Grand Traverse Herald, August 05, 1910

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 05, 1910


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tlA* A TEAK.


1009 TOOK

CEsUEh VEfiEtr e< FruH RAlEEd a
NE^i^ft to Re Part e( DItptax—


Aged Restdent of the P**ula Wat
ChlMran ta Meurn.


David Hoil-Stcr 0<ed'Monday Leav•ng a L»rge. Fa»ily of Ch-ldretw
• Furversl Ttoesday Afternocn.'



Itanltunlii Hawkins di--l Jl hi- box<.i>.,v M iiD^.r.-^i d ai 7 -;'^.i,
IAN* REPUSeO TO OIBCUS8 1 A.-cble at i' o'clock Sunday moniVIoBdat |u»d^lnx.
11ng-nt;g ill-1
ing. aged 75 .vear., ,h. r a tong lUMAFIA WITH \COLONEL.
He '»a* >is yea-to oW. and leave*
nest of dropsy, li^lt s'livlvcd by
Uree family ul ehUdiei:. a* loilriwy:
chndrea. aa JoUow*. William
Mr*. Mary WiliiaiD.r'of Itork Lak.-Hawklna. Pre^ HawiTav and Mr* Hoili.ier, of Trav--r*e (Tty, Mr*
I'larw tanlib, all of Ar<b':e: .Mr*. \etHettle Stytultoh. .Mr*. L<«tw JfcL-hell.
i'ounade. Esitt Bay; Mr*. Herib*
Emma ■foiiti, Hatice. Stevo and
Wbllturd. Wllllaniiburg. .Mt*. Ituse
tuu.htuBia IN-:- -f-r, all of C'opemtlib.
Moure, who n>ticlv» in 7«orthe.*n Mlihl. lk> ate chi;rl:<-ii -f hi* tii«t wif-.and
gin; Hi.* Lydia ilawkk.. Basl'Ht-ad;
■1.1 Elmer Iteiltrt.T
lion..r. Ira
Mirtes Kuby a-d IVrn. both
Bari Adams ba> c
i'f.d Henry H-.Utot-r, of li.:eiliabcii.
of wbum n-tld« at home, asd iht,->.a
Mrlet from hl> panHawkins. Traverse Oly. lie m also tR<-ira*al< r.aelur
Hi. widow *<-». making he: hobie La»t Picture Wat an llluat-aiion of
Manel and Party Viiltad Pittatan
0<« Of ihe Poaer* of Ja«na< wn>(survived
rM^ WmM Have Bmm REttir
and Than Mad* An Invaatipatian
comb R.lay—Starling Jutaite*
iltwkiuii. both ol Arthir. .
>'iii.-ral -crylc.-. w.r.- li-ld Tu--»»
giiihi Uy U WEE
af tha Coal Rrtakara, Factorlea
'Singar*. Gave tn* Praluda.
Mr. Htskins wo* one of tbe early
-t..,. afte. li.Mii at to- \itil.T»on t'avbEB arrapEEd is ibe muacum botNM E WilWiR MetETE.
and Hanm of th* Hlnar*.
ploneera, teratiiig on a 19 arre farm
- rUkiiiK parl.iis. lb- It.v. U-iuas
TlulattEsi of TmiMEusui U aot bsek
Wllkeabarr*. -Pa., aukusi r..- nuutc- In ArtRlo mauy vc-m ago.
OklaliumaCitv. Aiiyu.i 1.—Today'* ■ ahltU olfiiia'lii:*;.
Tbe fimt-rnl w*..' held «l 1 o'clock
to WsrtdMtoi to ukE up Uw Ml
veli today inTet'igait-d .the Ulark
leiurtia friim the niim.i v. eleilion
TiM->da> fnuii ilie M . K. •-hir.-h
band mafia atoons' ihi- lotelsn mluhow the udopridii of thfr euii.IllUIlOl'
Archie. The Imuiiufrui aa. lit UakHe apent Ihti uistat with Uio
i1 ann-ndiDviit. di.-rranchtoiug ILvR'
Kev. Palhcr I'urniot aod (bit moan­ Aoi.
llityca'r iii-sroe- uQO etivurliiR a deutt titf pvtac ban &aring lecompanled bf Abbott and John
c-ii'atit' sisi-' 'eletory In Vn-euilM*r
-iikh has been xx uagualiSad .sacllU'bell anunnobileil to I'Hucun, i!ie
Irate .Seci'ior) HUI
-r. from rtarl ie Snrib. It was of
lUiuuB Ral'ian seUlvDit-m.
'ol ;..l-i!Ior. dit-«l .-ldd-U!y
.ucb high orOer that it wa* a Sutac
TW «pUovla« ta tba
The Kallant wer^- pluiied tn
Miaaouri Stood Pat.
ulmiuairos of a tnuEl praAlBa]- wvek.
■ado br ». UMtd to. tbE ladtoa RrMa% Hama In Hannab and Oroam't lui but n-futad to talk ut tUi- niatiu.
uku.1.2 -Tl-e priinaiy
Mr p-.a-karil 1* easily the beM ratThe party tourel ihi- valley, inv.-t'
la Rwehlay— Hama
etuiiik l.ntov >liow lhaf Mto.uurl 1. Were Five M-let Out in the Lake and i-onift tbai ba* ever appMrad ta
diratliig the c-oal bri-xkvra. fartori>-t
Ab RiMe. MbAlcu.
of RrWa'a P;aronto.
etm\«ad Only a Small Vawi—Wo­
city. -Not imiy (SB bo make plc‘and niinar’a honiaa.
Jolr Mb, IMA
gre**nieu. Til* only roiixie>«R>an tug
men ti« Party.
(urea, but be ran also keep bts audlMr. Bdbart O. VUdWlaa. otunmlatbw- On* of the prauiett wedding thai Rooaerall return* to New Yoik, lo•euoui-usted wtu. ivudtey Moran. $eviuicreaied in bi* rnauing line of
or. OIlM Et indlaa ASalra.
u oceurred In the Grand Traverae nlEhl. He luuebed with Ptihrr Cur­ P. 0. Q. l-ahd P. O. Q. 11 Will Oerend ral ;iopuiai' ni'iiilm-eii .oi>;xnM- Cit- iie
>V!ih su'ljj a ihriv jui.iv-iigcr yawl
He noi ooly draws raphtry. and
r^tob tbia aataoB took ■•lac* at the
um!w-.-ii-> and u ho: nunpigti to prohi- boat and carry iii.c
n iiasey-iisyr*.
gieai skUL but he talks Is l)te
1. Last Ve»r
Daiir «MYel Raatra to ^ to your CatboUc church at Hannab Tacaday
-ed. Cli.itiip Cluik wa. uiHH-pused. '• tb- ga>»Ilua Tauu-it,. laftuH. lodk Sre
mann-r. Hta nMOutegw*. white
AttaRiMR IW aaaa« wbkb tba OtSOB U 10 o'clock, whan Hlat
The T. D. Q.. the motor . boat
nbpui five .niUa: out from Northpon
Insures Have KanasL
ly humorous and trlity. I'iU cso- ’
«ava«bd ChiMwn ladiau ai* balac Rom Homertrb and WllUain StalBowned by illen W. Toaer ti-d Hsrry
Topeka. Auuu.t * —Kanoo* iu.ur- Point Slonday. iuhui, aud had li out tainud a line of phtioaophy and teit
•aM tte anotMUA’tea thaa by tba mlllar ot Bncktoy tocA the vovt that
Ki-o-Ihud. ahli-h^ast year won ibi- lento otcr»l»t-ltued the regular* Iti l-ven tor to- tluigly tnival of toe Itxioxht-. nehitid to oe pondt-red over.
•DTErMEut at Trarana City. bUcAi- ■ada tbaiB husband and wlfo.
tiupby ai <bi- AU<-n regaita. to In he priiiiarie. a-cordiug to today t
i.-r nK-iuatanavn wbicb rendei He <>p.ned hi* asieriainmeBt with a
The brlda it the dauchter of PhilUitv-arlui for auuiLer try at -lie tup. urn*. Giiveviier Stut>!» and ilopkina.
m.tam-. tbe enUre party mbsti ■Jraaing of SatuM WHsob Of Twy.
Batmt bata fa tba ■aaotactaiiiic tp Homartch of Hannah. and the
t-i^wlll bd takeirlo AlJcn touiorroa inhutgient-. ytt-te
have peri.faedN. Y.. toe oi4taal - L’acte Sam." and
.buili— an ay Ufa aad bsTlnc to vrooB It one of th* prominent y
la toe !>ortage v. .LTV Hapida. and
Tlie launch, whteta wu f.-rtnerly the tb.-u vnKeadU lo draw wma at ttaa
and Itrnienant guteioor. Six
Mka EayMto » torfa tedlaa of
ill be euu-red In >je big red tor all !>jogre>a>lve <t>iigiy-..iaiiu: raiulidale* property lof (be late C. A. Battle'* e«- C'pu* livine ill lloct- Sam's vaat-donominaled and twv doubtful. x>e. to owned by Oiartaa Keilh. of
ar-compaoxiog tbe drawtag wUb
RaUar* that 1 am a fair tody* at to
Hat II Fast of'Water in Her Held
The I*. D. Q fa 27 fee' ■•»*> all. k ith
I pat C>-ngr<-*aiQt'n. Scott. MiHar. bicago. who 1. »j.-iMlliig toe aiuumer deavripijxn- u-raeo.
arfeat to iwWtoiRI* h matboda ot
nw RrMa vor* a draat ol bloa
and th* Salters Ar* Sleeping
loickwood ash 1 rylinder rngiue. Calderheiul and KeWer. were defeated, i Noribport. Mr. Kciib. vlib fire laMr. ppdard tbeu mad* a drawtag
tag laytaiato « a Jatg* annrtiar ot ft silk trlmmad vKb Irish point tare
Lumbar Pilaa.
She was deaisrmd and *>uUt b.y Mr. luotirgenj* Madi-um aod Murdoch die*. two IU<-U ami ibry-e childrvi..
two qualDt iudlana cbaraclara
mm ta a ridmg«M»
of ti
and carried a boqoei M wfalw twaai
e truisiijg around the take near uboni he bad tuy-t 00 * bfcetgbtag
unoigmsed. Insurpi'm*■ au^ Cai
L She vaa altandad by bar altAeeompanyipg-tbc P. D. Q. will by‘
Lying on a cud bar r Omens-Poin't
mouib ol (be bay. when gatoline trip, giving fait sudieaea aa taaighl
iic-iil'-n. wi-re the- tonut*.
Tnewua Otty «a boatotaa tar
the P. 0. Q. li. alM derlgued and
Mta* Joaaphint Homartch. who with her hull milng with wal<
. .caplng from toe englita. toiA drc.
the ihaughu and fcalinga of lb*
dayp tata M la fatoblag tba ton* carried a bouquet of pink tweet
loads, a three mtati-d tebe
-Ilaviug a btank«( on buard. the fire pgiHile who had rotanataad aim oAgggtabta
tiiffUin tor days to The groom was attended by lAw- v^b sought tbelK-r 'Saturday- from T>»wer. Kiieeland nnd Sl-iiton. ;>iid is
was exiiii-tirihed. J.ut they were help- Iing (VNisIderable patbo* with tba telloMata Urnifim daottasat of «UA0. raac* HUnona who It bit butlnats pan- the beaiy blow, CArryt-(K a load of
tmproveDient uu tb.- Iirsi
!-... being live ujll.-- iroiu .bore wl-h
wa* follosad wlib a *kaub
I ttmi R MltH to ■ubdamand why
1M.OOO feat of hardwood lumber. The Mhi-re the P. I>. Q. wa' w-sk in
•iiily a ilBy yawtodtfui which coulu
an Arkaiiui* "lUll 'BUIy.-. a dudg
. her MceesMI bjs had lh< lines
It «w* ■astdiiB to brtag ao larga
Tbare war* about iW Invited gueett captain has tent to Siu-geon Bay (or
d but thrt-e piUu-..-i.K-;r.. They dhlu t
bis UrlU.b pr««aotu^«Mait)BL
lii;l-nn-ed and the -iisHie al»o ti.ia
■—bif of paopia away from thair pranaat nnd the praaenu were numfr- lug tiem pump, and in th* n
-- .tart ui> to- .name again liu
gave bis aueoilao to iha^glHs
U- imr-e power. U is j lUri-. r-jlbihaawa, to iiniili aaaani days In tba ont. coniiatlng ot ttlverwnra aad oto lime the sailors are t1<-epli.g or
r "I ngdiii .inriiog tfi* liie. l.ui (u of tha day. portraying an AoiiTiraa
Vliu. Tbe r. ]>.. u. II will aim
Elty. to oRtala a* trUiag aa aa)o«ai. : appropriate artielat.
of toa lumber pHe« to keai> out of
ir gt.-at reijef the, asw too xieaui- beamy and an American fatoluo tahte.
eiiicred lit the raev A< roii,|>atiy
U ta EM7 to nMw that a yary lib- After toa aaramony. the guatu Ibe waier, aa there ate I’l feel of
hri-ak In tba proerani. ha gava
...„ the two lioal* wilt l-r ih-lr I'vii
era tavltad to tba boa* <a tba ter In toe boU.
giviiia Iba Mkital of dtatm*. Cayuaiu
W-Ui a FouMain Pon Com•ong. nexL both being uf hi* owo
era. .Meatr. I'ower, K'i.---l;iml am
EMvad atauM Ro OBpaadod UMeoa- tarldk* paranta. where a bountiful The schooner wa« bound for '
WcLh biooghi toe .uraiuer ahingaid. tviluiiositlun. Ttw next picture cooplimenu of Lodge.
cago rliD lumber, and when near ibe- StenlAiL.
flarlM byRMsla tbit matbod of pay- wadding luntoeon was aarvad, and
and taking
the |>aMe(ige''s. loa-.-d t.vimd a vi-lB of |>biloac«ihr. It kbowed
■aac, fiaa whlta Iba goraramant da- waU plaaaad with totor entertain- mouth of the bay it was ditcovered'
lotiM. 10 Charlevoix. He i>ruUKbI
young man labming noter aB cteoPiilly. |o> loyal friends of John A.
rtoad ap advaatog* vbatorar. and tba mant vera to* guatot that they re- (bat Ibe bad epruag a leak. A heavy
pataeng-rv ia-i to .\.,.-toi«.rt
11 ic light Id an endeavor to accamiP
Lorang.-i, ill the Kmghls of PviUta*
toaa WORM laU mma tba poor ladlaat BtAlnad for aupper. After supper they w(Dd was blowing, and ibe sea
mithl. towlug the Lo-.
more money. In a Dash, tb* ptcurganlidtion, -endered Mr. loiraiiCTf
«Ro BO Radiy baad tba aoMy lor rapalrad to to* AfRaltar haU vhere rannins high, ao It was deemed beat
ehangod from youto to middto
teak thelter In ibe harbor. 1
Ijr.-w.-ll .lipj. r M-tudiV jilyhi In tlu.^
dancing wu
up nnUl an aarty
the Course at the Mt. Ploaaant
tbe line* of greed abd avarlea
ada wai run to the -eer at Omi
: of P. l«in.|U. : htll.;i;e do»ii at
boor this Doming.
It I* dUMt to ■ndataUBd;
School Friday.
vbowing IB hi* la<*. tfnldvely old agw
where she wa« atranded.
oT-b>-k to .V b.-»-lBi.-ai.'iiU|ii«-r in-par­
L Why arary at* of tbaaa lad lain Ttae ontalda guatt* vara: Philip 'Point,
toa.Iast stage "Tba r«ta naUoaed by (Ttel.Cbaa.-. sSMMed I.) flolte.i
Falda*. of Byron Center, grandfatoer keep her from tiaking. She it owned
-*aa)i aot bar* baaa paM at
Ml Ple<to*nt. MIeb Aug<ii,t 2 —The y. U-rtrtier. Following ih- fea.-t Vl.v
>1 tica- la tbe lovt of too dollar'
RsM by chaek, abd aot eompat tkaa ot tba RrMa; RabaMlaa and Qulrtn 'by Ole Haneon of Milraukee.
graduating exeu-l*** of the feninii Chaucllor i'ralor *..Ued upoQ P.' I'
aid the artist. •
to eotaa to a oMtnl patot Ilka Trar- Homerteh with ibelr fMnllle* both of
• S'onjiai here w ilt cake piaee Frl. (HIben lo tn av loa.unaxer, Mr. G7
The last iiictura yrae A ■
waa Otr at aU. •eraly U tba gsT- Byron Canter aod untoe* ot toe bride,
murnilig- Aueu.t 5. at p o'clock. lien presiding nth hw u’*ual eotuj*oI was 'winking la ait its gtary
aramMl war* daaHag witb a wbtto and Mr. n^ Mrs. N.
Among Ih- graduato* i* Mum
The' 1ir>i to rei-i.iund to •ol.i-rr Ibe wood and
l alanding aombariy
Otto of Klngtley. During toe afj.
aap aid a paytaMt unt du* th*
(iorhett ot Traveme City, w ho comthe taw'lutriu-fk of Mr. -gtranTba backgvoQUd. To toa rlgbl was
tohlto aaa. Ih* garammau «oeU
plrre* the gratuniar graded . t-oiirRC. Ker;» earl. dhy. in thi.. city. W. H. Increasing Buainba*
man's Club This Meming—La
farm boose wbUa In tbe foraaand bl* rhask to Um by mau and to* popular aongt of the day
baving been in aitrtidaiice ai ihe nor­ Vmlcw. who wa* I.i. flr.t la* vailnci.
Club Studied Ireland.
X’uunu ww. a irv- catttag its abadof. toa iltoei on which
ao aattla to* aMgatiM vitbout
mal .lure Is-d Seineulx-r. Mto* I'ur- and J. W. ai-iL'iii;:. bi- K-euinJ. A numterior Neeesadryvas. Lighted by (be gloa-sleaiB of
paaay of aapaaaa to to* vbha m taatramant b* to an eapert
A 'recaption wat held Tuesday iH-tl hat ac.-eitted a ptwiiten lx Hear l*r of ibe Oldt-r nu-iuber. of tbe K. P
dyiug day. tba araokad pathway
Tat It Bwmt that Reoans* toaa* ar* Tba young couple will t
by toa WoBtn'B club in boooi of Mitt Like, at a yery guvMl aalar,'. lb:
iii---a.);ig l•u-lo-^* of, 'lie <JI
W. Ru-kerd. M. H
leading from tbe front door showed
SM at Batotoar.
IrRMm toar matt b* ««*r*d to a
Oertnida M. O'Rallly. the Cbtutau- ccnilug year.
T- iia* mad- i: »i;c<«-yury tor
Holley ami Iji-Mer i>. Wikh. alwi'were
clear ami dtslIncL in toe ceoter of
tral patat, lartorfi* to* aapaadl
»r. The dub reom la |bc
ir Ku.v.iitoaJ. lb-.
iu lu
le TiaVerai. Chy nudenis wi
I the |>;tvile);c of .iK-akitig a
picture was an aged
a( car tar* aad taEH axpana* t ultcraijuii. tn liie iaf.-rtur
city library wa* mv ''Kb .Dowers aod
to (beif hornet in tost/cKy. tai- word, of ai-l>rc. .aiii’ii loj the woik
Msndiiig hand In hand, bowed sod
bRrdaataaaa a> tham. and of no b
lerat.- and light refn-sbinanta ' were (lay e'«4ilDg. tho^.-oilier ihaii ^h^t Mr. LDtani;-: ha. the Organi- rajig-anuiia t-arri; uirt uid alndvlog
I by Borrow nnd yaora. They wee*
it wRatoair t0.ih* goranmaat.
served by ibe entertaimuent eommit- :('ui'U'it. .being Mt'.» Kulh Stevens.
-re-ring n.-w .whvIvtnK. luataliibeir way to tbe orulmrd wBera
aatott and aatatr from any tiandr:cti cabm-’r,
tee. Daring tbe i>ast >>«r the Wo- aiiiJ MIm Irma l-uHley- of KeMwte!..
Mr, lOM'SiigEr is'a. vary appreciative
children played—wbar* toe cbll- whelring in_ ';ae g'-nta',‘.iu btoan'a club ha* made a study of Ire­ wbo Va- a^tuemlter of th- rs*?u arad
of to- (piod ihliiaa N*id t.ivut hlfiu niiil
d-WiT.Taehl ha. bS liev-4 lurti drita Diaved luxtir and maS> a yeoc
land. and (he woodi>rfully Coe course UJtiitg clit«i> of.'tha Trav-otse t'ltr
.pirit ol r<a<d Mlow--l.:ri lusniago.
Out ta.tbe pir'ura, yet exlatlag
Clal, ill pia--. ,1:1 liie.- Y-i k. 'in
teefarat on Irish topics gives by High srhia£. Tbce two young ladt-.-r
fn tbto suih. - i.y. but t* wav
ta inc«UH7 were to- faea# of a boy
Miai O'Reilly during the muruing aes- havf bei-ii a-leudittg Ih- «uiiuuer te-Oy
pieparud fy>r toe l.••|e *--iriv.-toe
: will aJ»d- 1-- > bvt, of Be* am) a girl and while Am draw, toa arof
for liini, wh.-u J. w. Payi-uiaJor nb-iviiie- (.>r g<-c'--‘''<iriii.lii!igt. lipiilt tl.t r.HRed thc-M-fioe* ot RJey'slbat
gpawimaat tbaa aaiaty aaab Indton^ They Hava Raeaivad a W Par tborougbly by (be elub nientoera. Ui** tbJ-- ensttiug vear.
Cant ineiuaa* m Wag**.
theo!ii-r. ;--e—tit-d him witn a handhave been r-ad and r*H*ad and aJh!a d-'par’Ui-.Ql, and-a Is
aboaU bar* baaa aatlAad u
O'Reilly war railed upon for ai
iy.,ir.-B:ii pfm. with toe woids in
rt.e-fiK- -balk wii; aliw^b.- plated wsy. .trike to re-ponslT* ebord. This
• ameldad data, ao mor* baing mitlDatreft. Ulch.. August a.—Th pronpni talk, and spoke bclpfly but
'K --III the K of P to ]0bn
ckau-d the ecienainmcot.
toU delMrim*^'- '
•ad oa a aingto day toaa could bo Grand Trunk ttrikert la Hloblgan anieitalniiuiiy upon uoytai tonli
li >f to-1 • hak tu-i-n
takaa tan ot Ry tba dtoburat
The t|<aker wu tatiodacod by
rwiamed to work the tervlce reauni- gaoarM Intereal to wonirti. Her ebarui- Uta Pearl Irish. Only 16 Years Old. lew approi-ib!-, word., >tK-JrlUg rtaw.
••f toe <eftk and U;;!i=ierT d-- AtBll r. .Neriiosar wbe octad aa choir*
What «sed puipaaa K <«Ud
log nomui after the comproaitoe tel lug peraonaifly woo for ber If such
de-l-.y lie *a« tombed l>> U-« i
Pstacd Away' Tucaday at ti
.Iiaririj-rl'. i.W . raw-t will be addf-d man of ihi evening. Mr. .NerUnger
adna* toarn all to cm at ihlng were poMible.
Uemant at OUava.
rii.ui.-ii jw.d tint l.y -Tto'C.-oc ('by fOr'.tbi-''-y.jand
Home of Her Psrantt.
cabl- upeakliiK of toe sutxcos tbe Chaotaomoat of toaa rimala for teraial day* The Ben claim a Ticiory. having )n- trleMto than she hat already made
*dce Xo 7'. K of P.
n-ta iBMalled. tur (be (Joak dt-par:- <jva bad bran. teUing bow toa board
of •aary vahtag. H to 4H»cuH la- creaaa* of M per cent and a vtaudaid
ber lecture here, for each
Mto. Pearl Irl*;^ daugbl-r of M
r-w. iveolvinR
dood to dlaeoror.
of Trade bad auaraateed the aerasiiry
bet praaeat felt a peisoo^ Interevt lu
acal* promlxed for t»lt
u.*-d for' :h» ilnnkN
tic in Sbe.V-ar -acimjBt to veHire the course aod bow
and Mi».* irtoh.
Iliruil.the taimaoi speaker.
S. n*a* tndtaai art paM IV ckadka
dit-d Tuifda; at h-r b»n;r stli-i w.
jre an altoratlon
af^:'^ (ha-. L*d bran done. It was necaa toe atiMraaaatr at Chlobfo;
llf.lsig .k>ikn will- b- adJed.
Jh .tear*
and li«4tde* h-r parMii-.
e.>*-y to *e<Torr a
maoagar. tb*
trhraa It «oald taatn that tbalr payMM. CHARLES KINNEY.
It-ave* 4 large number of brothc! - .-i d
■ itr-ly
totatiun will b*
re*licg on W. P. Neadbam. Mr.
ta*M tomato Rt ta ouwency. To axtr. and Met. McMui-ait, Who Ate .i levu-d (or lli«-atU’lin uad-rwear.
»i-leni. Ptiii-ral Service*
S'ledboa Pent ahead aad bhnwwd
Rtata to aa tadlaa. a* I io« K
EnealtoM MaatfM^ta Htid ai Ka Apagtoxy Csuaad Dasth of Resident tbinofrow n<c>rniiig at lu n'cici> 1: a
Going to Battle Creek. Guests of
xuV *a:'ri'«. w-bilc ,10 feet of;
bad done ta
•Rob I «ao panaaaUy vaublng to* kaaka-Tva Otau t^*m Amang
Heitor of Wmterie Ledge.'
of Bondoo.
•Jew ah-lvlnc will b- added for the
home of ^r. rb i*<man. ol f'uhi.
im- of work with tba r«Mii
piyiwaat mmV. that ba Mt slo
'thoM Peasant.
underwear deiiinx-lit, aad eoraeta.
Mrs. Chsilet Klnne}. one of toa Siding, and tor remylas
tiisi the C'hauuuqaa bad baaa all that
Rl* MM oa th* Rack el #b eta
Af-.-r -.v- r-golar mc-tlas of Aj
TTu. Ib-erior nf, toe .in-e will tSe
older raaidi nu of Hendon, died tnd-'
fC'i^in Ookwood.
apallad aaacUy a* to* name m
A atHtyritM};^ of lb* grangers of KaI- dan^ ol apoplexy Saturday night at
rrla lodg- No
»•:/i.fiuTiiaJ far-- rr-lecita'-J and there wflJ b- s new vaa de.lred.
Ncritagar at ibte point uok oeaa oa tba toe*. aHbeugta plainly stat- katka county RM-R*ld In the grove cd ber borne. She was fiu year* old S.'ie
rubirnf [>a-!,; Oil the oulxlde of tk*
-el. r-oeylon *a. k..A b- Mi. at
ad. matai uuia ta aa Indian who
toe Bnardman Valley gnage. Bute to sunlved by, a husband and other
■lr», McMui!-n w'm ire a'um?f ' tiiiiit.l.g .\<W .lell.i;n* -ajll atau rattoii TO tpaok of toe buataeaa eoL
Ics* *a.visg Iba! It was a reoagnlcad
•ot writ* bit aaau at all. aad
Uaatcr Hull wai preaam and spoke reUtivea. The funeral nat held .Mon­ J. O. MnMieton Again a RaStdC
leave for Baf-e «'--ek. Mrs -MUrh- ■Ir.-ori’-'- -h- show window*.
th* City.
•Mid maaa a grant daal nr*
upon ‘•Dairying at a Boilneat - Bute day attemoaii (rtwi toe church at In
: Ir h-ir o.' -IllThe*.' '• bangea' bav- been made iiiducry of toe ctty.'britj^ng aboai
fc.. iM(j a nxmtb bera and ihrMgh tta
tbam If to* good amnay wu coui
Maaur Udd ot tba Naasachi
land, the tnienneni being lu to- In­ ^ 0. Middieton. who re.lgtied hi* Bith a ball fiooen *oll>l *.lv. r *pooq1 necexiuiry by-the'iacrta-i'ic bn.mew*.
iriieoce lo tbe ctty. s young taan or
pMiton with Sielaberg'Bros.. '
•at to Ibaai diroetly frMi tba goe- tiai* grange wa* also p.-e*ent
Mr*. McMullen was alao pr.-s
which ha. Vleadlly grown during toe
land raomlery.
to PeUMker. ha* veiuvned to take -no w|to (WO tmatuf'ul bomiueu of
tpok* DpOB Ibe ~t;raag* and
TTy^r* Out Mr. Hou>niha] baa been • yoong woman could arauw ta vwd
here ta
ioEbmaoM tatonaadlary of a chock. Woif T. E Xlle* and Mrs. Doyle
hi. re»idence again in thto city, and en. Ref'-ahnyeni* of i-iaoaade and
biwiaew* In Ibis vit.r.
City m asyvbara In MkblI. tR* tooaaata aad matbodt ot toe Ot An rim
t eouat) and P. C. Warner of
ihl* n>uri.ivg look tbaige of-the ta- ake w.^e serird, an improiLfUi
~ paynMat vara tomply aafruiltblng la- Grand Tra>*r«e ware among the oCt- Ballinger Denied That Me Had Baan die.' »3H» and ready to wear good, tram of reciisiioae and mifie waa*u- Mrw. Haleii Mtaor. of Sarasar. wlw gxa.
-w* orad u.M« (teopto btotad av*.
has bean kpaadlng »-reral tnofUba
taoad of too abaekt btong vtottaa er spaakan. Kalkaska county to very
la toa Hannah A Lay Meruantiv
jojed. and a *ocUl «xtiuug tpeuL
Atliad te Resign,
ery move v* make." dadarod Mr.
ta adnae* aad to raadtoaat for pay- eatonataadc and wiu tend a
aatopvlto. Auguat Z.— Balltager l-My's More. Mr. Middleton Baa many
The membcric of WiM-.-a lodge, t vtailtag bar chlMran in IkU ctiy
Xerilmuw. -By doing tola, w* cog ac*
■aai. agcR cRodk va* tooviy aad la- dalagatloa to iba state grange u> be
friend* in the. cUv who wUl be
well as other.. triU greaEy miss Hr*. ti Harbor Springs, r-imbed boa*
eo Page Two.)
IBnttaaad aa pag* tor**.)
^heM ta tola cliy toto tall..
ed to have him bwS> again.
Elchi qnam ot lari»
WMDTl DSRAIITiMNT RCOARO- X«lto« cbEirlcE bave beuD pat in (Um
ton Iw ibe fruit dUplay
thli (alL TbEoe rbenW cam from
tba tom .of Andre* and Adolpb WlnequEEt. Mar Nonbpon The charry
it of as Bnallab va^tol.^ but ibe nanw
U sot kaovn by ibe croven.
tree from which the fruit canw
UrBE on* and yieldi at hicb am ti

















to kMp the IDOUUI ibo»e waur lot
l)i« pBTfiOM at tiTMUUiiK. Th«n «osM
be N»er :df»walB« BoddMitt « poopte
tmhtcd in prMerrtiiK soK-poo-








The e»pei!n»e« «f the Trevrrae
Clir btord rl trede ic jttre to
Of thl. city and ytocicUy
flr« claaa ChuiUuqiu ha. proven i
lenaaitod Buccen. It to tme there
aei coi!ktdrral4e dtoappolnUDenl
the tuinof UInd wnator ol Oktoaoma. Ur. Gore, did nut BH hto eokace- EXPRESSED HIMSELP AS MUCH
■hat waa wot the fault of
Ibe board of trade,
an* u McMd-cUM ■
Howerw. a moat eacelleat anhatl- Dciplte Report* to tho Contrary, the
ite waa prorldrd. to Mr. Treli. the
Sonator ia to Perfoel Hdalth and
•KM of lUKk X
-well known apeaker of tbe Chleaco
It standinp the Strain of Cam
beard of commerce.
palpn wall.
It to craiifytnc to hear the niiaDl
one csprmtlom of approval of tbta
(Prom Thutaday a Booied.)
rnited Stalaa Benator Burrow*,
-tT^ ilttV TO BE OIWWNEO." year't comae, and tbere to i<ra<tlca)ly a uBBBlmona demand for aootber who paaaed Ihrougfa
Ibe ctiy tbto
la Uii I-------ol «rovtiiB« of«Jyear. We bellere that the nomtoc on hla way to attend tho
dwti n to »urtHi>i »•« 1» l>»« New
Tort TrtbOM. an ertleto bMded. “If. Ichaatauqua to Traveine City ahenld union at Honor, waa Interviewed by
made a peraiancsi Ineiluntonand the Evening Record In regard to t
SUIT u> M DtoirMd.' Yet there to a
heltove that It would
only afmtog p.-tmary el^ton. ^naior Bi
pofat <rf Tie* Jrom wMch the ««i...J OBT people coed enWrui
a to nmirely optimtoUc & regard
M1 to n>i«Mrtm»tely ^ end e.
c ontoonu-. tpenktog to the t^co.'d
latte iHiHibw ol dfowalaf* ere doe U> but bwxiiDc an oducnHonal lactor to
i follow a:
the enn el eeftH-eMtoe of non the Ufe of the rlty.
-1 have been over aome poritona^
•viMen who fad theauelre. In the
Tbe offleen of the boerd of tmdb
the .late. Detroit and the eouthem
voter beyond theto depth, and u per- re to be commended lor *lrin«
part, and vmy fully over the weotem
tepi the tBeakatioB or the notkni thu snupuDlty eo eirellent a cenrai
port, and bare been advi^ to reUft to etBr to M dtortrwd nltft teod ebtertatotne and prvftable feat
and tbe eapport given the' eouna by tkw W the other pans of the si
tbe public demonmraipa.a aneceae •• and I think the ouUook to me to
tery grwUrying.
tot the TrlhOM
Banclally and. tbe eenilment tbat
■ I have no doubt of tbe Dnal
peraaneBt Cbautauqita would meet
eomo. Of coune. the canvass u
ftM Neva.
uiiivenal approval.
Ihr primary ayatem Impoaea croai
Certaialy tbere are Tew ihlap
Tbe roanagemeat
of dhto year'.
worj, upon tbe candidate, and a bur
tor than k«ei>t<« e*>« to the wwler Chanunqua couiae wai to
It eoe kaew. bow. The oh)eet aay be cetlent banda Prof. W. P. Needham, den upon tbe people that they —
•eUeted b>- a eJlKht doOob of Ihu proprietor of the Ttaverre City Itosl- pmrtlually redulred to attend to
T yeeay neM coliese, did moat ciceltoDt work elecUona. But nrvertheleas
1 entirely dtoiiact to hto manacemeat of tbto eateitatoa pwforai It r* bient feature. Ur. Nerdbam to eoU- terest In to tbe canvam. anil a«
to l^l
wolrea aelt-fteeaeaaton. “noalliiK.' by lied to tbe molt favorable commemla- aald before, the rwsolt
ntoiply lytoc oe the back aod aueatpifw bto zeal and the builneM- dcinbcIBK BOlhiaK vn thaa kee|dii« the Uke manner to wbkh be carried on Senator Bnrrowa.n^nrtlhatandlag
heed *ore vtter to oaay. too. where tbe eBUrprtoe.
U to pertect pbyalenl condlltonAnd
Iki ■iirtofi of the water to sot actNow that It baa been abown tbat
idb^ tbe itrato of tbe r^pa
tatod by ware.: b« ihto ro«elrea a the people dealre autft entertato'
better than some of the younfcer o
atm btcMr decree of aelf-peeieaakiii,
atTancemeiMi ^ouU be made
are active in the campaign.
a«»* ahlfaUon lor the aoowwliaImmediately, tbr next yenrh eourae. «7>Re of bto yeara be i. vigorous and
«&» who nrfdeoly feda IhlntaeK to
heartf. and to the pcraoniAca'
water beyond bto depth to to citoc to
nnetUift that wHl odd to the natural




rccMpu. iXlftft.
ukara Me:
fCkmttaME tram pegs OmO '
rnmpiiik that which the wpaekara
When Editor }. p. Sessmaa. ol OsrHew York. A^-'S. rwatfT—AMve belhu.
N. C.. brutsed bis let badly. bgv* been taRtog ws aboot W# cm duB: weateea broHsra. ife:
started an ugly sore. «iky aaM
'have the htad of a city *• «■»- »• jqtdftlfc: tnrkiys.
oved wortl
wortblesa. Thra
dre«ed and utotmeals proved
<»• ksep tb* objeetkmable ebar*«netady; westenU broUera. ttffik BacUea t j traka Salve bei
. off the mraetf. we cea keep Ibe
lowto. lf*U«*c: turkeK UftMc.
and sure for I_____ Ur.-Diekeen onea i
re and girls at boma." He coueludby euitof Umt when the ebarter
n This City.
.Dog Co.. S. S. Wall * SoM. B
a pevtoed we thea could have tbe
S-—tamer —Firm A U> Merc Co.
kind of a charter we needed.
nsborsiag agent Chsrie* S. DtcL23tk«Mc; dabtos. MR
Tbe JthDe* ainget* fwftudsd tbe
■Uful tm
•n. wbo open^ bcodouartera to tbto eveatog's eatertatowseut. Magi
recetpl*. H.7«
. a hay ^rv at Yeha.
rtoy Inly l*.-^o pay tbe Otuwa and number U camp meeitog aelectloo*
at mark, case* toctodsd. M«
beuae aed taara and tour
Ohlppeaw IndtoM at tbto point their aa wrU at other amahers la a very ac- tee; Brwts Mr; prime Breta. l?%r;
land fauced. and Boo
shareito the dltS.OSO awarded them In cepubls manaer.
Tuantog tkrooMi tt.. For partlcw
young Americas.
Un write. Truso Avasy. R: r. O.
lb* court ol ctaims a: Washington,
lS'-,Cl<i; tong hofos, liXeidvX*. :L Kingvlev.
closed the ofBee this afternoon, and
July Z». Aug. MS-U
Sew York. Aug. i.—BttterwJVm
tomorrow moruiag. accoeapanled by
imlpts. SJtJ; creamery
Utu. ZMduoa and Say Trucks, bis a*
-Ftna: loceipia «LSI*
sistaais. wiU go to Pc-toskey. where
he wlU otw bcmtauancis and pay off
Sweet rora made its t»ll| debut oa state, whole milk, specials. 14l.«
tbe Indians to tbat victaliy.
tb* local market today and commend* ICc: do average faocy. H^c: do i
crag* prime. is\ei4c: do (air
FVon Fetoskey Mr. DIcksoo
the magnlflreot flgure of » ctnt*
>me te Nerthpon. and after pe.vtof doaeo. The ear* are cot extra large, goad. tSHVOHv: do comnma.
ns the todtona ot Leelanau county, at the corn 1* g«wd.
win go north again to Harbor Springs.
Cherries are a thing of tb* past,
«s the Etrsitt to Sault Ste. and aside from slbpptog a few berrle*
Marie, and yhc* down to Mt. I'iea*- to nearby potots. lb* romml*»lon
asked vou to sign his BoadT
Has anyone e
doing uotfalng but waPteg for apHave you Bi-i r asked aayoBe to sign your Bond?
Dunng tbv llnie that be was to this Pte*.
In either css* was Tt wiser
city Mr, DKksoL paid In all about 700
In either cast was it buatoesallkrt
was it fair to the ocher?
la either c
ctolms. aggrcaaiing to tbe nehtohor.
CelUng a. neighbor to slga Tour bood to a atikbi upeg, ntber
RuSalo. August 4 —Csftle ?:*. slow,
boot! ol |H.<x>0 Fully one half of tbU
than a lest of VRIF-N’DRHIP.
money was syeni in Traverse City, prim* unchanged. Veala 4«0 active
B bond witbeui delay
the Indians, in tneny cave*, mtlng on­
It BBvbody Bsks you to *>ge h.s bond, tell bira to go ta n you
tombs unchanged, run* fair lift 0.73:
ly enough money for car fare
sat a bond, write to (A. B. CCRTlSi. at tTravers* Oty. Mlch.1
Hogs two. Sleady.
their wiy borne. Croceries, dry good*,
d shoes, were tbe main pur- yurker* »ft«i S.JO; . pig* ftS.inftlO.
rhase*. although luurb of the money
among the drinking men went for lie
loch of the money-wcni fur railMg* fare and tor food while to tbe

I s -r K N I


Or. I. P. Covey Acted a* Cbairtnan ot
tbe Meeting— Candidate*
Ati Prweent.

Honor. Mtcb., August 4.-fienalor
Burrows, addreraed a Urge and
thusHiallr crowd of old widlc-r* and
others here this afternoon, hi* *peec*
cWallng with tbe tariff and other qtu-sf the day The senator wa
eurUed a very hearty reception bene
e*|ieclally by the old aeddiers. Dr. II-, Oory acted as chairman of the
n«-vungwhii h uas t>rec*detl b> bud
concerts aii4 luusii by lb>- flfe and

jra. C.; oats. S:>*.
DOW pov-hle to oblato a
thing like deCniie flguios on the
to western Mtchigan rntt:
by the lielaled treexe up to the sprtoK
and by the ^nIBmel dron:b.
lAst s.-a»on tbe Per* Marquet
railroad tzrried anproxiBiteD LT>0"
i'ur(osd« uf liuii. The Irqfflc this sea
at.-dtdiiig to careful estimates
uuide by siaitoa agent# and iraffl*mz;>«vr*. will reach scarce!y
la«i ^.•ur•^ total.
ilu- - -imuie from -the Crand Rap•’Irav.T*-.- City division .is 373 car­
loads. il.^s Including peAches. pliiifls.
pezrs and epple<
Tlif l’.-i:i-»ater-.\»egan and Grand
Rapl-sSi Joseph divisions wll!
:;l-» rarioada Lost year
IVtv!!e caiflcd
Carioads o'
.chriri-s. ih- shtpiiM-ni» this s.
tolaii-d Oi-Iy- 30 rsHoadi. UsI year’s
cartoatl sbipuienls of berrids wefbaiidk-d Irum sevucal potol* on ibe
Ihi* year ncK a cartoad shiis
of bcirte* ifete made from

tonyasrr nl bit body aod enable him ret an example for the lower peetnte cMtlane breatbtoc till be ran be tula of Idieliigan. It seems thm two
beliat aalwre. The Trilmae artieto enierpristog land agents came tbare
and jheaan selllag vestecn real estate
Mrwetar at the Untreratty of Peanayl- at fancy price*. An tovestigalioa was
ennia. an' bavins proved that i
practical aeana of pmaurvlngllfe are to which they i
reaaonaMy aura to be at the dUpoaal sisled of a secUc
al avnee «a boaMofamarlne towft and tbe Uke with }adi rabbits
Mooting WenY Be Held on tb* Orange On the platform were D. B. O
ar wHbin Utrowtog dlataaee
a prrpart ol the popolaiton and
Let as Ortginaily planned—Spok* .
aaa MracEUnt tar ealataPco to the brush for weU kept towna Instead of
Robert E. ttMler. of Traverae
In Honor Today. ;
City, bto qppoaem and the three ctnkeeping quiet about tha mauer and
didatee fqr the legtolaitire from the point.
A man's allkhat to as admirable
griantng over bis toss, ooe of the vie(From Thurwlay'* Record.1
dUtylct—Dr Oovey. U. G. F
praaarrer. It todd ri^t aide np
Urns wbo bad been gmied to the «siThe IV-re Mamu.-ue last year and
Caned State* Senator J. C. BurWiiltoln 1 former years put on extra trains
tent of fits, swore out a warrant with >wf arrived in Traverae City this Warner of FTankfon and
tha wafer the air U cooUtna Bnake
baoyant anonsh to eapport the per- the result thst (he grafters
>f tbe fruit, but with a ftgtal ct
Dwrnlng on hU wxy to Honor.where Case of Benaonla.
aon who bolds ft fur any length of rested, foreed to give up the hundred be aeltvered an addrwea at tbe fl. A.
the regular trains will be sufflclent
time. A pall held upside down will do and a quarter and to edditton
h.iidle aU that g"e« forward.
R. reuatoa this aftenmok.
’uniparcd with la*t year the shriuk
tb* same thing, but to not no easy in good stiff flees.
The meeting to be addtweaed bore by
- to tb.- fnil; crop will be. R I
manage. An umbrella evened and
We wtwld Uke to see that dona to Smiator Borrows will be held lb Stein.
limaleU. between TiW aod SW
Snnly held ao aa to keep as oeeb sir rery esse where a man eowiei
bergY Grand oi»ra bouse lasioad of
Tb- higher price tbe fruit will
as poastata under the expanded »ur- with a Mm srtieme. he It land
tb* Grange ball tot as provtouly
rommind lii*' year will vedoexface to an admirable Ufe preserver. erwtoe. There are many of these town atmouncud.
t-.xuvlal ahrinkage somewhat, but
Aa tottaled bicycle Ure has buoyan­ tot sad pramotio
Senator Burrow* baa been coaduct
western Michigan will-not rec-lve a>
cy soouffc to keep two proplr afloat worked out at prvoent due *6"tbe fact ig a vigorous rampaign during ibe
lor any length it time- A tog of wmod that the country to to a recegUve pa>l few week* btft to splto of tbe After a Delay of Seven Days Anoth­ muA money by eoiitlderable a:
-ar. and in some districts tbe sbriuk—Mytbtog taat IrlU Boat and altard mood lor these cstuod by tbe
er fttOJXW Has Been Rlarad
rampsJgn tavoivee.
;v will b<- very pnuiouDced.
a hca^~d«y iatAU a atrwg^ totbe Ivc work of Ibe vartous
Credit of Agent Dickson.
tbe aenator la as rneed and hardy
waur to sawn bto life. K ba wUI only rantoattons- Uecaase of tbe extoance
a man half his age. Tbs aenator
POTATOEBgrasp ft and cease stmggUng.
After a fclsy of seven days, Dis
of these orgastosilhas. H to all tbe
receiving entbastostto greHtogs
Ciiicago. Aug. 3.—Potatoes—Steady,
cnaraa a woe or a prte or oar Is
more necraeary to ttatop out the wbecever he goes and tb^ lodtoattoas l-urslng Agent Dickson
cboln- to fancy. f-ACTdc: fair to good
and If either to
frauds aod exlenuinate those whose are that the peoide of tB* slate
liaad ^ best thing (or tho peAon
Washtogten to the eBKt that
lions are shady, since (bey. by give bim entbustosllc endortMMf
tha dock or wherever be can be of tbelr ntebtods. bring discredit up»o the primaries next month and deride other 110.000 had been placed to
esrrtee to to extend or teas the pole leglUmaie cnierprUes.
Detroit. .Ans.
to send bhn back to the DoHed credit to Ibe sub-treasury al Wash­
or ear or an and of tbe rape
As for thsi panlculsr brand which States senate where be. has served so ington. and this morntog he opened »:M; 0.-u.;.er. »T{*>.
stratstoi^la tbe vratar.
up tbe taradtptane'rs In this elty
takes the peoalon money of old sol- wwJI (er so many years.
Chicago. Aug. J —Timothy— Sep­
lb any and every tostance tbe gieat' diera away from thsm. ondcr the pre­
Bveryooe. Inetodlng tadle*. is Invit
tember. $•;. 'oc-.cb.-r- gd.!-««.13 '
tUbg for t«tb (be Imperiled person tense of provldlsg them
with the ed to attend Friday nights meet gan July 19. but was compelled to dls- AUtcb |i Clover—Nothing doing;
__and Umse who would aid him to
mtMs of making ae oaay itvlqg, they tog. Sonator Burvowa to ao klrang.-r eenilnuc July M. owing to Uck <rf
funds. He expects to comidrte the
fata seir-pMseaitaa—to keep cool. If should be girec a life lerrn to prlsosL to Trartrao City aodlenee* as be
tta man to tba waur dose not keep
appeared brie many lime* sad bto Boik here to about a seek.
Uegc-il. .\ng
cool, tasteal of tryliw to gvssp^Uie
Took All Hla Money.
Boce always assures hJoi large
»: «; October, g*10.
Saved Prom Awful PeHL
Often all a'man eanu goes to doc
pofa or oar at the middle, be
ver felt so near my grave.'’
ledlrtoea, to cure a Slomaelsa K at one end and bold it thus,
writes Lewis Chambtlo. of Manches­
or KMney trouble tbat
la wtacb case it may fail to aBord him Dr. King's New Ufe PUIs would qubkHad dyspepaia or Indigesiton for ter. Ohio. R. F P, So. 3- -ax when ST.Vl’E OF WK'HIOA-N. Ih<* Probate
I’oiirt for the County ol G:and
adaBoate support. Lei evetybody
tears. No appetite, and what I did a frtgbtrul cough and lung trooblc
It allgbt cost Best I
ti Member that to malatata hfe le pcpslL lodlgesUon. Blftoutnewa. Con­ eal distressed me terrtWy. Burdock pulled me down to Mb pounda
Id the <ua:ier
of many rvmedle* and tbe b
Jaundice. MatorM -and De- Blood Bitters cured »e.“—J. H.
the water an that to necesmry to to stipation.
tors. And tbat I am alive today I* M<-dad Vinton. de««»ed
biUty. :r« at C A. Bugbe* Drug Co, her. Sunbury. Ohio.
artfd breathing water Instead of air, b; E. Wall A SoBA llannab A Lay
tbat four
due soleto to Dr. King’s New l)l*covNonce :s hereby giyWilliam Goldea. Fred crwurner. V erj. which completely cured uir. Now
oths from the JCth ... - ot July.
sad that to do this It Is requisite only
D. 1!>I" haye been allowed
M. Jewen and Earl Adams hare sll 1 weigh 1«0 pounds .ana can work
nedftorm to prewnt their claims
to the hoard of trade exaned Of croup." iBfaUlble for Coo
agalasi .aid de*ea»«!d ’,o said o
■xam:natH)D and adiummvni.
fruit to be exhibited at the big
Colds, lia the most certain
uH t.-^ilo.’s of aai-1 dvsvas»-d
for iJiGrlppe.
Isli to cnlrago,
Tbe fn
Irt-d to preeeal lh*dr cUims ^
placed to exhlbliton Jars, and make> trouble and i
said court, at the prohaie office, id.3(k- and ll.n<
Cuv of. Traverse Cliy. to said
couniy. on or before ihc- 75t’
n-.wmb.-r A. Iv I9i«- »»« '
:iinis will be heard by sa;d
oaday the 71th day of Noysmber A,
.RECEIVED fttiflCa.
CVESY time foo aimBd ^ztoVar
Ukea a flne animal, You get Ibe
C Iraalf. BOt wdf ie that doUar
Oevdepmewt Bureau Received Teedees
<or hll tiate,
bUo the mlotCAt
tltnwylel el Apgrecietien e« Work.
coAdKloa powder oa . tbe
would OBZB fcr you ff wSmIj iavoetod
ely no wsKe and
aad every inTuesday the Western Mtchlgaa DeBtteTianAeocmaEorOMtifNate . ..
gTrdU-nit it
is mediciual. Vted
by stt Teloproeut bureau rteeivod a coatrt- July
.A’Jg :-l7-l»-:
the h-sding
ding raaiero raciim ^lea.
DMit ToaowohtoyotiraeU ahd lUiiould try. them and SM (or bullon ot an even one thousand dol
You should
ily to do>OBr dn^.
tan from oar ot the transportation
r. Price 2ic pep' parkage.
B dotog bosii
tl.OO opou An Bcdaaat.
'e bar.
»*ldereu to tb*
■a oor Uvv-ry MirhlgsB Tbto to
Candlilen Powders
traUBMialB]1 BS 10 (be efIMcrCwMfti U.8.TMM»y
horses (or atMiui Ihie- yean aad have
tad* found them aapertor to all trctlTeaeos of tbe work belag dou*
otber*. Wi- have found that livei by tb* bBteaubones are suhleet to great abuse
and HarrellY Condlttoe Powder* al­
Never raa k-ll whoa yoo'U maab a
ways bring back tb* awdt* cud
Unger or^uBer a cu'. ^to*. burn or
rs them on ibrir pins.
pre^red Dr. Tbotna*’
Sold by 8 E- Wah A Sou*. F
f) lastamly leUevrs
Bugbee Drag Co, aad tbe Wedt 1
ly cures the woupA
Drag- Store.







D H; INnrer. ed Peatiac. wag In
tbe city today os b

-MTV A P. Oabora weal to JeeBiags

A StroBOs Carclolly
Growing Bank Is a Sale Hacc to .
Deposit You Savtags....................
All deposit* made In our
SavlBifs Djpartmeot on
or bsfore Friday. Aug. 5.
earn three per «oi inter­
est from the first day of


We invite you to grow with us.
^ You can start the account with
One Dollar or more.

Travcnc City State Bank
0Mest* Largest sn« StrMgcst kaak
la this part oMIm Stale.

WhyUot lake some views of the rapidly changing
summer, scenes around you? Scenes that you may
never M able to photograph again—you can g« them
for a mere pitiance. Kodaks $l to $20. If you are
interest^, write os and we will gladly mail yoo a
Kod.ak Catalog.

S. E. Wait & Sons

Traverae CUy

Have You Seen the
Thomas Drill?
The dnl! without ao equal, x drill whlcb doe* i- ’ t ■huu y«« •kP*’*
• i-hou- tb* strata aad wrar. The ’rbema* smsle «■»*
. *:th other dfUto produce* 5- to li batoeto of wh«« »on lo the act*.
J say other single disc drilL Why? U<-«w#e ibe dtor a»d tamt “hra»
er furt-jw 111* Inebes «»<•*. sod ihe t«*d is sratierod over the
ch is wide, and giy*s Ibe seed s greater chzara lo grow, pindortar
b.-n*r naik*. beuer graiu and more grain to the SJre.
Other drill* mike a weCge shaped furrow sad the deed therefore 1*
bnnrti.-d loge'her, rromdlag wi.d toaseotog the' tbanw Of grawtb as sheu
rcaiu-rt-d over a wide lnrro».
An exchirty'e fesiure of tbe The mas drill U ib* (Bet thBt U I* mKable hw *U kKslitiea and all coadltionsi.snd 1’. will' *ow, ahylblBS OOM •
flax seed to a kidney besa.

r exclitsi.e leatufi-Of Ih.-Thatoam drill is the p«e«*d weff-oUtog
g»: ih- oi:
pui to by learovwg thumb screw oa eaUUe at boot;
oue oBlag Issi* Ih'- M-z»oa.
All ffrnis
These drill, fiireisbed pisto ..r si-h Feiiil.zer at'
•-•iuippr-d wi'b S'l*"*


Prices Range fimn
$68 to $95

Fanners’ Supply Co.

the poor Indip- ♦
plugs tbut touy be of toureut
OM yia.ioB. Uleh.. August 3.-Utos
AUte Bitekman. who hat been vl.it1300^
lag te Cbkago. the imM three weekv
• tritooo
d br- her
eoiwln: from Iowa. Ibey came on the
Mfu. Henry bherette Was Heeieai at
ew Btuiit l« M Hewre and 22 Mtautaa
a pteaaant Affair at Her Heme , Manistee aad enjoyed tee tnp
Wtto s Rata .BUnn ThrM* In
west of the CHy.
OMhaa. GHhiw: A. j. tugMre. H. K. BrtDluaan Is te Traverse
far Variety.
A. t. BSVOMa, AMiMAOt CMhCity visiting her daughter. Mrs. TbeDraaa So. IPS h. C B. A-heM a rt«a Brinkman. She also atumded the
rery eafonble Picnic WrdDteda n Borprlae party given on Bdsrte Waite.
the home of ton. henry SherHtc. levdip voold he I «D0d dir to exerdM •a mllce west of town. Buaiea wore
toe nuaetoi. lo ther hU»d for chartered and about 30 ladle* otjoyrd
very |d«**ant oAcert aus glveu
Bk RapIdA toiHie here it 6 o^tork the rMe there. On their arrival There. 1-1 ‘huversr City local taleoi in MarnonOic wd irrUlnp it iBtkHi wore opened and tabtee rabec hall. OM MUaloa. andcr the an*
• fV Ml ami M TIM »9MMi rwucrdir
After eiUaa dlaner ud rcet- apreud Id the terpe dining room aid pices of tbe Old -Mtotloa C. E socie­
IBC. tbex left there «t i o'ctock. irrir- all the good tbtegi imagteaUe were ty. The folloainc todies appeared:
Inp here U C. hivlaa bettered thdr rltod OB tbr-.tablet until every loth Ulas c P Uecool, aopntno. aoollsi;
colog itiDe tz mlDDtei. Ah It to IS wa* flUed. Hot coffee, hot tpisbed po- Mn. Ida M. alllicy.'rcader:. Miss llel
BHk, T>A»W— cur, MteA.
Bitoe from here to Bk Itoplde lad
Kanneii. vh>llnli>t. and M^vs tk.r■ and hot IdUced bein» were addiber followed the rood, ftodlna ooseU1 tee UH by Mrs. Sherette. be- Di-lia Stanley accouipsalsl. A very
erehto md. the hike to wonhr of aides fresh buUer and cream from her large houve- was pmeat aad all enjov.
eiperiillr eiDoe.tber encomi- oclter. Aftar dteoer u which 0Ter «0 ed tbe progrem. Ire cream and- ertc
i(*ed I eery fine niD atonn co tSt did luMlee. mudic and a eoctat time ere nerved after (im program.
«r hA«*.
Some wtedrall apples sro U-ing
waa enioyed am] tee start for borne
*1* made all too aoon. The ride' hocso shipped rniin here, tt'bat few Dm-hesv
was enjoyed very much and they alt apples people i-xpi-c-lcd to have ai'v
voted to vtolt Mrs. ehetetle agate In 1-elng i<loac off now during Ibr heave
wind storms.
not too dlirtant future.
(CBdUsaed froB pice one.)
CMitar% Cm* OirtA
e Uanistee took out a big load
bortooily writieo out u each tndlJrUtmi H*nM. HM Up «f Aua*
ot rherrlei. currunis. bcrrlvs and ar>
Mull ledtea dsie to recetra H after
mP ottwr rMtwm.
pies Saiuitlsy evudlng. The late cberhto IdestMcatlos wii conpieU- No
are aloui i>k;k<d and ibt-rc was
VUb • profian npSete wiUi thrill- builsoai *11 oBld oxer tmderul^ to
ijulle a large crop after all.
tea tsbiHUoM of roQgh rMiiv. the pay ot I body of neo, wrlUac hU
The young people be.-c liad one of
ft of Tlriou bRMChOA itUt ebe^ a'the time. HewooU lurdy
llieir flue danrlng parties at tbe Macbare
adof dBlkd Is the Mddle. expert work
t^See hall given Tbursday night. Muwith the lirlit. reaUMlc Isdiio flihu. vioce. kDOWlsf. II Id tbli caae. ex­
*ic b>- Brewt-ter and Briilon.
«id BMMcree, I ponriyil or actly whii the ameuDt ofe^ check •trweturs New Occupied by Uwto
1 were sorry lo hear of tbe death
be: bst. la isdlcated ibore.
the htoteite Deidwood euceooieh
artd Johnaon A Pehl Oreoertou
of Mrs. Johu Letter of Bales, ahu
boidap, week hr i Birratoni tnleed thewbotoueeof cheeka aeema rldleuWas Bum in liW.
died Tbursday night at the Grand
Odkiie. IS eihlblUos of ahirpeboet- low uBdar tbe elreumstescea.
boepilal al »:43. after an IIIt.
tec la whtok I reuse womin rUka her
Tbe eld buildlv Id which tbe groc-'
of six weeks. She was taken to
ntfe M I seMHircet «ad tother ea- 1 sotlted as index card waa uaed tor ery aiorea of E. C. LewU and Johnthe hospital ^onday. and underwent
aUB« rreati. Toosa BoMlo'i Wild each tedten;yet there wae do card oaaa
operation on Tuesday 8be veav
WeR lid Texie ainters vlU show la al^abetkilly arraoced for the bisdmodeled. a new glaaa front to take
Tnreree Citr. Tharedv. Asg. n. Is Uos of thli great number of Index the place ol the nld one. Two qyr tS yeai-ToId. Besides ber husband sh.
leaves lOrcH- brothers and a daugblc-;.
the ifterwNM lad erealss. oo the oarda. and In the caie which eraa bepemera bK at work upon the Jel. one Her remains were lakro bi Bairs and
rBolar abow frdvsdi.
baudtod la i looked oo. the lorUec
teg ha
ot them. C. E. DaLong. having worked
sas burled froiii the church Ibere
Bvtr life 01 the frostier si it wu and B■orttef and aortteg over of tbeae upon the building when It was ereci
Sunday afiernoou at 3 odock. Mi.
yfhm the bsrdr bMu. aDduiated «r oarda wai tedioiufy long, when with
for^H.R. Hulburd by Buben OooOMeodthlratr UdMu or reoBede out
h te 1W4 Ur. DeLong later moved
and famllj from
oould have away.'Uvlng some time In Clgla. IIL
tew*, told the foosdetkB tor the peicc tbe card of the Indian
lo attend the
iBd pto^ritr which hie repteoed MS located In a moment.
He was also etsployed on tbf itore
as Frank Cramptewtoeaaea* sad Uooddted. will he
«. I team teat tea paying iffest te larquette rnllroad for fftu years.
lira. liCii
porinred hr the ihow-i bf< icr«CA- targe.
The other carpenter at work upon
friend i
Itoh of cowboys. cowg«A lodlini. fl«.«M.
ihe building. Bdwte Hammond, hat
keeneho 'hDaters." rooch rtdv* isd
hto credit at one ttme, and that been worfcinff at tee carpenter trade
when tee amount
la this dty alDce im. coming here
ostosc. Texaa. dlklihoma and New
be then checked up when tea only bulMlog on tee oenOrlo lutiiib.'arrlvc-d Balurday from
beferu aaolher HO.OQO oouM be placed irel pen ot Front ctiwH wea tee land
Indiana to spead some utne wRb rela­
at hto dtopolal. and 1 bavu dltect in- OiBcu.
tives bore,
sad aUa^ of tha ahog, with n
tormation from Traverae City that tb*
John JairtTit ylalfUl lih-nds In Bcnthan IW range horaaa. broochoa.
ageat expe^ to be (our or Are days
xonto over Sunday.
•ua. Xadlaa poaiea. oses. wild eitue befora DNoey wouM ba at bla dlapoa-;
Karr.v Duwdmf Wexford U wurklug
tad Mean wOl arrfre Thnraday
al to proceed wUh making paiymeau.
the iieighborhoud ullh bi* ltuo*htag. Aug. n, orar tha to. A N. B tuUMr. and Mrs. Rudolph Llbuttei Lost
nod te the toeantime tbe Indteni were
lug outfit.
Their ffaby.
ffmlu Koynolds arrived buuir
Leona Cbariuiie Libutokl. of Craud for.Miss
Chottly aftar tba arrlral ot the
a shun viali lasi «-ek. Kbr has
Rapids, died at tbolr home Wednesday tiuon wurklug *l ('uiiolajitliu' Ibis sraahow It win parade Urwagh the prin­ It la iBpoaalble to conceive of
body ot while people dubinmiiig
cipal Btreeu ot the downiowu
cf aente Indigestion. The rrmalns o{
ttoB. aurtlng (rsau the ahow gmonda truatmont aa haa been lavolvod In tee lltUe oae.wete brought to this ‘Wm. Dexter and C. E. Jmmb were
f'Uy vUifor* Baiurday.
tela payment of their Juai dues to
at Id a. to. The
last iilgfat for burial, the funeral Tr»vcn.iMrs. Worden. *r., arriced home
be giruB “rain or ahtee,*' it U an- these poor Indiana. It any tme wltocd
be brio ihU afiemoon nt
D a \Ml wlib her daugUter ai
oulruge tbeae poor people. BOthlng 2:30 o'clbck from thr German laitli- ___ntalii.
Ml** FJmnlo Jiiirell nrvlvcxt Thurs
Atooag the other taaum of teter>re dIsboUcnl te Ita untalneaa and
ebureb. Mr. and Ur*. Ubultel
from a vUii lu Graud Itoi-ids and
•at win bo a aenaatioMl wreatUng taluKlee could possibly bo c
basb many triendk In tbU city wbo di)
laateh with a Texaa Mughors, the
0 shield tee lodlsn ftom >teod them sywiuiliy te ineir beMr*. l‘■Ilt•^aop U uulh- ilrk with
rldlag of wild atom.
lung troitblc.
Tbo Rev. James Himilloo of Grand
-ot (he “posy expieai." feaU of am drink, and yet tee ladlan deparu
acd Airteg ta the oddld, aporti aid bring* la the wbd* trlbo to tb* cKy. AAAto'A ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« iUpld*. waa b>-ro teat week In th<imereata ot the fund for tbe bem-Ot
• of
paaHaaw of the oowboya and <«w- bolds them there te Idtoaeea for mur
the worn out mIoUtera.
glrta, taia K** throwing and apln- wearteoaie darA extwcUng that- they
Mrs. Kniiii* Holm and danchior,
East Oardeld. Midi. August 3.— Mrs. loittlo Tbniu|M<on and Ulll-v »»i
bteg aad Baay othor eveota which. will be proof against tbe BHurmnanti
Tbe dance ei the KsM Itoy grange vUlted Ur». ttophia Kelghuo^ TiiuraIt to declared. wOl keep the ipeeti- of drink and dtoupattoa.
tara la alternate apella of Ungbter
Two ot them p*M tot thto with ball was wc]] aiundcd Saturday night ***riaud.- Wurdcii'. nU-cr aiid .hild
aad aaodtetoest. BeaMei (he atuao- teoir live*, being nia over by the ruiV there twlug fO numbers sold.
n-n of 8i. JoM-ph. arc: visiting hlin
Alls-ri Anderson .completed his
tku te tht mate teat, there »re
Mias J. Tremain U working for Mr. ork
road train, their bodies cut to fragwith A Allen Saturds.v. He Is
■Me ehowa «Ued with atrsuga freak!
aud Mrs. Jtee Haisa at present.
ptonnlng to run a naw mill.
•fnoure. Tba areata win be nu off
Urs. Ida Weiner to working fur .Mrw lloricnse K-imrv. sil.- at
la rapM aaceeaa. armuMitod by tba
fliarte* Kuiiiiey died kuddenl> Salur.
Ur. and Ur*. William MoCool.
Tinverae aiy te get (heir money
She w*. In -her uaual
Mlrrtag utfitM of Touhg Buffalo^
Phllllta will health that day and went to Hendon
steed of eeadlng It to them at ihetr. hto. and Mrs. John
Oppbiff Band.
move to nk tttiAdt lu the near Cu with h<-r hoklmnd that evening Wliile
homea. a> wooM bare been dona
In tbe More c,f Mr. Ilcuncil -In- wa->
white men.
taen III with a sever ntnike of api>uUr. etid Ura. P. Ulcklcr gave a lexy and passed aw-ay before ini-dlca1
A third ha* just lost hto Iff*, ea
^ by a ton o« the *t0D* step* la birthday aurprUo parly oo their aid could rich h>r. She wi
c. She leaves a h
trout of tee bank to Trar**** Cliy. daughter Lena, Sunday. It beW ber
m k. ktta BAfrrunr back: 'bile wulUng for the atmoet Wading 19tb birthday. Tbe room* were very
pretilly docsraied with amllax and
dday te paytaeai.
2t0 guesu
Tbe llv*e ot these men ehould rest caxMtIoiM. There were
POU the eoasetosee of tbe otodd te present. Among tbe out'of town gneau
CvmuV •* m HameopatWa Pby«
fathlagton wbo ptanned this nnbuai- was Frank Ruate from Jackaon.
-dlaM Wae WfaN Cnteftalaa by
Dancing wai enjoyed by all until late
ncesMke method of payment.
Ptoapie of Weei.
111 tbe evening
WkS tec fim itga* «( cofurips*
1 do not know teat I can any
Tommy Aukeraon went
Snadv tioo you resort te the home meteods
'Br.-U BUn 8a^ rM«r»ed thu ora te s9rMsk>a of my dtoapproral
of relief, such at hot or coM water co
arUmg. tots of atewed fruit with poor
—»ww«ig ftom an extended tour of ot thto outrage perpetnied by gor- with Leon Hoeh.
Oops are looking fine with (hi. break^ etc., but what do yoo do
the wuM. whkft she took is ootopasy
ateea tbeae (ail?
with about MO homeopathic phyalHerbert Wagner kpent Tbuiuday eV' cteaa wte waat to PaaadeaA Cal.. In
ealiig ultb Ur. Hofih's family.
towetol trste to attaad tbe honeoThere U going lo be aDOthm daae*
nad iDjustlee ot -tee method*
pathle oaaruaOOB.
at the grunge hall August I3te. Ev­
Br. Baittott atited (bat the trip used. '
erybody come and bare a good time.
I saw on tee sidewalk myeelf.
had baw ooe reond of pleaaure
Dors Kuaeh did shopping te TruvphnWaM raculrteg erary oouritpy Ing hoar after hour, womoi with
' Inw (ha waatan people, beenntog hatrte* te their arm*, oteotu wffih oree City Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Uoch win go to Ludsmall chlldrra to care tor. oxtremolr
at paaadeoa. whan the Md pbyn
oen and wonMO.wlth no piece tor IngtoB Frtday on the Maceaboe exeurwere lebdripd a toagwUrwal banquet
aad reoaptlou, followed at »n Fran- them to alt down to rest; twt a
sUa Uartteeau apeat Bunday
etoeo hr halla. eicnruloaa. and otheri teg delldly In a great ^«np upob tho
•Bttotatameua. Tbe weetem peofdc sMewsIk. wutiiag^^ hour after hour wtib her parctna
Hiss EUa Uamtnond
called oo It a way u
thaaa aiaaweiit wtib
' lartohed the bate that osuH be aecotoe
onwd is the way of cstenitemM
toget iholr little I pittance d $n.«;
Tbe epide <n>p will be saiaU this
papto ot the note Mwns whera th«r ■paadl^from a fluarier to a halt of year.
Uru. Weiner called M -her lUUc SS5a?*battC
' ^Bse^^mOT raUroad and board•paaal trmte etopitod detugteg tbeto
m Harold Weiner.
*TlM'Areriiau 'art'aii^*'^ad'*tt
with fruit ftowetu, utc. Thay rtalted teg-houae expenae.
Henry Zelgler has gone to tee eol- Mm waT^pa^ f*preo^ «Ss^
As I was leaving Traverse City, gethu paar orchardi of Ora«« and
borne te TeoneMee.
priiiadad wUh an the fruit that tbep
tmpaesalea of Trevene Ctty was an
a tamadr to svar a quartar ml a eta*
. ucpM Me.
The corresUoa Mart year wlU be Isdiaawaaaa at teal hour ahtlag on with Clara MurUaean.
IMra Davis Is wotfcing 1a the ,c(iy.
Md at Nanguseett
Pier, and Dr. thoAlDre utepe near tbe piece of peyUr. and Ura. Frod UeeaAg'^adled
Berttott atstad that tba aaaiere dele- meut, waiting for iBe boar to
whoa the offfee would agalD open and 1 Ur. sad Ur*. Courtlsnd Broanel!
Btea declared (hat tha weet ha
the alow, ifdloue method* of pay. SuDday evening
i to be resumed. U wn* t
Btaa Wtkbur n workltM te the Myfiarad eouM sot ba UMwad by tha
;pto*aeut pletare. and as I racaDsd la* at this wrlUog
roaon aad storte* of ladtaa mwtruatMr. and Mrs. L. Cttlmaa are rcaort
1. I oobM Mter think and say test lag OD tetor plaea ahem three miles
Mtoa BhM Annr rewrsed to Manfatua tadip aliar etotiiag to the rity. here was auoibsr eiaigto of
auoik 0 Obe diy.




________ ___





Constipation r
- Cure Free



g-i-KfiEia Er5-"sjsr?s

.VO SOB* aad a graodMii to asi
Funeral aervices *111 be heM I
Ihe Inland church. Tueeday p. m

PostefAoc Rectipts for Fiaeal Year
finding June 30 Were S2A00 Mere
Than the Prevleut Year.

He Will Address Nattonal Cswrv*.
tieo Congrsaa.
Boverty. Augus; J—Taft baa anuuunced that he wtu addrres the Nackmpl CuBservatloB coagreua te 8l
Paal. September 3.

la tbe ansratkma of tee grocery storb'
of E c Uwis. was edt oo the Up thli
altv-rocma by U >eee of Irou whv*
fell and struck him ta the face. U rw
qiilr^ siv stilriir* lo ck»e

PruMdent Helpa Orphans.
Hundreds of orphans have beea
) Knaifp.
Ja.v.1. SeeyniUlai
_-Iped by Ihc President ol the U-.
U-rii ul Kut<*lry. i«M fines of g*a duatrlal
aail Orphan's Home at HaOs. who uriies; "We have •*
The poet office recwlpts. for tbe fis­ afiAcewts ot 3l; T5 te Judge Seriinr3octrlc Bitters In this InsUtstkm
cal year ending June 90 show an in- er't court today with an altettiativcol ... .line
yoan. It baa proved a moal
erraao of more ibaa tdtow over the Co day- la tee cooSty Jail, tor bavin* eievllcni modlclne for Siemarb. Liv­
er end Kldno) trouble*. We WdUTO
'tar 1909. The tutal reccdius of the
The arrekl wss it as ow ol tbo best lamily medIcMeo
loc-al postoMce lor Abe year Just mpnlh Llsvk ha>s
It lavlgontes all rlul
c-b;sed were Md.Tff.lO. against «33.- uadi- b> liR^ Smith.
or*s«». purlBos the bhsqd. aids for tbe year prevtoua.
lion. rroaios appetite To streagthea
Uio-ffloiiiU oK^»'
111 • and build up pale. ihla. wete telMrea
ruii-li-«u~fwuplr it "ha# no oqaaL
laud. 111 for lu weeks with muscular
i! tor Icniale n>mpLiiut>. Only Me
rhi-aiuall*ni. will b- i-Iotv-od tii lisiu
r .t Huxb---' Ihug «'o . 8 K. Watt
1*.- Is Iniprc-v-d c.>iisldr.-aW>.
A Bons. liiiiiiah A l>ay Uorc. (to.
Kingsley Young Pespto Were Itoiiled
In Mernage Last Night.
Klngeioy. Ml.ii. AuguR i -Douglas
Sbell ’and Miss lorretla Hollo -w-ere
united In marriage Ust.eyeulng the
nc Okmmogtm Valley. WmeUagloa
ceremony occurring at tbe home of the
I orchard toad equal <u the
brMe'k lan-nta. Mr and Mr*. I'ccer
laainu. loniplei.-d wb^
.Vow Is tbo ilmo to bu»-, h-lorc i:
Rolki A number ot gueols were prew
c-nt.and Mr. and .Mr* Shell wore tbo
can be bought for le» than
the |-n. • I'levalUug lu other
rocli-leiitB of many
devoloik-d trull dlsiricls
Tbore are « fi-s puine- r or-hards .lu the valley aad have
» asd good msbes.
bad a crop Jallur.- vii 3u >.-ai-.
per parVMHiter-dMrtts
snffer fiot
Don't let tbo l>ab> inffer
llcblug of
Doan's Ululim-ct -glve-i tnklsiii
Aug. :-l3 15'.
relief, cuiiros quickly. Perfectly saltclrugflsls soli It.
for chlldi


Tonasim Really Co, Tansskd.WasUaslOB

It Was fhe Biggest Suceas
That Shoe Sale of Ours.
Ii'fi belter than a drcui—je», two of
them—to gee the pleaied people.
We offered the goodi the people
WAOted at moit utoolghiDg prices.
They traded for themielves and for
their friendg*.
The Dfftural result foil,owed, ^hey
were so pleased that they told their (tieadt
and they are now buying for the it^e.
Tbit's good bufiloegg. Vou may not need
ghoes jugt this day, but these values are so
great that It pays to buy now and wear
them when you need thejn. •

Womea'd SbMS
Men's Shoes
One lot. sizes 6 t6 8 1 -2, Pat­ Odd pairs from $3.50 and $4
ent Leather and Calf, sold at
line*, mostly narrow
$3.50 and 4.00. now - -$2.25 widths .......................... $1.95
Men's Oxiords
All the stock that Is left from
All $4.00 and $5.00
grades .........................$2.26
All $3.00 and $3.50
grades .......................... 2.00
All $2.50 and $a00
grades .......................... 1.85
Work Shoes
Good Satin-Calf Shoe for 1.56


Heo’s ^ Begal" Oxlerds
Bent price ever mode oatkefc
eelebrated shoes.

$5.00 Regal Oxfords .. $4.00 All the nJd aad SteM lines
4.00 Regal Oxfords - - - 3.30 at...................
3 50 Regal Oxford ..... 2.85 AU the tl.78 and $%JH Uaea
at .......................... ..........
$4.00 "Victor” Patept . $3.30
!4.00 "Boston" Patent .. 3.30 Canvas Oxfords .................. l.M
3.50"Apollo” Calf...... 3.00
Remember that all Regal Shoes and
Oxfords are made In quarter sises—that
assures you a most perfect ht.

AU Beya', Misses' aad CbUdTca’s Oxfords aad SUppers
al Tweaty Per Cent Dtocoaal.
nut me Great CletUsc Sale b Is full swlsc.
Tmt yon can tor ewd BMksclieap ii me Bwk Sale,
nial ros aerer had a better chance to bey Laces,
nut most remarkable prices are belnc made lb me SbUaad Readyts-Wear UlTtsloa.
Farblliire waa never sold cheaper tbaa now. Take advaata(e af
Ik^ crest sales.

Store closedTriday afternoons during August,

The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.

T«>eVtW£ MEHALO rfilDAY. AUOUtT E. 191#. '

f Qi^d Traverse Region
ttS^ J^Tta MhDwdDU.


• .tonlUBeoA
Mr*. O. r. IUbm »pem^ Th.r.McDooaM ud WOt'd*r « CodAT l«4«o *»tb bw
r •(
rUttlac Bdvant.
MH. Hr. ABd Hr«. Wn. 0)ck.j mu« Elite MurMh of Onnd Bi
BrctaMB and oea WelUor
.^igmnf htr lUtle Hrl mead
r«M tHUers IB KalkMka. Tae» (own.
Un. Kettle Lee and daoiftier. of
_______ wBd, tBar
Bertba Pbnle'oiadatoae. Soath Dakota, arrived >eifew week! with
I 14ater P«far>Bd........................
fanHr I
ietda> to ipesd a» U
>reUtivM and trtaodv
n. DIA. JTm wMt.
Hr. and Mr*. Harwo
T. to vWt Hra. oon. of Giaad llaptdi.
and Hrw. Horte«.'or,BlB« and will be tbp meal of Mr
Kta CHrenee Rrekgun and Hra. A. H. Mlllken.
____ Kelaey eame from Grned


____ I ATMta «■••■•••■
Mendi tnthli etdattr.
..................... 1 PdrtT


»ue- » »«**« *>“ f»»»ral of her
vtalHn* Vlfe.
Aepbew. who wei drowned at «ui-

*^tee*ia"uw^Tram thte vldn
tdMM the dreoa In Knlkdak
^ra. Wb. nek baa been <

.. .
. ..
Tueadar ennlnE
rampnecUnc win be held' Anmat
ISib U Plat. A mod array of

I. J. D. Broau were 1b


U Marvin and tnm.lly ai
las at hit panmul home at pi
Ura. Martha
>rtha Sbalti of MaalaL •. reeeka
turned to her home after a
vlilt wlih her reteifvea of Ihia place.
aeaaie r«<
of her sirl friend* t
Mra Hall
/oho Boau U home Irom the Utend

and haa been harveallni hl» wheat.

been ibe------------PANKOrt CORMERK.
baa--------------sr Uncle Ur. Cha*. Houon of TravUn. suite I'ooper of
we City, the pact week.
M vUlUac IB tb>* virlnUy the pi
Roai Branyon rook dlaner
Mr. Peck'* people. Monday.
.Hbit Heten Bopney vtelted
Mia* Clai> Marvin U home
Iteole Pankop. Wedneadaj'.
Mn. Anna Omi •poM a couple
ftrr wurklns a lew weeka i
dhya It the heae of her aon. W.
Will Sel*on baa been pol*oaed a tib
try, bot I* much better.
Mr. and Mra. Oeo. Pec
day coUen at the boDe of T
Maple City, today, with
^r''and Hra C. O. Smith apen* beney
Sunday on the Uanlitee fiver.
Aas. 1
Sherwood Bonney U dolns
laioa work for W. C. tree.
Cha*. Jobnaon ipeni Ptnirday aad
Mr. and «rv Henry Holbrook
Sunday In Bis Raplda. reiumloi Mon­
Ura Ratuea day. accompanied by bic wife.
of Ed. SayMra Blanche I'adaret and ehUdrea
rrtumed to Thwapaonvllle tell MonFTidty.
r. and Mr«. W C. Irea were Sun***Uark
II. licach
man. were sue>(a
aod wile Wedaeeday.
Mrs. Minnie Miller U on the akk
The tool of the tbreaher r*o he liar.
T. Bates has discoratod a cravel

wblcb vat fliuairatcd by Hereopltcan vlewi
Thli aarvlK wie ander the aiuplcM of the C. E. aodeiy
rejorwl b}.* tor«e Cf0«rd of )0WI« and wai refr •«(* .aafoyod h/'tboae
Mr aod Mra. Honphrey
WrtnowU}- to vttit her hiw bare retanitd from the Ba>i where
Uod. Ur. Dwotn mt Xettnoe. «beo they aiient a few nOoihi wnb cela-

will be
•. .S. C.
under the manatomrot ol Ur.
Bena aad ta« child-,Uortas of Omena. UeaU will be
ind Bdwin. of AabteBd. «d under a eannt roof at a re
a few able ^ee. Adnilialon
U teTtrad 8ftard*y t
Pui-'l5 ceota,
The Rev. Father Piancla of Sutiona
Bay. will eooduct Caibollr eerr iree
I, m.. in the l^tbV ______________
here Tmadi _ ..


^Mn^"u*^ckle relumed Wedneedav
Beaver laland. where ehe
from B..
Mra. rhni. TIIIIc.
ed bar aliicr. M
Ceorxe I.eane returned ou Friday
from the upper pealuola.--------■— --------upper pen
and daiffhior.
IteM^'y Twr^/taty.
■ the.Travarae City,. arrived itbli
I Mr. Roblnaon will return
I Mra. Oimr Oaine arrived InsiHaa Ruth will apent a few
the neat of Mlta \nTltn
iste' pSil«”irSS*roi
Bins from
>rom Pot TaUnd_
_ and
. , daya
jj „
■fl] leave in the awmlnp for Grand
work at the bank
laadte aod ar«i«">«»«v' whore they have flnlahed
will apend
irtd apeite a week with frtenda.
at Suttoni Ray
KebI apent laat Wed- weeka In town.
iiSu i»d Tbunday nl
Mra. K. U. Puiman of Berra. .Ken.,
Bk_ "
wbo la apendloK the aunimcr here.
5^ ao«M Buee «lveit at the town mre an addr^ laat er^cnlnj: In ^
■ much Consretational church to

***Mr nuT Mra. I.ewle Kllnsbell^l
BiCtD. III.. Who were vlaUlns Ibo la:lert pareou. L. R. Mormo and wife,
nher relatlvoa and friend*, aprni
Thuraday with J. Oaborn and
A Dice lime wa> eujoyod ^y those
wbo went fmm here to the 8. S. con­
vention and picnic ni Burdlckvllle.
J. Oaborn aod wife were Empire
vuitora Saturday.
Ororse.Axtel la ailll on Ihe sain.
Mm. Irene Bletmaaier of TVeepoct.
HI., and alaler. Mra. CoJte WlIro* of
Tra\er>e (lly. are vialllus relatirea
and friend* here.
Harry O»bom waa a Cedar Rui
.jba Oaborn 1
caller today.
Aup. 1.



Howley. Thursday.
I. Roaetirook and wife of Mamen
vUltlus their ten. Carle#
Bob. Deals Is on the aick UsL .
Perev aod Verna -Mootc cslleu at
be home of Oeo. Brlsss Sondiy.'
E Moiherman and wife, daiuchter
Knlh alid »or Etm.-r. arc vUlttoi at
BcJUIre (hi* week
July JS.

Mis* hithel Crandall has tM-ea spend
Inx a week at h>-r home- h--re, betort- slsrllDi! tor ibe V. P. tu work
lor Mr*.. Blanche Sny d. r.
.Mis. fe. (l^oo of Urawn visited
Mrs Joi^-pbmc Tosnson on Thui>-

''V.omcjj Mary of Mayfield, spent a
few- days the Ian of the w« k with
Oontllpatlon cauaet headache,
aea. dlaalneia. teofoor. bean palplu- bt« >-ISter. Mrs. Hns snl Maul. :■
•Mr* J. M. Crauilall siH-nt Friday
Draalle phyakw silpe. alcken,
waikeii the bowete and don't care. will) her moiher at Mavficld.
Mrs. OU* Townaou entertained
Doin'a'RcRuleta art tenlly and
your moiher. Mr*. J. Smith of Traverse
eoDsilpatkio. 5i eent*.
City, on Turaday.

Mooioe Ceiilor,

Loans Made on Real Estate

Mich.. .Aaxaal

Mra. Jobn Vandan ha* tone tor a
few weeU- vteli with rrteilvc* ar Pe

wakclai Hoeli

Harry Vandam wa< a Traverae CtL'
caller Saturday.
Mlaa Dorothy ddorpap apent San
day with Mlsa LBa Ctert.
Mr* and Mrs. MTiiia WVliman. of.
♦ ♦
Iluekley. Is yislltns his Mstrr. Mrs.
Fred HtU ]r. reiartwd bone Satat-


wraiamabhfi. MIA..

day from Qiaod Rsplds.
Mis* Mlanle Rose 1*

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦


Mary Monitie. alto eaaitaf on friends

Mias Vera Vlnus left teat Tharaday
vUlltos her

and Mrs

or a vl*li with her Mater. Mn. Gteae

i»t and aiKle. Mr. nod Mn. Ui


their vnealloa ai Mr. rshBtoc>-

and AUdrwn

A Utile daupfaier
arrived at
home of Mr and Mrs. Charte* Labs. tefi'Mnnday (Or a visit with her parmti a: Cedar
Aufuat 1.
Mr. aod Mrs



ranter meettM M


Lah* cra*«e No. IMO. M Jfiy ta.

ihr«« new memben wst« rneeltod
SrOdeU Wbo haa been and Ico cream nnd cake servad. and a
ilMilBs friend* at Driroit. aad victo- new iBleresI was BaaUceted tty tho
Mrs. E F.

J: Sudellmaar vtsU-

ed Mr. and Era. B'lll lAPocce San-

Ity. relurpA Friday

ty. ■

viuceoi left Satuday

lor their home to Toledo aftor spend-

Wood, at Sli Lake#.

I Bendon.

Labc .Lake. MIrh, Anettst
and Mto W a. AUbarh aod a6n and

Aufost 3 —



Bpansler returned

»ei*era. as Itomana is capactod w
The lAdie*' Huibroldery cioh veto b« wUh them neat mwA
0^ the Hre. and Mrs. Thom-

aod MafqnerUe



from a vtsU wllh Iriends at Kalama- s* Youoc at tvniiai lAkc test Friday.
The ladles are

Cuv WelA of Monmodth. HU te
duns hit brother wnilam Welch
and famny of Solon
ed to make her pirvui* a vUH.
Ura. Emma Srecminer who haa
Quite a number of our people at­
been sorttoc tor Ura Weick. haa
tended the Cbauunqua.
relumed home to htest Bay. Mra.
Frank Hisfey returned Friday from M rk-b 11 d Isa hse.
.knn Arbor, leavluc Us «l

mod tlnte. Miw. W. J. Ayer* remain­

Do (be riibt tlilnc at the ri
Act quickly iB liioes el dancer
Backache I* kidney dancer.
Doan'* Kidney FUU act qu
Cure all
‘ki4aey .
Fleoty of evideore to pi
U. Shins. 30& Coiu
tiam Siren
Mich. -|
•I hair B
i-*tiaik>o III rccoiiiiuandlBK Jloan'
.Wnry 1*111*. for they proied very
itlatonory In niy case. 1 wa* biubrvd by ailaA* of kidney Irouble am!
>utr<-red Intensely from backache
and dull pain* across luy loin* lann's
Kidney 1*111* the flrsi reI had ever received. Other mem­
ber* of niy family have taken this
rviiirdy foi kidney trouble anu liacjiacJie and In each cl
“■ ................ ....
suits-have (ollowed
a ]ileascd
w publi
wile save la September IPtw In
iPid of mv tir
ekperieiicc with
« Kidney PllU-’
Prii-e 10
all dea
Ftwier Mllbom
MlIbom Co.
.'ew York. BO<-i acents for the I'niU-d

w-lmt Improved.
Mr and Mr*


Rd Haosler toft Mon­

day tor a (rip to Grand Rapldi
Itelrolt and they will probably vlall
Nlicara Fail* helore they reiura.
Oeorwe Baraviu l» at work on W.
kyera' new bouse.
Mlsa ^una Oooaeld

eame home

Saturday from u two w-eekv visit with

line her stator. Mr*. Davte.
(be past week.
Master Teddy Raake.v retarMd to
. hem# near BuHtley. after vtett.1 for a lew daya.
liQ With hi

her daughter ai Old Mlasloa.
-J.'H. nis*.*ll nod SOB Sidney are
resortinc here at'
home, arrlvlni! SaluiAy


Mr. We*r<ier, of Fetoakey. has l-een


Ihe school board, to take


ebarce of the scbuul* here tor the m
Fulnp year.
Mra. Jerry Cooper »nd two rhlldre
left Tbuiwdqy ^of fhelr home Be*
Kalamsaoe. after a visit with i«l
lives here.
Mi*s Helma Jubnslon 1* vhlllns u

• narocT-Doaii'*—and




A limited Number of Exceptioaai Vaiues
n T the t1o»* of our great Ten Day Clearance Sale we find we have a (*W pieces left in some lines of furniture, which we will close out while they
™ Mat the regular sale prices. Wears limited in most cases to onj or two of a kind, and you II have to h-jrry |f you Bet env °* them, for they
can't remain op our floors long at tho deeply cut prices which they are markedjto sell at. Come tomorrow, if possible, and you get exac ly what
we advertise today and other things which we haven't time or space to tell you about.



Dining Oiairs

Morris Chatas

" - I

fflCI,tIMI, l»* ISlj.OrO

Si*tM<aiM|«nr, MU M

A Urge, masrive Morris
chair, solid oak frame, n^oltiered In best figured green
velour. Adiustabie back,
spring cushion teat, did #K
selHor$10.oowooly.. W

sui;;;oV;'ooi, fe'6 M

Two Astonlsblng Bargains in Conches
•as |M Us In, to an >t



Parlor Stands

Scwlea Mecniac
One set of six solid ^elected wood
chairs, 4id sell for $7.

in^ M %M am-


iM Firont Street,
Trav. aty. Mteh.

One $18.00 Conch, extra Urge oak frame, aad a smcly
steel spring constnictioD. Uphofsiered In fine iioallty fig- ® 1 1 ^ KQ
ured verona. oIItr green crior, marked to peU at.... •••• ^
Aaether $1500 Couch, first cUss m every way, aod will wear ®Q TK
for years for........................................................................... ...........

A few others at the same proporii}nal price reductions.

Oi^ Handsome Bed Couch

t SlMOScde Hi.................... 97M
dome..wonderiu] big values ia a
lew odd wood beds, commodes
and combiaets. Be sure and have
the saiesraan show you tbrs: bar­

A beautiful ^Ilouch ia the day time and opesp up t«
night, the upholstering it a very pretty dark gi
frame it oak. This Bed Couch, ipringa aad mattr




A few SMt Be4a at......... tLM

12E Front Street,
Traverse Cy, Mich.


OK *M* SUM...........sra*
mod a few otben U prices be*
tween. Get a staod for the
parior or the bedroom, w
for your phoBOgraph. You
never saw such woederful
karg^ns as tbeae are, aad
they must be seen to be ap*


••SA\^N^1 AND Kxi’es’-nsu «




c *

rkins. ptpinfi. i
rink. drrcainK. maklmt
able and laktiuc away ifar
ml. roaL oil and sea. pu
ibr proi'lrioita of Sr«k>S
Act tee bundne! rlsHty. Pi
ot l»0»;-an(! dti-da (or alHi

What is CASTORlA

4r a

Tbird Great

Disposseiss Shoe Sale


<lartnfla Is a Wrwlw snbstttnt* lor Cactor OH, Pare-

acroM tM-'h land*, a* alco proc-idrd li
Scctlos right of Act two hnndre:
rlgbty ol ibi- PubUc Aft* of IW!*. and
each porcba*rr will tir reeulrct
»lST> an apprication
Uijt V
agrrmirnt to accopi k:n fi d<<Md
aUdr (altbriilly by ibr said condition*.

Wte, l>ro|» and t^dbing Sj-rups. it is Pleasant, le
'ecmtatna sfiltlMr Opiiun. STnrrMno nor other Itareotlo
snbstance. Its age U !U guuxaotee. It d««troj-s Worms


and allays FeTrrlshnrxs.
It cures lliarrlKea and Wind
-Ootte. It s^v«s Toetiiltig TruuMca, runs Consttpudon
«nd Platolacc}-. It tusliaUatos tlie Poott, rcgnlatM tbe
Ptomaeb and Uon-cL«, Kt^Int: li<-uUliy ami natural sleep.
The Oilldren’s Ihutaoea-l he Mother’s I'rlend.

BNwk N«. 61.
3. 4. ;. 6. 7. 8. ». 1*. 11.

Is on Fall Force. Ooses Ang. 13

Stock No. 528
Block NO. 51

Lot* 1.

Grand Traverse bounty


A. V. Friedrieb’s


UU 3,A.^.^lr)l.*^^3, M. IS, 17.

to wm tpr orcr ao >-«arJr lu« lion» th<
- (U31 Iiak Itoosx nade udor bis verscaxJ Ka;vrrl«lja OnreItoInfam-y.
J - 'T^/***Y*^ a:'ui^- nc ciift u» ilwlvo >«»u la thin.
An CSouterfciis, Ini*—Utfti.'i
“Ja»*.a.-.-Ko«d” are Imt
Wtliwrtlmils that tHfU;
ciH!is:iz<‘r t)ie hntith of
Infanta and ChUdr«.'a-z::.i>'^. aco

4 Sears the Signatnre of

rrfcSl^ Letwbee Ceipty^ AMh

Blenk 0.
lblj« eonrS.vuc* acd slvs}s n
I’le biito <be Sutc of Hlrtisae. »U
'•iDCfc E.
tstiiera). coal. oU and cts bias and
brine on. vlthla or bndor U><- aaki
stack F
Uada berttiy i-oorcTod. oHh foU uiil
|r«+ l!Un> md power to ibr »»d
Stair of UlcUips. It* dttly aittborlzrd
ofarrr*. rrprc*rctatlTr« and aadino.
aad lu or tbelr ksare* aernta and LM 14.
•tack No. t.
worktnrB. and all oibrr prrtoaa by
liB or tbrlr' aathoriir or periultslon. Lots 3. 7. t.
wb«ber alrradj- ttrrn or farrrottrr to
be civrb at any time and from Ubm
to tlmr. wrntar dbOB »ald land* as4
Uk, *11
...................... ...........................

Greatest Shoe Sale ever held in Traverse City. Shoe up the
whole family for Fall and save money.


k No. 61

^BtoJk No. 2.
Low I. 2, .3, L :.. C. 7. 8.

-Sfock No. 10.
1A.U I. 2. 3. 4.

Thg Kind You Bave Always Bcnigid
TWtctWtMieewrMiT.tTiiyaMi'TtCr erw»o»»c«TT.

1.0-.W I. J.

ai'VES. that
tits toUowioA deacHbed
Tii''Lui«* iKoated U tbe Coantr
1 ot
, thnsd .T(*t«r*e bav
• to tbe.SUU by Oie
tuder tbr prartetona of Section 117
of Act JOe flf the rubllc Acu of 18W.
•ad Acts nBcndgtory thrreto. hivr
■ .boea wHhdinwn from bomcsirad entry,
by the Aitdliv General and the Goni-BMmr
State Und OMoe by

8. 7. >

Lou 7. s:

In Use For Over '30 Years
( j


Low IP. It.


6^^■x. 5. 10.

tiruic of tbe auliurity coalcrrcd .upthrm by Art m of Public Act* of Lot A
tlosbNp.1L1901, examined
lined aod bppnlaed.’ and
|g>ta 1, :. 3. 4.
«. :. s. 9. in. 1
will br ivetorc^
ior«.^ to entry by ottering ■
tbem for ul<> at a pnU
ibUc auction to I
be bt'ld at iht- roun lloei
MW In the City I.0! 1C.
Trwrersr rliy. on Wednesday
\Vrdne«lay tb©:
rrnth day of Srpicmhrr. K. D.. I51«.
ten O'llork A. M.. at wblcb limr
they will become *ub> rt lo purchaae
In tbr matiot r prescribed by law. '
Garda Issued upon the sale of tbeee

Block No. SO.
Lots 3. 4. !•. tu.
' . Block No. M.
lad* 2. 4.
Block No. 25.
Lia 9.
Block No. 26.
lg.U 3. 4.
Block No. 32.
Io>:* 1. 2. 3. 4. .V C. 7

With every dollar or more purchase,
customer can obtain one of these

Geouine Watches
for only 50 cents.
Guaranteed one year.
\Kt» of NEti


’'“'village'^'OF SUMMIT CITY.
Block No. 3.
Lo: 17

. .

Block No. 4.

'"oV»Ai‘T.^E«Sr COUNTY.

"S'" -S-'

SSf .1 i
»i=S ! i


1^3 Si I i

Sli i


a™ J
Isii 'i



15# i



» during tb<- diy. abirb p

lir.-.rnl aod I
rid atSM the orgapUadoa.
Tbe fir.: pjeok- wa* hrU I7 year* i
ago a: lb<- »aueallait of Ura. Jaht)
Ififai. o>:« of lb. early aetOrra. who
n.'iitluned tbi- luUrr 10 Hr. KaaoBB
rtfviuaii. atae ao old irtoneer. aed It
a* aareed to hold It oB Aaga« 3rd.
r lYeeaiaB-* btrihday. '

i-™ I


of SEt* -

wJ. •




- -i'lr-:

isKiT Of aw''.



a iis i:s




111 Els I i ii

B\V ^5.1 XWIi




..«• S?
ii* IK
;; Jk.
ii’ i





S”ii r i

Block No. IS.

Block No. 21.


iftS' ii ;

ifis- i

S.W SEW of SWi.

Old Syttler,- Picnic,



ill II rs

ill 11

i.kpfsial to !b<- Hi-rald ■
llu.dlckillle. ilL-b.. Au.u.1 --.-Tlin
Si-iilcre- i:tb
- • AutiUJl Pliii'i- h-id


The Ket. Ur Wade ol empire opeai^d tbe prugram with prayrr.
oraioi. (roiu a dletODce w.ire pr»**H
atid dcllt.-rnd addrMaea. aaeas them
brlna-dubn i. Clbuc. aecrvtary of ihB
vti-fm UtriaigaB IkYcdopoteel bulYoa. Hr. Oviat: <if Aeirim t'o.; MrWaher*. Mr. Praak
A V.
I'ri.-d.ri.'b uf Trater*. Ciiy. And Law>.-r Warner of Beoair t'o- Tbe oU «MOiuxwer.- r.-preaenii'd oa lh< apeahm
fi.nd.bx W II. LeemiB. pfMtd.nt o(
Ike aanuHi-lon: A 8. Krita.'becretary:
(> II imy and Mrw Juba S Ftabcr.
al:u deli.ered T.iieT Ini^r^inc lalka.
addruK.:liU* :b.-aiselvi-a jviniruUriy to
Iv- oM ploom-ra oad tbelr itelghbori.
The old
eilb Ibetrr faBllM
Md voBBg aetdera apret the day A*
WK-ial rhat.
Tbe 8rr Alice J. Day.
a* uaioL ran fre.- eacurak>i>t oe Glpa
Uk-. ahlrh lake for purity and beaaty
itaudt Fl^ol ^j^r fi> the world.
li«* Ida Klalbrr MlVgUe Moa fbr
r.raDdRaptd* t« riali rwiaDTCA Bad tbea go eaat lo *m*uw the ae«
taU etyie* tor bar loUliaefy etnw. She
expect* to be see* two weafca.

Arc Doctors Any Good?
Foolish question! Yet some people wt a* if a mriklK
could take of a do(Wf The lM MdUos In
the M-orid cannot do thk. Have a faml^
him frequentl)’. trust him fuBy. If vte-dM not 1
doctors endorsed Ayer’s Cherry Pectohi fee coup
colds, we M-ouId not offer it to yoa Ask yeor doctor.
No alcohol in this cough medidoe.

t i^'V^rriSTSS’s:

swiXt, c-f swt;

The Great Cleariag SaleTit

Started with a rush. Never before have sales attract^ any­
thing like the crowds that are attending this sale. Wa
doubt If more wonderful bargains w^reaver offered.
Ledics’Dresses tbbt »»'e Ledles’’ TnD Anils ti>«i Underwenr for M«n nad
Some ol the Dsshtno 1

Traverse City. Thurs.
2 and 8 P. M.

20 mg Railroad Cars

- A CrsMl Program of ThrUllng Evoots"
Aa ExhibitioB of Hittoriral lute
:e.v«L Tbe ,
JCoat Fbmont 6c»ti and latliuib.

lifaMtU Prairie*

*i..V)nt85e.lbat «trv Su.50
M «!,»#, that were $12 30 «t

I of the Plains Wlih the Show



AUG 11

Don’t Miss It! Worth Miles of
Travel to See________


j*®. For Udied
at si Sw tAm, tbbt


Ledics* Salts that VM» $13 Ladles’Bose that wem i«c]
----------- __
at S7-8S, that W4t»« «25 ati pair at 14c. that were 43c;T«rllleD TeWClS worth ap
StDSS. that were $S5 at pair at S4c, that were 6ic\ to 50c at 8c. He, 18c. 88c.
: pair at 48c.
f Bats for men.

n .1 ns*.

Led by the Original and cniy

tiM. iw

ibatwenK&pat S4 8S.

; 48c. were 35c tt He.


2 Performaocee. Rain or hhme
____________at 2 and 8 p. tn.

________________________ ___
-uatlai.'* EevirdoaniM — Kxfalblllitti In an Immcnre t'auros Eneiaaed Areaa. tUnne • Tburoughl.. \Vaur»rui(
Oorered AtwUlhMt* Cwuoinliia Vomrertable
•Mft hr 11^69


' anl Mwet*tic,8c. 11c.

Mes’s Salts that M» tv at Men’s S4»eks that were ^ CallcoeRtBernrJ.S>M.

.\ii Intp-i«i-ly im-rt-wilii* a- w.l! a> 55 at StSe, that were
$7 50 .it St'tS. that aere


Seeclal SxcvrslosA oK«heM.AN.E.
B. B.oa Show Day. Thwsday. Assrlt
C side She
2 Acres c# C*nvM
World’s Graaf 8t Rough Ridsr»

Tn Solid liNTS-Ciciteineiit, Fai,tnisiBeil

-stood Ikat these pHecs hold «ood only aatU MdlvIdaM
lots arc Mooed one Better cobc early and take so
chnoce on hetogdlsaapatnlrd.

Traverse Ctty. Mich.


Hu. MUL urn WaUUB, lUir

MTUint Quit* *• Bh-* a. an •In-trle
Iron, aad, «feUa tfear eo*t aere. you
vouM ueoB *•?• asiwfh lo pay far
«aa. Tbara Ia n* csiBt. «•« Uwy ara
alaan wa«r. Aaothar «Aana about
tbaa la tkat you aaa Irou alt day
aAi Barer atop to boat tbtm. It balax

yoU iMu tkc rta» th«i »a*i. aalL aa«‘
m tha bUmu of taoM «• a tta. maA!*« .•• any uIImb m art •oataA.
tbaa aat la a kat tnaa aa4 taka aatli
Ua a»t >•
Taka out. put oa
aMlI piaiaa aad pour naltad buuar

_ an MM
M tuc^
^ ^
j ^
and at la« tba cuM ««(• aO
tonU aod arraacaA.
, ,ik^a ui, ,uw tab)* baut al
,11. lar tkata^oibar aat *ttb tfea

taa-P« IB a frylBCdU umje. *««» tW "p^l laoniaM ol
r OB tba alactTtc cutreut.—
kod nan «aa latsa tabtaapBoaful of (ke oM arbeei baUdlac. aha bad baau
hottar: aitr aaUl aaooth aad fiotby tk* PiotUeai UtUe ttatyp- «W of aU.
♦ ♦♦OOOOOOOOOAOOO *•“"« ««* BOt to breaB. Draw tba
UtBo Buai ba waatad la eooUag aad • HOW TO RACK A TRUMK. A paa bartc a»d add cradualiy. 00* rup•“
Woarria' Ar Yao.
dustluc. atidmeiwodayaw*r*aBOOoooo*oooo#OOOOt»lof*oM«ilk. baUa taoapooBful
‘kay bad coaa. MIt* \ar*tlye
Jm aaraorylB' for you—
isproaptu picnic, with waala wbaa„„
of oali. aad a daab of pappar. Lot tba aald to Be. -TbU aaai bare aouaded
Afi tba tlBia a-fa^ blue;
atranta to you. b> daar. but ar ba<r*
Wtakia- for ydU-^eodarlB. vbaa
erar tlaa cBold b* Bparad ffo* dritaa
4,yt btforv thr I'lca lor p*^ ?•"*•
» • koU aod pour at oaoe
bridetd forty year* In ooc aftarBOoa.*
Bbd Mauroly walba to tba bou tor*ia,
toio • drop aartboa pla plata

And 1 told Boiber and MUa Ter, tbH dro^ at^ ( or laaa. II ao a
naoUBa oea-t know wbai to do-- baosljr apou of iba pratty Uctta city
Bllyo that It ’
I tba beat Iparty I
daa- a-waarylo- for you.
It* aubarba. .
“aoBatbln*-you naad' occora^ are »pi waatod) acca. »t (be dlah
attaodad And wbea I ans.
Ouaai and boaiaaa bad cosy abau jpg
a tapdarBia oraa. abd wbao tba
*Ht> I iball tit* ooa ByaaKj
SoomY ao laaeaoBc vUb' your chair o*b tba tu rank* and dlebpau when
.Mt. er* *"■<
Wban ^
you Anally dae-Jy ^
btply ty tba fly* placo tbara;
eltbar oat bapuaued to retDambar Bent for anloa. pUt .' ou your bad. '
Jaa- da»tataBd tba 1*bt of tt!
war., bu^
break’ or any' placo where they cannot be
Pouto Cnka aaA-lkB Par a breakA OOOD auhlMKR DIAH.
Oe «n doora aa' roan a bit:
that* wa* a hoqa taaitat,
a owloafead. aU the arUrlra you pur- feat or a aopper dUb. laaab up cold
Sot tba wood! U bwaaoBa, t007> aaiBa that 00 one waa balnt post UhlBi.
boiled petaioeo wlrt a HtOe wanned Tbara are few arilclu* <a toed which
Jaa’ a^aaryia' tor you!
worn out lu aantka tar otboro which
Dual out your iiunk. pci a clwn t»«.Be»i*d) banpr. addlat one raw eonblna k> many good qulltlaa *■
foada tba rtalt a rad JeCiar oBa, to
layer of' wblta paper In the boilOB,
to each pound of potatoec. Make don rle«. It U taeip.u.iti. nourlab00B« Ibo wlad, wUk aoft caraae. tw lout remaiDbarad.
nU up your alaeva* and becln.
tkla Into cakca. Aatieu and put Into a lot. appeilduc. and can >>e cooked In
Uka tba mtllB' of yoor dr*M;
Ao UUa H to ba an inland pUf^lBa. k« baktat di»b wtih a amali quaatl- ao many dlBerei.t «a). fut one need
atmemi WUb' to Iba prooad
Havlat Compairy.
your ne«Baf rut, if you
one. ty of hot dripplnt*: brown the cakea Deter tire of it. Aud H .oiv U raaliy
aolUy Uka yoar tDOtotapa aound:
iattar road; My da*ra«'8uB.
VIoM* Uka your ay« ao Woo—
s*xi Tburaday I will apiud with you; ■bouM b* folded Bat and laid In the’ ^ kerb aldoa, peach one etc fur aacb tr>tnt to economlny and do<* not
Than coma, the norm coot
odt«a and Uy mind lu appearwuc aa wurb aa they
Jaa* a-wotrylB’ for you!
j *ou t aujoy ay rlaU. ibit-fh.
or treat coat, ao iWd. d that the '« on the cake when deea. Serr* hot. do the coodliioo of the 'aicily pecbai
If any tiwnbh I baotow ~
9 tbalr abapa. Steerea
Bcsa and Chaaaa On* act fur cock kook, tba broken -tee. w^lch U mueh
Morala* <•■**; tbo Mrdf awak«;


S U««


.__ li^-TTT----------------uiaJaa'a-wearyta'tor ml
^ etoBiB' COM’ I Blw you morw
WM ihad«k T-rrf iTtb. toor
0 opae A'tar ma!
tlskUa’i Ikrflia


Sou me waarytu' lor yoat
Jat. fwauyto' for you—
All the uae »daaUn' blot:
' WMto' tar yeo—croBOtolB' wRan
Ton’S ba potoUi’ Imm ctun.
aoMJoac-Amn kww wPat to do-^
JH* Awaaryte’for you!
—Frank h. fWMiwft
***** TTTTTTTT • • • * *
• If I woM perm. wbO# elkoio •
•alt tt oaat,

* Hy bM aad u«»ie ay bnto •
And todSM moat pIobm

T» do (bolr bon:
• Not ealp datotjr Tjando man

bo biangbt.
• Sot WnOy rmcS. thAl «»)» M

ktodly tbeotht.

‘ Nnt irewi m>y pmatr

to too time of tt* yaar
ttd m*ta of triCBdttlp to abroaA Tbo
bcttRnto door* of tt* Sorttlaad aro
opanod to oOr rwat. and even the
toRa* and weoda. tba orduida and
or IB fftrtw wojoom# to aa who oome.
Wbn aU Ntttro doat M beat garb
tt to M Vtmdar ttm Iba an* m-Wl
to VanMlOd to the hootolUolt. bot
tbero to a hRpy Qwdtom. aad ft rM
.«** ntatota work and weiry. and
b* aM* to proto tt* noweamara to tta
rato vncaooa a*Mt. or whettar aba
wm ba ao won oto wRh pcaparatiooa
to onjey bto puooto:
la ibto canaoetkm a »*cont aapaatoottOfTtoaaof.boabaad who oaiR
—.toOadbU wib I. tMn. M«tod bObi « dmuiib bUd.
—rbdbbbd Id >I >bd blbddb.
lor bbkb an b.r., Idtdbdu. tJbd.

MbiTT bd Idbdd •b.i


uid .klU« ..1 Uk» ih.m 1. -»i- Un u.t» |ni u r»a. .w.a.11, wiiu
pl...k a m. in,.k .bo.. iW n«. tr.t. m, olafu |aon „
„ b b
1» p.lOlUb Pr

Why Don’t You
TeO Your Wife * .
OtocettswUeiltotlitfte • loedMdte W,
Imd m esccAeto and ^ A Bilk I PpscttboRfaMltt^.;
fort the k nab^ Id ploAK jrcto.
Tbo cbiRcea sre dw oskiy 70s srt p^ioc ber h(\ laqr
toD kite ktod d ibe tels k i^iMr abo'i <ki^ boM dM
be OTtnge.
in'! ibe pakt ssTWsy.' ho k«« dtot toodke
Rad if jnul pnkt bor s ilds SMok s
wb8e toaI bm al tab car do to bop br fi«a woibn

EReoBsce ber k ba efotto to be ACAftoftol aid I 4r
bab'lAbidr f«tod Ato bor.dC. dtow-bto dot it ii tod
•cQRomr to paj A Ink aoit. H ueemuj. Cot

LUy White;
mw n«r Iks Best Cooks Um**

keel and fcdt atalnai a»i; add aalt bad pappn to laata. S«. ®"' “kao to
tba utote. aeparat*.
Tbks k k to |ct cbsipa Boa sad bve to d«e« omf
the aid#* of ib# trunk If "at ataltaUa Is th* ovoa uiU th* chaeac la Bdtad.
*k*o It t-aartad pUla
s ktcCbnad sad hkcatobecAsie dtqnpge w biOl]r» OC \
*»»•- -«k a doatpkb and a broom.
R,bber* and *Tr« coat ra- and aarro hot.
koUrd. but tnl. do- n.-i b-tkl rood
•oo.«totokw tbit os eos weidd at dtoo.
In oror* rooo.
u* aun# bind of Utttrepapar*- Prooch T<Mui-Br*ak and beat an •ka» it ha. to be aiirrao or rcbaaiad,
PoUab.>l. cloaaod and troBtaaoi. Ow the.. Uy andibar aprwall; ibBi add a pincA of lali and
'“e wriut ia pHc* la con»ia«b
Waci of papar. cotarlii* tba entire one *IB of Billk. Dip la tU* aom* nlca
And Bended, aroutA. waahed wW RTfaeo.
Rice—Soutb-ri Alyl*; —
tUc«* of bread; bare the frylat-pan
Ud«u Ao not with to wear uDorad ready with .
bat dripplnt*, ud
a^cuptul of iiee w two wntara.
coat tad akUt ia the train ibay fry tba bread
iltbi brown, and
“ kt a pot. t.’dlot a Quart
and a pint of water and two lea
TkoB to tba UtMtt ab* bocra.
kkould now ba dUpotad of. Place
apocotuU of aalt.
Who* paraplraUcA down bar rsn. .tba skirt on your bed. fold it amooib______________ _
Al plea and poddtoR, eakoa tnd tr and carefully. roBorlut the poMlAfter It haa boiled oter a QttUk
WH‘1’ 0* “ wrinkle, and pUce it A POR VOUW ENTARTAINHCNT. ♦ Arc
Aftcen Blauiea,
Al U u Bnoy mu« ba fed.
UMlkwtoe In your tmuk. iWdtot
all tba water cieapt
beat all the time, aad nerve with Team w* would not ttlak to MiompC
orer coly rtea the UuM of u* trank ont of the pleaauie* of the Blduun- ful. cotar ib* pot and
aQuarea of taaat.
Our pampeoive ebaiM **« *• >*nk
Id rettrl 'o tba ccb.
Bka toUod and trwttad. cooked and
lUce OrMdle Cakea.—Take oar cup- “
“ *«lrtoy dtSotAU *tow
keep Ik# abouldaru free from croaa**, rvanu they brlnt lu th*!r tr^'n. Naai^ atlirtnt once or twice. Buck train ful of warm boUcl ric- chat lisa beea ««“«
Ska- berried. worrtoC Kawod. nnd match tba lapaU and ctom the aloatr ly erery one hai aoim tunt wbom will aiasd up Aaky and wblta. dla- cooked uBili very aoft. and *tlr Into
Many a woman who haa wKk ISO
U tbara U any fulneai at the they wUb to honor, and It 'U (re- Unct ttolaa. yet peHacUy cooked.
It on« cupful of mwaat milk, half, a beat of boiIvr takiA aa owaMto IsWbea Tbamday cam*, aba. nearly kouom of dw coat, ba careful to toM- nuently a pr^em to deUae m>b*
li ahould be aaien wlin trari
taaspoouful ai ult. a tableapoooful to -bar borne. taallR marw.ttAl oho
cotanatomeai tfat dtlar* frou the** butter, the latter betug ulrM
of meliod butter or two ol cream, onild pw m* >oy aad nunttirt. latt
3»» mtnatod to crawl ooi of bad.
«k*a h to unpacked. By a bit of which bat* preyed it i'ba Youth'* QUlcAJy while Ue rice to boL
and the yolk* am’ ahltea of two ocpa. a lonaly Ufr. baa baas foroad to raoK
I aanao. <»*».
coau »ad
aad •kirn uiay rompanloo teU. of a pretty way to •^ To* cM
cook ricc property U quite _
. '
beaten teparaiely %atU atlff.
MU ue wtat ^ *..«■-*— rtok It la. hr
Aad Mra. Company oa oa. We:
took poWacUy ciDeoUi aad treata pUa for tbe-aDloyoieni ->t no «m iIb* an. aay* the WoBaa’i M-yma OompanTbay ktoaed andbnsiad like worn*® wkoa they and tbelr lourney. Fold friaad. wbo return, to her tiribood’a ton. Alter year* of axperlBMii tb* Uorootbly. Urn add oiioatb Sour to nlaaly-alB* out of a hnnAioA faS.
«|Ma w* Mop tor a RWATto MBk.
dark paUlfMU a. you do your akin, home after
year* of absane*. followtot dlrwniou. are uaad to ay bold Ue rice t«.-Jier la a tbto bat*od tooUa* what Atvom cram
and toy tW In to the beat adtaa.
tAithra reinlarly: WtW> tb* He* lar and bakr on a ulitbUy treaaed bot
tniRwiw-are. what can wo Rpoto f
UfA Twmbertot to keep the anry,,, Cnrrtntton VarmltFo 1* the ihroutb .everal water*, rubhtet bemoat dlMtotBtobed vlaltor to tvno .1 tween tba band., to iaaure wbiianeia.
Tbo Art of blvmg Topolhor.
Ua* foe uh .Fo—laa.
•Oh. Aoarl my bom Uhen watea
Put your uabralU. or paraMa p^„,_
it on m four tinea tb* menanr*
Tbo art of llvlnc loectbar barmon-.
tTbila vlaiUnt ' wm atroeh wItt
*cf«*. or n the edt* norordlnt to aolbor. bar oM orboolm.'tc. pave tba «t bolUnt water tbit you bar* W loualy aad cOBlortab-v requiroa many
to ■moot too - - dirtytobo
‘belt tonftb^Lay
m mw Son*
yoortatbof tbaa...
inT'iatlaeo were
rice. Bah. cover.>-ad let it beU—not
' party.
of the8on*
So abut your tycw-your* tooktot ‘U lUH; AO nw roll It. or anytbliit
bbU, but whenever ah* coulA
0 faat. but boll well unlU tb* rice Do^aa.
aay* a aoBBor pueaL ft wao a loria
oto* for that nutter.. Stuff to buoche* mother save -----themItbyneed
.-----not atlek to
alalr and
To winter and aum:__r_______
wlU a_p
Tnko ce your Uliit*k-rm Jom wora « nowapaper to hollow .paceo aad
y, a„t
,h, pot. yet you can pour aq water
aon not our_^n. mtan* M know od of any 1 have *»-- aoau. The
vacant comer* and you will And on
eurloalty. I out of It. Servo
waa on* to adulu, and tbm
^val IM the conienla have not n^ard bar Madias moaaate after mcaU you WUK a very ul-e cmM tor than tooaaly ai^Umattoy. ft laaore
> 00 call* «v>m
talka nr
-Tou muat ascoaa my cooktot. too. »<•«> •toddlnt about to Iranait.
day. .0 tUke except for the brtakfaet. pour to oaoneb aweot _ _ tokrtnsootallortbolrotwot qualltle* '
penniaa. All that aavb 'm«Mba to
u yoY At to oOer you
Jam of Jam. and delicate china can tuyron«* y
,o ooUlen it well heforo iakiat it hn. aa wall as Uair beat, o
accumulated ta aMPPtop
(*rw„ st tar kleta) Too bad you -Wy k« imaaportod It wrapped to
xxM until abnoibed by tba
A hoatcu. may aee to ber puMt on- ' f boalnaaa were dropped Into a Uay
**d Pto~d Brmly to yonr irnnk. carrte U here, and I’m InvlUnt all E«t with cream and siitar.
tr ibe pleaMCL a
u Ibe desk and oaco a moott
jnat wbao I’m upaUe Aiwa at bom*.“
aot tive braakable tttota a ebaaco oor old clau to meet be- WodneMy
One third of a cupful of raw rteb tiro, but jn everyday 111* U U tapow
to wabbi*.
aflantoon. Yooll be .ure to coma? will Bake oue cupful of cooked rlem alblo w hid* from our ataoelata* tolr
al^od ttu.-ak* wotcemel end dletraao- Now m in
«»■ 'rock, and ar
wort and come early. >» *U1
o»e b4‘f tea.pooafiil true aelvev.
purebaaed and poatal eaiAa. aad
rtAga ttam oarefnily ao a. to avoid „ank you."
of mtU and one and oift .bird cupTact and eoasHtorattao. (otoraneo there was tencrally enoapb to buy
And .pollad the ridt of bar rwat.
Xh,iT bavtut w be preaM wbon tbelr
Aittoutb motter atted m* to re- fuU of boUlat water, it the rice U
for Ur oplitioai to oih*r* and uaaal- aewapaper wnppara. wrliiaa tahtato
Wbo wiabad aba badnt cose to bo dootteaUoa to reached; alee the onwedneadey aftereoon, to hel* »« don* by the time tba water
Aibaaaa aro all rare and Imponaat aad envelopra. At various Umo* ok*
a tirod womaa'a -company."
darwaar. kimooo. drrcatofaack. mn*enterwin tb* cnaeta. 1 Moa new ont. you have rooked it too faat.
rbaneterlaUn which ara moat esaan- bad been able to buy bOMa to pan
-><•- Torn Farm and Pimalda ^
that 1 wa. to be an uu'mporunt At'V«b D*,e..~Cook a euptol
-----------------------liMe out’ FOM all tbe ottor arat Her party. However, trom my of rice to a double boiler with a plat tlal to livtnt toteUer. So uiatur bom points, assorted rubber bands aad aU
a Tmvto*r>. Imoini OtoPt.
tirha fl«. arau to tb- underwear.
^ , fooiwool. l aaw many tbinta of milk and a plot of weter until aoft brtpbt or oourutoinp a pervon may tbs’ cobveateaco* ibai a Aaak atoulA
when w. po away on a vaeattoa ot Oeeatlonany there U a temptation to
mtereated and amuMd me.
Sweeten to taau rnd Anor with va- be If ba 1* aupromely atoSab and ride* have, but ueually lack* TB* amali
roopb-abod over every other memlwr obaate from arllhs ia«» tad Jtnk
,tak# a trip from aU “*be cemtortn of foM tt«n tltbi. Thto mutt be over^
Stone eaoutb d*Uo
b**,- w, fr«,u*ntly tael tt* need com. o, tb. d^m for a well-packcd
..e* antil tendor with' of the family Aa la not a desirable <0*0 went Into U* Aaak fond. Owe
lixhy sale mad* poatobi* the eiAoror pramdat a walat or a towa oc ka^ in-nk will b. ruUla and our Ubor to ^ c.rrlate. automobile, anti ou foot b*lf a cupful of .it« and one cupful BoBbor of Uat bouaabold.
Many a bomaalasa Ban or woman, int to a .utloiiorT dl* with gw haoa*
euof. Oa aueb oecoakiaa we do not »*ln. Pot in your botwater bat. your
trayAalrad. mlddl»«ted of water, Sal aalde bntli cold, ttan
want to bother aay ooc with boaUut toUa* art^ to a rubber hat. your aortarwm out tba rlr. to Ue middle oTa bey or plrl U only. homiWaa beranae
larpe supply of papor to aU alias ta.
ln>D.-l—1. tb... «« lim..
• —cWm m.ierUJb luir...
... Koocibjj. nude didb ud .mir the du.
to bl* or ber saMvbnesa. Incoosldera.
. b«. Iroh u dbi dd tib cn—Udb. ^ •«». "udrtd b.u 0 m, »dddi ..i , .....
rn.d Ritd-wub ..a dd-bbit Uos and Initoerant^. The aiBaspbero mult lb* vartoua qaoda to tt* famOy»
bb. UI dPdd br b bld« bUhdb. .bed., ..d tb«, d.,.,
dl Hr., .dd
-,r, bdt bUd, wecAirywlih us U^c4r beat or wont
Fec vour Trwak.
ddn. dnd drUbHl Hn » -dd dp- de-r HI b Hbdt dl .hlir tnn.
..... ,. ,.^0 .l.h dd. cl.i
«jlb b>d
* ^


HH bddp tr~b ddd Hin, b« dUdir rbvm biii« ddb b.

him. ai


„„ „


.... gu,



larlte your friends V vlili you lor
Oblbv b» opdHdd lb. Idlldblbt iidbdHd bbuu. oKbbdr b«4 dtbH- 1^ rldbt. dl ...Hd. u . ,ih» Idr J„
.d,. tb.B,-l bu. bh, ibldd. H.d 1.1 «»b v.,r .IdbU till .11 as loiit or short stime^youBay deAay, OA* Wbeo* booaakaeptot waa droaaaa. She waa pusaloA to know tk* kat. eocum tbr bvsil tear . the milk ia abaorbed. Tt-n. b
’ later.—but the old ache
aira.btn have acarosyniplaxktot peoAliko tt* admb^ M Aoapalr to bow aba «»uld keep ber ..tot* look- ^to« to tt* Uay m’-u pin., altar ^
. u Bay ttaa
pki Into yeur bosa as Beentwra to tt*
an who knw kor. aad aa a naturto
,roMi and dalaty. without bkvlap «H*p tt* crown with handkerrilrf.,
^ b,
: family, ft is all very well to bo oa
oaqUBAta tt* wBto* boo**, from atUe ^ pay bob* oe* to pta*. U*m. 8b* kalmeU, etoU or puff. Around the
the frleodlievt ol lenoa iwifb people
to eouar. maol b* aad* «Nck »d bnn,ht a •^t•.d board.- aueb a* la
to ^ hat may b* placed ib. b.venY chanted a bltrSavory Rlre.-Rrquirro three
lo be wlUlnp. yew anaJotw. u>
apaa. tkaa awrUlaa mnto ba bust, used tar ronint pt«ry eo. and waa <*»aiy nackwaar. rlbbou, balu and
^ Isotbint a moM re* to rke. >lz alicea oi twcon throe
ttem every aurotlae aad couldaw tba to* b« Sllad wItt tmopUap careful to ... that It would Al to bar btolaty. In theater btot to U.
pf old, tod .mail tomatoea. «.«e .lock, popper
but itrice
U quite
uxat 8h* coverod it wltt «.lt bat- fray pack your beat duictot frock, udy. who wm ibe teacb-r
toall ibeaa
and a»lL Flrat eratteo
*.u the
Uor aaetber prapealbar Oton to aecompUab tol tbto. Hut. then wlU a piece to aa tod sheet.
y<*r walat* aad Can. achooltlri* forty year. at*. At d Ue ou«bly aad then ties !■ in tb* ttott iloB to open the poitala to your hOB*
and qivr
(Aad tatodantaUr Aoiat tol of It over after wMch It wa. toippto toto a caa*
If #on look forward u a tood tima „.„„aerod Uem tol and
cmtrrt them
UH the ric, 1. pmfecUy
andumn tb? priviiapM
to that home.
BAA SW. monttUy, whito mtatoao and mad* of brown Uuen bousd wtU rad. «itb mapailnaa aad books, they
liquid bM been abiorbed. Cbooaa
Wtik the enthqaiam of yewth. we
to btqM. Oa tt* eovar to the rose wn abonM ba toU ever Ue batvy doUThen aueb Moriea as Uove usually voma smsll, r!pr tomatoea. cut asrb
aro many iblnp*, which to later
koap paco). tt* poor woman bad a poekto cwntalnlnt Iroaholdero. lu la Ua bouom.
dltalA«d motteri vad trandmotbora to half, roll each to a ailM ot baotm.
1 ptoM wbae* eremktot
- -_
\d»«. Msr^n-y
now r«»iru
»iiii Y
a Mvmrr
Uarjorr ouri
Burt'sa Boinertom
Botber told how
Fasten with
skewer aaa
and oroii. or
•«n .mi. bbd H» nlM .lodd
T— H» bdddU . mtb.l-Hbl; ^
■I*'"—* H,. wn ...iHddU 1™. ulHdl lor -ook 1. tb. oto, HU .oldHooU, do...
» Butt ed Aat-lroe.. an Iron aland,. a bottl* ot drostoapeobe and _ t’lppero. and. wbupertnp. 1 I bow brr ________________
that ab* Wtoba tb«r* W*r#---------_ —
prandBOtfa- Arranpa
tba ...»
rice —.
on -a ...ov
bot ......
dUh. —
IbW a lbT*U bb nobbb.
bliow na . lltu. HOHOI .to.., Ih. 1. . -.bUr b^ . uoU bioH. ... „
.o ... t», Bo.d., boo pUn Ih. Uto »d .oloHo o. ,b.
Ib. b«n HTOlbd ib> HI PHPHH blod IbH ra.lH0, K- TbO. HlH,.
. ^1 iTOb. O.U.»l0l» HH
g., g„,
I— bOWHod Hid .. ,OHlH»H iHd. Hh ™ TOd, lo, bb, ,Hp, loi «.• «W- Do ool lorin H odd roo'
,o ,o do», g, ..o ,b, „p jolb ol bbrd bollod ... i. poilo


pbOM tonup of oaddoB nbww Whitt
wonld can., a poMpoACMt of tt.
*1*11. thtar ft cam* to tipbt that
tba muspoetod Utooai wu aenoua
proolratiOB lataif by tt* aSons of
tta pusat U tanee ba whole honaa
to apptopi* Ofda while aba was
•»Wta brlpkt onatroat i* this Bam*
Otoa cMto to mtod i JoDy llvUa wob with whom a
wars apMU, one aoror » be forpotuat aqa»a. Sb* kept no maid, aad
oeAMdarod ba erdtoarlly Maas bom*
pood oAonpb tto aay oa* Otoe, bac*«M ft WM alwsyt bept dmi sad
^v*abla. Every roma abowto slpaa
A and CMtoon aad aettiat about

It cam. to prmlnf and -dtonp updtttty tttota to bar wardrobe.
Another ptrt who heard to this
AHpbt Idaa ttoupht It would be swtt
, Rvlnp to dm* aad step* if aba bad
m«a sb apparaui*^ bar room; thl*
even If aba was U^Aoaae where ab*
could aoMly pot a* Iron. So to* has
imted>*ra*U W w ootAl. and aaya
that tte-appearonea to ba waidrob.
u proatlr 'toi^ved. for by tortop
bar .presatop ontAi t hnod she wffl
often “plv* the press Uu
whan. If It were not ao ------------ -wmM sera b* dooe.__________
Tbto smart
ptrt eras preosea Aar UUa buIU.
Ueroby aavinp heraalf many a psuny.
«-h*r* ooe Uva* to a dty, and bM

froth yeU and a clean ahlrt-watot. If
m to*. AM a pood-looktop bat. a
^*^1**^ ^
-. .
_____ 7~n. t___
—.,o _
" .TTn.n .^
"**.?* ^^ wnitaa in tnio aiMoa.

:rro-HLvr.H-rHr.:r,sr,-r„z:rvermllye and my tnoibcr apoloforty years-fer tovlap
been Mucy to the marber.
Ulr<y-tos ol ttem
to all. conaUnt solbf. and I diecovered ha pUn for ntsViup bs add
to tta hm wbaa she hindad me the

rsMto la 0«apa of .to by eorroo
"» tSroeph a beta
la Iba up to eaU m'etnttop card.
r rtto ito :Tbara were ali racb *r blur. pink,
" pale proen. poM. tltoci aiMi nilver.
-----The doora (nu tb* dtolnproom and
•'“*!* *<•«» «*
ilbnrT were tbroan opva. and there
»“* ““ ••‘•d.
jtfare all Ubto*. each miu Aewer*
B«**Mt Toast-Chit allcft oT
o> and «*AdtaAhada.
roAdteakadas to mstrb
mairb ooc aa•“ “W* anarMi aad unto nko- o,ba to the color, that
In mp
the esAUr to each i

the Are snd stir Into it two wrU-beaiua rnmoo^halfropto tr.ttorboeaeone ublropeonflB to butter and one
bait teaspoonful to .alt Turn into a
botierod ramrquln and aisad in a.boi
oven lor a tew minmo- Sen* at
onro witboni n-dubiw;
^„ato* a dlab of
btolrd rira to the table, toear tbittly
wiu a layer of prated rheea
Klee B«jp—Doll for
quaru Si water to mhtrh hava been
allced one oniou aad a bunch * relay
lops. Rd-move th- otikm and^^lary
and add half a cupful -to wall wasifed
rice. Boll steadUy lor tbroe-quartOra
ot an hour, abea the rice abould t>»
weS awtolen and very soft. . Just be-

ttlntw at baoi. and APtar tter* ao
than wheo we are cOAttOtoS to pmak
ttwB to our trunk. A COM ftl which to
slip tbea. and ttoa ksf* dcaa with
the worry to mod or Ann. will Mtaiy
be a woiccMO addlUoA lo aay travoiet'a outAl. Oa* caa b* mad* Cd palo
Alu* Ham Aoond wftt wAHo UUa ribboo and lined with tbto nttbor. The
esao It ten Inrbea toap. eatt cod 'bo
lag tarmed to a Hasocovwred roand
th(M toea** U diamour. Tb* OpiOlap U aecurtoy heM by * bAOOA a^

Which Costs Most,
Horses or Wagons?
ItobbCH flf COHTbe.

Tkoi wbjt wdH yoor k—b <bH ««fc b hbid ™bi«, Wb»»»
Yoh om k ■» ,» bone lo bdi bla to did UdM naaf
mra ,011 oai bb,. Tbbiklbi

5<iit<eia^wi(«arebiAbrBe9wl»lttTed|MsC s OedM
■Isd;^ bow to Bttke eaw rwH^ and beds wigctoA.
TLey'liiowitatbow." No doobt iboot k.
For the hone’s eakst get,a StmJeboker

r tb* botuap aoop. coatlniitap <




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