebert nf PetoakrMias Rose WHt^ and WaHer N. do gathered, white. 23® flic.
■ether 0»*rs tlveei Povdm fer CWb
TiOM. bowtitBl eroo*. ot&. m oorulu tbe beet entertainers were booked lor >anfl a aoto, aad Hiss Retokah Klrk■" ----------” ■ '
»-d hi
a. ^Ulbot
tMt ntUj niau wimMr ito week at Trarersf Clip, ttore be- nstritk. of Rapid Qip. Janlor Leaine Kt-lh-y weep united In cnarrlate Wedneeday niaht tt UetroU. onlp tbe Im.
* k A temrtt aodt
inc SI entertalnttooU In W POr tbb sniwinietidtr.l. bad ebarce of ih« Jun­
Hate relitives of the bridal couple
. Mttoflf tU faraun otthe laanm. laplim adde (to tad that it ior Imacae faosr.
INO tb«ilDO^«( to bo deeolrad
at 4 o’clock the Loaeners. about l» (rolt sevefal days afo. aooampanied
Is a borne eaterprlse and itouU be
«atws........................ It «
k 9
U)M. mb
ell. salhered at (he Cass street bp bit daughter. Mias Helen, and in
■upportod for that resaoe If for aene
2 IbMbMmclMilfmo
■ of tho pran ^<ot*
tbe Cbaatanqoa ooorM It dc dock and look boats Mt to Popnlai the wedding party were Mra {Dr.) T.
wwft Abbot tlw Kk>«. "STTliic of support bp ororp dtitoa polar, shere -ey bdd a pknle aup_ ChMtottHr
-------------- Jr vwodlT.
A. Wilhelm, of tbli city. sUleHn-law
• gfjMk*.
tb«n ttt tlio and tbe sale of Uekeis sbeuld r>
a was a moat enjoyable
bride, Mr. and Mrs. Ikrvey
erent. the perfect weaiber and toan- Avery anE daughter Fraacea Mra Av­
S' 4|ii^ «Wk
There has been a oompklat____ tflol picnic eroonds maklne tbe aSair ery being a sister of tbe bride.
i 0PCWW pR>k>oetM >Bd. (bat Trarerse Cli.r la lacklBc la aomof keeneat pleaanre.
nadirs. KeUey will take a two
1 Otbr >• tk* aSBb to hU mOdmnMi.
»e mrlse prayer meetine thla
aad that for tblii
1’ bonepvnoon irtp. sttKsplng
5 «k A aMM MaikMr Mxoit rotara- roaaoo.wmeamenu
trHwnIneW led bp (to Ber. Jnmee
nai^ rialiora did not
We pay
You do not have to wait uotil you
« tt MfftM kb
**iafc- or flak Thu pear, tbe board o* trade baa E«r»ld of FYankfort, which was tol- Mt. {Tlenjens. after wWch they t
return to tbh city and to at borne
2 iMMtt M«i» fv tita MMk.
aon^ to ePelrOBe tbli bp offeAn*
have $1000, $20.00 or $5000 to Mart
frleuk at the Kelley residence
Z fik««Mtab«ppbrtaaltlw. Thb Ir- this aplaadld eoune at a Torp tinall sion study T as conducted by the Rer. tbelrBute
K' ijg<W
«iwB It it soofl. k oil con for tldcets entiainc the bolder H'lfh Kennedy, and tbe Bible study friends In this city who wUh tbeni
an account at this bank. .We wel­
f r «IKL aM dib bzjAub of tbb oridiuJ to eretr nnaiber. Tbe bectnalac bae l-r (he Per u H. Uaanlne. At 12 ncrtblng
but bapplneto
o’clock tto meetine adjonmed. Pol*
k 0B4 tbo
come your deposit ^
toen made aad it Is op to the people
lowlns the adjoamtaent the local
I PM»*M i» obfrloe sMU a dnilB os et Trareiae Clip to mdte It
Ends Wlmer’s Troublea
l«acaers served diniier In tbe church
kaoRtoe you »ill add to it as fast n
[' l^.bM tbb MM tonar woia oa
To many, winter U a season of troularlora
l' ipf'lfc:* Mb Mttbb'' bp tookias
le. Tbe froet bitten
' '
No Place of meetine was decided
>ed hpnds and lips, cbllblali'i
iMla bif eiM Mttk Vtor tutoM.
:.pcn at thla aaeetlne. the nest place
dfPprntrmcUfa Ml modBorfui fruit
tbli. -I-But such troubles fly belo;
M Wik doM M rbbMrb «B tnl- Trarerae Clip foeU that It U Indeed of meetine to to decided later. So Buckle:
lien's Arnica Salve. A trial n>_
.mM bi9PU 07
VbrtvMa bar* pleaeure and a prtvllece to entertain well pleaeed were the visitors' with vlnces. Giwatest healer of Burns,
We SoUelt Yw r AceonnL
the bospHalltr of TrEverse Cliy. they Bolls. Files, ('uta. Sores. Bexema and
bitf ou ttin bo nuo la tbb aab od- each catberlnca as is
Sprains. Only 25c ai C. A Bugbee
today. Toaetasboneaitottoploeeert
kblBK dlrtiMb br tbo turn <
Dnig Co.. 8. B. Walt fi Sons. Hannah
- laMiilkflBoo.trrtAtod bak. (
A Up MereuntUe Co.
A «r kMMM, kkMrtp flooplood. boro erelse the btopltahtp of (be heart and
Mias Beulah Ketlo(« left this in
the onlp true besplialltp. A>
V b—»ro»ofl.oiti—fl
Ing foe Ml PleaaaiM to aiteod i
»r dtp, Trarerae CRp ieeis tbe V. M. C. A. wni I
mencoment rzereisea.
toad tbs( so deenp uaKea those wbo
r «M fllkiMf rnboD «• or« kx*. conqaerod tbe wUdneaa. Udeed. wlUI lif ttbMflr ««<7-0»»d Ao^ lo tbe eondnee of Trarerse CItp. hon­
ored realdeats all, are tboto wboee The sute bop aeeretarp of tbe
'nemorp herbs ba<E to tbe daps arben H. C A.. J. A VaaDU. was in
When YOur flheai Pinch .
Olgeat, LvgesI, SDd StnmsesI Baek
their epoe beheld tbe “sawdnn atroeui dtp peutenUp and addreaned the bops
Twelve raiu mnalns tbe price for
and slab sldewalka”
la lUa sccUoo ol the stale.
or the High nchsol in the moralng on ^lesa (odap. However, the price
Trarerae Cttp pee^ease* an adr
the r. M. C. A. High Seboo) confertrifle, ninnfi from 10
tace tDUa(iLaad(lesto.Ulsbiit
enie which wllLbe held at Torch lake
ceuu per busbet. The topers peInfaaL-tbe adrantase Iptag In tto taet from June 2}. until Jnly 4. He us- fwt that at the present toodltlon of
atai bare with na. iboea wbo. plained tto program for each
the Chleuflo -saarkrt it Is really un­
as It were, laid tbe foundation loca which h aa- Inwrestlng one but said
safe to oCrcT more than lo or I2 «mu
par toibel.
fMnain at tbelr (fid qjmd. M
' MMakdwMeflbbpkntearTaa^
ua. but
eenu per docea. aad batter at 2* to 22
, l^Mk did OTOtptbii« la tbab
bai been in pears aad maap of tbe
per poaDfi.
bnildera tbeflmelres are with ns
M »M>a tt plwiiat lor tbatr
Silffln. Karl Dmlor. KaH Plaher. Leo
Jt la trus that inasp ol them SunVp. aad Huarp Hobto was apMM flHE kd eo was
d M appcoral bp oeeep. hare entered apon tbe lest )on« aleep, pMnted to select alx fetlowa wb6
every year cost the farmers of this section thousaods
Utrolt. Mich, Jane 9.-Whrat,
(U within Ute last pear), bat tbelr
old rcpreecnt all the different bops
of dollars. These can be praaically prevented by us­
acBMrlai itUl remain aad wlU
p W P JvwsQ. PnslOesl: k B,
gtnltaUont In tbe city and still to
ing a weak Formaldehyde Soluiion on tbe seed. Let
High school boys. The eipeni
ns tell you how. Circolare burnished to you free of
M W sM M «to flemal oflwta of The Old Seulera aaeoclatlon M’ a Ihese win probably to paid at least
charge. ' The whole process is very inexpensive for
sort ot an orcanUaiion that
Ur within lUeU. To to a member, ao
the farmer.
wordlp wealib or.fame are aeceaaarp.
,w 4V aad IMMMd Ua «
•eery talc.
alooc lines of
■Mb Uearartwfelcb was.
........ If. and by virtue of
Chicago. June 8.—Fotatoce-^bsy;
arahfp. tbe memtora meetloc on
««ta<a. aad tbb OM BetUera a
choice to tonfT. 24M2Se; toJr to good. decree, and order of Ibe Circuit Court,
tbe aame eanaUtp as tbcp did la tbe
for the county ol Grand Traverse,
MWBMSaa M (befr prnlaa ofUa n

«ate of Mlchlgiti,
old pioneer.daps when aJJ-mei
^aiMnt aa tbM oeeaeioe.
Receipts of new potatoec were 20 made IDS dal-d. Jxtiuar.i 2Isl 1910.
tone aa (hep were food men ud
In a i-ertaiii .sssr ’.’herein pending,
VMaotOBCMoaibt tbelartaotatIIS and ofoldcropeffertogs js
mei tocettor on an eqnal foottne And
S. IN-an. is <-omMMto ta tbb btoarp ec tba «wm
The new fire team purchased from The latter sold briskly, but buyers platnanL aad. Tbe Old
this la aa It sboold be.
Mls.sion Beach
MuM^iad Tfrtaiie City nmde _
The weloome that Trarerse Clip ■losepb OMrtade of Gust Bay town­ dM not respotft to the iwcvnt big d«- Resort Assocmiion, a rorporsilon,
Art to sMo tblia plobe.
enenk to these who link nt with ship wss brought to the engine bouse elinr made in prices of tbe former, defendsot.
wbe cam. Tto owners tbe put eren while tbep Poaruep alone }-eeterdap and pssierky «ft«
ad the nisTkeUcontlnned w^
ef MitnaeMlii. ander tto dirantoa or with ns. is rsa], sincere and apontan- had tbelr first uzpertcace with
Oteeuvllle. Mich.. June 8.—C. H Siooer.
MMto fMaodrtdh dM Mbie aer- ooas. BrerpoDe,j>ld aad potac alike, rUt.
hRcbto ta tbe llgbt wag•ii”e sue"
^bb tb aMbrtflalac the ptoBeera.
hlglimi ‘ii'j.lJfr^,
not until there tmd been ararespects aad eatoems tbe ‘Md settler.
r of the Court House.
» — a leHMim dap and tbe an- Fto them, tbe beat Is Boee too flood slderuMe trouble. Tto Imruea
City...................... univ
•iMMb tr«b d>ar% dkebtfo! exped.
of Grand Traterse and Rtatr of 1 :ichimap tbep Unter Mac and be able toautlea being iron gray in color,
MIMtbaRwto eafo^them and tto to attend mi
, ooid court house being
r meetlnea of tbelr weiring 2«N> pouak and being toll
e »!i, re !lic t.rcuU co;ir: in
MbaE®*aai made avaup aflOrt to see aasoHatioa.
bwtbcfs ’Tboue w1u> have sew
said i.iunt.v !, bolden,. On S...
Inv. iuirtic thr merits of (to k A fii Pivot Axl« Cuhivstnr;
a ptODOBMe tbe aalmals the fintto Elphtrewh Dap of June, A.
si'iiiig t-lp. spring tooth or pln'brvuk rigs.
tor Are pnrpnsev In the state.
9t0 at ten o'clock In tbh forenooi.
Tb- ircaiMrt .riJ-r we base ever vecored in a rldiug cuftn-*
aid day. all or ao niu<b of tbDetroit.
a cuhirator of quality, strong and mowi durwblu.
They were gfveu enother trial today
may b<- neci-saary. to raise the amhar.i
FRAMK— Adjnatalsle. glr.rg variation of i3 iacbea in Iraud of
•avsd Prom Awful Oeuth.
of money, due to said complalaan:.
wtoels, adapting the culilvaurr ti, auT width of row from S to «fl
How aa appalling calamity
Dltp in
ta hta faW
for principal, and iuiercwi. and
. (Old I
intb—: arch haa clcaramv of 34 lo^tou Is height.
of the said suit, and the costs ol-tln
Donald, of FvetievUle. .V.
Tbe following described parcels
AXLE—li so attached to frame giat li throws the welRll «(
No. *. -My slater had oonaompland, towlt.
(to fiwme logritor with ihai ot tto operator well 10 (be e«tt«r of
thm." be wrltea, -she was verp thin
kU those several certain pieces er
and pale, had no a^mc aad seem
the wi»«-l bearing, which msk", thh. caltivauw very waap tOfluMe at
r—Poultry- parcels of land altoaxe and being l!
as an re
uuM- ilBe prevents ailet wearing and throwing wbaeM In at
“«> «»4 <*iH »bo eaMM tb«r
my. and more
partlcnlarlv dcvcril
Ito top. This fntm will to appreciated by tto users of Ito ordmarr
covery was ____ .
Nesr York, Juae 8.—Poultry—Aive.
•^toitbc>lak»q>l,w. II ii o«r d>b.
to-VlL Fractional ..
pivoi axle cultivator.
cured ber. that abcr has not been troo- Irregular: westera broHerm. 26c: fowl*
. . In seriloB ibirtv six. of
bled with a cough aince. Its tbe brat I94c; turkeys. ]0Rl4r.; dressed. Ir.
Boxing is lodepeodent of tto hub. eaxUy rvtnovcd. fitted with
s-n thlru Donb. of range ten »e*t.
BMdIelnr I ev^.
„ heard of.- For
w Or
intalnlng. Bfty six. and «l).l«».> acres
large sand rw|i ID rear aad cojiMnatlon aand cap aad grease cap on
reuuler; wenern braUers. »«»:
eougba. colda lagrippe.
•cording to tto I’. S survey thereof,
outer end of bub.
flRyooBfl ikpflttw ^rm in
heawrTbagr. all broncblal uoubiM. it fowla iSfrMc; tnrkeya ifiRito.
ore or less.
baa flo eguat. Me. $1.00. Trial botUe
WHEias —Sic-I. 34. inchej in hHgM. staggurad apekwo. bread
ISO tbe foUowIng parcels.
Iftr. Ouaraaleed bp C. A. Bngbee ~
Ivan Park 2. >, acres. Reserve
ropcave rim. making ttos.- exrcpxioaally
aad giving a targu
Co.. S E. Watt fi Sous. Hanat
-Vo. O!
J. 4. acres Reserve N'o. f
range of ptvrtal adjuatroent
U«..AIer«aatlle Oe.
Chicago. JuM t—Rutter—keadp;
Reserve Vo. Three, fooneer
Riga— Jliga carbon ebaanci ateel. to aUartofi to frame that they,
ireamerteu 24R»r: dairica. seKc.
all twenty and 3-10 acres
Tha flnuet bruei ana pastry are tokcs—Steady at mark; rocHptt. 22. according to tto recordi-d plat of. .Old
prevent chovels tracking ^nd arc so censUartM (bat abovHs cas be
made from Wended Rour. Tkat M tbe
Mlasloa Beach Resort. Also Lo’
pUred at asv dcslrwl jrtni. tbe Iroat sboveia helsc well abend ottudnded. 16H9 known as. “HOTEL PLACE" in said
tuSMU tto Ooahaa Bleadsd Plaur. 0«seat.
bMle and Neepe PWI are ao Ptoular.
flima. Klflei
prUat firsts. plan Tbe same being a part of frac
taaofirtopFmf 11^
tkaal lor number tme. of sonkin
New York. Jnas 8—Butter—Bareir range ten w« . *• they b.iims aMc* MetllguaL
bupets exeretue moru JodoMt ta steady aad uartiangad: teeolpts. 14:Dated (hUI Sad day of May A D.
{Bnctoatac fiour and flat thato toaak «lt Cheese Quirt aad aactoacedr l»H.









Any Day In Ihe Ycup Is a Good
Day to Begin lo Save Money

Three Per

Cent Inter«
esi on Sav-



Traverse City State Bank


D. B. U.

And Grain Smut



Wait’s Drug Store

Cor. Front and Union St


Do You intend to Pur­
chase a Boitivator?



rUilnk lOa • tep bl««li.nDr
-aa i.

ONMcomsoi. or o. s. nsAsukv


Price (XLN to tS7S4-CasaerMseseal t%

Per tto » HfUM. rttocM bread p
wm eta, u ' tto Ouakea Biead

p «, IS i*. *7. June a.

«er. in ai
r. Mirkigi
10, TJ.


•RAND TNAVeme HnALM. FhlOAV. yuHW (P. yaieL


Hr It the pioneer teerlu-r o(
him. toavlag pHi slema. Aa aoon
Crend Traa«-r«e conaiy, beginn
a* OMpral JcAucai toft
the room.
lan ago uS teaching coallnuoinly. Langwvnhy remoteC one ot the all.
Mr. and Mr*. O. J. Power* i
aura from tbe lebel

been at Nontapon 44 yeara.

Tbe pe« pldnt anu to W. O. Ootd
ea. of 04d Mlealon. wbo U W yean Rapid* are abaklng band* trllb olfl blouae. on wbleb wero Inacrilmd the
old. aa hai Urad ta tbe region te Wend*. They aeltled at Elk Rapid* gtneral a laitlal*. and thl* star he bad
during tbe war.
In bU puaseulon uaHl bto death, and
Ura. Amelia l.anKwonhy Wortbing- l> appean>_u the tope) of bto coat li
Olhar old afUton an tba Rar. A. O.
Thnretua. of WealbtC wbo look up the ton baa «eeu more (ban half a o-ninry

Ttm» Uv.
jcfe. VK* PretM«Bt;
Grand Travene region grownb. lobommtaad la Wexford eouaiy
Cmaktor: A. J. iUf
eatlug at Ilatea U -t ear* ago.
MIC A. J. H»rUu4, AmUum Cub- Wilbur Steele aad wtfe. ot Nortbport
r. Hra. J. H. NotrUare, ba* been
George Crabar of OaienaL, wbo ba>
llvM inen S4 yean; Hr. ud Un. O hen the wane length of time, brr hue-------^R*-A. Trmcr Iat,
hand enmint 41 yeara ago. AH are Ib
Olac*. Mn. JaNM T. Huub. R. (tou. of RIk Raidda; atn. J. W.
IHekanau of Sbioa: and Captain O.
Hr. and Mr*. Well* Miller a
E. Wilbur. Of Cbarleeoix. wbo apenl
>oylug a reunton wttb old filend*. barhalf a century at Nortbport.
Ing lived In tbr regton Morr IbST.

Traverae City, wbleb ha.«m-'
dueled iratU l|Af. He then moved U>
Acme, where be c^itBed a cenersi

ot (be Grand TrarerM Handd. V<
1. No. ]. ud tbe other la'tbe Snt to-

«j simns All BEU

aue or the Hk Raplda siagto.

tOnttoub trara ra«t Ou.)

1. No. 1. Botb are ortgUal ei^aa.

Sabtai (or tht only wrietta hliiorjr o!

VleKar Taken III.

tha Qraab mrerte region, a

Mre. Nellie Bleren^



Trtfcrtt to Mr. Uaaii.



of OadlUar

Monlua, Myrtle, of
Cbloago. Gall
who gradimed thto wee* from
Northern MleblgU aaylum Irwlatim
*cho>M. Ud Jeiaie. who live* In Ev-

member of


MePberaon Poet. No. K. ud had held
neverm olflcea In the ptwi. Although
tad never become tdenilDed

attaoded the mMllag of the old eet
Hen. and wai Taken lit during the

church, be lived a chrtollu Ufe,

morning bean.
•io Itnd amoBC u (or masr rcara
Kalkaeka Neat Yur.
highly fMpacttd CbrliUan inu, u
The old eelllera will go to Kalkax
«bp. ml adtttf of tbt Hanid, did mat
«• attract tMUtra to thia part c« tlk ka next year, thto being (be only liiMUa, mad triwu eflortt (or In bd- Vlutton preeenled to then. The (ol-

and died In the full belief td a Imt-

lowing oracen wen elected for the

blow to ihoi^ nearett him It wm
eterBloatlou to live until hi* «>n

“To thn# otber

Uf^ beyond- A* a huabud and
father, few men ever Fulfil their
auv liotter than did Mr. Langwonhy, and hi* death conuw u a

wbo bad

bata (or ijBiott a ball coatar
non oboat rapuLatluni were «
VtMf astatidtd perbapa.


«Mt M hw worthy or oitdeMd. who
by bard worb and panlttom aSort

'Celdeni—lion. Jamea

ItoriT could n«cb bto liedslde from

Uarvey A. lugworlby. one of the

Srcniary—B. O. LadA <Nd Mlealon.

0*1 proialneut and most highly rv-

Triaennr—O. J. ttowerw, Elk Rap

hart broacht thU couatry to lu
wt atato o( dml^iBwbt. MB
wbdn balpad' to Bgbt thetr couotry-a
batdaa, muy of whom bad lervod
tbdlr aedUlta. tfwoahlpa ud achool
SMlfteU orsdally mad all ot wboa
hSap Mt reco.-Ct ai worthy cltium,

Rnunet, H. O. Roee; Beoxle. T. U.
Prtliu; Kalkaeka. A. B. Pnliner; Lee-;
•—-'i, Georie A. (Taker; Atiirtm. A-

wo SB boMr.

Hlgheny; Oraud Traverae. W. W,
j; Ctoarletolx. O. B Wllbor.
May brare wobiod who aband ibt
DOtion «a* mad* and carried (hat
bardablpa. prlvaUoaa. bopta, )ot$ ud tbe varloue vice prekldeau act ae
rowa o( tbclr hubaoda to the luak- torlana for tbclr mpecilvc ooumlra,
M banaa M tbte otw cobb
The tnuonre
nport wu
•ana ct ihein caste ai hrldea,otbar« and other routine bualoeaa eluaed up
“What trtbdte ahall «a piy tb<

triU bubuda and lliUr
wheat beam ofiao aebad with tooe-

of tba moat euoeeaaful mre
be Old KeiUero* ateoelatlon aver
tn tba north.

bon wan Itw aod atllet apart; who

pieaaut teainn of (he a(ur
wrod for tha M* and watched by tbe
I'e eoiertalninei^ won the auto
sylbs; Wha Ml
mobile rldea given many vUttore-vlio
la the wood* daralop Into larfe and
were taken about ilie city In autonidyeaparou (artni; wbo ted the flral
bile* to Duy of Itarm tbto being Ibcir
Md boiwe with lu precleua
fxItlBtioR Into ‘}oy'' riding.
ltd lor tbt More commodlo
tarn bootea; wbo aoni the group# of
Meu faeU boya and itrU
acltool: who bad bun tbelr i
Saaghiera grow to wonanbeod wttb
Ctalldrea of their own. yM. ud
grand cUldros growing up at

gwR. (he ptoaeer pboutgraphar of (be


eh taclndea i very b
0 fit eme {« a baelnei
' Brhool offer
nua. apaetal rUun and alher in
Suiatuto The Collrge leeue* a err)
haailMmi paper. "The cunon." wblcb






You pay us $ 10.00 down, take the outfit and pay MILM ■ m%m
useing them. Come In and let us oolnt out the many Inorest- flqo
ing features of our four room outfit.................................................

Five Rooms furnisned conp-ctc for $98.89; $15 dowe Vi3S
Six Rooms fornlshcd copiplclc for $123.98; $20 down
OPECIAL! Irnn b«d. spring*
and mattrtoSB
compiate for.......... ..


with high back - q-and roll arms................. 1 ayO

The GLOBE "'■SS:*"'
Traverse Ctly* iUcUgaii


lime. i

One of Hie ntoki prominent couple* with hi* iiareuta. There bf remained
Bong tbe old aeutors of tb.' region cnlll t*y4. wbea hi. father moved
re Ibe Rev. and Mr*. l.«Koy Warren., \VIIIIau..hurc. and built a saw n

20,000 MEN IDLE








Ml., He m-rvod ntiH! (he ct.u^ o!
war, ^-Ivys hto bunurable diavlisrge July Id. IIPlu



Rgfu*al to P»y the Men e Cente
a Day Car Fere.

The city of Traverw City
rea»«e*.lnetil of lU lait-a K. M.
T«is>, chief exanuuer of the lax cone

guarding a gap between

Saginaw, Mi.h^ .luac T - The oiinyrx and ;vwae^^ (alh-d lo ndjust Hic
lulnen.' |>roieMl




fi cent* round iriji fere lo tlir mliw»
ficni here wlinb the

he hkd. (I<- iBUgworihy. dui'
way. gate hto luuue as
kk-fllUm*. of Ccroiaey 4. l«tb Ueor.
gla. wt.nt on ibe hwxardout trip.
Arriving a; Jobnaan'a btadgiia.'lrra
he (old >v''7iaid thal be bad new*,

tratlMu wa* to auaasaee at the jpeet- float <^k*burc. and a diipaieb for
Ing. bat tomomiw gnea to bto old Ucneral Jobuoti. The .
borne to todMsa whsu be vlU rscap- «e*lvtog Lahgworthy. orBered supper

lllBiwa otydiff mother; her ala

<,vvui-rs lald

EdtJi Kennedy,


O to hMo Mr. and Mra. Oarr. 1W
ptaym and best wtobea ot thtor paopie at (hto ptoc* will (ollov tkm to
thutr new Seld Of labor.

with.h<-r. Mrv RichwrdBon to bcH.-r al
0* writing.

Perry Davto’ FalnUIMr.


■nic i^ival M-rvlee* that have (.eeft
in progreaa fur tbe past two week*,


ih.- old


closed Sanday cveaiBK, the Rev. Car


under’ the «ld .'Cali-. Thi* ha* re.-iilieil



.Ick, I- guile a liiHe better at pre.

I mil saying whether li was or am.
Iowa ami the river, and in ibe night
Ml aed Mr*. Gena Shearv.- *ro IhKu hnuit ii*e huaineat at Uai pUc>> tu- rrUrl wbo tiled to iiasa tbe picket*, orrwheiher the asseatnien' wa* to to i«r,-ni» of a little
Ing-tbe toncen general atore la tbe wa* captut.-d, who tried to .wwllow, or low-Ted. Iluwerer. la view
-lull arrived la»t Friday
the f*.1 [bat a recast InteeHcw
Dprtk. -Roee'. dock" U eUlI aptikcB
alher t>all. whU-h, when openet',
I* C >im*n a^d famllv rpeat Pun• i< on-, by a tax commto>lom-r le
Inhabitaa'.a and the gav.c *ip the following dto|«trb;
vy at ito-lr cottage at thto place.
;hr -Wert tbat Traverae Clly wai one
*>ory to Ibid ol bow two wagfUb rap"Vlekahurg. MU*.. June 4. KtoS.
Mr. nnd Mr*. C. V. 'iWright. Dotu
talaa rau*ed to be painted
el ll« loweat a**ea.ed .iHe* to the
"To Geoeral Joseph E.^Jobmun.
(be [•musula sped dundey^.wiih M:
wareboute a log apd a rose, bat. ac
state: an Idea may be gamej ol nbat
■Commudmg C «. mrerw on the
and Mra. E. J. Ilax.
rordlng to blaiory.
Wdope b) tbe lax ronuulf.^onDig Blw*. Ui»r.:
r and Mr*. Rk-hard Ruffifrom It
bage .bead more tbu at» thing
• 0«neral-inea.e send M (i*4ter
•I'suv Lave a.iived to k]«ind ike ,»U!B
rapisln Ro*e wa* Petoakey'*;
all Ibe pereuatloii ■«;>* yot^cu *|Ntre.
ti village prcaldent, "bui 1 am toOt
Mtoa klet«l Abderxia baa gone tx>
IS under..|ood that the FvM-eu;
poHHvlan." be said. "1 am )a*i a
tVellfburg. W. Va. wh«e *b* will ailx>iie
-or- will remiin clo»-d fo.
-mocrat" IM* daughter. Mr*. Abhto
lenif tbe gradualluu exertiae* of the
n- iumUK-i.
R Haibahk. I* atoo In aitendaBce.
tollege hi which her
brother, the
burg. Na«A"
.“.>w>>il cl.-ccl 1«,I FVtday lu dtoi
Another daughter. Hr* Eliubeth FuHervey Anderww, ba* Ja*t .ofnCiwyoral Langwoiik) took the pris.
r. live* la ralHbret*
He ha* thud
pleted a rovirac!
>«r lo dlvi.Km Vedguaner.. uL
I remake) (or 22 year*

King the prlroner'. vlcwbea, wbo. by

timn OvUll lari’pmr«4a>-. by Ibe *e

r-sulted. Vlllvr and wife ivt^rotog u> Maf.le
nty Monday.
The iDwilngn .have edth sack
been very »ucc<'#*ful. Four young iwc- Flour, and wbep you Bst# MbDI S<
toem -with a P. a dktep
ar.l and Janiiw Fleming, and will be ,1b rhwlng live luoie rbines
plc hare given their to-ari* to (kid.
hu.'> on tbe rcforda until June Sfl. Twu Hi<ni.-.and im-u.aiv Idle.
to*lde« a s-neral xrotigibeulug of the
mi.ilpr of of the
uf Vo»ilcv..i». «■»» In Iwlieveir.
city. Whhh will to- held at Ibe SoBrl
The Rvi. <ic.-vB* Cary ba* tenrt.The ti'v yrterilav. eluding lip toiluc
. al dale <H-alH
Thi* acijiiD has been luadc nec-a

men were Ihe xiaio of Michigan. Mr Ta-lga made
eva>lve reply, declaring ibii^ be
(be IFth

Archie Dsnarw. *Tbo ws* fortnerly I.OTe Ocaoia'. Hraiil ordered Jbe car?
oonected with Mr Roto la a bual- I«ral lo take the message, bo-to Oew-;
*a way, being of the Bib of Po*. ^1 John«n-.. and And out bo* Bumy

l-Mend* ehurcb at tbl* plaaa. to taka


try by eomptolnta made by eertafi
One of SI. l^ngworiny* luosi cberhed poascs.lun. wa. a Sliver atar tavpB.'er* of the il’y, who allege tha
T aa.eutncnta of the rliy a* mad.
♦ ♦♦♦
.re not equliahle.
t the old ketlleiu, wrboae ramp be had been sent by OenIxmg Lake. Mteh. June :-KatWhen giftktionrd by a Rcrord rc
and one wboae
e lu >fur* gone by oral Grant with a meaaage which had
MeOflI. wbo has t«en wxrkmg i;:
stood for mueb In the buali
( world, been taken from a rebel prtooaer wbo loner aslotbr nalBreoflheraa.v^a •Traverse ^ae. to at boiiw for a lai.
-rapialn" H. O. Rowe, of Petoakey.
captured fiy l\>r]«rwl tuifwvi •iiebl. wbeibcr or not Traverse City
who In the early S#'a .elHed at Nonbn tbs night ot June 5. IMS. The I* oar of tile loweal asse.aid eillc in
Mr»- Ankeraon. wbo baa to«fi ver>
and at^ed la a getic-nl t'ore corporal and Iw picked

ed bto r(^,lgl>atlo• as paster ot th*
rent aome Hte to AtwnsL Tbto to
SLiiufvla.v,fer her liunie at Elk Raplda.' Mr. Cary-* ascood year aad Ba Bas
.Mr aad Mrs^ Oerar Uoo from'lbc • eruinly beta tbe moana ot detm a
Ifiilnrula vtolirt thrir parents. :
grt-at deal of good. And the dWKto
and Mra. Antofwn. over Sunday.
as well as tbe cocamunRy wUi ba aato
Kdilh Richar^nOB wa* called tinme

Trouble Hai

' WMid Be Relaed.

whiih he oivra<«-d until Ik.'.*. Young ml»»lou. Fuy.-tie and Slrpben
ll< iaii. are In ibe city uday and
lug on the. (Httol iae« fur several going over tbe reedrds at . the ci
ace. They exp.-ci lo be Jtilm-d tbto
Ho thro went n> and ln
■■nliig hy K R, Metcalf. I'.. W. WarIKC2. ealiXed In C«lQ|iany K. 2<Hh tegI. rliarle. Thonilngten. John How
liiiCiit \VI*«in*iii vulunieci



Haney then tool to the water,

<-urp*, onltollng I'l'lu l^ayelte <



I Win B* Haid H

wblcb he look from general Johnaub.

>to ud Buitar*.*to ate pre*>nt. He.
i Bne phetographi. It 1i -a
ambiiloH yaaag men and
now Tonnarted with tbe CbarlevMi
ud tbe reapoaa, win no leuBlv bank
He wa* with Campbell
t be geuraL Tbe boadred* of
aad Goodrich at XBnbpori many year*
.JUlee of the MeLachlu Betlaen
ilrerMtr who occupy high pMltium
la the buelniai world are the
*hc lor many nontbe
BTsofa of Ita aaeeltoaee. We adrlee h*> been saffertnc with nervoo* PK*-*^

W. W.


and other
of btv

under Ibe'Srm bglM Of Pox uO Roae.
lor more Ihaiyeo year*, tbto Brm did

U tbto bulneie age, Ibe youg nab
ar wiuai who hu not ncelred a
butuu (ralBiag u badi> budi
aapF*d. Tbe demand (or ekiltod ae
eeestasto ud aunacrapkcri to coo^
atut aod tnmulng Good [kmIUo
awaH eapart yvuag people. In thto et
' ncedta we may allade to the »i<eci
----------- _______________
________ J Datrenlty. Grand Rapldi.
Kleb. Loeatad In one ot the moit
getlre mad pngrtaalve elilee of tbr
•oatlT. the etudeni hai tbr beet prarttoal fumptoi el builneaa to aid hli



o buiy today b
. to eat bl> breakfaet. -Mr. AnderI anae at 4 o'clock tbto waniliig

UantUg. Un. ArvtUa A. Ptbrera. tbe
Of Old MUctuu. who though among the
Mriy Motrlng cblM ot
>lde*i ploneere. are attending their
OluBSi Mellon Bmtth. Mkhigu'a flni
Irwt old •eitlen' meeting. The Rev,
<1 ilWMSi II RlnMorwtipaautod
Mr. Wfneii rama to ibl* region in
fiortteort hi 1(4». Hn. l>Dware. tbu
IMS. organising
A UtiJB (bllC cano to Northport
nhport with
church at rak rtapid*. where be
bor parania on tbe vaaaal
d •MI.rrtHj:
malned (or *lx yeara. -He wai* i
- iRhtob Iba ter. «r. SnlUi
b Cbartond
o l^ntlag, where be wm (or SI
to hrb« bto Camay (ram what li
In active work, but muy year*
IWlaad. Tbo other wenu who cute reiurued (p Old MtoaUm. where
•I tbH Um to Mn. Laura Y<
(bey are rdSndlng out tbe peilod •(
Ua to wM at the old aaMier*' neeUDg.
tneir extolenc- In a peaceful and bap
OWeat Man Hero.
py Binnrr. (••rltag that their year*
' Tbe Dtdeat man wbo attuded the
Ubor way rightly be (ullowvd by
•htgatlag la M, 6- Spermer. of North .rjuiy year* of real.

PVUR TERMS ARE SO LIBERAL as to be exv-r tremely interesting to householders and

lA Th. j arc aa toUowa: W. W.
l".-au, C. S. vader. »r. V. I). Man ln

A irthoie brave eungh to come on: ud Join
la worSa U too faeUtt—we will tot Ibe galtaerliig In (be City opm bouae. The Bur Shown on the Right lapel
Wu the one Taken from General
•nr loan ttH In lorlng nemory ud iHhpugb ahe bad to be carried from
the, carriage up the stair*. Mlai
Jehnaon^ C. 8. A., by
yy the* hotaage.deraon wax oae of the teacher* of the
Langworthy while Acting
Hra. Arvllla Sowen.
connty for many ye»r».ae a Union Spy.
Om e< tha two aurrlrlng wbllo
Plenoer Preacher.
■ten wbo dm nw tha
aanrUo oe
Arand Trateraa bay. eanc np mm

luadoj ei ery arraiigoomil .fw hi’'

Snillh. H.-rbm

bagMa and cMununliiMT

: ItQiihgapt thto norntng to anenl the

Moiiianay theu he was ready to go

funeral uervlce., dlacus.lug fat* p
apecied comrade* of tbe Civil
(ug wli^Vbe u
paieed away at bto home. 4K: North
a dSing
niitoion atreol. at
Wedneoday sner lighter.
ulgbl after an lllnera of flte Wt^ek*.
The fum-ral service win be held
With Wm at ibe time of bto panalcg
SalurtUy aflernuon at 2:iki at the A*
bto wile ud (bree ot bto chllbury M. E, church, the Rev. W. W.
drea, Harry. Myrtle and Gall, bto
McKee-offlcUHag. Ho win ba burled
tualatog daughter. JeHale. h.-lng at Ev­
HI. all the honor, due a eomradv.
erett. WnahlnKton. and hiivlng iM-eu
i-d hto'tenuihir will rv*( In the fatuluoauktl>fa'lter * levl-ldc
lot al Oakwood.
Mr. Isngvutlhy wu'. to'in In
The i*aU beaivra have been aclntewunty. Pa,, la imi> in i*:.i he
<’d fium on.iiu; hi. la-cwonal (rtcml.
to Mk'blgiui. iuiatiui: at Old Mln»luii
.It'd the comrade* of McITeraou post

Forgot Hie Braakfa
W. A Anderaoii. pneldut ol ib.-

took after (be weathrr
Om; ud wbo were ao kindly tnlnla- detail*, and never though
taradswto la their tut yaan by ihaaa lax until time for the big
Mil* Jennie Andereoa.
Iklthflil ehUdren: ud whue Urea
ten an Invalid for eoiue
wen buUKnl eianplM In

V.I -


Mrt. Sarah Porter, realdra In Waatoilngiott




Mr. lugwtmby to aurvtred by tbo,
widow, four ebadreo. Harry, of Uuue.

of W (it4 r. W. E Gould. Wie W1
oonwutodTby her atoler. Mn. Weili
Morphy, ud aon Robert Ur. Goulrt

•otoral Tun to tattbruli)' and well—


May IS. isaS. again hrnmiced until bla death.

ereit. Waib. A brother. William, ttvee


wu ewllad to (be city by tbe lllnMi


l$fC. and la 1«76 opeoed a gnrei

'caied In Traveree Ofy. where hr re-

tea, Truant Otr, Mleh.


lU^e to Mtoa Aanie E. WUUama. In

a pir Ml ami n Tiw ftcvMin

M. W A*lr^ an OoDcctMu
newepapen which ba aabibftad at (be
MgwClBX Buklu nieeting that are ladead la tbe "old
MMar t> lb* Ti«T*r*a CUT State
BC'Uton-- elaam. One to (be ffiwt lui

After hi« dUcharge from the army
Mr. uangwvrthy wa* united In omr

• 'taftabC H C. D«HA J*rrj
w. w. tattb.

Cttrtla Fbwier hu two coph

We Furnish Your Home Com- $'
I plete. 4 Rooffl^ Ready to Live in



vebsble on tbe insrkei
KTO.I >urcvaa by all the leadlrg
ding I **«oo4
twood iBwcduiviT <» Ih* cn**ra*Mc
- -f (hto «i......................................................
tOBic. Increasing digestion and'
nt. iiumwTibcd
rubtlon. ihrrebv
irroaaltig. thi
rbv lecrwaattig.
the a
mwciwLr foe tone diicast* *»d I*
_.j«tag power*
cv.-ewto lu beseketoJ wSenj
tale evrrvwhera at 2> per package.
N<v ar all etpeuivc and ah>-r a trial
>(M Will say apaytok toveataiai
»_«awUrnslvinsevw«>l iheer8Md h) 8. K Wall « Rod*.
buU*te.w..h«.vraw,.)Ul«J*l r»M.
J, Weat Ead
* »*. KUWK iharirTT*.' ■
.m. Hod Beak. Now tew i


TUs lime It U the Pholograpkle Post
Cards ol tbe Members oi TSAVEBSE
They were takeo Id sc'.ual play to tbe Traverae CltyHollaod game, aad are splendid pictares. Tbaae aeU
at be each.
Owiag to the changes tbat'have been made, «e ooly
have seven of the players, but as sooo aa tbe teste
comes home next week we sril! have tbe new oiesd>enk
_We also have a group picture of the teas joM be>
(ore^bey went into the game on that day. It is ss
bxlO mounted picture and B>;lis for 25c.
Own A set of these pictures aod “Root for ymu
home boys."




Giwid Traverse Region

MBMBM crrv.


m. U r«*.v*rt«.
OATM UldlAJ. liviBC BXl <4 Iblf
« lU vttb
iM mx I

O«0. HeBelflBCM’ to iomberug for
tke B«rUex A toogtok Lamber Co., at
Dim* toba.

• lie« tMuraad to her tome at litond
; toikf.
Mark Olddlogt waa a caller at Jenuiug*. otie day Iaat w<«k.
hen MUIer la eu^- better
*M^ainea Bale, and Bl^ell dJ«re
Okaaka Uocdky.
• Keiia Mockel
at Kalkaaka.
. King >pent Sunday with bU
ta la Ptuueer
I Mra. U Wltooa.
June s', a buy
Mr. Burgy I
la one day lai
nine belter.
Waltooe H-earer waa the gnitot of
«' Btoeel Ian Tui-aday.
4'haa. Johnaun aitoOt
inne lu Hif Itoiuda.

« ^ptok^Monday. oa


•aBaal Oocar and fanUr bare re
tnnaB tma tbair trip ■weal
Mtoa Blaacb Bentoaoa of Boar l^e.
to TiatUag bar broiber, Wm. Benieooii
and t$mBj for a few veeba.
Tbo U A- a *UI meet meet June
•tb. vitb Ura. Bonner. All in '

llki are, lairva J*ufler. eimrr Wbhr,
Mra II. Welker. Julia M<«lgun>er).
Mra. K. e. Nrtbardl of South Boardman viklic-d ber pareuu, Mr. and Mia
Wmiaiu Wc-k.
* ,



Jobu kluute baa purohued wnutber
June S.
Bora, to Mr. and Mra. Roto-rt Bril.
June «. a girl.
Myrtle Whlio relura^ borne from
tbe boupltal Tltundav.
Mra KoU-n Mv.'^alr to rery poorl.c
Uila wrtilug.

Via. Itnlor 0
a* bar broUwr. )
iaat of tbe week.
Mra. O. Towaaon rtolled relallrea
at OraWB over Sunday.
Mtoa Cora Sloruu. abo la working
at Ike Oral Dlab la Traverae i-lty,
-n took dluner w|tb Frank Meizgar
iSent a tew dara tbe toil of the week
kd family Sunday.
wltb bar aJatar, Mri. Tnwao Uewanl.
Mika Kdiia t\V»al'>’ *da gtrea ■ poat
Mtoa BIha] Cmadall to apending
»rd abpner on ber birthday, June 4.
weak wlib ber^mrta at tbto place.
he rviohed alincwi tO ranU.
Ur. and Un. Btaiap of Drawn,
Mlae IJlIlau Culbom wan b«Mu» over
apent Toeadar at Olla Townaon a.
Tbe lime of Sunday acboo] haa been
*“jl?*and Mra Richard Crorker vUltMuAgad Iron 2 o'clock p. oi.. to
Ibrir parenta. Mr. and Mr*. J. U
llroaii Sunday.
FrMk Bcnlth baa qsll tbe rwllr
.Ura. Maggie Ryckman vUlled Mra.
Wd coea to Orawb to work. Wa
Jami a Ryckinaa a day iaat week.
drove to Kalkeaka Saturday.
Btog with b«r altoer. Un. E. Croui
Hurry Ryckman wa> to Ka1ka>ha.
A—Bg tbe Trvr-erae City rtoli
Fridk.c atirruoou.
. tba paal week ware Mra. Ullo Hiyae.:
II liroau waa lu South BoardIlri. TnuMO Howard. Henry Helm
Wd Stewpn and Feed 8la>en.on.
t. Frank Meizgar and daughter
Harriet, were In South BoardmaO. Bat-

*MllrAjSi’Bura*o?'itoy1tol^ to a

Ivan. .
mV!'and Mr.. Will IMck apent SmiWintoai arowiiispeaa hit tamily to .day with Mr.
" and
d Mck. t'larence KyrkrgHMka.Uimday, and Toeadar hr
atarMd Iti ibe U. F.
Alte (tolly waa in South Boardman
Utoi Carrlr l^ond ralfad on Utoa
W. T. Hayward waa a caller In
J^S^hTwho tana been ria- Spencer Monday.
tttof ber pareou. Oeorge Pulti and
Anio^g tbos> who are on tbe tick

when tke auifoa waa bullL He baa SaUlers
made many frirnda lu the ccanmunliy
The t
who will wlkb him auctwaa m the new
Add and win alwaya be pleaaed to eee portam meellngon A'Hday p. _______
hja amlllng counteaaace. Capu Wal­
> tine will be buflt lnM9adiairly
. Fovicr Slierman to vlafilng frtenda ker atm haa lutareala here having
t a ne< free line opened through
bought tbe Ole -Olewou term
lu ntr latkc
Hoaor, Ib-ndoa and Empire. The
Mra. %V. F. Hayaard waa a caller I'oii Oui-Ma.
e U giung One aery ice aow ana
lu Kalkaeka Monda).
Mra. Miner Farrani aud daughi
ir pbuur* are bebig added and bual
Mr., fharlea Mc.Nalr waa a caller Francoa, are vlilUug tru-ndi aud rt
•a lilt reming eicry day A. R. Sal
vea at Rapid Cny.
Mt-rriary. Hla addruaa li.lton
Ur. Slack of the Uinega Separa
I'lrc. .Mich
y and Ur. and Aire Jetm Skinner of Co, I- trau-aettfik buklceia lu t
Fill c wartii weather today, although
oulb huardmau, were vallera at WUI tlrinity, BBd lurldenially enjoying i
• been cold and wet moat ul Iaat
ecker'a SuDcla)
Ucauih-8 of (ilen like, lie la arcs
Mr and Mra, William Dick
Kulka-ka Tuoday
daughter. Mnt. Wan\-u Ui-Uonald
and Mm Archie Browu vtolted
u Mr. and Mi« Walter Main,
. C. Fray a Sunday
une 6, a bo>.
ealih and to vUllIng
and Mr. Ham WalaoB vUlied
J. I Morey come Moeday even­
rr .i.ler, Mrw. D, II Kay, Her IrteDBn
. S. I*ru>'k Sunday..
ing to vlalt bli daughter. Ur». Frank
U1 be glad K| learu chat ahe
•- ladh-a of Uito vfclDity have
tiproved lu health.
orgaalxed a aewing club.
The barge \ J, Xeaaen 1
Mr. C K. Pray, made a trip to
cargo of maple lumber at tl
TiWterwe City, Friday.
Alta Tbok. Pray went to Traverae
City. Saturday.
The arbooner G. W. Weatou tdeared
tlylbe Brown to belter ai tbto writ­
luraday. bound (or Milwaukee
Tbe produce warehouae erec-ted -by ing
o of Blaba.
H. Day at llurdlckville haa pioveii
AIK. ('arrie
ruco-a* toii-ldering ihe dUadtam- trlehd. fioui Ib-trolt.
frb-nda In t'blcacu.age lUtder wblibythey worked on ac­
.Mr-. Nell Brown made a/trlp to
Ihaiu Kellie, wtfe and daughter. count of tile low- price- on potatew-a. Traier.^. l uy Friday.
hea>te. lell on Ilv UUKUirl
hew.-i. f, IM.otm buaheU were alilpp.-d
day (or Chicago.'where ibvy will
>f r the- tSh-n Hatrn railroad and
relalltee before golug to their m-w d<H-ked dtiriug the -horl lime opera(■rand liaven life having kta- Uon. were larrl.-d on.
Traverae City People Have Abeolute
lie many fiiemto wbum-il
Jhe hutiae at ilutdlekvllle will be tn-.
Proof ef Oeada al H«me.
hate made In ihlr tUlult.. during
cteaacd to double the preaeui alie,
If. not word., bn: deed, that provv
fiaal eight yeaik of their aujourn h
made- troki-iiroof and uj-todaie
are icuTj to have them leate,
haudlliig poiai
The den-de of Koaii'a Kidney Pllla.
wi.b them (loak|>eed.
I- of prudui
ornlug earl) and
For Trairrw flty kidney -uBerera.
MI>m-i Irwiii and their broib.-r.
e fall,
Hate made their local rci>utallon.
ariited un the MUiKiuri. M'edne..{lay
r'niiik Kellogg a
ife of Ka<Mui.
I'rol l!.-*.iii the leatimoii.t -if Travand went to Or»gi,rv'a rvaort, wheni| Sunday '
heir daughter.
rwp I1i> puiple who bate beeu cured
ihey will 1.1- Joined by ih. li pareiila
aud the reuiaihder of the latnily later.
IMgai'tir'ilLby. 2«i W. TweKUjc
. .Ura. II. 11. Itoy and daughter.
ailendlng the Nalloiial Street. Trutc-rwe City. Mich,
■Uarpin-l. arrived houw- from Cbh ago. ti.-ciliiR of ihi- Hardware 'Lumberttaiw I .nfTerc>d ‘
where their have bent on u ahopplng
en'. wTAocla'ion.
laii.1 Til
c'Xpedltluu, They ul«> tjiadi- a nlu to
South llewl to tint Ibr- .SUhhiB ATIl-e
able In c-tery way. When looking
uud Fta lU'
..............................- adviwed
Iwed h) a
h.bool at SI. Mary- A
I^•^cngill baa been tralnl
friend to try Koan'a Kldney
Jt. I. Burk of CfaUaui.i for M-veral daya. it
actiiig on hi. .uggeallou, I i>roc;ured
ager of the Chicago tt Iluluit
pro.iiiK uuhe^ iractklile.
a aupplt. They eii
Itonatlou Co.. Kit.'iii Sunday a
-luau kwan «|Ul’e BUccekaful wchc-s and pain, and al.-to did
Abe FriH-iugn
oration Day wah hi- lather. .
eutihlng Jd^e
with (he kidney weaknewa.
I glve
Burke of Cedar Sprlnga lodge,
YjHierday be look three.
Koaii'. Kidney PIIU crt-dll for thla
haa imrchaaed 1h>- lu
>uo fhrui ...........................
Hied weight bring
bring about 3» pound
cure. a. I icxik no other niedidue
on Clei, Uke. I
net ten nc'rei of
Minute Itei^igloii ban gone to
whife iiMiiK iheiu" (Statvincuil Chen
peach tre-ea Ihit
ing. to making
oiih Manflou Uland lo work
Augu.i :te. liiiHi.l
ith. and win <1
.AiiKu-i yj.
Mr. Ormaby
-'ll in
>[. H K Petiengm baa Jum cbi.ed
' M.i general eiidoraemeni of
> make tbl/plae.
le luonlli. .(-bool al .Maple City, Kuaii'a Kidnet PHI, xtlll holda good
irluk lu the Cl.-ii lake regtou.
will now try will culllvailon, In- and I hate no objec-ibin lo ita contin­
Capl. Will I! Walker who baa b
ktead of youthful nilndk. '
ued publication. Tbi. r
- the r. S I.. S. S. for t
Farmer, are putting lu-^ulte a large lalii.1t wculhy of pi
eight year, haa le-.-u iran-ferred
rc-age of le-aiia tbU year.
For wale by all dealer!.
Price :,0
><■ Qrud Hav,-n htailini. He la
The uc-arloi—fevc-r patient, arc- re-'n Co.., Buffalo.
hUneoded iVCajii.
I'aml.l*.- who cov.-rlng rapidly. Vour eorres|>ondcni Ne tt York, wde agenta for the fulled
wgh fotiiierly Xd
at Mlchlguii City.
i In e rror regarding Rwy Hrugh, a. Staten.
Capt. tValker haa liamll-d the work
very BU<'c<-i>hIu1ly. having lak.-ii charge
:. fake and wife called on A. R.


Loans Made on Seal Estate


U-T. BaU
J Maple City toMllea BeFreewUcw teal
Mrw Geo A Peck awl
O. W. Sutton, drov* to Uk*
Altoa la-na Martin It brlplBg her
Ann. Sundv.
graiiUma. Mr*. Palu-iwon. who baa
».-d Rubik knowa he haa a good eow
l>ceii 111 fur the pact .la moniba.
Max Vaudebugart. Ii emplutcd at as last yvar he realiied over M dob
Mluic-r Moou'*.



Sam llaibaway went to Empire ImI
week wlib a load of hooaebold good.
.About ane.-h uplgbbora of K. Rec-d'»
turned out and planted 11 acrea of
corn for him Mr Reed baa been aick

told this to some of bla aelgbborw
who tbougbt be waa geiilng rich too
fail. Ml when Fred went to CaUar a
wivk ago iai SaturdA' pome giktoUc
c limlwHj
-d to the
w indow wnd itole a tor
with i:
: poonda
uf but.or. Now Fvwd
A K-nefli ilaueo
thtt a eomphmenl on hto but­
uuldf, cecc-ntly m
,■ Beudon halt
ter and sayt If a bac-belor-s butter doea
W 1-ru.e of Honor haa purchased
not kill them be wishes they would
bilag back the tor *0 be ewe Sll It
Mason has bought
Mr-. again. -Fred Is a tenerous good teb
SalMu a farm. Mra. Sabiu la going to
Mlnnt-soiB to tfslt frieiida.
■ acrid bto big gray
Grandma Itatl. is some better at
c.-siu. Jioi ana tmn. abd they ware
Out- utile of traek la
la being
told by taken to CauadA by Oiartwy men lu Vouch
J the O. W, K. man.
Mr and Mrs. Oeorge H. Barth, Jr!tiib.-r cm «o4- 33.
The Ret . Skiver to hoMIng mc-elinga calh-d on Waller Kelloa abd -Beau
Brsiiyoo. Thursday
It hi- |.la,.*.
Sebocil close'll Saturday wlih a plrili on i?i, wtbiwl grouixto. Mr. SlddalU
I 111- leaclier. ha. returned lu bU home
in Manlni).
A tubular well waa driven oh Elmer
Bean'! plao-. oiu'-half lulk- weat of
tbia place-.
In the rJly today on ber w«y to
Tbe AUyit ball team ptovod tbe
IdKitoinon to Ttok ber hoabaa«. wbo
borne leani at ibia plaec Iaat Sunday
Is rtinniug cm Pere Marquette «ar far>
r? No. lA
Willie Bean, of ih« south part of
tbe wiatv, l! yl-illng b.-re tor a few


I’-ctmi to Henry ttoblk.. a cJaughler
The kli.-es Hara
Nephew. Plorem-e Allen and, Martha
Hanb have, gone to Northpori to work

IksfswdssWattM psfisr

days visit wlib rclallvt-! al this
plwcvWaller Kellogg went lo Maple City
He took hi» mother over
on a l.u.lneaa trill.
Howard Coleman and Fred Boblk



, The sooner you start getting a home of your own, the sooner you’ll enjoy real living and it’s surely a
big step toward economy. Be independent. We will help you get a home of your own and you can take
the money you are paying for board and pay for your furniture. Our easy credit system, low prices and
immense stock will certainly appeal to the economical, shrewd and careful buyers. Then

WliY Not Start Today and Let J. W. Slater Help You?
Couches and Parlor Suits
We have e large aad beautiful line of Couchei aud
parlor Sulu aod among them are some marvelous values.
One SU.OO, three piece, mahogany suit, uphol- 1 ^
Btered in greea velour for only............................. X f • • i,/
Many others ranging right along up to $50. rOne SI 3
handsome full ilsed conch, guaranteed spriogi,
r^rfect beauty for only.............................................0»OU
Many others to choose from beginning at $4 95 up to $60

Dressers and Bedroom Suits
W^-«ant you to see our trig
new line eit-i^ressers and Sulis.
Yon can fit out here with any
style or kind

,you wan
'ant at sur­
^singly low prices. \We have
ne beautiful
_.!r_ American
.*___ !._n quart­
er sawed oak dressers, brand
V style, perfect In Q f\f\
■ry way for only .... »• W


Two, three or four piece bedsuits, iron or wood beds.
. 1 stylhs aod kinds at prices to
suit your pocket book.

Come lu aud Look

W« are Exclustv* Agents for the

standard Sewing Machihes
Come in and See Them.

One Week Special

Writlug Desks aud
Cdmbiuatlou Book Cases

Here Is one of the biggest Rocker
bargains ever offered and as the supply
is limited we can offer them for one week
only. Rotkers just like cut, handsome,
strong and durable, high shaped back
and arms, roll seat, tilts just right and
is extremely comfortable, positevly worth
$5.00. Special for one week
only ................................................ dO. f O

Have a place to srrlte
and a place for your pa­
pers, books, etc. Noihfng
can get lost is one of these
book cases and writing
desks for they are all fitted
with good locks and keys.
Bock cases made of select­
ed solid oak. golden finish
from $4.50 up to $25 00.

Our Rocker stock is large aod com­
plete in every way. Over one hundred
and fifty different styles to chooig from.

Combination book cases'
and writing desks from
$b.00 up to $30.00.


Carpets and Rugs
This month will reveal the greatest values in Carpets. Rugs and all
kinds of Floor Coverings because it is the last month of the spring season
aod we have many remwnis and odd patterns aod broken lines to close
out at a fraction o^Theu true value. Remember with every 9x12 Brus­
sel Rug we give you a large and beauiilul fruit dish

A splendid line of new ham­
mocks just arrived. Come in
look them over. About fifty
different patterns to choose

Absolu-t*ly V^rmm
We have only two dozen dishes left aod if you want one of the
prettiest fniit dishes you ever laid your eyes on, come in and get a rug.

Gash or Credit

ICC Cream Freezers
You can makea dollar's worth
of delicious icecream for ten
cents in one of these wonder­
ful freezers. Come in aod
A full line of Refrigera­
see tHem.
tors from $8 00 up to $25.

J. W.SLATER'^-Homefurnislier


Come in and See the Famous

Every One Fully Warranted]


Foe Coughs—Take This
D* you kmm a remedy for cou^ and coUt nearly MveDty
MM old? Him ii me—Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Onre
intibe tadly. tt stays. It is not a doctor, does not take
tbo Dlaoe of a doctor. It Is a doctor’s aidMiMfe for
the taMbnort of aU throat and him b;oubles. Ask
ftmlSm doctor his opinlm of 1L Follow Ms advice,
fiealcoholipthiscouidimdidne. ICAimC^.LSSQ^

oa ■Titbinc aa
Elrndard «{ Cbrletlaii ObllxatWe.'Ha waa foUoved br Mima Mai? Fra'
bare, of Maaiat*. upoti VHow Tltblac
Ht)pe iba Tltber," who In
folmwitd b7 the Hot. Harrx Walker,
of Harbor SprlB«i. epoa -Jlow TKhInC llrlpf tbe (hurrb."
Tllhera' eebora. tbe queaHon boi.
bualcuu evulOD and reporU of dia
liict afCccra completed the Bornlni

Ccd. anhard. la which ba haa a haUf la tbe addreae glrea to ber pupils
li lereet. Mr. Rowe daclarad that the by the laachar. •— ----- ------------are' kept free from frost me mw many reBecUons of her beauiffiU character. Sha Is truly
tboae ' Ideal Olrto" with that true
l.ast yaar. ba ttated. tbe pou
naalhieas of charanev seldom three nlghta. at a cost of |coi. wlib la one so young, one who could
iwr night, making a total akpaodlture not stoop to do a mean or dlslmnorS1.SW. "But we eaved i» cailoads nbie act and conU not coocHic of it
of mu." be a»w. "and had wc
lu odterw. Her pu|>ils cotrid not do bi-tL-.ed the heaters, we would not have icr than strive to aiiale to ber Ugh
bad any fruit at'all."
In Colorado. Mr Rowe sutad. there
At tbe close of tbe program she
no fruit this year, except where was presented with -a beautiful watch
beaters hate been uned.
tub as a token of remesnbrance fit
Ur. Howe has been Invhcd to spe^
pupllk nnd trieiMa. Their h<
the Hart-or Spring* board of iralto wishes go with ber to her home
tknquet Hbirsda.v nWbl. at i
Rik Rapids, wuere'’kbe goes to take a
the iVloake;' nnd Peltolon boards of |'•ucfa needed teat.
l:nde are to be guosta.

At tbe enemooD aeakloti the folalBC ofdcen were elocled:
Praaldeiil—The Rev. IL E. Walker,
of Harbor Sprtasf.
■at nuveBltoB, vhicb becan teat
Pint Vice Prcaldcat-J. A. R««d.
clstat In ibe nrai M. e eburrb nith Ittoekep.
8<-ctui(l via prealdeni—<3r^rc Ew­
lOrlaJ hour, iht rarlouk delriaics
ing. Harbor Sprlngi.
B< «n( und batvmlnK arqualnivd
Third vh-e jirwld.-n:-lda Campbell,
of Travene
pDurtb vice proiideal—Maud HunttUltldf delraatpe rc-siatnred.
lUBfnn. ri Trarcrao City. .
and ihe a
Secreiary-dlarrf Waldrlng,
■Wolf Bteries" Gives Out Cescernkifl
i< addrvea of welrome waa given
Northern Miehiosn Fruit Oil
iKi—1.J-OP ValhewcoB
Karl Uarlager. acd If thenr bad
proven by gecreta^ Gibson.
batu any donbt In ibe mludi of ihe.Unk”*®"*vUltor* Ik to lh« degrrr of warmth ln| Junior l.«.agu<- Supc-rtniendratv
Secretary Gibson has Ju»l Tvtun»<d
the welramc by the loc:il U-aguere. iJilu Taylor. o( Charlevoix,
I^dcr .the Direction of the Teacher, rum a trip through Heuuc. AHrim
heae doubu were dlipelled by tbe
'^Mla* Anna Murooney. Escell
and t'barlevolv i-ouutles wlierv hirery cordial greellng abicb Mr. Gar
Cser^iaao Wore Given.
a careful Inspection of fruit
inger tendered tbe rMton In iM-bnll
roodltlona. finding that there would
1 tbe locn) nieaibera
At the ckiae of school In district Nu.
aa average crop of all fruits, wKh
The reeponae wa> g.ven by tbe Rev.
:. Idong latke. ibr toUowtng piogiW
losslbillty of even eare«-d!ng this,
Tht nar. H. E. WaUnr Waa elected a P. Wade of Empire, wbo apoke CEOROE E. ROWE WILL SHOW I was given by t^ iwipllp. oii Thursday
t'barlevoix there was a fruit gnjwteeltsgly in bebair of the .ikitora
o.-nlng, June s\i the town bait;
; meeting yesterday afternoon anA
The Brat butliiMa kearlou opened
•caalani Will Cantimia Until
Michigan |uailtute
aoug by
reiKjrls made there showed that the
Cbla morning, and throughout today,
was in good coudltkin.
and tomorrow, tbe Firal U. B. church lere In the inteeeate of Hie Mapa- girls.
Recitation. "Papa'a LeUcr"—Sylvis ebvrry grower reported - that hi
wUI be a biuy plaoa, tbe leealoni
ilna, Ute Frwit Sell—Writa Up
(fiw* A'edaaedair'e R««rd.i
roly would have a good crop but It
rwiUnua until lomerraw night.
of Crnnd Travene.
neecssary :o iblu
tteal JOM vaathar nailcad tbe
Olatfict Pteekicat H. H. KarrU. of
(be chenies to save the trees. This
^»Ud of the am aeaeUiD ol tbe Kilfcaeka. lead Ue devotJnuaU. after -George R Rowe, editor of Uu- Pnilt Jhiry-iw.
decided contrast lu the reportUoclutkm. .-The Ooeaplerk"—pear!
Oraad TraTctay Diairlel ICpwortb •bleb
Dell, and former manager of the
a IKile earlier.
aVsiem MIcbi^D Dpvelomnpnt buSons. “The )ealmls Lover-—Mary
r<«u. was In tbn city Monday for a
few bourn. Mr. Bowe is preparing- a McGill. Ada Ci^iupler. Ruby Judd.
^At the Gaic"special write up of the nonboru coun
try for the Kvult Bell. The June edi-Tf Paw Opald Have lf1«
lion, just coRiplelod. remained a spocWay—Ctorge judd.
laJ write upruf the niuotry north of
Tableau. "Bwoct ibuucb of 5aWua~
Grand Traverse, and the July Issue
—Four girls. .
contain apeolal features of the
region to tbe soutb of Crnnd TTavBy the atdtool.
Cemmiasioner Alleott That Tn«y Not
Heading. -Dewh
of Benedict
Only Obstructed Road BwHChased
ffl ibe nW lour rdlUoM. iheiv AnioM--MUs Anns MulTuoney.
Him Off Propsrty.
«U1 be an Issue of &0.<iuo roplca. Icat
Reciinion. "Five Yews <Md"-^ Kind Tou Hnv« Alwnyg Bonrbt, snd wt»lch luta bsea
stiipiiu of loo.Qiio copies to V- Gladys HaM.,
Three slaters, who nwlde
B MSS fpr OTcr 30 j.cnra, luu borne tbe glffMatiue of
uiled where they win do the
lUtliaiion. -Little WBUo-^—Biepbeu farm mr Lelaad, tbe Misses Anifk.
— and luta been made tuulcr bla per*
fruit growing dtotrlet tbe tmi good. Courturler,
Mary Drubt\ have bo
aupcrrislon glneo lu Infancy,
Ml. Rowe at the aame Uae U preparcome Involved In aeveml law
A. B c. Bong by the diart
exhlblt of a full oar load of
Recitaiion. "On the Kettee"—Ruby which bad ifaeir IncepIluD in the lay
the cboloest frulL
Ing out of a highway aertss ibeli
IteperlaeBU that trtrio v llh and endancer tbe bealtb of
Northern Michigan mil farms, which
Redtailon. "A T^ubtworae Call"— rioperty by the highway com misskm
—sSSli and CtaUdron—ligpvrionoe sgalnit i?wi>k.e«n.M.ehe will exhtwt at Ibe
Haicl Duryon.
Syracuse. N. T.. at
sioiig. "Our.-Banner"-By the club
Berkley Temple, n:
<>*^ss«s Is a haraleaa aubaUtute few Oaator OU. Pare.
lotv Mass, giving one
Pubiia It out, upon advice. U, is said, the
Orops and Soothing 8y*vpa. It U Ploaaant. It
slkicrB Idled bmwb and other ubsLrve
School.'—Anna Mtjlrooncy.
•Matas neither Optam. M
While tbU oar load of choice (rul*.
Tableau, 'Bunch
8tiq« WIU- irons acmes the highway. This Ilic
It deatroya 'Wonas
It belBg exhibited Mr. aiwe wlll ^ve
(ontiuUsloner atlemptod to remote.
i efleya Pei
It caree Ph
sway loo.oou coplea at tbe Prull Belt,
Recitation. ■The HuimieUer'B Sl«i" Fiid it is aaM that when ho was
It relleres Teething Tronbles, onres Oouttpatkia
with its abundnnre of advertising ol Ada Ctouturier.
at n-ntOring the liebrts, two
yd FUttaeneyi It aaaluillatns the Pood, yegnlatea tbe
NdrtUem <Micblgan as a fruit counDi-jbe tltlerm ibe Misses Anna
KeduikM. - RaBaGtleQs eit a Seri­
Bowelk, glTtng healthg and natotal sleep.'
7. ■
and Mary, attempted to oust him from
Cblld '-CTare Pierce. .
n. cuidnii'. Pu.Mc.-Tk. HelW. Pried.
la speaklTki of thii means of i«othe
by the braudUhlng of an
Haodkt-rcblet drill. “A Dutch FUrmotlng tbe ImereaU of tbe n«lon. taiion"—By the dub girls
1 and a club.
Mi, Rowe said to a Record reporter;
Kwsay. "Tbo Ideal Olr| -—Nellie
Two ebarges are preferred a^ust
“My tbongiii U. to pul Ibe cbolres' fouiurler.
iLiiu. tbe flrwL Ihac of wlKuUy ob•Bears the 'Signature of
Michigan fruil at tbe Wg eaeteni (sirs
ftoalng address and mosentlng of^sirucllng blghway. and the secoefd.
where fruit growers and farmers live djp'-oauk, by the teaclw. Mias Anna at-harce
w ho have tbe money to come and buy Mulrooney.
I brought by. the btgh<-_,___________
.nmd laud and make homes
Mias Nellie Couturier Iccfeed a pic- against the Misses Anna and Mary
"Mlrhlgua baa ‘esraiwd tbe frast tnre of the sweet girl graduate in her I>mbe. This ca«e has been ad^nied
better than any ataie in the union. white gown and wearing red roses, until June :s. and the chances are
The only plave* where there Is goliir: representing the claai cotors. Her es-|u at tbe treapaas cwm- luay be seibe more mU than In Mk-blgan L-. say. "Tbe Ideal Girl." showed careful Bed. Curtis U Alway la ationey
where they have useu ordmrd hcui- priimratlon and cr------- ‘
cm. On B barls of 10 yi«rs *o bave If'il iboutals Tbe best wishes
Tbe Dnibe alatera are highly
In Us« For Over 30 Yenr*
bad fewer mil fallutvs than any leather and many friends go with her kpoeted women of l.eeiatmi
uUte In the unkm."
In the tuiiiro a, she strh-es for her one of them. Miss Joeeirhine. bavliiu
s|>eaklng of a Grwnd Junction. High school diploma.
uught sebooi many years. The ih.-oe
led. Amt** PBt mc ■oMlt lu*

mtmmrnSSfm&SiS'. bm iorBurtritxty run. A*k ]«« dectar klleScsl IWb.







Chlldran Cry for Flatchnr’a


wynuce lire akme. B^vitig that they
canuM seciire pustice In the Lelaod
courts, they deatre t« have the c«w«
broi^t into CiiTuli court, and secure
e ebaage (4 veuwe. but tbe cpsea will
|•^ot•bl^yle..^scttled lo the jusUce

has beM away for aome timm aUb
her loa Charlie and wife, of MOva#kve.
Mcerra. Joe and CGarUa TrsaalB.
Amos and Charlie Tromaln.
nmLkPalmer and Mro. Frank Krou«g
rtkllcd tbeir ftteds yt Mapie (Tit.
i -\

Sauuday pas tbe laM day's rao «(
the rarioty'io the village.
.The Buperintendeut of tbe SundV
sebooi aunouaeed tbe cGUdroa-a day
ixucmiB for next 8ua^. June tit
ralUnc amroikm to the prlvDedge «f
mnklng an oBcrlng for the Amsete^
Ku^y school union ■at
at this
Inapeetisn Made Vesterday by Chl- The tepon of tbe Sunday
>day Bobooledf
snpe Man ghowtd a Very Bitiailloo wiU be given1 lu
I eomaocGdi
i-i.'.ury Coridttren,
slih the program. A nw»t cordial
vftstlou Ik extended to alL Onaa.
lluuor. .Mich. Juuc >.—ib-usie eouaI «.•:< L.«e a buiupec erop of fruit
dc'l’lie ;Lc • fcklailsllc gUik-s. that
were atloaf early In the spriug On Train Struck CarHags on Way Bai
from FunaraL
niHoratlOn day. a bough of apples wav
llaterstuwn. N. V.. Jiao S.—
to. t'hicngo With tbe result that
yesterday a man was ».-nt from there «n and a woman were kUlad ai
wcimsii Caially Injured when a Wh
iLc eoDinilssion bousew to mbke
IlisiH-iVluii .lie (uuiul Ihn the ap- Slriirv traiu strucL a tmrrUge mut
s and reaihek were above nurmal lug from a funeral. The Rae. Mr. R
' was killed;
aad’lbat the p>-srs and cherries were
m gq^ toudilloo. although Ibe crop
aks no B«
■ur eberrlcs would be hghu Ev­
rr be wtU
erywhere near the lake, rundliloiis
-IV of lU- best aliheti^h some of the
ciri hardk lonh'er bai k were aftecli-d'
!Ihc .•ell! The p.-a.bes on the .farm
uf P. U. IHnlMilI could not be better.


* Boas. Hannah 4
OrvlUckvillc. Mkh. June
John Grelllr* Is eulcnslnlng her 'sis.
ter. Mrs. Markhnui. ,>( ilrand R.spidk.
and her friend Mrs. tV.Kidiuan.
Grsndpn Bourrough has wturnn] FOR 8ALE-«0 acre* of land. 1%
miles west of MnyfleW. good aprug
fi.'m .islUttg friends in Kasson
rn-c-k running through It. IS ncras
rl.-snd. For partlculsiw.Jaquire
Mrs. 'r>c-;.;ain Is havlug tbe plon-.
K. It Wood. TbompsouvlUe. MkhJure of enicnalhing her son Jtv> who
June 1M4-1T.

Best Prizes for Card Parties
and Entertainments

$1:50 BOOKS FOR m



Tie Kind Yon Dave Always BongW

Best writings of the Best Authors

You want a sift for^«raduatlon, for soma
anniversary, for a friend. Th^e always are
so acceptable. Look at this list.
Knirinn ...................... ................................................. Roy RoRe ORaoB.
Truth Dexter........ ............................................................ Sidney' MeCnll
The District Attorney .................................................. .William Skgw
King Spruce ...........................................................................liolmaa Day
The Vltglnlati ..................................................... ..............Ovrea WMor
Tbe Subp-eii^i at Isabi'l t'uiuiaby.............................. Ellen T. FbwMr
Running «R(ef ................................................................ A. E, W. MamM
The UtOe HroB-^ Jug of Kildare......................... Mseadltb Nlcbolmm
Tbe Lady of the Slpuni........................................... Froderiek a lahaa
My rile Bsldwln ;........................................................ Cbas. Clark Muaa

Then we^-have over 400 different tJttaato
select from. Every oneloffthem good.


The Hannah &.Lay
Mercantile Co.

■You’ll like the suits we are selling at special prices just as much as you’ll like the money you
save by buying at this Great June Sale. And if you come to this store Saturday or any day
next jveek, you’ll see the greatest demonstration of value in

r ’’M

summer sbitsof handsome all wool worsted m.tsrialsin
alUhe newest and latest styles, worth from S13.60 to $25.00. at $ 10.00, $ 15.C0 and $20.00

Boys’ Knicker Suits

Men's Pants

Worth $3 50 to $6 00 at

Worth $4.00 to $5 00. at

$2.^5. S3.95. SS.50
Greatest Possible Values

Newest Neckwear

In Mee’i Hats in all the new­
els spriDR Myles, at

Worth up to$l .oo! at

SI.00. $l.25,$!.50,J2«n1 H

I9c. 25c, and 50c


June Sale of Trun
and Suit Cases

Id Butter and BIoum H.vleg. ie g
•peuiltd Tkrkty oE 8iyi«« >n'J
l«t1frn». at

Me. 8Sc. Sl.$l.», tt.H

U ycu want better value«..hetter
srrvice, aiid^ real latUEaction In
all your purchases, cime to the
Great June Sale at

Boys' Knicker Pants
Wurth 65j to 7oc,

The Best Brass Shirts
la Anirici for M to a’


50c. SI.OO. SI.25. SI.50

HEN'S WORK. SOCKS at]ierpair

Men’B Dress sylilriB. uae tot
iViison Bros ouJ oiut B'X>1

make*, warlh SlVij
Sc, Sc and 9c
$l 50. at . .-.TT'Tr.O^C
HEN'S DRESS SOCKS at per piir Men’s Work Shirts. One lot
blue aid f»ii-y,
9e. 12C.15C, SSe. etc
r« W.-off r for Ibis $\1«. trdok«
LJ \ i'h brass bimp.-ry ail
Hrotiudwnlt ral»t$«?r$t*4pi,
uewir bbforaoffeivd at tli i*e
at aSott; 3b in. at SLoa.

SUir CASES id All me« 2i 21
ail 2«> luca. wyrtli
•125 lo$j.5j.d'... yoc
b>U9<i with two 1
. er eirsp* ai................ C


Traverse Qly,

bRAND TRAV^Wt M;.-:A'_C. F.HCAV. JUKC ». 1*10.

rbu Can Rely

h« tell R IBBB to Offer » watBer—' h<bs1crI imxrau wu c^t :uled
(be tesnr whew He bod cfaoo—4. Tfce ' dmmi delisbttul moiiBer by Horn'*
l^r this ww iboi tbe ht(b -ciohoeuo, every oaiiAier bcJ«c re»lirlest woo tbe booltb ulOeor o^ lo dored In o ooy ihil tborao^ly pleooPROMINENT
oidor lb BtlBjIe oaioo* woo ocoio.« ed not obtr the crbsIc tovero In tbr
Moory (hot (be leper obobld oudlenw but Ihuee <rbo bod o lechot
have a eertMcole ot deonllDvao. Hr col fcoowledi* of aonole oo well:
l.ever odvioed loallB« ond to uo case, j No Jorv. Sfrloc TUae (HenuanlAOAOS WILL WAIT Had SmUl'VhIMIlea in TWalr Poaiaa
esrept one opeerte IneUnoe. did be Orrli«et»^
SelecOoB. MorUooo <Toboal)-Orvbmi these fail?
Cauit Follmeed.
cbeeiro, '
Sckwiloa. II Travoiore fUlleuboli
Rabbatfa w«a made tor maa.
nor. Mich. June B-—Aa tnseFind Hla Worh.
ah wrlma. ae far m lindlT^^ "
Trio fer eello. rloltii o«d ploob.
rom flablag trtp raeaUed la a goartet
•The.Voy to And the way to the
At Km time or otK« the
pronlaent Reaile coualy eitUeos
liMri M Ood la to DadTIb *ork and tUeyirteeri-Hra- Horst, Ur. E. Bitreogdi at anrijr tray
apiiearlag In Jestlce Oovej*
do It with Him." Wen are always ala- tVhite oad Ur. K. C Horst.
nieg and Ood Is als-aya forgiving. Men
»eli\'Hoii. -The foocolote Soldier."
% momlBg aud iba paym
ploMun rMdtmptta
nlwaya sick and God ia always (O. Stroue)—Orehretro.
flcea of tit ear* t^vtber wUb Ibe
bnallng. Men are always destroying
Alter the exerrloes. dondoc woo
Tbe four were Bert May nard,
aud He la alsaya aarlnx HmI at He eo>oyvd uoUl mldnlobt.
At neb • liBe ercB dw Be xouneK oc m ef jrout
TedayY Meeting Will Se More Im­ cltik of lAke (owiwhlp. Jobu Cmi.s.
hckla forgive as llv forglvee. help as
clviY ef Platte township. Ptwd Hallila
portant Than the One Held YdOHa buliw, lomrort as He coniforta.
k-uvesurer of Ptatte township aud
icrday as thd Trunk Linda
George Esrh, a well lo do tarmiY.
Tbe way to aetre Ood is lo aorwe
are involved.
Last Muoday they
srew u. La'«■—
tuio, OllU'are grmfu praise Is flattery. |
jiff 5ftWa*>ryt»ienApndniL
WaebtngloD. June 7.—Taft loday Mkhlgaa and oval flahtrg Riate IV p
d out what He Is doing and atanre
s^iUmse to Ite. CaSiMraU oSuty Came Warden 8mltb found under- tain a fne aamale »a«tls. After eMag R.
. NeWaJtipolin*&d^M«'- Ii'e « boDe« eebkte
tbe -work Vrlu Joy fur sorrow.' PIONCffR. FORMER AHERIFF AND rludled the eoillern rale altuatlo
yladncsa for tears. Ukv bo)<^of tboec'
tisedwhltWlMilDlbelriaaaeasion a-td edr Ti^
n; i.i.. ^
ITvaldeeu tbu aflernoon
1 bondage and help then up.
ihvlr approrance la court TiMlowed, It SSiT
It *2?a iSff'.tfif S&
It la expected l^t they win agree la MOdleaa (o add that their predk-w
Tha Bpeaki-r ibea ^iad atMUon
[ was act kept gelet am* " •
> ibe burry and freasy of tbo' world, Death Came fuddenly at 1 O'clock to poatpoae the laeiwaaea like tbe
rWABONS. BUGGIES, FARM MACHINERY tbe Dcree oompeilUon and iboi m-rnesterners did yesterday at tha
tbelr frleada bate been having
Mabswarb. harnbss. paints; etc
of Only a Woek.
fieeace As the roads iios|iatiei
at tbelr expense.
:enaioD wbicb has been called
Aayertewa letaperaineM." aay
Medad Vinton, a idoneer resldt
oro of wluw oad »reeo tw*®* <«rrio«J
ovi la tbe blooBB oad foUO(e- Oa tbu
sUlwari young mmi and women u>
aiofe wefe oeoxed the Irwateee. tb« euUgbleo tbe bHnd of the bean, mlad tbe county and.a veUirau of the Civil creases to be subnilUed loVbe com
where he------------------------- - . tut-rev comiutulun under tbe hill.
ebaplotB. the Rev. n Coeblln. tbe
iboee who won't aee tbe
died at bis bonie. tit tMat PTOiil
Today 's eonferonee is mesM laiporl
aiAOker of the eveoinx, BuiM-riuiond irulb. -'ll aeeoia as Ibough I hear Uur
o'rluck Thursday alter
Ml. Invohitig the trunk Uaea.
eat J. D ManaoB. the BodicaJ atoll s«rds, -Go to Ibem. belA them, aave
i-nu llroen. of the New York Coband the iroduotna, OM youiic Mlv* tbi-ui. servo them.' That ie the w*y us noon, after being 111 ualy
hrallb had beeti liad fdi Mmie iime
M-s’rvn of the Pennsylvania and
Id the utiHonu of tbelr predoa
lo bean oi Cod."
liflsever. and bl> dt-.'lb, sbleh waal^,, -w«x>d of (be Brie, confer with
nie oealorB were esaortod oa
Christ didn't come Into the aorld lo
Kalkaska Ofhee Was Only Orta In
iiapUratioii ol
far OB the stoia by tbe Jualors. the reform IL Wbai He cAine to do was
This Vicinity, to Be DecrcaseO—
Waabington. June 7.—Taft todsy
JUBlors orctipyinc tbe oeota aooroat h- forgive and lo teach others to for­
Manistee unamnUoned ..Ir.n’iuloii was burn : Oraaby.!,aeat congresh a sp^lal mewtage rve>e idaitara.
give. He cetue lo lorm a aew aoch- Uarailn
in IkCI be
lomniendlng that the railroad Mil's
Alter July 1. th?Yalary ol PostThe apealDx proyer woo by the ly, when all mea should be brniben,
to respond lothecalljor - J iprA'Isloii giving the romtneire com- omster Orver will be CAuu liulead
Hev. OoiDoa Cucblla, otter whldi shea ibi-re would be no more- war.
rwrs.M'ivingasserceaalof tk> ’'jnilBXIon imai-r lo suspend lanvAsod of Bf.htu) k year, a loDg list of other
tbe apookcr bf no more sirife, and no more compel:h Ma-'iai'huseUs Volunlevrs.
* I railroad rates pending aa tnveailga- WiMcrti Michigan poaunaaiera a'so
the eveola*. Ibo Rev. J. J. Buley. ol aoa. Mothers, fathers, btulbera. sislb aoiivc service lour yoars, dgurreceiving a iwlse of tide a yrer.
Uoatelee. who apoke oa "Tbe Way lerp all are railed upon lo help found
lus..veral ...emorwH.-enwgement.„u.tvri.nce. with tbe
Ainuai^ the foruiuaie oflloos
lo the Heart of Ood." Mr. Staley oiot- Ihls srK-let).
What has He
and ri-w-lvliig u w-vere wouiiJ at ihe
ndlalre, tl.CbK; Boyne City,
ed tbo^ while be woe dowa for oo od- pushedr Hi- haa abullsbed slavery,
Wile or fold Harbor, la lk.:r,. be |
CbailevoU. »2,SX>.
dreas, be woo o mlaUier ond bU ' ' He bat ebaaged the Idea o.' govoralakcn |irb-(‘Uci' at KlugsUm. yc. <i
■ .‘ylL**.'**-'"""*.*' **" •“ ““ lu of iboesbi and life bod placed bla. D rnl so ibat It is lor the people. Ili- lK'l<nr-s»
' Mann, luaiudlnn
the Wlroad bill Rasl Jordan, tL700: Prwukfon. »1.
ii'niatc of the Infaiuous lAb-1
proorhlof mood, an be souId
unlvental Tbe
l.y prisun (or :tu day*. He •
u this vlrially l
S' iirovldea 1 it it btHOOU-s el- ! the onl.v I
preach a oariiwD instead of nuUitt
ini-atloucd tlie names of some
I dn-yeaau. the poMmaater':
on oddroaa.
<f tb..
-Tba "Way la tha Heart ad Ood.*
■a tbU work of Ood. Uneoln. PbUtiis
Tbo apaalter celled oUMlloai to l
Urooka Balllagton liooih. sad wo­
^'MUSMIm. IMro Lola Creok. tset that In bU valued took -Rellr men, Clara (larton
kma Bzparteaeea." prod. Jomea aald -SitfitliigBle.
county and engag^ in busiiieas m i
U#MN a cieley. deho f.
itiol all forma of rellcton beer teatl"(Istrning to aermuus Isn't the

'Sn^ NelBe Tfoido Kiimma. moey to the fact that there la a aornc'
lu tbe bean ol God It la a gnod iblnr i-d aberlff cl Grand Thaieirs.- roumv ,1N-)UNCT10N RESTRAINS CITY ON
King Victor Loading In tbe WMk of .
.Aiim'.MMdo SdoolAter, Btbel nete In tbe >x>rld and the reauedy liui. (u ban; sennoBi or I wtoldn't preaeh .
______________________ __
Rescue and Troopc Hava Baaa
them. We must go out and put lutuj
iliU^ -MooM, Albert donea In maklnc a lisbt cuimMlun
Bent to Lock Aftar tba Tomtbe higher powera. It la the otftce or HooUre that wbldi we preach atxl
fled Pooplo.
HtfJi Cthel Uman dohnoen.
the tbeoloctan to determine arho
htiT preached. Cbafch wonblp lag'f
iiS^ »Afl« Mootii^. Oortrvdo A vbai are tbe higher powera. Tl* bk- the way to (be boart (food it ■> a
Rome. June
* —Today's relulM
B^.doUM Morr Lee. Soil uoatM asd OMfualobiat
repUes, "I good Ibing or I wouHa'i go. but It U
IroB last nIgkCa edrtfaquaks at OnmPREfllDENT DIAZ HA* TAKKN paala and Calahila Increase tbe «aGalilee a:iaply a meaaa to ttlinulate and Is
;U nimby. O. HtoM Leotbeiti. don't kaow," The Man of
1 b;:l fo: .-111 tnj-aiirlioo reslralnlng
llmate of tbe dead The dlanater wna
spire ua to go out and do thliiMi as
^1 M A HlHer.CiM yen Miller. haew the nitber for He
ic- aeveresl since Mraatna.
Christ dM." Mr. Staley aUted itaai
kl SMo Miller. AreMe Miller. nutke Him kaown.
. K-jvl Ninth I
Tbe tadtan mystic replica tb^ "All whUc be was apeaklbg, buadrods of
Tr iny are know lo have baan kUlad
Theraeeii Newman. Idylls
la Ood." He believe, tn
1 falltri and all ibe ruins ara not
Uiouaands were doing (hal mblrb bi
ppoewe of BbMnXton. a lots of tadl- waa advising,
yet searched. Ten are deed at Sab
viduallty and a mcrBla* Into a wbotc. v.orkers tii aoeial
Posaln. 10 at CaateJ Barrgbla. King
aettleamMa, all
Victor went to Ooae to Mad tba roa
yooo* people eucceoa Tbe Uan*of Oalllea was do rujatlc boaling. cheering and lifting up.
In coiK'lualoD, be offered sincere
tbe irololBff eourae DO aacOCIr. no laonk. He advlaed Hla
Nortbera ttfoUsaa aaacclatea to mingle wllta mea. Ued- congratulailons lo the class because
Nap>i. Juuc- 7.-lt ia aatimaled
(be members had eboaea as tbelr Ufe
i*Tsaiday eveoloc ond were pre>ai zoo wore kilMd wIM * property
work tb%i which would call them to
proof «d tbelr elt a way to Ood'a taeail ^
Reported That «M IndUna Atuekad
Tbe third rlaat betievw Uai
linage of fZ.lWi.OAO in Uat atgbfa
tbe hurt of God. 'Ai you practice
to procilee tbelr proleeeloa
(Ka Towp of Valladella an^ KIH: i.J, U.11 It ba. not snllklciu tall
eartbeuake The (own of Avsdllno OOfyour pr^iesiloii with hope to face all
they ehoee. toffether with power-la divine- and ia aianlfeai
ad (be Dlbelala—Other Tewna
, ..I
theic ...- two sharp luma lu
Ivied.the wursL Tbe wire* are dowB'
Btoioewoee of tbe oc iiatoro about ua. Hence the auilon oi' iribulailouB, 1 wlah lu you a splendid
i Att^rtl.
a I ..... it T.-achc Ihe river. The
that loltglOB (onatau
dccaiis are unavallabJe. It Is poacareer. Alay my Wraslng and tbe
•IhM*. The oddroee of lb* eveatas
1. . • r was O'-.-lsned merely for the
Mexico fit). June 7.—Pn-sMen: slt-lo that the eaUnau of MO daad ta
. wtiO'SeUeered by tbe Mr. J. }. Suley sacriSe*. public wbrablp and fills. bleaalag of God real upyn you all."
' i-*!!;. im- district. It lb alleged, but
IXax V>day.,^-h leroobal charge ol
poatsr m the FVat Oamroseilmial This waa.engrafted law tbe Jewish
Pveaantatioa er Oipiowaa,
A doxeo other (owhs were partially
■ be cAmpaign against tbe Maya IntSootfe a MeelMee. wblle tbe oddren rtuutft 'wd waa alao..................... i In presMtlag the Qlpk>maa
wtalB evtent. to tbe Chmilan ro- claas ptna. Mr. Hatea said:
diBu ui-rlaing in Yunttan oo loarnlng I'.eiioyed and the lababUanta tarrf
»# preoantoHfiB af diplakoo wo.
Ihe Pete M.irQUM-o
iv<et-yd Vinton,
fled. Troopa have been teu.
graduating claa.
, MS». br T»oa. T. nolea, proaldeM of UgloD for there are allll p«.iJe,wb«
N-.U a.iacW to II. ll U ,l.lmed the dial (he revotuHoolsU are bwiblog
believe tbai tbe way la through pub- ,
o)h.'i. i
dtyiMffd 0» tnoMoa
otfcb Morolawt were bdd Ui tbe 11c warship, also dm BatdiaU tdoa
•It la my prhllc^c Uinlght. rei>re clcnialtou «nJ again rU-tuil. reiidc.-- toiidllions very serious and loi

It la reported that lew ludUas sav*
seating dm medical staff and board
efflclcri aenl'v petober IS. st-asni:. an liiJUDcIlon wYk naked.
ed the town of Valladolid ani ol trustees
Ihe iMtttutlon, youi"
he married 'Kinc- Heltcs. at
tbe ulflrtals. 'fl>ey have
WlUiauoburg. Uleb , June E —Hft
N-f.Sbd oat *owai*, tba claas oob«'«er aamBoea, In only t
anvm-iatro In your work, and tlic Uaterliu. Ind. she dyliig .\]>r|l ».
uvw’bs iiear Jderida (be capHal.
Bunee returaej (rv.iii hM acbool do­
triends xaaembled here Ihle evettla..-.
IXK. be was ualtid lu pmres O' 'betroli. last week,
4t>ogr..lulaie you most aluiercly
Ltt-i-y Ik-rocbcr. at Kankaki e.
fart Vinton a>ul MUa'Hetgaa Mrtupon baring rompleted (bt- prvacrjb- Ill, w-^m aurthes hlia llesldra bH
:on UMik In Ih- boat emmrakiti to
that eniiileo you lu this di>- v .diiw, be haves imc ’d.iitghlcr. Mrs.
Jest ^ada.v,
Nollie Riatiglc »f HX' <i'>. Two sisTbe Rev. 4-. L Btedman kft tflrti•'Th«- latgc iiumber graduatlog tblMrr. Lydia M. B. l.epper Waa Burled
day morning (Of S fortnlgbfs VBCSyy-ar shows the de«’i> Interest tfam
ik>li'<ii »l Harigurd Cun;i.
It) te- apoat at bU oM hsimo-M
baa been Ukeii la tbe wof*. Nothing Wra. .1 H Brown ol llprinKflcld. Ma.» Placed 2i Cant Mora in tha BeardPioneer o( Acme Tewnahip.
man Veaurday Making S$ Canal*lf««)n There will be oo (Bureb rtryi. I lii'oii 1)1 Grand Uupidb. ll--'
this world
in AH Pianltd.
s'irvivfd li> JVank Hcigea. bis
T)» tuneral of*Mrs Lydia M. B. rlctre next flubday. June If bat A
wtiboot effort To taM-eed. one muul
Ifc tbe Rev Mr'. Plows, of tliuHopiM-r. wid-.w ol Fraan* Hop
work. Tbe beltm tbe wx>rk, tbe groat- ui: hi-w. who bus llvi-d wlib him sibivThe Travers.- ftly Ply Ca-illng dub was b-ld Wedntwla) atiernoou
i-lia will lake Mr. •tedmoa'a p«M.
What you have done >e infaui-f '
Merday |<laiii.-d i:S cans of
Mrs. Fvm BlaDord Mil last AbtI o'rkiek from the church at.Acme,
Mr. Miiloii was a mi-ndier of Xlc
to what you have to do
vw wiau lb Uic Board man rl
and me r.toain* nun- 'inurred
Ay (or bar saw b*rt4 M Orawa Tooigbt yon take tbe drat advanced rbersoK i<rail GAR The funeral serle vKin.ty of Keysiooe This
lb-- .time rotnetery, by the tide ol
Bd HamUtoo tart M bN fWW
step in one of the moat boaoroble ror-' ■vice adll l.e at 1».A> Raiurday mortithe cbm ha* plaoiod
rnuib of ton am tbo Fife L*ke ro*d.
ose ol her huabaod.
tOf at (he bouse, burial .a' Williams '
irs open to an.v man or woman.
or in the Hoeiainai.
Hr Deosuad and ha* parrtaaBad
Tbe «»Ui Over icbe«eTc{ *dTert»bur*.
“We are proud ol what you have
Brown's aouee and lot in Abe
done and have lallh In yo-jr future. i. i’..rtri™ar7», ouV, "i., icuui; i — "»■
Ifeg'&M *l«*ya beeo to aislw tbe shoes
K—"-"' “< 1—log 1.)Jla M. B. Brackell. tin July Ulage. - Hr. Brown wUI proh^Vr
Tiro yf«n of study, dose appllcailo^. B-n.. Ml .. m. M.) » -«i. I: tteBSQlyrs -4e tbe Ipudest kalhtog
nr.l. aha was united In nv-iriaga move bU family Into tbe JOMS ^
1.M ibc 1... 1,
and practical work uuder able leadei- 1.S B..-a
I.out having b4*n planted cv.-n in ih.
Fraui-U .Hopper, and In i*-'-:
klrt bouabe.
• ^cm'-M |M»rs
ebip, prei>area you (or your lUe work
g,Ul.-ad waters ot the main
»irean. yuuiig couple cagM- to Mbnlgsn. loH. I. Hbbha moved bJa boBsabsId
The dtplomaa you w ill rerelvi- Umlghl
'tiM to onLe etch
sSocs le*vKCNRV.
♦ j l-jeh can Is npiSRed lo coutslu liie .*:lng v>B a (arm at A'-m--. vi'heu
usds last week to bis new bom* M
l-oarlng tbe signatures of the emiri-vlv
TTaverae (T'v.
medical aisR and tM board of trvw
ijsted a* ' private in fompaiiy :. First
br. C W Buaew Ml Saturday ffar
certlScalcs ol bonor (hat enaonie lime is reronrrylug nlccli.
i"glme<.i Mlcbigaa vslumeerw. light
week s vltlt wHb rwMlvaa and cM
iltle you lu proper rearontti^.ln any
Ji-saie ( ushway. who has been
-nllU.ylead* near Bpwta.
tnsMutleb of the
lak.iig lare ol her mMher al Maple
Uurlng tbelr residence In ,Acme.
At a vi«elal eehoM meaUng Mat
(xtuntry. The beautlfi|>' claas ptn* you Grove, has n-lurned home
Crest CommaiMer L»vS<asP^I Ba
iii«bt H waa vota>d to M* a
WOT receive with the compUmeuia of
Elcciad-^iner Maceaboc Offtewra
famoruiA the first being (akei
Hiotaiiae aodpr tim artool boHaa
tha laaKlntloe are boitorory bad|ie>
Will Ba Opposed.
ltS3. renvslnlug In Ban-rraacUio
£t)d inatau aa vto^awesM farBsaa.

(bat may be wort) only by those who
Pmt iliBi reasoM *e Ubb pride In ael■d a half, in itv: the.'- agaUi
Kalaiuaino Mich.
June a—TBi
eanod that right, as you have
San FroncBro.
ling «sJ you can take pride in wearing
, W 11 IRv nail o' il-is I'Uce Maccabe* roiiventkm nomUialed oSf- firm SI Trovdi
(atWd It.
, lev Traverse m lo bave.-:-rae .ers this alieiborvn and ibe eli-eiloB loob their laal trip togrther s.-o»s
W»||i 6v«r brand.
••There, are unUmlted possiUl'Itler
:he loiiiliiem. Mr. Hopp<-' Ji-il Jundenial -work dutw.
wdt toiiionvw. Tbe Jobuton
I Ibo pi eleaaiOB you have cbooen.
JauH-b Wtifoiv v>l Olio): is maklag , Grand Rarlds lyypoaitloo to (be aePrIcM SS-SO. «4. 94 BO. tB.CO
There wUI be aomeihtag new and val­
t« ber near reUivvea, Mr# Stniih
a Siu«a wall lor Vlr.ceat Heeriug
Daalrt ^on of this MB
leetlon rf Great roannand** Love Ir aervlved by an adopieJ d-ugh:er
uable lo be learned 'ever.r day of yxiar
Veter SiUyrovan or Kmpire. was c
laresbe* aulaMed but (be minor ob Mr*. SteUa Sintib. of Ran Fraoclsro, ttmm who recMvad tba d
Ule Morb WUI be deaaaaded ef yoaVlblKf at Ibi* I’tave re.-euily,
(blvstry at tha dsDarta
fleers will be oppoerd.
n« ready to give choeefui response.
an adopted soa. IViry Hopper..
Joseph Paymaat. sr.. who has been
Uve ap to yonr very blffbeat Mania.
Aeave. and a brother. I.. H. Brackett,
in fauada lor tbe pas: >U awnlha. Mu
A (arew»ll pany v
Be hrava. be tallbfuL be kind, ha uw.
Acme. Mrt Hopper
at one time
.reiisrafl huar.
etwalBg at Batey. ban In honor of had bekwged to the Traverse’ ITiy W
and may Heavaa's rirtaaat
Miaa Gladys Oama. of NortbparCia.
attend yon always "
The Rev'. J. 1. Staley, wbo la to de-. WUl Hotie The evenibg waa enjoy- ,R. C- hot adraarlog years ma
I Th<1m<-dlrtlaa waa pri__ _____
ve' (he addirra in (he gradvatlng ebly apeni lo danelr.-: and aortal vl«-1 ueadanee at their gaib'etlox Hapoa la tbe city aueedl« tbo BpwBBrt
Rev. ^maias i;o'AilA
j !^sa ai the wlmm tonlrhc wrvlvod lUa. WUI leii Toraday ciraalaff fer'-lhte, wn the withdrew. Bbe waa
, Euna. Wart
'mrirtm or ihe BapHii ebureb.
I imrlBf the evening. Urn lollowinci 1 the i=liy tbU looming

' C















tfeWLlj. STAUr







166,250 IS TOTAL


NWht Workmanship
lYeal Value
Bigid Inspection



Walk-Over Shoe Store






ThtrraiarWMfiTWliapuil and bale
Atamg iboae who were b tho city
n Cryaler. of Bead CIIT. Calvin
Mra. 'Iao EI1la.of
•etiHfl in their -MUso fur the
vUllcd frleoda tor aeveral flnja.
Crymler. of Y,i,. Bmaraon KHiimr. of
g la File LAke.
♦ ♦♦♦♦nnignnnnnnn
featerday to glloed the Old Bettlere' Uayvnie and Elwin Kilmer of Dn.
Otawn,^lrh., June a,—The Otmnu
Mra. Hannah Bryant, who hna apuol tfiawlag more. Mr. and Mra. MeIvlUo iroh. returned to their bomeu thla]
ANO vidNITY. ' «|
rubllr aeboola clooad fYlday lor the; the wiaitr la ttononthera part of the Painter,
Sattoaa Bay Mr.nad Mra. morutog. nftet ntteadtog the funeral,
auiaaer vnaatioa;
late, leturead bet Frtdny to
Wilbur Steele of Nonhport. Dr. and of George W. RUmer.
lilri \Vm
* QuRe lU nt^tbt'
Urn. Milton Hgir la eleUtac (rleada ume.
Mia. W. M. Soyae. of SutBoa Bay.
Mra Callle Thacker and Mra. ChnaT- home of ber aon. Hugh McLeod
pnmp that amy hn aaad tar IMaMl
Ic Tfaecree City -Ub woak.
Mr. and Mra. Eroeot Hoaur of Old Mr. and Mra. E. J. Peck, of Buttoua tv left this meraing for Knlamaac
Ca4HlM Taak ThfM Etralfhl
I weoh lo
an nnouwhiie tire. Tba dariet in
Hra. J. Brarkao apeot Monday (h Mlanlon opeal a few daya bat we
Bay. Mr. and MTa. Jaaea Swaney. of auead Use ntotb t-UeeiH
l H'ood. V
NMtME •••« PMrM Wm iltb
by Mm nMamm
Tmeorae Oltj.
llh Mr. and Mra. aeotim Hunter.
Ing to' a etdiege at Scranton. Pma..
OM Mbaloa. and Mr. and Mra. P. E
bUaitoaU. It coaaNa «( a baas. A.4«
ttnIflM VM»rr.
Mr. and Mre. D. W. Jtaynolda drora
v1\ed borne Inal week to wend hla wUch la momiMd a }aek tmad toAflWi
B. E. CTundler has letnrned from rown of tewera Harbor.
Mra. D. F. WUacm went to Pelialoa
: Tnvorea CKy Toaoday.
a few dnya- vlolt at Oraafl tapldt.
aa antomabOe axN no Tbtt Mw «Mll
Mba Allee Miller returoed to her ihN moTDlng where she wiU aUenfl
Hr«. MUb. who baa
Mr, and Mre. B .N. PIchard are
Wml Idmu P<-(.
bOBe In Levering Wedneaday after
George Dodt baa recehived bla new will clear iba gretnfl. Tba
iUlrlrt couvenUon of If.e W. F.
her aon at Boon, returned I
E M P su ai
Heuoti for a few weeka
\!ait a iita frleoda in the city.
It la a fine cMTtoa a aboa. & whMi la flH»lMi
, of ibe U. E. church. Un Wib lacbtoe.
tonaatal ta poalOcmtog Mm irtpMiWl
Mra. Mary Dwakelow and abur.
!««t lay.
Mn. M. A. Sobb. of Wllad^Rai
U trecordtofl eecveury tor the
AUea Riley ol Battle l>aek M U... wbetl. with raapaet ta tha pRaflMt
Mra. Levi PPeatt. apent gViday la North Carolina, paaaed ihnmgh the
TravMW CHy ............ 4 4
ing bra coualna. Edgar and Bmer fleviro bsfora tba Jack la ORanMfl «•
louah apent Honaay cn
Tmtorae Traveree Cliy, abopidng.
IMIUd......................... 2
They have not aden each raise IL
city Wedneaday aa bar way
Mr. and Mra. W. C. Hull left Thto Brimmer.
(her fur firieeu yMra
Jndke Oa'tbe la bolding Probate
•muKi V«tUr4ay.
Tba pnmp la InAlmtM at effiRfl ta
vltimis with Mr. nod Mra: S. H. allomooi. tor Chicago, where tbey
Mra. W. J. Andre of Traverae <
thorge OrecB came over froa Bar- •urt tfab we^
Tf»««iW riir 4. MwIu-smi t
wonted to rock o* a bolt, D. 1M
ineei their aona. Henry nud Gerald., la apeudlng a lea daya with her
her Creek entnrdar and a|
C^Ubc (, IIOIUD4 A
pamj> ptaton B ta m

Mra. c. M. Oaley,
The Rev. W. K. RobeHa. oT Wex­ who have been allending Ibe Georgia
day With hb fatally.
wbani .bp a flartan 4MM
Omim Today.
Military Innliub- in Atlanta ami Rich
ford. who hna been lit the city
I. during .
eiaarly la ibe tram iiiURtal T}n
Mr. nad Mra. N. PnlBer ware TrarTnrorse (iiy at iiolUDdi
bnainero. rettnfl^ hosw W«diMada>. aid. who spent the winter iu Callfor(Fig- ». A eleilad plata. F. ta pnMflBwe City abopi«rt Monday.
CadtUae at Muahofoo.
. .. bouae. fYaiu-l ad wiib teeth adapted M ORgnangtafilMrn.
The Hannah bnaebaU boya 4lll play
UU Mlralon. MlrtJ June g-Donor
JuM'ph baa n-rovered and ta out of tar teeth oa a aMied plata, a tW
uuaranilue. t> Uollon Harry Ikodt
Howe la here vblttns bia parenu on her daugbur. left tor Hncklnac. Clly
Maak^ga. Uich.. J«ae .2.—Maake- the Orawn boya Snaday at t P.
and Elmer Brlatmer will be oul ta a Ptate O la proeided with a eraak fla.
foa loot the laat game of ike aariea Orawn.
Ridgewood farm. He has been aAy Wedneaday. where they hilem
bleb Iba plBtoB rod B ta riinin
few daya.
Mra. etafford and chlldrwa hart ar­ to wihool In Toledo the paai few
>i.fe Tra*of«> CRy aad addad ihair
Tbe puts 0 ta ptovldad wUh'kB
The Siewan Aodiraiui I'o., an- shlpIda Sheriirod. who hoa been
aoflMd guBc to the kMt coluna ye«- rived from Wllllaaabnrs.
apertured exteaalaa adapted to fig qpw
ping lumu-r. ii iiui.lde paruex
vlaniDi b the elty, relumed It
tanUy. It *aa oaa at iba rlawlMi
of tbe antomablto wbaM. n*
Enrl Reynolda U olariclng for Sul
(Mmpliell. wbo baa bei-ii to
■Mr. Wilcox opened U|> him Uw creaB »me b lonb Wedneaday.
plate F is Bitacbffl to OM nf.lto
aidl taateat axUMUoaa
ford Hroa.
pant mouth, reiunied to hli
parlora Tiieaday night. The Old Mb; Joe Bordeaux, of Nonbporl. v«
aiwkee of Ibe wheel by ma*H o< •
loeai yard Ibla yaar. and Travaraa ya. n. lloila baa cloned bU photo
empire Tuesday.
alon 4AIHI wna ouh to aubi him.
. ,*lr Of btagK bRHtak
City bad to go to ronnda (o via. Trav- gallery.
Mra. I) II McLaughliu. Mra. B. R
The atenmer Lena Kuoldorhi' had pp^ration on
J. are used to conaact it with (••
oraa City g«c bnay and aoortd one In
ranieri are atlll hanllni; iioiaioca
Cram and Mra. Vidhcgraph of Thonue vlililiiK at Ibe home of theli sua. Bert moro ipokea of tbe wheel In Ml
tfea tm. mend, grat up. bit aafaly tc tha Urnwn Barfcat. Pete WUkop U 1 excuraioa lO.&at iby to aee the having fallen oo
arUh th* mtaMI
I»ora to-ugnot and wile left lat
Loll gBBC between Holbnd and Trai-Jite tuemiier He waa awKnnpai
tat Ma -aaagtat tfroamlag on Am.
tba only boyar h«« now.
ta aeewwd. By hwanntag tba.;tB
week lor lAke City.
erae City Bu^.
^ TraCeree Clly by faU___ Saturday.
Meora (boa hit om too hot for a
O. A. Brigham oC Buckley,
Judge E K. Walker and family .
nni on tbe book H tba ptau 9 taRp
Mim Verna Huxley la arorictog tor
The Ogdeiuburg hall hoya pteyed jiua'&nima Bordeaux. wb6 returned
Moero to handle and got tba flrat pll- drawn ealWr Tuaaday.
Traterae nty are vlalUiig Mr. Wa
pinto O ■* M
Craiidma Simona.
kei 'a beolher. D, W. Walker
borne today.
tarn tni «aa (oixad ew at aoc
to Bfljtwt Ibe (*m to wbaota n< fl»
Mra. Aril.ur BoKon and Mra. J
-Mr. Madisoii and wfle or Traven
whan Tfaraay bit a alow ooa
Mr. endMn. John Karri, of Alhen*.
t'liy. vlaUed Ib-ir alA*. Mra. A. .
^tooofea. «bo threw to Comatock
Ala. are vlalting ai the home of Mr.
ChrialitRerMin. last week.
aee them ptoy la eidte of the cold' and Hra. Frank Wade.
t»o o«L With two dowa It looked aa
Mra. Henry Rose enienatoed her
It It waa all A. bat Karetan threw
Mra. W. (N Nejaan. of Leland. waa
daushier. Mra. Glada WUltame,
e. J..Brtnkman baa recovered from li. the city l^ay on he<
vUd to flrat to catch Tlemry. who ad- OELAYEO HEggAOE flAIO MOTH­
L-r recent lllneea. pnough to be oui waitkee. wheiW alie will vtaii frieodi. fkuiih Cleon. Uooday.
vaaewi'to aocond and aoofod on a
.Mra. Martha Smith is eDIenalnlng
The MlMOa Kuib Humer and Lola her daughlri and lamlly ol Traverae
wearing hit fur naa and Inking a
knock to fight by Opockci
Mr. and
John kern, of Aibeua.
trill II. Lla laumb Anon Thoreiu ta Ala. and cfifidrrn. who have been vla- Gleamn nUeuded the box eoMal given
Thow waa nothing Bore* doing omll
-tha otaU. when Mnakegoa took the
tilng the ramfly of Prank Wade, left
City from Cadlibo->Talogram
land hr isa nia. Ryna led oS with
Mr. Mo«aii and family from Trarmoniing lor LAkeirood. where l Marina. Saiurday ntohi.
Had Waited Two Oayw
The Miaae. Alma, Vlula and Alice
• grieo to oenier. wna oacrtfltnd to
eree City «>ent a couple of dayn at they will vNU frienda
eiuou ui narrieua agaioai
E Cleon vl.ited Hra ..
oeeood aad tglrd by Uyroe and Cob
tbeir cottage hare laat weriL
Mr. and Mra. Q. D. Onok and Mn. Bunting of
(oumy Traaaurer Wheeler lo compel
CadJUac. Mich.. June
1%a Naw»
^ otodt, Boklag K two Sown-'mad a »««n
Mra. A J. PraocMt la haTlog a fine Oook'a mutkw. Mn. Ulna Hainn. ra Emma Simona Saiurday.
Ibe Uler to grini Sndth a liquor llo-n
h. K lAWie made a burincaa .trip ae to relall liquor to Hanietu. Judge
00 IhVd. Moore waa neat up, and aaya;.
cottage buiP near the Plaea. Mra tunsed lo Buckley tbia uorulng
1. I.aaib Issued the mandamua
"OaBa home at oaea. MaarL Moth­ O'Brien 1^;^ Cblrago extwclt to oocu
ifhUa Ehok began to Y>»d np Ryan
Ito. H. a -purdiun left lUa raont- I Marilu Friday . ■roqulrlcg the Iraaaurer-io gr
er b flyingMlaa Dora Holum waa a' goeot of the Ilevnte
aurtod for boaa, but Hi
tog tor BxUlmore. Md.
Par two dsya that tolegraB bid at
oofoUr and Ryan aeored. Moore then
The flit- departmeui was railed to
\rra, Montroae from Iowa aad Mrs.
Mn. Mary A. Kaohl left UOa nuro- Mn. EU Brimmer Tueadoy.
,MoU aaadnd and Hiooka. neat In Use,
Ami Uewli' aenl to Inlerkwh- to^home oft James Wllllatna. last tareat alaaa. Tta
O'Brien her alater from Chicago.'ar iu< lor WllatogtoB, N. C.
gnpUcatcA Hoore-a auai. choaJni the whom II wat adareaaed oould not bn tivad at OM Miaaton tor the aummer
W. P. C'rotaer want lo Grand Rap- en Friday to cstay the piano tor the
Mr. end Mra Dan lialnea __ crank pin lo tba
laUor on Parent'i ocratch hlL Trar- loond. But telegraph companlea do Ian Thuraday. It arema prwtty cold
■oitnenriemont exerclaea.
1- thla moraine.

fl^bler SyV^bave guns to Duck however, la fixed.
one City tied It up-in the ninth. Dun- cot rive op hope becaaea the right and rainy for aunxmer falka
Sira. Alba Brimmer Ml Monday fo. lake, where r_..
In nae tba summoblla engla* to
II hate charge of
Mra. I. W. Smith. Mlaa Eitoabeth
the resort this a
rated to rouw itto^''
dMl hit aafely to left, went to aecond petaoni cannot be
Ray tt'alt. from Traverae City, rpen; O'Oonnell. Mn. Herman
The monthly
acikw earriea tbe ptal<
00 on lafleld out. to third on Oauer'a They are good waiun and evenluBt- a few flayi vUliing at B. 8. Wali'a
Mut Haael Klrohner and Mlaa ElU egate from Renatc county lo
' A<Tlluder. tba
ha latter ruAiM bacl
hU ond neorod wbea Weatonnan poktelegrama aro delivered. The Uit week. He la a wel.
the church parlor# the for* part of
Wlghtman went to Keyaioue thia
a Forth
Ik to accoo
aceommeflate Itnrif in ttfl
ad another one U the left garden.
tael that aomeone'a mother wa
will alKi Mall a’ LeRaiy, her old booir. last week There was a Urge attend- lateral throw of tba crank pita A
morning to wi«nd the day flahlng
alu e^nd the lotlowtor officera were
Zn tha tenth Trnverne City won. her death bed apurred them to greatflexiUe tabs contweta tba pna^ «l&
Miaa Jaaala Helniar U away rlililng
Mr. and Mn. John Kelley of Unl- Ealtle Crei-k Alhen. and aiuiax.
fTtond got n walk. Moore laid ooa in
effbrta and when dfearl LAUway.
lU Uro that la to be tofiaiefl. By IMP
I'realdenl-Hrs. Soper.
vtottliM wlib
lioM of tha plate and Friend auriad employed aa cook ta the raotnu- ber alater. Mra. Cuimaiai at Tbomp- lon. New York, aro
hrraugement a lire amy bn IKflillfl
Itr aaeond. luerolx threw bad to
of C N. Llnce, 20S North MUr rapidly and tbe tafiottap cwfM
Recording aecrotary—Mra. Mible
Mn. Kelley waa tormnrly ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
«ot«b FMond. who WMI to third. Tier- eheli airaet. atepped to the wbdow lia Hr-hner. her molhar. only waa laruliy
I further degrm tbau ta pOtaflMi
cay a few daya.
Mn. Lander Sable, and b n ptoneer
11. M.-Clellau and Maggie McClel­ ablcy.
M7 lhao bit one lor two aaeka. acor-, and naked tor a telegnun
Corresponding aetrUry-MUa Ruth
«xMn. Cox auyed with Mr». E. 8. ’ the Grand Travnrae regtoa. bartog land are oo the sick Hat.
tag Priand and adrandag Moore
pbintng that be wiabed to bend aoue Wall a tow daye laat wet*, wfallo »m.- here to 1M<
Mr* li. r.i l (>: Mooratown. who haa
thW. Brief lined a -bl^ fly to
u. « elaiar b Tiaveroe City,
Uiwkoai rommlitee—Mrs J. lUyea.
Mn. liclmiT araa away vlalting In
Mn. Nellie Slevena
rtturaed to gl>.-ii up by the dociora. baa tak.It
which Mo.^ .cored- Po> !,bo operator re« anlaad the nam.
Soetol commliiet—Mra. Roper.
'niompaotivllle and Traverae Clly.
L^dlltoc today after a abewt atop iu <-batige lur the belter and la alow:
Flower rOmmltlee-Mra. E Bklon.-r.
|haad«fl bin the nieaaage from
Pert* fldiing U good here at i«a- Che cltv,
Mualr caraniluee-Mlaa-neaaie Mul- ^Dr.^lChard A. Oeeto « Bu'd
Mra Anna Green of Ueiick. who
grW atrlrhea elaier. LAswayhad
Minnie 8iuhh left ihU horning tor baa be<-ii vUIiIng relatives at ihia
W-MW. ee».
j, jnoBeat lo waeia aa tbciraln waa M off the dork and otbete are gel
ling trout and other kluda of flah .lii Gland Rapida, wJiere ahe will be feln- plocb tor aoinp lime, has returned
• «MRtie mafle It three otiglght
iieta. trolling and apearilw.
<•(1 by Mn. Pierce, of HuakegDC, with hiuiie. Her son return^ wlib'her.
Erliltnaw of Nr-wajgo. I* vUltMNsy gftarnm by *.»-..>■» hoI- ‘
***' ■*«>*■
Mlat Louiae Pratt will gruduato whom Bbc will make her fulure home. IncMr*
taUJa and Lrawerlea by naita^peg^
at Ibi- bouK- of George klcCleBaud
tor car and though )erhed oB bla i
from the Elk Rapida
tclml thla | fkinduclor A. T. t-eck ha» re»umi-i
^ 'Iron panlriw which finfl''chMr\
" a. B. Wmiauu and flaugbUT. Ru_____
be refuaad lo lit go bU bold. He
>t IhiLllo. are gueaia at the bome
lumlag Thuraday night. A dai
hu poalUun on the O. R * I.. aftei
mamben ^'ibe Rngtneerttv
fie- |JJ*
•lari-i Mr*. Hard
, well
^-Ig'lkaAaeHeaetoagna. Detroit won i«r«l the bume atTraverae Clty^And vur to graduate there thla ymir.
cleiy pf Blrtfngbam
two weeks' imallon.
(leor*ge Fralick has returned from OUver Lodge made tbe Bugland;
«• iitt otfalgbt flotory defeating itootod hit mother with a hUa. when
It that
taulle tbs flata/ p
The Pomona grange waa we:
Mlaa noience Wood and ABM tVIiu Mlnn.'X
WaMtlagtou .8 to l. PUIaflelpkla. New j the loor. woman waa atrlekM with t<i.dud here to gplie of ' Hus rainy Mtolfenrn murued lo Lake cky ilnv
wna by no meana tree that n build- .
'bout itwm. naye tha
Bore, to Mr -ax,A Mr*. Fred lUne.
lag was pNiaetefl fixun ilgbtAlag wboa
American, ftecotly a ‘ York gafl'OdaagD man the other vto paralyal* and U now epeoMileea
weather. Over DO from ouuidt- ai- morning after aiicndiu gthe Spworiti daunbter. June lat.
»-•“-------though death haa not yet reHeved aer tended.
Kanfnrd Fuller and daughter o
I-cagne cunventkML
aucl. expioataoe taataJtafl a
Tran-rae fiiy, vlali.-d at the home c reaching to tbe lallw pan of the
suSertnci amall bcq« U beM^i tor
Mlaa Pratt and MIm DueU from
wm which tha J
Blrocture. lo fact, be said that
liter, last week.
Imfura being mpi
Traverae City, apent over Sunday
ally from tbe Bw^ wap nasured only
bTOwaeliA __
with Mra. IMIe Buell bet« laat Ceek. •
are MtobfU
Mr. Taytor from Soriugfleld. III., ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A
fWDblem waa
*«• iw dSmlpnie
uiwilwie (be
lue groat
• — and
— fiOO* to-fi,
here doing cnrpenier work on the
From Tui-aday'. Rra-ord I
energy of tbe flash, bat K vraa net wtae
«"'o “to ctoanad pto taiw.
George Pnnfield roiuge.
Mr. nod Mra. Laorgi- BuUara and
LAlaad. Mich, June 7.-Mra. W. C.
lym Mndaby. Ruth Bardw.-ll and knowB at proaeni. a ibto iron wiro ofDr. J. W. OaunilfU and wife took oaugfaier. Mlaa Uary, are spoadlog
Ruby Heiitila worn to .More'
I Will Be to nl NaMoa. who haa bean In WBwankeo dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R Wall
couple ol flays to the -city.
NaM Meoting.
the peat lew weduy racurnnd to her
Sunday aad also
0 fitted up a
Mra. George Potle/, wbo boa been and Miaa
'; Ag> Aitor. Mtah.. Jane l.-lt waa home on Friday. - Mike Morgan I* workiii.
glaaic* tor Seven 1 'different o
vlsUiug her trotber. Sanford PuUer.
Am 4R lond anhority
Mrs Agnen Cole, of HtmUlng. ta a mafle neverni cwlla
totSailun of ihew^majmta MtontinB
A Mater fltroet Cleaiwr.
n turned tu Beoxonla ibu roorntog.
JuLo Huanev and alater, Mia*
Che nan BBWIitg of the ualveretiy re- gurat at the bonir of iaaee Delong. '
A new aircc) c><«Alog machine haa ba«g tw nxploalonaAa Mm mllta.
ii- Ibe nfternarai and drove bome
Mra, Charliw Temple left ihU nmr_
n brel<-r, ol Clearwater. tial(>-d
j Mn. H Weiabardt haa retUnwd ter evenlag.
a fra daya with their parent*. Mr Sod renlnveniedtiyaaenglDeerto Vienna.
It consul, of a uutoR-ar n tib a rovolefra her vUlt to ChiiagD.
Mr* Harry-feeler, Uai week.
WUllan Marahtll la eo he can go the Will spend aevwral mouht
Mra. Dan Tlmmon*. >r„ who baa log liriiab mnicb awreita np Ibe dwt
I ''ur. J, L. Long gad family arrired
d dual to toladi h
cni rtrtviBg and be np wtoai of the Hmg frleoda.
H'li III l> able lo lie OUI again
and flirowi ItJuio a Urge funnel, from
Mra. Unraball 4p'abo Quhd well
Clarence I>lne. «liu ha* been vlsllMrp. E Mills and Mra. D. F. Wll
tor her. They will anon bnlld a new ■ on. of the Ftrai M. B. chuivh. and ins hla .parenia for a few diyx baa and dnoa^tfl ta tar«* »rial boxes. ithUh „*,w
miirned i
Tbe boxes
boxr. eao be rronoved wbeu foU
barn, with a alee tteme toundaUan.
Mra. Hingier. of the Anbury M. K
The •■omim.nceme
exerclaea for
A daace waa given by the young Church, ten thu morning for Peitoton le Fife Lake Hlab -hool wer<' tw-ld and empty onro Inserted
trouble by tba driver bln Jf. Iho
: ihe Grand Army
fiJka ta Ibe Maccabee halt laat Fri- Wheee they go aa delegaiea to the
wagon I* driven by a i< niy-right
wing iiruxrani waa giver
■Iny night find about 25 ooufflea ni- mini dlMrim meeiiag of the Wona
a deep borod btoe ot« dW
Invoealton-The Rev. F li. Bridg booM-power motor and will
uttoert and all reported a good lUne »
body. Ibe boU chmed oafl the ^MPpN
^ »ooleiy. wbtph la water
cn ndlaa of aireM an bonr.
allowad (o art upon Uw «enl Mtll pBr
Hits Katie Bagley ha. broo ot. holldtag » thrao days'
Mlu Vera narling.
not tbreogb tba AMBto*
ibc all* Hal the laat week,
Mra. John y-atrlah left this morolng
nonce VcriwC U the
lic-Ladiea- l.yrlr Quarlelter'
. Ibeat example Tbe coal body ta tba tbaringSlyrAWi
aronnd have celda. eore throat and tor KwlalEaxoo, where abb will attend
« iiaa Propb.-<>--Ralpb Crego.
of vUual memory. Ue conid |*tot a and ae kwaeued that Mm coal «M tt
the big Mac
8olo-Sp.-r Strahan.
atilk^ purirau of a man. life alia, broken o«i whb the muorta PWfe A
Mr. and Mra. Orrte Bufld and two
Addiv*.-Prof. Maoaeltok.
Meries left this morning for
after bvtof once looked at hla medal blaattog Is xtrolded. Practletl sitaW
Mualr-I.adlea- Lyric Quartette,
rlilldrea and ber father west to Malt Klogale.v. where she will anead the
Mmart hod a great madcnl memory. nmnis to some placa wHh tbM mBm
tov-wnialloa of dlplomaa.
Bariac beard twice tbe - Mtaatwro- ta bave gives Tery good renitt.
»lra. V. AracM a few days. Mra. At fui.<ral of Mra William Boii. wbicn
the Staxliie ehapM. be vrou down tba
nold nma the SunBy Bank hotel ta
The*1oi*''’“tog are (he |
in be held at Hairaab tomorrow.
acote of It Thefe an aoiotata
. p senior rlaaa*
Now Fora, ef Dry fl
. .
We-take ordera for Traverae Clly,
Hra. Otto Sparildg. of KtogHey
Crego. Tbreaaa nuaney Mar­ wbo during nrenty-tonr boon can play
Tbe so caUrd dry Wllary tagtato
wLo baa been rUlUng Mra. Heniy garetilpb
> all klnds-of engravA Buuner. Uattle Strahan. Myr- tbe compoajilou of other maoUn with. trie coU reaUy roatolulag a I
Bpariing. relumed home this mon
skipping a aoCta
paste wbooe drylog oiu-«sta
■ graving and can fur­
lag on a nbeH-dairoya Mm A
Frank A Waller. Harold C, ttVavfr
nish promptly.
. ecKma. Itch or anil rheum of lb* ballery. bnl a oolqw hW'M
Mra fUdle Kennedy and dnughtoi
ernard C. Bernaielne. Ix>ulae 'll
axy fan't bear i
*Hm Rosamond, arrived last night Huichinx. Panule Crego.
lery cell called Iba 1
of youi
otblng Doaa'a t
natii pot to nac. aa itmi U aap-to
■Wn Bvemt. Wash, and will apeod
NUxara Falla, K. Y.. who have ^n
ta 'ston ludefinltaly vrHbowt 4
druggists acU U.
vlalting Mn
vuiting Mr. aad Mra C O. fttonroe. Ktnnediy'a alater. Mra. W. C Kn|.
Uoa. U simply ootata
of Thnnka.
cbemkwla in a dry Mat
reiuniad bone yeateeday.
nick, at Coal Eighth etceel.
Ki.-iiTj',.; united to marriage Me wishCard
to ibaak our neigbbort had tar ponrad tbrongfa s i
Mra! V. E. QreUlek aMI aon. W. E
Mr. aad Mrw. James L. Murray of by the Rev, F. H Bridgwater, in tb.- triruds (or■ tbei
tbeir kindoeaa andd symp- pnla It to aciloa. and than, b
thy do . tbe lltoeas and at the
.. cf Orailli-fcmie. toft yeoterday tor Dciroii. aro apeadimt t*w veaka «!>; preoenre of Imme
■e death
of my mother. Mra. Lyda
Lyda M. E Hop- pcrfecUy oew and froah. Jl m
Buffalo. N. Y. lo be gooe fire weeks. Iitag hla Dotber. 'wra. Maggie Murray.
'^t ’^ad Mro '
----- 1 pariooa of tbe flry ttattot^.
r WIU re, Hon Daniel B. 0»Uu of AMcb.
to East Fife luke
Ehnwuod avenue.
The^e two young people are well
Ill the city yeoterday to ntiand the
TuroeMlra la Cvrttlag M
E>«aae Trufle of ffoae
known at ibu pUce. having reeided
When rotting aleM or wrpM
old setUera
I uniae Annatroog of
.Vu 5. William Ludfca. or
here all ibelr live
U rlslttog ber anm. Mrs I
I a iaibe. mUllag maebtae, fliMfll
WlllBui c. McTKrTen. of Alden. It nany .So. S, Haas Johnaon. -of the frirnda wuk them
~d Mlmton. She win rc
ur ptaBsr K ta ■mBiitaim momrU
to Ibe cKy vlalting bla daughtce, Mra. hook aad ladder eomposy. and Amiai.
Freech Script. Old Easll,.. etc.; at reasopable prict r.
luring the Baaaaier.
taave a smoothoorfoce. OUacfi
Mra. WiHum Reid and aon. Ario,
L. C Clapp, of south Uukm aireat
am Chief T. G. saftaoBwleft yemer- Acme, aro rlaltlng “ rcUilvew
Ensrtwd VUItiog Cudr, Moncsrcoi Stctioncry >cd
Mca-T. M. Bennett nad daughter, day for Bay .aty to onend ibe atoie friend* at this place.
Mra. Le<m Hay <
MoMlIe. returned Turaday night from
Steel Ole Eobnilos ire ■pecUltia thst rre Bcke tite
Gold Medal antral____ _______ __
a teveral week.' rWt ta Saginaw.
E church. Saturday alghL Juke ll. tte ofi R will grandy a
CMri Tinkham arrived last night Campbell
rliikt prices upon.
AdmUtioa-'Adulia iSc. cblldraa 14c.
Ithaca. 81. Loiala and lAnalng.
from Grand Ledge and w^ the rnrat
fdar Creek Snaday sttaool. whirii AU aro ordially invited.
of h|a bnuber. U O. Tinkham. over
been ciooed on aocout of alckul«hL Thla moriUng he aram to Ra^ uoauhaa rommearod aata.
itant look well eat well or f««l
-- with impora blood feofltaf yonr
W OtT to uy bla
Inck wiu the
Mua Violet KTlbelm marwad Tna- apacfcled bSAOUea
•a Knight of Bay City ta
flay nlgbi Iron CharMoia. whera iba
d the boto^
»ta. *. A RUIntt. of Reed
knep clean and y^TSfll ^

nova AUTogwiu i^.'





r" “ “

Wedding Invi­
tations S An­
E n grave d.


Special Script InvIUtiohs,
ooiaplete withinaide and outalda envelopes I00setr,$7.50

City Book Store


w. MAm UTC wnuAHs, mat
^^’SeaTTa dona.
I have leaned am (all
y Mbe to tbe bait e( a Uea.
Ta-mow U liabMrt weie aibrob with
. iNdtA SaaloB and flee.
Ata tMfl that lu leattaf waa like
♦ tO%fcloaglnf In me.

^piMrlnc J have bent to the odorh jt » It^ of a rate.
X'tdll lor tbe aammer her vlrglna)
Wb«n to Udoaa.
mm ■ bar hiM tala Of the (prtaf-

U be oa Aad «kai otifbt
to be
ao laat golai to be ao al*a)-a.
think pat«>la ahotldn'i bave to wait
to die betare they rmn lalBlI Klpllara
and • e-ork for the Joy ol workInc."
There li euch a Ihlaf aa lltilrf our«
emrea to oeadJilona aa they bare to
be. U a tbtiif caa be belped. bOp It
if not. adjuat youtwelf to It. and dost
fet n lyake you mlaerabla. You are
*orr than your atii^sdlufa.


rillQAY. JLMI it, ttlO.

(■ rwidteri' trcUtoclun Ik tS« *441Ooa ut fWpItix luoiu puri baa." And
ibia kobda HM to abotbar t-cr> pertouU
Biaiier tu (hu VCT7 perMuJ uU- 1
have tN«D aeqamed to lell nBetblBf
aboul a aleepfDf room porch that -eta
have beea ea)o)li)f is our home the.
paal auDiuer aa arc baveoever vo>ufr Uvea bir
(ore. Aad oe are esjoyli It atlll- I
am D0( aayUtf (or certain
It «e «UI
aac It aU vInter. but the lodlcaUosa
are aiiesfir that oar.
h la Jual ao uppef porch exiesdlof
ol tbe bm
vlalona of the aky aad aiam
enjoyed make ibr aifbi aometbfnc to
look torward to wltb ao anuclpatlon
aUocetbcr new and deUgblfal.
bcaullful Aurora Uunat^
it u bee.„,e ,^^«Tindoor Think of Z-

iltlu reoiti boax-Ukr. I utrrr %»>-b
• nr. or dual umubtir ■ Kboui luvtkiuaait))' MBdini a k»*-ib<iH(ht ,u> tb»
fiver. S-oe I reatiy tbtok. dMr Back
Ptwr .Vaifkbor. ikai ibMo lov»
tbMifbU. ao tenaloe aad beanr.'
aia bouad m br.p make tbe da>
a bit brvnbu-r (or the one to -bom
lbc> are arnt. doot you? '
-iBderd thry do. dear i-blld," aal'
tbe food Neifbbor. "aad 1 am fUd t
I'.te youi
tbe fl^liif <a weddltx preaesu.
* *5““ »'*W tb"*oti er. that I------------------------am tolBf to (ei bit
""l inveeiment."
• Speaking of baab." remarked the
Yonac Hoiiaafceeper. iwhlch U tbe
In ablch a aoddeo ebanfe ol
t* introduind by the two.) "do u-ll me
what you would do If you bads t a
>“ lYe tboufbt a lot about

flub lu a recent number ol Home

bMatllul eoac of a bird .
Oae youag bouaekeaper aald to aa- OathiMtUac hla Joydaea aa plainly , iber;

Taklag tore of tnilt U the thlag I
AUmU hla bum la act eaugbt 4a a gnm) Md dlallke moat of anything

and «maiellailos. and I want N-lgboor. ~l need to read about
, them, aad think 1 arouW keep a num^ identify and Im-ate a new
of thlnga on hand, but I never did
aa it H^io «•»
«» daadful dry In the
arlnier wtea there waa nn garden to

“My. 1
Ahd ^ whaa they teU mo tbo bird- |m| that way! It la BO Of the few to the ouiu>f-door aleeping room there
i ihft «.%<ear# ]Is noinelhlai apleodld In store for ^
I, the
aad tha boat
U the turtmltnt heart Of tbe noe, are u amai. You .weep. daai. bake. Itxm.

'»>■ » »*«»- Yon can gueai- Urn!
pauing In m) iIbh- to good
doing odd. and esd. of

.by tW oplrtt of’ heal.

Normal highly concentrated and "ataylag"
food. Aa autmlanUala. they may be
eaten with tbe various cereali, rice,
eieara of wbeal. or with maenroul
o tell tbe and Mfo or laploco. Etther flg. or
iru'.h. there waaaY anyiblsg much to dates, chopped, motaiened with a lilJ «>ok. tr^er«,had NwR time. Even ibe <le leniOD Juice and spread upon whole
♦ .■timed IrtilJalmlf wa. empty, and 1 hLeal or graham bread make dellctoua
NEIOMBOR'B CHATB. ♦ hnd to give'her a luncheoa of toast and beany sandwiches.
♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ and y-w-and prune.! Maybe I dldn-l nuts ran be mlied with lb« trull to
one ol the deUctUfuI thing, about .torn .dm ebrlt tbe nert time I went saitafartiOD.
the vUlta of tbe Back Odor Neighbor te market! Sow 1 am never without
of tbe common
; U >1^ laa th. vMper^ rhlme.
^*“;““<.*N.b"^ ab5T. als-ay. enjoyed by cblldren
aad oth­
•' *•
le« change., ft remind, the Young wnlfer.. of varlou. kind., a tumbler er* who arc fond ot frugal fare. It
UV Bnde abahowa nofUy tall
ojio„ *nout the Federation.
Uou.eie.per of . game which was o. two of Jelly, and m>me little Jar. serve, aiccl)' ss a llitte treat lo mark
•ammm tha maadowA and «owb tha
, «a,etta)e. wendar If 1 would avep
n avortie wUh her. A common of proaenta. Of oour«. ihere . a bota birthday or bolldu.
Tbe dates
yo* ‘“*0 dltcorered the outdoor If 1l uoua^w^uld be announced and each He of oheeA and two or three Ore art- atoned end cut In'h.ive* and add­
AM *rw the viawtaaiMd «d ntone
,or women-a organlaa- would>.tlt* It down, following with <
tin. of potted meki and a bottle ed to tbe bread, leilber white or
ttoaa, My awakening to aa Iniemat
happened to come into of aalad drea.lng for quick n.nd- brown breadl. before maktng It up Jn. ^ aaa tha mUJa coma aBita.
in tree. data, from knowing tbe beau,b fonnertlon with It. Each wlrhea 1 alway-a use borne made to loaves. Ur ibl. simple rule may'
promoted, ar our ,ord Ird to anutber. aometlmea nouna. -leaaiaga when ihere li time to make be followed: To a plnrot llgbt wbaat
eorteapondlng aeeretary. and laam„rb., or adjactivea or then, but Mmeilme. ibing. have to apoage add two lablespoonfu). ot
«»« ■"H*
i**" >“
adverb., and after a certain numbar he dose on the apur of the moment. sugar, a aaltopoon of salt, and gra­
‘ ber train
""of ibou^t c--.)' ahelfwkeep
’*• a bottle
““of chill ham floor to make p stIE batter. Bwt
Valar tha hua M tte auaaM red.
under my treea." ““
with which
thoroughly, pod mix in a captnl of
• '*“■ •
WOO“<I ■»- They warn often a. tor -iu«e. too, and ml. it with tbe salad ' oned dates. Put Into'a deep bread
Blvjto mMdowt ara MratcUng
Bale. If we ^ not had a Worn- *p»r| a. the two poles, and It wa. tmt dreaalng aad moat, for your wand- pan. let It rise well, and baky.
aJv^u.^ ai
-I *"*•
only Interesting but In.trvcllvc to wlvo.-a.^uid you will be like the man
"Of a more faiicy sort aro the many
,AM pwowB pi gram nan lanaei. ei
i ,ould tUII have been
follow the
u«d Foare' aoap. and will •umgelatine prepamtlon. <o which these
bUDd to tha fneclnatloB. of bird ntndy dlBerent line, of thought, nil ntanlng no' oiUi .Ince.' The
ir I w.a
uiu». .
.. „
. ____ ...____
had IU.I
net n_t
met nil.,
Olive wkiipn*
Thome MWer
oap. but of chill and aalad fruits may be uttlixed. For one ot
beet and almpteiH, tbe fruit, wblcb
■ tbe way with the back dreaalag. it dellctoua. and I often mix

And I
-• ‘n CalUorala, and at the home, joor viklfm. They may a>art n *Uha « for a hot sauce feu- beef loaf or may be flga. dates or prunes, is first,
-ntyrta Turner.
PMadena, of another bird .tudent
joertp." good aaiured, of boiled temgue. By the way, aa I ve rooked by gentle simmering. It may
a p a -• ». • a* e a • a • . a a . *^ *“"*
* "**“**^
«onrw. and and with a sermon, aad olten told you, don't forget that a cup- be run ihroufb the food copper or
left whole according to taste. Hake
, books were used aa I t books ^In they are quite aa apt to wander itlll -'ui cl tealj coopfied cooked
'ftM five' SM to peroelva.
. CalUomU BcbooU.
I Intenaely (>rtbc- aBelU It it a sudden drop loaier wbti kind, ball a cupful of X plain lemon Jelly after any, good
• I BNBt eenm'y belleee
f^n, laa top
y,p OI
<,f nkCS
puc' wan
peg to
jq me
the »ei..
vei.v une
flne ureau
bread cruiuos.
cruiubA one egq. x-n-lpt. nd when the fruit U rool
----- k,4^ ulnui' •
—k which itom
mold as with fresh fruit, by pouring
r* • 7^
i was about nothing but bird mauera. i^r^
Jack', dinner, but it bap- ple.ny cK boiling water, and
- luile Jelly Into the form and teuing
l the Young v 111 stretch
.ui Uk
■ keep. bcT men- aiuaaing number of mile cup. When kii. iben add the fruit and cover with
a WhHeomh Kllar •
““^al thare.
parmcbBle ready for tbe diop. and »-aVed Or .teamed iwentj mlnutg.- and jelly, Tbe syrup may be made into
• e • • k e > r.' s
shrub, that gpr pelloon on band for a poailble served with that aame chllf-aaUd- a Jelly by adding a little gelaHne. Ao_________
»miM fnmlah food and aC9td Baairjnto a higher aimoapbere- of dressing made piping hot. It fumiahea ..ihi-r flee deskert of-n simple kind

abla netting place. It waa all a
an Impitimpiu meat courw that U lit may be made by ponrlng tbe (rolt.
sweet reveUtlon to me and la that
They were talking the olher mom- tor the gods OI courwe there's nenb- with the syrup, o'er a .pill square ot
bour Biy fate was aealed. I had come tog about June Drtdea. You' acr. U >ng new la tbe Idea, but It U well to ki-onge cake tH- while cake and coveri.g with whipped cream.
nader the mudl aad It could aoi be w„ ^i m very long ago that the b P it m mind. '
broken. 1 bought one oMhe bird books veung llouaekeeper herself ’
"And did you know." uld the Young -Ellber d.iea or prunes m.y be uwd
r tew Michigan
ns soon as I oouM And a book -------alore „
a neigru.r had Jn.t k.wei-eu
dropped 4M
In «u <wuseice<-eei, ausius emuukimki ir. !e' a very dainty whip..tbe date* Brat
- - ..
.. .. .. t.___ ,1.. —--------—^
pass the Ume of day wli^ the Back -ihat » you havenH any cream unhand .10'ed and chopped, then cooked to
a .monlh paate. Tbe prune*, after
Irob, U.J. „
...r lb. ,.M.b
„ „.b. ,b.
..»l •tewing, may be>pui throuM a pros,
.•r colander. A cupful of tbe prepar­
>•“' «bSl lbb™. tb. .I.iibr r<bi.H.«l ib.i
...n. bj bbulc, ib. «bi... or
-1—" ibb-..b.......b„« ed fruit, wtih s little lemon jalce and
prc'crves. or half.a cupful of n.p- t*o t'.bleapoonfuU of powdered sugar
•keeper. "I b^rry or alrawbcery Jam. The colder IV l' xtil wllh the whites of tour egg*
■Iways to Borry wben 1 bear that It is. tbe belter, and In winter I often and <-'jien to a .tiff froth. Pour Into
etettt taUowB, Is
Every one tecla the aeoeailiy
of uir-emton.Of coarse 1 do not be- put It in n pail and burr it in a .now-, a buttered pudding dish. mtI in a pan
I these bMatltel Jnae days:
a— and
a six
. ml '•***
■«'l bank half a day. but It U equally of boi water, and bake to a mod<-rale
» gtvw
I Ate
itvM eU
aU oot
out door
mlB- ________
^ emergenr.v desaert."
oven about iwenty-Jlre minutes. It
A|H It.rtlnh to talk abont IL Hare ^ tha Joy It aboold be. the n •®ro *»• eaxba- one to make a nice dUp'.a) of
• Tbalt where ibe Jars of Jam os mar be served w ith whipped cream,
)a idBibg I oea eey aosa few of Abe p«„ure the aeeeeslty of the outside cm
But I do Ivel tbe Ever Ready rtielf come In haady.' or wl^ the yolka of the eggs made
tM^ted ihla*. I weat to aa, « ihta
that there <a agrer a time when a said .1.- Bach Door Neighbor. "And Into a boiled custard with a pint of
PbTO_ bl
.ibk • -bke.-<bb
^ *“ “*“•
“ '•“*
•o«‘«»rty 10 ber Irli nda. belm- t run borne 1 want to conclude milk aad. sj.-Mr to taste. With the
th» freai. UlOBhrlM. aoBl-renewl^.
miareet aa oittdeor Interest.-* aaU vaau lo have them around ber. a. i use few remark, by saying ibat a wbltes >>( ! '.'o eggs ins'ead o four,
1 birds, flower*, treea, ahruba. amra. a on her wedding day. She is probably dollar -v »tan with, and perbap. ten -nd *jcrc lemon JuJrc a-d kU.-vr. |hi.
B*te IB it* Bouaty of b
* garden. It mnttei* lutla whau only
initiure may be frozen .10 a very good
aM amMadlag reso
a of fatrta---------■
--------------n to tbe extent of Iis;ipr. A’ 'iii'im Of chopped outa add­
ed will give q. iv- a different aii'l up» Wttle. the more Ue better, of .,o'di all loo few Baik Door Neighbor, ov-ghti-uAhiag.. Thatrenin?*
, M Is Oodb beoedlctlOB to our ha- the oatdoor every day.
lo console one. and All the bomeslcfc i muattake apeek at mineligin lu
ii*datv lew'.lt -Exchange
lA-dotv-waary world, and tbo
Aad let me teU you. It Is impoa- honia bl.ich are sure to rome. And
#*e» •»« know. Havlag eyes, alble to bs tatorfmted la Jurt one out,he brtde feeta as never bclore the
" ♦♦♦♦'>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
th«r aw nec
Bnt they nre bound to doorthing. Do yon like Urda* You loving desire te gather her frlead.


wo mor* aad aaewa. Thera are aa la- have to know treea. terobs and flow- cto-e a ooeS ber for perhaps the last
Figs. Dates and Prunes.
mwlH aamber of baataew and pro- er*. becanwmrd* ate related to trees, time la 'ears. And naturall) the real
There is Such a good and timely
Tbe following re<ipi-s are taken
»wi »M other ladeor work- ahnfbi and flpwera in moat vlul and irjcada dn aot teel It n burden to bring
wn whohmk forward to an boar at the Inurwtiag waya. You hnow aU thlaga to her •cme little loving token ot their article in a recent Issue of the Coun­ from Ibe Peninsula Cook Book No
AM of the flay la their garden, or an> reUicd. But outdoor things are Temembraucc.
(Vtwonilly I count try Gentleman bn the u.c of dried
compute by the ladies of Ogd-na
oomis Athar outfloor latoreat. aad who jdeeble rvLUbea.
dearest possessions t num- frulu at this time of >evr that we burg a jear or so ago. Home <'he'-r
BM a Joy la this contact with aaiore
And i>ere U aavlag power m all her
P.ctiy and useful thing, wblcb make the'following gt-oerou* clipping boiH-a*to UM more of these excwllenl
that mhhw them feel how muen bw ibi. Tbe outdoor cure of lubcrculo- caa -wit only from friend, who were I:-- n It:
recipes Irom lime to jjme
h<M telaaed oat of tbetr Utw In am air baa assumed the
Spiced IV-<-f —Boll a jplece of l>e<-r In
rtlons Of a a: my wedding, but Irom those whom
"The great value and imporunce ol
karalag earllw bow good waa the etfl- world wide movement. H
the ray ol for varUus reason. 1 cfluld oot even frnl; in the diet never need* to be ae water ronialnlog a taUlrapoonful of
hope that has burst tnl
flood ot ........................
Invite. I was pretty bomestek. dear'tented more than In early spring. Just salt, nnlll very t'-niP-r; bix- ready
And «e 1 weleoma every rtlort et aunllghi reaching aronad the world.— Neighbor, thi
s Jar of boHIng hot vinegar into wbicb
«hte woman to nwakan theaa tnterootn the simple saving power of tb<i oni- menth*. beloi. ________
yoo have silted a teaspoonrs>-«eeb^or
In tflUdran. through home gnrdena. door. It is not only good to cure here, nod do you know. -i never used and the digestive function in a more tbe several different .pice* prelerred.
•tebOl gnrdena. bird ntody. tree study. tuberculoaU, it M good to prevent tt. a bomoly UlUe strainer, when prvpar- lor less tprpid condltlpi, ll l» s time Cut Ibe tNM'f Into large ' bunelesa
asd the like, ud eepeelally to an It to good to prevent and cure, or at lag my meats. wUhou: such a happy, -^en p.-ople used to do*e the whole piece*, pu: (hem into rbe aplcte vine­
AArtr aoqAnlaunce wltb the wpader- least to help a long way toward cnri warm lecllng tn mj bean tor the dew fapnly with a good powerful medkibe gar. cover tightly nnd in twenty lour
(,o mtiwela of the reaumettoa cd life Ing and preventing, every ID that iit.e married wcuaati who gave It to u elear the w»y lor tnller nctivity bout* ibr meat will be rovdy lor n<o-.
te :m«fe by thtmiilvea wmichtng thn fletta la heir to. becaaae good nlr .la me at a On shower. Really, she would and health. A froe use of fruit serve* Bike tbln and ae.-ve cOld.-Ufi. J. «.
fleieltemMI of tbe apparenUy Ufetew necesssry to good blood and good tough, aod I think die might have ibe latne purpose lo a .aler and more BanJamlo.
AMdA and wEneaatag the boonty and blood U Code aalegi^ and God's winked away a tear, aa well. If .be agreeable way. ll lx. however. Just
Graham Gem*.—One cup of butter­
BtDdteAllty of BMora. U we do our Ui- remedy.
n>a)d know howr often nnd bow loving- ibe time of year when froob fruit li milk. one teaapoosfnl soda, two isblette part. There ia mach I would Uke
We tee table, nowadays t.klng-iy i think of ber wben about m> work least within tbe romnwn reach The spoonfuto sugar, pinch of aalt.' one'
to aw ataflg this IIm.
tbetr naps in their cabs out on opea even now. And aa lor the friend who «oro. of (rail, canned and pre«-rved e«. one leeapocarol malted butter
And here to another thing t want veranda*, daj or night., .ammer or l roughi me a lunay dlahcloth made
borne, are apt to be miming rome- pst In last, thicken sitb floor-Nchle
te SW ^•nro 1 W what I warn to w-vnier. and tbe babite thrive. Tetr'fvom aa oM fleur sack, maj be 1 didn't wbat kro n. spring cornea on There Stone.
Any. and that to, tha world has n no- ymre apo It wo^ have beaa ibogght bteu ber. while 1 wa. trying to get nre always the dned fraJis to tall bach
Bah Ruing Bread—Into one kaU
tteB teal tern* meat be eomc eort of to be dying in the fare of Providence, the aliSneaa out of the new oae*. Aa upon, aad tbeae seem of moat worth cup of awMt boDmg milk stir
BmiEWy Aheot ibe work om baa to
A recwni toaoe of the Arehitectaral for tbe pretty hits of table wrar. and Juat al ihto
DotMsilc- dried .Ubh-spoonrnto Indian maal to which
BAAVtey dw- > BarY haltote H tmghl Jouraal aayt. “Tbe grwateat teaage tbe t^wte'wblte help to make the fraha nra aU good te the ayrtag; the has bm added a pinch At aalaratui
1 tol^ ts «y baart aa «aa laugha who
' tamwMk the baot.
Ahd ateor I tmat to each Mitammiu
• Mid, bvt I reot
te Iht aoM the Mrd, aad the roao.
' ' gad tM iraa ha'
diehard Surtoo.
-- ------------- —
The M
w *T dyatea btd.

-rnue at you wbeaerer you ... Into
-no eeUw for monihs alterw id. It
ahowi for your work.'
- Well, tbe iwauli was. wbcu .no c«nBlag saaion came to our youa. honaekeeper abe eetered upon It *Kh tbU
w attitude of mlad and 1i
formed from drudgery 10 pleaaure.
Bo take Ula thought home wi h you.
«<* ‘h* ‘hlng you Uke,
,ife ,k, thing you do.
<• • '>*•’'»»« »* IP* I"**f ’• •«»»■

. .

^ ^ fa.cln.tlsg. benUb-glvlBg. •« foooH a friend of my
.. »g lnlere«.-»»much ol «*»”. wbnm 1 had

faon:et.v dried apple, ueea. and the and a pIBch «r-aali (tei this in i added alter sU other tngredlmU mr
iKlici puavh aad Aprloot eommerrtal- aarau place to rise. wbuA utU take -rrxed.-U:s. Frank Slooe.
ly otered; alao berrtta may aomattinra ntonl iwelvf hours. If kept warn. As
jutaln Pul.—Onq haU t«p huuat".
be ui>ed tn tbli tom.
soon aadlght stir up a Iw^l ot bauer rnpa hour, arre cup milk, three teaBut more parUealk^ this ta the la the usMl way. simply warm wa- . poootuU baking powder, one cap rflabelt time to uae freely the lorelgn ter and Boar. Into which thoroughly toa eeeded and chnppad Bae. Steam
dried fruits, such as Bga. datia. and kiir the light men! and set In n warm halt an hour and eat with any await
tbe Ukelul prone, now largely of I’all- pUqrTw.rlse again. Add a plach of jaurr.—Mrs. Mary Btevega.
fo:cUB producilOB. TbMe an vi: dle- --htetlcally valnable and capable ol^
variety of treatment In luralng them
a Ublecpuonful of salt aad a third of
to kcrouat for tbe kome table.
a teaspountul of saiarataa.—Mtw. T. wld a plat of sugar, boll carsfuJIy tUI
n cooking, the drlyd frulu abouM
thick like say other buUsr. Caa ar
all be soaked tor aeveral hours In ’’
keep in loosely imveted }ara.-M(a.
• old .water to cover, then simmered
l adles' Cabbage —Boil a Arm abits Jennie IVaiu
gently until the pulp Is tender but cabbage llfu-en mltiutea. changing the
oni overdone. Tbeae are no etceplion water then tor more from the boiling , i tneaPBlc Jelly.-BoU cnh. sffplra
lu the general rule tha) the develop- leakt-lile. When tender drain sad set II done. atrolB. and lo ana ptM add
je pound sugar. When ready tn
tuenl of l)a>#r and tv.lure depend, Bktde u> cool t-hop It fine and add two
largely upon tbe rook. Tbe amount
„p„., .n,
“»»k «-V
ot sugar UMd la. of course, varied to
suit the fruit and tbe taste—in Kime spoonfuls of rich eraam. SUr all Well
caaca It la a good plaa to make a tweibcr and bake In a buttered dlah
Strawberry Ice —One pint mgar and
boiled ayrup separalaly and add. as till brown. Eat very hot-Mrs Eu. «“• *)»•«
polled togetbar ter
much at ri-qulred when tbe fniU I. geut WaltI'vc'.iy mbintM. One quart airawberpartly cooked. \t'llb prvuea a little
..i -w,
lemon or landled orange peel belp. . s„
dt^ldedly A few riltlni simmered
„ .ad. » w totl.
■with prune, make a plea«ant varU- .U.N- ton™ .».« — tol.lto.
Hon. say ball a ruiiful to a pint ot .dda-™i-....d>.|.™.b,»„..,^,.
geibcr. Tbe ptHsloea should be drop- ,
- The various nuts. Engllsb waluuta, I>e4 in after tbe Peas have rooked ,
almonda pecans or hickory nuts, com­ Cve or ten minutes -Anna Helflerivh.
bine well wllb these dried fruits, and • Another dellctoua way to piepare-'
many penont consider nuu an ad­ them 1. to boll the new poiatoe. till
lender, aud alao cook peas till lender.
BtacolU -Put one cnp •< ««•
mirable subnliute for meat. With­
tben ailr them together wtib plenty »ra« 1» • *«w1. pour over it aufSclete
out rialrelbg to be retonners In diet.
It Is well to remember that. iheM
dried fruits, especially figt and'datea. logeiner two labteapooafula ot flour.-’.'hM, root add One pint Of awMad
are not merely "little eiUws." but aud ^ of butter Mdin, the mUk



'L^i It rr* “

“ ““ ■ ““*"

„ w «.o.

sivee a. " de!»cNl.‘ and m.«atng"wtth
tipper and salt. New string b««>. and
new putaicK-s are Just aa good togelber aa are potatoes and peas-Home fbeer I
Tomatoes 8.UI.4 .Bh Phleapple.Pare medium sixed lomaioea. romore
tbit, .lice from top and take out
seeds and some of the pulp, Sprinkle
inside with silt; Invert and let aland
one half hour. I'll! tomatoes alih
fresh pineapple cut In small cubes or
shredded, and nuts, using two thirds
p-iieappk- and one third nuu. Mix
with mayoonata*- dreaalag. Oarotsb
wiiy m.)onnalse dressing, halve, of
nut meats c: J illv. cut from tomato
lope. & rvr on a bed ol Iclloce
leaver—.Ulu> Millie Manhall.
Ham Salad.-i!!; lu aauev pan one
pinl Mur cream- u. free Irom mUk
p«fi}bj8. onc brlf pint gocsl vinegar. pepper, aa!.. xuall piece of butur. oiM> ubleapocoiful sugar aud one
small ublcapoonful mustard Stir
amoMb. boll, and add the well beaten
yolks ol two eggs. »tlrrlng caivlully
oatll It tbickeim l-v the consistency
of surcb.- When cold po'-ir over smaU
pieces of cold bam -Oirs. Ida M. G.
I'berry Podding —One tabletpuonfa)
bauer. two ropfuls sour milk, one
egg. one half cupful
one quart
cherries one half uLleepoooful soda.'
two capfuls flour, or eimugh to make
batter as •*i!ck aa for cakes Stone
till- tburru- ba-si Ibe egg> llgbt withoat M.-jur..iug. add the rugar grad•vMcr vnd rdd to tbe milk, and add
• d. Dissolve the soda in a lltik' warm
water ant add lo the milk, and add
thU to
flatter alleraaiely wltb the
-»~r. Heat till light and amooib. add
.he Chelriea a*d steam for three Quartan of an hoof.—Mrs. W. Golden.
Hnckleberry: Cake.—One cop butler. one cup aWeet milk, two caps tugar. one teaapoenfal soda, three cupa
flour, one teaspcjoatol BatnM«. .five

““ - r

••>•> "b. third of a yeam eaka aoftnned n lukewarm water aad anfflcleal
yji.te gonr to make a drop bauer.
a-te until light
’'*■'' ***
““t * “f*
*•“ »»«<
Qrohnm Oema-Oaohalf pint
*>< srahsm flour, ooe-kalt pint ct wheat
“• P>nt of milk, two fresh eggs,
folk. only, and dm tabWapoontel
all logatkar vary smooth*»<> ‘Min' Md the wbUee. bealM
• •“* 'roth. Have the srwU-b<tUeik
M gem pans very hot. and haka ta -*
quick oveo. .
Quren Mmana-Theae are
tally Aire, aad once gave the dealrod
es:<a toqch to a ^eai which waa to
have oMUtetedteC A.diah.^ the mMlf
dcsplaM hash anT-M^ bragd *ai
'.liter. Aided by the xnatfloa and a
pol of cbocolale. It r«—muster
very en-dliably Three eggs, beaten
separately, will be required for three,
Mibongta two may be mads lo terwo.
To one quart ot sweet milk add tow
lablespooafuU of metiad batter, a aaUap<-onful of salt, the yolks of the egte
*n<i t«o generous taaapooafttla of bakmg powder mixed wUk two pints of
•‘Hed flour. When ihta has been Mlrted in, add enoogh more Boer to maka
'■ rather aUff ballar, then the henUn
wbitea. Have Che pau wail gnaaid
■‘Oi' piping, hot.
Breakfast Taaat-<-aC alkoa of bradd
la large sqnarat and toast aleely. Take
the egg out of tbs abaU. keeptag tbs
yolk whole; beat tM whItM to a
atiff froth and Uy aroond Ute adge of
(he toas:: drop tha uabrokea yolk thto the ring tkua made. salt, aod set
the tlicce of toa« on a tin. making aa
many aliees as are wanted, than set
» hot oven end bake asiU tb* agg
la "set." Take out. put on anuB

His Wife Says
“No Waste**
*N(dmm<rtB>bwHtetI«)» ttMUr Vt^lam. E*«T
eacc of it. though om is m( ba Agpert bread teabr, atec* tea /
mod debcious breai'
Tkal'i the. tertimmy el a womaa wdum bmhand late to
good aahLTd and gmlefu! ova the good bread ka ia
be vmles lo tefi us ahead d.
50-po^ lac^ it woldd be cheaper tbs t
*ntot wtmma ha. the ri|
mds ahted army year that .1

Lily White
Floqr tbB BesL Cooks T fM"

to tee emtewmi of tea 'otecr Uamk'
Of emwe. it dcCTi't co<‘k> much mare tew <tem bcMte ote
tobenever a fiom iiofered ts you ioc lev m*Mjr pea mw tab* ete
word, d im't worth any mcce than you pay for k.

And cion’l trt any one feed you toite tee MMnt tete tea
Bom they teer rem for
tee mme made a." Lte
If it adtualy urcre, da yoo n

eteejstotedadd im km


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